THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY f 3287141 GJ )l9a 1855 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 JOURNALS OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OF LOWER-CAN A DA. From the 27th October, 1835, to the 21st March, 1836. In the Sixth Year of the Reign of King WILLIAM the Fourth s BEING THE SECOND SESSION OF THE FIFTEENTH PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT OF THIS 1835 - 6 . Printed by Order of the House of Assembly . QUEBEC : VOL.— 45. PRINTED AND SOLD BY W. NEILSON. 5 T T V • % M. • 'V V T T" 1 fcjfeL- - • ' • - - r^nr! t rF**»rr-T- 1 '• of ■' M J .lodotoO x ’ M Oil) fl'Cn ,01- 3 l .fWIbl'-- ■... ' •■* • ' 4 “Jo usisXS f ■ ■ • ; . \ ■ Sc i .» -■ •• . >• 4 * ' « — j »rs ?r t TE A r W< «• •' • * ' • ' •'*. 5 • ' ! I . ,■; .* * £ «i 1 . -JA up 'K • < - < , -X •s» «$\\ , ..: (MS'.-fAw- * XKMatM . * ■* r •* . ■ otTT. 1 -T »• 0 dJ lo leinO Yil boSuh'I . '^^CSTvr'i'. ' Mi >M MM M mi a Jos cm. a adTWun ^0 i JOUMAIX DE LA CHAIIBBE D ASISEIBLEE DU Depuis le 27 Octobre 1835 jusqu’au 21 Mars 1836 Dans la Sixieme Ann6e du R£gne du Roi GUILLAUME Quatre. ETANT LA DEUXIEME SESSION DU QUINZIEME PARLEMENT PROVINCIAL DE CETTE PROVINCE. Session 1835-6. Imprimes par Ordre de la Chambre d’ Assemblee. QUEBEC ; IMPRIMES ET A VENDRE PAR W. NEILSON. V OL.““4.5. •• ■ ■' 1, r-»- ■r V,. 'tV-.U‘';.,‘. 3 lii 0:'< 3'iD L',. — - ... ....... .. V:unr.v,; : .M i 'firwatiKCTr r tT*-*^-* rjrmr^nr^ -wav.-- '•••' • T4ft4 ** . ' !< ,ar.Wf AYLMER. AYLMER. ILLIAM the Fourth, by the Grace of God, of V v the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , King, Defender of the Faith : — To Our much beloved and faithful the Legislative Councillors of Our Province of Lower Canada , and to Our faithful and well beloved the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of Our said Province, Greeting : — Whereas the Meetmg of Our Provincial Parliament stands prorogued to the Twenty seventh day of April instant, Nevertheless, for certain causes and considerations, We have thought fit further to prorogue the same to Saturday, the Thirtieth day of May next, so that you nor any of you, on the said Twenty seventh day of April instant, at Our City of Quebec, to appear are to be held or constrained, for We do will that you and each of you, be as to Us in this matter entirely exonerated ; Commanding, and by the tenor of these Presents firmly enjoining you, and everv of you, and all others in this behalf interested, that on Saturday, the Thirtieth day of May next, at Our City of Quebec , personally you be and appear, for the Despatch of Business, to treat, do, act and conclude upon those things which in Our said Provincial Parliament by the Common Council of Our said Province, by the favor of God, may be ordained. In testimony whereof, these Our Letters We have caused to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Our said Province to be thereunto affixed : Witness our right trusty and well beloved the Right Honorable Matthew Lord Aylmer , Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over Our Provinces of Lower Canada and Upper Canada , Nova Scotia, New Brunswick , and their several depen- dencies, &c. &c. &c. At Our Castle of JSaini Lewis, in Our said Province, the sixteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty five, and in the fifth year of Our Reign. Thomas Amiot, Clk. Cn. in Chy. UILLAUME Quatre, par la Grace de Dieu, Roi du Royaume-Uni de la Grande-Bretagne et d ' Ir- lande, Dcfenseur de la Foi : — A Nos tres-aimes et fi- deles lcs Conseillcrs Legislatifs de notre Province du Bas-Canada , et a Nos ficffiles et bien-aimes les Cheva- liers, Citoyens et Bourgeois de Notre dite Province, Salut : — Vu que l’Assemblee de Notre Parlement Pro - vincial se trouve prorogue au Vingt-septieme jour d’A- vril courant, Neanmoins et pour certaines causes et considerations, nous avons juge h propos de proroger encore icelle a Samedi, le Trentieme jour de Mai pro- chain, desorte que vous niaucun de vous, ne serez, le dit Vingt-septieme jour d’Avril courant, tenus ni obli- ges de paraitre dans notre Cite de Quebec ; car Nous voulons que vousct chacun de vous soyez entierement decharges a cet egard : vous commandant, et par la teneur de ces presentes enjoignant fermement a vous et a chacun de vous, et a tous autres int^resses ft cet egard, que vous ayez a paraitre et paraissiez personnel- lement Samedi, le lrenti&me jour de Mai prochain, dans Notre Cite de Quebec , pour proceder a l'expe- dition des affaires, et traiter, faire, agir et conclure sur ces chosesqui par la faveur de Dieu, pourront etre ordonnfes dans Notre dit Parlement Provincial par le Conseil Commun de Notre dite Province. En foi de Quo i Nous avons fait sortir ces Presentes Nos Lettres Patentes, et a icelles fait apposer le Grand Sceau de Notre dite Province : — -Temoin Notre Tr^s-fidele et Bien-aime le Tres- Honorable Matthew Lord Aylmer, Chevalier Commandeur du Tres-Honorable Ordre Mi- litaire du Bain, Capitaine General et Gouverneur en Chef, dans et sur Nos Provinces du Bas-Canada et du Ilaut-Canada, Nouvelle-Lcosse, Nouveau-Brunswick et leurs diverses dependances, etc., etc., etc. A Notre Chateau Saint Louis, dans Notre Cit£ de Quebec, dans Notre Province du Bas-Canada , le seizieme jour d’A- vril, en l’an de Notre Seigneur, mil-huit-cent-trente- cinq, et dans la cinquieme annee de Notre R£gne. A. Iiiomas Amiot, Clc. dela C. en Ch. ■ AYLMER. AYLMER. '^M/ r ILLIAM the Fourth, by the Grace of God, of » » the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith To Our much beloved and faithful the Legislative Councillors ofOur Province of Tj owe r Canada, and to Our faithful and well beloved the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of Our said Province, Greeting Whereas the Meeting of Our Provincial Parliament stands prorogued to the Thirtieth day of May instant, then to be held and sit at Our City of Quebec, for the Despatch of Business ; Know ye, nevertheless, that for certain pressing causes and considerations, Us especially moving, We have thought fit, by and with the advice of Our Executive Council of Our said Province, further to prorogue the same to Wednesday, the First day of July next, so that you nor any of you, on the said Thirtieth day of May instant, at Our City of' Quebec, to appear are to be held or constrained, for We do will that you, and each of you, be as to Us in this matter entirely exonerated ; Commanding, and by the tenor of these Presents firmly enjoining you, and every of you, and all others in this be- half interested, that on Wednesday, the First day of July next, at Our City of Quebec , personally you be and appear, for theDespaich of Business, to treat, do, act and conclude upon those things which in Our said Provincial Pailiament by the Common Council of Our said Province, by UILLAUME Quatre, par la Grace de Dieu, Roi du Royaume-Uni de la Grande-Bretagne etd’/r- lande, Dcfenseur de la Foi A Nos tres-aimes et fi- deles les Conseillers Legislatifs de Notre Province du Bas-Canada . et a Nos fiddles et bien-aimes Chevaliers, Citoyens et Bourgeois de Notre dite Province, Salut : Vuque l’Assemblee de Notre Parlement Provincial se trouve prorogeeau Trentieme jour de Mai courant, qui devait alors se tenir et sieger dans Notre Citd de Quebec, pour la Depeche des Affaires ; Sachez, nean- moins, que pour certaines causes pressantes et conside- rations, nous avons juge a propos par et de l’avis de Notre Conseil Executif de Notre dite Province, de proroger encore icelle a Mercredi, le Premier jour de Juillet prochain ; desorte que vous ni aucun de vous, ne serez, le dit Trentieme jour de Mai courant, tenus ni obliges de paraitre dans Notre Cite de Quebec ; car nous voulons que vous et chacun de vous soyez entffi- rement d^charges a cet egard : vous commandant, et par la teneur de ces Prf-sentes enjoignant fermement a vous et h chacun de vous, et a tous autres interesses a cet egard, que vous ayez a paraitre et paraissiez per- sonnellement Mercredi, le Premier jour de Juillet pro- chain, dans Notre Cite de Quebec, pour proceder a l’cxp£dition des Affaires, et traiter, faire, agir et con- clure sur ceschoses qui par la faveur de Dieu, pourront etre by the favor of God, may be ordained. In testimony whereof, these Our Letters We have caused to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Our said Province to be thereunto affixed : Witness Our right trusty and v,e beloved the Right Honorable Matthew Lord Aylmer , Knio-ht Commander of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over Our Provinces of Lower Canada and Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick , and their several dependencies, &c., he., he. At Our Castle of Saint Lewis, in Our said Province, the thirteenth day of May, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty five, and in the fifth yeai or Oui Reign. A. Thomas Amiot, Clk. Cn. in Chy. etre ordotinees dans Notre dit Parlement Provincial par le Conseil Commun de Notre dite Province. En eoi de quoi Nous avons fait sortir ces Presentes Nos Lettres Patentes, et a icelles fait apposer le Grand Sceau de Notre dite Province Temoin Notre Tr£s- fidele et Bien-aime le Tres-Honorable Matthew Lord Aylmer, Chevalier Commandeur du Tres-Honorable Ordre Militaire du Bain, Capitaine General et Gouver- neur en Chef, dans et sur Nos Provinces du Bas-Canada et du Llaut-Canada , Nouvelle-Ecosse, Nouveau- Bruns- wick et leurs diverses dependances, etc., etc., etc. A Notre Chateau Saint Louis , dans Notre Cite de Quebec, dans Notre Province du Bas-Canada, le treizieme jour de Mai, en Pan de Notre Seigneur, mil-huit-cent-trente- cinq, et dans la cinquieme annee de Notre Regne. A. Thomas Amiot, Clc. de la C. en Ch. AYLMER. %7K7ILLIAM the Fourth, by the Grace of God, of |f the United Kingdom* of Great Britain and Ireland , King, Defender of the Faith To Our much beloved and faithful the Legislative Councillors of Our Province oi Lower Canada, and to Our faithful and well beloved the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of Our said Province, Greeting : — Whereas the Meeting ot Our Provincial Parliament stands prorogued to the First day of July next, then to be held and sit at Our City of Quebec, for the Despatch of Business; Know ye, nevertheless, that for certain pressing causes ant considerations, Us especially moving, We have thought fit, by and with the advice of Our Executive Council of Our said Province, further to prorogue the same to Monday, the Twenty seventh day of July next, so that you nor any of you, on the said hirst day of July next, at Our Citv of Quebec, to appear are to be held or con- strained, for We do will that you, and each of you, be as to Us in this matter entirely exonerated ; Command- in", and by the tenor of these Presents firmly enjoining you, and every of you, and all others in this behali inte- rested that on Monday, the Twenty seventh day of J uly next, at Our City of Quebec, personally you be and ap- pear’ for the Despatch of Business, to treat, do, act and conclude upon those things which in Our said Provin- cial Parliament bv the Common Council of Cur said Province, by the favor of God, may be ordained. In testimony whereof, these Our Letters We have caused to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Our said Pio- vince to be thereunto affixed : — Witness our right trusty and well beloved the Right Honorable Matthew Lord A if Inter, Knight Commander of the Most Honor- able Military Order of the Bath, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over Our Provinces of Lower Canada and Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick, and their several dependencies, ccc., &c., he. At Our Castle of Saint Lewis, in Our said Province, the fifteenth dav of June in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty five, and in the fifth year of Our Reign. A. Thomas Amiot, Clk. Cn. in Chy. AYLMER. ^ UILLYUME Quatre, par la Grace de Dieu, Roi du Royaume-Uni de la Grande-Bretagne e t d’/r- lande, Defenseur de la Foi : — A Nos tres-aimes et fi- ddles les Conseillers Legislates de Notre Province du Bas-Canada, eta Nos fiddles et bien-aimes les Cheva- liers, Citoyens et Bourgeois de Notre dite Province, Salut : — Attendu que PAssemblee de Notre Parlement Provincial se trouve prorogee au Premier jour de Juil- let prochain, qui devait alors se tenir et sieger dans Notre Citd de Quebec, pour la Depeche des Affaires ; Sachez, neanmoins, que pour certaines causes pres- santes et considerations qui nous y engagent speciale- rnent, nous avons juge a propos, par et de Pavis de Notre Conseil Executif de Notre dite Province, de proroger encore icelle a Lundi, le Vingt-septieme jour de Juillet prochain ; de sorte que vous ni aucun de vous, neserez, le dit premier jour de Juillet pro- chain, tenus ni obliges de paraitre dans Notre Cite de Quebec ; car nous voulons que vous et chacun de vous sovez entierement decharges a cet egard : vous com- mandant, et par la teneur de ces Presentes enjoignant fermement a vous et a chacun de vous, et a tousauties interesses a cet egard, que vous ayez a paraitre et pa- raissiez personnellement Lundi, le Vingt-septieme jour de Juillet prochain, dans Notre Cite de Quebec, pour proccder a ^expedition des Atianes, et ti alter, faire, a°ir et conclure sur ces choses qui par la faveui de Dieu, pourront ctre ordonnees dans Notre dit Pai lenient I ro- vincial par le Conseil Commun de Notre dite Province. En foi de quoi Nous avons fait sortir ces Presentes Nos Lettres Patentes, et a icelles fait apposer le Grand Sceau de Notre dite Province Temoin Notre Tr£s- fidele et Bien-aime le 1 res-Ilonorable Matthew Loid Aylmer, Chevalier Commandeur du Tres-Honorable Ordre Militaire du Bain, Capitaine General et Gouver- neur en Chef, dans et sur Nos Provinces du Bas-Canada etdu Haut-Canada, Nouvelle-Ecosse, Nouveau- Brunswick et leurs diverses dependances, etc., etc., etc. ^ A Notre Chateau Saint Louis, dans Notre Cite de Quebec, dans Notre Province du Bas-Canada, le quipzieme joui de Juin, en Pan de Notre Seigneur, mil Jmit-cent-trente- cinq, et dans la cinquRme annee de Notre Regne. Thomas Amiot, Clc. de la C- en Ch. AYLMER. ILLIAM the Fourth, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Btitain and Ireland , King, Defender of the Faith : — To Our much beloved AYLMER. UILLAUME Qualre, par la Grace de 1 )ieu, Roi du Royaume-Uni dc la Grande-Bretagne et d Ir- hMe, Defenseur de la Foi :-A Nos tres-aimes et ft- beloved and faithful the Legislative Councillors of Our Province of Lower Canada, and to Our faithful and well beloved the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of Our said Province, Greeting Whereas the Meeting of Our Provincial Parliament stands prorogued to "the Twenty seventh day of July instant, then to be held and sit at Our City 'of Quebec , for the Despatch of Bu- siness ; Know ye, nevertheless, that for certain pressing causes and considerations, Us especially moving, We have thought fit, by and with the advice of Our Execu- tive Council of Our said Province, further to prorogue the same to Friday, the Twenty eighth day of August next, so that you nor any of you, on the said Twenty seventh day of July instant, at Our City o f Quebec, to appear are to be held or constrained, for We do will that you and each of you, be as to Us in that matter entire- ly exonerated ; Commanding, and by the tenor of these Presents firmly enjoining you, and every of you, and all others in this behalf interested, that on Friday, the Twenty eighth day of August next, at our City of Que- bec, personally you be and appear, to treat, do, act and conclude upon those things which in Our said Provin- cial Parliament by the Common Council of Our said Province, by the favor of God, may be ordained. In testimony whereof, these Our Letters We have cau- sed to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Our said Province to be thereunto affixed: — Witness Our rmht trusty and well beloved the Right Honorable Matthew Lord Aylmer , Knight Commander of the Most Honor- able Military Order of the Bath, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over the Provinces o (Lower Canada and Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick, and their several dependencies, &c., &c., &c. At Our Castle of Saint Lewis, in Our said Province, the thirteenth day of July in the year of Our Lord,’ one thousand eight hundred and thirty five, and in the sixth year of Our Reign. Thomas Amiot, Clk. Cn. in Chy. deles les Conseillers Legislates tie Notre Province du Bas-Canada , et a Nos fideles et bien-aimes les Cheva- liers, Citoyens et Bourgeois de Notre dite Province, bALuT Attendu que P Assemble de Notre Parlement loymcual se trouve prorogue au Vingt-septieme jour de Juillet courant, qui devait alors se tenir et sieger dans Notre Citf de Quebec , pour la Dep£che des Af- faires ; Sachez, neanmoins, que pour certaines causes pressantes et considerations qui nous y engagent spe- cialement, nous avons juge a propos,' par et de i’avis de Notre Conseil Ex^cutif de Notre dite Province de proroger encore icelle a Vendredi le Vingt-huiti’eme jour d’Aout prochain ; de sorte que vous ni aucun de vous, neserez, le dit vingt-septieme jour de Juillet courant, ten us ni obliges de paraitre dans Notre Cit6 de Quebec ; car nous voulons que vous etchacun de vous soyez entierement decharges a cet £gard : vous com- mandant, et par la teneur de ces Presentes enjoignant fermement a vous et^ a chacun de vous, et a tous au- ties interessfs a cet egard, que vous ayez a paraitre et paraissiez personnellement Vendredi, le vingt-huitieme jour d’Aout prochain, dans Notre Cite de Quebec, pom traiter, Zaire, agir et conclure sur ces choses qui par la faveur de Dieu, pourront etre ordonnees dans Notie dit I arlement Provincial par le Conseil Com- mun de Notre dite Province. En foi de quoi Nous avons fait sortir ces Presentes Nos Lettres Patentes, et a 1 cel les fait apposer le Grand Sceau de Notre dite Province lemoin Notre Tres-fidele et Bien-aim6 le Tres-IIonorable Matthew Lord Aylmer, Chevalier Commandeur du Tres-Honorable Ordre Militaire du Bain, Capitaine General et Gouverneur en Chef, dans et sur Nos Provinces du Bas-Canada et du Haut-Canada , Nouvelle-Ecosse , Nouveau- Brunswick et. leurs diverses dependances, etc., etc., etc. A Notre Chateau Sahit Louis, dans Notre Cit£ de Quebec, dans Notre Province du Bas-Canada , le treizieme jour de Juillet, en Pan de Notre Seigneur, mil-huit-cent-trente-cinq, et dans la sixieme annee de Notre Regne. A Thomas Amiot, CIc. de la C. en Ch. AYLMER, W ILLIAM the Fourth, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith ToOur much beloved and faithful the Legislative Councillors of Our Province of Lower Canada, and to Our faithful and well beloved the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of Our said Province, to an Assembly at Our City of Quebec, on the Iwenty eighth day of August instant, to have been commenced and held, called and elected, and to every of you, Greeting : — Whereas for divers urgent and arduous affairs, Us the state and defence of Our said Province, concerning, Our Assembly at the day and place aforesaid, to be present We did com- mand, to treat, consent and conclude, upon those things which, in Our Assembly, should then and there be proposed and deliberated upon ; and for certain causes and considerations, Us to this especially moving. We have thought fit to prorogue Our said Assembly, so that you nor any of you, on the said Twenty eighth day of August instant, at Our said City to appear are to be held or constrained, for We do will therefore that, you, and each of you, be as to Us in this matter entirely exonerated ; Commanding, and by the tenor of these Presents firmly enjoining you, and every of ^i° U, -T' ant a others in this behalf interested, that on the Iwenty first day of September next, at Our said City of Quebec, personally you be and appear, to tieat, do, act and conclude upon those things which in AYLMER. fl U , IL ^ AUME Quatre > P ar ,a Grace de Dieu, Roi du koyaume-Uni de la Grande-Bretagne etd'/r- lande. Defense ur de la Foi : -A Nos tres-aimes et fi- deles les Conseillers Legislates de Notre Province du Bas-Canada, et a Nos fideles et bien-aimes les Cheva- liers, Citoyens et Bourgeois de Notre dite Province, elus et convoques aux fins d’etre presens a 1’Assemblce qui devait avoir lieu et etre tenue dans Notre Citd de Quebec, le Vingt-huitkme jour d’Aout courant, et a chacun dc vous, Salut : — -Attendu que pour certaines affaires in gentes et difficiles Nous concernant, ainsique Notre Etat et la defense de Notre dite Province, Nous avions ordonne que Notre Assemblee aurait lieu au jour et place susdits, afin de traiter, agir et conclure sur tel les matieres et choses qui auraientete alors proposees et sur lesquelles il aurait ete delibere ; et pour de cer- taines causes et considerations qui nous y engagent spe- cialement, Nous avons jug6 a propos de proroger Notre dite Assemblee, en sorte que vous ni aucun de vous n’etes obliges de paraitre dans Notre Ci t6 de Quebec, le Vingt-huitieme jour d’Aout courant, car Nous vou- lons que vous et chacun de vous, quand a Nous, soyez entierement decharges a cet egard ■, Ordonnant et par la teneur des Presentes enjoignant fermement k vous et a chacun de vous, et a tous autres y impresses, que vous soyez et paraissiez dans Notre Cite dc Quebec, le Vingt-et-uni&me jour de Septembre prochain, pour ti alter, agir et conclure sur lelles choses qui par la fa- veur in Our said Assembly, by the Common Council of Our said Province, by the favor of God, may be ordained. In Testimony Whereof, these Our Letters Vv e have caused to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Our said Province to be thereunto affixed itness Our right trusty and well beloved the Right Honorable Matthew Lord Aylmer , Knight Commander oi the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath, Captain Ge- neral and Governor in Chief in and over Our Provinces of Lower Canada and Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and their several dependencies, kc., &c., &c . At Our Castle of Saint Lewis, in Our said 1 rovmce, the twelfth day of August, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty live, and m the sixth year of Our Reign. A. Tiiomas Amiot, Clk. Cn. in Chy. veur de Dieu, dans Notre dite Assemblee, par le Com- inun Conseil de Notre dite Province pourront etre or- donnees. En foi de quoi Nous avons fait sortir ces Presentes Nos Lettres Patentes, et a icelles fait apposcr le Grand Sceau de Notie dite Pio- vince Temoin Notre Trks-fidele et Bien-aimc le Ties- Honorable Matthew Lord Aylmer, Chevalier Commandeur du T res- Honorable Ordre Militaire du Bain, Capitaine General et Gouverneur en Chef, dans et sur Nos Provinces du Bas-Canada et du Ilaut- Canada, Nouvelle-Ecosse, Nouveau- Brunswick et leurs diverses dependances, etc., etc., etc. A Notre Chateau Saint Louis, dans Notre Cite de Quebec, dans Notie Province du Bas-Canada, le Douzieme jour d Aout en Pan de Notre Seigneur, mil-huit-cent-trente- cinq, et dans la sixieme annee de Notre llegne. A. Thomas Amiot, Clc. de la C. en Cn. GOSFORD, W ILLIAM the Fourth, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith :— i o Our much beloved and faithful the Legislative Councillors of Our Province of Lower Canada, and to Our faithful and well beloved the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of our said Province, Greeting : — Whereas tne Meeting of Our Provincial Parliament stands prorogued to the Twenty first day of September instant, then to be held and sit at Our City of Quebec j Know ye, nevertheless, that for certain pressing causes and considerations, Us especially moving, We have thought fit, by and with the advice of Our Executive Council ot Our said Province, further to prorogue the same to Tuesday, the Twenty seventh day of October next, so that you nor any of you, on the said twenty lust day of Sep tember instant, at Our City of Quebec to appeal aie to be held or constrained, for We do will that you, and each of you, be as to Us in this matter entirely exonerated ; Commanding, and by the tenor of these Presents firmly enjoining you, and every of you, and all others in this behalf interested, that on i uesday, the Twenty seventh day of October next, at Our City of Quebec, personally you be and appear, for the Despatch of Business, to treat, do, act and con- clude upon those things which in Our said Provincial Parliament by the Common Council of Our said I ro- vince by the favor of God, may be ordained. In Testimony Whereof, these Our Letters We have caused to be made Patent, and the Great Seal ot Our said Province to be thereunto affixed : Witness Our jio-ht trusty and right well beloved Cousin, I he Right Honorable Archibald Earl of Go ford, Baion Worlingham of Beccles, in the County of Suffolk, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and ovei the Provinces of ZJppcv and TjO'wer Caucida, Vice Ad- miral of the same, and one of His Majesty’s Most Honorable Privy Council, kc., kc., kc. At Our Castle of Saint Lewis, in Our City of Quebec, in Our said Province of Lower Canada, the third day of September, in the year of Our Loid, one thousand eight hundred and thirty five, and in the sixth yeai of Our lleign. G. Thomas Amiot, Clk. Cn. in Chy. GOSFORD. C 'i UILLAUME Quatre, par la Grace de Dieu, Roi W du Royaume-Uni de la Grande- Bretagne et d’/r- lande, Defenseur de la Foi : — A Nos tres-aimes et fi- dffies les Conseillers Legislates de Notre Province du Bus Canada, et a Nos fideles et bien-aimes les Cheva- liers, Citoyens et Bourgeois de Notre dite Province, Salut : — Vu que 1’ Assemblee de Notre Parlement Pro- vincial se trouve prorogue au Vingt-unieme jour de Septembre courant, qui devait alors se tenir et sieger dans Notre Cite de Quebec ; Sachez, lHanmoins, que pour certaines causes preesantes et considerations. Nous avons juge a propos par etde l’avis de Notre Con- seil Executif de Notre dite Province, de proroger en- core icclle a Mardi le Vingt-septRme jour d’Octobre prochain ; de sorte que vous ni aucun de vous, he serez, le dit Vingt-unieme jour de Septembre courant, tenus ni obliges de paraitre dans Notre Cite de Quebec ; car Nous voulons que vous et chacun de vous soyez entierement decharges a cet egard : vous commandant et par la teneur de ces Presentes enjoignant feimement a vous et a chacun de vous, et a tous autres interesses H. CGt C^cli’d* CJU6 VOUS d.yQ.7* ‘d pHlciltlG Gt |)cll 3.1SS1C Z pGl " sonnellement Mardi, le Vingt-septieme jour d’Octobre prochain, dans Notre Cite de Quebec, pour proceder i l’expedition des Affaires, et traiter, faire, agir et con- clure sur ces choses qui par la faveur de Dieu, pourront etre ordonnees dans Notre dit Parlement Provincial par le Conseil Coramun de Notre dite Province. En foi de quoi Nous avons fait sortir ces Presentes Nos Lettres Patentes, et a icelles fait apposer le Grand Sceau de Notre dite Province Temoin Notre Tres-fidele et Tres-bieti-aime Cousin le Tr^s* Honorable Archibald Comte de Gosford , Baron Worlingham de Beccles, dans le Comte de Suffolk, Capitaine General et Gouverneur en Chef, dans et sur les Provinces du Haut-Canada c t du Bas-Canada, Vice Amiral d’icelles, et l’un des ires* Honorables Conseillers Prives de Sa Majeste, etc., etc., etc. A Notre Chateau Saint Louis, dans Notre Cite de Quebec, dans Notre Province du Bas-Canada, le trois- ieme jour de Septembre, en Pan de Notre Seigneur, mil-huit-cent-trente-cinq, et dans la sixieme annee de Notre Rhgne. Thomas Amiot, Clc. de la C. en Ch. G. JOURNALS JOURNAUX OF THE DE LA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY CHAMBRE D’ASSEMBLEE OF DU LOWER CANADA. BAS-CANADA. _____ Sess. 1835.— 1836. Sess. 1835.— 1836. Tuesday 27 th October , 1835. A uSfthjBttRjf’ ESqUire ’ Gentleman Mr. Speaker, His Excellency the Governor in Chief desires the immediate attendance of this Honorable House in the Legislative Council. Accordingly Mr. Speaker, with the House, went up to attend His Excellency in the Legislative Council Chamber. And being returned; . Jam Baptiste Fortm, Esquire, Member for the Corn- ty ot L Islet, and Edouard Thibaudeau , Esquire, Member for the County of Bona'venture , having previously taken the Oath according to Law, and subscribed, before the Commissioners, the Roll containing the same, took their seats in the House Mardi , 27 Octobre 1835. P ai Sewell, Ecuyer, Gentilhomme Message pour Huissier de la Verne Noire- * ere " dre * u P rls ° de Son Excel- lency M. l’Orateur, Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef desire la pre- sence immediate de cette Honorable Chambre dans la Chambre du Conseil Legislatif. En consequence M. 1’Orateur et la Chambre se sont rendus aupr^s de Son Excellence dans la Chambre du Conseil Legislatif. Et, etant de retour, Jean Baptiste Fortin, Ecuyer, Membre pour le Comte e l Islet, et Edouard Thibaudeau , Ecuyer, Membre P°!? r A e de Bona'venture, ayant prealablement prete le Serment, conformement a la Loi, et souscrit de- vant ies Commissaires le Role qui le contient, ont pris ieurs sieges dans la Chambre. Des membres prennent leurs sieges. Nicolet Writ. Mi. Speaker informed the House, that pursuant t an Order of this House of the twenty-eighth Februar last, he had issued his Warrant toAhe 0 Clerk of th Crown in Chancery, to make out a new Writ for th Election of a Knight to serve in the present Parliamen for the County of Nicolet, in the room of Louis Bour a«es, Esquire, deceased; and that in consequence th< Clerk of this House had received a Certificate of tin Election of a Knight for the said County of Nicolet. And the said Certificate was read, and is as followeth PROVINCE OF LOTVER CANADA . Office of the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, Quebec, 7th April, 1835. .he Re.urn°Jf . Th i S is }° Certify, that in virtue of a Writ of Elec- Mr. Hebert for tion, dated the second day of March last, issued by His Nicolet. y Excellency the Governor in Chief, and directed to the Returning Officer of the County of Nicolet, ( Laurent Genest, Esquire,) for the Election of a Member for the said County of Nicolet, in the room of Louis Bouvdages, Esquiie, deceased ; Jean Baptiste Hebert, Esquire, has been returned as duly elected accordingly, as appears by the Return of the said Writ, dated the third day of April instant, which is lodged of Record in this Office. A Member takes his Seat. THOS. AMIOT, „ _ T . , Clerk of the Crown in Chancery To W. B. Lindsay, Esquire, Clerk of the House of Assembly. Jean Baptiste Hebert, Esquire, Member for thi County of Nicolet , having previously taken the Oatl according to Law, and subscribed, before the Commis Vol. — 45. Si ° nerS M. l’Orateur a informe la Chambre que, conforme- ment a un Ordre de cette Chambre, du vingt-huit Fevner dernier, il avaitfait sortirson Warrant au Gref- fier de la Couronne en Chancellerie, pour faire un nouveau Writ pour l’Election d’un Chevalier pour servir dans le piesent Parlement pour le Comte de Nicolet, en remplacement de Louis Bourdages, Ecuyer, decede; et qu’en consequence, le Greffier de cette Chambre avait re 9 u un Certificat de l’Election d’un Chevalier pour le dit Comte de Nicolet. Et le dit Certificat a 6te lu, et est comme suit: Writ pour Ni- colet.' PROVINCE DC BAS-CANADA, Bureau du Greffier de la Couronne en Chancellerie, Quebec, 7 Avril 1835. Le present est pour certifier, qu’en vertu d’un Writ d Election, date du second jour de Mars dernier, emane rSJ'Vm E xcellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, et adresse Hebert, pour le 5 l’Ofhcier Rapporteur du Comte de Nicolet, f Laurent £ ral6deNic0 ' Genest, Ecuyer,) pour i’EIection d’un Membre pour le dit Comte de Nicolet, en remplacement de Louis Bourdages, Ecuyer, decede, Jean Baptiste Hebert, Ecuyer, a ete rapporte dument elu en consequence, ainsi qu’il appert par le Retour du dit Writ, date du troisieme jour d Avril present, lequel est depose dans ce Bureau pour faire foi. THOS. AMIOT, Greffier de la Couronne en Chancellerie. A W. B. Lindsay, Ecuyer, Greffier de la Chambre d’Assemblee. Jean Baptiste Hebert , Ecuyer, Membre pour le Comte de Nicolet, ayant prealablement prete le Ser- Un Membre ment, conformement la Loi, et souscrit devant les ' ' sonsitgt ^ Commissaires 6 27 ° Octobris. A. 18 35. • . fnnk his seit in Commissaires le Role qui le contient, a pris son siege sioners, the Roll contain, ng the same, took Ins seat m Eornrn the House. Mr. Speaker also informed the House, that since the last Session, An, able Dionne, Esquire, one of the Knights representing the County of Kamouraska, had vacated hi! The* Acte of vacation of the seat of the above named Gentleman, is as folio we tli : M. l’Orateur a aussi informe la Chambre, que depuis la derniere Session, Amable Dionne , Ecuyer, 1 un des Chevaliers representant le Comt 6 de Kamouraska , avait resigne son siege. o o . i L’ Acte de Resignation du " v-/ n dessus nomme, est comme suit: siege du Monsieur ci- Before the undersigned Notaries Public for the 1 ro- t A .;r f o?”r vince a ( Lower Canada, residing in the Parish and S.W County of Kamouraska personally appe^ ^ county of Ka- tv- . Fomiirfi. one of the Members ot the Pardevant les Notaires Publics pour la Province du ^ / • i .. a r.nmtP rift /V (1- Ac > M. Dionne rarcievam, Bas-Canada, resident e„ la Paroisse et Comte AeKa mout aska. Dionne Esquir^7ne of the Members of the Provincial Parliament for the said County, and residing in tie same who doth by these presents declaie, that co sequence of the bad state of bis health, which will no longer nemit him to attend the Sessions of the I roun- ciaf Parliament, he doth hereby resign his seat therein ^Representative of the County of Kamouraska afor - said, and doth withdraw from the exercr e o a I I functions as such Representative ; ot winch said ded^ ration Acte hath at Ins special reques g him hv the said Notaries, tor such ends and puipose. as may be lawful and requisite. Thus done and pas. "LLuraska, in the office of 7 B. Tache one of he undersigned Notaries, on the fifth day ot May, in tl e year one thousand eight hundred and thirty five : these Presents being first duly read. And the said Amable ^Dionne being thereunto requested hath signed with tie Notaries at ore.aid. Thus' signed on the original re- ZuraZ; * oussignes, tut present Amato Dionne niouraska, soussignes, iui . , Ecuver, un des Membres du Parlement Provincial pour le Comte susdit, etyresidant; lequel dit et declare, que le mauvais etat de sa sante ne lui permettant plus de pouvoir assister aux Sessions du Parlement, A ab- dique, parces presentes, ses functions comme Repre- sentant du Comte de Kamouraska susdit, et se Retire de la Representation du dit Comte, en lailement Pio vincial. De laquelle declaration il a requis Acte, a lui octrove par les Notaires soussignes, pour servir et valoir ce que de droit. Fait et passe a Kamouraska, Etude de Mtre. Tache , un des Notaires soussignes, le cinu Mai, Pan mil-huit-cent-trente-cinq, lecture taite, requis de signer le dit Sr. Dionne Pa fait avec les dits Notaires. Ainsi signe sur la minute. gnationdu siege de M. Dionne pour le Comte deKamouraska. mauling of record. A. DIONNE, THS. CASAULT, N. P. J. B. TACHE’, N. P. True Copy of the original remaining ot record in my oliice - j. b. TACHE’, N. P. A. DIONNE. THS. CASAULT, N. P. J. B. TACHE’, N. P. Pour vraie Copie conforme a Poriginal des presentes, den, cure en men Etude. ^ r R p Kamouraska Writ. Mr. Speaker then informed the House, that pu . ant to the directions of the Act of the I s Kill. IV- «p. 40 be had issued his Warrant to the Cjeik ot Crown in Chancery, to make out a new Writ for the Election of a Knight to serve in the present 1 arhament for the County of Kamouraska, in the room Dionne Esquire; and that in consequence the C erk of this House had received a Certificate ot the Llectioi of a Knight for the said County of Kamouraska . And the said Certificate was read, and is as f olloweth : M. POrateur a alors informe la Chambre que, con- formement aux directions de l’Acte de la lere Gui . IV Chap. 42, il avait fait sortir son Warrant au Gref- fier de la Couronne en Chancellery pour faire un nouveau Writ pour PElection d’un Chevalier pour ser- vir dans le present Parlement pour le Comte de Kamou- raska, en remplacement d’ Amable Dionne, Ecuyer ; et qu’en consequence le Greffier de cette Chambre avail re 5 u un Certificat de PElection d’un Chevalier pour le dit Comte de Kamouraska. Etle dit Certificat a ete lu, et est comme suit : Writ pour Ka- mouraska. Certificate of the Return of Mr. Fraser for the County of Kamouraska. PROVINCE OF LOWER CANADA. Office of the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, Quebec, 22d June, 1835. This is to Certify, that in virtue of a Writ, of Elec- tion, dated the twenty-fifth day of May last, issued by His Excellency the Governor in Chief, and directed m the Returning Officer of the County ot Kamouraska, NmypTE Esquire,) for the Election of a Memuer for the said County of Kamouraska, in the room of Amable Dionne, Esquire, who hath vacated his sea . ; Alexander Fraser, Esquire, has been retuined as d y elected accordingly, as appears by the Return of the said Writ, dated the sixteenth day of June instant, which is lodged of Record in this Office. PROVINCE DU BAS-CANADA, Bureau du Greffier de la Couronne en Chancellerie, Quebec, 22 Juin 1885. Le present est pour certifier, qti’en vertu dan Writ d’Election, date du vingt cinquRroe jour de Mai der- mer et THOS. AMIOT, Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. To W. B. Lindsay, Esquire, Clerk of the House of Assembly. Alexander etion, date au vingi-cmqu --- — 5e K# . r emane de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Oner, rnouras ka. et adress 6 a POfficier Rapporteur pour le Comt<§ de Kamouraska, ( Remy Puize, Ecuyer,) pour 1 Election d’un Membre pour le dit Comte de Kamouraska , en remplacement d' Amable Dionne, Ecuyer, mque a re- signe son siege, Alexandre Fraser, Lcuyei, a et^rap- porte dument 61 u en consequence, ainsi quilappeit Lie Retour du dit Writ , dat 6 du seizieme jour de Juin present, lequel est depose dans ce Bureau pour fairefoi * THOS. AMIOT, Greffier de la Couronne en Chancellerie. A. W. B. Lindsay, Ecuyer, Greffier de la Chambre d Assemble. Alexandre 6 Will, IV. 27 ° Octobris 7 A Member takes hi* Scat. Alexander Fraser, Esquire, Member for the County of Kamouraska, having previously taken the oath, according to Law, and subscribed, before the Com- missioners, the Roll containing the same, took his seat in the House. Alexandre Fraser, Ecuyer, Membre pour le Comt4 de Kamouraska, ayant prealablement pret6 le Serment, conformement a la Loi, et souscrit devant les Commis- saires le Role qui le contient, a pris son siege dans la Chambre. j.ctter from the Mr. Speaker informed the House that he had re- Sthe^ouse ceivec * a better from the Clerk of this House, which of the indisposi- he read, as followeth : — tion of the Clk, Assistant. Clerk’s Office, House of Assembly, Quebec, 27 th October, 1835. Sir, I beg leave respectfully to inform you, that Jean Antoine Bouthillier, Esquire, the Clerk Assistant of the House, is labouring under severe indisposition, and will not in all probability, be able to attend to his duty at the Table for some time to come. I therefore humbly solicit through you, Mr. Speaker, the permission of the Honorable House, that George Barthelemy Faribault, Esquire, French Translator to the House, may be called to the Table, to execute the office of Clerk Assistant, during the temporary absence of Mr. Bouthillier. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient humble servant, Wm. B. LINDSAY, Clk. Assy. To the Honorable Louis Joseph Papineau, Speaker of the House of Assembly. M. POrateur a informe la Chambre qu’il avait re 5 U une Lettre du Greffier de cette Chambre, qu’il a lue, comme suit : Bureau du Greffier, Chambre, d’Assemblee, Quebec , 27 Octobre 1835. Monsieur, Je demande respectueusement qu’il me soit permis de vous informer, que Jean Antoine Bouthillier, Ecuyer, Greffier Assistant de la Chambre, est sous I’influence d’une indisposition severe, et ne sera probablement pas en etat de se rendre a son devoir a la Table, d’ici a quelque temps. C’est pourquoi, je sollicite humblement, par votre entremise, M. I’Orateur, la permission de l’Honorable Chambre, que George Barthelemy Faribault , Ecuyer, Iraducteur Frangais de la Chambre, soit appele ala Table, pour executer l’office de Greffier Assistant, du- rant l’absence temporaire de M. Bouthillier. J ’ai l’honneur d’etre, Monsieur, Votre tr£s-obeissant et tr^s-humble serviteur, Wm. B. LINDSAY, Greff. Asst. A 1’ Honorable Louis Joseph Papineau, Orateur de la Chambre d’ Assemblee. Mr. G. t Fa- Resolved, That Georgs Barthelemy Faribault, Es- Chai 1 r lt of l The he quire, French Translator to this Ilouse, be called to Clerk Assistant, the Table, to execute the office of Clerk Assistant of this House, during the temporary absence of Mr. Bou- thillier. R&solu, Que George Barthelemy Faribault, Ecuyer, Traducteur Fran 5 ais de cette Chambre, soit appele a la Table, pour remplir l’office du Greffier Assistant de cette Chambre, durant l’absence temporaire de M. Bouthillier. Agent's Bill read the first time. Ordered, That Mr. Morin have leave to bring in a Bill for appointing an Agent in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow. Ordonne, Que M. Morin ait la permission d’intro- duire un Bill pour nommer un Agent dans le Royaume- Uni de la Grande-Bretagne et d 'Irlande. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a et6 lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour demain. IV orts S ?l?s ‘' kx’ ^ r * Speaker then reported, that when the House cellency’j did attend His Excellency the Governor in Chief this speech. day, in the Legislative Council Chamber, His Excel- lency was pleased to make a Speech to both Houses of the Provincial Parliament ; of which Mr. Speaker said he had, to prevent mistakes, obtained a Copy, which he read to the House ; and is as followeth M. POrateur a alors fait rapport que, lorsque cette Chambre s’etait rendue, ce jour, aupr£sde Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, dans la Chambre du Conseil L^gislatif, il avait plu a Son Excellence de faire une Harangue aux deux Chambres du Parlement Pro- vincial, et que, pour prevenir des erreurs, il en avait obtenu une Copie, qu’il a lue a la Chambre ; et elle est comme suit : Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, Gentlemen of the House of Assembly, It is in no ordinary circumstances I meet you ; and consequences of vast importance depend on the im- pression you may receive from my words. Dissensions have almost arrested the course of Government. The Supplies required for carrying into execution the laws by which society is held together, have now, for a considerable period been withheld. The most urgent and conflicting statements of numerous Grievances by adverse parties have been borne to the Throne of His Majesty ; but accompanied with expressions of an apprehension that the Ministers of the Crown might not have that practical and local knowledge of the Pro- vince, which is necessary for the discernment of the most appropriate remedies. I am sent amongst you therefore, not only as your Governor, Messieurs du Conseil Legislatif, Messieurs de la Chambre d’Assemblee, Ce n’est point dans des circonstances ordinaires que je vous rencontre j et les consequences les plus serieuses dependent de l’impression que mes paroles feront sur vous. Des dissentions out presque arrete la marche du Gouvernement. Les subsides necessaires pour mettre a effet les lois qui empechent la societe de tomber en dissolution n’ont pas ete accordes depuisun temps con- siderable. Les representations les plus pressantes, et les plus contradictoires de griefs nombreux par des par- tis opposes out ete portees au pied du Trone ; mais accompagnees depressions de la crainte que les Minis- tres de la Couronne n’eussent point cette connaissance pratique et locale de la Province, qui est necessaire pour discerner les remedes les plus convenables. Je suis done envoye parmi vous non sculement comme votre Un Membre prend son si6ge. Lettre du Gref- fier, informant la Chambre de l’indisposition du Greffier As- sistant. M. G. B. Fa- ribault prend la place du Gref- fier Assistant. Bill pour un Agent lu la pre- miere fois. M. l’Orateur fait rapport de la Harangue de Son Excellence. 8 Governor, but as the Head of a Commission upon which the task is imposed of enquiring fully, and upon the spot, into the complaints which have been made, and of offering to the King and to the Councils by which the Throne is surrounded, the deliberate con- clusions of the Commissioner. There are some cases in which the Executive pcmei of the Governor will of itself be sufficient to apply a remedy ; in others, though he cannot act by himscl , vet with the help of one or both branches of the Pro- vincial Legislature, he may effectually accomp hsh what is required ; there are others in which the laws and institutions of the United Kingdom make it impossi- ble for us, without the enactments or sanction of the Authorities in England, to effect what is asked ; so that if we were to act, we should be acting unlaw- fully, if we were to make laws, they would be binding If these distinctions are borne in mind, whilst 27 ° Octobris. A. 1835 , j.i uiese uiHuiLuuiio state to you the commands I have received from 1 is Majesty, and the policy to which I shall adhere, i am confident that I shall satisfy all impartial minds of the magnanimity and wisdom with which His Majesty has listened to your complaints ; of the resolution which has been taken to redress every Grievance undei winch any class of His Majesty’s Canadian Subjects mav labour, and of my own determination to do all o which I am capable, in giving effect to these geneious and wise intentions. As G overnor I will execute wit i alacrity, impartiality and firmness, whatever lam com- petent to do of myself ; as Head of the lrovincial Legislature, I will zealously co-operate with its other Members in the redress of every evil they may find occasion to correct ; as Commissioners I pledge my- self that a prompt, but careful examination shall be made of those still weightier matters which depend upon the highest Powers of the Empire ; and that having, with the most anxious thought and solemn de- liberation, arrived at our conclusions, the Commission- ers will state them with an earnestness of purpose cal- culated to give additional force to the authority which they ought to derive from having been deemed woit ly of so grave a charge. In what I shall now proceed to communicate, it is not my design, nor am I authorized by Ins Majesty, to condemn or to applaud generally the conduct of any one ; the abatement of dissensions, and the conci- liation of adverse parties, are the objects at whic i aim : the good will of the Canadians of all ranks and classes ; the confidence of the Representatives of the People ; the respect of all branches and Memoeis o the Government, are what I ardently desire to earn and to retain, and in this I hope to succeed, because am conscious that my intentions deserve it. With as much freedom from fear or favour as I have promised to act, I will now speak of the things of which you have complained, and of the remedies which I hope to see applied. . . r . ,, . It is affirmed that the French Origin of the Majority of the Inhabitants of Lower Canada, has been made a pretext for excludiug them from office and employ- ment, and for retaining them in a state of political in- feriority. I disclaim on the part of His Majesty, and of the British People, so ungenerous a motive. Having long ago become a part of the family of British Subjects, our Constitution recognizes nothing as a mark for dis- favor, which may denote the estrangement of their an- cestors in a former century. It regards nothing in the present generation as demerit, save misconduct. The circumstances which first united this Country with the British Empire, must necessaiiiy have occasioned for some votre Gouverneur, mais comine Chef d’une Commission a laquelle est imposee la tache de s'enquerir pleinement et sur les lieux des plaintes qui out ete faites, d offrir au Roi, et aux Conseils dont le Trone est environne, les conclusions prises par les Commissaires aprbs mure de- liberation. . , .. . _ II est des cas ou le pouvoir executif du Gouverneur suffira de lui-meme pour appliquer un remede ; il en est d’autres ou, quoi qu’il ne puisse agir seul, cependant avec l’aide de l’une ou des deux branches de la Legisla- ture Provinciale il pourra faire efficacement ce qui est necessaire ; il en est encore ou les loiset les institutions du lloyaum e-Uni ne nous permettent pas, sans des Actes passes ou sanctionnes par les Autorites en Angleterre, d’effectuer ce qu’on demande ; de sorte que si nous agissions ce serait illegalement, si nous faisions des lois elles ne lieraient personae. Si ces distinctions ne sont pas perdues de vue pendant que je vous ferai part des Grdres que j ai reijus de Sa Majeste, et de la politique a laquelle je m’attacherai, je suis sur de convaincre tout esprit impartial de la magna- nimite et de la sagesse avec lesquelles Sa Majeste a ecoute vos plaintes; et de la resolution qui a ete prise de redresser tout grief dont aucune ciasse des Sujets Ca- nadiens de Sa Majeste peut avoir a se plaindre, et de ma propre determination de faire tout ce qui est en mon pouvoir pour donner effet a ces intentions aussi gene- ralises que sages. Comme Gouverneur, je ferai avec empressement, impartialite et fermete tout ce qui est de ma competence comme tel ; comme Chef de la Legis- lature Provinciale, je travail leiai avec zele, conjoin tement avec les autres Membres, a reparer tout mal qu’ilstrou- veraient avoir besoin de redressement ; comme Com- missaires je me fais fort qu’il sera fait un examen prompt, mais soigne de ces questions encore plus graves, dont la solution depend des Autorites supremes de PEmpire ; et qu’apres avoir mis les reflexions les plus serieuses et la deliberation la plus solennelle a former leurs conclusions, les Commissaires les annonceront avec une fermete propre a ajouter un nouveau poids^ a 1 au- torite qu’iis doivent posseder pour avoir etejuges dignes d une si haute charge. Dans ce que je vais maintenantvous communiquer, je ipai m l’intention, ni 1 autoiisation de Sa IVlajeste, soit de condamner ou d’approuver generalementla conduite de personne : faire cesser les dissentions et concilier les partis opposes, tels sont les objets auxquelsje vise: la bienveil lance des Canadiens de tous rangs et de toutes classes ; la confiance des Representans du Peuple, le res- pect de toutes les branches et de tons les Membres du Gouvernement, sont ce que je desire ardemment d’ac- querir et de conserver, et j’espere reussir parce que je sens que mes intentions le meritent. Sans crainte et sans faveur, comme j’ai promis d’agir, je vais mainte- nant parler des clioses dont vous vous etes plaints, et des remtides que j’espere y voir appliquer. Ila ete avance quel’origine Fran$aise de la majorite des Ilabitans du Uas-Canada, a servi de pretexte pour les exclure des offices et des emplois, et pour les retenir dans un etat d’inferiorite politique.— Je desavoue de la part de Sa Ma jeste et du peuple Anglais un motif si peu ^enereux — Comme ils sont devenus depuis long-temps membres de la meme famille des Sujets Britanniques, notre Constitution ne reconnait point comme une marque de defaveur la quantite d etranger que leurs ancetres peuvent avoir eue dans un siecle passe ; ej le ne regarde dans la presente geneiation comme un de- merite que la mauvaise conduite. Les cii Constances qui reunirent d’abord cette contreea 1’EmpireBritannique, ont 6 Will. IV. 9 27° Octobris , some time afterwards an exclusion of its prior Inhabitants from Offices of Government, and the bias thus unavoid- ably received may in some degree have influenced, even to the present day, the course of affairs. Neither is it possible, in the distribution of political Offices at any time, or in any circumstances, to be guided entirely by a reference to the numbers of individuals who may be comprised in this, or in that class. But I assure you, that in this respect, my instructions enjoin upon me the utmost impartiality, and an entire disregard of distinctions derived from difference of origin. Fitness for the trust is the criterion to which mainly, if not entirely, I am to look ; and I do not hesitate to avow the opinion, that in every country to be acceptable to the great body of the people, is one of the most essen- tial elements of fitness for public station. So great is the solicitude of His Majesty to take the most effectual security against the occurrence of any abuse in the distribution of His patronage, that He has commanded the adoption of arrangements designed to elicit a far more particular account than heretofore, of the exercise of this part of His delegated authority in Lower Canada ; and He has been further pleased to direct that all Offices in His gift, of which the emolu- ments shall exceed a stated sum, shall not be granted, except under the Public Seal of the Province, in pur- suance of Warrants to be issued for that purpose by His Majesty. Complaint is also made that incompatible offices are in some cases held by the same person. In whatso- ever degree this grievance may be found to exist, His Majesty has signified to me His expectation that it should be completely remedied. Commencing with the highest, I have formed the opinion that it is neither right nor consistent with the wholesome separation, and independence of the principal bodies of the Go- vernment, and with the dignity of their Members, that out of the limited number of Executive Councillors in this Province, several should hold offices under the Le- gislative Council and House of Assembly. I desire, however, that it may be understood that no dissatis- faction with the conduct of the Members of the Exe- cutive Council, nor any mark whatever of His Majes- ty’s displeasure is intended to be conveyed. The im- mediate retirement of those Gentlemen who prefer to retain their appointments under the Legislative body might embarrass or interrupt the proceedings of the Court of Appeals ; but I felt it my duty to impart to them the conclusion to which my mind had come. I shall communicate the same opinion to the proper Au- thorities at Home, and I entertain no doubt that as soon as their places can be supplied, according to the forms prescribed by Law, effect will be given to the wish they have expressed to relinquish their seats in the Executive Council. My views are not limited to these cases, no union of incompatible, or incongru- ous offices will be willingly acquiesced in by me; but I wish to be understood, as speaking of offices of which the duties cannot conveniently or with propriety be discharged by the same person. In some instances, the division of offices is merely nominal, and the duties are more conveniently discharged by one person, than they could be by two. In other instances, the salary of the office is so small, or its duty so seldom called for, that without a union with some other, the employment could only be made acceptable to a competent person by an increase of emolument. It is stated as a grievance that the Government has at various times refused to give the Legislature access to °nt du necessairement faire exclure, pendant quelque temps apres, ses anciens habitans des emplois du Gou- i'cinement ; ( t cette impulsion ainsi inevitablement regue peut avoir en quelque sorte influe sur la marche des affaires. D ailleurs. il rfest pas possible dans la dis- ti lbution des offices publics, dans quelque temps ou dans quelque circonstance que ce soit, de se guider entice- ment d’apr&s le nombre des individus qui peuvent etre compris dans telle ou telle classe. Mais je vous assure qu’u cet egard, mes instructions m’enjoignent la plus grande impartiality et un entier oubli des°distinc- tions tirees de la difference d’origine. L’aptitude pour les charges est ce que je dois principalement, sinon uniquement rechercher— Et je n’hesite pas a emettre 1’opinion que dans tout pays, celui qui s’est rendu agreable a la masse du peuple, possbde un des eHmens les plus essenliels de 1’aptitude aux emplois publics. I ant est grande la sollicitude de Sa Majeste pour s’as- surer qu’aucun abus n’ait lieu dans la distribution de son patronage, qu’elle a recommande qu’il soit pris des aiiangemens, ayant pour objet de faire rendre des comptes plus detailles que ci-devant de 1’exercice de cette partie de son autorit£ delegueedans \eBas-Canada-, et il lui a plu en outre d’ordonner que tous les emplois a sa nomination, dont les emolumens excederaient une somme determinee, ne seront accordes que sous le sceau public de la Province, en conformite d’Ordonnances qui seront donnees a cet effet par Sa Majeste. On se plaint aussi que des emplois incompatibles sont dans quelques cas ten us par la meme personne ; a quel- que degre que ce grief se trouve exister, Sa Majesty m’a signifie son attente, qu il y serait remedie completement ; Ln commengant au plus haut, j’ai forme une opinion, qu il n est ni juste ni compatible avec la saine separa- tion et independance des principaux corps duGouverne- ment, avec la dignity de leurs Membres, que dans le nombre limite de Conseillers Executifs qu’il y a dans cette I tovince, plusieurs tiennent des places sous le Conseil Legisiatif et la Chambre d’Assemblee. Je de- sire cependant qu’il soit bien entendu que l’on ne vent nullement marquer par la aucun mycontenternent de la conduite des Membres du Conseil Executif, ni aucun deplaisir quelconque de Sa Majeste. La retraite im- mediate des Messieurs auxquelsje fais allusion, pourrait embarrasser on interrompre les procydures de la Cour d Appel, mais j ai ciu qu lletait de mon devoir de leur faire part de la conclusion que j’avais prise. Je com- muniquerai cette opinion aux Autorites en Angleterre , et je n’entretiens aucun doute qu’aussitot que ces places pourront etre remplies, suivant les formalites prescrites par la Loi, il sera donne effet au desir que ces Messieurs out exprime d’abandonner leurs sieges dans le Conseil Executif. Mes vues ne se bornent point a ces cas ; ce ne sera point de mon gre que jacquiescerai a aucun cu- mul de charges incompatibles ou incongrues ; mais je n entends parler que des charges dont les fonctions ne peuvent pas etre commodyment ou convenablement rem- plies par la meme personne. Quelquefois la division des charges est purement nominale, et les fonctions en sont plus commodyment remplies par une personne qu el les ne pourraient 1’etre par deux. D’autres fois le salaire attache a la charge est si modique, ou 1’exercice de ses fonctions est si peu souvent requis, que, sans un cumul avec quelque autre place, 1’emploi ne peut deve- nir acceptable a une personne capable de le bien remplir, que par une augmentation d’emolument. On cite comme un grief, que le Gouvernement a en di verses occasions, ryfuse de donner a la Legislature acces aux C 10 27° Octobris. A . 1 835, 4l nn . 1 ,m. nj5 whirh were neces- aux Comptes et autres Documens qui lui itaient neces- to Accounts and other Documents win • es po i r pr0C eder dans ses enquetes ; et que l’Execu- sary for the prosecution of its enquiue., 1 , tif pas toujours communique, lorsqu’il en etait prie, Executive has not, in all cases, communicated when tit ^ . p aut 4 re par le Departe- }"^m. f commanded to withhold no mfoi tnatioi - ; motions nui uuissent etre communiquees sans un abus vincial Legislature which can be communicated withort mat ment particulier an service public ; a violation of confidence, or specific detriment to the de co ,„tenceoua«i ff assistance sans reserve Public Service; and in part.cular, I am to offer you ^ the fullest assistance in investigating every Hung : c Finances II n’est presque aucun document a la nected with the Revenue and with Finance here is ^^'Xcouvernement dont .1 ne soil toujours scarcely any document within the powe L p f. • r t excepte ces communications con- vernment which it will not always be willing ‘ ) P ‘ .. ‘ ] eg Autoritken Angleterre, ou avec ses before you, except those confidential Communications « “ ne pourraient with the Authorities at Home or with its wi Ota r ° ’ ^S'nuh i^ues ns tons les cas et dans tons les here, which it i f ob».ou.couUnot^.p^m« and, inconvioiens. Comme gage all cases and at all seasons, without ext leme^ncoti verity ^ P Je intentions , y ai donne les ordres As an earnest of the sin y^ ; 4l _ orl _ n ^ cessa ires pour qu’une copie des rapports anndels, ge- neralement connus sous le nom de Livre Bleu, soit a ence. no un v«. .*vwv — — „ tions, I have given directions that a Copy of the an- nual Return, generally knownMthe B \ue. J^enir "pr6^nt6eVchaque Branche de la Legislature ; in future be. presented to each B. ranch i ot the Leg a re nseignemens exacts sur la stattsfque Li I C UU pi wovijvwv. v — C' ’ tnre- and since correct information on the statistics of the Province is an object ot general importance, 1 invite your assistance in rendering all Returns of this nature, as accurate and as comprehensive as possible. 1 avcim pi v/ovutw v*. — *• — | — et puisque des renseignemens exacts sur la statistique de la Province sont un objet d’une importance generate, ie vous invite a cooperer avec moi a rendre tous les Rap- ports de cette nature aussi corrects et aussi complets que possible. _. n . ,, L’usage trop frequent de reserver les Bills jusqu a i -w -v t • • ’ Ct it il A I n ti/hJnrn ■ i solicitous to *P reve " t th< j Bi'L CU as re a n Xht tote employed Bills comme un droit qui ne doit etre exerc6 qu’avec the power of reseiving Bids as a Evident beaucoup de circonspection ni sans une evidente neces- not without muchcau ton, e P unde , laUe sitf. I.e Gouvernement de Sa Majeste s’engage aussi ” e ry- H bestow the most prompt attention on de son cote a douner Intention la plus promp ea toute =s!£S~==SS£ Snferns sar- unnecessarily deferred. veying to the Legislature Llis iviajesty s aiiisw^& ie» I) est bien possible que des retards qui se- their Addresses. It is very possible that delay which ^ses^ lUst^Dtenj ^ ^ ^ ^ ,.^1^. all would regret, may have taken p ace, in “ sionnes peut-etre quelquefois, ou prolonges par des cir- stances, perhaps, occasioned or pro onge y Constances auxquelles la plus grande activite et le plus T 1' fa v"e° oClSd ■ r b“ His Ma ; likes k gSzHeku” sekice de si Ma^ste n'auraient pu obvier ; v,ce could h, ate ol mated but j y ^ ^ 6 prend un tnteret s, v,f et, s. qe puts MoVeS-fihi. rr«t In eurskri™ lay beroie liis Majc ) < , . i p i Awipiprrp tontes les communications que 1 une ou 1 au- E W comma, ncat.on which etdter^ B inch s adre sse?ait au Trone, et * v«"“c* que la Reponse de Sa Majesty parvienne a S v ce witlr the LL possible dispatch la Pronnc. comma There have been several complaints ot other matters, II y a eu ^p usieurs^lam^es sur ^ ^ J e An- such as of the undue preference of the Eng is 1 o ie j ) ano . ue Francaise, dedeinander aux Juges French language ; of improperly calling on t ie u g t> • : ons extra! udiciaires sur des questions qui pour- for extra-judicial opinions on matters which mig ^ su - P £ tre soum i ses A leur decision, d’inter- sequently come before them for decision j of an in er- * , i Flections des Representans du People, ference in the Elections of the Representatives of the vem dan. EImUom de ^ , )0 cru * de . People, and of other matters on which I should scarcely et d autres choses sur icsq I ... ‘ ue ; e have thought it necessary to make any specific obser- voir to 6 Will. IV. 11 27 ° to such imputations, would be marked by the displea- sure of His Majesty, and because I rely upon your giving me so much of your confidence as not to suppose be^ forehand that I should subject myself in these respects to anyjust reproach. With respect, however, to any undue partiality to the English language, it may not be superfluous to apprize you more explicitly, that His Majesty disapproves and is desirous to discourage and prevent the adoption of any practice which would deprive either class' of His Subjects of the use, in their official acts, of that tongue with which early habits and education may have ren- dered them most familiar; and that if you should deem it requisite to pass a Law, for securing both the English and French Inhabitants of this Province against any disvadvantage arising from an undue preference to either language, I should be prepared willingly to assent to the measure. It has been represented as another grievance that exorbitant Fees have been charged in some of the Pub- lic Offices. I have not yet been sufficiently long in the Province to have obtained accurate information on this subject ; but I am willing to concur with you in a re- vision of the Fees of every Office in the Province, and in the appointment, should you think it expedient’ of a Commission of Enquiry for that purpose- His Majesty has no wish on the subject, but that the remuneration of all Public Officers, from the highest to the lowest, should be so regulated as to provide for the efficient discharge of the Public Service, an object which cannot effectually be secured without a fair remuneration of the persons employed by the Public. • I will readily co-operate, if it be desired, with a Com- mittee of both Houses, or of either House, in an en- quiry not only into certain Rules of Practice, made by the Courts of Law, which, it has been stated in Addresses to the Throne, have exceeded the just authority of the Judges, but also into all the practice and proceedings of the Superior Tribunal with a view to rendering them more prompt and methodical, and less expensive. I apprehend, however, that after such an enquiry, it might not be in the power of the Governor alone to ap- ply any effectual remedy ; and that I should require the concurrence of both Branches of the Provincial Le- gislature in passing an Act for the purpose. The Clergy Reserves are among the most extensive ofthe subjects adverted to in the complaints from the Province. The whole question, with the draft of a Bill for the adjustment of the claims of all parties, has been already submitted to the decision of the Legislature, but was lost, apparently, by some misapprehension of the intentions of His Majesty’s Government. As the best means of removing this misapprehension, I shall cause to be communicated, without delay, copies of the Earl of Ripon’s Despatches on this subject ; and I invite you to resume the consideration of the proposals which they contain. Gentlemen of the House of Assembly, To both Branches of the Legislature I am authorized to offer my Warrants for the payment of their Contin- gent Expenses. I have received the commands of our Most Gracious Sovereign to acquaint you that His Majesty is disposed to place under the controul of the Representatives of the People ail Public Monies payable to His Majesty, or to His Officers in the Province, whether arising from Taxes or from any other Canadian source ; but that this cession cannot be made except on conditions which must Octobris. de parodies imputations lui attirerait le dfylaisir de Sa ajeste, et pareequeje compte que vous me donnerez assezde votre confiance pour ne pas supposer d’avance que je m exposeiai, a cet egard, a aucun reproche mG Mais, quant a l’idee d’aucune partialite indue a la langue Anglaise, il ne sera peut-^tre pas inutile de vous dire plus explicitement, que Sa Majeste desapprouve et desire d^courager et empecher [’adoption de toute pra- tique qui priverait l’une ou l’autre classe de sesSuiets de l’usage dans leur Actes officiels, de la langue que l’education et les habitudes contractus d£s 1’enfance ont pu leur rendre plus familiere ; et que si vous jugiez necessaire de passer une Loi pour garantir les Habitans Anglais aussi bien que Fran9ais de cette Province, de tout desavantage resultant d’une preference indue ac- cordee a l’une ou a l’autre langue, je donnerai volontiers mon assentiment a la mesuie. On a represente comme une autre plainte, que des Honoraires exorbitants ont ete demandes dans quelques- uns des Bureaux Publics; je n’ai pas encore ete assez long-temps dans la Province pour avoir pu obtenir des renseignemens exacts sur ce sujet, mais je concourrai volontiers avec vous a reviser les Honoraires de chaque Office dans la Province, eta nommer, si vous le croyez expedient, une Commission d’enquete. Tout ce que Sa Majeste desire sur ce point, e’est que la remunera- tion de tons les Officiers Publics, depuis le plus haut jusqu’au plus bas, soit reglee de manure \ pourvoir a ce que le Service Public se fasse convenablement; ob- jet qu on ne saurait atteindre sans accorder une juste re- muneration aux personnes employees par le Public. Je coopererai volontiers, si on le demande, avec un Comite des deux Chambres, ou de l’une ou de 1’autre Chambre, dans line enquete non seulement sur certaine Regie de Pratique etablie par les Cours de Justice, et que des Adresses au Trone affirment avoir exced6 la juste autorite des Juges, mais aussi sur toute la pra- tique et de toute la procedure des Tribunaux Superieurs, dans la vue de les rendre plus expedites, plus me- thodiques et moins dispendieuses. Je crains cependant qu’apr&s une telle enquete, il ne fut pas an pouvoir du Gouvernement seul d’appliquer un remede efficace, et qu’d ne me fallut le concours des deux Branches de la Legislature Provinciale a passer un Acte pour cet objet. 1 Les Reserves du Clerg6 sont au nombre des sujets les plus feconds de Plaintes elevees dans la Province. La question toute entiere, avec le projet d’un Bill pour 1 ajustement des pretentions de toutes les parties, a deia ete soumise a la decision de la Legislature, mais el ie a ete ecartee, apperamment, parce qu’on aura mal compns les intentions du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste. Comme le meilleur moyen de faire disparaitre ce mal- entendu, je vous ferai communiquer sans d oposals toi a ycms faire des propositions pour un arrangement satisfaisant et conclusif. ,1’ai donne ordre que Ton vous soumette le plus tot possible, les Comptes qui sont n^cessaires pour montrer petat Financier de la Province, avec une Estimation pour 1’annee courante, et je vous fournirai sans reserve toutes les explications qu il sera en mon pouvoir de vous donner. Par ces Comptes, 1 on voit que de foits arrerages sont maintenant dus pour les Salaires des T vw* j * satisfactory and conclusive arrangement. I have desired that the Accounts which are necessary to shew the Financial State of the Province, with an Estimate for the current year, should be submitted to VOU as soon as possible, and every explanation respect- ing them, which it may be in my power to afford, shall be furnished without reserve.— These Accounts shew the laro-e arrears that are now due for Salaries to 1 ub lie the large arrears that are now clue oi > a < Officiers Publics et pour les autres Depenses ordinaires Officers, and for the : other o'-d.nary expend ,ute of the Uftcter , ‘ " b ^' t! l> Bt : e vous p,ie instamment J Revenues d’eviter toute application induedesRevenus qui tombent avoiding any undue interfeience \ sous le controle de l’Assemblee, et dans Pintime per- falling under the contro of the A suasi ‘ n qu’elle ne mettrait point d’obstacle a l’ajuste- strong persuasion that it wo ,11 d no P' ^hce the ment 8at | 9faisant d’aucune des questions en entre factory adjustment of any of the questions at issue oe ollvernement de Sa Maieste et laChambre d’Assem- tween His Majesty’s Government and the House o tj De oueffiL man T que la mesureait ete envi- Assembly. However the measuie tnay iave ee san-ee deouis tels 6taient les sentimens avec lesquels elle sequently understood, such were the fee mgs wi v » adontee. * Il est clair que par cette demande on ne it was adopted. It is obvious that this app ica ion c oes n o«lsabilite = 'de continuer 1 took upon myself the responsib. l.ty r of “ n PEtablissement de la Quarantaine A la Grosse-lle, sur le Quarantine Establishment at Grosse Isle, . A mp tl ; ec i aue i e l’avais trouve, comptant sur votre footing as I found it, relying on your lmeia i y o ma , allouer une depense uniquement encourue good an expenditure thus incurred solely for the public b ™ £ V P ° °“ biic C’est avec plaisir que je vous advantage. I am happy to state that the Establishment pour 1 » v ; n e %P“^ m ^ t a ae’discontinlie plus tot was closed at an earlier period than usual, in coi se ^ lornutu rm narce ciu’il n’v avait pas eu de maladie quence of their having been, for several weeks previous- F' c e spi“ce r\ l Hopital pendant plusieurs semaines ly, no sick of any description in the Hospital. I avail d aucune espece a li p vou$ myself of this opportunity to suggest to you t ie e\pc- ‘ ‘ j a convenance d’indenmiser le Proprietaire de diency of indemnifying the Proprietor of the Eland oi tpmps qu ’ e n e a ete occupee au Service Pub- its past occupation in the public service, and of ena mg » F me ttre^e Gouvernement en etat d’en obtenir the Government to obtain possession of it, should t ie g . ron j ugeait k pr opos d’y continuer une Station de Quarantaine. . , , n .T’ai k vous annoncer que Paction intentee par la Cou- ronne au ci-devant Receveur General, pour ce qu il doit a la Province, a ete decidee d’une mamere qui rend les proprietes continuance, there, of a Quarantine Station, be deemed advisable. ... , , I have to announce that the suit instituted by tee Crown against the late Receiver General for repayment of the debt due to the Province, has been brought to a termination 6 Will, IV. 27° Octobris 13 termination which makes the Estate of the Defendant applicable to the satisfaction of the demands of the Pro- vince. I may also announce to you that the party against whom the judgment has been given, has come to the determination to relinquish his seat in the Le- gislature of the Province, and to abstain from the exer- cise of all Rights and Privileges attached to it. Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, Gentlemen of the House of Assembly, In requesting your attention to such useful Statutes as may have recently expired, I beg to recommend to your immediate notice, one, the expiration of which has affected the system of strict reciprocity requisite to be maintained in our commercial intercourse with the United States. I allude to the Act passed in the fourth year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, “ An Act to continue for a limited time, and to amend “ certain Acts therein mentioned, relating to the col- “ lection of the Revenue at the several Inland Ports of “ this Province.” I would also recommend to your consideration the whole question of Prisons and Prison Discipline, and the expediency of adopting some more effectual methods than at present exist, for repressing Crime, which, I regret to say, appears to be on the in- crease in the Province. Of the Commission of which I have spoken to you, it will be the first and most urgent duty to prepare with deliberation, and the utmost care, and yet without de- lay, the heads of a Bill for giving up to the appropriation of the House of Assembly, the net proceeds of the Hereditary Revenue, and toprepare it in such a form that it may be acceptable to the various authorities, whose sanction it may require, or under whose cognizance it may come. In what form precisely the important con- cession may be finally made, it would, now. be out of place to discuss ; but it will be necessary that two points should be secured. First. That the management of the sources of that Revenue of which the proceeds are to be appropriated by the House of Assembly, should be re- served to Officers of the Crown, whose Accounts will be open to the inspection of the Legislature of the Pro- vince : — Secondly, that a provision should be made for the support of the Executive Government, and for the Salaries of the Judges, by an adequate Civil List. The much agitated questions respecting the Tenures of Land and the Registry of Titles, and all the complicated considerations connected therewith, will also form a subject for the review of the Commissioners ; and they are directed to make a complete investigation of the conflicting claims of the Crown, and of the Seminary of St. Sulpice, within the Seigniory of Montreal. What constitution and course of proceedings would be most advantageous for the Executive Council ; what sys- tem for the general Education of the people ; how the collection and apportionment between the two Pro- vinces of the Duties of Customs levied within the waters of the St. Laurence, may be best arranged ; and what principle ought hereafter to be taken as a guide in grant- ing or refusing to Companies or Associations any powers to be exercised, or privileges or capacities to be enjoyed, within the Province, are also questions on which the Commissioners must report to the Crown. There are still graver matters which have been made the grounds of petition to His Majesty, and respecting which the Commissioners are not precluded from enter- ing proprietes du Defendeur applicables au paiement des demandes de la Province. Je puis aussi vous anrioncer que la personne contre laquelle ce jugement a ete donne, a pris la determination d’abandonner son siege dans la Legislature de la Province, et de s’abstenir de Pexercice de tous les droits et privileges qui y sont at- taches. Messieurs du Conseil Legislatif, Messieurs de la Chambre d’Assemblee, En vous priant de porter votre attention surles Actes utiles qui seraient expires depuis peu, qu’il me soit per- mis de vous en rappeler un plus particulierement, dont l’expiration a affecte le systeme de stricte reciprocite qu’il est necessaire de maintenir dans nos relations commerciales avec les Etats-Unis. Je veux parler de TActe passe dans la quatrieme annee du regne actuel, intitule, “ Acte pour continuer pour un temps limite “ et amender certains Actes y mentionnes, relative- “ ment a la perception du Revenu aux differens Ports “ de ITnterieur de cette Province.” Je voudrais aussi appeler votre attention sur la question toute entire des Prisons et de leur discipline, et sur la convenance d’adopter quelques methodes plus efficaces qu’il n’en existe a present, pour la repression des crimes, qui, je regrette de le dire, paraissent s’accroitre dans la Pro- vince. Le premier et le plus pressant devoir de la Commis- sion dont je vous ai parle, sera de preparer avec deli- beration et avec le plus grand soin, mais cependant sans delai, le projet d’un Bill pour abandonner a la dispo- sition de la Chambre d’Assemblee le produit net du Revenu Hereditaire, et de le preparer sous une forme telle qu’il puisse etre accepte par les diverses autorites dont la sanction pourrait lui etre necessaire, ou qui pourraient avoir a en prendre connaissance. Ce n’est pas ici le lieu de discuter quelle sera la forme precise sous laquelle cette importante concession sera defini- tivement faite, mais il sera necessaire d’assurer deux points -Premierement, que 1’administration des sour- ces du revenu, dont le produit sera a la disposition de la Chambre d’Assemblee, soit reserve a des Officiers de la Couronne, dont les comptes seront ouverts a l’ins- pection de la Legislature tie la Province. Seconde- rnent, qu’il soit pourvu au soutien du Gouvernement Executif et aux Appointemens des Jugespar une Liste Civile suffisante. Les questions tant agitees concernant la Tenure des Terres et l’Enregistrement des Titres, et toutes les considerations si compliquees qui s’y rattachent, forme- rout aussi un sujet d’examen pour les Commissaires ; et ils out ordre de faire une investigation complete des pretentions opposees de la Couronne et du Seminaire de St. Sulpice , dans la Seigneurie de Montreal ; quelle devrait etre la constitution et la mani&re de proceder du Conseil Executif ; quel systeme adopter pour l’E- ducation generale du Peuple ; quel serait le meilleur arrangement pour la perception et le partage entre les deux Provinces des Droits de Douanes preleves dans les limites des eaux du St. Laurent ; et quel principe on devrait suivre, par la suite, en accordant ou refu- sant a des Compagnies ou Associations des pouvoirs a etre exerces, ou des droits et des privileges a etre pos- sedes dans la Province, sont aussi des questions sur lesquelles les Commissaires auront a faire rapport a la Couronne. II est des matieres encore plus graves sur lesquelles on a fonde des Petitions a Sa Majeste, et concernant lesquelles il n’est pas interdit aux Commissaires de faire enqu£*te. D 14 :2T° Octobris. A . 1835 . inn- into an enquiry. But. it would be painful to speak here of dissensions' between the two Legislative bodies whom I address, or to recapitulate the faults which have been found in the Constitution of either Body by the other. Let me invite you rather to follow that example of forbearance, moderation and of mutual respect which, notwithstanding their differences of opinion, has been recently exhibited by the two Houses of the Imperial Parliament. This moment, as it seems to me, is a great opportunity for good, or for evil. Let me entieat of V ou, that it may not be lost or thrown away. Lower Canada is divided by two parties, and eacn of them ap- pears to be agitated by apprehensions which I trust are exaggerated. Io the Canadians of Ftench oiigin would say : do not fear that there is any design to disturb the form of society under which you have so long been contented and prosperous. However different h orn those of her Colonists in other parts of the world, Eng- land cannot but admire the social arrangements by which a small number of enterprising Colonists have grown into a good, religious, and happy race of Agriculturists, remarkable for the domestic virtues, for a cheerful en- durance of labour and privations, and for aleitness and bravery in war. There is no thought of endeavouiing to break up asystem which sustains a dense ruial popu- lation, without the existence of any class of poor. Eng- land will protect and foster the benevolent, active and pious Priesthood under whose care, and by whose ex- amples so much of order, of good conduct, and of tran- quil bliss is created, preserved and handed down from generation to generation. Of the British, and especially of the Commercial Classes, I would ask, is it possible you should suppose that there can be any design to sacrifice your interests, when it is clear to all the world that Comineice is one of the main supports to the British system of Finance, that without it the wonderful fabric of British power and dominion would crumble into oust, and that it is especially the object and purpose for which at avast ex- pense the mighty Colonies of England aie maintained m every quarter of the Globe? Rely upon it that the gi eat and poweiful country from whence you have removed yourselves to these shores, will not abandon theie the policy which has established there the prosperity other people in every other region ; and that, a Government of which constancy and good faith are the main elements of power, will not fail to sustain in this poition of the Empire the spirit of that Constitution which has so long been held out as a boon to its natives, and an induce- ment to the settlers who have embarked in it their en- terprise, their wealth, and their hopes of individual hap- piness. In a declaration put forth by many among you, who inhabit this City, I have seen the following objects enu- merated : First, to obtain for persons of British and Irish origin and others, His Majesty’s subjects labouring un- der the same privation of common rights, a fair and reasonable porportion of the Representation in the Pro- vincial Assembly- Secondly, to obtain such a reform in the system of Judicature, and the Administration of Justice as may adapt them to the state of the Province. Thirdly, to obtain such a composition of the Executive Council, as may impart to it the efficiency and weight which it ought to possess. Fourthly, to resist any ap- pointment of Members of the Legislative Council otherwise than by the Crown, hut subject to such regu- lation as may ensure tire appointment ol fit persons. Fifthly, to use every effort to maintain the connexion of enquete. Mais il serait penible de parlef ici de dissen* tions entre les deux corps Legislates auxquels j’adresse la parole, ou de faire une recapitulation des reproches mutuels qu’ils ont faits a la Constitution de 1 un de pa ut re. Souffrez plutot que je vous invite a suivre l’exemple de tolerence, de moderation et de respect mutuel que, nonobstant la difference de leurs opinions, les deux Chamhres du Parleinent Imperial viennent de donner. Voici l’occasion, a ce qu’il me sernble, de prodilire une grande somme de bien ou denial. Souf- frez que je vous exhorte a faire en sorte qu’elle tie soit pas perdue on negligee. Le Eas-Canada est divise en deux partis, dont chacun parait etre agite par des ap- prehensions qui, je m’en flatte, sont trop exageiees. Je diraisaux Canadiens d’origine Frangaise : ne craignez pas que l’on ait dessein de troubler la foime de societe sous 1 laquelle vous avez si long-temps join du conten- tement et ds la pros per ite. Quelque diffeiente quelle soit de celles de ces Colonies dans les autres parlies du Monde, V Angle terre ne pent qu’admirer les arrange- mens sociaux par lcsquels on est parvenu a faire d un petit nombre de colons industrieux, une race d’agricul- teurs bons, religieux et heureux, remarquables par ses vertus domestiques, par la gaiete avee laquelle elle supporte les fatigues et les privations, et son alacrite et sa hravoure dans la guerre. On est loin de penser a detruire un systeme qui soutient une population rurale et compacte, sans qu’il y existe aucune classe de pan • vres. V Angle ter re vent proteger et encourager le Sacerdoce bfenfaisant, actif et pieux, par les soins et par l’exemple duquel tant d’ordre, tant de bonne con- dnite et de honheur tranquille existent et sont conser- ves et transmis de generation en generation, Quant aux Classes d’origine Britannique, et surtout aux Classes Commerciales, je leur demanderais s’il est possible qu’on ait le dessein de sacrifier leurs interets lorsqu’il est evident a tout le monde que le Commerce est un des principaux soutiens du systeme Britannique de Finance, et que sans lui la fabrique merveiileuse de la puissance et de la domination Britanniques tombe- rait en poussiere, et qu’il est l’objet et le but special pour lesquels V Angleterre maintienta des frais enormes, ses immenses Colonies dans toutes les patties du Monde. Vous pouvez compter que !e grand et puissant Ltatd ou vous t'tes venus vous etahlir sui ces lives, n abandon- nera pas sa politique qui a fonde la piospente tie ses peuples dans toutes les autres regions ; etqu’un Gouver- nement ou pouvoir, duquel les principaux eff mens sont la Constance et la bonne foi, ne manquera pas de sou- tenir dans cette partie de l’Empire, l’esprit d’une Con- stitution qui a si long-temps ete proposee comme un ob- jet d’envie aux habitans primitifs, et comme un en- couragement aux Sujets Britanniques poui syctablir avec leur industrie, leur richesse et leurs esperances de honheur individuel. Dans une declaration emise par plusieurs d’entre vous qui habitent cette Ville, j’ai vu les objets suivans enumeres: Premierement, d’obtenir pour les personnes d’origine Britannique ou Irlandaise, et autres sujets de Sa Majeste qui souffrent la raeme privation des droits communs, une part juste et raisonnable a la Represen- tation dans l’Assemhlee Provinciale ; Secondement, d’obtenir dans le systeme de Judicature et dans {’admi- nistration de la Justice une reforme qui puisse les adap- ter a 1’etat actuel de la Province ; Troisiemement, d’ob- tenir une composition du Conseil Fxecutif quilerende effectif et lui donne le poids qu’il devrait avoir ; Qua- triemement, de s’opposer a ce que les Membres du Conseil Executif soient nommes autrement que par la Couronne, mais d’apres des reglemens qui puissent as- surer le choix de personnes convenables ; Citiquicme- ment. 6 Will. IV. 27° Octobris . this Colony with the Parent State, and a just subordina- te t0 lts authority ; and Sixthly, to assist in preserving and maintaining peace and good order throughout the Province, and ensuring the equal rights of His Majesty’s subjects of all classes. If these objects are indeed all that are desired by the whole Commercial interest, I trust it will be satisfactory to those who aim at them’ to know, that there is not one of them which is not strictly within the line of duty of the King’s Commissioners to take into consideration, to receive respecting them the fullest evidence and information which may be offered, and finally to submit to our Gracious Sovereign and His Mm.steis, then impartial and well weighed conclu- sions. In the mean while, to the Canadians both of French and British origin, and of every class and description, I would say, consider the blessings you might enjoy, and the favoured situation in which but for your own dis- sensions you would find yourselves to be placed. The offspring of the two foremost nations of mankind, you hold a vast and beautiful country, a fertile soil, a healthy climate, and the noblest River in the world makes your most remote City a port for ships of the sea. Your Reve- nue is triple the amount ofyour expenditure for the ordi- naiy pui poses of Government, you have no direct taxes, no public debt, no poor who require any other aid than the natural impulses of charity. If you extend your views beyond the land in which you dwell, you "find that you ai e joint inheritors of the splendid patrimony of the British Empire, which constitutes vou in the best sense of the term, Citizens of the World' and gives you a home on every Continent and in every Ocean of the Globe. There are two paths open to you,— by the one you may advance to the enjoyment of all the advan- tages which lie in prospect before you; by the other, I will not say more, than that you will stop short of these, and will engage yourselves and those who have no other object than your prosperity, in darker and more difficult courses. • pr^tn Ad. Re . solved > That a Committee of seven Members be dress in answer appointed to prepare and report, with all convenient lency’s Speech. s P eec ^» the draught of an Address in answer to the Speech of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, de- livered this day, to both Houses of the Provincial Par- liament. Ordered, That Mr. Morin, Mr. Yanfelson , Mr. La- Jontaine, Mi. Leslie, Mr. Gitgy, Mr. Uuot and Mr. Bedard do compose the said Committee. Ordered, dhat His Excellency’s Speech be referred to the said Committee. Oi deted, That I wo hundred Copies of the said Speech be printed for the use of the Members of this House. His Excellen- cy's Speech to be printed. Journals to be printed. Ordered, That Two hundred Copies of the Journals of this House, for the present Session, be printed in the English and French Languages, for the use of the Members of this House, under the direction of Mr. Speaker. t^rs'addre^ed' 0rdered > That the Postage of all Letters and Manu- to Members to sci ipts addiessed to any Member sitting in the House bepatdbythe during the Session, be paid by the Cleik thereof, and charged in the Contingent Accounts of this House. prepare Lists of Resolved, Fhat a Committee of eleven IVlembers be compose'stand- a PP°i n ted to prepare and report with all convenient ingCommittees. Spee d, 15 ment, de fame tous leurs efforts pour maintenir I’unihri de cette Colon, e avec l’Etat Metropolitan, et une juste subordination a 1’autorite de celui-ci ; et Sixieme- ment, d’aider a conserve!- et maintenir la paix et le bon ordre dans to, He la Province, ainsi qu’a assurer une egahte de droits aux Sujets de Sa Majeste de toutes les classes, bi ces objets sont effectivement les seals que desire tout i mteret Commercial, je me flatte qu’il sera satislaisant pour ceux qui y aspirent, de savoir qu’il n’en est pas un seul qu’il ne soit rigoureusement du devoir des Commissaires du Iloi, de prendre en consideration ainsi que de recevoir a leur sujet toutes les preuves et Jes informations qui seraienl offertes, et enfin de sou- rnettre a Notre Gracieux Souverain, et a ses Ministres leurs conclusions impartiales et bien pesees. * En attendant, je dirais aux Canadiens, tant d’orio-ine Tran$aisequed’origine Britannique,etde toutes les classes et descriptions : considerez le bonheur dont vous pour- l iez jouir, et la situation favorable ou, sans vos propres dissentions, vous vous trouveriez places. Issus des deux premieres nations du monde, vous occupez un ’vaste et beau Pays, un so! fertile, un climat salubre ; et le plus noble Fieuve du monde, amene jusqu’a votre v ille la plus eloignee les vaisseaux de la mer. Votre Revenu Public est triple des depenses ordinaires pour votre Gouvernement ; vous n’avez point d’impots di- iccts, point de dette publique ; point de pauvres qui reclament d’autres secours que ceux de la charite lais- see a elle-meme. Si vous portez vos regards au-dela du pays ou vous demeurez, vous trouverez que vous etes co-heritiers du brillant patrimoine de 1* Empire Bri- tanmque, ce qui, dans toute la force du terme vous rend citoyensdu Monde, et vous donne le droit de dire que sur tous les Continens, et sur tous les Oceans du Glooe, vous etes chez vous. Deux voies vous sont ouvertes ; par l’une vous pourrez arrivera la jouissance de ious les a vantages que vous avez en perspective; quant a 1 autre, je me bornerai a dire qu’elle ne condui- rait pas a un terme aussi heureux, et qu’elle vous em gagei a, \ ous et ceux qui n ont point d’autre objet en vtie que votre prosperite, dans des sentiers plus obscurs et plus difficiles. Re so hi, Qu’un Comite de sept Membres soit nomme comite p0U r pour preparer et rapporter avec toute la diligence con- Tu ' enable, un projet d Adresse, en reponsea la Harangue ponse a laHa c t R DONNE* Que M. Vanfelson ait la permission Bill pour des d’introduire un Bill pour revoquer un Acte passe dans les dixieme et onzieme annees du Regne de feu la premiere fou. Sa Majeste, intitule “ Acte pour le secours de cer- ,c taines Congregations Reiigieuses y mentionnees, et pour faire d’autres dispositions Legislatives au lieu II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a et6 lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a he ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. Sur Motion de M. Vanfelson, seconde par M. De Vi cum ' Eesolu, Que Vendredi prochain, cette Chambre se formera en Comite de toute la Chambre, pour conside- 4, aetreconsi- rer s’il est expedient d’amender en partie l’Ordonnance deree - passee dans la vingt-cinquRme annee du Regne de feu Sa Majeste George Irois, chapitre quatre, intitulee, “ Ordonnance qui concerne les Avocats, Procureurs, Sol- « liciteurs et les Notaires, et qui rend plusaise le recou- “ vrement des Revenus de Sa Majeste.” Ordonne Que M. Leslie ait la permission d’introduire ^^ec- un Bill pour assurer davantage la liberte des Elections, # 35 tt'"' en eloignant les Troupes des lieux ou se font les Elec- II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lectuie a cte ordonnee pour Vendredi prochain. Resolved That a Committee of five Members be Simla, Qu’un Comite de cinq Membres soit momme ComMpo „ t SSttS named to point out a proper person to fill the situation pour indiquer le elmix d une personne convenable pour — Clerk. 6 Will, IV. 28 ° Octobris . ^ ^ of Law Clerk to this House, to report thereon with all remnlir la nlare A* T . , convenient speed, with povver to send for nersnnq m « P v • Greffier en Loi de cette Chambre, pers and records. 1 PerS ° nS ’ pa ' f? Ur en faire ra PP° rt a vec toute la diligence convena- e ^records pouvoir d ’ envo y er querir personnes, papiers Ordered, That Mr. Lafontaine, Mr. Fixer, Mr Mo- OrrfrLn'r n„o m r r * • , T T . S m "" rand Mr - Huot io composo "» “ d m. SSo? office™ Reso l ved > That a Committee of five Members be ap- courts of pointed to enquire concerning the Fees and Emolu- ce ‘ merits received by the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries and Criers of the Court of Appeals and of the Courts of King’s Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective offices, to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Lafontaine , Mr. Morin , Mr. Van - jehon, M r. Bedard and Mr. De Bleury do compose the said Committee. 1 On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Ber- thelot , committee Ip- Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the Special £ n e ‘£suo P r Committee appointed to prepare and report Lists of .Members .o Members to compose Standing Committees, to prenare Sra.SK 4 - and report a List of Members to compose a Commfttee tees. of Revenue and Finance, which said Committee will be composed of seven Members, three of whom shall form a Quorum, and shall be invested with the same at- tributions and powers as the other StandingCommittees. On Motion of Mr. Huot, seconded by Mr. Drolet Sd«s." ,b ■ That this House will, on Saturday next, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider the expediency of amending an Act passed in the thirty sixth year of the Reign of His Majesty George the Third, intituled, “ An Act for making, al- “ tering and repairing the Highways and Bridges in “ this Province, and for other purposes.” Penitemiary 0n Res °l ved > That a Committee of seven Members be Pribons. appointed to take into consideration the Report of the Commissioners appointed in virtue of the Act of the fourth, William the Fourth, chapter ten, to proceed to the Imted States of America to visit the principal 1 enitentiary Prisons therein, to ascertain the several systems of discipline adopted in such Prisons, and the Regulations made for the internal government and management thereof, and for other objects, presented to this House on the second of March last, to report thereon by Bill or otherwise, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Rodier, Mr. Tessier, Mr. Girouard, j i. R- tm ber, air. De Witt, Mr. Caron and Mr. Boutillier do compose the said Committee. Ordered, That that part of the Speech of His Excel- leney the Governor in Chief, delivered at the opening of the present Session, which relates to Prisons, to PrH son discipline, and to the expediency of adopting some moie i effectual methods than at present exist for "repres- sing Crime, be referred to the said Committee. nonr'tl QU,Un n COn ^ 6 de cinq Membres soit nomine comw sur , e » Poui senquern des Ilonoraires et Revenus neicus en Honoraires de* vertu de leurs charges respectives, par les ShLifb, Pro- SSTd.^ tonotaires et Cneurs des Cours d’Appel et du Banc du l ‘ ce ' voi en cette Province, pour en faire rapport avec toute Ja diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envover querir personnes, papiers et records. " ^ Or domic, Que M. Lafontaine, M. Morin, M. Vanfel - ComU6 Bedard et De Bkury composent le dit Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Berthelot, Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction au Comite Spe- instruction an M a lT mrae V T P r6 P arer et fapporter des Listes de £^£$5? ilembies pour former ties Comites Permanens de nre- desLlstesde parer et rapporter une Liste de Membres pour former un Lomite des Revenus et Finances, lequel sera compose ££ perma ° de sept Membres, dont trois formeront un Quorum, et aura les memes attributions et pouvoirs que les autres Comites Permanens. Sur Motion de M. Huot, seconde par M. Drolet, Kesolu Que Samedi prochain, cette Chambre se for- 1 / Acted., meia en Comite de toute la Chambre, pour considerer 2S&. 46tre d neseiait pas expedient d’amender un Acte passe dans la trente-sixieme annee du Regne de Sa Majeste George Trois, intitule “Acte pour faire, reparer et changer les Chemins et Ponts dans cette Province et pour d’autres effets.” On Motion of Mr. Kimber, seconded by Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorion, Act to ^le* 1 con* Resolved , That this House will, on Friday next re- •idcred. solve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to c ? n * ldepif I i^'T° uldnc ? be ex P cdient t0 amend the Act of the fifty fifth year of the Reign of George the Third, Chapter ten, relating to Pensions to wounded Militia- men. the Jesuits’ Es- Ordered, lhat Mr. Kimber have leave to bring in a unread the Bill to regulate the concession of Lands in the Fiefs VoL — 45 - and Besolu, Qu’un Comite de sept Membres soit nomme comits su. i- pour prendre en consideration le Rapport des Comrnis- Knitentla,rcs saires nomme en vertu de 1’Acte de la quatrieme, Guillaume Quatre, chapitre dix, aux fins de se trans- puter dans les Etats-Unis de V Amerique, pour y visiter Jes pnneipaux Penitentiaires, constater les differens systemes de discipline que l’on a adoptes dans telles i iisons, et les Reglemens faits pour l’administration et iegie d icelles et pour d’autres objets, presente a cette lambie l e deux Mars dernier; pour en faire rapport par Bill oil autrement, avec pouvoir d’envover querir personnes, papiers et records. ' 1 Ordonne, Que M. Rodier, M. Tessier, M. Girouard, M - M. De Wilt M. Caron et M. Boutillier composent le dit Comite. Oulonne, Que cette partie de la Harangue de Son Excellence !e Gouverneur-en-Chef, prononcee a l’ou- verture de la presente Session, et qui a rapport aux 1 1 isons et a le u r discipline, et ii. la convenance d’adop- tei quelques methodes plus efficaces q u’il n’en existe a present pour la repression des Crimes, soit referee au dit Comite. Sur Motion de M. Kimber, seconde par M. Pierre- Antome Dorion, Resolu, Que, Vendredi prochain, cette Chambre se L’ Acte des form era en Comite de toute la Chambre, pour conside- s“ r . rer s ll n est pas expedient d’amender 1’Acte de la cin- cons ‘ d ® r ® < quante-cinquihme annee du Regne de George Trois, chapitre dix, concernant la Pension des Miliciens bles- ses. Ordonne, Que M. Kimber ait la permission d ’intro- H' 1 * reiatif au* duire un Bill pour regler la concession des Terres dans pit E J eg mierefois. 18 28° — 30° Odobris . A. 1835, and Seigniories formerly belonging to the Order of Jesuits, and the collection of the Arrears of Cetis et Rentes and Rods et Rentes in the same. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Monday next. Committee on Resolved, That that part of the Speech of His Ex- that partofiiis ce ] | encv the Governor in Chief, delivered atthe open- s pe pch relating of the present Session, “ which suggests the expe- to Grosse-isie. (( t jj enC y indemnifying the Proprietor o i' Grosse Isle “ for its past occupation in the public service, and of “ enabling the Government to obtain possession of it,” be referred to a Committee of five Members, to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Bedard, Mr. Letourneau, Mr. Morin, Mr. Tache and Mr. Tessier do compose the said Committee. les Fiefs et Seigneuries appartenans ci-devant a I’Ordre des Jesuites, et la perception des Arrerages de Cens et Rentes et Lods et Ventes dans iceux. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. Resolu, Que la partie de la Harangue de Son Excel- c a ° r ™'^ s “ r H ^ lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, prononcee a Pouverture rangue de Son de la presente Session, et qui suggere “ la convenance “ d’indemniser le Proprietaire de la Grosse-Ile pour le se he. “ temps qu’elle a ete occupee au service public, et de “ mettle le Gouvernement en etat d'en obtenir posses- “ sion,” soit referee a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diiigence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Bedard, M. Letourneau, M. Mo- rin, M. Tache et M. Tessier composent le dit Comite. Agent’s Bm A Bill for appointing an Agent in the United King- seC ° rd dom of Great Britain and Ireland, was, according to Order, read a second time. Mr. Morin moved, seconded by Mr. Lafontaine, That the said Bill be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Friday next. The House divided on the Question ; and the names being called for, they were taken down, as followeth : Yeas, Messieurs Amiot, Archambeault, Bardy, Barnard, Beaudouin, Bedard, Berthelot, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouc, Bouffard, Boutillier, Caron, Cazeau, Courteau, De Bleury, Deblois, Deligny, De Witt, Jacques Do- rian, Rierre Antoine Dorion, Drolet , Duhord, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Godbout, Grannis, Hebert, Huot, Kimber , Knight, Lafontaine, Larue, Leslie, Letourneau, Meilleur, Methot, Morin, Noel, O'Callaghan, Perrault, Proidx, Raymond, Rocbrune dit Larocque, Rodier, Roy, Scott, Simon, Tache, Antoine Charles Taschereau , Tes- sier, Toomy, Trudel, Vanfelson and Viger, (5G.) Nays, Messieurs Baker, Blackburn, Bowman, Clapham, Gugy, Tower, J Veils and Wood, (8.) So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered, Accordingly. Conformement a POrdre, un Bill pour nommer un Bin pour un Agent dans le Royaume-Uni de la Grande- Bret a gne o. t ^ndefoi^ cTlrlande, a ete lu une seconde fois. M. Morin a propose, seconde par M. Lafontaine, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Vendredi prochain. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question ; et les noms ayant ete demandes, ils ont ete pris comme suit : Pour, Messieurs Amiot, Archambeault, Bardy, Barnard , Beaudouin, Bedard, Berthelot, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouc, Bouffard, Boutillier, Caron, Cazeau, Courteau, De Bleury, Deblois, Deligny, De Witt, Jacques Do- rion, Pierre- Antoine Donon, Drolet, Dubord, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Godbout, Grannis, Hebert, Huot, Kimber, Knight, Lafontaine, Larue, Leslie, Letourneau , Meilleur, Methot, Morin , Noel, O'Callaghan, Perrault, Proulx, Raymond, Rocbrune dit Larocque, Rodier, Roy, Scott, Simon, Tache, Antoine-Charles Taschereau, Tes- sier, Toomy, Trudel, Vanfelson et Viger, (56.) Contre, Messieurs Baker, Blackburn, Bowman, Clapham, Gugy, Power, l Veils et Wood, (8.) Ainsi el le a ete emportee dans 1’Affirmative, et Ordonne, En consequence. Then, on Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Alors, sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Methot, * Methot, . , , „ , The House adjourned till Friday next. La Chambre s est ajournee a Vendredi piochain. Friday, 30th October, 1835. Vendredi, 30 Octobre 1835. Tenders for Printing. Statement of Indemniiy to Members. Contingent Ac- counts. Report on Li- brary. T HE Clerk laid before the House, Tenders by him received for the Printing required for the House ; also, A Statement of Indemnity paid to the Members of the Assembly for their attendance during the Session commencing 7th January and ending 18th March, 1834 ; also, The Contingent Accounts of the House from 1st Ja- nuary to the 31st December, 1834, with amount of arrears due and demands made against the House up to 15th October, 1835 ; also, A Report received from the Librarian of the present state of the Library of the House, pursuant to a standing Order ot the 10th March, ISOS ; also, A E Greffier a inis devant la Chambre des Propo- sitions par lui re 9 ues pour les Impressions re- quises pour la Chambre ; aussi, Un Etat de l’lndemnite par lui payee aux Membres de l’Assemblee pour leur assistance durant la Session commenc£e le 7 Janvier etfiniele 18 Mars 1834 ; aussi, Les Comptes Contingens de la Chambre, depuis le ler Janvier jusqiPau 31 Decembre 1834, avec le mon- tant des arrerages dus et des demandes faites contre la Chambre jusqu’au 15 Octobre 1835 ; aussi, Un Rapport re 5 U du Bibliothecaire, touchant l’etat actuel de la Bibliotheque de la Chambre, conformement aunOrdre permanent du 10 Mars 1802 ; aussi, Un Proposition* pour Impres- sions. Etat de 1’In- demnitfi des Membres. Comptes con- tingent. Rapport sur la Bibliotheque. 6 Will. IV. 30 0 Octobris , 19 clerk's As.i.- A Report relating to his Assistants and Extra- Writers tarns. employed in his Office. Appendix (a.) Eor the two preceding Reports, see Appendix (A.) and (b.) and ^ at t j ie enc j 0 f this Volume. On Motion of Mr. Lqfontaine, seconded by Mr .Pierre Antoine Dorion , Membersadded Ordered, , That two Members be added to the Special on Ke°Tof'cHH- Committee appointed to enquire concerning the Fees of jasLe? oims a . n(1 Emoluments received by the Sheriffs, Prothonota- ries and Criers of the Court of Appeals and of the Courts of King’s Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective offices- Ordered , That Mr. Hnot and Mr. Barnard be added to the said Committee. On Motion of Mr. Perraull, seconded by Mr. Rodier, Muco^rautee,- Ordered , That it be an Instruction to the said Com- mittee to enquire also concerning the Fees and Emolu- ments received by the Attornies, Clerks of the Peace, and by the other Officers of Civil and Criminal Courts of Judicature in this Province, by virtue of Tariffs made by the said Courts, and generally concerning all Fees and Emoluments received by virtue of Tariffs made by the said Courts, either under the seventeenth Section of the Act passed in the forty first year George the Third, Chapter seven, or otherwise. Ordered , That Mr. Perrault be added to the said Committee. Un Rapport concernant ses Assistans et les Ecrivains •Rapport sur leg extraordinaires employes dans son Bureau. Creffi e a r? >du Pour les deux Rapports precedens, voir Appendice Appends (A.) (A.) et (B.) a la fin de ce Volume. et(B ) Sur motion de M. Lafontaine, seconde par M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion , Ordonni, Que deux Membres soient ajoutfe au Mmlr . Comite Special nommc pour senquerir des Honoraires *® s au Comii^ et Revenues per$us en vertu de Jeurs charges respec- Zel'des'oZ tives, par les Sherifs, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Cours *; ler l sdes Cours d’Appel et du Banc du Roi en cette Province. Ordonne, Que M. Huot et M .'Barnard soient ajoutes au dit Comite. Sur motion de M. Perrault , seconde par M. Rodier , nation au Ordonne , Qu’il soit une Instruction au dit Comite ditcom ‘‘e- de s’enquerir aussi des Honoraires et Revenus per- 5 us par les Procureurs, Greffiers de la Paix, et par les autres Officiers des Cours de Judicature Civiles et Criminelles en cette Province, en vertu de Tarifs faits par les dites Cours, et generalement de tous les Honoraires et Revenus per^us en vertu de Tarifs faits par les dites Cours, soit en vertu de la dix-septieme Clause de l’Acte passe dans la quarante-et-unieme annee George Trois, Chapitre sept, soit autrement. Ordonne, Que M. Perrault soit ajoute au dit Comite. Report of Com- Ordered , That the Report of the Commissioners for New°HaTi°o n f the erection of a new Hall of Assembly, presented to Rrr S e™ aly ’’ re ‘ House on the seventh March last, be referred to a Committee of five Members, to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, pa- pers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Vanjelson , Mr. Lafontaine, Mr. Bedard, Mr. Archambeault and Mr. Do Witt do compose the said Committee. Resolu, Que le Rapport des Commissaires pour lerec- Report tion d’une nouvelle Salle des Seances de 1’Assemblee. Cor " missair % presentee a cette Chambre le sept Mars dernier, soit Sa,le fAssem- refere a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire blce,rLfere ‘ rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pou- voir d’envoyer querir, personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Vanfelson, M. Lafontaine, M. Bedard, M. Archambeault et M. De Witt composent le dit Comite. small Causes . Ordered, That Mr . Archambeault have leave to bring Ordonne, Que M. Archambeault ait la permission d’in- BlI1 des Rentes fir'st’timf. lhe a Bill to revive, amend, and continue for a limited troduire un Bill pour remettre en force, amender et Causes, iu ia time, an Act further to provide for the summary trial continuer, pour un terns limite, un Acte pour pourvoir prem,t,L f ° 13, of Small Causes. ulterieurement a la decision sommaire des Petites Causes. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same II a consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete second time on Wednesday next. ordonnee pour Mercredi prochain. On Motion of Mr. Kimber, seconded by Mr. Antoine Charles Taschereau, Commitiee on Ordered, That the Entry in the Journals of this House to^M ! i namin'! March, 1834, containing the Answer of His Excellency the late Governor in Chief to the Address of this House of the 24th February, 1834, relating to grants of lands to the Officers and Militiamen who served du- ring the late War with the United States, be now read. The said Entry was read accordingly. Resolved, That the Answer of His Excellency the late Governor in Chief, of the fth March, 1834, to the Ad- dress of this House of the 24th of February, 1834, relating to grants of lands to the Officers and Militiamen who served during the late War with the United States, be referred to a Committee of seven Members, to take the same into consideration, and report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Kimber, Mr. Letourneau, Mr. Antoine Charles Taschereau, Mr. Wood, Mr. Boutillier , Mr. Blancliet and Mr, Archambeault do compose the said Committee. Sur motion de M. Kimber, seconde par M. Antoine - Charles Taschereau, Ordonne, Que 1’ Entree dans le Journal de cette comits reiatif Chambre, du 5 Mars 1834, contenant la Reponse de x'rrS^ai! 0 Son Excellence le ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef, a 1 'C'ens, l’Adresse de cette Chambre du 24 Fevrier 1834, rela- tivement aux Octrois de Terres aux Officiers et Miliciens qui ont servi dans la derniere Guerre avec les Etats-Unis, soit maintenant lue. La dite Entree a ete lue en consequence. Resolu, Que la Reponse de Son Excellence le ci- devant Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 5 Mars 1834, a l’A- dresse de cette Chambre du 24 Fevrier 1834, relative- ment aux octrois de Terres aux Officiers et Miliciens qui ont servi dans la derniere Guerre avec les Etats- Unis, soit referee a un Comite de sept Membres, pour la prendre en consideration, et faire rapport sur iceile avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’en- voyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Kimber, M. Letourneau, M. An- toine-Charles Taschereau, M. Wood, M. Boutillier , M. Blanche t et M. Archambeault composent le dit Co- mite. Ordered, Ordonne Pillory abolish- ment Bill read the first time. Report of Lists of Members to compose Stand- ing Commit- tees. 20 SO 0 Odobris. A 1835 , Tivtf lYTr Kimber have leave to bring in a Ordonne, Que M. Kimber ait la permission d intro- Bill contre le Bill to abolish the punishment of the Pillory in certain duire un Bill pour abolir la peine du P.lon en certains CaS , t T S : arrnr A inolv presented the said Bill, and the same II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete ■JartfaWSS li .*«> » k - . I- (-* e:-“ « r * ■ •» second time on luesday next. Mr. Morin, from the Special Committee appointed to prepare Lists of Members to compose the Standing Committees of this House, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth :— Your Committee, in conformity to the Ordei of Re- ference, and after mature consideration, have agicedto submit to Your Honorable House, the following Lists of Members thereof to compose the Standing Committees, \iz i First. Standing Committee of Privileges and Elec- tions:— Messieurs Amiot, Berthelot, Besserer, De Bleury, Fortin , Vanfelson, and Vigor. Second. Standing Committee of Grievances : — Messieurs Bedard , Cherrier , Deblois, Gugy, Letourneau, O' Callaghan and Perrault . Third. Standing Committee of Courts of Justice Messieurs Barnard , Caron, Cherrier, Gugy, Lafontaine, Thibaudeau and Vanfelson. Fourth. Standing Committee of Revenue and bi- nance : — Messieurs Bedard, Bessercr, De Jl itt, Iluot , Leslie, Morin and O' Callaghan. Fifth. Standing Committee of Public Accounts : — Messieurs Clapham, De Witt , Dubord, Hotchkiss, Leslie, Raymond and Scott. Sixth. Standing Committee of Education and Schools:— Messieurs Boutillier, Bonffard , Child, Car- dinal, Fraser, Guillet,Girouard, Llebert, LIuot, Meilleur , and Power. Seventh. Standing Committee on Lands and Seig- niorial Rights : — Messieurs Berthelot , Di olet , Gii ouai d, Lafontaine, Lacoste , Melhot and Morin. Eighth. Standing Committee on the Jesuits’ Es- tates*: — Messieurs Barnard, Besserer, Cardinal, De Tonnancour, Kimber, Mousseau and Fieri e FVeai Tasc her eau. . Ninth. Standing Committee of Agriculture : — Messieurs Archambeault, Beaudouin, Bertrand, Cour- ieau, Deligny, Proulx and Wood. Tenth. Standing Committee of Trade ’.—Messieurs Le Boutillier , Roc- Baker, Bowman, Dubord, Leslie Irune dit Larocque and Raymond. Eleventh. Standing Committee of Roads and lub- lic Improvements : — Messieurs Archambeault, Blan- chard, Blanchet, Blackburn, Pierre Antoine Dorion, Rodier, Simon , Thibaudeau, Tache, Antoine Charles Taschereau and Wells. _ i _ Twelfth. Standing Committee of Expiring Laws : — Messieurs LeBleury, Jacques Dorion , Knight, Lai ue, Noel, Picket and Power. Thirteenth. Standing Committee of Private Bills :— Messieurs Bouc, Cazeau, Grannis , Moore , Marquis, Roy and Viger. , . , Fourteenth. Standing Committee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions -.—Messieurs Barely, Boutillier, Blanchet, Caron, Meilleur, Nelson and Tessier. Fifteenth. Standing Committee for the Contingent Accounts and other objects connected with the internal Department of the House of Assembly -.—Messieurs Cote, Godbout , Iluot, Rodier, Toomy, Antoine Charles Taschereau and Trudel. Sixteenth. Standing Committee of Bills engrossed and to be engrossed -.—Messieurs Berthelot, Clapham, De Bleury, Guillet, Lacoste, letourneau and Antoine Charles Taschereau . Ordered, ordomRe pour Mardi prochain. M. Morin, du Comite Special nomme pour preparer Rapport de des Listes de Membres pour former les Comites Perma- ^tesdemem- nens de cette Chambre, a presente a la Chambre le ^de^comi- Rapport du dit Comite ; lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : Votre Comite, conformement a l’Ordre de reference, etapres mure deliberation, est convenu de soumettre a Votre Honorable Chambre, les Listes suivantes de Membres d’icelle, pour former les Comites Peima- nens; savoir : Premier. Comite Permanent des Privileges et Elec- tions ; — Messieurs Amiot, Berthelot, Besserer , De Bleury, Fortin, Vanfelson et Viger. Second. Comite Permanent des Griefs : — Mes- sieurs Bedard, Cherrier, Deblois, Gugy, Letourneau , O'Callaghan et Perrault. Troisieme. Comite Permanent des Coins de Jus- tice :— Messieurs Barnard, Caron, Cherrier, Gugy , Lafontaine, Thibaudeau et V anfelson. Quatrieme. Comile Permanent des Revenus et fi- nances :- — Messieurs Bedard, Besserer, De Witt, Huot, Leslie, Morin et O'Callaghan. CinquRme. Comite Permanent des Comptes Pu- blics :— Messieurs Clapham, DeWitt, Dubord, Hotch- kiss, Leslie, Raymond et Scott. Sixieme. Comite Permanent pour l’Education et les Ecoles : — Messieurs Boutillier, Bouffard, Child, Cardinal, Fraser, Guillet, Girouard, Hebert, Fluot, Meilleur et Forcer. Septieme. Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux :— Messieurs Berthelot, Drolet , Girouard, Lafontaine, Lacoste, Methot et Morin. Huitieme. Comite Permanent pour les Biens des Jesuites: — Messieurs Barnard, Besserer, Cardinal , De Tonnancour, Kimber, Mousseau st Pierre- Elzeai las clicvccLti • Neuvieme. Comite Permanent d’ Agriculture : — Messieurs Archambeault, Beaudouin, Bertrand, Cour - teau . Deligny, Proulx et Wood. Dixieme. Comite Permanent de Cotnmerce : — Messieurs Baker, Bowman, Dubord, Leslie, Le Bou- tillier, Rocbrune dit Larocque et Raymond. Onzieme. Comite Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations Publiques Messieurs Archambeault, Blanchard, Blanchet, Blackburn , Pierre-: Antoine Do- rion, Rodier, Simon, Thibaudeau, Tache, Antoine- Charles Taschereau et Wells. Douzieme. Comite Permanent des Lois expiiantes. Messieurs De Bleury, Jacques Doi ion, Knight, La- rue, Noel, Fickel et Bower. Treizieme. Comite Peimanent des Bills 1 rives :— Messieurs Bouc, Cazeau, Grannis, Moore, Marquis , Roil et Viger. Quatorzieme. Comite Permanent pour les Hojntaux et Institutions de Cliarite :— Messieurs Bardy, Bou- tillier, Blanchet, Caron, Meilleur, Nelson et 'Tessier. Quinzieme. Comite Permanent pour les Depenses Contingentes, et autres ohjets relatifs aux Departe- mens interieurs de la Chambre d’Assemhlee :— Mes- sieurs Cote, Godbout, Huot, Rodier, Toomy, Antoine- Charles Taschereau et Trudel. Seizieme. Comite Permanent desBills gtossoves et etre o-rossoyes : — Messieurs Berthelot, Clapham, De Bleury, Guillet , Lacoste, Letourneau et Antoine -Char- les Taschereau. Urdonne, 6 Will, IV. 30 0 Qctobris . c l\ Ordered, , That the Question of concurrence be now separately put upon each of the said Lists, and that the Members therein named do severally compose the said Committees. And the said Lists being again severally read, and the Question of concurrence being severally put upon each, they were agreed to by the House ; and Resolved , That this House doth concur with the Com- mittee in the said Lists. Ordonne, Que la Question de concours soit mainte- nant separement raise sur chacune des dites Listes, et Com V ^ em ^ reS ^ y sont nomr nes composent les dits Lt les elites Listes ayant ete separement lues de nou- veau, et la Question de concours ayant ete separement raise sur icelles, elles ont ete adoptees par la Cham- bre, et Re so lu, Que cette Chambre concourt avec le Comite dans les dites Listes. Freewill Bap- A Petition of'divers Inhabitants of the Townships of “’“top's stm >>ridge, Dunham , and the Seigniory of*. Armani, gisters. was presented to the House by Mr. Knight, and the same was received and read ; praying an Act to autho- rize the Baptist Ministers in Lower Canada , to solemnize Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, and to keep Records of the same. Resolved, That the said Petition be referred to a Committee ot five Members, to examine the contents thereof and to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Knight, Mr.' Scott, Mr. De Witt, Mr. Wood and Mr. Rodier do compose the said Com- mittee. Une Pelition de divers Habitans des Townships de otanbndge, Dunham, et de la Seigneurie de St.Armand Ba P ,ls,es > p°ur a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Knight, laquelle SSftV&r a etc leijue et lue ; demandant un Acte pour autoriser des lie s ,slres - les Ministres des Baptistes dans le Ras-Canada , a solenmser les liaptemes, Manages et Sepultures, et den temrdes Registres. Resoiu, Que la dite Petition soit referee a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en examiner le contenu et en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Knight, M. Scott, M. De Witt , M. flood e t M. Rodier composent le dit Comite. Census Com- Petition of Joseph Ouellet, of Trois Pistoles, was mou ski e for pay! P resented to the House by Mr. Tache, and the same ac. was received and read ; praying payment of a sum of Seventy one pounds fifteen shillings currency, amount of his account and disbursements in making a Census of the County of Rimouski , in the year 1834, and, also, of the sum of Ninety one pounds seven shillings and sixpence, costs of suit in an action instituted by him for the recovery of the said amount, and other losses sustained by him from the non-payment of said account and costs of suit. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts. Une Petition de Joseph Ouellet, des 2'rois-Pistoles , Petition du a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Tache, laquelle a i? e “cnt du ete re^ue et lue ; demandant le paiement d’une somme dellimouski . de Soixante-et-une livres quinze schdlings courant, mem'de^'on montant de son compte et de ses debourses pour avoir compte * fait le Recensement du Comte de Rimouski , dans Pan- nee ISof, et aussi, de la somme de Quatre-vingt-onze livi es sept schellings et six deniers, frais de poursuite dans une action qu il a intentee pour le recouvrement du dit montant, et autres pertes qu’il a souffertes parle defaut de paiement des dits montant et frais de pour- suite. 1 Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Co- mite Permanent des Comptes Publics. Five Petitions for aid towards .Education and Schools. The following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read, viz : By Mi. Meilleur. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of /’ Assomption ; praying an aid of Five hundred pounds, to complete the building of the Col- lege at V Assomption. By Mr. Huot. — A Petition of the Members of the Permanent Committee of the Education Society of the District of Quebec ; praying an aid of Two hun- dred and eighty pounds, to defray the expenses of the said Society for the year 1835, ami a similar sum to- wards the support of the said Society for the current year. A Petition of Augustus Wolff, a retired School Mas- ter ; praying fora continuation of the Pension of Fif- teen pounds currency, heretofore granted to him, and the payment of Arrears of the same for the years 1834 and 1835. By Mr. Tache. — A Petition of the Reverend Charles Irangois Painchaud, Founder of the College of Sie. Anne de la Pocatiere ; praying an aid of Six hundred pounds currency, to pay off the debts due by the said College. % ^ r * Gu gy—h Petition of the Trustees of the Sherbrooke Academy, and others ; praying an aid in support of the said Academy, and in completing the Building, and for providing an efficient Chemical or Philosophical Apparatus for the said Academy. Ordered, That the five preceding Petitions be re- erred to the Standing Committee of Education and Schools. Vol. — 45. Les Petitions suivantes ont ete presentees a la Cham- bre, lesquelles ont ete re9ues et lues ; savoir : Par M. Meilleur. — Une Petition de divers Habitans du Comte de V Assomption ; demandant une aide de Cinq cents livres, pour parachever Perection du Col- lege de V Assomption. Pai M. JIuot . — Une Petition des Membres du Co- mite Permanent de la Society d Education du District de Quebec ; demandant une aide de Deux cent quatre- vingt livres, pour payer les depenses de la dite Soci£t6 pour Pann6e 1835, et une pareille somme pour le sou- tien de la dite Societe pour Pannee courante. Cinq Petilions pour des aides en faveur de l’Education et des Ecoles. Une Petition d 'Augustus Wolff, Maitre d’Ecole re- tire; demandant la continuation de la Pension de Quinze livres courant, qui lui a ,1 ,1 . * • wards Internal Slid tllG Same Wei6 lTCClVCC. aiKl ICd.l ) viz . Communica- ^ yj r R 0( i\ er , A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Parish ol St. Jacques, County of V Assomption ; pravino- an aid of Two hundred pounds currency, to. wards opening a Road in a direct line from the banks of the River Lac Ouareau to the Church ot the t ansn of St. Jacques and a further aid of One hundred am eighty pounds currency, to complete a Roau from St. Sulpice to the Fief Bailleui. . By Mr. Meilleur. — A Petition of the Inhabitants of tiie County of P Assomption ; praying an aid to defray the expenses of Commissioners to be appointed for the purpose of examining a part of the River l’ Assumption, and reporting thereon ; and a further aid ot Seventy five pounds currency, to rebuild a Bridge over the Ri\ ei St. Esprit. . , A Petition of the Inhabitants Freeholders in the Township of Rawdon-, praying that a sum of money be granted to render the River l Assomption navigab e or Steam Vessels to ply between /’ Assomption and Mon- tE'fsCl L A Petition of the Inhabitants Freeholders in the Townships of Rawdon and Kildare ; praying an aid ot Two hundred pounds, to complete a Road leading from the 5th and 6th Ranges in Kildare through the Core to a place called the forks, in Rawdon. r By Mr. Noel. — A Petition of divers Inhabitants ot the Parish of St. Antoine de Tilly, County of Lolbimere ; praying an aid of One hundred pounds currency, to clear the River Noire. By Mr. Huol. — A Petition of the Militiamen and in- habitants of Deschambault and Grondines ; praying an aid to open a Road from the 4th Concession of Lache- vrotiere to the Township of Alton. A Petition of the Inhabitants of Jacques Cartier, Seigniory ot Ste. Catherine, County of Fortneuf', pray- ing°an aid to erect a Bridge over the River Jacques Car ~ tl CT* r* Bv Mr. Tache. — A Petition of divers Inhabitants of St. Germain , and other places, in the County of Rtmous- Jd - praying an aid of Seven hundred and fifty pounds currency, to build a Bridge over the River klimouslci. By Mr. Girouard.— A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Colomban, County of Two Moun- tains ; praying an aid of Four hundred pounds curren- cy, towards budding a Bridge on the North Rivet. Bv Mr KniMil. — A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Townships of Sutton, Stanbridge and Seigniory ot St. Armand, County of Missisicoui ; praying an aid to open and complete a Road through the lownship o Sutton, being the continuation ot a Road Said out aiu nearly completed in the Township ot Potion. . A Petition of divers Inhabitants ot the lownship of Stanbridge, County of Missisicoui ; praying an aid of Three hundred pounds, to open a Load fiom Lot . • 10 in the 8tli Range of Stanbridge, to Tyke River on Lot No. 19 in the 9th Range, and to build a Bridge ovet Ordered , That the eleven preceding I etitions be in- ferred to the Standing Committee of Roads an;. 1 ublic Improvements. The following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read ; viz . nhe By Mr. Leslie — A Petition of the Mayor and Com- Corporation of mon Council of the City of Montreal ; praying an Act to authorize the Common Council to purchase a certain .Marketplace. • ce G f ground charged with a life rent, lying betwee the beach of the River St. Lawrence arid St- Paul Sued, in the City of Montreal , directly opposite the new Mar- Les Petitions suivarites ont ete presentees a la Cham- pour des aides bre, lesquelles ont ete regies et lues ; savoir CcVitonTm- Par M. Rodier. — Une Petition de divers Habitans tenures, de la Paroisse de St. Jacques, Comte de V Assomption , demandant une aide de Deux cents livres courant, pour ouvrir un Chemin droit, depuis les bords de la RivRre du Lac Ouareau, jusqu’a l’Eglise de la Paroisse de St. Jacques, et une autre aide de Cent quatre-vingt livres courant, pour finir un Chemin depuis St. Sulpice jus- qu’ati Fief Bailleui. Par M. Meilleur.— Une Petition des Habitans du Comte de V Assomption ; demandant une aide pour payer les depenses des Commissaires a etre nommes aux fins d’examiner une partie de la Riviere 1 Assomp- tion, et d’en faire rapport ; et une autre aide de Soix- ante-et-quinze 1 1 v r e s courant, pour jefaire un Pont sur la Riviere St. Esprit. Une Petition des Habitans Francs-tenanciers dans le Township de Rawdon demandant qu’une somme d’argent soit accordee pour rendre la Riviere V Assomp- tion navigable pour des Bateaux a Vapeur entre V As- somption et Montreal. Une Petition des Habitans Francs-tenanciers dans les Townships de Rawdon et Kildare ; demandant une aide de Deux cents livres, pour parachever un Chemin con- duisant des 5e et Ge Rangs dans Kildare , par le Gore, iusqu’a un endroit nomine les Forks, dans Rawdon. Par M. Noel. — Une Petition de divers Habitans de la Paroisse de St. Antoine de Tilly, Comte de Lotbi- niere ; demandant une aide de Cent livres courant, pour nettoyer la Riviere Noire. p al . M. Huot. — Une Petition des Miliciens et Ha- bitans de Deschambeault et des Grondines ; demandant une aide pour ouvrir un Chemin depuis la4e Concession de Lachevroliere jusqu’au Township d’ Alton. Une Petition des Habitans de Jacques Cartier, Sei- o-neurie de Ste. Catherine, Comte de Fortneuf ; deman- dant une aide pour eriger un Pont sur la Kivieie Jacques Cartier. Par M. Tache.— Une Petition de divers Habitans de St. Germain, et autres lieux, Comte de Rimouski ; demandant une aide de Sept cent cinquante livies cou- rant, pour batir un Pont sur la Riviere Rimouski. Par M. Girouard. — Une Petition de divers Habitans de la Paroisse de St. Colomban, Comte du IjUC des Ideux Montagues ; demandant une aide de Quatre cents livres courant, a l’effet de batir un Pont sur la Riviere du A IUr M. Knio-ht.— Une Petition de divers Habitans des Townships°de Sutton, Stanbridge, et de laSeigneune de St. Armand, Comte de Missisicoui ; demandant une aide pour ouvrir et completer un Chemin passant par le Township de Sutton , en continuation d un Chemin trace et presqu’acheve dans le Township de Potion. Une Petition de divers Habitans du lownsmp de Stanbridge , Comte de Missisicoui ; demandant une aide de Troia cents livres, pour ouvrir un Chemin depuis e Lot No. 10, dans le Be Rang de Stanbridge, jusqu a la Riviere Py 'ke sur le Lot No. 19, dans le 9e Rang, et pour batir un Pont su r la Riviere Pyke. Ordonne, Que les onze Petitions precedents soient referees an Comite Permanent des Chemins et des Ame- liorations Publiques. Les Petitions suivantes ont('t<’ presentees :i !a Cham- bre lesquelles ont ete re?ues et lues ; savoir Par M. Leslie— V ne Petition du et du f on- veil de Ville de la Cite de Montreal-, demandant un Momrf.i ,.i. Aete pour autoriser le Conseil de Ville 4 acheter un Emplacement greve de substitution, qu. se trouve entre ■*< M. re ss. laXedufleufe S,. Lauren, et la Rue St. Pan,, dans la Cite de Montreal, au-devant de la 1 lace du Marche, et 6 Will. ll r . 30 u Oclobris, 23 ket place, belonging to the Estate of the late Bazile Proulx , for the purpose of extending and prolonging the said new Market place, and making other improvements thereon ; and also, to empower the said Common Coun- cil to contract a loan of Ten thousand pounds currency, to enable them to make the said purchase and improve- ments, which sum to be hereafter reimbursed out of the Revenue to arise from the said new Market. By Mr - Buot —A Petition of divers Proprietors of the isie du Pads the Common of Isle du Pads ; praying that the Act 3d, "• Will. IV. Cap. S3, intituled, “ An: Act for regulating “ the Common of the Isle du Pads, in the County of “ Berliner be amended, so as to permit the Petitioners to meet any time they may think it convenient, for the purposes of the said Act, and that the duration of the said Act be extended to the 1st May, 1846 Ordered , That the two preceding Petitions be refer- red to the Standing Committee of Private Bills. qui depend de la succession de feu Basile Proulx, atm d agrandir etprolonger la elite place du nouveau Marche, et pour faire d’auties ameliorations sur icelui; et aussi d autoi iser Ie dit Conseil de Ville V contracter un em- P'unt de Dix mille iivres courant, pour le mettre en etat de faire le dit achat et ies dites ameliorations, la- quelle somme sera remboursee a meme le Revenu de ce nouveau Marche. Par M.IIuot . — Une Petition de divers Proprietaires de la Commune de Vile du Pads ; demandant que l’Acte 3e Gitill. IV. Chap. 33, intitule, “Acte pour regler la “ Commune de Vile du Pads , dans le Comte de Ber - “ liner,” soit amende, de maniere a permettre aux Pctitionnaires de s’assembler comme ils le trouveront convenable, pour Ies fins du dit Acte, et que la dur£e du dit Acte soit prolongee jusqu’au premier Mai 1846. Ordonne, Que Ies deux Petitions precedentes soient referees au Comite Permanent des Bills Prives. Petition pour amender i'Acte qui regie la Commune de l’lsle du Pads. Fees of Clerks or Bailiffs in Country Pa- rishes, to be con sidered. On Motion of Mr. Archambeault, seconded by Mr. Rodier, Resolved , That this House will, to-morrow, resolve it- self into a Committee of the whole House to consider the expediency of regulating the Fees of persons em- ployed by Justices of the Peace in the Country Parishes, as Clerks or Bailiffs, in certain cases. Sur Motion de M. Archambeault, seconde par M. Ro- dier , Resolu, Que, demain, cette Chambre se formera en Honoraires dcs Comite de toute la Chambre, afin de prendre en con- HuS s ° U da„, sideration s’il est expedient de fixer les Honoraires des )es Paroissesd e personnes employees par les Juges de Paix dans les Campagnes, comme Greffiers et Huissiers, en certains cas. jurors Bui read Ordered, That Mr. Morin have leave to bring in a 1 me Rdl to regulate the qualification and summoning of Jurors in Civil and Criminal matters. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Monday next. Ordonne, Que M. Morin ait la permission d’introduire Bin d es jures, un Bill pour regler la qualification et sommation des lu la premiere Jures en matieres Civiles et Criminelles. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. On Motion of Mr. Power, seconded by Mr. De Bleury, ZVoZ^r- Resolved, That this House will, on Tuesday next, ed - resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider the expediency of repealing or amending cer- tain parts of the Act passed in the thirty fourth vear of the Reign of His late Majesty George "the Thi rd, inti- tuled, “ An Act for the division of the Province of “ Lower Canada, for amending the Judicature thereof, “ and for repealing certain Laws therein mentioned, ” inasmuch as the same relates to the holding of Inferior Terms of the Courts of King’s Bench for the Districts of Quebec and Montreal. parish and Ordered, That Mr. O'Callaghan have leave to brino- Bin read the a tjill to provide for the nomination and appoint- first lime. ment 0 f Parish and Town Officers within the Seignio- ries and Townships of this Province. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Tuesday next. Sur Motion de M. Power, seconde par M. DeBleury , Resolu, Que, Mardi prochain, cette Chambre Se Acte de Judl- fonnera en Comit6 de toute la Chambre pour prendre consIdif tre en consideration s’il est expedient de rappelerou amen- der certaines parties de i’Acte passe dans la trente-qua- trieme ann£e du Regne de feu Sa Majeste George Trois, intitule, “ Acte qui divise la Province du Bas-Canada * “ qui amende la Judicature d’icelle, et qui rappelle cer- “ taines Lois y mentionnees,” en autant qu'il a rapport a la tenuedes Termes Inferieurs des Corns du Banc du Roi pour les Districts de Quebec et de Montreal. Ordonne, Que M. O'Callaghan ait la permission d’in- Bin P0U r de, troduire un Bill qui pourvoit a felection eta la nomina- ° ffidersde Pa - tion d Officieis des Paroisses et des Villes dans les lilies, iu ia pre- Seigneuries et Townships de cette Province. m,6refois ’ 11 a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Mardi prochain. Sa u ianes°auach- Ordered, That Mr. O'Callaghan have leave to bring went Bui read in a Bill to make the Salaries and Emoluments of Pub- the first j jc Officers liable to attachment at the suit of the Cre- ditors of such Officers. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Tuesday next. Ordonne, Que M. O' Callaghan ait la permission d’in- troduire un Bili pour rendre les Appointemens des Fonc- tionnaires Publics suceptibles d’etre saisis et arretes a la poursuiie de leurs Creanciers. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Mardi prochain. Bill pour ren- dre Ies appoin- temens des Fonctionnaires Publics suscep- tibles d’etre saisis. lu la pre- miere fois. ucfio d ns m B 0 in E ‘ A BiU for the better ens uring the Freedom of Elec- read the second tions by the removal of the Troops from the places in which such Elections are held, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be engrossed. Conformement V 1’Ordre, un Bill pour assurer davan- Biiipouria iu tage la liberty des Elections, en eloignant les Troupes berl6dcs Elec " des lieux ou se font telles Elections, a t-te lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit grossoye. The L’Ordre 24 ’ 30 ° Odobris. A , . 1835 , Ordinance or 25th Geo. 111. Cap. 4, consi- dered ; Resolution re. ported ; Bill relating to Caw Practi- tioners read the first time. Militia Pen- sions Act con- sidered ; Resolution re- ported ; Militia Pen- sions Bill read the first time. Committee on Agent's Bill. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider whether it is expedient to amend in part, the Ordinance passed in the Twenty-fifth year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the Third, Chapter four, intituled, “ An Ordinance concerning Advocates, “ Attorneys, Solicitors and Notaries, and for the more “ easy collection of His Majesty’s Revenues,” being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Raymond took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Raymond reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution, which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is as followed! : Resolved , That it is expedient to amend the Ordi- nance of the twenty fifth year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the Third, Chapter four, intitu- led, “ An Ordinance concerning Advocates, Attorneys, “ Solicitors and Notaries, and for the more easy coi- “ lection of His Majesty's Revenues,” by repealing that part of the said Ordinance which permits persons who have already practised, or have a right to practice, at the Bar as Advocates or Attornies in any Court of Civil Jurisdiction within any part of His Majesty s Do- minions, to he appointed and commissioned, and to obtain leave to practise in any of His Majesty’s Courts of Civil Jurisdiction in this Province, as Advocates, Counsel, Solicitors, Attornies or Legal Practitioners. Ordered, That Mr. Vanfelson have leave to bring in a Bill to repeal certain parts of an Ordinance therein mentioned, concerning persons to he admitted to prac- tise the Law in this Province. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to he read a se- cond time on Monday next. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite pour considerer s’il est expedient d’amender hi. chap. 4, en partie l’Ordor.nance passee dans la vingt-cinquRme anne'e du Regne de feu Sa Majesty George Trois, Cha- pitre quatre, intitulee, “ Ordonnance qui concerne les “ Avocats, Procureurs, Solliciteurs et les Notaires, et “ qui rend plus ais6 le recouvrement des Revenus de Sa “ Majeste,” ay ant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Raymond a pi is le Fauteuil d u Comite ; et apr£s y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Raymond a fait rapport que le Comite avait ^pS." passe une Resolution, laquelle Resolution a ete lue de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Cham- bre ; etelle est comtne suit : Resolu, Qu’il est expedient d’amender 1’Ordonnance de la vingt-cinquieme annee du Regne de feu Sa Ma- jeste George Trois, Chapitre quatre, intitule, “ Ordon- “ nance qui concerne les Avocats, Procureurs, Sollici- “ teurs et les Notaires, et qui rend plus aise le recouvre- « ment des Revenus de Sa Majeste,” en rappelant et revoquant cette partie de la susdite Ordonnance qui permet aux particuliers qui ont deja pratique au Bar- reau, ou ont eu droit d’etre on de pratiquer comme Avocats, on Procureurs dans quelque Cour de Jurisdic- tion Civile dans quelques parties des Domaines de Sa Majeste, d’etre nommes, commissionnes et d’obtenir la permission de pratiquer dans aucune des Cours de Ju- risdiction Civile de Sa Majesty en cette Province ; comme Avocats, Conseils, Solliciteurs, Procureurs ou Praticiens en Loi. Ordonne , Que M. Vanfelson ait la permission d’in- ™J*!en/en a * troduire un Bill pour rappeler certaines parties d’une pre ‘ Ordonnance y mentionnee, qui concerne les personnes qui doivent etre admises a pratiquer la Loi en cette Province. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. The Older of the day for the House in Committee to consider if it would he expedient to amend the Act of the fifty fifth year of the Reign of George the Third, Chapter ten, relating to Pensions to wounded Militiamen, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Archambeault took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr .Archambeault reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution, which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is as followeth : Resolved, That it is expedient to amend the Act of the fifty fifth year of the Reign of George the Third, Chapter ten, relating to Pensions to wounded Militia- men. Ordered, That Mr. Kimber have leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Act of the fifty fifth year of the Reign of George the Third, Chapter ten, relating to the Pen- sions of wounded Militiamen. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to he read a second time on Wednesday next. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en s ^ a d u e x s Comite pour considerer s’il nest pas expedient d’amen- cins, considere. der un Acte de la cinquante-cinquieme annee du R£gne de George Trois, Chapitre dix, concernant la Pension des Miliciens blesses, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Archambeault a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apr£sy avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil; Et M. Archambeault a fait rapport que le Comite Resolution rap- avait passe une Resolution, laquelle Resolution a £te P ° r ‘ LC ' lue de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre; et elle est comme suit: Resolu, Qu’il est expedient d’amender l’Acte de la cinquante-cinquieme annee du Regne de George Trois, chapitre dix, concernant la Pension des Miliciens blesses. Ordonne, Que M. Kimber ait la permission d’intro- Biiuoncernant duire un Bill pour amender l’Acte de la cinquante- Mn,dens° n iu u cinquieme annee du Regne de George Trois, chapitre P remi * re foit ‘ dix, concernant la Pension des Miliciens blesses Ll a en consequence present^ le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete* ordonnee pour Mercredi prochain. The Order of the day for the House in Committee L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en ^TpouTun 6 on the Bill for appointing an Agent in the United Comite sur le Bill pour nommer un Agent dans le Roy- Agent. Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, being read ; aume-Uni de la Grande-Bretagne o . t d Irlande, ayant ° ete lu ; The La 6 Will. IV. 30° 3{° The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Com mittee. Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received to-morrow. Then, on Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded bv Mr. Girouard, The House adjourned. Octobris. La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comtte. M. Bardy a pr is le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; i ^ ar( ^y a . f ait ra Pport que le Comit£ avait passe le y avait fait plusieurs amendemens,dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re 5 U demain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Morin , second^ par M Girouard , r La Chambre s’est ajournee. Saturday , 3\st October , 1835. Samedi, 31 Octobre 1835. viz : — HE following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read, Petition of Freewill Bap- tists to beat- lowed to keep Iiegisters. By Mr. Grannis. — A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Eastern lownships; praying an Act to authorize the Members of the denomination of Christians called Freewill Baptists, to solemnize Marriages and keep Registers of Births, Marriages, Baptisms and Burials. n,versaLt° f to' By Mr. Wells .— A Petition of divers Inhabitants of be allowed to the 1 ownship of Brome, and others ; praying an Act keep Registers. to authorize the Pastors of the class of Christians deno- minated Universalists, to solemnize Baptisms, Mar- riages and Burials, and to keep Registers of the same. Ordered, That the two preceding Petitions be re- ferred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Townships of Stanbridge, Dunham, and the Seigniory of St. Armand. A Member ad- Ordered, That Mr. Hells be added to the said Com- ded lo a Com- mittee. mittee. ES Petitions suivantes ont 6te presentees a la Chambre, lesquelles ont ete recues et lues, sa- voir: — 1 ar Mr. Grannis . — Une Petition de divers Habitans des Townships de l’Est; demandant un Acte pour au- toriser les Ministres de la denomination de Chretiens appeles Freewill Baptists, a solenniser les Marians et tenir des R'egistres des Naissances, Mariages, Bap- temes et Sepultures. 1 Par M. Wells . — Une Petition de divers Habitans du Township de Brome, et autres; demandant un Acte pour autoriser les Pasteurs de la classe de Chretiens denommes Universal istes, a solenniser les Baptemes, Mariages et Sepultures, et a tenir des Registres d’i- ceux. Ordonne , Que les deux Petitions precedentes soient referees au Comite Special auquel a ete referee la Petition de divers Habitans des Townships de Stan- bridge, Dunham et de la Seigneurie de St. Armand. Ordonne, Que Mr. Wells soit ajoute au dit Comite. Petition des Freewill Bap- tists, pour qu’it leur soit per- mis de tenir des Registres. Petition des U- niversalistes pour qu’il leur soit permis de tenir des Regis- tres. Un membre ajoute a un Co- rn ite. Petition of l. A Petition of Louis Boucher , of St. Thomas, was pre- Boucher for re- sen ted to the House by Mr. Kimber, and the same was received and read ; praying an indemnity for injury sustained by him during the last War with the United States of America , while on duty as Captain in the 4th Battalion of the Select and Incorporated Militia, or such other relief as to the House may seem meet. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Answer of His Excellency the late Governor in Chief of the 5th March 1834, to the Address of this House, of the 24th February, 1834, relating to grants of land to the Officers and Militiamen who served during the late War with the United States. Une Petition de Louis Boucher, de St. Thomas, a etc PVt , r presentee a la Chambre par M. Kimber, laquelle a 6te BoucZ P0U r recue et lue; demandant une indemnity pour les dom- unssc0 “ rs - mages qu d a soufferts durant la dernifere Guerre avec les Etats-Unis d’Amerique, pendant qu’il etait en devoir commeCapitaine dansle4e Bataillonde laMilice d’Elite et Incorporee, ou tel autre secours que la Chambre jugera convenable. Ordonne , Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite Special auquel a ete referee la Reponse de Son Excel- lence le ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 5 Mars 1834, a l’Adresse de cette Chambre du 24 Fevrier 1834, relativement aux Octrois de Terres aux Officiers et Mil ic lens qui ont servi dans la dermere Guerre avec les Flats- Unis, Instructions to the Standing Committee of Courts of Jus- tice. On Motion of Mr. Lafontaine, seconded by Mr. Vo felson, Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the Standii Committee of Courts of Justice, to enquire whether would not be expedient to grant an indemnity to pc sons summoned to serve as Jurors in the Courts Justice. Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the said Cot mittee, to enquire whether it would not be expedient amend the Law of Dower either customary or conve tional. Sur Motion de M. Lafontaine, seconde par M. Van - felson, Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction au Comite Per- instructions au manent des Cours de Justice, de s’enquerir s’il ne serait ,? P 0 n T'^ p £. rn,a * pas expedient d accorder une Indemmte aux personnes deJu stice. assignees pour servir comme Jures dans les Cours de Justice. f Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction au dit Comite de s’enquerir s’il ne serait pas expedient d’amender la Loi relative au Douaire, soit coutumier ou prefixe. Mr. I 26 31 ° Octobris. A, 18 35 * Q Mr. Be Bleury moved, seconded by Mr. Vanfelson , That it be an Instruction to the said Committee, to en- quire whether it would not be expedient to pass a Law authorizing His Excellency the Governor in Chief to issue a Commission appointing five Commissioners to be taken from the Bars of Quebec, Montreal and Three Rivers respectively as follows, two from Quebec , two from Montreal , and one from Three Rivers, in order to prepare the draught of a Judicature Law for this l vince, which shall be reported to this House on the first day of the ensuing Session ; with power to the said Commissioners to send for persons, papers and lecorc s. The House divided on the Question : Yeas, 22. Nays, 35. So it passed in the Negative. \ Petition of Edward Holland , Keeper of the Com- m0 „ Gaol of the District of Montreal, was presented to , real for .ndem- g bv Mr. Be Bleury , and the same was received and read ; praying an indemnity for his services as Keeper of that part of the Gaol at Montreal , used as a House of Correction since the year 1829. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts. The following Petitions were presented to the House, Seten Petitions me lunwn r- , i ; for aid towards a qd the same were received and lead, viz. Education and Mr ffr 00 d.—A. Petition of the Inhabitants of the Township and County of Shefford ; praying an aid towards the Shefford Academy. By Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorion. — A Petition of the Visitors of Schools for the County of Champlain , and o the Trustees of the Elementary Schools ot the Parish of Ste. Anne de la Terade ; praying an aid of Seventy five pounds currency, to enlarge a School House near the Church of Ste. Anne de la Terade. By Mr. Raymond.— \ Petition of the Irustees of the first' School District of the Parish of P Assomption ; praying an aid towards a College established at l As- M gy Mr . Bardy. — A Petition of the Trustees ot School No 8 Parish of St. George , County ot Rouville ; pi av- ion' an aid of Twenty three pounds five shillings curren- cy, to defray one half the cost of the erection of a School House in the said Parish of St. George. A Petition of the Trustees of School No. 13, Parish of St. George, County of RouvjUe ; praying an aid of Fourteen pounds sixteen shillings and ten pence half penny currency, to defray one half the cost of the erec- tion of a School House in the said Parish of St. George. By Mr. Grannis — A Petition of the Trustees and Teacher of the School District No. 9, in the township of Barnston ; praying for arrears of Salary to a School Mistress employed to keep a School in the North pait of the School District No 9, in the winter of 1833-4. A Petition of Zadock Thompson, of the Village of Charleston, Township of Hatley ; praying an aid of Se- venty five pounds currency, towards publishing a Geo- graphy and History of the Province of Lower Canada, and also a small Map of said Province, which he has compiled and adapted to the use of Schools. Ordered , That the seven preceding Petitions be re- ferred to the Standing Committee of Education and Schools. A M. Be Bleury a propose, seconde par M. Vanfelson, v^u’ilsoit une Instruction au dit Comite, de s enqueur s’il ne serait pas expedient de passer une Loi, autonsant Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef a emaner une Commission nommant cinq Commissaires pris des Bar- reaux de Quebec, Montreal et. Trois -Rivieres, comme suit: Deux de Quebec, deux de Montreal et un des Trois- Rivieres, aux fins de preparer un Projet de Loi de Judicature pour cette Province, lequel sera rapportfc a cette Chambre le premier jour de la prochaine Session, avec pouvoir aux Hits Commissaires d’envoyer quenr personnes, papiers et records. La Chambre s’est divisee surla Question : Pour, 22. Contre, 35. Ainsi elle a passe dans la Negative. Une Petition d' Edward Holland, Geolier de la Pri- son Commune du District de Montreal, nctepresen- tee a ia Chambre par M. De Bleury, laquelle a ete re- cue et lue ; demandant une indemmte pour ses ser- vices comme Gardien de la partie de la l l ison & Mont- real, dont on se sert comme Maison de Correction de- puis l’annee 1829- . . Ordonne , Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics. Les Petitions suivantes ont ete presentees a la Cham- bre, lesquelles ont ete regues et lues ; savoir : rEducalion'ct Par M. Wood. Une Petition des Habitans du town- des Ecoles. ship et Comte de Shefford ; demandant une aide en faveur de l’Academie de Shefford. , . . Par M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion. Une Petition des Visiteurs d’Ecoles du Comte do Champlain, et des Syn- dics des Ecoles Elementaires de la Paroisse de Ste. Anne de la Terade -, demandant une aide de Soixante- et-quinze livres courant, pour agrandir une Maison d’Ecole pres de l’Eglise de Ste. Anne de la Terade. Par M. Raymond. Une Petition des Syndics du premier Arrondissement des Ecoles de la Paroisse de V Assomption ; demandant une aide en laveur d’un Col- lege etabli a V Assomption. Par M. Bardy. Une Petition des Syndics de lb- cole No. 8, Paroisse de St. George, Comte de Rouville-, demandant une aide de Vingt-trois livres cinq scheL lings courant, pour payer la moitie du cout de la ba- tisse d’une Maison d’Ecole dans la dite Paroisse de St. Une Petition des Syndics de l’Ecole No. 13, Paroisse de St George Comte de Rouville ; demandant une aide de Quatorze livres seize schellings et dixdemers et demi courant, pour payer la moitie du cout de la batisse d’une Maison d’Ecole dans la dite Paroisse de St George. Par M. Grannis. Une Petition des Syndics et Insti- tutes tie 1* Arrondissement d’Ecole No. 9, dans le Township tie Barnston ; demandant les arrerages du Salaire d’une Maitresse d’Ecole, employee pour temr une Ecole dans la partie Nord de 1’ Arrondissement d’Ecole No 9, dans Phiverde 1833-4. Une Petition de Zadoclc Thompson, du Village de Charleston , Township de Hatley ; demandant une aide de Soixante-et-quinze livres courant aux fins de P u ; blier une Geographic et Histoire de la l ro vince du B Canada, et aussi une petite Carte de la dite 1 rovince, n 1 n cnmnilees et adaptees a 1 usage des Ecoles. _ qu’il a compilees et adaptees a 1 usage , . 9 Ordonne, Que les sept Petitions precedentes soient referees au Comite Permanent pour 1 Education et Ecoles. Une 6 Will, IV. 27 31° Octobris. Lands in the A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of guenayl ° f Sa ’ Sa S^nay, was presented to the House by Mr. Tessier, and the same was received and read ^ praying that a certain Tract of Territory in tile County of Saguenay , included in the Lease of the King’s Posts, may be granted in Free and Common Soccage, for the purpose of settling thereon. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. EiRht Petitions The following Petitions were presented to the Hoiisp imernaPcom- an ^ same were received and read ; viz : munications. By Mr. Archambeault. — A Petition of divers Inhabi- tants of the Seigniory of Beaaharnois, and of the Town- ship of Godmanchester ; praying an aid to complete the interrupted line of communication from the Point where a Road terminates in the Seigniory of Beauhar- rnis, to where it resumes at River la Guerre in the Township of Godmanchester. __A Petition of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of Hinchinbrooke, County of Beauharnois ; praiung an aid of Six hundred pounds to make and repair three Roads in the said County of Beauharnois. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Township of Hemming ford ; praying an aid of One thousand two hundred and twenty five pounds, for improving five Roads in the said Township 0 f Hemming ford By Mr. Caron —A Petition of Rene Edouard Caron , Mayoi of the City of Quebec, acting f or and on behalf of the Corporation of the said City ; praying an aid to assist m improving the Streets and Public Sonars in the City of Quebec. By Mr. Pierre Antoine Dor ion,— A Petition of di vers Inhabitants of the Parish of Ste Anne de la P erode • praying an aid to Build a Bridge over the River Ste Anne. By Mr. Huot.—A Petition of divers Inhabitants of tb® lownships of Ixa'wdon and Kildare ; praying an aid of Two hundred pounds currency, to rebuild a Brido-e over the River Blanche , and improve the Road leading therefrom. & By Mr. Kimber.—A Petition of John Pigott, of Que- bec ; representing that he has succeeded in a contri- vance for obtaining power from the waves and undula- tion of water ; and praying that should the subject be deemed worthy of support, the House will enable him to make farther efforts in its behalf. By Mr. Grannis. — A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Township of Hatley ; praying an aid of Five hundred pounds currency, for altering and repairing a Road from Lemuel P. Harvey's in the Township^of Compton , to St anstead Plain. Ordered , That the eight preceding Petitions be re- ferred to the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements. The following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read ; viz : By Mr. Leslie. — A Petition of the Members of the Sanitary Committee of Montreal \ praying that the sum of One thousand three hundred and seventy four pounds eighteen shillings and eight pence currency, actually and truly furnished, advanced and paid by Felix Souligny, Esquire, for Sanitary purposes in the District of Montreal , in the year 1834, may be reim- bursed to him. A Petition of John Anderson, Physician and Surgeon, of the Parish of Lachine ; praying to be indemnified for Professional Services, and Medicines furnished by him, to Indigent Emigrants at Lachine, from the 14th July to the 18th September, 1834, during the preval- ence of the Cholera. ^ By Petition of the Montreal Sani- tary Committee for reimburse- ment of their expenses in 1834. Petition of Dr. Anderson for indemnity for Professional Services, &c. fne Petition de divers Habitans du Comte de Sa- pour guenay, a ete presentee A la Chambre par M. Tessier , idiom's de™ laquelle a ete re^e et lue ; demandant qu’une certaine Sa2ueuay ’ etendue de territoire, dans le Comte de Saguenay , com- prise dans le Bail des Postes du Roi, puisse leur etre accordee en Franc et Commun Soccage, aux fins de s’y etablir. Ordonne , Que la dite Petition soit r? Tenders for Priming ; the Contingent Accounts ; the Statement of indemnity to Members, and other Papers, referred. mon, Ordered, That the Tenders for Printing ; the State- ment of Indemnity paid to the Members of the Assem- bly ; the Contingent Accounts of the House ; the Report of the present State of the Library, and the Clerk’s Report relating to his Assistants and Extra Writers employed in his office, laid before the House, yesterday, be referred to the Standing Committee for the Contingent Accounts, and other objects connected with the internal Department of the House of Assem- bly. On Motion of Mr. Vanfelson, seconded by Mr. La- fontaine , Resolved, That this House will, on Tuesday next, Court of Ap- resolve itself into a Committee of the whole ouse to sidered. consider the expediency o t amending in part the Act passed in the thirty fourth year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the Third, Chapter six, intituled, “ An Act for the division of the Province of Lower “ Canada, for amending the Judicature thereof, and “ for repealing certain Laws therein mentioned,” in so far as the said Act relates to the Constitution of the Provincial Court of Appeals. Bank State- ments ordered. On Motion of Mr. Ixslic, seconded by Mr. Perrault, Resolved, That the President, Vice President and Directors of the Quebec Bank, of the Bank of Montreal, and of the City Bank, be respectively directed to lay before this House, the Statement of the affairs of the said Banks, as required by the Acts of Incorporation. Ordered, That the Clerk of this House do transmit a certified Copy of the said Resolution to the I lesident of each of the said Banks. Ordered, That Mr. Hi/oHiave leave to bring in a Bill Bdi to prevent t nrev eiit the fraudulent seizure and sale of Lands, the frandulent l • 1 • A 1 • v> * * seizure ofLands and other real property within tms Iiovmce. read the first He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time \ and ordered to be lead a se cond time on Tuesday next. Sheriff s Office regulation Bill read the first time. Ordered, That Mr. Huot have leave to bring in a Bill for making certain regulations respecting the Office of Sheriff. He Par M. Caron. Une Petition de Rene Edouard Ca- ron, Mai rede Quebec, agissant pour et au nom de la Corporation de la dite Cite ; priant la Chambre d ac- pomdes^objets corder la somme de Ouze cent neuf livres seize schel- lings et quatre deniers courant, pour mettre la dite issi. Corporation en etatde rembourser pareille somme em- pruntee de la Banque de Quebec, et depensee pour la conservation de la sante publique, en l’annee 1834. , Par M. Besserer. Une Petition des Etudians en Me- Petition pour decine de la C ite de Quebec ; demandant I etablisse- ^ ment d’une Ecole de Medecine, dans la Cit6 de Quebec, Quebec, avec avec Ie droit de couferer des degres en Medecine, etc. ferer des degrfis. Ordonne, Que les quatre Petitions prec^dentes soient referees au Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite. Sur Motion de M. Boutillier, seconde par M. Blun- chct, . , Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction au dit Co mite de J s’enqm rir des moyens de pMvenir a l’avenir Pintroduc- nentpour ies tion du Cholera Asiatique en cette Province. H ° p,tau *' Sur Motion de M. Vanfelson, seconde par M. Si- 7)1011 Ordonne, Que les Propositions pour les Impressions, l’Etat del’ Indemnity pay<§e aux Membres de 1 Assem- ble, les Comptes Contingens de la Chambre, le Hap port de ITtatactuelde la Bibliotheque, etde Rapport du Greffier concernant ses Assistans et les Lcnvains extraordinaires employes dans son Bureau, mis devant la Chambre hier, soient rfferes au Comit6 Permanent pour les Depenses Contingentes, et. autres objets rela- tifs aux Dfpartemens interieursde la Chambre d’ As- semble. Les Proposi- tions pour Im- pressions , les Comptes eon- tingens ; I’ Ltat de iTnricmnite aux Membres, et autres Pa- piers, referes. Sur Motion de M. Vanfelson, seconde par M. Lafon- tame Rdsolu, Que, Mardi prochain, cette Chambre se for- meraen Comite de toute la Chambre pour considerer ree. s’il neseraitpas expedient d’amender en partie, 1 Acte passe clans la trente-quatrieme annee du Regne de feu Sa Majest6 George Trois, Chapitresix, intitule, “Acte “ cjui divise la Province du Bas-Canada, qui amende la “ J udicature d’iceile, et qui rappelle certaines Lois y “ uientiounees,” en autant que le dit Acte a rapport a la constitution de la Cour Provinciate d’ Appel. Sur Motion de M. Leslie, seconde par M. Perrault, Resolu, Que les President, Vice-President et Direc- Etatsdes Ban- teurs de la Banque de Quebec, de la Banque de Mont- rcqu,s ' real, et de la Banque de la Cite, soient respectivement requis de mettre devant cette Chambre, l’Etat des affaires des dites Banques, tel qu’il est exig6 par les Actes d’ Incorporation. Ordonne, Que le Greffier de cette Chambre trans- mette une Copie certifiee de la dite Resolution au Pre- sident de chacune des dites Banques. Ordonne , Que M. Huot ait la permission d’introduire Brnpo^em- un Bill pour empecher les saisies et ventes frauduleuses sies frauduleu- desTerreset autres proprietes reelles dans cette Pro- ^ s , d a es p JS vince. . , fois - 11 a en consequence present^ le dit Bill, lequel a et6 lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Mardi prochain. Ordonne, Que M. Huot ait la permission d’introduire Bill pour regler un Bill pour faire certains reglemens au sujet de 1 Office 1a d p r |- e deSherif. _ rai * refo,s - 6 Will. IV. 29 ■iV Octobris. lie accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was i cad. foi the Hist time ^ du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Biiipourun Bill pour nommer un Agent dans le Royaume-Uni de *, gent ’ rai>por la Grande- Bretagne et d’lrlande, a fait rapport, con- formement a l’Ordre, des Amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite, Iesquels Amendemens ont ete Jus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill tel qu’amende, soit jrros- soye. & R™d m Acts° n The Order of the day for the House in Committee L’Ordre du jour pour que ia Chambre se f nmi p in STthirty sta^veaTof COmi -‘* P ° Ur COnski6ler s ’“ ne serait l> as ^pMient d’a“ George the Third, intituled, “ An Act for making, al- “ tering and repairing the Highways and Bridges in t us Piovince, and for other purposes,” being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Dubord took the Chair of the Committee: and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; £Sf nre - And Mr - Dubord reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution; which Resolution was again lead at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House- and is as followeth : Resolved, That it is expedient to amend and alter the Laws now in force concerning the making and repair- ing of Highways and Bridges in this Province. Bill to amend Ordered, I hat Mr. Huot have leave to bring in a iead E he d fkst Ct to am end a certain Act therein mentioned, and to make further provision for making, altering and repair- ing Highways and Bridges. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to he read a se- cond time on Monday, the ninth November next. ’ The time: pour considerer s’il ne serait pas expedient d’a- ^VedeaChc- mender un Acte passe dans la trente-sixieme annee du m,ns '' Regne de Sa Majeste George Trois, intitule, “ Acte pour faire, reparer et changer les Chemins et Ponts “ dans cette Province, et pour d’autres effets ” ayant ete lu, J La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Dubord a pris le Fauleuil du Comity ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Lt M .Dubord a fait rapport que le Comite avait R6s °iution rap. passe une Resolution, laquelle Resolution a eteluede poruie - nouveau a la I able du Greffier, et adoptee par la Cham- bre ; et el le est comme suit : Resolu , Qu’il est expedient d'amender et changer les Lois maintenant en force qui reglent la confection et leparation des ( hemins et Ponts en cette Province. Ordonne, Que M. Huot ait Ja permission d’introduire biii pourameTi. un Bill pour amender un certain Acte y mentionne, et fler PActe des qui pourvoit a de nouvelles dispositions pour ouvrir, prtmic-re’ foiJ* changer et reparer les grands Chemins et Ponts. II a en consequence presen tele dit Bill, fcquel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Lundi, le neuf Novembre prochain. H L’Ordre 30 3 1° Gctobris — Novembris. A . 1835 . Committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee or Bailiffs in to consider the expediency ot regulating the rees ot I’arishes" persons employed by Justices of the Peace in the Coun- try Parishes, as Clerks or Bailiffs in certain cases, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Meilleur took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Meilleur reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution, which he was directed to sub- mit to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received on Monday next. Then, on Motion of Mr. Archambeault , seconded by Mr. Proulx, The House adjourned till Monday next. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite afin de prendre en consideration s’il est expe- dient de fixer les Honoraires des personnes employees par les Juges de Paix dans les Campagnes, commc Greffierset Huissiers, en certains cas, ayantetelu, La Chambre s’cst en consequence forinee en le dit Comite. M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. 1’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Meilleur a fait rapport que le Comite avait pass6 line Resolution, qu’il avait ordre de soumettre a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit regu Lundi prochain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Archambeault, seconde par M. Prouhr , La Chambre s’est ajournee a Lundi prochain. Monday , 2nd November, 1835. Lundi, 2 Novembre 1835. Insolvent Deb- tors Bill read the first time. O RDERED, That Mr. Scot l have leave to bring in a Bill to afford relief during a limited time, to In- solvent Debtors. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow. |7t DONNE’, Que M. Scott ait la permission d’in- troduire un Bill pour le soulagement, pendant un temps limits, des Debitcurs insolvables. II a consequence presente le dit Bill, lcquel a ete hi pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a etc ordonnee pour demain. thcNouHai* 16 Ordered, That Mr. Girouard have leave to bring in a Profession read Bill to regulate the Notarial Profession, the first nme. jj e accor( ji n gly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Friday next. Ordonne, Que M. Girouard ait la permission d’intro- duire un Bill pour ^organisation du Notariat. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel aetd hi pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Vendredi prochain. On Motion of Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Pcrrault, iiepnnting on Resolved, That this House will, to-morrow, resolve sututeTmbe itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consi- considered. del’ whether it is not expedient to reprint the Provincial Statutes, Laws and Ordinances now in force in this Province. Sur Motion de M. Scott, seconde par M. Pcrrault, Resolu, Que, demain, cctte Chambre se formera en Comite de toute la Chambre, pour considerer s’il n’est pas expedient de reimprimer les Statuts Provinciaux, Lois et Ordonnances maintenant en force en cettc Pro- vince. Mr. Tache presented to the House the Report of the «o ep ste. re Anne Reverend Charles Francois Painchaud, Founder anti coHege. Superior of the College of Ste. Anne de la Pocaliere. Appendix (c ) For the said Report, see Appendix (C.) at the end of this Volume. M. Tache a presente la Chambre le Rapport de Messire Charles- Francois Painchaud, Fondateur et Su- perieur du College de Ste. Anne de la Pocaliere . Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (C.) a la fin de ce Volume. Petition of the A Petition of the President and Directors of the clmpany^or™ Welland Canal Company, was presented to the House aid. by Mr. O'Callaghan , and the same was received and read ; praying a further aid for the completion of the Welland Canal. Resolved, That the said Petition be referred to a Committee of seven Members, to examine the contents thereof, and to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered , That Mr. & Callaghan, Mr. Archambeault, Mr. Leslie, Mr. De Witt, Mr. Girouard, Mr. Perrault , and Mr. Wells do compose the said Committee. Une Petition du President et des Directeurs de la Compagnie du Canal de Welland a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. O'Callaghan, laquelle a ete reguc et lue ; demandant une nouvelle aide pour l’achevement du Canal c!e Welland. Resolu, Que la dite Petition soit referee a un Comite de sept Membres, pour en examiner le contenu et en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papierset records. Ordonne, Que M. O' Callaghan, M. Archambeault, M. Leslie , M. De Witt, M. Girouard, M. Perrault et M. Wells coir.posent le dit Comite. six Petitions The following Petitions were presented to the House, for aid towards , ,, ° • 1 1 1 • Education and and the same were received and read ; viz : — Schools. By Mr. Bontillier. — A Petition of Laurent Bedard, of St. Hyacinthe ; praying the House to grant him the sum of Fifty pounds currency, for having kept the only School in the County of St. Hyacinthe, from the 15th May, 1834, to 15th May, 1835, wherein was taught Grammar, Les Petitions suivantes out ete presentees a la Cham- bre, lesquelles out ete recues et lues ; savoir : — Par M. Boutillier . Une Petition de Laurent Bedard , de St. Hyacinthe ; pl iant la Chambre de lui accorder la somme de cinquante livres courant, pour avoir tenu la seule Ecole dans le Comte de St. Hyacinthe, depuis le 15 Mai 1834, jusqu’au 15 Mai 1835, ouetaient ensei- Comite sur les Honoraires des Greffiers on Huissiers dans les Paroisses de Campagne. Bill en faveur des Debiteurs insolvables, In Ja premiere fois Bill pour I’or- ganisation du Notariat, lu la premiere fois. Reimpression des Siatuts Pro- vinciaux, a etre consideree . Rapport relatif an College de Ste. Anne. Appendice (C.) Petition de la Compagnie du Canal de Wel- land, pour ur.e aide. Six Petitions pour des aide en faveur de l'Education e des E coles. Address for Communica- tions respcctin. Air. Justice Gale. 6 Will, IV. Novcmhris . SI Grammar, English, French, Geometry and Book-Keep- mg, m such otliei sum as the 1 louse may deem pro- per. By Mr. Child. — A Petition of the Trustees o£ Char- leston Academy ; praying an aid of Two hundred cur- rency, towards defraying the expenses of the said Academy for the current year, A Petition from School Trustees for the Parish of St. Cesaire ; complaining that the Government allow- ance due to the School Pistrict, No. G, in the Parish of St. Cesaire, for the six months ending 15th Novem- ber, 1S33, has never been received by the Petitioners to enable them to pay the School Masters of the said District, No. G ; and praying the House to cause en- quiry to be made on the subject, and to afford such relief to the Petitioners as to the House shall seem tit and just. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Township of Potton ; praying that the said Township may be divi- ded into School Districts, and that they may receive a just proportion of the appropriation for Schools for the County of Stanstead, agreeably to their population. By Mr. Wood — A Petition of James Dougherty, Principal of Shejjord Academy ; praying for a remune- ration for his past services in the said Academv. By Mr. De If itt. — A Petition of the Treasurer, Se- cretary and Members of the Committee of the Montreal Infant School Society ; praying an aid to purchase a lot of ground and erect a Building thereon, for the pur- pose of affording instruction to infant children. Ordered, I hat the six preceding Petitions be referred to the Standing Committee of Education and Schools. gnees les Grammaires Anglaise et Francaise, la Geo- metiie et la tenue des Livres de Comptes, on telle antic somme que la Chambre pourra juger convenable far M. Child. Une Petition des Svndics de P Aca- demic de Charleston ; demandant une aide de Deux cents livres courant, pour payer les depenses dc la dite Academie, pour l’annee courante. Une Petition des Syndics d’Ecoles de la Paroisse de St. Cesaire-, se plaignant que Pallocation du Gouver- nement a 1’Ecole de l’Arrondissement No. 6, dans la Paroisse de St. Cesaire, pour les six mois finis le 15 Novembre 1833, n’a jamais ete re 5 ue par les Petition- naires pour les mettre en etat de payer les Maitres d Ecoles du dit Arrondissement No. G ; et priant la Chambre de vouloir ordonner une Enquete ace sujet, et de donner aux PTitionnaires tels secours qu’elle iu- gera convenable. 1 J Une Petition de divers Habifans du Township de Potton ; demandant que le dit Township soit divise en Arrondissemens d’Ecoles et qu’ils puissent recevoir une part raisonnable des deniers votes pour les Ecoles du Comt6 de Stanstead, selon leur population. Par M .Wood. Une Petition de James Dougherty, Principal de 1 Academie de Shefford ; demandant une remuneration pour ses services passes dans la dite Aca- demie. I ^ WilC Une Petition du Tresorier, du Secretaire et des Membres du Comite de la Societe de l’Ecoie des Enfans de Montreal ; demandant une aide, pour acheter un Emplacement et y (Tiger une Batisse, aux fins de donner l’instruction aux Enfans. r Ordonne , Que les six Petitions pr£c£dentes soient re- ferees au Comite Permanent pour 1’Education et les Ecoles. Mr. O'Callaghan moved to resolve, seconded by Mr. Per vault, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying His Excel- lency to inform this House if he has any Instruction from His Majesty’s Ministers in answer to the com- plaint contained in the Petition of this House to His Most Gracious Majesty, during the last Session of this Provincial Parliament, in terms following, to wit : “ That even the sacred character of Justice has been “ recently polluted in its source by the appointing to “ tIie high Office of Judge of the King’s Bench for “ the District of Montreal, a man who was a violent “ and decided partizan of the Administration of the “ Earl of Dalhousie, and the declared enemy of the “ Laws which he is sworn to administer And that he may be further pleased to convey to this House, Co- pies of all Communications which may have been made through or by the late Governor in Chief to the Colonial Office, and Copies of Documents accompanying the same in relation to or bearing upon the nomination of Samuel Gale, Esquire, to the Office of Judge of the King’s Bench for the District of Montreal, and, also. Copies of all Communications or Despatches received from the Colonial Office by the Governor of this Pro- vince on the same subject. The House divided on the Question ; and the names being called for, they were taken down, as foiloweth : Yeas, Messieurs Amiot, Bardy, Barnard, Bedard, Berthe/ot, Bes- serer, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouc, Bouffard, Boutillier, Caron, Child, Clapham, Deligny, De Witt, Jacques Dorion, Pierre Antoine Dorion, Dubord, Fortin, Girouard, Grannis, Hebert, IIuol, Kimber , A night, La/bntaine, Larue, Leslie, Letourneau, Meilleur, Morin, O' Callaghan, Per vault, Picket, Proulx, Ray- mond, M. O'Callaghan a propose de resoudre, second^ par M. Perrault, Qu il soit presente une humble Adressea Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Excellence d'informer cette Chambre s’il a recu au- cune Instruction des Ministres de Sa Majeste,'en rC ponse^i la plainte contenue dans la Petition de cette Cham ore a Sa Tres-Gracieuse Majeste, pendant la der- niere Session du present Parlement Provincial, et qui ctait dans les termes suivans ; savoir : “ Que meme le caractere sacre de la justice a de nouveau recem- “ ment T6 souille dans sa source par l’appel a la haute “ function de Juge du Banc du Roi pour le District de “ Montreal, d’un partisan violent et prononce de 1’ad- “ ministration du Comte de Dalhousie, et d’un en- nerni declare des Lois qu’il a jure d’administrer.” Et qu’il lui plaise en outre de transmettrea cette Chambre, des Copies de toutes les Communications qui peuvent avoir etc ^envoyees par le ci-devant Gouverneur-en- Chel au Bureau Colonial, et des Copies ct des Docu- mens qui les accompagnaient relativement ou ayant rapport a la nomination de Samuel Gale, Ecuyer, a la cliaige dc Juge du Banc du Roi pour le District de Monh cal -, et aussi, des Copies de toutes les Commu- nications ou Depeches du Bureau Colonial, re 9 uespar le Gouverneurde cette Province sur le meme sujet. La Giambi e s est divisee sur la Question ; et les noms ayant etc demandes, ils ont ete pris comme suit : Pour, Messieurs Amiot, Bardy, Barnard, Bedard, Berthelot , Bes- serer, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouc, Bouffard, Boutillier, Ca- ron, Child, Clapham , Deligny, De Witt, Jacques Dorion, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Dubord, Fortin, Girouard, Grannis, Hebert, Huot, Kimber, Knight. Lafontaine, Larue, Ijeslie, Le- tourneau, Meilleur, Morin, O'Callaghan, Perrault, Picket, Proulx, Adresse pour des Communr lions au sujet de M. le Juge Gale. 2 ° Novcmbris , A . 1835 . 32 mond, Rocbrune dit Larocque, Rodier, Roy, Scott, Simon, Taclie, Tessier, Thibaudeau, Toomy, Trudel , Vanfelson and Viger. (49.) Nays, Messieurs Baker, Blackburn, Bowman, Gugy, Moore, Power, Wells and Wood. (8.) So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved, Accordingly. Ordered, That Mr. O'Callaghan, Mr. Perraull, Mr. Girouard and Mr. De Wilt do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. Proulx, Raymond, Rocbrune dit Baroque, Rodier, Roy, Scott, Simon, Taclie, Tessier, Thibaudeau, Toomy, Trudel, Vanfelson et Viger. (49.) Contre, Messieurs Baker, Blackburn, Bowman, Gugy, Moore, Power, Wells et Wood. (8.) Ainsi elle a 6t6 cmport6e dans 1’ Affirmative, et Resolu, En consequence. Ordonne, Que M. O'Callaghan, M. Perraull , M. Gi- rouard et M. De Witt presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Address for Communica- tions respecting Mr. Justice Kerr. On Motion of Mr. Gugy, seconded by Mr. Lafontaine, Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that His Excellency will be pleased to cause to be laid be- fore this House, Copies of any Communications which may have been received by the Colonial Authorities from His Majesty’s Government, relative to the charges preferred by this House against the Honorable James Kerr. Ordered, That Mr. Gugy, Mr. Lafontaine, Mr. Leslie and Mr. Wells do present the said Address to llis Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief. Sur Motion de M. Gugy, seconde par M. Lafontaine , Resolu, Qu'il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant qu’il plaise a Son Excellence de faire transmettre a cette Chambre, des Copies de toutes Communications qui peuvent avoir etc recues par les Autorites Coloniales du Gouvernement de Sa Majesffi, relativement aux accusations porffies par cette Chambre contre l’Hono- rable Janies Kerr. Ordonne, Que M. Gugy, M. Lafontaine, M. Leslie et M. Wells presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. seamens’ Wa Ordered, That Mr. Power have leave to bring in a ges Bill read Bill to provide less expensive means for the recovery of the fust nme \y a g esc | ue t 0 Seamen of Vessels belonging to or re- gistered in this Province. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Friday next. Ordonne, Que M. Power ait la permission d’intro- duire un Bill qui pourvoit a recouvrer avec moins de frais les Gages dus aux Equipages de Vaisseaux appar- tenans a on enr6gistr6s dans cette Province. II a en cons6quenee pr6sente le dit Bill, lequel a 6te lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a et6 ordomffe pour Vendredi prochain. Fees or clerks The ^ i c ^ er of the day for receiving the Report of the or Bailiffs de- Committee of the whole House to consider the expedi- ency of regulating the Fees of persons employed by Justices of the Peace in the country Parishes as Clerks or Bailiffs in certain cases, being read; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. L'Ordre du jour pour la reception du Rapport du Comite de toute la Chambre, afin de prendre en con- sideration s’il est expedient de fixer les Honoraires des personnes employees par les JugesdePaix dans les Campagnes, comme Greffiers et Huissiers en certains cas, ayant et6 lu, Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. „ .. . „ The Order of day for the second reading of the Bill gregations Bui to repeal an Act passed in the tenth and eleventh years of His late Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “ An Act for “ the relief of certain Religious Congregations therein “ mentioned,” and to make other Legislative provision in the place thereof, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. L'Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour r6voquer un Acte pass6 dans les dixieme et onzieme anuses du Regne de feu Sa Majesty, intitule, “ Acte “ pour le secours de certaines Congregations Reli- “ gieuses y mentionn6es,” et pour faire d’autres dis- positions legislatives au lieu d'icelui, ayant cte lu, Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. Jesuits Estates The Order of the day for the second reading of the Bin deferred, BP] regulate the concession of Lands in the Fiefs and Seigniories formerly belonging to the Order of Jesuits, and the collection of the Arrears of Cens et Rentes and Lods el Ventes in the same, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour r6gler la Concession des Terres dans les Fiefs et Sei- gneuries appurtenant ci-devant a l’Ordre des J6suites, et la perception des arrerages de Cens et Rentes et Lods et Ventes dans iceux, ayant ete lu, Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis k de- main. jurors Bin de- The Order of the day for the second reading of the Bill to regulate the qualification and summoning of Jurors in Civil and Criminal matters, being read; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour regjer la Qualification et sommation des Jur6s en ina- titires Civiles et Criminelles, ayant 06 lu, Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. Law pracj|don. Xhe Order of the day for the second reading of the *ed. 1 ctr Bill to repeal certain parts of an Ordinance therein mentioned, concerning persons to be admitted to prac- tice the Law in this Province, being read; L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour rappeler certaines parties d’une Ordonnance y mentionn6e, qui concerne les personnes qui doivent etre admises a pratiquer la Loi en cette Province, ayant 6te lu, Adresse pour des Communi- cations au su- jet de M. le Juge Kerr, Bill relalif aux Gages des !Ma- telots, lu la pre- miere fois. Honoraires des Greffiers et Huissiers. Bill pour des Congregations i religieuses, re- mis. Bill relatif aux Biens des Je- i suites, remis. Bill des Jures, remis. Bill relalif aux Praticiens en loi remis. Ordered Ordonne, 6 Will, IV. 2 ° — ■ 3 ° Novembris . S3 Ot dered, A liul the said Order of the duv be nnsf a,, j ' i . , poned till to-morrow. ^ ^ ' Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. Vi"er, n ’ ° n M ° ti0n ° f Vanfek ° n ’ ““ * *>• _ Alors, sur Motion de M. Vanfelson, second^ par M. The House adjourned. \ er, r . , ■La Chambre s est ajourn^e. Tuesday , 3rd November, 1 835. Beauharnois Hoads Report, M R. Archambeault presented to the House the Re- port of the Commissioners of Roads for the County of Beauharnois. Appendix ( d.) For the said Report, see Appendix (D.) at the end otthis Volume. Mardi, 3 Novembre 18 35. M Archambeault a pnSsentd 4 la Chambre le Rap- R. PP « „„ ® port des Commissaires des Chemins pour le £l e T* de Comte de Beauharnois . 1 B,,uharnOB - Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (D.) k la fin A PP endice(D.) cle ce Volume. Accounts un- der the Acts for the relief of Parishes in dis- tress. Appendix (E.) Montreal Har- bour Commis- sioners Report. Appendix (F.) Mr. Morin laid before the House two Accounts ren- tt? Cure ° f SL Gervais > in virtue of the Acts 4th Will. IV. cap. 1 and 3. Mr. Tache laid before the House, a Report of the Cure of Riviere Ouelle, accompanied by two Accounts of the Church Wardens of the said Parish, in virtue of the said Acts. Mr. Marquis laid before the House, an Account ren- dered by the Cure and Church Wardens of St. Andre and also, one by the Cure and Church Wardens of St. Pascal de KamourasJca, in virtue of the aforesaid Acts. for the said Accounts, see Appendix (E.) at the end of this Volume. Mr. Gugy presented to the House the Report of the Commissioners for the improvement and enlargement of the Harbour of Montreal. For the said Report, see Appendix (F.) at the end ot this Volume. I »bUUII des Paroisses en detress#. £?*&£ a P A 7 P fi tio " of th f Inhabitants of the Suburb of St. st. e ch a h ;Ses Klver f M of was presented to the House by Mr. J anfelson, and the same was received and read* praying for leave to build a free Bridge over the River St. Charles, unless the present proprietors of Dorchester Bridge should make their Bridge a free one, on re- ceiving from the Petitioners the amount for which they could build a new Bridge. J Resolved , "Ihat the said Petition be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to examine the contents there- of and to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. 7 anfelson, Mr. Besserer , Mr. Blanchet , Mr. Dubord and Mr. Simon do compose the said Committee. £?ft£ a A Potion of divers Inhabitants of the County of over .he "River Montmorency, was presented to the House by Mr Be- St. Charles. Jard, and the same was received and read j praying for leave to build a free Bridge over the River St. Charles. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Special Committee to whom is referred the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Suburb of St. Roch, of the City of Quebec. J „ A Petition of tlle Reverend Patrick McMahon, and r f h St b Pa o ick ’ s i ers ’ Was P resent ed to the House by Mr. Caron, and bec? rc ’ UL the same was received and read ; praying that they and then successors may be incorporated for the purpose of holding Lands in trust for the religious uses of the Vol._ 45. Congregation M. Morin a mis devant la Chambre deux Comntes c™™. 2 end us par le Cur6 de St. Gervais , en vertu des Actes vertu de* Acte# 4e Guill. IV. Chap. 1 et 3. P° u i Ie secour* r T a i ht »- - ls l evant la Chambre un Rapport du Cur6 de la Riviere Ouelle, accompagn6 de deux Comp- os des Act? U1 de ^ ditG Paroisse ’ en vertu des M. Marquis a mis devant la Chambre un Compte rendu par le Cur6 et les Marguilliers de St. Andre et aussi un autre par le Cur 6 et les Marguilliers de' St. 1 ascot de KamourasJca, en vertu des susdits Actes. Pour les dits Comptes, voir Appendice (E.) a la fin A PP« n dice(E.j de ce Volume. M. Gugy a pr^sente a la Chambre le Rapport des R *pp° rf de» Commissaires pour l’am^lioration et agrandissement SaSdT du Havre de Montreal. Montreal. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (F.) a la fin de A PP endic#( f.; ce Volume. in rsA deS ^ abltans du Faubourg St. Roch de Petition pour Ja Cite de Quebec a £t6 pr^sentde a la Chambre par M un , Po n- , - i . bre Vanfelson \ aquelle a^iUuu etlue; demandant la perl E&3?" mission de batir un Pont libre sur la Riviere St. Charles a moms que les Propri^taires actuels du Pont Dorches- ter ne rendent leur Pont public, en par eux, recevant des retitionnaires le montant pour lequel ceux-ci peu- vent faire construire un Pont nouveau. 1 Resolu, Que la dite Petition soit r6f6r6e a un Co- mne de cinq Membres, pour en examiner le contenu et en taire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d envoyer qu6rir personnes, papiers et A CCUI Uo» Ordonne, Que M. Vanfelson, M. Besserer, M. Blan- chet, M. Dubord et M. Simon composent le dit Co- mite. Une Petition de divers Habitans du Comt£ de Mont - Petition poQ r morency a tt€ presentee a la Chambre par M. Bedard, Pont R ! ib ^ e laquelle a dt6 refue et lue ; demandant la permission S‘-Chari#r rc de batn* un Pont libre sur Ja Rivi&re St. Charles. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit r£f° Novemlns. A. 1 835. Petition of J.B. Miville De- cheoe for in- emnity. Petition of the Clerk on the Montreal East Ward Election Commission. Petition of two Commission- ers on the Mon- treal East Ward Election. Petition of Ro- bert Hoyle for increase of Sa- lary. ?A< Congregation of Roman Catholics of Quebec speaking the English language, the whole to a yearly value not exceedin' 3 ' Two thousand pounds stcilmg. Resolved That the said Petition be referred to a Committee of five Members, to examine the contents thereof and to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Caron, Mr. O'Callaghan, Mi. Girouard, Mr. Berthelot and Mr. Bcssercr do compose the said Committee. The following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read, viz . By Mr. Morin. — A Petition of Jean Baptiste Miville de Chene , of the Parish of l’ Islet *, praying to be indem- nified for the loss of lus Schooner in lbl6, while em- ployed in transporting Provisions from Quebec, destined for the relief of the poor in the Parish of Rmouski. A Petition of Pierre Auguste Weilbrenner Notary of Montreal-, praying payment of the sum of 1 wenty seven pounds nine shillings currency, amount of his Account as Clerk to the ^Commissioners » receive Evidence on the Contested Election of Olivier Berihelet , Esquire, for the East Ward of the City of M A Petition of Andre Jobin and Guillaume Descham - beault of Montreal-, praying payment of then respec- Uve Accounts, amounting to Thirty two pounds five shillings each, as two of the Commissioners appointed to receive Evidence on the Contested Election of Berthelet , Esquire, for the East Ward of the City of ^ByMr. Child.— A. Petition of Robert Hoyle, Collec- tor of the Customs at the Port of Stanstead ; repre- senting that the income allowed him is quite insufficient for the support of the respectability of his situation as Collector, and to compensate the laborious am icq sable duties he is bound to perfoim. . . , Ordered, That the four preceding Petitions be re- ferred to the Standing Committee of 1 ubhc Accounts. la Congregation des Catholiques-Komains de Quebec, aa i parleitt la Langue Anglaise, le tout a un montant annuel qui n’excddera pas Deux milles livres sterling. Resolu, Que la dite Petition soit referee a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en examiner le contenu et en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et iwons. Ordonne, Que M. Caron, M. O'Callaghan, M. Gi- rouard, M. Berthelot et M. Besserer composent le dit Comite. Les Petitions suivantes ont ete presentees ala Cham- bre, lesquelles ont ete regies et lues j savoir : Par M. Morin . — Une Petition de Jean- Baptiste Mi- ville de Chene, de la Paroisse de V Islet ; demandant a etre indemnise de la perte de son Batiment, en lblb, durant qu’il etait employe a transporter des Provisions de Quebec, destinees pour le secours des pauvres dans la Paroisse de Rimouski. Une Petition de Pierre- Auguste Weilbrenner, No- taire, de Montreal j demandant le paiement de la somme de Vino-t-sept livres neuf schellings courant, montant de son compte comme Greffier des Commissaires nom- mes pour prendre des Temoignages sur Election con- testee d 'Olivier Berthelet , Ecuyer, pour le Quartier Est do Montreal. ^ ... 7 Une Petition A' Andre Jobin et Guillaume Descham- bault, de Montreal ; demandant le paiement de leurs comptes respectifs, se montant a Trente-deux livres cinq schellings chacun, comme deux des Commissaires nommes pour prendre des Temoignages sur 1 Election contestee d 'Olivier Berthelet, Ecuyer, pour le Quartier Est de la Cite de Montreal. Par M. Child . — Une Petition de Robert Hoyle, Col- lecteur des Douanes au Port de Stanstead ; exposant, one le salaire qui luiest alloue est tout-a-fait insufhsant pour le maintien de la respectability de son Office comme Collecteur, et pour compenser la responsabihte et les devoirs laborieux attaches a la situation qu’il a a rempln. Ordonne, Quelesquatre Petitions precedents soient r yferees au Comite Permanent des Comptes 1 ublics. Petition de J. B. altville De- chdr.e, pour une indemnity. Petition du Greffier de la commission sur ) ’election du Quartier Est de Montreal. Petition de deux des Gref- flers de laCom- mission sur l’e- lection du Quartier Quest de Montreal. Petition de Ro- bert Hoyle, pour augmen- tation de sa- laire. Five Petitions for aid towards Education and Schools. The following Petitions were presented to the House, nnt \ thp same were received and read : viz: By Mr. Taclie.— A Petition of John Slevm , Teacher of the School District No. 1, Parish des Eboulemens ; frayin- to be allowed the sum of Fifty pounds cur- rency .tor having kept a Superior School in the County °* Leslie.- A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the City and District of Montreal ; praying for an aid towards the expenses of the British and Canadian School Society in Montreal for the ending y^ai and to enable the said Society to pay off a Debt they have incurred for the purchase of two lots of ground on which their Schoolhouse is erected. A Petition of the Reverend Alexander Gale, of the Town of Hamilton, Province of Upper Canada ; pray- ing for fifteen months arrears of Salary Jtom the 1 April, 1832, as Master of the School at Machine under the superintendance of the Board of the Roya ns i- tution for the Advancement of Learning, at the iate o r °By Uv^CIM— A Petition of the Trustees of Slan- stead Seminary ; praying an aid of Two hundred pounds towards the support of the said Seminal y. By Mr. Too^.-A Petition of the rrustees oMhe Elementary School No. 1, for the Townships ol II '-en- dover and Simpson j praying the House to sum of Twenty pounds currency, to pay twelve months Les Petitions suivantes ont ete presentees a la Cham- CJJ raw™, bre. lesquelles ont M recues et lues ; savoir : Par M. Tache . — Une Petition d eJohn Slevm, IVJaitie det e C oRs. d’Ecole de l’arrondissement No. 1, Paroisse des Ebou- lemens', demandant que la somme de Cinquante livres courant lui soit accordCe, pour avoir tenu la meilleuie Ecole dans le Comte de Saguenay Par Ad. Leslie . — Une Petition de divers Habitans de la Cite et District de Montreal ; demandant une aide, pour les depenses de la Soci4te de 1’Ecole Britannique et Canadienne a Montreal, pour Pannee courante, et pour mettre la dite Soci6te en etat d’acquitter une dette (tu’ils ont contractye clans l’achat de deux Lots tie tone sur lesquels leur maison d’Ecole est bade. Une Petition du Reverend Alexander Gale, de la Yille de Hamilton, Province du Haut- Canada j deman- dant les arrerages de quinze mois de Salaire, depuis le ler Avril 1832, comme Maitre d'Ecole a Lachine, sous la surintendance du Bureau de l’lnstitution Royale pour l’avancement des connaissanees, a raison de Qua- rante livres par annee. „ .. Par M- Child - — Une Petition des Syndics du Semi- naire de Stanstead j demandant une aide de Deux cents livres pour le soutien du dit Seminaiie. Par M. Toomy. — Une Petition des Syndics de 1’Ecole Elementaire No. l,des Townships de If endovo et Simpson ; priantlaChambre de leur accorderlasomme de Vingt livres courant, pour payer douze mois d ar- 0 r6rages 6 Wifi. IV. 8 ° IVovcm/tris. o.rt arrears of Salary due to the Teacher of said School up to the 15th November, 1834. Quebec £*!* % Mr - Car or..— A Petition of the Officers and Com- twefS ai M ‘ l " mittee of Management of the Quebec Mechanics Insti- tute ; praying an aid to enable the Society to prose- cute the design of its Institution. Petition of the Ey Mr. Be Jl ill .—A Petition of the Natural His- ZTwltory' tor y Society of Montreal ; praying the House to grant a S n°da y Lot r of’ to ^ le Society, the Lot of Ground formerly placed at Ground. the control of the Montreal Library, and a sum of money to assist in erecting a Building on said Lot suitable for the purposes of the Society ; and, also, an aid towards the expenses of the present year, and a sum (equivalent to what it had been usual for the Le- gislature to grant) for the two years during which the Society has received no aid. Ordered , That the seven preceding Petitions be re- ferred to the Standing Committee of Education and Schools. rerages de Salaire dus a lTnstiteur de la dite Ecole jusqu’au 15 Novembre 1834. Par M. Caron.— Une Petition des Officiers et Comitd de Direction de 1 Inslitut des Artisans de Quebec : de- mandant une aide pour mettre la Societ6 en etat de poursuivre le dessein de son institution. Par M. De lVitt.— Une Petition de la Societe d’His. r.oire Naturelle de Montreal ; priant la Chambre d’ac- corder a la Society le terrein ci-devant place sous la direction de la Bibliotheque de Montreal, et une somme d argent pour les aider dans la batisse d’une maison sur le dit terrein, convenable pour les fins que la Societe a en vue ; etaussi, une aide pour les depenses de la pre- sente annee, et une somme (equivalente a celle que la Legislature a coutume d’accorder) pour les deux an- nees pendant lesquelles la Societe n’a rien recu. Or clonne, Que les sept Petitions precedentes soient referees au Comite Permanent pour 1’Education et les Ecoles. t?onI7or P aid' The fol,owin g Petitions were presented to the House, towards inter- and the same were received and read ; viz : cations. By Mr. Blackburn. — A Petition of divers Inhabi- tants of the Township of Bristol, County of Ottawa; praying an aid to open a Road from the River Ottawa on the front of the Township of Bristol, to the rear of the same Township. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Township of Hull, County of Ottawa ; praying an aid of Nine hun- dred and sixty pounds, to improve the public high Road that leads through the said Township of Hull ^ A Petition of divers Freeholders and Settlers of the Township of Templeton ; praying an aid of Five hun- dred pounds, to improve two Roads running from South to North in the said Township of Templeton. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Townships of Hull and Templeton ; praying an aid of One thou- sand five hundred pounds, to make two Roads pa- rallel with the Gatineau River. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Eastern and West side of the River Gatineau, Township of Hull ; praying an aid of Seven hundred and fifty pounds, to erect a Bridge across the Gatineau River. By Mr. Simon.— A Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Saguenay, District of Quebec ; complain- ing that the Wharf erected by the Trustees of St. Paul's Street Market, Quebec, on the North East of the said Market, is a most serious obstruction to the navigation of the River St. Charles, and renders the access to the Vessels, Battoes, Boats and Rafts of Wood that fre- quent the Harbour du Palais, very dangerous ; repre- senting that a Break-Water erected on the South-West side of the middle bar, between the two arms of the said River, in a direction from West to East, about 400 feet in length and 25 in breadth, with a Lantern on the Last Point thereof, would be of essential service to the navigation of the said River ; and praying that the said Wharf may be removed, and also a part of another Wharf belonging to a Mr. Bell, and that a sum of money be appropriated for the purpose of erecting such a Break-M ater and placing a Lantern thereon, and for clearing the South-West bed of the said River of the stones that are now therein. A Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Sague- nay ; praying an aid of One thousand pounds currency, to complete that part of the Road called the Chemin des Caps, which commences at the River Nombrette, and terminates at the Concession of St. Antoine, in the Bale St. Paul. A Les Petitions suivantes ont ete presentees a la Cham- bre, lesquelles ont ete re^es et lues j savoir : Par M. Blackburn .— Une Petition de divers Habitans du lownship de Bristol, Comte des Outaouais ; deman- dant une aide pour ouvrir un Chemin depuis la Riviere des Ouluouais, sur le front du Township de Bristol jusqu’a laprofondeur du dit Township. Une Petition de divers Habitans du Township de Hull, Comte des Outaouais ; demandant une aide de Neuf cent soixante livres, pour ameliorer le grand Che- min Public qui conduit a travers le dit Township de Hull. r Une Petition de divers Francs-tenanciers et Habitans du lownship de Templeton ; demandant une aide de Cinq cents livres, pour ameliorer deux Chemins fcourant du Sud au Noid, dans le dit Township de Templeton • Une Petition de divers Habitans des Townships de Hull et Templeton ; demandant une aide de Quinze cents livres, pour faire deux Chemins parallels au cours de la Riviere Gatineau. Une Petition d6 divers Habitans des Rives Est et Ouest de la Riviere Gatineau , Township de Hull • de- mandant une aide de Sept cent cinquante livres, \>our enger un Pont sur la Riviere Gatineau. Par M. Simon . — Une Petition des Habitans du Comt6 de Saguenay, District de Quebec j se plaignant que le Quai construit par les Syndics du Marche de la Rue St Paul, Quebec, au Nord-Est du dit Marche, est une ob- struction tr£s-considerable a la navigation de la Riviere St. Charles, et rend l’acc^s des Vaisseaux, Bateaux Cha loupes et Cages de Bois qui frequentent le Havre du Palais tres-dangereux j representant qu’unBrise-vagues erio-e sur la Rive Sud-Ouest de la Batture du milieu, entre les deux bias de la dite Riviere, dans une direction de 1 Ouest a 1 Est, d environ 400 pieds de longueur et 2 5 pieds de largeur, avec une Lanterne sur la° Pointe Est d’icelui, serait d’un service essentiel a la navigation de la dite Riviere, et demandant que le ditQuai sottdetruit, et aussi partie d’un autre Quai appartenant a un nom- ine Bell ; et qu’une somme d’argent soit accordee k la fin d’eriger le dit Brise-vagues, et pour placer une Lanterne sur icelui, et pour nettoyer le lit Sud-Ouest de la Riviere des pierres qui s’y trouvent maintenant. Une Petition des Habitans du Comte de Saguenay * demandant une aide de Mille livres courant, pour para- chever cette partie du Chemin nomme Chemin des Caps, qui prend de la Riviere Nombrette , et qui se termine k la Concession de St. Antoine , en la Baie St. Paul. Une Petition de l’Institut des Artisans de Quebec, pouf une aide. Petition de la Societe d’His- toire naturelle de Montreal, pour une aide et pour un ter. rein . Onze Petitions ponr'des aides pour les Com- munications interieures. 36 3° Novcmbris, A, 1835, Montreal Gas Light Company Petition. Petition of Dr; Tessier for ar- rears of Salary as Health Offi- cer at Quebec. Petition of Dr. Fortier for ar- rears of Salary as Health Offi- cer at Quebec. Petition for aid in favor of Or- phans in Que- bec. Petitions for amendments to the Road Laws. Montreal Har- bour and Steam Dredging Ma- chine, to be considered. Report on the Petition rela- ting to the new Market place in Montreal. A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Concession of St. George, Parish of St. Urbain, County of Saguenay ; praying an aid of Six hundred pounds currency, to build a Bridge over the River du Gouffre at the place called Cap Martin, opposite to the said Concession. By Mr. Toomy. — A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Township of Grantham ; praying an aid of One hundred and fifty pounds, to complete certain Roads from the back Ranges of the Township of Grantham, leading to the King’s Highway. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Townships of Wickham and Grantham ; praying an aid of Two hun- dred pounds, to complete the Road from the linebetween the 17th and 18th Lots in the 9th and 10th Ranges of the Township of Wickham, to the King's Highway, and a further aid of Two hundred pounds, to complete the Road from the River St. Francis to the rear between Wickham and Grantham. A Petition of divers Inhabitants oftlie 'Townships of Grantham and Wickham ; praying an aid of Tour hun- dred pounds, to cut a Canal from Lot No 1, in the 7th Range, to Lot No.5, in the 5th Range, of theTownship of Grantham. Ordered, That the eleven preceding Petitions be referred to the Standing Committee of Roads and Pub- lic Improvements. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the City of Mon- treal was presented to the House by Mr. Leslie, and the same was received and read ; praying to be incor- porated under the style of the “ Montreal Gas Light Company.” Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Private Bills. The following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read j viz : — By Mr. Bardy. — A Petition of Xavier Tessier , Es- quire, of Quebec ; praying for arrears due to him lor public services as Health Officer at Quebec, in the years 1830, 1831 and 1832. By Mr. Morin. — A Petition of Francois Fortier, Es- quire ; praying payment of the sum of Forty nine pounds ten shillings currency, due to him in his capacity of Health Officer at Quebec, for having visited 66 Ves- sels between the 13th October, 1832, and the close of the Navigation. By Mr. Bedard. — A Petition of the Committee of the Society of Ladies of Quebec for the relief of Orphans ; praying an aid of One hundred pounds currency, to liquidate debts incurred by the Society for the protec- tion and relief of poor Orphans. Ordered, That the three preceding Petitions be re- ferred to the Standing Committee lor Hospitals and Charitable Institutions. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Vaudreuil, was presented to the House by Mr. Perraidt , and the same was received and read ; praying for amendments to the Road Laws. On Motion of Mr. Leslie, seconded by Mr. Perraidt, Resolved, That this House will, on Monday next, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider the propriety of continuing the improvements of the Harbour of Montreal , and of providing a Vessel for receiving the Steam Dredging Machine. Mr. Viger, from the Standing Committee of Private Bills, presented to the House the First Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, asfolloweth Une Petition des Habitans de la Concession de St. George, Paroisse St. Urbain, Comt<§ d? Saguenay - de- mandant une aide de Six cents livrei courant, pour batir un Pont sur la Riviere du Gouffre, a Tendroit nomin b\eCap Martin, vis-a-vis leur dite Concession. Par M. Toomy. — Une Petition de divers Habitans du Township de Grantham ; demandant une aide de Cent cinquante livres, pour parachever certains Chemins des derniers Rangs du Township de Grantham pour venir au Grand Chemin du Roi. Une Petition de divers Habitans des Townships de Wickham et Grantham ; demandant une aide de Deux cents livres, pour parachever le Chemin depuis la ligne entre les Lots 17 et 18 dans les 9e et] lOe Rangs du Township de Wickham, au Grand Chemin du Roi, et une autre aide de Deux cents livres, pour parachever le Chemin depuis la Riviere St. Francois, j usque dans la profondeur entre Wickham et Grantham, Une Petition de divers Plabitans des Townships de Grantham et Wickham ; demandant une aide de Quatre cents livres, pour faire un Canal depuis le Lot No. 1 dans le 7e Rang, jusqu’au Lot No. 5, dans le5e Rang du Township de Grantham. Ordonne , Que les onze Petitions precedentes soient referees au Comity Permanent des Chemins et des Ame- liorations Publiques. Une Petition de divers Habitans de la Cit6 de Mont- real a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Leslie, la- quelle a ete reJrement examine la Petition du Maire et du Conseil de Ville de la Cit e de Montreal, demandant d etre autorises a faire un Em- prunt pour effectuer l’acquisition de la propriete des Hen tiers 1 rou/x , et les ameliorations mentionnees en leur Petition, est d’opinion que les Petitionnaires se sont con formes aux ingles prescntes par votre Hono- rable (hambre, et que les conclusions par eux prises clans leur Petition devraient leur etre accordees. Ordonne, Que M. Leslie ait la permission d’intro- duire un Bill pour etablir une nouveile Place publique a Montreal , et pour autres objets y mention nes. 1 II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Samedi prochain. Bill pour une placeRublique a Montreal, lu la premiere foist ?art P °o r f "be lh#t Mr ’ Bedard, from the Special Committee to whom speech relating was referred that part of the Speech of His Excellencv to Grosse i s ie. lhe Q overnor j n chief, deliyered at the opening of the present Session, which relates to Grosse Isle, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee having ascertained by the Evidence of one of their Members, Mr. Bedard , that the Pro- prietor of Grosse Isle, Mr. Louis Bernier, still prefers referring to the decision of Arbitrators, to regulate the amount of indemnity by him claimed for the occupa- tion of his property by the Executive Government, from the Spring of 1834 until this day, and to regulate the pr ice of the said Island j and having no reason to re- commend to Your Honorable Blouse to depart from the determination adopted during the last and former Ses- sions, of purchasing the said Island for the public use of the Province, recommend that the Bill already pas- sed for that purpose by Your Honorable Blouse, be'again introduced. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House on Friday next. M. Bedard, du Comite Special auquel a 6te referee Rapport sur la partie de la Harangue de Son Excellence le Gouver- « par,ie dela neur-en-Chef, prononcee a I’ouverture de la presente ^^eTuGros- Session, relativement a la Grosse-lle, a presente h la se ' l6le ' C hambre le Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la lable du Greffier, comme suit : Yotre Comite s’^ant assure par la voie d’un de ses Memoieb, M. Bedard, que le Proprietaire de la Grosse- Jle, M. Louts Bernier, preferait encore s’en rapporter d la decision d’arbitres pour regler le montantde J’indem- mte qu’il reclame pour 1’occupation de sa propriete par le Gouvernement Execut.f, depuis le printemps de J83_ jusqu a ce jour, et pour regler le prix d’achat de cette lie ; et n’ayant d’ailleurs aucune raison de stiff- gerer a voire Honorable Chambre de se departir de ta determination par eile prise a sa derniere et avant dermere Sessions d’acquerir la dite He pour les usages publics dela Province, recommande la reintroduction du Bill deja passe par cette Chambre relativement a cet objet. Ordonne , Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Co- mite de toute la Chambre Vendredi prochain. Ordinance of the 25th Geo. III. cap. 4, considered. A Resolution reported. Lawyers and Notaries Cora* missions Bill read the hist time. On Motion of Mr. Gugy, seconded by Mr. Perrault, Resolved, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole Blouse to take into conside- ration the expediency of amending so much of the Ordinance made and passed in the twenty fifth year of His late Majesty George the Third, intituled, “ An Or- “ dinance concerning Advocates, Attorneys, Solicitors “ and Notaries, and for the more easy collection of Blis “ Majesty’s Revenue,” as relates to the manner in which persons shall hereafter be admitted to practice the Law. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. De Jfitt took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. De Witt reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution, which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is as followeth : Resolved, That it is expedient to amend so much of the Ordinance made and passed in the twenty fifth year of His late Majesty George the Third, intituled, “ An “ Ordinance concerning Advocates, Attorneys, Solici- “ tors and Notaries, and for the more easy collection of “ His Majesty’s Revenue,” as relates to the manner in which persons shall hereafter be admitted to practice the Law. Ordered, That Mr. Gugy have leave to bring in a Bill to ascertain the manner in which persons shall here- after be admitted to practice the Law or to practice as Notaries in this Province. Vol— 45. He Sur Motion de M. Gugy, seconde par M. Perrault, Resolu, Que cette Chambre se forme maintenant en Comite de toute la Chambre, pour prendre en conside- ration s’il est expedient d’amender telle partie de 1 Or donnance faite et passee dans la vingt-cinquieme annee" de feu Sa xMajeste George Trois, intitule, “ Ordon- “ nance qui concerne les Avocats, Procureurs, Sollici. teurs, et les Notaires, et qui rend plusaise le recou- “ vrement des revenus de Sa Majeste,” qui a rapport a la maniere en laquelle on pourra ci-apres etre admis a pratiquer la Loi. La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. Ordonnance de la 25e Geo. III. chap. 4, consideree; M. De Witt a pris le Fauteuil du Comite, et apres v avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Lt M. De Jl itt a fait rapport que le Comite avait Ila pp° rt d’une passe une Resolution, laquelle Resolution a ete iue de K6solmion - nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre ; et elle est comme suit Resolu, Qu’il est expedient d’amender telle partie de 1 Ordonnance faite et passee dans la vingt-cin- quieme annee de feu Sa Majeste George Trois, intitu- lee, “ Ordonnance qui concerne les Avocats, Procu- “ reurs, Solliciteurs, et les Notaires, et qui rend plus “ aise le recouvrement des Revenus de Sa Majeste,” Cazeau, Child, Courteau, De Bleury, Deblois, Deligny, De Witt, Jacques Dorion, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Dubord, Fortin, Girouard, Godbout, HSbert, Huot, Kimber, Knight, Lafontaine, Larue, Leslie, Letourneau, Meilleur, Morin, O Callaghan, Per- rault, Picket, Proulx, Raymond, Rodier, Roy, Scott, Simon, Tache , Pierre-Elzear Taschereau, Tessier, Thibaudeau, Toomy, Trudel, Vanfelson et Viger. (51.) Ainsi elle a passe dans la Negative. Draught of an Address re- potted. Mr. Morin, from the Special Committee appointed to prepare and report with all convenient speed, the draught of an Address in answer to the Speech ot Bis Excellency the Governor in Chief, at the opening ot the present Session of the Provincial Parliament, i re- ported the draught of an Address, and the same was read at the Clerk’s Table ; and is as followeth : To 1 1 is Excellency the Right Honorable Archibald Earl of Gosford, Baron IVorlingham of Beccles, in the M. Morin , du Comite Special nomm6 pour pieparei p R r “PP° d r ‘ u d n “ Ad . Pt rapporter, avec toute la diligence convenable, un dte6S e. proiet d’ Adresse, en reponse k la Harangue de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, aux deux Cham- bres, a l’ouverture de la presente Session du Parle- ment Provincial, a fait rapport d’unProjet d Adresse, lequel a Ge lu a la Table du Greffier, et il est comme suit : A Son Excellence le Trbs-Honorable Archibald Comte de Gosford, Baron Worlingham de Bcccles, dans lo Comte 6 Will, IV. 3 ° NovembriSs tlie County of Suffolk, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over the Provinces of Lower Canada and Upper Canada , Vice Admiral of the same, and one of His Majesty’s Most Honorable Privy Council, &c., &c., &c. 39 Comte de Suffolk, Capitame-General et Gouverneur- en-Chef dans et sur les Provinces du Bas-Canada et du Ilaut -Canada, Vice-Amiral d’icelles, et 1’un des Prcs-Honorables Conseillers Priv6s de Sa Majesty, etc., etc., etc. May it please Your Excellency, ^ We, His Majesty’s faithful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Lower Canada , in Provincial Parliament assembled, humbly thank Your Excellency for Your Speech at the opening of the present Session. We congratulate Your Excellency on His Majesty’s determination to call to the head of the Government of this Province, in the person of Your Excellency, a dis- tinguished individual, whose habits and former station, have, independently of his other qualifications, rendered him more able to accomplish this important charge. We congiatulate \our Excellency in like manner on yonr safe arrival among us. r It is indeed under no ordinary circumstances that Your Excellency has assumed the reins of Administra- tion. The Government has not for some time past, sufficiently possessed the confidence of this House and of the People, to fulfil the purposes of its institution. In this state of things, it was in conformity to the ancient custom of Parliament, and in the spirit of the Constitu- tion itself, as well as for the advantage of His Majesty’s Subjects and of His Government in this Province, that this House adopted constitutional means for obtaining the redress of grievances and abuses. We shall see with pleasure that His Majesty’s Government has ac- quired that practical and local knowledge of the Pro- vince which is necessary for the discernment of the most appropriate remedies. It is therefore with feelings of hope that we contemplate the extensive powers, attribu- tions and circumstances with which Your Excellency has commenced the arduous duties of your exalted Office. J Bearing in mind the distinction pointed outbv Your Excellency, with regard to the application of the re- medies in question, we are firmly convinced of Your Excellency’s just and liberal intentions in the adminis- tiatiou of the Executive power. In those cases where Your Excellency may be called upon to act jointly with the Provincial Legislature, or with this House in particular, we shall always be disposed to co-operate in every measure which may tend to the welfare of this Province. With regard to the Bills which may require to be passed or sanctioned by the authorities in England , we have already on more than one occasion made known our desires and wishes to His Majesty’s Govern- ment.— We are firmly persuaded that the result of the attention which has lately been given to the desires and repeated claims of this blouse and of the People, will be an entire conviction of their justice, and that they will be granted to their fullest extent. We ought not to fail here to declare most respect- fully to Your Excellency, that the great body of the People of this Province, without distinction, consider the extension of the Elective principle, and its applica- tion to the Constitution of the Legislative Council in particular, the repeal of the Acts passed in Great Bri- tain on matters concerning the internal government of the Province, and fully within the jurisdiction of the Provincial Parliament, as well as of the privileges con- ferred by such Acts, and the full and unrestrained enjoyment on the part of the Provincial Legislature and of this House, of their Legislative and Constitu- tional Rights, as being essential to the prosperity, welfare Qu’il plaise k Vofre Excellence, Nous les loyaux et fiddles Sujets de Sa Majesty les Communes du Bas-Canada , r6unis en Parlement Pro- vincial, remercions humblement Votre Excellence de botre Harangue prononc^e a l’ouverture de la prEsente Session. Nous ffilicitons Votre Excellence de la determina- tion de Sa Majest6 d’appeler dans votre personnel la t£te du Gouvernement de cette Province, un person- nage distingue qui, ind^pendamment des autres quali- fications, est plus k portee, par suite de ses habitudes et de sa position anterieure, de bien remplir cette im- portante tache. Nous felicitons ^galement Votre Ex- cellence de son heureuse arrive parmi nous. Les circonstances sous lesquelles Votre Excellence a pris les r&nes de f Administration sont en efifet peu ordinaires. Dans ces derniers temps le Gouverne- ment if a pas suffisamment possede la confiance de cette Chambre et du Peuple, pour remplir le but de son institution. Dans cette position c’a conformG rnent a l’ancien usage du Parlement, et d’apr^s Fesprit de la Constitution meme, et pour l’avantage des Su- jets de Sa Majeste et de son Gouvernement dans cette Province, que cette Chambre a adopt6 des moyens constitutionnels pour obtenir le redressement des griefs et abus. ^ Nous verrons avec plaisir que le Gouverne- ment de Sa Majeste a acquis cette connaissance prati- que et locale de la Province qui peut aider k dis- cerner les rem^des convenables. C’est done avec des sentimens d’espoir que nous envisageons les pouvoirs et les attributions Gendues et les circonstances avec lesquelles Aotre Excellence a commence a remplir sa haute mission. En suivant la distinction indiquee par Votre Excel- lence quant a l’application de ces rem^des, nous som- mes persuades des intentions justes et liberales de Vo- tre Excellence dans l’administration du pouvoir ex6- cutif. Dans leeas ou Votre Excellence devra agir de concert avec la Legislature Provinciale ou avec cette Chambre en particulier, nous serous toujours disposes a coopGer a tout ce qui pourra tendre assurer le bien- etre de cette Province. Quant aux Actes qui devront etre passes ou sanctionn6s par les autorites en Angle- terre , nous avons deja respectueusement et& plusieurs reprises fait connaltre nos prieresetnos voeux au Gou- vernement de Sa Majeste. Nous sommes fermement persuades que le resultat de l’attention qu’on y a der- nierement portae, sera de se convaincre entierement delajustesse des desirs et des demandes rGtGees de cette Chambre et du Peuple, et d’y acc^der pleine- tnent. Nous ne devons pas manquer ici de declarer respec* tueusement a Votre Excellence, que la masse du Peu- ple de cette Province, sans distinction, considGe l’ex- tension du principe Gectif, et son application k la con- stitution du Conseil L^gislatif en particulier, le rappel d’ Actes passes dans la Grande-Bretagne sur des sujets concernant la r6gie inffirieure de cette Province qui sont pleinement du ressort de la Legislature Provin- ciale, et des privileges appuyes sur les dits Actes, et la jouissance pleine et non restreinte par la Legisla- ture de cette Province et par cette Chambre de leurs droits Legislates et Constitutionnels, comme d une nature essentielle aux besoins, a 1’Gat, et au bonheur des 40 3° Novembriss A. 18 35. welfare and happiness of His Majesty s faithful Ca- nadian Subjects, and as being necessary to ensuie their confidence in His Government, and their futuie welfare and contentment under it, and to > em ovet causes which have been obstacles hereto. And we also most respectfully pray Your Excellency t hat ; in those future communications to which you hav e ; mlu e , between Your Excellency and His Most Gracious Ma- jesty or His Government, on the subject o. the great interests of this Province, Your Excellency will be pleased not to lose sight of this firm conviction on the part of the People, which we feel in common with ‘ The desire manifested by Your Excellency to obtain the good will of the Canadians of all ranks and classes, and the confidence and respect of the Representatives of the People, is our warranty of Your Excellency s intention to do all in your power for the welfare of the Country. We thank Your Excellency for your decla- ration that, as head of the Provincial Legislature, you will co-operate with us in the redress of every evil which it may be necessary to correct. His Majesty’s Government must have been long convinced that the circumstances mentioned by lour Excellency as being of a nature for some time practi- cally to exclude the majority of the Inhabitants ot this Province from a due participation m the powers and advantages of office, rested on an incorrect appreciation oftheirsentiments. ThePeoplehaverepeatedly defended the Country in time of War ; they refused to accede to the appeal made to them by the former British Colonies on this Continent at the period which preceded tne in- dependence of those Colonies ; they preserved then- confidence in His Majesty’s Government in times of difficulty, and under administrations which trampled on their dearest rights ; they have, by their Representa- tives, labored to ensure to ail classes oi their fellow subjects without distinction, a participation m all the political and natural advantages of the country ; and firmly to establish in this Province the Constitutional and Parliamentary Law of Great Britain, and such other portions of its institutions as appeared to the i eo- ple to be salutary and protecting, and consonant to their wants. It is therefore with satisfaction that we have heard Your Excellency disclaim on the part of His Majesty, and of the British People, the motives to which the practice heretofore followed has been neces- sarily attributed. We welcome with a like feeling Your Excellency’s declaration, that your instructions enjoin upon you the utmost impartiality,, and entire disregard of unjust distinctions. We thank Your Excellency for the frank and open avowal of the salutary principle, that in every country, to be acceptable to the great body of the l eople, is one of the most essential elements ot fitness for public sta- tion. We shall rejoice to hear that arrangements have been adopted to lay before the competent authorities a more particular account than heretofore of the exercise of the Royal Authority in the appointment to Public Office in this Province. We perfectly appreciate the motives by which His Majesty is actuated : yet we cannot hut feel some anxiety lest the too frequent ap- peal to His Majesty should in certain cases have an effect contrary to His gracious intentions. It will be of the greatest advantage that the accumu- lation of incompatible offices in the same person should be completely remedied. Your Excellency cannot fail to remember that the particular cases to which you have been pleased to declare that your attention has been already given, were, among others, provided against des fideles Suiets Canadiens de Sa Majeste, etcomme 6tani necessaires pour assurer leur confiance dans son Gouvernement.etleurbonheur etleur con tent ement futui sous icelui, et pour faire disparaitre les causes qui y out mis obstacle. Et nous prions aussi tres-respectueusement Votre Excellence que dansles communications a vemr qu’elle nous annonce entre elleetSaTres-Gracieuse Ma- jeste ou son Gouvernement, au sujet des grands interets de cette Province, Votre Excellence veuille bien ne pasomettre cette ferine conviction du Peuple, laquelle est aussi la notre. Le desir manifesto par Votre Excellence d’acquerir et de conserver la bienveillance des Canadiens de tous rangs et de toutes classes, et la confiance et le respect des^Representans du Peuple, nous est garant de l’in- tention de Votre Excellence de faire tout ce qui sera en son pouvoir pour le bien du Pays. Nous vous le- mercions de la declaration que comme chef de la Le- gislature Provinciate, vous travaillerez conjointement avec nous a reparer les maux qui auront besoin de re- dressement. , . . , Le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste a an depms long- temps se convaincre que les circonstances mention- nees par Votre Excellence, comme ayant pu dans les premiers temps priver dans la pratique la majorite des Hahitans de la Province d’une due participation aux pouvoirs et aux avantages du Gouvernement, repo- saient sur tine appreciation inexacte de leurs disposi- tions Le Peuple a defendu la Province dans laGuerre a deux diverses fois ; il a refuse d’acceder a l’appel des ci-devant Colonies Anglaises de ce Continent, a 1’epo- oue qui a precede leur independauce j il aconseive sa confiance dans le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste dans des temps difficiles et sous des administrations qui foulaient aux droits les plus chers ; il a travaille pai ses Representans a faire participer toutes les classes de ses co-sujets sans distinction aux avantages politiqueset materiels du pays, et a consolider dans la Province le droit constitutionnel et parlementaire de la Grande- Br eta ( >ne et toutes les autres parties de ses institutions q U i bd out paru salutaires et protectrices, et conformes a* ses besoins. C’est done avec satisfaction que nous voyons Votre Excellence desavouer de la part de Sa Majeste et du Peuple Anglais, les motifs auxquels on a du attribuer la marche suiviepar le passe. Nous ac- cueillons de merae la declaration que les instructions de Votre Excellence lui enjoignent la plus grande impar- tialite et un entier ouhli d’injustes distinctions. Nous remercions Votre Excellence de la declaration ouverte et franche d’un principe salutaire, que dans tout Pays, cel u i qui s’est rendu agreable ala masse du Peuple, possede un des elemens les plus essentiels de l’aptitude aux emplois publics. Nous nous rejouirons qu’il soit pris des arrangemens pour faire rendre a l’au- torite competente des comptes plus detailles que ci- devant, de l’exercice de 1’AutoriteRoyale dans la nomi- nation aux charges dans la Province. Nousappie'cions parfaitement les" motifs de Sa Majeste. Nous aimerions cependant a nous persuader que le renvoi a Sa Majeste, acfopte frequemment, n’aura pas, en certains cas, un effet contraire a ses gracieuses intentions. Ce sera une demarche avantageuse que de remedier completement au cumul d’emplois incompatibles dans la meme personne. Votre Excellence se rappelle sans doute que les cas particuliers auxquels elle a bien vouhi nous annoncer qu’elle avait deja porte son attention, avaient ete prevus, entre autres, dans un piojet de Loi 6 Will. IV. 3° Novembris. 4 1 against by a Bill passed by the two Houses of the Pro- vincial Parliament, and subsequently taken into consi- deration by His Majesty’s Government. This circum- stance and the complaints which have uniformly been made on this subject, would have led us to hope that Your Excellency would have been invested with the powers necessary to enable Your Excellency forthwith to carry into effect you r determination on the subject of the salutary separation of the principal component parts of the Government. We should be happy to see established that responsibility on the part of the Exe- cuti\e power in this Province to the Legislature thereof, and to this House in particular, which is happily esta- blished in the United Kingdom, and imparts strength and security to its institutions. We moreover confi- dently hope, that the arrangements Your Excellency has been pleased to mention, will be speedily carried into effect. Your Excellency has also been pleased to declare to us, that your views are not confined to these cases, and that no union of incompatible or incon- gruous office will be willingly acquiesced in by Your Excellency. The intention announced by Your Excellency to communicate to this House all Despatches, Accounts, Papers and Information, of which in the course of our deliberations we may have need, is of a nature to call for our particular acknowledgment. We duly appreciate the fears of His Majesty’s Government that we may have been exposed to some inconveniences arising from this source. We expect the greatest advantage from the unreserved assistance which Your Excellency has been pleased to promise us, with regard, particularly, to everything connected with the Revenue and Finance: and we hope that with Your Excellency’s aid the enquiries which this House will continue and institute, will have a happy effect on the Legislation and on the future welfare of the country. We venture to hope that those enquiries, in conjunction with those which this House has already made, will furnish extensive in- formation on the Statistics of the Province, and may aid Your Excellency in collecting the information and forming the opinions which Your Excellency has an- nounced your intention of transmitting to His Majes- ty’s Government. By abandoning the too frequent practice of reserving Bills foi the signification of His Majesty’s pleasure, and that of delaying the communications of the Royal pleasure, as well with regard to such Bills as to the Addresses of this House, the Executive authorities will concur in consolidating in the Province itself, an effec- tive and regular Government adapted to provide in the best manner for the wants of its Inhabitants. This amelioration of the practice on this subject may also be especially favorable to the establishment of Colleges and Schools for the advancement of Christian know- ledge and of sound learning, unattended by those de- lays which Your Excellency believes that under a con- trary system the greatest zeal and activity in His Majes- ty’s service would be insufficient to obviate. The deep and personal interest which His Majesty deigns to take in the affairs of this Province have happily suggested to Him a measure which we cannot but applaud. His Majesty’s displeasure announced beforehand by Your Excellency, at any conduct on the part of the Government liable to the imputation of giving to the English an undue preference over the French language ; of calling upon the Judges for extra judicial opinions on questions which may subsequently come before them for decision, or of interfering in the Elections of the Representatives of the People, will be one of the elements Vol — 4-5. Loi passe dans les deux Chambres du Parlement Pro- vincial et pris en consideration depuis par le Gouverne- ment de Sa Majesty. Cette circonstance et funifor- mite des plaintes i cet egard, avaient pu faire esperer que \ otre Excellence serait suffisamment munie de pouvoirs pour mettre aussitot a eftet la determination de Votre Excellence au sujet de la separation salutaire des principaux corps du Gouvernement. Nous aime- rions a voir s’etablir cette responsabilite du pouvoir Executif envers la Legislature de cette Province et en- vers cette Chambre en particular, qui est heureuse- ment etablie par rapport au Gouvernement Executif de Sa Majeste dans le Royaume-Uni, et qui donne force et securite a ses Institutions. Nous esperons au surplus avec confiance que les arrangemens qu’il vous a plu nous annoncer auront proehainement lieu. Votre Ex- cellence a bien voulu nous informer aussi que ses vues ne se bornent point a ces cas, et que ce ne sera pas de son gre qu’elle acquiescera a aucun cumul de charges incompatibles ou incongrues. Les dispositions annoncees par Votre Excellence au sujet de la Communication a cette Chambre par l’Exe- cutif Provincial, des Depeches, Comptes, Papiers et Renseignemens dont nous pourrons avoir besoin dans nos deliberations, sont de nature a requ^rir de notre part un temoignage particulier de remercimens. Nous sommes sensibles aux crainles du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste que nous n’ayons ete exposes a quelques incon- veniens provenant de certe source. Nous attendons le plus grand avantage de 1’assistance sans reserve que Yotre Excellence veut bien nous promettre en parti- culier dans 1’investigation de tout ce qui a rapport aux Revenus et aux Finances. Et nous esperons qu’avec le secours de Votre Excellence les Enquetes que con- tinuera et qu’instituera cette Chambre, auront un effet heureux sur la Legislation et le bien-etre futur du pays. Nous osons aussi penser que ces Enquetes, jointes a celles qui ont dej;\ ete faites par cette Chambre, four- niront des renseignemens etendus sur la Statistique dela Province, et pourront aider Votre Excellence dans les informations et opinions qu’elle nous annonce devoir transmettre au Gouvernement de Sa Majeste. En abandonnant Pusage trop frequent de reserver les Bilis jusqu’a la signification du Plaisir de Sa Majeste, et celui de retarder la communication de la Volonte Royale, tant au sujet de ces Bills que des Adresses de cette Chambre, les Autorit^s Executives concourront a consolider, dans la Province meme, un Gouvernement efficace et regulier propre a pourvoir le mieux aux be- soins de ses Habitans. L action en pourra aussi no- tamment etre favorable a 1’^tablissement de Colleges ou d’Ecoles, pour la propagation du Christianisme ou des bonnes Etudes, sans des delais auxquels Votre Ex- lence croit possible que sous un systeme contraire, la plus grande activite et le plus grand zele au Service de Sa Majeste ne pussent obvier. L’inRret vif et person- nel que Sa Majeste daigne prendre aux affaires de ce pays, lui a heureusement suggere une marche a laquelle nous ne pouvons qu’applaudir. Le deplaisir de Sa Majeste annonce d’avance a toute conduite du Gouvernement qui pourrait donner lieu a l imputation d’accorder une preference indue a la Lan- gue Anglaise sur la Langue Frar^aise, de demanderaux Juges des opinions extra-judiciaires sur des questions qui pourraient dans la suite tffre soumises a leur de- cision, et d’intervenir dans les Elections des Represen- tans du Peuple, est un element d’ordre et de securite, et' L A 1835 . 42 3° Novembris, elements of order and security, and we are persuaded that Your Excellency can have no motive for not giving the fullest effect to His Majesty’sinjunctions on this head. With respect to the idea of any undue partiality to the English language over that which makes part of the Laws and Institutions guaranteed in the most solemn manner to His Majesty’s Canadian Subjects, we learn with plea- sure that His Majesty disapproves, and is desirous to prevent the adoption of any practice which would de- prive either class of His subjects of the use of the lan- guage with which early habits and education have i en- dured them most familiar. We flatter ourselves that the due consideration which Your Excellency will doubtless bestow with regard to the fitness of the per- sons who may compose the tribunals and fill the several public offices, will suffice for the future to ensure res- pect for the incontestible rights of all classes oi the Inhabitants of this country. We shall give our earnest attention to the subject of the Fees demanded by divers public functionaries, with a view to revise and regulate the same by the supreme authority of the Law. His Majesty may be assured that we shall be guided in this behalf by the nature of the services to be remunerated, the state and circum- stances of the Province, and the various considerations due to the interests of all portions of the public weal, and to the advancement of the moral condition and of the industry of the People. We shall accept with pleasure Your Excellency’s co- operation with this House, in an enquiry into the prac- tice and proceedings of the superior tribunals, with a view to ensure their conformity to the Law, and to render them more prompt and methodical as well as less expensive. We hope that the same good under- standing will continue to exist between Your Excel- lency and this House, if any Bills on this subject should be brought before the Provincial Parliament. On the subject of the Clergy Reserves, we regret that we have to state to Your Excellency, that notwith- standing the benevolent intentions of His Majesty’s Government, of which Your Excellency is pleased to assure us, our apprehensions have been justified by the disposal of a considerable portion of the Waste Lands in the manner which we had foreseen. As we have already expressed our opinion to His Majesty’s Go- vernment on this head, we shall confine ourselves to assuring Your Excellency that we shall enter zealously into the examination of the whole question, with the hope of being able to agree to the views of His Majes- ty’s Government, at the same time that we shall respect the rights of all parties, and maintain the common or individual interests of all the Inhabitants of this Pro- vince. We thank Your Excellency for having recognized the Constitutional privileges of this House with regard to its Contingent Expenses. The declaration of His Most Gracious Majesty, whereby we are led to hope that the legitimate control of the Representatives of the People will be exercised over all public monies payable to Llis Majesty or to His Officers in the Province, whether arising from taxes or from any other Canadian source, carries with it the admission of an incontestable and essential principle, calculated to ensure that efficiency and responsibility which are so much to be desired in the Government, and to maintain that constitutional control which the People have a right to exercise, by their Representa- tives, over every branch of the Executive Government. On this head, which embraces a vast number of matters of detail, we shall receive with respect and wall take into our most serious consideration, every Communication from et nous sommes persuades quo Votre Excellence n’a aucun motif de paralyser cette Royale Injonction. Quant a l’idee d’une partialit6 indue en faveur de la Langue Anglaise, contre celle qui fait partie des Droits et Institutions garantis aux Sujets Canadiens de Sa Ma- jeste de la maniere la plus solennelle, nous apprenons avec plaisir que Sa Majeste dfsapprouve et desire de- courager et empecher l’adoption de toute pratique qui priverait l’uneou fautre classe de ses Sujets de l’usage de la langue, que l’education et les habitudes contractees des l’etifance ont pu leur rendre familiere. Nous nous flattons que la due consideration qu’apportera sans doute Votre Excellence dans la constitution du personnel des tribunaux, et des divers departemens du Service Pu- blic, suffira pour faire respecter a Pavenir les droits incontestables de toutes les classes des Habitans du pays. Nous nous occuperons des honoraires demandes par les divers Fonctionnaires Publics, dans la vue de les reviser et de les regler par l’Autorite Supreme de la Loi. Sa Majeste ne peut douter que nous ne nous re- o-lions a cet egard par la nature des fonctions a r£mu- nerer, l’etat et les circonstances de la Province et les besoms de diverse nature pour toutes les parties de pordre public et pour l’avancement moral et industriel du Peuple. Nous accepterons avec plaisir la reunion de l’autorite de Votre Excellence a celle de cette Chambre, pour enquerir sur la pratique et la procedure des tribunaux superieurs dans la vue d’en assurer la conformite a la Loi, et de les rendre plus expeditives, plus tnethodiques et moins dispendieuses. Nous esperons que la meme intelligence continuera de regner entre Votre Excel- lence et cette Chambre, si des projets de Loi sont pro- poses sur ce point dans le Parlement Provincial. An sujet des Reserves du Clerge, nous regrettons d ’avoir a dire a Votre Excellence que malgre la biea- veillance des intentions du Gouvernement de Sa Ma- jeste dont vous nous assurez, nos apprehensions ont ete justifiees par la distraction d’une portion considerable des Terres Vacahtes en la maniere que nous avions pre- vue. Corame nous avons oeja a cet egard exprime notre opinion an Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, nous nous bornerons a vous assurer que nous entrerons avec zele dans l’examen de la question toute entitle, avec I’espoir de nous accorder avec les vues du Gouverne- ment de Sa Majeste, tout en faisant droit aux pretentions de toutes les parties et en maintenant les droits com- mons ou individuels des Habitans de cette Province. Nous vous remercions de la reconnaissance des pri- vileges Constilutionneis de cet Chambre a l’egard de ses Expenses Contingentes. La declaration de Notre Tres-Gracieux Souverain, an moyen de laquelle nous esperons que le controle legitime des Repr^sentans du Peuple sera exerce sur tout argent public payable a Sa Majeste ou a ses Offi- cers dans la Province, et provenant soit de taxes, soit de toute autre source Canadienne, contient l’admission d’un principe incontestable et essentiel, propre a assurer mieux dans le gouvernement, 1’efficacite et la responsa- bilite desirables, et a maintenir l’influence Constitu- tionnelle que le Peuple a droit d’exercer par ses Re- presentans sur toutes les branches du Gouvernement Execut'd. Sur ce sujet qui embrasse des details eten- dus, nous recevrons avec respect, et nous prendrons en notre plus serieuse consideration toute Communication du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste ou de Yotre Excel- lence 6 Will. IV, 3 ° Novembris . 43 from His Majesty’s Government, or from Your Excel- lency, which you may be pleased to make to us ; and we trust that they will tend to facilitate at an early pe- riod the conclusive and satisfactory settlement of all financial difficulties. Our labors on this subject will be conducted with the same unceasing diligence which It our Excellency is pleased to promise to bestow on it. We shall receive in the same spirit the Accounts ne- cessary to shew the financial state of the Province, with such Estimates and explanation as four Excellency may be pleased to lay before us. All matters of this nature are so essentially connected with the interests of our Constituents and the peculiar privileges of this House, that we cannot fail to be gui- ded in our determinations respecting them by what we believe to be the Constitutional privileges of this branch of the Legislature, and for the welfare of the Province. T. he request made by Your Excellency in consequence of measures heretofore adopted by the Executive power, and with regard to which we have already humbly ex- pressed our opinions to His Majesty’s Government, is so intimatelyconnectedwith the same rights and privileges, that it will be our duty to take it into consideration with the same views and sentiments. We ought, however, to express to Your Excellency our conviction that the application of any sums of mo- ney subject to the control of this House, without the consent of the Representatives of the People, would tend to create an obstacle to the arrangements con- templated by His Majesty’s Government, which we most sincerely desire to see completed. We are thankful to Providence for having exempted this Province during the Summer of the present year, from the ravages of the scourge which had necessitated sanitary precautions on an extensive scale. The discon- tinuance of Your Excellency of some of these precau- tions at an earlier period than usual appears to us to have been conformable to the circumstances under which it took place. We shall not fail to makegood any just and reasonable expenses incurred in carryingthe said precau- tions into effect. We shall also take into consideration the expediency of indemnifying the Proprietor of Grosse Isle , and of purchasing it for the public uses of the Province. The Judicial decision of the suit instituted by the Crown against the late Receiver General, which Your Excellency has announced to us, adds to the hope we entertain that the right of the Province to be reimburs- ed will be acted upon. We shall give our attention to the useful Statutes which have recently expired. We shall also continue our deliberations on the question of Prisons and Prison discipline, and on the expediency of adopting some more effectual measures than at present exist for the sup- pression of crime. Any sufficient and constitutional measure tending to facilitate the exercise of the right of this House to the control of the whole Revenue raised in this Province, shall be received by us with a due appreciation of the motives by which it shall have been dictated, and of the advantages to be derived from it. Every communica- tion on this subject will be received with respect and examined with attention. The questions connected with the internal govern- ment of this Province will continue to form one of the subjects of our labours, and we hope that with the in- tentions manifested by Ilis Majesty’s Government, the Bills which may from time to time be passed by this House on the various matters connected with these questions, will be productive of results advantageous to the lence, quil vous plaira nous faire, et nous osons nous flatter qu elles tendront a faciliter a une epoque pro- caine un arrangement satisfaisant et conclusif des ma- tieies de Finances. Nos travaux sur ce sujet seront animes par la meme diligence que Votre Excellence promet d’y apporter. Nous recevrons de meme les comptes qui sont neces- saires pour montrer l’etat financier de la Province, avec les estimations et explications qu’il plaira a Votre Ex cellence de nous communiquer. Toutes les matieres de cette nature sont si essentiel- lement liees aux interns de nos commettans et aux pri- vileges particuliers de cette Chambre, que nous ne manquerons pas d’etre guides dans nos determinations par ce que nous concevrons etre les droits constitution- nels de cette Blanche de la Legislature et le bien-etre de la Province. La demandefaite par Votre Excellence, par suite de demarches ci-devant adoptees par le Pouvoir Executif, sur lesquelles nous avonsdeja humblement exprime nos opinions au Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, se rattache tellement aux memes droits et privileges, que nous de- vrons la prendre en consideration avec les memes vues et les memes sentimens. Nous deyons cependant exprimer a Votre Excellence, notre conviction que l’emploi, sansle consentement des Representans du Peuple, d’aucunes sommes de deniers sujets au controle de cette Chambre, serait de nature a faire obstacle aux arrangemens que le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste a eu en contemplation, et que nous desirons avec une grande sincerite. Nous lemercions la Providence d’avoir epargne a cette Province durant la saison derniere, les ravages du fleau qui avait necessite des precautions sanitaires sur un pied etendu. La discontinuation faite par Votre Excellence plus tot que de coutume de quelques-unes de ces precautions, nous parait conforme aux circon- stances sous lesquelles elle a eu lieu. Nous rembourse- rons toutes depenses justes et raisonnables faites pour les fins ci-dessus. Nous nous occuperons aussi de la convenance d’indemniser le proprietaire de la Grosse - lie, et d’en faire l’acquisition pour l’usage public de la Province. La decision judiciaire que Votre Excellence nous annonceau sujet de Faction intentee par la Couronne au ci devant Receveur-General, ajoute a l’espoir que nous formons de voir se realiser les droits de la Province a un remboursement. Nous porterons notre attention aux Actes utiles ex- pires depuis peu. Nous continuerons aussi a nousoc- cuperde la question des Prisons et de leur discipline, et de la convenance d’adopter pour la repression des crimes, des methodes plus efficaces qu’il n’en existe a present. Toute mesure constitutionnelle et suffisante qui faci- litera l’exercice des droits de cette Chambre au con- trole de la totalite du Revenu preleve en cette Province, sera re^ue de nous avec une due appreciation des mo- tifs qui l’auront determinee, et des avantages qui en resulteront. Toute communication a ce sujet sera re§ue avec respect et examinee attentivement. Les questions qui concernent le Gouvernement inte- rieur de cette Province continueront d’etre l’objet de nos travaux, et nous esperons qu’avec les intentions ma- nifestoes par le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, les Bills qui, de temps a autre, pourront etre passes dans cette Chambre sur ces divers sujets auront un resultat avan- tageux au pays. Nous attendrons les memes effets de ce 44 3 ° Nove?nbris . A. 1835 , the country. We confidently expect the same results * those liters which a, e more especially w,th.n the province of His Majesty’s Government. ^ We pray to be allowed to assure Your Excellency, that the representations which have been made by this House and by the People, on the subject of the present Constitution^ the Legislature of this I rovince, were 50 made after mature deliberation, and a most carefu consideration of the principles of Government and of nast events. With a conscientious conviction of it. ne- cessity, and in our desire to establish harmony between the high constituted authorities in this 1 lovince, and to ensure the happiness of its Inhabitants for a iong period to come, as a portion of the Empire over which His Most Gracious Majesty presides, we have prayed foi the extension of the Elective principle to the Legtshutve Council. The general opinion of the I eople gives ad- ditional strength to our conviction that no arrangement of a merely adminstrative and temporary natiiie could produce that harmony which in common wit Excellency, we have so much at heart, with a view to the full and effective representation in the Legislature of the country, of the rights, interests, desires and wan s of the People thereof. . Your Excellency cannot doubt our earnest desne to labour for the happiness of the People, with those dis- positions and sentiments with which the high trust vest- Id in us ought to inspire us. Elected by the People of this Province, from among whom we come, and in o the midst of whom we are to return to partake their lot, we cannot fail at all times to feel an anxious desire to promote the welfare of all, and to see the legislature contribute effectively to the advancement of the public Pr Wethank Your Excellency for the declaration that there is no design to disturb the form of > oc u i) m . Province, or the rights of any class of its inhabitants, and that the great interests of Agriculture and Lommeice ai c sure ofjust protection. We feel flattered by the manner in which Your Excellency has already appreciated the moral and social Institutions of this Countiy, and ue trust that Your Excellency will be daily moreand moie convinced of the public and private virtues of iu i nha- bitants of all classes and of all origins. I he qualities of the Priesthood of all denominations are among oui guarantees that we shall continue to possess these advan- ces. We can assure Your Excellency that we sha l apply ourselves as we have heretofore done, to the. fulfil- ment of our duty towards all, with brotherly impar- tiality • and we trust that our fellow subjects fiom diffe rent portions of the British Empire who have or may come to settle among us, will find here all that pi otection which is requisite to their happiness and the encourage- ment of their industry ; and that their efforts will, jointly with ours, tend to promote the common welfare of £lll * With regard to the opinions expressed by the great body of the People, and by this House, on the public affairs of this Province, Your Excellency will perceive that they have not been and are not founded in any manner on distinctions of nations or of origin, and that the due appreciation of this fact cannot but tend to cre- ate a firm conviction of those sentiments of equaljustice to all, of which we humbly believe that the Representa- tives of the People of this Province have given ample proof. We believe that the House of Assembly in tact as well as in principle, represents the interests and wishes of the great body of the Inhabitants or this Province ol every origin ; and animated as we are by the conscious- ness of the duties which this position imposes on us, there is no class of our fellow subjects of whatever oi igiti, ce qui pent etre plus particulierement dans les attribu- tions du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste. Nous demandons qu’il nous soit permis d assurer Votre Excellence que les representations qui ontete fades par cette Chambre et par le People au sujet de la Constitution actueile de la Legislature de cette Pi o- vince, Pont ete apres m fire deliberation et acres un loner examen des principes du Gouvernement et des eve- upmpns nasses. Avec une conviction consciencieuse et clans notre desk d’etablk l’harmonie entre les bautes ■mtorites constitutes dans la Province, etd assurer le bonheur de tomes les classes de ses habitans dans un long avenir, en liaison avec l’Empire auquei Sa Tres Gracieuse Majeste preside, nous avons demande 1 ap phcaUon an Conseif Legisl.tif du principe d ^ electron L’opinion generate du People ajoute a notre ferme conviction qu’aucun arrangement d une . n . a ‘ u .^”‘* nistrative et temporaire ne pourrait prodiure 1 hai mo- e nous avons a coeur avec Votre Excellence, c an l" but de voir les droits, les inbkels, les van.* et les besoins du People du pays plemement et efficaceme . represents dans sa Legislature. Votre Excellence ne pent douter de notre ferme desk tic travailler au bonheur du People, avec les dnpos tions et les semimens que doit nous dieter la confiance dont nous avons ete revetus. Lius par le L euple cette Province, du sein duquel nous sortons, etau milieu duquel nous devons retourner pour partager sa destinee nous ne pouvons avoir en tout temps qu un vif desir de promouvoir le bien-etre de tons, et de voa la Legislature contribuer efficacement a l avancement No u s°r e me r c i o n s^ ' V oU'e Excellence ^ sa declaration oue l’on n’a aucun dessein de troubler la foime de S mete en cette Province ou les droits d’aucune classe de ses habitans, et que les grands inlets de ^ et du Commerce peuvent compter sut une juste t pro tection. Nous solnmes flattes de la man.ere dont Votie Excellence a deja apprecie lesmoeurs etW» ins ttuboo. sociales de ce Pays, et nous osons esperer qu eiie se ccmvalncra de pbk en plus des publtquet , a, pr.- vees du Peuple de toutes les classes et de toutes les origines. Les qualites du Clerge de toutes les croyances, soift une des garanties des meraes avantages a 1 avenn. Nou? U pouvons & assurer Votre Excellence que nou^no^s appliquerons, cornrne par le passe, , a ' voirs envers tons avec une impartialite bateineiie et. nous esperons que nos co-sujets venant des differentes Dirties de l’Empire Britanmque pour s etablir au milieu de nous y trouveront toute la protection que requierent leur industrie et leurs esperances de bonheur, et que leu rs efforts, de concert avec les notres, tendiontau bien comnmn de tous. Au sujet des opinions enoncees par la masse du Peu- ple et par cette Chambre par rapport aux affaires p.v bliques de cette Province, Votre Excellence s aper- cevra qu’elles n’ont ete on ne sont en aucune manic.o fondee^ sur des distinctions de nation ou d ongine, et que I’apnrdciarion de ce fait pent tendre cunenter Loitement les sentimens de justice egale dont nous crovons humblement que la Represeutat.on du Peuple de cette Province a donne des preuves. Nous cro)ons que la Chambre d’ Assemble, par le fait comme par Popinion, represente les interets et les voeux de grande masse des Habitans de cette uni - origine, et que nous P" ® d Uon q de cette position nous impose, A n est u 1 nos constituans, de quelque ongitie, cioyati n * on 6 Will. IV. 3° Novembris. 45 Agent’s Bill passed. MonlrealCoun- ty Wiit. Resolution on Fees to Clerks or Bailiffs, re ported. Clerks or Bai- liffs Fees Bill read the first time. Pillory abolish, ment Bill read the second lime. origin, persuasion, or opinion they may be, to whom we are not disposed to afford equal aid and protection. We duly appreciate the advantages which Providence has bestowed on this Country, and we entertain no doubt of the high degree of prosperity and happiness to which its Inhabitants might attain under an enlightened, libe- ral and responsable Government. We confidently ex- pect to obtain a Government of this nature, which will be a pledge to us for our future enjoyment of all the blessings to which we look forward, through the firmness of the People and the attention given to the interests of the Country by His Majesty’s Government. We also entertain the hope that with the intentions ex- pressed by Your Excellency this great work of liberty and peace will be accomplished under Your Excellency’s Administration. Ordered , That the said draught of an Address, as re- ported by the Special Committee, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Ordered, That the said draught of an Address be taken into consideration in a Committee of the whole House to-morrow. An engrossed Pill for appointing an Agent in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered , That Mr. Morin do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. The Honorable Louis Joseph Papineau, Speaker of this House, being chosen a Citizen to serve in this pre- sent Provincial Parliament for the West Ward of the City of Montreal, and also a Knight for the County of Montreal, made his Election to serve for the West Ward of the City of Montreal. On Motion of Mr. Lafonlaine , seconded by Mr. Fortin, Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do issue his Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, to make out a new Writ for the Election of a Knight to serve in this pre- sent Provincial Parliament, for the County of 'Montreal, in the room of the said Honorable Louis Joseph Papi- neau. Mr. Meilleur, from the Committee of the whole House to consider the expediency of regulating the Fees of persons employed by Justices of the Peace in the Country Parishes, as Clerks or Bailiffs, in certain cases, reported, according to Order, the Resolution of the said Committee ; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table and agreed to by the House ; and is as followeth : Resolved, That it is expedient to regulate the Fees of the persons employed by the Justices of the Peace in the Country Parishes, as Clerks and Bailiffs, in cer- tain cases. Ordered, That Mr. Archambeault have leave to bring in a Bill to regulate the Fees of persons employed by Justices of the Peace in the Country Parishes, as Clerks or Bailiffs, in certain cases. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Friday next. A Bill to abolish the punishment of Pillory in cer- tain cases, was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, Vol. — 45. nion que cesoit, que nous ne soyons egalement dispo- ses a aider et aproteger. Nous apprecions les avantages que la Providence a departis a ce Pays, et nous n’avons aucun doute du degre de prosperite et de bonheur auquel ses habitans pourront parvenir, sous un Gouvernement eclaire, li- beral et responsable. C’est ce Gouvernement, gage de la jouissance de tous les avantages que nousavonsen perspective, que nous attendons avec confiance, par suite de la Constance du People, etde 1’attention portee aux interets du Pays, par le Gouvernement de Sa Ma- jesty- Nous avons aussi l’espoir que ce grand oeuvre de liberte et de paix, s’accomplira a 1’aide des intentions manif'estees par Votre Excellence et sous son adminis- tration. Ordonne , Que le dit Projet d’Adresse, tel que rap- poi te pa: le Conute Special, soit impnme pour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Projet d’Adresse soit pris en con- sideration dans un Comite de toute la Chambre de- main. Un Bill grossoye pour nommer un Agent dans le Royaume-Uni de la Grande- Bretagne et d’lrlande, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Morin porte le dit Bill an Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. L’llonorable Louis-Joscph Papineau , Orateur de cette Chambre, etant choisi Citoyen pour servir dans ce present Pai lernent Provincial pour le Quartier Guest Cite de Montreal, et aussi Chevalier pour le Comte de Montreal, a fait son Election pour servir pour le Quartier Guest de la Cite de Montreal. Sur Motion de M. Lajontaine , seconde par M. Fortin, Ordonne, Que M. POrateur fasse sortir son War- rant oo Greffier de la Couronne en Chancellerie, pour faire un nouveau Writ pour PElection d’un Chevalier pour servir dans ce present Parlement Provincial, pour le Comte de Montreal, a la place de f Honorable Louis- Joseph Papineau. M - Meilleur, du Comite de toute la Chambre afin de prendre en consideration s’il est expedient de fixer les Honoraires des personnes employees par les Juo-es de Paix dans les Campagnes, comme Greffiers°et Huissiers, en certains cas, a fait rapport, conforme- ment a l’Ordre, de la Resolution du dit Comit£, la- quelle Resolution a 6te luede nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre; et elle est comme suit : Resolu, Qu’il est expedient de r£gler les Honoraires des personnes employees par les Juges de Paix, dans les Campagnes, comme Greffiers ou Huissiers, en certains cas. Ordonne, Que M. Archambeault ait la permission d introduire un Bill pour regler les Honoraires des per- - sonnes employees par les Juges de Paix, dans les Campagnes, comme Greffiers ou Huissiers, en cer- tains cas. II a en consequence pr£sent6 le dit Bill, lequel a dt6 lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a . Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. Public Officers Salaries attach- ment Bill read the second time. A Bill to make the Salaries and Emoluments of Pub- lic Officers liable to attachment at the suit of the Cre- ditors of such Officers, was, according to Order, read a SeC jR«o/iX That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee offive Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. AT Ordered That Mr. O'Callaghan, Mr. Kimber, Mi. Lafontaine, Mr. De Bleury and Mr. Vanfehon do com- pose the said Committee. Confor.ndment k l’Ordre, un Bill pour rendre les Appointemens des Fonctionnaires Publics susceptibles teme " s o ^*. res d’etre saisis et arreffis a la poursuite de leui s Ci eanciei s, Publics suscep- , , , r • tibles d’etre sai- a ete lu une seconde tois. ~ . , , sis, lu une se- Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de comie fms. cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la di- ligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer qiffirir per- sonnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. O’ Callaghan, M. A imbev, JVI. La- fontaine , M. De Bleary et M. Vanfelson composent le dit ComitO Bill to prevent the frandulent seizure of Lands, read second time. A Bill to prevent the fraudulent seizure and sale of Lands and other real property within this Province, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to the Stand- ino- Committee of Courts cl Justice. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour empecher les Biiijour em- saisies et ventes frauduleuses des Terres, et autres sies frauduleu- r,ronrietes reelles dans cette 1 tovince, acte lu utic se une seC0 nde ‘ , • fois. conde tois. . Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit refere au Comite 1 er- mauentdes Cours de Justice. Sheriffs’ Office A Bill for making certain Regulations respecting the /-» • Cf* ----- .. f Hivlpr VPfUl n, so- Oflice A 1311 1 lUl uiarwn. 6 & .. , 4 j CJ regulation Bill offire 0 f Sheriff, was, according to Order, read a se- second read the time. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to the Stand- in a* Committee of Courts of Justice. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour faire certains jm reolemens au sujet de l'Office de Sherd, a 6t6 hi une sheriff, iu une 1 D . J seconde rois. seconde fois. . Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit refere au Conute 1 er- manent des Cours de Justice. Bill relating to unclaimed Goods read the second time. A Bill to authorize the sale and disposal of certain Goods unclaimed and remaining in the possession of the Clerks of the Peace in this Province, was, accord- ing to Order, read a second time. On Motion of Mr. Huot, seconded by Mr. hardy, Ordered, That the blank in the fifth Clause of the said Bill be filled with the word “ forty.” Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. au? non re- in un* Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill qui autorise la Bjiiwutjf vente et permet de disposer de certains effets non- clames, lu uu< reclames, et restant en la possession des Greffiers de seconde foU ’ la Paix en cette Province, a ete lu une seconde fois. Sur Motion de M. Huot, seconde par M. Bardy, Ordonne, Que le blanc dans la cinqu'ffime Clause du dit Bill, soit rempli du mot “ quavante.” Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amencffi, soit gros- soye. Justices of ihe Reace qualifi- cailon Bill read the second time. A Bill for the qualification of the Justices of the Peace, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to the stand- ing Committee of Courts of Justice. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour la qualifier- tion des Juges de Paix a ete lu une second fois. d P es ^ u f u eS une Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit reff re au Comrte Per- seconde fois. manent des Cours de Justice. InsolventDebt- ors relief Bill read the second time. A Bill to afford relief during a Emitted time to In- solvent Debtors, was, according to Order, read a se- On Motion of Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Perrault, Ordered , That the blank in the third Clause ot the said Bill be filled with the words “ forty two.” Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, he engrossed. Conformement k l'Ordre, un Bill pour le soulage- 1UI UJGIUCIJ L (t. i — — - — r # c ment, pendant un temps limite, des Oebiteuis msol- vablts, a ete lu une seconde fois. Sur Motion de M. Scott, seconde par M. Verrault, Ordonne, Que le blanc dans la troisi&me Clause du dit Bill soit rempli des mots “ quarante-deux.” Ordonne , Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, suit gros- soyO des Debiteur insolvables, !l une seconde fois, Religions con- A Bill to repeal an Act passed in the tenth and ele- gregations Bin vent h years 0 f His late Majesty’s Reign, intituled, ‘ An .. Act for the relief of certain Religious Congregations “ therein mentioned,’ and to make other Legislative provision in the place thereof, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of the whole House to-morrow. A Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour revoquer un urn ponr^d Acte pass6 dans les dixihme et onzieme annees du Religieuses, i Rfegne defeu Sa Majeste, intitule, “ Acte pour le se- "“* seconde “ cours de certaines Congregations Religieuses y men- “ tionnees, et pour faire d autres dispositions legisla- tives au lieu d icelui, a ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre, demain. Conformement 6 Will. IV. 3° Novembris. 47 Bill relating to the Jesuits Es- tates read the second time. Jurors Bill read the second time. Bill relating to Law Practi- tioners read the second time. Judicature Act deferred. Court of Ap- peals deferred. Committee on Provincial Sta- tutes. A Bill to regulate the concession of Lands in the Fiefs and Seigniories formerly belonging to the Order of Jesuits, and the collection of the arrears of Cens et Rentes and Lods et Rentes in the same, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to the Stand- ing Committee on the Jesuits’ Estates. A Bill to regulate the qualification and summoning of Jurors in Civil and Criminal matters, was, accord- ing to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Morin, Mr. Lafontaine, Mr. Per- rault, Mr. Caron and Mr. Gugy do compose the said Committee. A Bill to repeal certain parts of an Ordinance there- in mentioned, concerning persons to be admitted to practise the Law in this Province, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of the whole House to-morrow. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider the expediency of repealing or amending cer- tain parts of the Act passed in the thirty fourth year of the Reign of His Majesty George the Third, "inti- tuled, “ An Act for the division of the Province of “ Lower Canada, for amending the Judicature thereof, “ and for repealing certain Laws therein mentioned,” inasmuch as the same relates to the holding of Inferior Terms of the Courts of King’s Bench for the Districts of Quebec and Montreal, being read; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider the expediency of amending in part the Act passed in the thirty fourth year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the Third, Chapter six, intituled, “ An Act for the division of the Province of Lower “ Canada, for amending the Judicature thereof, and “ for repealing certain Laws therein mentioned,” in so far as the said Act relates to the constitution of the Provincial Court of Appeals, being read; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be postponed til to-morrow. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider whether it is riot expedient to reprint the Provincial Statutes, Laws and Ordinances now in force in this Province, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Child took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Child reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution, which he was directed to sub- mit to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. Then, on Motion of Mr. Be Bleury, seconded by Mr. Huot, The House adjourned, Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour r6gler la Con- cession des Terres dans les Fiefs et Seigneuries appar- tenans ci-devant k l’Ordre desJ6suites, et la percep- tion des arrearages de Cens et Rentes et Lods et Ventes dans iceux, a 6t6 lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit r<=f Alors, sur Motion de M. De Bleury , seconds par M. Huot, La Chambre s’est ajourn£e. Bill relalif aux Biens des Je. suites, lu une seconde fois. Bill des Jures , lu une seconde fois. Bill relatif aux JPraticiens en Loi, lu une se- conde fois. Acte de Judi- cature remis. Cour d’Appel remise. Comite sur lea Statuts Provin- ciaux. Wednesday, Mercredi, 48 4° Novembns . A. 1 835. W ednesday , 4/// November 1835. Merer edi , 4 Novembre 1S35. r|N Motion of Mr. limber, seconded by Mr. For- m fa)l Ordered, That the Entry in the Journal of this House of the 5th*. March 1834, containing the Answer of Iiis Answer to an Address res— qj Jill ? SSX'lTS. Excellency the late Governor in Chief to the Address Forge? of ‘st. of this l louse of the 24th February ls 34, relating to Maurice, re- ferred. the Reserve of thirty thousand arpents of Land for the Forges of St. Maurice, he now lead. ^ The said Entry was read accordingly. Ordered, That the said Answer of His Excellency the late Governor in Chief, he referred to the Standing Committee on the Jesuits Estates. Motion de M. Kimber, seconde par M .For- ~ Ordonne , Que l’Entree dans le Journal de cette Adresse au su- Chambre, du 5 Mars 1834, contenant la Reponse de j« u -« 5 res Son Excellence le ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef, a '^ s d t “ 1au _ 1’ Adresse de cette Chambre, du 24 Fevrier 1834, rela rice, referee, tivement a la Reserve de trente mille arpens de terre pour les Forges St. M aurice, soit maintenant lue. La dite Entree a ete lue en consequence. Ordonne, Que la dite Reponse de Son Excellence le ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef soit referee au Comite Permanent sur les Biens des Jesuites. Add,™ for Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to Communica- Hj§ Excellency the Governor in Chief, (founded on tnc KJOTS. Addresses of this House, of the 21 st February and 30th fSi’crk November 1831, of the 7th, 22nd and 29th December Maurice. i ooct nf the 14th 18th and 22nd Januaiv, and tne ~4tn February 1831; and on the Answers of the late Go- vernor in Chief, of the 23rd February ami 1st December 1831, of the 10th, 27th and 29th December 1832, and of the 15th, 21st and 23th January, and the olh Mat ch 1834, relating to the College of the late Ordei o Je- suits in the City of Quebec, and to the Lands included in the former Lease of the Forges of St. Maurice,) pray- ing that His Excellency will he pleased to communi- cate to this House all such further information as he may have received from His Majesty's Government on the subject of the prolonged occupation oi the said College by His Majesty's Troops as Barracks, or on the subject of the Lands comprised in the former -ease ol the Forges of St. Maurice, more especially of those lyino- in the Fief 67. Maurice belonging to the Crown, andtn the Seigniory of Cap de la Magdeleme, formerly belonging to the late Order of Jesuits ; and, also, that His Excellency will be pleased to lav before this House, a Copy of the Instrument under which the Honorable Matthew Bell holds thirty thousand acres of Land (known by the name of the Reserve for the forges o St. Maurice,) in the said Seigniory of Lap de la Made- leine and a Copy of the Instrument by which the Lease oTthe said Forges to the Honorable Matthew Bell, was renewed. , . T Ordered, That Mr. Kimber, Mr. Barnard, Mr Piene Antoine Dorian and Mr. Hebert do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. . , ill* ' Adresse pour Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adi esse a commumca- Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, en conse- d° s ns B £“ s S di e s quence des Adressesde cette Chambre du 21 Fevrier et du 30 Novembre 1831, de celles du 7» du 22 et du -9 Maurice. Decembre 1832, de cedes du 14, du 13 et du 22 Jan- vier, et du 24 Fevrier 1834, et des Reponses du ci- devant Gouverneur-en-Chef du 23 Fevrier et du ler Decembre 1831, du 10, du 27 et du 29 Decembre 1832, du 15, du 21 et du 25 Janvier et du 5 Mars 1834, concernant le College du ci-devant Ordre des Jesuites dans la Cite de Quebec, etlesTerres comprises dans le ci-devant Bail des forges St. Maurice ; priant Son Excellence de vouloir bien communiquer a cette Chambre tous les renseignemens ulterieurs qu’eile peut avoir re^is du Gouvernement t de Sa Majeste, relative- ment a l’occupation prolongee de la Batisse du dit College, comme Casernes, par les Troupes de Sa Ma- jeste '• et relativement aux Terres comprises dans le ci-devant Bail des Forges St. Maurice, particuliere- ment a celles situees dans le eief St. Maw ice, appar- tenant a la Couronne, et dans la Seignemie du Cap de la Magdeleine, appartenant au ci-devant Ordre des Je- suites T et de vouloir bien mettre devant cette Cham- bre Copie du Document qui accorde a V Honorable Matthew Bell l’octroi de trente mille arpens de terre, con nus sous le nom de Reserve pour les Forges dans la dite Seigneurie du Cap de la Magdeleme, et Copie du Document qui renouvelle au dit Honorable Mat- thew Bell le Bail des dites Forges St. Maurice. Ordonne, Que M. Kimber, M. Barnard, M. Fieri e- Antoine Dorian et M. Hebert presentent la dite Adresse a Sou Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Ordonne, Qu’en consequence de la Depeche de Lord ><> uraercu, -i **«<■ *■* ■ — “—i-' , , p rtnrlprirh du 21 Decembre 1830, et de la Resolution n em sur les Despatch of the 2ist December 830, and of the Ee- du 15 Fevrier 1834, relativement a S. des J6 * ts - solution of this House ot the loth lebi naiy 133 P ^ ^ (]e§ Biens t ] es J^uites, il soit line Instruction an Comite Permanent sur les dits Biens, de s’enqwTir sur le mode le moins dispendieux it adopter pour regir ces Biens a l’avenir. Instruction to Ordered, That in consequence of Lord Goderich's the Standing — - 1 ^ - ' T\ 1 QQC\ anil rar THP 11 P- Commiltee on the Jesuits Es goiUllUll ui mio Ulei latino- to the management of the Jesuits’ Estates, it be an Instruction to the Standing Committee on the said Estates, to enquire what would in future be the east ex- pensive system which could he adopted foi the man- agement oftlie said Estates. . . Ordered, That Mr. Raymond and Mr. Girouard be added to the said Committee. Ordonne , Que M. Raymond et M. Girouard soient ajoutes au dit Comite. a .Urea lor Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to Ills Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying him .to grantsofLand. p] easec j to lay before this House, a Copy or e Royal Instructions given in 1818, to Ilis Grace the Duke of Richmond, to grant portions or lots of the Waste Lands of the Crown to the Officers and riyates who served during the last War with the halted * tn es. Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse k Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le priant de b^»« ~JJ OOIl JL9 Atcucuee „. . ' • , ves aux Octroi vouloir bien mettre devant cette Chambre, Copie des Ordered, That Mr. Kimber, Mr. Pierre Antoine Do- rian, Mr. Perrault and Mr. Baker do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief- VOUlUU U 1 CM iiictuc -- - - „ c A , Instructions Royales donnees en ISIS, a Sa Grace le Due de Richmond, pour accorder des portions ou lots des Terres Incultes de la Couronne aux Ofhciers et aux Homines qui out servi durant la dermere Guerre avec les Etats-Unis. Ordonne, Que M. Kimber, M. Pierre- Antoine no- tion, M. Perrault et M. Baker presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Une de Terres. 6 Will. IV. 4 ° Novembris. 49 pec't^errone. A Petition of divers Inhabitants'ofthe County of Beau - mis judgments hamois, was presented to the House by Mr. Archam- given by Jus- 71.1.1 J i-nuni tice ofthe ueault , anu the same was received and read; praying that an Act may be passed to hold Justices of the Peace responsible for erroneous Judgments given by them, and to enable the party injured to bring a suit against the offending Justice in any of His Majesty Courts, having competent jurisdiction, for the recovery of the damages sustained. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice. IJne Petition de divers Habitans du Comte de Beau- JE ’ 6titi0 ? au su - harnois a 6t& presentee a la Chambre par M. Archam- rnenserrones heauit, laquelle a 6t6 re 9 ue et lue ; demandant qu’un juS«TW!*! Acte soit pass6 pour rendre les Juges de Paix respon- sables des Jugemens errones qu’ils ont donnes, et que la partie ainsi Usee puisse poursuivre tels Juges de Paix, dans aucune Cour de Sa Majest6 ayant une ju- risdiction competente, pour le recouvrement du mon- tant des dommages qu’elle aura soufferts. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit Uftree au Comite Permanent desCours de Justice. The following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read ; viz: KDdair°L J * B >’ Mr * Rardy.—A Petition of John Francis Delair, payment of an of the Village of St. Athanase-, praying payment of the Bailiff-" 188 sum of Three pounds twelve shillings and six pence currency, amount of his taxed Account as Bailiff, for the arrest of two Prisoners accused of Grand Larcency. lowirdT Roads B ^ ^ r * Toomy. — A Petition of the Inhabitants of Granff"a ° Ter ' ^ ie -T° wns hips of Wendover, Grantham and Wickham, wIckhaT. and and others; praying that a sum of Two hundred and seventy eight pounds three shillings and seven pence farthing, balance of an appropriation made in 1831, for the improvement of the Navigation of the River St. Francis, remaining unexpended in the hands of the Commissioners, may be expended in finishing or im- proving those parts of the public Roads through the Townships of Wendover , Grantham and Wickham, where any further labor may be found to be most required. Ordered, That the two preceding Petitions be re- ferred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts. Les Petitions suivantes ont ete presentees a la Cham- bre, lesquelles ont 6te re 9 ues et lues ; savoir : Par M. Bard?/.— Une Petition de John-Francis De- Petition d e j. foir, du Village de St. Athanase ; demandant le paie- ie^l’JT ur ment de la somme de Trois livres douze schellings et dun comp,e . six deniers courant, montant de son Compte taxe, 1W comme Huissier, pour 1’arrestation de deux Prisonniers, accuses de Grand Larcin. Par M. Toomy. — Une Petition des Habitans des Petition pour Townships de Wendover, Grantham, Wickham, et au- ^chlminr* tres ; demandant que la somme de Deux cent soixante ^'‘ 1 a s n ^ e a ndover > et dix-huit livies tiois schellings et sept deniers et un Wickham, quart, balance d’une allocation faite en 1831, pour l’amelioration de la navigation de la Riviere St. Fran- cois, demeuree non depensee entre les mains des Com- missaires, puisse etre depensee a parachever ou ame- liorer lesendroits des Chemins Publics dans les Town- ships de Wendover , Grantham et Wickham, ou de tels travaux paraitront les plus necessaires. Ordonne, Que les deux Petitions precedentes soient referees au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics. Seven Petitions The following Petitions were presented to the House, Bducation ar a d nd and the same were received and read, viz : Schools. By Mr. Clapham. — A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Township of Inverness, County of Megantic; praying for remuneration to the Teacher of the School in District No. 10, in the Township of Inverness. A Petition of William Stewart, School Master ; pray- ing for the usual allowance for the half year ended the 13th November IS34, as School Master of District No. 4, in the Township of Leeds, and for the continuance of said allowance for the future. By Mr. Blackburn.— A Petition of the School Trus- tees and Inhabitants of School District No. 2, Town- ship of Hull ; praying payment of one half the amount of the cost of a Schoolhouse erected by them in said Township. By Mr. Cardinal.— A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Village of Laprairie ; praying an aid to build a Schoolhouse. By Mr. Toomy . — -A Petition of divers Proprietors and Inhabitants of the Township of Wickham ; praying that the Master of the School No. 2 , in said Township, may receive the usual allowance granted under the Elementary School Act, from 15th May 1834. A Petition of the Trustees of the School District No. 1, Township of Tingwiclc; praying that the Teacher of the said School may receive the usual allowance of Ten pounds, for the si”x months ended the 15lh May 1834. By Mr. Deblois.—A Petition of the Trustees of the Elementary School in Risligouche ; praying that the Teacher of the said School may receive the usual al- lowance granted under the Elementary School Act, from the establishment of said School. Ordered, Vol.— 45. Les Petitions suivantes ont ete presentees a la Cham- s cp t Peiinon, bre, lesquelles ont ete reguesetlues ; savoir- p0lI t de3 a j des 1 ai M. Clapham. Une I etition de divers Habitans ' Education et du Township d’Inverness, Comte de Megantic ; de- dCS Ec ° £S ' mandant une remuneration pour le Precepteur de l’E- cole de PArrondissement No. 10, dans le Township d’ Inverness. Une Petition de William Stewart, Maitre d’Ecole ; demandant Pallocation ordinaire pour le semestre fini le 15 Novembre 1834, comme Maitre d’Ecole de PArron- dissement No. 4, dans le Township de Leeds, et poui- la continuation de la dite allocation a Pavenir. Par M. Blackburn.— Give Petition des Syndic d’E- cole et Habitans de PArrondissement d’Ecole No. 2, Township de Hull ; demandant le paiement d’une moi- tid du montant du cout d’une Maison d’Ecole qu’ils ont erigee dans le dit Township. Par M. Cardinal . — Une Petition de divers Habitans du Village de Laprairie ; demandant une aide pour batir une Maison d’Ecole. Par M. Toomy.— Une Petition de divers Proprietaires et Habitans du Township de Wickham. ; demandant que le Maitre de l’Ecole No. 2, dans le dit Township, puisse recevoir Pallouance ordinaire accordee en vertu de l’Acte des Ecoles Elementaires, depuis le 15 Mai 1834. Une Petition des Syndics de PEcole de PArrondis- sement No. 1, Township de Tingwick ; demandant que le Maitre de la dite Ecole puisse recevoir Pallouance ordinaire de Dix louis, pour les six mois finis le 15 Mai 1834. Par M. Deblois . — Une Petition des Syndics de PE- cole Elementaire de Ristigouche ; demandant que le Maitre de la dite Ecole puisse recevoir Pallouance or- dinaire, accordee en vertu de l’Acte des Ecoles Ele- mentaires, depuis Petablissement de la dite Ecole. Ordonne , N 50 4>° Novembns , A. 1 835. Ordered, That the seven preceding Petitions be re- Ordonne, Qne les sent Petitions mecedentes soient erred to the Standing Committee of Education and referees au Comite l ermanent pour 1 Education et les Ecoles. ferred Schools. A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Seigniory of Petition com- x __ w Seignim-s°of he Shoolbred , County of Bonaventure, was presented to siiooibred. the jq 0lise by Mr. Deblois, and the same was received and read ; complaining that the enormous rents and dues exacted from the Petitioners by the Proprietors and Seigniors of the Seigniory of Shoolbred , the refu- sal on their part to cause the lands of their Petitioners to be surveyed, to open Roads and build Flour Mills in the said Seigniory, and to grant them valid titles, sub- ject the Petitioners to the greatest inconveniences ; retard the settlement of the said Seigniory, and are injurious to the general interests of the County of Bona- venlure, and of the whole District of Gaspe ; and pray- ing the House to adept measures for removing the difficulties under which the Petitioners labor. Seven Petitions lor aid towards Internal Com- munications. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. Une Petition des Habitans et Tenanciers de laSei- gneurie Shoolbred , Comte de Bonaventure, a ete pro- gneurs shooi- sentee a la Chambre par M. Deblois, laquelle a ete re$ue bred ' et lue ; se plaignant que les taux enonnes exiges des Petitionnaires par les Proprietaires et Seigneurs de la Seigneurie de Shoolbred, le refus de leur part de faire arpenter les terres des Petitionnaires, d’ouvrir des Chemins et de construire ties Moulins a Farine dans la dite Seigneurie, ainsi que le refus de leur donner des Titres valables, font eprouver aux Petitionnaiies les pi us grands inconveniens, retardent l’etablissement de la dite Seigneurie, et nuisent a l’interet general du Comte de Bonaventure, et de tout le District de Gaspe ; et piiant la Chambre d’adopter les moyens propres a faire disparaitre les difficultes dans lesquelles se trou- vent les Petitionnaires. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Co- mite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneurieux. The following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read ; viz :■ — By Mr. Archambeault . — A Petition of divers Free- holders and Inhabitants of St. Thimothee de Beauhar - praying that rules and regulations may be made nois concerning the entry of Cribs and Rafts of Firewood into the Port and City of Montreal ; that the Raft Channel from Si. Louis Ilapids to the said City of Montreal, be cleared and improved ; and that the Act for the inspection of Rafts and Cribs at Chateauguay be repealed. By Mr. Blackburn.— A Petition of divers Inhabitants and others, of the Township of Hull, on the Ottawa ; praying an aid of Seven hundred and twenty five pounds, towards opening and improving a Public Road from the back Settlements in the North West quarter of the Township of Hull, to the main Road and the Union Bridge at the Falls of Chaudiere. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Township of Lochaber, and others ; praying an aid towards the im- provement of the Public Road leading through the Townships of Lochaber , Buckingham and Templeton. By Mr. Bouffard . — A Petition of Inhabitants Land- holders in the Parish of St. Joseph de la Pointe Levi ; praying an aid to repair and improve the Hill known by the name of “ Cbte-d-Labadie ,” in the said Parish. By Mr. Cardinal— A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Laprairie ; praying an aid to improve the Road between St. John’s and laprairie. By Mr. Toomy. — A Petition of the Inhabitants, of the Township of Grantham , and its vicinity ; praying an aid of Four hundred pounds currency, to finish the Road from Sorel to Drummondville. By Mr. Deblois.— A Petition of the Proprietors, Freeholders and Inhabitants of Bonaventure 5 praying an aid of Two hundred pounds currency, to assist in opening a Road between Grand and Petit Bonaventure. Ordered, That the seven preceding Petitions be referred to the Standing Committee of Roads and Pub- lic Improvements. Les Petitions suivanles ont ete presentees a la Cham- bre, lesquelles out ete recues et lues ; savoir : — Par M. Archambeault .— Une Petition de divers Francs-tenanciers et Proprietaires de St. Thimothee de Bcauharnois \ demandant qu’il soit fait des regies et reglemens pour arriver au Port de la Ville de Montreal, avec leurs Cageux ou Drames ; que le Chenal a par- tir du Sault \St. Louis a la dite Ville de Montreal, soit net toye et ameliore, et que 1’ Acte pour I’inspec- tion des dits Cageux ou Drames a Chateaugay soit aboli. Par M. Blackburn.— Cue Petition de divers Habi- tans, et autres, du Township de Hull, sur V Outaouais , demandant une aide de Sept cent vingt-cinq livres, pour ouvrir et ameliorer un Chemin Public, depuis les eta- blissemens qui se trouvent dans les profondeurs de la partie Nord-Ouest du Township de Hull, et allant au Grand Chemin et au Pent de V Union, aux Chutes de la Chaudiere . Une Petition de divers Habitans du Township de Lochaber, et autres ; demandant une aide pour l’amelio- ration du Chemin Public qui traverse les Townships de Lochaber, Buckingham et Templeton. Par M. Bouffard . — Une Petition des Habitans Te- nanciers de la Paroisse de St. Joseph de la Pointe Levi ; demandant une aide pour reparer et ameliorer la Cote connue sous le nom ds “ Cote ci Labadie, dans la dite Paroisse. Par M. Cardinal .— Une Petition de divers Habitans du Comte de Laprairie ; demandant une aide pour ameliorer le Chemin entre St. Jean et Laprairie. Par M. Toomy . — Une Petition des Habitans du Township de Grantham, et de ses environs ; deman- dant une aide de Quatre cens livres courant, pour pa- rachever le Chemin depuis Sorel jusqu a Drummond - ville. Par M. Deblois .— Une Petition des Francs-tenanciers et Habitans de Bonaventure ; demandant une aide de Deux cens livres courant, pour les aider a ouvrir un Chemin entre le Grande t le Petit Bonaventure. Ordonne, Que les sept Petitions precedentes soient referees au Comite Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations Publiques. Sept Petitions pour des a ides pour les com- munications intericures. Petition of Dr. A Petition of Andre Lacroix, of Chateauguay, was rnen't * 1 of °an ac- presented to the House by Mr. Tessier, and the same eoun onai P s r eF'vi- was received and read ; praying payment of the sum ces at St. Remit G f Nineteen pounds two shillings and six pence curren- in 1832- fy ( Une Petition d ’Andre Lacroix, de Chateaugay, a Lacroix, pour ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Tessier, laquelle a ete re$ue et lue ; demandant le paiement de la somme V it- 1 • i • comme mede- de Dix-neuf livres deux schellings et six denieis cou- cmi aSt. iie- tm,sn 1832. rant, Petition for the reestablishment of the Court for small debts at Montreal. Petition of W. E. Felton for aid in the publica- tion of a revi- sed Edition of the Provincial Statutes. Committee on Post Office De- partment. Resolution on Provincial Sta- tutes reported. Provincial Or- dinances and Statutes Bill read the first time. Small Causes Bill deferred. Militia Pen- sions Bill read the first time. 6 Will IV. 4° Novemhris . cy, balance of his account for professional services ren- dered to the poor laboring under Cholera, in the Parish of St. Remi, in the year 1832, and such other sum as the House may consider him entitled to as an indemnity fot the losses he has suffered in not having been pre- viously paid the said amount. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Commitlee for Hospitals and Charitable In- stitutions. 51 rant, balance de son Compte pour services cornme Me- decin, rendus aux pauvres atteints du Cholera dans la Paroisse de St. Remi , dans l'annee 1832, avec telle autre somme que la Chambre jugera etre unejuste in- demnity pour les pertes qu’il a souffertes, pour n’avoir pas ete paye du dit montant. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comit6 Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Cha- ri te. A Petition ot divers Inhabitants of the City and Suburbs of Montreal , was presented to the House by Mr. Leslie, and the same was received and read ; praying for the re-establishment of the Commission- ers’ Court for the collection of small debts in the City and Suburbs o i Montreal. line Petition de divers Habitans de la Cite et des Kmionde- Faubourgs de Montreal, a ete presentee k la Chambre tablisement de par M. Leslie, laquelle a ete re 9 ue et lue; demandant JSSTSStw” le retablissement de la Cour des Commissaires pour le Montreal, recouvrement des petites dettes dans la Cite et les Fau- bourgs de Montreal. A Petition of William Locker Felton, of the City of Quebec, Advocate, was presented to the House by Mr. Caron, and the same was received and read ; pray- ing the House to afford him support, by subscription or otherwise, in the publication of a new and revised edition of the Provincial Statutes. Une Petition de William Locker Felton, de la Cite de Petition de w. Quebec, A vocat, a6te presenteea la Chambre par M. Caron, laquelle a et6 re 9 ue et lue ; priant la Chambre de lui dTe'^dftL accorder un encouragement, par souscription ou autre- comgee des ment, dans la publication d’une Nouvelle Edition cor- rigee des Statuts Provinciaux. Resolved, That a Committee of five Members be ap- pointed to enquire into the present condition of the Post Office Department, with a view to the application of an efficient remedy to the defects in its organisation and management, with power to send for persons, pa- pers and records, and to report from time to time by Bill or otherwise. Ordered, That Mr. O' Callaghan, Mr. Perrault, Mr. I.eslie, Mr. Scott and Mr. Child do compose the said Committee. Ordered, 1 hat the Message of His Excellency the late Governor in Chief, of the 11th March, 1835, with the Extract of a Despatch from the Right Honorable T. Spring Rice, then His Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Colonial Department, on the subject of the Post Office, and the Documents accompanying the same, be referred to the said Committee. Resolu, Qu’un Comite de cinq Membres soit nom- comite sur ie me pour s’enquerir de l’etat actuel du D^partement des I ostes, afin de porter un remede efficace aux defectuo- sites de son organisation et administration, avec pou- voir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records, et de faire rapport, de temps a autre, par Bill ou autre- ment. Ordonne , Que M. O'Callaghan, M. Perrault, M. Leslie, M. Scott, et M. Child composent le dit Comite. Ordonne, Que le Message de Son Excellence le ci- devant Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 11 Mars 1835, et l’Extrait d’nne Depeche du Tres-Honorable T. Spring Rice, alors Secretaire d’Etat de Sa Majeste pour le D Appendix (H.) For the said Report, sec Appendix (H.) at ^ ^ VoluB!e _ of this Volume. __ , T „ Petition des a«- ,r,». A Petition of the Huron Indians of j« SSiWT was presented to the Ilouse by Mr- Besse^ seignorv of sti- saJT!e w asreceived and read , p .v » iheir d0 ^oW?That the said Petition be with power to send for persons, papers and ie«)rds. Ordered That Mr. Ecsserer, Mr. Bettlielui, . . Bucket k!. Kimber and Mr. Girouari do compose the said Committee. The following Petitions were presented tothe House, tu ions tor aid, anc | the same were received and rea , . * . . .t i . A Dot.hnn nf .Tn&P.nk t Seventeen I’e- titionsfor aid, ant | the same were receiveu aim lu ‘ u > p /» and relating to M RprtJiefot A Petition of Joseph l\ 1 U ■ ALA, SKSUT* pfaying the Legislature to indem- Sr-* nifydilm for^advances* he has made in maintaining two Elementary Schools and a Model Farm, either by pur- c"?he said establishments and converting hem into Normal Schools, or by enabling him to continue the same by means of an annual grant equivalent to tnc same y , • i nrrnr diiv>’ to a statement the annual expense, which accota n n w produced, amounts to Seven hundred and foity o pounds fourteen shillings and ten pence Bv Mr Huot .— A Petition of the trustees ot School District No. 1, in the Parish of SI. Barthelenu ; P ra y P‘ to be reimbursed the sum of Forty nine pounds, befmr one half the cost of a Lot ot Land and House thereon, bought by them for the purposes of Education. By Mr. Besserer. — A. Petition of the Huron : Chiefs f 1 nr pt I p • nravin 0, that the annual allowance of loi y fife poundPfo7 th“e education of their children, may be granted for the last and present years. A Petition of the School Trustees of ‘he Parish of St Ambroise ; praying that the duration of the A under which one half the cost of the erection of achoo Houser is allowed, may be extended in favor of the p ar isb till the 1st November, lodb. By Mr. Kimber . — A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of St. Maurice ; praying an aid ot Five hundred pounds currency, to establish a Superior School in the Parish of Ste. Arme d Y amaciuche By Mr. Caron .- A Petition of the Literary ^and l His torical Society of Quebec ; praying an aid foi t e past and current years, to enable them to promote the ob- jects for which the Society was formed and mcoipo- ™ ^Petition of the Literary and Historical ^Tcicty of Quebec ; praying an aid to enable them to subscribe for and obtain an important work on American Oini- tbology now in course of publication in England am America, by Mr. Jean Jacques Audubon. A Petition of the Committee for the management of the National School at Quebec ; praying an aid not ex- ceeding Two hundred and fifty pounds. ,. By Mr. Lelourneau . — A Petition of divers Inhabi- tants of the Parish of St. Pierre Rmere du bud , praying an aid of One hundred and twelve pounds cu - T r Petition des Une Petition des Sauvages Ilurons de la JHme Xo- « relic a ete presentee it la Chambre par M. £ ,e J s ^G '%%%£« mu 'i P a At l r ecue et lue ; demandant que ties t-oramis » s saires soieift tiommes pour examiner pleinemeut leurs re- lations a la Chefs rjuslicPle” droits, privileges et immunit|s que les tiens domicilies a la Jeune Loiette. Prymitp ^sfffiaSagSSSSS ch?i. M. Kimber et M. Giromrd composent le ditCo- mite. Les Petitions suivantes out 6te presentees a la Mi am “P our des bre lesquelles out et£ repues et lues , savoir . d e e i’Ed«cation P, • M Berlhelot Une Petition de Joseph F. Fei- ^ des Ecoles , r ai 1 VI. £>et ItlClUl. • . 1 T Ari jemandan iide n’excedant pas Deux cent cinquante livies. _ PaJ M. Lelourneau. Une Petition, de divers Habi- tans de la Paroisse de St. lei mandant une aide de Centdouze iu * a]C j e ' r 6 Will. IV. 6° Novembris. Fourteen Pe- titions for aid towards Inter- nal Communi- cations. rency, to assist them in finishing a large School House which they have commenced erecting in the said Parish. By Mr. Barnard. — A Petition of the President, Vice President and Committee of Management of the Society of Education of the Town of Three Rivers', praying an aid towards the support of the two Schools under their management in the said Town of Three Rivers. A Petition of the Ursuline Nuns of Three Rivers ; praying an aid of Six hundred pounds currency, to enable them to pay off a balance due for the erection of a Building near their Convent for the purpose of Edu- cation. By Mr. Clapharn.— A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Township of Inverness ; praying an increase of six Schools, in addition to the number already esta- blished in the said Township of Inverness. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Township of Ireland ; praying that the School District No. 1, in the said Township of Ireland , may be divided into two. By Mr. Deblois. — A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Township of Maria, in the County of Bonaven- ture ; praying an aid to defray one half the cost of erection of a School House in the School District No. 19, in the said Township of Maria. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of School District No. 21, in Shoolbred, County of Bonavenlure ; pray- ing an aid to defray one half the cost of the erection of a School House in said School District No. 21. By Mr. O' Callaghan. — A Petition of divers School Masters and School Mistresses of the County of Ya- maska, District of Three Rivers ; complaining of abuses in the execution of the Act for the encouragement of Elementary Education. By Mr. Gugy. — A Petition of the Trustees of Schools Nos. 4 and 5, of the Township of Melbourne ; praying the House to make an appropriation to enable the Pe- titioners to receive the usual allowance for the said Schools, from the 15th May to the 15th November, 1834. Ordered, That the seventeen preceding Petitions be referred to the Standing Committee of Education and Schools. The following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read : viz : — By Mr. Girouard.— A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Seigniory of Argenteuil , and other places ; praying an aid of Four hundred pounds, to aid and assist them to build a Bridge across the North River. By Mr. Perrault.— A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Parish and County o fVaudreuil; praying an aid of One hundred pounds currency, to improve '"the ap- proaches to the Bridge over the River Quinchien near the Cascades. By Mr. Methot. — A Petition of divers Proprietors in the County of Lotbiniere ; praying an aid of One hun- dred and fifty pounds currency, to build a Bridge across the Ruisseau a Martel in the Parish of Ste. Croix . By Mr. Huot. — A Petition of divers Proprietors, and others, of the Parishes of Cap Sante and Fointe aux Trembles-, praying an aid of Two hundred pounds cur- rency, to pave and repair the Hill on the North East side of the Public Bridge over the River Jacques Car- tier, commonly called Derg’s Bridge. By Mr. Besserer. — A Petition of Etienne C. Lagueux and Michel Sauvageau, of Quebec ; praying an aid of Three hundred pounds fifteen shillings, to complete the Road leading from St. Vallier Suburb to the Ste. Fog Road. A 55 aider dans l’achbvement d’une Maison spacieuse qu’ils ont commence a batir dans la dite Paroisse. Par M. Barnard. Une Petition des President, Vice-President et Comite de R^gie de la Soci6te d’E- ducation de la Ville des Trois-Rivieres ; demandant une aide pour le soutien des deux Ecoles sous leur regie dans la dite Ville des Trois-Rivieres. Une Petition des Religieuses Ursulines des Trois- Rivieres; demandant une aide de Six cens livres cou- rant, pour les mettre en etat d’acquitter une balance due pour la construction d’un Batiment, pr^s de leur Monast&re, pour les fins de l’Education. Par M. Clapham. Une Petition de divers Habitans du Township d’ Inverness ; demandant une augmenta- tion de six Fcoles, en addition au nombre deja 6tabli dans le dit Township d’ Inverness . Une Petition de divers Habitans du Township Y Ire- land ; demandant que l’Arrondissement d’Ecole No. U dans le dit Township Y Ireland, soit divis6 en deux. Par M. Deblois. Une Petition des Habitans du Township de Maria, dans le Comt6 de Bonaventure ; demandant une aide pour payer une moiti6 du cout de la. batisse d’une Maison d’Ecole dans fArrondissement d Ecole No. 19, dans le dit Township de Maria. Une Petition de divers Habitans de 1’ ment d’Ecole No. 21, dans le Township de Shoolbred, Comt6 de Bonaventure ; demandant une aide pour payer une moiti6 du cout de la batisse d’une Maison d’Ecole dans l’Arrondissement d’Ecole No. 21. Par M. O’Callaghan. Une Petition de divers Mai- tres et Maitresses d’Ecoles du Comt5 YYamaska, Dis- trict des Trois-Rivieres ; se plaignant d’abus dans l’ex£cution de l’Acte pour l’encouragement de l’Educa- tion Elementaire. Par M. Gugy. Une Petition des Syndics des Ecoles Nos. 4 et5, dans le Township de Melbourne; priant la Chambre de faire une appropriation pour permettre aux Petitionnaires de recevoir 1’alloeation ordinaire pour les dites Ecoles, depuis le 15 Mai jusqu’au 15 Novembre 1834. Ordonne, Que les dix-sept Petitions pr^cedentes soient r^ffiAes au Comite Permanent pour 1’Edueation et les Ecoles. Les Petitions suivantes ont 6te pr^senUes a la Cham- bre, lesquelles ont et6 recues et lues ; savoir : — Par M. Girouard. Une Petition des Habitans de la Seigneurie Y Argenteuil, et autres lieux ; deman- dant une aide de Quatre cents livres pour les aider et assister a batir un Pont sur la Riviere du Nord. ParM .Perrault. Une Petition de divers Habitans de la Paroisse et Comtdde Vaudreuil; demandant une aide de Cent livres courant, pour amHiorer les abords au Pont sur la Riviere Quinchien, pr5s des Cascades. Par M. Methot. Une Petition de divers Proprie- taires dans le Comte de Lotbiniere ; demandant une aide de Cent cinquante livres courant pour batir un Pont sur le Ruisseau d Martel, dans la Paroisse de Ste. Croix. Par M. Huot. Une Petition de divers Propri^taires, et autres, des Paroisses du Cap Sante et de la Fointe aux Trembles ; demandant une aide de Deux cents li- vres courant, pour paver et Sparer la Cote au Nord- Est du Pont Public sur la Riviere Jacques Cartier, commuiiAment nomm6 Pont de Dery. Par M. Besserer. Une Petition YEtienne C. La- gueux et Michel Sauvageau, de Quebec ; demandant une aide deTroiscentslivres quinze schellings pour pa- rachever le Chemin qui conduit du Faubourg St. Val- lier au chemin de Ste. Foy. Une Quatorze Peti- tions pour des aides pour les Communica- tions interieu- res. 56 6° Novembris. A. 1835 . A Petition of divers Proprietors of La Savannc , Pa- rish of Chari esbourg ; praying an aid of One hundred pounds currency, to open a Road through their Lands. By Mr. Courteau.— A Petition of divers Freeholders and Proprietors of the County of Lachenaie ; praying an aid of the following sums, viz : Five hundred pounds currency, to build a Bridge across the River Aclngan, near the Church of St. lloch ; Tw o hundred and titty pounds currency, to open a Road from the said bridge to the Little Village of T A ssonption ; and Four hun- dred pounds currency, to make a Jetty to enable them to raise the public Road in the Plains of St. Charles de Lachenaie. . . „ , _ . . 4 P Bv Mr. Clapham. — A Petition of the Inhabitants ot St Giles , Ste. Croix , Nelson and Inverness ; praying an aid to complete the Road leading from one McCallum s in the Seigniory of St. Giles , to the Craig’s Road m t le Township of Chester. . By Mr. De Witt. — A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Townships of Godmanchester and Hinchinbrooke ; praying an aid to open a Road from the St. Laurence through Lots No. 2, in the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th Ranges in the Township of Godmanchester to the di- ver Chateauguay , to build a Bridge over the said iu\ei, and continue said Road through on the line between Lots Nos. 2 and 3, in the 4th, 5th, Gth, 7th and 8th Ranges in the Township of Hinchinhrooke, to the Road leading East between the 2d and 3d Ranges in said Township of Hinchinbrooke. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of Hinchinbrooke , Godmanchester , North George Town , Ste. Marline and Chateauguay, praying an aid of Two thousand pounds, to complete the Road leading from the Province Line, in the County of Beauharnois , down the North shore of Trout and Chateauguay Rivers, to the Chateauguay Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Townships Oi Hinchinbrooke , Godmanchester , Ormstown and other places ; praying an aid to make a survey, estimate and plan of the cost and expense of rendering the River Chateauguay navigable for large Boats and Battoes, from the Chateauguay Basin to the Village of Huntingdon. XJne Petition de divers Proprietaries de La Savanne, Paroisse de Charlesbourg ; demandant une aide del Cent livres courant pour ouvrir un Chemin k travers leurs Terres. Par M. Courteau. tine Petition de divers Francs- tenanciers et Propnetaires du Comte de Ijachenaie demandant une aide des sorames suivantes, savoir : Cinq cents livres courant pour rebatir un Pont sur la Riviere Achigan, pres de l’Eglise de St. Roch Deux cent cinquante livres courant pour ouvrir un Chemin du dit Pont au Petit Village de V Assomption, et Quatre cents livres courant pour faire une jetee, afin delever le Chemin Public dans les Plaines St. Charles de La- chenaie. Par M. Clapham. Une Petition des Habitans de Sl- Giles , Ste. Croix, Nelson et Inverness', demandant uue aide pour completer le Chemin conduisant de la terred’un nommd McCallum, dans la Seigneurie de St. Giles, au Chemin Craig, dans le Township de Chester. Par M. De Witt. Une Petition de divers Habitans des Townships de Godmanchester et Hinchinbrooke ; demandant une aide pour ouvrir un Chemin depuis le Fleuve St. Laurent a travers les Lots No. 2, dans les ler, 2e, 3e, 4e et 5e Bangs dans le Township de Godmanchester, jusqu’a la Riviere Chateaugay ; pour batir un Pont sur la ‘ dite Rivi&re, et continuer le dit Che- min dans uue ligne droite entre les Lots Nos. 2 et 3, dans les 4e, 5e, Ge, 7e et 8e Rangs dans le Township d’ Hinchinbrooke, jusqu’au Chemin qui court a l'Est entre les 2nd et 3e Rangs, dans le dit Town- ship d 'Hinchinbrooke. Une Petition de divers Habitans d’ Hinchinbrooke, Godmanchester, North George 1 own, Ste. Martine et Chateauguay ; demandant une aide de Deux mille livres pour completer le Chemin qui conduit de la Ligne Pro- vinciate, dans le Comte de Beauharnois, en descendant la rive Nord des Rivieres aux 1 ruites et Chateauguay , jusqu’au Rassin de Chateauguay. Une Petition de divers Habitans des Townships d’ Hinchinbrooke, Godmanchester, Ormstown, et autres lieux ; demandant une aide pour faire une exploration, une evaluation et un plan du cout et des depeuses poui rendre la Riviere Chateauguay navigable pour de grands Bateaux, depuis le Bassin de Chateauguay jusqu’au Vil- By Mr. Rodier • — A Petition ot I hilemon Dugai , of the Township of Rawdon ; praying to be remunerated for public works done in the Township of Rawdon. Bv Mr Gugy. — A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Toy, of the Seigniory of Sillery, and of the Banliene of Quebec ; praying an aid for repairing and macadamizing the Road between Quebec - and the last settlements of Cap Rouge, commonly called La Grande Alice.” „ A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Townships of Hereford, Clifton, Eaton, and others ; praying an aid of Two thousand five hundred pounds, to complete that part of the Road leading from the Province Line to Quebec commencing at the South part of Hereford near the Connecticut River, and passing through Hereford, Clifton Eaton, Westbury and Dudswell, until it inter- sect the lload now being made by the British Ameri- can Land Company in Dudswell. Ordered, That the fourteen preceding Petitions be referred to the Standing Committee of Roads and Pub- lic Improvements. The following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read, viz : By lage de Huntingdon. Par M .Rodier. Une Petition de Philemon Dugar, du Township de Rawdon ; demandant a etre remunere pour des ouvrages publics faits dans le Township de Rawdon. Par M. Gugy. Une Petition de divers Habitans de la Paroisse de Ste. Toy, de la Seigneurie de Sillery, et de la Cite et Banliene de Quebec ; demandant une aide pour reparer et macadamiser le Chemin entie Quebec et les derniers Etablissemens du Cap Rouge, commune- ment appele “ La Grande Allee Une Petition de divers Habitans des Townships de Hereford, Clifton, Eaton, et autres ; demandant une aide de Deux mille cinq cents livres pour completer cette partie du Chemin qui conduit de la Ligne de la Province a Quebec, commemjant dans la paitie Slid de Hereford, pres de la Riviere Connecticut, et passant par Hereford, Clifton, Eaton, Westbury et Dudswell, jus- qu’it cequ’il coupe le chemin que fait faire maintenant la Compagnie des Terres de V Amerique Biitannique dans Dudswell. . , , , Ordonne, Que les quatorze Petitions precedentes soient referees au Comite Permanent des Chemms ct des Ameliorations Publiques. Les Petitions suivantes ont ete presentees a .la Chatn- bre, lesquelles ont ete re^es et lues ; savoii . rEf I 6 Will. IV. 6° Novembris. gift o‘f ^200 % Mr* Methot. — A Petition of the Cure, Church- l°Z fo!°L' hc ™ rder \ s ! and chief persons of the Parish of St. Louis pS n o' f he Lot- T. ' otl ? n . tere '> P ra J in 8' the House to pass a Law in bmiere in 1829 . * av01 the 1 oor of the said Parish, granting them the sum of Two hundred pounds currency, loaned for their relief in the year 1829, under the Act 9th, Geo. IV. cap. 50, intituled, “ An Act to authorize the advance of a “ certain sum of money therein mentioned, to relieve “ certain Inhabitants of Lotbiniere, from their suffer- “ ings through the failure of last Harvest.” 57 Petition pour un Don dc =£200. pour Ie secours des Pauvres dans la Paroisse deLot- biniere, en 1829. Petition of Toussaint Charretier rela- ting to work done at the Light House on West Point of Anticosti. Petition of L. Beaudouin to be indemnified for losses in constructing Bridges in the County of La- chenate. By Mr. Besserer. — A Petition of Toussaint Chartier , of Quebec, setting forth : That the Petitioner was hired in the summer of the year 1834, as a Mason and Stone- cutter by Pierre Chateauvert, the contractor for the building of the Light House erected on the West Point of the Island of Anticosti , and for which he was to be paid by the Trinity House of Quebec: That in pursu- ance of the above agreement, the Petitioner worked foi six months, for which a sum of Thirty two pounds foui shillings and two pence currency, became due to the 1 etitioner : lhat during the above period the Pe- titioner did not receive any money, while his fellow workman (of British origin,) were paid by the Trinity Board . Lhat the 1 etitioner has several times demand- ed payment of the said Trinity Board, and of the said Pierre Chateauvert , but hitherto without success ; and praying the House to take the premises into conside- lation, and fill tiler to consider that the Petitioner has a large family dependant upon his industry for sub- sistance. By Mi- Courteau. A Petition of Louis Beaudouin, of the Paiish of St. Koch, County of Laciienaie praying to be indemnified for alleged losses sustained by him on a contract entered into by him, with Commissioners ap- pointed under the Act 3rd, Will. IV. cap 26, intituled, An Act to make further provision for the improvement “ the Internal Communications of this Province,” for the construction of several Bridges in the said County. B> 1 • Gugy. A Petition of Matthew Jack, of Que- bec-, praying payment of the sum of Three hundred and eighty two pounds nineteen shillings and one penny stu ling, as a remuneration for services performed in forwarding the Audit of the Public Accounts, up to the 22d April 1834. A Petition of Charles Antoine G. De Tonnancour , Esquire, of Sherbrooke ; praying for a Salary as Coroner for the District of St. Francis. A Petition of Carey McClellan Hyndman, of St. Fran - cis ; praying a Salary as Crier of the Court of King’s Bench for the District of St. Francis. Ordered, That the six preceding Petitions be refer- red to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts. Sing^o'r r f h , e following Petitions were presented to the House, Rii d e7c° a ver the ant f 16 same were received and read, viz : R°uge. p _ ^y Mr. lluot. A Petition of Pierre Gin gras, of St. Joy ; praying for the privilege to build a Toll Bridge over the River Cap Rouge. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of St. Augustin ; taking notice of the preceding application of Pierre Gingras for the privilege to build a Toll Bridge over the River C 'ap Rouge , and praying the House not to grant the said privilege, except under the reservation to the Petitioners of the right of making use of the present place of passage across the said River. Ordered, That the two preceding Petitions be refer- red to the Standing Committee of Private Bills. Petition de Toussaint Charretier, re- lativement a de l’ouvrage lait au Phare sur la Pointe Occi- dental d’ Anti- costi. Petition of M. Jack, for arrears of Salary as Clerk in the Audit Office. Petition of the Coroner of St. Francis, for a Salary- Petition of the Crier at St. Francis for a Salary. ParM. Methot. Une Petition des GW, Maraud- hers et Notables de la Paroisse de St. Louis de Lotbi- niere ; priant la Chambre de passer une Loi en faveur des Pauvres de la dite Paroisse, leur accordant la so in me de Deux cents livres courant, pretee pour leur secours en 1’annee 1829, en vertu del’ Acte 9e Geo. IV. Chap. 50 , intitule, “ Acte pour autoriser 1 avance d une certaine somme d’argent y mention- “ a I’effet de secourir certains Habitans de Lotbi- “ mere dans leur detresse par le manque de la recolte “ derniere.” Par M. Besserer. Une Petition de Toussaint Char- retier, de Quebec, exposant : Que le Petitionnaire s engager! en l Lie de 1’annee 1834, comme Macon et iailleur depierres, a Pierre Chateauvert, entrepreneur d un 1 hare qui fut construit sur la Pointe Occidentals de . e ,J Anticosti, et dont ll devaitetre paye par laMaison dela 1 nnitede Quebec: Qu’en consequencedecetengage- ment, le Petitionnaire aurait travaiile pendant six mois et aurait gagne la somme de Trente-deux livres'quatre schelnngs et deux deniers, cours actuel de cette Pro vince : Que pendant ce temps-la le Petitionnaire n’au- rait re 9 u aucuns deniers, et que quatre ouvriers ses confreres, (d ungme Bntannique,) auraient ete payes par la Tnmte : Que le Petitionnaire ayant a plusieurs reprises requis la Tnmte et le dit Pierre Chateauvert de le payer, il n aurait pu 1’obtenir ; et priant la Chambre de prendre ces allegues en consideration, et d’examiner de plus que le Petitionnaire est charge d’une forte fa- mdle, et que ce n’est que sa main-d’ceuvre qui peut la faire subsister. 1 ParM .Courteau. Une Petition de Louis Beaudouin, de la Paroisse de St. Roch , Comte de Lachenaie • de- mandant a etre indemnise des pertes qu’il allege avoir souffertes par suite d’un marche fait entreluiet les Com mis sairesnommes en vertu de l’Actedela3eGz«7.IV.Chap. 26, intitule, “ Acte pour pourvoir plus amplement a Pa- melioration des Communications Interieures en cette “ pl 'ovince ” pour la construction de plusieurs Ponts dans ie dit Comte. Par M. Gugy. Une Petition de Matthew Jack, de Quebec ; demandant le paiement de la somme de Trois cent quatre-vingt-deux livres dix-neuf schellino- s et un deniei steiling, comme une remuneration pour ses ser- vices dans le Bureau de PAuditeur des Comptes Pu- blics, jusqu’au 22 Avril 1834. Une Petition de Charles- Antoine Be Tonnancour, Lcuyer, de Sherbrooke ; demandant un salaire comme Coronaire pour ie District de St. Francois. Une Petition de Carey-McClelland Hyndman, d e St. Liangois ; demandant un salaire comme Crieur dela Cour du Banc du Roi pour Ie District de St. Francois Ordonne Que les six Petitions precedents soKnt referees au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics. Les Petitions suivantes ont ete presentees A la Cham- bie, lesq uelles ont etc recues et lues ; savoir • Pom suria ku Par M. lluot. Une Petition de Pierre Gmgras. ,le C ‘" Ste.Foy, demandant le privilege de batir un Pontde Peage sur la Riviere Cap Rouge. Une Petition de divers Habitans de St. Augustin ; prenant connaissance de la precedente demande de Pierre Gingras, pour le privilege de batir un Pontde Peage sus la Riviere Cap Rouge, et priant la Chambre de n accorder ie dit privilege que sous la reserve, en fa- veurdes Petitionnaires, de conserver leur passage a o ne sur la dite Riviere. b & Ordonne, Que les deux Petitions precedentes soient referees an Comite Permanent des Bills prives. Petition de I* Beaudouin, pour etrein- demnise de per- tes, en faisant des Pouts dans Ie Comte de Lachenaie. Petition de M. Jack, pour des arrerages de Sa- laire, comme Clerc dans Ie Bureau d’Au- dition. Petitition du Coronaire deSt. Francois, pour un Salaire. Petition du Crieur a St. Frangoi% pour un Salaire. Vol.— 45. The P -es 5 8 6° Kovembris , J. 1835. Petition for aid toward t'neMon- treal Institu- tion for Female Penitents. Petition for aid towards the Male Orphan Asylum at Quebec. Petition of J. A. Perrault to be indemnified for Medical ser- services in 1834 Petition of Dr, Parant for ar. rears of Salary as Inspecting Physician at Quebec in 1834 and 1835- The following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read, viz: Bv Mr. Bcirdy . — A Petition of the President and Di- rectresses of the Charitable Society for repentant Fe- males at Montreal ; praying an aid of Three hundred pounds currency, to procure furniture, household linen and other indispensable articles necessary to the said Institution. By Mr. Caron . — A Petition of the Committee of Ladies superintending the Male Orphan Asylum in the Subuib of St. Rock of Quebec ; praying an aid to complete the Building in which the Male Orphan Asy- lum is established. By Mr. O’ Callaghan.— A Petition of Joseph Adolphe Perrault, a Student of Medicine, of Montreal ; pray- ing to be indemnified in the sum of Ten pounds cur- rency, for services rendered in the Summer of ISbl, while employed by the Sanitary Committee of Montreal during the prevalence of the Cholera. By Mr. Blanche t.— A Petition of Joseph Parant, of Quebec, Physician; praying for arrears of Salary as Inspecting Physician at the Port of Quebec duiing the years 1834 and 1835. Ordered, That the four preceding Petitions be re- ferred to the Standing Committee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions. The Clerk's Report relating to his Assistants refeired. On Motion of Mr. Huot, seconded by Mr. Bardy, Ordered, That the Standing Committee for the Con- tingent Accounts and other objects connected with the internal Department of the House of Assembly, be dis- charged from the further consideration of the Clerk’s Report relating to Ins Assistants and Extra-M liters em- ployed in his Office ; and that the said Report be refer- red to the Special Committee named to point out a proper person to fill the situation of Law Clerk to this House. On Motion of Mr. De Witt, seconded by Mr. Ray- mond, Ordered, That the Standing Committee of Public Stewards Accounts be discharged from the further consideration dover* Grant-"” of the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Townships of Wendover, Grantham, Wickham and others ; and that the said Petition be referred to the Standing Com- mittee of Roads and Public Improvements. Ordered, That Mr. Rodier have leave of absence from this House from the seventh to the twentieth in- stant, on urgent business. Les Petitions suivantes ont " erais - Notaire en cette Province, ayant ete lu ; . v Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comitesur i a Comite sur le Rapport du Comite Special auquel a ete referee la partie de la Harangue de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, prononcee a Pouverture de la presente Session, relativement a la Grosse-Ile, ayant ete lu ; , . La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. . , . M. De Bleury a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. POrateur arepris le Fauteuil ; , Et M. De Bleury a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe une Resolution, qu’il avait ordre de soumettre a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit regu demam. Committee or* the draught of an Address in answer to His Excellency’s Speech. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the draught of an Address in answer to the Speech of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, to both Houses at the opening of the present Session of the Provincial Parliament, being read ; _ . , The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Coni rn i ttcc . Mr. Wells took the Chair of the Committee *, and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; . And Mr. Wells reported that the Committee had passed the said Address without any amendment, am the Report was again read at the Clerk’s fable. Ordered, That the Question of concurrence be now separately put upon each Paragraph of the said Ad- dress# And the first and second Paragraphs of the said Ad- dress being again severally read ; and the Question of concurrence being separately put thereon, they weic agreed to unanimously. The third Paragraph of the said Address being again read ; Mr. Wells moved in amendment, seconded by Mr. Bowman, that all the words in the said Paragraph, from the words, “ The Government” inclusively, to the end of L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se loi me en Comite sur le Comite sur le Projet d’ Adresse en Reponse a la Ha- rangue de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, aux i. h- deux Chambres, a Pouverture de la presente Session du Excellence. Parlement Provincial, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. . , M. Wells a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir sieg6 quelque temps, M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Wells a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe la dite Adresse, sans y faire aucun amendement, et le Rapport a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que la Question de concours soit mainte- nant separement mise sur chaque Paragtaphe de la une Adresse. Et le premier et le second Paragraphes de la dite Adresse ayant ete separement lus de nouveau, et la Question de concours ayant ete separement raise sur iceux, ils ontete unanimement adoptes. Le troisieme Paragraphe de la dite Adresse ayant ete lu de nouveau j M. Wells a propose en amendement, seconde par M. Bowman, Que tous les mots dans le dit Paiagiaphe, depuis les mots “ Dans ces derniers temps,” mclusive- 1 ment. 6 Will IV. 6° Novembris , 61 ment, jusqu'a la fin du dit Paragraphe, soient retran- ches, et les suivans substitues : “ Nous considerons of the said Paragraph, be struck out, and the following substituted : “ We consider it a proof of the wisdom “ and magnanimity with which His Maie V Mr. Tache. — A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Louis de Kamouraska ; praying an aid towards the establishment of a Superior School in the Parish of Kamouraska. By Mr. Kinder.- A Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Si. Maurice ; praying an aid of Five hun- dred pounds currency, to establish a Superior School m the Parish of Ste. Anne dd Yamachiche. _ By Mr Leslie A Petition of lames Turpin, ot Mon- treal ■ praying the House to subscribe for a certain number of Copies of two Maps which he is about to publish of Upper and Lower Canada , including a peti- tion of the United Stales adjoining thereto and also the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and / mice Edward s Island. . -s/i- By Mr. Vi^er. — A Petition of the Reverend Mr. MUnault ; praying an aid towards the support of the College established by him at Chambly. By" Mr. Toomy .— A Petition of the Proprietors and heads of families of the Township of Kingsey ; pr aying an aid of One hundred pounds currency, to purchase a lot of ground and build a School House thereon. A Petition of the Trustees and Inhabitants in the School District No. 2, Township of Simpson ; praying that the usual allowance for Elementary Schools may be granted to the Teacher of the said School District No. 2, from the month of May, 1834, to May, 183o. By Mr. ULuoU— A Petition of L. M. R. Barbier Esquire, of Berthier-, praying an aid of One hundred pounds currency, towards the support of the Academy at Berthier, lor each of the years 1835 and 1836. By Mr Caron. — A Petition of the Ladies composing the Committee of Management of the Infant School ot Quebec ; praying an aid towards the support of the said School. . . _ , _ , By Mr. Bardy . — A Petition of the I rustees, and others, of Henry ville ; praying an aid of Seventy five pounds currency, to build a School House in the \ n- lage of St. George , in the Seigniory of Noyan. By Les Petitions suivantes ont ete presentees a la Cham- ■ 1, . / . L lime • caunir * en faveur de 1 Ulliuuo junwubvw , bre, lesquelles ont et6 regies et lues ; savoir : Par M. Tache. Une Petition de divers Habitans de la Paroisse de St. Louis de Kamouraska ; demandant une aide pour l’£tablissement d’une Ecole 1 nmaire dans la Paroisse de Kamouraska. Par M. Kinder. Une Petition des Habitans du Comte de St, Maurice ; demandant une aide de Cinq cents livres courant pour dtahhr une Ecole Pnmaire dans la Paroisse de Ste. Anne d' Yamachiche. Par M Leslie. Une Petition da James Turpin, de Montreal ; priant la Chambre de souscrire pour c ® r ' tainnombrede Copies de deux Cartes du 1 Hautet ’ ( J “. Bas-Canada , y compris une partie des Etats-Ums ^qui y confine, et aussi les Provinces de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, do Nouveau- Brunswick etdel Iledu Prince- Edouai c , lesquelles Cartes il est sur le point de publier. Par M. Vi ^er. Une Petition de Messire Mignaull ; demandant une aide pour le soutien du College qu il a 6tabli a Chambly. _ ., . Par M. Toomy. Une Petition des Propnetaires et Chefs de Families du Township de Kingsey ; deman- dant une aide de Cent livres courant pour acheter un Emplacement et y batir une Maison d Kcole. Une Petition des Syndics et Habitans de 1 Arrondis- sement d’^cole No. 2, Township de Simpson •, deman- dant que l’aliocation ordinaire pour les Ecoles LK- mentaues puisse 6tre accordee au Maitre du dit Ai- rondissement d'Ecole No. 2, depuis le mois de Mai 183f iusqu’en Mai 1835. Par M. Huot. Une Petition de E.-M.-R. Barbie) , Ecuyer, de Berthier ; demandant une aide de Cent livres courant pour le soutien de 1_ Aeademie de Ber- thier, pour chacune des anuses 1835 et K -o. Par M. Caron. Une Petition des Dames composant le Comite de Regie de l’Ecole des Enfans, a Quebec ; demandant une aide pour le soutien de la dite Ecole. Par M. Bardy. Une Petition des Syndics, et au- tres, de Henry ville ; demandant une aide de Soixante- et-quinze livres courant pour batir une Maison d Ecole dans le Village de St. George, ddns la Seigneurie de Noyan. Par pour des aides en faveur de 1’Education et des Ecoles. 6 Will. IV. 7° Novembris. 67 Petition for the extension of the Warehouse- ing System. Petition for the continuation of the Quebec Bank Chatter. Twelve Peti- tions for aid to- wards Internal Communica- tions. By Mr. Wood— A Petition of the Trustees of School District No. 5, in the -township of Bromej praying that the usual allowance for Elementary Schools mav be granted to the Teacher of said School District No". 5, from the 2nd June to 8th November, 1834, and that the said School be placed on the same foundation for permanent support as other Elementary Schools within this Province. By Mr. Knight.— A. Petition of the Inhabitants of School District No. 4, in the Township of S tcinbridge ; praying an aid of one half the cost of the erection of a School House in the said School District, No. 4. Ordered , That the eleven preceding Petitions be re- ferred to the Standing Committee of Education and Schools. Par M. Wood. Une Petition des Syndics de 1’Ar- rondissement d’Ecole No. 5, dans le Township de Brome ; demandant que l’allocation ordinaire pour les Ecoles F.lementaires puisse &tre accord^e au Maitre du dit Arrondissement d’Ecole No. 5, depuis le 2 Juin jusqu’au 8 Novembre 1834, et que la dite Ecole soit nnse sur le meme pied de fondation, avec une aide permanente, que les autres Ecoles EEmentaires dans cette Province. Par M. Knight. Une Petition des Habitans de 1’ Ar- rondissement d’Ecole No. 4, dans le Township de Stan bridge ; demandant une aide de la moitieducout de la batisse d’une Maison d’Ecole dans le dit Arron- dissement d’Ecole No- 4. Or dome, Que les onze Petitions pr^cedentes soient r(Ty y| r . Leslie. — A Petition of divers Residents and L»T™tu?i Proprietors of the Island of Montreal ; praying to be ,o 0 be d ,nco“po. ny formed into a Joint Stock Company under the name med. anc \ style of the Montreal and Lachine Rail Road Com- pany, and to be authorized and empowered at their own cost and charges, to construct, establish and main- tain a single or double Rail Road between the Ste. Anne's Market of the City of Montreal and the Steam- boat Landing at Lachine, in such direction as the inte- rests of the public may demand, and the nature of the country and other circumstances may permit, and to take, use and keep possession of such paits of the Land and Water throughout the line of the said projected Rail les aider A. erigerun Pontpr£s de PEglise de Ste. Alar- tine, sur la Riviere du Loup , communement appeHe R ivic re Chateauguay. Par M. O' Callaghan. Une Petition des Habitans de St. David de Deguire, Comtd A Yamaska ; demandant ume aide deCent soixante-et-quinze livres courant pour parachever d’ouvrir et computer un Chemin de com- munication entre le Chemin de Drummondville, dans Deguire, et la Riviere St. Lranqois, communement comm sous le nomde laTreizi&me ou Concession Ste. Charlotte de Deguire. Une Petition des Habitans du Bourg Alarie del'Est, et autres lieux ; demandant une aide des sommes suivantes 5 savoir : Cent livres courant pour abaissei six Cotes et Clever trois Pouts dans le Grand Chemin le long de la rive droite de la Riviere David, et Cent livres courant pour completer le Chemin qui conduit depuis le Pont Public, sur la Riviere Lavid, jusqu A la Route qui conduit au Ruisseau des Chenes, dans le Township d’ Upton, sortant a la terre d un nomine Cre- paud. Par M. Blanchet line Petition de divers Habitans sur le Chemin de Ste. Foy ; demandant une aide pour maeadamiser le Chemin qui conduit de la terre du nomm£ Joseph I. anglais dil Traversy, daus la Paroisse de Ste. Foy, jusqu’a la Route de la Suede. Par M . Toomy. Une Petition de divers Habitans des Townships de Wickham et Durham ; demandant une aide de Trois cents livres pour ouvrir un Chemin dans la ligne qui s 6 pare les Townships de Durham et de Wickham. Par M. Cazeau. Une Petition des Habitans des Paioisses de St Laurent et St. Pierre, lie cP Orleans ; demandant que les Habitans des autres Paroisses de rile d’ Orleans et partie des Habitans de Quebec, soient obliges, conjointement avee les Petitionnaires, a 1 ou- verture et entretien du Chemin d'hiver sur la glace entre Quebec et file d Orleans. Par M. Jluot. Une Petition de Louis -Juchereau Duchesnay, Ecuyer ; demandant une aide de Deux cent vingt-cinq livres courant, pour completer le Che- min conduisant du ler Rang, dans la Seigneurie de Fossambault, a la Riviere Jacques Cartier. Une Petition de divers Habitans des Paroisses du Cap Sante, Pointe aux Trembles, Ancienne Lorette et St. Augustin ; demandant une aide de Quatre cents livres courant pour reparer la Route connue sous le nom de “ Chemin de la Suede.” Par M. Bedard. Une Petition de divers Habitans du Chateau Richer et de VAnge Gardien ; demandant une aide pour maeadamiser les Chemins du Roi, dans les Paroisses de V Inge Gardien et du ( bateau Richer. Or dome , Que les douze Petitions precedentes soient referees au Comite Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations Publiques. Les Petitions suivantes out ete presentees a la Cham- bre, lesquelles ont ete' regues et lues ; savoir : — Par M. Leslie. Une Petition de clivers Residens et Proprietaires de Pile de Montreal ; demandant a for- mer une Compagnie d’Actionnaires, sous les nom et raison de Compagnie du Chemin A Lisses de Montreal et Lachine, avec le pouvoir de faire, etablir et mainte- nir a ses propres frais, un Chemin a Lisses, double ou simple, entre le Marches Ste. Anne de la Cite de Mont- real, et la Place de Debarquement des Bateaux A Va- peur A Lachine, et sur telle ligne que les internets du Public Pexigeront et la nature du Pays et les autres circonstances le permettront, et de prendre possession et se servir de telles parties du terrein et de 1 eau sur toute la ligne du dit Chemin a Lisses projete, qui seront Petition de in Compagnie du Chemin a Lis- ses de Montreal et Lachine, pour etre incorporee. 6 Will. IV, T Novembris. 69 St. Lawrence Kail Road Company to keep a Ferry. Hail Road as may be necessary for its construction, and tor making and maintaining the communication to be thereby effected, and to ask and demand Tolls of and from all Passengers passing thereon. Petition of the ^ ^ etition of the C ompany of Proprietors of the st'Tawr'J’nce" 11 Champlain and St. Laurence Rail Road ; praying the tiousG to extend the Act whereby they are nicorpo- rated, so that they may be permitted and empowered to hold a Ferry to traverse the River St Lawrence be- tween Laprairie and Montreal, with the right of de- manding and receiving such rates of Ferriage as the House in its wisdom may see fit to establish. By Mr. Cardinal . — A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Laprairie ; taking notice of the prayer of the last preceding Petition, and praying the House not to grant the same. Ordered, That the three preceding Petitions be re- ferred to the Standing Committee of Private Bills. Counter- Peti- tion to the a- bove. Petition de la Compagnie du Chemin a lisses de Champlain et de St. Lau- rent, pour a- vorun Bateau traversier. Petition contre la precedente Ordinance 27th Geo. Ill, Cap. 3, to be consi- dered. Report on Pub- lic Officers Sa- laries Attach- ment Bill. The Petition for the reesta- blishment of the Court for Small Debts at Montreal re- ferred. On Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. -Child, Resolved, That that this House will, on Monday next, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider the expediency of repealing an Ordinance pass- ed in the 27 th year of the Reign of His late Majesty Ceo, III. Cap. 3, intituled, “ An Ordinance for quar- “ tering the Troops upon certain occasions in the Coun- try I arishes, and providing for the conveyance of “ effects belonging to Government.” Mr. O' Callaghan, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to make the Salaries and Emoluments of S ubhc Officers liable to attachment at the suit of the Creditors of such Officers, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill without ma- king any amendment thereto ; and the Report was again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill be engrossed. On Motion of Mr. Leslie, seconded by Mr. Archam- h vault. Ordered , That the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the City and Suburbs of Montreal, presented to this House on the 4th instant, be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to revive, amend and continue for a limited time, an Act further to provide for the summary trial of Small Causes. seront necessaires pour sa construction et pour mainte- nir la communication, et de demander et recevoir des Plages de tons les Passagers qui passeront sur le dit Chemin. Cne Petition de la Compagnie des Proprietaires du Chemin a Lisses de Champlain et du St. Laurent ; priant la Chambre d’etendre le pouvoir accorde par 1’Acte qui 1’a incorporee, en sorte qu’il lui soit permis d’avoir un Bateau traversier pour traverser le Fleuve St. Lau- rent, entre Laprairie et Montreal, avec le droit de demander et recevoir tels prix pour traverser, que la Chambre, dans sa sagesse, jugera a propos de fixer. Par M . Cardinal . — Une Petition de divers Habitans du Comte de Laprairie ; prenant connaissance de la demande dans la Petition precedente, et priant la Chambre de ne pas 1’accorder. Ordonne , Que les trois Petitions precedentes soient referees au Comite Permanent des Bills Prives. Sur Motion de M. Viger, seconde par M. Child, Resolu, Que, Lundi prochain, cette Chambre se’for- meraen Comite de toute la Chambre, pour examiner SpSS t£ s it est expedient de rappeler une Ordonnance passee consid6r6e ' dans la 27 e annee du Regne de feu Sa Majeste Geo. Ill* Chap. 3, intitulee, “ Ordonnance pour loger les Iroupes dans certaines occasions chez les Habitans “ des Campagnes, et qui pourvoit aux transports des “ effets du Gouvernement.” c ^'j ^Callaghan, du Comite Special auquel a ete r£- Rapport SU r i e fere le Bill pour rendre les Appointemens des Fonc- tionnaii es 1 ublics susceptibles d’etre saisis et a r retes a lemens des la poursuite de Ieurs Creanciers, a fait rapport nue ISZt" Je Comite avait passe le Bill, sans y faire aucun amen- ‘| s blesd ® tre8a| - dement ; et le Rapport a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit grossoye. Sur Motion de M. Leslie, seconde par M. Archam- heault, Ordonne , Que la Petition de divers Habitans de la La Petition Cite et des Faubourgs de Montreal, presentee ^ cette Stour le'" Chambre le 4 du courant, soit referee au Comite Sue- P e,ites a cial auquel a ete refere le Bill pour remettre en force, “ a '* amender et continuer, pour un temps limite, un Acte pour pourvoir ulterieurement a la decision sommaire des Petites Causes. Re P ort on Tenders for Printing. , Mr : Huot, from the Standing Committee for the Contingent Accounts, and other objects connected with the internal Department of the House of Assembly, presented to the House the First Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table • and is as followeth : ’ One of the first subjects to which Your Committee thought it right to give their attention, was the conside- ration of the Tenders for the printing of the Journal, of the Appendix, of the Bills, and of the other miscel- laneous work for Your Honorable House. The Tenders sent to the Clerk of this House, and laid before Your Committee, are from Messieurs Neilson and Cowan, Messieurs Frechette and Co., and Messieurs Carp and Co. Ihe competition for the printing of the Journal is solely between Messieurs Neilson and Cowan, and Mes- sieurs Frechette and Co. as is also the competition for the printing of the Appendix. Your Committee not think- ing they should be justified in taking into considera- tion the Tenders of Messieurs Cary and Co. for the print- ing of the Appendix alone, as those Gentlemen had not , thought Vox..— 45. t’roposilions pour impres- M. Huot, du Comite Permanent pour les Depenses iia PP ort suriea Contingentes, et autres objets relatifs aux Departe- l ’ r9po9ltions mens interieurs de la Chambre d’Assemblee, a presen- te a la Chambre le Premier Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, com- me suit : Un des premiers objets auxquels Votre Comite a cm devoir porter son attention, a ete de prendre en consi- deration les Propositions des Imprimeurs pour les Im- pressions du Journal, de l’Appendice, des Bills, et au- tres ouvrages de Votre Honorable Chambre. Les Propositions transmises au Greffier de cette Chambre, et renvoyees a Votre Comite, sont de Mes- sieurs Neilson et Cowan, Messieurs Frechette et Cie. et Messieurs Cary et Cie. La competition pour 1’impression du Journal est li- mitee entre Messieurs Neilson et Cowan et Messieurs Frechette et Cie., ainsi que celle pour 1’Impression de 1’Appendice. Votre Comile n’a pas cru devoir prendre connaissance des Soumissions de Messieurs Cary et Cie. pour l’impression de PAppendice seule- ment, ces Messieurs n’ayant pas juge a propos de se conformer S 70 7 ° Novemhris . A. 1835 . Committee on St. Francis Ju- dicature Acts ; Resolution re- ported ; St. Francis Ju- dicature Bill read the first time. thought proper to comply with the form prescribed by this House, with regard to Tenders for Printing, al- though the said form was published during several months in more than one of the Newspapers printed in this City. The competition for the printing of the Bills, is be- tween Messieurs Neihon and Cowan, Messieurs Frechette and Co., and [Messieurs Cary and Co. That for the other printing advertized for competition, by order of Your Honorable House, is between Mes- sieurs Frechette and Co. and Messieurs Cary and Co. Your Committee have examined theGentlemen above mentioned, and also the Clerk of this House, and have obtained from them the information which it was neces- sary to lay before Your Honorable House, as will ap- pear by their evidence hereunto annexed. It will be seen from the Table which accompanies this Report, that [Messieurs A 'eiho?i and Cowan offer to print the Journal for six and one quarter per cent less than Mes- sieurs Frechette and Co. And Messieurs Frechette and Co. offer to print the Appendix for four and one-fifth per cent less than Messieurs Neilson and Cowan. Messieurs Neilson and Cowan also offer to print the Bills for fifty three and one half per cent less than Messieurs Frechette and Co., and eighty two and one- seventh per cent less than Messieurs Cary and Co. Messieurs Frechette and Co. offer to print the mis- cellaneous work for twenty eight and one half per cent less than Messieurs Cary and Co. All which being taken into consideration, Your Com- mittee submit as their opinion, that the Contract for printing the Journal and the Bills ought to be given to Messieurs Neihon and Cowan, and that for printing the Appendix and the miscellaneous work required for Your Honourable House, to Messieurs Frechette and Co., on the terms mentioned in their Tenders. Your Committee think it right to acquaint Your Honorable House, that on the whole, a reduction of thirteen per cent will be again effected this year in the cost of Printing, as compared with the Contracts of 1834. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House on Tuesday next- On Motion of Mr. Gugy, seconded by Mr. Wood, Resolved, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider the expe- diency of amending the several Acts relating to the Administration of Justice in the District of St- Francis. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Viger took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Viger reported that tiie Committee had come to a Resolution, which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is asfolloweth : Resolved, That it is expedient to amend the several Acts relating to the Administration of Justice in the District of St- Francis. Ordered, That Mr. Gugy have leave to bring in a Bill to consolidate the several Acts relating to the Ad- ministration of Justice in the District of St. Francis, and to amend certain of the said Acts- He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time j and ordered to be read a second time on Friday next. Mr. conformer a ia forme prescrite par cette Chambre pour les Soumissions des Impressions, quoique cette formule ait ete publiee pendant plusieurs mois sur plusieurs des Gazettes de cette Ville. La competition pour 1’impression des Bills se trouve etre enire M essieurs Neihon et Cowan, Messieurs Fre- chette et Cie. et Messieurs Cary et Cie. Celle pour les autres impressions, soumise a la com- petition par Votre Honorable Chambre, est entre Mes- sieurs Frechette et Cie. et Messieurs Cary et Cie. Votre Comite a examine les Messieurs ci-dessus nom- mes, ainsi que le Greffier de cette Chambre, et a ob- tenu d’eux les renseignemens necessaires pour l’infor- mation de Votre Honorable Chambre, ainsi qu’il ap pert par la Minute de leurs Temoignages ci annexee. D’apres le Tableau ci-joint, Messieurs Neilson et Cowan proposent d’imprimer le Journal a Six et un quart pour cent au-dessous de Messieurs Frechette et Cie. Et Messieurs Frechette et Cie. offrent d’imprimer l’Appendice a Quatre et un cinquieme pour cent moins que Messieurs Neilson et Cowan. Messieurs Neilson et Cowan offrent aussi d’imprimer les Bills a Cinquante-trois et demi pour cent moins que Messieurs Frechette et Cie., et a Quatre-vingt-deux et un septieme pour cent moins que Messieurs Cary et Cie. Quant aux autres ouvrages de detail, Messieurs Fre- chette et Cie. offrent de les faire a Vingt-huit et demi pour cent au-dessous de Messieurs Cary et Cie. Sur le tout, Votre Comite soumet, comme son opi- nion, que le Contrat pour les impressions du Journal et des Bills doit etre donne a Messieurs Neihon et Cowan, et celui pour l’impression de l’Appendice, et autres ouvrages de Votre Honorable Chambre, a Mes- sieurs Frechette et Cie., d’apres leurs propositions. Votre Comite croit devoir informer Votre Honorable Chambre, que, sur le tout, une reduction de Treize pour cent s’est de nouveau operee cette annee sur le cout des impressions, compare avec les Contrats de 1834. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Co- mile de toute la Chambre Mardi prochain. Sur Motion de M. Gugy, seconde par M. Wood, Resolu, Que cette Chambre se forme maintenant en Comite de toute la Chambre, pour considerer s’il est expedient d’amender divers Actes relatifs a I’Adminis- tration de la Justice dans le District de St. Francois. La Chambre s’est en consequence fiormee en le dit Comite. M. Viger a pris le Fauleuil du Comity ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Viger a fait rapport quele Comite avait pas- se une Resolution, laquelle Resolution a ete lue de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre j et elle est comme suit : Resolu , Qu’il est expedient d’amender les divers Actes qui ont rapport a l’Administration de la Justice dans le District de St. Francois. Ordonne, Que M. Gugy ait la permission d’introduire un Bill pour reunir en un seul les divers Actes relatifs a i’Administiation de la Justice dans le District de St. Francois, etpour amender certains des dits Actes. 11 a en consequence present6 le dit Bill, lequel a et6 lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Vendredi prochain. M. Comite sur les Acies de judic* • ture de St. Fian5ois. Resolution rap- portee. Bill de Judica- ture de St. Francois, lu la premiere foisi 6 Will. IV. 7 ° Novembris. 71 Resolution r( peeling Gross Isle reported. Bill for the purchase of Grosse-lsle read I he first time. Montreal Puli lie Square Bill deferred. Provincial Or- dinances and Statutes Bill read the second time.; Members In- demnity Bill read the second time. Lawyers and Notaries Com- missions Bill, read the second time. Committee on Religious Con- gregations Bill. >- Mr. De Bleury , from the Committee of the whole ' House on the Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred that part of the Speech of His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief, delivered at the opening of the present Session, which relates to Grosse Isle, reported, according to Order, the Resolution of the said Committee, which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House j and is as followeth : Resolved, That it is expedient to authorize the Ex- ecutive Government of the Province to name Arbitra- tors in order to determine the amount of the indemnity claimed by Louis Bernier, on account of the occupation of Grosse Isle, and to authorize the purchase thereof for the public uses of the Province. Ordered, That Mr. Bedard have leave to bring in a Bill to enable His Majesty to acquire the Island called “ Grosse Isle,” for the public uses of the Province, and to indemnify the Proprietor thereof. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Tuesday the first of December next. M. De Bleury, du Comit£ de toute la Chambre sur Rapport d’une le Rapport du Comite Special auquel a tt6 r6f6r6e la STiT re ‘ partie de la Harangue de Son Excellence le Gouver- Grosse lie. neur-en-Chef, prononcee h l’ouverture de la presente Session, relativement a la Grosse-Ile, a fait rapport, conformement a l’Ordre, de la Resolution du dit Co- mite, laquelle Resolution a ete lue de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre; et elle est com me suit : Resolu, Qu’il est expedient d’autoriser le Gouverne- ment Executif de la Province de nommer des Arbitres pour etablir le montant de P Indemnity reclamee par Louis Bernier, pour l’occupation de la Grosse-Ile, et pour en autoriser l’achat pour les usages publics de la Province. Ordonne, Que M. Bedard ait la permission d’intro- Bin pour ra- duire un Bill pour mettre Sa Majeste en etat de faire Grosse ‘iie iu l’acquioition de Pile appelee “ la Grosse-Ile,” pOUr leS * a premiere fois. usages publics de la Province, et pour indemniser le Proprietaire d’icelle. 11 a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete hi pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Mardi, le premier Decembre pro- chain. The Order of the day for the second reading of the Bill to establish a new Public Square at Montreal, and for other purposes therein mentioned, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be postponed till Monday next. LOrdre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill Biiipourune pour etablir une nouvelle Place Publique a Montreal, fMon£&i‘ iq re et pour autres objets y mentionnes, ayant ete lu \ mL° n r Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Lun- di prochain. A Bill to provide for the reprinting of the Provincial Ordinances and Statutes now in force, was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of five Members, to report thereon with all conve- nient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Scott, Mr. Lnfontaine, Mr. Ber- thelot, Mr. Caron and Mr. Huot do compose the said Committee. , Conformement a POrdre, un Bill pour pourvoir a la bhi reia.ifau, re-impression des Ordonnances de la Province et des ^ 0D p nces cc Statuts maintenant en force, a ete lu une seconde fois. etstatuts, iu Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite f 0 " s e , seconde de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Scott, M. Lafontaine , M. Berthe - lot, M. Caron et M. Huot composent le dit Comite. A Bill to grant an allowance to the Members of the Assembly, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be engrossed. Conformement a POrdre, un Bill pour accorder une allouance aux Membres de PAssemblee, a ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit grossoye. Bill de Pin demnil4 aux Membres, lu une seconde fois A Bill to ascertain the manner in which persons shall hereafter be admitted to practice the Law or to prac- tice as Notaries in this Province, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of the whole House on Monday next. Conformement a POrdre, un Bill pour constater la BiiidesCom- maniere en laquelle on pourra ci-apres etre admis apra- “"etNo- tiquer la Loi on a pratiquer comme Notaire en cette taires > lu une Province, a ete lu une seconde fois. seconde fo,s ' Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre Lundi prochain. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to repeal an Act passed in the tenth and eleventh years of His late Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “ An Act “ for the relief of certain Religious Congregations there- “ in mentioned,” and to make other Legislative provi- sion in the place thereof, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Viger took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Viger reported, that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. L Oidie du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comite sur ic Comile sur le Bill pour revoquer un Acte passe dans SiBaS. les dixieme et onzieme anneesdu Regnede feuSa Ma- reii g ieuse5 - jeste, intitule, “ Acte pour le secours de certaines “ Congregations Religieuses y mentionnees,” et pour faire d’autres dispositions legislatives au lieu d’icelui, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Viger a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Viger a fait rapport que le Comitc avail passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordered, Ordonne , 72 7 °— 9° Novembris. A . 1835 . Ordered , That the Report be received on Monday next. committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee on LawPractition- the Bill to repeal certain parts of an Ordinance therein crs * mentioned, concerning persons to be admitted to prac- tice the Law in this Province, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Raymond took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Raymond reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. Then, on Motion of Mr. Vanfclson , seconded by Mr. Viger, The House adjourned till Monday next, at One o’clock, P. M. Or dome, Que le Rapport soit re 9 ti Lundi pro- chain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comas sur ie Comite sur le Bill pour rappeler certaines parties d’une phtidens en UX Ordonnance y mentionnee, qui concerne les personnes Lo1, qui doivent etre admises a pratiquer la Loi en cette Province, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Raymond a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateura repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Raymond a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, les- quels amendemens ont etc I us de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soitgros- soye. Alors, sur Motion de M. Vanfelson , seconde par M'. Viger, La Chambre s’est ajourneea Lundi prochain, a Une Heure P. M. Monday, 9th November, 1835. — One o'clock, r. M, Lundi, 9 Novembre 1835. — Une Heure P. M. A T the Hour appointed, Mr. Speaker and the House went up to the Castle of St. Lewis, with the Ad- thor Address, dress of the House. And being returned; Mr. Speaker M r. Speaker reported that the House had attended Excellences upon His Excellency the Governor in Chief, with their Answer. Address, to which His Excellency had been pleased to make the following Answer : — The House at- tend His Ex- celltncy with A L’heure fixee, M. l’Orateur et la Chambre se sont rendusau Chateau St. Louis, avec l’Adresse de la Chambre, Et etant de retour, M. l’Orateur a fait rapport que la Chambre s’etait rendue aupres de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef, avec son Adresse, a laqucdle Son Excellence avait bien voulu faire la Reponse suivante : La Chambre s’est rendue ait- pres de Son Excellence, a- vec son Adresse. M. l’Orateur fait rapport de la Reponse de Son Excellence Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly, I thank you for this Address, and especially for the flattering anti kind manner in which you have spoken of myself. It' will be my constant study to adhere faithfully to the line of conduct which I stated to you at the open- ing of this Session ; and I feel truly rejoiced to find that course, promote the good understanding which it is so desirable to see re-established in this Province. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 9th November 1835. Monsieur l’Orateur, et Messieurs de la Chambre d’Assemblee, Je vous remercie de cette Adresse, et surtout de la maniere flatteuse dont vous avez bien voulu vous expri- mer a mon egard. Je m’etudierai a suivre fidelement la ligne de conduite dont je vous ai parle a l ouverture de la Session ; et je me rejouirai veritablement si je vois qu’il en resulte cette bonne intelligence que l'on ne peut pas trop desirer voir se retablir dans cette Province. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 9 Novembre 1835. Then, on Motion of Mr. Vanfelson, seconded Mr. Viger, The House adjourned till Five o’clock, P. M. this day. Alors, sur Motion de M. Vanfelson, seconde par M. Viger, La Chambre s’est ajournee a Cinq Heures, P. M., ce jour. Monday, 9th November, 1835 . — Live o'clock, P. M. Lundi, 9 Novembre 18 35. —Cinq Heures, P. M. Complaint by a Member against P. A. De Gas- pe, Junior. M R. O'Callaghan, a Member of the House, rose in his place and acquainted the House, that he had been informed by one of the Messengers, during the sitting of the House, and while the Journal was read- ing, that a Mr. Philippe Aubert DeGaspe, the younger, wished to speak to him, Mr. O'Callaghan ; he retired in consequence, and met Mr. De Gaspe in the Ward Robe ; Mr. De Gaspe requested that Mr. O'Callaghan would JW O' Callaghan, un Membre de la Chambre, se leva Ji_Q a sa place, et informa la Chambre qu’un des Messagers lui avait dit pendant la seance de la Cham- bre, et tandis qu’on lisait le Journal, qu’un M. Phi- lippe Aubert DeGaspe, Junior, desirait lui parier ; il sortiten consequence, et rencontra M. DeGaspe dans la Garde- Robe ; M. De Gaspe demanda a M. O' Cal- laghan s’il voulait le suivre, ce que fit M. O' Callaghan, mats Plainte par un Membre contre P. A. De Gas- pfi, junior. 6 Will, IV. 9° Novembris. 73 would follow him. Mr. O'Callaghan did so, but de- clined retiring into the street, not having his hat on ; whereupon Mr. De Gaspe asked Mr. O'Callaghan if he was the author of a certain paragraph in a Montreal Paper; Mr. O'Callaghan denying it, Mr. De Gaspe grasp- ed something like a whip in his hand, and threatened Mr. O'Callaghan with personal violence if he came outside the Building, he at the same time used gross language to Mr. O'Callaghan , calling him a sacre Idche , and other such epithets, whereupon Mr. O'Callaghan called on one of the Messengers of the House to inter- fere. Mr. De Gaspe also threatened Mr. O'Callaghan with personal violence the first time he should meet him outside of the House. On Motion of Mr. Fortin , seconded Mr. Morin, Resolved , That the facts contained in the said De- claration constitute a breach of the Privileges of this House, of which the said Philippe Aubert De Gaspe, the younger, has rendered himself guilty. ^ iun? 0 e r Gas ' Resolved, That the said Philippe Aubert De Gaspe, dered into (he the younger, be taken into the custody of the Sergeant Serg°e d ant 0f at he at Arms attending this House, to answer for the said Arms. breach of Privileges, and await the Judgment of this House. Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do issue his Warrant accordingly. mais il refusa d’aller jusque dans la Rue, n’ayant point son chapeau ; sur quoi M. De Gaspe demanda a M. O'Callaghan s’il etait l’auteur d’un certain Paragraphe publie dans un Papier de Montreal. M. O'Callaghan lui dit que non. M. De Gaspe saisit quelque chose qui avait l’apparence d’un fouet, et mena 5 a de Zaire violence personnelle a M. O' Callaghan, s’il voulait sortir dehors, se servant en meme temps de termes in- sultans pour M. O'Callaghan, et l’appelant un sacre lache, et^ lui donnant d’autres epithetes de cette na- ture. La-dessus M. O'Callaghan appela un des Mes- sages de la Chambre pour intervenir. M. De Gaspe mena 5 a aussi M. O'Callaghan de violence personnelle la premiere fois qu’il le rencontrerait hors de la Cham- bre. Sur Motion de M. Fortin , seconde par M. Morin, Resolu, Que les faits contenus en la dite declaration constituent une infraction des Privileges de cette Cham- bre, dont le dit Philippe -Aubert De Gaspe, fils, s’est rendu coupable. Resolu, Que le dit Philippe- Aubert De Gaspe, fils, p. a. De Ga*- soit pris sous la garde du Sergent-d’Armes qui assiste a cette Chambre, pour repondre pour la dite infraction ia g , ar ^f uSer ' des Privileges, et attendre lejugementde cette Cham- ^ bre. Ordonne, Que M. 1’Orateur emane son Warrant en consequence. fve lawful for His Majesty, by any order or orders to be bv Him, from time to time, for that purpose issued, J-l the advice of His Privy Council, to appoint, or by any such Order or Orders in Council, to authorize the Governors, Lieutenant Governors, or other persons for the time being, administering the Government of any of His Majesty’s Foreign Possessions, Colonies^ oi Plantations, to appoint the place or places within his Majesty’s Dominions to which any Offender convicted iniiysuch Foreign Possessions, Colonies or Planta- tions, and being under sentence or order of Trans- portation, shall be sent or transported; and that all such persons shall within the place or places to which, in pursuance of any such Order or Orders in they shall or may be so sent or transported, be subject ancf liable to all such and the same Laws, Ru es and Regulations as are, or shall be in force m any sue! place or places, with respect to Convicts transported from Great Britain. And whereas His said late Ma- iesty, by an Order by Him issued, by the advice of His Privy Council, on the eleventh day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty five, in pursuance of the said Act of L arliament, and in exercise of the powers thereby in Him in that behalf vested, did order that the Governors, Lieute- nant Governors, or other persons lor the tune being administering the Government 01 any of is j- aj • > Foreign Possessions, Colonies or Plantations, shall, from time to time, by Proclamation to be by them respec- tively for that purpose issued, appoint the place or places within His Majesty’s Dominions, to which any Offender convicted in any such Foreign Possessions, Colonies or Plantations, and being under sentence or PROCLAMATION. Vu que par un certain Acte du Parlement, passe dans la sixieme annee du Regne de feu 8a Majesffi le Roi George Quatre, intitule, “ Acte qm pourvoit h la “ punition des offenses commises par les Criminels “ transports et condamnes aux travaux forces dans “ les Colonies, et pour mieux tgler les pouvoirs des « Juees de Paix en la Nouvelle-Galles ,” il eat entre autres choses statu6, qu’il sera et pourra etre loisible a SaMaiest, sous un Ordre ou Ordres fmanant de lui de temps a autre a cet effet, par et de l’avis de son Con- seil Prive. de tiommer, ou par aucun tel Ordre ou Ui- dres en Conseil, d’autoriser le Gouverneur, Lieute- nant-Gouverneur, ou autres personnes admimstrant alors le Gouvernement d’aucunes des Possessions etran- e eres, Colonies ou Plantations, de nommer le lieu ou lieux dans les Domaines de Sa Majeste, ou tout Cru ininel convaincu dans aucunes telles Possessions etran- L^res, Colonies ou Plantations, et etant sous sentence de Transportation, devra etre envoye ou transport, et que toutes telles personnes seront dans le lieu ou lieux ou elles seront ou pourront etre envoyees ou trans- portees conform6ment a aucun tel Ordre, sujettes a telles Lois, Regies et Reglemens qui sont ou seront en vigueur dans tel lieu ou heux a 1 egard des Cnminels transports de la Grande-Bretagne. Et vu que sa due feue Majeste, par un Ordre d Lite emane par et de 1 a vis de son Conseil Prive, le onziemejour deNovembre, en 1’annee de Notre Seigneur mil-huit-cent vingt-cinq, en conformity du dit Acte du Parlement, et dans 1 ex- ercice des pouvoirs dont Elle est revetue a cet effet, a ordonn6 que les Gouverneurs, Lieutenans-Gouver- neurs, ou autres Personnes admimstrant poui le temps d’alors le Gouvernement d’aucunes Possessions Gi an- gles de Sa Majesty Colonies ou Plantations, bxeront respectivement de temps en temps, par Proclamation a cet effet, le lieu ou lieux dans les Domaines de 8a Ma- jesty ou tout Criminel convaincu dans aucunes te es Possessions Grangeres, Colonies ou 1 'antalrons, de a etre envoy 6 ou transport^. Or done, oi, chibald Comte d e Gosford, Gouverneur-en-Chefcomme 6 Will. IV. 9° Novembris . 75 ordei of 1 ransportation, shall bo sent or transported. Now therefore, I, the said Archibald , Earl of Gosford, Governor in Chief as aforesaid, in pursuance of the said Ouler in Council and .Act of Parliament respec- tively, and in exercise of the powers thereby respective- ly in me, as such Governor as aforesaid vested, do appoint that any Offenders convicted in the said Colo- ny, and being under sentence or order of Transporta- tion, shall be sent by the first convenient opportunity to England , thence to be transported to the Colony of New South Wales , or to the Colony of Van Diemen's, Land, as His Majesty shall be pleased to direct. Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at the Castle of St. Lewis , in the City of Quebec, the seventh day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty five, and in the sixth year of His Majesty’s Reign. J By His Excellency’s Command, D. DALY, Secretary of the Province. GOSFORD, Governor in Chief. Arrears of Ex- The Governor in Chief now lays before the House civil Govern- Assembly, a Statement and Account of the Arrears in the Pubiic Sh seivice of the Civil Government on the Treasury. 10th of October last, including the advance made from the Military Chest, and of the amount of Monev which is at present in the Public Treasury, and in the hands of the Receiver General ; and the Governor in Chief feels confident that the House of Assembly will see the ne- cessity of proceeding without delay to a consideration of this part of the Public Accounts. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 9th November, 1835. susdit, et en conformity du dit Ordre en Conseil et Acte du Parlement respectivement, et exercant les pou- voirs dont je suis revetu par iceux respectivement comme Gouverneur-en-Chef, j’ordonne que tout Cri- minel convaincu dans la dite Colonie, et <£tant sous sen- tence de Pi ansportation, sera envoy e a la premiere occasion favorable en Angleterre, pour etre de la trans- pose a la Colonie de la Nouvel/e-Galles Meridionale, ou a la Colonie de la Perre de Van-Diemen, comme il plaira a Sa Majeste de l’ordonner. Donne sous mon seing et le sceau de mes Armes, au C lateau St. Isolds, dans la Cite de Quebec, le septieme jour d’Octobre, en Pannee de Notre Seigneur mii-huit- cent-trente-cinq, et dans la sixieme ann6e du Resne de Sa Majeste. & Par Ordre de Son Excellence, D. DALY, Secretaire de la Province. GOSFORD, Gouverneur-en-Chef. Le Gouverneur-en-Chef met maintenant devant la A "erage3 da Chambre d’Aaaemblee un Etat et un Corapte desarre- rages dus pour le service du Gouvernement Civil le 10 fans’ifxrtfsor 1 Octobre dernier, en y comprenant l’avance faite sur Public! la Caisse Militaire ; et aussi du montant des Deniers qui se trouvent maintenant dans Je Tresor Public, et entre les mains du Receveur-General ; et le Gouverneur-en- Chef espere avec confiance que la Chambre d’Assem- blee verra la necessite de proceder sans delai a la con- sideration de cette partie des Comptes Publics. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 9 Novembre 1835. Statement of arrears due to 10 October 1835 . Appendix (I.) Statement shewing the Balances due on the several Items of the Civil Expenditure of the Government of Lower Canada up to the 10th October, 1835, for which a Supply is required. For the said Statement, see Appendix (I.) at the end of this Volume. Etat indiquant les Balances dues sur les differens Eiats des ane Items de la Depense Civile du Gouvernement du Bas - oftobre S i 835 .° Canada, jusqu’au 10 Octobre 1835, pour lesquelles on demande des Subsides. Pour le dit Etat, voir Appendice (I.) a la fin de ce A PP endice (i.) Volume. Statement of Public Money in the Vault secured by three Locks. Statement of the total amount of Public Money in the Vault secured by three Locks, on the 9th day of November, 1835. J One hundred and twenty nine thousand one bun- dled and eleven pounds two shillings and two pence Cuirency, equal to One hundred and sixteen thousand two hundred pounds Sterling. J. HALE, Receiver Genl. D. DALY, Secy, of the Pi ovince. JOS. CARY, Insp. Genl. P. P. Accts. Etat du montant total des Deniers Publics qu’il y a dans la Voute aux trois Serrures, le 9e jour de No- vembre 1835:— Cent vingt-neuf mille cent onze Iivres deux schel- hngs et deux deniers courant, egal a Cent seize mille deux cents Iivres sterling. J. HALE, Receveur-Genh D. DALY, Secret, de la Province. JOS. CARY, Insp.-GenJ. des C. P. P. Etat de l’Ar- gent Public dans la voftte aux trois serru- res. MoniTs^n^he Statement ol Monies in the sole charge of the Re- SST v«Sf £ eiv ? general on the ninth day of November eighteen hundred and thirty five. IS ine thousand and thirteen pounds thirteen shillings and ten pence halfpenny Sterling. J. HALE, Receiver Genl. Message rela- ting to Arrears &c. and State- ments accom- panying it refer- red, and to be printed. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Viger , Ordered, lhat the preceding Message, with the ac- companying Statements, be referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts. Ordered, lhat the said Message, with the accompa- nying Statements, be printed for the use of the Mem- bers of this House. Etat des Deniers sous la garde du Receveur-General EtatdesArgcns seul, le neuvieme jour de Novembre mil-huit-cent- trente-cinq : — ncral. Ncul mille treize Iivres treize scheilings et dix de- niers et demi sterling. J. HALE, Receveur-Genl. Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Viger, Ordonne, Que le Message precedent, et les Etats qui Message reiatif 1 accompagnent, soient referes au Comite Permanent aux arrerages, des Comptes Publics. Ordonne, Que le dit Message, et les Etats qui " ,re 1 accompagnent, soient imprimes pourl’usage des Mem- bres de cette Chambre. Ordered , Ordonne , 76 9 ° Novetnhris . A. 18 35 . Message rei.- Ordered, That the Message of His Excellency the comm > iued. victs ' Governor in Chief, of this day, relating to the Transpor- tation of Convicts, with the Documents accompanying the same, be referred to a Committee of the whole House on Wednesday next. Ordonne, Que le Message de Son Excellence le Gou- verneur-en-Chef, de ce jour, relativement a la Depor- tation des Condamnes, avec les Documens qui l’ac- compagnent, soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre Mercredi prochain. Bank state- The Clerk laid before the House, Statements of the mcnts present- ^0» a j rs Q f t j le Q ue i ec Bank, and of the Bank of Mon- treal, received in conformity to a Resolution of this House of the 31st ultimo. Appendix (j.) For the said Statements, see Appendix (J.) at the end of this Volume. Le Greffier a mis devant la Chambre les Etats des Affaires de la Banque de Quebec et de la Banque de Montreal , re 5 us en conformite d’une Resolution de la Chambre, da 31 du mois dernier. Pour les dits Etats, voir Appendice (J.) a la fin de ce Volume. Report of Mr. Grannis presented to the House a Report of county of ltor *’ School Visitors for the County of Stanstead. stanstead. For t i ie sa j 0 Beport, see Appendix (C.) at the end Append,. (C.) ofthisVo|ume _ M. Grannis a presente a la Chambre un Rapport des Visiteurs d’Ecoles pour le Comte de Stanstead. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (C.) a: la fin de ce Volume. Internal Com- munications i — Report of Com- missioners. Appendix (D.) Mr. Viger presented to the House the Report of the Commissioners for the Road from Laprairie to St. John. For the said Report, see Appendix (D.) at the end of this Volume. M. Viger a presente a la Chambre le Rapport des Commissaires pour le Chemin de Laprairie a St. Jean. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (D.) a la fin de ce Volume. Accounts ren- Mr. Tache laid before the House, two Accounts ren- dered under the ( ] crc( j jj y the (jure c f /’// and George R. Saveuse de Beaujeu, Esquire, was ,clat 'nn 'linf presented to the House by Mr. Morin, and the same between Up- was received and read ; setting forth : That the Pe- canada. titioner, Catherine Cliaussegros de Levy, widow of the late Jacques Philippe Saveuse de Beaujeu, is the usu- fruitiere Une Petition de Dame Veuve Jacques-P. Saveuse de Beaujeu et George-R. Saveuse de Beaijeu, Ecuyer, a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Morin, laquelle a ete retpie et lue *, exposant : Que la Petitionnaire Ca- therine Chaussegros de Lery, Veuve de feu Jacques-Phi- lippe Saveuse de Beaujeu, est usufruitiere, et le dit Gcorge- Message relatif aux Criminals, refere. Etats des Ban- ques, presentes. Appendice (J.) Rapport des Visiteurs d’E- coles, Corate de Stanstead. Appendice (C.) Rapports de Commissaires pour les Com- munications in- terieures. Appendice (D.) Comptes rendns en vertu des Actes pour le secours des Pa- rois'es en dc- tresae. Appendice (E.) Phares ; Compte des Commissaires; Appendice (K. ) Navigation de la Riviere Ri- chelieu ; Rap- port des Com- ini ssaires. Appendice (L ) Cour de Jus- tice et Prison de St. Hyacin- the : Rapport des Commis- saires. Appendice (M) Rapport des Commissaires dn Canal de Chambiy. Appendice (N.) Petition dc Dame Veuve De Beaujeu, etc, relative a la ligne de divi- sion entre le Haut et le Bas-Canada. 6 Will. IV. 9° Novembris. fruiticre (usufructuary possessor,) and the said George Rene Saveuse de Beaiijeu is the proprietor of the Seignioiies ot Soulanges and A ouvelle Ijongueuil , both situate in the District of Montreal, by virtue of the last Will and Testament of the said late Jacques Phi - l ppe Save use de Beaujeu, in his life time proprietor and possessor of the said Seigniories : That the said Seigniories were conceded by the French Government long previous to the cession of Canada to His Britannic Majesty : That the Seigniory of N ouvelle Longueuil was conceded on the 21st day of April, 1734, to Messire Joseph Lemoine de Longueuil, by the Gover- nor and Intendant of New France , for and in the name of His Most Christian Majesty, as being “ a Conces- “ ® ion of about two leagues on the River St. Lawrence , 1 le l imit of the Seigniory of Soulanges to La Pomte au Bodet , inclusively, by three leagues in “ depth. With the adjacent Islands, Islets and Shoals,” which Concession was ratified by His Most Christian Majesty on the 8th day of February, 1735 : That the predecessors of the Petitioners did fealty, (foi et horn- mage,) and made avowal and enumeration, (aveu et de- nombrement,') of and for the said Seigniory of N ouvelle Longueuil : That it may appear remarkable that no mention has been made either in the title of Concession of the said Seigniory of New Longueuil or in the letter of ratification thereof, of the points of the compass which should regulate, on all sides, the limits and boun- daries of the said Seigniory of New Longueuil, or any of the same: I hat nevertheless, it was of no utility whatever to make mention thereof, inasmuch as by a Taw which then existed in Canada, and has never since ceased to exist in the Province of Lower Canada, to wit ; by the General Rules of Police, made on the 11th day of May, 1676, by the Superior Council of ijuehec then exercising a Legislative power in that behalf, by virtue of the authority with which they were endowed by His Most Christian Majesty, through ins Edict creating the said Superior Council, the lines to be followed from and after the year 1 676, in all ancls which should be thereafter conceded in the name ° j ^ the River St. Lawrence, were fixed and determined ; that is to say, that such lines were to run from the North East, South Westward, and from the South East, North Westward of the Poles of the World, and that the said Rules were in force at the time of the division of the late Province of Quebec, and cannot be annulled by any Jaw to the contrary ; and that the Seigniors of the said Seigniory of New Lon- gueuil were bound to conform themselves thereto, re- Jatively to the said points of the compass : That the said Seigniory of New Longueuil was surveyed, mea- sured and bounded, pursuant and conformably to the Ctle of Concession thereof, and to the existing Laws : 1 hat as the course of the River St. Lawrence, in the said Seigniory of Longueuil, is North East and South West, and as the front of the said Seigniory lies along the River ‘St. Lawrence, the limit or line which should bound and confine the said Seigniory South Westwardly, is a line which drawn from the River St. Lawrence , should proceed or run in the direction of the North West and South East points of the compass, or North 4o degrees West of the Poles of the World, or in the dnection of North 37 degrees 15 minutes West of the Magnetic Pole, taking the variation of the magnet to to be 7 degrees 45 minutes, as it was at the period of the division of the Province of Quebec in ‘the year : T* lat in the year 1791, it was deemed necessary to divide the Province of Quebec into two distinct Pro- vinces, under the denomination of Upper and Lower Vol — 45. Canada > 77 George-Renc Saveuse de Reaujeu, proprietaire des Sei- gneunes de Soulanges et de la N ouvelle- Longueuil, si- tueesdans le District de Montreal, et ce en vertu des dispositions testamentaires du dit feu Jacques-Philippc Save use de Beauqeu, en son vivant proprietaire et pos- sesscur des dites Seigneunes : Que les dites Seigneuries furent concedees par le Gouvernement Francais long- temps avant la Cession du Canada a Sa Majeste Bri- tannique : Que Ja dite Seigneurie de la Nouvelle- Lon- gueuil fut concedee le 21e jour d’Avril 1734 A Mes- sire Joseph Lemoine de Longueuil, par le Gouverneur et Intendant de la N ouvelle- France, pour et au nom de Sa Majeste Tres-Chretienne, comme etant “ une Conces- tt ® lon de de , ux heu f s environ sur le Fleuve St. Laurent, de P l,,s ,a borne de la Seigneurie de Soulanges, jus- qu a la Pomte au Bodet inclusivemenl, sur trois lieues <£ de profondeur, avec les lies, Ilets et Battures adja- • J aque,Ie Concession fut ratifiee par Sa Ma- jeste Ires- Chretienne, le8ejourde F^vrier 1735: Que les auteurs des Petitionnaires rendirent foi et hommage et don ne rent aveu et denombrement pour la dite Seigneu- ne de Ja Nouvelle -Longueuil : Qu’il peut paraitre re- marquable que, m dans le litre de Concession de la dite Seigneurie de la Nouvelle- Longueuil, ni dans le revet de Ratification d’icelle, il n’est point fait men- tion du Rhumb de Vent des lignes qui doivent limiter et borner de toutes parts la dite Seigneurie de la Nou- ve e- Longueuil, ni d’aucune d’icelles : Que neanmoins cette mention etait inutile, vu que par une loi alors existante en Canada, et qui n’a jamais cesse d’exister dans Ja I rovince du Bas-Canada ; savoir : par des Re- giemens _ generaux pour la Police du lie jour de Mai lw/6, faits par le Conseil Superieur de Quebec, qui, a cet egard, exer^ait un Pouvoir Legislatif, en vertu de l autorit6 que lui en avait donne Sa Majest6 Tres- Chretienne, par son Edit de creation du dit Conseil oupeneur, les alignemens qui devaient continuer d’e- tre sums apres 1’annee 1676, pour toutes les Conces- sions qiu devaient etre donnees au nom du Roi sur le Meuve M Laurent, etaient determines et fixes e’est- a-dire, devaient courir sur le Rhumb de Vent’ Nord- -ijst et Sud-Ouest et Sud-Est Nord-Ouest du Monde; Jesquels Reglemens etaient en force lors de la division de la c.-devant Province de Quebec, et ne peuvent etre detrmts que par une Loi contraire, et auxquels dits Re- glemens, quant au dit Rhumb de Vent, les Seigneurs deJa dite Seigneurie de la Nouvelle-Longueuil Itaient M nU ! C ; eS r C01lf ° rn ? e 5 : Que la dite Seigneurie de la Nouvelle- Longueuil fut arpentee, mesuree et bornee suivant et conformement aux litres de Concession d’i- celles et aux Lois existantes : Que le cours du Fleuve S . Laurent , dans la dite Seigneurie de la Nouvelle- Longueuil, etant Nord-Est Sud-Ouest, et la dite Sei- gneuneayantsadevanture sur le Fleuve St. Laurent, la 1 unite ou hgne qui doit limiter et borner au Sud- Ouest la dite Seigneurie, est une ligne qui, en partant ou IJeuve St. Laurent, doit suivre le Rhumb de Vent ou courir dans la direction Nord-Ouest et Sud-Est du Monde, ou de Nord 4 5 degres Ouest du Monde, ou dans Ja direction ou Rhumb de Vent, Nord 37 degres J5 minutes Guest de la course Magnetique, en suppo- sant que ] a variation de l’aimant dans cette partie du Bas-Canada est de 7 degres 45 minutes, ainsi qu’elle 1 etait a 1 epoque de la division de la Province de Quebec cn h . 1 : Qu’en 1’annee 1791, il fut juge necessaire de diviser la Province de Quebec en deux Provinces dis- tmetes, sous le nom de Ilaut et de Bas-Canacla, con- lormement a la ligne de division suivante, savoir: J a commencer a une borne en pierre sur le bord Nord du Lac St. Francois A la Baie Ouest de la Pointe au { f “ Bodet s 78 9 ° Novembris. A , . 183 & Cfl/wtfa, conformably to the following line of division, to wit * “ To commence at a stone boundary on the “ North bank of the Lake St. Francis, at the Cove u West of Pointe an Bodet, in the limit between the tc Township of Lancaster and the Seigniory of A ew “ Longueuil , running along the said limit in the c irec- “ tion of North 34 degrees West, to the Westernmost “ angle of the said Seigniory of New Longueuil, thence “ along the North Western Boundary of the Seigniory “ of Vaudreuil, running North 25 degrees East, until « it strikes the Otiawas River, to ascend the said River “ into the Lake Tomiscanning, and from the head of the “ said Lake by a line drawn due North until it strikes “ the boundary line of Hudson’s Bay, including all the “ territory to the Westward and Southward of the said “ line to the utmost extent of the Country common y “ called or known by the name of Canada ; which line of division was proclaimed on the 18th day of November, 1791, by Sir Alured Clarke, the Lieutenant Governoi and Commander in Chief of the said Province of Quebec: That although Commissioners have been nominated at divers periods, as well on behalf of Lower Canada, as on behalf of Upper Canada, to fix the line ot division between the two said Provinces, no such line bath a vet ever been drawn or fixed : That an enoi o conception has crept into the said P. oclamnUon of the 18th day of November, 179L inasmuch as it is theiem expressed, that the line of division between the said Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, runs m the direction of North 34 degrees West, and that .such iei- ror proceeds probably from incorrect and enoneous plans sent from this Country to Enghmd ', becaui se i it be true, as it cannot be denied, that the hmit be- tween the Township of Lancaster and the saiu .seig- niory of New Longueuil, should form the me ot c ivi- Setween the said Provinces, such line drawn along the said limit, cannot proceed m the direc on o North 34 degrees West, the said limit being in the direction of North 37 degrees 15 minutes West * d variation of the magnet to be The same as m l W > further that the said line of division should have been drawn, and should be regulated uy u Ma . compass, established by that law, from wluch llrs Ma iestv could not derogate : lhat oveimore, His Majesty in iecocmizing by the said Proclamation, the stone boundary on the North bank of the Lake St. Francis at the cove West of Pointe au Bodet, (which stone boundary was there placed for j rating the unconceded lands of the Crown ot France, fro m & the said Seigniory of New Longueuil,) and in irom tne s b u f division should begin. Z Z s!ifsUe e bo a uidary, in the limit between the said Township of Lancaster and the said Seignioiy o Aeie Longueuil, and run along the said limit, lias evi- dently shewn that his aim and intention was to allow to remain and to comprize within the said Oo«nce c / artier Canada, the said Seigniory of JVew Longueuil . Thaftlif error in the said Proclamation, and the de- fault of fixing the said line between the said Provinces, occasioned to the said late Jacques Philippe Sava, sc de Bealdeu in his life time, and do almost daily occasion, not only to the Petitioners, but also to their Censi- taires deal trouble and molestation, and serious incon- lanes, » rea arisin.,- Irom the unjust pretensions vemence and losses bribing , J ‘ set forth and sustained by acts of violence on the part of the grantees of a portion of the 1 ownship of Lan- caster, %ho pretend and maintain that certain lands conceded by the predecessors of the Petitioners within the domain of the said Seigniory of New Longueuil, form part of the Township of Lancaster, and are sub- ject to the Province of Upper Canada , and not to the “ Bodet, dans la limite entre la jurisdiction (ou Town- « ship) de Lancaster et la Seigneurie de la Nouvelle - “ Longueuil, courant le long de la dite limite clans la « direction de Nord 34 degres Ouest, jusqu a 1 angle «< le plus Ouest de la dite Seigneurie de la Nouvellc- “ Longueuil, de la le long de la borne Nord-Ouest de “ la Seigneurie de Vaudreuil , courant Noid 25 degres «« Est, jusqu’a ce qu’elle tombe sur la Riviere des Ou- n taouais, pour monter la dite Riviere jusqu au Lac “ Tomiscanning , et du haut du dit Lac pai une igne “ tiree vrai Nord jusqu’a ce qu’elle touche la Iigne bor- « nee de la Baie d ’Hudson, renfermant tout le tern- “ toire a l’Ouest et Sud de la dite Iigne jusqu a 1 eten- « due la plus reculee du Pays communement appele “ ou connu sous le nora de Canada laquelle d ® division fut proclamee le ] 8e jour de Novembre 179 , par Sir Alured Clarke, alors Lieutenant-Gouverneur et Commandant-en-Cbef de la dite Province de Quebec : Que quoiqu’ii ait et6 nomm6 en differens temps des Commissaires, taut de la part du Bas-Canada que de la part du Haut-Canada, pour fixer la hgne de division entre lesdites deux Provinces, nean moms la dite Iigne n’est point encore tiree ni fixee : Qu’il s est glisse une erreur ou meprise dans la dite Proclamation du 18e jour de Novembre 1791, en autant qu il y est enonce one la Iigne de division entre les elites Provinces du Haute t du Bas Canada court dans la direction de Nord 34 degres Ouest ; laquelle erreur vient probablement de plans errones envoyes de ce Pays en Angleterre ; parce que, s’il est vrai, comme on ne peutle mer, que la limite entre le dit Township de Lancaster et la dite Seigneurie de la Nouvelle- Longueuil doit fame la iigne de division entre les dites Provinces, cette Iigne, en courant le long dela dite limite, ne pent counr dans la direction de Nord 34 degres Ouest, puisque la dite h- mite court dans la direction de Nord 37 degres lo mi nutes Ouest, la variation de I’aimant supposee la me me nu’en 1791 : Que d’ailleurs, la dite Iigne de division devait et doit courir d’apres le Rhumb de Ventetabh par la Loi, a laquelle Sa Majeste ne pouvait deroger : Qu’au surplus, Sa Majeste en reconnaissant par la dite Proclamation la borne en pierre sur le bord Nord du Lac St. Francois , a la Baie Ouest de la I ointe au Bo- det (laquelle borne avail ete plantee^ pour servir de separation entre les Terres non concedees par la Lou- ronne de France et la dite Seigneurie de la Nouvelle- Longueuil,) et en ordonnant que la dite Iigne de divi- sion°commen 5 fit a la dite borne dans la limite entre e dit Township de Lancaster et la dite Seigneurie de la Nouvelle- Longueuil, et courut le long de la dite limite, fait voir evidemment que son but et son intention etait de laisser et comprendre dans la dite Province du Bas- Canada, la dite Seigneurie de la Nouvelle- Longueuil : Oue cette erreur dans la dite Proclamation et le defaut de fixation de la dite Iigne entre les dites deux Provinces on* occasionneau dit Jacques- Philippe Saveuse de Beau- jeu, en son vivant, et occasionnent presque journelle- mentaux Petitionnaires de grands troubles et de gra- ves inconveniens, et des pertes, ainsi qua leurs Gen- sitaires, par les pretentions injustes mises en avant par les Concessionnaires d’une partie du Township de Lan- caster, soutenues par des voies de fait, ces dermers in- dividus pretendant et soutenant que les Concessions faites par les auteurs des Petitionnaires, de terressi- tuees dans la censive de la dite Seigneuiie e a velle-Longueuil, font partie du dit Township de Lan- caster et dependent de la Province du Haut-Canada et non de celle du Bas-Canada : Que les Petitionnaires out un grand nombre de Censitaires qui ne peuven jouirde la plus grande partie des Terres a eux conce- dees par les auteurs des Pctitionnanes, c cc, G Will. IV, 9° Novembris . 79 Province of Lower Canada : That a large number of the Censitaires of the Petitioners cannot enjoy the greater portion of the lands conceded to them by the predecessors of the Petitioners in consequence of be- ing forcibly hindered therefrom, by several of the grantees of land in the said Township of Lancaster That amongst others of' the Censitaires of the Petitioners, the heirs of one John McCuaig, to whom the Honora- ble de Longueuil had, in the year 1801, conceded a farm within the domain of the said Seigniory of New Longueuil, were in the year 1818, dispossessed by acts of violence (votes de fait ) of the said farm, by one Ro- nald or Donald McDonell : That in consequence of the said acts of violence, the said heirs McCuaig instituted an action in the Court of King’s Bench for the District of Montreal : That the said McDonell pretended, amongst other things, in the defence by him set up to the said action, that the said farm or concession of the said heirs McCuaig, was not situate in the Province of Lower Canada, but that it formed a portion of a cer- tain tract of land situate in the Township of Lancaster, in the Province of Upper Canada, and granted by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the said Pro- vince of Upper Canada, bearing date the 8th April, 1806, to John McDonell, his father, deceased, whose universal legatee he declares himself to be, and that in consequence thereof, he the said Ronald McDonell is proprietor of the said farm ; such are his pretensions : lhat upon this defence, the said heirs McCuaig called into Court as their gar ant , the said late Jacques Phi- lippe Saveuse^ de Beaujeu, and assumed against the said Jacques Philippe Saveuse de Beaujeu, the ordinary conclusions in an action en garantie ; they the said heirs McCuaig, in their said demand en garantie, evaluating the outlayings and ameliorations made upon the said farm, by their said father and them- selves, at one thousand pounds actual current money : That upon the demand en garantie, raising as it did questions of public interest, and in which the Province itself was interested, the said Jacques Philippe Saveuse de Beaujeu, prayed by a Petition, for the intervention of Government ; upon this Petition, Government inter- vened ; but these suits are now still pending before the said Court of King’s Bench : That besides the request made to the Government by the said Jacques Philippe Saveuse de Beaujeu , to intervene in the said action en garantie , he the said late de Beaujeu made several appli- cations to the Executive Government of this Province, setting forth the unfortunate situation in which he was thrown : That the Executive Government of both the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, took into con- sideration the said line of division between the two Provinces, but without any absolute or definite result : 1 hat accordingly the Petitioners find themselves placed in peculiarly critical circumstances. — They can or dare not see their Censitaires, in the places where the said contestation has been raised, for the recovery of their legitimate Seigniorial dues, as the pretensions set up, by the said McDonell may be renewed against all their suits for such dues : That in the event of the Petition- ers obtaining in the Court of King’s Bench, a Judg- ment in their favor, upon such suits, notwithstanding the said pretensions, yet they have reason to believe, that the execution of any such Judgment would create a collision which ought for the interest of both Provinces to be avoided : That it is very true that the titles of the Petitioners to the property of the said Seigniory of New Longueuil are too sacred to allow of the Petitioners being dispossessed thereof under any circumstances or considerations whatever, and that they cannot lose their right of property in the totality of the said Seigniory conceded qu’ils en sont empeches a force ouverte par partie des Concessionnaires de terres dans le dit Township de Lancaster : Qu entre autres de leurs Censitaires, les Heritiers d’un nomme John McCuaig, k qui feu THo- norable de Longueuil avait concede en l’annee 1801, une Terre dans la censive de la dite Seigneurie de la JVouve lie- Longueuil, furent, en l’annee 1818, depos- sedes de la dite Terre, par voie de fait, par un nomme Ronald ou Donald McDonell : Que sur cette voie de fait les dits Heritiers McCuaig intenterent une action contre le dit McDonell, devant la Cour du Banc du Iloi du Distrit de Montreal : Que sur cette action le dit McDonell pretendit en defense, entre autres choses, que la dite Terre ou Concession des dits Heritiers McCuaig n’etait pas situee dans la Province du Bas- Canada, mais qu icelle faisait partie d’une certaine etendue de terre situee dans le Township de Lancaster , dans la Province du Haut-Canada, et concedee par Lettres-Patentes sous le Grand-Sceau de la dite Pro- vince du Haut-Canada, endatedu 8 Avril 1806, k John McDonell, son pere, decede, et dont il se dit 16gataire umversel ; en consequence de quoi lui le dit Donald McDonell est proprietaire de la dite Terre— telles sont ses pretentions : Que sur ces defenses les dits Heritiers ilicG^^appelerent en garantie le dit feu J acques-Phi- Uppe Saveuse de Beaujeu, et prirent contre le dit Jacques- Philipqje Saveuse de Beaijeu les conclusions ordinaires dans une demande en garantie, les dits Heritiers McCuaig evaluant, dansleur dite demande en garantie, a Mil le 1 ivies cours actuel, les impenses et ameliora- tions faites sur la dite terre par leur pere et eux-memes : Que sur cette demande en garantie qui soulevait des questions d’un interet public, et auxquelles cette Pro- vince etait elle-meme interessee, le dit feu Jacques- Philippe Saveuse de Beaujeu demanda par Requete l’in- tervention du Gouvernement ; sur cette Requete le Gouvernement est intervenu, mais ces causes sont en- core actuellement pendantes devant la dite Cour du Banc du Roi : Qu’outre cette demande faite au Gou- yernement parle dit Jacques-Philippe Saveuse de Beau- jeu d inteivenir sur la dite action en garantie, le dit feu de Beaujeu fit plusieurs applications a TExecutif de cette Province, expositives de la situation malheureuse dans laquelle il se trouvait : Que TExecutif des deux 1 rovinces du IJaut et du Bas-Canada s’est occupe de la ligne de division entre les deux Provinces, mais sans resultat absohi ni definitif : Que, dans l’etat actuel des choses, les Petitionnaires se trouvent dans des circon- stances particulieres et critiques ; ils ne peuvent ou n’osent point pours aivre leurs Censitaires dans la partie ou 1 on eleve contestation, parce que sur une poursuite pour le recouvrement des droits qui leur sont legitime- ment dus, ils sont exposes k voir renouveler contre leurs demandes les memes pretentions que cedes emises parle dit McDonell : Que, dans le cas mcme ou no- nobstant telles pretentions, les Petitionnaires pourraient sui telle poursuite obtenir en leur faveur un jugement de la dite Cour du Banc du Roi du District de Mont- real, ils ont raison de croire que la mise a execution d’un tel jugement pourrait creer une collision qui, dans Tinteret des deux Provinces, devrait etre evitee : Qu’il est bien vrai que les titl es des Petitionnaires a la pro- priete de la dite Seigneurie de la N ouvelle-Longueuil sont trop sacres pour que, sous aucunes circonstances ou considerations ils puissent en etreprives et depos- sedys, et qu’ils ne peuvent perdre leurs droits de pro- pi iete a la totalite d’icelle, telle que concedee a leurs auteurs comme dit est, ni d aucune partie d’icelle : Que ndanmoins, si les Commissaires nommes de la part de chacune des dites Provinces prenaient pour base de leurs operations dans la fixation de la ligne entre les dites so 9 ° Novembris. A. 1835. conceded to their predecessors in manner aforesaid, or in any part thereof : That, nevertheless, ifthe Commis- sioned appointed on behalf of each of the said Provinces in fixing the line between the two said Provinces, should take for basis of their operations, the direction errone- ously given in the said Proclamation of North 34 de- grees West, the Petitioners, without losing their right o*’ property by such operations, would be liable and ex- posed to numberless embarrassments and difficulties, and perhaps to disbursements so considerable as to ab- sorb the total value of the said Seigniory of New Lon - trueuil • to ruinous suits and serious losses, ovci and above the great inconvenience of having an extensive Concession ruled by and subjected to Laws totally i is- tinct and different in their nature, as by the operation of the erroneous principle above alluded to, one portion o the said Seigniory would be in Upper Canada , and the other in the Lower Province : That upon these con- siderations and several others too tedious to detail, the Petitioners have a lively interest, not only in demand- ing that the line of division or separation between the two Provinces be drawn and fixed witti all possible des- patch, but further, in praying that the said I reclama- tion be corrected previously to any proceedings being taken to draw and fix the said line, for the purpose of avoiding all difficulties and conflicts that might arise in the course of operations on the part of Commissioners, as well as the delays that might ensue to prejudice the interests of the Petitioners : That the Petitioners fur- ther show, that by a Provincial Act of the first year of the Reign of His present Majesty, Chapter fifteen, t te Governor, Lieutenant Governor or person having the Administration of Government in this Province, was authorized to nominate Commissioners to treat with the Commissioners nominated on behalf of Upper Ca- nada, relatively to the fixation of the line of division between the two said Provinces : ihat if the informa- tion conveyed to the Petitioners be correct, such Com- missioners" have been and are actually nominated and appointed conformably to the said Act : That inas- much as the powers and duties of such Commissioners are not defined at length in the said Act, and that such Commissioners might think themselves authorized to receive, hear and examine the just claims and preten- sions of the Petitioners, notwithstanding the great inte- rest they have in the fixing of the said line, and mas. much as the titles and plans in the possession of the Petitioners, relative to the said Seigniory of New Longueuil , would be ot great utility in the fixing o t ie said line, it may be expedient that the said Commis- sioners should receive especial directions from the Legislature, from which directions they could not de- viate in fixing, drawing and establishing the said line of division ; all which might necessitate a revisal of the said last mentioned Act, as well on behalf of the t ro- vince as for the interests of the Petitioners ; and pray- ino-that the House may take into its serious considera- tion the present Petition, and adopt thereon such pro- ceedings and measures as in its wisdom may be deemed most expedient, just and efficient. Resolved , That the said Petition be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to examine the contents thereof and to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and lecords. Ordered, That Mr. Morin , Mr. Archambeault, Mr. Rocbrune dit Laroque, Mr. Perrault and Mr. Viper do compose the said Committee. dites deux Provinces, la direction erronee de la dite Proclamation de Nord 34 degres Guest, les Petition- naires, quoique ne perdant point leur droit de propiie- te, se trouveraient par telles operations exposes a des embarras et des difficultes sans nombre, peut-etiea des debourses considerables qui pourraient absorbei dans leurtotalite la valeur de la dite Seigneurie de la Nouvelle-Longueuil, a des poursuites ruine uses et a des pertes considerables, sans compter le grave inconve- nient d’avoir une Concession etendue regie par des Lois absolument distinctes et difffirentes, une partie de la dite Seigneurie, par telle operation, cl apres tel nrincipe errone, se trouvant dans le Haul- Canada, et 1’autre dansle Bas-Canada : Que, d’aprfcs ces conside- rations et plusieurs autres dont le detail sei ait trop long les Petitionnaires out un grand int6ret non seu- lement a demander que la dite ligne de division on separation entre les dites deux Provinces soit tiree et fixeeau plus tot, mais encore a demander que 1 erreur ou nffiprise dans la dite Proclamation soit corngee, avant qu’il soit proc6de a tirer et fixer la dite ligne, pour eviter toutes difficultes et conflits lors de rope- ration des Commissaires, et des deiais prejudiciables aux intents des Petitionnaires: Et les retitionnaires exposent de plus que par un Acte Provincial de la pre- miere aniffie du Rfegne de Sa presente Majeste, Cha- pitre quinze, le Gouverneur, Lieutenant Gouverneur ou la Personne ayant l’administration du Gouverne- ment de cette Province, fut autoris6 a nommer des Commissaires pour traiter avec des Commissaires uom- mes de la part du Llaut-Canada, touchant la fixation de la ligne de division entre les elites deux Provinces . Que si & les informations donnees aux Petitionnaires sont correctes, ces Commissaires sont actuellement nommes et appoint6s en conformite du ait Acte . Que com me les pouvoirs et devoirs de ces Commissaires ne sont point definis au long dans le dit Acte, et que tels Commissaires pourraient se croire non autorises a recevoir, entendre et examiner les justes reclamations des Petitionnaires, nonobstant le grand intent que les Petitionnaires out dans la fixation de cette ligne, et que comme les titres et plans en la possession des 1 e- titionnaires, relativement a la dite Seigneurie de la Nouvelle-Longueuil , pourraient etre d une grande uti- lite pour fixer la dite ligne, il deviendrait peut-Gtre necessaire que les dits Commissaires eussent des di- rections particuli&res de la part de la Legislatuie, des- quelles directions ils ne pourraient s ecarter pour tirei, fixer et etablir la dite ligne de division, ce qui pour- rait peut-etre n6cessiter une revision du dit Acte en dernier lieu mentioned, tant dans 1 interfit de cette Province que dans celui des Petitionnaires; et de- mandant que la Chambre prenne la pr£sente Requite en sa sffiieuse consideration, et adopte sur icelle tels nroc£des et telles mesures, que dans sa sagesse el le jugera les plus justes, les plus convenables et les plus efficaces. Resolu, Que la dite Petition soit r6fer^e a un Connt6 de cinq Membres, pour en examiner le contenu et en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer qu6rir personnes, papiers et re- C ° r Ordonne, Que M. Morin, M. Archambeault, M. Rocbrune dit Laroque, M. Perrault ct M. Viger com- posed le dit Comite. College. 3 r same 6 Will. IV. 9° Novembris . 81 same was received and read ; praying for an Act to incorporate the College founded by him at Chambly. Resolved , That the said Petition be referred to a Committee of five Members, to examine the contents thereof and to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Viger, Mr. Perrault, Mr. Berthe- lot, Mr. Leslie and Mr. Lafontaine do compose the said Committee. £td resueet lue ; demandant un Acte pour incorporer le College qu’il a fondd a Chambly. Resolu, Que la dite Petition soit referee a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en examiner le contenu et en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et re- cords. Ordonne, Que M. Viger , M. Perrault, M. Berthe- lot , M. Leslie et M. Lafontaine composent le dit C o- mitd. The following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read, viz : retition of By Mr. Huot. — A Petition of Hercule Olivier , of Ber- Vier'for reiieir. tliier ; representing that he was badly wounded in the left arm by a Grape Shot during the last American Mar, while in command of one of the Gun Boats in the action fought on Lake Champlain, near Plattsburg, on the 1 1th September, 1814, which renders him incapable at cer- tain seasons of the year of attending to a great part of his business ; and praying relief. pjerre°B 0f By Mr- Morin. — A Petition of Pierre Bouchard, of chard, fora the Parish of St. Vallier ; representing that he was Pension. wounded in the leg, in the year 1814, while on duty as a Militiaman on Picket at St. Pierre de St. Constant , near the American frontier, which renders him incapa- ble of attending to his business sufficiently to earn a livelihood ; and praying for a Pension, with arrears since the Peace- Petition of j, By Mr. Knight. — A Petition of John Rouse and fo n r rt granu°of e Ch ^ sto P her House, of the County of Missis/coui ; repre- Land™ 5 ° senting that in the year 1812, they enlisted, atS/. Ar- mand, into the Glengary Fencible Regiment, in which Corps they served during the period of three years and twenty six days, and shared in all the services of that distinguished Corps : That they have never received any grant of land for their services ; and praying the House to grant them such remuneration for their ser- vices at it may deem them entitled to. Ordered, That the three preceding Petitions be re- ferred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Answer of His Excellency the late Governor in Chief, of the 5th March, 1834, to the Address of this House of the 24th February, 1834, relating to grants of lands to the Officers and Militiamen who served during the late War with the United States. Les Petitions suivantes ont pr£sent£es a la Cham- bre, lesquelles ontdt£ revues et lues ; savoir : Par M. Huot. — Une Petition d 'Hercule Olivier , de Petition d’Her- Berthier ; exposant qu’il fut grievement bless6 par pour ^deT un raisin qu’il re 5 ut dans le bras gauche, durant la dernibre guerre Americaine, pendant qu’il comman- dait unedes Chaloupes canonibres a la Bataille surle Lac Champlain , pres de Plattsburg, le 11 Septembre 1814, ce qui le rend incapable de vaquer a bien de ses occupations, surtout k certaines epoques de Fan- nie ; et demandant un secours. Par M. Morin. — Une Petition de Pierre Bouchard , p^ tl(lon do de la Paroisse de St. Vallier ; exposant qu’il fut blessi Pierre Bouchard alajambe, en I’ann^e 1814, pendant qu’il £tait de si°n r . une F#n: service comme Milicien dans un Piquet a St. Pierre de St. Constant, prds des Lignes Arrffiricaines, ce qui le rend incapable de vaquer a ses affaires suffisam- ment pour le faire vivre ; et demandant une pension, avec les arrerages depuis la Paix. Par M. Knight. — Une Petition de John Rouse, et Petition de J. Christopher Rouse, du Comte de Missis/coui ; expo- Rouse, po^r'des sant, que dans 1’annee 1812, ils furent enroles a St. P ctrois de ler - Armand, daus le Regiment appeld Glengary Fencible Regiment, dans lequel corps ils ont servi durant la pe- riode de trois ans et vingt-six jours, et ont partag^tous les travaux de ce corps distingu^ : Qu’ils n’ont jamais reiju aucun octroi de terres pour leurs services ; et priant la Chambre de leur accorder telle remuneration pour leurs services qu’elle croira leur etre due. Ordonne, Que les trois Petitions precedentes soient referees au Comite Special, auquel a ete ref6r6e la Re- ponse de Son Excellence le ci-devant Gouverneur-en- Chef, du 5 mars 1834, a l’Adresse tie cette Chambre, du 24 Feviier 1834, relativement aux Octrois de Terres aux Officierset Miliciens qui ont servi dans la dernibre Guerre avec les Etats-Lnis. petition for a A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of of a thfpraces n of Missis/coui, was presented to the House by Mr. De County of Mis! Hleury, and the same was received and read ; praying siskoui! s that the Poll authorized to be held in the Village of Freleighsburg for the Election for the County of Mis- sis/coui, may be removed to the East Village in Stan- bridge. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Privileges and Elections. The following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read, viz i Petition for th 8 By Mr. Le Boutillier. — A Petition of the Proprietors c n ape X Chat and ^ a P Chat and Ste. Anne des Monts ; praying that Cap St. Anne des Chat and Ste. Anne des Monts may be dismembered from SiS, the District of Gaspe, and annexed to the District of tec. Quebec • Petition reia- By Mr. Boutillier. — A Petition of divers Inhabitants County ^court of the Count y of Ste. Uyacintlie ; praying that a Law cfnfhe Hya " be P assed obliging the Clerks of Commissioners for Small Causes in the different Parishes of the County of St. Hyacinthe , to pay over to the Clerk of the County Court, - T a Vol. — 45. Une Petition de divers Habifans du Comt6 de Mis- P5tition p° ur 'e siskoui a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. De Bleu - places d’Elec- ry, laquelle a et£ re$ue et lue; demandant que le Poll co^deW autorise a etre tenu au Village de Freleighsburg pour siskoui ' FEIection pour le Comte de Missis/coui, soit trans fere au Village de l’Est de Stanbridge. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comi- ty Permanent des Privileges et Elections. Les Petitions suivantes ont 6t6 presentees a la Cham- bre, lesquelles ont £td revues et lues ; savoir : — Par M. Le Boutillier.— -Une Petition des Propri6- Petition pour taires de Cap Chat etSte. Anne des Monts ; demandant 0 “^^ que le Cap Chat et Ste. Anne des Monts soient de membres du District de Gaspe, et annexes au District tri «ae Que- 3 de Quebec. bee - Par M. Boutillier.— Une Petition de divers Habitans petition relative du Comte de St. Hyacinthe ; demandant qu’il soit nas- d la Cou J r de se une loi obligeant les Greniers des Commissaires f 6de si. iiya- pour les Petites Causes dans les differentes Paroisses ,ntlie ‘ du Comt6 de St. Hyacinthe, a remettre au Greffier de la X 82 9° Novembns. A. 1835. a portion of their Fees upon actions returaab e before the Commissioners, of whom they are the Clerks ; that Notaries Greffes. and all Minutes ot I ubhc Olhceis, Ire- o-isters &c. be deposited in the Greffe of the said Com t , That the enrolments be made in the said Greffe that autograph Wills be proved in the same place, and that the Greffe of Notaries deceased in the County, or who having practised therein, have died elsewhere, an d whose Minutes are deposited in the Greffe at Montreal, and all Minutes of Public Officers which re- late to property in the said County, be brought to the Greffe of the County, there being now no sufficient iea- son for withholding them from the County, the lea Proprietors of them. la Cour de Justice du Comt6, une partie de leurs ^mo- lumens sur les actions rapportables devant les Com- missaires, dont ilssont Greffiers ; que les Greffes des Notaires, et tous Papiers-minutes d’Offieiers 1 ublics, Ilegistres, etc., soient d6post:s an Greffe Petition for a Circuit Court in the Village of Terrebonne. By Mr. Lafontame. — A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Counties of Terrebonne and Lachenaie ; praying the House to pass a Judicature Bill establishing a Cir- cuit Court for the Counties of Terrebonne and La- chenaie, to be held in the Village of Terrebonne. de la dite Cour ; que les Insinuations se fassent au dit Greffe ; que les Testamens olographes soient prouv6s au dit lieu et que les Greffes des Notaires d6c6d6s dans le Comte, ou qui, y ayant pratique sont morts ailleurs, dont les minutes sont au Greffe de Montreal , et tous autres papiers-minutes d Officiers 1 ublics, en autaut qu’ils concernent les propri6ffs du Comtd, soient rap- portes au Greffe du Comte, n’y ayant mamtenant au- cune raison valable d*en priver le Comte, qui en est le veritable proprietaire. Par M. Lqfontaine . — Une Petition des Ilabitans des Comtes de Terrebonne et Lachenaie ; priant la Cham- bre de passer un Bill de Judicatuie etablissant une Cour d’arrondissement pour les Comtes de Terrebonne . . \ k . 1. l/,llrt rv /-\ / 1 A / D'\' r V' — Petition pour une Cour d’ar- rondissement dans le Village de Terrebonne. 6tre tenue dans le Village de Terre- et Lachenaie, bonne. , , . t Petition of W. Annett for a Salary as keeper of the Court Hall at Perce. The following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read, viz: Bv Mr. Le Boulillier .— A Petition of William Annett, Keeper of the Gaol and Court Hall at Perce ; praying for a Salary as Keeper of the said Court Hall. Petition of E. B. Nobert for indemnity. By Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorion. — A Petition of Eus- Petition of In- spector of Clr.m- nies at Three Rivers, for bis Salary. Petition of P. De Rocheblave for payment of his Account as Commissioner on Missiskoui contested Elec- tion. tache Bigue Robert, of the Parish of Ste. Genevieve, County of Champlain ; praying to be indemnified for certain expenses incurred by him in his capacity ot Commissioner for lloads in the Parish of Ste. Genevieve de Paiiscan. . . _ rrl Bv Mr. Barnard. — A Petition o { Alexander lhomp- son," of Three Livers ; praying payment of his Salary as Inspector of Chimnies at Three Rivers, since the pass- ing of the Act establishing a Fire Society in the Town of Three Rivers. „ , 77 „ By Mr. Leslie . — A Petition of Pierre De Rochcblave, Esquire j praying payment of the sum ot Fifteen pounds sixteen shillings and seven pence currency, amount ot his account as^one of the Commissioners appointed to receive Evidence on the contested Election of Ralph Taylor , Esquire, for the County of Missislcoui. Pelilion of A. J. Duchesnay for increase of Salary. By Mr. Dubord. — A Petition of Antoine Juchereau Duchenay ; praying for an augmentation of Salary as French Translator to Government. . Ordered, That the five preceding Petitions be referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts. Les Petitions suivantes ont 6tc piesenffes a la Chambre, lesquelles ont <»« of the said late General Napier Christie t> 'ton that it was absolutely necessary that they shorn r nav Lin the arrears of cens ct rentes and lods et rentes due on their lands, or that he would immediately sue for the same: That in the last Petition which the 1 e titioners had the honor oi addressing to t ie ^ set forth the excessive annual rents which the a & for the said Seigniory compelled the <^*”*£ **1 in contravention of every existing Law of 1 rov nee That they have now the honor again to addie.s them selves to the justice and liberality of the House, and jmmbly to represent that if the said Edmund Henry, Ls- re is permitted to continue to force the Censitaires 0 he said Seigniories to pay the illegal arrears which "t ic pretended are due on their lands, they do not hesitate confidently to assert, that moie than, tine e fourths of the Censitaires will be forced to abandon then “y, and to seek A^nt of tie present Seignior. Witten \ jcGinnis Esquire, continues to exact the same lllegs That after the representations the Petitioners 1 thus made they do not for an instant doubt that the House will in its wisdom, and during the ensuing Session, pass a Law to remedy the numberless abuses tinder which the People of this Seigniory are ciushed, by reason of the feudal system which is pursued with of the Freeholders of the Seigniories De Bleary, Sabrevois and JS J oyan\ setting forth- That the Petitioners are desirous that such changes may be made to the Tenures Act as the House may deem Advisable for the welfare of the Inhabitants of this Country, and more especially ot the Paiish of St. Alhanase-. That the Petitioners venture no tba would he more advantageous foi them that a nxec ami settled rule should be established with regard to X" renus to he paid to the Seigniors more s- necially as the rents in the Seigniories of De Bleury, \ahrevois and Noyan are much higher than in otheis, the Petitioners being compelled to pay twenty ,ve Uvres ten sols ancient currency, of annual rent to then Seianiors for Lots of two arpents in front by twenty eiafn arpents in depth, an exorbitant sum, particularly fo? the tenants of new and had lands; and praying : the House to reduce the present rents to the a ncient rate, and thereby ameliorate the condition of the tenant, and enable y them to retain their lands and pay _ then Seignior : That the Petitioners further represent to the House that the lods etventes as now taken in this conn- try form a burdensome tax upon the mdustiy o Inhabitants, since the said lods el rentes are at m ery mu- tation calculated not only upon the original value permettant aux Censitaires de racheter leurs cens et rentes, en pay ant le capital, on par tons autres moyens quo la Chambre trouvera convenables. p ar M. Cole . — Une Petition des Proprietaires et Cen- sitaires dans la Seigneurie De Eery, exDOsant : Que dans la dermere Session de la Cham- bre les Petitionnaires auraient eu l’honneur de lui adresser une Petition, presentee en Mars dermer, pom se plaindre des griefs notnbreux sous lesquel ids ge ■ saient de la part de leur Seigneur feu le Genera Na pie, -.Christie Burton : Que depu.s ce temps- dit A iapier-Chrislie Burton serait decede on AngWerrete Janvier dernier et aurait nomme par son Te [ lament la Dersonne d 'Edmund Henry , Lcuyei, du Village ct. o P u>uUods et v elites dussur leurs terres, on qu’.l allatt les P ours “‘ v , re immediatement : Que dans la dermere 1 et non .que ilex Petitionnaires ont eu l’honneur d adresser a la Chamb , ils out pris sur eux de detailler le prix des rentes annuel es exce^sfves que 1’ Agent de la elite Seigneurie for 9 ait es Cens it ai r e s\ paye?, et ce en contravention^ atoute lot existante en cette 1 toy 1 ™-*; • Q« 1 Uberalite de c’Trlrps^er de nouveau a la justice et a nu la Chambre, pour lui exposer hmnblement, que sQ o permet an Hit Edmund Henry , Ecuyer, de continue! lore" Censitaires de cette Seigneurie a paye irreraffes illemiux qu’on pretend etre dus sui leuis ?e res Us n'hSitent pas un seul instant k dire avec cer- titude, que plus des trois quarts des Censitaires vont etre forces d’ahandonner leurs propnetes et tie che cher ailleurs un asileofr l’oppression soil moindre : Que les Petitionnaires exposent de plus qu » . present Seigneur, William McGinnis , Ecuyer, continue Eer les S mTmes rentes illegales : Qu’apres l’expose que les Petitionnaires viennent de faire, ils ne doutent p as un seul moment que la Chambre, dans sa pioehaine Session ne veuille, dans sa sagesse, passer quelque L non remSier aux abus sans nombre sous lesquels cette Seigneurie est ecrasee, par le systeme feodal qu’on y suit a l’esard de ses Censitaiies. SU par M Bardu. — Une Petition des Francs-tenanciers des Seion'euries De Bleury, Sabrevois et Noyan ; expo- sint • Que les Petitionnaires desireraient voir c ange i’Acte de Tenures des Terres, selon que la Chambre k fet SLMhana, : Que p aV e r aux Seigneurs leurs cens et rentes, d autant iilus oue les rentes dans les dites Seigneuiies de D ^Bleury Sabrevois et Noyan se montent beauconp p us ha U rque dans d’autres, puisque les Petitionnaires sont oi)li<4s de payer a leur Seigneur, par annee, Vingt-cinq hvr^dix sols^ancien cou"s, pour des terres de deux arpens de front, sur vingt-huit de P lofon( ^ q ,!i est exorbitante terres nouvelles et mauva ses , 1 . de reduire les rentes actuelles a 1 ancien taux, ce q rendrait le sort des Cult.vateurs plus si PP°'‘g ble ' £ lrs mettraient plus en etat de garder leurs ten es et ae les metuaieiii pius , ■ & , g ] es Pdtitionnaires pajci ie ^i ne ^ ventes, tels que exposent a la ChamDie, que ies l’indnslrie npreus en ce pays, sont une taxe onereuse sur l mclusiiie des^Habitaus^ puisque les dits lods et ventes ne se pre- livent pas seulement it mison p , era ierement 6 Will, IV. 9° Novembris , the land, but also upon the value of the improvements that have been made upon it; and praying the House to be pleased in its justice to enact that the said lods et rentes shall not hereafter be paid to the Seigniors except on the value of the land itself at the first sale thereof. Ordered, That the four preceding Petitions be re- ferred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seign- iorial Rights. ° Petitions for aid The following Petitions were presented to the House, n°7 Com muni- same were received and read, viz : cations By Mr. Besserer. — A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Little River St. Charles, ; praying an aid of One thousand pounds, to repair the macadamized Public Roads leading from the City of Quebec to the Little River St. Charles, on the north and south sides thereof, and thence branching off to the Parishes of Charles - bourg, Jeune Bore tie, St. Ambroise and Ancienne Borette. A Petition of the Inhabitants of Charlesbourg ; pray- ing an aid of Four hundred pounds currency, to repair part of the Road leading from Quebec to the Church at Charlesbourg. By Mr. Blanchet. — A Petition of divers Freeholders and others, of the Little River Si. Charles, Parish of Ancienne Bor ette, and of the City of Quebec ; praying an aid of Four hundred pounds, to repair that part o1‘ the Road leading from Quebec to Ancienne Borette, which is between the house of one Gignac and that of one Jean Robi tail/e. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of Quebec and Cap Rouge-, praying an aid to repair the Road leading from the Cap Rouge Road to the Lumber Coves, and to con- tinue the Road leading to the Coves in the direction of Cap Rouge on the borders of the St. Bawrence. By Mi. Cardinal. A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Seigniory of Chateauguay ; praying an aid of Five hundred pounds currency, to repair the Bridge across the River du Loup, better known under the name of the River Chateauguay. By Mi. Aleilleur. *A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Township of Raxodon ; praying an aid of Two hun- dred and fifty pounds, to open a Road from the public Road leading from the Township of Kildare on the line between the 3rd and 4th Ranges of the Township of Raxodon, to the River Bac Ouareau, and to build a Bridge over the said River, so as to join with the pub- lic Road on the south side of the said River. By Mr. Clapham. — A Petition of divers Inhabitants of Halifax and Inverness ; praying an aid of Twenty pounds currency, to repair the Concession Road be- tween the Townships of Halifax and Inverness. By Mr. Archambeault. — A Petition of divers Inhabi- tants of the County of Berliner ; praying an aid of Two hundred and fifty pounds currency, to repair the Bridge over the River B y Assomption in the Parish of St. Paul in the County of Berthier. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Parishes of St. Paul and Ste. Elizabeth-, praying an aid of Two hundred pounds, toopeu a Road from the Bridge across the River B Assomption near the Village d' Industrie de St. Paul, to the front Road in the upper part of la Chi loupe de Ste. Elizabeth. By Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorion —A Petition of the Inhabitants of St. Stanislaus de Batiscan ; praying an aid to build a Bridge over the River des Envies. By Mr. Co/c. — A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the lownship of Sherrington -, praying an aid to repair part of the Cross Road from Sherrington through the Seigniories 87 premicrement vendus, mais encore a raison des augmen tations et ameliorations faites sur les fonds a chaquc mutation ; et pnant la Chambre de vouloir bien accor- der, dans sa justice, que les lods et ventes ne soient payes dorenavent aux Seigneurs, qu’d raison de la va- leur du fonds premierement vendu. Or-donne,' Que les quatre Petitions precedenles soient referees au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux. Les Petitions suivantes ont ete presentees a la Cham- vi^t-trois rd. Dre, lesquelles ont ete recues et lues • savoir • titions pour des Par M. Besserer.- Une Petition des' Habitans do la Feme Riviere St. Carles ; demandant un‘ aide Je Mille hvres, pour reparerles Chemins Publics macada- mises conduisant de la Ville de Quebec k la Petite Ri- viere St. Charles, des cotes Nord et Sud d’icelle, et de la conduisant aux Paroisses de Charlesbourg, Jeune Borette , St. Ambroise et Y Ancienne Borette Une Petition des Habitans de Charlesbourg ; deman- dant une aide de Quatre cents livres courant, pour re- parer partie du Chemin qui conduit de Quebec a l’E- glise de Charlesbourg. Par M. Blanchet. — Une Petition de divers Francs- Tenanciers, et autres de la Petite RivRre St. Charles, 1 aroisse de 1 Ancienne Borette et de la Cite de Quebec - demandant une aide de Quatre cents livres, pour repa- rer I espace de Chemin qui conduit de Quebec a Y An- cienne Borette, qui s’etend depuis la maison du noinme Gignac jusqu a celle du nomme Jean Robitaille. Une Petition de divers Habitans de Quebec et du Cap Rouge ; demandant une aide pour reparer le Che- mm qui conduit depuis le Chemin du Cap Rouge ius- qu aux Arises aux Bois, et pour continuer le Chemin qui conduit aux Arises, dans la direction du Cap Rou"e sur les Lords du St. Baurent. 1 ' * Par M. Cardinal. Une Petition des Habitans de la beigneune de Chateauguay ; demandant une aide de Cinq cents livres courant, pour reparer le Pont sur la Riviere du Boup, plus connue sons le nom de Riviere Chateauguay . Par M . Meilleur. Une Petition des Habitans du lownship de Raxodon ; demandant une aide de Deux cent cmquante livres, pour ouvrir un Chemin, depuis le Chemin Public qui conduit depuis le Township de Kildare sur la ligne entre les 3e. et 4e. Rangs du Township de Raxodon, jusqu’a la Riviere Bac Ouareau et pom batir un Pont sur la dite Riviere, pour com- muniquer avec le Chemin Public, sur le cote Sud de la dite Riviere. (t a jPh am -— Une Petition de divers Habitans d Halifax et d Inverness ; demandant une aide de Vinirt livres courant, pour reparer le Chemin de Concession entre les lownships Ruisseaux, Lacs, lies et generalement de { contenu entre les dites bornes en toute pro- priet^, justice et seigneurie, et meme droits que la “ Compagnie de la Nouvelle France en jouit Que le passage sur cette rivi&re du Cap Rouge , a toujours appartenu aux Proprietaires de cette Seigneurie depuis 183 ans. D’apres un titre si clair et si positif, fear nul ne peut Fetre davanlage) le Petitionnaire main- tient ties-humblement, quhl est le proprietaire de la Riviere du Cap Rouge avec tousles memes droits et privileges que si cette Seigneurie Qait aujourd’hui pos- serRe par la Compagnie de la Nouvelle France, et qu en consequence il a seul le droit de peage suricelle. Que le Petitionnaire apprend qu’il a pRsent6 a la Chamore une Petition de M. Pierre Gingras deman- dant le privilege de batir un Pont Public sur la dite Riviere du Cap-Rouge, eten consequence le Petition- naire represente que de le deposseder d’une telle pro- pi lete que lui et ses ancetres out toujours possedd de- pms la Concession de cette Seigneurie, serait lui faire l N] tort considerable ; que le droit de passage de la Riviere Cap Rouge est loue maintenant pour six ans, a compter du premier mai prochain, a raison de Cin- quante livres par annee, a J. Bonner, Ecuyer ; et priant la Chambre de prendre sa presente Petition en considera- tion, et de le maintenir en sa propriete et ses droits - au moms, si tel privilege est accorde, que la preference de bat n lui-meme le Pont projete lui soit accordee, sur le meme plan et charges proposes par Pierre Gingras si ce n est que la distance de 1’ Arche fixee a quarante pieds, pour la plus grande facilite de la Navigation sera de soixante pieds de distance. Ordonne, Que les deux Petitions precedentes soient sefeiees au Comite Permanent des Bills prives. Les Petitions suivantes out ete presentees a la Cham- bre, lesquelles ont ete re§ues et lues ; savoir : — Z Vol — 45. Par A. 1835. 90 9" Kovembris, Petition of Dr. Francois For- tier. By Mr. Tsmiirp settlllff lOrin . ! nat 111 uie y cal i t Petitioner was Inspecting Physician at G^Me. »nd visited and inspected at his own cost and cliai 0 es, conformity to the Quarantine Act, and to the Instiuc- Pons of he Board of Health, 60S vessels, and received his allowance for 523 only, the Board of Health having 1 ? n deduction of 80 Vessels from the number le- Inner by he PetiUoner : That from the 13th October SS November of the same year, the, ictinwas Health Officer at Quebec, also inspected 1 - Vessels, and that from this number the Board c . Heal also deducted 46, having recommended that the 1 eti t loner should be paid for 66 only ; and praying the House to grant him his allowance for the said 1-6 ' cs. qpls for which he has not been paid. , By Mr. Boutillier .-A Petition of the Reverend 7 ’ 7 */ Crevier of St. Hyucinche ; praying an aid or Three hundred ^pounds, towards the establishment of an Hospital in Girouardville or pillage of St. Hya- cinth:, for the reception of poor sick peison . • By Hr. Leslie.— A Petition of the Directresses or the Orphan Asylum of Montreal ; praying an aid to- wards !he support of that Institution for the past and CU A PetCnof the Directresses of the Ladies Benevo- lent Society of Montreal ; praying an aid to wauls the support o/that Institution for the past and current ye ^Petition of the Directresses of the Female Charity Sodety of Montreal ; praying an aid towards the sup- port o } f distressed Widows and Orphans under their Ordered, That the five preceding Petitions he refer- red to the Standing Committee for Hospitals and Cha- ritable Institutions. A Pofitinn of the Inhabitants of the Parish of St. petition for the A l etitio - , to the House by Mr. Boutil - SpB- ^Anfti;e W r,rr s received and read , praying an “ afuo im rove tlie Navigation of the River V— . from its mouth to the Villages of St. 1 'te and St. Ct saire. Petition rela- ting to an Hos- pital in Girou- ardville. Three Petitions for aid in favor of Charitable institutions in Montreal. Par M. Morin. — Une Petition de Francois Fortier, Ecuyer ; exposant : Que dans l’annee 1832, le Peti- tionnaire etant Medecin-Inspecteur a la Grosse-lle , visita et inspecta, a ses propres frais conformement a 1’Acte de Quarantaine et aux instructions du iiuieau de Sante, 603 vaisseaux, et qu’il n’a re$u son salaire nue pour 523; le Bureau de Sante ay ant fait une de- duction de 80 vaisseaux sur les Retours du I etition- naire : Que depuis le 13 Qctohre jusqu’au 30 Novembre inclusifs de la meme annee, le Petitionnaire ag.ssant comme Officier de Sante a Quebec, inspecta aussi 112 vaisseaux, et que le Bureau de Sante fit encore sur ce nombre une deduction de 46, ne recommandant le I e- titionnaire que pour le paiement de 66 ; et pliant la Chamhre de lui accorder son salaire pour ces 1-6 vais- seaux, dont il n’a pas ete paye. . Par M. E o utillier. — • Une Petition de Messire Edou- ard Crevier, de St. Hyacinthe ; demandant une aide de Trois cents livres, pour l’etablissement d un Hopital dans Girouardville on Village de St. Hyacinthe, pour la reception des pauvres malades. Par M. Leslie.- Une Petition des D.rectnces de 1 A- svle des Orphelins de Montreal ; demandant une aide pour lesoutien de cette Institution, pour 1 annee der- niere, ainsi que la presente. Une Petition des Directrices de la Societc Bienveil- lante des Dames de Montreal ; demandant une aide pour le soutien de cette Institution, pour 1 annee der- niere, ainsi que la presente. Une Petition des Directrices des Dames de la Cha- rite de Montreal ; demandant une aide pour le soutien des Veuves Indigentes et Orphelins sous leurs sows, Ordonne, Que les cinq Petitions prdeedentes soient referees au Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite. Une Petition des Habitans de la Paroisse de St. Hy- Petition du Dr. Francois For- tier. Petition rela- tivement a un Hopital dans Girouardville. Trois Petitions pour des a ides en faveur d* Insti- tutions Chari- tables a Mont- real. ' a 4 ” Potitinn of Pierre de Boucherville, of Montreal, Petition of p. A Petitio tt k v Mr. Leslie, and the De Boucherviie wn o nresented to the tiouse y /■ .i teflon of tl^Sh Cap. 5 ^ estahUshing loathe 30th April, 1834, as Overseer to prevent, acci- dents hy Fire. On Motion of Mr. Huot , seconded by Mr. Viger, Resolved That an humble Address be piesented Addressfor Kesou ei , nnvprnor in Chief, praying he 5 ^ 22,00010 pay pits Excellency the vjo p the Contingent nleased to issue his Warrant in favor of h illiam Esquire, the Clerk of this House for Twenty two thousand pounds currency, to enable him to Dav offthe arrears due, and towards defraying the Contingent Expenses of this House for the present Ses- sion and that the said sum he charged to the fund y 1 aw appropriated to that effect ; assuring His Excel- lency that if the said Fund is not sufficient, this House W 1 0 wierecU °T h a't * Mr! not, Mr. Viger, Mr. (M/and Mr. De Witt do present the said Address to His Lx cellency the Governor in Chief. On Motion of Mr. Caron, seconded hy Mr. ^ ot J^ Petition pour uuc x uinon l’amelioration acinthe a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Boutillier, a.,. Rm&e laquelle a ete re^ue et lue ; demandant une aide pour ameliorer la Navigation de la Riviere 1 amas/ca, depuis son embouchure jusqu’aux Villages de St. 1 le et de St. Une Petition de Pierre de Boucherville, de Montreal, a ete presence a la Chamhre par M. Leslie , laquelle a ete recue etlue ; demandant le paiement de la somme la , re . de Cent cinquante livres courant, arrerages de la com- pensation qui lui est due, en vertu de la 3le section de l’Acte Qe Geo, IV. Chap. 57, etablissant une Societe du Feu a Montreal, depuis le ler Aout 1833, jusqu au 30 Avril 1834, comme Inspecteur pour prevenir les ac- cidens du Feu. Sur Motion de M. Huot, seconde par M. Viger , Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le pnant de vouloir hien expedier son Warrant e n faveur de TO- liam- Burns Lindsay, Ecuyer, Greffier de cette Cnam- hre pour Vingt-deux mille livres courant, pour le mettre en etat de payer les arrerages dus, et pour aider •\ defrayer les Depenses Contingentes de cette Cham- he, pour la presente Session et que la dite somme so, t Adresses pour 5^22,000 pour payer les de- penses Contin- gentes de la Chambre. chargee sur le Foods affecte par la Loi a cette effet, assn rant Son Excellence que si le dit fonds n est pas suffisant, cette Chamhre en fera bon. Ordonne, Que M. Huot, M. Viger, M. Child et M. De Witt presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Sur Motion de M. Caron, seconde par M. Sc ^ Qm . 6 Will. IV. 9 “ Novembris. The Petition of VV. L. Felton referred. A Member ad- ded to a Com- mittee. Lessors and Lessees Bill read the first time. Debtors' Pro- perty Bill read the first time. Bill relating to differences be- tween Masters and Servants read the first time. Instruction to Committee on Agriculture. Ordered , That the Petition of William Locker Fel- ton, of the City of Quebec, Advocate, presented to this House on the fourth instant, be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to provide for the reprinting of the Provincial Ordinances and Statutes now in force. Ordered, That Mr. Girouard be added to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to provide for the nomination and appointment of Parish and Town Officers within the Seigniories and Townships of this Province. 1 Ordered, That Mr. De Bleury have leave to bring in a Bill to regulate the exercise of the rights appertain- ing to Proprietors and Lessors against their Tenants and Lessees, and for other purposes therein mentioned He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Wednesday next. Or den ed, That Mr. Be Bleury have leave to bring in a Bdl to pi event Debtors from wasting or diminishing the value of their immoveable property under seizure to the injury of their Creditors. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Wednesday next. Ordered, I hat Mr, Be Bleury have leave to bring in a Bill foi the moie easy and less expensive decision of differences between Masters and Mistresses and their Servants, Apprentices and Laborers, in the Country parts of this Province. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Wednesday next. On Motion of Mr. Ferrault, seconded by Mr. Roc- brune dit Larocque, Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the Standino- Committee of Agriculture, to examine the Treatise on Agriculture published in English by Mr. William Lvans, and to enquire whether it would not be expe- dient to cause the said work to be abridged, and such abi idgment to be translated into French, and to order a certain number of Copies thereof to be printed in order to its circulation among the agricultural popula- tion of the country ; and to enquire what would be the probable expense of translating and printing the same, and to report the result of the said enquiries to this House with all convenient speed. 91 Ordonne, Que la Petition de William- Locker Felton La P&f'on de de la Cite de Quebec, Avocat, presentee a cette Chambre *k£;. j FeU ° n ' le quatre du courant, soit referee au Comite Special auquel a ete refere le Bill pour pourvoir a la re-impres- sion des Ordonnances de la Province et des Statuts maintenant en force. Ordonne, Que M- Girouard soit ajoute au Comite Un Mcmb re Special auquel a et6 refere le Bill qu i pourvoit a i’Elec tionet a la Nomination d’Officiers des Paroisses et des Vnles dans les Seigneuries et Townships de cette Pro- vince. Ordonne, Que M. De Bleury ait la permission d’in- mu relate* trod u ire un Bill pour regler l’exercice des droits des lTcTZTL toprie aires et Locateurs contre leurs Fermiers et la premiere fois. Lacataires, et pour d’autres fins y mentionnees II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premise fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Mercredi prochain. Ordonne, Que M. Be Bleury ait la permission d’in- Biiireiatifaux trod u ire un Bill pour empecher les Debiteurs de dete- SS" iiore 1 ou duninuer la valeur de leurs proprietes immo- bilieres durant la saisie d’icelles, au prejudice de leurs creanciers. 11 a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete Ju pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Mercredi prochain. Ordonne, Que M. Be Bleury ait la permission d’in- b.ii rciaufau* troduire un Bill qui pourvoit a faire decider d’une SX^e? mamere plus facile et moins dispendieuse, les diffe- rends qui s’elevent entre les Maitres et Maitresses et Sib£ pre * leurs Serviteurs, Apprentis on Engages, dans les Cam- pagnes de cette Province. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a et6 In pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a £te ordonnee pour Mercredi prochain. Sur Motion de M. Ferrault, seconde par M. Roc- brune dit Larocque, Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction au Comite Per- instruction au manent d Agriculture, d’examiner le Trade sur l’Agri- vaSIZ^ ciiltuie publie en Langue Anglaise par M. William Evans, et des enquenr s’il ne serait pas expedient d abreger le dit ouvrage, faire traduire le dit Aberge dans la Langue Fran9aise, et ordonner l’impression d’un certain nombre d’Exemplaires du dit ouvrage, pour le nure circuler parmi les Cultivateurs du pays, e<- aussi de s enquenr du cout probable des dites traductions et impression, et du tout faire rapport a cette Chambre avec toute la diligence convenable. On Motion of Mr. Vanfelson, seconded by Mr. Be- dard, J vote 0 r thanks Resolved, That the thanks of this House be voted to S.D.g.«S-: the H°"°' ab ]e Denis ■ Benjamin Viger, for his services as the late Agent of this Province, and for the zeal patriotism, assiduity and talent displayed by him in ac- quitting himself of his Mission, and supporting the di- vers claims entrusted to his care, and more especially the Petitions of this House to both Houses of the Im- perial Parliament, complaining of the numerous grie- vances and serious abuses set forth in the Resolutions adopted by this House on the twenty first February one thousand eight hundred and thirty four. Ordered, I hat the said Resolution be communicated to the said Honorable Denis Benjamin Vi^er by Mr Speaker. & J r On Sur Motion de M. Vanfelson, seconde par M. Bedard. Resolu Que les remercimens de cette Chambre soient votes a I Honorable Denis- Benjamin Viger, pour ses services comme ci-devant Agent de la Province, en s’ac- quittant avec zele, soutenant avec patriotisme, assiduite et talent les diverses missions dont il avait ete charge par la Chambre, et notamment les Petitions de la Chambre au Parlement Imperial, se plaignant de Griefs nombreux et des abus graves enonces dans les Reso- utions par elle adoptees le vingt-et-un Fevrier mil- h ui t- cen t-trente-quatre. Vole de remer- cimens a I' Ho- norable D. B. Viger. Ordonne, Que la dite Resolution soit communiquee au dit Honorable Denis- Benjamin Viger, par M. l’Ora- t on r O r • c Sur 92 9 ° Novembris. A . 1835 . Sur Motion tie M. Vanfelson, seconde par M. Ber- 16 Re so lu Queles remercimensde cette Chambre soient ^..sVaI'n. vot es' a Augustin- Norbert Morin, Ecuyer, Membre Monn,Eco,.r. representant le Comte de Bellechasse , pour son zele et • on smifpnnnt flvpn natriotisme On Motion of Mr. Vt mfehon, seconded Mr. Ber- vote or thank. ‘ k ' Resolved, That the thanks of this House be i voted to Augustin Norbert Morin, Lsqutre .a the eo ul m r - f . . for the County of Belleclmsse, to. Ins distinguls e (listingu&i; en sou tenant ayec patriotisme services, and the zeal, patriotism, assuu e t talent les Petitions de la Chambre d’Assemblee au he displayed in supporting the Petit ons ot tins wouse ■ - ' * 1 rL " afa o 2 Houses of the Imperial Parliament, complain- ing of the numerous grievances and abi uses 'created, oi supported hy the Administration, and set foith in the Resolutions adopted hy this House ou t ie tvven y of February one thousand eight hundred and thuty four. , . . • ntprl Ordonne, Que la dite Resolution soit commumquee Ordered, the said Rosohrt.on ^ communica^ 1 °A Augustin- Norlert Morin, Ecuyer, par M. l’Ora- to the said Augustin Rorbert Morin, Esquire, oy Speaker. et talent les r etitions ue ia oiidinuic u pres du Parlement Imperial, se plaignant des Griefs nombreux et des ahus de P Administration, enonces dans les Resolutions adoptees par la Chambre le vingt- et-un Fevrier mil-huit -cent-trente-quatre. teur. An engrossed Bill to grant an Allowance to the Mem- B, “ hers of the Assembly, was read for the tlmd Mr. De Bleary moved, seconded by Mr. Kimbcr, That the Bill do pass, The House divided on the Question. Yeas, 43. Nays, G. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and “/• M Atemy do carry the said Bill to the Ifguttive Council, and desire then- concurrence, o«„,. An engrossed Bill to make the salaries and emolu- ST “ 0 Tthe creditors of such Officers, was read lor the thud time. , T _ 1 , , P p solved. That the Bill do pass. . Ordered That Mr. O'CallagUan do carry the san Bid to the Legislative Council, and desire then con- cu-rrence. On Bill grossoye pour accorder une Allouance anx P .. . t _i'_ » X.A 1,, none 1 ci fmitmmp bres, passe. un 13111 grossu^c [JUUL «v-v,vz.v.~. .-. v nite anx Mem- Membres de l’Assemblee, a ete lu pour la troisieme Bill relating to Law Practi tiouers a„ cnorossed Bill to repeal certain parts of an Or- ST .. 1" ftl erem "'«*<>"«■ concerning persons to bo — famhld to practice the Law in this ITovmce, was flnoleed That Urn’ Bill do pass, and that the Title he o An Act to repeal certain parts of an Ordinance therein mentioned, concerning persons to be ailmit- .. ltd to pmctice the Law, or to practice as Notaries m “ o^Tha'tMr. Vanfelson do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concur- rence. Religions con- Mr j Viger , from the Committee of the whole ^ ous ® gregations Bill * t,3i. renealan Act passed in the tenth and '' P “ ^h^'JHUlate MJiesty’sReignUnthuied, « An Act for the relief of certain Religious Congrega- .. Rons therein mentioned,” and to make other Legis- , ,• nrov ision in the place thereof, repoited, accoid • a . fo^Order the amendments made hy the Committee t n't lie said Bill; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to hy the House. Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, he engrossed. o OrrW of the dav for the second reading of the StSSTt Bil o amend a certain Act therein mentioned, and to drf “' ,d - make further provision for making, altering and ie- pairing Highways and Bridges, being read , P Ordered, That the said Order ot the day be post- poned till to-morrow. A M. De Bleary a propose, secondd par M. Kimbert , Que le Bill passe, _ La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question: Four, 43. Con t re, 6. Ainsi elle a eteemportee dans 1’ Affirmative, et Resolu, Eu consequence, Ordonne, Que M. De Bleury porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Un Bill grosoye pour rendre les appointemens des Fnnctionnaires Publics susceptibles d’etre saisis et ar- pulll , omer „ a,, r£tes a la poursuite de lenrs creanciers, a ete lu pour KS'TS- . . -v r l * tibles d’etre s*i- Ja troisieme tois. sis* passe. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. O'Callaghan porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Un Bill grossoye pour rappeler certaines parties d’une Ordonnance y mentionnee, qui concerne les per- Loi, passe, sonnes qui doivent etre admises a pratiquer la Loi en cette Province, a ^te lu pour la troisieme fois. ' Resolu, Que le Bill passe, et que le litre soil, “ Acte « p 0ll r rappeler certaines parties d’une Ordonnance y “ mentionnee, qui concerne les personnes qui doivent “ etre admises a pratiquer la Loi ou a pratiquer comme “ Notaires en cette Province.” Ordonne, Que M. Vanfelson porte le dit Bill au Con- seil Legislatif, et demande son concours. M Viger , du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Bill pour revoquer un Acte passe I dans la dix, tome - et onzieme annees du lUgne de feu ba Majeste, intitule, “ Acte nour le secours de certaines Congregations lie- .. licenses y mentionnees,” et pour fibre d’autres dts- positions Legislatives au lieu d’icelm, a fait rapport, conformement a 1’Ordre, des amendemens fails an dit Bill par le Comit6 ; lesquels amendemens ont ete Ins de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la ^Ordonne , Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amend^, soil gros- soye. I Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill, pour aroenderun certain Acte y mentionne, et qui pour- Cherai n 6) r e ® is . voit a de nouvelles dispositions pour ouvrir, change! et Sparer les grands Chemins et Fonts, ayant ete lu, Vrdonne f Que le dit Ordre du jour soit rem.s a de- ma ‘ n ‘ Conformement 6 Will. IV, 9° — 10° Novembris . 93 Montreal Pub- lic Square Bill read the second time. A Bill to establish a new Public Square at Montreal , and for other purposes therein mentioned, was, accord- ing to Order, read a second time. Resolved , That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered , That Mr. Leslie , Mr. Viger , Mr. Lajon- taine, Mr. Morin and Mr. O'Callaghan do compose the said Committee. Conformement k I’Ordre, tin Bill pour (Tablir une nouvelle Place publique a Montreal , et pour autres ob- jets y mentioned, a ete lu une seconde fois. Resolu , Que le dit Bill soit rOere a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la dili- gence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir per- sonnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Leslie, M. Viger, M. Lafontaine, M. Morin et M. O' Callaghan composent le dit Comitei Bill pour une Place publique a Montreal, lu une secoude fois. MoTear e iia n r- The Order of the day for the House in Committee Dredgi!? Ma- m to cons,der the propriety of continuing the improve- chinef s ments of the Harbour of Montreal, and of providing a Vessel for receiving the Steam Dredging Machine, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Viger took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Viger reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions, which he was directed to submit to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. Ordlnanc** 27 th The 0rder of the da y for the House in Committee Geo, hi. cap. to consider the expediency of repealing an Ordinance passed in the twenty seventh year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the Third, Chapter three, intitu- led, “ An Ordinance for quartering the Troops upon “ certain occasions in the Country Parishes, and pro- ** viding for the conveyance of effects belonging to “ Government,” being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Antoine Charles Taschereau took the Chair of the Committee; and after sometime spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; ported! t '° n re " And Mr. Antoine Charles Taschereau reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution, which Reso- lution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House; and is as followeth: Resolved, That it is expedient to repeal an Ordinance passed in the twenty seventh year of His late Majesty George the Third, Chapter three, intituled, “ An Or- dinance for quartering the Troops upon certain occasions in the Country Parishes, and providing “ for the conveyance of effects belonging to Govern” “ ment.” No7ariei com- ^he Order 0 f the day for the House in Committee on deferred Bil1 ’ the Bdl to ascertain t!ie manner in which persons shall hereafter be admitted to practice the Law or to prac- tice as Notaries in this Province, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be postponed till to-morrow. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded bv Mr. Antoine Charles Taschereau, The House adjourned. L Oi dre du join pour que la Chambre se forme en comitesarie Comite pour considerer la convenance de continuer les ameliorations du Havre de Montreal, et de se procurer M61e * Va P eur un Vaisseau pour y placer un Cure-Mole a Vapeur ayant ete lu ; f » ^ La Chambre s’est en consequence formce en le dit Comite. M. Vigor a pris le Fauteuil du Comite, et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. 1’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; ^ Et M. Viger a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe p.usieuis Resolutions, qu il avait ordre de soumettre cL la Chambre, Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit retail demain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comite sur Comite pour examiner shl est expedient de rappeler tine Ordon nance passee dans la vingt-septieme anne'e Cha P- 3 ; du Reg tie de feu Sa Majeste George Trois, Chapitre trois, “ intitule, “ Ordonnance pour loger les Troupes “ tHns certaines occasions chez les Habitans des Cam- “ pngnes, et qui pourvoit aux Transports des effets du “ Gonvernement,” ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Antoine-Charles Taschereau a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. fOrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Lt M. Antoine-Charles Taschereau a fait rapport que R£'°iution rap= le Comite avait passe une Resolution, laquelle Resolu- por, -"r“s ( 'hoi era in 1834 , again subjected the l etitioners to seri- ous losses, besides preventing the works from proceeding with that rapidity which otherwise would have been lie Tase, as is more fully set forth in the Petition laid be- fore the House in the year 1834, and also the one ^sub- mitted with the Commissioners Report in lSdo, m addition to which, from the prudent course adopted by the Commissioners, a large increase o ex ra ' v ‘ )r was unavoidable to insure the safety of the Canal, and preserve indisputable navigation even at the lowest de conduire les eaux qui s’echappent des ecluses ou d’ailleurs ; et priant la Chambre d’examiner leurs plaintes, et si elle les trouve bien fondees, de faire un arrangement final et les indemniser des pertes qu’ils out deja souffertes, et de prendre enfin les movens ne- cessaires pour prevenir, ou cela sera praticable, les dommages que pourrait causer a l’avenir le Canal de Lachine a leurs terres et a leurs recoltes : Qu’il est im- possible pour les Petitionnaires de dire exactement comment le Canal de Lachine fait de dommages a leurs terres, et quel serait, en leur opinion, le mode le plus efficace pour y remedier; et ne voulant point s’etendre davantage dans cette Petition, ils ont nomine M. Wil- liam Evans, de la Cote St. Paid pour agir pour eux comme leur Agent, parce qu’il connait toutes les eir- conslances qui peuvent avoir aucun rapport a leurs plaintes, et qu’il a en sa possession plusieurs documens et plans que les Petitionnaires croient tres-propres it expliquer et donner les connaissances les plus amples et les plus satisfaisantes a la Chambre sur toutes les matieres relatives en aucune matiere an sujet de cette Petition. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite Special auquel est refere le Rapport des Commissaires du Canal de Lachine, pour l’annee 1S34. Sur Motion de M. De Bleary, seconde par M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Ordonne, Que le Rapport des Commissaires pour l’amelioration de la navigation de la Riviere Richelieu deiaRmer® soit refere au Comite Special auquel a ete refers le re ' Rapport des Commissaires pour le Canal de Chambly. Une Petition de Samuel Andres, Junior, et Stephen- ** du Reddin^ Ion Andres , de Chamldy, a ete presentee a la canal deci»m- Chambre par M. De Bleary, laquelle a ete re§.ue et lue, bly ‘ exposant : Que parun certain contrat passe a Chambly t le 5e jour de Septembre 1831, les Petitionnaires et au- tres sont convenus avec I’Honorable Samuel Hatf, et les autres Commissaires du Canal de Chambly, de con- struire un Canal navigable, du Fort St. Jean au Bassin de Chambly : Que les Petitionnaires, pour certaines considerations mentionnees dans le dit conti at, ont donne bonne et valable caution pour l’achcvement de l’entreprise, et ont commence l’ouvrage dans l automne de 1831 : Que les Petitionnaires, au lieu d’avoir re5U une remuneration raisonnable de leur travail et de leur responsabilit£, ont eprouve beaucoup de ditficultes de* favorables au succes de l’entreprise, et qu’aucune pru- dence humaine n’eiit pu prevoir ou empeeber ; notam- ment, dans l’Ete de 1832, ou leurs travaux out ete suspendus par le regne d’une maladie precedemment inconnue dans le Pays, le Cholera Asiatique ; cette circonstance a rendu presque impossible de se piocuier des ouvriers, tandis que ceux qu on a pu obtenir n ont pQ s’engager que moyonnant des salaires exorbitans'. Qu’en 'outre de l’obstacle malencontreux qui vient d’etre mentionne, les temps de piuie de 1833 ont con- siderablement retarde leurs operations, etla reapparition du Cholera en 1834 a de nouveau expose les Petition- naires ;\ des pertes serieuses, en empechant de continuer 1’ouvrage avec cette rapidite avec laquelle il aurait ete fait, ainsi que cela est plus amplement etabli dans la Petition presentee a la Chambre en 1834, ainsi que dans celle qui accompagnait le Rapport des Commissaires en 1835 : Qu’en addition a ces pertes la marche prudente adoptee par les Commissaires a rendu indispensable un surcroit considerable de travaux additionnels poui pour- voir a la suret6 du Canal et pour maintenir une fibre navigation, meme a l’epoque des plus basses eaux ; ce qui 6 Will. iV, 10° Novem/jris. 97 water, and which produced an increase of expense, and delay, which is not uncommon in works of this magnitude: That the Petitioners feel bold in saying that they have most faithfully discharged their duty with untiring zeal to forward this great enterprize, as fast as possible, but in doing so, they have not only ex- pended and jeopardized all their own property and means, but have also involved many others to large amounts, which can be most clearly substantiated, and which absolutely places the Petitioners in most painful and ruinous circumstances : That the Petitioners en- tirely relying on a wise and discriminating Legislature, feel full confidence that justice will be done them in due season: That on reference to the Contract, it will appear the Petitioners are by a Clause therein con- tained, bound to make such alterations and increase of work as shall be ordered by the Commissioners, (sub- ject to the Engineer’s Estimate) ; now certainly if the prices were unfortunately low in the primitive Con- tract, and that ratio strictly adhered to, as undoubtedly is the case, (the Engineer not being justified in taking upon himself to increase the prices beyond the original Contract, and the appropriation of the Assembly,) the Petitioners must suffer an absolute loss, when it is taken into consideration that the banks, which by the ori- ginal Contract were to have been eight feet high, have been increased to fifteen, and which increase it is obvious could not be done at the same price, as can be most satisfactorily explained ; the Petitioners most cheerfully submit their distressing case to the judgment of the House: That the Petitioners not having been bred Mathmaticians or Engineers, cannot be expected to arrive al an unerring calculation, still from their long experience in the present undertaking, they presume to submit the annexed amount of extra work already done, resulting from the best data in their possession, and most respectfully beg the House will be pleased to grant the amount therein contained, and order the same to be paid to the Petitioners, over and above the se- veral Estimates already granted by the Commissioners according to the monthly Estimates of the Engineer: That although the expiration of the Contract has ar- rived, and the Petitioners are protested by fhe Com- missioners, they most humbly beg that the House will permit them to finish the Canal, and that no prosecu- tion be carried on against the sureties, provided that the House see fit to make a further grant to complete the said Canal, the Petitioners would esteem it a great honor conferred upon them, by having the completion of it. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Report of the Commissioners for the Cliambly Canal. p“o^ e A Petition of Charles Smith and Anthony Anderson, norch e sie r of Quebec, was presented to the House by Mr. Morin, and the same was received and read ; taking notice of the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Suburb of St. Rocli, of the City of Quebec, and of the Petition of di- vers Inhabitants of the County of Montmorency, for leave to build a free Bridge over the River St. Charles, (p. 33); and offering to reduce the Tolls of Dorches- ter Bridge, provided the application of the said Peti- tioners be discharged. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Suburb of St. Rocli, of the City of Quebec. Ordered, That Mr. Morin be added to the said Committee. A qui a produit une augmentation de depenses et de de- lais assez ordinaires dans les travaux de cette impor- tance : Que les Petitionnaires osent affirmer qu’ilsont rempli fklelement leur devoir, et qu’ils ont mis le zele le plus infatigable A executer aussf rapidement que pos- sible cette grande entreprise : Mais, en mcme temps, il leur est penible de dire qu’ils ont non seulement depense leiu- avoir et compromis toutes leurs proprietes, mais qu’ils ont encore envelopp6 beaucoup d’autres per- sonnes dans leurs pertes, et pour des sommes considera- bles ; ce qui met les Petitionnaires dans la plus triste et la plus ruineuse situation : Que les Petitionnaires con- fians dans une sage et impartiale Legislature esperent que justice leur sera faite : Qu’a l’egard du Contrat, il paraiti a que les Petitionnaires sont tenus par une clause y mentionnee, de faire tels changemens et augmenta- tions d oiiviages qui seront ordonnds par les Commis* saires (sujets a l’estimation de l’Ingenieur.) Si lesprix i taient malheureusementtres-modiques dans le premier Contrat, ainsi que la raison l’admet indubitablement, rlngenieur n’etant pas autoris6 a prendre sur lui d’ac- cioitre les prix au-dela delateneur du premier Contrat et de 1 allocation de l’Assemblee,) les Petitionnaires doivent essuyer une perte totale, quand on considere que les digues qui, d’apres le premier Contrat, devaient etre de huit pieds de liaut, ont et6 portees a quinze pieds, et que cette augmentation n’a pu etre faite au meme piix, ainsi quecelapeut etre convenablement expliqu£ ; les I etionnaires soumettent avec la plus grande con- fiance leur affligeante position a la Chambre : Que les i etitionnaires n etant ni Mathematicians ni Ingcnicurs, on ne peut s’attendre a ce qu’ils arrivent a un calcul infaillibie. Cependant, d’apres la longue experience qu’ils ont dans la presente entreprise, ils soumettent 1 etat ci-joint des travaux additionnels deja executes, et qui est le resultat de leur plus serieuse attention ; et Prient la Chambre de vouloir bien accorder le montant prccite, en le faisant payer aux Petitionnaires indepen- damment des differentes estimations deja accordees par les Commissaires, selon les evaluations mensuelles de Ingenieur : Quequoique l’expiration du Contrat soit arrivee, et que les Commissaires aient proteste contre les Petitionnaires, ils prient humblement la Chambre de leur permettre de finir le Canal, et d’empecher toutes poursuites contre les cautions, pourvu que la Chambre juge convenable de faire une allocation ulterieure pour achever le dit Canal ; les Petitionnaires tiendraient a honoeur de le terminer. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite Special auquel a ete refere le Rapport des Commis- saires pour le Canal de Cliambly. Une Petition de Charles Smith et Anthony Anderson, de Quebec, a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Morin laquelle a H 6 re 9 ue et lue : prenant connaissance de la tlT Dorchcs ~ Petition des Habitans du Faubourg St. Rocli de la Cite de Quebec, et de la Petition de divers Habitans du Comte de Montmorency, pour la permission debatirun Pont gratuit sur la Riviere St. Charles, (p. 33.) ; et ofli ant de reduire les laux du Pont Dorchester, a con- dition que la demande des dits Petitionnaires soit ren- voyee. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite Special auquel a les Petitionnaires auraient reclame pour chaque susdit emplacement, un acre de terre et pourchaque susdit Parc, un acrede front sur huit acres’ de profondeur, et telles autres quantites de terre ci-devant garanties a leurs ascendans ou aux Petitionnaires, si- tue e s dans le dit Township de Cox, et autres lieux sus- dits ce qui leur aurait ete octroye subsequemment par adjudications des susdits Commissaires, par et en vertu de x Acte sus-mentionne : Que depuis 1’Gnanation des dites adjudications, quelques-uns des Petitionnaires auraient fait mesurer par des Arpenteurs jures certains aics susdits dans la premiere Concession, ce qui les aurait convaincus que les susdits Parcs seraient de la contenance d’un acre de front sur six et trois quarts d acre ou environ de profondeur seulement, et que par de semblables arpentages, certains emplacemens de la Ville susdite auraient moms d’un acre de terre, tandrs que d autres des susdits emplacemens seraient d’une grandeur beaucoup plus considerable : Que de plus un grand nombre de rues originairement tracees et ou- vertes, tant pour la commodite des proprietaires des susdits lares que pour celle des proprietaires des em- placemens de Ville susdits, serait actuellement fermees ce qui i pnverait les Petitionnaires d’avoir acces libre’ ment a plusieurs des Hits terreins dernDrement men- tionnes : Que dans 1’evGiement que les dites rues dus- sent etre ouvertes par suite de procedures Rgales et que les susdites adjudications sortissent leur plein’ et entier effet, la consequence serait que les Petitionnaires se trouveraient engages dans des fiais de poursuites enormes, et dans des proces interminables et ruinenx et priant la Chambre de prendre en sa serieuse consi- deration leur presente Petition, et de dC-tourner, par telle mesuie Legislative qu’ellejugera convenable, les maux dont lls sont menaces. Resolu, Que la dite Petition soit referee a un Co- mite de cinq Membres, pour en examiner le contenu et en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. 1 Ordonne, Que M. Deblois, M. Thibaudeau, M. dit tt ComW B ° UUllier ’ et M - Blanchet composent le by “ * pii , telaiivement a Lhambre ' Les Petitions suivantes ont 6te presentees a la Cham- bre, lesquelles ont ete regies et lues ; savoir: Par M. Leslie. — Une Petition de Leon Gosselin, petition del.. Avocat, de Montreal ; demandant le paiement de la SSV™! somme laire - 2 E 110 10 ° Novembris . A. 1835 . Petition for aid for the Mon- treal General Hospital. Petition of Dr. Beaubien, for balance of Sala- ry. Petition of J. B. Brousseau and J. M. Tru- deau, to be re- munerated for services in 1834. Petition from Inhabitants of the Magdalen Islands Twenty seven pounds ten shillings currency, balance due him for services as Secretary to the Sanitary Com- mittee of Montreal in the years 1833 and 1834, and for disbursements made for the said Committee. A Petition ofthe Corporation of the Montreal Gene- ral Hospital ; setting forth : That in a Petition and Report presented to the House during its last Session, it was set forth that ,§£.515. 19s. Od. currency, had been dis- bursed by the Corporation, for Emigrants, from 1st No- vember, 1833, to 1st November, 1834, for which no aid has been received, as the Act which the Legislature in its wisdom passed for this purpose, did not become a Law, until the time, at which it could have been efficient, had elapsed: That from the Return accom- panying this Petition, it will be seen, that the number of sick poor who have received benefit from the Institu- tion from 1st November, 1834, to 1st November, 1835, has been 1720, of which 009 have been admitted into the Hospital, and 1051 have received advice and me- dicine, as out-door Patients, and 258 have been Emi- grants who have resided less than twelve months in the Province : That the money received by the Trea- surer during the same period, notwithstanding the great liberality of all ranks and denominations, and the great efforts made for the support of the Institution, amounts only to ^£1415. 13s. 3d., of which sum .§£200 were ad- vanced on loan, free of interest, by four ofthe Gover- nors, that the doors of the Institution might not be closed : That the disbursements have amounted to £1386. Is. 4d. currency, which with the sum of .§£61. 3s. 8d., due to the Treasurer on the 1st November, 1834, make s£1447. 5s. Od. leaving a debt due by the Corporation to theTreasurer ofa£31. lls. 9d : That without Legislative aid, the Corporation has no means of paying either the debt due to the Governors or to the Treasurer ; and praying the House will take the state of the Funds of the Institution into favorable consideration, and grant such sum of money as may be deemed adequate to re- imburse the money expended for Emigrants during the year 1833-34, and also to repay the debt due to the Go- vernors and Treasurer, and make such provision for the ensuing year, as may keep the doors of an Institution of universally acknowledged utility, open for the recep- tion of the indigent sick. By Mr, Viger. — A Petition of Pierre Beaubien , of Montreal, Physician ; praying payment of a balance of Salary due to him as one of the Health Officers for the Town of Montreal in the year 1832. A Petition of Jean Baptiste Brousseau and Jean Fran- cois Michel Trudeau ; praying the House to grant them fifteen shillings per day, each, over and above the daily amount they have received for their services (be- ing then Medical Students,'; from the Sanitary Commit- tee for the City of Montreal, for attending night and day at the Cholera Hospitals at] Pointe St. Charles, in 1834. ^ ’ Ordered, That the four preceding Petitions be refer- red to the Standing Committee for Hospitals and Cha- ritable Institutions. somme de Vingt-sept iivres dix schellings courant, balance qui lui est due pour services comme Secre- taire du Comity Sanitaire de Montreal, dans les an- nees 1833 et L834, et pour ddboursf's faits pour le dit Comiff. Une Petition de la Corporation de PHopital General Petition pour de Montreal; exposant : Cue dans une Petition et l’HopitaiGene Rapport presentes a la Chambre pendant sa derniere raldeMontreal - Session, il Hait mentioniff que .§£515 19s Od courant, avaient eff d6bours£s par la Corporation pour les Emi- gres, depuis le ler Novembre 1833, jusqu’au lerNo- vembre 1834, pour laquelle somme il if a 6te re 9 u au- cune allocation, 1’Acte que la Legislature avait en sa sagesse passe pour cet objet, n’etant point devenu loi jusqu’a ce que le moment ou el 1 e aurait pu etre effieace, cut ete expiff : Que d’apres le Rapport qui accom- pagne cette Petition, l’on verra que le nombre des tna- lades indigens qui out recu de Passistance de Plnsti- tution depuis le ler Novembre 1834 jusqu’au ler No- vembre 1835, a eff de 1720, dont GG9 out ete admis h PHopital, et 1051 out refu des avis et des medicament comme malades a domicile, et 258 etaient des Emi- gres qui ont reskff moins que douze mois dans la Pro- vince : Que les Deniers ref us par le Tresorier pendant cette periode de temps, malgff la grande lib^raliff des personnes de tous rangs et de toutes denominations, et les grands efforts qui ont tiff faits pour soutenir lln- stitution, ne se montent qu’a .§£1415 13s 3d, dont ^£200 ont etc emprunffs sans inffret, de quatre des Direc- teurs afin de ne pas 6tre obliges de fermer les portes de Plnstitution : Que les debours6s se sont monies a £1386 ls4d courant, laquelle avec la sommede£01 3s 8d due au Tffsorier le ler Novembre 1834, fait £1447 5s Od, laissant une dette due par la Corporation au Tff- sorier de £31 lls 9d : Que sans l'aide de la Legisla- ture, la Corporation n’a pas de moyens de payer la dette due aux Directeurs ni celle due au Tresorier ; et priant la Chambre de prendre 1 etat des fonds de Plnstitution en sa consideration favorable, etd'accor- der telle somme de Deniers qu elle jugera convenable en sa sagesse et suffisante pour rembourser les Deniers d£pens6s pour les Emigres dans les antffes 1833-34, ct anssi pour payer la dette due aux Directeurs et au Tresorier, et de faire telle allocation pour l’amffe pro- chaine, afin que Plnstitution, dont Putiliff a 6ff genG ralement reconnue, soit ouverte pour la reception des malades indigens. Par M. Viger.— Une Petition de Pierre Beaubien , Meddcin, de Montreal ; demandant, le paiement d’une balance de Salaire qui lui est due comme Pun des Offi- ciers de Saute pour la Ville de Montreal, dans I’annee 1832. Une Petition de Jean-Baptiste Brousseau et Jean- Franc ois- Michel Trudeau ; priant la Chambre de leur accorder quinze schellings par jour, a chacun, en sus de ce qui leur adff pa ye pour leurs services, dtant olors Etudians en Medecine, par le Comite Sanitaire pour la Cite de Montreal, s’dtant tenus constamment dans les Hopitaux des Choleriques a la Pointe St. Charles, en 1834. Ordonne , Que les quatre Petitions precedentes soient referees au Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Chariff. Petition du Dr. Beaubien, pour balance de sa- laire. Petition de J. B. Brousseau et de J. F. M . Trudeau, pour une remunera- tion pour des services en 1834. A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Magdalen Is- lands, was presented to the House by Mr. Dcblois, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : That the Petitioners are residents in the Magdalen Islands ; that the greater portion of them were born in the said Islands ; that the population thereof exceeds twelve Une Petition des Habitans des lies de la Magde- P4litlon des laine a eff presenffe a la Chambre par M. Deblois , la- HabUans des quelle a £ff refiie et lue, exposant: Que les Petition- delaine, naires sont domicilffs aux lies de la Magdeiaine ; que la plus grande partie d eux sont n£s dans les dites lies j que la population d’icelles est au-dessus de douze cents 6 Will. IV, 10° Novembris. 111 twelve hundred souls ; that they are frequented by a great number of strangers from the United States, and by the French from the Islands of Miquelon and St. Pierre, as well by British Subjects from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, who come there to fish ; that depredations and robberies are committed on the said Islands, more especially on Vessels which have the misfortune to be cast away on the coast ; that persons of bad character come there for the purpose of taking up their residence; that the peaceable Inha- bitants of the said Islands are daily exposed to be mur- dered without any means existing by which the Mur- derers can be punished : That the Petitioners humbly call the attention of the House to the necessity of erecting a Gaol in the said Islands, as well for the pu- nishment of Criminals as for the protection of the Inhabitants ; because, if the said Islands were allowed to remain without any place of punishment they would in a very few years become a place of rendezvous for Pirates and Robbers: That up to the present time the Inhabitants of the said Islands have never parti- cipated in the advantage of deputing a Member to represent them in the Commons House of this Province, the Islands on which they reside being too distant from the place where the Poll is held : That for a great num- ber of years, Shipwrecks have occurred annually on the said Islands ; that the poverty under which the Pe- titioners have for many years laboured, has frequently prevented their procuring the most necessary articles of life for their families, and that it has only been with great difficulty and by depriving themselves of food that they have hitherto been able, though poorly, to provide sustenance for Shipwrecked persons, thus dividing their slender means with strangers who were destitute of all resource; that even lastSpring, although no Shipwreck occurred on their coast, they picked up from off St. Paul’s, Island, out of a Shipwrecked Ves- sel, fifty persons who must otherwise certainly have died of hunger, because the said Island is uninhabited, and the Depot which is ordinarily placed there each year, contained Provisions for only five days more, the said Depot having been established by the Province of New Brunswick for the use of Shipwrecked persons; that the persons in question were fed at the expense of one individual alone and clothed by the charitable In- habitants of the said Islands ; and praying that, in con- sideration of their great poverty, the House will in its wisdom and justice be pleased to grant them a sum of money to enable them to build a Gaol ; that the Re- presentation may be so amended as to allow them to depute a Member to represent them in Parliament; and that a Depdt of Provisions may be established on Jmherst\sldL\\<\, under such superintendence and control as the Legislature may deem fit. Ordered, That that part of the said Petition relating to the erection of a Common Gaol on one of the said Magdalen Islands, be referred to the Standing Com- mittee of Courts of Justice. Ordered , That that part of the said Petition relating to the Depot of Provisions on one of the said Magda- len Islands, called Amherst, be referred to the Stand- ing Committee of Trade. Ordered, That that part of the said Petition relating to the privilege of sending a Member to the Provincial Parliament of Lower Canada, to represent therein the Inhabitants of the Magdalen Islands, be referred to the Standing Committee of Privileges and Elections. cents ames ; qu’ellessont fr^quentees par une quanti- ty d etrangers des Etats-Unis, par des Frai^ais des lies de Miquelon et de St. Pierre , ainsi que par des sujets Britanniques de la Nouvelle-Ecosse et du Nou- veau- Brunswick, qui s*y rendent pour y faire la peche ; que des depredations et vols se commettent dans le dit endroit, particulierement sur les vaisseaux qui ont le malheur de faire naufrage sur ses atterages ; que des personnes de mauvaise reputation s’y rendent pour y faire leur residence; que les Habitans paisibles desdites lies sont journellement exposes aux meurtres sans aucun moyen de punir les meurtriers : Que les Peti- tionnaires soumettent a la consideration de la Cham- bre la necessity qu’il y a d’eriger une Prison dans les dites lies, tant pour la punition des criminels que pour la protection des Habitans, vu que si fendroit restait sans lieu de punition, les dites lies deviendraient sous peu d’annees un lieu de rendez-vous pour des Pirates ou autres Brigands : Que jusqua present les Habitans desdites lies n’ont jamais particip6 a favantage de deputer unMembre pour les representer dans les Com- munes de cette Province, les lies ou ils sont etablis etant a une distance trop eloignee du lieu ou se tient le Poll : Que depuis un grand nombre d’annees, presque chaque annee, il arrive des naufrages sur les dites lies : Que l’etat pauvre des Petitionnaires depuis plusieurs annees les prive souvent des choses les plus necessaires a la vie de ieurs families, et que ce n est qu’avec les plusgrandes peines, et en se privant eux- nourriture, qu'ils ont pu jusqu’a present, mais faiblement, subvenir a la nourriture des naufra- ges, partageant ainsi leurs faibles moyens de subsis- tance avec des etrangers denues de tout secours. Que meme le Printemps dernier, quoique le naufrage ne soit point arrive chez eux, ils ont recueilli sur file St. Paul, d un vaisseau naufrage, cinquante personnes qui y seraient mortes de faim, vu que cette He est deserte, et que le depot qui y est ordinairement mis chaque annee, n avait plus de provisions que pour cinq jours ; ce depot etant mis par la Legislature du Nouveau Brunswick pour le secours des naufrages : Que les sus- dits naufrages ont ete nourris aux frais d’un seul indivi- du, et vetus par les Habitans charitables de ces lies ; et demandant que vu fetat extremement pauvres des Petitionnaires, la Chambre veuille bien, dans sa sa- gesse et justice, leur octroyer une somme d’argent pour les mettre en e t at de batir une Prison, et d’amender la Representation pour leur permettre de deputer un Mem- bre pour les representer dans le Parlement ; aussi de- tablir un Depot de Provisions dans une des dites lies nommee Amherst, sous telle surveillance et direction qu’il plaira ala Legislature, Ordonne, Que lapartie de la dite Petition qui a rap- port a lerection d’une Prison commune dans une des dites lies de la Magdelaine, soit referee au Comite Per- manent des Cours de Justice. Ordonne, Que la partie de la dite Petition qui a rap- port au Depot de Provisions dans une des dites lies de la Magdelaine, nommee Amherst , soit referee au Comite Permanent de Commerce. Ordonne, Que la partie de la dite Petition qui a rap- port au privilege de deputer un Membre dans le Parle- ment Provincial du Bas-Canada, aux fins de representer enicelui les Habitans des lies de la Magdelaine, soit referee au Comite Permanent des Privileges et Elec- tions. On Motion of Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Gugy, Ordered, Sur motion de M. Scott , seconde par M. Gugy, Ordonne Instruction res- pecting Roads and Public Im- provements. M essage from HisExcellency. Clergy Re. serves. m 10 ° Novembris . A. 1 835 , Ordonne , Qu’il soit une Instruction au Comite Per- instmction^au Ordered, That it be an Instruction to Standing chemins e t des Ameliorations publiques, this 1 Hous^granted by" BiU during the Session of 1834. & aCC ° rdeeS ^ ^ “ Stephen TValcott , Esquire, Civil Secretary to His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief, was admitted within the Bar, and delivered to Mr. Speaker a Message from His Excellency the Governor in Chief, signed by Excellency, And then he withdrew, n And the said Message was read by Mr. Speaker, a the Members of the House being uncovered ; and is as followeth : — gosford, Governor in Chief. With reference to that part of his Speech on the ooening of the Session, wherein the Governor in Chief, adverting to the question of the Clergy Reserves pro- mises to cause to be communicated to the Legislature without delay, Copies of the Earl of Ripon's Dispatches on that subject, the Governor in Chief now transmits for the information of the House of Assembly, an Ex- tract from a Dispatch received from \ is count Godencn dated the 21st November, 1831, and a Copy of another Dispatch from that Nobleman, of the same date, with a Coov of the Draught of a Bill therein enclosed ; and ?he Governor in Chfef, in pursuance of Instruction. to that effect, invites the House to resume the consu eia. tion of the question upon the terms oi the Lai I of hi Ws proposal, to every part of vvlnclr Hts Majesty s Government continues toadheie. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec , 10th November, 1835. Stephen Walcott , Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Ex- cel le nee le Gouverneur-en-Chef, a admis en de- dans de la Ban e, et a remis a M. l’Orateur un Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, signe par Son Excellence. Et ensuite il s est retirG Et le dit Message a He lu par M. 1 Orateur, tous les MemRres de la Chambre etant decouverts j et il es comme suit : GOSFORD, Gouverneur-en-Chef. En reference a cette partie de la Harangue pronon- cee a l’ouverture de la Session, oil le Gouverneur-en- Chef en parlant de la question des Reserves du Ller- rrt- p’romet de faire communiquer a la Legislature, sans delai, Copies des Depeches du Comte de Ripon , sur ce suiet le Gouverneur-en-Chef transmet mamtenan , pour l’information de la Chambre d’ Assemble, un Ex- trait d’une Depeche recue du Vicomte Goderich, ^en date du 21 Novembre 1831, et Copie d’une autre De- peche du meme Lord, de la meme date, avec une Co- pie d’un projet de Bill, y incluse ; et le Gouverneur-en- Chef conformement a des Instructions a cet ettet, in- vite la Chambre d Assemble k reprendre la considera- tion de la question aux conditions de la proposition du Comte de Ripon, a chaque partie desquedesle Gouyei- nement de Sa Majeste continue a donner son adhesion. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 10 Novembre 1835. Extract from a Dispatch from Lord Viscount Gode- rich (No. 69,) dated Downing Street, 21st November, 1S i.‘ with respect to the Clergy Reserves, I have no “ hesitation whatever in stating that I entirely concur .« with the Assembly in thinking that they form a gieat “ obstacle to the improvement and settlement of the « Province, without being productive of any corres- « ponding advantage to make up for this inconve- « nience. During the forty years the system oi making “ these Reserves has existed, the total amount of the .C income they have afforded lias not equalled the ex- « pense incurred in their management. I find by a « lleport made by Sir James Kempt , that in the year .. 827, the expenses of collection and management .« exceeded the proceeds by £58. 3. 6., that in 1^28 “ and 1829, the first years in which there has been any “ surplus, the nett proceeds were £17/- l; 5 - 6 ; the “ one, and *£217- 18- 0- in the other. lor the yeai “ 1830, I have no account of the sums actual y ie- “ ceived, but, although I find that out of the half mi- st lion of acres at which the Reserves in Lower Canada .. are estimated, nearly 100,000 are under lease at a « nominal rent of £1190. 0. 0. currency. Judging « from the example of former years, l should not ant - “ cipate that the dear income which has been obtained, « has been greatly improved. There seems indeed « eV ery reason to believe from what has been expe- « rienced, not onlv in Canada, but in the Australian « Colonies, that Land in Countries where so much re- st mains unappropriated can only be profitably < )C 'i li- st nied by those who have the stimulus of personal and 1 J “ permanent Ex trait d’une Depcche de Lord Vicomte Goderich (No. 69,) en date de Downing Street, 21 Novembre “ Par rapport aux Reserves du n’hcsite du “ point a dire que je pense enticement avec la Cham- “ bre d’Assemblee, qu’elles f’orinent un grand obstacle a “ ^amelioration et a l’Gablissement de la Piovince, “ sans produire aucun avantage qui puisse contreba- augtr.ente les depenses tre Honorable Chamhie. > . . c • j_ La somrae payee pour cet ohjet, aprfcs la Session de 1832-3° se monte a £567. 17s. 6d. courant et celle oui a ete payee apres la Session de 1834, est tie fo/0. °s Cd. Quant a la Session dermere, vu sa courte du- ree, ces depenses extraordinaires n’ont ete que de £ Tour 'readier a cet inconvenient Votre ComitS, am cs avoir pris a cet egard I'opimon de M. Lmdsay, ci oit qu’il serait expedient de nommer d abord deux Greffiers de Comite, et puis deux Clercs des Joui naux, avc-c un Salaire fixe pour chacun de ces Oftcters, mats aussi avec 1’obligation de leur part de travailler tonte ffimnee, sous le. ordre. du Greffier de Votre Honorable C Le Salaire fixe que Votre Comite recommande d’at- tacher i ces situations, serait de £200 courant, par an- ta , , ir r i iaPIin des Greffiers ties Comites, et de £100 courant'^par annee pour chacun des Clercs des Journaux. 11 resulte en outre de l’examen de M. Lindsay, que i. \ ss i s tant Greffier de Votre Honorable Chambre s est toujours absente immediatement ^haque proro^ nation et ne revenait a son devoir qu a 1 ouvertuie a fa Session suivante. Votre Comite ne pent que forte- ,, , (.r„ nhspnee pendant la vacance, d un deTrrincipaux Officiers de Votre Honorable Chambre, ties pnncipuux r 0 blige d’assister a son Bu- reau'tcuite *1 annee, pour y remplir an besoin, ses fonc tions attachees a sa chaige. Votre Comite doit done s’attendre qu’i l’avenir il n'en sera plus aiasi, et que 1’ Assistant Greffier, qu, re- oi . „ ne remuneration suffisante, assistera a son Bu Sau toute i'arnrce, pour aider a la confecuon de 1 on- " V S oue Comite est aussi d’opinion, que les Traduc- sanKWansc Votre Comite est convaincu qu'il en resultera une m et I - leure organisation Honorable d C rmW:,t P «n Se g-d t avanla g e pour fexpedrtion de Se Vou V r mettre a effet cette nouvelle organisation, Votre C, uitfi croit devoir recommander les personnes am- vantes, aux differentes places c, -apres mentronnees, SaV , 0 o : M Jasper Brewer, comme Bibliothecaire a la Greffier des Comit^s avec un salaire fixe de Deux cents irvres con- la m par amiee._;^ comme second Greffier des C °SO €S M a ' p !: r^Ga . gnotcomme premier Clerc des Journmrx.'afec unTalfire fixe de Cent hvres courant Pa 6=’. n M. George Muir, comme second Clerc des Journaux, avec le meme salaire. Avant Before 6 Will. IV. 10° Novemlrris. 119 Before they close this Report, Your Committee think it right to submit the following Statement, for the purpose of shewing the saving which will be effected in the Contingent Expenses of Your Honorable House, by the proposed arrangement: Amount paid for the Session of 1834. To the Law Clerk, £200 0 0 To his Assistant at 20s. a day, 71 0 0 To the Librarian, 200 0 0 To the English Translator, 200 0 0 To the chief Clerk of Committees, 150 0 0 To the second ditto 100 0 0 To the first Clerk of the Journals, 15s. a day, 53 5 0 To the second ditto, 53 5 0 For extra work during the recess, 570 2 6 £1597 12 6 On the new Plan. Avantde terminer son Rapport, Votre Comite croit devoir y adjomdre 1’Etat suivant, pour montrer la dimi- nution que produira cet arrangement dans les Depenses Contmgentes de Votre Honorable Chambre. Montant paye pour la Session de 1834. Au Greffier en I,oi, .=£200 0 0 Aun Assistant 20s. par jour, Au Bibliothecaire, Au Traducteur Anglais, Au premier Greffier des Comit6s, Au second dito, Au premier Greffier des Journaux, a 15s. par jour, Au second dito, Pour ouvrages extraordinaires durant la vacance. £\591 12 6 Par le nouveau Plan. 71 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 53 5 0 53 5 O 570 2 6 To the Law Clerk, £200 0 0 To the English Translator, 200 0 0 To the Librarian, 200 0 0 To the chief Clerk of Com- mittees, 200 0 0 To the second ditto, 200 0 0 To the first Clerk of Jour- nals 100 0 0 To the second ditto, 100 0 0 1200 0 0 Au Greffier en Loi, a£20o 0 0 Au Traducteur Anglais, 200 0 0 Au Bibliothecaire, 200 0 0 Au premier Greffier des Co- mites, 200 0 0 Au second dito, 200 0 0 Au premier Clerc des Jour- naux, 100 0 0 Au second dito, 100 0 0 ~~ 1200 0 0 Saving, £397 12 6 By means of this arrangement, (if it be concurred in by Your Honorable House,) Your Committee believe, from the opinion expressed by Mr. Lindsay himself, that it will be no longer necessarv to employ any extra Writers during the recess; and Your Committee think it right to add that the several persons abovementioned have consented to accept the situations to which Your Committee have suggested that they should be appoin- ted, declaring themselves content and satisfied with the arrangements aforesaid. Ordered , That the said Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, to-morrow. Reduction £ 397 12 6 Au moyen de cet arrangement, s’il est agree par Vo- tre Honorable Chambre, Votre Comite est d’opinion, d’apres la declaration de M. Lindsay , qu’il ne sera plus necessaire d’employer des ecrivairts extraordinai- res durant la vacance; et Votre Comite doit observer que les differentes personnes ci-dessus mentionnees ont consenti a accepter les charges que Votre Comite leur a assignees respectivement, declarant qu’elles etaient contentes et satisfaites de cette nouvelle orga- nisation. Ordonne , Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comity de toute la Chambre, demain. First Report of Mr. De Bleury , from the Standing Committee of miueeTnEx?' Expiring Laws, presented to the House the First Re- pinng Laws, port of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as foliovveth : — Your Committee after having examined several Wit- nesses, are of opinion that it is expedient to continue the following Acts without any amendment : — “ An Act to provide for the inspection of Fish and “ Oil intended for exportation from the Forts of Que- “ bee and Montreal,*’ as continued by the Act 4th Tfill. IV., Cap. 9 , intituled, “ An Act to continue cer- “ tain Acts therein mentioned.” “ An Act to promote the progress of useful Arts in “ this Province,” as continued and amended by the Act 1st Will. IV., Cap. 24, intituled, “An Act for “ the encouragement of the useful Arts in this Pro- “ vince.” “ An Act more effectually to provide for the main- “ tenance of Good Order in Churches, Chapels, and “ other places of Public Worship, and for other pur- “ poses therein mentioned,” as continued by the Act 4th Will IV. Cap. 9. “ An Act to provide regulations concerning the “ Beaches and Landing Places in Quebec,” as conti- nued by the Act 4th Will. IV. Cap. 9, M. De Bleury, du Comiffi Permanent des Lois expi- P 0 7 t X r comite rantes, a presente a la Chambre le premier Rapp Ol’t du nerm.nent des dit Comite, lequel a kit lu de nouveau a la Table du Loisexp,ranles * Greffier, com me suit : Votre Comite, apres avoir examine plusieurs Td- moins, est d’opinion qu’il est expedient de continuer les Actes suivans, sans amendement. “ Acte pour pourvoir a l’inspection du Poisson et de “ I’Huile, destines a etre exports des Ports de Quebec “ et de Montreal,*' tel que continue par l’Acte 4e Guill. IV. Chap. 9, intitule, “ Acte pour continuer “ certains Actes y mentionnes.” “ Acte pour encourager les progresdes Arts utiles en “ cette Province,” tel que continue et amende par 1’Acte lere Guill. IV. Chap. 24, intituF, “ Acte pour encourager les Arts utiles en cette Province.” “ Acte pour pourvoir plus efficacement au maintien “ du bon ordre dans les Eglises et Chapelles, et au- “ Ires places de culte public, et pour d’autres objets “ y mentionnes,” tel que continue parl’Acte 4e Guill. IV. Chap. 9. “ Acte pour pourvoir a des R^glemens concernant “les Greves et Places de Debarquement dans Quebec ” tel que continue par 1’Acte 4e Guill. IV. Chap. 9. “ Acte ii An 10 ° Novembns . A. 1835, 120 .. An Vet to increase the number of Assessors for “ the Cities of Quebec ami Montreal as continued >y ‘^.^^IctTfprovidetr^be more effectual extinc- <■ tion of Secret Incumbrances on Lands, th „ heretofore in use in tins Province, ' as continued > “ Ac, to r^ anT continue a certain Act con- .. and effects of Debtors in certain cases as continued by the Act 3rd Will. IV. Cap. 3, .nt itnled “ to continue for a limited time ceitai "" a II Act to suspend for a limited time, certam Acts “ therein mentioned, and to regulate in a .. ner the inspection of Pot and Pearl Ashes, as con tinned and amended by the Act 2nd WtlL IV- Cap -1°; “ An Act for the preservation nl the halm on « .. ies in the Counties ot CormvMs > “«'"" “ land,” as continued by the Act 4th II ill. I • - . • •• .. A,, Act to provide for the belter defence of the .1 Provdnce, and P to regulate the Militia thereof,’ as continued by the Act 4th WiU. IV. Cap. 9. “ An Act to amend an Act passed in the thirty fourth .. year of the Reign of HislateMajestyGeo^e the Third, ,< intituled, “ All Act for the division oi the I rovince “ of Lower Canada, lo amend the Judicature thereof, .. and lo lepeal certain Laws therein mentioned, mas. .. much as the same relates to the Courts o Cnminui “ Jurisdiction,” as continued by the Act 3id lltll. I'. C ' 1 P.' An Act to facilitate the administration of Justice •• respecting Em/uetes in Civil matters, before the „ c 0l ,rt of King’s Bench for the Districts oi Quebec, .1 mntrlal and Three Riven, and Inferior District of “ Saint Francis as continued by the Act 4th \UL. “ An Act to encourage the destruction of Wolves, as continued by the Ac? 3rd Will. IV. Cap. 3 “ An Act to suspend certain parts of an Ordinance « therein mentioned, intituled, « An Ordinance for « regulating the Markets of the 1 owns of Quebec and “ Montreal.” . , « An Act to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, .« and for the further encouragement of Elemental y *« Schools in the Country parts of this Province, as continued by the Act 4th Will. IV. hap. • . ^ « An Act to compel What fingers and others, to ad- „ vertize unclaimed Goods in their possession, as con. tinued by the Act 4th Will. IV . Cap. 9. “ Acte pour augmenter ie nombre des Cotiseuis « pour les Cit£s de Quebec et de Montreal tel que co & par l’Acte 4e Guilt. IV. Chap. 9. « Acte pour pourvoir plus efficacement A 1 “ tion des Hypotheques secretes sur les terres, qu i “ n’a 6t6 jusqu’ici en usage dans cettef rovince, tel que continue par V Acte 4e Guill. 3 V. Chap. J. “ Acte pour rAablir et continuer un certain Acte « concernant les Debiteurs fraud uleux-” . “ Acte pour faci liter les procedures contre lesbiens « effets des Debiteurs en certain cas, tel que con- .. tinu6par I’ Acte 3c Guill. IV. Chap. 3, intitule, “ Acte pour continuer pour un temps linnte, cer.ains “ Actes v mentionn^s/’ - Acte pour suspendre pour un temps limite cer- «t tuins Actes y mentionn€s, et pour mieux regler la « mmhered’ Inspecter la et,” tel que continue et amende par l’Acte 2e GuiU. IV . Chap. 10. “ Acte pour la conservation de la Peche au baumon « dans les Comtes de Cornwallis et Forlhumberiand, tel que continue pari’Acte4e Guill. IV. Ghap. . . “ Acte pour pourvoir plus efficacement ala De- .. fense de la Province, et pour rfigler la Mihce d , “ celle,” tel que continue par 1 Acte 4e Guill. IV. C « 1 Acie qui amende »n Acte pass* dans la trente- « qua trie me annee du Regne de Feu Sa Majeste, “ George Trois,’’ intitule, “ Acte qui divise la Pro- (C vince du Bas-Canada . qui amende la Judicature d l- “ celle, et qui rappelle certaines Lois y mentionnees, “ en autant qu’il a rapport aux Cours de Junsdictio “ Criminelle,” tel que continue par 1 Acte 3e Guill. 1 V ;« C Acte pour faciliter I’administration de la Justice a « l’eo-ard des Enquetes en matieres Civile. clans la « Com- du Banc du Roi pour les Districts de Q uebec > | this Province.” - „ f Acte pour autoriser la tenue des Cours d EnquMe .. An Act to authorize the appointing of Courts ot mff et de s’enquirirdes qualifications des Officers .1 Enquiry for investigating the qualification of Militia ^ e « en certain cas,” tel que continue par .. Officers in certain cases,” as continued by the Act de • IV . Chap. 9. 4th Will. IV 7 . Cap. 9. . A 1 * tf Ac te pour rappeler un certain Acte y mentionne, “ An Act to repeal a certain Act therein mentioned, ^ [ ire des dispositions plus efficaces pour re- and to provide more effectually for the remedy o ^ ^ divers abus pr6judiciables a 1 Agncul- « divers abuses prejudicial to Agriculture. m - 1 p . j T, -no- Pilots * «‘ U Acte pour pourvoir a indemniser les Pilotes, tan- “ An Act to make provision for indemnifyi e <{ ,. 0 u ’j] s son t detenus en Quarantaine. _ ^ “ while detained in Quarantine. _ " ■’ — .« tomn« limite. un . c. “ An Act to continue for a limited time an Act 4 ‘ passed in the second year of His Majesty s Reign, « intituled, “ An Act to create a Fund for defraying “ the dis qu’ils sont detenus en W uauu.ta.wv. “ Acte pour continuer pour un temps limite, un Ac te nasse dans la seconde annee dn lWgnede Sa Ma- fes^, intitule, “Acte pour creer un fonds pour snbve- 6 Will. IV. 10° Novembris . 121 the expense of Medical assistance for Sick Emigrants, “ and of enabling indigent persons of that description “ to proceed to their place of destination.” “ An Act for the further encouragement of Educa- “ tion throughout the Province.” Your Committee are further of opinion that it is ex- pedient to continue the following Acts, but with amendments, viz : — > “ An Act to provide more effectually for the secu- “ rity of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal , by esta- “ blishing Watch and Night Lights in the said Cities, “ and for other purposes ; and which provides the “ means of defraying the expenses thereof.” “ An Act to extend the provisions of a certain Act “ therein mentioned, as far as the same relates to the “ Judicature in the Inferior District of Gaspe, and “ more effectually to provide for the due Administra- “ tion of Justice in the said District.” “ An Act further to regulate persons who keep “ Houses of Public Entertainment and retail Spirituous “ Liquors, and for other purposes.” “ An Act to incorporate the City of Quebec .” “ An Act to incorporate the City of Montreal:' Your Committee are further of opinion that it is ex- pedient to revive and continue the followino- Acts, viz : — “ An Act to provide temporary Houses of Correc- “ tion in the several Districts of this Province.” “ An Act to extend certain provisions contained in an Act passed in the fifty seventh year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled, “ An Act to provide temporary Houses of Correction in the several Dis- tricts of this Province.” “ An Act to repeal a certain Act therein mentioned, and to provide for the Police of the Borough of William Henry , and certain other Villages in this Province.” “ An Act to authorize the sale and disposal of cer- tain Goods unclaimed and remaining in the posses- sion of the Clerks of the Peace in this Province.” An Act for making certain Regulations respecting the Office of Sheriff.” 1 & An Act to regulate and establish the Salaries and other Emoluments of the Officers employed in the collection of the Revenue at the several Inland Ports in this Province, and for other purposes. ” An Act to establish certain rates, tolls and duties on the Lachine Canal, and to provide for the care and management of the said Canal.” An Act to prevent the fraudulent seizure and sale of Lands and other real property in this Province.” “ An Act relating to the Fisheries in the County “ of Gaspe." An Act for the qualification of Justices of the “ Peace.” “ An Act to authorize the expenditure of a certain sum of money, and to grant certain powers to the “ Commissioners of the Lachine Canal.” “ An Act to authorize the Commissioners appointed “ under a certain Act passed in the eleventh year of “ the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled, “ An Act “ to provide for the improvement and enlargement of “ the Harbour of Montreal , to borrow an additional “ sum of money, and for other purposes therein men- “ tioned.” “ An Act for preserving for the purposes of Hus- Vol. — 45. “ bandr J' “nir aux depenses du traitement medical et dessoins pour les Emigres malades, et pour mettre les person- nes mdjgentes de cette description en etat de se rendre au lieu de leur destination.” “ Acte pour l’encouragement ulterieur de l’Educa- ‘ tion dans cette Province.” Votre Comite esten outre d opinion qu’il est expe- dient de conlinuer les Actes suivans, mais avec des a- mendemens ; savoir : l( p-w Ct f pourvoit plus efficacement a la surete des ^ Ciffsde^cetde Montreal , par 1’etablissement „ de ( ,uet * et de Flambeaux de nuit, dans les dites Cites, et pourdautres objets, et qui pourvoit aux moyens d en defrayer les depenses.” y “ Acte pour etendre les dispositions d'un certain Ac- r t ho 7^ , 4- ^ ~ i ' j iMougmg iviacnine, re- ported, according to Order, the Resolutions of the said Committee; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and are as rollowetn: l. Resolved, That Commissioners to be appointed for the improvement of the Harbour of Montreal, should be permitted to borrow upon legal interest, or on more advantageous terms if practicable, a sum not exceed- ing len thousand pounds currency, the interest of which to be guaranteed by the Province, in the same manner as former Loans. 2. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Two thou- sand six hundred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty for the purchasing of a Vessel to receive the oteam Dredging Machinery. the 1 Road Act, ^ Bdl \° amenf l a certain Act therein mentioned read me second and to make further provision for making, altering and lepainng Highways and Bridges, was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of seven Members, to report thereon with all con- and'recorcfs^’ W ‘ th P ° Wer ‘° Send for P ersons > P a P ers Ordered That Mr. Huot, Mr. Utourneau, Mr. rouh, Wr. Tache, Mr. Grannis, Mr. Pierre Antoine Lor ion and Mr. I food do compose the said Committee. Tendersfor The Order of the day for the House in Committee Punting. on the First Report of the Standing Committee for the Contingent Accounts and other objects connected with the internal Department of the House of Assembly being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee: and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions, which he was directed to submit to the House, Oi dcred, That the Report be received to-morrow. £££ Ind" ° rder of the da y ^r the House in Committee 252 ST sha II herelfterb 06 ? 1 ^ 111 / manner in T hich persons snail Hereafter be admitted to practice the Law, or to practme as Notaries in this Province, being read; Committee 1 ' 86 aCCord,n Sty resolved itself into the said Mr. Iluot took the Chair of the Committee : and af- ter some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Iluot reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- Hous S 1 1Cret0 ’ wIdcb ,ie was directed to report to the M . Viger, du ComiR de toute la Chambre pour R consic urei a convenance de continuer les ameliorations Resolutions „ l ,f™ dc Montreal, etde .se procurer un vaisseau SKfiTS £ P c - P iacer un Cure-mole a vapeur, a fait rapport S'”'"" 51 ' s conformant il’Ordre. des Resolutions du dit Comf _U, lesquelies Resolutions out tte lues de nouveau a la ii e uu Greffier, et adoptees par la Chambre ; et 1. Resolu, Que par des Commissaires qui seront nommes pour dinger les ameliorations du Havre de Montreal, lls devraient etre autorises a faire un em- prunt a raison d’uu interet legal, on, s’il est praticable au moyen dautres termes plus avantageux d’une somme n exaidant pas Dux mille livres courait dont les interets seraient garantis par la Province ’en la meme manure que font ete les emprunts fails ci-de- Resolu, Qu’une somme n’exc6dant pas Deux mille six cents livres courant, soil accordee a Sa MaiesR sasatKsr* velles dispositions pour ouvrir chano-pr P f i fes chemios. f}r an j e pl • UUV111 / cnanger et reparer les lu uneseconde Crrands Chemms et Pouts, a 6te lu une seconde fois. fois- Rcs °lu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de sept Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d envoyer q^r r personnes, papiers et record. J 4 Orto/ Que M. Huot M. Letourneau, M. ProuLr, ifr h< ; M * Gr anms, M. Pier re- Antoine Dorion et M. Wood composent le dit Comity. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en pou? 1 D r ,lC Pre T r ? apP ° rt du Corait6 Permanent SSiS” pour les DcpensesContingentes, et autres objets rela- pour Impres - tifs aux D6partemens interieurs de la Chambre d’As- S ‘ 0nS ' sembRe, ayant 6t 6 lu ; AS Co^fiti hambreS,eStenC ° nS ^ qUence form ® e enledit M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres v avoir siege quelque temps, P y r?’ POrateur a re P ris le Fauteuil ; Lt M. Bardy a fait rapport que le ComiR avail pas- Sel laChLbre' ’ ’ <1U ’' 1 aVa '‘ ° rdre de Ordonne , Q ue le Rapport soit re^demain. dre du joui pourque laChambre se forme en Co- ie onpourra Si! ..quercomme Notaire en cette' Prov 1 , nee, ayantd.^u Comhd. breS ' 6 consequence form/e enledit M. Iluot a. pris le Fauteuil du Comitd ; et aprhs „ ayoir siege quelque temps, preS 'y ^• l° rateur a repris le Fauteuil ; S^ fc Bin l f V l r f a PP°^ S ue le ComiR avail pas- il avai ,’droL f falt P lus ’ eur ® nmendemens, dont ii avail oidre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordered, Ordonne , 124 A. 1 835. 1 o ® — - 11° Novemb ris. Ordered , That the Report be received to-morrow. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. IJuot, The House adjourned. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re^u demain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger, seconde par M. Huot, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Wednesday , 11 th November, 1835. Am „, w .n Hf K. O'Callaghan, accompanied by the other Mes- Addrebs. _Lv_uL sengers, reported to the House, that their Ad- dress of the second instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, relating to Mr. Justice G ale , had been presented to His Excellency; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer: Gentlemen, I request you to acquaint the House of Assembly that I have not received any Instruction from His Ma- jesty’s Ministers on the subject of the complaint of the House mentioned in this Address, and that I shall cause to be conveyed to the House, without delay, Copies of all such Communications and Dispatches asked for in this Address as are within my reach, rela- ting to the nomination of Samuel Gale, Esquire, to be one of the Judges of the Court of King’s Bench for the District of Montreal. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 11th November, 1835. Answer i 0 an Mr. Lafoniaine, in the absence of Mr. Gugy, accom- AdTels.' 0 an panied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the second instant, to His Excel- lency the Governor in Chief, relating to Mi. Justice Kerr , had been presented to His E xcellency , he had been pleased to give the following Answer: Gentlemen, Copies of all Communications in my possession, received by the Colonial Authorities from His Majes- ty’s Government, relative to the charges preferred by the House of Assembly against Judge Kerr, shall, with- out delay, be transmitted to the House. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, lltli November 1835. Mercrcdi, 11 Novembre 1835. O' Callaghan, accompagne des autres Messa- une ® gets, a fait rapport a la Chambre, que Son Adresse du deux du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, relativement a M. le Juge Gale , avait et6 presentee a Son Excellence, etqu’illui avail plu de donner la R6ponse suivante : Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informerla Chambre d’Assemblee, que je n’ai retail aucune Instruction des Ministres de Sa Majeste, sur le sujet de la plainte de la Chambre mentionn^e dans cette Adresse ; et que je ferai trans- mettre a la Chambre, sans delai, les Copies de toutes tel les Communications et Depeches demand^es dans cette Adresse, qui peuvent se trouver en ma posses- sion, relativement a la nomination de Samuel Gale , Ecuyer, pour etre fun des Juges de la Cour du Banc du Roi pour le District de Montreal. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 11 Novembre 1835. M. Lafontaine, en l’absence de M. Gugy , accom- Repose a un« pagne des autres Messagers, a fait rapport a la Cham- Adresse - bre, oue son Adresse du deux du courant, a Son Excel- lence* le Gouverneur-en-Chef, relativement a M. le Juge Kerr, avait et£ presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la R^ponse suivante : Messieurs, Des Copies de toutes les Communications en ma possession ie$ues paries autorites coloniales duGouver- nement de Sa Majeste, relatives aux accusations por- t£es par la Chambre d’Assemblee contre le Juge Kerr , serent transmises a la Chambre, sans delai. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, i I Novembre 1835. Mr. lumber, accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the fourth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, re- lating to the Jesuits’ College and Forges of St. Maurice, had been presented to His Excellency; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer: Gentlemen, 1 request you to acquaint the House of Assembly that I will with pleasure comply with the prayer of this Address, and transmit all such further information as I have received from His Majesty s Government on the subject of the Jesuits’ College, and of the Lease of the Forges of St. Maurice, together with a Copy of the Lease of the Forges, and of the Instrument under which the present Lessee holds Lands in the Seigniory of Cap de la Magdelame. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 11th November 1S35. M. Kimber , accompagn6 des autres Messagers, a Rq>onse4 une fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du quatre Adresse - du courant, a Son Excellence le' Gouverneur-en-Chef, relativement au College des Jesuites et aux Forges de St. Maurice, avait ete pr6sent6e a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, Je vous prie d'informer la Chambre d’ Assemble, que je me preterai avec plaisir a la demande contenue dans cette Adresse, et que je transmettrai toutes in- formations ulterieures que j’ai regues du Gouverne- ment de Sa Majeste au sujet du College des Jesuites et du Bail des Forges de St. Maurice, avec ensemble une Copie du Bail des Forges etde l’Acte en vertu du- quel le present Locataire a la jouissance des terres dans la Seigneuries du Cap de la Magdelaine. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 11 Novembre 1835. Answer to an Address. Mr. Kimber, accompanied by the other Messengers, M. Kimber, accompagne des autres Messageis, a ^° n 5 ‘* aun * reported to the House, that their Address of the fourth fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du quatre instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, pray- du courant, a Son excellence le Gouverneu.-en me , ing him to he pleased to lay before this House, a Copy le priant de vouloir bien mettre devant cette Chambre, ofthe Royal Instructions given in 1818, to His Grace Copie des Instructions Royales donnees en 1818, a the Answer to an Address. Adjournment. The expediency of appointing an Agent in England to be considered. Letters and Communica- tions from Mr. Roebuck. Appendix (P.) 6 Will. IV, 11° Novembris , 125 the Duke of Richmond, to grant portions or lots of the waste Lands of the Crown to the Officers and Privates who served during the last War with the United States, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer: Gentlemen, T legiet that it is not in my power to comply wi the prayer of this Address, as no trace of the Docu- ment alluded to in it, can be discovered after a most diligent search in the various Offices where there was any likelihood of its being deposited. The only proceeding which at all bears upon the subject of grants of Land to Soldiers who served du- ring the War with the United States, is a General Or- der dated the 6th of December, 1814, issued by Lieu- tenant General Sir Gordon Drummond, founded on an Instiuction to him from the Home Government, which Instruction has not been left on record. A Copy of this General Order will be furnished to the House of Assembly without delay. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 11th November, 1835. f^Ii • Huot, accompanied by the other ^Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the ninth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, prav- ing he will be pleased to issue his Warrant in favor "of William Burns Lindsay , Esquire, the Clerk of this House, for 1 wenty two thousand pounds currency, to enable him to pay off the arrears due, and towards de- caying the C ontingent Expenses of this House for the present Session, and that the said sum be charged to the fund by Law appropriated to that effect,— assuring His Excellency that if the said fund is not sufficient, this House will make good the same, had been pre- sented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : — • Gentlemen, In conformity with what l stated in my Speech at the opening of this Session, on the subject of the Con- tingencies, I cheerfully accede to the prayer of this Address. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 11th November, 1835. Ordered , I hat when this House doth adjourn, it will adjourn till to-morrow at ten o’clock, A. M. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Ber- the lot. Resolved, That this House will, on Saturday next, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider whether it would not be expedient to resolve, that in case the Bill passed by this House for appoint- mg an Agent for this Province, should not become Law, this House should appoint an Agent in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to represent therein the interests and sentiments of the Inhabitants of this Province. >Sa Grace le Due de Richmond , pour accorder des por- tionsou lots des Terres incultes de la Couronne, aux Ofhciers et aux Hommes qui ont servi durant la derniere Guene avec les Ltats-Unis, avait et6 pr£sent6e a Son Excellence, et qu d lui avait plu de donner la Ry* ponse suivante : Messieurs, Je i egrette de dire qu il n est pas en mon pouvoir de satisfaire a la demande contenue dans cette Adresse, vu qu’aucuns des Documens auxquels ily est fait allu- sion, ne peuvent etre decouverts, apres une recherche tres-minutieuse dans les divers Bureaux ou il y avait quelque probability qu’ils avaientyty dyposys. Le seul procydy qui concerne en entier le sujet d’oe- trois de terres aux Soldats qui ont servi durant la Guerre contre \es Ltats-Unis, est un Ordre General endate du 6 Dycembre 1814, ymany par le Lieute- nant Gynyral Sir Gordon Drummond , fondysur une In- struction a lui donnye par le Gouvernement de la Mere- Pa trie ; laquelle Instruction ne se trouve pas sur les Records. Une Copie de cet Ordre Gyneral sera fournie a la Chambre d’Assemblee sans delai. Chateau St. Loins, Quebec, 11 Novembre, 1835. M. Huot, accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait R« ponseaune rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du neuf du Adresse ' con rant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le priant de vouloir bien expedier son Warrant en faveur de William-Burns Lindsay, Ecuyer, Greffier de cette Chambre, pour Vingt-deux mille livres courant, pour le mettre en ytat de payer les arrerages dus, et pour aider a defrayer les Depenses Contingentes de cette Chambre, pour la prysente Session, et que la dite somme soit chargee sur le Fonds affecte par la loi A cet effet, assurant Son Excellence que si le dit Fonds n’est pas suffisant, cette Chambre en fera bon, avait ytd prysentee a Son Excellence, et qu’i! lui avait plu de donner la Ryponse suivante : Messieurs, Conformymenta ceque j’ai dit dans ma Harangue a 1 ouverture de cette Session, au sujet des Contingens, j’accede avec plaisir a la demande de cette Adresse. * Chateau St. Louis, Quebec , ! 1 Novembre 1835. Ordonne, Que lorsque cette Chambre s’ajournera, Ajoumement. elle s ajourne a demain a dix heures, A. M. Sur Motion de M. Morin, secondd par M. Ber- thelct, Resolu, Que, Samedi prochain, cette Chambre se R* convennnee formera en Comity de toute la Chambre, pour consi- a^TZ'aZ dyrer s it ne serait pas expedient de resoudre que, s ,e ' e . rr , e >A ^tre dans le cas ou le Bill nommant un Agent pour cette l ' on5iderec ' Province, passe par cette Chambre, ne deviendrait pas Loi, cette Chambre nomme un Agent dans le Roy- aume-Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d 'Irlande, pour y reprysenter les berets et les sentimens des Habitant de cette Province. Mr. Speaker laid before the House various Letters and Communications by him received from John Arthur Roebuck, Esquire, the Agent of this House in England. for the said Letters and Communications, see Ap- pendix (P.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered, That the said Letters and Communications be referred to the Committee of the whole House to consider V ol — 45. M. 1 Orateur a mis devant la Chambre diverses Let- Lettreset com- tres et Communications qu’il a recues de John- Arthur ^“Suck de Roebuck, Ecuyer, I’Agent de cette Chambre en An- glelerre. Pour les dites Lettres et Communications, voir Ap- Appends ( p.) pendice ( P.) A la fin de ce Volume. Ordonne , Que les dites Lettres et Communications soient r-yferyes au Comity de toute la Chambre, chargd Petition for the repeal of the Charter of the LandCompany 1 1 " Novembns , 126 consider whether it would not be expedient to resolve, Hint in case the Bill passed by tins House for appoint- ing an A vent for this Province should not become Law, the House should appoint an Agent in the United K.nvdom of Great Britain and Ireland to represent therein the interests and sentiments of the Inhabitants of this Province. A Petition of divers Inhabitants and Proprietors of Ihe Parish of Sic. Anne tie Varennes, was presented to ' the House by Mr. Morin, and the same was leceived ami read ; setting forth : That during the last Session of the present Imperial Parliament, an Act was passed establishing a Land Company in the Province of Lower Canada, which Act, inasmuch as the powers winch be- lon “exclusively to the Provincial Parliament are thereby arrogated, is a violation of the Const.tutronal p me - nies laid down in the Declaratory Act of 1/78, ami n She Constitutional Act of the Country, and i s, e,e- fore illegal : That oy this Act the permanent Inhabi- unt’s of this Province are deprived ot the advantages Ld privileges guaranteed to them by the Capitulations the Treaty of Peace, the Royal Proctamat'Qns. J rnd tl British Laws, of which no ater than 1K2 8, the S Se ect Committee of the House of Commons of G) eat Britain on the Civil Government of Canada , so earnestly re- commended the faithful observation: I hat the said Act for from favoring the settlement of Einigfanu who though poor are honest and industrious, as its au hors pretend it does, prevents Emigrants from obtauiu t o honest livelihood in the midst of the old population, and that its sole effect is to enable avaricious men to mononolize large tracts of land in the lownsmos, and to realize large profits by their dishonest schemes ; an assert on which will be found to be fully borne out .F it is considered that within the lets assigned to _ the Com nan v thirty eight individuals possess neatly eig t hundred^ thousand acres ( obtamed by the favor of those in authority in the Colony : lhat in the Parish of Ste. Anne de Varennes there are several hun dreds ot young men able and willing to settle on Waste Lands i/they could obtain them with the same facility with which their fathers obtained Lands in the old beig- niories, where unhappily there remains no more Lands to be conceded : That if the Land Company, against the illegal existence of which the Petitioners most so- lemnly°protest, be once established, the landed pro- perty of the Canadians (already sufficiently Inn. ed in Fn extent) will in a short time be so subdivided that the title of landowner which has hitherto formed the distinction of the Canadian will cease to be applicable tohim • and that the fate of the children of the 1 etn tioners like that of the Acadians, will be to be forced {o abandon the land of their fathers to seek elsewhere an asylum where favoritism and monopoly cannot pro- scribe a loyal, honest and industrious People, because they speak another Language have other Customs, and profess another Faith than those who make it then llorv to oppress them for these reasons : i hat the ie- peal of the Charter of the said Land Company would be no more than an act of justice and public faith; but that the People of this Colony of whatever origin would receive it as an act of beneficence while the maintenance of the said Company cannot fail to aug- ment the general discontent produced by so many other Grievances, and to drive the People to despera- tion, the results of which might be such that it would be better to prevent them by removing the cause, than to take advantage of them for the purpose of throwing doubt on the loyalty of the Canadians; and praying t !ts A 18 35. de considerer s’il lie serait pas expedient de resoudre que , dans le cas ou le Bill nommantun Agent pour cette Province, passe par cette Chambre, ne devien- drait pas Loi, cette Chambre nomme un Agent dans le Roy au me- Uni de la Grande- Bretagne et d' Irluncie, pour y representer les interets et les sentimens des Habitans de cette Province. Une Petition de divers Habitans et Propri&aires de la Paroisse de Ste. Anne dc Varennes, a etc presentee a Chane de u la Chambre par M. Morin, laquelle a ete re9ue et lue, j° rr g S . s exposant: Que clans la derniere Session du present Parlement Imperial, il a ete pass6 une Loi etablissant une Compagnie des Terres dans la Province ctu Bas- Canada, Acte qui, en ce qu’il s’arroge les pouvoirs seuls appartenans a la Legislature Provinciale, est une violation du principe constitutionnel, tel que pose par l’Acte cteclaratoire de 1778, et de l* Acte Constitution- nel de ce pays, et par consequent est illegal : Que par cet'Acte la population fixede cette Province est privee des avantageset privileges a elle assures par les Capi- tulations, par un Traite de paix, par des 1 toclama- tions Roy ales, et des Lois Britanniques, et dont ie Rapport du Comitechoisi de laChambre des Communes de la Grande- Bretagne sur le Gouvemement Civil des Canadas a si fortement recommande la fidele execution si recemment qu’en 1828: Que cet Acte, loin de fa- voriser letablissement d’une emigration honnete et m- dustrieuse, quoique pauvre, comme les auteurs de l’Acte le pretendent, empeche les Emigres de se fon- der une honnete existence au milieu de 1’ancienne po- pulation, et n’a pour but que de fournir aux accapa- rem-s de grandes portions de terres dans les Townships, et de se defaire avec avantage du prix honteux de leurs machinations nvalhonnetes, assertion qui se ti ou\ e jus- tice, si I’onconsidere que trente-huit individus pos- sedent dans les limites assignees a cette Compagnie pres de huit cent mille acres gratuitement obtenus de la faveur des homines en place dans cette Colonie :• Que dans la Paroisse de Ste. Anne de Varennes, il y a plusieurs centaines dejeunes gens capables et disposes a prendre des terres incultes, s’ils pouvaientles obtenu avec la meme facilite que leurs peres les ont obtenues dans les anciennes Seigneuries, ou malheureusement il n’y a plus de concessions afaire. Que la Compagnie des Terres, contre l’existance illegale de laquelle les Petitionnaires protestent le plus solennellement, une fois etablie, les biens-fonds des Canadiens, deja assez limites, seront tellement parceles en pen de temps, que la qualite de proprietaire, qui, jusqu a present a distingue le Canadien, cessera de pouvoir etre appli- quee A 1 ui, et que le sort des enfans des Petitionnaires sera celui des Acadiens, de devoir abandonner la terre de leurs peres, pour chercher un asile ailleurs, ou le favoritisme et l’agiotage ne peuvent pas proscrire un peuple, loyal, honnete et industrieux, parce qu il parle une autre langue, a d’autres moeurs, prof esse une autre religion, que ceux qui se font une gloire de l’opprimer sur ces chefs : Que le rappel de la Charte de la dite Compagnie des Terres ne serait qu’un acte de justice et de foi publique ; mais que cependant le peu- ple de cette Colonie, de quelque extraction qu if soit, le considererait comme un bienfait, pendant que le main tien de cette Compagnie ne saurait manquer d’augmen ter le mecontement general, que tant d’autres sujets de griefs ont produit, et de pousserenfin le peuple au desespoir, dont les resultats seraient peut-etre tels qu il vaudrait mieux les prevenir en en faisant disparaitre la cause, que de s’en servir pour faire douter de la loyau- te des Canadiens; et demandant 1’ intervention de la Chambre 6 Will. IV. 1 \ ° Novembns. A' Member ad- ded to a Com- mittee. Six Instructions the intervention of the House to obtain the repeal of the Charter of the Land Company. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. Ordered , That Mr. Cardinal be added to the* said Committee. On Motion of Mr. Morin , seconded by Mr. Gi- rouard, Ordered , That it be an Instruction to the said Com- Committee giU mittee, to enquire into and report on the circumstances Selgmoriat accompanying the several Tenures under which real ftigbis. property is held in this Province, and on the Laws which have established, or have been introduced by such Tenures ; the effect of the said Tenures and Laws on the settlement and improvement of waste lands; the forms of Deeds or Instruments in writing by which lands held under the said Tenures respectively, may be conveyed or effected ; the several systems of con- ceding and managing lands, adopted in this Province at different periods of its history, either by the Govern- ment or by those who had obtained extensive grants, on certain conditions, and more especially the sales, concessions, grants or promises of waste lands made by the Executive Government since the year 1791; the Acts passed by the Parliament of the United King- dom, or by the Provincial Parliament, on the subject of Tenures and of the Laws consequent upon them ; the proceedings adopted in consequence of such Acts, for the purpose of escheating certain Lands granted or promised, and the nature of and the circumstances at- tending the changes of Tenure which have been effec- ted under the authority of Acls passed in Great Britain , as well in cases where the Crown and Seigniors holding of it, have been the parties, as where the private Seign- iors and their Censilaires have been such parties. Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the said Com- mittee, to enquire into and report on the Seigniorial Rights, Dues and Charges established, received or de- manded in this Province at different periods, and their conformity or otherwise, to the Jurisprudence of the country, and to the terms of the original grants ; the proceedings which may have been adopted "on the part of the Executive — on the subject of the difficulties which may have arisen between Seigniors and their Ctmitaires ; the individual proceedings and decisions at different periods, which may have tended to settle or explain the Law on the subject of Seigniorial Rights ; the allegations contained in the Petitions presented to this House on divers occasions by Seigniors or by their Censitaires— on the subject of the forfeiture of conceded Lands, and their return to the Seigniorial Domain in cer- tain cases — on the subject of the alleged overcharges and abuses, and on the subject of Seigniorial Dues and Charges in general. Ordered , That it be an Instruction to the said Com- mittee, to enquire into and report on the present state of the Lands sold, granted, conceded, or promised by the Executive Authority to be holden otherwise than as Seigniories d litre de cens, or in Franc- A leu, since the year 1791 ; the performance or non-perfor- mance of the conditions on which such grants, conces- sions or promises were made and the means of compel- ling such performance in certain cases; the expediency, or otherwise of expediting the settlement of tracts of wild lands exceeding a certain extent, either by esta- blishing an equitable system of forfeiture and escheat, or of imposing a light tax on such Lands, to be ex- pended in opening Roads and effecting other Public Improvements in the Counties in which it may be raised ; the state of, and the circumstances connected with 127 Chambre, pour obtenir le rappel de la Charte de la Compagnie des Terres. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee an Comi- te Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux. Ordonne, Que M. Cardinal soitajoute au dit Comite. u n Membre aiuute a an Comite. Sur Motion de M. Morhii seconde par M. Girouard, Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction au dit Comite Si * instmc- sei- gneuriaux. 1* / . - (' • all LJIL U( 0 enquerir et >> ^coavVeta House on the Message of His Excellency the Governor reported. j n re l a ting to the transportation of Convicts, with the Documents accompanying the same, reported, according to Order, the Resolutions of the said Com- mittee; 'which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followeth : ... 1. Resolved, That this House receives with gratitude the offer made bv His Majesty’s Government, to trans- port, from England to the penal Colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land, Offenders sentenced to transportation in this Province, and to keep them in the said Colonies under the same regulations as per- sons sentenced to transportation in Gteat Britain, 2. Resolved, That it is expedient to regulate and provide for the conveyance to England of Offenders who may have been sentenced to transportation for a term of seven years or more, by His Majesty’s Courts in this Province, other than Courts Martial, and of Offenders who having received sentence of Death in such Courts, may have received His Majesty’s pardon on condition of transportation, in oidei that such Of- fenders may be subsequently transported to the penal Colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen ’s Land, according to the offer made by His Majesty’s Govern- ment. , , , ,. 3. Resolved, That it is expedient to place at the dis- posal of His Majesty, a sum, not exceeding Fifteen pounds currency, for each such Offender, for the pur- pose of defraying the expenses of his or their convey- ance to England. _ 4. Resolved, That the provisions aforesaid should re- main in force until the first day of May one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight. Ordered, That Mr. Morin have leave to bring in a Bill for the transportation of certain Offenders from this Province to England, to be thence again trans- ported to New South Wales or Van Diemen’s Land. lie accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time. Ordered, That the said Bill be now read a second time. , . . . The said Bill was accordingly read a second time. Resolved , That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send foi peisons, papeis and records. Ordered, That Mr. Morin , Mr. Berthelot, Mr. Gi- rouard, Mr. Viger and Mr. De Witt do compose the said Committee. le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, Message re _ relativement a la deportation des condamnes, avec les laiifauscon- documens qui l’accompagnent, a fait rapport, confor- tUmnes * moment a l’Ordre des Resolutions du dit Comite, les- quelles Resolutions ont ete lues de nouveau a la Ta- ble du Gieffier, et adoptees par la Chambre; et t elles sont comme suit : , 1. Resolu, Que cette Chambre rei^oit avec reconnais- sance l’offre du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, de trans- porter C\’ Angle terre aux Colonies penales de la Nouvel- le G a lies Meridionale ou de la Terre de Diemen, les individus appartenans a cette Province, sujets a la de- portation, et de les y maintenir sous le meme regime que les Deportes de la Grande- Bretagne. 2. Resolu, Qu’il est expedient de regler et de faci- 1 iter le transport en Angleterrc des coupables qui au- ront subi dans les Cours de Sa Majeste en cette Pro- vince, autres que les Cours Martiales, une condamna- tion a la deportation pour le terme de sept annees ou plus, et des condamnes qui ayant subi une sentence de mort dans les memes Cours auront rec^u le pardon de Sa Majest6 a condition d’etre deportes ; aux fins qu’ils soient ensuite deportes dans les Colonies penales de la JVouvelle Galles Meridionale ou de la Terre de Die- men, suivant l’offre du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste. 3. Resolu, Qu’il est expedient de mettre a la dispo- sition de Sa Majesty une somme n’excedant pas Quin- ze livres cours actuel, pour chaque tel condamne, aux fins de subvenir au transport des dits condamnes en An - glelerre. Convicts Bill read twice. 4. Resolu, Qu’il est expedient que les dispositions ci-dessus soient en force jusqu’au premier jour de mai mil-huit cent trente-huit. Ordonne, Que M. Morin ait la permission d’intro- prides con- duireun Bill qui pourvoit ala deportation de certains jg£nfi*iudeu. condamnes de cette Province en Angleterre, pour de la etre de nouveau deportes dans la Nouvclle Galles Me- ridionale ou la Terre de Diemen. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill soit maintenant lu une se- conde fois. Le dit Bill a en consequence 6te lu une seconde fois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour enfaire rapport avec toute la di- ligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer qucrir per- son nes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Morin, M. Berthelot , M. Gi- rouard, M. Viger et M. Dewitt composent le dit Co- mite. Then, on Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded bv Mr. Alors, sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. BertMot, BcM La Convicts Bill passed. Petition forMe- tfaodist Protes- tants to be al- lowed to keep Registers. City Bank Statement pre- sented. Appendix (J.) Bank State- merits to be printed. Answer to au Address, 6 Will. IV. 12°— 13° Novembris . 133 The House adjourned till to-morrow, at ten o’clock A. M. La Chambre s’est A. M. ajournee a demain, & Dix heures Friday , 13/Zt November , 18 35.— Ten o'clock , A. M. Vendredt, 13 Novembre 1835 . — Dix heures A. M. M R. Morin , from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill for the transportation of certain Offenders from this Province to England, to be thence again transported to Few South Wales or Van Diemen's, Land, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, without making any amendment there- to j and the Report was again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bili be engrossed. An engrossed Bill for the transportation of certain Offenders from this Province to England, to be thence again transported to New South H ales or Van Diemen's, Land, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass Ordered, That Mr. Morin do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. JW Morin , du Comite Special auquel a ete reffre le Bill qui pourvoita la deportation de cer- tains condamnes de cette Province en Angleterre, pour de la etrede nouveau deportes dans la Mouvelle Galles Meridionals ou la Terre de Diemen, a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, sans y faire aucun amendement; et le Rapport a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit grossoye. Un Bill grossoye qui pourvoit a la deportation de cer- tains condamnes de cette Province en Angleterre , pour de la etre de nouveau deportes dans la Nouvelle Galles Meridionale ou la Terre de Diemen, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Reso/u, Quele Bill passe. Ordonne , Que M Morin porte le dit Bill au Con- seil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Bill des con- damnes, passe* A Petition of the Inhabitants of Russeltown , Ed- wardstown, St. Remi, St. Philippe, and other places, was presented to the House by Mr. Hotchkiss, and the same was received and read ; praying that the Ministers of the Methodist Protestants in the Province of Lower Ca • nada, may be authorized to record Baptisms, celebrate Marriages and solemnize Funeral rites, and to keep duly authenticated Registers of the same. Ordered, That the said Petition he referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the lownships of Stanbridge, Dunham, and the Seigniory of St. Armand. Une Petition des Habitans de Russeltown, Edwards - P £ tition pour town , St. Remi, St. Philippe et autres lieux, a ete pre- mite d’une Resolution de la Chambre, du 31 du mois presene ' dernier. Pour le dit Etat, voir Appendice (J.) i la fin de ce Volume. ; On Motion of Mr. Bertlielot, seconded by Mr. Morin, Ordered, That the Statements of the Affairs of the Quebec Bank, of the Bank of Montreal, and of the City Bank, laid before this House, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Sur Motion de M. Bertlielot , seconde parM. Morin , Etatsdes Ban. Ordonne, Que les Etats des affaires de la Banque £l' treim “ de Quebec, de la Banque de Montreal et de la Banque de la Cite, soumis a cette Chambre, soient impri- mis pour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. Mr. Morin , accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the tenth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, in relation to the mutation of Tenure under the Imperial Act of the 6th Geo. I\ . Cap, 59, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : „ Gentlemen, Vol — 45 M. Morin, accompagne des autres Messagers, aRSponseAune fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du dix du Adresse * courant, ct Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, relalivement a la mutation de Tenure, d apres l’Acte du Parlement du Iloyaume-Uni de la 6e Geo. IV. Chap. o9, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, 2 L 134 13 ° Novembns. A. 1835 . Gentlemen, X request you will inform the 1 louse of Assembly* that the proper Officers have been instructed to pre- pare and lay before the House, as soon as they can be made up, the Lists and Copies of Documents prayed for in this Address, in relation to mutations ot 1 enure under the Imperial Act of the 6th George the Fourth, Chapter 69. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 13th November, 1835. Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d’Assemblee, qu’il a ete donne ordre aux Officiers a qui il appar- tient, de preparer et mettre devant la Chambre, aus- sitot qu’elles pourrout etre pretes, les Listes et Copies de Documens demandees dans cette Adresse, ayant rapport aux mutations de Tenure, d’apres 1 Acte du Parlement Imperial de la 6e George IV. Chapitre 59* Chateau St. Louis , Quebec, 13 Novembre 1835. Answer to an Mr. Thibaudeau, accompanied by the other Messen- Address ' gers, reported to the House that their Address of the tenth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, relative to the annexation of Gaspe to the Province of New Br uniWick, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I request you to inform the House of Assembly in answer to this Address, that the Address and Resolu- tions of the House of the 19th of March, 1833, relative to the annexation of the District ol Gaspe to the Pro- vince of New Brunswick, as well as the accompanying Documents, were duly forwarded by my predecessor in a Dispatch to His Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated the 23rd of April, 1833, but that no Dispatch or other Document in answer thereto ap- pears to have been received by the Provincial Govern- ment from the Secretary of State. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 13th November, 1835. M. Thibaudeau, accompagne des autres Messa- Reponse* un® gsrs, a fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse Ad,essc ‘ du dix du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur- en-Chef, relativement k l’annexatiou du District de Gaspe a la Province du Nouveau- Brunswick, avait £te presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d’Assemblee, en reponse a cette Adresse, que l’Adresse et les Re- solutions de la Chambre du 19 Mars 1833, relative- ment a l annexation du District de Gaspe a la Pro- vince du Nouveau-Brunswick, ainsi que les Documens qui les accompngnent, ont ete dument transmis par mon Predecesseur, dans une Depeche au Secretaire d’Etatde Sa Majeste, pour les Colonies, datee du 23 Avril 1833, mais qu’aucune Depeche ou autre Docu- ment, en reponse a icelle, ne parait avoir ete recue du Secretaire d’Etat par le Gouvernement Provincial. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 13 Novembre 1835. AcadieAgricul- tural Society Reports. Appendix ( H.) Mr. Cote presented to the House the Reports of the Agricultural Society for the County of Acadie, tor the years 1834 and 1835. For the said Reports, see Appendix (II.) at the end of this Volume. M. Cote a presente a la Chambre les Rapports de la Soci^te d’Agriculture pour le Comte d’ Acadie, pour culture d’Aca- les ann^es 1834 et 1835. Pour les dits Rapports, voir Appendice (H.) a la Appendix fin de ce Volume. On Motion of Mr. O'Callaghan, seconded by Mr. Child, . . River Yamaska Ordered, That the Report of the Commissioners for ComiTibsioners the improvement of the Navigation of the River Fa- Report referred. wa5 ^ l presente d to this House on the tenth instant, be referred to the Special Committee to whom was refer- red the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of St. David de Deguire. Sur Motion de M. O' Callaghan, seconde par M. Child , Ordonne, Que le Rapport des Commissaires pour l’amelioration de la Navigation de la Riviere d 'Ya- d f^g e r , maska, presente a cette Chambre ledix du courant, soit fere, refereau Comite Special auquel a ete refere la Peti- tion des Habitansde la Paroissede St. Davidde Deguire. Petition rei®. A Petition of divers Merchants and Inhabitants of ting to Banking .1 r; tv 0 f Montreal, was presented to the House by Mr. Leslie, and the same was received and read ; pray- ing the House to pass an Act for renewing the Char- ters of the Bank of Montreal and the City Bank, and for placing under similar or other salutary restrictions the privilege of issuing Bank Notes or othei I apei mo- ney by all Banks or Banking Establishments within the Province of Lower Canada, or to adopt such other mea- sures in the premises as to the House may seem fittest. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Trade. Petition com- A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Seigniory plaining of 0 f p a c 0 / e> was presented to the House by Mr. Hotch- paaof .he Se e ig- Jdss, and the same was received and read ; setting nior of La Cole. . qq lat tj, e Seigniory of La Cole contains about two leagues in front by three leagues in depth, all of which lands have been conceded, some by deeds of concession, and others bv proces verbal, to a majority of the Une Petition de divers Marchands et Habitans de la Cite de Montreal, a 6te presentee a la Chambre par mens des Ban- M. Leslie, laquellea ete re^ae et lue ; priant la Cham- , admitted that the Tenant should be judged upon his Contract, under the pretext that he has freely consent- ed and obliged himself to comply with all the clauses and conditions it may please the Seignior to impose ; That the Seignior of La Cole has wholly neglected to furnish within the limits of the said Seigniory of La Cole, a good and sufficient Grist Mill, as he is bounu to do by the Decree of the 4th of June, 1686, the 7th July, 1710, the Ordinance of the 14-tli June, and a Judgment of the 12th February 1746, in consequence of which neglect the Inhabitants of the Seigniory are compelled to go a distance of three leagues into the State of A ew York, for the necessary flouring of all their gram, great- ly to their loss and disadvantage, and at the same time subject to prosecution in Law, by a clause illegally in- troduced into his Deed of Concession, compelling the Tenant to go to his Mills, which are never in order to make flour which can possibly be used : 1 hat the Ccn- sitaires of the Seigniory of La Cde oppressed by the load of these abuses, and of these impositions, instead of offering a spectacle of a free and happy population, spread over an extent of eighteen leagues, will soon, in comparison with other Seigniories less heavily bur- dened, present a population infected with all the vices and moral degradation which are the concomitants of so miserable a condition ; and praying that Parliament will be pleased to exert authority for the purpose or remedying the several abuses which nave been set foith above, in such manner as in its justice and wisdom shall be deemed most expedient, to oppose some restraint to the unjust pretensions of the Seignior of I, a Cole, by so defining his rights as to afford an easy and effectual remedy against the Seignior whenever he may infringe the conditions on which the Seigniory was granted to him; and the Petitioners trusting in the justice of their complaints, expect that a Legislature equally enligh- tened and equitable, will redress grievances which aie as injurious to the public welfare in their general as they are prejudicial to the Petitioners in their special effects. i 3° Novetnbns. A. 1835 . Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. Quebec le 18 Juin 1721, nombre de clauses lllegales, aulieudes rentes en usage avant la cession du Pays, et telles qu’elles avaientete fixees par les diferens Ju- o-emens rendusa Quebec , le 18 Avvil 1710, l e -6 Jail let 1733, le 23 Janvier 1738 ; qu’il a augmente ses ren- tes dans les Contrats de Concession jusqu’a douze sols do l’arpent, et y a introduit de meme des clauses qui dependent illegalement aux Tenanciers de batir sur leurs terres des Moulins d’aucene description quel- conque : Qu’aujourd’hui, les Cours de Justice, au- lieu de sen rapporter aux anciens anets, aux usa- ges et coutumes ordinaires du Canada , out, ’ lation directe du Statut de la L4e Geo. Ill Chap. 86, Sect. 8, admis que le Tenancier serait juge d’apr&s son Contrat, sous pr^texte qu’d a librement consenti et s’est oblig6 d’en passer par toutes les clauses et conditions qu’il a plu au Seigneur de lui im poser : Que le Seigneur de La Cole a entiere- ment n6glig6 de batir dans les limites de la dite Sei- gneurie de La Cole un bon Moulin afarine comrae ll esttenu de le faire par les arrets du 4 Juin 1686, et du 7 Juillet 17L0, par fOrdonnance du 14 Juin, et paVun Jugement du 1* Fevrier 1 7 46 1: En conse- quence de ce manque de sa part, les Habitans de la SeDneurie sont forces duller a trois lieues dans l’Etat de A Jcw-York, pour faire rnoudre leurs grains, ce qui est grandement a leur perte et desavantage, en meme temps qu’ils sont sujets a des poursuites en vertu d'une clause illegalement introduce dans leurs Titres de Concession, foi^ant le Tenancier d aller aux Moulins du Seigneur, lesquels ne sont jamais assez en bon ordre pour faire de la farine dont on pent raisonnablement se servir: Que les Censitaires de la Seigneurie de La Cole, opprimes sous le poidsde ces abus et de ces impositions, au lieu cl of- frir le spectacle d’une population libre et heureuse. repandue sur un sol de dix-huit lieues detendue, n’offrira bientot, en comparison des autres Sergneu- ries chargees d’un moindre poids, qu’une population infectee de tous les vices et de cette degradation mo- rale qui accompagnent une existence aussi malheu- reuse ; et demandant qu it plaise au Parlement ex- ercer son autorite, aux fins de rem6dier aux ditfe- rens abus ci-dessus exposes, de la maniere que, dans sa justice et sa sagesse, ii jugera la plus propre a opposer une digue aux pretentions injustes du Sei- gneur de La Cole , en definissant les droits du Sei- gneur de telle maniere, qu’un remade prompt et effi- cace puisse etre mis en usage contre ses pretentions, toutes les fois qu’il pourra violer les conditions aux- quelles sa Seigneurie lui a 6t6 accordee ; et les Pe- titionnaires se confiant dans la justice de leurs plain- tes, attendent d’une Legislature £galement juste et 6clair£e, le redressement de griefs prejudiciables a la prosperite publique dans leurs consequences genera- les, comrae ils le sont aux P6titionnaires dans leurs effets particuliers. , Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit rcfeiee au Comite Permanent sur les leires et Droits Seigneuiiaux. Message of 7th On Motion of Mr. BouliUier, seconded by Mr. Fraser, relating to ex- Ordered, That the Entry in the Journals of this penses incurred House, of the 7th March, 1835, containing the Mes- refmed., ’ sage of His Excellency Lord Aylmer , on tne subject of the expenses incurred at Grosse Isle, be now read. The said Entry was read accordingly. Ordered, That the said Message of His Excellency Lord Aylmer, with the Documents accompanying the same, be referred to the Standing Committee for Hos- pitals and Charitable Institutions. Sur Motion de M. BouliUier, seconde par M. Fraser, Ordonne , Que 1’ Entree dans le Journal de cette Chambre, du 7 Mars 1835, contenant le Message de Son Excellence Lord Aylmer, sur les depenses encou- mes a la Grosse lie, soit maintenant lue. La dite Entree a ete lue en consequence. Ordonne, Que le dit Message de Son Excellence Lord Aylmer , ainsi que les Documens qui 1 accompa- gnent, soient reffres au Cornite Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite. Ordonne, Message du 7 Mars 1835, re- lalif aux depen- ses encourues a la Grosse lie, refere. Ordered , 6 Will. IV. 13° Novembris. 137 A Member Added to a Com- mittee. Ordered, That Mr. Child be added to the Committee of Private Bills. Standing Ordonne, Que M. Child soit ajoute au Comitd Per- ^embre manent des Bills priv£s. Sn°for"hf e ' Mr * Vi S er ’ from the Special Committee to whom incorporation was referred the Petition of the Reverend Mr. Mignault, College.' of Chamhly, presented to the House the Report "of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and is as followeth: Your Committee after having maturely examined the Petition of the Reverend Mr. Mignault, are humbly of opinion that the prayer of the Petitioner ought to be granted. S^ncoSora. Ordered, That Mr. Viger have leave to bring in a tion Bill read Bill to incorporate the College of Chambh/. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a se- cond time to-morrow. On Motion of Mr. Kimber, seconded by Mr. Ar- Pa t f th P C h am beault, tition of A. Du- Ordered , That that part of the Petition of Antoine puis, referred. Dupuis of Beaukamois, praying for an indemnity for his disbursements, and for his services during the late War with the United States, be referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts. Bn7read e fhe ers . Ordered, T hat Mr. De Bleury have leave to bring first time. in a Bill for the further regulation of Taverns and iavernkeepers, and for the purposes therewith con- nected. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to be read a second time on Monday next. On Motion of Mr. Perrault, seconded by Mr. Letour- neau, from ^Vaudreuii Ordered, That the Petition of divers Inhabitants of [o r thX d ad ent8 the bounty of Vaudrenil, presented to the House on Laws, referred, the third instant, be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to amend a certain Act theiein mentioned, and to make further provisions for making altering and repairing Highways and Bridges. M. Viger, du Comiffi Special auquel a dtd rfiffirde la Rapport sur i» Potion de Messire Mignault, de Chambh), a pr&enld a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comit6, lequel a dtd du Coll<5 g e do lu de nouveau a la Pable du Greffier, coniine suit : Votre Comite, apres avoir inurement examine la Petition du Reverend M. Mignault, est humblement d’opinion que les conclusions de la dite Petition doi- vent etre accorddes. Ordonne , Que M. Viger ait la permission d’intro- biii pourmcor- duire un Bill pour incorporer le Collie de Chambly. II a en consequence pr£sent6 le dit Bill, lequel a ete wv.iuiapre- lu pour la premiere fois, etdont la seconde lecture a f °‘ S ’ eteordonnee pour demain. Sur Motion de M. Kimber, second^ par M. Archam - beau It, Ordonne , Que la partie de la Petition d ’ Antoine Du - PartiedeiaPe- puis, de Beauharnois, demandant une Indemnite pour Dupuis," Mas- ses deboursfis, et pour services rendus durant la der- ree * niere Guerre avec les Etats- Unis, soit reux cents hvres courant, par an- n6e. • ' ' G. Resolu, Que M. Pierre Gagnon soit nomme, a compter dece jour, premier Clerc des Journaux, avec un Salaire fixe de Cent livres courant, par aniAe. 7. Resolu, Que George Muir, Ecuyer Avocat, soil nomme, a compter de ce jour, second Clerc des Jout- naux, avec un Salaire fixe de Cent livres courant, par annee. fOrdre 6 Will. IV, 1 3 0 — 1 4° Novembrisy 1 S9 Statu" B BUi Ju ' . The 0rder °f the day for the second reading of the deferred. Bill to consolidate the several Acts relating to the ad- ministration of Justice in the District of St. Francis, and to amend certain of the said Acts, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Friday next. £r!a'°n A BiU to con tin ue for a limited time certain Acts read (tie S ec°Qd therein mentioned, was, according to Order, read a se- ,me ‘ cond time. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to the Stand- ing Committee of expiring Laws. SSBSf" , The ° rder t,ie day for the second reading of the Bill to revive, amend and continue for a limited time, a certain Act concerning the Police of William Henry , and other Villages, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Monday next. differences be- ^ Bill for the more easy and less expensive decision Lnr&rvams rs of differences between Masters and Mistresses and their read the sewnd Servants, Apprentices and Labourers in the Country parts of this Province, was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of five Members, to report thereon with all conve- nient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. De Bleary, Mr. Quillet, Mr. Meilleur, Mr. Child and Mr. Tache do compose the said Committee. L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour Biiide judic r6unir en un seul les divers Actes relatifs k l’adtni- F«4oi?X nistration de la Justice dans le District de St. Fran - mis - fois, et pour amender certains des dits Actes, ayant dt6 lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remisa Ven- dredi prochain. Gonformdment a 1 Ordre, un Bill pour continuer, b>h pour contu pour un temps limits, certains Actes y mentionn^s, a Aa^Tune £t6 lu une seconde fois. seconde foi 8i Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit r^fere au Comitd Permanent des Lois expirantes. L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill Bin concept pour fame, revivre, amender, et continuer, pour un viS'e/ remu temps limite, un certain Acte concernant la Police de a s es > renils - William Henry , et autres Villages, ayant 6t6 lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Lun- di prochain. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill qui pourvoit ci Bill reiatifaux faire decider d’une maniere plus facile et moins dis- Sate"t tre pendieuse les differends qui s’elevent entre les Maitres | eurs servi,eu J r s. et iviaitresses et leurs Serviteurs, Apprentis ou En- fois * gag^s dans les Campagnes de cette Province, a £tt lu une seconde fois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. De Bleury, M. Quillet, M. Meil- leur, M. Child et M. Tache com posent le dit Comitd, Auiu^a'p/nsions Order of the day for the House in Committee BilL on the Bill to amend the Act of the fifty fifth year of the Reign of George the I bird, Chapter den, relative to the Pensions of wounded Militiamen, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. De Bleury took the Chair of the Committee j and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. De Bleury reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, dhat the said Committee have leave to sit again on Monday next. d hen, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. De Witt, The House adjourned. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en sTcoVcernant Comitd sur le Bill pour amender l’Acte de 1 a Cin- la Pension des quante-cinquieme annee du Regne de George Trois, M,hcien *' Cha pitre Dix, concernant la Pension des Miliciens blesses, ayant 6t£ lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. De Bleury a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apr£sy avoir siege quelque temps, M. 1’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. De Bleury a fait rapport que le Comitd avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de deman- der permission de sidger de nouveau. Ordonne, Que le dit Comitd ait la permission de singer de nouveau Lundi prochain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger, secondd par M. De Witt, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Saturday , \4>th November, 1835. SZ°pro. hn /% B 1 1 1 ION of JoJin Dyan was presented to the tcciion in the XI. House by Mr. V anjelson, and the same was re- civu'k 6 , ghu. 8 ceived and read; setting forth : That in April 1835, the Petitioner re-entered the employ of persons who, in March, 1835, dismissed him for alleged “ incompe- “ tency as a Vitness,” so construed by the Quebec Quarter Sessions, by the Montreal Superior Court of Civil Jurisdiction, and by several Magisterial Officers in the Districts of Quebec and Montreal, who, without the sanction of constitutional or statuary Law either of the 1 arent State or the Province of Lower Canada, re- fused Samedi , 14 Novembre 1835* NE Petition de John Ryan a dte pr£sent6e a la Petition de Chambre par M. Vanfelson , laquelle a dte re- p4^f"rote- > huraWe i^cS wa^hThin to Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, pnant Son o . His Excellency the Governoi m ^ l||;i Excellence de vouloir bien fournir a cette Chambie Copies de tous les Comptes fournis au Gouvernemen diff 4 rentes Executif de cette Province, pendant lea cinq der- cours. nitres annees, par les dififfirens Slffirifs de cette Pro- vince et des Greffiersdes differentes Cours de Justice en icelle, des llevemis de leurs charges respectives. Ordonne, Que M. Lafontaine, M. Perrault, M ,lluot et i\I. Leslie pr6sentent la dite Adresse a Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. be pleased to lay before this House, Copies of all the Statements furnished to the Executive Government of this Province, within the last five years, by the several Sheriffs in this Province, or by the Prothonotaries or Clerks of the several Courts therein, of the income they derive from their respective Offices. Ordered, That Mr. Lajontaine, Mr. Perrault, Mr. lluot and Mr. Leslie do present the said Address to Ilis Excellency the Governor in Chief. A Bill to incorporate the College of Chumbly, was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill he referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Viger, Mr. Boutdlier, Mr. Bardy, Mr. Cardinal and Mr. Bert helot do compose the said Committee. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider whether it would not he expedient to re- solve, that in case the Bill passed by this House for appointing an Agent for this Province, should not be- come Law, this House should appoint an Agent in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to le- present therein the interests and sentiments of the In- habitants of this Province, and, also, to whom were referred various Letters and Communications received bv Mr. Speaker, from John Arthur Roebuck, Esquire, the Agent of this Ilonse in England, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. , , , c Mr. Scott took the Chair of the Committee ; and af- ter some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; _ . ^nd Mr. Scott reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. _ , . *» Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again on Tuesday next. _ • 1. Bill pour incor- Conformffinent al’Ordre, un Bill pour incorporer le porer ieCoi- Colffige de Chambly a ffic In une seconde fois. ^ Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit r6fer6 a un Comit6 second. fois. de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d envoyer qu£rir personnes, papiers et record. , Ordonne, Que M. Viger , M. Boutdlier, M .Bardy, M. Cardinal et M. Berthelot composent le dit Comite. L’Ordre dujour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite pour considerer s’il ne serait pas expedient de resoudre que, dans le cas ou le Bill nommant un Ao-ent pour cette Province, pass6 par cette Chambre, ne° deviendrait pas Loi, cette Chambre nomme un Awent dans le Royaume-Uni de la Grande- Bretagne et°d’ Irlande, pour y representer les internets et les senti- mensdes llabitansde cette Province, etauquel out aus- si ete referees diverses Lettres et Communications que M. l’Orateur a repuesd e John- Arthur Roebuck, Ecuyer, l’Agent de cette Chambre en Angleterre, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. . , M. Scott a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir si6g6 quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; _ . Et M. Scott a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander per- mission de sieger de nouveau. . Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sie- ger de nouveau Mardi prochain. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. & Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger. seconde par M. The House adjourned till Monday next. Ta Chambre s’est ajournee 4 Lundi prochain. Comile sur la convenance dc nomraer un Agent. Monday, 1 6th November, 1835. IS R. De Blexiry, accompanied hv the other Mes- _LYjL sengers, reported to the House, that their Ad- dress of the thirteenth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying him to be pleased to inform this House whether he has received any, and what in- formation Lundi, 1G Novembre 1835. De Bleury, accompagmS des autres Messa- © gers, a fait rapport a la Chambre, que Son Adresse du treize du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, pnant Son Excellence dulci- mer cette Chambre si elle a re9.11 aucune information, et 6 Will. IV, 16° Novembris , 14 3 formation from His Majesty’s Government relative to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act to authorize Counsel to “ address Jurors in behalf of Prisoners in capital cases,” reserved for the signification of His Majesty s pleasure, on the eighteenth of March last, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I request you to acquaint the House of Assembly in answer to this Address, that the information which has been received from His Majesty’s Government re- lating to the “ Act to authorize Counsel to address “ Jurors in behalf of Prisoners in capital cases,” which was reserved for the signification of His Majesty’s plea- sure, is to the following effect: That the Bdl will be confirmed at the earliest possible opportunity by the King in Council, and that the necessary Order in Coun- cil for that purpose, will be speedily transmitted to the Province. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 16th November 1835. et quelle, relativement au Bill, intituH, “ Acte pour “ autoriser les Avocats r\ plaider devant les Jur^s, pour * et au nom des Prisonniers accuses de Crime Capi- V. rf'serv^ pour la signification du piaisir de Sa Majesty suricelui, le dix-huit Mars dernier, avait present ^ Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la lleponse suivante : Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d’Assemblee en reponse a cette Adresse, que l'information quia^tl recue du Gouvernement de Sa Majesty relativement f “ 1 Acte P our autoriser les Avocats a plaider devant les Jures, pour ei au nom des Prisonniers accuses “ de Crime Capital,” qui avait 6t6 r6serv6 pour la signification du piaisir de Sa Majeste, est commesuit : Que le Bdl sera confirm^ aussitot possible par le Roi en Conseil, etquelOrdre en Conseil n^cessaire pour cet objet sera immediatement transmis a la Province. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 16 Novembre 1835. Petition of J. F. Deblois, Esq. complain- ing of Mr. Jus- tice Thompson. A Petition of Joseph Francois Deblois, Esquire, was piesented to the House by Mr. Vanfelson, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : That the Peti- tioner, who was born in Quebec, the Capital of the Pro- vince of Lower Canada , in which it is his intention to pass the remainder of his days, claims as a native of this Country, all the rights, and acknowledges himself bound by all the obligations of a British subject, and demands, as a Member of the House, all the rights and privileges attached to his qualify of Representative of the People : That in both these capacities, the Petitioner placing his trust in the laws, and in that justice which he prays, and which he hopes to obtain, not for him- self alone, but for the interests and welfare of the whole body of the Inhabitants of the Inferior District of Gaspe stands forward without passion, and with the most per- fect confidence, to call the attention of the House to the malversations of a Public Functionary too IiDh in rank to be amenable to the ordinary tribunals of the Country: That the Petitioner cannot conceal from himself the danger he incurs in thus publicly accusing a man high in rank, the persecutions to which he must expose himself, the obstacles he must contend with, and the numberless difficulties created by distance, which he must surmount : That the Petitioner, after having maturely weighed all these considerations, moved sole^ ly by a feeling of justice and of duty, yields to an imperious sense of what he owes to society, in the firm conviction that men will be found who will fearlessly and impartially declare the truth ; and therefore res- pectfully submits to the House, that the Honorable John Gawler Thompson , Judge of His Majesty’s Provin- cial Court for the Inferior District of Gaspe , is incompe- tent to fill that high office: That the said Honorable John Gawler Thompson, being such Judge as aforesaid, has been guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Firstly. Because of his natural imbecility, and his deficiency of intelligence, character and sagacity; of the want of propriety and dignity in his conduct, and of his aver- sion to, and general incapacity for performing his im- portant functions. Secondly. By reason of his neMect and ignorance of, and of his contempt for, the Laws of the Country ; because he is partial, capricious, arbitra- ry and vindictive, making his power as a Judo-e sub- servient to the gratification of his passions, and the instrument of his vengeance. Thirdly. Because he has unlawfully refused his ministry as a Judge, and has im- peded and stopped the course of justice by granting to those whose interests he wishes to advance, an unjust degree Une Petition de Joseph- Francois Deblois, Ecuyer, a ete prAsentee a ia Chambre par M* Vanfelson, laquelle a^ete re$ue et lue, exposant : Que le Petitionnaire, ne a Quebec, Capitale de la Province du Bas-Canu- da, ou il entend passer le reste de ses jours, reclame comme Citoyen tous les droits d’un sujet Anglais, et en reconnait toutes les obligations, et invoque comme Membre de la Chambre toutes les attribu- tions et privileges que lui confere sa quality de Manda- taire du Peuple : Qu’en ces deux qualites le Petition- nan e, fort des Loi et de la Justice qu’il desire et esp^re obtenir, non pour lui-meme en particular, mais pour intent, le bien-etre de ses Constituents, et des Ha- bitans du District Inferieurde Gaspe en general, vient sans passion et avec la plus entiere confiance, denoncer a la Chambre les malversations d’un Fonctionnaire ubhc trop eleve pour que les Tribunaux ordinaires puissent 1 atteindre : Que le Petitionnaire ne se dissi- mule.Pas ^ es dangers qui accompagnent la mise en ac- cusation d’un homme eleve et en pouvoir, les perse- cutions auxquelles il pourra 6tre expose, les obstacles contre lesquels il lui faudra lutter, et les difficultes sans nombre qu’offre la distance des lieux, et qu’il lui fau- dra suimonter : Que le Petitionnaire apres avoir bien pese toutes ces considerations, mu uniquement par un sentiment de justice et de devoir, cede ri une im P y r i- euse necessite sociale, dans la ferme conviction qu’il se tiouvera des homines qui sauront impartialement et sans crainte dire la verite, et soumet en cons6quence a la Chambre, que l’Honorable John-Gawler Thompson , Juge de^ la Cour Provinciale de Sa Majeste, du Dis- tiict Inferieur de Gaspe, est incompetent a remplirsa function eievee : Que le dit Honorable John-Gawler Thompson, Juge comme susdit, s’est rendu coupable (kj grands crimes et cle malversations. Preincrement* Par suite de son imbecilite naturelle, de son insuffi- sance du cote de 1 intelligence, du caractere et de la sagacile, d’un manque de convenance et de dignity dans sa conduite, deson aversion et de son incapacity generate pour 1 execution de ses importans devoirs. Deuxiemcmcnt. En consequence de sa negligence, de son ignorance et de son mepris des Lois du Pays, en ce qu il est partial, capricieux, arbitraire et vin- dicate, faisant servir son pouvoir de Juge a 1’assou- vissement de ses passions, et le rendantun instrument de vengeance. Troisiemement. En refusant ilffigale- ment de prfiter son minist^re en sa capacity de Juge, en entravant, arretant meme le cours de la justice, °en accordant a ceux dont il desire avancer les interets, une Petition de J. F. Deblois. Ecuyer, se plaignant de M. le Juge Thomp- son, 16 ° Novembris. A . 1835 , m degree of protection, and by threatening many of His Majesty’s subjects with his resentment. Fourthly. Be- cause under color of his authority as a Judge, he has unduly influenced, threatened, oppressed and tyran- nized over divers Officers of the said Provincial Court, and has unlawfully sat as Chairman at divers General Sessions of the Peace held at different times and under various circumstances in the said Inferior District ; and more especially in one case where he had previously been called upon as Judge to interpose his judicial au- thority in favor of the accused ; because he inconside- rately, unnecessarily and unlawfully sat and acted as a Justice of the Peace, in one case among others where he was afterwards bound as Judge to set at liberty one His Majesty’s faithful subjects whom he had himself committed to Gaol in his quality of Justice of the Peace ; and because he has also exercised a dangerous con- troul over the rights and liberties of all His Majesty’s subjects at the said General Sessions of the Peace for the District of Gaspe. Fifthly. Because he has frequently absented himself from the District of Gaspe on his private business, and has taken up his residence at Paspebiac (a place distant nearly five miles from the Court House,) where he continues to reside, to the great prejudice of His Majesty’s faithful subjects in the Inferior District of Gaspe aforesaid. Sixthly. Because by reason of his in- temperance, it has happened on several occasions that the said Provincial Court has not been held during the Terms by Law appointed, or has been held only during a part thereof, in violation of the Law of the Land and of the Bill of Rights. Seventhly. Because the said Judge did at the last Election league himself with the declared enemies of the liberties of the People, who did violence to public opinion, and employed eveiy species of cor- ruption ; and who afterwards, in their avowed hatred to the free exercise of the Elective Franchise on the part of the Inhabitants of the said County of Bonaventure , instituted a number of actions before the Provincial Court of the said Inferior District, in which the said Judge was subsequently called upon to give judicial decisions. Eighthly. Because the said Judge has wil- fully exceeded his jurisdiction, and has, both on the Bench and in his Chambers, substituted his mere will and pleasure for the Law of the Land. Ninthly. Be- cause his conduct, actions, opinions, connexions and intrigues generally, are such that His Majesty’s sub- jects in the said Inferior District have lost all confi- dence in the said Provincial Court, and that the state of things thereby brought about, is such as to tend to alienate the affection of Ilis Majesty’s subjects afore- said, from His Person and Flis Government, as esta- blished in this Province : That the Petitioner, Ilis Majesty’s faithful subjects in the Inferior District of Gaspe , and society in general, are interested in the con. viction of the said Honorable John Gavoler Thompson, Judge of His Majesty’s Provincial Court for the said Inferior District of Gaspe, if he is guilty ; and that the Petitioner is ready to prove the Charges he has made, at such time and place as the House may be pleased to appoint ; and praying that the House will take into its most serious consideration the grave Charges brought in this Petition ; and that after having heard the Wit- nesses and examined the records (to be produced by the proper Officers) in support of the Charges aforesaid, the House will adopt such other and further proceed- ings as in its love of justice and anxious desire to main- tain the rights of Ilis Majesty’s subjects in this Pro- vince, it shall deem right and consistent with the tenor of the Constitutional Act, and the powers, privileges and usages of Parliament, for the purpose of obtaining the removal of the said Honorable Judge from office. Ordered , une protection injusie, eten menacantde son ressentF ment plusieurs sujets de Sa Majeste : Quatriemement. En ce que sous couleur de son autorite pretendue de Juge, il a influence indfunent, menac6, opprime et tyrannise plusieurs officiers de la dite Cour Provinciale ; a siege illegalement comme President dans diverses Sessions GenGales de Quartier de la Paix tenues en differens temps et en diverses circonstances dans le dit District lnferieur, plus particulihrement. dans un cas ouledit Juge avait ete auparavant appele a inter- poser son autorite judieiaire en faveur de l’accuse, a inconsiderement, sans ifficessite, et contre la Loi, agi et si^ge comme Juge de Paix ; dans un cas entre au- tres, ou le dit Juge s’est vu oblige judiciairement de remettre en liberty un des fideles sujets de Sa Majeste, qu’il avait, lui-ineme, fait emprisonner en sa capaeite de Magistral ; et a en outre le dit Juge exerc6 une influ- ence aux droits et libertCs de tout sujet Anglais dans Jes susdites Sessions Generales de Quartier dela Paix du District de Gaspe. Cinquiemement, En autant que le dit Juge s’est frequemment absente du District lnferieur de Gaspe, pour son inter£t individuel, eta fixe sa demeure a Pasbebiac, lieu distant d’environ cinq mil les de la Cour de Justice, d’ou reside le dit Juge, au grand prejudice des interets des fidhles sujets de Sa Majeste du susdit District lnferieur. Sixiemement. Enceque parson intemperance & divers intervalles, plusieurs des termes de la dite Cour Provinciale n’ont pas 6te tenus selon la Loi, ou font et6 imparfaitement en violation de la Loi du Pays etdu Bill des droits. Septiemement. Farce que le dit Juge s’est li6 d’inte- ret a la dernihre Election du Comte de Bonaventure, avec les ennemis declares des li berths du Peuple, qui out violent^ l’opinion publique, employe tons les genres de corruption, lesquels ont apres, dans leur haine avouee des libertes et franchises electives des Habitant du Comte de Bonaventure susdit, institue nombre d’actions dans la Cour Provinciale du susdit District lnferieur, actions que le dit Juge a 6t6 appel6 a decider judiciairement. Iluitiemement. En ce que le dit Juge a outrepass6 sciemment sa jurisdiction, a substitue tant sur le Banc qu’en Chambre, sa propre volonte a la Loi du Pays. Neuviemement. Et en ce que la conduite, les actes, les opinions, les liaisons et les intrigues en general du dit Juge sont tels que les sujets de Sa Majeste dans le dit District lnferieur ont perdu toute conffance dans la susdite Cour Provinciale, etque l’ordre actuel des choses est tout-a-fait propre a aliener l’affection des susdits sujets contre la person- neet le Gouvernement de Sa Majesty en cette Pro- vince : Que le Petitionnaire, les fidhies sujets de Sa Majeste dans le District lnferieur de Gaspe , et la so- effite entiere sont int6ress6s a la conviction du susdit Honorable John-Gavoler Thompson, Juge de la Cour Provinciale de Sa Majesl6 du District lnferieur de Gaspe, s'il est coupable, et que le Petitionnaire est pret a prouver la v£rite de ses accusations en tels temps et lieu, et de telle maniere que la Chambre voudra l’ordonner, et demandant que la Chambre veuille bien prendre en sa s^rieuse consideration les graves sujets de plainte articules en la presente Pe- tition, et qu’aprhs l'audition des temoins et l’inspec- tiondes records qui seront produits par tels officiers a qui il appartiendra au soutien des accusations ci-des- sus, el le veuille adopter tel les autres mesures ult^ri- eures, que, dans son amour pour Injustice et pour la preservation des droits des Sujets de Sa Majest6 en cette Province, el le avisera justes et conformes a 1'Acte Constitutionnel, aux pouvoirs, privileges et usages parlementaires, aux fins d’obtenir finalement l’entiere destitution du susdit Honorable Juge. Ordonne , 6 Will. IV. W° Novembris . 145 Ordered , That the said Petition be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances. Ordonne Que la dite Petition soit imprim^e pour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit r£f6r£e au Co- mity Permanent des Griefs. Message from the Council. The Council have agreed to : Members In- demnity Bill. Convicts Bill. A Message from the Legislative Council by the Ho- norable Mr. De Lery , one of the /Masters in Chancery : Mr. Speaker, The Legislative Council have passed the follow- ing Bills without any amendment : “ An Act to grant an Allowance to the Members of “ the Assembly.” “ An Act for the transportation of certain Offenders “ from this Province to England, to be thence again “ transported to New South Wales or Van Diemen's “ Land.” And then he withdrew. Message du Conseil L^gislatif par l’Honorable M. Messages De Eery , un des Maitres en Chancellerie : Conseil * M. l’Orateur, Le Conseil Lfigislatif a pass6 les Bills suivans, sans Leconseiia arnendement : concouru aux : Acte pour accorder uneallouance aux Membres de Biiiderindem- “ 1’ Assemble.” nuSdesMem- “ Acte qui pourvoit a la deportation de certains Biiidescom- CondamnH de cette Province en Angleterre, pour damnes ‘ “ c ^ e ^ & re de nouveau deports dans la NouvelleGalles “ Meriodionale ou la Terre de Diemen .” Et ensuite il s’est retire. E:ii for preser- Ordered , That Mr. Tache have leave to brim* in a Beachesread -tm* tor preserving, for the purposes of husbandry, the the first tim e . Grass growing on Beaches, in the District of Quebec. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Monday next. On Motion of Mr. Lafontaine , seconded by Mr. De Bleury , hauls' Esquire. Resolved, That George Barthelemi Faribault, Esquire, Assistant c * er ^ appointed, from this day, Assistant Clerk to this House, in the place of the late Jean Antoine Boutillier, Esquire. Ordonne, Que M. Tache ait la permission d’intro- Bl " p ? ur c . con ‘ ctdiie un Bill pour conserver, pour les fins de l’Agricul- sur ,es Greves, ture, le Foin qui croit sur les Greves, dans le District prera, * re de Quebec. II a en consequence pr£sente le dit Bill, lequel a He lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lec- ture a He ordonn^e pour Lundi prochain. Sur Motion de M. Lafontaine, seconde par M. De- Bleury , Resolu, Que George-Barthelemy Faribault, Ecuyer, g. b. Fan. soit n ornme, a compter de ce jour, Assistant Greffier de nommfffir cette Chambre, en remplacement de Jean- Antoine Bou- Assistant - thillier , Ecuyer, decede. “French Resolved, That a Committee of five Members be Translator. named to point out a proper person to fill the situation of french Iranslatorto this House, to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for per- sons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Lafontaine, Mr. Viger, Mr. Blunchet, Mr. Besserer and Mr. Morin do compose the said Committee. Resolu, Qu un Comite de cinq membres soit nom- comite pour me pour indiquer le choix d’une personne convenable ”e““ pour remplir la place de Traducteur Fran9ais de cette Fran ^ ais - Chambre, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir person nes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Lafontaine , M. Viger. M. Blan- chet, M. Besserer et M. Morin, composent le dit Co- mite. On Motion of Mr. De Witt, seconded by Mr. Knight , CoSieefor n 0rdere d, That it be an Instruction to the Standing Hospitals and Committee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, stUuticmsf ln " to en qui»e into the Rules and Regulations of the Cor- poration of the Montreal General Hospital, the terms on which sick persons are admitted into that Institu- tion, the names of the Medical Attendants, the Gover- nors (distinguishing those for life from those elected) for each of the last ten years, respectively ; also, a statement of their Treasurer’s Account, as well as any Revenue or source of profit they may have. Sur Motion de M. De Witt , seconde par M. Knight , Ordonne , Qu’il soit une Instruction au Comite Per- induction au manent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite Comil * p f tna ' desenquei ir des Regies et Reglemens de la Corpo- H ° P itaux et ration de I’Hdpital General de Montreal, des termes de sur lesquels les malades sont admis dans cet Hospice, des noms des Medecins qui y assistent, des Gouver- neurs (distinguant ceux qui sont nommes a vie de ceux qui sont elus) pour chacune des dix dernieres an- nees respectivement ; aussi, de l’etat descomptes de leurs Tresoriers, ainsi que de tons les Revenus et sources de profit qu’ils peuvent avoir. On Motion of Mr. De Witt, seconded by Mr. Knight halved That an humble Address be presented to ing Timber cut His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying His Land! r ° wn Excellency will be pleased to lay before this House, an Account of the quantity of Timber cut upon the uncultivated Lands of the Crown in this Province for each of the last six years, and a detailed Account of all monies collected or received during each of the said years, from the Sales of the Timber cut upon the said Lands ; and, also, a detailed Account of the annual expense of collecting the same, and the manner in which the proceeds have been applied, together with the authority under which such monies have been so collected and applied. Sur Motion de M. De Witt, seconde par M. Knight , Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Ad resse a ^ clresse pour Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son au^eXL* Excellence qu’il lui plaise de mettre devant cette Terre* $ de if Chambre, un Compte de la quantite de Bois coupee Gouronne. sur les Ferres Incultes de la Couronne en cette Pro- vince, pendant chacune des six dernieres annees, et un compte detaiile de tous les Deniers collectes ou re- 9113 pendant chacune des dites annees, et provenanl des ventes du Bois coupe sur les dites Terres ; et aussi, un Compte detaiile de la depense annuelle qu’a occasion- nee leur collection, et la manicre dont ces Revenus ont He employes, avec ensemble la mention del’auto- rite en vertu de laquelle ces Deniers ont He collectes et employes. 2 O Vol — 45. Ordered, Ordonne, 146 1 6 ° Novembris . 1835 . Ordered, That Mr. De Witt , Mr. AT/gA/, Mr. Z/o/cA- Aisi and Mr. Grannis do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. Report on the Mr. Viger, from the Standing Committee of Private commonPeti- Bills, presented to the House the Second Report of the tiononthe said Committee, which was again read at the Clerks Montreal and . , , . , . . , Machine Rail Table, and is as rolloweth : Road Petition. Y our Committee after having taken into considera- tion, 1st. The Petition of divers Proprietors of the Common of Isle du Pads, praying for amendments to an Act passed in the Parliament of this Province in the third year of the Reign of His Majesty William the Fourth, “ intituled, “ An Act for regulating the Com- “ mon of the Isle du Pads , in the County of Berthier 2nd. The Petition of divers Residents and Proprietors of the Island of Montreal , praying to be formed into a Joint Stock Company under the name and style of the Montreal and Lachine Rail Road Company, and after mature deliberation on the said Petitions, are of opi- nion that Your Honorable House ought not to grant the prayer of the said two Petitions, as the I etitioners have not complied with the established Rules of this House relating to Private Bills. Ordonne , Que M. De Witt, M, Kniglit, M. Hotch- kiss et M. Gra?mis presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef M. Viger du Comite Permanent des Bills prives, a presente a la Chambre le DeuxRme Rapport du ditCo- Commune de mite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Grefber, et sur la Peti- „ . tion relative au COmme suit . _ . Chemin a Lis- Votre Comite, apr&s avoir pris en consideration, S esde Montreal 1°. La Petition de divers Proprietaires de la Commu- et Lachine ' ne de Vlle-du-Pas, demandant a amender un Acte passe dans le Parlement de cette Province, dans la troisRme annee du Regne de Sa Majeste Guihaunie Quatre, intitule “ Acte pour regler la Commune de “1 'Ile-du-Pas, dans le Comt6 de Berthier 2 0 .^La Petition de divers Ilesidans et Proprietaires de Pile de Montreal, demandant a former une Compagnie d’Actionnaires sous les nom et raison de Compagnie du Chemin Lisses de Montreal et Lachine, et avoir inurement delibere sur les dites Petitions, est d’opinion sages from Excellency. Jesuits’ Col' lege. 6 Will. [V. 16 ° Novembns. His but at the same time are desirous of retaining the Ford winch is situate at the place where the said Pierre Gin gras proposes erecting a Bridge, as also the approaches to the said proposed Bridge. 3rd. The Petition of P. Duchesnay , Esquire, of Quebec , Seignior of Gau- darvil/e, setting forth his exclusive right to the proprie- torship of the said River Cap Rouge, and that of being aloneentuJed to the Tolls, opposing in consequence the 1 etition of the said Pierre Gingras , concluding however, to be substituted in the place of the said Pierre Gingras, in the event of Your Honorable House granting the prayer of the said Gingras ; having more- over examined the evidence taken on the 28th January 1834, before the Special Committee to whom was re- ferred the Petition of divers Inhabitants of St. Augus- tin and Portneuf, praying permission to erect a Draw Bridge over the said River Cap Rouge, and also the Petition of Michael Scott, — the Report of the said Spe- cial Committee made on the 3rd February of the same year, 1834, the Petition of the said L. J. Duchesnay piesented to the House on the same day, the 3rd Fe t b I^7h the R f , o!ution of the Hou ' se adopted on the 7th February of the same year 1834, and after hav- mg again heard Witnesses, are of opinion, without re gard to the prayer of the said L. J. Duchesnay in his said I etition, that the said Pierre Gingras having con- formed to the Rules prescribed by this House, ought o e authorized to build a Draw Bridge over the said River tap Rouge as described in his Petition, on the condition however that in building the said Bridge he shall not embarrass in any wise the Ford which now exists in that place, a passage which in the opinion of Your Committee ought to be reserved for the public as well as the approaches thereto. Your Committee are moreover of opinion that the Tolls demanded are reasonable. Ordered, That the Fourth Report of the Standing mg Committee of Private Bills be referred to a Com^ mittee or the whole House, to-morrow. 147 rent conserve; un passage i g a &, qui existe dans rea- dmit oule dit Pierre Gingras se propose d’driger an out ainsi que les avenuesqui conduisent au dit Pont, o. tnhn la Petition de Duchesnay, Ecuyer de" Q^hec Svgneuv de Gaudarville, exposant son droit exclus.fa la propn&d de ladite Riviere du Cap BouVe celuide reoevoirsenUes plages, s’opposant en cons!’ pence a la demande du dit Pierre Gingras et cnn eluant n&nmoins a fitre substitu^ au droit du dit Pierre Gmgias, dans le cas ou cette Honorable Chambre accorderait la demande du dit Gingras • avantdpnl.. examine fEnqu^te fait le 28 Janvier devan l Comip Special auquel avait £te r Message, see Appendix (S.) at the end of this Volume, precedent, voir Appendice (S.) a la fin de ce A olumt. GOSFORD, Governor in Chief. GOSFORD, Gouverneur-en-C’hef. Inland Forts of Entry. Referring to that portion of his Speech at the com- mencement of the Session which l elates to the expi ration of the Act regulating the collection of the Re- venne at the several Inland Ports of this Province, whereby the system of reciprocity in the commercial intercourse between Lower Canada ami the United States is affected, the Governor in Chief transmits for the information of the House of Assembly, Copies of a Correspondence that has passed between this Govern- ment and that of the United States, through His Ma- jesty’s Minister at Washington, of Letters to and from the Collector of Customs at Coteau du Lac, and of the opinion given by the Attorney General thereon, and recommends this important subject to the favorable consideration of the House. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 14th November, 1835. Referant a la partiede la Harangue qu il a pronon- cee a 1’ouverture de la Session, relativement a l’expi- ration de l’Acte qui regie la perception du Revenu aux differens Ports interieurs de la Province, et qui affecte le systeme de reciprocity dans les relations com- merciales, entre Ie Bus-Canada et les Etats- Unis, le Gouverneur-en-Chef transrnet, pour l information de la Chambre d’Assemblee, Copie d’une Correspondence qui a eu lieu entre ce Gouvernement et celui des i f jtuls~ Unis, par I’entremise du Ministre de Sa Majeste a Washington, des Lettres regies et envoyees par le Col- lecteur ties Douanes au Coteau du Lac, et de 1 opinion du Procureur- General a ce sujet, et il recommande ce sujet important cl la consideration favorable de la Chambre. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 14 Novembre 1835. Port Ir.terieur d’entre. Appendix (T. ) For the Documents accompanying the preceding Message, see Appendix (T.) at the end of this Volume. Pour les Documens qui accompagnent le Message ApP endice(T.) precedent, voir Appendice (I .) a la fin tie ce Volume. Papers deliver- ed at the Bar : Copies of Com- munications re- lating to Mr. Justice Gale. Appendix (U.) The House being informed (hat Stephen Walcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to His Excellency the Gover- nor in Chief, was at the door, he was called in ; and at the Bar, delivered, pursuant to Addresses to His Excel- lency the Governor in Chief, of the 2nd and 4th instant, the following Documents : 1st. Copies of Communications between the Colonial Secretary and the Provincial Government, relative to the appointment of the Honorable Mr. Justice Gale. For the said Communications, see Appendix (U.) at the end of this Volume. 2nd. ! remis Bar re ; La Chambre etant informee que Stephen Walcott, a la Bar Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Excellence le Gou- verneur-en-Chef, etait a la Porte, i! a etc appele, et. a remis a la Barre les Documens suivans, en conformite des Adresses de cette Chambre a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef du 2 et du 4 du courant. o. Copies de Communications entre le Secretaire Copies de Comj Colonial et le Gouvernement Provincial, relativement | a , jves $ Mt )e Juge Gale. a la nomination de 1’Honorable M. le Juge Gale. Pour les dites Communications, voir Appendice (U.J A pp en( jiee(u4 a la fin de ce Volume. “°* 6 Will. IV, 16“ Novembris, Copies of Com- munications re- lating to Mr. Justice Kerr, Appendix (V.) Copy of a Ge- neral Order re- lating to grants of Lands to Sol- diers. 2nd. Copies of Communications from the Colonial Secretary to the Provincial Government relative to the Charges against Judge Kerr. For the said Communications, see Appendix tVA at the etui of this Volume. v J 3rti - A Copy of a General Order, dated 6th Decem- ei, 1814, relative to granting Lands to Soldiers who served in the late War with the United States of America. Adjutant General’s Office, Montreal, 6th December, 1814. G. O, , ISio. 2. The Commander of the forces has re- ceived instructions from the Right Honorable the Earl o Bathurst, one of His Majesty’s Principal Secretaries or State, to announce to the Troops serving under his command, the gracious intention of His Roval High- ness the Prince Regent, after the cessation of hostilities in consequence of a definitive Treaty of Peace, to grant to a certain portion of each Regiment, in which num- ber those who have families are to be first reckoned, and who are desirous of settling in the Canadas, grants of Land, not exceeding one hundred acres, to each person, in eligible situations, and that those whose fa- milies are in Europe, will be sent to join them in this Country at the expense of the public. His Royal Highness has been further graciously pleased to signify his munificent intention to continue for a period, the issue of Rations, and moreover to sup- ply Implements of Husbandry, either gratis or at a reduced price, as the circumstances and necessities of the Settlers may require. (Signed,) EDWARD BAYNES, Certified. Adjt ' Gen ’ * A ~ John Eden, Lt. Col. Dy. Adjt. Genl. 149 2o. Copies de Communications du Secretaire Colo- Copies de Com- mal au Gouvernement Provincial, relativement aux XKTm. accusations contrc 1 g fjugc K.CW* le Juge Kerr. , 1 ° UI ] es dites Communications, voir Appendice (V.) A Ppe ndice(v.) a fa fin de ce Volume. v ' So. Copie d’un Ordre General, dat6 du 6 Decern- r bre 1814, relativement aux octrois de Terres aux Sol- <*5™ General dats qui ont servi durant la derniere Guerre avec les St, Joints- Unis a Amerique. aux Soidats. Bureau de l’Adjudant General Montreal, 6 Decembre 1814. * G. G. i N -r ?'u Le Cojiiraandant des Forces est charge par le Fr^s- Honorable Comte Bathurst l’un des Prin cipaux Secretaires d’Etat de Sa Majeste, d’annoncer aux 1 roupes sous ses ordres, que Son Altesse Royale se propose, apres la cessation des hostility par suite du ra.te defin.tif de paix, d’accorder k un certain nombre d homines dans chaque Regiment, parmi lesquels l’on devra d abort compter ceux qui ont des families et qui desirent s etabhr dans les Canadas, des octrois de Ter- re n excedant pas cent acres pour chaque personne, dans des endroits convenables, et que ceux dont les families sont en Europe seront envoy&s dans ce Pavs aux fraisdu Public. J ’ ID. pi u en outie a Son Altesse Royale d exprimer sa gracieuse intention de continuer a accorder des ra- tions pendant un certain temps, et de fournir les in- strumens propres a l’Agriculture, soit gratis ou a des prix modiques, suivant les circonstances et les besoins des Colons. fSigne,) EDWARD BAYNES, Certifie. Adj ' ° enl * Am N ' John Eden, Lt.-Col. Depth Adjt. Genl. am M °‘ i0n ° f Mr ' °' Ca!,aehan ’ seconded b y Mr. c/ Sur Motion de M. 0‘Calla S han, seconde par Al. The Communi- Ordered, That the Communications dplit/proH -d tLo > r\ i „ S'S'/JS 8 Bar of this House, this day, relative to the appoint- Bane X cett^Chambre 0 ^ ' . remises * Gate referred, of 'be Honorable Mr. Justice Gale, be referred nomination de fllonorabl’e * !? to the .Standing Comm.ttee of Grievances. ferees au Comite Pemanent des Griefs! ’ 6nt ^ am M °‘ i0n ° f M " Dt BkUnJ ' SeCOndecI by Mr - Ba " de M. De Bleury, seconde par M , Her. resowfuseinnfo atm"f foHt & enfe P Tlr’ Ch ™ b ” - consider whether it would not he expedient to provide ddrer hi ne Sa nai eW r ? ambre ’ - P °" r »»*- Kr of Correc,ion in the severd Districts d£ tncts de cette Province. Les Communi- cations relatives a M. le Juge Gale, referees. Houses of Cor- rection to be considered. Maisons de Correction a etre considered, Mr. Knight presented to the House the Reports of the Agricultural Society of the County of Missislcoui, for the years 1834 and 1835. For the said Reports, see Appendix (H.) at the end of this Volume. The Order of the day for the second reading of the Bill for the better relief of the Creditors of such as shall become Bankrupt, and for other purposes therein men- tioned, being read; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be Dost- poned till Wednesday next. t,S ri A BiU for the further regulation of Taverns and Ta- «econd time. vernkeepers, and for other purposes therewith connec- ted, was, according to Order, read a second time. Alissiskoui Agricultural Society Re- ports. Appendix (H.) Bill for the re- lief of the Cre- ditors of Bank- rupts deferred. , , Puente a la Chambre les Rapports de Ka PP or,s de . a Ja 3ociete d Agriculture pour le Comte de MissiJmd So , ci6t ® d Apn - pour lesann^es 1834 et 1835. ’ *£”. eM,s ' Pour les chts Rapports, voir Appendice (H.) a l a A Pr endice(H.) nn de ce Volume. v J a L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour BiI1 p°ur ie lVB™Sonl deS f Cr&nC j. e ' S de “ UX qUUbnt Fa,llite ou iJanqueioute, et pour d autres fins y mei ltionnces des Banquerou- ayant ete 111 ; J ’ tiers, remis, Ordonne Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mer credi prochain. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill qui fait des RAMe. mu*. nT , ' S f 0n ? e,nan , t les Aub ?'S es et les Auber- seconde d objetS 7 re latifs * 3 hi une 2 P Vol. — 45. Resolved, Resolu, 150 16 ° Novetnbns . A. 1835. *****: ^rfio ^th5Sr. d i.h :7z Per to' send fo, persons, papers an Or*rrf S That Mr. De Bleary, Mr. Meilleur Mr v 7guy, Mr. Cote and Mr. Gr««®» do compose the «d Committee. Besohiy Que le dit Bill soit rtfere a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute^ la dili- gence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer quern* per- sonnes, papiers et records. Ordonnl Que M. De Bleary, M. Me, Hear, M. De- ligny , M. Cote et M. Gramas composent le dit Connte. Useful Arts Bill read the second time. A Bill to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and cording to Order, read a second time. ReS0 \ e L 0 r^h^lr, InZ. ^rntlp^d^ttpo^to'send for person, papers an Or*rerf, S ’That Mr. De Bleary, Mr Clapham, Mr. Tessier, Mr. Berthelot and Mr. Leshe do compose the said Committee. Ccnformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour rappeler cer- tains Actes y mentionnes, et incorporer en un seul Acte les dispositions d’iceux, an sujet de 1 encourage- ment des Arts utiles en cette Province, a itclu une SCL «e'.TOfa,°Que le dit Bill soit rOfere a un Comite de cine Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la di- ligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querirpei- S0 OrrfoOT a rQue e M?X d £fea^, M. Clapham, M. Tes. sier, M. Berlhdot et M. Leslie composent le dit Connte. Bill au sujet des Arts utiles, !u une seconde fois. Villages Police Bill read the second time. > f cenain'rt cTi^nimg Henry, and other Villages, was, according to Ordei, “ trdl XThat m the said Bill be referred to the Stand- ing Committee of Expiring Laws. Ccnformement a I’Ordre, un Bill pour faire reviyre, amende,- et continuer, pour un temps limite, . un , certain v^.s. Acte concernant la Police de li illiam Henry , etautres Villages, a fcte lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit r^rere au Comite Per- manent des Lois expirantes. Mil,,,. Pen- The Order of the day for the House ; „os. Balder,,- ontiie Bill to amend the Act Ot the >' " fhp Rpie*n of George the lliud, L-napte to the Pensions of wounded Militiamen, being read; red. Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. T ’Ordre du lour pour que laChambre se lot me en Co- )a p ensjon de* rnits sur le Bill pour aroender P Acte de la cinquante- »,«—• cinquihme anilee tlu ltegne de George Tro.s, Lhapitre dix, concernant la Pension des Miliciens blesses, ayant Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. Committee on Provincial Or- dinances and Statutes Bill. The Order of the day for the House m Committee ,m the Bill to provide for the re-printing of the Pi o- vincial Ordinances and Statutes now in force, bu o r °The House accordingly resolved itself into the said C M™P«r look the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent t ] ierein : . ^A"r U ”e e p d or'ted thaT Ihe Committee had -i tiv» Rill and had made several amend- menVthereto, which he was directed to report to the ^Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. nances de la Province et Staluls, L’Ordre du lour pour que la Chambre se fot me en ^°™^ e la s t “ f r Ie Comite sur le Bill pour pourvoir a la reimpression des Ordonnances de la Province, et des Statuts mainte- nant enforce, ayant ctelu;^ , ,• La Chambre s’est en consequence form£e en le dit C°]\L Power a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apr£s y ayoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteui. ; Lt M. Power a fait rapport que le Comite avait pas- s6 le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit regudemain. The Order of the day for the House in Committee First Kepon on 1 he Urcie „ A q t . m n; n0 ’ Committee of Agn- Agricuiture de- on ^he First Repoi t ol the otanu CU Me’ret Ttatfte said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent culture, ren. d’Agriculture, ayant etelu; . » , Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. rp, n ., (ler 0 f t he day for the House in Committee Committee on The Uiuei oi v , fmm wasting or dimi- , no- t e value of their immoveable property under lushing . . • c hpins* read , perty Bi'*‘ S,To re “jury Id lhe.r Creditors; being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said C M ffardy took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, . And S M? ke ^^Teported thTthe Committee had gomT th rou gtMhe ~B i 1 1 f and had made an s-ndment L’Ordre du iour pour que la Chambre se forme en Co- ^' r t e e la *“ f r e mite sur le Bill pour empecher les D^biteurs de deten- -ggjJ* oi e r ou diminuer la valeur de leurs propr^tes immo- bilieres durantla saisie d icelles, au prejudice de leu s Cr Ta C Charnbre s’est en consequence formee en le dit C M %rdy a pris le Fauteuil du Comit6; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps. Et' M^Zd'y 7(7' r "que le avait passb le Bill, et y avait fait un. amendement^lequel Answer to an Address. Petition for the renewal of the Montreal In- corporation Act. Petition for Commissioners to enquire into the Bankruptcy Law. 6 Will. IV, 16 °— 1 7° Novembris. 151 thereto, which amendment was again read at the Clerk’s table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be en- grossed. amendementa&d lude nouveau 4 la Table du Greffier etadoptd par la Chambre. ’ Ordonnd, Que le dit Bill tel qu’amendt- soit grossoye. Then, on Motion of Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hotchkiss, J The House adjourned. Alors, sur Motion de M.‘ Hotchkiss , La Chambre s’est ajournee. Scott, second^ par Mi Tuesday , YJth November, 1885. R. Lafontaine , accompanied by the other Mes- sengers, reported to the Hotise, that their Ad- dress of the fourteenth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying him to be pleased to lay before tins House, Copies of all the Statements fur- nished to the Executive Government of this Province, within the last five years, by the several Sheriffs in this Province, or by the Prothonotaries or Clerks of the se- veral Courts therein, of the Income they derive from their respective Offices, had been presented to His Ex- cellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the fol- lowing Answer : GOSFORD, Governor in Chief. Gentlemen, I request you to inform the House of Assembly that the Original Statements, Copies of which are prayed for by this Address, were not preserved after having been copied into the Blue Book, with the ex- ception of those for the year 1834. + L I m lll ’i° W 1 eV ^ r ’ Y ith P ieasure direct extracts from the Blue Books for the years 1830, 1831, 1832 and 1833 containing the required information, and Copies of the Oiiginal Statements for the year 1834, to belaid before the House as soon as they cau be prepared. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 17th November, 1835. ^, et ^ I0n of tlie Mayor and Common Council of the City of Montreal, was presented to the House by Mr Leshe and the same was received and read ; representing that the Act of the 1st Will. IV., Cap. 54 , intituled* An Act to incorporate the City of Montreal,” will ex- pire on the first day of May, 1836 ; and prayino- that the said Act may be renewed and amended. 0 Resolved, That the said Petition be referred to a Committee of five Members, to examine the contents thereof, and to report thereon with all convenient cord' Wlt 1 P ° Wei t0 SSnd f ° l P ersons ’ Papers and re- That Mr. Leslie, Mr. Besserer, Mr. Caron, Mi. De Wilt and Mr. Scott do compose the said Com mittee. The following Petitions were presented to the House and the same were received and read • viz • By Mr. Leslie, — A Petition of divers Merchants and Iiadeisoi the Distnctof Montreal ; praying the House to pass an Act to authorize the appointment of Com- missioners to enquire into the state of the Laws in this Province respecting Bankruptcy and Insolvency in or- der to a due amendment of the same. A Mardi, 17 Novembre 1835. M. L °tT am k> accom P a S I f des autres Mcssa- iu*~i „ gers, a fait rapport a la Chambre, que Son Adre,se ' Adresse du quatorze du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priantSon Excellence de vouioir b.en fournir a cette Chambre, Copies de tons les omptes fourms au Gouvernement Ex6cutif de cette rovmce, pendant les cinq demises annees, par lesdif- crens Snenfs de cette Province, etdes Greffiers desdif- rentes Cours de Justice en icelle, des Revenus de euis charges respectives, avait ete pr&ent&i a SonEx- suilaiue : ^ qU 1 U1 aVait plU de donner Ia R eponse GOSFORD, Gouverneur-en-Chef. Messieurs, Je desire que vous informiez la Chambre d’Asseffl. blee que les exposes or, ginaux dont on demande d^ Cop,es par cette Adresse, n'ont pas He conserv/s apres avoir ete copies dans le Livre Bleu, a l’exceotion de ceux cle 1 annee 1834. xception J’ordonnerai cependant, avec plaisir, que des Ex tiaits des Livres Bleus, pour les annees 1830 isai 183* et.1833, nontenant 1 VinformauSn deSSdfc It des Copies des nxposfs originaux pour l’ann "e 1834 lTr?pr™arS. Vantl3 Chambre> aussit6t 9^ pourrom Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 17 Novembre 1835. Une Petition du Maire et du Consei' d P V;n Q a r Cife rlf> Mnntrvnl n UA r ae Vl ‘le de la Petition pour j 7- ^ , ‘ j al, a ete presentee ala Chambre nar l\l renoureI| cment Leslie, laquel e a ete recue pt I,,* . * par de rAc,e d ' in - Acte de la lere 6 ml: IV. Chap. 54, intitule, “ Acte pour incorporer la Cite de Montreal, - expirera e premier jour de Ma. 1836; et demandant ,77™ dit Acte soit renouveH et amende. 1 e a,t Resolu Que la dite Petition soit referee a un Comite decmq Membres, pouren examiner le contenuet en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec Z voir d envoyer quenr personnes, papiers et records 0r d°nnJ, Que M. Leslie, M. Besserer, M. Caron -I. De Witt et M. Scott composent le dit Comite. * Les Petitions suiyantes ont 6t6 prhentees k la Cham bre ’ e H ue J ,es . ont ete Jecues et lues; savoir • et Comm'efca , M , da U n^ t i ti a n tr divers Chanda Ch.r”d^ d “„?A^r la tS ~°- tion de Commissaires pour s’euquerir de' Pgtat'd en cette Province, au'sujct desVnqu er o u £ » htes, aux fins d amender ces Lois. Une 152 17° Novembriss A. 1835, Petition rela- ting to obstruc- tions in the Ri- ver St. Law- rence, and to the Dredging Machine. Message rela- ting to Inland Foils of Entry referred. A Petition of divers Merchants and others of the City of Montreal ; praying the House to grant such a sum of money as may be deemed necessary for full and accurate Surveys being taken of the nature and extent of the obstructions in the River St. Lawrence, at Isle Platte, Isle au Bagne, and Lake St. Peter, with a view to devise the best means for their removal, if practica- ble • and that in the mean time, measures may be taken to put in immediate operation the Dredging Machine some time since imported into this Province, and to have it employed in deepening those parts of the River or Harbour of Montreal , that may appear more imme- diately to require it. ^ . . . c Ordered, That the two preceding Petitions be refer- red to the Standing Committee of Trade. Resolved, That the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the 14th instant, received yester- day, which relates to the expiration of the Act legu- lating the collection of the Revenue at the seveial In- land'Ports of this Province, with the Documents ac- companying the same, be referred to a Committee of five Members, to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and le- cords. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie, Mr. Archambeault, Mr. De Witt, Mr. Besserer and Mr. Boutillier do compose the said Committee. On Motion of Mr. De Witt, seconded by Mr. Notch- filSS The Petition of Ordered, That the Standing Committee of Public re fened Vo°^ Accounts be discharged from the further consideration Committee on p ^| ie Petition of Robert Hoyle, Collector of the Cus- j n land Ports of at the Port of Stanstead . an d that the said Peti- tion be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, which relates to the expiration of the Act re- gulating the collection of the Revenue at the several Inland °Ports of this Province. Entry. Une Petition de divers Marchands et autres, de la Cit6 de Montreal ; priant la Chambre d’accorder une somme de deniers qu’elle jugera n6cessaire pour faire Laurentet au faire des explorations exactes et entires de la nature Cu ' e ' mole ' et de letendue des obstacles que le Fleuve St. Laurent ofiVe a la navigation, a Vile Plate, Vile an Baguee tan Lac St. Pierre, dans la vue de suggerer le meilleur moyen de les faire disparaitre, si e'est praticable, et en meme temps de faire prendre des mesures pour mettre immediatement en operation le Cure-mole, importd en cette Province ily a quelque temps, et de creuser les parties du Fleuve ou Havre de Montreal, qui paraitront 1’exiger immediatement. Ordonne, Que les deux Petitions precedentes soient referees au Comite Permanent du Commerce. llesolu, Que le Message de Son Excellence le Gou- verneur-en-Chef, du 14 du courant, recu hier, qui a imgrieurs d’en- rapport a f expiration de l’Acte reglaut la perception du Ilevenu aux differens Ports interieurs de cette Pro- vince, avec les Documens qui 1 accompagnent, soit re- feres a un Comite de cinq Membies, pom en fane rap- port avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d envoyer querir personnes, papieis et lecoids. Ordonne , Que M. Leslie, M., AI. Dc JVitt, M. Besserer et M. Boutillier composent le dit ComitC Sur Motion de M- De Wilt , seconde par M. Notch - hlSS, . La Petition de Ordonne, Que le Comite 1 ermanent ties Comptes Robert Hoyie Publics soit decharge de la consideration ulterieure de r JKn« r nm la Petition de Robert Hoyle, Collecteur des Douanes au Port de Stanstead, et que la elite Petition soit re- feree au Comite Special auquel est refere le Message de Sou Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, qui a rappoit a Pexpiration de l’ Acte reglant la perception du Leve- nu aux differens Ports interieurs de cette Province. Bill relating to the closing of Inventories read the first time. Answers to Votes of Thanks. Letter fromMr. Speaker con- veying Vote of Thanksto Hon. D. B. Viger. Ordered, That Mr. Girouard have leave to bring in a Bill for the better regulation of the formalities to be observed in the closing of Inventories. He accordinglv presented the said Bill, and the same was read tor the'' first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Friday next. Air. Speaker informed the House, that in obedience to its Orders, he had transmitted the Votes of thanks of' this House of the 9th instant, to the Honorable Denis Benjamin Viger and Augustin Norbert Morin, Esquire, a Member of this House, accompanying which Votes, he had written Letters to each of the said Gentlemen, and had received their Answers thereto, which Letters and Answers he read to the House. On Motion of Mr. Lafontaine , seconded by Mr. Larue 1 Ordered, That the said Letters and Answers be in- serted in the Journal of this House, and make part thereof. The said Letters and Answers are as rollowetn : Letter from Mr. Speaker to the Honorable Denis Benjamin Viger. Quebec, 10th November, 1S35. Sir, Ordonne, Que M. Girouard ait la permission d’intro- Sill relatif a la duire un Bill pour mieux regler la formalite de la clo- ture d’lnventaire. _ , premiere fo... II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordomHe pour Vendredi prochain. M. l’Orateur a inform^ la Chambre, qu'en obeissance asesordres, il avait transmis les votes de remercimens amem. de cette Chambre, du 9 du courant, a 1’Honorable De- nis- Benjamin Viger et Augustin-N orbert Morin, Ecu- V er, Alembre de cette Chambre, accompagnant ces votes de Lettres qu’il avait Rentes a chacun des dits Alessieurs, et qu’il avait recu leurs reponses a icelles, lesquelles Lettres et Reponses il a lues a la Chambie. Sur Motion de M. Lafontaine, seconde par M. Larue , Ordonne, Que les dites Lettres et Reponses soient inserees dans le Journal de cette Chambre, et en fas- sent partie. Les dites Lettres et Reponses sont comme suit : Lettre de M. l’Orateur a V Honorable Denis-Benjamin “ rr* nvoHanf nn ^ Viger. It is with the most lively satisfaction that I per- form the duty, assigned to me by the House of Assem- bly, Quebec, 10 Novembre 1S35. Monsieur, C’est avec la plus vive satisfaction que je remplis le devoir dont m’a charge la Chambre d Vssemblce, celm trans- mettant un Vo- te de remerci- mens a l’Hon. D. B. Viger. 6 Will. IV. 17° Novembris . 153 bly, of transmitting to you the Thanks of that House for tiie talent, assiduity and enlightened patriotism, with which you filled the important situation of their A^ent with His Majesty’s Government and the Imperial Par- liament. You tore yourself from your friends, your fa- mily and your native Country, to pass several years in a distant land, there to defend your Country’s rights which had been infringed by the Provincial and Metro- politan Administrations, and by the interference of the British Parliament in our internal Legislation, and to denounce abuses in this Province too grave and too in- veterate to leave any doubt on the mind of an impartial and judicious observer, that they are the result of a vi- cious system of Government. * The faults which by your intervention have been partly punished,— the grievances which through your exertions have been partly remedied, will again and again return, if the Provincial Authorities are not, by virtue of a change of system, so re-constituted as to co-operate in future with the Repi esentatives of a free and moral population, composed almost exclusively of landed proprietors, in that spirit of harmony and good feeling, which has hi- therto been so little prevalent. You strove earnestly to make the wishes and the wants of the people of British America on this behalf, understood by the English Nation and Government. -The House of Assembly unanimously thanks you for the services you have rendered to your Country. If I might be permitted to add the expression of my own sentiments to that of the sentiments of the Repre- sentatives of your Country, I should tell you, Sir, that no one could have more sincere pleasure in offering you this testimony of their approbation, than, Your very humble and obedient Servant, L. J. PAPINEAU, Speaker of the House of Assembly. The Honorable J D. B. Viger. celui de vous transmettre ses remercimens, du talent, e assiduite, du patriotisme eclaird avec lesquels vous avez rempli la situation importante d’Agent aupr^s du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste et du Parlement Impe- na \ ous vous etes arrache a vos amis, rt votre fa- mille, au Pays natal, pour aller au loin, pendant plu- sieurs annees, defendre ses droits leses par les Admi- nistrations Provinciales et Metropolitaines, ainsi que par 1 intervention du Parlement Britannique dans notre Legislation interne, et denoncer des abus trop o-raves et trop inveteres en cette Province, pour qu’au°iuo-e. ment de tout observateur impartial et judicieux, ils^ie soient pas considers comme le resultat d’un systeme vicieux de. Gouvernement. Les fautes dont en par- tie vous avez obtenu la puoition ; les Griefs dont en partie nous avons obtenu la reparation, bientot reparai- traient, renaitraient sans cesse, si par des changemens organiques les autres Autoritfs Provinciales n’etaient pas reconstitutes de mani&re a agir dans l’avenir, avec cette harmonie et ce concert qui ont si peu rfgne dans le passe, avec les Representans Delegufs par une po- pulation libre et morale, presqu’universellement com- pose de proprietaires fonciers. Vous vous etes attache a faire connaitre a la Nation et au Gouvernement Anglais ce voeu et ce besoin des peuples de V Amerique Anglaise. A 1’unanimite, la Chambre d’Assemblee vous remercie des services que vous avez rendus a la Patrie. H S’il m’est permis d’ajouter l’expression de mes sen- timens particuliers a celle des sentimens exprimes par les Representans de votre Pays, je vous dirai, Mon- sieur, que personae ne peut vous offrir ceite marque d’approbation avec plus de plaisir et de sincerite que Votre tres-humble et obfissant Serviteur, L. J. PAPINEAU, Orateur de la Chambre d’Assemblee L’Honorable D.-B. Viger. Honble. D. B. Vjger’s answer. Answer of the Honorable Denis Benjamin Viger. Quebec , 16th November, 1835. Sir, I beg you to be pleased to accept my thanks for the Letter you did me the honor to address to me on the tenth instant, and in my name, and on my behalf; to express to the House of Assembly my gratitude for the assurance I have received, that my feeble services have given me a claim to its approbation. It is not in my power to prove the sincerity of this feeling, or the high value I set on the esteem of the Members of Your Honorable House, and of my fellow Countrymen whom they represent, otherwise than by continuing zealously to second their efforts to remedy the abuses against which they remonstrate, and so to improve the system of Government, that the Laws may become the expression of the public will, and may be made with a view to the general interest, and to the happiness of all. I beg you more particularly to accept my thanks for the flattering expression of your own sentiments with regard to me, and to present to Your Honorable House, and to receive yourself, the assurance of the profound respect, with which I have the honor to be, Sir, Your very humble and obedient servant, The Honorable * VIGER ' Louis Joseph Papineau, Speaker of the House of Asssembly of Lower Canada. Letter vol. — 45, Reponse de l’Honorable Denis- Benjamin Viger. Quebec, 16 Novembre 1835. Monsieur, Jevousprie de vouloir bien agreer mes remerci- mensde la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’adresser le dix de ce mois, et de vouloir bien etre mon organeaupres de la Chambre d’Assemblee, pour lui tfmoigner ma reconnaissance de 1’assurance que je recois que mes faibles services m’ont acquis des titres a son approbation. Je puis donner une preuve plus formelle de la ve- rite de ce sentiment, comme du prix que je mets h l’es- timedes Membres de Votre Honorable Chambre et de mes Concitoyens qu’elle represente, qu’en continuant a seconder avec zele leurs efforts pour porter remade aux abus contre lesquels ils r^clament, pour ameliorer le systHne du Gouvernement de la Province, pour que les Lois soient l’expression de la volonte publique, qu’elles soient Stabiles dans J’interet general et pour le bonheur commun. Je vous prie d’accepter en particujier mes remerci- mens de I’expression flatteuse de vos propres sentimens a mon egard, et de faire agreer a Votre Honorable Chambre, comme de recevoir vous-meme, 1’assurance du profond respect avec lequel J’ai l’honneur d’etre, Monsieur, Votre tr£s-humble et Obeissant Serviteur, D. B. VIGER, L’Honorable Louis-Josepli Papineau, Orateur de la Chambre d’Assemblee du Bas-Canada. Lettre 2 Q Rtponse de I’ Hon. D. B, Viger. 1 7 ° Novemiris. A. 18 35. Letter from Mr. Speaker conveying vote of Thanks to Mr. Morin. Mr. Morin's answer. 15 * Letter from Mr. Speaker to Augustin Norbert Morin, Esquire . Quebec , 10th November, 1835. Sir, It is with the most lively satisfaction that I per- form the duty, assigned to me by the House of Assem- bly, of transmitting to you the Thanks of that House for the talent, assiduity and enlightened patriotism, with which you filled the important situation of their Agent with His Majesty’s Government and the Impe- rial Parliament. You tore yourself from your friends, your family and your native Country to go to a distant land, there to defend your Country’s rights which had been infringed by the Provincial and Metropolitan Ad- ministrations, and by the interference of the British Parliament in our internal Legislation, and to denounce abuses in this Province too grave and inveterate to leave any doubt on the mind of an impartial and judi- cious observer, that they are the result of a vicious system of Government. The faults which by your in- tervention have been partly punished, the grievances which through your exertions, have been partly reme- died, will again and again return, if the Provincial Authorities are not, by virtue of a change of system, so re-constituted as to co-operate in future with the Representatives of a free and moral population, com- posed almost exclusively of landed proprietors, in that spirit of harmony and good feeling, which has hitherto been so little prevalent. You strove earnestly to make the wishes and the wants of the people of British America on this behalf, under- stood by the English Nation and Government. The House of Assembly unanimously thanks you for the services you have rendered to your Country. If I might be permitted to add the expression of my own sentiments to that of the sentiments of all your Colleagues, I should tell you, Sir, that no one could have more sincere pleasure in offering you this testi- mony of their approbation, than, Your very humble and obedient servant, L. J. PAPIN E AC, Speaker of the House of Assembly. Augustin "Norbert Morin, Esquire, M. P. P. for the County of Bellechasse. Answer of Augustin Norbert Morin, Esquire. Quebec, lGth November, 1S35. Sir, The expression of the sentiments of the House of Assembly with regard to the Mission with which I was entrusted during the Session before last, as con- tained in the Resolution of the 9th instant, is a reward which could not be otherwise than an object of my ambition. If I found it impossible to perform the duty assigned to me with the talent and ability which were to be desired, I console myself with the conviction that in zeal at least, I was not found wanting. The perseverance of the House and of the People, has happily had the effect of bringing into discredit the Colonial system hitherto adopted, and of awakening in Canada the hope of better days. 1 shall be happy if the Representatives of my Countrymen believe that I have contributed in the slightest degree to produce this effect ; at the same time that if the result of our representations shall be such as we could wish, I shall feel Lettre de M. l’Orateur a Augustin Norbert Morin , Ecuyer. Quebec , 10 Novembre 1835. Monsieur, C'estavec la plus vive satisfaction queje remplis le devoir dont m’a charge la Chambre d’Assemblee, celui de vous transmettre ses remercimens, du talent, de l’assiduite, du patriotisme eclaire avec lesquels vous avez rempli la situation importante d’Agent aupres du Gouverriement de Sa Majeste et du Parlement Impe- rial. Vous vous etes arrache a vos amis, a votre fa- mille, au Pays natal pour aller au loin, defendre ses droits leses par les Administrations Provinciales et Me- tropolitaines, ainsi que par 1’intervention du Parle- ment Britannique dans notre Legislation interne, et denoncer ties abus trop graves et inveteres en cette Province, pour qu’au jugement de tout observateur impartial et judicieux, ils ne soient pas consideres com- me le resultat d un systeme vicieux de Gouvernement. Les fautes dont en partie vous avez obtenu la punition ; les Griefs dont en partie nous avons obtenu la repara- tion, bientot reparaitraient, renaitraient sans cesse, si par des chamgemens organiques les autres Autorites Pro- vinciales nYtaient pas reconstitutes de maniere a agir dans l’avenir, avec cette harmonie et ce concert qui ont si peu rtgne dans le passe, avec les Representans De- leguts par une population libre et morale, presqu’uni- versellement composee de proprietaires fonciers. Lettre de M. l’Orateur irani- mettant un Vo- te de remerci- mens a M. Mo- rin. Vous vous ttes attache a faire connaitrea la Nation et au Gouvernement Anglais ce voeu et ce besoin des peuples de V Amiri que Anglaise. A l’unanimite, la Chambre d Assemblee vous remercie des services que vous avez rendus a la Patrie. S’il m’est permis d’ajouter 1’expression de mes sen- timens particuliers a celle des sentimens exprimes par tons vos Collegues, je vous dirai, Monsieur, que per- sonne ne peut vous offrir cette marque d’approbation avec plus de plaisir et de sincerite que Votre trts-humble et Obeissant Serviteur, L. J. PAPINEAU, Orateur de la Chambre d’Assemblee. Augustin- Norbert Morin, Ecuyer, M. P. P. pour le Comtt de Bellechasse. Reponse d’ Augustin- Norbert Morin, Ecuyer. Reponse de m. Morin. Quebec, 16 Novembre 1835. Monsieur, La manure dont la Chambre d’Asscmblee a bien voulu s exprimer par sa Resolution du 9 de ce mois sur la Mission en Angleterre dont el le me chargea durant Pavant-derniere Session, est une recompense que je n’aipu qu’ambitionner. Si je n’ai pu remplir la tache avec le talent et l’habilett adesirer, je me con- solerai par la certitude de n’avoir pas manqut de zele. La perseverance de la Chambre et du Peuple a heu- reusement servi a decrediter le Svsteme Colonial adop- ts jusqu’ici, et a donner au Canada l’espoir de meil- leurs jours. Je me feliciterai de ce que la Represen- tation de mon Pays vent bien croire que j’y ai tant soit peu contribue ; non sans reconnaitre que si le re- sultat de nos representations est tel que nous l’espe- rons, il sera d u en bien plus grande partie a ceux qui m’ont 6 Will. IV. 1 7“ Novembris. 155 Message to Council for at- tendance of Honorables R. de St. Ours and P. D. De- bartzch. feel that it is due in a much greater measure to those who preceded, accompanied, and followed me, as Agents of the Province. Permit me, Sir, to assure you how sensible I am of the flattering expressions used in the Letter by which you have communicated to me the thanks of the As- sembly. There is no one on whose good opinion I set a higher value, not only on account of the high station which you hold, but because of the distinguished ser- vices you have rendered and still continue to render to your Country. With these sentiments, and wih the greatest respect and consideration, I have the honor to subscribe myself, Your very humble and obedient servant, rri TT . A. N. MORIN. I he Honorable L. J. Papineau, Speaker of the House of Assembly ol Lower Canada. On Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Blanchard, Resolved, That a Message be sent to the Legislative Council, praying their Honors will permit the Hono- rabies Roc De St. Ours and Pierre Dominique Dehartzch, two of their Members, to attend the Special Commit- tee of this House, to whom are referred the Report of the Commissioners for the Chamblij Canal, and also the Report of the Commissioners for the improvement of the Navigation of the River Richelieu, namely, the said Honoiabie hoc de St. Ours on friday next, at ten o’clock m the forenoon, and the said Honorable Pierre Do- minique Dehartzch, on Saturday next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to be examined on the subject of the said references. Ordered, That rvlr. Viger do carry the said Message to the Legislative Council. m out pi ecede, accompagne et suivi comme Agent de la Province. Permettez-moi, Monsieur, de vous exprimer combien je suis sensible aux expressions flatteuses de la lettre par laqudle vous m’avez communique les remercimens de 1 Assemblee. II n est personne a I’opinion de qui j attache un plus haut prix, non-seulement a raison du poste 6\ev6 que vous occupez, mais a cause des ser- vices distingues que vous avezrendus etque vous con- tinuez de rendre au Pays. Avec ce sentiment, Mon- sieur, et avec^un respect etune consideration distinguee, J’ai 1’honneur de me souscrire, Votre tres-humble etobeissant Serviteur, T ,rj I, A. N. MORIN. L Honorable L.-J. Papincau , Orateur de la Chambre d’Assemblee du Bas-Canada . Sur Motion deM. Viger, second^ par M. Blanchard, _ hesolu, Qu’il soit envoye un Message au Conseil Messa c e » u L' gislatif, pour prier leurs Honneurs de permettre aux S^pn'edTs" u Honorables Rocde St. Ours, et Pierre Dominique De- STtoZ? )art ~ch, deux de leurs Membres, de venir devant le Co- , p D \ De * mile Special de cette Chambre, auquel ont eter^feres le Rapport des Commissaires du Canal de Chambly, et le Rapport des Commissaires pour 1’amelioration de la Na- vigation de la Riviere Richelieu, savoir, le dit Honorable Roc de St. Ours, Vendredi prochain, a Dix Heurcs du matin et le dit Honorable Pierre- Dominique Dehartzch, Samedi prochain, a dix Heures du matin, pouretre exa- mines sur le sujet des dites references. Ordonne , Que M. Conseil Legislatif. Viger porte le dit Message au The Report of the Quebec Commissioners for the relief of Insane persons, &c. referred. Independence of the Judges to be considered. On Motion of Mr. Bedard, seconded by Mr. Bou- tillier. Ordered, That the Report of the Commissioners for the relief of Insane and Invalid persons and Foundlino-s in the District of Quebec, presented to the House on the sixth instant, be referred to the Standing Commit- tee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions. 0 On Motion of Mr. Bedard, seconded by Mr. Fortin, Resolved, That this House will, on Saturday next, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider the expediency of adopting Legislative pro- visions to insure the independence and uprightness of the Judges in this Province. On Motion of Mr. Bedard, seconded by Mr. Letour- neau. Ordered, That the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief of the 13th instant, received yester- day, lelatingto the Jesuits’ College, be referred to the Standing Committee on the Jesuits’ Estates. Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the said Com- mittee, to ascertain the actual value of the said College, and the ground attached to it, and also the annual Re- venue which might now be derived from the said Col- lege and ground, and the average annual Revenue which might have been derived from the same during each period of ten years between the present time and that at which they were first taken possession of bv the Military Authorities. * thoni 5 for iT" ^ r * Knight, from the Special Committee to whom duly authenti^ were referred the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the ofRarSr 8 Townshi P s of Stanbridge , Dunham, and the Seigniory Births, &c. r Message rela- ting io the Je- suits’ College referred, with an Instruction to the Commit- tee. Of Sur Motion de M. Bedard, seconde par M. Boutil- lier, Ordonne, Que le Rapport des Commissaires pour le LeR *pp° rt des soutien des Insens^s-malades et En fans- trouts dans Je District de Quebec, presente it la Chambre le six du st^Toue- courant, soit refere au Comite Permanent pour les bec > rif6ri - Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite. Sur Motion de M. Bedard, second^ par M. Fortin, Resolu, Que, Samedi prochain, cette Chambre se In ^P emiJllce formera en Comite de tonte la Chambre, pour consi- deiersilne serait pas convenable d’adopter des me- sures legislatives pour assurer 1’independance et l’in- tegnte des Juges en cette Province. Sur Motion de M. Bedard, seconde par M. Letour - neau, Ordonne, Que le Message de Son Excellence le IV,essa f ?e reiatif Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 13 du courant. re?,, bier, JtSSS, relatir au College des Jesuites, soit tefete au Comite ST/J I ermanent sur les Biens des Jesuites. comite, Ordonne , Qu’il soit une Instruction au dit Comite de s enquenr de la valeur actuelle du dit College et Lmp.acement, ainsi que du Ilevenu annuel que le dit College et Emplacement pourraient maintenant pro- dune, et du Revenu annuel moyen qu’ils auraient pu pioduire pendant ebaque dix annees en remontant de 1 epoque actuelle a celle de leur occupation primitive par les Autorites Militaires. Rapport sur les M .Knight, du Comity Special auquel ont et6 r6t6- &t,e - au, ° ri 4° U with the Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 18th November 1835. SS. un l h C f h"T' nS ( Re r rts of Commissioners appointed Reports of under the Acts lor the improvement of Internal Com Commissioners, mumcations, were presented to the House, viz : By Mr. Tessier.— For the erection of a Bridge over the n Rl yf Gouffre, in the Parish of St. Paul’s Bay. c , X; / Gugy.—For the Road from the Seigniory of St. Cities to the Township of Inverness. of t,“ ports > see Appendix ’ (a) at the end Mr. De Witt presented to the House the Account Quebec Commissloners for the Emigrant Society at of SsVoluml ACCOUnt ' See A PP endix at H>e end 159 "rrffl non : ri? l cla m^ et rcstant en la possession des mSi-® a ‘ X Cn Cette Province,” sans amende! Et aussi, CONSEIL LEGISLATIF, Mercredi, 18Novembre 1835. de^pTsslhltCf 63 f aitrCSen Chancellerie se ren- ue a i Assemblee, et inlorme cette Chambre aue le flU![ Honora ' Conseil Legislatif permet aux Honorables Roch de St Ue S ‘‘ Ours et 1 terre-Dominique Debartzch, deux des Mem’ bres de cette Chambre, d’aller s’ils le jugent a propos devan le Comite Special de la Chambre d’AssembHe Canal d° p n cf " T'* Ie RapP ° rt des Commissi” . da ( ' anaI de Chambly, et aussi le Rapport des Commis- saires pour 1 ’amelioration de la Navigation de la Riviere !r\ l6 A- SaV0, i r ’ • e v dlt . Honorab fe Roch de St. Ours, end redi prochain, a Dix Heures du matin, et le dit Honorable Pierre- Dominique Debartzch, Samedi pro- ?S^ ,X ^ ure ^ Pour etre examines sur le sujet des dites references. Et ensude il s’est retire. Ours et P. D. Debartzch, de venir devant la Chambre; Appendix (D.) fait i Jin^rtfl»’A CCO h Pagn4 ti6S ?“ treS M ^Sers.a ju p „.. a „. rait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du seize du Adresse - coti rant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef pnant Son Excellence qu’il Jui plut de mettre devant cette Chambre, un compte de la quantity de Bois cou- pee sur les lerres incultes de la Couronne en cette Pro- vince, pendant chacune des six dernieres annees et un Compte details de tousles Deniers collectes ou’re- 5 us pendant chacune des dites annees, et provenant des ventes du Bois coupe sur les dites Terres : et aus- si, un Compte detaille de la depense annuelle qu’a oc- casionnee leur collection, et la maniere dont ces revenus ontete employes, avec ensemble la mention de 1’auto- nte en vertu de laquelle ces Deniers ont ete collectes et employes, availed presentee k Son Excellence, et q L1 d lui avaitplu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, J e donnerai or d re aux officiers 5 qui il appartient de foui mr ala Chambre d’Assemblee, sous le moindre delai possible, 1’information detaillee qu’on demande par cette Adresse, sur le sujet du Bois coupe sur les Tei les incultes de la Couronne. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 18 Novembre 1835 Les Rapports suivans des Commissaires nomm^s en Rapports, vertu des Actes pour IWlioration des Communica- tions Inteneures, ont ete presentes k la Chambre • sa- voir: ’ Par M. Tessier. Pour Perection d’un Pont sur la Riviere du Gouffre, dans la Paroisse de la Bale St. Paul. Pai M. Gugy. Pour le Chemin depuis la Seiomeu- iil de St. Giles, jusqu au 1 ownship d Inverness. Pour les dits Rapports, voir Appendice la fin de ce Volume. muni. cations Inte- rieures. Appendice (D.) Quebec Emi- grant Society Account. Appendix (Wv) Petition for the ontinuation of 'f the Quebec ncorpotaiion let. M. De Witt a presente 5 la Chambre le Compte Co.« P te de n ^, 0mmiS&alreS P ° Ur ^ S ° d< ^ d6S Em '^ S ' 4 Emi^rls i Que- dece Volume. C ° mpte ’ A PP endice 0W> * la fin an^the^sam'e'w^r^recePeJa^d^ead" 1 ^ 4 * 0 H ° USe ’ h L f K** 0 " on, ete presentees A la Cham- By Mr. Caron —A Petition ^ ^ bre> ,es( l ue,Ies ont ete recues et lues, savoir : Mayor of the City of Quebec, actif^for^and^on behalf r ^ M P ® tition de Rene-Edouard f- p«.r i. of the Corporation of the sa d S p de ,a . Clt * d « agissant pour et au i Scllu vucy, repiesenting that nom de la Corporation de la dite Cit6 ; exposant : que ‘ d In JZ oration the PActe 6 ^ Petition of the Montreal Vo- lunteer Fire So. ciety. 18 ° Novembris . A. 1835 . 160 the Act of 1st Will IV. Cap 52, intituled, ‘‘An Act "to incorporate the City of Quebec," the Act of he Si d Will IV. Cap. 6, intituled, “ An Act to amend the o Ac to incorporate the City of Quebec » and the Act of the 4 th Will. IV. Cap. 27, intituled," An Act to , , remove certain difficulties with regard to the elec- .. tions of Common Councilmen in the Citiet i of Quebec « end Montreal," will expire on the first of May ' . and praying that the said Acts may be further con- tinued and amended. Bv Mr. Dc Bleury . — A Petition of the Officers and Members of the Volunteer Fire Companies of toe City e Montreal • setting forth : That the privileges and ^nitTes eniovedby the Petitioners under the provi- immunities enjoyea uy me i n return sionsof the Statute 9th Geo. IV. Cap. in return for the arduous duties they have performed in reliev- ing the community from the disastrous accidents lesult- in- from Fires, are not now extended to them, ir i conse nuence of the said Statute having expired l in t the Petitioners having the public welfare at heart, sti.l con- tinufthe” exertions without any remuneration, and without even enjoying those pnvile g** 0 ^h theCiSs tended to the Volunteer firemen of almost all the Cities of this Continent: That the Petitioners beg leave to remind the House of the great adjutages ^^ mch , e ^ to the City of Montreal, from having a body of active, energetic and hard working men, ready, a. any alarm S e « progress of the different F.res with which ha City hes been visited ; and they confidently ap- 'cal to (lie testimony of their fellow Citizens for the 'ninn which is generally entertained of then past ex- ertions : That the Petitioners respectfully submit that in order to give full and effectual force to the utility o the Fire Society, that they be incorporated by Act oi Parliament W hich will place them on a footing of an independence which they have not hitherto enjoyed, and which will have the beneficial effect of seeming them from the casual revenue which hitherto has been par tic ul iarl y 1 i m i ted ^ f ta t ott h e° Ho use Tc ceding to^Ms proposition, it is respectfully foreo-oinn- privilege of incorporation shall extend to a whose names are now enrolled, or may hereafter be en. rolled as Members of the Fire Society . I hat the I e- rtnneis respectfully submit, that in any Act which hi sanctioned by the House in their Legislative wisdom a clause may be introduced to enable the Peti- tioners to enforce the recovery of those sums appertain- ing to the late Fire Society, and remaining in the hands of S the late Secretary and Collector, the deficiency of which has involved the Petitioners in debt and diffi- culty and deprived them of the power of establishing a f u nd for the relief of those whose lives have been ha zarded by the casualties of Fire, or whose families have been rendered destitute by the death or bodily lnjuiy of the Fire Volunteers in the cause of chanty and hu- manity • That in order to secure a fund adequate to rendering the Fire Society available to the above ob- jects the Petitioners respectfully submit to the consi- deration of the House, the necessity of placing at then disposal the same funds granted by the Act 9th Ge . W Can 59, to the late Fire Society ; and moreover as experience has shewn that the funds arising from the said Statute are unequal to the expenses necessa- rily incurred for the maintenance of the Fire Depart- ment, the Petitioners pray that the House will be pleased to grant such further aid or sums of money as will be necessary to place the Society on an efficient footing. Ordered , P Vctede la lore Guill IV. Chap. 52, intitule “ Ac- “ te pour incorporer la Cite de Quebec, 1 Acte de la 3c Guill. IV. Chap. 6, intitule - Acte pour amen- “ d r l’ Acte pour incorporer la Cite de Quebec, et PActe de la 4e Guill. IV. Chap. 27, intitule ; 4 Acte pour “ faire disparaitre certaines difficultes relativement aux “ Elections de Conseillers de Villes dans les Cites de “ Quebec et de Montreal ” expireront le premier Mai 1836 ; demandant que les dits Actes soient continues et amendes. Par M. De Bleury . Une Petition des Officiers et P6titionde3 Membres des Corapagnies Volontaires du Feu de la Cite de Montreal, exposant : Que les privileges et Feu de Mom imm unites dont jouissaient les Petitionnaires en vertu — des dispositions de PActe de la 9e Geo. V. Chap. 57, pour les recompenser de la tache penible qu ils ont remplie en protegeant le Public contre les accidens desastreux occasionnes par le Feu, ne leur sont plus ac- cordes, ce Statut etant expire : Que les Petitionnaires avant le bien du Public a coeur, continuent a rendre leurs services sans remuneration, et sans meme jouir des privileges qui sont accordes aux Pompiers Volon- taires dans presque toutes les Cites de ce Continen : Que les Petitionnaires prennent la liberie de lappeler •\ la Chambre les grands avantages qui resultent pour la Cite de Montreal, d'avoir un corps d homines actifs, courageux et laborieux, toujours prets k la premiere alar me a arreter les progres des incendies qui ont de- soie cette Cite; et ils en appellent avec confiance a Popinion que leur Concitoyens enlretiennent generale- mentdes ‘efforts et services passes des Petitionnaires: Que les Petitionnaires soumettent respectueusement, que pour utiliser les Compagnies de Pompiers, iUau- drait les incorporer par un Acte du Parlement qui .es mettrait sur un pied d’independanee qu ils n ont pas a present, et qui aura le bon effet de leur assurer un re- venu stable, au lieu d’un revenu casuel qui jusqu ici a ete bien limite, dependant en partie de contributions individuelles : Que dans le cas ou la Chambre accede- rait a cette demande, 1’on sournet respectueusement que le privilege de cette Incorporation devrait s’eten- dre a tous ceux dont les noms sont maintenant enro- lls ou seront enroles a Pavenir comrae membres de la dite Societe du Feu : Que les Petitionnaires exposent respectueusement, que dans tout Acte que la Chambre pourrait passer dans sa sagesse, l’on devrait introduce une Clause pour autoriser les Petitionnaires a letiiei les ar^ens dus al’ancienne Societe du Feu, et qui sont en- core entre les mains du Secretaire et du Collecteur ; lebesoin de cet argent a plonge les Petitionnaires dans les dettes et les difficultes, et les a empeches d’etabhr un funds pour le soulagement de ceux qui ont expose leurs vies aux incendies, ou dont les families sont res- tees dans la detresse et la misere, par la mort ou les blessures des Pompiers Volontaires, engages et blesses dans la cause de la charite et de l’humanite : Qu’a- fin de mettrela dite Societe du Feu k portee de rem- plirces objets, les Petitionnaires soumettent respectu- eusement a la consideration de la Chambre, la ncces- site de mettre a leur disposition les memes fonds ac- cordes a la ci-devant Societe du Feu par PActe de la 9e Geo. IV. Chap. 57 ; et commePexperience a demon- tr6 que les fonds qui proviennent de cette Loi sont insuffisans pour le maintien du Departement du Peri, es Petitionnaires supplient la Chambre qu’il lui plaise de leur faire un Octroi additionnel, pour mettre la Societe sur un pied efficace. Ordonne 9 6 Will. IV, 18 ° Novembris. 161 ferred (o the reffeitsTu Comic s'- ^ titions P^dentes soient Ci \y TZureT am ‘ C ° mm0n <“ of the d P f “ “«*» «T(^t VilfeVff CM A Petition of divers Landholders in the County of Drummond , was presented to the House by Mr. Tocwzy, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : Ihat the Population resident in the different Town- ships in the County of Drummond , has latterly neatly increased, insomuch that it now consists of 4000 Souls and upwards : That by the third Section of the Act Oth Geo. IV. Cap. 7 3, it was enacted, “ that when the population of any County or Counties shall amount to four thousand Souls, the said County or Counties shcill be represented in the .House by two Members z" That hitherto the County of Drummond has only sent one Member to the Provincial Parliament, whereas by the foregoing Act of Parliament recited, the said County of Drummond is entitled to be represented therein by two Members : That the Petitioners resident in said County, duly appreciating the blessings of an equitable and just Representation in the Provincial Parliament, seek to avail themselves of the benefit re- sulting to them by the said recited Act, and to have an additional Member for the said County, and to which, undei the aforesaid circumstances, they are entitled * and praying that the House will be pleased to direct that a Census shall be forthwith taken, with the view of ascertaining the extent of the Population of the dif- ferent 1 ownships comprising the said County of Drum- mon d, and that in case the result of such Census, it shall be ascertained that the said Townships so com- posing the said County of Drummond shall contain a popuJatmn exceeding 4000 Souls, then that the House shall direct such proceedings to be had, as will give to tne Petitioners the benefit contemplated by the afore- ferred^ Ct t0 tlle ^ etitl0ners have "humbly re- ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the standing Committee of Privileges and Elections. Une Petition de divers Proprietaires de terres dan* Pdtition P° ur e Conned. Dru^ond, a ^/presentL T la Ch a mb?e par M. Toomy, laquelle a eti re S ue et lue; exposant : Clue la population des divers Townships du Comte temp s r "T“ M, beaU f 0U P. au S ment « depuis quelque c l uelle , est ““"tenant de 4000 times, et Oe G en TV V rl “ tro.sieme Section de l'Acte de la e . Lreo ‘ , • Chap. 73, la Chambre a status “aue <( f! p SqU ° a P°P u ! ation de tel Co mte ou Comtes sera de quatre mille ames, le dit Comt£ ou Comtes seront O^sentes dans la Chambre par deux Membres : ' Que jusqu a present le Comte de Drummond n’a en Provincial, ?andis 7)11 n a dU ^, arl f ment P'ecite, le dit Comte de C n°'t. d 7 etre represent par deux Mem- hies : Que les Petitionnaires, r&idans dans le dit Com- te, appreciant diiment les bienfaits d’une Representa- tion juste et equitable dans le Parlement Provincial et vou am profiter des avantages qui lent .esuSenl'de Acte precite, desireraient avoir un Membre addition- nel pour representer le dit Comte; ce a quoi ils ont droit d app les circonstances ci-dessus mentionnees ; et pnant qu ll plaise ala Chambre de faire de suite un Recen semen t pour constater le montant de la popula- tion des differens Townships du dit Comte de Drum- niond, et que dans le cas ou if serait constat^ par le Recensement que les dits Townships qui forment le Comte de Drummond contiennent une population rmi exc de 4000 ames, la Chambre veuille ordonner qu ilsoit adopte des mesurespour que les P6titionnai- res puissentjouirdes avantages du susdit Acte auquel les 1 etitionnaires renvoient humblement. ' _ A Petition of Anna Hodge, of the Township of c Stanbridge, was presented to the House by Mr. Knight, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : Chat the Petitioner is the widow of the late John Hodge, who died about five years ago, and that her family consist of eleven children, in indigent circum- stances : That the Petitioner and her said late hus- band, located, in the year 1821, on Lot No. 9, in the 5th Range of Lots in the Township of Stanbridge , said Lot being a Crown Reserve Lot : That the Petitioner’s husband cleared twenty acres thereof, and erected Puddings thereon, and made a road through the same at much expense : That the Petitioner’s husband, du- nng his life, was ever ready to abide by any and every order of Government in relation to said Lot, and ex- pected and sought to become a purchaser of said Lot, when the Crown Lots were offered for public sale, so as to secure his improvements on said Lot; but the sa I d Cot not being advertized among the other Lots offered for sale, the Petitioner’s husband enquired of the Agent of the Commissioner, why the said Lot was not advertized agreeably to the rules promulgated by that office, when the said Agent of the Commissioner informed him that the said Lot had been purchased by the Honorable Robert Jones, by an agreement with the Commissioner, William B. Felton, at Quebec, and al- Vol- 4,5 th0Ush Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite Permanent des Privileges et Elections. Une Petition d Anna Hodge, du Township de Stan- inrfge a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Knight, SS’JJ. 0 ??’ laquelle a ete recue et lue ; exposant : Que la Petition d a n n L sJ de terre name est veuve de feu John Hodge, mort ij y a envf ron cmq ans, et qu’elle a une famille de onze enfan" qui sont tous dans 1 indigence : Que la Petitionnaire et son ait feu man setablirent, en 1821, sur le lot No 9, dans le 5e rang de lots du Township de Stanbridge ce lot etant une des Reserves de la Couronne ; qu e°le man de la Petitionnaire a defrichd vingt ac^es de terre sur le dit lot, y a erig^ des batimens et fait un chemm k de grands frais : Quelemari de la Petition- na, re a toujours et 6 pret de son vivant a se conformer aux ordres du Gouvernement a l’egard de ce Jot de tene. etquil a voulu devenir acquereur du dit lot lorsque les Reserves de la Couronne ont ete mises en ?! sassurer le fruit de ses ameliorations : Mais e dit lot n etant pas averti parmi les autres, le man de la Paitionnaire s ’informa de l’Agent du Com- missaire pourquoi le dit lot n’avait pas 6t6 averti sui- T es regies et Pusage de son Bureau, et le dit gent du Commissaire l’informa que le lot avait <§te ac ictc par 1 Honorable Robert Jones, par un accord avec le Commissaire, William-B. Felton, it Quebec et quoique cette transaction fut coutraire a la ree-le nera e » ^ u b dit Agent ne pouvait rien y faire : Que Q g 1’Honorable 162 18° Novembris. A. 1835. Petition from Meg-antic. for abolition of the Quit Rent, and for the settling nf the Crown Lands. though the transaction was contrary to their general rules” yet he, the Agent, could not interfere in said purchase : That the' Honorable Robert Jones acknow- ledged about the time above alluded o, that l e ha purchased said Lot eighteen months before ; jet he had kept it a secret from the Petitioner’s husband while at the same time, he, the said Honorable Robert Jones, in his then capacity of Surveyor of Roads in Slanbridge , was crowding the Petitioner s husband to make a Road through said Lot, winch he did at & rea expense of labor and money: That after the Peti- tioner’s husband heard that the said Lot was thus sold to the said Honorable Robert Jones, he went to con- verse with him upon the subject, and the cause that should induce him thus underhandedly and unfairly to undermine him, and defraud him of his labor and im- provements, thus turning him and a large family seek a living elsewhere : That the said Honorable Ro- bert Jones acknowledged in alleviation of his conduct that his object was to erect a dam across Pike lu near said Lot, the consequence of which would be that a part of said Lot would be overflowed, but that it had been, and still was, his intention to lease the remainder, not overflowed, of said Lot to the Petitioner s husband That the Petitioner’s husband relying on the promises, honor and faith of the said Honorable Robert Jones, rested content for a time, and suffered the said dam to be built, and which did thereby cause several acres of land under aood improvement on the intervale, to be overflowed with water : That soon after the Petitioner s husband called upon the said Honorable Robert Jones for the fulfilment of his promises, by granting him a lease o the said Lot ; but, instead of granting a lease, he, the said Honorable Robert Jones, then declared that he had altered his mind, and should not give up any ot said Lot to the Petitioner’s husband : That thus was the Petitioner and her husband deprived of all their improvements done and performed on said Lot, by the clandestine purchase of the same by the Honoiable Robert Jones ; and praying the House to take the above circumstances into consideration, to alleviate her c s>- tress, and grant her such remuneration as in its wisdom roav he thought justifiable. , Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee ot Grievances. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Me- frantic, was presented to the House by Mr. O’Callaghan, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : That the Petitioners are desirous of having it made known to the House that they were induced to quit the British Isles, the land of their nativity, and to emigrate hither in the confident expectation of obtaining each a free grant of a Lot of Land in the Province of Lower Canada, on the customary terms of performing the set- tling duties, and of becoming bonajide residents thereon, 1’ Honorable Robert Jones a reconnu, vers le meme temps, avoir achete le dit lot de terre dix-huit mois au- paravant, et neanmoins il a cache cette vente au man de la Petitionnaire, tandis qu’au m&me temps, en sa qualite d’Inspecteur des Chemins, il obligea John Hodge a faire un chemin sur le dit lot ; chemin qu’il afaiten effet a de grands frais pour lui : Qu’apres avoir appris que le dit lot de terreavait ete ainsi vendu au dit Honorable Robert Jones, le mari de la Petition- naire alia le trouve'r, pour lui demander pourquoi il voulait ainsi le ruiner, et le priver du fruit de son tra- vail et de ses ameliorations, en le forcant lui et sa fa- mille de chercher a s’etablir ailleurs: Que le dit Ho- norable Robert Jones lui expliqua que son objet etait d’61ever une digue pres de la Rivieie like , qui aurait p effet de submerger la moite du dit lot, mais que son intention 6tait de louer la parlie du dit lot de teire qui ne serait pas submerg6e au mari de la Petitionnaire : Que le mari de la Petitionnaire, se fiant sur la pro- messe, l’honneur et la bonne foi du dit Honoiable Robert Jones , est reste tranquil le pendant quelque temps, eta laisse continuer la dite digue, qui a eu l’eftet d'inonder plusieurs acres de terres d£ja en cul- ture : Que quelque temps apiLs le mari de la Petition- naire se transporta chez le dit Honorable Robert Jones , pour lui demander de remplir sa promesse, en lui accordant le Bail du dit lot de terre, mais loin de la, ledit Honorable Robert Jones dit qu’il avait chan- ge d’idee, et qu’il ne le loueraitpas au mari de la Pe- titionnaire : Que la Petitionnaire et son mari ontete ain- si prives des ameliorations et du fruit de leur travail sur le dit lot de terre, par la vente qui en a et6 clan- destinement faite au dit Honorable Robert Jones , et priant la Chambre de peser ces circonstances, de sou- lager sa misere, et de lui accorder tel secours que, dans sa sagesse, elle jugera convenable. in like manner as had bee”i granted and conceded to their former neighbours and fellow subjects who had preceded Petitioners to this Country, only by a few Lars, or indeed months ; and upon whose representa- tions, of the facility of obtaining Lands, many of the Petitioners were in consequence induced to proceed hither* That the situation of the Petitioners on their arrival "in this Country was very unenviable, and their disappointment great in the extreme, on discovering that the long established system of locating British sub- jects on a free grant, had been superseded by the nove and unprecedented one, of selling the Waste Land ot the Crown to the Subject, on paying a Quit Rent, which is the interest of the purchase money at five per centum Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Cornit6 Permanent des Griefs. Une Petition de divers Habitans du Comt6 de Me- gantic pour gantic, a et6 pr£sent6b a la Chambre par M. O-Calla- glum, laquelle a Ue re$ue etlue ; exposaut : Que les P6titionnaires d6sirent faire connaitre a la Chambre Terres de ia qu’ils out 6te induits a quitter les lies Britanniques, CouronDB - leur pays natal, pour £migrer ici, dans la ferme con- fiance d’obtenir chacun l’octroi gratuit d’un lot de terre dans la Province du Bas-Canada de Sa Majeste, aux conditions ordinaires, qui sont de remplir les con- ditions d’6tablissement et d’y insider bona fide , de la meme muni&re que 1 on a accorde et concede des lots a leurs anciens voisins et concitoyens qui les out pre- cedes en ce pays, seulement de quelques annkes, et meme de quelques mois, etsui les repn^sentations des- quelsetla facilite, disaient-ils, d’obtenir des terres, plusieurs des Petitionnaires ont et6 induits a vemr ici . Que la situation des Petitionnaires a leur arriv^e en ce pays etait bien loin de porter envie, etleur d^sappoin- tement fut extreme, en apprenant que l’ancien sys- t£me etabli de. faire des octrois gratuitsde teire a des sujets Britanniques, avait eteremplace par le systeme nouveau et sans precedent, de vendre les teires m- cultes de la Couronne h la charge de payer une rente qui est l’int£ret du prix d’achat, k cinq pour cent . Que Ivw Petition for the improvement of the Navigation of the St. Law* rence. G Will. IV, 18 ° Novembris, 163 centum : That the Petitioners at the period of their arrival, being destitute of the means to enable them to settle on improved Lands, or to proceed further, had but one alternative, that of locating in the wilderness on the terms of the Land Agent : That it is now, after having for several years submitted to all the privations consequent upon effecting a settlement in the foiest, and of having rendered the land of value, which Peti- tioners by unremitted perseverance and industry have reclaimed from its dominion, that they have been pe- remptorily called upon to pay up their arrears to the Land Office, or in default they are threatened with im- mediate ejectment, and with this threat the Petitioners have been constantly menaced and harrassed ever since they settled on their locations : That unable to meet the demand of the Land Office, and the dread of be- ing again turned adrift on the world pennyless, induced the Petitioners in their dilemma, to address last summer a dutiful and loyal Petition to their Sovereign, through the head of the Executive here, praying His Majesty to save Petitioners from impending ruin, by ordering the immediate abolition of the Quit Rents, and of this odious and hated system of disposing of the Waste Lands of the Crown, so lately established in the Pro- vince ; and assuredly a sore grievance to Petitioners, as bearing most unjustly and unequally upon them, and which from the invidious distinction, thus drawn between Petitioners and their fellow subjects (their present neighbours) holding free grants with no better claims thereto apparently than have the Petitioners ; and, moreover, that the Quit Rent system, if persisted in, would assuredly have the effect eventually of alien- ating the affections of Petitioners and others similarly situated, from His Majesty’s person and Government : That His Excellency Lord Aylmer declined, however, to forward their Petition to His Majesty, and returned for answer, “ that the prayer of Petitioners could not be “ complied with, and that they might think themselves well off in having obtained Lands on such easy con- ditions That it is notorious that a chartered Com- pany in London have obtained an immense tract of Land, (the Waste Lands of the Crown in this Pro- vince,) and that lately, at one third of the price which the Quit Renters are obliged to pay ; besides the thousands of acres that have been gifted or granted to officials and favorites (men and women,) is a great drawback to the improvement of the country, and a bar to actual settlement, while the poor, honest and indus- trious settler is positively denied one or two hundred acres for actual cultivation, except at an exorbitant price, which he despairs of ever being able to pay or of seeing paid, whereby the hope of becoming indepen- dent is paralized, and a check given to further exertion or improvement, which the Quit Renter only looks upon as so much labor thrown away to be swallowed up by the Land Office and its Agents : That despair- ing, therefore, of obtaining redress from any other quarter, the Petitioners look with confidence to the House (the only guardian of the People’s rights) for relief from their grievances, and pray that such steps will be adopted in the premises as in the wisdom of the House may be deemed proper to procure the abolition of the Quit Rents ; and that the Waste Lands of the Crown be again laid open to all His Majesty’s Subjects of whatever origin, that are willing to become bonajide settlers thereon. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the City and Dis- trict of Montreal , was presented to the House by Mr. Gugy, les Petitionnaires, au moment de leur arrive, 6tant d^pourvus de moyens pour s’etablir sur des terres ame- lior^es, ou pour ailer plus loin, n’avaient qu’une alter- native, celle de prendre des terres de l’Agent des ter- res aux conditions qu’il a bien voulu leur iinposer. Mais a present qu’ils ont 6t6 obliges de se soumettre durant plusieurs annees, a toutes les privations aux- quelles sont exposes ceux qui ouvrentun £tablisse- ment dans les forets, et qu’ils ont amtdior^ leurs ter- res, par une perseverance et une Industrie continues ils sont appeRs p^remptoirement a payer tous leurs ar- r^rages au Bureau des Terres, ou a defaut de le faire ils sont menaces d’etre immediatement d^pouilffis de leurs terres, menace qu’on n’a cesse de leur faire de- puis qu’ilsy sont £tablis : Qu’incapables de rencontrer la demande du Bureau des Terres, et craignant d’etre d£pouilJ£s de tout ce qu’ils possedent, les Petition- naires, dans ce dilemme, ont adresse, l’£te dernier, une Petition a leur Souverain, par le canal du Chef de 1 Executifde ce Pays, pnant from the Standing Committee of Private Road from Bills presented to the House the Fifth Report of the Pointe Levi to _ • J /~t i • i . . * . Province said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s the Line Table, as followeth: Your Committee having taken into consideration the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the District of Quebec, praying for leave to make a Rail Road from the banks of the River St. Lawrence in the Parish of Pointe Levi , as far as the frontiers, to the place designated by the* name of the “ Monument Stream,” in the State of Maine ; and having maturely deliberated thereon, are of opinion that the Petitioners have followed the Rules prescribed by this House which relate to Private Rills, and in consequence thereof do recommend the adop- tion of the measure. Report on Pe- , . T7 . „ Roads InVh ail • r * Vl S er ' P’ om tIie Standing Committee of Private Townships. Bills, presented to the House the Sixth Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee having considered the following Petitions, viz : That of the Inhabitants of the Town- ships of Stanstead, Brompton , Melbourne , and others, praying for the incorporation of a Company to be cal- led the St. Francis Rail Road Company. 2nd. That of the Inhabitants of the County of Stanstead , praying for leave to establish a Rail Road from the shore of Lake Memphramagog to the Province Line; 3rd. That °f the Inhabitants of the Counties of Chambly and Rou- ville, concurring in the conclusions prayed for in the above Petition of the Inhabitants of Stanstead, and af- ter having maturely deliberated upon the whole, are of opinion that the Petitioners in the two first Peti- tions, not having conformed to the Rules of this House lelating to Private Bills, this House ought not durino- the piesent Session, to take their Petitions into consi- deration. from Stephen Walcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to His Ex- cellency. cellency the Governor in Chief, was admitted within the Bar, and delivered to Mr. Speaker, two Messages from His Excellency the Governor in Chief, signed by His Excellency. ° J And then he withdrew. And the said Messages were read by Mr. Speaker all the Members of the House being uncovered; and are as followeth : GOSFORD, Governor in Chief. Lawyers and The Governor in Chief acquaints the House of As- tnissions Bill. sembly that by a Dispatch received yesterday, from His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Co- lonies, he is informed that the Bill, intituled, “ An Act “ to ascertain the manner in which persons shall here- “ after be admitted to practice the Law, or to practice “ as Notaries in this Province,” passed by the Legis- lature in the Session of 1834, and reserved for the sig- nification ot His Majesty’s pleasure, will be confirmed by the Ring in Council ; and that the Order of con- firmation will be transmitted to the Province as soon as the necessary official forms can be completed. Castle of St. Lewis , Quebec , 18th November, 1835. Vol. — 45. GOSFORD, M. Vigerdn Comity Permanent des Bills prives, a prtsentd a la Chambre le Cinquihme Rapport du dit 5c&K"! Comity lequel a ct6 lu de nouveau a la Table du Lisses depuis la Greffier, com me suit; L ® vi a la _ i-'gnedela Votre Connie ayant pns en consideration la Peti- oce - tion de divers Habitans du District de Quebec de- mandant a construire un Chemin a Lisses depuis les bords du Fleuve St. Laurent, dans la Paroisse de la Pointe Levi, jusqu’aux fronti&res, h l’endroit design^ sous le nom de Monument Stream, dans l’Etat du Maine, et avoir inurement delib^, est d’opinion que les Petitionnaires out observe les Regies prescrites par cette Chambre, et qui ont rapport aux Bills prives ; en consequence, recommande l’adoption de la mesure. ^ d u Co mite Permanent des Bills prives a ttapport *uries presente a la Chambre le Sixfeme Rapport du dit Co- nine, lequel a 6t6 lu de nouveau a la Table du Gref- kZltV ‘ es tier, comme suit : Votre Comite ayant consider les Petitions suivan- tes, savoir : 1 ° . eelle des Habitans des Townships de Stanstead, Brompton, Melbourne, et autres, demandant 1 incorporation d’une Compagnie du Chemin a Lis- ses de St. Franfots ; 2°. eelle des Habitans du Com- te de Stanstead, demandant a etablir un Chemin a Lis- ses depuis la rive du lac Memphremagog jusqu’a la hgne de la Province; 3 ° . enfin, eelle de divers Ha- bitans des Comtes de Chambly et Rouville. concourant dans les conclusions prises dans la Petition ci-dessus des Habitans de Stanstead ; et apres avoir sur le tout inurement delibere, est d’opinion que les Petitionnaires, dans les deux premibres Petitions, ne s’etant pas con- formes aux lGgles de cette Chambre, lesquelles ont rapport aux Bills prives, cette Chambre ne doit pas prendre en consideration leurs Petitions dans cette pre- sente Session. p Stephen Walcott, Ecuyer .Secretaire Civil de Son Ex- ^ cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, a 6t6 admis en de- £To D M e«T dans de la Barre, et a rerais a M. l’Orateur, deux Mes- ' ence ' sages de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef si gnes par Son Excellence. Et ensuite il s’est retire. Et les dits Messages ont r °" a Bill to extend certain privileges to the class of per- read ;he first S0 j-, S denominating themselves Methodist Protestants. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Monday next. Le Gouverneur-en-Chef informe la Chambre d As- j^aTde uPro. semblee, qu’une D6peche a Ob re^ue du Secretaire vince - d’Etat de Sa Majest6 pour les Colonies, accusant la reception de 1’Adresse de la Chambre, adoptee en sa derniere Session, sur ITtat de la Province, et mention- nant qu’elle a ete mise au pied du Trone. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec, 18 Novembre 1835. La Chambre 6tant inform£e que Stephen Walcott, ^ ia Baire. Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Excellence le Gou- verneur-en-Chef, £tait a la Porte, da bib appel6, et a remis a la Barre le Livre Bleu pour l’annee 1834. Sur Motion de M. De Witt, seconde par M. Hotch- kiss, Ordonne, Que le Livre Bleu pour l’annee 1834, re- mis a la Barre de cette Chambre, ce jour, soit rbferb au Comit6 Permanent des Comptes Publics. Ordonne, Que M. Vanfelson ait la permission d’in- Bin du chemm troduire un Bill pour pourvoir a la construction et ^ Kennebec, lu l’entretien d’un Chemin a Lisses, a partir du Fleuve ia premiere fou. St. Laurent , a aller jusqu’a la Ligne Provinciale. II a en consequence pr£sent6 le dit Bill, lequel a etc lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a 6t6 ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. Ordonne , Que M. Hotchkiss ait la permission d’intro- S s de ^ ho ' dilire un Bill pour etendre certains privileges aux per- v ,e ' sonnes qui se denomment Methodistes Protestans, II a en consequence pr6sent6 le dit Bill, lequel a6te lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie have leave to bring in a piam RafiRoad Bill to amend and extend the provisions of an Act, m- Biii read th e i i t< \ n A c t f 0 r making a Rail Road from Lake «« Champlain to the River > ~>t. Lawrence. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Monday next. Ordonne , Que M. Leslie ait la permission d intro- Buidu Che- duire un Bill pour amender et etendre les dispositions La C cham- d’un Acte, intituL, “ Acte pour pourvoir a la con- “ struction d’un Chemin a Lisses, entre le Lac Cham- “ plain et le Fleuve St. Laurent II a en consequence present^ le dit Bill, lequel a 6te lu pour le premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a Ob ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie have leave to bring in a LightBuuead gp] to provide for the Lighting of the City of Montreal the first time. . 1 bv Gas. . He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Monday next. On Motion of Mr. Thibaudeau, seconded by Mr. Deblois , .. 1In Resolved, That the Answer of LIis Excellency the cy’s answer to Governor in Chief, of the thirteenth instant, to the Address of this House of the eleventh of the same ation of Gaspe 1T1 Q n tli , relative to the annexation ot the District or wick, referred. Gaspe to the Province of A ew Brunswick, he refened to a Committee of five Members, to examine the contents thereof and to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papeis and lecoids. Ordered , That Mr. Thibaudeau, Mr. Deblois, Mr. Berthelot, *Mr. Morin and Mr. Gugy do compose the said Committee. On Motion of Mr. Knight, seconded by Mr. Baker, Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to statements"^ His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that sl C ko° u 0 i lsin M,s * His Excellency will be pleased to cause the proper Officer Ordonne, Que M. Leslie ait la permission d’intro- Bin pour ie- duire un Bill pour pourvoir a 1’eclairage de la Citb de MonwLfSar i. Montreal par le Gaz. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a £te ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. Sur Motion de M. Thibaudeau, seconde par M. De- blois , Resolu, Que la Riponse de Son Excellence Ie Gou- La Reponse da verneur-en-Chef, du treize du courant, a 1’Adresse de cette Chambre, en date du onze du merne mois,^ re- nyveayanyei- lativement a l’annexation du District de Gaspe a la au Nouveau Province du Nouveau- Brunswick, soit referee a un Co- ®^“ swlck ’ r ®‘ mitfi de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d'envoyer querir personnes, papiers et record. Ordonne, Que M. Thibaudeau, M. Deblois, M. Berthelot, M. Morin et M. Gugy composent le dit Co- mite. Sur Motion de M. Knight, seconde par M. Baker, Resolu, Qu’il soit pr£sente une humble Adresse a Ecoieadans Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, pliant Son Excellence qu’il lui plaisede faire mettre devant cette Chambre, 6 Will. IV, 18° Novembris. Officer to la y before this House, a Statement of all Schools which have been returned, as being i n operation in the County of MissisJcoui from the 15th May 1832 to the 15th May, 1835 ; also, the amount of premium money drawn from the Public Chest for said County, from 15th May, 1832, to 15th May, 1S35 , and by whom drawn, and also the amount of money, if any, now re- maining undrawn which was appropriated for the pur- pose of premiums in said County during said term and the amount drawn as aforesaid which has been return- ed, if any, and by whom returned and at what time. Ordered, That Mr. Knight , Mr. Baker, Mr. Grannis and Mr. Deligny do present the said Address to Ilis Excellency the Governor in Chief, 167 Chambre, par 1 Officier a qui il appartiendra, un Ta bleau de Acutes les Ecoles dont il a 6t6 fait rapport comrne etant en operation dans le Comte de Mis- siskoui, depuis le 15 Mai 1832 jusqu’au 15 Mai dp la p aussi e ro° n tant des deniers fie premium tires M a ! Jb! , ique P° ul A , le dit Comte, depuis le 15 Mai 1832 jusquau 15 Mai 1835, et par aui • et auss.le montant des deniers, s’il en reste encore qui avaientete appropri6s pour les premiums, dans le dit Comte, pendant cette periode de temps, et le montant Ur6 comrne susdit, dont il a et6 fait rlpport s il y en a rapport" 6 ’ ** ^ qUI * ete “ qUel tem P s 11 en a ^6 fait Ordonne, Que M. Knight, M. Baker, M. Grannis ® m 1, Delt 2”y pr^sentent la dite Adresse a Son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. AgmrepSrud" Mr - Scott, from the Committee of the whole House to consider whether it would be expedient to resolve that in case the Bill passed by this House, for appoin- ting an Agent for this Province, should not become Law, this House should appoint an Agentin the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to represent therein the interests and sentiments of the Inhabitants of this Province, and also to whom were referred various Letters and Communications received by Mr. Speaker, from JohnAtthur Roebuck , Esquire, the Agent of this House, in Engla?id, reported, according toljrder, the Resolutions of the said Committee ; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : 1. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee That this House has learned with regret that in conse- quence of representations made to the Right Honorable Lord Glenelg, dated 5th June last, by John Arthur Roe- buck, Esquire, Agent of this House in England, and accompanied by various explanations thereof, His Ma- jesty’s Secretary of State has, by Letter to Sir George Grey, dated the 11th of the same month, raised objec- tions, as to the powers possessed by the said Agent to expose and explain the proceedings of this House, its interests and sentiments, as well as those of the People of this Province, in such a manner as he should feel himself authorized to do by the powers conferred on him by the Assembly and its votes. 2. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee That the opinion whereby the Agent of this House in England, is considered merely the simple bearer of official communications between the House of Assembly and the Colonial Office, would leave the House nearly in the same position as if it had no other channel ofcom- munication but the Governor of the Colony ; that in the case in question the Agent of this House was warranted by the Resolution of the Assembly which authorized him “ to represent to His Majesty’s Government the “ interests and sentiments of the Inhabitants of this “ Province, and to support the Petitions of this House noral5e Lord Glenelg, en date du o Jum dernier, par John- Arthur Roebuck Ecuyer, Agent de cette Chambre en Angleterre ad compagnjes de d.verses explications sur icelles le Se cretaire d Etat de Sa Majesffi ait, par la Tettre de t George Grey du 11 du n.enie mois, suscite des ob- jections sui la capacity qu’avait le dit Agent d’exno- ser et d exphquer lesproced^s de cette Chambre P e t sesin terets et ses sentimens, ainsi queceux du Peuple d< \ te le manure qu il se croirait autoris6 a le faire, d’a- pres les pouvoirs a lui conffires par cette Chambre et d apres ses proc£des. 2. Resolu, Que e’est 1’opinion de ce Comite, Que 1’ 0 - pimon d apres laquelle f Agent de cette Chambre en Angleterre ne devrait etre que simple porteur de Com” mumcations officielles de la part de la Chambre au uieau Co.onial, laisserait la Chambre a-peu-pr£s dans la meme position que si elle n’avait d autre canal de communication que le Gouverneur de la Colonie • que dans le cas actuel 1’ Agent de la Chambre 6tait fondl l faire les representations et a donner les explications con tenues dans 1 aper 9 u de conference en date du 5 Juin^ d apres les Resolutions qui l’autorisent, a “ re- P re f f ent f er . au Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, les in- (( t( r lcts et les sentimens des Habitans de cette Pro- vince, et a sou ten ir les Petitions adressees par cette Chambre a Sa Majeste et aux deux du larlement,” et d’apres les autres precedes de cette Chambre; que le dit Agentetait bien fonde dans sa Reponse au Tres- Honorable Lord Glenelg, en date u 7 Jum dernier, laquelle contient un expose vrai du droit de la Chambre de se faire entendre aupres du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, et de ses sentimens sur lessen Constances et les mesures d’alors. 3. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Que le dit John- Arthur Roebuck, Ecuyer, etait bien foiuU, d apres les precedes de la Chambre, A etablir ainsi qu’il Resolutions sur l’Agent, rap* portees. 168 1 8” Novembris. A, 1835 . to lav down, as he hasdone, as the basis o( harmony and lood understanding within this Province, and of con- fidence in the administrative or other measures to be adonted by His Majesty’s Government, the Constitu- tional Reform, by means of Election of the Legislative Council ; the entire control by the House of Assemb y of the Public Revenues of the Province, and of tne Sa- laries of the Public Functionaries therein; the repeal of the obnoxious Acts passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom, wherein the latter legislated for the Internal Government of this Province ; the abolition of the undue privileges founded on the said Acts ; ant the redress of abuses existing in the Courts, in conse- quence of the appointment of improper persons to the Bench. . _ , . „ ... „ 4. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Committee, That this House has the greatest confidence in the ta- lents and zeal of the said John Arthur Roebuck, Esquiie, and in the rectitude of his proceedings ; and that this House request him to continue to the people oi this Country and their Representatives, those services which have deservedly ensured to him the warm gratitude of the Inhabitants of this Province 5. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this C ommittee, That in the event of the Bill passed by this House on the third of November instant, appointing the said John Arthur Roebuck, Esquire, Agent for this Province, not becoming a Law, the said , John Arthur Roebuck, Esquire, be requested as Agent of this House, to represent to Ilis Majesty’s Government the interests and sentiments o the Inhabitants of this Province, and to support the Petitions of this House to His Majesty, and to bot.i Houses of Parliament. . 6. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, That in case the said Bill should not become a Law, it is right that the Clerk of this House should pay to the said" John Arthur Roebuck, Esquire, or to his order, out of the monies appropriated for the Contingent Expenses of this House, a sum not exceeding Six hundred pounds, sterling, annually, to indemnify him for his care and ser- vices in his said quality of A gent ; and that the said Clerk be in like manner authorized to advance to the said John Arthur Roebuck, Esquire, a sum not exceeding Five hundred pounds, sterling, for one year, to meet his disbursements and contingent expenses in bis said qua- lity of which said disbursements and expenses an ac- count shall be rendered to this House every six months. Ordered, That the Question of concurrence be now separately put upon each of the said Resolutions. " And the first of the said Resolutions being again read, and the Question of concurrence being put there- ° n The House divided ; and the names being called for they were taken down, as folioweth : J Yeas, Messieurs Amiot, Archambeault, Barely, Barnard, Beaudouin , Berthelot, Benrand, Besserer, Blanchard, Btanchct, Bone, Boutillier, Cardinal, Careau, Caron , Cazeau, Child, Courteau, Be Bleury, Deligny, Be Tonnancour, Be Witt, Bier re Antoine Borion, Bubord, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Grannis, Hotchkiss, Huot, Knight, Lacoste, Lafontainc, Larue, Leslie, Letourneau , Marquis, Meilleur , Morin, Mousseau, O' Callaghan, Perrault, Scott, Tache, Tessier , Thibaudeau, Toomy, Trudel, Vanfelson and Viger. (50.) Nays, Messieurs Baker, Blackburn, Clapham, Gugy and Moore. (5.) So it was carried in the Affirmative. The second to the sixth and last of the said Resolu- tions Pa fait, pour fondement de Pharmonie et de la bonne intelligence dans la Province, et de la confiance dans les mesures administratives on autres adoptees par le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, la reforme constitutive du Conseil Legislatif an moyen de l’Election, le con- sole entier des Deniers publics de la Province et du salaire des Fonctionnaires en icelle par la Chambre d’Assemblee, le rappel des Actes nuisibles adoptes dans le Parlement du Royaurne-Uni, statuant sur la regie interieure de cette Province, l abolition des pri- vileges i n cl n s appnyf’s sur les dits Actes, ct la repara- tion's abus dans le personnel des Tribunaux, par suite de nominations injudicieuses. 4. Resolu, Que e'est l’opinion de ce Comite, Que cette Chambre a la plus grande confiance dans les talens et le zHe du dit John- Arthur Roebuck, Ecuyer, et dans la rectitude de ses demarches, et que cette Chambre le prie de continuer la Representation et au People du Pays, des Services qui lui out incite et assurd la plus vive reconnaissance de la part des Habitans de cette Province. . . _ _ ~ 5 Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comrte, Que dans lecasoule Bill passe par cette Chambre le trois Novembre courant, nommant le dit John- Arthur Roebuck , Ecuyer, comme Agent pour la Province, ne deviendrait. pas Loi, le dit John- Arthur Roebuck , Ecu- yer, soit prie de representer aupres du Gouvernement de Sa Majestd, comme Agent de cette Chambre, les interets et les sentimens des Habitans de cette Pro- vince, et de soutenir les Petitions de cette Chambre a Sa Majeste, et aux deux Chambres du Iailement. 6. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’il con- vient que dans le cas oil le dit Bill ne deviendrait pas ] oi, le Greffier de cette Chambre paie au dit Jolin- Arthur Roebuck , Ecuyer, on a son ordre, a mime les Fonds Contingens d’icelle, une somme n’excedant pas Six cents livres Sterling, annuellement, pour Pindemni- ser de ses soins et demarches en sa elite qualite d’ Agent, et oue le Greffier soit pareillement autorise a avancer au dit John- Arthur Roebuck, Ecuyer, une somme n’ex- cedant pas Cinq cents livres Sterling, pour une annee, pour fa ire face a ses debourses et depenses contingentes en sa dite qualite ; desquels dits debourses et depenses il sera rendu compte a cette Chambre, de six mois en six mois. Ordonne, Que la Question de concours sort mainte- nant separement mise sur les elites Resolutions. Et la premiere des dites Resolutions ayant ete lue de nouveau, et la Question de concours ayant ete mise sur icelle ; , La Chambre s’est divisee ; et les noms ayant ete de- mandes, ils ont et6 pris comme suit . Pour, Messieurs Amiot, Archambeault, Bardy, Barnard, Beaudouin, Berthelot, Bertrand, Besserer, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouc, Boutillier, Cardinal, Careau, Caron, Cazeau, Child, Courteau, Be Bleury , Beligny , Lie tonnancour , Be J1 itt, h ierre- Antoine Borion, Bubord, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Grannis, Hotch- kiss, Huot, Knight, Lacoste, Lafontaine, Larue, Leslie, Le- tourneau, Marquis, Meilleur, Morin, Mousseau, O'Callaghan, Perrault, Scott, Tache, Tessier, Thibaudeau, Toomy, Trudel, Vanfelson et Viger. (50.) Contre, Messieurs Baker, Blackburn, Clapham, Gugy, et Moore (5.) Ainsi elle a ete emportee dans 1 Affirmative. _ Et les dites Resolutions, depuis la seconde jusqu a la 6 Will. IV. 1 8° Novemhris . 169 tions being again severally read, and the Question of concurrence being separately put thereon ; The House divided on each ; and the names being called for, they were taken down, as followeth : Yeas, Messieurs Amiot , Archambeault , Bardy , Barnard, Bcaudouin , Berthelot, Bertrand, Besserer, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouc, Boutillier, Cardinal, Careau, Caron, Cazeau, Child, Cote, Cour- teau, DeBleury , Deblois, Deligny, De Tonnancour, De Witt, Pierre Antoine Dorion, Duhord, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Grannis , Hotchkiss, Huot, Knight , Lacoste, Lafontaine, Larue, Leslie, Letourneau, Marquis, Meilleur, Morin, Mousseau, Noel, O' Callaghan, Perrault , Scott, Tache, Tessier, Thibaudeau, Toomy, Trudel, Vanfelson and Viger. (53.) Nays, Messieurs Bake), Blackburn, Clapham, Gugy, Aloore and Poiver. (6.) So they were carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved, That this House doth concur with the Com- mittee in the said Resolutions. Mr. Morin moved, seconded by Mr. Scott, That the said Resolutions be communicated to the Agent by Mr. Speaker. The House divided on the Question : Yeas, 53. , Nays, 6. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered, Accordingly. r C etXeaV° Mr * Morin moved > seconded by Mr. Vanfelson, That ZltctZ"' a . Committee of five Members be appointed to deter- wuhihe Agent, mine and regulate the mode in which, and the channel through which, communication shall be had with the said Agent touching the Public Business of the Pro- vince, during the recesses between the Sessions of the Parliament, and between a Dissolution and the time when the new Parliament shall be called together, and what means ought to be adopted for communicating to the Members of this House, during the said recesses, the Letters and Documents which may be received from the said Agent. The House divided on the Question : Yeas, 53. Nays, 6. . So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved, Accordingly. Ordered, That Mr. Morin , Mr. Vanfelson, Mr. Vi«er, Mr .Leslie and Mr. Huot do compose the said Committee*. la sixffme et derniere, ayant ete separement lues de nouveau, et la Question de concours ayant ete sepaff- ment mise sur icelles, La Chambre s’est divisee sur chacune ; et les norm ayant etedemandes, ils ont 6t6 pris comme suit : Pour, Messieurs Amiot, Archambeault , Bardy, Barnard, Beau- doum, Berthelot, Bertrand, Besserer , Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouc, Boutillier, Cardinal, Careau, Caron, Cazeau, Child, Cote, Courteau, De Bleury, Deblois, Deligny, De Tonnancour, De Witt, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Dubord, Fortin, Fraser, Gi- rouard, Grannis, Hotchkiss, Huot, Knight, Lacoste , Lafontaine, Larue, Leslie, Letourneau, Marquis, Meilleur, Morin, Mous- seau, Noel, O' Callaghan, Perrault, Scott , Taclie, Tessier, Thi- baudeau, Toomy, Trudel, Vanfelson et Viger. (53.) Contre, Messieurs Baker, Blackburn, Clapham, Gugy, Moore et Pow- er. (6.) Ainsi elles ont ete emportees dans l’Affirmative, et Resolu, Que cette Chambre concourt avec le Co- mite dans les dites Resolutions. M * Morin a propose, seconde par M. Scott. Que les elites Resolutions soient communiquees a l’Agentpar M. 1’Orateur. 1 La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question : Pour, 53, Contre, 6. Ainsi elle a eff emportee dans l’Affirmative, et Ordonne, En consequence. M- Morin a propose de resoudre, seconde par M. Vanfelson, Qu’un Comity de cinq Membres soit nom- ine, a 1’effet de determiner et ffgler par quelle voie et de quelle mamere il sera communique avec Ie dit Agent, touchant les Affaires Publiques de cette Pro- vince, dans les vacances entre les Sessions du Parle- tnent Provincial, ou apres une Dissolution et iusquA la Convocation du nouveau Parlement, et quels movens devraient etre adoptes ^ l’effet de faire part dans les dites vacances, aux Membres de cette Chambre, des Lettres et Documens qui pourraient etre re 5 us du dit Agent. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question : Pour, 53. Contre, 6. Ainsi elle a ete emportee dans 1’Affirmative et Resolu, En consequence. Ordonne , Que M. JMorin, M. Vanfelson, M. JW Mo Leslie et xM. Huot composent le dit Comity. & Comite pour regler la manie re de communi quer avec l’A-; gent. IVHIitia Pen- sions Bill re- ported. Mr. Meilleur, from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to amend the Act of the fifty fifth year of the Reign of George the Third, Chapter ten, i dating to the lensions of wounded Militiamen, ve- ported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. J Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. M Meilleur , do Comity de toute la Chambre s le Bill pour amender 1’ Acte de la cinquante-cinquien annee du Regne de George Trois, Chapitre Dix coi cernant la Pension des Miliciens blesses, a fait Rar P or C C T?^, f ° rm6ment a.l’Ordre, des amendemens fai au dit Bill par le Comiff, lesquels amendemens ont & lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adopffs par Chambre. r ^ Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amend^, soit gros soye. ° Bill concernant la Pension des Miliciens, rap- porte. Bef ofThe'cre" ^ Order of the day for the second reading of the SKSKt the bett f reliefof the Creditors of such as shall become Bankrupt, and for other purposes therein mentioned, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post, poned till Friday next. 1 Houses of Cor- The Order of the day for the House in Committee recuon. to consider whether it would not be expedient to pro- lix A r vide Vol. — 45. L Oidre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill B 'ii pour ie p°ur le soulagement des Creanciers de ccux qui font ScSS,. lauiite ou banqueroute, et pour d’autres fins y mention- des Ban s uerou - nees, ayant ete lu; * ° n tiers - remi8 - - Ordonne, Que Ie dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Vendredi prochain. L’Ordredu jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Commune, Comite pour considerer s’ll ne serait pas expedient de conecilt o it pourvoir 170 18 ° — 20 ° Novembris , A. 1885 , vide temporary Houses of Correction in the several Dis- tricts of this Province, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee ; and af- ter some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution, which he was directed to submit to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received on Friday next. pourvoir a des Maisons de Correction temporaires dans les differens Districts de cette Province, ayant et6 In; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l'Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Bardy a fait Rapport que le Comit6 avail pas- se une Resolution, qu’il avait Ordre de soumettre a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re 5 U Vendredi pro- chain. Committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee on KoTBrMge the Fourth Report of the Standing Committee of Pri- c7 P r u^r r vate Bills, being read; ., The House accordingly resolved itseif into the said Committee. Mr. Cote took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Cote reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House, and is as followeth : Resolved , That this House doth concur in the Fourth Report of the Standing Committee of Private Bills. cop Rouge Ordered , That Mr. Huot have leave to bring in a Bri J d!I k H! 11 , Bill to authorize Pierre Gingras to build a Toll Bridge read the hret ^ ° time. over the River Cap Rouge. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Monday next. committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee Ig"Sr°e n ° n on the First Report of the Standing Committee of Agriculture, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Boutillier took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Boutillier reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution, which he was directed to submit to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received on Friday next. Then, on Motion of Mr. De Bleury, seconded by Mr. Boutillier , The House adjourned till Friday next. Friday, 20 th November, 1835. Antn.r to a. If 11 ' Kni S hU accompanied by the other Messen- Address. Jj|f || gers, reported to the House, that their Address of the eighteenth instant, to His Excellency the Go- vernor in Chief, praying that His Excellency would be pleased to cause the proper Officer to lay before this House, a Statement of all Schools which have been re- turned as being in operation in the County of Missis- koui, from the 15th May 1832, to the 15th May 1835, also the amount of premium money drawn from the Public Chest for said County, from the 15th May 1832, to 15th May 1835, and by whom drawn; and also the amount of money, if any, now remaining undrawn, which was appropriated for the purpose of premiums in L’Ordre du iour pour que la Chambre se forme en s»r i es Comit6 sur le Quatneme Rapport du Comite Perma- tiveiaunPont nent des Bills prives, ayant et6 lu ; cap Rouge!* La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. * M. Cote a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir si£g£ quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Cote a fait Rapport que le Comite avait passe une Resolution, laquelle Resolution a ete lue de nou- veau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Cham- bre ; et elle estcomme suit: Resolu, Que cette Chambre concourt dans le Quatrieme Rapport du Comite Permanent des Billspri- ves, Ordonne, Que M. Huot ait la permission d’introduire «£pt u R *5j. d “ un Bill pour autoriser Pierre Gingras a batir un Pont ’ f " js la prem '“ re de Peage sur la Riviere Cap Rouge. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a £te lu pour la premiere fois, et dontlaseconde lecture a et6 ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en premier Rap- Comitesur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent p °I! u s " r . l AgrU d’ Agriculture, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Boutillier, a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apr£s y avoir si£ge quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Boutillier , a fait Rapport que le Comit6 avait pass6une Resolution, qu’il avait ordre de soumettre a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re 9 U Vendredi pro- chain. Alors, sur Motion de M. De Bleury, seconde par M. Boutillier, La Chambre s'est ajournee a Vendredi prochain. Vendredi, 20 Novembre 1835. MM Knight, accompagn6 des autres Messagers, a fait Rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du dix-huit du courant a Son Excellence le Gouver- neur-en-Chef, priant Son Excellence qu’il lui plut de faire mettre devant cette Chambre par 1’Officier & qui il appartiendra, un Tableau de toutes les Ecoles dont il a ete fait Rapport comme etant en operation dans le Comte de Missiskoui , depuis le 15 Mai 1832, jusqu’au 15 Mai 1835 ; aussi, le montantdes Deniers de premium tires de la Caisse Publique pour le dit Comte, uepuis le 15 Mai 1832 jusquau 15 Mai 1S35 ; et par qui ; et aussi, le montant des Deniers, s’il en reste en- core, qui auraient ete appropri^s pour les premiums dans le Repome a un* Adresse. Entriesin Jour- nals relating to Hon. W. 13. Felton read. Instruction to Committee of Grievances. Cession de Wens Bill read the first time. Address for Answers to Dis- patches relating to Mr. Justice Kerr. Petition of A. Bertrand for a Pension. 6 Will. IV, 20° Novembris , 171 in said County, during said time, and the amount drawn as aforesaid, which has been returned, if any, and by whom returned, and at what time, had been presented to His Excellency; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer: Gentlemen, In compliance with this Address the proper Offi- cer will be instructed to prepare and lay before the House of Assembly the required Statement in regard to Schools in the County of Missislcoui, Castle of St. Lems, Quebec, 20th November 1835. le dit Comte, pendant cette periode de temps, et le montant tir6 comrae susdit, dont il a ete fait Rapport, s il y en a eu de tir£, et par qui et en quel temps il a ete fait Rapport, avait 6te presentee a Son Excellence, et qu il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, En conformity de l’Adresse de cette Chambre, il sera donn6 ordre a l’Officier a qui il appartiendra, de pre- parer et mettre devant la Chambre d’ Assemble le Ta- bleau demande, ayant rapport aux Ecoles dans le Comty de Missislcoui. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 20 Novembre 1835. On Motion of Mr. Gugy , seconded by Mr. Moore, Ordered, That the Entries in the Journals of this House, of the 2nd March last, relating to the Honora- ble William Bowman Felton, be now read. The said Entries were read accordingly. Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the Standing Committee of Grievances to prosecute the enquiry into the public character and conduct of the Honorable William Bowman Felton, instituted during the last Session. Sur Motion de M. Gugy, second^par M. Moore, Ordonne Que les Entries dans les Journaux de cette em*** d.n. Chambre, du 2 Mars dernier, relativement & l’Hono- norable William-Bowman Felton soient maintenant lues. •' Ho " eS w. b. Les dites Entries ont^te lues en consequence. Feiion, iue». Ordonne, Qu il soit une Instruction au Comit6 Per- Ins,r . uclion au manens des Griefs, de continuer 1’Enquete qui avait ete £° ranede ’ Gn ' commencye durant laderniere Session, sur le caract^re et la conduite publics de l’Honorable William-Bowman Felton. Ordered, That Mr. Berthelot have leave to bring in a Bill to remove all doubts with respect to the benefit of Cession de Mens in certain cases therein mentioned. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Tuesday next. Ordonne , Que M. Berthelot ait la permission d’intro- de '£ ***,' duire un Bill pour mettre fin aux doutes relatifs au lula premiere droits de faire cession de biens, dans certains cas y mentionnes. Il a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete Ju pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonn£e pour Mardi prochain. Mr. Power moved to resolve, seconded by Mr. Gugy , That an humble Address be presented to* His Excel- lency the Governor in Chief, praying that His Excel- lency will be pleased to lay before this House, Copies of any answers that may have been made by His Ex- cellency’s Predecessor as Head of the Executive Go- vernment of this Province, to the Extract from a Dispatch from the Right Honorable, T. Spring Rice, to Lieutenant General Lord Aylmer , dated Downing Street, 11th November 1834, No. 40, and to the Letter from Lord Aberdeen to Lord Aylmer, dated Downing Street, 2nd April 1835, No. 33, relating to the Hono°- rable James Kerr , which His Excellency has been pleased to communicate to this House. The House divided on the Question: Yeas, 44. Nays, 11. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved, Accordingly. Ordered, That Mr. Power, Mr. Gugy, Mr. Deb/ois and Mr. Meilleur do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. M. Power a propose de resoudre, seconde par M. Adress epoU r Gugy, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son i^Hohe, Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Ex- relatives a M, cellencede vouloir mettre devant cette Chambre, Co- leJugeKerr - pies de toutes les R^ponses qui peuvent avoir et£ faites par le pr^dycesseur de Son Excellence, comme Chef du Gouvernement Exycutif de cette Province, a I’Ex- trait d’une Dyp£che du Tr^s-Honorable T.-Spring Rice, au Lieutenant-Gynyral Lord Aylmer, daty Down- ing Street, 11 Novembre 1834, No. 20; et A la Let- tre de Lord Aberdeen A Lord Aylmer, datye Downing • Street, 2 Avril 1835, No. 33, concernant 1’ Honorable James Kerr, et qu’il a plu a Son Excellence de com- muniquera cette Chambre. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question : Pour, 44. Contre, 11. Ainsi elle a yty emportye dans 1’Affirmative, et Resolu, En consequence. Ordonne, Que M. Power , M. Gugy, M. Deblois et M. Meilleur prSsentent la dite Adresse a Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. A Petition of Alexis Bertrand of Cap Sante, was pre- sented to the House by Mr. Gugy, and the same was received and read; setting forth: That in the month of March in the year 1813, the Petitioner was drawn from the local Militia of Cap Sante, and sent to Laprai- rie de la Magdeleine , where he was placed in the Gre- nadier Company of the Second Battalion of the Select and Incorporated Militia: That subsequently while the Petitioner was with said Company at Kingston in Upper Canada, he was, by order of his Superior Officer, with- drawn from the ranks and placed in one of His Ma- jesty’s Forges, where he remained a month and a half, employed in repairing the arms of the Infantry, and of the Royal Artillery Train, and in preparing the iron work of a Vessel of War, which was then building on Lake Une Petition d' Alexis Bertrand, du Cap Sante, a 6te E 4tition d ' A - presentye A la Chambre par M. Gugy, laquelle a ety um pJ&oST re^ue et lue, exposant : Que dans le cours de Mars de l’annye 1813, le Petitionnaire fut tir6 de la Division de Milice Sydentaire du Cap Sante, et expydiy A La- prairie de la Magdeleine, ou il fut rangy dans la Com- pagnie des Grenadiers du Deuxi^me Bataillon de la Milice d’Elite et Incorporye : Que subsequemment, etant avec sadite Compagnie a Kingston, dans le Haul - Canada, ilfut parses supyrieurs tir£ des rangs et plac6 dans une des Forges du Roi, ou il est resty environ un moisetdemiA Sparer les armes de l’lnfanterie, les trains d’ Artillerie, et A faire les ferrures d’un vaisseau de guerre qui seconstruisait alors sur le Lac Ontario : Que pendant le temps de son service dans cette forge, il A. 18 35. £ 0 0 Novembris. Lake Ontario : Tliat wliile the Petitioner was so em- ployed in the Forge aforesaid, he had the misfortune to burn his leg so badly as to render him for the time, incapable of working at his trade, or of serving in the ranks, and was consequently sent to the Military Hos- pital at Kingston, where he remained about a fortnight: That having rejoined his Company he made afoiced march from" Kingston to Chateauguay in the face of the enemy, in a severe season, and when the Roads had been rendered more fatiguing and the country more unwholesome by the fall rains, in consequence of which his legs, which had been only imperfectly healed, suf- fered considerably, were affected by the cold, swelled very much, and that at length he almost entirely lost the use of them, by reason whereof he became and re- mains infirm, and has been only able, with much suffer - ing to gain a miserable livelihood, although he has frequently received assistance from the charity of the public: That having full confidence in the justice of the persons who were authorized to distribute the in- demnity granted to Militiamen wounded or disabled during the late War, (trusting as he did to his infirm state and the justice of his cause,) he presented two Pe- titions to the competent authorities: That the Peti- tioner flattering himself with the hope of obtaining the said indemnity, and encouraged in this hope, though he was put off and amused with promises from time to time, he made a great number of journies to Quebec, and was led into considerable expense, but without attaining his object: That in the year 1833, after the Petitioner had presented the last of the two Petitions aforesaid, he was called upon to prove the truth of his allegations, to do which he was obliged in the first place to travel into the United States for the purpose of obtaining the Certificate of a Blacksmith who had worked with him at Kingston, at the time when the Petitioner was burned and sent to the Military Hos- pital, which Certificate, with that of the Surgeon of the Battalion, and several others, all confirmatory of the al- legations of the Petitioner, are, together with his dis- charge from tbe said Battalion, filed in the office of the Adjutant General of Militia: That in the year now last past, the Petitioner was examined and inspected by the medical men appointed for that purpose, and saw the whole fruit of his labours swept away by their Report, which was as follows: “ That Alexis Bertrand “ was never wounded as a Militiamen while employed “ against the enemy in the field :” That this Report being founded on a forced construction of the Law which grants an indemnity to Militiamen wounded or disabled in His Majesty’s service during the late War, by which construction it is made a condition sine qua non that the Militiaman should have been wounded by the enemy on the field of battle, a condition which is' not contained in the Law ; and praying the House to be pleased to give their attention to the five Certi- ficates annexed to this Petition, as well to those which are deposited as aforesaid, with the Petitioner’s dis- charge in the office of the Adjutant General of Militia, and which he has never been able to get returned to him ; and to take into their benevolent consideration his extreme poverty, the expenses he lias been forced to incur and his infirm state, which give him so just a title to the indemnity aforesaid, and to be generously pleased to grant him the said indemnity. Ordered ", That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the City and nrgto"h r e el Law District of Montreal, was presented to the House by 2e/ih" u custom Mr. Gugy, and the same was received and read ; set- t>f Paris, t)Og il eut le malheur de se bruler les jambes, de maniere a le rendre incapable d’exercer son metier ou de faire le service dans les rangs, et consequemment fut rel6gu6 a l’Hopital Militairede Kingston, ou il fut arrets environ quinze jours: Que rendu a sa Compagnie, il fit une marche forcfe de Kingston a Chauteauguay, au-devant de l’ennemi, dans une saison tr^s-rigoureuse, et sur un des chemins rendus des plus fatiguans et malsains par les eaux et les boues de Pautomne ; en consequence dequoi, ses jambes qui n’etaient encore qu’imparfaite- ment gueries, souffrirent consid£rablement, prirent du froid, se foulerent et devinrent par la suite complete- ment inhabiles a le servir, de sorte qu’ilen est demeure infirme a ne pouvoir que miserablement gagncr une subsistence des plus pauvres, quoique frequemment as- siste par la charite du public jusqu’a ce jour : Que re- posant une entiere confiance en la justice de ceux qui avaient autorite pour distribuer 1 indemnity accordee aux Miliciens blesses ou estropies durant la derniere Guerre, (vu son etat d’infirmite et la Justice de sa cause) il aurait en differens temps presente deux Pe- titions aux autorites competentes: Que flatte de 1’es- poir d’obtenir l’indemnite, et encourage dans cet es- poir, mais remis toujours, et amus6 d’un terme a un autre, il aurait fait un grand nombre de voyages a Que- bec, et aurait ^te entraine a des depenses considerables, pour parvenir a son but : Que dans le cours de Fan- nie 1833, ayant present^ la dernifcre de ses deux dites Petitions, il lui aurait 3 * cd Qrq * p- cd Q w w 3 sr; to" tr o TS -a o O to Cft TO Q- o w o Pd P M to w X o p § s b b S’ 1 ; a r gl & s a s b ss TO Ss* TO 5 ^ a 00 5 D* ^a R. h § s s s> 4 a 2 . a • 5 T- P- • CD Pa S. o’ o b VS. tt a Or* a s a a cl Cl § to s <50 3. Co to GO i— CO tO tO 05 i— o 3 Jl GO fO. to - - u, g 3- r . “*-J ft) _ ^ r-t h H?S >j Pd to a- « J 3*3 S-S . r* * S g b" 1 ^5? a* s-if 1*3 §• I §'*>»» - Ej *3 TO , $? TO >3 O ■ TO O ^ D ‘ W ^ s. 1 3* g p- “ crq g O ^ ‘T? c n ~i o P I— J ^r. cd 2 TO TO 3 P *>fc c o SJ O 03 C2 3 O o s o o CL o- *T3 P o *T3 .. rt> s >~t - £ o Co B r? § S’ p a p- o c-h . O : *-h o i-i O a a . a- : Ho I" 1 S |I & C ct> Q ^ M O v TO 2 S 3 tr* ^ cv 2 . 2.F §. s -s as 3 ce> jq «■ p <5 -s ^ a ■ TO O’ 3 % 3-^Crq 3^0 OS O , $ - a o H a B B CD i TO S f< V o r-h O *-^5 o o ►T3 TO a- TO § f « £ £d v? 5 to" : o S' o* a o a a a- a c- a a o. w a § To 3 ^3 Q O 3 ct- rro a* cr crq ^ ■ S td " TO H-“0 GO 2 03 tt ^ o w, O o a W o-g £ ® 2 3 si d d. rc> ^ cd O- c-t Q- - C O-. ■ — GT *<1 1-1 ?d Qg » »o w- a OO TO o-h w ^o. CD § o- p r- w 2- TO £ § TO 3 ^3 tO TO 03 a *-i CLi CU rJ - W _ TO 3- TO a o TO B ta _ TO 3- TO a o to B oo td 03 TO U'"a • o O 3- 73 CD 00 O OD -* 01 ^ • o CD P cu C3 3 ^3 ro o i— cd CO 3 CD 3 •-J O, c-t- d-i a- S> b- ?d B- C-H cr 3 cr 4 O IS to 3-tOj i— "-a -a go o 1 - 1 ° oo -i TO „ . oo 3. Ur 00 ^ ’ O Ur 2 to a. 2 a g to 3 3- 3 to TO «

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I lH s. b ^ s - a s r i 5- to a5 g ta : 3 O- 3. c_ ; - a ^ pT «• a o. 3 2 ^ 05 TO ai a 3 a - ^ a” g- • ^°a P to to a to a a a a 3 a to 2 ® TO 3-2 H TO 3 a GO a o N a a 3 o>? g to «> ; a, 3 . o. < CD 3 <» p Pi P c- a W^tda 2. Pd o S- 3 “* "a : f-r • ■1 O ■ a- : TO 2 S a to 2 TOv TO TO , a a,u w ' -j to to a 8-fff TO 3 o a ■ 2 • o • 3 * TO TOv &. TOn TO a- . TO • TO\ ca a a ce : Pd a TO , os : ' o- TO H TO ES : to : ^nt-f a TO o a a «• W Ol 05 p Pd TO 2.o vT- B g 3 a a CL 3 a ol , X" 3n re T) Cl a a -« LL 3 O 3 t> Pd o a a>-a cr i-Q I— O Ur Cj • a Pd TO 2 . 8 P-3 2 3 3 p a- B a 3 sr TO ' ® -a 3- g a "* h- 3 oo » pa TO TO Pd « o » 2. o 2. o r 5 - s 2 3 to ■ 3 a a _ 3. a o 3- 3 Cl m - to 3n w - tg 3 a a a. TOn O ^ Cl a a *■* to g ~i s| g to° rt- p, O. r “ 6 “ X “> >; 2 . 8 2 . § 2 . 8 ** 3 p— B p~ B 2 3 to a © a 3 a a g a g CL 3 ^ a Cl d a 3. a a. a o. 3-S'to - -- Cl P C- p <© a !^ b a •-< o- a a -t Sd £ 10 3 05 a «nj a TO a “ o •1 GO CO _ n- o o © a a ■ i o CD 3- CO P CJt CO g/dtHparntd ~ » £ a £ -j -a £ w 'a <.►© B -o O (D o > — i O >— i >1 - - x o C B Cjt B o © a v*-' 1 -fa* rfj v 2' 3 m3 w g- 0^0 O © © o a a a O LIST LISTE Appendice (I.) Papiers remisa la Barre. Liste des De~ mandes pour obtenir un changetneot da Tenure. \ J> i j 76 20° Novembris , A. 1835 List of Letters LISTof Letters Patent of Change of Tenure under the Canada Tenures Act, issued since the 1st February 1835. Patent for a change of Ten- ure. Description. Name of Grantee. Date of Patent. Conditions. Seigniory of Villechauve or Beauharnois, now called Annfield , Lot of Land, St. John ’s Suburb, Tract of Land at Wolfesfield, Certain Lots of Land and Beach at Wolfes Cove, Edward Ellice , Esquire, Louis Lacroix, William Price, Esquire, Messrs. Grant Greenshields, 1833, 10th May, “ 30th July, “ 1st November, “ 21st do. ' • The same as all Lots of Land, Banlieue of Quebec, Lot of Land, St. Rock’s Suburb, Certain Lots do. Lower Town, Quebec, Lot of Land and premises, Upper Town, Quebec, Lot of Land and Beach at PAnce-des- Meres, Joseph Stowe Shaw, Esquire, George Campbell, Thos. Hunt $ Eliz. Chillas, Robert Wood, John Fraser, Esquire, 1834, 8th December, 1835, 6th May, “ 27 th June, “ 10th July, “ 10th November, - ► grants in free and common soccage. Secretary's Office, Quebec , 13th November 1835. D. DALY, Secretary and Regr. LISTE des Lettres Patentes accordant un Changement de Tenure en vertu de l’Acte des Tenures du Canada , emanees depuis le ler Fevrier 1835. Designation. Seigneurie de Villechauve ou Beauhar- nois, maintenant appelee Annfield, Lot de terre, Faubourg St. Jean, Etendue de terre a Wolfesfield, Certains Lots de Terre et de Greve a Wolfe' s Cove, Lots de terre, Banlieue de Quebec, Lot de terre Faubourg St. Rock, Certains Lots do. Basse-Ville de Quebec , Lot de terre et dependances, Haute- Ville de Quebec, Lot de terre et de greve, a P Anse-des- Meres, Nom du Concessionnaire. Date de la Patente. Conditions. Edward Ellice, Ecuyer, 1833, 10 Mai, Louis Lacroix, “ 30 Juillet, William Price, Ecuyer, “ 1 Novembre, MM. Grant et Greenshields, “ 21 dito, Les memes que dans les Octrois Joseph Stowe Shaw, Ecuver, 1834, 8 Decembre, >en Franc et Com- George Campbell, 1835, 6 Mai, mun Soccage. Thos. Hunt et Eliz. Chillas, “ 27 Juin, Robert Wood, “ 10 Juillet, John Fraser , Ecuyer, “ 10 Novembre, 'J Bureau du Secretaire, Quebec, 13 Novembre 1835.- D. DALY, Secretaire et Reg. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. De Witt , The Public Ac- Ordered , That the two Messages of His Excellency timaie for 183C i, the Governor in Chief, of this day, with the Public referred. Accounts and Estimate accompanying the same, be referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts. Ordered, That the said two Messages, Public Ac- counts and Estimate, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Sur Mo'tion de M. Morin, seconde par M. De Witt, Ordonne, Que les deux Messages de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, de ce jour, et les Comptes Publics et Estimation qui Paccompagnent, soient refe- res au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics. Ordonne, Que les dits deux Messages et Comptes Publics et Estimation soient imprimes pour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. The Documents Ordered, That the Documents delivered at the Bar change ? o'f° Ten- of this House, this day, relative to mutations of Tenure, ure referred. be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. Ordered, That the said Documents be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Ordonne, Que les Documens remis a la Bane de cette Chambre, ce jour, relativement a la mutation de Tenure, soient r^feres au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux. Ordonne, Que les dits Documens soient imprimes pour Pusage des Membres de cette Chambre. Report on new Hall of Assem- bly. Mr. VanfeJson, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Report of the Commissioners for the erection of a new Flail of Assembly, presented to this House on the seventh March last, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again rrad at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : M. VanfeJson, du Comite Special auquel a ete refere le Rapport des Commissaires pour Perection d une non- velle Salle des Seances de PAssemblee, presente a cette Chambre le sept Mars dernier, a presente a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comite, leqnel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : Lisle des Let- tres Patentes de changement de Tenure. Les Comptes ~ Publics et Esti- mation pour 1836, referes. Les Dorumen; relatifs hu changement de Tenure, i eferes Rapport sur la nouvelle Salle des Stances de 1’ Assemble. Your Votr^* 6 Will. IV 20° Novembris, 1 77 Your Committee having read and considered tiie Re- port presented to this House on the 7th March last, by the Commissioners appointed under the authority of the Act of the Provincial Parliament of the third year of the Reign of William the fourth, Chapter twelve, intituled, “ An Act to provide for the erection of a new Hall of Assembly, and having also examined the several Accounts and Contracts accompanying that Report; and having also examined William Burns Lindsay, Es- quire, one of the Commissioners, as well as Messieurs Casault and Fortier, the Contractors, and several other witnesses, and after having maturely deliberated on the whole, have the honor to make the following Re- port to Your Honorable House: The Commissioners found themselves compelled, bv the circumstances stated in their Report, to exceed the appropriations made by the Legislature, to the amount of £ 1249 . 16s. 9d. currency, for sundry necessary and extra work not provided for by the Contracts. But Your Committee having enquired into the facts, res- pectfully submit to Your Honorable House, that the Commissioners were justified, under all the circum- stances of the case, in doing as they have done, and that the sum due by them to the workmen they em- ployed ought to be paid. Your Committee also considered it their duty care- fully to examine the Accounts, and to cause the work to be inspected by competent workmen, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the charges made for it were or were not too high ; and after a careful, and even minute examination on the part of Your Committee, they have to state to Your Honorable House, that the only ob- jection made to the Account of Mr. Charles Casault, Master Joiner, is, to his having charged £5. a hundred, (or Is. a piece) for boards, instead of £4. 3s. 4d. which is the common and current price, according to the testi- mony of Messieurs Jellard and Trepanier, °M aster Join- ers. This would make a reduction of £5. in the whole of Mr. Casault ’ s Account, but Your Committee do not recommend that such reduction should be made, having been satisfied that Mr. Casault purchased several quan- tities of boards at that time, at the price charged in his Account against the Commissioners ; and he has like- wise a fair claim to compensation, because in conse- quence of the inability of the Commissioners to pay his Account for want of funds, he was obliged to bor- row money for which he has been paying interest for a year past. In the^ Account of Mr. Francois Fortier, Master Mason, lour Committee, after having carefully exa- mined it, and taken the opinion of two Master Masons, find a difference of £39. Os. 7^-d. between the amount allowed by the Commissioners" and the estimate of the value of the work made by the Masons called before Your Committee as Experts. But after the explana- tion given by Mr. Lindsay, one of the Commissioners, who produced a contract in writing under private sig- nature, (accompanied by a drawing of the Pedestal surmounting the front of the Building,) by virtue of which Contract the said Pedestal was charged at ^£100. instead of <=£70. (the price at which it has since been estimated), 1 our Committee are of opinion that no re- duction can fairly be made in Mr. Fortier ' s charge for the said Pedestal. The remaining difference between Mr. Fortier’s Account and the amount of the prices allowed by the Experts called before Your Committee, is only £ 9 . Os. 7^d. which sum Your Committee have not thought it right to deduct from the amount claimed by Mr. Fortier , for the same reasons which induced them to make no reduction in the Account of the Master Joiner. Vol. — 45. v mip \ otre Ccmite ayant lu et consid^re le Rapport mF sente a cette Chambre, le 7 Mars dernier, par les Com’- missai res nomm6s en vertu de l’Acte du Parlement Provincial de la troisifcme annee du R^gne de Guillaume Quatre, Chapitre douze, intitule, “ Acte pour pour- {£ voir a 1 erection d une nouvelle Salle de Seance pour Assemblee ; ayant en outre examine les divers Comptes et Contrats qui accompagnent ce Rapport, et enfin ayant examine William- Bums Lindsay , Ecuyer, Urn d eS Commissaires, ainsi que Messieurs Casault et d order, Contracteurs, et plusieurs autres Temoins et avoir sur le tout murement delibere, a Phonneur’de fame Rapport a Votre Honorable Chambre, ainsi qu’ii suit : * Les Commissaires se sont trouves forces par les cir- Constances enoncees dans leur Rapport d’exceder 1 'al- location de la Legislature, au montant de ^1249. 16s 9d cours actuel pour divers ouvrages necessaires et extra non pffvus dans les Contrats originates, mais Votre Comite, apres avoir enquis sur ces fails, soumet respec- tueusement a Votre Honorable Chambre que les Com. missaires, sous toutes les circonstances, etaient justifies dans ce qu ilsont fait, etque cette somme par eux due aux ouvriers qu’ils ont employes doit etre pavee, Votre Comite a encore considere qu’ii etait de son de. voir d examiner attentivement les Comptes et de faire examiner les ouvrages faits, par des ouvriers experts, afin de savoir si les ouvrages etaient 011 non surcharges et apres une recherche exacte, et meme minutieuse, faite de la part de \ otre Comite, il doit remarquer a Votre Honorable Chambre que la seule objection faite au Compte de M. Charles Casault, Maitre Menuisier, est dans la charge par lui faite de la planche, en raison de £0. du cent ou Is. la ptce, au lieu de £4. 3s. 4d., qui est le prix fixe comme courant et ordinaire par Mes- sieurs Jellard et Trepanier, Maitres Menuisiers, ce qui , ait tout Une difference de £5. sur tout le Compte de M. Casault, que Votre Comite ne recommande pour- tant pas de retrancher, attendu que Votre Comite s’est assure que M. Casault avait achete plusieurs quantites de planches dans le temps qu'il a fait les ouvrao-es en question, au meme prix par lui charge aux Commis- saires ; en outre qu’ii s’est opere une juste compensa- tion en sa faveur, vu qua defaut par les Commissaires de pouvoir, faute de deniers, lui payer le montant de son Compte, il avait ete oblige de faire un emprunt pour Jequel il paie interet depuisun an. Sur le Compte de M. Francois Fortier , Maitre Ma- 9011, Votre Com it^, apr£s 1’avoir soigneusement examine et av ??LP ns 1,0 P ini0n de deux Maitres Magons, trouve une difference de £39. Os. 7|d. entre le Compte ap- prouve par les Commissaires et 1’estimation des ou- vrages faits par les Magons, experts appeles devant V otre Comite. Mais apres ^explication donnee par M. Lmndsay, Pun des Commissaires qui a produit un mar- che sous semg priv6, accompagne d’un Plan pour le 1 led d Lstal du Fronteau qui est en consequence charge £\99., au lieu de £70., qu’ii a depuis ete esti- rne, est d opinion que l’on en peut justement faire la reduction contre M. Fortier a cet egard. La seule difference qui reste sur le Compte de M. Fortier, entre les prix charges et ceux estimes par les Magons, experts qui ont ete appeles devant Votre Comite, n’est que de £9- 0. ?ld. que Votre Comite n’a pas cru devoir de- duce du montant reclame par M. Fortier pour les memes raisons alleguees dans le cas du Maitre Menui- sier. 2 Y Your Votre 178 20 ° Novembris. A . 1835 , Your Committee next turned their attention to the probable cost of completing the Pediment in front of the Hall of Assembly, and of the Throne behind the Speaker’s Chair ; and after having examined Mr. Lindsay, one of the Commissioners, and Mr. Fortier, Master Mason, Your Committee are of opinion that the sum of £200 would suffice to complete the said work. . . Your Committee then enquired concerning the pro- bable expense of making a Sewer from the new Privies, and are of opinion that it might be fairly worth £150. currency, to make the same in a good and woikmanlike manner. Your Committee also enquired concerning the pro- bable cost of a Wall surmounted by an Iron Railing, all round the Parliamentary Buildings. From the es- timate furnished to Your Committee on this subject, it appears that the probable cost of the same would be ,=£1300. currency, and that an appropriation to this amount would be sufficient. But Your Committee humbly submit to Your Honorable House that it would be expedient to suspend the execution of the said work until the other Wing of the Parliamentary Building shall be completed. Yhe last subject referred to Your Committee is not the least important of those so referred, that is to say, the pulling down of the old Wing of the Episcopal Pa- lace ; and for this reason Your Committee reserved it as the last subject of their deliberations. After having made all the enquiries requisite to ascertain as nearly as possible the probable cost of a new Wing on the other side of the Hall of Assembly, to correspond with that already erected, Y T our Committee submit as their opinion that it would cost £\S,350. currency, including in that sum all the work which would be required about certain Vaults necessary for holding the Archives of the Provincial Secretary’s Department and the Offices of the Secretary. , , If Your Honorable House should adopt the sugges- tion of Your Committee, and an appropriation should be made for the purpose last mentioned, Your Com- mittee suggest (as a provision by which a saving to the Province might be effected) that a separate Con- tract should be made for pulling down and removing the old Wing, either by giving all the materials to the person who should undertake to pull it down and clear the site, or by causing it to be carefully taken down, and selling by auction such part of the materials as might again be made use of. Your Committee also offer as a suggestion for the consideration of Your Honorable House, that the Vaults in the new Building should be constructed in the most substantial manner, and made completely fire proof under any circumstances. Your Committee ought not to conclude this Report without remarking that the Commissioners appear to have been attentive, and to have acquitted themselves faithfully of their duty as Commissioners. Ordered , That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House on i uesday next. Votre Comite a ensuite considere le cout probable du Frontail de la Salle de Seance et le Trone de l’Orateur, et apres avoir examine M. Lindsay , fun des Com- missaires, et M. Fortier , Maitre M 39011, Y'otre Comity est d'opinion que la somme de ^£200. suffirait pour faire completer ces ouvrages. Votre Comite s'est ensuite enquis du cout probable du Canal a faire pour les nouvelles Latrines, et e3t d’opinion que cet ouvrage solidement fini pourrait va= loir la somme de £150. cours actuel. Votre Comite s’est aussi enquis combien pourrait couter le mur a faire tout autour de la Maison de Par- lement, avec Palissade en ffir. D’apr^s l’estime fourni devant Votre Comite, et les explications donn£es de- vant Votre Comite a ce sujet, il parait que la somme de £1300. cours actuel, en serait le cout probable, et qu’une appropriation de ce montant suffirait, mais Votre Comite soumet lmmblement a Votre Honorable Cham- bre qu’il serait raisonnable de suspendre l'execution de cet ouvrage jusqu’a ce que l autre Aile de la Maison du Parlement fut batie. Le dernier sujet refere a la consideration de YTotre Comite n’est pas le moins important, de ceux a lui re- ffires, savoir : la demolition de la vieille Aile du Pa- lais Episcopal ; et pour cette raison Votre Comite s’en est occupe en dernier lieu, et apr£s avoir pris les ren- seignemens necessaires, afin d’etablir avec autant de certitude que possible le cout probable d’une Aile en neuf de l’autre cote de la Salle de Seance correspon- dante a celle deja batie, soumet comme son opinion, qu’eile pourrait couter £13,350. cours actuel, compre- nant dans ce montant tout ce qu’il faudrait faire tou- chant certaines Voutes necessaires pour recevoir les Archives du Secretaire de la Province et les Bureaux du Secretaire. Dans le cas ou Votre Honorable Chambre adopterait la suggestion de Votre Comite, et qu il fut fait une ap- propriation a cette fin, Votre Comite suggere comme une demarche propre a sauver des frais a la Province, de faire un Contrat particulier pour la demolition de la vieille Aile, soit en donnant tous les materiaux a celui qui voudrait la demolir et nettoyer la place, ou de faire faire la demolition avec precaution, et de vendre a 1’en- chere tous les materiaux propres & servir. Votre Comit6 soumet de plus a la consideration de Votre Honorable Chambre de faire faire les Voutes dans le nouvel Edifice d’une manRre fort solide et en toutes choses it 1 epreuve du feu. Votre Comite ne doit pas conclure son Rapport sans observer que les Commissaires paraissent avoir ete at- tentifsa s’acquitter fidelement de leurs devoirs comme Commissaires. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere h un Comi- t6 detoutela Chambre, Mardi prochain. On Motion of Mr. Vanfelson , seconded by Mr. MeiU leur , Address for a Ttptnbfd That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying he will jatiuary,' 1 836^ be pleased to direct the proper Officer to lay before this House, a Statement of the probable amount of Public Monies which will be in the Vaults on the 15th January next. Ordered , That Mr. Vanfelson , Mr. Meiileur , Mr. Besserer and Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorion do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. On Sur Motion de M. Vanfelson , seconde par M. MeiU leur , Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une Humble Adresse a Adressepourun Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en Chef, le priant qu n gentdunsies lui pldske ordonner a l’Officier a qui il appartient, de met??e devant cette Chambre, un £tat du montant pro- bable des Deniers Publics qui seront dans les Voutes le quinze de Janvier prochain. Ordonne , Que M. Vanfelson, M. Meiileur, M. Bes- serer, et M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chcf. Sur 6 Will. IV. 20° Novembris , On Motion of Mr. Morin , seconded by Mr. i/wor pers relating to Resolved , X'hat an humble Address be presented to augmentation ?. is Exc ellency the Governor in Chief, praying him to of Aston. direct the proper Officer to lay before this House, a List of all the Lots of Land sold or granted under Pa- tent in the augmentation or continuation of the Town- ship of Aston, with the extent, date and conditions of such sales or grants,— of all Lots of Land in the place aforesaid, promised by Location Tickets or otherwise, with the extent of such Lots and the date and condi- tions of the Location Tickets,— a note of all surveys made under the authority of the Provincial Executive, either with regard to the external boundaries of the said augmentation of the Township o t' Aston, or to par- ticular Lots within the limits thereof; and, lastly, a note of the Lots within the same tract which have been reserved or set apart for the Clergy or for the Crown, and of the manner in which the reservation was made. Ordered, That Mr. Morin, Mr. Huot, Mr. De Ton- nancour and Mr. Lacoste do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. That , an humble Address be presented to Lands m Stan- riis Excellency the Governor in Chief, prayinff His AnhaS'kaand Excellency to be pleased to direct the proper Public Warwick. Officers to lay before this House, Copies of the adver- tizements or notices issued in the year 1835, with re- gard to any sales of Lands in the Townships of Stan, fold, Bulstrode, cl and Wor'wiclc , with a note of the manner in and of the places at which such adver- tizements and notices were made and given ; of the sales which took place in consequence thereof; the time and place at which such sales took place, and by whose ministry they were made ; also, Copies of all Petitions, Letters or Memorials addressed to the Exe- cutive Government or to the Officers entrusted with the sale and management of Lands, since the year 1833, inclusively, by persons claiming or asking for Lands in the said Townships of Stanfold, Bulstrode , Arthabaslca and Warwick , with the names of the persons who signed such Petitions, Letters or Memorials, the date at which they were received, and the answers given to them ; also, a List of all Lots or parts of Lots in the said Town, ships which are now disposable or vacant. Ordered , That Mr. Morin, Mr. Huot, Mr. Caron and Mr. JDubord do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. Address for p a . Resolved , That an humble Address be presented to Lands in Stan- -His Excellency the Governor in Chief, prayinsr His Excellency to direct the proper Officers to lay before Warwick. this House, a List of all the Lots of Land sold or granted under Patent in the Townships of Stanfold, Bulstrode, Arthabaska and Warwick , with the extent, date and conditions of such sales or grants ; of all Lots of Land in the said Townships promised by Location Tickets or otherwise, with the extent of the said Lots, and the dates and conditions of such Location Tickets • a note of the surveys which may have been made under the authority of the Provincial Executive, either with regard to the external boundaries of the said Townships or to particular Lots within them ; and, lastly, a note of the Lots in the said Townships which have been re~ served and set apart for the Clergy or for the Crown and the manner in which such reservation was made! 179 ® M ,orin t second^ par M. Huot, Resolu, Qu il soit presente une humble Adresse q AJreasopouf oon Excellence le Gouverneur^en-Chpf nri'anf r des p »pier» cellence d’ordonner aux Offices qu- lVpp t endra^e me tredevant cette Chambre, une Lisf e P de tous ’ Lots de terre vendus, octroy^s ou concedes sous Pa ernes dans 1 augmentation ou continuation du Town- ship d Aston, avec Petendue, la date et les conditions des dites ventes, octrois et concessions ; de tou* Lot« de terre dans le raeme lieu promis par Billets de loci- dat^S^^ Limites , enfin, une Note des Lots dans la dite etem* due qui peuvent avoir H 6 reserves et designes k part pour leClergeou pour la Couronne, et de la manure dont cette Reserve et Designation a eu lieu. cour M ne T ^ M ‘ ™ 0rin ' ^Huot, M. De Tonnan - cour, M. Lacoste presentent la dite Adresse 4 Son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Sm? Ffpii Qu,il | S r Fesemte une Humble Adresse a Adre, sep our Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef nriant Snn t?y d esP»piers cellence de vouloir bien ordonner aux 6ffi"1e l s Pubfe qu ,1 appart.endea. de mettre devant cette Chambre une Copie des Annonces ou Publications faites dans Warwicki le cours de 1 annee 1835, par rapport Et toutes ventes de Terres dans les Townships de Stanfold, Bulstrode Arthabaska et Warwick ; avec Vindication de la rname! re dont et des heux oh ces Publications ou Annonces ont ete faites, des Ventes qui ont eu lieu en consg- quence, de la dateet du lieu de telles Ventes et par le imnist&re de qui elles ont eu lieu ; aussi, Cop^e de toutes Requetes, Lettres ou Memoires adresses auGou. vernement Ex^cutif ou aux Officiers proposes k la vp! te et r^gie des Terres depuis l’ann^ P i?S3, inctu^ei ment, par des person nes reclamant ou demandant des Tei res dans les d its Townships de Stanfold , Bulstrode Arthabaska et Warwick, avec les noms des siffnatai- res, et la date de la reception de telles Requete? Let- les ou Memoires, et les Reponses qui y ont et6 faiths - auss, une Liste de tous partis ou Lo?s de Terre dans les memes Townships actuellement disponibles et vacans Ordonne, Que M Morin, M. Huot, M. Caron etU Dubord presentent la dite Adresse & Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. ence e Resolu, Qu il soit presente une humble * Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son *'***•$?"• Excellence de vouloir bier i ordonner aux Officiers „™1 appartiendra, de mettre devant rptt a rkomi •* Md - Bulstrode, , , viuuuiin aux wmciers Oil ll res dans Stan- appartiendra, de mettre devant cette Chamhro " f ? ld> Bulstrode, ,J, de tous les Lots de terre vendus. octroyes ou con w “"“ cedes sous Patents dans les Townships de SlanfM Bulstrode, Arthabaska et Warwick, avic Petendue U date et les conditions des dites ventes, octrois ou con cessions ; de tous Lots de terre dans les memes Town- ships promis par Billets de Location, ou autrement avec etendue des dits Lots et la date et les condS de telles promesses, une Note des Arpentages et Mesu- £ euv . ent . foir M fails sous PAutonte d e th diKT Prov 7 nc,al > so,t quantaux limites exterieures des dits Townships, ou quant k des Lots particuliers Si fr , .' raites > enfin . une Note des Lots dans les dits lownships qui peuvent avoir ete reserves etde- signesapart pour le Clerge ou pour la Couronne, et dela manure dont cette reserve et designation a eu Ordered \ Ordonnf 180 20° Novembris, A. 1835, Ordered, That Mr. Morin , Mr. Letourneau, Mr. Knight and Mr. Leslie do present the said Address to His Excellent:)' the Governor in Chief. Ordonne , Que M. Morin, M. Letourneau, M. Knight, el M. Leslie presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en Chef. Address for Co- Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to reia S ung n °o ,ces His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying his Ex- Lands and the ce ]] e ncv to be pleased to direct the proper Public Offi- ciating of Tun- I , . tt ^ . 1 p II l ,• berthereon. cer to lay before tins House, Copies of ail advertize- ments and other public notices in any manner relating to Lands in this Province, or to the cutting of Timber thereon, inserted under the authority of the Executive Government in the Paper called “ The Quebec Ga- zette,” published by C . Fisher, or by Fisher and Kemble, since the 13th November, 1826, or rendered public in this Province in any other manner whatever. Ordered , That Mr. Morin, Mr. Girouard, Mr. Bou- tillier and Mr. Bedard do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. Address for Pa- Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to ?he S Kmg's g l ° His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying His Posts. Excellency to be pleased to lay before this House, a Copy of the Lease of a certain tract of Land in this Province, called “ The King’s Posts,” made by II is Majesty's Government in this Province to John Goudie, of the City of Quebec , Trader, in 1821 or 1822; and also Copies of all subsequent Deeds or Agreements made between His Majesty’s Government and the Les- sees of the King’s Posts with regard to the Lease afore- said. Ordered, That Air. Morin, Mr. Simon, Mr. Gugy and Air. Tessier do present the said Address to 11 is Excellency the Governor in Chief. Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a ^TTiwde Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son pubi ications re- Excellence de vouloir bien ordonner a 1 Officier Pu- resTu exploit! blic qu’il appartiendra, de mettre devant cette Cham- Boissur bre, Copies de toutes Annonces, Avis ou autres Pu- blications concernant les Terres en cette Province, en aucune maniere que ce soit, ou Sexploitation de Bois sur icelles, insures sous 1’autorite du Gouvernement Ex6cut.if dans le Papier nomme “ la Gazette de Que- bec,” public e par J.-C. Fisher, ou par Fisher et Kemble, depths le 13 Novembre 1826, ou rendus publics de toute autre maniere dans la Province. Ordonne, Que AL Morin, M. Girouard, M. Boutil- licr, et AI. Bedard presentent la dite Adresse a Son Exellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une Humble Adresse a Adresse pour Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son des Papiers re- Excellence de vouloir bien laire mettre devant cette les da Roi. Chambre, Gopie du Bail a loyer d’une certaine eten- due de territoire en cetle Province, connue sous le nom de “ Poste du Roi,” fait par le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste en cette Province, a John Goudie, mar- chand, de la ville de Quebec, en 1821, ou 1822 ; etaus- si, Copie de tous Actes ou Conventions posterieures faits entre le Gouvernement de Sa Majesty et les Locataires des Postes du Roi a 1’egard du dit Bail. Ordonne , Que AL Morin, M. Simon, M. Gugy, et AI. Tessier presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Address for Pa- pers relating 10 Lands granted, leased or pro- mised lo Public Officers and their families. Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying His Excellency to be pleased to inform this House, with reference to the Address of this House of the 25th Ja- nuary, 1834, to His Excellency Lord Aylmer, and to his Answer of the 4th February following, whether any and what tracts of Waste Lands have been granted or leased, or promised under Location Tickets, or other- wise, since the date of the said Address, to any Mem- ber of the Legislative or of the Executive Council of this Province, or to any Judge or other individual hold- ing any Official situation in the Province ; also, whether any, and what tracts of such Lands have been granted, leased, or promised between the Report of a Commit- tee of the House of Commons, dated 22nd July, 1828, and the present time, other than those mentioned in the Statement submitted ou the 25th February, 1834, to the wives, children, sons-in-law, brothers or sisters of any of the said Councillors, Judges, or Public Func- tionaries, in so far as such relationship may appear by the Petitions, Correspondence and Registers kept in the Public Offices of this Province, or may have been or be notoriously within the knowledge of the Execu- tive Government ; and in case any such grant, lease or promise as those mentioned in this Address should have been made, praying llis Excellency to be pleased to in- form this House, on what conditions they were made, and what precautions were taken to ensure the cultiva- tion and improvement of such Lands ; and also to be pleased to direct the proper Officer to cause a detailed Statement of all such Lands so granted, leased or pro- mised to be laid before this House. Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur en-Chef, priant Son Excellence de vouloir bien informer cette Chambre, eu egard a l’Adresse de cette Chambre du25 Janvier 1834, a Son Excellence Lord Aylmer , et sa Rtfponse du 4 Fevrier suivant, si aucune et quelles quantitCs de Terres Yacantes ont ete concedees ou donnees a Bail, ou promises par Billets de Location, ou autre- ment, depuis l’epoque de la dite Adresse, a aucun des Membres du Conseil Legislatif ou du Conseil Execu- tif de cette Province, ou a aucun des Juges, ou a d’autres individus tenant des situations officielles dans la Province, aussi, si aucunes et quelles quantites des memes Terres ont aussi ete concedees ou donnees a Bail ou promises depuis le Rapport d’un Comite de la Chambre des Communes, en date du 22 Juillet 1828 jusqu’au present, eu outre de celles mentionnees dans l’Etat sounds le 25 Fevrier 1834, aux epouses, enfans, gendres, freres, ou soeurs d’aucun des dits Conseillers, Juges ou Fonctionnaires Publics, en autant que les elites relations de pareute peuvent apparoir dans les Petitions, Correspondances, et Registres conserves dans les Bureaux Publics en cette Province, ou en au- tant qu’elles peuvent avoir ete et etre nutoirement con- fines du Gouvernement Executif. Et dans le cas ou aucune concession ou bail ou promesse mentionnees en cette Adresse auraient en effet eu lieu, priant Son Ex- cellence dCe vouloir bien informer cette Chambre, a quelles conditions font elles et£, et quelles precautions ont ete prises pour s’assurer que les dites Terres se- raient cultivees et ameliorees ; et aussi, vouloir bien ordonner a l’officier a qui il appartiendra, de faire met- tre devant cette Chambre, un Rapport detaille de tou- tes tel les Terres ainsi concedes ou donnees a bail ou promises. Adresse pour des Papiers re- lates aux Ter- res concedees donnees a Hail ou promises a des Officiers Publics cu a : leurs families. Nil SOI *d Ordered, Ordonne , 6 Will. I V. 20 0 Novemhris . 181 Z e %r , ii at i 4r '? I ° r,n ’ Mr \ Bar ty a M r ' Viger Ordonnt, Que M. Morin, M. Ear da, M. Viger e t and Mr. 0 Callaghan do present the said Address to M. O'Callaghan presentent la dite Adresse i Son Ei H,s Excellency the Governor tn Chief. cellence le Gooverncur -en-Chef In struct ion res- pecting Sick Mariners. Report on Montreal Pub. lie Square Bill. Instruction res- pecting (iu it Kents. On Motion of Mr. Tessier, seconded by Mr. Berthelot , _ Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the Standing Committee foi Hospitals and C hariuable Institutions, to enquire into the necessity of creating a Fund to defray the expenses of the care and Medical treatment of sick Mariners on board of the Vessels in the Ports of Quebec and Montreal. Mr. Leslie , from the Special Committee to whom was icfened the Fill to establish a new Public Square at Montreal, and for other purposes therein mentioned, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill without making any amendment thereto ; and the Re- port was again read at the Clerk’s Table. u/ dei ed, I hat the said Fill be referred to a Commit- tee of the whole House on Wednesday next. On Motion of Mr. Clapham, seconded by Mr. Black- burn, Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, to whom was referred the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Megantic, praying for the abolition of Quit Rents, to ascertain the propriety and practicability of refunding to the proprietors of Lands obtained on the same tenure, all monies by them paid on account of the same. Sur Motion de xM. Tessier, seconde par M. Berthelot, induction Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction au Comite Per- ® ujetde9 M *- manent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite, ^ de s’enquerir sur la necessite de creer un Fonds pour suhvenirau soin et au traitement Medical des Marins malades a borddes vaisseaux dans les Ports de Quebec et de Montreal . M. Leslie, du Comit6 Special auquel a ete refe re le Rapport aur , i, II I* /if n It 1 ■ . ...... ..... I I 1 _ _ IX 11* i _ _ Rill nnur un. Bill pour une Place pubiique r a \ — X a. X M I Fill pour etablir une nouvelle Place Pubiique ^ Mont- ^ l8Ca pub , real, et pour autres objetsy mentionnds, a fait Rapport » Moni- que le Comite avait passd le Bill sans y faire aucun amendement ; et le Rapport a ete In de nouveau ala Table du Greffier. Ordonne , Que le dil Bill soit refere a. un Comite de toutela Chambre Mercredi prochain. Sur Motion de M. Clapham, seconde par M. Black- burn, Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction au Comite Per- manent sur ies Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux, auquel Lje.d^ Ren- a ete iTfciTe la Petition de divers Habitans du Comte les « Q uits Ran - de Megantic, demandant l’abolition des Rentes, Quit ' Rents, de constater la convenance et la possibility de rembourser aux proprietaires de terres obtenues d’apres la meme tenure, tous les argens payes par eux a compte d’icelles. Two Instruc- tions respecting Schools. Militia Pen- Isious Bill pas- sed. On Motion of Mr. Grannis, seconded by Mr. Child, Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the Standing Committee of Education and Schools, to enquire vvhe^ ther any of the County Visitors of Schools in this Pro- vince, have been in the practice of giving Certificates of the visit and examination of County Visitors, with- out having actually made such visit and examination ; whether any person or persons who are authorized to give Certificates of the qualification of Teachers, have been in the habit of giving such Certificates without having actually examined the persons to whom they were given; whether any Trustees of Schools have been known to give the Teachers of any Schools under their superintendance, directions to keep up the num- ber of Scholars required by Law, on the School Jour- nals, whether such number attend or not; whether anv Teachers have been in the habit of keeping such false accounts of attendance ; and, also, whether any Teachers have been employed in any of the Elementary Schools in this Province, who were, at the time of having such Schools, incapable of teaching Reading, Writing and Arithmetic in the language of a majority of the Inhabitants of the Districts where such Teachers have respectively been employed. Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the said Com- mittee, to enquire into the manner in which monies appropriated by the 2d Will. IV. Cap. 26, for the pur- pose of distribution in the several Elementary Schools in this Province, as premiums to such Scholars as may have excelled in their studies, have been applied to that purpose, and the tendency which the distribution of such premium money has towards the improvement of Elementary Education. An engrossed Bill to amend the Act of the fifty fifth year of the Reign of George the Third, Chapter ten, relative to the Pensions of wounded Militiamen, was read for the third time. Vol.— 45. Resolved, Sur Motion de M. Grannis , seconde par M. Child, Ordonne , Qu’il soit une Instruction au Comite Per- Deui Injtruc= manent pour 1 Education et les Ecoles, de s’enqtRrir , ' onsau »ujet si aucuns des Visiteurs d’EcoIes des Comtes en cette deB Ec °' es Province, out ete dans l’habitude de donner des Cer- tificals de la visite et examen des Visiteurs de Cotnte, sans avoir actuellement fait telle visite et examen ; si aucune personne ou personnes qui sont auforisees k donner des Certificats de la qualification des Maitres, out ete dans l’habitude de donner tels Certificats sans avoir actuellement examine les personnes a qui ils e- taient donnes ; si 1’on a vu des Syndics d’EcoIes donner aux Maitres d’aucunes Ecoles "sous leur surveillance des Ordres d’entrer dans le Journal de i’Ecole le nora* bre d’Ecoliers requis par la Loi, soit que ce nombre y assistat ou non ; si aucuns Maitres ont ete dans l’habi- tudedetenir de tels Comptes infideles de la presence des Ecoliers a l’Ecole ; et aussi, si l’on a employe des Maitres, dans aucune des Ecoles EEmentaires en cette Province, qui etaient incapables, lorsqu’ils avaient la charge de telles Ecoles, d’enseigner k lire, ecrire et l’Arithmetique dans la langue de la Majorite des Ha- bitans des Districts ou tels Maitres ont ete respective- ment employes. Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction au dit Comite, de s’enqu^rir de quelle maniere on a employ^ les De- fers affecUs par la 2e Guill. IV. Chap. 26, pour etre distribiRs dans les Ecoles Elementaires de cette Pro- vince, en forme de prix aux Ecoliers qui peuvent avoir excelR dans leurs Etudes, et de la tendance qu’une telle distribution de prixpeut avoir pour l’avancement de i’Education. Un Bill grossoy^ pour amender l’Acte de la cinquante- Bin concem.nt cinquieme ann6e du Regne de George Trois, Chapitre Miifc^tpat** dix, concernant la Pension des Miliciens blesses, a etd **• lu pour la troisieme fois. 2 C Rcsolu , 182 20 ° Novembris , A 1835. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered , That Mr. Boutillier do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Resolu, Que lc Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Boutillier porte le d it Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. provincial Or. An engrossed Bill to provide for the reprinting of statutes Bin the Provincial Ordinances and Statutes now in force, passed. was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Scott do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Un Bill gressoye pour pourvoir a la reimpression des Ordonnances de la Province et des Statuts maintenant en force, a ete lu pour la troisithne fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Scott porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Resolution on Mr. Bardu, from the Committee of the whole Blouse Houses of Cor- • i ^ i i - \ ^ i i* reetton report- to consider whether it would not be expedient to pro- vide temporary Blouses of Correction in the several Districts of this Province, reported, according to Or- der, the Resolution of the said Committee; which Re- solution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the Blouse ; and is as followeth: Resolved, That it is expedient to make provision for temporary Houses of Correction in the several Dis- tricts of this Province. M. Bardy, dtt Comiffi de toute laChambre pourcon- siderer s’il ne serait pas expedient de pourvoir a des Maisons de Correction temporaires dans les diff^rens Districts de cette Province, a fait rapport, conform6- ment a 1'Ordre, de la Resolution du dit Comit£, la- quelle Resolution a £t6 lue de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre ; et elle est comme suit : Resolu, Qu’il est expedient de pourvoir a des Mai- sons de Correction temporaires dans les ditferens Dis- tricts de cette Province. Resolution res- Mr. Boutillier, from the Committee of the whole Evans’ Treatise House on the First Report of the Standing Committee r"porfe r d! ullure ’ of Agriculture, reported, according to Order, the Re- solution of the said Committee; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is as followeth : Resolved, That it is expedient that a sum, not ex- ceeding Two hundred and fifteen pounds currency, be granted to Blis Majesty, to enable him to aid Mr. William Evans in translating into the French language, and causing to be printed, with the Plates, one thou- sand Copies of a Treatise on Agriculture written by him, and of which the title is as follows: “ A Treatise “ on the theory and practice of Agriculture adapted to “ the cultivation and economy of the animal and vege- table production of Agriculture in Canada ; with a “ concise history of Agriculture, and a view of its pre- “ sent state in some of the principal Countries of the “ Earth, and particularly in the British Isles and in “ Canada ;” provided the said William Evans shall de- liver up the thousand Copies aforesaid as soon as they shall be printed, in order that they may be subsequent- ly distributed throughout the whole of the Province by the School Visitors. st. Francis A Bill to consolidate the several Acts relating to the read' The sec o mi administration of Justice in the District of' St. Francis , * !me - and to amend certain of the said Acts, was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Gugy, Mr. Child, Mr. Viger, Mr. Grannis and Mr. Moore do compose the said Com- mittee. M. Boutillier, du Comit6 de toute la Chambre sur le Premier Rapport du Comiffi Permanent d* Agricul- ture, a fait rapport, conformement a 1’Ordre, de la Resolution du dit Comite, laquelle Resolution a ete lue de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre, et elle est comme suit : Resolu, Qu’il est expddient d’aceorder a Sa Majeste line somme n’excedant pas Deux cent quinze livres, cours aetuel, pour aider M. William Evans a faire tra- duire en langue Fran 9 aise, et a faire imprimer (les planches comprises) mille exemplaires d’un Traite sur l’Agriculture dont il est l’auteur, et qui a pour titre, “ A Treatise on the theory and practice of “ Agriculture, adapted to the cultivation and economy “ of the animal and vegetable productions of Agricul- “ ture in Canada , with a concise history of Agricul- “ ture, and a view of its present state in some of the “ principal Countries of the Earth, and particular- “ ly in the British Isles and in Canada .” Pourvu que le dit William Evans fournisse les dits mille Exem- plaires aussilot imprimds, pour etre ensuite distribufis par toute la Province par les Visiteurs d’Ecoles. Conformement a 1’Ordre, un Biil pour r^unir en un seul les divers Actes relatifsa fadmimstration de la Justice dans le District de St. Francois, et pour amender cer- tains des dits Actes, a etelu une seconde fois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit r£fei e a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la dili- gence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir per- sonnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Gugy , M. Child, M. Viger , M. Grannis et M. Moore composent le dit Comite. B:ii renting to A Bill for the better regulation of the formalities to Inventories, be observed in the closing of Inventories, was, accord- time. the set ° nd to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Girouard, Mr. Berthelot, Mr. Lacoste, Mr. Larue and Mr. Tache do compose the said Committee. Conformement & 1’Ordre, un Bill pour mieux regler la formalite de la cloture d’lnventaire, a £te lu une seconde fois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la di- ligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir per- sonnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Girouard, M. Berthelot , M. La- coste, M. Larue et M. Tache composent ledit Comite. Bill relalif aux Ordon- nances de la Province et Statuts, passS, Rapport d’une Resolution sur les Matsons de Correction. Rapport d’une Resolution au sujel du Traite d’ A griculture de M. Evans. Bill de Judica- ture de St. Francois, lu! line seconde fois. Rill relatif a la cloture d’ln- ventaire, lu la seconde fois. A Conformement 6 Will. IV. 20° — 21° Novembris. 183 Bill for the re- lief of the Cre- ditors of Bank- rupts, read the second time. A Bill for the better relief of the Creditors of such as shall become Bankrupt, and for other purposes there- in mentioned, was, according to Order, read a second time. Mr. Vanjelson moved, seconded by Mr. Tache, That the said Bill be referred to the Standing Committee of Trade. Mr. Berthelot moved in amendment to the said Mo- tion, seconded by Mr. Perrault , That all the words af- ter “ That,” be struck out, and the following substi- tuted : “ the said Bill be referred to a Committee of “ the whole House on Tuesday next.” The Question being put upon the Motion of amend- ment, it was agreed to unanimously. The Question being then put on the main Motion, as amended, it was agreed to, and Ordered , Accordingly. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour 1 e soulage- ment des Cr^anciers de ceux qui font faillite on ban- queroute, et pour d’autres fins y mentionn^es, a etd lu une seconde fois. M. Vanjelson a propose, seconde par M. Tache , Que le dit Bill soit refere au Comitd Permanent du Com- merce. M. Berthelot a propose en amendement a la dite Motion, seconde par M. Perrault , Que tous les mots apr£s “ Que,” soient retranches, et les suivans sub- stitues : “ le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de toute “ la Chambre Mardi prochain.” La Question ayant ete mise sur la Motion d’amende- ment, elle a ete unanimement adoptee. La Question ayant alors mise sur la Motion principale, telle qu’amendee, elle a aussi ete adoptee, et Ordonne , En consequence. 2?ill pour le soulagetnent des Creanciets des Banque- routiers, Ju une seconde fois. The Order of the day for the House in Committee Brfd^eo free 00 ^' e P 01 ^' ^ )e Special Committee to whom were Ri ver St. the referred the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Suburb Charies. of St- Roch, City of Quebec; the Petition of divers In- habitants of the County of Montmorency, and the Peti- tion of Charles Smith and Anthony Anderson , of Quebec , being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Archambeault took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Archambeault reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered , That the said Committee have leave to sit again on Tuesday next. L Cioie ci u join poui que la Chambre se forme en comite sur i» Comte sur Je Rapport du Comte Special auquel ont ete reierees la Petition des Habitans du Faubourgs'/. llbre , surla Roch, de la Cite de Quebec , la Petition de divers °Ha- cE. St ’ bitans du Comte de Montmorency, et la Petition de Charles Smith et Anthony Anderson, de Quebec avant hti lu ; ’ J La Chambre s est en consequence formee en le dit Comitd. M. Archambeault a pris le Fauteuil du Comity et apres y avoir siege quelque temps. M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil, Et M. Archambeault a fait rapport que le Comitd avait fait quelque progr£s, et lui avail enjoint de cle- mander permission de singer de nouveau. Ordonne , Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sie- ger de nouveau Mardi prochain. Then, on Motion of Mr. Vanfelson, seconded by Mr. Bardy, The House adjourned. Alors, sur Motion de M. Vanfelson, seconde par M Bardy, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Saturday, 21 st November, 1835. Marchandf A PETITION of Gabriel Marchand, of St. John's, was presented to the House by Mr. Leslie, and the same was received and read ; praying to be remu- nerated for his services and disbursements as one of the Commissioners appointed to receive Evidence on the Contested Election of Ralph Taylor, Esquire, for the County of Missiskoui. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts. read Ordered, That Mr. Leslie have leave to bring in a tirae ' Bill to appoint Commissioners to enquire into the Law of this Province respecting Bankruptcy and Insolvency. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Tuesday next. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Letour- neau , fn'guands pect ‘ Resolved , That an humble Address be presented to an^Comm^n* 8 ^is Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying he will Soccage. be pleased to cause to be laid before this House, a List of all Lots of Ground granted in this Province, in free and common Soccage, or under any other Tenure re- cognized by the Laws of Great Britain , since the 30th December, Samedi, 21 Novembre 1835. NE Petition de Gabriel Marchand, de St. Jean, Petition dec. a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Leslie, la- Marchand - quelle a dte repue et lue ; demandant a &tre remuneres pour ses services et debourses, comme Pun des Com- missaires nomm&s pour recevoir les Temoignages sur l’Eiection contestee de Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer, pour le Comte de Missiskoui. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referde au Comi- te Permanent des Comptes Publics. Ordonne, Que M. Leslie ait la permission dhntro- des Ban- duire un Bill pour nommer des Commissaires pour iTJZZeh,. s enquGir des Lois en cette Province qui concernent les Banqueroutes et Fail lites. II a en consequence present^ le dit Bill, lequel a etd lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a dteordonnee pour Mardi prochain. Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Lelour- neau , Resolu, Qu’il soit prdsentd une humble Adresse a Adr esse a USU - Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, pour le Drier -* et d ® s I , Terrcs de faire mettre devant cette Chambre, une Liste de Franc e« com. tous les Terreins conc^dds en cette Province, en franc mun Socca ^ e - et commun soccage, on sous toute autre Tenure re- connue par les Lois de la Grande-Brctagne, depuis le 3P Decembre 13* o{° JSlovembns , A. 1 835 . December 1832, whether the same be part of Lands held by His Majesty, according to the ancien aws o t u p rountrv or as Military Ground, or Lots of Ground forming a part o f the general Demesne of the Grown within the limits of Seigniories, with the exception o the Lands in what are commonly called the townships, with the date of such grants, and the names of the gl 'ol7ered, That Mr. Morin, Mr Utourneau Mr. Leslie and Mr .Girouard do present the said Addiess to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. Decembre 1832, soit les Ten'es tenues par Sa Majestr, d’aprcs les auciennes Lois du Pays, ou comma ler- reins Mililaires, ou de Lots de Grdve, ou de Terrems du Domaine Genial de la Couronne, enclaves dans les Sehmeuries, a l’exeeption des Terres comprises dans ce qu’on appelle commun6ment Townships ; avec la date de telles Concessions, et les noms des Concession- naires Ordonne , Que M. Morin, M. , M. Leslie et M. Girouard prfeentent la dite Adresse a bon Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-cn-Chef. Address res- pecting Lands granted in franc-aleu-no- ble or roturier. Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying him to cause to be laid before this House, a Statement of all grants of Land made by His Majesty’s Government in this Province, since the 26th November, 1832, under the tenure of jranc-aleu-noble, and that o> franc-aleu- roturier ; also of all applications made to His Majesty s Government since the same period, to obtain Lands d litre de fief or en censive, or in franc -aleu-nohe or roturier, with the names of the applicants the extent of Land applied for by each of them, and the dates of such applications, specifying those in consequence ct which grants have been made. Re sola, Qu’il soit present^ une humble Adresse a ,, nL,., a ,-no,ir.Pn-f,hef. Dour le pnei concedeesen lie SO III, UU 11 SOU piLSClUC UUV/ ‘ , • jetdesierre Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, pour le pner defaire mettre devant cette Chambre, un btat de n^ro toutes Concessions faites par le Gouvernement de Si Majesty en cette Province, depuis le ^ ^ ovem 1832, sous la Tenure du Franc-Alleu Noble, et sous celle du Franc-Alleu Roturier ; aussi de toutes ap- plications faites ah Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, de- puis la memeepoque, pour obtemr des Terres a litre dc Fief, ou en Censive, ou en Franc-Alleu Noble ou Roturier, avec les noms des Applicans, 1 etendue e mand6e par chacun d’eux, et la date de telle applica- tion Mdlouant cel les par suite desquelles des Conces- sions ont eu iieu. Ordered, That Mr. Morin, Mr. Larue, Mr. Leslie and Mr. Girouard do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. Ordonne\ Que M. Morin, M. Larue, M Leslie et M. Girouard presentent la dite Adresse a bon Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chei. A Member ad- ded to a Com- mittee. _ i Oho M Deli^ny soit aiout6 au Comitd Pei- a jouteauu ■ Ordered, That Mr. Billgmj be added to the Stand- O' * . Q — " des Ameliorations Publiques. ino- Committee of Roads and Public Improvements. maneni & ^ i < n/r nin. of Mr. Boutillier, seconded by Mr. County Court Houses and Gaols to be con- sidered. On Motion JO law chav cl \ Resolved, That this House will, on Wednesday next, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House for the purpose of considering the best means of making further provision for maintaining the Court Houses and Gaols erected in certain Counties of this i Province, un- der the authority of the Act of the ~nd II ill. l\ ■ Cap. 66 . Sur Motion de chard, M. Boutillier, seconde par M. Blan- '\f(l . Cours de Jus- Resolu Que, Mercredi prochain, cette Chambre se rice et Prisons 5 ^ •. l j- 4- l.s PKcimKrp nnnr COnSlClC- Resolu, yue, iviercrcui „ deCo^a forme en Comit6 de toutc la Chambre, pour conside- 6 t re consld e- rer quels sout les moyens qu’il convient d adopter pour nourvoir ultbrieuremenl a l’entretien des Lours de Jus- liceet Prisons drigees dans eerlains Lorntis de cette Province, en vertu de 1 Acte de la -e Guill. IV. Chaf . 06. Protestant Christians Bill read the second lime. A Bill for the relief of divers Societies of Protestant Christians therein mentioned, was, accoiding to Oidei, read a second time. Resolved , That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. , .Bill relatif au Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour le soulage- ru * L a. ' _ Pt-rifpstans V ,e 1 Ordered , That Mr. Knight, Mr. Leslie, Mr Vigor, Uraerea, xuai. mi. • — > ^ - Mr. Hotchkiss and Mr. Granms do compose the said Committee. Conformement a lwiuic, Ul * W r VV7„„o ,, iu une ment de divers Societes de Chretiens Piotestans y secon defois. mentionnees, a et61u une seconde fois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la dili- gence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer quenr per- sonnes, papiers et records. , T rr yt Ordonne , Que M. Knight , M. Leslie, M. I ige> , M. Hotchkiss e t M. Grannis composent le dit Comite. independence The Order of the day for the House in Committee to of the Judges cons i(j er the expediency of adopting Legislative piovi- sions to insure the independence and uprightness of the Judges in this Province, being lead j Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Friday next. . Independam L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en j-J-g- « Comith pour considerer s’d ne serait pas convenable d’adopter des mesures legislatives pour assurer line - pendanceet 1’inOgrite des Juges en eette Province, avant ete lu \ ' ir Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Ven- dredi prochain. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Lelourneau, The House adjourned till Monday next. M. Viger , seconde par M. Alors, sur Motion de Chambre s’est ajournee a Lundi prochain. Monday, Lundi, 6 Will. IV, 23° Novcmbris, 185 Monday , Q3rd November , 1835. Answer lo an ‘M/ffR. Power, accompanied by the other Messen- _LyJL g ers > reported to the House, that their Address of the twentieth instant, to His Excellency the Gover- nor in Chief, praying that His Excellency would he pleased to lay before this House, Copies of any An- swers that may have been made by His Excellency’s Predecessor to the Extract from a Dispatch from the Right Honorable T. Spring Rice to Lieutenant General Lord Aylmer , dated 11th November, 1834, No. 40, and to the Letter from Lord Aberdeen to Lord Aylmer , dated 2nd April, 1835, No. 33, relating to the Hono- rable James Kerr, had been presented to His Excel- lency ; and that he had been pleased to give the follow- ing Answer : Gentlemen, I will direct a copy of that part of the Answer of my Predecessor to Mr. Secretary Spring Rice’s Dis- patch of the 11th November, 1834, No. 40, which re- lates to the Honorable James Kerr, to be laid before the House of Assembly without delay. No official no- tice appears to have been taken by my Predecessor of the other Dispatch, mentioned in this Address, of the 2nd April last, beyond the simple acknowledgment of its receipt. Castle of Si. Lewis, Quebec, 23rd November, 1835. Lundi, 23 Novembre 1835. Power, accompagn6 des autres Messagers, a une • fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du Adresse ‘ vingt du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef, priant Son Excellence de vouloir faire mettre devant cette Chambre, Copies de toutes les R£ponses qui peuvent avoir £t6 faites par le Pred^cesseur de Son Excellence k l’Extrait d’une Depeche du Tr£s-Hono- rable T.-Spring Rice au Lieutenant-G6n£ral Lord Aylmer, du 11 Novembre 1 83 1«, No.40,eta la Lettre de Lord Aberdeen a Lord Aylmer, du 2 Avril 1835, No. 33, concernant l’Honorable James Kerr , avait £t6 pre- sentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait pludedon- ner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, Je donnerai ordre de faire mettre devant la Cham- bre, sans deiai, Copie de cette partie de la Reponse de mon Pr£d£cesseur a la Depeche de M. le Secretaire Spring Rice, du 11 Novembre 1834, No. 40, qui a rapport a l’Honorable James Kerr. II ne parait pas que mon Predecesseur ait pris d’autre connaissance officielle de l’autre Depeche, dont il est parle dans cette Adresse du 2 Avril dernier, que d’en accuser simplement la reception. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 23 Novembre 1835. Answer to an Address. Mr. Vanfelson, accompanied by the other Messen- gers, reported to the House, that their Address of the twentieth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying he would be pleased to direct the proper Officer to lay before this House, a Statement of the probable amount of Public Monies which will be in the Vaults on the 15th January next, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, In compliance with the prayer of this Address, the proper Officer shall be directed to lay before the House of Assembly, a Statement of the probable amount of Public Monies which will be in the Vaults on the 15th January next. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 23rd November, 1835. M. Vanfelson, accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du vingt du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef, le priant qu’il lui plut ordonner & l’Officier a qui il appartient, de mettre devant cette Chambre, un Etat du montant probable des Deniers Publicsqui serontdans lesVoutesle 15 Janvier prochain, avait £t£ pr£sent£e a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, En conformity de cette Adresse, l’Officier a qui il appartient, aura ordre de mettre devant la Chambre d’Assembiye, un Etat du montant probable des Ar° gens Publics qui seront dans Ies Voutes le 15 Janvier prochain. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec , 23 Novembre 1835. Reponse & une Adresse. Answer lo an Mr. Morin, accompanied by the other Messengers, Address. reported to the House, that their Address of the twen- tieth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying for information respecting the sales, grants and reservations of Lots of Land in the augmentation of the Township of Aston, had been presented to His Excel- lency ; and that he had been pleased to give the fol- lowing Answer : Gentlemen, The information prayed for in this Address, res- pecting the sales, grants and reservations of Lots of Land in the augmentation of the Township of Aston, shall be furnished to the House of Assembly, as soon as the same can be prepared. ' Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 23rd November, 1835. M. Morin, accompagn6 des autres Messagers, a fait Re P° nsei une rapport k la Chambre, que son Adresse du vingt du Adressfeo courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, de- mandant des renseignemens au sujet des ventes, des octrois et des reserves des Lots de terre dans l’augmen- tation du Township d 'Aston, avait £t£ pr^sent^e k Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la R£- ponse suivante : Messieurs, Les renseignemens demandes dans cette Adresse au sujet des ventes, des octrois et des reserves des Lotsde terre dans l’augmentation du Township d’ As- ton, seront donnes a la Chambre d’Assemblee aussi- tot qu’ils pourront etre pr^par^s. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec , 23 Novembre 1S35. Answer to an Address. Mr. Morin, accompanied by the other Messengers reported to the House, that their Address of the twen tieth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chiei praying His Excellency would be pleased to diiectth proper Public Officers to lay before this House, Copies c advertizements or notices in respect to Lands in tlr Township Vol— 45 M. Morin, accompagn6 des autres Messagers, a fait rapport k la Chambre, que son Adresse du vingt du courant, £t Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en Chef, priant Son Excellence de vouloir bien ordonner aux Officiers Publics qu’il appartiendra de mettre devant cette Chambre, des Copies d’annoncesou publications au 3 A Reponse k une Adresse. Answer to an Address. Answer to an Address. Answer to an Address. A newer to Address. 186 Townships of St (info Id , Bulstrode, A? thabaska and Warwick, had been presented to Llis Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I request you to inform the House of Assembly in reply to this Address, that the Copies of the Docu- ments and the information required in respect to Lands in the Townships of Stanfold, Bulstrode , Arthabaska and Warwick, shall be laid before the House by the proper Officer. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 23rd November, 1835. Mr. Morin, accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the twen- tieth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying for information respecting the sales, grants and reservations of Lots of Land in the Townships of Stan- fold, Bulstrode, Arthabaska and Warwick, had been presented to llis Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, The information prayed for in this Address, les- pecting the sales, grants, and reservations of Lots of Land in the Townships of Stanfold, Bulstrode, Artha- baska and Warwick, shall be furnished to the House of Assembly as soon as the same can he prepared. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 23rd November, 1835. Mr. Morin, accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the twen- tieth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying His Excellency to be pleased to lay before this House, Copies of all Advertizements and other Public Notices relating to Lands and Timber in this Province, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, The Copies of all Advertizements and other Pub- lic Notices relating to Lands and limber in this Pro- vince, shall, in conformity with this Address, be fui- nished to the House of Assembly, by the proper Officer. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec , 23rd November, 1835. Mr. Morin, accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the twen- tieth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying His Excellency to lay before this House, Co- pies of Documents relating to the Lease of the King’s Posts, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, The proper Officer shall receive instructions to pre- pare for the House of Assembly, the Copies of Docu- ments mentioned in this Address on the subject of the Lease of the King’s Posts. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 23rd November 1835. A. 1835. au sujet de terres dans les Townships de Stanfold, Bulslrod , Arthabaska et Warwick, avait 6t£ pRsenRe Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d’Assemblee, en. r6ponse a cette Adresse, cjue les Copies des Do- cumens et l’information requise, relativement aux terres dans les Townships de Stanfoid, Bulstrode, Ar- thabaska et Warwick, seront mises devant la Chambre par l'Officier propose pour cet objet. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec , 23 Novembre 1835. M. Morin, accompagne des autres Messagers, a Rcpome > uns fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du vingt Adrets9 ’ du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, demandant des renseignemens au sujet des ventes, octrois et reserves de Lotsde terre dans les lownships de Stanfold, Bulstrode, Arthabaska et Warwick, avait Oe presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, Les informations demand^es par cette Adresse, au sujet des ventes, octrois et reserves de Lots de terre dans les Townships de <5 tanfold, Bulstrode, Ar- thabaska et Warwick, seront fournies a la Chambre d’Assemblee, aussitot quelle pourront etre prepares. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 23 Novembre 1835. M. Morin, accompagne des autres Messagers, a Reponse a une fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du vingt du Adr9 “ e - courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Excellence de vouloir bien faire mettre de- vant cette Chambre, Copies de tous les Avertissemens et autres Avis publics concernant les Terres etles Bois en cette Province, avait 6te presentee a Son Excellence, et qu'il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, Les Copies de tous les Avertissemens et autres Avis publics, concernant les Terres et les Bois en cette Province, seront envoy^es a la Chambre d AssembRe, conformement a cette Adresse, par 1 Officier prepose 5 cet effet. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec , 23 Novembre 1835. M. Morin , accompagn6 des autres Messagers, a fait Reponse a uns rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du vingt du Ad ' esse - courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Excellence de faire metre devant cette Chambre des Copies de Documens au sujet du Bail des Postes du Roi, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, L’Officier a qui il appartient, recevra des Instruc- tions pour preparer, pour la Chambre d’Assem- blee, les Copies des Documens mentionnes dans cette Adresse, au sujet du Bail des Postes du Roi. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec , 23 Novembre 1S35. 23° Novembris. Mr. Morin, accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the twen- tieth instant, to llis Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying for information relating to Lands granted, leased or promised to Legislative or Executive Coun- cillors, since the 22nd July 1828, and to others since the 25th February 1834-, had been presented to His Excellency; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer: Gentlemen, M. Morin , accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait Reponie iun6 Rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du vingt du Adre “ e - Courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, de- mandant des renseignemens au sujet des Terres con- eedees, donnees a Bail ou promises aux Conseillers Legislates ou Executifs, depuis le 22 Juillet 1828, et a d’autres, r depuisle 25 Fevrier 1834, avait ete presentee Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, 6 Will. IV. 23° Novembris . 187 Gentlemen, I will cause the proper Officer to lay before the House of Assembly, the Statement prayed for in this Address, of Lands granted, leased or promised to Le- gislative or Executive Councillors and others, since the dates therein mentioned. Castle of St. Lewis , Quebec , 23d November, 1835. iou'to 0 be°incor- c ^ Petition of the Pilots for and below the Harbour L° ra bt e Hou dfor °* ^ uebec ' was presented to the House by Mr. Morin , Biquet iiiamT a °d the same was received and read; praying the House to take into consideration the expediency of passing an Act to incorporate the Petitioners, and to invest them with power to make rules and regulations for their bet- ter government, and, also, the necessity of erecting a Light House on the Island of Bicquet. Ordered , Lhat the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Trade. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Meilleur , Ordered , That it be an Instruction to the said Com- mittee, in case they should find it expedient to recom- mend the passing of an Act of Incorporation as prayed for by the Petitioners, to enquire whether it would not be advisable to place the Pilots’ Fund under the ma- nagement of such Corporation. On Motion of Mr. Huot, seconded by Mr. Child , schooiTrustees Ordered, lhat the Standing Committee of Education ’eVfrredto Post . S ? hools be discharged from the further considera- 3ffiee Commit- tion of the Petition from School Trustees in the Parish of St. Cesaire ; and that the said Petition be referred to the Special Committee appointed to enquire info the present condition of the Post Office Department, with a view to the application of an efficient remedy to the defects of its organization and management. Messieurs, Je donnerai Ordre^ l’Officier a qui il apparent, de mettre devant la Chambre d’Assemblee, l’Etat de- mande dans cette Adresse, des Terres concedees, don- nees a Bail ou promises aux Conseillers Legislates ou Lxecutifs, et autres, posterieurement aux dates y men- tionnees. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec , 23 Novembre 1835. L T ne Petition des Pilotes pour et au bas du Havre de Quebec, a ete presentee k la Chambre par M. Morin , Jaquelle a Oe re ? ue et lue ; priant la Chambre de pren- dre en consideration la necessite de passer un Acte les incorporant, et le droit de faire des r^glemens pour Jeur meilleur gouvernement, et aussi la necessite de faire enger un Phare sur Pile Bicquet. Petition des Pi- lotes pour etre incorpores. et pour un Phare 6ur Pile Bic- quet. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit r^fer^e au Comite Permanent du Commerce. Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M, Meilleur , Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction audit Comite, dans le cas ou il trouverait convenable d’accorder Pin- corporation demandee par les Petitionnaires, d’exami- ner s il ne serait pas a propos que le Fonds des Pilotes fut remis k la dite Corporation. Sur Motion de M. Huot, second^ par M. Child , . Ordonne, Que le Comite Permanent pour l’Educa- , tion et les Ecoles, soit decharge de la consideration ul- synd^T-Eco" teneurede la Petition des Syndics d’Ecoles de la Pa- rmsse St. Cesaire, et que la dite Petition soit referee au £° mi, * surle somite special, nomme pour s enquerir de l’etat ac- desPostes. tuel du Departement des Postes, afin de porter un re- cede prompt et efficace aux defectuosit^s de son orga- nisation et administration. Jommiuee'for ^ , Mr * Carow, from the Standing Committee for Hospi- Witlbie*! 4 S ant * Charitable Institutions, presented to the House itutions. First Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee have taken into consideration the following matters referred to them by the House, that is to say : 1st. The Petition of the Mayor of Quebec, praying in the name and on behalf of the Corporation of this Chty, for the reimbursement of the sums of money expended by the Corporation for Sanitary purposes in 1834. 2nd. That of the Sanitary Committee of Montreal, having a like object. 3rd. That of Dr. Anderson , for services performed and expenses incurred in relieving the Cholera Patients received into the Hospital established at Lachine in 1834. 4th. That of Dr. Fortier, for payment of a balance due to him on account of his Salary as Health Officer at the Port of Quebec in 1 832. 5th. That of Dr. Lacroix, of Cliateauguay , for pay- ment of a balance remaining due to him for professional services rendered in 1834, at the instance of the Board of Health for the County of Laprairie, to destitute persons attacked by Cholera. 6th. That of Dr. Parant, complaining that injustice has been done him with regard to the allowance for his services as Health Officer for the Port of Quebec, in 1834 and 1835 ; and praying compensation for his said services. 7th. That of Dr. Tessier, praying, firstly, an Allow- ance for having as Health Officer, in 1830 and 1831, boarded and inspected Vessels arriving in the Port of Quebec , M. Caron, du Comite Permanent pour les H 6pi- ■P ren) 'er Rsp- taux et Institutions de Charity a presented la Cham- £u r t “ bre le Premier Rapport du dit Comite lequel a dt<§ lu ! aux « In *‘ i,u r de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : «s° nS 6 Votre Comite a pris en consideration les referen- ces a lui /kites par Votre Honorable Chambre sur les divers sujets suivans, savoir : 1 ° • La Petition du Maire de Quebec, demandant pour et au nom de la Corporation de cette Cite, le remboursement des sommes d’argent par elle dep’en- sees pour des fins sanitaires en 1834. 1 2 ° . Celles du Comite Sanitaire de Montreal aux memes fins. 3 ° . Celle du Dr. Anderson, pour services rendus et depenses faites pour le soulagement des Malades Cho- leriques, trails dans 1’Hopital etabli a Lachine, en 1834. 4 ° . Celle du Dr. Fortier, demandant paiement d’une balance qui lui est restee due pour Salaire comme Offi- cierde Sante au Port d e Quebec, pendant 1’Ete de 1832. 5°. Celle du Dr. Lacroix de Cliateauguay, rcclamant le paiement d une balance qui lui est aussi restee due pour services professionnels par lui rendus k la requisi- tion du Bureau de Sante du Comte de Laprairie , en 1834, a des malades choleriques destitues de moyens. 6 ° . Celle du Dr. Parant, se plaignant qu’on lui a fait injustice dans la retribution de ses services comme Officierde Sante dans le Port de Quebec, en 1834 et 1835, et demandant compensation pour ses dits servi- ces. 7 ° . Celle du Dr. Tessier , demandant, premiere- ment, une indemnite pour avoir visite comme Officier de Sante en 1830 et 1831, les vaisseaux arrives dans le Port 183 c 23° Novembris , A 1835, Quebec , during' the said years; seconcdy, comp aming of certain deductions made by the Board of Health from his Account for having gone on board of and in- spected certain vesseis in his said quality in 1802. 8th. A second Petition from Dr. Fortier, complain- j n o* also of certain deductions made from his Account as & Health Officer, by the Quebec Board of Health, and praying that the sum so refused may be granted to him. 9th. That of Messrs. Jean Baptiste Brousseau and Fran- cois Michel Trudeau , Students in Medicine, at Mont- real, praying an additional Allowance for services by them rendered in the Cholera Hospital established in Montreal, in 1834. 10th. That of Leon Gosselin, Esquire, praying com- pensation for services rendered as Secretary to the Sanitary Committee at Montreal in 1S33 and 18o4. Hth. Lastly, That of Mr. Joseph Adolphe Pcrrault, of Montreal, Student in Medicine, also praying an increase of his Allowance for services rendered during the con- tinuance of the Cholera at Montreal in 1831, at the instance and request of the Sanitary Committee of that Ci ty# ~ And Your Committee after having bestowed proper attention on each of the said matters, and aftci having procured such information as was within their power, have, on the said matters respectively, come to the con- clusions which they have thehonoi to submit to \oui Honorable House in their present Report. First. Your Committee do not for an instant hesitate to recommend the reimbursement prayed by the Coi- poration of Quebec , of the sums by them expended in putting into and keeping in a fit state, the Hospital destined for the reception of persons attacked by Cho- lera in the City of 'Quebec, in the summer of 1834. While they recommend the reimbursement of the ex- penditure aforesaid, which appears to have been con- ducted with the strictest economy, Your Committee believe they are only performing their duty in expres- sing their approbation of the whole conduct of the Common Council of Quebec, in not shrinking from the responsibility they incurred on the occasion in ques- tion- and the Committee think themselves bound in like manner to bear testimony to the energy, zeal and devoted attention or the Committee of the said Coun- cil, to whom the superintendance of this department was more particularly enti usted. , Secondly. Your Committee have likewise had no difficultv in recommending the reimbursement of the expenses incurred for the same purposes and at the same period, by the Sanitary Committee of Montreal ; and after having carefully examined the several Accounts and Vouchers produced in support of the said Petition, Your Committee are convinced that the expenditure of the Sanitary Committee was made with all possible attention to economy, and that if the expenses incur- red were rather heavy, this arose more particularly from the circumstance that the said Committee were obliged to cause a great number of destitute Emigrants to be conveyed to their places of destination, as such Emi- grants would otherwise have remained a burden upon upon the City, and the intensity of the disease must have increased with the sudden increase of the foreign population of the City. Your Committee, therefore, recommend that the sum of f 137-4. 18s. Sd. be granted to the said Committee, being the amount of their ex- penses incurred, and paid out of a like sum borrowed by the said Committee ; that a further sum of £102 currency, ought to be granted to the said Committee, to enable them to pay and indemnify the Medical Practitioners Fort de Quebec dans les dites deux annees ; deuxihme- ment, se plaignant de certains retranchemens faits a son compte par le Bureau de Sante, pour les visites par lui faites de certains vaisseaux en sa dite qualite dans 1’Ete de 1832. 8 °. Une seconds Petition du Dr. Fortier , se plai- gnant aussi de certains retranchemens faits a son comp- te comme Offrcier de Sante par le Bureau tie Sante de Quebec, et demandant que la somme qui lui a ete ainsi refusee lui soit accordee. 9 ° . Celle de Messrs. Jean-Baptiste Brousseau et Frangois-Michel Trudeau, Eleves en Medecine k Mont- real, reclamant une addition de Salaire pour services par eux rendus dans les Hopitaux des Choleriques eta- blis a Montreal en 1834. 10°. Celle de Leon Gosselin, Ecuyer, demandant une indemnite pour services rendus comme Secretaire du Comite Sanitaire de Montreal en 1833 et 1834. 11 ° . Enfin, celle de M. Joseph- Adolphe Per vault, de Montreal, Etudiant en Medecine ; demandant aussi une augmentation de Salaire pour services rendus pen- dant la duree du Cholera a Montreal en 1834 ; a la de- mande et requisition du Comite Sanitaire de cette Ville* Et Votre Comite, apres avoir porte sur ces differens snjets I’attention convenable, et sYtre procure les in- formations qu’il a ete en son pouvoir de se procurer, en est venu sur cbacune des dites references an resultat qu’il soumet a Votre Honorable Chambre dans son present Rapport. Preincrement, Votre Comite n’a pas liesite un in- stant a recommander le remboursement demande par la Corporation de Quebec, depenses qu’elle a faites pour mettre et tenir sur pied un Hopital destine a la recep- tion des malades Choleriques dans la Cite de Quebec , dans l’Ete de 1834 ; en recommandant le rembourse- ment de ces depenses qui paraissent avoir ete conduites avec la plus stride economie, Votre Comit6 croit remplir un devoir en exprimant son approbation en- tire de la conduite du Conseil de Ville de Quebec , en ne reculant pas devant ia responsabilite dontil s’est charge en cette occasion, et croit aussi devoir rendre temoignage a i’energie, au zele et au devouement dont a fait preuve le Comite qui avait particulierement ete charge de la surveillance de ce departement. Secondement. Votre Comite n’a pas eu plus de dif- ficulte a se decider a recommander le remboursement des depenses encourues pour les memes fins, et dans le meme temps par le Comite Sanitaire de Montreal; et apr£s avoir examine avec attention les divers Comptes et Pieces justificatives produites au soutien de sa Pe- tition, Votre Comity s’est convaincu que les operations du dit Comite Sanitaire avaient ete accompagnees de toute feconomie convenable ; et que si ces depenses ont ete un peu considerables, cela est du particuli&re- ment a la circonstance que le dit Comite s’est vu force de faire parvenir au lieu de leur destination un grand nombre d’Emigres destitues, et qui sans cela seraient restessans moyensa la charge de la Cite, et dont l’in- tensite n’aurait pu qu’etre augmentee par l’accumula- tion subite d’une Population etrangihe ; en consequen- ce Votre Comite recommande qu'il soit accordee au dit Comit6 la somme de ^1374. 18s. 8d. montant de ses comptes produits pour depenses faites et payees a meme l’emprunt de pareille somme fait par le dit Comite ; qu’une autre somme de ^£102 courant, de- vrait elre accordee au dit Comit6 pour le mettre en elat de salariei et indemniser les Medecins qu’il a em- ployes 6 Will. IV. 23° Novcmhris . Practitioners employed by them during the Cholera; and lastly, a further sum of £15 currency, to enable them to pay the Account brought against them by one Lander for having buried a number of persons who died of Cholera during the summer of 1834. These several sums will together, form that of *£l49l! 18 S . 8d. currency. Thirdly. Your Committee are also of opinion that the sum of £34 currency, ought to be granted to Ur. Anderson , for the causes mentioned in his Petition. 189 ployes pendant la duree du Chopra; et enfin une an tre some de £13 courant, pour le mettre en etatd’ac- quitterle corapte produit contre lui par le norame Lander, potu inhumation d un nombre de personnes decedees par suite du Cholera pendant l’Ete de 1834. Ces di- verses sommes formant celle de £1491. 18s. 8d. courant. Fourthly. Your Committee consider as well founded the claim brought forward by Dr. Fortier in his first Petition, dated the 3rd of November instant, for the sum of £49. 16s. Od. currency, as the balance of his Salary as Health Officer in 1832 ; and Your Committee are of opinion that the said sum ought to be paid him. Fifthly. 1 our Committee are in like manner of opi- nion that the sum of ^£25 currency, ought to be granted to Dr. oix, as the balance due to him for services rendered at the instance of the Sanitary Committee of Laprairie, with an understanding that such services should be paid for. Sixthly. Your Committee after having given much attention to the claim made by Dr. Parant , have come to the following conclusion with regard to it ; that justice was not done him at the rate of 20s. a day, for his services during the year 1834 ; because it was on this condition that he accepted the Office of Visiting Physician at the time it was offered to him j and Your Committee are of opinion that it would be right to al- low him £37. Is. 9£d., which is equal to the difference between the sum he received and that which the Exe- cutive had given him reason to expect. But Your Committee are of opinion that they cannot report fa- vorably on the claim made by the said Dr. Parant for the year 1835. Seventhly. On the Petition of Dr. Tessier, the Com- mittee thought it best in order to come to a decision with regard to the claim made for the years 1830 and 1831, to refer to the proceedings already had by this House on the same subject at a former period. By searching the Journals, \our Committee have found that.a decision was given on this subject, after due in- vestigation, in the Session of 1831, and that a Bill was even passed by this House in the Session of 1S34, granting to the said Dr. Tessier the sum of £303. 10s. Od! currency, as a remuneration for the same services which form the subject of the Petition now referred. Your Committee have no reason for differing from the opi- nion then formed by Your Honorable House, and con- sidering’ that the Bill aforesaid did not become Law, lour Committee recommend that the said sum of *€303. 10s 0d. be granted to the said Dr. Tessier. With regard to his claim for the year 1832, Your Com- mittee aie of opinion that it has no foundation, and cannot be allowed. Eighthly. Your Committee cannot recommend the payment of the sum claimed by Dr. Fortier in his se- cond Petition, dated the 9th of November instant. The evidence and information received by Your Com- mittee have convinced them that full justice was done to Dr. Fortier , with regard to his services as Health Officer, at the time mentioned in his Petition. Ninthly. I he Petition of Messrs. Brousseau and Tru- deau has been the subject of the special attention of Your Committee, who have not, however, come to a conclusion favorable to those Gentlemen, the Commit- tt . - tee Vol — 46. 1 ■rois.fcmement Votre Comite a <5te d’opinion nu’une somme de £34 courant devrait etre accordee au Dr vlthioT' P ° Ur ,CS C! “' SeS menlionn&s dans sa dite Qualrifcmement. Votre Comite' regarde comme bien fondee la reclamation du Dr. Fortier, dmise dans sa ptemiere 1 etition, en date du 3 Novembre courant de- mandant a somme de £49. IDs. Od. courant, pour la TS» Ce ,Y SOn Y alre . comme ° fficier ‘>0 Sante en , . . ’ et ' ', ltrc Connie croitque cette somme devrait lui etre payee. Cinquiffinement. Votre Comite a ete fgalement d’o- pmion qu’une somme de £25 courant devrait etre accor- dce au Dr. Lacroix, pour balance de services qui ont etc par lui rendus 6 la demande du Bureau Sanitaire c e Laprairie, sous fentendement que les dits services devaient etre payes. e Sixiemement. v otre Comite, apres avoir donne beau- coup d attention a la demande du Dr. Parant , en est verm a la conclusion suivante, qu’on ne lui avait pas rendu justice en ne le payant pas a raison de 20s. par jour pour ses services pendant PEt6 de 1834; parce- r„ C 1 Cet l e r- condltion avait accepte la char- ge de Medecm Vis.teur, lorsqu’elie lui fut offerte ; et Votre Comite est d’opinion qu’il conviendrait de lui accorder la somme de £37. Is. 9£d. etant la difference entre la somme qu il a recue et celle qu’il aurait dil reccvoir, d’apres ce que l’Executif lui aCait donne lieu d at tend re. Mais \ otre Comite a ete d’opinion que la demande du dit Dr. Parant pour l’annee 1835 ne peut pas lui etre accordee. “ Septiemement. Sur la Petition du Dr. Tessier, Vo- tre Comiten a cm devoir mieux Hire pour se decider et^SD’m rT tl0 r 7 contenues P our !es annees 1830 c t 1831, que de referer aux procedures qui ont deja eu lieu sur ce sujet devant cette Chambre a une epoque anterieure. En parcourant les Journaux, Votre Comi- tc a tiouve que cette demande avait deja et6 d^cidee apu s Lnquete prise dans la Session de 1831, et merae qu un Bill avait ete passe par cette Chamh^ dans s Session de 1834, accordant au Dr T*sder nn P c ”• de f303 - W- Od. courant, pou'r SmuneXn memes services qui font le sujet de la presente r efW ce. Votre Comiten a pas vu de raison de ne se pas rendre alopmion ffirmee a cette epoque par Votre Ho- norable Cffiambre ; et vu que le Bill en question n’a pas eu d effft, Votre Comite recommande que la dite somine de ^303. 10s. Od. courant, soit accordee au dff m/vT'p QU “ t a , s ? demande relative a 1’ann^e Ko V otieComite a ete d’opinion qu’elle ne pouvait pas lui etre accordee. pouvait Huitiemement. Votre Comiffi ne peut pas non plus recommander le paiement de la somme leclam^par le Dr. Fortier dans sa seconde Petition en date du 9 Novembre courant. L’enquete et les informations pri- ses par votre Comiff Pont convaincu que pleine us- ice avait etc renrlue au Dr. Fortier au sujet de ses services comme Officier de Sant* a 1 epoque alliWe dans sa dite Petition. 1 & utje N^v ^ erocBt. La Petition de Messrs. Brousseau li udeau a Ul le sujet d une attention toute parti- cuiiere de la part de Votre Comity qui cependant n’a pu en venir a une conclusion favorable ! ces Mes- 3 B sieurs, 190 23° Novembris , A 1835. tee bein'" of opinion that the sums they received from the Sanitary Committee of Montreal , were, under the circumstances, a fair remuneration for the servrces per- "lYou'r Committee were unanimously of opi- „ io „ that the claim of Lion Gosselm,, could not be favorably reported on. I astlv. Your Committee have come to the same con elusion with regard to the Petition of Joseph Adolphe Penault who appears to have received from the ban- Jy Committee U Montreal ,. all that he cm tardy enrr- tied to for the services mentioned in his I etition. Ordered , That the said Report be retened to a Co mittee of the whole House on Friday nex . .ieurs, Votre Comit6 ayant era que les sommes qu ds out deia recues du Comite Sanitaire de Montreal, vu les circonstances, sont une remuneration honnete poui les services qu’ils out rendus. . Dixiemement. Votre Comite a 6te unan.mement d’opinion que la demande de Leon Gosselin, Ecuyei, ne pouvait etre recommandSe. v A , Enfin, Votre Comit6 en est vena a la meme conclu- sion sur la Petition de M. Joseph- Adolphe PerrauH qui parait avoir recu du Comit6 Sanitaire de Montreal tout ce qui lui 6tait legitimement du pour les services alRgu^s dans sa Petition. . , , , x r tfrdonni, Que le dit Rapport sort refere & un Co- mite de toute la Chambre Vendredi proehain. Paper ^delivered attbc Bar Income Re- turns. Appendix (X.) Schools in Mis- sitkoui. Appendix ( Y. ) Lord Aylmer’s answer to Dis- patch relatinglo ftlr. Justice Kerr. A|>pendix ( V.) The House being informed that John Dazidson, Es- 1 l,e 7 , P?..:r Secretary, was at the door, he M ,„re, Assistant C.vr y . the (ol |„ w ing Documents', 11 r conflity with the Addresses of this i !f I p 14th 18 th and 20th instant : r'r Income Retr.r..s of the Sheriffs, Prothonotarres, and of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, for the years i oqn i «si 1832 , 1833, and 1834. Fo’r the said Returns, see Appendix (X.) at the em ° b t’ml.^Staternents respecting Schools in the County ° f porMhe°said Statements, see Appendix (Y.) at the ell 3rd AOrpy 1 of 'that part of lord Aylmer’s answer ,o M, : Secretary Spring Rice’s Dispatch of the 1 1th NovembeolSsZ No. 10, which relates to the Honora- b ‘ FordTetaYcopy, see Appendix (V.) at the end of this Volume. La Chambre tat inform*? que John ^aviason Ecuyer, Assistant Secretaire Civil, Gait .a la Vox t, a G6 appele, et a remis a la Barre les Documens si - vans, en con for mite des Adresses de cette Chambre, du 14, du 18 et du 20 du courant. p lo. Retours des Revenus des Sh6rife, Piotono taires et du Greffier de la Cour d’Appel, pour les an- n£es 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833 et 1834. Pour les dits Retours, voir Appendice (X.) a la hi Ce 2o° Des Etats au sujet des Ecoles dans le Comte de 3i pour les dits Etats, voir Appendice fY.) a la fin de Ce ^? l (Copie de la partie de la Reponse de Lord Ayl- mer, a la Depechede M.le Secretaire Spring Rice, du 11 Novembre 1834, No. 40, qui a rapport a l’Honora- b 1 e J antes At?). _ ,. 'V i 4 u An dp Pour la dite Copie, voir Appendice 0 0 4 la hn de ce Volume. Papier, reran a la .Barre t Retours de, Revenus. Appendice(X.) Ecoies dans Mtssiskoui, Appendice ( Y.) Reponse de' Lord Aylmer a la Depeche relative a M . le Juge Kerr . Appendice( V.) Inslruclion Committee Grievances On Motion of Mr. O'Callaghan, seconded by Mr. u; s Maiesty and the said Parliament, this Colony, to H g of this Province; and in the year 1834, on the . , Member of this a Tom mittee Tf^se of Commons oil the Affairs oi this Pi ov nice. thteHouse, from time to'time, during the last Session, relative to the add 'InTligCZ Norbert ^SeSrAproviacS, he referred to the said Committee. Sur Motion de M. O'Callaghan, seconde par M. G ‘ Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction au Comite Per- Gru manentdes Griefs, de s’enquerir des proceoes adopts es - par 1'une on Vautre Chambre du Parlement Imperial de la Grande- Bretagne et d Irlande, au sujet des Pe titions qui ontGe adressees par cette Chambre et pai lePeuple de cette Colonie, * Sa Majeste et audit Parlement, en 1’annee 1834, sur l etat de cette io- vince et qu ' Augustin-Norbert Morin , Ecuyer, Mem- bre de cette Chambre, soit prie de soumettre au dit Comite les Copies qu’il a en sa possession de tousles t6moignages qu’il pent avoir donnes devant un Com e de la Chambre des Communes sur les affaues de cette Province. . Ordonne , Que les divers Documens mis devant cette Chambre de temps en temps, durant la dermcre Ses- sion relatifs au dits Precedes, recues de l Honorable Denis-Benjamin Viger et August in- Norbert Morin Ecuyer, Agens pour cette Province, soient referes au dit ComitG Statements of Tavern and Shop Licenses ordered. On Motion of Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr. De Wilt, Ordered] That the Clerks of the Peace in the several Districts in this Province, be required to ay bef ° ( S? House ^ and Shop Licenses, and giving the name and place o residence of each person to whom such Licen been granted, the amount paid lor each, am ^ Sur Motion de M. Wood, seconds par M. De Witt, ;““ d y A L j; Ordonne, Que les Grefliersde la Pmx des ddferens Districts de cette Province soient requis de mettie mandSs. vant cette Chambre des Etats de toutes les Licences accordees aux Aubergistes et aux Marchands, pen dant les ann&s 1834 et 1835, dans les Townships, 1 a- roisses et Etablissemens de chaque District respec- tivement, distinguant la Licence de 1 Aubergiste e celle du Marchand, et designant le nom et la den eure de chaque personne a qui telle Licence a e e ac a ^ 6 Will. IV. i23° N ovem/jris. 191 amount of fees, perquisites or monies paid on each and lpmnnbnt . r . by whom received and enjoyed. ’ jr • P a y^ P°ur chaqne Licence, ainsi que les J y Honoraires, les Emolumens et 1’ Argent pave sur cha- quo Licence, qui les a re 5 us et en a profile. i£j?otf£. A Petition of Rene Edouard Caron, Mayor of the w.. r c e hmen! ng C ° Of hec \ feting for and on behalf of the Corpo- ot the said City, was presented to the House by Mr. Caron, and the same was received and read ; set- ting forth : That the frequent nocturnal depredations which have occurred for some months past, have shewn the insufficiency of the Night Watch in the City of Quebec, and that well grounded complaints on that sub- ject have been made to the Municipality, as well on the part of the Citizens of the said City, by Petition, as through Presentments of the Grand Jury of the Dis- trict of Quebec : That the number of Watchmen is so limited by Law, that the Common Council have found themselves placed in the painful position of affording but a partial and transient protection to all,- and that some important and populous parts, both of the Town and Suburbs, are left without a Night Watch and the property of their Inhabitants left at the mercy of evil disposed persons, who appear to be numerous, bold and experienced in the commission of crime : That for the repressing these outrages, the number of men appointed to attend to the security of the Citizens durino- the night time, ought to be fifty at least ; and that to be enabled to require of them the necessary vigilance and activity, each of them should serve but every other night, and during but one half of such night, for which purpose the number of Watchmen, now limited to forty eight, should be extended to two hundred • That it would be expedient to employ part of this force as a Day Watch, to repress the breaches of the Peace, and violationsof the Police Regulations, which areso frequent and committed with such irtpunity : That the present revenue of the Watch and Light Fund is insufficient to cover the additional expenditure which the proposed increased establishment would occasion ; and praying the House to adopt such measures relative to the pre- sent 1 etition as in its wisdom may seem meet. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Petition of the Mayor and Common Council of the Citv of Montreal. J fervingGrVsa A Bil1 for preserving, for the purposes of Husban- fieachea read a diy, the Grass growing on Beaches, in the District of •econdtime. Quebec, was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. 1 1 Ordered, . T hat Mr. Tache, Mr. Letourneau, Mr. Marquis , Mr. Fortin and Mr. Simon do compose the said Committee. K!u»£“ ° rd ?l °i the 0uret aunom de U Corpora- tionde la dite Cue, a etc presentee a la Chambre par 1. Caron, laquelle a ite repue et lue; exposaut : C)ue ““ G “*'- s j ,ec l uentes depredations nocturnes survenues depuis quelquesmois on t fait sentir l’insuffisance du Guet de nuit dans la C't^ d e et des plaintes fondles Wtft 6 a n Ct ega, ’ d a ia Munici palit^, tant par des Petitions des Citoyens de cette Virile, que par des A dresses du Grand Jury du District de Quebec : Que le nombredesHomm^du Guet est tellement limit* pa la Lo, que le Conseil de Ville s’est vu dans la pos tion bien pemble de ne pouvoir accorder que par- lellement une protection urgente pour tous et des parties importantes et populeuses, tant de la Ville que des faubourgs, sont resides sans aucune garde ourant la nuit, et la propria de leurs Habitans exposee a la rnerci de malfaiteurs qui paraissent nombreux, haidis et experiments dans le crime : Cue pour pouvoir r£prim er ces attentats, il fau- drait que le nornbre d’Hommes charges de veiller k la surete des Citoyens, durant chaque nuit, fut d’au moms cinquante et que pour pouvoir exiger deux la vigilance et 1 activite requises, chaque homme ne deviait servir que la moitie d’une nuit, toutes les deux nui s, e soi te que le nornbre des Homines du Guet actuellement limit* k quarante-huit, devrait etre porte a deux cents : Qu’il serait expedient d'employer une partie de cette force durant lejour pour reprimer les infi actions de la paix et des Reglemens de Police qui se commettentsi souvent et si impunement : Que les revenus actuels du Guet et de Peclairage ne suffiraient point au surcroit de depense qu’entrainerait une sem- blable augmentation ; et priant la Chambre d’adopter telles demarches relatives a la presente Petition que dans sa sagesse elle jugera convenables. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comit6 Special auquel a *t e referee ia Petition du Maire et du Conseil de Ville de la Cit 6 de Montreal. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour conserver, B m pour con- pour les fins del Agriculture, leFoin qui croit sur les server le Foin Greves dans le District de Quebec , a ete lu une seconde S 101S. fois. • 0r( *l nn ^ Q ue le dit Bill soit r*f*r* a un Comit6 de cinq Mem b res, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Tache , M. Letourneau, M. Mar- quis, M. Fortin et M. Simon composent le dit Comite. L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour pour voir a la construction et k 1’entretien d’un Chemin fLt C il emi " a Lisses, a partir du Fleuve St. Laurent a allerjusquA Kennebec > la Ligne Provincial, ayant ete lu ; rera,s - Ordonne, Que le dit Qrdre du jour soit remis a Mercredi prochain. Conformement a FOrdre, un Bill pour etendre cer- tains pnviicges aux personnes qui se ckinomment Me- distes Protes- thodistcs I rotestans, a etc lu une seconde fois. conde'fo,^ 6 se Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit r6fcr6 a un Comit^ de cinq 23 °* > 24 '° Novernbris , A. 18 35. 192 . i n * "vf pm fires nour en faire rapport avec toute la dih mittee of five Members, to report thereon with a. con- q conTen able, avec pouvoir d’envoyer quern venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers gence^^ et records . and records. M Mei , 1 Ordonne, Que M. Hotchkiss, M. Child, M .Meilleur, AAuf.'S 'mu Lllu aaplwn do compose the M. De Witt et M. Clapham composent le da Comae. said Committee. ■Lake Cham- plain Rail Hoad Bill read the second time* Montreal Gas Light Bill de- ferred. Cap Rouge Bridge Bill de- ferred. A Bill to amend and extend the provisions of an Act, intituled, “ An Act for making a Had Road from La e “ Champlain to the River St. Lawrence ,’ was, accor ing to Order, read a second time. Resolved , That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papeis and records. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie , Mr. Viger, Mr. Cardinal, Mr. Bardy and Mr* Clapham do compose the said Com- mittee. The Order of the day for the second reading °* the Bill to provide for the Lighting of the City ot Montreal bv Gas, being read ; , . . . * Ordered, That the said Order of the day be postponed till Wednesday next. The Order of the day for the second reading of the Bill to authorize Pierre Gingras to build a 1 oil-bridge over the River Cap Rouge, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be postponed till Wednesday next. Then, on Motion of Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Child, Tbe House adjourned. Conformement a 1’Ordre, un Bill pour amendei cl min a Lisses du etendre les dispositions d’un Acte, intitule, “ Acte “ pour pourvoir a la construction d un Chemin a Lisses seC onde tois. « e ntre le Lac Champlain et le Fleuve St. Laurent, a et6 lu une seconde fois. , „ ... , Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la di- ligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer qu6nr personnes, papiers et records. ~ . . Ordonne, Que M. Leslie, M. Viger, M. Cardinal, M. Bardy et M. Clapham composent le dit Comite. le- de L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecturedu Bill pour clairage d^ pourvoir a f&lairage do la CU6 de Montreal par le Gaz, ayant ete lu ; . . v Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mer- credi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour Bill du Pont du autoriser Pierre Gingras A batir un Pont de Peage sur r c e ^ s Rouge > la Riviere Cap Rouge, ayant ete lu ; _ v Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mercredi prochain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Scott , seconde par M. Child, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Answer to an Address. Answer lo un Address. Tuesday, 24/A November, 1835. /Pfj R Morin, accompanied by the other Messengers, xt JL reported to the House, that their Address of the twenty first instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief praying he would be pleased to cause to be laid before this House, a List of all Lots of Ground granted in this Province, in Free and Common Soccage, or un- der any other Tenure recognized by the Laws of Great Britain, since the 30th December, 1830, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I will cause to be laid before the House of Assem- bly a List of all Lots of Ground granted in this Pro- vince in free and common Soccage, or under any other Tenure recognized by the Laws of Great Britain, since the 30th December, 1832, as prayed for in this Ad- dress. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 24-th November, 1S35. Mr. Morin , accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the twenty first instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying him to cause to be laid before this House, Statements of all grants of Land made since tne 26 th November, 1832, under the Tenure of franc-alleu-noble and that of ' franc-alleu-roturier ; also of all applications made since the same period, to obtain Lands d titre de fief or en censive, or in franc-alleu-noble or roturicr, had J been Mardi, 24 Novembre 1835. /gr Morin, accompagne des autres Message**, a i»l . fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adiesse du vingt-et-un du couraut, a Son Excellence le Gou- verneur-en-Chef, pour le prier de faire mettre devant cette Chambre, une Liste de tous les Terreins conce- des en cette Province en Franc et Commun Soccage, ou sous toute autre Tenure reconnue par les Lois de la Grande- Bretagne, depuis le 30 Decembre 1832, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu do donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs .1 e ferai mettre devant la Chambre d Assemblee, une Liste de tous Lots de terre concedes en cette 1 ro- vince en Franc et Commun Soccage, ou sous toute autre Tenure reconnue par les Lois de la Grande- Bre- tagne, depuis le 30 Decembre 1832, telle que deman- dee dans cette Adresse. Chateau St. Isolds, Quebec, 24 Novembre 1S35. M. Morin, accompagne des autres Messagers, a Adresee. fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du vingt- et-un du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur- en-Chef, pour le prier de faire mettre devant cette Chambre, des Etats au sujet des Terres conceives en Franc- Alleu Noble et en Frauc-Alleu Roturier depuis le 2d Novembre 1832 ; aussi, de toutes applications faites depuis la metne cpoque, pour obtemr des ler- res a titre de Fief ou en Censive, ou en Mane- A 1 leu * Noble Message from the Council : The Council have agreed to Insolvent Deb- tors Bill, with amendments. fieauce Writ. Petition of J. Bonner respect- J ing the proposed Cap Kouge Bridge, First Report of Committee of Courts of Jus- tice. 6 Will. IV. 24° Novembris. 193 been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I request, that you will inform the House of As- sembly, that the proper Officer shall be instructed to prepare for the House the required Statements in res- pect to Lands granted and applied for since 26th November, 1852, under the Tenures mentioned in this Address, Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec , 24th November, 1835. Noble ou Roturier, avail 6t4 pr^sent^e if Son Excel- once, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la R^ponse suivante : Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d’Assemblee, qu il sera donn6 des instructions a 1’Officier a qui il appartient, de preparer pour la Chambre les Etats de- mandes au sujet des Terres concedees, ou pour les- quelles i! a 6t6 fait des applications depuis le 26 No- vembre 1 832, sous les Tenures mentionnees dans cette Adresse. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec , 24 Novembre 1835. A Message from the Legislative Council by the Ho- norable Mr. DeLery, one of the Masters in Chancery: Mr. Speaker, J The Legislative Council have passed the Bill, inti- tuled, “ An Act to afford relief, during a limited time, to Insolvent Debtors,” with several amendments, to which they desire the concurrence of the Assembly.’ And then he withdrew. Message du Conseil Legislatif, par 1’Honorable M. De Lery, un des Maitres en Chancellerie : M. 1’Orateur, Le Consed Legislatif a passe le Bill, intitule, £ ? ct ® f ) I our ,e soulagement, pendant un temps limite, ( es Debiteurs insolvables,” avec plusieurs amende- mens, auxquels il demande la concurrence de l’Assem- blee, Et ensuite i! s’est retire. Message du Conseil. Le Conseil concourt auBill en faveur dea Debiteurs in- solvables, avec des amende- mens. Pierre Elzear Taschereau, Esquire, rose in his place, and informed Mr. Speaker and the House, that it was his intention to vacate his seat as a Member of this House for the County of Beauce , and that in conse- quence of the provisions of the Act 1st Will. IV. Cap. 42, he now vacated his seat accordingly. On Motion of Mr. Fortin, seconded bv Mr. Cardinal, Ordered , That the Speaker of this House do issue his Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, for a new Writ for the Election of a Knight to serve in the present Parliament for the County of Beauce, in the place and stead of Pierre Elzear Taschereau, Esquire, who has vacated his seat. A Petition ot John Bonner, of Quebec, Merchant, was pi esented to the House by Mr. Vanfelson , and the same was received and read; taking notice of the Bill to authorize Pierre Gingras to build a Toll Bridge over the Kiver Cup Rouge ; and praying the House not to grant a privilege to any person to build a Bridge of less space between the piers than the present Bridge, and that during the building of the same, tiie person ob- taining such privilege shall be compelled to keep a clear space of sixty feet between the scaffolding neces- saiv to be eiecleii, that the navigation of the said River may be free and unobstructed. Pierre-Elzear Taschereau, Ecuyer, s’est leve a sa wnt de Reau place, eta informe M. 1’Orateur et la Chambre, que ce * son intention etait de resigner son si£ge comme Mein- bie de cette Chambre pour le Comte de Beauce, et qu en vertu des dispositions de l’Acte, lere Guilt. IV. Chap. 42, il resignait maintenant son siege en conse- quence. .Sur Motion de M. Fortin, second^ par M. Cardinal, Otdonne, Que I Orateur de cette Chambre expedie son l J arrant au Greffier de la Couronne en Chancel- e,, . e ’ P our un nouveau Writ d'Elecfion pour un Che- valier pour servir dans ce present Parlement, pour Ie Comte de Beauce, en remplacement de Pierre-Elzear Taschereau , Ecuyer, qui a resigne son sie^-e. Une Petition de John Bonner, Marchand, de Que- bec, a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Vanfelson, la- quelle a ete re?ue et lue ; prenant connaissance du Bill pour autoriser Pierre Gingras a batir un Pont de Pe- age sur la Riviere Cap Rouge ; et priant la Chambre c e n accorder a persoune le privilege de batir un Pont uont l’ouverture entre les Piliers sera moindre que celle du Pont actuel, et qu'en le batissant, la person- lie qui en obtiendra le privilege soit tenue de garder une ou venture de soixante pieds entre les echafa tillages qu il faudra clever, affii que la navigation de la dite Riviere soit libre et n offre aucune obstruction. Petition de J. Bonner, tu sujet du Pont du Cap- Rouge propose. Mr. Vanfelson, from the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, presented to the House the First Repoit of the said Committee, which was again read at the C’ierk’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee having met, and having taken into consideration the several matters referred to them, and the Instructions given them by Your Honorable House, resolved to enquire in the first place, whether it would not be expedient to grant an Allowance to indemnify persons summoned to attend as Jurors at Courts of Justice. lor this purpose four Committee examined divers witnesses, all Members of Your Honorable House, in order to ascertain whether complaints and remonstrances had or had not been made on the part of persons serving as Jurors, and from the evidence of a number of witnesses, it appears to Your Committee that the Country people in general complain that it is a heavy burden upon them to have to proceed to Town at M. Vanfelson , du Comite Permanent des Cours de Premier Rep. Justice a pn5sent6 4 la Chambre le Premier Rapport fs“«cST'.% du d it Comite, lequel a kit lu de nouveau a la Table Justice ‘ du Greffier, comme suit : Votre Comite s’etant assemble, et ayant pris en con- sideration les diverses references et instructions a lui renvoyees par Votre Honorable Chambre, a resol u de senquerir, en premier lieu, s’il ne serait pas expedient d accoider une indemnity aux personnes assignees com- me Juris dans les Cours de Justice, et a cette fin, Votre Comite a examine plusieurs Temoins, tons Mem’ bres de Voire Honorable Chambre, pour constater, si ou non, il existait des plaintes ou reclamations de la part des personnes qui servaient comme Jures ; et d’a- pres l’examen de nombre de Temoins, il parait a Votre Comite que les Habitans en general se plaignent que c est pour eux une charge onereuse d’etre obliges de se rendie en ville a leurs f f a is, y payer pension durant _ leur 3 C Vol.—45. 194 ? C 2V Novernbris , A, 1835 , Petition of the Proprietors of Dorchester Bridge to be heard by Coun- sel against the proposed Free Bridge over the Kiver St. Charles. ,, • r „,., pvnense to pay their board and lodging while there, and to return home again without receiving while tneie, , , Your Committee also en- an - Mconcemin" the quantum of the indemnity to be allowed, and by reference to the evidence aforesaid it nn nears that an allowance of Is. to Is. od. a leag , would be a fair allowance for travelling expenses j and tint with regard to the allowance to be made for board and M a distinction should be made between G , id amf Petty Jurors- That the former ought to receive 5s. a day. and the latter from Is. 3d. to Is. bet. At the same Le that Your Committee have taken into consideration the expenses necessarily incurred bv Jurors in the performance ot their duty, they can- not help feeling that the principle of paying J ufo,s ^ new and that if it be adopted, demands may be made for the application of a like principle to many other cases and more especially to that ot the claim o Constables in the several Districts of this Province, to be "n like manner indemnified ; the latter office appear- ino o Your Committee to be a much more burdensome one than that of Juror, and being generally held by per- sons who are notin very easy circumstances, and in the greater number of instances by workmen who are employed by the day. Your Committee therefore sub- mit the result of the investigation they have made, in obedience to the Order of Your Honorable House, with- out offering any opinion on the question, because none has been afked of them ; and leaving the whole to the decision of Your Honorable House. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. I anf el son, Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House on Plies day next. A Petition of the Proprietors of Dorchester Bridge, was presented to the House by Mr. Morn, and. he same was received and read; setting foith . 1 hat ap nl cation having been made to the House by certain in- dividuals praying for leave to build a Free Bridge within fie fflDd to the Petitioners by their Patent a Committee of the House has enquired into the merits of the said Petition, and that the Report of the said Committee may be expected to be submitted foi the concurrence of the House: That by the decs, on to be nronounced in this behalf, if the same be in favor of Ihe Petitioners for a Free Bridge, the Petitioners will be deprived of their vested rights in Dorchester Budge, as secured to them by the original Patent fiom the Crown and the Ordinances and the Statutes passed in relation to the said Bridge, which the Petitioners res- pectfully represent would be illegal and unjust, and oravin- that they may be heard by their Counsel at die Bar of die House; in defence of their rights as Patentees ^Resotoel That* the Counsel for the Petitioners be heard at the Bar of this House on Monday next. leur seiouf, et de retourner chez eux sans recevoir au- cune indemnity quelconque. Votre ComRe a aussi etD quis sur le quantum de Pindemmte, et, en »efeiant tdmoignages susdits, il parait qu une allouance de ! s. \ is Id. par lieue serait une somme raisonnable po frais'cle voyage ; raais que pour indeuu.iser des ,-a.s de pension, on doit distinguer entre les Grands et Jurfs : Que les premiers devra.ent recevoi. en raison Jc 5s. par jour, et les deriliers de Is. 3d. a Is. bU. Petition des Proprietairesdu Pont Dorches- ter. pour etre entendus par Conseil, contre le Pont libre, sur la Riviere St. Charles, pro- pose. Debtors Bill, considered and agreed to. On Motion of Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Vigor, « Ordered, That the Amendments made by the Legis- a mendments to r ,• Council to the Bill, intituled, An Act to an O el ef duHng a limited time, to Insolvent Debtors,” be now ’taken into consideration. The House proceeded accordingly to take the said Amendments into consideration. And the said Amendments were read, and are as followeth : , „ , • . Press 1. Line 19- — Leave out “ County, and insert “ Sfistrict.” . U « « 21. —Leave out “ County,” and insert “ District.” En mcme temps que Votre Comite a considere les depenses auxquelles les Jures sont necessairement ex- poU dans l’execution de leurs devoirs, il ne pent « dissimuler que le principe de payer les Jures luiparait nouveau, et qu’en I'adoptant on pourra en demande. 1 ex- ecution dans nombre d'autres cas, et iiotanmient celui d indemniser les Connetables dans les differens Districts de cette Province : cette charge paraissant a Votie Comite beaucoup plus onereuseque celle des Jures, et laquelleest remplie par des personnes peu aisees dans leurs circonstances, et dont la plupait sont des ou- vriers qui travaillent k b journee. Votre Comite sou- met done l’Enquete qu’il a prise en obeissance a Or dre de Votre Honorable Chambre, sans neanmoins offrir d’opinion sur la question, vu qu’aucune opinion ne lui a ete demandee, et laissant le tout a la decision de Votie Honorable Chambie. Sur Motion de M. Morin, second^ par M. Vanfelson , Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soitrtfere a un Comite de toute la Chambre Mardi procham. Une Petition des Proprietaires du Pont Dorchester, a et6 presentee a la Chambre par M. Morin, laquelle a ltfre P cueet iue ; exposant : Qu*a la Kequcte e certains individus demandant a etre autoris£s a engei un l out libre dans les limites accordees par la I atente aux 1 e- titionnaires il a ete nomme un Comit6 pai ia Cham bre°pour ^ enquerir sur les allegues dela Petition par eux presentee, etqueles travaux et le Rappoit du Co- mite de la Chambre a ce sujet doivent etre sou mis a la Chambre pour etre sanctionnes : Qu’une decision de la part de la Chambre prononcee en faveui des Pe- titionnaires, pour un Pont libre, entrainemt avec elle la nerte des droits des Pet.itionnaires com me 1 roprie- taires du Pont actuel, en violation de la Patente de rOrdonnance et des Statuts a ce snjet^et les Petitton- naires soumettent respectueusement qu une pareille de- cision serait illegale et injnste ; et demandant soit permis de defendre les droits a eux lesultant de ^ leur Patente, par le mimstere de leur Conseil a la ■Rarre de la Chambre. L Resolu Que le Conseil des Petitionnaires soit en- tendu a la Bane de cette Chambre, Lundi prochain. Sur Motion de Scott, seconde par M. Vigor, Ordonne, Que les Amendemens fa.ts par le Conseil Legislatif au Bill, intitule, •‘Acte pour le soula^e- m^r = « ment pendant un temps limite, des Debiteuis in- insol bles , sol vables,’’ soient maintenant pris en consideration. La Chambre a en consequence pocede a piendie les dits Amendemens en consideration. . Et les dits Amendemens out ete lus comme suit . Feuille 1. Ligne 2Q.— Retranchez “ ComiQ,” et m- serez “ District. ,, << <« 22. — Retranchez “ Comte, et in* serez “ District.” leudle et Press 6 Will. IV, 24° Novembris, Press 1. Line 24.— Leave out “ County,” and insert “ District.” “ “ “ *9— After “River," insert “within or” “ ~ Leave ° Llt “ County” and insert “ District.” And the said Amendments being again read, they were agreed to by the House. 3 Ordered, That Mr. Scott do carry back the said Bill \? ; h ® Legislative Council, and acquaint their Honors that this House hath agreed to their Amendments 195 Feuille 1. Ligne 25. — Retranchez “ Comt£ ” et in s^rez “ District.” 31 . — Apr&s “ Riviere,” inserez” “en- “ dedans ou.” 32; Retranchez “ Comt£,” et in- serez “ District.” Kt les dits Aroendemcns ayant ete lus de nouveau ns ont ete adoptes par la Chambre. 1 Or dome Que M. Scott reporte le dit Bill au Conseil br^a adonri' T e ' e r S Uonneurs 9“ cette Cham, ore a adopte leur Amendemens. Address for Copy of a Dis- patch relating to the Salaries of the Chair- men of the Quarter Ses- sions at Mont- real and Que- bec. On Motion of Mr. Scott , seconded by Mr O'Cnl « nr • ■, ,«• 0 Than, ^ y U Co/ Sui Motlon de M. Scott , seconde par M. O'Callaghan , laghan, Resolved , That an humble Address be presented to H.s Lxcellency the Governor in Chief, praying he will be pleased to cause to belaid before this House, a Copy of Mr. Secretary Spring Rice’s Dispatch dated 30th September 1834, authorizing the payment of the Sala- ries of Samuel Gale and Robert Christie , Esquires, late Chairmen of the Quarter Sessions for the Districts of Montreal -anti Quebec, out of the Funds arising from the payments made by the British American Land Com- pany, as stated in Public Account No. 15, dated 1 7th November 1835. Ordered, That Mr. Scott, Mr. O'Callaghan, Mr. MeiU . leur and Mr. Cardinal do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. £SS*iJS£i , A Petition of divers i Proprietors and Farmers whose Came and Hands are intersected by the Grenville Canal, was ore. thebank s U of th" sented to the House by Mr. Girouard , and the same Grenvuieca. was received and read; praying that should the now existing Agricultural Act be renewed this Session, an exception be made in favor of Horned Cattle and S-eep found on the banks of the Grenville Canal, so that the Lock Masters of the said Canal may recover only the amount of damage actually sustained. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Agriculture. SSrfOta?" . A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Gore of Cha- Sed^ht % am ’ C ? unt J was presented to the County of Two -tlouse by Mr. Girouard, and the same was receivpd Moumams. and read ; praying that the Gore of Chatham may be dttacnGcl to tliG County of Izvo IMoiinlciins « Ordered , That tlm said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Privileges and Elections. |Sbhshmen| he . A P( : tition of divers Inhabitants of the City and Di s , Sf try tr‘ ct or M™treal, was presented to the House by Mr. Gugy, and the same was received and read ; praying the House to provide by Law, that in future, Mortgaged may be special, and not general, that they shall be en- legistered, and that Register Offices shall be established in every County of the Province, allowing such period foi the eni egistration of existing Mortgages or incum- brances on real property, as to the House shall seem meet. Resolved, ihat the said Petition be referred to' a Committee of five Members, to examine the contents theieof and to report thereon with all convenient speed with power to send for persons, papers and records Ordered, That Mr. Gugy, Mr. Berthelot, Mr. Morin Mr. Vigor and Mr. Vanfelson do compose the said Com- mittee. Resolu, Qu’il soil . pr&ente une humble Adresse a bon Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chpf - i Adiessepour de vo u loir faire mettre devant cette Chambre * Co- pie c c la Depeche de M. le Secretaire Spring Rice du laire!l et f re 'fr'i qui autorise le Paiement desSa- St- Jaires de Samuel Gale et Robert Christ tin Fp, Iiro • tierde Quebec devant Prfsidens ties Sessions tiiCcs de Quebec et de Montreal , a meme les Deniers pro ven ant des paiemens fails par la Compagnie des Terres Britanmque Americaine, tel one mention^ 1835. 6 C ° mpte Pllblic No * 15 > dat6] e 17 Novembre leurctXf’r}' 1 ?' M /’ Sc0tt ' M ’ °‘ Calla S han , M. Meil- leur et M. Cardinal pr&sentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. (lnmD« P / tltl0ndediVerS ? r0pri ^ taire ^ et Cultivateurs Petition^, dont les terres sont occupees par le Canal de Grenville tlveaux b * tesi a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Girouard,\Me e nante^T? 5 demandant que si lActe ralinte- KTl? . t existant qur arapporta 1’Agriculture estrenouvel£ ”i dc G ""' que I on excepte les Betesa comes et Moutons nui se- ront trouves sur les bords du dit Canal de Grenville de maniere que les Gardiens des Boluses du dit Ca’ encourus. UiSSent eX ' Ser qUe do “ ma S^ reellement Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite 1 ermanent d’Agnculture. Une Petition des Habitans de lWmentminn P • ■ Chatham, Comte du Lac des Deux Mon taglel " e« presence a la Chambre par M. Girouard, Quelle a M EXS? ie niuthul, Lt e T% Jan : ^ c ° raprendre ^augmentation KSS u. eC lathcim dans le Comte du Lac des Deux Alontao-nes des UeulM °n- Or dome, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comill Permanent des Privileges et Elections. ' ‘ goes. Ty? e ^ eti r d ® dlv< ; rs , Habitans de la Cite et du Petition pour Distuct de Mon real, a ete presentee 5 la Chambre par ^‘bu” 1 M. Gugy, laquelle a ete re5ue et lue ; priant la Cham- d E " r e gIs tre- bre de pourvoir, par une Loi, qu’a Pavenir les Hypo- men ‘' theques soient speciales et non generales, qu’elles seront enregistrees, et que des Bureaux d’Enregistrement se- ront etablis dans chaque Comte de la Province, allouant un certain temps pour l’enregistrement desHypotheques ex ist antes sur les Biens immeubles, de la maniere qu elle jugera conyenable. Resolu, Que la dite Petition soit referee a un Comite de cmq Membres, pour en examiner le contenu et en fane rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pon voir d envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records Ordonne, Que M. Gugy, M. Berthelot, M. Morin, M. Pigei et M. Vanfelson component le dit Comity. %fooTm nls ^solved, That the Statements delivered at the Bar Resolu Oup be ft - , , iMiskouire - ot the House » yesterday, by order of His Excellency hier parordre de Son ,a Chambre » .i ’I ie Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Pcoiesdams me , Missiskoul Chet refer^s •red. q I o — 25° Novembris, Petition res- pecting a Rail Roail from Montreal 10 the Province Line. 190 the Governor in Chief, pursuant to the Address of this House of the 18th instant, respecting Schools in the County of Missis koui, be referred to a Committee of five Members, to examine the same and report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for per- Mr. Hotchkiss, Mr. Girouard , Mr. De IVitt and Mr. O’ Callaghan do com- pose the said Committee. Mr. Gugy read in his place a Petition of divers Inha- bitants of the City and District of Montreal lor them- selves and others, respecting a Rail Road from the C y of Montreal to the Province Line, at or near I omte au Beaudet and Point Foi/mic, respectively. Mr. Gugy then moved, seconded by Mr- Pome ) , 1 the said Petition be now received. Mr Speaker declined receiving the Motion, as the Petition now offered to the House was of a private na- ture, and the time fixed by the Rules of the House foi receiving such Petitions was expired. An Appeal being made to the House from Mr. Speaker’s decision, The House divided : For Mr. Speaker’s decision, 43. Against it, Several Members having retired, the names of those present were taken down, as followeth . * Mr. Speaker. Messieurs Arckambcault, Bardy, Bedard, Berthelot, Bertrand, Blanchard, Blanchet, Boutillier , Cardinal, Careau, Caron, Ca- zea u. Child, Courteau, Deligny, De Tonnancour , De Witt, Pierre Antoine Dorian, Dubord, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Hotchkiss, Huot, Knight, Larue, Leslie, Letourneau, Marquis, MeiUeur, Morin, Mousseau , O' Callaghan, Scott, Simon, Cache, Trudel, ^ttjftSt.1* o'clock, P. M„ Mr. Speaker ad- iourned the House lor want oi a Quorum. A. 18 35. Answer lo an AddreUi Chef, en conformity de PAdresse de cette Chambre, du 18 du courant, au sujet des Ecoles dans le Comte e Missis koui, soient referes a un Comite de cinq Mem- bres pour les examiner et en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer quern* personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Knight, M. Hotchkiss, M. Girouard, M.- De IVitt et M. O'Callaghan composent le dit ComitG M. Gugy a hi a sa place une Petition de divers Ha- bitans de la Cite et du District de Montreal p our eux ta et autres, relative a un ( hemin h Lisses, de la Cite de ,, gne dela Montreal a la ligne de la Province, a on pres de la r«",nc* Pointed Beaudet eta la PointeFortune respectivement. M. Gugy a alors propose, seconde par M. Power, Que la dite Petition soit maintenant regue. M. l’Orateur a refuse de recevoir la motion, vu que la Petition maintenant offerte a la Chambre, etait d une nature prNee, et que le temps fixe par les Regies de cette Chambre pour recevoir telles Petitions etait ex- P1 U*n Appel ayant et6 fait a la Chambre de la decision de M. l’Orateur, La Chambre s’est divisee : Pour la decision de M. l’Orateur, 43. Con t re, Plusieurs Membres s’etant retires, les noms de ceux presens ont ete pris comme suit . 1 M. S’Orateur. Messieurs Archambeault, Bardy, Bedard, Berthelot, Bertrand, Blanchard, Blanchet, Boutillier, Cardinal, Careau, Caron, Ca- zeau. Child, Courteau, Deligny, De Tonnancour, De Witt, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Dubord, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Hotchkiss, Huot, Knight, Larue , Leslie, Letourneau, Marquis, Meilleur, Mor in, Mousseau, O' Callaghan, Scott, Simon, lache, Trudel, Vanfelson et Tiger. Et a six heures et demie, P- M., M. 1 Orateur a ajourne la Chambre faute de Quorum . efition for the ipeal of the ,ct 48th Geo. II. Cap. 13. Wednesday, 25 th November , 1835. H jv, Scott, accompanied by the other Messengers, jjW reported to the House, that their Address of yes- terday to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, pray* ino- he will be pleased to cause to be laid before this House, a Copy of Mr. Secretary Spring Rice* s Despatch, dated 30th September, 1834, authorizing the payment of the Salaries o (Samuel Gale and Robert Christie, Es- quires, as stated in Public Account No, 15, dated 17th November, 1835, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following An- swer : Gentlemen, I request you to inform the House of Assembly that I will cause a Copy of Mr. Secretary Spring Rices Dispatch of the 30th September, 1834, mentioned in this Address, to be laid before the House without de- lay. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 25th November, 1835. A Petition of divers Lumber Merchants, Traders, Farmers, and others engaged in the business of Lumber and Rafting, was presented to the House by Mr. Jr- chambeault , Merer edi, 25 Novembre 1835. Scott, accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait ^p° s "* e ^ une XV il® rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse d’hier, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, pour le pner de faire mettre devant la Chambre, Copie tie la Depeche de M le Secretaire Spring Rice, du SOSeptembie 1834, qul ail torise le paiement des Salaires de Samuel Gale et Robert Christie, Ecuyers, tel que ment.onne dans le Comte Public No. 15, date le 47 Novembre 1835, avait ete presence a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs r j e vous prie d’informer la Chambre ti’Assemblee, que ie ferai mettre devant la Chambre, sans delai, une Copie de la Depeche de M* le Secretaire Spring Rice, A u 30 Septembre 1834, mentionnee dans cette Adresse. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec , Novembre 1835. mei de Une Petition de divers Marcl.ands de Bois, Com- wg-g; n;ans, Fermiers, et autres engages dans le Co ““"“ Bois el le transport des Cageux, a etc pusentee « 6 Will. IV, 25° Novembris. 197 Report on Justices of the Peace qualifica- tion Bill. Report on Bill to prevent the fraudulent . seizure of lands Second Report of Committee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions. chambeault, anti the same was received and read ; pray- ing for the repeal of the Provincial Act in virtue of which a charge or tax is now levied on Rafts passing the Fort, at Chateauguay to Montreal, under the name of inspection and measurement of the same. On Motion of Mr. Archambeault , seconded by Mr. Fortin , Resolved, That this House will, on Monday next, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider the expediency of repealing the Act of the 48th Geo. III. Cap. 13. Ordered , That the Petition of divers Lumber Mer- chants, Traders, Farmers, and others engaged in the business of Lumber and Rafting, be referred to the said Committee. Mr. V anfelson, from the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill for the qualification of the Justices of the Peace, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Ta- ble. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House on Friday next. Mr. V anfelson, from the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill to prevent the fraudulent seizure and sale of Lands, and other real property within this Pro- vince, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House on Friday next. Mr. Caron, from the Standing Committee for Hos- pitals and Charitable Institutions, presented to the House the Second Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee having in their First Report dis- posed of that portion of the matters referred to them, which relate to divers claims laid before Your Honora- ble House, for indemnification for services performed during the prevalence of the cruel disease which afflicted this Province in 1832 and 1834, will now lay before Your Honorable House the result of their la- bors on that portion of the matters referred to them which relate to Petitions for aid or for donations, from divers Charitable Institutions destined for the relief of the poor and unfortunate of all classes in different parts of the Province. On the several matters of this nature referred to Your Committee, they have proceeded in the following order, that is to say : la Chambre par M. Archambeault, laquelle a He re 5 ue et lue ; demandant l’abrogation de l’Acte Provincial, err vertu duquel un droit ou taxe est maintenant prHeve sur les Cageux qui passent au Fort de Chateauguay pour Mont) eal, sous le nom de droit d’inspection et mesurage d’iceux. Sur Motion de M. Archambeault, seconde par M. Fortin , Resolu, Que, Lundi prochain, cette Chambre se formei a en Comite de toute la Chambre pour considerer s’il est expedient d’abroger 1’Acte de la 48e Geo. Ill Chap. 13. Ordonne, Que la Petition de divers Marchands de Bois, Commei’ 5 ans, Fermiers et autres, engages dans le Commerce de Bois et le transport des Cageux, soit referee au dit Comite. f M. Vanfelson, du Comite Permanent des Corns de Ra PP ortsuri 9 Justice, a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill I ^^°“ r d qua - poui la qualification des Juges de Paix, et y avait fait JugesdePaix. plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre Vendredi prochain. 1st. On the Petition of the Ladies Managers of the Orphan Asylum established at Quebec, praying an aid towards the completion of their Establishment. 2nd. On that of the President and Directresses of the Corporation for repentant Females at Montreal, to a like effect. 3rd. On that of the Ladies composing the Committee of management of the Orphan Asylum established in the Suburb of St. Roch of Quebec. 4th. On that of the Grey Nuns of the General Hos- pital at Montreal, also praying an aid. 5th. On that of the Reverend Mr. Crevier, praying that a certain sum of money may be granted to him, as an aid towards completing the Building commenced by him in the Parish of St. Hyacinthe, and intended to Vol.— 45. serve M. I anfelson, du Comite Permanent des Cours de Rapport sur i« Justice, a fait rapport que le Comae avait passi le Bill gSl pour empecher les saisies et ventes frauduleuses des j e a s u , d e uleuses terres, et autres proprietes reelles dans cette Province, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amende- mens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient referes h un Comite de toute la Chambre Vendredi prochain. * M. Caron, du Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux Second Rapport et Institutions de Charit6, a pr^sente a la Chambre le f“. Second Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nou- ch“ nsde veau a la I able du Greffier, coniine suit : Votre Comit6 ayant dispose dans son premier Rap- port de cette partie des References qui lui out He faites, ayant trait aux diverges reclamations mises de- vant Votre Honorable Chambre au sujet de l’idemni- t6 pour services rendus, ou de remboursement pour depenses faites a 1’occasion de la cruelle maladie qui a affligd ce Pays, tant en 1832 qu’en 1834, va offrir a Votre Honorable Chambre, dans son present Rapport, le resultat de son travail sur cette partie des Referen- ces qui sont devant lui au sujet de demandes pour ss cours et donations solliciffs par diverses Institutions Charitables destinees §u soutien des pauvres et maL heureux de tous genres dans les diverses parties de ce Pays* Sur les diverses demandes referees a Votre Co- mi^ a ce sujet, il a H6 proced£ dans 1'Ordre suivant savoir : 1 ° • Sur la Petition des Dames Directrices de l’A- sile des Orphelins £tabli a Quebec, demandant une ai- de pour completer leur Etablissement. 2 ° • Sur celle de la Presidente et Directrices de la Corporation dite desFilles llepenties a Montreal pour lememeobjet. 1 3 ° . Sur celle des Dames composant le Comit6 de R6gie de l’Asile des Orphelins etabli au Faubourg St Roch de Quebec. b 4 ° • Sur celle de I’Hopital General des Sceurs Gri- ses de Montreal , demandant aussi une aide. 5°. Sur celle du Reverend M. Crevier, deman- dant 1 octroi d’une certaine somme d’argent, pour 1 ’aider k computer un Batiment par lui com'menc6 dans la Paroisse de St. Hyacinthe, destind k servir 3 D d’Hdpital 198 25 ° Novembris . serve as an Hospital for the said Parish, and the sur- rounding Country. 6th. On that of the Ladies Managers of the Charita- ble Society at Montreal, praying an aid. 7th. On that of the Managers of the Ladies Bene- volent Society at Montreal, to the same effect. 8th. On that of the Ladies Managers of the Or- phan Asylum at Montreal. 9th. On the Report of the Commissioners for the relief of Insane and Infirm persons and Foundlings for the District of Quebec. Before the Committee lay before Your Honorable House the conclusions to which they have come on each of the said matters of reference, they think it right to remark that the greater part of the applications made to Your Honorable House, which form the sub- ject of this Report, have been made by divers Societies formed under peculiar circumstances, and for the pur- pose (a laudable one no doubt) of affording relief to the indigent and unfortunate of all classes. These several Societies, supported in the first instance by the voluntary subscriptions of individuals, have by degrees acquired the habit of applying to the Legislature for aid. The several grants made to the said Societies by the Legislature have also most always been made un- der the condition, either express or implied, that such grants should not be continued, and that the said So- cieties should find means of supporting themselves without receiving aid from the funds of the Province. Your Committee after an attentive examination of the question, are of opinion, that it ought not to be admit- ted as a principle, that the Institutions of a purely local nature should be supported out of the public monies levied on the Inhabitants of the whole Province. For this reason Your Committee are of opinion that the several Institutions and Societies aforesaid, (to whom the Committee are ready to pay the tribute of praise due to their merits,) ought to be informed that they must not reckon upon the aid of the Legislature for their future support, but must limit their charities and their expenses according to the funds they can raise from voluntary contributions made by the generosity of individuals. It is with this view that Your Committee have in almost every case recommended grants of less amount than those heretofore made by the Legislature to the several Societies hereinbefore mentioned, and would not in some instances have recommended any grant, if the increased number of unfortunate and indigent persons thrown suddenly on the charity of the public in the years 1832 and 1831, in consequence of the scourge which passed over this Country during those years, had not formed a reason why Your Committee should deviate from the rule which ought to be gene- rally followed. After these remarks, which Your Com- mittee submit with all humility, they will now state their opinion, that with regard to the several Petitions aforesaid, it would be right to proceed in the follow- ing manner : First. Your Committee recommend that the sum of £ 1 00 currency, be granted to the Ladies Managers of the Orphan Asylum at Quebec, to enable them to discharge certain debts by them contracted for the pur- pose of completing the said Establishment. Second. That the sum of ^£150 currency, be in like manner granted to the President and Directresses of the Corporation for repentant Females at Montreal, for the purposes mentioned in their Petition. Third. Your Committee are of opinion that it would be expedient to grant the sum of £75 currency, to the Ladies A 1835 . d’Hopital Public pour la dite Paroisse et Lieux cir- convoisins. 6 °. Sur celle des Dames Directrices de la Socidt6 de Charity a Montreal, demandant une aide. 7 ° . Sur celle des Dames Directrices de la Societe des Dames Bienveillantes de Montreal, aux memes fins. 8 ° . Sur cede des Dames Directrices de i’Asile des Orphelins a Montreal. 9 c • Sur ie Rapport des Commissaires pour le sou- tien des Insenses, Infirmes et Enfans trouv^s pour le District de Quebec. Avant d’exposer a Votre Honorable Chambre la determination a laquelle Votre Co mite en est venu sur chacune des elites references, Votre Comitc croit devoir observer que la pins grande partie des appli- cations faites a Votre Honorable Chambre, et aui fait le sujet du present Rapport, font ete de la part de di- verses Societes qui se sunt formees sous des circons- tances particulieres, dans la vue, bien louable sans doute, de porter des secours aux pauvres et aux mal- heureux de tous genres ; ces differentes Societes sou- tenues d’abord par des Contributions volontaires des particuliers out peu a peu pris fhabitude de s’a- dresser ala Legislature pour en obtenir des aides ; les divers Octrois fails a ces Societes par la Legislature Pont presque toujours £t£ sous la condition exprimee soit directement soit explicitement, que ces Octrois ne seraient pas continues, et que ces differentes Societes devraient penser a se soutenir d’elles-memes, sans avoir recours aux Deniers Publics. Votre Comite, apr£s un s£rieux examen de la question, est demeur6 d’opinion que foil ne devrait pas admettre le principe que des Institutions purement locales, ayant pour but des objets d'un int^ret tout particular, dussent etre soutenues a meme les Deniers Publics prelevds sur la Societe entiere. D’apres ces considerations, Votre Comite est d’avis que ces diverses Institutions et As- sociations, auxquelles il est pret a rendre le tribut de louanges qu’elles meritent, devraient etre informees qu’elles ne devront pas compter pour leur existence future sur des Octrois de la Legislature ; rnais qu’elles devraient limiter leurs charites et leu rs depenses aux moyens qu’elle pourront retirerdes contributions vo- lontaires et de la generosity des individus. C’est dans cette vue que Votre Comite a diminu6 dans presque tous ces cas les allocations ci-devant faites par la Legislature aux diverses Associations sus- mentionnees, et les auraient tout-a-fait refuses dans plusieurscas, si le surcroit de maiheureux et de per- sonnes destitutes, jetees subitement a la charge de la Societe dans les anntes 1832 et 1834, par suite du fleau qui a visile ce Pays a ces deux trpoques, if avail pas ett une raison pour Votre Co mitt, de devier a ce qu’il considtre comme devant etre la rtgle que I on devrait gtutralement suivre. Apres ces observations, que Vo- tre Comitt soumet en toute humility, il a ttt d’opi- nion qu’il devrait etre fait droit sur les differentes Pe- titions sus mentionnyes en la maniere suivante : Premiere. Votre Comite recommande qu’une somrne de £100 courant soit accordee aux Dames Directrices de I’Asile des Orphelins de Quebec, pour les mettre en etat d’acquitter certaines dettes par elles contractyes pour completer leur Etablissement. Seconde. Qu’une somme de £150 devrait aussi etre accordye a la Prtsidente et Directrices de la Corpora- tion des Eilles Repenties de Montreal, pour les fins mentionny-es dans leur Petition. Iroisieme. Votre Comity tst d opinion qu'il serait ccnvenable d’accorder une somme de £ 7 3 aux Dames Directrices 6 Will. IV. 26 " Novemlris. Ladies Managers of the Orphan Asylum in the Su- buib of St. Roch of Quebec. Fomth. Your Committee having examined the Re- ports made to Your Honorable House by the Commu- nity of the Grey Nuns of the Montreal' General Hos- pital showing the amount of their expenses incurred for the Found mgs and Insane Persons maintained in the said Establishment during the two years ended on the tenth of October last, recommend, 1st. That the £i ' 00 curre ncy, be granted to them, that is, ^tm) currency, for the year ended on the 10th Octo- ber 1835, and a like sum for the year ending on 10th October next. 2nd. The sum of £24. 6s. Od. be gran- ted them as the balance of their expenses incurred in the maintenance of Insane Persons for the year ended on the 10th October last. 3rd. The sum of £73 cur- i the Same P ur P 0Se > P° r the year ending on the 10th October next. & Fifth. Your Committee very much regret that they cannot recommend that the prayer of the Petition of the Reverend Mr. Crevier to Your Honorable House be granted; at the same time that they render full jus- tice to the devoted zeal of that Gentleman, Your Com- mittee are of opinion that his undertaking is not of sufficient general interest, and is not attended by suffi- cient guarantees with regard to the future, to render it expedient to make the grant he prays for. Sixth. Your Committee are prepared to recommend that the sum of £100 currency, be granted to the Ladies Charitable Society at Montreal, as an aid for the last as well as for the current year. Seventh. That a like sum, for the same period, be granted to the Ladies Benevolent Society at Montreal 199 Directrices de l’Asile des Orphelins titabli au Fan- bourg St. Rock de Quebec. * u Quatrieme Votre Comitd ayant examine les Ran- P s fa “ rn ! s a X ot,e Honorable Charnbre par la Com- munautt; des Secure Grises a i’H6pital G^ndral de Montreal montrant un 6tat de leurs dispenses poor les Enfanstronv&etles Inserts, gardes dans lour Eta- blissement, pour deux anuses expires le dix Oe o bre dernier, recommande 1 ° . que la somme de £1200 courant leur soil accordde ; savoir : r£600 cour'in poor 1 amide expire le 10 Octobre 1833, et meme somme pour celle qui expirera le 10 Octobre prochain • % • la somme de rf24. 6s. Od. pour balance de leurs expiree d“rdctor l,e d de? InSensis l )our I’annde MpirCe le dtx Octobre dernier; 3 = . une somme de pendant 1We ^ Eighth. And lastly, £ 50 currency, to the Ladies Orphan Asylum at Montreal. Ninth. Your Committee having taken into conside- ration the Report of the Commissioners for the relief of Insane and Infirm Persons and Foundlings in the District of Quebec , containing an Account of the ar- reais due by them for expenses incurred for the pur- poses afoiesaid, during the year ended on the 31st of October last, amounting to the sum of £2 335. 18s. 8d. curi ency, and also a Statement of the probable expenses to be incurred by them during the year ending on the 31st day of October next, amounting to the sum of <*2211. 16s. 8d. are of opinion that the sum of ^*4547 15s. 4d. ought to be granted to the said Commissioners lor the purposes aforesaid. And Your Committee, in obedience to the order of reference made by Your Honorable House on the 13th instant, with regard to the Message from His Excel- lency Lord Aylmer of the 7th March, 1835, on the subject of the expenses incurred at Grosse Isle during the year 1834, have given all fitting attention to the said Message, and the papers and documents accompa- nying it. But Your Honorable House having, by a Re- solution of the 7th March last, decided that it would be expedient, so soon as it should be in the Dower of Your Honorable House to proceed by Bill or other- wise, to indemnify the Governor in Chief for the sum of£3S6o. 15s. 4d. sterling, by him advanced out of the 1 ubhc Monies of the Province, to meet the ex- penses occasioned by the Quarantine Station at Grosse Isle in 1834, or for such part of the said sum as should appear to have been properly expended j it only remains for i our Committee to state that they have found no reason to recommend that any deduction should be made from the said sum j that they consider the whole as being due and recommend that" it should be paid in full. 1 Cinquieme. Votre Comit6 regrette beaucoup de ne pouvoir recommander la demande faite parffi RG becLmLr^Tf nSSa 4 Vot - Honor! Die Uiambie. lout en rendant justice au zele et au devouement de ce Monsieur, Votre Comity est d’opi- nion que son entreprise nW ^ P general 1 T est P as dun interet assez general, et n offre pas de garanties suffisantes pour IV demanded qU * C ° nV ‘ enne de lui reorder l’Octroi qu’il soif^ me ; V ° !re n Comit " est P r ^ a recommander qu’il somme l rd J*i a nn Dames de ,a Char ^ a Montreal one somme de ^100 courant, comme aide, tant pour l’an- nee derniere que pour l’annee courante. Septieme. Que meme somme pour la meme neriode evrait etre accordee aux Dames de la Societe Bien- veillant e de Montreal. Huitieme. Et enfin.j&o aux Dames de l’Asile des Orphehns de Montreal 6 le R-m^ort rfM V r re Comitd ' ayant pris en consideration Je Rapport des Comm.ssaires pour le soulagement des Insens^, Invalides et Enfans trouves dans le District de Quebec, contenant un Etat des arrerages qui leur sont dus pour depenses par eux faites pouMes fins susdites, pendant l’annee expiree le 31 Octobre dernier se montant a la somme de £2,335. 18s. 8d. courant • et aussi un Etat probable des depenses qu’ils auront aen- chain 1 P T 1 deVant ex P irer le 31 Octobre pro- Cham, offiant un montant de £2,211. 16s. 8d a ete Q opinion que la somme de ^4,547. 15s. 4d. devrait etre Bomws! 6 aUX d 8 C ° mmiSSaires P° ur Ies ob Jcts sus-men- Enfin, Votre Comite en execution de la reference de Voire Honorable Charnbre du 13 du courant relative ' au Message de Son Excellence Lord A ulmel du 7 ais lS35. au sujet des depenses encourues a la ’ Gros- se-I,e pendant l’annee 1834, a donne a ce Message et aux Papierset Documens qui 1’accompagnent toute I attention conyenable; roais par sa Resolution du 7 Mars dernier, Votre Honorable Charnbre ayant dei,i de- C'de qu il convenait, aussitdt qu’il serait au pouvoir de Voile Honorable Charnbre, de proceder par Bill a Houverneur-en-Chef de la Somme de f- ’* 3 , L 4d ; sterling, pour les avances par lui faites . , meme e ; LJemers de la Province, pour subvenir anx depenses du Lazaret etabli a la Grosse-Ile en 1834 on de telle paitie de ia dite somme qui se trouverait avoir etc convenablement depensee, il ne reste plus a Votre Count! qu a declarer a Votre Honorable Charnbre nu’il n a VI. aucuns retrancllemens i faire sur la dite somme • cp. il la considere comme toute due, et en recommande le paiement en entier. Ordered, Ordonne , %T . A. 1835 . 25 ° Novernbns , ^ 00 r , . r Orrfowne, Que le dit Rapport soit refer6 a un Comit6 Ordered , That the said Report be referred to a Com- ^ Lundi proc hain. mittee of the whole House, on Monday next. ■n ' House bein'’ informed that John Davidson , Es- SHS35- alli 2 Assistant Civil Secretary, was at the door, he S3KA S-as called in ; and at the Bar delivered pursnan to an *■“ Stt Mr. Secretar y g f;7 e £ r t0 t0 L the Salaries ‘of Samuel s£Ss Ssina.'sasKi Quebec : sions delivered at the Ear. La Chambre ftant informCe que Jofc. Ecuver, Assistant Secretaire Civil, ctait <- , ’ , n Itc anpele, et a remis a la Barre, conformement a nt Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef, du 24 ducourant, Ur .Copie suivante dTune |ft- neclre de M. le Secretaire Spring Rice a Lord Aylmer, drt&du 30 Septembre 1384, relatrvement aux Sa- tires de Samuel Gale et Robert Cl, mlie, Lcuyers, ci- devant Presidens des Sessions de Quartrer, pour Copie d’une Depeche relati- ve nor Salaires des Presidens des Sessions de Quartier, re- mise a la Barre. Districts de Montreal et Quebec : (Copy.) No 28. Downing Street, 30 th September , 1834. r,,y i'ha r ve recently had under wy r conside ration the cases of the Chairmen in conse- "e of t'he'rehrsal of the House of Assembly to pro- vide the necessary Salaries for their -support. ^ q( . Messrs oK a°„d cl/nXl ' already established the ^1 nf the Gentlemen who filled those appointments, ?o“Sch arrears of Salary as may have been due to t^em rlmincr the peiiod they continued in the actual dis charge of their duties, and it was arranged to afford thenf compensation by means of gran ts of I .he as! te t -nrlsof the Crown. In the case of Mi. Coffin suen _ * t i presume, has already been made in discharge ofiris claim. In the case of Mr. Christie it appears ai t that Gentleman has expressed much dissatisfaction at^he manner in which it was proposed to carry into effect the decision of my Predecessor, and has leiused . bp advantage of the allotments which have been ‘mVde by Yoru Lordship in his favor In add it. on to dres- two Gentlemen, Mr. Cranford p referred a claim to the sum of £7-50, being the amount of three years Salary due to him as Chairman of the Quarter Se CoTucidin? Tn’ ' opinion with my Predecessor that the Chairmen of Quarter Sessions have reasonable cause to expect remuneration for services rendeied nrevious to the abolition of their situations, I have con- sidered it right to recommend to the Lords Commis- sioners of Elis Majesty’s Treasury an arrangement by which their outstanding claims may be i Il( l , " dat ^* . X enclose a Copv of the Letter which has been ad dressed to their Lordships on this subject, an you will perceive from their Lordships reply, of which a Copy is likewise enclosed, that they concur in my se- cession that these claimants should be remunerated out of the proceeds of the Sales of the Lower Canada L aid Company. Your Lordship, theiefore, is at liberty to ' pay Mix Christie out of that fund, the sum which you may ascertain to be actually due to him ; and to M r Crlwford £750, should his demand to that amount be correct ; and should Mr. Gale Bee fit to putm claim to arrears of Salary as a Chairman of QuaG Sessions, you will feel yourself authorized to direct paym^iu to be made to him out of the Company’s mo- ney, on the same principle which has been recognized in the other two cases. I have, &c. (Signed,) T. SPRING RICE. The Lord Aylmer , he. h c. he. (A true Copy,) S. Walcott, Civil Secretary. (Copie.) No. 28 Downing Street, 30 Septembre 1834. M Je vi'ens tout r&emment de prendre en conside- ration la question des Presidens des Sessions de Quar- tierdn Bas-Canada, dont les charges ont P e , ab ° oar le refus qua fait la Chambre d Assemble de paje [es Salaires necessaires pour les maintain. sur pred La decision de nron Prddfcesseur dans 1 affaire devoirs* etfon a Mc\&6 de lenr faire quelque com- devoirs , euu - i Terres incultes de la pen sir liuir R’V ''“ t ^ Coffin, je presume qu’rl a dGh recii un octroi de terre pour Irquider sa reclama- tion Pour ce qni est de M. Christie. .1 parait que ce Monsieur a temoigt.6 quelque ro6c0 " ten f maniere dont on se proposal! de me tie a eh t r ; s ion de mon Predecesseur, et qu il a retusede . 1 v'aloir des octrois que Votre Seigneune avert fait r en =sE taee l’opinion de mon Predecesseui , que les Presidens de S s Sessions de Quartier ont raisonnablement leu de "a etre recompenses des services quits ont rend us avant ^abolition de leurs charges, j ai ciu de- voir recommander aux Lords Commissaires de la TrQ sorerie de Sa Majeste un arrangement pour liquider les reclamations qui leur sont encore dues. Je vous envoie Copie ci-jointe de la Lettre qui a etc adressfe a leurs Seigneuries i ce aujet, et voo. , verrez ; pjr la renonse de leurs Seigneuries, dont je vous envoie aussi Copie qu'elles pensent avec mot que ces rec a- ni'ations devraient £tre payees sur le faites a la Compagme des Terres du Bas-Canada. Votre Seigneurie est done a meme de payei sur e. Deniers covenant de ce fonds, la somme qui sera con- uenieis piu C hristie • et £750. a M. Crawford , statee etre due a M. Uinsii e , ei x/ou si la somme qu'il demande est cor.ecte , et ai M. haU : llJTe x nropos de reclamer les arrerages de son Salaire comme^ President des Sessions de Qoartier. vous etes autorise A lui payer ses arrerages sur les Den ne.s de a Compagnie sur le nif-me pnneipe que celut qui reconnu dans les deux auties cas. rice - Lord Aylmer , he. &c. he. (Vraie Copie,) S. Walcott , Secretaire Civil* (Copie.) (Copy.) 6 Will. IV. 25° Novembris. (Copie.) 201 (Copy.) Downing Street, 29 th August, 1834. Sir, In reference to your Letter of the 26th ultimo, sig- nifying the consent of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury to derive a payment of £3023, to the Ursuline Nuns, of Quebec, from the first instalment of the Bri- tish American Land Company, I am directed by Mr. Secretary S. Rice to request that you will bring under the consideration of their Lordships some further charges which Mr. S. Rice would propose to defray from the same fund. In the year 1830, the Assembly declined to vote the Salaries of Mr. Christie, Mr. Coffin and Mr. Gale, three Chairmen of Quarter Sessions in Lower Canada , whose offices had for many previous years been supported by the Assembly. In consequence of this proceeding the situations were abolished upon the principle that if the Representatives of the People did not think fit to pro- vide for them, they must be assumed to be needless to the welfare of the community. But the Assembly having refused even to grant the Salaries of those Officers for the broken period of the year 1830, during which they continued in the actual discharge of their duties, a claim on this account was preferred to His Majesty’s Government by Mr. Christie. The Earl of Ripon admitted the claim, and desired, as there was no pecuniary fund from which it could be settled, that it should be satisfied in Land. A similar instruction was afterwards given by Mr. Stanley on an application from Mr. Coffin. In the absence of any report to the contrary, the de- cision in the case of Mr. Coffin is presumed to have been carried into effect ; but Mr. Christie raised objec- tions to every successive allotment of Land which was offered to him in pursuance of Lord Ripon' s directions, and at last he has referred home a detailed account of his various complaints upon the endeavours of the Lo- cal Government to assign him an equitable and conve- nient grant of Land. Under these circumstances Mr. S. Rice proposes, that as there is now an opportunity of paying Mr. Christie in money, the Governor should be authorized to adopt that method of settling the claim, and to cause the amount to be issued from the first instalment of the British American Land Company. The sum due to Mr. Christie is understood to be about ^400, but the exact amount must be ascertained by the Local Govern- ment. Mr. Coffin, as I have already stated, has obtained an authority from this Department to receive a grant of Land in discharge of his claim. Mr. Gale, the remaining one of the three Chairmen of Quarter Sessions, above alluded to, has abstained from advancing any demand on account of his unpaid services in 1830. The amount of his claim, should he prefer it, would coincide with that of Mr. Christie. Besides the three Chairmen of Quarter Sessions above adverted to, a fourth in the District of Gaspe was ap- pointed and remained for three years in discharge of his duties without his Salary ever being granted by the Assembly. The name of this Gentleman was Crawford ; his si- tuation was abolished in 1830, at the same time with the rest, but for the previous three years he had been suffered Downing Street, 2 9 A out 1834. Monsieur, En reference a votre Lettre du 26 du mois der- nier, dans laquelle vous annoncez que les Lords Com- missaires de la TrHorerie ont accede k la proposition de payer une somme de £3023. aux Religieuses Urselines de Quebec, sur le premier paiement fait par la Compa- gnie des Terres Britannique Americaine, j’ai ordre de M. le Secretaire S. Rice, de vous prier de mettre sous les yeux de leurs Seigneuries, plusieurs autres depen- ses que M. S. Rice serait d’avis de payer sur les De- niers provenant du meme fonds. En l’annee 1830, 1’ Assemble refusa de voter les Salaires de M. Christie, M. Coffin et M. Gale , tous trois Presidens des Sessions de Quartier dans le Bas-Canada, dont les charges avaient ete maintenues un grand nom- bre d’annees avant cela, par les allocations de l’Assem- blee. Par suite de ce proc^de, ces charges furent abo- lies sur le principe que puisque les Representans du Peuple n’ont pas jug6 a propos d’y pourvoir, on doit presumer qu’elles ne sont pas necessaires aubien-etre de la sociHe. Mais l’Assemblee ayant meme refuse d’accorder les Salaires de ces Fonctionnaires pour cette partie de l’annee 1830, pendant laquelle ils ont continue a rem- plir les devoirs de leurs charges, M. Christie soumit a cet £gard une reclamation au Gouvernement de Sa Majeste. Le Compte de Ripon a reconn u la justice de cette reclamation, mais n’ayant aucuns Deniers k sa dispo- sition pour la payer, il donna ordre de la liquider par un octroi de terre. M. Stanley a depuis donn6 les memes instructions sur la demande de M. Coffin. Pans l’absence de tout rapport contraire, on doit penserque la decision dans l’affaire de M. Coffin a ete mise a effet ; mais M. Christie a suscite des objections contre tous les octrois de terre qu’on a successivement offert de lui donner, confonnement aux ordres du Compte de Ripon ; et finalement il a transmis en Angle - terre un recit detail le de ses diverses plaintes au sujet. des tentatives faites par le Gouvernement local, de lu faire un octroi de terre juste et convenable. Dans ces circonstances, vu qu il se presente main- tenant une occasion de payer M. Christie en argent, M. S. Rice propose que le Gouverneur soit autorise a prendre ce moyen de liquider sa reclamation, et de lui en payer le montant sur le premier paiement de la Com- pagnie des Terres Britannique Americaine. La som« me due a M. Christie parait etre de £400. environ ; mais c’est au Gouvernement local a en constater ex- actement le montant. M. Coffin a obtenu l’autorisation de ce Departement, commeje l’ai dtj \ dit, de recevoir un octroi de terre en paiement de sa reclamation. M. Gale, l’un des trois Presidens des Sessions de Quartier, dont j’ai parl6 plus haut, n’a lien demands pour ses services en 1 830, qui ne sont pas encore payes. Le montant de sa reclamation, s’il en fait aucune, serait a peu pres le meme que celui que demande M. Christie. Outre les trois Presidens des Sessions de Quartier dont il s’agit plus haut, il en a ete nomm6 un quatrieme dans le district de Gaspe, qui, pendant trois annees, a rempli les devoirs attaches a cette charge, sans que l’Asscmblee lui ait jamais accordede Salaire. Ce Monsieur se nomine Crawford ; sa charge a He abolie en meme temps que les autres en 1830 ; mais on apertnisA ce Monsieur de retenir cet emploi pendant les 3 E Vol — 45. 25" Novembris. A. 1835, 202 suffered to retain his Office, though the charge for it c ti-io reiecled by the Assembly, o. was from the , J et t hat when the Assembly refused RlCe C Tinn the creation of this Office, the Govern- not at once abolish it, instead of allowing it so Ion- to exist without the appropriation o an) 'fun for its° upport. But since the individual who held the appointment was permitted to continue m One c isc laig of the duties, it would s ‘c-;— re- tohiVapplioahon to be indemnified for the services he actually performed under an appointment hold from the Crown, 'with the promise of a Salary lie has never received. Mr S Rice, therefore, feels it incumbent on him to iind “’compliance with a recent Memorial from Mr. Crawford, praying that he may be paid rf7- 0. amount of three years Salary’ due to hrm a^Charrman of the Quarter Sessions in Gaspe. M . Cra^ord dressed a Petition on the subject to He Majesty vernment, more than two years ago, but by somm acc dent the application appears to have been oveilooke . Mr S S would propose that this c aim also £ou d be discharged out oftlic first instalment of the bull. American Land Company. Thus the amount of the first charges which it is wished to defray from this fund consists of a sum o about £400, on account of Mr. Christie, an o . 7 on account of Mr. Cranford, with the possibility that an additiona charge of about £400, may be created by a demand Bom Mu Gale, founded on the same princi- ple with the claims recognized in the two other cases. 1 1 am, ece. (Signed,) R* ^ Ilonble. J. K. Stewart , Sec. See. See. (A true Copy,) S. Walcott, Civil Secretary. i es trois annees pr^dentes, quoique 1* Assemble^ eht refuse, d£s le commencement, de subvemr a cette depense. M. S. Rice ne peut s empcchei de reoretter que le Gouvernement local n ait pas aboh cette charge aussitot que V Assemble a refuse d en sanction- ner la creation, an lieu de souffnr qu elle existat s long-temps sans aucune allocation pour lamaintenir sur pied. Mais puisqu’on a permis a lindividu qui oc- cupait cet emploide continuer a remplir les devoirs, .1 sembleraitqu’il est peu en harmomeavec les decisions donn6es dans 1’ affaire de M . Christie et celle de Coffin de reieter la demande qu ll fait, a ctre in- demnise des services qu’il a rendus, e n s “Smttanl desfonctions d’une charge qu il tenait oe la Couionne, avec la promesse d’un Salaire qu’,1 n>a jamais recu. En consequence, M. S. Sice cro.t devoir recom- mander que Ion accede a la demande contenue dans un Mdmoire ricentde M. Cranford , delui payer ; £750. montant de trois anntes de Salaire qu. lm sent dues en n ualite de President des Sessions de Quartiei a Gaspe M. Crawford adressa une Requete au Gou vehement de Sa Majestfi a ce sujet. 1 1 y a pins de deux ans : mais, par quelque accident, sa demande p^ait avoir M n«gV- M ’ P ro P oseral aus f’ de liquider la reclamation de ce Monsieur, sur le pre- mier paiement de la Compagnie des lerres Bntan- ""AkriTe montant des Dispenses que I’on veut payer sur les Deniers provenant de ce fonds, consiste en une Somme d’environ £400. pour M. Christie, et de =§ 750 . pour M. Crawford , et il est possible de plus que M. Gale demande une autre somme d environ *£40 , d’ -lores le nrincipe admis et reconnn lorsqu id a etc question il reclamations des deux autres Messieurs. 1 Je suis, etc. fSigne,) B. W. II AY. (Copy.) Treasury Chambers, 24/// September, 1834. Si The Lords Commissioners of His Majesty’s Trea- sury having had under their consideration you' Leltei of die 29th ultimo, relative to the claims of t ie late Chairmen of the Quarter Sessions in Lower C anada o ial ry due to diem previously to the abolition of hose situations. I am commanded by the.r Lord^ip. to request that you will acquaint Mr. Sec eta. y Rice, that as the remuneration to Mr. Christie had already been virtually made a charge on the Crown Lands, a well as that of Mr. Coffin, my Lords accede to Mi. S. Rice's suggestion for the payment out of the fi'St pio- feeds of The sales to the British American Land Com- pany of the Salary that may be found to have becom due to Mr. Christie from the period of the disconti- nuance of the provisions for that Salary by the As- 3 of iJr Canada, until directions were given for the abolition of the office he had filled. My Lords must likewise assent to the satisfaction of a y claim to similar Salary that may be preferred by Mr. Gale in die same manner, and although they ’equal v with Mr. Rice regret that Mr. Cranford s Office of Chairman of the Quarter Sessions of the District o Gaspe should not have been abolished upon the i - of the Assembly to provide for its support, yet under L’Uonble. J-K. Stewart, etc., etc., etc. (Vraie Copie.) S. Walcott , Secretaire Civil. lC ° 1>,e ^ Chambre de la Tresorerie, 24 Septembre 1834. Les Lords Commissaires de la Tiesoue de Sa MaiestS ayant pris en consideration votre Lettre du 29 du mois dernier, relative atix reclamations des ci-de- vant Presidens des Sessions de Quai tier dans le Bas Canada, pour le Salaire qui leur 6tait du lors de 1 a- holition de ces charges, j’ai ordre de leurs de vous prier d’informer M. le Secretaire Sice que comme la remuneration de M. Christie » dqa ete vir- tuellement portae au comptedes terres de la Couron- ne ainsi que celle de M. Coffin, leurs Seigneunes ac- cident a la suggestion de M. S. Rice de payer sur les premiers deniefs provenant des ventes a la Compagnie lies Terres Britannique Ameiicame le Salaire qui pourra etre dil i\ M. Christie depnis 1 epoqne on 1 As- semble du Bas-Canada a discontinue de voter des Salaires jusqu’au moment ou il a £te clonnc ore bolir la charge qu’il remplissait. Leurs Se^neunes doi- vent egaiement sanctionner le paiement d un sem- blable Salaire qui pourrait ctre rec amd pa ■ ^ L ^ de la m6me manure ; et quoiqu elles regrettent avec M. Rice, que la charge ie W«de"j^ Quartierdu District de Gaspe, qr ‘ . .w pl’issait, n ait pas ete abolie lorsque l.AssemWee a re fuse de pourvoir au paiement du an q y . 6 Will. IV, 25° Novembris , the circumstances urged in your said Letter they must accede to Mr. S. Rices recommendation that the pay- ment from the same fund of Mr. Crawford's Salary for the period during which he actually performed the du- ties of the situation to which he had been appointed by the Crown should be sanctioned. 203 (Signed,) I am, &c. J. STEWART. R. IV. Hay, Esquire, &c. &c. & c. tache ; neanmoins dans les circonstances <5nonc«5es clans votre Lettre, dies doivent acc6der a la recom- mandation de M. S. Rice , de sanctionner le paiement fait sur ces fonds du Salaire de M. Crawford, pour la periode de temps qu’il a effectivement rempli les de- voirs de la charge a laquelle il avait iti nomm£ par la Couronne. 1 Je suis, etc. (Signe,) J. STEWART, R.-W i . Hay, Ecuyer, etc , etc., etc. ( A true Copy,) S , Walcott, Civil Secretary. On Motion of Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. De Witt Ordered, That the Copy of the Dispatch of Mr’ Secretary Spring Rice, dated 30th September 1834 delivered at the Bar of the House this day, be referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts. B?en S °B?ii read ^ to remove all doubts with respect to the bene- *he second time, fit of Cession de Biens, in certain cases therein men- tioned, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to the Com- mittee of the whole House on the Bill for the better relief of the Creditors of such as shall become Bank- rupt, and for other purposes therein mentioned. EoTJm S3 A R , iU to P ro ™ le ff making and maintaining a Rail the second lime, ttoaci trom the River St. Lawrence to the Province Line was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. ’it" Ordered, That Mr. Vanfelson, Mr. Boujfard, Mr. Besserer, Mr. Clapham and Mr. Cote do compose the said Committee. SffSfiL, A Bil J t0 pr° vide for the Lightingof the City of the second time. "Montreal by Gas, was, according to Order, read a se- cond time. Resolved,, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. 1 Ordered, That Mr. Leslie, Mr. Vigor, Mr. De Witt Mr. Lower and Mr. Morin do compose the said Com- mittee. Bridge Bill A Bill to authorize Pierre Gingras to build a Toll ime. ,he 8econd ove !' the River Ca P Rouge , was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, I hat the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of five Members, to report thereon with all conve- nient speed, with power to send for persons, papers Ordered, That Mr. Huot, Mr. Larue , Mr. Viger, Mr. Bedard and Mr. Blanche t do compose the said Committee. On Motion of Mr. Vanfelson, seconded by Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorion, Ordered, That the Petition of John Bonner of Que- bec, Merchant, presented to this House, yesterdav be referred to the said Committee. (Vrai Copie.) S. Walcott, Secretaire Civil. Sur Motion de M. Scott, second^ par M. De Witt Ordonne, Que la Copie de la D£p£che de M le Se c re t a i re Spring Rice, datee du 30 Septembre 1834 remis a la Barre de la Chambre ce jour, soil referee au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour mettre fin mn Places- aux domes relat.fs au droit do faire Cession de Biens, dans ceitains cas y mentionn^s, a et6 lu une seconde foi3 ‘ lUlo* Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soil r6fer6 au Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Bill pour le soulagement des Creanciers de ceux qui font Faillite ou Banqueroute, et pour a autres fins y mentionn^es, Conformement a 1 Ordre, un Bill pour pourvoir a la B.iidu che- construction et a 1 entretien d’un Chemin a Lisces ^ L T 3 partir du Fleuve St. Laurent, a aller jusqua la Licme Provincial.', a 6t6 lu une seconde fois. 8 fols ' . Rosolu, Que le dit Bill soit rtfive a un Comite de cmq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la dili- gence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir ner- sonnes, papiers et records. 1 Ordonne, Que M, Vanfelson, M. Bouifard M Lee serer, M. Clapham et M. Cute composed dit Cot^tt Conformant 4 I 'Ordre, un Bill pour pourvoir a I eclairage dela Citede Montreal par le Gaz, a 6U lu SSSKJ'r. une seconde fois. leGaz iuu„e Re solu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comit6 de cmq Membres, pour en faire Rapport avec toute la di ligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer, querir personnes, papiers et records. ^ Ordonne, Que M. Leslie, M. Viger, M. De Witt M Power et M. Morin composent le dit Comit6. Conformement a FOrdre, un Bill pour autoriser -u Po„ t du Pierre Gingras a batir un Pont de Peao- e sur la Ri- Cap ' Ho “ ge ' ,u viorp drir) T?nurrt> a I., j n • vici e Cap Rouge, a ete lu une seconde fois. • ^sofa, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comitd de cinq Membres, pour en faire Rapport avec toute la di- ligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir per- sonnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Iluot, M. Larue , M. Viger, M Bedard et M. Blanchet composent le dit Comitb. Sur Motion de M. V anfelson, seconde par M. Pierre Antoine Dorion, Ordonne, Que la Petition de John Bonner , Mar- eband, de Quebec, presentee a cette Chambre, hier, soit referee au dit Comite. une seconde lois. The L’Ordre sot 25° Nuvembns. A. 1835. Committee on Report relating to the new Hall of Assembly. Committee on Bill for the re- lief of the Cre- ditors of Bank- rupts ; Resolution reported. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Report of the Commissioners for the erec- tion of the new Iiall of Assembly, presented to this House on the 7th of March last, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. „ , „ . , c Mr. Vigor took the Chair of the Committee ; and af- ter some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Vigor reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move foi leave to sit again. , Ordered , That the said Committee have leave to sit again on Monday next. The Order of day for the House in Committee on the Bill for the better relief of the Creditors of such as shall become Bankrupt, and for other purposes therein mentioned, and the Bill to remove all doubts with res- pect to the benefit of Cession do Biens, in ceitam cases therein mentioned, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. , _ . Mr. Meilleur took the Chair oi the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Meilleur reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution, which he was diiected to sub- mit to the House; and also, that he was directed to re- port the said Bill to the House; and the said Resolu- tion was again read at the Clerk s fable, and agieed to by the House, and is asfolloweth: Resolved , That the Laws of this Province are insuffi- cient for the protection of honest Debtors in cases of Insolvency and Bankruptcy. Resolved, That the said Resolution and the said Bills be referred to a Committee of five Members, to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered , That Mr. Vanfelson , Mr. Berthelot, Mr. Leslie, Mr. Morin and Mr. Vigor do compose the said Committee. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre so forme en R° a pp 0 e r t SU r r eiatif Comite sur le Rapport du Comit6 Special auquel a he |£ to N “* e £ n . r6fere le Rapport des Commissaires pour Rejection ces de 1’ Assetn- d’une Nouvelle Salle des Stances de 1 Assemblee, pre- bleL sente a cette Chambre le 7 Mars dernier, ayant he lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comile. M. Viger a pris le Fauteuil du Cornit^ ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l'Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Viger a fait Rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progr&s, et lui avait enjoint de demander pei- mission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne, Que le dit Comit6 ait la permission de sie- ger de nouveau Lundi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en ^nTpouTle 6 Comity sur le Bill pour le soulagement des C fanciers -JgSSSS,. de ceux qui font Faillite ou Banqueroute, et pour d’au- ^Banque- tres fins y mentionnees, et le Bill pour mettre fin aux doutes relatifs an droit de faire Cession de Biens dans certains cas y mentionnes, ayant etelu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comit6. M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite, et apres y avoir sieg6 quelque temps, M. l'Orateura repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Meilleur a fait Rapport que le Comite avait passe une Resolution, qu’il avait Ordre de soumettre a la Chambre, et aussi qu’il lui etait enjoint de faire Rapport des dits Bills a la Chambre ; et la dite Resolu- tion a ete lue de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adop- tee par la Chambre, et elle est comme suit : Resold Que les Lois de cette Province sont insuffi- tap santes pour la protection des Debiteurs honnetes dans les cas de Faillites et Banqueroutes. Resolu, Que la dite Resolution et les dits Bills soient re Lies a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire Rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avee pou- voir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Vanfelson, M. Berthelot, M. Leslie , M. Morin et M. Viger composentle dit Comite. st. charier Free The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Report of the Special Committee to whom were referred the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Suburb of St. Roch , City of Quebec, the Petition of divers In- habitants of the County of Montmorency, and the Peti- tion of Charles Smith and Anthony Anderson , of Quebec , being read; , „ , , , Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Monday next. Committee on The Order of the day for tne House in Committee riX^Bw. on the Bill to establish a new Public Square at Mont- real, and other purposes therein mentioned, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. . , . , Mr. O'Callaghan took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And M r. O'Callaghan reported that the Committee harl gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which lie was directed to repoit to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received on Friday next. County court The Order of the day for the House in Committee gmu dJfmed. for the purpose of considering the best means of making further L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en . Comite sur le Rapport du Comite Special auquel out et6 referees la Petition des Habitans du Faubourg St. Roch de la Cit6 de Quebec, la Petition de divers Habi- tans du Comte de Montmorenci e t la Petition de Char- les Smith el Anthony Anderson , de Quebec , ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit rernisa Lun- di prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comu^M. Comite sur le Bill pour etablir une nouvelle Place Pu- pi ac e pubiique blique a Montreal, et pour autres objets y mentionnes, 4 Montreal - ay ant etelu; * La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. O’Callaghan a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir si6ge quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. O’ Callaghan a fait Rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait Ordre de faire Rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re$u ^ endredi pro- chain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se foime en lice et Prisons Comite pour consiclerer quels sont les moyens qu il ^T otmeM ®* conviendrait 6 Will. IV. 26 0 — 27 0 Novembns. 205 S&K2SS S?* : fc 0p ‘ e ? 0 . ur RO-rvoir ulterieuremeu, 4 of the Act of thc 2nd ^ “ ^ Ordered , That the said Order of the div Up r,nct. ° n 7° ,9* ia P* ^6, ayant ete lu ; poned till Friday next. “ ^ , ^fdomie, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Ven- ■' dredi prochain. Bol/arrf, 0 ' 1 MOtl °“ 0l Mr ‘ l ‘ Ser ’ secon ■ , ..if? i-r K "" <'■)«— Juan On Motion of Mr. Be Witt, seconded by Mr Ar chambeault, Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying; His Excellency will be pleased to cause the proper Officer to lay before this House, Copies of all Petitions, and of all Correspondence, with the names attached to them from the County of Beauharnois, praying for the ap- pointment of Commissioners for the trial of Small Causes under the Act 3rd Will, IV. Cap. 34, in the Seigniory or in any of the Townships of the said Coun- Ordered, I hat Mr. Be Witt, Mr. Archambeault, Mr, Lacoste and Mr. Scott do present the said Address to liis Excellency the Governor in Chief. Mr. Child, from the Special Committee to whom was refeired the Bill to provide for the nomination and ap- pointment of Parish and Town Officers within the Seigniories and Townships of this Province, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House to-morrow. Mi . Girouard, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to regulate the Notarial Profession reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill’ and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk's Table. Ordered , lhat the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House on Friday next. Montreal Hnr- our Bill read ;he first time. Mi. Girouard, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill for the better regulation of the for- malities to be observed in the closing of Inventories reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill without making any amendment thereto, and the Report was again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ot dered, That the said Bill be engrossed. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie have leave to bring in a Bill to make further provision for the improvement and enlargement of the Harbour of Montreal, and to appoint Commissioners for that purpose, ^ He be !, M ° ti0n dC M ‘ De mt ' secoM P ar M - Q . u ’ d soit P nS,en * nn ' de?cheminsT rene«ai of the r> piUchasse .was presented to the House b) * • ± _ * .dip <. Me ipcne et lue; priant la Chambre ile re- 2 eGutii.iv. Road Act 2nd beuccnaszL, p j. nr ovinff the House laquelle a ete ie9ue et * > r „ A a ; n f;t u lp chap.44.avec win. iv. Cap. . int | the same was received and iead , pi ayU w, VP i Pr l’Acte de la 2e Guill. I\ . Chap, id, mtitu , desaraen d e - to renew me aa oi me . * . . . • th “ An Act to amend the Act passed m the thirty sixth “ year cf the Reign of His Majesty King Georg* the “Third intituled, “An Act for making, altenng and “ repairing the Highways and Bridges in the i rovince, •• Z for other purposes,’’ and to make further “ tions concerning Roads and Budges, amendments as tS the House shall, seem meet, more particularly bv giving the Commissioners powu to make such regulations as circumstances may requne concerning the keeping in repair ot the winter Roads m the Country parts of this Province. oSl hat the said Petition bo referred to th. Special Committee to whom was refened the b amend a certain Act therein mentioned, and to make further provision for making, altering and repairing Highways and Bridges. O «r idmehmnU du Uegne de Sa Majeste le Roi George Trois, intitule, “ Acte pour fa, re, reparer et changeHes “ ('hem, ns et Ports dans cette Province, et pour d au- « tres effets,” et pour faire de plus amples rhglcmens concernantlfes Cheminset Pouts, ” avec tels amende, mens nue la Chambre croira dans sa sagesse neccssa - res notamment que les Commissaires aient 1c pouvoir de fane tels riglemens d’apres les circonstances pour l’entretien des Cheminsd’hiver dans les Campagncs do CCt Ordonn ™ Que ladile Petition soil referee au Comt- te Special annuel a ete refere le Bill pour amender un certain Acte y mention.*, et qni pourvo.ta de nouvelles dispositions pour ouvrir, changer et reparer les Grands Chemins et Ponts. ment. „ , . A Petition of Amunj Girod. of Varennes, was pre- SSr^i. A i settled to the House by Mr. Morin, and the same was re- ce el and read s setting forth : That dun^ttato Sossiot. of the Provincial Parliament, the Pent, one. ventured to represent to the House, certain abuses m the administration of the Post Office department by which he believed himself to be a sufferer 1 ‘ rt i ce the said time the event has but too well justified the ft a ho then entertained that he should be exposed to con- siderable loss by the conduct of the ° fficer T 1 ^ 1 ^ v ^ direction of the Department aforesaid : That having given directions to a friend in England to sue such Officer in damages before the proper tribunal, so soon as the House shall have adopted any measure ^th re- gard to the great and frequent abuses which disgiace the management of the Post Office Department in this Provincerin order that he may be enabled to prove to the Tribunal in the Mother Country, to whom the de- cision of a matter of the nature aforesaid may of light belong, that the complaint of the Petitioner is not found- ed on an isolated fact, the consequence of a mistake, or of the pressure of business ; the I etitionei pi a) s the House to be pleased to take into consideration his said Petition (of the 4th March last,) and thus to assist an individual in obtaining more speedy justice, by dec a* rinn- themselves opposed to abuses which press so heavily on the public in general : That the Petitioner flatteis himself that the House will believe, that in thus bnng- ino- his individual grievances before them, lie is i chit y influenced by a desire to furnish the House with a poi- tion of that information on which their opinion must be ^Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Special Committee appointed to enquire into the pie- sent condition of the Post Office Department with a view to the application of an efficient remedy to the de- fects in its organization and management. Une Petition d'Jmunj Girod , de Varennes, a ete pre- rivtml,rp nar M. Morin , laquelle a ete re9ue a U m P arte- senteea la Lnamorepar in. , 1 n • h m em ties Pos, et lue : exposant : Que pendant la dermeie Session du tes . Parlement Provincial il s'est permis de representer a la Chambre certains abus dans 1 administration dea Po^ tes par lesquels il croyait souffnr : Que depuis temp P s, l’evenement n’a que trop justifie ses cramtes d Irs, de se voir expose a une perte considerable par la conduite de cette administration : Qu ayant donn6 des directions bun ami en Angleterre de ipoursumea elite administration en dommages devant qui de droit, uilu uv. — oiicitnp mpsnre a d^s quela Chambre aurait adopts aucune mesute a regard ties grands et freqttens abus qu, fletrrssert la i egaru ties granua ct frequens abus qm direction des Postes en cette Provn.ce afinde Se tr o - “S procurer au Tribunal Metropolitain, au- quel il convient de decider de paredles affaires, que a plainte du Petitionnaire n’est pas un tail isole, const, quence d’erreur ou de la presse des affaires , ajeti- tionnaire pi le la Chambre de vouloir prendre a dite . Pe- tition (du 4 Mars dernier) en sa consideration, et cc faisant, d’aider un particular a obtemr une plus pi^mp te iustice, en se prononcant contre des abus qui pesent j si fdrtement stir le Public en genera : Qu’en presen- taut a la Chambre ses Griefs individnels, \e PGitmn- nairese flatte qu’elle voudrabien crone qu .1 eat piutot influence par le desir de fournir a la Chambre une par- innuence pa i P o m iels el e fondera sou Be deces renseignemens sur lesquels elle fondera son opinion. OrdonnL Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comi- te Special nomm6 pour s’enquenr de 1 etat actuel du Departement des Postes, afin de porter un remWe effi- caceaux defectuositisde son organisation et admin.s tration. The House being informed that Joseph Cary , Esquire, , n i_ t : _ n Appmints. W'aS Inspector General ot Public Provincial Accounts, was Ctrl id, at the door, he was called in ; and at the Bar, del.vered *Sa pursuant to an Address to His Excellency the Gove, nor January. 1836. j n chief, of the 20th instant, the following Statement . delivered at the , , L . K„K1 0 at nnutlt nf Public Monies Bar. tlllU, 0.1 llie XUlli i\/r • „ Statement of the probable amount of I ubhc Monies which will be in the Vaults on the 15th January, I a Chambre etant informee que Joseph Cary , Ecuyer, ^ # t ‘ d r “ b “y l,a onamDre ew i p r0V inciaux, rargemqui Inspecteur-General des Lomptes i u « sera dans ie r . Ul in ;i qptpinnek et a remis a la isarre, con- y ou t e sieii etait a la Porte, il a etc appeic, ei am. Gouver- Janvier i 83 formcmenta une Adresse a Son Ex remisaia neur-en-Chef, du 20 du courant, 1 Etat smvant . a,re. Etat du montant probable des Demers 1 ublics qui se, out dans les Voutc. le 15 Janvier 1836, en conform!- 6 Will. IV. Montreal Pub- lic Square Bill reported. Order for the Committee on heindepen- lence of the fudges, dis- harged. 'irst Report of Committee for lospitals and Charitable In- titutions com- litted. 'ommittee on ustices of the Wequalifica- on Bill. r. ij 27° Novembris. 207 in compliance with the Address of the House of Assem- bly of 20th November, 1835. Amount at this date, in the Vault under three Locks, £95,500 0 0 Ditto m Vault in the sole custody of the Receiver General, 14,800 0 0 Probable amount of Monies which may be received between this date and the 15th January, 33,000 0 0 te de l’Adressede la Chambre d’AssembRe, du 20 No vembre 1835. Montant dans la Voute sous trois clefs a cette n -f at J , v . . £95,500 0 0 Dito dans la Voute sous la seule garde du Receveur-General, 14,800 0 0 Montant probable des Deniers qui seront re$us entre cette date et le 15 Janvier, 33,0)0 0 0 Total Sterling, £143,300 0 0 Payments to be made : 1’or School allowances, £9,000 0 0 Proportion for Upper Ca- nada on the 1st Janu- ary, 23,000 0 0 For other services, 4,000 0 0 36,000 0 0 Probable amount which may be in the Vaults on the 15th January, 1836, £107,300 0 0 One hundred and seven thousand three hundred pounds Sterling. Quebec, 27th November, 1835. JOS CARY, I. G. P. P. Accts. Mr. O'Callaghan, from the Committee of the whole House on the 13 ill to establish a new Public Square at Montreal, and for other purposes therein mentioned, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments weie again read at the Cierk’s I able, and agreed to by the House. J Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be en- grossed. D . „ . Aotal sterling, £143,300 0 0 Paiemens a etre faits : Pour des allocations d’EcoIes, *£9000 0 0 Proportion pour le Haut-Canada, au ler Janvier, 23000 0 0 Pour d’autres services, 4000 0 0 36,000 0 0 Montant probable qui sera dans les Voutes le i 5 Janvier 1836, *£107300 0 0 Cent sept mille trois cents livres sterling. Quebec, 27 Novembre 1835. JOS. CARY, Insp. G. Comptes P. P. a> -- — ^ ^uic ja, uiaiiiui surle Bill pour etabhr une nouvelle Place Publique Montreal, et pour d’autres objets y mentionnes, a fa Rapport, conformement k l’Ordre, des amendemen faits au dit Bill par le Comile, lesquels amendemen ont et6 lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adop tes par la Chambre. 1 Ordonne , Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gro< soye. ° Bill pour uae Place Publique a Montreal, rapport^. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider the expediency of adopting Legislative pro- visions to insure the independence and uprightness of the Judges in this Province, being read ; On Motion of Mr. V anfelson, seconded by Mr. Fortin, Ordered, That the said Order of the day be dis- charged. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite pour considerer s’il ne serait pas convenable d adopter des mesures legislatives pour assurer finde- pendance et 1’integrite des Juges en cette Province ayant ete lu ; ’ Sur Motion de M. Vanfelson , seconde par M. For- tin, Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit decharge. Ordre pour le Comite sur l’independance des Juges, de- charge. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Standing Committee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, being read j On Motion of Mr. Caron, seconded by Mr. Besserer , Ordered, That the said Order of the day be dischar- ged ; and that the said Report be referred to the Com- mittee of the whole blouse on the Second Report of the said Committee. UOrdredu jour pour que la Chambre je forme en v™*. a,,. Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite* ayant et£ H5 P itau *et Jjj . 9 J Institutions de Sur Motion de M. Caron , seconde par M. Besserer, (h donne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit decharg^, et que le dit Rapport soit refere au Comite de toute la Chambre surle Second Rapport du dit Comite. CharitS, r6fer&. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill for the qualification of the Justices of the Peace, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Hotchkiss took theChair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Hotchkiss reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. The L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en £““i‘ 6 “ rta Comite sur le Bill pour la qualification des Juges de qualification des Paix, ayant ete lu ; Juges de Pais, La Chambre s’est en consequence form^e en le dit Comit6. M. Hotchkiss a pris lc Fauteuil du Comity e t apres y avoir siegf: quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Hotchkiss a fait Rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieursamendemens, dont il avait Ordre de faire Rapport a la Chambre. ✓ Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re9u demain. L’Ordre A. 1835 . Committee on BUI to prevent the fraudulent seizure of Landti 208 £7 28 ° Novembris. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to prevent the fraudulent seizure and sale of Lands, and other real property within this Province, ^The House accordingly resolved itself into the said ^°Mr. IVood took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Wood reported that the Committee had n-one through the Bill, and had made an amendment Thereto; which amendment was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill pour empecher les Saules et . Ventes £*£%* fraud uleuses des terres, etautres propri^tes reelles clans ses des Tem*. cette Province, ayant 6te lu ; / La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Co- mity. . , M. Wood, a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apies y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; . , . Et M. Wood a fait Rapport quele Comite avait pas- se le Bill, et y avait fait un amendement, lequel amen- dement a £te lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adopts par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amend6, sort gros- soye. Committee on County Court Houses and Gaols. The Order of the day for the House in Committee for the purposes of considering the best means , making further provision tor maintaining the Couit Houses and Gaols erected in certain Counties in this Province, under the authority of the Act ot the 2nd Will IV. Cap. 6G, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said C °Mr "rmfelsm look the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Vanfelson reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution, which he was directed to submit to the House. , , Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger , seconded by Mi. I an- fehon , T'be House adjourned. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comit6 pourconsiderer quels sont les moyens qu’il con- viendrait d’adopter pour pourvoir ulterieurement a Pen- tretien des Coins de Justice et Prisons erigees dans cer- tains Comtes de cette Province, en vertu de l’Actedc la 2e GailL IV. Chap. 66, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comile sur les Cours de Justi- ce et Prisons de Corates. Comite . , M. Vanfelson a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Vanfelson a fait Rapport que le Comite avait passe plusieurs Resolutions, qu’il avait Ordre de sou- mettre a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re$ u demain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger, scconde par M. Vanfelson, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Certificate of the Return of Mr. Jobin for she County of Montreal. Saturday, 28 th November, 1835. ,/gr R. Speaker informed the House that the Clerk of uH this House had received a Certificate of the Llec- m of a Member to serve in the Assembly of this Pro- nee, for the County of Montreal, in the room of the onorahle Louis Joseph Papineau, who made his L!ec- m to serve for the West Ward of the City of Mont- The said Certificate was read, and is as followeth : Samedi, 28 Novembre 1835. 1I|/gr l’Orateur a informe la Chambre que le Gref- Ceruficat^dif ^ 9 fier de cette Chambre avait re 9 ii un Certificatde Jobin. pour la l’Election d’un Membre pour servir dans l’Assemblee de Sontiaf. cette Province pour le Comte d e Montreal, cn rempla- cement de 1’ Honorable Louis- Joseph Papineau, qui a fait son Election pour servir pour le Quartier Ouest de la Cite de Montreal. Le dit Certificat. a ete lu, et il est comme suit : Office of the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, Quebec, 28th November 1835. This is to certify that in virtue of a Writ of Election, dated * the fourth day of November instant, issued by His Excellency the Governor in Chief, and dnecteu to the Returning Officer for the County ^ of Montreal, l Edouard Martial Leprohon, Esquire,) foi the election of a Member for the said County of Montreal, in the room of Louis Joseph Papineau, Esquire, who having been chosen as a Representative both for the West Ward, and for the County of Montreal, made his Elec- tion to serve for the said West Ward of the City of Montreal, Andre Jobin, Esquire, has been returned as duly elected accordingly, as appears by the Return ot the said Writ, dated the twenty fifth day of November instant, which is lodged of record in this Office. THOS. AMIOT, Clk. Crn. in Chy. W. IL Lindsay, Esquire, Cleik of the House of Assembly. A Bureau du Greffier de la Couronne en Chancellerie, Quebec, 28 Novembre 1835. Le present est pour certifier, qu’en vertu d'un Writ d’Election, en date du quatriffine jour de Novembre present, emane de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef, et adresse a l'Officier-Rapporteur pour le Comt6 de Montreal ( Edouard-Martial Leprohon, Ecuyer,), pour 1’Election d’un Membre pour le dit Comte de Montreal, en remplacement de Louis-Joseph Papineait, Ecuyer, lequel, ayant ete choisi comme l’un des Repre- sentans pour le Quartier Ouest et pour le Comte de Montreal, a fait son Election pour servir pour, le dit Quartier-Ouest de la Cite de Montreal , Andre Jobin, Ecuyer, a ete rapporte dument elu en consequence, ain- si qu’il apjiert par le Relour du dit Writ, oate du vingt- cinquieme jour de Novembre present, lequel est depo- se dans ce Bureau pour faire foi. THOS. AMIOT. Greff. Conr. en Chanie. IP, B. IJndsaij, Ecuyer, Gteffiei de la Chambre d’Assemblee. Une 6 Will. IV. 28 ° Novembris , €09 A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Parish of Petition rela- ting to the Ito- -- . .... ChCrdi“,n 0l An- Ancienne Lorette , was presented to the House by Mr. cienne Lorette. Huot , and the same was received and read ; setting forth : That the Parish Church of Ancienne Lorette being in need of heavy repairs, and it being also neces- saiy that the said Church should be enlarged and lengthened, a portion of the Inhabitants of the said Parish, pretending to be a majority thereof, have by their Petition to the Roman Catnolic Bishop of Quebec, prayed to be authorized to repair and enlarge the said Chinch, which is situate about half a league from the said Parish on the North East side: That the Petition- ers who are, both with regard to number and to the extent of land they hold, the majority of the said Inha- bitants, opposed to the enlargement of the said Church, and prayed the said Bishop of Quebec to be pleased to designate the most central place in said Parish as the site on which a new Church should be built : That the Petitioners did not make their said Petition with the view of interfering with the said Bishop in the exer- cise of his powers and functions with regard to the building of Churches, but because they considered that the heavy repairs and enlargement of the old Church would occasion an expense equal to the cost of a new (..hutch on another site, and, also, because the old Church being at one extremity of the Parish, it was just that a new one should be built in a more cential situation, and one more convenient in every respect foi the Parishioners in general, this demand of the Petitioners being so much the more reasonable be- cause the Inhabitants of the North Eastern side of the Parish, who is at the greatest distance from the Church, has scarcely more than three quarters of a league to tra- vel in going to or coming from the Church,” while on the South Western side, a great part of the Inhabitants must travel more than two leagues to get to it: That in consequence of the said two Petitions, the said Bishop appointed, by Commission, an Agent to visit the place, and to decide on the claims of the parties : That on the 26th of May 1834, the Bishop’s Agent aforesaid pro- ceeded to the said Parish to be present at a meeting of the Inhabitants, for the purpose of proceeding upon the said Petitions, and that the said Agent of the Bishop then and there ordered that an exact statement should be drawn up of all lands or parts of lands in the said Parish, held by all persons who signed the said Peti- tions respectively ; and that three of the principal In- habitants of the Parish were chosen on each side to carry the order of the said Agent into effect: That the three Parishioners thus chosen by the Petitioners adop- ted all necessary steps for carrying the said order of the Agent of the Bishop into effect, but that the other portion of the Inhabitants who pretend to be the ma- jority, refused to take any part in the proceedings: 1 hat in consequence of this refusal, the Petitioners applied to the Agent of the Bishop aforesaid, and to the Bishop himself, but in vain : That on the 30t.h rdaich last, the Agent of the Bishop again proceeded to the Parish, to attend at another meeting of the Pa- rishioners, and being there, without having made the enquiry previously ordered by himself, and without making any further enquiry whatever, for the purpose of ascertaining the essential fact, that is to say, on which side the majonty lay, revoked his said order of ihe (26th May 1884, and granted the prayer of the Petition of the Inhabitants who had prayed that the old Church might be repaired and enlarged, and re- jected that of the 1 etitioners, praying that a new Church might be built in a more central situation, and one more convenient and advantageous to the great majoiity of the Inhabitants: 1 hat the Petitioners ha- Vol.— 45. vi ng Une Petition de divers Habitans de la Paroisse de Y Ancienne Lorette -a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Iluot, laquelle a eie retpte et lue ; exposant : Que l’Eglise Paroissiale de V Ancienne Lorette ayant besoin de grosses reparations, et d’etre en outre Margie et alongee, un parti des Habitans de la Paroisse, se pretendant la majorite, ont, par Requite a l’Eveque Catholique Romain de Quebec, demande a reparer et agrandir la dite Eglise, laquelle se trouve plac^e a une derm lieue de la dite Paroisse, du Cote du Nord Est : Que les Petitionnaires, formant tant en nombre de Pa- roissiens qu’en quantile de terres, la majority des Ha- bitans, se porterent opposans la reparation de l’Egli- se, et demanderent a 1’Eveque de Quebec de vouToir bien demarquer une place plus centrale dans la Parois- se pour y batir une nouvelle Eglise : Que les Petition* naires adopterent cette demarche, non dans la vue de genci le d;t Eveque dans ses pouvoirs et attributions concernant la batisse des Eglises, mais en considera- tion que les grosses reparations et agrandissement de 1 ancienne Eglise equivaudront au cout d’une nouvelle batisse ailleurs, et de plus, que la vieille Eglise se trou- vant a une extremite de la Paroisse, il etait plus juste d’en batir une neuve dans un lieu plu 3 central et pro- pie a faciliter tous les Paroissiens, et a cet egard les I e ti i ion nail es etant d autant mieux fondcs que ie plus eloigne des Habitans du Cote Nord-Est de la Parois- se n’a guere plus que trois quarts de lieue pour aller et venir a l’Eglise, tandisquedu Cote Sud-Ouest une grande partie des Paroissiens ont plus de deux Iieues pour s’y rendre: Que sur ces deux Requetes, le dit Eveque nomma un subdelegue par commission, a I’ef- fet de visiter les lieux, et du reste faire droit sur les pretentions des parties: Que le 26 Mai 1834, le sub- delegue de l’Eveque se rendit en la dite Paroisse pour rencontrer les Habitans assembles, aux fins de proceder sur les dites Requetes, et que, la etant, le subdelegue de l’Eveque, a pres avoir entendu les deux partis, ordon- na qu’il serait fait un etat exucte de toutes les terres ou parts de terres de la Paroisse possedees par les 8igna. tairesdes deux Requetes respectivement, et trois nota- bles de la Paroisse furent choisis de chaque cote, afin d’executer I’Ordonnance du dit subdelegue : Que les trois Paroissiens choisis par les Petitionnaires prirent les voles et moyens necessaires pour mettre a execu- tion I’Ordonnance du subdelegue de l’Eveque, mais que 1 ’autre paitiedes dits Habitans qui se dit la ma- jority se refusa a tous ces procedes : Qu’en conse- quence, les Petitionnaires s’aclressOent au subdelegu£ de I Eveque et a 1 Eveque Jui-meme, mais en vaTn : Qu’en fin, le 30 Mars dernier, le subdelegue de l’Eve- que s’estde nouveau rendu sur les lieux, pour assister a une nouvelle assembles de la Paroisse, et, la etant, a, sans avoir fait l’Enquete prescrite et ordonnle par lui precedemment, et sans autre Enqaiete quelconque, pour constater le fait essentiel, savoir, de quel cote etait la majorite, revoqu£ son ordonnance du C 2G Mai J 834, octroye les conclusions de la Requete das Habitans, de- . jnandant a agrandir et retablir I’ancienne Eglise, et re- jeter celle des Petitionnaires, demandant une Eglise neuve, dans un lieu plus central pour lavantage et commodite de la grande majorite des Habitans: Que les Petitionnaires s etant pom vus devant les C ommisvai- res nom tries pour les batisses ou reparations des Eglises dans le District de Quebec, les dits Commissaires n’ont iias cru pouvpir exercer de controle sur les procedes de l’Eveque en pareil cas, desorteque les Petitionnaires qui sont cotivaincus de la justice de leur demande, et qui se consiel&rent injuries et molestes par ces proce- dcs et notamment par le Proces Verbal de conwtodo el incommode du subdeRgu^ de l’Eveque, du 30 Mars dernier, 3 G Petition relati- ve 4 l’Ezli-e Catholiqne Ro- maine de I’ An- cienne Lorette; 210 28 ° NovembriSs A . 1835 . vine brought the matter before the Commissioners for the building and repairing of Churches in the District of Quebec the said Commissioners did not hold them- selves empowered to exercise any control over the pro- ceeding's of the Bishop in such cases, and the 1 eti- tioners? who are convinced ot the justice ot their cause, and who consider themselves injured by the proceed- ings aforesaid, and more especially by the Proces- 1 er- bal de commodo et incommodo of the said Agent ot the Bishop, made on the 30th March last, and confirmed and approved by the Bishop of Quebec on the thirteenth of April last, have ventured to bring their grievances in this behalf before the House, and to claim justice and protection at their hands: That the Petitioners further represent most respectfully that the Provincial Ordinance which regulates the mode of proceeding in such cases, requires to be amended, more especially by defining and regulating the manner o( ascertaining and establishing the facts in cases where the parties are opposed to'Tach other; and above all the essential fact on which side the majority of the Inhabitants pay- ing Church dues, are, and by introducing and establish- ing effective and cheap means of procuring the revision ofthe proceedings, both of the Bishop and of the Com- missioners aforesaid, in every case wherein either of the contesting parties shall hold themselves to be injured, or shall think that justice has not been done them ; and praying the House to take their present Petition into consideration and to grant them such relief as to the House, in its wisdom shall appear just and expedient. Ordered , That the Petition be referred to the stand- ing Committee of Grievances. dernier, confirme et approuve par l’Eveque de Quebec le treize Avril aussi dernier, osent se presenter devant la Chambre pour representer leu rs griefs k cet egard, et reclamer la protection et justice de la Chambre : Que de plus, les Petitionnaires prennent la liberte de re- presenter tr£s-respectueusement, que l’Ordonnance de la Province qui regie les precedes en pared cas, a be- soin de certains amendemens, et notamment de definir et regler particulikrement la maniere de constater et etabhr les faits dans le cas ou les parties sont en op- position l’une a lautre, et surtout sur le fait essentiel de savoir de quel cote est la majonte des Habitans con- tribuables ; de plus, de regler et introduce des moyens propres et peu dispendieux de faire reviser, tant les pio- ced6s de Pfiveque que ceux des Commissaires dans tous les cas ou Pune ou Pautre des parties contestantes se ti ou- ve lesee, et pretendent que justice ne leur a pas ete ren- due ; et priant la Chambre de prendre leur presente Peti- tion en consideration et leur accorder tel remede que la Chambre trouvera dans sajustice et sa sagesse, juste et convenable. Ordonne , Que la dite Petition soit r6fer6e au Connt£ Permanent des Griefs, On Motion of Mr. Huoi, seconded by Mr. Larue , Time for re- Resolved, That the time fixed by the Rules of this rerfva^Tus House for receiving Reports on Private Bills, be ex- extended. tended till the ninth of December next. Sur Motion de M. Huot, second^ par M. Larue, Re so lu, Que le delai fix«§ par les Regies de cette Chambre pour recevoir des Rapports sur des Bills Pri- v6s, soit prolong^ jusqu’au neuf Decembre prochain. Montreal Gaol . Mr. Leslie presented to the House the Report of the mhttioners^ om " Commissioners appointed under the Act 10th and l ltli Geo. IV. Cap. 31, for the erection of a common Gaol in the District of Montreal. Appendix (R.) For the said Report, see Appendix (II.) at the end of this Volume. M. Leslie a pr^sente if la Chambre le Rapport des Commissaires nommes en vertu de l’ Acte lOe et lie Geo. IV. Chap. 31, pour Ejection d’une Prison Com- mune dans le District de Montreal. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (R.) a la fin de ce Volume. Report on Pro- Mr. Knight, from the Special Committee to whom le.iant Chris- was re f erre d the Bill for the relief of divers Societies ot t,a,1, E, “* Protestant Christians therein mentioned, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were a min read at the Clerk’s lable. Ordered , That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Tuesday next. M. Knight , du Comite Special auquel a 6te refer6 le Bill pour le soulagement de diverses Society de Chre- tiens Protestans y ir.entionn^es, a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquelles amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient refers a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Mardi prochain. Report on Mr. Vigor, from the Special Committee to whom was ci^iy Coi- re f erre( j the Bill to incorporate the College of Chambly, 1CS * ' reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, without making any amendment thereto, and the Re- port was again read at the Clerk’s lable. Ordered , That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee ofthe whole House, on Wednesday next. M. Vigor, du Comite Special auquel a 6t6 ref6r£ le Bill pour incorporer le College de Chambly, a fait rap- port que le Comile avait passe le Bill, sans y faire au- cun amendement, et le Rapport a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit r^fere a un Comit6 de toute la Chambre, Mercredi prochain. Message from HisExcellency. Stephen Walcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to His Ex- illeney the Governor in Chief, was admitted within le Bar, and delivered to Mr. Speaker a Message from l is Excellency the Governor in Chief, signed by His ixcellency. And then he withdrew. And the said Message was read by Mr. Speaker, all ie Members of the House being uncovered, and is as dloweth : GOSFORD, Stephen Walcott, Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, a et6 admis en dedans de la Barre, et a remis a M. 1’Orateur un Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, signe par Son Excellence. Et ensuite il s’est retire. Et le dit Message a ete lu par M. 1’Orateur, tous les Membres de la Chambre etant decouverts; et i! est comme suit : GOSFOFLD, Temps pour re- cevoir des Rap- ports sur de3 Bills prives prolonge. Rapport des Commissaires de la Prison de Montreal; Appendice ( R.) Rapport sur le Rill relatif aux C hretiens Pro- tes'.ans. Rapport stir le Bill potir incor- porer le Colleg* de Chambly. Message de Son Excellence. 6 Will. IV, 28° Novem/jris. 21 1 GOSFORD, GOSFORD, Governor in Chief, Gouverneur-en-Chef. bec! >, Monuea e r . Referring to that portion of his Speech at the open- and Three Ri. ing oF the Session which relates to the question of Pri- sons and Prison Discipline, the Governor in Chief transmits for the information of the House of Assem- bly, Extracts from Presentments recently made by the Grand Juries in the several Districts of the Province, together with Estimates, and Copies of Letters from the Sheriffs of Quebec , Montreal and Three Rivers , and from the Commissioners for the Montreal new Gaol. Castle of St. Lems , Quebec , 27th November, 1835. Referant ;\ cette partie de la Harangue qu‘il a prononc^e a l’ouverture clela Session, et qui a rapport a la question des Prisons et de la discipline des Pri- sons, le Gouverneur-en-Chef transmet pour Pinforma- tion de la Chambre d’Assembl^e, des Extraits des Re- presentations qui ont etd faites dernierement par les Grands Jures des divers Districts de Ja Province avec les Estimations et Copies des Lettres des Sh^rifs de Quebec , Montreal et des Trois- Rivieres, et des Commis- saires de la nouvelle Prison de Montreal. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 27 Novembre 1835. Extracts of such parts of the Presentments recently made by the Grand Juries in the several Districts of the Province of Lower Canada, as relate to the ques- tion of Prisons and Prison Discipline. 27th Novem- ber, 1835. District of Quebec. “ As part of their duty the Grand Jury visited the “ Common Gaol of the District on the 25th instant, (September, 1835,) and they take the liberty of sub- mitting to the Court the following observations : 1 hey found the Prison crowded with Prisoners “ badly divided into classes according to the crimes of which they are accused, from which it arises that “ Prisoners of every age simply accused of crime are “ confounded and mixed with convicted felons and “ persons of infamous character, the only remedy the “ Jury can suggest for an evil productive of such inju- “ rious consequences, is the erection of a Penitentiary. “ Continuing their visit the Jury remarked that the “ Prison is by no means calculated for the safekeeping “ of the Prisoners, whether criminals or others, the “ walls being constructed with such bad materials “ an d in some places more thin, that it is notorious “ that the inmates have frequently contrived to break “ through with instruments apparently altogether ina- “ dequate to such a purpose,— the ceilings of the up- “ per chambers being simply of lath and plaister, also “ offer an easy mode of escape. “ The Jury have much pleasure in reporting that “ they found both the Prison and the House of Cor- “ rection for the Females, in the best possible state of “ cleanliness, considering the great number therein con- “ fined, a circumstance which does credit to the Super- “ intendants. “ The Jury also think it their duty to make public “ the willing testimony borne by the inmates of both “ the above establishments, to the benevolent and kind “ attention they have always experienced from the “ Sheriff as well a3 from those under whose charge they “ are more immediately placed,” District of Montreal. “ The state of the Prison of this District has fre- “ quentlybeen made the subject of the Presentments “ of preceding Grand Jurors, that consequently the pre- “ sent Grand Jurors refrain from any particular remarks “ thereon, as the new Prison is on the point of being “ finished. The only subject to which they would “ call the attention of the Court, is the situation of the “ women confined in the Prison ; they are abandoned “ to themselves, living in idleness, and mutually encou- “ rage each other in vice, and are attended upon solely “ by men, which offers a singular contrast with the “ practice Lxtraits des parties des Representations que les Grands Jures ont faites r^cemment dans les divers Districts de la Province dn Bas-Canada, et qui ont bre P 183 _aUX PnS ° nS et a leur discipline. 27 Novem- District de Quebec. “ Comine la visite de la Prison fait partie de leurs devoirs, les Grands Jurds ont visite la Prison Com- m uned u District, le 25 ducourant (Septembre 1835 ) et lls prennent la liberty de soumettrea la Cour les “ observations suivantes : “ lls ont trouv£ les Prisons encombr^es de Prison- \ niers, et mal classes d’aprds les crimes dont ils sont accuses ; il arrive de U que des Prisonniers de tout ‘ a S e> implement sous accusation, sont confondus parmi des criminels et des personnes perdues de “ caract^re. Le seul rembde que les Jures peuvent “ suggerer contre un mal dont les consequences sont “ desastreuses, c’est Petablissement d’un Penitencier “ En continuant leur visite, les Jur£s ont observe que la Piison n est point dans un £tat qui puisse frustrer les tentatives d’evasion des Prisonniers, soit crimi- nels 011 autres 5 les murs en ont £te construits avec “ de mauvais matdriaux, et sont en quelques endroits si minces, qu ix est notoire que les detenus sont sou- “ vent parvenus a les percer avec des instrumens qui “ semblaient peu propres d ce travail. Les plafonds “ des chambressuperieures ne sont que de lattes et de platie, et ofiient aussi des moyens faciles d'eva- ec sion. “ Les Jures sont flattfs de pouvoir dire qu’ils ont “ trouve la Prison et Maison de Correction des Femmes “ dans le meilieur etat de proprete possible, eu “ egard au grand nombre des Detenues, circonstance qui fait beaucoup d honneur aux surveillans. “ Les Jures pensent aussi qu’il est de leur devoir de “ donner publicity aux temoignages volontaires que “ les Detenus de ces deux Etablissemens ontdonnes ** de l’attention humaine et bien veillante qu’ils ont “ toujours dprouvde, tant de la part du Shdrif que de “ celle des personnes sous la garde desquelles ils sont 4 ‘ immediatement placds.” District de Montreal . £< L etat de la Prison de ce District a tt6 ci-devant le “ sujet de fr^quentes Representations de la part de “ Grands Juries, et les Grands Jures actuels s’abstien- “ dront en consequence de faire aucunes remarques k “ cet egard, vu que la nouvelle Prison est sur le “ point d’etre achev^e. Le seul sujet sur lequel “ ils d^sireraient appeler Pattention de la Cour est “ la situation des femmes qui sont d^tenues dans , tt Que le 22 Octobre 1835, ils out, dans^ 1 execu- tion de leur devoir, visile la Prison, et n ont tiou- ve aucun sujet de plainte contre la conduite du Geo- lier, ou le traitement quTprouvent les Prison me is. “ Mais ils ont trouve la Prison pen sure, et ils ex- posed a laC our la n6cessite immediate d y faire des “ Ils se sont soigneusement inform^ de tout ce qui concerne la elite Prison, ont vu les Estimations faites par M. I.-G. Ogden, Ecuyer, Sherd ; et ils recommandent fortement que ses propositions soient instamment mises a eftet.’ it a (( a iC << < t a a District of St. Francis. “ The Grand Jury have likewise visited (lie Com- “ mon Gaol of the District, and have found that it has «. never been completed, and that until its completion *• it cannot be considered as a fit and proper jdace foi “ the confinement and detention of I nsoners. District of Gaspe. « The Grand .Jurors upon their Oath present that “ they have visited the Common Gaol of New Carlisle , “ have found the beds and apartments clean and pro- •• perly kept, and the Gaol sufficiently provided. But “ the Jurors recommend that rooms for the Debtots ouoht to be procured, the Gaoler being necessitated « to admit them into his own apartments. Copy of a Letter from the Sheriff of Quebec to the Civil Secretary. Sheriff’s Office, 1st October, 1835. Herewith I have the honor to enclose a Report to me from the Gaoler of this District on the state of the Gaol. Immediately on the receipt of the same I di- rected Mr. Hacker (Architect) to visit the Gaol and to report upon its actual state, which Report I have also the honor to enclose. From the tenor of these two statements, which I am personally aware are substantially correct, 1 have deemed ft my duty to forward them to you in older that they may be laid beloie His Excellency the Go- vernor in Chief. , ^ , I take this opportunity of stating that the Gao at this moment is more than usually crowded, and that with Prisoners, many of whom are already convicted, and others charged with ciimes of great magnitude. I have the honor to be, Sir, &c. &c. &c. (Signed,) W. S. SEWELL, Sheriff. Stephen Walcott , Esquire^ Civil Secretary, &c. Sec. Sec. . y t ' : District de St. Francois. « Les Grands Jures ont aussi visile la Prison Com- “ mune du District, et d6clarent qu elle n a jamais “ ete terminee, et qu’elle ne pourra jamais etre con- “ sid£r6e comme un lieu sur et convenab.e pour y d6- « tenirles Prisonniers, que lore, qu’elle aura6t6achevee. District de Gaspe. -Les Grands Jures reprkentent sur leur serment, “ qn’ils ont visits la Prison commune de Rew-Lar- “ lisle, etqu’ils ont trouve les lits et les appartemens “ propres et biens tenus, et la Prison suffisamment “ pourvue- Mais ils recommandent que I on devrait “ pourvoira donner des Chambres aux Debiteuis, le “ Geolier £tant maintenant oblig6 de les recevoir dans “ ses propres appartemens. Copie d’une Lettre du ShGifde Quebec , au Secretane Civil. „ Bureau du Sherif, ler Octobre 1835. M j”aTl’honneur de vous transmettre ci-inclus un P-ap- port du Geolier de ce District sur 1 Oat de la 1 rison. Aussitot aprfes I’avoir recu, j ai donn6 ordie a A. Hacker, Architecte, de visiter la l rison, et de faire Rapport de l’etat dans lequel elle se trouve actuelle- inent, etj’ai aussi l’honneur de vous trausmett.e ce Rap no it ci-joint, L) nines la leneur de ces deux Rapports, que je sats etre exacts d’apres ma connaissance persomtelle, J at cm de mon devoir de vous les trattsmeltre, poor qu ils soient sounds a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- CI Je’saisis cette occasion de dire que la Prison est «n ce moment plus encombiee de 1 tisonmcis qu a , naire, et de Prisonniers d^ja conva.ncusou accuses de grands crimes. J’ai l’honneur d etre, Monsieur, etc., etc., etc. (Signe) W- S. SEWELL,.^ Stephen Walcott, Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil, etc., etc., etc. (Copy.) Sir, Quebec Gaol, 2nd September, 1835. I beg leave to report to you that on my usual round through the Prison last night, I found the Prisoners in Wards C 4 and D 5, each containing 8 men, were again nearly effecting their escape, having broke holes through the walls at the back of the privies, winch shews (Copie.) p nson de Q u ibec, 2 Septembre 1835. “detrends la liberte de vous faire Rapport, qu’en fai- sant ma visite ordinaire dans la Ihison, a nui c re, i’ai trouvi les Prisonniers des appartemens C 4 et L) .5, qui contiennent chacur, 8 homines, enco e p de s-echapper, ayant fait des Irons dans les murs der- 6' Will. IV . 28° Novembris. 213 shews the inefficiency of the walls through which they might have got into the main drain, or into the attic, or getting into the yard ( there being no sentinel in the Gao! yard) have made their escape, this is no less than the third attempt that has been made in the short, space of three weeks ; the fact is, that this part of the Gaol has always been considered the safest, but it appears from the various attempts made, that there is no part of the Gaol that can be depended on, for the security of the desperate set of ruffians the major part of the Prisoners are composed of. I am fully persuaded that without some very efficient repairs or alterations, it will be impossible to secure them, as also from the very exposed situation of the Gaol in the centre of this po- pulous City, they can get in small saws, &c., and from the ceilings of the privies leading to the garrets being formed of very slight wooden materials, through which a man can readily cut his way in an hour or two, and when there you are perfectly aware that a very short time will suffice to enable him to rip a board out of the roof, and let himself down into the street, which they had nearly effected a very short time since (on a Sun- day morning) but were detected before they could get off. 7 & I have further to add that the very crowded state of the Gaol, as the Calendar will shew, and of which you are also aware, obliges me to make use of every Ward in it. All which is most respectfully submitted by, Sir, Your very obedient Servant, (Signed,) JOHN JEFFERYS, Gaoler. so IV. S- Sewell, Esquire, Sheriff of Quebec. Sir, Quebec, September 30th, 1S35. In compliance with the request contained in your Letter of the 3rd instant, we have visited and inspected the Gaol of this District, for the purpose of ascertaining the condition of the same, and have come to the follow- ing decision, viz : That from its present dilapidated state, it is totally inadequate for its intended purposes. That to render it sufficiently secure for the detention of Prisoners, it will be requisite to make certain repairs and alterations, such as to remove the defective stone work at back of privies, and of the black holes, and to rebuild the same with sufficient binding stones, which, together with the alterations to the Guard and Turn! keys Rooms, and making other necessary repairs requi- site for the immediate security of those confined (ac- cording to our Estimate) will cost £273. 15s. Od. cur- rency. At the same time we beg to refer you to the previous reports made on the state of the Gaol, dated respectively, on November 30th, 1832, and on the 19th September, 1834, which we consider are well calcu- lated for the security, classification and easy inspection of the Prisoners. ‘ We have the honor to be, Sir, See. Sec. Sec. (Signed,) FREDK. HACKER & Co. Architects. Specification of sundry repairs and alterations re- quired to be done at the Quebec Gaol, 27 th August 1834. , r Flat Vol. — 45. riere les Latrines, ce qui montre finsuffisance des rnurs a travers lesquels ils auraient pu gagner le ca- nal princi pal , ou i’etage supdrieur, ou la cour, car il n’yapas de sentinelle dans la cour de la Prison, etau- laient pu s echapper. Voila trois tentatives que l’on fait dans le court espace de trois semaines ; cette partie de la Prison a toujours 6t6 considerde comme la plus sure ; mais il parait, d apres les divers essais que Jon a fails pour s’echapper, qu’il n’y a aucune par- tie de la Prison sur laquelle on puisse compter pour ddtenir en surete un ramas de bandits ddterminds, com- me lesont la plupart des Prisonniers. Je suis entice- ment convaincu que si Ton ne fait quelques repara- tions solides, ou de grands changemens, il sera impos- sible de les detenir en surete, car situee comme est la Prison au milieu de cette Citd populeuse, ils peuvent facilement se procurer de petites scies, etc. ; et com- me les plafonds des Latrines qui conduisent au gre- niersont de bois et de materiaux trds-faibles, un hom- me peut aisement s’ouvrir un passage dans une heure ou deux ; et, rendu la, vous savez qu’il peut en peu de temps lever une planche, et se glisser dans la rue, ce que des Prisonniers ont etd bien pres de faire il n’y a pas long-temps (un Dimanche matin), mais ils ont etd decouverts avant de pouvoir s’dchapper. Je dois ajouter de plus que la Prison est si encom- br£e de Prisonniers, comme ou peut le voir par le Ca- lendrier, queje suis oblige d’employer tous les apparte- mens de la Prison. Letout tres-humblement soumis, par V otre tres-obdissant Serviteur, (Signd,) JOHN JEFFERYS, . „ Geolier 0 A W.-S. Sewell, Eeuyer, Sherif de Quebec. . Quebec, 30 Septembre 1835. Monsie ur 5 Conformement a la demande que renferme votre lettre du 3 du courant, nous avons visite et examine la Prison de ce District, dans la vue de constater l’etat dans lequel elle se trouve actuellement, et nous en sommes venus a la decision suivante, savoir : Que l’etat de dilapidation dans lequel se trouve la Prison fait qu’elle n’est nullement propre a l’objet pour lequel elle a dte dtablie. Que pour la mettre en etat de ddtenir les Prison- niers en surete, il sera necessaire de faire certains chan- gemens et reparations, comme d oter la mauvaise ma- 9 onnerie qui se trouve derridre les Latrines et dans les cachots, et de refaire de bons murs a la place j cela joint aux changemens h faire dans le Corps-de-garde et 1 appartement du Concierge, et aux autres repara- tions necessaires pour la surete immediate des Dete- nus, coutera, d’aprds notre estimation, £273, 15s. Od. courant. En meme temps, nous prenons la libertd de vous renvoyer aux Rapports prdeddens, qui ont dtd fails sur le^at de la Prison, datds, i’un le 30 Novembre 1832, et 1 autre le 19 Septembre 1834 ; nous pensons qu en adoptant ces Rapports, on rendrait la Prison sure, bien dbisee et facile a surveiller. Nous avons l’honneur d’dtre, Monsieur, etc., etc., etc. (Signe,) FREDK. HACKER et Cie Architectes. Specification des divers changemens et reparations a faire k la Prison de Quebec , 27 Aout 1834. S H EUge 28° Novembris. A. 1835. 214. l-'l it \ Remove the present Privy Seat amt Riser, a „d proilde ami lit new! with Iron straps and guard bars, as shall be directed. Flat B No. 4. Repair all defective plastering ; pro- vide and fix 2 new Sashes to privy ; hang the same with 2 Inch Butts, and put small “ dl Retiair outside door, and put new hook to Hin a e. vid^ 2 new 2 Inch Canadian Sashes ; repair the present Rames aTd hang the Sashes to the same with 3 Inch shifting Butts, and put 2 strong spring bolts and an 1 on handle to each Sash. Glaze the Sashes with good Crown Glass, to be well bedded and back puttied. Fiat B No. 5. Provide and hang a new l£ inch nl outlied and tongued door to privy, and put a new lock^on ditto. Repair frames, and provide and hang 2 new Canadian 2 ‘inch Sashes, with Butts and spring bolts, in every respect like those specified fo .... Flat B. No. 6. Provide and fix a new l£ inch pro- per letDed door, and 2 new Sashes to privy ; hang the door with 18 Inch cross garnets, and the Sashes with 2 Inch Buts ; repair frames where required. Repan and re-hang the Sashes in room, and put new fastenings on the same ; restore all broken glass. Provide and lay 3 Inch plank flooring groved and tongued, with cedar beams where required, to repair defective '■ leave the whole perfect and complete. Provide and fix two new privies, complete on tins flat, in every res- pect like the one specified for Mat A. Flat C No. 3. Replace all broken glass. Repair privy Sashes and frames ; also provide and fix 3 Stock Locks for Doors. Flat C No. 4. Replace all broken glass, and put 2 new Sashes and Ramis with Hinges, Comply to nrl vv Repair sash frames*, provide and hang - pair of Canadian 2 Inch Sashes with Butts, spring holts, &c., the same as specified for No. 4. Flat C No 5. Two new pair of Sashes and frames complete,' life those specified for B. No. 4. Provide and hang 2 new Sashes, &c., complete for privy ; glaze the same with good Crown glass. Flat C. No. 6. Repair the Sashes, frames and glass. Provide and fix 4 new privies complete on this flat, in every respect the same as specified for Mat A. Flat D. No. 4. Repair frames, and fix 4 new Cana- dian Sashes, &c,, complete hke those specified for 13. No 4. Repair the window Boards. Also, provide and fix a new Sash to water closet, with glass, hinges, &c., complete: provide and fix wrought iron guard bars to the inside of these windows, as shall be directed, and repair the outside guard bars ; make good all tlefectl , plastering Put a new hinge on passage window, and make good all defective glass. Provide and hang a new door in two thicknesses, and case the same with sheet iron, properly studded, with Locks, &c., complete. Flat D No 5 Provide and fix a new 7 door in pas- sage, with Locks, &c, complete Provide and hang 4 new Sashes, &c., complete hke those descnbed for B. No. 4 *, repair the frames and sills w'heie ie- nuired. Provide and fix a new door and frames, P 10 * vide and fix wrought iron guaid bars to the windows Etage A. Changer le Siege actuel des Latrines ct le Levier de la Pompe (i riser ) et en mettre des neufs, avec des grilles et des barres de fer, suivant qu li sera 01 Etan-e' B. N ° - 4. Reparer les platrages en mauvais ordreT faire et poser deux nouveaux Chassis aux La- trines, et les fixer avec des tetes de bordage r de deux pouces, et de pefites targettes Reparer la Porte exte rieure, et mettre un croc neuf au gond. lane 2 Lha sis Canadiens de 2 pouces ; Sparer les Cadies des cio - sees * v fixer les Chasis avec des tetes de bordage de o pouces, et mettre 2 fortes targettes et une poignee en fer h chaque croisee ; vitrer les croisees avec de Donnes vitres bien pointees et mastiquees. . Etage B. N ° . 5. Faire et poser une 1 orte a lainures d’un pouce et demi aux Latrines, et v mettre une non velle serrure. Reparer les cadres des croisees, et faire et poser deux Chassis Canadiens neufs de 2 pouces, avec des tetes de bordage, des targettes comrae celles speci ^£ t * a !e' B. *N ° . G. Faire et poser une nouvelie Porte arasee°d’un pouce et demi (sans rainures) convenable, et 2 Chassis neufs aux Latrines ; fixer la 1 orte avec des traverses de IS pouces et les chassis avec des tetes de bordaoe de 2 pouces. Reparer les Cadres (Cham- branles) ou il sera necessaire. Reparer et mettie sui de nouvelles pentures les Croisees des Ghambres, et poser de nouvelles targettes. Remplacer les Vitres cassees. Faire et poser des planches tie o pouces avec rainures et emboitures, et poser des lambourdes de cedre ou il sera necessaire, pour reparer le plancher d’une maniere complete. Faire 2 Latrines neuves com- pletes dans cet etage, en tout semblables a celles spcci ^EtaffeC. N ° • 3. Remplacer toutes les Vitres cas- sees. Reparer les Croisees et Chambranles des Latrines ; avoir et poser 3 serrures k pene dormant pour es ^°Ftao-e C No. 4 . Remplacer toutes les vitres cassees, et pofer 2 nouvelles Croisees et chambranles, avec goads, etc. complets dans les latrmes. Reparer les chambranles des croisees. Faire et poser * P» Chassis Canadiens de deux pouces, avec tetes^^de bor. dao-e targettes, ainsi que speeifiees pour B. N . K Etao-e C. N ° . 5. Deux paires de Chassis et cham- branles neufs complets, comme ceux speeifiees pour B. K o 4 Faire et poser 2 Chassis neufs, etc. complets, pour* les latrines. Vitrer ces Chassis avec de bonnes ^Ftao-e C. N ° . G. Reparer les Croisees, cadres et vitresT Faire et poser 4 latrines neuves completes dans cet etage, ainsi que celles speeifiees pour 1’i^tage A. Eta ° D N o 4 . Reparer les chambranles et poser 4 Chassis Canadiens neufs, etc. complets, comme ceux specifies pour B. N ° . 4. Reparer les barreaux des fe- nfitres Aussi faire et poser un Chassis neuf dans les Hu* „es a soupapes, avec les vitres goods et cou- plets. Faire et poser un Grillage en fer en dedans de ces fenetres, ainsi qu’il sera ordonne ; et leparer le gill lageen fer qui est en dehors, et repair tout le pHtrag^ qui manque. Mettre un gond neuf a la fenetre du nassage et remplacer toutes les vitres qui manquent. Fairest poser une porte neuve doubie, garme en ames de fer, convenablement liee avec des cloux a grosses tpips pt ses serrures, etc. completes. Etave D. N 0 . 5. Faire et poser une porte neuve dans 1? passage, avec serrures, etc. completes. Fatre 1 po er P nuafre chassis neufs, etc. complets, comme cek deerks pour B. N ° . 4. Reparer les chambranles et les seuils des portes cu il en sera besom a re et poser une porte neuve et sou cadit. a l 6 Will. IV. 215 28° Novembris . Jike those described for D. No. 4. Provide and fix two Seats and Risers to privies on this flat, like those in- tended for Flat A. Governor’s Apartments. Provide and fix new lead to Sink in basement, Gibs, to the foot ; also repair sashes and frames, and put new hinges where required. Provide and hang a new entrance door, to be made of oak, in 2 thicknesses, and lined with sheet iron proper- ly studded, the present Lock and Hinges may be used again. Mens Kitchen. Provide and hang 3 Inch proper ledged doors with Locks to the same ; also remove the present defective pavement, and make good with new. Black Hole. Provide and hang one pair of new Sashes with hinges, bolts, &c., complete, and repair the other; leplace the broken glass and put a pair of new hinges to privy sash. Guard Room and Turnkeys Lodge. Lower the window openings, and put in new Sashes with iron guard bars ; the Sashes to be glazed with Crown Glass well bedded and back puttied, to be hung with 3 Inch shifting butts, and have 2 spring bolts on each. Con- vert the present Turnkeys Lodge into Guard Room, by removing the wall between Turnkeys Room and passage leading to Kitchen ; block up the present door- ways, and cut one fiom Prisoners’ Kitchen to passage leading to the Governor’s Kitchen ; divide said passage with a wall at the end of Turnkeys room. The doors in the doorways are to be blocked up, to be repaired with locks, hinges, &c , complete, and hung in the pro- posed new doorways. Provide and fix oak girders and post to support wall above that part intended to be re- moved. I he floor in the present Guard Room to be cased with Inch battens, and the Room to be fitted up for the reception of 1 urnkey, similar to his present apartment. All the mason work to be made good and left in the most perfect state. Generally; repair all the defective tinning on roof with the best I. C. Tin, repair the force pump as shall be directed, and put a new sucker to the same, if re- quired ; provide and hang 4 doors with hinges, locks, and wrought iron bars over, for Debtor’s Room doors; paint all the old bashes twice in oil, and the new ones four times in good oil colour. My estimated expense for carrying the above speci- fied works into effect, is Three hundred and twenty pounds currency. J FREDK. HACKER, _ , Architect. Quebec , September, 1834. grillage en barres de fer aux fenetres comme celui d6- crit pour D. N ° . 4. Faire et poser deux sieges et le- viers de pompe dans les Latrines, de cet (Stage, comme ceux proposes pour 1’Etage A. Appartemens des Surveillans. Mettre et fixer dans la Citerne des fondatious du nouveau plomb de 61bs an pied quane. Rbparer aussi les croisees et les ca- dres, et poser des gonds nouveaux ou il est necessaire. Taire et poser une nouveile porte d’entree, de chene, double et couverte de lames de fer liees par des cloux* convenables. Les memes serrures et gonds peuvent servir de nouveau. 1 La Cuisine des Hommes. Faire et noser des Fortes arasees de 3 pouces, avec serrures. Faire un meilleur pave. Le Cachot. Faire et poser une paire de Chassis neufs, avec gonds, serrures, etc. complets, et reparer les autres. Remplacer les vitres cassees, et mettre une paire de gonds neufs aux chassis des latrines. Corps-de-Garde et appartement du Concierge. Bais- ser les ouvertures des croisees et mettre de nouveaux chassis, avec un grillage en barres de fer. Vitrer les chassis avec de bons verres, bien pointe's et masti- ques ; les dits chassis suspendus par des tetes de bor- dage, ay ant chacun deux targettes. Changer les ap- partemens du Concierge en Corps-de-Garde, en otant e mur qui est entre les appartemens du concierge et le passage qui conduit a la cuisine ; fermer la porte actuelle, ; et en ouvrir une autre de la cuisine des Piisonniers au passage qui conduit a la cuisine du Geo- her. Diviser ce passage par un mur a 1’extremite de ia chambre du concierge. Les portes qui sont dans les passages qui doivent etre fermees, a etre reparees avec serrures, gonds, etc., et a etre mises dans les nouveaux passages proposes. Faire et mettre des poteaux de chene pour soutenir le mur au-dessus de la partie qui doit etre changee. Doubler le plancher dans le present Corps-de-Garde, avec des planches d’un pouce et demi ; et rendre cet appartement convenable pour le con- cierge, et le faiie semblable a celui qu’il occupe main- tenant. r Generalement, Sparer toute la couverture en fer- blanc sur le comble avec le meilleur ferblanc I. C. Reparer la principale Pompe, suivant qu’il sera neces- saire, et mettre un piston neufs’il est besoin. Faire et poser quatre Portes avec gonds, serrures, et avec des traverses en barres de fer, pour les chambres des Debi- teurs. Peinturer les vieilles croisees, deux fois, k 1’huile, et les nouvelles quatre fois, en bonne couleur, a 1’huile! Mon Estimation des depenses a faire pour completer les travaux ci-dessus est de trois cent vingt livres cou- rant. FRED. HACKER, Architecte. Quebec, Septembre 1834. Letter from the Sheriff of Montreal to the Civil Secretary. (Copy.) Quebec , 7th November, 1835. Sir, I have the honor to request you will inform His Excellency the Governor in Chief, that there will be an immediate necessity of furnishing the Gaol at Montreal with the following articles heretofore procured (as to fuel) without any special communication with Govern- ment, but now specified, in order to obtain the neces- sary funds, viz : 100 cords fire wood, 50 pair blankets, 25 paillasses or bed cases Lettre du Sherif de Montreal au Secretaire Civil. (Copie.) _ _ . Quebec, 7 Novembre 1835. Monsieur, J ai 1 honneur de vous prier d informer son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, qu’il va devenir im- mediatement necessaire de se procurer pour la Prison de Montreal les articles suivans qu’on a deja achetes, il est vrai, sans aucune communication speciale avecle Gouvernement, et qui sont maintenant d QUESNEL. Lt. Colonel Craig, Secretary Report of Messieurs Clarke and Appleton respecting ihe Montreal new Gaol. Montreal, 29th July, 1835. Sir, 'in compliance with your instructions by note of fhere d of g ln P d to report to’vou afto ?ny pan which may US be considered fit for the — dp rlEiJi toe * ; n ouestion is, in my opinion, equal, if net supeno , ?o that of anv other person in Montreal, We therefore nroceeded to the premises and examined the several apartments thereof. We are perfectly unammous rn our general opinion, that the contrivance of tlm Buildup, fs regards security, is bad, and that it is not in its pie- sent^state at all fit for the reception o Prisoners, be- : nfy ; nS ecure through every Ward or range of Cells. The passages of communication are also insecure, and Office's in charge too much exposed to any premea.U- tefat ack by Prisoners. We consider that Prisoners :ss«xi:r^cLds ^ sent arrangement, and that they will be found, in prac- tk" a complete nuisance, having known and witnessed a similar cafe in England, where it was found necessary to do away with them altogether, and adopt a more sim- ple plan. J The machinery for raising watei to the Cis- terns in the roof, although desirable, appears to he very incomplete, being too slight and temporary for the in- te ' The plan P for heating the Building in the winter season anneals to us to be very insufficient, and we are of opinion that without some general revision, it can never be made to answer the intended purpose, insomuch as if sufficient heat could he obtained, (which we veiy much doubt,) to supply the several Wards, it would re- quire two complete sets of Apparatus, in older that one might be in use while toe other was undergoing repair ; indeed this system would form an endless source of trouble and expense ; Prisoners would lite- rally perish, the water must of course freeze and burst the pipes, and there does not appear to be any provision made of flues for ordinary stoves being used. v ranes out etc faits suivant les plans donnes par la L i- oilfature ; les Comm.ssaires iieanrooms out suggere dans leur dernier Rapport a ia legislature rpi 'Is cioy- aient nu’il serait necessaire do faire quelques Rgcie additions pour achevev la Prison ; elks seront de non- ““au sou, fuses durant la prochame Session, auss, bien one quelques autves defectuosites qua quelques mois d’exikiiersce pourront indiquer ; et les Comm, ssa, res ne doutent pas qti’on y remediera par une disposition Legislative. r «. Nous avons I’honneur cl etre, etc., etc., etc. ('Signet P. DE ROCHEBLAVE C S } F. A. QUESNEL. Lieut. -Colonel Craig, Secretaire. Rapport de Messieurs Clarke et Appleton, au sujet de la nouvelle Prison a Montreal . Montreal , 29 Juillet 1835. “““conformement aux Instructions contenues dans votre billet du 24 courant, dans lequel vous mepnez de venir avecun constructeur recommandable, poui faire I’examen de la nouvelle Prison, avant d on p»en- dre officiellement possession, et vous fane Rapport sur les parties de la Mtisse que 1 on ne considerait pas confine propres a Stenir les Pnsonmers, ayec 1 ordre et la propreld qui doivent regner dans un tel 6tablisse- ment, etc., i’ai l’honneur de vous informer que j ai obte- mi l’assistance de M. Teavill Appleton, dont les con- naissances pratiques, quant a ce qm est necessaire pour un Batiment de la nature de celui dont il s agit, talent etsurpassent raeme, selon moi, cedes d aucune autre personae k Montreal. Nous nous y sommes transports en consequence, et en avons examine les appartemens. Nous sommes d’opimon tons deux que le plan du Batiment pour la suretd des Prison- niers eft mauvais, etn'esta present nullement propre a recevoir les Prisonniers. Les passages de communi- cations sont aussi pen stirs, et les Gardiens sont trop ex- poses auxfattaques pr6meditees des Pnsonmers. Nous pensons que tons les Prisonniers devraienl etre te- nus en surety dans toutes les parties du Batiment ou il leur est permis cVavoir acces j et cependant au- cunes parties n’en paraissent sures, pas meme les cel- lules. Notre attention a ete ensuite appelee aux sou- papes et chainons actuels, que nous considerons, mal- ore le soin qu’on a pris el les frais qu ils ont coute, Somme enticement inutiles, et, dans la pratique, ce se- ra une nuisance complete, car nous avons Ue temoin d’une instance semblable en Angleterre, ou Ion a etb oblio-6 de s’en defaire, et d’adopter un systeme plus simple. Le mecanisme pour elever l’eau dans les citernes des etages superieurs, quoiqu’indispensable, parait entitlement incomplet, etant trop faible et peu durable pour l’objet que Ton a en vue. Le plan adopte pour chauffer le Batiment pendant l’hiver, nous parait trts-insuffisant, et nous sommes do pinion que, sans un changement general, il ne pour- ra rtpondre a l’objet qu’on a en vue, car en supposant qu’il procurerait assezde chaleur (ce dont nous dou- tons) dans les difterens appartemens, il faudrait deux appareils complets, afin, que l’un put servir quand on reparerait l’autre ; a tout evenement, ce Plan sera une source intarissable de troubles et de depenses ; les Prisonniers seront exposes a ptrir de froui ; 1 cau gelera et brisera les tuyaux ; et il ne parait pas qu on ait pourvu aux moyende chauffer les appartemens au moyen de poeles ordinaires. 6 will, i v . c 28° Novembris. We dal not perceive any accommodation for cooking noi or washing and fumigating Prisoners clothes and bedding ; no Infirmary for the sick ; in short, as a public Gaol, we confess that we did not see any thine to re- commend it. b The area round the Building cannot be made use of in its present state, wanting division walls, and the external walls are not sufficient to prevent easy escape. 1 here is another essential point which we could not examine into, that is the drains and sewers. We beg to suggest the propriety of the Architect or Superin- tendant being requested to furnish a descriptive plan, shewing the exact situations, and sections of all dra' s cess pools &c. connected ; also, the plan of water sup- ply with the well, tanks, pump, pipes, &c. These are whh" h S°1 t0 at anj time ’ and should be deposited with the Sheriff or person m charge. 1 milted rem3rkS ’ W ' th tllis Re P 01t > are respectfully sub- (Signed,) JOS. CLARKE, •A refit, and Surveyor. ^ . T. APPLETON. L. Gugy, Esquire, Sheriff. 2i9 Nous n avons vu aucun appareil de cuisine, et rien non plus pour layer et fumiger les liardes et fits des Prison mers i; point d’infirmerie pour les malades, en- hn rien qui puisse nous engager a recommander ce oatiment comme une bonne Prison publique. Le terrain autour de la Prison ne peut pas servir, a moms d etre divis6 par des murs, et les murs exterieurs ne sont pasfaits de manure aprdvenir une evasion facile tn autre objet essentiel que nous n’avons pu exami- ner ce sent les Canaux et les Egouts. Nous prenons ia liberte de sugg6rer qu’il conviendrait de prier 1’Ar- chitecte, ou le Surintendant, de fournir un Plan des- criptif de tous les Canaux, Reservoirs, etc., et aussi le l lan au moyenduquel on devra se procurer l’eau avec les puits, citernes, porapes, tuyaux, etc. Ce sont des Plans auxquels ll est essentiel de r^ferer en tout temps, et qui devra lent £tre deposes entre les mains du Sile- nt ou de la personne qui aura la charge de la Prison. Nous soumettons respectueusement ce Rapport avec nos observations. (Signe,) JOS. CLARKE Arch, et Arpenteur , . . T. APPLETON. L. Gugy, Ecuyer, Sheriff Letter from the Sheriff of Three Rivers to the Civil Secretary. (Copy.) Three Rivers , 14th October, 1835. Sir, I have the honor to enclose for His Excellency’s inform tion, three Estimates for repairs and alterations that have become, in my humble opinion, necessary in and about the Gaol of this District- They amount to- gether to the sum of £1 135. 4s. lOd. currency. Lettre du Sherif des Trois - Rivieres au Secretaire Civiff (Copie.) Trois- Rivieres, 14 Octobre 1835. Monsieur, J’ai 1’honneur d’inclure dans la presente, pour Pin= formation de Son Excellence, trois Estimations par rap- port aux changemens et reparations qu'il est devenu necessaire de faire, selon moi, a la Prison de ce Dis- trict. Elies se montent ensemble a la somme de £1135. 4s. JOd. courant. In submitting these Estimates to Elis Lordship’s con- sideration, permit me to mention that the necessity of the cast iron grates for the windows of the first story has already been acknowledged and approved of by His Excellency’s predecessor, but were not ordered for want of available funds. The raising of the wall that now surrounds the back yard of the Gaol has also been heretofore estimated, (on 14th December, 1833,) but not carried into effect for the like reason. The surrounding the front yard with a wall of 18 feet high, that is, three feet under ground and fifteen above, is now for the first time submitted to the con- sideration of His Excellency the Governor in Chief. The necessity for this enclosure arises from the impos- sibility, without a Military Guard, or such enclosure, preventing files and tools of all kinds being handed to the Prisoners. The expenses incurred in repairs of breaches, &c. made by Prisoners, in consequence of such aid from without, has been excessive, and several Criminals have consequently escaped. The other minor repairs and alterations enumerated in the Estimates are equally necessary for the safe keep- ing of the Prisoners, or for the preservation of the Building which will be seriously injured if the repairs are not made during the ensuing summer. I do, therefore, most humbly as well as most earnestly submit the whole to His Excellency the Governor in Chief’s favorable consideration. And, I have the honor to be 5 Sir, &c. &c. &c. (Signed, I. G. OGDEN, Sheriff. S. Walcotl , Esquire, Secretary, &c. &c. &c. En soumettant ces Estimations a la consideration de Son Excellence, permettez-moi de dire que la neces- site qu’il y a de poser des grilles de fer dans les fene- tres du premier etage a ete deja reconnue et approuvee par le predecesseur de Son Excellence; mais ces tra- vaux n’ont pas ete ordonn^s faute de deniers. L’ele- vation du mur qui environne la Cour derriere la Prison a aussi ete estimee le 14 Decembre 1833; tnais on n’en a rien fait pour la tneme raison. L’entourage de la Cour de devant par un mur de 18 pieds de haut, e’est-a-dire, trois pieds sous terre, et quinze au-dessus, est un ouvrage soumispour la pre- miere fois a la consideration de Sou Excellence le Gou- verneur-en-Chef. La necessite de cet entourage vient de ce qu’il est impossible d’empecher, sans un Corps-de- garde, ou cet entourage, qu’on ne fasse parvenir des limes et des outils de toutessortes aux Prisonniers. Les depenses encourues pour reparer les breches, etc., faites par les Prisonniers, au moyen de ces secours exterieurs, ont ete excessives, et plusieurs Criminels se sont meme echappes. Les autres reparations et changemens secondaires, enumeres dans les Estimations, sont cgalement neces- saires pour detenir les Prisonniers en surete, ou pour preserver la batisse qui sera serieusement deterioree, si l’on n’y fait des reparations dans le cours de Pete prochain. Je soumets le tout tres-humblement et tres-serieuse- ment a la consideration de Son Excellence le Gouver- neur-cn-Chef. Et j’ai l’honneur d’etre, Monsieur, etc., etc., etc. (Signe,) I. G. OGDEN, Sherif, S. Walcott, Ecuyer, Secretaire, etc., etc., etc. Estimate Estimation 28 " Novembris. A. 1835 . 220 Estimate of sundry repai,, necessary to be done in about the Common Gaol at 1 hi ee Liver s. 1 To take down the necessary quantity of mason I a t0 build in three cross bars into a winnow of which * a Prisoner endeavoured to escape, ancM.0^ ui- ni o' S To do. do. one do. into auothei window, and to furnish the said bar, 5 10 8 3. To do. do. one do. into another Estimation des diverses reparations a faire ala Pri- son Commune des Trois- Rivieres. I Abattre une certaine partie de ma^nnerie , et mettre des traverses en barres de fer dans une fenetre par laquelle un Prisonnier a tente de s echappm , ache^ ter les dites barres, , 2. Acheter et poser de la raeme mania e line barre de fer dans une autre fenetre, 5 U b 3 Do. do. dans une autre fenetre, 5 u. j-u , . , , n in 8 window, and to furnish said ha-, , 4 To do. do. one do tnto another window, and to furnish said bar, 5 To take down the necessary quantity of the walls on each side of sixteen win- dows. so as to admit oi ouilding into each an iron grating, and to build m same, and to replace the wood now in the soles of said windows by cut stone ; am. to buih such of said window recesses flush with the walls, as may require to be so built, £ 78 0 o 17s. Gd. each, . _ e 6. To repair the stone steps m fiont oi ^ ^ g Ga 7 0 '’To do. the chimney stacks, 9 in num- ber,' and to cement the openings between them and the roof, to prevent the descent ^ ^ g ° f 8?' To erect a porch to the rear door of said Gaol, of wood, 15 feet m length by 10 feet wide, and 12 feet high, with a door, g lock, hinges, window and steps, q To fill up and make good the joints of said Gaol, defaced by the weather , viz : the front, rear and two ends, with good and du- ^ ^ g rable mortar, , 10. To erect three privy seats, and make good the plastering, £1. f ’• eac 1, 11 To make good a part of the floor of one of the cells cut away by a Prisoner en- deavouring to make his escape, 12 To joint and make on the outside, and to plaster in the inside, the Court lard 13. To raise the said Court i ard wall 8 feet higher in mason work, the same being 474 feet in length, and to cape the same with hammered Stone, ~ ° 14. To build a wall to the front of the said Gaol, 448 feet in length by IS feet m heio-ht, to be caped with hammered stone, 44 o 10 & To remove a wooden gate and the ^cut stone surrounding said gate, and building ^ g up the opening, 13. To 112 feet of cut stone for a dooi- way, and cornerstones for front wall, at Q 2s. 9d. per foot, 16. To take out the wood frames ot se- ven cell doors, and building in cut stone cramped together with iron cramps, in lieu thereof, £3. 18s. Gd. eacn, . * 17. To furnish the necessary quantity ot cut stone lor the same, it being <> door, in all 221 feet at 2s. i)d. pei foot, 0 7 18. To make the necessary alterations in exchanging the wood and iron doors oi cells, the same being necessary for the bet- ter security of Prisoners; and also to cut openings in said wood doors for admission 4. Do. do. dans une autre fenetre, 5 10 8 5. Abattre la qnantite necessaire de ma- connerie de cheque cote de seize fenetres, et metlre dans chacune un grillage en rei ; remplacer les cadres de bois des dites fene- tres en piene de table; le tout enclavant tie niveau avec les murs, suivant qu’il sera requis, a £1. 17s. Gd. pour chacune, ' 0 0 1 12 6 G Carried forward, £938 9 6 6. Reparer les marches en pierres de- vant la Prison, . , 7. Reparer un rang de 9 cheminees, et fermer les ouvertures entre les cheminees et la couverture, pour prevenir la pluie, 17 1° 8 Eriger un porche en bois a la poite de deniere de la Prison, de 15 pieds de long, sur 10 pieds de large, et 12 pieds de haut, avec une porte, serrures, gonds, fene- tres et degres, . . 1 9. Remplir et rendre meilleurs les joints de la Prison detefiores par le mauvais temps, Sl ,r quatre faces, avec de bon mortier, 25 10 5 10. Faire trois sieges de latrines, et re- parer les platrages a £i 13s. Gd. pour cha- _ cune, 0 11. Reparer une partie du plancher cl un cachot coupe par un Prisonnier qui a tente de s'echapper, / . 1 17 5 12. Crepir les joints a I’exterieur et a J’interieur du mur de ia Cour de la Prison, 25 12 6 13. El ever de huit pieds !e mur de la Cour en ma§onne-ie sur une longueur de 474 pieds, et terminer le haut du mur par un rang de pieties piquees, _ 21- ^ 4 14. Batir un mur en face de la Prison de 44S pieds de long sur 18 pieds de haut, termine par un rang de pierres piquees, 448 16 8 Oter une porte en bois, et abattre un mur de pierres de tables qui 1 entoure, 4 18 6 15. 1 12 pieds de pierre de table pour une ouverture de porte, a 2s. 9d. le pied, 15 8 0 16. Oter les chambranles en bois de sept cachots, et les faire en pierres de table, joints par des crampons de fer, a £3. 18s. Gd. pour chacun, 27 9 6 17. Pour fournir la quantite necessaire de pierres de table pour cet objet, savoir : 31 pieds 7 ponces chaque porte; en tout 221 pieds, a 2s. 9d. le pied, 30 17 9 IS. Pour faire les reparations necessaires, en changeant les portes de bois et de fer des cachots, cela etant necessaire pour la surete des Detenus; et pour faire des ou- vertures dans ies dites portes de bois, pour Porte ci-contre, £938 9 6 6 Will. IV. 28 ■' Novembris * Brought forward, £938 9 6 ot heat, and to secure the same with iron bars, chains and padlocks, the same bein^ necessary to prevent the escape of Prisoners, there being seven in number, ’ 1915 3 19- To remove the wood frames, and build up seven air holes, and to furnish two iron bars into each, £ 1 . 7 s. 6 d. each, * w ivpaimtg ctll l plastering in said Gaol, j.iopccuug me oeiore mentioned repair calculating and making out the Estimate, 9 ic 12 6 7 15 6 £975 13 9 3 12 6 £979 6 3 Montant d’autre part, ££)38 admettre la chaleur; et pour rendre ces poi tes plus solides par des barres de fer, serrurcs et cadenas, afin de pr^venir la fuite des Prisonniers qui sont an nombre de sept dans les dites cellules, 19- Pour oter les cadres de hois, et ou- vnr sept soupiraux pour faire communi- quer Pair, et poser deux barres de fer dans cliacun, d £l. 7s. 6d. chacun, 20. Pour reparer et ameliorer les crepis et platrages de la Prison, 221 9 6 19 16 3 9 12 6 7 1 5 6 Four avoir examine les dites reparations necessaires, et en avoir estime le cout. £97 5 13 3 12 £ 979 6 3 j lcijuci to uo me nerore mentioned work, or such parts thereof as may be required, in a subotantial and workmanlike manner, on the terms above specified. Three Rivers, 6th October, 1835. MAURICE RYAN, Master Builder. An Estimate of the weight and expense of cast iron Grates, wrought iron cramps, &c., required for the Gaol at Ihree Rivers. To 14 large Grates each, 5cwt, Sqrs. lSIbs.— S2cwt. 3 qrs. at 25s. £103 8 Q To 2 small do. 2cwt. 2qrs.— Scwt. at 25s. 6 5 0 To 4 wrought iron cramps to each large window, at 7\ lbs. each, 420 lbs. at 5d. ° To 2 do. to each small window, 7ilbs* each, 30 lbs. at 5d. To altering and repairing models, To making out the Estimate, S 15 0 J oftre par le present de faire les ouvrages susmen- tionnes, ou aucune partie d iceux, suivant qu’on pourra i exjger, d une mamere solide et suivant Part, aux con- ditions ci-dessus specifies. Trois-Rivieres , 6 Octobre 1835. MAURICE RYAN, Maitre Constructeur, Estimation du poids et du prix des Grilles de fer de fonfe, et des crampes de fer battu, etc., requises pour ia Prison des Trois-Rivieres. 1 Pour 14 grandes Grilles, chacune de 5 quint. 3 qrs. 18 lbs. — 82 quint. 3 qrs. a 25s. £103 3 9 Pour 2 petites dito, 2 quint. 2qrs. — 5 quint, a 25s. 650 Pour 4 crampes de fer battu, k chaque grande fenetre, de 7\ lbs. chacune, 420 lbs. a 5d. 0 12 1 5 1 5 4 0 0 Pour 2 dito, a chaque petite fenetre de . Ihc ohoonnA OA £ r~ 1 8 15 0 7g lbs. chacune, 30 lbs. a 5d. Pour changer et refaire les Plans, Pour faire l’Estimation, 0 12 1 5 1 5 £121 li ] 4 0 0 Three Rivets, 10 th October, 1835. GEORGE McEWAN. Estimate of sundry painting necessary to be done in and about the Common Gaol at Three Rivers. 1. To scaffolding, painting, and making good the putty of 78 windows, and paint the iron bars thereof with two coats of paint inside and outside, £23 10 0 2 . I o paint the front and rear doors, and the tiap door, and the two large gates at both sides, with iron railing leading to front door, with two coats of paint. o. I o paint a porch 15 feet by 10, to rear door and roof of same, with two coats of paint outside, 4 7 6 3 17 6 £33 15 0 ) 0 12 6 £34 7 6 ^121 11 1 Trois-Rivieres, 10 Octobre 1835. GEORGE McEWAN. Estimation du Peinturage qu’il sera necessaire de iaire dans Ja 1 nson Commune des Trois-Rivieres. 1. Pour faire les ecbafauds, pour peinturer, mettre du bon mastic et peinturer 78 fenfires, et leurs barres de fer, avec deux couches de peinture en dehors et en dedans ’ £25 10 0 2. Pour peinturer les Portes de devant et de derriere de la Batisse, la Trappe, deux grandes portes de chaque c6t£, et la balus- trade en fer qui conduit a la porte du de- vant, avec deux couches de peinture, 4 7 6 3. Pour Peinturer le porche de 15 pieds sur 10, la porte du fonds et son plafond, avec deux couches de peinture en dehors, 3 17 6 Inspecting the before mentioned work, Pour avoir o, r •m j- calculating and making out this Estimate, 0 ]2 (j et ^calcX efestimeHe cod, traVaUX ' £33 15 0 0 12 6 £34 7 6 Vol. — 45. work, 3 K tionnes, 22*2 28° Novembris. A. 1835. WO ik, or such parts thereof as may be required, in a substantial and workmanlike manner, on the terms be* fore specified. nree Rivers, 13th October 183*^ Master Painter. tionnes, ou aucune parties d’iceux, suivant qu’on 1 ex- igera, proprement et suivant Part, aux conditions sus mentionnees. Trois- Rivieres, 13 Octobre 18S5. JOHN RYAN, Maitre Peintre. Copy of the Lease of the King's Posts delivered at the Bar. appendix (Z. ) The House being informed that Stephen JJ alcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to His Excellency the Gover- nor in Chief, was at the door, he was called in ; and at the Bar delivered, pursuant to an Address to His Ex cellency the Governor in Chief of the 20th instant, a Copy of the Lease of the Domain known as the King s Posts from His Majesty’s Government to John Goudie. For the said Document, see Appendix (Z.) at the end of this Volume. . On Motion of Mr. Morin , seconded by dr. Tessier, Ordered, That the Document delivered at the Bar of the House, this day, be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. I a Chambre etant informee que Stephen Walcott, ^posu-s du' Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Excellence le Gouver- neur-en-Chef, £taitala Porte, il a ete appele, et a remis a la Ban e, conformcment a une Adresse a ,.011 Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef du 20 du courant, une Copie du Bail du Domaine connu comme 1 ostes du Uoi, par le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste a John Goudie. Pour le dit Document, voir Appendice (Z.) a la fin p * icn ,ce de ce Volume. , T Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Tessier, Ordonne, Que le Document remis ce jour a la Bane de cette Chambre, soil refere au Comite i ennanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux. catioD Bill. Report on Jus- Mr. Hotchkiss, from the Committee of the whole Peace Qua iifi- House on the Bill for the qualification of the Justices of the Peace, reported, according to Order, the amend- ments made by the Committee to the said Bill, which amendments were again read at the Cleik s lable, and agreed to by the House. Ordered', That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. M Hotchkiss, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le 16 Pill pour la qualification tics Juges de Pars, a fait rap- port.conformeraent a l’Ordre, des amendemens faits au p „<. [lit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens out ete lus de nouveau it la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. , . , A Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu amende, soit grossoye. Mr. V an felson, from the Committee of the whole . _ c flin Kncf mpniiQ Resolutions on lYi r. V wnjciouny a*wh» ^..w ~ Houses an'd rL House for the purposes of considering the best means Gaois reported. 0 f makin^ further provision for maintaining tne Court Houses and Gaols erected in certain Counties in this Province, under the authority of the Act 2nd it . Cap. 66, reported, according to Order, the Resolutions of the said Committee; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followeth : . . c 1. Resolved, That it is expedient to provide for the maintenance of the Court Houses and Gaols in the Counties of this Province, by imposing a light tax on Suits leturnable before the Courts of Summary Juris- diction, or before Justices of the Peace sitting under the authority of Laws other than those by which the said Courts are established. o Resolved, That the said tax be of two pence cur- rency, for each such Action. . County Coutt Ordered, That Mr. Boutillier have leave to bring in ga“readaBill to make further provision for maintaining the the first time. Cou[t Houses and Gaols in the Counties of this iio- ' "Vie accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Tuesday next. M. Vmfelson, du Comitfi de loute la Chambre pour consider quels sent les moyens qu’il conviendrait d a- dopter pour pourvoir ulterieurement a I entretien ties rapp0 riee S . Corns de Justice et Prisons erigees dans certains Com- tes de cette Province, en vertu de PActe de la 2e GuilL IV. Chap. 66, a fait rapport conformement a Uidie, des Resolutions du dit Comite, lesquelles Resolutions out ete lues de nouveau a la lable du Giefhei, et adoptees par la Chambre ; et dies sont comme suit : 1. Resolu, Qu’il est expedient de pourvou a entre- tien des Maisons de Justice et Prisons dans les Com es de cette Province, en imposant une leg6re taxe sur es actions retournables dans les Corns sommaires ou de- vant les Juges de Paix qui si6geront en vertu d autres lois que cedes qui dablissent les dites Coins. 2 . Resolu , Que la dite Taxe soit de deux deniers cours actuel pour chaque telle Action. _ Ordonne, Que M. Boutillier ait la permission d intro- jjmj-c- duire un Bill pour pourvoir ulterieuiement a I entietiei. prisons decom- des Cours de Justice et Prisons dans les Comtes de cette Province. , , , 11 a en consequence presente le dit bill, equel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordoniRe pour Mardi prochain. Parish and Town Officers Bill deferred. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to provide for the nomination and appoint- ment of Parish and Town Officers within the Seignio- ries and Townships of this Province, being read ; L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en »«£•-- , . \ ■ 1 1 • A 1 d opfimi t : 1 A 1 1 0 - a .. L uruic uu ivui T - - . x | Officiers de Pa- Comite sur le Bill qui pourvoit a Uectmn et a a no Comite sur le dim 4 l» p-— — “ ; XV Vi II ps dans les vuies, remis. mination d’Officiers des Paroisses et des V dies dans les Seigneuries et Townships de cette Province, ayant ete Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Tuesday next. U Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mardi prochain. Then, on Motion of Mr. Child, seconded by Mr. Scott , The House adjourned till Monday next. Alors, sur Motion de M. Child, seconde par M. Scott, La Chambre s’est ajourn^e a Lundi prochain . Monday, Lundi, 6 Will. IV. 30° Novembris . £23 Monday , 30 th November , 1835. Addr«s. t0 an accompanied by the other Messeri- 1TJL gers, reported to the House, that their Address of the twenty seventh instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying His Excellency to cause the proper Officer to lay before this House, Copies of the Petitions and Correspondence praying for the ap- pointment of Commissioners for the trial of Small Causes in the County of Beauharnois, under the Act of the 3rd Will. IV. Cap. 34, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, In conformity with the Address, I will cause to be laid before the House of Assembly, as soon as they can be prepared, Copies of the Petitions and Corres- pondence praying for the appointment of Commission- ers for the trial of Small Causes in the County of Beau- harnois, under the Act of the 3rd Will. IV. Cap. 34. Castle of Si. Lems, Quebec, 30th November, 1835. On Motion of Mr. Guillet, seconded by Mr. Pierre Antoine Dor ion, IbdivfsionsAct Resolved, That this House will, on Saturday next, to beconsidered. resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider whether it would not be expedient to amend an Act passed in the first year of the Reign of His pre- sent Majesty, intituled, “ An Act for ascertaining, es- “ tablishing and confirming in a legal and regular “ manner, and for Civil purposes, the Parochial Sub. “ divisions of various parts of this Province/’ Report of Com- Mr . Meilleur presented to the House the Report of Rawdon Road, the Commissioners lor the Road from Ratvdon to Grand St. Esprit. Appendix (D,) For sa jd R e por t, see Appendix (D.) at the end of this Volume. Lundi, 30 Novembre 1835. De Wilt, accompagne des autres Messagers, 3 Repoose k ne • fait rapport ala Chambre, que son Adresse du Adresse ‘ vingt-sept du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur- en-Chef, priant Son Excellence de faire mettre devant cette Chambre, par l’Officier a qui il appartiendra, Co- pies des Petitions et de la C orrespondance demandant la nomination de Commissaires pour la decision des Petites Causes dans le Comte de Beauharnois, en vertu de 1 Acte de la 3e Guill. IV. Chap. 34, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, En conformite de cette Adresse, je ferai mettre devant >a Chambre d’Assemblee, aussitot qu’elles pour- ront etre preparees. Copies des Petitions et de la Corres- pondance demandant la nomination de Commissaires pour la decision des Petites Causes dans le Comte de Beauharnois, en vertu de l’Acte de la 3e Guill. IV. Chap. 34. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 30 Novembre 1835. Sur Motion de M. Guillet, seconde par M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Resolu, Que, Samedi prochain, cette Chambre gg L Acte des form era en Comite de toute la Chambre, pour conside- ParoiMWe”** rer s il ne serait pas expedient d’amender un Acte passe ® lre consid « r ®* dans la premiere annee du Regne de Sa pr^sente Ma- jeste, intitule, “ Acte pour constater, etablir et confir- mer d’une maniere legale et reguliere, et pour les “ effets Civils, les Subdivisions Paroissiales de diffe- “ rentes parties de cette Province.” M. Meilleur a presente a la Chambre le Rapport Rapport d M des Commissaires pour le Chemin depuis Rawdon jus- P C o7™ is chemi n qu’au Grand St. Esprit. de Rawdon. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (D.) a la fin de Appendice (D.) ce Volume. 7m d m htee°for f ^ r • Caron, from the Standing Comittee for Hospi- ^harifabiein an( ^ ^ iar i ta ^ e Instit utions, presented to the House titutions. the Third Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee not having included the Petition of Dr. Beaubien, who claims a balance of Salary for his services as the Medical Attendant at the Montreal Cholera Hospital in 1832, in their First Report, which relates to matters of the same nature as those mentioned in the said Petition, because they had not at that time been able to procure such information as was necessary to enable them to do justice to the Petitioner, are now prepared to report thereon, and are of opinion that Dr. Beaubien having been actively employed during nine months, is entitled to three-fourths of the sum of £250, — the Salary agreed upon for the whole year. This sum would be £181. 10s., of which £88. 15s. 4d. having been paid, there remains a balance of £98. 14s. 8d., which Your Committee believe to be fairly due to Dr. Beaubien, and which they recommend should be paid to him. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, to-morrow. °“ r o ‘h Report Mr. Caron, from the Standing Committee for Hospi- r Hospitals tals and Charitable Institutions, presented to the House istuut1onl ble the Fourth Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk s Table, as followeth : Your Committee, on the Instruction of the 20lh in- stant, “ to enquire into the necessity of creating a “ fund M. Caron, du Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux Tro.sie™ Ra P - et Institutions de Charite, a presente a la Chambre le P ou r 7 Y i oisieme Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de ,auxet insti. nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : ^ nsde Cha ' Votre Comite n’ayant pas inclus la Petition du Dr. Beaubien dans son premier Rapport, qui repond aux demandes de la meme esp£ce que celles contenues dans la dite Petition, vu que Votre Comite n’avait pas pu a cette epoque se procurer les informations necessaires pour le mettre en etat de rendre justice au Petition- naire, est piet aujourd’hui a se prononcer sur la dite re- ference, et est d opinion que le Dr. Beaubien ayant He en service actif pendant neuf mois, a droit aux trois quarts de la somme de £250, salaire fix6 pour 1’annee entiere, ce qui ferait une somme de £187. 10s., sur la- quelle, ayant ete payecelle de £88. 15s. 4d., reste une balance de £98. 14s. 8d., que Votre Comity croit legi- timement etre due au dit Dr. Beaubien, et dont il re- commande le paiement. OrdonnS, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre, demain. M. Caron, du Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux QuatnemeRap. et Institutions de Charite, a presente a la Chambre le porll ^ , VY m,t6 Quatrieme Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de wuxet insu lu - nouveau 5 la Y'able du Greffier, comme suit : uonsdeChan- Votre Comite sur l’Instruction du 20 du courant, “ de s'enquerir sur la necessite de creer un Foods pour “ subvenir 30° Novembris , A 1835 £ 24 < • i f unc | to defray the expenses of the care and medical “ treatment of sick Mariners on board of the Vessels in “ the Ports of Quebec and Montreal ,” have the honor to submit to Your Honorable House a statement of the facts elicited in the course of their enquiry, which fuily prove the necessity of the measure to which the Instruc- tion relates. The evidence of the principal Shipowners clearly shews the necessity of the measure aforesaid. It is proved that, at present, Seamen who are sick have no other Asylum than the Taverns, where they are liable to the payment of exorbitant charges, and where scarcely any care is bestowed upon them, in addition to the circumstance that these Taverns are often the haunts of persons who make a practice of inducing Seamen to desert. The charges to which they are sub- jected generally amount to from six to twenty four dol- lars for every sick person. It is the practice in other Ports to provide an Asylum for the relief of Seamen, the expenses attending which are defrayed by a tonnage duty on Vessels entering the Port. In the West Indies this duty is as high as four pence per ton. The Witnesses agree in wishing that a duty of one halfpenny per ton, should be imposed on all Ships from beyond Sea, to defray the expense of providing a pro- per Asylum for the reception and medical treatment of Sick Mariners belonging to such Vessels. The Committee being convinced that the interests of navigation require a protection of this kind for the Sea- men & of our Vessels, recommend that a duty of one half- penny a ton, should be levied on all Vessels from be- yond Sea, towards defraying the expense of piovwhnga proper Asylum for the reception and medical treatment of Sick Mariners belonging to such Vessels. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Wednesday next. “ subvenir au soin et an traitement medical des Ma- “ i ins Malades a bord des Vaisseaux dans les Ports de “ Quebec et de Montreal a Phonneur de soumettre a Votre Honorable Chambre, un resume des faits eta- blis dans son Enquete, et qui constatent pieinement la necessite de la mesure enoncee dans 1 Instruction. Les temoignages des principaux Propri^taires de Vaisseaux mettent en pleine Evidence la necessite de la mesure susdite. II est constate qu’a present les ina- rms malades n’onfc d'autre asyle que les Auberges, ou ils sont exposes a payer des prix exorbitans, ou les soins sont presque nuls, outre que ces Auberges sont souvent le repaire de gens qui font une pratique d’induire les marins a deserter ; ces depenses se montent generale- ment de six a vingt-quatre piastres par tnalade. C’est la pratique dans les autres Ports de pourvoir a un Asyle pour le secours des Marins, dont la d^pense est couverte par un droit sur chaque tonneau que mesurent les Vaisseaux. Dans les Indes Occidentales, les vais- seaux paient jusqu'a huit sous par tonneau. Les Temoins s’accordent a demander que la somme d’un denier courant par tonneau soit imposee sur tous les vaisseaux venant de la mer pour contribuerausoutien d’un Asyle convenable pour la reception et le traite- ment medical des Matelots malades attaches aux Hits vaisseaux. Convaincu que l’interet de la navigation exige la meme protection pour nos vaisseaux, le Comitfi recommande que le dit droit d’un denier courant par tonneau soit preleve sur tous les vaisseaux ar- rivant de la mer, pour aider a subvenir aux depenses d’un Asyle convenable pour la reception et le traite- ment medical de tous les marins malades au service des dits vaisseaux. Ordonne , Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comite de loutela Chambre, Mercredi prochain. On Motion of Mr. Vanfelson, seconded by Mr. Gi- The Statement of the probable amount of Mo- ney which will be in the Vaults on 15th Janua- ry. 1836, refer- red. rouard , Ordered, That the Statement of the probable amount of Public Monies which will be in the Vaults on the 15th January next, delivered at the Bar of the House, on the 27 th instant, be referred to the Standing Com- mittee of Public Accounts. Sur Motion de M. Vanfelson, seconde par M. Gi- ro uard, Ordonne , Que i'Etat du montant probable des Argens Publics qui serontdans les Voutes le 15 Janvier pro- chain, remis a la Barre de cette Chambre le 27 du courant, soit refere au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics. Report on Sea- Mr. Vanfelson, from the Standing Committee of mens Wages ^ Q[ir{s j ust j cef sported that the Committee had gone through the Bill to provide less expensive means for the recovery of Wages due to Seamen of Vessels belonging to or registered in this Province, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s I able. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Wednesday next. Two Petitions ^ Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Pew reserved iD PJslet, was presented to the House by Mr. 1 oivcr, and churc P hfor h the the same was received and read ; setting forth : That of w°nit? a aplain 1° each of the Roman Catholic Churches in this Pro- vince, a Pew is reserved for the Captain of the Parish, and that with regard to sucli Pew no definite regulation is made by the Law, whereby great inconvenience and much trouble is occasioned in a great many Parishes ; and as the Legislature alone can apply a remedy to the continually increasing evils which result from this cir- cumstance throughout t he whole Province, the Peti- tioners address themselves with confidence to the House, Mr Vanfelson, du Comite Permanent des Cours de Justice, a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill qui pourvoit a recouvrer avec moins de frais les Gages dus aux Equipages des Vaisseaux appartenans ou enre- gistres dans cette Province, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens out ete lus de nou- veau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Mercredi prochain. Une Petition de divers Ilabitans du Comte de Vllet, a 1 te presentee a la Chambre par M. Power, laquelle a ete recue et lue, exposant : Que dans toutes Jes Eglises Catholiques-Romaines, dans les Campagnes de cette Province, il est laisse un Banc pour le Capitaine de la Paroisse, pour lequel il n'y a aucun rcglement particulier a ce sujet ; ce qui est la cause de graves in- conveniens et de beaucoup de troubles dans un grand nombre de Paroisses ; et comtue il n’y a que la Legis- lature qui puisse remedier aux maux toujours croissans qui en resultent par toute la Province, les Petition- naires s’adressent avec contiance & !a Chambre, afin q«lM L’Etatdu mon- tant probable de l'argervt qui sera dans les Voules le 1 5 Janvier 1836, refere. Rapport tor le .Bill relatif aux Gages des IVlalelots. Deux Petitions au sujet du Banc reserve dans chaque Kgllse Parois- siale pour le plus ancien Capitaine de Milice. 6 Will. IV, 30° Novembtis . 225 House, to pray the passing of a Law which shall prevent the fresh difficulties which might otherwise hereafter arise on this subject, by declaring whether the rent of any such Pew ought to be paid to the Fabrique , and, if such payment ought to be made, what ought to be the amount thereof, in Churches where the leases of the Pews are made for life, and what it ought to be in those where they are leased for the year only ; and also what the rank is which confers the right of possessing such Pew. Resolved , That the said Petition be referred to a Committee of five Members, to examine the contents thereof and to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered , That Mr. Power, Mr .Fortin, Mr . Letour- neau, Mr. Bouffard and Mr. Gugy do compose the said Committee. A Petition of Abraham Turgeon, of St. Gervais, No- tary, similar to the last preceding Petition, was pre- sented to the House by Mr. Morin, and the same was received and read. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Special Committee to whom is referred the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of V Islet. On Motion of Mr. Gugy , seconded by Mr. Moore, Addt^s res p ec- Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to wf B.°Feifon. His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that His Excellency will be pleased to acquaint this House with the period at which the Honorable William Bow- man Felton was first authorized to act, and at which he first did act, as Agent on the behalf of Government for the several Townships of Ascot, Stoke and Hatley, among others, and when he ceased to be so authorized ; with the nature, object and extent of his duties, and of the remuneration he was to receive as such Agent; praying His Excellency also, to cause to be laid be- fore this House, Copies, firstly : Of the appointment of the Honorable William Bowman Felton, as Commis- sioner of Crown Lands, and of all the Instructions, (if any) which may have been addressed to that Officer for his guidance; and secondly: Of all applications for any part of the waste Lands of the Crown made by that Gentleman since his residence in this Province, of all orders given, and all promises made by him, touch- ing such applications; Of all the correspondence be- tween that Gentleman and the Imperial or Colonial Authorities, and of all Dispatches to or from the said Authorities respectively, relative to such applications, and to any grants which may have been made him, and more especially of that part of the Dispatch of Lord Bathurst, dated 3rd July 1826, which relates to the Petition of the Honorable William Bowman Felton, for a grant of Land. Ordered , That Mr. Gugy , Mr. Moore, Mr. Morin and Mr. Leslie do present the said Address to His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief. qu’il lui plaise dans sa sagesse faire en sorte qu’une Loi soit pass^e pour mettre fin a de nouveaux troubles qui pourraient s’Gever a l’avenir, en statuant si la rente de ce Banc doit etre payee aux Fabriques ; si elle doit 6tre pay6e, quel en sera le montant dans les Eglises ou les Bancs sont vendus a vie, et dans celles ou les Bancs sont conc6d6s pour rente annuelle seulement ; et aussi quel sera le grade qui donnera droit aux per- sonnes de la posseder. Resolu , Que la ditePetition soit referee a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en examiner le contenu et en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pou- voir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne , Que M. Power, M. Fortin, M. Letourneau , M. Bouffard et M. Gugy composent le dit Comite. Une Petition d ’ Abraham Turgeon , Notaire, de St. Gervais , setnblable a la prec£dente Petition, a 6te pr£- sent£e a la Chambre par M. Morin , laquelle a et6 re 9 ue et lue. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comit6 Special auquel est referee la Petition de divers Habitans du Comte de I’llet. Stir Motion de M. Gugy , second^ par M. Moore , Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a Adresseausu. Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son J w td B Feuon*' Excellence qu’il lui plaise d’informer cette Chambre de * t0D ‘ l’£poquea laquelle l’Honorable William- Bowman Felton, a Ob la premiere fois autorise a agir, etquand il a pre- mierement agi comme Agent duGcuvernement pour les divers Townships d ’Ascot, Stoke et Hatley entre autres, etquand il a cess6 d’etre autorise a agir ainsi, et de la nature de l’objet, et de l’^tendue de ses devoirs, et de la remuneration qu’il devait recevoir comme Agent ; et aussi, priant Son Excellence de faire mettre devant cette Chambre, des Copies, premierement, de la nomi- nation de I’Honorable William- Bowman Felton comme Commissaire des Terres de la Couronne, et de toutes les instructions (si aueune il y a) qui peuvent avoir etc envoyees a cet Officier pour se guider ; et deuxi£me- ment, de toutes les demandes d'aucune partie des terres incultes de la Couronne qui ont et£ faites par ce Monsieur, depuis qu’il reside dans la Province, de tous les ordres qui ont 6t6 donnes et de toutes les promesses qui lui ont £te faites touchant les demandes de toute la correspondance entre ce Monsieur et les Autorites Im~ p^riales et Coloniales, et de toutes les Depeches adress6es a ces autorites ou envoyees par elles respec- tivement, relatives a ces demandes, et a tous octrois de terre qui peuvent lui avoir etb faits, et plus particuli^re- ment de cette partie de la Depeche de Lord Bathurst , en date du 3 Juillet 1826, qui a rapport a la Petition de I’Honorable William- Bowman Felton, demandant un octroi de terre. Ordonne, Que M. Gugy, M. Moore , M. Morin, et M. Leslie, presententla dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Address for Pa- I pers respecting the appointment of Commission- ers for Small Causes in the County of Acadie. On Motion of Mr. Cote, seconded by Mr. Hotchkiss , Resolved, That an humble Address be presented tc His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying him to be pleased to direct the proper Officer to lay before this House, Copies of all Petitions and Correspondence on the part of the Inhabitants of the County of Aca- die, and of the answers of the Executive to the same, relating to the appointment of Commissioners for the Vol. — 45. summary Sur Motion de M. Cote, seconde par M. Hotchkiss, Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse k Adresse pour Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le priant d’or- s d J et dX™! 11 donnera tel Officier qu il appartiendra, de mettre de- mination des vant cette Chambre, Copies de toutes Petitions et Cor- po^Te'sPcfites respondances de la part des Habitans du Comte de com.d d d e ans le V Acadie, ainsi que les Reponses de l’Executifa ceux-ci, 1Acadie - pour I’appointement de Commissaires pourjuger d’une maniere 3 L 30° Novernbns . A. 1835 . %26 summary trial of Small Causes in the .County -of Act, die, under the authority of the Act 3rd, W' til. IV. Cap. 34, or under that of the 4th, Will. IV. Cap. 2. Ordered , That Mr. Cote, Mr. Hotchkiss, Mr. De MW and Mr. Archambeault do present the said Ad- dress to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. maniere sommaire les Petites Causes dans le Comte de V Accidie e n vertu de PActe de la 3e Guitf. IV. Chap. 34, et aussi en vertu de l’Acte de la 4e Guill. IV. Cl ’c!r*m«e. Que M. Cite, M. Hotchkiss, M. De Witt e t M. Archambeault presentent la dite Adresse a bon ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. First Report of Committee on Roads and Pub- lic Improve- ments. Mr. Archambeault, from the Standing Committee of 1 1- nrp«;pntp( to the des Che- Premier Rap. Appendix (A. A.) Roads and Public Improvements, presented to the House the First Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s 1 able. For the said Report, see Appendix (A. A.) at the end of this Volume. , ~ Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House to-morrow. M. Archambeault, du Comite Permanent .. ■ port du Comi- mins et des Ameliorations publiques, a presente a la ,6 S or i*» Che- Chambre le premier Rapport du Hit Comite, lequel a ZZlTpl ete hide nouveau a Table du Greflier. , - bl,ques Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (A. A.; a la nn Appendica * de ce Volume. . ~ Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comite de toute la Cbambre, demain. Bill relating to An engrossed Bill for the better regulation of the t.llra, 0 ' formalities to be observed in the closing of Invento- passed - ries, was read for the third time. Un Bill grossoye pour mieux regler la formalize de la cloture d’lnventaire, a ete lu pour la troisieme lois. Rill relatif a la cloture d’ln- _ ventaire, patie. CO} ** U O 1 Resolved, That the Bill do pass. . Ordered, That Mr. Girouard do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concur- rence. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Girouard porte le dit Bill au Con- seil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Montreal Pub- lic Square Bill passed. nee. 1T n-ii nrsitr z+ohlir une Nouvelle Place Bill pour une An engrosssed Bill to establish a new Public Square UnB.l grossoye p f 1 objet mention . R-J-i- at Montreal, and for other purposes therein mentioned, ^“^"1 In pour la troisterae lots, was read for the third time. ketolu Que le Bill passe. Resolved , That the Bill do pass. Ordonne Que M. Leslie porte le dit Bill au Conseil Ordered, That Mr. Leslie do carry the said Bill to the O^S et demande son concours. Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Legistatit, et ucroa Justice, of it. An engrossed Bill for the qualification of the Jus- SSarSSS trees of the Peace, was read for the third time. i » rpi _ i. ik » H ill r 1 a ce lco in tut u u w v j Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Huot do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Un Bill grossoye pour la qualification des Juges de ^|hg°“[J a Paix, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. J“f s £ de Fa ‘*’ Reiolu , Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Huot, porte le dit Bill au Conseil Lesislatif, et demande son concours. o 7 Bill to prevent the fraudulent seizure of Lands passed. .Legislative louiau, am-* , n , , . IT,* Pill o-rossnve nour empecher les saisies et ventes Biiipourem- An engrossed Bill to prevent the fraudulent seizure Un B, » f r “ s0 > e P»“ e prop riaes reelles dans KJSSS. and sale of Lands, J P J cette Province, a ete lu pour la troisieme tois. pass , Province, was read for the third time. r , Que le Bill passe. Resolved That the Bdl do fj^ss 5aid Bill t0 Ordonne, Que M Huot porte le dit Bdl au Conse.l th^Legislatir^Council, and desire their concurrence. Legislatif, et demande son concours. _ _ , tiv cnnnnrio nor A T Instruction to Committee on Public Ac- counts. On Motion of Mr. O'Callaghan, seconded by Mr. Gl Ordered , , That it be an Instruction to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, to enquire into the manner in which were obeyed the commands of His Majesty, as conveyed in a Dispatch Pom i i. 1 tarv Spring Rice, addressed to Lieutenant General Lord Aylmer, and dated Downing Street, 2; tn Sep- tember 183 I, relative to the distribution of a sum of Thirty one thousand pounds sterling, advanced from the Military Chest to defray the services of the year 1S33; also, to enquire by what authority (i any. Receiver General and the Commissioner of the Jesuits Estates are authorized to deduct their respective Sala- ries^rom the gross amount collected by them, beiore they are brought to account with the 1 ubhe. Sur Motion de M. O’Callaghan, seconde par M. Guillet, Instruction au les Ordonne , Qu’il soit une Instruction au Lomite rer jns , lu „,on «, manent des Comptes Publics, de s'ennuirir de quelle c.~ .. manihre on a obei aux OrdresdeSa Majeste, transmis bit- dans une Dipftche de M. le Secretaire Spring Rice, adress^e au Lieutenant-General Lord Aylmer, en ate de Downing Street, le 27 Septembre 1834, relative & la distribution d’tme somme de Trente-et-un indie Livres Sterling, avancee de la Caisse milrtaire pour defrayer les services de I’annee 1833 ; aussi de s enquenr de Pautoritd si telle il y a, par laquelle le Iteceveur-Gene- ralet le Commissaire des Biens des J^smtessont auto- rises h deduire leurs salaires respectifs du montant brut collecte par eux avant de rendre leur Compte au Public. Message from lisExcellency. Stephen Walcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief, was admitted within the Bar, and delivered to Mr. Speaker, a Message from His Excellency the Governor ill Clnef, signed by His Excellency. And then he withdrew. , And the said Message was read by Air. speaker, all the Members of the House being uncovered, an is as lolloweth t G OS FORD, Stephen Walcott, Ecnyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Ex- g-jM;- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, a ete admis en de dans de la Bane, et a remis a M. l’Orateur, un Messa- ge de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, signe par Son Excellence. Et ensuite il s’est retire. Et le dit ' fl ^sagc a et<§ lu par M. 1 Orateur, tous les Membres de la Lhambre etant decouverts j et i cst comme suit. GOSFORD, 6 Will. IV. SO 0 Novembris . 227 GOSFORD, Governor in Chief. SSSiSr . Th 1 e Governor in Chief feels it his duty to bring un- bers Bin passed der the notice of the House of Assembly an objection in 1834 . which exists to the 18th Clause of the Actpased in the Session of 1834, intituled, “An Act to regulate the “ manner of proceeding upon Contested Elections of “ Members to serve in the House of Assembly, and “ to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned.”'' The Clause, by providing for the continuance of Committees aftei the close ot the Session, interferes with the right of the Crown to prorogue the Parliament, and is incon- sistent with Parliamentary Eaw and Usage, a circum- stance which probably was not remarked at the time of passing the Act, but which has forcibly arrested the attention of His Majesty’s Ministers. The Governor in Chief to insure the retention of the Act, to which, in no other respect, is there any ob- jection, recommends that a short Act should be passed repealing the Clause in question within the period to which His Majesty’s right of disallowing the Act is limited by the Imperial Statute of the 31st Geo. Ill, Cap. 31, Sect. 31. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 28th November 1835. The preceding Message re- erred. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Leslie, Ordered, That the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, received this day, be referred to the Standing Committee of Privileges and Elections. |dd!e S n s for 8 " Mr - Clapham moved to resolve, seconded by Mr, a°trh from fhe' P oU ' er ^ That an humble Address be presented to His )uke o7 Port! Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that His Excellency will be pleased to communicate to the House, a Copy ofa Dispatch from His Grace the Duke Portland, dated the 19th April, 1799, in which His Grace directs that the deficiencies of the Provincial Revenues of Lower Canada should be made good by Draughts on the Military Chest j also Statements shewing all t!ie sums paid to the Receiver General out of the Military Chest, by Warrant under the signature of the Commander of the Forces, addressed to the Deputy Pay-Master General, or otherwise, specifying each payment in the order of its date, and distinguishing between such as were made under authority of the above mentioned Dispatch, from those on account of the Clergy, the Indian Mission, the Lacliine Canal, or any other specific service since the year 1791. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Viger, Ordered , That the said Motion be referred to a^Com- mittee of the whole House on Wednesday next. On Motion of Mr. Child , seconded by Mr. De Hill, Lies of the Resolved, That this House will, on Friday next, re- Petitions for solve itsell into a Committee of the whole House to considered. 1 " consider the expediency of altering and amending the Rules of this House relating to Petitions for Private Bids. On Motion of Mr. De Witt, seconded by Mr. Scott, he Dispatch Ordered, I hat the Standing Committee of Public lories of the Accounts be discharged from the further consideration h eQua e r°e 0 r f of the Dis P atch of Mr. Secretary Spring Rice to Lord issions, refer- Aylmer, dated 30th September 1834, relatino- to the eof GHe^ mit " Salaries of Samuel Gale and Robert Christie, Esquires, inces - late Chairmen of the Quarter Sessions for the Districts of Montreal and Quebec ; and that the said Dispatch be referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances. A GOSFORD, Gouverneur-en-Chef. Le Gouverneur-en-Chef croit devoir appeler Pat- Bil1 de- tention de la Chambre d’Assembl^e a une objection qui d< ’ 8 Memhre* existe k la 1 8e Clause de l’Acte pass6 dans la Session pass§en 1834 - de 1834, intitule, “ Acte pour regler la mnniere de “ proceder sur les Contestations relatives aux Elections “ des Membres pour servir dans la Chambre d’Assem- “ blee et pour revoquer certains Actes y meniionnes.’* Cette Clause, en declarant que les Comites pourront continuer de sieger, apr£s la cloture de la Session, em- pietesur le droit qu a laCouronne de proroger le Par- lement, etest incompatible avec la Hoi et Presage Par- lementaires ; cette circonstance probablement'n’a pas 6te remarqu^e lorsque I’Acte a ete passe, mais elle a vivement frappe les Ministres de Sa Majeste. Le Gouverneur-en-Chef pour assurer la dur^e de cet Acte, auquel il n'y a rien a objecter sous d’autres rap- ports, recommande qu’il soit passe un Acte tres-court, pour rappeler la Clause dont il s’agit dans la periode de temps dans laquelle il est permis a Sa Majeste dans le Statut Imperial de la3le Geo. III. Chap. 3J, Sect. SI, de ne pas sanctionner cet Acte. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 28 Novembre 1835. Sur Motion de M. Morin, second^ par M. Leslie, Ordonne, Que le Message de Son Excellence le Gou- LeMessa P® verneur en-Chef, recu ce jour, soit refere au Comite r ^ ceden,r ^ Permanent des Privileges et Elections. M. C lapham a propose de resoudre, seconde par M. Motion pour Power, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a Sort pour o™* Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Excel- duXKtt lence qu’il lui plaise de communiquer a la Chambre, i*nd. UC e Copie d’une Depeche de Sa Grace le Due de Port- land, en date du 19 Avril 1799, par laquelle Sa Gra- ce ordonne que les Deficits des Revenus Provinci- al x du Bas-Canada, seront ouverts par des Traites tirees sur la Caisse M litaire; aussi, des Tableaux indiquant toutes les sotnmes payees ou Receveur-Ge- neial sur la Caisse Miiitai e par Warrant signe du Commandant des Forces et adress au D put6 P .ie Maitre General, ou autrement, et specifiant les pare- mens dans leur ordre de date, et distinguant ceux qui out ete fai senvertu de la Depeche ci-dessus mention- nee, de ceux qui ont ete faits pour le cnmpte du Cler- gy de la Mission Sauvage du Canal de La Chine, on pour aucun autre service particulier depuis I’a n e 1791. Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Viger, Ordonne, Que la dite Motion soit refer; e a un Comi- te de toute la Chambre Mercredi prochain. Sur Motion de FA. Child , seconde par M. De Witt , Resolu, Que, Vendredi prochain, cette Chambre se ( ^ 2lpsde ' a formeraen Comite de toute la Chambre, pour conside- ^ m . b u 7£X: rer sil est expedient de changer et amender les He- SuS^f gles de cette Chambre, relativement aux Petitions pour « treeonsid ^e«» des Bills prives. Sur Motion de M. De Witt, seconde par M. Scott , Ordonne, Que le Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics soit decharge de la consideration ulterieure de laires du Pre- la Depeche de M le Secretaire Spring Rice a Lord ,‘i™ dfcSl Aijlmer, datee du 30 Septembrp 1S3 4, relativement aux comS.Gri. Salaires de Samuel Gale et Robert Christie, Ecuyers, ci- ef, • devant Presidens des Sessions de Quartier pour les Districts de Montreal et Quebec, etque la dite Depeche soit referee au Comity Permanent des Griefs. Conform (iment 0 ;28 30 ° Novembris . A 1835. Bill to make further provision for the improve Montreal Har- A Bill tO maKe IU.U.C pi Montreal hour Bill read i enlargement of the Harbour of Montreal, ”,d io appoint Commissioners for that purpose, was, „ i „ „Dorl o ofannnrl time. ana to iiupu** ^ — , , „ tirenrrlin°' to Order, read a second time. ^ Resulted, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send tor persons, papers a "oXrt That Mr. Leslie, Mr. Viger, Mr. De Will, Mr. Archambeault and Mr. Morin do compose the said Committee. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour pourvoir ul- terieurement ^’amelioration et a l’agrandissement du une seconde Havre de Montreal , et pour nomraer des Commissaires a cette tin, a ete lu une seconde fois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la dili- gence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer quenr per- sonnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Leslie, M. Vtger, M. De Wit t, M. Archambeault et M. Morin composent le dit Comite. lu Counsel heard respecting St. Charles Free Bridge. The Order of the day for hearing Counsel at the Bar of The House, as prayed for in the Petition o Smith and Anthony Anderson, presented to this Louse on the twentv fourth instant, being read; Thomas Cushing Aylwin, Esquire, Conmel to, the Petitioners, was heard at the Bar; and then he wiU drew. L’Ordre (lujour pour entendre le Cornell la la Barre de la Chambre, tel que demande par la Potion de Charles Smith et Anthony Anderson, presentee 4 ^cette Chambre le vingt-quatre du courant, ay ant ete , Thomas-Cushing Aylwin, Ecuyer, Conseildes 1 etition- naires, a ete entendu a la Barre ; et ensmte ll s est re- tire. Committee on the 48!h Geo. III. cap. 13; Resolution re. ported. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider the expediency of repealing the Act of tl 4Stl. Geo III. Cap. 13, and, also, on the 1 etiu ° n ° divers Lumber Merchants, Traders, Farmers, and otheis engaged in the business of lumber and rafting, ting rea r d h’e House accordingly resolved itself into the said C M TZdy took the Chair of the Committee , and after some time spent therein, i^ S rX% U ^o«:i C S the Committee had come to a Resolution; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House, ™\{esolved, That it is expedient to repeal an Act passed in the 48th year of Geo. III. Cap. 13. intituled “ An u A ct for making perpetual, with some amendments, « A intituled, “ An Act for the appointment of “ nn Inspector and Measurer of Scows and Rafts, and “ for regulating the Conductors and Pilots thereof, be- “ V*±rs&£: Scows and Rafts, which are conducted between Cha- teauguay and Montreal. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se teen co»u««. Geo Comit6 pour considerer s’d est expedient d abrogei m . Ch8p . 13 . l’Acte de la 48e Geo. III. Chap 13., et aussi sur lale- tition de divers Marchands de Bois, Comme^ans, Fei- miers, et autres, engages dans le commerce de Bois et le transport des Cageux ayantete lu ; , La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le d M .Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comite j et apies y avoir sieg6 quelque temps, M. l'Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Lardy a fait Rapport que le ComitJ avait pas- wwotion rap- se une Resolution, laquelle Resolution a ete lue de nou- veau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Cham- bre • et elle est comme suit : Resolu, Qu’il est expedient d’abroger 1 Acte passe dans la 48e annee de Cco. Ill, Chap. 13, intitule “ Acte “ pour rendre perpetuel, avec quelques amendemens, “ j’Acte intitule, “ Acte qui pourvoit a la nomination “ d’un Inspecteur et des Mesureurs des Baca et Cages, “ et oui regie les Pilotes ou Conducteurs d iceux entre “ Cha teauguay et la Cite de Montreal” et pour pourvoir a d’autres dispositions Legislatives au sujet des Bois et Cages qui sont conduits entre Chateaugay et Monti eal. Committee on Hospitals and Charitable In- stitutions. The Order of the day for the House in Committee the First and Second Reports of the Standing Com- for Hospitals and Ch.rit.ble Institutions, being * 6 Tlie House accordingly resolved itself into tire said C °M '"'Tubord took the Chair of the Committee ; Several Members having retired, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. T ’Ordre du iour pour que la Chambre se forme en comite sur Comite sur le Premier et le second Rapport du Comi- te Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de cb«ut. Charite, ayant 6te lu ; n La Chambre s’est en consequence form6e en le dit CU M ^Dubord a pris le Fauteuil du Comite. piusieurs Membres s’etant retires, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; And the names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker. Messieurs Archambeault, Raker, Bardy, Canard BertTelot, Besserer, manchet Be ’ % f °$u, P TZ'oZdoZ, D uL'd, Fortin, Girouard HfbZtXZle, Larue, Leslie, Moore Morin M O' Callaghan, Scott, Toomiy, Trudel, Vanjelson an 0 And at half past ten o’clock, at night, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. Et les Noms des Membres presens ont etc pris com- me suit : M. 1 Orateur, Messieurs, Archambeault, Baker, Lardy , Barnar , Berthelot, Besserer , Blanche*. Boue, her, Careau, Caron , Child, Cote, Deligny, De Witt, Rierre- Antoine Dorion, Dubord, Fortin, Girouai d,I e- bert, Lacoste, Larue, Leslie , Moore , Morin , Noel # O'Callaghan , Scott , Toomy, Trudel, Vanjelson, et Vi- ^Etadix heureset demie du soil*, M. l’Orateur a ajourne la Chambre, faute de Quorum. Tuesday , Mardi , 6 Will. IV. 1° Dccembris. 229 Tuesday, 1st December, 1835. chTmpia^Raii "j%H Leslie, ^otn the Special Committee to whom Hoad Bill. F?_M. was referred the Bill to amend and extend the provisions of an Act, intituled, “ An Act for making “ a Rail Road from Lake Champlain to the River St. “ Laxvrence,” reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made an amendment thereto, 'which amendment was again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Saturday next. Sampson””-' A Petitlon of Joseph Sampson, of the Township ofllal- pectinga Lot of ley, County of Stanstead, was presented to the House by Land in Hatley. Mr. Child, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : That the Petitioner served in the Embodied Mili- tia during the War of 1812, between England and the United States, and that after receiving an honorable dis- charge fiom the service, he settled, at the conclusion of the War, upon Lot 22 in the 5th Range of the Township of Hatley, being an ungranted or Waste Lot of the Crown ; and that he has been in the possession and oc- cupancy of said Lot for the nineteen years last past : That during the above period the Petitioner has re- peatedly petitioned the Government to grant him the said Lot, as an indemnity for his services in the Embo- died Canadian Militia during the late War, but has been hitherto neglected : That the Petitioner has a wife and seven children, and that they depend upon his labor and the produce of said land for their sup- port : That when the Petitioner located himself on said lot of land, that part of the Township of 'Hatley was a wilderness, and that himself and family have suf- fered many hardships and privations in cultivating said land : That the Petitioner has been since informed that the said Lot has been granted to the Honorable IV. B. Felton ; and praying the Llouse to take his case into its equitable consideration, and endeavour to effect such an arrangement as will enable him to obtain a grant of said Lot. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances. Mardi, \er Decembre 1835. M Leslie , du Comite Special auquel a ete refers Rapport du . . JL 9 le Bill pour amender et etendre les dispositions d^lTcham-* un Acte, intitule, “ Acte pour pourvoir a la con- plain * sti uetion d un Chemin a Lisses enti e le Lac Champlain “ Ie Fleuve St. Laurent a fait Rapport que le Co- mite avait passe le Bill, ety avait fait un amendement, lequel amendement a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient rtTeres a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Samedi prochain. Une Petition de Joseph Sampson, du Township de r&uiondej. Hatley, Comte de Stanstead, a 6t6 presentee a la Cham- S?® Lot bre par M. Child, laquelle a 6te re 9 ue et lue ; expo- HatT e y. daDS sant : — Que le Petitionnaire a servi dans la Milice In- corporee pendant la Guerre de 1812entre P Angleterre et les E tats- Unis ; et qu’apr^s avoir re 5 u son conge et une decharge honorable, il s’est <5tabli a la fin de la Guerre sur le Lot N ° . 22 dans Ie 5e Rang du Town- ship rY Hatley, lequel Lot etait inculte et non concede par la Couronne ; et qu’il possede ce Lot de terre de- puis dix-neuf ans: Que, pendant ce temps, le Petition- naiiea adiesse plusieurs fois des Petitions au Gouverne- ment pour lui demander l’Octroi du dit Lot, comme indemnity pour ses services dans la Milice Canadien- ne Incoi porce pendant la derniere Guerre; mais qu’on les a negligees jusqu’a present : Que le Petitionnaire a une femme et sept enfans, et qu’ils n’ont pour leur sub- sistance quele travail du Petitionnaire et leproduit de sa terre : Que quand le Petitionnaire s’est etabli sur ce Lot de terre, cette partie du Township de Hatley 6tait inculte, et que lui et sa familleont souffert beau-* coup de privations et de fatigues en cultivant cette terre : Que le Petitionnaire a ete informe depuis, que le dit Lot de terre a eteaccorde a PHonorable IV. -B. Felton ; et priant la Chambre de prendre sa cause en consideration equitable, et d’essayer d’effectuer tel ar- rangement qui pourra lui faire obtenir l’octroi du dit Lot de terre. Ordonne , Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite Permanent des Griefs. eport on Bill r preserving rass growing i Beaches ; mmitted ; nsidered. II for the pur- ise of Grosse e read the se- nd lime. Mr. Tache, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill for preserving for the purposes of husbandry, the Grass growing on Beaches in the Dis- trict ot Quebec, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, without making any amendment thereto, and the Report was again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill be now referred to a Committee of the whole House. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Besserer took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Besserer reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. A Bill to enable His Majesty to acquire the Island called “ Grosse Isle ,” for the Public uses of the Pro- vince, and to indemnify the Proprietor thereof, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to the Spe- cial Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Pierre Duplain, of Cap Sante. Vol — 45. A M. Tache, du Comite Special auquel a et6 refere le Bill pour conserves pour les fins de PAgriculture, le Foin qui croit sur les Graves, dans le District de Que- bec, a fait Rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, sans y faire aucun amendement ; et le Rapport a ete Iu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill soit maintenant refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre. La Chambre s est en consequence formde en le dit Comit6. M. Besserer a pris le Fauteuil du Comit^; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Besserer a fait Rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, ety avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire Rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re 9 u demain. Conformement & l’Ordre, un Bill pour mettre Sa Majesteen etat de faire I’acquisition de Pile appelee, “ Grosse lie ’ pour les usages publics de la Province* et pour indemniser le proprietaire d’icelle, a ete lu une seconde fois, Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit refers au Comite Spe- cial auquel a £t6 refere la Petition de Pierre Duplain, du Cap Sante . 3 M Rapport sur le Bill pour con- server le Foin sur les Greves. Ledit Bill ref6- re. consider^. Bill pour l’a- chat dela Gros- se lie, lu une seconde fois. Conformement 230 V Decembris. A. 18 35. Iffgm county court A Bill to make further provision for maintaining .the Houses aDd Court Houses and Gaols in the Counties oi this 1 10 thesecond time. v j nce> V /as, according to Older, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- • i Cours de Ju6ti- Conformement a l'Ordre, un Bill pour pourvoir ul- . v n . . i ! P/Mirci i^Q TllcflCP Pt. I 11” uonrormeiueuu Ct I ^uie, r— - r V . ^F/Tune t^rieurement al’entretien des Cours de Justice et Pi l- seconde tots, sons dans les Comtek de cette Province, a 6te lu une seconde fois. . , , lUsolu , Que le dit Bill soit refer6 a un Comit6 de Resolved , That the said Bill be referred to a ^ - Me'mbres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la mitt* of five Members, to report thereon with ali con e nq avec pouvoir d’envoyer quern- venient speed, with power to send for peisons, pape.s dmg^^ iers et records. and records. M n Ordonne, Que M. Boutillier, M. Cote, M. Dehgny , Ordered, That Mr. Boutillier, Mr. Co , . b J> '2 ache et M. Hotchkiss composent le dit Comite. Mr. Tache and Mr. Hotchkiss do compose the said ,vi. 1 acne ecu. Committee. les Committee on Hospital? and Charitable In- stitutions. Committee on new Hall of Assembly. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First and Second Reports of the Standing Com- mittee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, being rCa The House accordingly resolved itself into the said C °Mrl ^Archambeault took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Archambeault reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. . Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again, to-morrow. The Order of the day for the blouse in Committee on the Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Report of the Commissioners for the erec- tion of a new Hall of Assembly presented to this House on the 7th March last, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the san C °Mr .Viger took the Chair of the Committee; after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Viger reported that the Committee come to several Resolutions, which he was directed to submit to the House, . Ordered, That the Report be received to morrow. and bad Committee on Petitions res- pecting St. Charles’ free Bridge ; Resolution re- ported. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Report of the Special Committee to whom were referred the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Suburb of St Roch, City of Quebec ; the I etation of diveis In- habitants of the County of Montmorency and the Pe- tition of Charles Smith and Anthony Anderson , of Que - ^The House accordingly resolved itself into the said CO m^Meilleur took the Chair of the C ommittee ; and after some time spent therein, _ Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Meilleur reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution ; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, That it is expedient to grant the prayer of the Petition of the Inhabitants of the St. Roch Suburbs of Quebec, and that of the Inhabitants of the County ^ renev to be allowed to erect a public and fiee Budge over the River St. Charles, under such limitations and restrictions, as may be necessary to provide for the im- pairing and maintaining of the said bridge and tn - approaches to the same, and to prevent any damage or obstruction to the Navigation of the River Si. Charles. Mr. Vanfelson moved, seconded by Mr. Bedard, That the House doth concur with the Committee in the said Resolution. , The I ’Ordre du iour pour que la Chambre se forme en H f,p jtauxe t Comite sur le Premier et le Second Rapport du Corn- te Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Cha- rite, ayant ete lu ; _ , , ... La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit M. Archambeault a pris le Fauteuil du Comite, et apres y avoir siegd quelque temps, M. fOrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; . , Et M. Archambeault a fait Rapport que le Comite avaitfait quelque progres, et luiavaitenjoint de deman- der permission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne , Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sin- ger de nouveau demain. L’Ordre du iour pour que la Chambie se foime en nouve iie saiie Comite sur le Rapport du Comit6 Special auquel a 1’ Assemble, refere le Rapport des Commissaires pour 1 erection d’une nonvelle Salle des Seances de 1 Assemblee, pi6- senteacette Chambre le 7 Mars dernier, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Co- M. Viger a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil; Et M. Viger a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe plusieurs Resolutions, qu’il avait ordre de soumettre a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit ie$u demain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en * Comile sur le Rapport du Comite Special auquel ont i« £,*•> ete referees, la Petition des Habitans du Paubourg St. Charles. Roch de la Cite de Quebec, la Petition de divers Habi- tans du Comte de Montmorenci, etla I etition de Charles Smith et Anthony Anderson , de Quebec, a/ant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Meilleur a fait Rapport que le Comite avait Resolution rap. pass £ une Resolution, laquelle Resolution a etc lue de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : R'esolu, Que e’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu’il est expedient d’accorder les conclusions de laPetition des Citoyens du Faubourg St. Roch de Quebec, et celle des Habitans du Comte de Montmorenci , demandant qu’il leur soit permis d’eriger un Pont libre et public sur la Riviere St. Charles, sujet a telles limitations et restrictions qui pourront etre necessaires, pour pour- voir a la reparation et l’entretien du dit Pont, et aux abords d icelui, de merne que pour prevenii tout ce qui pourrait causer des dommages a la navigation de la Riviere St. Charles. M. Vanfelson a propose, seconde par LVi. Bedard, Oue la Chambre concoure avec le Comite dans la elite Resolution. La St-. Charles’ Free Bridge Bill read the irst time. 6 Will. IV. 1 — 2° Decembris. 231 The House divided on the Question ; and the names being called for, they were taken down, as followeth : Yeas, Messieurs Bardy, Bedard , Berth dot, Besserer , Blan- chet , Bouc , Bouffard , Careau, Cat on, Cazeau, Deligny , Pierre Antoine Dorion, Dubord, Fortin , Fraser , Girou- rzrt/, Guillet , Hebert, Fluot, Lacoste, Larue, Letourneau , O'Callaghan , Tcssier, Trudel, Vanfelson and fTger, (27.) Nays, Messieurs Arcliambeault, Balcer, Barnard, Blackburn, Boutillier , Child, Clapham, Cote, Deblois, De Witt, Hotchkiss, Knight, Leslie, Meilleur, Moore , Morin, Mousseau, Noel, Power, Scott, Tache , Pierre Elzear Taschereau, Thibaudeau, Toomy and Wood, (25.) So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved, Accordingly. Mr. Vanfelson moved, seconded by Mr. Bedard, for leave to bring in a Bill to establish a free Bridge over the River St. Charles. The House divided on the Question : Yeas 27, Nays 25, So it was carried in the Affirmative. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Saturday next. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question ; et les noms ayant etc demandes, 1 Is ont ete pris comme suit : Pour, Messieurs Bardy. Bedard Berthelot , Besserer, Blm- chet, Bouc , Boujf'ird, Careau , Caron, Cazeau, Deligny Pierre Antoine Dorion, Dubord, Fortin, Fraser, GL rouard, Guillet. Hebert, Huot. Lacoste, Larue, Letour- neau, O’Callaghan, Tessier, Trudel, Vanfelson et Vi- ger-, (27.) Contre, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker, Barnard, Black- burn, Boutillier , Child, Clapham, Cote, Deblois, De Witt Hotchkiss, Knight, Leslie, Meilleur , Moore, Morin Mousseau, Noel, Power, Scott , Tache, Pierre-Flzcar Tashereau, Thibaudeau, Toomy et Wood. (25.) Ainsi el le a ct6 emportee dans 1 Affirmative, et Resolu, En consequence. M. Vanfelson a propose, second6 par M. Bedard BUl du Pont qu’il luisoit permis d’introduire un Bill pour ctablir S.ti. un font gratuit sur la Riviere St Charles. premierefois. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question : Pour, 27. Contre, 25. Ainsi ellea £te emportee dans 1’ Affirmative. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a eie lu pour la premiere fois, etdont la seconde lecture a eteordonnee pour Samedi prochain. oumofju". The 0rder of the da y the House in Committee ce - on the First Report of the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Tache took the Chair of the Committee. Several Members having retired ; Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. And the names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker, Barnard, Besserer, Blackburn , Bouc, Bouffard, Boutillier, Careau, Caron, Cazeau , Child, Deligny , De Witt, Pierre Antoine Dorion, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Hebert, Hotchkiss, Huot, Knight, Larue, Letourneau, Meilleur, Moore, Morin, Mousseau, Noel, O’ Callaghan, Scott, Tache , Pierre El - zear Taschereau, Trudel , Viger and Wood. And at ten o’clock, at night, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum . L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme 0(1 Cotnite sur le§ Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent t ST de Jus= des Coins de Justice, ayant£t6 lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Tache a pris le Fauteuil du Comite. Plusieurs Membres sYtant retires, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. Et les Noms des Membres presens ont 6te pris com- me suit 1 M. l’Orateur, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker, Barnard Besserer Blackburn, Bouc, Bouffard, Boutillier, Careau, Caron Cazeau, Child, Deligny, De Witt, Pierre- Antoine Do- rion, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Hebert, Hotchkiss, Huot, Knight , Larue , Letourneau, Meilleur , Moore Morin , Mousseau, Noel, O’ Callaghan, Scott , Tache] Pierre-Elzear Taschereau, Trudel, Viger et Wood. Et a dix heures du soir, M. l’Orateur a ajournd la Chambre faute de Quorum. it Report of nmissioners exploring ain parts of Province. Wednesday, 2nd December , 1835. Act R. Morin presented to the House the First R _ port of the Commissioners appointed under tl 10th and 11th Geo IV. Cap. 39, for more cor pletely exploring certain parts of this Province. k nd * For the said Report, see Appendix (B. B.) at the B,) end of this Volume. Ordered, That the said Report, with the Journal and Plan accompanying the same, be referred to the Stand- ing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, ijind Report Mr. Morin Presented to the House, the Second Re- Jj— - port of the Commissioners appointed under the Act i certainparts 10th and llth Geo. I\ . Cap. 39-, for more completely •tie Province, exploring certain parts of this Province. uendix For the said Report, see Appendix (B. B.) at the end of this Volume. Mercredi, 2 Decembre 1835. la Chambre le Premier ^emier Ra P - Morin a present6 a ® Rapport des Commissaires~nomm& en'vertu 2E&SST de 1 Acte 10e et lie Geo. IV. Chap. 39, pour explo- iei plus compluement certaines parties de cette Pro- Province, vince. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (B. B.) a la fin r1? P R n ? ice de ce Volume. * 1 * * * ' Ordonne , Que le dit Rapport, avec le Journal et le Plan qui l’accompagnent, soient refers an Comite Per- manent sui les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux. M. Morin a pr6sent£ a la Chambre le Second Rap- second Rapport port des Commissures nomi^s en vertu de l’Acte 10e t et lie Geo IV. Chap. 39, pour explorer plus comnl^- piorer certaine* tement certaines parties de cette Province. ’ Cnee!' 8 Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (B. B.) a la fin A ppend,c 0 de ce Volume. (b. b.j Mr, M 232 2° Dec cm hr is , 1835 , B ,p„„ ™ st. Mr. Gugy, from the Special Committee to whom was Francis Judica- r i t u e upi to consolidate the several Acts relating «*“• ottmtotration of Justice ,n the District of S, Francis and to amend certain of the said Acts, lepoi ted that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s fable. Ordered , That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Saturday next. JVb Gugu, du Comite Special auquel a H6 reler6 le gf,^°judica- ® , -.A diurn-e Aot-pe rplntlfs a turedeS iVL. (jttgi/, uu bourne ““n v Bin pour rSunir en vra seul les divers Actes relatifsa had ministration de la Justice dans e District de St. Francois, et pour amender certains des dits Ames, a fait Rapport que le Comite avait pass6 le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens ont He lus de nouveau a la fable du Grenier. ^ ^ OrdonnS, Que le ditBill et Rapport soient rtferes a un Comit6 de toute la Chambre, Samedi prochain. Bill to repeal »n Ordered , That Mr. Archambeault have leave to bring Act relating to . oji. . reDea l an Act therein mentioned concerning Rafts and Scows in a bill to lepea. an rV and SSSST the* Inspector and Measurers of Rafts and Scows, and rsiiif the Pilots thereof, between Chateauguay and Montreal. and for other purposes therein mentioned. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Saturday next. Ordonni, Que M. Archambeault ait la permission d’introduire un Bill pour abrogenm Acte y mentiorine concernant flnspecteur et les Mesureurs des Bacs et , ant a ch.te.u- Ca et le. f.lotes d'ieeux entre Chateauguay et Montreal , et pour autres fins y mentionnees. II a en consequence pr6sent6 le Hit Bill, lequel 6te iu pour le premiere fois, et dont ia seconde lecture a eta ordonnee pour Samedi prochain. p eli „ 0 „ A Petition of divers InhabitantsofUuu/mm, Stanbridge, ISpOTS. St. Armand and Sutton, County of out, was , pre- County of Mis- sen ted to the House by Mr. »> ood , and the same was le s,skou, • ceived and read •, taking notice of the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Missiskoui, praying that the Poll authorized to be held in the \ illage of ^releighs- bur esl e ’ re^ue et lue ; exposant : Que, sur une accusation in- justement portee contre lui par John Auld, Capitaine de la Barque nomme Springhill, dans le cours du mois d’Octobre dernier, il a ete interdit et suspendu de son office de Pilote, le 9 du meme mois, et pour jusqu’au ler d’Avril 1837, ainsi qu’il appert par la copie du jugement ci-annex7e : Que cette accusation a ete fon- dee sur ce que le Petitionnaire auiait, dans le cours de Mai dernier, cause la perte de 1’ancre et de la chaine du dit Vaisseaux, alors sous ses charges, par negligence ou par ignorance, tandis que ce n’a nullement ete le cas, et d’autant moins que ce n'a Oq qu’apres avoir pris 1 avis du dit John Auld, et des autres officieis du dit Vaisseaux, que le Petitionnaire a ordonn6 que Ton filat. la chaine, vu qu'il avait ete impossible de lever 1’ancre malgre tous les efforts qui avaient ete faits a cette fin ; et que ce n’a ete que parce que le dit Vais- seau fitait alors dans le plus grand danger de deriver a terre, que le Petitionnaire, qui ne voyait aucun autre moyen de le sauver, a agi ainsi : Que ia Cliainhie, voy- ant 6 Will. IVc 4* Dccembris . 237 Message from the Council. The Council have agreed to : Debtors pro- perly Bill with amendments. Bill relating to Law Practition- ers with amend- ments. Report on Montreal Gas Light Bill. her, gave the order aforesaid : That the House, per- ceiving that the said accident happened in the month of May, and it was only on the return of the said Ves- sel from Europe on her second voyage to this country, that the said prosecution was brought against the Pe- titioner, will he convinced that it was probably so brought, only because the said John Auld well knew that the Petitioner could not then bring forward any witnesses in his defence, those of the crew of the said Vessel who were present when the said accident oc- curred being no longer on board the said Vessel on her said second voyage, whereby the Petitioner not know- ing where to find them, was deprived of the benefit of their evidence which could not but have been favora- ble to his cause: That the Petitioner has also to com- plain that one of the persons who sat as Member of the Trinity Board, when the Judgment in question was rendered against him, was one of the parties most in- terested in the business of the said Vessel in this coun- try, whereby the Petitioner may have been prejudiced under the circumstances aforesaid : That the Petitioner also complains that in addition to the penalty inflicted on him by suspending him, he has been deprived of the means of recovering from the said John Auld , about Twelve pounds, due to the Petitioner for having piloted the said Vessel up the River on her first voyage, al- though he brought her into Port without any other ac- cident than that above mentioned: That the Petitioner prays the attention of the House to the fact that if he is not relieved from the said suspension before the ex- piration of the term for which it was pronounced, he will sustain damage to the amount of not less than Two hundred and fifty pounds, besides the loss of the sum due him for Pilotage as aforesaid, and will be deprived of the means of supporting his family, whom he can only maintain by the exercise of his calling as a Pilot, having no other means whatever of so doing: That the Petitioner offers to prove and maintain the said allega- tions to the satisfaction of the House ; and praying the House to take his Petition into its most serious con- sideration, and direct that the Petitioner be forthwith examined over again (if the House shall think it ne- cessary) in order that the said suspension may be re- moved with the least possible delay, and that the Peti- tioner be paid the Pilotage aforesaid. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances. A Message from the Legislative Council by the Ho- norable Mr. De Lery , one of the Masters in Chancery % Mr. Speaker, The Legislative Council have passed the following Bills, with several amendments, to which they desire the concurrence of the Assembly: “ An Act to prevent Debtors from wasting or dimi- “ nishing the value of their immoveable property under “ seizure, to the injury of their Creditors.” “ An Act to repeal certain parts of an Ordinance “ therein mentioned, concerning persons to be admit- “ ted to practice the Law, or to practise as Notaries in “ this Province.” And then he withdrew. Mr. Leslie , from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to provide for the Lighting of the City of Montreal by Gas, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. ant que c’est dans le cours du dit mois de Mai que cet accident est arriv6, et que ce n’a ete qu’au retour du dit Vaisseau, a son second voyage d 'Europe en ce Pays, cette annee, que cette accusation a ete portee contre le Petitionnaire, elle se convaincra que ce n’a probable- ment ete que parce que le dit John Auld ecait alors bien certain que le Petitionnaire ne pourrait amener aucuns temoins au soutien de sa defense, vu que la partie de l’equipage du dit Vaisseau presente lorsque le dit accident est arrive, et ou se trouvait les seuls temoins qu’il aurait pu faire entendre, ne se trouvait plus a bord du dit Vaisseau a son dit second voyage ■, ce qui a prive le Petitionnaire de ces temoins (qu’il n’a su ou prendre,) dont les temoignages auraient assure- ment milit£ en sa faveur : Que le Petitionnaire a aussi a se plaindre de ce qu’une des personnes qui sie- geaient lorsque le dit jugement a ete prononc6 contre lui, comme Membres du Bureau de la Trinite, etait une des parties les plus interessees aux affaires du dit Vaisseau en ce Pays ; ce qui peut lui avoir ete bien prejudiciable dans ces circonstances : Que le P^tition- naire a encore a se plaindre, qu’en addition a la peine qu’on lui a infligee en l’interdisant, il a ete prive des moyens de pouvoir recouvrer du dit John Auld la somme d environ Douze louis a lui due pour avoir pi- lote le dit Vaisseau a son premier voyage en montant, quoiqu’il l’ait rendu dans le Port sans aucun autre acci- dent quelconque que celui ci-devant mentionne : Que le Petitionnaire doit remarquer a la Chambre, que s’il n’est pas rehabilite avant le terme jusqu’auquel il a £te interdit, il souffrira un dommage qui ne sera pas moindre que la somme de Deux cent cinquante louis environ, outre la perte qu’il ferait du dit Pilo- tage ; ce qui le priverait des moyens de soutenir sa famille qu’il ne peut supporter que par son etat de Pi- lote, n’ayant aucun autre moyen que ce puisse etre de le faire : Tous lesquels allegues le Petitionnaire offre de constater et maintenir a la satisfaction de la Chambre j et priant la Chambre de prendre sa Petition en sa con- sideration la plus serieuse, et ordonner que le Petition- naire soit immediatement examine de nouveau, si la Chambre le juge a propos, afln qu’il puisse etre rehabi- lite sous le plus court deiai possible, et paye de son dit Pilotage. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite' Permanent des Griefs. Message du Conseil Legislatif, par (’Honorable M. Me^gedu De Lery , un des Maitres en Chancellerie. conse.i. M. 1’Orateur, Le Conseil Legislatif a passe les Bills suivans, avec Le c 0USC1 i . plusieurs amendemens, auxquels il demande la concur- concouru aU!t * rence de l’Assemblee : “ Acte pour empecher les Debiteurs de deteriorer Bin r e iatif au * “ ou diminuer la valeur de leurs propri^tes immobi- “ litres durant la saisie d’icelles, au prejudice de leurs dcs amende. “ Creanciers.” rae,,Si “ Acte pour rappeler certaines parties d une Ordon- Buirdatifeu* “ nance y mentionnee, qui concerne les personnes qui fSf.w'd” “ doivent etre admises a pratiquer Ja Loi ou a prati- anien de«ens: (i quer comme Notaires en cette Province.” Et ensuite il s’est retird. M. Leslie , du Comite Special auquel a ete rtTere le Bm P oui*rE 6 Bill pour pourvoir a l’Edairage de la Cite de Montreal clairage de par le Gaz, a fait rapport que le Comity avait pass£ le cT™' Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens out lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. 3 O Vol,— 45. Ordered, Ordonne, 238 4 ° Decembris , As 1835 . Reooit on County Court H ouses and Gaols Rill. Report on fe- tuion of S. La- rocbel. 1 nst ruction res- pecting the Or- dinance con- cerning the building of Churches. &e. Address for Papers relalitig to the building of Churches, &c. and the erection of Pa- rishes. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Monday next. Mr. Boutillier, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to make further provision for maintaining the Court Houses and Gaols in the Coun- ties in this Province, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, to-morrow. Mr. Boujfard, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Simeon Larochel of St* Anselme de Lauzon , presented to the House the Re- port of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee after having examined the Peti- tioner, and other witnesses, and after having repeatedly examined the Mechanism invented by the letitionei, and see it set to work several times in the presence of an experienced Artilleryman, are ol opinion that the idea of the said Invention is sufficiently ingenious, and the execution sufficiently happy to deserve the atten- tion of Your Honorable House, with a view to grant- ing aid towards bringing it to perfection. As the Inventor’s want of fortune prevents his making a model sufficiently perfect to ascertain the piactical utility of the Invention, Your Committee recommend that the sum of One hundred pounds, be appropriated to enable the said Simeon Larochel to make a model of his said Invention in brass, with such improvements as have been suggested to him in the course of the in- vestigation made by Your Committee; such model to be deposited in the Office of the Civil Secretary be- fore the next Session, in order that such further pro- ceedings mav be adopted as the nature oi the subject may require, and as Your Honorable House in its wis- dom shall deem meet- Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Friday next. On Motion of Mr. Girouard, seconded by Mr. Ber- t helot. Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the Committee of the vdiole House appointed to consider whether it would not be expedient to amend an Act passed in the first year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, “ An Act for ascertaining, establishing and confirming “ in a legal and regular manner, and for Civil purposes, “the Parochial Subdivisions of various parts oi this “ Province,” to consider also, whether it would not be expedient to explain or modify the Act or Ordinance of the 31st Geo. III. concerning the building and re- pairing of Churches, Parsonage Houses and Church Yards. On Motion of'Mr. Girouard, seconded by Mr. Ber - thelot. Resolved , That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying him to be pleased to direct the proper Officer to lay before this House, Copies of all Commissions given by their Ex- cellencies Sir Alured Clarke, Lord Dorchester, or Sir Robert Shore Milnes, to the Commissioners by them appointed under the authority of the Act or Ordinance passed in the thirty first year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the Third, intituled, “ An Act or Qr- “ dinance concerning the building and repairing of “ Churches, Parsonage Houses and Church Yards;” Ordonne , Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Lundi prochain. M. Boutillier, du Comite Special auquel a ete refere le Bill pour pourvoir ultdrieurement a l’entretien des Cours de Justice et Prisons dans les Comtes de cette Province, a fait rapport que le Comiffi avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens out ete lus de nouveau a la I able du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre, demain. M. Boujfard, du Comite Special auquel a ete referee la Petition de Simeon Larochel, de St. Anselme de Lau- zon , a presente a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comitf, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, com- me suit : Votre Comite, apres avoir entendu le Petitionnaire, et d autres temoins, et avoir a plusieurs reprises exami- ne le mecanisme invente par le Petitionnaire, et 1’avoir vu operer plusieurs fois en presence d’un Artilleur ex- periments, est d’opmion que 1 idee en est assez ingtinieu- se et l’execulion assez bonne pour meriter l’attention de Votre Honorable Chambre, dans la vue d’aider a per- fectionner le mecanisme en question. Le manque de fortune de l’Inventeur nelui peimet- tant pas d’en faire un modele assez parfait pour pouvoir en constater suffisamment l’utilite pratique, Votre Co- rn ltd recommande qu’une somme de cent Louis soit ap- pliquee a mettre le dit Simeon Larochel en etat d’en faire un modele en cuivre avec les perfectionnemens qui lui out ete indiques dans le cours de l’examen fait par Votre Comite ; lequel module sera remis d ici a la prochaine Session dans le Bureau du Secretaire de la Province, pour ensuite elre adopte tel les mesures ultS- rieures que la nature du sujet requerra, et que Votre Honorable Chambre jugera a propos. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Vendredi prochain. Sur Motion de M. Girouard, seconde par M. Ber- th dot, Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction au Comite de toute la Chambre, nommS pour considerer s’il ne se- rait pas expedient d’amender un Acte passe dans la pre- miere aniRedu Regnede Sa presente Majeste, intitule, “ Acte pour constater, etablir et confirmer d’une ma- “ niere legale et rSguliSre, et pour les effets Civils, les “ subdivisions Paroissiales de differentes parties de “ cette Province,” de considerer aussi, s’il ne serait pas couvenabie d’expliquer ou modifier l’Acte oil Or- donnance de la 31e Geo. III. qui concerne la con- struction et la reparation des Eglises, Presbyteres et Cimetieres. Sur Motion de M- Girouard, seconde par M. Ber- thelot, Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Excel- lence d’ordonner aux Officiers qu’il appartiendra, de mettre devant cette Chambre, Copies de toutes Com- missions donnees par leurs Excellences Sir Alured Clarke, Lord Dorchester et Sir Robert Shore Milnes, aux Commissaires par eux nommes en vertu de 1’Acte ou Ordonnance passee dans la trente-unieme annee du Re- gne de Sa Feue Majesffi George Trois, intitule, “ Acte “ ou Ordonnance qui concerne la construction et la “ reparation des Eglises, Presbyffires et Cimetieres aussi, Rapport sur le. Bill des Cours de Justice et Prisons de Comtes. Rapport sur is Petition de S. Larochel. Instruction au sujet de 1'Or- donnance con- cernant la cons- truction des a Eglises, etc. Adresse pour des Papiers re- latifs a la con- struction des Eglises, etc. et de l'erection des Paroisses. 6 Will. IV. 4” Decembris. Address for Copy of a Dis- patch from the Right Honble. E. G. Stanley, dated 6th June 1833. Address for I Copy of a Dis- patch to the < Colonial Secre- tary, dated 18th March, 1835. Bill for preser- ving Grass on Beaches, pas- ed. Hhambly Col- ?ge Bill pas- ad. ’rotestant Christians Bill eported. also, a Copy of the Letters Patent of the 13th August 1824, granted by His late Majesty George the Fourth, to the Inhabitants of the Fief and Seigniory of Jolliet in the Disti ict of Quebec , constituting the said Seigniory a Catholic Parish for civil purposes, under the’namc of Ste. Claire j and, also, a Copy of the Letters Patent for a like purpose, granted on the 7th December next following, to the Parish of Sle. Catherine in the Seigni- ory of Fossambault, in the District of Quebec-, aiso, Copies of all applications which may have been made to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, concerning the erection of any Parish subsequently to the passing of the Act of the first year of His present Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “ An Act for ascertaining, establish- “ ing and confirming in a legal and regular manner, “ and for Civil purposes, the Parochial Subdivisions of “ various parts of this Province,” with regard to such Parishes only as have been erected by the Ecclesiastical Authorities alone, since the promulgation of the said Act ; and, also, Copies of all legal opinions which may have, from time to time, been given by the Crown Offi- cei s to the Executive Government of this Province, with regard to the execution or interpretation of the Act or Ordinance above mentioned, concerning the building and repairing of Churches, Parsonage Houses and Church Yards. Ordered, That Mr. Girouard, Mr. Berthelot , Mr. Morin and Mr. Jobin do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. On Motion of Mr. O'Callaghan, seconded by Mr. Huol , J Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that His Excellency will be pleased to transmit to this House, a Copy of a Dispatch from the Right Honorable E. G. Stanley, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, to Lieutenant General Lord Aylmer , dated Downing Street, 6th June 1833. Ordered, That Mr. O'Callaghan, Mr. Huot, Mr. Hotchkiss and Mr. Dubord do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. 239 aussi, Copie des Lettres Patentes du 13 Aout 1824, accordee par Sa beue Majeste George Quatre aux Ha- bitans dubiet et Seigneurie Jolliet dans le District de Quebec, erigeant civilement cefte Seigneurie en Pa- roisse Catholique, sous ienomde Ste. Claire-, et aussi, Copie des Lettres Patentes pour les memes fins, ac- cordees le 7 Decembre suivant a la ParoisseSfe. Cathe- rine, dans la Seigneurie de Fossambault, dant le Dis- trict de Quebec ; aussi Copie de toutes applications qui peuvent avoir ete faites a Son Excellence le Gouver- neur-en-Chef, au sujet de l’erection civile de toute Pa- role posUrieurement a I’Acte passe dans la premiere annee du Regne de Sa presente Majeste, intitule, “ Ac- “ te pour constater, etablir et confirmer d’une manu- re legale et reguliere, et pour les effets Civils, les “ subdivisions Paroissiales de differentes parties de " cette Province,” a l’egard seulement des Paroisses erigees par les Autorites Ecclesiastiques seules depuis la promulgation du clit Acte ; et enfin, Copie de toutes opinions legales qui ont pu avoir ete donnees de temps a autres par les Officiers de la Couronneau Gouverne- ment Executifde cette Province, au sujet de l’ex^cu- tion et de ^interpretation de l’Acte ou Ordonnance ci- devant mentionnee, concernant la construction et la re- paration des Egiises, Presbyteres et Cimetibres. Ordonne , Que M. Girouard, M. Berthelot, M. Mo- rin et M. Jobin presentent la dite Adresse a Son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Sur Motion de M. O’Callaghan, seconde par M. Huot, Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Excel- D°Pchedu e lence de vouloir bien transmettre a cette Chambre, Co- J r e e E. H G n stsa = pie d’une Depeche du Tres Honorable E.-G. Stanley, 6 alors Secretaire d’Etat pour le Departement des Colo- nies, au Lieutenant-General Lord Aylmer , datee Down- ing Street, 6 Juin 1833. Ordonne, Que M. O'Callaghan, M. Huot, M. Hotch- kiss et M. Dubord presentent la dite Adresse k Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a Adresse pour liis Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Ex- L°- pi . e f une „ !S xce ency would be pleased to transmit to this cellence de vouloir bien transmettre a cette Chambre, cretaire des Co- House Copy of a Dispatch addressed by Lieutenant Copie d’une Depeche adressee par le Lieutenant-G^ne- SSiS? 13 General Lord Aylmer to the Right Honorable the Earl ral Lord Aylmer au Trfcs-Honorable Comte A’ Aberdeen, of Aberdeen, dated Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 18th daUe Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 18 Mars 1835. March 1835. Ordered, That Mr. O'Callaghan, Mr. Child, Mr. Ar- Ordonne, Que M. O'Callaghan , M. Child, M. Ar- ena mbeault and Mr. Cole do present the said Address to chambeault et M. Cote presentent la dite Adresse k His Excellency the Governor in Chief. Son Excellence !e Gouverneur-en-Chef. An engrossed Bill for preserving, for the purposes of Un Bill grossoye pour conserver, pour les fins de Bl11 P° ur husbandly, the Grass growing on Beaches in the Dis- 1’Agriculture, le Foin qui croit sur les Greves, dans le suMeV S j, tnct of Quebec, was read for the third time. District de Quebec, a et6 lu pour la troisieme fois. pass *' Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordered, That Mr. Tachc do carry the said Bill to Ordonne, Que M. Tache porte le dit Bill au Conseil the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Legislatif, et demandeson concours. An engrossed Bill to incorporate the College of Cham - bly , was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Viger do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Un Bill grossoye pour incorporer le College de Cham - bly, a etelu pour la troisieme fois. ge de Chambly, Resolu, Que le Bill passe. pass6 " 0> donne, Que M. Viger porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Mr. O'Callaghan, from the Committee of the whole M. O'Callaghan, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur BiI , re i a ,if 8UI House on the Bill foi the relief of divers Societies of le Bill pour le soulagement de diverses Societes de Chr ® liens Pro - Protestant Christians therein mentioned, reported, ac- Chretiens Protestans y mentionn6es, a fait Rapport. Te" r8PP ° r ' cording to Order, the amendments made by the Com- conformement a l’Ordre, des amendemens fails au dit mittee Bill Resolutions 01 Hospitals and Charitable In stitutions re- porttd. 240 4 ° Decembris . J, 1 835 . Ti ll nar Ip Comit6 lesnuels amendemens out ete lus de m t e t^ c" bl^S agreedTo'by SS uouv’eau a la Tabli da Greffier, ct adopts par la Cham- Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. ^ Q»e le dU Bill, te, <,»««>* g ro. Mr hacoste, from the Committee of the whole House on the First and Second Reports of the Standing Com- mittee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, ie- norted, according to Order, the Resolutions of the said Committee ; which Resolutions were again lead at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and aie . s t0 "° W Reso’foed, That a sum, not exceeding One thou- sand one hundred and nine pounds sixteen shillings and four pence, currency, be granted to His Majesty, tor the purpose of reimbursing to the Corporation of the City of Quebec, the expenses by them incurred for r Samtary nurnoses. during the prevalence of the Asiatic Choieia it Quebec, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ihl % y Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding One thou- sand three hundred and seventy four pounds eighteen shillings and four pence, currency, be granted toll Majesty, for the purpose of reimbursing to the persons composing the Sanitary Committee established at Mon- treal the S expenses by them incurred for Sanitary pur- ges during the prevalence of the Asiatic Cholera in that City, in the year one thousand eight hundred and th f. y Reeved, That a sum, not exceeding One bun- dred and two pounds, currency, be granted to His Ma- iesty, for the purpose of enabling the Sanitary Commit- tee y of Montreal, to pay the Salaries of Practitioners by them employed to attend the Hospitals for Cholera Patients established at Montreal dunng the summer of the year one thousand eight hundred and thi ri«ofarf. That a sum not .exceeding Fifteen ^ j rnrrencv be granted to II is Majesty, foi t purpose* of enabling the Sanitary Committee of Mon. LJ/ to pay the account brought against them by one j B Saucer, for having buried certa.n persons who died at Montreal of Asiatic Cholera, in one thousand eiMit hundred and thirty four. . Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Ihirty tour nmmds currency, be granted to His Majesty, to pay Or Anderson for his attendance and services at the Cholera Hospital established at Lachine, m one thou- sand eiMit hundred and thirty four. 6 Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Forty _ mne nounds ten shillings, currency, be granted to His "la estv to be paid to Dr. Frangois Fortier, as the ba.ance due^him for his services as Health Officer at the 1 o\t o Quebec, in the year one thousand eight hundred and 1,1 7 ^Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty five nnnnds currency, he granted to His Majesty, to be Lid to’ Dr. Lacroix, of Chateauguay, as the balance due him for professional services rendered at the in- stance of the Board of Health at Lapratne, during the prevalence of the Cholera in one thousand eight hun- dred and thirty two. 8. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Thirty se ven pounds one shilling and nine pence half penny, currency, be granted to His Majesty, to be paid to Dr. Varant, as the balance of his Salary as Visiting 1 hysi- cian at the Port of Quebec, in one thousand eight Hun- dred and thirty four. 9. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding I hree hun- dred and three pounds ten shillings, currency, oe granted M. Lacoste, Hu Comite de toute la Chambre sui le Premier et le Second Rapport du Comite Fcrmanen ug**.* nnur les Hooitaux et Institutions de Cbante, a iau rapport $. Rapport, conformement al’Ordre, des Ryolnt.ons du ditComitd, lesquelles Resolutions out Hi nou- veau i la Table du Greffier, et adoptees par la Cham hrp • et elles sont comme suit: _ l’ Resolu, Qu’ilsoit accorde a Sa Majeste une som- me n’excedant pas Onze cent neuf livres seize schellings et quatre deniers courant, pour etre employee a rem hourser la Corporation de la Cite d e Quebe , penses par el l e faites pour des fins sanitaires pendant [a duree du Cholera Asiatique a Quebec, dans 1 annee mil-huit-cent-trente-quatre. a TUsolu, Qu’il soit accorde 4 Sa Majesld une somme n’excddant pas Mille trois cent soixante-et-quatorze livreT dix-huit schellings et quatre deniers courant, pour etre employee a rembonrscr les personnes com- nosant le Comitl Sanitaire etabli 4 Montreal, pour de- fenses par elles faites pour des fins sanitaires a Mont- S pendant la dur^e du Cholera Asiatique en cette ville, dans l’annee mil-huit-cent-trente-quatre. 8 Resolu, Qu’il soit accord^ h Sa Majeste une somme n’escddant pas Cent deux hvres courant, pour nmttre le Comite Sanitaire de Montreal, en etat de saHrier les Medecins qu’il a employes pour le service des Hopitaux de Choleriques etablis a Montreal , dans Fete de mil-huit-cent-trente-quatre. 4. Resolu , Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Quinze livres courant, pout mettle e Comite Sanitaire de Montreal en etat e P^ e Compte produit contre lui par le nomine J.-B. AflMCcr, pour l’inhumation de personnes decedees a Montreal par suite du Cholera Asiatique, en mil-huit-cent-trente qU f C Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde h Sa Majeste une som- me n’excedant pas Trente-quatre livres courant, poui paver le Dr. Anderson de ses soins et services a 1 Hopi* taldes Choleriques etabli a Lachine en mil-huit-cent- tie rX/"* Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majeste une som- me n’excedant pas Quarante-neuf livres dix schellings courant, pour etre payee an Dr. Frangois Fortier pour balance de ses services comme Ofticiei de Sante au Port de Quebec, en mil-huit-cent-trente-deux. 7. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majest6 une som- me n’excedant pas Vingt-cinq livres courant, pour etre payee au Dr. Lacroix, de Chateauguay, pour balance lie ses services professionals rendus a la demande du Bureau Sanitaire de Lapraine, pendant la duiee du Cholera en mil-huit-cent-trente-deux. 8. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majesty h u J?5 [ me n’excedant pas Trente-sept livres uu sch ® 11 ‘"g neuf deniers et demi courant, pour etre P a J ee . lU yi •* Farant, pour balance de Salaire comme M^decin Vis,. teur au Port de Quebec, en mibhuit-cent-trente-qu e. 9. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde a S a. M a j e s t e une so m - me n’excedant pas Trois cents livres dix sc le i g 4 idliU 6 Will. IV. 4° Decembris . 241 granted to His Majesty, to be paid to Dr. Tcssier, as a rant, pour etre payee au Dr. Tessier , comme remune- remuneration for his services as Health Officer at the ration pour services par lui rendus comme Officier de Port of Quebec , in the years one thousand eight hundred Sante au Port de Quebec , en mil-huit-cent-trente et mil- and thirty, and one thousand eight hundred and thirty hnit-cent-trente-et-un. one. 10. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding One hun- dred pounds, currency, be granted to His Majesty, as an aid to the Lady Managers of the Orphan Asylum established at Quebec, towards completing their Esta- blishment for the reception of such Orphans. 11. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding One hun- dred and fifty pounds, currency, be granted to His Ma- jesty, to be paid to the Corporation of the Magdalen Asylum at Montreal , for the purpose of enabling them to meet the future expenses of the said Corporation. 12. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Seventy five pounds, currency, be granted to His Majesty, as an aid to the Lady Managers of the Orphan Asylum in the St. Rocli Suburbs of Quebec , towards completing their Establishment. 13. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Six hun- dred pounds, currency, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the expense of the maintenance of the Found- lings in the General Hospital of the Grey Nuns at Mon- treal, from the tenth October, one thousand eight hun- dred and thirty four, to the tenth of October, one thou- sand eight hundred and thirty five. 14. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Six hun- dred pounds, currency, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the expense of the maintenance of the Found- lings in the Hospital of the Grey Nuns at Montreal, from the tenth of October last, until the tenth of Octo- ber next. 15. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty four pounds six shillings currency, be granted to His Majesty 7 , to pay the balance of the expenses incurred by the Community of the Grey Nuns of the General Hospital at .Montreal, in maintaining the Insane persons in that Institution during the y^ear ended on the tenth of October last. 16. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Seventy three pounds, currency, be granted to His Majesty 7 , for the maintenance of the Insane persons in the said Esta- blishment, during the year ending on the tenth day of October next. 17- Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding One hun- dred pounds, currency 7 , be granted to His Majesty, as an aid to the Ladies Charitable Society at Montreal, towards supporting the Orphans under their care. 18. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding One hun- dred pounds, currency, be granted to His Majesty, as an aid to the Ladies Benevolent Society at Montreal, towards supporting the Widows and Orphans under their protection. 19. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds, currency, be granted to His Majesty, as an aid for the Orphan Asylum at Montreal. 20. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Three thou- sand eight hundred and sixty three pounds fifteen shil- lings and four pence, sterling, be granted to His Ma- jesty, to indemnify the late Governor in Chief for the sums by him advanced out of the Public Monies of the Province, to defray the expenses of the Quarantine Es- tablishment at Grosse Isle, in one thousand eight hun- dred and thirty four. 21. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Two thou- sand three hundred and thirty five pounds eighteen shillings and eight pence, currency, be granted to Flis Majesty, to reimburse to the Commissioners for the support of Insane persons, Invalids and Foundlings for the 10. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Cent livres courant, pour aider les Dames Directrices de l’Asyle des Orphelins etabli 4 Quebec , a completer leur Etablissement employe a la reception des dits Orphelins. 11. Resolu , Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Cent cinquante livres courant, pour etre payee a la Corporation des Filles Repenties a Montreal , afin de la mettre en etat de subvenir a la depense future de la dite Corporation. 12. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majesty une somme n’excedant pas Soixante-et-quinze livres cou- rant, pour aider les Dames Directrices de 1’Asvle des Orphelins au Faubourg St. Rock de Quebec, a comple- ter leur Etablissement. 13. Resolu, Qu’il soit accordd a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Six cents livres courant, pour depenses faites pour soutenir les Enfans trouves gardes a l’Hopital General des Soeurs-Grises de Montreal, de- puis le dix Octobre mil-huitcent-trente-quatre jusqu’au dix Octobre mil-huit-cent-trente-cinq. 14. Resolu, Qu'il soit accorde a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Six cents livres courant, pour le soutien des Enfans-trouves gardes dans l’Hopital des Soeurs Grises a Montreal, depuis le dix Octobre der- nier jusqu’au dix Octobre prochain. 15. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Vingt quatre livres six schel- lings courant, pour payer la balance des depenses faites par la Communaute des Soeurs Grises de l’Hopital General de Montreal, pour le soutien des Insenses gardes dans leur Etablissement, pendant 1’annee expi- ree le dix Octobre dernier. 16. Resolu, Qu’il soit accords a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Soixante-et-treize livres courant, pour le soutien des Insenses gardes dans le dit Etablis- ment, pendant l’annee qui expirera le dix Octobre prochain. 17. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majesty une somme n’excedant pas Cent livres courant, pour aider les Dames de la Charite de Montreal a soutenir les Orphelins sous leurs soins. IS. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majeste une somme n'excedant pas Cent livres courant, pour aider les Dames de la Societe Bienveillante de Montreal \ soutenir les Veuves et Orphelins sous leur protection. 19. Resolu, Qu'il soit accords a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Cinquante livres courant, comme aide pour 1’Asyle des Orphelins de Montreal. 20. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Trois rr.ille huit cent soixante- et-trois livres quinze schellings et quatre deniers ster- ling, pour indemniser le ci-devant Gouverneur-en- Chef, des avances par lui faites a m&me les deniers de la Province, pour subvenir aux depenses du Lazaret etabli a la Grosse-Ile, en mil-huit-cent-trente*quatre. 21. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde' a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Deux mille trois cent trente-cinq livres dix-huit schellings et huit deniers courant, pour rembourser les Commissaircs pour le soulagement des Insenses, Invalides et Enfans trouves pour le District de Vol — 45. 3 P 242 4° Decembris , J. 1835. the District of Quebec, the expenses by them incurred for the purposes aforesaid, during the year ended on the tenth of October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty five. 22*. Resolved , That a sum, not exceeding Five hun- dred and eleven pounds, currency, be granted to His Majesty, to provide for the support of the Infirm per- sons under the care of the Religious Ladies of the Ge- neral Hospital at Quebec, for the year ending on the tenth of October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty six. 23. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Four hun- dred and twenty five pounds sixteen shillings and eight pence, currency, be granted to His Majesty, to provide for the support of Insane persons in the District of Quebec, during the same period. 24. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty five pounds, currency, be granted to His Majesty, to pay a Keeper for the said Insane persons in the said District, during the same period. 25. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding One hun- dred pounds, currency, be granted to His Majesty, to provide for the Infirm persons in tiie said District, du- ring the same period. 26. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Eight hun- dred and eighty five pounds, currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the support of the Foundlings in the said District, during the same period. 27 . Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds, currency, be granted to Ilis Majesty, to pay a Matron to take charge of the Foundlings in the said District, during the same period. 28. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Fifteen pounds, currency, be granted to His Majesty, to pro- vide Clothing for the Foundlings in the said District, during the same period. 29. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Two hun- dred pounds, currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the relief of Indigent Sick persons in the Hotel-Dieu at Quebec, during the same period. Resolution on Mr. Dubord, from the Committee of the whole blouse Hospitals and on t [ ie Third Report of the Standing Committee for Charitable In- . . _ *. . T n . stitutions re- Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, reported, accord- poned- ing to Older, the Resolution of the said Committee ; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is as f'olloweth : Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Ninety eight pounds fourteen shillings and eight pence, currency, be granted to His Majesty, to be paid to Dr. Beaubien, of Montreal, being the balance of his Salary as Physician to the Cholera Hospital at Montreal, in one thousand eight hundred and thirty two. charitable in- Ordered , That Mr. Caron have leave to bring in a ‘‘ead'thefifst 1 Bill to provide for the support of divers Charitable In- ll ® e - stitutions, and for other purposes therein mentioned. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Monday next. Resolutions on Mr. Ijacoste, from the Committee of the whole House chaTuabi/in- on the Fourth Report of the Standing Committee for potted" 5 re * Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, reported, accord- ing to Order, the Resolutions of the said Committee ; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Ta- ble and agreed to by the House ; and are as f’olloweth : 1. Resolved, That it is expedient to impose a Ton- nage Duty on Vessels coming from beyond Sea, to meet de Quebec, des depenses par eux faites pour les fins sus- dites pendant l’annbe expiree le dix Octobre mil-huit- cent-trente-cinq. 22. Resolu, Qu'il soit accorde a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Cinq cent onze livres courant, pour pourvoir au soutien des Invalides sous les soins des Dames Religieuses de I’Hopital General de Quebec , pour l’annee qui expirera le dix Octobre mil-huit-cent- trente-six. 23. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde h Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Quatre cent vingt-cinq livres seize schellings et huit deniers courant, pour subvenir au soutien des Insenses pour le District de Quebec, pour la meme periode. 24. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Vingt-cinq livres courant, pour payer un Gardien pour les Insenses dans le dit District, pour la meme periode. 25. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majestb une somme n’excedant pas Cent livres courant, pour le ve- tement des Invalides dans le dit District, pour la meme periode. 2G. Resolu , Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Huit cent quatre-vingt-cinq li- vres courant, pour le soutien des Enfans trouves dans le dit District, pour la meme periode. 27. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Cinquante livres courant, pour payer une Gardienne pour les Enfans trouves dans le dit District, pour la meme periode. 28. Resolu, Qu’il soit accords a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Quinze livres courant, pour pourvoir de vetemens les Enfans-trouves dans le dit District, pour la meme periode. 29. Resolu, Qu’il soit accorde a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Deux cents livres courant, pour secourir les malades indigens a I s Hotel-Dieu de Que- bec, pour la meme periode. M. Dubord, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Troisieme Rapport du Comite Permanent pour les Ho- pitaux et Institutions de Charite, a fait rapport, con- formement a l’Ordre, de la Resolution du dit Comite, laquellc Resolution a » amender les Ragles de cette Chambre, relativement aux hveTau"^! 18 Petitions pour des Bills prives, ayant 6te lu ; Bias pm6s du * La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Cornite. M. Dubord a pris le Fauteuil du Cornite j avoir siege quelque temps, M. lOrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Dubord a fait rapport que le Comitd avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander per- mission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait Ia permission de sieger de nouveau, Lundi prochain. et apres y committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee ifc°impro d vf- ub * on the First Report of the Standing Committee of meDts - Roads and Public Improvements, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution, which he was directed to submit to the House ; and, also, that he was directed bv the Committee to move for leave to sit again. * Ordered , That the Report be received to morrow. Ordered , That the said Committee have leave to sit again. Mr. Speaker having put the Question, Shall the Com- mittee sit again on the 26th December instant? The House divided : Yeas, 31. Nays, 10. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered, Accordingly. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en com,t6surie 5 Cornite sur le Premier Rapport du Cornite Permanent AmSorluon* des Chemnset des Ameliorations Publiques, avant ete P™b!iq 0 uea.' 0ns lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Cornite. M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Cornite, et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Bardy a fait rapport que le Cornite avait passe une Resolution, qu’il avait ordre de soumettre a la Cham- bre ; et aussi, qu’il lui Oait enjoint par le Cornite, de demander permission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re 5 U demain- Ordonne , Que le dit Cornite ait la permission de sieger de nouveau. M. l’Orateur ayant mis la Question : Le Comite siegera-t-il de nouveau le 26 Decembre present ? La Chambre s’est divisee : Pour, 31. Contre, 10. Ainsi elle a He emportee dans 1’Affirmative, et Ordonne , En consequence. Seame n $* ,e w a The O r d er of the day f° r the Plouse in Committee gesBm. on the Bill to provide less expensive means for the re- covery of the Wages due to Seamen of Vessels belong- ing to or registered in this Province, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Scott took the Chair of the Committee. Several Members having retired, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. And the names of the Members present, were taken down, as followeth: Mr. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comiteaurie Comit6sur le Bill qui pourvoit a recouvrer avec moins ®' a " e r e e ^ f au * de frais les Gages dus aux Equipages des Vaisseaux ap- Mateiots partenans ou enregistres dans cette Province, ayant etd lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formde en le dit Cornite. M. Scott a pris le Fauteuil du Comite. Plusieurs Membres s’etant retires, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. Etles Nonas des Membres presens ont et£pris comme suit : M. 4 ° — 5° Decetnbris, A. 1835 . £44 Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Archambeault . Bardy, Barnard , Berthelot , Bertrand , Besserer, Blackburn, Blancliet, Bone, Bou- tHHer Careau, Caron, Cazeau, Child, Clapham, Deligny, De Witt Pierre Antoine Dorian, Dubord, Fortin, leaser, Girouard , Guillet, Hebert, Hu of, .Tobin, Lacoste , Moore, Morin, Mousseau, 0 Callaghan, Power, Scott, Simon, Toomy, Trudtl and f%er. . , , , And at three quarters past nine o’clock at night, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House, for want ot a Quorum. M. 1 ’Orateur, Messieurs, Archambeault , Bardy, Barnard, Berthelot, Bertrand , Besserer, Blackburn, Blancliet, Bouc, Bou- tillicr, Careau, Caron, Cazeau, Child, Clapham, Deligny, De Witt, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Dubord, Tortin, Iraser , Girouard, Guillet, Hebert, Huot, Jobin, Lae.oste, Larue, Moore, Morin, Mousseau, O’Callaghan, Power, Scott , Simon, Toomy, Trudel et Tiger. Et a neuf heures trois quarts du soir, M. 1 ’Orateur a ajourne la Chambre, faute de Quorum. Saturday , 5th December, 1S35. Law Practi tioners const dered and agreed to. ,N Motion of Mr. Vanfelson, seconded by Mr. J Fortin, . Council e Ordered, That the Amendments made by the Legis- amendments to ] a p lve Council to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act to re- B, u reJa, ' nR l ° « peal certain parts cf an Ordinance therein mentioned, “ concerning persons to be admitted to practice Uie “ Law, or to practise as Notaries in this Province, be now taken into consideration. The House proceeded accordingly to take the said Amendments into consideration. And the said Amendments were read, as followeth: Press 1. Line 32.— After “ aforesaid,” insert “as amend- “ ed by this Act.” 4 i “ 39 . — After “ established” insert “ or “ which shall be legally established in “ this Province or elsewhere.” And the said Amendments being again read, they were agreed to by the House. Ordered, That Mr. Vanfelson do cany back the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and acquaint their Ho- nors that this House hath agreed to their Amendments. On Motion of Mr. Dubord, seconded by Mr. Hotch- kiss, Address for Pa- Pesolved, Th at an humble Address be pi esented to i Sis Z s ruZ C Mo. Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying him to be nies, since the , j to cause to be laid before this House, a Statement Nr.°Haufss ° 0 f t ] ie amount of the monies in the Public Chest at the Recover Gene- time of the a pp 0 i n tment of the Honorable John Hale, as Receiver General of this Province \ and, also, an Account Current of the sums received and paid by the said Receiver General during each year, up to the 10 th October 1835, shewing the sums paid by the se- veral Departments of the Public Service into the Pub- lic Chest of the Province, and the sums paid by the said Receiver General, and by what authority, and for what purposes they were so paid. Ordered, 4 hat Mr. Dubord, Mi. Hotchkiss , Mi. Grannis and Mr. Deligny do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. Samedi, 5 Decembre 1835. :iUR Motion de M- Vanfelson, seconde par M. Fortin, Ordonne, Que les amendemens faits par le Conseil Legislatif au Bill, intitule “ Acte pour rappeler cer- “ taines parties d’une Ordonnance y mentionne, qui “ concerne les personnes qui doivent etie admises a pict- 44 tiquer la Loi ou a pratiquer comme iNotaires en cette “ Province,” soient maintenant pris en consideration- La Chambre a en consequence proced 6 a prendre les dits Amendemens en consideration. Et les dits Amendemens ont etc lus, comme suit : Feuille lire. Ligne 35 — Apres “ susdite,” inserez “ telle qu’amendee par cet “ Acte.” i 4 «« a 42. — A,pr£s “ Habli,” inserez “ ou qui seront legalement “ etablis dans cette Province “ ou ailieurs.” £t les dits Amendemens ayant ete lus de nouveau, ils ont et 6 adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que M. Vanfelson reporte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et informe leurs Honneurs que cette Chambre a adopt 6 leurs Amendemens. Sur Motion de M. Dubord , second^ par M. Hotch- kiss, Resolu , Qu*il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le priant de faire mettre devant la Chambre, un Etat du montant des Demers qui se trouvaient dans les Coffres Publics lors de l’appointement de 1’ Honorable John Hale, comme Receveur-General de cette Province ; aussi.un Compte courant de la Recette etde la Depensedu dit Receveur- General, donne en annee jusqu’au 10 Octobre 1835, montrant les sommes versees par les differens Departe- mens du Service Public dans les Coffres de la Provin- ce, et les sommes par lui payees, et par quelle autoritd et pour quels objets elles ont ete payees. Ordonne, Que M. Dubord, M. Hotchkiss M. Grannis et M. Deligny presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Amendemens du Conseil au Bill relatif au* Praticiens en Loi, consideres et adoptes. Adresse pour des Papiers au sujet des De- niers Publics, depuis la) nomi* nation de M. Hale comme Receveur-G6- neral. Message from Stephen Walcott , Esquire, Civil oecietary to His His Excellency. £ xce || enC y ^ e Governor in Chief, was admitted with- in the Bar, and delivered to Mr. Speaker, a Message from His Excellency the Governor in Chief, signed by His Excellency. And then he withdrew. And the said Message was read by Mr. Speaker, all the Members of the House being uncovered, and is as followeth : Stephen Walcott, Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Message de son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, a ete admis en de- ExceUence - dans de la Bane, et a remis a M. 1’Orateur, un Mes- sage de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, signd par Son Excellence. Et ensuite il s’est retire. Et ledit Message a He lu par M. 1 ’Orateur, tous les Membres de la Chambre etant decouverts j et il est comme suit : GGSFCR D, GOSFORD, I 6 Will. IV. 5° Decembris . 245 G OS FORD, Governor in Chief. Custom House The Governor in Chief transmits for the information at Montreal. of the House of Assembly, a Copy of a Letter, together with Plans, Specifications and Estimates, from the Com- missioners appointed under the Act of the 4th Will. IV. Cap. 13, to ascertain the most eligible site and plan for, and the probable cost of, a Custom House for the Port of Montreal , and invites the attention of the House to this subject. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 5th December 1835. GOSFORD, Gouverneur-en-Chef. Le Gouverneur-en-Chef transmet pour l’informa- »°uane * tion de la Chambre d’ Assemble, Copie d’une Lettre, Monlr * al ' ayee ensemble des Plans, Devis et Estimations, des Commissaires nomm£s en vertu de V Acte de la 4e Quill. IV. Chap. 13, pour s’assurer du lieu et du plan les plus convenables, et du cout probable, d’une Douane pour le Port de Montreal, etil appelle l’attention de la Chambre sur le sujet. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec, 5 Decembre 1835. Copy of the Letter referred to in the preceding Message. (Copy.) ‘ Montreal, 28th February, 1835. Sir, I herewith send to your address three sets of Plans, he., of a Custom House for the Port of Montreal, also the Report of the Commission, which I beg to request you will cause to be laid before the Legislature as the Act directs. The expenses the Commissioners have been at in the discharge of their duty, is as follows : For the most suitable Plan, £25 0 0 For the next best do. 12 10 0 Advertizing for Plans in all the Montreal Papers, 2 19 0 Copie de la Lettre a laquelle renvoie le Message qui precede. ° 1 (Copie.) Montreal, 28 Fevrier 1835. Monsieur, J envoie avec la presente a votre adresse, trois jeux de Plans, etc., d’une Douane pour le Port de Montreal, ainsi que le Rapport de la Commission que je prends la libert6 de vous prior de faire mettre de vant la Legislature, tel que l’Acte l’ordonne. Les defenses que les Commissaires ont faites dans 1 accomplissement de leurs devoirs, sont comme suit : Pour le Plan le plus convenable, £25 0 0 Pour le meilleur ensuite, \2 10 0 Avertissement relativement aux Plans, dans tous les Papiers de Montreal, 2 19 0 £40 9 0 which amount I shall apply for soon. Mr. Miller having gone to England some time ago, the duty of addressing you alone has devolved upon me. The Report, however, was agreed upon between us before he went; and he has authorized me by Let- ter to forward the same. I have the honor to be, &c., &c., he. (Signed,) C. LAMONTAGNE, Commissioner. To H. Craig, Esquire. Civil Secretary. *£40 9 0 somme que je demanderai bientot. M. Miller etant parti depuis quelque temps pour P Angleterre, le devoir de vous <§crire retombe sur moi seul ; cependant le Rapport a et6 agr£e entre nous avant son depart, et il m’a autorise par lettre a vous le transmettre. A J’ai 1’honneur d’etre, etc., etc., etc. (Signe,) C. LAMONTAGNE, Commissaire. H. Craig, Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil. Papers deliver- ed at the Bar : List of lots of ground granted in free and common soc- cage. Return of ap- plications for Land under franc-alleu- noble and rotu- fier. Appendix (C. C.) Petitions and Correspondence relating to Commissioners of Small Causes in Beau- harnoisand Acadie. The House being informed that Stephen Walcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to His Excellency the Gover- nor in Chief, was at the door, he was called in ; and at the Bar delivered, pursuant to Addresses to His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief, of the 21st, 27th and 30th ultimo, the following Documents: 1st. A List of all Lots of Ground granted in Free and Common Soccage, or under any other Tenure re- cognized by the Laws of Great Britain, since the 30th December 1832, within the limits of the Seigniories, and not wilhin the Townships. 2nd. A Return of applications for Land under the Tenure of J'ranc-alleu-noble, and franc-alleu-roturier , since November 1832. 3rd. A Report of the Provincial Secretary that no Lands have been granted under the Tenures of franc- alleu-noblc, and franc-alleu-r oturier, since November 1832. For the said Documents, see Appendix (C. C.) at the end of this Volume. 4th. Petitions and Correspondence praying for the appointment of Commissioners for Small Causes in the County of Beauharnois . 5th. Petitions and Copies of Correspondence respec- ting the appointment of Commissioners for Small Causes in the County of Acadie. For La Chambre etant informee que Stephen Walcott Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Excellence le Gou- verneur-en-Chef, £tait a la Porte, il a 6te appele, et a re- mis a la Barre, conformement a des Adresses a Son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 21, du 27 et du 30 du mois dernier, les Documens suivans : 1°. Une Liste de tous les Terreins concedes en c et Commun Soccage, ou sous toute autre Tenure reconnue par les Lois de la Grande- Bretagne, depuis le 30 Decembre 1832, dans les limites des Seigneuries, et non dans les Townships. 2°. IJn Retour des applications pour des terres sous les Tenures en Franc-Alleu Noble, et en Franc- Alleu Roturier, depuis Novcmbre 1832. 3 ° . Un Rapport du Secretaire Provincial, qu’au- cune terre n’a concede sous les Tenures en Franc- AUeu Noble, et en Franc-Alleu Roturier, depuis No- vembre 1832. Pour les dits Documens, voir Appendice (C.C.) a la fin de ce Volume. 4 ° . Petitions et Corrcspondance demandant la no- mination de Commissaires pour les Petites Causes dans le Comt6 de Beauharnois. 5°. Petitions et Copies de Corrcspondance relati- ves a la nomination de Commissaires nour les Poiitrs Causes dans le Comte de V Acadie. 3 Q Fapiers remts a la Barre. Liste des Ter- reins concedes en Franc et Commun Soc- cage. Retour des ap- plications pout des Terres sous la Tenure en Franc-Alleu noble et rotu- rier. Appendice (C.C.) Petitions et Correspondence relatives aux Commissaires des Petites Causes dans Beauharnois ct 1' Acadie. Pour £46 5° Dccembris . A, 1835 . Appendix (D. D.) For the said Documents, see Appendix (D. D.J at the end of this Volume. Message rela- ting to Cu'tom House nt Mont- real, referred. Resolved, That the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, with the accompanying Documents, received this day, relating to a Custom House for the Port of Montreal, be referred to a Committee of five Members, to examine the same and report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for per- sons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie, Mr. De Wilt, Mr. John , Mr. Viger and Mr. Clapkam do compose the said Com- mittee. Pour les dits Documens, voir Appendice (D.l>.) a A ( u*D.) Ce la fin de ce Volume. Resolu, Que le Message de Son Excellence le Message Gouverneur-en-Chef, avec les Documens qui 1 accom- gumj ^ pao-nent, regus ce jour, relativement a une Maison de Douane pour le Port de Montreal, soient refers a un Comitd de cinq Membres, pour les examiner et en luire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pou- voir d’envoyer qu^rir personnes, papiers et recoids. Or dome, Que M. Leslie , M. De Witt , M. John, M. Viger et M. Clapkam composent le dit Comite. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Bar dp, Documents re- Ordered, That the Documents delivered at the Ear LTS fc r . nn,s of the House, this day, on the subject of grants of Lands, ferred. referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. On Motion of Mr. Cote, seconded by Mr. Hotchkiss, The Docu- Ordered, That the Documents delivered at the Bar - of the House, this day, respecting the appointment of causes S in a A- Commissioners for Small Causes in the County ot tadie, referred. Acadie, be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to revive, amend, and continue for a limited time, an Act further to provide for the summary trial of Small Causes. Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M . Bar dy, Ordonne, Que les Documens remis ce jour a a Barre de la Chambre, au sujet des Concessions de terres, soient r6fer£s au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux. Sur Motion de M. Cole, seconde par M. Hotchkiss, Ordonne, Que les Documens remis ce jour a la Bar- Lm Documens re de la Chambre, relatifs Jt la nomination de Com- Commissaires missaires pour les Petites Causes dans le Comte de Aca _ VAcadie, soient ref6r6s au Comit6 Special auquel a die, refers. rHM le Bill pour remettre en force, amender et continuer, pour un temps limits, un Acte pour pour- voir ult6rieurement a la decision sommaire des Petites Causes. Pin to regulate Mr Meilleur, from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to regulate the Notarial Profession, poued. reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s fable, and agiecd to by the House. Ordered, That the following amendment be made to the twelfth Clause of the said Bill*. After the word “ established,” insert the woids os- soy 6. Resolution on Roads and Public Im- provements re- ported. Ste. Anne Bridge Bill read the first time. Mr. Bardij, from the Committee of the whole House on the First Report of the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements, reported, according to Order, the Resolution of the said Committee; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s lable, and agreed to by the House; and is as followetli : Resolved, That it is expedient that a sum, not ex- ceeding One thousand eight hundred pounds curiency, be granted to His Majesty, to aid the Inhabitants o the Parish of Ste. Anne de la Perade , in constructing a Bridge over the lliver Ste. Anne in the said Pansb, in the Countv of Champlain, from the public wharf near l he Church, to the Island belonging to Louis Ban - baull, and thence across the South ’Western channel of the said River to the main land of the opposite shore, on condition that the Inhabitants aforesaid shall give good and sufficient security that they wdl complete the said Bridge at their own expense. Ordered, That Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorian have leave to bring in a Bill to appropriate a certain sum of money for the construction of a Bridge over the Rivei Ste. Anne, in the County of Champlain. lie accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Friday next. M. Bardy, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Resolution sur Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent des Chemins et Ameliorations des Ameliorations publiques, a fait Rapport, conform^- ^ ues ’ ra P" ment a FOrdre, de la Resolution du dit Comite, laquel- le Resolution a £t6 lue de nouveau a la Table du Gref- fier, et adoptee par la Chambre ; et el le est cornme suit . Resolu, Qu’il est expedient d’accorder a Sa Majesty une somme nexcedant pas Mille huit cents livrescou- rant, pour aider les Habitans de la 1 aioisse Ste. Anne de la Perade, a construire un Pont sur la Riviere Ste. Anne, dans la dite Paroisse, dans le Comte de Champlain, a partir du Quai Public pres (le 1 Eghse, jusqu’a file de Louis Bavibault, et de la a tiaveis le Canal du cot6 du Sud-Ouest de la dite Riviere, jus- qu’a la terre ferme, sur la rive opposee, a condition que les dits Habitans donnent bonne et suffisantc Cau- tion qu’ils parachkveront le dit PonU leurs frais. Ordonne, Que M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion ait la per- mission d introduire un Bill pour affecter une ceitaine somme d’argent pour la construction d’un Pont sui la Riviere Ste. Anne, dans le Comt6 de Champlain. ^ II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequcl aete lu pour la premiere fois, et dontla seconde lectuie a cte ordonnee pour Vendredi prochain. Bill du Pont de Ste. Anne lu la premiere fois. St.Cliailes Free Bridge Bill lead the second time. A Bill to establish a Free Bridge over the River St. Charles, was, according to Order, read a second time. Mr. Conformement Pont gratuit sur seconde fois. a 1 ’Ordre, un Bill pour etablir un emju p«t la Riviere St. Charles , a 6t6 lu une cbaries,iuune seconde fois. M. 6 Will. IV, 5° Decembris . 247 Mr. V anfelson moved, seconded by Mr. Dubord, That the said Bill be referred to a Committee of five Mem- bers, to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. The House divided on the Question: Yeas, 26. Nays, 23. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved, Accordingly. Ordered, That Mr. Vanfelson, Mr. Besserer , Mr. Berthelot , Mr. Jobin and Mr. Dubord do compose the said Committee. Bill to repeal an . r>MI l . . . Act relating to A Dill to repeal an Act therein mentioned concern- Scowspatsing in g tIie Inspector and Measurers of Rafts and Scows, wad‘the Second and the Pilots thereof » between Chateauguay and Mont- real, and for other purposes therein mentioned, was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, w’ith power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Archambeault, Mr. Leslie, Mr. De Witt, Mr. Jobin and Mr. Girouard do compose the said Committee. M. V anfelson a propose, second^ par M. Dubord Que le dit Bill soit reffir6 a un Comite de cinq Mem- bres, pour en faire Rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d envoyer querir personnes papiers et records. * La Chambre s’est divis^e sur la Question : Pour, 26. Centre, 23. Ainsi elle a 6t6 emporffe dans 1* Affirmative et Resolu, En consequence. ’ Ordonne , Que M. Vanfelson, M. Besserer, M. Ber - thclot, M. Jobin et M. Dubord composentle dit ComitC Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour abroger un m pouf ab ro. Acte y mcntionn<$, concernant Plnspecteur et les Me- ’ sureurs des Bacs et Cages et les Pilotes d* iceux entre et p® 3 - Chateauguay et Montreal, et pour d’autres fins y men- tionn^es, a lu une seconde fois. seconder®!*. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit r£fer£ a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire Rapport avec toute la diligen- ce convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir person- nes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Archambeault, M. Leslie, M. De- Hut, M, Jobin et M. Girouard convposent le dit Comite. b?y bui defer™ The Order of the day for the second reading of the red - Bill to enable the Commissioners for the erection of a new Hall of Assembly, to pay off a certain excess of expenditure, and to cause certain work to be done about the said Building, being read; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Wednesday next. LOrdre du jour pour laseeonde lecture du Bill pour ® illausu J* t mettre les Commissaires pour l’erection d’une nouvelle s&mcesdej Salle des Seances de P Assemble en 6tat de couvrir un ^ semb, ‘ e ’ re exc^dant de depenses, et de faire faire certains ouvra- ges au dit Batiment, ayant . Yards.” Resolve d, That the said Resolution be referred to a Committee of five Members, to make their observations and report thereon with all convenient speed, by Bill or otherwise, with power to send for persons, papeis an Orrferech* That Mr. Guillet, Mr. Girouard, Mr .Jo bin, Mr . Caron and Mr. Vanfelson do compose the said Com- mittee. L’Ordredu lour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite pour consider s’il ue serait pas expedient rgjj-4- d’amenderun Acte passe dans la premiere amiee du — u~a» Regne de Sa presente Majeste, intitule, A P “ eonstater etablir et confirmer d’une maniere legale “ et rdculilre, et pour les effets civils, les Subdivisions .1 Parofssiales de diffirentea parties de cette Province, avec une Instruction au dit Comite de consideier. aus- “il ne serait pas convenable d'cxpl.quer on modifier l’Acteou Ordonnance de la 31e Geo. HI, q“‘ con " cerne la construction et la reparation des Eglises, Presbyteres, et Cimeti&res, ayant ete lu > x La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le d C M U W« int i t ul e d, “ An Act for making a Rad Road f o Act. lnnruieu, iiv.u .v.. o , . “ Lake Champlain to the River St. Lawrence , being re *The House accordingly resolved itself into the said C °M Ti)TwHt took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. De Witt reported that the Committee had aone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received on Monday next. L’Ordredu jour pour que la Chambre se forme en gMgft, Comity sur le Bill pour amender et etendre les dispo- a Lisses du Lac S", Acte intitule, Acte pour pourvoir a la «~ “ construction d’nn Chemin a Lisses entie le Lac “ Champlain e tleFleuve St. Laurent, ayant ete u ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit M. De Wilt a pris le Fauteuil du Coinitc j et apies y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. De Witt a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, ety avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit recu Lundi prochain. „ The Order of the day for the House in Committee on SJra* the Bill to consolidate the several Acts relating to the ferred - administration of Justice in the District of St. Francis , and to amend certain of the said Acts, being read; Mr. Child moved, seconded by Mr. Vtger, That the said Order of the day be postponed till Saturday next. The House divided on the Question : Yeas, 37. Hays, 4. go LOrdre du jour pour que la Chambie se forme ten rarj.Jj*» Comite sur le Bill pour r£unir en un seul les cnvt Fran<;oiS( rents Ac” s relalifsi I’Adluinistratiou de la Justice dans e District de St. Francois, et pour amender cei tains ties dits Actes, ayant £te lu ; , M. Child a propose, seconde par M. Itgtj, Q llc dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Samedi prochain. La Chambre s’est divis^e sur la Question : Pour, 37. Con tie, 4. . Ainsi Committee on County Court Houses and Gaols Bill> Two Members added to a Com- mittee. Petition of Abenaquis In- dians for pro- tection. 6 Will. IV, 5°- — 7° Decembns. .So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered, Accordingly. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to make further provision for maintaining the Court Houses and Gaols in the Counties of this Pro- vince, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Le Boutillier took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Air. Le Boutillier reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received on Monday next. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Boutillier, The House adjourned till Monday next. 219 Ainsi elle a 6te emport^e dans PAffirmative, et Ordonne, En consequence. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill pour pourvoir ulttirieurement a 1 entretion des Cours de Justice et Prisons dans les Comtes de cette Province, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Le Boutillier a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Lc Boutillier a fait Rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amende- mens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re$u Lundi prochain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger , seconde par M. Boutillier, La Chambre s’est ajournee a Lundi prochain. Monday , 7th December 1835. "j^/M’R. Archambeault moved, seconded by Mr. Knight, 1VJ. That two Members be added to the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements. The House divided on the Question : Yeas, 36. Nays, 8. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered, That Mr. Larue and Mr. Boutillier be ad- ded to the said Committee. A Petition of divers Abenaquis Indians, and others residing in the Province of Lower Canada, was pre- sented to the House by Mr. Kimber, and the same was received and read j setting forth: That the Petitioners have been constantly employed in procuring for them- selves and families the means of a precarious subsis- tence by hunting in the forest and bringing to market the produce of their chase, to exchange for articles of daily use to their wives and children : That it is with extreme regret, the Petitioners find themselves com- pelled to complain to the House, of the undue inter- ference of persons in the employment of the Honorable the Hudson’s Bay Company, and others in charge of the King’s Posts, in the pursuits in which the Peti- tioners have been engaged, by which they have been ex- cluded from their hunting grounds, and forced to aban- don them to covetous and interested individuals, who trespass upon their property and possessions : That the Petitioners have always conceived that they had an undoubted right to hunt upon the territory lying in the forty eighth degree of North latitude, and in the sixty eighth and seventy seventh degrees of West lon- gitude, known and distinguished as the “ Honorable the Hudson's Bay Company’s Territory,” and “ King’s Posts Company That the Petitioners have been pre- vented by persons in the employment of those Compa- nies from returning home to their families with the produce of their chase, and that the same has been for- cibly taken from them, under the pretence that it is the property, either of the Honorable the Hudson’s Bay Company or King’s Posts Company ; and praying that the Vol. — 45. Lundi, 7 Decembre 1835. Archambeault, a propose, seconde par M. Knight , Que deux Membres soient ajoutes au Comity Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations Publiques- La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question : Pour, 36. Contre, 8. Ainsi elle a ete emport^e dans l’Affirmative, et Ordonne , Que M. Larue et M. Boutillier soient ajoutes au dit Comite. Une Petition de divers Sauvages Abenaquis et autres, residant dans la Province du Bas-Canada, a ete pre- sentee a la Chambre par M. Kimber, laquelle a ete recue et lue ; exposant : Que les Petitionnaires ont 6te constamment obliges, pour se procurer pour eux-memes et Ieurs families les moyens d’une subsistance precaire, de battre les forets et d’apporter le produit de leur chasse en ville pour les echanger contre des articles de besoins journaliers et necessaires a leurs femmes et k leurs enfans : Quec’estavec un regret extreme que les Petitionnaires se trouvent forces de se plaindre a la Chambre de finterposition de certaines personnes dans l’emploi de l’Honorable Compagnie de la Baie d ’Hud- son et autres en charge des Postes du Roi, dans la poursuite dans laquelle les Petitionnaires ont ete en- gages, et par cette interposition ils ont 6t& exclus de leurs terres de chasse, et forces de les abandonner a des individus cupides et interesses, qui ont empiete ettrans- gresse sur leurs proprietes et possessions : Que les Pe- titionnaires ont toujours con9u qu’ils avaient un droit incontestable de chasser sur leterritoire sous le quarante- huitieme degre de latitude Nord et le soixante-et-hui- ticme et soixante-et-dix-septieme degr6 de longitude Guest, connu et distingue sous le nom de Territoire de l’Honorable Compagnie de la Baie d ’Hudson et de la Compagnie des Postes du Roi : Que les Petitionnaires out et6 empeches par des personnes dans l’emploi de ces Compagnies de retourner dans leurs families avec le produit de leur chasse, et que le dit produit de leur chasse leur a ete 6t 6 de force, sous pretexte que c’etai t la propriete soit de I’Honorable Compagnie de la Baie dC Hudson 3 R Coraite sur le Bill de Justice et Prisons de Comtes. Deux Membtes ajoutes a un Comit6. Petition des Sauvages Abe- naquis, deman- dant protection. 7° Decembris , A. 18 35. The Message relating to the JL,ea'e of the Forges of St. Maurice, re- ferred. 250 tt -n he ol eased to take the premises into thei^consideration attend unto the Petition.™ the protection which they desire to enjoy. Cnkred That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Rights. On Motion of Mr. Kinder, seconded by Mr. Besserer, S That the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the ^ “itnno.-t^ .he 1 oc ; ® r i-^ rred to the Standing Committee on the Jesuits Estates. Address for in- formation rela- ting to ihe Tease of the Forges of St. Maurice. rice in favor of the Honorable Matthew Bell. _ . j ’TT irl t m r K briber, Mr. Besset er, Mr. J i&er Jtoffid“t the said Address to H,s Excellency the Governor in Cine . Eepo.t on on, Mr. Bedard from the Sp was retired the ^ PeUtion of Ljer ' ac . andon Petition Sant £ and, also, tlie to enauio 11 J J p bli ot p. Dupiam. u Island ca led “ Grosse Isle, tor tne ruuuc 3,1 Your S Committee having no means of ascertaining the damage which may have been sustained by the said Pierre Duylain, heretofore Lessee of « Grosse Is , bv reason of the occupation thereof by the Govei nment, have -omplied as far as possible with the two °' dclf L° referencefby reporting certain amendments to the Bi , ■ i "c flip snhiect of one of the said Older. • ^Ordered That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Friday next. R.po.i ™ .V Mr. Bedard, from the Standing Committee of Griev- SZfonir ances, presented to the House the l ust 1 - e P ort ^, e “"tl-r. said Committee, which was again read Ta gor the said Report, see Appendix (E. E.) at the end ° f Ordered, 11 That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, oil F nday next. Mr Huot, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to authorize Pierre Gingras to bmld Toll-Bridge over the River Cap Ko uge , and also the tition of John Bonner , of Quebec , Merchant, piesented In tho House the Report of the said Committee which was again read at tlm Clerk's Table, and is as follow- el Your Committee have examined John Bonner on the subiect of his Petition, and also such other W ltnesses s were requisite to enable the Committee to acquire the necessary information touching M r. Bonner s claim. By Mr. Gingras' Petition, and by the advertisemen published by him in the Quebec Gazette, in conformity to the Rules of Your Honorable House, it appears that the said Bridge is to have three arches one of Thirty feet and two others of forty feet each at least. / Witnesses who appeared before i our Committee, excep Mr. Bonner, agree in saying that arches d » Hudson ou celle de la Compagme des lostesdu Rot , et nriant la Chambre de prendre les premisses en sa con- sideration ; et d’etendre auxPetitionnaires la protection dont ils desirent actuellement jouir. / . , Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee an Comitc Permanent sur les Terreset Droits Seigneunaux. Sur Motion de M. Kimber, seconde par M. Besserer, Ordonne, Quele Message de Son Excellence e Gou- verneur-en-Chef, du 13 du mois dernier, avec les Co- almens qui l’accompagnent, relativement nouveau Bail des Forges de St.Maunce , ^soient refeies au Comite Permanent sur les Biens des Jesuites. Snr Motion de M. Kimber, seconde par M. Besserer, int - orm auon au Resolu Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a s F u o ^ es e | t . Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef le pnant de Maurice, vouloir bien faire mettre devant cette Chambre, une Copie de la Correspondance qui a eu lieu entre le ci- devant Gouverneur-en-Chef, et le Mimstre Colonial de Sa Maieste, relativement au renouvellement du present Bail des Forges de St. Maurice , en taveur de 1 Hono- rable Matthew Bell. T/ - Ordonne, Que M. Kimber, M. Besserer M.Viget et M. Bedard presented la elite Adresse a Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Appendix (E. E.) Report on Cap Rouge Bridge Bill, and on Petition of J. Bonner. M. Bedard, du ComiR SpHial auquel a 6R referee la Petition de Pierre Dupiam , du Cap Sante, , et aussj le denGr^iie, Bill pour mettre Sa MajesR en Hat de faire 1 acquisition deP Duplin de Pile appeHe, “ la Grosse IIP’ pour les usages publics de la Province, et pour indemmser le Proprietaire d icelle, a pRsenR k la Chambre le Rapport du dit ComiR, lequel a He lu de nouveau a la I able du Grel- fier, comrae suit : . Votre ComiR n’ayant pas les moyens de determine t les dommages qua pu souffrir le nomm6 Pierre Dupiam , le ci-devant Fermier de la Grosse He, a raison de 1 oc- cupation d’icelle par le Gouvernement, acru satis aire aux deux Ordresde reference de cette Chambre, en rapportant quelques amendemens au Bid qui fait 1 objet de Pun de ces Ordres. . . Ordonne , Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient refers a un ComiR detoute la Chambre, Vendredi prochain. M. Bedard, du Comiti Permanent des Griefs, a mi- <;pnt£ a la Chambre le Premier Rappott du cut L/Otnite, n ab j tanS du sente a la eudmuro T B , Orpffipr Chem ' n des lequel a He lu de nouveau a la lable du uremei. Pour le dit Rapport voir Appendice (E. E.) a la fin de Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit retere k un Co- miR de toute la Chambre, Vendredi prochain. M Huot, du Comite Special auquel a He RfeR le J* Bill pour autoriser Pierre Gingras k bapr un Pont de cap Ro^,- p^aee sur la Rivifcre Cap Rouge, et aussi la Petition de de 3 Bonner . John Bonner, Marchand de Quebec, a Pjesente a la Chambre le Rapport dudit ComiR, lequel a He lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, corame suit : Votre Comit6 a examine John Bonner au sujet de sa Petition, ainsi que plusieurs autres temoins propres foumir a Votre Comite les informations requises au su- iet des pretentions de M. Bonner. Par la Petition de M. Gringras, et par 1 avertisse- ment par lui public sur la Gazette de Quebec, confor- mant aux Regies de cette Chambre, . para t . qne le dit Pont doit avoir trois arches, une de trente pc i , et les deux autres de quarante pieds au les Temoins produits devant Votre Comite, ale p tion de M. Bonner, s’accordent a dire que cette lar =>^ 1 ^ Chemin des Caps, pour utt secours. Appendice (R. EO 6 Will. IV, 7° Decemhris, 251 openings aforesaid, will be quite sufficient to allow Mr. Bonner to take his Timber into and out of the River Cap Rouge. Wherefore Your Committee are not of opinion that the plan proposed by Mr. Gingrus ought to be altered. Your Committee have also examined Clause by Clause, the Bill referred to them, and have made several amendments thereto. Ordered , That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Friday next. Debtors speedjr Ordered, That Mr. Scott have leave to bring in a Bill the e flrfillm*p ad ^ or ^ ie more speedy relief of Insolvent Debtors in cer- tain cases, and for a limited time. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Wednesday next. des arches est suffisante pour permettre A M. Bonner d’entrer et sortir son bois dans la Riviere du Cun llouge. 1 Pour ces raisons, Votre ComiR ne croit pas que le Plan propose par M. Gingras doive etre change. Votre ComiR a aussi examine Clause par Clause le Bill <<, 1 in Rfer6 comme susdit, et y a fait plusieurs amendemens. ^ Ordonne , Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient RRres a un ComiR de toute la Chambre, Vendredi prochain. Ordonne , Que M. Scott ait la permission d’introduire un Bill pour venir plus promptement au secours des Debiteurs insolvables, en certains eas, et pour un temps limits. 1 II a en consequence pRsenR le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour le premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Mercredi prochain. Bill pour venir promptement au secours des Debiteurs In- solvables, lu )a premiere fois. Report on Kennebec Rail Road Bill. Mr. Vanfelson , from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to provide for making and main- taining a Rail Road from the River St. Lawrence to the Province Line, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Saturday next. Protestant Christians Bill passed; An engrossed Bill for the relief of divers Societies of Protestant Christians therein mentioned, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Knight do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. M. V an/elson, du Comite Special auquel a 6t6 refeR Rapport sur le le Bill pour pourvoir a la construction et A I'entretien SUfiSS Cl un Chemin a Lisses, A partir du Fleuve St. Laurent de Kennebec ” A aller jusqua la Ligne Provinciale, a fait rapport que le Comite avait pass6 le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens ont 6t6 lus de nou- veau A la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient referes A un Comite de toute la Chambre, Samedi prochain. Un Bill grossoye pour le soulagement de diverses So- Bin ,elat,f aux cietfjs de Chietiens I rotestans y mentionn^es, a 6t6 lu testans, passe, pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. . Ordonne, Que M. Knight porte le dit Bill au Conseil gislatif et demande son concours. plain Rail Road Mr. De Witt, from the Committee of the whole House Biii reported, on the Bill to amend and extend the provisions of an Act, intituled, “ An Act for making a Rail Road from “ Lake Champlain to the River St. Lawrence,” reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Com- mittee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be en- grossed. M. De Witt , du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le , Bil1 du Chemm Bill pour amender et etendre les dispositions d’un Acte ch^piafn,^! intitule “ Acte pour pourvoir a la construction d’un P °^' “ Chemin A Lisses entre le Lac Champlain et le Fleuve e St. L^aurent,” a fait rapport, confornRment A l’Ordre des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le ComiR* lesquels amendemens ont 6t6 lus de nouveau A la Table du Greffier, et adopRs par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit oros- soye, G County court Mr. Le Boutillier, from the Committee of the whole Gads Bin re- House on the Bill to make further provision for main- por,ed ’ taining the Court Houses and Gaols in the Counties in this Province, reported, according to Order, the amend- ments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be en- grossed. M. 1. e Boutillier, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur !e Bill pour pourvoir ulterieurement A I’entretien des Cours de Justice et Prisons dans les ComRs de cette Province, a fait rapport, confornRment a 1’Ordre des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le ComiR, les- quels amendemens ont 6t6 lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adopRs par la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soil soye. gros- Bill des Cours de Justice et Prisons de Comtes, rap- porte. st it m bm ^ b n 1 °" to P rov ^ e f° r the support of divers Charitable read the first Institutions, and for other purposes therein mentioned, nme. was, accorc |j n g j- 0 Q rt i er) rea( j a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be engrossed. Committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee Town h officers on the Bill to provide for the nomination and appoint- m ment of Parish and Town Officers within the Seigniories and Townships of this Province, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Besserer took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Confoi inement a 1 Ordre, un Bill pour pourvoir a ®ni reiatifadea divers objets de bainfaisance, et autre fins y mention- faiLmce. iu une nees, a ete lu une seconde fois. seconde fois. Or donne, Que le dit Bill soit grossoyA L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill qui pourvoit A Selection et A la no- mination d’Officiers des Paroisses et des Villes dans les Seigneuries et Townships de cette Province, ayant etelu; J La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Besserer a pris le Fauteuil du Comite: et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. Comite sur le Bill pour des Officiers de Pa roisses et de Villes. 7"- — 9“ Decembris. A. 1835. Montreal Gas Light Bill deferred. Rules of the House relating to Petitions for private Bills, deferred. 252 Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Besserer reported that the Committee had g 0ne through the Bill, and had made several amendments Thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received on Wednesday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to provide for the Lighting ol the City of Montreal by Gas, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be postponed till Wednesday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider the expediency of altering and amending the Rules of this House relating to Petitions for Private Bills, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be postponed till Wednesday next. Then, on Motion of Mr. Bardy, seconded by Mr. Jobin, The House adjourned till Wednesday next. M. 1’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Besserer a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a laChambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re9U Mercredi pro- chain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chanr.bre se forme en Biiipouti'E- Comite sur le Bill pour pourvoir a PEclairage de la Montreal par Cite de Montreal par le Gaz, ayant eteiu $ le Gaz,r£m,s ' Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mer- credi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Regies de la Comite pour considerer s'il est expedient de changer ^ v h e a s m aux p'lti- et amender les Regies de cette Chambre relativement nonspour^e^ aux Petitions pour des Bills Prives, ayant ete lu; mises. Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mer- credi prochain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Bardy , seconde par M. Jobin , La Chambre s'est ajournee a Mercredi prochain. •j. Answer to an Address. Answer to an Address. Answer to an Address. Wednesday , 9th December , 183; M R. O'Callaghan, accompanied by the other Mes- sengers, reported to the House, that their Ad- dress of the fourth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying for a Copy of a Dispatch from the Right Honorable E. G. Stanley, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, to Lieutenant General Lord Aylmer , dated 6th June, 1833, had been presented to His Excellency and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, In compliance with the prayer of this Address, a Copy of Mr. Secretary Stanley’s Dispatch of the 6th June, 1833, addressed to Lieutenant General Lord Aylmer, shall be laid before the House of Assembly. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 9th December, 1835. Mr. O’Callaghan, accompanied by the other Messen- gers, reported to the House, that their Address of the fourth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying for a Copy of a Dispatch addressed by Lieu- tenant General Lord Aylmer, to the Right Honorable the Earl of Aberdeen, dated 18th March, 1835, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, A Copy of the Dispatch addressed by Lieutenant General Lord Aylmer , to the Right Honorable the Earl of Aberdeen, dated the 18th March, 1835, shall, in com- pliance with the prayer of this Address, be furnished to the House of Assembly. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec , 9th December, 1 835. Mr. Dubord, accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the fifth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, pray- ing for a Statement of the amount of the Monies in the Public Chest at the time of the appointment of the Honorable John Hale as Receiver General of this Pro- vince, and an Account Current of the sums received and paid by the said Receiver General, up to the 10th of October, J Reponse a une Adiesse. Mercredi, 9 Decembre 1835. O'Callaghan, accompagne des autres Messagers, ® a fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du quatre du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur- en-Chef, demandant une Copie d’une Depeche du Tres- Honorable E.-G. Stanley, alors Secretaire d’Etat pour le Departement des Colonies, au Lieutenant-General Lord Aylmer, datee du 6 Juin 1833, avait ete presentee a Son Excllence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Re- ponse suivante: Messieurs, En conformite de la demande de cette Adresse, je ferai mettre devant la Chambre d’Assemblee, une Copie de la Depeche de M. le Secretaire Stanley, du 6 Juin 1833, adressee au Lieutenant-General Lord Aylmer . Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 9 D6cembre 1835. Mr. O'Callaghan, accompagne des autres Messagers, * un6 a fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du quatre du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, demandant une Copie d une Depeche adressee par le Lieutenant-General Lord Aylmer , au Ties- Honorable Comte d’ Aberdeen, datee du 18 Mars 1835, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante: Messieurs, En conformite de la demande de cette Adresse, Co- pie de la Depeche adressee par le Lieutenant-General Lord Aylmer, au Tres-Honorable Comte d’ Aberdeen , datee du 18 Mars 1835, sera transmise b. la Chambre d’Assemblee. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 9 Decembre 1835. M. Dubord, accompagne des autres Messagers, a fail rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du cinq du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, de- mandant un Etat du montant des deniers dans les Cof- fres Publics, lors de l'appointement de 1 Honorable John Hale comme Receveur-General de cette Province, et un Compte courant de la Recette et de la Depense du dit Receveur. General, donne jusqu'au 10 Octobre 1835, avait Reponse a une Adresse. Annwer lo an Address- Statement ofj Tavern and Shnp Licences presented. Appendix (F. F.) Instruction to Committee of Privileges and Elections. Message from the Council. G Will. IV. 9° Decembris . 253 October, 1835, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : b Gentlemen, I request you to inform the House of Assembly in answer to this Address, that a Statement of the Amount of the Monies in the Public Chest at the time of the appointment of the present Receiver General of the Province, shall be laid before the House without delay ; and that as it would require much time to pre- pare Copies of the Documents containing the further information prayed for by the Address, I shall, for the accommodation of the House, cause the proper Officer to furnish the Statements, containing such information, supplied by the Receiver General to the Office of the Inspector General of Accounts, with the understanding that such Statements will be returned by the House when no longer required. Castle of St. Lems, Quebec , 9th December, 1 835. avait ete presence a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante: Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d'Assemblee en reponse a cette Adresse, qu’un Etat du montant des Demers dans les Coffres Publics, lors de la nomina- tion du present Receveur-General de la Province, sera mis devant la Chambre sans delai ; et comme ii faut beaucoup de temps pour preparer des Copies des Do- cumens contenant l’autre information demandee par l’Adresse, j’ordonnerai, pour la convenance de la Chambre, que l’Officier a qui il appartient, aitctfournir les Etats contenant telle information, donnes par le Receveur-G£n6ral au Bureau de I’lnspecteur-G^neral des Comptes, Gant entendu que la Chambre remettra ces Etats aussitot qu’elle n’en aura plus besoin. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec , 9 Decembre 1835. Mr. Kimber, accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the seventh instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, pray- ing for a Copy of the Correspondence between the late Governor in Chief, and the Colonial Minister, relative to the renewal of the present Lease of the Forges of St, Maurice in favor of the Honorable Matthew Bell, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I will cause to be laid before the House of Assem- bly, in compliance with the prayer of this Address, the Copies of the Correspondence therein mentioned, res- pecting the renewal of the present Lease of the Forges of St. Maurice to the Honorable Matthew Bell. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 9th December, 1835. M. Kimber, accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait Wp o„ M i Ba rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du sept du Adresse. courant, « Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chefj de- mandant une Copie de la Correspondance qui a eu lieu entre le ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef et le Ministre Colonial de Sa Majeste, relativement au renouvelle- ment du present Bail des Forges de St. Maurice en faveur de l’Honorable Matthew Bell, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu'il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : r Messieurs, En conformite de la demande de cette Adresse, je ferai mettre devant la Chambre d’Assemblee, Copies de la Correspondance mentionnee, au sujet du renou- vellement du present Bail des Forges de St. Maurice a 1’ Honorable Matthew Bell. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 9 Decembre 1835. The Clerk laid before the House, Statements of each Tavern and Shop Licence granted during the years 1834- and 1835, in the Districts of Montreal, Three Rivers and St. Francis, received from the Clerks of the Peace of the said Districts, in conformity to an Order of the House of the 23rd ultimo. For the said Statements, see Appendix (F. F.) at the end of this Volume. Resolved, 1 hat the said Statements be referred to a Committee of five Members, to examine the same, and report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Wood, Mr. De Witt, Mr- Child, Mr. Bardy and Mr. Jobin do compose the said Commit- tee. Le Greffier a mis devant la Chambre, des Etats de Etatsdes Ll . toutes les Licences accordees aux Aubergistes et aux fences des au» Marchands, pendant les annees 1834 et 1835, dans les Marchands, Districts de Montreal, Trois-Rivieres et de St. Francois pn5se,u ^‘ re 9 us des Greffiers dela Paix des dits Districts, en con- formite d’un Ordre de la Chambre du 23 du mois dernier. Pour les dits Etats, voir Appendice (F. F.) a la fin a pp „*, dece Volume. (F. f.) Resolu, Que les dits Etats soient r B.) a la fin, app^ij. de ce Volume. . ,, Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport et le Journal qui 1 ac- compagne soient referes an Comite 1 ermanent sur Its Teries et Droits Seigneuriaux. Sur Motion de M. Kimber, seconde par M. au Ordonne, Qn’il soit une Instruction au Conn - ga,i« manent sur les Biens des Jesuites de s enquenr, 1 1 • sllites . le Fief de onze perches de large, a prendre du leuve St Laurent, sur quatre arpens huit perches de long a gagner dans les teries, accorde au ci-devant Di die des Jesuites aux Trois Rivieres, en 1637, par le Cheva .t de Montmagny, et que la prtate Commission des Biens des Jesuites a perdu de vue jusqu ici, nest pas cet cspace de ter re comprisentre les Rues St. Jranfois, St. Louis et St. Jean , et qui seprolonge jusqu a t la ligne de la Cour du Fief Haut-Boc, dans la dite \ nle de Trois-Rivieres. 2°. Si le Terrein sur lequd sont si- mps le Couvent et la Chapelle des ci-devant Petes Re- collets, aux Trois-Rivieres, ne faisait pas partie du i i Fief des Jesuites, et partie du Terrein des Dames Re- lbieuses Ursulines de cette Ville ; a quelles conditions les dits Terreins ont ete octroyts aux dits 1 eres Re- collets • et si les Habitans des Trois-Rivieres^ n ont pas tons contribue a la construction des dits Convent et Chapelle, en consideration de ce que les dits 1 eres llccollets devaient desservir letir Paroisse et instruire Keconeis uevaiem. uco.nv-r ... — — leurs pendant combien de temps les dits Peres Reco llets ont exerce ces devoirs. 3 . bi le Terrein connn sous le nom de Platon aux liois-Ri - lie res, sur lequel sont situ^es les Casernes de cette Ville, et la Cour pour y exercer les Iroupes, ne faisait pas partie des 96 arpens de terre donnes en 163/, pat le Chevalier de Montmagny au ci devant Ordre des Je- suites, et d un autre arpent de terra donne par le Gou- verneur Daillebout en 1651 aux dits Peres Jesuites, pour y batir leur habitation. Sur Motion de M. Kimber, seconde par M. Caron, Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le pnant 9e vouloir hien faire niettre devai.t cette Chambre, • J6suites . la Copie du Rapport du Conseil Ex^uti , en date du 5 Fevrier 1834, conc6dant a lHonoiable Matthew Bell , le Bail de 25,940 arpens de terra < Jans la Seigneurie du Cap cle la Mag delaine. ~ n a) des (lifferentes parties des Biens des Jesuites dans la Province qui ont ete vendues, on autrement a icnees le Gouvernement, en faveur de quiclles ont ete alienees et i quelles conditions. Ordonne. G Will. IV. 9° Decembris . 255 Report on Mon- treal Harbour Bill. Report on Pill to repeal an Act relating to Rafts and Scows pass- ing Chateau- guay. committed ; considered. First Report on Post Office De- partment. Anpendix (G. G.) County Court Houses and Gaols Bill pas- ted. Charitable In- stitutions Bill passed. Message from HisExcellenty. Ordered, That Mr. Kimber, Mr. Caron, Mr. Viger ami Mr. Lafontaine do present the said Address to His Excellency the G overnor in Chief. Mr. Leslie, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to make further provision for the improvement and enlargement ot the Harbour of Mon- treal , and to appoint Commissioners for that purpose, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Monday next. Mr. Archambeault, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to repeal an Act therein mentioned concerning the Inspector and Measurers of Ilafts and Scows, and the Pilots thereof, between Cha- teauguay and Montreal , and for other purposes therein mentioned, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill and had made an amendment thereto, which amendment was again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be now re* ferred to a Committee of the whole House. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. BoutilUer took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. BoutilUer reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made an amendment thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received on Friday next. Mr. O'Callaghan, from the Special Committee ap- pointed to enquire into the present condition of the Post Office Department, with a view to tire application of an efficient remedy to the defects in its organization and management, and other references, with power to re- port from time to time, presented to the House the First Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. For the said Report, see Appendix (G. G.) at the end of this Volume. An engrossed Bill to make further provision for main- taining the Court Houses and Gaols in the Counties in this Province, was read for the third tune. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr Boutillier do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concur- rence. An engrossed Bill to provide for the support of di- vers Charitable Institutions, and for other purposes therein mentioned, was read for the third time. Resolved , That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Caron do carry the said Bill to tire Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Stephen Walcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief, was admitted within the Bar, and delivered to Mr. Speaker a Message from II is Excellency the Governor in Chief, signed by His Excellency.. And then he withdrew. And the said Message was read by Mr. Speaker, all the Members of the House being uncovered ; and is as followeth : Ordonne, Que M. Kimber , M. Caron , M. Vigor et M. Lafontaine presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excel- lence le Gouvei neur-en-Chef. M. Leslie, du Comite Special auquel a Ge r^fere le Bill pour pourvoir ulterieurement a famelioration et a fagrandissement du Havre de Montreal, et pour nom- mer des Commissaires a cette fin, a fait Rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens ont lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Lundi prochain. M. Archambeault, du Comity Special auquel a ete refers le Bill pour abroger un Acte y mentionne, con- cernant l’Inspecteur et les Mesureurs des Baes et Cages et les Pilotes d’iceux entre Chateauguay et Montreal, et pour d’autres finsy mentionnees, a fait Rapport que le Comite avait pass6 le Bill, et y avait fait un amende- nrent, lequel amendement aetelu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient mainte- nant referes arm Comite de toute la Chambre. La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. BoutilUer a pris le Fauteuil du Comite $ et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. BoutilUer a fait Rapport que le Comite avait pass£ le Bill, et y avait fait un amendement, dout il avait ordre de faire rapport it la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit retju Vendredi pro- chain. M. O’Callaghan, du Comite Special nomm6 pour s’enquerir de 1’etat actuel du Departement des Postes, afinde porter un renrede efficace aux defectuosiRs de son organisation et administration, et autres references, avec pouvoir de faire Rapport de temps a autres, a prG sente a la Chambre le Premier Rapport dtt dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (G.G.) a la fin de ce Volume. Un Bill grossoye pour pourvoir ultGieurement k 1’entretien des Corns de Justice et Prisons dans les Comtes de cette Province, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne , QueM. BoutilUer porte le dit Bill au Con- scil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Un Bill grossoye pour pourvoir ;\ divers objets de bienfaisance, et autres fins y mentionnees, a ete lu pour- la troisieme fois. Resolu, Quele Bill passe. Ordonne , Que M. Caron porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Stephen Walcott, Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, a et6 admis en de- dans de la Barre, eta remis a M. I Orateur, un Mes- sage de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, signe par Son Excellence. Et ensuitc il s’est retire. Et le dit Message a He lu par M. 1’Orat.eur, tous les Membres de la Chambre etant decouverts ; et il cst comme suit : Rapport sur le hill du Havre de Montreal. Rapport sur le Bill pour abro- ger un Acte re- latif aux Bacs et Cages pas- sant a Chateau- guav. Bill r£fere ; consider!-. Premier Rap. port sur le Departement j des Postes. Appendice (G.G.) Bill des Court] de Justice et Prisons de Comtes, passe. Bill a des ob- jets de bienfai- sance, pass!:. Message de Son Excellence. GOSFORD, GOSFORD, New Custom .House, Quebec. £56 9° Decemhns . A 1 835. GOSFORD, Governor in Chief. In transmitting to the House of Assembly the ac- companying Copies of Communications from the Com- missioners for the new Custom House at Quebec, rela- tive to the serious injury which that Building hasaheady sustained, and still continues to suffer from the effects of the weather, in consequence of its remaining in an un- finished state, the Governor in Chief recommends the subject to the early consideration of the House, and suggests the expediency of making a provision for com- pleting the Building in question according to the origi- nal Plan, and rendering it fit and adequate for the Pub- lic Service. Castle of St. Lems , Quebec, 7th December, 1835. Letter from the Commissioners for building the new Custom House at Quebec, to His Excellency the Gover- nor in Chief. GOSFORD, Gouverneur-en-Chef. En transmettant a la Chambre d Assemble les Copies ci-jointes des Communications des Commis- saires pour la construction d’une nouvelle Douane a Quebec, au sujet des dommages graves que ce Bati- ment ad6ja soufferts, et continue de souffrir par 1 en- temp6rie et les effets du temps, par suite de ce qu il n’est pas encore achev£, le Gouverneur-en-Chef le- commande ce sujet a la consideration de la Chambre, et sugo'ere la convenance de pourvoir h completer ce Batiment d’apr^s le Plan primitit, et a le mettre en Gat de r^pondre aux exigences du service public. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec, 7 D6cembre 1835. Lettres des Commissaires nommes pour la con- struction d’une nouvelle Douane a Quebec, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. (Copy-) (Copie.) Quebec, 31st January, 1834. Quebec, 31 Janvier 1834. May it please Your Excellency, ' Having transmitted to the Inspector General of Accounts an Account of our receipts and expenditure as Commissioners appointed for the erection of the new Custom House at this Port, we beg leave to submit to Your Excellency a Report of the result of our proceed- ings in that capacity, since we had the honor of address- ing Your Excellency on the 23rd November, 1831. The appropriation made by the Act 2nd Will . I\. Cap. 45, granting a sum of money not exceeding i£l350 currency, towards defraying the expenses of completing the Building according to the Plan originally agreed on, although much short of the amount required for completing the said Plan in all its parts, as shewn in the Estimate submitted to Your Excellency in our Let- ter of the 17th December, 1831, has nevertheless ena- bled the Commissioners to render the main Building internally complete, with all the conveniences abso- lutely necessary for the Officers of the Customs Esta- blishment. The Building has been enclosed for pro- tection by a temporary wooden fence ; the Wharf in front, which was in a very broken and dangeious state, has been so far levelled and made up, as the safety of those frequenting the Custom House required ; and the incumbrance of the wooden Building prepared as a tem- porary Hospital (but fortunately not hitherto used as such) would permit, and likewise such other external conveniences have been provided, as appeared proper for the comfort of those connected with the Depart- ment. The Building and premises in their present state have been in the occupation of the Customs Depart- ment from April last, and have been found to afford all necessary accommodation for the transaction of the Public business of the Port, although still deficient in certain conveniences which were provided for in the original Plan. The total amount expended up to this date, is *£ 7170 . 4s. 10d., exclusive of £33. Cs. Sd. paid to the Architect in October, 1830, but which did not pass through our hands, these together with the sum of *£l46. 8s. 6d. lemaining in the hands of the Receiver General, makes the sum of £7350, the amount the two appropriations. Qu’il plaise a Votre Excellence. Avant transmis a l’lnspecteur-General des Lomp- tes, un Etat de nos Recettes et D6penses, comme Commissaires nommes pour la construction d une nouvelle Douane dans ce Port, nous prenons la liberty de soumettre k Votre Excellence un Rapport du re- sultat de nos proced^s en cette quality depuis que nous avons eu l’honneur d £crire a Votre Excellence le £3 Novembre 1831. L’appropriation faite pari' Acte de la 2e Guilt. 1\ . Chap. 45, qui accordait une somme n’exc6dant pas £\330 courant, pour payer la depense pour achever le Batiment suivant le Plan arrete primitivement, quoi- que bien au-dessous de la •omme necessaire poui com- pleter ce Plan dans toutes ses parties, comme on l’a fait voir dans l’Estimation soumise a Votre Excellence, par notre Lettre du 17 Decembre 1831, a nean- moins mis les Commissaires en etat d'achever I’in- t£rieur du principal Batiment et toutes les dependances absolument necessaires pour les Officiers de lYtablis- sement des Douanes. Le Batiment a et6 entour6 d’une cloture de bois temporaire pour le proteger. Le quai qui est devant Gait tres-dGabre, et dans un etat dangereux, mais il a ete nivelb et r6pare de mani&re k le rendre, pour ceux qui sent obliges de frequenter la Douane, aussi sur que pouvait le permettre la gene qu’offrait un Batiment en bois fait pour servir d’Hopi- tal temporaire (mais qui n a pas heureusement encore Ge employe a cet usage). 11 a Ge aussi fait di\ erses ameliorations exterieures qui paraissaient Gre nGes- saires pour l’aisance et la commodity de ceux qui sont attaches au Departement. Le Batiment etses dependances, tels qu'ils se trou- vent aujourd’hui, sont occupes par le Departement des Douanes depuis le mois d’Avril dernier, et on y trouve toutes les commodites necessaires pour la tran- saction des affaires publiquesdu Port,quoiqu'il manque encore certaines commodites designees dans le Plan primitif. Le montant total de-pense jusqu’a ce jour est de #£7170 4s. lOd. exclusivement des *£33 6s. Sd.payesa l’Architecte dans le mois d Octobre 1830, mais qui n’ont pas passe par nos mains ; ces deux sommes, avec celle de£\l6 8s. Gd. qui reste entre les mains du Receveur-General, forment ensemble la somme de *£7350, montant des deux appropriations. The 6 Will. IV. 9 ° Decern hris. 2f>7 The parts of the original plan still incomplete, are, the Wings, the Portico, the Iron Railing and Gates • the estimated expense of which, together with a Report from the Architect on the state of the Building, we have the honor to enclose, the whole being respectfully submitted for A our Excellency’s consideration, that such measures may be taken thereon as to Your Ex- cellency may seem proper. We have, &c. &c. (Signed,) G. A. GORE, JOHN BRUCE, His Excellency The Governor in Chief, & c. &c. & c. 1 Commissioners for y building the new J Custom House. Ues parties du Plan primitif non achevees, sotit les Abes, le Portique, le Treillage et ies Portes de fer ; nous avons fhonneur de transrnettre ci-jointe PEstima- tion de la d^pense de ces ouvrages, ainsi quele Rap- port de P Architeete sur P£tat du Batiment. Le tout est respectueusement sounds a Votre Excellence, afm qu e 1 le prenne les mesures qu elle jugera convenables. Nous avons, etc., etc; (Sign6,) G. A. GORE, JOHN BRUCE, Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, etc., etc., etc. 1 Commissaires nomrnes .-pour la construction ) d une nouvelle Douane Report of Mr. H. M. Blaiklock , Architect, on the state of the new Custom House at Quebec. Quebec, 21st December, 1S33. Gentlemen, The approaching Session of Parliament induces me to call your attention to the various works contem- plated in the original Plans for the new Custom House, which are still unfinished, and which appear to be abso- lutely necessary for the convenience or maintenance of the said premises. ( 1st. The Wings, in which are contained the new Guard Room, Stables, Wood Houses, Privies, and va- rious Offices necessary to the accommodation of the Establishment : this service should not be postponed any longer, as from the Walls of the gable ends having been constructed with a view to the Wings being im- mediately built against them, they are not calculated to resist the weather. 2nd. The Portico, which was postponed last year for want of the necessary funds, and which is urgently required for the preservation of that part of the Build- ing fronting the River. 3rd. The Iron Railing, Gates, Lamp Brackets, & c. on Cul de Sac Street : the present fence being only of thin boards, is only calculated to answer a temporary purpose. 4th. The Building fitted up as a temporary Hospital, at present standing between the Custom House and the Government Wharf, which was ordered to be taken down last year (when the fear of the Cholera induced His Excellency the Governor in Chief to continue it standing during last summer) I believe has never been used ; its removal therefore as at first intended will become necessary, should it be determined to complete the Building and premises to the original plan. 5th. A strong boarded fence will be required on both sides of the premises to prevent trespass, one half of the expense of this service will of course be paid by the proprietors on either side. Herewith I have the honor to hand an Estimate of the Expense of the foregoing services, and which I beg leave to recommend to your serious consideration. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your most obedient Servant, H. M. BLAIKLOCK, Architect, new Custom House. The Commissioners of new Custom House. Estimate Vol — 45. Rapport de M. H.-M. Blaiklock, Architeete, sur lYtat de la nouvelle Douane de Quebec. Quebec, 21 Decembre 1833. Messieurs, La Session du Parlement qui approche me porte k appeler votre attention sur divers ouvrages projeUs dans les Plans primitifs de la nouvelle Douane qui ne sont pas encore acheves, et qui paraissent etre absolu- ment n^cessaires pour l’entretieu et la conservation de cette Douane. lo. Les Ailes ou seront le nouveau Corps-de-garde, les Etables, Remises, Latrines, et divers Bureaux n£- cessaires pour rendre l’tRablissement commode ; la con- fection de ces Ailes ne devrait pas £tre remise plus long-temps vu que les murs des pignons ont 6t£ f aits pour y mettre des Ailes imm^diatement et ne sont pas propres a r^sister aux intemperies des saisons. So. Le Portique dont la confection a £td remise fan- nee derniere par suite du manque de fonds necessaaies, et qui est absolument n6cessaire pour preserver la partie du Batiment qui fait face au Fleuve. 3o. Le Treillage en fer, les Portes, les Supports des Lampes, etc., du cote de la rue du Cul-de-Sac. La cloture en planches qu’il y a a present ne peut servir 4o. Le Batiment dont on a fait un Hopital tempo-- raire, et qui est encore entre la Douane et le Quaidu Gouvernement, et dont on avait ordonn6 la demolition Pan dernier (lorsque la crainte du Choffira a induit Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef a le conserver encore PEte dernier), n’a pas, je crois, encore servi. II sera done n^cessaire de le d£molir, comme on se le proposait d’abord, si Pon se determine k a- cheverce Batiment etses cffipendances suivant le Plan primitif, 5o. Une Cldture solide de planches sera n^cessaire des deux cotes de la Douane pour d^fendre Pentr£e de Pemplacement de la Douane ; la moiti£ de cette cloture sera, comme de raison, pay6e par les proprie- taires des deux cdtes. J’ai Phonneur de transrnettre ci-jointe, une Estima- tion du cout de ces ouvrages que je prends la liberty de recommander ci votre consideration sGieuse. J’ai Phonneur d’etre, Messieurs, Votre tres-obeissant serviteur, H. M. BLAIKLOCK, Architeete de la nouvelle Douane. Aux Commissaires de la nouvelle Douane. Estimation 3 T 9 ° Deceinhris . 258 Estimate of the Expense of the various services re- quired in finishing the new Custom House, Quebec, in conformity to the original Plans. Ttnildins' To construct the two Wings to the present Build n & , to contain the Guard Room, Wood Hous ^ Inspecting Room, &c. To construct a Stone Portico with tour Grecian Doric Columns, To construct Iron Palisades, Gates, Brackets for Lamps, & c. on Cul de Sac Street To build one half of the Fence next the Government Wharf, and Mr. Rein- hart's property, Add for Contingencies, A. \8 Qn 3D, Estimation du cout des divers ouvrages n6cessaires pour parachever la nouvelle Douane de Quebec , con* formement aux Plans primitifs. Construire deux Ailes au Batiment actuel pour contenir le Corps-de-garde, la Chambre pour le Bois, )a Atf*. j£1433 0 5S1 14 3 509 1 0 90 150 0 0 Chambre d’lnspection, etc. Faire un Portique en pierre, avec qua- tre Colonnes Doriques grecques Faire des Palissades, Portes et Sup- ports de Lampes, en fer, etc., sur la rue du Cul-de-Sac , Pour faire la moitie de la Clotuie pies du Quai du Gouvernement, et de la pio- pri£t6 de M. Reinhart, Ajoutez pour Contingences, *£1433 0 0 531 14 3 509 1 0 90 150 0 0 0 0 £2713 15 3 Quebec, 21st December,: 18SS- H. M. BLAIKLOCK, Architect, new Custom House. £2713 15 3 Quebec , 21 Decembre 1833. H. M. BLAIKLOCK, Architecte de la nouvelle Douane. „ , „ • • 0 <■ KniLiino- Lettre de Fun des Commissaires nomm6s pour la Letter from one of the T ‘f nis Excellencv construction d’une nouvelle Douane a Quebec, a Son the new Custom House at Quebec, to His Lxceiie y , e Gouvernear . e n.Chef. the Governor in Lhier. (Copy.) (Copie.) Customs, Quebec, 2nd June, 1834. Douane, Quebec , 2 Juin 1834. May it please Your Excellency, . . „ We have the honor to transmit herewith a Report and Estimate of Mr. Blaiklock, the Architect of the De- partment, shewing the cost of the several alterations and additions required in the Custom House, t e amount of which is s£21 1. 8s. Od. We beg leave to state that a sum of 18s. 6d., the balance of a former grant of the Legislature towards defraying the expenses of the Building, is still in the bands of the Receiver General, and of course available towards the present application. To enable Your Excellency to decide, we have taken leave to remark on each item of expenditure : Nos. 1 and 2. The necessity of clapboarding the two gable ends, and fixing iron spouts and conductors to carry off the water, might most probably be deferred until next year, when the Legislature may be induced to grant the sum required to complete the Building according to the original Plan, and which we had the honor of submitting to Your Excellency in our Letter dated the 21st December last. Nos. 3, 4 and 5, These several repairs and alterations are absolutely necessary, and we trust will receive Your Excellency’s sanction. We have the honor to be, My Lord, Se c. See. Sec . (Signed,) JOHN BRUCE, Commissioner for building new Custom House. To His Excellency The Governor in Chief, Sec. & c. &c. Report of Mr. H. M. Blaiklock, Architect, respect- ing the new Custom House at Quebec. Qu’il plaise a Votre Excellence. Nous avons l’honneur de transmettre ci-joints un Rapport et une Estimation de M. Blaiklock, l’Archi- tecte* du D^partement, dans lesquels il indique ie cout des divers changemens et additions qu il est neces- saire de faire a la Douane, et dont le montant est de £211 8s. Od. Nous prenons la liberty de dire que la somme de £145 18s. 6d. balance d’un octroi de la Legislature, pour payer les d6penses du cout de ce Batiment, est encore entre les mains du Receveui-Geneial, et peut etre par consequent employee pour les ouvrages dont il s’agit. , . . Pour mettre Son Excellence en etat de pouvoir for- mer une decision, nous avons pris la liberte d ajouter des remarques a chaque item de depenses. Nos. 1 et 2. Le lambrissage des deux pignons et le posage des conducteurs et des dallots de fer pour conduire l’eau pourraient etre tres-probablement re- mis jusqu’a 1’annee prochaine j alors on pouira peut- etre engager la Legislature a accorder la somme ne- cessaire pour achever le Batiment, confoimement au Plan primitif que nous avons eu Phonneur de soumet- tre a Votre Excellence, dans notre Lettre du 2 1 Decembre dernier. Nos. 3, 4 et 5. Ces divers changemens et repara- tions sont absolument necessaires, et recevront, nous l’esp£rons, Passentiment de Son Excellence. Nous avons Phonneur d’etre. Milord, etc., etc., etc. (Sign6,) JOHN BRUCE, Commissaire nomme pour la con- struction d’une nouvelle Douane. A Son Excellence le Gouverneur en-Chef, etc., etc., etc. Rapport de M . H.-M. Blaiklock, Architecte, rela- tif a la nouvelle Douane de Quebec. Quebec , Quebec, 6 Will. IV, 9" Decern iris. 259 _ , . Qi/efec, 6lh April, 1834. Gentlemen, With reference to mv Report to you dated the 21st December, 18 33, recommending the construction of the additions to the Building of the new Custom House therein alluded to, I beg leave to state that from those additions not having been authorized, it appears to me to be absolutely necessary that the following ser- vices should be immediately performed to prevent a very serious dilapidation to the premises, viz : the clap- boarding of the two gable ends as high as the cut stone, to fix cast iron spouts and conductors round the Build- ing to carry off the rain water, and to make good the joints of the masonry of the Portico and Area, from which the Mortar has been washed out by their expo- sure to the wind and rain. 1 . Quebec, 6Avril 1834, Messieurs, Reftrantau Rapport que je vous ai fait le 21 Decembre 1833, dans lequel je recommande la con- struction des ouvrages qui y sont specifies, je prends la hbertede dire que comme on n’a pas H6 autoris6 a ies faire, il me parait etre absolument necessaire que les ouvrages designes ci-dessous soient fails immediate- ment pour prevenir la deterioration s^rieuse du Ba- timent. Les pignons devraient etre lambrisses jusqu’au mur, en pierre de taille, des conducteurs etdallots de fer poses a l’entour pour conduire l’eau ; on devrait aussi faire tirer les joints de la ma^nnerie, du Por- tique et de l’espace intermediate ou le mortier a ete enlev6 par le vent et la pluie. The erection of the very high Buildings on the pro- perty of Mr. Reinhart , immediately adjoining the Cus- tom House, having caused a change in the current of air, it will be necessary to raise the flues about five feet higher to prevent their smoking. From your having mentioned your wish for some ad- ditional security to the Cash Vaults within the Build- ing, I beg leave to recommend a partition wall of four- teen inch brick work should be constructed across the Vault at the South end of the Building, and that double iron doors should be fixed to both Vaults instead of the single ones as at present, from which I am of opinion the possibility of injury by fire or robbery will be to- tally prevented. Herewith I beg leave to hand an Estimate of the piobable expense of the several services, and have the honor to be. La construction de Batimens tres-elev P lalse 4 V ' 1 ff’ transmettre ci-ioint We have the honor to enclose for Your Excel- Nous avons 1 honneur de J’j™ 1 lency’s consideration, Copy of a Letter dated the 9th pour la consrderat.on de Son Excellence, Lopie d une instant, * 6 Will. I V, 9° Decembris, 261 instant, addressed to us by the Architect for the new Custom House, representing the serious injury the Building has already sustained, and still continues to sustain from the effects of the weather, in consequence of its remaining in an unfinished state j and referring to two former Reports made by him on the same sub- ject. The first of these Reports dated the 31st December, 1833, contained an Estimate of' the probable expense of completing the Building according to the original Plans, and which was submitted to His Excellency the Governor in Chief in our Letter dated the 31st Janu- ary, 1834. The second Report dated the 6th April, 1834, con- tained an Estimate of the expense of certain repairs, additions and alterations, conceived to be necessary in consequence of no provision having been made for the completion of the Building, and which was also laid before His Excellency by Letter dated the 2nd June, 1834 ; but as the amount of that Estimate exceeded the balance of the appropriation then remaining in the hands of the Receiver General, His Excellency in ap- proving of the alterations and additions suggested, di- rected, by His Secretary’s Letter of the 23rd of that month, that the same should not extend beyond the balance remaining, viz : ^£146. 8s. 6d. currency. The additions and alterations thus sanctioned have since been performed according to the recommendation and under the superintendance of the Architect, the expense of which has been paid and charged in our Accounts of receipts and expenditure up to the 10th ultimo, now given in to the Inspector General of Accounts, the ba- lance of the appropriation at present remaining in the hands of the Receiver General, being £8. 5s. 6d. currency. In respectfully requesting the attention of Your Ex- cellency to the Statements contained in the Architect’s Letter, the Copy of which is enclosed, we would also pray reference to our Report dated the 31st January, 1834, above mentioned, in order that such measures may be taken thereon as to Your Excellency may seem proper, either for procuring the means of completing the Building according to the original plan, or for its preservation and protection in its present state against the destructive effects of the weather. Wp ha vp Rrc Xrp foe (Signed,) HY. JESSOPP, ) Commissioners CHS. G. STEWART, J for the new JOHN BRUCE, J Custom House To His Excellency The Earl of Gosjord, &c. &c. &c. Letter from Mr. H . M. Blaiklock, Architect, res- pecting the new Custom House at Quebec. (Copy.) Quebec , 9th November, 1835. Gentlemen, With reference to my Communications to you of the 21st December, 1833, and 6th April, 1834, I again beg to call your attention to the state of the Building you occupy. Having last week made an examination throughout the premises, I find that the dilapidations 1 then con- templated have commenced in a very serious degree, and that it is absolutely necessary the Building should be immediately completed, or that the services pointed out in my Letter of the 6th April, be performed as soon as Vol — 45. Lettre, en date du 9 du courant, qui nous a £te adres- see par l’Architecte de la nouvelle Douane, dans la quelle il nous expose les dommages graves que le Bati- ment a deji soufferts, et qu’il continue de souffrir par l’intemperie et les effets du temps, par suite de ce qu’il n’est pas encore acheve ; cette Lettre renvoie a deux Rapports anterieurs qu’il a faits a ce sujet. Le premier de ces Rapports, en date du 31 Decembre 1833, contenait une Estimation du cout probable des ou vj ages necessaires pour achever le Batiment, confor- mement aux plans primitifs ; laquelle a ete soumise a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef dans notre Lettre du 31 Janvier 1834. Le second Rapport en date du 6 Avril 1834, conte- nait une Estimation de la depense de certaines repara- tions, additions et changemens, que l’on croyait neces- saires, vu qu’il n’avait pas ete vote d’argent pour ache- ver le Batiment ; laquelle a ete aussi mise devant Son Excellence par une Lettre en date du 2 Juin 1834 ; mais comme le montant de cette Estimation exc^dait la balance de l’appropriation qui restait entre les mains du Receveur-General, Son Excellence, en approuvant les changemens et additions suggerees, ordonna par la Lettre de son Secretaire du 23 de ce mois que la depense n’outre passerait pas la balance qui restait, savoir : £146. 8s. 6d. courant. Les additions et changemens ainsi autoris6s ont ete faits depuis k la re- coramandation et sous la surveillance de l’Architecte, et le cout en a ete paye et porte dans nos comptes de recettes et de depenses a venir jusqu’au 10 du mois dernier, qui se trouvent maintenant dans ceux de l’ln- specteur-General des Comptes. La balance de 1’appro- priation qui est a present entre les mains du Receveur- General, est de £S. 5s. 6d. courant. En appelant respectueusement l’attention de Votre Excellence sur les exposes contenus dans la Lettre de l’Architecte, dont Copie est ci-jointe, nous prenons aussi la liberte de renvoyer Votre Excellence a notre Rapport du 31 Janvier 1834, dont il est parle plus haut, afin que Son Excellence puisse adopter les mesures qu’elle jugera a propos pour se procurer les moyens soit de completer le Batiment suivant le plan primitif, ou de le preserver et le proteger tel qu’il est a present centre les effets destructeurs des intemperies du climat: Nous avons, etc., etc., etc. (Signe,) HY. JESSOPP, } Commissaires CHS. G. STEWART, >de la nouvelle JOHN BRUCE, j Douane. A Son Excellence le Comte de Gosford , etc., etc., etc. Lettre de M. H.-M, Blaiklock , Architecte, relative- ment a la nouvelle Douane de Quebec. (Copie.) Quebec , 9 Novembre 1835. Messieurs, Referant aux Communications que je vous ai adressees le 21 Decembre 1833, et le 6 Avril 1834, je prends la liberte d’appeler encore votre attention a Pe- tat du Batiment que vous occupez actuellement. Ayant examine tout le Batiment la semaine derniere, j’ai trouv6 que les deteriorations que je craignais sont deja tres-serieuses, et qu’il est absolument necessaire que ce Batiment soit acheve immediatement, ou que les ouvrages indiqu£s dans ma Lettre du 6 Avril soient faits aussitot que possible, car autrement il faudra faire des 3 U i 262 9 " Deccmbris. A. 1835 . as possible, or otherwise a very heavy expense will be incurred from the severity of’ this climate acting with such rapidity on any portions of work that are not pro- tected from its influence. I have the honor to be, See. kc. kc. ("Signed,) H. M. BLAIKLOCK, Architect N. C. H. To Commissioners for new Custom House. The Message Resolved, That the Message of His Excellency the relating to new Governor in Chief, with the accompanying Documents, Quebec, refer- ’ relating to the Custom House at Quebec, be referred to r£d - a Committee of five Members, to examine the same and report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Dubord, Mr. Iluot, Mr. VanfeJ- son, Mr. Leslie and Mr. Besserer do compose the said Committee. Parish and Town Officers Bill, reported, and amended. Mr. Besserer, from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to provide for the nomination and appointment of Parish and Town Officers within the Seigniories and Townships of this Province, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Com- mittee to°the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the following words be added to the first Clause of the said Bill, and form part thereof: “ Provided always, that if such Meeting should not be “ held on the day herein provided, it shall be held on “ the first Monday in the following month.” Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be en- Haii of Assenn* A Bill to enable the Commissioners for the erection ale s^concUime. of a new Hall of Assembly to pay off a certain excess of expenditure, and to cause certain work to be done about the said Building, was, according to Order, read a se- cond time. Ordered, That the said Bill be engrossed. des depenses tres-considerables pour reparer les parties de l’ouvrage que le climat deteriore avec tant de rapi- dite, et qui ne sont pas a l’abri de son influence. J’ai l’honneur d’etre, etc., etc., etc. (Signe,) H. M. BLAIKLOCK, Architecte N. D. Aux Cotnmissaires de la nouvelle Douane. Resolu, Que le Message de Son Excellence le Gou- verneur-en-Chef, avec les Documens qui l’accompa- gnent, relativement a line Maison de Douane a Quebec, soient referes a un Comit6 de cinq Membres, pour les examiner et en faire rapport avec toute la diligence eonvenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Dubord, M. Iluot, M. Vanfelson , M. Leslie et M. Besserer composent le dit Comite. M. Besserer, du Comit6 de toute la Chambre sur le Bill qui pourvoit a l’election et a la nomination d Ofli- ciers des Paroisses et des Villesdans les Seigneuries et Townships de cette Province, a fait rapport, conforme- ment a l’Ordre, des amendemens f’aits au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que les mots suivans soient ajoutes a la premiere Clause du dit Bill, eten fasse parlie : “ Pour- “ vu toujours que si telle Assemble n’avait pas lieu le “ jour ci-dessus fixe, elle sera tenue le premier Lundi “ du mois suivant.” Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amend£, soit gros- soyG Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour mettre les Commissaires pour l’erection d’une nouvelle Salle des Seances de 1’AssembLe en etat de couvrir un exce- dant de depenses, et de faire faire certains ouvrages au dit Batiment, a Ge lu une seconde fois. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill soit grossoye. inioiveni A Bill for the more speedy relief oflnsolvent Debtors Oehtors speedy - certa j n cases, and for a limited time, was, according relief Bill read 111 » i * the second time, Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be engrossed. on The Order of the day for the House in Committee on wS m M n Bin the Bill to provide less expensive means for the reco- a86S ' ‘ very of Wages due to Seamen of Vessels belonging to or registered in this Province, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr, Scott took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Scott reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill and had made several amendments thereto ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be en- grossed. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour venir plus promptement au secours des Debiteurs insolvables, en certains cas, et pour un temps limite, a Ge lu une se- conde fois. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill soit grossoye. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill qui pourvoit a recouvrer avec moins de frais les gages dus aux Equipages des Vaisseaux appartenans, ou enregistres dans cette Province, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Co- mitG M. Scott a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ■, Et M. Scott a fait llapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens ont Ge lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soyG Committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee on Montreal Gas the Bill to provide for the Lighting of the City of Mon- Light Bill. . 1 \ id \ ■ \ treat, by Gas, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill pour pourvoir a l’eclairage de la Cite de Montreal , par le Gaz, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Le Message re- latif a la nou- velle Douane de Quebec, referfe. Bill pour des Officiers de Pa- roisses et de Villes, rapporte et atnend& Bill au sujet d’une Salle dd» Seances de l’Assemblee, lu une seconde fois. BUI pour veatr promptement au secours des Debiteurs in- solvables, lu une seconde fois. Comite sur le Bill relabf au* Gages d® Matelots Comitd sur le Bill pour l’e- clairage de Montreal par I Gaz. Committee on Rules of the House relating to Petitions for private Bills; Resolutions re- ported. Answer to an Addressj, 6 Will. IV. 9° — ‘11° Decembris . 263 Mr. Perrault took the Chair of' the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Perrault reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received on Friday next. M. Perrault a pris le Fautcuil du Comite, et apres y avoir sRg6 quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Ft M. Perrault a fait rapport que le Comitd avail passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit recu Vendredi pro- chain. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider the expediency of altering and amending the Rules of this House relating to Petitions for Private Bills, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Dubord took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the C hair ; And Mr. Dubord reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk's Table, and agreed to by the House ; ami are as followeth : 1. Resolved, That it is expedient to amend the Rule of this House, passed on the 3rd day of February, 1810, so far as the same relates to applicants for Private Bills. 2. Resolved , That the words “ The Quebec Gazette “ and in,” be expunged from the said Rule, and that after the word District,” the following words be added to the same : “ published in the English and “ one in the French language.” L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comit4surl «* Comite pour considerer s’il est expedient de changer et chfmbrtrlV amender les Ragles de cette Chambre, relativement de. aux Petitions pour des Bills prives ayant et£ lu ; Bllls priv * s * La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Dubord a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir sieg6 quelque temps, M. I’Oiateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Dubord a fait rapport que le Comite avait Resolutions passe plusieurs Resolutions, lesquelles Resolutions ont rapp0,tee8 ' ete lues de nouveau A la Table du Greffier, et adoptees par la Chambre ; et elles sont comme suit : 1 ° . Resolu, Qu’il est expedient d'amender la R£gle de cette Chambre, passee le 3e jour de Fevrier 1810, en autant qu’elle a rapport aux Requerans qui font applications pour des Bills prives. 2 ° . Retolu, Que les mots “ la Gazette de Quebec “ et” soient biffes de la dite Regie, et qu’apres le mot “ District, ’ les mots suivans soient ajoutes a icelle : “ publies dans la langue Anglaise, et dans un “ de ceux publies dans la langue Fransaise.” Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Careau , The House adjourned till Friday next* Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger, seconde par M. Ca- reau, La Chambre s’est ajournee a Vendredi prochain. Friday, 11 th December , 1835. Vendredi, 11 Decembre 1835. M R. Girouard, accompanied by the other Messen- gers, reported to the House that their Address of the fourth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying for all Copies of Commissions given under the authority of the Actor Ordinance 31st Geo. III., intituled, “ An Act or Ordinance concerning the “ building and repairing of Churches, Parsonage Houses “ and Church Yards,” and also Copies of certain Let- ters Patent therein mentioned, and other information, having reference to the aforesaid Act or Ordnance, and also to the Act 1st Will. IV., intituled, “ An Act for “ ascertaining, establishing and confirming in a legal and “ regular manner, and for Civil purposes, the Parochial “ Subdivisions of various parts of this Province,” had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, The Copies of the Commissions, Letters Patent, and applications prayed for in this Address, shall be laid before the House of Assembly as soon as they can be prepared. With respect, however, to the Copies of legal opinions mentioned in the Address, I request you to inform the House of Assembly that, although in the present in- stance the opinions in question may not contain any matter that would render their publicity inexpedient, it would be obviously inconvenient to depart from the principle established for the public advantage, that the Communications which the confidential Officers of the Crown Girouard, accompagne des autres Messagers, €> a faR rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du quatre du courant, a Son.Excellence le Gouverneur- en-Chef, demandant des Copies de toutes Commissions donnees en vertu de l’Acte ou Ordonnance 31e Geo . Ill, intituR, “ Acte ou Ordonnance qui concerne la “ construction et la reparation des Eglises, Presbyteres “ et Cimetieres,” et aussi Copies de certaines Lettres Patentes y mentionnees,et autres informations ayant rapport au susdit Acte ou Ordonnance, et aussi k P Ac- te lhre Guill. IV. intituR, “ Acte pourconstater, etablir “ et confirmer d’une maniere legale et r^guliere, et “ pour les effets civils, les subdivisions paroissiales de “ differentes parties de cette Province,” avait ete pre- sentee k Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de don- ner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, Les Copies des Commissions, Lettres Patentes et applications demandees dans cette Adresse, seront raises devant la Chambre d’AssembRe, aussitot qu elles pourront 6tre preparees. Quant aux Copies, cependant, des opinions legales dont il est parle dans l’Adresse, je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d’Assemblee, que quoique dans le cas ac- tuel les opinions en question ne contiennent peut-6tre aucune matiere qui puisse rend re leur publicity inex- pediente, il est evident qu’il n’est pas convenable de se cEpartir du principe elabli pour 1’avantage public, et que les Communications que les Officiers confidentiels de RSponse a une Adresse. 264 11 0 Decembris , As 1835 . de laCouronne sont charges de soumettre a la conside- ration de l’Executif, excepte dans des cas particulars, doivent. etre sacrces. Ainsi la violation d’une conn- Crown are called upon lo submit for the consideration i» " £. « ■« *!”=*= advisers, and thereby eventually produce a pernicious effect on the efficient administration of the public ser- Under this impression, which is in accordance with the principles I announced in my Address at tne com- mencement of the Session, I must, though reluctantly, decline to furnish this part of the information prayed for. Castle of St. Lems, Quebec , 11th December, 1835. nemeni ou i a . .. Conseillers legaux et constitutionnels, et produirait eventuellement un effet pernicieux sur lad ministration efficace du service public. . . D’aprfes ces raisons, qui sont conformes aux princi- nes que i’ai annonces dans mon Adresse au commence- ment de la Session, je dois, quoiqu’avec repugnance, refuser de fournir cette partie de 1’information que de- marnle l’Adresse. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 11 Decembre 1835. Fi— Kepon of Mr. Besserer, from the Standing Committee of Pn- Committee of v p eo . es and Elections, presented to tne House the l ust ISS"" 1 Keportof the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk's Table, as followeth : Your Committee in conformity to the Instinct on civen them by the Resolution passed by \ our Honorable House on the ninth instant, directing them to enqune whether the provisions of the Act of the fourth yeai of Uie Reign of His present Majesty, Chapter twenty eight, are sufficient in so far as they relate to the contes- tation of Elections of Members of the Assembly in this Province, and whether any and what amendments ought to be made in them to insure their sufficiency, have the honor to make the following Report : It appears to Your Committee that the first Section of the Act above mentioned, would be found insufficient in cases where the first Session of any Provmcia l ar- liament should not last fourteen days, or where during any Session the Parliament should be prorogued befoie the expiration of the fourteen days next after the retain of any Member elected in the room of another ; be- cause in the said Section no provision is made that in such cases the Petition against the return of any such Member may be received during the following Session, and the contestation may thus be finally stopped in a manner by no means consistent with the intention of the Legislature. Youi Committee are, therefore, of opinion that the said Section ought to be amended, and that in the cases above mentioned, the 1 etitions ought to be received during the following Session, provided fourteen entire days of Session shall not have elapsed after the day fixed for the meeting of the Provincial Parliament ; or after the return for the Election to be contested shall have been laid before the House, when such Election shall have been had to elect a Membei m the room and place of another. . . The same provision ought to be made in the fifth Section, with regard to the time during which Electors may demand to be admitted as parties. Your Committee also think that the provisions of the eighteenth Section might be so amended as to give the House of Assembly the power of superintending the proceedings of the Special Committee to whom any contested Election may have been referred. In the Statute Book of the United kingdom, A our Committee have found provisions by which this end might be per- fectly attained, and under which such Special Commit- tee might be adjourned by the mere operation of the Law, at the close of each Session, until the first day of the next following Session of the same lailiament ; a its interior proceedings remaining good and valid as l the Parliament had not been prorogued. A our Cornmi - tee are of opinion that these advantages are not balancet by any inconvenience, as it is piobable that the Sessions M Besscrcr , du Comite Permanent des Privileges et p 0 r r e t X r c^mite Elections, a presente a la Chambre le Premier Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau ala lable du Grefher, comme suit : , • Votre Comite, en consequence de 1 Instruction a liu referee par une Resolution de Votre Honorable Cham- bre, le neuf du present mois, et charge de s’enquenr si les dispositions de l’Acte de la quatr^me annee du Reo-ne de Sa presente Majeste, Chapitre vingt-hui , sont suffisantes, en taut qu’elles ont rapport a la con- testation des Elections des Membres de 1 Assemblee en cette Province, et si aucuns et quels amendemens devraient y etre faits pour les rendre telles, a 1 honneur de faire le Rapport suivant : . , II a paru a Votre Comite que la premiere Clause de 1'Acte precite ne serait pas suffisante dans le cas ou la premiere Session du Parlement Provincial ne durerait pas quatorze jours, ou dans le cas ou aucune Session serait prorogue avant les quatorze jours qui suivront le Rapnort de PElection d’aucun MembreHu en remplace- ment d’un autre, cette Clause ne statuant pas que dans ces cas les Petitions portant plainte contre 1 election des Membres rapportes pourront etre revues dans a Session suivante, et les contestations pouvant etre par la perimees d’une maniere qu’il n’a nullement ete dans f intention de ia Legislature d etablir. Votre Lomite croit done que la dite Clause devrait etre ameudee, et que dans les cas ei-dessus. les dues Potions devraient etre recues durant la Session suivante, pourvu que plus de quatorze jours de Session ne se soient pas ecoules en tout depuis le jour fixe pour l’ouverture du Parlement Provincial, ou depuis le Rapport fait en Chambre de PElection qui sera contestee, lorsqu’une telle election aura et6 faite en remplacement de quelque Membre. Les raeraes dispositions devraient etre adoptees par rapport a la cinquieme Clause, quant au temps dans le- quel les Electeurs pourront demander a etre admis comme partie. , , Votre Comite croit aussi que les dispositions de la dix-huitieme Clause pourraient etre amendees, dans la vue de mettre la Chambre d’ Assemblee plus a meme de surveiller les procedes du Comite Special auque une Election contestee aura ete referee. V otre Comite trouve dans le Livre des Statuts du Royaume-Um des dispositions qui peuvent atteindie parfaitement ce u , et d’apres lesquelles tel Comit6 Special pourrait etre aiourne de droit a la fin de chaque Session, au jour mi- mediatement suivant la convocation d]une au ^ e ^s- sion du meme Parlement, tous ses pioceces an eri » restant en meme force et vertu que si le ar n’avait pas ete proroge. Votre Comite cioi _ avantages exposes ci-dessus ne seront ba ances p cun inconvenient, etant piobable que les First Report of the Committee of Trade; Message to Council for at- tendance of Honble. W. B. Felton. Report on Me- thodist Protes- tants Bill. 6 Will. IV. il* Decembris. 26 'J of the Legislature will become of longer duration, in proportion to the increase of the business and population of the country ; and that the said duration will be suf- ficiently long to allow of the final determination, under the provisions of the said Act, (amended in the manner proposed by Your Committee,) of all contestations of Elections which may be brought before Your Ho- norable House, Ordered , That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Monday next. Legislature deviendront d’une plus longue dur£e, en proportion de l’accroissement des affaires et de la po- pulation, et que cette duree sera suffisante pour per- mettre une determination finale d’apres les dispositions de 1’Acte ci-dessus, telles que Votre Comite propose de les amender sur toutes les contestations d’Elections qui seront portees devant Votre Honorable Chambre. Ordonne , Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Lundi prochain. Mr. Leslie , from the Standing Committee of Trade, presented to the House the First Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee after due consideration of the Pe- tition of divers Merchants and Traders concerned in the] Timber Trade, are of opinion that the existing regulations respecting the admeasurement and culling of Timber, Deals and Staves, should be revised, and the Inspectors rendered independent of the buyer as well as of the seller. The Petition of the Board of Trade of Montreal , pray- ing for the extension of the Warehousing system to Duties levied under Provincial Acts, and for declaring exportations to the United States entitled to the same benefit, next occupied the attention of Your Committee. With regard to the extension of the provisions of the Warehousing system to Duties levied under Provincial Acts, Your Committee conceive that it might have a favorable effect on our Trade ; but they cannot recom- mend that it should be applicable to exportations to the United States by land or inland Navigation, as it would be almost impossible to prevent the same articles being smuggled back into the Province. On the Petition of divers Merchants and Traders of the District of Montreal, regarding the appointment of Commissioners to enquire into the Laws respecting Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Your Committee avoid pro- nouncing any opinion, as measures of the nature allu- ded to are now in progress before Your Honorable House. Resolved, That a Message be sent to the Legislative Council, praying that their Honors will permit the Ho- norable William Bowman Felton , one of their Members, to attend the Special Committee to whom is referred the Answer of His Excellency the late Governor in Chief, of the 5th March, 1834, to the Address of this House of the 24th February, 1834, relating to grants of Lands to the Officers and Militiamen who served du- ring the late War with the United States, on Monday next, at noon, to be examined on the subject of the said reference. Ordered, That Mr. Boutillier do carry the said Mes- sage to the Legislative Council. Mr. Hotchkiss, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to extend certain privileges to the class of persons denominating themselves Methodist Protestants, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, to-morrow. M. Leslie , du Comite Permanent du Commerce a presente a la Chambre le Premier Rapport du dit Co- mite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau if la Table du Greffier, comme suit : Votre Comite, apres mure deliberation sur la Peti- tion de divers Marchands et Commer^ans interesses dans le Commerce des Bois, est d’opinion que les regle- iiiens actuels concernant le mesurage et l’inspection des Bois, Madriers et Douves, devraient etre revises, et que l’lnspecteur devrait etre egalement independant de l’acheteur et du vendeur. La Petition du Bureau de Commerce de Montreal , dans laquelle on demande que le systeme de magasi- nage s’<§tende aux droits preleves en vertu d’Actes Pro- vinciaux, et que l’on declare que les exportations aux Etats-Unis jouissent du meme avantage, a ensuite oc- cupe l’attention de Votre Comite. Quant a etendre les dispositions du systeme de ma- gasinage aux droits preleves en vertu d’Actes Provin- ciaux, Y otre Comite con^oit que cette mesure pourrait avoir un bon effet sur notre Commerce ; mais il ne peut recommander qu’on 1 6tende aux exportations aux Etats-Unis par terre ou par les communications inte- rieures pareau, car il serait presque impossible d’empe- cher que les memes articles ne soient de nouveau im- porters dans la Province par contrebande. Votre Comite s’abstient d’emettre aucune opinion sur la Petition de divers Marchands et Comme^ans du District de Montreal, relativement k la nomination de Commissaires pour s’enquerir des Lois concernant les Banqueroutes et les personnes insolvables, vu que des mesures de la nature de celles auxquelles il est fait allusion sont maintenant en progrfcs devant Votre Ho- norable Chambre. Resolu, Qu’il soit envoye un Message au Conseil Legislatif, pour prier leurs Honneurs de permettre a 1’PIonorable William-Bowman Felton , un de leurs Mem- bres, de venir devant le Comit6 Special auquel a ete referee la Reponse de Son Excellence le ci-devant Gouverneur en-Chef, du 5 Mars 1834, k l’Adresse de cette Chambre du 24 Fevrier 1834, relativement aux octrois de terres aux Officiers et Miliciens qui ont servi dans la derniere Guerre avec les Etats-Unis, Lundi prochain a midi, pour etre examine sur l’objet de la dite reference. Ordonne, Que M. Boutillier porte le dit Message au Conseil Legislatif. M. Hotchkiss, du Comite Special auquel a ete refere le Bill pour ftendre certains privileges aux personnes qui se denomment Methodistes Protestans, a fait rap- port que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient refers a un Comite de toute la Chambre, demain. On Motion of Mr. Scott , seconded by Mr. Viger, Resolved , Yol. — 45. Sur Motion de M. Scott , seconde par M. Viger, Resolu, 3 X Premier Rap- port du Comite du Commerce. Message du Consei!, pout Is presence de 1’ Honble. W, B. Felton, Rappott sut le Elli des Metho dtstes Protea. tans. 266 1 1 0 Decembris A. 1835 . n / ; Tint this House will# oil Saturday next, Printing of the RCSOlved, ' hit . r ,| w ] 10 ]g HoUSe, tO Laws to^ be con- , Jup if j n to a Committee ot the wnoie nuusc, w sidered. resolve expedient to repeal or amend the consider whether it « exped.en p relates t0 the ^ifng of the LZ passed by the Legislature of this Province. On Motion of Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Bei ^ r j> « Fa- Resolved, That an humble Address be pers relating to *, • Excellency the Governor in Chie , 1 y » H» wi| , be pleased to cause the proper SLer to lay before this' House, a Statement of the monies paid during the last three years, tor the . P Caws in this Province, and Copies or tne Accounts furnished by the persons who have printer the same during the above period. Knight Ordered, That Mr. Scott, Mr. Bedard Mj. and Mr. Archambeault do present the said Address t His Excellency the Governor in Ghiet. des con* the Laws. Resolu, Que, Samedi prochain, cette Chambre se Jo , p si g lre formeraen Comite de toute la Chambre, pour conside- »*«*. rer s’il est expedient de rappeler ou amender 1 Acte e la34e Geo. III. Chap. 1, qui a rapport a 1 impression des Lois passees par la Legislature de cette Province. Sur Motion de M. Scott, seconde par M. Bedard , Resolu, Qu’il soit pr6sente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, pnant Son gwi Excellence qu’il lui plaise de fame mettre devant cette Chambre par l’Officier qu’il appart.endra, un Eta : des Argens paves durant les trois dermeres annees, pour Ampression des Lois de cette Province, et Copies des Comptes fournis paries personnes qui les ont impnmees durant la periode ci-dessus. jc night et Ordonne, Que M. Scott, M. Bedard, M. Archambeault presented la dice Adresse a bon Lx- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Petition of f. \ Petition of Francois Blais, of the lownship > of Biai., relating ‘ ■ t h e Countv of Drummond , Farmer, «i1f £• S to the House by Mr. Morin, and the same was received and read; setting forth: That by virtue of a Deed of transfer under private signature, made favor of the Petitioner by Ihomas Cook, and dated the 7th Anril 1828 he took possession of the Lot No. 1~, in the P "th Range of the' Township of Kingsey: That immediately afterwards he applied I to Darnel Thomas, Fsnuire then Commissioner for the sale otreserveu Lands in the Eastern Townships to obtain a wle to the said Lot on the required conditions. 1 hat tiorn that time until the 29th June 1834, on which day the said Lot No 12 was definitively sold, the Petitioner and ns children made clearances thereon to so considerable an extent as to make the Lot of great importance. I hat j 0 h n Wadley, farmer, became the purchaser on the day last aforesaid, under circumstances which the 1 etitioner hplieves himself justified in representing as grievances of ;hemosr serious nature: That it is notorious tha , ‘A Jnhn W adieu was at that time the peisonal enemy of the Petitioner: That the said John n ' adle V is reputed to be one of those creatures of the Agents of the Administration, whose chief occupation is to , c t| 1P niass of the agricultural population by al defraud the mass , ot tne g ^ ' before the said I°o S t S ‘wa e s n sohl, the 1 Honorable WilUal B. Felton, in his on lhy of Commissioner for the sale of the reserved l ands privately sent, as the ordinary notice, a sing e hand bid containing a notice of the sale in English to the said John Wadley, who receiving the same as^f if Ind heen a private communication, kept it secret from the public P , and was enabled to become the pur- chaser of Urn said Lot without the knowledge of the Petitioner, evidently with a view to revenge himself, and to defraud the Petitioner of his labour and the im- provements he had made on the said Lot. That the p „ r £er on bein- informed of the event aforesaid, hastened to apply personally to the said Honorable IV B Felton, and to represent to him the severa m c denis which had attended the sale of the said Lot ; but the said Honorable IV. B. Felton refused to take any notice of the statement made by the Petitioner, referring him to the Commissioners, although the Peti- tioner offered to remove all obstacles with regard to the payment of the instalment. I hat y which the Petitioner hereby offers to prove, and mo especially by adjudging the said Lot to the M i d [ John Wadley without having issued any notice of the ale thereof in French, it appears that the said W. B ■ Felton • ... , s' Petition de F. TT .-.0 Petition de Francois Blais , Cultivateur, au Biais, relative a Une i- etltlOIl / n ✓ j t'* _ ,»vi O un Lot de Terre Township de Kingsey, dans le Comte de Drummond, a dansKingsey . ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Morin, laquelle a etc recue et lue, exposant : Qu’en vertu d un Acte translatif de possession, sous Seing Privd, a lm donne par Thomas Cook en date du 7 Avril 1828, il prlt possession du Lot No. 12, dans le 5e Rang du Township de Kingsey . Ou’aussitot apres, il s’adressaa Daniel- I homas, Ecuyer, Sors Comm.ssaire pour la vente des Reserves dans les Townships de l’Est pour en obtenir un litre aux com ditlsrequises : Quejusqu>au29 ijuin 1834, jour oule rlit l ot N ° . 1 2 fut defimtivement vendu, le 1 ctition- ndre avecse. enfans avail P ouss6 les dclrichemens a une etendue considerable, qui ont acquis a ce Lot une grande importance : Que John Wadley, Cultivateur du Township de Kingsey, s’en porta alors adjudicataire, sous des circonstances que le Petitionnaire croit pou- voir representer comme Griefs de la nature la plus gra- ve • Qu’il est notoire qu’alors le dit John Hadley etait l’ennemi personnel du Petitionnaire : Que le i dit John Wadley est repute un des affid£s des A gens de A ministration dont l’occupation pnncipale est de frauder la masse des Agriculteurs par tons moyens posMble^. Que tres peu de jours avant la vente du dit lot, 1 Ho- norable William-B. Felton, en sa qualite de Commis Lire pour la vente des Reserves, envoya pnvement une seule affiche en Anglais, contenant l’avertissement de la vente, comme affiche ordinaire, au dit John Hadley, qui recevant cette piece comme communication pnvee, la tint secrete pour le Public, et put ainsi sc fame ad- ; U ger le dit lot, a I’insu du dit Proprietaue dans la vue iifdente de se venger, et de lui enlever fraudulensement ses impenses et ameliorations sur le dit lot. Que Petitionnaire, en apprenant eet evenement, se ha ta ri’aller trouver le dit Honorable It ,-B Felton, et de lm exposer les divers incidens au fait de ^adjudication du dk lot, mais que le dit Honorable W.-B. Felton refuse de prendre connaissance de son expose, le renvoyant ak P Commissaires, bien que le dk Petk.onnaue offra.t de lever les obstacles relatifs aux termes de paiement . Que par plusieurs circonstances que le Petitionnaire '■oHie deprouver, et notamment par le fait d avoir ad- iu^e 1c dk lot au dk John Wadley, sans l’avotr rlgu- lierement mis a l’encl.ire en langue Fran 5 ais e que e dit W.-B. Felton etait en intelligence avec le dit ./ Wadley pour l’aider autant que possible dans ses vues def3e P et de monopole centre la nartie pauvre d s Cultivateurs Canadiens de ce Township , "an Chambre de prendre en consideration injustice co it e lui commise par des homines riches et pm ’ ^ 6 Will. IV, 11" Decembris , 267 had an understanding with the said John Wadley to aid him as far as possible in his schemes of fraud and monopoly against the poorer class of Canadian farmers in the said Township; and praying the House to take into consideration the injustice the Petitioner has sus* tained at the hands of rich and powerful men from whom he can obtain no satisfaction, and to adopt such proceedings in consequence as the House in its wis- dom shall deem meet. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. il ne peut attendre aucune satisfaction, et d’ordonner ce qu en sa sagesse la Chambre trouvera convenable. Or dome, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comi- ty Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux. Bill for print- Ordered, That Mr. Archambeault have leave to bring Evan* 1 Treatise m a Dili to grant an aid towards printing in the French rea the 'first* re ” lan g ua ge the Treatise on Agriculture written by Wil- time. Ham Evans. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Monday next. Petition rela- A Petition of the Inhabitants of Coteau du Lac, and vigation be- others interested in the Trade and Navigation of the sT. e Lo n uSd Kiver St - Lawrence, was presented to the House by st. Francis. Mr. Perrault, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : That the Petitioners most respectfully beg leave to call the attention of the House to the dif- ficulties and interruptions of the Navigation between Lakes St. Louis and St. Francis, hitherto the only na- tural and free thoroughfare or highway to Upper Ca- nada : That these difficulties and interruptions arise from two sources only, the one natural and incident to all rapids and shallows forming only a temporary impe- diment; the other from the new pretensions or claims of the Seignior to the sovereignty of the beach and dominion over the waters within the Seigniory of Sou- langes, a claim, if well founded, presenting an impassa- ble barrier to the passage of merchandize from Great Britain by the River St. Lawrence, thus at once termi- nating and closing all upward intercourse with Upper Canada by the old and ordinary route : That the natu- ral obstructions are removable at an expense trifling in comparison with the resources of the Province or the increase which trade and commerce would derive by the facilities afforded to the transportation of merchan- dize and the consequent reduction of the price of freight: That the claims of the Seignior are artificial or real ; if artificial, terminable by a declaratory Act or process of Law ; if real, purchaseable and abate- able by Legislative power as inconsistent with the ge- neral welfare and public weal : That on the completion of the Cornwall Canal, the impediments to the Naviga- tion will be confined to fourteen miles between Lakes St. Louis and St. Francis : That the Petitioners are convinced that a towing-path in all difficult places from the Cascades to Lake St. Francis , and deepening the Channel at French' s Rift, would be the most efficient amelioration the Navigation is at present susceptible of, considered with reference to the sum required for that purpose, or in anticipation of concurrent improve- ments on the part of Lower Canada with those now in progress in Upper Canada : That with the assistance of a tow-path (and alterations in the King’s Locks) a vessel carrying .50 or 60 tons upwards, and 100 or 120 tons down, might be navigated between Montreal and Cormvall, a distance of 90 miles, in 24 hours, and from thence, on the completion of the Cornwall Canal, pass to Toronto without obstruction : That were the Cornwall Canal completed, and the Legislature determined to undertake a corresponding work, a number of years would be occupied in effecting it, the tow-path now an assistance Or dome , Que M. Archambeault ait la permission d’introduire un Bill pour aider k l’impression en lan- gue Fran 9 aise du Traite d’ Agriculture de William Evans. II a en consequence pr£sent6 le dit Bill, lequel a 6te lu pour la premibre fois, et dont la seconde lecture a etd ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. Une Petition des Habitans du Coteau du Lac, et au- tres, interesses dans le Commerce et la Navigation du Fleuve St. Laurent , a ete presentee a la Cbambre, par M. Perrault, laquellea ete re 5 ue et lue, exposant : Que les Petitionnaires demandent trbs-respectueuse- ment la permission d’appeler l’attention de la Cham- bre sur les difficultes et les obstructions qui s’offrent a la navigation entre le Lac St. Louis et le Lac St. Lranfois, ci-devant le seul passage naturel ou grand chemin pour aller au Haut-Canada : Que ces obsta- cles et obstructions viennent de deux causes, l’une naturelle causee par les rapides, et les bas fonds, qui ne forment n^anmoins qu’un inconvenient passager, et l’autre de la nouvelle pretention du Seigneur qui re- clame la souverainetedes grbves et des eaux, dans les limites de la Seigneurie de Soidanges ; cette reclama- tion, si elle etait fondee, offrirait un obstacle insurmon- table au transport des marchandises de la Grande - Bretagne par le Fleuve St. Laurent, et fermerait toute communication avec le Haul Canada parla route or- dinaire : Que Ton pourrait faire disparaitre les ob- structions naturelles pour une somme modique, com- paiee aux revenus de la Province, ou a 1 accroissement du commerce qui en resultera, par les facilites que cette Amelioration offrirait pour le transport des marchan- dises, et par la reduction des frais de transport : Que les reclamations du Seigneur sont bien ou mal fondees • si el les sont mal fondees, il est possible d’y pour- voir par une Loi ou Acte dedaratoire ; si, au contraire, elles sont bien fondees, on peut les acheterou passer uneloi pour les aneantir, comme contrairesa l’interet et au bien-etre publics: Que lorsque le Canal de Cornwall sera acheve, il n’y aura plus d’obstacles k la navigation, que l’espace de quatorze milles entre le Lac St. IjOuis et le Lac St. Francois : Que les Peti- tionnaires sont convaincus qu’un Chemin de hallage dans quelques endroits entre les Cascades et le Lac St. Franqois, et creuser le Canal pres de French’s Rift, seraient les meilleures ameliorations dont la navigation soit actuellcment susceptible, si Ton considere la som- me requise pour cet objet, ou si l’on fait reflexion aux ameliorations qui se font dans le Haut et le Bas-Ca - nada: Qu a l’aide de ce chemin et des changemens a fane dans les Lcluses du Roi, un Vaisseau du Port de 50 ou GO tonneaux en remontant, et de 100 ou 120 tonneaux en descendant, pourrait faire le trajet de Montreal k Cornwall, distance de 90 milles en 24 heures, et de la, si le Canal de Cornwall £ tait parache- vG, a Toronto, sans rencontrer aucune obstruction : Que si le Canal de Cornwall £tait acheve, et que la Le- gislature Bill pour .1' Im- pression en Fran^ais du Traite d'Agru culture d’Evans, lu la premiere foie. Petition relati- ve a la Navi- gation entre lea Lacs St. Louis et St. Francis, IV Decembris, 268 assistance would then become necessary to prevent a stoppage of the Navigation, the same expense, there- fore iifcur red for a shorter period : That owing to the unfinished works commenced by the Commissioners tor the improvement of the navigation, the navigation is more obstructed than it was: That the Petitioners most respectfully submit their conviction that it the improvements contemplated under the late Act on the plan laid down, had been completed, the navigation would now have been materially benefitted, whilst 1 must have been burdened with additional tolls : JLhu the Petitioners are persuaded that a tow-path is the best practicable and least expensive mode of ameliora- tion by the proof afforded by the enterprize and at t ic expense of aprivate individual of a similar undertaking in the worst parts between the Locks at the Loteau and Lake St. Francis : That by carrying these tow-paths where necessary into deep water, boats carrying o(> tons now pass without unloading or carting any portion ot their cargoes that otherwise would be unable to pass through entirely empty : That since the erection o these tow-paths, the cartage of their cargoes has ceaset between the Locks at the Colcau and Lake St. Francis . That the Seignior has instituted actions to recover da- mages of *1000, and *200, to compel the removal of these tow-bridges round two small and valueless Is e s near the shore : That if the Seignior can legally com- pel the removal of these tow-paths or bridges between the Locks and the Lake, lie possesses the key to open or deny access to Upper Canada, and can at his plea- sure control, destroy or monopolize the navigation anc carrying trade on the River St. Lawrence : That these tow-paths were rendered absolutely and unavoidably necessary by the obstructions left by the Commission- ers in the unfinished state of their works : I hat the Petitioners believe that the beach or strand of the S . Lawrence , as a navigable River, is a public highway, and that by common Law, horses and men employee in drawing boats, have by right the use of the beach for that purpose, and that Islets and Islands obstruct- ing the navigation may be made auxiliary without ren- dering parties interested in that navigation subject to actions for trespass or damages for so rendering them where unavoidably necessary: That this light is the more important as controlling the only passage from Lower Canada alike open to all His Majesty s subjects . That the Ottawa and Rideau Canal is not open to al His Majesty’s subjects, the passage to that Canal being through a private Lock, and closed against all but the Ottawa Forwarding Company : '1 hat the I etitioners believe that £7000, would supply ample means (except- ing alterations of the Locks) to remove all existing ob- stacles to an uninterrupted navigation between Mon- treal and Cornwall ; and praying that the House will be pleased to grant the sum of £7000, for the purposes herein mentioned, arid to pass an Act declaratoiy o the right to tow boats on the River St. Lawrence, oi o grant°a further necessary sum of money for the pur- chase and extinguishment of those rights which inter- fere with the free navigation of the River St. Lawrence , or any other means its wisdom may suggest. A. 1 835 . mature fut decidee a entreprendre des travaux pour y correspond re, celte entreprise demanderait plusieurs annees ; le Chemin de hallage qui est utile mainte- nant, deviendrait alors necessaire, pour ne pas mter- rompre tout-a-fait la navigation, et les memes frais se- raient encourus pour des travaux d’une utiiite puiement momentanfce: Que les travaux commences et aban- donnes par les Commissaires nommes pour 1 ameliora- tion de la navigation font que eette navigation ottre plus destructions qu’auparavant : Que les Petition- naires exposent qu lls i sont persuades que si les ameliorations projetees d a pres le dernier Acte, conformement au Plan qui en a ete fait, avaient fctfc completes, ll nen serait rCsulte aucun avantage bien grand pour la Navigation, en meme temps qu’il aurait fallu imposer des droits additionnels : Que les Petitionnaires sent persua- des que l’etablissement d’un Chemin de hallage est le moyen le plus praticable et le moins dispendieux d’amHiorer la Navigation, l’entreprise particuliere d un individu qui en a dtabli ua dans les endroits les plus mauvais, entre les Ecluses du Coteau et e St. Francois, en est une preuve : Qu en fctablissant des Chemins de hallage oh on Pa trouvfc necessaire dans les endroits profoncls, il passe main ten ant des Ba- teaux du port de 30 tonneaux, sans qu il soit necessai- re de les dfccharger d’une partie de leur cargalson et de la faire charroyer, tandis qu’autrement lls ne pour- raient pas meme passer sans cargaison : Que depuis l’etablissement de ces Chemins de hallage, le charroya- ge des cargaisons a cesse entre les Pluses du Coteau et le Lac St. Francois : Que le Seigneur a mtentfc des actions en dommage pour *£1000 e * £200 > a * in d’oblio-er d’enlever ces Chemins de hallage sur deux petits & Ilets prfcs du rivage : Que si le Seigneur a le droit legal de demolir ces chemins de hallage, ou les Ponts qui se trouvent entre les Ecluses et le Lac, il est mattre absolu d’ouvrir ou de fermer les communi- cations avec le Haul-Canada, et peut a son gre con- troler, detruire et faire le monopole du commerce et de la navigation du Fleuve St. Laurent : Que ces che- mins de hallage sont absolument necessaires par les obstructions causfces par les travaux des Commissaires nuine sont pas acheves : Que les Petitionnaires pen- sent que la grfcve ou le rivage du St. Laurent, comme Rivifcre navigable est un chemin public, et que par la Loi commune les homines et les chevaux employes a tirer les bateaux ont droit de se servir de la grtve pour cet objet, et que les lies ou Ilets qui obstruent la navigation, peuvent aider a la navigation, sans que pour cela les parties intfcressees soient exposees a des actions en dommage ou pour voies de fait, surtout lois- que cela est necessaire : Que ce droit est d autant plus important, qu’il controle le seul passage du Bcis au Haut-Canada qu’aient tons les sujets de Sa Majeste . Que le Canal de YOutaouais et du Rideau n est pas ou- vert a tous les sujets de Sa Majeste, la communica- tion avec ce Canal se faisant par une Ecluse qui^ap- partient it des particuliers et qui n’est ouvert qu a la Compao-nie de transport de YOutaouais: Que les Feti- tionnaires pensent qu’avec £7000 (en exceptant les Ecluses) on pourrait faire disparaitre les obstacles qui obstruent la navigation entre Montreal et Cornwall ; et pliant la Chambre de vouloir leur accorder une sotnme de £7000 pour cet objet, et de passer un Acte declaratoire pour 6tablir le droit de faiie des lemins de hallage sur les greves, ou d octroyer une somme additionnelle pour acheter et abolir ces dions qui son une nuisance a la navigation libre du Fleuve . au rent, ou d’adopter tellesautres mesures que dans sa sa- Resohed, gesse, elle jugera convertibles. 6 Will. I V. 11 ° Decembris . Houses of Cor- reciion Bill read (he first lime. Bill (o regulate the Jesuits' Es- tates read the first time. Council’s amendments to Debtors Pro- perty Bill, con- sidered and agreed. Resolved , That the said Petition be referred to a Committee of five Members, to examine the contents thereof and to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Perrault , Mr. Scott, Mr. Cher - rier, Mr. Archambeault and Mr. Child do compose the said Committee. On Motion of Mr. Archambeault, seconded by Mr. Fortin, Ordered , That it be an Instruction to the said Com- mittee, to enquire into the proceedings of the Commis* sioners appointed in virtue of the Act 1st Will. IV. Cap. 21. Resolu, Que la dite Petition soit referee a on Cornice de cinq Membres, pour en examiner le contenu et en iaire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papierset records. Ordonne , Que M. Perrault, M. Scott, M. Cher rier, M. Archambeault et M. Child composentle dit Comite! Sur Motion de M. Archambeault, seconde par M. Fortin, Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction au dit Comite de senquerir des procedes de la Commission nominee en vertu de l’ Acte lere Guill. IV. Chap. 21. Ordered, That Mr. De Bleury have leave to bring in a Bill to provide temporary Houses of Correction in the several Districts in this Province. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Monday next. Ordonne, Que M. De Bleury ait la permission d 1U- ifill des Mai- troduire un Bill pour pourvoir a des Maissons de cor- “on.tuJE rection temporaires dans differens Districts de cette mi * refoist Province. II a en consequence present^ le dit Bill, lequel a lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ordonnde pour Lundi prochain. Mr. Kimber, from the Standing Committee on the Jesuits’ Estates, presented to the House a Bill to regu- late the administration and management of the Fiefs, Seigniories and other Estates formerly belonging to the Order of Jesuits, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Friday next. M. Kimber, du Comite Permanent sur les Biens des Bin pour re- Jesuites, a present^ a la Chambre un Bill pour regler l’administration et regie des Fiefs, Seigneuries etautres foil* pr “ 9 Biens appartenans ci-devant k l’Ordre des Jesuites, le- quel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Vendredi prochain. On Motion of Mr. De Bleury, seconded by Mr. Scott , Ordered, That the Amendments made by the Legis- lative Council to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act to pre- “ vent Debtors from wasting or diminishing the value “ of their immoveable property under seizure, to the “ injury of their Creditors,” be now taken into consi- deration. The House proceeded accordingly to take the said Amendments into consideration. And the said Amendments were read, and are as fol- loweth : Press 1. Line 12. — After “ enacted,” insert “ and de- “ dared.” “ “ “ 19- — Leave out all the words from “ pu- “ nished,” inclusive, to “ always,” also inclusive, in the twenty sixth line, and insert “ proceeded against by at- “ tachment against his body, contrainte “ par corps, and such process may be “ awarded by the Court, or by any “ Judge thereof, in term or in vaca- “ tion, after a rule or order to shew “ cause, duly served on such Defen- “ dant personally, or at his domicile, “ and after proof made to the satisfac- “ tion of the said Court or Judge, of “ the facts alleged against the said “ Defendant, who may be committed “to Prison, and there detained fora- “ term not exceeding six calendar “ months. “ Provided always, and be it further enacted by the “ authority aforesaid, that before the expiration of the “ term fixed for his imprisonment, the Defendant may “ at any time, demand and obtain his discharge on “ paying the amount of the Judgment rendered against “ him, and the expenses incurred in obtaining the said “ attachment against his body, contrainte par corps. “ Provided also.” Sur Motion de M. De Bleury, second^ par M. Scott, Ordonne, Que les Amendemens faits par le Conseil Legislate au Bill, intitule, “ Acte pour empecher les “ D^biteurs de deteriorer ou diminuer la valeur de “ leurs proprietes immobilieres durant la saisie d’icel- les au prejudice deleurs Creanciers,” soient mainte- nantpris en consideration. La Chambre a en consequence proc^de a prendre les dits Amendemens en consideration. Et les dits Amendemens ont ete lus, comme suit : Feuille 1. Ligne 13. — A pres “ statue,” insiTez “ et de- “ clar6.” “ “ “ 22.— Retranchez' depuis “ le poursui- “ vant,”inclusivement, jusqu’a “tou- “ jours,” aussi inclusivement dans la vingt-huitieme ligne, et inserez “ laquelle pourra etre accordee par “ la Cour ou par aucun Juge d’icelle “ pendant le terme ou la vacance, en “ vertu d’un ordre ou regie dument “ signifiee au saisi, personnellement, “ ou k son Domicile, et sur preuve “ faite ala satisfaction de la dite Cour “ ou du Juge des faits portes a la “ charge du saisi qui pourra etre em- “ prisonn6 et detenu pendant un “ temps qui n’exctbdera pas six mois “ de calendrier. “ Pourvu toujours, et qu’il soit de plus statue par “ I’autorite susdite, qu’avant l’expiralion du terme fixe “ pour sa detention, le saisi pourra en tous temps de- “ mander et obtenir sa liberation en payant le mon- “ tant dujugement rendu contre lui et les frais encou- “ rus pour obtenir la dite contrainte par corps. Pour- “ vu aussi.” Amendemen* du Conseil au Bill relatif auc proprietes de 9 Debiteura, con- siders et adop* tes. Vol. — 45. And 3 Y Et 1 1 “ Decemhris , A. 1 835. O /<=> 70 And the said Amendments being again read, they were agreed to by the House. . . , Ordered, That Mr. De Blenry do carry back the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and acquaint their Ho- nors that this House hath agreed to their Amendments. Papers deliver- The House being informed that Joseph Cary, Es- ed at the Bar: ~ u j re> Inspector General of Public Provincial Accounts, was at the door, he was called in ; and at the Bar deli- vered, pursuant to an Address to His Excellency the Receiver Gene- Governor in Chief, of the 5th instant, the Accounts Cur- rai's Accounts. j 0 nt, and other Accounts of the sums received and paid by the Honorable John Hale, Receiver General, during each half year, up to the 10th October 1835, shewing the sums paid by the several Departments of the Pub- lic Service into the Public Chest of the Province, and the sums paid by the said Receiver General, and by what authority, and for what purposes they were so paid; and, also, the following Statement : Satement of Statement of the amount of the monies in the Pub- Che n st e on n .he e lie Chest at the time of the appointment of the Hono- X oi HaT e Tob°e f rable John Hale , as Receiver General of this 1 rovince. Keceiver Ge- The amount of monies in the Public Chest, as ap- pears from the Accounts rendered by William B. Coltman and Jacob Oldham, Esquires, appointed to inspect and comptrol the Office of the Receiver General, was, on the 29th November 1823, Sterling, £12,042. 4s. Od. that is. Twelve thousand and forty two pounds four shil- lings and six pence Sterling, which sum was paid into the hands of the Honorable John Hale on the 1st of December 1823. Quebec, 10th December, 1835. JOS. CARY, Inspr. Genl. P. P. Accts. On Motion of Mr. Dubord , seconded by Mr. Be- dard, Ordered, the Standin That the said Documents be referred to cr Committee of Public Accounts. O n. b . An engrossed Bill for the more speedy relief of In- tors speedy re- <. n ] ven t Debtors in certain cases, and for a limited time, lief Bill passed. „ . , . . . was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Scott do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Haii of Assem- An engrossed Bill to enable the Commissioners for Btii passed. erect f on of a new Hall of Assembly, to pay off a certain excess of expenditure, and to cause certain work to be done about the said Building, was lead for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Vanfelson do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Seamens’ Wa- An engrossed Bill to provide less expensive means ges Bill passed. ^ the recovery of Wages due to Seamen of Vessels belonging to or registered in this Province, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Power do carry the saul Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concunence. Lake cham- An engrossed Bill to amend and extend the provi- £L a ed Road sions of an Act, intituled, “ An Act for making a Rail “ Road from Lake Champlain to the River St. Law- “ rence ,” was read for the third time. Et les dits Amendemens ayant et6 lus de nouveau, ils out et6 adoptes par laChambre. Ordonne, Que M. De Bleury reporte le dit Bdl au Conseil Legislat'd, et informe leurs Honneurs que cette Chambre a adopt6 leurs Amendemens. La Chambre etant informee que Joseph Cary, E- cuyer, Inspecteur-G6neral des Comptes Publics Pro ■ vinciaux, 6tait a la Porte, il a et£ appele, et a remis k la Barre, conformement a une Adresse a Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 5 de ce mois, les comp.«d«n«. Comptes Courant et autres Comptes des Demers re^us ra i. et pay6s par l Honorable John Hale, Receveui -Gene- ral, pendant chaque semestre, jusqu au 10 Octobre 1835, indiquant les sommes payees par les difffi- rens D6parlemens du Service Public dans la Gaisse Publique de la Province, et les sommes pay6es par le dit Receveur-General, en vertu de quelle autorite, et pour quels objets ces sommes ont 6t6 ainsi payees ; et aussi l’Etat suivant : . Etat du montant des Deniers dans la Caisse Pu- ^ a r ‘ d ri e a s ns ° e ” blioue lors de la nomination de l’Honorable John caisse ior S de i« _ / t i i .. tj • ^ nomination de Hale, comme Receveur-General de cette Province. m. Haiecom. Le montant des Deniers dans laCaisse Publique, ain- £ e 6n ^ 1 eveur ' si qu’il appert d’apres les Comptes rendus par William - B. Coltman et Jacob Oldham, Ecuyers, nommes pour inspecter et controler le Bureau du Receveur-Geneial, se montait, le 29 JSovembre 1823, a £12,042 4s« 6d. argent Sterling, e’est-a-dire, Douze nnlle quarante- deux livres quatre schellings et dix deniers Steiling, laquelle somme a 6te vers£e entre les mains del Hono- rable John Hale, le ler D6cembre 1823. Quebec, 10 D6cembre 1885. JOS. CARY, Ins. G£nl. Comptes P. P. Sur Motion de M. Dubord , seeonde par M. Bedard, Ordonne , Que les dits Documens soient r£f£r£s au Comit£ Permanent des Comptes Publics. Un Bill grossoye pour venir pius promptement au secours des D6biteurs insolvables, en certains cas, ^coursdes et pour un temps liinite, a ete lu pour la troisi^me fois. solvables, pas*i5. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne , Que M. Scott porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, etdemande son concours. Un Bill grossov6 pour mettre les Commissaires pour ®iJj i *™{{ ( e, def lYrection d une nouvelle Salle des Seances de 1 Assem- Seances de bl6e en etat de couvrir un excedant ded6penses, etde p«|| embl6e ’ faire faire certains ouvrages au dit Batiment, a 6t6 lu pour la troisi&me fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Vanfelson porte le dit Bill au Con- seil Legislatif et demande son concours. Un Bill grossoye qui pourvoit a recouvrer avec moins g™S“ f,ux defrais, les Gages dus aux Equipages de vaisseaux Mateiots. ?«««. appartenans, ou enregistr6s dans cette Province, a ete lu pour la troisi£me fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne Que M. rower porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Un Bill grossoye pour amender et 6tendre les dis- a Lisses du Lac positions d’un Acte, intituH, “ Acte pour pourvoir a ‘■ h s a ™P lain - “ la construction d’un Chemin a Lisses entre le Lac “ Champlain e t le Fleuve St. Laurent, a ete lu pour la troisi^me fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, Ordonne, 6 Will. IV. 1 1 0 Decenibris . Ordered, That Mr. Leslie do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Stephen Walcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, was admitted with- in the Bai, and delivered to Mr. Speaker, a Message from His Excellency the Governor in Chief, signed by His Excellency. ° And then he withdrew. And the said Message was read by Mr. Speaker, all the Members of the House being uncovered ; and is as followeth : 271 Ordonne, Que M. Leslie porte le dit Bill au Conseil L^gislatif, et demande son concours. Stephen Walcott, Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son a. 3< ,„ Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, a ete admis en de- Exceilc,,ce * dans de la Bane, et a remis a M. l’Orateur, un Mes- sage de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, sio-n6 par Son Excellence. & Et ensuite il s’est retire. Et ledit Messagea 6te lu par M. l’Orateur, tous les iviembres de la Chambre etant decouverts, et il est comine suit : Navigation of the Kiver St. Lawrence. Appendir (H.H.) The preceding Message refer, red. Bill to repeal an Act relating to Rafts and Scows passing Chateauguay , reported. G OS FORD, Governor in Chief. I he Governor in Chief referring to his Predecessor’s Message of the 8th of February, 1834-, and to the Do- cuments and Plans which accompanied it, now trans- mits for the information of the House of Assemblv, Copies of certain Communications, five in number' with Plans, received from Upper Canada, relative to the improvement of the Navigation of the River St. Law- rence. The Governor in Chief being impressed with the great public utility of the undertaking commenced by the Sister Province, earnestly recommends to the fa- vorable consideration of the House the expediency of ending their co-operation for the accomplishment of a measure which cannot fail to advance the general prosperity of the Province. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 11th December 1835. For the Documents accompanying the preceding Message, see Appendix (H. H.) at' the end of this Vo- lume. On Motion of Mr. Arcliambeault, seconded by Mr Fortin, J 9 . t the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, with the accompanying Documents relating to the improvement of the Navigation of the River St. Lawrence, be referred to the Standing Com- mittee of Roads and Public Improvements. Mr. Boutillier, from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to repeal an Act therein mentioned concerning the Inspector and Measurers of Rafts and Scows, and the Pilots thereof, between Chateauguay and Montreal, and for other purposes therein mentioned reported, according to Order, the amendment made’ by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendment was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. J GOSFORD, Gouverneur-en-Chef. Le Gouverneur-en-f lief ref^rant au Message de snn Navi g slion du Ptedecesseur, du 8 Fevrier 1834, et aux Documens et Lwrent 81 ' Elans qui 1 accompagnaient, transmet maintenant, pour 1 information de la Chambre d’AssembRe, Copies de certaines Communications, au nombre de cinq avec les Plans qu’il a ref us du 1 laid -Canada, relativement a 1 amelioration de la navigation du Fleuve St. Laurent. Le Gouverneur-en-Chef convaincu de la grande uti- bte publique de l’entrepnse qui a 06 commencee par la Province du Haut-Canada, recommande instamment a la consideration favorable de la Chambre, Ja con venance de contribuer a aecomplir un objet qui ne peut manquer de promouvoir la prosperity gtmeralede la Province. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 1 1 Decembre 1 835. Pour , les Documens qui accompagnent le Mes- Append sage precedent, voir Appendice (H. H.) a la fin de ce (H ‘ H) \olume. Sur Motion de M. Arcliambeault , seconde par M Fortin, 1 Ordonne, Que le Message de Son Excellence leGou- Le verneur-en-Chef, avec les Documens qui l’accompa- dent r6 ‘ gnent, relatifs a 1 amelioration de la Navigation du Fleuve St. Laurent, soient refers au Comite Perma- nent des Chemins etdes Ameliorations Publiques. M . Boutillier, du Comite de toute la Chambre, sur bii. p0U r e Bill pour abroger un Acte y mentionne, concernant gerU1 ' Ac,ere - 1 Inspecteur et les Mesureurs des Bacs et Cages, et les 1 dotes d iceux, entre Chateauguay et Montreal, et JSvf SiS’ pour aut res fins y mentionnees, a fait rapport, confor- ' mement a 1 Ordre, de l’amendement fait au dit Bill par eComite, lequel amendement a ete lu de nouveau a la fable du Giefher, et adopte par la Chambre. Or dered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. Bill re- Mr. 1 crrault, from the Committee of the whole ’mended."" House on Bie Bill to provide for the Lighting of the City of Montreal, by Gas, reported, according to Or- der, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the Llouse. Ordered, I hat the following Clause be added to the said Bill, and form part thereof: “ Provided always that the Gas Works herein before “ mentioned, shall be in full operation within two years “ from t}™ passing of this Act, in default whereof ** ^ le privileges and advantages granted by this Act * t0 Bie Company shall cease and be of no effect.” Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. A Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. ° M . Perrault, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur bhi po„r fe. le Bill pour pourvoir a l’eclairage de la Cit 6 de Mont- real pai le Gaz, a fait rapport, conformement a l’Or- Gaz, rappor- dre, desamendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite ,4etaraend4 ’ lesquels amendemens out ete lus de nouveau k la Table du Greflier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que la Clause suivante soit ajoutee au dit Bill, et en fasse partie. “ Pourvu toujours, que les Appareils a Gaz ci-des- tc sus mentionne's, seront en pleine operation sous deuxans apr&s la passation de cet Acte j sinon et k faute de quoi, les privileges et avantages accordes par cet Acte k la dite Compagnie, seront nuls et de “ nul effet.” Ordonne , Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- so y£‘ Conformement 07Q ,C • ^ 1 \ ° Decetubris. A. 1835 , s„ a™, A Bill to appropriate a certain sum of money for the Bridge Bill road . n 0 f a Bridge over the River Ste. Anne , in Uie secondn me. COllSll UCllOIl & . Onlor vporl the Coifnty of Champlain, was, according to Ordei, lead 3 ^ResotedT That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. De Bleury , Mr. Irudel, Mr. Methot, Mr. Larue and Mr. Barnard do compose the said Committee. Committee on The Order of day for the Mouse in Committee on petition of s. he Report of the Special Committee to whom was re- ferred the Petition of Simeon Larochel , of St. Anselme de Lauzon, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. „ , _ . , , Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. Committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee purchase'of on the Report of the Special Committee to whom was Grote isie. re ferred the Petition of Vierre Duplain, of Cap Sant e, and, also, the Bill to enable His Majesty to acquire the Island called “ Grosse Isle,” for the public uses of lie Province, and to indemnify the Proprietor thereof, be- 11 The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. „ , „ , Mr. Cherrier took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Cherrier reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, without making any amendment thereto ; and the said Report was again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered , That the said Bill be engrossed. Committee on qq ie Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Standing Committee of Grie- va ^“' ^ S ea« d ordin S ly resolved itself into the said C °M T^De Bleury took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; . , And Mr. Be Bleury reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution, which he was directed to submit to the House. . . Ordered , That the Report be received to-morrow. Committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee Cap Rouge _ ,j ie Repor t of the Special Committee to whom was 66 4 referred the Bill to authorize Pierre Gingras to build a Toll Bridge over the River Cap Rouge, and, also, the Petition of John Bonner, of Quebec, Merchant, being The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made seveial amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to repoit to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. Then, on Motion of Mr. Archambeault, seconded by Mr. Bardy , The House adjourned. Saturday, Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour aft’ectei une Ste Anneiu certaine somme d’argent pour la construction d’un «•»« stc ° nde Pont sur la RivRre Ste. Anne, dans le Comte de Champlain, a ete lu une seconde fois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit r6f£re a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. De Bleury, M. Trudel , M. Me- thot, M. Larue et M. Barnard composent le dit Co- mite. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en co»w.»r & u Comite sur le Rapport du Comite Special auquel a ete Larochel. referee la Petition* de Simeon Larochel, de St. Anselme de Lauzon , ayant ete lu La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. , , ^ , , M. Bardy a pi is le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps. M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; VOrdre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le llapport du Comite Special auquel a ete de laGrosse-ue, referee la Petition de Pierre Duplain, du Cup Sante, etaussi le Bill pour mettre Sa Majeste en etat de faire l’acquisition de Pile appelee “ la Grosse lie,” pour .es usages publics de la Province, et pour indemmser le Proprietaire d’icelle, ayant ete lu ; , „ La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Co- mite. M. Cherrier a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; ^ Et M. Cherrier a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, sans y faire aucun amendement ; et le Rapport a ete lu de nouveau a la fable du Gieffier. Ordonne, Quele dit Bill soit grossoye. L’Ordre dujour pour que la Chambre se foimeen Petition det Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent Kahuna des Griefs, ayant ete lu ; ca pS)P ourun La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit secours> Comitt:. M. De Bleury a pris le Fauteuil du Lomite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. De Bleury a fait rapport que le Comile avait passe une Resolution, qu’il avait ordre de soumettre a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit recu demam. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se foime en gXJ'u Pont du Comite sur le Rapport du Comite Special auquel a ete cap-Rouge, r6fer6 le Bill pour autoriser Pierre Gingras a batir un Pont de P^age sur la Riviere Cap Rouge , et aussi la Petition de John Bonner , Marchand, de Quebec, ayant 6te lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comite j et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Oiateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Lardy a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re$u demain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Archambeault, seconde pai M. Bardy , La Chambre s’est ajournee. Samedi, 6 Will. IV. 12“ Decembris. 273 Answer |o an Address. Answer to an Address. Report on Small Causes Bril. Message to l Council with Plans. &c. on Montreal Pub- lic Square Bill. The Petition of P. De Bou- cherville refer- red. Second Report of Committee on Trade. Saturday , mh December, 1835. Samedi, 12 Decembre 1835. ’jwl’ Kimber, accompanied by the oilier Messen- xV-EL gers, reported to the House, that their Address of the ninth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying him to cause to he laid before this House, 1st. A Copy of the Report of the Executive Council, dated 5th February 1834, recommending that a Lease of 25,940 arpents of Land in the Seigniory of Cap de la Magdeleine , should be granted to the Honorable Matthew Bell. 2nd. A Statement of all such portions of the Jesuits’ Estates as have been sold, or otherwise alienated by the Government, had been presented to His Excellency; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I will cause the Statement, and a Copy of the Re- port of the Executive Council, prayed for in this Ad- dress, in respect to the Jesuits’s Estates, to be furnished to the House of Assembly, as soon as the same can he prepared. Castle of St. Lewis , Quebec , 12th December 1835. Kimber, accompagne des autres Messagers, a Repose aum * fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du Adrene ‘ neuf du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef, le priant de faire mettre devant cette Chambre, lo. Une Copie du Rapport du Conseil Executif, en date du5 Fevrier 1834, accordant a l’Honorable Matthew Bell le Bail de 25,940 arpens de terre dans laSeigneu- rie du Cap de la Magdeleine ; 2o. Un Tableau des dif- ferentes parties des Biens des Jesuites dans la Province qui ont ete vendues, ou autrement alienees par le Gou* vernement, avait ete presentee ;\ Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, J’ordonnerai que le Tableau, et une Copie du Rap- port du Conseil Executif, demandes dans cette Adres- se, an sujet des Biens des Jesuites, soient fournis a la Chambre, aussitot qu’ils pourront etre prepares. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 12 Decembre 1835. Mr. Scott, accompanied by the other Messengers, re- M. Scott, accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait Rsp«„i ... ported to the House, that their Address of yesterday, rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse d’hier, a Son Adres,B - to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying for Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Cheh demandant un a Statement of the monies paid during the last three Etat des argens payes durant les trois derni&res annees, years for the Printing of the Laws in this Province, and pour Pimpression des Lois de cette Province, et Co- Copies of the Accounts furnished by the persons who pies des Comptes fournis par les personnes qui les ont have printed the same during the above period, had imprimees durant la periode ci-dessus, avait He pre- been piesented to His Lxcellency; and that he had sentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de don- beer, pleased to give the following Answer : ner la Reponse suivante : Gentlemen, Messieurs, In compliance with the prayer of this Address, the En conformite de la demande de cette Adresse, il proper Officer shall be instructed to lay before the sera donne ordre a l’Officier a qui il appartient, de met- House of Assembly, the Statement, and the Copies of tre devant la Chambre d’Assemblee, l’Etat et les Copies Accounts therein mentioned, relative to the Printing de Comptes qui y sont mentionnes, relativement a l’im- of the Laws in this Province during the last three pression des Lois dans cette Province durant les trois years. derni^res annees. Castle of St. Lewis, Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 12th December, 1835. Quebec, 12 Decembre 1835. Mr. Archambeault, from the Special Committee to M. Archambeaull, du Comite Special auquel a ete Rapporteur ie whom was referred the Bill to revive, amend and con- r donne, Que M. Leslie porte le dit Message au Conseil Legislatif. Sur Motion de M. Leslie, seconde par M. Lajontaine, Ordonne, Que la Petition de Pierre De Boucherville, La pe,j tl0 de Montreal, presentee & cette Chambre le 9 Novem- R De Boucher- bre dernier, soit r^ffiree au Comite Special auquel a vlllc ’ "- fer “ e - ete referee la Petition du Maire etdu Conseil de Ville de la Cite de Montreal. Mr. Leslie, from the Standing Committee of Trade, M. Leslie, du Comite Permanent du Commerce a Sccond IIs p presented to the House the Second Report of the said presente k la Chambre le Second Rapport du dit Co- ^commer^f Committee, m j t( i Vol.— 45. 3 Z Two Petitions against the re. (>eal of the Act levying a Tax upon Rafts pass- ing Chateau- guay. Reoort on Ste Anne Bridge Bill. Petition of C. Dix and T. Webster rela- ting to Lands r>< ar the Falls of Shawinegan. endice Pour les dits Etats et Comptes, voir Appendice (j'.’T) ‘ ce (J. J.) a la fin de ce Volume. Mr. De Witt , from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to make further provision for the im- provement and enlargement of the Harbour of Mon- treal, and to appoint Commissioners for that purpose, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. M. De Witty du ComitS de toute la Chambre pour pourvoir ult6rieurement a 1 amelioration et a 1 agran- dissement du Havre de Montreal, et pour nommer des Commissaires a cette fin, a fait rapport, conforme- ment a l’Ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens ont ete 1 us de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. Bill du Havre de Montreal, rapporie. Mr. Bardy , from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to appropriate a certain sutn of money for the construction of a Bridge over the River Ste. Anne, in the County of Champlain, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. The Order of the day for the second reading of the Bill to provide temporary Houses of Correction in the several Districts of this Province, being read j Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Friday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to revive, amend and continue for a limited time, an Act further to provide for the summary trial of Small Causes, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Tuesday the twenty ninth instant. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Meilleur , The House adjourned. M. Bardy, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Bill pour affecter une certaine somme d’argent, pour pone, la construction d’un Pont sur la Riviere Ste. Anne, dans le Comte de Champlain, a fait rapport, conforme- ment a l’Ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens ont £t6 lus de nou- veau a la Table du Greffier, et adopts par la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. L’ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour sonsde Correc- pourvoir a des Maisons de Correction temporaires ream, dans les difRrens Districts de cette Province, ayant lu ; Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Ven- dredi prochain. L’Ordre du iour pour que la Chambre se forme en Bin des Petites Comit6 sur le Bill pour remettre en force, amender et continuer, pour un temps limite, un Acte pour pour- voir ulterieurement a la decision sommaire des Petites Causes, ayant ete lu j Ordonne, Que\e dit Ordre du jour soit remis h demain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en ^™Sc*mii Comit6 sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent des Cours de des Cours de Justice, ayant et£ lu ; Justice, remis. Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mar- di le vingt-neuf du courant. Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger , second^ par M. Meilleur, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Wednesday , 1 6 th December, 1835. Merer edi, 16 Decembre 1835. Certificate of Speaker informed the House, that the Clerk lT_l_ of this House had received a Certificate of chereau, for the t i le Election of a Member to serve in the Assembly of Beauce. this Province, for the County of Beauce, in the room of Pierre Elzear Taschereau, Esquire, resigned. The said Certificate was read, and is as followeth : M l’Orateur a inform^ la Chambre, que le Gref- Certificatdu o fier de cette Chambre avait re9u un Certificat j.^T^sche- de l’Election d’un Membre pour servir dans l’Assem- c““’^° d u e rle bffie de cette Province, pour le Comt6 de Beauce , en Beauce. remplacement de Pierre-Elzear Taschereau, Ecuyer, qui avait r6sign£. Le dit Certificat a et6 lu, et il estcomme suit : Office Bureau 6 Will. ! V. 1 €>“ Dcccmbris. 281 Committee to enquire respect : ing the death oi John Collins, and into the itateoftheMon. ireal Gaol, \ddress for Co- des of proceed- ngs at the Co- oner’s Inquest n the body of ohn Collins. ct 1st Will. V. Cap 28, lating to the 1 arkets, to be nsidered. eport on erks or Bai. is Fees Bill. Office of jiie Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, Quebec, 16th December, 1835. This is to certify that in virtue of a Writ of Elec- tion, dated the twenty sixth day of November last, is- sued by His Excellency the Governor in Chief; and directed to the Returning Officer of the County of Beauce, ( Jean Baptiste Bonneville, Esquire,) for the election of a Member for the said County, in the room of Pierre Elzear Taschereau, Esquire, who hath vacated his Seat, Joseph Andre Taschereau, Esquire, has been returned as duly elected accordingly, as appears by the Return of the said Writ dated the twelfth day of De- cember instant, which is lodged of record in this office. THQS. AMIOT, Clk. Cn. in Chy. // . B. Lindsay, Esquire, Clk. of the House of Assembly. Bureau du Greffier de la Couronne en Chancellerie, Quebec, 16 Decembre 1835. Le present est pour certifier, qu’en vertu d’un ttrit u Election, dat£ du vmgt-sixifcme jour de Novembre dernier, emane de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Cnel, et adress6 a 1 Offieier Rapporteur du Comt<$ de Beauce (Jean- Baptiste Bonneville , Ecuyer,) pourl’Elec- tion d’un Membre pour le dit Comte, en remplacement de 1 ierre-Elzear Taschereau, Ecuyer, lequel a r £sign6 son siege, Joseph- Andre Taschereau, Ecuyer a lapporte dument elu en consequence, ainsi qu’il an- pert par le Retour du dit Writ, dat£ du douzieme jour de Decembre present, lequel est d:ii r or t } ie better regulation ot the Pisnenes in first time. 111 a . the Inferior District of Gaspe . He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Monday next. Beauhamois Mr. Arcliambeault presented to the House the Re- Agricuiturai ports of the Agricultural Society foi the County oi ports 'tv>M 834 Beauhamois, for the years 1 834 and 1 835. * ,835 -. , For the said Reports, see Appendix (LI.) at the end Appendix (H.) \ , r of this Volume. iteport on Bill Mr. De Bleury , from the Standing Committee of to continue cer- F vn ; r mry Laws, reported that the Committee had gone um ACU ‘ through the Bill to continue for a limited time certain Acts therein mentioned, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. „ , _ t . , , Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Monday next. Report on vii- Mr. De Bleurij, from the Standing Committee of ggj* Police Expiring Laws, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill to revive, amend and continue foi a limited time, a certain Act concerning the Police of William Henry, and other Villages, and had made se- veral amendments thereto, which amendments weie A. 1835 , rendus aupres de Son Excellence, dans laChambie du Conseil L6gislatif. Et, etant de retour, M. TO rate ur a fait rapport quo, conformement aux r ^ p ‘ or ^" r la OrdresdeSon Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, la sanction Roy- Chambre s’etait rendue aupres de Son Excellence, n 6 e atrois dans la Chambre du Conseil Legislate, ou il a pJu a Bills - Son Excellence de donner, au nom de Sa Majeste, la Sanction Royale aux Bills Publics suivans . “ Acte qui autorise la vente, et permet de disposer “ de certains effets non reclames et restant en la pos- “ session des Greffiers de la Paix en cette 1 rovince. “ Acte pour le soulagement, pendant un temps li- “ mite, des Debiteurs insolvables. ’ “ Acte pour venir plus promptement au secours des “ Debiteurs insolvables, en certain cas, et pour un “ temps limits.’’ ao-ain read at the Clerk’s Table. “ © Ordered, Joseph- Andre Taschereau, Ecuyer, Membre pour le »» ,,, Comte de Beauce , ayant prealablement prete le ser- ment, conformement a la Loi, et souscrit devant les Comrnissaires le Role qui le contient, a pi is sou siege dans la Chambre. M. Perrault, accompagne des autres Messagers, a Repo™ a un* fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adiesse du seize du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, demandant Copies de tons les procedes qui out eu lieu devant le Ccronaire du District de Montreal, a 1 en- quete tenue sur le corps de John Collins, decede, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : jVJ q ggjgy pg Je vous prie d’informer la Chambie d Assembhe, en reponse a cette Adresse, que Copies de tous les procedes qui ont cu lieu devant le Coronaiie du Distiict de Montreal, a l’enquete tenue sur le corps de John Collins, dececff, seront mises devant la Chambre, aus- sitot qu on aura pu les obtenir. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec, 18 D6cembre 1835. Ordonne, Que M. Thibaudeau ait la permission d’in- P6ch.. troduire un Bill pour mieux regler les Peches dans le premiere fois . District Inferieur de Gaspe. , , , Il a en consequence presente le dit Bill, iequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lectuie a ete ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. » M. Arcliambeault a presente a la Chambre les Rap- Scciete d’Agri- ports de la Societe d’ Agriculture pour le Comt6 de Beauhamois, pour les annees 1834 et 1835. ^ i^ 1834et Pour les dits Rapports, voir Appendice (H.) ^ ^ Appendice fin de Volume. M De Bleury, du Comite Permanent des Lois ex- Rapportsurie piranles, a fait Rapport que le Comite avait passe le tinuer cenains Bill pour continuer pour un temps limite certains Actes Ac,es - y mentionnes, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Ta- ble du Greffier. . , v Ordonne, Quo 1® dit Bill et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Lundi prochain. M. De Bleary, du Comite Permanent des Lois ex- pirantes, a fait Rapport que le Comit6 avait passe le uPoMcede. Bill pour faire reviser, ameuder et continuer, pour un temps limite, un certain Acte concernant la Police de William Henry, et autres Villages, et y avait fait p u- sicurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens ont cte lus dc nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne , G Will. IV. 1 8 “ Decemlris. Cap R.uge Bridge Bill paused. Motion for an Instruction to the Committee on the Jesuits’ Estates Petition against a Turnpike Road from Longueuil to i Chambly. ’etition of Jane Jilfoyle, and 'thers. Ordered , That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, to-morrow. An engrossed Bill to authorize Pierre Gin^ras to to build a Toll Bridge over the River Cap Rouge , was read for the third time. Resolved , That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Huot do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Mr. Gugy moved, seconded by Mr. Power, That it be an Instruction to the Standing Commit tee on the Jesuits’ Estates, to enquire and report on the expedien- cy of disposing of the said Estates with a view to make Legislative application of the Funds arising from the Sales of the said Estates. The House divided on the Question : Yeas, 5. Nays, 51. So it passed in the Negative. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Village of Georgeville, in the Township of Stanstead, was presented to the House by Mr. Child , and the same was received and read; setting forth: That the Petitioners are, through one of their Representatives ( Marcus Child, Esquire,) just now informed for the first time, that it is attempted by certain Individuals to obtain a grant for a 1 urnpike Road from Longueuil to Chambly, against which the Petitioners feel it not only their duty, but their right, to remonstrate, as being a tax attempted to be imposed upon them without their consent and against their rights; and praying the House not to grant the prayer of the said Petitioners. Ordered, r lhat the said Petition be referred to the Committee of the whole House on the First Report of the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improve- ments. A Petition of Jane Gilfoyle, and others, of Diamond Harbour in the City of Quebec, Householders, was pre- sented to the House by Mr. Bedard, and the same was received and read; setting forth : That upon the tenth day of September last, the Petitioners vvere each and every one of them arrested by John Andrews, Officer of Police for the District of Quebec, acting under the di- rection of the Magistrates and Clerks of the Peace of the City of Quebec, under a "Warrant purporting to have been signed by one Hennj James Russell, one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the District of Quebec, on a complaint alleged to have been made on oath before the said Magistrate by one Mary Curtin : That the Petitioners have since ascertained that no such Warrant was ever issued by the said Magistrate, nor any informations taken by him, and that in conse- quence thereof the Petitioners are advised and believe that the issue of the said Warrants by the Clerks of the Peace was a forgery at common Law : That notwith- standing the foregoing circumstances, and although the legal fee of the Clerks of the Peace on the occasion of admitting parties to bail by recognizance, is only two shillings and sixpence, yet the Petitioners shew, that the said Clerks of the Peace exacted from the Petitioners the sum of Two pounds five shillings, with- out the payment of which sum the said Clerks of the Peace declined to discharge the Petitioners from arrest : That upon the nineteenth day of the said month of September, the Petitioners caused a full statement of all the foregoing circumstances, together with several affidavits Vol — 4.5. Q85 Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient reRreS a un Comity de toute la Chambre, demain. Ln Bill grossoye pour autoriser Pierre Gingras k BiiiduPom batir un Pont de Peage sur la Riviere Cap Rouge, a ete Ju pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe.’ Ordonne, Que M. Huot porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. M. Gugy a propose, seconde par M. Power Ou’il Molion P our l soit une Instruction au Comite Permanent suF les S^SSS? Biensdes Jesuites, de s’enqu&rir et faire rapport s’il est j*5S* d “ expedient de disposer des dits Biens dans la vue de faire des applications Legislatives des fonds qui proviendront des ventes des dits Biens. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question : Pour, 5, Contre, 51. Ainsi elle a passe dans la Negative. Une Petition de divers Habitans du Village de Georgeville, dansle Township de Stanstead, a ete pre- sentee a la Chambre par M. Child, laqueile a €t€ re$ue et lue ; exposant : Que les Petitionnaires ont ete inf’or- m6s pour la premiere fois par la voie de fun de leurs Representans, Marcus Child, Ecuyer, que certains in- dividus ont essay6 d’obtenir une allocation pour etablir un chemin a barrRres depuis Longueuil ]\isc\\}*k Cham- hly> auquel il est non seulement de leur devoir, mais auquel ils ont droit de s’opposer, parce que c’est une taxe que l’on veut imposer sur eux, sans leur consente- ment et contre leurs droits ; et priant la Chambre de ne point acc£der a la demande des dits Petitionnaires. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comi- te de toute la Chambre sur le Premier Rapport du Co- mite Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations pu- bliques Petition contre un Chemin a barrieres depuis Longueuil jut- qu'a Chambly Une Petition de Jane Gilfoyle , et autres, de Diamond Petition de Harbour , dans la Cite de Quebec, Occupans de maisons, a ete pr£sent£e a la Chambre par M, Bedard , laqueile a ete ref ue et lue ; exposant : Que le dixieme jour de Septembre dernier, les Petitionnaires ont ete arreites par John Andrews, Officier de Police pour le District de Quebec, agissant sous la direction des Magistrals et des Greffiers de la Paix de cette Cite, en vertu d’un Warrant revetu de la signature de Henry-James Rus- sell, fun des Juges de Paix du District de Quebec, et £mane sur une plaintequ’on allegueavoir ete portee sous serment devantle dit Magistrat, par une nominee Mary Curtin : Que les Petitionnaires ont constate depuis que le dit Magistrat n’avait jamais emane ce Warrant, et qu’il n’avaitnon plus refu aucune information; et que les Petitionnaires sont informes et pensent qu’en C manant ce Warrant , les Greffiers de la Paix se sont rendus coupables du crime de faux, d apres la Loi commune : Que nonobstant cela, et quoique suivant la loi les frais dus aux dits Greffiers de la Paix, dansle cas ou ils admettent & caution, ne soient que de deux schellings et demi, n£anmoins, les Petitionnaires ex- posent que les dits Greffiers de la Paix ont exige d’eux la somme de deux livres cinq schellings, sans le paie- ment de laqueile somme les dits Greffiers de la Paix, ont refuse de metlre en liberte les dits Petitionnaires : Que le dix-neuvi&me jour du dit mois de Septembre, les Petitionnaires ont fait mettre sous les yeux du Procu- reur du Roi un expose complet de toutes les circons- tances de cette affaire, avec divers Affidavits a Pappui des 4 C 1 8 ° Decernbris . A . 1 885. 286 affidavits fully corroborating all the facts therein men- tioned to be laid before His Majesty’s Attorney Gene- ral ren nesting that such criminal proceedings should l -ZTnted by him at the then Criminal Term for the - rM which commenced upon the twentieth d^of September, as he should consider ^ such h,ghcr™es nn A misdemeanours would merit : That His iviajest) Attorney General having neglected or declined to in- sti\ute any criminal or other proceedings against the Sid Clerks of the Peace and Magistrate, without as- SniS to the Petitioners any justifiable reason there- for the Petitioners were inducefl upon the thirteent dav ofOctober last, to transmit a Petition to His F.x- cehency the Governor in Chief, praying that His Pi- ce ency would order such public prosecution to be instituted by the Law Officer of the Crown as the nature of the case so peremptordy demanded c Tl a Advocate, mUian , Kmg McCord ^u.r^.nfo™ ^ ° f il ’, e Fetitio r so of the Peace and the Magistrate, and that from the statements made by those authorities to him, His 1.x- ceUenc e y “id not lee any thing circumsmnces stated in rhe Petition to justify the grave c arge Pnro-prv or the yet graver charge of Extortion . l nai r^-V^^Offic^r^r^or^tire 01 ^ opjoortu- X oTh?v?ng those charges tried before a competent nity or navug the statements so made by the many * ,, en , . That the Petitioners having is amnlv paid for such purpose out of the Cr nr n ’m.rse and having also failed to excite in His P ubl 'flcncv the Coverno? in Chief any interest in the Excellency Petitioners, therefore, most humbly transaction, th P t see k for that protection which ? PP l uhe, o been denied to them : That in thus ap- has hi House the Petitioners humbly but confi- dentil pledge Selves to establish by proof all the comphhned of of the high « with which they^re charged, ant J to ® their most serio us consideration, and'adopt such proceedings thereon as will be founded o7 Ordonne Instruction au Comite des Griefs. Bill pourrS- gler les Biens des Jesuites. . G Will. IV. 1 8° — 1 9° Decemhris , 287 Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Lun- poned till Monday next. di prochain. Printing of the The Order of the day for the second reading of ft?red B ' nde * the t0 repeal a certain Act therein mentioned, con- cerning the printing and distributing of the Provincial Statutes, and to make other provisions on the same sub- ject, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till-morrow. Houses of Cor- A Bill to provide temporary Houses of Correction Ihe'secondUme 1 ! in the several Districts in this Province, was, accord- ing to Order, read a second time. Resolved , That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered , That Mr. De Bleury , Mr. Jobin, Mr. Gi- rouard, Mr. Rodier and Mr. Lqfontaine do compose the said Committee. L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill Bill pour 1'Ita pour abroger un certain Acte y mentionn£, relatif a l’impression et distribution des Statuts Provinciaux, et pour pour voir autrement aux ditsobjets, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis k de- main. Conformement & 1’Ordre, un Bill pour pourvoir k Bin des abi- des Maisons de Correction temporaires dans les diff£- t°o7.1u uTe* e ’ rens Districts de cette Province, a et6 lu une seconde con< h foi *- fois. Resolu , Que le dit Bill soit re k un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire Rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne , Que M. De Bleury , M. Jobin, M. Girouard , M. Rodier et M. Lqfontaine composent le dit ComitG Committee on Clerks or Bai- liffs' Fees Bill. The Statements respecting Lands in certain Townships, re- ferred. That part of His Excellency's Message of 27th Novr. 1835, re- lating to the Montreal Gaol, referred. Address for Co- pies of Corres- pondence rela- tive to the Mon- treal Gaol, The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to regulate the Fees of persons employed by Justices of the Peace in the Country Parishes as Clerks or Bailiffs in certain cases, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr- De Bleury took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. De Bleury reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received, to-morrow. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en SiUesHono- Gomite sur le Bill pour regler les Honoraires des per- raires deg Gref- sonnes employees par les Jugesde Paix dans les Cam- sie". et Hu “~ pagnes comme Greffiers ou Huissiers en certains cas, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Co- mity. M. De Bleury a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. De Bleury a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport k la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re 5 U demain. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Careau , The House adjourned. Alors sur Motion de M. Viger, seconde par M. Ca- reau, La Chambre s’est ajourn^e. Saturday, 1 9th December , 1885. Samedi, 19 Decembre 1835. O N Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Letour- neau. Ordered, That the Statements respecting Lands in the augmentation of the Township of Aston, and in the Townships of Arthabaska, Bulstrode, Stanfold and Warwick, delivered at the Bar of this House on the 14th instant, be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. S UR Motion de M. Morin, second^ par M. Letour- neau, Ordonne, Que les Etats au sujet des Terres dans ^augmentation du Township d’ Aston et dans les Town- ships d’ Arthabaska, Bulstrode, Stanfold et Warwick, remis k la Barre de cette Chambre, le 14 du courant, soient refers au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux. Les Etats au sujet des Terres dans certaiDs Townships, r6- fer£s. On Motion of Mr. Perrault, seconded by Mr. Letour - Sur Motion de M. Perrault, seconde par M. Letour- neau, neau , Ordered, That that part of the Message of His Ex- Ordonne, Que la partie du Message de Son Excel- ^apartiedu cellency the Governor in Chief, of the twenty seventh lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, du vingt-sept Novem- Ex'eTience 6 .^" of November last, which has reference to the state of bre dernier, qui a rapport k l’etat de la Prison Commu- rJiauvJ’a'ia 33 ’ the common Gaol for the District of Montreal, with ne pour le District de Montreal, avec les Documens y * the Documents relating thereto, be referred to the relatifs, soient referes au Comite Special nomme pour ST* 81 ’ ^ Special Committee appointed to enquire into the cii- s’enqu^rir des circonstances qui ont precede et accom- cumstances which preceded and accompanied the death pagnela mort du nomme John Collins, deced6 dans la of John Collins, who died in the common Gaol of the Prison Commune pour le District de Montreal, au com- District of Montreal, in the beginning of the month of mencement du mois de Decembre courant, et pour s’en- December instant, and also to enquire into the state of querir aussi de l’etat de la dite Prison, the said Gaol. Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse k Son uneTo^eL His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying him to Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le priant de mettre corr«pondan- i 7 * ces relatives s lay devam ia Pri«on d« 1 Montreal. 1 9 “ Decembris. A. 18 35 . OO lav before this House, Copies of all Correspondence wLh has taken place since the first Dumber ,ns ant between any Public Functionaries anil His Lxcellency ^ Governor in Chief, relative to the common Gaol for the District of Montreal . _ , „ „ Ordered, That Mr. Perrault, Mr. Fortin , Mr. Besse- rer and Mr. Letourneau do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. devant cette Chambre, Copies de toutes les Correspond dances qui ont eu lieu depuis le premier courant, entre les Fonctionnaires Publics et bon Lx cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, relativement a la n son Commune pour le District de Montreal. Ordonne, Que M. Perrault, M. Povttn, M. Bessere, et M. Letourneau presentent la dite Adresse a bon Lx- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Petition of S. H. Dickerson, for redress of grievances. A Petition of Silas If. Dickerson, of the Township of Stanslead, was presented to the House by Mr. C/hW, and the same was received and read ; setting fo t . That the Petitioner has suffered a number of heavy losses by the illegal and arbitrary proceedings of John Fletcher , Esquire, Provincial Judge for the District of St. Francis, in cases of alleged contempt of Court, by Fines illegally imposed upon the Petitioner by the said Judge, — by expenses in attending and defending _ numerous and harassing prosecutions of the said judge,— by the imprisonment of his person upon seve- ral occasions, as well as expenses incurred in | various attempts to obtain redress elsewhere : That these fie- nuent and vexatious suits called the Petitioner from home and business for a considerable part of the time during three years, occasioning a loss of business and income, and causing embarrassments, the effects of which the Petitioner still continues to suffer. 1 bat the Petitioner has several times made appheatmn to tl e Governor for a redress of wrongs ; but the Executive has invariably declined to interfere in the matter, al- leging that the Petitioner had appealed to the tribu- nals of the Country for relief; and praying the House to take his case into consideration, and to do thereon as to right and justice shall appertain. QS Ordered. That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances. Une Petition de Silas-H. Dickerson , du Township H. Dickerson, Stanslead, a etc presentee a la L hambre pat M. a.^ Iaquelleaetere 9 ueetlue; exposanf. Quo le Petition- e „, f „ naire a essuye des pertes graves et nombreuses, par les nrocedes llle^-aux et arbitraires de John Fletcher , Ecuyer, Juge du District Inferieur de St. Francois, pour des pretendus mepris de Cour, paries amendes ille- galement imposees sur lui par le dit Juge, p et les dispenses qu’il a etd oblige d'encounr poursee- fendre centre les poursuites nombreuses et vexatoires du dit Juge, par Pemprisonnement de sa personne dans pkisieurs occasions, ‘et par les frais par lm encourus dans les differentes tentatives qu’il a faites pour se fa re rendre iustice ailleurs: Que ces poursuites ftfquentes et vexatoires font force de laisser sa demeure et ses affaires pendant une partie considerable de trois annees et que cela a ete cause qu’il a essuye des pertes dan > ses affaires et ses revenus, et eprouve des embanas dont ressent encore les effets jusqu a ce joui . Q titionnaire s’est adresse plusieurs fois au Gou\erneu pour lui demander justice de ces gnefs ; mais 1 Lxe- cutif a invariablement refuse d intervene, alle e uant que le Petitionnaire s’etait adresse aux Tribunaux du lays , et priant la Chambre de prendre sa Petition en consi- deration, et ordonner ce que de droit et . de justice. Ordonne, Que la dite Portion soit referee au Comite Permanent des Griefs. Report of Com- mittee appoin- ted to name a French Trans- lator. Mr Lafontaine , from the Special Committee named to * point out a proper person to fill the situation of French Translator to this House, presented to tie House the Report of the said Committee, which was “gain read at X Clerks Tablets followed, : Your Committee after having taken the necessary in- forma on, have come to the determination o recommend T^n Oolselin, Esquire, of Montreal. Advocate, to fill the office of French Translator to Vour Honorable n °0?dered. That the said Report be taken into con- sideration on Monday next. M. Lafontaine, du Comite Special nomnfe pour Comile pou quer’le choix d’une personne convenable pour remplir no = la place de Traducteur Frangais de cette Chambre, a Fran?als . presente a la Chambre le Rapport ^ du Comite, le- quel a ete lu de nouveau a la 1 able du Grefher, comme SU Votre Comite, apres avoir pris les renseignemens ne- cessaires, en est venu a la determination de lecoraman- der la personne de Leon Gosselm, Ecuyer, Avocat de Montreal, pour remplir la place de IraducteurFran- cais de Votre Honorable Chambre. Ordonne , Que le dit Rapport soit pns en considera- tion Lundi prochain. n.po, Mr. Boutillier. from the Special Committee to whom BTSS.”' were referred the Petition of * e J the of the River p„ ri sb of St. David de Deguire, the Petition or me chief persons and others I "habitants of St. MM , ‘ t Petition of the Inhabitants of the La A Yamaska, t V : J t Report of the Commis- " ners for thf improvement of the Navigation of the RWe cYarmska, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk s T Yonr a c“tee have taken into eo^.demtion the the Riv°er », and that of Mr. A. Stepson .Civil Engineer, who was employed by the said Commissi ers to survey the said River, and draw up Estimates of the improvements required to make navigable from the Villages of ' St. Cesaue and St. t 'te, to the place where it falls into Lake St. 1 eter . From the Report and Plan which have bee ” efore M. Boutillier, du Comite Special auquel ont Pp l’amelioration feres’ la Petition des Habitans de la Paroisse de SL au-go. David de Deguire, la Petition des Notables et auti es Yama . ka . Habitans de St. Michel d’ Yamaska, la Petition des Ha- bitans de la Paroisse de St. Hyacmthe, et le Rapport des Commissaires pour Pameboration de la navigation de la Riviere d 'Yamaska, a presente a la Chambie le Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit: Votre Comite a pris en consideration le Rapport de Messrs. M.-J. Tonnancour, U.-V. Owjfers ■ et J . Olivier Arcand, Commissaires nommes pour I expio- fatfae "iere Yamaska, celui de M. ,1. *-• Ingenieur Civil, qui, a la requision des susdits Com- missaires, a explore la dite Riviere et a ■ > j Plans et Estimations des Ameliorations a fane pour 1 rendre navigable depuis les Villages de SA Cesaire e* Pie iusqu’a son embouchure au Lac St. net . pi, ic Rapport et le Plan qui ini ont etc soumis. 6 Will. IV. 1 9° Decembris. 289 Petition of J. 2 . Fisher and kV. Kemble, linw Printer to tie King. Petition of Pi- ots relating to \pprentice Pilots. before them, Your Committee are persuaded that the Votre Comite s’est persuade que cette entreprise pre undertaking presents fewer obstacles to be overcome sente moins d’obstacles a surmonter qu’il ne I’aurait than they at first expected, because the means sugges- cm d’abord, vu que les moyens que sugg^re le dit A. ted by the saitl A. Stevenson , of raising the level of the Stevenson, d’elever le niveau de I’eau par des digues, water by dams, which it does not appear to be very dont la construction ne parait pas devoir etre tres-cou- expensive to construct, will save the necessity of making tense, exempteront de faire des canaux ou de creuser Canals, or of deepening the bed of the River in several le lit de la Riviere en plusieurs endroits. places. VWth a view to ascertain the utility of the under- Dans le but de s’assurer de l’utilite de cette entre- taking, Your Committee examined several Witnesses, and prise, Votre Comite a entendu plusieurs temoins, et il have been convinced that the extent of country which a pu se convaincre que l’etendue de terrein qui devait will be benefited by it is very considerable: That it en tirer de l’avantage Ytait tres-considerable, quelle would comprise the Counties oi Shefford, St. Hyacinthe embrassait les Comtes de S/iefford, St. Hyacinthe et Ya- and Yamaska , and a portion of the Counties of Riche- maska, ainsi qu’une partie des Comtes de Richelieu et lieu and Missiskoui : 1 hat these several localities con- Missiskoui : Qu’il existait dans ces differentes locality tain a population of more than thirty thousand souls; une population au-dessus de trente mille ames: Que and that the agricultural population of the said locali- les Cultivateurs industrieux qui habitaient dans ces ties are owners of a fertile soil, the value of which is, differentes locality etaient proprietaires d’un sol fertile, however, reduced by the present state of their commu- mais dont la valeur etait reduite par fetat actuel des nications with the other parts of the Province. communications avec les autres parties de la Province. \ our Committee have to remark, that the portion of Votre Comite doit observer que cette partie de la the Province aforesaid, which already contains a popu- Province, deja couverte de plus de trente mille ames, lation of more than thirty thousand souls, is suscepti- est susceptible d’en recevoir une proportion immense^ ble of containing a much greater number; and that et que le commerce de ces localites, par la richesse du the trade of the said locality must, from the richness of sol et l’industrie des Habitans, doit acquerir sous peu the soil, and the industry of its Inhabitants, acquire in a d’annees un degre de haute prosperity, few years, a very high degree of prosperity. Your Committee are persuaded, from the number of Votre Comite s’est persuade, d’apr^s le nombre de I etitions which have been laid before it, and from the Petitions qui lui ont ete soumises, et par 1’examen des evidence of the \\ itnesses whom they have examined, Temoins qu’il a entendus, que le but principal des Pe- that the principal object of the Petitioners is to open a titionnaires est d'ouvrir une communication qui peut communication which may afford them facilities for leur donner la facilite d’apporter aux marches des conveying their grain and other produce to the markets Trois- Rivieres et de Quebec , leurs grains et autres pro- of Three Rivers and Quebec , whenever it may be ad- duits lorsqu’il leur serait avantageux ou convenable de vantageous to then, to do so, without being obliged to le faire, sans etre dans la nt'cessite d’avoir recours a pass by less direct and consequently longer routes. des voies detournees et consequemment plus longues. Your Committee, fully persuaded of the numerous Votre Comite persuade des nombreux bienfafts que advantages which this undertaking would confer on repandrait cette entreprise sur une contree vaste et a vast and fertile tract of land, and of the general ad- fertile, et des avantages generaux qui doivent resulter vantages which would result from an increased facility de la facilite des communications avec une partie du of communication with so important a section of the Pays aussi importante que lest celle-ci, croit devoir la country as that in question, think it right to recom- recommander a l’attention de Votre Honorable Chatnbre mend the undertaking to the attention of Your Hono- et prend en consequence la liberte de la referer aux rable House, and at the same time beg leave to refer to Temoignages qu’il s’est procures sur cet objet. the evidence they have procured on the subject. A Petition of John Charlton Fisher and William Une Petition de J ohn-Charllon Fisher et William Petition de j.. Kemble, Law Printers to the King’s Most Excellent Kemble, Imprimeurs des Lois de la Tres-Excellente $.Fi»heretw. Majesty, was presented to the House by Mr. Power, Majesty du Roi, a £t6 pr6sent£e a la Chambre par M. S^deT and r» h n Same WaS receiv ? cl and rea d; taking notice of Power, laquelle a 6t6 re 5 ue et lue ; prenant connais- j!5. de Sa Ma * the Bill to repeal a certain Act therein mentioned, con- sance du Bill pour abroger un certain Acte v men- cerning the printing and distribution of the Provincial tionne, relatif a fimpression et distribution des Statuts Statutes, and to make other provisions on the same Provinciaux, et pour pourvoir autrement aux dits ob- subject; and praying the House to protect and main- jets ; et priant la Chambre de les proteger et de les tain them in the possession of all the just rights and maintenir dans la jouissance de tous les justes droits privileges which have been conferred upon them by et privileges qui leur ont 6t6 confeiYs par les Lettres Letters latent under the Great Seal of the Province Patentes sous le Grand Sceau de cette Province, en of Lower Canada, bearing date at the Castle of St. date du Chateau St. Louis , le 11 Decembre 1830, Lewis, on the 11th of December 1S30, constituting les constituant et nommant conjointement Imprimeurs and appointing them jointly King’s Printer of all Or- du Roi de toutes Ordonnances, Actes de Parlement, (finances, Acts of Parliament, Statutes and Laws which Statuts et Lois qui avaient et£ faits, passes et publics, had been made, passed and published, or which might ou qui pourraient ci-apr&s 6tre faits, passes et publics thereafter be made, passed and published within the dans cette Province du Bas-Canada. said Province of Lower Canada . A Petition of divers Pilots for and below the Har- bour of Quebec , was presented to the House by Mr. Dubord, and the same was received and read; setting forth: That by the Statute of the 51st Geo. III. Cajn \ c l, every Pilot on the River St. Lawrence, for and be- low Vol. — 45. Une Petition de divers Pilotes, pour et au-dessous du pf/jJes” relative Havre de Quebec, aetd presentee a la Chambre par M. aux Apprentis- Dubord, laquelle a 6t6 re 5 ue et lue ; exposant : Que Pllols ' par le Statut Provincial de la ole Geo. III. Chap. 12, chaque Pilote pour le Fleuve St. Laurent, pour et au- dessous D 4 290 1 9° Dccembris . A . 1 835, low the Haiboui of Quebec, has a right to take two Ap- prentices : That by the same Law the said Apprentices are bound to comply with certain formalities before they are admitted to act as Pilots, but that no quali- fication on their part is required to enable them to be received as Apprentices, whence it happens that the greater number of them become Pilots without having had tiie means of obtaining the requisite knowledge and ability: That the Petitioners, therefore, humbly submit that it would be for the advantage of the public and the Pilots in general, that young men who seek admittance into the profession should know how to read and write the English and French lan- guages, and should be bound to undergo an examin- ation before the Trinity Board, touching their know- ledge of the said languages, before they could be re- ceived as Apprentices: That the Petitioners lurther re- present, that in consequence of the intemperance which prevails generally among persons of their profession, and because a great number of them acquire that vice during their apprenticeship, it would be expedient that each Apprentice Pilot should at the close of his appren- ticeship, and before undergoing his examination, be bound to make proof of his sobriety, either by the oath of his master, or in some other way, to the satisfaction of the Trinity Board: That the Petitioners are of opi- nion that each Pilot ought to be allowed to take one Apprentice only, instead of two as they are now per- mitted to do by the Law ; and praying the House to be pleased to take their present Petition into conside- ration, and to amend the Law regulating the profes- sion of Pilots, sons to remedy the evils of which the Petitioners complain. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Trade. dessous du Havre de Quebec , a droit ue prendre sous lui deux Apprentis : Que les dits Apprentis sont tenus, en vertu de la Loi, a l’accomplissement de cer- taines formalities avant d’etre admis a la profession de Pilote, mais ne sont sujetsa aucune qualification avant de commencer leur apprentissage, d’ou il resulte que lc plus grand nombre d'entre eux deviennent Pilotes sans avoir eu les moyens d’obtenir les connaissances et la capacit6 requises: Que les Petitionnaires soumet- tent done humblement, que pour l'avantage du public et celui des Pilotes en general, les jeunes gens qui aspirent a la profession devraient savoir lire et ecrire les langues Anglaise et Fran 9 aise, et qu ils fussent tenus de subir, devant le Bureau de la Irinite, unex- amensur leurs connaissances dans ces deux langues, avant d’etre admis comme Apprentis : Que les Pe- titionnaires exposent de plus, que, vu l’intemp£rance qui regne generalement parmiles personnes de leur pro- fession, et vu qu’un grand nombre d’entre elles acqui- erent ce vice pendant leur apprentissage, il serait a propos que tout Apprenti Pilote, a la fin de son ap- prentissage, et avant de subir son examen, fut tenu de faire preuve de sa sobriety soit par le serment de son Maitre, ou autrement, a la satisfaction du Bureau de la Trinity : Que les Petitionnaires sont d’avisque cha- ( jue Pilote ne devrait avoir droit de prendre qu’un Ap- prenti, au lieu de deux, tel qu’etabli par la Loi ; et priant la Chambre qu’il lui plaise prendre l’expose de leur Petition cn consideration, et arnender la Loi qui regie la profession de Pilote, de facon a remedier aux maux dont les Petitionnaires se plaignent. Ordonne , Que la elite Petition soit referee au Comit6 Permanent du Commerce. Montreal Har. An engrossed Bill to make further provision for the bourBiu passed. improvement and enlargement of the Harbour of Mont- real , and to appoint Commissioners for that purpose, was read for the third time. Resolved , That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Un Bill grossoye pour pourvoir ultericurcment a Biiidu Havre l’amelioration et a l’agrandissement du Havre de Mont- real, et pour nommer des Commissaires a cette fin, a eie lu pour la troisieme fois. Re so hi, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne Que M. Leslie porte lc dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. O ' Steam Dredg- ing Vessel Bill passed. An engrossed Bill to provide means for putting the Steam Dredging Vessel into operation, w-as read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Un Bill grossoye pour pourvoir a la mise en operation Bin reiatif au du Cure-Mole a Vapour, a He lu pour la troisieme vajSpasse. ; fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Leslie porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Ste. Anne Bridge Bill passed. An engrossed Bill to appropriate a certain sum of Un Bill grossoy6 pour affectcr une certaine somme gnd^pji-. money for the construction of a Bridge over the River d’argent pour la construction d’un Pont sur la Riviere Ste. Anne, in the County of Champlain, was read for the Ste . Anne „ dansle Comte de Champlain, a 06 lu pour third time la troisieme fois. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordered, That Mr. DeBleury do carry the said Bill Ordonne, Que M. De hleury porte le dit Billau Lon- totlie Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence, seil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Clerks or B d- liffs Fees Bill reported. Mr. De Bleunj, from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to regulate the Fees of persons em- ployed by Justices of the Peace in the Country Parishes as Clerks or Bailiffs in certain cases, reported, ac- cording to Order, the amendments made by the Com- mittee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That grossed. the said Bill, as amended, be en- M. De Lleury, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Bill pour regler les Honoraires des personnes em- ployees par les Juges de Paix dans les Campagnes comme Greffiers ou Huissiers, en certains cas, a fait rapport, confonneinent a l’Ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens ont 06 lus de nouveau a laTabledu Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. Bill des Hono- raires des Gref- fiers et Huis- siers, rapporte. , Printing of the The Order of the day for the second reading of the tfie'iecond time! Bill to repeal ? certain Act therein mentioned, concern- ing L’Ordre du jour pour la secondc lecture du Bill pour bhi rour rim. abrosrer un certain Acte y mentionne, relalii a 1 ini- Lois, luuue pression setonde f0ls - 6 Will. IV, 1 9 * Decenibris, ing the printing and distribution of the Provincial Sta- tutes, and to make other provisions on the same subject, being read ; Mr. Power moved, seconded by Mr. Gugy, That the said Bill be read a second time this day six months. The House divided on the Question : Yeas, 8. Nays, 52. So it passed in the Negative. The said Bill was then, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved , That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered , That Mr. Scott, Mr. Lafontaine, Mr. O'Cal- laghan, Mr. V/ger and Mr. Fortin do compose the said Committee. Ordered , That the Statement and Accounts of the monies paid during the last three years for Printing the Laws in this Province, delivered at the Bar of this House on the 15th instant, be referred to the said Committee. Ordered , That the Petition of John Charlton Fisher and William Kemble, Law Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, presented to the House this day, be referred to the said Committee. 291 pression ct distribution des Slatuts Provinciaux, ct pour pourvoir autrement aux dits objets, ayant Qe lu ; M. Power a propose, seconde par M, Gugy , Que le dit Bill soit lu une seconde fois, de ce jour en six mois. La Chambre s’est divis^e sur la Question : Pour, 8. Centre, 52. Ainsi el le a passe dans la Negative. Le dit Bill, conformement I’Ordre, a <$t£ alors lu une seconde fois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit r fo1 ; th e years 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833 and 1834, delivered at the Bar of this House on the 23rd Novem- ber last, be referred to the Special Committee appointed to enquire concerning the heps and Emoluments re- ceived by the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries and Criers of the Court of Appeals, and of the Courts of King’s Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective Offices. ofComnnuer De ^ ltt ' f,om the Standing Committee ofPub- Pubiic Ac- lie Accounts, presented to the House the Second Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. Append.! (I.) For the said Report, see Appendix (I.) at the end of this Volume. Lundi, 21 Decembre 1835. UR Motion de M. Lajontaine , second^ par M. Perrault , Ordonne , Que les Retours des Revenus desSlffirifs, des Les Retour, Protonotaires et du Greffier de la Cour d’Appel pour desRevemw les annees 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833 et 1834, remis £ j a rtfeS? rifs ' * tc Barre de cette Chambre le 23 Novembre dernier, soient reffres au Comit6 Special nomine pour s’enqu^rir des Honoraires et Revenus perjus en vertu de leurs char- ges respectives, par les Sherifs, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Cours d’Appel et du Banc du Roi en cette Pro- vince. Witt, du Comiffi Permanent des Comptes second Rap 1 ubhes, a presente a la Chambre le Second Rannort du 5 ort , du die Comite, lequel a etd lu de nouveau a la Table du P“Mfc* Pe * Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (I.) £ la fin de Appends ; i pour le change la Petition des Habitans d Aston, Bulstrode et autres mem d’une P ia Townships, soit decharge de la consideration ulterieure d^s Drum" d’icelle, et que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite ™ n on ^ c e e t n ^ our Permanent des Privileges et Elections. ment, referee. Report on Mes- Mr. Leslie , from the Special Committee to whom M. Leslie, du Comite Special auquel ont ete referes, Rapport suHe * 8g e reiatm^ was referred the Message of His Excellency the Go- le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, HTu^pJmin. of 6 Entry 1 , and' vernor i n Chief, of the 14th ultimo, which relates to du 14 du mois dernier, qui a rapport a l’expiration de BTroir^d the expiration of the Act regulating the collection of l’Acte r^glant la perception du Revenu aux differens r. j. Simpson. t j ie Revenue at the several Inland Ports of this Pro- Ports interieurs de cette Province, avec les Documens Simp50n . vince with the Documents accompanying the same ; qui l’accompagnent, la Petition de Robert Hoyle, Col- the Petition of Robert Hoyle, Collector of the Customs lecteur des Douanes au Port de Stamtead, et la Peti- at the Port of Stansiead ; and the Petition of John tion de John Simpson, Collecteur des Douanes au Simpson, Collector of Customs at Coteau du Lac, pre- CoteauduLac, a presented la Chambre le Rapport du sented to the House the Report of the said Committee, dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as follow- Greffier, comme suit : Your Committee have examined the Documents which accompanied the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the 14th November last, relative to the complaint made by the Government of the United States, on the subject of Fees exacted on American Vessels at one of the Inland Ports of this Province, contrary to the system of reciprocity agreed upon between the two Governments. Votre Comitd a examine les Documens qui aecom- pagnaient le Message de Son Excellence le Gouver- neur-en-Chef, du 14 Novembre dernier, relatifs a la plainte que fait le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis, au sujet des Ilonoraires qu’on fait payer aux Vaisseaux Americains dans l’un des Polls interieurs de cette Pro- vince, contrairement au systf me de reciprocity dont les deux Gouvernemens sont convenus. Cette circonstance provient de ce que l’Acte de la Se This 6 Will. \V. 21° Decembris. This circumstance has occurred owing to the expira- tion of the Act 3rd Will. IV., Cap. 29, which the Com- mittee are of opinion ought to be renewed, and provi- sion made for the Salaries of the Officers of the Cus- toms at the different Inland Ports in lieu of Fees and Emoluments of every description. The Salaries of the different Officers at the Ports of St. John ’ s and Coteau du Lac, Your Committee think ought to be fixed, and those of the Officers of the other Ports by the per centage now allowed upon the Reve- nue collected. The situation of Comptroller appears to be consi- dered as unnecessary, and Your Committee would re- commend that w’hen vacancies occur they should not be filled up, and if new appointments of Collectors are made that they should be filled by the Comptrollers. The Petition of Robert Hoyle, Esquire, Collector of Stanstead, praying for an increase of Salary, was also referred to Your Committee, who conceive that the Officer at that Port should come under the same regu- lations as to Salary as the Officers of the other Ports of secondary importance. The Committee next took into consideration the Peti- tion of John Simpson, Esquire, Collector of Coteau da Lac, claiming a sum of Two hundred and sixty six pounds thirteen shillings and fourpence, as arrears of Salary due to him from 1st May, 1826, to 1st January, 1829. From Resolutions which appear on the Journals of Your Honorable House, the Committee feel confident that he is entitled to that sum which he was deprived of owing to the expiration of the Act 4th Geo . IV., Cap. 10, on 1st May, 1826, and which was not renewed until the 14th March, 1829. 295 3e 6 uill. IV. Chap. 20 est expir£, et le Connte eat d’opinion qu’il devrait dtre renouvcle, et qu’il soit pourvu A payer les salaires des Officiers de Douanes des differens Ports interieurs, au lieu de leur donner aucuns honoraires ou emolumens quelconques. Votre Comite pense que le salaire des differens Of- ficiers aux Ports de St. Jean et du Coteau du Luc de- vraient 6tre fixes, ainsi que les salaires des Officiers des autres Ports, d’apr&s ce qui est about* maintenant pour centsurla perception des Revenus. La charge de Controleur ne parait pas etre conside- rs comme necessaire, et Votre Comite recommande que si quelques places deviennent vacantes par la suite, ellesne soient point remplies a l’avenir, et que si I’on nomme quelque nouveau Collecteur, cette charge soit remplie par les Controleurs. La Petition de Robert Hoyle, Ecuyer, Collecteur de Stanstead, demandant que son salaire soit augmente, a He aussi referee a Votre Comite, qui conqoit que l’Of- ficier de ce Port devrait tomber sous les memes regie- mens, quant au salaire, que les Officiers des autres Ports secondaires. Le Comite a ensuite pris en consideration la Peti- tion de John Simpson, Ecuyer, Collecteur du Coteau du Lac, qui reclame une somme de Deux cent soixante-et- six livres treize schellings et quatre deniers courant, pour arre rages de salaire a lui dus depuis le ler Mai 1826, jusqu’au ler Janvier 1829. D’apres les Resolutions qui paraissent dans les Jour- naux de Votre Honorable Chambre, le Comite croit qu’il a droit d’avoir cette somme, dont il a et6 priv6 par 1’expiration de l’Acte de la 4e Geo. IV. Chap. 10, le ler Mai 1826, et qui n’a ete renouvele que le 14 Mai 1829. Petition agairut a Turnpike Road from Chambly to Longueuil. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Shefford, District of Montreal, was presented to the House by Mr. Wood, and the same was received and read ; setting forth ; That the Petitioners have re- cently been apprized through the medium of the pub- lic prints that a motion is now before the House, the object of which is to provide for the establishment of a Turnpike Road from the Parish of Chambly to ilie Village of Longueuil on the shore of the St. Lawrence : That the Petitioners conceive that this measure has a tendency to lead to results highly prejudicial to their interests, and to the interests of the Inhabitants of that wide extent of country which lies beyond them, to the East, all of whom, in transporting their produce to market at Montrea', must need pass over the Road in question : That the Petitioners of course presume that the object is to construct a good and substantial High- way, and to provide for keeping the same in proper repair ; but the Petitioners know so well the nature of the soil over which this said Turnpike is to pass, that they are thoroughly convinced it must soon fall into decay, even though the said Road should be originally constructed strictly according to the specifications of such Act as may hereafter be passed in its favor : That the Petitioners in this view entertain the not unrea- sonable apprehensions that the toll may be exacted, when the benefit for which it was intended to provide, can be no longer enjoyed : That the Petitioners che- rish the conviction that this expression of their senti- ments will not be unfavorably received, and that the House will reject the measure. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Committee of the whole House on the First Report of the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improve- ments- Une Petition de divers Habitans du Comite de Shef- ford, District de Montreal, a et6 presentee ala Cham- bre par M. Wood, laquelle a et6 re$ue etlue ; exposant : Que les Petitionnaires out recemment appris par la voie des Papiers-nouvelles qu’il y a maintenant une motion devant la Chambre, dontl’objet est de pourvoir a l’eta- blissement d un Chemin a Barrieres depuis la Paroisse de Chambly jusqu’au village de Longueuil, sur la rive du St. Laurent'. Que les Petitionnaires con^oivent que cette mesure tend a entrainer des suites ties prejudi- ciables a leurs interets et aux interets des Habitans de la grande etendue de Pays situee au-dela de leurs ter- res a l’Est, qui pour porter leurs produits au march6 de Montreal devront passer sur ce Chemin : Que les Petitionnaires prominent que 1’objet est de construire un grand Chemin bon et solide, et de pourvoir aux moyens de le tenir en bon etat de reparation ; mais les Petitionnaires connaissent trop bien la nature du sol par ou il passera, pour ne pas etre convaincus qu’il deviendra bientot impraticable, meme dans le cas ou il serait d’abord fait strictement d’apres la lettre des specifications de l’Acte qui pourrait etre ci-apr£s passe pour cet objet : Que les Petitionnaires apprehendent, non sans raison, que le Peage ne soit exige lorsque l’avantage qu’il devait oft'rir n’existera plus : Que les Petitionnaires aiment A croire que cette expression de leurs sentimens sera favorablement re9ue, et que la Chambre rejettera la mesure. Petition contra un Chemin a Barriere depuis Chambly jus- qu'a Longueuil. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite de route la Chambre sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent des Chemins ct des Ameliorations publiques. An Un Village Police BUI passed. Address for Co- py of a Commu- nication from the Judges rela- ting to their Sa lariesand allow- a fleas. Address for Pa- pers and infor- mation relating to the erection of a Court House andGaol in the County of Missiskoui 290 2 \ 0 Decemhris , A , 1 835 , An engrossed Bill to revive, amend and continue for a limited time, a certain Act. concerning the Police of William Henry, and other Villages, was read for the third time. Resolved , That the Bill do pass. Ordered , That Mr. Meilleur do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Mr. O' Callaghan moved to resolve, seconded by Mr. Vigen, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that His Excellency would be pleased to transmit to this House, a Copy of a Communication which was addressed to the late Governor, Lord Aylmer, by the Chief Justices and Puisne Judges of this Province, complaining of the injury sustained by them regarding their salaries and allowances arising out of their dependence on the annual votes of this House of Assembly, and praying that measures might be adopted for rendering them no longer dependant on the annual vote of this House for their salaries and allowances ; which Communication is particularly referred to in, and was transmitted with, a Despatch from Lord Aylmer to Lord Viscount Goderich, dated Castle of 67. Lewis, Quebec , 14th May, 1 833. The House divided on the Question ; and the names being called for they were taken down, as followeth : Yeas, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker, Bardy, Barnard, Beaudouin, Bi rt helot, Besserer, Blanchet, Boue , Boufard, Boutillier, Ca- reau, Caron, Cazeau, Cherrier, Child, Cote, De Bleury, Deblois, Deligny, De Tonnancour, De Witt, Dubord, Fortin, Girouard, Grannis, Hebert, Huot, Jobin, Kimber, Knight, Lafontaine, Larue, Le Boutillier, Leslie, Marquis, Morin, Mousseau, Noel, O' Callaghan, Perrault, Scott, Simon, Antoine Charles Tasche- reau, Joseph Andre Taschereau, Thibaudeau, loomy , Trudel, Vanfelson and Viger. (50.) Nays, Messieurs Blackburn and Clapham. (2.) So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved, Accordingly. Ordered , That Mr. O'Callaghan, Mr. Viger, Mr. Barnard and Mr. Scott do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. On Motion of Mr. Knight, seconded by Mr. Baker, Resolved , That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying Ilis Excellency to cause the proper Officer to lay before this House, a Copy of all proceedings had in the County of Missiskoui, and of all correspondence to oi from the Executive Government, since the passing of the Act 2nd Will IV., Cap. 06, relating to the erec- tion of a Court House and Gaol in the said County ; also, a Copy of all Petitions and Memorials addressed to, and of all correspondence to and from, the Execu- tive Government on the same subject, and since the above period ; and, also, to be pleased to inform this House of the names and date of appointment of Com- missioners named for the said County, in virtue of tfie Act 4th Will. IV., Cap. 8, and to be pleased also to communicate to this House, a Copy of their proceed- ings in that capacity, and of all correspondence relating to their appointment and to their said proceedings. Ordered, That Mr. Knight, Mr. Baker, Mr. Tf ood and Mr. Child do present the said Address to His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief. Un Bill grossoye pour faire revivre, amender et con- tinuer, pour un temps limite, un certain Acte concer- nant la Police de William Henry et autres Villages, a ete lu pour la troisi^me fois. Retain, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Meilleur porte le dit Bill au Con- seil Legislutif, et demande son concours. M. O'Callaghan a propose de resoudre, seconde par M. Viger, Qu’il soit present^ une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Excellence qu’il lui plaise de transmettre a cette Cham- bre. une Copie d’une Communication adress^e au ci- devant Gouverneur Lord Aylmer, par les Juges en Chefet les Juges Puisnes de cette Province, dans la- quelle ils sepiaignent qu’ils souffraient du dommage re- lativement a leurs salaires et allocations, provenant de ce qu’ils dependaient des votes annuels de la Chambre d’Assemblee, et demandaient qu’il fut adopte des me- sures pour qu’ils ne dependissent plus du vote de cette Chambre pour leurs salaires et allocations; laquelle Communication fut transmise dans une Dtpcche qui y faisait particulieremeut allusion adressee par Lord Ayl- mer a Lord Vicomte Goderich, en date du Chateau 67. Louis, Quebec, le 14 Mai 1833. La Chambre s'est divisee sur la Question ; et les noms ayant ete demundes, ils ont £te pris comme suit : Pour, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker, Bardy, Barnard, Beaudoin, Berthelot, Besserer, Blanchet, Bouc, Bouffard, Boutillier, Ca- reau, Caron, Cazeau, Cherrier, Child, Cote, De Bleury, Deblois, Deligny, De Tonnancour, De Wilt, Dubord, Fortin, Girouard, Grannis, Hebert, Huot, Jobin, Kimber, Knight, Lafontaine , Larue, Le Boutillier , Leslie, Marquis, Morin, Mousseau, Noel, O' Callaghan, Perrault, Scott, Simon, Antoine-Charles Tasche- reau, Joseph- Andre Tachereau, Thibaudeau, Toomy, Trudel , Vanfelson et Viger. (50.) Contre, Messieurs Blackburn et Clapham. (2.) Ainsi elle a £t6 emport6e dans i’Affirmative, et Resolu, En consequence. Ordonne , Que M. O'Callaghan, M. Viger, M. Barnard et M. Scott presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Sur Motion de M. Knight, seconde par M. Baker , Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse A Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Ex- cellence d’ordonner a 1 Officier a qui il appartiendra, de mettre devant cette Chambre, une Copie de tons les procedes qui ont eu lieu dans le Comte de Missiskoui, et de toute la Correspondance echangee avec le Gou- vernement Executif, depuis la passation de I’Acte de la 2e Guill IV. Chap. 6C>, relativement a ['erection d’une Cour de Justice et d’une Prison dans le dit Com- te ; aussi, une Copie de toutes les Petitions et Me- moirs qui lui ont ete adresses, et de toute la correspon- dance echangee avec lui sur le meme sujet, depuis la nieme (fpoque ; et aussi, qu’il lui plaise d’informer cette Chambre, des noms et date de nomination des Com- missaires qui ont ete nommes pour le dit Comte, en vertu de 1’Acte de la 4e Guill. IV. Chap. 8, et qu'il lui plaise aussi de communiquer a cette Chambre, une C’opie de leurs procedes en cette qualite, et de toute la Correspondance relative a leur nomination et a leurs procedes. Ordonne, Que M. Knight, M. Baker, M. Wood et M. Child presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Bill concer- nant la Police des Villages, passe. Adresse pour Copie d’une cornmunicanon des Juges re- lativement a leurs salaires et allocations. Adresse pour j| des Papiers et information re- lativement a I’erection d’une Cour de Justice et Prison dans le Comte de Missiskoui. . Resolved \ Resolu 6 Will. IV 297 21 " Decern hr is. fbrmu”on’r«s- Resolved, i hat an humble Address he presented to SgKjVsu ^ xcdlen 7 the Governor in Chief; praying His Armand. Excellency to UG pleased to 1 11 f Omi tills House, wl)G- ther the Seigniory of St. Armand, in the District of Montreal, has been since the original concession there- of, subdivided into two or more distinct Parishes, and if such is the case, under what authority, anti in what manner it has been done ; and also the date of the said division, and a Copy of all records and documents re- lating thereto. Ordered , That Mr. Knight, Mr. Baker, Mr. Archam- heault and Mr. Kimber do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. On Motion of Mr. Caron, seconded by Mr. Perrault , Ordered , That four hundred Copies of the Report of the Special Committee (together with the Evidence) to whom were referred the Petition of (he Inhabitants of the Paiish of St. David de Deguire , and other Peti- tions, and the Report of the Commissioners for the improvement of the Navigation of the River Yamaska, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. The Report of the Committee on the improve, ment of the Navigation of the River Ya- maska. to he printed. Bill relating to lifferences be- ween Masters nd Servants eported. Useful Arts Bill 'ported. Mr. Cote, from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill for the more easy and less expensive deci- sions of differences between Masters and Mistresses, and their Servants, Apprentices and Labourers in the Country parts of this Province, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk s Pable, and agreed to by the House. Ot dered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. Mr. Joseph Andre Taschereau , from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and to consolidate the provisions therein made for the encouragement of Useful Arts in this Province, reported, according to Order, the amend- ments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, 1 hat the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. :!S iM . A Bill for the better regulation of the Fisheries in Mnd time. the inferior District of Gaspe, was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of five Members, to report thereon with all conve- nient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. r Ordered, That Mr. Thibaudeau , Mr. Le Boutillier, Mr. Deblois , Mr. Power and Mr. Marquis do compose the said Committee. 1 i"jesuuf* UIate A B i U T t0 r ^ u,ate the administration and manage- • tales, read ment of the Fiefs, Seigniories and other Estates for- • second ume. merly belonging to the Order of Jesuits, was, according Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. 1 Ordered, That Mr. Kimber, Mr. Girouard, Mr. Bes- serer, Mr. Berlhelot and Mr. Viger do compose the said Committee. Re so hi, Qu il soit pr<$sentc line humble Adresse a Advene pour Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Excellence qu’il lm plaise d’informer cette Chambre, si la Seigneuriede St. Armand, sise dans le District de Montreal, a 6t6, depuis qu el I e a et6 conc£d£e primi- tivement, subdivis^e en deux Paroisses distinctes ou plus ; et, si e’est le cas, en vertu de quelle autoritiS et de quelle manure cela s’est fait ; et aussi de la date ce la dite subdivision, et de lui fournir une Copie de tous les records et documens qui y ont rapport. Ordonne , Que M. Knight, M. Baker, M. Arcliam- beault et M. Kimber pRsentent la dite Adresse k Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Sur Motion de M. Caron, seconde par M. Perrault , Ordonne, Que quatre cents Exemplaires du Rap- re Rapport du port du Comity Social (ensemble les TCmoignages) £- auquel ont ete lefeies la Petition des Habitans de la n navigation Paroisse de St. David de De Guire, et autres Petitions Yamaska.T 8 et le Rapport des Commissaires pour lWlioration de 6lre ,mpr,m4 - Ja Navigation de la Ilivi^re d 'Yamaslca, soient imprimes pour 1 usage des Membres de cette Chambre. M. Cote du ComiR de toute la Chambre sur le Bill Bi " reiatifam qu, pourvoit a faire decider d’une manure plus facile n?S££T et moms dispendieuse les chfKrends qui s’^Rvont entre ! cursServU . les Maitres et Maitresses et leurs Serviteurs, Xprem ’ tis ou Engages, dans les Campagnes de cette Province a fait rapport, confornRment a l’Ordre, des amende- mens fails au dit Bill par le ComiR, Iesquels amen- demens ont 6t6 lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier et adopts par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. b M. Joseph. Andre Taschereau, du ComiR de toute la bhi a USUj et Chambre sur le Bill pour rappeler certains Actes y }“£& uti,e *' ment ion n^s, et mcorporer en un seul Acte les disposi- tions d iceux au sujet de l’encouragement des Arts utiles en cette Province, a fait rapport, conformant a l Ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Co mite, Iesquels amendemens ont 6te lus de nouveau a la labledu Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amend^, soit °ros* soye. ° i ^i? A n ^ rmt;ment a l’Ordre, un Bill pour mieux r£gler B,iid C3 Peche. les leches dans le District InRrieur de Gaspe , a 06 lu un e G «tnd U e une seconde fois. f 0 " s . Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit r6Rr£ a un Comit6 de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Thibaudeau, M: Le Boutillier, M. Deblois, M. Power et M. Marquis composent le dit Comite. Conform^ ment A 1 Ordre, un Bill pour rt^ler l’admi- Bnipourre- mstration et r<%ie des Fiefs, Seigneuries et autres Biens appartenans ci-devant h l’Ordre des J&mites, a 6t6 lu ?" e ‘ eeonde une seconde fois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refers a un ComiR de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute Ja dili- gence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir per- sonnes, papiers et records. Ordonne , Que M. Kimber, M. Girouard, M. Bes- serer, M. Berthelot et M. Viger composent le dit Co- mite. Vol.— 4.L The 4 F L’Ordre A 18 35. < 2 1 Deccmhris , 298 committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee kLi K m on the Bill to provide for making and maintaining a Rail Road from the River St. Lawrence to the Province Line, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. , , _ Mr. Meilleur took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Meilleur reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move lor leave to sit again. Ordered , That the said Committee have leave to sit again to-morrow. small Cause, The Order of the day for the House in Committee Bill deferr«d ^ t j ie ^ tQ rev j ve> amend and continue for a limited time, an Act further to provide for the summary trial of Small Causes, being read; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Wednesday next. Bill to continue The Order of the day for the House in Committee feVret Actsde * on the Bill to continue for a limited time, certain Acts therein mentioned, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. The considera- The Order of the day for taking into consideration ‘or" of the Re ‘ the Report of the Special Committee named to point Committee to out a proper person to fill the situation of french Translator, de- Translator to this House, being read; ferred. Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. Then, on Motion of Mr. Archambeault , seconded by Mr. De Witt , The House adjourned. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en ^Tdo chemin Comite sur le Bill pour pourvoir a la construction et a l’entretien d’un Chemin a Lisses, a partir du I 1 leuve St. Laurent , a aller jusqu’A la Ligne Provinciale, ayant etc La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en ledit Comite. M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apresy avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Meilleur a fait rapport que le Comit6 avait fait quelque progr^s, et lui avait enjoint de demander per- mission de singer de nouveau. Ordonne , Que le dit Comite ait la permission de singer de nouveau demain. LOrdre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Bnito Pui... Comity sur le Bill pour remettre en force, amender et continuer, pour un temps limits, un Acte pour pour- voir ulterieurement A la decision sommaire des Petites Causes, ayant ^t^ lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis A Mer- credi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en *"^2, Comity sur le Bill pour continuer, pour un temps li- Acres, remis. mit6, certains Actes y mentionn^s, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- inain. L’Ordre du iour pour prendre en consideration le La consider. Rapport du Comit6 Special nomme pour indiquer le por t du com.te choix d’une personne convenable pour remplir la place de Traducteur Francis de cette Chambre, ayant fete «- lu ; . . , Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis A de- main. Alors, sur Motion de M. Archambeault, secondfe par M. De Witt, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Answer to an Address. Tuesday, ZVnd December 1835. M R. Perrault , accompanied by the other Messen- gers, reported to the House, that their Address of the nineteenth instant, to His Excellency the Go- vernor in Chief, praying for Copies of all Correspon- dence which has taken place since the 1st December instant, between any Public Functionaries and His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief, relative to the Com mon Gaol for the District of Montreal, had been pre- sented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer: Gentlemen, I will cause to be laid before the House of Assem- bly, in compliance with the prayer of this Address, Copies of all the Correspondence which has taken place, since the 1st instant, between any Public Officers and the Executive Government of this Province, rela- tive to the Common Gaol for the District of Montreal. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 22nd December, 1835. Mardi, 22 Decembre 1835. M Pcrrault, accompagn6 des autres Messagers, a Reponse i.u e ® fait rapport A la Chambre, que son Adresse du A ,es6e - dix-neuf du courant, A Son Excellence le Gouverneur- en-Chef, demandant Copie de toutes les Correspon- dances qui ont eu lieu depuis le ler Decembre cou- rant, entre les Fonctionnaires Publics et Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, relativement a la Pri- son Commune pour le District de Montreal, avait fetfe presentee A Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, , , . , En conformity de la demande de cette Adresse, ]e ferai mettre devant la Chambre d’Assemblfee, des Co- pies de toutes les Correspondances qui out eu lieu, depuis le ler du courant entre les Qffiers Publics et le Gouvernement Ex6cutif de cette Province, re at. ye- ment A la Prison Commune du District de Montreal. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 22 Decembre 1835. Petition of Hucksters at Quebec not to be prevented from selling on the Markets, A Petition of divers Hucksters of the City of Quebec , as presented to the House by Mr. Iluot, and the same r as received and read; praying the House will not dopt any measure which may prevent or impede the Hucksters Une Petition de divers Regrattiers de la Citfe de Quebec, a et£ presentee a la Chambre par • 110 > laquelle a ete recue et lue ; priant la Cham le e ne chercher aucunement A gOner ou empechcr es e- grattiers Petition des Kegratliers de Quebec, pour n etre pas era- peches de ven- dre sur les Marches. Petition of H. Voyer to be ap- pointed French Translator. Bill to appoint Commissioners to treat with Upper Canada, read the first lime. Clerks or Bai- liffs’ Fees Bill passed. Bill to amend an Act relating to Elections, read the second time. Gaspe Land Titles Bill de- ferred. The considera- tion of the Act 1st Will. IV. Cap. 28, rela- ting to the iviar kels, deferred. 6 Will. IV. 22° Deccmbris . 299 Hucksters from selling in the Markets of the City of Quebec , any Meat or other articles whatsoever. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Committee of the whole House appointed to consider the expediency of repealing the Act 1st Will. IV. Cap. 28, intituled, “ An Act to suspend certain parts of an “ Ordinance therein mentioned, intituled, “ An Or- “ dinance for regulating the Markets of the Towns of “ Quebec and Montreal ,** grattiers a vendre et debitor sur les Marches de la Cit 6 de Quebec, aucune viande ou denr^e quelcon que. Ordonne, Que la ditc Petition soit referee au Comit 6 de toute la Chambre, nomme pour consid£rer s’il se- rait expedient de rappeler l’Acte lere Guill. IV. Chap. 28, intitule, “ Acte pour suspendre certaines “ parties d’une Ordonnance y mentionn^e, intitule, “ Ordonnance portant r&glement pour les Marches “ dans les Villes de Quebec et de Montreal, en la Pro- “ vincc de Quebec.*' A Petition of Henri Voyer, of Quebec, Advocate, was presented to the House by Mr. Vanfelson , and the same was received read ; setting forth : That the Peti- tioner has been employed as Translator in the Office of the House since the year 1832: That when Etienne Parant, Esquire, was appointed Librarian in the year 1833, the Petitioner was appointed to succeed him as Assistant French Translator : That since the time last mentioned, the French Translator, George Barthelemy Faribault , Esquire, has during two Sessions, been cal- led upon to perform the duties of Assistant Clerk, and that during the said two Sessions, the Petitioner per- formed the duties of French Translator: That the Pe- titioner is not aware that any complaint has been made of his conduct in that capacity; and praying the House to appoint him to the Office of French Translator, which is now vacant. Ordered, That the said Petition be taken into con- sideration, at the same time as the Report of the Spe- cial Committee named to point out a proper person to fill the situation of French Translator to this House. Une Petition de Henri Voyer , de Quebec, Avocat, a Petition de H. 06 presentee a la Chambre par M- Vanfelson, laquelle IZnowwl a 6 t 6 re 5 ue ct lue ; exposant : Que le Ptititionnaire a p^ u “ eur 06 employ^ dans les Bureaux de la Chambre comme ' ran<;hli ‘ Traducteur depuis 1832 : Que lors de la nomination d 'Etienne Parent , Ecuyer, k la charge de Biblioth 6 - caire, en 1833, il fut nomme pour le remplacer, en quality d’ Assistant Traducteur Frantjais : Que depuis cette 6 poque, le Traducteur Fran 9 ais, George Fari- bault, Ecuyer, a 6l6 appeH a remplir les devoirs d’As- sistant Greffier, pendant deux Sessions, et que le Peti- tion naire a rempli les devoirs de Traducteur Fran$ais pendant ces deux Sessions : Que le P^titionnaire ig- nore qu’il ait 6t6 port£ aucune plainte contre sa con- duite ou sa capacite ; et priant la Chambre de iui ac- corder la place de Traducteur Frai^aisqui est mainte- nant vacante. Ordonne, Queladite Petition soit prise en considera- tion en raeme temps que le Rapport du Comit 6 Spe- cial nomnV’pour indiquerle choix d’une personne con- venable pour remplir la place de Traducteur Fran 9 ais de cette Chambre. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie have leave to bring in a Bill to appoint Commissioners to treat with Commis- sioners appointed or to be appointed on the part of the Province of Upper Canada, for the purposes therein mentioned. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Saturday the ninth of January next. Ordonne, Que M. Leslie ait la permission d’intro- Biiiponrnom- duire un Bill pour nommer des Commissaires pour trai- mLlres^our' ter avec les Commissaires qui sont ou pourront etre t r J aiter ® vec ! e nommes de la part de la Province du Haut-Canada, lu la premiere pour les fins y mentionnees. f0ls ' II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonn^e pour Samedi, le neuf de Janvier prochain. An engrossed Bill to regulate the Fees of persons em- ployed by Justices of the Peace in the Country Pa- rishes as Clerks or Bailiffs in certain cases, was read for the third time. Resolved , That the Bill do pass. Ordered , That Mr. Archambeault do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their con- currence. Un Bill grossoye pour regler les Honoraires des per- Bin des Hono- sonnes employees par les Juge de Paix dans les Cam- fi«7et d Hu?/. ef ' pagnes comme Greffiers ou Huissiers en certains cas, a siers,pa8s ®- ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu , Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Archambeault porte le dit Bill an C onseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. A Bill to amend an Act therein mentioned, relating to Elections, was, according to Order, read the second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be engrossed. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour amender un Acte y mentionne, concernant les Elections, a 6t6 lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit grossoye. Bill pour a- mender un Acte relatif aux Elections, lu une seconde fois. The Order of the day for the second reading of the Bill to make further provision for the security of Titles to Real Property in the Inferior District of Gaspe , and to repeal two Acts therein mentioned, being read; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be postponed till Saturday next. L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour Biii> a Tines pourvoir ulterieurement h la conservation des Titres des Biens-fonds dans le District de Gaspe, et pour abro- ger deux Actesy mentionnes, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Sa- medi prochain. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider the expediency of repealing the Act 1 st, Will. IV. Cap. 28, intituled, “ An Act to suspend certain parts of an Ordinance therein mentioned, intituled, “ An Ordinance for regulating the Markets of the “ Towns, of Quebec and Montreal and on the Peti- tion L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Baconsidera- Comite pour considerer s il serait expedient de rappeler lereGmii. iv. 1’Acte lere Guill. IV., Chap. 28, intitule, “ Acte pour & 2 Var-“' “ suspendre certaines parties d’une Ordonnance y ch6s > remise ’ “ mentioning, intitule, “ Ordonnance portant regle- “ ment pour les Marches dans les Villes de Quebec “ et soo 22" Decemh is. A. IS 35. Committee on the Kennebec Hail Hoad Hill. Committee on Bill to continue certain Acts. Mr. Henri Voyer appoint- ed French Translator. tion of divers Hucksters of the City ot Quebec, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Monday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to provide lor making and maintaining a Rail Road from the River St. Lawrence to the Province Line, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. „ . „ ... , Mr. Meilleur took the Chair ot the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Meilleur reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. , - w Ordered , That the Report be received to-morrow. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to continue lor a limited time, certain Acts therein mentioned, being read; . .. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. , . _ , „ ... , Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move lor leave to sit again. . . ... Ordered , That the said Committee have leave to sit again on Monday next. The Order of the day for taking into consideration the Report of the Special Committee named to point out a proper person to fill the situation of French Trans- lator to this House, and, also, the Petition of Henri Voyer, of Quebec, Advocate, being read ; The House proceeded accordingly to take the said Report and Petition into consideration. Mr. Lafontaine moved to resolve, seconded by Mr. Knight That Leon Gosselin, Esquire, Advocate, ot Montreal , be named from this day, French Translator to this House. . , * j i\/f „ Mr Vanfelson moved in amendment to the said Mo- tion, seconded by Mr. Bardy, That Henri Voyer, Es- quire, Advocate, of Quebec, be named from this day, French Translator to this House. The House divided on the Motion of amendment : Yeas, 33. Nays, 24. So it was carried in the Affirmative. The Question being then put on the main Motion, as amended, it was agreed to unanimously, and Resolved , Accordingly. Then, on Motion of Mr. Perrault , seconded by Mr. Simon, The House adjourned. “ et de Montreal, en la Province de Quebec et sur la Petition de divers Regrattiers, de la Cite de Quebec, ayant ete lu ; # . v Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Lundi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en cbelniD Comite sur le Bill pour pouryoir a la construction et 1’entretien d un Chemin i\ Lisses, ;\ partir du fieuve St. Laurent , a aller jusqu’rl la Ligne Provinciale, ayant in • La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. , , ^ , . . M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir si^ge quelque temps, M, l'Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Meilleur a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re 5 U demain. L'Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill pour continuer, pour un temps limi- nucr certains t£, certains Actes y mentionnes, ayant et6 lu ; Ac ! 35. Answer tu uu Address. R. Knight , accompanied by (he other Messen- gers, reported to the House, that their Address of the twenty first instant, to His Excellency the Gover- nor in Chief praying for Documents and Correspon- dence relative to the erection of a Court House aud Gaol in the County of Missislcoui , had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I request you to state to the House of Assembly, that Copies of the Documents and Correspondence prayed lor in this Address, relative to the erection of a Court House and Gaol in the County of Missislcoui , shall be transmitted to the House, as soon as the same can be prepared. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec , 23rd December, 1S35. M Knight, accompagne des auties Messagers, a © fait rapport a laChambre, que son Adressedu vingt-et-un du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouver- neur-en-Chef, demandant des Copies des Documens et de la Correspondance relatifs a l'erection d’une Cour du Justice et d’une Prison dans le Comte de Missislcoui, avait et6 pr^sent^e a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait phi de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d’Assemblee, que des Copies des Documens et de la Correspondance* demandees dans cette Adresse, relativement a l’erection d’une Cour de Justice et d’une Prison dans le Comte de Missislcoui, seront transmises a la Chambre aussitdt qu’elles pourront etre pr£par6es. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 23 Dccembre 1835. Reponse a une Aurt'tbt. Answer to an Address, pers delivered i the Bar . .'counts rela- • g to Timber « . upon the (own Lands. ipendix (• K.) 1 cuments re- Ing to Lands s 1 and gran- h in certain 'i .vnships, and h licences to c Timber. Mr. Knight, accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the twenty first instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying Plis Excellency to inform this House whether the Seigniory of St. Armand, in the District of Montreal, has been since the original concession thereof, sub- divided into two or more distinct Parishes, and if such is the case, under what authority and in what manner it has been done ; and, also, the date of the said division, and a Copy of all Records and Documents relating thereto, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I request you will inform the House of Assembly, in answer to this Address, that the Seigniory of St. Ar- mand has been subdivided into two distinct Protestant Parishes, since the original concession thereof j that the division took place under the authority of Letters Pa- tent issued by the late Governor in Chief, in conformity with the provisions of the Act 3 1 st Geo. III. Cap. 31 , in consequence of a Memorial to that effect from the Inhabitants of the Seignory, and that Copies of the Documents relating to the subject shall be furnished to the House, as soon as the same can be got ready. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec , 23rd December, 1835. M. Knight, accompagn6 des autres Messagers, a fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du vingt-et-un du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Excellence d’informer cette Chambre, si la Seigneurie de St. Armand, sise dans le District de Montreal, a ete, depuis qu’elle a ete concedee primiti- vement, subdivisee en deux Paroisses distinctes ou plus ; et, si e’est le cas, en vertu de quelle autorite, et de quelle manure cela s’est fait ; etaussi, de la date de la dite subdivision, et de lui fournir une Copie de tous les^ Records et Documens qui y ont Rapport, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d’Assemblee, en reponse a cette Adresse, que la Seigneurie de St. Armand a ete subdivisee en deux Paroisses Protestan- tes distinctes, depuis la concession primitive d’icelle ; que la division a eu lieu en vertu de Lettres Patentes, £manees du ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef, confor- mement aux dispositions de l’Acte 31e Geo. III. Chap. 31, k la suite d’un memoire acet effet des Habitansde la Seigneurie, et que Copies des Documens relatifs au sujet seront transmises a la Chambre aussitot qu’elles seront pretes. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 23 Decembre 1835. Reponse a uue Adresse. The House being informed that John Davidson , Es- quire, Assistant Civil Secretary, was at the door, he was called in ; and at the Bar delivered, pursuant to Addresses to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the 1 6th and 20th November last, and 4th, 9th and 16th instant, the following Papers : 1st. A detailed Account of all Monies collected or received during the last six years from Sales of Timber cut upon the uncultivated Lands of the Crown, with the annual expense of collection, and the authority for collecting the same. An Account of the quantity of Timber cut upon the uncultivated Lands of the Crown in this Province, for each of the last six years. An Account of the manner in which the proceeds of Sales of Timber cut on the Crown Lands have been ap- plied, for each of the last six years. For the said Accounts, see Appendix (K. K.) at the end of this Volume. 2nd. A List of Lands sold in the augmentation of the Township of Aston . Documents relating to the Townships of Stanfold, Bulstrode, Arthabasfca and Warwick . A Vol. — 45. La Chambre ^tant informee que John Davidson, Papier9 remis Ecuyer, Assistant Secretaire Civil, Hait k la Porte, il alaBarre: - a 6 ti appele, et a remis a la Barre, conformement aux Adresses a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 16 etdu 20 Novembre dernier, et du4, du 9 et du 16 du courant. 1 °. Un Compte detaillede tousles deniers collectes C om P te, rei.-s et rep us durant les six dernieres annees des ventes du ti|,sa ! 1 Bais Bois coupe surles Terres incultesde la Couronne, avec Terre/dela* la d^pense annuelle de collection, et i’aulorite par la- Couronne ' quelle ils ont £te collects. Un Compte de la quantit6 du Bois coup6 sur les Ter- res incultes de la Couronne en cette Province, pour chacune des six dernieres annees. Un Compte dela maniere en laquelle les revenus de la vente du Bois coupe sur les Terres de la Couronne ont et^employes, pour chacune des six dernieres annees. Pour les dits Comptes, voir Appendice (K.K.) a la fin de ce Volume. 2 ° . Une Liste des Terres vendues dans l’augmenta- tion du Township d’ Aston. Documens relatifs aux Townships de Stanfold, Buls- trode, Arthabaska et Warwick Une 4 G Appendice (K.K.) Documens rela- tifs a ii x Terres vendues et con- cedes dans cer- tains Town- ships, et aux permissions pour couperdu Bois. 30 7 ) < 23 ° Decemhris . A . 133 a, A ppemiix (C. C.) Copy of a Dis- patch, dated Downing Street, 6ih June, 1833. Appendix (L.L.) Documents relating to tbe erection of Parishes, Churches, &c. Appendix (•Vi, m.; Documents re lating to the Jesuits Estates Appendix (S.) Copies of the Proceedings at the Coroner’s Inquest on the body of John Collins. Appendix (N. N.) A List of Lands sold in the Townships of Stanfold , Bulstrode, Arthabaska and Warwick. Statements of Advertisements of the sale ot Crown Lands and Licences to cut Timber since the 13th No- vember, 1826. n . , For the said Documents, see Appendix (C. C.) at the end of this Volume. , u 3rd. A Copy of a Dispatch from the Right Honor- able E. G. Stanley, then Secretary of State for the Co- lonies, to Lieutenant General Lord Aylmer , dated, Downing Street, 6th June, 1833. For the said Dispatch, see Appendix (L- L.) at the end of this Volume. 4th. Copies of Commissions, Letters Patent ana Applications in respect to the erection of Parishes, Churches, Parsonage Houses and Church '\ards. For the said Documents, see Appendix (M. M.) at the end of this Volume. . ,0th. A Copy of the Report of the Executive Counci , dated 5th February, 1S34, recommending the Lease ot 940 arpents of Land in the Seigniory of Cap de la Magdeleine to the Honorable Matthew Bell. A Statement of portions of the Jesuits’ Estates that have been sold or otherwise alienated. For the said Documents, see Appendix (S.) at tne end of this Volume. . , , , 6th. Copies of the proceedings at the Inquest held on the body of John Collins, deceased in the Montreal Q ao | For the said Documents, see Appendix (N. N.)at the end of this Volume. On Motion of Mr. Morin , seconded by Mr. Noel, Ordered, That the following Documents delivered at Documents re- yjTU/Cmu/, 1 n T . ? SdKiSSJ* the Bar of the House, this day, namely • A List ot t,d in [.’am Lands sold in the augmentation of the Township of Don : Documents relating to the Townships of Stan- C 'lneT r ' fold, Bulstrode, Arthabaska and Warwick: a L>st of Lands sold in the Townships of Starfold, Bulsti ode, Arthabaska and Warwick, and Statements of Adver- tisements of the sale of Crown Lands and Licences to cut Timber since the 13th November, 1826, be iefer- red to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seignonal Rights. On Motion of Mr. Perrault, seconded by Mr. Bouc, n. cm„ .r Ordered, That the Copies of the proceedings at the the proceedings T n n nest held on the body oil John Collins, deceased in the Montreal Gaol, delivered at the Bar of the House, c.”Ll, this clay, be referred to the Special Committee appointed red - to enquire into the circumstances which preceded and accompanied the death of John Collins, who died in the common Gaol of the District of Montreal, in the begin- ning of the month of December instant, and, also, to enquire into the state of the said Gaol. On Motion of Mr. O'Callaghan, seconded by Mr. CT'Y&Zllt The copv of a Ordered, That the Copy of a Dispatch from the Right Dispatch, dated Honorable E. G. Stanley, then Secretary of State tor the Cdonies, to Lieutenant General Lord Aylmer, dated Downing Street, 6th June, 1833, delivered at the Bar of the House, this day, be referred to the Standing Com- mittee of Grievances. XJue Liste des Terres vendues dans les Townships de Stanfold, Bulstrode , Arthabaska et Warwick. Tableaux des Annonces des ventes de Terres de la Couronne et Permissions pour couper du Bois depuis le 13 Novembre 1826. Pour les dits Documens, voir Appendice (C.C.) a la fin de ce Volume. 3°. Une Copie d’une Depeche du Eres-Honorable E.-C Stanley , alors Secretaire d’Etat pour les Colo- nies, au Lieutenant-General Lord Aylmer, datee Down- ing Street, 6 Juin 1833. Pour la dite Depeche, voir Appendice (L.L.) a la fin de ce Volume. 4°. Copies de Commissions, Lettres Patentes et Applications au sujet de l’^rection de Paroisses, Egli- ses, Presbythres et Cimetihres x Pour les dits Documens, voir Appendice (M.M.) a la fin de ce Volume. , „ 5 ° . Une Copie du Rapport du Conseil Lxecutit, date du 5 Fevrier 1834, recommandant le Bail de 25,940 arpens de terre dans la Seigneurie du Cap de la Magder leinc a l’Honorable Matthew Bell. y . Un Tableau des parties des Biens des Jesuites qui ontet6 vendues, ou autrement alienees. Pour les dits Documens, voir Appendice (S.) a la fin de ce Volume. . 6 ° . Copies des Procedures a l’Enquetetenue sur le corps de John Collins , deced6 dans la Prison de Mont - tl /* Pour les dits Documens, voir Appendice (N.N.) a la fin de ce Volume, Sur Motion de M. Morin , seconde par M .Noel,. Ordonne, Que les Documens suivans, remis ce jour a la Barre de cette Chambre, savoir : Une Liste des Terres vendues dans ^augmentation du Township iY As- ton: Documens relatifs aux Townships de Stanfold , Bulstrode, Arthabaska et Warwick ; une Liste des Ter- res vendues dans les Townships de Stanfold, Bulstrode , Arthabaska et Warwick, et Tableaux des Annonces des Ventes de Terres de la Couronne et Permissions pour couper du Bois, depuis le 13 Novembre 1826, soient referesau Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Appendice (C.C.) Copie d’une Depeche, dattte Downing Street, C Juin 1833. Appendice (L.L.) Documens re- latifs a I’drec- tion des Parois- ses, Eglises, etc. Appendice (M.M.) Documens re- latif aux Biens des Jesuites. Appendice (S.) Copies des pro* ceduresa i’Kn- quete du Coro- naire sur le corps de John Collins. Appendice (N.N.) Documens re- latifs aux Ter- res vendues et conc^dees darm certains Town- ships. et aux permissions pour couper dti Bois, referfes. ures a i’Enquete du Coronaire sur le corps de John Collins, refe- rees. Street, 6th June, 1833, referred Documents re- lating to the Jesuits Estates, referred. On Motion of Air. Kirnber, seconded by Mr. Noel, Ordered, That the following Documents, delivered at the Bar of the House, this day, namely A Copy of the Report of the Executive Council, dated 5th Febru- ry, 1834, recommending the Lease of 25,940 arpents of Land in the Seigniory of Cap de la Magdeleine to the Honorable Seigneuriaux. Sur Motion de M. Perrault , seconde par M. Bouc v ^ ^ ^ Ordonne, Que les Copies des Proceduies & l’Enquete pr oce d ° P ' cs ' *" tenue sur le Corps tie John Collins, d^cede dans la Pri- ' pnn ' son de Montreal, remises ce jour a la Barre de cette Chambre, soient referees au Comite Special nomme pour s’enquerir des circonstances qui ont accompagnc la mort du nomme John Collins, decede dans la Prison commune pour le District de Montreal, au commence- ment du moisde Decembre courant, et pour s’enquQ’ir aussi de 1’etat de la dite Prison. Sur Motion de M. O'Callaghan , seconde par M. Per- rault, x Ordonne, Que la Copie d’une Depeche du Tres- Honorable E.-G. Stanley, alors Secretaire d Ltat pour Downing les Colonies, au Lieutenant-General Lord Aylmer, da- 1833, riferee. tee Downing-Strcet, 6 Juin 1833, remises ce jour a la Barre de cette Chambre, soit referee au Comite Per- manent des Griefs. Sur Motion de M. lumber, seconde par AI. Noel , Ordonne, Que les Documens suivans, remis ce latifs a UX B iens jour a la Barre de cette Chambre, savoir : Une Co- f^. esu,t * 8 ’ j pie du Rapport du Conseil Ex^cutif, datee du o Le- vrier 1834, recommandant le Bail de 25,940 arpens de Terre dans la Seigneurie du Cap de la Magdeleine a P Honorable Documents re- lating to the erection of Parishes, Churches, & c. referred. Petition com- plaining ot the Seigniors of Ste- Camille du Cap Same. Petition for an additional place of Election on the County of Lotbiniere. Instruction respecting Lands to Mili- tiamen. 6 Will. I V. 23° Decembris. Honorable Matthew Bell, and a Statement of portions of the Jesuits’ Estates that have been sold or otherwise alienated, be referred to the Standing Committee on the Jesuits’ Estates. On Motion of Mr Girouard, seconded by Mr. Jobin, Ordered, That the Copies of Commissions, Letters Patent and Applications in respect to the erection of Parishes, Churches, Parsonage Houses and Church Yards, delivered at the Bar of the House, this day, be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Resolution of this House, “ That it is expedient to “ explain and amend the Act passed in the first year of “ the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, “ An Act “ for ascertaining, establishing and confirming in a legal “ and regular manner, and for Civil purposes, the Pa- “ rochial Subdivisions of various parts of this Province,” “ and. also, the Act or Ordinance of the thirty first year “ of the Reign of Plis late Majesty George the Third, “ intituled, “ An Act or Ordinance concerning the “ building and repairing ofChurches, ParsonageHouses, “ and Church Yards.” 303 P Honorable Matthew Bell , et tin Tableau des parties desBiensdes Jesuites qui ont et 6 vendues ou autre- ment alienees, soient rcferes au Comite Permanent sur les Biens des J ^suites. Sur Motion de M. Girouard , second^ par M. Jobin , Oidonne , Que les Copies de Commissions, Lettres Patenteset Applications, au sujet de l’erection de Pa- roisses, Eglises, PresbyRres, etc. remises ce jour a la Barre de cette Chambre, soient referees au Comite Spe- cial auquel a et6 referee la Resolution de cette Cham- bre, “ Qu'il estexpedient d’expliquer'et amender l'Acte “ P ass e dans la premiere ann£e du R£gne de Sa pr^sen- “ te Majeste, intitule, “ Acte pour constater, £tablir et “ confirmer d’une maniere legale et regulRre, et pour “ les effets civils, les Subdivisions Paroissiales de diffe- “ rentes parties de cette Province,” et aussi I’Acte ou “Ordonnance de la trente-unieme annee du Re^ne de Sa “ feue Majeste George Trois, intituRe, “ Acte ou Ordon- “ nance qui concerne la construction et la reparation “ des Eglises, Presbyteres et Cimetieres.” A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Parish of la Ste. Famille du Cap Sante , was presented to the House by Mr. Huot , and the same was received and read ; set- ting forth : That the Seigniors of the Parish of la Ste. Famille du Cap Sante, availing themselves of the encou- ragement afforded to Agriculturists by the Road opened from the rear of the Lands in the concession of St. George to the River Ste. Anne, for which a sum of money had been liberally voted by the Legislature of this Province, have exorbitantly raised the Seigniorial Censet Rentes, and have done so unequally, the Lands in the same place not being charged at the same rate : That before the Seigniors will concede even at these rates, they sell their Lands for the sum of Six pounds currency, each, which sum they make the grantees pay: That by reason of the said exactions, and the want of fertility in the soil, almost all the Petitioners residing in the Concessions of St. George and Ste. Anne, will be obliged to return their Lands to the Seigniors, to the great damage of the Pe- titioners, who after having made considerable clearances, find themselves in debt to the Seigniors for several years arrears of the said Seigniorial rents, notwithstanding their earnest desire to pay the same ; and praying the House jointly with the other branches of the Legislature to adopt measures to reduce the said rents and Lods et Fentesfor the future, and to cause a portion of the ar- rears now due to be remitted, so that the Petitioners may be enabled to retain possession of their respective Lands. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. A Petition of divers free and independent Electors of the Seigniory of St. Giles dite Beaurivage , was presented to the House by Mr. Noel, and the same was received and read ; praying that an additional place of Election be established in the County of Lotbiniere, and that such place be at the Church door of St. Sylvestre in the Seigniory of St. Giles dite Beaurivage. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Privileges and Elections. On Motion ot Mr. Meilleur , seconded by Mr. Morin, Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Answer of His Excellency the late Governor in Chief, of the 5th March, 1834, to the Address of this House of the 24th February, Line Petition de divers Ilabitans de la Paroisse de ia Ste. Famille du Cap Sante , a ■0116 through the Bill, and had made several amend ments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Monday next. tivement aux octrois de Ferres aux Officiers et Mili- ciens qui out servi dans la derniere Guerre avec les Etats-Unis, et autres references, de s’enquerir pre- mierement si les Miliciens qui ont demande des lerres an Gouvernement Exbcutif de cette Province, pour service dans la derniere Guerre avec les Etats-Unis les ont re 9 ues ; deuxiemement, a quelles conditions ils les ont regies. M. Vanjelson, du Comite Special auquel a ete refere S,KpomV* le Bill pour etablir un Pont Gratuit sur la Riviere St.»d. St " Charles, a fait rapport que le Comitb avait passb le Bill et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amende- mens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greftier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient rbferes a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Lundi prochain. A Petition of Jean Marie Roy , first Captain of Militia, £*' Bo" °re- of the Parish of St. Joseph, County of Beauce, was pre- Pevv‘ refer vld in sented to the House by Mr. Joseph- Andre Taschereau, chorchVor the and the same was received and read ; setting forth . Senior Captairr That the Petitioner in his quality of Senior Captain of of Militia. Militia, in the Parish of St. Joseph, has, during the last nineteen or twenty years, had possession of the 1 ew in the Parish Church, commonly known by the name of the King’s Pew, without paying any yearly rent or charge therefor : That about a month and a half ago, a protest was served upon the Petitioner by and on be- half of the Priest and Church Wardens of the l Euvre and Fabrique of the said Parish of St. Joseph, demanding from the Petitioner the capital sum of Seventy two Spa- nish Dollars, and thereafter the payment annually of half a dollar for the rent of the said Pew, in such man- ner as the other Pews pay yearly rent, or to give ten Spanish Dollars for each and every year the Petitioner should occupy the said Pew ; to which the Petitioner, after making them a reasonable offer, replied that he would be under the necessity of applying elsewhere for justice : That on the 12th November last, the Petitioner was served with process summoning him to appear be- fore the Judges of the Court of Kings Bench foi the District of Quebec, in the Inferior Term, on the 23rd of the said month of November, and that the said C ause was duly entered in the said Couit . That it is noto- rious that according to the custom of this country the Senior Captain of each Parish ought to possess the said Pew in his said quality of Senior C aptain ; and playing the House may be pleased, for the reasons above stated, to take the present Petition into consideration, and to render justice in the premises, in older to avoid heavy costs and expenses which both parties may incur, and to prevent the bad example which may be thereby given to the Country Parishes or to the public in general. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of V Islet. Bin to amend An engrossed Bill to amend an Act therein men- an Act relating .♦ j re i a tin 2 to Elections, was read for the third io Elections uuucu, >- o passed. time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Besserer do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concur- Une Petition de Jean-Marie Roy , premier Capitaine de Milice de la Paroisse St. Josph, Comte de Beauce, a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Joseph- Andrd que Ezlise Pa- Taschereau, laquellc a ete re 9 ue etlue ; exposant: Que le Petitionnaire possede depuis dix-neuf ou vmgt ans, puaine de Mi- en sa qualite de premier Capitaine de la dite Paroisse St. Joseph, le Banc connu vulgairement sous la deno- mination du Banc du Roi, sans par lui avoir paye au- cune rente ou redevance annuelle pour la possession du dit Banc: Que depuis environ un mois et demi, protet lui ayant ete signifie de la part des Sieurs Cure et Mar- guilliers de l’CEuvre et Fabrique de la dite Paroisse St. Joseph, demandant au dit Petitionnaire la somme prin- cipale de Soixante-et-douze piastres d Espagne , et en- suite payer un ecu par annee pour rente du dit Banc, tel et ainsi que les autres Bancs paicnt de rente par chacune annee, ou dormer dix piastres d Espagne , pai chacune annee, tant qu’il (le dit Petitionnaire) possb- derait le dit Banc, ce aquoi le dit Petitionnaire, apres une offre raisonnable de sa part, arbpondu qu it fallait se faire rendre justice autrement: Que le 12 Novem- bre dernier, le dit Petitionnaire a re9u une action, le somraant de comparaitre devant les Juges de la Cour du Banc du Roi du District de Quebec, Terme Inff- rieur, le 23 du dit mois de Novembre, et que l’appel en a ete fait par la dite Cour: Qu’il est notoire que le dit premier Capitaine de chaque Paroisse devrait, sui- vant la coutume de ce pays, posseder le dit Banc en sa qualite de premier Capitaine j et suppliant la Cham- bre, vu les raisons susdites, de prendre la dite Peti- tion en consideration, et de rendre justice a qui elle appartient, afin d’eviter tous frais et depens qui pour- raient devenir considbrablement couteux pout chacune des parties, et trbs-disgracieux dans les Paioisses et aux yeux du public en general. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee an Comite Special auquel a ete referee la Petition de divers Ha- bitans du Comte de l Islet. Un Bill grossoye pour amender un Acte y mention^, JJJP“ r un concernant les Elections, a ete lu pour la troisieme Acte reiaiif aux .. . Elections, passe. lois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Besserer porte le dit Bill an Con- seil Legislatif, et demande son concours. rence. I Bin relating to yMi engrossed Bill for the more easy and less expen- fweVn n Master*s sive decision of differences between Masters and Mis- a assed ervants ’ tresses, and their Servants, Apprentices and Labourers in the Country parts of this Province, was read for the third time. Un Bill srossovb qui pourvoit a faire decider d’une Bin reiaiif an* • v * n •*% 1 • t i i nr*/ i difFerends eotre mamere plus facile et moms dispendieuse Jes clinerenas lcsMahreset qui s’elevent entre les Maitrcs et Maitresses, et leurs p a l ‘^ Semteur *' Serviteurs, Apprentis ou Engages, dans les Compagnes de cette Province, a etb lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu 9 Resolved, 0 Will. iV r , 30b 23° Decemhris , Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. l)e Bleury do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. of Com mluee of , Mr * V anfelson, from the Standing Committee of Courts of jus- Courts of Justice, presented to the House the Second Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : On the fourth of November last, Your Honorable House adopted the following Resolution : — “ That it “ is expedient to repeal and amend the Act passed in 44 the thirty fourth year of the Reign of His Majesty “ George the Third, intituled, “ An Act for the divi- “ sion of the Province of Lower Canada , for amending “ the Judicature thereof, and for repealing certain 44 Laws therein mentioned.” Your Committee, to whom this Resolution was re- ferred, gave their earliest possible attention to the amendments which, in their opinion, ought, under ex- isting circumstances, to be made in the system of Judi- cature now followed in this Province. Your Committee, in order to meet the views of Your Honorable House, and the pressing wants of the Inha- bitants of the Province, and more especially of those who reside at a distance from the Towns, made it their duty to take into immediate consideration the Judica- ture Bill adopted by Your Honorable House in the second Session of the last Parliament. The principles which form the basis of that Bill, are also those by which the Committee were guided in their labours, the result of which they now submit to Your Honora- ble House. The chief points are those which relate to the following objects, viz : — 1st. A total change in the Constitution of the Court of Appeals, by substituting for it another Tribunal composed of four Judges, in which the senior Judge is to preside, and which is to be called “ The Supreme Court.” 2nd. This Tribunal is to be a Court of Revision as the Court of Appeals has hitherto been, and, in addi- tion to its Civil Jurisdiction, is also to have jurisdiction in Criminal matters. 3rd. The said Supreme Court is to be a Circuit Court, and is to sit alternately in the Cities of Quebec and Montreal and the Town of Three Rivers , three times a year in each place. 4th. The total abolition of the Courts “ called Courts of King’s Bench,” and the substitution of a Su- perior Court of Civil Jurisdiction in each of the Dis- tricts of Quebec , Montreal and Three Rivers , such Court being composed of four Judges in each of the two Districts first named, and of two of them jointly with the Resident Judge, in the District of Three Ri- vers, the senior Judge being in each case President of the Court. 5th. The Courts last named are also to perform Cir- cuits, where they are to have jurisdiction to the amount of Twenty pounds currency, with an appeal in certain cases. In a word, Your Committee has not in any of these matters in any way departed from the principles esta- blished by Your Honorable House in the Judicature Bill aforesaid which you have already adopted, except with regard to the number of the Judges of the Supe- rior Court of Civil Jurisdiction for the District of Que- bec. Your Committee think that this Court should be composed of four instead of three Judges. Although Your Committee have in this respect made no change with regard to the District of Montreal, they cannot refrain from expressing to Your Honorable House the conviction Vol— 45. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Odonne, Que M. De Bleury porte le dit Bill au Con- seil L6gislatif, et demande son concours. M. V anfelson, du Comite Permanent des Cours de Second Rap- Justice, a pr<§sente a la Chambre le Second Rapport du CcS,,?**'* dit Comit£, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Juslice - Greffier, comrne suit: Votre Honorable Chambre a adopte le 4 Novembre dernier, la Resolution quisuit: “ Qu’il est expedient 44 de rappeler et amender 1 Acte passe dans latrente- 44 quatrieme annee du It£gne de Sa Majeste George 44 Trois, intitule, 44 Acte qui divise la Province du Bas- 44 Canada, qui amende la Judicature d icelle, et quirap- “ pelle certaines Lois y mentionnees.” > Votre ComitG auquel fut renvoyee cette Resolution, s’est occupe aussitdt que possible des amendemens que! dans son opinion, il y avait a faire dans les circon- stances actuelles, au systeme de Judicature maintenant existant en cette Province. Votre Comity, dans la vue d obtenir l’assentiment de \ otre Honorable Chambre, et de mieux subvenir aux besoins pressans de la population, surtout de celle eloignee des villes, s’est fait un devoir de prendre im- mediatement en consideration le Bill de Judicature adopte par Votre Honorable Chambre dans la seconde Session du dernier Parlement. Les principes qui ser- vaient de base a ce Bill, sont les memes qui ont dirige Votre Comite dans les travaux qu’il soumet aujourd’hui k Votre Honorable Chambre. Les principaux points ont rapport aux objets suivans: 1°. Un changement total dans la Constitution de la Cour d’Appel, en y substituant un autre Tribunal compose de quatre Juges, preside par le plus ancien d’entre eux, et denomme “ Cour Supreme.” 2 ° . Ce Tribunal doit £tre une Cour de revision comme ci-devant, et outre la Jurisdiction Civile, il au- ra aussi la Jurisdiction Criminelle. 3°. Cette Cour Supreme sera Cour de Circuit, et devra sieger alternativement dans les Cites de Quebec et de Montreal , et dans la Ville des Trois-Rivieres , et ce trois fois l’annee. 4 ° . L’abolition totale des Cours denommees Cours du Banc du Roi, et la substitution, pour les affaires Civiles dans les Districts de Quebec et de Montreal, et des Trois-Rivieres, d’une Cour Superieure de Juris- diction Civile, composee de quatre Juges dans les deux premiers Districts, et de deux d’entre eux ainsi que du Juge Resident, dans le District des Trois-Rivieres , et preside par le plus ancien de ces Juges. 5 ° . Cette derniere Cour tiendrait en meme temps des Circuits dont la jurisdiction sYleverait a Vingt li- vres courant, avec appel en certains cas. En un mot, dans ces differens Rapports, Votre Comite n’a rien innov6 des principes consacres par Votre Ho- norable Chambre dans le dit Bill de Judicature qu’elle avait deja adopte, si ce n’est quant au nombre des Juges de la Cour Superieure de Jurisdiction Civile pour le District de Qtebec. Au lieu de trois, Votre Comite croit que cette Cour doit se composer tie quatre Juges : et meme pour le District de Montreal, quoique Votre Comite n’ait rien change sous ce Rapport, neanmoins, il doit exprimer a Votre Honorable Chambre, la con- viction qu’il nourrit, que d’apr£s les epoques fixees pour les 4 II 21" Decembrist. A. 1835 , Judicature Bill read the first time. Kennebec Rail Road Bill re- ported. 306 conviction they entertain that, from the periods ap- pointed for the sittings of the said Courts, (which are with some slight modifications the same as those pre- scribed in the Bill of 1S32,) the administration of jus- tice must suffer in certain cases in consequence of the number of Judges composing the Court in that Dis- trict being restricted to four ; for it will not unfre- quentiy happen that one of the said Judges will be sitting at Three Rivers, or in the District of St. Fran- cis, at the same time that two of the others will be se- parately presiding in Circuit Court, and the fourth at the Inferior Term in the City of Montreal, — all these Courts being to sit at the same periods. The inconve- nience Your Committee apprehend will probably be felt with regard to the ministerial duties assigned by law to the Judges, and performed by them out of Court ; and this inconvenience will be inevitable in case of the sickness of any one of the Judges. Your Committee, nevertheless, have not felt it right to take upon themselves to make any change on so essential a point in the principle established by Your Honorable House. They content themselves with pointing out the inconvenience which might, in their opinion, be felt in the cases above mentioned. Your Committee, after mature consideration, have been convinced of the necessity of making divers other alterations in the said Bill passed by Your Honorable House in 1832 ; but as these alterations relate rather to the details and practice, that to the fundamental princi- ples of the new system of Judicature which it is expe- dient to substitute for the old system, Your Committee have thought it useless to set them forth in this Report, which is moreover accompanied by a Judicature Bill adopted by Your Committee, and which they hold it to be their duty to submit to Your Honorable House. The said Bill contains all the alterations to which Your Committee have alluded. — One of these relates to the place of residence of the Judges of the Supreme Court. — As they are to be four in number, and the Court is to be a Circuit Court, and is at the same time to have Jurisdiction both in Civil and Criminal mat- ters, Your Committee were of opinion that it was ex- pedient for the purpose of facilitating the administra- tion of Justice, to enact that two of the said Judges should, out of Term, reside in the City of Quebec, and two of them in the City of Montreal. Lastly, Your Committee following the course adop- ted by Your Honorable House in 1832, do not in the the Bill they report, propose any change in the system of Judicature now established for the District of St. Francis, and the Inferior District of Gaspe. Ordered , That the said Report be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Ordered, That Mr. Vanfelson have leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Judicature of the Province, and to extend and facilitate the administration of Justice in the different parts thereof. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Saturday the second of January next. Mr. Meilleur, from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to provide for making and maintain- ing a Rail Road from the River St. Lawrence to the Province Line, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Ta- ble, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. 'fhe les seances de ccs Cours, qui sont les memes, sauf’quel- ques legeres modifications, que celles proposees dans le Bill de 1832, 1’administration de la Justice aura a souffrir dans certains cas, de la composition de cette Cour pour le dit District, restreinte a quatre Juges, car dans plusieurs occasions, l’un de ces Juges siegera aux Trois-Rivieres, ou dans le District Infcrieur de St. Francois, en meme temps que deux autres d’entre eux presideront separement a des Cours de Circuit, et le quatrieme au Terme Inferieur dans la Cit6 de Mont- real, toutes ces Cours devant sieger aux memes pe- riodcs. Les inconveniens qu’apprehende Votre Comite se feront sentir probablement pour les devoirs ministe- riels que la Loi impose aux Juges, et qu’ils ont a rem- plir hors des Cours ; mais ces inconveniens seront ine- vitables dans le cas de maladie d’aucuti de ces Juges. Neanmoins Votre Comite n’a pas cru devoir prendre sur lui de rien changer a un principe aussi essentiel dt'ja etabli par Votre Honorable Chambre. II s’est contente de signaler les inconveniens qui, dans son opinion, pourront en resulter dans les cas precites. Votre Comite, apres mure deliberation, a senti la necessity de faire divers autres changemens au Projet de Loi passe par Votre Honorable Chamble en 1832; mais ces changemens ayant plutot rapport aux details et a la procedure, qu’aux principes fondamentaux du nouveau systeme de Judicature qu’il convient de sub- stituer a l’ancien, Votre Comite a cru qu’il etait inutile de les mentionner dans ce Rapport, d’autant plus que ce Rapport est accompagne d’un Bill de Judicature que Votre Comite a adopte, et qu’il se fait un devoir de soumettre a la consideration de Votre Honorable Chambre. Ce Bill renferme tous ces changemens aux- quels Votre Comite vient de faire allusion. L’un de ces changemens a rapport a la residence du Juge de la Cour Supreme. Comme il doit y en avoir quatre, et que cette Cour doit etre Cour de Circuit, et doit avoir en meme temps Jurisdiction Civile et Criminelle, Votre Comite a ete d’opinion qu'il serait a propos de statuer, dans la vue de faciliter 1’administration de la Justice, que deux de ces Juges seraient tenus de resider, hors des Termes, dans la Cite de Quebec, et deux dans la . Cite de Montreal. Enfin Votre Comit6, suivant la marche adoptee par Votre Honorable Chambre en 1832, ne propose, dans le Bill qu’il rapporte, aucun changement dansje sys- t£me de Judicature maintenant etabli pour les Dis- tricts Inferieurs de Gaspe e t de St. Francois. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit im prime pourl’u- sage des Membres de cette Chambre. Ordonne , Que M. Vanfelson ait la permission d'intro- Biiide judica- duire un Bill pour amender la Judicature de la Pro- pre ' vince, pour etendre et faciliter 1’administration de la Justice dans les differentes parties d’icelle. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a £t£ lu pour la premiere fois ; et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Samedi le deux Janvier prochain. M .Meilleur, du Comit6 de toute la Chambre sur le BiiiduChemin Bill pour pourvoir & la construction ct a l’entretien d’un Kennebec* rap - Chemin a Lisses, a partir du Fleuve St. Laurent a aller p° r < e - jusqu’a la Ligne Provincial, a fait rapport, conforme- ment a l’Ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite ; lesquels amendemens ont etc lus de nou^ veau a la Table du Greffier, etadoptespar la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’ameiuR, soit gros- soye. L’Oidre Committee on Small Causes Bill. A vacancy in the County of Saguenay an- nounced. Answer to an \ddress. 6 Will. IV , Q3°~ -2G 0 -28 Decembris. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to revive, amend and continue lor a limited time, an Act further to provide for the summary trial of Small Causes, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Cardinal took the Chair of the Committee ; and and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Cardinal reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received on Saturday next. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Archambeault , The House adjourned till Saturday next. 307 L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill pour remettre en force, amender et continuer, pour un temps limite, un Acte pour pour- voir ulterieurement a la decision sommaire des Peiites Causes, ayant 6te In ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Co- mitC M. Cardinal a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. rOrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Cardinal a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendernens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport la Chambre. Or donne, Que le Rapport soit re^i Samedi prochain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger , seconde par M. Ar- chambeault , La Chambre s’est ajournee a Samedi prochain. Saturday , 2 6th December , 1835. M R. Morin , Member for the County of Bellechasse, rose in his place, and acquainted Mr. Speaker and the House, that the County of Saguenay was not represented, as Francois Xavier Tessier, Esquire, one of the Members for the said County, is deceased. Then, on Motion of Mr. Morin , seconded by Mr. Cote , The House adjourned till Monday next. Monday, 28 th December , 1835. 1/1 R. O'Callaghan , accompanied by the other Mes- 1T_B. sengers, reported to the House that their Ad- dress of the twenty first instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that His Excellency would he pleased to transmit to this House, a Copy of a Com- munication which was addressed to the late Governor Lord Aylmer , by the Chief Justices and Puisne Judges of this Province, complaining of the injury sustained by them regarding their salaries and allowances arising out of their dependance on the annual votes of this House of Assembly, and praying that measures might be adopted for rendering them no longer dependant on the annual vote of this House for their salaries and allowances, which Communication is particularly re- ferred to in, and was transmitted with, a Dispatch from Lord Aylmer to Lord Viscount Goderich, dated Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec , 14th May, 1S33, had been pre- sented to His Excellency ; and that lie had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, After mature consideration, and with every de- sire to comply with the wishes of the House of Assem- bly, I feel that I cannot, consistently with my sense of public duty, and in the honest exercise of a discretion inseparable from the high Office which I fill, accede to the request conveyed in this Address. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 28th December, 1835. Mr. Samedi, 26 Decembre 1835. Morin , Memhre pour le Comte de Bellechasse , ® s’est lev6 a sa place, et a informe M. 1’Orateur et la Chambre, que le Comte de Saguenay n’etait point represente, Francois- Xavier Tessier , Ecuyer, un des Membres rapportes pour le dit Comt6,etant decede. Alors, sur Motion de M. Morin , seconde par M. Cote, La Chambre s’est ajournee a Lundi prochain. Lundi, 28 Decembre 1835. O'Callaghan, accompagn£ des autres Messagers, 1TJL® a fait rapport £ la Chambre que son Adresse du vingt-et-un du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouver- neur-en-Chef, priant Son Excellence qu’il lui plaise de transmettre a cette Chambre, une Copie d’une Com- munication adressee au ci-devant Gouverneur Lord Aylmer , par les Juges-en-Chef et les Juges Puisnes de cette Province, dans laquelle ils se plaignaient qu’ils souffraient du dommage relativement a leurs Salaires et Allocations, provenant de ce qu’ils d^pendaient des votes annuels de la Chambre d’Assemblee, et deman- daient qu'il fut adopte des mesures pour qu’ils ne de- pendissent plus du vote de cette Chambre pour leurs Salaires et Allocations, laquelle Communication fut transmise dans une Depeche qui y faisait particuliere- ment allusion, adressee par Lord Aylmer a Lord Vi- comte Goderich, en date du Chateau St. Louis, Quebec , le 14 Mai 1833, avait presentee a Son Excellence; et qu il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante: Messieurs, Apres mftre deliberation, et avec tout le d^sir de me rendre aux vceux de la Chambre d’Assemblee, je ne pense pas qu’il soit compatible avec le sentiment du devoir public que j’ai a remplir, et 1’exercice conscien- cieux de la discretion qui est inseparable de la charge elevee que j’occupe, d’acceder a la demande que con- tient cette Adresse. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec, 28 Dlcembre 1835. W- Comit6 sur le Kill de» Kettles Causes. Une vacance dans le Comte de Saguenay est annoncee. Rfponse d une Adresse. 30S 23° Decewbns , A 1 835. Hepon on the Mr. Scott, from the Special Committee to whom were Printing of the re t erre j the Bill to repeal a certain Act therein men- on Petition of tioned, concerning the printing and distribution ot the pwnie" 8 6 Law Provincial Statutes, and to make other provisions on the same subject ; the Statement and Accounts of the monies paid during the last three years for Printing the Laws in this Province, and the Petition o £ John Charlton Fisher and William Kemble , Law Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee first commenced to examine the Statement and Accounts of the monies paid during the last three years for Printing the Provincial Statutes, and the Petition of John Charlton Fisher and William Kemble , upon which evidence was heard, which leaves no doubt in the minds of Your Committee, but that the same beneficial result will be effected by laying the Printing of the Provincial Statutes open to competi- tion, which has been experienced since Your Honora- ble House has adopted that mode with regard to its Printing. By reference to the Contingent Accounts and the Evidence adduced before Your Committee, it will be found that Your Honorable House, before the above change was adopted, paid £\. 6s. 8d. per sheet, for Printing the Journal and Appendix, and for which it now pays only £1. 18s. Od. On the Printing alone of the Statutes, ^£150, annually may be saved to the Pro- vince, besides a very great reduction in the other inci- dental charges. There is in the abovementioned Ac- counts, an item upon which Your Committee cannot refrain from calling the attention of Your Honorable House. It appears by the Law Printer’s charges for 1833 and 1834, that for sewing and covering the Sta- tutes, £91. 13s. 4d. has been paid in each of the above years, making together the sum of a£l83. 6s. 8d., for what might have been done, according to the Evidence received by Your Committee, for the sum of <=£14. Your Committee are therefore of opinion that the prayer of the Petitioners ought not to be granted. Your Committee next proceeded to examine the Bill, Clause by Clause, to which they have made several amendments. Ordered , That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House to-morrow. stansiead Agru Mr. Child presented to the House the Report of the aiportfousM! Agricultural Society for the County of Stansiead, for the year 1834. shefford Agn- Mr. Wood presented to the House the Report of the Agricultural Society for the County of Shefford, for the year 1835. Rouviii* Aga. Mr. Bardy presented to the House the Report of ReponVorTaj^ the Agricultural Society for the County of Rouville, for the year 1835. Appendix (H.) For the said Reports, see Appendix (H.) at the end of this Volume. The following Petitions were presented to the House, and the same were received and read ; viz : Petition of Dr. By Mr. O’CW/flgkn. — A Petition of Robert Nelson, rearo°of Salary”. M. D., of Montreal, setting forth : That by virtue and under the authority of an Act passed by the House on the 25th February, 1832, the Petitioner was appointed Health Commissioner for the City and Port of Mon- treal, on the 10th May in the same year : That he con- tinued in that trust until the expiration of the said Act on M. Scott, du Comite Special auquel ont ete referes, le Ka Ppor t sur ie Bill pour abrogerun certain Acte y mentionne, relatif a l’impression et distribution des Statuts Provinciaux, Lois, et sur la et pour pourvoir autrement aux dits objets, l’Etat et les imprimeur* de. Comptes des Argons payes durant les trois dernieres an- L°" de Sa Ma ‘ nees pour l’impression des Lois de cette Province, et la Petition de John-Charlton Fisher et William Kemble, Imprimeurs des Lois de la Tr^s-Excellente Majeste du Roi, a present^ a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Gref- fier, comme suit : Votre Comite a commence d’abord par examiner le Tableau et les Comptes des Deniers qui ont ete pay£s pendant les trois derni&res annees pour l’lmpression des Statuts Provinciaux, et la Petition de John-Charlton Fisher et William Kemble, sur lesquels il a entendu des Temoignages qui ne laissent aucun doute dans l’esprit de Votre Comite, que si l’on donne l’impression des Statuts Provinciaux a concurrence, il en resultera le meme avantage qu’il en est resulte depuis que Votre Honorable Chambre a adopte ce mode a 1’egard de ses impressions. En consultant les Comptes Contingens et les Te- moignages donnes devant Votre Comite, l’on verra que Votre Honorable Chambre, avant d’adopter ce changement, payait £4. 6s. 8d. par feuille pour l’im- pression du Journal et de l’Appendice, et qu’elle paie maintenant seulement £1. 18s. Od. pour le meme ou- vrage. Sur laseule impression des Statuts, la Province peut epargner annuellement £150. outre une grande reduction qui pourra etre operee dans les autres charges accessoires. II y a dans les Comptes mentionnes ci- dessus un item sur lequel Votre Comite ne peut s’em- pecher d’appeler l’attention de Votre Honorable Cham- bre. Il parait par les memoires de l’lmprimeur des Lois pour 1833 et 1834, que pour coudre et couvrir les Statuts, il a ete pay£, chacune des annees ci-dessus mentionnees, £91. 13s. 4d. faisant pour les deux la somme de £183. 6s 8d. pour ce qui aurait pu etre fait, suivant le Teinoignage re$u par Votre Comite pour la somme de s£l4. Votre Comite est cons^quemment d’opinion que la demande des Petitionnaires ne devrait pas etre accordee. Votre Comit6 a ensuite examine le Bill, Clause par Clause, ety a fait plusieurs amendemens. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre, demain. M. Child a presente 5 la Chambre le Rapport de la Rapport de i a Societe d’Agriculture pour le Comte de Stanstead, pour X£tes£n- 1 annee 1834. stead pour 1 834 . M. Wood a present^ a la Chambre le Rapporl de I a Rapport de la^ SocKte d’Agriculture pour le Comt£ de Shefford, pour SedeShefl l’annee 1835. ford pour 1835 . M. Bardy a presente a la Chambre le Rapport de la Rapport deiai Societe d’Agriculture pour le Comte de Rouville, pour ™£de£lu' 1 ’annee 1835. »»n« pour 1835 . Pour les dits Rapports, voir Appendice (II.) a la fin Appendice (H.) de ce Volume. Les Petitions suivantes ont ete presentees a la Cham- bre, lesquelles ont ete re 9 ues et lues, savoir : Par M. O'Callaghan . — Une Petition de Robert JVel- Ration du Dr. i son, M. D., de Montreal, exposant : Qu’en vertu et arriragea P de r sous l’autorit6 d’un Acte passe par la Chambre le 25 Salaires - Fevrier 1832, il a et£ nomme Commissaire de Sante pour la Cite et le Port de Montreal le 10 Mai de la meme annee : Qu’il a rempli cette charge jusqu’a l’expiration du dit Acte le ler Fevrier 1833, et qu’ltant devenu responsable 6 Will. IV. 28 ° Decembrist . 309 i’etltion -Arnoldi arrears lary. * on the 1st February, 18.3.3, and that having been ren- dered responsab/e for the property of the Medical Hoard, lie continued in the possession and charge of the Medical Stores, and hired Hospitals, until the 1st May following : That a part of his Salary (from the 10th May to the 1st October, 1832,) he has received ; but that the remainder is yet due to him j and praying the Mouse to take his case into consideration, as was^that of his colleague, l)r. Bcaubien , and render such justice as may be due to him. j£ Dr - A Petition of Francis C. T. Arnold i, M. D. of Mont- of sa- real, setting forth: That in conformity with the pro- visions of an Act of the Provincial Parliament of Lower ■ Canada, passed on the 25th February 1832, for sanitary purposes, Robert Nelson, M. D. was appointed Health Commissioner for the City and Port of Montreal, on the 10th May of the same year, and that Pierre Beau- bien, M. D. and Dr. Tl . Pardy, were at the same time appointed Resident Physicians for the same place, and as stated in the Act, each one was to be remunerated at the rate of ^250 sterling per annum: That in con- sequence of the ill health of Dr. IV. Pardy at the very commencement of the Epidemic, the Petitioner was by the then existing Hoard of Health, required to officiate in the place of Dr. W. Pardy, and the latter having by the will of Divine Providence died shortly after, it pleased the Executive to appoint the Petitioner as one of the Resident Physicians in his stead, on the 26th July of the same year: That the services rendered by the Petitioner were of the most arduous nature, and be feels confident of having strictly and worthily ful- filled his trust and duty : That on the 19th November 1832, a Wariant was issued in favor of the Petitioner for a portion of his Salary, viz: up to the 1st October, which Warrant was duly honored : That the Petitioner continued in office until the expiration of the Act un- der which he held his Commission ; and moreover con- tinued to fulfil the duties belonging thereto for some time after, as appears by the dates of payments of Ac- counts made to different persons who had been em- ployed by the Board of Health during its existence, which Accounts are now in the possession of Mr. Cary, Auditor General of Public Accounts: That the Peti- tioner patiently waited in the expectation that the Ex- ecutive Government, whose Officer he was, would adopt such measures as would provide for the payment of the balance due to him ; but perceiving that a Committee of the House had lately voted the balance of Salary to his Colleague, Pierre Beaubien, M. D. the Petitioner thought proper to lay his claim before His Excellency Lord Uosford-, but as no answer has as yet reached the Petitioner, in consequence no doubt of the accumula- tion of business, he fears that further delay might be fatal to his interests, and consequently now ventures on the same course pursued by his Colleague Pierre Beau- bien, M. D., and begs leave respectfully to submit his case to the favorable consideration of the House, and to solicit such assistance as the House in its wisdom may deem efficient to liquidate the just claim of the Petitioner. Ordered, "lhat the two preceding Petitions be refer- red to the Standing Committee for Hospitals and Cha- ritable Institutions. 'S.Sfftf " . Mr ‘ O'Callaghan, from the Special Committee ap- , me . pointed to enquire into the present condition of the Post Office Department, with a view to the applica- tion of an efficient remedy to the defects in its organi- zation and management, with power to report from T . time Vol.— 45. responsable de la propriete du Bureau Medical, il est ieM(: charge et en possession de PApothicairerie et de lllopital qui avait ete pris a loyer jusqu’au ler Mai suivant : Qu’il a recu une partie de son Salaire, (depths le 10 Mai jusqu’au ler Octobre 1832,) mais qu’on lui en doit encore la balance ; et priant la Chambre de prendre sa demande en consideration, comrne on a pris celle du Dr. Beaubien, et de lui rendre la justice qui lui est due. 1 line Petition de Francis-C.-T. Arnoldi, M. D de kiwmii.ii.. Montnal, exposant : Que conformement aux d/spo- sitions d tin Acte du Parlement Provincial du Has Ca mda, passe le 25 Fevrier 1832, pour ties fins sanitairesj Robert Nelson, M. D„ a iti notnme Commissaire de oante pour la Cite etle Port de Montreal, le 10 Mai de la mo me annee, et que Pierre Bcaubien, M. I) , et le Dr IV. Pardy ont ete nommes en merae temps Mddecins re- sidens du meme endroit, et qu’aux termes de l’Acte chacun de ces Messieurs devait recevoir une remunera- tion de .£250 sterling par annk : Que par suite de la maladie du Dr. IV. Pardy, d£s 1’apparition meme de 1 epidenne, le Petitionnaire fut prie par le Bureau de Sante de rem placer le Dr. IV. Pardy, etce dernier etant par la volonte de Dieu, mort quelque temps apres, il plf,t a 1 Executif de nommer le Petitionnaire un desMedecins Residens en remplacement de ce Monsieur, le 26 Juillet de la meme annee : Que les services rendus par le I etitionnaires ont ete de la nature la plus penible et il ose se flatter qu’il s’est acquitte fidelement et avec zele des devoirs attaches a cette charge de Medecin Resi- dent : Que le 19 Novembre 1832, il est sorti un War- rant, en sa favour, pour partie de son Salaire, savoir jusquau ler Octobre, lequel Warrants. et6 dument Pf/ e . : , r S l ; e Ie Petitionnaire a continue d’agir en qua- lity de Medecin Resident jusqu’a l’expiration de l’Acte en vertu duquel il tenait sa commission ; et qu’il a en outre rempli les devoirs attaches a cette charge quelque temps apres cela, coinrae on peutle voir par la date des paiemens faits aux differentes personnes employees par Ie Bureau de Sante pendant son existence ; leurs comptes sont maintenant entre les mains de M Cam Auditeur-General des Comptes Publics : Que le p|- titionnaire a attendu avec patience jusqu’a ce jour, dans 1 espoir que I’Ex&utif dont il estVdfficier.VendraU quelque moyen de pourvoir au paiement de la balance qui lui est due ; mais voyantqu’un Comite de la Cham- bre a dermerement vote la balance du Salaire de son Collegue Pierre Beaubien, M. D., le Petitionnaire a cru devoir soumettre sa reclamation h Son Excellence Lord Gosford ; mais com me il n’a pas encore recu de r^ponse P^r suite sans doute de I’accumulation des affaires, le Petitionnaire craint qu’un plus long d&ai ne compromette ses int6rets ; et il prie respectueusement la Chambre d accueillir favorablement sa demande et de voter telle somme qu’elle croira suffisante dans sa sagesse pour liquider la juste reclamation du Petition- naire. Ordonne, Que les deux Petitions pr£cedentes soient reffirees au Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux et In- stitutions de Charite. M. O' Callaghan, du Comite Special nomine pour sen- umpourun quenr de 1 etat actuel du Departement des Postes llureau de de porter un remade efficace aux defectuosites de son organisation et administration, avec pouvoir de faire rap- port de temps ^ autre par Bill ou autrement, a presente > pre 4 1 a * 310 2,8° Decemhris . Jh 1833 , * 1 * t K a M W’lnmbre tin Bill pour etablir un Bureau tie Poste by Bill or °J! 1C, .V3^ J [nthis Province dans cette Province, et pour pourvoir a la regie de ce o establish a l ost Office , ’ Bureaa k p aven i r , lequel a ete lu pour la premiere tois, et dont la seconde lecture a et£ ordonnee pour Maub, lc cinq Janvier prochain. time to time, and' 1 to provide°for the future management of the same; and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to be r ead a second time on Tuesday the fifth of Janu- ary next. On Motion of Mr. De Witt , seconded by Mr. MeiU _ ! ' m Ordered , That two hundred Copies of the Accounts tingw Timber G f a n m0 nies collected from Sales ot limber cut upon the uncultivated Lands of the Crown, of the quantity priiued. Q f Timber cut thereon, and of the manner m which the proceeds of those Sales have been applied for the last six years, delivered at the Bar of the House, on the 23d instant, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. On Motion of Mr. Archambeault , seconded by Mr. First Report of T °olfered, That the Order of day for die House in commuiee on r’ omrn ;ttee on the First Report of the Standing Con IX’p-ir- SSTif Komis and Public' Improvements, and on the ments, deferred. petit - ong re f erre( j to the said Committee, lost by the adjournment of the House, on Saturday last, be re- vived; and that this House do, to-morrow, resolve it- self into the said Committee. smaii causes Ordered That the Order of the day for receiving the Bill reported. R t of the Committ ee of the whole House on the Bill to revive, amend and continue for a limited time, an Act further to provide for the summary trial ot Small Causes, lost by the adjournment of the House on Saturday last, be revived; and that the said Kepoit be now received. Mr. Cardinal , from the said Committee, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Com- mittee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. A Message from the Legislative Council by the Ho- the Council. norable Mr. De Lery , one of the Masters in Chancery. Mr. Speaker, „ The Council The Legislative Council have passed the following have agreed to: w ; thout any amendment: . . Lake Cham- « An Act to amend and extend the provisions of an plain Bail Bead Ordered, That the said Order of the day he post- poned till Saturday the second of January next. st. charie,’ The Order of ihe day for the House in Committee ;Srfed. dseBi1 ' on the Bill to establish a Free Bridge over the Liver St. Charles, being read ; lue; exposant : Qu’elle se trouye accidenteliement veuve et chargee du soin de trois jeunes enfans, dont le plus vieux n’est age que de six ans, et le plus jeune ao-e de trois mois : Que le peu d’attention que Sou Excellence Lord Aylmer a donne ala Petition que le mari de la Petitionnaire et autres personnes tant du Township d 'Artliabaska que des Townships de Buls- trode et Stanfold lui firent parvenir par la voie de Louis Legendre, Ecuyer, Arpenteur, a occasionne les mal- lieurs de la Petitionnaire: Que vers la fin du mois d’ Oct oh re dernier, M. Angus McDonald monta cliez la Petitionnaire, etdita son mari, a Louis Sleon, ei au- tres personnes, que le terrein sur lequel ils etaient ba- tis dans le 12e rang dn Township de St unfold, etait sa propriete, etqu’ilsne pouvaient parvenir a posseder ce terrein qu’en pavant a lui M. Me Donald, neuf schel- lings par chaqtie acre : Que feu son mari et Louis Slton, dans la vue de conserver le terrein qu’ils avaienl tant de fois ariose de leurs sueurs, pour y arracher leui nourriture, etcelle de leurs femmes et enfans, descen- dirent a Quebec, au commencement du mois de Eovem- bre dernier, pour faire d’humbles representations, tant a Son Excellence Lord Gosford, Gouverneur-en-Chef de cette Province, qu’a la Chambre : Que feu son mari, apres avoir ete entendu devant un des Comites de la Chambre, s’est achemine pouraller rejoindre la Peti- tionnaire, et il a eu le malheur de se noyer. Helas ! dans quel etat de douleur et de misere la Petitionnaire ne se trouve-t-elle point piongee ! avec de jeunes en- fans sur les bias, au milieu dun bois, sans argent, ct n'ayant qu’un mauvais sentier de debarrasse pour des- cendre plus de quatie lieues, prendie a la Riviere Dc- concour, le chemin de Blandford : Que dans une si- tuation aussi penible que I’est celle de la Petitionnaire, el 1 e vient avec confiance implorer la bienveillance de la Chambre la suppliant de vouloir bien passer une Loi puur lui assurer le terrein qu’elle possede con tig u a ce- lui du dit Louis Steon, dans Artliabaska, ainsi que la moitie du lot N ° . 25, dans le 12e rang de Starfold , et de lui accorder aussi la somme de vingt-cmq hvres courant, pendant quelques annees, pour se faire aider a tirerde ces terres sa nourriture et celle de ces jeunes enfans. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigueuriaux. L’Ordre du jour pour que la C hambre se forme en Comite pour eotisiderer s il serait expedient de mp- pelerl’Acte lere Guill. IV. Chap. 28,^ intitule, “ Ac- “ te pour suspendie certaines parties d une Oidonnan- “ ce y mentionnee, intitulee, “ Ordonnance portant 41 Reglement pour les Marches dans les villes de “ Quebec et de Montreal, en la Province de Que - bee ” et aussi sur la Petition de divers Legiattins, de la Cite de Quebec, et sur la Petition de divers Citoyens de Quebec , ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. . M. Letourneau a pris le Fauteuil du Lomite.;. et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris Ie Fauteuil. Bill lo continue certain Acts de- ferred. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill pour continuer, pour un temps h- mit6, certains Actes y mentionnes, ayant ete lu , ^ Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a 8a- medi le deux Janvier prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se foime en Comite sur le Bill pour Habiir un Pont Gratuit sur la RivLre St. Charles, ayant ete lu ; Cornite sur l’Acte lere Guill. IV. Chap. 28, rela- tif aux marches. Bill pour con- tinuer certains Actes remis. Bill du Pont Gratuit St. Charles, remis. Ordered , Ordonne, Gaspe Land Ti- tles Bill defer- red. Bill to repeal an Act relating to Rafts andScows passing Cha- teauguay, pass- ed. Leave of ab- sence. Useful Arts Bill passed. Consideration of First Report of Committee of Courts of Jus- lice deferred. Committee on he Printing of he Laws Bill. 6 Will. IV. 28"— 29 ( Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Wednesday next. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Archambeault, The House adjourned. Tuesday, 29th December, 1835. N Motion of Mr. Deblois, seconded by Mr. For- tin, Ordered, That the Order of the day for the second reading of the Bill to make further provision for the security of Titles to Ileal Property in the Inferior District o f Gaspe, and to repeal two Acts therein men- tioned, lost by the adjournment of the House, on Sa- turday last, be revived ; and that the said Bill be read a second time, to-morrow. Mr. Archambeault, from the Special Committee to whom was recommitted the engrossed Bill to repeal an Act therein mentioned concerning tire Inspector and Measurers of Rafts and Scows, and the Pilots thereof, between Chateauguay and Montreal, and for other pur- poses therein mentioned, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, without making any amend- ment thereto, and the Report was again read at the Clerk’s Table. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered , That Mr. Archambeault do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their con- currence. Ordered, That Mr. Cardinal have leave of absence from this House, until the eighth of February next, on urgent business. An engrossed Bill to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and to consolidate the provisions therein made for the encouragement of Useful Arts in this Province, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. De Bleury do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concur- rence. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of t he Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Friday the fifteenth of January next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Report of the Special Committee to whom were referred the Bill to repeal a certain Act therein men- tioned, concerning the printing and distribution of the Provincial Statutes, and to make other provisions on the same subject ; the Statement and Accounts of the monies paid during the last three years for Printing the Laws in this Province, and the Petition of John Charlton Fisher and William Kemble, Law Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Bedard took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr, Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Decembrvt. 3 j 5 Ordonne, Que lc dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mer- credi prochain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger, seconde par M. Archambeault, La Chambre s’est ajournbe. Mardi , 29 Decembrc 1835. Ordonne, Que l’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lec- Ui11 des Ti,r « ture du Bill pour pourvoir ulterieurement a la conser- gIpZ"™*™' vation des Titres des Biens-fonds dans le District In- ferieur de Gaspe, et pour abroger deux Actes y men- tionnes, perdu par l’ajournement de la Chambre, Sa- medi dernier, soit retabli, et que le dit Bill soit lu une seconde foisdemain. M. Archambeault, du Comite Special auquel a ete Bil1 i ,ou ' abl °- de nouveau refere le Bill grossoye pour abroger un Acte feTat“raux te B»c* y ment.W concernant I’Inspecteur et les Mesureurs des Bacs et Cages et les Pilotes d’iceux entre Chateauguay et Montreal, et pour autres fins y mentionnees, a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill sansy faire au- cun amendement; et le Rapport a Gelu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Archambeault porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Ordonne, Que M. Cardinal ait ia permission de s’ab- Con s 4 d’absen- senter de cette Chambre jusqu’au huit Fevrier pro- “* chain, pour affaires urgentes. 1 Un Bill grossoye pour rappeler certains Actes y men- b,„. tionnes, et mcorporer en un seul Acte les dispositions des arts utiies d’iceux ausujet de l’encouragement des Arts utiles en ^ cette Province, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu , Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. De Bleury porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. L Oi dre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme gjj Consideration Comite sui le I lemier Rapport du Comite Permanent Rapport du des Corns de Justice, ayant ete lu ; Comite des Oi donne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Veil- ce > remlse - dredi le quinze Janvier prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur i e Connie sur !e Rapport dn Comite Special auquel ont etc lcfeies, le mil pour abroger un certain Acte v men- ^ ois ' tionne, relatifa fimpression et distribution des Statuts 1 lovinciaux, et pour pourvoir autrement aux dits ob- jets, I’Etat et les Comptes des argens payes durant les trois dernibres annees pour l’impression des Lois de cette Province, et la 1 etition do John-Char It on Fisher et William Kemble , Imprimeurs des Lois de la Tres-Ex- cellente Majeste du Roi, ayant ete lu; La Chamoie s est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Bedard a pris le Fauteuil du Comite- et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et S29" — SO ° Decembris . A. 1835. Committee on First Report of Commitee of Koad< and Pub- lic Improve- ments. Consideration of ifte Qurbec Bank Act, de. It- r red. A ntwer to an Address. 31 G And Mr. Bedard reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill without making any amendment thereto, and the Report was again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill be engrossed. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements, and, also, on the Pe- tition of divers Inhabitants of the Village of Georgeville , in the Township of Stanslead, and the Petition of di- vers Inhabitants of the County of Shej'ord, District of Monti eal, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Hardy took the Chair of tiic Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Hardy reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered , That the said Committee have leave to sit again, on Monday the fourth of January next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider whether it would not be expedient to conti- nue and amend an Act passed in the first year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, “ An Act to “ amend and continue, for a limited time, a certain t( Act passed in the first year of the Reign of 1 1 is late “ Majesty, intituled, “ An Act for the Incorporation “ of certain persons therein mentioned, under the “ name of the “ Quebec Bank,” being read j Ordered , That the said Ordei of the day he post- poned till to-morrow. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger , seconded by Mr. Archambcault , The House adjourned. Wednesday , 30th December, IS 3,5. M R. Perrauli, accompanied by the other Messen- gers, reported to the House, that their Ad- t less of the twenty eighth instant, to Ilis Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying for Copies of all Cor- respondence between the Commissioners appointed un- der the Act 1st Will. IV., Cap. SI, and the Executive, and of all Documents relative to the said Commission ; and of the Correspondence in 1834, between the Pro- prietors of the Seigniory of Soulanges and the Execu- tive, or others, with regard to certain Islands or Islets, opposite the said Seigniory, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : * Gentlemen, Copies of all the Documents prayed for in this Address, that can be obtained, in relation to the im- provement of the Navigation of the River St. Lawrence above the Cascades, shall be furnished to the House of Assembly, as soon as the same can be got ready. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 30th December, 1S35. The two following Petitions were presented to the House by Mr. Cardinal ,, and the same were received and read ; viz : A Ft M. Bedard a fait rapport que le Comit6 avait pas- se le Bill sans y faire aiicun amendement ; et le Rap- port a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greflier.- Ordonne , Que le dit Bill soil grossoye. L'Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comile sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations publiques, et aussi sur la Petition de divers Habitans du village de Geor- geville , dans le Township de Stunstead, et sur la Peti- tion de divers Habitans du Comte de Shejford, District de Montreal , ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comile ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l'Orateur a repris ie Fauteuil *, Et M. Bardy a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander per- mission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne , Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sie- ger de nouveau, Lundi, le quatre Janvier prochain. L'Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite pour considerer s’il ne serait pas expedient de continuer et amenderun Acte passe dans la premiere annee du R£gne de Sa presente Majeste, intitule, 5. The 4 N L’augmentation 326 2° JanuariL A. 1836 . First Report on Militia Lands. The increase of the Library renders it necessary likewise to provide means for placing the Books in a proper manner. The want of room begins already to. be seriously felt. The Librarian has from want of room been obliged to place in one class, Books which would have been more properly placed in another. Some of the Cases are too small to contain the whole of the class of Works which ought to be placed in them, and it has consequently been necessary to di- vide the class. To obviate these inconveniences with- out incumbering the very handsome room in which the Library is kept, Your Committee would recom- mend that new glazed Bookcases should be procured and placed in the Reading Room. And lastly* that such expenses as are necessary for the better preser- vation and classification of the Books, should be duly authorized. Your Committee have also examined the Statement of the Indemnity paid to the Members of lour Ho- norable House for the Session ot )8o4, and have found it correct, and that the payments weie made accoiJ- ing to the provisions ot the Lav . To obviate all difficulties with regard to the inter- pretation to be given to the Act passed timing the present Session, granting an allowance to the Mem- bers of this House, Your Committee recommend the adoption of a Resolution similar to that passed by Your Honorable House the 1st March 1834, for the purpose of authorizing the Clerk to apply to the Exe- cutive for the total amount of the claims of the Mem- bers, as soon as they shall be transmitted to him after the present Session. Ordered , That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House on Tuesday next. Mr. Kimber , from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Answer of His Excellency the late Go- vernor in Chief, ot the 5th March, 1834, to the Addiess of this House of the 24th February, 1834, relating to o-rants of Lands to the Officers and Militiamen who Served during the late War with the United States , and other references, with power to report from time to time by Bill or otherwise, presented to the House the First Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee regret that the tenor of the Answer of His Excellency Lord Aylmer, the late Governor in Chief, to the Address of this House of the 24th Febru- arv, 1834, praying that grants of' Land might be made to^the Officers and Militiamen who served in the In- corporated Militia during the late War with the United States of America, is unfavorable to the Militiamen ; and from the enquiiy they have instituted on the sub- ject, think it their duty to recommend that Your Ho- norable House should make a similar application to His Excellency the present Governor in Chief. Your Committee have convinced themselves that the conditions to which the Militiamen have been sub- jected by their Location Tickets, are such as to have forced the greater number of them to renounce all hope of becoming the proprietors of Lands which ought to have been granted to them gratuitously. By the Location Tickets, a Militiaman who is entitled to one hundred acres of Land, is bound, Istiy. To clear four acres. 2ndly. To build a house. Srdly. To live on the lot, or to cause some one else to do so. But Your Committee have in the first place to remark, that before he can possibly comply with the said conditions, the Militiaman is obliged to identify on the spot the lot of Land granted to him : that this operation is also expensive, and may in certain cases cost more than the lot is worth. It L’augmentationde la Bibliotheque nbcessitera egale- nient d’augmenter les moyens de pouvoir placer les Livres convenablement. Un manque d’espace com- mence deja a se faire sentir assez serieusement. Le Bibliothecaire a btb oblige, faute de place, de transpor- ter dans une classe des ouvrages qui auraient ete plus regulibrement placbs dans une autre. II y a des Boites qui sont tr'op petites pour contend la classe en- tire d’ouvrages qu’on aurait du y placer, et que par- consbquent il a fallu diviser. Pour obvier aces incon- veniens, et pour ne pasencombrer la belle Chambrede la Bibliotheque, Votre Comitb recommanderait de faire faire de nouvelles Boites vitrees et de les poser dans la Chambrede lecture ; enfin, d’autoriser ladepense nb- cessaire pour la meilleure conservation et classification des Livres. Votre Comite a aussi examinb l’etat de Findemnite payee par le Greffier aux Membres de Votre Honorable Chambre pour la Session de 1834, lequel a btb trouve correct etles paiemens faits d’apres la Loi. Pour obvier a toutes ces difficultes au sujet de l’inter- pretation a donner a la Loi passbe durant la prbsente Session, qui accorde une indemnitb aux Membres de cette Chambre, Votre Comitb recommande [’adoption d’une Resolution semblable a celle passbe par Votre Honorable Chambre le ler Mars 1834, afin d’autoriser le Greffier a requbrir du Gouvernement Exbcutif le mon- tant total des reclamations des Membres, aussitot quelleslui aurout btb transmises apres la prbsente Ses- sion. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit referb a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Mardi prochain. M. Kimber, du Comitb Spbcial auquel a etb rbfbree la Reponse de Son Excellence le ci-devant Gouver- neur-en-Chef, du 5 Mars 1834, a 1’Adresse de ceite Chambre du 24 Fevrier 1834, relativement aux Octrois de Terres auxOfficiers etMiliciens qui ont servi dans la derniere Guerre avec les Etats-Unis, et autres rb- ferences, avec pouvoir de faire rapport de temps a au- tre par Bill ou autrement, a presentb a la Chambre le Premier Rapport du dit Comitb, lequel a btb lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit: Votre Comitb regrette que la teneur de la Rbponse de Son Excellence Lord Aylmer, le ci-devant Gouver- neur-en-Chef, a FAdresse de cette Chambre, en date du 24 Fevrier 1834, demandant que des octrois de Terres fussent faits aux Officiers et Miliciens qui ont ser- vi dans la Milice Incorporbe pendant la derniere guer- re avec les Etats-Unis d’ Amerique, soit defavorable aux Miliciens, et croit, apres FEnquete qu’il a faite X cet bgard, devoir recommander a Votre Honorable Chambre de rbitbrer sa demande aupres de Son Ex- cellence le prbsent Gouverneur-en-Chef. Votre Comitb s’est assure que les conditions aux- quelles sont sounds les Miliciens, suivant les Billets de Location, sont telles qu’elles ont mis le plus grand notnbre d’entre eux dans la nbcessitb de renoncer a Fespoir de devenir propribtaires de Lots de terre qui auraient du leur etre accordbs gratuitement. D’aprbs les Billets de Location, il est exige du Mili- cienqui a droit & cent acres de terre, 1 ° . Qu’ii fasse un abatis de quatre arpens ; 2°. Qu’il bfitisse une maison, 3 ° . Qu'il l’habite, ou qu’il la fasse habiter. Mais Votre Comitb doit d’abord observer, qu’avant de pouvoir raeme remplir ces conditions, le Milicien est obligb d’identifier sur le terrein le lot qui lui est ac- corde ; que cette opbration est toujours couteuse, et qu’en certains cas elle peut exceder la valeur du- ter- rein meme. u Premier Rep- port sur les Terres des linens. 6 Will. IV. 2° Januarii. It has been declared before Your Committee that the external lines and the range lines, (which are all that were formerly drawn in the lownships) are not always visible, and that even where they are so, it is not possi- ble to follow them without the aid of a Theodolite : That there are even cases where the expenses of iden- tifying a single lot of one hundred acres might amount to £ 25 : That it is true that the expenses of this ope- ration do not increase in the same proportion, where the survey is made at the instance of several individuals, but that the intervention of the Clergy and Crown Lots always occasions an increase of expense. Your Committee have to remark that the expense of clearing four acres, and of building such a house as is required by the Location Ticket, usually amounts to the sum of £15 or £20. When this work is done the Militiaman becomes the proprietor of a lot of one hundred acies, but he has no road to communicate with the nearest settlements, from which he is often very distant. And as he has not the means of making roads across the Crown and Clergy Lands, and those of absentees, he is forced to abandon the settlement he has made at an expense of a hundred or a hundred and fifty dollars, and sometimes more. Your Committee cannot persuade themselves that former Administrations have been sufficiently ignorant of the wants and hardships to which a farmer who de- votes himself to the settlement of new lands is exposed, seriously to wish that he should imprison himself alone and isolated in the depth of the woods. Experience must, indeed, have convinced the Colonial Government many years ago, that the system which had been fol- lowed in making grants, was as ill calculated for the advancement of agriculture as it was unjust towards the Militiaman, since at the present moment no one Range in any Township can be pointed out as having been settled by Militiamen. The vexations to which Militiamen have been ex- posed, are not, however, confined to the settling duties. The obtaining of the Patents (besides the unreasonably high fees which are demanded on them) is a work at- tended with difficulties and delay, by which Militiamen have sometimes lost the opportunity of disposing of their property. It has been proved before Your Committee that after it has been certified that the conditions mentioned in the Location Ticket have been complied with, the granting of the Patents is still liable to thirteen diffe- rent checks in the several Offices of the Civil Secretary, the Commissioner of Lands, the Surveyor General, the Attorney General, the Auditor of Land Patents, and the Provincial Secretary : That Patents are never delivered in less than six or eight months after the date of the reference ; and that in some cases five years have elapsed before a Patent has issued. Your Committee think it unnecessary to comment at length on these abuses, and that it is sufficient to point them out in order to call the attention of Your Honora- ble House to them, and to engage you to demand that they be remedied. But they cannot help remarking that one of the chief causes of the delay which Militia- men have experienced, is the right of the Auditor of Land Patents to keep these documents in his Office six months to examine them. After due deliberation on the whole, Your Commit- tee have come to the conclusion that it is expedient that an humble Address, accompanied by a Copy of the Evidence taken by Tour Committee, be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that he will be pleased to grant to all Officers and Militia- men 327 II a etc declaie devant Votre Comite, que les lignes ext(i ieures et les lignes des rangs de concession qfii sont les seules qui ontetb tiroes autrefois dans les Town- ships, ne sont pas toujours visibles, et que lorsqu’elles le sont il n’est possible de les suivre qu’a Paide d un Theodolite ; qu il peut meme se trouver des cas ou les frais a faire pour identifier un lot de cent acres pourraient s’elever a la somme de £25 ; qu’a la veritd ces frais nepeuvent etre en meme proportion, si cette operation d'arpentage Ctait faite a la requisition de plu- sieurs individ us, mais que Pintervenlion deS Lots du Clergd et de la Couronne, occasionne toujours un sur- croit de ddpenses : Votre Comite doit observer que la valeur de quatfe arpens d’abatis et de la batisse de maison, tels qu’ex- ig(s pai le Billet de Location, s’Heve ordinairement a la somme de £15 ou £20. Lorsque ces travaux sont executes, le Mihcien est le propri&aire d’un lot de cent acres en superficie, mais il n’a aucun chemin pour com- muniquer avec les etablissemens voisins, dont il est le plus souvent tres-Hoigne. Et comme il n’a pas les moyens de faire les chemins sur les terres de la Cou- ronne, du Clerge et d’autres proprietaires absens, il est contraint d abandonnercetetablissement, qui lui a eoli- th de 100 a 150 piastres, et quelquefois plus. Votre Comite ne peut se persuader que les admi- nistrations preccdenles aient pu assez ignorer les be- soins et les misbres auxquels est exposd le cultivateur qui se devoue a Tetablissement d’une terre nouvelle, pour exiger de bonne foi qu’il allat se releguer seul et isole dans le fond des hois. L’experience aurait du d’ailleurs convaincre le Gouvernement Colonial, des avant ces dernieres annees, que le systeme de conces- sion qu il a suivi etait aussi impropre a. Tavancement de T agriculture qu’il etait injuste envers le Milicien ; jusqu’a lepoque actuelle on ne peut citer un seul rang dans un Township qui ait he etabli par les Miliciens. Les vexations cependant auxquelles sont exposes les Miliciens ne se bornent pas seulement dans les condi- tionb d etablissement. L obtention des Patentes, outre les honoraires trop eleves qu’on exige pour elles, sont encore une source de trouble et de ddais, qui a fait quelquefois manquer aux Miliciens Toccasion de dis- poser deleurs proprietes. II a ete prouve devant Votre Comite, qu’aprbs qu il a ete ceitifie que les conditions mentionn^es au Billet de Location ont ete remplies, Toctroi des Pa- ten .es avait it subir jusqu’a treize epreuves dans les differens Bureaux du Secretaire Civil, du Commis- saire^des terres, de T Arpenteur-General, du Procu- reur-General, de TAuditeur des Patentes et du Se- cretaire Provincial ; que jamais les Patentes n’ont bte hvrees que six, ou huit mois aprbs !a date de la re- ference, et qu en quelques cas, cinq annees se sont ecouleeS avant Temanation d'une Patente. Votre Comite croit qu il n’est pas necessaire de pe- sei for tement sur ces abus, qu’il suffit de les signaler poui fixei 1 attention de Votre Honorable Chambre et 1 engager a en demander le redressement ; mais il ne peut se dispenser d observer qu une des causes princi- pales des delais qu’ ont (prouves les Miliciens est le droit qu a 1 Auditeur des Patentes de garder ces titres dans son Bureau pendant six mois pour les examiner, Le tout consider^, Votre Comlte en est venu a la conclusion, qu’il est expedient qu’une humble Adi'esse* accompagnee des Tbmoignages re^uspar Votre Comite, soit presentee a Son Excellence le Gouverneur en-Chef, le priant [d’accorder tous Officiers et Miliciens qui ont servi dans la Milice Incorporee, pendant la derniere Guerra 323 A 1836 . 2° JanuariL men who served in the Incorporated Militia during the last War with ihe United States of America, such quan- tity of Land as by the existing regulations they are en- titled to claim, without annexing any conditions to the grants except that of performing such public and joint work as may be required under the Laws in force in this Province, and also that the Lands so granted may be as near to the residence of such Officers and Militia- men respectively, as circumstances will allow. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on rhursday next. f’etitiow for the St. John’s Cir- cuit Court to be held atDorches- ter. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Town or Dorchester, otherwise called St. John's, and others, was presented to the House by Mr. Cherrier, and toe same was ieceived and read ; setting forth : 1 hat the Petitioners having been informed that the Committee of the House entrusted with the draughting of a Judi- cature Bill establishing Circuit Courts, have recom- mended the Village of Napierville as the place for hold- ing the Court in one of the said Circuits, in which S t. John's is to be included, they beg leave to object to to the preference thus given to Napierville, which is almost at the Northern extremity of the County, the communication with which is of very restricted extent, and which from its situation can never become more than an ordinary and unimportant Village over the Town of Dorchester, which has been for a longtime known as the seat of Jurisdiction for the Circuit known by the name of the St. John's Circuit, and as the most central and convenient place for that purpose: I hat the said Town of Dorchester may, from its favorable situation, become a considerable 1 own if the Legisla- ture should be pleased to add to the advantages which nature has bestowed upon it ; and praying that tne House will be pleased to continue the said lown of Dorchester as the seat of Jurisdiction for one of the said Circuits, Judicature Bill deferred. The Order of the day for the second reading of the Bill to amend the Judicature of the Province, and to extend and facilitate the Administration of Justice in the different parts thereof, being read; Mr. Varifelson moved, seconded by Mr. Besserer , That the said Order of the day be postponed till Thurs- ^Uv^Lafontaine moved in amendment, seconded Mr. Cote, That the word “ Thursday” in the said Motion be struck out, and the word “ Tuesday,” substituted. The House divided on the Motion of amendment ; Yeas, 16. Nays, 28- So it passed in the Negative. The Question being then put on the main Motion, it was agreed to unanimously, and Ordered , Accordingly. The Order of the day for the House in Committee Fr’ee C Bridge 0 n the Bill to establish a Free Bridge over the River B! “ deferred ' St. Charles, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Thursday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee tha Quebec to consider whether it would not be expedient to con- Bank Act. tinue and amenc j an Act passed in the first year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, “ An Act to “ amend and continue for a limited time a certain Act “ passed in the first year of the Reign of His late Ma- «« iesty, intituled, “ An Act for the Incorporation of cer. J J “ tain Guerre avec les Etats-Unis d' Amerique, telle etendue de terre a laquelle, par les rkglemens existans, ils out droit de pretendre, et ce, sans aucune autre condition que Pobhgation de rfpondre aux travaux publics et mitoyens, suivant les Lois en force en cette Province, et que les Lots de terre ainsi accord£s soient aussi pres de la residence des dits Officiers et Miliciens que les circonstances le permettront. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refer6a un Comi- te de toute la Chambre, Jeudi prochain. Cue Petition de divers Habitans de la ville de Dor- ^fe'i', 0 cour U de Chester, alias St. Jean, et autres, a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Cherrier, laquelle a ete rerjue etlue ; a Dorchester, exposant : Que les Petitionnaires ayant ete informes que le Comite charge de la conduite d’un Bill de Judi- cature, par lequel des Cours de Circuit seront Stabiles, recommandait le Village de Napierville comme le siege de Pun de ces Circuits, dont St. Jean doit faire partie ; qu’il soit done permis aux Petitionnaires d’objecter a ce que Napier mile, qui se trouve presqu’a Pextremite Nord de son Comte, dont les communications sont bien limitees, et qui par sa situation ne pourra faire qu’un Village ordinaire et mediocre, soit prefer^ a la dite Ville de Dorchester, depuis long-temps reconnue comme le chef-lieu du Circuit, sous le nom de St. Jean, et comme la place la plus centrale et la plus convenable pour cet objet : Que la dite Ville de Dorchester, par sa situation avantageuse, peut devenir une Ville considerable, si la Legislature voulait ajouter aux avantages que la na- ture lui a donnes ; et priant la Chambre de continuer la dite Ville de Dorchester le siege de Pun de ces Cir- cuits. L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour amender la Judicature de la Province, pour cten- dre et faciliter P Administration de la Justice dans les difffrentes parties d’icelle, ayant etclu ; M. Vanfelson a propose, seconde par M. Besserer, Que le dit Qrdre du jour soit remis a Jeudi prochain. ^ M. Lajontaine a propose en amendement, secondd par M. Cote, Que le mot “ Jeudi” dans la dite Motion, soit retranche, et ie mot “ Mardi” substitue. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Motion d’atnende- ment : Pour, 16, Con t re, 28, Ainsi elle a passd dans la Negative. La Question ayant ete alors mise sur la Motion prin* cipale, elle a ete unanimement adoptee, et Ordonne, En consequence. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comiffi sur le Bill pour 6tablir un Pont Gratuit sur la Charles, Riviere St. Charles, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ord-re du jour soit remis a Jeu- di prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en ^aeden Comit6 pour considerer s’il ne serait pas expedient de de continuer et amender un Acte passe dans la premiere annee du Regne de Sa presente Majeste, intitule, “ Acte pour amender et continuer pour un temps limi- “ te un certain Acte passe dans la premiere annee du “ R£gne de Sa feue Majeste, “ intitule “ Acte pour in- “ corporer 6 Will. IV. 2° Januarii. 329 Resolution re- ported ; Quebec Bank Kill read the first time. Committee on Bill to continue certain Acts ; The Bill and Resolutions re- foiled. “ tain persons therein mentioned, under the name of “ the “ Quebec Bank," being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Clapham took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Clapham reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is as followeth : Resolved, That it. is expedient to continue for a limited time an Act passed in the first year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, “ An Act to amend and “ continue for a limited time, a certain Act passed in “ the first year of the Reign of His late Majesty, inti- “ tuled, “An Act for the Incorporation of certain per- “ sons therein mentioned, under the name of the “ Que- “ bee Bank." Ordered , That Mr. Dubord have leave to bring in a Bill to continue for a limited time a certain Act there- in mentioned, concerning the Quebec Bank. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Thursday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to continue for a limited time certain Acts therein mentioned, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto ; and, also, that the Committee had come to several Resolutions; which amendments and Reso- lutions were again read at the Clerk's Table, and agreed to by the House; the said Resolutions are as followeth : 1. Resolved, That it is expedient to substitute in the place of the sixth Clause struck out of the said Bill, and which provided for the continuation of the Act ninth, George the Fourth, Chapter thirty six, intituled, “ An “ Act to suspend, for a limited time, certain Acts therein “ mentioned, and to regulate in a better manner the “ Inspection of Pot and Pearl Ashes," separate Legis- lative provisions on the same subject. 2. Resolved, That it is expedient to substitute in the place of the thirteenth Clause struck out of the said Bill, and which provided for the continuation of the Act second, William the Fourth, Chapter seventeen, intituled, “An Act to create a fund for defraying the “ expense of providing Medical assistance for sick “ Emigrants, and of enabling indigent persons of that “ description to proceed to the place of their destina- “ tion," separate Legislative provisions on the same subject. Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. Resolved , That the first of the said Resolutions be referred to a Committee of five Members, to report thereon with all convenient speed, by Bill or otherwise, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. De Bleury, Mr. Perrault, Mr. Tache, Mr. Lafontaine and Mr. De Witt do compose the said Committee. “ corporer certaines personnes y mentionnees sous le “ nom de la Banque de Quebec ,” ayant £te lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comiffi. M. Clapham a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l'Orateura repris le Fauteuil. Et M. Clapham a fait Rapport que le Comiffi avait pas- se une Resolution, laquelle Resolution a et6 lue de nou- veau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Cham- bre ; et elle est comme suit : Resolu, Qu’il est expedient de continuer, pour un temps limite, un Acte passe dans la premiere ann^e du Rt'gne de Sa presente Majeste, intitule, “ Acte pour “ amender et continuer, pour un temps limits, un cer- “ tain Acte passe dans la premiere annee du Regne de “ &i feue Majeste, intitule “ Acte pour incorporer “ certaines personnes y mentionnees, sous le nom de “ la “ Banque de Quebec .” Ordonne, Que M. Dubord ait la permission d’intro- duire, pour un temps limits, un certain Acte y mention- ne, concernant la Banque de Quebec. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Jeudi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill pour continuer, pour un temps limi- te, certains Actes y mentionnes, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite, M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir sieg6 quelque temps, M. rOrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Bardy a fait rapport que le Comite avait pas- se le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, et aussi que le Comite avait passe plusieurs Resolutions ; les- quels amendemens et Resolutions ont ete lus de nou- veau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Cham- bre ; les dites Resolutions sont comme suit : 1. Resolu, Qu’il est expedient de"substituer, au lieu de la sixieme Clause qui a ete retranchee du dit Bill, et qui pourvoit a la continuation deJ’Acte de la neuvieme George Quatre, Chapitre trente-six, intitule, “ Acte “ pour suspendre, pour un temps limits, certains Actes “ y mentionnes, et pour mieux r^gler la mani&re d’in- “ specter la Potasse et Perlasse," des dispositions legis- latives separees sur le meme sujet. 2. Resolu, Qu’il est expedient de substituer, au lieu dela treizieme Clause quia 6te retranchee du dit Bill, et qui pourvoit a la continuation de l’Acte de la seconde Guillaume Quatre, Chapitre dix-sept, intitule, “ Acte pour creer un fonds pour subvenir aux d^pen- “ ses du traitement Medical et des soins pour les Emi- “ gres malades, et pour mettre les personnes indigentes “ de cette description en etat de se rendre au lieu de “ leur destination,” des dispositions legislatives separees sur le meme sujet. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. Resolu , Que, la premiere des dites Resolutions soit referee a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, par Bill ou autrement, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne , Que M. De Bleury, M. Perrault, M. Ta- che, M. Lafontaine et M. De Witt composent le dit Comite. 4 O Resolution rap- porlfie. Bill de la Ban- que de Quebec, lu la premiere fois. Comlt6 sur le Bill pour con- tinuer certains Actes. Le Bill et K6- solutions rap- portes. Vol — 45. Then, Alois, k 330 2° — 4" — 5° Januarii. A.. 1836. Then on Motion of Mr. Dc Bleury , seconded by Mr. Alors. sur Motion de M. De Bleury, seconde par M. ; ' ’ Jle Tonnancour, J\7\ZX adjourned till Monday next. La s’est ajournee a I -undi prochain. Monday , 4>lh January , 183G. 11. ArcJiambeault presented to the House the First and Second Reports of the Commissioners appointed under the Act 3rd, Will. IV. Cap 26, intitu- . . * • . 1 i' . ..lL ««/Mi,r.irxn frv r» t It n 1 m — t ifst and Se- cond Reports cf Commissioners for Internal ,ions under Act i et j } << An Act to make further provision for the lm- 0,2 1 v ‘ “ provement of the Internal Communications of this “ Province.” Appendix (D.) For the said Reports, see Appendix (D.) at the end of this Volume. Education Pill read the first tune. Ordered , That Mr. Huot have leave to bring in a Bill for the further and permanent encouragement of Education. . , „ , , He accordingly presented the said bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Monday next. On Motion of Mr. Simon, seconded by Mr. Vanfelson, Saguenay Writ. Ordered , That Mr. Speaker do issue his Mai rant to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery to make out a new Mb it for the electing a Knight to serve in this pre- sent Provincial Parliament, for the County of Sague- nay, in the room of Francois Xavier Jessie ) , Esquiie, deceased. Printing of the I, a .vs Bill pas- sed. An engrossed Bill to repeal an Act therein mention- ed, concerning the printing and distribution of the Provincial Statutes, and to make other provisions on the same subject, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Scott do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Biii relating to a Bill to facilitate the proceedings on Oppositions to Marriages, was, according to Order, read a second iages: the second time time. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to the Stand- ing Committee of Courts of Justice. on The Order of the day for the House in Committee KST on the First Report of the Standing Committee of ments, deferred. and Public Improvements, and, also, on the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Village of George- ville, in the Township of Stanstead, and the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Shefford, Dis- trict of Montreal , being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Tuesday the twelfth instant. Then, on Motion of Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Lc Boutillier , The House adjourned. Lundi, 4 Janvier 1836. ArcJiambeault, a presente a la Chambre le Pre- mier et le Second Rapport des Commissaires des en verm “lioration des Communications interieures de cette ^’Actese Province.” v Cha P- 26 - Pour les dits Rapports, voir Appendice (D.) a la fin Appejaiw de ce Volume. Ordonne , Que M. Iluot ait la permission d’intro- duire un Bill pour Pencouragement ulterieur et perma- mierefois. nent de l Education. , , II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a etc In pour la premiere f'ois. et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. Sur Motion de M. Simon, seconde par M. Van- felson, Ordonne, Que M. POrateur expedie son Warrant au writ d« ague- Greffier de laCouronneen Chancellerie, pour faire un nay ' nouveau Writ pour l’election d’un Chevalier pour ser- vir dans le present Parlement Provincial, pour le Comte de Saguenay, a la place de Franfois-Xavier Tessier, Ecuyer, decode. Un Bill grossoye pour abroger un certain Acte y Bi!I r , m: mentionne, relatif a l’impression et distribution des Statuts Provinciaux, et pour pourvoir autrement aux dits objets, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Scott porte le dit Bill au Cornell Legislatif, et demande son concours. Conformement a 1’Ordre, un Bill pour rendre plus Biiireiaiifau* expeditive la maniere de proceder dans les cas d’Op- positions aux Manages, a et6 lu une seconde fois. f O n '. seC0nde Ordonne , Que le dit Bill soit refere au Comite Per- manent des Cours de Justice. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comite sur ie Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent & des Chemins et des Ameliorations publiques, et aussi s ^f a ™ e mg _ sur la Petition de divers Habitans du Village de liorationspu- Georgeville dans le Township de Stanstead, et sur la bliques ’ renm ‘ P6titfon de divers Habitans du Comte d e Shefford, Dis- trict de Montreal, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le ditOfdre du jour soitremisa Mardi, le douze du courant. Alors, sur Motion de M. Scott, seconde par M. Le - Boutillier, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Tuesday, 5th January, 1836, I1HE following Petitions were presented to the Petition of F. X. Vigneault, relating to a Rot of Land in Wendover rm House, and the same were received and read, viz : By Mr. Morin . — A Petition of Francois Xavier VFneault , of the Township of Wendover, District of ° Three Mardi, 5 Janvier 1836. [ ES Petitions suivantes ont ete presentees a la Cham- bre, lesquelles ont ete revues et lues, savoir: Par M. Morin . — une Petition de L r an ijois- Xavier Petition dc f V igneault, Cultivateur, du Pownspip de Wendover , Dis- trict X. Vigneauit. relativement a un Lot de Terre dans Wendo- ver. 6 Will. IV, 5° Januarii \ 331 Petition of In- habitants of Pointe Levi, relating to a beach Lot en- croached upon by W. Phillips. Three Rivers, farmer, setting forth : That the Peti- tioner is settled on the North Eastern branch of the Ri- ver Nicolet, in the 14th Range of the Township of Wendover, on one of the Lots Nos. 13, 15, 16, 18 or 19: That these Lots are reputed to be the property of Alexander Rea , Esquire, of the Township of Hereford, although, to the Petitioner’s knowledge, no Letters Patent for the same have yet been granted by Ilis Ma- jesty: That by a Letter dated at Aston on the 4th March 1831, and addressed to the Petitioner, the said Alexander Rea offered him the said Lands for sale at five shillings per acre, and also authorized the Petitioner to clear on and improve the said Lots, promising to pay him the value of his work; and that the Petitioner did considerable work on the said Lands, and in so doing encountered all the difficulties and hardships which the solitude and want of fertility of the spot necessarily oc- casioned: That by the general tenor of another Letter from the said Alexander Rea to the Petitioner, dated at Hereford the 26th October 1833, the House will be convinced that the said Alexander Rea had approved of the agricultural improvements made on the said Lot or place where the Petitioner is settled, by which ap- proval the Petitioner considered himself authorized to continue his labours: That in the course of last au- tumn the Petitioner personally applied to the said Alex- ander Rea at Aston, in order to obtain more positive security than that given him by the Letters aforesaid, but obtained only an evasive answer: That the Peti- tioner is alarmed at this, having learnt from other sources that the said Alexander Rea had not expressed himself favorably with regard to the very reasonable hope the Petitioner entertained of obtaining a small portion of the Land to which he had with so much exertion given a value; and having no other chance of being able to obtain the means of procuring a humble livelihood in his old age, without being forced to have recourse to the charity of others for his subsistence : That the Pe- titioner suspects that the said Alexander Rea has not perhaps so well founded a right to the said Lots, as he wishes to make it appear that he has, at least if any opinion can be formed from the length of time which has elapsed since he first gave himself out as their future proprietor : That the Petitioner has, therefore, reason to fear that he has for so long a time been used by the said Alexander Rea, as a fit instrument to per- form work of which the said Rea could take ail the merit with the Government, and obtain Letters Patent which would give him the power of turning the Peti- tioner out of possession, on paying a merely nominal compensation, and thus plunging him into distress, which would be so much the more terrible, because the Petitioner’s age no longer permits him to undertake labor of so painful a nature: That the said Lots form one of the central points of the intended operations of the Lower Canada Land Company, and a strong temp- tation thus exists for the said Rea to sell them the whole of the said Lands at a higher price than any in- dividual could pay; and that this circumstance fills the Petitioner with the liveliest apprehensions ; and pray- ing the Plouse to grant the Petitioner some relief in a case where his poverty and his ignorance nullify his rights, fully persuaded that if the House deigns to in- stitute an enquiry, it will discover some unjust under- standing between the said Alexander Rea and the Ho- norable William Bowman Felton , Commissioner of Crown Lands, of which understanding the Petitioner must inevitably become the victim, if the House refuse him its protection. By Mr .Bouffard . — A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Joseph de la Pointe Levi, and other neighbouring trict des Trois- Rivieres, exposant: Que le Petitionnaire est etabli le long de la branche Nord-Est de la Riviere Nicolet, dans le 14e Rang du dit Township de fAendo- ver, stir un des Lots Nos. 13, 15, 10, 18 ou 19: Que ces Lots sont reputes la propriety d ’ Alexander Rea , Ecuyer, du Township de Hereford , quoiqu’A la con- naissance du Petitionnaire ces Lots n’aient pas encore etc accord^ par Lettres Patentes de Sa Majeste: Que par Lettre du dit Alexander Rea , datee d’ Aston, le 4 Mars 1831, et adressee au Petitionnaire, le dit Alex- ander Rea, offrit ces Terres en vente a cinq schellings Pacre, et en outre autorisa le Petitionnaire a defri- cher et ameliorer ces dits Lots, avec promesse de pay- ment d’impenses; et la-dessus, le Petitionnaire y fit des travaux considerables, avec toute la peine et la mis£re qu’entrainait un sejour aussi solitaire et un sol aussi peu fertile: Que par la teneur generate d'une autre Lettre du dit Alexander Rea au Petitionnaire, datee ({’Here- ford, le 26 Octobre 1833, la Chambre peut se convain- cre que le dit Alexander Rea avait approute 1’avance- ment agricole du dit Lot ou lieu ou est etabli le Peti- tionnaire, ce qu’il croyaft constituer un droit de con- tinuer dans son labeur: Que l’automne dernier le Pe- titionnaire s’adressa personnellement a Aston au dit Alexander Rea, pour en obtenir des Suretes plus posi- tives que celles contenues dans les Lettres precitees, mais il n’obtint qu’une reponse evasive: Que le Peti- tionnaire'est alarme par cette consideration, ayant su d’ailleurs que le dit Alexander Rea ne s’etait pas ex- prime d’une maniere favorable a d’aussi justes preten- tions que celles d’obtenir une legere portion du Ter- rein qu’il a mis en valeur avec" tant d’efforts, et la perte de toute aulre chance de parvenir a se procurer les moyens de vivre humblement dans sa vieillesse, sans etre oblige de recourir a autrui pour obtenir sa sub- sistance : Que le Petitionnaire soup^onne que le dit Alexander Rea n’a pas, peut-etre, des "droits aussi bien fondes a la propriete de ces dits Lots qu’il voudrait le faire paraitre, a en juger du moins par le temps qui s’est ecoule depuis qu’il s’est annonce comme leur proprie- taire en perspective, jusqu a 1’epoque actuelle; il croit done avoir raison de craindre que depuis tant de temps, il ne s’est servi du Petitionnaire que comme instrument propre a faire des travaux dont il pourrait se faire un merite exclusif au ptes du Gouvernement, et en ob- tenir par la des Lettres Patentes qui le mettraient en pouvoir de le depouiller de sa possession, au moven d’une compensation nominale, et le plonger dans une detresse d’autant plus affreuse que son age ne lui per- met plus d'entreprendre d’aussi penibles travaux : Que les dits Lots formant un des points d’appui des operations prochaines de la Compagnie des Terres du Bas-Canada, il en resulte une forte tentation chez le dit Rea de leur vendre le total de ces Terres a un prix bien plus eleve qu’aucun autre individu ne pourrait donner, et cette raison remplit le Petitionnaire des plus vives ap- prehensions; et priant la Chambre de lui accorder quelque secours dans une cause ou sa pauvrete et son ignorance nullifient la force de ses droits, persuade que si la Chambre daigne s’en enquerir, elle decouvrira l’existence d’une intelligence injuste entre le dit Alex- ander Rea et 1’ Honorable William-Bowman Felton , Com- missaire propose a la concession des Terres de la Cou- ronne, intelligence dont le Petitionnaire sera infailli- blement la victime, si elle lui refuse sa protection. Par M. Bouffard . — Line Petition des Habitans de la Paroisse St. Joseph de la Pointe Levi, et autres Pa- roisses Petition cles Habitans de la Pointe Levi, relativement a un Lot de Greve sur la- quelle W, Phil- lips a empiett:. 332 o° Januarii. A. 1836 . neighbouring: Parishes, setting foith : That from time immemorial the Beaches on the South side of the liiver St. Lawrence, and more especially that at Poinle Levi, have been constantly left free and open for the use of the Inhabitants and of travellers, for the purposes of na- vigation : That, more especially, that portion of the Beach adjoining the land of the Representatives of Bazile Nolin, had always been used by the Inhabitants as a Landing place and for the use of Boats, Battoes and Canoes belonging to the Inhabitants and Ferrymen, as well as for the’reception of Horse Boats : That the portion of the Beach adjoining the front of the land of the said Bazile Nolin is of an irregular form, following the windings of the River, and may be about an arpent and a half wide, reckoning from the Southern line of the Wharf belonging to William Phillips , Esquire, Inspec- tor of Flour, (who possesses a portion of the ground in front of the land of the said Bazile Nolin,) to the North Eastern line of the said land near the rock on the Bead] : That although the said portion of the Beach was never granted to the predecessors of the said William Phillips, he has, nevertheless, built on a portion of the Beach in question, a Wharf of an irregular form measuring on one side 81 feet, in front 13G feet, and on the other side ISO feet, which Wharf has lately been considerably en- larged by the said William Phillips, by adding to it a new Wharf of a triangular form measuring 49 feet in front on the Beach, 94 feet on one side, and 102 feet on the other; which said last mentioned piece of Wharf is erected on that portion of the Beach which had been from time immemorial appropriated to the use of the Public, and of travellers, and for the purposes of navigation : That the said William Phillips has, moreover, within the last four years set men to work on the other portion of the said Beach, (which is likewise a Landing place,) in such manner as to change the nature of the place and to de- prive the public of the ordinary use thereof; and that the portion of Beach last mentioned may be about 31 feet in front, ending in a point at the Wharf of the said William Phillips : That in consequence of these en- croachments made by the said William Phillips on the property of the Public, many of the Inhabitants of St. Joseph de la Pointe Levi, complained against the said William Phillips, who was thereupon indicted for a pub- lic nuisance before the Court of King’s Bench lor the District of Quebec ; and that on the Bill of Indictment found by the Grand Jury, the said William Phillips, was, on the final hearing of the case, found guilty and was thereupon condemned, on the 30th September, 1834, to pay a fine, and to remove that part of the Wharf mentioned in the Indictment, at the cost and charge of hirn the said William Phillips : That the description or designation given in the said Indictment being erro- neous, and not comprising the whole Landing place, but merely a portion thereof, the said William Phillips availed himself thereof to continue his work on that part which he was not condemned to abandon : That the said Criminal Prosecution was brought and carried on before the Court of King’s Bench by the ministry of Charles Richard Ogden, Esquire, the Attorney General of this Province : That the new encroachments com- mitted by the said U illiam Phillips on the Beach in ques- tion as a Landing place, occasioned a newCriminal Pro- secution against the said William Phillips for a public nuisance, and that a Bill of Indictment was in conse- quence laid before theGrand Jury at the Court of Gene- ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace in .1 uly last ; and that a true Bill was again found by the Grand Jury against the said William Phillips: That during the time the said Criminal Prosecution (which was a matter of public notoriety) was pending, namely, in the month of August last, roisses circonvoisines, exposant : Que de temps imme- morial, les Greves du cote; Slid du Fleuve St. Laurent, et notamment celle de la Poinle Levi, out toujours He laissees lihres et a l’ugage des Habitans et voya- geurs pour les fins de la navigation : Qu’en particu- lar, cette partie de la Greve avoisinant la terre des representans Basile Nolin, avait toujours ete occupee par les Habitans comme lieu d’embarquement et de de- barquement pour 1’usage des Chaloupes, Bateaux et Canots des Habitans et Traversiers, ainsi que pour la reception des Bateaux-a-Chevaux : Que I’etendue de Greve avoisinant la devanturede la Terre du dit Basile Nolin est de forme irreguliHe, suivant les sinuosiGs du Fleuve, et pent avoir un arpent et demi de large a partir de la ligne Slid du Quai de William Phillips , Ecuyer, Inspecteur de Farine, lequel possede partie du front de la Terre du dit Basile Nolin a gagner a la ligne Nord-Est de la dite Terre aupres du llocher sur la Greve: Que quoique cette etendue de Greve n’ait ja- mais He concedee aux Auteurs du dit William Phillips, il a ete par eux bati, sur partie de la Greve en question, un Quai de forme irreguliHe, ayant d’un cote 81 pieds, 135 de front et de I’autre cote 180, lequel a He en dernier lieu considerablement augmente par le dit W illiam Phillips depuis pen, savoir, en y ajoutant un nouveau Quai d’une forme triangulaire, ayant 49 pieds de front sur la Greve, sur 94 pieds d’un cote, et 102 pieds de I’autre; laquelle derniere partie du Quai est erigee sur la partie de GGve qui, de tons temps, avait ete destinee pour l’ugage du public, des voyageurs et pour les fins de la navigation; qu'en outre le dit Wil- liam Phillips a depuis quatre ans fait des travaux de main d’hommes sur I’autre partie de la dite Greve qui servait de meme de place de debarquement, de ma- niHe a changer la nature des lieux, et a priver le pu- blic d’en pouvoir faire 1 usage ordinaire, et que cette derniere etendue de Greve pent avoir 31 pieds de front, se terminant en angle au Quai du dit William Phillips: Qu’au moyen de ces empietations sur la propriete pu- blique de la part du dit William Phillips, plusieurs des Habitans de la Paroisse St. Joseph de la Poinle Levi ont porte plainte contre le dit William Phillips, iequel a en consequence etc accuse de nuisance publique ilevant la Cour du Banc du Roi pour le District de Quebec, et que sur Bill d’lndictement trouve par le corps de Grands-Jures, le dit William Phillips , sur audition finale, fut trouve coupable, et en consequence con- damne le 30 Septembre 1834 , a payer l’amende, et que cette partie du dit Quai designee dansle Bill d’lndicte- ment serait detruite et demolie aux frais du dit Wil- liam Phillips: Que la description ou designation donnee dans ledit Bill d’lndictement etant enoncee, et ne com- prenant pas toute la place d’embarquement et de debar- quement, mais seulement partie d’icelle, le dit Wil- liam Phillips s’en est prevalu pour continuer ses tra- vaux sur la partie qu’il n’etait pas condamne a dclais- ser: Que cette Poursuite Criminelle a He suivie et con- duite devant la Cour du Banc du Roi par le ministere de Charles- Richard Ogden, Ecuyer, Procureur-General de cette Province : Que des nouvelles voies de faits com- mises par le dit W illiam Phillips, Ecuyer, sur la Greve en question, comme lieu d’embarquement et de debar- quement, susciterent une nouvelle Poursuite Criminelle contre le dit William Phillips, encore pour nuisance publique, et qu'un Bill d’lndictement fut en conse- quence soumis au corps de Grands Jures, dans la Cour de Session Generates de Quartier de la Paix en Juillet dernier, et qu’un vrai Bill fut de nouveau rapporte par le dit corps de Grands Jures contre le dit William Phillips : Que durant lalitispendance de ce Proces Cri- minel, qui est un fait public et notoire, savoir, dans le 6 Will. IV. 5° Januarii. 333 Alessage from the Council. Council have agreed to Clerks or Bailiffs Fees Bill. Montreal new Public Square Bill with amendments. Gasp6 Notaries Bill read the first Jitne . , last, the said William Phillips obtained from His Excel- lency Matthew Lord Aylmer, the late Governor in Chief of this Province, Letters Patent granting to the said William Phillips not only the Beach lot in ques- tion, but also the whole of the portion of the Beach first above mentioned, comprising the whole of the ground in front of the land of the said Bazile Nolin, with the exception of 43 feet, an extent absolutely insufficient for the purposes of the Public, and of navigation reserved in favor of the Public : and this was done to the pre- judice of the Petitioners and of the Public in general, and in contravention of the Laws of the Country which reserve the Beaches to the use of the Public for the purposes of navigation : That the Petitioners respect- fully beg leave to represent to the House that these Letters Patent were obtained surreptitiously and in vio- lation of the rights of the Public, during the pendency of a Criminal Prosecution, the existence of which was well known to the Attorney General of this Province, who had notice of it long before the said Letters Pa- tent were granted : That the right of the Public to that portion of the Beach in question is not only found- ed on the Law, but also on divers authentic and public Acts which the Petitioners beg leave to submit for the special consideration of the House, viz : A Proems Ver- bal of the Grand Voyer de Pois-Clerc, dated 19th July, 1774; a Judgment of the Court of Common Pleas, dated, 9th July, 1788, rendered in a Cause between Bazile Nolin and another, against Joseph and Etienne Carrier ; Lastly, the Judgment rendered against Wil- liam Phillips himself in September, 1 834 : That in con* sequence of all these proceedings the Petitioners and the Public have suffered flagrant injustice; that the rights of the Public have been violated and despised for the pur- pose of favoringan individual, and this through the gross neglect and bad faith of the public functionaries imme- diately concerned in the said transaction, and whose first duty was to watch carefully over the interests of the Public instead of sacrificing them in favor of an in- dividual ; and praying the Llouse to be pleased to take their present Petition into consideration and to grant them that protection in their just rights and in the exer- cise thereof, which the Laws and Constitution of the Country guarantee to its Inhabitants. Ordered , That the two preceding Petitions be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. A Message from the Legislative Council by the Ho- norable Mr. DeLcry, one of the Masters in Chancery : Mr. Speaker, The Legislative Council have passed the Bill, intituled, “ An Act to regulate the Fees of persons employed by “ Justices of the Peace in the Country Parishes as “ Clerks or Bailiffs in certain cases,” without any amendment. And, also ; The Legislative Council have passed theBill, intituled, « An Act to establish a new Public Square at Montreal , “ and for other purposes therein mentioned,” with se- veral amendments, to which they desire the concur- rence of the Assembly. And then he withdrew,- Ordered , That Mr. Thibaudeau have leave to bring in a Bill further to provide during a limited time for the want of Notaries in the District of Gaspe. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to he read a second time, on Friday next. On Vol— 45 le mois d’Aout dernier, ie dit William Phillips a ohtenu de Son Excellence Matthew Lord Aylmer , derniere- ment Gouverneur de cefte Province, des Leltres 1’a- tentes octroyant an dit William Phillips, non seule- ment le Terrein de Greve en question, mais aussi toute cette etendue de Greve premiHement designee ci- dessus, comprenant toute la Greve en front de la Terre du dit feu Basi/e Nolin, a l’exception d une Reserve de 43 pieds en faveur du public, (etendue ahsolument insuffisante pour les hesoins du Public et de la navi- gation), et ce au prejudice des Petition naires, du Pu- blic en general, et en contravention aux Lois et usages du pays, qui reservent les Greves au Public pour les fins de la navigation : Que les Petitionnaires prennent respectueusement la liberte de representor a la Cham- bre, que ces l.ettres Patentes out He ohtenues su- brepticement et en violation du droit Public, durant la litispendance d’un Proces Criminel, dont Ie fait Halt a la connaissance du Procureur General de cette Pro- vince, qui en avait eu avis iong-temps avant i’oetroi des dites Lettres Patentes: Que non seulement les droits du Public a la partie de Greve en question sont fondes sur la Loi, mais aussi sur divers Actes authen- tiques et publics que les Petitionnaires prennent la li- berte de soumettre particulierement a la consideration de la Chamhre, savoir : Un Proces-Verbal dti Grand Voyer de Bois Clerc, en date du 19 Juillet 1744; un Jugement de la Cour des Plaidoyers Communs en date du 9 Juillet 1788, rendu dans tine Cause entre Basile Nolin, e tautre, contre Joseph et Etienne Carrier ; Enfin, le Jugement rendu contre William Phillips lui-meme, en Septembre 1834: Que par tous ces procedes les Petitionnaires et le Public ont souffert une injustice flagrante, que le droit du Public a ete viole et meprise pour favoriser l’interet d’un individu, et ce par la ne- gligence grossiere ou la mauvaise foi des fonctionnaires publics immHliatement engages dans cette transaction, et dont le premier devoir etait de veiller attentivemenl a l’interet public au lieu de le sacrifier en faveur de I’in- teret individuel; et priant la Chambre de vouloir bien prendre leur presente Petition en consideration, et leur accorder cette protection dans leurs justes droits et dans 1’exerciee d’iceux que les Lois et la Constitution du pays garantissent a ses Habitans. Ordonne, Que les deux Petitions precedentes soietit referees au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux. Message du Conseil Lfgislatif, par l’Honorable M. De Lery, un des Maitres en Chancelierie : M. f Orate ur, Le Conseil Legislatif a pass6 le Bill, intitule, “ Acte “ pour regler les Honoraires des personnes employees “par les Jugesde Paix dans les Campagnes comrne “ Greffiers ou Huissiers en certains cas,” sans amende- ment. Et aussi, Le Conseil Legislatif a passe le Bill, intitule, “ Acte “ pouretablir une nouvelle Place puhlique a Montreal, “ et pour autres objets y mentionnes,” avec plusieurs amendemens, auxquels il demande la concurrence de l’Assembl6e. Et ensuite il s’est retire. Ordonne, Que M. Thibaudeau ait la permission d’ifi- troduire un Bill pour subvenir encore pour un temps Jimite au manque de Notaires dans le District de Gaspe. Il a en consequence pr6sente le dit Bill, lequel a He lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconds lecture a H6 ordonnH pour Vendredi prochain. Sur 4 P Message du Conseil. Le Coneil a coocouru au Bill des Mono- raires des Gref- fiers et Huis- siers, sans amendement. Bill pour une Place publique a Montreal, ave • des amen- demens. Bill pour sub- venir au man- que de Notaires a Gaspe, lu la premiere fois. A. 1836 . 3 31 5° Jamarii. Message to the Council for at- tendance of Honbles. W. B. Felton andj. Stewart. On Motion of Mr. Kimber , seconded by Mr. De llitt , Resolved , That a Message be sent to the Legislative Council, praying their Honors will permit the Honora- bles William Bowman Felton and John Stewart , two of their Members, to attend tbe Standing Committee on the Jesuits’ Estates : the Honorable William Bowman Felton, on Friday the eighth instant, at ten o’clock in the forenoon ; and the Honorable John Stewart, on the same day, at noon, to be examined on the subject o the Lands belonging to the late Order of Jesuits, and the Crown Lands included in the Lease of the Forges of St. Maurice. Ordered, That Mr. Kimber do carry the said Mes- sage to the Legislative Council. Third Report of Committee on Public Ac. counts. Appendix (I.) Mr. De Witt, from the Standing Committee of Pub- lic Accounts, presented to the House the I bird Repoit of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. . , , For the said Report, see Appendix (I.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered, That the First, Second and 1 bird Reports of the Standing Committee of Public Accounts be re- ferred to a Committee of the whole House, on Wednes- day the thirteenth instant. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Letour- Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the Third Report of the Standing Committee of Public Accounts be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Sur Motion de M. Kimber, seconde par M. De Witt, Resolu, Qu’il soit envoye un Message an Conseil £oTsed!pour Legislate, pour prier leurs Honneurs de permettre aux Honorables William- Bowman Felton et John Stewart, w.-b. Feiton deux de leurs Membres, de venir devant le Comite Per- a J - Slewaru inanent sur les Biens des Jesuites ; l’Honorable Jl il- Ham- BoWman Felton, Vendredi, le huit du courant, a dix heures du matin, et l’Honorable John Stewart, le meme jour a midi, pour etre examines au sujet des ] enes appartenantes aux Biens du ci-devant Ordre des Je- suites, et des Terres de la Couronne comprises dans le Bail des Forges St. Maurice. Ordonne, Que M. Kimber porte le dit Message au Conseil Legislatif. M. De Witt, du Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, a present^ a la Chambre le 'Iroisi&me Rap- des Comptes port du dit Comite, lequel a et6 lu de nouveau a la Fubl,cs - Table du Greffier. ^ Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (I.) a la fin de A PP end,ce (i ) ce Volume. . , N Ordonne, Que le Premier, le Second et le 1 roisieme Rapport du Comit6 Permanent sur les Comptes Pu- blics soient Rferes a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Mercredi le treize du courant. Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Letoui- neau. . , v Ordonne , Que deux cents Exemplaires du Iroisieme Rapport du Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics soient imprimis jiour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. On Motion of Mr. Archambeault , seconded by Mr. De Tonnancour, Agricultural Resolved, That this House will, on Ihursday next, de r rcd? beCOUSi ’ resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider the expediency of repealing an Act passed in the third year of the Reign of His present Majesty, Chapter thirty one, intituled, “ An Act to repeal a «< certain Act therein mentioned, and to provide more “ effectually for the remedy of divers abuses prejudi- “ cial to Agriculture,” and to provide more effectual means for preventing certain trespasses, abuses and hurtful practices which prevail in this Province, and check the progress of Agriculture therein. On Motion of Mr. Joseph Andre Jascha eau, se- conded by Mr. Morin, ordinance of Ilesotved, That this House will, on Tuesday next. 1667 m be con- resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to s,de,cd - consider the expediency of amending the Tenth Article of the Tenth Title of the Ordinance of 1667. Post Office Bill The Order of the day for the second reading of the deferred. Bill to establish a Post Office in this Province, and to provide for the future management of the same, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Friday next. r,„, lteport on The Order of the day for the House in Committee Education and on t | ie jrj rst Report of the Standing Committee ot Ruu- Schooisdefe cat * on an( j Schools, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Monday next. nd Report The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Contin- on the Second Report of the Standing C ommittee for the Contingent Accounts and other objects connected with Sur Motion de M. Archambault, seconde par M. De Tonnancour, Resolu, Que, Jeudi prochain, cette Chambre se for- .. m0i*ci en Comite dc toute lu t^hunibrej pour considorei etre considers, s’il serait expedient de revoquer un Acte passe dans la t roisieme annee du R&gue de Sa presente Majeste, Cba- pitre trente-et-un, intitule, “ Acte pour rappeler un “ certain Acte y mentionne, et pour faire des disposi- “ tions plus efficaces pour remedier a divers abus prhow referred to a Committee of the whole House. Ordered , That the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Town of Dorchester , otherwise called St. John's, and others, presented to this House on the second in- stant, be referred to the said Committee. The House then resolved itself into the said Com- mittee. Mr. Le Boutillicr took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Be Boutillier reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again to-morrow. A Bill to continue for a limited time, a certain Act therein mentioned concerning the Quebec Bank, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be engrossed. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Answer of His Excellency the late Governor in Chief, of the 5th March, 1834, to the Ad- dress of this House of the 24th February, 1834-, rela- ting to grants of Lands to the Officers and Militiamen who served during the late War with the United States, and other references, being read ; Ordered That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Saturday next, seil Legislatif permet aux Honorables William-Bowman Felton et John Stewart, deux des Membres de cette Chambre, d’aller, s’ils le jugent a propos, devant le Comite Permanent de la Chambre d’Assemblee, sur Ies Biens des Jesuites ; l’Honorable William- Bowman Fel- ton, Vendredi le huit du courant, a dix heures du ma- tin ; 1’Honorable John Stewart, le meme jour h midi, pour etre examines au sujet des Terres appartenantes aux Biens du ci-devant Ordre des Jesuites, et des Te ires de la Couronne comprises dans le Bail des Forges de St. Maurice. Et ensuite il s’est retire. Conformdtnent a l’Ordre, un Bill pour amender la Judicature de la Province, pour etendre et faciliter Padministration de la Justice dans les differentes par- ties d’icelle, a ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit maintenant refe'rd a un Comity de toute la Chambre. Ordonne, Que la Petition de divers Habitans de la Ville de Dorchester alias St. Jean , et autres, presentee i\ cette Chambre le deux du courant, soit referee au dit Comit6. La Chambre s’est alors formee en le dit Comite. M. Le Boutillier a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et aprhs y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Le Boutillier a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander permission de singer de nouveau. Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sieger de nouveau demain. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour continuer, pour un temps limits, un certain Acte y mentionng, concernant la Banque de Quebec, a ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill soit grossoye. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Special, au- quel a ete rHenie la Reponse de Son Excellence le ci- devant Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 5 Mars 1834, a l’A- dresse de cette Chambre du 24 Fevrier 1834, relative- ment aux Octrois de Terres aux Officiers et Miliciens qui ont servi dans la derniere Guerre avec les Etats- Unis, et autres references, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Sa- medi prochain. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to establish a Free Bridge over the River St. Charles, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Air. Le Boutillier took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Le Boutillier reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Mr. Speaker having put the Question, Shall the Report be received to-morrow ? The House divided thereon : Yeas, 27, Nays, 25. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered, Accordingly. Vol. — 45 . L' Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill pour (Tablir un Pont Gratuit sur la Riviere St. Charles, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Le Boutillier a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. i’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Le Boutillier a fait rapport que le Comite avait pass6 le Bill et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faiie rapport a la Chambre. M. l’Orateur ayant mis la Question, Le Rapport sera-t-il re 5 U demain ? La Chambre s’est divisee sur icelle : Pour, 27 , Centre, 25. Ainsi elie a ete emport^e dans l’Affirmative, et Ordonne, En consequence. The L’Ordre 4 Q i Bill de Judica- ture, lu une ue- conde tois ; refere ; consiaere. Bill de la Banque deQue- bec, lu une se- conde fois. Premier Rap- port sur les Terres des Mi . liciens, remis. Comite stir le Bill du Pont gratuit St. Charles. 338 7° — 8 ° Januarii. A. 1836 . Committee on Agricultural Act. Resolution re- ported. Agriculture Rill read the hist time. Leave of ab- sence. Address for Pa- pers relating to the appoint- ment of Com- missioners for Small Causes in the County of Richelieu. Second Report of Grievances, relating to Hon, W. B. Felton, The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider the expediency of repealing an Act passed in the third year of the Reign of His present Majesty, Chapter thirty one, intituled, “ An Act to repeal a “ certain Act therein mentioned, and to provide more “effectually for the remedy of divers abuses prejudi- “ cia) to Agriculture,” and to provide more effectual means for preventing certain trespasses, abuses and hurtful practices which prevail in this Province, and check the progress of Agriculture therein, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Mcilleur took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Meilleur reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is as folioweth : Resolved , That it is expedient to repeal an Act passed in the third year of the Reign of His present Majesty, Chapter thirty one, intituled, “ An Act to re- “ peal a certain Act therein mentioned, and to provide “ more effectually for the remedy of divers abuses pre- “ judicial to Agriculture,” and to provide more effec- tual means for preventing certain trespasses, abuses and hurtful practices which prevail in this Province, and check the progress of Agriculture therein. Ordered, That Mr. Archambeault have leave to bring in a Bill to repeal a certain Act therein mentioned, and more effectually to remedy divers abuses prejudicial to Agriculture. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Tuesday next. Then, on Motion of Mr. Archambeault, seconded by M r. Boutillier, The House adjourned. L'Ofdre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Cornite pour considerer s’ i 1 serait expedient de revo- quer un Acte passe dans la troisieme an iff e du RFgnc de Sa present? Majeste, Chapitre trente-et-nn, intitule, “ Acte pour rappeler un certain Actey mentionne, et “ pour faire des dispositions plus efficaces pour rem6- “ dier a divers abtis prejudiciables a P Agriculture,” et de pourvoir plus efficacement a prevenir certaines voies de fait, abus et pratiques nuisibles qui regnent en cette Province, et retardent les pi ogres de P Agriculture en icelle, ayant ete hi ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Co mite. M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. I’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Meilleur a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe une Resolution, laquelle Resolution a ete lue de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre ; et elle est comme suit : Resolu , Qu’il est expedient de r6voquer un Acte passe dans la troisieme annee du Regne de Sa presente Majesty, Chapitre trente-et-un, intituE, “ Acte pour “ rappeler un certain Acte y mentionne, et pour faire “ des dispositions plus efficaces pour retrEdier a divers “ abus prejudiciables a l’Agriculture,” et de pourvoir plus efficacement a. prevenir certaines voies de fait, abus et pratiques nuisibles qui regnent en cette Province, et retardent les progres de l’Agriculture en icelle. Ordonne, Que M. Archambeault ait la permission d’introduire un Bill pour revoquer un certain Acte y mentionne, et pour remedier plus efficacement a divers abus prejudiciables a l’Agriculture. 11 a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a etc hi pour la premiere l’ois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Mardi prochain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Archambeault, seconde par M. Boutillier. La Chambre s’est ajournee. Friday, 8th January, 183G. g^RDERED, That Mr. Cote have leave of absence Wjr from this House, from to-morrow, until the tenth proximo, on urgent business. On Motion of Mr. De Bleury, seconded by Mr. Bardy, Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying him to direct the proper Officer to lay before this House, Copies of all Petitions and Correspondence on the part of the Inhabitants of the County of Richelieu, relative to the appointment of Commissioners lor the summary trial of Small Causes in the County of Richelieu, under the Act 3rd Hill. IV. Cap. 34, or under that of the 4th Will. IV. Cap. 2. and, also, Copies of the answers of the Executive to the same. Ordered, That Mr. De Bleury, Mr. Bardy, Mr. Child and Mr. Wood do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. Vendredi, 8 Janvier 183G. {^AhRDON N E\ Que M. Cote ait. la permission de xJ' s’absenter de cette Chambre, depuis demain, jus- qu’au dix du mois prochain, pour affaires urgentes. Sur Motion de M. De Bleury, seconde par M. Bardy , Resolu, Qu'il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gou verneur-en-Chef, le priant d or- donner a tel Officier qu’il appartiendra, de mettre de- vant cette Chambre, Copies de toutes Petitions et Cor- respondances de la part des Habitans du Comte de Ri - chelieu, ainsi que les Reponses de l’Execulif a ceux-ci, pour l’appointement des Commissaires pour juger d’une maniere sommaire les Petites Causes dans le Comte de Richelieu, en vertu de 1’Acte de la Se Guilt. IV., Chap. 34, et aussi en vertu de l Acte de la 4e Guill. IV., Chap. Z. Ordonne , Que M. De Bleury, M. Bardy, M. Child et M. Hood presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Mr. Gugy, from the Standing Committee of Grie- vances, presented to the House the Second Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. For M .Gugy, du Comite Permanent des Griefs, a presente a la Chambre le Second Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Pour Comile sur 1’ Acte relatrf z l’Agriculture. Resolution rap- port ee ; Bill d’Agricul- ture, lu la pre- miere fois. Conge d'at>- sence. Adresse poar des Rapiers re- lalifs a la nomi- nation de Com- missaires pour les Retires Causes dans le Comte de Ri- chelieu. Second Rapport des Griefs, rela- tifa I'Honble. W. B. I elton 6 Will. IV. 8° Januarii. 339 Appendix it E.) 1’etition for aid lo improve the Navigation of the River Richelieu. For the said Report, see Appendix (E. E.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered , That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Mondav the eighteenth instant. On Motion of Mr. Lqfontainc, seconded by Mr. M elite ur , Ordered , That five hundred Copies of the said Re- port, and of the Documents therein referred to, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. A Petition of divers Merchants and others, interest- ed in the Trade of the River Richelieu, was presented to the House by Mr. De Bleury, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : That the numerous obstructions which are met with in the River Richelieu impede the Navigation thereof, more particularly du- ring the low waters in Summer, to such an extent that produce and other effects can only be conveyed in bat- teaux of very light burthen, to the manifest injury of Commerce and of those arts by which it is maintained, more especially that of Agriculture, because the pur- chaser of grain. Sec. is obliged to deduct from the price, the heavy expense of conveying the same past the ob- structions aforesaid, so that the farmer now pays an- nually a direct and heavy tax on the fruits of his indus- try, and persons in trade suffer much inconvenience and loss of time, and often sustain very heavy losses from the frequent and serious accidents occasioned by the difficult and obstructed channel, the number of Bat - tures , &e. That the Petitioners are convinced that the grant of a sum of money moderate in amount in com- parison with the great advantage which the Public Would derive from it, would be sufficient to overcome all the said obstructions ; and the advantage would lie so much the greater because the Petitioners have every reason to believe that as soon as the Chambly Canal is finished, a flourishing trade will be established through- out the whole length of the said River with the fine Country to the Eastward of it (the resources of which are beginning to be developed) and with every part of the Province, and extending on one side to the neigh- bouring States and the sea, and to the Mother Country on the other; all which would materially increase the trade of the Country, and afford the Legislature the means of augmenting its revenue without any direct impost on land, or its immediate produce ; and more- over the heavy expenditure already incurred in con- structing the Chambly Canal would be lost to the Pro- vince, if the said River was allowed to remain in its present state : That the Petitioners have the honor fur- ther to represent, that the Plan proposed by Mr. Hop- bins, Engineer, and approved by the Commissioners for the improvement of the River Richelieu, appears to them well calculated for overcoming all the said ob- structions ; and that they have learned with pleasure that able and experienced Contractors, not only respon- sible themselves but able to furnish good security, are prepared to undertake to complete the work in the course of the next summer : That the Petitioners there- fore pray the House to grant such sum of money as may be necessary, and to authorise the Gentlemen ap- pointed under the authority of the 57th Geo. III. Cap. 13, to enter into a Contract with the persons willing to undertake the work, so that the latter may avail them- selves of the winter roads, for the transport of the ne- cessary materials : That the Petitioners do not ven- ture to suggest what measure might be adopted to pro- cure the pecuniary means for the purpose aforesaid : That the Petitioners intimately convinced of the desire of the House to promote the interests and advantage of Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendicc (E. E.) a la fin de ce Volume. Ordonwe, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comitc de toute la Chambre, Lundi le dix-huit du courant. Sur Motion de M. Lajontaine , seconde par M. Meil- leur, Ordonne, Que cinq cents Exemplaires du dit Rapport et des Documens y refiries, soient imprimes pour Pusage des Membresde cette Chambre. Une Petition de divers Marcbands et autres, inte- resses dans le Commerce de la Riviere Richelieu, a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. De Bleury , laquelle a ete recue et lue ; exposant : Que les nombreuses ob- structions qui se rencontrent dans la Riviere Richelieu en genent considerablement la navigation, surtout dans les eaux basses de PEte, au point que les produits et autres effets ne peuvent etre transporters que par Bateaux de pen de port ; ce qui cause un tort manifesto au Commerce, et me me aux arts, qui lui servent de base, et a PAgriculture en particulier, vu que dans le prix de vente des grains, etc., Pacheteur est oblige de faire une deduction pour les frais onereux de transport jusqu’au pieds de ces obstructions, en sorte que le Cultivateur paie vraiment annuellement une forte et directe taxe sur le fruit de son industrie, et les commer^ans souffrent de beaucoup d’inconveniens et pertes de temps, souvent meme des dommages tres-graves par les facheux et frequens accidens occasionnes par un chenal difficile et obstrue par nombre de Battures, etc. : Que les Pe- titionnaires sont eonvaincus qu’un octioi d’une somme modique, comparativement aux grands avantages que le Public en retirera, suffirait pour faire disparartre toutes les obstructions, d’autantplusaussi que le Canal de Cham- bly auss\tot paracheve,ils ont touteraison de croirequ’un Commerce tres-florissant s’etablira tout le long de cette Riviere, avec le beau Pays a PEst, dont Jes ressources commencent a se developper, et avec la Province en- tiere jusqu'au Etats voisins et la mer d’un cote et jusqu’A la metropole del autre ; d’ou il resultera, d’une augmentation aussi considerable du Commerce du Pays, un moyen ala Legislature pour augmenter ses revenus, sans toucher les Terres ni leurs produits immediats ; en outre les fortes depenses deja encourues pour la construction du Canal de Chambiij se trouveraient per- dues a la Province, si la Riviere demeurait dans Petal actuel : Que les Petitionnaires ont Phonneur d’expo- ser de plus, que le Plan propose par M. Plngenieur Hopkins, e t agree par la Commission, pour Pamelioration' de la navigation de la Riviere Richelieu, leur parait tres-propre a remedier a tous ces obstacles, et e’est avec plaisir qu’ilsont appris que des Contracteurs ha- biles et experimentes, appuyes non seulement d’eux- niemes, mais encore par des cautions soivables, sont prets a executer le Plan en question dans le court es- pace de PEte prochain : Que les Petitionnaires en consequence prient respectueusement la Chambre qu’il lui plaise d'accorder une somme d’argent neces- saire, afin que les Messieurs appointes en vertu de la 57e Geo. III. Chap 13, soient autorises a terminer leur Contrat avec les Entrepreneurs, et que ces derniers puis- sent profiter des Chemins d’Hiver pour se munir de ma- teriaux necessaries : Que les Petionnaires n’oseraient suggerer a la Chambre quelle demarche Pon pourrait adopter pour se procurer les moyens pecuniaires requis pour cette fin : Que les Petitionnaires, sous 1 impres- sion sincere de la disposition qu’a la Chambre de pro- mouvoir les inteiets et avantages du Pays, en tout genre, ont pense qu’il etait convenable d'appointer deux personnes rcsidant sur la Riviere Richelieu, pour por- ter Appendice (E. E.) Petition pour une aide pour ameliorer la na vigation de la Riviere Riche lieu. Quebec Bank Bill passed. FVIt relating to Opposition to Marriage! passed. Small Causes Bill passed. Message from HisExcellencyj Depots of Pro- visions. 8° Januarii . A, 1836. 340 the Country in everyway, have deemed it advisable to appoint two persons residing on the River Richelieu, to be the bearers of this Petition, and to cause it to be laid before the House, and to communicate with the House or with the Committee to whom the Report of the Commissioners aforesaid has been referred, for the pur- pose of affording to either such further information as may be required. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Report of the Commissioners for the C humbly Canal. Ordered, That Mr. Bardy be added to the said Com- mittee. An engrossed Bill to continue for a limited time, a certain Act therein mentioned concerning the Quebec Bank, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Dubord do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. An engrossed Bill to facilitate the proceedings on Oppositions to Marriages, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Vanfelson do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. An engrossed Bill to revive, amend and continue for a limited time, an Act further to provide for the sum- mary trial of Small Causes, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass, and that the Title be, “ An Act to provide tor the summary trial of Small “ Causes.” Ordered, That Mr. Archambeault do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concur- rence. Stephen Walcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to Ilis Excel- lency the Governor in Chief, was admitted within the Bar, and delivered to Mr. Speaker a Message from His Excellency the Governor in Chief, signed by Ilis Excellency. And then he withdrew. And the said Message was read by Mr. Speaker, all the Members of the House being uncovered, and is as followeth : GOSFORD, Governor in Chief. The Governor in Chief transmits to the House of As- sembly, a Copy of an Address from the Corporation of the Trinity House at Quebec, representing the expe- diency of applying to the Legislature to provide funds for the continuance of the different Posts where Pro- visions have been usually deposited for the relief of Shipwrecked Mariners, and stating that, if the before mentioned Posts should be continued, it will become necessary to provide a Salary for each of the Keepers at Jupiter River, West End of Anticosti, and Ste. Anne's, the other Depots being under the care of; the Light House Keepers ; and the Governor in Chlief recom- mends the subject to the favorable consideration of the House. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec , oth Januaiy, 1836. ter la presente Petition, et la faire soumettre it la Cham- bre, de communiquer avecelle, on le Comite auquel a dejii etd refere le Rapport des Corn missa ires susmen- tionnes, pour lui donner d’autres renseignemens plus amples et detailles- Ordonne , Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite Special auquel a ete refere le Rapport des Commis- saires du Canal de Chambly. Ordonne, Que M. Bardy soit ajoute au dit ComitG IJn Bill grossoye pour continuer, pour un temps limite, un certain Acte y tnentionne, concernant la Banque de Quebec, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Dubord porte le dit Bill au Conseil Leaislatif, et demande son concours. Un Bill grossoy6 pour rendre plus expeditive la ma- niere de proceder dans les cas d’Oppositions aux Manages, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Vanfelson porte le dit Bill au Con- seil L^gislatif, et demande son concours. Un Bill grossoye pour remettre en force, amender et continuer, pour un temps limits, un Acte pour pourvoir jlterieurement a la decision sommaire des Petites Causes, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe, et que le Titre soit “ Acte “ pour pourvoir a la decision sommaire des Petites “ Causes.” Ordonne, Que M. Archambeault porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Stephen Walcott, Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, a ete admis en de- dans de la Barre, et a remis a M. POrateur un Mes- sage de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, sign6 par Son Excellence. Et ensuite il s’est retire. Et le dit Message a £te lu par M. POrateur, tous les Membres de la Chambre etant decouverts, et il est comme suit : GOSFORD, Gouverneur-en-Chef. Le Gouverneur-en-Chef transmet a la Chambre d’As- semblee Copie d’une Adresse de la Corporation de la Maison de la Trinite de Quebec, dans laquelleon expose la convenance de s’adresser a la Legislature pour lui demander d’etablir un fonds pour continuer les differens Postes oil l’on a ordinairement depos6 des provisions pour subvenir aux besoins des Marins naufrages ; cette Adresse declare en outre que si l’on se decide a continuer ces differens Depots, il sera necessaire d’etablir un Salaire pour chacun des Gardiens il la Riviere Jupiter, ii Pextremite Quest de Pile d’ Anticosti, et ii Ste. Anne , les autres Depots etant sous les soins et la surveillance des Gardiens des Phares ; et le Gouverneur-en-Chef recommande ii la Chambre d’accueillir favorablement cette mesure. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, § Janvier 1836. Bill de la Banque deQue- bec passe- Bill reltlif aux Oppositions aux Manages, passe. Bill des Fetites Causes, passe. Message de Son Excellence. u Depots de Pro- visions. (Copy.) (Copte.) 6 Will. IV. (Copy.) 8 ° Januarii, 341 Paper, delivered at the Bar — Statements of Land granted, leased or pro- mised to Public Officers and their families. Appendix (C. C.) Dispatch from Lord Aylmer to the Karl of Aberdeen, dated 18th March, 1835. Trinity House, Quebec, 1st December, 1835. Present : The Honble. ./. Stewart , Master. David Burnet , Esquire, Warden. John Lambly , Esquire, H. M. and Warden. Robert Young , S. P. and Warden. The Master having brought under the consideration of the Board, the state of the different Posts where Pro- visions have been usually deposited for the relief of Shipwrecked Mariners, it was Resolved, Than an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, setting forth the expediency of making application to the Legislature, to provide funds for the purchase of a fresh supply of Pro- visions for the undermentioned Posts, viz : Heath Point, Island of Bbls. Flour. Bbls. Pork. Bushels j Anticosti, 10 4 4 Jupiter River, do. 10 4 4 South West Point, do. 10 4 4 West End, do. 10 4 4 Pointe des Monts, 20 8 8 Ste. Anne, {Cap Chat,') 20 8 8 80 32 32 which at the rate of 32s. 6d. per Barrel, for Flour, 80s. for Pork, and 20s. for Peas, will amount to the sum of Two hundred and ninety pounds, Halifax currency ; and stating that as there may be a certain portion of the old Provisions remaining at the Posts of Anticosti and Fointe des Monts, it is recommended that the same should be brought up to Quebec when the fresh supply is deposited, and be sold on account of Government ; and further acquainting His Excellency that if the be- fore mentioned Posts should be continued, it will be ne- cessary to provide a Salary for each of the Keepers at Jupiter River, West End of Anticosti and St. Anne, the other Depots being under the care of the Light House Keepers. Attest, (Signed,) E. B. LINDSAY. Rr. Ty. Ho. Q. (A true Copy.) S. Walcott, Civil Secretary. (Copie.) Maison de la Trinite, Quebec, ler Decembre 1835. Pr&sens : L’Honble. J. Stewart , Maitre. David Burnet , Ecuyer, Syndic. John Lambly , Ecuyer, M. H. et Syndic. Robert Young , S. P. et Syndic. Le Maitre ayant mis sous les yeux du Bureau Petat des difffjrens Postes ou 1’on a ordinairement d£pos6 des Provisions pour subvenir aux besoins des Marins nau- frages, il a ete. Resolu, Qu’une humble Adresse soit presentee tt Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, pour lui exposer la convenance qu’il y a de demander a la Legislature un fonds pour acheter de nouvelles Provisions pour les Depots suivans, savoir : Quarts Farine. Quarts Lard. Miuots Pois. Heath Point, He d 'An- ticosti. 10 4 4 Riviere Jupiter, do. 10 4 4 Exti^mite Sud-Ouest do. 10 4 4 Extr£mit6 Ouest do. 10 4 4 Pointe des Monts, 20 8 8 St. Anne, (Cap Chat,) 20 8 8 80 32 32 ce qui, en payant la Farine 32s. 6d. le Quart, le Lard 80s., et les Pois, 20s., formera line somme de Deux cent quatre-vingt-dix livres cours d 'Halifax ; exposant en outre, la dite Adresse, que comme il reste une certaine quantite des vieilles Provisions dans les Depots sur Pile d ’ Anticosti et a la Pointe des Monts, Ton recommande qu’elles soient apportees & Quebec , aussitot qu’on y aura depose les nouvelles Provisions, pour etre vendues au compte du Gouvernement ; et informant Son Excel- lence, que si l’on se decide a continuer ces Depots, il sera necessaire d’etablir un Salaire pour chacun des Gardiens a la Riviere Jupiter , a Pextr£mite Ouest de Pile d 'Anticosti, et a Ste. Anne , les autres Depdts etant sous les soins et la surveillance des Gardiens des Phares. Atteste. (Signe,) E. B. LINDSAY, R. M. T. Q. (Vraie Copie.) S. Walcott, Secretaire Civil. The House being informed that Stephen Walcott, Es- quire, Civil Secretary to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, was at the door, he was called in ; and at the Bar delivered, pursuant to Addresses to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the 20th November last, and of the 4th and 21st ultimo, the following Papers : — 1st. A Statement of grants of Land made under Letters Patent to Members of the Legislative and Ex- ecutive Councils, Judges, and persons holding Office within the Province, and to their Wives, Children, Sons-iri-Law, Brothers and Sisters, from the 22nd July, 1828, to the present time ; such grants not being in- cluded in the Statement submitted on the 25th Febru- ary, 1834. A List of Lands leased or promised to Councillors, Judges and others. For the said Documents, see Appendix (C. C.)at the end of this Volume. 2nd. A Copy of a Dispatch from Lieutenant General Lord Aylmer, K. C. B., to the Right Honorable the Earl Vol. — 45. La Chambre £tant inform^e que Stephen Walcott , ^ 4 g*^ e r * mU 4 Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Excellence le Gou- vevneur-en-Chef, etait a la Porte, il a ete appele, et a remis a la Barre, conform^ment aux AdressesaSon Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 20 Novembre dernier et du 4 et du 21 du mois dernier, les Papiers suivans : — It. Un etat des Octrois de terres faits en vertu de Etan de» T#r- Lettres Patentes aux Membres des Conseils L^gisla- [ou/° n 0 C u d p 6 r e 0 *.’ tif et Executif, Juges et personnes tenant des situations » U x oa- officielles en la Province, et a leurs Epouses, Enfans, a leurs families. Gendres, Fr&res et Soeurs, depuis le 22 Juillet 1828, jusqu’a present, en outre de ceux mentionn£s dans l’Etat soumis le 25 F6vrier 1834. Une Liste des Terres donn^es k Bail ou promises aux Conseillers, Juges, et autres. Pour les dits Documens, voir Appendice (C. C.) k ( A c pp £ n, j' c ® la fin de ce Volume. 2t. Une Copie d’une Depeche du Lieutenant G£n6- D6pech«d« ral Lord Aylmer , C. C. B. au Tr£s-Honorable Comte iiTcomti™"- d ’ Aberdeen bird,,n 4 R 342 8° Januarii . A. 183G Appendii (L C.) Dooirnenls relating to the Seigniory of Sf. A rcnand. Appendil (R, Earl of Aberdeen, K. T., dated, Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 18th March, 183o, No. 28. For the said Dispatch, see Appendix ( L. L.) at the end of this Volume. . . 3rd. Copies of Documents relating to the division of the Seigniory of St • Armand into two Parishes. For the said Documents, see Appendix (R. R.) at the end of this Volume. On Motion of Mr. Power, seconded by Mr. Fortin, Tbe Message Ordered, That the Message of His Excellency the £^7Wo° Governor in Chief, received this day, be referred to the sums referred. £ j a | Committee to whom was referred the Petition of divers Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Merchants and others. d 'Aberdeen, C. C. dat£e Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, IS Mars 1835, No. 28. Pour la dite D^peche, voir Appendice (L. L.) a la ( A L p p l d ) lce ’ fin de ce Volume. 3t. Copie de Documens relatifs a la division de la s r *[ Seigneurie de St. Armand en deux Paroisses. gneurie de Si, Pour les dits Documens, voir Appendice (R • Appendice a la fin de ce Volume. (R- R) Sur Motion de M. Power , seconde par M. Fortin, Or dome , Que le Message de Son Excellence leGou- verneur-en-Chef, recu ce jour, soit r^fer6 au Comite de provisions, Special auquel a ete referee la Petition de divers Pro- re,ere ' pri^taires de Vaisseaux, Matties de Vaisseaux, Mar- chands et autres. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Perrault, The Statements Ordered, That the following Documents delivered at ud^edT' the Bar of this House, this day, viz. : A Statement of promised to grants of Lands made under Letters Patent to Members and their of the Legislative and Executive Councils, Judges, and families, refer- song holding office within the Province, and to their Wives, Children, Sons-in-Law, Brothers and Sisters, from the 22nd July, 1828, to the present time ; such o-rants not being included in the Statement submitted on the 25th February, 1834 ; and a List of Lands leased or promised to Councillors, Judges, and others, be iefened to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Perrault. Ordonne, Que les Documens suivans, remis ce jour Terres conce- ;\ la Barre de cette Chambre ; savoir : Un Etat des JJ^»£ s 0U Octrois de Terres faits en vertu de Lettres Patentes aux officers Pu Membres des Conseils L^gislatif et Ex^cutif, Juges, et families, ref6res, personties tenant des situations officielles en la Pro- vince, et aleurs Epouses, Enfans, Gendres, Fr£res et Sceurs, depuisle 22 Juillet 1828, jusqu’a present, en outre de ceux mentionn^s dans l’Etat soumis le 25 Fe- vrier 1834, et une Liste des Terres donn£es a Bail ou promises aux Conseillers, Juges, et autres, soient r^ fe- res au Comite permanent sur les Terres et Droits Sei- gneuriaux. Sl. CliarlesFree Mr. Le Boutillier, from the Committee of the whole ported. Bm "' House on the Bill to establish a Free Bridge over the River St. Charles , reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Fable, and agreed to by the House. Mr, Vanfelson moved, seconded by Mr. Simon, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. Mr. Cote moved, seconded by Mr. Kimber , That the further consideration of the said Motion be postponed until the fifteenth August next. The House divided on the Question ; and the names being called for they were taken down, as followeth : Yeas, Messieurs Archambcault , Baker, Blackourn , Bouc , Boutillier, Child, Cote, Deblois, Grannis, Gugy, Jobin, Kimber, Le Boutil- lier, Meilleur, Moore, Morin, Mousseau, Noel, Power, Scott, Tache, Joseph Andre Taschereau, Thibaudeau, Toomy, Wells and Wood. (26.) Nays, Messieurs Amiot, Bardy, Beaudouin, Berthelot, Bertrand , Besserer, Blanchard, Blancliet, Bouffard, Careau, Caron, Ca~ zeau, Cherrier, De Bleury, Deligny, De Tonnancour, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Lafontaine, Larue, Letourneau, Marquis, Methot, O'Callaghan, Perrault, Bodier, Simon, Trudel and Vanfelson. (30.) So it passed in the Negative. The Question being then put on the main Motion *, The House again divided : Yeas, 31. Nays, 26. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered, Accordingly. M. Le Boutillier, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur Bin du Pom le Bill pour <§tablir un Pont Gratuit sur la Riviere St. les, rappurie. Charles, a fait rapport conformement a l’Ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adopts par la Chambre. M. Vanjelson a propose, seconde par M. Simon, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit grossoye. M. Cote a propose, seconde par M. Kimber , Que la consideration ulterieure de la dite Motion, soit remise au quitize Aout prochain. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question, et les noms ayant ete demandes, ils ont 6t6 pns comme suit : Pour, Messieurs, Archambeault, Baker, Blackburn, Bouc, Boutil- lier, Child, Cote, Deblois, Grannis, Gugy, Jobin, Kimber, Le Boutillier , Meilleur, Moore, Morin , Mousseau, Noel, Power. Scott, Tache, Joseph-Andre Taschereau, Thibaudeau, Toomy, Wells et Wood. ('26. J Contre, Messieurs, Amiot, Bardy, Beaudouin, Berthelot, Bertrand, Besserer, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouffard, Careau, Caron, Ca- zeau, Cherrier, De Bleury, Deligny, De Tonnancour, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Lafontaine, Larue, Letourneau, Marquis, Methot, O' Callaghan, Perrault,’ Bodier, Simon, Trudel, et Van- felson. ( 30.J Ainsi elle a pas?e dans la Negative. La Question ayant ete alors mise sur la Motion prin- cipal. La Chambre s’est divisee de nouveau. Pour, 31, Contre, 26. Ainsi elle a ete emportee dans l’Affirmative, et Ordonne, En consequence. Gaspe Notaries Bill read the second lime. A Bill further to provide during a limited time for the want of Notaries in the District of Gaspe, was, accord- ing to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour subvenir en- core pour un temps limits au manque de Notaires dans le District de Gaspe, a ete lu une seconde fois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de cinq Membres Bill pour subve- nir au manque de Notaires a Gaspe lu une seconde fois. 6 Will. IV. 8° — 9° Januarii. mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered , That Mr. Thibaudeau , Mr. Deblois, Mr. Power, Mr. Tache and Mr. Le Boulillier do compose the said Committee. Membre9, pour en faire rapport avectoute ia diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Thibaudeau, M Deblois, M. Power, M. Tache et M. Le Boulillier , composent le dit Comit£. r^.hfwcond A J3l, j to establish a Post Office in this Province, and ,un * to provide for the future management of the same, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of the whole House, on Monday next. r«Tc™u't e Bii!. The 0r der of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to amend the Judicature of the Province, and to extend and facilitate the administration of Jus- tice in the different parts thereof, and on the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Town of Dorchester , other- wise called St. John’s, and others, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Le Boutillier took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Le Boutillier reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move lor leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again to-morrow. Then, on Motion of Mr. Perrault, seconded by Mr. Scott, The House adjourned. Conform^ment a l’Ordre, un Bill pour ^tablir un B'Hpourun Bureau de Poste dans cette Province, et pour pourvoir Po 8 r “ U iu e „ ne a lar^giede ce Bureau & l’avenir, a lu une seconde 8lrcc,a,le fois - fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit r6ffr£ a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Lundi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en R 0mi ' 6 6Ur '• Comit6 sur le Bill pour amender la Judicature de la ture. d ° Jud ' ca Province, pour etendre et faciliter fadministration de la Justice dans les difRrentes parties d’icelle, et sur la Petition de divers Habitans de la Ville de Dorchester , alias St. Jean, et autres, ayant et6 lu j La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comity. M. Le Boutillier a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque terns, M. 1’Orateura repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Le Boutillier a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progr£s, et lui avait enjoint de de- mander permission de singer de nouveau. Ordonne Que le dit Comity ait la permission de singer de nouveau demain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Perrault, second^ par M. Scott, La Chambre s’est ajourn^e. Saturday, 9 th January, 1836. Samedi, 9 Janvier 1836. Report on St. Francis Judica- ture Bill. 1%/|| R. Gugy, from the Special Committee to whom l?_i was re-committed the Bill to consolidate the several Acts relating to the administration of Justice in the District of St. Francis, and to amend certain of the said Acts, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Cierk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Saturday next. M Gugy, du Comit6 Special auquel a ete de nou- R « PP ort sur u • veau r£fer£ le Bill pour reunir en un seul les divers Actes relatifs a fadministration de la Justice Fr ‘ >D s o1 ** dans le District de St. Francois, et pour amender cer- tains des dits Actes, a fait rapport que le Comite' avait pass6 le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, les- quels amendemens ont £te lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Samedi prochain. Message from the Council. Council have agreed to : Protestant Christians Bill. Bill to re P eal an Act relating to Rafts and Scows passing Chateauguay. Methodist Protestants Bill. A Message from the Legislative Council by the Ho- norable Mr. De Lery, one of the Masters in Chancery : Mr. Speaker, The Legislative Council passed the following Bills, without any amendment : “An Act for the relief of divers Societies of Protes- “ tant Christians therein mentioned.” “ An Act to repeal An Act therein mentioned con- “ cerning the Inspector and Measurers of Rails and “ Scows, and the Pilots thereof, between Chateauguay “ and Montreal, and for other purposes therein men. “ tioned.” “ An Act to extend certain privileges to the class of “ persons denominating themselves Methodist Protes- “ tants.” And, also ; The Legislative Council have passed the following Bills, with several amendments, to which they desire the concurrence of the Assembly : Message du Conseil Legislatif, par I’Honorable M. ^ essa g e du De Lery, un des Maitres en Chancellerie. CoDse,! ' M. l’Orateur, Le Conseil Legislatif a passe les Bills suivans, sans Le conseiu amendement. concouru aux ; “ Acte pour le soulagement de diverses Societes de b,ii reiatif aux “ Chretiens Protestansy mentionnees.” Chretiens Pro- “ Acte pour abroger un Acte y mentionn^, concer- »up«ir abro. “ nant l’lnspecteur et les Mesureurs des Bacs et Cages, hftjf^ux' b!« “ et les Pilotes d’iceux entre Chateauguay et Montreal, “bateau “ etpour autres fins y mentionnees,” guay. “ Acte pour Etendre certains privileges aux person- Bi| i de « ms. “ nes qui se denomment Methodistes Protestans.” us°.an» es Pro ‘ Et aussi , Le Conseil Legislatif a passe les Bills suivans avec des amendemens, auxquels il demande la concurrence de 1’ Assemble. “ An “ Acte A. IS3G. 344 9° Januarii. “ An Act for preserving, for the purposes of Husban- ving Grass on it cll’V the Grass ^rowing on Beaches in the District ol Beaches, with _ */ ’ n amendments. “ QuebCC. , • A \ „ ■■ An Act to amend an Act therein mentioned reia- “ “ ting to Elections.” with amend- And then he withdrew. ments. Petition of S. H. Dickerson relating to Mr. Justice Flet- cher. A Petition of Silas Horton Dickerson , of Stanstead, was presented to the House by Mr. Child, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : 1 hat in Janu- ary, 1829, the Petitioner brought under the considera- tion of the House, by Petition of that date, certain com- plaints and allegations touching the conduct of the Honorable John Fletcher, Provincial Judge for the Inferior District of St Francis'. That a mass of Do- cumentary and other Evidence was adduced in suppoit of said complaints : That the Committee to whom the Petition was referred, reported that Mr. Justice Flet- cher ought to be removed from Office: 1 hat the complaints of Petitioner were the subject of proceedings in the three succeeding Sessions of Parliament, and that Resolutions were passed declaring the complaints of the Petitioner to be well founded ; and an Address voted to the Governor to suspend or remove the said John Fletcher , Esquire : That notwithstanding those proceedings and declarations by the House, the said . John Fletcher , Esquire, continues to hold the Office of Pro- vincial Judge for the said District: and praying that the House will resume the consideration of the com- plaints and grievances sel forth in the Petition of Ja- nuary, 1829, in order that the rights and privileges of Petitioner, and the People of the District of 8 /. brands , may be protected, and a final result be obtained. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances. Ordered, That the said Petition be printed for the use of the Membeis of this House. “ Acte pour conserver, pour les fins de l’Agriculture, bui pour con- «< le Foin qm croit stir les Greves, dans le District de sur i es Greves. “ Quebec .” “ Acte pour amender un Acte y mentionne concer- 1 ?^ t r e e, r “ t 1 , a f t ^ “ nant les Elections.” Elections. • • I • , avec des amen- Et ensuite ll est retire. demens. Une Petition de Silas-Horton Diclcerson, de Stanstead, ^ ,i, ^ ck d e e rso J a et6 presentee a la Chambre par M. Child , laquellea relative a m.i« G6 reipae et lue ; exposant : Qu’en Janvier 1829, le Petitionnaire a soumis a la consideration de la Gham- bre, par une Petition datee cotnme susdit, certaines p’aintes et accusations relatives a la conduite de ^’Ho- norable John Fletcher, Juge Provincial du District In- ferieur de St. Francois : Qu’une foule de Documens et de Temoignages a et6 produite al’appui de ces plaintes : Que le Comite auquel cette Petition a ete renvoy^e, a fait rapport que M. le Juge Fletcher devrait elre des- titue ile sa charge : Que les plaintes du Petitionnaire ont Ge le sujet de procedures pendant trois Sessions consecutives du Parlement, et que des Resolutions ont ete passees declarant que les plaintes du Petitionnaire etaient bien fondees ; et qu il a ete presente une Adresse au Gouverneur, pour suspendre ou destituer le dit John Fletcher, Ecuyer : Que nonobstant ces pre- cedes et ces declarations de la Chambre, le dit John Fletcher, Ecuyer, occupe encore la charge de Juge Provincial du dit District ; et pl iant la Chambre de pi end re de nouveau en consideration les plaintes et les gi iefs enonces dans sa Petition du mois de Janvier 1829, afin de proteger les droits et privileges du PGition- naire, etdu peuple du District de St. Francois, et que Ton parvienne a obtenir un resultat final. Ordonne , Que la dite Petition soit refG6e au Comite Permanent des Griefs. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit imprimee pour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. On Motion of Mr. 0‘Callaghan, seconded by Mr. Child, The Dispatch Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the Dispatch from Lord Ayl- from Lieutenant General Lord Aylmer, K. C. B. to the of Aberdeen, Rffiht Honorable the Earl of Aberdeen , K. T. dated Minch 1835 , to Castle of St. Lems, Quebec, 18th March 1835, No. 28, be primed, and d e ]j V ered at the Bar of the House, yesterday, with the Statement annexed thereto, be printed for the use ot the Members of this House. Resolved, That the said Dispatch, with the State- ment annexed thereto, be referred to a Committee of five Members, to examine the same and report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for per- sons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. 0‘Callaghan, Mr. Power, Mr. Leslie, Mr. Lafontaine and Mr. Tache do compose the said Committee. On Motion of Mr. Lesser er, seconded by Mr. Bouc, Council's Ordered, That the Amendments made by the Legis- Amendments lative Council to the Bill, intituled, ur Comit6 sur le Premier Rapport du Comit6 Permanent po®“' s e u r r pEd U pour l’Education et les Ecoles, ayant 6te lu ; cation .t i.« La Chambre s’est en consequence form6e en le dit coes- Comit6. M. Fortin a pris le Fauteuil du Comite. Plusieurs Membres s’^tant retires, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; And the names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Arcliambeault, Bardy, Berthelot, Besserer, Blan- chard, Bouc, Careau, Caron , Cazeau, Cherrier, Child, Courteau, Deligny, De Tonnancour, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Grannis, Gugy, Huot, Jobin, Kimber, Lafontaine, Larue, Leslie, Letour- neau , Meilleur, Methot, Morin, Mousseau, O’ Callaghan, Per- rault, Rodier, Scott , Simon, 1'ache, Thibaudeau, Toomy, Trudel and Vanfelson. And at three quarters past ten o'clock at night, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. Et les noms des Membres pr^sens ont Oe pris com me suit : M. l’Orateur, Messieurs Archambeault, Bardy, Berthelot, Besserer, Blan- chard, Bouc , Careau, Caron, Cazeaic, Cherrier, Child , Courteau, Deligny , De Tonnancour, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Grannis, Gugy, Huot, Jobin, Kimber, Lafontaine, Larue, Leslie, Letour- neau, Meilleur, Methot, Morin, Mousseau, O' Callaghan, Per- rault, Rodier, Scott, Simon, Tasche, Thibaudeau , Toomy » Trudel et Vanfelson. Et adix heures trois quarts du soil - , M. l’Orateur a ajourn6 la Chambre faute de Quorum . Wednesday , 1 3th January, 183G. Merer edi, 13 Janvier 1836. \RDERED , That Mr. Wood have leave of ab- sence from this House for six weeks, from the seventeenth instant, on urgent business. \RDONNE Que M. Hood ait la permission de congdd’ab. s’absenter de cette Chambre, pour six semaines, du dix-sept du courant, pour affaires urgentes. Mr. Morin, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Petition of Widow Jacques P. Saveuse De Beaujeu, and George R. Saveuse De Beaijeu , Es- quire, and the Petition of John McCuaig, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk's Table. For the said Report, see Appendix (S. S.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Friday the twenty se- cond instant. Ordered, That the said Report be printed for the use of the Members of this House. M, Morin, du Comite Special auquel ont r£fe- Rapport ur u« rees, la Petition de Dame Veuve Jacques-P. Saveuse Dtme° ns veuva De Beaujeu , et George-1 1. Saveuse De Beaujeu, Beaa je«, ««»*- Ecuyer, et la Petition de John McCuaig, a present^ tre8- a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a 6t6 lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (S. S.) a la fin Appeodie. de ce Volume. ( s - s -) Ordonne , Quele dit Rapport soit refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Vendredi, le vingt-deux du courant. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit imprim6 pour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. Mr. Caron, from the Standing Committee for Hospi- tals and Charitable Institutions, presented to the House the Fifth Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : The present Report, delayed until now by circum- stances over which Your Committee have no control, contains the opinion of Your Committee upon the diffe- rent matters hereinafter mentioned, referred to them during the course of the present Session. The first Order of reference which engrossed the at- tention of Your Committee was that of the 16th Novem- ber last, by which Your Committee was enjoined “ to “ enquire into the Rules and Regulations of the Corpo- “ ration of the Montreal General Hospital, the terms ** on which sick persons are admitted into that Institu- “ tion M. Caron, du Comit6 Permanent pour les Hopitaux cinqu^me et Institutions de Charite, a pr6sent6 a la Chambre le m?u P °pour C iV» cinqui&me Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a et6 lu de H&pitauxetiu- nouveau a la lable du Greffier, comrae suit : Chame. Le present Rapport, retard^ jusqu’ici par des cir- constances que Votre Comite n’a pucontrdler, contient l’opinion de Votre Comit6 sur les differens sujets sui- vans, reffres a Votre Comit£ k diverses epoques pen- dant le cours de la pr6sente Session. La premiere reference qui a occup6 l’attention de Votre Comite a6t£celledu IGNovembre dernier, dans laquelle il etait enjoint a Votre Comite “ de s’en- “ qu6nr des Regies et Reglemens de la Corporation de “ l’Hopital General de Montreal , des termes sur les- “ quels les malades sont admis dans cet Hospice, des “ noms 352 1 3 ° Januariu A . 1836 . .. tion, the Dimes of the Medical attendants, the Cover- “ nors, (distinguishing those for life from those elected,) “ for each of the last ten years respectively - also, a “ Statement of their Treasurer’s Account, as well as any “ Revenue or source of profit they may have. _ In order to comply with the various injunctions contained in the said reference, Your Committee forwarded to the President of the said Corporation an exact Copy of the reference of Your Honorable House, enjoining him at the same time to transmit to Your Committee as early as possible the information, papers and documents requi- site to enable them to report to Your Honorable House. In consequence of this requisition, t our Committee received from the Secretary of the said Corporation, a packet of papers of considerable size, which after minute examination, appeared to Your Committee to contain a a clear and satisfactory answer in detail to every part of the said reference. Without commenting in detail up- on the contents, Your Committee deem it sufficient to refer Your Honorable House to the packet marked A. containing them, which accompanies the present Re- port. Your Committee having thus obtained the inioi- mation required, might not have considered it neces- sary to proceed further into the matter, inasmuch as by the said reference no other duty was imposed upon them than that of procuring the said information : Ne- vertheless, Your Committee, under an impression that the said reference might have been made in consequence of some abuses which might have crept into the ma- nagement of the said Corporation, and considering, moreover, that there was an application before Your Honourable House on behalf of the said Corporation, for an aid towards the maintenance of the said es- tablishment, deemed it their duty to call befoie them a Member of Your Honorable House who formerly belonged to the said Corporation, but who, being now unconnected therewith, appeared to Y our Committee to be best able to afford them accurate information upon the subject. . Your Committee, after having heard the Evidence of that Honorable Member, deem themselves bound in justice to declare, that neither in that evidence, nor in any one of the Papers and Documents which have been transmitted to them, have they discovered any thin" tending in the slightest degree to implicate the Administrators of that Institution, which, on the contrary, seems to be conducted in a very excellent and judicious manner. Having performed this part of their duty, Your Com- mittee were next called upon to dispose of the Petition of the said Corporation, praying for an aid, and of which Your Committee had determined to postpone the con- sideration until such time as the said Corporation should have enabled them to comply with the Order of Your Honorable House contained in the order of reference first above mentioned. In order to do justice to that application, Your Committee were under the necessity of examining the Journals of Your Honorable House for the previous years, and have ascertained by then researches, that Your Honorable House has for several years past granted various sums of money to the blot i treat General Hospital, as aid towards defraying its ex- penses, m proportion to the extent of its necessities, which were established by the Statement of Accounts produced annually ; but that in 1834, no grant was voted for it, inasmuch as the means at the disposal of that Institution were sufficient to meet the expenses of that year. Under these considerations, Your Committee after having “ nomsdes Mfhleeins qui y assistent, des Gouverneurs, “ (distinguant ceux qui sont nommfs a vie de ceux qui “ sont £lus) pour chaeune des dix dernieres annees, respectivement ; aussi, de l’etat des Comptes de “ leurs Tresoriers, ainsi que de tous les re venus et “ sources des profits qu'ils peuvent avoir.’' Pour sa- tisfaire aux diverses injonctions contenues dans cette reference, Votre Comit6 a transmis au President de la “ dite Coporation, Copie exacte de la reference meme de cette Honorable Chambre, avec injonction audit President de faire parvenir le plutot possible a Votre Comitd les diverses informations, papiers et documens necessaires pour le mettre en £tat de faire rapport a Votre Honorable Chambre. En execution de cette ordre de Votre Comitf, il a re 5 u de la part du Secretaire de la dite Corporation une liasse assez volumineuse de papiers, laquelle apres mur examen, a paru a Votre Comiffi contenir une reponse satisfaisante, claire, detaillee a toutes les par- ties de la dite reference ; sans faire l’analyse de ces nombreux papiers, Votre Comite se contente de r£ferer Votre Honorable Chambre a la liasse marquee A. qui lescontient, et qui accompagne ce present Rapport. Ces informations unefois obtenues, Notre Comite aurait pu se dispenser d aller plus loin, vu que par la dite iefe- rence il ne lui etait impost aucun autre devoir que celui de se procurer les dites informations. Cepen- dant, Votre Comit£ pensant que la dite reference aurait peut-etre etd provoquee, a raison de quelques abus qui aurait pu se glisser dans la r6gie de la dite Corporation, et vu surtout qu’il y avait de sa part une demande d ai- gent pour l’aider a soutenir les depenses du dit Eta- blissement, a cru de son devoir de faire comparaitre devant lui un des Membres de cette Honorable Cham- bre, qui ayant appartenu a la dite Corporation, et n y appartenant plus a present, paraissait a Votre Comite plus en etat que tout autre de faire connailre ce qui en fitait. Votre Comitd ayant entendu cet Honorable Membre comme tdrnoin, croit en justice devoir declarer cjue ni dans ce temoignage ni dans nucuns des papiers et do- cumens qui lui ont transmis, il ne s’annonce lien qui puisse en aucune maniere impliquer les adminis- trateurs de la dite Institution, cjui au contraire parait etre conduite d’une manibre convenable et judicieuse. Ce devoir rempli, Votre Comiffia du proc&ler a faire droit sur la Petition de la dite Corporation, demandant une aide, et de laquelle Votre Comitd avait resolu de ne s’occuper que lorsque la dite Corporation l’aurait mis en etat de satisfaire a l'Ordre de cette Honorable Chambre contenu dans la reference mentionnee en premier lieu ; pour rendre justice a cette demande, Votre Comiffi a 6t6 dans la necessite de consulter les Journaux de cette Honorable Chambre pourles anuses prec^dentes. Le r£sultat de ses reeherches a ete que depuis plusieurs annees, cette Honorable Chambre avait accordd a l’Hopital General de Montreal , di- verses sommes d’argent par forme d’aide pour subve- nir a ses ddpenses, et cela d’apr&s leurs besoins plus ou moins grands qui etaient montr6s par 1 etat de ses comptes produits annuellement ; que neanmoins en 1834, il ne lui avait rien effi accordf, vu que ses propres moyens lui suffisaient pour couvrir les dfpenses de cette annee. D’apres cette observation, Votre Comite apres avoir ftabli 6 Will. IV. 13° Januarii . 353 Entries in Jour- nals relating to complaints against Mr. Justice Fletcher read and refer- red. having estimated the probable expenses of the said Cor- poration for the current year, upon an average of the four preceding years, and after having enquired into the means at its disposal to meet those expenses, have come to the conclusion that a grant of £250, currency, would be sufficient for the current year, upon the suppo- sition, however, that the Act imposing a Tax upon Emi- grants shall continue in force, and that the proportion of that tax which would accrue to the said Corporation, would amount to something near the sum which it has re- ceived for the year which has just expired, and that if the contrary be the case, it would be necessary to grant the said Corporation an additional sum of £500. Your Committee leaving it to Your Honorable House to de- termine whether this last sum ought to be granted con- ditionally, or whether it would not be more expedient to defer doing so for the present, and to indemnify the said Corporation next Session for whatever sum it may have failed to receive in consequence of the discontinu- ance of the said Tax. Your Committee next took up the application of Dr. Nelson , for a balance of Salary for services rendered by him as Health Commissioner at Montreal in 1832. Your Committee, guided by their Evidence taken before them with reference to the Petition presented by Dr. Beau- bien , who was in every respect in the same position as Dr. Nelson, and governing themselves by the principles laid down by them in Dr. Beaulieu'’ s case, are unani- mously of opinion that there is justly due to Dr. Nelson, a sum of £83. 6s. 8d. which he ought to have received long ago, had the funds at the disposal of the Executive admitted of it. The Petition of Dr. Arnoldi was then taken into con- sideration bv Your Committee. This Petition contains precisely a similar application to that upon which Your Committee have just reported the determination, and they accordingly recommend, for the reasons given in the preceding case, that a like sum of £83. 6s. 8d. cur- rency, be granted toDr. Arnoldi, as the balance of Salary due him for his services as Visiting Physician in Mon- treal in 1833. Lastly, Your Committee proceeded to consider the Report of the Commissioners appointed for the support of the Insane, of Foundlings, and of the indigent Sick in the District of Three Rivers ; and after having given every attention to the said Report, and the Documents accompanying it, Your Committee have resolved to re- commend, 1st. That a sum of £36. 5s. il^d. be granted to reimburse to the said Commissioners, a like sum by them expended in 1833 and 1834, over and above the appropriations made for those years. 2nd. That a fur- ther sum of £4 56. Is. 5d. currency, be granted to the same Commissioners, to indemnify them for the expenses by them incurred for the same object, during the year ended the 10th October last. 3rd. and lastly, that a further sum of £475, currency, be granted them to en- able them to meet the probable expenses which may be incurred for the same object during the year ending 10th October next, to be divided into the following pro- portions : £150, for the support of the Insane ; £125, for the support of the indigent Sick, and £200, for the support of Foundlings in the said District. Ordered , That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Tuesday next. On Motion of Mr. Child , seconded by Mr. Bedard, Ordered, That the Entries in the Journals of this House, relating to divers complaints of Silas Horton Dickerson , Francis Armstrong Evans , and Philip Flan- ders Vol—4 5 Montreal for the years 1834 and 1835, be referred to a Committee of five Members, to examine the same and report thereon with all convenient speed, with pow- er to send lor persons, papers and records. Ordered , That Mr. Jobin, Mr. Leslie , Mr. Lafontaine, Mr. De Bleury and Mr. Scott do compose the said Com- mittee. Flanders, centre John Fletcher, Ecuyer, Juge Provin- cial du District de St. Francois, etant plusieurs Rap- ports faits a cette Chambre par les Comites Speeiaux cficelie, sur les dites plaintes, le l‘2e jour de Mars 1829, le I9e jour de Mars 1830, le 22e jour de Mars 1831, et les Resolutions sur iceux, le 24e jour du memo mois ; aussi un autre Rapport fait a cette Chambre le lSejour de Fevrier 1832, soient maintenant lues. Les dites Entrees out ete lues en cons6quence. Ordonne , Que les dites Entrees soient referees au Comhi Permanent des Griefs. Resolu, Que le Message de Son Excellence le Gou- ;^ f e a 6 ^ e Pr . verneur-en-Chef, du 27 Novembre 1835, avec les Do° sons et i leur cumens qui l’accompagnent ; et aussi les Rapports des R a C ppor t e 5 ’ des les Commissaires pour Erection d’une Nouvelle Prison a Montreal, pour les annees 1834 et 1835, soient reteres Montreal, a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour les examiner et en re,eres ’ faire rapport avec toule la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Jobin , M. Leslie, M. Lafontaine M. De Bleary et M. Scott composent le dit Comi- te. I On Motion of Mr. Kimber, seconded by Mr. Dubord, imZSZf* Resolved , That an humble Address be presented to the Leases et - Flis Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying him sifiery!*' tobepleasecl to cause to be laid before this House, Copies of all Correspondence with the Executive Go- vernment and with the Commissioner of the Jesuits’ Estates, relative to the renewal of the Leases of the Beaches at Sillery, since the year 1822, and Copies of the Reports of the Executive Council recommending such Leases to Messieurs Jeffreys, Hough, Pemberton and Sharpies. Ordered, That Mr. Kimber, Mr. Dubord, Mr. Leslie and Mr. O'Callaghan do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. ThirdReport of Mr. Bedard, from the Standing Committee of Griev- G“nc e e e s! , I ances, presented to the House the Third Report of the relating to the g^jd Committee, which was again read at the Cieiks Chairmen of Quarter Ses- lable. A°pp S endix For the said Report, see Appendix (E. E.) at the end (e.e.; c f this Volume. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on \ Wednesday next. Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the said Re- port be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Sur Motion de M. Kimber , seconde par M. Dubord ' Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adi esse a des Papiers re- Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le priant de vouloir b en faire mettre devant cette Chambre, Copie Stiiery. de tonte la Correspondance qui a en lieu avec le Gou- vernement Executif et avec le Commissaire des Biens des Jesuites, relativement anx renouvehement des Baux pour les Greves de Sillery, depuis 1832, et Copie des Rapports du Conseil Executif, accordant les dits Baux a Messieurs Jeffreys , Hough, Pemberton et Sharpies. Ordonne, Que M. Kimber » M. Dubord, M. Leslie et M. O’Callaghan presentent la dite Adresse a Son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en Chef. M. Bedard, du Comite Permanent des Griefs, a pre- sente a !a Chambre le Troisi&me Rapport du Comite, lequel a ete !u de nouveau ala Table du Greffier, Troisiemc Rap- port du Comite des Griefs, re- latifaux Presi- dens des Sessions de Qu artier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (E. E.) a la fin a ^Te c / de ce V o! nine. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit ref'ere a un Comite detoute la Chambre, Mercredi prochain. Ordonne, Que deux cents Exemplaires du dit Rap- port soient imprimes pour l usage des Membres de cette Chambre. Report on Edu- _\[ r Huot, from the Standing Committee of Educa* canon Bill. ^ ^ Schools, reported that the Committee had gone through the BHi for the further and permanent encou- ragement of Education, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered , That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House on Tuesday next. M. Huot, du Co mite Permanent pour l’Education et bit dUMuol- 1 ’ les Ecoles, a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe tion - le Bill pour 1’encouragement ulterieur et perma- nent de l’Education, et y avait fait plusieurs amende- mens, lesquels amendemens out ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que ie dit Bill et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Mardi prochain. Commiitee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee First Report on llc w _ ,» / 0 .. , , • ] .Education and oil t]\Q Pifst licpOTt OL til Q otcindlllg UOHfimitt66 Oi Cl 11 — Schools. cation and Schools, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Fortin took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed t lie Chair; And Mr. Fortin reported that the Committee had come L’Ordredu jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Premier Rap- Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent P° l r J* u e r t 1 ’if s du ' pour 1’ Edu cation et les Ecoles, ayant He In ; £coies. La Chambre s est en consequence formee en le dit Comite ; M. Fortin a prisle Fauteuil du Comite; et apres v avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateura repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Fortin a fait rapport que le Comite avait pas- se 6 Will. IV. 13 ° Januariu 355 come to several Resolutions, which he was directed to submit to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received on Friday next. se plusieurs Resolutions, qu’ii avail ordre de soumettre la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit recu Vendredi pro- chain. crntinReluon^ I he Order of the day for the House in Committee Accounts, &c. on the Second Report of the Standing Committee for the Contingent Accounts and other objects connected with the internal Pepartment of the House of Assem- bly, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Tuesday next. Gasp? Lsmdxu The Order of the day for the House in Committee ties Bui. on the BjH to make further provision for the security of Titles to Real Property in tne Inferior District of Gaspe, and to repeal two Acts therein mentioned, be- ing read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Perrault took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Perrault reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made an amendment thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received on Friday next. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en second K ap - Comitesur le Second Rapport du Comite Permanent ntp^co..- pour les Depenses contingentes et autres objets rela- j lngcnle8 ' etc > tit's aux Departemens interieurs de la Chambre d’As- semblee, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mardi prochain. L’Qrdre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme com.fesur ie en Comite sur le Bill; pour pourvoir ulterieurement a^Tcr^dans a la conservation des Titres des Biens-fonds dans Gasp<5 ‘ le District Inferieur de Gaspe , et pour abroger deux Actes y mentionn£s, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Co mite. M. Perrault a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateura repris le Fauteuil ; Lt M. Perrault a fait rapport que le Comite avait pass6 le Bill et y avait fait un amendement dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re5u Vendredi pro- chain. Sheriffs’ office ^ ' le Order ot the day for the House in Committee on regulation Bill, the Bill for making certain regulations respecting the Office of Sheriff, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Kimber took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Kimber reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received on Friday next. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite »urie Comite sur le Bill pour faire certains Reglemens au ° U I r * gler sujel de l’Office de Sherif, ayant etd lu ; sheriff La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le drt Comite. M. Kimber a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Kimber a fait rapport que le Comite avai passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemen3, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re9u Vendredi pro- chain. Co? 'office ° n The Order of the day for the House in Committee Bi “’ on the Bill to establish a Post Office in this Province, and to provide for the future management of the same, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Meilleur took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Meilleur reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit anain. o Ordered , That the said Committee have leave to sit again on Fridaynext. A*mendmenis to The Order of the day for the House in Committee Fn'ActTeiatfng on ^ ie Amendments made by the Legislative Council to Elections, do to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act to amend an Act there- “ in mentioned relating to Elections,” being read; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Monday the twenty fifth instant. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur io Comite sur le Bill pour etablir un Bureau de Poste Ruleau^de" dans cette Province, et pour pourvoir a la regie de ce Fostc - Bureau a l’avenir, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Meilleur a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander permission de sieger de nouveau, Ordonne , Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sieger de nouveau, Vendredi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Amend*™..* Comite sur les Amendemens fails par le Conseil Le- bIh^o "?? 1 au gislatif au Bill, intitule, “ Acte pour amender un amender un “ Acte y mentionne concernant les Elections,” ayant aux Elections, ete lu ; remis - Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soil; remis a Lun- di, le vingt-cinq du courant. FomtFt?ee rt on 0f The Order of the day for the House in Committee Fc°impr n oveF ub ' on the First Re P ort °f the Standing Committee of'Roads ments, deferred. and Public Improvements, and, also, on the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Village of Georgeville, in the L'Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations publiques, et aussi la Petition de divers Habitans du Village de George- ville Premier Rap- port du Comitfi sur les Che- mins et Ame- liorations Pu- bliques, remis. 356 1 3 " — 15 " Januarii. A. 1836 . Committee on Ordinance of 1667 . Council’s Amendments to Bill for preser- ving Grass on Beaches, consi- dered, and agreed to. First and Se- cond Reports of Committee on Public Ac- counts, defer- red. Message to Council for at- tendance of Honble. P. De llocheblave. t he Township of Slanstcad, and the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Shejford, District of Mont- real, being read; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Saturday next. zd lie dans le Township de Stanstead, et sur la Petition de divers Habitans du Comte de Shejford, District de Montreal , ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis Samedi prochain. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider the expediency of amending the Tenth Ar- ticle of the Tenth Title of the Ordinance of 1667, be- ing read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Courteau took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Courteau reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again on Friday next. L' Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comite sur Comite pour considerer s’il est expedient d arnen- L°i 667 . nance der l* Article Dix du Titre Dix de fOrdonnance de 1667, ayant ete lu ; Da Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le clit Comite ; M. Courteau a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur arepris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Courteau a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander permission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne , Que le Comite ait la permission de sieger de nouveau, Vendredi prochain. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Amendments made by the Legislative Council to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act for preserving, for “ the purposes of Husbandry, the Grass growing on “ Beaches in the District of Quebec,* being read ; The said Amendments were read, and are as fol- loweth : Press 1 . Line 29. — Leave out “ maintained,” and in- sert “ contained.” SO. — After “ Beaches,” insert “ as.” 36. — After “ pence,” insert “ Currency.” Press 3. Line 2. — Leave out from “ and” inclusive, to “ longer,” also inclusive, in the fifth Line of the same Press The House then resolved itself into the said Commit- tee. Mr. Scott took the Chair of the Committee ; and af- ter some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Scott reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is as followeth : Pesolved, That this House doth concur with the Le- gislative Council in the said Amendments. Ordered, That Mr. Tache do carry back the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and acquaint their Honors, that this House hath agreed to their Amendments. L’Ordredu jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Amendemens Comite sur PAmendement fait par le Conseil Legisla- BiiPpo^rcon- tif an Bill, intitul6, “Acte pour conserver “pour les server leFoin “ fins de 1’ Agriculture le Foin qui croit sur les Grhves, consideres et “ dans le District de Quebec,” ayant £te lu ; adoples * Le dit Amendement a ete lu, et est comme suit : Feuille 3e Ligne 3. — Retranchez depuis “ Et qu il” inclusivement, jusqu’a “ long- “ temps,” aussi inclusivement dans la cinquieme ligne de la meme Feuille. La Chambre s’est alors formee en le dit Comite. M. Scott a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Scott a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe une Resolution, laquelle Resolution a ete lue de nou- veau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre, et e'le est comme suit : Resolu , Que cette Chambre concourt avec le Con- seil Legislatif dans le dit Amendement. Ordonne , Que M. Tache reporte le dit Bill au Con- seil Legislatif, et informe leurs Honneurs que cette Chambre a adopte leur Amendement. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First, Second and Third Reports of the Stand- ing Committee of Public Accounts, being read; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Tuesday next. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en f o r n e ™® r Tr ® e ' Comite sur le Premier, le Second et le TroisRme Rap sieme Rapports port du Comity Permanent des Comptes Publics, ayant Comptes SU ' ete lu ; Publics, remis. Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mardi prochain. Then, on Motion of Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Per- rault. The House adjourned till Friday next. Alors, sur Motion de M. Scott, seconde par M. Per vault, La Chambre s’est ajournee a Vendredi prochain. Friday , 1 5th January , 1836. Vendredi , 15 Janvier 1836. Motion of Mr. Jobin, seconded by Mr. Leslie, Resolved, That a Message be sent to the Legislative Council, praying that theii Honors will permit the Honorable K^UR Motion de M. Jobin, second^ par M Leslie , Resolu, Qu’il soit envoye un Message au Conseil Legislatif, pour prier leurs Honneurs de permettre a I’Honorable Message au Conseil, pour la presence de 1’ Honorable P. De Rocheblave. 6 Will. I V. 1 5° Januarii. Second Report of Committee on Roads and Public Im- provements, Appendix (A. A.) Resolutions on Education and Schools, repor- ted. Honorable Pierre De Rocheblave , one of their Mem- bers, to attend the Special Committee to whom is re- ferred the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the 27 th November 1835, with the accompa- nying Documents; and, also, the Reports of the Com- missioners for the erection of a new Gaol at Montreal, for the years 1834 and 1835, on Monday next at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to be examined on the subject of the said reference. Ordered, That Mr. Jobin do carry the said Message to the Legislative Council. Mr. Archambcault, from the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements, presented to the House the Second Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. For the said Report, see Appendix (A. A.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Saturday the twenty third instant. Ordered , That one hundred Copies of the said Re- port be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Mr. Fortin, from the Committee of the whole House on the First Report of the Standing Committee of Education and Schools, reported, according to Order, the Resolutions of the said Committee, which Resolu- tions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followeth : 1. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Forty five pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, as a pen- sion to Augustus Wolff, heretofore School Master, that is, Fifteen pounds per annum, for the years 1834 and 1835, and Fifteen pounds for the year 1836. 2. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Five hun- dred and sixty pounds currency, be granted to His Ma- jesty, for the support of the Education Society of the District of Quebec, that is, Two hundred and eighty .pounds currency, as an aid towards discharging the debts incurred by them in maintaining their Girls’ and Boys’ Schools during the year 1835, and Two hundred and eighty pounds currency, as an aid towards suppor- ting the said School during the year 1836. 3. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Two hundred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the Trustees of the Sherbrooke Academy, that is, One hun- dred pounds currency, as an aid towards discharging the debts they have incurred in maintaining the said Academy during the year 1835, and One hundred pounds currency, as an aid towards maintaining the said Academy during the year 1836. 4. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the Trustees of the Church School District in the Parish of Ste.Anne de la Perade , to enable them to complete their School- house ; the said sum payable on the production of a Certificate that the said Building is entirely finished, and that the ground on which it stands has been paid for. 5. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the Trustees of the Charleston Academy, as an aid towards the sup- port of the said Academy during the year 1836. 6. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Four hun- dred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the British and Canadian School at Montreal , that is, Two hundred pounds towards discharging the debts contracted for the support of the said School in 1835, and O r w i (’Honorable Pierre De Rocheblave, un de lours Mem- bres, de venir devant le Comite Special auquel est ref6- re le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef, du 27 Novembre 1835, avec les Documens qui l’accompagnent, et aussi, les Rappoits des Commis- sairespour l’erection d’une nouvelle Prison a Montreal , pour les anuses 1834 et 1835, Lundi prochain a dix heures du matin, pour etre examine sur le sujet de la dite reference. Ordonne, Que M. Jobin porte le dit Message au Conseil L^gislatif. M. Archambeault , du Comite Permanent des Che- Second Rap- minset des Ameliorations publiques, a presente a la LTies U ch° m '‘~ Chambre le Second Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a {Tomioni A p ™-" ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. biiques.. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (A. A.j a la fin Appends dece Volume. ‘ (A ’ A ° Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Co- mite de toute la Chambre, Samedi le vingt-trois du courant. Ordonne, Que cent Exemplaires du dit Rapport soient imprimis pour I’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. M. Fortin, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le 1 ?E^“ a \ i ° 0 n n ’ e s “ r Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent pour l’Educa- les Ecoie°, "op- tion et les Ecoles, a fait rapport, conformement a port4es ’ l’Ordre, des Resolutions du dit Comite, lesquelles Re- solutions ont ete lues de nouveau a la Table du Gref- fier, et adoptees par la Chambre ; et eiles sont comme suit : 1. Resolu, Qu’une sormne n’excedant pas Quarante- cinq livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, comme pension a Augustus Wolff, ci-devant Maitre d’Ecole ; savoir : Quinze livres par annee pour les annees 1834 et 1835, et Quinze livres pour I’annee 1836. 2. Resolu, Qu'une somrae, n’excedant pas Cinq cent soixante livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour le soutien de la Societe d’Education du District de Quebec,' savoir : Deux cent quatre-vingts livres, pour l’aider a payer les dettes quelle a contractees pour sou- tenir ses Ecoles de Gallons et de Filles durant l’annee 1835, et Deux cent quatre-vingts livres pour l’aider a soutenir les dites Ecoles durant 1’annH 1836. 3. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Deux cents livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, en fa- veur des Syndics de 1’ Academie de Sherbrooke, savoir : Cent livres pour les aider a acquitter les dettes qu’ils ont contractees pour le soutien de la dite Academie, durant l’annee 1835, et Cent livres pour aider & soute- nir la dite Academie durant I’annee 1836. 4. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cinquante livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour les Syndics de l’Arrondissement de l’Eglise en la^Paroisse de Ste. Anne de la Perade, pour les mettre en etat de completer leur Maison d’Ecole ; la dite somme payable sur la production d’un certificat que ce Batiment est entierement fini, et que le terrein sur lequel il est bati en aura ete paye. 5. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cinquante livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour les Syn- dics de 1’Academie de Charleston, comme une aide pour le soutien de la dite .Academie durant l’annee 1836. 6. Resolu , Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Quatre cents livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour l’Ecole Britannique et Canadienne a Montreal, savoir : Deux cents livres pour la mettre en Hat de payer les dettes qu’elle a contractees pour soutenir son Ecole en Vol. — 45. 35 8 1.5° Januariu A 1S36. and Two hundred pounds as an aid lowardssup porting the said School during the year 1836. 7. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding 1 wo Hun- dred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the Trustees of the Stanstead Seminary, tnat is, One hundred pounds to enable them to discharge the debts contracted for the support of the said Seminary m 1835, and One hundred pounds, as an aid towards the support of the same in 1836. , 8. Resolved , That a sum, not exceeding Two hun- dred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, ior the Education Society of Berliner , in the District of Montreal , that is, One hundred pounds currency, to- wards discharging the debts contracted for the support of their Academy during the year 1835, and One hun- dred pounds currency, as an aid towards the suppoit o the same for the year 1836. 9. Resolved , That a sum, not exceeding Ten pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for Alexander Duff, lor his Salary as School Master in the Township of Inverness, from the 15th May to the 15th November, 18 10. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Two hun- dred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, tor the Trustees of St. Andrew's School at Quebec, that is, One hundred pounds currency, to enable them to dis- charge the debts they have contracted for their School during the year 1835, and One hundred pounds curren- cy, towards the support of the said School, for the year 1836. .. T? u 11 . Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Four hun- dred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the Committee of the British and Canadian School at Quebec that is, Two hundred pounds currency, as an aid towards discharging the debts they have contracted for the support of their Boys’ and Girls’ Schools during the year 1 835, and Two hundred pounds currency, as an aid towards the support of the said Schools duiing tie year 1836. .. r „. , 12. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Three hun- dred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for Joseph Francois Perrault, Esquire, as an aid, tnat is, One hundred and fifty pounds currency, to reimburse his expenses incurred for the support of his Boys a d Girls’ Schools during the year 1835, and One hundred and fifty pounds currency, towards enabling him to meet the expenses of his Schools for the year 1836. 13. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Ninety pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the Missionary and Chiefs of the Christian Huron Indians of Lorette, to enable them to procure instruction tor their children, that is, Forty five pounds currency, to pay the arrears for the year 1835, and Forty five pounds for the year 1836. 14,. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Two hun- dred and twenty two pounds four shillings and four pence currency, be granted to His Majesty, lor the Committee of Management of the National School at Quebec , that is, One' hundred and eleven pounds two shillings and two pence currency, as an aid towards pay- ing the expenses incurred by them for the support of the said School during the year 1835, and One hundied and eleven pounds two shillings and two pence curren- cy, for the year 1836. 15. Resolved , That a sum, not exceeding One hun- dred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, or the Trustees of the Church School District in the 1 a- rish of St. Pierre, Riviere du Sud, to enable them to complete their School House *, the said sum payaole when the Trustees shall have produced an authentic 1 1 tie 1835, et Deux cents livres pour aider au soutien de la dite Ecole durant l’annee 1836. 7. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Deux cents livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour les Syn- dics du Seminaire de Stanstead, savoir : Cent livres pour les mettre er. Hat d’acquitter les dettes qu’ils ont contractees pour le soutien de leur Seminaire en 1 835, et Cent livres pour aider au soutien du dit etablisse- menten 1836. 8. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Deux cents livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour la So- ciete d’ Education a Berthier, dans le District de Mont- real, savoir : Cent livres courant pour aider a acquitter les dettes qu’elle a contractees pour le soutien de son Academie durant l’annee 1835, et Cent livres courant pour aider au soutien de cette Academie durant 1 an- nee 1836. tv r 9. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Dix livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour Alexander Duff pour son Salaire comme Maitre d Ecole au 1 own- ship Inverness, depuis le 15 Mai jusqu’au 15 Novem- 18 f 0 : Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Deux cents livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour les Syndics de l’Ecole de St. Andre, h Quebec, savoir : Cent livres courant pour les mettre en etat de payer les dettes qu'ils ont contractees pour leur Ecole durant Tannee 1835, et Cent livres courant pour le support de la dite Ecole, pour Fannie 1836. 11. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Quatre cents livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour le Comit6 de 1’Ecole Britannique et Canadienne a Que- bec, savoir : Deux cents livres courant, pour les aider a payer les dettes qu’ils ont contractees pour supporter leurs Ecoles de Galons et de Filles durant 1 annee 1835, et Deux cents livres courant, pour les aider a supporter leurs Ecoles durant 1 annee 1836. 12. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Trois cents livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour Josepli-Franqois Perrault, Ecuyer, comme une aide, savoir : Cent cinquante livres courant, pour le rem- bourser des depenses qu’il a faites pour supporter ses Ecoles de Galons et de Filles durant 1 annee 1835, et Cent cinquante livres courant, pour 1’aider a rencontrer les depenses de ses Ecoles pour 1 annee IS06. 13. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Quatre- vino-t-dix livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pom - le Missionnaire, etles Chefs des Sauvages Hurons Chretiens de Lorette, pour les mettre en etat de pro- curer de l’instruction a leurs enfans, savoir : Quarante- cinq livres courant, pour payer les Arrerages de 1 an- nee 1835, et Quarante-cinq livres qourant pour 1 annee 1836. , , , 14. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Deux cent vingt-deux livres quatre schellings et quatre de- niers courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour le Co- mite de Regie de TEcole Nationale a Quebec , savoir : Cent onze livres deux schellings et deux demers cou- rant, pour les aider a payer les depenses par eux encou- rues pour le soutien de leur Ecole durant 1 annee 183. , et Cent onze livres deux schellings et deux demers courant, pour l’annee 1836. 15. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cent livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, po| ir ’ es ^' r ? dies de T Ecole de 1’Arrondissement de 1 Eghse en la Paroisse St. Pierre, Riviere du Sud, pour les mettie en etat de computer leur Maison d’Ecole, la dite somme a etre payee lorsque les Syndics auront produrt ur. 6 Will. IV. 1 5° Januarii , 359 litle iii their favor of the ground on which the said Titre authentique en leur favour du terrein sur leouel School House is built. la dite Maison est batie. J 16. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Two hun- 16. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Deux dred and twenty two pounds four shillings and four cent vingt-deux livres cpiatre schellings et (iuatre de- pence currency, be granted to His iMajesty, for the niers courant, soit accords a Sa Majeste, pour Je Co- Committee of Management of the National School at mit6 de Regie de l’Ecole Nationale a Montreal, savoir : Montreal , that is, One hundred and eleven pounds two Cent onze livres deux schellings et deux deniers cou- shillings and two pence currency, to pay the arrears due rant, pour payer les arrerages qu’il doit pour l’annee by them for the year 1835, and One hundred and eleven 1 835, et Cent onze livres deux schellings et deux de pounds two shillings and two pence, as an aid towards niers courant, pour aider a supporter cette Ecole Dour the support of the said School for the year 1836. Rannee 1830. 17- Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Seventy 17. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excEdant pas Soixante- five pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for quinze livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste pour the Education Society of the Lower Town of Quebec, la Societe d’Education de la Basse-Ville de Quebec as an aid towards providing Instruction for the poor pour l’aider k procurer de Instruction aux enfans children in that part of the Town. pauvres de cette partie de la Ville. 18. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Three hun- 18. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Trois dred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the cents livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majene pour Education Society of the District of Three Rivers, that la Societe d’Education du District des Trois- Rivieres is. One hundred and fifty pounds currency, as an aid to- savoir: Cent cinquante livres courant, pour Raider a’ wards discharging the debts they have contracted for payer les dettes qu’ellea contractees pour le soutien de the support of their School in 1835, and One hundred son Ecole en 1835, et Cent cinquante livres courant and fifty pounds currency, as an aid towards enabling pour l’aider a rencontrer les defenses de sa dite Ecole’ them to meet the expenses of the said School for the pour l’annee 1836. year 1836. 19. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Three hun- 19. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Trois dred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for cents livres courant, soit accordee £ Sa Majeste, pour the Members of the Committee of Management of the les Membres du Comite de Regie de l’Ecole des Re- Recollets School at Montreal, that is. One hundred and collets a Montreal, savoir : Cent cinquante livres cou- fifty pounds currency, towards discharging the debts rant, pour les mettre en etat de payer les dettes qu’ils they have contracted for the support of their Boys’ and ont contractees pour le soutien de leur Ecole de Gar- Girls’ School during the year 1835, and One hundred 90ns et de Fillesdurant 1’annee 1835, et Cent cinquante and fifty pounds currency, as an aid towards the sup. livres courant, pour les aider a supporter cette Ecole port of the said School during the year 1836. durant l’annee 1836. 20. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Six hun- 20. Resolu , Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Six cents dred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty for livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour le Re- the Reverend Mr. Painchand, Founder of the College at verend Messire Painchaud, Fondateur du College de Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere, that is. Three hundred Sle. Anne de la Pocatiere, savoir: Trois cents livres cou- pounds currency, as an aid towards discharging the rant, pour Raider a payer les dettes qu’il a contractees debts by him contracted for the support of his College pour le soutien de son College en 1835, et Trois cents in 1835, and Three hundred pounds currency, as an aid livres courant, pour Raider k soutenir son etablissement towards the support of the same, for the year 1836. pour l’annee 1836. 21. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Six hundred 21. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Six ceDts pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour le RE- Reverend Mr. Mignault, Founder of the College at verend Messire Mignault, Fondateur du Colleo- e de Chambly , that is, Three hundred pounds currency, as Chambly, savoir : Trois cents livres courant, pour l’ai~ an aid towards discharging the debts by him contracted der a payer les dettes qu’il a contractees pour le sou- for the support of his College in 1835, and Three hun- tien de son College en 1835, et Trois cents livres cou- dred pounds currency, as an aid towards the support of rant, pour Raider a soutenir cet etablissement pour Ran- the same, for the year 1836. nee 1836. 22. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Six hun- 22. Resolu , Qu’une somme 11’excEdant pas Six cents dred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour le Re- the Reverend Mr. Prince, Superior of the College of verend Messire Prince , Superieur du Colieoe de St St. Hyacinthe, that is, Three hundred pounds currency, Hyacinthe, savoir : Trois cents livres courant, pour as an aid towards discharging the debts by him contrac- Raider a payer les dettes contractees pour le support de ted for the purpose of the said College in 1835, and ce College en 1835, et Trois cents livres courant, pour Three hundred pounds currency, as an aid towards the l’aider a soutenir cet Etablissement en 1836. support of the same in 1836. 23. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Five hun- 23. Resolu , Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cinq dred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for cents livres courant, soit accordee a Sa MajestE, pour the Reverend Mr. Prince, to enable him to procure, for le Reverend Messire Prince, pour le mettre en Hat de the benefit of Pupils at the College of St. Hyacinthe , a se procurer, pour REducation des Eleves du College de Chemical Laboratory and Philosophical Apparatus. St. Hyacinthe, un Laboratoire de Chimie et un Cabinet de Physique. 24. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Three 24. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Trois hundred pounds currency, be granted to His Ma- cents livres courant, soit accordee k Sa Majeste, pour jesty, for the Academy of V Assomption , that is, One l’Academie de R Assomption, savoir : Cent livres cou- hundred pounds currency, as an aid towards discharg- rant pour aider a payer les dettes contractees pour le ing the debts contracted for the support of the said soutien de cet Etablissement en 1835, Cent livres cou- establishment in 1835, One hundred pounds currency, rant, pour aider a son soutien pour Rannee 18S6, et as an aid towards the support of the same in 1836, and Cent livres courant pour indemniser les Syndics de One cette 1 5° JanuariK 360 A. 1836 , One hundred pounds currency, to indemnify the Trus- cette Academie des frais extvaordinaires auxquels ils lees of the said Academy for the extra expenses incurred ont ete exposes en consequence des ameliorations qu’ils in consequence of the improvements they have made in ont faites dans leur etablissement. that establishment. • 25. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Seven ban- 25. Resolu, Qu’une somme n'excedant pas Sept died and fifty pounds currency, be granted to His Ma- cent cinquante livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Ma- jesty, for the Ursuline Nuns at Quebec , to enable them jeste, pour les Dames Religieuses Ursulines de Quebec , rebuild the House in which the School for the day pour les mettre en etat de rebatir la Maison dans la- Scholars is now held at their Convent. quelle se tient actuellement 1’Ecole des externes ad- mises a leur Convent. 26. Resolved , That a sum, not exceeding Six hun- 26. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Six cents died pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour les the Ursuline Nuns at Three Rivers, as an aid towards Dames Religieuses Ursulines des Trois- Rivieres, pom- discharging the debts they have contracted in erecting les aider a payer les dettes qu’elles ont contracffes en an additional Building for the purposes of Education. faisant line addition a leur Maison pour les fins de l’E- ducation. 27* Resolved, That a sum, not exceedingFivehundred 27* Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cinq and sixty eight pounds five shillings and five pence cur- cent soixante et huit livres cinq schellings et cinq de- rency, be granted to His Majesty, for the Commissioners niers courant, soit accord6e a Sa Majeste, pour les of the Deaf and Dumb Institution at Quebec, to enable Commissaires do l’Institut des Sourds-Muets a Quebec, them to pay for the board and lodging of the Pupils in pour les mettre en etat de payer la Pension des Eco- that Institution, from the 1st May, 1865, to the 1st liers admis a cette Institution, depuis le ler Mai 1835, May, 1836; for the rent of the House for the same pe- jusqu’au ler Mai 1836, pour le loyer de la Maison du- riod, and, also, the Salary of the Master, and for the rant la meme periode, ainsi que pour le traitement de board and lodging of Antoine Caron, as Assistant, and l’lnstituteur et la Pension d* Antoine Caron, comme As- for Books and Stationary, as well as to pay other ex- sistant, et pour Livres, Papeterie, et autres depenses penses incurred by the said Commissioners. des dits Commissaires. G«epe Land Mr. Perrault, from the Committee of the whole House Titi« Bui re j on the Bill to make further provision for the security of porud Titles to Real Property in the InferiorDistrict of Gaspe, and to repeal two Acts therein mentioned, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be en- grossed. M. Perrault, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur ^ Tenes'dan* le Bill pour pourvoir ullerieurement a la conservation Gaspe, rapport, des Titres des Biens-f'onds dans le District Inferieurde Gaspe, et pour abrogerdeux Actes y mentionnes, a fait rapport conformement a l’Ordre de 1’amendement fait an dit Bill par le Comite, lequel amendement a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adopte par la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill, tel qn’amende, soit gros- soy£. „ M x.Kimber, from the Committee of the whole House regular, on Bill on the Bill for making certain regulations respecting reported t j ie office of Sheriff, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Ta- ble, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be en- grossed. M. Kimber, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le pofifce^shfc-' Bill pour faire certains Reglemens au sujet de l’Office rif, rapports, de Sherif, a fait rapport, conformement a l’Ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens ont et6 lus de nouveau h la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. Agriculture Bill read tbe second time. A Bill to repeal a certain Act therein mentioned, and more effectually to remedy divers abuses prejudicial to Agriculture, was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Arcliambeaull, Mr. Tache, Mr. Gugy , Mr. Deligny and Mr. Morin do compose the said Committee. Conformement a l’Ordre, tin Bill pour revoquer un d ,’ u A u ? ’; certain Acte y mentionnb, et pour remedier plus condefois. efficacement a divers abus prejudiciables a 1’ Agricul- ture, a ete lu une seconde iois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Archambeault, M. Tache , M. Gu- gy, M. Deligny et M. Morin composent le dit Comite. First Report of The Order of the day for the House in Committee Couru' of j us- on ^ ie First Report of the StandingCommittee of Courts t ice, deferred, of Justice, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order ofthedaybe postponed till Monday the first of February next.* L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en p 0 r r e t m d i u r c 0 mu6 Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent sur ies des Cours de Justice, ayant ete lu ; ceTemfs 6 Jusl '* O) donne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Lun- di, le premier F^vrier prochain. First Report of The Order of the day for the House in Committee L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en p ^* r ® i *P* wlutla Lands" on ^ lc First Report of the Special Committee to whom Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Special au- suries Terres deferred. j was referred the Answer of His Excellency the late quel a £te referee la Rcponse de Son Excellence le ci- Governor in Chief, of the 5th March, 1834, to the Ad- devant Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 5 Mars 1834, 1’A- dress of this House of the 24th February, 1834, r el a- dresse de cette Chambre du 24 F^vrier 1834, relative- ting ment Committee on 1 'usl Office Bill. Ordinance of 1667 deferred. Answer to an Address, Message from the Council. The Council have agreed to: Bill relating to differences be- tween Masters and Servants, with amend- ments. 6 Will. IV. ting to grants of Lands to the Officers and Militiamen who served during the late War with the United States, and other references, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be postponed till Monday the twenty fifth instant. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to establish a Post Office in this Province, and to provide for the future management of the same, be- ing read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Meilleur took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Meilleur reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again to-morrow. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider the expediency of amending the Tenth Article oftheTenthTitle of the Ordinance of IC67, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Be- dard, The House adjourned. 861 ment aux octrois de terres aux Officiers et Miliciens qui out servi dans la derniere Guerre avec les Ktats- Unis , et autres references, ay ant ete hi ; Ordonne, Que le ditOrdre dujour soit remis a Lun- di, le vingt-cinq du courant. Alois sur Motion de M. Viger, second^ par M. Be- dard, La Chambre s’est ajourn^e. 15 °* — 16 ° Januarii. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comite Comite sur le Bill pour Oablir un Bureau de Poste Bureau de dans cette Province, et pour pourvoir a la regie de ce Poste ‘ Bureau a l’avenir, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formec en le d it Comite. M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite j et apres v avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Meilleur a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander permission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne, Que ledit Comite ait la permission de sie- ger de nouveau demain. L’Ordre dujour pour que la Chambre se forme en Ordonnance Comite pour considerer s’il est expedient d’amender 1667,rem ' se - 1’ Article Dix du Titre Dix de l’Ordonnance de 1667, ayant He lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. Saturdaij, 1 6th January, 1836, Samedi, 16 Janvier 1836. M R. Kimbert, accompanied by the other Messen- gers, reported to the House, that their Address of the thirteenth instant, to His Excellency the Gover- nor in Chief, praying for Copies of all Correspondence with the Executive Government, and with the Commis- sioner of the Jesuits’ Estates, relative to the renewal of the Leases of the Beaches at Sillery, since the year 1832, and Copies of the Reports of the Executive Council re- commending such Leases to Messieurs Jeffreys, Hough, B ember ton and Sharpies, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I will cause to be laid before the House of Assem- bly, in compliance with the prayer of this Address, Co- pies of all Correspondence with the Executive Govern- ment, and with the Commissioner of the Jesuits’ Es- tates, relative to the nenewal of the Leases of the Beaches at Sillery, since the year 1832, and Copies of the Reports of the Executive Council recommending such Leases to Messieurs Jeffreys, Hough , Pemberton and Sharpies. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 1 6th January, 1836. A Message from the Legislative Council by the Ho- norable Mr. De Lery, one of the Masters in Chancery : Mr. Speaker, The Legislative Council have passed the following Bills with several amendments, to which they desire the concurrence of the Assembly: “ An Act for the more easy and less expensive deci- “ sion of differences between Masters and Mistresses “ and Vol. — 45. M Kiniber , accompagne des autres Messagers, a R *p 0nsei iune $ fail rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du Adressc< treize du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef, demandant Copie de toute la Correspondance qui a eu lieu avec le Gouvernement Executif’ et avec le Commissaire des Biens des Jesuites, relativement au renouvellemenl de-“ Baux pour les Grbves de Sil- lery, depurs 1832, et Copie des Rapports du Conseil Executif, accordant les dits Baux a Messieurs Jeffreys, Hough , Pemberton et Sharpies, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu'il lui avait plu de donner la Re- ponse suivante : Messieurs, En conformite dela demande de cette Adresse, je ferai mettre devant la Chambre d’Assemblee, Copie de toute la Correspondance avec le Gouvernement Exe- cutif et avec le Commissaire des Biens des Jesuites, re- lativement au renouvellement des Baux pour les Gra- ves de Sillery, depuis I’annee 1832, et Copie des Rap- ports du Conseil Executif, recommandant les dits Baux a Messieurs Jeffreys, Hough, Pemberton et Sharpies. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 16 Janvier 1836. Le Conseil a concouru aux ; Message du Conseil L^gislatif, par l’Honorable M. ^'sef' Ju De Lery . un des Maitres en Chancellerie : M. l Orateur, Le Conseil Legislatif a passe les Bills suivans, avec plusieurs amendemens auxquels il demande la concur- rence de l’Assemblee : “ Acte qui pourvoit a faire decider d’une manibre biii reiatir an* “plus facile et tnoins dispendieuse les differends qui * 1 ° “ B'aivent 4 ¥ 3 62 16 ° Januarii. A. 18 36. “ and their Servants, Apprentices and Labourers, in “ the Country parts of this Province.” Justices or the << An Act for the qualification of tiie Justices of the Peace qualifies- tion Bill, with “ Peace. amendments. A nd, a l s0 • Legislative Council, Saturday, ICth January, 1S36. Leave to Hono- Ordered, That one of the Masters in Chancery do go Kodiebiave to down to the Assembly and acquaint that House, that House the the Legislative Council do give leave to the Honorable Pierre De Rocheblave, one of the Members of this House, to attend a Special Committee of the House of Assembly to whom is referred the Message of His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief of the 27 th November 1835, with the accomanying Documents, and also the Keports of the Commissioners for the erection of a new Gaol at JMonlreal, for the years 1834 and 1835, on Monday next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to be examined on the subject of the said reference, if he thinks ft. And then he withdrew. Papers deliver- The House being informed that John Davidson, Es- the Ear : Assistant Civil Secretary, was at the door, he was called in ; and at the Bar delivered, pursuant to Addresses to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the 21st December last, and of the 7'th instant, the following Papers: Correspondence 1st. Copies of Proceedings and Correspondence rela- and Documents *j ve to t | )e ere ction of a Gaol and Court House in the relative to the Gaol and Court County of MiSSISkOUl. Documents relating to the erection of a Gaol and Court House in the County of Missiskoui. For the said Documents, see Appendix (T. T.) at the end of this Volume. 2d. Copies of Documents relative to a Complaint of the conduct of certain Magistrates of Three Rivers, pre- ferred by Mr. Justice Vallieres de St. Real. For the said Documents, see Appendix (U. U.) at end of this Volume. On Motion of Mr. Bedard, seconded by Mr. Atcham - sikkoui. A ppendix (T.T.) Documents re- - lative to a com- plaint against certain Magis- trates of Three .Rivers. Aopendix (U. U-) bsault. Ordered, That the Documents relative to a Com- plaint of the conduct of certain Magistrates of Three Rivers, preferred by Mr. Justice Vallieres de. St Real, delivered at the Bar of the House, this day, be refer- red to the Standing Committee of Grievances. inland Cus- Ordered, That That Mr, Leslie have leave to bring 1 hlTfi rsi tl me*.^ in a Bill to regulate and establish the Salaries of the Officers of the Customs at the Inland Ports in this Province, and for other purposes therein mentioned. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the’ first time; and ordered to be read a second time on Wednesday next. “ s’flevent enfre les Maitres et Mattresses et leurs “ Serviteurs, Apprejitis on Engages, dans les Cam- “ pagnes de cette Province ” “ Acte pour la qualification des Juges de Paix.” Et aussi, CoNSEIL LeGIS LATTE, Samedi , lG Janvier 1836. Bill pour la qualification des Juges de l’aix, avec des araendemens. Ordonne, Qu’un des Maitres en Chancellerie se Permission^ rende a l’Assemblee, et informe cette Chambre, que !e De°R° C h e biave* Conseil L£gis!atif permet a I’Honorable Pierre De uchambre?" 1 Rocheblave, Pun des Membres de cette Chambre, d’al- ler, s’il le juge a propos, devant le Comite Special de la Chambre d’Assemblee, auquel est refers le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 27 No- vembre 1835, avec les Documens qni 1’accompagnent, et aussi les Rapports des Commissaires pour l’erection d’une nouvelle Prison a Montreal, pour les annees 1834 et 1835, Lundi prochain ;V dix heures du matin, pour etre examine sur le sujet de la dite reference. Et ensuite il s’est retire. La Chambre etant informee que John Davidson, , 1 a >a g* r r r s e remis * Ecuyer, Assistant Secretaire Civil, etaita la Porte, il a ete appele, et a remis a la Barre, conformement aux Adresses a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 21 Decembre dernier, et du 7 du courant, les Papiers suivans : I 0 . Copies des Precedes et Correspondance rela- £ or t"nocu an " tivement 1'erection d’une Prison et d’une Cour de Sn" pasollet 3 * Justice dans le Comte de Missiskoui. v ne Cour de . ,, t-> ■ i Justice dans Documens relatits a 1 erection cl Line Prison et d’une Missiskoui. Cour de Justice dans le Comte de Missiskoui. Pour les dits Documens, voir Appendice (T. T.) A A (t"t. C ) C la fin de ce Volume. 2°. Copies de Documens relatifs a une Plainte con- Uycumens reia- . \ . _ . tifs a une plainte tre la conduitede quelques-uns des Magistrals des 1 rots- rontre certains Rivieres, portee par M. le Juge Vallieres de St. Real, rlof Ri^/rcsl Pour les dits Documens, voir Appendice (U. U.) a la fin de ce Volume. Sur Motion de M. Bedard , seconde par M. Arcliam- beniilt , Ordonne, Que les Documens relatifs a une Plainte centre la conduite de quelques-uns des Magistrats des Trois- Rivieres, portee par M. le doge Vallieres de St. Real, remis ce jour a la Barre de cette Chambre, soient refers au Comite Permanent des Griefs. Ordonne, Que M. Leslie ait la permission d’intro- duireun Bill pour regler et etablir les sal ai res des Of- fieiers des Douanes aux Ports tie l’Lnterieur de cette Province, et autres fins y mentionnees. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a etc lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Mercredi prochain. Bill des Dou- anes interieures, lu la premiere fois. On Motion of Mr. Leslie, seconded by Mr. Lafon- taine, That pan of the Ordered, That the Standing Committee of Trade be u.fMagdTn discharged from the further consideration of that part ioa n Depot a o^ B of the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Magdalen Is- lVovisions. lands, relating to the Depot of Provisions on one of again referred. ^ Islands, called Amherst ; and that that part of the said Petition be referred to the Special Committee to whom is referred the Petition ofdivers Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Merchants and others. Sur Motion de M. Leslie, seconde par M. Lafontaine , Ordonne , Que le Comite Permanent de Commerce {4Ckin des* la soit decharge de la consideration ulterieure de la partie Iles . de la Ma e- de la Petition des Habitans des lies de la Magdeleine, ve a un Depot relative a un Depot de Provisions sur Pune des dites ^f^denou- I les, appelee Amherst, et que tellepartie de la dite Pe- venu - tition soit referee au Comite Special auquel est referee la Petition de divers Proprietaires de Vaisseaux, Mai- ties de Vaisseaux, Marchands et autres. Rower to a Committee to repott from to (sitne;. On Motion of Mr. Lajontaine, seconded by Mr. Jjeslie , Ordered, That the Special Committee appointed to enquire concerning the Fees and Emoluments received by Sur Motion de M. Lafontaine , seconde par M. Les- lie, Ordonne, Que le Comite Special nonimd pour s’en- querii des Honoraires et Revenus perp us en vertude leurs Pouvoir a un Comite de 1 faire rapport de temps a autre. 6 Will. IV. 16° Januarii. 363 First Report of Committee on Fees and Emo- luments of Offi- cers of Courts of Justice. A ppendix (V. V.) Report of Com- mittee appoint- ed to enquire respecting the death of John Collins, and into the state of the Montreal Gaol. Appendix (W. W.) Committee on St. Francis Ju- dicature Bill. Committee on Gaspe Notariei Bill. Committee on Bill to appoint Commissioners to treat with Gppet Canada. by the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries and Criers of the Court of Appeals and of the Court of King’s Bench of this Pro- vince, by virtue of their respective Offices, and other references, have power to report from time to time. Mr. Lqfontuine, from the Special Committe appoint- ed to enquire concerning the Fees and Emoluments re- ceived by the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries and Criers of the Court of Appeals and of the Courts of King’s Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective Offices, and other references, with power to report from time to time, presented to the House the First Report of the said Com- mittee, which was again read again at the Clerk’s Table. For the said Report, see Appendix (V. V.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered , That the said Report, he referred to a Com- mittee of (he whole House on Friday the twelfth of February next. Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the said Re- port, with the Evidence and Documents therein men- tioned, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Mr. Perrault, from the Special Committee appointed to enquire into the circumstances which preceded and accompanied the death of John Collins who died in the Common Gaol of the District of Montreal, in the be- ginning of the month of December last, and, also, to enquire into the State of the said Gaol, and other re- ferences, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. For the said Report, see Appendix (W. W.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered, That the said Report he referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Friday the twelfth of February next. Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the said Re- port, with the Evidence and Documents therein men- tioned, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to consolidate the several Acts relating to the administration of Justice in the District of St. Fran- cis, and to amend certain of the said Acts, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Meilleur took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill further to provide during a limited time for the want of Notaries in the District of Gaspe, beinsr read ; ^ The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made an amendment thereto; which amendment was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed The Order of day for the House in Committee on the Bill to appoint Commissioners to treat with Com- missioners leurs charges respectives, par les Sherifs, Protonotaires ’ ct Crieurs des Cours d’Appel et du Banc du Roi en cette Province, et autres references, ait pouvoir defaire rapport de temps autre. M. Lqjontaine , du Comit£ Special nomme pour s’en- Premier Rap- quiTir des Iionoraires et Revenus p ere; us en vertu de leurs charges respectives, par les Sherifs, Protouotai I'CS raires el Hove- et Crieurs des Cours d’Appel et du Banc du Roi en dercouVs^e"* cette Province, et autres references, avec pouvoir de Ju!,tice ' faire Rapport de temps a autre, a present^ a la Chambre le Premier Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ht lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport voir Appendice fV. V.) a la fin Appends de ce Volume. (v.v.) Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Co- mite de toute la Chambre, Vendredi le douze Fevrier prochain. Ordonne, Que deux cents Exemplaires du dit Rap- port, avec les Temoignages et Documens qui y sont mentionnes, soient imprimes pour l’usage des Mem- bres de cette Chambre. M, Perrault , du Comite Special nomme pour s’en- Rapport du querir des circonstances qui ont precede et accom- pagne la mort du nomme John Collins, decede dans la ^hn Coiiins et Prison Commune pour le District de Montreul, au de retat de la commencement du mois de Decembre dernier, et momSi. pour s’enquerir aussi de l’etat de la dite Prison, et au- tres references, a presente a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comity lequel a cite lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (W. W.) a la Appendice, fin de Volume. ' < w - w -) Ordonne , Que le dit Rapport soit refer6 a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Vendredi le dcuze Fevrier pro- chain. Ordonne , Que deux cents Exemplaires du dit Rap- port, avec les Temoignages et Documens qui y sont mentionnes, soient imprimis pour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. LOrdre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur ie Comite sur le Bill pour reunir en un seul les divers turedt e st? dca Actes relatifs a 1’administration de la Justice dans le P ran ? ois - District de St. F-anpois, et pour amender certains des dits Actes, ayant etc lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateura repris le Fauteuil. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comitesuric Comit6 sur le Bill pour subvenir encore pour un temps Bill poursubve- limits au manque de Notaires dans le District de Gaspe, d^Notauw 2 ue ayant ete lu ; Gas P®- La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Bardy a pris le Fauteil du Comity ; et apr£s y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Bardy a fait rapport que le Comitd avait pass6 le Bill, et y avait fait un amendement, lequel amendement a lu de nouveau a la Table du Gref- fier, et adopt6 par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en STdI™, L/omitc sur le .Kill pour nommer des Commissaires mer dcs Com- missaires pour pour trailer a vecceux du Haut Cana- da, 364 16° Ja?iuarn. A. 1836. First Report of Committee on Roads and Pub- lic Improve- ments, deferred. Committee on Post Office Bill. Committee on Ordinance of 1667 . missioners appointed or to be appointed on the pint of Upper Canada, tor the purposes theiein mentioned, be- ing read ; # The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Viger took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Viper reported that the Committee had 0 -one through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received on Monday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements, and, also, on the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Village of George- ville, in the Township of Stanstead , and the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County ot Shefford, Distiict of Montreal , being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Monday next. pour trader avec les Commissaires qui sont ou pour- ront &tre nommes de la part de la Province du Haut- Canada , pour les tins y rnentionn6es, ayant hi lu ; La Chambre s'est en consequence formee eti le d it Comite. M. Viger a pris le Fauteuil du Comiffi ; et apres y avoir si£g6 quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Viger a fait llapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soitre$u Lundi procliain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent sur les Chemins des Chemins et des Ameliorations Publiques, et aussi p U biiq U es, re- sur la Petition de divers Habitans du Village de George- mis. ville dans le Township de Stanstead, et sur la Petition de divers Habitans du Comte de Shefford, District de Montreal, ayant et6 lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Lundi prochain. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to establish a Post Office in this Province, and to provide for the future management of the same, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Meilleur took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent, therein.^ Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Meilleur reported that the Committee had rr 0 ne through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received on Tuesday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider the expediency of amending the Tenth Ar- ticle of the Tenth Title of the Ordinance of 1667, be- ing read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Courteau took the Chair of the Committee. Several Members having retired, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. And the names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth: Mr. Speaker. Messieurs Baker , Bardy. Berthelot, Blanchard, Blanchet , Careau, Caron, Cherrier, Child, Clapham, Courteau, De Bleury, Deligny, De Tonnancour, De Witt, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Grannis, Huot, Kimber, Larue, Morin, O’ Callaghan, Per rault, Scott, Simon, Joseph Andre Taschereau, Tliihaudeau, Toomy and Viger. And at three quarters past ten o’clock at night, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum, till Monday next. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en eomU6 sur ie Comite sur le Bill pour etablir un Bureau de Poste BureTde"’ dans cette Province, et pour pourvoir a la regie de ce Potte - Bureau a l’avenir, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. v M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. 1'Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Meilleur a fait rapport que le Comite avait pass6 le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs^ amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re$u Mardi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en jSf n “ r n „ Comite pour considerer s’il est expedient d’amender dei 667 . l’Article Dix du Titre Dix de l’Ordonnance de 16G7, ayant et6 lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Courteau a pris le Fauteuil du Comite. Plusieurs Membres s’etant retires, M. 1’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. Et les noms des Membres presens ont £te pris comme suit : M- l’Orateur, Messieurs Baher, Bardy, Bertlielot, Blanchard , Blanchet, Careau, Caron, Cherrier, Child, Clapham, Courteau, De Bleury, Deligny, De Tonnancour, De Witt, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Grannis, Huot , Kimber, Larue, Morin, O' Callaghan, Perrault, Scott, Simon, Joseph-Andre Taschereau, Thibaudeau, Toomy , et Viger. Etadixheures trois quarts du soir, M. 1’Orateur a ajourne la Chambre, faute de Quorum, a Lundi pro- chain. Monday, Lundi 6 Will. IV. 18° Januarii \ 365 Monday \8th January, 1836. Lundi, 18 Janvier 1836. Second Report of Committee on Fees and Bmoluments of Officers of Courts of Jus- tice. Appendix (V.V.) M R. Lafontaine, from the Speical Committee appoin- ted to enquire concerning the Fees and Emolu- ments received by the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries and Cri- ers of the Court of Appeals and of the Courts of King’s Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective offices, and other references, with power to report from time to time, presented to the House the Second Re- port of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. For the said Report, see Appendix (V. V .) at the end of this Volume. Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the said Re- port be printed for the use of the Members of this House. M Lafontaine, du Corniffi Special nomm6 pour s’en- *> qu^fir des Ronoraires et Revenus per 9 us en ver- tu de leurs charges respectives, par les Sherifs, Protono- taires et Crieurs des Cours d’Appel et du Banc du Roi en cette Province, et autres references, avec pouvoir de faire rapport de temps a autre, a presente a la Charabre le Second Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a 4te lu de nouveau A la Table du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (V. V.) a la fin de ce Volume. Ordonne, Que deux cents Exemplaires du dit Rap- port soientimprimes pour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. Report on An- swer to Address for Communi- cations respect- ing the annexa- tion of Gaspe to New Bruns- wick. Mr. Thibaudeau, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Answer of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the 13th November last, to the Address of this House of the 11th of the same month, relative to the annexation of the District of Gaspe to the Province of New Brunswick, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee, in obedience to the order of refe- rence made by Your Honorable House, have taken into their serious consideration the Answer of His Excellen- cy the Governor in Chief of the 13th November, 18S5, to the Address of Your Honorable House, dated the 1 1 th of the same month, in which he states, that the Resolu- tions against the project of annexing the District of Gaspe to the Province of New Brunswick, passed by the House of Assembly on the 19th March, 1833, as well as the Evidence and Documents upon which they are founded, had been duly transmitted to His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State, and that the Colonial Go- vernment had not received from His Majesty’s Govern- ment any Dispatch or other Documents on this subject. Your Committee have also referred to the Resolutions, Documents and Evidence above mentioned, and after a deliberate investigation of the whole matter, deem it their duty to make the following observations as expres- sive of their opinion thereon. The dismemberment of the District of Gaspe from the Province of Lower Canada, for the purpose of annexing it to that of JVew Brunswick, was merely a scheme got up by a small number of discontented individuals, to revenge themselves on the House of Assembly for the repeated expulsion of one of its Members representing the County of Gaspe. The entire population of that District, with some few exceptions, are strongly oppo- sed to ameasure which would have the effect of depriving them of the numerous rights and privileges guaranteed to them by the Capitulations, by theTreaty of Peace of 1763, and by various Acts of the Imperial Parliament, to subject them to a system of Laws, and to customs and usages with which they are totally unacquainted, and which differ materially from the Laws, customs and usages in force in this Province, of which the said Dis- trict is now a part. This project, if crowned with suc- cess, would, moreover, have the effect of enriching the Province of New Brunswick by dispossessing the Pro- vince of Lower Canada of a population of Fourteen thou- sand souls, — of a considerable trade, and of a great ex- tent of territory destined by nature to become eventually one of the most valuable parts of this Province. Your Committee are firmly persuaded that in the in- vestigation of this question, His Majesty’s Government must have deemed these considerations sufficiently weighty Vol, — 45. ° ’ M. Thibaudeau , du Comite Special auquel a ete re- feree la Reponse de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef, du 13 Novembre dernier, a l’Adresse de cette Chambre, en date du 11 du merae mois, relativement a l’annexation du dit District de Gaspe a la Province du Nouveau- Brunswick, a presente a la Chambre le Rap- port du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : Votre Comite en obeissance k l’Ordre de reference de Votre Honorable Chambre, a pris en sa serieuse consideration la Reponse de Son Excellence le Gou- verntur-en-Chef, en date du 13 Novembre 1835, a PAdresse de cette Honorable Chambre, en date du 11 du meme mois, 1’informant que les Resolutions contre le projet de l’annexation du District de Gaspe a la Province du Nouveau- Brunswick, adoptees par la Cham- bre d’Assemblee le 19 Mars 1833, ainsi que les Temoi- gnages et Documens sur lesquels elles sont bashes, avait et£ dument transmis au Principal Secretaire d’Etat de Sa Majeste, et que le Gouvernement Colonial n’avait re 9 u du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste aucune Depeche ou autre Document relatif a cet objet. Votre Comit6 a aussi refere aux Resolutions, Documens et Temoi- gnages qu’il a mentionnes ci-dessus, et apres un serieux examen du tout, croit devoir emettre comme son humble opinion, les observations suivantes : Le demembrement du District de Gaspe de la Pro- vince du Bas-Canada, pour l’annexer a celle du Nou- veau- Brunswick, n’a ete projete que par un petit nom- bre d’individus mecontens, dans la vue de se venger de la Chambre d’Assemblee, pour 1’expulsion reiteree d’un de ses Membres representant le Comte de Gaspe. La population entiere de ce District, a quelques excep- tions pres, est fortement opposee a l’execution d’un pro- jet, qui aurait l’effet de la priver des droits et privi- leges nombreux qui lui sont garantis par les Capitula- tions, par leTraite de Paix de 1763, et par divers Actes du Parlement Imperial, pour l’assujettir a un systeme de Lois, a des coutumes et a des usages qui lui sont entierement etrangers, et qui different essentieilement des Lois, coutumes et usages etablis en cette Province, dont le District de Gaspe fait partie. Ce projet, s’il etait couronn£ du succ£s, aurait aussi 1’effet de d^pouil- ler la Province du Bas-Canada, pour en enrichir celle do Nouveau -Brunswick, d'une population: de quatorze mille ames, d’un commerce considerable, et d’une grande etendue de territoire destin6 par la nature a de- venir par la suite une des parties les plus importantes de la Province. Votre Comit6 est dans la ferine persuasion que le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste a effi guide dans 1’ex- amen de cette question par des considerations aussi 4 Z Second Rap- port du Comit6 aur les Hono- raires et Reve- nus des Offi- ciers des Cours de Justice. Appendice (V. V.) Rapport sur la Reponse a l’Adresse pour des Communi- cations au sujet de l’annexation de Gaspe au Nouveau Brunswick. graves 1 8 ° jatiuariu A 1836. weighty to induce them to reject a scheme Darned with views hostile to the interests of this Province, and ob- noxious to the Inhabitants ot the District ot Gaspe. Besides, as the existing order of things has been esta- blished under Acts of the Imperial Parliament, no change can now be effected in the limits of the Provinces of Canada, by virtue of the Royal Prerogative alone. It would require new Legislative enactments by the Imperial Parliament, in order to effect a measure of this nature. But the solemn pledges by which the inte- grity of the Province of Lower Canada as at present bounded, is guaranteed, anti the respect which His Ma- jesty’s Government has evinced for every thing con- nected with the important rights in question, must be a sufficient assurance to this Province, and especially to the District of Gaspe , that a project as unjust as it is unconstitutional, cannot possibly be carried into effect, in opposition to the feelings and wishes o f all the inha- bitants of the country. That part of the Speech of His Excellency the Go- vernor in Chief at the opening of the present Session of Parliament, wherein he declares, “ that there is no de- “sio-n to disturb the form of Society under which the “ Canadians of French origin have so long been conten- ts ted and prosperous,” is an additional confirmation of the opinion entertained by Your Committee. So solemn a promise on the part of His Majesty s Kepiesentative, is well calculated to remove any doubts which may have existed with regard to a subject so impoi taut, and to dispel the fears which the Inhabitants of the District of Gaspe have heretofore entertained. Ordered , That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on friday next. Ordered , That two hundred Copies of the said Re- port be printed for the use of the Members of this House, graves, qui out du l’engager a rejeter une demande faite dans des vues hostiles aux interets de la Province, et aux vceux des Habitans du District de Gaspe . D’ail- leurs, comme l’ordre de choses existant dans le moment actuel, a ete etabli en vertu dh\ctes du Parlement Im- perial, il n’entre pas dans lesattributions de la Preroga- tive Royale de faire aucun changement dans la division des Provinces du Canada. II faudraitde nouvelles dis- positions legislatives de la part du Parlement Imperial pour effectuer une pareille mesure. Mais ies garantiea solennelles qui assurent l’integrite de la Province du Bas-Canada, telle qu’a present Hablie, et le respect que le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste a Hmoigne pour tout ce qui tient a ces droits importans* doivent etre une assurance suffisante pour cette Province, et particu- lRrement pour le District de Gaspe , qu’un projet aussi injuste qu’inconstitutionnel ne peut etre mis 5. execu- tion contre les sentimens ies voeux de tous les Habi- tans du Pays. Cette partie du Discours de Son Excellence le Gou- verneur-en-Chef, a 1 ouverture du pi^sent Parlement, ou il est exprime : “ Que Pon n’a nullement le des- “ sein de troubler la forme de societ6 sous laquelle les “ Canadiens d’origine Frangaise ont si long-temps joui “ du conlentement et de la prosperite,’’ vient encore a l’appui de l’opinion qu’entretient Votre ComitA Une promesse aussi solennelle de la part du RepHsentant de Sa Majest6 est bien propre a lever les doutes qui pour- raient exister sur un sujet aussi important, et a dissiper les craintes qu’ont eprouvees jusqu’a ce jour les Habi- tans du Gaspe , Ordonne , Que le dit Rapport soit rHere a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Vendredi prochain. Ordonne, Que deux cents Exemplaires du dit Rap- port soient imprimes pour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. Committee to Resolved, That a Committee of five Members be ap- p?e q sent smeof pointed for the purposes of enquiring into the present the a flairs re.a- gtate of the affairs relating to the defalcation ot the Refelrer Ge‘. ate late Receiver General, John Caldwell, with an Instruc- De,aK tion to consider what measure ought to be adopted by this House in order to secure the rights of this Pro- vince, and to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Besserer, Mr. Viper, Mr. Tache, Mr. Girouard and Mr. Berthelot do compose the said Committee. Resolu, Qu’un Comite de cinq Membres soft nom- comite pour m6 pour s’enquerir en quel etat som les affaires de la defalcation du ci-devant Receveur General John Cald- well, avec instruction de prendre en consideration veur General, quel les pourraient etre les mesures a adopter par cette Chambre pour assurer les droits de cette Province, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convena- ble, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Besserer, M. Viper, M. Tache, M. Girouard et M. Berthelot composent le dit Comitb. On Motion of Mr. Be Witt, seconded by Mr. Bes- scycv The Public Ac Ordered, That the Standing Committee of Public referred to ^°’ Accounts be discharged from the further consideration Committee for Public Account No. 10, under the head “ State- and sp chantabie “ ment of expenditure incurred during the year 1835, institutions. „ j n SU pp 0r ting the Quarantine Establishments at Que- “ bee and Grosse Isle, under the provisions of the Pro- « vincial Act 35th Geo. Ill- Cap. 5 and that the said Account be referred to the Standing Committee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions. judicature Bill An engrossed Bill to amend the Judicature of the passed. Province, and to extend and facilitate the administra- tion of Justice in the different parts thereof, was read for the third time. Mr. Courteau moved, seconded by Mr. Morin, That the following engrossed Clauses marked (A.) and (B.) be added to the said Bill by way of Ryder, after the 21st Clause, and do make Dart ot the said Bill : Clause Sur Motion de M. De Witt, seconde par M. Besserer, Ordonne, One le Comite Permanent des Comptes LeComptePu- Publics soit decharg6 de la consideration ulterieure du fere au Comity Compte Public No. 10, sous le titre “ Etat de la de- P° u u ^fSu- “ pense encourue durant l’ann£e 1835, pour maintenir lions deCharit*. “ sur pied les Etablissemens de Quarantaine a Quebec “ et a la Grosse lie, en vertu des dispositions de l’Acte “ Provincial 35e Geo. III. Chap. 5, et que le dit Compte soit refere au Comite Permanent pour les Ho- pitaux et Institutions de Charite. Un Bill grossoy6 pour amender la Judicature de la t ^ de a ^ dica - Province, et pour etendre et faciliter l’administration de la Justice dans les differentes parties d’icelles, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. M. Courteau a propose, seconde par M. Morin, Que les Clauses suivantes, grossoyees, marquees A. et B. soient ajoutees au dit Bill en forme de Cavalier, apr£s la 21e Clause, et fasse partie du dit Bill : Clause Bill to appoint Commissioners to treat with Upper Canada, reported. Committee on Ordinance of 1667. Committee on First Report on Hoads andPub. lie Improve- ments. 6 Will. IV. 1 8° Januarii. 367 Clause (A.) “ Provided always, and be it further enacted by the “ authority aforesaid, that the “ Terrebonne Circuit” “ hereinbefore established, shall consist of the County “ of Terrebonne and the Parish of Laclienaie in the “ County of Lachenaie only, any thing in this Act con* “ tained to the contrary notwithstanding.” Clause (B.) “ Provided always, and be it further enacted by the “ authority aforesaid, that the Circuit herein above esta- “ blished under the name of “ the L’ Assomption Circuit,” “ shall be called, “ The V Assomption and Lachenaie “ Circuit,” and shall comprise, firstly, the County of “ V Assomption ; secondly, the County of Lachenaie, “except the Parish of Lachenaie ; thirdly, the Parish “ of Saint Paul , in the County of Berthier ; and the “ Court shall sit in the Parish of /’ Assomption and in the “ Parish of Saint Roch alternately, any thing herein “ contained to the contrary notwithstanding.” The House divided on the Question : Yeas, 12. Nays, 35. So it passed in the Negative. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Varrfelson do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Mr. Viger, from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to appoint Commissioners to treat with Com- missioners appointed or to be appointed on the part of the Province of Ujyjer Canada, for the purposes therein mentioned, reported, according to Order, the amend- ments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be en- grossed. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider the expediency of amending the Tenth Ar- ticle of the Tenth Title of the Ordinance of' 1667 , being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Courteau took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements, and, also, on the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Village of George- ville, in the Township of Stanstead, and the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Shefford, District of Montreal, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr, Bardy took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move lor leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again on Wednesday next. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Besscrer, The House adjourned. Clause (A.) “ Pourvu toujours, et qu’il soit de plus statue par “ 1’autorite susdite, Que “ le Circuit de Terrebonne ” “ etabli ci-dessus, comprendra le Comte de Terrebonne “ et la Paroisse de Lachenaie seulement dans le Comte “ de Lachenaie, nonobstant toute disposition au con- “ traire contenue dans le present Acte.” Clause (B.) “ Pourvu toujours, et qu’il soit de plus statue par 1’autorite susdite, Que le Circuit etabli ci-dessus sous “ le nom de “ Circuit de l* Assomption,” sera appele “ le “ Circuit de V Assomption et de Ijachenaie,” et “ comprendra premi^rement le Comte de l Assomp- “ lion ; secondement le Comte de Ijachenaie, a 1’excep- “ tion de la Paroisse de Lachenaie ; troisiemement, la “ Paroisse de St. Paul dans le Comt6 de Berthier , et “ la Cour siegera dans la Paroisse de l Assomption et “ dans la Paroisse de St. Roch alternativement, nonob- “ stant toute disposition au contraire contenue dans le “ present Acte.” La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question : Pour, 12, Con ti e, 35. Ainsi elle a passe dans la Negative. Retolu , Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Vanfelson porte le dit Bill au Con- seil Legislatif, et demandeson concours. M. Viger, du Comit6 de toute la Chambre sur le Bill pour nommer des Commissaires pour traiter avec les Commissaires qui sont ou pourront etre nommes de la part de la Province du Uaut-Canada, pour les fins y mentionnees, a fait rapport, conformement a l’Ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens ont ete ius de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amemL, soit gros- soye. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite pour considerer s’il est expedient d’amender 1’Article Dix du Titre Dix de 1’Ordonnance de 1667 , ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Courteau a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. 1'Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comit6 Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations Publiques, etaussi sur la Petition de divers Habitans du Village de George- ville, dans le Township de Stanstead, et sur la Petition de divers Habitans du Comte de Shefford, District de Montreal, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l Orateur a repris le Fauteuil; Et M. Bardy a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander per- mission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne , Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sieger de nouveau, Mercredi prochain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger , seconde par M. Bes- serer, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Bill pour nom- mer des Com- missaires pour traiter avec le Haut- Canada, rapporte. Comile sur 1’Ordonnancs del 667. Comite sur le Premier Rap- port sur les Chemins et Ameliorations Publiques. Tuesday, Mardi , 368 1 9 " Januarii. A. 1836. Tuesday , 19 th January , 1836. O N Motion of Mr. Vanfelson, seconded by Mr. Be instruction to Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the Standing STcJ ntin^nt Committee for the Contingent Accounts and other ob- Accounts, &c. ’.gets connected with the internal Department or tne Prmtingfo^ 6 House of Assembly, to enquire into and report the causes ihe House. which j, ave t | e l a y ec l the printing of the Third Report of the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, since the 5th instant, and the means to be adopted to ensure that the printing ordered by this House for the use of the Members, shall, for the future, be completed in due A Member added to a Com- mittee. time. Ordered, That Mr. Committee. Besserer be added to the said First Report of NX i* JK.iw.bev, from the Standing Committee on the STj2r&. Jesuits’ Estates, presented to the House the First Re- lales - port of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. . , Appends For the said Report, see Appendix (X. X.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Friday next. a Member Ordered, That Mr. Viger be added to the Special Commiuee. Committee to whom was referred the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the 2/th Novem- ber, 1835, with the accompanying Documents, and, also, the Reports of the Commissioners for the election of a new Gaol at Montreal, for the years 1834 and 1835. Mardi, 19 Janvier 1836. Motion de M« Vanfelson, seconde par M. Be V3 Witt, ' Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction au Comit6 Per- manent pour les Depenses Contingentes et autres ob- Depends con- iets relatifs aux Departemens interieurs de la Chambre au sujet des Im- d’Assemblee, de s’enquerir et faire rapport des causes d’ou procedent les delais qui ont, depuis le 5 du pre- sent mois, empeche l’impression du Troisieme Rapport du Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, et des moyens a adopter pour procurer a temps pour 1’avenir les impressions ordonnees par cette Chambre pour 1 u- sage des Membres. . . , Ordonne, Que M. Besserer soit ajoute au dit Comite. g“ u “* m u b n re Comite. M. Kirnber, du Comite Permanent sur les Biens des Jesuites, a presente a la Chambre le Premier Rapport ^ries Biens du dit Comity lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la lable du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (X. X.) a la fin ( A pr™ d j ce de ce Volume. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere k un Comite detoutela Chambre, Vendredi prochain. Ordonne, Que M. Viger soit ajoute au Comite Spe- cial, auquel a etc refere le Message de Son Excellence Comitc. le Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 27 Novembre 1835, avec les Documens qui l accompagnent ; et aussi, les Rap- ports des Commissaires pour l’erection d’une nouvelle Prison a Montreal, pour les annees 1834 et 1835. Passengers Bill Ordered, That Mr. Leslie have leave to bring in a read the first to n m i t the number of Passengers in Vessels com- ing into this Province from Europe. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Monday next. On Motion of Mr. Leslie, seconded by Mr. Caron, a Return of aii Ordered, That the Collector of the Customs for the at Quebec in Port of Quebec, do lay before this House, a Eetuin of l^b Passes all Vessels that entered at said Port with Passengers ordered. during the years 1834 and 1835, stating the name of each Vessel and of the Master, her tonnage, the Port from which she sailed, the number oi persons taken on board, and the number landed, exclusive of the Crew, distinguishing Children under 7 years of age, and those above 7 and under 14 years, from adults. Ordonne , Que M. Leslie ait la permission d’intro- duire un Bill pour limiter le nombre des Passagers picmiere fois- dansles vaisseaux venant d 'Europe en cette Province. ^ II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Lutidi prochain. Ordonne, Que le Collecteur des Douanes du Port de un Rappon de Quebec, mette devant cette Chambre, un Rapport de seaux entres a tous les vaisseaux qui sont entres dans le dit Port, et du nombre des Passacrers durant les annees 1834 et 1835, des Passage™, inentionnant )e nom de chaque vaisseau, et du Capi- taine, sa grandeur, le Port d’ou il a fait voile, le nombre des Passagers embarques et debarques, hors i equipage, distinguant les enfans au-dessous de 7 nns, et ceux au- dessus de 7, et au-dessous de J4 ans, des Adultes. On Motion of Mr. O'Callaghan, seconded by Mr. Le- tovviicciu Emigrant Tax Resolved, That this House will, to-morrow, resolve ^d C e V e °d. becon ' itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider the expediency of continuing for a limited time, an Act passed in the second year of His Majesty’s Reign, in- tituled, “ An Act to create a fund for defraying the ex- t‘ pense of providing Medical assistance for Sick Emi- grants, and of enabling indigent persons of that “ description to proceed to their place of destination.” Sur Motion de M. O'Callaghan, seconde par M. Letourneau , Be so lu, Que, demain, cette Chambre se formera en ^te^iaTaxc Comite de toute la Chambre, pour considerer s’il est etre consider#, expedient de continuer, pour un temps limits, un Acte pass£ dans la seconde annee du R£gne de Sa Majeste intitule, “ Acte pour creer un fonds pour subvenir “ aux depenses du traitement Medical et des soins pour “ les Emigres malades, et pour mettre les personnesin- “ digentes de cette description en Hat de se rendre au “ lieu de Ieur destination.’’ Second Report Mr. Huot, from the Standing Committee of Educa- on eS“ c tion and Schools, presented to the House the Second and Schools. Report of the said Committee, which was again lead at the Clerk’s Table. Appendix For the said Report, see Appendix (O. O.) at the ( ° ° } end of this Volume. Ordered, That the said Report he referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Monday next. On M. Huot, du Comite Permanent pour ^’Education et les Ecoles, a presente a la Chambre le Second Rapport sur I’Education du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport voir Appendice (O. O.) a la fin Appendice de ce Volume. ^ (o. o.) Ordonne , Que le dit Rapport soient refere a un Co- mil6 de toute la Chambre, Vendredi prochain. Sur 6 Will. IV. 19° Januarii. 309 Instruction to a Committee of the whole House. Message from HisExcellency. Outrage com. milted in the County of Sher- brooke. On Motion of'Mr. Clapham, seconded by Mr. Tache, Ordered , That it be an Instruction to the said Com- mittee, to take into consideration the claims of School Trustees and Visitors in Inverness and Leeds , County of Megantic. Stephen Walcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to His Excel- lency the Governor in Chief, was admitted within the Bar, and delivered to Mr. Speaker a Message from His Excellency the Governor in Chief, signed by His Excellency. And then he withdrew. And the said Message was read by Mr. Speaker, all the Members of the House being uncovered, and is as followeth : GOSFORD, Governor in Chief. The Governor in Chief informs the House of As- sembly that a Communication was addressed to him in the month of November last, by the Members for the County of Sherbrooke , detailing an Outrage of a se- rious nature, said to have been committed within the limits of this Province, by certain Citizens of the United States, and others, upon a Magistrate and a Peace Of- ficer, His Majesty’s Subjects, by assaulting and severely wounding them while in the discharge of their public duty. The Governor in Chief further informs the House of Assembly, that, in compliance with the request contained in the Communication already alluded to, praying him to cause enquiry to be made into the matter, he imme- diately issued a Commission, composed of three per- sons, for the purpose of ascertaining correctly the facts of the case. This Commission has finished its labors, and the Go- vernor in Chief confidently relies on the liberality of the House of Assembly to make good the expense at- tending the enquiry, together with the sum which it has been considered expedient to allow for the medical treatment of the Peace Officer who was wounded while in the discharge of his duty, and for his subsistence, until he shall again be able to follow his usual avoca- tions, amounting in the whole, as appears by the ac- companying Statement, to the sum of One hundred and forty three pounds eight shillings and six pence. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 19th January, 1836. Statement of Expenses attending the Commission ap- pointed by His Excellency the Governor in Chief, to enquire into the Offences alleged to have been commit- ted in the County of Sherbrooke. eL . s. d . Edward Short, Esquire, his allowance of 20s. per day, from 18th December to 1st January inclusive, 15 days, £15 0 0 13 days travelling expenses, at 10s. per day, 6 10 0 21 10 0 Benjamin Pomroy, Esquire, his allowance of 20s. per day, from 19th December to 1st January, 14 days, £14 0 0 14 days travelling expenses, at 10s. 7 0 0 21 0 0 Carried over, *£42 10 0 Vol — 45. Sur Motion de M. Clapham , seconde par M. Tache , Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction audit Comite de prendre en consideration les reclamations des Syndics d’Ecoles et Visiteurs dans Inverness et Leeds, Comt6 de Megantic. Stephen Walcott, Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, a etc admis en de- dans de la Barre, et a remis a M. l’Orateur, un Mes- sage de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, signe parSon Excellence. Et ensuite il s’est retire. Et le dit Message a etd lu par M. l’Orateur, tous les Membres de la Chambre etant d^couverts ; et il est corame suit : GOSFORD, Gouverneur-en-Chef. Le Gouverneur en-Chef informe la Chambre d’As- semblee, que les Membres du Comte de Sherbrooke lui ont adresse une Communication dans le mois de No_ vembre dernier, dans laquelie ils donnaient les details d’une offense d’une nature s6rieuse, que l’on dit avoir £te commise dans les limites de cette Province, par certains Citoyens des Etats-Unis, et autres, sur la per- sonne d’un Magistrat et d’un Officier de Paix, Sujets de Sa Majeste, en les blessant severement pendant qu’ils etaient dans l’execution de Ieurs devoirs publics. Le Gouverneur-en-Chef informe aussi la Chambre d’Assemblee, que pour se rendre a la demande que ren- fermait cette Communication dans laquelie on fe priait d’ordonner une enquete sur cette mature, il a imm£- diatement nommb une Commission composde de trois personnes, afin de constater les faits d’une maniere exacte. Cette Commission a termine son Enquete, et le Gou- verneur-en-Chef se repose avec confiance sur la libera- lite de la Chambre d’Assemblee pour faire bon de la depense que cette Enquete a occasionnee, et de la somme que Ton a juge convenable d’allouer pour le traitement Medical de l’Officier de Paix qui a etd blesse pendant qu i 1 remplissait son devoir, et pour sa subsis- tance jusqu’a ce qu’il soit capable de vaquer a ses oc- cupations ordinaires, le tout se montant, comme il ap- pert par Petal qui accompagne la presente, k la somme de cent quarante-trois livres, huit schellings et six deniers. Chateau St. Lotus, Quebec, 19 Janvier 1836. Etats des Depenses occasionnees par la Commission nommee par Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, pour s’enquerir de l’Offense qu’on allegue avoir et6 commise dans le Comte de Sherbrooke. £ s. d. Edward Short, Ecuyer, son allocation 20s. par jour depuis le 18 Decembre jusqu’au ler Janvier inclusivement, 15 iours, £15 0 0 13 jours, frais de voyage a 10s. par jour, 6 10 0 — 21 10 0 Benjamin Pomroy, Ecuyer, son allocation 20s. par jour depuis le 19 Decembre jusqu’au ler Janvier, 14 jours, £li< 0 0 14 jours, frais de voyage, a 10s. par jour, 7 0 0 — • 21 0 0 Port6 en 1’autre part, *£'42 10 0 5 A Instruction a un Comite de toute la Chatn- bre. Message de Son Excellence. Offense com- mise dans le Comte de Sher- brooke. 370 19 ° Januariu As 1836 2 10 0 Brought over, ^42 10 0 John McKenzie, Esquire, his allowance of 20s. per day, from 17th December to 1st January, 16 days, 16 davs travelling expenses, at ... ' 8 0 0 10s - 24 0 0 To G. F. Bowen , Esquire, his allowance of 10s. per day, as Clerk to the Commis- sioners, from 17th December to 1st January, lGdays, ^ q n n 1G days travelling, at 10s. 8 u u In lieu of all claims for Station- ery, _ To reimburse some of the Witnesses who came from distant parts, as recommended by the Commissioners, £g And to pay for Subpoenas, 0 1 0 o To care and attendance of Bernard Youn ”, a Peace Officer, of Hull Stream, Township of Hereford, dangerously woun- ded in the execution of his duty on ~~nd October last, in an outrage committed by a person named Mole, from the State of New Hampshire, during la days that he lay ill at the House of Mr. Alex, llae, ^ 10 0 To Dr. Watson 1 s Bill for atten- dance 500 To Dr. Heaton's do. 4 0 0 18 10 0 2 13 0 16 10 0 To Bernard Young, as a compensation for the injuries received by being severe. y wounded, and the loss he will sustain by rea- ^ ^ q son thereof, , , , To Captain Richard Hayne, employed by the Commissioners in making a Survey and Plan his Contingencies from 17th Decem- ber, 1835, to 5th January, 1836,jU0s. per diem, _ _ . c , . To amount of Pay List of his t 4 5 6 P art y> __ 14 5 6 2 13 0 Montant d’autre part, ^42 10 0 John McKenzie, Ecuyer, son allocation 20s. par iour depuis le 17 Decembre jusqu au ler Janvier, 16 jours, £16 0 0 16 iours, frais de voyage a 10s. J " Q n 0 P ar J° Ur > 24 0 0 A G.-F. Bowen, Ecuyer, son allocation 10s. par jour, comme Clerc des Commissaires, depuis le 17 Decembre jusqu’au ler Jan- vier, 16 jours, ^8 16 jours, frais de voyage a 10s. parjour, 8 0 0 Pour toute reclamation pour pa- neterie 2 10 0 pete ’ 18 10 0 Pour rembourser les Temoins qui sont ve- nus de parties Moignees, tel que lecom- mand£ par les Commissaires, £2 3 0 Payer pour Subpoenas, 0 10 O Pour soins, etc., porte a Bernard 1 oung , Officier de Paix de Hull Stream , r J own- ship de Hereford, dangereusement blesse dans Pexecution de son devoir le 22 Oc- tobre dernier, pour reprimer une offense commise par une°personne nominee J\Jole, de l’Etat de New Hampshire, durant 15 jours qu’il est reste dans la Maison de M. Alex. Rae, malade, FI 10 0 Au Dr. Watson, pour son compte, 5 0 0 Au Dr. Heaton, pour son compte, 4 0 0 — 16 10 0 A Bernard Young, comme compensation des dommages que lui a causes la blessui e severe qu’il a re9ue, et de la perte que cel a va lui causer, , 2o 0 0 Au Capitaine Richard Hayne , employe par les Commissaires pour taire un plan, ses depenses contingentes depuis le 17 De- cembre 1835 jusqu’au 5 Janvier 1830, a 10s. par jour, £l ° 0 0 Montant de la Liste de paie- ^ mens de ses hommes, 5 o «— — 14 5 6 sport of Com- tteeon State- snts respect- hoola ill Mis- koui. Total Currency, .§£143 8 G On Motion of Mr. De Witt, seconded by Mr. Caron, Ordered, That the Message of Plis Excellency, the Governor in Chief, received this day, be referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts. Mr. Knight, from the Special Committee to whom were referred the Statements delivered at the Bar of the House on the twenty third November last, byordei of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, pursuant to the Address of this House of the eighteenth of the same month respecting Schools in the bounty of Missiskoui, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s I able, as followed! . Your Committee having examined the Papers and Documents referred to them by Your Honorable House and having taken evidence thereon, find that Ralph Taylor, Esquire, late Member for the County of Mis - siskoui, drew from the Public Chest, lw^ nt y ol “ pounds currency, for premium for the children w had made the greatest progress in the Schools 111 said County, for the year ended the 1 5th May, l&So, Total courant, £143 8 6 Sur Motion de M. De Witt, seconde par M. Caron , Ordonne, Que le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. re 5 u ce jour, soit refere au Conute Permanent des Comptes Publics. M Knight , du Comite Special auqnel ont ete referes les Etats remis a la Barre de la Chambre le v.ngt-trois Novembre dernier, par ordre de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, en conformity de l’Adresse de cette Chambre du dix huit du meme mois, au sujet des Ecoles dans le Comte de Missiskoui, a presente a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a et6 lu de nouveau a la 3 able du Greffier, comme suit . . Yotre Comite, apres avoir examine les Papiers et les Documens qui lui ont et£ referes par votre Honora- ble Chambre, et vequ des temoignages relativement a iceux, trouve que Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer, ci-devant Membre du Comte de Missiskoui, a re5U de la Caisse Publique Yingt-quatre livres courant, pour recompenser lesEnfans qui avaient fait les plus grands progres dans les Ecoles du dit Comite pendant 1’annee expire le 15 Mai Rapport du Comite sur les Etats au sujet des Ecoles dans Missiskoui. 6 Will. IV, 1 9° Januarii , 371 and a like sum of Twenty four pounds currency, for a similar purpose for the year ended on the 15th May, 1834, making together the sum of Forty eight pounds currency, while the said Ralph Taylor , Esquire, re- turned only thirty Schools as in opeiation in the said County of Missiskoui for the first year, and only twenty seven Schools as in operation in the said County for the last mentioned year, therefore it appears to Your Committee that the Schools in operation in the said County of Missiskoui for the years ended on the 15th May, 1833, and 1 5th May, 1834, were entitled to the sum of Twenty eight pounds ten shillings only, leaving a balance in the hands of the said Ralph Taylor , Es- quire, of Nineteen pounds ten shillings, which sum it was his duty to have returned to the Public Chest ; whereas it appears by a Statement transmitted by His Excellency the Governor in Chief on the 23rd Novem- ber, 1835, to Your Honorable House, dated the 21st November, 1835, and signed by Joseph Cary , Inspector General of Public Provincial Accounts, that no sums drawn as premiums for the Schools in the County of Missiskoui from the 15th May, 1832, to the 1 5 th May, 1835, have been returned up to this date. Your Committee also beg to call the attention of l our Honorable House to the sum of Twenty four pounds currency, left undrawn in the Public Chest, being premiums for the children who had made the greatest progress in the Schools in the said County du- ring the year ended on the 15th May, 1835, and made payable to the said Ralph Taylor , Esquire, in order that that sum may be applied to the purposes required by Law. Your Committee having instructed William Ross, Esquire, Clerk of Committees, to send Circulars to the Trustees of the different Schools in the Townships of Dunham, Sutton, Stanbridge, and the Seigniory of St. Armand, comprising the County of Missiskoui, for the purpose of ascertaining from them the amount of pre- mium money by them received foi the use of the said Schools from the 15th May, 1832, to the 15th May, 1835, and having examined the answers thereto, find that the sum of Fourteen pounds currency, only has been distributed to the different Schools enumerated in the Schedule of Return as in operation in the said County of Missiskoui during the years ended on the 15th May, 1833, and 15th May, 1834, and nothing for the year ended cn the 15th May, 1835, consequently there remains in the hands of the said Ralph Taylor, Esquire, the sum of Fourteen pounds ten shillings, which was due and ought to have been distributed ac- cording to Law, to the children who have made the greatest progress in the Schools in the said County. From an examination of the various Papers, Returns and Evidence laid before them, Your Committee are of opinion that the said Ralph Taylor, Esquire, has been guilty of gross malversation and breach of trust ; that he has appropriated to his own private use, several sums of public money ; that he has embarrassed the progress of Education in the County of Missiskoui, and that he is unworthy of all confidence of His Majesty's Government in this Province. ✓ Your Committee, therefore, beg to suggest to Your Honorable House the propriety of addressing His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief, praying that directions may be given to the proper Officer to compel the said Ralph Taylor, Esquire, to refund the sum of Thirty four pounds currency, by him drawn, and which sum he Mai 1833, et une pareille somme de Vingt-quatre livres courant pour le mtme objet, pendant 1’annte ex- piree le 15 Mai 1834, ce qui forme en tout une somme de Quarante-huit livres courant, tandis qu’au contraire le dit Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer, n’a fait rapport que detrente Ecoies en operation dans le dit Comtt de Missiskoui, la premiere ann^e ; et de vingt-sept Ecoies seulement en operation dans le dit Comtt la derniere de ces anntes. II parait done a Votre Comite que les Ecoies qui etaient en operation dans le dit Comte de Missiskoui dans les amides qui ont expire le 15 Mai 1833 et le 15 Mai 1834, avaient seulement droit de recevoir la somme de Vingt huit livres dix schellings ; ce qui laissait une balance de Dix-neuf livres dix schellings entre les mains du dit Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer, qu’il ttait de son devoir de remettre k la Caisse publique. II parait par un Tableau en date du 21 Novembre 1835, et signe par Joseph Cary, Inspecteur-Gtntral des Comptes Publics de la Province, transmis par Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef a Votre Honorable Chambrele 23 Novembre 1835, qu’aucune des sommes qui avaient et6 re 5 ues pour etre distributes par forme de prix parmi les Ecoies dans le Comte de Missiskoui, depuis le 15 Mai 1832, jusqu’au 15 Mai 1835, n’a ttt re- mise jusqu’a cejour. Votre Comitt prend aussi la libertt d’appeler Pat- tention de Votre Honorable Chambre au sujet de la somme de Vingt-quatre t livres courant qui n’a pas tte retiree de la Caisse publique, etqui ttait destinee k etre distribute par forme deprix parmi lesEnfansqui avaient fait les plus grands progrts dans les Ecoies du dit Comte, pendant 1’annte expirte le 15 Mai 1835, et qui ttait payable au dit Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer, afin que cette somme fut employte a I’objet pour lequel elle ttait destinee par la Loi. Votre Comitt ayant donnt ordre a William Ross, Ecuyer, Greffier des Comitts, d’envoyer des circulates aux Syndics des differentes Ecoies dans les Townships de Dunham, Sutton, Stanbridge et la Seigneurie de St. Armand qui composent le Comte de Missiskoui , pour constater par leur Rapport le montant des sommes qu’ils ont recues pour donner par forme de recompense dans les dites Ecoies depuis le 15 Mai 1832 jusqu’au 15 Mai 1835, et apres avoir examint les rtponses qu’ils ont faites, trouve que la somme de Quatorze livres cou- rant seulement a ttt distribute parmi les differentes Ecoies tnume'rtes dans la Ctdule du Rapport comme etant en operation dans le dit Comtt de Missiskoui , pendant les annees expirtes le 15 Mai 1833, et le 15 Mai 1834, mais qu’il n’a rien tte distribut pour l’annee expiree le 15 Mai 1835 ; il reste par const- quent entre les mains du dit Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer, la somme de Quatorze livres dix schellings qui ttait due et quiaurait du etre distribute suivant la Loi parmi les Enfans qui ont fait lesplus grands progres dans Jes Ecoies du dit Comte. D’aprts un examen que Votre Comitt a fait des divers Papiets, Rapports et Ttmoignages qui lui ont ttt sou mis, il est d’opinion que le dit Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer, s’est rendu coupable de malversation, eta violt la con- fiance reposte en lui ; et qu’il s’est approprie pour son usage privt diverses sommes de deniers publics ; qu’il aentravt les progres de 1’Education dans le Comte de Missiskoui, et qu’il est indigne de la confiance du Gou- vernementde Sa Majestt en cette Province. Votre Comite prend en consequence la libertt de suggtrer a Votre Honorable Chambre, la convenance de presenter une Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur- en-Chef, pour le prier de donner ordre a l'Officier a qui il appartiendra, d obliger le dit Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer, a rembourser la somme de Trente-quatre livres courant, qu’il 375 19 ° Januarii. A . 1836 . he has neglected lo appropriate to the purposes inten- ded by the Act 2nd Will. IV., Cap. 26 ; that the sum of Nineteen pounds ten shillings be returned to the Public Chest, and Fourteen pounds ten shillings, be, bv the School Visitors for the County ot Missiskout, distributed to the Schools in the said County who weie deprived of the bounty of the Legislature by the said Ralph Taylor , Esquire. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Saturday next. qu’il a re 9 ue et neglige d’employer a 1’objet auquel elle etait destinee par l’Acle de la 2de Guill. IV. Chap. 26, savoir : la somme de Dix-neuf livres dix schellings a la Caisse publique, et Quatorze livres dix schellings aux Visiteurs d’Ecoies du Comte de Missiskout , qui les dis* tribueront parmi les Ecoles du Hit Comte, qui ont etc privees de la liberalite de la Legislature par le dit Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer. / Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit r^fere a un Co- mity de toute la Chambre, Samedi prochain. Post Office Bill reported and amended. Mr Meilleur, from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to establish a Post Office m this Province, and to provide for the future management of the same, reported, according to Order, the amend- ments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk s I able, and agreed to by ttie House. On Motion of Mr. O'Callaghan, seconded by Mr. Bedard, , rrr , T ?• ^ Ordered, That the words “ or the IJ est Indies or to « any of II is Majesty’s European Dominions be struck out of the thirty first Clause of the said Bill, and that the words “ or to Great Britain or Ireland , be inserted in their place. , Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. M. Meilleur, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Bill pour etablir un Bureau de Poste dans cet.te ^Pro- vince, et pour pourvoira la regie de ce Bureau a l’ave- nir, a fait rapport, conformement a 1 Ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Fable du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Sur Motion de M. O'Callaghan, seconde par M. Bedard, Ordonne, Que les mots “ ou aux lies ou a aucun “ des Domaines de Sa Majeste en Europe , soient retranches de la trente-et-uni£me Clause du dit Bill, et que les mots “ ou a la Grande-Bretagne ou V Irlande, ' soient insert’s en leur place. Ordonne Que le dit Bill, tel qu amende, soit gro3- soy6. Bill pour un Bureau de Poste, rapportfe et amende. Committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee c— «e P e°for f on the Fifth Report of the Standing Committee for Hospitals and Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, being read ; Charitable In- r atitutions. . # The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. . , Mr. Bedard took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some lime spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Bedard, reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions, which he was directed to submit to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. Committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee Education B.ii. ^ ^ ^ fm , the further anc i permanent encourage- ment ot Education, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Godbout took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein^ Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Godbout reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made an amendment {hereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. Committee on The Order of the day for the Plouse in Committee Second Report r Second Report of the Standing Committee for Accounts, &c. Contingent Accounts and other objects connected with the internal Department of the House of Assem- bly, being read ; . The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Meilleur took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Meilleur reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions, which he was directed to submit to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received to morrow. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Cinquieme Rapport du Comite Perma- Rapport du co- neut pour les Hdpitauxet Institutions de Charite, ayant Hopilaux et lu- \ siitutions de 6 te 1 U ; f Charite. La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Bedard a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Bedard a fait Rapport que le Comite avait passe plusieurs Resolutions, qu’il avait ordre de soumet- tre a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re 9 U demain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comile stir le Comite sur le Bill pour l’encouragement ulterieur et ®^ d ’ Educa ' permanent de I’Education, ayant lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comile. M. Godbout a pris le Fauteuil du Comit6 ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. I’Qrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Godbout a fait Rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait un amendement, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re 9 U demain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comite sur ie Comit6 sur le Second Rapport du Comit6 Permanent port sur les De- pour les Depenses Contingentes et autres objets rela- tifs aux Departemens intffi'ieurs de la Chambre d’As- semblee, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comit6 ; et apiEs y avoir si6ge quelque temps, M. 1’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Meilleur a fait rapport que le Comite avail passe plusieurs Resolutions, qu’il avait ordre de sou- mettre a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re 9 U demain. The L’Ordre 6 Will. IV. 1 9 0 — 20 0 Januarii. 373 com£con f The Order of the day for the House in Committee Public a*- ° n on the First, Second and Third Reports of the Stand- counts deferred. j ng Committee of Public Accounts, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Friday next. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comity sur le Premier, le Second et le Troisieme Rap- port du Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, ayant 6t6 lu ; Ordunne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Ven- dredi prochain. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Deligny, The House adjourned. Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger , second^ par M. Deligny , La Chambre s’est ajourn^e. Wednesday , 20 tli January , 1830. Merer edi, 20 Janvier 1836. Petition from J. Nevill, C. Hig. gins and J. McCallum res- pecting Lands in Leeds. A PETITION of Janies Nevill , Charles Higgins and John McCallum , Farmers, of the Township of Leeds, County of Meganlic , was presented to the House by Mr. Morin, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : That the Petitioners with their families emigrated to this Country in the years 1829 and 1830, and were directed to the Township of Leeds by His Majesty’s Chief Agent for Emigrants, A. C. Buchanan, Esquire, to William Murphy Phillips, the meal Land Agent, with instructions to the latter, to locate the Petitioners on the Waste Lands of the Crown : That the Lands which the Petitioners selected for settlement were Lots Nos. 11, 12, and half of Lot No, 13, in the 7th Range of the Township of Ijeeds, which said Lots and half Lot formed part of a parcel of Lands which at that period were in dispute between the Government and the Proprietors of the Seigniory of Ste. C^oix ; consequently neither party could under these circumstances grant a legal title to the Lands in question, until the pretensions of the respective claim- ants were first adjusted, — but both sides agreed in the propriety of the Lands being settled ; whereupon Mr. William Murphy Phillips, the local Land Agent for the Township of Leeds, and A. C. Buchanan, Esquire, re- commended to the Petitioners to take possession of the respective Lots which they had made choice of, with a positive assurance that in the event of the said Lands failing to the Government, the Petitioners would be permitted to possess them on Quit Rent ; and that should the said Lands be adjudged as belonging to the Seigniory of Ste. Croix, Mr. Larue, the Agent "for said Seigniory, assured the Petitioners that they would be suffered to remain in the undisturbed possession of their respective Lots on the same conditions as others lo- cated in that quarter of the Seigniory : That it was, theiefoie, on the good faith placed by the Petitioners on these assuiances, that they proceeded to occupy the above desciibed Lots of Land, that is to say, John McCallum settled on Lot No. 11, Charles Higgins on Lot No. 12, and James Nevill on half of Lot No. 13, in the 7th Range of the lownship of Leeds aforesaid, and from which peiiod, to the present time, the Petitioners have continued to advance progressively with their impio\ ements on their respective localities accordingly : That these improvements consist of, on each Lot, of a Dwelling House, Barn, Stable, and the clearances va- rying from fifteen to thirty acres, with fencing, &c. : lhat anxious of being secured in their Lands, one of the Petitioners, ( James Nevill) in the summer of 1832, waited on the Honorable W. B. Felton, and made 1 tender to that Gentleman, of the sum of seven pounds ten shillings currency, on account of the half of Lot No. 13, which he occupied, which sum was not ac- cepted, on the ground, as was stated, of the Lands in question being still in dispute ; but that the Petitioner J. Nevill, Vol— 4-5. U NE Petition de Janies Nevill, Charles Higgins et John McCallum, Cultivateurs, du Township de Leeds, Comte de Meganlic, a <§te prCsent<§e a la Cham- bre par M. Morin, laquelle a ete re9ue etlue ; expo- sant : Que les Petitionnaires sont venus dans ce Pays avec leurs families en 1829 et 1830, et que le principal Agent de Sa Majeste pour les Emigres, A.-C. Bucha- nan, Ecuyer, les a adressesa / Villiam- Murphy Phillips, Agent des Tenes a Leeds , a qui il donna instruction d etablir les Petitionnaires sur les terres incultes de la Couronne : Que les terres que les Petitionnaires ont choisies pour s’^tablir sont les Lots Nos. 11, 12, et la moiti£ du Lot No. 13 dans la Je rang^e du Township de Leeds ; ces lots et moiti6 de lot formaient partie d’une etendue de terre qui £tait alors le sujet d’une contestation entre le Gouvernement et les Proprie- taires de la Seigneurie de Ste Croix, et consequemment aucun des deux parties lie pouvait, dans ces circon- stances, donner un litre Rgal pour les terres dont il s’agit avant que leurs pretentions eussent ete r£gl£es j mais Ton etait convenu de part et d’autre qu’il etait i propros d’etablir ces terres; e’est pourquoi M. William- Murphy Phillips, TAgent des Terres du Township de Leeds et A.-C. Buchanan, Ecuyer, recommanderent aux Petitionnaires de prendre possession des lots dont ils avaient fait choix, en les assurant positivement, que dans le cas ou il serait decide que ces terres apparte- naient au Gouvernement, on leur permettrait de les poss^der a litre de rente ( quit rent ) ; et que si ces terres appartenaient a la Seigneurie de Ste. Croix , M. Larue, 1 Agent de cette Seigneurie, assura aux Peti- tionnaires qu’on les laisserait paisiblement en posses- sion de leuis lots, aux memes conditions qne les per- so lines qui sont etablies dans cette partie de la Seigneu- ne : Que ce fut parce que les Petitionnaires ajoute- i en t foi aces assuiances qu ils a Herein s etabl ir sur ces lots de terre, savoir, John McCallum sur le lot No. 1 J, Charles Higgins sur le lot No. 12, et James Nevill sur la moitiedu lot No. 13, dans la 7erangee du dit Town- ship de Leeds ; que depuis cette epoque jusqu a ce jour les Petitionnaires ont fait des ameliorations pro- gressives sur leurs lots respectifs : Que ces ameliora- tions sur chaque lot consistent en une maison, une grange, une etable, des clotures et des defrichemens dont 1 etendue varie, de quinze a trente acres : Que desirant s’assurer de la propriety de leurs terres, Tun des Petitionnaires {James Nevill) alia trouver dans |’Et6 de 1832, 1 Honorable IV.- B. Felton, et offrit a ce Mon- sieur la somme de Sept livres dix sehellings eourant, a compte du prix de la moiti6 du lot No. 13 qu’il occu- pait ; mais cette somme ne fut pas acceptee, parce que, luidit-on, la contestation dont les terres en ques- tion etaient 1 objet, n etait pas encore terminee ; mais Ton encouragea le Petitionnaire J. Nevill a continuer ses ameliorations, et on lui dit que lui et les autres Petitionnaires 5 R Les Rapports du Comti6 sur les Comptes Publicsremis. Petition de 3 . Nevill, C. Higgins et J. XlcCallum, au sujet des Terres dans Leeds. 374 A 1836 . 20 ° Januarh. ,J. NeviU , was further encouraged to continue to pro- ceed with his improvements, and that both he and the other Petitioners would thereby establish an undoubted claim to their respective locations, whichever way the question then at issue might be determined, and of which the Petitioners were to have due notice : Ihat the first intelligence which reached the Petitioners of the difference being settled, was a notice from the Honora- ble A. W. Cochran to quit, and move off the premises, as the Lands occupied by the Petitioners had been pa- tented to him the said A. W. Cochran, immediately on the claims having been adjusted : 'ihat on being ap- prized of their situation, the Petitioners without loss of time called upon the said Honorable A. IV. Cochran to know if he was inclined to grant them a moderate com- pensation for their extensive improvements, to which he callously replied that he would not award them one single farthing : That the Petitioners have reason to belTeve that there has been a connivance on the part of the Land Office in this unworthy transaction, whereby the said A. IV. Cochran had been permitted to abandon a (r a in to the Crown, certain Lots of waste Land held by h?m under Patent, in order to afford the said A. IV. Cochran an opportunity of seizing upon the little all of the Petitioners : That in March 1835, the Petitioners applied to Lord Aylmer by Petition, for redress, but without effect : That the Petitioners humbly beg leave to submit their case to the gracious consideration of the House to do therein as in its wisdom it shall see fit. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial flights. Petitionnaires etabliraient par la le droit incontestable qu’ils avaient a leurs terres, de quelque maniere que se terminerait la contestation, dont on devait donner dument avis aux Petitionnaires : Que la premiere nou- velle qu’eurent les Petitionnaires que la contestation 6tait terminee, ce fut un ordre de PHonorable A.-W. Cochrane d’abandonner leurs terres, vu qu’elles lui avaient ete accordees par des Patentes, aussitot apres que la contestation avaient et6 terminde : Que voyant la situation dans laquelle ils se trouvaient, les Petition- naires se rendirent sans perdre de temps chez l’Hono- rable A.-W. Cochrane, pour savoir s'il voulait leur ac- corder une compensation mocffrec pour les grandes ameliorations qu’ils avaient faites, et il leur rfpondit durement qu’il ne leur aceorderait pas un seul sou : Que les Petitionnaires ont lieu de croire que le Bureau des Terres a conniv6 dans cette transaction honteuse, et qu’on a permis au dit A.-W. Cochrane de remettre a la Couronne certains lots de terres incultes qui lui ap- partenaient en vertu des Lettres Patentes, afin qu’on put donner au dit A.-W. Cochrane l’occasion de s’em- ]iarer du peu de biens que poss^daient les Petitionnaires: Que les Petitionnaires ont adress£, dans le mois de Mars dernier, une Petition A Lord Aylmer, demandant justice, mais leur Petition resta sans effet : Que les Petitionnaires prennent humblement la liberte de sou- mettre leurs cause a la consideration gracieuse de la Chambre, afin qu’elle decide sur icelle ce qu’elle jugera convenable dans sa sagesse. Ordonne, Que la elite Petition soit referee au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux. The Documents relative to a Gaol and Court House in Mis- iiskoui, referred. Message from HisExcellency. Resolved, That the Documents delivered at the Bar of this House, on Friday the 8th and Saturday the 16th instant, relative to the erection of a Gaol and Court House in the County of Missiskoui, and to the division of the Seigniory of St. Armand into two Pa- rishes, be referred to a Committee of five Members, to examine the same, and to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send toi peisons, papcis and records. Ordered, That Mr. Knight, Mr. Bardy, Mr. Morin, Mr. Child and Mr. O' Callaghan do compose the said Committee. Stephen Walcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief, was admitted within the Bar, and delivered to Mr. Speaker, a Message from His Excellency the Governor in Chief, signed by His Excellency. And then he withdrew. And the said Message was read by Mr. Speaker, all the Members of the House being uncovered ; and is as followeth : GOSFORD, Governor in Chief. Resolu, Que les Documens remis a la Barre de cette r ^ a s ti £n™e el ’* Chambre, Vendredi le 8 et Samedi le 16 du present, ^ n d f/ u “ ne relativement a direction d’une Prison et d’une Cour de tice dans Mis- Justice dansle Co:nt6 de Missiskoui, et a la division de slil£ou '> re,eres - la Seigneurie de St. Armand en deux Paroisses, soient referes a un Comile de cinq Membres, pour les exa- miner et en faire rapport avec toule la diligence conve- nable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Knight, M. Bardy, M. Morin , M. Child et M. O'Callaghan composent le dit Comite. Stephen Walcott, Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son MeKag^dcSon Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, a ete admis en de- dans de la Bane, et a remis a M. POrateur un Mes- sage de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, sign6 par Son Excellence. Et ensuite il s’est retire. Et ledit Message a fte lu par M. POrateur, tous les Membres de la Chambre etant decouverts, et il est comme suit : GOSFORD, Gouverneur-en-Chef. Light House on St. Paul’s Island. Referring to his predecessor’s Messages of the 25th November, 1831, and 19th February, 1831, respecting the erection of a Light House on the Island of St. Paul's, and of Buildings for the shelter of Shipwrecked persons, the Governor in Chief now transmits to the House of Assembly, Copies of Communications relating thereto, that have since been received from the Go- vernment of New Brunswick, and of a Letter from A. C. Buchanan, Esquire, containing suggestions on the subject ; and invites the early and favorable atten- tion of the House to this important object. The Governor in Chief has not yet received any Co- pies of the Chart mentioned in Mr. Buchanan's Letter. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 20th January, 1S36. For Referant aux Messages de ses Predecesseurs, du 25 Novembre 1831 et du 19 Fevricr 1834, dans lesquels on recommande d’etablir des Phares sur Pile St. Paul, et des Batimens pour servir d’asyle aux naufrag^s, le Gouverneur-en-Chef transmet maintenant a la Cham- bre d’Assemblee, Copie des Communications a ce sujet, qu’il a re 9 ues depuis du Gouvernement du Nou- veau- Brunswick, et d’une lettre de A.-C. Buchanan, Ecuyer, qui contient des suggestions ace sujet ; et il prie la Chambre de donner son attention favorable a cet important objet. Le Gouverneur-en-Chef n’a encore re 9 u aucunes Copies de la Carte dont M. Buchanan parle dans sa Lettre. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec , 20 Janvier 1836. Phare sur I'lH St. Paul. Pour 6 Will. IV. 20 ° Januarii, 37 5 Appendix (Y. Y.) For the Documents accompanying the said Message, see Appendix (Y. Y.) at the end of this Volume. Pour les Documens qui accompagnent le dit Mes- sage, voir Appendice (Y. Y.) a la fin de ce Volume. Appendlce (Y. Y.) Resolutions on Mr. Bedard , from the Committee of the whole House c^haH tab ' % \e in- on the Fifth Report of the Standing Committee for stitutions, re- Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, reported, accord- ing to Order, the Resolutions of the said Committee ; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Ta- ble, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followeth : 1. Resolved , That a sum, not exceeding Two hun- dred and fifty pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, as an aid to the Corporation of the Montreal General Hospital, towards defraying their expenses du- ring the year ending on the 1st November next. 2. Resolved , That a sum, not exceeding Eighty three pounds six shillings and eight pence currency, be granted to His Majesty, to be paid to Doctor Arnoldi , as the balance of his Salary as Resident Physician at Montreal , in 1832. 3. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Eighty three pounds six shillings and eight pence currency, be granted to His Majesty, to be paid to Doctor Nelson, as the balance of his Salary as Health Commissioner at Montreal , during the said year !S32. 4. Resolved , That a sum, not exceeding Thirty six pounds five shillings and eleven pence halfpenny cur- rency, be granted to His Majesty, to be paid to the Commissioners for the support oflnsane persons, Found- lings, and Indigent Sick persons, for the District of Three Rivers, to reimburse their expenses incurred in 1833 and 1834, over and above the appropriations made for the said two years. ' 5. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Four hun- dred and fifty six pounds one shilling and five pence cur- rency, be granted to His Majesty, to be paid to the said Commissioners to indemnify them for the expenses by them incurred for the purposes aforesaid, during the year ended on the 10th October last. 6. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Two hun- dred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the support of Foundlings in the District of Three Ri- vers, for the year ending on the 10th October next. 7. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and fifty pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the support of Insane persons in the said District, for the same period. 8. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and twenty five pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the support of Indigent sick persons in the said District, for the same period. M. Bedard , du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le isolations sur Cinquieme Rapport du Comite Permanent pour les l 1 e * sl V t ^S , j i ‘““ x d ® t Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite, a fait rapport, Chamq rap- ° conformement a I’Ordre, des Resolutions du dit Comi- port6cs ‘ t£, lesquelles Resolutions out ete lues de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptees par la Chambre j et elles sont commesuit : 1. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Deux cent cinquante livres courant, soit accordee k Sa Majeste, pour aider la Corporation de l’Hopital General de Montreal, a defrayer ses depenses pendant l’annee qui expirerale ler Novembre prochain. 2. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’exc^dant pas Quatre- vingt-trois livres six schellings ethuit deniers courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour 6tre payee au Dr. Arnoldi, pour balance de son Salaire corarae Medecin Resident a Montreal, en 1832. 3. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Quatre- vingt-trois livres six schellings et huit deniers courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour etre payee au Dr. Nelson, pour balance de son Salaire comme Comtnis- saire de Sante a Montreal, pendant la dite annee 1832. 4. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’exc^dant pas Trente-six livres cinq schellings et onze deniers et demi courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour etre payee anx Com- missaires nomtnes pour lesoutien des insenses, Enfans- trouves et Malades indigens pour le District des Trois- Rivieres, aux fins de Its rembourser des depenses par eux faites en 1833 et 1834, en sus des appropriations faites pour les dites deux annees. 5. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Quatre cent cinquante-six livres un schelling et cinq deniers cou- rant, soit accordee a. Sa Majeste, pour etre payee aux dits Commissaires, pour les indemniser des depenses par eux faites pour les fins susdites, pendant l’annec expiree le 10 Oetobre dernier. 6. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Deux cents livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour le sou- tien des Enfans-trouves dans le District des 1'rois- Ri- vieres, pour fannee qui expirera le 10 Oetobre pro- chain. 7. Resolu , Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cent cin- quante livres courant, soit accordee a S; Majeste, pour le soutien des Insenses dans le District susdit, pen- dant la meme periode. 8. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cent vingt- cinq livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour le soutien des Malades indigens dans le District susdit, pour la meme periode- Education Bin Mr. Godhout, from the Committee of the whole reported. House on the Bill for the further and permanent en- couragement of Education, reported, according to Or- der, the amendment made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendment was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. Resolution? on Mr. Meilleur, from the Committee of the whole counts ^7 ^ c * House on the Second Report of the Standing Commit- other object^ tee for the Contingent Accounts and other objects con- the internal De- nected with the internal Department of the House of Hou^e 6 ,"^ the Assembly, reported, according to Order, the Resolu- ported.’ tions of the said Committee ; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followeth : 1. Resolved , That the sum of Two thousand five hundred M. Godhout, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Bill pour l’encouragement ulterieur et permanent de l’Education, a fait rapport, conformement a l’Ordre, de 1’amendement fait au dit Bill par le Comite, lequel amendement a ete In de nouveau a la Table du Gref- fier, et adopte par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. Bill d’Educs- tion, rapportS. M. Meilleur , du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Second Rapport du Comite Permanent pour les De- penses contingentes et autres objets relatifs aux De- partemens int£rieurs de la Chambre d’Assemblee, a fait rapport, conformement a 1’Ordre, des Resolutions du dit Comite, lesquelles Resolutions out et61ues de nou- veau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptees par la Cham- bre ; et elles sont comme suit : 1. Resolu, Que la somme de Deux milie cinq cent quarante- Resolutions sur le? Depenses contingentes et autres objets re- latifs aux De- partemens inte- rieurs de la Chambre, rap- portees. 376 20° Jamariu A. 1836. hundred and forty four pounds fourteen shillings and six pence currency, be paid to the i Honorable Denis Benjamin Vigor, being the balance due to him for his Salary as Agent for this House with the Imperial Go- vernment, and to reimburse him for the sums by lnm expended for his Contingent Expenses. « Resolved , That for the future, the publication of the several Rules of this House, which it has been here- tofore the practice to publish in all the Newpapeis in this Province, shall be made only once a week in two Newspapers in each of the downs of Qiiebec and Mon- treal, one of which is published in English and the other in French, and in one of the Newspapers in each of the other Districts, if there be one published therein 3. Resolved , That for the future, the Chairman of each Committee of this House shall mention in a note at the foot of each Report laid before the House, what portion of the Documents accompanying sucn Report ought or ought not to be printed in the Journal and A 4 V X Rvsolved, That the Salary of the Assistant Trans- lators, French and English, be reduced to fifteen shil- lings currency, a day. 5. Resolved, That for the purpose of facilitating the search which it is frequently necessary to make into the Journals of this House, and in consequence of the incorrectness of the present Indexes to the said Jour- nals, the Clerk of this House do immediately after the present Session, cause a General Index to be made to the Journals of this House published since 1?. 2, refet- rinv Une Petition de Francois Besset, Etienne Barnere, Michel Lebeau , Francois Lebeau , Prudent Lebeau, Pierre Messier et Pierre Benjamin dit St. Aubin tons PropriCaires du Petit Rang vulgairement appeffi Petit. Rang St. Simon , Cant et faisant partie de la Paroisse St. Mathias, exposant : Que les Petitionnaires eprou- vent continuellement une grande difficulte poui se rendre a leur Eglise, de laquelle ils sont eloign^s de trois lieues et trois quarts, et qu’ils n’ont d’autre moyen pour s’y rendre que de passer par le chemm des Cm- quaute-quatre, qui s£pare la Paroisse £6 Mathias d’avec la Paroisse St. Athanase, a laquelle ils desire- raient 6 Will. IV. 22 ° Jaiiuani. 579 Message rela- ting to a Light House on St. Paul’s Island, referred. Papers deliver- ed at the Bar : Relating to the improvement ofthe Naviga- tion above the Cascades. A ppendix (Z.Z.) Relating to Commissioners for Small Causes in Richelieu. Appendix (D. D.) Third Report of Committee on Fees and Emo- luments of 051. cers of Courts of Justice. league and a half distant from it, and having to go at least one league through it in passing by the fifty four arpent Road aforesaid: That the Petitioners are some- times altogether prevented from reaching their Church by the bad state of the Roads, and by the floods which often take place in different parts of the Parish of St. Mathias, and that they are thereby exposed to be deprived botli of temporal and spiritual succour in cases of urgency, all which could not happen if the Petitioners were included in the Parish of St. Athanase : That the Petitioners in making this application are not in any wise moved by party spirit and caprice, having already contributed towards building the Church of St. Mathias, and towards forming the Burial Ground, and yet being willing to agree to be joined with the Inha- bitants of the Parish of St. Anathase in the repartition for building their new Church; which willingness on the part ofthe Petitioners proves them to be actuated by laudable and proper motives, and forms a full justi- fication of their conduct: That the Petitioners humbly pray that the House, after having taken their Petition into consideration, will be pleased to grant their prayer. Ordered , That the two preceding Petitions be refer- red to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Resolution of this House, “ That it is expedient to ex- “ plain and amend the Act passed in the first year of “ the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, “ An “ Act for ascertaining, establishing and confirming in “ a legal and regular manner, and for Civil purposes, “ the Parochial Subdivisions of various parts of this “ Province,” and, also, the Act or Ordinance of the “ thirty first year of the Reign of His late Majesty “ George the Third, intituled, “ An Act or Ordinance “ concerning the building and repairing of Churches, “ Parsonage Houses and Church Yards.” On Motion of Mr. Power, seconded by Mr. Leslie , Ordered, That the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the twentieth instant, relating to a Light House on St. Paul's Island, be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Pe- tition of divers Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Merchants, and others. The House being informed that John Davidson, Es- quire, Assistant Civil Secretary, was at the door, he was called in; and at the Bar delivered, pursuant to Ad- dresses to His Excellency the Governor in Chief of the 28th December last, and Sth instant, the following Documents : 1st. Copies of Documents and Correspondence rela- tive to the improvement of the Navigation of the St. Lawrence above the Cascades. For the said Documents, see Appendix (Z. Z.) at the end of this Volume. 2d. Petitions and Copies of Correspondence relative to the appointment of Commissioners for the trial of Small Causes in the County of Richelieu. For the said Documents, see Appendix (D. D.) at the end of this Volume. Mr. Barnard, from the Special Committee appointed to enquire concerning the Fees and Emoluments re- ceived by the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries, and Criers of the Court of Appeals and of the Courts of King's Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective Offices, and other references, with power to report from time to time, presented to the House, the Third Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. raient etre agr^ges, n’en Gant Goignes que d’une lieue et demie ; de plus, que passant par le Chemindes Cin- quante-quatre, comrae susdit, i Is parcourent et mar- chent une lieue an moins dans la Paroisse de St. Alha~ nase, en outre qu’ils sont parfois priv£s de se rendre a. leur Eglise, vu le mauvais that des chemins et le gon- flement. des eaux qui se font sentir en plusieurs endroits de la Paroisse St. Mathias, et que par la ils se trouvent prives tant des secours spirituels que temporels, et dans les cas meme les plus urgens, ce qui n’arriverait pas s’ils Gaient de la Paroisse St. Athanase : Que les PGitionnaires en suppliant de cette sorte, n’agissent point par esprit de parti ni par caprice, sachant qu’ils out d£ja contribu6 a la construc- tion de l’Eglise St. Mathias, ainsi qu’au Cimetihre, et qu’ils veulent encore par conventions se joindre aux Habitans de la Paroisse de St. Athanase dans la repar- tition de leur nouvelle Eglise ; cette, demarche de leur part devance leur justification et prouve clairemenl leur louable et juste raison de petitionner : Que les PGitionnaires croient que la Chambre voudra biec, apres avoir pris communication de leur Petition, ac- quiescer a leur demande. Ordonne, Que les deux Petitions prdeedentes soient rGerees au Comite Special auquel a G6 rGG£e la Re- solution de cette Chambre, “ Qu’il est expedient d'ex- “ pliquer et arnender l’Acte passe dans la premiere “ annee du Regne de Sa pr4sente Majeste, intituld, “ Acte pour constater, etablir et confirmer d’une ma- “ niere legale et reguliGe, et pour les effets civils, les “ subdivisions paroissiales de differentes parties de cette “ Province ;” et aussi i’Acte ou Ordonnance de la “ trente-et-unieme annee du Regne deSa feue Majeste “ George Trois, intitule, “ Acte ou Ordonnance qui “ concerne la construction et la reparation des Egliges, 8 ‘ Presbyteres et Cimetieres.” Sur Motion de M. Power, second^ par M. Leslie , Ordonne , Que le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, du vingt du courant, relatif a un Phare sur lTle St. Paul, soit refers au Comite Special auquel a Ge refGee la Petition de divers Proprietaires de Vaisseaux, Maitres de Vaisseaux, Marchands et autres. La Chambre etant informde que John Davidson, Ecuyer, Assistant Secretaire Civil, Gait a la Porte, il aetd appele, et a remis a ia Barre, confonnement aux Adresses a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 28 Decembre dernier, et du 8 du courant, les Docu- mens suivans : 1 ° Copie de Documens et Correspondance, rela- tivement a PamGioration de la Navigation du St. Lau- rant, au-dessus des Cascades. Pour les dits Documens, voir Appendice (Z. Z.) a la fin de ce Volume. 2 ° Petitions et Copie de Correspondance relatives a la nomination des Commissaires pour Ja decision des Petites Causes dans le Comte de Richelieu. Pour les dits Documens, voir Appendice (D. D.) a la fin de ce Volume. M. Barnard, du Comit6 Special nomine pour s’en- querir des Honoraires et Revenus per$us en vertu de leurs charges respectives, par les ShGifs, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Cours d’Appel et du Banc du Roi en cette Province, et autres references, avec pouvoir de faire rapport de temps a autre, a pr£sent6 a la Cham- bre le TroisiGne Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a iii lu de nouveau & la Table du Greffier. Message rela- tif a un Phare sur 1* lie St. Paul, referee. Papiers remis a la Barre Relatifs a l'a- melioration de la Navigation au-dessus des Cascades. Appendice (Z. Z.) Relatifs aux Commissaires des Petiles Causes dans Richelieu. Appendice (D. D.) Troisieme Rap- port du Comite sur les Hono- raires et Reve- nus des Officiers des Cours de Justice. For Pour Appendix (V. V.) 3S0 22 " Januarit. A. 1836 . For the said Report, see Appendix (V. V.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered , That the said Report be referred to a lom- mittee of the whole House on Saturday the sixth ot February next. . . • , ,, Ordered , That two hundred Copies of the said Re- port, with the Evidence therein mentioned, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (V. V.) a la fin app^« de ce Volume. Ordonne , Que le dit Rapport soit re Lire a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Samedi le six Fevrier prochain. Ordonne , Que deux cents Exemplaires du dit Rap- port, avec le Temoignage qui y est mentionne, soient imprimes pour " usage desMembres de cette Chambre. Jlepoft on Agri- culture Bill. Mr. Archambeault, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to repeal a ceitain Act therein mentioned, and more effectually to remedy ca- vers abuses prejudicial to Agriculture, reported that tne Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments weie a^ain read at the Clerk’s lable. ° Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House on I uesday next. M. Archambeault , du Comite Special auquel a et6 Rapport surje refere le Bill pour revoquer un certain Acte y mention- SS. d gneu 0 ^ pour remedier plus efhcacement a diveis ahus prejudiciables a l’ Agriculture, a fait lappoit que le Comite avait passe 1 e Bill et yavait fait plusieurs amen- demens, lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. / ^ v Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Mardi prochain. Petition of W. McNeil, rela- ting to a Lot of Land in Kiog- aey. A Petition of William McNeil, of the Township of Kingsey, County of Drummond , was presented to the House bv Mr. Child , and the same was received and read ; setting forth : That in or about the year 1800, Captain Joseph Perkins and Adam R. Lee/, both Asso- ciates in the Township of Shipton, cleared and made improvements, and cut Hay on the Lot No. 2, in the 11th Range in the Township of Kingsey , and had pos- session for the period of twenty years, when they gave up their claim to one Robert Robinson, who cut and cleared Land and held possession three yeais, when he sold his claim to one David Perkins, who occupied the same a certain period ot time, and then sold to James Perkins, who occupied the same in good faith, thinking that he, for having occupied it, would obtain a patent from Government: That the said James Perkins, in the year 1826, sold his claim to the Petitioner : 1 hat the Petitioner has lived in peaceable possession since, and has made large clearances and erected Buildings : I hat the Petitioner being in the City oi Quebec in the month of July 1835, met with a person by the name of Chase, from the State of Maine, who applied to die Petitionei, statino- that he had been informed that the Petitioner had a knowledge of the local situation of the Eastern Town- ships and wished the Petitioner to give him informa- tion about certain Lots of Land that James Aar, A o-ent at Quebec, offered him for sale, and amongst the Lots on the List, the Petitioner found Lot No. 2, in the lltli Rano'e in Kingsey, one which he was on, marked at five shillings per acre: That the Petitioner told Chase that he was then living on the Cot, and had been in possession of it a long time: That the Petitioner went to James Kerr and mentioned it to him, and asked mm if had power to sell, and told him tnat he was on the Lot • Mr. Kerr said he was Agent, but was not ) et em- powered to sell, that when he was he promised to write to the Petitioner: That the Petitioner asked Mi. Kerr his price, he said he should not sell it under ten shillings an acre : That it appears that after finding the Lands were improved, he the said James Kerr purchased the same : and though it was not in his power to get more than five shillings an acre, from Mr. Chase, but tne 1 e- titioner being in possession, he would extort ten shil- lings an acre from him and others who live on those lands: That the said James Kerr, on the 6th January 1836, came up to Shipton, and called the people toge- ther who lived on those lands, and told tnem to quit the lands in three weeks, or pay him ten shillings per acre: That the Lot above mentioned forms part of l600 acres which Colonel Deriot told me was given to Adjutant General Baynes by Sir James Craig, at two shillings and six pence pet acre, not for services, out Une Petition de William McNeil , du Township de coition de w. Kingsey, ComG de Drummond, a He presentee a la tive a un Lot de Chambre par M. Child, laquelle a eteie^ue et lue ; ex- ‘^Hgsey. posant: Que vers l'annee 1800, le Capitaine Joseph Perkins et Adam R. Leet, tous deux associes, du Town- ship de Shipton, defrich&rent de la terre, firent des ameliorations, et fauch&rent du f oi ti sur le lot N ° 2 du lie Rang du Township de Kingsey, qu’ils possd- daient depuis vingt ans, lorsqu ils cederent leur droit a un nomine Robert Robinson, qui fit des defrichemens et vendit les droits qu’il avait sur ce lot de teire tiois ans apres a un nomine David Perkins ; ce dernier pos- setla ce lot de terre pendant un ceitain temps, et le vendit ensnite a James Perkins, qui le possHlait de bon- ne foi, pensant que pour 1’avoir possHle il obtiendiait une Patente du Gouvernement : Que le dit James Per- kins vendit en 1826 son droit au Petitionnaire: Que le Petitionnaire enajoui paisiblemenl depuis, ety a faitdes defrichemens considerables et construit des batimens : Que le Petitionnaire se trouvant dans la Cite de Quebec, dans le mois de Juillet 1835, rencontra une peisonne nominee Chase, del’Etat du Maine, qui s’adressa a lui, disant qu’il avait ete informe que le Petitionnaire con- naissait la situation locale des lownships de I Est, etde- manda au Petitionnaire deluidonner des in formation sur certains lots de terre que James Kerr, Agent a Quebec , offrait de lui vendre, et, parmi les lots sur la liste, le Petitionnaire trouva le lot N° 2 du lie Rang de Kingsey, sur lequel il demeurait depuis long-temps : Que le Petitionnaire dit a Chase qu il demeurait sui ce lot et le possedait depuis long-temps : Que le Petitionnaire se transporta chez James Kerr, et lui en parla, et lui demanda s il etait autonse a vendie, lui disant qu il demeurait sur ce lot ; M. Kerr dit qu’il etait Agent, mais qu'il n’etait pas encore autorise a vendre ", que lorsqu il le serait, n pioniettait d ecrire au Petitionnaire : Que le Petitionnaire demanda a M. Kerr son prix ; celui-ci dit qu il ne le vendrait pas a moins de dix scheilings 1 acre : Qu il paia.t qu apics avoir trouve que le lot de terre etait ameliore, le dit James Kerr I’acheta, et quoiqu’il ne fut pas en son pouvoir d’avoir plus de cinq scheilings 1 acre de M. Chase, il voulait extorquer dix schillings l’acre du Pe- titionnaire, qui en etait en possession, et des autres pei- sonnes qui demeuraient sur ces tenes . Que le dit James Kerr vint a Shipton le 6 Janvier 1836, et assem- bla les Habitansqui demeuraient sur ces terres, et leur dit de quitter les terres dans trois semaines, ou de lui payer dix shellings l’acre : Que le lot ci-dessus men- tioune forme partie des 1 600 acres que le Colonel Ile- riot m’a dit avoir ete donnas a l’Adjudant-General Baynes par Sir James-11, Craig , a deux schellinga et 6 Will. IV, 22 ° Januarii . 381 Gasp6 Land Titles Bill passed. Gaspe Notaries Bill passed. Bill to appoint Commissioners to treat with Upper Canada, passed. Education Bill passed. for money to open Craigs Road, which was done by Soldiers : That the Petitioner petitioned for those Lands in 1826, being entitled to Land for services in the Mi- litia in J\ew Brunswick , and also a Loyalist right ; but that he did not belong to the favorite party, and was refused: That the Petitioner also petitioned in 1829, in person, to Sir James Kempt , who promised to assist him, but he was forgotten : That it appears that those Lands were patented to Baynes in 1811, being before the last War, and were not given for services ; and that Baynes has not done nor caused to be done any settling duties, and that different people were living on those Lands at that time, and long before, with an ex- pectation of obtaining a Patent for the same, having- done the settling duty: That the Petitioner and others have cut and cleared a Road from the said Lands to Long Point , a distance of twelve miles, at their own expense, and have much improved the Land by cutting Roads and building: That after living so long in that remote part of the country, and now to be drove off in this way, the Petitioner thinks it to be grievous to be turned out of doors with a family of small children : That the Petitioner has no confidence in the Courts of Justice for a remedy, as the greater part of the Judges have obtained vast tracts of Land in that vici- nity for pretended services, and will not give judgment against themselves; and praying the House to take the Petitioner’s complaint into consideration, and con- firm him in his title to the said Lot No. 2, in the 11th Range of the Township of Kingsey , in the County of Drummond, in the District of St. Francis . Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. demi l’acre, non pas pour services, mais pour argent paye pour ouvrir le Chemin Craig quia ete fait par des soldats : Que le Petitionnaire demanda ces terres en 1826, par Petition, ayant droit d’avoir des terres pour services rendus dans la Milice du Nouveau- Brunswick, et aussi comme Loyaliste ; mais que n’etant pas du parti favonse, sa demande a - Jb on the First Report of the Standing Committee of Roads roenis, reported. anc j p u bli c Improvements, and, also, on the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Village of Georgeville, in the Township of Stanstead. and the Petition of divers Inha- bitants of the County of She fford, District of Montreal, reported, according to Order, the Resolutions of the said Committee ; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : 1. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Committee, That it is expedient to make the Road leading from the Horse Ferry Boat at Longueuil to the entrance of the Chambly Canal, a Turnpike Road. 2. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Committee, That power be given to Commissioners to borrow the sum of Eight thousand pounds currency, to make the Road from the Ferry at Longueuil to the entrance of the Chambly Canal, solid and durable. Mr. Archambeaull moved, seconded by Mr. Morin, That the Question of concurrence be now separately put upon the said Resolutions The House divided on the Question : Yeas, 36. Nays, 15. So it was carried in the Affirmative. And the said Resolutions being again severally read, and the Question of concurrence being separately put thereon, they were agreed to by the House, and Resolved, That this House doth concur with the Committee in the said Resolutions. iwution on Mr. Larue , from the Committee of the whole House a ^'reported?* to consider the expediency of continuing for a limited time, an Act passed in the second year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “ An Act to create a fund for defraying “ the expense of providing Medical assistance for sick “ Emigrants, and of enabling indigent persons of that “ description to proceed to their place of destination,” reported, according to Order, the Resolution of the said Committee ; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is as followeth : Resolved, That it is expedient to continue fora limited lime, an Act passed in the second year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled, “An Act to create a fund for “ defraying the expense of providing Medical assistance “ for sick Emigrants, and of enabling indigent persons of “ that description to proceed to their place of destina- “ tion.” Bill lo continue the Emigrant Ordered , That Mr. O'Callaghan have leave to bring the first time, in a Bill to continue for a limited time, an Act passed in the second year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, “ An Act to create a Fund to defray the expense of “ providing Medical assistance for sick Emigrants, and “ of enabling indigent persons of that description to “ proceed to their place of destination.” He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow. Un Bill grossoye pour faire certains lDglemens au Bin pour r^gier sujet de 1‘Office de Sherif, a et6 hi pour la troisieme un Sh6 " fuis. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Huot porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. M. Hardy , du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Resolution* Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent desCheminset mini* Ami- des Ameliorations publiques, et aussi sur la Petition de [ ) '°^° ns ra t>u ‘ divers Habitans du Village de Georgeville A ans le Town- ponees! ; ship de Stanstead, et sur la Petition de divets Habitans du Comte de Shefford, District de Montreal, a fait rap- port, conformement a l’Ordre, des Resolutions du dit Comite, lesquelles Resolutions ont ete lues de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, com me suit : 1. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’il est expedient d’etablir en un Chemin de Peage, le Chemin depuis la Traverse des Horse Boats a Lon- gueuil, jusqu’a l’embouchure du Canal de Chambly. 2. Resolu, Que e’est I’opinion dece Comite, Que des Commissaires soient autorises a emprnnter une somme de Huitmille livres courant, pour rendre solide et du- rable le Chemin depuis la Traverse de Longueuil a aller jusqu’a l’embouchure du Canal de Chambly. M. Archambeaull a propose, seconde par M. Morin , Que la Question de concours soit maintenant separe- ment mise sur les dites Resolutions. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question : Pour 36, Contre 15. Ainsi el le a etd emportee dans l’Affirmative. Et les dites Resolutions ayant ete separeinent lues de nouveau, et la Question de concours ayant et6 sepa- r6ment mise sur icellcs, elles ont ete adoptees par la Chambre, et Resolu, Que cette Chambre concourt avec le Co- mite' dans les dites Resolutions. M. Larue, du Comite de toute la Chambre pour con- ,?f olu l ion , sur . , , 7 . . 1 1 Acte des Emi- siderer s d est expedient de continuer, pour un temps gres rappouee. limite, un Acte passe dans la seconde annde du Regne de Sa Majeste, intitule, “ Acte pour crFer un Fonds “ pour subvenir aux depenses du traitement Medical “ et des soins pour les Emigres malades, et pour met- “ tre les personnes indigentes de cette description en “ etat de se rendre au lieu de leur destination,” a fait rapport, conformement a l Ordre, de la Resolution du dit Comite, laquelle Resolution a ete hie de nouveau h. la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre ; et elle est comme suit : Resolu, Qu’il est expedient de continuer, pour un Bin pour con- temps limite, un A.cte passd dans la seconde annee du la Taxe des Regne de Sa presente Majeste, intitule, “ Acte pour “ cre'er un Fonds pour subvenir aux depenses du “ traitement Medical et des soins pour les Emigres “ malades, et pour mettre les personnes indigentes de “ cette description en etat de se rendre au lieu de leur “ destination.’’ Ordonne , Que M. O'Callaghan ait la permission d’in- troduire un Bill pour continuer, pour un temps limite, un Acte pass6 dans la seconde annee du R£gne de Sa Majeste, intitule, “ Acte pour cr£er un Fonds pour “ subvenir aux depenses du traitement Medical et des “ soins pour les Emigres malades, et pour mettre les “ personnes indigentes de cette description en 6tat de “ se rendre au lieu de leur destination.” 11 a en consequence present^ Je dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour demain. The L’Ordre 6‘ Will. IV. 22" Januarii. 383 Report on Pe- titions ofWidow De Beaujeu and others de- ferred. Committee on Report respec- ting the annex- ation of Gaspd to New Bruns- wick ; Resolution reported. Comraiitee cn Jesuits Estates. ■ Committte on Education and Schotls. Committee on Public Ac- counts. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Report of the Special Committee to whom was re- ferred the Petition of Widow Jacques P. Saveuse de Beaujeu and George R. Saveuse de Beaujeu , Esquire, and the Petition of John McCuaig, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be postponed till Friday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Answer of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the thirteenth November last, to the Address of this House of the eleventh of the same month, relative to the annexation of the District of Gaspe to the Pro- vince of New Brunswick , being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Bardij took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr, Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution ; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is as followeth : Resolved , That this House doth concur with the Com- mittee in the Report of the Special Committee. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Standing Committee on the Je- suits Estates, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Le Boutillier took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Le Boutillier reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again on Tuesday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Edu- cation and Schools, with an Instruction to take into con- sideration the claims of School Trustees and Visitors in Inverness and Leeds, in the County of Megantic , being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Fortin took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Fortin reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution which he was diiected to sub- mit to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First, Second and Third Reports of the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Clapliam took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Clapliam reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again on Monday next. Ordered , L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme cn Comitb sur le Rapport du Comity Special auquel out ete rbfbrees, la Petition de Dame Veuve Jacques-P . Sa- veuse De Beaujeu. et George-R. Saveuse De Beaujeu, Ecuyer, et la Petition de John McCuaig, ayant 6x6 lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Ven- dredi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comitd* surle Rapport du Comitb Special auquel a 06 referee la Rbponse de Son Excellence le Gouverneur- en-Chef, du treize Novembre dernier, a l’Adresse de cette Chambre, en date du onze du meme mois, re- lativement a 1’annexation du District de Gaspe & la Province du N o uvea u- Brunswick, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en Consequence formee en le dit Gomite. M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comitb; et apr£s y avoir sibge queique temps, M. l’Orateur arepris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Bardy a fait rapport que le Comitd avait pass£ une Resolution, laqueile Resolution a ete lue de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Cham- bre ; et elle est comme suit : Resolu , Que cette Chambre concourt avec le Co- mit6 dans le Rapport du Comitb Special. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comit6 sur le Premier Rapport du Comit6 Permanent sur les Biens des Jesuites, ayant btelu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Zc Boutillier a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apr£s y avoir siege queique temps, M. 1’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Le Boutillier a fait rapport que le Comitb avait fait queique progres, et lui avait enjoint de de- mander permission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sieger de nouveau, Mardi prochain, L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Second Rapport du Comite Permanent pour l'Education et les Ecoles, avec une Instruction de prendre en consideration les reclamations des Syndics d’Ecoles et Visiteurs dans Inverness et Leeds , Comt6 de Megantic , ayant et6 lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Fortin a pris le Fauteil du Comite ; et aprbs y avoir siege queique temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Fortin a fait rapport que le Comite avait pass6 une Resolution qu’il avait ordre de soumettre a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit reoiition quelle a et6 retpie et lue j exposant : Que e’est avec ia Compagnie crainte et avec alarme queles Petitionnaires regardent unn^uTVmV- l’etablissement de la Compagnie des Terres Britanni- ritaine - que AmtTicaine, et les consequences qui doivent en resulter inevitablement : Que les Petitionnaires n’he- sitent pas a dire qu’ils consid&rent Poctroi d’une Charted la Compagnie des Terres Britannique Ame- ricaine connne une violation de leurs droits et de leurs privileges comme Sujets Britanniques, qui leur ont et6 garantis par uu Acte du Parlement Imperial : Que les Petitionnaires regardent de plus la vente d’une aussi grande etendue de Terres publiques, comme une mesures dontles consequences sont tr£s-prejudiciables au bien-etre et ;\ la prosperite des Habitans de cette Province, et qui continueront de se faire sentir, non- seulement a la presente generation, mais encore avec une force croissante a leur post6rite la plus reculee : Que les Petitionnaires et les Habitans de la Province sont pour la plupart agriculteurs, et ils dependent de leurs terres pour leur subsistance : Que ce n’est done pas avee peu d’alarme qu’ils voient une Compagnie 6trangere parmi eux, dont l’etablissement obscurcit les plus brillantes esperances qu’ils avaient devant eux : Que les jeunes gens ont pu jusqu’a present se procurer un Lot de terre inculte a un prix tres-modique, et sur lequel, avec une Industrie persev6rante, ils deviennent capables de soutenir une famille dans l’aisance et dans une honnete ind^pendance : Mais si la Compagnie des Terres Britannique Am£ricaine continue d’exister, cet heureux £tat des clioses va cesser ; ceux qui vou- dront acheter des terres seront obliges de payer un prix exorbitant, et souvent apres avoir fait le premier ou le second paiement a compte de ce prix, seront obliges d’abandonner leurs terres, faute de moyens de faire les derniers paiernens : Que les Petitionnaires regar- dent les Terres Publiques, ou comme on les nomme ordinairement, les Terres Incultes de la Couronne en cette Province, comme £tant de droit sous le contr61e et la direction des Repr^sentans du Peuple : Pour- quoi les Petitionnaires prient tr^s-instamment la Cham- bre de prendre leur Petition en sa consideration juste et Equitable, et de faire tous ses efforts pour abolir la Charte de la Compagnie des Terres Britannique Ame- ricaine, et de passer une Loi pour accorder a des frais aussi modiques que possibles, des Lots convenables de Terres incultes en cette Province, aux personnes qui desireronts’y £tablir. Ordonne , Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comit6 Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux. Ordonne , Que la dite Petition soit imprim^e pour 1’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. Sur Motion de M. Power , seconde par M. Deblois, Ordonne, Que le Comit6 Special auquel a ete refe- Pouvoira ree la Petition de divers Proprhitaires de Vaisseaux, Comite de faire Maitres de Vaisseaux, Marchands et autres, et autres aaE? r # de,empa references, ait pouvoir de faire rapport de temps a autre. M. Power , du Comite Special auquel a et6 referee la Premier Ra Petition de divers Proprietaires de Vaisseaux, Maitres port sir i es ap " de Vaisseaux, Marchands et autres, et autres references, ° S i^s Sde rr °" avec pouvoir de faire rapport de temps a autre, a presente 386 23 ° Januarii . A 1836. sented to the House the First Report of the said Com- niittee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as ^'in'o^edience to the Orders of reference of Your Ho- norable House, Your Committee have attentively exa- mined the Petition of divers Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Merchants, and others, interested in Trade and Naviga- tion, praying for the re-establishment of the Depot of Provisions of Ste. Anne , near Cap Chat , for the relief of Mariners in distress, and other Shipwrecked persons ; also, the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, recommending to your favorable consideration the expediency of providing funds for the continuance of the different Posts where Provisions have been usually deposited for the relief of Shipwrecked Mariners *, they have also read and examined the Address of the Mas- ter and Wardens ol the Trinity House of Quebec to His Excellency, annexed to the said Message, and have carefully perused and considered that part of the Pe- tition of the Inhabitants of the Magdalen Islands, pray- ing for the establishment of a Depot of Provisions on one of those Islands ; and upon the said reference they have examined ten Witnesses, and referied to the Journals of Your Honorable House tor all theinfoima- tion therein contained, connected with the subject of their enquiry, and have now the honor to report That the re-establishment of the Depot of Provisions at Ste. Anne near Cap Chat , as prayed for in the Petition of divers Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Merchants and others, is recommended in the Message of His Excel- lency, together with the continuance of five other De- pots, namely, one at Pointe des Monts , and tour on the Island of Anticosti, and it became the duty of Your Com- mittee to investigate and ascertain by what authority, at what time, how long, and from what funds, these several Depots have been established and maintained ; and they find from the testimony of John Lambly , Es- quire, Warden of the Trinity House and Harbour Mas- ter of Quebec, as well as from the Evidence of other Witnesses, that of the several Depots of Provisions already mentioned, the two first that were established, were made on the Island of Anticosti, one at Jupiter River, and the other at the West End of the said Island, in the year 1808, by the orders of Sir James Craig, then Governor of the Province, and have hitherto always been supplied from His Majesty’s Stores, under the su- perintendence of the Trinity House of Quebec. That the Depot at the South West Point of the Is- land of Anticosti was established by the Military Govern- ment in the year 1831, and since that time supplied with Provisions from the King’s Stores. In the year 1 833, a Light House was erected on the East End of the said Island, when the Trinity Board, with the sanction of Lord Aylmer, then Governor in Chief, deposited in that Light House, under the care of the Keeper, a quantity of Provisions for the relief of Shipwrecked Mariners, which were paid for out of the monies granted by the Legislature for the building of that Light House. It does not appear that any Legislative enactment for the establishment of Depots of Provisions for the relief of Shipwrecked persons was made previous to the year 1829 when, during the Session of Parliament of that vear/the Act of the 9th Geo. IV. Cap. 23, was passed, appropriating a sum not exceeding One hundred and fifty pounds for the purchase of Provisions to be placed in a Store at Ste • Anne, near Cap Chat , and a further sum of Fifty pounds currency, for the Salary of the Keeper of that Store. The first Deposit of Provisions made at Pointe des Monts for the same benevolent purpose, was in the year 1830 when, at the recommendation of Sir James Kempt, then a la Chambre le Premier R,apport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : Conformement aux Ordres de reference de Votre Honorable Chambre, Votre Comite a examine atten- tivement la Petition de divers Armateurs, Capitaines de Batimens, Marehands, et autres interesses dans le Com- merce et la Navigation, dans laquelle ils demandent le retablissement du Depot de Provisions k Ste. Anne, pres de Cap-Chat , pour secourir les Marins en detresse^ et autres personnes naufragees ; aussi le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, recommandant a votre consideration favorable la convenance de votei des fonds pour la continuation des differens 1 ostes ou l’on a ordinairement depose des Provisions pour le sou- lagement des Marins naufrages. Votre Comite a aussi lu et examine l’Adresse du Maitre et des Syndics de la Maison de la Trinit6 de Quebec a Son Excellence, an- nexee au Message precit6, et a soigneusement lu et con- sidere la partie de la Petition des Ilabitans des lies de la Magdeleine, dans laquelle ils demandent lYtablissement d’un Depot de Provisions sur une de ces lies ; et il a sur toutes les dites references entendu dix Temoins, et consulte les Journaux de yotre Honorable Chambre pour se procurer toutes les informations qu ils contien- nent, et qui ont rapport au sujet de son enquete, et il a maintenant Phonneur de faire rapport : Que Son Excellence recommande dans son Message le retablissement du Depot de Provisions a Ste. Anne, pres de Cap-Chat, tel que demande dans la Petition de divers Armateurs, Capitaines de Batimens, Marehands, et autres, et la continuation de cinq autres Depots, sa- voir : un ala Point-des-Monts, et quatre sur Pile An- ticosti ; et il a ete du devoir de Votre Comite de faire une investigation a ce sujet, et de constater par quelle autorite, en quel temps, combien de temps et sur quels fonds ces divers Depots ont ete etablis et maintenus sur pied, et le Temoignage de John Lambly, Ecuyer, Syndic de la Maison de la Trinite et Maitre du Havre de Quebec, et le Temoignage d'autres Temoins consta- tent que les deux premiers Depots qu on a etablis, 1 out ete sur Pile d 'Anticosti, Pun & la Riviere Jupiter, et Pautre a l’extremit6 Ouest de la dite lie, en 1808, par les ordres de Sir James Craig, alors Gouverneur de la Province ; et ont ete approvisionnes jusqua present par les Magasins de Sa Majesty, sous la surveillance de la Maison de la Trinite de Quebec. Que le Depot sur la Pointe Sud-Ouest de Pile An- ticosti a et6 etabli par le Gouvernement Militaire, en 1831, et a ete approvisionne depuis cette £poque par le Magasin du Roi. En 1833, on a construit un Phare sur PextrSmite Est de cette lie, ou le Bureau de la Trinit6 deposa, du consentement de Lord Aylmer, alors Gouverneur-en-Chef, une quantit6 de Provisions que I on confia aux soins du Gardien pour le soulagement des Marins naufrages ; et ces Provisions ont ete payees sur les Deniers accordes par la Legislature pour la con- struction de ce Phare. 11 ne parait pas que la Legislature ait passe d’Acte pour etablir des Depots de Provisions pour le secours des personnes naufragees avant Pannee 1829- Pendant la Session du Parlement de cette annee-la, il fut pass6 un Acte (la 9c Geo. IV., Chap. 23,) qui aflfectait une somme n’excedant pas Cent cinquante livres, pour acheter des Provisions, et les deposer dans un Magasin a. Ste. Anne, pres de Cap-Chat, et une autre somme de Cinquante livres courant, pour le Salaire du Gaidien de ce Magasin. . Le premier Depot de Provisions a la Pointe-des- Monts, pour le meme objet de bienfaisance, a ete etabli en 1830 j et sur la recominandation de Sir James Kempt , 6 Will. IV. 2.3° JanuariL 387 then Administrator of the Government, the sum of Forty pounds was taken from the Legislative appropri- ation of One hundred and fifty pounds above mentioned, and applied to the purchase of Provisions for the Depot then thought necessary to be established at the last mentioned place. The Law above alluded to having expired, the only other Legislative provision made on this subject, was in the year 1832, when it was thought expedient to revic- tual the D£pot at Ste. Anne, and also to establish a Depot at the Light House on Pointe des Monts, and for this purpose the Act of the 2nd Will. 4, Cap. 28, was passed, appropriating the sum of Two hundred pounds, for the purchase of Provisions to be deposited at the two last mentioned places ; and a further sum of Fifty pounds, as an allowance to Martin Legasse for having had charge of the Depdt at Ste. Anne, during one year after the expiration of the Law, and a further sum to the Keeper of the D£pot for the year 1832. Your Committee are of opinion that the necessity which gave rise to the maintenance of all the D^pdts above mentioned, at the time they were severally esta- blished, still exists, and that the humane motives which induced the Legislature and the Government to form those Depots have now became more urgent from the annual increase in the number of Vessels resorting to the Port of Quebec , and the great many Shipwrecks that occur every year on the desolate parts of the Coast of Canada ; but that which has most influenced Your Com- mittee in their opinion, and which they cannot too highly appreciate, is the timely relief heretofore afford- ed to suffer humanity by means of those Depots, for it appears in Evidence before Your Committee, that from their establishment many lives have been preserved, and hundreds of persons saved from the famine atten- dant upon being cast away upon a desert and uninha- bited shore. In corroboration of this Evidence, and as a proof of the great benefit which has been derived from those establishments generally. Your Committee think it sufficient to mention one example in particular, name- ly, that at Ste. Anne, near Cap Chat, which existed but for two years in virtue of the Acts above referred to ; it appears from the Register of Vessels Shipwrecked and whose Crews have been relieved by the Keeper of the Depot of Provisions at that place, as printed in the Appendixes to Your Journals of 1832 and 1834, that during the year this Depot existed under the first men- tioned Act, seven Vessels were wrecked at or near to that place, and the number of persons from on board these Vessels who obtained relief at this Depot was 245 ; during the second year of its existence under the Law of 1832, eight Ships were wrecked there, and from it their Crews to the number of 102 obtained suc- cour. Your Committee have ascertained from the Evidence of the Witnesses whom they have examined, that the distance from Cap Rosier to Ste. Anne , near Cap Chat , is so great, (about 130 miles,) that persons Shipwrecked, (as is very generally the case,) in the intermediate space might not be able to reach either of those places, and perish in the attempt from exhaustion ; and Messrs. Louis Lemieux , Joseph Levesque and Pierre Lefrangois , have informed Your Committee that, two years ago, two persons were Shipwrecked so far below Ste- Anne , that they perished in their attempt to reach that Post. All the Witnesses are of opinion, as is also Your Com- mittee, that a Depot of Provisions at th e Grand Etang, which is about thirty leagues below Ste. Anne, would be the means of saving many lives. Your Committee there- fore Kempt, alors Administrateur du Gouvernement, on a pris la somme de Quarante livres sur la somme de Cent cinquante livres appropriee par la Legislature, comme on l a dej& dit, et avec cette somme l’on acheta des Pro- visions pour le Depot que l’on avait jug£ alors n6ces- saire d’etablir a ce dernier endroit. L’Acte precite etant expire, la seule autre Disposi- tion Legislative sur ce sujet a £te faite en 1832 ; il fut jng6 alors necessaire d’approvisionner le Depot de Ste. Anne, et d’elablir aussi un Depdt au Phare de la Pointe - des-Monts ; et c’est pour cela que 1’on passa l’Acte de la 2e Guill. IV„ Chap. 28, dans lequel on appropriait la somme de Deux cents livres pour acheter des Provi- sions, et pour les deposer dans ces deux derniers en- droits ; et une nouvelle somme de Cinquante livres comme allocation a Martin J^egasse, pour avoir ete charge de la garde du Depot de Ste. Anne durant une annee apres l’expiration de l’Acte, et une autre somme au Gardien de ce Depot pour l’annee 1832. Votre Comitd est d’opinion que la n^cessitd ou Pon s’est trouve de maintenir tous les Depots dont on a parle, lorsqu’ils ont e't6 £tablis, existe encore, et que les motifs d’humanite qui ont engagd la Legislature et le Gouvernement & etablir ces Depots sont devenus encore plus urgens par l’accroissement annuel du nombre des Vaisseaux qui arrivent au Port de Quebec, et le grand nombre de naufrages qui ont lieu tous les ans sur les Cotes desertes du Canada ; mais ce qui a le plus influe sur I’opinion de Votre Comit6, et ce qu’il ne peut trop apprecier, c’est le secours qui a He jusqu’a. present port6 a temps k l’humanite souffrante par le moyen de ces Depots ; et il parait par les T^moignages que Votre Comite a retjus que, depuis leur etablissement, on a par ce moyen preserve la vie k bien des gens, et arra- ch6 des centaines de personnes a la famine qui les at- tendait sur des Cotes desertes et inhabitees, ou elles avaient et6 jetees. Pour corroborer ces Temoignages, et donner une preuve des grands avantages qui sont re- suites de ces ^tablissemens generalement, Votre Comite croit qu’il luisuffit d’en citer un exemple, savoir, le De- pot de Ste. Anne , pres de Cap-Chat , qui n’a existe que deux ans en vertu des Actes dont il a ete parle plus haul. Il parait d’apres la liste des Vaisseaux qui ont fait naufrage, et dont les equipages ont ete secourus par le Gardien du D£p6t de Provisions a cet endroit, telle quimprimee dans les Appendices de vos Journaux de 1832 et 1834, que pendant l’annee que ce Depdt a exists en vertu de l’Acte que l’on a raentionnd en pre- mier lieu, sept Vaisseaux ont fait naufrage dans cet en- droit, ou dans le voisinage, et que 245 personnes qui etaient dans ces Vaisseaux ont obtenu du secours a ce Depot ; et que pendant la seconde annee de son exis- tence, en vertu de l’Acte de 1832, huit Vaisseaux firent naufrage dans cet endroit, et leurs Equipages au nombre de 102, y ont obtenu des secours. Votre Comite a constate par le Temoignage des T^moins qu’il a interroges, que la distance depuis le Cap Rosier jusqu’a Ste. Anne , pres de Cap-Chat , est si grande (environ 130 milles) que les personnes qui fe- raient naufrage dans l’espace intermediate (comme cela arrive fr^quemment) ne pourraient peut-£tre pas se rendre a aucune de ces places, et periraient d’inanition, en essayant de s’y rendre. Messieurs Louis Lemieux , Joseph Levesque et Pierre Lefranpois ont informe Votre Comite que deux personnes ont fait naufrage il y a deux ans, si loin en bas de Ste. Anne, qu’elles ont peri en voulant se rendre a ce Depot. Tous les Temoins sontd’avis avec Votre Comite que l’etablissement d’un Depot de Provisions au Grand Etang, qui est & environ trente lieues au-dessous de Ste. Anne , servirait a sauver la 23 ° JanuariL A. 1830 , 388 forefeel it their duty to recommend the establishment of an additional D^potat the Grand Etang. Your Committee with all due regard to economy, and in order to prevent any unnecessary expenditure of the Public Money, have carefully examined the estimate jn the Address of the Trinity House to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, and are of opinion, that ten Bar- rels of Flour, four Barrels of Pork, and four Barrels ot Peas, will be sufficient for each of the four Depots on the Island of Anticosti, and that twenty Barrels of flour, eight Barrels of Pork, and eight Barrels of Peas, will suffice for each of the three other D^pdts, namely, those at Ste. Anne and Point e des Monts, and that recom- mended to be established at the Grand Etang ; the whole of which Provisions, at the rate of Thirty two shillings and six pence per Barrel for Hour, Eighty shillings per Barrel for Pork, and Twenty sin lings per Barrel for Peas, would amount to the sum of Three hun- dred and sixty two pounds ten shillings, which, with the sum of Fifty pounds Salary to each of the Keepers of the Depots at Jupiter River, at the West End of An- ticosti, at Ste. Anne, and at the proposed Establishment at the Grand Etang, would form a further sum of 1 wo hundred pounds, making the entire expenses of those Depots amount to the sum of Five hundred and sixty two pounds ten shillings currency. Your Committee have to observe that the three De- pots at Pointe des Monts, at Heath Point, and the South Point of the Island of Anticosti, may be under the care of the Keepers of the Light Houses at those places, and exempt from the expense of Guardianship. Your Committee have also to remark, that by the Act 2d. Will. IV. Cap. 28, already referred to, the sum of Two hundred and fifty pounds was appropriated for only two Depots, those at Ste. Anne and Pointe des Monts, and that according to the estimate \our Com- mittee have adopted, seven equally advantageous esta- blishments may be maintained for little more than dou- ble that sum. , , , , Your Committee for the reasons already stated by them, have adopted the following Resolutions, which they submit for the approval of Your Honorable House : 1st. That it is necessary to re-establish the Depots of Provisions for the relief of Shipwrecked persons at the River Ste. Anne , below Cap Chat , and at Pointe des Monts, as heretofore authorized by an Act passed in the second year of the Reign of His present Majesty, Chap- ter twenty eight. n 2nd. That it is also necessary to re-establish the foui Depots of Provisions for the relief of Shipwrecked per- sons, heretofore existing on the Island of Anticosti. 3rd. That for the same purpose it is further necessa- ry to establish another Depot of Provisions at the Gi and Etang , below the River Ste. Anne. 4th That it is expedient to appropriate a sum of mo- ney not exceeding Three hundred and sixty two pounds ten shillings currency, for the purchase of Provisions necessary at the aforesaid Depots. 5th. That it is likewise expedient to appropria .e a further sum of money, not exceeding Two hundred pounds for the Salaries of the Keepers of the Depots at Ste. Anne, at the West End of the Island of Anticosti , at Jupiter River on the said Island, and at the Grand Etang. . . Your Committee have entered into a minute inves- tigation of that part of the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Magdalen Islands referred to them, and whilst they cannot but admire and applaud the meritorious con- duct of those worthy Islanders in cases of Shipwreck, as proved to Your Committee, they regret being obliged to abstain from recommending on this subject the prayer la vie beaucoup de personnes. Votre Comite cioit done devoir recornmander l’etablissement d’un autie Depot au Grand Etang. . Dans la vue d’economiser, et pour prevenir toute de- i Vnlro a PX3- pense inutile des Deniers Publics, Votre Comite a exa- mine attentivement 1’ Estimation contenue dans l A- dresse que la Maison de la Trinite a presentee a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, et il est d avis que dix quarts de Farine, quatre quarts de Lard, et quatre quarts de Pois, suffiront pour chacun des quatre Depots sur file d’ Anticosti ; et que vingt quarts de Farine, huit quarts de Lard et. huit quarts de Pois suffiront pour chacun des trois autres Depots, savoir : ceux de Ste. Anne et de la Pointe-des-Monts, et celui que Ton recom- rr.ande dYtablirau Grand Etang ; toutes ces Provisions en payant la Farine trente-deux schellings le quart, le Lard quatre-vingts schellings, et les Pois vingt schel- lings, couteront Trois cent soixante-et-deux livres dix schellings, les Salaires des Gardiens des Depots a la RivRre Jupiter, a l’extremite Ouest de Pile d’ Anticosti, a Ste. Anne, et au Grand Etang , qui sont de Cinquante livres chacun, formeront une autre somme de Deux cents livres ; ce qui fera monter les frais ifocessaires pour Yen- tretien de ces Depots a la somme de Cinq cent soixante- et-deux livres dix schellings. Votre Comite doit remarquer que les trois Depots, a la Pointe-des-Monts , a Heath Point et a l’extremite Sud de Pile d’ Anticosti peuvent rester sous les soins des Gardiens des Phares etablis dans ces endroits, et quel’on s’exemptera ainsi de payer des Gardiens. Votre Comite doit aussi remarquer que par la 2e Guill. IV., Chap. 28, on a affecte une somme de Deux cent cinquante livres pour deux Depots seulement, ce- lui de Ste. Anne et celui de la Pointe-des-Monts ; et que d’anfos l’Estimation que Votre Comite a adoptee, on peat maintenir sept Depbts egalement avantageux, pour a pen pres le double de cette somme. Pour les raisons qu’il vient d’exposer, Votre Comite a cru devoir adopter les Resolutions suivantes qu il soumet a Votre Honorable Chambre : a 1° Qu'il est necessaire de retablir les Depots de Provisions pour secourir les Naufrages, a la Riviere Ste. Anne, au-dessous de Cap-Chat, et a la Pointe-des-Monts , tel que cela etait autorise par un Acte passe dans la seconde annee du Regne de Sa presente Majeste, Cha- pitre vingt-huit. , .. . , 2 ° Qu’il est necessaire de retablir les Depots de Provisions qu’on avait etablis ci-devant sur Pile d’Anti- costi, pour secourir les Naufrages. 3 ° Que, pour le meme objet, il est de plus neces- saire dYtablir un autre Dep6t de Provisions au Grand- Etang, plus bas que la Riviere Ste. Anne. 4>° Qu’il est expedient d’affecter une somme n ex- cedant pas Trois cent soixante-et-deux livres dix schel- lings courant, pour acheter les Provisions necessaires pour les dits Depots. 5 ° Qu’il est de plus expedient d affecter une autre somme n’excedant pas Deux cents livres, pour payer les Salaires des Gardiens des Depots situes a Ste. Anne, a l’extremite Ouest de Pile d’ Anticosti, a la Riviere Jupi- ter, dans la diie lie, et au Grand Etang. Votre Comite a fait une investigation minutieuse sur cette partie de la Petition des Habitans des es e a Magdeleine, qui lui a ete referee, et tout en admirant la conduite meritoire de ces genereux Insulaires, lors- qu’il y a des Naufrages sur leurs cotes, amsi que a constate Votre Comite, Votre Comifo regrette de se trouver dans la necessite de ne pouvoir recornmander d acouiescer Petition of In- habitants of Dundee, com- plaining of the conduct of J. Davidson and J. McGibbon, Justices of the Peace. 6 Will. IV, 23° Januctrii, 389 of their Petition. Nearly the whole of those Islands may be considered as one, for they form almost a con- tinuous chain of land linked together by sand banks which are fordable. The houses on those Islands may be seen from almost every part of the Coast ; they con- tain, moreover, 195 houses, and 1100 souls, a circum- stance which inclined Your Committee, amidst the conflicting testimony which they received on the Petition in question, to report in favor of a principle, — that of not extending Depots of Provisions in any case to inhabited places. The testimony of Mr. Bruce and Mr .Doucet goes strongly to support the prayer of the Petitioners, alleg- ing the frequency of Shipwrecks on these Islands, the poverty of the Inhabitants, and their total inability to maintain amongst them in the Winter, even one Ship s Crew ; and the latter Gentleman, who resided on those Islands during ten years, makes honorable mention of the alacrity with which the Inhabitants share their scan- ty provisions amongst unfortunate Shipwrecked suffer- ers, and of the lively feelings of humanity which often impel them from off their own shores to the relief of the Shipwrecked on desolate Coasts where no friendly as- sistance could be expected ; and even last Spring they rescued from St. Pauls Island fifty persons who might otherwise have died there of hunger. From the testimony of Captain Bayfield, of the Royal Navy, who lately surveyed the Magdalen Islands, of Cap- tain Baddeley, Royal Engineers, who visited and wrote a Statistical Account of them, of Captain Rayside and of Mr. Lambly, Your Committee learn that it would be inexpedient to comply with the demand of the Petition- ers ; and although the Inhabitants of those Islands are generally poor, yet there are two or threeaffluent mercan- tile houses there, which contain sufficient quantities of provisions, and from which, in cases of Shipwreck where hunger may endanger the loss of life, supplies might be advanced. And Your Committee have no doubt judg- ing from the precedents to be found in Your Journals, that Your Honorable House would, upon the application of any person who may have made such advances, cheer- fully indemnify him for the same. Ordered , That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Saturday next. A Petition of the Inhabitants of the Township of Dundee, was presented to the House by Mr. De Witt, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : That John Davidson, Justice of the Peace, on the 1 6th May, 1831, enclosed a Petition in a Letter signed by himself, certified by John McGibbon , Justice of the Peace, and witnessed by James Steven and William Stinat, addressed to Col. H. Craig , Civil Secretary, Quebec, purporting the prayer (as he wrote) of upwards of one hundred of the Freeholders of Dundee , beseech- ing His Excellency Lord Aylmer to appoint three Com- missioners for the summary trial of Small Causes in the said Township : That the said Petition contained the names of James Stewart and William Chalmers, both re- siding in Godmanchester, and not in Dundee, John Grant and John McRae, two of the Commissioners elected, Richard Fitzpatrick and Joseph Force's, who, previous to its date, sold there lots of Land, and retired to Upper Canada, all known to John McGibbon and John David- son, who purchased the said Joseph Force's Land, and holds it himself ; it also contained the name of Murty hong twice marked, as there is but one of that name in Dundee : That to crown the daring imposition, it also contained the names of the Petitioners, notwithstand- ing they never signed it, nor caused others to sign it for them : Vol. — 45. d’acquiescer a leur demande. I/on pent considerer que presque toutes ces lies n’en font qu’une ; car elles forment presqu’unc chaine continue lffc ensemble par des bancs de sable, qui sont gueables. L’on peut voir les maisons qu’il y a sur ces lies de presque toutes les parties de la cote. Ces lies contiennent 195 Maisons, et une population de 1100 ames ; et e’est ce qui a port6 Voire Comite, d’apr^s les Temoignages contradic- toires qu’il a re5us sur la Petition dont il est ques- tion, a se declarer pour le principe de ne point etablir de Depots de Provisions dans les endruits qui sont ha- bites. Le Temoignage de M. Bruce et de M. Doucet , appuient fortement la demande des Petitionnaires, en disant que les Naufrages sont frequens sur ces cotes, que les Habitans y sont pauvres et tout a fait inca- pables de soutenir parrni eux dwrant 1’hiver meme l’e- quipage d’un batiment ; et ce dernier qui a reside sur ces lies pendant dix ans, fait une mention honorable de la promptitude avec laqnelle ils partagent le peu de Provisions qu’ils ont avec les malheureux Naufrages, et les sentimens d’hnmanite qui les animent et leur font sou- vent quitter leurs demeures pour aller porter secours aux Naufrages qui se trouvent sur des cotes desertes, ou ils ne peuvent esperer d’assistance ; et encore le printemps dernier ils ont sauve sur ITle St. Paid cinquante per- sonnes qui sans cela auraientpu y mourir de faim. Le Temoignage du Capitaine Bayfield, de la Marine Royale, qui a dernierement explore les lies de la Mag - deleine, celui du Capitaine Baddeley , des Ingenieurs Royaux, qui les a visitees, et a ecrit tin Ouvrage statis- tiques sur ces lies, et ceux du Capitaine Rayside et de M. Lambly, demontrent a Votre Comite qu’il ne serait pas expedient d’acceder a la demande des Petition- naires, et quoique les Habitans de ces lies soient gen£- ralement pauvres, il y a deux ou trois Maisons mercan- tiles riches ou il y a assez de prov isions pour en fournir dans les cas de Naufrages, ou le manque de provisions mettrait la vie des Naufrages en danger ; et Votre Co- mite n’a aucun doute, d’apres les precedens qui se trouvent dans les Journaux de Votre Honorable Cham- bre, qu’elle indemniserait avec plaisir la personne qui aurait fourni ces provisions, et qui demanderait une compensation. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comi- te de toule la Chambre, Samedi prochain. Une Petition de quelques Habitans du Township de Dundee a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. De Witt, laquelle a ete repue et lue ; exposant : Que John Da- vidson, Juge de Paix, a transmis dans unelettre en date du 16 Mai 1834, adiesseeau Col. II. Craig, Secretaire Civil, a Quebec, une Petition revetue de sa signature et certifiee par John McGibbon, Juge de Paix, et aussi revetue de la signature de James Steven et William Sti- nat, comme Temoins ; cette Petition etait signee, (ecri- vait-il dans sa lettre,) par plus de deux cents des Francs- Tenanciers du Township de Dundee, et priant Son Ex- cellence Lord Aylmer de nommer trois C'ommissaires pour la decision des Petites Causes dans le dit Town- ship : Que la dite Petition contenait les noms de James Stewart et William Chalmers, tons deux residans dans le Township de Godmanchester , et non dans celui de Dundee, de John Grant et John JUcRae, deux des Com- missaires elus ; Richard Fitzpatrick et Joseph Force , qui, avant la date de la Petition, avaient vendu leurs terres, et se sont retires dans le HauUCanada, tous con- nus de John McGibbon, et de John Davidson, qui a achete la terre du dit Joseph Force, et qui la possfde ; la Petition contient aussi deux fois le nom de Murty Long , quoiqu’il n’y ait qu’une seule personne de ce nom dans le Township de Dundee ; Que pour com- ble 5 F Petition des Habitans de Dundee, se plaignant de la condnite de J. Davidson et J. McGibbon, Ju- ges de Paix. 390 23 ° Januariu A. 1836 . them : That the said John Davidson and John McGib- bon, Esquires, from self interest, having violated their sacred words of honor, and also imposed upon His Ex- cellency Lord Aylmer, as the House shall see by this Petition ; and that as Lord Gosford and his Honorable Colleagues have, by His Most Gracious Majesty, been deputed into this extensive Province, in order to quash and eradicate all such foul-practised actions, so that His Majesty’s true and loyal subjects might not for the future be tyrannized over, and imposed upon by such Magistrates in such vile cases, and might enjoy justice, equity, harmony and peace, — the Petitioners pray the House to take into consideration what is above stated, and to deal with the said two Justices of the Peace as the House in its prudence may think proper. Resolved, That the said Petition be referred to a Com- mittee of five menbers, to examine the contents thereof and to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. De Witt, Mr. Archambeault, Mr. Berthelot , Mr. Meilleur and Mr. Fraser do compose the said Committee. ble d’audace eile contenait les noms des Petitionnaires, quoiqu’ils ne l’eussent jamais sign^e, ni autoris6 person- ne a la signer pour eux : Que le dit John Davidson et John McGibbon, Ecuyers, pour des motifs d’interet personnel out viole leur parole d’honneur, et en out aussi impose a Son Excellence Lord Aylmer, comme !a Chambre le vena par cette Petition ; et que, com- me Lord Gosford et ses honorables Collegues ont ele deputes en cette Province par Sa TiTs-Gracieuse Ma- jeste pour arreter et prevenir de tels mefails, afin que les fideles et loyaux sujets de Sa Majeste ne soient plus a I’avenir tyrannises ou tromp^s par de tels Magistrats, et qu’ils puissent jouir de la justice, de l’equite, de l’harmonie et de la paix,— les Petitionnaires prient la Chambre de prendre les premisses en consideration, et de decider, par rapport a ces deux Juges de Paix, ce qu’elle jugera convenable en sa prudence. Resolu, Que la dite Petition soit referee h un Comith de cinq Membres, pour en examiner le contenu, et en f'aire Rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. De Witt, M. Archambeault , M. Berthdot, M. Meilleur et M. Fraser composent le dit Comite Resolution re- lating to a School at Three Rivers, re- ported. Mr. Fortin, from the Committee of the whole House on the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Education and Schools, with an Instruction to take into consideration the claims of School Trustees and Visitors in Inverness and Leeds, County of Megantic, reported, according to Order, the Resolution of the said Committee ; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House; and is M. Fortin, du Comity de toute la Chambre sur le Second Ptapport du Comite Permanent pour l’Educa- tion et les Ecoles, avec une Instruction de prendre en consideration les reclamations des Syndics d’Ecoles et Visiteurs dans Inverness et Leeds , Comte de Megantic, a fait rapport, conformement a l’Ordre, de la Resolu- tion du dit Comite, laquelle Resolution a De lue de nouveau a la Table du Greflier, et adoptee par la Cham- Rdsolution re- lative a une Ecole aux Trois- Rivieres, rapportee. as followeth: Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty four pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the purpose of defraying the Salary of the School Master of the Royal Institution at Three Rivers. bre ; et elle est comme suit Resolu , Qu’une somme n’excedant pas vingt-quatre Livies courant, soit accordee a Sa Majesty pour payer le Salaire du Maitre de I’Ecole de l’Institution Royale aux Trois Rivieres. Bill lo continue the Emigrant Tax Act, read A Bill to continue for a limited time, an Act passed i ax net, reau in the second year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, the second time; «< An Act to create a Fund to defray the expense of « providing Medical assistance for Sick Emigrants, “ and of enabling indigent persons of that description “ to proceed to their place of destination,” was, ac» cording to Order, read a second time. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour continuer, Bill pour contl- pour un temps limite, un Acte passe dans la seconde " a U TaL A d« de , i „ ' « y-v * * . S • a*. \ < C t \ I., .mu annfedu RQgnede Sa Majeste,* intitule, “ Acte pour committed ; considered. Ordered, That the said Bill be now referred to a Committee of the whole House. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. De Witt took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein , Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. De Witt reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made an amendment thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received on Monday next. - v o u ' ' * . “ creer un Fonds pour subvenir aux depenses du trai- “ tement medical el des soins pour les Emigres mala- “ des, et pour mettre les personnes indigentes de cette “ description en etat de se rendre au lieu de leur desti- “ nation,’’ a ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill soit maintenant refere a un mm, Comite de toute la Chambre. La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. De Witt a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres considSrd. v avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. De Wilt a fait rapport que le Cotnit6 avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait un amendement, dont il avait Ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit retju Lundi prochain. Reports on Roads and Pub* lie Improve- ments, deferred. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements, and on that part of the First Report of the said Standing Committee, which relates to the Road from Laprairie to St. John's, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Wednesday next. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Rapports J * 1 , -/rv , j sur ' es Cne- Comitesur le Second Rapport du Lomite i ermanent des mins et Am6- Chemins et des Ameliorations publiques, et sur cette panie du Premier Rapport du dit Comite Permament quia rapport au Chemin depuis Laprairie jusqu a St. Jean, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis & Mer- credi prochain. p£porton The Order of the day for the House in Committee Statements res- on the Report of the Special Committee to whom were pseting Schools r referred L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Rapports: .. . -L r e _ • l _t._i.les Etats I Comite sur le Rapport du Comite Special auquel ont j 65 Etals n Missiiltoui deferred. *■ jet des Ecole dans Missis- kout, temis. 6 Will. IV. 23 ° — 95° Januarii. 391 Council's Amendments to Bill relating to Oppositions to Marriages con- sidered and agreed to. Call of the House. referred the Statements delivered at the Bar of the House the twenty third of November last, by order of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, pursuant to the Address of this House of the eighteenth of the same month, respecting Schools in the County of Missiskoid, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Wednesday next. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Knight, The House adjourned till Monday next. ete referes les Etats remis a la Barre de la Chambre le vingt-lrois Novembre dernier, par Ordre de Son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, en conformite de l’A- dresse de cette Chambre, du dix-huitdu meme mois, au sujet des Ecoles dans le Comte de Missi&koui , ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soil remis a Mer- credi prochain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger , seconde par M. Knight , La Chambre s’est ajournee & Lundi prochain. Monday, 9,5th January, 1836. Lundi, 25 Janvier 1836. O N Motion of Mr. Vanfelson, seconded by Mr. Tache, Ordered, That the Amendments made by the Legis- lative Council to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act to fa- “ cilitate the proceedings on Oppositions to Marriages,” be now taken into consideration. The House proceeded accordingly to take the said Amendments into consideration. And the said Amendments were read, and are as fol- loweth : Press 1 Line 17- — Leave out from “ cause,” inclusive, to “ celebrated,” also inclusive, in in the same Line, and insert “ pro- “ mise of marriage.” Preamble, Line 2. — After “ which,” insert « certain.” Title , Line 1.— After “ on,” insert “ certain.” And the said Amendments being again read, they were agreed to by the House. Ordered, That Mr. Vanfelson do carry back the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and acquaint their Honors that this House hath agreed to their Amend- ments. I UR Motion de M. Vanfelson , seconde par M. Ta- che, Ordonne , Que les Amendemens faits par le Conseil Legislatif au Bill, intitule, “ Acte pourrendre plus ex- “ peditive la maniere de proceder dans les cas -d’Op- “ positions aux Manages,” soient maintenant pris en consideration. La Chambre a en consequence proc£d6 a prendre les dits Amendemens en consideration. Et les dits Amendemens ont ete lus comme suit : Amendemens du Conseil au Bill relstlf aux Oppositions aux Mariages, con- sidfires et adop- t§5. Feuille l£re Lignes 14 et 15. — Retranchez les mots “ d’un empechemer.t non diri- “ mant,” et inserez “d’une Pro- “ messe de Mariage” Preumbitle, Ligne 2 . — Apres “sur” retranchez “les,'’ et inserez “ certaines” Titre, Ligne 2.— Retranchez “ d’Oppositions,” et inserez” “ de certaines Opposi- “ tions.” Et les dits Amendemens ayant et6 lus de nouveau, ils ont ete adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que M. Vanfelson reporte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et inlorme leurs Honneurs que cette Chambre a adopte leurs Amendemens. Mr. Fortin moved to resolve, seconded by Mr. Le- tourneau , That a Call of this House be made, on Thurs- day the eleventh day of February next. Mr. Tache moved, seconded by Mr. Me that. That the Orders of the day be now called. The House divided on the Question: Yeas, 20. Nays, 29. So it passed in the Negative. The Question being then put on the main Motion, the House again divided; and the names being called for, they were taken down, as followeth : Yeas, Messieurs Amiot, Bardy, Barnard, Besserer, Blanchard > Blanchet, Bouc, Careau, Cazeau, Child, Courteau, Deligny, De Witt , Fortin, Girouard, Grannis, Jobin, Kimber, Knight, Leslie, Letourneau, Meilleur, Morin, O’ Callaghan, Proulx, Thibaudeau, Toomy, Trudel and Viger. (29.) Nays, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker, Bedard, Berthelot, Bertrand, Blackburn, Bouffard , Caron , Clapham, Deblois, De Tonnancour, Dubord, Fraser, Godbout, Gugy, Huot, Larue, Le Boutillier , Marquis, Methot, Moore, Mousseau, Power, Tache, Antoine Charles M. Fortin a propose de r^soudre, seconde par M. Letourneau, Qu’il soit fait un Appel de cette Chambre, Jeudi, le onziemejour de Fevrier prochain. M. Tache a propose, seconde par M. Methot, Que les Ordres du jour soient maintenant appeles. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question : Pour, 20, Contre, 29, Ainsi elle a pass£ dans la Negative. La Question ayant ete alors mise sur la Motion prin- cipaie, la Chambre s’est divisee de nouveau ; et les noms ayant ete demandes, ils ont ete pris comme suit : Pour, Messieurs Amiot, Bardy, Barnard, Besserer, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouc, Careau, Cazeau , Child, Courteau, Deligny, De Witt, Fortin, Girouard, Grannis, Jobin, Kimber, Knight, Leslie, Letourneau, Meilleur, Morin, O’ Callaghan, Proulx, Thi- baudeau, Toomy, Trudel et Viger, (29.) Contre, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker, Bedard, Berthelot, Ber- trand, Blackburn, Bouffard, Caron, Clapham, Deblois, De- Tonnancour, Dubord, Fraser, Godbout, Gugy , Huot, Larue, Le Boutillier, Marquis, Methot, Moore, Mousseau, Power , TachC Aopel de la Chambre. 2o° Januarii , 392 A 1836c Charles Taschereau, Joseph Andre 1 aschereau , I anfelson and Wells. (28.) So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved, That a Call of this House be made on Thursday the eleventh day of February next. Resolved, That such Members as shall not then at- tend, be sent for in custody of the Sergeant at Arms attending this House. Ordered, That Mr. Speaker do cause Circular Letters to be written immediately to the absent Members, en- closing to them Copies, signed by the Clerk of this House, of the preceding Resolutions. theUeporton Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the First Re- S 8 e ion S S t°o f be Pr0 ' port of the Special Committee to whom was referred printed. t h e Petition of divers Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Mer- chants, and others, and other references, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Tache, Antoine-Charles Taschereau, Joseph- Andre Taschereau, Vanfelson et Wells. (28.) Ainsi elle a ete emportee dans 1’ Affirmative, et Resolu, Qu’il soit fait un Appel de cette Chambre, Jeudi, le onziemejour de Fevrier prochain. Resolu, Qu’on envoie querir sous la garde du Ser- gent d’Armes, qui assiste a cette Chambre, ceux des Membres qui ne seront pas alors presens. Ordonne, Que M. 1’Orateur fasse ecrire immediate- ment des Letties Circulates aux Membres absens, leur transmettant des Copies des Resolutions precedentes, signees par le Greffier de cette Chambre. Ordonne, Que deux cents Exemplaires du Premier ^ e J ^P° d r ‘ sulf Rapport du Comite Special, auquel a ete referee la Pe- Provisions, a tition de diverses Proprietaires de Vaisseaux, Maitres elre,mprim de Vaisseaux, Marchands et autres, et autres references, soient imprimis pour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. Third Report of Mr. Huot, from the Standing Committee of Lduca- BducatiorTand tion and Schools, presented to the House the Thud schools. Report of the said Commtttee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. Appendix For the said Report, see Appendix (O. O.) at the ( 0, °) end of this Volume, Education en- Ordered, That Mr. Huot have leave to bring in a KSdJte Bill for the encouragement of Education in this Pro- first time. vince. lie accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the’ first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Monday next. M. Huot, du Comite Permanent pour l’Educalion ™dtTcom'u6 et les Ecoles, a presente a la Chambre le Troisieme sur r Education Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la et es Table du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (O. O.) h la fin ( A <5 p o?) Ce dece Volume. Ordonne, Que M. Huot ait la permission d’intro- Bil1 pour i’en- duire un Bill pour l encouragement de l’Education en de 1 Education, cette Province. j.“ s la premicre II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a etl ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. Normal Schools Ordered, That Mr. Huot have leave to bring in a first time. lhe Bill to provide for the establishment of Normal Schools. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Friday next. Ordonne, Que M. Iluot ait la permission d’intro- Bin des Ecoies duire un Bill pour pourvoir a 1’ltablissement d’Ecoles J^SJTrota. U Normaies. II a en consequence prlsente le dit Bill, lequel a lt6 lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Vendredi prochain. Petition of the Butchers of Quebec against a Regulation of the Corpora- tion. A Petition of the Butchers and others, of the City l ne Petition des Bouchers et autres, de la Cite de Petition de» of Quebec, was presented to the House by Mr. Iluot , Quebec, a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Huot, la- and the same was received and read ; setting forth: quelle a Ite regue et lue ; exposant : Que par un Illgle- ^Tranon? That by a Regulation made by the Corporation of the ment de la Corporation de cette Cite de Quebec, en a ° rp ° , Citv of Quebec, dated the 22nd September 1835, and date du 22 Septembre 1 835, et homoiogue en justice duly homologated on the 12th October following, which le 12 Octobre suivant, lequel Ileglement doit etre en Regulation according to the Order of homologation, force le ler Mai prochain, les Petitionnaires se trou- ts to go into effect on the 1st May next, the Petitioners vent prives de vendre et debiter des viandes dans leurs are forbidden to sell and retail Meat from their Carts, voitures sur les marches de cette Ville, a moins qu’ils unless they reside beyond the Banlieue : That it would ne resident au-dela de ia Banlieue : Que ce serait faire be a m - eat injustice to the Butchers residing in the Ban- une injustice aux Bouchers residans dans la Banlieue, lieue ° and in the Suburbs, who have served their time ainsi que dans les Faubourgs, qui ont servi leur temps to their business, to deprive them of the privilege en- pour leur metier, que de ne vouloir pas leur donner le ioyed by farmers residing beyond the Banlieue, who metne privilege qu’ont les Habitans qui resident au- have lands on which they can gain a livelihood, and del a de la Banlieue, qui ont des terres pour les faire who have never served any apprenticeship : That by vivre, et qui n’ont jamais fait aucun apprentissage : Que this Regulation, the Petitioners would be deprived of les Petitionnaires se trouveraient par cette Ordonnance the rights they have heretofore enjoyed: That consi- prives du droit qu’ils avaient ci-devant : Que, consi- dering that the Petitioners as well as the public in gen- dlrant que par cette Ordonnance ils souffiiraient beau- eral would be great losers by this Regulation, they coup, de memo que le Public en general, ils demandent prav to be allowed the same privilege as the trading a avoir le meme privilege qui est alloue aux Habitans Inhabitants of the country parts, who have liberty to commergans des Campagnes, lesquels ont la liberte de come and sell their Meat from their Carts: That the venir offrir en vente et debiter leurs viandes dans leurs Petitioners will be ruined, and the public will sustain voitures: Que ce serait miner les Petitionnaires, etfaire great damage, unless a Law be passed to obviate the un grand tort au Public en general, s’il n’y avait pas evil of which the Petitioners complain ; and praying une Loi qui obvierait au tort dont les Petitionnaires se the House to take the fact of this Petition into consi- plaignent ; et priant la Chambre de prendre en consi- deration, and to be pleased to pass a Bill to annul the deration les fins de la presente Petition, et qu’il lui said Regulation of the Common Council, and toper- plaise de passer un Bill qui annullerait la diteOrdon- mit the Petitioners to sell from their Carts on the said nance du dit Conseil de Ville, et permettrait aux Peti- Market as the people from the country are allowed tionnaires de vendre dans leurs voitures sur les dits mar- todo. chls, comme le font les Habitans de la Campagne. Ordonne , Ordered, 6 Will. IV. 25 0 Januarii. S93 Sixth Report i Committee foi Hospitals and Charitable In dilutions. ommittee on eport relating Honble. W. . Felton, de- rred. ommittee to iquire con- •rnlng the dicers of the xecutive Go- rnment. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Ordonne, Que la elite Petition soit referee au Comite Special Committee to whom was referred the Petition Special auquel a ete referee la Petition du Maire et du of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Conseil de Ville de la Cite de Montreal. Montreal. >r Mr. Caron, from the Standing Committee for Hos- M. Caro n, du Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux Sii6me Ka P- ' pitals and Charitable Institutions, presented to the et Institutions de Charite, a pr^sente a la Chambre le mff 4 House the Sixth Report of the said Committee, which Sixi£me Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a et6 lu de taux et I . ns,i ‘ u - was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : u°n. ectam*. Your Committee obtained from the Inspector Gene- Votre Comitb s’est fait communiquer, par I’lnspec- ral of Public Accounts, communication of all the Do- teur General des Comptes Publics, tous les Documens cuments and Vouchers in support of the Public Ac- et Pieces justicatives au soutien du Compte Public count No. 10, under the head “ Statement of Expendi- No. 10, sous le Title, “ Etat de la Depense encourue “ ture incurred during the year 1835, in supporting “ durant l’annee 1835, pour maintenir sur pied les Fta- “ the Quarantine Establishments at Quebec and Grosse- “ blissemens de la Quarantaine a Quebec et a la Grosse “ Isle, under the provisions of the Provincial Act 35th, “ He, en vertu des dispositions del' Acte Provincial 35 e “ Geo. III. Cap. 5,” which was referred to them on the “ Geo. III. Chap. 5,” qui lui a He refere le 18 du me- 18th instant, and after having attentively examined the sent mois ; et apr£s avoir examine avec attention les various Documents, and examined the said Inspector divers Documens, et avoir entendu le dit Inspecteur General of Public Accounts, Your Committee found G^ral des Comptes Publics, Votre Comitb a trouvb that the expenses incurred during the last year, for que les depenses encourues pendant la dite ann^e pour Quarantine purposes, amounting to the sum of £2915. les fins de la Quarantaine, se montant A la somme de 3s. 2d. were correct, and they determined to recom- ^2915. 3s. 2d. etaient correctes, et s’est determine \ en mend their reimbursement. recommander le remboursement. Your Committee are nevertheless of opinion that the Votre Comity a H6 cependant d'opinion que quelaues Salaries allowed to some of the inferior Officers em- uns des Salaires accords aux Officiers subalternes em" ployed at Grosse Isle during the last season, are rather ployes a la Grosse lie, pendant la saison derniere" too high, considering the nature of the duties they had sont un peu trop considerables pour la nature des de- to perform, and A our Committee deem it their duty voirs qu’iis avaient a remplir, et Votre Comite croit de to state that for the future some reductions might be son devoir de dire qua l'avenir il pourrait avantarreuse- advantageously made in their Salaries. ment etre op ere quelque reduction dans ces Salaires Your Committee next took up the recommendation Votre Comite s’est ensuite occupe de la recomman made by the Executive for the grant of the sum of dation faite de la part de l'Executif d’une somme de £100, in favor of James Watt, who has been employed J’lOO en faveur du nommt James Watt, employe nen- dunng the last four years at Quebec , as Superintendant dant les quatre dernieres ann^es comme Surinten of the line of Telegraphs established between the latter dant a Quebec de la ligne des Telegraphes communi* place and Grosse Isle, and after having examined Jo- quant de cette place a la Grosse He? et aprbs avoir en" seph Carp, Esquire, and the said James Walt, upon this tendu sur ce sujet Joseph Carp, Ecuyer, et le dit lanes subject, Your Committee are of opinion that the said Watt lui-meme, Votre Comite a cru que cette somme sum is lawfully due to him, and recommend the pay- lui Oait legitimement due, et en recommande le na ,v ment of it. ment. 1 Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refeie a un Comit^ mittee of the whole House on Wednesday next. de toute la Chambre, Mercredi prochain. On Motion of Mr. Gugy, seconded by Mr. Power, Ordered, That the Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances, lost by the adjournment of the House on Monday last, be revived; and that this House will, on Wednesday next, resolve itself into the said Committee. Sur Motion de M. Gugp, seconde par M. Power, Ordonne , Que hOrdre du jour pour que la Cham- Comi,« sur i e bre se forme en Comite sur le Second Rapport du ? a ,P5 ,on relatif Comite Permanent des Griefs, par l’ajournement de la w.-B^TcUon, Chambre, Lundi dernier, soit retabli, et que, Mercredi remis ' prochain, cette Chambre se formera en le dit Comite. Resolved, That a Committee of five Members be ap- pointed to enquire concerning the Officers of the Exe- cutive Government, their number and functions, and the Salaries, Fees and Emoluments received by each of them, and whether there is any improper cumulation of Public Offices in any one person, other than those provided for by the Bill for securing the dignity and independence of the Councils and Judiciary, passed in a former Session of the Provincial Parliament; and, also, whether any reduction can be made in, or any regulation established with regard to, the said Salaries, Fees and Emoluments, or the mode of conducting the public business, by which the public good can be ad- vanced ; to report from time to time, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Gugp, Mr. Leslie, Mr. Black- burn, Mr. Morin and Mr. Tache do compose the said Committee. Mr. Resolu, Qu un Comite de cinq Membres soit noni- me pour faire une F.nquete au sujet des Officiers du Gouvernement Executif, de leur nombre et de leurs fonctions, et des Salaires, Honoraires et Emolumens que chacun d’eux regoit, et pour constater si la meme person ne possede plusieurs Emplois incompatibles, autres que ceuxauxquels a pourvu le Bill pour assurer la dignity et l’independance des Conseils et des Jimes, pass6 dans une des precedentes Sessions du Parlement I rovincial ; et de constater aussi si l’on pourrait operer quelque reduction ou etablir quelque rAglement a legaid des dits Salaires, Honoraires et Emolumens, ou concernant la mani&re de conduire les affaires pu- bliques, et par la promouvoir le bien public, pour en faire rapport de temps a autre, aveepouvoir d’envoyer qutrir personnes, papiers et records. J Ordonne, Que M Gugp, M. Leslie, M. Blackburn, M. Monn et M. Taclie composent le dit ComitG 5 G Mv Comity pour faire une en * que'e ru sujet Fonds pour subvenir aux “ depenses de traitement Medical et des soins pour »* ies Emigres malades, et pour mettre les personnes “ indigentes de cette description en etat de se rendre “ an lieu de leur destination,” a fait rapport, conforme- ment a l’Ordre, de l’amendement fait au dit Bill par le Comite, lequel amendement a ete lu de nouveau h la Table du Greffier, et adopte par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amendd, soit gros- soye. Conformement a lOrdre, un Bill pour limiter le Biiireiatifau* nombre des Passagers dans les Vaisseaux venant d Eu~ uneseeonde ropee n cette Province, a dtd lu uneseeonde fois. foi! • Ordonne , Que le dit Bill soit rdfere a un Comitd de toute la Chambre, Mercredi prochain. The order for The Order of the day for the House in Committee on Kepom of on the First, Second and Third Reports of the Standing the committee r om mittee of Public Accounts, being read; on Public Ac- counts, read. The names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth: Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Amiot, Archambeault, Bardy, Barnard, Besserer, Blackburn, Blanchard, Bouc, Careau, Cazeau, Child, Courteau, De Tonnancour, De Witt, Fortin, Girouard, Grannis, Gugy, Jobin, Kimber, Knight, Larue, Leslie, Letourneau, Meilleur, Morin, Mousseau, O' Callaghan, Proulx, Tliibaudeau, Toomy , Trudel and Viger. And at nine o’clock at night, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comitbsur le Premier, le Second et le Troisidme Rap- les Rapports du portdu Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, ayant comptesPu- etb lu ; / blicS) Iu ' Les noras des Membres presens ont bte pris comme suit : M- l’Orateur, Messieurs Amiot, Archambeault, Bardy, Barnard, Besserer, Blackburn, Blanchard, Bouc, Careau, Cazeau, Child, Courteau, De Tonnancour, De Witt, Fortin, Girouard, Grannis, Gugy , Jobin, Kimber, Knight, Larue, Leslie, Letourneau, Meilleur , Mor in, Mousseau, O' Callaghan, Proulx, Tliibaudeau, Toomy, Trudel et Viger. Et a neuf heures du soir, M. l’Orateur a ajournb la Chambre, faute de Quorum. Tuesday, 26th January, 1S3G. Motion of Mr, lluot, seconded by Mr. Deligny , TheActsfor Resolved, That this House will, to-morrow, resolve menTofEiT’ itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider scStobe whether it would not be expedient to amend a certain considered. ^ct passed in the second year of the Reign of His Majesty, Chapter twenty six, intituled, “ An Act to “ repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and for the “ further encouragement of Elementary Schools in the “ Country parts of this Province,” and a certain other Act passed in the third year of the Reign of His Ma- jesty, Chapter four, intituled, “ An Act to amend an “ Act of the last Session of the Parliament of this Pro- “ vince, Chapter twenty six, concerning the encourage- “ merit of Elementary Schools,” and a certain other Act passed in the fourth year of the Reign of His Majesty, Chapter thirty four, intituled, “ An Act for “ the further encouragement of Education throughout “ the Province.” Mardi, 26 Janvier 1836. Motion de M. Huot, secondb par M. Deligny , Resolu, Que, demain, cette Chambre se formera en pes Actes pour _ . . , , ... 1 encouroge- Comite de toute la Chambre, pour considerer s ll ne se- mentde* Ecoies rait pas expedient d’amender un certain Acte passb dans ^reTo^'sTdT^ la seconde annee du Rdgne de Sa Majeste, Chapitre vingt-six, intitule, “ Acte pour rappeler certains Actes “ y mentionnes, et pour encourager ulterieurement les “ Ecoies Elementaires dans les Campagnes de cette “ Province,” et un certain autre Acte passb dans la troisibme annee du Regne de Sa Majesty, Chapitre quatre, intitule, “ Acte pour amender un Acte de la “ derniere Session du Parlement de cette Province, “ Chapitre vingt-six, concernant l’encouragement des “ Ecoies Elementaires,” et un certain autre Acte passe dans la quatrieme annbe du Regne de Sa Ma- jeste, Chapitre trente-quatre, intitule, “ Acte pour “ l’encouragement ulterieur de l’Education dans cette “ Province.’’ On Motion of Mr. Leslie, seconded by Mr. Morin, Andres. respect- Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to liouofihe e °" His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that he bou?dues. Har * would appoint some person to collect and pay over to the Receiver General the Wharfage and other Har- bour dues that have accrued from the first of May last, or that may hereafter accrue in the Port of Montreal, under the authority of the Acts 1st Will. IV. Cap. 2, and Sur Motion de M. Leslie, second^ par M. Morin, Resolu, Qu’il suit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Excellence de vouloir nommer quelque personne pour percevoir et payer an Receveur-General les Quaiages et autres Droits de Port behus depuis le premier Mai dernier, on qui pourront devenir dus ci-apres dans le Port de Montreal, en vertu des Actes 1 dre Guill. IV. Cha[) Adresse au sujel de la perception des Droits de Ports a Mon- treal 6 Will. IV, 26° Januarii. Petition for a Census of the County of Montmorency. Third Report of Committee of Roads and Public Im- provements. Appendix (A. A.) Bill to continue the Emigrant Tax Act passed. Committee on Reports of the Committee of Public Ac- counts, defer- red. and 2nd Will. IV., Cap. 36, until further legal provi- sion be made on the subject. Ordered , That Mr. Leslie, Mr. Morin, Mr. Viger and Mr. Besserer do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. A Petition of divers Electors of the County of Mont- morency, was presented to the House by Mr. Bedard, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : That by virtue of the Act of the 1st Will. IV., Cap. 1, Sect. 10, the Petitioners are entitled to elect two Mem- bers to represent them in the Provincial Parliament, whenever the Population of their County exceeds four thousand souls : That by the Certificates annexed to this Petition, it appears that the Population of the County of Montmorency now amounts to more than four thousand souls ; and praying that the House will be pleased to take this Petition into its favorable con- sideration, and to adopt such measures in this behalf as to the House shall appear calculated to ensure to the Petitioners the benefit of the Act aforesaid. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Privileges and Elections. Mr. Archambeaidt, from the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements, presented to the House the Third Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. For the said Report, see Appendix (A. A.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Tuesday next. Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the said Re- port be printed for the use of the Members of this House. An engrossed Bill to continue, for a limited time, an Act passed in the second year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “ An Act to create a Fund to defray the “ expense of providing Medical assistance for sick “ Emigrants, and of enabling indigent persons of that “ description to proceed to their place of destination,” was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. O'Callaghan do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their con- currence. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First, Second and Third Reports of the Stand- ing Committee of Public Accounts, being read ; Mr. De Witt moved, seconded by Mr. Viger, That the said Order of the day be postponed till Thursday the eleventh of February next. The House divided on the Question ; and the names being called for, they were taken down, as followeth : Yeas, Messieurs Amiot, Bardy, Barnard, Berthelot, Besserer, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouc, Careau, Cazeau, Child, Courteau, Deligny, De Witt, Fortin, Girouard, Grannis, Jobin, Kimber, Knight, Leslie, Letourneau, Meilleur, Morin, Mousseau, O'Cal- laghan, Proulx, Thibaudeau , Toomy, Trudel and Viger. f 31.) Nays, Messieurs Archambeaidt, Baker , Beaudouin, Bedard, Bertrand, Blackburn, Bouffard, Caron, Clapham, De- blois, De Tonnancour, Dubord, Fraser, Godbout, Gugy , Huot, Larue, Le Boutillier, Marquis, Methot, Moore, Noel , Power, Tache , Antoine Charles Tascherean, Jo- seph Andre Taschereau, Vanfelson and Wells. (28.) So 395 Chap. 2, et 2de Guill IV. Chap. 36, jusqu’a ce qu’il ait dte fait d’autres dispositions lt'gales h cet egard. Ordonne, Que M. Leslie, M. Morin, M. Viger et M, Besserer presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Une Petition de divers Electeursdu Comt4 de Mont- Petition pour morency a M prtsenU'e i la Chambre par M Bedard, laquelle a ete re9ue et lue ; exposant : Qu’en vertu de deMontmo ' 1 Acte de la lere Guill. IV. Chap, ler, section 10, les Pdtitionnaires ont droit dYlire deux Membres pour les representer dans le Parlement Provincial, du moment que la population du Comt6 excede quatre milles ames: Que par les Certificats annexes a cette Petition, il ap- pert que la population du Comte de Montmorency ex- c£de quatre mille ames ; et demandant qu’il plaise A la Chambre vouloir prendre la presente Petition en sa favorable consideration, et adopter a cet £gard telle me- sure que la Chambre jugera convenable pour faire par- ticiper les Petitionnaires aux avantages de la Loi. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit r - • the Uegisla- venth of February next, resolve itself into a Commit- c'miaS'be tee of the whole House to take into consideration cer- considered. ^ ages touching the State of this Province, in the Speech delivered by Sir John Colhorne , Lieute- nant Governor of Upper Canada, at the opening of the Parliament of that Province, on Thursday the four- teenth of January instant. The House divided on the Question ; and the names bein' 1- called for, they were taken down, as followeth : & ‘ Yeas, Messieurs Amiot, Hardy, Barnard, Bertrand, l>esse- rer, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bone, Boufaul, Careau, Ca- ron, Cazeau, Child, Courteau, Deligny, De Tonnancour, De Witt, Dubord, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Huot, Jobin, Kinder, Knight, Larue, Leslie, Letourneau, Marquis, Lleilleur, Methot, J\Iorin , Jlousseau, O C alla- ghan, Broulx, Tache, Antoine Charles Taschereau , Jo- seph Andre Taschereau, Thibaudeau, Trudel , Vanfclson and Viger. (42.) Nays, Messieurs Baker, Blackburn, Clapham, Grannis, Gugy, Moore and Power. (70 So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved, Accordingly. Report on Bin Mr. Kinder, from the Special Committee to whom jesu u v e s tat es . was referred the Bill to regulate the administration and management of the Fiefs, Seigniories and other Estates formerly belonging to the late Order of Jesuits, re- ported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk s fable. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole Plouse, on Saturday next. A Member ad- ded to a Com- mittee. Ordered, That Mr. Jobin be added to the Standing Committee on the Jesuits’ Estates. M. O' Callaghan a propose de resoudre, second^ par Certains pas- M. Bcsserer, QueJeudi, le onze Fevrier prochain, cette nlraSede sir Chambre se formera en Comit6 de toute la Chambre, John coibome . . . a la Legislature pour prendre en consideration certains passages, sur du Haut-Cana- l’etat de cette Province, contenus dans la Harangue sfd6res! ree ° n ~ prononece par Sir John Colborne, Lieutenant-Gouver- neur du Haut-Canada, a l’ouverture du Parlement de cette derniere Province, Jeudi, le quatorze Janvier present. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question ; et les noms ayant Cte demandes, ils ont Ge pris comme suit : Pour, Messieurs Amiot, Bardy, Barnard, Bertrand, Besse- rcr, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouc, Bouffard, Careau, Caron, Cazeau, Child, Courteau , Deligny, De Tonnancour, De Witt, Dubord, Fortin, Fraser , Girouard, Huot , Jobin , Kimber , Knight, Larue, Leslie, Letourneau , Marquis, Meilleur, Methot, Morin, Mousseau, O'Callaghan, Proulv, Tache, Antoine-Charles Taschereau, Joseph - Andre Taschereau, Thibaudeau, Trudel, Vanfclson et Viger. (42Q Contre, Messieurs Baker, Blackburn, Clapham, Grannis, Gugy, Moore ct Power. (7.) Ainsi elle a eteemportee dans f Affirmative, et Resolu, En consequence. M. Kimber, du Comite Special auquel a 6te rn Hospitals nd Charitable institutions, de* erred. Committee on he Acts for the ncouragement f Elementary ichools ; Resolution re- srted ; Elementary Education Bill tad the first me. ,'ommittee on ’assengers’Bill 6 Will. IV, 27° Januarn . 399 House the twenty third of November last, by order of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, pursuant to the Address of this House of the eighteenth of the same month, respecting Schools in the County of Missishoui, being read j The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Clapham took the Chair of the Committee j and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Clapham reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions, which he was directed to submit to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received, on Monday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Sixth Report of the Standing Committee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Friday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider whether it would not be expedient to amend a certain Act passed in the second year of the Reign of His Majesty, Chapter twenty six, intituled, “ An “ Act to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and “ for the further encouragement of Elementary Schools “ in the Country parts of this Province,” and a cer- tain other Act passed in the third year of the Reign of His Majesty, Chapter four, intituled, “ An Act to “ amend an Act of the last Session of the Parliament “ of this Province, Chapter twenty sixth, concerning “ the encouragement of Elemental y Schools,” and a certain other Act passed in the fourth year of the Reign of His Majesty, Chapter thirty four, intituled, “ An “ Act for the further encouragement of Education “ throughout the Province,” being read j The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Kimber took the Chair of the Committee j and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Kimher reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution ; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is as followeth : Resolved, That it is expedient to repeal the Act of the 2nd Will. IV., Cap. 26, as also the Act of the 3rd Will. IV., Cap. 4, and the Act of the 4th Will. IV., Cap. 34, relating to Elementary Education in this Pro- vince. Ordered, That Mr. Huot have leave to bring in a Bill to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and to provide for the further encouragement of Elementary Education in this Province. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Monday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to limit the number of Passengers in Vessels coming into this Province from Europe, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Viger took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And vingt-trois Novembre dernier, par ordre de Son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, en conformity de l’Adresse de cette Chambre, du dix-huit du meme mois, au sujet des Ecoles dans le Comt6 de Missishoui, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formye en le dit Comite. M. Clapham a pris le Fauteuil du Comity j et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. fOrateur a repris le Fauteuil j Et M. Clapham a fait rapport que le Comite avait passy plusieurs Resolutions, qu’il avait ordre de sou- mettre k la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re$u Lundi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comity sur le Sixieme Rapport du Comity Permanent pour les ITopitaux et Institutions de Charity, ayant ety lu; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du Jour soit remis a Vendredi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite pour considyrer s’il ne serait pas expydient d’amender un certain Acte passe dans la seconde an- nye du Regne de Sa Majeste, Chapitre vingt-six, inti- tuiy, “ Acte pour rappeler certains Actes y mention- “ nys, et pour encouragcr ultyrieurement les Ecoles “ Elementaires dans les Campagnes de cette Pro- “ vince,” et un certain autre Acte passy dans la troi- sierne annye du Rhgne de Sa Majeste, Chapitre qua- tre, intitule, “ Acte pour amender un Acte de la der- “ niere Session du Parlement de cette Province, Cha- “ pitre vingt-six, concernant l’encouragement des “ Ecoles Elementaires,” et un certain autre Acte passe dans la quatriyme annee du Regne de Sa Ma- jeste, Chapitre trente-quatre, intitule, “ Acte pour “ l’encouragement ulterieur de l’Education dans cette “ Province,” ayant ytelu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comity. M. Kimber a pris le Fauteuil du Comity ; et apres y avoir siyge quelque temps, M.. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Kimber a fait rapport que le Comity avait passd une Rysolution, laquelle Resolution a ete lue de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptye par la Chambre ; et elle est comme suit : Resolu, Qu’il est expydient de rappeler l’Acte de la 2de Guill. IV. Chap. 26, ainsi que l’Acte de la 3e Guill. IV. Chap. 4, et l’Acte de la4e Guill. IV. Chap. 34, concernant l’Education Elementaire en cette Pro- vince. Ordonne , Que M. Huot ait la permission d’introduire un Bill pour rappeler certains Actes y mentionnes, et pour pourvoir ulterieurement a l’encouragement de l’Education Elementaire en cette Province. II a en consyquence presente le dit Bill, lequel a et 6 lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a yte ordonnye pour Lundi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill pour limiter le nombre des Passa- gers dans les vaisseaux venant & Europe en cette Pro- vince, ayant yty lu ; La Chambre s’est en consyquence formee en le dit Comite. M. Viger a pris le Fauteuil du Comity ; et apres y avoir quelque temps. M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; M. Sixieme Rap* port sur les Hopitaux et In- stitutions de Charite, remis. Comite sur les Actes pour en- courager les Ecoles Elfimcn- taires. Resolution rap- porte e. Bill d’Educa- tion Elemen- taire lu la pre- miere fois. Cotnite sur le Bill relatif aux Fassagers. 400 ; 27 °— 29 ° JanuariL As 1836 . And Mr. Vigor reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received, on Friday next. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger , seconded by Mr. Deligny, The House adjourned till Friday next. Et M. Viger a fait rapport que le Comity avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonnc, Que le Rapport soit re 9 u Vendredi pro- chain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger , seconde par M. Deligny. La Chambre s'est ajourn^e a Vendredi prochain. Message from the Council. The Council have passed a Bill to amend the Road Act. The Council have agreed to the Bill to ap- point Commis- sioners to treat with Upper Ca- nada. Bill to amend the Road Act read the first time. Bill to prevent Duelling read the first time. Friday, 29 tli January, 1836. A MESSAGE from the Legislative Council, by the Honorable Mr. De Levy, one of the Masters in Chancery : Mr. Speaker, The Legislative Council have passed a Bill, intituled, “ An Act to amend the Act of the thirty sixth of “ George the Thiid, Chapter nine, commonly called “ the Road Act,” to which they desire the concur- rence of the Assembly. And, also, The Legislative Council have passed the Bill, inti- tuled, “ An Act to appoint Commissioners to treat “ with Commissioners appointed or to be appointed “ on the part of the Province of Upper Canada, for the “ purposes therein mentioned,” without any amend- ment. And then he withdrew. An engrossed Bill from the Legislative Council, in- tituled, “ An Act to amend the Act of the thirty sixth “ of George the Third, Chapter nine, commonly called “ the Road Act,” was read for the first time. Ordered, That Mr. Grannis have leave to bring in a Bill to prevent Duelling. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Wednesday next. Petition of Mr. A Petition of Edward Bowen, Esquire, of the City justice Bowen. 0 f Quebec, one of the Puisnd Justices of His Majesty's Court of King’s Bench, for the District of Quebec, was presented to the House by Mr. Bedard, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : That the Peti- tioner during a period of nearly twenty four years hath discharged the arduous and important duties of a Jus- tice of the Court of King’s Bench with unremitting attention and zeal, and he trusts with unsullied integri- ty : That in the course of the same period he has as- sisted in the hearing and decision of many thousand important cases in the Superior Courts of the Districts of Quebec, Three Rivers aruLSV. Francis, to say nothing of the tens of thousands heard and decided in the Infe- rior Court of King's Bench whose jurisdiction is not limited to mere personal actions, but also to those affect- ing Real Estate where the matter in litigation does not exceed the value or amount of ten pounds sterling : That within the whole period of twenty four years the Petitioner hath never absented himself from his duty, with the exception of three months during which he was confined to his House by a severe accident : That in Forcer Canada the duties and responsibilities of Judges far outweigh those of Judges in the other British Colonies, for in Lower Canada the Judge, in the hear- ing Vendredi, 29 Janvier 183G. ‘ESSAGE du Conseil L6gislatif, par PHonorable Message du M. De Ltry, un des Maitres en Chancellcrie : Consei1, M. l’Orateur, Le Conseil L^gislatif a passe un Bill, intitule, “ Acte “ pour amender l Acte de la trente-sixibme de George “ Trois, Chapitre neuf, communement appel6 “ Acte “ des Chemins‘” auquel il demande la concurrence de 1’Assemblee. Et aussi, Le Conseil Legislatif a passe le Bill, intituK, “ Acte “ pour nomraer des Commissaires pour traiter avec les “ Commissaires qui sont on pourront ctre nomines de “ la partde la Province du Haut-Canada pour les fins y “ mentionnees, sans amendement. Le Conseil a passe un Bill pour amender l’Acte des Chemins. Lo Conseil a" concouru au : Bill pour nom- mer des Com- missaires pour traiter avec le Haut-Canada. Bill pournmen- der l'Acte des Chemins lu la premiere fois. Et ensuite il s’est retire. Un Bill grossov6 du Conseil Legislatif, intitule, “ Acte pour amender l’Acte de la trente-sixieme de “ George Trois, Chapitre neuf, communement appel£ “ Acte des Chemins,” a ete lu pour la premiere fois. Ordonne , Que M. Grannis ait la permission d’in- Bill pour ia re troduire un Bill pour la repression du Duel. Duel, iu u P re- 11 a en consequence pr£sent6 le dit Bill, lequel a 6t6 n " e ' e °‘ s ' lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a et6 ordonnde pour Mercredi prochain. Une Petition d 'Edouard Bowen, Ecuyer, de la Cite lejugT Bowen, de Quebec , l’un des Juges Puisnes de la Cour du Banc du Roi de Sa Majest6 pour le District de Quebec, a etc presentee a la Chambre par M. Bedard, laquelle a ete re 5 ue etlue"; exposant : Que pendant une periode de prfes de vingt-quatre annees, le Petitionnaire a rem- pli les penibles et importantes fonctions de Juge de la Cour du Banc du Roi, avec une attention et un zele infatigables, et avec une integrite sans tache, comme il ose s’en flatter : Que pendant cette meme periode, il a assiste a decider et juger plusieurs milliers de causes importantes dans les Cours Sup^rieures des Districts de Quebec , des Trois-Rivieres et de Si. Francois, sans parler des milliers de causes qu’il a entendues et deci- dees dans la Cour Infcrieure du Banc du Roi, dont la jurisdiction n est pas seulement limitce aux actions personnelles, mais qui s’etend de plus aux actions reel- les, dans les cas ou la matiere en litige n’excede pas la valeur de dix livres sterling : Que pendant toute cette periode de vingt-quatre annees, le Petitionnaire ne s’est jamais absente de ses devoirs, excepte pendant trois tnois seulement, qu’un accident grave l’a retenu a. sa maison : Que les devoirs et la responsabilite des Juges du Bas-Canada excedent de beaucoup ceux des Juges dans les autres Colonies Biitanniques, car dans le Bas- Canada 6 Will. IV. 29° Januariu 401 ing and decision of civil rights and controversies, is not assisted by a Jury, (cases of a mercantile nature, anil those for wrongs to the person proper to be compen- sated in damages, and in which at the option of either party a trial by Jury may be had, forming the only ex- ception,) and consequently the whole odium of the party who happens to fail in suit is cast upon the Judge, nor will it be an outrage to truth to suggest that the odium naturally resulting from human weak- ness and human passions is in divers instances aug- mented in the bosom of the failing suitor, by the At- torney who may sometimes prefer laying the blame of his own faults upon the Judge, in order that he may himself escape the disapprobation of his client, the pro- fessions of Advocate and Attorney being in Lower Ca- nada united in the same practitioners, and are not sepa- rate and distinct : That the Petitioner has been in- duced to make these observations not from a desire to find fault with the existing Laws which he has been sworn duly faithfully and conscientiously to execute, but with a view to shew how utterly impossible it is for any man in the most correct and able discharge of those duties not to create animosities and enmities of more or less duration, according to the moral feelings of the persons engaged in litigation : That some such excited feelings must have led to the very extraordi- nary measure which has just been adopted by Mr. Adol- phus Mordecai Hart , of the City of Quebec, Student at Law, (and who it is believed has not yet attained the age of majority) by which in his complaint submitted to the House on the seventh day of January instant, the Petitioner being then about to leave Quebec , for the Circuit to Three Rivers , he has charged the Petitioner in general terms, with being a partial, violent, and cor- rupt Judge, who during a series of years has been guilty of flagrant abuses of his judicial authority, and that the said Hart is prepared to specify and prove by competent testimony, a great number of instances of gross misconduct on the part of the said Judge in his judicial capacity, and prays that for the relief of the Petitioner (the said Hart ) as well as of divers others of His Majesty’s Subjects, an investigation may be in- stituted into the public conduct and character of the said Judge : That the said Adolphus Mordecai Hart having already grossly and scandalously libelled the Petitioner, his family and connexions, in two certain writings published at Montreal , in the Vindicator Newspaper, under date of the 15th and 24th days of December last, purporting to have been written by some person residing at Lennoxville , in the distant Dis- trict of St. Francis, in which the Petitioner, for having taken during the absence of one, and the indisposition of another of the Judges, and at his request, the Cir- cuit of St. Francis in the summer of the years 1832, 1833, 1834 and 1835, which it was not only the right but the duty of the Petitioner to do, it is asserted that the frequent visits of that high legal functionary, the ci-devant Speaker of the Legislative Council, Mr. Jus- tice Bowen, to this part of the Country, calls for amendment in what relates to the Constitution of the Court of St. Francis, and that this proceeding of Mr. Justice Bowen “ sheds abundance of light upon the “ transaction between Father and Son, and is not alto- “ gether unconnected with the circumstance of Mr. “ Frederick H. Bowen having taken up his residence “ among us, and the nomination of Mr. Justice Bowen's “ son-in-law to the Office of Prothonotary of this Dis- “ trict,” Copies of which publications are annexed to this Petition, as well as of the answer given thereto by two of the members of the Petitioner’s family, whose Canada le Juge n’est pas assiste du Jury dans l’audition ct la decision des Causes concernant les droits civils et des diff^rends (si l’on en excepte seulement les Cau- ses dune nature mercantile ou pour torts faits h des individus qui peuvent se compenser par des dommages ; ou dans lesquelles, a l’option de l’une des parties, l’on peut obtenir un proems par Jury), en sorte que la partie qui vient a succomber dans la poursuite en rejette tout le blame sur le Juge ; et ce n’est pas manquer a la verite que de dire que la haine naturelle, qui r^sulte de la fai- blesseet des passions humaines, est excise dans diver- ses occasions dans le cceur du plaideur de$u, par son procureur, qui prefere quelquefois jeter sur le Juge tout le blame deses propres fautes, pour se soustraire aux reproches de son client, vu que dans le Bas-Canada les professions d’Avocat et de Procureur se trouvent r6unies dans les mcmes personnes, et non s6parees et distinctes : Que le Petitionnaire est port6 it faire ces remarques, non pas dans la vue de tiouver a redire aux Lois existantes qu’il a jure d’administrer fidelement et consciencieusement, mais pour demontrer qu’il est tout-a-fait impossible pour tout homme qui remplit avec toute 1 exactitude et l’habilet6 possibles les fonctions de Juge, de ne pas s’attirer une haine et une animosite plus ou mois durable, suivant les dispositions morales des personnes qui ont des proems : Que ce doit etre quelque sentiment de cette nature qui a porte M. Adolphus-Mor decal Hart, de la Cit6 de Quebec , Etu- diant en Droit (qui je crois n’a pas encore atteint 1 age de majorite), a adopter un procede aussi extraordinai- re, et en adressant sa plainte a la Chambre le sept Jan- vier courant, au moment oule Petitionnaire allait lais- ser Quebec pour se rendre a la Cour de Tournee aux Trois-Rivieres , il accuse le Petitionnaire en termes ge- neraux d'etre un Juge partial, violent et corrompu, etde s’6tre rendu coupable pendant une suite d’annees d’abus flagrans de son autorite judiciaire ; et le dit Hart de- clare qu’il est pret a specifier et a prouver par des T6- moins competens un grand nombre de malversations de la part du dit Juge, en sa quality officielle, et il supplie (lui le dit Hart ) tant en son nom qu’au nom de plusieurs autres sujets de Sa Majeste qu’il soit institue une Enque- te sur la conduite et le caractere publics du dit Juge : Que le dit Ado J phus-Mordecai Hart, ayant deja gros- sierement et scandaleusement diffame le Petitionnaire, sa famille et ses parens, par deux Ecrits publies a, Montreal dans le Papier-nouvelle “ The Vindicator en date du 15e et du 24ejourde Decembre dernier, ecrits que l’on pr6tend etre la production de quelque personne r^sidante a Lennoxville, dans le District eloi- gne de St. Francois; et comme, en l’absence d’un des Juges et l’indisposition de l’autre, le Petitionnaire a tenu, a la r6quisition de ce dernier, la Cour de Tournee ■k St. Francois pendant les Etes de 1832 1833 1834 et 1835, ce que le Petitionnaire avait non seulement le droit, mais ce qu’il etaitdeson devoir de faire, il est dit dans ces ecrits que les frequentes visites de ce haut Fonctionnaire en Loi, le ci-devant Orateur de notre Conseil Legislatif, M. le Juge Bowen, dans cette partie de la Province, exigent des changemens dans les Lois qui ont rapport a la Constitution de la Cour de St. Frangois, et que ce procede de M. le Juge Bowen “jette “ une grande clarte sur des transactions entre le pere “ et le fils, et n’est pas entierement etranger a la cir- “ Constance de la residence de M. Frederick-H. Bowen “ parmi nous,et a la nomination du gendre de M. le Juge “ Bowen a la charge de Protonotaire de ce District;” Co- pies de ces ecrits sont ci-annexees, ainsi que Copies des reponses faitespar deux des membres de la famille du Petitionnaire, dont l’honneur et le caractere ^taient necessairement compromis par ces Merits faux et scan- 5 I daleux ; 402 29° Janucirii, A. 1836. honor and character were necessarily involved in such scandalous and false writings, and upon the truth ot the assertions that the Petitioner had been in atten- dance in his judicial capacity at the Circuit Com t ot the District of St. Francis during the winter ot the years 1832, 1S33, 1834 and 1835, he, the said Flart, rested his title to credibility, probably little expecting that he should be discovered as the author of the said two scandalous writings, and his name made known, and relying upon the hardihood of his false assertions to obtain belief, whereas in truth the Petitioner not only did not assist at the Court of St. Francis, during the winter of 1832, 1S33, 1834 and 18^u, but never was within the said District ol St. Francis in the winter season, or within any of the iownships during wintei . That the said Hart finding himself foiled in these his attempts to slander and malign the Petitioner, his fa mily and connexions, has lastly had recourse to anothei mode of gratifying his unmerited hostility, and has abused the right of petitioning the House, well know- ing that by cloaking his real motives under the pretext oflaboring for the public good, he will disseminate his poison more extensively and do an irreparable injuiy to the Petitioner without the fear of being punished : That while the Petitioner solemnly protests against the pretension, if such should be entertained by the said Mr. Hart or others, to draw the decision of causes from the competent tribunals of the Country, as esta- blished by Law, to a final revision before the House of Assembly, the Petitioner feeling convinced that the House will at once recognize as a principle both just and constitutional, and without the due obsei vance of which Justice cannot be administered, namely, that the Judge in declaring what the Law is should be as independant and as much protected as the Legislator is who assists to make the Law, nor can it be denied that the Judge who errs upon the facts, oi even upon the Law of a particular case, is not reprehensible by the Law of France, he is reprehensible only when he has acted from malicious or interested motives, or has been corrupt, “ per sordes,” taking money or presents to betray his duty : That it behoves the Petitioner thus wantonly accused, to request the interference of the House, and that the said Adolphus Mordecai Flart, prepared as he states himself to specify and prove by competent testimony a great number of instances of gross misconduct on the part of the said Petitioner, may be ordered and required forthwith to exhibit such specific allegations as may afford to the 1 etitioner some idea of the charges which the House is called upon to investigate, and that thereupon after such specification of his charges shall have been produced, such reasona- ble opportunities may be afforded to the Petitioner, to be present, and with Counsel if he see fit, to confiont the witnesses to be adduced, and put such questions to them as the Petitioner may be advised, to elicit truth, and for the preservation of that honor and character of the Petitioner without which life is not worth pre- serving, and that in default of the said Hart presenting such specific allegations within such short period as the House may be pleased to assign, his said Petition and complaint may be rejected with such expiessions of disapprobation as conduct so unjustifiable would na- turally call for j and the Petitioner lastly claims of the House all such relief as in its justice and wisdom may be deemed right and proper. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances. Mr. Bedard moved, seconded by Mr. Power, I hat it be an Instruction to the said Committee to require the Petitioner, Adolphus Mordecai Hart, to specify and articulate daleux : Quant a l’assertion que le Petitionnaire a as- siste en sa qualite de Juge aux Cours de Tourn6e du District de St. Francois, durant les hivers de 1832, 1833, 1834 et 1835, le dit Hart se reposait sur la cre- dulity des Lecteurs, se doutant peu qu’il serait decou- vertcomme l’auteur de ces deux ecrits scandaleux, et que son nom serait devoile ; et comptant sur la hardies- se de ses fausses assertions pour etre cru ; mais loin de la ; non seulement il n’est pas vrai que le Petition- naire ait assiste a la Cour de St. Francois, pendant les hivers de 1832, 1833, 1834 et 1835, mais il n’a jamais ete dans le District de St. Francois, ni meme dans aucun des Townships, pendant 1 hiver : Que le dit Hart se trouvant degu dans son espoir de calomnier et de dif- famer le Petitionnaire, sa famille et ses parens, a eu dernierement recours a un autre moyen de satisfaire son animosity non provoquee, et a abuse du droit de petitionner la Chambre, sachant bien qu en couvrant ses motifs secrets du voile emprunte de l’int^ret pu- blic, il r i r, * I m ut o I’O SSSSrr referred the Statements delivered at the Bar ot the House on the the twenty ihir d November last, by order Schools in Mis- qj s Excellency the Governor in Chief, puisuant to por^: re ' the Address of this House of the eighteenth of the same month, respecting Schools in the County of Missis- koui , reported, according to Order, the Resolutions of the said Committee ; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk's Table, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followeth : 1. Resolved, That Ralph Taylor, Esquire, late Mem- ber of this House for the County of Missiskoui, has, in his said capacity of Member, and in virtue of the Act 2nd Will IV., Cap. 26, drawn from the Public Chest, the sum of Forty eight pounds currency, to be distri- buted as premium money to the Schools in the County of Missiskoui, whilst by the Returns of Schools in ope- ration in the said County, it appears that the sum of Twenty eight pounds ten shillings only ought to have been drawn for the purpose of premiums, leaving in the hands of the said Ralph Taylor, .Esquire, the sum of Nineteen pounds ten shillings, which it was his duty to have returned into the Public Chest. 2. Resolved, That it appears by a Statement trans- mitted to the House of Assembly, dated the 21st No- vember, 1835, and signed by Joseph Cary, Esquire, In- spector General of Public Accounts, that no sums of money drawn as premiums for Schools in the County of Missiskoui, from the 15th May, 1832, to the 15th May, 1835, have been returned into the Public Chest uj) to the said 21st November, 1835. 3 Resolved, That a sum of Twenty four pounds cur- rency, left undrawn in the Public Chest, being for pre- miums for Schools in the County of Missiskoui, for the year ended the 15th May, 1835, and made payable to Ralph Taylor , Esquire, ought to be applied to the pur- poses required by Law. 4. Resolved, That it appears by Returns received from the Trustees of the different Schools in the County of Missiskoui, that the sum of Fourteen pounds cur- rency, only, has been distributed to the different Schools enumerated in the Schedule of Return as in operation in the said County during the years ended 15th May, 1833, and 15th May, 1831, and nothing for the year ended 15th May, 1835, consequently there remains in the hands of the said Ralph Taylor, Esquire, the sum of Fourteen pounds ten shillings, which was due and ought to have been distributed according to Law among the Schools in the said County. M. Clapham, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Rapport du Comite Special auquel ont ete ref£r£s les sujet de Denier* Etats remis a la Barre de la Chambre le vingt-trois T™ior! r Eroy£! Novern bre dernier, par ordre de Son Excellence le MissS Gouverneur-en-Chef, en conformite de l’Adresse de rapponce?. cette Chambre, du dix-huit du meme mois, au sujet des Ecoles dansle Comt6 de Missiskoui, a fait rapport, conformement k l’Ordre, des Resolutions du dit Co- mitC lesquelles Resolutions ont etc lues de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptees par la Chambre ; et elles sont coniine suit : 1. Resolu, Que Ralph Taylor , Ecuyer, ci devant Membre de cette Chambre pour le Comte de Missis- koui, a, en sa quality de Membre, et en vertu de la 2de Quill. IV. Chap 26, tire de la Caisse Publique la som- me de Quarante-huit livres courant, pour la distribuer en forme de Prix aux Ecoles du Comte de Missiskoui, tandisque d’apr^s les Rapports des Ecoles en operation dans le dit ComD, il parait que la somme de Vingt- h u it livres dix schellings seulement devrait avoir ete tiree pour etre distribute en forme de Prix ; ce qui laisse entre les mains du dit Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer, la somme de Dix-neuf livres dix schellings, qu’il etait de son devoir de remettre a la Caisse Publique. 2. Resolu, Qu'il parait, d’apres un Etat soumis a la Chambre d’Assemblee, en date du 21 Novernbre 1835, et revetu de la signature de Joseph Cary, Ecuyer, Ins- pecteur-General des Comptes Publics de la Province, qu’a venir au dit 21 Novernbre 1835, aucune des som- mes d’argent re 9 iies pour etre distributes en forme de Prix parmi les Ecoles du Comte de Missiskoui, depuis le 1 5 Mai 1832, jusqu’au 15 Mai 1835, n’unt ete remises a la Caisse Publique. 3. Resolu, Que la somme de Vingt-quatre livres cou- rant, qui n’a pas ete tiree de la Caisse Publique, et qui etait destinee a etre distribute, par forme de Prix, par- mi les Ecoles du Comte de Missiskoui , pendant l’annee expiree le 15 Mai 1835, et payable a Ralph Taylor , Ecuyer, devrait etre employee aux objets pour lesquels la Eoi avail destine cette somme. 4. Resolu, Qu’il parait par les Rapports des Syndics des differentes Ecoles dans le Comte de Missiskoui , que la somme de Quatorze livres courant, seulement, a ete distribute parmi les differentes Ecoles enumerees dans la Cedule du Rapport, comme etant en operation dans le dit Comte, pendant les annees expirtes le 15 Mai 1833, et le 15 Mai 1834, et qu’il n'a lien ett distri- but pour l’annee expiree le 15 Mai 1835, et qu’il reste en consequence, entre les mains du dit Ralph Taylor , Ecuyer, la somme de Quatorze livres dix schellings, qui etait due, et qui aurait du, suivant la Loi, etre dis- tribute pai mi les Ecoles du dit Comte. 5 . 6 Will. I V. r Februarii . Sill to regulate he Jesuits’ Es- ates reported. iducalion en- ouragement Sill read the se- ond time. Clemen I ary Education Bill eferrcd. r irst Report of lourts of Jus- ce deferred. Committee on Motion for an nstructioo to 'ommittee of grievances res ectinga Peti- ion against Mr. ustice Bowen. 5. Resolved , That from an examination of the va- rious Papers and Returns, and from Evidence taken, the said Ralph Taylor, Esquire, has been guilty of gross malversation and breach of trust, — that he lias appro- priated to his own private use several sums of public money,— that he has embarrassed the progress of Edu- cation in the County of Missislcoui, and that he is un- worthy of all confidence of His Majesty’s Government in this Province. 6. Resolved , That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, (accompa- nied by the foregoing Resolutions) prayingthat he will be pleased to give directions to the proper Officer to compel the said Ralph Taylor, Esquire, to refund the sum of Thirty four pounds currency, by him drawn, and which sum he has neglected to appropriate to the pur- poses intended by the Act 2nd Will. IV., Cap. 26 ; that the sum of Nineteen pounds ten shillings be returned into the Public Chest, and the sum of Fourteen pounds ten shillings be, by the School Visitors for the County of Missislcoui, distributed to the Schools in the said County who were deprived of the bounty of the Legis- lature by the said Ralph Taylor, Esquire. Ordered, That Mr, Knight, Mr. Be Witt, Mr. Meil- leur and Mr. Bardy do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, Mr. Guillet, from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to regulate the administration and manage- ment of the Fiefs, Seigniories and other Estates for- merly belonging to the Order of Jesuits, reported, ac- cording to Order, the amendments made by the Com- mittee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. A Bill for the encouragement of Education in this Province, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to the Stand- ing Committee of Education and Schools. The Order of the day for the second reading of the Bill to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and to provide for the further encouragement of Elementary Education in this Province, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Monday the fifteenth instant. The Order of the day for taking into consideration a Motion made by Mr.' Bedard ," on Friday last, viz: “ That it be an Instruction to the Standing Committee “ of Grievances to require the Petitioner, Adolphus “ Mordecai Hart, to specify and articulate the various “ subjects of complaint which he may have against the “ said Judge, Edward Bowen, Esquire,” being read ; The House proceeded accordingly to take the said Motion into consideration. On Motion of Mr. Gugy, seconded by Mr. Deblois, Ordered, That the said Motion be now referred to a Committee of the whole House. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. 4! I fi. Resolu, Que d’apres l’examen des divers Papiers ct Rapports, ainsi que les Tthnoignages produits, le dit Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer, s’est rendu coupable de malver- sation ; qu’il a vide la confiance reposee en lui ; qu’il s est approprie, a son usage prive, diverses sommes de Deniers Publics ; qu’il a entrave les progr^s de l’Edu- cation dans le Comt6 de Missislcoui, et qu’il est indi- gnede la confiance du Gouvernement de Sa Maieste en cette Province. J 6. Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, (accompa- gnee des Resolutions qui precedent), pour le prier de vouloir donner ordre a 1’Officier a qui il appartiendra d’obliger le dit Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer, de rembourser la somme de Trente quatre livres courant, qu’il a recue et neglige d emplover a l’objet auquel die elait destinee par l’Acte de la 2de Guill. IV. Chap. 26; que la som! me de Dix-neuf livres dix schellings soit remboursee a la Caisse Publique, et que la somme de Quatorze livres dix schellings soit distribute par les Visiteurs d’Ecoles du Comte de Missislcoui, parmi les Ecoles du Comte qui ontete privees de la liberalite de la Legislature par le fait du dit Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer. Ordonne , Que M. Knight, M. Be Witt, M. Meil - leur et M. Bardy presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. M. Guillet, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Bill pour regler fadministration et regie des Fiefs, Sei- gneuries et autres Biens appartenans ci-devant a^’Or- dre des Jesuites, a fait rapport, conformement a l’Or- dre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adopts par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. & Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour l’encourao- e - ment de I’Education en cette Province, a ete lu une se- conde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Biil soit refere au Comite Per- manent pour l’Education et les Ecoles. L Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour rappeler certains Actes y mentionnes, et pour pour voir ulterieurement a l’encouragement de PEducation Ele- mentaire en cette Province, ayant ete lu • (J)donns, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis i demain. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comit6 sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent des Cours de Justice, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a .Lundi Je quinze Tevrier courant. LOrdre du jour pour prendre en consideration une Motion faite par M. Bedard, Vendredi dernier* sa voir : “ Qu’il soit une Instruction au Comite Perma- nent des Griefs, de requ^rir le Petitionnaire, Adol- “ phus- Mordecai Hart, de specifier et d’articuler les di “ vers sujets de plainte qu’il pent avoir contre le dit Ju- “ ge Edward Bowen, Ecuyer,” ayant ete lu ; La Chambre a en consequence procede a prendre la dite Motion en consideration. Su r Motion de M. Gugy, seconde par M. Deblois, Ordonne, Que la dite Motion soit maintenant referee a un Comity de toute la Chambre. La Chambie sest en consequence formtie en le dit Comite. M. Bill pour regie les JJiens dea Jesuites. Bill pour I’en- couragement de l’Education lu une seconde fuis. Bill d’Educa- tion el^mentai- re, remis. Premier Rap. port des Cours de Justice re. mis. Comite sur une Motion pour une Instruction au Comite des Griefs au sujet de la Petition contre M. le Juge Bowen. 412 o Mr. Le Bouliliier took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. committee on Tj ie Order of the day for the House in Committee chiint Me i n- on the Sixth Report of the Standing Committee for sutmions. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Viger took ihe Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Viger reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions, which he was directed to submit to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. Then, on Motion of Mr. Caron, seconded bv Mr. Dc Wilt, The House adjourned. Fcbruarii A . 1836. M. Le Boutillier a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apr£s y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comiie sur Comite sur le Sixieme Rapport du Comite Permanent uLuSns'de pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite, ayant ete Charit ®- u ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Viger a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apr&s y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Viger a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe plusieurs Resolutions, qu’il avait Ordre de soumettre a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re 9 u demain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Caron, seconde par M. Dc- Witt, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Tuesday, 2nd February, 1836. Wes«age rcia- W^ESOLVED, That the Message of His Excel- ocfupled^yjhe lency the Governor in Chief, of the first instant, v/e'e "rVferred r ' wlt ^ ^ ie Draught of a Bill accompanying the same, relating to the Property occupied for the Ordnance Service in this Province, be referred to a Committee of five Members, to examine the same and report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for per- sons, papers and records. Ordered , That Mr. Clapham, Mr. Eesserer, Mr. Jjes- lie, Mr. Guillet and Mr. Viger do compose the said Committee. Mardi, 2 Fevrier 1836. ESOLU, Que le Message de Son Excellence le r P - Gouverneur-en-Chef, du premier du courant. la ", f V a Pro * i . , f -r».|. . i, * 1 .. y pricie otcupee avec le projet d un Bill qui l accompagne, relativement a la Propriete occupee pour le service de I’Artillerie dans cette Province, soient referes a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour les examiner et en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’en- voyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M Clapham, M. Besserer, M. Leslie , M. Guillet et M. Viger composent le dit Comite. fteport on in- Mr. Leslie, from the Standing Committee of Trade land Custom 8 w | 10m was referred the Bill to regulate and establish the Salaries of the Officers of the Customs at the Inland Ports in this Province, and for other purposes therein mentioned, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as f'olloweth : Your Committee examined several persons who de- sired to be heard upon the Bill, and from their evi- dence, it appears that the loss to the Revenue by the illicit trade carried on along the Frontier is fully equal, if not more, than the amount of Duties collected. Under these circumstances, Your Committee would recommend that Land Waiters should be stationed at Slanstead and Potion in the County of Stanstead ; at Hereford in the County of Sherbrooke, and at Hunting- ton in the County of Beauharnois. They are also of opinion that the Custom House at S/e. Marie in the County of Beauce, should be removed to the vicinity of the Bridge on the Portage River in the said County, and that an allowance should be made to the Collector for House Rent and Contingencies. Your Committee have also made several amendments to the Bill. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Friday next. M. Leslie, du Comite Permanent de Commerce, au- uappon sur I quel a ete referc le Bill pour regler et etablir les Salaires Bm des Uo1 , r-.rr ■ i . . anes inlerieurel des (Jfliciers des Douanes anx Ports de l lnterieur de cette Province, et autres fins y mentionnees, a presente a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : Votre Comite a inlerroge plusieurs personnes qui desiraient etre entendues sur ce Bill ; et il parait, d’apres leurs temoignages, que la perte quesubit le Re- venu par suite du Commerce de contrebande qui se fait le long de la frontieie, estau moins egale au mon- tant des droits perils, si elle lie I’excede pas. Dans ces circonstances, Votre Comite recommande qu’il soit place des Douaniers a Slanstead e . ta Potion, dans le Comte de Slanstead „ a Hertford dans le Comte de Sherbrooke , et a Huntingdon , dans le Comte de Beau- harnois. II est aussi d'opinion que le Bureau de la Douane a Ste. Marie, dans le Comte de Beauce, de- vrait etre transfere dans le voisinage du Pont de la Riviere du Portage, dans le dit Comte, et qu'il devrait etre faite une allocation au Collecteur pour Loyer et De- penses Contingentes. Votre Comite a aussi fait plusieurs Amendemens au Bill. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Vendredi prochain. Message from Council. A Message from the Legislative Council by the Ho- norable Mr. De Lery, one of the Masters in Chancery : Mr. Speaker, Me ssage du Conseil Legislatif, par l’Honorable M. Message du De Lery, un des Maitres en Chancellerie : M. 1 Orate ur, The Le 6 Will. IV. 2 ° Februani . 413 Council have,' igreed to : Rill to continue he Emigrant Tax Act. lill to repeal an Ordinance con- erningpuarter- ig the l’roopa, rith amend* aenu. The Legislative Council have passed the Bill, inti- tuled, “ An Act to continue, for a limited time, an Act “ passed in the second year of Iiis Majesty’s lleign, “ intituled, “ An Act to create a Fund to defray the “ expense of providing Medical assistance for sick “ Immigrants, and of enabling indigent persons of that “ description to proceed to their place of destination,” without any amendment. And, also. The Legislative Council have passed the Bill, inti- tuled, “ An Act to repeal the Ordinance therein men- “ tioned, concerning quartering the Troops on certain “ occasions in the Country Parishes, and the convey- “ ance of effects belonging to the Government,” with several Amendments, to which they desire the concur- rence of the Assembly. And then he withdrew. Le Conseil Legislatif a passe le Bill, intitule, “ Acte “ P 0llr continuer, pour un temps limits, un Acte passe “dans la Seconde annee du llegne de Sa Majeste, in- “ titule, “ Acte pour creer un Fonds pour subvenir aux “ depenses du traitement medical et des soins pour les “ Emigres malades, et pour mettre les personnes indi- “ gentes de cette description en Gat de se rendre au “ Heu de leur destination,” sans amendemenl. Et aussi, Le Conseil Legislatif a passe le Bill, intitule, “Acte “ pour rappeler I’Ordonnance y mentionnee, relative au logeinent des J roupes dans certaines occasions “ chez les Habitans des Campagnes, etle transport des “Effetsdu Gouvernement,” avec plusieurs Amende- mens, auquel il demande la concurrence de l’Assem- blee. X^e Cornell a concouru aux Hill pour con- tinuer 1’Acle de la l'axe des Emigres, sans amendemenl, et Bill pour rap- pel er une Or- donnance rela- tive a u logeraent des Tioupes, avec des amen- mens. Et ensuite il s’est, retire. Iti^iVncou- 11 ” Mr. Huot, from the Standing Committee of Educa- ■gement Bill, tion and Schools, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill for the encouragement of Educa- tion in this Province, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report he referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Friday next. On Motion of Mr. Gugy, seconded by Mr. Bardy , i e Honbie la vv s Ordered , That the Order of the day for the House i. Feiton, de- j n Committee on the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances, lost by the adjournment of the House, on Wednesday the twenty seventh ultimo, be revived ; and that this House will, on Monday next, resolve itself into the said Committee. M. Huot , du Comity Permanent pour I’Education et Rapport 5U r (e Jes Ecolcs, a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bll| p° url ' en - Biil pour l’encomagement de l’Education en cette derEduTa^on. Province, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, les- quels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient refers k un Comite de toute la Chambre, Vendredi prochain. Sur Motion de M. Gugy , seconde par M. Bardy, Ordonne , Que l’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre Rappon reiatif se forme en Comite sur le Second Rapport du Comite b P ermanent des Griefs, perdu par 1’ajournement de la mis * Chambre, Mercredi le vingt-sept du mois dernier, soit retabli, et que Lundi prochain, cette Chambre se for- mera en le dit Comite. .mi^uauonof A Pet i ( ion of d i vers Inhabitants of the Seigniory of ruc'kon V Act e " La Petite Nation, was presented to the House by Mr. Girouard , and the same was received and read, praying the House to take into consideration the propriety of continuing the Act authorizing a bounty for the de- struction of Wolves, which will expire on the 1st May, 1836. uarantlne Ex- Mr. Viger , from the Committee of the whole House mses reported. on the Sixth Report of the Standing Committee for Hos- pitals and Charitable Institutions, reported, according to Order, the Resolutions of the said Committee ; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and are as follovveth : 1. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Two thou- sand nine hundred and fifteen pounds three shillings and two pence sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the expenses incurred by the Executive of the Province, for Quarantine purposes at Quebec and Grosse Isle du- ring the year one thousand eight hundred thirty five. 2. Resolved, That a sum, not exceeding Ninety pounds sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to indemnify James Watt , for services rendered by him during the last four years as Superintendant at Quebec, of the line of Telegraphs established between the latter place and Grosse Isle. leraentary' The Order of the day for the second reading of the dilation Bill \ ° . ferred. Bill to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and to provide for the further encouragement of Elementary Education in this Province, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be postponed till Fiiday next. The Une Petition de divers Habitans de la Seigneurie de Petition pour i. Ja i elite Nation, a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. continuation da Girouard, laquelle a ete re 5 ue et lue ; priant la Cham- dwiVucuon^** bre de prendre en consideration s’il convient de conti- Loups ‘ nuer l’Actfc pour offrir une recompense pour la destruc- tion des Loups, qui expirera le ler Mai 1836. M. Viger, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Resolutions SU r Sixieme Rappoit du Comite Permanent pour les Hopi- Q u °fniai 5 ne de taux et Institutions de Charite, a fait rapport, confor- ra pp° r tees. mement a l’Ordre, des Resolutions du dit Comite, les- quelles Resolutions ont ete lues de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptees par la Chambre, et elles sont comrae suit : 1. Resolu, Qu'une somme n’excedant pas Deux mille neuf cent quinze livres trois schellings et deux deniers sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour etre employee a payer les depenses encourues par l'Execu- tif de cette Province, pour des ohjets de Quarantaine, taut a Quebec qu’a la Grosse-Ile, pendant l’annee mil- huit-cent-trente-cinq. 2. Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Quatre- vingt-dix livres sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majesty pour indemniser James Watt , des services parlui rendus pen- dant les quatre dernieres annees, comme Surintendant a Quebec de la ligne de Telegraphes communiquant de cette place a la Grosse-Ile. L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour bhi d*isduc«. rappeler certains Actes y mentionnes, et pour pourvoir take.^e^s."* ulterieurement a 1'encouragement de I’Education Ele- mentaire en cette Province, ayant Ge lu ; Ordonne, Que le ditOrdre du jour soitremis & Ven- dredi prochain. L’Ordre Vol. — 15. 5 M 411 : 0}° m /V -S° Februarit. A. 1836. n ... „f the day for the House in Committee Committee on I he Order or . Standimr Committee of Hoads andPub* , T hird Report ot the otanuing ^ Sir"" R 0 ads and Public Improvements, being read , The House accordingly resolved itself into the said C °yu! X Bard V took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, ‘ CommU,ee had made^some p^ts?and had directed him to move ^Ordered, Thatfthe said Committee have leave to sit again on T uesday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Standing Committee on the Je- suits Estates, being *ead , > i r^plf ; n to the said The House accordingly resolved itself into C °M tTekeur took the Chair of the Committee , and after some time spent therein, the Committee had mat some progress, and had directed him to move lor .he said Committee have leave to sit Committee on Jesuits’ Estates. a Li ;ain on Tuesday the sixteenth instant. I Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Cht , minse t Comit6 .Hr le Vroisieme Rapport du Comite Perma- — - nent des Chemins et des Ameliorations publiques, aya Cte La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit C °M. Bareli/ a pris le Fauteuil du Comit6 ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le bauteuil ; , , . Et M. hardy a fait rapport que le Comite avait ta quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander per- mission de sieger de nouveau. . . , Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sieger de nouveau, Mardi prochain. L > Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en c-^’f Coinith snr le Premier Rapport du Comitd Permanent sur les Biens des Jesuites, ayant ete lu ; ^ La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit ^°VL & Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres v avoir siege quelque temps, " M l’Orateur & repris le fauteuil ; Et M. Meilleur a fait rapport que le Comite avail fait quelque progres, et lui avail enjoint de demandei npr mission de sieger de nouveau. . . , ' Ordonne, Que le dit Comite a t la permission de s R.ger de nouveau, Mardi le seize du present mow. „ t . f Mr ,r,„ er seconded by Mr. Alois, sur Motion de M. Vigor. seconde par M. Ar. Then, on Motion of Mi. I 0 > chambeault , Archambeault, La Chambre s'est ajournee. The House adjourned* Answer io an Address. Answer to an Address. Wednesday , 3rd February , 1836. R Guseveral occasions. On the 3rd Fe- bruary, 1829, the said William Bums Lindsay, Esquire, then Deputy Clerk, and Michel Clouet, Esquire, one of the Members of this House, having been summoned to serve as Special Jurors, it was J rtrsulved that these two Gentlemen could not absent themselves from the service of this House. And on the 13th December, 1«31, a similar Resolution was again adopted, exempt- ing William turns Lindsay, Esquire, from serving as a Special Juror. . . f . From the precedents found in the Journals of the years 1808, 1829, and 1831, Your Committee are fully convinced that to make any legal service within the precincts of this House, is a contempt and a breach of its Privileges deserving the censure of the House ; and that it cannot permit the said II illiam Bums Lindsay, Esquire, to absent himself from its service to obey the order of an Inferior Court. Resolved, That this House doth concur with theStand- ing Committee in the said Report. Resolution de- Resolved, That William Burns Lindsay, Esquire, daring that the r , .. this House, who has been summoned to ap- absent himself pgm' as Piers Soisi in a Cause wherein Peter oheppcivcl, oftheHoulf 6 Esquire, is Plaintiff, and Pierre Bureau, Esquire, one of the Members of this House, is Defendant, during the present Term of the Court of King’s Bench for the District of Quebec, cannot absent himself from the ser- vice of this House. Ordered, That a Letter be written by the Speaker to the Chief Justice of the Province and to the Puisne Judges of the Court of King’s Bench, transmitting the said Resolution to them. M. Besserer , du Comite Permanent des Privileges et Rapport reiatu Elections, a presente a la Chambre le second Rapport n'nuemmifed’un du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table ^ e ^[' sd e u ntre du G reflier, comme suit : Greffierdeia Votre Comite, apres avoir entendu / Vil iiam- Burns ' am * Lindsay, Ecuyer, Greffier de eette Chambre, a fait des recherches et compulse les Journaux de Votre Hono- rable Chambre qui traitent des Privileges du Parlement dans des cas semblables et analogues celui refere a Voire Comite, par 1 Instruction du premier du con rant, “ de prendre en consideration (’information donnee a “ cette Chambre par son Greffier, concernant la Saisie- “ Arret faite entre ses mains de I’lndemnite d’un des “ Membres de cette Chambre, et les Documens qui “ l’accompagnent,” eta 1’honneur de faire rapport : Que par le Journal de la Chambre de 1808, on voit que, pendant la session de la diteannee, un II u issier de la Cour du Banc du Roi signifia un Ordre de Sommation a un Membre de la Chambre, pour compa- raitre dans une des Cours de Sa Majeste du District de Quebec ; en consequence, il fut nomine un Comite pour prendie connaissance du fait, et s’enquerir si e’etait une violation des Privileges de la Chambre ; et lc s conclusions nu Rapport du Comite furent que le dit Huissier s’etait rendu coupable enversla Chambre d’in- sulte et d’infraction de ses privileges ; sur quoi il lut passe d s Resolutions dans le meme sens, et un War- rant fut sigr.e par l’Orateur pour arreter le dit Huissier. Les Journaux fournissent encore des decisions de la Chambre a l’appui de l’opinion par elle enoncee en plusieurs cii Constances precedentes. Le 3 Fevrier 1829, le dit William-Burns Lindsay, Ecuyer, alors De- pute Greffier et Michel Clouet, Ecuyer, un des Mem- bres tie cette Chambre, ayant ete sommes tie servir comme Jures Speciaux, il fut resolu que ces deux Mes- sieurs ne pouvaient s’absenter du service de cette Cham- bre; et, le 13 Decembie 1831, line semblable Resolu- tion fut adoptee, exemptant le dit William-Burns Lind- say, Ecuyer, de servir encore comme Jure Special. D’apres les precedens trouves dans les Journaux des annees 1808, 1829 et 1831, Votre Comite est pleine- ment convaincu que de faire aucune signification judi- ciaire dans l’enceinte de cette Chambre, est un mepris et une violation de ses privileges, ineritant la censure de cette Chambre, et qu elle ne peut permettre au dit William- Burns Lindsay , Ecuyer, d’interrompre son service pour obeir a. une Cour Inferieure. Resolu , Que cette Chambre concourt avec le Co- mite Permanent dans le dit Rapport. Resolu, Que William-Burns Lindsay , Ecuyer, Gref- fier de cette Chambre, qui a ete sommb de comparaitre comme Tiers-saisie dans une cause ou Peter Sheppard, Ecuyer, ext Demandeur, et Pierre Bureau, Ecuyer, un des Membres de cette Chambre, est Defendeur, durant le present Terme de la Cour du Banc du Roi du District de Quebec, ne peut s’absenter du service de cette Chatn- bre. Ordonne, Qu’une Lettre soit berite par M. l'Orateur au Juge-en-Chtf de la Province et aux Juges Puisnes de la Cour du Banc du Roi, leur transmettant la dite Resolution. Resolution qui declare que le Greffier ne peut s’absenter du service de la Chambre. Message from HisExcellency. Stephen Walcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to His Ex- llencv the Governor in Chief, was admitted within e Bar, and delivered to Mr. Speaker a Message from is Excellency the Governor in Chief, signed by His xcellency. And then he withdrew. And the said Message was read by Mr. Speaker, all e Members of the House being uncovered ; and is as iloweth : „ „ ^ GOSFORD, Stephen Walcott, Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Message de son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, a et£ admis en de- xcell#nce ' dans de la Barre, et a remis a M l'Orateur, un Mes- sage de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, sigtie par Son Excellence. Et ensuite il s’est retirb. Et le dit Message a ete lu par M. l’Orateur, tous les Membres de la Chambre etant decouverts ; et il est comme suit : GOSFORD, 6 Will. IV. 3 0 Februarii, 417 Light Houses on Scattarie and St. Paul's Is- lands. GOSFORD, Governor in Chief. Referring' to liis Message of the 20th ultimo, respect- ing the erection of Light Houses in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, the Governor in Chief now transmits to the House of Assembly, Copies of a Communication on that subject, whicli he has since received from His Ma- jesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Colonial De- partment. The House of Assembly will perceive from the Do- cuments now laid before them, that, with a view of contributing as much as possible to an object which, in the liberal spirit of His Majesty’s Government, is considered of national rather than focal interest, the Lords of the Treasury have announced their readiness to apply to the Imperial Parliament for the funds ne- cessary to the erection of Light Houses on the Islands of Scattarie and St. Paul ; provided the Colonies, whose trade is to be benefited by the measure, will engage to defray the comparatively small expense of their future maintenance. The Governor in Chief would also invite the at- tention of the House to the suggestions of the Secre- tary of State, with respect to the apportionment of the annual expense between the several Provinces inte- rested in the measure, by means of a Commission of Arbitration to be named by their respective Legisla- tures, and to the readiness which he at the same time expresses to co-operate in any other arrangement which might appear to them to be better adapted to the cir- cumstances of the case. The Governor in Chief need hardly recommend this highly important and advantageous proposal to the early and favorable consideration of the House. Castle of St. Lewis , Quebec, 3rd February, 1836. (Copy.) Downing Street, 4>th November, 1835. My Lord, His Majesty’s Government have recently had un- der their consideration the representations which have been at different times addressed to them by parties interested in the Trade of the North American Pro- vinces, upon the subject of the dangerous Navigation of the Gulph of St. Lawrence. The numerous shipwrecks which annually occur there, attended in some instances with considerable loss of life and property, are too no- torious to require mention; and Your Lordship will, therefore, understand the anxiety of His Majesty's Go- vernment to adopt any precautions by which such me- lancholy occurrences may be prevented for the future. With a view, therefore, of ascertaining the most effec- tual means for this purpose, the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty’s Treasury have endeavoured to ob- tain the opinions of scientific persons experienced in the navigation of those Seas, and acquainted with the circumstances of the neigbouring Provinces. The result of their enquiries, as communicated in the Letter and Minute of which Copies are enclosed, ap- pears to be, that if Light Houses are erected upon the Islands of Scattarie and St. Paul, oft’ the Coast of Cape Breton, many of the shipwrecks which now occur might be prevented. Anxious, therefore, to contri- bute as much as possible to an object which their Lord- ships consider as of national rather than of local inte- rest, they have announced their readiness to apply to Parliament for the funds necessary to the erection of Light Houses upon these Points* provided that the Colonies Vol.— 45. GOSFORD, Gouverneur-en-Chef. R^ferant a son Message du 20 du mois dernier, rela- tivement k lYtablissement de Phares dans le Golfe St. Laurent, le Gouverneur-en-Chef transmet maintenant a la Chambre d’ Assemble, Copies d’une Communi- cation a ce sujet qu’il a depuis re 5 ue du Principal Secretaire d Ltat de Sa !Vlajcst6 pour le Dcpartement Colonial. La Chambre d’AssembRe verra, d’apr£s les Docu- mens qui lui sont maintenant sounds, que pour contri- buer autant que possible d un objet qui d’apres les vues libdrales du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, est consi- der6 comme £tant plutdt d’une importance nationale que locale, les Lords de la Iresorene ont annoned qu ds ctaient prets a demander au Parlement Imperial les fonds necessaires pour construire des Phares sur'les lies Scattarie et St. Paul, pourvu que les Colonies dont cette mesure favorisera le Commerce, s’obligent a payer la faible depense, comparativement parlant, de leur entretien a l’avenir. Le Gouverneur-en-Chef appelle aussi l’attention de la Chambre aux suggestions du Secretaire d’Etat rela- tivement au partage de la depense annuelle entre les diderentes Provinces interessdes a cette mesure, qui serait faite par une Commission d’Arbitres nominee par les Legislatures de ces diffdrentes Provinces, et il declare en meme temps qu’il est pr£t a cooperer k tout autre arrangement qui pourrait lui paraitre rnieux adap- te aux circonstances. Le Gouverneur-en-Chef n’a pas besoin de recom- mander une offre aussi importanteet aussi avantageuse, a la consideration immediate et favorable de la Chambre. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec, 3 Fevrier 1836. (Copie ) Downing Street, 4 Novembre 1835, Milord, Le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste a recemment pris en consideration les representations qu’il lui ont ere soumises en differens temps par des personnes con- eernees dans le Commerce des Provinces Amdricaines Septentnonales, au sujet des dangers qui accompa- gnent la Navigation du Golfe St. Laurent. Les nom- breux naufrages qui ont lieu tous les ans, dans les quels ils perit quelquefois beaucoup de personnes et de biens, sont trop connus pour qu’il soit besoin de les enu- mererici. Votre Seigneurie sentira done quel doit etre le desir du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste d’adopter des moyens pour prdvenir ces malheurs a l’avenir. Pour s’assurer des moyens les plus efficaces pour cet objet, les Lords Commissaires de la Tresorerie de Sa Majesty se sont efforces d’obtenir les opinions des gens de l’art et experiments dans la navigation de ces mers, et qui connaissent la situation des Provinces voisines. Le resultat de leurs recherches, tel que communique dans la Lettre et la Minute dont Copies accompagnent la presente, parait etre, que si Pon etablissait des Phares sur les lies Scattarie et St. Paul, vis-a-vis de la Cote du Cap Breton , Pon pourrait prdvenir plusieursdes naufrages qui ont lieu maintenant sur ces cotes. Dd- sirant done contribuer autant que possible a un objet que Leurs Seigneuries considerent comme etant plu- tot d’une importance nationale que locale, elles ont an- nonce qu’elles etaient pretes k demander au Parlement les fonds necessaires pour batir des Phares dans ces endroits 5 N I’hares sur lea He* Scattarie et St. Paul. 3 ° Februarii . A. 1836. 418 Colonies whose Trade is to be benefited by the raea- sore will engage to defray the expenses of then future maintenance” It is the object of my present Dispatch H e ct Your Lordship to take an early opportunity o° b “«■ ns t,ie 5llb j ect under the “ nsldera T ' ! House of Assembly of Lower Canada ; and I cannot “ta myself to doubt that that body will be anxious to co-operate with the Home Government and with the neighbouring Colonies in promoting a measure so im- portant to the Commercial interests of the whole of Ir- tish North America. . , Adverting to the details of the arrangement by which the effectiveness of these Light Houses is to be secured, the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury nave recom- mended that they should be placed under the manage- ment of the Board for the direction of such matters, which alreadv exists in Nova Scotia ; and they also suggest that as a preliminary to any further proceei - ings, that Board should he requested to report upon the measures to he adopted. To the former part of their Lordships’ suggestion, I do not appiehend any objection: from the latter I have been induced to de- viate in so far as to bring the subject at once under the consideration of the respective Legislatures, because were I to await a Report from Nova Scotia, it would he impossible to submit it to those bodies during their ap- proaching Sessions. No advantage sufficient to com- pensate for this delay could, I think, he expected from the Report in question. The expense to which eac l of the Provinces will become liable by their acceptance of the offer of the Lords Commissioners of the -treasu- ry, cannot, under any circumstances, he otherwise than inconsiderable ; and they will at the same time have at hand greater facilities for estimating its amount than 1 can hope to obtain. Under these circumstances I am induced to present the matter for the consideration of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada , in its pie- sent incomplete form. . . . . , The other Colonies to which it is intended to apply for a contribution towards the expense of these Light Houses, are Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and 1 mice Edward's Island, and it would perhaps tend to prevent delay that Your Lordship should communicate directly with the Lieutenant Governors of those Colonies, in order to mature anv arrangements which may be com- mon to all. Among these principles will he the appor- tionment of the annual expense; and it has occuned to me that this object might perhaps be conveniently effected by means of a Commission of Arbitration of which the Members should he appointed by the res- pective Legislatures, with a power of adopting a final award; this, however, is a point upon which 1 desne only to offer a suggestion. If any other arrangements should appear to the Legislatures interested in the mea- sure, to be better adapted to the circumstances of the case, I need hardly state that I shall be ready to co- operate with them for giving effect to it. I have the honor to he, My Lord, &c., &c., be. (Signed,) GLENELG, The Earl of Gosford , be., be., be. (A true Copy.) (Signed,) S. Walcott, Civil Secretary, endroits, pourvu que les Colonies dont cette mesuie favorisera le Commerce, voulussent s* engager a payer les depenses de leur entretien a i’avenir. Cette De- peche a pour objet de charger Votre Seigneune de saisir la plus prochaine occasion de mettre ce sujetsous la consideration de la Chambre d’Assemblee du Bas- Canada ; et je ne doute pas que ce Corps voudra co- op£ re r avec ie Gouvernement de la Metropole et ies Colonies voisines pour avancer une mesure qui est si importante pour le Commerce de toute 1 Amenque Britannique Septentrionale. Quant aux details de l’arrangement pour assurer l’ e fficacit6 de ces Chares, les Lords Commissaires de la Tresorerie ent reeommande que ces Chares de- vraient etre places sous la regie du Bureau qui est chargh de ces objets, et qui existe dQa dans la A ou- velle- Ecosse ; et ils suggerent aussi quavant de pro- uder sur cette mature, Con devrait pner ce Bureau de dire quelles sent les mesures que Con devrait adop- ter. Je n’apprehende pas qu on fasse d objection a la premiere partie de la suggestion de Leuis Seigneu- ries: j’ai cru devoir refuser d’adopter la dermfere par- tie, pareequesi j’attendais jusqu’a ce que j eusse reju ce rapport de la Nouvclle- Ecosse, il serait impossible de soumettre ce sujet a la consideration des differentes Legislatures pendant leurs Sessions prochaines. L on ne & peut pas attendre, je crois, du rapport dont on a parle plus haut, un avantage suffisant pour compenser ce delai. La depense dont chacune des l rovinces se chargerait en aeceptant I’offre des Lords de laTie- sorene, ne peut etre que bien faible dans tous les cas ; et elles auront en merae temps plus de moyens d en estimer le montant que je puis espdrer den avoir. Dans ces circonstances, je crois devoir presenter cet objet tout incomplet qu'il soil, a la consideration de la Chambre du Bas-Canada. Les autres Colonies auxquelles on se propose dede- mander a contribuer a la depense de ces Chares, sent la N ouve lie -Ecosse, le Nouveau- Brunswick et 1 lie du Prince Edouard, et I on eviterait peut-etre des delais si Votre Seigneune comniunicjumt directement nvec les Lieutenant-Gouverneurs de ces Colonies, afin d amenei a maturite les arrangemens qui pourraient etre com- niuns a ces Colonies. Le premier sera la manure dont la depense annuelle sera partagee entre ces Colonies ; et j’ai pense que Con pourrait aisement effectuer cet objet par le moyen d une Commission d Arbitres, dont les Membres seraient. nommes par les differentes Le- gislatures, et qui auraient le pouvoir d adopter une decision finale. C'est la un point, cependant, sur le- ouel je desire simplement offrir une suggestion. Si un autre arrangement parait aux Legislatures concernees dans cette mesure, mieux adapte aux circonstances, je n’ai pas besom de dire que je serai pret a coop6rer avec elles pour le mettre a execution. ^ J’ai fhonneur d’etre, Milord, etc., etc., etc. (Signe) GLENELG. Au Comte Gosford, etc., etc., etc. (Vraie Copie,) (Signe) S. Walcott, Secretaire Civil. (Copy.) (Copie.) 2>° Februarii . 4)9 6 Will. IV, (Copy.) Sir, Treasury Chambers, 12/// October, 1835. The Lords Commissioners of Mis Majesty's Trea- sury having had under consideration your Letter of the 22nd August last, upon the subject of the erection of Light Houses along the Coast of North America, I am commanded to transmit to you a Copy of their Lord- ships’ Minute, of the Gth instant, thereon, together with Copies of the Report of the Commanding Royal En- gineer in Nova Scotia, and of a Letter f rom the Secre- tary of the Trinity House on the subject, in order that they may be submitted to Lord Glenelg, with reference to the Communication from His Lordship’s Depart- ment of the lltli September, and 29th October, 1834, and I am to request you will state to Lord Glenelg that My Lords can intertain little doubt but that the Le- gislatures of the North American Colonies will readily co-operate in the promotion of an object in which the intests of their respective Provinces are so deeply con- cerned, and My Lords would accordingly suggest that Communications should be made to the respective Co- lonial Governments on the subject, and will be pre- pared, upon the concurrence of the several Legisla- tures in the proposed arrangement, to submit the re- quisite application to Parliament, for carrying into effect that part of it which is to depend upon this Coun- try, at the same time you will also state to Lord Glenelg, that adverting to the position of these contemplated Lights, it appears to My Lords that their future super- vision and management may be most advantageously vested in the Commission already existing in Nova Scotia for the management of all matters relating to the Light Houses established by the Legislature of that Province j and My Lords would therefore propose as a further preliminary to any proceedings that may be adopted, that the Reports, both of the Commanding Engineer, and of the Trinity Board, may be referred to the Commission for their consideration, and with a re- quest that they will report their opinion upon the several suggestions contained in these Documents relative to the position of the Light Houses, and the description of Light that should be exhibited, and likewise respect- ing the most eligible mode of erecting the requisite buildings, and that they will cause My Lords to be fur- nished with detailed Estimates of the expenditure they may conceive it will be necessary to incur for this last mentioned purpose, with the understanding that the Lanterns and Apparatus might be forwarded from this Country, and that separate Estimates would according- ly be procured for these portions of the charge. I am, &c. (Signed,) J. STEWART. To Sir George Grey, Baronet, &c., &c., &c. (A true Copy.) (Signed,; S. Walcott, Civil Secretary, Copy of Treasury Minute, dated 6th October, 1835. Read a Letter from Sir George Grey, referring to the Communications from the Secretary of State’s De- partment of 11th September and 29th October 1834, on the subject of the erection of Light Houses at the en- trance of the Gulph of St. Lawrence, and on the Island of Scattarie, on the North East Coast of Cape Breton, stating that Lord Glenelg has received information by a Dispatch from the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, that three more Vessels have recently been lost on that part of the Coast of North America, and re- questing (Copie.) Giiambre de la Tresorerie, 12 Octobre 1835. Monsieur, _ Les Lords Commissaires de la Tresorerie de Sa Majeste ayant pris en consideration votre Lettre du 22 Aout dernier, au sujet de 1’etablissement de Phares le long de la Cote de P Amerique Septentrionale, je suis charge de vous transmettre Copie de la Minute des procedes de leurs Seigneuries du 6 courant a cet e^ard, avec Copie du Rapport du Commandant du Gfnie Royal de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, et d'une Lettre du Secre- taire de la Maison de la Trinite a ce sujet, pour les sou- mettre a Lord Glenelg, relativement aux Communica- tions du Departement de Sa Seigneurie, du 11 Sep- tembre et 29 Octobre 1834, et je vous prie de dire i Lord Glenelg que Leurs Seigneuries ne doutent pas que les Legislatures des Colonies de 1 ’ Amerique Septenlrio - nale sempresseront de cooperer a avancer une mesure qui interesse taut ces Provinces ; et en consequence Leurs Seigneuries suggereraient que Ton adressat des Communications a ce sujet aux divers Gouveinemcns Coloniaux. Elies seront pretes aussitdt que ces di- verses Legislatures auront consenti a faire cet arrange- ment, a demander au Parlement d’executer la partie dc 1 anangement qui retombe sur ce Pays j vous direz aussi en raeme temps a Lord Glenelg que par rapport a la situation de ces 1 hares, ll parait a Leurs Seigneuries qu’il serait plus avantageux de laisser leur surveillance et leur regie a la Commission qui existe deja en la Nou- velle-Ecosse, et qui a la regie de tout ce qui concerne les Phares etablis par la Legislature de cette Province. Leurs Seigneuries proposent aussi, qu’avant d’adopter aucun procede, les Rapports du Commandant du Genie et du Bureau de la Trinite soient rf ff res a la considera- tion de cette Commission, et qu’on lui demande son opinion sur les diverses suggestions que renferment ces Documens, relatives ala situation des Phares et k l’es- pece de lumi&re dont on devrait faire usage ; et aussi au mode le plus eligible de construire les divers Bati- mens ntcessaires; et de la prier de transmettre son rap- port k Leurs Seigneuries avec une Estimation detaillle oe la depense qu elle croit devoir etre n^cessaire pour ce dernier objet ; mais il doit etre entendu que les Lan- terneset l’Appareil pourraient efre transmis de ce Pays, et que dans ce cas on pourra faire, en consequence, des Estimations distinctes et separees pour cette partie de la depense. a moo. Je suis, etc. (Signe,) J. STEWART. A Sir George Grey, Baronet, etc., etc., etc. (Vraie Copie.) (Signe,) S. Walcott, Secretaire Civil. Copie de la Minute des procedes de la Tresorerie, du 6 Octobre 1835. Lu une Lettre de Sir George Grey concernant les Communications du Departement du Secretaire d’Etat, du 11 Septembre et du 29 Octobre 1834, au sujet de 1’Oablissement de Phares a Pentree du Golfe St. Lau- rent, et sur Tile de Scattarie sous la Cote Nord-Est du Cap Breton, dans lesquelles il est dit que Lord Gle- nelg aete informe par une Depeche du Lieutenant-Gou- verneur de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, que trois autres Vais- seaux se sont perdus recemment sur cette partie de la Cdte de !’ Amerique du Nord ; et dans lesquelles on pri e aussi 420 3° Fehruarii. A. 1 836 . questing this Board will have under early consideration the suggestions that have been submitted to His Ma- jesty’s^ Government respecting the establishment of Lights on the most dangerous points of that Coast, and the aid that should be afforded by this Country for that purpose. , , My Lords having now before them the Leport cal- led for by their Minutes of the 3rd and 24th March last, from the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House, and from the Commanding Officer of the Royal Engineers in Nova Scotia, respecting the nature of the Lights it would be advisable to exhibit, and the means that might be found in the Province for constructing Light Houses, resume the consideration of the circumstances repre- sented in the Address to His Majesty from the House of Assembly of Nova Scotia , and in the Report of the Hydrographer of the Admiralty, forwarded to them by direction of the Secretary of State, in the Communica- tion of 1 1th September 1834, already adverted to. My Lords observe that the Report of the Hydrogra- pher of the Admiralty, drawn up with reference to the information relating to the Light House on the Coast of the British North American Colonies, which had been procured in consequence of representations from British Merchants and Ship Owners engaged in the Trade with those Colonies, represented the great im- portance, in addition to the Lights already established by the Local Government for objects moie immedi- ately connected with the Irade and Navigation ot the separate Provinces, of placing Lights on the Islands of St. Paul and Scattarie , at the Northern and North Eas- tern extremity o X Cape Breton , for the guidance of all Shipping bound for the Gulph of St. Lawrence, or for other parts of British North America-, and that the Board of Admiralty have expressed their concurrence in the suggestions submitted in this Report. The Address of the House of Assembly of Nova Scotia, dated in April 1 S3 1 , likewise urges the great importance of establishing Lights on those points, it enumerates ten Vessels, comprizing a tonnage of 2764 Tons, and having on board 603 persons, and being with the exception of two small Colonial Schooners, the property of British Owners, which had been wrecked in the course of the previous year, represents that al- though few, if any, of these Vessels were bound for the Port of Nova Scotia, the heavy charge, attending the relief and providing for the numerous individuals thus thrown on shore in a state of destitution, had been defrayed from the funds of the Province; and states that the Local Legislature would be anxious and wil- ling to contribute towards the expense of the proposed Lights, although their establishment much more nearly concerned the Trade to and from the other British North American Provinces. My Lords further observe that all succeeding Communications from the Secretary of State, notice the receipt of intelligence of further Wrecks and losses of life and property, and unequivo- cally evince the urgent necessity on the score of hu- manity, and of every consideration connected with the safety of the Maritime Trade with the North American Colonies, or of His Majesty’s Ships employed in those Seas, for the adoption of every practical means of pro- tectine: shipping from the dangers which attend then navigation between Cape Breton and Newfoundland. That the proposed Lights on St. Paul and Scattarie Islands would most materially tend to effect this very desirable object, appears to be the concurrent opinion of all parties conversant with the navigation of that part of North America, who have been consulted on the subject; but although these Islands are within the ju- risdiction aussi ce Bureau de prendre aussitot que possible en con- sideration les suggestions qui out £te soumises au Gou- vernement de Sa Majeste, concernant I’etablissement de Phares sur les points les plus dangereux de cette Cote, et i’aide o^e devrait donner ce Pays pour cet objet. Leurs Seigneuries ayant maintenant devant elles, le Rapport requis dans leurs procede's du 3 et du 24 Mars dernier, de la Maison de la Trinite, et de l’Officier Commandant les Ingenieurs Royaux en la Nouvelle- Ecosse, concernant la nature des lumieres dont il fau- drait faire usage, et les moyens que I on pourrait trou- ver dans la Province pour construire des Phares, a re- pris ]a consideration des circonstances exposes dans i’Adresse a Sa Majeste de la Chambre d’Assemblee de la No u velle-Eco sse, et dans le Rapport de l’Hydro- graphe de l’Amiraute qui leur ont ete transmis par or- dre du Secretaire d’Etat, dans la Communication du II Septembre 1834, dont on a deja parle. Leurs Seigneuries ont remarque que, dans le Rapport de I Hydrographe de 1’Amiraute concernant les rensei- gnemens qui ont rappnrt aux Phares sur les Cotes des Colonies de X Amerique Britannique Septentrionale, et qu’on s’est procures par suite des representations des Marchands Anglais, et des Armateurs engages dans le Commerce de ces Colonies, 1’on represente qu’outre les Phares qui ont deja ete etablis par le Gouvernement local, pour des objets lies plus immediatement au Com- merce et a la Navigation des Provinces separement, il serait tres important d’etablir des Phares sur les lies St. Paul et Scattarie, aux extremites Nord et Nord-Est du Cap Breton, pour servir de guide aux Vaisseaux des- tines pour le Golf’e St. Laurent , ou pour d’autres par- ties de X Amerique Britannique Septentrionale, et que le Bureau de fAmiraute a declare qu’il adoptait les sug- gestions soumises dans ce Rapport. La Chambre d’Assemblee de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, dans son Adresse du mois d’Avril 1834, insiste egale- ment sur la grande importance d’etablir des Phares dans ces endroits ; et elle expose que dix vaisseaux [Oitant'2766 tonneaux, ayant abord 603 personnes, et appartenans, a fexception de deux petites Goelettes de la Colonie, a des proprietaires britanniques, ont fait nau- frage dans le cours de l’aniffe pr^cedente ; et quoique peii de ces vaisseaux fussent destines pour la Nouvelle- Ecosse, si meme il y en eut, les grandes depenses qu'il a fa 1 1 ii faire pour secourir le grand nombre de person- nes (jui ont ete ainsi jetees sur la Cote dans un etat de denuement, avaient <:te payees sur les funds de la Province ; et elle declare enfin que la Legislature lo- cale desire contribuer au paiement de la depense des Phares pro; ete s, quoique leur etublissement concerne beaucoup plus le commerce des autres Provinces Am 4- ricaines Britanniques. Leurs Seigneuries ont remarque aussi que toutes les Communications subsequentes du Secretaire d’Etat parlent de !a reception de nouvelles d’autres naufrages, dans lesquels il a peri beaucoup de monde et de biens, et de la necessity urgente psous le rapport de l’humanite et d’autres considerations rela- tives a lasuret6du Commerce Maritime lies Colonies de X Amerique du Nord, ou des vaisseaux de Sa Majeste qui naviguent dans ces mers,) d’adopter des mesures pratiques pour proteger les Vaisseaux contre les dan- gers qui accompagnent leur navigation entre le Cap Breton et Terrc-JVeuve . Il parait que toutes les personnes qui connaissent la navigation de cette partie de V Amerique duNord, et qui ont ete consultees a ce sujet, sont unanimement d’opi- nion que les Phares que l’on se propose de construire sur les lies St. Paul et Scattarie, tendraient essentielle- ment a effectuer cet obiet aussi desirable ; mais quoique ce 6 Will. IV. 3° Februatii . 421 risdiction of tlic Government of Nova Scotia. My Lords cannot but admit that the allegation on the part of the House of Assembly at Nova Scotia , that the adop- tion of precautions with respect to the dangers in ques- tion, concerns the Trade with the other British Pro- vinces in North America, fully as much as the Trade to Nova Scotia, is well founded. My Lords are, however, not prepared to approve of the suggestion of the House of Assembly with regard to the imposition by the Parliament of the United King- dom, of dues for defraying any expenditure for this pur- pose, to be levied either in the Ports in the Colonies concerned, or on Shipping clearing from British Ports for these Colonies: but it appears to My Lords, that provided the Legislatures of those Colonies can be brought to concur in making provision for the future current expense for maintaining the proposed Lights on the Islands of St. Paul and Scattarie , the important considerations to which they have adverted would jus- tify an application to Parliament for the grant of such sum as would defray the charge of erecting Light Houses, and of fitting them in the first instance with the requisite Apparatus and Machinery. ^ Transmit Copies of the Report of the Commanding Engineer in Nova Scotia, of the Letter from the Secre- tary of the Trinity House, and of this Minute, to the Secretary of the Admiralty, in order that they may be submitted for the information of that Board, and for any further suggestions the Lords of the Admiralty may see occasion to offer with respect to the subject to which these papers relate. (A true Copy.) (Signed,) S. WALCOTT, Civil Secretary. st of Mem. The House being informed that Stephen Walcott, a^CouncT £sqv ire ’ 9 ivil Secretary to His Excellency the Gover- lirered at the nor in Chief, was at the door, he was called in ; and, at the Bar, delivered pursuant to an Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the 30th ultimo, the following List of Members of the Executive Coun- cil of Lower Canada : ces lies se trouvent dans lYtendue de la jurisdiction du Gouvernement de la N ouvelle-Ecosse , Leurs Seigneu- lies ne peuvent s’empecher d’admettfe comme bien fondes les allegues de la Chambre d* Assemble de la N ouvelle-Ecosse, que 1 adoption de moyens pour pre- venir ces dangers, interessant autant le Commerce des auti es I rovinces Britanniques dans 1 * Amerhjuc Septen- trionalc , que celui de la Nouvelle-Ecosse . Leurs Seigneuries ne sont cependant pas prates a ap- prouver la suggestion de fa Chambre d’Assemblee par rapport aux droits que le Parlement du Iloyaume-Uni devrait imposer pour payer les dispenses de cet objet, pit lev es soit dans les Ports des Colonies concerndes, ou sur les vaisseaux expedite des Ports Britanniques pour les Colonics. Mais il parait a Leurs Seigneuries que si 1’on pouvait porter les Legislatures de ces Colonies k concourir a payer les ddpenses courantes de I’entretien de ces Phares a l’avenir sur les lies St. Paul et Scattarie, les considerations importantes auxquelles i!s out fait allusion les autoriseraient k demander uu Parlement 1 octroi d’une somme sufhsante pour payer la d^pense de la construction des Phares et des Appareils et Ma- chines necessaires. Transmettez Copies du Rapport du Commandant des Iugenieurs de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, de la Lettre du Se- cretaire de la Maison de la Trinite et de cette Minute des Procedes au Secretaire de l’Amiraute, pour les sou- rnettre a ce Bureau, afin que les Lords de PAmiraut6 puis, sent avoir 1 occasion de faire d’autres suggestions relativement 1 objet auquel ces Papiers ont rapport. (Vraie Copie.) fSigne,) S. WALCOTT. Secretaire Civil. La Chambre etant informee que Stephen Walcott Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Excellence le Gouver- iKfcSSX neur-en-Lher, ctait a la Porto, il a ot^ appole, et a remis ? x ^ culi ^ remise a la Barre, conformement a une Adresse a Son Excel- ali ‘ Barre • lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, du30du mois dernier la Liste suivante des Membres du Conseil Executif du Bas-Canada : MSI 4 0 V ol—^4 5 * LISTE 4 - 2*2 3° Fehruarii. A. 1836 . 3.insn3[d Sui-iriQ •JU3U1U.I3AO0 Suua^siujuipy U0S.13(I JO J 3 , q0 ui J0UJ3A0O 3'11 *q mam O) pauajaj Xjjctoads «u9W«u uo ao.Apc J>3i|l o X - o & o rt tl) O O .5 g-.S g ^ "3 .5 >v \4 * >v^«g H ? . o .5 * S SS^agfl - S’S'J 1 “I- - - . — oa Qj 0 £cst» < 1 > .2 £ g — £ O O- o « = -3 J= o- >» - rt £ £ g ea is S £ 5 P_r .J - E = ^ ^ G >,g ■ c ° W oH /II > > = 3 0 g T3 — p to - £ - >,3 . — p r— I G ^ ”"g g ”3 o 3 o 5 tg g g g — * — g , — G .,, CD r- 2 n c ^ G C G n '42 ** j ’Cc'ShO u h ~ g 4> *-> r- fij V o 0-— G ^ cl, C £ >, — 3 o os g 3 jc rr— ;■ •_: — x to o ^ o 3 £ 2 « -u -g 'SG-raS^tJ^'g-*-* 3 ° -G >> to rG'^i %-Q t/3tnqC 0^ 0 £'T3£0-5 '^G3 .S£So-to rt O O p p-r^ c2 *-rt p co in rfi ,Z 1 CJ £ 8 ■'“•3-"cS"!* J -no^ «o< 5.2 »o. tn 'o’So — -73 c .G 3 £ y-M-^CG 3 G >->G ^ fe iT c _ “"“i:5>,iaO?»^5=;5;oJ'0 Si .og G — O — ♦'r'S C3 _GGO C Q) 0 ) •— G U ■ — 1 ^ ^ 5 ~ — i S ^ .22 _ G ^3 G -5 > £ C3 £<2 _ 3 o •; S t-i Unp o j S ^ G ^ w ^ bO to G O W - p G c - Vn * J O 9 - £ to O lG m b0 O QJ to W L L O^ QJ __, y O ^ — C « o o - o ? 1,1 « t/J u, • — • — — 3 b> •■ ixi ^ bf) * C-- q, g _ g A .60 „ a, ^ “ - w 5?-, > C3 § G ^ > bfi c ^ c 3 >. clj.— < —, r: ^ n c ^ G .5 C3°(D,~ ^ > C/D *-> C/5 •— G^ ^ QJ QJ 0) WJO 2 flS.^SSSiSESg'S'c - 0 g x >>'«*« = G • ot • , • ^ 03 • GO CO CO cl t"~ mHGl^ GO £ «“ h tj-” ^ i|s-S-S|‘i*§& ,u2-2§ 3 “ - G • a> - G ■~ o» o £ J 2 -£ O co X O ^3 £ G _ 5 r (1) 35 ^ cS O QJ ~— ‘ GJ Q."G ^ ■*-* ’ +-* <-~ i i-C OJ g “* ^ n ,G fS gSo-g « I-q-^h . °2" .-S5 u-s w l I -JO o (D Oly o n Id G. +JCO St: to ®* s g 3t222 ^•“ , "a g ^ 2 >>_a ^g ^ "g ™ tG £ . 3 - «i 3i3- £ ts +i w 5 ^3 ^T? cj ro w CJ w fli U u ^ . CT3 CJ c d s 5 ■— o — ^ 5 4-> C5 CD U £ Cj 3 O i-> a G '-C E c3 J • Cl o . 3 L- GO 3 ^3 o r— ( ci C/3 s— c c n CD O 5 >A C3 r— : > C3 o c CD C5 1 o : O G G • »-^ 2 3 £ CD cS "oSoi^ (,\j , ^ *r—i ^ fG £ 'C G ^ o ^ ^ 2. _ -• . Hr- -U C* n G « o d J G' k -’22 G ^ 1 — — tu CO GQ __ — i— -w u- qt - ' c3c«'T30eS co to — £ to C3 t3 35 | O a to £ b) - - « S2 ^ OG t»cEc-S^ u ^ 3 — - •-■ s £ g £ ^ ’ o £ c n o rt — k!r— 5 O iS tn 3 cr- 3 cr- •*-» a> ^3 § 5 -a r~- R >5 a> £ ’5 cr- 'G I QJ O. o Q 3 & §> QJ tc ba The last and five first mentioned Gentlemen have been sworn in under the present Administration. Certified f (Signed,) GEORGE H. R\LAND, ^ ° ^ Asst. C. Ex. Cl LISTE DES MEMBRES DU CONSEIL EXECUTIF DU BAS-CANADA. 6 Will. IV. 3 " Fcbrunrri. 4 23 Cj g o P4 f n CD *s ^ 'a w -Ij o Cj r-=5 4— ’ <» cj a c_> a> w S «> a> cu 4- co -2 S 03 Ui VJ 3 '03 d is ^ . « Si a o s & "3 cn Cj p S-* w E2 g E £ £ cz> x 3 < a> t- 1 3 E 03 H cu o? 33 - a> s § QU 0/ 3 CP 1 as 03 33 4-1 a 33 0) 4-> cj Q 03 S-i CU a o O 03 cu 33 03 a * -4-3 •*-* KH £J 4J 3 CU 3 -M Q a cu cs qj s em'o aj C/9 a (U E 3 co c o O a o 03 '03 33 -cj -cj cu c- _ — 1 -0) *T 3 -rt 3 03 o cn 03 03 0) C 3 **'•- O -S ^ => ^ 5 sa S •« M g C 3 O rt O U. 03 « 03 - J3 03 rs PQ 3 3 CT CJ •a S| S 3 ._) 03 3 " ' Si 3 v 03 cu x *5 •J?’H O '3 ^ W,^ « 2 3 ^ bfi 03 C *S 03 d p 3-> 3 cn u o> 3 C 03 03 - CU CJ O *-> r 3 — T 03 03 W .-4 > ’3 —' C3 r ^ rt 03 03 ~ — a v V '33 '03 c -a r-s. CUSH c« 5 3 E O P v 03 03 _r3 03 03 03 — cn 3 0 3 0 « ° Fh 2 O '03 Cm *j CS w ^-.'03 cu-g^ 3 vr1 -_i-a “ AJ *0 C3 *-r— SO.^ 3 cu 4-> rj nH * J o r . o 03 cn Q CU 2 3 33 U 03 d c CU S3 o cn 03 'B 03 O ts § CJ 3 c3 n « 5; x a Si '03 <» 63 s cu s C 03 C 3 o 5 03 •— 3h o 03 a cu *"•?? 3" 2 03 >— 1 B «- 03 P 03 03 O > o3 «- J3 CO 'SD -t-> CU CJ 'cu •4-4 3 03 03 ^43 ’cS CO 2^3 E QJ as C — ^2AJc2'^ £ £ cu ^ -g AJ rt 3 ^ es a, -2 TD cr ° cu— 4 cu cn ^ 03 03 3U3-3 z 2 cc3 c o 0 *-■ -3 3 03 03 4 ' 03 , • —4 — B3 O' cu '«J 03 _ -03 c cs - ) > B 2 J O A B U, 03 O 04 ■ ~ '03 03 CC3 3 t-i ’JJ w ■ -E U cu OT ^'E 03 B 1 — 03 3 03 1 CJ 3 03 d ■4-J ii u. 2 ° CU rv a P 52 fi a. ^ 5? u, b o ^ * £ 3 O cr g .2 03 J? ^ -CCJ C r CJ _ _ .5 c+h 3 3 bo d u css ‘O c{ ~3 03 □ _ ; 03 u 3 B3 voj cr 2 ; tJ ” 03 p B 03 3 bfi 2 — - —,'03 O ,' U, I B « 3 2 4U» X CU « S *p 3 ^ ‘55 “I ° §3 g rt -ji CO. 2 rt 3C 3 'CU C XTi rt «u 'O •H 2 3 cu tj C3 03*" 3^ 5-= W) P 03 S ^ fcn os “ n AJ «S g AJ H S 3 -2 c3 •> "-O 'W m 03 in 4-» — O « g! .2i, « -4-4 3 * g s r/5 0) •— i CD h- ^ E 2 cn -a 'QJ 03 O 3 'ey 3 1 boo 0 3 ' W “'U « “ . "C .Si, 2 SJ >2 cr cu a cu ri s§« CD 3 CD c/) — cd .t: U. QJ ✓QJ r-* •-H C 44-* c3 3 O rt • rs 3 O S cj — - r\ C3 O c 7. ° « — • g ^ o -2 « AS 10 ^ 03 qj -i_> 3-5 S o g 03 ^ «_ C c a §1 1 £2 bog 2 > cn C O ' 03 03 03 -U. cn CD O So cu Cj 03 03 CJ cn cj 03 _= II ✓QJ G O cc u c 3 O .2 33 E 3 cu a u E -4-4 E d B C 03 03 B3 33 *e3 tT 3 o ^ > .tJ 3 O O 03 CSU 03 a 3 o P 3 “ 03 ■3 O MisiB[d uoq }uc.inQ q ‘^uauiaujaAnor) nn uoubj^siuuu -PVd 9P s^SJBqo 9uuos.iad v.\ no jaqQ-ua-jnaajaAnoo 9| j^d sao^oAuaj ^'sasiiunos ;u3ui9|ui03ds }uos ana[ in b saj^peui S9[ jns stab jn9[ .iauuop b iug^srsuoD sjioAap sdj 33 u. O 03 u. -O E o> CO ©1 CO co 03 'OJ 4- 4 Cj 33 -■ '03 4-4 03 03 ■cP Cj OD CD 33 03 3 cu 5 - g Cj Cj 33 G C cj s- 03 03 CU 3 cr '03 > 61 C '03 > "2 NU J3 6^ (h CO 3 JB 1 -03 *2 -4-» G C3 cj CO , = 3 E a. A2 - 33 03 3 .3 , B cj ^ 3 ^3 s- Jr cj O P* 03 2-3 • d s U. QJ 2 Cj B 33 0) cn C4-T a E^ d o-g CU E^=> UD ~ -3 ^ S cu £ AJ 03 .2 03 -3 ‘rt > 'CU cu 2 o -p " °ZrS 03 Ui E Cj > - O 0) lyT .P l ^' 1 cj CO 03 s cu E E o CJ VQJ CO E o o X Br ^ co B 03 " o ^ B -Ju CU 5- BD JU 0) cj u o X ^5 w C at 03^ E 0) 03 o 9 o: UU 2 3 ~ 3 03 £ E o 03 cn 3 P Cj S-4 3 2 co r ©? 0 » 00 4-4 (— I 3 3 . »3; §o> cu ■“ e QJ G E w E o OJ og 03 - '03 g «-c 2 " o o 3 ^ Cj 03 1- s_ rO 2 S P a 3 0) 33 -a 3 E a> E 03 ■J — • 2 cj co CU^ c© • cn 0) CO - — CO B 2S t* 3 O u. CU 2 « 3 -2 03 3 B Cj 6 | -s v 5 P CO CS ^ ©1 33 03 '03 G S "P ra P 3 E « d '03 03 'QJ ^ 2 33 — 0) Eg S A-» ^ l— Q< > 6, QJ C/5 C/5 4 a 03 6 o 5s. <3 s V4 to o> 0) s t-4 03 >4 3 OJ w rv £ "os 53 .O 03 3J Ox s- 03 r3> 3 OJ w § I IP Ce dernier Monsieur, ainsi que les cinq premiers ont 6tl assermentls sous 1* Administration actuelle. Certifid. (Signe,) GEORGE H; KYLAND, Assist, G. C. Eo Message rela- ting to Light Houses on Scat- tarie and St. l’aul’s Islands referred. A ddress for Ha. pers respecting the leasing of Crown property or of thejesuits’ Estates. Bill to amend the Road Act read the second time. Bill to prevent Duelling read the second time. Normal Schools Bill deferred. Report on De- pots of Provi- sions deferred. 424 On Motion of Mr. Power , seconded by Mr. Jobin, Ordered, That the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, received this day, he referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Peti- tion of divers Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Merchants and others. On Motion of Mr. Kimber, seconded by Mr. Gugy, Resolved, That an humble Address he presented to Ilis Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that he will be pleased to cause to he laid before this House, Copies of any Dispatches or Instructions received by the Provincial Government from His Majesty’s Go- vernment since 1828, relative to the arrangements to be observed with respect to the leasing of Crown pro- perty or of the Jesuits Estates in this Province, for the future, by private Contract or by public Auction. Ordered, That Mr. Kimber , Mr. Gugy, Mr. Power and Mr. Jobin do present the said Address to His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief. On Motion of Mr. Kimber, seconded by Mr. Gugy, Ordered, That the engrossed Bill from the Legisla- tive Council, intituled, “ An Act to amend the Act “ of the thirty sixth of George the Third, Chapter “ nine, commonly called “ the Iload Act,” he read a second time, on Saturday next. A Bill to prevent Duelling, was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill he referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Gr minis, Mr. Blanche t, Mr. Be- dard, Mr. Kimber and Mr. O'Callaghan do compose the said Committee. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to provide for the establishment of Normal Schools, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day he post- poned till Friday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Special Commit tee to whom was referred the Petition of divers Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Merchants and others, and other references, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Saturday next. Then, on Motion of Mr. Be Witt , seconded by Mr. Knight , The House adjourned till Friday next. A. 1836 . Sur Motion de M. Power, seconde par M. Jobin, Ordonne, Que le Message de Son Excellence le Gou- verneur-en-Chef, recu ce jour, soit refere au Comit6 Special auquel a ete referee la Petition de divers Pro- prietaires de Vaisseaux, Maitres de Vaisseaux, Mar- chands et autres. Sur Motion de M. Kimber , seconde par M. Gugy, Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le priant de vouloir bien faire mettre devant cette Chambre, des Copies de toutes Depeches ou Instructions regies par le Gouvernement Provincial, de la part du Gouverne- ment de Sa Majeste, depuis 1828, relativement aux ar- rangemens a suivre concernant le mode de disposer a Bail a l’avenir des Proprietes de la Couronne ou des Biens des Jesuites dans cette Province, par Contrat prive ou par Enca.ti Public. Ordonne, Que M. Kimber, M. Gugy, M. Power et M. Jobin presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Sur Motion de M. Kimber , seconde par M. Gugy, Ordonne, Que le Bill grossoye du Conseil Legisla- tif, intituE, “ Acte pour amender l’Acte de la trente- “ sixieme de George Trois, Chapitre neufi commune- “ ment appele “ Acte des Chemins,” soit lu une se- “ conde fois Samedi procliain. Conformement a l’Ordre, tin Bill pour la repression du Duel a ete lu une seconde fois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la dili- gence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir per- sonnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Grannis, M. Blar, chet, M. Bedard, M. Kimber et M. O'Callaghan composent le dit Comite. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill pour pourvoir a l’etablissement d’E- coles Normales, ayant ete lu; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Ven- dredi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Special, an- quel a ete referee la Petition de divers Proprietaires de Vaisseaux, Maitres de Vaisseaux, Marchands et autres, et autres references, ayant ete lu; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soil remis a Sa- medi prochain. Alors, sur Motion de M. De Wilt, seconde par M. Knight, La Chambre s’est ajournee a Vendredi prochain. c° — - 5 0 Febructriu Friday, 5th February, 1830 Vendredi , 5 Fevrier 1 836. Answer to an Address M R. Leslie, accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the twenty sixth ultimo, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that he would appoint some person to collect and pay over to the Receiver General the Wharf- age and other Harbour dues that have accrued from the 1st May last, or that may hereafter accrue in the Port of Montreal, under the authority of the Acts 1st Will jlt/fT Leslie , accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait iV_IL© rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du vhigt-six du mois dernier, a Son Excellence le Gou- verneur-en-Chef, priant Son Excellence de vouloir bien nommer quelque personne pour percevoir et payer au Ileceveur-General les Quaiage et autres droits de Port echus depuis le premier Mai dernier, ou qui pourront devenir dus ci-apres dans le Port de Montreal, en ver- tu Message relatif a des Chares sur les lies Scatta- rie et St. Paul, refers. Adresse pour des Papiers con- cernant le mode de disposer a Bail des propri- etes de la Cou- ronne ou des Biens des Je- suites. Bill pour amen- der l’Acte des Chemins, lu une seconde fois. Bill pour la re- pression du Duel, lu une seconde fois. Bill des Ecoles Normales, re- mis. Rapport sur les Depots de Pro- visions, terms. Reponse a unf Adresse. 6 Will. IV. 5° Februarii. 425 Will. IV. Cap. 11, and 2nd mil. IV. Cap. 36, until fur- ther legal provision be made on the subject, had been presented to Ilis Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I request you to inform the House of Assembly in answer to this Address, that I will appoint a person to collect the V harfage and other Harbour dues therein mentioned, until further legal provision be made on this subject. Castle of >67. Lems, Quebec , 5th February, 1 836. Montreal Cus- Mr. Leslie, from the Special Committee to whom was ora House. referred the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, with the accompanying Documents, relating to a Custom House for the Porto £ Montreal, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee have examined the Report of the Commissioners appointed in virtue of the Act 4th If ill. IV. Cap. 13, and from their own knowledge of the diffe- lent situations pointed out for the erection of a Building for a Custom House at Montreal, have, after mature consideration, agreed by a majority of three to two, to recommend the area of the old Market for that pur- pose. . Without expressing any decided opinion as to the right of property vested in the City of Montreal, Your Committee consider that a compensation of One thou- sand pounds should be allowed to that body, if the situ- ation pointed out above is fixed upon. The Committee conceive that it would be advisable to leave the choice of the Pjans for the Building to the Commissioners who may be appointed by Your Honor- able House to carry this measure into execution, pro- vided the size of the Custom House is limited to 65 feet by 45 feet, and that it can be completely finished for a sum not exceeding Four thousand five hundred pounds. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Monday next. tu dcs Actes lere Guilt. IV. Chap. 11, et 2de Guill. lv. Chap. 40, jusqu’a ce qu’il ait bt 6 fait d’autres dis- positions legales A cet egard, avail ete presence a Son Excellence; et qu il lui avait plu de donner la Rbponse suivante: Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d* Assemble, cn icponse a cette Adresse, que je nommerai une per- sonne pout peicevoir le Quaiage et autres droits de Port y mentionnes, jusqu’a ce qu’il ait ete fait d’autres dispositions H gales a cet egard. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 5 Fevrier 1836. M. Leslie, du Comite Special auquel a ete refere Ie Ra PP or« SU r Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef une Maison d* i i \ ... u ouan ea avee les iJocumens qui 1 accompagnent, relativement Montreal, a une Maison de Douane pour le Port de Montreal, a presente a la Chambre Je Rapport du dit Comite, le- quel a ete lu de nouveau ala lable du Greffier, comme suit: Votie Comite a examine le Rapport des Commis- saires norames en vertu de la 4e Guill. IV. Chap. 13, et d’apres la connaissance qu’il a lui-meme des difFe- rentes localites indiquees pour batir une Maison de Douane a Montreal, Votre Comite est convenu, apres mure deliberation, de recommander l’emplacement du vieux Marche pour cet objet. Sans exprimer aucune opinion formelle, quant au droit de propriety dont la Corporation de la Cite de Montreal est saisie, Votre Comite pense que l’on de- vi ait accorder une somme de Mille livres a ce Corps, par forme de compensation, si l’on se decide a choisir la localite designee plus haut pour y construire cet Edifice. Le Comit6 considbre qu’il serait a propos de laisser le choix des Plans de l’Edifice aux Commissaires qui pourront etre nommes par Votre Honorable Chambre pour mettre ce projet a execution, pourvu que la Mai- son de Douane n’ait pas plus de 65 pieds sur 45, et que Pon puisse entierement achever et completer cet Edi- fice pour une somme qui n’excedera pas Quatre mille cinq cents livres. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere k un Comite de toute la Chambre, Lundi prochain. 1. Williams, a iailiff, declared ;uiliy of a >reach of the J rivi]ee- Ordered, That the Order of the day for the House in De 0 BeaujJu d0W Committee on the Report of the Special Committee to and others de- whom were referred the Petition of Widow Jacques P. Saveuse de Beaujeu and George II. Saveuse de Beaujeu, Esquire, and the Petition of John McCunig , lost by the adjournment of the House on Wednesday last, be re- vived ; and that this House, will, on Wednesday next, resolve itself into the said Committee. Samcdi, G Fevrier 183G. * UR Motion de M. Leslie , seconde par M. O' Cal- laghan, Ordonne, Que le Rapport du Comiffi Special auquel R appor t sur i e a 6td refcrdle Message de Son Excellence le Gouver- Message reiatif > r - ° . aux Ports inte- 1 neur-en-Chef, qui a rapport a 1 expiration de 1 Acte neurs d’entree, « r^glant la perception du Revenu aux differens Ports rL ‘ flir ‘ ^ • interieurs de cette Province, avec les Documens qui Faccompagnent, prdsentd a cette Chambre le vingt-et- un Ddcembre dernier, soit rcfdre au Comit6 de toute la Chambre surle Bill pour regler et etablir les Sa- laires des Officiers des Douanes aux Ports de l’interi- eur de cette Province, et autres fins y mentionnees. Resolu, Que, Mardi prochain, cette Chambre se for- Droitssnrie mera en Comite de toute la Chambre, pour consid^rer 6tre la convenance de reduire les Droits sur le Tabac im- porte dans cette Province par terre ou par la naviga- tion interieure. Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Lelour- neau, jj Ordonne, Que l Ordre du jour pour que la Cham- Rapport sur ies bre se forme en Comite sur le Rapport du Comite Spd- p^meVeuve cial auquel ont etd rdferees, la Petition de Dame Veuve L> e Beaujeu, et I Jacques-P. Saveuse de Beaujeu et George- It. Saveuse de autres ’ remI8 ‘ Beaujeu, Ecuyer, et la Petition de John McCuaig, perdu par l’ajournement de la Chambre, Mercredi dernier, soit rdtabli, et que, Mercredi prochain, cette Chambre se formera en le dit Comite. Fourib Report Mr. Archambeault, from the Standing Committee of j"ibhmm- nd Roads and Public Improvements, presented to the provemems. House the Fourth Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk's Table. Appendix For the said Report, see Appendix (A. A.) at the end (a. a.) 0 p Yolume. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to the Com- mittee of the whole House on the Third Report of the said Committee. M. Archambeault , du Comitd Permanent des Che- n . •« • i a/i* • «iii* / Quatnemc mins et des Ameliorations Publiques, a presents ala Rapport sur ies Chambre le Quatrieme Rapport du dit Comite, lequel Ameliorations a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. pulques. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (A. A.) a la fin Appen(lice de ce Volume. (a. a.) Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit referd au Comitd de toute la Chambre sur le Troisieme Rapport du dit Comite. DeputySerjeant at Arms reports that he has taken O. Williams, in custody. Mr. Olivier Vallerand, Deputy Serjeant at Arms, re- ported at the Bar, that in obedience to the Order of this House, of yesterday, and in conformity to the Warrant issued by Mr. Speaker, by Order of the House, he had taken into custody Oliver Williams, Bailiff of the Court of King’s Bench for the District of Quebec, and that the saic M. Olivier Vallerand, Depot 6 Sergent d’Armes, a fait Rapport a la Barre, qu’en obdissance a l’Ordre de la Chambre d’hier, et en conformite du Warrant expd- did par M. l’Orateur, par Ordre de la Chambre, il avait pris soussa garde Oliver Williams, Huissier de la Cour du Banc du Iioi pour le District de Quebec, et que Le Deputfi Ser- gent d’Armes lait rapport qu’il a pris sous sa garde O. Wil- liams. 6 Will. IV. 6° Februarii . 429 said Oliver Williams was now waiting the orders of the House. A Petition of Oliver Williams, Bailiff of the Court of King’s Bench, for the District of Quebec, was presented to the House by Mr. Caron, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : That on the 1 tth January last, a Writ of Saisie Arret in the Cause in which Peter Sheppard was Plaintiff, and Pierre Bureau, Esquire, Defendant, was placed in the hands of the Petitioner as one of the Bailiffs under William S. Sewell, Esquire, Sheriff, to be served on William B. Lindsay , Esquire, Clerk of the House : That the Petitioner further repre- sents that by the Statute in that case made and provided all Writs of Saisie Arret ought to be served personally, and as the Petitioner was not aware that it would be a breach of privilege to serve the said Writ on the said William B. Lindsay, Esquire, in his office, the Petitioner proceeded thither on the said 11th January last, and served it on him : That the Petitioner further repre- sents that when he served the said Writ, he had no in- tention of committing any breach of Parliamentary Law or of the Privileges of the House, and accordingly offers his excuses and apology to the House ; and praying the House to be pleased to take his Petition into considera- tion. to accept his apology, and pardon him. On Motion of Mr. Besserer , seconded by Mr. Ber- the lot, Resolved, That no further proceedings be had against the said Oliver Williams, and that he be discharged on paying costs. que le dit Oliver Williams etait maintenant attendant les ordres de la Chambre. IJne Petition Oliver Williams, Huissier de la Cour du Banc du Roi pour le District de Quebec, a pre- sentee a la Chambre par M. Caron, laquelle aete re 5 ue et lue ; exposant : Que le 11 Janvier dernier, un Writ de Saisie-Arrel dans une Cause ou Peter Sheppard etait Demandeur et Pierre Bureau , Ecuyer, Defendeur, lui fut mis entre les mains, corame Iluissier de Wll- liam-S. Sewell , Ecuyer, Sherif, pour servir sur la per- sonne de William-B. Lindsay , Ecuyer, Greffier de la Chambre : Que le Petitionnaire reprdsente de plus, que par un Statut fait et pourvu en pareil cas, tout Writ de Saisie-Arr&t doit etre servi personnellement, et comme le Petitionnaire ignorait qu’il y eut infrac- tion de Privileges en servant ledit Writ au dit Willium- B. Lindsay, Ecuyer, dans son Bureau, s’y rendit le 11 Janvier dernier, et le lui servit : Que le Petitionnaire represente en outre que lorsqu’il a servi le dit Writ, il n’avait nulle intention d’enfreindre les Lois Parlemen- taires ni les Privileges de la Chambre, et en conse- quence offre ses excuses a la Chambre ; et priant la Chambre de prendre sa Petition en consideration, ac- cepter ses excuses et lui pardonner. Petition du dit O. Williams. Sur Motion de M. Besserer, seconde par M. Bcr- thelot, Resolu, Qu’il ne soit pas precede ult£rieurement o. wniiam. contre le dit Oliver Williams, et qu’il soit decharge, en ptyanutsf" payant les frais. Stephen Walcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief, was admitted within the Bar, and delivered to Mr. Speaker, a Message from His Excellency the Governor in Chief, signed by His Excellency. And then he withdrew. And the said Message was read by Mr. Speaker, all the Members of the House being uncovered; and is as followeth : Stephen Walcott , Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Message deSoc Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, aete admis en de- Excellence, dans de la Barre, et a remis a M. l’Orateur un Mes- sage de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, sign6 par Son Excellence. Et ensuite il s’est retire. Et ledit Message a £te In par M. l’Orateur, tous les Membres de la Chambre etant ddcouverts, et il est comme suit : GOSEORD, Governor in Chief. With reference to the Communications made during the present Session to the House of Assembly on the subject of Prisons and Prison Discipline, the Governor in Chief transmits for the information of the House, an Extract from a Dispatch addressed to him by His Ma- jesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated Downing Street, 28th November 1835, together with a series of Reports, three in number, adopted by the House of Lords, and a Copy of an Act passed by the Imperial Parliament for carrying out the principles elicited by their enquiries. The Governor in Chief acquaints the House of As- sembly that he has been requested by the Secretary of State to transmit to England, the fullest information that can be obtained on this question, also to report to him whether any alteration and improvements upon the system at present in use, are in the contemplation of the local Legislature, and to solicit their early atten- tion to this important subject. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 6th February 1836. GOSFORD, Gouverneur-en-Chef. RefiSrant aux Communications qui ont 6t£ faites „ i • % i/"«i i Jrrisons et dis- pendant la Session actuelle a la Chambre d Assemblee, Spline de 8 pw- au sujet des Prisons et de la discipline des Prisons, le ,ons ‘ Gouverneur-en-Chef transmet, pour l’information de la Chambre, 1’extrait d’une Depeche qui lui a 6t4 adressee par le Principal Secretaire d’Etat de Sa Majeste pour le Departement des Colonies, datee Dooming Street, 28 Novembre 1835, avec une seri'e de Rapports, au nom- bre de trois, agrees par la Chambre des Lords ; et Co- pie d’un Acte passe par le Parlement Imperial, pouf mettre a effet les principes qui ont £t£ mis aujour dans cette Enquete. Le Gouverneur-en-Chef informe la Chambre d’As- semblee, qu’il est prie par le Secretaire d’Etat de lui transmettre en Angleterre les renseignemens les plus amples qu’il pourra se procurer sur cette question ; de lui faire rapport si la Legislature locale se propose de changer ou d’ameliorer en aucune manure le systeme actuellement en force ; et d’appeler de bonne heure son attention sur cet objet important. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 6 Fevrier 1836. Extract from a Dispatch addressed to His Excellen- cy the Governor in Chief, by His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated Downing Street, 28th November 1835. Vol.— 45. “ Among Extrait d’une Depeche que le Principal Secretaire d’Etat pour le Departement des Colonies a adressee a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, datee Downing Street, ‘IS Novembre 1835. 5 Q “ Parmi 430 6 ° Februarii . J. 1836 “ Among the subjects which have recently engaged “ the public attention in this country, none has occu- “ pied a more prominent place, or is more intrinsically “ important than the establishment of proper regula- << ti ons for securing an effective Prison Discipline. “ During the last Session of Parliament a Committee << of the House of Lords was appointed to enquire into “ the state of the Gaols and Houses of Correction in “ England and Wales. After a minute and laborious “ investigation, their Lordships adopted a sedes ot lle- “ ports, of which Copies are herewith enclosed, tor “ your information, and an Act, of which a Copy is also “ enclosed, was subsequently passed by the Imperial « Parliament, for the purpose of carrying out the prin- “ ciples elicited by their enquiries. It is the object ot “ my present Dispatch to call your attention to the “ general subject of Prison Discipline, as far as regards “ the Colony under your Government.” “ From the nature of the investigation undertaken by “ the Committee of the House of Lords, some of the “ observations in their Reports, and of the recommen- “ dations embodied in their Resolutions, are necessarily “ of a local and exclusive nature. But there are many “ others which are of general application, and which “ with such modifications only as are demanded by “ local circumstances, might probably be advantageous- “ ly introduced into the Colony under your Govern- “ ment. “ I have therefore to desire that you willl bring the “ enclosed Document under the consideration of the “ Legislature of Lower Canada, and solicit their early “ attention to this important subject.” (A true Extract.) S. WALCOTT, Civil Secretary. The Act of the Imperial Parliament 5th and 6th Will. IV. Cap. 38, intituled, “ An Act for effecting “ greater uniformity of practice in the Government ot “ the several Prisons in England and Wales, and for “ appointing Inspectors of Prisons in Great Britain ,” referred to in the preceding Message, will be found among the Imperial Statutes. A Tumult having taken place in the Lobby whereby the proceedings of the House were interrupted, the Sergeant at Arms proceeded thereto, and being re- turned, acquainted the House that he had taken into custody Florent Edouard Bertrand, who was the cause of the Tumult, and who had resisted the authority of one of the Door Keepers with violence and blows. Etienne Drolet, Door Keeper, was called to the Bar, and being interrogated, declared: That the person now in custody who was very noisy, was attempting to come into the Wardrobe under the pretence of speak- ing to a Member of the House ; that he, Drolet, on ask- ing him his business, received much abuse, and also a violent blow from the person aforesaid, which was the cause of the Tumult. Mr. Bedard moved to resolve, seconded by Mr. Kinder, That Florent Edouard Bertrand having, in the presence of the House, been guilty of a breach of the Privileges of this House, and by his misconduct and violence interrupted the sittings thereof, he be committed to the Common Gaol of the District of Quebec, for the space of eight days ; and that the Spea- ker do issue his Warrant accordingly. Mr. Berthelot moved in amendment to the said Mo- tion, seconded by Mr. Bone, That the words “ eight days,” be struck out, and the words “ twenty-four hours” substituted. The “ Parmi les sujets qui ont recemment occupe l’atten- “ tion publique dans ce Pays, il n’en est pas qui tienne “ une place plus saillante, ou qui suit plus important en “ lui-meme que l’etablissement de reglemens con- “ venables pour etablir un systeme eflicace de disci- “ pline dans les Prisons. “ Pendant la derniere Session du Parlement, la “ Chambre des Lords a nomine un Comite pour s’en- “ querir del'etat des Prisons etdes Maisons de Cor- “ rection en Angleterre et dans le Pays de Gallcs. “ Apres un examen soigne, Leurs Seigneuries ont “ agred une sGie de Rapports, dont je transmets Copie “ ci-jointe pour votre information ; et le Parlement lm- “ perial a depuis passe un Acte (dont je vous transmets “ aussi Copie) pour mettre a effet les principes qu’on “ a Qablis par cette Enquete. L’objet de cette D£- “ peche est d’appeler votre attention a la question de “ la discipline des Prisons en general, quant a ce qui “ regarde la Colonie dont vous avez le Gouvernement. “ D’apr^s la nature de l’Enquetede la Chambre des “ Lords, on verra que plusieurs observations dans leurs “ Rapports et plusieurs recomtnandations ins^rdes dans “ leurs Resolutions sont necessairement d’une nature lo- “ cale et exclusive. Maisil y en a un grand nombre “ d’autres dont l’application est g^nerale, et que Ron “ pourrait, a l’aide des modifications qu’exigent les “ circonstances locales, introduire avec avantage dans “ la Colonie que vous avez etc appele a gouverner. “ Je dois done vous prier de mettre les Documens ci- “ joints sous les yeux de la Legislature du Bas-Canada, “ et d’appeler de bonne heure son attention sur cet “ objet important.’’ (Extrait fidhle.) S. WALCOTT, Secretaire Civil. L’Acte du Parlement Imperial 5e et 6e Guill. IV. Chap. 38, intitule “ Acte pour mettre plus d’unifor- “ mite dans la regie des differentes Prisons en Angle- “ terre et dans le Pays de Galles, et pour nommer des “ Inspecteurs de Prisons dans la Grande-Bretagne,' auquel renvoie le Message qui precede, se trouvera parmi les Statuts Imperiaux. Un bruit s’etant 61ev6 dans le Vestibule, par lequel les procedds de la Chambre ont £t£ interrompus, le Sergent d’Armes s’y est rendu, et etant de retour, a in- form6 la Chambre, qu’il avait pris sous sa garde Florent - Edouard Bertrand, qui etait la cause du bruit, et qui avait resiste a l’autoritd de Pun des Portiers avec vio- lence et en le frappant. Etienne Drolet , Portier, a ete appeld a la Barre, et etant interroge, a declare : Que la personne qui 6tait maintenant arreffe faisait beaucoup de bruit, et voulait entrer dans la Garde-Robe, sous le pr£texte de parler a un Membrede la Chambre ; que lui le dit Drolet lui avant demande ce qu’elle voulait, la dite personne l’a injurid et lui a donne un coup violent, ce qui a ete la cause du tumulte. M. Bedard a propose de r^soudre, secondd par M. Kimber , Que Florent- Edouard Bertrand, s’etant, sous les yeux de la Chambre, rendu coupable d’une in- fraction des Privileges de cette Chambre, et ayant in- terrompu de fait et par violence les stances d’icelle, il soit envoye a la Prison Commune du District de Quebec pour l’espace de huit jours, et que l’Orateur emane son Warrant en consequence. M. Ber/helot a propos6 en amendement rt la dite Motion, secondd par M. Bouc, Que les mots “ huit “jours,” soient retranches, et les mots “ vingt-quatre “ heures” substitutes. La Florent Edouard Ber- trand declared guilty of a breach of the Privileges of the House, and committed to Gaol. Florent E- douard Bertrand declare coupable d’une infraction des privileges de la Chambre, et envoye en Pri- son, 6 Will. IV. 6° Februarii. 4 31 The House divided on the Motion of amendment ; Yeas, 19. Nays, 27. So it passed in the Negative. The Question being then put on the main Motion, it was agreed to unanimously, and Resolved , Accordingly. La Chambre s’est divis6e sur la Motion d’ainende- ment : Pour 19, Contre 27. Ainsi elle a pass£ dans la Negative. La Question ayant 6t6 alors mise sur la Motion prin- cipal, elle a etd unanimement adoptee, et Resolu, E 11 consequence. bui to amend An engrossed Bill from the Legislative Council, in- read^he d «econd “ An Act to amend the Act of the thirty sixth “ of George the Third, Chapter nine, commonly called “ the Road Act,” was, according to Order, read a se- cond time. Mr. Kimber moved, seconded by Mr. Letourneau , That the said Bill be referred to a Committee of live Members, to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Mr. Huot moved in amendment, seconded by Mr. Bedard , That all the words in the said Motion after “ referred,” be struck out, and the following substi- tuted: “ to the Special Committee to whom was refer- “ red the Bill to amend a certain Act therein men- “ tioned, and to make further provisions for making, “ altering and repairing Highways and Bridges.” The House divided on the Motion of amendment : Yeas, 49. Nays, 1. So it was carried in the Affirmative. The Question being then put on the main Motion, as amended, it was agreed to unanimously, and Ordered , Accordingly. Ordered, That Mr. Kimber be added to the said Committee. Conformement & l’Ordre, un Bill grossoyd du Con- Bin pour amen seil L^gislatif, intituld “ Acte pour amender 1’Acte de Chemm^un. “la Prente-sixieme de George Trois, Chapitre neuf, seeondefois - “ communement appele “ Acte des Chemins,” a O i “ hi une seeonde fois. M. Kimber a propose, second^ par M. Letourneau , Que le dit Bill soit r^ffire k un Comite de cinq Mem- bres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diligence con- venable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer qu6rir personnes, pa- piers et records. M. Huot a propose en amendement, second^ par M. Bedard \ Que tous les mots dans la dite Motion apres “ riMere,” soient retranch6s, et les suivans substitu^s, “ au Comit6 Special auquel a £te r^fere le Bill pour “ amender un certain Acte y mentionne, et qui pour- “ voit a de nouvelles dispositions pour ouvrir, changer “ et reparer les grands Chemins et Ponts.” La Chambre s’est divisCe sur la Motion d’amende- ment : Pour 49, Contre 1. Ainsi elle a ete emportee dans l’Affirmative.' La Question ayant ete alors mise sur la Motion prin- cipal, telle qu’amendee, elle a ete unanimement adop- tee, et Ordonne , Far consequence. Ordonne , Que M. Kimber soit ajout6 au dit Co- mity. rhird Report The Order of the day for the House in Committee Smornmenfs of on the Third Report of the Special Committee ap- Ss'ofjus- P ointed t0 enquire concerning the Fees and Emolu- ics, deferred, ments received by the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries, and Criers of the Court of Appeals and of the Courts of King’s Bench of this Province, by virtue of their res- pective Offices, and other references, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Monday the fifteenth instant. L’Ordre du .jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Troisier Rap - Comite sur le Iroisieme Rapport du Comite Special p° rt . surles H °- nommd pour s’enquerir des Honoraires et Revenus "enusdesCo^i perils en vertu de leurs charges respectives, par les re * Sherifs, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Cours d’Appel et du Banc du Roi en cette Province, et autres refe- rences, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Qrdre du jour soit remis a Lundi, le quinzedu courant. Committee on Depots of Pro- isions. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Petition of divers Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Merchants and others, and other references, being read $ The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair j And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again, on Tuesday next. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en com.te sur i« Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comity Special au- D4p6t8de Pr °- quel a 6t6 referee la Petition de divers Propri^taires de Vaisseaux, Maitres de Vaisseaux,Marchands et autres et autres references, ayant £te lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formde en le dit Comite. M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comity et apr£s y avoir si£ge quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Bardy a fait rapport que le Comit6 avail fait quelque progres, et lui avail enjoint de demander per- mission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sieger de nouveau, Mardi prochain. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger , seconded by Mr. Power, The House adjourned till Monday next. Alors, sur Motion de M.' Viger , seeonde par M, Power, La Chambre s’est ajourn£e a Lundi prochain. Monday , Lundi , 432 8 ° Februariu A. 1836 . Monday , 8 th February , 1836. Lundi, 8 Fevrier 1836. Answer to ati Address. -jm/fj r. Kimber , accompanied by the other Messen- [f j crers, reported to the House that their Address ot the 'third instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Cnief, praying for Copies of any Dispatches or Instruc- tions received by the Provincial Government from His Majesty’s Government since 1828, relative to the ar- rangements to be observed with respect to the leasing of the Crown property or of the Jesuits’ Estates in this Province, for the future, by piivate contract or by public auction, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following An- swer : Gentlemen, I request you to inform the House of Assembly, in answer to this Address, that no Dispatches or In- structions appear to have been received by the Provin- cial Government from His Majesty’s Government since 1828, relative to the leasing of Crown property or of the Jesuits’ Estates in this Province, except only an intimation contained in my private Instructions as Go- vernor in Chief, that whatever arrangements may be hereafter settled respecting the Territorial Revenue, it will be necessary to prevent the granting of any Crown property on lease by private contract. Castle of St. Lems, Quebec, 8th February, 1836. On Motion of Mr. Kimber, seconded by Mr. Bouc, Ordered , That the said Answer of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, be referred to the Standing Committee on the Jesuits’ Estates. Kimber , accompagne des autres Messagers, a “ una j T _iaa, ® fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du 3 du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, demandant des Copies cle toutes Depeches ou Instruc- tions regies par le Gouvernement Provincial, de la part du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste depuis 1828, rela- tivement aux arrangemens a suivfe, concernant le mode de disposer a Bail a l’avenir des Proprietes de la Couronne ou des Biens des J^suites dans cette Pro- vince, par contrat priv6 ou par encan public, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la reponse suivante : Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d* Assemble, en reponse a cette Adresse, qu’il ne parait pas que le Gouvernement Provincial ait re 9 it du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, depuis 1828, aucune Depeches ou Instruc- Committee to enquire into the conduct ot cer- tain Schoolmas- ters. On Motion of Mr. CSte, seconded by Mr. Bone, Resolved, That a Committee of five Members be ap- pointed to enquire into the conduct of Jacques Surpre- nant, School Master of the District No. 11, in the Pa- rish of Sle. Marguerite de Blairfindie, in the County of Acadie, and into other matters relating to the conduct of certain School Masters in the said County, to report thereon with all convenient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Cote , Mr. Viger, Mr. Girouard Mr. Letourneau and Mr. Bardy do compose the said Committee. Deputy Ser- The Deputy Serjeant at Arms, at the Bar, acquainted ^poru having the House, that in obedience to its commands, lie had lodged F. E. lodged the body of Florent Edouard Bertrand in the Gaoi. common Gaol of the District of Quebec. A Member ad- ded to a Com- mittee. Dumber Bill read the first time. Instruction to a Committee of the whole House to en- quire into the State of thePro- vinee. Ordered, That Mr. Morin be added to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Answer of His Excellency the late Governor in Chiet of the oth March, 1834, to the Address of this House of the 24th February, 1834, relating to grants of Lands to the Offi- cers and Militiamen who served during the late War with the United States. Ordered , That Mr. Blackburn have leave to bring m a Bill for the better regulation of the Lumber Trade. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time and ordered to be read a second time, on Saturday next. Mr. Morin moved, seconded by Mr. Child, That it be an Instruction to the Committee of the whole House on the First, Second and Third Reports of the Stand- ing tions concernant l’affermage des Terres de la Cou- ronne ou des Biens des Jesuites en cette Province, si ce n’est que j’ai re^u avis dans mes Instructions privies, comme Gouverneur-en-Chef, que quelque arrangement que 1’on prenne a 1’avenir, quant au Revenu Territorial, il sera necessairede pourvoir k ce qu aucune partie des Biens de la Couronne ne soit donn£e a loyer par con- trat prive. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 8 Fevrier 1836. Sur Motion de M. Kimber, seconde par M. Bouc, Ordonne, Que la dite Reponse de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef soit refere au Comit6 Perma- nent sur les Biens des Jesuites. Sur Motion de M. Cote, second^ par M. Bouc, Resolu, Qu’un Comite de Cinq Membres soit nom* la me Dour s’enqu6rir de la conduite du nomme Jacques conduce de Surprenant, Institutour dc 1 Arrondisseinent JX • Jl> ires d’Ecoieso dans la Paroisse Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, dans le Comte de V Acadie, et d’autres affaires qui concernent la conduite de certains Maitres d’Ecoles dans le dit Comte, pour en faire rapport avec tout la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer quenr personnes, pa piers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Cote, M. Viger, M. Girouard, M. Letourneau et M. Bardy, composent le dit ComitG Le Depute Sergent d s Amies a inform^ la Chambre, g n ^*£f s er - a la Barre, qu’en obHssance a ses Ordres, il avait log6 fa^mppon le corps de Florent-Edouard Bertrand, dans la Prison Bertrand en Commune pour le District de Quebec. Prison. Ordonne , Que M. Morin soit ajout6 au Comite Sp6- g^nCo- cial auquel a ete referee la Reponse de Son Excel- lenee le ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 5 ^ Mars 1834, a l’Adresse de cette Chambre du 24 Fevrier 1834, relativement aux Octrois de terres aux Officiers et Miliciens qui ont servi dans la derniOe Guerre avec les Etats-Unis. Ordonne, Que M. Blackburn ait la permission d’intro- dilire un Bill pour mieux regler le Commerce des Bois. ju i a premiere Il a en consequence prdsente le dit Bill, lequel a G6 lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a et£ ordonn^e pour Samedi prochain. M. Morin a prooosf, seconde par M. Child, Qu’il instruction a un soit vine instruction au Comitede toute la unamuie sur la chambre de le Premier, le Second et le Troisieme Rapport du Co- *.® l n a q t t de n 1 r a p ro _ llllt6 vinee. 6 Will. IV. 8" Februarii, 'etition of the licmac ln- hiis relating, i their Lands. 4 33 ing Committee of Public Accounts, to enquire into the State of the Province. The House divided on the Question ; and the names being called for, they were taken down, as followeth : Yeas, Messieurs Arcliambeault , Bardy, Bedard, Berthelot, Bertrand , Besserer , Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouc , Bouf- fard, Careau, Cat on, Cazeau, Child, Cote, Comteau , Be - blots, Deligny, Be 1 onnancour. Be Witt, Bnbord, For- tin, Fraser, Girouard, Gr minis, Guillet, Hebert, Huot, Jobin , Kimber, Knight, Leslie, Letourncau , Marquis, Meilleur, Methot, Morin, Mousseau, Noel, O’ Callaghan, Broulx, Simon, Tache, Joseph Andre Taschereau, Toomy, Trudel , Vanfelson and Viger. (48.) Nays, Messieurs Baker, Blackburn, Clapham and Moore, (4.) So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered, Accordingly. A Petition of the Chiefs and others of the Micmac Tribe, settled on the North side of the River Risti- gouche, County of Bonaventure, was presented to the House by Mr. Deblois, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : That the Micmac Tribe, to whom the French and English Governments granted the Lands on both sides of the River Ristigouche, have from time immemorial possessed and inhabited the tract of Land shewn in the Plan accompanying their Petition, as lying between Pointe La Croix and Pointed Bourdon, or between the lines D. C. and O. P. running North 12 degrees East to the waste Lands of the Crown, or to the neighbouring mountains, distant about two miles from the beach : That in consequence of this posses- sion, the Petitioners, in the year 1820, claimed from the Commissioners acting under the Statute of the 59th Geo. III., Cap. 3, all the said tract of Land as well as that lying between Porcupine River and Pointe LaCroix : That the said Commissioners being of opinion that the tract of Land which lies between Porcupine River and Pointe La Croix had been granted to Edward J. Mann, Esquire, by the said Tribe, (who nevertheless never gave permission to the said E. J. Mann to settle there- on, except by mere sufferance,) deemed it right to ad- judge the same to the said E. J. Mann, as well as the other tract of Land in the rear of the line North 45 degrees West, thus depriving the Petitioners of the greater part of the Land which they had always pos- sessed and claimed, and of all firewood and timber, as the Petitioners have clearly proved in a Petition to Lord Aylmer, who thereupon caused an indemnity to be of- fered on the part of His Majesty’s Government to the said E.J. Mann, on condition of his annulling the said line North 45 degrees West, which the Petitioners con- sider as unjust and illegal, inasmuch as it constitutes the sole exception to the course (North 12 degrees East) of the other Lands in the said County, and was drawn without their knowledge : That the said Com- missioners have recognized (at least tacitly) the injus- tice and illegality of the said line North 45 degrees West, by adjudging for the use of the Missionary of the said Tribe, (as appears by the claim under the No. 266, and the adjudication thereon made) a lot of Land of three acres in front by thirty three and one third in depth, which passes the said line North 45 degrees West at about half the said depth : That the Peti- tioners have never consented that the said line North 45 degrees West should be the boundary between them and the said E. J. Mann ; and that in allowing him to possess the Land between Porcupine River and Pointe mite Permanent des Comptes Publics, des’enqu6rir de l’Etat de la Province. La Chambres’est divis^e sur la Question ; et les iionis ayant Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Caron porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif et demande son concours. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en R appo« reiatif Comite sur le Second Rapport du Comit6 Permanent *i’Honorabu des Griefs, ayant 6te lu ; r V Jm®' leUon ’ Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Sa- medi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en MaisoodeDou. Go mite sur le Rapport du Comite Special auquel a a . ,les ® jviom- 6te re fere le Message de Son Excellence le Gouver- neur-en-Chef, avec les Documens qui l’accompagnent, relativement 6 Will. IV. 8° — 9" Februarii. Committee on Jurors Bill- Committee on Inland Cus- toms Bill. Third Report of Committee on Contingent Accounts, &c. 435 a Custom House for the Port of Montreal, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Meilleur took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Meilleur reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions which he was directed to submit to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received tomiorrow. relativemcnt A une Maisonde Douanc pour le Port de Montreal , ayant 06 lu ; La Chambre s est en consequence formic en le dit Comity. M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil j Et M. Meilleur a fait rapport que le Comit6 avait passe plusieurs Resolutions qu’il avait ordre de sou- inettre a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re 9 u demain. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to regulate the qualification and summoning of Jurors in Civil and Criminal matters, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair j And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received to-morrow. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite surie Comite sur le Bill pour r£gler la qualification et som- d€S Jur * 1 ' mation des Juies en mati&res Civiles et Criminelles, ayant 6i6 lu j ^ La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comite j et apres y avoir si£g6 quelque temps. m. ro rateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Lt M. Bardy a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re 9 u demain. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to regulate and establish the Salaries of the Officers of the Customs at the Inland Ports in this Province, and for other purposes therein mentioned ; and on the Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, which relates to the expiration of the Act re- gulating the collection of the Revenue at the several Inland Ports of this Province, with the Documents ac- companying the same, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Besserer took the Chair of the Committee ; Several Members having retired, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comitesuria Comite sur le Bill pour r^gler et etablir les Salaires des f^nfiur'i Officiers des Douanes aux Ports de l’lnterieur de cette Province, et autres fins y mentionnets, et sur le Rap- port du Comiffi Special auquel a ete nTere le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, qui a rap- port a 1 expiration de 1 Acte r^glant la perception du Revenu aux diflerens Ports IntfAieurs de cette Pro- vince, avec les Docurnens qui l’accompagnent, ayant 06 lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Besserer a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; Plusieurs Membres s’etant retires, M.l'Orateura repris le Fauteuil. And the names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Amiot , Baker , Bardy , Bertrand , Besserer, Blan- chard, Blanchet, Bouc, Bouffard, Caron, Child, Cote, Deligny, Be Witt, Dubord , Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Grannis, Hebert, Huot, Kimber, Knight, Leslie, Marquis, Morin, Mousseau , O' Callaghan, Proulx, Simon and Viger. And at half past nine o’clock at night, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. Et les noins des Membres presens ontete priscomme suit : M. l’Orateur, Messieurs Amiot, Baker, Bardy, Bertrand, Besserer, Blan- chard, Blanchet, Bouc, Bouffard, Caron, Child, Cote, Deligny, De Witt, Dubord, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Grannis , Hebert Huot, Kimber, Knight, Leslie, Marquis , Morin, Mousseau, O' Callaghan, Proulx, Simon , et Viger. Eta neufheures et demie du soir, M. 1’Orateur a ajourn6 la Chambre faute de Quorum. Tuesday, 9th February, 1 836. Mardi, 9 Fevrier 1836. Huot, from the Standing Committee for the . -®- Contingent Accounts and other objects connected with the internal Department of the House of Assem- bly, presented to the House the Third Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee having taken into consideration the proceeding adopted by Tour Honorable House at the beginning of the present Session in naming its own Law Clerk, an Officer who had up to that time been appoin- ted Huot, du Comite Permanent pour les Depenses > Contingentes et autres objets relatifs aux D6- partemens inlerieurs de la Chambre d’Assemblee, a piesente a la Chambre le Troisi^me Rapport du dit Co- mite, Iequel a 6t6 lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : Votre Comit6 ayant pris en consideration la demar- che prise par Votre Honorable Chambre, au com- mencement de cette Session, de nommer elle-meme son prop re Greffier en Loi, Officier qui avait et£jus- qu’alor's Comit6 6ur le Troisieme Rap. port du Comit£ sur les Depen- ses Contin- gentes, etc* 9 ° Februarii . A. 1836 . 436 ted by the Executive, necessarily perceived in this pro- ceeding a fixed determination on the part of Your Ho- norable House to take upon itself the payment of the Salaries of its confidential Officers, or of such at least as are not appointed by the Executive. With this view, Your Committee have the honor to submit to Tour Honorable House, the following Resolution, in which they respectfully desire your concurrence. lie sohed, That the Clerk of this House be authorized to pay out of the monies which may come into his hands to meet the Contingent Expenses of this House, the Sa- laries appropriated as a remuneration for the services of the following Officers, that is to say, a sum not exceed- ing Four hundred pounds currency, a year, to the Clerk Assistant of this House ; a sum not exceeding I wo hundred pounds currency, a year, to the Law Clerk of this House ; a sum not exceeding Two hun- dred pounds currency, a year, to the English I ranslator of this House, and a sum not exceeding Two hundred pounds currency, a year, to the French 1 ranslator of this House. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House to-morrow. A Member added to a Com- mittee. Education en- couragement Bill passed. Reports relating to Public Im- provements since 1827, referred. Instruction to Committee of Revenue and Finance. Motion for an ] nstruction to Committee of Education and Schools. Ordered, That Mr. Child be added to the Standing Committee of Grievances. An engrossed Bill for the encouragement of Educa- tion in this Province, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass- Ordered, That Mr. Huot do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. On Motion of Mr. Archambeault, seconded by Mr. Besserer, Ordered, That all Reports relating to Public Im- provements made by the several Commissioners since 1827, be referred to the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Huot, Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the Standing Committee of Revenue and Finance, to enquire into the State of the Funds raised under the authority of the Act of the 33d Geo. III. Cap. 8, to defray the Salaries of the Officers of the Legislature, and the Contingent Expenses thereof, and concerning the amount of the advances made from time to time for the same purpose since the 10th October, 1832, by the Executive Govern- ment of the Province, and the propriety of covering the same by Bill. Mr. Tache moved, seconded by Mr. Bertrand , That it be an Instruction to the Standing Committee of Edu- cation and Schools, to whom was referred the Bill to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned and to provide for the further encouragement of Elementary Education in this Province, to proportion the proposed votes of money for the promotion of Education in this Province, on the state of the population, and to amend the said Bill before they report it to this House, in such manner as to grant to each County a sum proportionate to its population. Ordered, That the said Motion be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House to-morrow. qu’alors a la nomination de l’Executif, a du voir dans ce procede la determination fixe de Votre Honorable Chambre de se charger elle-meme et elle seule de payer les Salaires de ses Officiers confidentiels, ceux au moins oui ne tiennent pas leur nomination de l’Execu- tif. Dans cette vue, Votre Comite a fhonneur de pre- senter a Votre Honorable Chambre la Resolution sui- vante, a laquelle il demande humblement son con- cours. Resolu, Que le Greffier de cette Chambre soit auto- ris6 a payer, a raeme les Deniers qui lui viendront entre les mains, pour faire face aux Dispenses Contingentes de cette Chambre, les Salaires affects aux services des Officiers suivans, e’est a savoir : une somme n’excedant pas Quatre cents livres courant, par an, a 1* Assistant Greffier de cette Chambre ; une somme n’excedant pas Deux cents livres courant, par an, au Greffier en Loi de cette Chambre ; une somme n’exce- dant pas Deux cents livres courant, par an, au Traduc- teur Anglais de cette Chambre ; et une somme n’ex- c£dantpas Deux cents livres courant, par an, au Tra- ducteur Fran^ais de cette Chambre. Ordonne, Quele dit Rapport soit r r6- feres. Instruction au Cotnite des Re- venus et Fi- nances. Motion pour une Instruction au ComitS pour 1’ Education el les Ecoles. Resolutions sur une Maison d* Douane a Mon- treal, rappor- tees. 6 Will. IV. 9° Februarii Montreal Cus- tom House Bill read the first time. Jurors Bill re- ported. Committee on Inland Custom* Bill. Committee on Roads and Pub- lic Improve- ments. Duties on To- bacco deferred. ting to a Custom House for the Port of Montreal , reported, according to Order, the Resolutions of the said Committee; which Resolutions were again read at the C lerk’s Tabic, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followeth : 1. Resolved , That a sum, not exceeding Four thou- sand five hundred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the purpose of erecting a Building for a Custom House in the City of Montreal , the dimensions of which shall not be greater than 60 feet by 45 feet. 2. Resolved, That the said Custom House be erected on the place commonly called the Old Market Place. 3. Resolved , That the Mayor of the City of Montreal, for the time being, the Collector of His Majesty’s Cus- toms at the Port of Montreal , for the time being, and Charles Lamontagne, Esquire, be the Commissioners for carrying into effect the previous Resolutions. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie have leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the building of a Custom House in the City of Montreal. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, to-morrow. Mr. Bardy, from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to regulate the qualification and summoning of Jurors in Civil and Criminal matters, reported, ac- cording to Order, the amendments made by the Com- mittee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to regulate and establish the Salaries of the Officers of the Customs at the Inland Ports in this Province, and for other purposes therein mentioned ; and on the Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Message of His Excellency the Go- vernor in Chief, which relates to the expiration of the Act regulating the Collection of the Revenue at the several Inland Ports in this Province, with the Docu- ments accompanying the same, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Besserer took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Besserer reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again, on Monday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Third and Fourth Reports of the Standing Com- mittee of Roads and Public Improvements, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself iqto the said Committee. Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions, which he was directed to submit to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received to-morrow. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider the propriety of reducing the Duties on Tobacco 437 Maison de Douane pour le Port de Montreal, a fait rapport, conformement a l’Ordre, des Resolutions du dit Comite, lesquelles Resolutions ont 6t6 lues de nou- veau A la Table du Greffier, et adoptees par la Cham- bre ; et elles sontcomme suit : 1 Resolu, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Quatre ini 1 1 e cinq cents livres courant, soit accordee a Sa Ma- jeste, aux fins danger un Batiment pour une Maison de Douane dans la Cite de Montreal, dont les dimensions n’excederont pas 60 pieds sur 45 pieds. 2 Resolu, Que la dite Maison de Douane soit erigee sur la place communemcnt appelee “ le Vieux Marche” 3 Resolu, Que le Maire de la Cite de Montreal pour le temps d’alors, le Collecteur des Douanes de Sa Ma- jeste au Port de Montreal, pour le temps d’alors, et Charles Lamontagne, Ecuyer, soient les Commissaires qui devront mettre a effet les Resolutions ci-dessus. Ordonne, Que M. Leslie ait la permission d intro- duce un Bill pour pourvoir A l’^rection d’une JMai- son de Douane dans la Cite de Montreal, II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonn£e pour demain. M. Bardy, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Bill pour regler la qualification et sommation des Jures en matieres Civiles el Criminelles, a fait rapport confor- mement a l’Ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau A la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amend6, soit gros- soy£. L'Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comit6 sur le Bill pour regler et £tablir les Salaires des Officiers des Douanes aux Ports de l’lnterieur de cette Province, et autres fins y mentionn^es, et sur le Rap- port du Comit6 Special auquel a £t6 referb le Mes- sage de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, qui a Rapport a l’expiration de 1’Acte r^glant la perception du Revenu aux diffiSrens Ports Int^rieurs de cette Province, avec les Documens qui l’accompagnent, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en cons6quence formee en le dit Comite. M. Besserer a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres v avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateura repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Besserer a fait rapport que le Cornit£ avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander permission de sieger de nouveau, Ordonne, Que le dit Comit6 ait la permission de sieger de nouveau, Lundi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comit6 sur le Troisieme et le QuatrRme Rapport du Comite Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations Publiques, ayant £t6 lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comitb ; et aprbs y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Bardy a fait Rapport que le Comit6 avait passb plusieurs Resolutions, qu’il avait ordre de sou- mettre A la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re 5 u demain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite pour consider la convenance de reduire les Droits 5 S Bill pour une Maison de Dou- ane a Montreal, lu la premiere fois. Bill des Jur6i rapport^, Corniti su r le Bill des Don- ancs interieures. Comitfi sur les Chemins et Amelioration! publiques. Droits sur |a Tabac, re mis. Vol~-45. 438 9 0 — 1 0 0 February. A. 1836 . Tobacco imported into the Province by Land or Inland Navigation, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. Depots of Pro- The Order of the day for the House in Committee visions deferred . on {he First R eport 0 f the Special Committee to whom was referred the Petition of divers Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Merchants and others, and other references, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Tache , The House adjourned. Droits sur le Tabac importe dans cette Province par terre ou par la navigation int^rieure, avant ete lu ; Ordunne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme visions, remis. en Comit6 sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Spe- cial auquel a £t6 r£fer£e !a Petition de divers Propri6- taires de Vaisseaux, Maitres de Vaisseaux, Marchands et autres, et autres references, ayant et6 lu ; Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger, seconde par M. Tache, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Wednesday , 10 th February , 1836. I/M'R. O'Callaghan , accompanied by the other Mes- sengers, reported to the House, that their Ad- dress of the fifth instant, to His Excellency the Gover- nor in Chief, praying he would be pleased to cause to be laid before this House, Copies of certain Dispatches mentioned in the said Address ; and that he would be further pleased to direct the proper Officer to inform this House at what periods the said Dispatches were respectively received in this Colony, had been presented to His Excellency, and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I will cause to be laid before the House of As- sembly in compliance with the prayer of this Address, the Copies ot the Dispatches therein mentioned, ad- dressed by His Majesty’s Secretary of State for the Colonies to the late Governor in Chief, as soon as the same can be prepared. Castle of Si. Lems, Quebec , 10th February, 1836. Mercredi , 10 Fevrier 1836. “!%/■* O'CaUaghan, accompagn6 des autres Messagers, Reponseauns IfJ- e a fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du Adress8 - cinq du courant, a son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef, priant qu’il luiplaisede faire mettre devant cette Chambre, Copies de certaines Depeches mention- nees dans la dite Adresse, et qu’il lui plaise de plus de donner ordre a 1’Officier a qui il appartiendra,d’informer cette Chambre a quelles epoques ces Depeches ont ete respectivement reejues en cette Colonie, avait ete pre- sentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de don- ner la Ileponse suivante : Messieurs, En conformite de la demande de cette Adresse, je ferai mettre devant la Chambre d’Assemblee, les Co- pies des Depeches qui y sont mentionnees, adress6es par le Secretaire d’Etat de Sa Majeste pour les Colo- nies, au ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef, aussitot qu’elles pourront litre pr^parees. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec, 10 Fevrier 1836. Answer to an Address. Accounts ren- dered under the Acts for the re- lief of Parishes in distress. Appendix (E.) Mr. Bertrand laid before the House the Accounts rendered by the Cure of the Parishes of St. Fabien , Trois Pistoles and St. Simon, in virtue of the Acts 4th Will. IV., Cap. 1 and 3. For the said Accounts, see Appendix (E.) at the end of this Volume. M. Bertrand a mis devant la Chambre les Comntes Comptes rendm rendus par le Cure des Paroisses St. Fabien, Trois AcmTpouHe Pistoles et St. Simon, en vertu des Actes 4e Guill. IV. s " ul!, s<™entdes Ch ap. 1 et 3. tresse. Pour les dits Comptes, voir Appendice (E.) h la fin A PP endice(E.) de ce Volume. Report and Es» Mr. Archambeuult presented to the House the Re- timates of the Dort and Estimates of expense of a Lock and Canal at Lockand canal the Ste. Anne s Rapids, with Plans, by Captain Yule , Rapids. Royal Engineers. Appendix (D.) For the said Report and Estimates, see Appendix (D.) at the end of this Volume. First Reponof Mr. Morin, from the Standing Committee of Reve- S^niean? nue and Finance, presented to the House the First Finance. Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : The Standing Committee on Revenue and Finance, who were directed to enquire into the state of the Funds raised under the authority of the Act of the 33rd Geo. III., Chap. 8, to defray the Salaries of the Officers of the Legislature and the Contingent Ex- penses thereof ; and concerning the Amount of the advances made from time to time for the same purpose since the 10th October, 1832, by the Executive Go- vernment M. Archambeault a pr£sent6 a la Chambre les Rap- Ra PP. ort et es- ports et Estimations de Depenses d une Ecluse et Ca- Eciuse et canal nal aux Rapides de Ste. Anne, avec des Plans, par le sic. Arme. es de Capitaine Yule , Ingenieur Royal. Pour les dits Rapport et Estimations, voir Appen- Append ice (D.) dice (D.) a la fin de ce Volume. M. Morin, du Comite Permanent des Revenus et Premier r*p- Finances, a presente a la Chambre le Premier Rap- de^Reven^et port du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Financ es. Table du Grefiier, comme suit : Votre Comite Permanent sur les Revenus et Finan- ces, charge de s’enquerir de l’Etat du Fonds preleve sous l’autorite de l’Acte de la 33e Geo. III. Chap. 8, pour defrayer les Salaires des Officiers de la Legisla- ture et les Depenses Contingentes d'icelle ; du mon- tant desavances faites de temps a autres pour le meme objet, depuis le 10 Octobre 1832, par le Gouverne- ment Executif de la Province, et de la convenance de couvnr 6 Will. IV. 10° Februa rii . 439 vernment of the Province, and the propriety of cover- ing the same by Bill ; have agreed to the following lie- port : Your Committee remark that according to a State- ment laid before this House on the 18th January, 1834, the amount of the Salaries of the Officers of both Houses of the Provincial Parliament, and of the Con- tingent Expenses thereof, from the commencement of the Constitution to the year 1834 inclusively, was *£277,280. 15s. 1 l£d. currency, of which *£106,316. 2s. 0^-d. was for the Officers and Contingent Expenses of the Legislative Council, and *£170,964. 13s. lid. for the Officers and Contingent Expenses of the House of Assembly. This sum of £2 77 j 280 . 15s. ll^d. includes the Sala- ries of certain Officers of the two Houses who have not been paid out of the sums voted or advanced to pay the Contingent Expenses, but included in the payments made by the Executive Government, either by virtue of Supply Bills passed by the Provincial Legislature or otherwise. The proportion of the sums so paid to those voted or advanced for Contingent Expenses does not appear by the Statement above mentioned, and Your Committee have not thought it necessary at this moment to make the researches necessary to ascertain it. During the same time, the nett Revenue arising from the Act of the 33rd Geo. III., Cap. 8, which es- tablishes in a general manner a Fund for defraying the expenses of the Legislature, amounted to *£66,019. 4s. 3d., leaving the sum of £211,261. 12s. 8d. cur- rency, to be provided for out of other Funds. The manifest insufficiency of the Revenue raised un- der the Act above cited, and the complication which has been introduced into the Accounts, and into the regulating by Law of matters of Finance relating to this branch of the Public Service, might have induced Your Committee to recommend either that more ample provision should be made for defraying the said ex- penses, or that the general appropriation of the Funds above mentioned should be repealed, by uniting them with the proceeds of the other Duties collected under the authority of other Laws. But as measures of this nature are connected with the general regulation of the system of Revenue and Fi- nance, Your Committee will not for the moment enter further into the consideration of this part of the sub- ject. The amount expended for the Contingent Expenses of the two branches of the Legislature, has been voted or covered from time to time either by the Bills of Supply, or by Special Bills to make good the deficiency of the Lunds aforesaid. The practice of asking for and ob- taining such advances, and of making them good in the manner aforesaid, having been constant and uniform, It our Committee have not thought it necessary to go further back than the said year 1832, since which pe- riod the partial and unconstitutional refusal of the late Governor in Chief of this Province to advance the sums necessary to meet the Contingent Expenses of this House, has created difficulties, and made a parti- cular attention to the subject requisite. It will be easy in the examination contemplated above, to set forth all the circumstances attending anterior expenses and ap- propriations. Confining these researches, therefore, to the last three years, Your Committee find that since that time (including the year ended on the 10th October, 1833,) advances have been made on Addresses of this House, to the amount of *£28,500 currencv, that is to say, £3,500, couvrir les dites avances par Bill, est convenu du Rapport suivant : Votre Comit6 rcmarque que d’apr&s un £tat mis de- vant cette Chambre le 18 Janvier 1834, le montant des Salaires de? Officiers des deux Chambres du Par- lement Provincial et des Depenses Contingentes d’icel- lcs, depuis le commencement de la Constitution jus- qu’a l’annee 1834 inclusivement, a ete de*£2?7,280. 15s, 11 id. courant, dont *£106,316. 2s. 0£d. pour les Offi- ciers et les Depenses Contingentes du Conseil L£gis- latif, et *£170,964. 13s. 1 1 d. pour les Officiers et les D6- penses Contingentes de la Chambre d’ Assemble. Cette sommc de £277,280. 15s. 11 id. comprend les Salaires de certains Officiers des deux Chambres qui n’ont pas et£ payes a meme les somraes vot6es ou avan- c6es pour subvenir aux Expenses Contingentes, mais inclus dans les paiemens faits par le Gouvernement Ex^cutif, soit en vertu de Bills de Subsides passes par la Legislature Provinciale, ou autrernent. La propor- tion des sommes ainsi payees et de celles vot£es ou avancees pour Depenses Contingentes, ne parait pas dans le tableau mentionne ci-dessus, et Votre Comit6 n’a pas cru necessaire pour le moment de faire des re- cherches pour la faire ressortir. Pendant la meme periode le Revenu net de l'Acte de la 33e Geo. HI. chap. 8, qui 6tablit d’une ma- niere gGiGale un Fonds pour subvenir aux depenses de la Legislature, s’est rnontd a £66,019. 4s. 3d. ayant laisse a pourvoir, a meme d'autres Fonds, a un montant de £ 211,261. 12s. 8d. courant. L’insuffisance manifeste du Revenu de l’Acte prG cit£, et la complication qu’ii introduit dans la compta- bilite ainsi que dans le rbglement par la Loi des matieres de finances concernant cette partie du service public, auraient pu engager Votre Comite k recommander soit de pourvoir d une maniere plus ample aux monies De- penses, soit de rappeler la disposition generale d’ap- propriation du fonds ci-dessus, en le r^unissant au pro- duit des autres Droits d’entr£e percus en vertu d’au- torites differentes. Mais comme de semblables mesures se rattachent aur&glement general du systeme de Revenu et de Fi- nance, Votre Comite n'entrera pas plus avant pour le moment dans la consideration de cette partie du sujet. Le montant applique aux Depenses Contingentes des deux Chambres, a £t£ vot6 ou couvert, de temps a autre, soit dans les Bills d’appropriation, soit par des Bdls particulars qui faisaient bon du deficit dans les Fonds ci-dessus. La pratique de demander et d’obte- nir de semblables avances, et d’en faire bon ainsi qu’ii vient d etre dit, ayant ete constante et uniforme, Votre Comit^n’a pas cru devoir, pour etablir les points a lui refer6s, remonter au-delade la diteann^e 1832, epoque depuis laquelie le refus partial et inconstitutionnel du ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef de cette Province, d’a- vancer les sommes necessaires pour subvenir aux De- penses Contingentes de cette Chambre, a cr6e des dif- ficultes et a requis une attention plus particuliere au sujet. II sera facile dans l’examen prevu ci-dessus, de mettre en regard toutes les circonstances des depen- ses et des appropriations anterieures. Limitant done ses recherches aux trois annees prG c^dentes, Votre Comite voit que depuis et y compris l’ann6e tinie le 10 Octobre 1833, il a ete fait jusqua ce jour des avances, sur Adresses de cette Chambre, au montant de *£28,500 cours actuel, savoir : *£3,500 par Son 440 10 0 Februarii. A. 183.6, £3,500, by His Excellency Lord Aylmer, the late Go- vernor in Chief, on an Address of this House of the 1st December, 1832 ; £3,000, by the same, on an Address cf this House, of the 4th March, 1833, and .£22,000, by His Excellency the Right Honorable Lord Gosford, the present Governor in Chief of this Province, on an Address of this House of the 9th of November last ; which sum of £28,500, Your Committee recommend should be made good by Bill. Your Committee with- out entering upon the discussion of the peculiar privi- leges which may belong to one or the other House of Parliament on matters connected with this subject, also recommend that the sum of £3,356. 10s. 5d. currency, which appears to have been advanced by His Excel- lency Lord Aylmer for the Contingent Expenses of the Legislative Council in the course of the year ended on the 10th October, 1833, should also be made good, forming with the £28,500, above mentioned, a total of £31,856. 10s. 5d. currency. Your Committee are ig- norant what may have been the amount of the Contin- gent Expenses of the Legislative Council since the said period of 1832, over and above the £3,356. 10s. 5d. above mentioned. Your Committee believe that it will be time enough to enquire further into the subject, when Your Honorable House shall be engaged in con- sidering the Supplies asked for to pay divers arrears of the expenses of the Public Service. Your Honora- ble House had included, for the purpose last men- tioned, a vote of £2,475, sterling, in the Supply Bill passed by you in 1833, but which did not become law. The Balance of arrears asked for by the Executive, is £4,732. 1 6s. 9d. sterling. During the three years above mentioned ended on the 10th of Octobei, 1835, the nett Revenue collected under the Act of the 33rd Geo. III., Chap. 8, has been as follows : 1833 £3313 11 9 1834 2473 5 5 1835 1674 13 1 £7461 10 3 Son Excellence Lord Aylmer, ci-devant Gouverneur- en-Chef, par suite de l’Adresse de cette Chambre du Jer Decembre 1832 ; £3,000 par le meme, par suite de l’Adresse de cette Chambre du 4 Mars 1833, et £22,- 000 par Son Excellence le Tres-Honorable Lord Gos - Jord, Gouverneur en-Chef actuel de cette Province, par suite de l’Adresse de cette Chambre du 9 Novem- bre dernier ; de laquelle somme de £28,500 Votre Co- mite recommande de faire bon par une Loi. Votre Comile, sans entamer la discussion des privileges par- ticnliers qui peuvent appartenir a Pune ou a l’autre Chambre du Parlement sur les matures liees a ce sujet, recommande aussi qu'il soit fait bon de la somme de £3,356. 10s. 5d. courant, qui parait avoir et6 avanc^e par Son Excellence Lord Aylmer pour les Depenses Contingentes du Conseil Legislatif pendant le cours de Pannee terminee le 10 Octohre 1833, formant avec les £28,500 ci-dessus une somme totale dr £31,856. 10s. 5d. cours actuel. Votre Comit6 ignore quelles peuvent avoir ete depuis la elite dpoque de 1832, les Depenses Contingentes du Conseil Legislatif en sus des £3,356. 10s. 5d. mentionn^s ci-dessus : Votre Comite croit qu’il sera temps d’en enqu^rir ulterieurement, lorsque Votre Honorable Chambre s’occupera a prendre en consideration la demande d’allocation pour divers ar- rerages des Depenses du Service Public. Votre Ho- norable Chambre avait inclus pour cet objet un vote de £2,475 sterling dans le Bill des Subsides par elle passe en 1833, tnais qui n’est pas devenu Loi. La ba- lance d’arrerages demandee par l’Ex^cutifest de £4,732. 16s. 9d. sterling. Pendant les trois am£es ci-dessus, termin£es le 10 Octobre 1835, le Revenu net per 5 u en vertu de PActe de la 33e Geo. 111. Chap. 8, a 6te comme suit : — 1833 £3313 11 9 1834 2473 5 5 1835 1674 13 1 £7461 10 3 Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Friday next. Ordered, That the said Report be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Ordonne , Que le dit Rapport soit refe£ a un Co- mite de toute la Chambre, Vendredi prochain. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit imprime pour l usage des Membres de cette Chambre. The List o c Members of the Executive Council refer- red. On Motion of Mr. Blac/cburn, seconded by Mr. Clap - ham, Ordered, That the List of Members of the Executive Council of Lower Canada , delivered at the Bar of the House, on Wednesday the third instant, he referred to the Special Committee appointed to enquire concern- ing the Officers of the Executive Government, their number and functions, and the Salaries, Fees and Emo- luments received by each of them, and whether there is any improper cumulation of public offices in any one person, other than those provided for by the Bill for securing the dignity and independence of the Councils and Judiciary, passed in a former Session of the Pro- vincial Parliament, and, also, whether any reduction can be made in, or any regulation established with re- gard to, the Salaries, Fees and Emoluments, or the mode of conducting the public business by which the public good can be advanced. Sur Motion de M. Blackburn, seconde par M. Clap- ham, Ordonne , Que la Liste des Membres du Conseil Executif du Bas-Canada , remise a la Barre de cette Chambre, Mercredi le trois du courant, soit referee au Comite Special nomme pour faire une Enquete au sujet des Officiers du Gouvernement Executif, de leur nombre et de leurs fonctions, et des Salaires, Hono- raires et Emolumens que chacun d’eux re 9 oit, et pour constater si la mthne personne poss&de plusieurs em- plois incompatibles, autresque ceux auxquelsa pour- vu le Bill pour assurer la dignit6 et l independance des Conseils et des Juges, passe dans une des prec^dentes Sessions du Parlement Provincial ; et de constater aussi si 1’on pourrait opQer quelque reduction ou £ta- blir quelque reglement a lYgard des dits Salaires, Ho- noraires et Emolumens, ou concernant la maniere de conduire les Affaires Publiques, et par la promouvoir le bien public. Resolutions on Roads and Pub- lic Improve- Jaenti. Mr. Bardy, from the Committee of the whole House on the Third and Fourth Reports of the Standing Com- mittee of Roads and Public Improvements, reported, according to Order, the Resolutions of the said Com- mittee \ which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’i M. Bardy, du Comitd de toute la Chambre sur le Iroisieme et le Quatrieme Rapport du Comit£ Perma- nent des Chemins et des Ameliorations publiques, a fait rapport confornRment a l’Ordre, des Resolutions du dit Comite, lesquelles Resolutions ont 6te lues de nou- veau Liste de Mem- bres du Conseil Executif, re- feree. Resolutions sur les Chemins et ■ Ameliorations publiques, rap- portees. 6 Will. IV, 10® Februarii, 441 Lake St. Louis Survey Bill read the first time. Montreal Cus- tom House Bill read the second time. Committee on Normal Schools Bill. Committee on Petitions of Widow De Beaujeu, and others. Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followeth : 1. Resolved, That it is expedient that a sum not ex- ceeding Five hundred pounds currency, be granted to Ills Majesty, for the purpose of exploring : First The Lake St. Louis , from the head of the Lachine Canal to the Cascades : Second, The River St. Law- rence from the Cote d Coulonge to the Mill situated at the Cedars-. Third. From the Village of the Cedars to Cuteau du Lac : Fourth. That part of Lake St. Fran- cis with the limits of the Province of Lower Canada — Fifth. Also the South East side of the River St. Law- rence as well by water as by land, from the foot of the Cascades to the said Lake St. Francis. 2. Resolved, That it is expedient to grant to His Ma- jesty, an additional sum of Five hundred pounds cur- rency, as an aid towards surveying new lines with a view to the opening of navigable Canals corresponding to those of Upper Canada , on the River St. Lawrence , in case the Report of the persons making the survey of Lake SI. Louis , should shew that the waters of the said Lake will not admit of being navigated on the same scale with the Canals of Upper Canada , on the River St. Lawrence , and the Report of the persons making such survey shall state the probable cost of the Canals proposed to be made on any such new line, or of the new artificial works deemed necessary to overcome the obstacles to the navigation of the said Lakes; and, also, the probable expense of enlarging the Lachine Canal, and the Locks thereon, so as to correspond with the Canals of Upper Canada, on the River St. Lawrence. veau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptees par la Chant- bre ; et elles sont coinme suit : 1 Resolu, Qu’il est expedient d’accorder a Sa Ma- jesty unesomme n’exc^dant pas Cinq cents livres cou- rant, pour aider a faire faire I’exploration ; Preincre- ment, Du Lac St. Louis, a partir depuis la t6te du Ca- nal de La Chine , a aller jusqu’aux Cascades ; Seccnde- ment, Du Fleuve St.Laurent, depuis la Cote Coulonge jusqu’au Moulin des Cedres ; Troisiemement, Depuis le Village des Cedres jusqu’au Coteau du Lac ; QuatrCme- ment, De la partie du Lac St. Lran^ois, qui se trouve dans les limites de la Province du Bus-Canada - Cinquiemement, Aussi la Cote Sud-Estdu dit F.euve St. Laurent, tant par eau quepar terre, depuis le pied des Cascades jusqu’au dit Lac St. Francois. 2 Resolu, Qu’il est expedient d’accorder a Sa Ma- jeste une somme additionnelle de Cinq cents livres cou- rant, comme aide, pour faire explorer de nouvelles lo- calite's, afin de pouvoir ouvrir des Canaux navigables, correspondant a ceux du Haut-Canada, sur le Fleuve St. Laurent, si toutefois le Rapport des Explorateurs du Lac St. Louis constatait que les eaux du dit Lac ne permettent pas une navigation correspondante aux Ca- naux du Haut-Canada sur le Fleuve St. Laurent ; le Rapport des Explorateurs devant mentionner le cout probable des Canaux a faire sur une nouvelle ligne, ou des nouveaux travaux d’art pour surmonter les obstacles k la navigation des Lacs ; ainsi que le cout probable de l’elargissement du Canal de La Chine et de l’agrandissement de ses Ecluses, de maniere a cor- respondre aux Canaux du Haut-Canada , sur le Fleuve St. Laurent. Ordered, That Mr. Archamheault have leave to bring in a Bid to make provision for the Survey of Lake St. Louis, and other places. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Saturday next* Ordonne , Que M. Archamheault ait la permission Biiipouriv*. d’introduire un Bill pour pourvoir a l’exploration du i!ac a s°.? Loui., Lae St. Louis, et autres lieux. Iu la premiere 1 II a en consequence pr^sente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a 6te ordonn^e pour Satnedi prochain. A Bill to provide for the building of a Custom House in the City of Montreal, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered , That the said Bill be engrossed. Conform^ment a l’Ordre, un Bill pour pourvoir aBui P o U r j’erectiun d’une Maison de Douane dans la Cite de do^Tm™. Montreal, a ete lu une seconde fois. veai, iu une Ordonne , Que le dit Bill soit grossoye. 6efonde f°is. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to provide for the establishment of Normal Schools, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Letourneau took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Letourneau reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received to-morrow. L Oidie du jour poui que la Chambre se forme Oomitesurie en Comite sur le Bill pour pourvoir k 1 etablissement SLl5, E “'“ d scales Normales, ayant lu ; La Chambre s est en consequence forrnde en le dit Comite. M. Letourneau a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. FOrateura repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Letourneau a fait rapport que le Comitd avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amende- mens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit regu demain. The Order of the day for the Llouse in Committee on the Report of the Special Committee to whom were referred the Petition of Widow Jacques P. Saveme De Beaujeu, and George R. Saveuse De Beaujeu , Esquire, and the Petition of John McCuaig, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Johin took the Chair of the Committee ; and af- ter some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; i L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comite » U r i es Comite sur le Rapport du Comity Special auquel ont KKe 6te referees la Petition de Dame Veuve Jacques- P, Ue beaujeu, et Saveuse De Beaujeu et George- R. Saveuse de Beaujeu, autr * 5 ‘ Ecuyer, et la Petition de John McCuaig, ayant £t£ lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comity. M. Johin a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres v avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; 11° — u)° Februarii. A % 1836. 442 mi '^J, Thft'the Report be received on Saturday ^Ordonne, Que le Rapport sort recu Samedi pro- next. Third Report on Contingent Accounts, &c. deferred. Committee on Motion for an Instruction to the Committee of Education and Schools. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Third Report of the Standing Committee foi the Contingent Accounts and other objects connected with the internal Department of the House ot Assem- bly, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Saturday the twentieth instant. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on a Motion made, yesterday, by Mr. Tache , viz:“ lhat “ it be an Instruction to the Standing Committee or ««■ Education and Schools to whom was referred the « Bill to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and “ to provide for the further encouragement of Elemen- “ tary Education in this Province, to proportion the “ proposed votes of money for the promotion of Edu- “ cation in this Province, on the state of the popula- “ tion, and to amend the said Bill before they report « i t to this House, in such manner as to grant to, each “ County a sum proportionate to its population, be The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. „ , _ . t . , Mr. Viger took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein,, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Trois.emeR.p- J .r 1 T . . • / u port sur les De- Cornitc sur lc Troisicrnc rtcipport du Lomitc tcrniu* penses Contin- nent pour les Depenses Contingentes, et autres objets « lc - re - relatifs aux Departemens interieurs de la Chambre d’Assemblee, ayant etc. lu ; . Or dome , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Sa- medi, le vingt du courant. I cur une Committee on Depots of Pro- visions. The Older of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Petition of divers Ship Owners, Ship Masters, Merchants and others, and other references, being read ; xl • , The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. . _ , „ . , , Mr. Hardy took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; . And Mr. Bardxj reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered , That the said Committee have leave to sit ao-ain on Saturday next. ] ’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comit« Comile sur une Motion faile hier par M. Tache ; savoir : “ Qu’il soil une instruction an Comite Permanent pour “ l’Education et les Ecoles, auquel a ete retere le Bill lesEcoies. “ pour rappeler certains Actes y mentionnes, et^pour “ pourvoir ulterieurement a fencouragement de l’Edu- “ cation Elementaire en cette Province, de baser le “ Tableau des votes d’argent propos6 pour promou- “ voir l’Education en cette Province sur l’6tat de la “ population, et d’amender le dit Bill avant de le rap- “ porter a cette Chambre, de manure a accorder a cha- “ que Comt6 une somme proportionnee k sa popula- “ tion,” ayant Qelu ; ...... La Chambre s’est en consequence formCe en le dit ConiiU 4 . _ . . x M. Viger a pris le Fauteui! du Comite ; et apres y avoir si6g6 quelque temps, M.fOrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le' Premier Rapport du Comite Special auquel a ete referee la Petition de divers Propnetaires de Vaisseaux, Maitres de Vaisseaux, Marchands et autres, et autres references, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence form^e en le dit Comite. _ M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir si6ge quelque temps, M. 1’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. . Et M. Bardy a fait rapport que If Comit6 avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjomt de demander per- mission de sieger de nouveau. _ . Ordonne , Que le dit Comite ait la permission de singer de nouveau, Samedi prochain. Then, on Motion of Mr. De Tonnancour , The House adjourned. Viger, seconded by Mr. Co«it£ eur le* Depots de Pro- vision*. Alors. sur Motion de M. Viger, seconde De Tonnancour. La Chambre s’est ajournee. par M. eon. Appendix (E. E.) Thursday , 11 th February , 1836. m/j R Bedard, from the Standing Committee of ill Grievances, presented to the House the Sixth jtticeThomp- Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. . , For the said Report, see Appendix (E. E.) at the end of this Volume. . . . „ Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the said Re- port, with the Evidence and Documents therein men- tioned, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Bau'to amend Mr. Huot, from the Special Committee to whom •.ha Road Acts, were referred the Bill to amend a certain Act therein mentioned, Jeudi, 11 Fevrier 1836. Bedard, du Comit6 Permanent des Griefs, Sixieme , pr6sent6 a la Chambre le Sixieme Rapport du dit Comity lequel a et6 lu de nouveau a la Table du mu.Jjp Greffier. . , . Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (E. E.) a la fin A^pe^dice dece Volume. _ . Ordonne , Que deux cents Exemplaires du dit Rap- port, avec les Tthnoignages et Documens qui y sont mentionnes, soient imprimes pour 1 usage des Membies de cette Chambre. M. Iluot, du Comite Special auquel ont ete refers le Rapportsur Bill pour amender un certain Acte y mentionne, et qui g^ u e £ n ? e ‘ ! l ls 1 P Act( pourvoit detCtosmin*. 6 Will. IV. 11° Februarii. 4*3 Firth Report of Committee of Roads and Pub- lic Improve- ments. Appendix Report on Bill to prevent Duelling. Fourth Report of Committee of Public Ac- counts. Appendix (I.) Montreal Cu§- tom House Bill passed. Kotmal Schools Bill deferred. Call of the House deferred- Public Ac- counts and State of the Province deferred. Consideration of certain passages in Sir J. Col- borne’s Speech to the Legisla- ture of Upper Canada, defer- red. mentioned, and to make further provision for making, altering and repairing Highways and Bridges, and, also, the engrossed Bill from the Legislative Council, inti- tuled, “ An Act to amend the Act of the thirty sixth “ of George the r l hire!. Chapter nine, commonly called “ the Road Act,” reported that the Committee had gone through the first of the said Bills, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered , dhat the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on fuesdav next. Mr. Archambeault , from the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements, presented to the House the Fifth Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. For the said Report, see Appendix (A. A.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered , That the said Report be referred to the Com- mittee of the whole House on the Second Report of the said Committee. Mr. Grannis , from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to prevent Duelling, reported that the Committee had gone though the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, 1 hat the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Tuesday next. Mr. Be Witt , from the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, presented to the House the Fourth Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. For the said Report, see Appendix (I.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered , That the said Report be referred to the Committee of the whole House on the First, Second and Third Reports of the said Committee. ^ An engrossed Bill to provide for the building of a Custom House in the City of Montreal , was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered , That Mr. Leslie do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. The Order of the day for receiving the Report of the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to provide for the establishment of Normal Schools, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be postpo- ned till Saturday next. The Order of the day for the Call of the House, bein°" read ; ° Ordered, That the said Order of the day be postpo- ned till to-morrow. pourvoit a de nouvelles dispositions pour ouvrir, chan- ger et Sparer les Grands Chemins et Fonts, et le Bill grossoy6 du Conseil L4gislatif, intitule “ Acte pour “ amender 1’Acte de la Trente-sixieme de George Irois, Chapitre neuf, commun^ment ,appe!6 “ Acte des Chemins, a fait rapport que le Comity avait passci le premier des dits Bills, et y avail fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens ont et<§ lus de nou- veau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport, soient r4fer4s a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Mardi prochain. M. Archambeault , du Comit4 Permanent des Che- mins et des Ameliorations Publiques, a pr4sent6 ala Chambre le Cinqu^me Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (A. A A a la nu de Volume. ' Cinquieme Rapport du Co- mity des Che- mins et Amelio- rations Publt- ques. Appendice (A. A.) Ordonne , Que le dit Rapport soit ref6r6 au Comity de toute la Chambre sur le Second Rapport du dit Comite. M. Grannis. du Comite Special auquel a H6 r6f5. 44G 13 ° Feb ru aril . A ♦ 1836. cellency the Governor in Chief, and directed to the Returning Officer for the County of Saguenay, (Charles Pierre Huot, Esquire,) for the Election of a Member for the said County of Saguenay, in the room of Fran - cois Xavier Tessier, Esquire, deceased, Charles Drolet , Esquire, has been returned as duly elected accordingly, as appears by the return of the said Writ, dated the sixth day of February instant, which is lodged of record in tlMS ° ffiCe ' TI-IOS. AMIOT, Clk. Cr. in Chy. TV. B. Lindsay, Esquire, Clerk of the House of Assembly. Onane de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, et adresse a l’Officier Rapporteur pour le Comte de Sa- guenay ( Charles-Pierre Huot , Ecuyer,) pour ^Election d’un Membre pour le dit Comt6 de Saguejiay, en rem- placement de Franfois-Xavier Tessier, Ecuyer, decide, Charles Drolet, Ecuyer, a <§te rapporte dument elu en consequence, ainsi qu’il appert par le retonr du dit Writ, dat6 du sixieme jour de F^vrier present, lequel est depose dans ce Bureau pour faire foi. THOS. AMIOT, Greff. Cne. en Chie. JF.-B. IAndsay, Ecuyer, Greffier de la Chambre d’Assemblee. A Member lakes the oath and his seal. Charles Drolet Esquire, Member for the County of Charles Drolet, Ecuyer, Membre pour le Comte de Sa<’iienar havin^previously taken the Oath, according Saguenay, ayant prealablement prete ie Serment, con- £* n e e tpreDd ^guenay, ng pre y Cnmmi ssioners lhe fbrmement a la Loi, et sousent devant les Commis- son^ge. Un Membre ^evntenat having: previously taken tne vjatn, accorumg y — : g ’ merit et | fo Law and subscribed before the Commissioners the formement a la Loi, et souscrit devant les Commis- sonsi^e Roll containing the same, took his seat in the House. saires le Role qui le contient, a pns son siege dans la ° Chambre. Mr. Girouard, from the Special Committee to whom e 1 . v 1 1 rtf rhtD IT ru i cn * H riinf ll 1^ erection of Parishes, and the building of Churches, &c. Resolutions re- ^ygg referred the Resolution of this House : Fhat it is jatmg to the <{ expedient to explain and amend the Act passed in the “ first year of His present Majesty, intituled, “ An Act “ for ascertaining, establishing and confirming in a legal and regular manner, and for Civil purposes, the 1 a- “ rochial Subdivisions of various parts of this Province,” “ and, also, the Act or Ordinance of the thirty first “ year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the a Third, intituled, “ An Act or Ordinance concerning “ the building and repairing of Churches, Parsonage “ Houses and Church Yards,” and other references, with power to report by Bill or otherwise, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. For the said Report, see Appendix (B. B. B.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered, That five hundred Copies of the said Re- port, with’ the Evidence and Documents therein men- tioned, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. M. Girouard , du Comite Special auquel a ete referee “ u r llon la Resolution de cette Chambre, “ Qu’il est expedient relative a l*ertc- , ... y-1 I * ' linn (les I arois- d’expliquer et amender l’Acte pass6 dans la premiere ,iondcs iw- A ppendix (B.B. B.) v. w 1 1 V. .. v. . .. — , — - , ses et a la cons- annee du Regne de Sa p^sente Majeste, intitule, “ Acte pour constater, etablir et confirmer d line ma- “ niere legale et reguli^re, et pour les effets civils, les “ Subdivisions Paroissiales de differentes parties de “ cette Province,” et aussi l’Acte ou Ordonnance de “ la trente-et-unieme ann£e du llegne de Sa fene Ma- “jeste George Trois, intitule, “ Acte ou Ordonnance “ qui concerne la construction et la reparation des “ Eglises, Presbyt^res et Cimetieres,” et autres refe- rences, avec pouvoir de faire rapport par Bill ou autre- ment, a presente k la Chambre le Rapport du dit Co- mite, lequel a i Bill d Educa- , Bill d’Educa- les Ecoles, a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le _ tion Elemen- Bill pour rappeler certains Actes y mentionnes, et pour * aire - pourvoir ulterieurement a l’encouragement de l’Edu- cation Elementaire en cette Province, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Mardi prochain. Mr. Speaker communicated to the House, Extracts M. Dispatch to the Rom Despatch to the Lo'iver Canada Commissionei s, by JLower Canada - . -• r tt - i- 1 - * T ~ O ~ Com m issiotf^rs, him received from the Honorable the Speaker of the [nissiuuerb, rum . v v v* * * v " t J communicated Assembly of the Province of Upper Canada, and cer- io the i titled by the Clerk of the said Assembly. Mr. Morin moved, seconded by Mr. Perrault, That the said Documents be inserted in the Journal of this House. Mr. Vanfelson moved, seconded by Mr. Bedard, That the consideration of the said Motion be postpo- ned till Monday next. The House divided on the Question j and the names being called for they were taken down, asfolloweth : Yeas, l'Orateur a communique if la Chambre des Ex- ^' p r |‘ t h f a “" e traits d’une Depeche aux Commissaires du Bas Canada, com missaires qu’il a recus de l’Honorable Orateur de l’Assemblee de communiques a la Province du Haut Canada, et certifies par le Greffier ia Chambre. de la elite Assemble. M. Morin a propose, seconde par M. Perrault, Que les dits Documens soient inseres dans Ie Journal de cette Chambre. M. Vanfelson a propose, seconde par M. Bedard, Que la consideration de la dite Motion soit remise a Lundi prochain. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question, et les noms ayant £te demandes, ils ont et6 pris comme suit: Pour, 6‘ Will. IV. 13 ° Februarii. 417 Yeas, Messieurs Amiot, Bedard , Bertrand, Bouffard , Caron, Clap- ham, Deligny, l)e Tonnancour, Dubord, Fraser, Godbout, Guillet, Larue, Le Boutillier, Marquis, Methot, Moore, Noel, Power, Simon, Tache, Antoine Charles Taschereau, Vanfelson and Wells. (24.J Nays. Messieurs Bardy, Barnard, Berthelot, Besserer, Blanchard, Bouc, Boutillier, Cardinal, Careau, Cazeau, Cherrier, Child, Cote, Courteau, De Bleury, Deblois, De Witt, Jacques Dorion, Pierre Antoine Dorion, Joseph Toussaint Drolet, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Girouard, Grannis , Huot, Jobin, Kimber, Knight, La- fontaine, Leslie, Letourneau, Meilleur, Morin, Mousseau, Nelson, O’ Callaghan, Perrault, Picket, Raymond, Rocbrune dit Laroque, Rodier, Roy, Thibaudeau , Toomy, Trudel and Viger. ( 46. J So it passed in the Negative. Mr. Vanfelson then moved, seconded by Mr. Antoine Charles Taschereau, That the said Motion be referred to the Standing Committee of Privileges and Elections to search for precedents, and to report its opinion to this House, whether the said Communication made by Mr. Speaker is Parliamentary or not. The House again divided, and the names being called for they were taken down, as followeth : Yeas, Messieurs Baker, Beaudouin , Bedard, Bertrand , Bouffard, Caron, Clapham, Deligny, De Tonnancour , Dubord, Fraser, Guillet, Larue, Le Boutillier, Marquis, Methot, Moore, Noel, Power, Simon, Tache, Antoine Charles Taschereau , Vanfelson and If ells, (24.) Nays, Messieurs Amiot , Archambeault , Bardy, Barnard, Berthelot, Besserer, Blackburn, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouc, Boutillier, Cardinal, Careau, Cazeau, Cherrier, Child, Cote, Courteau, De Bleury, Deblois, De Witt , Jacques Dorion, Pierre Antoine Dorion, Joseph Toussaint Drolet, Charles Drolet , Fortin, Girouard, Godbout , Grannis, Gugy , Hebert, Huot, Jobin, Kimber, Knight , Lafontaine , Leslie, Letourneau , Morin, Mousseau, Nel- son, O'Callaghan, Perrault, Picket, Raymond, Rocbrune dit Laroque, Rodier, Roy, Joseph Andre Taschereau, Thibaudeau, Toomy, Trudel and Viger. (53.) So it passed in the Negative. The Question being then put on the main Motion. The House divided thereon : Yeas, 55. Nays, 20. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered, Accordingly. The said Documents are as followeth : Extract from Despatch to the Commissioners for Lower Canada, dated Downing Street, 17th July, 1835. “ Amongt the most pressing of these is the Financial “ question which has given rise to so protracted a con- “ troversy. “ After the several gradations through which this “ question has passed, it has at length assumed the fol- “ lowing shape : — As Representatives of the People of “ Lower Canada, the House of Assembly claim the “ right of appropriating to the Public Service, accord- “ ing to their own discretion, the whole of the Reve- “ nues of the Crown accruing within the Province: “ The claim extends to the proceeds of all Parliamen- “ tary and Provincial Statutes, whatever may have “ been the original conditions of these grants ; to the “ Funds drawn from the sale of Timber and of the “ Waste Lands of the Crown ; to all Fines and Forfei- “ tures ; and to the income derived from the Seigniorial “ Rights inherited by the King from His Royal Prede- “ cessors j in fine, the authority of the local Legisla- “ ture Pour, Messieurs Amiot, Bedard, Bertrand, Bouffard, Caron, Clap - ham, Deligny, De Tonnancour , Dubord, Fraser, Godbout , Guillet, Larue, Le Boutillier, Marquis, Methot, Moore , Noel, Power, Simon, Tache, Antoine-Charles Taschereau, Vanfelson, et Wells. ( 2A.) Contre, Messieurs Bardy, Barnard, Berthelot, Besserer, Blanchard, Bouc, Boutillier, Cardinal, Careau, Cazeau, Cherrier, Child C6te, Courteau, De Bleury,] Deblois, DeWitt, Jacques Dorion, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Joseph- Toussaint Drolet, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Girouard, Grannis, Huot, Jobin, Kimber, Knight, Lafon- taine, Leslie, Letourneau, Meilleur, Morin, Mousseau, Nelson, O’ Callaghan, Perrault, Picket , Raymond, Rocbrune dit Laroque, Rodier, Roy, Thibaudeau, Toomy, Trudel et Viger. (46.) Ainsi elle a pass£ dans la Negative. M. Vanfelson a alors propose, seconde par M. Antoine- Charles Taschereau , Que la dite Motion soit referee au Comite Permanent des Privileges et Elections, pour faire des recherches de prec£dens, et rapporter son opinion a cette Chamhre, si la dite Communication faite par M. l’Orateur est Parlementaire ou non. La Chambre s’est divisee de nouveau ; et les noms ayant £te demandes, ils ont ^te pris comme suit : Pour, Messieurs Baker, Beaudouin , Bedard, Bertrand, Bouffard, Caron , Clapham , Deligny , De Tonnancour, Dubord, Fraser , Guillet, Larue, Le Boutillier , Marquis , Methot, Moore, Noel, Power, Simon, Tache , Antoine- Charles Taschereau , Vanfelson et H ells. (24.) Contre, Messieurs Amiot, Archambeault, Bardy, Barnard, Berthelot, Besserer, Blackburn, Blanchard , Blanchet, Bouc, Boutillier, Cardinal, Careau, Cazeau, Cherrier, Child, Cote, Courteau, De Bleury , Deblois , De Witt, Jacques Dorion, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Joseph-Toussaint Drolet, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Girouard, Godbout, Grannis , Gugy, Hebert, Huot , Jobin , Kimber , Knight, Lafontaine , Leslie, Letourneau, Morin , Mousseau, Nel- son, O'Callaghan, Perrault, Picket, Raymond, Rocbrune dit Laroque , Rodier, Roy, Joseph-Andre Taschereau , Thibaudeau, Tooimj, Trudel, et Viger. (53.) Ainsi elle a pass£ dans la Negative. La Question ayant £t6 alors mise sur la Motion prin- cipal, La Chambre s’est divisee sur icelle : Pour, 55. Contre, 20. Ainsi elle a et6 emportee dans 1* Affirmative, et Ordonne, En consequence. Les dits Documens sont comme suit : Extrait d’une Depeche adressee aux Commissaires du Bas-Canada, datee Downing Street, 17 Juillet 1835. “ Parmi les plus pressantes se trouvela Question des “ Finances qui a donne lieu a une discussion aussi pro- “ longee. “ Apres avoir passe par diverses phases, cette ques- “ tion a enfin pris la forme suivante f - — Comme Repre- “ sentant le Peuple du Bas-Canada, la Chambre d’As- “ semblee reclame le droit d’approprier tous les Reve- “ nus de la Couronne dans la Province au Service “ Public, selon sa discretion. Cette reclamation s’etend “ aux Revenus preleves en vertu de tous les Actes “ Britanniques ou Provinciaux, quelles qu’aient pu “ etre les conditions primitives de ces Octrois ; aux “ Fonds provenant de la vente des Bois, et des Terres “ incultes de la Couronne ; a toutes les Amendes et “ Confiscations ; et aux Revenus provenant des Droits “ Seigneuriaux dont le Roi a herite de ses Predeces- “ seurs Royaux. Enfin, 1’on declare que l’autorite de “ la Legislature locale sur le Revenu et la Depense de “ la A. 183 6. 448 1 Fehruarii. .. ture over the income and expenditure of the Province „ declared to be so extensive, as to embrace every «« . f rtf that receipt and outlay, and so alienable as “ to supersede even the concessions deliberately made «« in preceding times by the former Representatives o « Without pausing to discuss the great Constitu- “ tional questions which these claims .involve I con- « tent myself with referring to the undoubted fact, that “ the Kings of England have at all times been, m ri 0 , of their Crown, "in possession of certain sources of .« Revenue peculiarly their own, and of which they « could not be divested except by their own conse . « In modern times, as is well known, the conti ol o “ Parliament over this Revenue in these Kingdoms, “ has been established on the Accession of each .So c “ reign to the Throne, by a solemn compact made be- “ tween the Crown and the House of Lords and Com “ mons. If therefore the King were disposed .o insist “ upon positive Law, ancient practice, or constitutional “ analogy, His Majesty might readily vindicate His « ricrht to dispose of the Territorial, Hereditary and “ Casual Revenue of the Crown, arising in Lower • Ca- “ nada, towards the maintenance of the Civil Goxein- « ment in that part of His Dominions. But anxious to » render His Reign a blessing to His Canadian Subjects, “ His Majesty is prepared to decline taking tins grou , “ and to refe^ the decision of the question to the single “ test of the advantage or disadvantage to t “ vince, with which the proposed cession would be at- “ tended. It would be difficult to imagine any pecu- “ niary sacrifice which would not be wisely incurred in “ purchasing a peaceful settlement of the dissensions “ of the last fifteen years. “If pecuniary interests alone were at stake, tie “ King would not hesitate to make this cession per ma- “ nently and without conditions. They must d m- “ deed have understood the character and policy ol the “ British Government, who may have supposed that the peace and well-being of this great Empire has «• been put to hazard in a prolonged contest with t e “ most valuable of its foreign dependencies, for the “ sake of a sum of money so insignificant, as to De “ scarcely perceptible in the Financial operations ot “ Great Britain, and of no considerable amount even .. i„ These Of Lower Canada. During the progress of this controversy, there have been expended by Par- “ liament for objects altogether Canadian sums, com “pared with which, the utmost demand that has beer. “ made on the liberality of the House of Assembly lot “ the support of the Executive Government of the Ft o- «* vince is altogether trivial. The real importance of con- « necting the surrender of the Hereditary and Ternto- “ rial Revenue with some reservation or conditions for “ the support of the Civil Government, and for the ad- “ ministration of Justice, rests upon grounds far higher “ than any which could be brought to a pecuniary mea- “ surement. There are objects, essential as it would “ seem, to the welfare of His Majesty’s Canadian Sub- “ jects, which could not probably be secured if that “surrender were made unconditionally In t nsview “ of the question, His Majesty is bound not to relin- “ quish the appropriation of Funds which the Law and “ the Constitution have placed at His disposal, without “ making a stipulation suggested exclusively by His “ care for the common benefit ot Ilis people. “ Amongst the foremost of the objects which His “ Majestv is thus bound to rescue from a piecarious “ support, are the Independence of the Judges and the “ pure administration of the Law. From the commence- “ ment of Ilis Reign, it has been the constant and “ persevering « | a province, est si etendue qu’elle embrasse toutes “ les parties de ce Revenu et de cette D^pense ; et si “ inalienable, qu’elle abroge toutes les Concessions que “ les premiers Representans du Peuple Canadien ont “ faites autrefois, apres mure deliberation. tt Sans m’arreter a discuter les grandes Questions “ Constitutionnelles que ces reclamations soulevent, je « nl e contenterai d’en appeler a un fait certain ; c est “ one les Hois d ’ Angleterre ont de tout temps par e “ droit de leur Couronne, possede certames sources de “ Revenu qui leur appartenaient a eux particul.ere- “ ment et dont on ne pouvait les depouiller sans leur « nropre consentement. Dans les temps modernes, “ com me on le sait, le controle du Parlement sur ce “ Revenu, dans ces Royaumes, a £teetabli, a 1 avene- “ ment de chaque Souverain au Trone par un pacte “ solennel, entre la Couronne etles Chambres des Loids ‘ et Jes Communes. Si done le Roi dta.t dispose a .. insister sur la l.oi positive, I’ancien usage ou 1 analo- .. „ie constitutionnelle, Sa Majeste pourrait a.sdment .. faire triompher le droit qu’elle a de disposer des Re- “venus Territorial, Hereditaire et Casuel de la Cou- “ ronne, dans le Bas-Canada , pour le soutien du Gou- “ vernement Civil dans cette partie de ses possessions. “ Mais desirant que son Rfegne soit un Regne de bon- “ heur pour ses Sujets Canadiens, Sa Majeste est dis- “ posee a ne pas se prevaloir de ce droit, et de laisser “ decider cette Question sous le simple rapport de 1 a- “ vantage ou du desavantage que la cession projetee “ pourrait produire a la Province. 11 serait difficile de “ croire qu’il ne serait pas sage de faire aucun sacrifice “ p^cuniaire pour terminer a l’amiable des dissentions « qui existent depuis quinze ans. . . “ S'il n’y avait que des interets pecumaires en ques- “ tion, le Roi n’hesiterait pas a faire cette cession d’une “ manure permanente et sans condition. 11 taut en “ verite avoir mal compris le caractere et la politique « du Gouvernement Britannique, poar supposer que la “ paix et le bien-etre de ce grand Empire aient ete mis « en danger par une contestation prolong^e avec une “des plus importantes de ses possessions etrangeres, “ pour une somme de Deniers si minime qu elle est a “ peine perceptible dans les operations financieres de la “ Grande-Brelagne , et meme peu considerable dans “ celles du Bas Canada. Pendant la duree de cette “ contestation, le Parlement a depense pour des objets « absolument Canadiens, des sommes auxquelles on a n’oserait comparer la somme la plus considerable “ qu’on ait jamais reclamee de la liberalite de 1 Assem- “ blee pour le Soutien du Gouvernement Executit de la “ Province. L’importance reelle qu’il y a d’attacher a “ l’abandon des llevenus hereditaires et territoriaux, “ quelque reserve ou quelques conditions pour le sou- “ tien du Gouvernement Civil et de l’admimstration de “ la Justice, est appuyee sur des considerations beau- “ coup plus elevees que celles d’une nature p^cumaire. “ II y a des objets qui paraissent essentiels au bien-etre “des Sujets Canadiens de Sa Majeste, et que l’on ne u pourrait obtenir si l’on faisait cet abandon incondition- “ nellement. En envisageant la Question sous ce point “ de vue Sa Majesty ne doit ceder l’appropnation des “ Fonds que la Loi et la Constitution ont places a sa “ disposition, sans faire une stipulation que sa solhci- “ tude seule lui a suggeree pour l’avantage commun de “ Un des premiers objets que Sa Majeste est obligee “ de retirer de cet etat precaire, e’est 1 independance “ des Juges, et l’administration integre des Lois._ De- “ puis le commencement de Son Regne, Sa Majeste a « f a it des efforts constans et perseverans pour rendre les “ Juges e Win. iv. “ persevering effort of His Majesty to render the “ Judges of the Superior Courts in Lower Canada in- “ dependent alike of the Crown for the tenure of their “ Offices, and of the Representatives of the People for “ their annual Emoluments. In the various documents “ already noticed, you will find the history of those attempts, and a full explanation of the causes to which then failure is to be ascribed ; yet a review of “ the Joui rials of the Assembly will, 1 think, convince “ you that between that House and His Majesty’s Go- “ vernment no real, or at least no irreconcileable difle- “ rence of opinion exists on this subject ; — on the con- “ trary, you will find that respecting the general prim “ cipleson which we must proceed, a perfect unanimity “ has prevailed. It is fully admitted that the Judges “ ought to hold their Offices, not at the pleasure of the “ King, but during good behaviour; and that their “ official incomes should be paid, not at the pleasure of “ th e popular branch of the Legislature, but from ade- “ quate funds to be irrevocably pledged for that pur- “ pose. With respect to the erection of a tribunal for “ the trial of impeachments preferred against the “ Judges, no plan has been suggested, nor consistently “ with the principles of the Constitution of the Pro- “ Gnce, could any scheme be devised, excepting that of “ bringing such Judges to trial before the Legislative “ Council, or before His Majesty, acting on the advice “ of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in “ this Kingdom. Impartiality, with a perfect exemp- tion from all local influences, is the fust and es- sential atliibute of any Court which may be invested “ witl1 such powers, and as the King cannot indulge any reasonable hope of finding those qualities com- “ bined in any Tribunal within the Province itself, (un- “ (ess perhaps in the Legislative Council) His Majesty is not prepared to assent to any scheme divesting “ himself, acting upon the Constitutional advice of His liivy Council, of the authority which has ever been exeicised by the Kings of this Realm, on occasions “ °1 the same nature, and since the earliest settlement of the Colonial portion of the British dominions. 1 his then will be one of the subjects of your ear- liest enquiry ; and you will endeavour to suggest the “ P' 311 P f a law, in which there may be good ground to “ anticipate the concurrence of the House of Assem- “ bly, for the security of Judicial independence, if this can be effected, one of the chief difficulties which “ might otherwise obstruct the cession of the Reve- “ nues, will be overcome. “ The regard which it is His Majesty’s duty to main- tain for the welfare of the People of Lower Canada , appeals to forbid a surrender of the Revenues of the “ Crown in that Province to the appropriation of the Legislatuie, unless some condition be further made for the support of the Executive Government by an “ adequate Civil List. I pass over without any direct notice, the grounds on which the contending parties in the Province have, “ on the one hand urged the necessity of such a stipula- “ tion, and on the other hand denied that it could be safe- ly or constitutionally admitted. V on will readily learn “ from various Public Documents which will be pressed “ upon your attention in the Province itself, what are “ the arguments to which I refer. I cannot, however, abstain fiom recording in this place the principal con- side! ations which appear to make it necessary that “ the concession about to be made to the Provincial “ Legislature should be qualified by the demand of a “ proper Civil List. A constant altercation between the House of As- Vol.— 45, sembly, 449 •luges des Cours Sup&ieures du Bas-Canada indepen- dans, taut de la Couronne, pour la possession de leurs chaiges, que des Representans du Peuple, pour leurs t molumens annuels. Vous trouverez dans les divers documens dont on a deja parle, l’histoire de ces ten- tatives, et une explication des causes auxquelles on {>eut attiibuer leur manque de success ; cependant, en lisant les Journaux de 1’AssembEe, vous vous convaincrez, je crois, qu’entre cette Chambre et le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, il n’existe pas une dif- ference d’opinion l^elle, ou an moins irreconcilable sur ce sujet ; au contraire vous verrez que par rap- „ l )ortaLIX pnncipes gen^raux d’apres lesquels on doit proceder, il a regn£ une unanimite parfaite. II est pleinement reconnu que les Juges devraient tenir leurs Charges non pas durant le plaisir du Roi, mais “ durant bonne conduite ; et que leurs Salaires comme Juges devraient etre payes, non pas suivant le plaisir „ de la Blanche populaire de la Legislature, mais sur des fonds suffisans destines irrdwocablement pour cet °bjet. Quant a 1 erection d’un Tribunal pour le “ PJ 0C fs cles accusations portees contre les Ju<^es, il “ n ! a S'iggere aucun plan ; et il ne pouvait pas non plus en etre projete aucun qui fut en harmonie avec les Pnncipes de la Constitution de la Province, ex- ccpte celui de faire snbir a ces Juges leur proems “ devant le Conseil Legislatif, ou devant Sa Majeste, ({ a g ls sant d apres J’avis du Comitd Judiciaire du Con- “ seil prive de ce Hoyaume. L’impartialite et l’ab- sence de toute influence locale sont les attributions “ pnncipales et essentielles d’une Cour revetue de “ I jareils pouvoirs ; et comme le lloi ne peut pas rai- “ sonna blement esperer trouver ces qualites reunies ( ans aucua Iribunal de la Province meme, (a moins “ peut-etre que ce ne soit dans le Conseil Legislatif,) “ Sa Majeste n’est pas disposee a sanctionner, d’apres “ . avis Constitutionnel de son Conseil Prive, aucune “ mesure qui tendrait a la depouilier de l’autorite que “ les Rois de ce Royaume out toujours exercee dans “ des occasions semblables, depuis les premiers eta- “ blissemens des Colonies Britanniques. Cela sera done un des premiers objets que vous considererez ; et vous tacherez de suggerer le proiet “ d ’ une Loi Pbur assurer Pindependance des Juges, auquel il pourra y avoir de bonnes raisons de cioire que la Chambre d Assemblee voudra concou- “ 1 ' lr ‘ Sl ce,a P eut s’effectuer, l’on aura surmonte Pune “ des pnncipales difficult^, qui pourrait autrement “ presenter un obstacle a la Cession des Revenus. “ La soilicitude que Sa Majeste doit avoir pour le “ oien-etre du Peuple du Bas-Canada , semble s’oppo- “ sf a l’abandon des Revenus de la Couronne dans la 1 rovince, a la disposition de la Legislature; a moins “ T ,e celle-ci n’accorde une Liste Civile suffisante pour “ l e soutien du Gouvernement Ex^cutif. “ de n,? n i appesantirai pas sur les raisons sur lesquel- les l es oifferens partis politiques dans la Province, se sont appuyes, 1 un pour demontrer la n^cessite d’une ** sem blable stipulation, et l’autre pour nier que cela “ P 0UITait s e faire avec surete ou constitutionnellement. Vous connaitrez bientot par les divers Documens “ publics sur lesquels on appellera votre attention dans * t ! a j, 1 . 0vlllce , m eme, quels sont les argumens auxquels “ je fais allusion. Je ne puis, cependant, m’empecher de mentionner ici les principales considerations qui “ para is sent exiger que la concession que l’on va faire “ a la Legislature Provinciale soit accompagnee de la “ demande d’une Liste Civile convenable. “ ^ es difficultes continuelles entre la Chambre d’As- ^ “ semblee 13 ° Februarii \ a a u a €6 it it it a a a \3° Fehruariu A. 1 836 . 450 «c o vc ^ dTsthictly^ admitteefas oL of the component and inse- “ or „ the Tudees has been recommended by the King an adtni ed by the Assembly, inapplicable to the case ofThe principal Officers of the Local Government. “ Thev have frequently unpopular duties to peiloim , .. they are not seldom called to oppose the pass.ons and J . r , ,i i „ , , . onrl for the permanent wed be “ v io y brave die displeasure of popular leaders. They’ should, therefore, be raised above all ortority of the Laws mainly depend .annul 1 not be i i • -Cnr thpir subsistence to the fcivoi ot & l>ocly I: '^truecelsariW reS most of the fluctuating “ movements of the public mind. Such are tlie ptm- “ cipal motives which induce me to conclude that « Zg could not consistently with the interests of h “ Canadian subjects, relinquish, except in retain fo “ adequate Civil List, the control which Hie Majesty at “ present exercises over the Hereditary and lemtonal ^iTwdTbe for you to consider and report what ought »« to be the precise terms of this stipulation. . “ semblee et le Gouvernement Executif au sujet des «< emolumens officiels des principaux Officiers de la “ Couronne ne feraient qu’avilir le caractere i e ces .. Officiers, et particulierement celm du Gonverneui, a “ qui les prerogatives dela Couronne ontete dcleguc . « La tendance de ces difficultes aurait inevnablement “ l’effet de faire perdre a ces Fonctionnaires lesUme mihlinue, et de les faire regarder comme des 1 en “ sionnaires qui dependent de la bbirahte tardive i des “ Uepresentans du People, tandis que le bien-et.e com- “ mun de la societe extge evidemment qu i s soient ,1 ™ ectes comme Ministres du Rot qui , quo, que sou- f une juste re.pona.bilW, a la vdnte do, vent .. exercer cependant avec liberie et ,, les .. pouvoirs qui leur ont ete confies pour I'avantage du “ “tation continuelle Tune Question si susc^U- « ble d’ltre envisagee sous un jour oclieux, est a peme „ Zoatible avec la marche calme et ferme de la par- » tie la plus importante des affaires puhhques dont s son “ charges les Fonctionnaires les plus eleves du Gou- o vernement. Cette agitation pour™. : »» leurfetr^e “ tort directement ainsi qu a la socict < _ « quelle ils sont places, en mettant X .« n ien t en question et d’une mamere offensante, la re » numeration qu’ils regoivent, et en eloignant egale- « m ent ^attention publique des services qu ilsontrendus “ nnnr frafrner cette indemnite pccuniane. ?• Lalafantie que 1’octroi dune Liste C.v.le donne- .. rail au Gouvemeur et a ses prmetpaux Office s •• fortifierait le lien qui unit le Canada aux ^autres p« “ de. 1’ Em pi re Britanujque Ce se ,f 1 , admjnistratio „ “ naissance formelle du puncipe que (les “ dps affaires dela Province par un Gouvemeur et aes .. Officiers nommes par le Roi, forme une partte mhe- „nte et esse, nielle de la Constitution Provtnctale.- - Discuter d annee en annee si Ton accordera ou non V SC o , - 1__ ,, nm . nlV er ces Fonctionnaires, ce serait .‘des Subsides pour payer c es*o charges “presque reconnaitre que 1 existenc debattre .. est elle-metr.e une question que 1 on pent debattre „ tons les ans. Dans une partte ausst reculee des 1 os- • i c i\/i IqcIp il pc;t narticulffirement neces “ sessions de Sa Majeste, n est \ , “ saire que 1'autorite Royale represent^ pa les Ulh “ ciers de Sa Majeste, soit reconnue tres-distinctemem « comme un desprincipes inherens et inseparables “ ^EUesmtifs qui ont porte le Roi ft recommander “ 1 -independance des Juges, et la Chambre Assem- “ blee a l'admettre, sont ausst apphcables aux prin cioaux Officiers du Gouvernement local. Us ont “ solvent des devoirs a remplir qui ne sont pas popu „ et l n’est pas rares quM soient appeles a s op- .. ooser aux passions etaux agitations du jour, eta bra- « Merles mecontentemens des chefs du part, poptdatre «« nour le bien-etre permanent de la soeffite. On do .. mt consequent lei mettre a I’abrl de toute influence, » It de tout soupcon d’etre influences par la crainte on “ la faveur. Les intf-rets de la liberrt et dur , be “ Gouvernement exigent que ceux sui la ferme te et “ la Constance desquels le mamtien de 1 ordree^ de a <« torite des Lois depend pnncipalement, n attenaeni “ nas leur subsistand de la faveur d’un corps qui pa.- “ t-m-eet reflechit la plupart des mouvemens variables .< uL-esnrit public. Tela sont les principaux mo ifa =5 -wB^irESS ^ L* pii consultant les interets de ses Sujets uanaaiens, pas, en consul icui i. vTr,;pste exerce main- tenant 0 ""^ le^Revenu’ Wreditie et territorial, “ excente moyennant une Liste Civile suffisante. “c-esi h vous de considercr et de rapporter quelle. .. devront etre les conditions de cet arrangement 6 Will. IV. 1 3° Februarii. 451 “ rary cession of the Revenue in return for a provision “ tor the chief Public Officers of the Province for a cor- “ responding period, would be the most satisfactory “ arrangement. In the rapid progress of settlement in “ the Canadian Provinces, a few years will probably be “ productive of changes, demanding a corresponding “ alteration in the terms of any adjustment concluded “ at the present period ; and a decennial revision of the “ compact now to be made, would seem best calculated “ to secure those public benefits and avert those public “ evils, by the hope or fear of which the compact itself u is recommended. “ however, a temporary settlement to be renewed “ from time to time, should prove impracticable, or “ upon a closer consideration of the subject should seem “ to you inexpedient, you will consider in what manner “ the inconveniences inseparable from the permanent “ adjustment of such a question can be most effectually “ mitigated or avoided. “ The opponents of the claims preferred by the House of Assembly to the control of the Territorial Revenue * insist with peculiar emphasis, that the necessary “ effect of yielding to this claim would be to transfer “ from the Executive Government to the popular Branch of the Legislature, the management of the un- “ cleared Territory, asserting that the assumption of “ this duty by the House of Assembly would be most “ injurious to the Agricultural and Financial interests “ of Lower Canada. “ Were the right of appropriating the Revenue arising “ from the Crown Lands and the charge of their ma- “ nagement indissolubly connected, I should admit this reasoning to be correct. The objections to the com- “ binations in the same hands of a large share of the “ Legislative power with so important a branch of the “ Executive authority, are too obvious to escape your “ notice ; and I, therefore, may without inconvenience “ abstain from a particular explanation of them. It “ may be sufficient to say, that His Majesty’s confiden- “ tial advisers regard as conclusive and unanswerable, “ the objections which are made to confiding the ma- “ nagement of the uncleared Territory of Lower Canada “ to either or both of the Houses of General Assembly, “ or to persons appointed by them and subject to their “ control. “ In the distribution of the different powers ot the “ State, the office of settling and alienating the unclear- “ ed Territory properly belongs to the Executive Go- vernment. “ It is competent to the Legislature upon this as up- “ on other subjects to lay down general rules for the “ guidance of the Executive authorities, or either Branch “ of the Legislature may separately offer its advice “ t0 the Crown as to the policy and system ofmanage- “ ment which it thinks should be pursued; but the “ practical application of such general rules, and the “ charge of carrying into effect the system of manage- “ ment which may be approved, are so strictly of an “ Executive and Administrative character, that they “ can only be properly discharged by those in whose “ hands all similar powers are lodged by the Constitu- “ tion. Nor am I aware of any ground on which a “ surrender of that trust could be properly required from His Majesty, or which would justify the resig- “ nation of it by the King.” Truly extracted from the Journal of Assembly. JAMES FIZTGIBBON, SOth January 1836. Clerk. “ cession temporaire du Revenu moyennant l’octroi des “ Salaires des priucipaux Officiers Publics de la Province “ pour le memo espace de temps, serait I’arrangement le “ plus satisfaisant. H’apres les progres rapides que font “ les btablissemens dans les Provinces Canadiennes, 1’es- “ pace de quelques annees produira peut-etre des “ changemens qui exigeront des alterations proportion- “ n^es dans les conditions de l’arrangenient actuel ; et “ une revision decennale du pacte qui est sur le point “ ( le se faire, parait le moyen le plus propre a assurer “ les avantages, ou a faire eviter les maux publics, sur “ 1’esperance ou la crainte desquels la recommandation “ de cette mesure est fondee. “ Si cependant un arrangement temporaire, renou- “ ve le de temps autre, devenait impraticable ; ou, si “ apr^s avoir consider^ le sujet avec plus d’attention, “ I* nevous paraissait pas convenable, vous examinerez “ a l° rs de quelle maniere on pourra le plus efficace- ment mitiger ou eviter les inconveniens inseparables “ de l’arrangement permanent de cette Question. “ Ceux qui s’opposent aux pretentions de la Cham- “ d’Assemblee, de controler le Revenu Territorial, “ insistent avec force que la cession de ce droit aurait “ 1 cffet de transferer a la Branche populaire de la Le- “ gislature la regie des Terres incultes de la Cou- “ ronne, et ils declarentque l’envahissement de ce pou- “ voir par la Chambre d’Assemblee, serait tres-pr6judi- “ ciable a l’Agriculture et aux Finances du Bas-Canada. “ J’admettrais que ce raisonnement est juste, si le “ droit d’affecter le Revenu provenant des Terres de la “ Couronne, et la r^gie de ces Terres, etaient liees en- “ semble d’une maniere indissoluble. Les objections “ qu’jl y a a confier aux mbmes mains une partie con- “ siderable du Pouvoir Legislatif, et une portion im- “ portantede l’Autorite Executive, sont trop evidentes “ P 0Ul ' cchapper a votre attention ; je puis done, sans “ inconvenient, m’abstenir de vous en parler plus parti- “ culibrement. II suffira peut-6tre de dire que les “ Conseillers confidentiels de Sa Majeste regardent “ comme concluantes et sans replique, les objections “ qu’on oppose pour empecher de confier la regie des “ Terres incultes du Bas-Canada a Pune ou l’autre “ Chambre d’Assemblee gemTale, ou a des personnes “ nominees par elles, ou sujettes a leur controle. “ Dans la distribution des differens pouvoirs de l’Etat, “ letablissement et l’alienation des Terres incultes est “ proprement du ressort du Gouvernement Executif. “ La Legislature pent a la verite etablir des regies “ gtffierales sur cetobjet, comme sur bien d’autres, pour “ servir de guide a l’Executif; l’une ou l’autre Branche “ 6e l a Legislature peut aussi donner son avis a la Cou- “ r °nne sur la politique, ou le systeme de tegie qu’elle “ pense que Pon devrait suivre ; mais l’application pra- “ tique de ces regies gfffieraies, et le soin de mettre k “ e ff et l e syst&me de r^gie que Pon pourrait approuver, “ sont des fonctions qui sont tellement du ressort du “ Gouvernement Executif et Administratif, que Pon £ ne peut convenablement en charger d’autres per- “ sonnes que celles que la Constitution a revetues de “ semblables pouvoirs. Je ne connais aucunes raisons ‘ 6 sur lesquelles on puisse convenablement s’appuyer ‘ s pour demander a Sa Majest6 d’abandonner ce con- “ trole, ou qui puissent justifier le Roi de s’en desister.” Extrait fidele des Journaux de l’Assemblee, JAMES FITZGIBBON, Greffier. 30 Janvier 1836. Extract Ex trait A i 1 836 . 1 o° Februariu 4 52 Extract of a Dispatch to the Canada Commissioners, dated 17th July 1835. “ In the 92 Resolutions of the Session of 1834, in the Address to His Majesty of that year, and in the « Address adopted in the Session which closed abrupt- J°bin, from the Committee of the whole House Bea°u W e?and on . tke Report of the Special Committee to whom were others, reported, i ef'en ed the Petition of Widow Jaccjues P. Saveuse De Beaujeu, and George R. Saveuse De Beaujeu, Es- quire, and the Petition of John McCuaig, reported, according to Order, the Resolutions of the said Com- mittee ; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followeth : 1. Resolved, That it is expedient to remedy and cor- rect a certain error contained in the Proclamation of His Excellency Sir Alured Clarice, bearing date the 18th November 1791, and in a certain other Order of His Majesty in Council, of the month of August pre- ceding, relative to the Division Line between "this Pro- vince and that of Upper Canada, in such manner as to remove all doubt that the Western Line of the Seigni- ory of New Longueuil, as established by the Title D?eds and ancient possession of the Seigniors, is, throughout the whole depth of the said Seigniory, the Division Line between the two Provinces. Resolved, That it is expedient to amend the Act of the 1st H ill. IV. Cap. 15, in such manner that the Commissioners shall not proceed otherwise than in. con- formity to the preceding Resolution. snir/'tried 01 * ^ r * Letomrneau, from the Committee of the whole i nd amended. House on the Rid to provide for the establishment of Normal Schools, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said’ Bill which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table! Ordered, That the Question of concurrence be now separately put upon the said amendments. And the first of the said amendments being again read ; Ordered, That the said amendment be struck out and the following substituted : “ The Bishops, Vicars “ General, Archdeacons, Rectors, Curates, Pastors and other Piiests and Ministers of Religion, entitled to “ kee P Registers for ascertaining the civil condition “ of the Inhabitants of the said Cities, the Superiors “ and Directors of the Colleges, and the Professors of Btlles Betties, Rhetoric anu Natural History in the “said Colieges, the Judges of the Court of Kin«‘ jeu et George-R. Saveuse de Beaujeu, Ecuyer, et la l6es - * PP ' 1 etition de John McCuaig, a fait rapport, conforme- ment a l’Ordre, des Resolutions du dit Comite, les- quelles Resolutions ont ete lues de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptees par la Chambre ; etelles sont comme suit : 1 Resolu, Qu il convient de corriger et amender une certain e erreur contenue dans la Proclamation de Son Excellence Sir Alured Clarke, en date du 18 No- vernbre 1791, et dans un certain ordre de Sa Majeste en Conseil, du mois d’Aout precedent, an sujet de la Ligne de division entre cette Province et celle du Haut- f anada,i\o manure a faire disparaitre tout doute quant a ce que la Ligne Ouest de la Seigneurie de la Nouvelle Longueuil telle qu’etablie d’apr^s les Titres et 1’an- cienne possession des Seigneurs, soit, jusqua ia pro- fondeur d icelle, la Ligne de division entre les deux Provinces. 2. Resolu, Qu'il convient d’amender PActe de la lere Guilt. IV. Chap. 15, de maniere a ceque les Com- missai res ne precedent que conformement a la Reso- lution precedente. M. Letouriieau, du Comite de toute la Chambre Sur Bill des Ecolcs le Bill pour pourvoir a 1’e tablissement d’Ecoles Nor- males, a fait rapport, conformement a l’Ordre, des d6, amendemens fails au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que la Question de concours soit mainte- nant separement mise sur les dits amendemens. Et le premier des dits amendemens ayant effi lu de nouveau, Ordonne , Que le dit amendement soit retranche, et le suivant substitue : “ Les Eveques, les Vicaires-Gene- raux, les Archidiacres, les Iiecteurs, Cures, Pasteurs f autl ! es Iretres et Ministres des Cultes, ayant droit de tenir des Registres pour constater l’etat civil des ‘ ERoyens dans les dites villes ^ les Superieurs et Di- ^ recteurs des Colleges, et les Professeurs de Belles- / f e n!’ es ’ Rhetorique et Histoire Naturelle des dits P lic f es ’ , ? s , Ju S es des Cours tlu Banc du Roi, les Membres de la Legislature du District, et les Maires “ des dites Cites.” 5 Z Le The 458 A. 18 36. 1 h° Februarii. The residue of the said amendments being again severally read, and the Question being separately put thereon, they were agreed to by the House. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. Resolutions on Mr. Perrault , from the Committee of the whole First Report on n e on the First Report of the Standing Committee Revenue and i Finance. Revenue and Finance, reported, according to ureter, the Resolutions of the said Committee; which Reso- lutions were again read at the Clerk s I able, and agieed to by the House; and are as followeih : 1 '.Resolved, That it is expedient to grant to His Majesty, a sum, not exceeding Three thousand five hundred pounds currency, to cover a like sum advanced by His Excellency Lord Aylmer , heretofore Governor in Chief of this Province, for the Contingent Expenses of the House of Assembly, in conformity with an Address of this House of the 1st December 1812. 2. Resolved , That it is expedient to grant to His Ma- jesty, a sum, not exceeding Three thousand pounds currency, to cover a like sum advanced by IIis Excel- lency Lord Aylmer , heretofore Governor in Chief of this Province, for the Contingent Expenses of the House of Assembly, in conformity with an Address of this House, of the 4th March 1833. 3. Resolved, That it is expedient to grant to His Ma- jesty, a sum, not exceeding Twenty two thousand pounds currency, to cover a like sum advanced by His Excellency the present Governor in Chief of this lio- vince, for the Contingent Expenses of the House of Assembly, in conformity with an Address of this House, of the 9th November 1835. 4. Resolved , That it is expedient to grant to His Ma- jesty, a sum, not exceeding lhree thousand thiee hun- dred and fifty six pounds ten shillings and five pence currency, to cover a like sum advanced by Ilis Excel- lency Lord Aylmer , heretofore Governor in Chief of this Province, for the Contingent Expenses of the Le- gislative Council, during the year ended the 10th Oc- tober 1833. 5. Resolved, That in the first instance the said sums be carried to the account of the funds collected by virtue of the Act of the 33rd Geo. III. Cap. 8, to de- fray the Salaries of the Officers of the Legislature, and the Contingent Expenses thereof ; and, secondly, upon all other unappropriated funds belonging to this Pro- vince. Lumber Bill The Order of the day for the second reading of the deferred. -gjjj p or t j ie p etter regulation of the Lumber Trade, be- ing read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Tuesday next. Lake St. Louis Survey Bill read the second time. A Bill to make provision for the Survey of Lake St. Louis, and other places, was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of five Members, to report thereon with all conve- nient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Archambeault, Mr. Perrault, Mr. Rocbrune dit Laroque, Mr. Viger and Mr. Girouard do compose the said Committee. Report relating to Mr. Justice Gale, deferred. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Fifth Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances, being read ; Ordered , Le reste des dits amendemens ayant ete separement lus de nouveau, et la Question ayant ete separement mise sur iceux, ils ont f te adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. M. Perrault, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur £ sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent des Revenus Rappon sur ies et Finances, a fait rapport, conformement a l’Ordre, ^ e n v c e " us el Fu des Resolutions du dit Comite, lesquelles Resolutions ont ete lues de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptees par la Chambre ; et elles sont cornme suit: 1. Resolu, Qu’il convient d’accorder a Sa Majeste nne somme n’excedant pas Trois raille cinq cents livres cours actuel, pour couvrir pareille somme avan- cee par Son Excellence Lord Aylmer, ci-devant Gou- verneur-en-Chef de cette Province, pour les Depenses Contingentes de la Chambre d’Assemblee, confornffi- ment a une Adrcsse de cette Chambre du ler Decem- bre 1832. 2. Resolu , Qu’il convient d’accorder a Sa Majeste une somme n’exc6dant pas Trois mille livres cours ac- tuel, pour couvrir pareille somme avanc£e par Son Ex- cellence Lord Aylmer, ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef de cette Province, pour les Depenses Contingentes de la Chambre d’Assemblee, conformement a une A- dresse de cette Chambre du 4 Mars 1833. 3. Resolu, Qu’il convient d’accorder a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Vingt-deux mille livres cours actuel, pour couvrir pareille somme avane^e par Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef actuel de cette Province, pour les Expenses Contingentes de la Chambre d’Assemblee, conformement a une Adresse de cette Chambre du 9 Novembre 1835. 4. Resolu, Qu’il convient d’accorder a Sa Majeste une somme n’excedant pas Trois mille trois cent cin- quante-six livres dix schellings et cinq deniers cours actuel, pour couvrir pareille somme avancee par Son Excellence Lord Aylmer , ci-devant Gouverneur-en- Chef de cette Province, pour les Depenses Contin- gentes du Conseil Lf-gislatif, pendant le cours de l’an- nee termin6e le 10 Octobre 1833. 5. Resolu, Que les dites sommes soient portees en compte en premier lieu sur le fonds per$u en vertu de l’Acte de la 33e Geo. III. Chap. 8, pour defrayer les Sal ai res des Officiers de la Legislature et les Depenses Contingentes d’icelle, et, en second lieu, sur tous autres funds non appropries, appartenans a cette Pro- vince. it L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill BiiiduCom- ii, . , v» _ . /, t merce dea Bois It; pour mieux regler le Commerce des Bois, ayant ete »•! lu Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mardi prochain. Conformement k l’Ordre, un Bill pour pourvoir a l’Exploration du Lac St. Louis, et autres lieux, a £t£ lu Lac st. Loui.. une seconde tois. ^ f 0 is. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit rcfer6 a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire Rapport avec toute la di- ligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Archambeault, M. Perrault, M. Rocbrune dit Larocque , M. Viger et M. Girouard com- posent le dit Comite. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Rapport reiatif Comite sur le Cinquieme Rapport du Comite Perma- ^ e J m T nerit des Griefs, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, 6 Will. IV. 1 3 ° — 1 5 ° Februarii Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Tuesday next. Report' ‘ retai ill g The Ofder of the day for the House in Committee to Honbie w. n on the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Raymond took the ('hair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; Resolutions re- And Mr. Raymond reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions ; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth: 1* Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Committee, That this House doth concur in the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances relating to the Honorable William Bowman Felton. 2. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Committee, That an humble Address be presented to His Excel- lency the Governor in Chief, in conformity to the said Report, and transmitting the said Report, together with the Evidence upon which the same is founded. Mr. Gugy moved, seconded by Mr. Amiot, That the Question of concurrence be now separately put upon the said Resolutions. Several Members having retired, the Names of those present were taken down, as followeth: Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Amiot, Bardy, Barnard, Beaudouin, Berthelot, Bes- serer, Blanchard, Bouc, Cherrier, Child, Clapham, De Bleury, Deligny, De Witt, Pierre Antoine Dorion, Joseph Toussaint Drolet, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser, Gugy, Hebert, Kimber, Knight, Lafontaine, Leslie , Morin, Mousseau, Nelson, O' Cal- laghan, Perrault, Power, Raymond, Rocbrune dit Laroque, Roy, Simon, Toomy and Viger. And at a quarter past one o’clock on Sunday morn- ing, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum until to-morrow. 45 9 Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Murdi prochain. L Ordre du ;our pour que la Chambre se forme en Comile sut le Comite sur le second Rapport du Comite Permanent rel " ,if des Griefs, ayant iuiions passe plusieurs Resolutions; lesquelles Resolutions ont ra PP orU * s - £le lues de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : 1. Resolu, Que c est 1 opinion de ce Comite, Que cette Chambre concourt dans le Second Rapport du Comite Permanent des Griefs, relativement a l’Ho- norable William- Bowman Felton, 2. Resolu , Que e’est 1’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, en conformite du susdit Rapport, transmetiant aussi le Rapport susdit, avec les Tdmoi- gnages sur lequel icelui est fonde. M. Gugy a propose, seconde par M. Amiot, Que la Question de concours soit maintenant separement mise sur les dites Resolutions. Plusieurs Membres s’6tant retires, les noms de ceux presens ont 6te pris comme suit : M. 1 Orateur, Messieurs Amiot, Bardy, Barnard, Beaudouin, Berthelot, Besserer, Blanchard, Bouc, Cherrier, Child, Clapham, De Bleu- ry, Deligny , De Witt, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Joseph-Toussaint Drolet, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser, Gugy, Hebert, Kimber, Knight, Lafontaine, Leslie, Morin, Mousseau, Nelson, O'Calla- ghan, Perrault, Power, Raymond, Rocbrune dit Laroque, Roy, Simon, Toomy et Viger. a Ulie heure et tin quart, Dimanche matin, M. rOrateur a ajourne la Chambre, faute de Quorum, k demain. Monday, 15th February, 1836. Fundi, 15 Fevrier. 1836. O N Motion of Mr. Leslie, seconded by Mr. Meil- leur , lendments to Ordered, That the Amendments made by the Legis- omreai Pub- lative Council to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act to esta- nsidered and “ blish a new Public Square at Montreal, and for other reed to. “ purposes therein mentioned,” be now taken into con- sideration. The House proceeded accordingly to take the said Amendments into consideration. And the said Amendments were read, and are as fol- loweth: Press 2. Line 31. — Leave out all the words from “ pro- “ longed,’’ inclusive, to « Street” also, inclusive, in the thirty fourth Line of the same Press. “ 3. “ 21.- — Leave out all the words from “and” inclusive, to “suit’’ also inclusive, in the seventeenth line of the fourth Press. “ 4. “ 23. — Leave out all the words from “ Sche- • t dule” inclusive to “head” also inclu- sive in the fifteenth line of the fifth Press, UR Motion de M. Leslie, second 6 par M. Meil- leiir, du Conseil au Ordonne, Que les Amendemens faits par le Conseil ^ laco Pubiiqne L6gislatifau Bill, intitule “ Acte pour etablir une nou- coS'r^et “ velle Place Pubhque k Montreal, et pour autres ob- adopl6s ’ jets y mentionn^s, soient maintenant pris en conside- ration. La Chambre a en consequence proc£d£ a prendre les dits Amendemens en consideration. Et les dits Amendemens ont 6t6 lus, comme suit : Feuille2, Ligne 28. — Retranchez depuis “ prolong^e,’’ inclusivement, jusqu’a “ Commis- “ saires” aussi inclusivement, dans la trente-et-nni&me ligne de la meme Feuille. 3, “ 16.-— Retranchez depuis “ Et il est,” inclusivement, jusquk\“poursuivies,” aussi inclusivement, dans la onzieme ligne de la quatrieme Feuille. “ 4, “ 18. — Retranchez depuis « Cedule ” inclusivement, jusqu’A. “ tete*” aussi inclusivement, dans la dou- zieme ligne de la cinqui^me Feuille. Et And 460 1 5 ° Februariu A. 1836. And the said Amendments being again read, they were a creed to by the House. • i tj n Ordered, That Mr. Leslie do carry back the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and acquaint their Horton, that this House hath agreed to their Amendments. Et les dits Amendemens ayant etc Ins de nouveau, ils out ete adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que M. Leslie reporte le dit Bill au Lon seil Legislatif, et informe leurs Honneurs que celte (’hambre a adopte leurs Amendemens. A Petition of Aime Massue, of Varennes, was presen. ted to the House by Mr. Morin and the same was re- to the settle- , t reat j . setting forth: i bat m the last Session of the Provincial Parliament, the Petitioner re- Une Petition A* Aime Massue, de l arennes, a etc pre- relative ntce a la Chambre par M. Morin , laquelle a ete re- ameubiis^ l . _ dnno lo (lorniP I'P dll CU. nn .ti>ioc sentee a la Liiaraore |iJ Ordered, That the Amendments made hy the Legis- s me n d Causes ' 0 lative Council to the Bill, intituled, An Act to pio- " — If vide for the summary trial of Small Causes,” he refer- red to a Committee of the whole House to-monow. Bill to be con- sidered. Sur Motion de M. Archambeault , seconde par M. Anruot , , . „ r* l p Pnnseil Amendemens Ordonne, Que les Amendemens rails pai . v du conseii an T ■ • ■ . <■ p li ir-itiiulp “ Acte notir pourvoir a la kui des retire Legislatif au bill, intitule V | „ ‘ - / f/, r / lc , Causes, a Sir decision somraaire des Petites Causes, soient le.ercs consider*, a un Comite de toute la Chambre, demam. On Motion of Mr. Verrault, seconded hy Mr. Archam- ^ Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief praying he «H S,i“ g d .. P ir be pleased to lay before this House, a Copy ■of the Re- Survey of Lake ' j e p y David 1 hompson , Lsquue, and tne I la ■ accompanying the same, relative to .be Survey of Lake o# Francis, and other parts of the Liver St. Lawrence, os' transmitted to the Executive Government of tins Provbrce in March, 1891, by the, oners ap- pointed under the Act 3d ft ill. D • Cap. d. Ordered That Mr. Verrault, Mr. Archambeault Mi. De Witt and Mr. Ilocbrune dit Laroque do present the Sfd Address to His Excellency the Governor m Chref. Sur Motion de M. Verrault , second^ par M. Archam - llesolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse^a £^ s d .P” ur Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le priant de mettre devant cette Chambre, Copie du Kappott de piomion duL ™Tdlhompson, Ecuyer, et les Plans qui I’aceom- ***-«- naenent, sur (’Exploration du Fleuve St Laurent, dans le Lac St. Francois, et ailleurs, tels que transmis au Gouvernement Executif de cette Province, en Mars 1834, par les Commissaires nommes en veitu de Acte 3e Guill. IV. Chap. 9. . M Ordonne, Que M. Verrault , M. Archambeault, M. De Witt et M. Bocbrune dit Laroque, presentent la dim A drpsse. a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef On Motion of Mr. Charles Drolel, seconded by Mr. ^Ordered, That the engrossed I^MtUve 2SJZS2U Council intituled, “ An Act to incorporate the Parish SSr n ffT 0 f Aof re Dame de Bonsecours in the Seigniory des EboulemensditeDe Sales Later rmre in t he C ounty secours. (< Saguenay," be read a second time to-monow. Sur Motion de M. Charles Drolet, seconde par M. ^Ordonne, Que le Bill grossoyedu Conseii Legislatif, intitule “ Acte pour incorporer la 1 aro,sse f ^ c ' Dame de Bonsecours, dans la Seigneurie des L „ ia Paroisse *] “ mens, dite De Sales Laterriere, Comte de Saguenay, Bonsecours soitlu line seconde fois, domain. n, r »„on Fc- Mr Leslie, from the Standing Committee of Trade, tiiion. of Ffou. , ed t0 the House the T h ltd Report ■ Of t he s .^ Committee, which was again read at the Clerks table, aS y“mmittec had referred to them by Your Ho- norable House, two Petitions of Pilots for and below the Harbour ofQaete,-one praying 10 be incorporate^ M. Leslie, du Comite Permanent de Commerce, a n g r»„. nrtsente a la Chambre le Troisibme Rapport du dit p,io,„. Comity iequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : v TT n Votre Honorable Chambre a renvoy£ a V oti e Co- mit6 deux Petitions des Pilotes pour et au-dessous du Havre de Quebec •, dans l’une, ds demandent a etie infornoreS 6 Will. IV. 1 5° Februaru. Report on Pe- ilion for a Sur. 'ey of Lake St. Peter and the River St. Law. ence upwards o Montreal. Idress for a ipy of Captain tyfield's Sur- y of the St. iwrence from tree Rivers to ontreal. dress for the jointment of udge to fill ■ vacancy oc- ioned by the noval of oes Kerr, quire. and the other, that more strict regulations should be adopted as to the admission of persons to become Ap- prentices to Pilots. Your Committee have heard a great number of the Pilots on the subject of their Petitions, and from their testimony are convinced that any incorporation for the purposes they desire would be of serious injury to the Slopping that frequent the St. Lawrence . They coincide, however, with the Petitioners as to the advantage that would accrue if no person was admit- ted as an Apprentice unless he could both read and write the English and French Languages ; and that before his examination by the Trinity House, he should be obliged to produce satisfactory evidence of his so- briety, as well as of the other necessary qualifications. Mr. Leslie, from the Standing Committee of Trade, presented to the House the Fourth Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : On the Petition of divers Merchants, and others, of the City of Montreal, praying for a grant of money for the purpose of making an accurate Survey of the ob- structions in the Navigation of Lake St. Peter and the River St. Lawrence upwards to Montreal, Your Com- mittee examined Captain Bayfield, of the Royal Navy, who has, under the directions of the Lords of the Ad- miralty, completed a Survey of that part of the St. Law - rence . From the Evidence of that Officer, it appears very problematical if any effectual means can be devised to remove the impediments in the Lake and River, so as to enable Vessels of a greater draught of water than are now employed in the Trade to pass through the Lake to Montreal. As the possession, however, of so full and accurate a Survey as that made by orders of the Admiralty, might be of material benefit in any contemplated plan for the improvement of that part of the Navigation, Your Com- mittee would suggest that application should be made to His Majesty’s Government through the Go- vernor in Chief, to obtain, for the use of the Province, a Copy of the Plan orSurvey made by Captain Bayfield, of the River St. Lawrence from Three Rivers to Mon. treat. On Motion of Mr. Leslie , seconded by Mr. Morin, Resolved, Lhat an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that he would make application to His Majesty’s Government to obtain for the use of the Province, a Copy of the Survey of that part of the River St. Lawrence from Three Rivers to Montreal, made by Captain Bayfield of the Royal Na- vy, under the direction of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie, Mr. Morin, Mr. O’Callao-, han and Mr. Picket do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. On Motion of Mr. Lajonlaine, seconded by Mr. Ray- mond, J J Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, representing that the Law in force in this Province requires that the Court of King’s Bench for the District of Quebec should be composed of four J udges ; that since the vacancy oc- casioned by the removal of James Kerr, Esquire, (of which Vol.~ 45. n0tice 4 61 incorporfc, et dans Pautre, qu’on fasse des reglemen* plus stvferes pour l’admission des personnes qui Veulent devenir Apprentis Pilotes. Votre Comite a interrog6 un grand nombre de Pi- lotes au sujet de ces Petitions; et, d’apres leurs TG mo.gnages, il est convaincu que fincorporation qu’ils demandentferait beaucoup de tort aux Vaisseaux qui frequentent le fleuve St. Laurent. ” Votre Comity neanmoins partage l’avis des P<$tition- naires sur les avantages qui resulteraient de n’admet- tre personae comme Apprenti qui ne sut lire et <5crire l Anglais et le Fran 9 ais ; et il pense, qu’avant de su- birson examen devant les Officiers de la Trinity tout Apprenti Pilote devrait etre tern, de produire des preuves satisfaisantes pour prouver qu’il est sobre et qu il possede les autres qualifications requises. nr JP; ^ e f e l d “ Co ™ it6 Permanent du Commerce, a import sur l3 presente a la Chambre le Quatrieme Rannort du Hit F) °nt ete presentees a la Cham- bre par M. Rodier, lesquelles ont ete re9ues etlues. Resolu, Que les quatre Petitions precedentes soient referees a un Comite de cinq membres, pour en exami- ner le contenu, et en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Rodier, M. Viger, M. Vanfelson, M. Caron et M. Meilleur composent le dit Comity. Instruction to a Committee res- pecting monies appropriated for Schools in Beauharnois. Mr. Rodier moved, seconded by Mr. Joseph Andre Taschereau, That it be an Instruction to the said Com- mittee, to enquire into the manner in which the sums of money allowed by the Legislature, under divers Acts of the Parliament for the encouragement of Education in the County of Beauharnois, have been received and The House divided on the Question, and the names bein^ called for they were taken down, as followeth : ® Yens Messieurs Barnard, Bertrand, Besserer, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouc, Boiffard, Cardinal, Careau, Cazeau, Chenier, Courteau, Deblois, Deligny,De Wilt, Jacques Dor ion, Pierre Antoine Dor ion, Joseph loussaint Drolet, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, God bout, Ue- bert, Huot, Jobin , Lafontaine , Larue, Le Boutilhei , Leslie, Marquis , Nelson, O'Callaghan, Perrault, Roc - hrune dit Laroque, Rodier, Simon, Joseph Andre Taschereau, Trudel, and Viger. (40.) Nays, Messieurs Bardy, Boutillier, Caron, Cote, De Bleury, Duhorcl, Grannis, Kinder, Knight, Letourneau, Merileur, Methot , Morin, Mousseau, N oel, Raymond, Roy, lac/te, Thibaudeau, Toomy and Vanfelson. (21.) So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered , Accordingly. M. Rodier a propose, seconde par M. Joseph-. Indre ^cCmuTar Taschereau, Qu’il soit une Instruction au dit Comite, «.je. . des de- de s’enquerir de la manure dont ont et£ perries et Dis- n,crsa 1 ^ v^iiv uv»*» A ^ pour les Ecolos tributes 1* es sommes d’argent allouees par la Legislature Beauhar " par divers Actes du Parlement pour 1 encouragement de P Education dansle Comte de Beauharnois. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question, et les noms ayant ete demandes, ils ont £te pris comme suit : Pour, Messieurs Barnard, Bertrand, Besserer, Blanchard, Blanchet, Bouc , Bouffard, Cardinal, Careau , Cazeau, Chenier Courteau, Deblois, Deligny, De Witt, Jacques Dorion, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Joseph-Toussaint Drolet, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser , Girouard, Godbout, Hebert , Huot , Jobin , Lafontaine, Larue, Le Eoutillier, Leslie, Marquis, Nelson, O'Callaghan , Perrault, Roc - hrune dit Laroque , Rodier, Simon, Joscph-Andre Taschereau , Trudel et Viger. (40. j Con tie, Messieurs Bardy, Boutillier, Caron , Cote, De Bleury , Dubord, Grannis, Kimber, Knight, Letourneau, Meilleur, Methot, Morin, Mousseau, Noel, Raymond, Roy, Tache, Thibaudeau, Toomy et Vanfelson. (21.) Ainsi elle a ete emportiie dans l’Affirmative, et Ordonne , En consequence. from Stephen Walcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to H is Excel- HisExceiiency. jgney the Governor in Chief, was admitted withi Bar, and delivered to Mr. Speaker a Message iom His Excellency the Governor in Chief, signed by ms Excellency. And then he withdrew. . , Stephen Walcott, Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Message deSor Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, a ete admis en de- Excellence. dans de la Barre, et a remis a M. l’Orateur un Mes- sage de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, sign6 par Son Excellence. Et ensuite il s’est retire. ^ 6* Will. IV. 1 5° Februarii. 4 63 ^gnasexssai comme suit GOSFORD, Governor in Chief. LTZgT t0 T, ) e Governor in Chief having observed from the pro- commissioners, ceedings of the House of Assembly, that they have en- nada " Ca ‘ tered on their Journals, certain Extracts from the Instructions to the King’s Commissioners in Lower Ca~ nada , in the shape in which they were recently laid before the Legislature of the Vpjper Province, thinks it right that the Assembly should be furnished with the same in a more accurate and complete form, and there- fore transmits herewith Copies of all those parts of the Instructions which have reference to the topics embra- ced in the Extracts received by the House from Upper Canada. The Governor in Chief has only to add, that he has already conveyed, in his Speech at the opening of the Session, the sense in which these Instructions are under- stood by those who are to execute them, and that to the construction then put on them, and to every declara- tion made by him on first meeting the Legislature of this Province, he continues steadfastly to adhere. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec , 15th February, 1836. Copies. “ The importance of the topics to which I have hitherto adverted, would be very imperfectly understood, unless they were viewed in their connexion with ano- ther question to which the majority of the House of As- oo U b Se f m - '° attach a 5' et hi S her Merest- i a j j Resolutions of the Session of 1834 in the Address to His Majesty of that year, and in the Address adopted in the Session which closed abrupt- ly m the commencement of the present year, the Constitution of the Legislative Council was insisted upon as the chief and prominent grievance in the whole system of Provincial Government. To the dis- cuss, on of this subject, nearly half of those Resolutions, and of those Addresses is devoted, and the Assembly in the most decided language, have declared that all remedial measures will be futile and unsatisfacto- ry, which should stop short of rendering the seats in the Legislative Council dependant on a popular election. Tne Petitioners of and Montreal, on the other hand, deprecate with equal earnestness, any departure rom the principle on which the appointment of the ^c e t m of e i r 7Q tHe h S1SlatiVe C ° Uncil is re ^ ulated the ‘ t , •,/?, ’ and jounce any such change as preo-- nant with the most formidable evils. P ° “ The King is most unwilling to admit, as open to de- bate the question whether one of the vital principles of the Provincial Government shall undergo alteration. Phe solemn pledges so repeatedly given for the main- tenance of that system, and everyjust possession derived from Constitutional usage and analogy, are alike opposed to such innovations, and might almost seem to preclude the discussion of them. F But . H ‘ s Majesty cannot forget that it is the ad- mitted light of all His subjects to prefer to Him King of these Realms, their Petition S P for the redress of any real or supposed grievances. His Majesty especi- ally recognizes tins right in those, who are themsdves called GOSFORD, Gouverneur-en-Chef. Le Gouverneur-en-Chef ayant observe dans les nro- cedes de la Chambre d’Assemblee, qu’elle a insure dans ses Journaux, certains Extraits dis Instructions donn£es aux Commissaires du Roidans le Bas-Canada dans la forme sous laquelle elles ont ete recemment mises devant la Legislature du Haut-Canada, croitqu’ii est a propos de communiquer A l a Chambre ces^n- structions d une manure plus exacte et plus compile et en consequence il transmet ci-joint Copies de toutes les Instructions qui ont rapport aux matieres HaltcZda. XtraitS qUe k Cl ‘ ambre a ™P» du „ Pf Gouverneur-en-Chef n’a simplement qu’h aiouter qu it a deja enonc6 dans sa Harangue a l’ouverture de la Session, le sens dans lequel ces Instructions sent comprises par ceux qui doivent les mettre a effet • et qu il continue fermement d’adh^rer a ^interpretation qui a alors 6t6 donn^e a ces Instructions et A^hacune es declarations qu il a faites lorsqu’il a rencontr6 pour la premiere fois la Legislature de cette Province Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 15 Fevrier 1836. Copies. “ L’importance des matieres auxquelles j’aifait allu- sion jusqu a present serait comprise d’une manure tr£s- lmparfaite, si on ne les envisageait pas dans leur rap- port avec une autre Question A laquelle la majo it^e la Chambre d’Assemblee semblerait attacher encore Plus d importance Dans les 92 Resolutions passees dans la Session de 1834, dans l’Adresse a Sa Maieste de la rnTm! annee, et dans J’Adresse adoptee dans la Session qui cette a™ee e i’on a S0uda ;« e , ment commencement de cte annee, J on a insiste A representer mm la fondu Cornell L^gisl.tif etall teGrirf'jJ 1? dans ton le systeme du Gouvernemem Provincial Pies de la moitie de ces Resolutions et Adresses est employee 4 discuter ce sujet; et 1’AssembUe a dlclarl da is ies termes les plus formels que toutes les mesu?es ?■ ' l |' a ,' e ," t , pas „ J usf l u ’ il rendre les Sieges dans le Conse, L^gislatif dependans d’une election populaire seraient des mesures frivoles, et qui ne donneraient ie Quebec et de Montrial quel P Arte deHoi atflM 1 ’ 33 d “ pnncipe d ’ a P r ^ le- riirss «r “ — s. - 1™ .. “ Le Roi peut a peine consentir a ce que Ton dis- cute la question, si Fun des principes essentiels du Gouvernement Provincial subira 'quelque chLe“ ment. Les assurances solennelles tant de fois don- nas, que le systeme serait maintenu, et les iustes ore ventions qui nous viennent de l’usao-e Ptli? Constitutionnelle s’opposent ^galement A ces ^nnova 6 " MaL SaMa?e«"‘ ”™ e en ’'“‘“dire la discussion. S f Majeste ne peut oublier que e’est le droit “ urVff SUjetS ^ j id prd' mei fde to,,s P r °, ns ’ |,0Ur lu -‘ deraa " d erle redresse- ment de tous Griefs vrais ou imaginaires. Sa Majes- te reconnait surtont ce droit dans la personnel ceux In8truetlonii aux Commit, saires du Rol dans le Baa- Canada, A. 1836 . 464 1 5° Februariu called to the high office of representing a large and most important class of His people, The acknowledge- ment of that right appears to the King to imply, on His own part, the corresponding duty of investigating the foundations of every such complaint. His Ma- jesty, therefore, will not absolutely close the avenue to enquiry, even on a question respecting which lie is bound to declare that He can for the present perceive no reasonable ground of doubt. His Majesty will not refuse to those who advocate such extensive altera- tions, an opportunity of proving the existence of t le errievances to which so much prominency has been & ceux qui son! eux-mthnes appeEs a la charge elev£e de representer une Classe nombreuse et irnportante de son Peuple. La reconnaissance de ce droit semble comporter, de la part du Hoi, 1 obligation d examiner si ces plaintes sont fondees. Sa Majeste ne veut pas absolumentfermer le champ aux recherches, meme sur une question par rapport a laquelle elle doit declarer quelle ne peut entrevoir, pour le present, aucune cause raisonnable de doute. Sa Majeste ne refusera pas a ceux qui demandent des changemens aussi 6tendus l’occasion de prouver 1 existence des Griefs auxquels on a donne tant d importance. & “ The King is the rather induced to adopt this course, becaus°e His Majesty is not prepared to deny that a Statute which has been in effective operation for something less than forty three years, may be ca- pable of improvement; or that the plan upon which the Legislative Council is constituted, may possibly in some particulars be usefully modified, or that in the course of those years some practical errors may have been committed by the Council, against the repetition of which, adequate security ought to be taken. Yet if these suppositions should be com- pletely verified, it would yet remain to be shewn, by the most conclusive and circumstantial proof, that it is necessary to advance to a change so vital, as that which is demanded by the House of Assembly. “ It must be recollected that the form of Provincial Constitution in question is no modern experiment, nor plan of Government, in favour of which, nothing better than doubtful theory can be urged. A Coun- cil nominated by the King, and possessing a co-or- dinate right of Legislation with the Representatives of the People, is an invariable part of the British Co- lonial Constitution in all the transatlantic possessions of the Crown, with the exception of those which still remain liable to the Legislative authority of the King in Council. In some of the Colonies it has existed for nearly two centuries. Before the recognition of the United States as an independent Nation, it pre- vailed over every part of the British possessions in the North American Continent, not comprised with- in the limits of Colonies founded by Charters of in- corporation. The considerations ought indeed to be weighty, which should induce a departure from a system recommended by so long and successful a course of historical precedent. << To the proposal made by that Body, to refer the consideration of this question to public Conventions, or as they are termed, primary Meetings, to be hol- den by the People at large, in every part of the Pro- vince His Majesty commands me, to oppose His di- rect negative. Such appeals are utterly foreign to the principles and habits of the British Constitution, as existing either in this Kingdom or in any of the foreign dependencies of the Crown. « you will, therefore, apply yourselves to the inves- tigation of this part of the general subject, endea- vouring to ascertain how far the Legislative Council has really answered the original objects of its insti- tution ; and considering, of what amendments it may be susceptible. It is His Majesty’s most earnest hope, and trust, that in the practical working of the Consti- tution of the Province, there will be found to exist, no defects which may not be removed by a judicious ex- ercise of those powers which belong to the Crown, or which Parliament has committed to the Provincial Legislature. “ Le lloi est d’autant plus porte a suivre cette marche, qu'il n’est pas pret a nier qu’un Statut qui est en operation depuis un peu moins de quarante- trois ans, puisse etre susceptible d’amclioration ; ou qu’on puisse modifier avec avantage, sous quelques rapports, le plan d’apres lequel le Conseil L^gislatif est constitue ; ou que le Conseil ait commis quelques erreurs pratiques, pendant cette periode, et que 1 on doive prendre quelques precautions suffisantes pour en prevenir le retour. Et quand bien meme ces suppo- sitions se verifieraient pleinement, il resterait encoie a demontrer, par les preuves les plus concluantes et les plus circonstanciees, qu’il est necessaiie den venir i un changement aussi vital et essentiel que celui que demande la Chambre d’Assemblee. •( u faut se rappeler que la forme de la Constitution Provinciale dont il s’agit, n’est pas une experience mo- derne, ni un plan de Gouvernement en faveur duquel I on n’a rien de mieux a avancer qu’une tlEorie douteuse. Un Conseil, nomme par le Roi, et possedant dans la Legislation un droit egal a celui des Repr^sentans du Peuple, est une Branche permanente et invariable de la Constitution Britannique Coloniale, dans toutesles Possessions Transatlantiques de la Couronne, a [’ex- ception de cedes qui sont sujettes a 1 autoiite legis- lative du Roi en Conseil. Dans quelques-unes des Co- lonies, cette Constitution a existe pendant pr£s de deux siecles. Avant que les E tats- Unis aient ete reconnus comme Nation independante, il y en avait une dans toutes les parties des Possessions Britanniques, dans l’Amerique Septentrionale, non comprises dans les li rpites des Colonies Stablies par des Chartes d’lncor- poration. Il faudrait, en effet, des raisons bien graves et bien puissantes pour abandonner un systeme qui opere si bien, et qui est recommande depuis si long- temps par une serie de piEcedens historiques. “ Sa Majeste m’ordonne d’opposer un refus formel k la proposition del’ Assembleederenvoyer cette question a des Conventions Publiques, ou, comme on les ap- pelle, k des Assembles Primaires du Peuple en gene- ral. Ces appels sont tout-a-fait Strangers a l’usage et au principe de la Constitution Britannique, telle qu’elle existe dans le Rovaume, ou dans aucune des Possessions etrang^res de la Couronne. « Vous vous appliquerez done al'examen de cette partie du sujet] en general ; vous vous efforcerez de constater jusqu’a quel point le Conseil L^gislatif a vraiment repondu aux fms de son institution ; et vous considkrerez les amendemens dont il peut etre suscep- tible. Sa Majeste desire et espkre avec confiance, qu'on ne trouvera aucun vice dans l’operation pia- tique de la Constitution de la Province, qu’on ne puisse faire disparaitre par l’emploi judicieux des pouvoirs qui appartiennent k la Couronne, ou que le Par lement a confEs a la Legislature Provinciale. “ Lorsqu’elle “ When 6 Will. IV . 1.5° FebruariL 4 65 “ When your Report shall have been received, His Majesty will lake into Ills most serious consideration the question whether there are any amendments in the Law on this subject, which it would be fit to pro- pose for the consideration of the Imperial Legisla- ture; and which, being founded on the principles and conceived in the spirit of the Act of 1791, may be calculated to render the practical operation of the Statute more conformable to the wishes and inten- tions of its framers.” A true Extract. T. FRED. ELLIOT. “ With these preliminary remarks on the motives in which your Mission has originated, and on the spirit in which your duties as Commissioners are to be dis- charged, I proceed to advert to some of the more pro- minent subjects of claim and complaint on the part of the House of Assembly. “ Among the most pressing of these is the Financial question which has given rise to so protracted a con- troversy. “ After the several gradations through which this question has passed, it has at length assumed the fol- lowing shape : — As Representatives of the People of Lower Canada, the House of Assembly claim the right of appropriating to the Public Service, accord- ing to their own discretion, the whole of the Reve- nues of the Crown accruing within the Province. The claim extends to the proceeds of all Parliamen- tary and Provincial Statutes, whatever may have been the original conditions of these grants ; to the Funds drawn from the sale of Timber and of the Waste Lands of the Crown ; to all Fines and Forfei- tures ; and to the income derived from the Seigniorial Rights inherited by the King from His Royal Prede- cessors ; in fine, the authority of the local Legisla- ture over the income and expenditure of the Province, is declared to be so extensive, as to embrace every part of that receipt and outlay, and so inalienable as to supersede even the concessions deliberately made in preceding times by the former Representatives of the Canadian People. “ Without pausing to discuss the great Constitu- tional questions which these claims involve, I con- tent myself with referring to the undoubted fact, that the Kings of England have at all times been, in right of their Crown, in possession of certain sources of Revenue peculiarly their own, and of which they could not be divested, except by their own consent. In modern times, as is well known, the control of Parliament over this Revenue in these Kingdoms, has been established on the Accession of each Sove- reign to the Ihrone, by a solemn compact made be- tween the Crown and the Houses of Lords and Com- mons. If therefore the King were disposed to insist upon positive Law, ancient practice, or constitutional analogy, His Majesty might readily vindicate His right to dispose of the Territorial, Hereditary and Casual Revenue of the Crown arising in Lower Ca- nada, towards the maintenance of the Civil Govern- ment in that part of His Dominions. But anxious to render His Reign a blessing to His Canadian Subjects, His Majesty is prepared to decline taking this ground, and to refer the decision of the question to the single test of the advantage or disadvantage to the Pro- vince, with which the proposed cession would be at- tended. It would be difficult to imagine any pecu- niary sacrifice which would not be wisely incurred, in purchasing Vol 45. 5 “ Lorsqu’elle aura re 5 U votre Rapport, Sa Majesty prendra en Sa tres-serieuse consideration s’il y a des changemens dans la Loi a ce sujet qu il serait a propos de soumettre au Parlement Imperial, et qui, etant basds sur les principes et corpus d’apr£s Pesprit de I ’Acte, de 1791, pourront tendre h rendre PopGation pratique du Statut plus conforme aux voeux et a Pin- tention de ses auteurs.” Extrait fidele. T. FRED. ELLIOT. “ Apres ces Remarques prHiminaires sur les motifs qui ont donne naissance a votre Mission, et sur Pesprit dans lequel vous devez remplir ces devoirs en quality de Conmtissaires, je vais maintenant en venir aux re- clamations et aux plaintes les plus saillantes de la part de l’Assemblee. “ Parmi les plus pressantes se trouve la Question des Finances qui a donne lieu a une discussion aussi pro- longee. “ Apres avoir passe par diverses phases, cette ques- tion a enfin pr is la forme suivante : — Comme Ilepre- sentant le People du Bas Canada, la Chambre d’As- semblee reclame le droit d’approprier tous les Reve- nus de la Couronne dans la Province au Service Public, selon sa discretion. Cette reclamation s’etend aux Revenus preleves, en vertu de tous les Actes Britanniques on Provinciaux, quelles qu’aient pu etre les conditions primitives de ces Octrois ; aux Fonds provenant de la vente des Bois, et des Terres incultes de la Couronne; a toutes les Amendes et Confiscations ; et aux Revenus provenant des Droits Seigneuriaux dont le Roi a herite de ses Predeces- seurs Royaux. Enfin, Pon declare que Pautorit6 de la Legislature locale sur le Revenu et la Depense de la Province, est si etend ie qu’elle embrasse toutes ies parties de ce Revenu et de cette Depense ; et si inalienable, qu’elle abroge toutes les concessions que les premiers Representans du People Canadien ont fades autrefois, apres mure deliberation. t( Sans m’aneter a discuter les grandes Questions Constitutionnelles que ces reclamations soulevent, je me contenterai d’en appeler a un fait certain ; e’est que les Hois d ’ Angleterre ont de tout temps par le droit de leur Couronne, possede certaines sources de Revenu qui leur appartenaient a eux particuliere- ment, et dont on ne pouvait les depouiller sms leur prop i e consentement Dans les temps modernes, comme on le sait, le eontrdle du Parlement sur ce Revenu, dans ces Royaumes, a He etabli, a Pavene- ment de chaque Sotiverain au Trone par un pacte solennel, entre la Couronne et les Chambres des Lords et des Communes. Si done le Roi etait dispose a insister sur la I oi positive, Pancien usage ou PanaJo- gie constitutionnelle, Sa Majeste pourrait aisf'ment faire triompher le droit qu’elle a de disposer des Re- venus Territorial, Hereditaire et Casuel de la Cou- ronne, dans le Bas-Canada, pour le soutien du Gou- vernement Civil dans cette partie de ses possessions. Mais desirant que son IGgne soil un Regne de bon- heur pour ses Sujets Canadiens, Sa Majeste est dis- posee a ne pas se prevaloir de ce droit, et de laisser decider cette Question sous le simple rapport de Pa- vantage ou du desavantage que la cession projetee pourrait produire a la Province. 11 serait difficile de croire qu’il ne serait pas sage de faire aucun sacrifice pecuniaire G B 466 15 ° Februarii . A 1836, purchasing a peaceful settlement of the dissensions 01 “K^pec-uniary interests alone were at stake, the Kino- would not hesitate to make this cession perma- nently and without conditions. They must have ill indeed understood the character and policy of the British Government, who may have supposed that the peace and well-being of this great Empire, has been put to hazard in a prolonged contest with the most valuable of its foreign dependencies, tor the sake of a sum of money so insignificant, as to be scarcely perceptible in the Financial operations ot Great Britain, and of no considerable moment even in those of Lower Canada . During the progress^ ot this controversy, there have been expended by i ar- liament, for objects altogether Canadian, sums, com- pared with which, the utmost demand that has beer, made on the liberality of the House ot Assembly, for the support of the Executive Government ot the i ro- vince, is altogether trivial. The real importance of con- necting the surrender of the Hereditary and Teriito- rial Revenue with some reservation or conditions lor the support of the Civil Government, and tor the ad- ministration of Justice, rests upon grounds far higher than any which could he brought to a pecuniary mea- surement. There are objects, essential as it would seem, to the welfare of His Majesty s Canadian Sub- jects, which could not probably be secured if that surrender were made unconditionally. In this view of the question, His Majesty is bound not to relin- quish the appropriation of Funds which the Law and the Constitution have placed at His disposal, without making a stipulation suggested exclusively by Lis care for the common benefit of His people. “ Amongst the foremost of the objects which His Maiestv is thus bound to rescue from a precarious support, are the independence ot the Judges, and the pure administration of the Law. From the commence- ment of Iiis Reign, it has been the constant and persevering effort of His Majesty to render the Judges of the Superior Courts in Lower Canada, in- dependent, alike of the Crown tor the tenure of their Offices, and of the Representatives ot the leopleioi their annual Emoluments. In the various documents already noticed, you will find the history of those attempts, and a full explanation of the causes to which their failure is to be ascribed ; yet a review ot the Journals of the Assembly will, I think, convince you that between that House and His Majesty s Go- vernment no real, or at least no irreconcileahle, diffe- rence of opinion exists on this subject on the con- trary, you will find that respecting the general pi in- ciples on which we must proceed, a perfect unanimity has prevailed. It is fully admitted that the Judges ouo-ht to hold their Offices, not at the pleasure of the King, but during good behaviour ; and that their official incomes should be paid, not at the pleasure ot the popular branch of the Legislature, hut from ade- quate funds to be irrevocably pledged tor that pur- pose.^rhis then wi p be one 0 f t he subjects of your ear- liest enquiry ; and you will endeavour to suggest the plan of a law, in which there may be good ground to anticipate the concurrence of the House of Assem- bly, for the securing of Judicial independence. . this can be effected, one of the chief difficulties which might otherwise obstruct the cession oi the Reve- nues, will be overcome. “ The regard which it is Elis Majesty’s duty to main- tain for the welfare of the People ot Lower Canada , appears p£cuniaire pour terminer a l’amiable des dissentions qui existent depuis quinze ans. “ Sil n’y avait que des interets pecuniaires en ques- tion, le Roi n’hesiterait pas a faire cette cession d’une manure permanente et sans condition. II faut en verite avoir mal compris le caractere et la politique du Gouvernement Bntannique, pour supposer que la paix et le bien-etre de ce grand Empire aient ete mis en danger par une contestation prolong^ avec une des plus importantes de ses possessions etrangeres, pour une somme de Deniers si minime qu elle est a peine perceptible dans les operations financieres de la Grande-Bretagne, et meme peu considerable dans celles du Bas-Canada. Pendant la duree de cette contestation, le Parlement a depense pour des objets absolument Canadiens, des sommes auxquelles on n’oserait comparer la somme la plus consideiable qu’on ait jamais reclamee de la liberalite de 1 Assem- blee pour le soutien du Gouvernement Executif de la Province. L’importance reelle qu’il v a d’attacher a l’abandon des Revenus hereditaires et territoriaux, quelque reserve ou quelques conditions pour le sou- tien du Gouvernement Civil et de l’administration de la Justice, est appuyee sur des considerations beau- coup plus elevees que cedes d’une nature p6cumaire. II y a des objets qui paraissent essentiels au bien-etre des Sujets Canadiens de Sa Majeste, et que l’on ne pour rait obtenir si l’on faisait cet abandon mcondition- nellement. En envisageant la Question sous ce point de vue, Sa Majest6 ne doit ceder l appropriation des Fonds que la Loi et la Constitution ont places a sa disposition, sans faire une stipulation que sa sollici- tude seule lui a suggeree pour l’avantage commun de son Peuple. „ , “ Un des premiers objets que Sa Majeste est obligee de retirer de cet etat precaire, c est 1 independance des Juges, et l’administration integre des Lois. De- puis le commencement de Son Regne, Sa Majeste a fait des efforts constans et pers6verans pour rendre les Juo-esdes Cours Sup^rieures du BasLanada mdepen- dans, taut de la Couronne, pour la possession de leurs charges, que des Repvesentans du Peuple, pour leurs £molumens annuels. Vous trouverez dans les divers documens dont on a deja parle, 1 histoire de ces ten- tatives, et une explication des causes auxquelles on peut attribuer leur manque de succ£s j cependant, en lisant les Journaux de 1’AssembFe, vous vous convaincrez, je crois, qu’entre cette Chambre et le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, il n existe pas une dif- ference d’opinion reelle, ou au moins irreconcilable sur ce sujet ; au contraire vous verrez que par rap- port aux principes gen^raux d’apres lesquels on doit proceder, il a regn6 une unanimite parfaite. 11 est pleinement reconnu que les Juges dev raient tenir leurs Charges non pas durant le plaisir du Roi, mais durant bonne conduite ; et que leurs Salaires cornrae Juges, devraient etre payes, non pas suivant le plaisir de la Blanche populaire de la Legislature, mais sur des Fonds suffisans destines irr6vocablement pour cet objet. . , . “ Cela sera done un des premiers objets que vous considered ; et vous tacherez de suggerer ie projet d’une Loi pour assurer Eindependance des Juges, auquel il pourra y avoir de bonnes raisons de croire que la Chambre d’Assemblee voudra concou- rir. Si cela peut s’effectuer, l’on aura surmonte 1 une des principales difficultes, qui pourrait autrement presenter un obstacle a la Cession des Revenus, “ La sollicitude que Sa Majeste doit avoir pour le bien-etre du Peuple du Bas-Canada , semble s oppo- 1 ser 6 Will. IV. 15° Fehruarii 467 appears to forbid a surrender of the Revenues of the Crown in that Province to the appropriation of the Legislature, unless some condition be further made for the support of the Executive Government by an adequate Civil List. “ I pass over without any direct notice, the grounds on which the contending parties in the Province have, on the one hand urged the necessity of such a stipula- tion, and on the other hand denied that it could be safe- ly or constitutionally admitted. You will readily learn from various Public Documents which will be pressed upon your attention in the Province itself, what are the arguments to which I refer. I cannot, however, abstain from recording in this place the principal con- siderations which appear to make it necessary that the concession about to be made to the Provincial Legislature, should be qualified by the demand of a proper Civil List. “ A constant altercation between the House of As- sembly and the Executive Government, on the sub- ject of the Official Emoluments of the Chief Officers of the Crown, would be derogatory to the character of those Officers, and especially of the Governor repre- senting the person and clothed with the delegated pre- rogatives of the King. The tendency of such contro- versies would unavoidably be, to induce a disesteem for those functionaries, by exhibiting them in the light of Pensioners on the reluctant bounty of the Representatives of the People ; although the com- mon welfare of society evidently requires that they should rather be respected as the Ministers of the King, exercising, under a just responsability indeed, but yet with freedom and independence, the powers confided to them for the public good. “ The continued agitation of a subject so capable of being placed in an invidious light, could scarcely be compatible with the tranquil and steady progress of those most important branches of the public business with which the higher functionaries of the Govern- ment are charged. It would also be directly injurious to them, and therefore to the Society at the head of which they are placed, thus to give an habitual and offensive prominence to the remuneration they were receiving, and in the same degree to divert public at- tention from the services by which that pecuniary reward was earned. “ The security which the Governor and his principal Officers would derive from the grant of a Civil List, would strengthen the connexion subsisting between Canada and the other members of the British Empire. It would be a distinct recognition of the principle that the administration of the affairs of the Province by a Governor and Officers appointed by the King, is a substantive and essential part of the Provincial Con- stitution. To debate from year to year whether grants shall or shall not be made for the support of such functionaries, might almost seem to involve a tacit assumption, that the existence of such Offices was itself a question open to annual revision. In so remote apart of His Majesty's Dominions, it is espe- cially necessary that the Royal Authority, as repre- sented by His Majesty’s Officers, should be most distinctly admitted as one of the component and inse- parable principles of the social system. “ Nor are the motives by which the independence of the Judges has been recommended by the King and admitted by the Assembly, inapplicable to the case of the principal Officers of the Local Government. They have frequently unpopular duties to perform ; they are, not seldom, called to oppose the passions and emotions ser a l’abandon des Revenus de la Couronne dans la Province, A la disposition de la Legislature; A moins que celle-ci n’accorde une Liste Civile suffisante pour le soutien du Gouvernement Exf j cutif. “ Je ne m’appesantirai pas sur les raisons sur lesquel- les les differens partis politiques dans la Province, se sont appuyes, l’un pour demontrer la n^cessite d’une scmblable stipulation, et l’autre pour nier que cela pourrait se faire avec surete ou constilutionnellement. Vous connaitrez bientot par les divers Documens publics sur lesquels on appellera votre attention dans . ^ r ' ov * nce meme, quels sont les argumens auxquels je fais allusion. Je ne puis, cependant, m’empecher de mentionner ici les principals considerations qui paraissent exiger que la concession que l’on va faire a la Legislature Provincial soit accompagnee de la demande d’une Liste Civile convenable. “ Ces difficultes continuelles entre la Chambre d’As- semblee et le Gouvernement Executif au sujet des emolumens officiels des principaux Officiers de la Couronne ne feraient qu’avilir le caractere de ces Officiers, et particulierement ceiui du Gouverneur, a qui les prerogatives de la Couronne ont ete deleguees. La tendance de ces difficultes aurait inevitablement I’effet de faire perdre a ces Fonctionnaires l’estime publique, et de les faire regarder comme des Pen- sionnaires qui dependent de la liberalite tardive des Repr&entans du Peuple, tandis que le bien-etre com- mon de la societe exige evidemment qu’ils soient respectes comme Ministres du Roi, qui, quoique sou- mis a une juste responsabilite, a la verite, doivent exercer cependant avec liberte et independance, les pouvoirs qui leur ont ete confies pour 1’avantage du Public. “ I .’agitation continuelle d’une Question si suscepti- ble d’etre envisagee sous un jour odieux, est a peine compatible avec la marche calme et ferme de la par- tie la plus imporlante des affaires publiques dont sont charges les Fonctionnaires les plus eleves du Gou- vernement. Cette agitation pourrait aussi leur faire tort directement ainsi qu a la societe a la tete de la- quelle ils sont places, en mettant ainsi continuelle- ment en question et d’une maniere offensante, la re muneration qu’ils re$oivent, et en eloignant egale- ment I’attention publique des services qu’ds ont rendus pour gagner cette indemnite pecuniaiie. Lagarantie que I’octroi d une Liste Civile donne- rait au Gouverneur et a ses principaux Officiers, fortifierait le lien qui unit le Canada aux autres parties de 1’ Empire Britannique. Ce serait la une recon- naissance formelle du principe que I’administration des affaires de la Province par un Gouverneur et des Officieis nommes par le Roi, forme une partie inhe- rente et essentielle de la Constitution Provinciale.— Discuter d annee en annee si I on accordera ou non des Subsides pour payer ces Fonctionnaires, ce serait piesque reconnaitre que 1’existence de ces charges est elle-meir.e une question que Ton peut debattre tous les ans. Dans une partie aussi reculee des Pos- sessions de Sa Majeste, il est particulierement neces- saire que l’autorite Royale representee par les Offi- ciers de Sa Majeste, soit reconnue tres-distinctement comme un des principes inherens et inseparables du systeme social. “ les motifs qui ont porte le Roi a recommander l’independance des Juges, et la Chambre d’Assem- blee a l’admettre, sont aussi applicables aux prin- cipaux Officiers du Gouvernement local. Ils ont souvent des devoirs A remplir qui ne sont pas popu- laires ; et il n’est pas rare qu’ils soient appeles A sup- pose r 15 ° Februariu A* 18 36. 468 emotions of the day ; and for the permanent well-be- ing of Society, to brave the displeasure of populai 1 i,|prs They should, therefore, be raised above all influence, and all suspicion of influence of unworthy f .. or favor. The interests of freedom and of good Government require, that those upon whose firmness and constancy the maintenance of order and the au- thority of the Laws mainly depend, snould not be looking for their subsistence to the favor of a body which necessarily reflects most of the fluctuating movements of the public mind. Such are the prin- cipal motives which induce me to conclude that the King could not, consistently with the interests of ms Canadian subjects, relinquish, except in return for an adequate Civil List, the control which IIis Majesty at present exercises over the Hereditary and lerntonal Revenue. . , . “ It will be for you to consider and report what ought to be the precise terms of this stipulation. A tempo rary cession of the Revenue in return fora provision for the chief Public Officers of the Province for a coi - responding period, would be the most satisfactory arrangement. In the rapid progress of settlement in the Canadian Provinces, a tew years will probably be productive of changes demanding a corresponding alteration in the terms of any adjustment concluded at the present period; and a decennial revision o the compact now to be made, would seem best calculated to secure those public benefits, and avert those public evils, by the hope or fear of which the compact itself is recommended. “If, however, a temporary settlement to be renewed, from ’time to time, should prove impracticable, or, upon a closer consideration of the subject, should seem to you inexpedient, you will consider in what manner the inconveniences inseparable from the permanent adjustment of such a question, can be most enectua y mitigated or avoided. , “ Respecting the amount of the Civil List to be tie- manded, the very moderate proposal of the Earl of Ripon might perhaps be taken as the basis, but. as His Lordship proposed to retain for the Crown, the control of the Territorial and Hereditary Revenue, it would be in perfect consistency with his principle to advance beyond the limit of his demands. . It will be for you to consider what part of the Public Revenue oimht thus to be withdrawn from the annual appro- priation of the Provincial Legislature. In attempting to draw this line, you will judge what are those ser- vices in the performance of which the common good requires that the Officers of the Crown should be ele- vated above the reach of the popular prepossessions and prejudices. Other considerations will probably claim a place in deciding on the amount or the Civil List to be demanded ; but to maintain the piopet freedom of action in the chief organs of the Executive Government, will be the principle object to be borne in view. “The opponents of the claims preferred by the House of Assembly to the control of the Territorial Revenue insist with peculiar emphasis, that the necessary effect of yielding to this claim would be to transfer fiom the Executive Government to the popular Branch of the Legislature, the management of the un- cleared Teiritory, asserting that the assumption of this duty bv the House of Assembly would be most injurious to the Agricultural and financial inteiests of Lou er Canada. “ Were poser aux passions et aux agitations du jour, et a bra- ver les mccontentemens des chefs du parti populaire, pour le bien-etre permanent de la societe. On doit par consequent les mettre a 1’abri de toute influence, et de tout soup9on d’etre influences par la ciainteou la faveur. Ees mterets de la libeite et d un bon Gouvernement exigent que ceux sur la fermete et la Constance desquels le maiutien de 1 oidie et de au- torite des Lois depend principalement, n’attendent pas leur subsistence de la faveur d’un corps qui par- take et reflechit la plupart des mouvemens variables de” l’esprit public. Tels sont les principaux motifs qui m’ont porte h conclure que le Roi ne pouvait pas, en consultant les intercts de ses Sujets Canadiens, abandonner !e controle que Sa Majeste exeice main- tenant sur le Revenu hereditaire et territorial, excepte moyennant line Liste Civile suffisante. “ C’est a vous de considerer et de rapporter, queues devront etre les conditions de cet arrangement. Une cession temporaire du Revenu moyennant i octroi des Salaires des principaux Officiers Publics de laliovince pour le meme espace de temps, serait 1’arrangement le plus satisfaisant. D’apres les progres rapides que font les etablissemens dans les Provinces Canadiennes, . es- pace de quelques annees produira peut-etre des changemens qui exigeront des alterations proportion- 's dans les conditions de 1’arrangement actual ; et une revision decennale du pacte qui est sur le point desefaire, parait le moyen le plus propre a assurer les avantages, ou a faire eviter les maux publics, sur Pesperance ou la crainte desquels la recommandation de cette mesure est fondee. “ Si cependant un arrangement temporaire, renou- vete de temps a autre, devenait impraticable *, ou, si apr^s avoir consider^ le sujet avec plus d attention, il ne vous paraissait pas convenable, vous exammerez alors de quelle maniere on pourra le plus emcace- ment mitiger ou eviter les inconveniens inseparables de l’arrangement permanent de cette Question. ^ “ Quant au montant de la Liste Civile qui doit etre demandee, 1’on pouirait peut-etre prendre pour base, la Liste Civile tr£s-moderee demandee par Lord Lipon. Mais comme Sa Seigneurie se proposait de retentr pour la Couronne, le controle du Revenu territorial et hereditaire, en demandant une Liste Civile plus forte, 1’on apirait parfaitement en harmonie avec le principe qu'il a £mis. Ce sera a vous a considerer quelle par- tie du Revenu public devra etre ainsi soustraite a l ap- propriation annuelle de la Legislature Provinciate. En tachant de tracer cette ligne, vous pourrez juger quels sont les services dans l’accomplissement desquels le bien public exige que les Officiers de la Couronne soient places au-dessus des preventions et des prdjuges populaires. II y a probablement encore d’autres con- siderations qui reclameront votre attention en deci- dant quel sera le montant de la Liste Civile qui doit etre demandee ; mais le principal objet que vous de- vrez avoir en vue, c’est de conserver faction libre et convenable des principaux organes du Gouvernement Executif. . “ Ceux qui s’opposent aux pretentions de la Uiam- bre d’Assemblee, de controler le Revenu Territorial, insistent avec force que la cession de ce droit aurait l’effet de transferer a la Blanche populaire de la Le- gislature la regie des Terres incultes de la Cou- ronne, et ils declarant que l’envahissement de ce pou- voir par la Chambre d’Assemblee, serait tres-prejiicli- ciable k l’Agriculture et aux Finances du Bas-Camda. J’admettrais 6 Will. IV. 1 5° Februarii. 469 “ Were the right of appropriating the Revenue arising from the Crown Lands and the charge of their ma- nagement indissolubly connected, I should admit this reasoning to he correct. The objections to the com- bination in the same hands, of a large share of the Legislative power with so important a branch of the Executive authority, are too obvious to escape your notice ; and I therefore may, without inconvenience, abstain from a particular explanation of them. It may be sufficient to say, that His Majesty’s confiden- tial advisers regard as conclusive and unanswerable, the objections which are made to confiding the ma- nagement of the uncleared Territory of Lower Canada to either or to both of tire Houses of General Assembly, or to persons appointed by them and subject to their control. “ In the distribution of the different powers of the State, the office of settling and alienating the unclear- ed Territory properly belongs to the Executive Go- vernment. “ It is competent to the Legislature upon this, as up- on other subjects to lay down general rules for the gui- dance of the Executive authorities ; or either Branch of the Legislature may separately offer its advice to the Crown as to the policy and system of management which it thinks should be pursued ; but the practical application of such general rules, and the charge of carrying into effect the system of management which may be ap- proved, are functions so strictly of an Executive and Administrative character, that they can only be pro- perly discharged by those in whose hands all similar powers are lodged by the Constitution. Nor am I aware of any ground on which a surrender of that trust could be properly required from His Majesty, or which could justify the resignation of it by the King. " Wishing to meet the whole subject frankly and without reserve, I am not disposed to deny that, at a period which perhaps can hardly be called remote, large grants of Land were improvidently made to per- sons who had no legitimate title to that advantage. — But this I believe to have been the necessary conse- quence of a system of management which, though faul- ty in itself, was consonant with opinions prevalent at the time of its establishment; and I am entitled, on behalf of the Executive Government, as administered by Lord Ripon , and by His Lordship's successors, to assert that they gave conclusive evidence, both of the disposition to originate, and of the ability to effect, a complete reform in this Department of the Public Ser- vice. Lord Ripon took the most effectual security against the recurrence of such abuses, by establishing the rule that no waste Lands should be disposed of ex- cept by public auction, and at such an upset price as should effectually prevent fictitious sales. I am aware that complaint has been made of the infringement of this rule; but after the most careful search, into all the documents within my reach, I am able to declare that I find no evidence of a solitary deviation from it. The cases mentioned as exceptions, are all to be explained by the same simple statement. Persons who, before the date of Lord Ripon'?, regulations, had entered into contracts, or had received from the Government pro- mises for the grant of Lands, upon different terms, in- sisted afterwards on their earlier titles ; against which, of course, it would have been unjust to plead a subse- quent and retrospective rule. “ But while claiming for His Majesty, and for the Public Officers appointed by Him, the right and the duty “ J’admettrais que ce raisonnement est juste, si Ie droit d’affecter le Itevenu provenant des Terres de la Gouronne, et la r<$gie de ces Terres, etaient liees en- semble d’u ne maniere indissoluble. Les objections qu d y a a cornier aux memes mains une partie con- siderable du Pouvoir ITgislatif, et une portion im- poitante de lautoiite Executive, sont trop evidentes pour fchapper a votre attention ; je puis done, sans inconvenient, m’abstenir de vous en parler plus narti- culicrement. II suffira peut-ctre de dire que les Conseillers confidentieis de Sa Majeste regarden t comme concluantes et sans replique, les objections qu’on oppose pour empecher de confier la r 6ffie des Terres incultes du Bas-Canada a l'une ou I’autre Chambre d’Assemblee gffiffirale, ou a des personnes nominees par elles, ou sujettes a leur contro’le. “Dans la distribution des differens pouvoirs del’Etat, 1 1 1 abl issem en t et 1 alienation des Xerres incultes est proprement du ressort du Gouvernement Executif. f La Legislature pent a la verite etablir des regies gi nt i ales sui cet objet, comme sur bien dautres, pour scivir de guide a 1 Executif; l’une ou l’autre Tranche de la Legislature pent aussi donner son avis a la Cou- ronne sur la politique, ou le systeme de tegie quelle pense que 1 on devrait suivre ; mais l application pra- tique de ces lTgles giffifraies, et le soin de mettre a effet le systeme de regie que 1’on pourrait approuver, sont des fonctions qui sont lellement du ressort du Gouvernement Executif et Administrate, que l’on ne pent convenablement en charger dautres per- sonnes que cedes que la Constitution a revetues de semblables pouvoirs. Je ne connais aucunes raisons sur lesquelles on puisse convenablement s’appuyer pour demander a Sa Majest6 d’abandonner ce con- trole, ou qui puissent justifier le Roi de s’en desister.” “ Comme je desire discuter tout ce sujet franche- ment^ et sans reserve, je ne suis pas dispose’ a nier qu’a une epoque qu’on peut a peine regarder comme eloi- gn d e, il a cue fait, inconsiderement, des octrois de teire considerables a des personnes qui n’avaient point de titre legitime a ces octrois. Mais je crois que cela a et6 une consequence necessaire dun systeme de rfme qui, quoique defectueux en lui-meme, l' of the Crown, I am not only ready, but anxious Lands of t he ^ Crow ^ ^ for the inte l- r otnT ^faithful and punctual execution of that duty ; ’’pc if ceem to me that it would necessarily be in- compatible with these objects, to place the Territorial Revenue at the disposal of the Legislatuie. In considering this subject, it will be in the first rlace necessary to determine the principles upon which & ^ uncleared territory coul.l be brought most advan- H^eously into settlement. This enqu.ry has engaged til? serious attention botlr of speculative observed and of persons practically engaged in such affa r • Lord Ji'mon evidently devoted to it much time and thought, fnd his Instructions to Lord Aylmer on tins head rest on principles which certainly underwent a veiy close investigation. Aware as I am how many are the sources of e or to which speculations of tins kind are liable, and how necessary it is for the correction of such fal- lacies, to possess an intimate acquaintance with the scene in which such abstract principles are reduced to practice I express my concurrence in the general views of my predecessor, with the same self distrust by which he appears to have been actuated. It was under the influence of that feeling as well as from respect for the K authorities, that Lord Ripon took the wise course of soliciting the advice of the House of Assembly fo tli e S guidance of the local Government in maturing his scheme, and in the discharge of the duUes connected with it. The House has not, as yet, acted on that le qU » This silence may I trust be understood to imply an approbation of the system so fully explained y Lord Ripon ; but as it is of the greatest importance that some permanent rules should be present! upon this subject, which cannot with propriety be left to the arbitrary discretion of any functionaries, however emi- nent in ^character or station, it will be part of yom duty to enquire and ascertain what are the principles i and the rules which could be most conveniently adopted for this purpose. The existing regulations if not pci- feet seem at least sufficiently accurate to form the basis of a Legislative enactment on the subject. \ ? however, have an opportunity of learning how far Lord Rfaoris plan has really been productive of the benefi- ci^°effects which His' Lordship anticipated, and how far any unforeseen difficulties may have embarrassed iU operation. You will thus be enab ed to judge to what P extent it may demand or admit of amendment. « But it will be necessary not merely to determine the general system of management which should be adopted, but likewise to provide adequate maclnneiy by which that system may be practically applied. n your enquiries upon this head, your attention will natu- rally he drawn to the course of proceeding followed in this^country, in a case which however distinguishable, is not dissimilar from that of the management of t ie wild Lands in Lower Canada. The Land Revenue of the Crown, in England , is placed under the direction of a Board of which all the Members are appointed by ‘ h *Thf Commissioners of Woods and Forests, under the direction of the Treasury, receive the Rents and profits which arise from the Estates of the Crown, ap- ply such portions of the receipts as in their discretion they think expedient in the improvement of the pro- perty and in defraying the various expenses of manage- ment, and transfer the balance which may remain, voir de regler l’&ablissement et l'alienation des Ter res inculles de la Couronne, je suis non seulement pie, mais je desire que l’on prenne toutes les suretes conve- nes pour que ces devoirs soient remplis d une ma- nure intelligente, fidele et ponctuelle ; et ll ne me parait pas non plus qu’ilserait n6cessairement incompa tible avec ces objets de placer le llevenu territorial a la disposition de la Legislature. “ II sera d’abord necessaire, en considerant ce sujet, de determiner quels seront les principes d apres lesquels on pourra itablir le plus avantageusement les le ies incultes. Ces recherclies out occupe serieusement 1 at- tention taut des observateurs spiculat.fs que des per- sonne" en • ' i a sur ce sujet qu’on ne peut convenablement laissei a la discretion arbitraire d’aucun Fonctionnairc i quelqu e- niinent qu’il soil parsa reputation on par sa cha a e ce sera une partie de votre devoir de vous el c e co'nslater quels sent les principes et les regies les plus avantaireuses que l’on pourrait adopter pour cet obje . Les i Wemensexistans, s’ils ne sont pas parfaits, pa- raisseii? du moins suffisamment exacts pour former es bases dun Aete Ligislatif a f 1 *8^- Vous aurez cenendant I’occasion d’apprendre quels sont les etiets avantaoeux qu’a riellement produ.ts le plan de Lord Rivon^e t qu’il en attendail, et quelles sont les difficul tifim primes qui peuvent avoir entravd son operation. Vous ponrrez alors etre en itat de juger queR sont k changemens que ce plan peut ex.ger on dont il peut Mais'd 'sera* necessaire non seulement de determi- enAn^leterre est place sous la direction d’un Bureau dont le Roi norame tous les Membies. “ Les Commissaires des Bois et Forits, r s p la rection de la Tresorerie, re S o.vent les Rentes «« P ^ qui proviennent des Biens . ’« ‘’ n “ 1 of a plan, at once so comprehensive and so unportanl to the best interests of the Province. r ?' lrin S J , sidence in Lower Canada, some topics kindred to tlios to which 1 have adverted, may present themselves nm notice • and you will not exclude from your cot.- iny question which may appear to yon to avTa material bearing on the decision to be ultimately j ,‘ i t v t i. e Kin>T. To place the Financial affairs Province on some safe" and permanent basis, and tlms to relieve the Executive Government and the \ c Houses of General Assembly from the unhappy dis- tractions of the last fifteen years, may beUmbys^l to be the main object of your mission. It will, tlieie fore, receive your first and most careful attention. A true Extract, T. FRED. ELLIOT. crois peuvent avec raison former partie dcs conditions de ^arrangement pour la cession du Revenu t.c la Conronne. Co sont l indipendance des Juges, Petablissement d’une Lisle Civile, -la regie des Terre* ineultes, — et la continuation des Pensions existantes. Si 1’on pent faire un arrangement satisfaisant stir ces matieres, je ne sache pas quil y ait d’autres difficul- ty a ui peuvent empecher qa’on accbde aux voeux de la Chambre d’ Assemble au sujet de 1 appropriation des Revenus Provinciaux. Je sens bien, cependant, le danger qu’il y a d’oublier, i cette distance du lieu de lasc^ne, quelques conditions qi. .1 pourrait paraitre n^cessaire, un examen plus soigne, dembrasser dans l’adoptiou finale d’un plan a la fo.s s, etendu et s, important pour les meilleurs mtjrets de la Province. Pendant votre residence dans le Bas-Camda .1 pourra neut-etre sc presenter a votre attention quelques objets bos a ceux auxquels j’ai fait allusion; et you* ne manquerez pas de considerer toute question qui pourra vous paraitre avoir un rapport important a la decision one le Roi devra finalement adopter. L on peut due veritablement que le prieipal objet de votre mission, e’est de placer les affaires financieres de la Province sal- quelque base sure et permanente, et de faire dis- paraitre les difficult^ roalheureuses qm existent depms quinze ans entre le Gouyernement Exccutil ct les deux Chambres d’Assembiee gdnterle. Vous y don- ncrez done votre premiere et votre plus so.gneuse at- tention.” Extrait fiaelc, T.-FRED. ELLIOT. Copies of cer- The House being informed that Stephen Walcott, tain Despatches . p - -i Spcretarv to His Excellency the Go- lrom the Colo- LsOUire, LlVll oeCieiAiy l|_ 1 : n . n,ai Secretary to 1 j n chief, was at the door, he was ca bed in , \LIUU1 J fzx on Ar dl-psi to Lord Aylmer. Appendix (L. L.) vpmor in v mei, was at, n.-, and at the Bar, delivered, pursuant to an Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the ol h instant, Copies of certain Despatches addressed bv the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Lieutenant Gene- ,al For r the^said Despatch, see Appendix (L. L.) at the end of this Volume. La Chambre etant informee que Stephen Walcott, " r h ' ( t- Qnnr/.tnirp Civile de Son Excellence Je Gou* du secretaire Ec liver, oGClvtailG v^l lie ColomalaLoi verneur-en-Chef, Gait k la Porte, ^ il a Ge appele, et a AyUner . re mis a la Barre, conformant a une Adresse a Sou Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, du o du coin ant, des Conies de certains Depechcs adressGs par le e- cretaire d\Etat pour les Colonies au Lieutenant-Gene- Pour les dites Dep&ches, voir Appendice (L. L ) A (L L0 la fin de ce Volume. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Jacques D °Ordered, That the Message of His Excellency the U/aereu, * a nncumpnlsac- Governor i'n Chief, of this day, with the Documents ac- UTkZT “ companying the same, be referred to t >e Committee of Commissioners, , vv ] 10 'i e House on the several Reports of the stanc 0 liada commit- Cmurnittee of Public Accounts, and on the State of the ted. 1 Ordered That the said Message, with the Documents accompanying the same, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Sur Motion de M. Morin, secoqde par M. Jacques U °o2nnc, Que le Message de Son Excellence le •££-• Gouverneur-en-Chef, de ce jour, avec les Document! i™™ qui 1 ’accompagnent, soient rtferes au Comitd de toute la Chambre sur les divers Rappoits du Comitc . e. c manent des Comptes Publics, et sur PEtat de la I ro- Ordonne, Que le dit Message avec les Doeumens qui l’accompagnent soient impnmes pour 1 usage des Mcmbres de cette Chambre. Resolution, .n The House proceeded to take into consideration a SXlTtf Motion made by Mr. Gugy, on Sunday morning viz .. Futon concur- (( rot . q ie Question of concurrence be sepaiately pu .. upon the Resolutions reported from the Committee “ of the whole House on the Second Report of the Stand- “ ing Committee of Grievances. The Question being put on the said Motion, the House divided thereon ; and the names being called fot they were taken down, as followeth : Yeas, Messieurs Baker, Bardy, Barnard, B ^ udouin *^ e J m trand, Besserer , Blackburn, Blanchard, B louche t , Bone, Bouffard, Boutillier, Careau, Caron , Cazeau, Ui errw, Child, Cote, Courteau, De Bleurrj Debtors, Deh ^ De Tonnancour, De Wilt, Jacques Donon, Joseph 1 ous- saint Dr o let, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser, Gtrouard, Godbout, Grannrs, Gugy, Hebert, Huot s KimbeuK^*^' Resolutions le Resolutions on red tur T t Chambre a procG16 a prendre en consideration f ir , e une Motion faite par M. Gugy, Dimanche matin, sa- voir : “ Que la Question de concours soit separement w.-.^i ‘ 6 mise sur les Resolutions rapportees par le Goniitc icelui . “ de toute la Chambre sur le^ Second Rapport du Co- “ mitd Permanent des Griefs.” La Question ayant ete mise sur la elite Motion, la Chambre s’est divisee sur icelle ; et les noms a} Ge demands, ils out Ge pns comine suit : Pour, . Messieurs Baker, Bardy, ryn^h Beapom^Be,. trend, Besserer, Blackburn, Blanchard, UanchiU Boac Bouffard, Boutillier, Careau, Caron ' C J ff a \F ' De Child, Cole, Courteau, De Bleary, Deblots, Dili ny,JJe Tonnancour, De Witt, Jacques Donon, Josefli-Tous- saint Drolet, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser, Oiroum d, Godbout , Grannis, Gugy, Hebert, Huot , Mbg 6 Will. IV. 15° Fehruarii. 47 3 Conmittee on Depots of Pro- visions. Lafontaine, harue, IjC Boutillier, Leslie , Ijelourneait , Marquis , Meilleur , Methot, Moore, Nelson, Noel, O' Cal- laghan, Perrault, Raymond, Rocbrune dit Laroque, Ro- dier, Roy, Simon, Tache, Thihaudeau, Toomy, Trudel, Vanjelson and Viger. (61.) Nays, Messieurs Clapham, and Power. (2.) So it was carried in the Affirmative. And the said Resolutions being again severally read, and the Question of concurrence being separately put thereon, the House divided upon each j and the names being called for they were taken down, as followeth : Yeas, Messieurs Balcer , Bardy, Barnard, Beaudouin , Ber- trand, Besserer, Blackburn, Blanchard, Blanche l, Bouc , Bouffard, Boutillier , Careau, Caron, Cazeau, Cherrier , Child, Cote , Courteau, De Bleury, Deblois, Deligny, De Tonnancour, De Witt, Jacques Dorion, Pierre Antoine Donon, Joseph Toussaint Drolet, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Godbout, Grannis, Gugy, Hebert , Huot, Kirnber, Knight, Lafonlaine, Larue, Le Boutillier, Leslie, Letourneau, Marquis, Meilleur, Methot , Moore, •Nelson, Noel, O' Callaghan, Perrault , Raymond, Rocbrune dit Laroque, Rodier, Roy, Simon, Tache, Thibaudeuu, loomy , Trudel, Vanfelson and Viger. (62.) Nays, Messieurs Clapham and Power. (2.) So they were carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved , That this House doth concur with the Com- mittee in the said Resolutions. Resolved, I hat the said Resolutions and the Report therein mentioned, be referred to a Committee of five Members, with an Instruction to prepare and report with all convenient speed the, draught of an Address in conformity to the same. Ordered, That Mr. Gugy, Mr. Blackburn, Mr. Nelson, Comndttee ^ ^ ^ a F ntaine do compose the said the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Petition of divers Ship Owners, Ship Masteis, Meichants and others, and other references being read ; ’ The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee ; and alter some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions, which he was directed to submit to the House. n^Onferaf, That the Report be received, on Wednesday The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the several Reports of the Standing Committee of ubhc Accounts, and on the State of the Province, and other references, being read • 0r fgg, Tha ‘ the saitl Order of the day be post- poned till Thursday next. y ^ ?rtain passages The Order of the day for the House in Committee to onle’s'speech int ,° consideration certain passages touching the S' ate « f ,/ h,a Province in the Speech delivered by Sir anada. John Colborne, Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada at the opening of the Parliament of that Province on Thursday, the 14th January last, being read ; Vol — 45. The L^afontaine, Larue, Le Boutillier, Leslie, Letourneau Marqws Meilleur, Methot, Moore, Nelson, Noel O Callaghan, Perrault, Raymond, Rocbrune dit La- roque Rodier Roy, Simon, Tache, Thibaudeau, Toomy, lrudel Vanfelson et Viger. (61.; y Con t re, Messieurs Clapham et Power. (2.) Ainsi elle a et6 emport(e dans 1’ Affirmative. Lt les dites Resolutions ayant 6te separ^ment lues de nouveau, et la Question de concours ayant et6 sZlvf ment muse sur icelles, la Chambre s’est divis venus des Ofn- nomme pour s enquerir des Honoraires et llevenua ciers des Cours i $us en vertu de leurs charges respectives, par les She- ^ usl,ce > re * rifs, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Cours d Appel et du Banc du Iloi en cette Province, et autres references, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mer- credi prochain. , Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger, seconde par M. Le- tourneau, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Tuesday, 16 th February, 183G. Fourth Report of Committee of Education and Schools. | H/|R. Huot, from the Standing Committee^of Edu- Appendix (O. O.) cation and Schools, presented to the House the Fourth Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. For the said Report, see Appendix (O. O.) at the end of this Volume. The Committee of Education and Schools dis- charged from the further con- siderationoftwo Petitions from Ste. Marline de Beauharnois. On Motion of Mr. Huot, seconded by Mr. Cazeau , Ordered, That the Standing Committee of Educa- tion and Schools be discharged from the fuither consi- deration of the Petitions of the Trustee of School No. 3, of the Parish of Ste. Marline de Beauharnois, and of the Trustees of School No. 5, of the Parish of Ste. Marline de Beauharnois ; and that the said Petitions, with the Evidence taken thereon, be referred to the Special Committee to whom were referred the Peti- tions of the Trustees of School No. 4, in Wilhams- town of the Trustees of School No. % Norton Creek j — of the Trustees of School No. 1, in Russel- town ; — and of the Trustees of School No. 4, of Rus - seltown, in the County of Beauharnois. On Motion of Mr. O'Callaghan , seconded by Mr. Perrault, Ordered, Mardi, 16 Fevrier 1836. M Huot, du Comite Permanent pour l’Education QuatriemeRap- e et les Ecoles, a presente a la Chambre le Qua- trieme Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nou- u°neties veau a la Table du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (O. O.) a la ^ e ^j ce fin de ce volume. Sur Motion de M. Huot, seconde par M. Cazeau, Ordonne, Que le Comity Permanent pour l’Educa- LeComiiepour tion et les Ecoles soit decharge de la consideration les Ecoles de- ulterieure des Petitions du Syndic de l'Ecole N ° . 3, de la Paroisse Ste. Marline de Beauharnois ; et des uiienpu-ede^ Syndics de l’Ecole N°.5, de la Paroisse Ste. Mar- de Ste. Martina tine de Beauharnois ; et que les dites Petitions, ainsi de beauharnois. que les Temoignages pris au sujet d icel les, soit rtffer^s au Comite Special auquel ont £te referees les Petitions des Syndics de l Ecole No. 4, de Williamstown ; des Syndics de l’Ecole N°. 2, Norton Creek ; — des Syn- dics de l’Ecole N ° . 1, a Russeltown ", — et des Syndics de l'Ecole N ° . 4, de Russel town, dans le Comte de Beauharnois. Sur Motion de M. O'Callaghan, seconde par M. Per- rault, Ordonne, 6 Will. IV. 16 ° Fcbruarii. SffiSfiSP 0rdere d> That the Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to regulate and establish the Sa- laries of the Officers of the Customs at the Inland Ports in this Province, and for other purposes therein men- tioned ; and on the Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, which relates to the expiration of the Act regulating the collection of the Revenue at the several Inland Ports of this Province, with the Do- cuments accompanying the same, lost by the adjourn- ment of the House, yesterday, be revived ; and that this House will, on Thursday next, resolve itself into the said Committee. Ordonnt , Que l’Ordre du Jour pour que la Chambre Bin Dou- se forme en Comite sur le Bill pour regler et etablir anwint6rieure«, Salaires des Officiers des Douanes aux Ports de J’lnte- rieur de cette Province, et autres fins y mentionnees et sur le Rapport du Comite Special auquel a 6t& refer6 Je Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef qui a rapport a Pexpiration de PActe reglant la percep- tion du Revenu aux differens Ports Interieurs de cette Province, avec les Documens qui l’accompagnent perdu par Pajournement de la Chambre, hier, soit retabli et que, Jeudi prochain, cette Chambre se lormera en le dit ComitG On Motion of Mr. O'Callaghan, seconded by Mr. Meilleur , ufnDesJatches Ordered, That the Copies of certain Despatches ad- from the coio- s dressed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Lold S Ayimer, to Lieutenant General Lord Aylmer, delivered at the Bar referred. 0 f t he House, yesterday, be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Despatch from Lieutenant General Lord Aylmer, K. C. B. to the Right Honorable the Earl of Aberdeen, K. T., dated Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 18th March, 1835, No. 28, with the Statement annexed thereto. Sur Motion de M. O'Callaghan, second^ par M. MeiU leur , Ordonne, Que les Copies de certaines Dfyeches copie, deoer- adressees par le SecrGaire d’Etat pour les Colonies a taines Depeches Lieutenant-General Lord Aylmer, remises hier a la Barre de cette Chambre, soient referees au Comite Z™''™' Special auquel a 6t6 referee la Depeche du Lieutenant- General Lord Aylmer, C. C. B. au Tr^s-Honorable 0°mted Aberdeen, C. C. datee Chateau St. Louis, Que- bec, 18 Mars 1835, N ° . 28, avec PEtat qui y est an- nexe. J ern keepers^ 8 ” Mr - De Bleury , from the Special Committee to whom ini. was referred the Bill for the further regulation of Ta- verns and Ta vernkeepers, and for other purposes there- with connected, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House on Friday next. ormal Schools An engrossed Bill to provide for the establishment ' paiSe ' of Normal Schools, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Huot do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. ^ ‘ ■Oe Bleury, du Comite Special auquel a 6t6 re- Rapport sur i e ferule Bill qui fait des r^glemens ult^rieurs concer- S s dei Auber * nant les Auberges et les Aubergistes, et pour d’au- tres objets y relatifs, a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, les- quels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau & la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient r^feres a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Vendredi prochain. Un Bill grossoye pour pourvoir a Petablissement d’E- Bl » «»«• Ecoie.’ coles IN ormales, a — Leave out “ one month,” and in- sert “ fifteen days.” “ “ “ 42.— After “ kind,” insert “ such.” “ “ “ 43.— Leave out “ any Justice,” and in- sert “ two Justices.” “ “ “ 44— Leave out “ Justice,” and insert “ Justices.” “ “ “ 45.— Leave out “ five pounds,” and insert “ two pounds ten shillings.” Press 2. Line 17. — Leave out “ one month,” and insert “ fifteen days.” “ “ “ 27. — Leave out “ five pounds,” and insert “ two pounds ten shillings.” “ “ “ ibid. — After “ currency,” insert “ to be re- “ covered as aforesaid, before any two “ Justices of the Peace in Special Ses- “ sion.” u “ “ 38. Leave out “ five pounds,” and in- sert “ two pounds ten shillings.” “ “ “ ibid. After “ currency,” insert “ to be “ recovered as aforesaid.” “ “ “ 43. — Leave out “ for a month or.” “ “ “ ibid. After “ period,” insert “ than a “ month.” Press 3. Line 1. Leave out “ five pounds,” and in- sert “ two pounds ten shillings.” u a a Q ' — Leave out “ one month,” and insert “ fifteen days. Tenthly. That when- “ ever any Labourer, Mechanic, Trades- “ man or other workman, shall engage “ to perform any specific quantity or job “ of work for any sum of money not exceeding five pounds currency, and “ shall refuse, neglect, or fail to fulfil “ such agreement, or be guilty of a ” breach of any part of the same, he “ shall be liable to a penalty not ex- “ ceeding thirty shillings, nor less than “ ^ ve shillings currency, to be reco- ** vered in manner aforesaid.” 6 — Leave out “ the Justice,” and insert “ either of the Justices.” “ “ “ 14. — Leave out “ one Calendar month ” and insert “ fifteen days.” Ordered , That the Question of concurrence be now separately put upon the said Amendments. And the first to the sixteenth of the said Amendments inclusively, being again severally read, and the Question of concurrence being separately put thereon, they were agreed to by the House. The first part of the seventeenth of the said Amend- ments, which is, to leave out “ one month,” and insert “ fifteen FW “ decider d une maniere plus facile et moins dispen- “ dieuse les difftrends qui s’Hevent entre les Maitres et Maitresses et leurs Serviteurs, Apprentis ou En- “ gag^s, dans les Campagnes de cette Province,” soient maintenant pris en consideration. La Chambre a en consequence proeede k prendre les dits Amendernens en consideration. Et les dits amendernens ont ete lus, comm suit : Feuille 1. ligne 36 — Retranchez “ un Juge,” et inserez deux Juges.” tt a it 38. Retranchez “ cinq livres,*’ et in* s6rez “ deux livres dix schellings”. it the Call of ie Home, to i considered. Ilementary Education Bill tported. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Barnard took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Barnard reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Mr. Speaker having put the Question, Shall the Committee have leave to sit again ? The House divided : Yeas, 41. Nays, 22. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered , That the said Committee have leave to sit again on Tuesday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and to provide for the further encouragement of Elementary Education in this Province, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Raymond took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Raymond reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received, to-morrow. The names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Amiot, Baker , Bardy, Barnard , Besserer, Blanchard, Bouc , Cardinal, Caron, Child, Cute, Courteau, De Bleury, Deblois, Deligny , De Witt, Pierre Antoine Dorion, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard , Grannis, Guillei , Hebert, Hnot, Kimber , Knight , Lafontaine, Letourneau, Morin, Mousseau, Noel, O' Callaghan, Perrault, Ray- mond, Rodier, Simon, Tache, Ihibaudeau, Toomy and Viger. And at a quarter past eleven o’clock at night, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. 48 S La Chambre s’est en consequence form^e en le dit Comite. M. Barnard a pris Ie Fauteuil du Comite ; et apr£s y avoir si£g6 quelque temps, M. l’Orateura repris le Fauteuil ; Et M . Barnard a fait rapport que le Comitd avait fait quelque progres, et Iui avait enjoint de dcmander per- mission de sieger de nouveau. M. l’Orateur ayant mis la Question: Le Comite aura-t-il la permission de singer de nou- veau ? La Chambre s’est divisee: Pour, 41. Contre, 22. Ainsi elle a ete emportde dans l’Affirmative, et Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de singer de nouveau, Mardi prochain L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en C omi«6 SU ri. Comite sur le Bill pour rappeler certains Actes y Bill d'Educa- tionn^s, et pour pourvoir ulterieurement k l’encourage- uTe. emen * ment de l’Education elementaire en cette Province, ayant et6 lu; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comit6. M. Raymond a pris Ie Fauteuil du Comitd; et apr£s y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateura repris le Fauteuil; Et M. Raymond a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que Ie Rapport soit re 5 u demain. Les noms des Membres presens ont ete pris corame suit: M. 1’Orateur, Messieurs Amiot, Baker, Bardy, Barnard, Besserer, Blanchard, Bouc, Cardinal, Caron, Child, Cote, Courteau, De Bleury, Deblois, Deligny De Wilt, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Grannis , Gui/let, He- bert, Huol, Kimber, Knight, Lafontaine, Letourneau , Morin, Mousseau, Noel, O'Callaghan, Perrault , Ray- mond, Rodier, Simon, Tache, Tibaudeau , Toomy et Viger. Et a onze heures et un quart du soir, M. l’Orateur a ajourne la Chambre, faute de Quorum. Thursday, 18 th February, 1836. Jeudi, 18 Fevrier 1836. Motion of Fortin, seconded by Mr. Perrault, Ordered, That the Reasons assigned by the absent Members for their non-attendance at the Call of this House on Friday last, be taken into consideration on Monday the twenty-second instant. UR Motion de M. Fortin, seconde par M. Perrault , Ordonne, Que les Raisons donn£es par les Membres absens, pour ne s’etre pas trouv^s a l’Appel de cette Chambre, Vendredi dernier, soient prises en conside- ration Lundi le vingt-deux du courant. Les Raisons donn£es par les Membresabsens a 1'Appel de la Chambre, A eire considerces. Mr. Raymond , from the Committee of the whole House on the Biil to repeal certain Acts therein men- tioned, and to provide for the further encouragement of Elementary Education in this Province, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Com- mittee to the said Bill, which amendments were a^ain read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the Ho'use. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be en- grossed* M. Raymond, du Comit£ de toute la Chambre surle Bill pour rappeler certains Actes y mentionn^s, et pour SS'enV pourvoir ulterieurement a l’encouragement de l’Edu- taire * rfl PP° rt6 - cation Elementaire en cette Province, a fait rapport, coiiformement a l’Ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens ont ^te lus de nouveau a la I able du Greffier, et adoptes par la Cham- bre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amendif, soit gros- soyC The L’OrcLre 484 18“ Felruarii. A. 1836. Gale. Resolutions and an Address epoited. The Order of the dav for the House in Committee on Re^or't'refating ^ Fifth Report of the Standing Committee ot Grie- to Mr. Justice ^ read . The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Mr. De Witt took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. De Witt reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions, which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : 1. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, That Samuel Gale, Esquire, lately appointed one of the Justices of His Majesty’s Court of King s Bench for the District of Montreal, has been an active and decide nartizan of the obnoxious Administration of the Lai I ot KE°, formerly Governor in Chief oflhi. Provrnce, against which the People of this Colony did, in the year 1827, successfully complain. . _ . a.' Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That the said Samuel Gale did, in the year IS--, take an active part in circulating a certain Petition to the Imperial Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland , praying for a Union of the Provinces of Upper and ^Lower Canada under one Legislature, which 1 etition contained gross calumnies against this House, and ao-ainst the People of this Province ; grossly misrepre- sented the Civil Law in force in this Colony ; tended to engender animosities, prejudices and distractions between the various classes of His Majesty s subjects therein ; to endanger their rights and privileges, and to disturb the Institutions and Customs S uara "^ ,. t0 them by solemn Treaties and solemn Acts of larlia ment. Comiti sur le Rapport relatif a M. le Juge Gale; 3. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That the said Samuel Gale, whilst Chairman of t Quarter Sessions at Montreal, did use the power and influence of his office in acquiring and exercising an improper ascendancy over his fellow Justices of the Pt ace, in intimidating these Magistrates and bringing their opinions to his will and to that of the Executive, bv employing threats of punishment and exciting fears, equally hurtful to the interests of His Majesty s Go- vernment and of His Subjects in this Province, by des- troying the confidence of the public in the Magistracy and inthe Administration of Justice. 4. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That the said Samuel Gale, as appears by a letter by him addressed to the Earl ot Dalhous e , them Governor in Chief of this Province, and dated Montreal , 17th August, 1827, did report to the Executive four certain Magistrates who differed in opinion with the sml\ Samuel Gafe on a legal question, with a view that the Execu- tive should punish such Magistrates for the exercise of such opinion, and that shortly after the names of those four Magistrates were struck out, or omitted in tie Commission of the Peace thereafter issued ; and that the said Samuel Gale is thereby guilty of having at- tempted to destroy, and of having destroyed inasmuch as in him lay, all independence of the Bench ; and of having endangered the secu.ity of His Majesty s sub- jects and the safety of their lib rties and property. 5 ’ Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That the said Samuel Gale having been deputed to England, as the hired Agent of the then obnoxious Ad- ministration, to oppose the complaints of the l eople ot this Province, and to support the odious Admimstra ion aforesaid, did, in his evidence before a Committee ot the House of Commons, calumniate and defame this House ; 11 J evince L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Cinquieme Rapport du Comite Perma- nent des Griefs, ayant ete lu; , ... La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comit£. , , ^ . , . v M. De Witt a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir sieg6 quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil; Et M. De Witt a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe plusieurs Resolutions, lesquelles Resolutions ont ra pponees. ete lues de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme SU 'l. Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Que Samuel Gale, Ecuyer, nomme un des Juges de la Cour du Banc du Roi de Sa Majeste, pour le District de Montreal, a ete un partisan actif et prononce de I Ad- ministration odieuse du Comte Dalhousie, ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef de cette Province, centre laquelle le Pen pie de cette Province, a, en 1827, porte des plain- tes avec succes. _ .. ~ , 2 Resolu, Que e'est 1’opimon tie ce Comite, Que le d\t Samuel Gale a, dans 1 annee 1822, pris une part ac- tive a faire circuler une certaine Petition adressee au Parlement Imperial de la Grande- Bretagne et d I> lande, dans laquelle on demandait l’union des Provinces du Haul et du Bas-Canada, avec une seule Legislature; que cette Petition contenait lescalomnies les plus gros- ses centre cette Chambre et le People de cette Pro- vince; representait faussement le systeme de Lois Li- viles en force dans cette Colonie, et tendait a faire nai- tre des animosites, des pn juges et des dissensions entre les diverses classes des Sujets de sa Majeste en icelle ; & mettre en danger leurs droits et leurs pnvileges, et a ebranler les institutions et les coutumes qui leur ont ete garanties par des Traites solennels, et des Actes Parlementaires, . , ~ , 3. Resolu, Que c’est l’opinon de ce Comite, Que le dit Samuel Gale, pendant qu’il etait President des Ses- sions Trimestrielles de Montreal, a employe le pouvoir et l’influence que lui donnait sa charge, a acquerir et exercer un ascendant impropre sur ces Collegues • • . • * 1 i. „ ^ \/I aiv iptrofo D f PH T 1 - ei CACILCI mi 1 « . n • Juo-es de Paix, en intimidant ces Magistrate, et en tai- sant plier leurs opinions a sa volonte et a celie de 1 Lx- £cutif, par des menaces de punition, ou en excitant leurs craintes, d une maniere egalement nuisible aux interets du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste en cette rio- vince, qu elle detruisait la conflance du public dans la Magisfrature et l’admimstration de la Justice. 4. Resolu, Que c’est 1’opinion de ce Comite, Que le dit Samuel Gale, ainsi qu il appert par la Lettre qu il a adressee au Comte Dalhousie, aims Gouverneur-en- Chef de cette Province, datee Montreal le 17 Aout 1827, a fait rapport a l’Executif de quatre Magistrats qui avaient d iff re d'opinion avec le dit Samuel Gale sur une question de droit, afin de porter I’Execut.f a pumi- ces Magistrats pour avoir emis une telle opinion; et que peu de temps apres les noms de ces quatre Magis- trals furent effaces ou omis de la Commission de la Paix qui fut ensuite emanee ; et que le dit Samuel Gale s’est rendu par la coupable d’avoir tente de detrune et d’avoir en effet detruit, autant qu’il lui a ete possi- ble toute independance dans les Juges, d avoir mis en danger la surete des Sujets de Sa Majeste, de leur Ji- bertes et de leurs biens. _ . , ^ . 5. Reso'u, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Que le dit Samuel Gale, ayant ete depute en Angleterre comme A ffent salarie de 1’odieuse Administration d aims, pour s’opposer aux plaintes du Peuple de cette lovince, et pour appuyer la dite Administration odieuse, a calomnie et diflame cette Chambre dans son lemoi- gnage devant un Comite de la Chambre des Communes, 6 Will. IV. 485 18 w Ftbruarii . evince the most violent and unfounded prejudices against the Laws, Customs, and Institutions in force in this Country, misrepresent the same, and proved himself thereby to be a fixed and determined enemy, as well of the said Laws, Customs and Institutions, as of the ma- jority of the People of this Province. 6. Resolved, I hat it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That the Right Honorable Thomas Spring Rice, then His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, being moved by principles of justice anti good government, did, as appears by a Despatch, dated Downing Street, 1 1 th November, 1834, refuse to sanc- tion the appointment of the said Samuel Gale as Judge of the Court of King’s Bench, in consequence of the line adopted by the said Samuel Gale before the afore- said Committee of the House of Commons, in the year 1828, and of the connexion with the measures of those times. qu’il a montr 6 les prejuges les plus violens et les plus mal fondes contre les Lois, les Coutumes et les Insti- tutions en vigueur dans cette Province, les a faussement represent^es, et s’est declare par la l’ennemi prononct* des dites Lois, Coutumes et Institutions, et de la ma- jority du People de cette Province. C. Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Que le Tres-Honorable Thomas-Spring Rice, alors Principal Secretaire d’Etat de Sa Majeste pour les Colonies, mu par des^ principes de justice et de bon gouvernement, a refuse de sanctionner la nomination du dit Samuel Gale com me Juge de la Cour du Banc du lloi, ainsi qu’il appert par une Depeche datee de Downing Street, le 11 Novembre 1834, en consequence de la conduite tenue par le dit Samuel Gale devant le dit Comite de la Chambre des Communes en 1828, et de la part qu’il a prise aux affaires de ce temps-la. 7 - Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That it is imprudent and unsafe, and dangerous to the liberties, privileges, rights and pronertu s of the People of this Province, to intrust the Administration of the said Laws, Customs and Institutions to the said Samuel Gale, in whom the People of this Province, in consequence of his various acts, declarations and pro- ceedings aforesaid, have not, and cannot have, any con- fidence as a Judge. 8 . Resolved, I hat it is the opinion of this Commit'* tee, That an humble Address be presented to His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief, with Copies of the foregoing Report and accompanying Documents, toge- ther with Copies of the Report of the Special Committee of the House of Assembly on the qualification of Jus- tices of the Peace made in the second Session of the Thiiteen h Provincial Parliament, and the Evidence and Documents annexed thereto ; also of the Third Report of the Special Committee of this House to whom were referred Petitions on Grievances in the same Ses- sion, and the Evidence and Documents annexed thereto; also of the Evidence given by the said Samuel Gate] before a Committee of the Honorable the House of Commons, in the year 1828 ; praying His Excellency to take immediate steps to have the said Samuel Gale removed from the office of Judge of His Majesty’s Court of King’s Bench in this Province. Ordered , That the Question of concurrence be now separately put upon the said Resolutions And the said Resolutions being again severally read, and the Question of concurrence being separately put thereon, the House divided upon each ; and the names being called for, they were taken down, as followeth : Yeas, Messieurs Amiot, Hardy, Barnard, Bedard, Berthe- lot , Bertrand, Besserer, Blanchard, Blanchet, Boujjard, Boutillier , Caron, Cazeau, Cherrier, Child, Cute, Cour- lean, De Bleury, Deligny, De Tonmncour, De Witt, Jacques Dorian, Pierre Antoine Do> ion, Joseph Tous- suint D volet, Dubord, Charles Dro/et, Fortin, Fraser, Girouard, Grannis, Guillet , Hebert, Huot, Jobin, Kim- her, Lafontaine , Lame, Leslie, Letourneau, Marquis , Morin, Mousseau , Nelson, O' Callaghan, Perraull, Pic Ice l, Raymond, Rodier , Roy, Simon , Tache, Joseph Andre Taschereau , Phibaudeau , loomy , Vanfelson and Viger. Nays, Messieurs Baker, Blackburn, Clapham, Gugy , Knight, Moore and Wells. (7.) So they were carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved, That this House doth concur with the Com- mittee in the said Resolutions. Vol.— 45. Ordered , t 7* Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’il n’est ni sur ni prudent, mais au contraire dangereux pour les Jibertes, les privileges, les droits et les biens du Peuple de cette Province de confier 1’ Administra- tion des dites Lois, Coutumes et Institutions au dit Samuel Gale, dans lequel le Peuple de cette Province, en consequence des divers actes, declarations et pro- ctdes comnie susdit, n’a pas et ne peut pas avoir de confiance comnie Juge. 8 . Resolu, Que c’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une humble Adresse soit presentee a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, accompagnee des Copies du pre- sent Rapport et des Documens qui l’accompagnent; du Rapport du Comite Special de la Chambre d Assem- ble sur la qualification des Juges de Paix, fait dans la seconde Session du treizieme Parlement Provincial, et des Temoignages et Documens y annexes; aussi'du Troisieme Rapport d’un Comite Special de cette Cham- bre, auquel avaient ete referees des Petitions sur des Giief's, dans la meme Session, et les Temoignages et Documens y annexes; enfin, Copie du Temoigna r ' sur les , , /•iii - , noraires et lie- nomme pour s enquenr des Honoraires et llevenus per- venus dcsoffi- 911s en vertu de leurs charges respectives, par les She- deJutt“J°r!T rifs, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Cours d’Appel et du mis ‘ Banc du Roi en cette Province, et sur la partie du Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour s’enquerir des circonstances qui ont precedb et accompagne la mort du nomme John Collins, decede dans la Prison commune pour le District de Montreal, au commence- ment du mois de Decembre dernier, et pour s’enquerir aussi de l’etat de la dite Prison, des Temoignages pris par ce Comite, et des Documens qui l’accompagnent, relatifs t\ Lewis Gugy, Ecuyer, Sherif du District de •Montreal, ayant et^ lu ; Ordonne, 6 Will. IV . 18 ° F'ebruariu 489 Ordered, 1 hat the said Order of the day be post- Ordonne Que le n r ,i j • .. . poned till to-morrow, and that it be then the first Or mm ’ ^ lit Ordre du jour soit remis a de der of the day. h,St ° r ‘ ma,n > et * ue ce S01t ^Iors le premier Ordre du jour. JXdSfS* T he 2 rder of J h ? c,a ^ for the Hoilse in Committee ohn coiiina on Report of the Special Committee appointed to d< enquire into the circumstances which preceded and ac- companied the death of John Collins , who died in the common Gaol of the District of Montreal, in the begin- nm Par les She- Zi£l£Z bILJ p Cneurs des Cours d’Appel et du mis - .^ntW-' 60 C6,te Pr ° Vin “> et references, ® Ue le dit ° rdre du J0ur soit remis A de - ^ le Order of the day for the House in Committee Wceduw- on the several Reports of the Standing Committee of Ruoiic Accounts, and on the State of the Province, and Of 10l» 1. * 1 other references, being read ; Ordered That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Saturday next. • t i deferred. e 0 ,der the da y for the House in Committee on t| le Bill to regulate and establish the Salaries of the Officers of the Customs at the Inland Ports in this Pro- vince, and for other purposes therein mentioned, and on the Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Message of His Excellency the Governor C hief, which relates to the expiration of the Act re ■ £u atmg the collection of the Revenue at the several Inland 1 orts of this Province, with the Documents ac- companying the same, being read ; Ordered, d hat the said Order of the day be post- poned till Saturday next. * Co»K? r £ j r P ° i> q " e C Ch3m ^ se forme en c„ m p„, r„. es tllve,s Rapports du Comity Permanent wic.« &««!•!• ,a p,ovince - et medfp°rochaim e ’* ^ ° r< ' re >du j ° Ur SOit ren,is a Sa ' „„Tr he ,9 rde r, of tl ' e rf.ay for- the House in Committee 13“"*, h . , Flrs . 1 Re P ort ot the Special Committee appoint- • rs of the e d} t0 enquire concerning the Officers of the Executive iSd?- p over "™nt, their number and functions, and the Sa- i. Janes, bees and Emoluments received by each of them and whether there is any improper cumulation of Pub- Uc Ufhcesin any one person, other than those pro- \ided for by the Bill for securing the dignity and in- dependence ot the ( ouncils and Judiciary, passed in a foimer Session of the Provincial Parliament, and, also, whether any reduction can be made in, or any regtila- tion established with regard to the said Salaries, Fees and Emoluments or the mode of conducting the pub- being Wh ‘ Ch ^ P ublic 6 ood can be advanced, Comui't e r1»jim7 OUr . q r laCba ,"? bre forme en B i„ Je ,D„. nffi . , ^L~ pour regler et etablir les Salaires des anesl n‘erieures. Officers des Douanes aux Ports de PInterieur de cette "" n P, V, J C r et ai ! t [, es , fins y mentionnees, et sur le Rap- po. t du Comite Specal auquel a ete r^fere le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, qui a rap- port a 1 expiration de 1’Acte r^glant la perception du Revenu aux differens Ports Interieurs de cette Pro* ^t"lu’* aVeC eS Documens oehaim Ue ^ dU 0 ' dre dU j °" r Soit remis a Sa ' Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-monow. ^ ^ L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en „ Comue sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Special du l Gouvernem f e 1 r e p Une en , qU , ft ? aU SU j 6t des Officiers du Gouvei nement Executif, de leur nombre et de leurs l eL } es ° ffic,ers fonctions, et des Salaires, Houoraires et Emolumers que chacun d’eux re 9 oit, et pour coustater si la meme ""'” persoune possede plusieurs emplois incompatibles autres que ceux auxquels a pourvu le Bill pour assured la IRgniteet I ludependance des Conseils et desjuges, passe dans uue des precedentes Sessions du Parlement; et de coustater aussi si Ton pourrait ope- er que que 'eduction on etablir quelque reglement ii I fgaid des idits Salaires, Houoraires et Emolumens, on eonceruant la mamere de conduire les affaires pu- bliques, et par la promouroir le bien public, ayant die J Q ue le tlit Ordre du jour soit remis h de- main. ^Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. The House adjourned. CAc, 10 " 5 ’ $Ur MOt ‘° n de M ' Viger ' secondd P ar M - La Chambre s’est ajournee. Vol. — 45. Friday , 6 H Vendredi 490 19 ° Februarii , 1 836 . Friday , 19M February, 1830. Vendredi, 19 Fevrier 1836. Petition of C. Archambeault, Enquire, a PETITION of Charles Archambeault , Esquire, Member of the Provincial Parliament, was pie- Member, for t i to the House bv Mr. Thibaadeau , and the same leave to attend n SeiJlcU o' * . cross*ex amine witnesses Commi.tee n a nd was reC eived and read ; setting forth : That certain ' r j , rus tees of Elementary Schools in the County of Beau- harnois , have presented divers Petitions to the House during the present Session, complaining without just cause that the Petitioner has not distributed and paid to their respective Schools certain monies granted as premiums by the Provincial Legislature, which monies the said Trustees allege to have been received by the Petitioner: That the said Petitions have been referred to a Committee of the House, who are now proceeding thereon, and who wiil receive evidence upon them in the absence of the Petitioner who cannot be present at the examination of the witnesses, nor cross-examine them : That the Petitioner has the gieatest confidence in the proceedings of the Committee of the House: That, nevertheless, the Petitioner, inasmuch as the va- rious Petitions presented against him tend to impeach his conduct as a Representative of the people, and he has the greatest interest in not neglecting the means of ensuring his justification, deems it his duty as well as his interest to pray that the House may be pleased to permit him to be present during the examination of the witnesses on the matter of the said Petitions, and the references thereon, and to cross-examine the said witnesses, to put such questions to them, and to bring forward such witnesses, and produce such documents, as may be necessary for his exculpation. Resolved , That the prayer of the said Petition be granted. moins. TNE Petition de Charles .Archambeault, Ecuyer, 5Sh!. 0 mb.*uh', va I Membre du Par lenient Provincial, a < te presen- Ecuyvr. Mem- tee a la Chambre par M. 1 hwaudeau, laqnelle aete re^ne mission d’etre et Ine; exposant: Que des Syndics des Ecoles Elemen- taires dans le Comte de Beauharnois auiaient, dans la presente Session du Parlement, presente a la Chambre di verses Petitions, se plaignant sans cause legitime de ce que le Petitionnaire n’aurait pas distribue et paye a leurs Ecoles respectives certains argens accordes comme prime par la Legislature Provinciale, lesquels argens !es dits Syndics allcguent avoir ete perils par le Ptti tionnaire : Que les dites Petitions ont £t 6 referees a un Comite de la Chambre, qui s’en occupe dans le moment actuel, et procede et doit proceder a prendre des Te- moignages sur icelles dans l’absei.ce du Petitionnaire, qui ne pent assister aux enquetes, ni transquestionner les Temoins: Quele Petitionnaire repose la plus grande confiance dans les procedes du Comite de la Chambre: Que neanmoins, comme les diverses Petitions presen- tees contre lui tendent a l’attaquer dans sa qualite de Representant du People, et que le Petitionnaire a le plus grand interet a ne pas negliger les moyens qui peuvent assurer sa justification, le Petitionnaire croit de son devoir comme de son interet de supplier la Chambre de vouloir bien lui permettre d’assister aux enquetes prises au sujet des dites Petitions, et autres references, transquestionner les Temoins, faire telles questions, produire tels Temoins et Documens qui peuvent tendre a sa justification. Resolu, Que la demande de la dite Petition soit ac- cordee. Militia Bill read the first time Ordered , That Mr. Bardij have leave to bring in a Bill to continue for a limited time, and to consolidate two certain Acts therein mentioned, concerning the Militia of this Province. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Monday next. Qrdonne, Que M. Bardij ait la permission d’intro- duire un Bill pour continuer, pour un temps limite, et rots, reunir en un seul deux Actes y mentionnes, concernant la Milice de cette Province. 11 a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ^te lu pour la premier fois; et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Lundi pr^chain. An Address for the removal from office of the Honorable W H. Felton, reported, and agreed to. Mr. Gugy, from the Special Committee appointed to prepare and report the draught of an Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, founded on the Se- cond Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances, relating to the Honorable William Bozeman Felton, re- ported the draught of an Address; and the same was read at the Clerk’s Table, and is as followeth: M. Gugy, du Comite Special nomm6 pour preparer ct rappoi ter le projet d’une Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouvei neur-en-Chef, fondee sur le Second Rapport du Comite Permanent des Griefs, relativement a l’Ho- norable William- Bozeman Felton, a fait rapport d'un projet d’Adresse, lequel a ete lu a la Table du Greffier, et il est comme suit: Une Adresie pour la destitU' tion d’emplois de 1’ Honorable \V. B. Felion, rapportee et adoptee. To His Excellency the Right Honorable Archibald , Earl of Gosford, Baron Worlingham of Beccles in the County of Suffolk, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over the Provinces of Lozeer Canada and Upper Canada , Vice Admiral of the same, and one of His Majesty’s Most Honorable Privy Coun- cil, &c., &c., &c. May it please Your Excellency. We, His Majesty’s dutiful and loyal subjects the Commons of Lozeer Canada, in Provincial Parliament assembled, humbly approach Your Excellency for the purpose of representing : That after a full, calm and dis- passionate investigation of the charges brought against the Honorable William Boziman Felton, in his public character as Agent for the settlement of the Townships of Ascot , Eaton v Hatley , Orford and Stolce , — and after having received and maturely weighed the multitudi- nous and irrefragible evidence adduced in support of those charges, the conviction has been irresistibly forced on A Son Excellence le Tr£s- Honorable Archibald , Comte de Gosford, Baron de Worlingham de Beccles, dans le Comte de Suffolk, Capitaine- General et Gouver- neur-en-Chef dans et sur les Provinces du Bas-Ca- nada et Haut-Canada , Vice-Admiral d’icelles, et l un des Conseillers du Tres-Honorable Conseil Prive de Sa Majeste, etc., etc., etc. Qu’il plaise a Votre Excellence. Nous les fideles et loyaux sujets de Sa Majest6, les Communes du Bas-Canada, assembles en Parlement Provincial, approchons humblement de Votre Excel- lence pour lui exposer: Qu’apres un examen calme et sans passion des accusations porttes contre 1’ Honora- ble William- Bozeman Felton , en sa quality de lonc- tionnaire Public comme Agent pour i ctablissement des Townships d ' Ascott, Eaton, Hatley Orford et de Stoke , — et apres avoir reiju et murement pese les te- moignages nombreux et irrefragables donnes a 1’appui de ces accusations, nous n’avons pu nous empecher d’etre 6 Will. IV. 1 9 v F ehruarii. 491 11 respecting e division line Iween Lower d Upper Ca- da, read the st time. eport on Bill incnrnornte e Parish of otre- Dame de onsecours. on us, that the said Honorable William Bowman Felton, has grossly, dishonestly and oppressively abused the confidence reposed in him by His Majesty’s Govern- ment, and is unfit to hold any office under the Crown. because it is established by evidence under the hand of the said Honorable William Bowman Felton himself, explained and elucidated indeed by other and conclu- sive testimony, but sufficient in itself alone to establish all the facts alleged in the said charges, — that the said William Bowman Felton has been guilty of oppression, peculation and extortion, by abusing the powers en- trusted to him in relation to the Waste Lands of the Crown, — that he falsely and fraudulently represented himself to be the Proprietor of a great extent of those Lands to which he had no manner of right, — that he falsely and fraudulently denied that such Lands could be gratuitously granted to divers settlers who applied for and were entitled thereto upon the mere perfor- mance of the settling duties, and concealed from them that it was his bounden duty to make such grants, — the he corruptly and oppressively exacted and received from the said settlers applying fur and entitled to gra- tuitous grants, large sums of money as the price of Land which he sold as belonging to himself, which was in fact the property of the ( rown, and of which he was by his office bound to procufe them gratuitous grants, and that he knowingly and fraudulently exacted and received from His Majesty’s Government a grant of ten thousand acres more than it was intended to con- vey to him, and that he designed to retain the same, although it would appear that he was subsequently compelled to make some kind of restitution. We further submit for the consideration of Your Ex- cellency a Copy of the Report of the Special Commit- tee by whom the investigation was conducted, and of the Evidence taken by them ; and we beg leave res- pectfully to solicit Your Excellency’s attention to the serious nature of the charges against the said Honora- ble William Bowman Felton , and the indubitable evi- dence by which they have been supported and proved. Wherefore we humbly pray that Your Excellency will render manifest to the People of this Province, that honesty and good faith are among the essential requisites of fitness for public office under His Majes- ty s Government, by forthwith removing the said Ho- norable William Bowman Felton f rom all offices of honor or emolument which he may hold by Commission du- ring pleasure. Resolved , That this House doth concur with the Spe- cial Committee in the said Address. Ordered, I hat Mr. Gugy, Mr. Blackburn, Mr. Moore and Mr. Baker do present the said Address to His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief. Ordered, That Mr. Morin have leave to bring in a Bill for the more easily carrying into effect an Act, in- tituled, “ An Act to authorize the appointment of Com- “ missioners to treat with Commissioners on the part of “ Upper Canada, respecting the drawing of a Division “ Line between Lower and Upper Canada .” He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to be read a second time on Monday next. Mr. Charles Drolet, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the engrossed Bill from the Legis- lative Council, intituled, “An Act to incorporate the “ Parish of Notre-Dame de Bonsecours in the Seigniory “ des d’etre convaincus que le dit Honorable William-Bow- man Felton a abus6 d une maniere grossRre, malhon- ncte et oppressive de la confiance que le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste avait repos^e en lui, et qu’il est indigne de remplir aucun emploi sous la Couronne. Parce qu’il est etabli par des pieces ecrites par le dit Honorable William- Bowman Felton lui-m&me, expli- qi ces et eclaircies, il est vrai, par d’autres tcmoignages concluans, mais suflisans en eux-memes pour etablir tous les faits allegues dans les dites accusations, que le dit William- Bowman Felton s’est rendu coupable de- pression, de p^culatet d’extorsion, en abusanl des pou- voirs qui lui avaient 6te confies relarivement aux Torres incultes de la Couronne: Qu’il s’est faussement et frauduleusement fait passer pour proprietaire d une giande etendue de Terres a laquelle il n avait aucun droit : Qu’il a faussement et frauduleusement nie que ces Terres pussent etre accordees gratuitement a di- verses personnes qui les demandaient et qui avaient droit de les avoir en remplissant les conditions d’eta- blissement, et qu il leur a cache qu il etait oblige de faire ces octrois : Qu’il a d’une maniere corrompu et oppres- sive, extorqu^ et re^u des dites personnes qui deman- daient et avaient droit d’obtenir des octrois gratuits de Terres, de grandes sommes d’argent comme prix des Terres qu’il a vendues comme lui appartenantes, mais qui appartenaient en effet a la Couronne et dont il etait oblige par son emploi de leur faire avoir l octroi gratuitement; et qu’il a frauduleusement et avec con- naissance de cause, extorque et re "" s . Depenses Con- certaines sommes avanceespour subvenir aux Depenses tingles des Contingentes du Conseil Legislatif et de la Chambre i u une seconde’ d’Assemblee, a ete lu une seconde fois. ‘ 01s * Ordonne , Que le dit Bill soit grossoyG The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Special Committee appointed to enquire concerning the Fees and Emoluments re- ceived by the Sheriff's, Prothonotaries and Criers of the Court of Appeals and of the Courts of King’s Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective Offices ; and on that part of the Report of the Special Com- mittee appointed to enquire into the circumstances which preceded and accompanied the death of John Collins, who died in the common Gaul of the District of Montreal, in the beginning of the month of Decem- ber last, and also to enquire into the state of the said Gaol ; of the Evidence taken by the said Committee, and of the Documents accompanying the same, relating to Jems GugiJ, Esquire, Sheriff of the District of Mon- treal, being read ; Mr. Blackburn moved, seconded by Mr. Knight , and that That the said Order of the day be discharged the accusations, Report and Evidence against the She- riff of Montreal be referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances. On Motion of Mr. Perrault, seconded by Mr. Lufan - tuitic Ordered, That the said Motion be now referred to a Committee of the whole House. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Raymond took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. The House then resolved itself into a Committee of the whole Flouse on the First Report ot the Special Committee appointed to enquire concerning the fees and Emoluments leceived by tne Sheriffs, Prothonota- ries and Criers of the Court of Appeals and of the Courts of King's Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective Offices j and on that pari of the Report of the Special Committee appointed to enquire into the circumstances noraires et R*’- venus Offi- cers dns Cours de Justice. L'Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comitesnrie Somite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Special lomme pour s’enquerir des Honoraires et Revenus norths et R-- jenpis en vertu de leurs charges respectives, par les ffienfs, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Cours d Appel et lu Banc du Roi en cette Province, et sur la partie du Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour s’enquerir des drconstances qui out precede et accompagne la mort lu nomme John Collins, decede dans la Prison com- mune pour le District de Montreal, au commencement lu rrmis de Decembre dernier, et pour senquerir aussi le l’etat de la dite Prison, des Temoignages pris par ce Comile et des Documens qui l’accompagnent relatifs a Lewis Gugy, Kcuyer, Sherif du District de Montreal jyant ete lu j M. Blackburn a propose, seconde par M. Knight , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit decharge, et que les ac- cusations, Rapport et Temoignages contre le Sherif de Montreal soient referes au Comite Permanent des Griefs. Sur Motion de M. Perrault, seconde par M. Lafon- taine, . Ordonne , Que la dite Motion soit maintenant refe- ree a un Comite de toute la Chambre. La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Raymond a pris le Fauteuil du Comite, et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil. La Chambre s’est alors formee en un Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour s’enquerir des Honoraires et Revenus pei 911s en vertu de leurs charges respectives, pai les Sherif's, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Cours d Appel et du Banc du Roi en cette Province et sur la paitie du Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour senquerir des circonstances qui out precede et accompagn£ la mort 6 Will. IV. 19 ° — 20 ° FebruariL 49 3 circumstances which preceded and accompanied the death of John Collins , who died in the common Gaol of the District of Montreal in the beginning of the month of December last, and also to enquire into the state of the said Gaol ; of the Evidence taken by the said Com- mittee, and of the Documents accompanying the same, relating to Lewis Gugy, Esquire, Sheriff of the District of Montreal. Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee. Several Members having retired ; Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. And the names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Amiot, Bardy , Barnard , Berthelot , Besserer , Blanchet, Bouffard, Boutillier , Cherrier , Cote , De Bleury, De Witt, Pierre Antoine Dorion , Joseph Toussaint Drolet, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser, Grannis, Hebert, Huot, Jobin, Kimber, Lafontaine , Larue, Leslie, Moore, Morin, Mousseau, O'Calla- ghan, Perrault, Raymond, Rocbrune dit Laroque, Simon, Joseph Andre Taschereau, Thibaudeau, and Viger. And at half-past twelve o’clock at night, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. du nomm6 John Collins , dec ede dans la Prison com- mune pour le District de Montreal, au commencement du mois de Decembre dernier, et pour s’enquerir aussi de 1’etat de la dite Prison, des Temoignages pris par ce Comite, et des Documens qui l’accompagnent, relatifs a Lewis Gugy, Ecuyer, Sherif du District de Montreal. M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comite. Plusieurs Membres s’etant retires ; M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil. Et les noms des Membres presens ont ete pris comine suit : M. POrateur, Messieurs Amiot, Bardy, Barnard, Berthelot, Besserer , Blanchet, Bouffard, Boutillier, Cherrier, Cote, De Bleury, De Witt, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Joseph-Toussaint Drolet, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser , Grannis, Hebert, Huot, Jobin, Kimber, Lafontaine, Larue, Leslie, Moore, Morin, Mousseau, O' Calla- ghan, Perrault, Raymond, Rocbrune dit Laroque, Simon, Joseph- Andre Taschereau, Thibaudeau et Viger. Et a minuit et demi, M. POrateur a ajourne la Chambre, faute de Quorum. Saturday, 30th February , 1836. R. Lafontaine, accompanied by the other Mes- sengers, reported to the House, that their Ad- dress of the fifteenth instant, to His Excellency the Go- vernor in Chief, relative to the appointment of a Judge of the Court of King’s Bench for the District of Quebec in the room of James Kerr, Esquire, had been pre- sented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following answer : Gentlemen, I have the satisfaction to inform you, in answer to this Address, that the appointment of a Judge to the vacant Seat on the Quebec Bench, will shortly take place. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 20th February, 1836. Samedi, 20 Fevrier 1836. Lafontaine, accompagne des autres Messagers, Reponse a uno » jOi« a f a >t Rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse AlJresse ‘ du quinze du present mois, a Son Excellence le Gou- verneur-en-Chef, relative a la nomination d’un Juge de la Cour du Bancdu Roi pour le District de Quebec, en remplacement de James Kerr, Ecuyer, avait ete pre- sentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de don- ner la reponse suivante : Messieurs, J’ai la satisfaction de vous informer, en reponse a cette Adresse, que la nomination d’un Juge au Sieo’e vacant sur le Banc de Quebec, aura lieu sous peu. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 20 Fevrier 1 836. Mr. Perrault, accompanied by the other Messengers, M. Perrault, accompagne des autres Messagers a RSponseAuo® reported to the House, that their Address of the fif- fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du quinze Adresse * teenth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, du present, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef praying for a Copy of the Report and Plans made by demandant une Copie du Rapport et des Plans /aits par David Thojnpson, Esquire, relative to the Survey of David Thompson, Ecuver, relatifs a 1’exploration du Lake St. Francis, and other parts of the River St. Law - Lac St. Francois, et autres lieux du Fleuve St. Laurent rence, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that avait ete presentee a SonExcellence, et qu’il lui avait he had been pleased to give the following answer : plu de dormer la reponse suivante : Gentlemen, Messieurs, You will be pleased to inform the House of As- II vous plaira d'informer la Chambre d’Assem- sembly in answer to this Address, that, after a diligent blee, en reponse a cette Adresse, qu’apres une recherche search, the Report and Plans made by David Thump- diligente, le Rapport et les Plans fails par David Thomp- son, Esquire, relative to the Survey of Lake St. Francis , son, Ecuyer, relatifs a 1’exploration du Lac St. Francois and other parts of the River St. Lawrence, cannot be et autres lieux du Fleuve St. Laurent, n’ont pu etre discovered in the Office of the Civil Secretary. trouves dans le Bureau du Secretaire Civil. Should, however, those Documents be forthcoming, Si cependant ces Documens peuvent se trouver il they shall be laid before the House, in compliance with seront mis devant la Chambre, en conformity de son their Address. Adresse. Castle of St. Lewis, Chateau St. Louis , Quebec, 20th February, 1836. Quebec, 20 Fevrier 1836. Mr. Leslie, accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the fif- teenth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, Vol— -45. praying r ie, accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait la Chambre, que son Adresse du quinze du Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le Reponse d une Adresse. 494 20 0 Februarii , A , 1836. praying that he would make application to His Majes- ty’s Government to obtain, for the use of the Province, a Copy of the Survey of that part of the River St. Law - rence from Three Rivers to Montreal , made by Captain Bayfield , of the Royal Navy, under the directions of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following answer : Gentlemen, 1 request you to acquaint the House of Assembly in answer to this Address, that the Copy of the Survey of the River St. Lawrence from Three Rivers to Mon- treal, made by Captain Bayfield , by direction of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, has not yet been transmitted to their Lordships ; but that I will, with pleasure, forward the request of the House for a Copy of this Survey to His Majesty’s Government in England. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 20th February, 1836. Bin to regulate An engrossed Bill to regulate the administration and tates J psssed. E! management of the Fiefs, Seigniories and other Estates formerly belonging to the Order of Jesuits, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Timber do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire theii concurrence. Bin relating to An engrossed Bill to make good certain sums ad- Ex P E nsc" n of nt vanced to meet the Expenses of the Legislative Coun- both Houses, •] i G f t [ ie House of Assembly, was read tor the passed. ’ " third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered , That Mr. Morin do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Committee to draw up Rea- sons for disa- greeing to one of the Council’s amendments to the Bill relating to differences between Mas- ters and Ser- vants. On Motion of Mr. Be Blenry, seconded by Mr. Bardy, Resolved, That a Committee of five Members be ap- pointed to draw up Reasons to be offered to the Legis- lative Council, at a Conference, for disagreeing to an Amendment made by their Honors to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act for the more easy and less expensive decision “ of differences between Masters and Mistresses and “ their Servants, Apprentices and Labourers, in the Country parts of this Province.” Ordered, That Mr. Be Bleury, Mr. Cherrier , Mr. Viger, Mr. Gugy and Mr. Fortin do compose the said Committee. Depots of Pro. A Bill to establish Depots of Provisions for the relief thfsecond'time' 1 , of Shipwrecked persons, was, according to Order, read and amended. a geCOlld tilUC. Ordered, That the following amendment be made to the second Clause of the said Biil. After the word “ mentioned,” insert the words “for “ the present year only ” Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. priant de s’adresser au Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, pour lui demander de donner, pour l’usage de la Pro- vince, Copie de ^exploration de la partie du Fleuve St. Laurent, depuis les Trois-Rivieres jusqu’a Montreal , qui a ete faite par le Capitaine Bayfield, de la Marine Royale, par ordre des Lords Commissaires de l’Ami- raute, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner ia Rcponse suivante : Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d’Assemblee, en reponse a cette Adresse, que la Copie de l’explora- tion du Fleuve St. Laurent, depuis les Trois-Rivieres jusqu’a Montreal, faite par le Capitaine Bayfield, par ordre des Lords Commissaires de I’Arniraute, n a pas encore Ge transmise a leurs Seigneuries ; mais que ce sera avec plaisir que je ferai parvenir la demande de la Chambre d une Copie de cette exploration, au Gou- vernement de Sa Majeste en Angleterre. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 20 Fevrier 1836. Un Bill grossoy6 pour regler I’administration et regie des Fiefs, Seigneuries et autres Biens appartenans ci- devant a l’Ordre des Jesuites, a et 6 lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Timber porte le dit Bill au Con- seil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Un Bill grossoye pour faire bon decertaines sommes avancees pour subvenir aux Depenses Contingentes du Conseil Legislatif et de la Chambre d’Assemblee, a ete lu pour la troisLme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Morin porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Sur Motion de M. Be Bleury, seconde par M. Bardy , Rlso/u, Qu’un Comite de cinq Membres soit nomine pour preparer des Raisons a offrir au Conseil Legislatif, dans une Conference, pour lesquelles cette Chambre ne concourt pas a un certain amendement fait par leurs Honneurs au Bill, intitule, “ Acte qui pourvoit a faire “ decider d’une manure plus facile et moins dispen- “ dieuse les differends qui s’elevent entre les Maitres “ et Maitresses et leurs Serviieurs, Apprentis ou en- “ gages dans les Campagnes de cette Province.” Ordonne, Que M. Be Bleury, M. Cherrier, M. Vi- ger, M. Gugy et M. Fortin composent le dit Comite. Conformement a 1’Ordre, un Bill pour etablir des De- pots de Provisions pour )e soulagement des Naufrages, a ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que l’amendement suivant soit fait a la seconde Clause du dit Bill. A pres le mot “ inentionnees,” inserez les mots “ du- “ rant la presente annee seulement.” Ordonne , Que le dit Bill tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. First Report on Fees and Emo- luments of Offi- cers of ( ourts of Justice, de- ferred. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Special Committee appointed to enquire concerning the Fees and Emoluments re- ceived by the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries and Criers of the Court of Appeals, and of the Courts of King's Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective Offices ; and on that part of the Report of the Special Commit- tee appointed to enquire into the circumstances which preceded and accompanied the death of John Collins, who L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour s’enquerir des Honoraires et Revenus per- 911s en vertu de leurs charges respectives, par les ShG rifs, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Cours d’Appel et du Banc du Roi en cette Province, et sur la partie du Rap- port du Comite Special nomm6 pour s’enquGir des circonstances qui ont precede et accompagn^ la mort du nomme John Collins, deced6 dans la Prison com- mune Bill pour regies' les Biens des Jesuites, pass£. Bill relatif aux Depenses Con- tingentes des deux Chambres, passe. Comitfi pour preparer des Raisons pour ne pas coneou- rira I’un des ' amendemens du Conseil au Bill relatif aux diffe. rends entre les Maitres et leurs Serviteurs. Bill pour des Depots de Pro- visions, lu une seconde fois, et amende. Premier Rap- port sur les Ho- noraires et Re- venus des Offi- ciers des Cours, de Justice, re- . mis. 6 Will, IV. 20 ° Februariu 495 who died in the common Gaol of the District of Mon- treal, in the beginning of the month of December last, and also to enquire into the state of the said Gaol ; of the Evidence taken by the said Committee, and of the Documents accompanying the same, relating to Lewis Gugy, Esquire, Sheriff of the District of Montreal, be- ing read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till after the other Orders of this day. rove Pub ' Order the day for the House in Committee m«nti deferred. 0,1 the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements ; on that part of the First Report of the said Standing Committee which re- lates to the Road from Laprairie to St. John ’s, and on the Fifth Report of the said Committee, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Tuesday next. T,le ° rcler o( ' tIle day for the House in Committee -ed. on the Bill for the further regulation of Taverns and Tavern Keepers, and for other purposes therewith con- nected, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Tuesday next. m F d eefand rt ^he Order of the day for the House in Committee Emoluments of on the Third Report of the Special Committee appointed :*ur" S o°fjus- en( l lI * r e concerning the Fees and Emoluments re- ice, deferred, ceived by the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries and Criers of the Court of Appeals and of the Courts of King's Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective Offices, and other refer ences, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till after the other Orders of this day. nnine pour le District de Montreal au commencement tlu mois de D^cembre dernier, et pour s’enquerir aussi de I’f-tat de la dite Prison, des Temoignages pris par ce Comit^ et des Documens qui l’accompagnent, relatifs a Lewis Gugy, Ecuyer, Sharif du District de Montreal, ayant lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis apr£s les autres Ordres de ce jour. L Or ore du joui pour que la Chambre se forme cn cbeminset Comit.; sur le Second Rapport du Comite Permanent fET A des Chemins et des Ameliorations publiques, sur cette partie du Premier Rapport du dit Comite Permanent qui a rapport au Chemin depuis Laprairie jusqu’a St. Jean, et sur le Cinquieme Rapport du dit Comite, ayant ete lu ; J Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mar- di prochain. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Biiides Auber- Comite sur le Bill qui fait des reglemens ultfu’ieurs con- gislesremis - cernant les Auberges et les Aubergistes, et pour d’autres objets y relatifs, ayant He lu ; Ordonne, Que 1 e dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mar- di prochain. ^ G Oidre du joui poui que la Chambre se forme en Troisieme Rap- Cornite sur le Troisieme Rapport du Comite Special nc^Tife-' nomme pour s enquerir des Honoraires et Revenue venusdes Offi- pci^us en veitu de leurs charges respectives par les de Justice, re- Sherifs, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Cours d* Appel et miS ’ du Banc du Roi en cette Province, et autres references ayant ete lu ; ’ Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis apres les autres Ordres de ce jour. L ii e ttee rt a fC< i ra ‘ r G le Order the day for the House in Committee d to enquire on the First Report of the Special Committee appointed "fficersof the 6 to en( l uir e concerning the Officers of the Executive •rnment 6 de°" Government, their number and functions, and the Sa- ired. ’ * lanes, Fees and Emoluments received by each of them, and whether there is any improper cumulation of pub- lic Offices in any one person other than those provided for by the Bill for securing the dignity and indepen- dence of the Councils and Judiciary, passed in a former Session of the Provincial Parliament, and also whether any reduction can be made in, or any regulation esta- blished with regard to the said Salaries, Fees and Emo- luments, or the mode of conducting the public business by which the public good can be advanced, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till after the other Orders of this day. L’Orclre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Co- Ra PP° rt d ", Co - mite sur le 1. lemier Rapport du Comite Special uomm6 pourfaireuae pourfaire line Enquete au sujet des Officiers du Gou- ^Z'oZZl vernement Executif, de leur nombre et de leurs fonc- du Gou , ve , rne - tions, et des Salaires, Honoraires et Emolumens que ^ Ex ® Cul ‘ f ’ chacun d eux recoit, et pour constater si la me me per- sonne possede plusieurs emplois incompatibles, autres q u e, cenx auxquels a pourvu le Bill pour assurer la di- gmtc et i independance des Conseils et des Juges, pass6 dans i une des precedentes Sessions du Parlement Pro- v i n c i a 1 ; et de constater aussi si l’cn pourrait operer quelque i eduction ou etablir quelque r^glement a 1 tgard des dits Salaires, Honoraires et Emolumens, ou concernant la maniere de conduire les affaires pu» b i i q ues, et pai la pi omou voir le bien public, ayant ete I u ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis apres les autres Ordres de ce jour. 1 .port renting The Order of the day for the House in Committee Quarter Ses- ° n Inird Report of the Standing Committee of ns, deferred. Grievances, being read ; Order ed, I hat the said Order of the day be post- poned till Tuesday next. Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Troisieme Rapport du Comite Perma- nent des Griefs, ayant ete lu ; des Sessions de Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mardi mis - prochain. immittee on iblicAccounts d Stale of the ovince. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the several Reports of the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, and on the State of the Province, and other references, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Clapham took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Clapham reported that the Committee had made L’ Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur les divers Rapports du Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, etsur l’£tat de la Province, et au- tres references, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Clapham a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Clapham a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait Comite sur les Cofnptes Pu- blics et l’Etat de la Province. 496 20° Februariu A , . 1866. made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again, on Monday next. Ordered, That the said Order be then the first Order of the day. Committee on InlandCustoms Bill. The Order of the day for the House in Committee cn the Bill to regulate and establish the Salaries of the Officers of the Customs at the Inland Ports in this Pro- vince, and for other purposes therein mentioned ; and on the Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, which relates to the expiration of the Act re- gulating the collection of the Revenue at the several Inland Ports of this Province, with the Documents ac- companying the same, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Besserer took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Besserer reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received, on Monday next. fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander permission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne , Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sie- ger de nouveau Lundi prochain. Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre soit alors le premier Or- dre du jour. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comite »ur ie Comite sur le Bill pour regler et Oablir les Salaires des Officiers des Douanes aux Ports de ITntGieur de cette eures - Province, et autres fins y mentionnees, et sur le Rap- port du Comite Special auquel a eff refere le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, qui a rap- port a ‘.’expiration de l’Acte reglant la perception du Revenu aux difRrens Ports interieurs de cette Pro- vince, avec les Documens qui l'accompagnent, ayant etelu; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comit6. M. Besserer a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. 1’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil; Et M. Besserer a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, ety avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re 5 u Lundi prochain. First Report™ The Order of the day for the House in Committee wn.^om- on the First Report of the Special Committee appointed cers of courts en q U ire concerning the Fees and Emoluments re- ferred. ceivec! by the Sheriffs, Prothonotanes and Ciieis ot .lie C ourt of Appeals and of the Courts of King’s Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective Offices ; and on that part of the Report of the Special Commit- tee appointed to enquire into the circumstances which preceded and accompanied the death of John Collins , who died in the common Gaol of the District of Mon- treal, in the beginning of the month of December last ; and also to enquire into the state of the said Gaol ; and of the Evidence taken by the said Committee, and of the Documents accompanying the same, relating to Lewis Gugy , Esquire, Sheriff of the District of Mon- treal, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Monday next. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en premier Rap. Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour s’enquerir des Honoraires et Iievenus venus des offi- percus en vertu de leurs charges respectives, par les de justice, re- Sherifs, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Cours d’Appel m ' s * et du Banc du Roi en cette Province, et sur la partie du Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour s’enquerir des circonstances qui ont precede et accompagne la mort du nomme John Collins, d£ced6 dans la Prison Commune pour le District de Montreal, au commence- ment du mois de Decembre dernier, et pour s’enquOir aussi de l’etat de la dite Prison, des Temoignages pris par ce Comite, et des Documens qui l’accompagnent relatifs a Lewis Gugy, Ecuyer, Sherif du District de Montreal, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis ^ Lun- di prochain. Committee on Third Report on Fees and .Emoluments of Officers of Courts of Jus- tice ; The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Third Report of the Special Committee ap. pointed to enquire concerning the Fees and Emolu- ments received by the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries and Criers of the Court of Appeals, and of the Courts of King’s Bench of this Province, by virtue of their res- pective Offices, and other references, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. . Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorion took the Chair ot the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; Resolutions And Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorion reported that the and Addressee- Committee had come to several Resolutions ; which toMr.chis! ns Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followeth : Three Rivers. ° 1 . Resolved, That David Chisholme, Esquire, Clerk of the Peace for the District of Three Rivers , by per- sisting, for many years last past, in framing Indict- ments on verbal information, and on depositions which do not contain facts to substantiate the crimes which formed the subject of the prosecution, has been guilty of L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Comite stir le Troisieme Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour s’enqiffirir des Honoraires et Revenus per- noraires et Re. cus en vertu de leurs charges respectives, par les She- tiers des cours rifs, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Cours d’Appel et deJust,cej du Banc du Roi en cette Province, et autres references, ayant etc lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion a pris le Fauteuil du Co- mite; et apiTs y avoir siege quelque temps, M. 1’Orateur a repris la Fauteuil; Et M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion a fair rapport que le Regions et Comite avait passe plusieurs Resolutions, lesquelles Re- portees, rela- j solutions ont ete lues de nouveau a la Table du Gref- hXe.oieffier fier, et adoptees par la Chambre ; et elles sont corame suit: 1 . Resolu, Que David Chisholme , Ecuyer, Greffier de la Paix pour le District des Trois-Rivieres , en persis- tant depuis plusieurs annees a porter des Actes d’accu- sation, Indictments, sur information verbale, et sur des depositions qui ne constataient pas le corps de de- bt qui faisait l’objet de la poursuite, s’est rendu coupa- ble 6 Will. IV. QO 0 — 22 ° Februani . Report of Com- nittee appoint- ed to enquire concern in g the Officers of the Executive Go- vernment, de- ferred. Letter from J . A Roebuck, Esquire, com- municated to the House. 4 91 of oppression towards the Subjects of Iiis Majesty, of fraud towards His Government in this Province, and of high misdemeanors and malversation in his Office, and that with the sordid and corrupt view of increasing his Emoluments. 2. Resolved, That by his conduct, the said David Chisholme , Esquire, Clerk of the Peace for the District of Three Rivers, has, inasmuch as in him lard, brought the administration of Criminal Justice in the Court of Quarter Sessions for the Distiict of Three Rivers , into dishonor and contempt ; that he has been guilty of high misdemeanors, and is unworthy of the confidence of His Majesty’s Government. 3. Resolved, That for the reasons above mentioned, it is expedient that an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that it may please him to make use of the powers with which he is vested, and dismiss the said David Chisholme, Es- quire, from the Office of Clerk of the Peace for the District of Three Rivers, and of all other places of con- fidence in the Province, and hereafter not to appoint him to any Office of trust herein. Ordered, That Mr. Barnard, Mr. Kirnher , Mr. De Tonnancour and Mr. O’Callaghan do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Special Committee appointed to enquire concerning the Officers of the Executive Go- vernment, their number and functions, and the Salaries, Fees and Emoluments received by each of them, and whether there is any improper cumulation of Public Offices in any one person, other than those provided for by the Bill for securing the dignity and independence of the Councils and Judiciary, passed in a former Ses- sion of the Provincial Parliament, and also whether any reduction can be made in, or any regulation established with regard to the said Salaries, Fees and Emoluments, or the mode of conducting the public business by which the public good can be advanced, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Tuesday next. Then, on Motion of Mr. Perrault, seconded by Mr. De Tonnancour, The House adjourned till Monday next. Monday , Wind February, 1836. M R. Speaker communicated to the House the fol- lowing Letter by him received from John Arthur Roebuck, Esquire, Agent of this House in England : Gray ’ s Inn, London, January 4, 1836. Sir, I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Resolutions of the House of Assembly passed on the 18th of November last, approving of my past con- duct while acting as their Agent, and reappointing me to that important and honorable Office. May I request of you, Sir, to convey to the House my best thanks for the high honor they have conferred on me by these Resolutions, and to state to them, that no zeal or industry shall be wanting on my part to jus- tify their good opinion, and as far as in me lies to for- ward hie d’oppression envers les sujets de Sa Majeste, de fraude envers son Gouvernement en cette Province, et de hauts debts et malversations, et cela dans le hut sordide et corrompu d’augmenter illcgalement et frau- duleusement les revenus de sa charge. 2. Resolu, Que par sa conduite, le dit David Chis- holme, Ecuyer, Grefiier de la Paix pour le District des Trois-Rivieres , a deverse, autant q u i 1 etait en lui, sur Padministration de la Justice Criminelle, dans la Cour de Session de Quartier pour le Distiict des Trois-Ri- vieres, le deshonneur et le mepris; qu’il s’est rendu coupable de hauts crimes et del its, et qu'il esl indigne de la confiance du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste. 3. Resolu, Que pour ces causes, il est expedient qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le priant de vouloir hien faire usage des pouvoirs qui lui sont confics, pour destituer au plus tot le dit David Chisholme, Ecuyer, de la charge de Greffier de la Paix pour le District des 'Trois-Ri- vieres, et de tontes autres places de confiance en cette Province, et de ne vouloir lui en accorder aucune a Pavenir. Ordonne, Que M. Barnard, M. Kimber , M. De Ton- nancour et M. O * l Callaghan presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour faire une Enquete au sujet des Officiers du Gouvernement Executif, de leur nombre et de leurs fonctions, et des Salaires, Honoraires et des Emolu- mens que chacun d’eux retjoit, et pour constater si la meme personne poss^de plusieurs emplois incompati- bles, autres que ceux auxquels a pourvu le Bill pour assurer la dignite et l’independance des Conseils et des Juges, passe dans une des pr^cedentes Sessions du Par- lement Provincial ; et de constater aussi si l’on pour- raitoperer quelque reduction ou etablir quelque regle- ment a I’egard des dits Salaires, Honoraires et EmoIu« mens, ou concernant la maniere de conduire les affaires publiques, et par la promouvoir le hien public, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mar- di prochain. Alois, sur Motion de M. Perrault, seconde par M. De Tonnancour, La Chambre s’est ajourn^e a Lundi prochain. Lundi, 22 Fevrier 1836. 7#./*r POrateur a communique a la Chambre la Let- tre suivante qu’il a re$ue de John- Arthur Roe- buck, Ecuyer, Agent de cette Chambre en Angleterre. Gray’s, Inn, Londres, 4 Janvier 1836. Monsieur, J ai l’honneur d’accuser la reception des Resolu- tions de la Chambre d’Assemblee, agreees le 18 No- vembre dernier, dans lesquelles elle approuve rna con- duite passee comme son Agent, et me nomme de nou- veau a cet emploi important et honorable. Permettez-moi, Monsieur, de vous prier de faire a la Chambre mes meilleurs remercimens de l’honneur dis- tingue qu’eile m’a fait en passant ces Resolutions, et de lui dire que je ne manquerai pas d’employer tout mon ztde et mes talens pour justifier la bonne opinion qu’elle Rapport du Co- mite nomme pour faire une Enquete au su- jet des Officiers du Gouverne- ment ExScutif, remis. Lettre de J. A. Roebuck, Ecu- yer, communi- quee a la Cham- bre. 22° j Februariu A. 1 836 . 498 Firit Report of Committee on Militia Lands deferred. ward the best interests of the People of Lower Canada. To vourself. Sir, I have so many obligations that I should^deem myself ungrateful did I not take this op- nortunity of publicly acknowledging them ; and lequest- L you \o believe that few things in my life have con- ferred on me pleasure and satisfaction equal to that de- rived from the kind expressions used towards me by yourself and your compatriots. I remain, Sir, With great consideration, Your most obliged servant, b J. A. ROEBUCK. The Honorable the Speaker of the House of Assembly. On Motion of Mr. Kimber , seconded by Mr .Hebert, Ordered, That the Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Special Commit- tee to whom was referred the Answer of His Excellency the late Governor in Chief, of the 5th March 1834 to the Address of this House of the 24th February 1834, relating to grants of Lands to the Officers and Militia- men who served during the late War with the Vmted Stales, and other references, lost by the adjournment of the House on Tuesday the second instant, be re- vived ; and that this House will, to-morrow, resolve it- self into the said Committee. The Committee Q\ rom rd moved, seconded by Mr. Jobin, That Lcha^edfrom the Standing Committee of Agriculture be discharge ^“ c rr from the further consideration of the Petition of di- Petition. vers p r0 p r j e tors and Farmers whose Lands are in- tersected by the Grenville Canal ; and that the said Petition be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Message of His Excellency the Go- vernor in Chief of the first instant, with the draught of a Bill accompanying the same, relating to t he pro- perty occupied for the Ordnance service in this Pro- vince. , The House divided on the Question : Yeas, 42. Nays, 7* So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered, Accordingly. Mr. Huot, from the Standing Committee of Educa- tion and Schools, presented to the House the Fifth Re- port of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. n >. For the said Report, see Appendix (O. O.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House on Wednesday next. On Motion of Mr. Caron , seconded by Mr. Perrault, Resolved, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider the expe- diency of suspending for a limited time certain Ordi- nances relating to the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, and for preventing accidents by Fire. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. ^ , Mr. Raymond took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Raymond reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House; and is as followeth : . au’elle a de moi, et pour promouvoir autant qu il ime sera possible les meilleurs interets du People du Bas- Canada. _ . Quant a vous, personnellement, Monsieur, je vous ai tant d’obligations, que je croirais manquer a la recon- naissance si je ne saisissais cette occasion de les recon - naitre publiquement, et je vous prie de crone quil est peu de choses, dans le cours de ma vie, qui m aient procure autant de plaisir et de satisfaction que les ex- pressions de bienveillance dor.t vous et vos compatnotes vous etes servi a moil. Je suis, Monsieur, Avec une grande consideration, Votre tr&s-oblige serviteur, J. A. ROEBUCK. A l’Honorable Orateur de la Chambre d’Assemblee. Sur Motion de M. Kimber, seconde par M. Hubert, Ordonne, Que 1’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comit6 sur le Premier Rapport du iCormte Special auquel a et6 referee la Reponse de Son Excel. remis> lence le ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef du 5 Mars 1834, h 1’ Adresse de cette Chambre du 24 Fevner 1834, re- lativement aux Octrois de Terres aux Officers et Mill- ciens qui ont servi dans la demise Guerre avec les Etats-Unis , et autres references, perdu par 1 ajourne- ment de la Chambre, Mardi le deux du present, soil retabli, et que demain, cette Chambre se formera en le dit Comit6. Fifth Report of Committee of Education and Schools. Appendix (O. O.) Committee on Ordinances for presenting ac- cidents by Fire ; Resolution re- ported ; M. Girouard a propose, second6 par M. Jobin, Que %%***?- le Comite Permanent d’ Agriculture soit decharge de la charge deu consideration ulterieure de la Petition de divers Pro- Xfeu’eTune prietaires et Cultivateurs dont les terres sont coupes Petition, par le Canal de Grenville, et que la dite Petition soit referee an Comite Special auquel a ete referele Mes- sage de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, du premier du courant, avec le projet d’un Bill qui 1 ac- compagne, relativement a la Propriety occupee pour le service de l’Artillerie dans cette 1 rovince. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question : Pour, 42. Contre, 7. Ainsi elle a ete emport£e dans 1’ Affirmative, et Ordonne, En consequence. M. Huot, du Comite Permanent pour l Education et ^ \ P c Ecoles a presente ala Chambre le Cinquieme Rap- m i.6 poU r i’e- port du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau & la Table du Greffier. „ . x £ Four le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (O. O.j a la fin Anpendice de ce Volume. . . , Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit rGere a un Comite de toute la Chambre Mercredi prochain. Sur Motion deM. Caron, seconde par M. Perrault, Resolu, Que cette Chambre se forme maintenant en Comite de toute la Chambre pour considerer s il est ex- pour^hr pedient de sispendre, pour un temps hnnte, certaines Feu . Ordonnances qui ont rapport aux Cit^s de Quebec et de Montreal, et pour pr^venir les accidens du Feu. La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. ^ . M. Raymond a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Raymond a fait rapport que le Comite avait R*, 0 i ut , 0 n pass6 une Resolution, laquelle Resolution a etc luc de ra PP or,ee - nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Cham- bre ; et elle est comme suit : Resolu , 6 Will. IV. 22 * Februarri. 499 Resolved, That it is expedient to suspend certain Ordinances relating to the Cities of Quebec and Mont- real for preventing accidents by Fire. inj l . f ccid r .n» n by Ordered, That .\1r. Caron have leave to bring in a Fir«r.adth« Bill to suspend for a limited time, certain Ordinances therein mentioned, as far as the same relate to the City of Quebec , and the City of Montreal, and for preventing accidents by Fire. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow. Report of Com. Mr. Power, from the Special Committee to whom ng'"ght pecl ' was referred the Petition of divers Ship Owners, Ship Houses on Scat- Masters, Merchants and others, and other references, p«ui islands, with power to report from time to time, presented to the House the Second Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee after having taken into their most serious consideration the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief of the 20th January last, and the Documents and Correspondence which accompanied it, relative to the erection of a Light House and Build- ings for the shelter of shipwrecked persons on the Is- land of St. Paul ; and after having proceeded to the examination of the various Documents and Messages laid before Your Honorable House during each suc- cessive Session of the Legislature, since the year 1828, on this subject, and examined several witnesses thereon, were about to report their opinion upon the difficulties and misunderstandings which hitherto tended to re- tard the co-operation of the Legislatures of Nova Sco- tia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward's Island, with the Legislature of this Province, towards the conclu- sive arrangement of this deeply interesting object, when the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the 3d instant, with a Copy of a Despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, dated Downing Street, 4th November 1835, and other Documents res- pecting the erection of Light Houses in the Gulph of St. Lawrence , were referred to them, which rendered all further inquiry into those difficulties and misunder- standings unnecessary. By this last mentioned Message and Dispatch, Your Honorable House are informed that the Lords Com- missioners of His Majesty’s Treasury have endeavoured to obtain the opinions of scientific persons experienced in the dangerous navigation of the Gulph of St. Law- rence, and acquainted with the circumstances of the neighbouring Provinces, and the result of their enqui- ries appears to be “ that if Light Houses were erected “ u P on Islands of Scattarie and St. Paul, offthe coast of Cape Breton, many of the shipwrecks which now occur might be prevented, and that anxious to con- “ tribute as much as possible lo an object which their “ Lordships consider as of national rather than local inteiest, they have announced their readiness to ap- “ P>y t0 th e Imperial Parliament for the funds neces- “ sary to the erection of Light Houses upon those “Points; provided the Colonies whose trade is to be “ benefited by the measure, will engage to defray the “ comparatively light expense of their future mainte- “ nance.” Your Committee with the most grateful sentiments (in which they have no doubt Your Honorable House will concur) for this liberality of His Majesty’s Govern- ment, are of opinion that it is expedient to accept of the benevolent offer contained in this Dispatch, and to co-operate with the Imperial Government, and with the neighbouring Colonies, in the proposed measure so interesting Resolu , Qu’il est expedient de suspendre certaines Ordonnances qui ont rapport aux Cites de Quebec et de Montreal, et pour prevenir Ies accidens du Feu. Ordonne , Que M. Caron ait la permission d’intro- B.iipourp,*. duire un Bill pour suspendre, pour un temps limit*, S^Fet.u certaines Ordonnances y mentionnees, en autant qu’elles la P remi e«foi». ont rapport k la Cite de Quebec et a la Cite de Mont- real, et pour prevenir ies accidens du Feu. II aen consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois ; et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour demain. M. Power, du Comit* Special auquel a ete r*fer*e la Rapport duc 0 . I etition de divers Proprietaires de Vaisseaux M dtrp r les Le s tfe Scattarie et de 5/. Paul, vis-a-vis les cotes du Cap-Brelon, on previendrait plusieurs des naufiages qui ont maintenant lieu, et que desirant conti ibuer autant que possible a un objet que Leurs “ Seigneuries considered plutot d’un interet national que local, elles ont annonc* qiDelles etaient pretes k demander au Parlement Imperial les fonds neces- “ saires pour eriger des Phares sur ces Points, pourvu “ que les Colonies dont cette mesure favorisera le Com- “ rnerce, veuillent s’engager a defraver la faible de- “ pense, comparativement parlant, de leur entretien a “ I’avenir.” \ otie Comite, avec les sentimens de reconnaissance (qu'ii n’a pas de doute que Votre Honorable Chambre pai tage), qu il a pour la liberalite du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, est d’opinion qu'ii est expedient d’accep- ter l’offre bienveillante que contient cette Depeche, et de cooperer avec le Gouvernement Imp*rial et avec les ( olonies voisines dans cette mesure qui int*resse tant 500 22° Februariu A. 18 36. interesting to humanity, and tending to prevent the dis- astrous shipwrecks, and consequent loss of lives and property that yearly occur in and near the Gulph ot 5 Vonr "committee have to observe that the Legisla- ture of this Province, by its Act passed in the 10th and 11th years of the Reign of His late Majesty Geo. IV cap. 34. granted the sum of iwo thousand pounds to enable the Government of this Province, conjointly with the Government of the Provinces of Aova bcolta. New Brunswick and Prince Edward's Island, to cause ., Lio-ht House to be erected on the Island of St. J aul, and provided also that one half of the annual expense to be incurred in maintaining and keeping in repair the said Light House, should be defrayed out of the Funds of the Trinity House of Quebec, appropriated by I aw to the improvement of the navigation of the River St. Lawrence. Your Committee perceiving that the Act above mentioned, owing to the difficulties and misun- derstandings already alluded to, has not been carried into effect, and that no part of the said sum of money has been expended, are of opinon, that it is necessaiy to repeal the said Act, and in lieu thereof to pass ano- ther appointing a Commissioner on the part of this Province to arbitrate with such Commissioners as may for the same purpose be appointed on the part of the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and 1 rince Edwards Island, and estimate the sum of money which this Province ought to contribute to the annual expenses of these Light blouses, in proportion to the Tonnao-e of Vessels trading to or from this Province, as compared to the Tonnage of Vessels trading to or from the other Provinces already mentioned. Ordered , That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole Louse on hriday next. Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the said Com- mittee, to take into consideration the expediency - of repealing an Act passed in the 10th and 11th years ot the Reign of His late Majesty Geo. IV. cap. 34, inti- tuled, “ An Act to appropriate a certain sum of mo- “ ney towards the erection ot a Light House on the 1s- “ land of St. Paul, and to provide for the maintenance «t thereof.” . „ Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the said Re- port be printed for the use of the Members of this House. tant l’humanite, et qui tend a prevenir les naufrages desastreux, et la perte de la vie et des biens qui ar- rivent tous les ans dans et pres du Golfe St. Laurent. Votre Comite doit faire remarquer que la Legisla- ture de cette Province, par un Acte passe dans les lOe et lie annees du Rtigne de feu Sa Majeste Geo. IV. Chap. 34 a accorde la somme de Deux mille livres pour mettre le Gouvernement de cette Province, con- jointement avec les Gouvernemens des Provinces de la Nonvelle-Ecosse, du Nouveau- Brunswick et de 1 lie du Prince-Edouard , eti etat de faire constitute un lhate sur Pile St. Paul ; et qu’elle a pourvn aussi a ce que la moitie de la depense annuelle pour l’entretien et les reparations de ce Phare serait payee sur les fonds de la Maison de la Trinite de Quebec, que la Lot a appropnes a Pamelioration de la navigation du Fleuve St. Laurent. Votre Comite voyant que l'Acte precite n a pas ete mis a eft'et a cause des diflicultes et des malentendus aux- quels on a drja fait allusion, ct qu ll n’a nen He de- fense de la dite somme d’argent, est d opinion qu ll est D&essaire de revoquer le dit Acte, etd’en passer un au- tre nommant un Commissaire de la pait de cette i 10 - vince, pour agir comme Arbitre avec les Commissaires qui pourront etre noinmes pour cet objet de la part des Provinces de la Noutelle-Ecosse, du Nouveau- Bruns- wick et de Pile du Prince-Edouard, et d evaluer la somme d’argent que cette Province devra.t payer pour subvenir aux frais de l'entretien annuel de ces 1 hares, proportionnement an Port des Vaisseaux qui i font le Commerce en cette Province, compare a celm des \ ais- seaux qui commercent dans les Provinces dont on a ^Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit re Cue a un Comite de toute ia Chambre, Vendredi prochain. Ordonne, Qu’il soit une Instruction au dit Comite de prendre en consideration s’il est expedient de rappe er un Acte passe dans les lOe et lie annees du liegne de Sa Majeste Geo. IV. chap. 34, intitule, “ Acte pour “ affecter une certaine somme d’argent, pour 1 erection « d’un Phare sur Pile St. Paul, et pour pourvoir a 1 en- “ tretien d icelui.” Ordonne, Que deux cents Exemplaires du dit Rap- port soient imprimis pour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. Petition from Bonaventure and Gasp e rela- ting to the Peti- tion against Mr. Justice Thomp- son. A Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Counties of Bonaventure and Gaspe, in the Inferior District of Gaspe , was presented to the House by Mr. Power, and the same was received and read ; setting forth: That seve- ral of the Petitioners have at the last Election for the County of Bonaventure, suported Joseph Francois De - blois, Esquire, one of the Members representing the saidCounty in the present Provincial Parliament:— That the Petitioners have learnt with astonishment that the said Joseph Francois Deblois, as well in his own name as in his capacity of Representative of the People, and in the name of the Inhabitants of the District of Gaspe in general, hath presented a Petition to the House complaining in severe and unmeasured language of the conduct of the Honorable John Gawler 1 homp- son, JiuGe of the Provincial Court for the Inferior Dis- trict ot'°Gaspe: That several of the Petitioners have been, and are at present suitors in the Piovincial Comt either as Plaintiffs or Defendants, and in justice to the said Judge, they beg leave to state to the House, that they have always had entire confidence in the decisions of the said Honorable John Gawler Thompson, whose integrity, uprightness and impartiality have never been questioned by the Petitioners, or the Inhabitants of Une Petition de divers Habitans des Comtfs de Bo- naventure et de Gaspe, dans le District Inferieur de Gaspe, a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. 1 ower, la- quelle a ete re$ue et hie ; exposant Que plusieurs des Petitionnaires out, a la derniere Election du Comte de Bonaventure, appuve Joseph- Francois Deblois, Ecuyer, Pun des Membres' qui represented ce Comte dans le Parlement Provincial actuel : Que les Petitionnaires ont appris avec surprise et etonnemenr, que le dit Joseph- Francois Deblois, tant en son nom et comme Repr^sen- tantdu Peuple, qu’au nom des Habitans du District de Gaspe en general, a presents une Petition a la Chambre, pour se plain die en tenues severes et pen mesures de la conduite de P Honorable John-GawUr Thompson, Juoe de la Cour Provincial du District Inferieur de Gaspe : Que plusieurs des Petitionnaires ont plaide et plaident encore dans la Cour Provinciale, soit comme Demandeurs ou Defendetirs ; et ils doivent declarer a la Chambre qu’ils ont tonjours eu une entiere confiance dans les decisions de P Honorable John-Gawlei I lotnp son, dont Pintegrite, la droiture, et Pimpartialite n’ont jamais etd recusees par les Petitionnaires ou par les Ha- bitans du District de Gaspe. A Pappui de cet allegue, ils prennent la libertd d’exposer a la Cliambie, que, r quoique Petition de Ho naventure et Gas|>e relative a une Petitiou centre M. le Juge Thomp- son. v 6 Will. IV. 22 ° Februarii. 601 the District of Gaspe ; and as a strong proof of the truth of this allegation, the Petitioners beg leave most humbly to submit to the House, that notwithstanding that said I lonorable John Gawler Thompson hath been Judge of the Provincial Couit for the said District of Gaspe, for upwards of eight years, that more than two thousand cases have been decided by the said Ho- norable Judge during that period, and that though by the Judicature Bill of the said District, an appeal lies from the said Court to the Court of King’s Bench for the District of Quebec , yet there has never been one single Judgment rendered by the said Honorable Judge reversed, although the said Joseph Frangois Deblois has been a Practitioner in the said Court during the whole of the said period, and for seven years has been concerned in almost every contested suit: That the Petitioners, actuated solely by a sense of justice, re- ject with indignation that part of the Petition of the said Joseph Francois Deblois , which accuses in their name, and as the Representative of the People, the said Judge of natural imbecility, -of insufficiency in point of intelligence, character and sagacity, -of a want of decency and dignity in his conduct,- of aversion for and a general incapacity to execute his important duties,— of neglect, ignorance and contempt for the l aws of the country,— of being partial, capricious, ar- bitrary and vindictive,— of using his power as Judge to satiate his passions and rendering it an instrument of vengeance, — of ill gaily refusing to act in his capacity of Judge, of fettering and even stopping the course of justice, — of granting unto those whose interests he wished to advance, an unjust protection, — of threatening several of His Majesty s Subjects with his resentment, — of interfering at the last general Election, and of not holding several Terms of the Provincial Court for the said District of Gaspe: The Petitioners therefore beg leave to assure the House that all the foregoing com- plaints against the said Honorable John Gau'ler*Thornp- son are unfounded, unjust, libellous, false and calum- nious : 1 hat the fact of i his, the Petition of men totally disinterested, is sufficient to convince the House of the esteem in which the said Honorable John Gawhr Thomp- son is held in the District of Gaspe , of the perfect con- fidence which the said Inhabitants have in the said Provincial Court, and in the integrity, honor and legal attainments of the said Provincial Judge. Wherefore the Petitioners beg and intreat the House not to de- cide upon the Petition of the said Joseph Francois De- blois, before a full and entire investigation of the mat- ters of complaint therein contained, and trust that the House will be pleased to examine not only such wit- nesses as may be produced by the said Joseph Francois Deblois in support of his Petition, but also such other witnesses of integrity, respectability and impartiality, as will be brought forward by the Petitioners, so that ample justice may be rendered to all parties, and that the House will not be accessary in depriving the Peti» tioners and the loyal Subjects of His Majesty in the District of Gaspe, of the services of an individual whom they highly respect and esteem. Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances. Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the said Peti- tion be printed for the use of the Members of this House. quoique I Horiorable John- Gawler Thompson soit Juge de la ( our Provinciate du District de Gaspe depuis plus de liuit ans, et qu’il ait juge plus de deux mille proces pendant cet espace de temps ; et quoique le Bill de Judicature pour ce District donne le droit d’appeler des jugemens de eette Cour a la Cour du Banc du Roi du District de Quebec , cependant pas un de ses juge- mens n’a effi renverse ; et neanmoins, le dit Josejih- Frangois Deblois a pratique dans la dite Cour pendant toute cette periode de temps, et il a ete employe pendant sept ans dans presque toutes les causes contestees : Que, mus uniquement par un sentiment de justice, les Petitionnaires repoussentavec indignation cette partiede la Petition du dit Joseph-Frangois Deblois, dans laquelle il reproche an dit Juge son imbecillite naturelle, son insuffisance du cot£ de Pintelligence, du caractere et de la sagacite, — un manque de convenance et de dignite dans sa conduite, — une aversion et une incapacity ge- nerale pour I’execution de ses importans devoirs, et ou il I ’accuse de negligence, d'ignorance, et de mepris pour les Lois du Pays,— d’etre partial, capricieux, arbi- trage et vindicatif, — de fibre servirson pouvoir de Jime a I assouvissement de ses passions, — et d’en faire un in- stiument de vengeance, — d’avoir illegalement refuse de preter son mmistere en qualite de Juge,— d avoir cntia\e mi me et aiiete le cours de la justice, en accor- dant a ceux dont il dcsirait avancer les interets une piotection iujuste, et en mena^ant de son ressentiment plusieurs stijets de Sa Majeste, — de s’etre immisce dans la derniere Election generate,— et de n avoir pas tenu plusieurs des Permes de la Cour Provinciate du dit Dis- trict de Gaspe Les Petitionnaires prennent done la libei te d assurer la Chambre que ces accusations contre l’Honorable John-Gawler Thompson sont denuees de fondement, et quelles sont injustes, fausses, calom- nieuses et diffamatoires : Que cette Petition, signee par des personnes tout-a-fait desinteressees, doit s-Ttfire pour convaincre la Chambre de l estime et de la bonne opinion que I ’on a de l’Honorable John-Gawler Thomp- son dans te District de Gaspe ; et que les Habitans out une entiereconfiance dans la dite Cour Provinciate, et dans l’integrite, I’honnetir et les connaissances legates du dit Juge Provincial Pourquoi les Petitionnaires prient et conjurent la Chambre de ne pas se prononcer stir la Petition du dit Joseph-Frangois Deblois, avant d’avoir institue une Enquete pieine et entiere 'sur les accusations portees dans cette Petition ; et ils osent se flatter que la Chambre voudra non seulement inter- roger les Temoins que te dit Joseph-Frangois Deblois pourra produire a i’appui de sa Petition, mais encore tous les autres Temoins, d’un caractere integre et im- partial, qu’ils pourront eux-memes produire, afin de rendre pieine justice aux parties, et que la Chambre ne concoure pas a priver les Petitionnaires et les loyaux Sujets de Sa Majeste dans te District de Gaspe des ser- vices d’un homme qu’ils estiment et respectent bean- coup. Ordonne , Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comity Permanent des Griefs. Ordonne , Que deux cents Exemplaires de la dite Petition soient imprimes pour 1’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. Complaint made of an Ar- ticle in a News- paper, signed “ Ciacuiar.” Mr. Gugy rose in his place, and brought under the consideration of the House, a certain Article published in the Quebec Gazette of Friday the 19th instant, ad- „ dressed Vol.— 45. M. Gugy s’est leve a sa place, et a sounds a la consi- deration de la Chambre, un certain article publie dans la Gazette de Quebec, de Vendredi te 19 du courant, „ T adresse 6 L Phinfe fa it© d’un article dans un Pnpiep nouveJIe, sign4 u Piacular," 6 A . 1836 . 502 22 ° Februarii . dressed “To the Editor of the- Quebec Gazette,’ dated “ Quebec, 17 th February 1836,” and signed “Piacular.” The said article is as f'olloweth: To the Editor of the Quebec Gazette. In your Paper of the lOth instant, reporting, the speeches in the Assembly relative to the proceedings ao-ainst the Hon. W. B. Felton , Mr. Gugy is stated to have said, that “ if the proceedings had been conducted cx parte, Mr. Felton had no one but himself to blame, having neglected to come before the Itouse and defend his cause.” It is but right that the public should be undeceived as to the opportunity afforded to the ac- cused to defend themselves before the Committees or the Assembly, and of the character of the evidence ex- hibited to the public after it has gone through the crucible in those meetings. A professional friend of Mr. Felton, who had received some intimation of the manner in which the testimony of witnesses was dis- torted to answer the views of the inlenogator, made, application to the Chairman of the Committee to be allowed to be present on behalf of the accused during the examination of witnesses, and he was refused. So much for the neglect of appearing to defend his cause. As to the evidence brought before the public, I sub- mit for their consideration the following sample; the questions and answers printed by oiaei Oi the Assem- bly are placed in one column, and the answeis that were actually given by the parties are placed opposite to them in the other: Mr. William Dodds cal- Answers as stated in an led in, and being interro- affidavit made by the par- gated, answered, — ty: About ten or eleven years The Deponent states that ao-o, I bought from him, this is not true; that he (Hon. W. B. Felton,) Lot said that he had not yet set- No. 11 in the 11th Range tied with Mr. Felton. of 'Ascot, for 200 dollars, which sum 1 accordingly paid him, partly in money, partly in labour. When you went upon TheDeponent states, that your land, was there any he answered that eight a- improvement upon it; and cies, oi what was called if so, how much land was eight acres, had been cut cleared? — Ans. None was down and burnt, cleared. Was there a house or The Deponent states, that any other building on the he answered that a log j 0 l\—Ans. None'. house was built upon it, which house he now inha- bits. Whom did you pay for The Deponentstates, that the improvements, and how this answer was not given much did you pay for them? by him. Ans. There were no im- provements to be paid foi. The Deponent further states, that when he answered the person examining him, only one other person was present; and this statement is confirmed by the affida- vit of that person. . . The affidavits substantiating this perversion of the truth and falsification of the testimony given before the absent Committee, are now in Quebec. Your most obedient humble servant, Piacular. Quebec , 17th February, 183G. Ordered, adresse “ A l’Editeur de la Gazetle de Quebec,” date “ Quebec, 1? Fevrier 1836,” et sign6 “ Piacular.” Le dit Article est comme suit : A 1’Editeur de la Gazette de Quebec. Monsieur, Dans votre feuilie du 16 du courant, dans laquclle vous rapportez les discours qui out ete fails dans fAs- semblee an sujet des precedes adoptes contre l’Honon- ble W.-B. Felton , l’on rapporte que M . Gugy a dit que “ si les proci'des avaient eu lieu exparte, M. Felton n’a- vait que lui-meme a blamer, ayant neglige de venir de- vant la Chambre, et de defendre sa cause.” II n’est que juste que le public conna’sse les occasions que 1 on donne aux accuses de se difendie (levant hs Comitts de l’Assemblee, et de la nature des Tcmoignages mis sous les yeux du public, apres avou passe sous lc cieu- set de ces Comites. Un ami professionnel de M. Fel- ton, qui avait eu avis de la manieie dont les Icmoi- onages etaient defigures pour repondreaux vuesdel’in- terrogateur, a demande au President du Comite de lui permettre d'etre present pour I accuse pendant I mtei - rogatoire, et on lui a refuse cette permission. Voila qui p jo live quant a la negligence tie comparaitre pour de- fendre sa cause. Quant aux Temoignages qui out etc mis sous les yeux du public, je soumets 1 echantillon qui suit a sa reflexion. Les questions et les reponses imprimees par ordre de PAssemblee sout placees sin line colonne, et les reponses qui out veiitablement vie donnees par les Temoius sont placees sur une colonne en regard : M. William Dodds, ap- Reponses telles que don- pele, et etant interroge, a nees dans l affidavit du Te- repondu : moin : J’achetai de lui (I’Hon. Le Deposant declare que JV.-B. Felton) il y a envi- cela n’est pas vrai ; qu’il a ron dix on douzeans,le Lot dit qu’il n’avait pas encore N ° ii, dans la He ran- regie avec M. Felton. gee d Ascotl, pour 200 pias- tres, et je lui payai cette somme partie en argent et partie en travail. Lorsque vous vous etes Le Deposant declare etabli sur votre terre, y qu’il a repondu que le bois avait-on faitquelques ante- sur huit acres, ou ce qu on liorations ; si cela est, appelait les huit acres, avait quelle quantite de terre etc coupe etbiuffi. avait ete defrichee ? — Rep . Aucune partie de la terre n’etait defrichee. Y avait-il une maison ou Le Deposant declare quelqu’autre batiment sur qu’il a repondu qu’on y le dit Lot ? Rep. Non. avait bati une maison de pieces, dans laquelle il loge maintenant. A qui avez-vous paye Le Deposant declare que ces ameliorations, et com- cette reponse n’a pas ete bien les avez-vous payees? donnee par lui. — Rep. Il n’y avait aucune amelioration a payer. Le Deposant declare de plus, que lorsqu’il a repon- du a lapersonne qui l’interrogeait, il n’y avait qu^une personne presente, et cet expose estconoboie par 1 affi- davit de cette personne. Les affidavits qui etablissent que l’on a ainsi fausse la verite et falsifie les Temoignages recus devant le Co- mite absent sont maintenant a Quebec. Votre tres-humble et obeisst. Serviteur, FrACULAR. Quebec, 17 Fevrier 1836. Ordonne , G Will. IV. 22" I'cfjruarii. 503 ^ Ordered, That Samuel Nei/son and William Cowan, Esquiies, do appear at (he Bar of this House, to mor- row, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Adjournment. Ordered, That when this House dotli adjourn, it will adjourn till to morrow at ten o'clock, A. M. Inland Custom* liill deferred. ^ T he Order of the day for receiving the Report of the Committ e of the whole House on the Bill to regulate and establish tiie Salaries of the Officers of the ( us- toms at the Inland Ports in this Province, and for other purposes therein mentioned; and on the Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Report of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, which relates to the expiration of the Act regulating the collection of the Revenue at the several Inland Ports of this Pro- vince, with the Documents accompanying the same, being read ; On Motion or Mr. 0‘Ca/laghan, seconded by Mr. Le- tourneau , Ordered, That the said Order of the day be dis- charged; and that the said Bill be recommitted to a Committee of the whole House to-morrow, in the fore- noon sitting. O be second time. A Bill to continue for a limited time, and to conso- lidate two Acts therein mentioned, concerning the Mi- litia of this Province, was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. 1 , Ordered, That Mr. Lardy, Mr. Girouard, Mr. Beau- douin , Mi. De Rleury and Mr. Fraser do compose the said Committee. Ordonne, Que Samuel Nei/son et William Cowan, Ecuyers, comparaissent a la Barre de cette Chambre,’ domain, a dix heures du matin. Ordonne, Quo lorsque cette Chambre s’ajourncra, Ajo U r„ eraent . elle s ajourne a demain, a dix heures, A. M. LOrdre du jour pour recevoir le Rapport du Co- mite de toute la Chambre stir le Bill pour ngler et ela- bhr les Salaires des Officiers des Douanes aux Ports de PInterieur de cette Province, et autres fins y mention- nees, et surle Rapport du Comite Special auquel a et 6 r. feic le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef, qui a rapport a l’expiration de I'Acte reglant la perception du Reveriu aux differens Ports Interieurs de cette Province, avec les Documens qui Pacqompao-nent ay ant ete lu ; 1 ° * Bill des Dou- anes I nt^rieures, re mis. Sur Motion de M. O' Callaghan, seconde par M. Le- tourneau, Ordonne, Q ue le Hit Ordre du jour soit decharge, et que le (lit Bill soit de nouveau refere a un Comile’de toute la Chambre, demain, dans la Seance du matin. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour conti nuer BilldeMilice pour un temps Iimite, et reunir en un seul deux Actes [“ s u . ne second9 } me ntionncs, conceinant la JVIihce de cette Province, a ete lu tine seconde fois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la dili- gence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir per- sonnes, papiers et records. ? Ordonne, Que M. Lardy, M. Girouard, M. Beau . douin, M. De Bleary et M. Fraser composent le dit Co mite. ?£ ng . A Biil for more easily carrying into effect an Act, in- Zrand Up- t,tul . ed : “ An Act to authorize the appointment of Com- r Canada, “ missioners to treat with Commissioners on the part .d the second « ^ Upper Canada. respecting the drawing of a Division “ Llne between Lower and Upper Canada was, ac- cording to Order, read a second time, Ordered, That the said Bill be engrossed. biic Ac- ° D The Older of the day for the House in Committee JhePr"ovfnce e ° n the several Reports of the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, and on the State of the Province, and other references, being read ; 1 lie House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mi, Clapham took the Chair of the Committee. Several Members having retired, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. And the names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr., Speaker, Messieurs Amiot, Bardy, Barnard, Besserer, Blanchard, Blancket, Roue . , Boutillier, Cardinal, Cazeau, Cherrier, Child, Clapham, Cote, De Witt, Pierre Antoine Dorion, Charles Dro- let, Joseph Toussaint Drolet, Fortin, Girouard, Grannis , He- bert, Iluot , John, Kimber, Lafontaine , Leslie, Letourneau, Meil- leur, Morin, O' Callaghan, Perrault, Raymond, Bocbrune dit La- rogue, Rodier , I hibaudeau, Trudel and Tiger. And at half-past, one o'clock at night, Mr. Speaker adjourned the Plouse for want of a Quorum. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour faciliter P e Xe- Bill touchant la cution d’un Acte, intitule, “Acte pour autoriser la £ ivi ‘ “ nomination de Commissaires poui traiter avec lee Beetle Ham Lommissaues nomrncs de la part du Hdut-C^ciiicidci^ seconds fois. “ touchant la fixation d’une ligne de division entre le* “ Haut et le Bas-Canada,” a ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Biil soitgrossove. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en cZ^ru" Comite sur les divers Rapports du Comite Permanent bliC3ftl ® ,atde des Comptes Publics, et sur 1 etat de la Province, et la 1Jrov,nct> ’ autres references, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Clapham a pris le Fauteuil du Comite. Plusieurs Membres s’etant retires. M.l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. Et les noms des Membres presens ont De pris comme suit : M. POrateur, Messieurs Amiot, Bardy, Barnard, Besserer, Blanchard, Blanchet, Lone, Boutillier, Cardinal, Cazeau , Cherrier, Child, Clapham, C ole, De Witt, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Charles Drolet, Joseph- Toussaint Drolet, Fortin, Girouard , Grannis, Hebert, Huot, Jobin, Kimber, Lafontaine , Leslie, Letourneau, Meilleur, Morin, O' Callaghan, Perrault, Raymond, Bocbrune dit Laroque, Rodier, Thibaudeau Trudel et Viger. Et a une heure et demie de nuit. M. 1’Orateur a ajour- ne la Chambre faute de Quorum. Tuesday, Marcli » A. 1836 Adjournment. Report on Peti tions relating t( Register Of- fices, °23 0 Februariu 50 * Maidi, 23 FSvrier 1836. Dti heures, A. M- Tuesday, 23 rd February, 1836 -Ten o'clock, A. M. fjs Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded bj ' Mr. ZVa*!, Ordered, That when this House doth adjourn, adjourn till four o’clock, P. M. this day. Mr Gu"y, from the Special Committee to whom were referred the Petition of divers Inhabitants i of the TMv nnd District of Montreal, relating to Register Oth • » and the Petition of divers Citizens of Quebec , presen e to the House the B ^ ^ M w > W To?;cr m tiUe^L C ve uLn into their senons cor, sideration the direction given them by House, to enquire into the compla Honorable made in the Petitions presented to Your n‘, P and referred to Your Committee, lhey ha\e &S iompCttra "upions ^^etS: ge ST S^'^tlieve that ^ necessary to prove that our system oH^potl ecati^as it actually operates in practice, is in fact lmb J instances to certain inconveniences and difficulties which may have afforded grounds for the complaints 1 question. y But the majority of Your Committee aie < from thinkinn- that the remedies generally proposed by (hoTe who make these complaints, are adapted to re- move these inconveniences and difficuhies 01 inU^e slightest degree to improve oui system o L 1 tion. The majority of Your Committee are, on the contrary, persuaded that these remedies in the form proposed, would only aggravate the evil complained of, while they would inevitably throw confusion and un- . • tv over all lemal questions on all points of out Law relating to hypothecations, and would end by pro- ducin' the overthrow of a body of ancient Laws to which°the people are accustomed, and which in the opinion of celebrated Jurists, yield to none eithei in point of equity or of clearness. It is also worthy o serious consideration, that under the circumstances in which the country is placed, without any organized au- thorities in its local divisions, and in the absence of the concurrent institutions which the proposed lemedies would render necessary, the establishment of Regis r y Offices would give rise to other serious inconveniences which have already been pointed out, and of which i is easy to form an idea. . Your Committee must nevertheless acknowlec g , that the present state of property, the extension of tiac e, and the progress of society in this country, make it de- sirable that the Laws should keep pace with these a vances, and should undergo the modifications and im- provements of which they are susceptible. And Your Committee trust that the tune is not distant when Legislature will be enabled efficiently to commence the great work of codifying our Laws. The labour would, it is true, be immense, and the difficulties great, bu ie work has become necessary, and if wisely planned an skilfully executed, would greatly contribute to the ad- vancement of the country and the happiness of the pe - ble. This work would efface from our Laws whatever experience has shewn to be defective theiein, an would remove any anomalies and much uncertainty, which time and the introduction of different laws and new systems have introduced into our Jurisprudence. U R Motion de M. Viger, seconde pai M. 'I rude , A j 0urnemen t. OrdonnS, Que lorsque cette Chambre s’ajournera, elles’ajourne a quatre heures, l . M. ct jou . M Gu«y, du Comite Special auquel out ete n feiees ^. l p P j()ns rel 1, Mti&fte divers Hah, tans de I. CiM et du D,s r,c d e Montreal, au sujet de Bureaux d Lnn gistrement, et glslremcnt . fa Pefft ion de divers Citoyens de Quebec a present* a a Chambre le Rapport du dit Connie, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit: de nouveai . en ga s ^ r i e use consideration 1 Or- . ^ a donne Votre Honorable Chambre, d’ex- die que - les suggestions contenues dansles aminer les plainte* et lesaufo Chambre, et Partions fi: d'au.ant plus mis de ''"'“dms les recherches qu’il a fades a ce sujet, que S0 'T n es et ces suggestions out ete plusieurs fo.s re- uaees e qu’il etait de toute justice que ce Connie put petees, et q PO uvoir informer Votre Honorable Ch'unbre jusqu’a quel point ces plaintes pouvaient etre fi ,‘ ees et id convenable d’adopter que ques- unes des suggestions qui out ite fades sur ce sujet Votre Comite n’a pas cm qui! fftt necessaire dune Fnnulte pour demon., er qu’en effet notre regime hy- notheciire tel qu’il opere actueUement dans la prati 1 1 UP soil sujet en plusieurs circonstances a divers que, lie sod sujet ■ | ont pu piovoquer inconveniens et a des uimcuiiw { >. ' • • • . bi- &r que les remedes ^mpos^s°leVlus fteneralemen^par ceux soient propresa a re <1, mo ndrement le svs- “• d iSSade; an tidiaire, la majoiite de Votre Comit/est persuadee que ces remedes, tels que propos, s, Comiteest ! ^ , e ma , dont on se plaint; outre n u d s Tet t e r a i e n t Tn e v i t ab 1 e m e n t la confusion et 1 incer- titude J dans toutes les questions legales sui toutes les nift es de nos Lois qui concernent les, et Se produiraient en dernier r*sultat que le bou everse- ment d’un corps de Lois anciennes auxquel es le 1 eu- ple est accoutum*. et qui, de 1’avis de celebres Juris- consultes n’en cede a aucun autre sous e rapport de fa justice et de la clarte. H faut de plus b.en rer que dans les circonstances ou se trouve le pays, sans aiicune organisation dans ses divisions locales, et dans Wh ence du concours d’autres institutions que > necessi- teraient'les remedes que for. propose l’elabhsseme t i bureaux d’Enregistrement seraient la souice d au tms incon“ niens graves qui on. deja ete signales, et dont il est facile de se former une idee Votre Comite doit avouer neanmoins que 1 etat actue de la propriete, l’etendue du commerce et les progies de K Sen ce pays, pourraient faire deairer que les Lois ces ameliorations et suWnt les modi- ffcations et perfectionnemens dont elles sout suscep i- fles. Et Votre Comite espere que le temps n est pas r pnislature pourra adopter les mesures SS pour eg commenc P er avcc. efdcacite le grand auivre de la codification de nos Lois. Ce ti avail est, i ceuvie u riiffirile mais il est devenu neces- e 1ro ."et T’iuiait con 5 u ave’c intelligence et d.rigeavec saoesse, il contribuerait granoement a I’avanceineul du P/s et’au bonheur du Peuple. ^ VavaiUffacm ad^e 1,05 Lois wut "'„oX C e i’anomalies et d'ineer- &?u^ “™tTrtatroUucti™ de Lois et de systemes dence. Mats avant qu un Acte b jmportant 6 Will. IV. 23° Februariu 505 13nt before so important an act of Legislation can be ac- complished, your Committee are persuaded, as all are who have studied the Law of the country, that partial changes and new measures which would affect the whole body of our Laws, could not fail, uselessly and without any advantage, to overthrow our Jurisprudence, and would have most disastrous effects on tlie security of property and the tranquility of families. Returning, however, more particularly to the subject which was to form the chief object of the attention of Your Committee, the majority of them are convinced that the defects and inconveniences which are felt in the execution of our Laws concerning hypothecations, are in no wise owing to the system itself, because the greater part of them did not exist in the country whence we derived these very Laws, but are rather due to the construction which has been put upon the Laws in ques- tion, and the manner in which they have been executed in this country, where they have never been adminis- tered in their true spirit and in their full extent. Among the causes above alluded to, it is necessary to instance more particularly the absence of the Laws for the prevention and repression of the frauds committed in civil transactions which were known in the ancient Law of the country under the name of Stellionate. It can- not be doubted that by thus cutting off a principal por- tion of our Law of hypothecation, occasion has been given to the greater part of the difficulties and inconveniences which have been complained of, and which have been falsely, and but too frequently attributed to the whole system of Law concerning hypothecations. Your Committee are, therefore, of opinion, that Your Honorable House ought to entertain favorably, any Bill to re-establish this essential part of our ancient Law relative to hypothecations. Your Committee are also persuaded that it would be expedient so to amend the Provincial Statute of the 9th Geo. IV. Chap. 20, intituled, “ An Act to provide “ more effectually for the extinction of secret incum- “ brances on lands, than was heretofore in use in this “ Province,” as that by virtue of this Law, (of the utili- ty of which no doubt can exist,) legal hypothecations may also be purged, observing such formalities as may be necessary for the preservation of the rights of mar- ried women, minors and other parties interested. Your Committee believe they are not travelling be- yond the bounds prescribed to them by the Order of Your Honorable Llouse, in suggesting that it would be desirable that some restriction should be put on the exercise of the real or hypothetical action for Dower, either customary or stipulated, inasmuch as it belongs to the children of the marriage, and may be brought by them after the lapse of a great number of years, to the prejudice of a party holding the property in good faith. Ordered, That three hundred Copies of the said Re- port be printed for the use of the Members of this House. important puisse litre accompli, Votre Comity cst per- suade avec ceux qui ont pu etudier le Droit du pays, que des changemens partiels, des mesures nouvelles qui tendraient a affecterle corps entier de nos Lois, ne pourraient que bouleverser inutilement et sans avantage notre Jurisprudence, et aurait des effets iHsastreux pour la surety des propri6t6s et la tranquillity ties families. Cependant, en revenant plus particulffirement a l’ob- jet dont Votre Comite doit principalement s’occuper, la majorite de Votre Comite est convaincue que les de- fectuosites et les inconveniens qui resultent dans 1’exe- cution de nos Lois sur les hypotheques, ne sont nulle- ment dus au systDne memo, puisque la plupart de ces defectuosites et de ces inconveniens n’existaient pas dans le pays d’ou nous avons tir6 ces memes Lois ; mais que ces inconveniens et ces defectuosites derivent plu- tbt de ^interpretation et de 1 execution qu’ont eue en ce pays les Lois en question, lesquelles n’ont jamais ete suivies dans leur veritable esprit et dans toute leur eten- due. Au nombre des causes qui vier.nent d’etre indiquees, Ton doit particulffirement reconnaitre l’absence de Lois preventives et repressives contre les fraudes qui se com- mettent dans les transactions civiles, lesquelles etaient connues dans notre ancien Droit sous le nom de Stcl- lionat. Saus doute en retrancharit cette partie princi- pal de notre regime hypothecate, on a donne lieu a la plupart des difficultes et des inconveniens dont on s’est plaint, et qui ont ete faussement et trop souvent attribues au systeme hypothecate en entier. Votre Comit6 croit done que Votre Honorable Cham- bre devrait accueillir un projet de Loi qui aurait pour but le retablissement de cette partie essentielle de nos anciennes Lois sur les hypotheques. Votre Comite s’est aussi persuade qu’il serait a pro- pos de f’aire certaines modifications au Statut Provincial de la 9e Geo. IV. Chap. 20, intitule, “ Acte pour “ pourvoir plus efficacement a l’extinction des hypo- “ theques secretes sur les terres, qu’il n’a et£ jusqu’ici “ en usage dans cette Province,” de maniere que par cette Loi, dont futility ne pent etre mis en doute l’on pent aussi purger les hypotheques legales en observant ties formalites convenables pour la conservation des droits des femmes maiiees, des mineurs et autres in- teresses. Votre Comite ne croit pas sortir des homes que l’Or- dre de Votre Honorable Chambre lui prescrit, en ob- servant qu'il serait aussi a desirer, que l’on restreignit Paction reelle ou hypothecate pour le Douaire, soit coutumier ou prefix en autant qu'il est la propriete des enfans nes du mariage, et qu’il peut, apres une longue suite d’annees, etre reclame par eux au prejudice de de- tenteurs de bonne foi. Or donne , Que trois cents Exemplaires du dit Rapport soient imprimes pour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. Bill to prevent Ordered, That Mr. Gugy have leave to bring in a Bill fhefiri"unie! ad to prevent and punish Stellionate. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to be read a second time on Thursday next. Or donne , Que M, Gugy ait la permission d’introduire fiTsteHi un Bill pour prevent et punir le Stellionat. onat, lu la pre- II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a * W as read for the third time. Fc solved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered That Mr. Morin do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. In conformity loan Order of the House of yesterday, Samuel Neilson, Esquire, appeared at the bar oi the House, and was interrogated, as followetn : Are voiTthe Proprietor or Editor of the News- paper, entitled, “The Quebec Gazette,” now exhibited to you, dated Friday the 19th February instant? A. I am both Proprietor and Editor. Q. Have you the Affidavit of William Dodds refer- red to in an article signed “ Piacular,” dated “ Quebec , 17th February, 1836 ?” . A. The Affidavit is my own property: I have it in m y possession. With the consent of the party who wrote and signed the article “ Piacular, I can deliver the Affidavit, on furnishing me with a leceipt or ceiti Q. Can you shortly ascertain whether the person who wrote the article signed “ Piacular,” will consent to your laying the same before the House. A. I am responsible to the Law for every tlung which appears in the Quebec Gazette, of which I am the Editor. Q. Will you be pleased to lay the said original Affi- davit before the House upon the receipt of the Clerk at the bottom of a certified Copy thereof, and on the understanding that the said original Affidavit shall be returned to you. A Yes* The said Affidavit is as followeth: District of Saint Francis. William Dodds, of the Township of Ascot, m the County of Sherbrooke, being duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists, doth depose and say, that he is the same William Dodds who was called before the Committee of Grievances, prosecuting the enquiry into the pub ic character and conduct of the Honorable h . />. Felton. That certain questions were put to this Deponent, which he answered verbally to the person examining this Deponent: That during such examination only one other person, Daniel Weir of Ascot, was present . That this Deponent has been shown a ( opy o; the Le- wort of the said Committee, and certain answers pur- uortino- to be the answers of this Deponent, to questions put tohim: That by the first answer this Deponent is made to say, that he has paid the sum of i wo bundled dollars to the Honorable W. B. Felton, for a .ot of Laud in Ascot, which is not true; as this Deponent stated that he had not yet settled with Mr. Felton for the same: That this Deponent is made to say by his answer to t le seventh question, that none of the Land was cleared,— this Deponent stated that none of the Land was com- pletely cleared, but what was called eight acres had been cut down and burned, and a Log House upon it, when he bought the Land from Mr. Felton, and which house he now inhabits: That the eighth an- swer is wholly untrue, and was never given by this De- ponent whereby he is made to state, that there was no building or house upon the lot, the very reverse being the case : That the ninth answer must also, in conse- quence, be untrue, and was not given by this Deponent; further Deponent saith not, and hath signed. •WILLIAM DODDS. Sworn 23° Februarii. “ la part du Haul -Canada, touchant la fixation d’une *< ]jgne de division entre le Haut et le Bas-Canada , a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. * Resolu, Que le Bill passe. n .. Ordonne, Que M. Morin porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. En conformity d’un Ordre de la Chambre d hier, g Ne ji sonsur Samuel Neilson, Ecuyer, a comparu a la Barre de la Chambre, et a ete interroge comme suit: Par M. Gugy. q Etes-vous le Proprietaire ou l’Editeur du Papier- noiiv'elle, intitule, “ La Gazette de Quebec,’’ qui vous est maintenant exhibee, datee, Vendredi le 19 Fevner Pr R. J’en suis le Proprietaire et l’Editeur. Q Avez-vous P Affidavit d’un nomme William Dodds, a u quel renvoie un Article signe « Piacular,” date “ Quebec, 17 Fevrier 1836?” . R. L’Affidavit est raa propriete : je 1 ai en ma pos- session. Avecle consentement de la partie qui a ycrit et signe Particle “ Piacular,” je puis delivrer 1 Affida- vit si l’on me fournit un re<;u ou une Copie certifiee. Q. Pouvez-vous, sous peu de temps, vous assuier si la personne qui a ferit Particle signe “ Piacular,” con- sentirait a ce que vous le missiez devant la Chambre. ^ R. Je suis responsable en Loi de tout ce qui paiait dans la Gazette de Quebec, dont je suis l’Editeur. Q. Voulez-vous bien mettre devant cette Chambre le dit Affidavit original, sur le re 9 u du Greffier au has d’une Copie certifiee d icelui, et sur ce qu il sera en- tendu que le dit Affidavit original vous sera remis? R. Oui. Le dit Affidavit est comme suit : District de Saint Frangois. William Dodds, du Township c V Ascot, dans le Comte de Sherbrooke, apres serment prete sur les Saints Evan- iriles, depose et dit : Qu’il est le norame William Dodds qui a ete appele devant le Comite des Griefs, nomme pour s’enquerir de la conduite et du caracHre publics de l’Honorable W.-B. Felton : Que Pen a fait certaines questions au Deposant, et qufil a repondu verbalement a la personne qui Pinterrogeait : Que pendant cet mter- ro-atoire, Daniel Weir, d’ Ascot, seul. etait present:— Qu’on a montre au Deposant une Copie ou Rapport du dit Comite, et certaines reponses qu’on pretend etre ses reponses aux questions qu’on lui a faites : Que par la premiere reponse on a fait dire au Deposant qu il a pay£ Deux cents piastres a l’Honorable W.-B. Felton , pour un lot de Terre dans Ascot, ce qui nest pas vrai, vu que le Deposant a declare qu il n’avait pas encoie reo-le avec M. Felton, relativement a ce lot : Que 1 on fait dire au Deposant par sa rfponse a la septEme ques- tion qu’aucune partie de la terre n’etait defnclEe; le Deposant a declare qu’aucune partie de ce lot de Terre n’etait entierement defrichee ; mais que quanta ce qu’on appelait les huit acres, le bois en avait ete coupe et brule, et qu’on y avait bati une maison de pieces lorsqu’il acheta ce lot de lerre de Felton, dans laquelle il loge maintenant: Que la huitieme leponse par laquelle ^on lui fait dire qu’il n y avait aucun bati- ment ou maison sur le dit lot, est completement fausse, et n’a jamais ft£ donnee par le Deposant, puisque c es le contraire: Que la neuvi£me reponse doit pai cons* quent etre egalement contraire a la verite, et n a pas ete donnee par le Deposant. Et le Deposan ne i ,-ien de plus, et a signe. WJLUAM DODDS. Affirme 6 Will. IV. 23° Februariu Sworn before me at Sherbrooke , this 7th February, 1836. David Moe, J. P. Daniel Weir, of the Township of Ascot, farmer, be- ing duly sworn, doth depose and say, that lie is the same person referred to in the foregoing Affidavit : That the facts stated therein are true, and doth corroborate the same. Further the Deponent saith not, and hath signed. DANIEL WEIR. Sworn before before me, at Sherbrooke , this 7th day February, 1836. David Moe, J. P. Mr. Neilson then withdrew. Bliire or U ted ms The ^ r£ Ier day f° r the House in Committee on reporc. Bill to regulate and establish the Salaries of the Officers of the Customs at the Inland Ports in this Pro- vince, and for other purposes therein mentioned, beino- l 1 4 7 O read; On Motion of Mr. 0‘Callaghan, seconded by Mr. Per- rault, Ordered, That the said Order of the day be discharged; and that the Report of the Committee of the whole House to whom the said Bill had already been refer- red, be now received ; and that the Question of con- currence be now separately put upon the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill. Mr. Besserer, from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to regulate and establish the Salaries of the Officers of the Customs at the Inland Ports in this Province, and for other purposes therein men- tioned ; and on the Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, which relates to the expiration of the Act regulating the collection of the Revenue at the several Inland Ports in this Province, with the Do- cuments accompanying the same, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Fable, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, I hat the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. wntsami state The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Province the several Reports of the Standing Committee of Pub- Jic Accounts, and on the State of the Province, and other references, bein£ read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till the afternoon sitting of this day; and that it be then the first Order of the day. sent Members Tile Order of the day for taking into consideration eMo C u a se con- tlie Reasons assigned by the absent Members for their lered. nomattendance at the Call of this House, on Friday the twelfth instant, being read ; Tiie names of those who made default were severally called over, and the Reasons respectively given bV them considered, and determined upon as follows, viz: Jean Baptiste Beaudouin, excused on account of ill health. Nicholas Boissonnault , excused, being in the District of Gaspe, and not having been summoned. Baxter Bowman, excused on account of ill health. Pierre Bureau, excused on account of ill health. Merritt Hotchkiss, excused from sickness in his family. 501 Affirme sous serment devant moi a Sherbrooke , le 7 Fevrier 1836. David Moe, J. P. Daniel Weir, du Township d ’Ascot, cultivateur, apres serment dument prete depose et dit, qu’il est la per- sonne a laquelle il est fait allusion dans l’Affidavit pre- cedent: Que les faits y enonces sont vrais, et qu’il les corrobore. Et le Deposant ne dit rien de plus, et a signe. DANIEL WEIR. Affirme sous serment devant moi, a Sherbrooke le 7e jour de Fevrier 1836. * David Moe, J. P. M. Neilson s’est alors retire. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill pour regler et etablir les Salaires des Ufficiers des Douanes aux Ports de I’lntGieur de cette 1 rovince, et autres finsy mentionnees, ayant etelu ; Bill des Doua« nes Interieureff rapporte. Sur Motion de M. O'Callaghan, seconde par M. Per - rault, 1 Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit decharo-e ; et que le Rapport du Comite de toute la Chambre, ?uquel le dit Bill avait deja H6 rtfevt, soit maintenant recu; et que la Question de concours soit maintenant sepa- rement mise sur les amendetnens dit Bill par le Comite. r M. Besserer , du Comit6 de toute la Chambre sur le Bill pour regler et etablir les Salaires des Officiers des Douanes aux Ports de lTnterieur de cette Province, et autres finsy mentionnees, et sur le Rapport du Comite Special auquel a ete nTere le Message de Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, qui a rapport a Fexpira- t'°n de 1’Acte reglant la perception du Revenu aux differens Ports interieurs de cette Province, avec les Documensquil’accompagnent, a lait rapport, conforme- ment a l’Ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens out ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adopts par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit e- lating to Lord Aylmer, to^ llis Majesty’s Go- vernment. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Fourth Report of the Standing Committee of Grie- V 3 The* House accordingly resolved itself into the said ^ Mr. De Witt took the Chair of the C ommittee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; . . A n d Mr. Be Witt reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution, which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followeth : Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, That this House doth concur in the fourth Kepoit oi the Standing Committee of Grievances. .. Mr. O'Callaghan moved, seconded by Mi. ue n iu. That this House cloth concur with the Committee in the said Resolution. 7 rT ,, , Mr. Blackball moved, seconded by Mr. Baker, I hat the consideration of the said Motion be postponed till Friday next. The House divided on tne Question: Yeas, 11. Nays, 38. So it passed in the Negative. . ,, . The Question being then put on the main Mot the blouse divided thereon ; and Hie names being called for, they were taken down, as foilowctn . Yeas, Messieurs Bardy, Barnard, J)eaudomn, Berlhelot, Ber- trand, Besserer, Blanchard, Blanchet, Boutillier, Cardinal , Laron, Cazeau, Cherrier, Quid, Cote, Be Bleury Deligny, Be Tonnancour, Be 11 lit , Jacques Dorion, Joseph Toussaint Drolet, Charles Drotet, horlm, Fraser, Grannis, Guillel, Hebert. Huot John, Kmght, Lafontaine, Larue, Leslie, Marquis, Meilleur, Moun, Mousseau O' Callaghan, Perrault, Raymond, Rocbrune jit Laroque, Simon, Antoine Charles Taschereau, Toomy, Trudel and Viger. (48.) Nays, Messieurs Baker , Blackburn, Moore and Wells. (4.) So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved, Accoidingiy. t , , tit Mr. O'Callaghan moved to resolve, seconded by vir. Child That an humble Address be presented to rlis Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief, praying that His ixxce - lency would be pleased to transmit the said Report and Resolution to His Majesty’s Government in England. The House divided on the Question : Yeas, 48. Nays, 4. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved, L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambie se forme en Comite sur le Quatrifme Rappoit du Comite Pei ma- nent des Griefs, ayant ete lu ; , I ,a Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. . , M= Be Witt a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quclque temps, M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; # Et M. Be Witt a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe unc Resolution, laquelle Resolution a ete lue de nouveau a la I able du Greffier, coniine * Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comitt’, Que cette Chambre concourt dans le Quatrieme Rapport du Co- mite Permanent des Griefs. — - j. M. O' Callaghan a propose, seconde par M De Witt, Que cette Chambre concourt avec le Comite dans la dite Resolution. M. Blackburn a propose, seconde par M. Baker , Que la consideration de la dite Motion soit lemise a Vendredi prochain. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question : Pour, 11. Centre. 38. Ainsi elle a passe dans la Negative. La Question ayant ete alors tnise sur la Motion pnn- cipale, la Chambre s’est divisee sur iceile, et les noms ayant f te demandes, ils out f Justice, de- erred. Sill forprevent- ig accidents by ire, read the ■cond time. ill to prevent uelling defer- d. rmmittee on avern Keep- s Bill. Resolved , Accordingly. Ordered, That Mr. O' Callaghan, Mr. Child, Mr. Mo- rin and Mr. Lafonlaine do present the said Address to liis Excellency the Governor in Chief. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Special Committee appointed to enquire concerning the Fees and Emoluments received by the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries and Criers of the Court of Appeals and of the Courts of King’s Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective Offices ; and on that part of the Report of the Special Committee ap- pointed to enquire into the circumstances which pre- ceded and accompanied the death of John Collins, who died in the common Gaol of the District of Montreal, in the beginning of the month or December last, and and also to enquire into (he state of the Gaol ; of the Evidence taken by the said Committee, and of the Documents accompanying the same relating to 'Lewis Gugi/, Esquire, Sheriff of the District of Montreal, be- ing read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Thursday next. A Bill to suspend, for a limited time, certain Ordi- nances therein mentioned, as far as the same relate to the City of Quebec , and the City of Montreal, and for preventing accidents by Fire, was, according to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Caron, Mr. Blanchet, Mr. Btr- thelot, Mr. Leslie and Mr. De JVitt do compose the said Committee. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to prevent Duelling, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Friday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill for the further regulation of Taverns and Ta- vernkeepers, and for other purposes therewith con- nected, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Knight took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Knight reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again, on Friday next. The names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Baker , Berthe lot, Cazeau, Chenier, Cole, Be Bleury, Be 1 onnancour, De JVitt, Fortin, Grannis, Hebert, Kimber, Knight, Lafonlaine , Larue, Le Boutil- Her, Leslie, Morin, Perrault , Raymond, Simon, Toomy and Viger. And at two o’clock, P. M., Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. Resolu, En consequence. Ordonne , Que M. O' Callaghan, M. Child , M. Morin et M. Lafontaine presentent la elite Adresse a Son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme cn Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Special nomine pour s’enquerir des Honoraires et Revenus per- 511 s en vertu- de leurs charges respectives, par les Sfff- rifs, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Fours d’Appel et du Banc du Roi en cette Province, et sur la partie du Rap- port du Comiff Special nomme pour s’enquerir des cir- constances qui ont precede et accompagne la mort du nomme John Collins, dr cede dans la Prison commune pour le District de Montreal, au commencement du mois de Decembre dernier, et pour s’enquerir aussi de Petat de la dite Prison, des Temoignages pris par ce Comiff, et des Documens qui l’accompagnent, relatifs a Lewis Gugy, Ecuyer, Sherif du District de Montreal, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Jeudi prochain. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour suspendre, pour un temps limited, certaines Ordonnances y rnen- tionn^es, en autant qu’elles ont rapport a la Cite de Quebec et a la Cite de Montreal , et pour prevenir les accidens du Feu, a ete lu une seconde fois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit ifffere a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la dili- gence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir per- sonnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Caron, M. Blanchet, M. Berthelot, M. Leslie et M. Be Witt composent le dit Comite. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comiff sur le Bill pour la repression du Duel, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Ven- dredi prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comiff sur le Bill qui fait des reglemens ulterieurs con- cernant les Auberges et les Aubergistes, et pour d’autres objets y relatifs, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s'est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Knight a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apiffs y avoir siege quelque temps, M. 1 Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Knight a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander per- mission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne , Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sieger de nouveau, Vendredi prochain, Les noras des Membres presens ont ete pris, comme suit : M. L’Orateur, Messieurs Baker, Berthelot, Cazeau, Cherrier, Cote, Be Bleury, De Tonnancour, Be JVitt, Fortin, Grannis, Hebert, Kimber, Knight, Lafontaine, Larue, Le Boutil- lier, Leslie, Morin, Ferrault, Raymond, Simon, Toomy et Viger. Et a deux heu res, P. M., M. 1’Orateur a ajourne la Chambre, faute de Quorum. 6 N Premier Rap- port sur les Ho— noraires et Re- venus des Ofli- ciers des Cours de Justice, re- mis, B il pour preve. nir les accidens du Feu, lu une seconds fois. Bill pour U re- pression du Duel, remis. Comite sur le Bill des Auber- gistes. Vol — 45. Tuesday, Mardi, 23 0 Februariu A, 1836- 5 i 0 Tuesday , 23rd February , 1836. — Fowr o'clock, P. M. Report on Gas. Toi/gj r Thibaudeau, f rom the Special Committee to pci- isht-nes Bin. jl|j| was referred the Bill for the better regula- tion of the Fisheries, in the Inferior District of Gaspe, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Ihursday next. On Motion of Mr. Leslie , seconded by Mr. Deligny, rutiesonTo. Ordered, That the Order of the day for the House bacco deferred, t> omm j ttee to CO nsider the propriety of reducing the Duties on Tobacco imported into the Province by land or inland Navigation, lost by the adjournment of the House, on Wednesday the tenth instant, be revived ; and that this House will, on Friday next, resolve itself into the said Committee. Coni measure. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie have leave to bring in a the first time. Bill to regulate the measurement of Coal. lie accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the" first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Friday next. Lachine Canal Hill read the first time. Ordered, That Mr Leslie have leave to bring m a Bill co provide for the management and care of the Lachine Canal, and to establish certain rates, tolls and duties to be taken thereon. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Friday next. Hill reiatintr to Ordered, That Mr. Cherrier have leave to bring in a dams in matters Bill to regulate the mode of summoning Defendants Shefitsf'’ who have no known domicile in the Province in matters time - of Saisie-arret. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ", and ordeied to be lead a second time, on Saturday next- Second Report Mr. Kimber , from the Standing Committee on the on C j°esuTt"' e E ? . Jesuits’ Estates, presented to the House the Second Re- lates. port of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. Appendix For the said Report, see Appendix (A. X.) at the end of this Volume. Resolved, That this House doth concur with the Standing Committee in the said Report. Depots of Pro- visionsBill pass- ed. An engrossed Bill to establish Depots of Provisions for the relief of Shipwrecked persons, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Power do carry the said Bill to the Legis'ative Council, and desire their concurrence. Message from the Council. Council have agreed to Bill to continue cer- tain Acts, with amendments. The Council have passed : — A Message from the Legislative Council, by the Ho- norable Mr. De Lery , one of the Masters in Chancery : Mr Speaker, . The Legislative Council have passed the Bill, inti- tuled, “ An Act to continue, for a limited time, certain “ Acts therein mentioned,” with several Amendments in the English version only, to which they desire the concurrence of the Assembly. And also, The Legislative Council have passed the following Biils, to which they desire the concurrence of the As- sembly : J “ An Mardi, 23 Fevrier 1836. — Quatre heures, P. M. "'WIT Thibaudeau, du Comite Special auquel a ete r6- fHe le Bill pour mieux regler les Peches dans de Gaspe. le District Inferieur de Gaspe, a fait rapport que le Comit6 avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens out et£ lus de nou- veau a la Table du Greflier. Ordonne, Que le clit Bill et Rapport soient referes rt un Comite de toute la Chambre, Jeudi prochain. Sur Motion de M. Leslie, seconde par M. Deligny, Ordonne, Que l'Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre Droitssune se forme en Comite pour considerer la convenance de reduire les Droits sur le Tabac importe dans cette Pro- vince par terre on par la navigation interieure, perdu par l’ajournement de la Chambre, Mercredi le dix du courant, soit retabli, et que Vendredi prochain cette Chambre se formera en le dit Comite. Ordonne, Que M. Leslie ait la permission d’intro- Bin pour ie me. • i i r'*! 1 i suragedu Char. duire un Bill pour regler le mesurage du Lharbon do bondeterre in terre. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a Ge ordonnee pour Vendredi prochain. Ordonne, Que M. Leslie ait la permission d’intro- iimdu Canai dun e un Bill pour pourvoir a la regie et surveillance i a premiere fois. du Canal de Lachine, et pour etablir certains peages et droits a y etre leves. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Vendredi prochain. Ordonne, Que M. Cherrier ait la permission d’intro- duire un Bill pour regler la maniere d’assigner, en ma* deursenmanere tiere de Saisie-arret, le saisi qui n’a ni domicile ni resi- J 1 ® dence connue en cette Province. fo,s - II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Samedi prochaiu. M. Kimber, du Comite Permanent sur les Biens des second Rapport Jesuites, a piesente a la Chambre le Second Rapport les Biens desje- du dit Comity, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table suiles - du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (X. X.) a la Append.ce fin de ce volume. Resolu, Que cette Chambre concourt avec le Comit6 Permanent dans le dit Comite. Un Bill grossoye pour Qablir des Depots de Provi- g||[ ) P“ u d r e d ^ 0i> sions pour le soulagement des Naufrages, a ^te lu pour visions, passe, la troisitdne fois. Resolu , Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Power porte le dit Bill au Conseil Lcgislatif, et demande son concours. Message du Conseil Legislatif, par l’Honorable M. du De Lery, un des xMaitres en Chancellerie : M. l’Orateur, Le Conseil Legislatif a pass6 le Bill, intitule, “ Acte c l o ^“ u biii “ pour continuer, pour un temps limits, certains Actes pour continuer I * . . ,, 1 \ i ' 1« certains Actes, “ y mentionnes, avec plusieurs Amendemens a ia vei- avec des amen - I sion Anglaise seulement, auxquels il demande la concur- reuce de l’Assemblee. Bit aussi, Le Conseil Legislatif a passe les Bills suivans, aux- pa e ss 4 °l sei a quels il demande la concurrence de l’Assemblee : “ Acte 6 Will. IV. 23 0 F ebruarii . 511 Safe convey- ance of Prlson- , ers Bill. Charivaris re- pression Bill. “An Act to provide more effectually for the safe “ conveyance of Prisoners charged with Criminal Of- “ fences from the Country parts of this Province to the “ common Gaols of the several Districts.” “ An Act to enable the Justices of the Peace, and “ Officers of the Peace to repress cerlain proceedings “ known by the name of Charivaris .” And then he withdrew. “ Acte qui pourvoit plus efficacement au transport Bin reiatff au “ s “ r des Pn'sonniers proven us d’Offenses Criminelles, Z7,ZnuL, “ des Campagnes de cette Province, aux Prisons com- 1 “ munes desdifferens Districts.” “ Acte pour mettre les J uges de Paix et Officiers de bui p0 u, r« P ri- “ Paix en etat de reprimer certains proHdes connus * e r J s le a s v Chari - “ sous le nom de Charivaris,” amen demen?. Et ensuite il s’est retire. Safe convey- An engrossed Bill from the Legislative Council, in- ers Bill read the tltuiect, “An Act to provide more effectually for the firsuime. « sa f e conve y ance G f prisoners charged with Criminal “ Offences from the Country parts ot this Province to “ the common Gaols of the several Districts,” was read for the first time. Un Bill grossoy^ du Conseil Legislatif, intitule, “Acte Bill relatif au “ qui pourvoit plus efficacement au transport sur des 1 risonniers prevenus d’Offenses Criminelles, des lula P remi ® re Campagnes de cette Province, aux Prisons communes f °" “ des differens Districts,” a ete lu pour la premiere fois. Charivaris re- pression Bill read the first time. An engrossed Bill from the Legislative Council, in- tituled, “ An Act to enable the Justices of the Peace “ and Officers of the Peace to repress certain proceed- “ ings known by the name of Charivaris ” was read for the first time. Un Bill grossoye du Conseil Legislatif, intitule “ Acte pour mettre les Juges de Paix et Officiers de 1 aix en etat de repiimer certains procedes connus “ sous le nom de Charivaris,” a et6 lu pour ia premiere fois. r Bill pour r6pri- mer les Chari- varis, lu la pre- miere fois. Committee to enquire respect- ing the Evi- dence of Wil- liam Dodds be fore the Com- mittee of Griev- ances, On Motion of Mr. Gugy, seconded by Mr. Antoine Charles Taschereau, Resolved, Phat this House will, on Wednesday, the second of March next, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to enquire into the truth or false- hood of the Evidence of one William Dodds, a witness examined before the Standing Committee of Grievances, as recorded by the said Committee. Ordered, I hat the Quebec Gazette, containing the article, signed, “ Piacular,” be referred to the said Committee, as well as the affidavit of William Dodds, laid before the House, by Samuel Neilson, Esquire. 0/ det ed, T.hat a Special Messenger be dispatched for the said William Dodds , and that he be ordered to attend the said Committee. Sur Motion de M. Gugy, seconde par M. Antoine - Charles Taschereau , nJ! eS r\ U ' ? Ue ’ M / rcredi le deuxieme Mars prochain, comi.epour cette Cliambie se formera en Comite de toute la Cham- s ’ en q u erirau bre pour s’enquerirde la veriteou de la fausset6 du Te- gt^wT moignage du nomme William Dodds, Temoin examine “.Tt .e co»S' devant le Comit6 Permanent des Griefs, tel que pris des ^ r ‘ e ^ s> par le dit Comite. r Ordonne, Que la Gazette de Quebec, contenant I’Arti- cle signe “ Piacular,” soit referee au dit Comit^ ainsi que 1 Affidavit de William Dodds, mis devant cette Chambre par Samuel * Meilson , Ecuyer. Ordonne, Qu un Messager special soit envoye pour ** le dit W illiam Dodds, et qu il lui soit ordonn6 de com- ^ paraitre devant le dit Comite. On Motion of Mr, De Bleury, seconded by Mr. Jacques Dorian, amendments to Ordered, That the Amendments made by the Legis- cma l i°nTcit ue ! at ! ve Counci1 t0 the English version only of the Bill, considered and intituled, “ An Act to continue, for a limited time .greed to. certa j n Acts therein mentioned,” be now taken into consideration. The House proceeded accordingly to take the said Amendments into consideration. And the said Amendments were read, and are as fol- loweth : Press 1. Line 23. — Leave out “ City,’’ and insert “ Ci- “ ties” “ 2. “ 17.— Leave out “ late.” “ “ “ 18. — After “ his,” insert “late.” “ “ “ 21.— Leave out “ relate,” and insert “ re- “ lates.” Sur Motion de M. De Bleury, seconde' par M. Jac- ques Dor ion, Ordonne > Que les Amendemens faits par le Conseil Legislatif, dans la version Anglaise, au Bill, intitule “Acte pour continuer, pour un temps limitc, certains Actes y mentionnes,” soient maintenant pris en rnn Actes ' cons j d e* Sideration. * res et adopter La Chambre a en consequence proc£d6 a prendre les dits Amendemens en consideration. Et les dits Amendemens ont et6 lus. And the said Amendments being again read, they were agreed to by the House. J Ordered, i hat Mr. De Bleury do carry back the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and acquaint their Ho- nors that this House hath agreed to their Amendments. Et les dits Amendemens ayant 6t6 lus de nouveau, ils ont ete adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que M. De Bleury porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et informe leurs Honneurs que cette Chambre a adopte leurs Amendemens. Two Messages •om His Ex- eiiency. Stephen Walcott, Esquire, Civil Secretary to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, was admitted within the Bar, and delivered to Mr. Speaker, two Messages from His Excellency the Governor in Chief, signedTiy His Excellency. & J And then he withdrew. And the said Messages were read by Mr. Speaker, all the Members of the House being uncovered; and*are as followeth : Stephen TValcott, Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, a et^admisen de- dans de la Barre, et a remis a M. l Orateur, deux Mes- sages de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, signe par Son Excellence. Et ensuite il s’est retire. Et les dits Messages ont He lus par M. l’Orateur, tous les Membres de la Chambre etant decouverts j et ils sont comme suit : Deux Mersages de Son Excel- lence. GOSFORD GOSFORD / 512 23 ° Februarii . J. 1836. gosford, Governor in Chief. gosford, Gouverneur-en-Chef. Light Houses on Seattarie and St. Paul’s Islands. Keferrin" to his Message of the 3rd instant, coramu- nicatin"' to the House of Assembly the proposals of His Majesty’s Government respecting the erection of Light Houses on the Islands of Seattarie and St. I aul, the Go- fernor in Chief now transmits to the House Copies of Communications on the subject, which he received yes- terday from the Government of New Brunswick , ev . - cino- die disposition of the Legislature of that Province to forward a measure of such great public utility, and he avails himself of the present opportunity to renew his favorable recommendation of this impoitant object. Castle of St. Lems, Quebec, 23rd February 1836. (Copy.) Sir, Government House, Fredericton, 1 3th February, 1830. I am directed by His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor of this Province, to transmit to you to be laid before the Right Honorable Lord Go?/or4 Cover- nor General, &c. the accompanying Address and tteso lutions of the House of Assembly of New ^ ru \ lSWl f' the subject of the Light Houses to be established on \St. Paid's Island, and to express the earnest solicitation the House that His Lordship maybe pleased to recom- mend to the Legislature of Lower Canada their early co operation in such measures, as to ensure this work of humanity being carried into effect with the least possi- ble tlela - V ‘ I have the honor to be, Sir, &c., &c., & c. (Signed,) AUGUSTUS SPENCER, ^ ° P. Secy. Referant a son Message du 3 de ce mois, par lequel il a communique a la Chambre d’Assemblee les offres du suftui. Gouvernement de Sa Majeste pour Petablissement de phares sur les lies Seattarie z\. St. Paul, le Gouverneur- en-Chef transmet maintenant a la Chambre C opu s des Documens a ce sujet qu’il a re 9 us bier du Gouverne- ment du Nouveau- Brunswick, qui font voir que la Le- gislature de cette Province est disposee a avancer et pro- mouvoir une mesure d une aussi grande utilite publique; et il saisit cette nouvelle occasion de lecommander fa- vorablement cet objet important. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec, 23 Fevrier 183G. fCopie.) Maison du Gouvernement, ^ ’ Fredericton, 13 Fevrier 1836. Monsieur, , T • , . n Pai ordre de Son Excellence le Lieutenant-Gou- verneur de cette Province, de vous transmettre, pour etre soumises au Tres-Honorable Lord Gosjord, Gou- verneur-General, etc., les Adresses et Resolutions ci- iointes de la Chambre d’Assemblee du Nouveau- Bruns- wick, au sujet des Phares qu’on se propose d’etabhr sur Pile St. Baul, et d’exposer que la Chambre pne instam- ment Sa Seigneurie de vouloir bien recommander a la Legislature du Bas-Canada, de prendre prochamement des mesures pour cooperer a cette oeuvre d humamte, avec le moins de delai possible. (Signe,) J’ai Phonneur d’etre, Monsieur, et., etc., etc. AUGUSTUS SPENCER, Seer. Prive. S. Walcott, Esquire, Private Secretary, See., Sec., (True Copy. 'I (Signed,) &c. S. Walcott, Civil Secretary. S. Walcott , Ecuyer, Secretaire Prive, etc., etc., etc. (Vraie Copie.) (Signe,) S. Walcott, Secretaire Civil. (Copy.) House of Assembly, Saturday, 13 th February, 1836. Whereas Communications from His Majesty’s Go- ^nVhHve recently been made to the Provinces of \ZTcana2 Nova Scotia. Prince Edward’s Island a„ d New Brunswick, on tl.e subject of the erection of iTtrht Houses on the Islands of St. Paul and Seattarie ; and vvheieas this House being aware of the necessity of such erection, and anxious that the bene- volent intentions of the Home Government should be carried into immediate effect, has resolved to erect one o? more Light Houses on St. Paul's Island as soon as permission for that purpose can be obtained fiom the Government of Nova Scotia, and as this measure is of (j r imnmtance to the trade of Lower Canada, this fl ea ;? desirous that the Government of that Pro- vince be requesed to co-operate with New Brunswick in the erection of such Light Houses; wherefoie, ^ Resolved, That a Communication be made to the Le- o-islatureof I^ower Canada, expressive of the wishes * \ intentions of this House, in reference to the pio- posed erection of the Lights on SL Paul's Island, anc requesting from the Government oi that Province such information and suggestions connected with the said measure, as may by them be deemed proper and neces sal> ” Resolved , (Copie.) Chambre d’Assemblee, Samedi, 13 Fevrier 1836. Vu que le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste vient re- cemment de faire des Communications aux Provinces du Bas-Canada, de la Nouvelle- Ecosse, de 1 He du Prince Edouard, et du Nouveau-Brunswick, pour eta- blir des Phares sur les lies St. Paul et Seattarie’, et vu nue cette Chambre, persuadee de l imperieuse necessity qu’il y a d’etablir des Phares, et desirant mettre inime- diatement a effet les intentions bienveillantes du Gou- vernement de la Mere-Patrie, a r^solu de const ruire un ou plusieurs Phares sur file St. Paid , aussitot qu on pourra obtenir la permission du Gouvernement de la Nouvelle- Ecosse ; et comme cette mesure est d une grande importance pour le commerce du Bas-Canada, cette Chambre desire que le Gouvernement de cette Province soit pi ie de cooperer avec le Nouveau-Bruns- wick a etablir des Phares: „ Besolu, En consequence, qu il soit fait une Commu- nication a la Legislature du Bas-Canada, pour expn- mer les vues et les intentions de cette Lhambre, icla- tivement au pvojet d etablir des Phares sur i lie St. Pauly et pour prier le Gouvernement de transmettre tels ren- seignemens et suggestions, au sujet de cette mesure, qu’elle jugera convenables et n£cessaiies. Resolu, 6 Wiil. IV. 2i° Fcbruani. 513 Resolved , As the opinion of this Mouse, that a Ton- n; ge Duty of One penny per Ton, should be imposed upon all Vessels entering the Ports of Lower Canada , and the various Poits of this Province, situated in the Guloh of St. Lawrence , and that the amount thereof should be set apait. as a fund for the sole pm pose of pi o’ hiing foi the proportion which Lower Canada and New Brunswick ought to contribute towards the ex- pense of maintaining and supporting the Lights to be erected on the Islands of St. Paul and Scattarie, and the surplus of such fund (if any) should be applied to- wauls the erection and support of a Light on Cape Ray, and such other like establishment in the Gulph of St. Lawrence as may be considered necessary for the pro- tection of Vessels navigating the said Gulph, Resolved , 1 hat ii the Legislature of Lower Canada assent to the foregoing propositions, this House will pass an Act imposing the said Tonnage Duty upon Vessels entering the Ports of this Province in the Gulph of St. Lawrence; but in case the Canadian Legislature do not agree in such opinion, then it is the anxious desire of this House, that they communicate to His Excel- lency the Lieutenant Governor of this Province, upon what terms they will consent to co-operate with this House in the election and support of Light Houses on St. Paul's Island. Resolved. I hat an humole .Address be presented to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, praying that His Excellency will be pleased to communicate to the Government of Lower Canada , for the purpose of be- ing submitted to the S egislature of that Province, the aforegoing Resolutions, as well as those made and ’pas- sed by this House on the same subject, on Saturday the 6th, and on Monday the 8th instant. (Signed,) CHs. P. WETMOKE. (A true Copy.) (Signed,) S. Walcott, Civil Secretary. Resolu, Comme Popinion de cette Chambre, Quo on devrait imposer un droit d un Denier par Tonneau sur tons les Vaisseaux qui entrent dans les Ports du BasCanuda, ct dans les differens Ports de cette Pro- vince, situes dans lc Golfe St. Laurent ; et que le pro- duit en soit mis a part pour pourvoir a la proportion que le Bas Canada et le Nouveau- Brunswick devraient contnbuer pour le maintien et Pentretien dcs Phares qu’on doit Hablir sur Pile St. Paul ; et que Pexcedant de ce fond soit employe a etablir et entretenir un Phare et tel autre ^tablissement semblable dans le Golfe St. Laurent , que Pon jugera necessaires pour la protection des Vaisseaux qui naviguent dans le dit Golfe. Resolu, Que si les propositions precHlentes sont agreees par la Legislature du Bas-Canada , cette Chain- ore passera un Acte pour imposer le dit Droit de Ton- nage sur les Vaisseaux qui entrent dans les Ports de cette 1 clans le ^ olfe St Laurent, mais si la Legislature Lanadienne ne partage pas cette opinion, dans ce cas, cette Chambre desire vivement qiPelle communique a . n Excellence le Lieutenant-Gouverneur de cette Pro- vince, les conditions auxquelles elle consentira a co- operer avec cette Chambre a etablir et entretenir des Phares sur Pile St. Paul. Resolu, Qu’une humble Adresse soit presentee a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Ch f, pour prier Son Ex- cellence le Lieutenant-Gouverneur de vouloir commu- niquer an Gouvernement du Bus Canada , pour etre soumises ala Legislature de cette Province, les Resolu- tions pi ecedentes, ainsi que cedes qui out ete aoreees par cette Chambre a ce sujet, Samedi le 6, et Lmidi le 8 de ce mois. (SignQ) CHs. P. WETMORE, (vraie Copie.) (Signe,) S. Walcott , Secretaire Civil. House of Assembly, Brunswick, 8th February, 1836. Whereas the erection of a Light House on the Island o St. 1 aul in ihe Gulph ot St. Lawrence has long been fel to be a matter of paramount importance to Vessels bonne to and from Canada the Eastern Coast of New Brims wic/c, and the Straits of Northumberland, and would ii a gieat degree pi event the loss of lives and property which has ensued by shipwrecks on said Island Am whereas it appears by the Journals of this House, tha at various times during the last ten years, the Leoisla ture of New Brunswick has endeavoured, through th 1 rovincial Government, to obtain the co-operation an< assistance of Lower Canada in the erection and suppor of such Light House ; but it is deeply to be regrettei that the negociations relative to this' measure," whicl was not more desirable for the protection of the Com merce, as well of Canada as of New Brunswick, thai i°r the interests of humanity, have hitherto provei wholly ineffectual, and this grave of countless seamei still remains without a Peacon to warn the mariner o Jus approach to destruction. And whereas this mo mentous subject has recently attracted the notice o Ills Majesty s Government, as appears by the Conie of Despatches laid b Jore this House bv His Excellen cy the Lieutenant Governor ; but as a considerable ne riod must necessarily elapse before the arrangement to be made with the neighbouring Colonies relative t this subject, can be completed, while the danger t seamen continues unabated ; and as it is evident that th benevolent intentions of His Majesty’s Governmen Vol. — 4.5. Wil Chambre d’Assemblee. Nouveau- Brunswick, 8 Fevrier 1S36. Vu q»e l’etablissement d’un Phare sur file deSt Paul, dans le Golfe St. Laurent, est depths long-temps un ob- jet d line exti erne impoi tance pour les Vaisseaux qui vont au Canada, k la cote Orientale du Nouveau- Brunswick et au Detioit de A orthumberland, et qui en reviennent* et contribuerait beaucoup a prevenir des naufrages sur ia elite He, et la perte de vies et de biens qui en est la suite. Et vu qu’il parait par les Journaux de cette Chambre, que la Legislature du Nouveau- Brunswick a, en differens temps, pendant les dix dernieres annees essaye par i’entr, mise du Gouvernement Provincial d’obtenir la cooperation et l’assistance du Bas-Canada, pour etablir et entretenir un tel Phare; et qu’il est vivement a regretter que les negociations sur cette me- sure, non moins desirable pour la protection du com- merce du Canada et du N ouveau- Brunswick, que pour les interets de fhumanite, n’ait eu aucun effetjusqu’a cejoui ; et que cette navigation, tombeau de tant de mate lots, n’offre aucun Phare pour avertir le mann qu if approche de la mort. Et vu que cet objet im- portant vient recemment d’attirer l'attention du Gou- vernement de Sa Majeste, comme il appert par les Co- pies des Depeches soumises a cette Chambre par Son Excellence le Lieutenant-Gouverneur; mais en meme temps, comme il devra necessairement s’ecouler un laps, de temps considerable avant qu’on puisse terminer les arrangemens a faire de concert avec les Colonies voismes sui cet objet, tandis que le danger pour le mann continue toujours le meme ; et, comme il est r r, Evident 2> u Februarii. A . ! 836 . 514 ... . , r _„ f i;i v carried into effect by the immediate :;ecti e on ra of V Itl't House on SI. I* auk Island; tins House is desirous that it should be done as soon as per- mission for that purpose, can be obtained from the Po- vince of Nova Scotia to which the said Island be, on * , and this House will make provision for 110 ,J confiding in the well known liberality of His Majesty ^s Government, to make such order, relative to the ex- pense incurred by such erection, as to them may seei lust and reasonable. . K _ J Therefore, Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, praying that His Excellency will be pleased to com mu nicate to the Government of Nova Scotia, all the Resolu- tions of this House, made at this present Session re a live to the Light Houses proposed to be erected on the Islands of St. Paul and Scattarie , and to request nA mation as to the views of the Legislature of thdt vince on the said subject and also to request that pe mission be granted to this Province by the Govein- ment of Nova Scotia, to erect, and jointly with Canada , or alone, to manage one or more Light Houses on St. Raid’s Island, with such other establishments as may be considered necessary for the prevention of ship- wrecks, and the preservation of shipwrecked persons on said Island. CHs P< WETMORE, Clk. evident que les intentions bienveillantes du Gouverne- ment de Sa Majeste seront mises a effet par 1’etablisse- ment immediat d’un Phare sur l’He St. Paul’, ? cette Chambre desire qu’il en soit enge un aussitot qu on en aura obtenu la permission dela Province de la Nouvelle- Ecosse, a laquelle la dite He appartient j et cette < ham- bre subviendra aux frais de I’erection de ce 1 hare, se reposant sur la hberalite connue du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, pour ordonner sur cette d^pense, ce qu if croira juste et convenable. Resolu, En consequence, qu’une humble Adresse soit presentee a Son Excellence le Lieutenant-Gouverneur, pour prier Son Excellence de vouloir communiquer au Gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Ecosse toutes es Resolu- tions que cette Chambre a passees pendant la presente Session relativement aux Phares qu’on se propose d e- tablir sur les lies St. Raul et Scattarie, et pour deman- der qu'elles sont les vues de la Legislature de cette 1 io- vince sur cet objet ; et aussi, pour demander au Gou- vernement de la Nouvelle-Ecosse de permettie a cette Province de construire et entretenir, seuie ou con- iointement avec le Canada, un ou plusieurs Phares sur Pile St Paul , et tels autres etablissemens que 1 on pourra iuger necessaires pour preyenir les naufrages, et offiif un asile aux personnes naufragees sur cette lie. House of Assembly, j\ew Brunswick, 6th February, 1836. Whereas, on the 120th ultimo, His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, by Message, laid before this House, the Copy of a Despatch from the Right Hono- rable the Colonial Secretary of State, with a Copy of a Treasury A inute therein enclosed, relative to the erec- tion of Light Houses on the Islands of Scattane and St. Paul, whereby it appears that the Lords Commis- sioners of His Majesty's Treasury will apply to the Imperial Parliament for the funds necessary to the erection of Light Houses upon the Islands aforesaid provided that the Colonies whose trade will be benefited by the measure, will engage to defray the expense or their future maintenance. . , 1 Therefore, Resolved, That tins House gratefully appreciates this additional proof of the paternal solici- tude of His Majesty’s Government for the interests or the British North American Colonies. . 2 Resolved, That it is expedient and highly desira- ble to assist in giving effect to the benevolent intentions of His Majesty’s Government, by co-operating in the proposed measure, and for that purpose it is advisable to impose a small Tonnage Duty upon all V essels en- tering the various Ports of this Province in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, from which fund the necessary propor- tion of such expenses shall be defiayed. 3 Resolved, That from the geographical position o. Scattarie Island, the establishment of a Light House there would be highly beneficial to Vessels resorting to A ova Scotia and Cape Breton, and also to a certain but very limited extent, useful to Vessels bound to Acte Brunswick. Whereas a Light House on St. Paul s Is- land would be of little or no advantage to Nova Scotia, but of great importance to the trade of Lower Canada and New Brunswick. Therefore it is advisable that t le expense of supporting any Light or Lights that may be erected on St. Paul’s Island should be wholly borne and defrayed by the two last mentioned Provinces, and that Nova Scotia, assisted by equitable proportion from Prince Edward’s Island, should defray the expense of supporting the Light on Scattarie Island. ~r • CHs. P. WETMORE, Greffier. Chambre d’Assemblee, Nouveau- Brunswick, 6 Fevrier 1836. Vu que le 26 du mois dernier, Son Excellence le Lieutenant-Gouverneur a transmis par Message a cette Chambre Copie d’une Dep6che du Jies-Hono. able Se- cretaire Colonial, avec Copie d une Minute de la i e- sorerie concernant 1’etablissement de Chares sur les lies Scattarie et St. Paul, d’apres d paratt que les Lords Comnnssaires de la Lresorerie de . a Ula- ieste doivent s'adresser au Parlement Imperial pom lui demander les Berbers necessaires pour construire des Phares sur les lies susdites, pourvu que les Colonies dont le commerce sera favorise par cette mesure, s o- bligent de subvenir aux frais de leur entretien a l avemr. 1. Resolu, En consequence, Que cette Chambre ap- nrecie vivement cette nouvelle preuve de la sol hcitude paternelle du Gouvernement de Sa Majesty pour les inte- nts des Colonies Britanniques de I’Amerique du Nord. 2. Resolu, Qu’il est expedient d’aidei a donner erfet aux intentions bienveillantes du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, en cooperant a cette mesure; et que, dans cette vue, il convient d imposer un leger Droit de fon- nage sur tons les Vaisseaux qui entreront dans es dif- ferens Ports de cette Province dans le Golfe St. Lau- rent, et que ce fond servira a payer la proportion ne- cessaire de ces frais. , . , . . , 3. Resolu, Que d’apres la position geographique de pile Scattarie, 1’etablissement d’un Phare sur cette He sera extremement avantageux pour les Vaisseaux qui se rendent a la Nouvelle-Ecosse et au Cap-Brelon, mais serait peu utile pour les Vaisseaux qui se rendent au Nouveau- Brunswick. Qu’au contraire, un Hiaie sur rile St Paul n’offrirait que peu ou point davantage a la Nouvelle Ecosse, mais serait d une gianae impor- tance pour le commerce du Bas-Canada et du Nouveau- Brunswick. II convient, en consequence, que ces deux dernieres Provinces soient tenues de subvenir aux frais de l’entretien de tout Phare ou Phares que 1 on pour- rait construire sur I Be St Paul', et que a ouiedt Ecosse et file du Prince- Edouard soient tenues ue sub- venir a 1’entretien du Phare sur file Scattane. 4<. 6 Will, IV. Q3° I'ebruarii . 515 4. Resolved, That monies collected in this Province by Act of' Assembly, ought not to be placed under the exclusive management of a body over whose proceed- ings the Provincial Government and Legislature can exercise no controul; and it is therefore advisable that any Light House or Light Houses to be erected on St. Pauls I land being who ly supported by Canada and New Brunswick, ought, together with the funds neces- sary for their support, to be placed under the manage- ment of the Trinity Board of Quebec, or any other body to be appointed by the Government of Lower Canada , and the Commissioners of Light Houses in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, appointed by the Lieutenant Governor or Commander in Chief of this Province. 5. Resolved, 'That if any surplus fund shall accrue from the Tonnage Duty that may be imposed for the maintenance of Lights on St. Paul's, it ought to be ap- plied towaids the support of the establishment on that Island for the reception of shipwrecked persons, and in assisting to erect and support other Light Houses that may be required in the Gulph of St Lawrence. CHs. P. WETMORE, Clk. 1. Resolu, Que les Deniers preleves dans cette Pro- vince parun Acte de I’Assemblee, ne dewvient pas etre prices sous la regie exclusive dun copssu. les • o- cedes duquel ie Gouvt rnement Provincial et la I e«is- lature ne peuvent exercer aucun controle ; et il con- vtent en consequence que lout Phu.\ ou m,i seront mg s sur Pile St. Paul et maintenus aux frais du Canada et du Nouv an- Brunswick devraient avec les fonds necessaires pour leur entretien. f tre places sous la^regie du Bureau de la Trinite de Quebec, on de quelqu’autre corps a etre nomine par le Gouvernement du Bas-Canada, et les Commissaires des Phares nans le (.olfe St. Laurent . nommls par le Lieutenant Gouver- neur ou Commandant en ( hef de cette Province. o. Resolu, Que si le Droit de lonnageque I’on pottrra imposer pour l’entietien des Phares sur I lie I t R a , / latsse tin excedant, cet exced mt devrait etre em |<>y6 a I entretien de l\ tablissemeut sur cette He doit set\irdasile aux naufrages, et a aider a const ru ire et mamten.r d’autres Phares qui pourront devenir neces- saires dans le Golfe St. Laurent. CHs. P. WETMORE, Greffier. GOSFORD, Governor in Chief. GOSFORD, Gouverxeur-en-Chef. nfeRapIdt 6 ' The Governor in Chief transmits to the House of Assembly a Copy of a Letter which has been recently received by his Civil Secretary from the Secretary of the Committee of Trade at Montreal , together with a Memorial from the Members of the Committee and others of the Mercantile community of that Citv, re- presenting the public advantage to be derived from the construction of a Lock at the S/e. Anne Rapids on the Rideau Canal ; and the Governor in Chief recommends the House to give this subject their early and favorable consideration. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 23rd February, 1836. (Copy.) Committee of Trade Room, Montreal, i6th February, 1836. Sir, The accompanying Petition to Flis Excellency the Earl of Gosford, on the subject of the necessity for a Lock being constructed by Government at the Ste. Anne Rapids, in order that the advantages of the Ri- deau Canal may be rendered available to the public ge nerally, has been signed by all the mo>e respectable and inliuential of the Mercantile community here as well as by the Members of the Committee of Trade in their individual capacities, and I have been instructed to t.ansmit the same to you to be laid before His Ex- cellency. I have, &c, &c. &c. (Signed,) T. MITCHELL SMITH, Secy. Montreal Com. Trade. S. Walcott. Esquire, Civil Secretary, &c. he. he. Le Gouverneur en-Chef transmet a la Chambre d’As semblee, Copie d une Lettre que son Secretaire Ci\ t vtent de recevoir du Secretaire du Comite de ( onl- ine, ce il Montreal, avec un Me moire de la part des Mem hies du Comite, et antres Mart-hands de cette C't , dans lequel on ex ose Pavantage que le public rettrerait de ia construction d une Ec use aux Rapides de Ste Anne, sur le Canal du Rideau ; et le Gouver- neut en-Chef reccmmande a la Chambre de prendre prochainement ce sujet en sa consideration favorable. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec, 23 Fevrier 1836. (Copie.) CoMITE DE LA GhAMBRE DE COMMERCE, - r Montreal, 16 Fevrier 1836. Monsieur, La Petition ci-jointe presentee a Son Excellence Je Comte Gosford, sur la necessite de faire con^truire une Eclusepar le Gouvernement aux Rapides de Ste. Anne, afin de f ire participer le public aux avantao-es du C anal du Rideau a ete signee par les Marchands les plus respectables et le plus d’influence ici, ainsi que par les Membres du Comitd de C ommerce, en leur quality individuelle, et je suis charge de vous transmettre cette Petition pour la soumettie A Son Excellence. J’ai, etc., etc., etc. (Signe,) T. MITCHELL SMITH, Seer., Com. Commerce Montreal , S. Walcott, Ecuyer, Secretaire Civil, etc., etc., etc. Felloe atiir Rg* He Ste, Anne. To His Fxcellency the Earl of Go ford, Governor in Chief, he. he he. 1 he i et ition of the undersigned Merchants, Traders and other Inhabitants of the City of Montreal, Humbly Sheweth ; That they are truly sensible of the munificence of the British Government in many respects towards these Co o rites, and in nothing more than the construc- tion of the Rideau Canal,— a work well calculated to develope and mature the great natural advantages of this A Son Excellence le Comte Goford, Gouverneur-en* Chef, etc., etc., etc. La I etition des soussignfs, Marchands, Conimercans et auties Habitans de la Cite de Montreal, Expose humblement ; Qu i Is reconnaissent toute la munificence du Gou- veinement Britannique envers ces Colonies, et en faisant construire le Canal du Rideau, entreprise bien propre a deveiopper et a murir les grands avamages naturels de ce jeune et florissant Pays ; mais les avan* tage* 516 O 0 > 24 ° Febrnarii , A. 18 36. this vouno- and highly favored Country. But the be- m fi,s ol which great work have been but very partially felt owing to the want of a Lock at the Sic. Anne Ra- :j’ . w hich Yom Memorialists humbly conceive should have been the first part completed in this great national undertaking ; for without which, the beneht that would naturally arise to the public from this splendid Canal is nearlv lost. Although a Lock has been made by a private Company for their own business, yet all access through it is denied to others, even on their agreeing tlil n , • 1 hmm nn pntlfP ta°es de ce grand Canal ne sotit sentis cpie Lien pai- tiellement, faute d’une Ecluse aux Rapides de Stc. tnrougnii isuemcu w ot.iv.,., .... ~ ~ l0 nay a toll. Hence the said Company have an entiie ‘ 3 r * \ • j .1 novorrnnid HP t.ilG monopoly of this great Canal, which never could be the wish or intention of the British Government. oni Memorialists begleave tocall Your Excellency sattention to this important, fact, that the route by which the said Company's boats are obliged to go, is from thnteen to fifteen miles longer than the one contemplated and sur- veyed by the Government Engineers, which is neaily a straight line and of greater depth of water than the one in use From all which considerations it must appeal dear and certain to Your Excellency, th ,t owing to the want of this Lock made patent to the pub he at l.ugr, the benefit of this magnificent Canal erected at a gieat national expense, is nearly lost to the Inhabitants of t us quarter of the Province. Your Memorialists therefoie humbly pray that Your Excellency will take this mallei into your serious consideration, and grant, the tent here sought for. Montreal, 10th February, 1836. tieiiemem, lame u unx. . ~ r Anne, ct vos Petitionnaires con$oivent humblement que c’est la premiere chose qu’on aurait du iaire dans ce.te orande entreprise nationale, et que sans cela les avan- taoes que le public devraient naturellement retirer de ce°Canal magnifique sont presque enticement perdus : Q, oiqu’il ait ete fait une Ecluse par une Compagme piivee, pourses propres affaires, n^anmoins elle en in- terdit 1’entree a tout autre, meme en leur payant un peace. 11 resulte de la que cette Compagme a le mo- nopole entier de ce grand Canal ; ce qui ne pouvait ctre nile vceu ni l’intention du Gouvernement Bntan- niaue. Vos Petitionnaires prennent la liberte d appe- ler 1'attention de Votre Excellence sur le fait important suivant ; savoir : Que la route que les Bateaux de la dite Compagnie sont obliges de suivre a treize ou quinze milles de plus que celle que les Ingemeurs du Gouvernement out tracee et arpentee, laque le est presque en igne directe, et offre une plus grande pro- fondeur d’eau que celle dont on se sert actuellement. D’apres toutes ces considerations, Vo re Excellence doit voir cl lireinent que les avantages de ce v anal ma- gninque, qui a ete construit a grands frais par la na- tion, sont presqu’entierement perdus pour les Habitans de cette partie de la Province, et cela parce que cette ' Ecluse n’est pas ouverte au public en general. I our- nuoi vos Petitionnaires prient humblement Votre Ex- cellence de vouloir prendre cette Requete en sa plus serieuse consideration, et d’acceder a la demande de vos Petitionnaires. Montreal, 10 Fevrier 1836. On Motion of Mr. Power, seconded by Mr . Perrault, , , Ordered, That the Message of His Excellency the SOT* Governor in Chief, of this day, relating to l tght Houses m ousts on scat- ^ the j s , an(ls G f Scaltarie and St Paul, with the Docu- ments accompanying the same, be refer. ed to the Com- mittee of the whole IB use on the Second Bepoit of the Special Committee to whom was referred tne 1 etition of divers Shipowners, Ship Masters, Merchants and others, and other references. tarie and Si Paul’s Islards, committed. Sur Motion de M. Power, seconde par M. Perrault, Ordonne, Que le Message de Son Excellence le Gou- ce jour, relat'd a des Phares sur les lies Scattarie et St. Paul, avec les Documens qu refeie. compagnent, soient referes an Cornite de ton e la Chambre sur le Second Rapport du Comite Special au quel a ete referee la Petition de divers Propneta.res de Vaisseaux, Maitresde Vaisseaux, Marchands et autres, et autres references. Commiltee on Public Accounts and Slate of the Province. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the several Reports of the Standing Committee of 1 ub- lic Accounts, and on the State of the Province, and other references, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said °Ur^clapham took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; . And Mr. Clapham reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move tor L’Ordre du inur pour que la Chambre se forme en . , . " i rv A Pprmsinent. leave to sit again. , . , Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit a train to-morrow. . , a i „ Ordered, That the said Order he then the first Order of the day .L, u rare ou . Comite sur les divers Rapports du Coalite Permanent Ms-;™;'' des Comptes Pul, lies et sur PEtat de la Province, et autres references, ayant et6 lu *, „ La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. .. , . , M. Clapham a pris le Fauteuil du Comite, et apies y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. Et M. Chpham a fait rapport que le Comite avail fait quelque progres, et lui avail enjoint de demander per- mission de sieger de nouveau. . . , Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sieger de nouveau demain. Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre soil alors le premier Ordre du jour. T _. ill, Mr Alors sur Motion de M. Viewer, seconde par M. Cote, Then, on Motion of Mr. Vtger, seconded by Mr. Alors, sur mot Cote, morrow at ten o'clock, La Chambre s’est ajournee a demain, a dix lieures, The Blouse adjourned till to-morrow, at ten o uuv , ^ A. M. Wednesday, 24 4h February, 183 6.— Ten o'clock, A. M. N Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr Merer edi, 24 Fevrier 1 836 . — Fix lieures, A. M. Simon, ®UR Motion de M. Viger, seconde par M. Simon, , ’ 7 Ordonne , O rdcYCdy 6 Will. IV. Adjournment. A Member ad- ded to a Com- mittee. 24 ° Februarii, 5 17 Ordered , That when this House doth adjourn, it will adjourn till five o’clock, P. M., this day. Ordered , That Mr. Simon be added to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill for the bet- ter regulation of the Lumber Trade. Ordonne, Que lorsque cette Chambre s’ajournera elle sajourne a cinq heures, P. M., ce jour. Ordonne , Que i\l. Simon soit ajoute au Comite Spe- cial auquel a ete refere le Bill pour mieux rfeler le Commerce des Bois. ° Ajournement. Un Membre ajoute dun Co* mite. Committee on Public Accounts and Slate of the Ptovtnce. Hie Order of the day for the House in Committee on the several Reports of the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, and on the State of' the Province, and other references, being read ; ^ The Mouse accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Clapham took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Air. Clapham reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again, this day, in the afternoon sitting. O) dered, T.hat the said Order be then the first Order of the day. The Order of the day for the House in Committee cn the Bill concerning the erection of Parishes and the rrj construction and maintenance of Churches, Presbyte- ries and Burial Grounds, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Air. Perrault took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Perrault reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. Then, on Motion of Air. Girouard, seconded bv Mr* De Bleury, J The House adjourned. Committee on Ml concerning he erection of ?arishis and L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite „ rU , Somite sur les divers Rapports du Comite Permanpni- f omplc * Pu * des Comptes Publics et sur I’Etat de la Province e “ autres references, ayant £te lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence forrage en le dit Comite. M. Clapham a pris le Fauteuil du Comit6 : et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, ^ M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Ft M. Clapham a fait rapport que le Comity avait fait que, que piogies, et lui avait enjoint de demander per- mission de sieger de nouveau, 1 Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sueger de nouveau ce jour, dans la Seance de l’apres Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre soit alors le premier Ordre dujour. 1 -» j,e S>eSt 6n cons ^l uence formee en le dit U. Perrault a pris le Fauteuil du Comite : et aprits y avoir siege quelque temps, M. 1 Qrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; nnc E l i M i/n m f W// a . fa if. rapport que le Comite avait pasbc le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont ll avait ordre de fame rapport a la Chambre. Paroisses et la construction des Eglises, etc. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re9u demain. Alors, sur Motion de M. Girouard, seconde par M. De Bleury, 1 LaCkambre s » es t ajournee. Wednesday, tUk February, 1836 .-Five o’clock, P. M. Mercredi, 24 Fevrier 18S6.-& ? heures, P. M. pendix C. C.) HE Clerk laid before the House, General State- — , m€ ; nts aud Returns of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, in the Districts of Quebec, Montreal and Three lavers for the year 1835, received from the Prothono- ta lies of the said Districts, in conformity to the Act Gth Geo. IV. cap. 8. rrF °,\ ' ^ sau * Statements and Returns, see Appendix ^C» C. G.) at the end of this Volume. Sn° f ., Mr - Bes r™r, from the Standing Committee of Pri- viieges and viieges and Elections, presented to the House the Third Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk s Table, as followeth : Your Committee having examined several Petitions from divers Inhabitants of the County of Missisleoui, and also the Petition of divers Inhabitants of Dunham, Slanbridge, St. Atmand and Sutton in the same County and after having heard divers Witnesses and taken down their Evidence with regard to the knowledge they had concerning the contents of the said Petitions, are of opinion that it would be advantageous for the said County of Missisleoui to change the place of the Poll, which Yol— 45. nl d f. Van l la S h, ™ bre Ge- / .-j ut-b -CiiatS ljr0« Etats neiaux et Retours des Baptemes, Manages pf- Ba °p'etnes, tores dan? Ips n.ct, . ec ft— * . Liduicuies, iviariaires pf- ™ Sepultures dans les Districts de Quebec, Montreal et S&pS.? .Yr^fdVV- P ,° Ur 1We l 833 " re 5 us des Protono- L’a?XT“ .. ties des dits Districts, en confornnte de i’Acte 6e Geo. -*■ v • chap. o# rc P f U ‘c\ e l C fi ^ tats f Retours, voir Appendice A PP «d.ce (C. C. C .) a la fin de ce Volume. (c, c. c.) M . Besserer, du Comite Permanent des Privileges pf- t™,,- p Elections, a presente a la Chambre le TroisEme Ran P° rt ^comus port du dit Comite, leciuel a Oe h, Hn V, 5lJ ' lvi, ^ s « r r.u,i Q a. ru * ej a ete Ju de nouveau a la Elec “ 0 ‘ 13 - iable du G re flier, comme suit : Votre Comite a examine plusieurs Petitions de divers Main tans du Comte de Missisleoui, aussi la Petition de Zuon ,hn ta r i \ Dun, ‘ am > S ’ tanbri <‘g*< St. Armand et Sutton, dans le meme Comte, et apres avoir entendu d, verses personnes. et pris leurs temoigmmes si r les connaissances qu’elles avaient concernanflelontenu des di Com e tTd° e n: m—' ’ op ! n . ,on qu’il serait avantageux au dit t orate de Missisleoui de transporter la tenue du Poll qui se Rent k FreUghsburgli a Bedford, Village le plus g p populeux A. 18 36. 24 ° j Febrtmriu which is now held at Frehghsburg , to Bedford, the the most central and most populous Village in the set- tled part of the County. Your Committee conse- quently recommend this measure. J Your Committee have also examined the Petition of divers Landholders in the County of Drummond, and the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parishes ot St. Jean, St. Luc and Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, in the County of Cliambly, praying that Census may be taken of the population of the said Counties, in order that, in pursuance of the Act of the ninth year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the Fourth, chapter 73, in which it is enacted, 44 That when the Population “ of any County or Counties, shall amount to four “ thousand Souls, the said County or Counties shall “ be represented by two Members,” the said County of Drummond may be represented by two Members ; and that the said County of Chambl'y may be divided, and that a new County may be formed out of the said Parishes of St. Jean, St. Luc, and Sle. Marguerite de Blairfindie. Your Committee after having maturely considered the prayer of the said Petitioners, are not of opinion that the House can reasonably direct a new Census robe made for any one particular County, pei- suaded as they are that within a few years Legislative measures will be adopted for again taking a Census of the whole Population of the Province, which may fur- nish grounds not only for giving an additional Member to the Counties represented by only one, but also for establishing new Counties. Your Committee have also examined the Petition ot divers Inhabitants of the Seigniory of St. Giles in the County of Loibiniere, the Petition of the Inhabitants of Aston, Bulstrode and other Townships in the County of^ Drummond, and the Petition from the Townships of Eaton, Dudswell, and other Townships in the County of Sherbrooke, all three of the said Petitions being foi changes in the places of holding the Polls in the said Counties respectively. Your Committee after having received evidence in support of the allegations of the said Petitions, are of opinion that it would be expedient that there should be another place of Poll in the Co'' nt g of Sherbrooke, and that tho Ue established at the place kuuwu oy the name of Eaton Corner, for the convenience of the Inhabitants of the Townships in the Southern part of the said County. Also, that it would be advantageous to the County of Drummond that there should be another place of Poll therein, and that such place should be at the School House in the District No. 1, in the Township of Kingsey. Your Committee have also taken into consideration the Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Mont - morency , praying that they may be allowed to send ano- ther Member to Parliament in consequence of the in- crease of their Population, in pursuance of the Act of the ninth year of Geo . IV. above cited, and they have been convinced by the Returns of the Cures and of the Officers of Militia in the several Parishes of the said County, of the Population of their respective Parishes, the total amount of which gives 4151 Souls for the Po- pulation of the whole County. Wherefore Your Com- mittee recommend that an humble Address be pre- sented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, in conformity to the second section of the Act aforesaid, praying that a Writ of Election may issue for such new Member for Montmorency. Your Committee have also taken into cor.sideiation the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Gore of Chatham, presented to this House on the 24th November, 1855, and having considered the evidence given by Jean Jo- seph Girouard, Esquire, one of the Members of Your r Honorable populeux et le plus central de la partie peuplee du dit Comte. £n consequence, Votre Comite recommande cette mesure. Votre Comile a encore examine la Petition de divers ProprRtaires du Comte de Drummond, ainsi que la Petition des Habitans des Paroisses St. Jean, St. Luc et Sie. Marguerite de Blairfindie, du Comte de Cliambly , de- mandant qu’il soit fait un Recensement de la Popula- tion des dits Comtes, afin qu’en obeissance a un Acte passe dans la neuvieme annee du Regne du feu Sa Majeste George Quatre, chapitre73, dans lequel il est statue, 44 Que lorsque la Population d aucun Comte ou 44 Comtes sera de quatre roille Ames, il seia repiesente 44 par deux Membres,” le dit Comte de Drummond soit representc par deux Membres ; que le dit Comte de Cliambly soit divise, et qu’un nouveau Comte compre- nant les elites Paroisses St. Jean, St. Luc et Sic. Margue- rite de Blairfindie soit forme. Votre Comite, apr£s avoir murement considered demande des dits Petitionnaires, n’est pas d’opinion que la Chambre puisse raisonnable- ment ordonner qu’il soit fait un Recensement d aucun Comte particular, persuade que dans peu d’annees il sera adopte des mesures Legislatives ordonnant un releve entier de la Population de la Province ; d’apres lequel Recensement general, il pourra etre pourvu non seule- ment a ajouter des Membres aux divers Comtes qui n en ont qu’un, mais encore a former denouveaux Com- tes. Votre Comite a aussi examine la Petition ties Habi- tans de la Seigneurie de St. Giles, dans le Comte de Lotbiniere, la Petition des Habitans d’ Aston, Bulstrode, et autres Townships du Comte de Drummond, et la Pe- tition des Townships d’ Eaton, Dudswell, et autres i own- ships du Comte de Sherbrooke, lesquelles trois Peti- tions demandent qu’il soit fait des changemens dans les lieux de la tenue dcs Polls dans leuis Comtes lespectifs. Votre Comite, apres avoir pris des informations au sou- tien des allegues cl demandes des dites Petitions, est d’opinion qu il serait a piopos que le dit Comte Shci - Drooke eut un troisieme Poll, et que le lieu en fut fixe a un endroit connu sous le nom d 'Eaton Corner, pour donner quelque facility aux Habitans des Townships du Sud du Comte ; qu’il serait aussi avantageux au Comte de Drummond d’avoir un Poll de plus dont !a place serait fixee a la Maison d’Ecole de l’arrondissement No. 1, dans le Township de Kingsey. Votre Comite a de plus pris en consideration la Peti- tion des Habitans du Comte de Montmorency , deman- dant qu’il leur soit permis d'envoyer un Membre de plusau Parlement, en consequence de l’augmentation de leur Population, conformement a 1’ Acte de la neuvibme annf j e de Geo. IV. precite ; et s’est assure par des Re- tours des Cures et Officiers de Milice des diverses Pa- roisses du dit Comte de la Population de leurs Pa- roisses respectives, laquelle se monte a 4151 personnes dans tout le Comte, nombre suffisant pour avoir droit a deux Membres. C’est pourquoi Votre Comite prend la liberte de recommander a Votre Honorable Chambie, qu’il soit presentee une humble Adresse a Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, conformement a la deux- ieme Clause de T Acte susdit, d’expedier un Jlril d E- lection pour le dit Comte de Montmorency. Votre Comite a aussi pris en consideration la Peti- tion des Habitans de Gore de Chatham, piesentee a cette Chambre le 24 Novembre 1835, et vu le lemoi- gnage de Jean- Joseph Girouard, Ecuyer, un des Mem- bres de Votre Honorable Chambre, 1 Acte de la 9e Geo. 6 Will. IV. 54 0 F ebruarii. 519 Honorable House, the Act of the 9th, Geo. IV. cap. 73, above mentioned, and the Reports of the Commit- tee of this House on the Petition presented by the In- habitants of the said place on the 26th November, 1831, Your Committee are of opinion that the said place, called the Gore of Chatham, makes part of the County of Terrebonne, and that the Inhabitants of the said place cannot lawfully claim to belong to the County of Two Mountains. Your Committee, how- ever , believe that the remoteness of the said place and the difficulty of communication alleged by the Petitioners, are sufficient reasons for regretting that the said Inha- bitants do not belong to the County of Two Mountains, to which they ought to have been annexed at the time of the passing of the Act above cited ; but Your Com- mittee humbly submit that it would be dangerous to make partial changes in a Law of this nature, and that it is more prudent to wait for the time when the Legis- lature shall deem it advisable to correct the defects which may be found therein with regard to various ther parts of this Province in so far as relates to the hundaries of the Counties. Irdered, That the said Report be referred to a Cotn- rait ee of the whole House, on Saturday next. On Motion of Mr. Archambeault, seconded by Mr. Wells , J 'ic improve- 115 Ordered , That the Order of the day for the House in ,ems defmed - Committee cn the Second Report of the Standing Com- mittee of Roads and Public Improvements ; on that part of the first Report of the said Standing Committee winch relates to the Road from Laprairie to St. John s, and on the Fifth Report of the said Commit- tee, lost by the adjournment of the House, yesterday, be revived ; and that this House will, to-morrow, re- solve itself into the said Committee. Geo. IV. chap. 73, susmentionne, et le Rapport du Comite de cette Chambre sur la Petition presentee par res Habitans du dit lieu le 26 Novembre 1831, Votre Comite est d’opinion que le susdit lieu appele le Gore de Chatham, fait partie du Comte de Terrcbojmc et que, d apics la Loi, les Habitans du dit lieu ne pcuvent pretendre appartenir au Comte des Deux Mon- tagues. Cependant, Votre Comit6 croit que l’eloDne- inent des lieux et la difficult^ des communications alle- ges par les PHitionnaires sont des raisons suffisantes pour faire regretter que les dits Habitans ne fassent pas partie du Comte des Deux Montagues, auquel ils auraient du etre annexes lors de la passation de l’Acte precite ; mais Votre Comite soumet humble- in c n t qu il serait dangereux de faire des changemens partiels a une Loi de cette nature, et qu’il est plus pru- dent d’attendre la circonstance ou la Legislature jugera A propos de corriger les defectuosites qui peuvent se rencoutrer dans plusieurs autres parties de cette Pro- vince, relativement a l arrondissement des Comtes. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Samedi prochain. Sur Motion de M. Archambeault, seconde par M. Wells, Ordonne, Que 1’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre ^ hen ? i,ls et se tonne en Comite sur le Second Rapport du Comit6 Pubnques, Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations publiques, Iemis ' sur cette partie du Premier Rapport du dit Comite Permanent qui a rapport au Chemin depuis Laprairie jusqu’a St. Jean, et sur le Cinquieme Rapport du dit Comite, perdu par 1’ajournement de la Chambre, liier, soit retabli, et que, demain, cette Chambre se formera en le dit Comite. Petition of.T. coVo“^ e A Petltlon of /• M. Mondelet, His Majesty’s Coro- DisirictofMon- for the District of Montreal, was presented to the reaf 6 ^ Morin, and the same was received and a prin Sett ’ n ^ ^° 1 ^ 1 : That the Petitioner has received appoint Po PP pie . Report of the Special Committee ‘‘precede" 10 enc l uire ,nto the circumstances which “ who die3 nd accom P anied the death of John Collins, " Montreal, in fc comm . on ol of th ® of “ ber last nnrl beginning of the month of Decem- “ Gaol” •’ T!i t ih enquire into the state of the said tioSd as h.ri£ IFsT™' *>* hi ?“! f there men- Of the Jury as rendered g/XVl by bun, as Coroner, upon th. bod, 0 f Mm Collins- and as nrade use of ex 7 ressioLT n 7 OI iS’ m \o 'Z" TL 1 Ue r\ Uk , ExCt "™ c y tl'Xvemor! assn res the H ° f Assembl r ' rhat the Petitioner than he i ni 0 "? can be 1110,15 deeply sensible ties n th l ' e p SpeCt ‘!" e 10 llle cowtituted authori- i„ ’ uiPlf.'? S T i ' t !"u coilectl ': el y. and to each Branch i pai ticujar . That he never intended to throw any bame either on the Governor or upon the blouse of Assembly, and that what he then said (although he does not now recollect what it was) might bef and Jill I 6SS WaS ’n W ffi° n f ,y . lnter P r eted : That the Petitioner wnl have no difficulty m shewing that the finding of the Jury was properly recorded as made by the Fore- man who understood the same perfectly, and who s^ned the Inquest after the finding of a special verdict of the Jury had been read aloud in French and English, winch record the facts only were inserted, under the mpression (as the Coroner in his charge had explained i 1 e , m l 1Jt an mvestigation would certainly take P ace before another Tribunal, when it would be made known L ne Petition de J. M. Mondelet, Coronnire de Sa 1 *® ti,io n de j. Majeste pour le District de Montreal, a ete presentee Co^SS’i. a la Chambre par Pd. Morin, laquelle a ete re 5 ue et vomlT lue ; exposant : Que le Petitionnaire a re 5 u une Copie imprimee du Rapport du Comite Special nomnffi “ pour “ s’enquerir des circonstances qui out precede et ac- “ compagne la mort du nomine John Collins, decede “ dans la Prison commune pour le District cle Mont- “ real, au commencement du mois de Decembre der- nier, et pour s’enquerir aussi de lYtat de la elite Pri- “ son Qu’il s’y voit signale coniine ayant refuse d’en- registrer a l’Enquete qu’il a faite comnie Coronaire, k vue du corps de John Collins, le Rapport ( Verdict ) des Jures lorsqu’iis Pont prononce ; et de s’etre servi d’ex- pressions violant le respect du a Son Excellence le Gouverneur et a la Chambre d’Assemblee : Que le Pe- titionnaire declare a la Chambre, que personne plus que lui n’est penetre du respect qu’il est convenabie d avoir pour les autorites, pour la Legislature collec- tivement, et pour chaque Branche en particular : Qu’il n a jamais eu l’intention dejeteraucun blame, ou sur le Gouverneur, ou sur la Chambre d’Assemblee, et que ce qu il pent avoir dit, quoiqu’il ne s'en rappelle pas, a pu etre sans doute mal interpret^, et a ete mal interpreter Qu’il lui sera facile de faire voir que le Rapport des Jures est enregistre comme il devait l’etre j comnie l’a fait et bieu compris le President qui a signe l’Enquete, apres lecture en Anglais et en Fran§ais du Rapport, tel qu’enr^gistr6, a haute et intelligible voix ; ce Rap- port ou Verdict special enoncaut les faits seulement, sous l’impression, comme leur avait explique le Coro- naire dans sa charge, qu’il y aurait certainement une investigation a un autre Tribunal, ou 1’on connaitrait sur qui devait s’attacher la cause du deccs de John Col- lins ; 24 " hebruam. A. 1836 Motion that that part of the Report respect- ing the drai h of John Collin c , whit h icliiies to the Coroner, he r efeiied o the Committee of Ci leva nces First Report concerning the Officers of i he Executive Go- vernment defer* red. 520 known to whom the death of John Collins was to be imputed : And that the Petitioner lias the greater rea- son to assert the purity of his motives, as all the princi- pal facts necessary to found an accusation (if such should take place) against the Officers charged with the care of the Gaol are meniioned in the record of the In- quest and of the finding of the Jury ; and that he had no interest or inclination to shield any person whatever from the responsibility incurred by his acts : That the Petitioner is conscious of having proceeded at the said Inquest with regularity and justice, and according to Law, and without passion, prejudice or affection, and prays that the House may allow him to be heard in person or by Counsel, and that he may be permitted to adduce such evidence and bring forward such other means of justification as may be deemed just and rea- sonable : That the Petitioner further entreats the indul- gence of the House, and that they may be pleased to suspend proceedings on the Report of the said Com- mittee until the tenth day of March next : That he is afflicted with acute rheumatism, and was a few days ago under medical treatment ; that lie also labors un- der a severe cold ; and last week he narrowly escaped beinu severely wounded, having been thrown upon the pavement in Montreal by a carriage drawn by a horse without a driver, and was struck so violently that he still suffers much from it ; that he is not at this instant able to undertake the journey to Quebec , though he is desirous of proceeding thither in order that he may be, if necessary, heard in person ; and praying that his re- quest may be granted, Mr. Morin moved, seconded by Mr. Pcrrault, That the Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Report of the Special Committee appointed to en- quire imo the circumstances which preceded the dea*h at' John Collins , who died in the common Gaol of the District of Montreal, in the beginning of the month of December last, and also to enquire into the state of the siid Gaol, be discharged, in so far as the same relates to the Coroner of the District of Montreal ; and that that part of the said Evidence and Documents, which relate to the said Coroner, be referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances. Ordered , That the said Motion be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Friday next. Mr. Gugy moved, seconded by Mr. Toomy , That the Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Repoit of the Special Committee appointed to enquire concerning the Officers of the Executive Go- vernment, their number and functions, and t lie Sala- ries, Fees and Emoluments received by each of them, and whether there is any improper cumulation of Pub- I c Offices in anyone person, other than those provided for by the Bill lor securing the dignity and indepen- dence of the Councils and Judicial}' passed in a former Session of the Provincial Parliament; and also whether any reduction can be made in, or any regulation esta- blished with regard to the said Salaries, Fees and Emo- luments, or the mode of conducting the public business, bv which the public good can be advanced, lost by the adjournment of the House, yesterday, be revived ; and that this House do now resolve itself into the said Com ee. Mr. O'Callaghan moved in amendment, seconded by Mr. Fortin , That the word “now,” in the said Motion be struck out, and the words “ to-morrow,” substituted. lins ; et qu’il est d’autant mieux fonde a arguer de la purete de ses motifs, que tons les faits essentiels, ne- cessaires pour accuser, s’il y a lieu, les Officiers propo- ses an soin de la Piison, sont consignes dans le Rap- port de PEnquete et le Verdict da Jury : Qu it n’avait aucun interet, aucune inclination a sonstraire aucune personne quelconque a la responsabilite que ses Actes peuvent entrainer : Que le Petit ionnaire croit avoir procede a PEnquete susdite avec rOguiarite et justice, suivant la Loi, sans passions, prejuges ni affection, et supplie la Chambre de permettre qu’il suit entendu en personne on par procureur, et qn’il lui soit alloue de produire tels Temoignages, et deduire tels rnoyens de justification qui seront juge's convenables : Que le Peti- tion nai re implore aussi 1’indulgence de la Chambre, pour qu’elle veuille bien surseoir jusque vers le dix de Mars prochain ses procedes sur le Rapport du Comite susdit ; qu’il est atteint dim rhumatisme aigu, et qn’il etait ily a pen de jours sous un coins de traitement df medecin ; qu’il souffle d’un gros rhume ; qu il a failli 1 semaine derniere d’etre blesse tres-violemment, ayant & renverse sur un trottoir dans Montreal par une voiS re traine par un cheva! sans guide, et heurte an point >’ en souffrir beaitcoup ; qu’il n’est pas pour ce moment .apa- ble d’entreprendre le voyage de Quebec ; cependaut il de- sire de s’y rend re pour etre, s’il le petit, entendi.en per- sonne ; et suppliant que le tout lui soit accorue. * M. Morin a propose, seconde par M. Perrault, Que Motion l’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comi- te sur le Rapport du Comite Special nomine pour s en- qui a querir des circonstances qui out precede et accompagne ra Rr*, a “oii ri- la moit du nomine John Collins, decede dans la Prison rQ^J; omlle commune pour le District de Montreal, an commence- ment du mois de Decembre dernier, et pour s’enquer* aussi de l’etat de !a dite Prison, soit decharge, en a lit-"*' qu’il a rapport au Coronaire du Distiict de Mon** 01 ' et que la partiedu dit Rapport, Temoignage et J0 ^ u " mens qui a rapport au dit Coronaire soit refere au mite Permanent des Griefs. , Ordonne, Que la dite Motion soit refer-? a un Co- mite de toute la Chambre, Vendredi pr^ llain » M. Gugy a propose, second^' M - JESS*!- 1’Ordre du jour pour que fa C lr lJ T, ^ 1 . e / s ^ e e ' Officiers tin mite sur le Premier Report -.u Comile Special nomme fSSSZL pour faire une Enfufite n» s "J el ‘ es OfiSciers du Gou- vernement ExAutif, de feur nombie et de leuis fonc- tinns, et des Sal ai res, Honoraires et Emolumens que chacun d’eux re$oit et pour constater si la mcme per- sonne possede pluueurs emplois incompatible?, anties que ceux auxquels a pourvu le Bill pour assuiei la di- gnite et l’indeperdance des Conseils et des Juges, passe dans une des p/ecedentes Sessions du Parlement lio- vincial, et de constater aussi si 1 on pomrait opeier quelque reduction on elablir quelque reglement a 1 e- gard des dits Salaires, Honoraires et Emolumens, oil concernant la maniere de conduire les affaires publiques, et par la promouvoir le bien public, perdu par 1 ajoui ne- ment de la Chambre, bier, soit ret a Eli, et que cette Chambre se forme maintenant en le dit Comite. M. O Callaghan a propose en amendement, seconde par M. Fortin, Que tous les mots a pres “ retabli,” dans la dite Motion, soient retranches, et les suivans substitues, “ et que, demain, cette Chambre se fbrmera M en le dit Comite.” The La e wiu. iv. 24 ° Februarii. 521 The House divided on the Motion of amendment : Yeas, 38. Nays, 14. So it was carried in the Affirmative. The Question being then put on the main Motion, as amended, it was agreed to unanimously, and Ordered, Accordingly. On Motion of Mr. Power, seconded by Mr. Barnard, tTn e M0*Li5?’ Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the Messages Houses on Scat- of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the 3rd Paul ’s' it lands, anc l ~drd instant, and of the Documents accompany- i° be printed, ing the said Messages, relative to the erection of Light Houses on the Islands of Scattarie and St. PauCbe printed for the use of the Members of this House. On Motion of Mr. O'Callaghan, seconded by Mr. Perrault Ordered, That the Order of the clay for the House in Con ? ralUee . on die Third Report of the Standing ed. ’ Committee of Grievances, lost by the adjournment of the House, on Tuesday last, be revived ; and that this House will, on Saturday next, resolve itself into the said Committee. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Motion d’amende- ment: Pour, 38. Contre, 14. Ainsi elle a ete emportee dans 1’Affirmative. La Question ayant ete alors mise sur la Motion principal, telle qu’amend^e, elle a ete unanimement adoptee, et Ordonne , En consequence. Sui Motion de JVI. Power , seconde par 1 VL Barnard Messages rei«- Ordonne, Que deux cents Exemplaires des Messages Sn,fS.‘ de bon Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chefl du 3 et du t a r ieetSt>Faul * 23 du courant, avec les Documens qui accompagnent ‘ mre ' mprune8 ’ les dits Messages, relativement a Flection de Iffiares sur les lies Scattarie et St. Paul, soient imprimis pour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. Sur Motion de M. O' Callaghan, second^ par M. Per- rault, Ordonne, Que l’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre Ra pp° r , t reiatif se forme en Comit£ sur le Troisieme Rapport du Comite des Sessions de Permanent des Griefs, perdu par l’ajournement de la ^‘ J s art,er > re * Chambre, Mardi dernier, soit retabli; et que Samedi prochain, cette Chambre se formera en le dit Comite. ]' 1 !i n a S ?ed S '° ms An en g rossed Bill to regulate and establish the Sa- laries of the Officers of the Customs at the Inland Ports in this Province, and for other purposes therein mentioned, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. O'Callaghan do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concur- rence. Un Bill grossoye pour regler et etablir les Salaires BiiidesDou- des Officiers des Douanes aux Ports de lTnterieur de pass S ef nt ® rieur ' cette Province, et autres fins y mentionnees, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu , Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. O'Callaghan porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. On Motion of Mr. Wells, seconded by Mr. Archam - beau It, Sco y ns ?. ffices Resolved, That this House will, on Friday next, re- :red. solve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider whether it be expedient to render permanent divers temporary Acts relating to Registry Offices in certain Counties of this Province. □?a“ “ The ° rder °f the day for the House in Committee uj»is and state on the several Reports of the Standing Committee of the Province, p u b]j c Accounts, and on the State of the Province, and other references, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr, Clapham took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Clapham reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again to-morrow. Ordered, That the said Order be then the first Order of the day. (.■port respect- The Order of the day for the House in Committee hn 'coiifns, ° 011 *h e Report of the Special Committee appointed to enquire into the circumstances which preceded and ac- companied the death of John Collins , who died in the Common Gaol of the District of Montreal in the begin- ning of the month of December last, and, also, to enquire into the state of the said Gaol, and other references, being read ; Sur Motion de M. Wells, second^ par M. Archam - heault, Resolu, Que Vendredi prochain, cette Chambre se Bureaux d’En. formera en Comite de toute la Chambre pour conside- rer sil serait expedient de rendre permanens, divers Aetes temporaires, relativement aux Bureaux d’Enr£- gistrement dans certains Comtes de cette Province. L'Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comi, e sur les Comite sur les divers Rapports du Comite Permanent wtortVfiSdtf des Comptes Publics, et sur l'Etat de la Province, et laFrovince - autres references, ayant ete lu; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Clapham a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Lt M. Clapham a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander permission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sie- ger de nouveau demain, Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre soit alors le premier Or- dre du jour. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Ra p por tausu- Gomite sur le Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour jet lie la mort de s’enquerir des circonstances qui ont precede et accom- r J e 0 ^- s . Collins ’ pagne la mort du nomme John Collins , decede dans la Prison commune pour le District de Montreal, au com. mencement du mois de Decembre dernier, et pour s’en- querir aussi de l’etat de la dite Prison, et autres refe- rences, ayant ete lu ; Vol. — 45. Ordered, 6 Q Ordonne , 522 24° — 25° Februarii , A, 1836. Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. Education and The Order of the day for the House in Committee schools, defer- on t j ie Fifth Report of the Standing Committee ot Edu- cation and Schools, being read ; Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. Then, on Motion of Mr. Huot, seconded by Mr. Morin , The House adjourned till to-morrow at ten o’clock, A. M. Or dome , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Cinquieme Rapport du Comite Perma- nent pour l’Education etles Ecoles, ayant ete lu ; Or dome , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. Alors, sur Motion de M. Huot , seconde par M. Morin, La Chambre s’cst aiournee a demain a dix heures, A. M. Thursday , 2.5th February, 1836 . — Ten o’clock, A. M. \|JjpN Motion of Mr. Cute, seconded by Mr. Llebert, Adjournment. Ordered, That when this House doth adjourn, it will adjourn till four o’clock, P. M., this day. On Motion of Mr. Cote, seconded by Mr. Cazeau, Day fixed for Ordered , That the engrossed Bill from the Legisla- om.arivaris ng ti v e Council, intituled, “ An Act to enable the Jus- repression uiii. “ tices of the Peace and Officers of the Peace to re- “ press certain proceedings known by the name of “ Charivaris ,” be read a second time, this day, in the afternoon sitting. Day fixed for Ordered, That the engrossed Bill from the Legisla- ofTafe convey 8 tive Council, intituled, “ An Act to provide more effec- ts 0 Biii. lris ° n * “ tually for the safe conveyance of Prisoners charged “ with Criminal Offences, from the Country parts of “ this Province to the Common Gaols of the several “ Districts,” be read a second time to morrow. Bin concerning Mr. Perrault, from the Committee of the whole Parisife* and° h e House on the Bill concerning the ereciion of Parishes, Churches °& aiK ^ construction and maintenance of Churches, reported. * Presbyteries and Burial Grounds, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed toby the House. Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. Fees and > Emo" The Order of the day for the House in Committee luments of of- on the Fi rs t Report of the Special Committee appointed fleers of Courts . 1 . . , 1 i TT 1 i , of Justice, de- to enquire concerning the fees and Emoluments re- ferted ’ ceived by the Sheiiffs, Prothonotaries, and Criers of the Court of Appeals and of the Courts of King’s Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective offices ; and on that part of the Report of the Special Committee appointed to enquire into the circumstances which preceded and accompanied the death of John Collins, who died in the Common Gaol of the District Montreal, in the beginning of the month of December last, and, also, to enquire into the state of the said Gaol ; of the evidence taken by the said Committee, and of the Documents accompanying the same relating to Lewis Gngy, Esquire, Sheriff of the District of Mont- real, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned tiil Tuesday next. committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee Ga-pe tiuieiies on the r,u f or th e jitter regulation of the Fisheries in the Inferior District of Gaspe, being read; Jeudi, 25 Fevrier 1836 . — Dix heures, A . M. SPDUR Motion de M. Cute , seconde par M. Hebert, Ordonne, Que lorsque cette Chambre s’ajournera, elle s’ajourne a quatre heures, P. M. ce jour. Sur Motion de M. Cute, seconde par M. Cazeau, Ordonne , Que le Bill grossoy6 du Conseil Legislatif, intitule, “ Acte pour mettre les Juges de Paix et Gffi- “ ciers de Paix en etat de reprimer certains procedes “ connus sous le nom de Charivaris,’’ soit lu line se- conde fois, ce jour, dans la seance de l’apres-midi. Ordonne, Que le Bill grossoye du Conseil Legislatif, intitule, “ Acte qui pourvoit plus efficacement au trans- “ port sur des Prisonniers prevenus d'Offenses Crimi- “ nelles, des Campagnes de cette Province aux Pri- “ sons Communes des differens Districts,” soit lu une seconde fois demain. M. Perraidt, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Bill concernant l’erection des Paroisses, et la construc- tion et reparation des Fglises, Presbyteres, et Cime- tieres, a fait rapport, coniormement a I ’Ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour s’enquerir des Honoraires et Revenus perc^us en vertu de Ieurs charges respectives, par les Sherifs, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Cours d’Appel et du Banc du Roi en cette Province, et sur la partie du Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour s’enquerir des circonstances qui ont precede et accompagne la mort du nomme John Collins, d£cede dans la Prison Commune pour le District de Montreal, au commence- ment du mois de Decembre dernier, et pour s’enquerir aussi de l’etat de la dite Prison, des Temoignages pris par ce Comite, et des Documens qui 1’accompagnent relatifs a Lewis Gugy, Ecuyer, Sherif du District de Montreal, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mar- di prochain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comitd sur le Bill pour mieux rf-gler les Peches dans le District Inferieur de Gaspe, ayant £t6 lu ; Education et Ecoles, remises. Ajournement. Jour fixe pour la seconde lec- ture du Bill pour reprimer les Charivaris. Jour fixe pour la seconde lec- ture du Bill ri latif au trans- port sur des Pr sonniers. Bill concernatl 1’erection des Paroisses et la construction d Eglises, etc. rapporte. Premier Rap- port sur les H noraireset Re venus des OfE ciers des Cour de Justice, re- mis, Comite sur It Bill des Peel’ de Gaspe. The La 6 Will. IV. 26° Februam, 523 The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. De Bleury took the Chair of the Committee- after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. De Bleury reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments theieto, which he was directed to report to the Ordered, 1 hat the Ileport be received to-morrow. Education and The Order of the day for the House in Committee schools, on the Fifth Report of the Standing Committee of Edu- cation and Schools, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Charles Drolet took the Chair of the Committee * and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Charles Drolet reported that the Commit- tee had come to several Resolutions, which he was di- rected to submit to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received to-morrow. La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. y avoir siege quelque temps, M. J’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil; Et , Rkury a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, ety avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont ii avait ordre de faire rapport h la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit regu demain. -l, uiure uu r . , J UU1 pour que la unambre se forme en Comite sur le Cinquieme Rapport du Comiffi Perma- nent pour 1 Education et les Ecoles, ayant ete lu • Comit^b^k 1 ^ S,GSt Gn cons ^ < l uence formee en le dit M. Charles Drolet a pris le Fauteuil du Comity et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. I’Qrateur a repris le Fauteuil; Et M. Charles Drolet a fait rapport que le Comit6 avait passe plusieurs Resolutions, qu’il avait ordre de soumettre a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit regu demain. Comitfi sur l’E- ducation et lea Ecoles. T , he n ° rder of ‘ he da y for the House in Committee joiiins; on the Report of the Special Committee appointed to enquire into the circumstances which preceded and accompanied the death of John Collins , who died in the Common Gaol of the District of Montreal , in the begin- ning of the month of December last, and, also, to enquire into the state of the said Gaol, and other references being read; * The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the ("hair ; And Mr * reported that the Committee had i relating to come to several Resolutions; which Resolutions were ndTnd Dr!’ a S ain read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the moidi. House ; and are as followeth : 1. Resolved, That the Officers whose duty it was to see that the Common Gaol of the District of Montreal was kept secure and healthy, had at their disposal on the 9th December 1835, the means of furnishing to the Prisoners then confined in the said Gadl, the usual and sufficient allowance of food and fuel for the preservation of the lives and health of the said Prisoners. 2.. Resolved, That the death of the Prisoner John Collins, which happened in the said Common Gaol for the District of Montreal, in the night between the 9th and 10th of December 1835, is to be attributed more especially, and in great measure, to the culpable ne- gligence of the Officers who had the care and keeping or the said Gaol, and whose duty it was to watch over t he preservation of the lives and health of the Prisoners then confined in it, and more particularly to the cul- pab e negligence of the Gaoler Edward Holland, and of the I hysician of the said Gaol, Daniel Arnoldi, Es- quire. 3. Resolved, That besides the culpable negligence and inhumanity manifested by the said Edward Hoi - landfin the circumstances which preceded and attended the death of the said Prisoner John Collins, the said Edward Holland is not fit to perform the functions of Gaolei : 1 hat the said Edward Holland is known to be a man of violent and passionate character, addicted to profane swearing, and to acts of violence, and bursts of passion while in the exercise of his functions; and that iie has employed and continues to employ as Turnkeys in L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Confute sui le Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour s enquenr des circonstances qui ont precede et accorn- pagne la mort du nomme John Collins, decede dans la Inson Commune pour le District de Montreal, au commencement du mois de Decembre dernier, et pour s enquenr aussi de l’etat de la dite Prison, et autres re- ferences, ayant ete lu; La Chambre s’est en consequence forage en le dit Comite. M*. Bard y a P ri s le Fauteuil du Comite ; et anres y avoir sffige quelque temps, M. I’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Bardy a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe nusieuis Resolutions, lesquelles Resolutions ont ete ues de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptees par la Chambre; et el les sont comme suit: A 1 • Resolu, Que les Officiers charges de veiller a la surete et a la salubrite de la Prison Commune pour le District de Montreal, avaient a leur disposition le 9 Decembre 1835, les moyens de fournir aux Prisonniers qui etaient renfermfs dans la dite Prison, Pallocation ordinaire et suffisante de nourriture et de bois pour le maintien de la sante et de la vie des dits Prisonniers. 2. Resolu, Que le elects du Prisonnier John Collins aruve dans la dite Prison Commune pour le District de Monti cal, dans la nuit du 9 au 10 Decembre 1835 doit etre attribue surtout et en grande partie a la ne- gligence coupable des Officiers qui avaient le soin et la garde de la dite Prison, et la charge de veiller a la con- servation de la sante et de la vie des Prisonniers qu elle renfermait, et notamment a la negligence coupable du Geolier de la dite Prison, Edward Holland, et du Me- decin de la dite Prison, Daniel Arnoldi, Ecuyer. 3. Resolu, Qu’outre la negligence coupable et Pin- lumanite dont le dit Edward Holland a fait preuve dans es cu Constances qui ont precede et accompagnf* le de- ces du dit Prisonnier John Collins, le dit Edward Hol- land n est pas propre a remplir les fonctions de Geo- icr. Que le eat Edward Holland est reconnu pour un Iiomme d’un caractere violent et era porte, dans l’habi- tuue de se livrer a des blasphemes, a des violences et a des emportemens dans 1’exercice de ses fonctions, et qu’il a employe et continue a employer comme Guiche- tiers Comite sur le Rapport au su- jet de la mort dc John Collins ; Resolutions et Adresse rap* portees relative- ment a EdwarU Holland et au Dr, Arnoldi. A. 1836 . 52 + c 25° Februarii. in the said Gaol, his two sons, whose conduct, immo- rality and unfitness for the said office, have been clearly ^ Resolved, That the Physician of the said Gaol, Daniel Arnoldi, Esquire, besides having violated his duty as such in the circumstances which preceded and attended the death of the said Prisoner John Collins, publicly and openly used in the Coroner’s Court at the Inquest on the death of the said John Collins, unjust and injurious remarks derogatory to the dignity ot the Executive Government, and to the respect due to the person of Ilis Excellency the Governor in Chief ot this Province, as well as to this branch of the Legis a- ture, and tending to bring into contempt Iiis Majesty s Government of this Province. . 5. Resolved, That the said Edward Holland and Daniel Arnoldi, have consequently rendered themselves un- worthy to enjoy the confidence of His Majesty s Go- vernment in this Province, and to hold, the former, the office of Gaoler, and the latter, that of Physician to the said Gaol. „ \ 6. Resolved, That a Copy of the Report of the Spe- cial Committee appointed to enquire into the circum- stances which preceded and accompanied the death ot John Collins, and into the state of the Common Gao of the District of Montreal, and the Documents and Evidence accompanying the said Report, be presented, with an humble Address, to His Excellency the Go- vernor in Chief, praying him to be pleased to use the powers vested in him by virtue of his Commission, foi the purpose of removing the said Edward Holland from the Office of Gaoler, and the said Daniel Arnoldi from his Office of Physician to the said Gaol Ordered, That Mr. Perrault . Mr. Viger, Mv.Lafon- taine and Mr. O'Callaghan do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. tiers de la dite Prison, ses deux fils, dont la mauvaise conduite, Pimmoralite et l'incapacite pour la dite der- niere charge sont clairement prouvees. . 4 Resolu, Que le Medecin de la dite Prison, Daniel Arnoldi, Ecuyer, outre la violation de ses devoirs comme tel dans les circonstances qui out precede et accompa- o-ne la mort du dit Prisonnier, John Collins, s’est servi publiquement et ouvertement, dans la Cour du Coro- naire, lors de l’Enquete sur la mort du dit John Coluns, ^observations injustes, injurieuses et derogatoires a la dionite du Gouvernement Executif, au respect du a la personne de Son Excellence le Goiiverneur-eti-Chef de cette Province, ainsi qu a cette branche de la Le- gislature, et tendant a faire mepriser le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste en cette Province. 5. Resolu, Qu’en consequence, les dits Edward Hol- land et Daniel Arnoldi se sont rendus indignes de jomr de la con fiance du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste en cette Province, et de remplir, le premier, la dite charge de Geolier, et le second, ceile de Medecin de la dite Prison. -./ex 6. Resolu, Qu’une Copie du Rapport du Comite Spe- cial charge de s’enquerir des circonstances qui out pre- cede etaccompagne la mort de John Collins, et de etat de la Prison Commune pour le District de Montreal, et. des Documens et Ttmoignages qui accompagnent le dit Rapport, ainsi qu’une humble Adresse soient pre- sentees a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chet, le priant de faire usage des pouvoirs qu’il possede en ver- tu de sa Commission, pour demettre le dit Edward Holland de sa place de Geolier de la dite Prison, et e dit Daniel Arnoldi de sa place de Medecin de la dite Prison. Ordonne, Que M. Perrault, M . Viger, M. Lnfontame et M. 0‘ Callaghan presentent la dite Adresse a Son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Committee on First Report concerning the Officers ot the .Executive Go- vernment. Resolulionsand Address report- ed relating to the cumulation of Offices. The Order of the day fur the House in Committee oil the First Report of the Special Committee appointed ,o enquire concerning the Officers of the Executive Government, their number and functions, and the Sala- ries, Fees and Emoluments received by each of them, and’ whether there is any improper cumulation of Pub- lic Offices in any one person, other than those provided for by the Bill ‘for securing the dignity and indepen- dence of the Councils and Judiciary, passed in a former Session of the Provincial Parliament; and also whether any reduction can be made in, or any regulation esta- blished with regard to, the said Salaries, Fees and Emo- luments, or the mode of conducting the public busi- ness, by which the public good can be advanced, being 16 The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. , , _ , Mr. Baker took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Baker reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions; which. Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followeth : 1. Resolved, That the cumulation of the Offices ot Executive Councillor and Judge of the Court of Ap- peals, of Law Clerk of the Legislative Council, of Au- ditor of Land Patents, and of Commissioner of the Court of Escheats, in the same person, is contrary to the public good and incompatible with the due and efficient performance of the duties of the said Offices ; that neither of the Offices of Law Clerk ot the Legisla- tive Council, or of Commissioner of the Court of Es- cheats, ought to be held by an Executive Councillor ; L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Co- miffi sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Special nomine pour faire une Enquete au sujet des Officiers du Gou- vernement Executif, de leur nombre et de ieurs func- tions, et des Salaires, Honoraires et Emolumens que chacun d’eux recoit, et pour constater si la merae per- sonne possede plusieurs emplois incompatibles, autres que ceux auxquels a pourvu le Bill pour assurer la di- gnite et l’independance des Conseils et des Juges, passe dans une des precedentes Sessions du Parlement I io- vincial ; et de constater aussi si l’cn pourrait operer quelque reduction ou etablir quelque reglement a pecrard des dits Salaires, Honoraires et Emolumens, ou concernant la maniere de conduire les afiaites pu- bliques, et par la promouvoir le bien public, ayant ete lu; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. _ . , . M. Baker a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apies y avoir siege quelque temps, M. 1’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Baker a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe plusieurs Resolutions, lesquelles Resolutions ont ete lues de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre ; et elles sont comme suit . 1. Resolu, Que le cumul dans la meme personne des charges de Conseiller Executif et de luge de la Cour d’ Appel, de Greffier en Loi du Conseil Legislatif, d Au- diteur des Lettres Patentes, et de Commissaire de la Cour de confiscation, est contiaire au bien public, et incompatible avec l accomplissement fidele et efficace des devoirs attaches a ces charges ; et que m la charge de Greffier en Loi du Conseil Legislatif ni ceile. de Commissaire de la Cour de confiscation, ne deviaient etre remplies par un Conseiller Executif ; et que ces deux Comite sur le Premier Rap- port au sujet dt Officiers du Gouvcrnemen Executif; Resolutions Adresses rap porlees,relati ment au cun des charges. 6 Will. IV. 2 5° Februani . 525 ami that both of them ought not to be held by one and deux charges ne devraient nas ekre remold , the same person^ seule et mime personn^ P P P U " e 2. Resolu, Que le cumul, dans la mctne personne, des the same person 2. Resolved, That the cumulation of the Offices of Grand Voyer of the District of Quebec, and of Provin- cial Aid-de-Camp, in the same person, is contrary to the public good, and incompatible with the due*and efficient performance of the duties of the said Offices ; and that each of the said Offices ought to be held by a separate person. 3. Resolved, 1 hat the cumulation of the Offices of Assistant Civil Secretary, and of Assistant in the Crown Land Office, in the same person, is contrary to the pub- lic good, and incompatible with the due and efficient performance of the duties of the said Offices ; and that each of the said Offices ought to be held by a separate person. 4. Resolved, That the cumulation of the Offices of Executive Councillor, being a Member of the Court of Appeals, of Commissioner of the Jesuit’s Estates, and of Master of the Trinity House at Quebec, in the same person, is contrary to the public good, and incompati- ble with the due and efficient performance of the duties of the said Offices ; and that each of the said Offices ought to be held by a separate person. 5. Resolved, That the cumulation of the Offices of Coroner of the District of Three Rivers, and of Clerk of the Peace for the same District, in the same person, is contrary to the public good, and incompatible with the due and efficient performance of the duties of the said Offices j and that each of the said Offices ought to be held by a separate person charses de Grand Voyer du District d'e Quebec, et d Aide-de-Camp Provincial, est comrade an bien public, ct incompatible avec 1 accoinplissement fidtlc et efficace des devoirs attaches aux dites charges ; et que cliacune diffiremt 3 '® 63 raU remp, ‘ e Par U " e pe,sonne 3. Resolu, Que le cumul, dans la meme personne des le Bure\ d ^ SS1 ^l ant Secretaire Civil et d'Assistant dans e bureau des Terres de la Couronne, est contraire au fidHe P et Offir * ‘ nc 7 patib,e 3VeC ^ccomplisseraent hdtle et efficace des devoirs attaches a ces charges • et que chacune des dites charges devrait etre remplie’nar une personne differente. p,le par 4. Resolu, Que le cumul, dans la m£me personne des S?3 l d ? ConsedlerEx^cutif, de Memb, P e de la Com d Appel, de Commissure des Biens des Jesuites, et de Maitre de la Maison de la Tnnite a Quebec, est contraire au Men pubhc, et incompatible avec l’accomplissement hdele et efficace des devoirs attaches a ces charges ; et que chacune des dites charges devrait etre remplie par une personne differente. P 16 par 5. Resolu, Que le cumul, dans la meme personne, des charges de Coronaire du District des TroisHlivites,el de Grefher de la Paix pour le meme District, est con- tiaire au bien public, et incompatible avec l’accom- phsse merit fidele et efficace des devoirs attaches a ces , _ ; et 9 ue chacun e des dites charges devrait etre , «• Resolved, That the cumulation of the Offices of TilZZ n® P f Sonne dif rente. _ Executive Councillor, being a Judo-e of the Court of n * i V^ Ue n cu J? ub dans meme personne, des Appeal and of Grand Voyfr for “thf DistJ.Tt of" fe, et ^ Rivers, in the same person, is contrary to the public EivTs cat contraire ] * Dlstnct des Trois ' good, and incompatible with the due and efficient per a„pn i» * ontlaire au b »en public, et incompatible formance of the duties of the said Offices and that > P l I,8Sement fidde et effica ^ des deviirs at- each of the said Offices ought to be held by’ a separate devrait ^remffiffi j 6 l diteS char g es person. J ' ucviaii lempue pai une personne differente. 7. Resolved, That an humble Address be presented n -n > ? >-i • , to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, accompanied Son*TGr Q V present6 l,ne humb, e Adresse 4 by a Copy of the preceding Resolutions, and ofThe d’une Cnni^T Ie p Gouverneur-en-Chef, accompagnee Report of a Special Committee of the House, on which Resolutions precedentes, et du Rap- they are founded ; humbly praying His Excellency to ? r ( '°™ lte S P ecial de cette Chambre, sur lequel be pleased to give effect V the o^inionftherein ex- de vo do 1 h priaHt humblement Son Excellence pressed, and to remove a grievance long and earnestly l nnr ‘ bl ® n d . onn er effe A l aux opinions qui y sent complained of by all classes of His Majesty’s Subject ^ d ‘ spa ; a ! tre n n Grief dont toutes les in this Province, by causing each of the persons in H ® ? Sujets de Sa Majeste se plaignent vivement whom the cumulation of Offices mentioned in the said d PU ‘ S lon S' tem P s ’ en ordonnant a chacune des per- Resolutions and Report exists, to make his election of ^ remphs j ent f n ffl eme temps les difterentes one of the Offices he may so hold, and removing him He d f s \S n ^ es dans les dits Rapport et Resolutions, from the rest ; and also by conferring the Offices There- f ‘i ° h ? X d f U " deS em P lois qu’elles peuvent ainsi by rendered vacant on separate persons, so as to ensure I^Hnn^’ ^ otant . Jeurs autres charges ; et aussi the due and efficient performance of the dunes thereof ^ donnant !cs c harges, ainsi devenues vacantes, a des e duties thereof, personnes differente* afin d’assurer l’accomplissement 7 ‘ Gugy, Mr. Baker, Mr Knight dw efficace de T s devoirs attaches a chacune d’elles. resent the said Address to His n y do . nne ? Q ue M ; Gugy, M. Baker, M. Knight et M. • ^ss to His Hebert presented la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Ordered, That Mr. and Mr. Hebert do present the said Address to Excellency the Governor in Chief. Several Members having retired, the names of those present were taken down, as followeth : . Mr. Speaker, tv ;f CU13 B ess erer, Cardinal, Cherrier, Child De Bleury, DelVitt, Pierre Antoine D orion, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Grannis, Guillet, Gugy, Hebert, Knight Leslie Mousseau, Perrault, Simon, Trudel and VHer . And at half past two o’clock, P. M., Mr. Speaker ad- journed the House for want of a Quorum. s, Cardinal, Cherrier, Child De Bleury, pe Witt, Pierre- Antoine Dorion Charles Lest Mo!?’ ° r T is > G 7 uiUet » Hebert, Knight, L \ Mousseau, Perrault, Simon, Trudel et Vi»er. Et a deux heures et demie, P. M., M POmt^i.r q ajourne la Chambre, fame de Quorum. 6 R Vol— 45. Thursday, Jeudi , 25 ° Februarn . A. 1836 5f26 Thursdaij, 25 th February, 1836 .—Four o'clock, P . M. First Report on IVI i I it ia Lands deferred. N Motion of Mr. Kimber, seconded by Mr. Le- A tourneau, Ordered, That the Order of the day for the House in Committee on the First Report of the Special Commit- tee to whom was referred the Answer of His Excellency the Governor in Chief ol the 5th March, 1834, to the Address of this House of the 24th February, 1834, re- lating to grants of Lands to the Officers and Militiamen who served during the late War with the Jjnited States, and other references, lost by the adjournment of the House, on Tuesday last, be revived ; and that this House will, to-morrow, resolve itself into the said Com- mittee. Council’s Amendments to Justice-- ofilie Peace qualifica- tion Bill to be considered, On Motion of Mr. Huot, seconded by Mr. Child, Ordered, That the Amendments made by the Legis- lative Council to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act for the « qualification of the Justices of the Peace, be lefei- red to a Committee of the whole House to-morrow. Jeudi, 25 Fevrier 1836 . — Quatre heures, P. M. (MUR Motion de M. Kimber, seconde par M. Le- KM tourneau, Ordonne , Que l’Ordre du jour pour (pie la Chambre se forme en Comit6 sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Special, auquel a ete referee la Reponse de Son Excel- lence le ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 5 Mars 1834, a l’Adresse de cette Chambre, du 24 Fevrier 1834, rela- tivement aux octrois de Terres aux Officiers et Mili- ciens qui out servi dans la derniere Guerre avec les Flats- Unis, et autres references, perdu par l’ajourne- ment de la Chambre, Mardi dernier, soit retabli, et que, demain, cette Chambre se formera en le dit Comite. Premier Rap- port fcur les Terres des Mili- ciens, reiuss. Sur Motion de M. Huot, seconde par M. Child, Ordonne, Que les Amendemens laits par le Conseil Lfgislatif, au Bill, intitule, “ Acte pour la qualification Bill pour la “ des Juges de Paix,” soient referes a un Comite de jus'esdePai^ toute la Chambre demain. aUreconside- Report on the prevent state of the affairs r lu- ting lo the l ite Receiver Gene- ral. Mr. Besserer, from the Special Committee appointed for the purposes of enquiring into the piesent state of the affairs relating to the defalcation of the late Re- ceiver General, John Caldwell, with an Instiuction to consider what means ought to be ado >ted by this House in order to secure the rights of this i lovince, piesentcd to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk s fable, as followeth . Your Committee have referred to those parts of the Journals of Your Honorable House which relate to the defalcation of John Caldwell , Esquire, in his quality of Receiver General of this Province, and have minutely considered the Report of the Special Committee ap- pointed during the Session of the year 1834, to enquire into the matter aforesaid. Your Committee have also examined with the most scrupulous attention, all the records of the proceedings in the Court of king's Bench in the several actions brought against the said John Caldwell, Esquire, heretofore Receiver General of this Province, and are of opinion, that the Judges who pro- nounced the Judgment, without interest, in the Cause xt 0 . G55, are alone responsible for this violation of the laws in force in this Country ; and this opinion is con- formable to the Report of the Committee of 1834. Ne- vertheless, Your Committee are fully convinced, that although the said Judgment was given without interest, the laws of the Country are so positive on this point, that the Province has an incontestible right to the said intei est, of which right nothing can deprive it. Your Committee have seen by advertizements inserted in the Gazette by Authority, "that the Seigniory of Lauzon, the sole remaining portion of the immoveable property belonging to the said John Caldwell , Esquire, is to be sold by Sheriff’s sale, on the first of July next, and are of opinion that a sale of that kind could not be other- wise than prejudicial to the interests of this Province, on account of the small number of capitalists who could or would invest in the said property a sufficient sum of money to pay any thing near the amount due to the Province by the said John Caldwell, Esquire. Your Committee having also learnt, that the property of the said John Caldwell, Esquire, is liable to some other hy- pothecations, are of opinion that these latter cannot af- fect the rights of the Province, which has a privileged hypothecation preferable (o every other debt due by the said John Caldwell, Esquire. It is with the greatest regret that Your Committee perceive the innumerable difficulties which must arise in the discussion of a question of this importance, and which M. Besserer, du Comite Special nomm6 pour s’en- Rapport sur I querir clans quel etat sont les ariaires de la defalcation du ci-devant I du ci-devant Receveur-Gcneral, John Caldwell, avec R e r “ veur - Ge - Instruetion de prendre en consideration quelles pour- raient etre les mesures a adopter par cette Chambre pour assurer les droits de cette Province, a presente a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete hi de nouveau a la Table du Grefffer, comme suit : Votre Comite a compulse les Journaux de cette Chambre, qui ont rapport a la defalcation de John Caldwell, Ecuyer, en sa qualite de Receveur-General de la Province, et a considere minutieusement le Rap- port du Comite Special charge pendant ia Session de l’annee 1834, de s’enquerir de cette affaire. Votre Comite a aussi examine avec la plus scrupuleuse atten- tion, tons les records des procedes de la Cour du Banc du Roi dans les differentes poursuites intentees contre le dit John Caldwell, Ecuyer, ci-devant Receveur-Gene- ral de cette Province, et est d’opinion, que les Juges qui ont prononce le Jugetnent, sans interets, dans la Cause No. 655, sont seuls responsables de cette viola- tion des lols en force dans ce Pays, Iaquelle opinion est conforme a 1’enonce du Rapport du Comite de 1834. Neanmoins, Votre Comite est pleinement convaincu, que quoique le jugement ne porte point interet, les Lois du Pays sont si positives sur ce point, que la Province a un droit incontestable r\ ces interets ; que lien ne peut Pen priver. Votre Comite a vu par des avertisse- mens inseres dans la Gazette par Autorite, que la Sei- gneurie de Lauzon, seul immeuble restant des proprie- ty appartenantes au dit John Caldwell, Ecuyer, doit etre vendue par Decret le premier Juillet prochain, et il est dopinion qu’une semblable vente ne peut etre que tres- prejudiciable aux interets de cette Province, vu le tres- petit nombre de capitalistes qui seraient en etat ou vou- draient placer sur cette propriety une somme assez con- siderable pour rencontrer a-peu-piFs la demande de la Province contre le dit John Caldwell, Ecuyer. Votre Comite, sur l’information que les biens du dit John Cald- well, Ecuyer, sont en outre greves de quelques autres hvpotheques, est d opinion que ces hypotheques ne peuvenl affecter les droits de la Province, Iaquelle a une hypotheque privilegiee sur toute autre dette du dit John Caldwell Ecuyer. (Test avec le plus grand regret que Votre Comit6 voit des difficulty sans nombre qui vont s’elever dans la discussion d une question de cette importance, lesqueiles pourraient 6 Will. IV, 25° Februarii , 527 which might be removed, if Your Honorable House were disposed to listen favorably to certain offers and proposals made to Your Committee on the part of the said John Caldwell , Esquire. This circumstance has induced Your Committee to ascertain by the evidence of Messrs. Eoxoen and Tetu , (the first being the bearer of a Notarial Power of Attorney from the said John Caldwell , Esquire, now in the United States , and the latter being in correspondence with him,) that the said John Caldwell, Esquire, is disposed to give up, and even requests Your Honorable House to accept, in pay- ment of the balance now due from him to the Province, the said Seigniory of Lauzon, which he is ready to make over, provided a full discharge be given him of the whole debt due by him, both principal and interest. On which proposals, Your Committee, after a minute exa- mination, and after having obtained sufficient exact in- formation as to the yearly value of, and the improve- ments which are continually taking place in, the said Seigniory, of which a plan and statistical account accompanies this Report, are of opinion that for the sake of cutting short a great number of litigious difficulties, and of avoiding the enormous expenses which always attend a Sheriff’s sale, and the great sacri- fice which such sale would cost the Province, it would be expedient to listen favorably to the proposal made by the said John Caldwell, Esquire. In consequence of the opinion they have thus an- nounced, Your Committee request that leave be given them to bring in a Bill for the purpose aforesaid. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Monday next Ordered, That the said Report be printed for the use of the Members of this House. pourraient disparaitre, si Votre Honorable Chambre vou- lait preter l’oreille et accueillir favorablement des ou- vertures et propositions faites a Votre Comite de la part du dit John Caldwell, Ecuyer ; ce qui a porte Votre Comite a s’assurer d’une maniere certaine, par Ies te- moignages de Messieurs Bowen et Tetu, le premier char- ge de Procuration Notariee du dit John Caldwell, Ecuyer, maintenant dans les Etats-Unis , et le second, entretenant une correspondance avec lui, que le dit John Caldwell, Ecuyer, est dispose et meme prie Votre Honorable Chambre de prendre en paiement de la ba- lance, par lui maintenant due la Province, la Seigneu- rie de Lauzon dont il est pret a faire cession, pourvu qu’il lui soit donne pleine et entiere quittance de toute sa dette, tant en capital qu’en interets. Sur lesquelles propositions, Votre Comite, apres un examen rninu- tieux, et des renseignemens assez exacts de la valeur annuelle et des ameliorations journalises de la Seigneu- rie, dont un plan figuratif et statistique est annexe au present Rapport, est d’opinion, que pour trancher un grand nombre de difficult^ litigieuses, epargner les de- penses enormes qui accompagnent toujours une vente par Decret, et eviter le grand sacrifice que ferait la Province par une semblable vente, il serait a propos d'accueillir favorablement les offres du dit John Cald- well, Ecuyer. En consequence de Penonce de cette opinion, Votre Comite demande qu il lui soit permis d’introduire un Bill a cet effet. Ordonne , Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre Lundi prochain. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit imprime pour l’u- sage des Membres de cette Chambre. preventing^ Mr - Caron, from the Special Committee to whom was icddents by referred the Bill to suspend, fora limited time, certain Ordinances therein mentioned, as far as the same relate to the City of Quebec, and the City of Montreal , and for preventing accidents by Fire, reported that the Com- mittee had gone through the Bill without making any amendment thereto, and the Report was again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Monday next. w Ordered, That Mr. Caron have leave to bring in a -st time. Bill to provide for the Medical treatment of sick Ma- riners, He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Monday next. M. Caron, du Comite Special aiiquel a 6t6 refere le Ra PP ort sur i e Bili pour suspendre, pour un temps lirnite, certaines Or- niniTamdt^ donnances y mentionnees, en autant qu'elles ont rapport du Feu - a la Cite de Quebec, et a la Cite de Montreal , et pour prevenir les accidens du Feu, a fait rapport que Ie Co- mite avait passe le Bill, sans y faire aucun amendement ; et le Rapport a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Gref- fier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit r£Rre a un Comite de toute la Chambre Lundi prochain. Ordonne , Que M. Caron ait la permission d'introduire Bin des Marin* un Bill pour pourvoir au traitement medical des Marins ™ C mKo£ malades. Il a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ^te lu pour la premier fois; et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. On Motion of Mr. Jobin, seconded by Mr. Girouard, ng S to g aTock ( Ordered, That the Message of His Excellency the iapids Referred Governor in Chief, of the twenty-third instant, with the Documents accompanying the same, relating to a Lock at the Ste. Anne Rapids, be referred to the Stand- ing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements. e'lional'e'read A Bill to prevent and punish Stellionate, was, ac- e second time, cording to Order, read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Girouard, Mr. Gugy, Mr. Van- felson, Mr. Lafontaine and Mr. Tache do compose the said Committee. Sur Motion de M. Jobin, seconde par M. Girouard, Ordonne, Que le Message de Son Excellence le Gou- verneur-en-Chef, du vingt-trois du courant, avec leS aux Bapides de Documens qui faccompagnent, relativement rt une une'secondi* 1 Ecluse aux Rapides de Ste. Anne, soit referes au Comite fcis ’ Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations Publiques. Conformement a 1’Ordre, un Bill pour prevenir et punirle otellionat, a ete lu une seconde fois. le Slellionat, lu Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de f 0 'is. £ec ° nde cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la dili- gence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir per- sonnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Girouard, M. Gugy, M. Vanfelson, M. Lajontaine et M. Tache composent le dit Comite. Ission'ism" An engrossed Bill from the Legislative Council, inti- Id the second tuled, “ An Act to enable the Justices of the Peace, and “ Officers Conformement a 1’Ordre, un Bill grossove du Con- Bi)| pour repn- sen Legislatif, intitule, “ Acte pour mettre les Juges van, i u U n 8 se- “ de condefoi, ‘ A. 1836 . 528 25° ■ — 26 0 Februarii , « Officers of the Peace to repress certain proceedings « k noW n by the name of Charivaris ,” was, according to Order read a second time. Resolved, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. . _ , Ordered, That Mr. Cote, Mr. Beaudoum, Mr. Guillet, Mr. Larue and Mr. Cherrier do compose the said Com- mittee. c* c ] e p a i x e t Officiers de Paix en £tat de reprimer cer- ic tains proc6des connus sous le tiom de Chaiivans, a 06 lu une seconde fois. Resolu, Que le dit Bill soil refere a un ( omite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la dili- gence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer qu£rir per- sonnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Cote, M. Beaudoum, M. Guillet, M. Larue et M. Cherrier composent le dit Comite. Committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee on TOunt* ana state the several Reports of the Standing Committee of Pub- of the Province. ]jc Account s, and on the State of the Province, and other references, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Clapham took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Clapham reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move foi leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again at the next sitting of the House. Ordered, That the said Order be then the first Order of the day. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comite «ur Comite sur les divers Rapports du Comite Permanent blics cl Elat de desComptes Publics et sur l’Etat de la Province, et ****** autres references, ayant et6 lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. .. , ^ , M. Clapham a pris le Fauteuil du Comite, et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. Et M. Clapham a fait rapport que le Comit6 avail fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demandei per- mission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sieger de nouveau a la prochaine seance de la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre soit alors le premier Ordre du jour. Roads and Pub- lic Improve- ments deferred. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements, on that part of the first Report of the said Standing Committee which relates to the Road from Laprairie to St. John ’s, and on the Fifth Report of the said Committee, being read; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-moriow, in the afteinoon sitting. L’Ordre du iour pour que la Chambre se forme en cheminset Comite sur le Second Rapport du Comite Permanent Publiques, re- des Chemins et des Ameliorations Publiques, sur cette »■■. partie du Premier Rapport du dit Comit6 Permanent qui a rapport au Chemin depuis Laprairie jusqu’a St. Jean, et sur le Cinquieme Rapport du dit Comite, ayant ete lu ; . . . , , Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main, dans la seance de l’apres-midi. Then, on Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Raymond, , . The House adjourned till to-morrow at ten o clock, A. M. Alors, sur Motion de M. Viger, seconde par M. Ray- ™°La’ Chambre s’est ajournee a demain, a dix heures, A. M. Friday, 26tli February , 1836.— Tew o'clock, A. M. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Child, Adjournment; Ordered, That when this House doth adjourn, it will adjourn till six o’clock, P. M.this day. Report on Peti- Mr. Child, from the Special Committee to whom was in's of'the'con- referred the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Dis- nffLrse Fmt tiict of St. Francis, presented to the House the Report cis - of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. ^ ^ _ . . Append.^) -p or the sa - K \ Report, see Appendix (D. D. D.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House on Monday next. Ordered, That the said Report, with the Evidence therein mentioned, be printed for the use of the Mem- bers of this House. Gaspe Fisheries Mr. Be Bleury, from the Committee of the whole Bill reported. pj ouse on t h e Rill f or the better regulation of the Fishe- ries in the Inferior District of Gaspe, reported, accord- ing to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , Vendredi, 26 Fevrier 1836 .— Du heures, A. M. UR Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Child, Ordonne, Que lorsque cette Chambre s’ajournera, elle Ajournement. s’ajourne a six heures, P. M. ce jour. M. Child, du Comite Special auquel a ete referee la Petition de divers Habitans du District de St. Francois, sn antdeiacoi a presente a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comite, le- deSt> j,- ian?0! quel a 6te lu de nouveau a la Fable du (jietiier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (D. D. D.) a la app^ fin de ce Volume. , N Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre Lundi prochain. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport, avec le Temoignage qui y est mention ne, soient imprimes pour 1 usage des Membres de cette Chambre. M. Bleury, du Comite de toute la Chambre, sur le Bill pour mieux n-’g'ler Ics Pcches dans le District lute- p0 rie. rieur de Gaspe, a fait rapport, conformement a 1 Ordre des atnendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comitc, lesquels amendemens ont et6 lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne » 6 Will. IV. 26° Februarii, 529 Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. OrdormS, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amendd soil gros- lull iif; io 1', Mr* Charles Droid , from the Committee of the whole ^riConld; n ° us r e F,(tl > ,?e l >0| t of the Standing Committee of i. ducation and Schools, reported, according to Order, the Resolutions of the said C ommittee; which Reso- lutions wei e again read at the Clerk’s lalde, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followelh : P. Chasseur’s Museum Bill rt-a t the first time. 1. A esoli ed, lhat it would be expedient to vest in the Public, the property of Mr. Chasseur's Museum of Natural History by purchasing the same, as recom- mended by the Report of the Standing Committee on Education and Schools, laid before this House on the 22nd February instant. 2. Resolved ', Iliat the sum of One hundred pounds currency, be granted to His Majesty, for the purpose of enabling the Clerk of this House to defray the cost of lemovmg the said Museum, and arranging the sub- jects coir posing the same, in the large Room over the Hall in which the sittings of the Assembly of this Pro- vince are held. Ordered, That Mr. Huot have leave to bring in a Bill to vest the property of Pierre Chasseurs Museum of Natmal History in the Public. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow. Safe convey- snce of Prison. . engiossed Bill from the Legislative Council, in- ZSZl im , An Act t( V ir vi,le m( r efl ^t"ally for the safe conveyance of! nsoners charged with Criminal Offences from the Country parts of this Province to “ the Common Gaols of the several Districts ” was an. “ cording to Order, read a second time. Resoh ed, I hat the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of five Members, to report thereon with all con* venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. r v Ordered , lhat Mr. Cote, Mr. Letourneau , Mr. Lafim- taine, Mi. Beuudouiu and Mr. Tache do compose the said Committee. M. Charles Dro'.t du Comite de toute la Chamhre sur m Cinqu.eme R.pport du Comite Permanent pour POH r , r S * a fait rapport, conformement m ’ de - s Resolutons du dit Comite, lesquelles Resolutions out ete lues nouveau a la Table du Gref. fier, ; et adoptees par la Chunbre ; et elles sont con, me 1. Resoiu Qu il d’assurer an Public la propnete du Cabinet dTlistoir, Naturelle de M Chas - seur en en fa.sant 1’acquisition, a insi que recoir.mande par le Rappoit du Canute Permanent stir I’Education et les Ecoles, soumis * cette Chambre le 22 Fevrier courant. 2. RM„, Qii’une soianie de Cent livres courant. soit accoulce a Sa Majeste, pour mettre le Greffier de eette ( hambre en etat de Wrayer les frais de mans- port du dit Mlisee, et I arrangement lies obiets qni le component dans la grande l lia fl bre au-dessus de la Chambre des seances de l’Assemblie de cetle Province. Hesoluifons re« laiives «u Mu see de |\ l | ia g* seur, rapjioii«c8. Ordonne, Que M. Iluot ait la permission d’introduire un Bill pour assurer au Public la propriety du Musee tl Histoiie Naturelle de Pierre ( hasseur II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, leqnel a el6 In pour la premiere fois; et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour demain. HiP dti Vnsee de t*. ( In la premiere fois. Conformement a I’Ordre, un Bill grossoye du Con- seil Legislatif, intitule, “ Acte qni pourvoit plus effiea- cement au transport sur des Prisonniers prevenus d’Offenses ( riminelles, des Campagnes de cette Pio- “ vince, aux Prisons Communes des differens Districts,” a ere In une seconde fois. Resoiu , Que le dit Bill soit refdd a un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rappoit avec toute la dili- gence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir per sonnes, papiers et records. Ordonne, Que M. Cute, M. J.ttoumaru, M. l.afon- taine , M. Beaudouin et M. Tache composent le dit Comite. Bill rplatif au trnns.pi.rt urrifes Pii»i nniers, |u une seconde fois. ’ubiic Accounts The ° rf!er of the (la ? for the House in Committee on nd state of the the several Reports of the Standing Committee of Pub- ’rovmce. jj c Accounts, and on the State of the Province, and other references, being read ; The Houxe accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Clapham took the Chair of the Committee ; and after soine time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Clapham reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions; and had also passed an humble Address to His Majesty, and humble Petitions to the two Houses of the Impeiial Parliament, which he was directed to submit to tile House. Ordered , That the Report be received this day in the afternoon sitting oi the House. Then, on Motion of Mr. Per vault, seconded by Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorian , The House adjourned. I/Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en c<,mi,s<„Hes Comite sur les divers Rapports du Comite Permanent Pi»- des ( omptes 1 ublics et sur i Etat de la Province, et au- ia *’ f ° vince - ties references, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formte en le dit Comite. M . Clapham a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apr£s y avoir siege quelque temps, M« L Orateura repris le Fauteuil; Et M. Clapham a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe plusieurs Resolutions; et avait au-si passe une humble Adresse a Sa Majeste, et d’hnmbles Petitions aux deux Chambres du Parlement Imperial, qu’il avait ordre de soumettre a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit regu ce jour, dans la seance de Papres-midi de la Chambre. Alors, sur Motion de M. Perrault, seconde par M Pierre Antoine D or ion, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Friday, 26lh February, 1836 .— Six o'clock P. M. On Motion of Mr. Caron , seconded by Mr. Vol.— 45 , Besserer , Resolved, Vendredi , 26 Fevrier 1836.- -dite heures, P. M. UR Motion de M. Caron, seconde par M. 6 S Besserer , Resoiu , A. 1836 . Committee on th Quebec and Montreal In- corpoiation Acts; Resolution re- ported ; Quebec In com- putation Bill reml tile first time. Elementary Education Bill passed. Coal Measure- ment Bill read the second time. I.arhine Canal Bill deferred. Re-olutions on Public Ac- count-. and an Addre-s to the K" g. and Pe- titions to the I.ord- and t om- mons on the St te of ihePro Vince, repotted. 5:0 26° Fcbruarii . Resolved, That this House do now resolve itself mto a Committee of the whole House to consider thejxpe- d'enev of amending the Act of the first yea- ot the Reign of William the Fourth, chapter fifty two, inti- tided, “ An Act to incorporate He City ol Quebec-, and, also, the Act of the same y/ar, chapter fifty tour, intituled, “ An Act to incorporate the City of Mont- (l j-qqIR The House accordingly /esolved itself into the said Committee. „ , _ . a Mr. Perrault took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; . And Mr. Perrault reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the house, and is as followeth: , . . Resolved, That it is expedient to continue and amend the Act of the first year n William the ! ouith, chapter fifty two, intituled, “ ^ Act to incorporate the City “ of Quebec-” and, a*o, the Act of the same year, chap- ter fifty four, intituled, “An Act to incorporate the “ City of Montreal** Ordered, That Mr. Caron have leave to bring in a Bill to consolidate, extend and amend the provisions of divers Acts concerning the Corporation of the City of Quebec. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a se- cond time on Tuesday next. A 11 engrossed Bill to repeal certain Acts therein men- tioned, and to provide for the further encouragement of Elementary Education in this Province, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Iluot do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. A Bill to regulate the measurement of Coal, was ac- cording to Ord^r, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bili be referred to a Commit- tee of the whole House on Monday next. Resolu, Que cette Chambre se forme nontenant en Comite de toute la Chambre, pour consider s’il se- rait expedient d’amender l’Acte de la premiere annee MomrLiV" du Regne de Guillaume Quatre, chapitre cinquante- deux, intitule, “ Acte pour incorporer la Cite de Que- “ bee," et aussi f Acte de la meme annee, chapitre cin- quante quatre, intitule, “ Acte pour incorporer la Cite “ de Montreal. " La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. r M. Perrault a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir sKge quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil; Et M. Perrault a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe une Resolution; laquelle Resolution a etc lue de nouveau a la Table du Giefiier, et adoptee par la Cham- bre; et elle est comme suit : Resolu, Qu’il est expedient de continuer et amender Resolution raP l’Acte de la premiere annee de Guillaume Quatre, cha- pitre cinquante-deux, intitule, “ Acte pour incorporer ‘‘ la Cite de Quebec," et aussi l’Acte de la meme annee, chapitre cinquante-quatre, intitule, “ Acte poui incor- “ porer la Cite de Montreal .” Ordonne , Que M. Caron ait la permission d’introduire BmdUncorpa un Bill pour refondre, en les etendant et amendant, les b ‘ HC | U | apre . dispositions de divers Actes concernant la Corporation m.ere fo, s de la Cite de Quebec. , II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a f te lu pour la premiere fois ; et dont la seconde lectui e a ete ordonnee pour Mardi prochain. Un Bill orossoy6 pour rappeler certains Actes y men- tionnes, et pour pourvoir uiierleurement A rencomage- ment de l’Education Elementaire en cette Province, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne , Que M. Huot porte le dit Bill au Conseif Legislatif, et demande son concours. Bill il’ Educa- tion ICIcmen- taire, passe. Conformement k l’Ordre, un Bill pour regler le me- suraoe du Charbon de Terre, a ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit refere a ua Comite de toute la Chambre, Lundi prochain. Bill pour le mesurage de Charbon de Terre, I11 une seconde fois. The Order of the day for the second reading of the Bill to provide for the management and care of the Lachine Canal, and to establish ceitain lates, tolls and duties to be taken thereon, being lead; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. Mr. Clapham, from the Committee of the whole House on the several Reports of the Standing ( ommit- tee of Public Accounts, and on the State of the I 10 - vince, and other references, reported, according to Order, the Resolutions of the said C ommittee ; and, also, the Address to His Majesty, and the Petition to the two Bouses of the Imperial Parliament, which Reso- lutions, Address and Petitions were again read at the Clerk’s Table ; and are as followeth : 1. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That ihis House having resolved to address His Majesty and the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the purpose of representing to them the Slate of the Province, and more particularly the opinions of the Representatives of the People on divers views and de- terminations of IBs Majesty s Ministers which have lately become known us, and to solicit the accom- plishment of the reforms v\i ich have been asked for by this House and the People, anq the lemoval of griev- ances and abuses, has determined to grant to His Ma- L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour BiiiduCanai poui voir a la regie et surveillance du Cana de I.achine, n)js< et pour etablir certains peages et droits a y etre leves, ayantetelu; . ... Ordonne, Que le dit Ordrc du jour soit remis a de- main. M. Clapham, du ComiU de toute la Chambre sur les divers Rapports du Lomite Permanent des Comptes Publics et sur 1’Etat de la Province, et autres references, a fait rapport, conformement a l’Ordre, des Resolutions du dit Comite, et aussi de l’Adresse a Sa Majeste et des Petitions aux deux Chambres du Parlement Impe- rial, lesquelles Resolutions, A dresses et Petitions out ete lues de nouveau a la I able du Oieffiei, et sont comme suit: . , 1. Resolu, Que e’est Popinion de ce Comite, Que cette Chambre ayant resolu de s’adresser a Sa Majeste et au Parlement du Royaume-Uni pour leur exposer 1’Etat de la Province, et en particulier les opinions des Representans du Peuple sur diverses vu set determina- tions des Ministres de Sa Majeste dont la connaissance nous est recemment parvenue, et pour solliciter 1 accom- plissement des reformes que cette ( hambre et le ! euple out demandees, et la reparation des griefs et abus, est decidee a accorder a Sa Majeste, eu egard aux cii con- stances de chaque demande et aux ressouices du pays, Rapport de F solutions sur Comptes Pu- blics, d’une Adresse au R et de Petitior aux Lords et aux Commui sur I’Ptat de Province. 6 Will. IV. 26° Februarii. 531 jesty the Supplies requisite for the interval between the loth January last, anil the 15th July next, regard being had to the circumstances attending each item asked for, and to the resources of (he Country. 2. Resolved, lhat it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That to ensure the effect of the Votes of this House founded on the preceding Resolution, this House will, undei existing cu cunistances, abstain from specifying in the Bill the particular Funds appropriated ; but this House declares in the most solemn manner that this A \ct on its part shall not be appealed to or invoked as a precedent in opposition to the Resolutions of this House of the 16th March, 1833, and 2 1 st February, 1834, or against the Constitutional rights of this House, and the liberties of the People of this Province. 3. Resolved, I hat it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, 1 hat a sum, not exceeding Two thousand two hun- dred and fifty pounds sterling, be granted to His Ma- jesty, to defray the Salary of the Governor in Chief, for the period commencing on the 15th January, 1836, and ending on the 15th July, 1836. 4. Resolved, 1 hat it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Two hundred and fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Saiaiy of the ( ivil Secretary for the same period. 5. Resolved, 1 hat it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Sa- lary of the Assistant Civil Secretary, for the same pe- riod. ‘ 0. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and eighty two pounds ten shillings Sterling, be granted to^His Majesty, to defray the expenses of the Assistants in the Office of the Civil Secretary, for the same period. 1 . Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty two pounds ten shillings Sterling, be granted to H s Majesty, to defray the Salary of' the Keeper of the Office of the Civil Se- cretary, for the same period. o. Resolved, t hat it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, 1 hat a sum, not exceeding Twenty two pounds ten shillings Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Messenger in the Office of the Civil Secretary, for the same period. 9. Resolved, Tiat it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty pounds ten shillings and seven pence halfpenny Sterling, be gi anted to His Majesty to defray the Salary of the extra Mes- senger in the Office of the Civil Secretary, for the same period. 10. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Two hundred pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the ex- penses of Stationery, Printing, and extra Writing in the Civil Secretary’s Office, for the same period. & l\. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty-five pounds »>t riing, be granted to His Majeoty, to defray the Al- lowance for translating Public Documents into French for the same period. ’ les Subsides necessaires pour l’epoqtmdep vier dernier jusquau 15 Juillet prochain. iiia le 15 Tan- Wi*e c est I opinion ,!e ce Comile, One pour S t «*«• Chambre sTendra \w‘i °" »V,- |* bh He, * 'a ^o^ance actuelle, ,le S pe, ifk-r ,hms le Bill des mnds particulars annmnrioe . cette Charnbre declare de la ma.n i j* ?' S tple que ret Acte de s* part ne not*, a tirer i r„ n ^ metre imoque coime precOle.t cTnt e I lions de cette Chambre do 16 Mar, lsP % ,1 i, p" viaer 1834. ou eontre les droits , on^ Chambre et hs liberies du Feuple de c„ t( . iv \‘n 3. Resolu Que e’es, I’opinion de c Rc JR'ZR Somme ri e\ cedant pas Deux milledeux cel, einoi .ante livres Sterling, soit accordee a S a Vlaieste n 1 le Salaire du Gouverneur-en-Chef. pour la pS/eX 1836 ant 6 Janvier 1886 > et finis-ant le 15 J t j|| et 4. Resolu, Que e’est lopinion de ce Comite, Qu’unt somme n excedant pas Deux cent cinquante-quatre Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majesty pour payer le Saane du Secretaire Civil, pour la meme periode. o. Resolu Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Cent livres Sterling, soit ac- P ?" ,payer le , Sa,i,l 're de i’Assiotant Sccrctaue Civil, pour la meme periode. 6. Resolu, Que e’est I’opinion de ceComitc, Qu’une somme n excedant pas C ent quatre-vingt deux lures X 8che lbngs 'Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majesty pour pajer les d, penses des Assistans dans le Buriat. du Se- critane ( ml, pom la meme periode. 7. Resolu, Que e’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu'une somme n excedant pas Vingt-deux livres dix scheilings Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Sa- aire du Gardien du Bureau du Secretaire Civil, pour la meme penode. 5. Resolu, Que e’est l opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Vingt-deux livres dix schellino-s Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Sa- lane du Messager dans le Bureau du Secre aire Civil pour la meme periode. ’ 9. Resolu, Que e’est I’opinion de ce ComiH Qu’une somme n excedant pas Vingt livres dix schellinas et sept deniers et demi Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Ma- jeste, pom- payer le Salaire du Messager extraordinaire dans le Bureau du Secretaire Civil, pour la meme ne- node. ‘ 10. Reiolu, Que e’est I’opinion de ce ComiH, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Deux cents livres Sterling, so j t accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Papeterie, les Im- pressions et Ecritures extraordmaires dans le Bureau du Secretaire Civil, pour la meme periode. 11. Resolu, Que e’est I’opinion cfe ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Vint-cinq livres Steiling, so j(- accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer pour la T aducu’on en Fran5ais de Documens Publics, pour Ja mem periode. 12. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred pounds Sterling be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Sa- lary of the Auditor of Land Patents, for the same pe- riod. 1 w lu. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That 3 sum, not exceeding One hundred and fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray om Coi r ing i ent Ex P enses oP Provincial Secretary’s Umce, for the same period. jQ 12. Resolu, Que e’est lopinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme u excedant pas Cent livres Sterling, soit ac- cord e a Sa ajeste, pour payer le Salaire de PAuditeur des Patentes pour les Terres, pour la meme periode. 13. Resolu, Que c est Popinion dece Comite, Qu'utie somme n excedant pas Cent cinquante livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les Depenses Conti ngentes du Bureau du Secretaire Provincial, pour la meme periode. .4 532 26° Februanu A. 1836. 14 Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- npi . „ slim not exceeding 1 wenty two pounds ten 'hilling* Sterling, he granted to His Majesty, to de- trav m Allowance for a Messenger for the Prouneral Secretary’s Office, lor the same period. 15. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Comm it- tec That a sum, not exceeding 1 wo hundiedant y pnrds Sterling, be granted U His Majesty, to defray the Kent of a Building used as Offices Departments of Government, for the same pei iod. i r Resolved That i- is the opinion of this Commit- tee Tl» at m, not exceeding 1 Twenty pounds Ster- f„; be o -ranted to •’ 1 " Majesty, to defray rn allowance fm-7he Keener of t]ie Building used as Offices foi the r u i Denai tm'i'fs of Government, for the same period. C 17 Resold That it is the opinion of this Commit- tJ That r sum, not exceeding Thirty seven pounds t ’ hilB'S® Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to de- fray Ve expenses of Fuel for the Public Ofhces, for the S *T$ ? Revived, That it is the opinion of this Commit- l6 e That a sum, not exceeding Five hundred pounds Sterling be granted tu His Majesty, to defray the Sa- lary ofthe Receiver General, for the same period. 19. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the allowance tor a Clerk in the Receiver General s Office, foi the s. * Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding Iwelve pounds ten shillings Sterling, be g anted to His Majesty, to defray an allowance for Contingent Expenses attending the counting and depositing money in the Vault with three Keys, for the same period. . . . 2). Resolved, That it is the opinion of this C ommit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to dehay the Salary of the Inspector General of 1 ublic i lovmcu Accounts, foi the same period. <22. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds Sterling, be ’.ranted to Ilis Majesty, to defray an allowance for a C eik in the Office of the Inspector General of Public Provincial Accounts, for the same period. 2S. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Two hundred and fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defiay the Salary ofthe Registrar and Clerk of the Executive Council, for the same period. 2k Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee" That a sum, not exceeding Twenty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray an allow- ance for Printing, Stationeiy, &c. for the Executive Council, for the s one pei iod. 25. Resoived , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, n<>t exceeding Twenty five pounds SteViinii, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Sa- lary of the Messenger and Keeper of the Apartments of the Executive Council, tor the same period. 26. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty five pounds Sterling be granted to Plis Majesty, to defray the Salary of a Doorkeeper and Office Servant for the Executive Council, for the same period. 27. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Two hundred and twenty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Clerk of the Legislative Council, for the same period. 28. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, H. Resolu, Que e’est Popinion de ce Comity Q if une somme n’excedant pas Vingt deux livres dix schellings Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour paver un Messager dens le Bureau du Secretaire Provincial, pour la meme pfriode 15. Resolu, Que e’est Popinion de re Comite, Qu ime somme n excedant pas Deux cent cinquante livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majest< , pour payer le 1 oyer de la Maison employee pour les Bureaux des Departe- mens du Gouvernement Civil, pour la meme periode. 16 Resolu, Que e’tst Popinion de cc Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Vingt livres Sterling, soit ae- coidee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Gardieti de la Mai- son employee pour les Bureaux des Depaitemens du Gouvernement Civil, pour la meme peiiode. ^ 17. Resolu, Que e’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Trente-sept livres dix schellings Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Bois de chauffage pour les Bureaux Publics, pour la meme periode. . , , 18. Resolu, Que e’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n excedant pas Cinq cents livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaiie du Rece- veur-General, pour la meme peiiode. 19 Re so u, Que e'est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cinquante livres Sidling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer un Cominis dans le Bureau du Rcceveur General, pom la meme peiiode. 2(2 Resolu, Que e’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Douze livres dix schellings Ster- ling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, i om payer les Prais Contingens iiu comptage et du depot des Aigens dans la Voute a trois Cles, pour la meme peiiode. 21. Resolu, Que e’est Popinion dece Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas ( cut cinquante lures Steiling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer leSalaire de l In- specteur-General des Comptes Publics Provinciaux, pour la meme periode. 22. Resolu, Que e’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Cinquante livres Sterling, soit accordee aSa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire d’un Corn- mis dans le Bureau de I Insjrecteur-General des Comptes Publics Provinciaux, pour la meme periode. 23. Resolu, Que e’est 1 opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Deux cent cinquante livres Ster- ling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Registraire et Greffier du Conseii Executif, pour la meme periode 24 Resolu, Que e'est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Vingt-cinq livies Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste pour payer les Impressions, Pa- pete! ie, etc., du Conseii Executif, poui la im me periode. 25. Resolu , Que e’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qn’une somme n’excedant pas A ingt-cinq livres Steiling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaiie du Mes- sager et Gardien des Appartemens du Conseii Execu- tif, pour la meme periode. 26. Resolu, Que e’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Vingt-cinq livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Portier et Domestique dans le Bureau du Corned Executif, pour la meme peiiode. 27. Resolu, Que e’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Deux cent vingt-cinq livres Ster- ling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Greffier du Conseii Legislatif, pour la meme peiiode 28. Resolu , Que e’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme 6 Will. IV. Februarii. 533 tee. That a sum, not exceeding: One hundred and eighty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Assistant Clerk of the Legislative Council for the same period. 29« Resolved, lliat it is the opinion of this Commit* tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and twelve pounds ten shillings Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Writing Clerk As- sistant and Fiench Iranslator of the Legislative Coun- cil, for the same period. 30. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Sixty seven pounds ten shillings Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to de- fray the Salary of the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod of the Legislative Council, for the same period. ol. Resolved, lliat it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Forty five pounds Ster- ling, be granted to His Majesty, to' defray the Salary of the Serjeant at Arms of the Legislative Council, for the same period. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- .That a sum » not exceeding Sixteen pounds four shillings Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of a Messenger for the Legislative Council, for the same period. S3. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Twelve pounds ten shillings Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Doorkeeper of the Legislative Coun- cil, for the same period. 34. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty four pounds fif- teen shillings Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Keeper of the Apartments of the Legislative Council, for the same period. So. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Sterling, be granted fo His i lajesty, to defray the Contingent Expenses of the Le- gislative Council, for the same period. 36. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Four hundred and fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Speaker of the House of Assembly, for the same period. J 37. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Two hundred and twenty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defiay tne Salary or the Clerk of the Mouse of As- sembly, for the same period. 38. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and eighty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Assistant Clerk of the House of As- sembly, for the same period. S9. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, l liat a sum, not exceeding Ninety pounds Ster- hng, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the English Iranslator of the House of Assembly, for the same period. J 10; Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, lhatasum, not exceeding Ninety pounds Ster- hng be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Trench Translator of the House of Assembly for the same period. J Resolved, I hat it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, lhat a sum, not exceeding Ninety pounds Ster- ling be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Law Clerk of the House of Assembly, for the same period. Vol — 15. 4 ' 2 ' somme n excedant pas Cent quatre-vingts livres Ster ling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le SalairJ de l’ Assistant Greffier du Conseil Legislate, pour la meme periode. 29. Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Cent douze livres dix schellings Sherhtig, soit accordee k Sa Majeste, pour payer le Sa- Jaire du Clerc Ecrivain Assistant et Traducteur Fran- ?ais du Conseil Legislatif, pour la mc l me periode. 30 . Resolu, Que c’est fopinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Soixante-et-sept livres dix schel- ings Sterling soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Gentilhomme Huissier de la Ver^e Noire uu Conseil Legislatif, pour la m&me periode. 31. Resolu, Que c’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Quarante-cinq livres Sterling soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Serge nt d Amies du Conseil Legislatif, pour la meme periode. 32. Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Seize livres quatre scheilino-s Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour paver le Sa- laire d un Messager dans le Conseil Legislatif, pour la meme periode. 1 3 j. Resolu, Que c’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Douze livres dix schellings Ster- ling, soit accordee a Sa Majesty pour payer le & Salaire du Portier du Conseil Legislatif, pour la meme periode. 31 . RSsolu, Que c’est fopinion dece Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Vingt-quatre livres quinze schel- ings Sterling soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer Je Salaire du Gardien des Appartemens du Conseil Le- gislatif, pour la meme periode, 35 . Resolu, Que c’est I’opinion dece Comit6, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Miile troiscent cinquante livres . telling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les Depenses Contingentes du Conseil Legislatif; pour la meme periode. 1 33 . Resolu, Que c’est fopinion dece Comite, Qu’une somme nexcedant pas Quatre cent cinquante livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Sa- laire de 1 Orateur de la Chambre d’Assemblee, pour la meme periode. 37. Resolu, Que c’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Deux cent vingt-cinq livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Sa- • aire du Greffier de la Chambre d’Assemblee, pour la meme periode. l J8. Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite y Qu’une somme nexcedant pas Cent quatre-vingts livres Ster- ling smt accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire , te 1 Assistant-Greffier de la Chambre d’Assemblee, pout- la meme penode. 1 39 . Resolu, Que c’est fopinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Quatre-vingt-dix livres Sterling soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire cfu 1 raducteur Anglais de la Chambre d’Assemblee, pour la meme penode. 1 40 Resolu, Qwe c’est l’opinion de ce ComiH, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Quatre-vingt-dix livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Traducteur pIriode S C C a ^ lam ^ re d’Assemblee, pour la meme 41. Resolu, Que c’est fopinion dece Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Quatre-vingt-dix livres Ster- ling^soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Greffier en Lot de la Chambre d’Assemblee, pour la meme pQ-iode. 1 6 T «• A . 1836 * 534 26° Februarii . aq Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding Forty five pounds Ster- in ; be 'ranted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of The Serjeant at Arms of the House of Assembly, for th< 43 ^Re^olved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds Steihng, be wanted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Cl e *rk of the Crown in Chancery, for the same penod. 44. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Four thousand live hun- dred pounds Sterling, be granted to Hts Majesty to defray the Contingent Expenses of the House of As sembly, for the same period. . 45. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit tee, That a sum, not exceeding Seven bundled and fi pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to del y the Salary of the Chief Justice of the Province, foi . e Sa 4R ,t!w That it is the opinion of this Commit, tee, That a sum, not exceeding Five hundred an fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to Hts Majesty, o defray the Salary of the Chief Justice oi Montreal, foi th That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding hour hundred and fi ty pounds Sterling, be granted to His M ajesiy, to- de dray the Salary of the first Puisne Judge foi the Distuct o* Quebec, for the same peiiod, . . „ . . „ • 48. Resolved, That it is the opinion oi this Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding Four bundled and fi ty nonnds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defiay Z SaLry of the second Puisne Judge for the D.stnct of Quebec, for the same period. _ _ . 49 . Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding x hree bundled and fifty Dounds sixteen shillings and one penny Sterling, be "ranted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the third PMsne Judge for the District of Quebec, from the 24th February to the 15th July, 1880. . 50 Pesolved, That it is the opinion of th.s Commit- , Tint a sum not exceeding hour hundred and fi.ty noTdtsterhng; be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the first Puisne Judge of the Custiict of Montreat , for the period commencing on the 15th Janu- arv 1836, and ending on the 15th July, JSSo. a y 5 ’i. Resolved , That it is the opinion cf his Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding Four bundled and fifty *inrk Sterlin" be granted to His Majesty, to defiay fhe SaW of Se second Puisnf Judge of the District o {Montreal, for the same period. _ . 5> Resolved , That it is the opinion of tins Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding hour hundred and fifty wounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Provincial Resident Judge at Three Rivers, for the same period. . . 53 Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Comnn - tee That a sum, not exceeding Five hunarea pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Sa- la ry 0 f°two Provincial Judges, for the same period. L Resolved, That it is the opinion of this vomrait- tee That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and eighty •even pounds ten shillings Sterling, be granted to bis Maiestv to defray an allowance for nineteen Circuits " Xf including four for Gaspc, for the same pe- U °55. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Attorney General, foi the same riod. 42. Resolu, Que c’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Quarante-cinq livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majesty, pour payer le Salaire du Sergent d’Armes de la Chambre d’ Assemble©, pour ia me me periode. . 43. Resolu, Que c’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Cinquante livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Gref- fier de la Couronne en Chancellerie, pour ia meme pe- riode. _ . , 44. Resolu , Que c’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Quatre mille cinq cents iivies Sterling soit accordee a Sa Majeste, poui defiayei les Depenses Contingentes de la Chambie d Asscmblee, pour la meme pHiode. . . ^ , 45. Resolu , Quec'est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Sept cent cinquante livres Ster- ling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Juge-en-Chef de la Province, pour la meme penode. 46. Resolu , Que c’est l’opinion de ce ComitQ Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cinq cent cinquante livres Ster- ling, soil accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Juge-en-Chef de Montreal, pour la meme penode. 47. Resolu, Que c’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Quatre cent cinquante livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Sa-^ laire du premier Juge Puisne pour le District de Que- bec, pour la meme periode. . , , 48. Resolu, Que c’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Quatre cent cinquante Iivies Sterling soit accordee a Sa Majesty pour payer le Sa- laire du second Juge Puisne pour le District de Quebec, pour la meme periode. . , . 49 Resolu, Que c’est Popinion de ce Count e, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Trois cent cinquante livres seize schel lings et un denier Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Ma- ieste pour payer le Salaire du troisieme Juge 1 uisne pour le District de Quebec , depuis le24 Fevrier jusrqu’au 15 Juillet 1836. , . . ~ , 50 Resolu, Que c’est '.opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Quatre cent cinquante livres Steriin", soit accordee a Sa Majeste, poui payei le Sa- laire du premier juge Puisne du District de Montreal, depuis le S5 Janvier 1836, iusqu au 15 juillet lb ;6. 51 Resolu, Que c’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Quatre cent cinquante livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Sa- laire du second Juge Puisne du District de Montreal, pour la meme periode. 50 Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Quatre cent cinquante livres Sterling soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Sa- laire du Juge Provincial Resident des Trots- Rivieres, pour la meme periode. . , _ ~ , 53. Resolu, Que c'est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Cinq cents livres Sterling, soit accordee fi Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire de deux Juo’es Provinciaux, pour la meme periode. . , , 54 Resolu Cue c’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu nne somme ‘ pas Cent quatre-vingt-sept livres dix schellings Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, poui payer l’allouance pour dix-neuf Circuits du.rant 1 1 annee, y inclus quatre pour Gaspe, pour la meme penode. 55. Resolu, Que c’est Popinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Cent cinquante livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majesty pour payer le Salaire du Procureur General, pour la meme pciioic. 5b, 6 Will. IV, 26° t'ebruarii , 535 56. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred pounds Sterling, be granted to Ilis Majesty, to defray the Sa- lary of the Solicitor General, for the same period. 57. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Sheriff of the District of Quebec, for the same period. 58. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Sheriff of the District of Montreal, for the same period. 59- Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Thirty seven pounds ten shillings Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to de- fray the Salary of the Sheriff of the District of Three Rivers, for the same period. 60. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Thirty five pounds Ster- ling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Sheriff of the District of Gaspe, for the same period. 61. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Sa- lary of the Sheriff of the District of St. Francis , for the same period. 62. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Forty pounds ten shil- lings Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Allowance to the Sheriffs of Quebec, Montreal and Three Rivers, for Executioners, at the rate of Twenty seven pounds Sterling each, per annum, for the same period. 63. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Allowance to the Sheriff of Gaspe, for Travelling Expenses, for the same period. 64. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Coroner of Quebec, for the same period. 65. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Coroner of Montreal, for the same period. 66. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Sa- lary of the Coroner of Three Rivers, for the same period. 67. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Sala- ry of the Coroner of Gaspe, for the same period. 68. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, that a sum, not exceeding Thirty pounds Sterling be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Clerk of the Court and Clerk of the Peace at Gaspe, and Allowance for Travelling Expenses, for the same period. 69. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salaries of the v lerks of the Crown at Quebec, Montreal and Three Rivers, for the same period. 70. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, net exceeding Three pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Allowance to the Clerk of the Court of Appeals for Stationary for the Court, for the same period. 56. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comity, Qu’une somme n’exct'dant pas Cent livres Sterl ng, soil accor- dee a Sa Majestee, pour payer le Salaire du Soli ici t eur- General pour la meme periode. 57. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cinquante livres Sterling, soil accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaiie du Sherif du District de Quebec, pour la meme periode. 58. Resolu, Que e’est I'opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cinquante livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majesty, pour payer le Salaire du Sherif du District de Montreal, pour la mfme periode, 59. Resolu, Que e’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Trente-sept livres dix schellings Sterling, soil accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Sa- laire du Sherif du District des Trois-Rivieres, pour la meme periode. 60. Resolu , Que e’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Trente-cinq livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Sherif du District de Gaspe, pour la meme periode. 61. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Vingt-cinq livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Sherif du District de St. Frangois, pour la meme periode. 62. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pis Quarante livres dix schellings Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer 1’allou- ance accordee aux Sherifs de Quebec, de Montreal et des Trois-Rivieres, pour des Executeurs de Haute Jus- tice, a raison de Vingt-sept livres Sterling chacun, pour la meme periode. 63. Resolu, Que e’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cinq livres Sterling, soit accor- ds a Sa Majeste, pour payer l’allouance accordee au Sherif de Gaspe, pour frais de voyage, pour la meme periode. 6f. Resolu, Que e’est I’opinion de ce ComitQ Qifune somrne nexcedant pas Cinquante livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Coro- naire de Quebec, pour la meme periode. 65. Resolu, Que e’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cinquante livres Sterlino-, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Coro- naire de Montreal, pour la meme periode. 66. Resolu, Que e’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme nexcedant pas Vingt-cinq livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Coro- naire des Trois-Rivieres , pour la meme periode. 67. Resolu, Que e'est i'opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Vingt-cinq livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Coro- naire de Gaspe, pourla meme periode. 68. Resolu, Que e'est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Trente livres Sterling, soit ac- cordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Greffier de la Cour et Greffier de la Paix a Gaspe, et l’allouance pour frais de voyage, pour la meme periode. 69. Resolu, Que e'est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu'une somme n excedant pas Cinquante livies Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire des Gref- fiers de la Couronne a Quebec, a Montreal et aux Trois- Rivieres, pour la meme periode. 70. Resolu, Que e'est I’opinion de ce Comiffi, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Trois livies Sterling, soit accor- dee a Sa Majeste, pour payer l’allouance au Greffier de la Cour d’Appel, pour papeterie pour la Cour, pout- la meme periode. 71 . 71. A. 1836 . i36 26 ° Februnrii. 71. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee. That a sum, not exceeding Thirteen pounds ten shillings Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Usher of the Court of Appeals, foi the S U ?I. ^Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding Twenty pounds Mer- ]j n That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, penses Contingentes du Sherif du District de Montreal , v compris le paiement des Temoins necessiteux de la 'Couronne, pour la merae periode. 100 Resolu, Que e’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une so mine n’excedant pas Trois cent vingt-cinq hvres Ster- 1 in cr, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les De- fenses Contingentes du Sherif du District des Trois- Rivieres , y compris le paiement des Temoins necessi- teux de la Couronne, pour la meme periode. 101. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Soixante-et-quinze livres Ster- ling soit accords a Sa Majesty pour payer les De- penses Contingentes du Sherif de Gaspe, y compris le paiement des ^Temoins necessiteux de la Couronne, pour la meme periode. . , 102. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’exc^dant pas Soixante livres Sterling, soit ac- cord^ a Sa Majesty pour paver les Depenses Contin- gentes du Sherif de St. Frangois, y compris le paiement des Temoins necessiteux de la Couronne, pour la meme periode. . . . ~ , 103. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Connie, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Cent soixante-et-quinze livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les Depenses Contingentes du Coronaire du District de Quebec, pour la meme periode. . , 104 Resolu, Que e’est I’opinion ae ce Comite, Qu une somme n’exc6dant pas Quatre-vingt-cinq livres Ster- ling soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les Dis- penses Contingentes du Coronaire de Montreal, pour la meme periode. _ . , , 105. Resolu , Que e'est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’exc£dant pas Trente-sept livres dix schellings Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les Depenses Contingentes du Coronaire des Trois-Ri- vieres, pour la meme periode. , 106. Resolu, Que e'est 1’opinioa de ceComite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Cinq livres Sterling, soit accor- d6e a Sa Majeste, pour payer les Depenses Contingentes du Coronaire de Gaspe, pour la meme peiiode. 107. Resolu , Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Quarante-cinq livies Steiling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les Depenses Contingentes du Greffier de la Couronne a Quebec, pour la meme periode. . , 108. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Q 11 une somme n’excedant pas Soixante livres Sterling, soit ac- cordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les Depenses Contm- o-entes du Greffier de la Couronne a Montreal, pour la meme periode. , . , , 109. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Connte, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Vingt-deux livies dix schellings Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payei les Depenses Contingentes du Greffier de la Couronne aux Trois- Rivieres, pour la meme periode. 110. Resolu, Que e’est fopinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Cent quatre-vingt-dix livres Ster- ling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les De- penses Contingentes des Protonotanes de Quebec, pour la meme pffiiode. / 111. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Deux cent vingt-cinq livres Stei- ling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payei les De- penses Contingentes des Protonotaires de Montreal , pour la meme periode. , 112. Resolu, Que e'est l’opinion de ce Comitt', Qu une somme n’excedant pas Cinquante livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les Depenses Con- tingentes du Protonotaire des 2 rois- Rivieres, pom la meme periode. . . , , 1 13. Resolu, Que e’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme 6 Will. IV. 26* Februarii \ ssy tee, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Con- tingent Bills of the Prothonotary at St. Francis, for the same period. li t. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit^ tee, That a sum, not exceeding Two hundred pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Con- tingent Bills of the Clerks of the Peace at Quebec, and for Police purposes, for the same period. 115. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Contingent Bills of the Clerks of the Peace at Mont- real, and for Police purposes, for the same period. 116. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Con- tingent Bills of the Clerks of the Peace at Three Rivers, and for Police purposes, for the same period. 117. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds Sterling be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Contingent Bills of the Clerk of the Court and Clerk of the Peace at Gaspe, and for Police purposes, for the same period. 1 18. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Con- tingent Bills of the Clerk of the Court and Clerk of the Peace at St. Francis, and for Police purposes, for the same period. 119* Resolved, That it is the opinion of tbis Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and twen- ty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the expenses of services of Subpoenas and the care of Crown Witnesses for the Criminal Terms at Montreal, for the same period. 120. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds Sterling be gi anted to His Majesty, to defray the expenses of services of Subpoenas and the care of Crown Witnesses for the Criminal Terms at Quebec, for the same period. 121. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Thirty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the expenses of services of Subpoenas and the care of Crown Witnesses for the Criminal Terms at Three Rivers, for the same period. 122. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and twen- ty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Pension of Mrs. Dunn, for the same period. 123. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Seventy five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Pen- sion of Mrs. Baby, for the same period. 124. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Pension of H. TV. Ryland, for the same period. 125. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Pen- sion of Mrs. Elmsley , for the same period. 126. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, I hat a sum, not exceeding Twenty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Pen- sion of Mrs. Lemaitre, for the sameperiod. 127. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Ten pounds sixteen shillings somme n’excfdant pas Vingt-cinq livres Sterling soit accordee Sa Majesty pour payer les Depenses Con - tingentes du Protonotaire de St. Francois, pour la meme periode. 114. Resolu, Que c’est 1’opinion de ce Comity Qu’une somme n excedant pas Deux cents livres Sterling, soit accordee h Sa Majeste, pour payer les Dispenses Con- tingentes des Greffiers de la Paix a Quebec, et pour des objets de Police, pour la m6me periode. 1 15. Resolu , Que c’est 1’opinion de ce Comit6, Qu’une somme n’exc^dant pas Cent cinquante livres Sterling soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les Depenses Contingentes des Greffiers de la Paix a Montreal et pour des objets de Police, pour la meme periode. 116. Resolu, Que c’est 1’opinion deee Comity Qu’une somme n excedant pas Cent livres Sterling, soit accor- dee a Sa Majesty pour payer les Depenses Contingentes des Greffiers de la Paix aux Trois- Rivieres, et pour des objets de Police, pour la meme periode. 117- Resolu, Que c’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cinquante livres Sterling soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les Depenses°’con- tingentes du Greffier de la Cour et Greffier de la Paix o. Gaspe, et pour des objets de Police, pour la meme periode. r 118. Resolu, Que c’est 1’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Vingt-cinq livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les Depenses Con- tingentes du Greffier de la Cour et Greffier de la Paix a St. Francois, et pour des objets de Police, pour la meme periode. 1 ] 9* Resolu, Que c est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cent vingt-cinq livres Sterling soit accordee a Sa Majesty, pour payer les frais de ser- vice de Subpoena et la garde des Temoins de la Cou- ronne pour les Fermes de la Cour Crimir.elle a Mont- real, pour la meme periode. 120. Resolu, Que c’est 1’opinion de ce Comity Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cinquante livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majesty pour payer les frais de service de Subpoena et la garde des Temoins de la Couronne pour les Termes de la Cour Criminelle a Quebec, pour la meme periode. ’ 1 121. Resolu, Que c’est I’opinion dc ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Trente livres Sterling, soit ac- cordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les frais de 'service de Subpoena et la garde des Temoins de la Couronne pour les Termes de la Cour Criminelle aux Trois- Rivieres, pour la meme periode. 122. Resolu, Que c’est 1’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cent vingt cinq livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Pension de Mme Dunn, pour la m£me periode. 123. Resolu, Que c’est 1’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somrne n’excedant pas Soixante-et-quinze livres Ster- ling, soit accordee A Sa Majeste, pour payer la Pension de Mme Baby, pour la meme periode. 124. Resolu, Que c’est 1’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cent cinquante livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Pension de H.-TV. Ryland, pour la meme periode. 125. Resolu, Que c’est 1’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Cent livres Sterling, soit accor- d^e a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Pension de Mme Elmsley, pour la meme periode. 126. Resolu, Que c’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Vingt-cinq livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Pension de Mme Lemaitre, pour la meme periode. 127. Resolu, Que c’est 1 opinion de ce Comite, Qu’un® somme n’excedant pas Dix livres seize schelHngs Ster- ling A. 1836 * 540 26* Februarii . shillings Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray ! he Pension of Miss Be Louviere , for the same period. 12S. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tpp "That a sum, not exceeding Eighteen pounds Ster- ling be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Pension of Mrs Rottot, for the same period. ] 29 . Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Fifteen pounds Ster- ling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Pension of Henry Harwood, for the same period. 130. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Ten pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Pension of Miss Finlay, for the same period. . _ . . _ 131. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Nine pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the 1 ension of Miss McKay, for the same period. 132 . Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Nine pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the i ension of Miss Desbarats . for the same period. 133. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Six pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Pension of W ldow Sauvageau, for the same period. . 134. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this ( omm t- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Ten pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Pension of the two Misses Montizambert, at the rate of len pounds each per annum, for the same period. 135. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Fifteen pounds Ster- ling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Pension of the three Misses Launiere, at the rate of len pounds each per annum, for the same peiiod. 136. Resolved, r l hat it is the opinion of this C ommit- tee, That a sum not exceeding Two pounds ten shil- lings Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Pension of Miss Schindler, for the same period. 137. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Two hundred and twen- ty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Surveyor General, for the same Pe i38.’ Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding Ninety one pounds five shillings Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the First Clerk in the Surveyor General s Office, for the same period. . 139. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, that a sum, not exceeding Seventy five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Sala- ry of the second Clerk in the Surveyor General s Office, for the same period. . . . . _ 140 Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding Thirty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Allowance for Stationary and an Office Servant in the Surveyor Gene- ral's Office, for the same period. 141. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding Two hundred and twen- ty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salaiy of the Adjutant General of Militia, for the same period. . . 142. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and thirty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to de- fray the Salary of the Deputy Adjutant General of Mi- litia, for the same period. 143. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, ling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Pension de"bemoiselle Be Louviere, pour la meme p6riode. ^ 12S. Resolu , Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Dix-luiit livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Pension de Mme Rottot, pour la meme periode. . , , 129. Resolu, Que c’est 1 opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Quinze livres Sterling, soit ac- cordee a Sa Majesie, pour payer la Pension de Henry Harwood, pour la meme periode. . , 130. Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Dix livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Pension de Demoiselle Finlay, pour la meme pffiiode. , 131. Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Neuf livres Sterling, soit accor- dee a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Pension de Demoiselle McKay, pour la meme periode. . , , 132 Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Neuf livres Sterling, soit accor- dee a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Pension de Demoiselle Besbarats, pour la meme periode . 133. Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Six livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Pension de la Veuve Sau- vageau, pour la meme periode. . , 134. Resolu, Que c'est l’opinion de ce ( omite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Dix livres Sterling, soit accor- dee a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Pension des deux De- moiselles Montizambert, a raison de Dix livres par annee chacune, pour la meme periode. . , , 135 Resolu, Quec est I’opinion de ce Comitc, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Quinze livres Sterling, soit ac- cordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Pension des trois Demoiselles Launiere, a raison de Dix livres par an- nee chacune, pour la meme periode. 136 Resolu , Que c’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Deux livres dix schellings Ster- ling soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Pension de & Demoiselle Schindler, pour la meme perio te. ^ 137 Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu line somme n’excedant pas Deux cent vingt-cinq livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Sa- laire de 1’ Arpenteur-General, pour la meme peiiode. 138. Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Quatre-vingt-onze livres cinq schellings Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le” Salaire du Premier Clerc dans le Bureau de 1’ Arpenteur-General, pour la meme peiiode. 139 Resolu , Que c’est fopinion dece Comite, Qu'une somme n’excedant pas Soixante-et-quinze livies Ster- ling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Second Clerc dans le Bureau de 1’Arpenteur-Gene- ral, pour la meme periode. . , , 140. Resolu , Que c'est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Trente livres Sterling, soit ac- cordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer I’allouance pour Pa- peterie et Domestique pour le Bureau de 1 Arpenteur- General, pour la meme periode. , 141 Resolu, Que c’est fopinion de ce Comity, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Deux cent vingt-cinq livies Sta- ling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire de i Adjudant-Gfneral des Milices, pour la meme pe- riode. . , ~ , 142. Resolu, Que c’est fopinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Cent trente-cinq livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payei le Sa aire^ u Depute Adjudant-General des Milices, pour la meme pedode. 143. Resolu , Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme 6 Will. IV. 26 ° Februarii. tee, That a sum, not exceeding Sixty one pounds eleven shillings and ten pence half-penny Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of a Clerk in the Office of the Adjutant General of Militia, for the same period. 14i. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Thirty pounds two shil- lings and three pence sterling, be granted to His Ma- jesty, to defray the Salary of a Messenger in the Office of the Adjutant General of Militia, for the same period. 145. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Con- tingent Expenses of Stationary and Printing of the Mi- litia Staff, for the same period. 14fi. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Seventy five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Grand Voyer of the District of Quebec, for the same period. 147. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Ninety pounds Sterling be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Piovincial Aide-de-Camp, for the same period. " 148. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Seventy five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Grand Voyer for the District of Montreal , for the same period. 149. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Forty five pounds Ster- hng be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Grand Voyer for the District of Three Rivers, for the same period. 150. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty five pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Surveyor of Highways at Gaspe, for the same period. 151. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Five hundred pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Ex- penses of Printing the Laws, for the same period. 152. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Five hundred pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Ex- penses of repairs, alterations and care of Public Build- ings, and keeping up winter Roads, for the same period. 153. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit! tee, That a sum, not exceeding Forty five pounds Ster- ling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Clerk of the Terrars of the King's Domain for the same period. 154. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and fifty pounds Sterling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Commission to the Inspector General of the King’s Domain, on the amount of Quints and Lods et Rentes for the same period. * 155. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Fifty pounds Sterling be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Master of the Grammar School at Quebec , for the same period, provided that he teaches gratuitously twenty children belonging to destitute parents. 153. Resolved, 1 hat it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Forty five pounds Ster- ling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Allow- ance for the Rent of a House tor the Grammar School at Quebec, for the same period. 541 somme n’excedant pas Soixante-et*une livres onze schel- ings et dix deniers et demi Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire d’un Commis dans !e Bureau de 1 Adjudant-General des Milices, pour la m6me pdriode. 1 144. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comity Qu’une somme n excedant pas Trente livres deux schellings et trois deniers Sterling, soit accordee k Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire d un Messager dansle Bureau de l’Ad- judant-G^neral des Milices, pour la meme periode. 14o. Resolu , Que c est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme^ n excedant pas Cent livres Sterling, soit accor- tiee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les Depenses Contin- gentes pour I apeterie et Impressions de l’Etat-Major, pour la m£me periode. ^ * 146. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comity Qu’une somme n excedant pas So.xante-et-quinze livres Ster- ing.smt accordee h Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire periode nd ’ V ° Jer ^ DlStnCt ^ P ° Ur ,a m ^ me 147. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comity Qu’une somme n excedant pas Quatre-vingt-dix livres Sterling, soit accordee k Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire de A 1 1 ,o e - d "- CampProvincia1 ’ P our ,a m eme periode. 148. Resolu, Que e'est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Soixante-et-quinze livres Ster- ling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Grand-Voyer du District de Montreal, pour I a meme periode. 1 149. Resolu, Que e'est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu'uue somme n excedant pas Quarante-cinq livres Sterling soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Grand-Voyer du District des Ttois-Rivifres, pour la meme periode. 1 150. Resolu , Que e’est l'opinion dece Comity Qu’une somme n excedant pas Vingt-cinq livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire de ITn- pSde F deS ° randS Chemins a Gas Pe> P our Ia meme 151. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant. pas Cinq cents livres Sterling, soit accord^ a Sa Majeste, pour payer les frais d’WesI sion des Lois, pour Ia meme periode. 1 152. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme nWdant pas Cinq cents livres Sterling soh accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer les frais de ilpara- tions, changemens et soin des Edifices publics et l’on ‘ref en des Chemins d'hiver, pour la meme periode. 1 53. Resolu, Que c est l’opinion de ce Comity Qu’une somme n excedant pas Quarante-cinq livres Sterling A . Sa , r Ma j est ^ P our payer le Salaire du Greffier du Papier- Terrier des Domaines du Roi, pour la m6me periode. * ^ 154. Resolu , Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comity Qu’une somme n excedant pas Cent cinquante livres Sterling soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer la Commission de 1 Inspecteur-G^neral des Domaines sur le montant des Quints et Lods et Ventes, pour la meme periode. 155. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Cinquante livres Sterling, soit accoi dee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Maitre de 1 Ecole de Grammaire a Quebec, pour la meme pe- node, pourvu qu'il enseigne gratuitement a vingt en- ians appartenans A des parens pauvres. 156. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Quarante-cinq livres Sterling soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Loyer d’une Maison pour 1’EcoIe de Grammaire, pour la meme pe- riode. v 6 X Vol. — 45. 157 . 157. 5¥2 26 0 Februariu Jl. 1886 . 157. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- t Tint i sum not exceeding Fifty pounds Steiing, be Janted to Sis Majesty, to defray the Salary of the Master of the Grammar School at Montreal, fo> the same period, prov.ded that he teaches gratuitously twenty children belonging to destitute patents. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding Twenty seven pounds Sterling be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Al- lowance lor House Rent for the Grammar School at Montreal , for the same period. . . . . n . 159. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Eighteen pounds ter- ling, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Allow- ance for a Clerk and Contingencies for the Royal In- stitution, for the same period. _ ICO. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Seventy one pounds fifteen shillings and ten pence Currency, be granted to Mis Majesty, to pay Joseph Ouellet, for services pei- formed by him in taking the Census for the County o Rl \Q\ k Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Thirty two pounds five shillings Currency, be granted to IIis Majesty, to pay Andre Jobin , the amount of his expenses as Commis- sioner to take Evidence on the contested Election ot Olivier Berthelet, Esquire. . . P 162 Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Thirty two pounds five shillings Currency, be granted to His Majesty, to pay Guillaume Deschambault , the amount of Ins expenses as Commissioner t<> take Evidence on the contested Elec- tion of Olivier Berthelet, Esquire. . 163. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Twenty seven pounds nine shillings Currency, be granted to His Majesty, to pay Pierre Augustin IVeilbrenner , the amount of his expenses as Clerk to the Commissioners appointed to take Evidence on the contested Election of Olivier Berthelet. Esquire. . , „ . . r , • , 1 04. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding Fifteen pounds sixteen shillings and seven pence Currency, be granted to I is Maiesty, to pay Pierre De Rocheblave, Esquire, the amount of his expenses as Commissioner to take Evi- dence on the contested Election of Ralph Taylor, Es- quire. 157 Resolu, Quec’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’exc6dant pas Cinquante livres Sterling, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Salaire du Maitre de l’Ecole de Grammaire a Montreal, pour la meme periode, pourvu qu’il enseigne gratuitement a vingt enfans appartenans a des parens pauvres. 158. Resolu , Que c’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Vingt-sept livres Sterling, soit accords a Sa Majeste, pour payer le Loyer d’une Mai- son pour l’Ecole de Grammaire a Montreal , pour la meme periode. 159. Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas F)ix liuit livies Sterling, soit ac- cordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer 1’allouance pour un Commis et pour Contingences, pour I’Institution Roy- ale, pour la meme periode. 160. Resolu , Que c’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme nexcedant pas Soixante-et-onze livres quinze schellino-s et dix deniers Courant, soit accordee a Sa Majestet pour payer a Joseph Outlet, pour services par lui rendus en prenant le Recensement du Comte de R into us hi. . , 161. Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Trente-deux livres cinq sehel- lings Courant, soit accordee a 8a Majeste, pour payer a ’Andre Jobin le montant de ses debuurses comme Commissaire pour prendre 1 Enquete sui l Election contestee d’ Olivier Berthelet, Ecuyer. 162 Resolu, Que c’est lopinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n exce dant pas Trente-deux livies cinq schei- lings Courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer a Guillaume Deschambault le montant de ses debourses comme Commissaire pour prendre I’Enquete sur l’Elec- tion contestee d Olivier Berthelet, Ecuyer. 163. Resolu, Que c'esl lopinion de ce Comite, Qu'une somme n’excedant p is Vingt-sept livres neuf schellings Courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer a Pierre- Auguste Weilbrenner, le montant de ses debour- ses comme Greffier de la Commission nommee pour prendre l’Enquete sur l’Election contestee d Olivier Betthelef, Ecuyer. . , _ , 164. Resolu, Que c’est lopinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Quinze livres seize schellings et sept deniers Courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer a Pierre De Rocheblave, Ecuyer, le montant de ses debourses comme Commissaire pour prendre 1 En- quete sur I’Election contestee de Ralph Taylor , Ecuyer. 165. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Thirteen pounds two shillings and eleven pence Currency, be granted to His Majesty, to pay Gabriel Marchand, the amount of his expenses as Commissioner to take Evidence on the contested Election of Ralph Taylor, Esquire. 166. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding Eleven pounds nine shillings and sixpence Currency, be granted to ITis Ma- iesty to pay Pierre Paul Demaray, the amount of his expenses as Clerk to the Commissioners appointed to take Evidence on the contested Election of Ralph Tay- lor, Esquire. . . . . n .. 167. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee That a sum, not exceeding Twenty one pounds eighteen shillings and eleven pence Currency, be gran- ted to His Majesty, to pay Marlin Sheppard, foi ser- vices as Interpreter to the Court of Quarter Sessions held in the Inferior District of Gaspe, between the years 1825 and 1833. 168. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That this House doth concur in that part of the First Report of the Standing Committee of Public Ac- counts, 165. Resolu, Que c’est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Treize livres deux schellings et onze deniers Courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour payer a Gabriel Marchand le montant de ses debourses comme Commissaire pour prendre l’Enquete sur 1 E- lection contestee de RalphTaylor, Ecuyer. 166. Resolu, Que e'est I’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n’excedant pas Onze livres neuf schellings et six deniers Courant, soit accoidee a Sa Majeste, poui payer a Pierre- Paul Demaray le montant de ses d£- bourses comme Greffier de la Commission nommee pour prendre l’Enquete sur I’Election contestee de Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer. . * 167. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu une somme n’excedant pas Vingt-et-une livres dix-huit schel- lings et onze deniers Courant, soit accordee a Sa Ma- jeste, pour payer a Martin Sheppard pour ses services comme Interprete de la C our de Sessions de Quaitiei tenue dans le District lnferieur de Gaspe entre les an- nees 1825 et 1833. 168. Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Que cette Chambre concomt dans cette partie du Premier Rapport du Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, qui 6 Will, IV, 26° Februarii . counts, on the Petition of Charles A. Q. p e Tonnan- cour, Esquire, Coroner of the District of St. Francis. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, lhat this Mouse doth concur in that part of the Inst Report of the Standing Committee of Public Ac counts, °n the Petition of Carey McClellan Hyndman, Cner °f H.s Majesty's Court of King’s Bench for the District or Si. Francis. ft eS fv ed u rhat J t ‘i StIle °P inion this Commit- tee, lhat this House doth concur in that part of the Report ot the Standing Committee of Public Ac- counts, on the Petition of William Arnett, Keeper of the Gaol and Court Hall at Perce. t J 7 j ' h ^\ )he u Tllat 1 it ! S the °i ,inion of this Commit- e, 1 hi at this House doth concur in that part of the irst Report of the Standing Committee of Public Ac- ° n i h ®r Pet , ltion ot Antoine Juehereau Duches- nay, b rench Translator to Government. fp ! 7 tI Re& ? hed J That lt is t,le opinion of this Commit- Fir’c r thls House doth concur in that part of the lust Report of the Standing Committee of Public Ac- counts on the Petition of Lows Beaudouin , of the Pa- n^h of St. Roch, C ounty of Lachenaie. tee 7 Th f e S°- he u Tha V t , is the °P inion of th is Commit- e, I hat this House doth concur in that part of the Pi ^t Report of ihe Standing Committee of Public Ac- of ' Mm F - De/air - at ^ vu- tee Th^htn TI>a V t , iS * he 0f>inion ofthis Coil ™it. lee, lhat this House doth concur m that part of the Iirst Re ort of the Standing Committee of Public Ac- counts, on the Petition of Alexander Thompson. tee Tha^th^H’ Th&t ' t ™ the °P inion ofthis Commit- tee I nat this House doth concur in that part of the I ist Report of the Standing Committee of Public Ac- counts, on the Petition of East ache Higue Nobert of the Pansh ofSle. Genevieve, County of Champlain. tee 7 TRu?h/^H u ,he ° pinion of,l)is c ommit- tte lhat, his House doth concur in that part of the First Report of the Standing Committee of Public Ac- counts, on the Petition of the Cure, Church Wardens and chief person s 0 f St. Louis de Lotbiniere. tee That j ti f !he °P inionof this Commit- tee, l hat tins House doth concur in that part of the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, on the Petition of John McClellan, of New Carlisle, County of Bonaventure. teJ 7 Tb^fr^H That i l the °P inion of tliis Commit- tee, l hat this House doth concur in that part of the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, on the Petition of Jean Baptiste Mvoille de Chene , of the Parish of L* Islet. 1/9. Resolved, lhat it is theopinion of this Commit tee, That tins House doth concur in that part of the Second Report of the Standing Committed of Public Carlisle } ° D ^ eUtl ° n ° f Amw Bebee ’ of Ne *> tee Vh *V 8 ^ ° pinion tpis Commit- tte lhat this House doth concur in that part of the ‘ ' cornl i report of the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, on the Petition of Edward Holland, Keeper of the ( omrnon Gaol for the District of Montreal. P tee That thUU 1 ^ f ? the °P inion ofthis Commit- tee lhat this House doth concur in that part of the Report of the Standing Committee of Public A f S M-°" l f h ® Petltlon of John Fife, Tide Surveyor of His Majesty s Customs at Quebec . ^ tpp 1 Th BeS0ived ’ That itis th e opinion ofthis Commit- tee, 1 hat a sum, not exceeding Ten pounds fifteen sibl- ings and sixpence Currency, be granted to His Males- ty, to indemnify the Commissioners for the erection of a 54J quia rapport a la Petition de Charles- A.-G I), r„„, c T6o F i;n d “ Strict &si. TrZjjr 169. Resoht , Que c est Popinion de ce Coinin'* < , Ha? , T b r da " s cette partie du IVe^? appoit du Comite Permanent des Comptes Pul, lies qui a rapport a la Petition de Carev-Mccht,,,, r r’ man, Crieur de la Cour du ljanc d u Roi T, l ,, pour le District de St. Fran S Z ' 6 Sa Ma J estd > 1/0. Resolu, Que c est Popinion de ce Cnmiio c\ cette Chambre concourt dani cetu partle du p/eSer Rapport du Comite Permanent des ComDtrs P,,i r qm a rapport a la Petition de William Arnett Lrdien de , la Pr ' s ™ , et * 'a Salle d’ Audience a Perot ceric O ue c ’est I opinion de ce Comite One cette Chambre concourt dans cette nartip ,1., p’ • Rapport du Comite Permanent des Comptes Public^ m'jT,lS 0n , “ p Pdtiti . on d ' 'Inloine-Mereau Ouches’- y fc p oteur l-ran^a,, du Gouverneraent. ^^^Bcsolu, Que c est Popinion de ce Com if 4 n cette Chambre concourt dans cette nartip p.’ 6 Rapport du Comite Permanent des Comptes PubHc^ qm a rapport a la Petition de Louis Beaudouin dels. 1 a ,°‘ sse 7? de »• R °ch, Comte de Lachenaie. * " ‘ liesolu * Q»e c’est Popinion de c e Comite Que cette Chambre concourt dans cette partie du Premier Rapport du Comit6 Permanent des Comptes Publics T^cZTnat Paiti ° n ^ J0kn - K Ddair > du tillage n }l^r\ ieS °\ U ' ^ Ue C,CSt Po P inion de ce Comite Que cette Chambre concourt dans cette partie du Pr’eS Rapport du ( omite Permanent des Comptes Publics quia rapport a la Petition d’ Alexander Thompson. ’ C Jtl n^ eS y U> Que CeSt 1,0 P inion de ce Comite, Que cette Chambre concourt dans cette partie du Premier Rapport du Co mite Permanent des Comptes Publics qui a rapport a la Petition d 'Eustache-Bfue Nober) de la Paroisse rip Rr^ 6AY » din- . " u -nusiacne- Digue A'obert 17f/ Tw A n Ut6 ' P ene ?J™ e > Comte de Champlain. . Rtsolu, Que c est Popinion de ce Comitf Que cette Chambre concourt dans cette partie du Premier llapport du Comite Permanent des Comptes Pub cs qm a rapport a la Petition du Cure, des Syndics et des Notables de St. Louis de Lotbiniere. p ^ UG C eSt |,0 P inion de ce Comite Que cette Chambre concourt dans cette nartie ( |I c’ ^ ? Rapport du Comite Permanent des Comptes Pubbcs qm a rapport a la Petition de John McClellan, de Aew- Carlisle, Comte de Bonaventure . 17S. Resolu, Que c’est Popinion de ce Cnmit4 n cette Chambre concourt daL cette partie d” L?nd Rapport du Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics qui a rapport a la Petition de Jean-Baptiste MiviUe de Chene, de la Paroisse de V Islet. ae ^ ,,e c ’ est [’opinion de ce Comit/, Que cette Chambre concourt dans cette partie du Second Rapport du Connie Permanent des Comptes Publics 2£*£ PPOrt a la Pdtition A ’^asa Bale, de New- c.JfcfjJ 1 '’ Que C ’ CSt 1 J °l )inion c,e ce Comite, Que RaLrt dnCn/q" 00 /' 11 da " S CeMe partie du Kapport du Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics qm a rapport a la Petition * Edward HotH!* Gardien de la Pnson Commune du District de Montreal, , 1 ;,/ £ ' S ? / "’ Q |,e cest [’opinion de ce Comite, Que RaDDOrt hl Z b C C °?“p rt danS Cet,e P artie do Second Rappoit du Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics qm a lapport a la Petition de John Fife, Visiteur des Douanes de Sa Majeste a Quebec. J com 82 ’ R , esolu ,’Q ae c’est Popinion dece Comite, Qu’une somme n excedant pas Dix livres quinze schellino-s et six demers Courant, soil accordee a Sa Majeste, "pour indemniser les Commissaires nomm^s pour 1’erection dbine- 26“ Felruarii. A. 1836. Address to the Kino: on the Siate of the Province. 544 a Court House and Gaol in the County of St. Hya- chit/te, so much by them advanced in erecting the said Court House and Gaol. 183. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That this House doth concur in that part of the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, on the Petition of Francois Normand and Edouard Normand. ] S4. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That this House doth concur in that part of the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, on the Petition of Toussaint Charretier , of Quebec. 185. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That a sum, not exceeding One hundred and forty three pounds eight shillings and sixpence Currency, be granted to His Majesty, to make good the expense at- tending the enquiry respecting a certain Outrage com- mitted in the County of Sherbrooke, and to defray the expenses of the medical treatment of a Peace Officer wounded while in the discharge of his duty on that occasion, and for the loss which lie will sustain trom be- ing unable to follow his usual avocations. TO THE KING’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. d’une Salle d’Audience et Prison dans le Comte de St. Hyacinthe, comme autant par eux avance dans l’erec- tion de ladite Salle d’Audience et Prison. 183. Resolu, Que c’est I opinion de ce Comite, Que cette Chambre concourt dans cette partie du Second Rapport du Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, qui a rapport a la Petition de Francois Normand et Edouard Normand 184. Resolu, Que c’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Que cette Chambre concourt dans cette partie du Second Rapport du Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, qui a rapport a la Petition de Toussaint Charretier , de Quebec. 185. Resolu, Que c’est fopinion de ce Comite, Qu’une somme n'excedant pas Cent quarante-trois livres huit schellings et six deniers Courant, soit accordee a Sa Majeste, pour faire bon des dept-nses encourues dans l’enquete concernant un certain Outrage commis dans le Comte de Sherbrooke, et pour payer les soins Me- dicaux donnes a un Officier de la Paix blessedans I’ex- ecution de son devoir en cette occasion, et pour la perte qu’il va eprouver par son ii.capacite a suivre ses affaires ordinaires. A LA TRES-EXCELLENTE MAJESTE’ DU ROI. May it please Your Majesty, We, Your Majesty’s faithful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Lower Canada, in Provincial Parliament assembled, humbly approach Your Majesty's Throne, for the purpose of expressing once more, in the name of the People we represent, our firm though respectful opinion of the necessity of the reforms we have so often prayed for in the Constitution of this Province, and of the redress of the grievances and abuses which have prevailed therein. We seize the same occasion to make known our sentiments with regard (o a portion of the recent views and determinations of Your Majesty's Go- vernment, in so far as it has been possible for us to be- come acquainted with them. We pray Your Majesty to believe in our sincerity. We desire, as the Repre- sentatives of a People who have even in time of diffi- culty shown a strong attachment to the Empire over which Your Majesty presides, not to forget the senti- ments of respect we owe to Your Majesty's sacred Person, and which Your Royal attributes require ; but at the same time it would be culpable in us to sanction by our silence, any misconception with regard to the nature of the improvement and reforms required, or to the constitutional and practical system of Government which we desire to see established in this Province, and which we believe to be equally in accordance with the true principles of the Constitution, the incontestible rights of the Inhabitants of this Province, and their na- tural and social position, and with their wishes, interests and necessities. When we solemnly repeat, that the principal object of the Political Reforms, which this House, and the People of this Province have for a great number of years used every effort to obtain, and which have frequently been detailed to Your Majesty, is to extend the elective principle to the Legislative Council, a branch of the Provincial Legislature, which by its opposition to the People, and by reason of its imperfect and vicious con- stitution, has proved insufficient to perform the func- tions for which it was originally created; to render the Executive Council directly responsible to the Repre- sentatives of the People, conformable to the principles and practice of the British Constitution, as established Qu’il plaise a Votre Majeste, Nous les fideles et loyaux Sujets de Votre Majeste, les Communes du Bas-Canada, assembles en Parhment Provincial, appi ochons humblement du Trone de Votre Majeste, pour lui exposer encore une fois, au nom du Peuple que nous representons, notre opinion ferme quoique respectueuse sur la necessite des reformes que nous avons si souvent demandees dans les institutions de cette Province, et du redressement des grief's et abus qui y out regne Nous saisissons la meme occasion pour faire connaitre nos sentimens sur quelques-unes des vues et des determinations recentes du Gouverne- ment de Votre Majeste, en autant qu’elles out pu nous etre connues. Nous prions Votre Majeste de croire a notre sincerite. Nous desirons comme Representans d’un Peuple qui a, meme dans des temps orageux, mon- tre un grand attachement pour I’Empire auquel Votre Majeste preside, ne pas nous ecarter des sentimens de respect dus a la personne sacree de Votre vtajeste, et que requffirent de nous ses royales attributions ; mais en meme temps nous serions coupables d’autoriser par notre silence aucun malentendu quant a la nature des ameliorations et des reformes requises, et quant au sys- teme constitutionnel et pratique de Gouvernement que nous voulons voir s’etablir en cette Province, et que nous croyons egalement conforme aux vrais principes de la Constitution, aux droits incontestables des Habi- tans de cette Province, a leur position physique et so- ciale, ainsi qu’a leurs voeux, a leurs inteiets et a leurs besoins. Lorsque nous repetons solennellement que l’objet principal des reformes politiques que cette Chambre et le Peuple de cette Province se sont efforces d’obtenir depuis un grand nombre d’annees, et qui ont ete sou- vent expliquees a Votre Majeste, est d’etendre le prin- cipe electif' au Conseil Legislatif, branche de la Legis- lature Provinciale qui parson opposition au Peuple, et par sa Constitution imparfiite et vicieuse, act insuffi- sante jusqu’a present pour remplir les fonctions aux- qnelles elle Gait originairement destinee ; de rendre le Conseil Executif direclement responsabie aux Repre- sentans du Peuple conformfment aux principes et a la pratique de la Constitution Britannique telle qu etablie dans Ad reuse ai sur l’Etat Provi lice. 6 Will. IV. 545 26° Februarii \ in the United Kingdom; to place under the wholesome and constitutional control of this House, the whole Public Revenue r -used in this Province, from whatever source derived; to obtain the repeal of certain Acts passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom, in which the People of this Province are not represented, with regard to the internal affairs of this Province, making its territory and best resources the subject of unfair speculation and monopoly, and which we hold to be a violation o( the rights of the Legislature and of the People of this Province; to ensure equal rights and impartial justice to all classes of the Inhabitants of this Province; to abolish sinecures and the accumulation of incompatible offices; to redress the numerous abuses which prevail in the various departments of the Public Service; to obtain for the Provincial Legislature, with re- gard to the internal affairs of the Province and more es- pecially over the management and settlement of the waste Lands thereof, for the bene fit of all classes of Your Majesty’s Subjects without distinction, that essential control, which would be the direct consequence of the principles of the Constitution ; when we say, we respect- fully repeat to Your Majesty these our demands, and de- claie our fitm intention to persevere in asking them, as being alone calculated to ensure the liberty, peace and welfare of this Piovince, and the confidence of the People in the Government, and to cement their political union with the United Empire, we can scarcely fear that we should not be understood by Your Majesty. We shall, however, add to our humble declarations, some new *acts which must tend yet more to convince \our Majesty of the justice of what we ask, and of the conectness of the view we take of the common interest of the Mother Country and of this Colony. We are bound in the first place to thank Your Ma- jesty for having recalled the He ad of the Executive Government, and for having appointed as his successor, a distinguished personage, who, independently of his qualifications as an individual, of which we have no motive for doubting, was, from his previous habits and position, more likely to comprehend our wishes and our wants. At the opening < f the present Session of the Provincial Parliament, we had to applaud the princi- ples of order and justice enounced in the Speech deli- vered from the Throne, by His Excellency the Gover- nor in Chief of this Province, on divers matters con- nected with the administration of the Government, and which might become the subject of our deliberations. In our firm hope that the efforts of Your Majesty’s Go- vernment, to do full justice to the People of this coun try. would be continued without relaxation, in a spirit of enlightened liberality, we have by our answer shewn that confidence could still exist on our part, and on that of the People, in Your Majesty’s Government. We believe so much the more firmly, that the declarations of which we have mstspoken, and the extraordinary at- tributions and circumstances which accompanied the usual powers of Your Majesty’s Representatives, were our guarantees that the essential and vital subjects which were only spoken of to us as matters for the future deliberation and decision of Your Majesty and Your Parliament, would be looked at in the same comprehen- sive spirit, and with the same views; and, above all, that the researches and determinations adapted to throw light on the solution of these weighty questions, would not be restrained by any formal refusal of the demands which were to form the matter of investiga- tion, nor by any final determination to maintain at all events, the pretensions raised from time to time on di- vers subjects of Colonial policy by Your Majesty’s res- ponsible Vol. — 45. dans le Royaume-Uni ; de placer sous le controle salu- taire et constitutionnel de cette Chambre tout le Reve- nu public prHeve en cette Province de quelque source qu’il provienne ; d’obtenir le rappel de certa ns Actes passes dans le Parlement du Royaume Uni ou le People de cette Province n’est pas represents, an sujet des af- faires interieures de cette Province, et qui en soumet- tent le territoire et les meilleures ressources au monop' >le et a l’agiotage, Actes que nous considerons etre une violation des droits de la Legislature Provinciale et de ceux du Peuple ; d assurer des droits egaux et une jus- tice ^gale a toutes les classes des habitans de cette Pro- vince ; d’abolir les sinecures et le cumul d’emplois in- compatibles ; de redresser les abus nombreux qui re- gnent dans les divers deparlemens du service public ; d obtenir pour la Legislature Provinciale, sur les af- faires interieures du Pays, en particulier sur la regie et I’etablissetnent des terres incultes d icelui pour I’avan- tagede toutes les classes des Sujets de Votre Majeste sans distinction, ce controle essentiel qui dt coule im- mediatement des principes de la Constitution ; — lorsque nous repetons ces demandes, disons-nous respectueuse- ment a Votre Majeste, et que nous nous declarons fermement disposes a y perseverer, comme etant seules de nature a assurer la liberte, la paix et le bien etre de cette Province, et la confiance du Peuple dans le Gou- vernement, et a cimenter son union politique avec I’Em- pire-Uni, nous ne pouvons qu’a peine craindre de n*£tre pas compris de Votre Majeste. Nous ajouterons ce- pendant ft nos declarations, quelques nouveaux motifs propres a convaincre davantage Votre Majeste de la rectitude de nos demandes et de celle du point de vue sous lequel nous envisageons le common intGet de la Metropole et de la Colonie. Nous devons en premier lieu remercier Votre Majeste d’avoir rappele le Chef du Gouvernement Provincial, et de iui avoir donne pour Successeur tin personnage distingue qui, independamment des qualifications indi- viduelles dont nous n’avons aucun motif de douter, etait plus a portee, par suite de ses habitudes et de sa position anterieure, de bien comprendre nos voeux et nos besoins. A I’ouverture de la presente Session du Parlement Provincial, nous avons applaudi aux prin- cipes dordre et de justice enonces dans la harangue pro- noncee du Trone par Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef de cette Province sur plusieurs sujets lies a l’Ad- ministration du Gouvernement, et qui pouvaient etre le sujet de nos deliberations. Dans notre espoir que les efforts du Gouvernement de Votre Majeste pour rendre pleine justice au Peuple de ce Pays seraient continues sans relache avec une liberalite eclairee, nous avons par notre reponse temoigne qu’il pouvait encore exister de la confiance de notre part et de celle du Peuple envers le Gouvernement de Votre Majeste. Nous I’avons cru d’autant mieux, que les declarations dont nous venons de parler, et les attributions et les circonstances peu or- dinairesqui accompagnaient les pouvoirs usuels du Re- presentant de Votre Majeste, nous etaient garans que les sujets vitaux et essentiels dont on ne nous parlait que comme devant etre matiere de deliberation et de decision ulterieure pour Votre Majeste ou pour son Parlement, seraient envisages avec la meme latitude et les memes vues, et surtout que les recherches et les de- terminations propres a eclairer la solution de ces graves questions, ne seraient limitees par aucun refus formel des demandes sur lesquelles on se proposait d’enquerir, ni par aucune determination finale de maintenir d’une maniere absolue les pretentions elevees de temps a autre sur divers sujets de politique Coloniale par les Ministres responsables de Votre Majeste, lesquelles avaient sus- cite 6 Y 546 26° Februarii . yi. 1836. ponsible Ministers, and which called forth the remon- strances of this House and the People; matters which, as Your Majesty was pleased to assure us, were to be equally the subject of research and deliberation. We thought that without bringing forward unjust and inap- plicable theories of Metropolitan domination and Colo- nial abasement, without recurring to a system proved false by memorable examples, regard would be had ex- clusively to the principles of the Constitution, the mutual interests of all parties, and the peace, welfare, rights, wishes and wants of these important portions of the British Dominions* It could therefore, only be with lively anxiety that we were brought to suppose, from the knowledge which reached us, at first indirectly, and afterwards by the official channel, of certain Extracts from a Dispatch dated the seventeenth of July, one thousand eight hun- dred and thirty five, addressed by Your Majesty’s Prin- cipal Secretary of State for the Colonies, to certain persons in Lower Canada, (unacquainted as we more over are with the tenor of the other parts of the same document, and with any subsequent instructions,) that in point of fact, the researches authorized by Your Ma- jesty, for the purpose of ascertaining the means of doing justice to Your Canadian Subjects, were on se- veral of the most essential points, limited by precon- ceived opinions and anticipated decisions in the manner herein before set forth. We are bound on this head to declare, that in the face of obstacles like these, if Your Majesty’s Government should persist in maintaining them, and without Your Royal Assent to the essential Reforms we expect, no measures of minor importance can have the effect desired ; that the delay occasioned by the investigations announced, will serve only to em- bolden the enemies of the People of this Province and of Your Majesty’s Government, in their hopes of dis- sention and violence, and that the best intentions, or even acts on the part of the Head of the Provincial Ex- ecutive, even in conjunction with the efforts of this House, and of the People, might be wrecked in con- tending against the deep rooted system of vice and abuse which has robbed Your Majesty’s Government in this Province, of all efficiency and respect, and has endangered the liberties and safety of the Inhabitants of Canada - At the head of the Reforms which we persist in con- sidering as essential, is the introduction of the principle of popular election into the Constitution of the Legis- lative Council. The People of the country, without distinction, regard this body, as at present constituted, as factiously opposed to its Institutions, its state of society, its feelings and its wants, and as having been, and as being necessarily the strong hold of oppression and abuses. They continue in like manner to believe that any partial reform which shall stop short of the introduction of the elective principle, will be altogether insufficient, and will, as leaving the inherent vice un- touched, bring back the same evils and the same col- lisions. We think, that with regard to the constantly baneful action of the Legislative Council, we have amply explained ourselves to Your Majesty, and that no other proof than the past and present acts of that body, is needed to remove all doubt as to the nature and spirit of the improvements to be introduced intoil. We look, in this respect, upon the Act of 1791, giving Legislators for life to the Canadian Provinces, at the mere pleasure of the Executive Authority, as an unfortunate experiment, followed by most unhappy consequences. We also look upon this experiment as entirely foreign to the British Constitution. We regret that in the Extracts from the Dispatches we have mentioned, an attempt is made by begging cite les reclamations de cette Chambre et du Peuple ; sujets qui ainsi que Votre Majeste voulait bien nous en assurer, devaient ctre egalement l’objet de recherches et de deliberations. Nous pensions que sans mettre en premiere ligne des theories injustes et inapplicables de domination Metropolitaine et d’abaissement Colonial, sans reveuir a un systeme reprouve par de memorables exemples, on n'aurait egard qu’aux principes dela Con- stitution, a Pinteret mutuel de toutesles parties, et ^ la paix, au bien-etre, aux droits, aux voeux et aux besoins de ces parties importantes des domaines Britanniques. Ce n’a done pu etre qu’avec de vives apprehensions, que nous avons ete portes a supposer, d’apres la con- naissance qui nous est parvenue indirectement, et en- suite par communication officielle, de certains extraits d une Diipecheen date du dix-sept Juillet mil huit-cent- trente-cinq, adressee par le principal Secretaire d’etat de Votre Majeste pour les Colonies a certaines personnes dans le Bas-Canada, ignorant d’ailleurs, comme nous faisons, la teneur des autres parties du meme Docu- ment, ainsi que des instructions posterieures, qu'en effet les recherches autorisees par Votre Majeste pour parve- nir a rendre justice a ses Sujets Canadiens, etaient sur plusieurs des points les plus essentiels limitees par des opinions p rej u cl iciel les et des decisions anticipees en la maniere que nous venons d’exposer. Nous devons a cet egard declarer qu’avec de semblables obstacles, si ie Gouvernement de Votre Majeste persistait a les main- tenir, et sans votre acquiescement Royal aux reformes essentielles que nous attendons, aucunes mesures d’im- portance mineure ne pourront avoir l’effet desire q que le delai occasionne par les Enquetes annoncees ne ser- vira qu’.i enhardir les ennemis du Peuple de cette Pro- vince etdu Gouvernement de Votre Majeste dans leur espoir de division et de violence, et que les meilleures dispositions et meme les Actes du Chef de l’Executif Provincial, joints meme aux efforts de cette Chambre et a ceux du Peuple, pourraient echouer contre le sys- teme enracine de vices et d'abus qui a enleve toute ef- ficacite et tout respect au Gouvernement de Votre Ma- jesty en cette Province, et qui a mis en danger les liber- tes et la securite des Habitans du Canada. En tete des r^formes que nous persistons a considerer comme essentielles, se trouve la necessite d’introduire le principe de l’election populaire dans la Constitution du Conseil Legislatif. Le Peuple du Pays sans dis- tinction, regarde ce corps tel qu’a present constitue comme factieusement oppose' a ses institutions, a son etat de societe, a ses sentimens et a ses besoins, et comme ayant ete et devant etre le boulevard le plus fort de l’oppression et des abus. II continue egalement de croire que toute reforme partielle qui n admettra pasle principe d’election, sera tout-a-fait insufnsante et ramcnera comme vice inherent les memes maux et les memes collisions. Nous pensons qu’au sujet de Paction constamment nuisible du Conseil Legislatif, nous nous sommes amplement expliques aupres de Votre Majeste, et qu’il n’est besoin d'aucune autre preuve que les Actes passes et presens de ce Corps pour enlever tout doute sur la nature et l’esprit des ameliorations a y in- troduce. Nous regardons a cet egard l’Acte de mil- sept-cent-quatre-vingt-onze, donnant des Legislateurs a vie aux Provinces du Canada d’apies la volonte abso- lue de l’autorite Executive, comme un essai malheu- reux et suivi des plus funestes resultats. Nous regar- dons aussi cette essai comme entierement etranger aux principes et a la pratique de la Constitution Britan- nique. Nous regrettons que dans les extraits de D£- peches 6 Will. IV. 26 ° l?ebruarii % 547 begging the question to infer an analogy which does not exist for the purpose of aggravating certain specious suppose? pa^^L^tfti Tf 10 ”"^- 00 COmmence * objections against an Elective Council We would ’ P un e petition de pnncipe, une analogic respectfully p'ray Your Majesty to rema k that th7„ 2; " ex,8te P? s > afin d’aggraver ties objections sod! fluence which prevailed in the Co° ncl o ft e p “ COntre le Conseil Electif - Nous (irons remar- at the period 'when the Act of ^91 w?! TJedZl TZnZV'T ^ ^ q"i calculated to give an undue preponderance to the aris- l’Acte lem T *** C ° n f Sei,S de !’ Em P ire a l’cpoque ou tocratic principle, while in America, the independent etait nronre' T pt ' Ceni t-quatre-vingt-onze a etc pass6, state and the progress of society renelled am, ,1 , ■ ■ 1 P 0pre a donner une indue preponderance auprin- of this nature, and demanded^hieMension of thereon- Pe ” d S' U <1U ’" n I’eta. d’i'ttd"- trary principle. We must also express our regret that b ab 11’ pr ° f greS de ? f 0c,etcs ^Poussait de sem- while Your Majesty’s Representative in this Province aire Nn • appdait 1 ex . tension du Pnncipe con- has solicited the co-operation of the two Houses of the dis one b ' Xpnm f rons . aus « notre regret que, tan- Provincial Legislature to labour at the reform of abuses Province a f S f n . tant de Votre Ma jeste, en cette and while this House is fully disposed to grant that co- de SI a' cooperation des deux Chambres operation, the constant opposition of the Legislative forme d^P h tUr ? Pn ? vincia! Ie » pour travailler A la re- Council is of a nature to prevent so imnort-int nn i v ™ ‘ ^ abuS ’ et tandis ( J ue cette Chambre est toute from being followed by any result. For ourselves 'we stant^X'co^ 0 ^! c °°P^ ration > ^opposition con- are conscious that we have ever been and are still n!>!l S • Legislatif est de nature a empecher guided in our labours by our conviction of what was ?at P? P r aUSS1 ltnportaDt ne S01t SLlivi d’aucun resul- for the greatest advantage of the Peonle and h e.r fi Pour no “ s » nous avon s la conscience d’avoir dte ted to cause Your Majesty’s Go^ C6SSe et d '* re “core guides dans nos travaux, par vince to be respected, cherished and strengthened • and" dnTv ^ U 6tre P ° l,r ,e P Ius grand avantdge firm in onr determination to pursue the reme couwe ft r ? '*1 P n S pr ° p,e a faire respecter et cherir we pray Your Majesty to believe that we shall not d!’ Tt consohder le Gouvernement de Votre Majeste en part from it. * tlWt We S,,aI1 not de * cette Prince ; et fermes dans la meme determination nous prions Votre Majeste de croire que nous ne nous in ^e-h^ pas que que.ques individus inter., to a system of ascendancy and domina f ion nretend L , a ' 1 maintien du mauvais gouvernement, et accoutu- that harmony might be established ^ ZZnZZZZ d aSCendance d ^ domination, pre- tuted authorities in this Province, by introducing in its encI ant etabln I harmome entre les autorites constitutes territorial limits, or in the representation of the Peon e t V rovince ’ en mtroduisant dans la demarcation violent changes of which the so e I 1 F ’ d , u ternt ° ire ’ ou , dans , Ia representation du Peuple. des prive a numerous portion of Your MaTes?y-, Subdil dont le but serait de priver par la of a due participation in the advantages o/the Consti p‘ CG ^ P aitie nombreuse des Sujets de Votre Majeste tution, and to establish invidious pofitical preferences [oT^d^! IT h™ avanta » es de la Constitu- as a prelude to the subversion of the institutions of the ’ ^ 1 b 11 d odleusei j preferences politiques pour Province, at the very time when You? ^Maiestv Govern *f uder * n r “versemeDt des institutions de cette Pro- ment is proclaiming principles of Ztr’e mZJ' ^ T m $ me °? ,e Gouvernement de and acknowledges the excellence of mi Tnetii ^ ot e ^ a J este P 1 oc,ame des pnncipes de justice ^gale We rely too much on the W 0 f tL Sove?JCe 7(0 ^ ? reC0 " nait de ces institutions! believe in the possibility of attempts which would des comptor.s trop sur l’honneur du Gouvernement, troy all the ties that bind the People to Great Britain nTd/i 0 " 6 & la P 088,blllt ^ de semblables combinaisons and would force them to regret their allegiance We Jl lI i dctiunment tous les liens qui umssent le peuple a cannot, however, but expresfour re "ref that ^Grande-Bretagne, et lui feraient regretter sonalle- Extracts already mentioned, as well as’in several other ^ anCe ‘ '. 0US ne pouvons cependant qu’exprimer instances, it has appeared is if the same iZoZnZ ^ d ? ns Ies extraits deja mentionnes, was attached to the calumnious representations of a nZ aTt^rbp 3 " 8 ! piU ! leur . s autres circonstances, on ait small number of individuals, supporting the abuses of L l “ ,, a meme im P or tance aux representations past Administrations, as to th e P solemn deliberations f :a,0I ! inieLIses d un P e£it nombre d’individus soutenant and unvarying opinions of the Representatives of the Z abuS , des administrations passees qu’aux delib^ra- People, who form a branch of the t P(T : s L t . , . , c tlons s °! enn elles et aux opinions constantes des Repre- no prejudice against their origin can succeed hfc^usin? ^ entans du Peup,e » tranche de la Constitution qu’au- to be regarded as less essential than the other and co & rfafr^r 6 ”^ 0 " C ° nt,e S ° n on S ,nc ne pourrait reussir ordinate branch. In this systematic n.-^tiee of f f regarder comme moms essentielle que l’autre lating a recognized authority actino- f n a rnnstitnt^ mi i bra ” che c °* 01 'donnee. Dans cette assimilation syste- capacity, to the disorderly passions which seek t^iver TT ^ reconnue et , a g issant da »s 1’oMre, throw it, the People of [his countrTmDhi ^in the end *1 d / S ™ do ™ 6es W] cherchent a le renver- see a desire to misunderstand the essence and uniiv^f Z’- ® eup e du A pourrait avoir a la longue le the popular principle acting in the Government whil5 desir d ? meconnaitre 1 essence et Punit6 du principe the aristocratic principle is upheld by attaching it ! > P p Pulau ’ e a S lssant dan s le Gouvernement, lorsqu’on the Legislative Council, as if it Le Dart of ^he^ « r ■ ?"T?? anstocra 1 ti( l ue « *e rattachant au sence of the Constitution itself. We have at hast tZ S l \ L ^ lslatlf > comme de Pessence de la Constitu- satisfaction of seeing that the n-reat bodv of tlio T ! i- tl0 . n meme. Nous avons du moins la satisfaction de tants of this Province of e^^ J 011 ’ ^ la ma «^ des habitans de cette Province de are satisfied with the share thev have in 1 / • gU1 l t0Ute C1 °y ance et de toute origine sont satisfaits de la Representation, and th^our f^low-subiec^ 00(77 ^ l ‘ u lls . on , t ^ ns Represfntation Provincial^ et numerous origin in particular acknowledge the qU T paitlcul,er n °? concitoyens de Porigine la moins of justice and brotherly love with which we hi ‘ nombreuse, reconnaissent Pesprit de justice et d’amitie deavoured to ensure to* all the Inhabitants of th 6n ‘ iraternelle avec Sequel nous avons tach6 de faire parti try, a participation in its political" and nifnni coun * ciper tous les habitans du Pays A ses ressources poli I political and natural advan. tiques et maRrielles. Nous voyons dans cette heureus, tages. reuse union 54<8 26 ° Februariu A. IS 36, union une garantie de plus pour le bon gouvernement, et un antidote contre une politique tortueuse qu’on chercherait a appuyer sur d’injustes distinctions. En admettant contre les principes et contre les fails, que le Conseil Legislatif du Bas Canada eut quelque ta 2 es. We perceive in this happy union another gua- rantee of ^ood government, and an antidote against the tortuous policy, which it is sought to support by unjust distinctions. . . . , i . Even admitting, in opposition to principles and to facts, that the Legislative Council of L^Cmada had ..... ■“.—jV c&e de* Lords, il ne s’en some analogy to the House of Lords, 1 Q uc la Constitution du d it Conseil ne dut epiouver low that the constitution of the said Council ought not pa que la Consmul m ^ [e , changemen ' t seralt to undergo a change, when such ciange lac i PV enu n^cessaire a la stability du Gouvernement et au necessary to the stability of the Government, and to 'J, le . Ainsi | es henreuses the common welfare of the Peope, since le PP> jjfj { . at ; ons dans les institutions du Royaume-Uni (|iii modifications in the Institutions of the United King- ^ 0 ? millions d homines leurs droits civile their dvl^and^political^ights/^hKh^ha^dispensed et H^ucs, ^ui met, aH'ofYo^ Sublets! What the Inhabitants of ^Tenu S=r d o d ^ nous le denLdons ,,onr nous sous d’autres cireonstances fort pen dissemb ables, et nous crovons que lorsqne nous 1 aurons obtenu la ( on- stitution n’aura rien perdu de son essence ei de son effi- cacite, et aura acquis au contraire un < lenient de force et d’action propre a tendre mieux au but de son insti- tution, le bonheur et le contentement du Peuple. Respectant comme nous faisons Lexpression de la * « . . „ nno Ido T\/l 1 _ circumstances very little dissimilar, and we believe that when we shall have obtained them, the Constitution will have lost nothing of its essence or of its efficiency, but, will, on the contrary, have acquired an element ot strength and activity, rendering it more fit to attain the object of its institution, the happiness and content- ment of the People. „ i 5S&: i.1-'*.' f- M rv“r?.::r S”, issstSssS? .r willing to admit that the question of an E ec i Conseil Legislatif Klectif fut un sujet de discus- oil ws a subject open to debate m th, Prov.nce. We Iron du Loosed Qu>il „J, soit pe r,nis depend pas jets dont il sera permis a cette Chambre et an Peuple qu elle icpic- sente, de s’occuper avc-c les formes voulues dans le hut d’ameliorer les Lois et la condition de cette Province. De cette infiaction des libertes du Sujet par un servi- teur responsable de Votre Majeste, nous osons appeler a Paulorite supreme de I’Empire, a celle de Votre Ma- jeste sitgeant dans sa haute Cour de Pailement. Nous ne di-cuterons pas les points historiqties de re- b4Tobe S p U e. J mi t ted e to represent to Your Majesty, that sion ouverte en ceUe Province Qujil nous , it is not wVhin the province of the Colonial Secretary de representer h Volte Majes te, qu 1 ne to limit the subjects which are to engage the attention d un Colomal^e^.m, ^ J of this House and the People it represents, within the required forms, with the view of improving the Laws and condition of the Province. Against this infringe- ment of the liberties of the subject, by one of the res- ponsible servants of the Crown, we dare to appeal to the supreme authority of the Empire,— to that of lour Majesty, sitting in Your High Court of Parliament. 11 and we firmly belive that those happy countries resolu le probleme, et nous cioyons eunemen q whiS these ^ questions refer, would never have at- cont. ees auxquelles ces questions se rappor- tainpd the decree of prosperity which they now enjoy, tent, n auraient jamais attemt le regie ce piospei She? unde, the old Colonial Government, or under dont elles jouissent, ni sous eurancen regime 1 olo- Svstem like that which successive Colonial Ministers nial, ni sous un systeme semblab e a celui que les Mi- - »-■»“ » sir :r 5 ™ sszs qu’il nous soit permis de passer a d autres sujets. On the subject of the Executive Council, we abstain Au sujet du Conseil Ex*ct utif nous nous ' ^stiendrons ^1^^ Nous nous'borneronslt ^r^que la reconimissance pleine l_ — nfiuoc fr\r prtnfidpnpp in Your Maiestv S be essential motives for confidence in Youi Majesty s Government. We have also asked, and now again ask, for the re- peal of certain noxious Acts, of which the People of the country have complained: we wish, among others, to mention the Act of the sixth year of our late Sove- . TT H 1 * . % TX 1 T1 . i 1 tifs essentiels de confiance dans le Gouvernement de Votre Majeste. , Nous avons aussi demande et nous demandons ne nouveau le rappel de certains Aetes nuisibles, dont e Peuple du Pays s’est plaint : nous voulons entre autres mentionner I'Acte de la sixieme annee de notre r u to mention the Act ot the sixm year oi our iaie ouve- f . * * Votre Ma- reign George the Fourth, Your Majesty’s Royal Brother, Souverain George Quatre, le royal fi ere chapter J ’ I 6 Will. IV. 26° Februani. chapter fifty nine, commonly called the “ Tenures Act " and, also, the more recent Act granting certain privi- leges to a Company of individuals residing chiefly in London, whose object is to make the Lands of this Province a subject of speculation. With regard to the former of these Acts, its nature and its effect?, our com- plaints have been so detailed, and so numerous, that we shall abstain from repeating them. We shall only add, that recent decisions of the Superior Tribunals of the country, have refused any validity to the proceed- ings of the pretended Court of Escheats established by the said Act, which has in fact merely served as a pre- text for creating several sinecures paid out of the public Revenue of this Province, and which we have not re- cogmzed and will never recognize. We pray Your Majesty, then, that being at length convinced of the baneful effects of the said Act, on the social Institu- tions of this Province, the common rights ofits Inhabi- tants, and the settlement of the waste Lands therein without its containing one redeeming beneficial provi! sion, but when on the contrary it has tended solely to favor the Seignior, while it professes to be intended for le relief of the mass of the Censiiaires, it may please Your Majesty to recommend to Your Parliament the immediate repeal of the said Act, in order that the Provincial Legislature may be no longer prevented from enacting Laws, (as it has the right to do) on the numerous subjects which it has been pretended to re- gulate by the said Act, and in order that we in particu- .hVt! 0 '^ branch of that Legislature, may do justice in that behalf to our constituents, in a manner adapted to then interests and their wants, with which we have better means of being acquainted than any authority sitting without this Province. On the subject of the latter of the said Acts, we hav e, as well before it was passed, and with the knowledge and approbation of loui Majesty s Ministers while it was in progress through the Houses of Parliament, as since that time made equally numerous representations. We know tint one of the effects of this Act, besides authorizing mo- bvIhJp" la o dS alrCady owned and occupied by the People of this Province, has been to confirm the illegal sale of nearly a million of acres of the waste Lands of this 1 rovince, made to the said Company, in addition to the unusual privileges it confers on the same Company, with regard to the application of the proceeds of the said sale,— privileges which belong solely to the Provincial Legislature, whose powers have been therein usurped. This subject is also closely connected with le incontestable right of British subjects inhabiting this Province, anti of those who come to settle therein, not to be taxed without their free consent expressed through their Representatives. The said sale has also render- ed impossible the free settlement of the most advan- tageous portion of the accessible Lands, and prope-Iy speaking the only portion of these Lands which had escaped the action of the system of fraud, speculation and monopoly which the servants of Your Males tv’s Government in this Province have constantly main! tamed in this Department. We humbly believe, that independently of the high considerations aforesaid an essential point of the public Law of the country has been lost sight of, namely, that the waste Lands o^f this Province are not of the same nature as the hereditary and patrimonial property belonging to Your Majesty^ Crown, any more than they had that character' whin hey were held by His Most Christian Majesty T formed then, and we deem that they form at' this day pait of the public domain of the State, which in the several dependencies of the Empire, is committed to Vol. — 45. Your 549 Lhapitre cinquante-ncuf, communement appel6 1 Acte des Tenures; etaussi I’Acte plus recent quiac- corde certains privileges a uneCompagniede particulars res. dans prmcipalement a Londres, dont le but est de spinier sur les Terres de cette Province. Quant au p emiei de ces Actes, Asa nature et a ses effets, nos plaintes ont ete si d et afin que cette Chambre en particular, comme 1’une des branches de cette Legislature, puisse rendre A cet tgard justice a ses commettans d’une manure con- forme a leurs lois, a leurs inlets, et a leurs besoms, que nous somnies plus A portee de connaltre qu’au- cune autorit^ si^geant hors de cette Province 9 Au sujet du second de ces Actes, nous avons tant avant sa passaimn, et lors meme qu’il 6tait en progres dans les Chambres du Parlement a la connaissance et avec 1 approbation des Mmistres de Votre Majesty que c epuis lors, fait des representations ^galement multi- plies. Nous savons que cet Acte a eu pour effet outre qu il le monopole de Terres amdliorees maintenant poss6d6es et habitues par le Peuole de cette Province de confirmer une vente illegaie de pres d un million d acres des Terres vacantes de cette Pro- vince faite a la dite Compagnie, en outre des privileges in sontes qu il accorde a la meme CompagnieA V6^vd de l emploi des produits de la dite vente, privileges qui n appartiennent qua la Legislature Provincifle dont on a par la usurpe les attributions. Ce suiet se i attache aussi de prAs au droit incontestable des Suiets Bntanniques habitant cette Province, et de ceux qui viennent s y &ablir, de n’etre tax£s que de leur libre consentement par l’organe de leurs Representans. La dite vente a aussi soustrait A la libre colonisation la parieJa plus avantageuse des Terres accessible,’, les seules deces Terres, a proprement parler, qui eussent f’chappe aux systemes de fraude, de peculat et d’acca- parement qu ont sans cesse fait regner dans ce departe- pient les serviteurs du Gouvernement de Votre P Ma- jesty en cette Province. Nous croyons humblement qu mdependamment des hautes considerations qui pre- edent on a perdu de vue un point essentiei da droit cpttp^Pr U ayS ’ SaV ° ir : Que ,eS Terres vacantes de cette Pi o vmce ne sont pas, qu’il plaise A Votre Maies- tc, de la meme nature que les biens h^ditaires et patriinomaux attaches a la Couronne de Votre Majest/ non plus qu elles n’ont eu ce caractAre lorsqu’elles etaient possed&s par les Rois Tr£s-Chraiens 9 Elies or m a lent alors, et nous jugeons qu’elles forment en- core aujourd hui, partie du domaine public de lYtat, 6 Z ,ec l ue! 550 26" Februarii. A. \ 836 . Your Majesty’s paternal care, for the benefit of their Inhabitants and of other Subjects of Your Majesty, who may wish to settle therein, and is subject to the supreme authority of Parliament : and we conceive that in this Province the Provincial Parliament is fully and exclusively invested with this authority, the exercise of which we shall never willingly renounce. We be- lieve we have given too many proofs that we are per- fectly disposed to exercise it for the advantage of all classes of Your Majesty Subjects, to render it possible that any consideration foreign to the Laws and Consti- tution, should induce the Parliament of the United Kingdom, or Your Majesty’s Ministers, forcibly to abridge on this point, the rights of the Provincial Par- liament. If other arguments than those drawn from Constitu- tional Law, and from the public Law of the country, were requisite to demonstrate the correctness of the view we take of this question, we would say, that in practice, other portions of the public domain of this Province, which were a source of profit at an earlier period, have continued to be administered as having precisely the same character as before the cession of the country, — that in divers instances no objections has been raised to various Acts of the Provincial Parlia- ment on matters therewith connected, — and that from the moment when the very Act which defines the forms of our present Constitution went into operation (a circumstance which cannot but have weight with Your Majesty), Your Majesty’s Government has recognized the nature and destination of the waste Lands of this Province, by the very circumstance of reserving and continuing to this day to reserve a seventh part thereof, to belong more particularly to the Crown, and to be under its special conti ol. Instead of this seventh, the Executive Authorities have taken possession of the whole of these Lands, of which they have disposed for the personal advantage of their members, and of their friends and subalterns, for the purpose of planting cor- ruption in the representation and among the people, of securing an undue irresponsibility in the Provincial Ad- ministrations, and oi withdrawing them altogether from the control and influence of this House. To justify their former waste, and to retain the same means of bad government for the future, the same authorities established as a doctrine what had theretofore been only a culpable act-, and these pretensions, rendered powerful by their own effects, have unhappily made their way to Your Majesty’s Throne, and to the Supreme Councils of the United Kingdom Under the ancient Government of Canada, the set- tlement of the wild Lands, under a system as regular and easy as possible, and adopted to the circumstances of the climate, the laws, manners and locality, by the then Inhabitants, and by others of their fellow subjects who came to settle among them, was regarded as a point so essential, that a great portion of the ancient Law of the country relates to this subject, and lays down rules which ensure the right of the population to obtain lots of Land for the purpose of cultivating them, and which establish the relative rights of all the parties interested* We conceive, that the power of ensuring the efficiency of these Laws, of modifying them, or enacting others in their stead, in case of need, has devolved solely upon the Provincial Parliament. We regret that since the change of dominion, the exactions of certain Seigniors, and the undue favors which have been conferred on others under the Tenures Act, on the one hand, and the pretensions of the Executive to dispose of these Lands without control, on the other hand, have en- tirely lequel dans les diverses dependences de l’Empire, est cornmis a la garde paternelle de Votre Majeste pour l’avantage de leurs habitans et des autres Sujets de Votre Majeste qui viennent s’y etablir, et est sujet a l’autorite supreme du Parlement ; et nous concevons qu’en cette Province le Parlement Provincial est pleinement et exclusivement revetu de cette autorite, a l'exercice de laquelle nous ne renoncerons jamais volontairement. Nous croyons avoir assez donne de preuves que nous avons une parfaite disposition a l’ex- ercer pour l’avantage de toutes les classes des Sujets de Votre Majeste, pour qu’aucune consideration etran- gere aux lois et a la Constitution, puisse engager le Parlement du Royaume-Uni ou les Ministres de Votre Majeste a tenter d'abreger par force sur ce point les droits du Parlement Provincial. S’il fallait d’autres motifs que ceux du droit Consti- tutionnel etdu droit public du Pays, pour mettre hors de doute le point de vue sous lequel nous envisageons cette question, nous dirions que dans la pratique, d’autres parties du domaine public de cette Province plus anciennement profitables, out continue: k etre ad- ministrates comme sortant entierement la meme nature qu’avant la cession du Pays ; que dans plusieurs cir- constances il n’a pas £t6 suscite d’objection a divers Actes du Parlement Provincial qui ont statue sur des sujets y relatifs, et que des le commencement de l'o- peration de l'Acte meme qui a defini les formes de notre presente Constitution, circonstance qui ne peut manquer d’avoir du poids auprds de Votre Majeste, le Gouvernement de Votre Majesty a reeonnu la na- ture et la destination des Torres vacantes de cette Province, par cela meme qu’il en a reserve et a conti- nue jusqu’a present d’en reserver une septidme partie pour appartenir plus particulierement a la Couronne et etre sous son controle special. Au lieu de ce sep- tieme, les autorites Executives se sont empales de la totalite de ces Terres dont elles ont dispose pour l’a- vantage personnel de leurs Membres et de leurs amis et subalternes, pour etablir la corruption dans la Re- presentation et dans le Peuple, et pour attribuer une irresponsabilite indue aux administrations Provinciales, et les soustraire entierement au controle et a l’influence de cette Chambre. Pour garantir leurs dilapidations passes, et pour se donner les memes moyens pour le mauvais Gouvernement a l’avenir, les memes autorites ont drige en doctrine ce qui n’avait jusque la etd qu’un acte coupable, et ces pretentions rendues puissantes par leurs effets memes, se sont malheureusement fait jour jusqu’ait Trone de Votre Majeste, et jusqu’aux Conseils Supremes du Royaume-Uni. Sous l’ancien Gouvernement du Canada , la colonisa- tion des Terres, sous im syst&me aussi regulier et aussi facile que possible, et conforme aux circon- stances du climat, des lois, des moeurs et des lieux, par les habitans d’alors et par les autres regnicoles qui venaient s’y etablir, etait regardee comme un point tellement essentiel, qu’une tres-grande partie de 1’an- cien droit du Pays a rapport a eel objet, et etablit des regies qui assurent les droits de la population a obtenir des lots de Terre pour les cultiver, et qui fixent les droits relatifs de toutes les parties intG'essees. Nous concevons que le pouvoir d’assurer i’efficacite de ces lois, de les modifier, de les remplacer par d’autres au besoiu, est entitlement dtvolu au Parlement Provincial. Nous regrettons que depuis le changement de domi- nation, d’un cote les actions de quelques Seigneurs, et les faveurs indues qui sont resulttes pour d’autres de l’Acte des Tenures, d’un autre cote la mauvaise admi- nistration des Terres non conctdees, et les pretentions de l’Executifa disposer de ces Terres sans controle, aient 6 Will. IV. 26° Februdriu tirely nullified the advantages which were best adapted to advance the moral and physical welfare of the People, and to give stability to their Institutions and to their political existence, as a happy and affectionate portion of Your Majesty’s Subjects. We are sure that the Peo- ple of Canada of whatever origin, have equally had teason to complain ol the vices and abuses above men- tioned. We cannot believe that while rights so essen- tial were recognized and respected under an absolute monarchical government, the operation of the British Constitution, though imperfect in its application to this Province, will be absolutely insufficient to maintain them. Your Majesty cannot but know that the climate of this portion of the world, and other peculiar causes, render the clearing of Lands in order to bring them un- der cultivation, one of the chief resources of the surplus population of the oid settlements, and the surest mode of investing the very moderate capital possessed by the People of the country. The resources which the waste Lands would afford in point of revenue, under a wise system of management established under the authority of the Provincial Parliament, would be equally neces- sary as a provision for the support of Your Majesty’s Provincial Government, and for the completion of the numerous local improvements made requisite by the increase of the population, the emigration from the United Kingdom, and the state of a rising country. Ihese resources are so important in both these respects, that if left to the unrestrained disposal of the Executive* they would destroy the Constitution, purchase the ad- herence of men made powerful by the authority vested in them, and give the administration ample pecuniary means equivalent to the other revenues of the Province, and consequently the power of governing arbitrarily in defiance of the authority of the Legislature. We state as a fact, that such has been in effect the system which has prevailed in this Province, and has been an inex- haustible source of evils and abuses. We attach so much importance to this subject, that we are firmly of opinion, that without the Legislative and Constitu- tional authority of the Provincial Parliament over the Lands of the Provincial domain, and the revenue arising from them, the power vested in the Legislature to make Laws for the peace, welfare and good government of this Province, would be altogether nugatory. YourMa- jesty may infer from this, how much we differ from Your Majesty’s Minister, when in one of the Extracts from the Dispatches above mentioned, while comment- ing on the tenure of public offices in the Province, in a manner which seems to us but little applicable to the subject, he appears on the contrary to wish to curtail the influence of the Representatives of the People over the persons composing the Administration, because this House must be animated by the spirit of the People while we regard this latter ciicumstance as a most for- tunate one, and as a pledge for the due and efficient con- duct of public Officers, and for the security of those whose affairs they administer. We therefore pray Your Majesty to be pleased to recommend to Parliament the repeal of the said Act passed in favor of the Land Company, and also that it may please Your Majesty to adopt legal means for an- nulling all the undue privileges incompatible with the rights of this Province, which is the object of the said Act to confirm, or of which it may have been the source. We also humbly pray Your Majesty to be pleased, with regard to the matters relative to the public domain and the Lands of this Province, to concur in recognizing the rights of its Legislature and of Your faithful Sub- jects therein, to the end that we be no longer prevented from 55 J aient entieremcnt nullify les avautages qui etaient les plus propres a avancer le bien-etre moral et materiel du People, a donner de la stability a ses institutions, et a son existence politique comme partie heureuse et affectionnee des Sujets de Votre MajestG Nous sommes surs quo la population Canadienne de toutes les origines a eu egalemcnt it se plaindre des vices et abus ci-dessus. Nous nc pouvons croire que tandis que des droits aussi essentiels etaient reconnus et res- pects sous un Gouvernement monarchique absolu, l’operation de la Constitution Britannique, imparfaite il est vrai dans son application a cette Province, sera absolument insuffisante pour les maintenir. Votre Majesty ne peut ignorer que la s6vdrit6 du cli- mat en cette partie du monde, et plusieurs autres causes particuli&res, font du defrichement des Terres pour les soumettre a l’agriculture, l’une des principales ressources de la population surabondante, et le de- bouch6 le plus certain pour le placement des mo- Qiques capitaux du Peuple du Pays. Les ressources que pr^senteraient les Terres vacantes en fait de reve- nu, sous une sage administration etablie en vertu de 1 autoritd du Parlement Provincial, seraient £galement necessaires pour subvenir au soutien du Gouvernement I rovincial de Votre Majeste, et pour completer les nombieuses ameliorations locales que requierent l’ac- croissement de la population, Immigration du Royaume- Uni, et 1 etat d un sol en progres. Ces ressources sont tellement importantes sous ces deux rapports, que laissees a la disposition non restreinte de I’Ex&mtif, eiles pourraient ddtruire la Constitution, acheter l’ad- h6sion d hommes puissans par les pouvoirs dont on les aurait rev&tus, et donner aux administrations d’amples moyens pecuniaires pouvant balancer les autres revenus de la Province, et comme suite necessaire, la liberte de gouverner arbitrairement en mettant au d£fi l’auto- ritd de la Legislature. Nous mettons en fait que tel a 6te en effet le systbme qui a prevalu en cette Province, et qui a £t£ une source intarissable de maux et d’abus. Nous attachons tellement d’importance a ce sujet, que nous sommes fermementd’avis que sans l’antorite’ -Legislative et Constitutionnelle du Parlement Provin- cial sur les Terres du domaine de la Province et sur le revenu en decoulant, nous regarderions comme nu^a- toire, le pouvoir de faire des lois pour la paix, le bien. etre, et le bon Gouvernement de cette Province, attri- bue a cette Legislature. Votre Majesty peut voir par D combien nous diffbrons d’avec le Ministre de Votre Majesty lorsqu’au contraire, dans fun des extraits de Depeches precites, commentant la tenure des offices des fonctionnaires provinciaux dune maniere qui nous a paru peu applicable au sujet dont il etait question, il semb e vouloir retr^cir l’influence des Representans du leuple sur le personnel de l’administration, sous le pretexte que cette Chambre est anirn^e de l’esprit du I euple, pendant que nous regardons cette derniere cir- constance comme tres-heureuse, et comme un ga^e d efficacite dans la gestion des emplois publics, et de securite pour les administres. Nous supplions done Votre Majeste de vouloir bien recommander a son Parlement d’annuller le dit Acte passe en favemr de la Compagnie des Terres, et aussi a ce qu il plaise a Votre Majeste d’adopter des moyens egaux pour 1 annullation de tous privileges indus et contraires aux droits de cette Province, que le dit Acte a eu pour objet de confirmer ou dont il peut avoir ete la source. Nous vous prions aussi tres-humblement de vouloir, sur les matieres concernant le Domaine Public, et les lerres de cette Province et ie revenu d’icelles, recon naitre gracieusement les droits de cette LeMsIa- ture et de vos fidGes Sujets en cette Province, afi n que 26 0 Februariu A. 1 8S6 % 552 from laboring' as a part of that Legislature, and with the consent of Your Majesty, as the first branch thereof, to render available all the resources of the country for the support of Your Government therein, and for the equal benefit of all Your Subjects who inhabit this Pro- vince, or may come to settle in it, and more especially to ensure to all without distinction the means of set- tling on the waste Lands, under an easy system and on such conditions as shall be found most advantageous. On the subject of the independence of the Judges, we see with pleasure that there exists no difference be- tween the views of Your Majesty’s Government and our own. We regret that our efforts to carry those views into effect have been misunderstood. Since that time the modifications which have rendered the cha- racter of the Legislative Council worse, while it was pretended to improve it, have convinced us that it would be of no advantage to the due administration of justice, to proceed on the same basis. We shall not, however, abandon the consideration of the subject, and we shall attentively examine any plan which shall ap- pear to us well adapted for the attainment of the de- sired end. What we have now said will suffice to show Your Majesty what our views are, with regard to the politics of the Colony as a whole, to the functions and powers which we believe belong to the Provincial Legislature on all matters relative to the internal affairs of the Co- lony, and with regard to what we conceive to be the best means of ensuring activity, efficiency and respon- sibility in the public service. We would suggest to Your Majesty, that there are on this portion of the American Continent, more than a million of Your Ma- jesty’s Subjects, composing the Colonies of Upper and Lower Canada, who, speaking different languages, and having a great diversity of origin, laws, creeds and manners, characteristics peculiar to them respectively, and which they have severally the right to pieserve as inhabitants of a separate and distinct Province, have vet come to the conclusion that the institutions common to the two countries ought to be essentially modified, and that it has become urgently necessary to reform the abuses which have, up to this day, prevailed in the ad- ministration of the Government. We rejoice that we have, in our just claims, the support of our brethren of Upper Canada. This support will demonstrate to Your Majesty and to our fellow subjects in all parts of the Empire, that we have been sincere in our declarations, that the circumstances and wants of the two Canadian Provinces do indeed require a responsible and popular Government, and that we have been actuated by no narrow views of party or of origin in demanding for many years, of Your Majesty, that such a Government may be granted us. With regard to the protection and to the equality of rights which Your Majesty’s Subjects in this Province are entitled to, the remedy of evils and abuses, the abolition of sinecures and pluralities, the expected for- mation of an Executive ( ouncil on the principles above set forth, and to divers other subjects more particularly mentioned in the Speech from the Throne at the open- ing of the present Session, we refer to our answer to His Excellency the Governor in Chief ; and we ar- dently wish that the views and instructions of Your Majesty’s Government on essential points, may be of a nature to facilitate the results of which Your Majesty’s Representative has been pleased to promise, and which it will afford us the most lively satisfaction to see at- tained. In the Extracts from Despatches hereinbefore cited, there nous ne soyons plus empeches de travailler, comme partie de la dite Legislature, et du consentement de Votre Majeste comme premiere branche d’icelle, a mettre a profit toutes les ressources du pays poury sou- tenir Votre Gouvernement, et pour 1’avantage egal de tous vos Sujets qui habitent cette Province ou qui vou- dront s’y etablir, et en particulier a procurer a tous in- distinctement 1’avantage de s’etablir sur les Terres va- cantes sous un systeme facile, et aux conditions qui seront trouvees les plus convenables. Au sujet de l’independance des Juges, nous voyons avec plaisir qu’en fait de principes, il n’existe aucune difference entre les vues du Gouvernement de Votre Majeste et les notres. Nous regrettons d’avoir £te mal compris dans nos efforts pour y donner effet. Depuis, les modifications qui ont empire le caractere du Conseil Legislatif lorsqu on pretendait l’ame liorer, nous ont persuades qu’il n’y aurait aucun avantage pour les fins d’une due administration de ia justice a proceder sur les memes bases. Cependant nous n’abandonnerons pas la consideration du sujet, et nous examinerons avec attention tout projet qui nous paraitra de nature a at- teindre le but desire. Ce qui precede pourra faire connaitre a Votre Ma- jeste quelles sont nos vues sur l’ense.nble de lapolitique Coloniale, sur l'etendue des attributions et pouvoirs que nous croyons appartenir a la Legislature Provinci- ale sur les affaires inierieures de la Colonie, et sur ce que nous concevons etre les meilleurs moyens d'action, d’efficacite et de responsabilite dans le service public. Nous ferons remarquer a Votre Majeste qu il existe sur cette partie du Continent. Americain plus d’un million de Sujets de Votre Majeste, composant les Colonies du hlautet du Las Canada, qui parlant des langues diffe- rentes, ayant tine grande diversity d’origines, de lois, de culte et de moeurs, caracteres particuliers qu’ils ont de part et d’autre droit de conserver comme Leu. pie distinct et separe, en sont cependant venus a la con- clusion que les institutions communes aux deux pays, devaient etre essentiellement modifiees, et qu il etait devenu urgent de reformer les abus qui ont rt gne jus. qu’a ce jour dans 1’administration du Gouvernement. Nous nous lejouissons d avoir dans nosjustes demandes 1 appui de nos freres du Hunt Canada. Cet appui servira a faire voir a Votre Majeste et a nos co-sujets de toutes les parties de Y Empire, que nous avons ete sinceres dans nos declarations, qu’en effet les circonstances et les besoins des deux Provinces du Canada , reclament un Gouvernement responsable et populaire, et que nous n’avons ete mus par aucunes vues etroites de parti ou d’origine en demandant depuis plusieurs annees un tel Gouvernement a Votre JVJajestG Quant a la protection et a l’egalite de droits que les Sujets de Votre Majesty en cette Province ont droit d’attendre, a la reparation des maux et abus, a I’aboli- tion des sinecures et des pluralites, a la formation attendue d un Conseil Executif d’apres les principes ci- dessus exposes, et a divers autres sujets plus particu- lierement mentionnes duns le Discours du Trone a l’ou- verture de la presente Session, nous nous reftrons a notre reponse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, et nous desirous ardemment que les vues et les Instruc- tions du Gouvernement de Votre Majeste sur les points essentiels, soient de nature a faciliter les resultats que le llepresentant de Votre Majeste a bien voulu pro mettre, et que nous verrons s’effectuer avec une vive satisfaction. Dans les Extraits de Depeches cites plus haut, il se trou ve 6 Will. 1 V . 26° Februcirii, there are certain passages which induce us to believe that we have not made ourselves understood by Your Majesty’s Government, with regard to the nature of the control we desire for the Provincial Legislature over the waste Lands of the public domain of the Province, and which might cause some misapprehension in the opinion of our fellow subjects. We have never claimed to exercise over this portion of the affairs of the Go- vernment. any other authority than the Parliamentary and Constitutional authority which we are entitled to exercise over all the other affairs of the country, in so fai as the peace, welfare and good government of the country may be therein concerned. We have already set forth at length our reasons for believing that this authority belongs to us. On this head, as on all others, our wish is that the due execution of the laws may remain in the hands of the Executive authority, within the limits prescribed by the laws and Constitution, and under the necessary responsibility; but we also ’wish that the right of the Assembly of the Province to legis- late on these subjects, jointly with the other branches ot the Legislature, and to exercise in this behalf the other powers of the Commons of the Country, may leceive its full application. We believe we have de- monstrated the fatal results of the systems in which this wholesome doctrine has been lost sight of, and the ne- cessity which exists that their effects should be reme- died by laws, in the making of which we have a right to participate. We should esteem ourselves happy, ff this explanation of our views remove any unintentional mis- take into which Your Majesty’s Government may have fallen, in construing our former representations. Ifwe nave, in them, dwelt more especially on this subject, it is because, until lately, it was enveloped in this Pro- vince in a system of secrecy, by which the rights of the Provincial Parliament were violated and rendered nu- gatory, and which has been most injurious to the inte- rests^ the Government ; and also because Your Ma- jesty s Ministers seem to agree in the opinion that these matters should be withdrawn from the Legisla- tive and Parliamentary control of the Provincial Parlia- ment. If, on this occasion, we repeat our claims, it is because the more recent opinions of the same servants of Your Majesty, have appeared to us to have the same tendency. On the subject of the waste Lands, we shall heie add, that we consider them as of much greater impoi tance with regard to their free settlement, than with regard to the immediate pecuniary revenue which might be derived from them by disposing of them at too high a price, or in larger portions than would suf- fice to meet the demands of such of Your Majesty’s subjects as should be disposed personally to cultivate and settle on them. It remains for us to address Your Majesty on an im- portant and extensive subject,— the Public Revenue and Expenditure of this Province. We humbly thank Your Majesty for the gracious declaration that Your Majesty is disposed to admit the control of the Repre- sentatives of the People over the whole Public Revenue raised in this Province. We regard the fulfilment of this promise as of the highest importance. In statino- explicitly in the preceding portions of this Address, the rights which we humbly believe to belong to the Legis- lature of this Province, with regard to certain partJof this Revenue, we wish to present the subject in its true point of view, in order that no misconception mav here- after retard the desired result. In the proposals which it may please Your Majesty to make to us, for the pur pose of attaining this result, it is impossible that Your Majesty should lose sight of the essential principles of Vol — 45. the 551 trouve quelques passages qui nous donnent a croire que le Gouvernement de Votre Majeste n’a pas bien com! pns la nature du controle que nous desirons pour la Legislature Provinciate sur les Terres vacantes et le 1 public de la Province, et qui pourraient causer quelque meprise dans I’opimon de nos co-sujets. Cette . mrnbre ri a jamais ptetendu exercer sur cette partie ties affaires du Gouvernement, d’autre autorite que son au or.te arlementaire et Constitutionnelle, comrae elle a le droit de 1 exercer sur toutes les autres affaires du pays, en taut que la paix, le bien-etre, et le bon gou- vernement du pays peuvent y 6tre concern^. Nous av ons d-dessus expose au long nos motifs de croire que cette autorite nous appartient. Nous voulons sur^e sujet comme sur tous autres, que la due execution des ois demeure aux Autorites Executives, dans le ressort present par la Loi et la Constitution, et sous la res ponsabilite necessaire ; mais nous voulons aussi que le droit de 1 Assembee de cette Province de tegislatir sur ces objets, de concert avec les autres branches de cette Legislature, et d’exercer acet egard les autres pouvoff! nlLr 0mmi, M S dU payS ’ puisse avoir sor ‘ entire ap- plication. Nous croyons avoir demontre combien les systemes qui se sont eloign^s de cette saine doctrine aient rte funestes, et combien d importe de remedier a leurs effets au moyen de Lois auxquelles nous avons dioit de participer. Nous nous estimerions heureux si cet expose de nos vues pouvait detruire quelque meprise imoJontan-e dans laquelle le Gouvernement de Votre Majeste serait tomb^, en interpretant nos represents- t.ons anteneures. Si dies on! particulierement por,« sur ce sujet, c est que jusqu k dernierement il avait ete enveloppe dans la Province dun systeme de secret qui v.'olait et empechait les pouvoirs du Parlement Provin- cial, etqui^a ete tres-nuisible aux inferets du Gouverne- I en v’ ? C ’™ auSS i P arce que les opinions des Ministres de Votre Majeste paraissaient s’accorder a vouloir soustraire ces matieres au controle legislatif et narle mental re du Parlement de la Province. Si nous rep^tons nos ciemandes aujourd’hui, e’est parce que les opinions plus recentes des memes serviteurs de Votre Maiesfe nous ont paru avoir la roeme tendance. Au sujet des ierres vacantes, nous ajouterons ici que nous les re gardens comme d’une bien plus grande importance" cOtis le rapport de leur libre colonisation, qu’eu errard au revenu pecumaire immediat qu’on pourrait en retirer en les alienant a un prix trop eleve, ou en plus grande quantite que pour suffire aux demandes des Sujets de k°s’y e eMb£ S . te P ° S6S * l6S CUltiver P ar ^ eux-memes et . 11 " 0l,s re f te a P arI er ^ Votre Majeste d’un suiet important et etendu, le Revenu et la Depense PublZe de cette i rovince. Nous remercions tr^s-humblemint Votre Majeste de sa gracieuse declaration quelle est d.sposee a admettre le controle des Representans du 1 euple siii tout le revenu public preleve en cette Pro- vince. Nous regardons Paccomplissement de ce te promesse comme de la plus grande importance. En faisant ressortir dans la partie pr^cedente de cette Adresse, les droits que nous concevons humblement appaitenir a cette Legislature par rapport a certaines parties de ce revenu, nous avons voulu repiYsenter le sujet sous son vrai point de vue, afin que dans 1’execu- tion a a cun malentendu n’empechat le resultat desire Dans ies propositions qu’il plaira a Votre Majeste de nous fame pour y parvenir, Votre Majeste nepourra perdre de vue lespnncipes essentiels de la Constitution, 7 A 26° Februarii. A . . 1836. 554 the Constitution, or of the declaratory Act of 1778, to the benefit of which we believe the People of this coun- try are peculiarly entitled We shall receive with res- pect, and examine with the most scrupulous attention any communication which Your Majesty may be pleased to make to us, tending to the settlement of the financial questions. We believe, however, that any merely tem- porary arrangement, made as a matter of expediency, and not carrying with it the recognition of the princi- ples we have supported, could not have the desired ef- fect, but would sooner or later bring back the very difficulties with which we are now contending. We humbly represent to Your Majesty, that the People of this Province, tired of the continued struggle in which they have been so long engaged to obtain the recogni- tion of their rights on the part of the Metropolitan and Colonial authorities, would regard with painful appre- hension the possibility of the recurrence of the same state of things, and of the necessity of making new sa- crifices for the purpose of laying these complaints before Your Majesty and Parliament. We wish tor a Govern- ment which shall assure us freedom and security ; the unrestricted effect of Your Majesty’s declarations can alone confer it on us ; and it will be when we possess it, and can entertain a hope of the removal of the grie- vances and abuses we complain of, that we can pro- perly consider the means of giving effect to Your Ma- jesty’s wishes with regard to an appropriation of a per- manent nature. With respect to the extension of any appropriation of this nature beyond what we have hi- therto thought to be reasonable, ic will be impossible for us to take the subject into consideration until after the views of Your Majesty’s Government, with regard to the details, shall have been made known to us. We must, however, declare that having represented to Your Majesty our views with regard to the efficiency and responsibility which we wish to see established in the Provincial Government, we should think we failed in our duty to our constituents, if we destroyed that effi- ciency and that responsibility, by placing, as a general rule, the great public functionaries of the Province, be- yond the reach of the wholesome action of the Constitu- tion, We are not actuated by any considerations of a merely pecuniary nature ; we believe that the largest sums Your Majesty’s Government could ask for, would be utterly insignificant in comparison to those for which Your Majesty’s servants in this Province have been de- faulters, or the enormous sums expended out of the pub- lic revenue, without the authority of the Provincial Le- gislature, and even in opposition to the votes of this House ; or in comparison with the waste of the public property, by which four millions of acres of land or more, scarcely an eighth part of which has yet been settled, have been monopolized or alienated. But we earnestly desire to preserve the benefit of a just control on the part of the Legislature over the several branches of the Provincial Executive, and we can never consent by renouncing it, to confound all the powers of the State for the time to come. The pretensions set up by the Executive authority to the exclusive disposal of considerable portions of the Public Revenue of this Province, have been so diffe- rent and so variable, that we shall ever consider it a fortunate circumstance that the discussion of these questions, as far as principles are concerned, has been closed by the general declaration for which we here record our gratitude to Your Majesty. But we cannot admit that our present claims are at variance with our anterior acts, as Your Majesty’s Minister supposes. If we could consent to retaliate and continue the discus- sion, we might say, that the control of the Provincial Legislature over the sources of Revenue in question, non plus que l’Acte declaratoire de mil-sept-cent-soix- ante-et-dix-huit, aux avantages duquel nouscroyons que le Peuple de ce pays a un droit particulier. Nous rece- vrons avec respect, et nous examinerons avec la plus scrupuleuse attention toute communication qu’il plaira a Votre Majeste de nous faire, tendant au reglement des questions des Finances. Nous croyons cependant qu’un arrangement a terme et comme mesure d’expe- dience, et qui ne comporterait pas une reconnaissance des principes que nous avons soutenus, ne pourrait avoir 1’effet desiiY, mais ramenerait tot on tard les mcmes diffiultes dans lesquelles nous nous trouvons engages. Et nous representons humblement a Votre Majeste que le Peuple de cette Province, fatigue de la longue lutte dans laquelle il est depuis long-temps engage pour obtenir la reconnaissance de ses droits de la part des autorites Metropolitaines et Coloniales, regarderait avec une penible apprehension la possibility du retour du meme etat de choses, et la necessity de nouveaux sa- crifices pour faire parvenir et exposer ses plaintes a Votre Majeste et a son Parlement. Nous voulons un Gouvernement de franchise et de securite ; 1’effet non restreint des declarations de Votre Majeste peut seul nous le donner, et ce sera alors, et lorsque nous aurons l’espoir de voir reparer nos rnaux et griefs, que nous rechercherons le mode d effectuer les desirs de Votre Majeste, par rapport a une allocation d une nature permanente. Quant a l’etendue d’une allocation de cette nature au-dela de ce que nous avons ci-devant cru etre raisonnable, nous ne pouvons nous en occuper qu’apres avoir connu les vues du Gouvernement de Votre Majeste sur les details. Nous declarons cepen- dant qu’ayant expose nos vues a Votre Majeste sur l’efficacite et la responsabilite que nous voulons voir regner dans le Gouvernement Provincial, nous nous croirions coupables envers nos constituans si nous de- truisions cette efficacite et cette responsabilite en met- tant, comme regie generale, ies grands fonctionnaires publics de cette Province en dehors de faction salutaire de la Constitution. Nous ne sommes mus par aucune consideration purement pecuniaire ; nouscroyons que les demandes les plus elevces que pourrait faire le Gou- vernement de Votre Majesty, seraient absolument in- signifiantes aupres des defalcations des serviteurs de Votre Majeste en cette Province, des sommes enormes dcpensyessur le revenu public sans 1’autority de la Le- gislature Provinciale et meme a 1’encontre des votes de cette Chambre, et aupres des dilapidations du Domaine Public au moyen desquelles on a accapare ou aliene quatre millions ou plus d’acres de terres dont a peine une huitieme partie est en valeur. Mais nous tenons a conserver les avantages d’un juste controle par la Legislature sur les diverses branches de l’Executif Pro- vincial, et nous ne pourrions y renoncer d’une maniere qui intervertirait l’essence de tous les pouvoirs pour l’avenir. Les pretentions que Pautorite Executive a elevees a disposer seule de parties considerables du revenu public de cette Province, ont yty si diverses et si variables, que nous regarderons comme une circonstance heureuse que la discussion de ces questions, en fait de principes, se trouve absorbee dans la declaration generale pour laquelle nous avons deja exprime notre reconnaissance a Votre Majesty. Mais nous ne pouvons convenir que nos reclamations actuelles soient en opposition a nos actes anterieurs, ainsi que le suppose le Ministre de Votre Majeste. Si nous voulions user de represailles et continuer la discussion, nous pourrions dire que par une longue pratique les sources de revenu en question ont 6 Will. IV . 26° IfebruariL 55o has been recognized by a long course of practice ; that witlr regard to the Casual and Territorial Revenue, the Message of His Excellency Lord Dorchester , in the yeai 1794, was then, and has ever since been interpreted in the Province, and even by the Royal authority in assenting to divers Bills passed by the Provincial Par- liament, in such a manner as to leave no doubt on this subject. We might, then, regard the more recent pre- tensions of the Executive as of a nature altogether un- expected. But omitting these arguments, we appeal only to the principles of the constitutional and public law of the Colony, and the very nature of these sources of Revenue, which we believe we have sufficiently set forth. There is another point connected with the Casual and lerritorial Revenue of which we ought not to omit to speak. The very definition of this Revenue, and the particular sources from which it is derived, demonstrate that it extends to all resources which may be derived from Your Majesty’s public domain in this Province. Lord Dorchester in the Message above mentioned, con- firms this conclusion, in speaking of the sources of Revenue from which no profit had" then been derived. And His Excellency Lord Aylmer had, very recently, included the revenue arising from the sale of Lands and the cutting of Timber, in the Casual and Territorial Revenue. Lour Majesty, therefore, will not see with- out surprise, that Your Ministers and Servants, feeling that the control of the Provincial Parliament must sooner or later be exercised over the said Casual and lerritorial Revenue, compelled, moreover, to acknow- ledge, that in any case, this Revenue could not be ap- plied otherwise than to the wants of the Civil Govern- ment and of the Administration of Justice, and desi- rous of creating funds which might be otherwise applied, and might enable them to indulge the spirit of favori- tism and perpetuate their system of bad government, have endeavored to separate from the said Casual and lerritorial Revenue, the most important and extensive portion of it, namely, the whole of the waste Lands and sa eable limber m this Province ; and they appear to lave assigned to the fund which they thus procured bv the sale of the said Lands and Timber, without lawful authority, the name of Your Majesty's Hereditary Re- venue. It is sufficient to examine the purposes to which this part of the Revenue has for many years been applied, to be convinced that our opinion of this appli- cation is by no means erroneous, and that these pur- poses have only an almost infinitely distant relation to the essential wants of the Civil Government and of the Administration of Justice, for which the Casual and lerritorial Revenue is destined. From this adminis- trative manoeuvre, it follows as a necessary conse- quence, that in the hands of Your Majesty’s Servants to whom the management of the Territorial Domain is entrusted, the waste Lands will be alienated with a view to the immediate increase of this uncontrolled Re- venue, instead being managed with a sage foresight, founded on the consideration of the resources which these lands offer for the future, and of their settlement y Your Majesty’s subjects. It seems to be intended that this Revenue should be enormously increased bv the proceeds of the sale to the Land Company. On this latter subject, we pray Your Majesty to be pleased to exclude from the Revenue over which You have been graciously pleased to encourage the hope of seeing the control of the Legislature of this Province established all sums arising from alienations in favor of the said Company. We hold the unrestrained access to so great an extent of the waste Lands to be too valuable to Vour Majesty s Subjects who inhabit this Province, or who out etc reconnues etre sujettes au controle du Parle- ment Provincial ; que quant au Revenu Casuel et Ter- ritorial, le Message de Son Excellence Lord Dorchester de l’annfe mil-sept-cent-quatre-vingt-quatorze, a ete, des lors et depuis, interpret^ dans la Province par l’au- torite Royale en sanctionnant divers Bills passes par le Parlement Provincial, comme ne laissant aucun doute sur ce sujet. Nous pourrions done regarder les pre- tentions plus recentes de l’Executif comme d’une nature l u uuv, 1 J Cl l Li 1 tout-a-fait inattendue. En omettant ces raisonnemens, nous nous en tiendrons aux principes du droit consti- tutionnel et du droit public colonial, ainsi qua la nature meme de ces sources de revenu que nous croyons avoir suffisamment exposee a Votre Majeste. II est un autre point qui se rattache au revenu casuel et territorial, dont nous ne devons pas omettre de par- ler. La definition meme de ce revenu, et les sources particulffires dont il se compose, demontrent son eten* due a toutes les ressources qu’on pouvait retirer du domaine public de Votre Majeste en cette Province. Lord Dorchester , dans le Message mentionne ci dessus, confirme cette proposition en parlant des sources de* reyenu qui n’etaient pas encore devenues profitables. Lout recemment d’ailleurs Son Excellence Lord Aylmer avait compris le revenu provenant de la vente des Ferres et de la coupe des Bois, dans le revenu casuel et territorial. Votre Majeste ne verra done pas sans surprise,^ que ses Ministres et Serviteurs, sentant que le conti ole du Parlement Provincial devait etre tot ou tard exerce sur ce revenu casuel et territorial, forces de leconnaitie d ailleurs que dans tous les cas ce revenu ne pouvait etre applique qu’aux besoins du Gouvernement Civil et de l’Administration de la Justice, et desirant se former des fonds dont la destination fut differente, et leur permit d exercer le favoritisme et de perpetuer le mauvais gouvernement, ont pretendu distraire du dit Revenu Casuel et Territorial ce qui en formait la par tie la plus importante et la plus etendue, savoir, la totahte des Terres vacantes et des Bois exploitables en cette Province, et ils paraissent avoir donne aux fonds qu’ils se sont ainsi procures en disposant de ces 1 erres et de ces Bois sans autorite legale, le nom de Revenu Hereditaire de Votre Majesty II suffit d’exa- miner les objets auxquels cette partie du revenu a ete apphquee depuis plusieurs annees pour se convaincre que notre opinion sur cette application nest nullement erronee, et que ces objets n ont qu’un rapport infini- ment eloigne avec les besoins essentiels du Gouverne- men Civil et de l’Administration de Injustice auxquels est destine le Revenu Casuel et Territorial. De cette manoeuvre administrative, resulte la consequence ne- cessaire qu’entre les mains des serviteurs de Votre Majeste charges de Ja regie du territoire, les Terres vacantes seront alienees dans la vue de grossir im- mediatement ce revenu non control^ au Tieu d’etre administrees avec une sage prevoyance, eu sujet aux charges creees nar which it regards as permanent. We are, however 're- permanentes'' 11 ' 1 /° 1,Ex6cutif ’ et r l u il re f? ar de comme solved to neglect nothing which can afford tn V n,,.- P ™ anentes ° ^°us avons cependant resolu de ne rien Majesty and Your Parliament an opporuS to do u P T * , V ° tre Ma J est ^ * a 8 ™ ParffimTnt, and to the present administration of this Pro! ictuelle d^ TT ’ “ d -® juS , tice ’ et a PAd ™'nistration vince, the means of effecting such Refc rms as the viros Sf Ce , tte Prov ' nce > les moyens d’effectuer les of the system permit ; and we have determined to pro Zir Z? ^ ^ V ' CeS dU s ^ st ^ me laissen t en son pou- for the Expenses of the Provincial Governmental- penses du°rn n0US som ” es ddc ? d ^ s f p ournir aux de- a limited time, regard being had to the circumstances Emit? r . ^ Provincial P our «n temps attending the several items and the resources of the r! M of’ 0 d aux circonstances des diverses deman- country. We pray that Your Maiest^will attrih rtl m • ,?? ressources de la Province. Nous prions Votre the manner in which we shall endeavour to live effect Sff^ ” f. ttnbuer la mani ^ re dont nous voulons don- to the decision we have thus come to solefv to on Ce ;,V etermination de ”^e part, qu’* notre sincere desire to obtain a better Government and not l !,! 6 d \ Slr d obtenir un meilleur gouvernement, et non to any abandonment of the principles we have sun l Z , 1 abandon des P r ! ncipes que nous avons soutenus, ported ; and that Your Majesty wiU not allow it to hi" 1 J , paS n ° US 60 fa,re un su J et de r epioches, lors- made a subject of reproach to us, when we may ajffi nou f r, T viendrons a ces memes principes. hereafter insist on these Drincinlpc: Tr ; m .1 &am • ? St dans a vue de * es maintenir, et d’obtenir la de- of maintaining th^d'TJESninl You C,8, °" ^ V *" »**•«« et «>» ParlemeW S a? les decision and that of Your Parliament on the^wSuy fatffin ! qU ? r° U ~ aV0 " S ex P os ^- et la repa- matters we have set forth, and the removal of frm ’ at 1011 1 ; ' es abus et gnefs, que nous avons ajourne la con- vanees and abuses, that we have postponed the consi- * deratl0 “ des aut . res demandes qui auraient necessite de deration of the other demands which would have neces- pa1 ,^ une P| us £ ra nde deviation de ce que nous sitated a further departure from what we believe to be p°T S C ^ 16 essel J ce des droit . s constitutionnels du the constitutional rights of the People We exDect 6 * 1 N ° US , attendons P le, »e justice de 1’Auguste full justice from the august tribunal to which veil Pnbunal au q uep no “ s e . n ap P el °ns, et nous espdrons que peal, and we trust that the Provincial Parliament will 1 ? ailement Provincial sera convoque pour sa pro- be called together for its next Session so as enable ml,"! " 6S f S i° n de mai ?*f e a nous permettre de conti- us to continue, as early as possible our labors f, ft! aussitot que possible nos travaux pour le bien du welfare of the country, and reassured 1 bv^the fst^ P a 7 s > et rassures par la justice et la libdralitd de^del and liberality of the measures we expect to consider the ”u r firLlLmTnTle s tt diffi 0n t’' aVi5e '' a “ x . 'd'ar- means offinally arranging the difficulties existing in the GoSveme.Dc”t To Letie P qL " au , bsistent d t>'« le staWlityTml public^onfidence tTereto glV ‘ nS StrenstI ’’ delnier de la force - «e la sSSrt dela confenL! ^ .ronr.noinonssupp.ionsrespectnensementVotreMa. the exercise of tile august powers which beiont uTore ^ I Q VOl ' s P ,alse fecevoir favorablement nos hum- pecially to Your Majesty, as jointly with the Rirliatrenf b ^ pnue f S ’ e E tant par I exercice des augustes pouvoirs of the United Kingdom, to render full ffistirp to V 1 qLU a PP artiennent particulierement k Votre Majeste faithful Subjects, and to deliver them from Z ll qUe i de C ,° nCer . fc avec le Parlement du Royaume-Uni sions and bad government which through Colonial J. endre plein ® , JustIce a Vos fid ^ es Sujets, et les d^livrer Ministers have so long weighed heavily upon them f^ d °PP ressi °n et de mauvais gouvernement. And by inclination led, as well as by duly bound we r ] fo . nt P esei L sur eux d epuis long-temps les Ministres shall ever pray for Your Majesty’s sacred Person. ’ nolToTcLsewnZTmF^ md T ation ° es produus de la dite vente, privil^es the incontestable right of British subjects inhabiting this dZt on^ Mr ”14*1?' ‘ Lb » isla,ure Provincille Province, anti of those who come to settle therein not n tt T 1 , A pe les attri butions. Ce suiet se to be taxed withouttheir free consent expressed through BrttamiimfeT T ^“J^onteatable des Sujets then- Representatives. The said sale lias also render- viennentA’v An , "! te Provl " ce - et «cntans. La speaking the only portion of these Lands which had nartieTa nh.fnv' aoustlait , a la bb te colonisation la escaped the action of the system of fraud, specula- seulesde cos T tag 5 l,se des Ferres accessible?, les tton and monopoly which the servants of His Majesty’s ttelnnnd^ f ’ a P™ prement parler, qui eussent Government in this Province have constantly mate- parement nn’ont ‘ f ?" de : de l rfcul ‘> t « d ’«ca- tained in tins Department. We humbly believe, that men les? . sans cesse fan regner dans ce departe- mdependently of the high considerations aforesaid! an en cette rtS-vV ” M G ' >uverne,nen ‘ de Sa Majesty essential point of the public Law of the country has ddpendammelt d‘ , °“ S cru y™s humblemenl qu'in- been lost sight of, namely, that the waste Lands of this „„ o H 1 de!! hautes consld ^ al '°ns qui precedent, I rovtnee are not of the same nature as the hereditary du Pays xavdAfT du droit P“ b 'te and patrimonial property belonging to the Crown anv P „• y ’ a ' on * Q lie ,es Terres vacantes de cette more than they had that chapter when t™ey ’were SriST ^ de q«e les Si held by His Most Christian Majesty. They formed ! ft patrimontaux attaches a la Couronne, then, and we deem that they form at this day Tart P , 11 ont «" ce caraetere lorsqu’elles of the public domain of the State, which in [he se- ib™ aieStaTor“ S , P “' CS R"»" et lteve we have given too many proofs that we are per- de laouHle nous ne 6 CeUe aUt ? rild ’ 4 1’exercice fectlv disposed to exercise it for the advantage of all llle . lt q Noes? tenoncerons jamais volontaire- classes of His Mqimiv •> ... nient - JNous croyons avoir assez donn6 de nr P m, OB lie oimn.. n • , [■'ICUVcS If other arguments than those drawn from Constitu- tional Law, and from the public Law of the country were requisite to demonstrate the correctness of tlfe view we take ot this question, we would say, that in practice, other portions of the public domain of his du Royaun, e-Uni on' lei 'hi Shi lallait d’autres motifs que ceux du droit Consti tutionnel etdu droit public du Pays, pour mettre hors de doute le point de vue sous lequel nous envisa^eons cette question, nous dirions que dans la pratique d autres parties du domaine public de cette Province l)lus aneiennempnt- _ . • , , . ce Province which were a source of profit atTn earlier ^ aatres . P arties du domaine public de cette Province period, have continued to be administered as bavin o- minis^rJes 111161116111 profitabies » ont continue a dtre ad- rnnnf Se y S f a f ne , chara . cter as before the cession of the ou’avant loT™ 6 entl ^ rement la meme nature country, teat m divers instances no objections has been ?onstnneeJ es ? lon du f .°y s » 9°® dans plusieurs cir- uised to various Acts of the Provincial Parliament on Am i V , n a pa5 L et6 Suschd ^objection a divers matters therewith connected,— and that from the mo- sniet! ' U f ar J. ement Prov inciaI qui out statim sur des men, when the very Act which defines the forms of our n Zt 7 f v l’ 6t q " G d ^ s le commencement de V 0 . present Constitution went into operation (a circumstance ^ 1 A cte merne qui a defim les formes de which cannot but h ave weight with Your Most Honora 0 ie piesente Constitution, eirconstance qui ne neut b e House), His Majesty’s Government has recognized" “ ' r P ° idS 3Upr6s de Votre Tres-Hono the nature and destination of the waste Lands of this r b ( J' hdmbre » le Gouvernement de Sa Majesty a re- 1 rovmce, by the very circumstance of reserv ng and 01 de , Stinatlon des Ferres vacantes i continuing ^ Pr ° VmCe> par cela m6me en a reserve et a continue 26° FebruariL A, 183 6 . 56 k continuing to this day to reserve a seventh part thereof, to belong more particularly to the Crown, and to be under its special control. Instead of this seventh, the Executive Authorities have taken possession of the whole of these Lands, of which they have disposed for the personal advantage of their members, and of their friends and subalterns, for the purpose of planting cor- ruption in the representation and among the people, of securing an undue irresponsibility in the Provincial Ad- ministrations, and of withdrawing them altogether from the control and influence of this House. To justify their former waste, and to retain the same means of bad government for the future, the same authorities established as a doctrine what had theretofore been only a culpable act; and these pretensions, rendered powerful by their own effects, have unhappily made their way to His Majesty’s Throne, and to the Supreme Coun- cils of the United Kingdom Under the ancient Government of Canada, the set- tlement of the wild Lands, under a system as regular and easy as possible, and adopted to the circumstances of the climate, the laws, manners and locality, by the then Inhabitants, and by others of their fellow subjects who came to settle among them, was regarded as a point so essential, that a great portion of the ancient Law of the country relates to this subject, and lays down rules which ensure the right of the population to obtain lots of Land for the purpose of cultivating them, and which establish the relative rights of all the parties interested* We conceive, that the power of ensuring the efficiency of these Laws, of modifying them, or enacting others in their stead, in case of need, has devolved solely upon the Provincial Parliament. We regret that since the change of dominion, the exactions of certain Seigniors, and the undue favors which have been conferred on others under the Tenures Act, on the one hand, and the pretensions of the Executive to dispose of these Lands without control, on the other hand, have en- tirely nullified the advantages which were best adapted to advance the moral and physical welfare of the People, and to give stability to their Institutions and to their political existence, as a happy and affectionate portion of His Majesty’s Subjects. We are sure that the Peo- ple of Canada of whatever origin, have equally had leason to complain of the vices and abuses above men- tioned. We cannot believe that while rights so essen- tial were recognized and respected under an absolute monarchical government, the operation of the British Constitution, though imperfect in its application to this Province, will be absolutely insufficient to maintain them. Your Most Honorable House cannot but know that the climate of this portion of the world, and other pe- culiar causes, render the clearing of Lands in order to bring them under cultivation, one of the chief resources of the surplus population of the oid settlements, and the surest mode of investing the very moderate capital possessed by the People of the country. The resources which the waste Lands would afford in point of revenue, under a wise system of management established under the authority of the Provincial Parliament, would be equally necessary as a provision for the support of the Provincial Government, and for the completion of the numerous local improvements made requisite by the increase of the population, the emigration from the United Kingdom, and the state of a rising country. — These resources are so important in both these respects, that if left to the unrestrained disposal of the Executive, they would destroy the Constitution, purchase the ad- herence of men made powerful by the authority vested in them, and give the administration ample pecuniary means continue jusqu’a present d’en reserver une septieme par- tie pour appartenir plus particulierement a la Couronne et etre sous son controle special. Au lieu de ce sep- tieme, les autorites Executives se sont emparees de la totalite de ces Terrcs dont elles ont dispose pour Pa- vantage personnel de leurs Membres et de leurs amis et subalternes, pour etablir la corruption dans la lie- presentation et dans le Peuple, et pour attribuer une irresponsabilite indue aux administrations Provinciales, etles soustraire entierement au controle et a l’influence de cette Chambre. Pour garantir leurs dilapidations pass6es, et pour se donner les memes moyens pour le mauvais Gouvernement a 1 avenir, les memes autorites ont 6rige en doctrine ce qui n’avait jusque la et6 qu’un acte coupable, et ces pretentions rendues puissantes par leurs eflfets memes, se sont malheureusement fait jour jusqu’au Trone de Sa Majeste, etjusqu’aux Con- sails Supremes du Royaume-Uni. Sous Pancien Gouvernement du Canada , la colonisa- tion des Terres, sous un systbme aussi r^gulier et aussi facile que possible, et conforme aux circon- stances du climat, des lois, des moeurs et des lieux, par les habitans d’alors et paries autres regnicoles qui venaient s’y etablir, dtait regardee comme un point tellement essentiel, qu’une tres-grande partie de l’an- cien droit du Pays a rapport a eet objet, et etablit des regies qui assurent les droits de la population a obtenir des lots cle Terre pour les cultiver, et qui fixent les droits relatifs de toutes les parties int^ressees. Nous concevons que le pouvoir d'assurer l’efhcacite de ces lois, de les modifier, de les remplacer par d’autres au besoin, est entierement d£volu au Parlement Provincial. Nous regrettons que depuis le changement de domi- nation, d’un cote les exactions cle quelques Seigneurs, et les faveurs indues qui sont resultees pour d’autres de l’Acte des Tenures, d’un autre cot6 la mauvaise admi- nistration des Terres non concedees, et les pretentions de 1’Executif a disposer de ces Terres sans controle, aient entierement nullifie les avantages qui etaient les plus propres a avancer le bien-etre moral et materiel du Peuple, a donner de la stabilite a ses institutions, et a son existence politique comme partie heureuse et aflfectionnee des Sujets de Sa Majesty. Nous sommes surs que la population Canadienne de toutes les origines a eu egalement a se plaindre des vices et abus ci-dessus. Nous ne pouvons croire que tandis que des droits aussi essentiels etaient reconnus et res- pectes sous un Gouvernement monarchique absolu, l’operation de la Constitution Britannique, imparfaite il est vrai dans son application a cette Province, sera absolument insuffisante pour les maintenir. Votre Tres-Honorable Chambre ne peut ignorerque la severity du climat en cette partie du monde, et plu- sieurs autres causes particuli^res, font du defrichement des Terres pour les soumettre a l’agriculture, l’une des principals ressources de la population surabondante, et le debouch^ le plus certain pour le placement des mo- cliques capitaux du Peuple du Pays. Les ressources que pr^senieraient les Terres vacantes en fait de revenu, sous une sage administration etablie en vertu de fautorite du Parlement Provincial, seraient Egalement n£cessaires pour subvenir au soutien du Gouvernement Provincial, et pour completer les nom- breuses ameliorations locales que requierent l’ac- croissement de la population, 1'emigration du Royaume- Uni, et l’etat d’un sol en progres. Ces ressources sont tellement importantes sous ces deux rapports, que laissees a la disposition non restreinte de 1’Executif, elles pourraient detruire la Constitution, acbeter l’ad- hesion d’hommes puissans par les pouvoirs dont on les aurait revetus, et donner aux administrations d’amples moyens 6 Will. IV , £6° l^cbruani. means equivalent to the other revenues of the Province, and consequently the power of govern ing arbitrarily in defiance of the authority of the Legislature. We state as a fact, that such has been in effect the system which has prevailed in this Province, and has been an inex- haustible source of evils and abuses. We attach so much importance to this subject, that we are firmly of opinion, that without the Legislative and Constitu- tional authority of the Provincial Parliament over the Lands of the Provincial domain, and the revenue arising from them, the power vested in the Legislature to make Laws for th e peace, welfare and good government of this Province, would be altogether nugatory. Your Most Honorable House may infer from this, bow much vve differ from His Majesty’s Minister, when in one of the extracts from the Dispatches above mentioned while commenting on the tenure of public offices in the’ Province, in a manner which seems to us but little ap- plicable to the subject, he appears to wish to curtail the influence of the Representatives of the People over the persons composing the Administration, because this House must be animated by the spirit of the People while we regard this latter ciicumstance as a most for- tunate one, and as a pledge for the due and efficient con- duct of public Officers, and for the security of those whose affairs they administer. We therefore pray Your Most Honorable House to be pleased to concur in the repeal of the said Act passed in favor of the Land Company, and also to adopt Con- stitutional means for annulling all the undue privileges incompatible with the rights of this Province, which is the object of the said Act to confirm, or of which it may have been the source. We also humbly pray Your Most Honorable House to be pleased, with regard to the matters relative to the public domain and the Lands ot this Province, to concur in recognizing the rights of its Legislature and of the Inhabitants of this Province to the end that we he no longer prevented from laboring as a part of that Legislature, to render available all the resources of the country for the support of His Majes- ty’ 8 Government therein, and for the equal benefit of all the Subjects of the Empire who inhabit this Pro- vince, or may come to settle in it, and more especially to ensure to all without distinction the means of set- tling on the waste Lands, under an easy system and on such conditions as shall he found most advantageous. On tne subject of the independence of the & Jud<4s, we see with pleasure that there exists no difference between the views of His Majesty’s Government and our own. We regret that our efforts to carry those views into effect have been misunderstood. Since that time the modifications which have rendered the clia- lacter of the Legislative Council worse, while it was pretended to improve it, have convinced us that it would he of no advantage to the due administration of justice, to proceed oil the same basis. We shall not however, abandon the consideration of the subject, and' we shall attentively examine any plan which shall ap- pear to us well adapted for the attainment of the de- sired end. What we have now said will suffice to show Your Most Honorable House what our views are, with regard to the politics of the Colony as a whole, to the func- tions and powers which we believe belong to the Pro- vincial Legislature on all matters relative To the internal affaiis of the Colony, and with regard to what we con- ceive to he the best means of ensuring activity, effi- ciency and responsibility in the public service. We would suggest that there are on this portion of the American Continent, more than a million of His Ma- Vol — 45. 565 moyens pecun.a.res pouvant balancer les autres revenns dela Province, et comme suite necessaire, la liberie de gouverner arbitrairement en mettant au df-fi I’auto- rite de la Legislature. Nous meltons en fait que tel a , en ,e s ^ st ^ me c l ul a pr^valu en cette Province, et q ui a une source intarissable de maux et d’abus Nous attachons tellement d’importance k ce suiet que nous sommes fermement d’avis que sans 1’auloritJ Legislative et Constitutionnelle du Parlement Provin- cial sur les Terres du domaine de la Province et sur le re vena en d^coulant, nous regarderions comme nuga- toire, le pouvoir de faire des lois pour la paix le bien etre et le bon Gouvernement de cette Province, altribiuS a cette Legislature. Votre Tres-Honorable Chambre peut V( J Ir par la combien nous differons d’avec le Mi nistre de ba Majesty Jorsqu’au contraire, dans fun des extra.tsde Depeches pr^citfs, comrnentant la tenure des offices des fonctionnaires provinciaux dune manure qui nous a paru peu applicable au sujet dont il etait ques- J' 0 "; j' S " mb e vou 0,r r6tr6cir Influence des Represen- ts du People sur le personnel dePAdministration.sous le pretexte que cette Chambre est anin^e de l’esprit du 1 cuple, pendant que nous regardons cette derniere cir- constance comme tres-heureuse, et comme un gacre d efficacit6 dans la gestion des emplois publics, et de security pour les administres. Nous supplions done Votre Tres-Honorable Chambre de vouloir bien concourir a annuller le dit Acte passe en faveur delaCompagme des Terres, et aussi d’adopter des moyens Constitution nels pour procurer I’annullation de tons privileges indus et contraires aux droits de cette 1 i ovince, que le dit Acte a eu pour ohjet de confirmer ou dont ,1 pent avoir ete la source. Nous vous prions aussi tres-humhlementde vouloir bien, sur les matieres concer- nant le Domaine Public et les Terres de cette Province et le Revenu d icelles, autoriser la reconnaissance des droits de cette Legislature et des Habitans de cette Pro- vince, afin que nous ne soyons plus empeches de travail! ler, comme partie de la dite Legislature, a mettre a profit toutes les ressources du pays pour y soutenir le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, et pour I’avantage egal de tous les Sujets de I Empire qui habitenl cette^rifvince ou qui viendront sy etabhr, et en particulier a procurer a tous indistinctement I’avantage de s’etablir sur les Terres vacantes sous un syst^me facile, et aux conditions qui seront trouvees les plus convenables. Au sujet dej’independance des Juges, nous voyons a ec plaisn qu en fait de pnncipes, il n’existe aucune erence entre les vues du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste et les notres. Nous regrettons d’avoir 6te mal compns dans nos efforts pour y donner effet. Denuis les modifications qui ont empire le caractere du Consei! Leg.slatif lorsqu on pretendait l’ameliorer, nous ont peisuades qu il n y aurait aucun avantage pour les fins d une due administration de la justice a proceder sur es memes bases. Cependant nous n’abandonnerons pas la consideration du sujet, et nous examinerons avec “le but S! qUi n ° US dG natUre a at - tt Ce qi' 1 precede pourra faire connaitre a Votre Tres- IIonorable Chambre quelles sont nos vues sur 1’ensem- Lo'nfe! 1 n qUe C ° ,0niale ’ sur Vendue des attribu- tions et pouvoirs que nous croyons appartenir a l a Leg.s ature Provincial sur les affaires interieures de ° onie > et 8Ur ce ff ue nous concevons etre les meil- leurs moyens d action, d’efficacite et de responsabih te dansle service public. Nousferons remarquer qu’il ex! iste sur cette partie du Comment Americain plus d’un million de Sujets de Sa Majeste, composant les Colonies 7 D du 566 26° Februarii , A. 188a jesty’s Subjects, composing the Colonies of Upper and Lower Canada, who, speaking different languages, and having a great diversity of origin, laws, creeds and manners, characteristics peculiar to them respectively, and which they have severally the right to preserve as inhabitants of a separate and distinct Province, have vet come to the conclusion that the institutions common to the two countries ought to he essentially modified, and that it has become urgently necessary to reform the abuses which have, up to this day, prevailed in the ad- ministration of the Government. We rejoice that we have, in our just claims, the support of our brethren of Upper Canada. This support will demonstrate to Your Most Honorable House and to our fellow subjects in all parts of the Empire, that we have been sincere in our declarations, that the circumstances and wants of the two Canadian Provinces do indeed require a responsible and popular Government, and that we have been actu- ated by no narrow views of party or of origin in de- manding for many years, from the authorities of the Mother Country/ that such a Government may be granted us. With regard to the protection and to the equality of rights which His Majesty’s Subjects in this Province are entitled to, the remedy of evils and abuses, the abolition of sinecures and pluralities, the expected for- mation of an Executive C ouncil on the principles above set forth, and to divers other subjects more particularly mentioned in the Speech from the Throne at the open- ing of the present Session, we refer to our answer to His E xceilency the Governor in Chief ; and we ar- dently wish that the views and instructions of His Majesty’s Government on essential points, may be of a nature to facilitate the results of which His Majesty's Representative has been pleased to promise, and which it will afford us the most lively satisfaction to see at- tained. In the Extracts from Despatches hereinbefore cited, there are certain passages which induce us to believe that we have not made ourselves understood by His Majesty’s Government, with regard to the nature of the control* we desire for the Provincial Legislature over the waste Lands of the public domain of the Province, and which might cause some misapprehension in the opinion of our fellow subjects. We have never claimed to exercise over this portion of the affairs of the Go- vernment. any other authority than the Parliamentary and Constitutional authority which we are entitled to exercise over all the other affairs of the country, in so far as the peace, welfare and good government of the country may be therein concerned. We have already set forth at length our reasons for believing that this authority belongs to us. On this head, as on all others, our wish is that the due execution of the laws may remain in the hands of the Executive authority, within the limits prescribed by the laws and the Constitution, and under the necessary responsibility ; but we also wish that the right of the Assembly of the Province to legis- late on these subjects, jointly with the other branches of the Legislature, and to exercise in this behalf the other powers of the Commons of the Country, may receive its full application. We believe we have de- monstrated the fatal results of the systems in which this wholesome doctrine has been lost sight of, and the ne- cessity which exists that their effects should be reme- died by laws, in the making of which we have a right to participate. We should esteem ourselves happy, if this explanation of our views remove any unintentional mis- take into which His Majesty’s Government may have fallen in construing our former representations. If we have, in them, dwelt more especially on this subject, it is du Haute t du Eas-Canada, qui parlant des langues dif- ferentes, ayant une grande diversite d’origines, de lois, de culte et de mceurs, caracteres particuliers qu’ils ont de part et d’autre droit de conserver comme Pen- pie distinct et separe, en sont cependant venus a la con- clusion que les institutions communes aux deux pays, devaient etre essentiellement modifiees, et qu il etait devenu urgent de reformer les abus qui ont regne jus* qu’a ce jour dans l’administration du Gouvernement. Nous nous rejouissons d'avoir dans nosjustes demandes 1'appui de nos freres du Haut-Caiiada. Cet appui servira a faire voir a Votre Tres-Honorable Chambre et a nos co-sujets de toutes les parties de 1 Empire, que nous avons ete sinceres dans nos declarations, qu’en effet les circonstances et les besoins des deux Provinces du Canada, reclament uu Gouvernement responsable et po- pulaire, et que nous n’avons ete rnus par aucunes vues etroites de parti oil d’origine en demandant depuis plu- sieurs annees un tel Gouvernement aux Autorites de la Metropole. Quant a la protection et a 1’egalite de droits que les Sujets de Sa Majeste en cette Province ont droit d’at- tendre, a la reparation des maux et abus, a l’aboli- tion des sinecures et des pluralites, a la formation attendue dim Conseil Executif d’apres les principes ci- dessus exposes, et a divers autres sujets plus particu- lierement mentionnes dans le Discours du I rone a 1 ou- verture de la presente Session, nous nous referons a noire reponse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, et turns desirous ardemment que les vues et les Instruc- tions du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste sur les points essentiels, soient de nature a faciliter les resultats que le Representant dc Sa Majeste a bien voulu promettre, et que nous xenons s’effectuer avec une vive satisfac- tion. Dans les Extraits de Depeches cites plus haut, il se trouve quelques passages qui nous donnent a croire que le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste n’a pas bien com- pris la nature du controle que nous desirous pour la Legislature Provinciate sur les Terres vacantes et le Domaine Public de la Province, et qui pourraient causer quelque meprise dans I’opinion de nos co-sujets. Cette Chambre n’a jamais pretendu exercer sur cette paitie des affaires du Gouvernement, d’autre autorite que son autorite Parlementaire et Constitutionnelle, comme elle a le droit de 1’exercer sur toutes les autres affaires du pays, en taut que la paix, le bit n-etre, et le bon gou- vernement du pays peuvent y etre concerm's. Nous avons ci-dessus expose an long nos motifs de croire que cette autorite nous appartient. Nous voulons sur ce snjet comme sur tons autres, que la due execution des Lois demeure a 1’Autorite Executive, dans le ressort present par la Loi et la Constitution, et sous la res- ponsabilite necessaire; mais nous voulons aussi que le droit de l’Assemblee de cette Province de legislate)- sur ces objets, de concert avec les autres branches de cette Legislature, et d’exercer a cet egard les autres pouvoirs des Communes du pays, puisse avoir son entiere ap- plication. Nous croyons avoir demontre combien les systemes qtd se sont eloignfs de cette saine doctrine avaient < te funestes, et combien d importe de remedier a leurseffets an moyen de Lois auxquelles nous avons droit de participer. Nous nous estimerions heureux si cet expose de nos vues pouvait detruire quelque me- prise involontaire dans laquelle le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste serait tombG en interpretant nos representa- tions anterieures. Si elles ont particulierement porte sur ce sujet, e'est que jusqu'a dernierement il avait ete enveloppe dans la Province d un systeme de secret qui violait 6 Will. IV, £6° Februarii. 567 is because, until lately, it was envelooed in this P™ , • . .. , A , Vince in a system of secrecy, by which the rights of the" ckU-t oniT ?td tC.‘ 1!' Voirs opinion that ' atif * P arl °- Legisla- nos demaudes iLT! "W™ jesty’s *i , , 1 , t> ,co JI * i tic opinion tha these matters should be withdrawn from the LemMa i 1 r“‘'' 1JO , - ,c ,a 11 ovince. ^ nous ren^ton^ tive and Parliamentary control of the Provincial Parlia- phis' racemes a d U J 0Urd ’ ,lm > c ’ est .Parce que les opinions merit. If, on tins occasion, we repeat our claims it is LI nil dcs . ^ me A s serviteui ’s de Sa Maieste because the more recent opinions of the same servants T 1 P U aV01r a meme tendance. An suiet des of His Majesty, have appeared to us to have the same llT VaCa " tes ’ ' ,ous ici q „e nous Tea re On the subject of (he waste Lands, we shall fous “Uport'dc fe” 6 /T P 'l* S importance htie add, that we consider them as of much Greater , PP - d ? Ieur libre colonisation, qu’mj eo-ard importance with regard to their free settlement than II lm,r, e diat q u ’ on pourraiten retTrer with regard to the immediate pecuniary revenue which nLS 'f' leDaD U Un pnx trop eleve, 011 en plus grande might be derived from them by disposing of them at S-i K (pJC P 0ur suffire aux demandes des Sufers de fe tf lil'lif' l in la , rger P“ r ‘i0" Ps than would s,,r- ?^gS3f r 4 par eux-mCs e hce to meet the demands of such of His Maiestv’s 7 an d se 1 1 1 ep ^thenn diSP ° Sed perSOna11 ^ to cbW ™* Reve",,™ 1 n°d' Expense" ] e ReTe'imef' h^" ler d ’ U ,? sp ! et im Portant et dtendu, of this 1 1 ovince. We are rejoiced at His Maiestv’s \r U et a Depenae Pubhque de cette Province control 13 f e , C i ara p °" that He is llis P0Sed to admit the Sa Mrie S !d T®?! , 6j ° U , iS de ! a g ra cieuse declaration eontiol pf the Representatives of tile People over the J,, ., 1 . 1 e lie est disposee a admettrele controle whole Public Revenue raised in this Province w! l-i Representans du People sue tout le Revenu public legal', I tlie fulfilment of this promise as of the highest nlillilnt' , Celle Province. Nous regardons l’accom- lmportance. In stating explicitly in the precedin nous avons voukfre- der that no misconception may hereafter retard’ the de" San? IW® S ,“ jet ’ 00 * » rai P oint tenus, ne pourrait avoir cu ties with which we are now contending. We humbly dlffilu d T* ra ” enerait t6t 011 ta *” d les memes represent to Your Most Honorable House, that the Peo Vi 1 ‘ ” s leS( l ue!les nous nous trouvons enga^s pie o this Province, tired of ,he continued rtrugMe ^ loTh^ iW"'” 0 ',' 3 h p u ” b , l «"“"‘ a Votre Tres-Hofo- which they have been so long engaged to obtain Yh ■ re !l P I f hamb,e

et ,a necessity de nou- H‘s Majesty and Parliamelt." We wish To? a Govern- I sacrifices pour faire parvenir et exposer sea ment which shall assure us freedom and security • the ‘‘ Sa Ma J est e e t a son Parlement. Nous voulons unrestricted effect of His Majesty’s declaration^’ " Gouvernement de franchise et de securite- feffet alone confer it on ns . and it idfbe wht we ^ss ZIT/™ ^ Sa Majesty pe’tlt sful It, and can entertain a hope of the removal of the grie- I’esooh- de"""' e - ° e SSra al °' S ’ 6t lors< l ue nous aurons vances and abuses we complain of, that we cannro- Lm . , i. , repar V nos maux et griefs, que nous perly consider the means of giving effect to the wishes nf " cbeicbe n>ns le mode d’effectuer les desirs du Gou- His Majesty's Government. U rCd tl an approp il ZIZT d * & pa '' a une alloeaUon Km of a permanent nature. Will, respect ti tl/ex d ^' re par,nanente - Quant a l’dtendue d'une al- U-nsion of any appropriation of this nature beyond what ci devalt cnflr " atUre a "; deli de « nous avons we have hitherto thought to be reasonable, it will be en oc c,l f tr0 ™sonnable, nous ne pouvons nous impossible for ns lo take the subject into consideration ?, “ P f 3“ a P re . s av °ir conmi les vues tin Gouver- until after the views of His Majesty's Government will, Cn,ellt ,e , lSa Majeste sur les details. Nous decla- regard to the details, shall have been made known to us IVffil® 1 l e ! ul “ n , t 1 u ’ a y ant ci-dessus expose nos vues sur We must, however, declare that having already r °pre 4„e “£,? ip ° nsMM T llous ~ir sentedi S Gouvernement Provincial, nous nous croirions 568 A. 18 36 26 ° Februarn. Rented our view* with regard to the efficiency and responsibility which we wish to see established in the Provincial Government, we should think we failed in our duty to our constituents, if we destroyed that effi- ciency and that responsibility, by placing, as a general rule, the great public functionaries of the Province, be- yond the reach of the wholesome act'on of the Constitu- tion. We are not actuated bv any considerations of a merely pecuniary nature ; we believe that the largest sums His Majesty’s Government could ask for, would be utterly insignificant in comparison to those for which His Majesty’s servants in this Province have been de- faulters, or the enormous sums expended out of the pub- lic revenue, without the authority of the Provincial Le- gislature, and even in opposition to the votes ol this House ; or in comparison with the waste of the public property, by which four millions of acres of land or more, scarcely an eighth part of which has yet been settled, have been monopolized or alienated. But we earnestly desire to preserve the benefit of a just conti ol on the part of the Legislature over the several branches of the Provincial Executive, and we can never consent by renouncing it, to confound all the powers of the State for the time to come. The pretensions set up by the Executive authority to the exclusive disposal of considerable portions of the Public Revenue of this Province, have been so diffe- rent and so variable, that we shall ever consider it a fortunate circumstance that the discussion of these questions, as far as principles are concerned, has been closed by the general declaration tor which we here record our gratitude to His Majesty. But we cannot admit that our present claims are at variance with our anterior acts, as His Majesty’s Minister supposes. If we could consent to retaliate and continue the discus- sion, we might say, that the control of the Provincial Legislature over the sources of Revenue in question, has been recognized by a long course of pi act ice ; that with regard to the (Casual and I erritorial Revenue, the M essage of His Excellency Lord Dorchester , in the year 1794 , was then, and has ever since been interpreted in the Province, and even by the Royal authority in assenting to divers Bills passed by the l lovincial 1 ar- liament, in such a manner as to leave no doubt on this subject. We might, then, regard the more recent pre- tensions of the Executive as of a nature altogether un- expected. But omitting these arguments, we appeal only to the principles of the constitutional and public law of the Colony, and the very nature of these sources of Revenue, which we believe we have sufficiently set forth. There is another point connected with the Casual and Territorial Revenue of' which we ought not to omit to speak. The very definition of this Revenue, and ihe par- ticular sources from which it is derived, demonstrate that it extends to all resources which may be derived from the public domain in this Province. Lord Dorchester in ihe Message above mentioned, confirms this conclu- sion, in speaking of the sources of Revenue from which no profit had then been derived. And His Excellency Lord Aijlmer had, very recently, included the revenue arising from the sale of Lands and the cutting of lim- ber, in the Casual and Territorial Revenue. A our Most Honorable House, therefore, will not see without sur- prise, that His Majesty’s Ministers and Servants, feel- ing that the control of the Provincial Parliament must sooner or later be exercised over the said Casual and Territorial Revenue, compelled, moreover, to acknow- ledge, that in any case, this Revenue could not be ap- plied otherwise than to the wants of the Civil Govern- ment and of the Administration of Justice, and desi- rou croirions coupables envers nos constituans si nous (16- truisions cette efficacite et cette resnonsabilite en met- tant, comme regie generale, its grands fonctionnaires publics de cette Province en dehors de 1 action salutaire de la Constitution. Nous ne sommes mus par aucune consideration purement pecuniaire ; nous croyons que les demandes les plus elevees que pourrait fa ire le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, seraient absolument in- signifiantes aupr6s des defalcations des serviteurs de Sa Majeste en cette Province, des sommes enormes depenseessur le revenu public sans Rautorile de la Le- gislature Provinciale et meme a Rencontre des votes de cette Chambre, et aupres des dilapidations du Domaine Public ail moyen desquelles on a accapare on aliene quatre millions on plus d’acres de terres dont a peine une huitieme partie est en valeur. Mais nous tenons a conserver les avantages d’un juste controle par la Legislature sur les diverses branches de 1 Executif Pio- vincial, et nous ne pourrions y renoncer d’une manicre qui intervertirait Ressence de tous les pouvoirs pour l’aven ir. Les pretentions que Rautorite Executive a elevees a disposer seuie de parties considerables du revenu public de cette Province, onl 6te si diverses et si variables, que nous regarderons comme une circonstance lieureuse que la discussion de ces questions, en fait de principes, se trouve absorb ee dans ia declaration generale pour la - quelle nous consignons ici notre reconnaissance envers Sa Majeste. Mais nous ne pouvons convenir que nos reclamations actuelles soient en opposition a nos actes anterieurs, ainsi que le suppose le Ministre de Sa Majeste. Si nous voulions user de represailles et con- tinuer la discussion, nous pourrions dire que par une longue pratique les sources tie revenu en question ont ete reconnues etre sujettes au controle du Parlement Provincial ; que quaut au Revenu Casuel et territorial, le Message de Son Excellence Lord Dorchester de l’ari- n6e mibrept-cent-quatre-vingt-quatorze, a ete, d6s lors et depuis, interprete dans la Province et meme par Rau- torite Royale en sanctionnant divers Bills passes par le Parlement Provincial, comme ne laissant auemi doute sur ce sujet. Nous pourrions done regarder les pre- tentions plus recentes de RExecutif comme (Rune nature tout-a-fait inattendue. En omettant ces raisonnemens, r.ous nous en tiendrons aux principes du droit consti- tutionnel et du droit public colonial, ainsi qua la nature meme de ces sources de revenu que nous croyons avoir suffisamment ex posee a Vot re I res - Honorable Chambre. II est un autre point qui se rattacbe au Revenu Casuel et Territorial, dont nous ne devons pas omettre de pur- ler. La definition meme de ce Revenu, et les sources par- ticuiieres dont il se compose, demontrent son etenduea toutes les ressources qu’on pom ait retirer du domaine public de cette Province. Lord Dorchester, dans le Mes- sage mentionne ci dessus, confirme cette proposition en parlant des sources de Revemi qui n’etaient pas encore devemies profitables. Tout recemment d’ailleurs Son Excellence Lord Aijlmer avait coinpris le revenu pmve- nant de la vente des Terre? et de la coupe des Bois, dans le Revenu Casuel et Territorial. Votre Lres-Honorable Chambre ne verra done pas sans surprise, que les Mi- nistres et Serviteurs, de Sa Majeste, sentant que le controle du Parlement Provincial devait etre tot ou tard exerce sur ce Revenu Casuel et rerritorial, forces de reconnaitre d’ailleurs que dans tous les cas ce revenu ne pouvait etre appiique qu’aux besoins du Gouvernement Civil et de RAdministration de la Justice, et clesirant se former des fonds dont la destination fut differente, et 6 Will. IV. &6° Februarii. 669 rous of creating funds which iniglit he otherwise applied, ami might enable them to indulge the spirit of favori- tism and perpetuate their system of bad government, have endeavored to separate from the said Casual and Territorial Revenue, the most important and extensive portion of it, namely, the whole of the waste Lands and saleable Timber in this Province ; and they appear to have assigned to the fund which they thus procured bv the sale of the said Lands and Timber, without lawful authority, the name of His Majesty s Hereditary Re- venue. It is sufficient to examine the purposes to which this part of the Revenue has for many years been applied, to be convinced that our opinion of this appli- cation is by no means erroneous, and that these pur- poses have only an almost infinitely distant relation to the essential wants of the Ci'il Government and of the Administration of Justice, for which the Casual and Territorial Revenue is destined. From this adminis- trative manoeuvie, it follows as a necessary conse- quence, that in the hands ol His Majesty’s Servants to whom the management of the Territoiial Domain is entrusted, the waste Lands will be alienated with a view to the immediate increase of this uncontrolled Re- venue, instead of being managed with a sage foresight, founded on the consideration of the resources which these lands offer for the future, and of their settlement by His Majesty’s subjects. It seems to be intended that this Revenue should be enormously increased by the proceeds of the sale to the Land Company. On this latter subject, we pray that from the Revenue over which we have been encouraged in the hope of seeing tne control of the ! egislature of this Province esta- blished, all sums arising from alienations in favor of the said Company may be excluded. We hold the unre- strained access to so great an extent of the waste Lands to be too valuable to His Majesty s Subjects who inha- bit this Piovince, or who may hereafter come to settle therein, to allow us to barter away their rights for any pecuniaiv considei ations whatsoever, or by acknowledg- ing the validity of the said alienations. We are, there- fore, bound to abide by the requests herein above made to Your Most Honorable House. If we rightly understand the said Extracts from Dis- patches, the announced recognition of the control of the Pi ovincial Legislature over the whole Revenue, ex- tends equally to the sources of Revenue thus separated from the Casual and Territorial Revenue. This exten- sion whl have the effect of preventing for the future, the consequences of the system heretofore followed! We observe, however, that there is a desire to main- tain, under any final arrangement, the charges to the payment of which this particular Revenue has hitherto been applied and which are considered as permanent. We have already expressed our opinion as to the na- tme of these charges. His Majesty Government can- not doubt our readiness to make everv provision which may be necessary to ensure the efficient and beneficial management of the said Lands and '1 imber. We shall likewise give our attention to the nature of the other charges, with the view of making the result of our deli- berations known to His Majesty’s Government. We have, however, already declared that we would not re- cognize the sinecures created under the Tenures’ Act. With regard to the several Pensions which have hitherto been paid out of this fund, it is our wish to express no premature opinion here, and we shall merely remind Your Most Honorable House that they have hitherto been paid in opposition to the determinations of this House. If we see the desired arrangement effected we shall receive with respect and shall take into con! \7 a r sideration Vox.— 45. et leur permit d'exercer le favoritisme et de perpetuer le mauvais gouvernement, ont pretendu distraue du dit Revenu Casuel et Territorial ce qui en formait la paitie la plus importante et la plus etendue, savoir* la total ite des Terres vacantes et des Rois exploitables cu cette i rovince, et ils paraissent avoir donne aux fonds qu’ils se sont ainsi procures en disposant de ces Terres et de ces Rois sans autorite legale, le nom de Revenu Hereditaire de Sa Majesty II suffit d’exa- miner les objets auxquels cette partie du revenu a ete appliquee depuis plusieurs annees pour se convaincre que notre opinion sur cette application n’est nullement erronee, et que ces objets n'ont qu’un rapport infini- ment eloigne avec les besoins essentiels du Gouverne- men Civil et de T Administration de la Justice aux- quels est destine le Revenu Casuel et Territorial. De cette manoeuvre administrative, resulte la consequence necessaire qu’entre les mains des serviteurs de Sa Majeste charges de la regie du territoire, les Terres vacantes seront alienees dans la vue de grossir lm- mediatement ce revenu non controle, au lieu d’etre administiees avec une sage prevoyance, eu egard aux ressources que ces Terres offrent pour l’avenir et a l etabiissement d’icelles par les Sujets de Sa Majeste. Le produit des ventes faites a la Compagnie des Terres paiait devoir grossir enormement ce meme Revenu. — Sur ce dernier sujet, nous supplions qu’on veuille bien omettre dans le revenu sur lequel on nous a fait espe rer de voir exercer le controle de cette Legislature, toute somme provenant d alienation en faveur de la dite Compagnie. Nous regardons 1’acces non restreint a une aussi grande etendue de Terres vacantes comme d’un trop grand prix pour les Sujets de Sa Majeste qui habitent cette Province ou qui viendront s’y eta- blir, pour qu’il nous soit permis de pactiser de leurs droits moyennant des considerations pecuniaires quel- conques, ou en reconnaissant la validite des dites alie- nations. C’est pourquoi nous devons nous en tenir aux demandes que nousavons faites ci-dessus a Votre Tres- Honorable Chambre. Si nous comprenons bien les Extraits de DSpeches, les sources de revenu ainsi distraites du Revenu Casuel et Territorial sont egalement comprises dans la recon- naissance annoncee du controle de cette Legislature sur tout le revenu. Cette latitude aura Teffet de parer pour Tavenir aux consequences du systeme anterieurement suivi. Nous remarquons cependant qu’on desire main- temr dans tout arrangement final les charges auxquelles ce i evenu particulier a jusqu’ici ete applique, et qui sont regardees comme permanentes. Nous avons deja expri- me notre opinion sur la nature de ces charges. Le Gou- vernement de Sa Majeste ne pent douter de notre vigi- lance a fournir ce qui sera necessaire pour assurer la regie efficace et profitable des Terres et des Rois. Nous nous occuperons egalement de la nature des autres charges, dans la vue de faire connaitre le resultat de nos deliberations au Gouvernement de Sa Majeste. Nous avons deja declare cependant que nous ne pouvons recon naitre les sinecures etablies en vertu del’Actedes lenuies. Quant aux diverses Pensions qu’on a jus- qu'ici payees a meme ce fonds, nous desirous n’expri- mer ici aucune opinion prematuree, autrement qu’en i appelant qu el les ont ete jusqu’ici payees en opposi- tion aux deliberations de cette Chambre. Si nous voy- ons s’effectuer 1 arrangement desire, nous recevrons avec respect, et nous prendrons en consideration avec libe- laliti^ comme par le passe, eu egard aux circonstances de chaque cas et aux ressources du pays, toute recom- „ mandatkm 7 k 570 26 ° Februarii . As 1 836. sideration with the liberality we have always exer- cised, regard being had to the circumstances of each case and to the resources of the country) all recommen- dations from His Majesty req nesting appropriations on our part, of the public monies for constitutional purposes. Having thus exposed our opinions on the essential points of the Extracts from Despatches which have come to our knowledge, we refer on all other points, to our humble Petitions to His Majesty and Parlia- ment, of the first of March one thousand eight hundred and thirty four, and the twenty eighth of February one thousand eight hundred and thirty five, in which we persevere. We beg leave to call the favorable atten- tion of Your Most Honorable House to the essential reforms we have pointed out in the former part of this Address, and which we believe to be indispensable. Declaring ourselves unsatisfied with the views and in- tentions of His Majesty’s Ministers, we address our- selves to His Majesty and Parliament, in order that our just claims may be listened to, and that the Go- vernment in this Province may be rendered consti- tutional and responsible, and possess the confidence of the People. We have frequently regretted that the destinies of the Inhabitants of this portion of the British Empire should depend almost solely on a Colo- nial Minister on the other side of the ocean, acting for the most part on incorrect data and on an imperfect knowledge of facts, and left to acton his own respon- sibility. AVe also venture humbly to express our re- gret, that in the discussion of Colonial questions in ge- neral, it has not been thought right to attach sufficient importance to them, to place them among the number of those on which the public confidence on His Ma- jesty's Government depends. AVe have suffered anil still suffer from this state of things, and we believe that it would be best remedied by the action, in the Pro- vince itself, of a Government at once popular and res- pected. In the position in which we are placed, and how- ever unjust the projects of the Colonial Office may appear, it is yet our wish to give a proof of our desire for conciliation and peace. We have expressed our regret, that according to the Extracts from Des- patches above cited, even the temporary arrangement alluded to by His Majesty s Representative cannot take place unless this Mouse virtually admits the control of the Executive over funds which we believe to be- long to us, nor unless these funds remain hereafter, as they have done heretofore, and for a term of which it is impossible to ascertain the extent, subject to charges created by the mere authority of the Executive, and which it regards as permanent. AVe are, however, re- solved to neglect nothing which can afford to His Majesty and Parliament an opportunity to do us jus- tice, and to the present administration of this Pro- vince, the means of effecting such Reforms as the vices of the system permit ; and we have determined to pro- vide for the Expenses of the Provincial Government for a limited time, regard being had to the circumstances attending the several items and the resources of the country. AA 7 e pray that Your Most Plouorable House will attribute the manner in which we shall endeavour to give effect to the decision we have thus come to, solely to our sincere desire to obtain a better Govern- ment, and not to any abandonment of the principles we have supported ; and will not allow it to be made a subject of repioach to us, when we may again here- after insist on these principles. It is with the view of maintaining them and of obtaining the decision of His Majesty and Parliament on the weighty mat- ters mandation de Sa Majeste soilicitant de noire part des allocations de deniers publics pour des ohjets constitu- tionnels. Ayant ainsi manifest^ nos opinions sur les points essen- tiels des Extraits de Dfpeclies qui nous sont parvenus, nous nous reclamerons sur tout le reste, de nos humbles Petitions a Sa Majeste et au Parlement, du premier Mars mil-hui't cent-trente-quatre, et du vingt-huit Fe- vrier mil-huit-cent trente-cinq, dans lesquelles nous per- severons. Nous prions Votre Tres-Honorahle Chambre de vouloir bien donner son attention favorable aux r 6- formes essentielles que nous avons signalees au com- mencement de cette Adresse, et que nous croyons indispensables. Declarant que nous ne sommes pas saiisfaits des vues et des intentions des Ministres de Sa Majeste, nous nous adressons a Sa Majeste et au Parle- ment, afin que nos justes demandes puissent etre £cou- tees, et que le Gouvernement de cette Province devienne i’n plus tot un Gouvernement Constitutionnel, responsa- hle, et possedant la confiance du Peuple. Nous avons souvent regrett6 que les destinees des habitans de cette partie du monde Britannique dependissent presque uuiquement d’un Ministre Colonial, agissant au-delA des mer% et le plus souvent sur des donnees incorrectes e; une connaissance imparfaite des f’aits, et laisse a sa propre responsabilite. Nous osons aussi humblement exprimer noire regret, que dans la discussion des ques- tions Coloniales en general, on n’ait pas trouve conve- nable d’y attacher assez d’importance pour les rnettre au r.ombre de cedes d oil depend la confiance publique dans le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste. Nous avons souffert et nous soutfrons encore de cat etat de choses, et nous croyons que faction, dans la Province mime, d’un Gouvernement populaire et respecte, serait le meil- leur moyen d’y porter remede. Dans la position ou nous sommes, et quelque injustes que paraissent etre les projets du Bureau Colonial, nous voulons cependant donner une preuve de notre desir de conciliation et de paix. Nous avons regrette que d’a- pres les Extraits de Depeches sus-cites, metne l’arrange- ment lemporaire mentionne par le Representant de Sa Majeste, ne puisse avoir lieu sans que cette Cham- bre admette virtueliement le controle de l’Executif sur des fonds que nous croyons nous appartenir, et sans que ces fonds demeurent a l’avenir comme par le passe, pour un intervalle dont il est impossible de fixer la duree, sujet aux charges creees par la seule autorite de l’Ex- ecutif, et qu il regarde comme permanentes. Nous avons cependant resol u de ne rien negliger pour donner A Sa :'viajest6 et au Parlement 1’occasion de nous rendre justice, eta l’Administration actuelle de cette Province, les moyens d effectuer les reformes que les vices du systeme laissent en son pouvoir, et nous nous sommes decides a fournir aux depenses du Gouvernement Pro- vincial pour un temps limite, eu egard aux circonstances des diverses demandes et aux ressources de la Pro- vince. Nous prions \ 7 otre Tres- Honorable Chambre de n’attnbuer la manRre dont nous voulons donner effet a cette determination de notre part, qu’a notre sincere desir d’obtenir un meilleur gouvernement, et non a aucuti abandon des principes que nous avons soutenus, et de ne pas nous en faire un sujet de reproches, lors- que par la suite nous reviendrons a ces memes principes. C’est dans la vue de les maintenir, et d’ohtenir la de- cision de Sa Majeste et du Parlement sur les graves questions que nous avons exposees, et la reparation lies ahus et griefs, que nous avons ajourne la conside- ration 6 Will. IV. Jh cbruarii. ters we have set forth, and the removal of grievances and abuses, that we have postponed the considera- tion of the other demands which would have necessi- tated a further departure from what we believe to be the constitutional rights of the People. We expect full justice from the august tribunal to which we ap- peal, and we trust that the Provincial Parliament will be called together for its next Session so as to enable us to continue, as early as possible, our labors for the we fare of the country, and, reassured bv the justice and liberality of the measures we expect to consider the means of finally arranging the difficulties existing in the Government of this Province, and of giving strength, stability and public confidence thereto. Wherefore we respectfully entreat Your Most Hono- rable House to listen favorably to our humble prayer and as well by the exercise of its high influence, as jomdy with the other Branches of the Parliament of the United kingdom, to render full justice to the Inhabi- tants of this Province, and to deliver them from the oppressions and bad government which through Colo- nial Ministers have so long weighed heavily upon them. And by inclination led, as well as by duty bound, we shall ever pray. J T o the HonorabJe the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Bri- tain and Ireland, in Parliament assembled. 571 May it please Your Honorable House, MV’jV Maty’s faithful and loyal Subjects, the state of the Commons of Lo*wer Canada, in Provincial Parliament ,ince " assembled, humbly approach Your Honorable House for the purpose of expressing once more, in the name of the . eople we represent, our firm though respectful opinion of the necessity of the reforms we have so often prayed xor in the Constitution of this Province, and of the redress oi the grievances and abuses which have prevailed therein. We seize the same occasion to make known our sentiments with regard to a portion of the recent views and determinations of His Majesty’s Go- vernment, in so far as it has been possible for us to be- come acquainted with them. We pray Your Hono- rable House to believe in our sincerity. We desire, as the Representatives of a People who have even in times of difficulty shown a strong attachment to the British Empire, not to forget the sentiments of respect we owe to Your Honorable House, and which its hP-h attributes require; but at the same time it would be culpable in us to sanction by our silence, any miscon ception with regard to the nature of the improvement and deforms required, or to the constitutional and prac- tical system of Government which we desire to see established in this Province, and which we believe to be equally in accordance with the true principles of the Constitution, the mcontestible rights of the Inhabitants of this Province, and their natural and social position, and with their wishes, interests and necessities. fS h p n in e ? 0 i et 5 iniy repeat ’ that the Principal object of the , ohtma 1 Reforms, which this House and the Peo- ple of this Province have for a great number of years used every effort to obtain, and which have frequently been detailed to Your Honorable House, is to extend the elective principle to the Legislative Council, a branch of t e provincial Legislature, which by its opposition to the People, and by reason of its imperfect and vicious con- stitution, has proved insufficient to perform the func- tions for which it was originally created; to render the executive Council directly responsible to the Repre- sentatives vince. ration des autres demandcs qui auraient necessity de notre part une plus grande deviation de ce que nous cioyons <5tre de l’essence des droits constitulionneis du leuple. Nous attentions pleine justice de l’Auguste -tribunal auquel nous en appelons, etnous esperons que le I arlement Provincial sera convoque pour sa pro- c lame Session de maniere a nous permettre de conti- nuer aussitot que possible nos travaux pour le bien du pays, et rassu res par la justice et la lib&aliff des de- marches que nous attentions, aviser aux moyens d’ar ranger finalement les difficutes qui subsistent dans^e Houyernemcnt de cette Province, et de procurer a ce dernier de la force, tie la stability et dela confiance. Pourquoi nous supplions respectueusernent Votre Ires- Honorable Chambre qu’il vous plaise recevoir fa- vorablement nos humbles prieres, et, tant par 1’exercice de son influence elevee, que de concert avec les autres Branches du Parlementdu Royaume-Uni, rendre pleine justice aux Habitans de cette Province, et les ddivrer on systeme d’oppression et de mauvais gouvernement que font peser sur eux depuis long-temps les Ministres vmiomaux. Et autant par inclination que par devoir nous ne cesserons de prier. Aux Ilonorables Chevaliers, Citoyens et Bourgeois, les Communes du Royaume-Uni de la Grande-Bretagne et tl irlande assembles en Parlement. Qu’il plaise a Votre Honorable Chambre, Nous les fideles et loyaux Sujets de Sa Majeste, les Petition aux Communes du Bas-Canada, assembles en Parlement 1 fovnidal, approchons humblement de Votre Honora- hie Chambre, pour lui exposer encore une fois, au nom du Peuple que nous representons, notre opinion ferme quoique respectueuse sur la necessity des reformes que nous avons si souvent demandees dans les institutions de cette Province, et du redressement des griefs et abus qui y out regne. Nous saisiasons la meme occasion pour fW connaitre nos sentimens sur quelques-unes desvues et des daerminations recentes du Gouverne- ment de Sa Majeste, en autant qu’elles out pu nous etre connues. Nous prions Votre Llonorable Chambre de croire a notre since'rite. Nous dairons comme Re- presentans d’un Peuple qui a, meme dans des temps oiageux, montre un grand attachement pour l’Empire ijntannique, ne pas nous ecarter des sentimens de respect dus a Votre Honorable Chambre, et que re- quierent de nous ses hautes attributions ; niais en meme temps nous serions coupables d’autoriser par notre silence aucun malentendu quant a la nature des ameliorations et des reformes requises, et quant au sys- tbme constitutionnel et pratique de Gouvernement que nous voulons voir s’etablir en cette Province, et que nous croyons egalement conforme aux vrais principes de la Constitution, aux droits incontestables des Habi- tans i.e cette Province, a leur position physique et so- ciale, ainsi qu’a ieurs voeux, a leurs inteiets et a leurs besoms. Lorsque nous r^petons solennellement que l’objet pi mcipal des reformes politiques que cette Chambre et le 1 enple de cette Province se sont efforc^s d’obtenir depuis un grand nombre d’amffes, et qui ont ete sou- vent expliquees ft Votre Honorable Chambre, est d’e- tendre le prmcipe electifau Conseil Legislatif, branche de la Legislature Provinciale qui parson opposition au leuple, et par sa Constitution imparfaite et vicieuse a ete msuffsante jusqu’a present pour remplir lesfonctions auxqnelies elle Gait originairement destinee ; de rendre le Conseil Executifdirectement responsable aux Repre- sentans 572 26” Februarii. A. 183a sentatives of the Peopfe, conformably to the principles and practice of the British Constitution, as established in the United Kingdom; to place under the wholesome and constitutional control of this House, the whole Public Revenue raised in this Province, from whatever source derived ; to obtain the repeal of certain Acts pas- sed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom, in which the People of this Province are not represented, with regard to the internal affairs of this Province, ma- king its territory and best resources the subject of unfair speculation and monopoly, anti which we hold to be a violation of the rights of the Legislature anti of the People of this Province; to ensure equal rights and impartial justice to all classes of the Inhabitants of this Province; to abolish sinecures and the accumulation of incompatible offices; to redress the numerous abuses which prevail in the various departments of the Public Service; to obtain for the Provincial Legislature, with re- gard to the internal affairs of the Province, and more es- pecially over the management and settlement of the waste Lands thereof, for the benefit of all classes of His Majesty’s Subjects without distinction, that essential control, which would be the direct consequence of the principles of the Constitution; when we say. we res- pectfully repeat to Your Honorable House these our demands, and declare our him intention to persevere in asking them, as being alone calculated to ensure the liberty, peace and welfare of this Province, and the con- fidence of the People in the Government, and to ce- ment their political union with the United Empire, we can scaicely fear that we should not be understood by lour Honorable House. We shall, however, add to our humble declarations, some new facts which must tend yet more to convince Your Honorable House of the justice of what we ask, and of the correctness of the view we take of the common interest of the Mother Country, and of this Colony. We are bound in the first place to express our satis- faction at the recall of the Head of the Executive Government, and at the appointment as his successor, of a distinguished personage, who, independently of his qualifications as an individual, of which we have no motive for doubting, was, from his previous habits and position, more likely to comprehend our wishes and our wants. At the opening of the present Session of the Provincial Parliament, we had to applaud the princi- ples of order and justice enounced in the Speech deli- vered from the Throne, by His Excellency the Gover- nor in Chief of this Province, on divers matters con- nected with the administration of the Government, and which might become the subject of our deliberations. In our firm hope that the efforts of His Majesty’s Go- vernment to do full justice to the People of this coun- try, would be continued without relaxation, in a spirit of enlightened liberality, we have by our answer shewn that confidence could still exist on our part, and on that of the People, in His Majesty’s Government. We believed so much the more firmly, that the declarations of which we have just spoken, and the extraordinary at- tributions and circumstances which accompanied the usual powers of His Majesty’s Representative, were our guarantees that the essential and vital subjects which were only spoken of to us as matters for the future deliberation and decision of His Majesty and Par- liament, would be looked at in the same comprehen- sive spirit, and with the same views; and, above all, that the researches and determinations adapted to throw light on the solution of these weighty questions, would not be restrained by any formal refusal of the demands which were to form the matter of investiga- tion, nor by any final determination to maintain at all events, sentans du People conforintmient aux principes ct a la pratique de la Constitution Britannique telle qu etablie dans le Royaume-Uni ; de placer sous le controle salu- taire et constitutionnel de cette Chambre tout le lieve- nu public preleve en cette Province de quelque source qu’il provienne ; d’obtenir le rappel de certa ns Actes passes dans le Parlement du Royaume-Uni on le People de cette Province n est pas represente, an sujet des af- faires interieures de cette Province, et qui en soumet- tent le territoire et les meilleures ressources au monopnle et a I’agiotage, Actes que nous consul; rons etre une violation des droits de la Legislature Provinciale et de ceux du Peuple ; d assurer des droits egaux et une jus- tice egale a toutes les classes des habitans de cette Pro- vince ; d’abolir les sinecures et le cumul d’emplois in- compatibles ; de redresser les alms nombreux qui ie- gtient dans les divers de parlemens du service public ; d’obtenir pour la Legislature Provinciale, sur les af- faires interieures du Pays, en particulier sur la regie et l’etablissement des terres incultes d icelui pour I’avan- tage de toutes les classes des Sujets de Sa Majeste sans distinction, ce controle essentiel quidtcoule im- mediatement des principes de la Constitution ; — lorsque nous repetons ces demandes, disons-nous respectu- eusement a Votre Honorable Chambre, et que nous nous declarons fermement disposes a y perseverer, comme etant seules de nature a assurer la liberte, la paix et le bien-etre de ceite Province, et la confiance du Peuple dans le Gouvernement, et a cimenter son union politique avec 1’Empire-Uni, nous ne pouvons qu a peine craindre de n’etre pas compris de \ otre Honora- ble Chambre. Nous ajouterons cependant a nos decla- rations, quelques nouveaux motifs piopres a convaincie davantage Votre Honorable Chambre de la rectitude de nos demandes et de celle du point de vue sous le- quel ncus envisageons le comrnun interet de la Metro- pole et de la Colonie. Nousdevonsen premier lieu temoigner notre satisfac- tion de ce qu’on a rappele le Chef du Gouvernement Pro- vincial, et de ce qu on lui a donne pour Successeur tin person nage distingue qui, independamment des qualifi- cations individuelles dont nous n’avons aucun motif de douter, etait plus a portce, par suite de ses habitudes et de sa position anterieure, de bien comprendre nos veeux et nos besoins. A I’ouverture de la presente Session du Parlement Provincial, nous avons applaudi aux prin cipes d ord re et de justice enonces dans la harangue pro- noncee du Tione par Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef de cette Province sur plusieurs sujets lies a I’Ad- ministration du Gouvernement, et qui pouvaient etre le sujet de nos deliberations. Dans notre espoir que les efforts du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste pour rendre pleine justice au Peuple de ce Pays seraient continues sans relache avec une liberalite edairee, nous avons par notre reponse temoigne qu’ii pouvait encore exister de la confiance de notre part et de celle du Peuple envers le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste. Nous I’avons cru d’autant mieux, que les declarations dont nous venons de parler, et. les attributions et les circonstances peu or dinairesqui accompagnaient les pouvoirs usuels du Re- presentant de Sa Majeste, nous etaient garans que les sujets vitaux et essentiels dont on ne nous parlait que comme devant etre matiere de deliberation et de decision ulterieure pour Sa Majeste on pour le Parlement, seraient envisages avec la meme latitude et les memes vues, et surtout que les recherches et les de- terminations [iropres a eclairer la solution de ces graves questions, ne seraient limitees par aucun refu> funnel des demandes sur lesquelles on se proposait d’enquerir, ni par aucune determination finale de maintenir d’une manRre absolue les pretentions elevees de temps a autre sur 6 Will. IV. 26° Fcbruarii. 67 3 events, the pretensions raised from time to time on di- vers subjects of Colonial policy by His Majesty’s res- ponsible Ministers, and which called forth the remon- strances of this House and the People; matters which, as His Majesty was pleased to assure us, were to be equally the subject o f research and deliberation. We thought that without bringing forward unjust and inap- plicable theories of Metropolitan domination and Colo- nial abasement, without recurring to a system proved false by memorable examples, regard would be had ex- clusively to the principles of the Constitution, the mutual inteiests of all parties, and the peace, welfare, i ights, wishes and wants of these important portions of the British Dominions. It could therefore, only be with lively anxiety that we were brought to suppose, from the knowledge which reached us, at first indirectly, and afterwards by the official channel, of certain Extracts from a Dispatch dated the seventeenth of July, one thousand eight hun- dred and thirty five, addressed by His Majesty’s Prin- cipal Secretary of State for the Co'onies, to certain pet sons in Bower Canada , (unacquainted as we more- over are with the tenor of the other parts of the same document, and with any subsequent instructions,) that ju point of fact, the researches authorized by His Ma- jesty, for the purpose of ascertaining the means of doing justice to His Canadian Subjects, were on se-^. veral of the most essential points, limited by precon- ceived opinions and anticipated decisions in the manner herein before set forth. We are bound on this head to declare, that in the face of obstacles like these, if His Majesty’s Government should persist in maintaining them, and without the assent of the mother country to the essential Reforms we expect, no measures of minor im- portance can have the effect desired ; that the delay oc- casioned by the investigations announced, will serve only to embolden the enemies of the People of this Province and of His Majesty’s Government, in their hopes of dis- sention and violence, and that the best intentions, or even acts on the part of the Head of the Provincial Ex- ecutive, even in conjunction with the efforts of this House, and of the People, might be wrecked in con- tending against the deep rooted system of vice and abuse which has robbed His Majesty’s Government in this Province, of all efficiency and respect, and has endangered the liberties and safety of the Inhabitants of Canada. sur divers sujets de politique Coloniale paries Ministrea responsables de. 8a Majeste, Jesquelles avaient sus- cite les reclamations de cette Chambre et du People • sujets qui ainsi que Sa Majeste voulait bien nous en assurer, deva'ent fitre egalement l’objet de recherches et de deliberations. Nous pensions que sans mettre en piemiere hgnedes theories injustes et inapplicables de domination Metropolitaine et d’abaissement Colonial sans revemr a un systeme r<5prouv6 par de memorables exempies, on n aurait egard qu’aux principes dela Con- stitution, a l’interet mutuel de toutesles parties, et a la bien-etre, aux droits, aux vceux et aux’besoins de ces parties importantes des domaines Britanniques. Ce n a done pu et re qu’avec de vives apprehensions que nous avons ete portes a supposer, d’apres la con- naissance qui nous est parvenue indirectement, et en- suite par communication officielle, de certains extraits d une Depeche en date du dix-sept Juillet mil-huit-cent- trente-cinq, adressee par le principal Secretaire d’etat de Sa Majesty pour les Colonies a certaines personnes f ans le Bas-Canada , ignorant d’ailleurs, comme nous raisons, la teneur des autres parties du meme Docu- ment, ainsi que des instructions posterieures, qu’en effet es recherches autorisees par Sa Majeste pour parve- nu a lendre justice a ses Sujets Canadiens, etaient sur plusieurs des points les plus essentiels limitees par des opinions prejudicielles et des decisions anticipees en la maniere que nous venons d’exposer. Nous devons a cet egard declarer qu’avec de semblables obstacles, si le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste persistait £ les maintenir, et sans acquiescement de la Metropole aux reformes essentielles que nous attendons, aucunes mesures d’im- portance mineure ne pourront avoir l’effet desire : que e delai occasionne par les Enquetes annoncees ne ser- vira qu’a enhardir les ennemis du Peuple de cette Pro- vince et du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste dans leur espoir de division et de violence, et que les meilleures dispositions et meme les actes du Chef de l’Executif lrovincial, joints meme aux efforts de cette Chambre et a ceux du Peuple, pourraient echouer contre le sys- teme enracine de vices et d'abus qui a enleve toute ef- hcacite et tout respect au Gouvernement de Sa Ma- jeste en cette Province, et qui a mis en danger les liber- ies et la s^curite des Habitans du Canada . At the head of the Reforms which we persist in con- sidei ing as essential, is the introduction of the principle of popular election into the Constitution of the Legis- lative Council. The People of the country, without distinction, regard this body, as at present constituted, as factiously opposed to its institutions, its state of society, its feelings and its wants, and as having been and as being necessarily the strong hold of oppression and abuses. I hey continue in like manner to believe that any partial reform which shall stop short of the introduction of the elective principle, will be altogether insufficient, and will, as leaving the inherent vi becailse - hoft question to be closely connected in practice with the other more important subjects of Colonial policy We recoL C n™on e of U t r he^ to saying, that the full and entire lecogmt ion of the rights of this House and the Peo pie, by those whom His Majesty may be pleased to C afl to His Councils, and their constitutional Responsibility based upon the practice of the United Kingdom wifi Govrm t en 1 t. ra0t,VeS f ” ““““ » have also asked, and now again ask, for the re- peal Nous ne discuterons pas les points historiques de re- gime Colonial Anglais, sur lesquels nous 9 differons d avec le Mimstre de Sa Majeste! Les temps “nt rl on le prohleme, et nous croyons fermement que les heureuses contrees auxquelles ces questions se rRppor. tent n auraient jamais attemt le degre de prosperite t on e es jouissent, ni sous leur ancien regime Colo- nial, m sous un systeme semblable a celui que les Mi- ce te eS r^ 0 „ 0n,aU lT SUCe J eSSif5 0I “ ^ abli niaintenu en nu’ l nou I J > Nous | dema n<’e>ons done humblement quil nous soit permis de passer k dautres sujets. d’entfe/f dU Consei ! Ex ^utif nous nous abstiendrons d entrei dans aucuns details, pare© que nous regardons cette question comme ^troitement li#e dans la pratique avec les autres sujets majeurs de politique Coloniale. ous nous bornerons a dire que la reconnaissance pleine et entiere des droits de cette Chambre et de ceSx du Peuple par ceux qu’il plaira a Sa Majeste d’appeler a ses Conseils, et leur responsabilite Constitutionnelle asee sur la pratique du Royaume-Uni, seront des mo- sf MajS? S de C ° nfianCe dans ,e Gouvernement de ISous avons aussi demande et nous demandons de nouveau 576 26 0 Februariu si. 1856 . peal of certain noxious Acts, of which the People of the country have complained: we wish, among others, to mention the Act of the sixth year of our late Sove- reign George the Fourth, Chapter fifty nine, commonly called the “ Tenures Act,” and, also, the more recent Act granting certain privileges to a Company of indi- viduals residing chiefly in London , whose object is to make the Lands of this Province a subject of speculation. With regard to the former of these Acts, its nature and its effects, our complaints have been so detailed, and so numerous, that we shall abstain from repeating them. We shall only add, that recent decisions of the superior tribunals of the country, have refused any validity to the proceedings of the pretended Court of Escheats established by the said Act, which has in fact merely served as a pretext for creating several sinecures paid out of the public Revenue of this Province, and which we have not recognized and will never recognize. — We pray Your Honorable House, then, that being at length convinced of the baneful effects of the said Act, on the social Institutions of this Province, the common rights of its Inhabitants, and the settlement of the waste Lands therein, without its containing one redeeming beneficial provision, but when on the con- trary it has tended solely to favor the Seignior, while it professes to be intended for the relief of the mass of the Censilaires, it may please Your Honorable House to concur with the other branches of the Parliament in the immediate repeal of the said Act, in order that the Provincial Legislature may be no longer preven- ted from enacting Laws, (as it has the right to do) on the numerous subjects which it has been pretended to regulate by the said Act, and in order that we in particu- lar, as one branch of that Legislature, may do justice in that behalf to our constituents, in a manner adapted to their interests and their wants, with which we have better means of being acquainted than any authority sitting without this Province. On the subject of the latter of the said Acts, we have, as well before it was passed, and with tlie knowledge and approbation of His Majesty’s Ministers while it was in progress through the Houses of Parliament, as since that time, made equally numerous representations. We know that one of the effects of this Act, besides authorizing mo- nopoly in improved lands already owned and occupied by the People of this Province, has been to confirm the illegal sale of nearly a million of acres of the waste Lands of this Province, made to the said Company, in addition to the unusual privileges it confers on the same Company, with regard to the application of the proceeds of the said sale, — privileges which belong solely to the Provincial Legislature, whose powers have been therein usurped. This subject is also closely connected with the incontestable right of British subjects inhabiting this Province, and of those who come to settle therein, not to be taxed withouttheir free consent expressed through their Representatives. The said sale has also render- ed impossible the free settlement of the most advan- tageous portion of the accessible Lands, and properly speaking the only portion of these Lands which had escaped the action of the system of fraud, specula- tion and monopoly which the servants of His Majesty's Government in this Province have constantly main- tained in this Department. We humbly believe, that independently of the high considerations aforesaid, an essential point of the public Law of the country has been lost sight of, namely, that the waste Lands of this Province are not of the same nature as the hereditary and patrimonial property belonging to the Crown, any more than they had that character when they were held by LI is Most Christian Majesty, They formed then, nouveau le rappel de certains Actes nuisibles, dont le Peuple du Pays s’est plaint : nous voulons entre autres mentionner l’Acte de la sixieme annee de notre feu Souverain George Quatre, Chapitre cinquante-neuf, communement appelb “l’Acte des Tenures et aussi l’Acte plus recent qui accorde certaLs privileges a une Compagnie de particulars residans principale- ment a Londres, dont le but est de specifier sur les Terres de cette Province. Quant an premier de ces Actes, a sa nature et a ses effets, nos plaintes ont e-e si detaillees et si nombreuses, que nous nous ab- stiendrons de les repeter. Nous ajouterons seule- ment que des decisions recentes des tribunaux su- perieurs du Pays ont refus6 toute validite aux pre- cedes de la pretend ue Cour de Confiscation etablie par le dit Acte, laquelle n’a en effet que servi de pre- texte a plusieurs sinecures, retribiffes a meme le reve- nu public de cette Province, lesquelles cette Chambre n’a pas reconnues et ne reconnaitra jamais. Nous supplions done Votre Llonorabie Chambre que, se convainquant finalement des consequences nuisibles du dit Acte au sujet des institutions sociales de cette Province, des droits communs de ses habitans, et de Petablissement des Terres incultes d’icelle, sans qu’au- cune disposition avantageuse rachbte ses effets, mais lorsqu’au contraire il n’a tendu qu’a favoriser les Sei- gneurs lorsqu’il s’annoi^ait comme devant soulager la masse des Censitaires, ii plaise a Votre Honora- ble Chambre de procurer de concert avec les autres Branches du Parlement le rappel imm^diat du dit Acte, afin que la Legislature Provinciale ne soit plus empe- chee de statuer, comme elle en a le droit, sur les noin- breux sujets qu’on a pretendu regler par le d it Acte, et afin que cette Chambre en particulier, comme Pune des branches de cette Legislature, puisse rendre a cet egard justice a ses commettans d une maniere con- forme a leurs lois, a leurs interets, et a leurs besoins, que nous sommes plus a portee de connaitre qu’au- cune autorite siegeant hors de cette Province. Au sujet du second de ces Actes, nous avons taut avant sa passation, et lors meme qu’il etait en progres dans les Chambres du Parlement a la connaissance et avec l’approbation des Ministres de Sa Majeste, que de- puis lors, fait des representations egalement multi- plies. Nous savons que cet Acte a eu pour effet, outre qu’il autorise le rnonopole de Terres arneliorees maintenant poss£d£es et habitees par le Peuple de cette Province de confirmer une vente i 1 legal e de pres d’un million d’acres des Terres vacantes de cette Pro- vince faite a la dite Compagnie, en outre des privileges insolites qu’il accorde a la meme Compagnie a l’egard de l’emploi des produiis de la dite vente, privileges qui n’appartiennent qua la Legislature Provinciale dont on a par la usurpe les attributions. Ce sujet se rattache aussi de prbsau droit incontestable des Sujets Britanniques habitant cette Province, et de ceux qui viennent s’y £tablir, de n’etre taxffs que de leur libre consentement par l’organe de leurs Repr^sentans. La dite vente a aussi soustrait a la libre colonisation la partie la plus avantageuse des Terres accessible.?, les seules deces Terres, a proprement parler, qui eussent £chappe aux systemes de fraude, de peculat et d’acca- parement qu’ont sans cesse fait regner dans ce departe- ment les serviteurs du Gouvernement de Sa Majest6 en cette Province. Nous croyons humblemenl qu’in- dependamment des hautes considerations qui precedent, on a perdu de vue un point essentiel du droit public du Pays, savoir : Que les Terres vacantes de cette Province ne sont pas de la meme nature que les biens hereditaires et patrimoniaux attaches a la Couronne, non plus qu’elles n’ont eu ce caracRre lorsqu elles etaient 6’ Will. IV. 26 ° Fcbruani. 577 then, and we deem that they form at tins dnv nn.-f /.f„- „ ,,, of the public domain of the State, which in ‘the s C . foi-maieKt ^ ?° ls Tr&8 "Chrdtiens. Ell e * veral dependencies of the Empire, is committed to core Sun °hni "° US J»geons qu’elles ferment en- IIis Majesty s paternal care, for the benefit of their leauel £n^le. d ,“ domaiae public de 1’ftat Inhabitants and of other Subjects of the Empire who commk A I d V erses ^Petulances de PEmpire es[ may wish to settle therein, and is subieet in iS a la garde paternelle de Sa M-nW/. i n L preme authority of Parliament: and we conceive that Vantase de ,eurs h abitans et des autres Smets dVl’F m this Province the Provincial Parliament is fully and SHuTT ^ Ct est su J et * Pautori t^ exclnsrvely invested with this authority, the exerdse Province^ , Pa ^ le “ ent i et nous concevons qu’en cette of which we shall never willingly renounce. We be- X'i farlement Provincial est pleinemenl et heve we have given too many proofs that we are ne"- do h i] lent revctu de ce *te autorite, a fexercioo fectly disposed to exercise it for the advantage ofVll n ° US ne rcnoncer ons jamais volontaire- c asses of His Majesty Subjects, to render impossible que nous°avn Cr ° y ° nS aV °i r . assez donn6 de preuves that any consideration foreign to the Laws and Cn *• ^ ^ a ' onfj rme parfaite disposition « i>L tu.ion should induce the lament If “e U„Ued de ,‘° u >« les cbSX de s Suiets ZZ ingdom, or His Majesty’s Ministers, forcibly to abridge Lois ct’l 'u U f qu ‘? uc ™ e consideration etrangere aux on this pent, the rights of the Provincial liliamentf t Royaume UnT on 1°"' $*■* le tenter y d’abrdger par W “ ^ h If other arguments than those drawn from Constitu- ? ro ™'cial. P °‘'‘ “ r0,ts du were requisite to demonstlate the correct esTSe ‘“‘‘“‘'f' du droit public & me tfeW view we take of this question, we would "ay that in cett V°‘ Dt de VUe sous kquel ions Z a4ons practice, other portions of the public domain nf tl * questlon ’ nous dirions quo dans In n £ Province, which were a source of profit at an i- 1,S c auties parties du domaine public de cettp P ^ C ’ period, have continued to be administered as hni ^ P — an . clennem ent profitafolesf ont continue a AtrJ^d 6 precisely the same character as before the cession of thf ^avanM C ° mm - e S °j tant enti ^ement la meme nature country, that in divers instances no objections has been consHn! a ? es f on du Pa y s > que dans plusieurs cir- raised to various Acts of the Provincial Parliament on Col d V* a I 5as ^ sa ^ite d*obje?tion 4 divers matters therewith connected,— and that from tho ,rm * U { a ! dement Provincial qui out statu4 sm- r ] PC ment when the very Act which defines the forms of our Stum C 1 ^’ et q - e d6s le commencement de I V piesent Constitution went into operation (a circumstance I n f ' 6 1 Acte meme qui a defini les formes de which cannot but have weight with Your Hi!! notie presente Constitution, circonstancp md n . House), His Majesty’s Government has poids a'upJS TvoJ H^oiSble Province, by the very circums^f r^ 0 °/ ^ '=> destination de s LrrettaeanteTl continuing to this day to reserve a seventh nart thprenf rovmce, par cela m^me qu’il en a reserve to belong more particularly to the C,ow„ P and to fe f. ont,n “6jusqu>a pr&ent d’en .Server une sentihme under its special control. Instead of this seventh the ‘ t e C Ur , appartenir P lus Particulierement k la Couronne Executive Authorities have taken l I et fitre sous son controle special An i; 0 „ u whole of these Lands, of which theyliave disposod for She’d 8 autor “ s Ex&ut' ves s ; sont empartes'de fa' the personal advantage of their members, and of theh vamf 6 ce * T f reS dont elles ont dispose pour I’i friends and subalterns, for the purpose nf n l an f 1 van tage personnel de leurs Membres et 1 P a " .option in the et ">“• l»«r etablir la corrupt oh dn/h^ 18 securing an undue irresponsibility in the Prl C ° presentation et dans le Peuole e t nlr l Re ' ministrations, and of withdrawing them aRo-ether from ‘"i 1 s P onsab,li . t e indue aux Administrations P, i vfo'cial'e? the control and influence of this House. & To instifv / Gb ® ous ^ raire entierement au controle et a l’inflnp * their former waste, and to ' retain tlm same^ni^ 1 of tssfeT .? , PoUr g^S^urs^l^ons bad government for the future, the same authorities man se doaa fr les memes moyenspouMe only a culpable act; and these p^teS'r^S Tcle T “t “ qui n'avad Under the ancient Government of Canada the set seds i>u P, r ^“'?s du Royaume-Uni. ’ J q Lon ' We conceive, droite of tliLse Laws, of modifying them, or enactinn otlinx ? . c ® vons que le pouvoir d’assurer l’effieacite' de , S 2x55 ^mvssssirsi Vo l,_«. ami ’ 11 COt6 les eXact,ons dc q^lques Seigneurs, 7 G et 578 26 ° Februarii. A . 1836 . and the undue favors which have been conferred on others under the Tenures Act, on the one hand, and the pretensions of the Executive to dispose of these Lands without control, on the other hand, have en- tirely nullified the advantages which were best adapted to advance the moral and physical welfare of the People, and to give stability to their Institutions and to their political existence, as a happy and affectionate portion of His Majesty’s Subjects. We are sure that the Peo- ple of Canada of whatever origin, have equally had reason to complain of the vices and abuses above men- tioned. We cannot believe that while rights so essen- tial were recognized and respected under an absolute monarchical government, the operation of the British Constitution, though imperfect in its application to this Province, will be absolutely insufficient to maintain them. Your Honorable House cannot but know that the climate of this portion of the world, and other pecu- liar causes, render the clearing of Lands in order to bring them under cultivation, one of the chief resources of the surplus population of the old settlements, and the surest mode of investing the very moderate capital possessed by the People of the country. The resources which the waste Lands would afford in point of revenue, under a wise system of management established under the authority of the Provincial Parliament, would be equally necessary as a provision for the support of the Provincial Government, and for the completion of the numerous local improvements made requisite by the increase of the population, the emigration from the United Kingdom, and the state of a rising country. — These resources are so important in both these respects, that if left to the unrestrained disposal of the Executive, they would destroy the Constitution, purchase the ad- herence of men made powerful by the authority vested in them, and give the administration ample pecuniary means equivalent to the other revenues of the Province, and consequently the power of governing arbitrarily in defiance of the authority of the Legislature. We state as a fact, that such has been in effect the system which has prevailed in this Province, and has been an inex- haustible source of evils and abuses. We attach so much importance to this subject, that we are firmly of opinion, that without the Legislative and Constitu- tional authority of the Provincial Parliament over the Lands of the Provincial domain, and the revenue arising from them, the power vested in the Legislature to make Laws for the peace, welfare and good government of this Province, would be altogether nugatory. Your Honorable House may infer from this, how much we differ from Plis Majesty’s Minister, when in one of the Extracts from the Dispatches above mentioned, while commenting on the tenure of public offices in the Province, in a manner which seems to us but little ap- plicable to the subject, he appears to wish to curtail the influence of the Representatives of the People over the persons composing the Administration, because this House must be animated by the spirit of the People, while we regard this latter ciicumstance as a most for- tunate one, and as a pledge for the due and efficient con- duct of public Officers, and for the security of those whose affairs they administer. We therefore pray Your Honorable House to be pleased so to act as to procure the repeal of the said Act passed in favor of the Land Company, and also to adopt Constitutional means for annulling all the undue pri- vileges incompatible with the rights of this Province, which is the object of the said Act to confirm, or of which it may have been the source. We also humbly pray Your Honorable House to be pleased, with regard to et les faveurs indues qui sont residues pourd’autres de l’Acte des Tenures, d’un autre cot6 la mauvaise admi- nistration des Terres non conc^dees, et les pretentions de 1'Executif a disposer de ces Terres sans controle, aient entierement nullify les avantages qui etaient les plus propres a avancer le bien-etre moral et materiel du People, a donner de la stabilit6 a ses institutions, et a son existence politique comine partie heureuse et affectionnee des Sujets de Sa Majesty. Nous somtnes surs que la population Canadienne de toutes les origines a eu egalement a se plaindre des vices et abus ci-dessus. Nous ne pouvons croire que tandis que des droits aussi essentiels etaient reconnus et res- pect^ sous un Gouvernement monarchique absolu, l’operation de la Constitution Britannique, imparfaite il est vrai dans son application a cette Province, sera absolument insuffisante pour les maintenir. Votre Honorable Chambre ne peut ignorer que la sprite du climat en cette partie du monde, et plu- sieurs autres causes particulieres, font du defrichement des Terres pour les soumettre a l’agriculture, l’une des principales ressources de la population surabondante, et le debouch^ le plus certain pour le placement des mo- diques capitaux du Peuple du Pays. Les ressources que presentment les Terres vacantes en fait de revenu, sous une sage administration etablie en vertu de l’autorit£ du Parlement Provincial, seraient egalement necessaires pour subvenir au soutien du Gouvernement Provincial, et pour computer les noin- breuses ameliorations locales que requierent l’ac- croissement de la population, l’emigration du Royaume- Uni, et l'etat d’un sol en progres. Ces ressources sont tellement sous ces deux rapports, que laissees a la disposition non restreinte de l’Exdcutif, elles pourraient detruire la Constitution, acheter i’ad- h£sion d’hommes puissans par les pouvoirs dont on les aurait revetus, et donner aux administrations d’amples moyens pecuniaires pouvant balancer les autres revenus de la Province, et corame suite necessaire, la liberie de gouverner arbitrairement en mettant au clefi l’auto- ritd de la Legislature. Nous meltons en fait que tel a dtd en effet le systdme qui a prdvalu en cette Province, et qui a ete une source intarissable de maux et d’abus. Nous attachons tellement d’importance a ce sujet, que nous sommes fermement d’avis que sans fautorite Legislative et Constitutionnelle du Parlement Provin- cial sur les Terres du domaine de la Province et sur le revenu en decoulant, nous regarderions corame nuga- toire, le pouvoir de faire des lois pour la paix, le bien- etre, et le bon Gouvernement de cette Province, attri- bud a cette Legislature. Votre Honorable Chambre peut voir par la combien nous differons d’avec le Mi- nistre de Sa Majesty, lorsqu’au contraire, dans fun des extraits de D6peches precites, commentant la tenure des offices des fonctionnaires provinciaux d’une maniere qui nous a paru peu applicable au sujet dont il etait ques- tion, il semble vouloir retrdcir l’influence des Represen- tans du Peu pie sur le personnel del’ Administration, sous le pretexte que cette Chambre estanintede l’esprit du Peuple, pendant que nous regardons cette derni&re cir- constance corame tres-heureuse, et comme un gage d’efficacit dans la gestion des emplois publics, et de security pour les administres. Nous supplions done Votre Honorable Chambre de vouloir bien travailler a procurer le rappel du dit Acte passe en faveur de la Compagnie des Terres, et aussi d’a- dopter des moyens Constitutionnels pour procurer l’an- nullation de tous privileges indus et contraires aux droits de cette Province, que le dit Acte a eu pour objet de con- firmer ou dont il peut avoir ete la source. Nous vous prions aussi tres-humblement de vouloir bien, sur les malieres 6 Will. IV. 26 " Februariu to the matters relative to the public domain and the Lands of this Province, to concur in recognizing the rights ot its Legislature and of the Inhabitants of this 1 rovince, to the end that we be no longer prevented from laboring as a part of that Legislature, to render available all the resources of the country for the support of His Majesty s Government therein, and for the equal benefit of all the Subjects of the Empire who inhabit this Pro- v,nce, or may come to settle in it, and more especially to ensure to all without distinction the means of set- tling on the waste Lands, under an easy system and on such conditions as shall be found most advantageous. 579 On the subject of the independence of the Judges we see with pleasure that there exists no difference between the views of His Majesty’s Government and our own We regret that our efforts to carry those views into effect have been misunderstood. Since that time the modifications which have rendered the cha- lacter of the Legislative Council worse, while it was pietended to improve it, have convinced us that it would be of no advantage to the due administration of justice, to proceed on the same basis. We shall not lowever, abandon the consideration of the subject, and we shall attentive y examine any plan which shall ap- pear to us well adapted for the attainment of the de- sired end. it Wha t we have now said will suffice to show Your onorable House what our views are, with regard to the politics of the Colony as a whole, to the func- tions and powers which we believe belong to the Pro- V L'. 1Cla Legislature on all matters relative to the internal affairs of the Colony, and with regard to what we con- ceive to be the best means of ensuring activity effi- ciency and responsibility in the public service. * We would suggest that there are on this portion of the American Continent, more than a million of Llis Ma- jes y b Subjects, composing the Colonies of Upper and Lower Canada, who, speaking different languages, and having a great diversity of origin, laws, "creeds’ and manners characteristics peculiar to them respectively and which they have severally the right to preserve as inhabitants of a separate and distinct Province have yet come to the conclusion that the institutions common to he two countries ought to be essentially modified and that it has become urgently necessary to reform the abuses which have, up to this day, prevailed in the ad- ministration of the Government. We rejoice that we have, in our just claims, the support of our brethren of Upper Canada. This support will demonstrate to Your Honorable House and to our fellow subjects in all parts of the Empire, that we have been sincere in our dec.arations, that the circumstances and wants of the two Canadian Provinces do indeed require a responsible and popular Government, and that we have been actu- ated by no narrow views of party or of origin in de- manding for many years, from the authorities of the granted SUC, ‘ 3 G ™„t be With regard to the protection and to the equality of rfenUl'el *' S Subjects in this Once 2i; 1! f • ’ the remed y of evd s and abuses, the abolition of sinecures and pluralities, the expected for- mation of an Executive Council on the principles above set forth, and to divers other subjects more particularly mentioned in the Speech from the Throne at the opem uf ° 1? 4 1( r, P resent Session, we refer to our answer to Iis Lxcdlency the Governor in Chief; and we ar- Maieft w* t mt 4 ie v,ews and instructions of His dajesty s Government on essential points, may be of a nature to facilitate the results of which His Majesty’s Representative matieres concernant le Domaine Public et les Terroc i cette Province et le Revenu d’icelles? auXii? la re connaissance des droits de cette Legislature et des Iff bitans de cette Province, .fin q ue ?ouf ne soyons 1: empeches de travailler, comme partie de iadite Leoask ture, 4 mettl e a profit routes lesVessources d ‘ p a ys® ot y soutemr le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste et nnnr Ik vantage egal de tons les Sujets de I'Empire qui habitant ette 1 rovince ou qui viendront s’y etablir, et en parti cuher a procurer a tons indistinctement Pavanfu c de s etablir sur les Terres vacantes sous un sys” me | ci |e nables! C ° nd,tlons < l u ‘ seront trouv «s les plus conve- Au sujet de 1’independance des June* nniK dlfffrc la ' Sir 4 1 ’ en / ait de principes ’ il & n’existe aucune difference entre les vues du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste et les notres. Nous regrettons d’avoir he mal cornpns dans nos efforts pour y donner effet. Depffis L6oTshtff C |o 0nSqni ont , em R ir ? Ie cara ctere du Conseil JLegislatif lorsqu on pretendait l’ameliorer, nous ont peisuades qu iln'y aurait aucun avantage pour les fins I une due administration de la justice a proceder «ur es m( m es bases. Cependant nous n’abandonnerons pas la consideration du sujet, et nous examiuerons avec bu[ J2SS qUi n ° US Paraitia dC — a Ce qui precede pourra faire connaitre a Votre Ho- rable Chambre quelles sont nos vues sur I’ensen t b io e n de et a P° lltl( l. ue Goloniale, sur 1 etendue des attribu- tions et pouvoirs que nous croyons appartenir k k Lcgis ature Provineiale sur les affaires ffiterieures de a Colonie, et sur ce que nous concevons etre les meil Jeurs moyens d’action, d’effieacite et de responiSmi dans le service public. Nous ferons remarqutr « Me s Ur cette. partae du Continent Americain p? us d’un million de Sujets de Sa Majeste, composant les Colonies du Haute t du Eas-Canada , qui parlant des langues dif- feientes, ayant une grande diversity d’originesf de iois de cidte et de moeurs, caracteres particulars qu’ils out de pait et d autre droit de conserver commeku- ple distinct et separe, en sont cependant venus a la com c usion que les institutions communes aux deux pavs devaient etre essentiellement modifies, et qu’il hait eleven u urgent de reformer les abus qui ont Ln6 h s . quace jour dans l’admimstration du Gouvernement Nous nous rejouissons d’avoir dans nosjustes demanded 1 appui de nos freres du Haut-Canada. Cet appui ser vtra a faire voir a Votre Honorable Chambre 'et p nos co-sujets de toutes les parties de I’Empire, que nous avons ete smeeres dans nos declarations, qu’en effet les circonstances et les besoins des deux Provinces du Canada, reclament un Gouvernement responsabie et po- pulate, et que nous n’ayons ete mus par aucunes vues etroites de parti ou d’origine en demandant depuis plu- iTwItropde 8 U " ^ Go,,verneraent aux Autorites de Suk ts dP r , Gt 3 l 6galit6 de droits but that this House should have proceeded under the most solemn protest that this proceeding shall not hereafter be appealed to, or invoked as a precedent against the Constitutional Rights of this “ House, and the liberties of the People in this Pro- “ vince.” Mr, Speaker said, that the proposition offered to the House was unparliamentary and ought not to be re- ceived j because it was not offered in the shape of a Motion proposing some subject for deliberation and decision, but in the shape of a protest tending to cen- suie a decision of a Committee of the whole House • and further, because, in matters of Supply, when the decision of a Committee of the whole has been in favor of a smaller sum or a shorter period of time, it is not afterwards allowable to make any Motion in the House tending to grant a larger sum, or to extend the period. 585 An appeal being made to the House from Mr Speaker s decision, The House divided thereon ; and the names bein" called for, they were taken down, as followeth • ° For Mr. Speaker’s decision, Messieurs Amiot, Archambeault , Bard?/, Barnard , Berthelot, Besserer, Blanchard, Blanchet, Boutillier, Cardinal, Cazeau, Clierner, Child, Cote, Be Bleury, Be Jlilt, Pierre Anlome Borion, Joseph Toussaint Brolet , Fortin, Girouard, Granms , Hebert, Jobin, Kimber, La- Jontaine , Leslie , Lelourneau , Meilleur , Morin O’Calla glrnn, Pen-mil, Picket, Raymond, Rocbrune iit Larooue] Rocker, Joseph Andre Taschereau, Thibaudeau, Toomy, lrudel and Viger. (40.) J Against Mr. Speaker’s decision, Messieurs Baker, Beaudouin, Bertrand, Blackburn, , ^ouffard, Caron, Clapham , Beblois, Be Tonnancour , Dubord, Fraser, Godbout, Huot, Knight, Larue, Le Boutillier, Marquis, Methot, Moore, Mousseau, Noel Power, Simon , T ache Antoine Charles Taschereau, Van- felson and Wells . (27.) So it was carried in the Affirmative. The Question being then put on the main Motion it was agreed to unanimously. ’ And the said Resolutions being again severally read and the Question of concurrence being separately put thereon, they were agreed to by the House/and 7 P Resolved, That this House doth concur with the Committee in the said Resolutions. Mr Morin moved, seconded by Mr. Be Witt, That the Question of concurrence be now separately put upon each 1 aragraph of the said Address to His Ma- jesty. The House divided on the Question ; and the names eing called for, they were taken down, as followeth : , T . Yeas, Messieurs Amiot, Archambeault, Bardy, Barnard, Beaudouin, Vol— 45 . Berthelot , « / tUC i c ^ c !r Ue l^vmce, dans sa Harangue pronon. « p U , Trone » a 1 ouv erture de la pr^sente Session « du 1 a > lenient Provincial, et conservant le ferine „ . es P° ir ( l ue les eff °rts du Gouvernement de Sa Ma- „ J p Stc P our rendre Pleine justice aux Habitans du „ f er ° nt contiaues sans relache avec une lib^ra- t< ^lanee, et suivis prochainement de succes, il „ expedient de voter tant les arrerages des t< ~ e P enses du Gouvernement Civil que les subsides „ n6 ®f«*ires P our . les dispenses de Fannie courante, „ eu 6 S ard aux exigences reelles du service public et “ r^, re f° UrC / S ] , du Pays 5 mais ^ ue cette Chambre {{ y aurait proc^dd sous la protestation la plus solen- be discharged in so far as the same relates to the “ Coroner of the District of Montreal ; and that that part of the said Report, Evidence and Documents, “ which L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Cornite sur une Motion faite par M. Morin, Mercredi ( ei i niei ; savoir : “ Que 1’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Rapport du Co- c< mite Special nomme pour s’enquerir des circon- stances qui ont precede et accompagnd la mort du nomme John Collins, decedd dans la Prison commune poui le District de Montreal, au commencement du “ moisde Decembre dernier, et pour s’enquerir aussi c etat de dite Prison, soit decharge, en autant qu i 1 a rapport au Coronaire du District de Montreal, “ et que la partie du dit Rapport, Temoignage et Do- “ cumens Comite sur une Motion pour re- arer au Comite des Griefs la par- tie du Rapport au sujet de la mort de John Collins, qui a rapport au Co- ronaire. 588 26° Februarii. A. 18 36, .. which relate to the said Coroner, be referred to the .. Standing Committee of Grievances,” being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said C °M “ Safer took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent theiein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Baker reported that the Committee had Das sed the said Motion, which Motion was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered That the Petition of J. M ■ Mondelet , His J2SSS& M a%ty? Coroner for the District of Montreal pre- SSSri’ sented to this House on Wednesday last, be referred Grievances. ^ ^ Committee. “ cumens qui a rapport au dit Coronaire, soit refers au << Comite Permanent des Griefs,” ayant ete lu j La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. . M. Baker a pris le Fauteuil du Comite et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Baker a fait rapport que le ComitS avait passe la dite Motion, laquelle Motion a ete lue de nouveau a l a Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que la Petition de J.-M. Mondelet, Coro- naire de Sa Majeste pour le District de Montreal, pre- sentee a cette Chambre, Mercredi dernier, soit referee m au dit Comite. Registry Ofliees The Order of the day for the House in Committee de,ctred - to consider whether it be expedient to render perm a- nent diven temporary Acts relating to Registry Offices in certain Counties of this Province, being read , Ordered , That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Wednesday next. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en registrement, Comite pour considerer s'il serait expedient de rendre remis. permanens, divers Actes temporaires, relativement aux Bureaux d’Enregistrement dans certains Comtes de cette Province, ayant ete lu ; . Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre de jour soit remis a Mer- credi prochain. c— The Order of the day for the House in Committee Eire! R pnnrt on i 1 1 • . 11 flin 1 OlTinilltGG tO 1)01X1 Committee on Hie vjrciei ui me ... . n First Report on , y t Report of the Special Committee to whom Militia Lands ; on the first P . T? xce n e ncv the late was^ referred the" Answer of His Excellency the late Governor in Chief of the 5th March, 1834, to the Address of this House of the 24th February, 1834, relating to grants of Lands to the Officers and Mi- litiamen who served during the late War with the United States , and other references, being rear j The House accordingly resolved itself into the said " Mr. Cote took the Chair of the Committee ; and af- ter some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; . Resolution And Mr. Cute reported that the Committee had come p0, “ <1 ' to a Resolution ; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is aS S&ed’ That this House doth concur with the Special Committee in the said Report. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Cnniite sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Special au- P ort*urie<, queTa M JfiWe la HepoSle de Son Excellence le ci- %?*>*» devant Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 5 Mats 1834, a A- dresse de cette Chambre, du 24 Fevrier 1834, relative- ment aux Octrois de terres aux Officiers et Miliciens qui out servi dans la derniere Guerre avec les Ltats- Unis, et autres references, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comitt:. . _ , v M. Cote a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; . , . . Et M. Cote a fait rapport que le Comite avait pass6 Ration » une Resolution, laquelle Resolution a ete lue tie nou- veau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre ; et elle est comme suit : . , Resolu, Que cette Chambre concourt avec i.e Comite Special dans le dit Rapport. On Motion of Mr. Kinder, seconded by Mr. Cardt- W<1 R esohied. That an humble Address be presented to S, ", e r.'r" g Hif Excellency the Governor in Chief, representing that the House having proceeded 'o in^jluw an to curing .h. i.i. • ll|Kjn the Petition of divers Militiamen relative Etf. ‘“the system followed by the Executive in the con- LU : Lr , r t hoon granted t< Sur Motion de M. Kiniber, seconde par M. Cardinal, of America. to the system juhuwcu uy , . ceding of Lots of Land, which have been granted to them in the Townships in remuneration of their sei- vices during the last War with the United States of America, is convinced that the onerous conditions im- posed by the Location Tickets, have been the cause why a great number of the said Militiamen have omit- ted to make any application to obtain Lands, and t a the major part of those who have received Location Tickets have lost the sums which they have disbursed, in consequence of the impossibility of their fulfilling the conditions, the expense of performing which would in almost all cases exceed the value of the Land itse • That the House of Assembly persuaded of the benevo- lent intention of His Royal Highness the Prince Re- sent, when the Executive of this Province was directed to grant Lands to Militiamen, regrets that those indivi- duals have failed to derive the advantage which they had a right to expect from the consideration of the im- perial Government ; and being under the conviction that the conditions imposed in the grants made to tlie said Militiamen, are the sole cause of this failure, con- ceive Ttrsolu Qu'il soit presente une humble Adresse a Adr«se mat lccoUiU, 11 1 r-11 J? 1 • . aux Octrois ci Sou Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Lhet, lux exposant Terres aux J que la Chambre ayant precede a faire une Enquete sur la Petition de divers Miliciens relativement au systfcme «;««*£ g™ suivi par l’Executif dans la Concession des Lots de unisd'AmS- terre qui leur ont ete accordes dans les Townships, en rif ) ue - remuneration de leurs services pendant la dernieie Guerre avec les Etats~Unis d Amerique, s est convain- cue que les conditions onereuses imposees dans les Bil- lets tie Location ont ete la cause qu'un grand nombre d’entre eux n’ont fait aucune application pour obtemr des terres, et que la plupart de ceux qui out eu^des Billets de Location ont perdu leurs debours£s, par l’im- possibilite de remplir les conditions, dont l execution dans presque tous les cas excedait la valeui du teiiein meme : Que la Chambre d’ Assemble persuadee de l’in- tention bienveillante de Son Altesse Royale le Prince Regent, lorsqu il fut ordonn6 a l’Executif de cette 1 io- vince d’accorder des terres aux Miliciens, regiette que ces individus n’aient pas retire l’avantage qu’ils au- raient pu esperer de la reconnaissance du Gouverne- ment Imperial, et etant sous la conviction que les con- ditions imposees dans les octrois i aits aux dits Miliciens sont la cause unique de cette faillite, croit devoir pner Votre Excellence d’ordonner que les tenes soient con- cedes a tous Officiers de Milice et Miliciens qui ont servi 6 Will. IV. 26 2 7° Fcbruarii. 589 ceive it their duty to pray Your Excellency to order that Lands be granted to all Officers of Militia and Militiamen having served in the Incorporated Militia during the last American War, who have not obtained to those who having obtained JLands, have lost them in consequence of the conditions contained in the Location Tickets not having been fulfilled ; and that such grants be made under Letters Patent without any other condition than that of performing the public and joint labor required by the Laws of this Province. Ordered, That Mr. Kimber, Mr. Morin, Mr. Cardinal and Mr. Toomy do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. imendments to The Order of the day for the House in Committee on n-y e " d ;'; e f ^ Ti e 7 th , e ps is|ati . ve council t0 ion Bin, defer- “ie Bill, intituled, An Act for the qualification of the ed - “ Justices of the Peace,” being read ; Or dered, I hat the said Order of the day be post - poned till to-morrow. The Ordei of the day for the House in Committee on loads and Pub- c Improve- . - j — - ... \_/v/nj m it, tec un .ents deferred, the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements, on that part of the First Report of the said Standing Committee which relates to the Road from Laprairie to St. John's, and on the Fifth Report of the said Committee, being read; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be Dost- poned till to-morrow. servir dans la Milice incorporee pendant la dermTre Guerre Americaine qui n’en ont pas obtenues, ainsi qu a ceux qui en ayant obtenues les auraient perdues, pour n avoir pas rempli les conditions exigees dans les Fillets de Location, et ce sous Patente, et sans aucune autre condition que celles de repondre aux travaux jmblics et mitoyens ordinairement exiges suivant les Lois de cette Province. Ordonne, Que M. Kimber, M. Morin, M. Cardinal et M. loomy presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. L Oidie du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Amendemens l a ! r. * du Conseil au Comile sur les Amendemens fails par le Conseil Legis- g,i p0 „ r latit au Fill, lmitule, “ Acte pour la qualification des Geo. IV. Cap. 2, and 51st Geo. III. Cap. 1~, amour - ted last year ‘to Three thousand seven hundred and ten pounds four shillings and six pence and there is no rea- son to suppose it will be less productive for the year 1836. Bv the Public Accounts laid before Your Honorable House during the present Session, it appears that there was a balance unexpended of the monies raised under the above mentioned Acts on the 10 th October 183o, of Two thousand one hundred and four pounds twelve shillings and ten pence, which with the estimated re- venue for the year 1836, will form a sum of luve thou- sand eight hundred and fourteen pounds seventeen shillings and four pence. . u The probable expenses of the Quebec Trinity House, according to the Estimate accompanying the Message, are stated at Four thousand five hundred and twelve pounds three shillings and eleven pence, which would leave an excess of revenue of One thousand three hun- dred and two pounds thirteen shillings and five pence, over the supposed expenditure for the year. \JV etc 1 @ wj La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit M. Archambeault a pris le Fauteuil du Comit 6 j et consldeu ; apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; . „ Et M. Archambeault a fait rapport que le Comite amente ’ avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieursAmendemens *, lesquels Amendemens out ete lus de nouveau a la lable du Greffier, et adopts par la Chambre $ et ils sont comme suit : . . Feuille 1 ere. Ligne 42.— Aprfcs le mot “ qui, ajoutez les mots suivans : “ ne sera pas “ moindre que huit jours et “ qui.” 3 . — Retranchez le mot “ a. 9 . — Retranchez le mot “ a. 13 . — Apres le mot “ present,” ajoutez le mot “ Acte.” i« « 19 . — Retranchez le mot “ appar- “ tiendront,” et substituez “ ap- “ partiendra.” , t «« “ 30. — Apres le mot “ present,” a- joutez “ Acte.” ,< « « 36 . — Apr£s le mot “ a,” retran- chez les mots, “ I’interruption “ de,” et substituez les mots suivans: “ l’effet de troubler.” .< « 37 .— Effiicez la premiere lettre “ d’,” et substituez le mot “ a.” 9 . . . ' _ Amendemens Ordonne , Que les dits Amendemens soient grossoyts. £lre gr 0 ssoy&. M. Leslie , du Comit 6 Permanent de Commerce a presente a la Chambre le Cir.quieme Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a cte lu de nouveau a la lable du Gicf- Valgse aux. Her, comme suit : , 0 - 1-1 Yotre Comite a examinf' le Message de Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, du 28 Decembre dernier, accompagne dune Estimation generale de la Depense probable de la Maison de la Trinite de Quebec, pour 1 ’annee 1836, et suggerant 1’imposition d un Dioit de Tonnage pour subvenir a l’accroissement de la depense pour l’eptretien de Phares additionnels, et est d avis, quelimposhion d un Droit de Tonnage sur les Vais- seaux qui naviguent dans le Fleuve St. Laurent serait le moyen legitime de pa-lever un fonds pour cqnstruire et maintenir les Phares qui existent, actuellement 011 que Ton pourra Gablir par la suite. Cependant, il ne parait pas qu'il soit necessaire pour le present d’imposer (les droits additionnels pom cet obiet, car les revenus preleves en vertu des Actes de la 45e Geo. ILL, Chap. 12 , de la 2e Geo. IV., Chap. 2, et de la 51e Geo. III., Chap. 12, se sont eleves 1 annee derniere a Trois mille sept cent dix louis quatre schel- linos et six deniers ; et il n’y a aucune raison de croire qu’il y aura une diminution dans ces revenus pendant fannee 1836. . v v » rr„„ A D’apres les Comptes Publics transmis a Voire Hono- rable Chambre pendant la Session actuelle, 1 paiait qu’il restait, le 10 Octobre 1835, une balance de deux mille cent quatre louis douze schellings et dix deniers, sur les deniers prHeves en vertu des Actes sus-mention- nes, laquelle, avec l’estimation de ce revenu pour l an- nee 1836, formera une somme de Cinq nulle hmt cent quatorze louis dix-sept schellings et quatre deniers. Les Dispenses probables de la Maison de la Trinite de Quebec, d’aprfcs l’Estimation qui accompagne le Mes- sage, s’elevent a Quatre mille cinq cent douze louis trois schellings et onze deniers ; ce qui laisseia t excedant de revenu de mille trois cent deux lou. » tieize schellings et cinq deniers, en sus de la depense piobaa e de 1 We - Ordonne , 6 Will. IV. 27 " Fcbruarii. Montreal In- corporation Bill rend the first time. Sole Leather Bill read the first time. Amendments o the Bill rela ing to diffe- •ences between Masters and servants. Ordered , That Mr. Leslie have leave to bring in a Bill to consolidate, amend and extend divers Acts rela- ting to the Corporation of the City of Montreal. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read tor the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on 1 uesday next. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie have leave to bring in a hill to provide for the inspection of Sole Leather. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Tuesday next. SSSKST . D * from the Special Committee appoin- Amend C m U e nf s ?f* u f R * aso f ns to ^ offeree! to the Legisla- tive Council at a Conference, for disagreeing to a cer- tain Amendment made by their Honors to the Bill intituled, “ An Act for the more easy and less expen- sive decision of differences between Masters and Mis- “ tresses, and their Servants, Apprentices and Labou- rers in the Country parts of this Province,” reported that the Committee had drawn up the said Reasons ; which Reasons were again read at the Clerk's Table, and agreed to by the House j and are as followeth : 1st. Because the enactment introduced by the Amendment aforesaid, is foreign to the purpose of the Bill, and has no relation to the other provisions thereof. 2nd. Because the infliction of a penalty for the non- peiformance of civil agreements such as those referred to in the Amendment, is an innovation repugnant to the spirit of the Law of the Country, and to the nature of its provisions with regard to obligations in general. did Because according to the spirit of the said Law, the Civil damages given for the non-performance of contracts is considered, and ought to be considered, as a sufficient penalty to ensure the performance thereof. ^Because the addition of a penalty or fine in the case of differences between Masters and their Appren- tices or Journeymen forms an exception to the general Law introduced from absolute necessity, and arising from the nature of their reciprocal rights and obligat- ions, the performance of which it is necessary to en- sure by strict and even penal enactments. 5th. Because it is not expedient to submit to the decision of the Justices of thePeace, the variety of Gifhcult and delicate questions relative to the admission or refusal of oral testimony, which would arise from the extended jurisdiction given by the said Amendment. 591 Bill pour I’in- spection du Cuira Semelles, lu la premiere fois. Raisons pourne pas concourir a l un aes Amendemens du Conseil au Bill relatif aux differends entre les Maitres et leurs Serviteurs. du Re^n^BilPm f esJ ! e a,t la Permission d’intro- b,ii d'incor po - u i e un Bill pour refondre, en les Cendant et amen- Mon< * de Montreal. ^ Conccrnant ,a Corporation de la Cit6 mide II aen consequence pr&ente le dit Bill, lequel a 6te u pour la premiere rois, et dont la seconde lecture a cte oidonnee pour Mardi prochain. dube^ln^ M ' Leslk - ait la P erm * s sion dintro- Semelles! P P ° U1 '''°"' * 1 ins P ection <<>' Cuir i II a en consequence prdsente !e dit Bill, lenuel a ete In pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ltd ordonnee pour Mardi prochain. M. De Bkury, du Comite Special nommd pour mt- parei des Raisons a offi ir an Conseil Legislalif dans une Conference, pour lesquelles cette Chambre n a nas concouru a un certain Amendement fart par leurs Hon- neursau Bill, mtituld. “ Acte qui pourvoit a faire de- “ fes diffiren h an ‘ ere -r US ,aC ' le 6t m ° ins ‘''Vndieuse - prentis ou Engages est une disposition exceptionnelles qui resude de la necessite m/me, et de laZZe de leurs devoirs et ob hgations reciproques, dont Paccom- plissement exige d’etre assure par des dispositions stnetes et meme penales. 17 O inference to aesired with Council. And 6th. Because the said Amendment is insufficient and even unjust, inasmuch as it destroys that recipro- city which is the essence of syllanagmatic contracts, by inflicting a penalty on only one of the parties, for the exclusive benefit of the other. Resolved, That a Conference be desired with the Honorable the Legislative Council, for the purpose of communicating to them the Reasons which induced this House not concur in a certain Amendment made bv their Honors to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act for the “ , m ° re eas 7 and less expensive decision of differences between Masters and Mistresses, and their Servants Apprentices and Labourers in the Country parts of “ this Province.” J 1 Ordered, That Mr/ De Bkury do go to the Legisla- tive Council, and desire the said Conference. I. Pa,Ce , fl V l ll e , st P as expedient de soumettre & la dens, on de .luges de Pais, la variate des questions (hfticiles et delicates qui se rapporteront a I’admission on refus de a preuve testimouiale, et qui d&oulent de extension de jurisdiction que comporte Tamendement en question. r eilc 6 ° Pa \ ce ^>. en outre ’ cet amendement estinsuffi- sant et meme injuste, en ce qu’il blesse la reciprocity qui est de i essence des Contrats syllanagmatiques, en infligeant dans e cas present, une penalite it une seule des pai ties, et dans I interet exclusif de l autre. Resolu, Qu’d soit demande une Conference avec 1 Honorable Conseil Legislatif, aux fins de lui commu- mquei les Raisons qui ont induit cette Chambre it ne pas concourir a un certain Amendement fait par leurs Honneurs au Bill, intitule, “ Acte qui pourvoit k faire „ dcculei ^ une niani^re plus facile et moins dispendi- « 6S dlffer . er ! dS qU o s ’ d,6vent entre J es Maitres et Mad,es 1 ses et l eurs Serviteurs, Apprentis ou En- gages, dans les Campagnes de cette Province.” Ordonne, Que M. De Rleurj se rende au Conseil Le- gisldtif, Gt demande la dite Conference, M. Conferenced etre demandee avec le Conseil. Mr. A. 1 836 , 592 27 0 Februariu Report on Mi litia bill j Mr. Bardy, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to continue, for a limited time, and to consolidate two Acts therein mentioned, concerning the Militia of this Province, reported that the Commit- tee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Tabie. Bill committed; Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be now re- ferred to a Committee of the whole House. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. considered; Mr. De Bleury took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; Reported. And Mr. Be Bleury reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made an amend- ment thereto ; which amendment was again read at the Clerk's Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. M. Bardy, du Comite Special auquel a ete refer e le Bill pour continuer, pour un temps limite, et reuiur en un seul deux Actes y mentionn s, concernant la Milice de cette Province, a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait ptusieurs amendemens, les- quels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Lp r . Ordonne , Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient mainte- nant referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre. La Chambre s'est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Be Bleary a prisle Fauteuil du Comite; et apres considere; y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et. M. De Bleury a fail rapport que le Comite avait rapporle ' passe le Bill, et y avait fait un amendement, lequel amendement a ete lu de nouveau a la lable du Ciief- fier, et adopte par la C hambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, suit gros- soye. Petition of Pro- prietors in Sou- langes anil New Longueuil rela- ting to the Na- vigation be- tween the Cas- cades and Lake St. Francis. A Petition of divers Inhabitants and Proprietors in the Seigniories of Soulanges and New Longueuil, was presented to the House by Mr. Morin, and the same was received and read ; setting forth : 1 hat the 1 cti- tioners have seen with surprize and regiet, that a Peti- tion has been presented to the House by divers Indivi- duals amongst whom there is but a small numbei of Proprietors and Inhabitants of the place in question, complaining of pretended obstructions to the Na\ igation between the Cascades and Lake St. Francis : 1 hat the Petitioners have reason to believe that these Petitions are founed solely on motives of private interest : that serious inconveniences would result to the Proprietors in the said Seigniories from permitting persons who cx- eicise the carrying trade, and who send up bateaux and other boats, to make use of the fronts of the lands of individuals without indemnifying them : That it is to the knowledge of the Petitioners that the indivi- duals whose lands have been heretofore trespassed upon by persons taking up bateaux and barges, have suf- fered and still continue to suffer considerable damage, more particularly since Messrs. Ewart, Bavid l> aters and Henry Roebuck have carried on this trade, by which they make enormous profits ; such damage is occasioned as well by the crumbling of the ground caused by the ropes and the passing of the horses, as by the passing of the bateaux-men over their lands, breaking fences, bridges and other buildings thereon constructed : That the Petitioners aware of the ad- vantages which must result from any facilities afforded to Commerce, can never conceive that the House will disregard the right of property, or lend itself to a viola- tion Thereof, on any consideration of public advantage, real or imaginary : TL lint the individuals above named, and who make such considerable profits by the forward- ing of bateaux and barges, exercise a species of mono- poly, and that the public derive no advantage from their labors, nor is any diminution effected in the cost of carriage, hue on the contrary the individuals known under the designation of Forwarders, and the indivi- duals with whom they contract to take up the barges and bateaux and who form but a very small body only, seek to arrogate to themselves the right of using the property of particular individuals to ensure greater pro- fits to themselves : 1 hat it is in this spirit that some persons who, having contracted to forward barges and bateaux, have arrogated to themselves the right of pass- ing over the Islands and Islets generally known to be- long to the Seignior of the place, and also oyer the Pointe d Coulonge, Pointe du Moulin, Pointe d Biron, Pointe line Petition de divers Hahitans et Pioprietaires des Seigneuries de Soulanges et de la Nouvelle- Longueuil, a ete niesentee a la Chambre par M. .Morin, laquelle a gueuii, rei.iwe etc r 6 c ti 6 et lue; exposunti ’^ue les I ciitioniidiies out i es cas- vu avec surprise et regret qu'une . Petition aete pre- sentee a la Chambre par divers individus, parmi lesquels il n’y a qu’un tres-petit nombre de Pioprietaires et Hahitans de fendroit, se plaignant de prHendues ob- structions a la navigation entre les Cascades et le Lac St. Francois : Que les Petitionnaires ont raison de croire que ces Petitions sont fondees uniquement sur l’inte- ret prive : Qu il resulterait des inconveniens graves aux Proprietaires dans les dites Seigneuries de permet- tre aux personnes qni font le commerce de transport, et qui font monter des Bateaux et autres voitures d’eau, de se servir des devantures des terres des parti- culiers, sans indemnite: Que les Petitionnaires ont connaissance que les particuliers sui les teiies desquels on a pass6 jusqua present pour monter les Bateaux et Beiges, ont souffert et souffrent encore considerahle- ment, et surtout depuis que les Sieurs Ewart, Bavid Waters et Ilenry Roebuck font ce commerce a des pro- fits enormes, taut par les eboulis des terres occasionnes par les cordages et le | assage des chevaux que par la presence des hommes des Bateaux sur leuis pioprietes, qui brisent les clotures, pouts et autres constructions: Que les Petitionnaires, tout en reconnaissant les avan- tao-es qui peuvent resulter des facilites qui doivent etre donnees au commerce, ne peuvent imaginer que la Chambre oubliera jamais les droits de la propriety et se pretera a les violer sans aucun rapport d’avantage public vrai on suppose: Que les individus sus-men- tionnes, et qui font des profits aussi considerables dans le transport des Bateaux et Beiges exercent une es- pece de monopole, et que le public ne le^oit aucun avantage de leurs travaux, et m aucune diminution dansle°prix des transports, qu’au contraire les indivi- dus connus sous le nom de Forwarders, et les individus avec lesquels ils contractent pour monter les Beiges et les Bateaux, et qui sont en fort petit nombre, ne cher- chent a maintenir le droit de se servir de la propriete des particuliers que pour s’assurer a eux-memes de plus grands profits: Que c est danscet esprit que quel- ques-uns des individus qui ont contracte pour monte, des Berges et des Bateaux sesontarroge le droit de pas- ser sur des lies et Ilets notoirement connus comme ap- partenans au Seigneur du lieu, et aussi sur la Pointe d Coulonge, la Pointe du Moulin, la Pointe d Biron, la Po in (e d Watier, et generalement sur toutes les terres des par- ticuliers, depuis les Cascades a aller jusqu’au Lac St. Francois : 6 Will. IV. 593 i r ess rela- 1 to ihe 1th Aineri- fLand Com c z7° Februariu Pointe d Watier , and generally upon all the lands of pri vate individuals from the Cascades to Lake St. Francis : That the Petitioners are informed that in the neigh- bouring- Province of Upper Canada, no person is "al- lowed to pass over the lands of private individuals with- out indemnifying the proprietors ; and that the Peti- tioners have reason to believe that if their rights are encroached upon, it is because they are believed to be without the pecuniary means necessary to enable them to obtain redress : That in the event of the conclusions of the said Petition being granted, the Petitioners ap- prehend that those who are employed to take up barges and bateaux would exercise a monopoly, would molest piivate persons, and would deprive them of the free en- joyment of their properties : That it would bedano-e- rous to give to the said Forwarders and others connec- ted with them, any encouragement through Legislative measures, because the Petitioners intend to prosecute at Law their just right for indemnity for the numerous and continued encroachments of the said Forwarders, and of those who take up the barges and bateaux ; and it is solely with the view of placing themselves beyond the power of the Law that the latter have presented their Petition to the Mouse, in order to make the Public pay an indemnity which in justice ought to come out of their own proper funds: That the most effectual improvement in the Navigation in this part of the Pro- vince would be effected by means of a Canal, to avoid the obstructions to the Navigation, provided that such Canal were of sufficient dimensions to let the laro-est bargest and steamboats pass ; anti praying the House to take the present Petition into its serious considera- tion, and with all due regard to the right of property not to grant any privilege to the individuals interested m the carrying trade, without saving to the proprie- tors whose lands may be necessary to them, all the in- demnity to which they are entitled, and doing them justice in all other respects. Ordered, 1 hat the said Petition be referred to the Special Committee to whom was referred the Petition of the Inhabitants of Coteau da Lac, and others inte- rested in the made and Navigation of the River St Lawrence. Ft angois : Que dans la Province voisine du Ilaut-Ca - : nuda, les Petitionnaires sont informes que tous ceux nni out voulu passer surles propriftfs particulieres ne Pont fait qu en indemnisant les Proprietaires, et que les Pe titionnaires out raison de croire que si J on empiete sur Jeur droits, cest dans la persuasion qu’ils manquent de moyens pccumaires pour se faire rendre justice J Que dans le cas ou les conclusions de la dite Petition se- raient accordees, les Petitionnaires apprehendent que ceux qui sont employes a monter les Berges et Bateaux exerceraient un monopolc, molesteraient les particu- iiers et les empecheraient de jouir librement de leurs propnetes : Qu’il serait dangereux de donner aux dits Forwarders, et autresgens lies avec eux, aucun encou- ragement, par des mesures Legislatives, attendu que Jes I etitionnaires entendent se pourvoir eux-memes en justice pour les nombreuses et continuelles empietations aes dits Forwarders et de ceux qui montent les Bernes et Bateaux, et que ce n’est que dans la vue de se nfet- tre a 1 abris de ces poursuites que la dite Petition a ete presentee a la Chambre, afin de faire payer au public une indemnite qui devrait en justice etre tirde de leurs propres ressources: Que l’amelioration la plus efficace dans la navigation de cette partie de la Province, se- rait effective au moyen d un Canal pour obvier aux obstructions de la navigation, pourvu que Ie dit Canal fut de dimensions suffisantes pour y laisser passer les p us grosses Berges et Bateaux-a-Vapeur ; et priant la Chambre de prendre la presente Petition en sa serieuse consideration, et en ayant tout egard que de raison au droit de propriete, n’accorder aux individus interesses au commerce de transport, aucun privilege, sans don- ner aux proprietaires, dont l’usage des proprietes peut Jeur etre necessaire, toutes les indemnites auxquelles lls pep vent avoir droit, et sous tous autres rapports, leur faire justice. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite Special auquel a ete referee la Petition des Habitans du Coteau du Lac, et autres interesses dans le Com- meice et la Navigation du Ideuve St. Laurent. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Child Resolved, That an humble Address be presented ti r T XCe !l enC y the ( ^ overnor in Chief; praying tha until His Majesty’s Government shall have done jus tice to this House and the People of this Province b^ procuring the repeal of the Act in favor of the Nortf American Land Company, and the revocation of al Contiacts and other Deeds or Instruments tending tc giant to the said Company the property or enjoyment of any portion of the waste Lands of this Province he will be pleased to suspend the issuing of any Patents oi other Instruments tending 1o convey to the said Company, as above mentioned, any portion of the said Lands, and not to confirm any anterior Contract Deed or Instrument; and that he will protect in this behalf the rights and interests of His Majesty’s faithful Sub- jects in this Province; also, praying His Excellency to be pleased to inform this House whether any such Pa- tents or Instruments have issued in this Province since the formation of the said Company, and if any have is- sued, to be pleased to lay before this House a statement of such latents or Instruments, and of the situation of the Lands therein included. Ordered, That Mr. Morin, Mr. Child, Mr. Toomy and Mr. Lesser er do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. fur Motion de M. Morin , secondepar M. Child, Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse k Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le priant que jus- qu a ce que le Gouvernement de Sa Majesteait rendu justice a cette Chambre et au Peuple de cette Province en procurant le rappel de i’Acte en faveur de la Com- pagme des Terres de f Amerique du Nord, et la revo- cation de tous Contrats ou autres Actes et Documens tendant a accorder a la dite Compagnie la propriete ou la jouissance d'aucunes parties des Terres Vacantes de cette Province, il lui plaise suspendre Pemanation d aucunes Patentes ou autres Documens tendant a transporter a la dite Compagnie, ainsi que ci-dessus mentionne, aucune partie des dites Terres, ou a con- firmer aucun Contrat, Acte, ou Transport anterieur, et de proteger a cet egard les droits et interets des fideles Sujets de Sa Majeste en cette Province; aussi, priant .n Excellence de vouloir bien informer cette Chambre, si aucunes telles Patentes ou Documens ont emane en cette Province depuis la formation de la dite Compa- gnic, et en ce cas de vouloir bien faire mettre devant cette Chambre, un etatdes dites Patentes et Documens, et de 1 etendue et la situation des Terres y comprises Ordonne, Que M. Morin, M. Child, M. To own et M. Besserer presen tent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef Adresse relative a la Compagnie ties Terres de 1’Amerique du Nord. Yol — 4S. On 7 L Sur 594 . 27 " Februarii . A. 1836 . Canada Te- nures Act to be considered. On Motion of Mr. Morin , seconded by Mr. Fortin, Resolved, That this House will, on Monday next, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider the expediency of repealing, in whole, or in part the Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, commonly cal- led die Canada Tenures Act, or adopting such Legisla- tive provision as may appear best calculated to secure to all Ilis Majesty’s Subjects in this Province, the right Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Fortin, Resole, Que, Lundi prochain, cette Chambre se for- mera en Comite de toute la Chambre, pour considerer s’il est expedient d’abroger, soit en tout ou en partie, l’Acte passe dans le Parlement du Royaume-Uni de la Grande -Bret ague et d 'Irelande, communement apnele l’Acte des Tenures du Canada, ou d’adopter telles dis- positions Legislatives qui paraitront les mieux adaptees, afin d’assurer a tons les Sujets de Sa Majeste en cette Province, le droit que leur donnent les anciennes Lois Acte des Te- nures du Cana- da. a eue consi- dere. given to them by the ancient Laws, o f l 3 ° * fp 0 btenir la possession, sans etre tenus de les acquerir, d'dtendues des Terre, non concedes et in- and Seigneurie, at the accustomed rates and uues, on condition of cultivation and residence thereon. Fifth Report of of Committee Public Ac- counts. Appendix (l.) GaspS Judica- ture Bill read first time. Mr. Be Witt, from the Standing Committee of Pub- lic Accounts, presented to the House the fifth Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk s Table. it* For the said Report, see Appendix (I.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered, That Mr. Thibaudeau have leave to bring in a Bill to continue certain Acts therein mentioned, relating to the administration of Justice in the Inferior District of Gaspe. lie accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Monday next. cultes, tenues de la Couronne a titre de Fief et Sei- aneurie, aux droits et redevances accutumes, a condi- tion de les mettre en cultuie et de leur residence sur icelles. M. Be Witt , dn Comite Permanent des Comptes uTppor.du Publics, a presente a la Chambre le Cinquicme Rap- n port du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la la- bites. ble du Greffier. . , Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (I.) a la fin de ' ppen ,ee ) ce Volume. Ordonne, One M. Thibaudeau ait la permission d in- £«»£ ^ troduire un Bill pour continuer certains Actes v men- lutaprem*™ tionnes, reiatifs a (’administration de la Justice dans le District Inferieur de Gaipe. 11 a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a etc lu pour la premier fois; et dont la seconde lectuie a etc ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. Report on Mes- sage relating to property occu- pied for the Ordnance Ser- vice. Ordnance Pro. perly Bill read the first time. Bill to prevent Duelling re- ported. Mr. Clapham, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Message of His Excellency the Go- vernor in Chief, with the Draught of a Bill accompa nying the same, relating to the property occupied for the Ordnance Service in this Province ; and also the Petition of divers Proprietors and Farmers whose Lands are intersected bv the Grenville Canal, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was a o-ain read at the Clerk’s Table, and is as followed) : °Your Committee have carefully examined the Mes- sage and Documents, and, also, the Petition to them referred, and are of opinion, that it is expedient that Legislative measures should be adopted in conioimity to the recommendation contained in the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, and likewise that certain provision should be made to meet the wants of the Petitioners whose Lands border on the Grenville Canal. Ordered, That Mr. Clapham have leave to bring in a Bill for vesting all the Estates and Property in the Pro- vince of Lower Canada occupied for the Ordnance Service, in the Principal Officers of His Majesty’s Ord- nance, and for granting certain powers to the said Principal Officers, and for other purposes therein men- tioned. , . , _... , . He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Thursday next. Mr. Toormj, from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to prevent Duelling, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, aud agreed to by the House. Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. M Clapham , du Comite Special auquel a ete refere ^es P a °ge s VJ,i le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, avec le projet d un Bill qui l’accompagne, relativement service ue rAr a la propriety occupee pour le service de l’Artillerie dans cette Province ; etaussi la Petition de divers Pro- prietaires et Cultivateurs dont les Terres sont coupees par le Canal de Grenville, a presente a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : Votre Comite a examine avec soin le Message, les Documenset aussi la Petition qui lui a ete referee, et il est d’avis qu’il est expedient que la Legislatuie adopte des mesures basees sur les recommandations que con- tient le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef j ct, pareillement, qu’il convient de faire quelque allocation pour subvenir aux besoins des Petitionnaires dont les Terres bordent le Canal de Grenville. Bill relatif ai Proprieles oc- cupies pour 1’ la premiere fo Ordonne , Que M. Clapham ait la permission d’intro- duire un Bill pour investir les Principaux Officiers de l’Artillerie de Sa Majeste de tons les biens et proprietes dans la Province du Bas-Canada, occupes pour le ser- vice de l’Artillerie, et pour accorder certains pouvoirs aux dits Officiers Principaux, et pourautres fins y men- tionnees. / ... , / II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois; et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Jeudi prochain. M. Toomy, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Biiipom-h Bill pour la repression du Duel, a fait rapport, confor- Duetrappoi mement a 1 Ordre, des amendemens faits an dit Dill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens out ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu amende, soit g'os- soye. Resolution. on Mr. MeiUeur, f ro m the Committee of the whole U. Meilleur, du Comite de toute la P 01 .^ House to consider the propriety of reducing the Du- considerer la convenance de reduire les Diets surje ***, 6 Will. IV, 27° Februarii, ties on Tobacco imported into the Province by Land or Inland Navigation, reported, according to Order, the Resolutions of the said Committee; which Resolu- tions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the blouse ; and areas followeth : 1. hesolved , t hat the Duty on Leaf Tobacco im- posed by the Act 35th Geo. III. Cap. 9, should be re- duced to three farthings. 2. Resolved, That the Duty on Manufactured To- bacco, except Snuff, imposed by the Act of the 41st, Geo. III. Cap. 14, should be reduced to one penny half penny. J heDutlwon* 11 Ordered, That Mr. Leslie have leave to bring in a EaSuE? BiH to diminish the Duties payable on Tobacco im- ported by Land or by Inland Navigation. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Monday next. luseum 13UI A Bill to vest the property of Pierre Chasseur s Mu- ad ,he second seum of Natural History in the Public, was, according to Order, read a second time. 595 Tabac importe dans cette Province par terre ou par la Navigation inteneure, a fait rapport, conformement a i Ordre, des Resolutions du dit Comite, lesquelles Re- solutions ont etc lues de nouveau a la Table du Gref- ei, et adoptees par la Chambre j et elles sont comme suit: 1. Resolu Que le Droit impose par PActe de la 35e Geo. III. Chap. 9, sur le Tabac en feuille, devrait etre leduit a trois quarts de denier. 2. Resolu Que le Droit impose par l’Acte de la 41 e >eo. III. Chap. 14, sur le Tabac manufacture, excepte demi* 10 ° n 1 0UC ie> devrait etre reduit a un denier et Ordonne, Que M. Leslie ait la permission d’intro- B«i P ourdi m duire un Bill pour reduire les Droits imposes sur le nuer les Droi I abac importe par Terre ou par la Navigation Inte- Ii a en consequence piesente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois ; et dont la seconde lecture a etc oulonuee pour Lundi prochain. . mi. nuer les Droits sur le Tabac, lu la premiere fois. Ordered, I hat the said Bill be engrossed- nain Defen- ^ Bid to regulate the mode of summoning Defen- K w" dantS who hav . e . no kn o wn domicile in the Province, in id the second matters of Saisie- Arret, was, according to Order, read ie- a second time. Resolved,, That the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of five Members, to report thereon with all con- venient speed, with power to send for persons, papers and records. Ordered, That Mr. Cherrier, Mr. Berthelot, Mr. Van. felson, Mr. Tache and Mr. Caron do compose the said Committee. : dcft;rred. al '■J- ke ^ rde . r of tlie day for the second reading of the Bill to provide for the management and care of the Lachins Canal, and to establish certain Rates, Tolls and Duties to be taken thereon, beino-read; Ordered, That the said Order of "the day be post- poned till Monday next. / -Tegefand The r ° rder of the day for the House in Committee on the Third Report of the Standing Committee of Pri Conformement i l’Ordre, un Bill pour assurer au b,„ s. M „, f , Public la propriete du Musee d’Histoire Naturelle de de P. Chasseur, Pierre Chasseur, a ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit grossoye. ni £°dt rm ™' em k l ' Ordr0 ", U “ Bil1 P»«<- 'egler la ma- Bin a niue d assigner, en matiere de Saisie-Arret, le Saisi oni certa ! n Saisi, en na ni domicile ni residence connue en cette Province ^'^11, ‘’L 8 * 1 ’ a ete lu une seconde fois. * “'p seconde Resolu, Que le dit Bill soit refere ft un Comite de cinq Membres, pour en faire rapport avec toute la dili- gence convenable, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir oer- sonnes, papiers et records. 1 1 Ordonne , Que M. Cherrier , M. Berthelot , M. Vanfel- son, M. Tache et M. Caron composent le dit Comite. :tions. 1 ' « I vileges and Elections, being read ; ^ The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Meilleur took: the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Meilleur reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again on Monday next. ’ng ^ ! ie Of dei ; tke da y f° r the House in Committee on the Third Report of the Standing Committee of quarter Grievances, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Grannis took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Grannis reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution ; which Resolution was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is as followeth: Resolved, J id. L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour B ,n du Cana, pouivoir la regie et surveillance du Canal de Lachine de Lachine > fe- et pour etablir certains Peages et Droits a y etre leves’ mis * ay ant ete lu : J s > Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Lun- di prochain. Cnmwt,H d „ U T iOI|r - P ° m D qiie la Chambre se forme en Comite sui le i roisieme Rapport du Comite Permanent £" vll ^ eset des Privileges et Elections, ayant ete lu; Eectl0Ds . La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M . Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et anres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil, Et M. Meilleur a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander permission de sieger de nouveau. Oi donne , Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sie- ger de nouveau, Lundi prochain. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en r • - Coirnfe sur le Troisieme Rapport du Comite Permanent Rapport rclatif des Griefs, ayant ete lu ; aux Pr «'.ttf Ordered , That Mr. 0‘Callaghan, Mr. Tache , Mr. Grannis and Mr. Letourneau do present the said Ad- dress to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. Excellence qu’il lui plaise de transmettre le dit Rap- ^‘"so'Mon' de port et la dite Resolution an Gouvernement de Sa Ma- jeste en Ang/eterre. deSaMa j 6l4 - Ordonne, Que M. O'Callaghan , M. Tache , M. Gran- nis et M. Letourneau presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee Tavemkeepers Qn the gjq for the farther regulation ot Taverns and Tavernkeepers, and for other purposes therewith con- nected, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Knight took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Knight reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received on Monday next. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en i i . Bill di-s Aubcr. Comite sur le Bill qui fait des reglemens ulteneurs con- gistes. cernant les Auberges et les Aubergistes, et pour d’au- ties objets y relatifs, ayant etc lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite, M. Knight a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apr£s y avoir sitge quelque temps, M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Knight a fait rapport que le Comite avait pass 6 le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit recu Lundi prochain. The Order of the day for the House in Committee Council’s Jllt — - — j - j'usticeTof'the 0 on the Amendments made by the Legislative Council Peace qualifica- . flip Bill intituled, “ An Act for the qualification of dered and “ the Justices of the 1 cace, being read ; agreed to. The gaid Amen dments were read, and are as fol- loweth : . Press 1 . Line 28.— Leave out. from “ except, inclusive, to “ mentioned,” also inclusive, in the 39 th line of the same Press. 18. —Leave out all the words from “ and,” inclusive, to “ same,” also inclusive, in the 32d line. The House then resolved itself into the said Com- mittee. Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorion took the Chair ot the Committee; and after some time spent thciein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorion reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution; which Resolu- tion was again read at the Clerk s lable, and agieed to by the House ; and is as followeth : Resolved, That this House doth concur with the Le- gislative Council in the said Amendments. & Ordered, That Mr. Huot do carry back the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and acquaint their Honors L’Ordre du lour pour que la Chambre se forme en Amcrdemers u I 1 r* * l rv ’IT' * on vyOnscil all Comite sur les Amendemens faits par le Conseil Legis- Biiipour ia latifau Bill, intitule, “ Acte pour la qualification des “ Juges de Paix,” ayant ete lu ^ Les dits Amendemens ont ete lus, et sont comme suit : Feuille 1 ere. Ligne 35.— Retranchez depuis “ excep- “ te” inclusivement, jusqu’a “ mentionnes,” aussi inclusive- ment dans la 3Ge Ligne de la meme Feuille. <« 5 , “ 10. — Retranchezdepuis “ Et qu’il” inclusivement, jusqu’a “ ice- “ lui,” aussi inclusivement, dans la25e Ligne de la meme Feuille. La Chambre s’est alors formee en le dit Comite. that this House hath agreed to their Amendments. M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion a pris le Fauteuil du Co- mite ; et apres y avoir sieg 6 quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe une Resolution, laquelle Resolution a ete lue de nouveau a la Table du Grefrier, et adoptee par la Chambre ; et elle est comme suit : Resola, Que cette Chambre concourt avec le Conseil Legislatif dans les dits Amendemens. Ordonne, Que M. Huot reporte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et informe leurs Honneuis que cette Cham- bre'a adopte leurs Amendemens. Committee on The Order of the dav for the House in Committee ? c °“ve P - ub ‘ on the Second Report of the Standing Committee of mems - Roads and Public Improvements, on that part of the First Report of the said Standing Committee which relates to the Road from Laprairie to St. John s, and on the Fifth Report of the said Committee, being rCtid * The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. . Mr. Meilleur took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Meilleur reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered , L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur If i /-'i * . ✓ ia ± .J Cheminset Comite sur le Second Rapport du Comite Permanent des Amelioration , . i, t i* — . — .. ii. Chemins et des Ameliorations Publiques, sur cette par- tie du Premier Rapport du dit Comity Permanent qui a rapport au Chemin depuis Laprauie jusqu a St. Jean, et sur le Cinquieme Rapport du dit Comite, ayant £te La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; _ Et M. Meilleur a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demandei pel- mission de sieger du nouveau. Ordonne , 6 Will. 1 V. 27 0 — 29o Februarii . 597 agSnt Monily “ C ° mrai “ ee hw ‘° 5it Q ' le , le ^ Comity ait la permission de sid. ° on inonuay next. ger j e nouveail Lundi prochain. pJrauU, °" M °‘ i0n ° f ^ ^ 6eC ° ndetl hy Mr> ra £j OIS - sur Motion de M - ^Ser, second e par M. Per. The House adjourned till Monday next. Ta Chambre s>est ajournee a Lundi prochain. Answer to an Address. Monday , 29 th February , 1836. R. O'Callaghan, accompanied by the other Mes- sengers, reported to the House, that their Ad- dress of the eighteenth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, relating to Mr. Justice Gale , had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer: Gentlemen, I find by the Report delivered to me with this Ad- diess, that Mr. Justice Gale is accused of having been a partizan of the Administration of the Earl of Dal- housie , against which the People complained in the year 1827; —of having in the year 1S22, taken an ac- tive part in circulating a Petition to the Imperial Par- liament, praying for the Legislative Union of the Pro- vinces of Upper and Lower Canada, which Petition is stated to have been calumnious, and calculated to dis- turb the Institutions and Customs of Lower Canada of having some years ago, while Chairman of the Quar- tet Sessions at Montreal, made an improper and op- pressive use of his office, tending to destroy the inde- pendence of the Magistracy and finally, of having in 1828, given Evidence before a Committee of the House of Commons defamatory of the Assembly, and hostile to the Laws, Customs and Institutions in force in this Province. All these allegations refer to a date antecedent to Mr. Gale ' s being raised to a seat on the Bench, but I find no statement reflecting on his conduct subsequent to that appointment, nor, therefore, any ground which would justify me in entering into the question whether, as prayed by the House, immediate measures should be taken for his removal : he has been confirmed in bis appointment by the Royal Prerogative, and, failing any misbehaviour as a Judge, it would be inconsistent with the security which should always attach to the te- nure of that office, while rightfully administered, that I should consider, whether he ought to be dismissed for acts committed before His Majesty approved of his elevation to the Bench. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec , 29th February 1836. On Motion of Mr. O'Callaghan , seconded by Mr. Morin, J •ires»‘reia* ^solved, That this House will, on Wednesday next, ,; ,o M r resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to onsidered, ° *- a ke mt0 consideration the Answer of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of this day, to the Address of this House, praying His Excellency to take immediate steps to lemove Samuel Gale, Esquire, from the office of Judge of His Majesty’s Court of King’s Bench in this Province. Lundi, 29 Fevrier 183G. O' Callaghan, accompagne des autres Messagers, neponseaune • a fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du Adresse * dix-lmit du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur- en-Chef, relativement a M. le Juge Gale, avait 6t6 mC sentce a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de don- ner Ja lteponse suivante : Messieurs, V° uve P ar -^ a PP or f qui nfa ete transmis avec cette Adresse, que M. le Juge Gale est accuse d’avoir etc un partisan de l’administration du Comte de Dal- housie, contre laquelle le peuple se plaignait dans l’an- nte 1827 ; d’avoir, dans Fannie 1822, pris une part ac- tive pour fane circuler une Petition au Parlement Im- perial, demandant une union Legislative des Provinces du Haut et du Bas-Canada, laquelle Petition est sUna- Jee comme remplie de calomnies et tendant a alt^rer les Institutions et les Coutumes du Bas-Canada ; d’avoir, il y a quelques annees passees, pendant qu’il etait Presi- dent des Sessions de Quartier de Montreal, abuse op- pressivement de sa charge, abus tendant h detruire l’in- dependance de la Magistrature ; et finalement d'avoir, en 1828, rendu un Temoignage devant le Comite de la Chambre des Communes, diffamatoire pour l’Assemblee, ct hostile aux Lois, Coutumes et Institutions en force en cette Province. Toutes ces allegations ont rapport a un temps ante- rieur a celui de la nomination de M. Gale au Banc ; mais je ne^ vois aucun reproche dirig£ contre sa con- duite subsequemment a cette nomination, non plus consequemment aucuns motifs pour me justifier d’exa- miner la question, si, suivant la demande de la Cham- bre, des mesures immediates devraient etre prises pour son deplacement. Sa nomination a ete confirmee par la Prerogative Royale, et, a moins de quelque mau- vaise conduite comme Juge, je ne pourrais, sans violer la garantie qui doit toujours etre attachee a l’exercice de cette charge, tant qu’elle est bien administree, m’oe- cuper de la question, savoir : s’il devrait etre destitue pour des actes commis avant que Sa Majeste eut sanc- tionne sa nomination comme Juo-e. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec, 29 Fevrier 1836. . Sur Motion de M. O' Callaghan, second^ par M. Mo- rin, Resolu, Que, Mercredi prochain, cette Chambre se Rinsed pa. .On Motion of Mr. Huot , seconded by Mr. Lafon- taine, &oo 8 to°pay Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to h contingent His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying he will iise. it be Vol. — 45. form era en Comite de toute la Chambre, pour prendre dresse relative a en consideiation la Reponse de Son Excellence le Gou- Gale, a Brecon. verneur-en-Chef, de ce jour, a I’Adresse de cette Cham- 6id ^ e * bie, priant Son Excellence de prendre des mesures im- mediates pour le deplacement de Samuel Gale, Ecuyer, de la charge de Juge de la Cour du Banc du Roi de Sa Majeste en cette Province. Sur Motion de M. Huot , seconde par M. Lafontaine , Resolu, Qu’il soit pr6sente une humble Adresse a Adre ssep0 ur Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le priant de VOuloir penses Contin- 7 TVT gentesde la • 1 A Chambre. 593 A. 18 36. 29° Februarii . be pleased to issue his Warrant in favor of William Burns Lindsay , Esquire, the Clerk of this House, for Five thousand pounds Currency, towards defraying the Contingent Expenses of this House, and that the said sum be” charged to the fund by Law appropriated to that effect ; -assuring His Excellency that it the said fund is not sufficient, this House will make good the same. . Ordered, That Mr. ILuol, Mr. Lafontaine, Mr. Be Witt and Mr. Vanfelson do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. Petition of l. A Petition of Louis Cloutier, and others, of the Town- Cloutier and ship of Ascot, was presented to the House by Mr. 0‘Cal- vouloir bien exp^dier son Warrant en faveur de Wil- liam-Burns Lindsay, Ecuyer, Greftier de cette Chambre, pour Cinq mille livres courant, pour aider a defrayer les Depenses Contingentes de ceUe Chambre, et que la dite somtne soit chargee sur le Fonds affecte par la Loi a cet effet, assurant Son Excellence que si le dit Fonds n’est pas sufhsant, cette Chambre en fera bon. Ordonne , Que M. Huot, M. Lafontaine, M. De Witt et M. Vanfelson presentent la dite Adresse a Son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Une Petition de Louis Cloutier, et autres, du Town- ...ip d 'Ascot, a ete presentee a la Chambre par M • autres, relative O' Callaghan, laquelle a ete re^e et lue ; exposant: da,,s /'A 1 ; A f o K 1 1 O ’ll 17 o nlncipnrc others, relating w ‘"r ~~ 7 " " i . , » " i • to Lands in loglian, and the same was received and read ; setting Ascot ' forth : That the Petitioners have been located for seve- ral years past on the Lots Nos. 18, 19, 21, 22, 23 and 24 in the 3d Range, and 24 and 2 5 in the 2d Range of the Township of Ascot : That the Petitioners have made extensive improvements on said Lots, and have generally numerous and expensive families, having re- sided thereon generally about eight years under ex- pectations of gratuitous grants in part from Govern- ment, of their said several locations: That the Peti- tioners were encouraged to do as aforesaid, by the re-^ presentations of Charles W hitcher, Esquire, Sheriff of the District of St. Francis, and the Honorable W.B. Felton’. That the Petitioners after having made im- provements as aforesaid, and also valuable considera- tions and payments having been made to the said C harles W hitcher, Esquire, yet no grants have as yet issued in their favor, nor can the Petitioners obtain any satis- faction for the conditions fulfilled on their part from the said Charles W hitcher, Esquire; and praying that the House will take cognizance of the matters and things herein set forth, and give such directions as they may deem meet, as several ejectments are hanging over the* Petitioners by the means of the said Charles Jl hit- cher, Esquire, all* which would have been sooner repre- sented had the Petitioners known those facts in due time. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seignioiiul Rights. Report on Bin Berthelot from the Special Committee to whom M, Berthelol, du Comite Special auquel aete iefeite g jl l [ >, | l )0 , )r , e tcrLittof was referred theResolution of this House of the twenty la Resolution de cette Chambre, du vingt-cinq Novem- fifth of November last, “ That the Laws of this Pro- de Eiens Bill. vince are insufficient foi the protection of honest “ Debtors in cases of Insolvency and Bankruptcy,” and also the Bill for the better relief of the Creditors of Que les Petitionnaires se sont etablis il y a plusieurs annees sur les Lots Nos. 18, 19, 21, 22, 23 et 24, dans la 3e Rangee, et 24 et 25 dans la 2e Ilangee du Town- ship tV Ascot : Que les Petitionnaires out fait des ame- liorations considerables sur ces Lots, et qu’ils s’y sont etablis il y a environ huit ans, dans 1 espoir d’obtenir du Gouvernement un octroi gratuit de ces Lots : Qu’ils out des families nombreuses, et que leur entre- tien est par consequent plus dispendieux : Que les Pe- titionnaires ont ete s’etablir sur ces terres, sur les repre- sentations de Charles IP hitcher, Ecuyer, Sherif du Dis- trict de 67. Francois, et de I’Honorable IV.-B. Felton'. Que les Petitionnaires, apres avoir fait des ameliora- tions comme susdit, et fait des paiemens, et donne des sommes assez considerables au dit Charles If hitchei , Ecuyer, n ont pu encore obtenir 1 octroi de ces teiies, quoiqu’ils aient rempli les conditions requises de leui part ; et suppliant la Chambre de s’enquerir des fails et matieres allegues ci-dessus, et de fane en iceux ce qu’elle jugera convenable en sa sagesse, vu qu lls sont sur le "point d’etre depouilles de leurs terres par le moyen du dit Charles II hitcher, Ecuyei, toutes les- quelles representations auraient etc faites plus tot si les Petitionnaires etaient venus a temps en possession des faits. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Co- mite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux. such as shall become Bankrupt, and for other purposes therein mentioned ; and the Bill to remove all doubts with respect to the benefit of Cession de Biens in cei- tain cases therein mentioned, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, as iollowetli . Your Committee after having examined the Bill for the Cessio Bonorum, have agreed to report the said Bill with an amendment. Your Committee having adopted the Bill for the Cessio Bonorum, pray Your Honorable House to dis- pense with their further considering the “ Bill for the “ better relief of the Creditors of such as shall become “ Bankrupt, and for other purposes therein men- “ tioned.” Ordered, That the first of the said Bills and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House to- morrow. bre dernier, “ Que les Lois de cette Province sont in- desBaTqul" “ suffisantes pour la protection des Debiteurs honnetes “ dans les cas de faillites et banqueroutes,” et aussi le sioude Biens. Biil pour le soulagement des Creanciers de ceux qui font fail lite ou banqueroute, et pour d’autres fins y men- tionnees, et le Bill pour mettre fin aux doutes relatifs au droit de faire cession de biens dans certains cas y mentionnes, a presente a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : Votre Comile ayant examine le Bill de la Cession de Biens, est convenu de rapporter le dit Bill avec un amendement. Votre Comite ayant adopte le Bill pour la Cession de Biens, prie Votre Honorable Chambre de le dispenser de considerer ulterieurement le “ Bill pour le soulage- “ ment des Creanciers de ceux qui font faillite ou “ banqueroute, et pour d’autres fins y mentionnees.” Ordonne, Que le premier des dits Bills et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre demain. Message from ihe Council. A Message from the Legislative Council by the IIo- Message du Conseil Legislatif, par 1 Honoiable M. c onse j|,. nor able Mr. De Lera, one of the Masters in Chancery : De Lery, un des Maitres en Chancellerie : Mr. M. 6 Will. IV . c 29° l^ebruarii. 59 9 Mr. Speaker, KXSio: The Legislative Council have passed the Bill, inti- i jse/ui Arts tilled, “An Act to repeal certain Acts therein men- }||L “ tioned and to consolidate the provisions therein “ made for the encouragement of useful Arts in this “ Province,” without any amendment. And, also ; The Legislative Council have passed the following Bills, with several Amendments, to which they desire the concurrence of the Assembly : ,iS'ilh 0taries “ An A ct further to provide, during a limited time, mendments. “ f 0 r the want of Notaries in the Inferior District of “ Gaspe .” X™*- “ An Act to make further provision for the security mendmunts. “ of Titles to real property in the Inferior District of “ Gaspe , and to repeal two Acts therein mentioned.” And, also ; Legislative Council, Monday , 29 th February, 1836. M. l’Orateur, Le Conseil Legislate a passe le Bill, intitule, “ Acte L e con sei .a “ pour rappeler certains Actes y mentionnes et incor- concouru aux 1 “ P 0,er en un seul Acte les dispositions d’iceux au su- “ jet de l’encouragement des Artes utiles en cette Pro- amendemeut - “ vince,” sans Amendement. Et aussi, Le Conseil Legislatif a pass<§ les Bills suivans, avec plusieurs Amendemens, auxquels il demande la concur- rence de PAssemblee : •> sujet mandee sur un certain Amendement fait par leurs Hon- MB! neurs au Bill, intitule, “ Acte qui pourvoit a fairp Hp entrelesMa i- cider (l une maniere plus facile et moins dispendieuse v * teurs# “ les differends qui s’eRvent entre les Maitres et Mai- “ tresses et leurs Serviteurs, Apprentis ou Eima^s “ dans les Campagnes de cette Province.” ° ° Ordonne, Que M. De Bleury, M. Meilleur, M. Gran- nis et M. Cote soient nommes Directeurs de la part de cette Chambre. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Perrault l ) umment. Ordered, That when this House doth adjourn, it will adjourn till to-morrow at ten o’clock, A. M. On Motion of Mr. Morin , seconded by Mr. Berthelot ^Se'cons'i- . That this House will, to-morrow, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider whether it be expedient to amend a certain Act passed in the Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain, in the thirty first year of the Reign of His late Majesty Geoige the 1 hird, Chapter thirty one, commonly called the “ Constitutional Act,” by repealing certain parts of the provisions thereof which relate to the Constitu- tion and formation of the Legislative Council of this Piovince, and by substituting other provisions in the place thereof, with the view of better ensuring the effi- ciency of the Provincial Government to provide for the peace, welfare and good Government of this Province. Mr, Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Perrault , Ordonne, Que lorsque cette Chambre s’ajournera’ Ajoumemert. elle s ajourne a demain a dix heures, A. M. Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Berthelot, Resolu, Que, demain, cette Chambre se formera 021 Acle Constitu- Comite de toute la Chambre, pour considerer s’il est ex- S&* re pedient d amender un certain Acte passe dans le Parle- ment du Royaume de la Grande- Bretagne, dans la trente-et-unieme annee de feu Sa Majeste George Trois, Chapitre trente-et-un, vulgairement appele PActe Con- stitution nel, en revoquant certaines parties de ses dis- positions qui out rapport a la constitution et formation du Conseil Legislatif de cette Province, et dy sub- stituer d’autres dispositions, dans la vue d’assurer mieux Pefficacite du Gouvernement Provincial, pour procurer la paix, le bien-etre et le bon gouvernement de cette Province. M 600 29° Februariu A. 1836, P Mr T P slip from the Special Committee to whom was BeportonTe- Mr. ljeSlie, Iiuui r . r .i Mutual tition of ihe rp f prre( i the Petition of the Directors ot the Mutual wontreaicoua- reterreci i f , p min * v n f Montreal , pany Montreal Coun- referred tne rcL ;, of llie County of Montreal , t y Mutual Fire Fir e Insurance t ompany oi me ^uum.y v insuranceCom- te( i to the House the Report ot the said Com- mittee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and 1S Your Committee are of opinion that the prayer of the Petitioners should be granted. M. Leslie, du Comite Special auquel a ete r6fer£e la Petition de la Petition des Directors de la Compagnie d’Assurance owj-nh Mutuelle contre le Feu, du Comte de Montreal, a pre- Muweiie con- sente a la Chambre le Rapport du dit ComitG lequel a Montreal, ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit: Votre Comite est d’opinion que la priere des Peti- tionnaires devrait etre accord£e. Committee on Mutual Fireln- suiance Com- panies Act ; Resolution re- ported ; Mutual Fireln su ranceCompa nies Bill, read the first time. On Motion of Mr. Leslie, seconded by Mr. De Witt, Resolved, That this House do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole House to consider ^whether it is expedient to amend the Act 4th, Jl ill • TV Caj . 33 . 'A The House accordingly resolved itself into the said C °Mn Be Witt took the Chair of the Committee *, and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Be Witt reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution ; which Resolution was again read at the Cierk’s Table, and agreed to by the House, and is as followeth : . . , Resolved, That it is expedient to amend the Act 4th, Win . IV., Cap. 33, intituled, “ An Act to authorize “ the establishment of Mutual Fire Insurance Compa- ct nies ” Ordered, That Mr. Leslie have leave to bring in a ■ Bill to continue, for a limited time, and to amend a certain Act therein mentioned, relating to the establish- ment of Mutual Fire Assurance Companies. Sur Motion de M. Leslie, seconde par M. Be Witt, Resolu Que cette Chambre se forme maintenant en Comite de toute la Chambre pour consider s’ il est ex- pedient d’amender TActe 4*e Guill. IV. Chap. 33. Comite sur 1’ Acte pour de Compagnies d' Assurance Mutuelle con- tre le Feu; He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Thursday next. La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit ComitG „ ... , M. Be Mitt a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apies y avoir siege quelque temps, M. TOrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Be Witt a fait rapport que le Comite avait pass6 une Resolution ; laquelle Resolution a ete lue de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptee par la Cham- bre, et elle est comme suit: Resolu, Qu’il est expedient d amender 1 Acte 4e, Guilt. IV. Chap. 33, intitule, “ Acte pour autoriser I’etablis- “ sement de Compagnies d’Assurance Mutuelle conti e « i e Feu.” Ordonne, Que M. Leslie ait la permission d’introduire un Bill pour continuer, pour un temps limite, et amen- der un certain Acte y mentionne, relatir a 1 etabhsse- ment de Compagnies d’Assurance Mutuelle contre le II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois ; et dont la seconde lectuic a ete ordonnee pour Jeudi prochain. Resolution ra portee. Bill pour del Compagnies d’Assurance Mutuelle co tre le Feu, 111 premiere foil SupplyBill read the first time. Ordered, That Mr. Be Witt have leave to bring in a Bill to provide means for defraying the Expenses ot the Civil Government of the Province, for the time between the 15th January, 1836, and the 15th July of the same year, and to provide for certain other Expenses therein He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow. Ordonne , Que M. Be Wilt ait la permission d’intro- duire un Bill pour pourvoir a defrayer les Depenses mieretoi. Civiles du Gouvernement Provincial, pour Tepoque comprise entre le 15 Janvier 1836, et le 15 Juillet de la meme annee, et pour pourvoir a certaines auties de- penses y mentionnees. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois; et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour demain. Su QuarantineBill read the first time. Ordered, That Mr. Caron have leave to bring in a Bill to provide more effectually for the establishment of a strict and efficient Quarantine in the Province of Lower Canada. , . He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Friday next. Ordonnk, Que M . Caron ait la permission d’introduire un Bill qui pourvoit plus efficacement a l’etabhssement prcmieref d’une Quarantaine stricte et efficace dans la Province du Bas-Canada. _ , , II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, etdont la seconde lectuie a etc ordonnee pour Vendredi prochain. Message to Council for leave toHonble. P. Pe Roehe- blave to attend the House. On Motion of Mr. Knight , seconded by Mr. Baker, Resolved, That a Message be sent to the Legislative Council, praying their Honors will permit the Honora- ble Fierre De Rocheblave , one of their Members, to appear before the Special Committee to whom are re- ferred the Documents relative to the erection of a Gaol and Court House in the County of MissisTcoui, on Wed- nesday the second of March next, at ten o clock in the forenoon, to be examined on the subject of the said r g f g r c n c c Ordered , That Mr. Knight do carry the said Mes- sage to the Legislative Council. Sur Motion de M. Knight, seconde par M. Baker, , Resolu, Qu’il soit envoye un Message au Conseil Le- Conseil f : gi slat if, pourprier leurs Honneurs de permettre k l’Ho- r =i c norable Pierre Be Rocheblave, un de leurs Membres, De Roeu de comparaitre devant le Comite Special auquel^ ont ete referes les Docmnens relatifs a 1 erection d une Prison et d’une Cour de Justice dans le Comte de Mis- sishoui, Mercredi le deux Mars prochain, a dix heures du matin, pour etre examine sur le sujet de la dite re- ference. de venir la Chasnl itllvC. Ordonne , Que M. Knight porte le dit Message au t Conseil Legislatif. Bill to amend the Road Act, passed. An engrossed Bill to amend a certain Act therein mentioned, and to make further provision for making, altering and repairing Highways and Bridges, was read for the third time. Or aerca, Un Bill grossoye pour amender un certain Acte y mentionne, et qui pourvoit a de nouvelles dispositions pourouvnr, changer et reparer les Grands Chemms et Ponts, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Ordonne , Bill pou ntl i - - If, der 1’ Ac 16 1 Chemin a 6 Will. IV. 29° Vcbruani % Ordered , That the following engrossed Clauses marked (A.) (13.) (C.) he added to the said Bill by way of Ryder, and do follow the eighteenth Clause of the said Bill, and make part thereof: CLAUSE (A.) “ And be it further enacted by the authority afore- “ said, that when no goods and chattels can be found “ belonging to such Proprietor or Occupant, or when ‘ any Wairant of distress shall be issued against any “ Proprietor or Occupant for work done upon land “ belonging to or occupied by any person in default in “ respect to the making and repairing of any Roads to “ wll ich such person may be liable by Law, and that it “ shall appear to the said Commissioners or Road Offi- “ cers that the value of the said land is sufficient to “cover the amount of Warrant of seizure, and costs “ taxed, and costs of suit; the same shall be certified “ by the Road Commissioner of the place, and the said “ Road Commissioner or his successors in office, shall “ have an hypotheqae reckoning from the date of such “ Warrants, on the land for the amount thereof, and “ taxed costs; and the said land may be seized and “ sold in satisfaction of any Judgment for the amount “ mentioned in such Warrant and costs, rendered in “ a, W Cou . rt of competent jurisdiction, the said Judg- “ merit being for an amount for which real Estate may “ now be sold in Execution by the Laws now in force, “ and in any action en declaration d’hypolheque, brought by the said Commissioner or his successors in office “ against the person so in default.” 60 i €i CLAUSE (B.) « ‘‘-n n iu eit f > urthe , r enacted h y the authority afore- „ said, That when the Proprietor of any unoccupied <« nnf ° r l 0t , 0f I and ’ sha11 not be known to the Road „ ° fficer ° f , the , Pansh ’ Township or extra Parochial P Iace in which it is situate, the amount, of the money due upon such lot, with a designation and description of the land, shall be certified hy the Road Commis- “ sioners to whom it may appertain, to the Court of “ General Quarter Sessions of the Peace of the Dis- trict; and if the same is not paid within one month “ born the date of such Certificate, the said Commis- sioners shall have an hypotheqae on the said land or “lot; and the same may be seized and sold under any “Judgment in any Court of competent jurisdiction “(the said Judgment being for an amount for which “ real Estate may be now seized and sold by Law ) on “ a Petition presented to such Court, stating the facts “ and on due proof of the allegations thereof, made to “ the satisfaction of such Court, without it beino- neC es “ sary that the name of the Proprietor of such land “ should be ascertained in the proceedings before the “ said Court: Provided always, that nothing contained “ in either of the foregoing Sections, shalf be held or “ construed to prevent such Commissioner or his suc- “ cessors in office, from having a personal action ao-ainst “ any peison or persons in default as aforesaid, at anv “ time, so long as the said debt or hypotheque and costs “ may remain unsatisfied.” CLAUSE (C.) “ And whereas certain provisions and exemptions contained in the seventh Section of the Act hereby “ amended, whereby is is enacted, “ That the Kin/s Highway to be made through wood lands not yet Yol.— 45. “ S ranted Ordonne, Quo les Clauses suivantes grossoyees, mar- quees (A.) (B.) (C.) soient ajoutees au dit Bill en form* de Cavaher, et suivent la dix-huitRme Clause du dit •Bill, et fassent partie d’icelui : CLAUSE (A.) “ Et qu’il soit de plus statue par Pautorite susdite, Que lorsqu on ne pourra trouver aucun meuble oj effet appartenant a tel Proprietaire ou Occupant de terre^ou lorsque quelque Warrant de saisie sera einane contre un Proprietaire ou Occupant de terre " pour ouvragefait sur la terre appartenant k aucune pei sonne en defaut, ou par elle occupee, h. l’egard de coverture et reparation de quelque Chemin auquel telle personne sera tenue de travailler par la Loi • et “ qu’il paraitra aux dits Commissaires des Chemins! ou c autie Officier des Chemins, que la valeur de la dite terre sera suffisante pour payer le montant du War- rant de saisie et les frais taxes, et frais de poursuite, d en sera donne Certificat par le Commissaire des Chemins du lieu, et le dit Commissaire des Chemins “ oil ses Successeurs en office, auront une hypotheque a compter de la date de tel Warrant sur la terre pour le montant du dit Warrant de saisie, et les frais taxes; et la dite terre pourra etre saisie et vendue en satisfaction d’un Jugementpour le montant men- tionne dans tel Warrant de saisie et des frais, le dit “ Jugement etant d’un montant pour lequel les im “ meubles peuvent £tre saisis et vendus d’apres les Lois “ maintenant en force, et doniffi par une Cour de ju- “ nsdiction competente, dans une action en declara- “ tion d hypotheque, intentee par le dit Commissaire, ou ses Successeurs en office, contre la personne ainsi “ en defaut. * CLAUSE (B.) “ Et qu’il soit de plus statue par Pautorite susdite, Que lorsque le proprietaire de quelque terre ou lot “ de terre non occupe, ne sera pas connu des Officiers “ des Chemins de la Paroisse, Township ou Etablisse- “ ment dans lequel il est situe. le montant de Parent “ dd sur tel lot de terre, avec la designation et descrin “ tion de l** t«re sera certifie par les dits Commissaires I; ““ x< j uel j ' • appartiendra i la Cour des Sessions g £ nerales de Trimestre de la Paix du District; et sfla d,te somme n’est pas payee sous un mois a compter de la date de tel Certificat. les dits Commissaires au" rout une hypotheque sur la dite terre ou lot de terre et icelui pourra etre saisi et vendu en vertu d un Jugement de jurisdiction competente, le dit h JJ " ™, ellt etant P°. ur un montant pour lequel les i, bles peuvent .etre saisis et vendus d’apres les Lois maintenant en force sur Requcte presentee a relle Co1 "'- alleguant les fans, et sur la preuve des alle™ Pons y contenues faite a la satisfaction de la X' Com- sans qti’il soit necessaire que le nom du Pro I! P'mtaire de telle terre soit consfate dans les pro i (lures fades (levant la dite Cour. Pourvu to, hours , 1.“* ' len de ce If «t contenu dans aucune des Clauses ci-dessus lie sera entendu s etendre u empecher tels Commissaires ou leurs Successeurs en office d’avoir en aucun temps une action personnels contre au- cune personne ou personnes qui seront en defaut “ “" lm ® s,,sd 't> ‘not ot aussi long.temps que la dite dette, hypotheque et frais ne seront pas payes.” CLAUSE (C.) “ Et attend u que certaines dispositions et exemptions „ contenu f s dans la septieme Section de I’Acte amende .. I| ar ' e P rese i|t, o uil est statue “Que les Grands Chemins de Hoi qui devront etre iaits a travels les terres en hois 7 N “ de 60:2 29° Februarii . A. 1836, << (Tranted by the Crown, or through wood lands in any “ Seigniory, Fief or Township, not conceded by the « or ,vinaI grantees of the Crown, also Highways to be « made through lands which although conceded by « SL , c h original grantees, may be deserted, shall be “ opened, made, repaired and kept up by the persons “ that are more particularly benefitted thereby, in pro- «< portion to their lands or concessions, and to which «< the Seigniors or original grantees ot the Crown shall “ contribute in proportion to the private domains les- “ pectively reserved by them, and to which domain any such Flighways shall be ot utility; and such High- “ ways shall be made, repaired and kept up by the persons as above mentioned in the said Proces~ V a ~ “ bal, drawn up by the Grand Voyer, or his Deputy, “ for the purpose, until such time as the lands running “ along such Highways respectively shall be conceded “ bv the original grantees thereof, or be reserved as a “ private domain, or be put into a state of improvement, “ or be inhabited, and so soon as lands shall be so con- « ceded or be reserved as a private domain, or be put “ into a state ot improvement or be inhabited, the oc- “ cupiers shall make, repair and keep up their respec- “ tive parts of any such Highways, if the same be con- “ sidered as the front Road belonging to such lands, “ and shall also make, repair and keep up their respec- “ live shares of every other joint Highway to which “ they are respectively obliged by this Act,” are found “ to be burdensome and prejudicial to the settlement “ of the country, and a heavy charge upon the actual n settler, which is more particularly felt in the Town- “ ships of this Province, be it therefore further enacted « by the authority aforesaid, That the said Section shall “ be, and is hereby repealed, as far as relates to the “ Townships of this Province, except with regard to “ wild lands in the possession of the Crown; and no “ Proprietor, Possessor or Occupant of land, under any “ title whatsoever, within the said Townships, shall “ claim any exemption by virtue ot the said Section, “ but each such Proprietor, Possessor or Occupant, « anc l each lot ot land so po=cpssed or occupied shall be « respectively subject to the provisions of the Act “ aforesaid, as hereby amended, and to those of this « A ct . the said Section or any other matter or thing to “ the contrary notwithstanding. And the said engrossed Clauses were thrice read. Resolved , r lhat the Bill do pass. Ordered , That Mr. Iduot do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desiie theii concuirence. P. Chasseur’s An engrossed Bill to vest the property of Pierre Clias- seur's Museum of Natural History in the Public, was read for the third time. Resolved , That the Bill do pass. Ordered , That Mr. Huot do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desiie their concunence. Militia Bill pas. en g r0 ssed Bill to continue fora limited time, and to consolidate two Acts therein mentioned, concerning the Militia of this Province, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass, and that the Title be, “ An Act to continue for a limited time, two certain “ Acts therein mentioned, concerning the Militia of “ this Province.” Ordered , That Mr. Bardy do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. On “ de bout non concedees par la Couronne, ou a travers tt ( les terres en bois de bout dans aucunes Seigneuries, “ piefs, ou Townships non concedes par les Conces- “ sionnaires originaires de laCouronne, aussi les Grands- “ Chemins qui devront etre f aits a travers des terres “ qui, quoique concedes par tels Concessionnaires originaires, pourront etre abandonnees, seront ou- “ verts, faits, repares et entretenus par des personnes “ qui en recevront le plus d’avantages en proportion de “ leurs terres ou concessions; et auxquels les Sei- “ gneurs oil Concessionnaires originaires de la Cou- “ ronne contribueront en proportion des domaines par- “ ticuliers qu’ils se sont reserves respectivement, et de “ Pavantage que tels Grands-Chemins feront a ces do- «•- maines ; et tels Grands-Chemins seront faits, repares “ et entretenus par les personnes ainsi qu’il est dit ci-des- “ sus, mentionnees dans le Proces-Verbal dresse a cet “ effet par le Grand-Voyer ou son Depute, jusqu’a ce que “ les terres qui seront le long de tels Grands-Chemins “ respectivement soient concedees par les Concession- “ naires originaires, ou reservees comme un domaine par- “ ticulier, ou mises en valeur ou habitees, et aussitot que “ des terres seront ainsi concedees ou reserves en do* “ maine pai ticulier, ou mises en valeur ou habitees, les “ Occupans feront, repareront et entretiendront leurs “ parts respectivement de tout tel Grand-Chemin s il est “ considere comme le Chemin de front appartenant a “ telles terres ; et feront aussi, repareront et entretien- “ dront respectivement leurs parts de tout autre Grand- “ Chemin en commun, auxquels ils sont lespectivement “ obliges par cet Acte,” se trouvent etre onereuses et “ prejudiciables a l’etablissement du pays, et une charge “ onereuse pour les defricheurs, laquelle sefait particu- “ IRrement sentir dans les Townships de cette Pro- “ vince, qu’il soit de plus status par l’autorite susdite, “ que la elite Section sera et eile est par le present “ revocjuee quant aux Townships de cette Province, “ excepte pour ce qui concerne les terres en bois de “ bout possedees par la Couronne; et aucun Proprie- “ taire, Possesseur ou Occupant de terres dans 1 eten- “ due des dits Townships, a quelque titre que ce soit, “ ne pourra pretendre aucune exemption en vertu de la “ dite Clause, mais cheque tel Propnetaire, Possesseur •• uu Occupant, et chaque lot de terre ainsi possede ou “ occune, seront respectivement sujets aux dispositions “ de l’Acte ci-dessous tel qu’amende par le present, “ et a cellps du present Acte, nonobstant la dite Clause, “ et toute autre chose au contraire.” Et les dites Clauses grossoyees ont ete lues trois fois. Resolu , Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Huot porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Un Bill grossoye pour assurer au Public la propriete du Musee d’Histoire Naturelle de Pierre Chasseur , a et£ lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu , Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Huot porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Un Bill grossoye pour continuer, pour un temps li- mite, et reunir en un seul, deux Actes y mentionnds, concernant la Milice de cette Province, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe, et que le Titre soit, “ Acte “ pour continuer, pour un temps limite, deux Actes “ y mentioning, concernant la Milice de cette Pro- “ vince.” Ordonne, Que M. Bardy porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Sur Bill du Mus de P. Chassi passe. Bill de Mil»< passe. 6 Will. IV. 29° Februarii. 603 On Motion of Mr. Thibaudeau , seconded by Mr. Le B out i l tier, , Ordered, That the Araendmenls made by the L e gis- idaspfi Land Jative Council lo the liilJ, intituled, “ An Act to make jS^Bod* 0 "' “ further provision for the security of Titles to real S rc e a to. “Property in the Inferior District of Gaspe, and to “ repeal two Acts therein mentioned,” be now taken into consideration. The House pi oceeded accordingly to take the said Amendments into consideration. And the said Amendments were read, and are as fol- lowed! : Sur Motion de M. Thibaudeau , seconde par M I r Boultl/ier, ’ Ordonne, Que Ics Amendemens faits par le Conscil Tegislatif au Bill, intitule, “ Acte pour pourvoir ulc6- “ neurement a la conservation des Titres des Biens- bonds dans le District Infeneur de Gaspe, et pour abroger deux Actes y mentionnes,” soient maintenant pns en consideration. La Chambre a en consequence procede a prendre les dits Amendemens en consideration. Lt les dits Amendemens ont etc lus, comme suit : Press l. Line 33. — Leave out “of the same,” and in- sert “ aforesaid.” Press Q. Line 9. — After “ cited,” leave out from “or,” inclusive, to “ thereof,” also inclusive in the tenth line, and insert “ passed “ in the fifty ninth year of the Reign “ of His Majesty King George the “ Third.” “ “ “ 11.— After “Officer,” leave out “to whom “ it may belong,” and insert “ or per- “ son in whose possession the same “ shall be.” “ “ 14. — Leave out “ intrusted,” and insert “ interested.” “ « “ 20. — After “ more,” insert the following Proviso : — “ Provided always, and be it further “ enacted by the authority aforesaid, “ that the original Register kept by “ the said Commissioners which by the “ said last mentioned Act was required “ to be deposited in the Office of His “ Majesty’s Executive Council of this “ Province, shall be and remain in the “ said Office, and all and every person “ and persons shall and may as often “ as they require, have access to the “ same, and obtain copies or extracts “ therefrom in the manner and on pay. “ ment of the fees established and al- “ lowed therefor by the said Act, to “ the Clerk of the Executive Council, “ any thing in this Act contained to “ the contrary notwithstanding.” And the said Amendments being again read, they were agreed to by the House. Ordered, That Mr. Thibaudeau do carry back the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and acquaint their Honors that this House hath agreed to their Amend- ments. Feuille l ere. Ligne 42. — Retranchez “ la dite auto- “ rite,” et inserez « l’autorit6 “ susdite,” Feuille Me. Ligne 10.— Apres “ Cite” retranchez ou une Copie d’iceux due- “ ment authentiquee,” et inse- rez “ passe dans la cinquante- “ neuvieme ann<5e du Regne “ de Sa Majesty le Roi George “ Trois.” 6 Ligne 1 1 — Retranchez « a qui il appar- “ tiendra,” et inserez “ ou la “ personne en possession d’i- “ ceux*” Ligne 20. — -Apr£s « pas plus,” inserez “ le Proviso suivant : “ Pourvu toujours, et qu’il “ soit de plus statue par 1’au- “ torite susdite, Que le Regitre “ original tenu par les dits “ Commissaires, lequel par le “ dit Acte mentionneen dernier “ Jteu devait etre depose dans “ le Bureau du Conseil Exe- “ cutif de Sa Majesty de cette “ Province, sera et demeurera “ dans le dit Bureau, et toutes “ et chaque personne ou per- “ sonnes pourront aussi sou- “ vent qu’elles en auront be- “ soin avoir acc£s a icelui, et “ pourront en obtenir des Co- “ pies ou Extraits de la ma- “ mere, et en payant les hono- “ raires etablis et alloues pour “ iceux par le dit Acte, au “ Greffier du Conseil Executif, “ nonobstantaucune chose con- “ tenue dans cet Acte, h ce “ contraire.” Et les dits Amendemens ayant ete lus de nouveau, ils ont ete adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne , Que M. Thibaudeau reporte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et informe leurs Honneurs que cette Chambre a adopte leurs Amendemens. Amendemens du Conseil au Bill des Titres des Terres dans Ga'pe, conside. res tt adoptes. I Ghevance? r * Gll SlL fr °m the Standing Committee of Grie- 'r^juntoe vances ’ P resen | ed to the House the Seventh Report of etcher!* 6 the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. jpendix For the said Report, see Appendix (E. E.j at the ‘ E,) end of this Volume. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House to-morrow ; and that it be then the first Order of the day. M. Gugy, du Comit6 Permanent des Griefs, a pre- Septieme Rap- sente a la Chambre le Septieme Rapport du dit Comite, feTatif d m!'^’ lequel a ete lu de nouveau la Table du Greffier. Juge Fletcher. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (E. EA a la Appends fin de ce Volume. (E. e.) Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refers a un Comile de toute la Chambre demain, et que ce soit alors le pre- mier Ordre du jour. Mr. M. 60* 29° Februariu A 1836. n,po«™ b,« Mr. Gw from the Special Committee to whom was to punish sieu c , , |.:]j prevent and punish Meluonate, ie ® the Committee had [tone through the Bill and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill and Lepoit be referred to a Committee of the whole House to-morrow. M. Gugy, da Comite Special auquel a ete refere le Bill pour pr6vcnir et punir ie Stellionat, a fait rapport ie sieihonat. que le Comite' avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plu- sieurs amendemens, lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Grefher. / Ordonne , Que le dit Bill et llapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre demain. Tavern Keepers Mr. Knight , from the Committee of the whole House Bui reported. the Bill for t h e f urt her regulation of f aver ns and Tavernkeepers, and for other purposes therewith con- nected, reported, according to Order, the amendme 1 made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amend- ments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agieet to by the House. ■, Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. M. Knight, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Bill qui fait des reglemens ulterieurs concernant les Au- bero-es et les Anbergistes, et pour d’autres objets y rela- tjf S) & a fait rapport, conformement a l’Ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffieret adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- sick Manner. A Bill to provide for the Medical treatment .of : sh* Biii read ihe se- Mariners, was, according to Order, read a second time. cond lime. * soye. Ordered, That the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of the whole House to-morrow. Conformement k l’Ordre, un Bill pour pourvoir au traitement medical des Marins Malades, a ete lu une se- seconde iois. conde fois. ... , v „ , Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soil refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre demain. Gaspe judica- A Bill to continue certain Acts therein mentioned rJSiSSe. relating to the administration of Justme in the Infe.ior District of Gaspe, was, according to Order, read ^Ordered, That the Blank in the said Bill be filled with the words “ thirty nine.” Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour continuer cer- .pm a. mJL tains Aries v mentionnes, reiatifs a I’admimstration de i uun eseconde la Justice d^s le District Inferieur de Gaspe, a ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le blanc dans le dit Bill soit rempli par les mots “ trente-neuf.” Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. , .... . a Bill to diminish the Duties payable on Tobacco Bid to diminish , , ,t tosk jtpf'nnl- A Bill lO UllUimaii ^ I"V ”- 1 ,he Duties on imported by Land or Inland Navigation, was, accoic- . /-\ 1 . . .1 _ n ^ n t-s rl f 1 m n Conformement a 1’Ordre, un Bill pour reduire les Droits imposes sur le 1 abac importe par terre ou par la sur i. Tsbsc. * . / • f i ^ 1 .- . . 1 1 n t 1 c the second time, jng to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be engrossed. 1 / 1 Ul to I ill poovo ‘ ~ i 1 /* * Navigation interieure, a ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit grossoye. une seconde fois. Ltchine Canal Bill deferred. The Order of the day for the second reading of the Bill to provide for the management and care of the Lachine Canal, and to establish certain Rates, lolls and Duties to be taken thereon, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. L Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour de Lachine, pourvoir a la regie et surveillance du Canal de Lachine, mis. et pour etablir certains Peages et Droits a y etie le\es, ayant ete lu ; . v Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre dujour soit remis a de- main. Committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee o h fTeT ff “r S , ale on the Report of the Special Committee appointed for relating tuthe nL1 rnose of enquiring into the present state ot the G^rir" affairs relating to the defalcation of the late Receiver General, John Caldwell, with an Instruction to consi- der what measures ought to be adopted by the House in order to secure the rights of this Province, being 1 C The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. . . e , Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorion took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorion reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour relative, nent] . , rt ■ .. . . I ii* : .1- 1- ct-devant lit# v j 1 1 j i r y * o iii i v .a. v i * | j ' — I ^ 1 I t 1.^ * s’enquerir dans quel etat sont les affaires de la d< fa ca- veB tiou du ci-devant Receveur-General, John Caldwell, avec instruction de prendre en consideiation que. I ls pourraient etre les mesures a adopter pai cette Cham- bre pour assurer les droits de cette Province, ayant ete La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion a pris le Fauteuil du Co- mite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. 1’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et Ini avait enjoint tie demander permission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de veur-Genera again to-morrow. O sieger de nouveau demain. Committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee SET on the Bill to suspend, for a limited time, certain Ordo ' nances therein mentioned, as far as the same relate to the City of Quebec, and the City ot Montreal, and for preventing Accidents by Fire, being read ; by Lire. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. L’Ordre dujour pour que la Chambre se foime en ^ 1Ipi)Urr ,, Comite sur le Bill pour suspendre, pour un temps u- mite, certaines Ordonnances v mentionnees en autant qu’elles ont rapport a la Lite de Quebec et a la Cite de Montreal, et pour prevenir les Accidens du Feu, ayant ete lu ; c / , La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. ^ G Will. 1 Y^. 605 °29° Februaril — 1° Martii. Mr. Meilleur took the Chair of the Committee. Several Members having retired j Mr. Speaker resum'ed the Chair. And the names of the Members present were taken dovvti, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker Barely , Beaudouin , Berthe lot, Besserer, Blanchet, Bouffard. Caron , Cazeau, Child, De Bleary, Be Tonnancow , Be Witt, Pierre Antoine Borion, Fortin, Fraser, Grannis, Hebert, Huot, Knight, Lafontaine , Larue, Leslie, Meilleur, Morin, Mousseau, O'Callaghan, Perrault, Raymond and Simon. And at three quarters past ten o’clock at night, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comity. Plusieurs Membres s’etant retires, M. 1’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. comme suit : M. 1‘Orateur, r * Archambeault Baker, Bardy, Beaudouin, rrn‘ e n’ B g serer ’ Blanche!, Bouffard, Caron, Cazeau, Until, Be Bleury, Be Tonnancour, Be Witt, Pierre- Anloine Borion, Fortin, Fraser, Grannis, Hebert, Huot knight, Lafontaine , Larue, Leslie, Meilleur, 'Morin Mousseau, O'Callaghan, Perrault, Raymond et Simon Ft adix heures trois quarts du soir, M. 1’Orateur a ajouine la Chambre fkutc de Quorum. Tuesday, 1st March , 1836. — Ten o'clock , A. M. Mardi, ler Mars 1836, — Bix heures , A , J\l, lurnment. N Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Trudel, Ordered, That when this House doth adjourn, it will adjourn till four o’clock, P. M., this day. On Motion of Mr. Thibaudeau , seconded by Mr. Mousseau, J ‘ndment Ordered, That the Amendments made by the LeMs- i'pe Nma- lative Conned to the Pill, intituled, “ An Act further to ^"reed “ P rovide ’ during a limited time, for the want ofNota- “ nes in the Inferior District of Gaspe," be now taken into consideration. The House proceeded accordingly to take the said Amendments into consideration. And the said Amendments were read, and are as fol- loweth : Press 1. Line 27. — Leave out “His Majesty” and in- sert “ the.” ibid. After “ Reign” insert “of His late “ Majesty.” Preamble. Line 4.— Leave out from “ Majesty” inclu- sive, to “ mentioned,” also inclusive, in the fourteenth Line, and insert “ late “ Majesty’s Reign, Chapter the fif- “ teenth, intituled, “An Act to ren- “ der valid certain Acts, agreements in “ writing, and Contracts of Marriage “ (Contrats de Manage sous seing pri- “ ve) heretofore executed in the'lnfe- “ nor District of Gaspe, and to pro- “ vide for the want of Notaries in “ the said Inferior District,” which “ said Clause or Section by an Act “ passed in the second year of His “ present Majesty’s Reign, Chapter “ the fifth, intituled, 44 An Act to “ continue, for a limited time, certain “ Acts therein mentioned,” was con- “ tinued and limited to the first day “ of May, one thousand eight hundred “ and thirty five, and then expired.” And the said Amendments being were agreed to by the House. again read, they Ordered , UR Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Trudel Ordonne, Que iorsque cette Chambre s’ajournera, Ajoumement. eHe s ajourne a quatre heures, P. M., ce jour. Sur Motion de M. Thibaudeau , seconde par M. Mous- seau, Pi puue, Que les Amendemens faits par le Conseil Amendemens Leg.sbt.f'au Bill, intitule, “ Acte pour subvenir en- coie, pour un temps limite, an manque de Notaires Tenlrau , „ “ dan»le District Inferieur de Gaspe ," soient mainte- nant pris en consideration. considers et La Chambre a en consequence procMe a prendre les 3 ' dds Amendemens en consideration. Et les dits Amendemens ont 6te lus, comme suit : Feuille 1 ere. Ligne 25.. Apr£s “de,” inserez “feu.” Preambule. Ligne 5. — Retranchez tous les mots de- puis “ 8a Majeste,” inclusive- ment, jusqu’a “ mentionnes,” aussi inclusivement dans la trei- zibme Ligne, et inserez, “ f eu “ Sa Majeste, Chapitre quin- “ zieme, intitule, « Acte pour “ valider certains Actes, Ac- “ cords par ecrit et Contrats “ de Mariage sous Seing Privb, “ ci-devant passes et executes “ dans le District Inferieur de “ Gaspe, et qui supplee au de- “ faut de Notaires residans dans “ le dit District Inferieur j”la- “ quelle elite Clause ou Section, “ par un Acte passe dans la se- “ conde anneedu Regne deSa “ presente Majeste, Chapitre “ cinq, intitule, 44 Acte pour “ continuer, pour un temps li- “ mite, certains Actes y men- “ tionnes,” a £t£ continuee “ et limitee au premier jour “ 6e Mai mil-huit-cent-trente- “ cinq, et alors expira.” Lt les dits Amendemens ayant ete lus de nouveau ils ont 6te adopts par la Chambre. 7 O Vol— -45. Ordonne , A. 1836, 60 6 1 ° Martii . Ordered That Mr. Thibaudeau do carry back the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and acquaint their Honors that this House hath agreed to their Amend- ments. Committee to enquire respect- ing the esta- blishment of Public Grana- ries. Resolved, That a Committee of five Members be ap- pointed to enquire into the means of preventing the distress occasioned by the frost and by the failme of the Crops in certain parts of' this Province, and of ensuring to the poor the means of sowing their lands, either by establishing public Granaries under the superinten- dence of Corporations or otherwise, to report thereon with all convenient speed, by Bill or otherwise, wit i power to send for persons, papers and lecoids. Ordered, That Mr. Charles Drolet, Mr. Tache, Mr. Letourneau, Mr. Simon and Mr. Fortin do compose the said Committee. Ordonne, Que M. Thibaudeau reporte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et informe leurs Ilonneurs que cette Chambre a adopt6 leurs Amendemens. Resolu, Qu’un Comite de cinq Membres soit nomine, nour enauerir des moyens de prevenir la detresse qu’oc- de retabiisse- casionnent les gelees et le manque de recoltes en cei- nie , s Publics, taines parties de cette Province, et d’assurer aux Pau- vres les moyens d’ensemencer leurs Terres, soit en eiablissant des Greniers Publics, sous la surveillance de Corporations, ou autrement, pour en faire rapport avec toute la diligence convenable par Bill ou autrement, avec pouvoir d’envoyer querir personnes, papiers, et records. Ordonne, Que M. Charles Drolet, M. dache , M. Le- tourneau , M. Simon et M. Fortin composent le dit Co- mite. Supply Bui read A Bill to provide means for defraying the Expenses the second time. t]ie (-Ril Government of the Province, for the time between the 15th January, 1836, and the 15th July of the same year, and to provide for ceitain other ex- penses therein mentioned, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be engrossed. Conformement a l'Ordre, un Bill pour pourvoir a de- »» frayer les Depenses Civiles du Gouvernement Provin- fois . cial, pour l’epoque comprise entre le 15 Janvier 1836, et le 15 Juillet de la meme annee, et pour pourvoir a certaines autres depenses y mentionnees, a ete lu line seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit grossoyH Committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee Bill for prevent- on the Bill to suspend, for a limited time, certain Ordi- bfvte. e " ts nances therein mentioned, as far as the same relate to the City of Quebec and the City of Montreal, and for preventing Accidents by Lire, being lead ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Mcilleur took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Meilleur reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received to-morrow. Committee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee on Petition com- t ] ie R e p 0 rt ofthe Special Committee to whom was re- condnct or the fei'red the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Distnct Franck SL of St. Francis, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Raymond took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, JMr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Raymond reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit a^ain to-morrow, in the forenoon Sitting. The Order of the day for the House in Committee Coal measure- on the Bill to regulate the measurement of Coal, being ment Bill. , rea d ; . The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Besserer took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair j And Mr, Besserer reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill pour suspendre, pour un temps li ” nir les Accidtns mite, ceitaines Ordonnances y mentionnees, en autant qu’elles ont rapport a la Cite de Quebec, et a la Cite de Montreal, et pour prevenir les Accidens du Feu, ayant La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit ComitH M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateura repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Meilleur a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs Amendemens, dont ll avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit recu demain. T Ordre du iour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comi 6 sur une ■*"' Jr ) . , 0 , • , i „ /, t Petition se Comite sur le Rapport du Comite Special auquel a ete piaignam de ia referee la Petition de divers Habitans du District de St. Francois, ayant He lu ; , 9° is - La Chambre s'est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. _ M. Raymond a pris le Fauteuil du Comite j et apres y avoir sh’ge quelque temps, M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Raymond a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progr&s, et lui avait enjoint de demander permission de sieger du nouveau. _ # Ordonne, Que le dit Comit6 ait la permission de sieger de nouveau demain, dans la beance du matin. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Comite sur le Bill pour regler le mesuiaga du Charbon surage du Char- , . / . ' l bon de terre. de terre, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. . M. Besserer a pris le Fauteuil du Comite \ et apies y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Besserer a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens ; les- quels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la lable du Greffier, et adopts par la Chambre. Ordonne , 6 Will. IV. 1" Marlii , 607 Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. Ordonnd, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amentH, soit gros- soy<§. Committee on Canada Te. nures Act ; eso'utions re. irttd. to repeal of two Acts ting to the imutation >e tenure of ds, read the time. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to consider the expediency of altering in whole or in part, the Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , commonly called the Canada Tenures Act, or adopting such Legislative pro- vision as may appear best calculated to secure to all His Majesty’s Subjects in this Province the right given to them by the ancient Laws of obtaining possession, without purchase, of’ sufficient portions of unconceded wild Lands held from the Crown d litre de Fief and Seigneurie, at the accustomed rates and dues, on condi- tion of cultivation and residence thereon, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. De Bleury took the Chair of the Committee j and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. De Bleury reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions ; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followeth : 1. Resolved, 1 hat by the Laws of Canada guaran- teed to the Inhabitants of this Province by the Capitu- lations of 1760, the Act of the British Parliament of the 14 th, Geo. Ill , Cap. 83, and the Constitutional Act of the .31st, Geo. III., Cap. 31, they had a right to grants of sufficient portions of wild Lands held from the Crown a titre de Fief, subject to the customary dues, and on condition of cultivation and residence. 2. Resolved, That the commutation of these Lands into the Tenure of free and common Soccage under the Act passed in the Parliament of the United King- dom in the sixth year of the Reign of His late Majesty George the Fourth, Chapter fifty nine, deprives them of this right, and vest the said Lands in the Seignior to dispose of them on such terms and conditions as he thinks fir, at the same time subjecting those who may settle thereon to Laws with which the great majority of the People of this Province are unacquainted, ut- terly unsuitable to tneir circumstances, and repugnant to their feelings and usages. 3. Resolved, That the provisions of the said Law for the said commutation, are unjust and contrary to the established rights of the Inhabitants of the Province, to the extension of settlement, and to the general prospe- 4. Resolved, That it is expedient to repeal so much of the Acts passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of the 3rd, Geo. IV., Cap. 119, and 6th, Geo. IV. Cap. 59, as provides for the commutation of Lands held d litre de fef and d litre de cens in this Province, to be held in free and common Soccage subject to the Laws of England. Ordei ed, I hat Mr. Morin have leave to bring in a Bill to repeal so much of two certain Acts therein men- tioned, made and passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, as au- thorizes the commutation of the Tenure of Lands held d hire de fef and a litre de cens in this Province into the tenure of free and common Soccage. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Thursday next. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comit6 Bur Comite pour considerer s’ll est expedient d’abroger, soit en tout ou en partie, l’Acte passe dans Ie Parle- nada; merit du Royaume-Uni de la Grande-Brctagne et d’/r- lande, communement appele l’Acte des Tenures du Canada, ou d’adopter lelles dispositions Legislatives qui paraitront les mieux adaptees, afin d’assurer a tous les Sujets de Sa Majeste en cette Province le droit que leur donnent les anciennes Lois d’obtenir la possession, sans etre tenus de les acquerir, d’etendues suffisantes des Terres non concedees et incultes, tenues de la Cou- ronne a titre de Fief et Seigneurie, sujettes aux droits et redevances accutumes, a condition de les mettre en cul- ture et de leur residence sur icelles, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M . De Bleury a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M De Bleury a fait rapport que le Comite avait Resolution r a p- passe plusreurs Resolutions; lesquelles Resolutions ont porl6es - ete lues de nouveau a la I able du Greffier, et adoptees par la Chambre ; et elles sont comme suit : 1. Resolu, Que par les Lois du Canada, g aranties aux Habitans de cette Province par les Capitulations de 1760, PActe du Parlement Britannique de la 14e Geo. III. Chap. 83, et l’Acte Constitutionnel de la 31e Geo. III. Chap. 31, ils avaient droit a des concessions d’e- tendues suffisantes de Terres incultes, tenues de la Couronne a Litre de Fief, sujettes aux droits accoutu- mes, et a condition deles mettre en culture et d’y tenir feu et lieu. 2. Resolu, Que le changement de Tenure de ces Terres en celle de Franc et Coramun Soccage par PActe passe dans le Parlement du Royaume-Uni, dans la sixRme annee du R£gne de Sa feue Majeste George Quatre, Chapitre cinquante-neuf, les prive de ce droit et saisit le Seigneur de ces Terres, pour en disposer i tels termes et sous telles conditions qu’il lui plait, assu- jettissant en meme temps ceux qui pourraient s’y eta- bjir a des Lois auxquelles la grande majorite des Ha- bitans de cette Province sont etrangers, qui ne s’ac- cordent nullement avec leurs circonstances, et qui repugnenta leurs idees et a leurs usages. H S. Resolu, Que les dispositions de ia Loi susdite a Pegard de ce changement, sont injustes et contraires aux droits etablis des Habitans de cette Province a l’augmentation des etablissemens et a la prosperity ge- nerale. 4. Resolu, Qu’il est expedient d'abroger les parties des Actes passes dans le Parlement du Royaume-Uni des 3e Geo. IV. Chapitre 1 19, et 6e Geo. IV. Chap. 5Q qui pom voient a la commutation de Terres tenues a ti- tre de fief et a titre de cens en cette Province, pour etre tenues en Franc et Commun Soccage, sujettes aux Lois d’Angleterre. Ordonne, Que M. Morin ait la permission d’intro- Bmpourrg™. duire un Bill pour revoquerdeux certains Actes y men- deuiAwesIl tionnes, fait et passes dans le Parlement du Royaume- “'“"S"' Uni de la Grande- Bretagne et d 'Irlande, en tant qu’ils wide*' 8 autonsent le changement de la Tenure des Terres te- Tcrres,Iula nues a titre de fief et a titre de cens en cette Province en la Tenure de Franc et Commun Soccage. II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois; et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Jeudi prochain. premiere fois- The L’Ordre 603 A. 1836. \° Martii, Committee on Privileges and Elections ; Resolution re- ported ; Bill for chan- ging one place of Election in MisMskoui, read the first time. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Third Report of the Standing Committee of Privileges and Elections, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. , . P Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorion took the Chair or tne Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Pierre Antoine Dot ion reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution ; which Resolu- tion was again read at the Clerk s lable, and agreed to bv the House ; and is as followeth : ' Resolved, That it is expedient to change one of the places for holding the Poll in the County of Missiskoui, by abandoning the Village of Freleighsburg , to fix the same at the Village of Bedford, in the Township of Stanbridge in the said County of Missiskoui. Ordered, That Mr. Besserer have leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Act of the ninth George the Fourth, Chapter seventy three, dividing the Province into Coun- ties, by changing one place of Election in the County of Missiskoui. ' He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time; and ordered to be lead a second time to-morrow. Mr. w. h. The Order of the day for taking into consideration K«c n »dfor a Motion made by Mr. Fortin, on Tuesday last, viz: din"eM a the n ' “ That William Henry Scott, Esquire, Member for the cuii of the « County of Two Mountains, has, in sending no excuse, “ committed a Breach of the Privileges of this House, ’ being read ; The House proceeded accordingly to take the said Motion into consideration. And the said Motion being again read ; On Motion of Mr. O'Callaghan, seconded by Mr. Cher ncr Ordered , That all the words in the said Motion after “That,” be struck out, and the following substituted: in consideration of the Reasons communicated by “ Letter from the said William Henry Scott, this House “ dotli excuse him. ’ Theconsidera- The Order of the day for taking into consideration son" of' l a£e r o£ the Reasons of absence of Samuel Jl ood , Esquire, Mem- of Mr. s. Wood, k er j or t | ie County of Sriefford, for his non attendance tendance at the ot thg Call of this House, on Piiday the twelfth ultimo, Call of the i House, defer- being react ; fed- Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till Tuesday the fifteenth instant. Then, on Motion of Mr. Ferrault , seconded by Mr. Morin, The House adjourned. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comit6 stir le Troisieme Rapport du Comite Perm a- Elections, nent des Privileges et Elections, ayant ete lu; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Pierre Antoine Dorion a pris le Fauteuil du Co- mite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. L’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion a fait rapport que le ‘“ ,ionrap ' Comite avait passe une Resolution ; laquelle Resolution a ete lue de nouveau a la 'fable du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre ; et elle est comme suit: Resolu, Qu’il est expedient de changer une des places pour tenir le Foil dans le Comte de Missiskoui , en abandonnant le Village de Freleighsburg, pour la fixer au Village de Bedford dans le Township de Stanbridge , dans le dit Comte de Missiskoui. Ordonne , Que M. Besserer ait la permission d’in- ™£“' une troduire un Bill pour amender 1’Acte de la neuvieme pnce^Encuoa George Quatre, Chapitre soixante-et-treize, qui divise Q la premiere la Province en Comtes, en changeant une place d’elec- fols - tion clans le Comte de Missiskoui . _ li a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois ; et clout la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour demain. L’Ordre du jour pour prendre en consideration line Membre, excuse Motion faite par M. For tin, March dernier, savoi. : “ Que IVilliam- Henry Scott, Ecuyer, Membre pour le rAppeMda “ Comte du Lac des Deux Montagues , n’ayant donne Lhl “ lt * “ aucune excuse, a enfreint 1 es Privileges de cette “ Chambre,” ayant ete lu ; La Chambre a en consequence procede a prendre la dite Motion en consideration. Et la elite Motion ayant ete luede nouveau; Sur Motion de M. O'Callaghan , seconde par M. Cher - rier, Ordonne, Que tousles mots dans la elite Motion apres “Que” soient retranches, et les suivans substitues : “ en consideration des Raisons communiquees par Let- “ tre du dit William-Henry Scott, cette Chambre 1 ex- ‘ cuse.” L’Ordre du jour pour prendre en consideration les de M. S. Wool p:ur ne s’etre mis. ■*-* v*. ~ ~~ J r _ - - tion des raison Raisons d’absence ci e Samuel Hood, Ecuyer, Membre deM.s. pour le Comte de Shejford, pour ne s’etre pas trouve a J' astrouvea , 1’ Appel de cette Chambre, Vendredi le douze du mois f dernier, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a Mardi le quinze du courant. Alors, sur Motion de M. Ferrault , seconde par M. Morin, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Answer lo an Address. Tuesday, 1st March , 1836 .— Four o'clock P. M. Mardi, 1 er Mars 1836 . — Quatre heures, P. M. a^sLR. Gvgy, accompanied by the other Messengers, TfJL reported to the House, that their Address of the nineteenth ultimo, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, relating to the Honorable William Bozeman Fel- ton , had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I am sensible of the seriousness of the charges which accompany this Address, and of the weight of the Evidence adduced in support of them. But until the party accused shall have offered his defence, which he IR Gugy, accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait Reponse i JJUlLa rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du dix- Adreise * neuf du mois dernier, a. Son Excellence le Gouverneur- en-Chef, relativement a l’Honorable Willi am- Bozeman Felton, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence ; et qu il lui avait plu dedonnerla Reponse suiyante : Messieurs, Je sens bien quelle est la gravite des accusations qui accompagnent cette Adresse, et quel est le poids ties Temoignages re5us k leur appui ; mais jusqu a ce que la partie accusee ait donne sa defense, ce qu’on lui a ordonne Fourth Report >f Committee m Fees and Smoluments of Officers of Courts of Jus- ice. Vppendix V. V.) .aw Officers Salaries Bill ead the first i me. tdjouroment. ilessage from he Council. .eave to the lonble. P. De Tocheblave to itend the louse. Bill to diminish he Duties on Tobacco passed. Report on Les- sors and Les- sees Bill, 6 Will. IV. 1° Martii. 600 he has been called upon to furnish without delay, the time is not arrived when a conclusion can, with proprie- ty, be adopted by the Government. Some of the accusations appear to me to contain al- legations of fraud requiring the decision of a Court of Justice, and I shall take the opinion of my responsible Legal Advisers on the subject. Upon obtaining their Report, and as soon as the required explanation from the accused shall be received, I will not fail to take the best means in my power for obtaining a just and speedy termination of the case. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 1st March, 1836. Mr. Ijqfontaine, from the Special Committee appoin- ted to enquire concerning the Fees and Emoluments received by the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries and Criers of the Court of Appeals and of the Courts of King’s Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective offices, and other references, with power to report from time to time, presented to the House the Fourth Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. For the said Report, see Appendix (V. V.) at the end of this Volume. ordonne de faire sans delai, le Gouvernement ne peut convenablement adopter aucune decision. Quelques-unes des accusations me paraissent conte- nir des allegations de fraude qui exigent la decision d’une Cour de Justice, et je vais consulter a ce sujet mes Conseillers en Loi responsables. Lorsque j’aurai re 9U leur rapport, et des que la partie accusee aura donne l’explication requise, je ne manquerai pas de prendre les meilleurs moyens qui sont en mon pouvoir pour obtenir dans ce cas une determination prompte et equitable. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, ler Mars 1836. M. Lafontaine , du Comite Special norntti^ pour s’en- querir des Honoraires et Revenus perils en vertu de leurs charges respectives, par les Sherifs, Protonotaires et Crieurs des Cours d’Appel et du Banc du Roi en cette Province, et autres references, avec pouvoir de faire rapport de temps a autre, a presente a la Cham- bre le Quatrieme Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a 6te lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (V. V.) a la fin de ce Volume. Ordered, That Mr. Lafontaine have leave to bring in a Bill to reduce and fix the Salaries of certain Officers of the Law. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time on Friday next. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. Meilleur, Ordered, That when this House doth adjourn, it will adjourn till to-morrow at ten o’clock, A. M. A Message from the Legislative Council by the Ho- norable Mr. De Levy, one of the Masters in Chancery : Legislative Council, Tuesday, 1st March, 1836. Ordered, That one of the Masters in Chancery do go down to the Assembly, and acquaint that House, that the Legislative Council do give leave to the Honorable Pierre De Rocheblave, one of the Members of this House, to appear before the Special Committee of the House of Assemblv, to whom are referred the Documents re- lative to the erection of a Gaol and Court House in the County of Missiskoui, on Wednesday the second March next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to be examined on the subject of the said reference, if he thinks fit. And then he withdrew. An engrossed Bill to diminish the Duties payable on Tobacco imported by Land or Inland Navigation, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Mr- De Bleury , from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to regulate the exercise of the rights appertaining to Proprietors and Lessors against their Tenants and Lessees, and for other purposes therein mentioned, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Vol. — 45. Ordonne , Que M. Lafontaine ait la permission d’in- troduire un Bill pour reduire et fixer les Salaires de certains Officiers de Justice. 11 a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois, et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonn^e pour Vendredi prochain. Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconds par M. Meilleur , Ordonne , Que lorsque cette Chambre s’ajournera, elle s’ajourne a demain, a dix heures, A. M. Message du Conseil Legislatif, par l’Honorable M. De Lery , un des Maitres en Chancellerie : Conseil Legislatif, Mardi , ler Mars 1836. Ordonne, Qu’un des Maitres en Chancellerie se rende a 1’Assemblee, et informe cette Chambre que le Con- seil Legislatif permet a l’Honorable Pierre De Roche- blave, l’un des Membres de cette Chambre, d’aller, s’il le juge a propos, devant le Comit6 Special de la Cham- bre d’Assemblee, auquel ont ete rGeres les Documens relativement a l’erection d’une Prison et d’une Cour de Justice dans le Comte de Missiskoui, Mercredi le deux Mars prochain, a dix heures du matin, pour etre examind sur le sujet de la dite reference. Et ensuiteil s’est retire. Un Bill grossoye pour reduire les Droits imposes sur le Tabac importe par terre ou par la navigation int6- rieure, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Leslie porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. M. De Bleury, du Comit6 Special auquel a ete nffere le Bill pour regler l’exercice des droits des Proprietaires et Locateurs, contre leurs Fermiers et Locataires, et pour d’autres fins y mentionn^es, a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens ; lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nou- veau a la Table du Greffier. 7 P Qiiatrienne Rap- port du Comile sur les Hono- raires et Reve- nus des Officiers des Cours de Justice. Appendice (V. V.) Bill des Salaires des Officiers de Justice lu la premiere fois. Ajournement. Message du Conseil. Permission a l’Honble. P. De Rocheblave de venir devant la Chambre. Bill pour dimi- nuer les Droits sur le Tabac, passe. Rapport sur le Bill relatif aux Locateurs et Locataires. Ordered, Ordonne , 610 A. 18JC. First Report of Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. Appendix (E. E.E.) Second Report of Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights. Appendix (E. E. E.) Repoiton Safe Conveyance of Prisoners Bill. Report on the conduct of Jacques Sur- prenant and other School Masters. 1° Mur t ils Ordered , That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House to-morrow. Mr. Morin, from the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, presented to the House the First Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. For the said Report, see Appendix (t. L. C.) at tlie end of this Volume. On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded by Mr. De Witt, Resolved, That if this House should come to no de- cision during the present Session, on the several mat- ters referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, the consideration thereof shall be renewed early in the ensuing Session. Mr. Morin, from the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, presented to the House the Second Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s table. „ . , For the said Report, see Appendix (b, b. L.) at tlie end of this Volume. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House to-morrow. Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the said Re- port be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre demain. M. Morin, du Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux, a presente a la Chambre le Pre- mier Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a etc lu de nou- veau a la Table du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (E. E. E.) a la fin de ce Volume. Premier Hap- pen du Comiif? sur les Terres et Droits Seigueu- riaux. Appendice (E. E. E.) Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. De Witt , Resolu, Que s’il n’est pas fait droit par cette Cham- bre, durant la presente Session, sur les divers snjets re- feres au Comite Permanent sui les lenes et Droits Seigneuriaux, la consideration en seia lcpiise de bonne heure dans laprochaine Session. M. Morin, du Comite Permanent sur les Terres et JecondR-pport Droits Seigneuriaux, a presente a la Chambre le Second rs Terres et Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la ^ s ^ ncu ' Table du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (E. E. E.) a la fin de ce Volume. ^ Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre demain. Ordonne, Que Deux cents Exemplaires du dit Rap- port soient imprimes pour 1 usage des Membres de cette Chambre. Appendice (E. E. E.; Mr. Cute, fiom the Special Committee to whom was referred the engrossed Bill from the Legislative Coun- cil, intituled, “ An Act to provide more effectually for “ the safe conveyance of Prisoners charged with Crimi- “ nal Otfences, from the Country parts of this Pro- “ vince to the Common Gaols of the several Districts,” reported that the Committee had gone through tlie BUI, and had made an Amendment thereto ; which Amendment was again read at the Clerk’s lable, and a (rreed to bv the House ; and is as followeth : Press 1. Line 34. — After the word “Offence” strike out the word “ or,” and insert the word “ and.” Ordered, That the said Amendment be engrossed. M. Cote, du Comite Special auquel a ete refere Ie Bill grossoye du Conseil Legislatif, intitule, “ Acte transport sur del “ qui pourvoit plus efficacement au transport sur des 1 lli0 "" ILIS ” “ prevenus d’offenses Criminelles, des Campagnes de “ cette Province, aux Prisons communes des differens “ Districts,” a fait rapport que le Comite avail pass6 le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs Amendemens ; lesquels Amendemens ont ete 1 ns de nouveau a la Table du Gief- fier, et adoptes par la Chambre ; et ils sont comme suit : Feuille Qe. Ligne 1 1 .— Retranchez le mot “ assisted’ et substituez-y le mot “ aider.” “ . 3 . “ 7. — Apreslemot “ Majeste,” ajou- tez les mots suivans : “ ses heri- “ tiers et successeurs.” <• “ 9 .-— Apres le mot “ Majeste” ajou- tez les mots suivans : “ses heritieis “ et successeurs.” O) domic, Que les dits Amendemens soient grossoyes. Mr. Cole, from the Special Committee appointed to enquire into the conduct of Jacques Surprenant, School Master of the District No. 11, in the Parish of Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, in the County of Acadie, and into other matters relating to the conduct of cer- tain School Masters in the said County, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Cleik’s Table, as followeth : Your Committee applied themselves earnestly to the matter of reference, and have examined several Wit- nesses and divers Documents laid before them on the said subject. It appears to Your Committee that Jacques Surpre- nant was Master of the School in the District No. 11. in the Parish of Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, in the County of Acadie, during last summer, and that he at the same time kept a public Tavern: That the said Jacques Surprenant was prosecuted before a competent Tribunal for having, in contravention of the Law, sold Spirituous Liquors on a Sunday: That having learned that this fact had come to the knowledge of the Mem- ber representing the County of Acadie, who was to make M. Cote, du Comite Special nomme pour s’enquerir de Rapport sur i la conduite du nomme Jacques Surpi enant, In^tituteur j a cques surpi. de i’Arrondissement No. 1 1, dans la Paroisse Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, dans le Comte de 1’ Acadie, ecks. et dautres affaires qui concernent la conduite de cer- tains Maitres d’Ecoles dans le dit Comte, a presente a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : Votre Comitb s’est occupe serieusement des objets qui lui ont ete renvoyes, et a interroge plusieurs Te- moins et examine plusieurs Documens qui lui ont ete sounds sur ce sujet. II parait a Votre Comite que ie nomme Jacques Surprenant aurait ete Instituteur de l’Ecole de l’Arron- dissement No. 1 1, dans la Paroisse Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, dans le Comte de 1’ Acadie, dans le cours de l’ete dernier, et qu’il tenait en meme temps une Au- berge publique : Que le dit Jacques Surprenant aurait ete poursuivi devant un tribunal competent pour avoir vendu, en contravention a la Loi, lies Liqueurs fortes un jour de Dimanche : Qu’ayant connaissance que ce fait eta i t parvenu aux oreilles du Membre representant le Comtb leport on 'hamblyCanal. 6 Will. IV. 1 ° Martii \ 61 f make the Returns of the Elementary Schools in the said County, and fearing that the said Member would make some difficulty about recommending him as Mas- ter of the said School No. 11, the said Jacques Surpre- nant assumed the quality of Proprietor of the said School, (although there were Trustees duly elected for the same,) and in that quality addressed his Return to Louis Lacosle , Esquire, the Member representing the County of Chambly, who was to make the General Re- turns for the Elementary Schools in the said County, at the same time giving the said Louis Locoste to un- derstand that the said School No. 11, was situated in the Barony of Longueuil, in the County of Chambly , while he knew that it was situated in the Seigniory Be Levy in the County of Acadie: That accordingly, the said IjOuis Lacosle being so deceived, recommended that the sum of Fifteen pounds Currency, should be granted to the said Jacques Surprenant, in his quality of Proprietor and Master of the said School, and the said sum was paid by the Receiver General of this Pro- vince, to Charles Langevin , Esquire, of the City of Quebec, under a Power of Attorney dated at Ste. Mar- guerite de Blair/indie the 2d November 1835, the said Power of Attorney falsely stating that the School No. 11, herein above mentioned, is situate in the Barony of Longueuil, in the County of Chambly. Under these circumstances Your Committee think themselves well warranted in declaring that the said Jacques Surprenant employed fraud, deceit and falsehood, for the purpose of obtaining an allowance which his conduct has pre- vented his being entitled to. It also appears to Your Committee from the Evi- dence and Documents which have been laid before it, that Jean Baptiste Miville Bechene, Master of the School in the District No. 2, in the Parish of St. Va- lentin, in the County of Acadie, received in November 18o4, the sum of Ten pounds Currency, as having been the Master of the said School for the term of six months, between the 15th May and the 15th November 1834, and that he also received in the month of November 1^34, the sum of lwelve pounds Currency, as having been M «ster for the same length of time, and during the same period, of the School in the District No. 1, in the Parish of Ste. Marguerite de Blairjindie, in the County of Chambly , and thus fraudulently obtained the allowance for two Schools, while by Law he was only entitled to one such allowance. Your Committee, therefore, think it their duty to recommend to Your Honorable House, that an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor m Chief, praying him to be pleased to diiect the proper Officer to adopt legal means to compel the said Jacques Surprenant to refund to the Province the said sum of Fifteen pounds Currency ; and the said Jean Baptiste Jiiiille Bechene that of Twelve pounds Currencv, which they have fraudulently obtained and received from the Receiver General of this Province. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House on Thursday next. Air. Viger, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Report of the Commissioners for the Cham- bly Canal, and other references, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee ; which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and is as followeth : Your Committee gave their first attention to the Re- ports of the Commissioners of the Chambly Canal, and of the Commissioners for the improvement of the River Richelieu, holding these two subjects to be essentially connected with each other. After having examined the divers Comte de V Acadie, charge de faire les Retours pour leg Ecoles Elementaires dans le dit Comte ; etcraignant que le Representant du dit Comte charge ainsi de faire les Retours ne nut quelqu obstacle a sa recommandation comme Instituteur de la dite Ecole No. 11, le dit Jacques Surprenant pi it alors la qualite de proprietaire de la dite Ecole, quoiqu'il y eut des Syndics hgalement elus, et adressa son Retour en cette qualite a Louis La- coste , Ecuyer, Membre representant le Comt6de Cham- bly, charg6 par la Loi de faire le Retour general pour les Ecoles Elementaires dans le dit Comte, donnant aussi a entendre au dit Louis Lacosle que la dite Ecole No. J 1, etait situee dans la Baronnie de Longueuil, dans le Comte de Chambly, tandis qu’il savait qu’elle etait si- tut5e dans la Seigneury De Lery, dans le Comte de V A- cadie: Qu’en consequence, le dit I.ouis Imcoste, ainsi trompe, a recommande que la somme de £15 courant fut accordee au dit Jacques Surprenant, en sa quality de Proprietaire et Instituteur de la dite Ecole, laquelle somme aurait ete payee par le Receveur-General de cette Province a Charles Langevin, Ecuyer, de la Cite de Quebec, sur Procuration datee de Ste. Marguerite de Blairjindie, le 2 Novembre 1835, alFguant faussement dans la dite Procuration que l’Ecole No. 1 1, ci-dessns mentionnee est situee dans la Baronnie de Longueuil , dans le Comte de Chambly. D apr£s ces faits, Votre Comite se croit bien fonde a declarer que le dit Jacques Surprenant a employe la fraude, la supercherie et le mensonge dans la vue d’obtenir une allocation que sa conduite ne lui permettait pas de recevoir. II parait de plus a Votre Comite, par les Temoignages et Documens qui lui ont ete soumis, qu q Jean- Baptiste Miville Bechene , Instituteur de 1’Arrondissement No. 2, dans la Paroisse St. Valentin, dans le Comt£ de YA- cadie aurait touche en Novembre 1834, la somme de .=£10 courant, comme ayant enseigne dans la dite Ecole l espace de six mois, a compter du 15 Mai a aller jusqu’au 15 Novembre 1834 : Qu'il aurait en outre per- ?u clans le mois de Novembre 1834, la somme de £12 courant pour avoir enseigne pendant le meme espace de temps et pendant la meme periode dans 1’Ecole de l’Ar- ronchssement No. 1, dans la Paroisse Ste. Margue- rite de Blairjindie, dans le Comte de Chambly, et aurait ainsi frauduleusement obtenu les allocations pour deux Arrondissemens d’Ecole, tandis que par la Loi il n avait droit qu’a une seule allocation. Votre Comite en consequence croit devoir recom- mander a Votre Honorable Chambre qu'il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur- en-Chef, le priant de vouloir bien ordonner a l'Officier a qui il appartiendra, d’adopter des mesures Lgales pour contraindre le dit Jacques Surprenant a remettre et a restituer a la Province la somme de Quinze livres cou- rant, et le dit Jean- Baptiste Miville Bechene, cede de Douze livres courant, qu ils ont frauduleusement obte- nues et perries du Receveur-General de cette Pro- vince. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comitd de toute la Chambre, Jeudi prochain. M. Viger, du Comite Special auquel a refere le Rapport des Commissaires du Canal de Chambly, et autres references, a present^ a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comile, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, comme suit : Votre Comite s’est occupe d’abord des Rapports des Commissaires du Canal de Chambly, et des Commis- saires pour 1’amHioration de la Rivifire Richelieu, ayant considere ces deux mesures comme essentiellement li£es l’une a 1’autre. Aprils avoir examine les differens Actcs Rapport sur le Canal deCham- bly. 612 1° Martii. A. IS 36. Acts of appropriation passed by the Legislature to t eiid purposes, the annual Reports of the sard Commissioners, and the papers and documents fur- nished by them, as well as the Evidence taken before Your Committee, they have arrived at the ollowrng result : that is to say ; That, for the Chambly Canal, the Legislature by the Act of 3rd, Geo. IV.. Cap. 41, appropriated the sum of, 0 By the Act of tire 4th, Witt. IV., Cap. 11, that of, „ , l0 ’ C0 ° 0 ° And, also, by the same Act, for the purpose of’ increasing the dimensions n of the Locks, that of, 6 > oco 0 0 Making a total of, <£56,000 0 0 Actes d'appropriations faits par la Legislature pour ces obiets, les Rapports annuels des dits Commissaires, les papiers et documens par eux fournis, ainsi que les di- vers Temoignages pris devant Votre Comite, en est venu au resultat suivant ; savoir : Que la Legislature pour ce qui a rapport au Canal de Chamblij avait oc- trove nar l’Acte passe dans la 3e Geo. IV., Chap. 41, une somme de, _ «£50,000 0 0 Par l’Acte de la 4e Guill. IV., Chap. ll,cellede, 10,000 0 0 plus, par lesusdit Acte, pour augmen- ter la dimension des Ecluses, celle de, 6,000 0 0 Formant en tout, ^66,000 0 0 That out of this said sum, that of £58,000 was paid to the Contractors for the said Chambly Canal, partly under Contracts passed between them and the Conimis- sioners, and partly by an advance of £6,000 made o them by the Commissioners undei the Act of the ft , Mil. IV., Cap. 11 ; that the balance amounting to £8,000, was employed by the Commissioners or tie said Canal in purchasing the necessary groiind and for the Expenses of management, Engineers Clerks, Of- fice, and other indispensable items ; and that the sail balance was not found sufficient for the said purposes, the Commissioners having been obliged, in the course of last autumn, to advance, on their own responsibility, the sum of £500, for objects indispensably requisite. Your Committee regret that they are under the ne- cessity of informing Your Honorable House, that the said Canal, which was to be completely finished on the 1st October last, is not yet completed, and that it is im- possible for the said Commissioners to complete the work which still remains to be done to the said Canal for want of means, as is stated as well by the Contrac- tors, as by the Commissioners, who state in their Ke- port that the said Canal cannot be completed unless very considerable sums of money are appropriated for that purpose by the Legislature. Your Committee also find that the Legislature has appropriated for the improvement of the Navigation of the River Richelieu, by divers Acts ; viz : by the Ac of the 57th, Geo. III., Cap. 13,. of 1 -he 6th Geo I\., Cap. 33, and of the 1st, MIL IV., Cap. 40, the sum of £? That of this sum, that of £3950, was expended by different Commissioners in endeavouring to improve the Navigation of the said lliver, in paying commis- sion, and in procuring the Plans necessary for carrying into effect the intentions of the several Acts of the Le- ° That the balance, amounting to £4,000, Currency, is still in the hands of the Receiver General. _ That the Commissioners represent in their last Re- port, that the most effective means of rendering the said River Richelieu navigable to the mouth of the Chambly Canal, would be to construct a Dam and Lock above the Village of St. Oun ; because such Dam would ne- cessarily raise the waters of the said River, and thereby remove all obstacle to the free navigation ot the said That the probable expense of making such Dam anil Lock would be about *212,000, as they have ascertained from tenders received by them in consequence of pub- lic advertisements in the newspapers. That Your Committee, after mature consideration, are convinced Que, sur cette dite somme 000 ont etc payes aux Contracteurs du dit Canal de Chambly , partie en vertu des marches faits entre eux et les Commissaires, et partie par une avance de £6,000 a eux faite par les Commissaires suivant 1’Acte de la 4e Guill. IV., Chap. 11, et que la balance montant a £8,000 avait et6 em- ployee par les Commissaires du dit Canal pour fane 1 acquisition des terreins necessaires, payer les frais d’administration, Ingenieurs, SeciHaires, Ruieau, et autres indispensables ; que meme celte somme n’avait pas suffi, les dits Commissaires ayant ete obliges, sur leur propre responsabilite, d avancer, dans le couis de l’automne dernier, une somme de £500, et ce pour des obiets absolument necessaiies. ^ Votre Comite regrette d’etre dans la necessite d in- former Votre Honorable Chambre que le dit Canal qui devait etre fini et paracheve le ler Octobre dernier, ne Pest pas encore, et que les Contracteurs sont dans l'im- possibilite de pouvoir completer les ouvrages a faire au dit Canal, faute de moyens, ainsi qu’il est represente taut par les Contracteurs que par les Commissaires, lesquels exposent par leur Rapport que le dit Canal ne peut etre complete sans que la Legislature ne leur oc- troie des sommes considerables. De plus, que la Legislature avait vote pour l’amelio- ration cle la Riviere Richelieu par differens Actes, sa- voir : par 1’ Acte de la 57e Geo. III. Chap. 13, de la 6e Geo. IV. Chap. 33, et de la fere Guill. IV. Chap. 40, la somme de £7950. Que sur cette dite somme, celle de £3950 aurait ete employee par les differens Commissaires pour rendre plus facile la Navigation de la dite RivRre, frais de Com- mission, et pour se procurer les 1 Ians necessaiies poui mettre A execution les vues exprimees dans les differens Actes de la Legislature. Que la balance montant a *24000 Courant, serait en- core entre les mains du Receveur-General. Que les Commissaires exposent dans leur dernier Rapport, que le moyen le plus efficace de rendre la Riviere Richelieu navigable jusqu'au Canal de Chamblij, serait de construire une Chaussee et une Ecluse au- dessus du Village de St. Ours ; cette Chaussee devant necessairement elever les eaux de la dite Riviere, et par ce moyen remedier a tons les obstacles qui nuisent A la libre Navigation de cette Riviere. Que le cout probable de cette Chaussee et de l’E- cluse se monterait a une somme d’environ £12,000, ainsi qu’ils s’en sont convaincus par les propositions qui leur ont ete faites, d’apr&s les Annonces dans les Pa- piers publics. Que Votre Comite, d’apres un mur examen, s est convamcu 6 Will. IV. 1° Martii . convinced, that the completion of the said Chamhlj tarial, and the improvement of the said River Riche- lieu, would greatly benefit and increase the trade of the Province by reason of the easy and open communica- tion which would then exist between this Country and the neighbouring States, and would facilitate the im- portation and exportation of a great quantity of pro- duce, goods and merchandize from the one Country to the other. J Your Committee are therefore of opinion, that it is urgently necessary to complete the said Charnblu Canal as early as possible ; and for that purpose they recom- mend that a sum, not exceeding Twenty eight thou- sand pounds be granted. They further recommend another grant of a sum not exceeding Nine thousand five hundred pounds for the construction of a Dam and Lock above the Village f or dle purpose of rendering the River Richelieu navigable. The last mentioned sum to be over and above the sum of *£4,000 remaining in the hands oi the Receiver General, which has been already granted by the Legislature by the Act of the 1st, Will 1 V., Cap. 40. That Your Committee are of opinion, that on the said sum of .< 9,500, the said Commissioners ought not to receive any Commission, as they were entitled to do under the Acts of the 5 7 th, Geo. III., Cap. 13, 6th, Geo. IV., Cap. 33, and 1st, Will. IV., Cap. 40. 613 convaincu que le Canal de Chamhly Slant parachevd et la R i V, ere Richelieu etant ameliorfle, la Province entire en ret,,, erait les plus grands avantages pour son propre commerce, qui augmenterait considerablement par la communication facile et ouverte entre ce Pays et les ^tats voisins, ce qui faciliterait l'importation et l’ex- portation d’une grande quantite de produits, de Mer- chandises et eflets entre les deux Pays. En consequence, Votre Comite est d’opinion, qu’il est d une necessity urgente de completer et parachever e dit Canal de Chamhly, et ce le plus tor possible; et a cet effet, recommande un octroi n excedant ins la somme de Vingt-huit mille livres. 1 De plus, recommande pour la construction d’une Cliaussee et dune Ecluse au-dessus du Village de St Ours, afin de rendre la Rivifere Richelieu navigable un autre octroi n’excedant pas Neufmille cinq ceSts livres. , susdlte derniere somme, en sus des £4000 demeu- res entre les mains du Receveur-General. La dite somme ayant dejfi ete octroyee par la Legislature, sui- ' a| R 1 Acte de la lere Guill. IV. Chap. 40. That lour Committee in consideration of the impor- tance of the completion of the Chamhly Canal, and the improvement of the River Richelieu, and of the great advantage which the Province must derive therefrom are of opinion that in case there should not be in the’ I ublic Chest a sufficient sum to cover the two grants herein above recommended, the said Commissioners both for the Chamhly Canal, and for the improvement of the said River Richelieu, should be authorized by the Head of the Executive to borrow money enough to make up the sums herein above mentioned, or such part thereof as may be deficient, on the most advantageous conditions they may find possible, and that the Province snould be security for the sums so borrowed, and for the interest thereon. Your Committee next took into consideration the Petition of Messrs. Samuel Andres, Junior, and Stephen R. Andres, the Contractors for the Chamhly Canal, who humbly represent in the said Petition, that on the 5th September, 183], they contracted with the Commis- sioners for the said Canal, to construct a Navigable Canal from the Aillage of St. John's to the Basin at Chamhly ; that they furnished good and sufficient secu- rity for the performance of the said undertaking, and that they commenced the said work in the autumn of the year 1831 ; that they sustained heavy losses from the breaking out of the Cholera in this Province in the years 18o2 and 1834, and from the great quantity of ram in the year 1833 ; that in consequence of these accidents which they had not foreseen, and which hu- man prudence could not foresee, they experienced much difficulty in procuring a sufficient number of workmen, and were obliged to give them very high wages ; that by a clause inserted in their Contract of the oth September, 1831, they had bound themselves to make such changes and perform such additional work as should be deemed necessary by the said Com- missioners according to the Estimate to be made by the Engineer ; and that as the price agreed upon for the construction of the said Canal was very low, they have Vol— 45. t0 i SnLY°i re ( f omi ^ est d ’°P inion quesur cette somme de £9500, les dits Commissaires ne doivent point per- cevoir les Droits de Commission qu’ils avaient ci-de- vant d’aprfcsles Actc-s de la 5 7 e Geo. III. Chap. 13 de la 6e Geo. IV. Chap. 33, et de la Ihre Guill. IV Chap. 40. Que Votre Comite, vu 1’importance et les grands avantages qui doivent resuiter a la Province de la com- pletion du Canal de Chamhly, et de 1 ’amelioration de la Riviere Richelieu, est d’opinion, que dans le cas ou il n y aurait pas dans les Coffres Publics les deniers suffi- suns pour couvrir les deux octrois ci-dessus recomman- nes, les dits Commissaires, tant du Canal de Charnblu que ceux pour l’amelioration de la RivRre Richelieu devraient etre autorises par le Chef de l’Executif k fane des Eraprunts an montant des sommes ci-dessus mentionnees, ou partie d’icelles, et ce aux conditions les plus avantageuses, pour lesquels emprunts et inte- lets d iceux, cette Province devrait se porter caution. Enfin, \ otre Comit6 a pris en sa consideration la I etition de Messieurs Samuel Andres, junior, et Stephen- R. Andres, Contracteurs pour le Cana! de Chamhly, les- quels exposent humblement parleur dite Petition, "qu’ils auraient contracts le 5 Septembre 1831, avec les Com- missaires du dit Canal, pour construire un Canal Navi- gable du Fort St. Jean an Bassin de Chamhly ; qu’ils out fourni de bonnes et valables Cautions pour 1’ac- complissement de cette entrepise, et qu’ils out com- mence les dits ouvrages dans l’automne de l’annee 1831 ; qu’ils ont eprouve et essuye des pertes considera- bles, occasionnees par l’apparition du Cholera en cette S ro vince dans les annees 1832 et 1834, et par la saison pluvieuse de 1833; qu’en consequence de ces acci- dens imprevus, que ne pouvait prevoir la prudence hu- maine, lls ont trouve beaucoup de difficultes a se pro- curer un nombre suffisant de Journaliers, et ont ete obliges de leur donner un prix plus eleve ; que par une Clause inseree dans leur marche du 5 Septembre 18,1, ils se seraient engages a faire tels changemens et augmentation d ouvrages qui seraient juges neces- saires par les dits Commissaires, d’apr^s i’Estimation de l’lngenieur; etquecomme le prix convenu pour construire le dit Canal etait tres-modique, ils se plai- gnent que les Estimations faites par lTngenieur ont « r\ toujours 7 Q Y Mar tii. A. 1836 , 6 i 4^ to complain that the Estimates made by the Engineer were always very much under what they think they were entitled to claim for work of that nature. Where- fore reposing the greatest confidence in the liberality of the Legislature, they trust that Your Honorable House taking their prayer into consideration will grant them the sum of <£20,558. 16s. 5 d. at which sum they esti- mate the extra work performed about the said Canal, and thereby save them from total ruin ; and also, that Your Honorable House will grant them a fuithei time to complete the said Canal, at the same time that you make a new grant for that purpose ; and that the sure- ties furnished by the Petitioners for the performance of their Contract, may not be troubled. Your Committee after having examined with the most scrupulous attention the said Petition, the Docu- ments which accompany it, and the various evidence relative to the matters aforesaid, were divided in opi- nion, 4 against 3. The majority were of opinion that it would be expe- dient that the Account produced by the Petitioners for the extra work performed about the said Canal, should be submitted to experts as stipulated in the Contract passed on the 5th September, 1831, between the said Commissioners and the Petitioners, in order that what- ever might be found to be right, might be afterwards done with regard to the prayer of the Petitioners that their sureties maybe discharged, and to their claim to be indemnified for the losses they sustained during the years in which the Cholera prevailed, and from the great quantity of rain which fell in 1833 and 1835, as also from the circumstance of the Engineer’s having es- timated the extra work performed aDout the said Ca- nal, at too low a sum ; and that the said Petitioners will have the same opportunity as other persons of making tenders for finishing the said Canal, on furnishing new security. The minority, on the contrary, were of opinion that the prayer of the said Petition ought not to be granted. Ordered , That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House to-morrow. Sole Leather A Bill to provide for the inspection of Sole Leather, SlTttaS? was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered , That the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of the whole House to-morrow, in the forenoon Sit- ting. Quebec incor. A Bill to consolidate, extend, and amend the provi- read the second sions of' divers Acts concerning the Corporation of the time - City of Quebec , was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered , That the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of the whole House to-morrow, in the forenoon Sit- ting. toujours etc au-dessous de ce qu’ils pretendent avoir droit d’exiger pour des ouvrages d’une telle entre- prise. C’est pourquoi, reposant la plus grande confiance dans la iiberalite de la ! egislature, ils esperent que Vo- tre Honorable Charnbre, faisant droit sur leur demande, leur accordera la somme de £20,558 16s. 5d. a la- qtieile ils portent l’Estimation des ouvrages extraordi- naires faits au dit Canal ; ce qui les exempterait d'une mine totale. De plus, que Votre Honorable Charnbre leur accordera un temps ulterieur pour completer le dit Canal, en faisant un nouvel octroi; et qu'elles n’in- quietera en aucune maniere les Cautions qu’ils out fournies pour garantie de l’execution de leur entreprise. Votre Comite, apres avoir examine avec la plus scru- puleuse attention la dite Petition, les Documens qui I’accompagnent, et les divers Temoignages relatifs a cet objet, s’est trouve partage d’opinion 4 contre 3. La majorite s’est trouvee d’avis qu’il serait convena- ble que le Compte produit par les Petitionnaires polit- ies ouvrages extraordinaires faits au dit Canal, fut sou- mis aux Experts, ainsi qu'il est stipuR dans le Marche passe le 5 Septembre 1831, entre les dits Commissaires et les dits Petitionnaires, pour ensuite faire droit sur la demande des Petitionnaires relativement a la de- charge de leurs Cautions et a l’indemnite qu’ils recla- ment, a raison des pertes par eux souffertes dans les annees du Cholera, et par l'abondance des pluies des annees 1833 et 1835, et aussi par l’Estimation trop modique faite par l’Ingenieur, quant aux ouvrages ex- traordinaires faits au dit Canal ; que les dits Petition- naires pourront vemr en concours pour parachever le dit Canal, en fournissant de nouvelles Cautions. La minorite, au contraire, s'est trouvee d’avis que les conclusions de la Petition des Petitionnaires ne de- vraient pas etre accordees. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comite de toute la Charnbre demain. ConfonrRment a l’Ordre, un Bill pour pourvoir a l’lnspection du Cuir a Semelles, a ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill soit. refere a un Comite de toute la Charnbre demain, dans la Seance du matin. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour refondre, en les etendant et amendant, les dispositions de divers Actes, concernant la Corporation de la Cite de Quebec , a ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill soit refere a un Comite de toute la Charnbre demain, dans la Seance du matin. Montreal in- a Bill to consolidate, amend, and extend divers Acts readThe'secon'd relating to the Corporation of the City of Montreal, time * was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered , That the said Bill be referred to the Com- mittee of the whole House on the Bill to consolidate, extend and amend the provisions of divers Acts con- cerning the Corporation of the City of Quebec. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour refondre, en etendant et amendant, divers Actes concernant la Cor- poration de la Cite de Montreal, a ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit refere au Comite de toute la Charnbre sur le Bill pour refondre, en les eten- dant et amendant, les dispositions de divers Actes, concernant la Corporation de la Cite de Quebec. Lachine Canal Bill deferred. The Order of the day for the second reading of the Bill to provide for the management and care of the Lacliine L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour pourvoir a la regie et surveillance du Canal d e Lachine, et Bill pour Tin sneclmn du Cuir a Semelle lu une seconde fois. Bill d’lncorpa ration de Qu bee, lu une se con de fois. Bill d’Incorf ration de Mot real, lu une seconde fois. Bill du Cana de Lachine, mis. 6 Will. IV. 1° Martii , 615 Lachine Canal, and to establish certain Rates, Tolls and Duties to be taken thereon, being read- Ordered , That the said Order of "the day be post- poned till to-morrow. etpour etablir certains Peages et Droits a y &tre lev6s ayant etelu; ' ’ Oi domic, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis A de- main. i Coinmitce on Report relating I to Mr Justice ! Fletcher ; The Order of the day for the House in Committee on . the Seventh Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Power took the Chair of the Committee; and atter some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; Resolutions re- And Mr. Power reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions; which Resolutions were at»ain read at the Clerk’s 'fable, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followeth : 1. Resolved, I hat this House doth concur in the Seventh Report ol the Standing Committee of Grie- vances, relating to Mr. Justice Fletcher. ~- Resolved, 1 hat an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that His excellency will be pleased to redress the Grie- vances under which His Majesty’s Subjects in the Dis- tiictof St. Francis have long laboured, by removing the said Judge from office. 3. Resolved, That a Committee of five Members be appointed to prepare and report the Draught of an Address in conformity to the preceding Resolutions Ordered, That Mr. Gugy, Mr. Child, Mr. Grannie, Mr. Moore and Mr. Clapham do compose the said Com- mittee. L’ Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Com it e si i r le Septieme Rapport du Comite Permanent des Griefs, ayant etelu; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. y avoir siege quelque temps, M. I'Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Power a Git rapport que le Comite avait passe plusieurs Resolutions; lesquelles Resolutions out Ct6 lues de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptees par Ja Chambre; et elles sont comme suit: 1. Resolu, Que cette Chambre concourt dans le Septieme Rapport du Comite Permanent des Griefs re- lativement a M. le Juge Fletcher. 2. Resolu, Qu il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Excellence qu’d lui plaise redresser les Griefs dont souf- frent depuis long-temps les Sujets de Sa Majeste, dans le District de St. Francois, en destituant le dit Juo-e de sa charge. & 3. Resolu, Qu’un Comite de cinq Membres soitnom- me pour preparer et rapporter un Projet d’ Adresse, en conformite des Resolutions precedentes Ordonne, Que M. Gugy, M. Child, M. Grannie, M. Moore e t M. Clapham composent le dit Comite. Comite sur le Rapport re- Jatif'a M. le Juge Fletcher Resolutions rapportees. 75?, T, he c 0rder i °f the day for the House in Committee t improve- 011 the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Loads and Public Impiovements, on that part of the riist Report of the said Standing Committee which relates to the Road from Laprairie to St. John's , and on the Fifth Report of the said Committee, bei un- read ; & The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Raymond took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Raymond reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again to-morrow. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Gomite sur le Second Rapport du Comit6 Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations Publiques, sur cette partie du Premier Rapport du dit Comite Permanent qm a rapport au Chemin depuis Laprairie jusqu’a St ctTlu ^ SUr 16 CitU1Uieme Ra Pl ,ort du d it Comite, ayant La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Lomite. M. Raymond a pris le Fauteuil du Comite: et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, 1 xM. I’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M Raymond a fail, rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de deraander permission de sieger de nouveau. O) donne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sie- ger de nouveau demain. Comite sur les Ameliorations Publiques. nmittee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee « and’ Em o'- 0!l Rle Eirst Report of the Special Committee appointed co„° r [; to . en q uRe concerning the Fees and Emoluments re- ustice. ceived bv the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries and Criers of the Court of Appeals, and of the Courts of King’s Bench of this Province, by virtue of their respective offices- and on that part of the Report of the Special Commit- tee appointed to enquire into the circumstances which preceded and accompanied the death of John Collins, who died in the Common Gaol of the District of Mont- real, in the beginning of the month of December last and also to enquire into the state of the said Gao!,’ of the Evidence taken by the said Committee, and of the Documents accompanying the same relating to Lewis Gugy, Esquire, Sheriff of the District of Mont- real, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr, Bardy took the Chair of the Committee. Several Members having retired, Mr. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme e Connte sur le Premier Rapport du Comite Sped; nomme pour s enqudir des Honoraires et Revenus pe 5Lis en vertu de leurs charges respectives, par les Sin nfs, Rrotonotaires et Crieurs des Cours d’Appel € du Banc du Roi en cette Province, et sur la partie d Rapport du Comite Special nomme pour s’enquerir de cn Constances qui ont precede et accompagne la moi on nomme John Collins decede dans la Prison Com mune pour le District de Montreal, au eommencemen du mois de Decembre dernier, et pour s’enquerir auss de 1 etat de la elite Prison, des Temoignages pris pa ce Lomite, et des Documens qui l’accompagnent, re latifs a Lewis Gugy, Ecuyer, Sherif du District de Mont real, ayant et6 In ; Comite sur le Premier Rap- port sur les Ho- noraires et Re- venus des Offi- ciers des Cours de Justice. La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comite. Plusieurs Membres s’etant retires. M. Adjournment, Report on La* chine Canal. 616 \° — 2 ° Martiim A. 1836 . Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. And the names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Arniot, Archanibeault , Baber, Bardy, Ber- tlielot, Bertrand , Besserer, Blanchard, Bouffard , Caron, Cazeau, Cherrier , Child , De Bleary, De II lit, Pierre Antoine Durion, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser , Grannis, Gugy, Hebert, Lafontaine , Marquis , Mom, Mousseau , O' Callaghan, Perrault, Power, Raymond, Rocbrune dit Baroque , Simon, Joseph Andre laschereau, lhibaudeau , Toomy , Trudel and Viger. And at ten minutes before eleven o’clock at night, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quo- rum. M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. Et les noms des Membres presens ont ete pris comme suit : M. l’Orateur, Messieurs Amiot, Archambeault, Baber, Bardy, Ber- thelot, Bertrand, Besserer, Blanchard, Bouffard, Caron, Cazeau, Cherrier , Child, De Bleary, De Hitt, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser, Gr minis, Oued. Ul mea'ure- n itBilipassed. £1615. 11s. Od. are for what may be denominated the permanent expenses, and the remainder tor incidental repairs, improvements or alterations. In 1834, £4 400 were paid into the Public Chest, and the expenses of last year, have been defrayed from mo- nies remaining in the hands of the Commissioners, which, however, ought to have been paid to the Receiver Ge- neral in January 1835 as the Act directed the pay- ments to be made quarterly : There is still a balance stated to be in the hands of the Treasurer, of £366 17s. 4d. 1 he 1 unnel that was directed to be made by the Act 4th Will. IV. Cap. 12, has not been undertaken, as from death, resignation and absence from the Pro- vince, only one Commissioner remained, who did not wish to take upon himself the sole responsibilty of the work, as the Report of Mr. Baird , a Civil Engineer, whom he employed, stated that the Tunnel was suffici- ent to vent all the superfluous waters, if the bed of the River St. Pierre was deepened, which could be effected at a trifling expense in comparison with the cost of enlarging the present, or constructing another Tunnel. This work, as well as others suggested in the diffe- rent Reports of the Commissioners, Your Committee are of opinion, ought not to be undertaken until the Legis- lature has decided upon the enlargement of the Canal, and that only those repairs which are absolutely neces- sary for the preservation of the works should, in the mean time, be made. The Committee examined Mr. Evans , the Agent for the Proprietors along tiie Canal, who complain that their Lands are injured by that work, and to his Evi- dence and the Report of the Civil Engineer, Mr. Baird , beg to call the attention of Your Honorable House. Your Committee would suggest that the Engineer who may be employed to make a Survey and Report of the probable expenses of enlarging the Locks, &c. should be also directed to point out what lie may con- sider the most proper means for preventing the recur- rence of the evils complained of by the Petitioners. pour ce qu’on pent appeler depenses permanentes et e icste, pour reparations casuelles, ameliorations *ou cnangemens. Ln 1834, on a verse £4400 dans la Caisse Publique ft ,es depenses de I’annee derniere ont et6 payees sur es argens restant entre les mains des Commissaiies que 1 on aurait du neanmoins verser entre les mains du Re- ceveur-General en Janvier 1835, car I’ Acte ordonnait de fane les paiemens tous les trois mois. On annonce qu’d y a encore une balance de £366. 17s. 4d. entre les mains du Tresorier. Le Canal souterrein, dont l’Acte de la 4e Guill. IV. Miap. l c 2, avait ordonne la confection, n’a pas ete com- mence, car, soit deces, soit resignation ou l’absence des autres Commissaires, il n'en est reste qu’un qui n’a pas voulu prendre sur iui seul la responsabilite de cet ou- vrage, d autant plus que M. Baird, Ingenieur Civil , qu il a employe, a declare dans son Rapport que le Canal souterrein actuel etait suffisant pour decharger le superflu des eaux, si Pon creusait le lit de la Riviere St. / ierre ; ce que Pon pourrait faire pour une somme modique, compare aux frais qu’entrainerait Pagran- lssement du Canal souterrein actuel, ou la confection d’nn nouveau Canal souterrein. Votre Comite est d’avis que Ton ne doit pas entre- prendre cet ouvrage, ni les autres que les Commissaires ont suggeres dans leu rs differens Rapports, avant que la Legislature n’ait decide d'agrandir le Canal, et. il est aussi d avis que j on ne devrait faire d’autres reparations que cedes qui sont absolument necessaires pour preser- ver les ouvrages. Votre Comite a interroge M. Evans, Agent des Pro- prietaires dont les Torres bordent le Canal, et qui se plaignent que leurs Terres en ont eprouve des dom- mages, et il prend la liberte d’appeler Pattention de Vo- tre Honorable Chambre au temoignage de ce Monsieur et au Rapport de l'lngenieur Civil, M. Baird. t Comite prend la liberte de recommander que l’lngenieur, que Pon pourra employer pour faire PEsti- niation et le Rapport de la depense necessaire pour agrandir les Eel uses, etc., soit aussi tenu d’indiquer les^ moyens qu’il considere comme les plus propres a prevenir le retour des maux dont les Petitionnaires se plaignent. Mr. Besserer, one of the Members representing the County of Quebec, rose in his place and acquainted Mr. Speaker and the House, that the County of Mont- morency was not represented, Elzear Bedard, Esquire, Member for the said County, having been appointed one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Court of Kind’s Bench for the District of Quebec. Ordered, That the Speaker of this House do issue his Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, for a new' Writ for the election of a Knight to serve in the piesent 1 arliament for the County of Montmorency, in the place and stead of Elzear Bedard, Esquire, ap- pointer! one of His Majesty's Justices of the Court of King’s Bench for the District of Quebec. M. Besserer, Pun des Membres representant le Comte de Quebec, s’est leve a sa place, et a inf’orme M. PO- rateur et la Chambre, que le Comte de Montmorency n’etait pas represente, Elzear Bedard, Ecuyer, Me m- bre pour le dit Comte, ayant ete nomine Pun des Juo-es de la Cour du Banc du Roi de Sa Majeste pour le Dis- trict de Quebec. O) donne, Que 1 Orateur de cette Chambre expedie son Warrant au Greffier de la Couronne en Chancelle- rie pour un nouveau Writ d’Eiection pour un Cheva- liei pou i servir dans ce present Parlement, pour le Comte de Montmorency , en remplacement &’ Elzear Bedard, Ecuyer, nomme Pun des Juges de la Cour du Banc du Roi de Sa Majeste, pour le District de Quebec. Writ de Mont* morency. An engrossed Bill concerning the erection of Pa- lishes and the construction and maintenance of Chinches, Presbyteries and Burial Grounds, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Caron do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Un Bill grossoye concernant 1’erection des Paroisses coneern ant et la consti uction et reparation des Eglises, Presby- naroisses et ia teres et Cimetieres, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. passe. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne , Que M. Caron porte !e dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. An engrossed Bill to regulate the measurement of Coal, was read for the third time. T7 . Resolved, Vol.— 45. Un Bill grossoye pour regler le Mesurage du Char- B '»pourieMe- bon de Terre, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. bonde wT" v Resolu, pa * sC> - 7 R 2 ° Martii . A . 1836 . 618 Resulted, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Gaspejudica- a j-j engrossed Bill to continue certain Acts therein ture Bin passed. ment j one j re i a ting to the administration of Justice in the Inferior District of Gaspe, was read for the third time. Resolved , That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Thibaudeau do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concur- rence. Safe convey. engrossed Bill from the Legislative Council, inti- ers c B?1 1 agreed" tilled, “ & An Act to provide more effectually for the amendment. “ safe conveyance of Prisoners charged with Criminal “ Offences from the Country parts of this Province to “ the common Gaols of the several Districts, as amen- ded, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill, as amended, do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Cote do carry back the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and acquaint their Honors that this House hath agreed to the same, with an amend- ment, to which this House doth desne the concurrence of their Honors. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Leslie porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Un Bill grossoye pour continuer certains Actes y S'lSSaStT mentionnes, relatifs a l’administration de la Justice dans passe, le District Inferieur de Gaspe, a ete lu pour la troi- sieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Thibaudeau porte le dit Bili au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Un Bill srrossove du Conseil Legislatif, intitule, “Acte Bin reiatifau ^ 11 ^ J o ai tiansport sur del “ qui pourvoit plus emcacement au transport sur ties Prisonniers, “ Prisonniers prevenus d’Offenses Lriminelles, des Cam- ^urVamende- “ pagnes de cette Province, aux Prisons Communes mens - “ des differens Districts,” tel quamende, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill, tel qu’amende, passe. Ordonne, Que M. Cute reporte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et informe leurs Honneurs que cette Cham- bre l’a adopte, avec plusieurs amendemens, auxquels cette Chambre demande le concours de leurs Honneurs. On Motion of Mr. Gugy , seconded by Mr. Blancliet, AddressforDo. Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to which ceriain His Excellencv the Governor in Chief, praying him to m issions w^re * 1 * cause to be laid before this House the following Docu- gramed. ments, viz. ; First : The Certificate and all other Do- cuments upon which a Commission was granted to E. T. Jones , Esquire, as Attorney at Law. Second : The same Documents relative to the nomination of C. H. N. Drolet, Esquire, as Attorney at Law. Third : The same Documents relative to the admission of W. K. M‘Cord, Esquire, as Attorney at Law. Ordered, That Mr. Gugy, Mr. Blancliet, Mr. Lafon- taine and Mr. Bouffard do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. Sur Motion de M. Gugy, seconde par M. Blancliet, ^ Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, le priant de faire mettre devant cette Chambre, les Documens sui- vans, savoir : Premier — Le Certificat et tous autres Do- cumens sur lesquels une Commission a et 6 accordee a E.-T Jones, Ecuyer, comme Procureur en Loi. Se- cond — Les mcmes Documens relatifs a la nomination de C.-IL-N. Drolet, Ecuyer, comme Procureur en Loi. Troisieme— Les Documens relatifs a l’admission de W.- K. McCord, Ecuyer, comme Procureur en Loi. Ordonne, Que M. Gu<*y, M. Blancliet, M. Lafontaine et M. Bouffard presentent la elite Adresse a Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Adresse pour des Documens sur lesquels cei laines Commi sions de l’roci reurs ont ete accoi dees. Committee on Evidence of ■William Dodds given before the Committee of Giievances. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to enquire into the truth or falsehood of the Evidence of one William Dodds, a Witness examined before the Standing Committee of Grievances, as recorded by the said Committee, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Besserer took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr, Besserer reported that the Committee had taken Evidence on the subject matter of the said en- quiry, which he was directed to report to the House. Mr. Speaker having put the Question, Shall the Report be now received ? L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite pour s enquerir de la verite on de la faussete du Temoignage du nomme William Dodds, Temoin exa- mine devant le Comit 6 Permanent des Griefs, tel que pris par le dit Comitfr, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Besserer a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apr£s y avoir siege quelque temps, M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Besserer a fait rapport que le Comit£ avait pris des Temoignages sur le sujet de la elite Enquete, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. M. POrateur ayant mis la Question : Le Rapport sera-t-il maintenant re5u ? Comite sur T6moign»g William Do c| donne devaijt Comi et il m’a dit de m’adresser a M. Gugy. Why did you go there ? — I was asked by Mr. Bowen to go down to him ; and I replied certainly that 1 would go, and state the truth respecting what I repre- sented to Mr. Gugy concerning my Lot. What did you get for your loss of time for going to Mr. Bowen's ? — When I went down to Sherbrooke, 1 did not know that I ever should get any thing for my 17 loss Vol — 45. N y avait-il pas deux Messieurs dans la Chambre dans le temps?— Un ou deux,je pense. Avez-vous eu quelque conversation a ce sujet avec M. Felton, ou aucune personne de sa famille, ou avec quelque Avocat ? — Je n’ai consulteaucun Avocat J’ai dit au jeune M. Felton que je me trouvais dans un grand besoin d argent. Aucun Avocat ne vousa-t-il parle a ce sujet?— Non, pas un. Quelques- uns des Avocats vous ont-ils parle, ou avez- vous jamais en aucune occasion parle a aucun Avocat a ce sujet?— Je n’ai jamais ete trouver aucun Avocat a ce sujet. Qui a dresse votre Affidavit ?— M. Bowen, junior, des Townships. N’est-il pas Avocat, a votre connaissance ? — Oui; je crois qu’il est Avocat. Que s est-il passe dans cette occasion ; est-ce M. Bowen qui est venu vous parler a cet egard ? Oui; il est probable quequelqu’un favait prie dele faire. * Que vous a-t-il dit a ce sujet ? — Il m’a In les debats de la Chambre, relativement a M. Felton, et m’a prie de lui dire la verite, et de signaler ce qui etait vrai ou faux dans ce que j’avais dit a M. Gugy, qu’il desirait savoir la verite, et rien autre chose que la verite, par rapport a ce que j’avais declare ici ; et il me demanda ensuite d’affirmer ce que j avais declare ici. Vous a-t-il mon re un Affidavit tout dresse pour vous Ie faire signer? — Non. Avez vous dresse 1’Affidavit vous meme?— Je lui ai declare ce que j’avais a lui dire, et ensuite il m’a lu 1’Affidavit apres l’avoir dresse. Vousa-t-il lu ce que Weir avait dit? — Oui; il a tout lu. Weir etait present, et nous nous rappelions tous deux ce que nous avions declare a M. Gugy. Dans quelle maison cela s’est-il passe?— Chez M. Bowen. Pourquoi etes-vous alle dans cette maison? — M. Bowen m’a prie de me transporter chez lui, et je lui ai repondu que j’irais assurement pour declarer la ve- rite sur ce que j’avais dit a M. Gugy, relativement k mon Lot. Que vous a-t-on donn6 pour le temps que vous avez perdu en allant chez M. Bowen? — Lorsqueje suis des- cendu a Sherbrooke, j ignorais que je dusse recevoir au- cune 7 T 6526 2 ° Martii . A 1836. loss of time, though I may expect something. I never mentioned any thing about my loss of time. Were you not offered or promised something ?- No, never ; nor never spoke of it. Why then do you expect something ? — I do not say that I will get any thing. It was never spoken to give me any thing. Were your travelling expenses paid by any person r —The Messenger who came for me, paid ten shillings as a part of my expenses for coming down ; as for the rest, I have credit for. , Were you paid any thing for going to Mr. Bowen s, either for travelling expenses or otherwise ?— No, nei- ther by him or any other person. Is that part of your evidence true in which you de- clared that you bought from Mr. Felton Lot No. 11, in the 11th Range of Ascot, for about Fifty pounds, and that you paid some part in money and some pait in la- bor ? — It is true that I bought from Mr. Felton this Lot for two hundred dollars, payable in labor, equal to cash to me ; but we have not yet settled. Ibis is the real truth. How much have you paid him in laboi equal to cash, to the best of your knowledge and belief ? — I cannot say, I may have paid him more, may be \ess, and I will not know this until I settle with Mr. Felton ; be- cause I cannot say what he will allow me, and what I shall charge him. Who made the improvements and built the house on your Lot ?— I cannot say *, this was done before I came to that part of the Country. Is it understood that Mr. Felton made them, oi caused them to be made ?— I do not know. It was talked of that Mr. Felton had done them : I cannot say, because they were done before I came there. How long had the improvements been abandoned when you got the Lot ? — I do not know. When you saw Mr. Felton, Junior, did he make you any promise, or hold out to you any hope of reward ? No, never j nor any of his family. W hen Mi. 1' el- ton spoke to me, he said : “ never mind, speak the truth,” These were the only words he spoke to me. When you say, that you expect to be paid, do you mean to say that you expect to be paid as a witness, for bavins been called so far from home ?— Yes. Have you ever heard of other persons having been paid as witnesses at the House of Assembly ?— Yes ; and I have been paid myself. At what time of the year did you purchase your Lot from Mr. Felton?— I purchased it in the summertime, twelve years ago j and went upon it some time in the fall. At the time you purchased your Lot from Mr. Felton, were there any settlements in the neighbourhood ?— ■ Yes. When you made the purchase from Mr. Felton, did you consider the Lot better situated, and of more va- lue, independent of the improvements, than wild Lands which might have been obtained at a cheaper rate, more remote from a settlement ? — Yes, I did think that it was of more value than wild Land. Does not the value of Land vary according to the quality of the Timber and its aspect to the South and West ? — When there is valuable Timber, there is cer- tainly a difference in the value ot the lands. Joseph cune chose pour la perte de mon temps, quoique je puisse attendre quelque chose. Je n’ai jamais dit un mot par rapport au temps que j’ai perdu. Ne vous a-t-on pas offert ou promis quelque chose ? — Non, jamais ; je n’en ai jamais parle non plus. Pourquoi done vous attendez-vous a recevoir quel- que chose ?— Je ne dis pas que je recevrai quelque chose. On n’a jamais parle de me donner aucune chose. Vos frais de voyage ont-ils ete payes par aucune per- sonne?— Le Messager qui est venu me demander m’a donne 10s. pour payer partie de mes depenses en des- cendant ; quant au reste, j ai credit. Vous a-t-on donne quelque chose pour aller chez M. Bowen pour payer vos trais de voyage, ou autiement? Non ; je n’ai l ien regu de persotine. Cette partie de votre temoignage ou vous dites que vous avez achete de M. Felton le Lot INo. 11, dans la lie Rangee d’ Ascot pour environ Cinquante Louis, et que vous l’avez paye partie en argent et paitie en ouvrage, est-elie vraie ? — II est vrai que j ai achete ce Lot de M. Felton pour Deux cents piastres, et que je dev ais le payer en travaillant pour lui, ce qui valait de Larsen t ; mais nous n’avons pas encore regie. Voila & 7 , # / la pure verite. Combien lui avez-vous paye en ouvrage, equivalant a de 1’ argent, au meilleur de votre connaissance ? - C'est ce que j’ignore. Je puis lui avoir paye plus ou rnoins ; je ne saurai cela qu apres avoir regie avec M. Felton, car je ne puis dire maintenant ce qu il m ac« cordera et ce que je lui demanderai poui mon travail. Par qui les ameliorations sur votre Lot oni-elles ete faites, et qui a bati la maison ? — Je ne puis !e dire ’, ce- la etait fait avant mon arrivee dans cette partie du pays. Dit-on que c’est M. Felton qui les a fait faire? Je ne sais pas. On a dit que c’est M. Felton qui avait fait ces ameliorations ; maisje ne puis le due, cai cela a ete fait avant mon arrivee. Depuis combien de temps ces amehoiations avaient- elles ete abandonnees, lorsque vous avez obtenu ce Lot? — Je l’ignore. Lorsque vous avez vu M. Felton , Junior, vous a-t-il fait quelque promesse, ou donne l’espoir de quelque recompense ?— Non, jamais, ni peisonne de sa famille. Lorsqu il m’a parle, void ce qu il m’a dit, “ ne vous inquietez-pas, dites la verite. Le sont les seules paroles qu’il m’a dites, En disant que vous vous attendiez a etre paye, en- tendiez-vous dire que vous vous attendiez a etre paye en qualite de Temoin, pour etre venu de si loin ?— Oui.^ Aviez-vous jamais entendu dire que d’autres le- moins de laChambre d’ Assemblee avaient ete paves?— Oui ; j’ai ete paye moi-meme. Dans quel temps de l’annee avez-vous achete votre Lot de M. Felton ? — Je Lai achete en ete (il y a douze ans de cela), et je m’y suis etabli dans l'automne. Lorsque vous avez achete ce Lot, y avait-il des eta- blissemens dans le voisinage? Oui, Lorsque vous l’avez achet6, pensiez vous qu’inde- pendamment des ameliorations qu'on y avait faites, ce Lot etait plus avantageusement situe, et d’une plus grande valeur que les terres incultes que vous auriez pu avoir k plus bas prix, mais plus eloignees des eta- blissemens ? — Oui ; je pensais qu’il etait d’une plus grande valeur que les terres incultes. La valeur des terres ne varie t-elle pas d’apres la qualite du bois et suivant leur position au Sudet a l’Ouest ?— Lorsque le bois est d’une bonne qualite, il y a certainement une difference dans la valeur des terres. Joseph 6 Will. IV, 2° Martii, 627 Joseph Frangois Deblois, Esquire, a Member of the House, examined : Were you present as a Member of the Committee on Grievances, with two other Members thereof; when the evidence given by the Witness Dodds was read over to him ; and did he approve the said evidence as taken down ? — As one of the Members of the Commit- tee of Grievances, I was present at the sitting of the Committee when the evidence of the Witness Dodds was read over to him distinctly and audibly ; and he acknowledged the evidence, aj then read to him, to be true. Messrs. Gugy and Letourneau , Members of the said Committee, were present. Mr. VanJ'elson, the Clerk of the Committee, was also present. When I went into the Committee Room, I saw Mr. Bedard there ; but I do not think that Gentleman was present when the evidence was read over. Gustavus William Wicksteed, Esquire, English Trans- latoi to the House, called to the Bar, and examined : Were you in the Committee Room when the Wit- ness Dodds came into it yesterday, and say what then occurred ?— 1 was in the room when Dodds came in. The first thing that I remember was, that Dodds said that he wanted money, seven or eight dollars ; he said that he had come down the day before, but had not been able to come to the House of Assembly because he had been sick. Mr. Gugy asked him to sit down, and to answer the questions he was going to ask him, or something to that effect. Mr. Gugy asked him whe- ther he remembered Mr. VanJ'elson , as the gentleman who took his evidence. Dodds said he thought he did but was not sure. Mr. Gugy then asked him whether his evidence had been read over after he had given it • he said it had, but that he did not pay particular atten- tion to it. Mr. Gugy then read to him part of the evidence, printed, as having been given by Weir, not the whole ; and I think not all the nine Questions, but the seven or eight last ones, more particularly that’part which relates to the clearance on the land and the House built on it. Mr. Gugy asked him whether that was the evidence he gave before the Committee. He said that it was in substance, but that some of the woids were not tne exact words he used j he gave no instance, except that the words used by him were, “ wllat was called eight acres,” and not seven or eight acres ; he did not object to any other part of the evi- dence. Mr. Gugy seemed to wish to put some further Questions to him, but Dodds said that he was unwell, and was not prepared to answer that day. Mr. Gu<>y then told him that he might then leave the room, and Dodds left accordingly. Mr. Antoine Vanfelson called to the Bar, and exa- mined : Are you the Clerk who took the Evidence of William Dodds and Daniel Heir, the Witnesses examined by the Committee of Grievances ? — Yes. Weie not Weir an d Dodds examined first by Mr. Gugy, and after that examination was concluded, did he not examine them both upon a series of nine Ques- tions which Mr. Bedard had wished to put, and which were furnished in writing by Mr. Bedard at Mr. Fel- ton’s request, as he stated ?— Yes ; but I do not re- member that Mr. Bedard stated that these Questions had been put before the Committee, at tne request of Mr. Felton. Joseph-Frangois Deblois , Ecuyer, Membre de la Chambre, a ete interroge: Avez-vous assiste comme Membre du Comite des Griefs h la lecture faite au Temoin Dodds de son Te- rn oign age avec deux autres Membres, el a-t-il approuve e temoignage tel que nMige ?— Comme l’un des Mem- bres du Comite des Griefs, je me suis trouve a la Se- ance du Comite ou la deposition du Temoin Dodds lui fut I ue a haute et intelligible voix; etil a reconnu pour vraie la deposition qui lui fut lue alors. Messieurs Gugy et Letourneau , Membres du Comite, etaient pre- sens. M. VanJ'elson , le Clerc du Comite, etait aussi present. Lorsque j’entrai dans la Chambre du Comite j y remarquai M. Bedard, mais je ne crois pas que ce Monsieur s’est trouv£ present lors de la lecture du dit Temoignage. Gustavus-William JVicIcstecd , Ecuyer, Traducteur An- glais de la Chambre, a ete appele a la Barre, et inte*-- roge: Etiez-vous present dans la Chambre de Comite lors- que le Temoin Dodds y est entre bier, et dites ce qui sest passe alors?— Jetais dans la Chambre lorsque Dodds est entre- La premiere chose que je me rap- pe le c est que Dodds a dit qu’il avait besoin d ardent de sept ou huit piastres. II declara qu'il etait descen- du la veille, mais qu’il n’avait pu se transporter a la Chambre, parce qu’il avait ete maiade. M. Gugy lui dit de s’asseoir, et de repondre aux questions qu’ifallait ui faire, ou quelque chose de semblable. M. Gugy lui demanda s il se rappelait si M. Vanfelson etaitle Monsieur qui avait regu son Temoignage. Dodds re- pondit qu'il pensait que oui, mais qu'il n’en etait pas bien sur. M. Gugy lui demanda alors si on lui avait luson temoignage apres l avoir donne. II repondit qu’en effet on lui avait lu son temoignage, mais qu’il n ’y avait pas fait beaucoup d'attention. M. Gugy lui lut alors partie du temoignage imprime, tel qu q° W eir 1 avait donne, non pas je pense toutes les neuf dernieres questions, mais seulement les sept ou huit dernieres- paiticulieiement ce qui a rapport au defrichement et a, la maison batie sur le Lot. M. Gugy lui demanda si e’etait la le temoignage qu’il avait donne devant le Comite ; d dit que e’etait son temoignage en substance, mais que plusieurs des expressions n etaient pas exactement les expressions dont il avait fait usage. II ne cita au- cune de cedes qu’il avait employees, excepte qu’il avait dit “ ce qu'on appelait huit acres,’’ et non pas “ sept ou huit acres.” Il n’a trouve a redire a aucune autre partie de son temoignage. M. Gugy parut vouloir lui fane plusieurs autres questions, mais Dodds lui dit qu’il n’etait pas bien portant, et qu’il n’etait pas pret a lui lepondie ce jour-la. Alors, M. Gugy lui dit qu’il pouvait se retirer de la Chambre, et il se retira en con- sequence. M. Antoine VanJ'elson a ete appele a la Barre, et in- terroge : Est cevous qui avez regu les Temoignages de Wil- liam Douds et de Daniel H eir, Temoins qui ont ete in- terroges parle Comite des Griefs ?— Oui. If eh et Dodds n ont-ils pas d’abord ete interroo’es par M. Gugy, et 1’interrogatoire termine, ne les a-t-il Jas ensuite mterroges sur neuf questions que M. Bedard voulait leur faire, et qu il a donnees par ecrit h la de- mande de M. Felton, ainsi qu’il l’a dit? — Oui j mais je lie me rappelle pas que M. Bedard ad dit que ces ques- tions avaient ete mises devant le Comite d la demande de M. Felton. But Mais 628 2 * Martii , 1886. Resolution res- pecting the Evi- dence given by William Dodds before the Com- mittee of Giie- vances. But you remember that the Questions were the same, and were so furnished ? \es. . Were not the answers to these nine Questions taken on two separate pieces of paper ?— Yes. Was the Evidence recorded by you as the evidence aiven by the Witnesses, in your hand-writing ? — Tes. & Did any Member of the Committee change a sy 11a. ble or a letter of the evidence which you so wrote ? — Not to my recollection. Did you afterwards compare it with Mr. Ross , that it might be sent to the Printer ; and would you not have remarked any change if there had been one ?— I was not the person who compared it with Mr. Ross. If there had been any change made to it, it would not have escaped Mr. Ross's notice. Did any Member of the Committee, or of the House, interfere with the copying of the Evidence by you ? No. Is it not now your conviction that the slip of paper containing Dodds' answers to these nine Questions, was by mistake attached or appended to Weir's evi- dence and vice versa ? — Upon perusal of the evidence of Wen, it is evident by the manifest contradiction with the first and latter part of his evidence, that the an- swers given by Weir were those given by Dodds ; and that through some mistake in arranging the Copy for the Printer, the answers of Weir were appended to the Questions submitted to Dodds , and vice versa. Is that mistake aseribable to any Member of the House, if so, name him ? — It is not. Mais vous vous rappelez que ce sont les mefmes Ques- tions, et qu’elles ont ete ainsi donnees? — Oui. Les reponses a ces Questions n’ont el les pas ete prises sur deux morceaux de papier differens? — Oui. Les Temoignages ont-ils ete cents de votre propie main, tels qu’ils ont etedonnes par les Temoins ? — Oui. A-t-il ete change tine syllabe ou une settle lettre ties Temoignages que vous avez ainsi ecrits, par aucun des Membres du Comite?— Pas que je me rappelle. Les avez-vous ensuite lus et compares avec M. Ross, afiii de les envoyer a l’feipression ; et n’auriez-vous pas remarque les changemens, s’il en avait ete fait aucun? — Ce n’est pas moi cpti les ai compares avec M. Ross ; s'il y avait eu quelque changement M. Ross n’aurait pas manque de s’en apercevoir. Quelqu’un des Membres du Comite ou de la Cham- bre vous a-t-il empeche de copier les l emoignages? — Non. N’etes-vous pas pleinement convaineu que le mor- ceau de papier qui contenait les reponses de Dodds aux neuf questions qui lui ont ete faites, a ete attache par erreur ait Temoignage de Weir , et vice versa?— En lisant le Temoignage tie Weir , il est evident d’apres la contradiction mainifeste qni existe entre la premiere et la derniere partie de ce Temoignage, que les re- ponses de Weir ont ete donnees par Dodds, et que par quelque meprise, en arrangeant la copie pour 1 im- pression, on a attache les reponses de Heir au questions soumises a Dodds et vice versa. Cette erreur ou meprise doit-elle etre attribuee a au- cun des Membtes de la Chambrej si cela est, nommez ce Membre? — Non. On Motion of Mr. Gugy, seconded by Mr. Power, Resolved, That the Witnesses Daniel JVeir and Wil- liam Dodds were examined by Mr. Gugy before the Committee of Grievances on the same occasion, and at the same time on the charges preferred against the Honorable William Bowman Felton, and that after the examination was concluded, a series of nine separate Questions furnished in writing by Mr. Bedard, as sub- mitted on the behalf of Mr. Felton, Junior, was pro- pounded to each of the said Witnesses. Resolved, That the testimony given by the said Witnesses at the first examination was correctly re- corded, but that without the intervention of any Mem- ber of this House the answers of the said William Dodds to the four last interrogations of the said series so fur- nished by Mr. Bedard after the said first examination had been concluded, were appended to the testimony of the said Daniel Weir, and the four last answers of the said Daniel Weir to the said series, were appended to the Evidence of the said William Dodds, by a mis- take originating in the fact of their examination being bad at the same time and place. Resolved, That although the matters of detail relative to which the said William Dodds testified, and which w'ere by mistake appended to the Evidence of the said Daniel Weir , have no relation to the merits of the said charges, or any bearing on the points at issue between this "House and the said Honorable William Bowman Felton, it is expedient to correct the said error and to rectifv the said mistake by appending the four last an- swers' to the said series to the parties who gave them respectively, that is to say, by appending the foui last answers now erroneously attributed to the said Daniel Weir to the Evidence of the said William Dodds , and by taking the four last answers of the said Daniel Weir from the testimony of the said William Dodds, and re- placing them at the end of the testimony of the said Daniel Weir. Ordered, Sur Motion de M. Gugy, seconde par M- Power, Resolu, Que les Temoins Daniel Heir et William Dodds ont ete interroges par M. Gugy devant le Comite dcs Griefs, duns lu mcitic occasion, et duns le meme Dodds devar temps, sur les accusations portees contre l Honorable des William. Bowman Felton, et qu’apres que ITnterroga- toire a ete termine, une serie de neuf Questions dis- tinctes, donnees par ecrit par M. Bedard, comme etant soumises de la part de M. Felton , fils, a ete proposee a chacun des dits Temoins. Resolu, Que le Temoignage donne par les dits Te- moins, lors du premier intenogatoire, a ete ecrit et pris avec exactitude, mais que, sans la participation d aucun des Membres de cette ( liambre, les reponses du dit William Dodds aux quatre deruieres Questions de la dite serie ainsi donate par M. Bedard , apres que le dit premier Intenogatoire a ete termine, ont ete ajoutees au Temoignage du dit Daniel JVeir ; et que ies quatre denticles reponses du dit Daniel Heir a la diie sene, ont etc ajoutees au Temoignage du dit H il/iam Dodds, par line erreur provenant de ce que leur Interrogatoire a eu lieu en me me temps et dans le memelieu. Resolu, Que quoique les matieres de details sur les- quelles le dit William Dodds a donne son temoignage, et qui ont ete ajoutees par erreur au temoignage du dit Daniel Jl’eir, n’ont aucun rapport au meiite des elites accusations, ou aux points qui doivent etre de- cides entre cette Chambre et le dit Honorable H illiam- Bowman Felton, il est expedient de rectifier cette er- reur, en ajoutant a leurs temoignages respectifs les quatre deruieres reponses que les dites parlies ont don- nees respectivement a la dite serie de Questions, c est- a-dire, en ajoutant les quatre dernieres reponses mainte- nant attributes par erreur au dit Daniel JJ r eir au te- moignage du dit William Dodds, et en retranchant les quatre deruieres reponses donnees par le dit Daniel JVeir du temoignage du dit William Dodds, et ies ajou- tant a la fin du temoignage du dit Daniel H eir. Ordonnd, 6 Will. IV. — 3° Martii, Ordered, That the said Witness William Dodds be discharged from any further attendance. I he names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Hardy, Berthelot, Besserer , Blanched, Ca- ron, Coze an, Clapham, De Tonnanconr, De Witt, 'For- tin, Hebert, Iluot, Knight, Lafomaine, Larue, Morin, (/Callaghan, Berrault, Power, Raymond, Simon and I rudel. And at three quarters past twelve o’clock at nmht, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quo- rum. 629 Ordonne, Que le dit William Dodds, temoin, soit d<$- charge et dispense de comparaitre uherieurement. Les noms des Membres presens ont pris, comme suit l M. I'Orateur, Messieurs Barely, Berthelot , Besserer, Blanchct, Ca- ron, Cazeau, Clapham, De Tonnancour, De Witt For- crr I l ebe ! rt% Ilu „' Kni S ht > Lajontaine , Larue, Morin , Trudel gkan ’ FerraUti F ° Wer ' Ra V™ond, Simon et Et a minuit et trois quarts, M. I’Orateur a ajourne la Chambre faute de Quorum. Thursday, 3rd March, 18 36.— Ten o’clock, A . M. ... N Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Hebert . Qr(lere ^ That when this House doth y adjou "^ 11 adjourn till four o’clock, P. M., this day. An engrossed Bill to amend the Act of the ninth l -r. I /M liwskoui, issed. iill for chanjy- )g a place of leciion in George the Fourth, Chapter seventy three, dividing the Province into Counties, by changing one place of Elec- tion in the County ol Missiskoui, was read tor the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr Besserer do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Jeudi, 3 Mars 1836. — Dix heures, A , JVl, UR Motion de M. Viger, second^ par M. Hebert, rdonne, Que lorsque cette Chambre s’ajournera, Ajournement. elle s ajourne a quatre heures, P. M., cejour. Un Bill grossoye pour amender l’Acte de la neu- Bnipour divise la^i^en e, r Ch ? itre soixante_et * tre, * ze » qui ' . 0 nice en Comtes, en changeant line place dan,Mis siskoui, d Election clans le Comte de Missiskoui, a ete lu pour P “ 6 ' la troisieme tois. 1 Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne , Que M Besserer porte le dit Bill au Con- seil Eegisiatif, et demande son concours. ipply Bill ssed. An engrossed Bill to provide means for defraying the Expenses of the Civil Government of the Province, for the time between the 15th January, 1836, and 15th July of the sam? year, and to provide for certain other expenses therein mentioned, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. De Witt do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concur* rence. ; S can"i The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to provide for the management and care of the Lachine Canal, and to establish certain Rates, Tolls and Duties to be taken thereon, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr Raymond took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Raymond reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Oi det ed. That the Report be received to-morrow. deSubsides. nmitlee on It ion com Un Bill grossoye pour pourvoir a defrayer les De- Bind penses Civiles du Gouvernement Provincial, pour I e- pas4 ’ poque comprise entre le 15 Janvier 1836. et le 15 Juil- let i.e la meme annee, et pour pourvoir a certaines autres defenses y mentionnees, a ete Ju pour la troi- sieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. De H itt porte le dit Bill au Con. sen Eegislatir, et demande son concours. E Ordie du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en c° m, tesurie Comite sur le Bill pour pourvoir h la regie et surveil. JESST' lance du Canal de Lachme, et pour etablir certains pe- ages et droits a y etre leves, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Raymond a pris le Fauteuii du Comity ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. I’Orateur a repris le Fauteuii ; Et M. Raymond a fait rapport que le Comit6 avait passe le Bill, et y avail fait piusieurs amendemens, dont ll avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. The Order of the day for the House in Committee 0n , the f {e , |)0Pt °f - the 8 P ecial C ommittee to whom was nircfst. referred the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Dis- nc,s: trict of St. Francis, being read ; Die House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Raymond took the Chair of the Committee- and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair j Vol. — 45. And Oi dome, Que le Rapport soit re$u demain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Coruna f omite sur le Rapport du Comite Social auquel a ete Ejr;,. icieiee la I edition de divers Liabitans du District de St c "’ tU, " ertuSh e- Franfois, ayant ete lu ; * St - Ffdn - La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M . Raymond a pris le Fauteuii du Comit6 ; et api£s y avoir sitg6 quelque temps, M. I’Orateur a repris le Fauteuii ; Ft Resolutions and Address report- ed relating to the Sheriff of St. Francis. Committee on Sale Feather Bill. Committee on Quebec and Montreal In- corporation Ril's. 630 3° Martii. A. IS 3 6 And Mr. Raymond reported that the Committee had \n several Resolutions; which Resolutions were a°™n rea d at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the Vfnnse ; and are as followeth : . c . .~. Resolved, That Charles Witcher, Esquire, Sheriff nf the District of St. Francis, has not since his appoint- ment to that office, kept an open office, wherein lie has regulary attended for the discharge of his duty as She- riff of said District. o. Resolved, That the said Charles IVhitcher, Esquire has availed himself of his official power as Sheriff of said District, designedly, illegally and corruptly, to extort from Bailiffs, his inferior Officers, sums of money a - lowed and belonging to them, and that, to the prejiK ice of the administration of Justice, and of the rights an interests of His Majesty’s faithful Subjects in this 1 ro- vince. 3. Resolved, That the said Charles IVhitcher, Esquire, is in consequence unfit to continue to hold the office of Sheriff of the District of St. Francis, and that the said Charles IVhitcher, Esquire, Sheriff as aforesaid, ought to be removed from his said office and from all other offices of honor and profit which he may hold under the Crown in this Province. 4. Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, with a Copy of the Report of the Special Committee to whom was re- ferred the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the District of St. Francis, and Evidence thereunto annexed, pray- ino- His Excellency to take immediate steps to remove the said Charles IVhitcher, Esquire, from the office of Sheriff of the District of St. Francis, and from all other offices of honor or profit which he may hold under the Crown in this Province. _ __ , Ordered, That Mr. Child, Mr. Toomy, Mr. Huot and Mr. Charles Drolet do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to provide fbr the Inspection of Sole Lea- ther, being read; . ,. ., The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. , . „ , _ ... , Mr. Perrault took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; . And Mr. Perrault reported that the Committee had Et M. Raymond a fait rapport que le Comite avait msse Dlusieurs Resolutions, lesquelles Resolutions ont ra PP or.ees rei a . ete lues de nouveau a la table du Greffier, et adoptees sheritdest. par la Chambre ; et elle sont comme suit : _ Franks. 1 1. Resolu, Que Charles IVhitcher, Ecuyer, Slffrif du District de St. Francois, n a, en aucun temps depths sa nomination a cette charge, tenu de Bureau ouvert, ou il ait assiste regulRrement pour remplir ses devoirs comme Sheri f du dit District. 2. Resolu, Que le dit Charles IVhitcher, Ecuyer, s’est prevail! du pouvoir que lui donnait son emploi comme Sherif du dit District, pour extorquer des Huis- siers, ses Officiers inferieurs, de dessein premedite et d’une maniere illegale et corrompue. des sommes d’ar- o-ent qui leur etaient allouees et qui leur appartenaient ; et cela au prejudice de 1 administration de la Justice, et des droits et des interets des Fiddles Sujets de Sa Ma- jeste en cette Province. 3. Resolu, Que ie dit Charles IVhitcher, Ecuyer, en consequence, est indigne de continuer a remplir la charge de Sherif du District de St. Francois, et que le dit Charles IVhitcher, Ecuyer, Sherif comme susdit, de- vrait etre destitue de sa dite charge, et de tous autres emplois de profit et d honneur qu il pent tenir sous la Couronne en cette Province. 4. Resolu, Qu il soit presente une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gcuverneur en Chef, avec Copie du Rapport du Comite Special auquel a etc referee la Pe- tition de divers Habitans du District de St. hranfois, et des Temoignages y annexes, pour piier Son Excellence de prendre lmmediatement des mesuies pour destituei le dit Charles IVhitcher, Ecuyer, de la clurge de Sherif du District de St. Francois, et de tous autres emplois de p,ofitou d honneur qu il peut remplir sous la Couronne en cette Province. Ordonne, Que VI . Child, M. loomy, M. 11 not et I. Charles Drolet pr^sentent la dite Adresse i\ Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Bill pour pourvoir a inspection du Cuir a Semelles, ayant ete lu ; , , ,. La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comit£. M. Perrault a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orattura repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Perrault a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe ie Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens, dont Comfle'sur le Bill pour l’in- .pection du Cuir aStmeilcs. And Mr. rerrauu lepuneu u a, ^ ~ , > \ run et v ava i t fait plusieurs amendet bite „ P A * U ^bre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit ie$u demain. House. , . Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to consolidate, extend and amend the pro- visions of divers Acts concerning the Corporation of the City of Quebec, and the Bill to consolidate, amend and extend divers Acts relating to the Corporation of the City of Montreal, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. „ , _ . , e Mr. Cute took the Chair of the Committee; and af- ter some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Cote reported that the Committee had gone through the two Bills and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. Then, L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en “-Jv Comite sur le Bill pour refondre, en les etendant et amendant, les dispositions de divers Actes concernant r - aL la Corporation de la Cite de Quebec, et le Bill pour re- fondre, en les etendant et amendant, divers Actes con- cernant la Corporation de la Cite de Montreal, ayant el ^La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. , x M. Cote a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et aprts y avoir sffge quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Cote a fait rapport que le Conute avait passe les deux Bills, et y avait fait plusieurs amendemens dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re$u demain. Alors 6 Will. IV. 3° Mar tii. 63 1 Then, on Motion of Mr, Leslie, seconded by Mr. Alors sur Motion de M. Leslie , seconde par M r,fo Cote , 1 ' Die House adjourned. La Chambre s’est ajournee. Thursday, 3rd March, 18 36.— Four o’clock P. M. Cl Adjournment. tfessagp to the ’ouncil for -ave to A. ourdain to m nd the lome. Eighth Report f Committee f Grievances, dating to J. 1. .Vlondelet. ppendix Ifi. K) _ "N Motion of Mr. Vigor, seconded by Mr. Cote , Ordered, That when this House doth adjourn, it will adjourn till to-morrow at ten o’clock, A. M. On Motion of Mr. Besserer, seconded by Mr. Bardy , Resolved, That a Message be sent to the Legislative Council praying their Honors will permit Auguste J our- dain, one ot their Officers, to appear befoie the Stand- ing Committee of Grievances, on Saturday next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to be examined on the sub- ject of the complaints against the Honorable Mr. Justice Bowen . Ordered, That Mr. Besserer do carry the said Mes- sage to the Legislative Council. Mr. Perraull , from the Standing Committee of Grie- vances, presented to the House the Eighth Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. for the said Report, see Appendix (E. E.) at the end of this Volume. .rlrf.Ticu A Bil! t0 re P eal 80 much °f two certain Acts therein niing to 'he mentioned made and passed in the Parliament of the eTnureof' ° f United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, as au- ?ond,imt‘ he thorizes the commutation of the Tenure of Lands held a, tit) e de fiej and a litre de cens in this Province, into the Tenuie of free and common soccage, was, accord- ing to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be engrossed. ontmorenry d Drummond emus till!. mmitted; nsidered. A Bill to cause a Census to be taken of the Counties Id , he second Montmortnc U and Drummond , was, according to ne ; Order read a second time. Or dered. That the said Bill be now referred to a Committee of the whole House. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Comm ttee. Mr. Caron took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Caron reported that the Committee had gone thiough the Bill, and had made an amendment thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. Tl : e 0 o rder °, f i he day for the House in Committee l ight Houses 0,1 the Second Report of the Special Committee to Scat.nneand w hom was referred the Petition of divers Ship Owners ,ds - shl P Masters, Merchants and others, and other refe- rences, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Knight took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Knight reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions, which he was directed to submit to the House. Ordered, Jeudi, 3 Mars 183G.—Qualre heures, I\ M. ^UR Motion de M. Viger, second^ par M Cote Ordonne, Que lorsque cette Chambre s’ajournera, AjournemenK elle s ajourne a demain k dix heures, A. M. Sur Motion de M. Besserer, second^ par M. Bard u Resolu, Qu’il soit envoye un Message au Conseil Li- Mess3! e au gislatif, pour prier leurs Honneurs de permettre a Au Conseil. P°ur guste Jourdain, un de leurs Officiers. de comparaitre 5=d- “ cette Province.” siesivauduieuses deslerres, et “ Acte pour faciliter fexecution d’un Acte, intitule, Bi.,«oucha„t Acte pour autoriser la nomination de Commissaires tine Ligne de “ pour trailer avec les Commissaires nomrn&j de la part Batet ie ntre “ AuHaut-Canada, touchant la fixation d’une Ligne de ^ amende!’ “ Division entre le Haul et le Bas-Canada.” raent: et Et Aussi, Le Conseil Legislatif a passe les Bills suivans, avec plusieurs amendemens, auxquels il demande la concur- rence de l’Assemblee : “ Acte pour faire certains Reglemens au suiet de “ l Office de Sherif.” “ Acte pour revoquer un certain Acte y mentionne, “ et pour remedier plus efficacement a divers abuspre- “ jiuliciables a l’Agricultui e.” Et Aussi. JL.e Conseil Legislatif a acquiesce aux amendemens faits par 1 Assemblee au Bill, intitule, “ Acte qui pour- “ v p il P*os efficacement au transport sur des Prison- niers pi evenus d Offenses Criminelles, des Campagnes “ de cette Province, aux Prisons Communes des diffe- “ rens Districts,” sans amendement. Fill pour regler 1’ Office de She- rif; et Bill d’ Agricul- ture, avec des amendmens. Le Conseil a ac- quiesce aux amendemens au Bill relatif all transport sur des Brisonniers. Et aussi, Conseil Legislatif, Marti, 3 Mars 1836. Ordered, That one of the Masters in Chancery do go down to the Assembly, and acquaint that House, that the Legislative Council do not insist on a certain Amendment made by them to the Bill, intituled, “ An “ Act Ordonne , Qu un des Maitres en Chancellerie se rende Leconstii a 1’ Assemblee, et informe cette Chambre, que le Con- sen Legislatif n insiste pas sur un certain amendement men : a " Bin qu’il a fait au Bill, intitule, “ Acte qui pourvoit a faire decider 636 4 ° Mar tii* A. 1 836, 1 i 'ico ovnonciwp decision of “decider d’une maniere plus facile et moins dispen- “ Act- for the more easy anc ^ o j distresses and “ dieuse les differends qui s’elevent entre les Maitres “ diffeiences between ‘ j t V rs in the “ et Maitresses et leurs Serviteurs, Apprentis ou En- .. their Servants, Apprent ces and Labe ers n the .. et Campagnes de cette Province” et *■ Country parts of tins Province, to winch As g ^ rAssembWe pas acqui esce. sembly did not agiee. £ t e nsuite il s’est retire. And then he withdrew. Lachine Canal Bill reported. Mr. Raymond , from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to provide for the^ management and care of the Lachine Canal, and to establish certain Kites, tolls, and duties to be taken thereon, reported, accord- ing to Order, the amendments made by the Commit- tee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. TYT Raymond , du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Bi»d« c.n«i Bill pour pourvoir a la regie et surveillance du Canal de pon6 . Lachine, et pour etablir certains Peages et Droits a y ctre leves, a fait rapport, conformement a 1 Ordre, des amendemens fails au dit Bill par le Comite ; lesqueis amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la I able du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambie. ~ Or dome, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. Sole Leather Bill reported. Mr. Perrault, from the Committee of the who e House on the Bill to provide for the inspection of bole Leather, reported, according to Order the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amend- ments were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. M. Perrault, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le ^ Bill pour pourvoir a ^Inspection du Cuira Semelles, a cuiraSemei fliit rapport, conformement a l’Ordre, des amendemens - P pone. faits au dit Bill par le Comite ; lesqueis amendemens out 6te lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. Quebec and Montreal In- corporations Bills reported. Mr. Cote, from the Committee of the whole House on* the Bill to consolidate, extend and amend the pro- visions of divers Acts concerning the Corporation of the City of Quebec, and the Bill to consohuate, amend and extend divers Acts relating to the Corporation of the City of Montreal, reported, according to Urdei, the amendments made by the Committee to the saic Bills, which amendments were again read at the Cleik s Table Ordered , That the Question of concurrence be now put upon the amendments made by the Committee to the Bill to consolidate, extend and amend the provi- sions of divers Acts concerning the Corporation of the City of Quebec. . , , And the said amendments being again read, and the Question of concurrence being put thereon, they were agreed to by the House. , Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. Ordered , That the Question of concurrence be now nut upon the amendments made by the Committee to the Bill to consolidate, amend and extend divers Acts relating to the Corporation of the City of Montreal. And the said amendments being again read and the Question of concurrence being put thereon, they weie agreed to by the House. , Ordered , That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. M. Cote, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Bill poration de I pour* refondre, en les etendant et amendant les disposi- ^ecet; lions de divers Actes concernant la Corporation de la pones. Cite de Quebec, et le Bill pour refondre, en les eten- dant et amendant, divers Actes concernant la Corpora- tion de la Cite de Montreal, a fait rapport, conforme- ment a l'Ordre, des amendemens faits aux dits bills par le Counte, lesqueis amendemens ont ete lus de nou- veau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que la Question de concours soit mainte- nant mise sur les amendemens faits par le Comite au Bill pour refondre, en les etendant et amendant, les dis- positions de divers Actes concernant la Corporation tie la Cite de Quebec. , , Et les dits amendemens ayant he lus de nouveau, et la Question de concours ayant ete mise sur iceux, us ont ete adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- ^ Ordonne, Que la Question de concours soit mainte- nant mise sur les amendemens faits par le Comite au Bill pour refondre, en les etendant et amendant, divers Actes concernant la Corporation de la Cite de Mont- Et les dits amendemens ayant ete lus de nouveau, et la Question de concours ayant ete mise sur iceux, ils ont ete adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu'amende, soit gros- soyG Montmorency Mr. Caron, from the Committee of the whole House and Drummond ^ to cause a Census to be taken of the Goun- ported and pass- ^jgg of MontmoreficT/ and Drummond, reported, accoid- ed j no . t0 Order, the amendment made by the Committee t0 & the said Bill ; which amendment was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. An engrossed Bill to cause a Census to be taken of the Counties of Montmorency and Drummond, was read for the third time* Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Besserer do carry the said bill L o the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. JL U G M. Caron , du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Bill pour faire faire le Recensement des Comtes de Montmorency et de Drummond, a fait rapport, confor- mement a l’Ordre, de l’amendement fait au dit bill par le Comite, lequel amendement a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adopte par la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- S0) Un Bill grossoye pour faire faire le Rencensement des Comtes de Montmorency et de Drummond, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Pesolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Besserer porte le dit Bill au Con- seil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Bill du ■■ rtnsemi. < MontmjB el de Dm mond, rp et paise 6 Will. IV. 4 “ Martii. 037 • Committee on Answer to Ad- dress rotating to Mr. Justice Gale. The Order of the day for the House in Committee to take into consideration the Answer of His Excellency the Governor in Chief to the Address of this House, praying His Excellency to take immediate steps to re- move Samuel Gale , Esquire, from the office of Judge of His Majesty’s Court of King’s Bench in this Province, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Barely took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; .eKin^re' 0 Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had jrted. ° passed an humble Address to His Majesty; which Ad- dress was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and is as followeth: L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en «ur Comite pour prendre en consideration la lleponse' do *5£Z!£i Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, a 1’ Adresse de £V eJu 2 e - cette Chambre, priant Son Excellence de prendre des mesures immediates pour le deplacement de Samuel Gale, Ecuyer, de la charge de Juge de la Cour du hanc du Rot de Sa Majeste en cette Province, ayant ete lu ; J La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite, M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comitf* ; et apr£s y avoir siege quelque temps, M. I’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Bardy a fait rapport que le Comity avait passe Une Adresse ** une bumble Adresse a Sa Majesty laquelle Adresse a li01 ’ r w° rt6e < ete lue de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et est coniine suit : To the King’s Most Excellent Majesty. Most Gracious Sovereign, We, Your Majesty’s faithful Subjects the Commons of Lower Canada, in Provincial Parliament assembled, most respectfully approach Your Majesty, and repre- sent : — I hat after a due examination (as will appear by a Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances here- unto appended, and concurred in by Your Petition- ers,') into the character and conduct of Samuel Gale , Esquire, lately appointed to the high office of Judge of the Court of King’s Bench for the District of Montreal, the Commons of this Province decided that the said Samuel Gale is a declared enemy of the Laws which he is sworn to administer ; that he has been guilty of di- vers misdemeanors ; that he has been engaged in a long series of acts of hostility against the good People of this Province, their language, customs and institu- tions; and that by his public misconduct he has de- prived himself of the confidence as well of Your Majesty's Subjects in this Colony, as of their Repre- sentatives ; and in consequence presented, in the course of the present Session of the Provincial Parliament, an humble Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying His Excellency to take immediate steps to have the said Samuel Gale removed from the said office of Judge. That Your Petitioners have to complain that His Excellency the Governor in Chief has refused to com- ply with their just demands, and considered that there was no ground which would justify His Excellency in entering into the question whether, as prayed for by this House, immediate measures should be taken for the removal of the said Samuel Gale from the Bench, and that it would be inconsistent with the security which should always attach to the tenor of that office, to consider whether the said Samuel Gale ought to be dismissed for acts committed before His Majesty approved of his elevation to the Bench. That His Excellency the Governor in Chief does not appear by his answer to the said Address, to have correctly understood the paramount reasons and grounds which induced Your Petitioners to demand the remo- val from office of the said Samuel Gale — -that Your Pe- titioners never pretended to demand such removal for acts reflecting on the conduct of the said Samuel Gale subsequent to his appointment to the Bench, but for acts committed and opinions expressed before his ele- vation to the Bench, which utterly disqualified him from being entrusted with the administration of the Laws A la Tres-Excellente Majeste du Koi. Tres-Gracieux Souverain, Nous, les fideles Sujets de Votre Majeste, les Cohk munes du Bas-Canada, reunis en Parlement Provincial, approchons tres-respectueusement de Votre Majeste, pour lui exposer : Qu’aprcs avoir examine soigneusement, comme on le vena par le Rapport du Comite Permanent des Griefs ci-annexe, et adopte par vos Petitionnaires, le ea- nicteie et la conduite de Samuel Gale, Ecuyer, der- nierement appele a la charge elevee de Juge de la Cour tiu Lane du Koi pour le District de Montreal, les Com- munes de cette Province out decide que le dit Samuel Gale est 1’ennemi declare ties Lois qu’il ajure d’admi- nistier ; qu il s’est rendu coupable de divers d^lits ; qu il a ete long temps engage dans une longue suite d’actes d'hosti ! ite contre ie bon People de cette Pro- vince, leur langage, continues et institutions ; et que sun inconiiuite publique lui a fait perdre la con- fiance des Sujets lie Votre Majeste dans cette Colonie et Hh leure R epresentans ; et elles nnt, en consequence presente dans le corns de la presente Session du Parle- ment Provincial, une humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Excellence de pren- dre des mesures immediates pour destituer le dit Samuel Gale de sa elite charge dejuge. Que vos Petitionnaires ont a se plaindre que Son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef a refuse de se rendre a leur juste demande, et a consider^ qu’il n’y avait au- cune raison qui put justifier Son Excellence d’examiner la question, si, suivant la demande de vos Petition- naires, des mesures immediates devraient etre prises pour destituer le dit Samuel Gale de sa charge de Juge ; et que ce serait violer la garantie qui doit ton- jours etre attachee a l’exercice de cette charge, si J’om s’occupait de savoir si le dit Samuel Gale devrait etre destitue pour des actes commis avant que Sa Majeste eut approuve sa nomination comme Ju«Te. Que Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef ne paraifc pas, dans sa R^ponse a la dite Adresse, avoir exacte- ment compris les raisons puissantes qui ont engage vos Petitionnaires it demanderla destitution du dit Samuel Gale desa charge; que vos Petitionnaires n’ont jamais pretendu demander cette destitution pour des actes qui inciilpaient la conduite du dit Samuel Gale depuis sa nomination comme Juge ; mais pour des actes qu’il a commis, et des opinions qu’il a exprimees, avant son cwAci ion sur le Banc ; actes et opinions qui le rendent absolument indigne d’adniiuistrer Jes Lois en vigueur en 7 X CeU ^ Vol. — 45, *'v 638 4 ” Marlii. A. 1836 . Laws in force in this Province, and deprived him of that public confidence which is so necessary to every person invested with so exalted and important an office. That the disqualification under which the said Samuel Gale labored in consequence of acts committed by him, before his appointment to the Bench, was solemnly re- cognized by one of Your Majesty’s Principal Secreta- ries of State for the Colonies, in a Dispatch dated 11th November 1834, who refused to confirm the said ap- pointment; and that the subsequent confirmation there- of by the Right Honorable the Earl o 1 Aberdeen, upon which His Excellency the Governor in Chief, in his an- swer aforesaid, grounds his refusal, does not and can not in any way remove the disqualification which previous- ly existed, and which justly opposed the elevation of the said Samuel Gale to the Bench. That, moreover, the confirmation invoked by His Excellency the Governor in Chief, cannot be ol any weight in the present case, inasmuch as it appears by a Dispatch addressed by Lieutenant General Lord Ayl- mer to the Secretary of State for the Colonial Depart- ment, and dated Castle St. Lewis, 23rd January 183.3, that the Earl of Aberdeen was led into error by false and unfounded misrepresentations contained in the said Dispatch, in which among other things it is erroneous- ly stated that “ those who in the first instance were averse to his (the said Samuel Gale 4) appointment, have ceased to complain of it” that the appointment “ is “ very generally approved of,” and “that the removal” of the said Samuel Gale from the Bench “ would have a very bad effect in this Province,’ — assertions which are contradicted by, and at total variance with, the representations of the People of this Province, and of their Representatives in Parliament assembled, and more- over specially contradicted by the fact that the latter have always declined to vote the Salary of the said Samuel Gale as a Judge. That His Excellency the Governor in Chief, in enu- merating the various grounds of disqualification set forth against the fitness of the said Samuel Gale, for the high office lu which he lias been impiupeily appointed, has omitted to notice two charges which, although passed over in silence by His Excellency, are particu- larly disreputable to the said Samuel Gale ; and Your Petitioners hope that His Excellency does not thereby intend to convey the impression that the said charges are frivolous or unfounded, or by such omission to sanc- tion, in a high Magisterial Functionary, acts tending to bring disrespect on the Laws, and to corrupt the source of justice. That Your Petitioners solemnly protest against the inferences which might be deduced from the principles laid clown in His Excellency’s answer aforesaid, that the character and conduct of a man, however bad and censurable they may be antecedent to his appointment to office, are not sufficient grounds, when made known to competent authority, to justify that authority in re- moving the person, so disqualified by previous bad con- duct, from any office to which he may have been im- properly and injudiciously appointed; inasmuch as such principles, when practically carried out, cannot fail to produce consequences peculiarly fatal to the purity anti independence of the Bench, as they tend to con- vert the Ermine of Justice into a cloak to cover the misconduct of public men, and to protect them from the just consequences of their evil acts. That Your Petitioners regret that, if His Excellency the Governor in Chief did not feel disposed, or autho- rized, to do full and immediate justice to the People and cette Province, et qui l’ont prive de la confiance pu- blique si necessaire pour toute personne qui remplit une charge aussi elevee et aussi importante. Que Pun des principaux Secretaires d’Etat de Votre Majesff pom - les Colonies a recon nu solennellement, dans une Depeche du 11 Novembre 1834, que le dit Samuel Gale s'etait rendu indigne de remplir cette charge, et que la confirmation subsequente de cette no- mination par le Ties Honorable Comte d’ Aberdeen, sur laquelle Son Excellence le Gouverneur, dans sa dite Reponse, a motive son refus, ne fait pas disparaitre et ne peut enaucune maniere faire disparaitre I’incapacite qui existait auparavant, et qui etait, avec raison, un ob- stacle ala nomination dudit Samuel Gale, coinme Juge. Que de plus, la confirmation invoquee par Son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, ne peut etre d’aucun poids dans le cas actuel, d’autant plus qu’il parait par une Depeche adressee par le Lieutenant-General Lord Aylmer, au Secretaire d’Etat pour ie Departement Co- lonial, et datee Chateau St. Louis, le 23 Janvier 1835, que le Comte d ’ Aberdeen a ete induit en erreur par les representations fausses et mal fondees que contenait cette Depeche, dans laquelle i on dit erronement, en- tre autres choses, que “ ceux qui etaient d’abord contre “ la nomination du die Samuel Gale, out cesse de s’en plaindre,” que cette nomination “ est generaiement approuvee,” et “ que la destitution” du dit Samuel Gale du Banc “ aurait un mauvais effet dans cette Province,” assertions qui sent contredites et entierement dementies par les representations du People de cette Province, et de ses Representans reunis en Parlement, et particu- lierement par la circonstance que ces derniers out tou- jours refuse de voter le Salaire du dit Samuel Gale , com me Juge. Que Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, en enu- merant les divers motifs de disqualification alleguts contre le dit Samuel Gale, et qui le rendaient indigne de remplir la charge elevee a laquelle il a ete nomme, a omis de remarquer deux accusations, qui, quoique Son Excellence les ait passees sous silence, sont parti- culierement fletrissante pour le dit Samuel Gale ; et Vos Petitionnaires espHent que Son Excellence n’a pas pretendu par la faire entendre que les dites accusations sont frivoles et malfondees, ni sanctionner, par cette omission, dans la personne d un Magistrat elev£, des actes qui tendenta faire tomber les Lois dans le mepris, et a corrompre les sources de la justice. Que Vos Petitionnaires protestent solennellement centre les inductions que l’on pourrait tirer des prin- cipes f mis dans la dite Reponse de Son Excellence, que quelque mauvais et digue de blame que soit le caractere on la conduite d’un homme avant d’etre nomme a une charge, ce ne sont pas I t des motifs suffisans, lorsqu on les a fait connaitre aux autoriffs competentes, pour au- toriser ces autorites a destituer d aucune charge a la- quelle elle peut avoir He nominee d une maniere aussi peu convenable et aussi injudicieuse la personne qui s’en est anterieurement rendue indigne par une con- duite coupable, d’autant plus que ces principes, mis en pratique, ne peuvent manquer de produire des suites Ires funestes pour la purete, l’integrite et l’indepen- dance des Juges, vu qu’ils tendenta couvrir du manteau de la justice, 1’inconduite des hommes publics, et A les proteger contre les justes consequences de leurs actes coupables. Que vos Petitionnaires regrettent que, si son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef ne se sentait pas dispose ou autoris6 a faire de suite pleine justice au Peuple et \ a 6 Will. IV. 4" Marlii, Iress to His •cllency re- >gto Mr. ice Gale. anti to tin's House, by the removal from office of the said Samuel Gale , lie did not think proper to send the said Address and Reports, Resolutions, Documents and Evidence accompanying the same, to England, and recommend the whole to the favorable consideration of Your Majesty ; but on the contrary deemed it expedient to put Ins direct veto on the demands of Your Petition- ers respectfully conveyed to His Excellency in the Address aforesaid. Wherefore Your Petitioners, the Representatives of Your Majesty’s Subjects in Lower Canada, pray Your Majesty to take the facts set forth and referred to in the said fifth Report of the Standing Committee of nievances into Y our favorable consideration, so that the complaints therein contained may be remedied and justice be done to Your Majesty’s suffering Subjects in tins Province, by the removal of the said Samuel Gale fromUie office of Judge of Your Majesty’s Court of King s Bench, to which he has been unworthily and improperly appointed. Mr. 0 ‘Callaghan moved to resolve, seconded Mr. Ferrault, That this House doth concur with Committee in the said Address to His Majesty. I he blouse divided on the Question : Yeas, 37. „ . Nays, 7. l>0it was carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved, Accordingly. Mr. 0 ‘Callaghan moved, seconded by Mr. Raymond, that the said Address be engrossed. Ibe House divided on the Question : Yeas, 37. Nays, 7. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered, Accordingly Mr. O'Callaghan moved to resolve, seconded by Mr. Lafontaine, lhat an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, informing His Excellency that this House hath voted an humble Ad- dress to His Majesty, praying the removal of Samuel Gale, Esquire, from Ins office of Judge of the Court of King’s Bench in this Province, and that His Excel- u nC -L W -° llld be pleased to transmit the said Address to U \ E ”Sl«\d, to be laid at 639 a la Chambre, on dfylayant le dit Samuel Gale if ait pas juge a propos de transmettre en Angleterre la ny Adresse > les Rapports, Resolutions, Docutnens et / e Vr; gn r geS T" 1 accompagnaient, et de recommander le tout a la consideration favorable de Votre Maieste • sTson 11 To™! ^ ai V 1 ^ ex Pedient d’inir^ Soumise ® 2 p es 1 < ? eman ^ es de Vos Petitionnaires, soumists a Son Excellence dans la dite Adresse Votre ? J , dans le Bas -Cmadu, prient votre IVlajeste de prendre en sa consideration favorable e fails enonces auxquels il est fait allusion Zs e d.t Cinqweme Ra„, ort du C oraite Permanent des Griefs, afin de remedie, , ux p| aintes v "om conte! “ 7’ f/ e leire justice aur. Sujets de Votre Maieste en cette I rovince, en destituant U dit Samuel GhIp 1 venable et malgrb qu’il en fut indigne. by the Mddress lo ingand to -xcellency presented whole tb ®, fo ° tof th ® Throne, together °with ’ Copies of the fifth Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances concurred in by this House, and the Resolutions EvE dence and Documents accompanying the same, in or- der that the complaint therein contained be remedied and that justice be done in the premises to His Ma- jesty s suffering Subjects in this Province. The House divided on the Question: Yeas, 37. e • . Nays, 7. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved, Accordingly. T ,M f r ; y Cal H\ a r m ? ved ’ secon *d by Mr. Lardy, 1 hat the said Address be engrossed. The House divided on the Question: Yeas, 37. ... . , . ^ays, 7. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered , Accordingly. Ordered, That the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, and, also, the Address of this House to His Vajesty, be presented to His Excellency by the whole House. * Ordered, lhat Mr. 0 ‘Callaghan, Mr. Bardy, Mr. Lajontaine and Mr Child do wait upon His Excellency the Governor in Chief; to know His Excellency’s plea. dresses] 60 ^ ™ thlS H ° Use Wlth the said AcU Mr. M M peZauli a 3 oZleH P rt d ? r S1 *™de par 11. i errand, Que cette Chambre concourt avec le Co nnte dans la dite Adresse a Sa Majestd. Ea Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question : Pour, 37. . . Contre, 7. Ainsi elle a Cte emportee dans l’Affirmative, et Kesolu, En consequence. 2. Callaghan a propose, seconde par M. Rau- mond, Que la dite Adresse soit grossoyee La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question : Pour, 37. Contre, 7. Ainsi elle a ete emportee dans l’Affirmative, et Ordonne, En consequence. M. O’Callaghan a propose de resoudre, seconds par M .Lafantame, Qu il soil pr&ente une humble Adresse SiStX’i'r ci bon Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, informant Juge Gale - bon Excellence que cette Chambre a vote une humble Adresse a Sa Majeste, demandant le deplacement de Samuel Gale, Ecuver, de sa charge de Juge de la Cour du Banc du R01 en cette Province, et qu il p l a i se £ Son Excellence de transmettre la dite Adresse au Gon vernement de Sa Majeste en Angleterre, pour etre mise an pied du Trone, ensemble avec Copies du Cinnuieme Rapport du Comite Permanent des Griefs, adopte oar cette Chambre, et les Resolutions, T£moignao , es et Do- ciimens 1’accompagnant, afin qu’il puisse etre remedie a la plainte qui y est contenue, et que, sur le tout, ius- tice soit faite aux Sujets souffrans de Sa Maieste en eette Province. J La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Question : Pour, 37. Contre, 7. Ainsi elle a ete emportee dans l’Affirmative et Resolu, En consequence. M. O ‘Callaghan a propose, second e par M. Bardy Que la dite Adresse soit grossoyeev La Chambre s’est divisee sur li Question : Pour, 37 Contre, ". Ainsi elle a ete emportee drns l’Affirmative, et Ordonne, En consequence Ordonne, Que la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le L e .ad,„ sc ,.„ Douverneur-en-Chef, et aassi 1’Adresse de cette Cham £ oiet “ s ™ bre a Sa Majeste, soient presentees a Son Excellence par toute la Chambre. pytouteia Ordonne, Que M. O'Callaghan, M. Bardy, M. Lafon - tame et M. Child se rendent aupres de Son Excellence le G o li v e r n e u r -e n 'C h e f, pour savoir de Son Excellence quand il Jui plaira de recevoir cette Chambre avec les cutes AdresseSt 640 4 ° Martii. A. 18 36 . Copy of the Ad- dress to the King relating to Mr. Justice Gale, to be transmitted to Mt. lloebuck. Mr. 0‘CalW™ /’Xr^ioTt^^Lrai^vithouJ X *0 Tcm’ofZ^^ Province io Eng land, a _ ^opy Rf t h Report ofSde^e, and the *£ ruXrneasurefas to hint shall seem ftt. ^*- dress of the Grievances complained of in tne sam at O'Callaghan a propose, seconde par M. Hardy , dr ,^ all i;,„. One l’Orateur de cctte Chamhre transmette sans dc a. Juge Gale a k John- Arthur Roebuck, Ecuycr, Agent de cctte Pro- •»»>-»* Vince en Anglelerre, Copie de la due Adresse a Sa Ma- ieste, et Copie du dit t inquicme Rapport du Connie , •Permanent des Griefs, et des Resolutions, 1 emo.gnages et Documens qui 1 ’accompagnent, et que le dit Agent soil prie d’adopter telles mesures qu il jugera propres et convenables pour obtenir le redressement du Grief dont on se plaint dans le dit Rapport. port Resolutions and Address respec- ting Light Houses on Scat- tnrie and St. Paul’s Islands, reported. The House divided on the Question ^ Yeas, 37- Nays, 7- . So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Resolved , Accordingly La Chamhre s’est divisee sur la Question: Pour, 37. Contre, 7. Ainsi elle a ete emportee dans 1’ Affirmative, et Resolu, En consequence. Mr. fr^ ^ on the Second Kepoit o ► ofdivers Ship Owners, SM^Sers, 0 Merchants and otiiers, and othe-efe- rences, ic h R^utions were again ?ead at die Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House > an ‘,* a 'j jewlned’ That it is expedient to repeal an Act “ ‘° greatfully appreciate and returns its thanks for the enlightened liberality of His Maiesty’s Government, contained in the Dispatch o the Right Honorable the Colonial Secretary of S ate ^ ^TSthe' treasury will apply to the Impend ffthe ColoMes whose trade is to be benefited by the measure, will engage to defray the expense of then tUr 3 6 ^Resolved, That it is expedient to accept of the benevolent offer contained in the said Dispatch, and to co-operate with the Imperial Government and with the neighboring Colonies in carrying the same into eucet. 4 Resolved , That it is expedient to pass an Act during the present Session of the Legislature appoint- fnT^Commissioner on the part of this Province, to ar- bifrate and determine with such for the same purpose be authorized on the pait ot tne Provinces ot Nova Scotia , New Brunswick and Pan e ^Edward's Island, respecting the fittest sites upon the said Islands for the proposed Light Houses, am * sums of money required for the erection of the same, as well as fur their future support and under whose ma- nagement and control the yearly expenses of the said Lmht Houses ought to be placed ; and also to appor- tion the sum of moneT which this Province ought to contribute annually towards the maintenance of the : sm Light Houses according to the ionnage oi \ e . tr?dir- to or from this Province as compared to the Tonnage of Vessels trading to or from the other Pro- Gnces above mentioned, or* to the benefit which each of the said Provinces respectively may he expected to derive from the said Light Homes. . ■ . 5. Resolved, That it is expei\ient to appiopnate a sum of money not exceeding One hundred pounds, to defray the necessary expenses of the said Commissioner. 6. Resolved , That as soon as the Commissions ° n M Km°ht, du Comite de toute la Chamhre sur le AdreS6e au su j Second Rapport du Comite Special auquel a ete refe- <‘y rle la Petition de divers Proprieties de - Maitres de Vaisseaux, Marchands et auties, et a. t . references, a fait rapport, conformement a 1 Ordre, des Resolutions du dit Comite ; lesquelles Resolutions out Ge lues de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptees ete lues ue nuuvwu “ - - par la Chamhre ; et elles sont comme suit : 1 l. Resolu , Qu’il est expedient de rappelei un Acte passe dans les lOe et lie annees du llegne de feu Sa Maieste Geo. IV.. Chap. 34 intitu e,‘‘ Acte pour afee- - ‘terune certain* somme d’argent pour l’erection d’un « phare sur Pile St- Paul, et pour pourvosr a 1 entietien it d’lcelui.” • 2. Resolu, Que cette Chamhre apprecie avec recon- naissance les offies generalises et eclairees dn Gouver- nement de Sa X ajeste, contenues dans la Lepeche du Tres- Honorable Secretaire pour le Departement des Colonies, datee Downing-Sheet, le 4 Noyeinb e 183o, et elle Pen remercie ; d’apres laque le Dep.-che i pa- rait que les Lords Commissaires de la liesorene de Sa Maieste s’adresseront au Parlement Imperial pour de- man der 1 s foods necessaires pour enger des 1 hares sur les lies Scatarie et St. Paul , si les C domes dont cette mesure favorisera le Commerce, veulent entreprendie dese charger de leur entretien a Pavemr. 3. Resolu, Qu’il est expedient d’accuetllir 1 offre bien- veillante conteaue dans ladite Depeche, et de coopeiei avec le Gouvernement Imperial, et les Colonies voi- sines, a la mettre a effec. . , 4. Resolu, Qu’il est expedient de passer un Acte, pendant la Session actuelie de la Legislature, poui Sommer un Commissaire de la part de cette Province, aux fins de decider et determiner, de concert avec les Commissaires qui seront nomrnes pour le meme ohjet par les Provinces de la Nouvelle-Ecosse du A ouveau- ^ Brunswick, et de Pile du Prince -Edouard, quels sont les endroits les plus convenables ou Pon devrait constiune fes Phares projetSs sur les elites lies; quelles sommes d’argent seront necessaires pour es constiune et les maintenira Pavenir, et sous quelle regie et conti ole les depenses annuelles des dits Phares devront etre placets ; et aussi, de fixer la somme ou proportion que Sette Province devrait etre tenue de payer annuelle- ment pour Pentretien des dits Phares, eu egard au 1 o.t des Vaisseaux employes au Commerce de cette Pro- vince, et a cel ui des Vaisseaux employes au Commeice des autres Provinces sus-mentionnees, ou a 1 avantage „ue chacune (les elites Provinces respect, vement pom- rnnt retirer des dits Phares. 5. Resolu, Qu’il est expedient d’approprier une somme d’aro-ent n’excedant pas Cent livres, pour deiiayei les denenses necessaires du (lit Commissaire. T Tesolu, Qu’.ussitdt que le nomme Bill relatin'; to Light Houses >n Scattarie and it. Paul’s Is- ands, read the irst time. Committee on .esaers and -essees Bill. Committee on .ands and eigniorial lights. in Address re- orted relating > the Lands omprised in the .ease of the ling’s Posts; 6 Will. IV. 4>° Martii. CM the part of this Province, and the Commissioners on the part of the other Provinces above mentioned, shall have reported upon the matters referred to them res- pecting the said Light Houses, it will be expedient to pass an Act to provide the necessary funds for that part of the expenses towards the annual support of the said Light Houses which they may award to Lower Canada, and which being just and equitable ought to be borne by this Province. 7. Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying that His Excellency will be pleased to communicate the foregoing Resolutions to the Governments of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward's, Island. ^ Ordered, That Mr. Power, Mr. Le Boutillier , Mr. Caron and Mr. Huot do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief! Ordered, That Mr. Power have leave to bring in a Bill to appoint a Commissioner on the part of this Pro- vince, to arbitrate with Commissioners on the part of the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward's Island, respecting the maintenance of Light Houses on the Islands of Scattarie and St. Paul. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first tune ; and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to regulate the exercise of the rights apper- taining to Proprietors and Lessors, against their Te- nants and Lessees, and for other purposes therein men- tioned, being read ; ^ The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Raymond took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Raymond reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made an amendment thereto ; which amendment was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Second Report of the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Cote took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Cote reported that the Committee had come to a Resolution, which he was directed to submit to the House ; and, also, that he was directed by the Committee to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again this day, in the afternoon Sitting. Ordered , I hat the Report be now received. And the Report was received ; and the said Resolu- tion was again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and is as followeth : Resolved, That an humble Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, with reference to the Address of this House to His Excellency Sir James Kempt, bearing date the 28th February, 1829, and to the Answer of Sir James Kempt , of the 3rd March following, praying Plis Excellency to be pleased to take the subject of the said Address into consideration. par cctte Province, et les Commissaires nommds par les autres Provinces sus-mentionnees auront fait rapport sur les maticres qui leur auront etc referees relative- ment aux dits Phares il sera expedient de passer un Acte pour accorder les fonds necessaires pour subve- nir a cette paitie de la depense de 1 entretien annuel des dits Phares qui pourra etre adjug<$e comme dtant la part du Bas-Canada, et laquelle etant juste et raison- nable devrait etre payee par cette Province. 7- Resolu, Qu’il soit pr^sente une humble Adresse a Son^ Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, pour prier Son Excellence de communiquer les Resolutions ore- cedentes aux Gouvernemens de la N ouvelle-Ecosse\ du Nouveau- Brunswick et de 1’IIe du Prince-Edouard. Ordonne, Que M. Power, M. Le Boutillier, M. Ca- ron etM . Huot presentent ladite Adresse a Son Excel- lence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Ordonne, Que A;. Power ait la permission d’intro- Buiretetifides dune un Bill pour nommer un Commissaire-Arbitre £ l,a T sur !« tie la part de cette Province, pour decider avec des ^t. i* au i> ,u ia Commissaires de la part des Provinces de la Nouvelle- prera, * re fois ’ Ecosse , du Nouveau- Brunswick et de Pile du Prince - Edouard, quant a l’entretien de Phares sur les lies de Scattarie et de St. Paul. II a en consequence presented dit Bill, lequel a ete lu poui la premiere fois ; et dont la seconde lecture a etc ordonnee pour demain. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en ComitSsurie Comite sur le Bill pour regler l’exercice des droits des Loca^urset au * Pi oprietaires et Locateurs contre leurs Eermiers et L° caia|res - Locataiies, et pour d autres fins y mentionnees, ayant ete lu ; ' J La Chambre s est en consequence formee en le dit ComitG M. Raymond a. pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Lt M. Raymond a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait un amendement ; lequel amendement a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adopte par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amend^, soit gros- soye. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en comUesur.e Comity sur 10 Second Rapport du Comite Permanent Second Itapport sur les Ferres et Droits Seigneuriaux, ayant et 6 lu ; p^'its Seigneu- La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit riaux ’ Comit6„ M. Cute a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Cote a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe une Resolution, qu’il avait ordre de soumettre a la Chambre ; et aussi, qu’il lui etait enjoint par le Comite de demander permission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sie- ger de nouveau ce jour, dans la seance de l’apres-midi. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit maintenant re 5 U. Et le Rapport a ete re<^u; et la dite Resolution a ete lue de nouveau a la lable du Greffier, et adoptee par la Chambre ; et elle est comme suit : Resolu, Qu’il soit presente une humble Adresse a une Adresse Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, eu egard a PA- ra pp° rt ee rei a - dresse de cette Chambre a Son Excellence Sir James comprises dans Kempt, en date du 28 Fevrier 1829, et h la Reponse die FoSuRou Sir James Kempt, du 3 Mars suivant, priant Son Excel- lence de vouloir bien prendre en consideration le sujet de la dite Adresse, et faciliter la libre colonisation de cette 7 Z 4° Marlii. A. 1836. Answer to an Address. Answer to an Address. 642 and to facilitate the free settlement of that portion of the Province comprized in the Lease of the King’s Posts, and also the freedom of trade therein ; and more particularly not to renew the said Lease after it shall have expired, in order that the said tract ot Land may be reserved for the purposes of Agriculture in the man- ner above mentioned, under such regulations and pro- visions as may hereafter be adopted by the Provincial Legislature for facilitating the access to the said Lands, and the means of settling thereon, to the Inhabitants of this Province, and to such other subjects of His Ma- jesty as may be disposed to settle there. Ordered, That Mr. Morin, Mr. Simon, Mr. Charles Drolet and Mr. Leslie do present the said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. Then, on Motion of Mr. Cote, seconded by Mr. De Bleury, The House adjourned. cette partie de la Province comprise dans le Bail des Postes du Roi, ainsi que la liberte du Commerce en icelle ; et en particular ne pas continuer le dit Bail a son expiration, afin que la dite Hendue de territoire soit reservee pour les fins de l’Agriculture, ainsi que mentionne ci-dessus, sous tels reglerr.ens et dispositions qui pourront etre ci-apres adoptes par la Legislature Provinciale, pour faciliter l’acces aux dites Terres et leur defrichement aux Habitans de cette Province, et aux autres Snjets de Sa Majestd disposes a s’y etablir. Ordonne , Que M. Morin, M. Simon, M. Charles Dro- let et M. Leslie presentent la dite Adresse a Son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Alors, sur Motion de M. Cute , seconde par M. De Bleury, La Chambre s’est ajournee. Friday, 4th March, 1S3G . — Five o'clock, P. M. Vendredi, 4 Mars 1S3G . — Cinq heures, P. M. &/ft"R. Perrault, accompanied by the other Messen- ..tJIL gers, reported to the House, that their Address of the twenty fifth ultimo, to His Excellency the Go- vernor in Chief, relating to Daniel Arnoldi, Esquire, Physician of the Common Gaol at Montreal, and to Edward Holland, Keeper of the said Gaol, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I shall take this Address, and the Report and Re- solutions which accompany it, into my immediate and serious consideration ; and as soon as I shall have heard what the accused may have to allege in their defence, I shall adopt such measures as their respective cases may demand. I may here observe that the circumstances attending the death of the Prisoner, John Collins, had not escaped the attention of the proper authorities. The Attorney General recently preferred a Bill of Indictment for Murder against the Gaoler, Edward Holland, to whom the legal liability attaches for any want of care for the lives or health of the Prisoners under his charge’, but the Bill was thrown out by the Grand Jury. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 4th March, 1836. Perrault, accompagne des autres Messagers, a Re p0 nseaunej i / L © fait rapport a la Chambre que son Adresse du Adresse - vingt-cinq du mois dernier, a Son Excellence le Gou- verneur-en-Chef, relativement a Daniel Arnoldi, Ecuyer, Medecin de la Prison Commune a Montreal, et a Ed- ward Holland, Gardien de la dite Prison, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, Je prendrai immediatement cette Adresse, et le Rapport et les Resolutions qui l’accompagnent, en ma serieuse consideration, et aussitot que j’aurai entendu ce que les parties accusees peuvent avoir a alleguer pour leur defense, j’adopterai les mesures que leurs cas respectifs pourront exiger. Je puis faire observer ici, que les circonstances qui ont accompagne la mort du Prisonnier, John Collins , n’ont pas echappe a I’attention des autorites compe- tentes. Le Procureur-General a recemment preaente un Acte d’accusation pour Meurtre contre le Geolier Edward Holland, responsable en justice de tout manque de soin par rapport a la vie on a la sante des Prisonniers qui sont sous sa garde, mais le Grand Jury a rejete l’Acte d’accusation. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 4 Mars 1836. Mr. Gugy, accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the twenty fifth ultimo, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, relating to the cumulation of Offices, had been pre- sented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I request you to acquaint the House of Assembly in answer to this Address, that, as soon as the necessary arrangements can be effected, I will not fail to carry into execution the directions of His Majesty, as an- nounced in my Speech at the opening of the Session, with reference to persons holding incompatible or in- congruous appointments. And I further request you to assure the House, that in nominating to vacant Of- fices I shall not lose sight of their wishes, which are in strict accordance with my own views on the subject. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 4th March, 1836. Mr. M. Gugy , accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du vingt-cinq du inois dernier, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef, relativement au cumul des Emplois, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu'il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d’Assemblee, en reponse a cette Adresse, qu’aussitot qu’on pourra eftectuer les arrangemens necessaires, je ne manquerai pas de mettre a effet les Instructions de Sa Majeste, lei les qu’annoncees dans ma Harangue a l’ouverture de la Session, a l’egard des personnes qui remplissent des charges incompatibles. Et je vous prie d’assurer la Chambre, qu’en nommant aux Emplois vacans, je ne perdrai pas de vue ses desirs, qui sont en harmonieavec mes propres vues a cet egard. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec, 4 Mars 1836. Reponse A un Adresse. M. 6 Will. IV. 4° Martii , iMMngen re- Mr. Morin, accompanied by the other Messengers, reported that, in obedience to the orders of the House of the twenty sixth ultimo, they had waited upon Ilis Excellency the Governor in Chief, to know His Excel- lency’s pleasure when he will receive this House with their Addresses to His Majesty and to His Excellency on the State of the Province ; and that His Excellency had been pleased to appoint Monday next at two o clock, P. M., to receive the House at the Castle of St Lems. 643 M. Morin, accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait Rapport de» rapport, qu’en obeisance aux ordres de la Chambre, du Messagers. vingt-six du mois dernier, ils s’etaient rendus aupres de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, pour savoir de Son Excellence, quand il lui plairait de recevoir cette Chambre avec ses Adresses a Sa Majeste et a Son Ex- cellence, sur l’Etat de la Province, et qu’il avait plu a Son Excellence de fixer Lundi prochain ^ deux heures, l. pour recevoir la Chambre au Chateau St. Louis . journment. ( iincil’s i?ndments to ■ riff’s office 1 ulaiion Bill, ■ sidered and -■ed to. On Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Raymond, Ordered, That when this House doth adjourn, it will adjourn till to-morrow at ten o’clock, A. M. On Motion of Mr. I] not, seconded by Mr. Besserer, Ordered, That the Amendments made by the Legis- lative Council to the Bill, intituled, “An Act 1'or “ yaking certain regulations respecting the Office of “ Sheriff,” be now taken into consideration. The House proceeded accordingly to take the said Amendments into consideration. And the said Amendments were read ; and are as xolloweth : Press 1. Line QQ. — Leave out “ Inferior.” “ “ “ 36 — Leave out “ Inferior.” Press!. “ 4. — Leave out “ Districts,” and insert “ District.” 5.— After “ and,” insert “ District of.” 13. — Leave out “ Districts,” and insert “ District.” And the said Amendments being again read, thev were agreed to by the House. ^ Ordered, That Mr. Huot do carry back the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and acquaint their Honors that this House hath agreed to their Amendments. On Motion of Mr. O'Callaghan, seconded bv Mr. Besserer, Resoived, That the Clerk of this House having given rormotiAn 4- T* 4. L _ 1 _ m» i . ^ O O ce ( € Sur Motion de M. Viger, seconde par M. Raymond , r onnc, Que loisque cette Chambre s’aiournera Ajournement. eile s ajourne a demain a six heures, A. M. Sur Motion de M. Huot, seconde par M. Besserer Ordonne, ' 1 ~~ A J - ’ Legislatif ; “ reglemens au sujet .... . maintenant pris en consideration. etadoptes. La Chambre a en consequence procede a prendre les dits Amendemens en consideration. Et les dits Amendemens ont ete lus ; et sont comme bUll • Feuille 6. Ligne 38.. — Retranchez " les Districts In- “ ferieurs,” et inserez “le District “ Inferieur.” Ibid. Apres “ et,” inserez “ dans le “ District.” ”is r ro S ; : r P7^'7"' ATt l ‘T ^ ,cltv Ul U11S ool,se naving given > ,f ' Varch- information that he has no Parchment left, whereon to 1 hem on. f n g |OSS Tills, and that he cannot at present procure any in the Province, the Bills for the remainder of the nre- QPHf Spceinn K muiffAn «« D - . f . c . , 7 : — ui uie pre- sent Session be written on Paper previous to the third reading. Iss com- ii re to ilil with '3 f prece ;! esolu- lafing ,he u^v° Ve f! 3 That an i humble Address be presented to lingjteso. kfis Excellency the Governor in Chief, communicating •eoS.' s ‘ a C( W of t{ ie said Resolution. & Ordered, That Mr. O'Callaghan, Mr. Leslie, Mr. Besserer and Mr. Lajontaine do present the said Ad- dress to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. Resolved, That a Message be sent to the Legislative Council with a Copy of the said Resolution Ordered That Mr O'Callaghan do carry the said Message to the Legislative Council. On Motion of Mr. O'Callaghan, seconded by Mr Besserer, J Ordered That the Clerk of this House do prepare at ud-u ?• J he ( P resent Session, Lists of the Titles of all Bills which, having originated in this House during the last or present Session of the Legislature, were in- jected or declined to be acted upon by the Legislative Council, or which having been so sent up, were altered by the Legislative Council, so as to cause their subse- v> U n n V rejeCt !° n ivi, this ^ otIse > distinguishing money Bil s fiom other Bills; or which having originated in and been passed by the Legislative Council, were af terwards rejected or declined to be proceeded upon by this House; stating also the Titles of any Bills which oeing passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly* are Et les dits Amendemens ayant et6 lus de nouveau, ils ont ete adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne , Que M. Huot reporte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et informe leurs Honneurs que cette Cham- bre a adopte leurs Amendemens. ser ^ r ^ jT ° tlon de M. O'Callaghan, seconde par M. Bes- Resolu, Que le Greffier de cette Chambre ayant an- nonce qu il n’avait plus de Parchemin pour grossoyer les Bills, et qu il ne pent pas s’en procurer dans la Pro- vince a present, les Bills soient ecriis sur du Papier avant leur troisieme lecture, pendant le reste de la Ses* sion. Resolu , Quil soit presente une humble Adresse \ bon Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, communiquant une Copie de la dite Resolution. ^ Ordonne, Que M. O'Callaghan, M. Leslie, M. Besse- rer et M. Lajontaine, presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. . Resolu, Qu il soit envoye un Message au Conseil Le gislatif, avec une Copie de la dite Resolution. Ordonne Que M O'Callaghan porte le dit Message au Conseil Legislatif. & Resolution au sujet du man- que de Farche- min pour gros- soyer les bills. Adresse com- muniquant la Resolution prd- cedente a Son Excellence. Message au Conseil avec Copie de la Re- solution prece- dente. Call Bills > ced in i id 1836, 1 become . > be t, Sur Motion de M. O'Callaghan, seconde par M Bes- serer, 1 Ordonne, Que le Greffier de cette Chambre fasse a de, in, i. la clotuie de la Session actuelle, des Listes des Intitu- «n sd e tous les ies de tons les Bills qui, ayant pris leur engine dans S™, cette Chambre, pendant la dernii-re Session, on la Ses- K,”r sion actuelle de la Legislature, ont ete reietes nir Ip Lo,s > ^ etre im- Conseil Legislatif, ou dont celui-ci a refusfde s P 0CC u! pei ; ou qui, lui ayant ete envoy^s, ont ete alteres par je Conseil Legislatif, de maniere a les faire ensuite re- jeter par cette Chambre, distinguant les Bills dWent des auties Bills, ou qui, ayant pris leur origine et ete passes dans le Conseil Legislatif, ont ete ensuite rejetes par cette Chambre, ou dont elle a refuse de s’occuper mentionnant aussi les Intitules de tous Bills passes pa^ le OFF F" Alar tii. A. 1 836, , , the Ilova i AsseDt, or reserved for the con- le Conseil L6gislatif et 1’ Assemble, auxquels la sanc- ar£ refused the Koyai Assent, o Conies tion Royale a ete refusee, ou qui ont ete reserves pour Si ( ' e "f i T is°t! be* fo warleKy d tlie‘cfcrk toeachof the la consideration de Sa Majeste ; et que cinq Copies of such Lists betoiN y an be i mpr imees de ces Listes soient transmises par le Gref- Members of this House, as soon as t fi J ^ aucUn Jes Membres de cette Chambre, aussitot printed after the present Session. ^ cette j^ s te pourra etre imprimee apres la Session actuelle. On Motion of Mr. Dubord, seconded by Mr. Mans- Sur Motion de M. Dubord, seconde par M. Mans- seau, i a,. 58 H. o.o. Resolved, That this House will, to-morrow, resolve Kr'St 8 .' 0 itself into a Committee of the whole House, to consider dian Meal to be ,1 exnec liencv of amending an Act passed in tne nrn considered - eighthly ear of the Reign of His Majesty George the Third, intituled, “ An Act to amend an Act passed in « the forty sixth year of His Majesty’s Reign, intituled, « An Act to repeal an Ordinance made and passed in “ in the twenty fifth year of His Majesty s Reign, ni- ce tituled, “ An Ordinance to prevent the exportation “ of unmerchantable Flour, and the false taring of “ Bread and Flour Casks, to regulate the Packing and e« Inspection of Flour and Indian Meal, and to provide “ for ascertaining the quality of Biscuit in future. seau, III liesolu, Que, demain, cette Chambre se formera en HI. relatif.l Comite de touts la Chambre, pour considerer s’il ne f.™*/ serait pas expedient d’atnender un Acte passe dans la af an nee du Regne de Sa Majeste serait nas expedient a amenuei un fiucifa^uaua m ,eml, > rantaine stricte et efficace, dans la Province du Bas- Canada, ayant ete lu ; Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis A de- main. rnm,v! die du j° ur P 0l «r q>ie la Chambre se forme en Comits „ur im- ^omite sur le Rapport du Comite Special nomnie pour tat f esaffii 1 r / st| u s enquerir dans quel etat sont les affaires de la defalca- veaTeniT' tion du ci-devant Receveur-General John Caldwell, avec Instruction de prendre en consideration quelles pour- raient ctre les mesures a adopter par cette Chambre pom assurer les Droits de cette Province, ayant eteiu; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Pierre-Antoine Dorian a pris le Fauteuil du Co- mue ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps. M. rOrateur a repris le FauteuiJ ; Et M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion a fait Rapport que Ie Count e avait passe plusieurs Resolutions, qu’il avait ordre de soumettre a la Chambre. 1 Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re$u demain. rom?J d sm- l»V° Ur ^ Chambre se forme eu am rt™. Sr 6 ^ cl PP ort du s omite Special auquel a ete ,a “ ieremis - refere le Rapport des Commissaires du Canal de Cham, bly, et autres references, ayant ete lu; Comlt^ ilambre S ’ GSt 60 cons ^ ( l uence formee en le dit M. Raymond a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps. p M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Raymond a fait Rapport que le Comite avait passe plusieurs Resolutions, qu’il avait ordre de sou- mettre a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re$u demain. Les noms des Membres presens ont ete pris comme bllll* M. I’Orateur, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker, Beaudouin, Berthelot, hes~ serer, Caron, Cazeau, Clapham, Cote, De Bleury, De Witt, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Grannis, Hebert, Huot, Lafontaine, Le - tourneau Mor in, Noel, O' Callaghan, Perrault, Raymond, Simon, Ihibaudeau, Toomy , Vanfelson, Viger et Wells. Et a minuit et vingt minutes, M. l’Orateur a ajournd la Lhambie faute d g Quorum. 8 A V ol, — 45. Saturday, Samcdi, 646 5° Marlii. A. 1836 . Adjournment. Report on .Lumber Bill* Report on Mes- sage relating to the Custom House at Que- bec. Saturday , 5th March , 1836.— Ten o'clock, A. M. Samedi,5 Mars 1836 . — Dix heures, A. M. fi #N Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Raymond, ^ Ordered , That when this House doth adjourn, it will adjourn till five o’clock, P. M., this day. ^UR Motion de M. Viger, seconde par M. Raymond, Ordonne, Que lorsque cette Chambre s’ajournera, Ajoumement. elle s’ajourne a cinq heures, P. M. ce jour. Mr. Blackburn, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill for the better regulation of the Lumber Trade, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments therefo, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. , , , Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Monday next. M. Blackburn, du Comit^ Special auquel a ete refere le Bill pour mieux regler le Commerce des Bois, a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait lait plusieurs amendemens j lesquels amendemens out ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient reteres r\ un Comite de toute la Chambre, Lundi prochain. Rapport sur le Bill du Com- merce des Buis. Mr. Dubord, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Message of His Excellency the Gover- nor in Chief, with the accompanying Documents, re- lating to the Custom House at Quebec, presented to the House the Report of the said Committee, which was ao-ain read at the Clerk’s Table ; and is as followeth : ^Your Committee after having maturely examined the said Message and other Documents referred to them by Your Honorable House, came to the resolution of adopt- ing the following Report : Your Committee ascertained in the first place, that by the Act passed in the tenth and eleventh years of the Reion of His late Majesty George the Fourth, Chapter thirty three, the Administrator of the Government of the Province was authorized to purchase, or to cause to be constructed in such part of the Lower Town of Quebec as might be considered the most advantageous, a fit and suitable Building with the necessary dependen- cies, to serve as a Custom House for the Port of Que- bec, and was moreover authorized to employ a sum of Six thousand pounds, for that object. 1 his Act in no way provides for the appointment of Commissioners for carrying it into effect. It appears that by virtue of the power vested in him, he named of his own accord the Collector and Comptroller of the Port of Quebec, Com- missioners for building the said Custom House, upon land belonging to His Majesty, and of which a portion was granted for the said purpose. It appears to Your Committee that the Commissioners thus named, having ascertained that the sum appropriated was insufficient to build the said Custom House, according to the Plans and Estimates which had been made and submitted to them, made a Report to the late Governor in Chief on the 22nd March, 1831, submitting that the sum appro- priated was insufficient to build the said Custom House. On the 2*21x1 April of the same year, His Excellency required them to proceed with the work as far as the sum appropriated would permit. On the 23rd No- vember of the same year, the Commissioners made a second Report, shewing the insufficiency of the first appropriation before mentioned ; and in consequence of this Report, and of the recommendations from the Governor in Chief, a new appropriation was made by virtue of the Act passed in the second year of His Ma- jesty’s Reign, Chapter forty five, of the sum of One thousand three hundred and fifty pounds Currency, to complete the Building commenced in 1831 ; but this sum, of which the Commissioners have rendered a faith- ful account, was only sufficient for the completion of the body of the Building, without touching the two pro- posed Wings, which are absolutely necessary for the convenience of the Officers of the Department, and the preservation of the Building. < Your Committee after having heard John Bruce, Es- quire, one of the Commissioners, and Mr. H. M. Blaik- lock, M. Dubord, du Comite Special auquel a ete refere le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur en-Chef, 4 un e Maison avec les Docnmens qui l’accompagnent, relativement ^ Quebec, une Maison de Douane a Quebec, a presente a la Cham- bre le Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a etc. hi de nou- veau a la Table du Greffier, et il est comme suit : Votre Comite, apres avoir inurement examine le Message et autres Documens a Ini soumis par \otie Honorable Chambre, en est venu a la resolution d a- dopter le suivant: Votre Comite a d’abord examine que par l’Acte passe dans les dixieme etonzieme annees du Regne de feu Sa Majest6 George Quat re, Chapitre trente-trois, l’Admi- nistrateur de la Province etait autorise a faire acquisi- tion on de faire conslruire dans telle partie tie la Basse- Ville de Quebec, la plus avantageuse, un Edifice propre et convenable, avec les dependances necessaires pour servir comme Bureau de Douane, au Poit de Quebec , et il etait de plus autorise k employer une somme de Six mille lonis a cette fin. Cet Acte ne pourvoit nul- lement a la nomination de Commissaires pour son exe- cution. Il parait qu’en vertu du pouvoir a lui confere, il nomma de sa propre volonte leCollecleur et le C on- troleur du Port de Quebec, Commissaires a l’effet de faire construire le dit Bureau de Douane sur un ter- rein appartenant a Sa Majeste, et dont p a i tie fut ac- cordee pour cette fin. Il parait a \ otre Comite que les Commissaires ainsi nommes, ayant fait rappoit au ci- devant Gouverneur-en-C hef que la somme appropriee etait insuffisante pour batir la dite Maison de Douane, d apr£s les Plans et evaluations qui en avaient ete faits et a eux soumis, firent rapport le 22 Mars 1831, sou- mettant que la somme appropriee etait insuffisante pour batir la dite Maison de Douane. Le 22 Avril de la m £me annee, Son Excellence les requit de proceder a 1’ouvrage, jusqu’au montant de la somme appropriee Le 23 Novembre de la meme annee, les Commissaires firent un deuxieme Rapport, exposant I’insuffisance de la premiere appropriation ci-devant mentionnee, et en consequence de ce Rapport, et des recommendations du Gouverneur-en-Chef, une nouvelle appropriation fut faite en vertu de l’Acte passe dans la seconde annee du Regne de Sa Majeste, Chapitre quarante-cinq, de la somme de Mille trois cent cinquante livres Courant, pour parachever I’Edifice commence en mil-huit-cenl- trente-et-un ; mais cette somme dont les Commissaires rendent un Compte fidele, n’a pu que pourvoir a fimr le corps de 1* Edifice, sans y comprendre les deux Ades projetees, et qui sont d une necessite absolue, pour le besoin des Officiers du Departement, et la conservation de 1’ Edifice. Votre Comite, apres avoir entendu John Bruce, E- cuyer, l’un des Commissaires, et M. H.-M. Blai /clock , “ Architecte, 6 Will, IV. 5° Mdrtii. 647 lock, Architect, and having caused the latter to explain the nature of the work necessary to complete the Build- ing, and the probable cost of the whole, submit to Your Honorable House, that a sum, not exceeding Two thou- sand seven hundred and thirteen pounds fifteen shil- lings and three pence, would be necessary for the com- pletion of the said work. Before concluding this Report, Your Committee cannot refrain from observing that a Commission of five per cent allowed to the Architect, appears to them to be too high a remuneration, and that in consequence thereof no more than three per cent ought to be allowed on the sum expended, out of the appropriation hereby recommended. J Ordered, lhat the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Monday next. . ms respecting Mr. Power, from the Special Committee to whom 2 ve P dTetch refen ; ed , tIle Petition of divers Inhabitants of the irish Church County of Vlslet, and other references, presented to i plain or Mi- House the Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk's Table, as followeth : Your Committee, in obedience to the orders of lour Honorable House, having directed their most se- rious attention to the several Petitions which you have referred to them, relative to the right of Senior Cap- tains of Militia to occupy Pews of honor {Bancs d'lion- neur) in their respective Parish Churches, found it ne- cessaiy in older to enable them to report their opinion on the merits of these Petitions, to obtain information as to the general usage in this respect which prevails throughout the Province, and with this view Your Committee caused Circulars to be sent to the several Senior Captains of Militia in the Country Parishes de- manding the requiied information. I o the greater part of which Circulars, Your Committee have °not as yet received answeis. lour Committee therefore respect- fully submit to \our Honorable House the necessity of lesu ming the consideration of the said Petitions at the next Session of the Legislature. On Motion of Mr. Power, seconded by Mr. Bouffard, Resolved, That if this House do not proceed further upon the said subject during the present Session, the consideration of the same be resumed at the next Ses- sion of the Legislature. A rchitecte, et avoir fait expliquer a ce dernier la nature des ouvrages de cet Edifice et le cout probable du tout sou met a Votre Honorable Chambre qu’une somme n’ex- cedant pas Deux mille sept cent treize livres quinze schel lings et trois deniers serait necessaire pour la per- fection des dits ouvrages. 1 Avant de conclure ce Rapport, Votre Comit6 ne pent s empecher d’observer que la Commission de cinq pour cent, allouee h l’Architecte, lui, parait une remune- ration trop considerable, et qu’en consequence, dans I emploi de la nouvelle appropriation, on ne clevrait allouer qu’une somme n’excedant pas trois pour cent. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre, Lundi prochain. M. Power, du Comite Special auquel a ete refere la Petition de divers Habitans du Comte de Vlslet, et auties references, a presente a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comity iequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Grefiier, comme suit : Votre Comite, conformement aux ordres de Votre Honorable Chambre, ayant dirige son attention la plus sene use sur les diverses Petitions qui lui ont ete refe- rees relativement au droit des plus anciens Capitaines de Mil ice, d’occuper des Bancs d’honneur dans les Eghses de leurs Paroisses, a juge necessaire, pour pou- voir fane rapport de son opinion sur le merite de ces Petitions, de se procureur des informations quant a 1 usage general qui existe a cet egard dans toute la Pro- vince; et, pour cette fin, Votre Comite a faitadresser des Circulaires aux divers auciens Capitaines de Milice dans les Paroisses de Campagne pour demander ces in- formations. Votre Comite n’a pas encore re$u de re- ponse d la plus grande partie de ces Circulaires ; en consequence il soumet respectueusement a Votre Ho- norable Chambre la necessite de reprendre la conside- ration des dites Petitions dans la prochaine Session de la Legislature. Sur Motion de M. Power, seconde par M. Bouffard, Resolu, Que si cette Chambre ne procede pas ulte- lieurement sur le dit sujet durant la presente Session, la consideration d’icelui en sera reprise a la prochaine Session de la Legislature. Rapport sur les Peiilions au su- jet du Banc re. serve dans ebaque Eglise Paroissiale pour le plus ancien Capitaine da Milice. fcEby* An e ”S rossed Bil1 to suspend, for a limited time, cer- < passed. tain Ordinances therein mentioned, as far as the same relate to the City of Quebec, and the City of Montreal, and for preventing accidents by Fire, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered , That Mr. Caron do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. kuncr A Message from the Legislative Council by the Ho- norable Mr. De Lery, one of the Masters in Chancery • Mr. Speaker, tl h r T, ?<; Legislative Council have passed the following Bills without any Amendment : i >ns Bill. An Act to establish Depots of Provisions for the “ relief of Shipwrecked persons.” ^Customs « An Act to regulate and establish the Salaries of “ th e Officers of the Customs at the Inland Ports in this 1 rovince, and for other purposes therein men- “ tioned.” An Act to continue, for a limited time, two cer- “ tain Acts therein mentioned concerning the Militia “ of this Province.” ° >Bin. Assem “ An Act to enable the Commissioners for the erec- “ tion of a new Hall of Assembly to pay off a certain “ excess Un Bill grossoye pour suspendre, pour un temps li- BiIl .P our P r ?* mite, ceitaines Ordonnances y mentionnees, en autant dens^Feu', qu’eiles ont rapport a la Cite de Quebec et a la Cite de pass neSa ! lt ;, d f® A fteancesdei As- “ blee, semb ^e> 64*8 5 e Martii . A. 18 36. (< ■pill for the pur- chase of Grosse Isle. Charitable In- stitutions Bill- Bill for printing in French Evans’ treatise on Agriculture. Steam Dredg- ing Vessel Bill. Education en- couragement Bill. NormalSchools Bill. Sanitary and Charitable pur- poses reim- bursement Bill. Religious Con- gregations hill, with an amend- ment. “ excess of expenditure, and to cause certain work to be clone about the said Building. . T , , “ An Act to enable His Majesty to acquire the Island “ called “ Grosse Isle, for the Public uses of the Pro- « vince, and to indemnify the Proprietor and the Les- “ see thereof.” „ ,. “ An Act to provide for the support of divers Lha- « ritable Institutions, and for other purposes theiein “ mentioned*’* _ . . . . “ An Act to grant an aid towards printing in the <( French Language the treatise on Agiicultuie wiit- “ ten by William Evans” “ An Act to provide means for putting the Steam “ Dredging Vessel into operation. “ Arf Act for the encouragement of Education in “ this Province.” u An Act to provide for the establishment of rsoi- “ mal Schools.” a An Act to provide for the reimbursement ot cer- “ tain sums of money expended for Sanitary and Cha- « ritable purposes, and to make provision foi similar “ purposes for the future. And, also ; . . The Legislative Council have passed the Bill, inti- tuled “ An Act to repeal an Act passed in the tenth “ and eleventh years of His late Majesty s lleign, inti- « tided, “An Act for the relief of certain Religious “ Congregations therein mentioned, and to make other “ Legislative provision in the place thereof, wit i an Amendment, to which they desire the concurrence of the Assembly. And, also ; Legislative Council, Friday , 4th March , 1836. “ blec, en etat de couvrir un excedant de depenses, et “ de faire faire certains ouvrages au dit Batiment.” “ Acte pour mettre Sa Majeste en etat de faire Pac- “ quisition de lTle appelee “ la Grosse-Ile,” pour les Grosse-ite. “ usages publics de la Province, et pour indemniser le “ Proprietaire et le Fermier d’icelle-” Acte pour pourvoir a divers objets de Bienfai- | A # s *7 objets de Bien- a sance, et autres fins y mentionnees. fc‘* ance - “ Acte pour aider a l’lmpression en langue Fran- 9 aise du Traite d* Agriculture do William Evans.” “ Acte pour pourvoir a la mise en operation duCure- “ Mole a Vapeur.” a Acte pour ^encouragement de 1 Education en cette Province.” “ Acte pour pourvoir a l’etablissement d Ecoles Aor- a niales # 75 “ Acte pour pourvoir au remboursement de certaines “ sommes d’argent depensees pour des fins Sanitaires et de Bienfaisance, et pour pourvoir a des objets sem- “ blables pour l’avenir.” Et, aussi, . . Le Conseil Legislatif a passe le Bill, intitule, “ Acte “ pour revoquer un Acte pass6 dans les dixieme et “ onzieme annees du Regne de feu Sa Majeste, inti. “ tide, “ Acte pour le secours de certaines Congiega- “ tions Religieuses y mentionnees, et pour faiie^dau- “ tres dispositions Legislatives au lieu dicelui, avec un amendement, auquel il demande la concurrence de P Assemblee. Et, aussi, Conseil Legislatif, Vendredi , 4 Mars 1836. Bill pour l’im- pression en Frangais du Traite d’ Agri- culture d’E- vans. Bill relatif au Cure- Mole a Vapeur. Bill pour l’en. couragement de l'Educaticn Bill des Ecolea Normales; et Bill pour le remboursement de depenses pour des Cns Sanitaires et de Bienfaisance, sans amende- ment ; et Bill pour des Congregations religieuses, a«ec un amendement. i t Leave to A. J ourdain to at- te , Ordered, That one of the Masters in Chancery do go ■mi the” House. c ] 0 wn to the Assembly, and acquaint that House, that the legislative Council do give leave to Auguste Jour- dam, one of the Officers of this House, to appear before the Standing Committee of the House of Assembly on Grievances, on Saturday next at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to be examined on the subject of the com- plaints against the Honorable Mr. Justice Bowen. And then he withdrew. Ordonne, Qu’un des Maitres en Chancellerie se rende yjlU'Ji r/iL-, ■vs','-* *•*" - | A. Jourdain d a P Assemblee, et informe cette Cliambre que le Lon- 11 V /esse 111 U ICC, cc iiiiuiiuv — , , venir devant I seil Legislatif permet a Auguste Jourdain , 1 un des Ohi- Cl,,imb ' 0 ' ciers de cette Chambrc, de comparaiire devant le Comite Permanent des Griefs de la Cliambre d as- semblee, Samedi prochain a dix heures du matin, poui etre examine sur le sujet des Plaintes contre l’Honora- ble M. le Juge Bowen. Et ensuite il s’est retire. Resolutions on the present slate ot the atfaiis of the late Ue- c. iver General, rtporltd. Mr. Pierre Antoine Dorion, from the Committee of the whole House on the Report of the Special Com- mittee appointed for the purposes of enquiring into the present state of the affairs relating to the defalcation of the late Receiver General, John Caldwell, with an in- struction to consider what measures ought to be adop- ted by this House in order to secure the rights of this Province, reported, according to Order, the Resolu- tions of the said Committee ; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House ; and are as followeth : r . 1. Resolved, That it is advantageous for the i io- vince to acquire the property of the Seigniory of Lau- zon when the same is sold by the Sheriff, in case no biddings should be offered to an amount approaching its real value. 2. Resolved, That it is expedient to appoint one or more Commissioners to become the purchasers of the said Seigniory of Lauzon, for and on behalf of the Pro- vince, at such sale, which Commissioners shall use their discretion with respect to the amount of the bidding, and shall administer the affairs of the said Seigniory until the Session of the Parliament next immediately after the purchase, by causing figurative Plans to be made of the different subdivisions which might be made for the purpose of effecting a sale of the said Seigniory M. Pierre- Antoine Dorion, du Comite de toute la Cliambre sur le Rapport du Comite ^l )e ^! al , , Ileceveur.G' . 1 1 ^ i i I - — . I r. . . — /V n / 1 I o , « ^ Jidiuui l on* ^ i /y* • J I Keceveur-u pour s’enquerir dans quel etat sont les affaires de la ^\, ra PP o defalcation du ci-devant Receveur-General John Cald- tccs - well, avec Instruction de prendre en consideration quel- les pourraient etre les mesures a adopter par cet Cham- hre pour assurer les droits de cette Province, a fait rapport, conformement a l’Ordre, des Resolutions du dit Lomite ; lesqueiles Resolutions ont etc lues de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptees par la Chambre; etelles sont comme suit: 1. Resolu, Qu’il est avantageux pour la Province d’acquerir la Propriete de la Seigneurie d q Lauzon, lors tie la vente d’icelle par decret, si des eneneres ap- prochant de sa juste valeur n’etaient point mises et of- iertes. 2. Resolu, Qu’il est expedient de notnmer un ou plu- sieurs Commissaires pour se porter adjudicataires pour et au nom de la Province, de la Seigneurie de Lauzon , lors de l’adjudication d’icelle, lesquels Commissaires useront de leur discretion quant au xnontant de 1 en- chere, et administreront la dite Seigneurie jusqu a la Session du Parlement suivant immediatement leurachat, en faisant dresser des Plans figuratifs des differentes subdivisions qui pourront etre f'aites pour parvenu a a vente par partie de cette Seigneurie dans le cas de reventc . zon Com- i ioneri Bill : the first vlutions on hnbly Canal | ted. 6 Will. IV. 5° Marin. 649 Seigniory in different portions, if it should be deemed necessary to sell the same, and shall report to this House within the first fifteen days of the aforesaid Session. 3. Resolved, lhat the Governor, Lieutenant Gover- nor, or person administering the Government of this Province, be authorized to issue his Warrant fora sum, not exceeding Five hundred pounds Currency, to be taken out of the unappropriated monies of this Pro- vince, to meet the necessary expenses occasioned by the said purchase, and the making of the said Plans. 4. Resolved, That if the said Seigniory should be purchased by the said Commissioners, the Sheriff of the District of Quebec shall not be entitled to any Commis- sion or poundage on the price for which the same shall be sold. Ordered, That Mr. Besserer have leave to bring in a Bill to provide for the appointment of Commissioners to bid at the sale of the Seigniory of Lauzon by the She- riff, and for other purposes therein mentioned. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time, on Monday next. revente d’icelle, si elle est jugee necessaire, et feront rapport k cette Chambre dansles premiers quinze jours de la elite Session. 3. Resolu , Que le Couverneur, Lieutenant-Gouver- neur ou la Personne ayant 1’administration du Gou- vernement de cette Province, soit autori&e a emaner son Warrant pour une somme n’excedant pas Cinq cents livres courant, a prendre a meme les denieis non- appropries de cette Province pour defrayer les frais et d^penses que necessiteront un tel achat et la dresse des Hits Plans. 4. Resolu, Que le Sherif du District de Quebec ne pourra exiger, dans le cas de Pachat de la elite Sei- gneurie par les Hits Commissaires, aucune Commission poundage, sur le prix de vente d’icelle. Ordonne, Que M. Besserer ait la permission el’intro- B „, p0IirdM duire un Bill pour pourvoir a la nomination de Com- Commi-sairw missaires charges d’encherir a la vente par Decret de “r'd^Lau. la Seigneurie He Lauzon, et autres fins y mentionnees. SefoL pre ' II a en consequence presente le dit Bill, lequel a He lu pour la premise fois; et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour Lundi prochain. Mr. Raymond , from the Committee of the whole House on the Beport of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Report of the Commissioners for the Chambly Canal, and other references, reported, ac- cording to Order, the Resolutions of the said Commit- tee, which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, as followsth : 1. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That it is urgently necessary that the Chambly Canal should be completed with all possible diligence, seeing with regret that the said Canal, which was to be com” pitted on the 1st October last, is still unfinished, and hat the Contractor will be unable to complete the same. 2. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That it is expedient to grant to His Majesty, a sum, not exceeding Twenty eight thousand pounds Currency, to furnish the Commissioners of the Corpora- tion of the Chambly Canal, with the means of com- pleting the said Canal. 3. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That in case there should not be in the Public Chest a sufficient sum of money to cover the grant hereby made, or every part thereof, the Commissioners of the said Canal may be authorized by the Governor in Chief, or by the Person administering the Govern- ment of this Province, to borrow money on the most advantageous conditions they may find possible, and for the monies so borrowed, and the interest thereon (which shall not in any case exceed the legal rate of interest) this Province shall be surety and responsible. 4. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That the said Commissioners be authorized, after notices inserted in two Newspapers published in the French and English languages, to give to the person or persons making the lowest and most advantageous ten- ders, and under one or more contracts, the work to be done about the said Canal, requiring from the Con- tractor or Contractors good and sufficient security for the entire completion of the work about the said Canal. 5. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That it is expedient to commence the works to be done on the said Canal without delay, in order that they may be completed, if possible, in the course of the present year, or, at the latest, during the year 1837. 6. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, That it is expedient, in order to facilitate the naviga- tion M. Raymond, du Comite de toute la Chambre SUr RS'olutions sur le Rapport du Comite Special auquel a ete refere le c&ifV Rapport des Commissaires du Canal de Chambly, et port ® e5 - autres references, a fait rapport, conformement a I’Or- dre, des Resolutions du dit Comite, lesquelles Resolu- tions ont ete lues de nouveau k Table du Greffier, comme suit: 1. Resolu , Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’il est d’une nHessite urgente de completer et de para- chever le Canal de Chambly, et ce avec toute la dili- gence possible, voyant avec peine que le dit Canal qui devait etre termine le ler Octobre deruier, ne l’est pas, et que le Contracteur sera hors d’etat de pouvoir le parachever. 2. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’il est expedient d’accorder a Sa Majeste, un octroi n’ex- cedant pas Vingt-huit mille livres cours actuel, pour fournir aux Commissaires formant la Corporation du Canal de Chambly, les moyens de completer le dit Canal. 3. Resolu, Que e'est l’opinion de ce Comite, Que dans le cas ou il n’y aurait pas dans les Coffres Publics des deniers suffisans pour couvrir 1'octroi ci-dessus ou partie d’icelui, les Commissaires du dit Canal soient autorises par le Gouverneur en-Chef, ou par la Per- sonne qui aura l administration du Gouvernement de la Province, de faire des emprunts aux conditions les plus avantageuses, et pour lesquels emprunts, ainsi que pour les interets (lesquels n’excederont en aucun cas l’interet legal) cette Province se rendra caution et res- ponsable. 4. Resolu, Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Que les dits Commissaires seront autorises, apr£s annonces faites dans deux Papiers-Nouvelles publies en langues Fran$aise et Angiaise, de donner, au rabais et aux con- ditions les plus avantageuses, a un ou a plusieurs Con- tracteurs, les ouvrages a faire au dit Canal, exigeant du ou des Contracteurs de bonnes et suffisantes cau- tions pour la completion entieie des ouvrages du dit Canal. 5. Resolu, Que e'est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’il est expedient de commencer au plus vite les ouvrao-es a Zaire au dit Canal, afin de les voir paracheves dans le cours de la presente annee, s il est possible, ou au plus tard dans le cours de Fannie 1S37. 6. Resolu , Que e’est l’opinion de ce Comite, Qu’il est expedient dans la vue de faciliter la navigation de la 8 B Vol. — 45. 5° Martii , A. 1836, 650 tion of the River Richelieu, to construct a Dam and a l ock at the Village of SI. Ours, as suggested and re- commended by the Commissioners appointed for the improvement of the Navigation of the River Richelieu. 7. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Committee, That it is expedient to grant to His Majesty, a sum, not exceeding Nine thousand five hundred pounds Currency, ove S r and above the sum of Four Umusami pounds Currency, already appropriated by the Le Lure by the Act of the 4th Will. IV. Cap. 40 (which said sum the Commissioners have not touched) lor tl purpose of enabling the said Commissioners to con- struct the said Dam and Lock. . ... 8. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, That in case there should not be in the 1 ublic Che. * .i t nr 1 nar m ease uicie snvuiu ~ - a sufficient sum of money to cover the above grant, every portion thereof, the Commissioners for the im- provement of the River Richelieu may be authorized by the Governor in Chief, or by the Person administering the Government of this Province, to borrow money on the most advantageous terms they may find possible, and for the monies so borrowed, and the inter est thereon, (which shall not exceed the legal rate) this Province shall be suretv and responsible. _ ... 9. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this ( omimttee. That the said Commissioners shall not be entit e o receive any Commission on the said sum of Nine thou- sand five hundred pounds Currency, as allowed to them by the Acts of the 57th Geo. III. Cap. 13, and 6th Geo. IV, Cap 33. _ . . ,, -. 10. Resolved , That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That it would be highly advantageous, that t ie said Dam and Lock shall be constructed during the course of the present year, or at latest during the course of the year 1837* , Ordered , That the Question of concurrence be now separately put upon the said Resolutions. And the first of the said Resolutions being again read, and the Question of concurrence being put there- on, it was agreed to by the House. . , . The second of the said Resolutions being again real , Mr De Witt moved in amendment thereto, seconded by Mr. Perrault, That the word “eight” be struck out, and the word “ two” substituted. The House divided on the Motion of amendment, and the names being called for, they were taken down, as followeth : Yeas, Messieurs Blackburn, Cazeau , Cote, Be Witt, Pierre Antoine Dorion, Fortin, Hebert, O’ Callaghan and Perrault. (9.) Nays, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker, Barely, Berthelot, Besserer, Blanchet, Bouffard, Caron, Cherrier, Child, Clapham, De Bleury, De Tonnancour , Charles Drolet, Fraser, Grannis, Huot, Knight, Lafontaine, Larue, Leslie, Letourneau, Meilleur, Morin, Mous- seau, Noel, Power, Raymond, Simon, Tache, Joseph Andre Tas- chereau, Thibaudeau, Toomy, Trudel, Vanfelson, Viger and Wells. (37.) So it passed in the Negative. The Question being then put on the second of the said Resolutions, the House divided thereon; and the names being called for they were taken down, as fol- loweth : Yeas, Messieurs Archambeault , Baker, Bardy, Berthelot, Besserer, Blackburn, Blanchet , Bouffard , Laron, Cher- rier, Child, Clapham, De Bleury, De Tonnancour, Pierre Antoine Dorion , Charles Drolet, Fraser , Grannis, Huot, i„ Riviere Richelieu de construire une Chanssee et une Eel use au-dessus du Village de St. Ours, ainsi qu il est srio’eere et recommande par les Commissaires nom- rnes pour l’amelioration de la Navigation de la Riviere Richelieu. , , ^ *. / /^\ >•* 7 Resold , Que e'est I’opimon de ce Comite, Qu it est expedient d’accorder a Sa Majeste un octroi n ex- cedant pas la somme de Neuf mile cinq cents cours actuel, en sus de celui de Quatre m.lle l.vres sus- dit COUPS, dry. approprie par la Legislature par I Ac e dela 4e Guilt. IV., Chap. 40, laquelle na pas cte touchee par les dits Commissaires. el ce pour mettre les dits Commissaires en etat de construire les dites Chaussee et Ecluse. . . n ~ 8. Resolu, Que e'est l’op.n.on de ce Com.te, Que dans le cas ou il u’y aurait pas dans les Coffres I de deniers suffisans pour couvnr 1 octroi ci-dessus on partie d’icelni, les Commissaires pour 1 amelioration de la Riviere Richelieu seront autorises par le Gouverneur- en-Chef, ou par la Personne qui aura I’administration du Gouvernement de la Province, de fane des ein- pmnts aux conditions les plus avantageuses, pour les- quels emprunts, ainsi que pour les mterets (lesquels n’excederont en auci.n cas I interep legal) cette Pro- vince se rendra caution et responsable. 9 Resolu , Que e’est l’opimon de ce Comite, Que sur cette somme de Neuf mille cinq cents l.vres susd.t cours actuel, les dits Commissaires n auront aucun droit de recevoir ou de percevoir une Commission, a nisi qu’ils en ont le droit par les Actes de la 57e Geo. III. Chap. 13, et de la Ge Geo. IV. Chap. 33. ,.. 10. Resolu, Que e’est l’opimon de ce Comite, Qu il serai t tres-avantageux que les dites Chaussee et Ecluse soient construites dans le cours de la presente annee, ou au plus tard dans le cours de l’annee 183/. Ordonne, Que la Question de concours soit mainte- nant separement mise sur les dites Resolutions. Et la premiere des dites Resolutions ayant cte lue de nouveau, et la Question de concours ayant et6 mise sur icelle, el le a ete adoptee par la Chambre. ^ La seconde des dites Resolutions ayant ete lue de nouveau, , . M De Witt a propose en amendement a icelle, se- conde par M. Perrault, Que le mot, “ huit,” soit re- tranche, et le mot “ deux” substitue. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Motion d amende- ment, et les noms ayant (:t6 demandes, ils ont 6te piis comme suit : Pour, Messieurs Blackburn, Cazeau, Cote, De Witt, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Fortin, Hebert, O' Callaghan et Perrault, (9.) Contre, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker, Bardy, Berthelot, Besserer, Blanchet , Bouffard, Caron, Cherrier, Child, Clapham, De Bleury, De Tonnancour, Charles Drolet, Fraser, Grannis, Huot, Knight, Lafontaine, Larue, Leslie, Letourneau, Meilleur, Morin, Mous- seau, Noel, Power, Raym nd, Simon, Taclie, Joseph- Andre Tas- chereau, Thibaudeau, Toomy, Irudel, Vanfelson, Viger et Wells. (37.) Ainsi el le a passe dans la Negative. La Question ayant ete alors mise sur la seconde des dites Resolutions, la Chambre s’est divisee sur icelle; et les noms ayant ete demandes, ils sont et£ pns, comme suit : „ Pour, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker , Bardy, Berthelot, Besserer, Blackburn , Blanchet, Bouffard , Caron, C har- rier, Child, Clapham, De Bleury, De Tonnancour , Pierre- Antoine Dorion , Charles Drolet, Fraser, Grannis, Huot 6 Will. [V. 5° Martii . 651 Knight, Lafonlaine , Larue, Leslie, Letourneau , Meilleur, Morin, Mousseau, Noel, Power, Raymond, Simon, Tache , •/(j.veyjA Taschereau, Thibet udeau, Toomy, Traded, Vunjelson, Vigor and Wells. (39.) Nays, Messieurs Cazeau, Cute, De Wilt, Fortin, Hebert, O' Callaghan, and Perrault, (7.) {So it was carried in the Affirmative. Hie residue of the said Resolutions being again se- verally read, and the Question of concurrence being separately put thereon, they were agreed to by the House, and Resolved, That this House doth concur with the Committee in the said Resolutions. A Bill to appoint a Commissioner on the part of this ommittep on lilt rtlaling to f) • , ' . • , ” " r“‘ v •-•■•a ight Houses t rovmce to arbitrate with Commissioners on the part ’ iCrs K is. nd of t,le Provinces of Nova Scolia, New Brunswick and nds * Prince Edward s Island, respecting the maintenance of Light Houses on the Islands of Scattarie and St. Paul, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be now referred to a Committee of the whole House. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Tiger took the Chair of the Committee. Several Members having retired ; Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. And the names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker, Bertlielot, Blanchet, Bovffard, Caztau, Cherrier, Child, Clapham, Cote, De Bleunj, Deblois, De Tomiancour, De Witt, Pierre An- toine Dorion, Charles Drolet, Dubord, Fortin, Leaser, Crannis, Hebei t, LI not, Lafonlaine, Larue, Letourneau, Mousseau, Noel, 0‘Callaghan, Perrault, Power, Ray- mond, Simon , Tache, Thibaudeau, Trudel, Viger and Wells. And at a quarter before two o’clock, P. M. Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. Knight, La font nine, Ijaruc, Leslie, Letourneau, Meilleur Morin Mousseau, Noel, Power, Raymond, Simon, 'lac/J Joseph- Andre Taschereau , Thibaudeau, Toomy, Trudel, V anjelson, Viger et Wells. (39.) ' Con ti e, Messieurs Cazeau, Cote, De Witt, Fortin, Hebert, U Callaghan et Perrault. (7.) Ainsi elle a ete emportfe dans l’Affirmative. Le restant des d> es Resolutions ayant Tache, Thibaudeau , Trudel, Viger et ■ Et . \ V n ® ! leur , e et ! rois 'l uarts - P- M., M. POrateur a ajouine la Chambre faute de Quorum. «wer to an dress. Saturday, 5th March, 1836.— Five o’clock, P. M. R. Morin, in the absence of Mr. Kimber, accom- - pan led by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the twenty-sixth ultimo to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, relatino- to grants of Lands to the Officers and Militiamen who served during the last War with the United States, had been presented to His Excellency; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer z Gentlemen, In considering the subject, to which my attention is called by tins Address, I find that at the conclusion of the last War with the United States of America, an offer of Land was made by direction of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, to all who had served in the Embodied Milita during that War, according to their respective Ranks, d he time within which appli- cations for the Royal Bounty were to be made was limited to the 1st May 1823. On an Address from the House of Assembly, this time was extended for one year, and subsequently, in pursuance of Instructions received in the month of June 1829, from His Majes- ty’s Samedi , 5 Mars 1836, — Cinq heures, P. JVL. Morin, en l’absence de M. Kimber, accompagne R*P°n se a une , ® des autres Messagers, a fait rapport a la Cham Adresse - bre, que son Adresse du vingt-six du mois dernier, a bon Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, relativement aux octrois de Terres aux Officiers et Miliciens qui ont servi durant la derniere Guerre avec les Etats- Lms, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante • M essieurs, En considerant le sujet auquel cette Adresse a appele mon attention, je trouve qu’a la fin de la der- niere Guerre avec les Etats-Unis d’Amerique , Son Aftesse Royale le Prince de Guiles a offert des Terres a tons ceux qui avaient servi dans la Milice Incornoree pendant la derniere Guerre, d’apres leurs grades res- pectifs. On avait limite au ler Mai 1823, le temps au- quel on devait demander des Terres dc la Munificence Royale. Sur une Adresse de la Chambre d’Assemblee on prolongea ce temps d’une annee ; et subsequem- ment des instructions revues du Gouvernement de Sa ajeste dans le mois de Juin 1829> qui autorisaient encore Answer to *n Addrcsi. 652 6 * Martii. A. 1836 . ty-s Gwe™inej* «“* h “/j 1 ^ThfS 0 mine? Umanitre ordinaire. quWecevrait jusqri’au ler Aodt X Which period no claim of that descripHon would under any circumstances be admitted. In consequence of these clear and peremptory Instructions, as we as from the general tenor of the regulations which have emanated from His Majesty’s Government _ for the management and disposal ot the waste Lands of the Crown, I feel that 1 do not possrss the : power o order. as prayed in this Address, that Lands be granted to all the Officers and Men who served in the Incorporated Militia during the last American War. But it will af- ford me much pleasure to meet the wishes o the As- sembly as far as I can in this matter. It will be con- venient, therefore, to divide the claims of tins merito- rious body of men, in whose behalf the Assembly now interest themselves, into three classes, lstly. I hose who have received Tickets of Location, hut have omit- ted to occupy the Lands allotted to them, or, having occupied them, to fulfil the conditions specified in the Tickets. 2ndly. Those who omitted to piocuie Location Tickets, but duly lodged their claims pre- viously to the 1st August 1830. And 3rdly. I hose who have altogether neglected to take any steps, pre- viously to that date, to entitle them to participate in the Royal Bounty. . . r tl To the last mentioned class I regret that it is, for the reasons above alluded to, out of my power to grant any indulgence. But with respect to the two former, I will take into my favorable consideration whether 1 cannot give effect to the views which the Assembly express m their favor, by ordering grants to he made to them, under Letters Patent, containing the usual reservations, but without any other condition than that of performing the public and joint labor required by the Laws of the Province. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec 5th March) 183G. 1830, les demandes de Terres que 1 on ferait pour des services dans la Milice, et qu’apres cette Epoquel’on ne recevrait plus de reclamations de cette nature dans aucunes circonstances, D’apres ces instructions claires et formelles, et la Teneur generate des reglemens ema- nes du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, concernant la KeMe et la disposition des Terres incultes de la Cou- ronne, je ne crois pas avoir le pouvoir d’ordonner, comme on me le demande dans cette Adresse, qu .1 soit accorde des Terres a tons les Officiers et Mihciens qui out servi dans la Milice Incorporee pendant la derniere Guerre Americaine. Mais ce sera pour moi un grand nlaisir de me rendre aux voeux de I’Assemblee, autant nu’il n’est permis stir cette matter*. II conviendra done de diviser les reclamations de ce corps d homines qui out bien nitrite de leur Lays, et pour equel As- semhlee s’interesse maintenant, en trois classes. . Ceux qui out re$u des Billets de Location, mais qui n’ont pas occupe les Terres qui leur avaient ete accor- dees, on qui les ayant occupees, out omis de remplir les conditions specifies dans les Billets. l ~ Ceux qui out omis de se procurer des Billets de Location, mais qui out dument presente leurs reclamations ayant le ler Aout 1830. Et 3° Ceux qui out eniiere- ment neglige de prendre des mesures avant cette date, pour les autoriser a partagerla Munificence Royale. Je regrette d’avoir a dire, que, pour les raisons que i’ai dormees plus haut, il n’est pas en mon pouvoir de lien faire pour cette derniere classe. Mais, quant aux deux premieres, je considererai favorablement si je ne puis pas donnereffet aux vues que l’Assemblee enonce en leur favetir, en ordonnant q«’il leur soit fait des octrois de Terres par Lettres Patentes, qm contien- dront les reserves ordinaires, mais sans autres conditions que cedes de faire les travaux ordinaires requis par les Lois de cette Province. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 5 Mars 1836. Mr. Morin, accompanied by the other Messengers, re- ported to the House, that their Address of the twenty seventh ultimo, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, relating to the British American Land Company, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, . c . I do not conceive it to be within the scope of the powers delegated to me as Governor in Chief of Provinces, to annul or abridge the rights and privileges conferred on any of His Majesty’s Subjects by a Char- ter under the lloyal Sign Manual, of which the pro- visions have been confirmed and extended by an Act of the Imperial Legislature. . I request you, therefore, to acquaint the House of Assembly in answer to this Address, that, during the subsistence of the contracts and arrangements which, ratified bv so high a sanction, have been made between His Majesty’s Secretary of State and the British Ame- rican Land Company, I do not feel myself authorized to refuse the issuing of Patents conveying to the said Company such portions of the wild Lands of the Crown in this Province as may not be more than equivalent to the purchase money actually paid by them in ac- cordance with the terms of their contract. I however readily accede to the request of the House contained in the latter part of this Address, and 1 wil desire to be laid before it, without delay, a Statement of all such Patents or Instruments as have issued m this M. Morin , accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait rapport a la Chambre, que Son Adresse du vingt-sept du mois dernier, a Son Excellence le Chef, relativement a la Compagme des Terres Britan- pique Americaine, avait ete piesentEe a Son Excellence, et qu'il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, . Je ne pense pas qu’il me soit permis, par les pou- voirs qui m’ont etE delegues comme Gouverneur-en- Chef de ces Provinces, d'annuller on d’ahreger les droits et les privileges conferes a aucun des Sujets de Sa Majesty par une Charte revetue du Seing Manuel du Roi, et dont les dispositions out ete confirmees et eten- dues par un Ac»e de la Legislature Impel iale. Je vous prie, en consequence, d’informer la Chambre d’Assemblee, en reponse a cette Adresse, que tant que les contrats et les arrangemens qui ont EtE Hits entre le Secretaire d’Etat de Sa Majeste, et la Compagme des Terres Britannique Americaine, et sanctionnes par un corps aussi eleve existeront, je ne me croirai pas auto- rise a refuser l’emanation de Patentes pour transporter a la dite Compagnie les parties de ierres incultes de la Couronne en cette Province, qui ne seront pas plus qu’un Equivalent de la somme que la Compagme a ac- tuellement payee, conformement aux conditions de son J’accederai cependant volontiers a la demande de la Chambre, que contient la derniere partiede cette Adresse, et ie ferai mettre devant elle sans delai un etat de toutes les Patentes et Actes qui ont EtE emanes en cette Province, lswer to Idress. wer to an ,i i ess. Jurnmert. b rl on Mu- liMre insu- r Compa- -Bill. n Report tminittee •ievances, to Mr. se Thomp- i > ndix 6 Will. IV . 5° Mar Hi, 653 this Province in favor of the said Company since its formation, and of the situation of the Lands therein in- cluded. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec , oth March 1836. 1 lovince, en favour de la dite Compagnie depuis son existence et de la situation des Xerrcs qui y sont desi- gnees. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec , 5 Mars 1836. Mr. Lluot, accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the, that their Address of the twenty ninth ultimo, to His Excellency the Governor in C hief’, praying he will be pleased to issue his Warrant in lavoi of the Clerk of this House for Five thousand pounds Currency, towards dehaying the Contingent Expenses of the House, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer: Gentlemen, I request you to inform the House of Assembly that I will comply with the prayer of this Address, and immediately issue a Warrant for the amount required on account of their Contingent Expenses. Castle of St. Lewis , Quebec , 5th March, 1836. M. Lluot, accompagn<$ des autres Messages, a fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du vin<*t-neuf du mois dernier, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef, demandant qu’il lui plut d’emaner son Warrant en faveur du Greffier de la Chambre, pour Cinq mille lures courant, pour defrayer les Depen es Contin- gentes de la Chambre, avait 6t6 presentee & Son Excel- lence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse sui- vante : Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d'Assemblee que je me rendrai a la demande que contient cette Adresse, et que j’emanerai immediatement un Warrant pour le montant demande a compte des Depenses Con- tingentes de la Chambre. 1 Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 5 Mars 1836. Reponse a une Adresse. Mr. Power , accompanied by the other Messengers, tepoited to the House, that their Address of yesterday, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, with a Copy of the Resolutions relating to Light Houses on the Islands of Scattarie and St. Paul, had been presented to Elis Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I request you to acquaint the Elouse of Assembly that I will with pleasure accede to the prayer of this Address, and communicate without delay Copies of the Resolutions which accompany it, to the Governments of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward’s Island. Castle of St Lewis, Quebec, 5th March, 1836. M. Power, accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait Re P °nseaune rapport a la Chambre que son Adresse d’bier, a Son Adresse ' Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, avec une Copie des Resolutions relatives a des Phares sur les lies de Scat- tarie et de St. Paul, avait ete presentee a Son Excel- lence ; et qu il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse sui- vante : Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d’AssembRe que J accederai avec plaisir a la demande que contient cette Adresse, et que je communiquerai, sans delai. Copies des Resolutions qui I’accompagnent, aux Gou- vernemens de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, du N ouveau- Bruns- wick et de l’lle du Prince Edouard- Chateau St. Louis, Quebec , 5 Mars 1836. On Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Be Witt, Ordered, That when this House doth adjourn, it will adjourn till Monday next at ten o’clock, A. M. Sur Motion de M. Viger, seconde par M. Be Witt Ordonne, Que Iorsque cette Chambre s’ajournera, eile A*™™.,,,, sajourne a Lundi prochain a dix heures, A. M. Air. Leslie, from the Special Committee to whom was referred the Bill to continue, for a limited time, and to amend a certain Act therein mentioned, relative to the establishment of Mutual Fire Assurance Com- panies, reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amendments thereto, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ordered, That the said Bill and Report be referred to a Committee of the whole House, on Monday next, in the forenoon Sitting. M. Leslie, du Comite Special auquel a ete refere le Rapport sur ie Bill pour continuer, pour un temps limite, et amender un certain Acte y mentionne, relatif a 1'etablissement ^“con- de Compagmes d’Assurance Mutuelle contre le Feu a treieFeu fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, el y avait fait plusieurs amendemens; lesquels amendemens ont ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill et Rapport soient referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre Lundi prochain, dans la Seance du matin. Mr. Perrault, from the Standing Committee of Grie- vances, presented to the House the Ninth Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. For the said Report, see Appendix (E. E.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House, on Tuesday next. Ordered , That two hundred Copies of the said Re- port be printed for the use of the Members of this House. M. Pet vault, du Comite Permanent des Griefs a NeuviemeRap- presente a la Chambre le Neuvieme Rapport du dit ( oirutiC lequel a ..’ auss i “ Justices. inclusivement, et inserez “ les pro- “ chains Juges de Paix, lesquels fe- “ ront venir par devant eux par un “ ordre sous leur seing et sceau. ^ “ « Li°-ne 33.— Rayez depuis “ Pourvu toujours,” inclusivement, jusqu a “ proprie- “ taire,” aussi inclusivement, dans la trente-six'ffime ligne de la meme feuille. Peuille 4,. Ligne 4-3.— Rayez “ aussi,” et inserez “ ton- “ jours.” Feuille 5. Ligne lere. — Apres “ payant, * inserez it /-.Hi Pdiira ainsi nr <« a a Feuille 2. Ligne 13.— Apr£s “ Juge de Paix,” inserez teume m n’excedant pas schellings.” «( << <« 27.- — Rayez depuis “ et de faire, in- clusivement, jusqu’a “ d ordinaire, aussi inclusivement, dans la tren- tffime ligne de la m^me Feuille, et inserez “ les amendes par le present “ imposees seront prelevees imme- “ diatement par un ordre de saisie <4 6t vente dcs bicns, mcublcs ct “ effets du Contrevenant, et s’il ne “ se trouve point de biens, meubles “ et effets suffisans, ou si les dites “ amendes ne sont pas payees sous “ un delai de huit jours apres telle “ conviction, telle Juge de Paix or- “ donnera.” it a tt 42. — Leave out all the words from “ provided” inclusive, to ‘ Land- “ holder” also inclusive, in the forty fifth Line. Press 4 Line 3. — Leave out Subpoena and insert “ Subpoenas.” n “ 20. — Leave out “ do ’ and insert “ does.” Press 5. Line 1C.— After pay” insert “ to the per- “ son so seizing or detaining them. ** a la “ personne qui l’aura ainsi pris et le “ detiendra.” << Press Leave °out “ ‘^'seven” and insert FeuilleS. «P»3fc-B»y» “ sept," et inste <« cinq." .. .. 30.— After the first - any” insert per- Feuille 7- Ligne ins6 ‘ “ son or.” 8. Line 85 .— After “ found” insert “ straying “ on or.” . rress 9. Line 21.-Leave out “ Surveyor” and in- sert “ Overseer.’ „ «, «« 28.— Leave out “ Surveyor” and in- sert “ Overseer.” Press 11. Line 3.— Leave out “Inspector” and in- sert “ Inspectors.” . 4. — Leave out “ Inspector” and in- 17 “After 1 " "F-cnbed” leave out Feuille 10 Ligne 17-Rayez «• la£ * “la 7 '.. and insert " by the “ Clause precedente. Feuille 8. Ligne 80 .— Rayez “ Inspecteur,” et inserez “ Sous-Voyer. 4 I 44 (4 by Law,”* and insert “ by the “ foregoing Section.” “ « 33. — After “ Act” insert “ after such “ Election shall have been made “ known to him by notice in writing “ duly left at his domicile by or “ under the directions of the person “ who shall have presided at such « Meeting n e t | ie Piovince. with the names of the Yeas and IN ays primed. annexed thereto, be printed in each language foi the use of the Members of this House. Montreal In- An engrossed Bill to consolidate, amend and extend C orp< ration Bin jj ver g Acts relating to the Corporation of the City of pass Montreal, was lead for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass, and that the Title be, “ An Act to consolidate, extend and amend the “ provisions of certain Acts therein mentioned, con- “ ceming the Corporation of the City of Montreal Ordered, That Mr. Leslie do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Qurbcc incor- An engrossed Bill to consolidate, extend and amend P asled° n BlU the provisions of divers Acts concerning the Corpora- tion of the City of Quebec, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass, and that the Title be, “ An Act to consolidate, extend and amend the “ provisions of certain Acts therein mentioned, coti- “ ceming the Corporation of the City of Quebec." Ordered, That Mr. Caron do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Lnchine Canal An engrossed Bill to provide for the management Bilirassed. an( j care 0 f t he Lachine Canal, and to establish certain rates, tolls and duties to be taken thereon, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Leslie do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Lundi, 7 Mars 1836. — Dix lieures, A. M. ^UR Motion de M. Viger, seconde par M. Besserer, Ordonne, Que lorsque cette Chambre s’ajournera, elle Ajoumement. s’ajourne a cinq lieures, P. M. ce jour. Sur Motion de M. 0 ( Callaghan, seconde par M. Pier re- Antoine Do?don, Ordonne, Que deux cents Exemplaires dela Petition e* »" de cette Chambre au Parlement Imperial sur i’Etat de pernl, sur BE- la Province avec les noms pour et contre, y annexes, ‘fince.l Tue* soient imprimes dans chaque langue, pour l’usage des imprimee. Membres de cette Chambre. Un Bill grossoye pour refondre, en les etendant et ration de Mon amendant, divers Actes concernant la Corporation de ^aLpasse. la Cite de Montreal, a ete In pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe, et que le Titre suit “ Acte “ pour refondre, en les etendant et amendant, les dis- “ positions de certains Actes y mentionnes, concer- « nant la Corporation tie la Cite de Montreal ” Ordonne, Que M. Leslie porte !e cht Bill au Conseil Legislatif et demande sou concours. Un Bill grossoye pour refondre, en les etendant et amendant, les dispositions de divers Actes concernant bec,pa>se. la Corporation de la Cite de Quebec, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe, et que le Titre soit “ Acte “ pour refondre, en les etendant et amendant, les dis- “ positions de certains Actes v mentionnes, concernant “ la v orporation de la Cite de Quebec .” Ordonne, Que M. Caron porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours, Un Bill grossoye pour pourvoir a la regie et surveil- lance du Canal de Lachine, et pour etablir certains pe- pl- ages et droits ay etre leves, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Oidonne , Que M. Leslie porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Bill relating to Light Houses on Si-B'lnrii-and St Paul’s Is- lands, pasSt'li. An engrossed Bill to appoint a Commissioner on the part of this Province to arbitrate with Commissioners on the part of the Provinces of Nova Scotia, > ew Brunswick and Prince Edward's Island, respecting the maintenance of Light Houses on the Islands of Scatta - rie and St. Paul, was read for the third time- Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Power do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Un Bill grossoye. pour nommer un Commissaire-Ar- bitre de la part de cette Province, pour decider avec liesScatuj des Commissaires de la part des Provinces de la JVou- 6t ' dU ’ 1 velle-Ecosse, du Nouveau- Brunswick el de file du Prince Edouatd, quant a Pentretien de Phares sur les lies de Scaltarie et de St. Paul, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Power porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Message from the Council. Council have agreed to : — Coal Measure. ntent Bill. A Message from the Legislative Council by the Ho- norable Mr De Lery, one of the Masters in Chancery : Mr. Speaker, The Legislative Council have passed the following Bills, without any amendment: “ An Act to regulate the measurement of Coal.” Montreal Cus- « An Act to provide for the building of a Custom tom House Biii. „ j] ouse j n the City of Montreal." And, also ; Legislative Council, Saturday, 5th March, 1836. Message du Conseil Legislatif, par l’Honorable M. coTsefi! De Lery, un des Maitres en Chancellerie : M. POrateur, Le Conseil Legislatif a passe les Bills suivans, sans Le Consf ' or 7 concouru x* atnendement: “ Acte pour regler le Mesurage du Charbon de Juri^e m i*- “ Ten .0 ” bon deT*r “ Acte pour pourvoir a l’erection d’une Maison de “ Douane dans la Cite de Montreal.” ane-.aM « . sansarati- Et, aUSSI J ment. Conseil Legislatif, Samcdi , 5 Mars 1836. council request Ordered, That a Message be sent to the Assembly Ordonne, Qu’un Message soit envoye a l’Assemblee, ^ n ^eh> Documemson one t j ie jy] asters j n Chancery, to request that the par Pun des Maitres en Chancellerie, pour la prier de omens gmg one pia« Documents on which is founded the Bill, intituled, vouloir bien coinmuniquer a cette Chambre les Docu- g t .' r u P nT m issisitoui" “ An Act to amend the Act of the ninth, George the mens d’apres lesquels cette Chambre a procede sur le “ Fourth, “ Bill, Fourth Report of Committee on Grievances, relatingto S.H. Dickerson. Appendix (E. e.j Council's Amedments to Agriculture Bill, amended. Cliambly Canal Bill passed. St Ours Dam and Lock Bill passed. Quarantine Bill deferred. Lauzon Com- missioners Bill read the second time ; committed ; c onsidered. 6 Will. IV. 7° Martii. 659 “ Fourth, Chapter seventy three, dividing the Province “ into Counties, by changing one place of Election in “ the County of Missiskoui,” be communicated to this House. And then he withdrew. The Master in Chancery was then called in, and in- formed by Mr. Speaker, that this House will’ send an answer by Message. Bill, intitule, “ Acte pour amender 1’Acte dc la Neu- vieme, George Quatre, Chapitre soixante-et-treize, (jui divise la Province en Comtes en changeant une “ placed Election dans le Comte de Missiskoui .” Et ensuite il s’est retire. Le Maitre en t Jiancellerie a ete alors appelQ et in- loime par M. I Orateur, que cette Chambre enverra une reponse par Message. Mr. Child, from the Standing Committee of Grie- vances, presented to the House the Tenth Report of the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. for the said Report, see Appendix (E. E.) at the end of this Volume. Ordered , That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House to-moyow, in the forenoon sitting. M. Child, du Comite Permanent des Griefs, a pre- sente a la Chambre le Dixieme Happortdu dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier. Dixieme Rap. port du Comite sur le* Griefs, relatif a S H. Dickerson. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (E. E.) a la fin Appends de ce Volume. ( E E ) Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre, demain dans la Seance du matin. Mr. Thibaudeau, from the Committee of the whole House on the Amendments made by the Legislative Council to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act to repeal a cer- “ tain Act therein mentioned, and more effectually to “ remedy divers abuses prejudicial to Agriculture,” reported, according to Order, the Amendment made by the Committee to the said Amendments; which Amend- ment was again read at the < leik’s Table, and agreed to by the House; and is as followeth: In the third Amendment fill up the Blank with the words “ sixty shillings.” 0 1 dered, Phat the said Amendment be engrossed. A Bill to provide for the completion of the CliamUy Canal, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered , That the said Bill be engrossed. An engrossed Bill to provide for the completion of the dumbly Canal, was read for the third time. Resolved , That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Viger do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. M. Thibaudeau, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur ,^"1“ les Amendemens faits par le Conseil Legislatif au Bill b“ii d-Apicu". intitule, “ Acte pour revoquer un certain Acte y men- lure ’ aiDendfes> tionne, et pour remedier plus efiicacement a divers “ a b lIS prejudiciables a 1 Agriculture,” a fait Rapport, conformement a I’Ordre, de I’ Amendement fait au dit Amendement par le Comite ; lequel Amendement a ete lu de nouveau a la iable du Grefiier, et adopte par la Chambre; et il est comme suit : Dans le premier Amendement remplissez le Blanc avec le mot “ soixante.” Ordonne, Que le dit Amendement soit grossoye. Conformement a I’Ordre, un Bill pour pourvoir au Biiidn canal parachevement du Canal de Cliambly, a ete lu une se- J e as £ ambly ’ conde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit grossoye. Un Bill grossoye- pour pourvoir au parachevement du Canal de Cliambly , a ete lu pour la troisLme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Viger porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. A Bill to provide for the construction of a Dam and Lock above the Village of St. Ours on the River Riche- lieu, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be engrossed. An engrossed Bill to provide for the construction of a Dam and Lock above the Village of St. Ours on the River Richelieu, was read for the third time. Resolved , That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Viger do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Conformement a l’Ordre, un Bill pour pourvoir a la Bin deChaussee construction d une Chaussee et d une Ecluse au-dessus *1 Ec,use 4 St - du Village de St. Ours , sur la Riviere Richelieu , a 6te lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit grossoye. } Un Bill grossoye pour pourvoir a la construction d’une Chaussee et d’une Ecluse au-dessus du Villas de St. Ours, sur la Riviere Richelieu, a ete lu pour Ja troi- sieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne , Que M. Viger porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. The Order of the day for the second reading of the Bill to provide more effectually for the establishment of a strick and efficient Quarantine in the Province of Lower Canada, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till the afternoon Sitting of this day. A Bill to provide for the appointment of Commis- sioners to bid at the sale of the Seigniory of Lauzon by the Sheriff, and for other purposes therein mentioned", was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the said Bill be now referred to a Committee of the whole House. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Meillcur took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, ’ jyj n L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill qui Riiide Quaran. pourvoit plus efficacement a 1’etablissement d’une Qua- laine - rerai3 - rantaine stride et efiicace dans la Province du Las- Canada, ayant ete lu; Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a la Seance de l’apres midi de ce jour. Conformement a I’Ordre, un Bill pour pourvoir a la Biiipourdes nomination de Commissaires charges d’encherir a la fo"" a lei. vente par Decret de la Seigneurie de Lauzon, et autres £ ne,,rie(ltd. deader , , t0 sit pe s, d ^ * .a pe™^ de 1 Ordered, That the said : Committee^ have leave to ^° g J de n0U veau dans la Seance de Papres-midi de ce jour. Ordered, That tne sam wiu - r, a o-ain in the afternoon Sitting of this day. Committee on Mutual Fire InsuranceCom* panies Bill. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to continue, for a limited time, and to amend a certain Act therein mentioned relative to the esta blishment of Mutual Fire Assurance Companies, being ie The House accordingly resolved itself into the said C °Mn! Cute took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; , , And Mr. Cote reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made an amendment thereto ; which amendment was again read at the Clerks lable, and agreed to bv the House. , , , Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. The Home at- tend His Ex- cellency, with their Addresses on the State of the Province. Mr. Speaker ports His Ex- cellency's An- swer. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se foime en po„ r des Comite surle Bill pour continuer, pour un temps limite, g-jg et amender un certain Acte y mention^, relatif a 1 eta- Cumene contra blissement de Compagnies d’ Assurance Mutuelle contie le Feu, ayant ete lu ; , , , ... La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit ^°M. Cote a pris le Fauteuil du Comit6 ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. POrattura repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Cute a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill et y avait fait un amendement ; lequH amende- Sent a W l» de nouveau a la Table du G, ether, et adopte par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, sort gros- soye. At the Hour appointed, Mr. Speaker and the House went up to the Castle of St. Lewis, with their Ad- dresses^ His Majesty, and to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, on the State of the Province. And being returned ; . . _ , , Mr. Speaker reported that the House had at ended upon His Excellency the Governor in Chief, with their Addresses to His Majesty and to His Excellency, to which latter Address His Excellency had been pleased to make the following Answer . Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly, In compliance with the prayer of this Addiess, your Petition to His Most Gracious Majesty on the State of the Province, shall be transmitted to the Co- lonial Minister, for the purpose of being laid at the loot of the Throne. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 7th March, 183C. A l’Heure fixee, M. I’Orateur et la Chambre se sont rendus au Chateau St. Louis, avec leurs Adresses a Sa Majesty et a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Cher sur l’Etat de ia Province. Et etant de retour ; M POrateur a fait rapport, que la Chambre s etait rendue aupr£s de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en- Chef, avec ses Adresses a Sa Majeste et a Son Excel- lence ; a laquelle demise Adresse, Son Excellence avait bien voulu faire la Reponse suivante : M. POrateur, et Messieurs de la Chambre d Assemblee, Conformement a la priere de cette Adresse, votre Requete a Sa Tres-Gracieuse Majesty sur 1 Elat de la Province sera transmise au Ministre Colonial, ahn qu’elle soit mise au pied du Trone. La Chambre s’esl rendue auprcs de Son Excellence, avt-c sesAdres s e sur l'Etat de I province. M. l’Orateur rapporte la Re ponse de Son Excellence. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 7 Mars 1833. Then, on Motion of Mr. Vi S er, seconded by Mr. sur Mot, on de M. Vi g er, seconde par M. Morin, La Chambre s’est ajournee. The House adjourned. Monday, 1th March, 18 36.— Five o'clock, P. M. Lundi , 1 Mars IS 36. —Cinq heures, P. M. Ydjournment. Motion of Mr. Viger, seconded by Mr. Cote, Ordered, That when this House doth adjourn, it will adjourn till to-morrow at ten o’clock, A. M. ^UR Motion de M. Viger, second^ par M .Cote, Ordonne , Que lorsque cette Chambre s’ajoumera, Ajoumemen elle s’ajourne a demain, a dix heures, A. M. Answer to an Address. Mr. Gugy, accompanied by the other Messengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the second instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, pray- ing for divers Documents relating to the Commissions of certain Advocates, had been presented to His Ex- cellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the fol- lowing Answer : Gentlemen, . I will cause to be laid before the House ot As- sembly in compliance with the prayer of this Address, M.Gugy, accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait J =au rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du deux du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Clief, de- mandant divers Documens relatils aux C ommissions e certains Avocats, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs • En conformite de la demande de cette Adresse, je ferai mettre devant la Chambre d Assemblee, es ocu 6 Will. IV. r Martii, Message from he Council. Council have ig t-.d 10 : luilicaiure BUI vith Amend* oeuts. Council have p issed a Bill re- alms' to Vlort- ;iges and cus- omary Dower. 3ill relating to Mortgages and -ustomaiy Jiiwet, iead the irst lime. inswer to A ti- re's r laiing to ,ands for Mili- amen, to be rmted. 'ouncirs imendment to lehgious Con- rega ioo Bill, insiuered. GGl the Documents therein mentioned relating to the Com- missions of certain Advocates. Castle of Si. Lewis, Quebec , 7th March, 183G. mens qui y sont mentionn^s, relativement aux Commis- sions de certains Avocats. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 7 Mars 1 836. A Message from the Legislative Council by the Ho- norable Mr. De Lery , one of the Masters in Chancery : Mr. Speaker, The Legislative Council have passed the Bill, in- tituled, “ An Act to amend the Judicature of the Pro- “ vince, and to extend and facilitate the administration “ of Justice in the different parts thereof,” with several Amendments, to which they desire the concurrence of the Assembly. And, also ; The Legislative Council have passed a Bill, intituled, “ An Act for making all Mortgages and Hypotheques “ special, for abolishing Customary Dower, Douaire “ Coutumier, and for other purposes,” to which they desire the concurrence of the Assembly. And then he withdrew. An engrossed Bill from the Legislative Council, inti- tuled, “ An Act for making all Mortgages and Hypo- “ theques special, for abolishing Customary Dower, “ Douaire Coutumier , and for other purposes,” was read for the first time. On Motion of Mr. Power, seconded by Mr. Black- burn, Ordered, That the said Bill be read a second time, on Wednesday next. On Motion of Mr. Letourneau, seconded bv Mr. Perrault, Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the Answer of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, of the fifth instant, to the Address of this House, of the twenty sixth of February last, relating to Lands for Militiamen, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Message du Conseil Legislatif, par l’Honorable M. De I^ery, un des Maitres en Chancellerie : M. l’Orateur, Le Conseil Legislatif a passe le Bill, intitule, “ Acte pour amender la Judicature de la Province, et “ pour Gendre et faciliter Padministration de la Justice “ dans les differentes parties d’icelles,” avec plusieurs Amendemens, auxquels il demande la concurrence de 1 Assemblee. Et, aussi ; Le Conseil Legislatif a pass£ un Bill, intitule, “ Acte “ pour rendre toutes les Hypotheques speciales, pour “ abolirle Douaire Coutumier, et pour d’autres fins,” auquel il demande la concurrence de P Assemblee. Et ensuite il s’est retinL Un Bill grossoye du Conseil Legislatif, intitule, “ Acte pour rendre toutes les Hypotheques speciales, “ pour abolir le Douaire Coutumier, et pour d autres “ fins,” a ete lu pour !a premiere f'ois. Sur Motion de M. Power, second^ par M. Blackburn, Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit lu une seconde fois, Mercredi prochain. Sur Motion de M. Letourneau , seconde par M. Per - rau't, Ordonne , Que deux cents Exemplaires de la Reponse de Son Excellence le Gouverneur en-Chef’, du cinq du courant, a I’Adresse de cette Chainbre, du vingt-six Fevrier dernier, au sujet des Terres demandees pour les Miliciens, soient imprimes pour Pusage des Membres de cette Chambre. On Motion of Mr. Vanfelson, seconded by Mr. For- tin, Ordered, That the Amendment made by the Legis- lative Council to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act to repeal “ an Act passed in the tenth and eleventh years of His “ late Majesty’s Reign, intituled, “ An Act for the “ relief of certain Religious Congregations therein “ mentioned, and to make other Legislative provision “ in the place thereof,” be now referred to a Commit- tee of the whole House. The said Amendment was read, and is as followeth : Press 3. Line 12.— After “ acres” insert “ Provided “ that nothing herein contained shall “ extend or apply to any Parish, “ Rectory or Parsonage lawfully “ erected and constituted according “ to the establishment of the Church “ of England .” The House then resolved itself into the said Com- mittee. Mr. Toomy took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Toomy reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Sur Motion de M. Vanfelson, seconde par M. Fortin, Ordonne , Que PAmendement fait par le Conseil Legislatif au Bill, intitule, “ Acte pour revoquer un “ Acte passe dans les dixieme et onzieme annees du “ Regne de feu Sa Majeste, intitule, “ x \cte pour le “ secours de certaines Congregations Religieuses y “ mentionnees, et pour faire d autres dispositions L6- “ gislatives au lieu d’icelui,” soit maintenant refers a un Comite de toute la Chambre. Le dit Amendement a ete lu ; et il est comme suit : Feuille 2. Ligne 34.— Apres “ Religieuses,” inserez “ Pourvu toujours que rien de ce “ qui est contenu dans le present “ ne s’etendra, ou ne s’appliquera “ a aucune Paroisse, Rectorerie “ ou Cure legalement etablie et “ constitute conformtment a Pe- “ tablissement de PEMise Angli- “ cane. La Chambre s’est alors formee en le dit Comite. M. Toomy a pris le Fauteuil du Comitt ; et apres y avoir sitge quelque temps, M. I’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Toomy a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et 1 ui avait enjoint de demander per mission de sieger de nouveau. 8 E Messag* du Conseil. Le Conseil » enneouru au : Bill de Judica- ture, avec des Aimndemens. Le Conseil a pass6 un BUI relatifaux Hv- pntheques ei au Douaire Coutu- rr.ier. Bill rclalif aux Hypotheques et au Douaire Coutumier, lu la premiere fois. Reponse a 1’ A - dre'se relai ive aux Ter'es pour les Miliciens, a etre impnmee. Amend ment du Conseil au Hi 1 1 des Con- gregations Reji. gieuses, consi- der^. Vox.— 45. Ordered, Ordonne, Council’s Amendmentsto Judicature Ell!, considered. 662 1° Martiu A. 1836 , Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit ao’ain to-morrow, in the foienoon Sitting. On Motion of Mr. Vanfelson, seconded by Mr. TC Ordered , That the Amendments made by the Legis- lative Council to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act to amend « the Judicature of the Province, and to extend and << facilitate the administration of Justice in the curre- « ren t parts thereof/’ be now referred to a Committee of the whole House. , The said Amendments were read, and are as tot- joweth : Press 1. Line 19. — After “ remain, insert “ during the “ continuance of this Act.” « « « 20. — After ‘ e established” insert “ except “ as is hereinafter provided.” «« <« “ 23. — Leave out all the words from “each inclusive, to “ Three Rivers ’ also in- clusive, in the same Line, and insert “ this Province of Lower Canada .” « < ( « 05, — Leave out all the words from “ Su- “ perior” inclusive, to “ Jurisdiction” also inclusive, in the twenty sixth Line of the same Press, and insert “ Court “ of King’s Bench.” c« « « 2G. — Leave out all the words from “ in” inclusive, to “ Court” also inclusive, in the thirtieth Line of the same Press, and insert “ consist of nine Judges, “ and shall have, hold, and exercise ori- “ ginal Jurisdiction in Civil Pleas, “ causes and matters in and over the “ whole of the said Province, in the “ manner hereinafter enacted, save and “ except such as are purely of Admi- “ rally Jurisdiction, and such as are by «« Law to be heard and determined in “ the said Inferior District of Gaspe , “ or District of St. Francis.” Clause (A.) “ And be it further enacted by the “ authority aforesaid, that the said “ Court of King’s Bench shall sit and “ exercise such Jurisdiction by divi- “ visions, and that the division of the «* said Court for the District of Quebec , « shall consistof fourof the said Judges “ who shall be resident in the said Dis- “ tnct, and the division of the said “ Court for the District of Montreal , “ shall consist of four of the said “ Judges who shall be resident in the “ said District, and the division of the “ said District of Three Rivers , shall “ consist of any two of the said Judges, “ and of a Judge of the said Court <£ who shall be resident in the said Dis- “ trict, and in each of the said divi- “ sions the senior Judge present at the “ sittings of such division, shall pre- “ side.” n u « — Leave out “ every such” and in- sert “ each division of the said, ’ Ordonne, Que le dit Comit6 ait la permission de sieger de nouveau demain, dans la Seance du matin. Sur Motion de M. Vanfelson, seconde par M. Toomy, Ordonne , Que les Amendemens faits par le Conseil Lteislatif an Bill, intitule, “ Acte pour amender la « judicature de la Province, et pour etendre et faciliter b.ii de Judica. “ /administration de la Justice dans les differentes «> nsldert ' s “ parties d’icelle,” soient maintenant referes a un Co- mite de toute la Chambre. Les dits Amendemens ont ete lus ; et sont comme suit : Feuille 1. <( <( <: << (( «< Li cr ne 19. — A pres “ demeureront,” inserez “ pendant la continuation de cet “ Acte.” 20. A pres “ force,” inserez “ excepte « tel qu’il est ci-apres pourvu.” U 23. — Retranchez depuis “ chacun” in- clusivement, jusqu’a “ Rivieres,” aussi inclusivement, dans la vingt- quatrieme Ligne, et inserez “ cette “ Province du Bas-Canada.” u 26. — Retranchez les mots “superieure “ de Jurisdiction Civile,” et inserez “ du Banc du Roi.” t( « 27. — Retranchez depuis “ savoir” in- clusivement, jusqu’a “ Montreal f aussi inclusivement, dans la trente- et-unieme Ligne, et inserez “ de “ neuf Juges, et aura, possedera et « exercera une jurisdiction de pre- “ mi^re instance dans les affaires, “ causes et matieres civiles, dans et “ sur toute la dite Province, en la “ maniere ci-apres statuee par le “ present, sauf et excepte celles qui “ sont purement de la Jurisdiction “ de l’Amiraute, et celles qui doi- “ vent etre entendues et determi- “ nees dans le dit District Inferieur “ de Gaspe ou dans le District de u St. Frangois.” Clause (A.) “ Et qu'il soit de plus statue par “ l’autorit6 susdite, que la dite “ Cour du Banc du Roi siegera et 4 ‘ exercera telle jurisdiction, par di- “ visions, et que la division de la ts dite Cour pour le District de “ Quebec consistera de quatre des “ dits Juges qui resideront dans « le dit District, et la division de “ la dite Cour pour le District de Montreal consistera de quatre des “ dits Juges qui resideront dans “ le dit District, et la division de la “ dite Cour pour le District des 1 “ of King’s Bench to be holden for. ( ( After “ determined” insert the fol- lowing Proviso: “Provided always, that “ where the Resident Judge of the said “ Court for the District of Three Rivers “ shall be so recused at any such Cir- “ cuit Court, and such recusation shall “ be maintained as aforesaid, the suit in “ which such recusation shall have “ been made, whatever may be the “ amount or value of the matter in dis- “ pute, shall be heard, tried and finally a determined in the Superior leim of “ the said Court of King’s Bench, to << 6e holden for the said Distiict. ct «, «« 22 —Leave out “ Currency” and insert << Sterling.” „ « « 26.— Leave out “ Superior Court of Civil “ Jurisdiction” and insert “ Court of “ King’s Bench.” . 35, Leave out “Civil Jurisdiction and insert “ King’s Bench.” Line 16.— Leave out “ Superior Court of Civil “ Jurisdiction” and insert “ Court of “ King’s Bench.’’ f Lines 1 & 2.— Leave out “ Supreme Court’ and insert “ Court of Appeals.” « 19 —Leave out “ Ste. Marie ” and insert “ St. Joseph.” “ 42.— After “ Chateauguay" insert “and “ “ the Parish of St. Remi .” Lines 31 & 32. — Leave out from “ thirdly ’’ in- clusive, to “ Shefford” also inclusive, in the thirty second Line. Vrv'iUe 5. Ligne 12.— Retranchez “ Cour Superieure Femlle ia* tt de Jurisdiction Civile,” et inserez “ division de la Cour du Banc du “ lloi.” « “ “ 14.— Retranchez “ Cour,” et inserez “ division.” it « «t 2g. — Retranchez “ Superieure de Juris- “ diction Civile du,” et inserez “ du “ Banc du Roi pour le.” «« « «< 44.— Retranchez “ Superieure de Ju- “ risdiction Civile du,” et inserez “ du Banc du Roi qui se tiendra “ pour le.” Feuille 6. Ligne 10.— Apres “ determines,” inserez le Proviso suivant : “ Pourvu toujours “ que lorsqu'il sera ainsi fait une “ recusation contre le Juge Resi- “ dent de la dite Cour pour le Dis- “ trict des Trois- Rivieres a aucune “ telle Cour de Circuit, et que telle “ recusation sera maintenue comme “ susdit, la poursuite dans laquelle “ telle recusation aura ete ainsi “ faite, quel que puisse etre lemon- “ tant ou la valeur de la matiere en “ litige, sera entendue, jugee et de- “ finitivement determinee dans le “ Terme Superieur de la dite Cour “ du Banc du Roi qui se tiendra “ pour le dit District.” “ “ Li> a it Press 7* Press 8. ct and shall out of Term have “ charge Feuille 12. Lignes 0 et 7- — Retranchez “ et tontes felo- nies et del its capitaux et,” et in- serez “ et tous.” “ 19. — Retranchez “ Supreme,” et inst- rez “ d’ Appel.” 30. -Retranchez “ Supreme siegera t comma Lour d’ Appel,” et inserez d Appel siegera aux termes sui- “ vans.” Feuille 13. Ligne 11. — Retranchez « Supreme,” et in- serez “ d’ Assises.” Qj . — Retranchez “ Pourvu toujours,” et inserez “ et qu’il soit de plus tt (f “ statue par l’autorite susdite.” 27.— Retranchez “ Supreme,” et in- rez “ d* Appel.” 28. — Aprbs “ sera,” inserez “aussi.” 28 et 29 — Retranchez “ tant comme Cour d Appel que comme Cour “ c riminelle,” et inserez “ d’Assises “ etabliepar le present.” “ 31. Retranchez “ Pourvu aussi,” et ins< i ez “ Kt qu’il soit de plus statue “ par I’autorite susdite.” 33. Retranchez “ Supreme,” et inse- rez “ d’ Appel.” “ ibid. — Retianchez “ comme Cour d’An- “ pel.” 1 “ 36. — Retranchez Superieure de Juris- diction Civile,” et inserez “ du “ Banc du Roi.” “ 39. — Apres “ droit,” inserez la Clause suivante, marquee (B.J Clause (B.) Lt qu’il^ soit de plus statue par “ l’autorite susdite, que pendant les premiers quatre jours de ehacun “ des Termes ou Seances de la Cour du Banc du Roi qui par la Loi doivent etre a present tenus PP o„ ■„ Documens lelativement a 1’erection d’une Prison et Docu ™ ei,sre - d Line Coil r de Justice dans le Comte de Missislcoui, et a la drnsmn de la Seigneurie de St. Armand en deux M,l“ ns Paroisses, a presente a la Chambre le Rapport du dit Gomite ’ lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Gref- fier j et est comme suit : Votre Comite a examine attentivement les dits Do- cumens qm sont, 1 o Copies des procedes et de la conespondance entre le Gouvernement Executif et les Syndics elus pour les difKrentes divisions du Comte de Missiskoui 2 Trois Petitions des Habitans du dit Comte sur le mcme sujet. 3 o Commission des Com- 0 “ missaires o Lu 670 T Marlii. A. 1836. the same .abject. 3rd. Of the Commission of the Commissioners appointed to examine and determine tile site of the said Buildings, which C ommissioneis have selected the Village of Freleighsbiirg, as will be seen bv the correspondence above cited. 4th. Copies of Letters Patent, Petitions and Documents relative to the division of the Seigniory of St. Armand into two Parishes. Your Committee have also examined George Chand- ler, Esquire, one of the Trustees, Hiram Corey , Es- quire, Surveyor, and the Honorable Pierre De Roc ic- blaie, one of the Commissioners. Your Committee being of opinion that the enquiry is not as yet complete, and ought to be continued in the next Session, will abstain here from commenting on the subject referred to them : They will not at pre- sent express their opinion as to the character of the proceedings connected with the matter, nor whether party politics or local intrigues have had an undue in- fluence thereon ; they will remark merely that attempts were made to make use of the division of the Seigniory of St. Armand into two Parishes, to decide of the si* e of the Building in a manner which appears to lour Committee to have been illegal, and which also appears to have been considered so by the Law Officers of the Crown. Your Committee think also that in the selec- tion of the Commissioners, the known desire of the large majority of the Inhabitants has not been su ciently attended to. , , „ , e The Building was finally declared by the Repoit of the Commissioners, to be located at Freleighsbiirg, a place within two miles and a half of the Province Line, and consequently on the borders of the County, and, besides, to the East of the great bulk of the population. That spot, besides the numerous inconveniences which may arise from the circumstance of holding Courts of Criminal Jurisdiction, and keeping a Gaol on the limits of another Country, being in fact neither the geogra- phical centre of the County, nor convenient to the population in general. . Your Committee have not had time to consider what steps ought to betaken to remedy any irregularity in the proceedings heretofore had with regard to the said Court House and Gaol, or to avoid the inconvenience resulting from the decision of the Commissioners. Your Committee will only remark that when the salutary principle of popular Election was introduced into the original Law, that principle was abandoned in the amendment made thereto, and vested the Executive with a power of a local and municipal nature which might have been better exercised by the people them- selves : To that cause Your Committee chiefly attribute the difficulties and complaints which have existed. Upon the whole Your Committee respectfully re- commend that owing to the lateness of the present Ses- sion, the consideration of the subject be resumed in the next. tnissaires nomm£s pour choisir tin local pour batir les dits Edifices ; et l’on verra par la correspondance pre- citee que les Commissaires ont choisi le Village de Fre- leighsburg pour cet objet. 4° Copies des Lettres Patentes, Petitions et Documens relatiD a la division de la Seigneurie de St. Armand en deux Paroisses. Votre Comite a aussi interrog£ George Chandler , Ecuyer, Pun des Syndics, Hiram Corey , Ecuyer, Arpen- teur, et PHonorable Pierre de Rochehlave, Pun des Commissaires. Votre Comite etant d’opinion que l'Enquele n est pas encore terminee et devrait etre continuee pendant le cours de la Session prochaine, s’abstiendra ici de faire aucune remarque sur les matieres qui lui ont ete refe- rees. 11 n’emettra pour le piesent aucune opinion sur la nature des procedes qui se rattachent a cette matiere, oil sur la question si 1 esprit de parti ou des intrigues locales ont eu une influence indue a cet egard. Votre Comite se contentera simplement de remarquer qu'on a essaye de faire un pretexte de la division de la Seigneu- rie de St Armand en deux Paroisses pour choisir le local de PEdifice d’une maniere qui parait illegale a Votre Comite, et qui parait avoir considered comme telle par les Officiers en Loi de la Couronne. Votie Comite pense aussi que dans le choix des Commissaiies l'on ne s’est pas suffisamment conforme aux voeux connus de la grande majorite des llabitans. | J0 Rapport des Commissaires declare finalement que PEdifice sera construit a Freleighsbiirg , Village situe k deux mil les et demi de la Ligtie de la 1 rovince, ct par consequent a 1 extremite du Comte et a PEst des habi- tations de la grande masse de la population. Outie les nombreux inconveniens qu’il y a de tenir une Lour de Jurisdiction Criininelle et de maintenir une Prison sur les conflns d’un autre Pays. Ce Village n’est pas situe au centre du ( omte, et ne convient pas a la generalite de la population de ce Comte. Votre Comite n’a pas eu le loisir de considerer les mesures que Pon devrait prendre pour remedier a Pi r re- gularity des procedes adoptes relativement a la elite Prison et Maison de Justice, ou pour eviter les inconve- niens qui resuitent de la decision des Commissaires. Votre Comity se contentera de remarquer que lorsque Pon a introduit dans la Loi primitive le principe salu- taire de P Election populaire, ce piincipe a ete aban- donne par Pamendement qu on y a fait, et qui donne a PExecutif un pouvoir d’une nature municipale et locale qui aurait mieux ete exerce par le Peuple lui-meme. C’est a cette cause que Votre Comite attribue pnnci- palement les difficultes et les plaintes qui ont exisie. iSur le tout, Votre Comite recommande respectueuse- ment, vu Petat avance de la Session actuelle, que la consideration de cette mesure soit reprise dans la Ses- sion prochaine. Gacpe Fisheries An engrossed Bill for the better regulation of the B.11 passed. Fisheries t h e Inferior District of Gaspe, was read for the third time. Resolved , That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Thibaudeau do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concur- rence. Council’s Amciidmcnislo Aj'rieull* >e Bill agreed 10 wnh an Amendment. On Motion of Mr. Archambeault, seconded by Mr. Pierre Antoine Donon , Ordered , That the Amendments made by the Legis- lative Council to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act to repeal <« a certain Act therein mentioned, and more eflec- “ tually Un Bill grossoye pour mieux regler les Peches dans le District Inferieur de Gaspe , a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Thibeaudeau porte le dit Bill au Conseil L^gislatif, et demande son concours. Sur Motion de M. Arc h amber ult, seconde par M. Fieri e- Antoine Dor ion, Ordonne, Que les Amendemens faits par le Conseil Legislate au Bill, intitule, “Acte pour revoquer un “ certain Acte y mentionne, et pour remedier plus “ eflicacement Bill des Peel de Gaspe, pa se. Amendemen du Conseil Bill d’Agrici ture, passes a un Amende- ment. 6 Will. IV. 7 °- — 8° “ Emily to remedy divers abuses prejudicial to Agri- “ culture,” as amended, be now read for the third time. The said Amendments were accordingly read a third time. A e solved, J hat the said Amendments, as amended, do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Arcliambeault do carry back the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and acquaint their Honors that this House hath agreed to their Amend- ments, with an Amendment, to which they desire their concurrence. K3 A Bi !’ t0 provide more effectually for the establish- ment of a strict and efficient Quarantine in the Pro- vince of Lowe? Canada , was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered , I hat the said Bill be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House to-morrow, in the forenoon Bitting, and that it be then the first Order of the day. HoTdT a n Tedb- ^ ^ ie ^ rder °f the day for the House in Committee ic i.p rov e. on the Second Report of the Standing Committee of 671 “ efficacement A divers abus prejudiciables a 1’AgricuI. ture, tels qu amendes, soient maintenant lus pour | a troisieme fois. 1 Les dits Amendemens out en consequence ete Jus pour la troisieme fois. J (i " C ICS d ' tS Aracndemens > tels qu’amendds, Ordonne, Que M. Arcliambeault reporte le tlit Bill au Consed Leg.slatit; et informs leur s Honneurs que cctte Chambre a adople leurs Amendemens, avec un Amendement, auquel elle demande leur concours. et efficace dans la Province du Bos- Canada, a A/lu une seconde fois. Ordonne Que le dit Bill soil refere a un Comite de toute la Chambre, demain, dans la Seance du matin et que ce soit alors le premier Ordre du jour. ’ rnm? rdre £l |‘ i° l " P? U I’ H ue la Chambre se forme en comi.ssuries Roads and Public I mprovements 1 on thai^ait of the "eZrs ^d™ SflES- I'.rst Report of the said Standing Committee which panic du Premier ^ qm a lappoi t au Chetnin depuis Laprairie jusqu’a St. (-tihi 61 SU1 6 Cm<1Uleme Ba Pl )0It du di t Comite, ayant Comk^ hamble S>eSt 6n conse ^ uence f ormee en le dit M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comite. Plusieurs Membres s’etant retires, M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil. * * - uiaiiii i iig cuuimiuee wmen relates to the Boad from Laprairie to St. John's ; and on the fifth Report of the said Committee, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee. Several Members having retired, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. And the names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Arcliambeault , Baker, Bardy, Beaudouin Berthdot, Besserer, Blanchet , Bo uffard, Caron, Cherrier C/apham, Cote, De Bleury, Deblois. De Tonnancour , De Jl itt , Vierre Antoine Dorian , Charles Drolet, Dubord Fortin, Fraser, Grannis , Huot, Knight, Larue , l etour- neau, Meilleur, Morin, Mousseau, Noel, O’ Callao han leirauit, Rodier, Simon, Taclie, Thibaudeau and Toomy. And at a quarter past twelve o’clock at nio-ht, Mr*. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. Et les noms des Membres presens ont ete oris M. l’Orateur, Messieurs Arcliambeault , Baker, Bardy Beaudmdn Bcrthelot, Besserer, Blanchet, Bouffard, Caron, Cherrier C 1T 7 tt ia nl C J De . Bleur ?L Deblois, De Tonnancour De Jkitt, Bier re- Antoine Dorion. Charles Drolet, Dubord I or tin, Fraser, Grannis, Huot, Knight, Larue Letour neau, Meilleur, Morin, Mousseau, 0 Noel, O CaLTan Perrault, Rodier, Simon, Tache, Thibaudeau etToomy Et a min uit et un quart, M. POrateur a aiourne la Chambre faute de Quorum, Tuesday , 8th March, 1836.— Ten o’clock, A. M. Rual Fire 'Uianr eCoi 'ies Sill, pas- , N Motion of Mr. Caron, seconded by Mr Hebert joumment. Ordered, That when this House doth adjourn it will adjourn till five o’clock, P. M., this day. ■uiani eCom- An engrossed Bill to continue, for a limited time i- and to amend a certain Act therein mentioned relative to the establishment of Mutual Fire Assurance Compa- nies, was lead for the third time. F Ordered, I hat the following engrossed Proviso maiked (A.) be added to the said Bill, by way of Rider at the end of the fifth Clause, and do make part of the said Bill : Proviso (A.) “ Provided always that the said Promissory Note “ may exceed ten per cent if so regulated by the said “ Directors.” And the said engrossed Proviso was thrice read. Resolved, Mcirdi , 8 Mat's 1886. — Dix heures, A. M. UR Motion de M. Caron, seconde par M. Hebert Ordonne, Que lorsque cette Chambre s’aionmpr-, . . elle s’ajourne a cinq heures, P. M., ce jour. J * J0urnement - Un Bill grossoye pour continuer, pour un temps limi- buuo , T* e . un certain Acte y mentionne, reh itif a Compagnies contteT/ZIl Compagnie dAssurance Mutuelle SSZ™ conti e le feu a et^ In pour la troisieme fois. Ordonne, Que le Proviso suivant, grossoye marm^ ( .) soit ajoute au dit Bill en forme de Cavalier, A la hn tie la cinquieme Clause, et fasse partie du dit Bill ; Proviso (A.) „ “ 1,0 " rvu ‘ ou j° urs . q ue 'e dit Billet Promissoire « feglerrt “ P ° Ur Cent> Si leS d,,S Direcl — '<> le Feu. Et le dit Proviso grossoye a ete lu trois fois. Resolu, A. 1 8 36, 6 n 8° Martii. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered That Mr. Leslie do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. . Ordonne, Que M. Leslie porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislate, et demande son concours. Committee on Quarantine Bill. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to provide more effectually for the establish- nientof a strict and efficient Quarantine in the Pro- vince of Lower Canada, being read ; , . , The House accordingly resolved itself into the said C °Mr TlSardy took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Hardy reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for ^Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit ao-ain in the afternoon Sitting ot this day. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comity sur le Bill qui pour voit plus efficacement a feta- blissement d’une Quarantame stricte et efficace, dans la Province du Bas-Canada, ayant etc lu ; 1 La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. ^ M. Bnrdij a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; . , . Et M. Bardy a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander pei- mission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sie- o-er de nouveau dans la seance de l'anres-midi de ce Comite sur le Bill de Quaran tame. Ordered, That the said Order be then the first Order of the day. jour Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre soit alors le premier Or- dre dujour. Roads and Pub- lic Improve- ments deferred. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Second Report of the Standing Committee or Roads and Public Improvements ; on that pait ot t le First Report of the said Standing Committee which * . i p t frv v/ in hi) s ana L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se tonne en Comite sur le Second Rapport du Comite Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations Pubhques ; sur cette partie du Premier Rapport du dit Comite Permanent ‘ . . ... /"■! .laniiic T.rmrm.rie 1USQU a or. Chemins et Amelioration Pubhques, re- mis. First Report of the said Standing CommUtee w I ^ ] t au chemin depuis Laprairie jusqu’a St relates to the Road from Laprairie to St. Jo, hnj>, _ \\ n(llli £ me Rapport du dit Comite, ay an relates w me \r . . on the Fifth Report of the said Committee, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till the afternoon Sitting of this day. Jean, et sur le Cinquieme Rapport du dit Comite, ayant ete lu ; , • Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a la Seance de I’apr&s-midi de ce join. Committee on the Keport re- lating to the conduct of Jacques Sur* prellatit and other School Masters ; on r ’Orrli'p du lour Doin' nue la Chambie se foi me en die Order of the day for the House in Commit sur (e R J app0 r t du Comite Special nomine pour the Report of the Special Committee appo s’enauerir de la conduite du nomirnf Jacques Sur prenant, uire into the conduct of Jacques Surprenant, School ^‘Teu, de PArrondissement No 11, dans la Pa- enquire into me conuuu u. Jacques Sur prenant . Master in the District No. 11, in the l arish o e. Marguerite de Blairjindie, in the County of Acadie, and into "other matters relating to the conduct ot certain School Masters in the said County, being read; Resolutions and an Address re- laling to J Sur- prenant and J. B. M. Dechene, School Masters. The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. „ , •. Mr. Cherrier took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; . And Mr. Cherrier reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions; which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk’s Table, and agreed to by the House; and are as followeth: . 1. Resolved, That Jacques Surprenant deceived Louis Lacoste, Esquire, Member for the County of Cluimbly with the view of obtaining an allowance which his bat conduct prevented him from being entitled to as Mas- ter of the School No. 11, in the Parish of Ste. Margue- rite de Blair/indie, in the County of Acadie. . . rm i T \/f 1*1 17 roisse de Ste. Marguerite de Blairjindie, dans le ( omte de X Acadie, et autres affaires qui concerned la con- duite de certains Maitres d’Ecole dans .e dit Comte, ayant ete hi; „ , . .. La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Cherrier a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apies y avoir siege quelque temps. M. l Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; . , Et M. Cherrier a fait Rapport que le Comite avait passe plusieurs Resolutions; lesquelles Resolutions ont 6te lues de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptees par la Chambre; et elles sont comme suit: 1. liesolu, Que Jacques Surprenant, a trompe Louis Lacoste, Ecuyer, Membre pour le Comte de Chambly, C omite sur If Rapport relat a la conduite Jacques Sur- prenant, eta tres Maitres u’Ecole; Resolutions utie Adresse lativement a B M.Deche Maitrc d’Ec dans la vue d’obtenir une allocation que sa mauvaise conduite ne lui permettait pas d’avoir, comme Institu- teur de l’Ecole No. 11, dans la Paroisse de Ste. Mar- guerite de Blairjindie, dans le Come de V Acadie. 2. Resolu, Que Jean- Baptiste Miville Dechene a obtenu 2. Resolved, That Jean Baptiste Miville Dechene “’^rfrauiiuleifx les allocations des Ecoles obtained by fraudulent means the allowances fo, P 1 da J | a Paroisse de St. Valentin, dans le Comte Schools No. 2, m the , P ^r 1 of tire Harish of Ste. de I’ Acadie, et No. 1 , de la Paroiss. ^ de Ste. Marguerite Marguerite de Blairjindie, in the County of Lhamb.y, d while by the Law he was entitled to no more than one pi M ™Tesilved, That an humble Address be presented £§,££££. en-Chef, avec Copie du to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, with a C py * * Pomite Special et les Documens qui lac- of the Report , Ade by the Special Committee and e bien ordonne, ‘a I'Of r ftcauie, ei i, uc .a. . ---- - & Blairjindie , dans le Comte de Chamhly , tamhs que r la Loi il n’avait droit qu’a une seule allocation. Resolu, Qu'il soit presente une humble Adresse a ana iiit; — , * . . . \ i>/a accoinpao^og ib SS ,ga. or- es to direct the proper Officer to adopt legal means compel the said Province the sui said Jean Baptiste Miville Dechene, that ot l weive c-ouis c ‘ "r* cours" actuel, qu’ils ont fraudu- pounds Currency, which they fraudulently obtained celle de Douze l.vies, cours 1 |eusement and Committee on Report relating o S H. Dick- iraon. Answer to an Address. Message to Council W'th Documents on Bill for chan- ;iti 2 one place >f Election in Missiskoui. Report on mode of eommun'ca- tine with the Agent. 6 Will. IV. and received from the Receiver General of this Pro- vince. Ordered , That Mr. Cute , Mr. Bouffard, Mr. Grannis and Vlr . De Tonnancour do present the said Addiess to His Excellency the Governor in Chief. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Tenth Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Clapham took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Clapham reported that the Committee had come to several Resolutions, which he was directed to submit to the House. Ordered , That the Report be received to morrow. Mr. O'Callafftan , accompanied by the other Mes- sengers, reported to the House, that their Address of the fourth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, with a Copy of the Reso ution relating to the want of Parchment, had been presented to His Excel- lency; and that he had been pleased to give me fol- lowing Answer : Gentlemen, I request you to acquaint the House of Assembly, in answer to this Address, that as, under the circum- stances stated in the accompanying Resolution, the usual custom of engrossing Bills on Parchment cannot be observed, 1 shall not hesitate to receive such Bdls written on Paper as may be passed during the remainder of the present Session. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 8th March 1836. Then, on Motion of Mr. Cute , seconded by Mr Cher - rier. The House adjourned. 673 leusement obtenues et perries du Receveur-General de cette Province. Ordonne, Que M. Cute , M. Bouffard, M . Grannis et M. l)e Tonnancour presentent la dite Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. E Oidie du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite stir le Dixieme Rapport du Comite Permanent des Griefs, ayant ete In ; La C hambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite 1V1 . Clapham a pris le Lauteuil du Comite ; et apres v avoir siege quelque temps, M. POrateur a repris le Fautenil ; Et M. ( lapham a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe plusieurs Resolutions, qu’ii avait ordre de sou- mettre a la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le Rapport soit re 9 U demain. M. O'Callaghan, accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du quatre du courant, a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef, avec une Copie de la Resolution relative au manque de Parchemin, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence; et qu il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d’Assemblee, en reponse a cette Adresse, que, comme l’usage de grossoyer les Bdls sur le Parchemin ne peut pas etre suivi, vu les circonstances que mentionne la Resolution accompagnant cette Adresse, je n’hesiterai pas a rece- voir tons les Bills ecrits sur le Papier, qui pourront etre passes durant le reste de la presente Session. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec , 8 Mars 1836. Alors, sur Motion de M. Cote, seconds par M .Cherrier, La Chambre s’est ajourn^e. 8° Mari it. Tuesday, 8th March 1836. — Five o'clock , P. M. Mardi, 8 Mars 18 36.— Cinq heures, P. M. N Motion of Mr. Besserer, seconded by Mr. Fortin, Resolved, That the Documents on which is founded the Bill, intituled, “ An Act to amend the Act of the “ ninth, George the Fourth, Chapter seventy three, di- “ viding the Province into Counties, by chmging one “ place of Election in the County of Missiskoui, ' be communicated to the Legislative Council, by Message. Ordered, That Mr. Besserer do carry the said Mes- sage to the Legislative Council. Mr. Morin, from the Special Committee appointed to determine and regulate the mode in which, and the channel through which, communication shall be had with John Arthur Roebuck Esquire, the Agent of this House in England, touching the public business of the Province, during the recesses between the Sessions of tB e Parliament, and between a dissolution and the time when the new Parliament shall be called together; and what means ought to be adopted for communicating to the Members of this House, during the said recesses, the Letters and Documents which may be received from the Vol. — 45. UR Motion de M. Besserer, secondepar M. Fortin , Resolu, Que les Documens d’apr^s lesquels cette Chambre a procede sur le Bdl, intitule, “ Acte pour “ amender I’Acte de la tieuvieme George Quatre, Cha- “ [litre soixaut e-et-treize, qui divise la Province en ‘ Comtes, en changeant une place d’Election dans le “ Comte de Missiskoui,” soient communiques au Con- “ seil Legislatif, par Message. Ordonne, Que M. Besserer porte le dit Message an Conseil Legislatif. M. Morin, du Comite Special nomine a I’effet de de- terminer et de regler par quelle voie et de quelle ma- niere il sera communique avec John- Arthur Roebuck, Ecuyer, Agent de cette Chambre en Ang/eterrp , tou- c bant les affaires publicities de cette Province, dans les vacances entre les Sessions du Parlement Provincial, ou apres une dissolution etjusqu’a la convocation du nou- veau Pa i lenient, et quels moyens devraient etreadoptes a l’effet de faire part dans les elites vacances, aux Mem- bres de cette Chambre, des Lettres et Documens qui pourraient etre re 5 us du dit Agent, a presente a la Chambre 8 H - Comitf sur le Rapport relaiif a S 11. Dicker- son. Reponse a une Adresse. Message au Cunveil, avec les Documens sur le Bill pour changer une place d’ Election dans Missiskoui. Rapport sur le mode de corn- mu i cpier avec 1’ Agent. 874 ' 8 " Marlii. A. 1836 . , . . nl .pd e nted to tlie House the Report of % fakl which was again read at the Clerk's ^During th“ S^too7oi h the Parliament, the Speaker of the House is the organ through whom the V^ l “^ ec |. Age „ t> p 0 i ir le diriger dans ses demarches communicates with their Agent, for the pm P^ e J 1 “ et dans l a conclude des affaires qui lui sont confines, recting him in his proceedings, and in tne co - :„rt,,,otinnt pi- nnv nrdrps de la Chambre le Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, commesuit: Durant les Sessions du Parlement, l’Orateur de la Chambre est l’organe par lequel la Chambre commu- rprtlfUI ill ill in “'o \ J i , . . the business entrusted to him, according to the instruc- tions and orders given or made by the House. Although it is impossible to give the Correspondence which may take place with the said Agent during the recesses between the Sessions, on the part of an autho- rity emanating from the House, the same character ot authenticity which belongs to the acts and proceedings of the House itself, and to the official Correspondence conformement aux instructions et aux ordres de la Chambre. , Quoiqu’il soit impossible d’attnbuer le meme earac- he d’authenticite a la co. respondance qui pent avoir lieu avec le dit Agent, dans les vacances entre les Sessions, de la part d’une antonte emanant de la Cham- bre, qu’aux Actes et aux precedes de a Chambre elle-meme, et a la correspondance officielle de l O.a- oi me nuuac .ww, - : . Vn„r Cnmmit teur asissant sous sa direction, \otre Comife croit ce- of the Speaker acting under its direction, \ our Coi , ® , a \ on „ ue duree des dites vacances, et la tee, nevertheless, believe that the long duiati n k-essite de repondre aux communications qui peuvent said recesses, and the necessity of reply, ng to ttmCom de ,. Agent> ou de lui donner des ren- seignemens particuliers sur certains points avant a con- vocation du Parlement, rendraient avantageuse 1 adop- tion des moyens prevus dans I’ordre de reference donne t , I 1 .. . 1 .1 4 ' l-» o m Kl'P “A PP ( j o m 1 1 (A » munications which may then be received from the Agent, or of furnishing him with particular information on cer- tain points before the time for which Parliament may be called together, render it highly desirable that means should be adopted for attaining the objects contem- plated by the Order of reference made by lour Hono- rable House to Your Committee. Your Committee are well convinced that during the recesses as on all other occasions, the Honorable Spea- ker of this House, in the Correspondence which it has been his duty in that quality to bold with the Agent has perfectly discharged that duty in all respects, and in a manner conformable to the decisions and senti- ments of the House, and well adapted to maintain and to ensure respecter the rights of the Representative Body and those of the People, and to inform and direct the said Agent in his proceedings and representations. Your Committee are therefore, very far from deny- ing the tribute of their approbation to the Honorable Speaker, when they state in detail their opinions on the matters of reference aforesaid. 1 he great extent of the Province, and more especially the great distance between the chief places in the several Districts, ren- der the communication between the Membeis in gene- ral more difficult, and would prevent the contents of the Letters received from the Agent during the recesses from being easily communicated to them, not with standing the anxiety of the Speaker that they should be so, except by means of a special organization for that purpose, in the several Districts ot this Province. It would, moreover, be advantageous that such organi- zation should exist, for the purpose of transmitting to the Agent in a more extended and general manner during the recesses, the opinions of the Membeis par Votre Honorable Chambre a ce Comite. Votre Comite est tres-persuade que dans la vacance* comme en toute autre occasion, I’Honorable POrateur de cette < hambre, dans les cor respondances avec I A- gent dontilsest trouve charge en cette quality a par- faitement rempli cette tache et d’une manu re conforme aux decisions ei aux sentimens de la ( hambre, et propre a faire valoir et a faire respecter les droits du corps Representatif et ceux du Peuple, et a eclaiiei et diriger 1 Agent dans ses demarches et ses icpiesenta- tions. Votre Comite est done tres-eloigne de refuser le tribut de son approbation a I’Honorable Orateur lors- qu’il expose ses opinions detaillees sur 1 oiclie de refe- rence ci-dessus. I a grande etendue de la 1 rovince, et surtout l’eloignement des Chefs lieux des (livers Dis- tricts, rendent plus difficile la communication entie les Membresen general, et font que les Lettres de I Agent recues dans 1 intervalle entre les Sessions ne pourraient etre facilement connues a ces derniers, malgie 1 em- pressement de M. I’Orateur a les communiquer, a moins d line organisation sp ciale a cette fin dans les divers Districts de la Province. II serait avantageux d ail- leurs qu’il existat une pareille organisation, pour fffire parvenir a 1’ Agent, d une manieie |> I ns ( tendue et plus oenerale dans 1’intervalle des Sessions les opinions des Membres, soit sur les affaires gene. ales du Pays, soit sur des interets particuliers eoncernant des individus ou des locahtes. Ce plan, d’ailleurs, avaiUte pr- vu par during the recesses, the °P' n, °" s ° on th g le Bill passe a plusieurs reprises par cette Chambre, either on the general affairs of the Country oi on t e H ‘ dans | e Royaume-Uni, lequel Bill a particular, s of .nd... duals .ml ocalm s 1 he no,,,,, tarn unAg^ ^ ^ ^ place now suggested was moreovei contemplateci oy i 1 the Bill repeatedly passed by this House for the ap- pointment of an Agent in the United Kingdom, and as often lost in the Legislative Council. Your Committee therefore humbly suggest, that Your Honorable House should, before the close of the Session, appoint a Committee of fifteen Members, ^be- sides the speaker who should be a Member thereof by virtue of his office) to be called “ The Committee of “ Correspondence with the Agent, and to act as such until the next Session of the Provincial Parliament. That six of the Members of the said Committee should be chosen from among the Members of the Dis- trict of Quebec, six from among those of the District of Montreal, and three from among those for the District Three Rivers, one of the latter being from the Eastern Townships. r That Votre Comite suggere done humblement que Votre Honorable Chambre devrait nommer, avant la fin de la Session, uii Connte de quinze Membres, en outie de M. l’Orateur qui en serait Membre de droit, lequel Comite serait nomine le “ Comite de Correspondance “ avec 1’Agent,” et agirait comme tel jusqu’a la pro- chaine Session du Parlement Piovincial. Que six des Membres du dit Comite devraient etre choisis dans le District de Quebec, six dans le District de Monti eal, et trois dans le District des Troti- Rivieres, dont un dans les Townships de 1 Est. Que 6 Will. IV . 8° Mart ii. That the Quorum of the said Committee should con- sist of nine Members: That the said Committee when called together in the manner hereinafter mentioned should sit at Three Rivers : That the Speaker, or in his absence, a Vice President to be chosen by the Com- mittee, should preside in the said Committee, who should also choose a Secretary; and that it should be the duty ot the said Officers to correspond with the said Agent, to carry into effect the Resolutions of the Com- mittee, to keep correct Registers of all proceedings, and to report them to the Legislature at the following- Session. ° That on important matters, the said Committee should be authorized, either when in sitting at Three Rivers or by a Circular Letter signed by at least nine of its Members, to invite the Members of the House o- en eraI- 8y, to meet together at Three Rivers for the purpose of taking communication of the Letters and Documents leceived from the Agent, or of transmitting Instruc- tions and Communications to him. That as well at such meetings as at all other times the Members of the House should have aceess to the papers and registers of the said Committee, and of the District Committees hereinafter mentioned, but that at the same time the Presidents and Secretaries should have the care and keeping of the said Documents, and shall see that they are not communicated except to those who are entitled to such communication. I hat in each of the Districts of Quebec and Mont- real, and in that of Three Rivers , comprising the Eas- tern Townships, the Members of the said Committee therein resident should compose Sub-Committees of whom a majority of the whole should form a Quorum, and who should also respectively elect a President and a Secretary, except that the President and the Secre- tary of the principal Committee should be respectiv ely the President and S cretary of the Sub-Committee of tile District in which they might be resident. That when the Honorable Speaker should receive any Letter or Communication from the Agent, he should fort n with transmit a Copy thereof to the President or to the Secretary of each of the said three Sub-Committees. I hat each Sub-Committee should also have power to act in its own District for all purposes of Correspon- dence with the said Agent, and to communicate with 1,111 as such Sub-Committee; provided that all the pro- ceedings of the said Sub Committees should be regular- ly communicated to the principal Committee, ami to the other Sub-Committees, as sh mid also all communi- cations which they might receive from the said Ao-ent. hat each of the said Sub-Committees should be au- thorized to require that the principal Committee should be called together at Three Rivers, whenever they should find that circumstances should require such meet- ing, and also to invite the other Sub-Committees to take the advice of the Members in general, as herein- above suggested. That all Correspondence between the said Commit- tee and S ib-Committees should be carried on through the President and Secretary thereof. Ordered, That the said Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House to-morrow. 675 Que J e Quorum du dit Comit6 devrait Hre de neuf seia r? S '• Que e v d,t r ° m,t(/j ’ convoque ainsi qu ’il se a d, t ci apres, si^gerait aux Trots-. Rivieres : Que l dit Comite seraif preside par M. POrateur, et en son absence par un Vice-Piesident que le Comite choisira a.ns, qu uu Secretaire ; lesquels Officers seraient cl a p tie cnnespondre avec rAgent, de metre a effe lea Itcso utions du Comtte, de tenir des Kecdstres ex- acts et de fatre rapport de tous les precedes i la Cham bre a la Session suivante. m ' Que sur des matieres importantes, le dit Comite soit en Seance aux 1 rois-Riviei es. soit par lettre circulate signee dan moms neuf de ses Membres, pourra inviter les Membres de la Chambre en general a se reuniraux I ettrei ^ fi " Sde prendre communication des Lett es et Documens re 5 us de I Agent, ou de lui adres- ?ei des lenseignemens et communications : i S L i' e ^ nt 3UX dltes Assemblies qtPen tout autre temns es Membres de la Chambre pourront avoir TJ S 2k egistres et Papiers du dit Comite, et des Comites de District ci-apr£s mentionnes, mais qu en merne temps les Piesidens et Secretaires auront la garde des dns Documens, etdevront veiller a ce qu’ils ne ^ soientcom- mumques qu a ceux qui y auront droit. t n V ChaCU , ndeS Districts de M ™lreal, de Que- f . ^is-Rnieres, comprenant les Townships el Lst, les Membres du Comite y residant compose- ront des Sous-Comitis, dont le Quorum sera une majo- ritedentreeux, lesquels eiiront aussi un President etun Secretaire, maisle President et le Secretaire du Comit 6 pnncipal smont respectivement President et Secretaire du Sous-Comite du District ou ils resideront. Que lorsque I’Honorable Orateur recevra quelaue Lettre ou autre Communication de PAgent, il Jra term den transmettre auss.tot Copie au President ou au Secretaire de chacun des dits trois Sous-Comites. Que chaque Sous-Comite pourra aussi agir dans son District aux fins de la Correspondance "avec le dit Agent, et communiquer avec lui comme tel Sous Co- mite ; pourvu que tous les precedes des dits Sous- pZr. e '!ri° ntCOmmUn [ f,U " S r eg“^rementau Comite 1 nncipal et aux autres Sous-Comites, ainsi que toutes communications qu’ils pourront recevoir de 1 Agent. Que chacun des dits Sous-Comitis pourra requerir l a convocation du Comite Principal aux Irois-. Rivieres oisqu d trouvera que les circonstances demandent une telle reunion, et aussi inviter les autres Sous-Comites a prendre I avis des Membres en general, ainsi qu’il a ete prevu ci-dessus. 1 CLe Mr. O' Callaghan, from the Special Committee ap- P oint ^L to enquire into the present condition of the 1 ost Office Department, with a view to the application of an efficient remedy to the defects in its organization and management, and other references, with power to report from time to time, presented to the House the Second Report ot the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table, For Que toute correspondance entre les dits Comites et bous-< omites auront lieu par l’entremise du President ou du Secretaire d’iceux. Ordonne, Que le dit Rapport soit refere a un Co- mite de toute la Chambre demain, M. OVallaghm , du Comite Special nomine pour s*™, r„- s enquenr de I etat actuel du Departement des Postes por,surle ! ) “ afinde porter un remede efficace aux defectuosites de SET son organisation et administration, et autres references avec pou voir de faire rapport de temps a autre, a pre- sente a la Chambre le Second Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a iti lu de nouveau k la Table du Greffier. Pour 8 ° Martii. A. 1836 . 676 Ajipenil* (G. G.) For the said Report, see Appendix (G. G.) at the end of this Volume. On Motion of Mr Perrault , seconded by Mr. Fortin, Ordered, That five hundred Copies of the said lie- port, with the Evidence and Documents therein men- tioned, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (G. G.) la { A ( ? pp J ld ) iee fin de ce Volume. Sur Motion de M. Perrault, second^ par M. Fortin, Ordonne, Que cinq cents Exemplaires du dit Rap- port avec les Temoigna^es et Documensqui y sont men- tionnes, soient imprimes pour I’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. sixth Keport of Mr. Huot, from the Standing Committee of Ednca- Commiitee on^ cation and Schools, presented to the House the Sixth Schools. Report of the said Committee ; which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. Appendix For the said Report, see Appendix (O. O.) at the ( ° a) end of this Volume. M. Hunt du Comite Permanent pour l’Education et sixieme Ra P - les Ecoles, a presente i la Chambre le Sixieme Rapport ^MuCu^lio du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nouveau a la table eiiesEcoies. du ( -i reflier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (O. O.) a la App^a- mua^dstf 1 ’ tion of the River M Lawrence, and other references’ anas. presented to the House the Report of the said Com- > P ndix in >t tee, which was again read at the Clerk’s Table. (!z!V x For the said Report, see Appendix (Z. Z.) at the end of this Volume v ' On Motion of Mr. O' Callaghan, seconded by Mr. Besserer, J Ordered, That two hundred Copies of the said Re- poi t be printed for the use of the Members of this House. t°re,a Re ' Mr V Perrault, from the Special Committee to whom iMo-ho Po was referred the Resoh tion of this House of the second ipSn A Ac e . s January last, viz : “ That it is expedient to substitute ^ in the p lace of the sixth ( lause struck out of the Bill to continue for a limited time, certain Acts therein mentioned, and which provided for the con- “ tfnuation of the Act 9th, Geo. IV., Cap. 86, intitu- donne, Que le dit Bill soit maintenant refere a un Biirefo-e; Comite de toute la Cbambre. La Cbambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comiti*. M. O' Callaghan a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et consid ' re - apres y avoir sirg * quelque temps, M. POratcur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M .O' Callaghan a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avail fait plusiem s amendemens, dont il avait ordre de faire rapport a la Cbambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re^i demain. Ordonne , Que le Second Rapport du Comite Special nomine pour s’enqueiir de P tat actuel du Depirte- sm-ieUe- , ?. , \ I memdesl 1 ment des Postes, aha de poiter un remede emcace anx d fectousites de son organisation et administration, et autres r ferences, soit maintenant refere a un Comite de toute la Cbambre. La Cbambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comit *. M. Meilleur a pris le Fauteuil du Comiti ; et apr£s v avoir siege quelque tern s, M. I’Orateur a iepiis le fauteuil ; Et M. MeiUeur a fait rapport que le Comite avait UneRe-fj passe pi usie urs Resolutions ; lesipielles Resolutions out r .!>|.,Tt6e * eC* lues de nou\eau i la Table du Gieffier, et adoptees par la Cbambre ; et elle* sont comme suit : desPusi* Resolu, Que cette Cbambre concourt dans le Se- cond Rapport du Comite Special sur le Departement des Postes. Resolu , Qu’il soit presente une bumble Adresse h Son 6 Will. IV. 9« to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, praying His Excellency to direct the proper Officer to adopt legal measures to oblige Thomas Allen Stayner, Esquire, l)e- puty I ost Mastei General, to reimburse a certain sum of Nine thousand five hundred and fifty pounds five shillings and two pence Currency, which the said Tho- mas Allen Stayner has received since his appointment to his present Office, for the transmission of Newspa- per and other printed apers and 'amphlets bv Mail ; and which sum the said Thomas Allen Slai/ner, without authority of Law, a propriated to his own private use and benefit. O' (lend. That Mr. O' Callaghan, Mr. MeHLur , Mr. Ij( sl/e and Mi Hesse ren do present ti.e said Address to His Excellency the Governor in Chief ^ri'Jno^n 0 An engrossed Bill to regulate the mode of summon- (iaiw 111 ii a t.-rs ^*'g Defendants w ho have no known Domicile in the itST*"* l>,<)V, "ce, in matters of Saisie An el, was read for the third time. Resolved , That the Till do pass. Ordered , I hat Mr. ('her/ ier do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concur- rence. Martiis f^gj Son Excellence le Gouverneur-cn-Chef, pour priei Sori Excellence d ordonner i POfficier a qui il appartient de prendre des mesures en Loi pour obligor Thomas- Alien Stayncr , Ecuyer, Depute Maitre General des Pontes, a rembourser one certaine somme de Neuf mille cinq cent cinquante livies cinq schellings et deux deniers com ant, que le (lit 1 homas- Allen Stayner a resile de- pths qu’il est nomine .1 l’emploi qu’il occupe actuelle- ment, pour le transport par la Vlalle des Papiers Publics, et a ut res Imprimes et Pamphlets, et laquelle somme le dit Thomas- A len Stayner s’e»t appropriee sans J’auto- rite de la l.oi, pour son avantage particulier. Or dor me Que M. O' Callaghan, M. Meilleur, M. Les- lie et iVI Be s sen r presented la dite Adresse a Son Ex- cellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef. Un Bill grossoye pour regler la maniere d’assigner, bi i reia.i n en matiere de Saisi- Arret, le Saisi qui n’a ni domicile cer,a ! n Sa ' s 1 j en ' n * t ■'idem e counue en cette Province, a ete lu pour la de Arret, passe. troisi me fois. r lieso u, Que le Bill passe. Or donne, Que M. Cheerier porte le dit Bill au Con- seil Legislatif, et demande son concours. A Resolution Mr. Claphnm, from the Committee of the whole House repVued mt e6S on tlle Tenth Report of the Standing Committee of iXson H- Gi leva rices, reported, according to Order, the Resolu- tions of the said Committee; which Resolutions were again read at the < leek’s Table, and agreed to by the House; and ate as followed) : Resolved 2 iia tins House doth concur in the Tenth Report of tile Standing < ommittee of Grievances. Resolved, hat an humble Address he presented to His Excellency the Governor in Chief with a Copy of the lenth Report of the Standing ( ommittee of Grievances, praying His Excellency to remit to Silas Horton Dickerson, the sum of Fifty pounds (Tnrency, being the full amount of certain Pints levied upon the said Dickerson by the Provincial Judge of tile Di>tiiet of St. Francis. Ordered, That Mr. O'Callaghan, Mr Morin , Mr Van- Jelson and Mr. Archambeault do dress to His M. Claphnm, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Une Resolution P ixn me Ilappor* du < omite Permanent des Griefs, a rapponees re- tail rapport, conformement a 1’UiMre, des Reso’utions St,!!.”' du mt omite, lesquelles Resolutions out ete lues de nouveau a la 1 at >le du Gitffier, et adoptees par la Chambre ; etellessont comme suit : Re so lu, Que cette Chambre concourt dans le Dix- iCme Rapport du Comite Permanent des Griefs. Reurtu, Qu il soit presente one humble Adresse a Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-( hef, avec Copie du Dixieme Rapport du Comite Permanent des Grief's, pl iant Son Excellence de remettre a Silas-Horton Dick- erson, la somme de Cinquante livres courant, montant de certaines arnendes que le Juge Provincial du Dis- trict de St. Franfois lui a fait paver. Ordonne, Que M. O'Callaghan, M. Morin, M. Van- ,, tl n present the said Ad- Jelson et M. Archambeault presented la dite Adresse a Excellency the Governor tn Chief. Son Excellence le Gouvenieur.en.Che/. jjarantine Hill Mr. Bardy . f om t he Com mitt ee of t he whole House Mssed. on the Bill to provide more effectually for the establish- ment of a strict and efficient Quarantine in the Pro- vince of Lowe/ Canada, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee *to the said Bil ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk s Table, and agreed to by the House. Oi da ed, i hat the said Bil I, as amended, be engrossed. An engrossed Bill to provide more effectually for the establishment of a strict and efficient Quarantine in the Province of Lower Canada, was read for the thiid time Resolved , That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. ( aron do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. 8HI to punish Mr. Noel, fiom tin Committee of the udiole House )of!ed.' anV L ’ on ^ ie ^'*1 fo prevent and punish Stellionate, reported, massed. according to Order, t tie amendment made by the Com- mittee to the said Bil ; which amendment was again read at the ( lei k ■ I able, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , 1 hat the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. An engrossed Bill to prevent and punish Stellionate, 'was read for the third time. Resolved s M. Bardy, du Comite de toute la Chambre SUr le Bill de Quaran=" Bill qui pourvoit plus efficacement a Petablissement d une Quarantaine stiicte et efficace dans la Province du Bas-C n cl /, a fait rapport, conformement a l’Ordre des amendemens fails au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens out ete lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne , Que ie dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. ° Un Bill grossoye qui pourvoit plus efficacement A Petablissement d’une Quarantaine stride et efficace dans la 1 lovince du Bas Canada, a ete lu ttour la troi- sieme fois. Reso/u, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Caron porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. M. .Noel, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Bill pour ptevenir le Stelhonat, a fait rapport, conforme- ment a I’Ordre, de Pamendement fait au dit Bill .,ar le Comite, I que! amemiemer.t a ete lu de nouveau A la fable du Greffier, et adopt.e par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- L \7 Sove. Un Bill grossoye pour prevenir et punir le SteilionaQ a ete lu pour la troisieme fois, Reso/u.' Bill pour punaV le Stellmnat, rapporie et passe. eat Qe — 10 ° Murtii. 4 . 18 36 , second time. Resolved , That the Bill do pass. Ordered That Mr. Gugy do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Bui relating to An engrossed Bill from the Legislative Council, in- Mortgages and „ A n Act for making all Mortgages ami hypo - Dower read the <4 ihcques special, f or abolishing Customaiy Dowel, « i)ouaire Coutumier , and for other purposes,” was, ac- cording to Order, read a second time. On Motion of Mr. Gugy, seconded by Mr. De JJ lit , Ordered . That the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of the whole House to-morrow. A Bill to authorize the Parishes and Townships of - ■ Hlll this Province to incorporate themselves tor certain cor "the second purposes therein mentioned, was, according to Ort er, read a second time. Ordered', That the said Bill be now referred to a Committee of the whole House. # The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. . c Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee; and af- ter some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move foi leave to sit attain. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit Parishes and Townships In rend time; committed ; considered. Bill to amend the Constitu- tional Act de- ferred. Commitiee on Law Officers Salaries Bill again to-morrow. The Order of the day for the second reading of the Bill to amend so much of the Act of the thirty hist, Geo>ge the Third, Chapter thirty one, as relates to the Constitution and formation of the Legislative Council of this Province, and to substitute other provisions in the place thereof, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. The Order of the dav for the House in Committee on the Bill to reduce and fix the Salaries of certain Officers of the Law, being read ; . The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Besserer took the Chair of the Committee. Several Members having retired ; Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. And the names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth: Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker, Bardy, Beaudouin, Besserer, Blackburn, Blanchet , Boufard, Cazeau, Clapham , Deblois, De Tonnancour , De Witt, Pierre Antoine Dorion, Charles Drolet, Dubord, Fortin , Fraser, Grannis, Gngy, Hebert, Huot, Knight, Lame, Leslie, Meilleur, Morin, Mousseau, Noel, 0‘ Callaghan, Perrault, Power , Simon, Tache, Joseph Andre I'aschereau, Trudel, Vanfelson and Viger. And at a quarter before ten o’clock at night, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. Resolu, Que le Bill passe Ordonne Que M. Gngy porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son contours. Conformement a I’Ordre, tin Bill grossoye du Con- seil Legislatif, intitule, “ Acte pour rend e toutes les :UI p„ lla , rerou- te Hypoth ques Speciales, pour abolir le Cou- seCl0n( j e f 0is , <( tumier, et pour d’autres fins, a ete lu une seconde f °'sur Motion de M. Gngy, seconde par M. De Witt , Ordonne, Que le dit bill soit lefere a un Comite de toute la Chambre, demain. Conformement a I’Ordre, un Bill pour autoriser les Paroisses et Townships de cette Province a se former p a , outset en Corporations, pour certaines fins y mentionnees, a ^ SL . c h 0 nd’ e u ete lu une seconde fois. , v f0ISi Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soil maintenant refere a un *««; Comite de to te la Chambre La ( hambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. , .... M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y con ^ e - avoir siege quelque temps, M. I’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil; _ „ . Et M. Bardy a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque pi ogres, et lui avail enjoint de demandei pel* mission de singer de nouveau. Ordonne Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sie- ger de nouveau demain. i l ' t?‘1 1 -a , i r Bill pour amen- L Ordredu jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour H e r I’ActeCon amender l’ Acte de la trente-et-unieme George 1 r °is> ®| 1 , l “ t,0 " ne1 ’ re ‘ Chapiti e trente-et-un, en tain qu’il a rapport a la con- stitution et formation di* Conseil Legislatif de cette Province, et pour y substituer d’autres dispositions, ayant ete lu ; . v , ‘ Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. c Cnmite snr le L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Bin des saaire Comite sur le Bill pour reduire et hxer les Salaries de j usljce> certains Officiers de Justice, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s est en consequence formee en le dit Comite [VI . Besserer a pris le Fauteuil du Comite, Plusieurs Memhres s’etant retires ; M. I’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. Et les noms des Memhres preens ont H6 pris comme suit: M. l’Orateur, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker, Bardy, Beaudouin, Besserer, Blackburn, Blanchet, Bouffard , Cazeau, Clapham, Deblois , De Tonnancour, De Witt, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Charles Drolet, Dubord, Fortin, Fraser, Grannis, Gngy, Hebert, Huot, Knight, Larue , Ijtslie, Meilleur, Morin, Mousseau, Noel, O’ Callaghan, Perrault , Power, Simon, Tache, Joseph- Andre 1 aschereau, Tru- del, Vanfelson et Viger. Et a neuf heures et trois quarts du soir, M. l’Orateur a ajourne la Chambre, faute de Quorum. Thursday , 10 th March, 1836. Jeudi, 10 Mars 1836. Message from the Council. A Message from the Honorable Mr. De Chancery : Mr. Speaker, Legislative Council, by the mi ESS AGE du Conseil Legislatif, par l’Honorable M = da Lery, one of the Masters in M. De Lery, un des Maitres en Chanceilerie : The M. l’Orateur, Le 6 Will. IV, 10 ° Mar lit. 6 85 Council have Bgi et‘d lo : — Sick Mariners bill. Lachinc Canal bill. Gaspe Judies- ure bill. Montmorency ml Drummond Census bill. ’. Chasseur's duseum bill, •it h Amend- aents. Sill concerning ie erecti n of ’arishes and [instruction of 'hurcht-s, &c. ■ th amend. tents ouncil have jreed to the tnendmem to leir amend- lents to Agri • titure Bill. ouncil have isseri a Bill to ve validity to >ccaee Lands ill. Tlie Legislative Council have passed the following Bills, without any amendment: “ An Act to provide for the Medical treatment of “ sick Mariners.” “ An Act to provide for the management and care “ of the Lachine Canal, and to establish certain rates, “ tolls and duties to be taken thereon.” “ An Act to continue certain Acts therein mentioned, “ relating to the Administration of Justice in the In- “ ferior District of Gaspe." “ An Act to cause a Census to be taken of the Coun- “ ties of Montmorency and Drummond." And, also ; The Legislative Council have passed the following Bills, with several Amendments, to which they desire the concurrence of the Assembly: “ An Act to vest the property of Pierre Chasseur's “ Museum of Natural History in the Public.” “ An Act concerning the election of Parishes and “ the construction and maintenance of Churches, Pres- “ byteiies and Burial Grounds.” And, also ; The Legislative Council have agreed to the Amend- ment sent up by the Assembly to the Amendments made by the Legislative Council to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act to repeal a certain Act therein mentioned, and “ more effectually to remedy divers abuses prejudicial “ to Agriculture.” And, also ; The Legislative Council have passed a Bill, intituled, “ An Act to give effect and validity to a Bill passed by “ the Legislative Council and Assembly of this Pro- “ vince, intituled, “ An Act for rendering valid con- “ veyances of Land and other immoveable property held “ in free and common soccage in the Province of Lower ** Canada , and for other purposes therein mentioned,” to “ which the Royal Assent was given and signified after “ the period limited by Law,” to which they desire the concurrence of the Assembly. And then he withdrew. Le Conseil Legislatif a passe les Bills suivans, sans amendement : “ Acte pour pourvoir au traitement Medical des Ma- “ rins malades.” “ Acte pour pourvoir la regie el surveillance du “ Canal tie Lachine , et pour etablir certains peages et “ droits a y &tre leves.” “ Acte pour continuer certains Actes y mentionnes “ relatifs f Administration de la Justice dans le Dis- “ trict Inferieur de Gaspe." “ Acte pour faire faire le Recensement des Comtes “ de Montmorency et de Drummond.'' Et, aussi ; Le Conseil Legislatif a passe les Bills suivans, avec plusieurs Amendemens, auxquels il demande la con- currence de I’Assemblee: “ Acte pour assurer au Public la propriete du Musee ” d’Histoire Naturelle de Pierre Chasseur .” “ Actes concernant l’erection des Paroisses et la con- “ struction et reparation des Eglisrs, Presbyteres et “ Cimetieres.” Et, aussi; Lg Conseil Legislatif a acquiesce a l’Amendement fait par I’Assemblee aux Amendemens faits par le Conseil Legislatif au Bill, intitule, “ Acte pour rcvoquer un “ certain Acte y mentionne, et pour remedier plus effi- “ cacement a divers abus prejudiciables k I’Amicul- “ ture.” & Et, aussi ; Le Conseil Legislatif a passe un Bill, intitule, “ Acte “ pour donner effet a et rendre valide un Bill passe par ‘‘ le Conseil legislatif et l’Assemblee de cette Province, intitule, Acte pour rendre valide les transports de Terres et autres proprietes immeubles tenues en “ franc et common soccage dans la Province du Bas- “ Canada , et pour d’autres effets y mentionnes, auquel “ la Sanction Royale a fr° m the Standing Committee of Grie- t tee of Grie- vances, presented to the House the Thirteenth Report of Jiwou'tkT 2 the said Committee, which was again read at the Clerk’s iwen Table. j p endix For the said Report, see Appendix (E, E.) at the end of this Volume. Resolved, That it is expedient to continue the en- quiry into the public character and conduct of Mr. Justice Bowen, during the ensuing Session of Parlia- ment. Mr. Besserer moved, seconded by Mr. Gugy, That one hundred Copies of the said Report, with the Evi- dence and Documents therein mentioned, be printed for the use of the Members of this House. Mr. Charles Drolet moved in amendment, seconded by Mr. Fortin, That the words “ one hundred” in the Vol.— 45. said M. Gugy, du Comite Permanent des Griefs, a pre- Trei«ia»e R.p- sente a la Chambre le Treizieme Rapport du dit Comite, port du Comit ® lequel a ^te lu de nouveau a la Table du Greflier. ’ Juge Bowen. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (E. E.) a la fin de ce Volume. Resolu, Qu’il est expedient de continuer l’Enquete sur le caractere et la conduite publics de M. le Juo- e Bowen , durant la Session prochaine du Parlement. Appendice (E. E.) yagy,, ryue 1 j s Temoi- ivj. liesserer a propose, seconde par M cent Exemplaires du dit Rapport, avec * ^ U1W1 gnages qui y sont mentionnes soient imprimes pour l’u sage des Membres de cette Chambre. M. Charles Drolet a propose en amendement, se- conde par M. Fortin, Que le mot cent” dans la dite _ Motion 8 L 686 10 ° Martii. A. 1836 . said Motion be struck out, and the words “ three hun- dred” substituted. . „ , The House divided on the Motion of Amendment : Yeas, 21. Nays, 20. So it was carried in the Affirmative. The Question being then put on the main Motion, as amended. The House divided thereon : Yeas, 37. Nays, 4. So it was carried in the Affirmative, and Ordered, Accordingly. Motion, soit retranche, et les mots “ trois cents” substi- tues. La Chambre s’est divisee sur la Motion d’Amende- ment: Pour, 21. Contre, 20. Ainsi elle a ete emport^e dans l’Affirmative. La Question ayant ete alors mise sur la Motion prin- cipale, telle qu'amendee, La Chambre s’est divisee sur icelle : Pour, 37* Contre, 4. Ainsi elle a 6te emportee dans FAffirmative, et Ordonne, En consequence. A new Bill re- lating to P. Oha-seur's Mu- seum read the first time. Ordered, That Mr. Huot have leave to bring in a Bill to vest in His Majesty the property of Pierre Chasseur's Museum of Natural History, for the public benefit. He accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time ; and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow. Ordonne, Que M. Huot ait la permission d’introduire un Bill pour assurer a Sa Majeste lapropriete du Musee d Histone Naturelle de Pierre Chasseur, pour l'avan- tage du public. II a en consequence present^ le dit Bill, lequel a ^te lu pour la troisieme fois; et dont la seconde lecture a ete ordonnee pour demain. Un nouveau Bill rrlatif au Mu-ee rte P. Chasseur, lu la premiere fois. Petition from the Commis- sioners for the Ho*d froui Raw ion 10 Grand St. Es- prit. A Petition of Robert Bagnall, Thomas Griffith and Philemon Dugar , containing their Report as Commis- sioners for the expenditure of the sum of Two hundred pounds Currency, for the continuation of a certain Road leading from the Glebe Lot in the Township of Rawdon to Grand St. Esprit ; and representing that the farther continuation of the said Road through the upper and more unsettled parts of the said Town- ship would tend much to the settlement of a large tract of waste Lands of the Crown of a good quality, was presented to the House by Mr. Meilleur, and the same was received and read. Ordered , That the said Petition be referred to the Committee of the whole House on the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Im- provements ; on that part of the First Report of the said Standing Committee which relates to the Road from Laprairie to St. John's, and on the Fifth Report of the said Committee. Une Petition de Robert Ragnall, Thomas Griffith et Philemon Dugar, contenant leur Rapport comme ( om- missaires pour la depense de la somme de Deux cents livres courant | our continuer un certain ( hemin qui conduit du Glebe Lot dans le Township de Raxvdon jusqu au Grand St. Esprit, et representant que la con- tinuation de ce Chemin dans les parties les plus eloi- gnees et moins peuplees du dit Township, faciliterait l’etablissement d’une grande etendue de terres incultes de la Couronne, d’une bonne qualite, a ete presentee a la Chambre par M. Meilleur, laquelle a ete ie 5 ue et lue. Petition des Commissaires pour le Chemii depuis Rawdo jioqu’su St Esprit. Ordonne, Que la dite Petition soit referee au Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Second Rapport du Comite Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations Publiques, sur cette partie du Premier Rapport du dit Comite Permanent qui a rapport au Chemin depuis Laprairie jusqu’a St. Jean, et sur le Cinquieme Rapport du dit Comite, Pot and Pearl Ashes Inspec- tion Bill report- ed. Mr. O'Callaghan, from the Committee of the whole House on the Bill to continue and amend two Acts therein mentioned relative to the inspection of Pot Ash and Pearl Ash, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill ; which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Ta- ble, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. M. O'Callaghan, du Comite de toute la Chambre sur Bill pour Tin le Bill pour continuer et amender deux Actes y men- tionnes, relatifs a I’inspection de la Potasse et de la lasse, rapport Perlasse, a fait rapport, conformement a l’ordre, des amendemens faits au dit Bill par le Comite, lesquels amendemens ont £t£ lus de nouveau a la Table du Greffier, et adoptes par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. Bin to amend The Order of the day for the second reading of the « icTn ai Act de- Bill to amend so much of the Act of the thirty-first, ferred. George the Third, Chapter thirty-one, as relates to the Constitution and formation of the Legislative Council of this Province, and to substitute other provisions in the place thereof, being read ; Ordered, That the said Order of the day be post- poned till to-morrow. Committee on Law Officers Salaries Bill. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to reduce and fix the Salaries of certain Of ficers of the Law, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Besserer took the Chair of the Committee ; and ifter some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; L’Ordre du jour pour la seconde lecture du Bill pour Bill pour am amender l’Acte de la trente-et-unifeme, George Trois, Chapitre trente-et-un, en taut qu’il a rapport a la con- in- stitution et formation du Conseil Legislatil de cette Province, et pour y substituer d’autres dispositions, ayant ete lu ; . . Ordonne , Que le dit Ordre du jour soit remis a de- main. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comile sur Comite sur le Bill pour reduire et fixer les Salaires de laiies des 0 certains Officiers de Justice, ayant ete lu ; aersdejus La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit ComitG M. Besserer a pris le Fauteuil du Comit6 ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. And 6 Will. IV. 10 ° Martiu 687 And Mr. Besserer reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made several amend- ments thereto, which he was directed to report to the House. Ordered, That the Report be received to-morrow. Et M. Besserer a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe le Bill, et y avait fait plusieurs amerulemens, dout il avait ordre de laire rapport a la Chambre. Ordonne , Que le Rapport soit re9u demain. Committee on Lauzon Com- nissioners Bill ; !ill repotted; The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to provide for the appointment of Commis- sioners to bid at the Sale of the Seigniory of Lauzon by the Sheriff) and for other purposes therein men- tioned, being read j The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Gugy took the Chair of the Committee j and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Gugy reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made an amendment thereto, which amendment was again read at the Clerk's Table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. An engrossed Bill to provide for the appointment of Commissioners to bid at the Sale of the Seigniory of Lauzon by the Sheriff) and for other purposes therein mentioned, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. De Witt do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concur- rence. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Coruite fiur le Comite sur le Bill pour pourvoir a la nomination de Commissaires charges d’encherir a la Vente par deeret touchant la Sei de la Seigneurie de Lauzon, et autres fins y mention- zon ; nees, ayant £le Ju ; ^ La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Gugy a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. I'Oiateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Gugy a fait rapport que le Comite avait passe bui rapports . le Bill, et y avait fait un amendement, lequel ainendc- mentaete lu de nouveau a la Table du Gretfier, et adopte par la Chambre. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu'amende, soit gros- soye. Un Bill grossoye pour pourvoir k la nomination de Pas| . Commissaires chaiges d’encherir a la Vente par deeret de la Seigneurie de Lauzon, et autres fins y mention- nees, a ete lu pour la troisieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. De Witt porte le dit Bill au Con- seil Legislatif, et demande son concours. -Z'ZZ The Order of the day for the House in Committee Quebtc.i on the Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Message of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, with the accompanying Documents, relating to the Custom House at Quebec , being read j The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Berthelot took the Chair of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Berthelot reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again to-morrow. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comity sur le Rapport du Comite Special auquel a ete ref ere le Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur- ane * < *“ a, « ! * en-Chef, avec les Documens qui l accompagnent, rela- tivement a une Maison de Douane a Quebec, ayant et6 lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Berthelot a. pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir si£g6 quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Berthelot a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander permission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne, Que le dit Comit6 ait la permission de sie- ger de nouveau demain. [nmittee on The Order of the day for the House in Committee \ i n^prove- ub * on the Second Report of the Standing Committee of 3ats - Roads and Public Improvements, on that part of the First Report of the said Standing Committee, which relates to the Road from Laprairie to St. John’s, on the Fifth Report of the said Standing Committee, and on the Petition of Robert Bagnall and others, Commis- sioners for continuing a Road from the Township of Rawdon to Grand St. Esprit, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Bardy took the Chair of the Committee j and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Bardy reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again. Ordered, That the said Committee have leave to sit again to-morrow. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Second Rapport du Comite Permanent Sfn^ 16 ’ des Chemins et des Ameliorations Publiques, sur cette Ameliorations partie du Premier Rapport du dit Comite Permanent Publ,ques * qui a rapport au Cnemin depuis Laprairie jusqu’a St. Jean, sur le Cinquieme Rapport du dit Coinit6 et sur la Petition de Robert Bagnall et autres, Commissaires pour continuer un Chemin depuis le Township de Raw- don jusqu’au Grand St. Esprit, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Bardy a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. L’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Bardy a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoint de demander per- mission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne, Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sie- ger de nouveau demain. ' imittee on B e of Com- ncation with Mgent. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Report of the Special Committee appointed to determine L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comit6 sur le Rapport du Comite Special nommd k SdeCom- I’pflfpf muniquer bt«c i Luet rAgeot 088 10° — IT Marin. A. 1886 determine and regulate the mode in which and the channel through which communication shall be had with John Arthur Roebuck , Esquire, the Agent of this House in England , touching the Public business of the Province, during the recesses between the Sessions of the Provincial Parliament, and between a dissolution and the time when the new Parliament shall be called together, and what means shall be adopted for commu- nicating to the Members of this House, during the said recess, the Letters and Documents which may be re- ceived from the said Agr-nt, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Cherrier took the Chair, of the Committee ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Cherrier reported that the Committee had made some progress, and had directed him to move for leave to sit again to morrow. Ordered , That the said Committee have leave to sit again to-morrow. Ordered , That the said Order be then the first Order of the day. l’effet de determiner et regler par quelle voie et de quelle maniere il sera communique avec John- Arthur Roebuck, Ecuyer, Agent de cette C hambre en Angle - terre, touchant les affaires publiques de cette Province, dans les vacances entre les Sessions du Parlement Pro- vincial, on apres une dissolution etjusqu’a la convoca- tion du nouveau Parlement, et quels moyens devraient etre adoptes a l effet de faire part dans les va- cances, aux Membres de cette Chambre, des Lettres et Documens qui pourraient etre re9us du dit Agent, ayant ete lu ; La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Cherrier a pris le Fauteuil du Comite ; et apr£s y avoir siege quelque temps, M. POrateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M. Cherrier a fait rapport que le Comite avait fait quelque progres, et lui avait enjoinl de demander permission de sieger de nouveau. Ordonne , Que le dit Comite ait la permission de sie- ger de nouveau demain, Ordonne, Que le dit Ordre soit alors le premier Ordre du jour. Committee on Lake St. Louis Survey Bill. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Bill to make provision for the Survey of Lake St. Louis and other places, being ftad ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Power took the Chair of the Committee. Several Members having retired, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. L’Ordre du iour pour que la Chambre se forme en comitesurie „ ^ , . , . . T Bill pour 1 ex- Comite sur le Bill pour pourvoir a 1 exploration du Lac ploration du St. Louis, etautres lieux, ayant ete lu ; LacSt. Louh La Chambre s’est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Power a prisle Fauteuil du Comite ; Plusieurs Membres s’etant retires, M. I’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. And the names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Archambeault, Burdy, Beaudouin, Berthe- lot, Besserer, Blackburn, Blanc he t , Bouffnrd, Deblois, De Witt, Pierre Antoine Dorion, Charles Drolct, Eraser, Hebert, Leslie, Morin, O'Callaghan, Perrault, Power , Simon, Joseph Andre Taschcreau and Viger. And at five minutes past twelve o’clock at night, Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. Et les noms des Membres pr^sens ont ete pris, corame suit : M. l’Orateur, Messieurs Archambeault, Bardy, Beaudouin, Berthe- lot, Besserer, Blackburn, Blanchet, Bouffard, Deblois, De Wilt, Pierre- Antoine Dorion, Charles Urolet, Fraser, Hebert, Leslie, Morin, 0 Callaghan, Perrault, Power, Simon, Joseph-Andre et Viger. Et i minuit et cinq minutes, M. l’Orateur a ajourn6 la Chambre faute de Quorum. Friday, 11 th March, 1836. Pot and Pearl A N engrossed Bill to continue and amend two Acts tio n Is iii passed . therein mentioned relative to the inspection of Lot Ash and Pearl Ash, was read for the first time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Perrault do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concur- rence. a r ddeV.o C T bcrs Ordered, That Mr. Blanchet and Mr. Besserer be committee. added to the Special Committee appointed to take into consideration the Report of the Commissioners ap- pointed in virtue of the Act of the 4th, Will. IV., Cap. 10, “ to proceed to the United States of America to “ visit the principal Penitentiary Prisons therein, to “ ascertain the several systems of discipline adopted “ in such Prisons, and the regulations made for the “ internal government and management thereof, and “ for other objects,” presented to this House on the second of March, 1835. Mr. Vendredi, 11 Mars 1836. N Bill grossoye pour continuer et amender deux Bin pour r Actes y mentionnes, relatii's a l’inspection de la pousseet 6 /- Potasse et de la Perlasse, a (tte lu pour la troisieme fois. lasse > P ass6 Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Perrault porte le dit Bill au Con- seil Legislatif, et demande son concours. Ordonne, Que M. Blanchet et M. Eesserer soient ajoutes au Comite Special nomine pour prendre en con- comne. sideration le Rapport des Commissaires nommes en vertu de I’ Acte de la 4e, Guill. IV., Chap. 10, aux fins “ de se transporter dans les Etats-Unis de V Ametique, “ pour y visiter les principaux Penitenciets, constater “ les differens systemes de discipline que l’on a adop- “ tes dans tel les Prisons, et les reglemens faits pour “ l’administration et. regie d’icelles, et pour d’autres “ objets,” presente a cette Chambre le deux Mars, 1835. M. 6 Will. IV. 1 1" Marin. Officers Salaries liill re- ported, and pas- Mr. Besserer, from the Committee of the whole House ied . • on the Bill to reduce and h'x the Salaries of certain Of- ficers of the Law, reported, according to Order, the amendments made by the Committee to the said Bill, which amendments were again read at the Clerk’s Table. Ou/c, ed, I hat the Question of concurrence be now separately put upon the said amendments. And the first of the said amendments being a^ain read, and the Question of concurrence beiim- °nnt thereon, & 1 The House divided : Yeas, 38. Nays, 4. So it was carried in the Affirmative. I he residue of the said amendments being again severally read, and the Question of concurrence bein^ sepai ately put thereon, they were agreed to unani- mously, and ^ Resolved,. 1 hat this House doth concur with the Committee in the said amendments. Ordei ed, 1 hat the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. An engrossed Bill to reduce and fix the Salaries of certain Officers of the Law, was read for the third time. Resolved, I hat the Bill do pass. Ordered, I hat Mr. Huot do carry the said Bill to tiiL Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. S “rs r , A Bill , t0 J est in His Majesty the property of Pierre psed. Chasseur s Museum of Natural History for public be- nefit, was, according to Order, read a second time. Ordered, That the sard Bill be engrossed. An engrossed Bill to vest in His Majesty the pro- perty of Fieri e Chasseur's Museum of Natural History tor public benefit, was read for the third time. J Resolved , That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Huot do carry the said Bill to t le Legislativ e Council, and desire their concurrence. 689 ^! le ^ ie c ^ a y f° r ^ ie House in Committee ■» f h rv L? ill i . i. 1 ' . .1 S'* • l - [lev for Com- «itte on i j a - -- — - — j 1IUU 3 C m w-ummiEiee p,£,„. ° n . tbe BiU t0 aut honze the Parishes and Townships of jnoration Bin tins i jovince to I ncorporate themsel ves for certain pur- i hargoi ; p 0ses therein mentioned, being read ; 1 Ordered, That the said Older of the day be dis- charged. J Ordered, That three hundred Copies of the said Bill be printed f or the use of the Members of this House. Br^‘tT^ U . C r° mi ‘ 4 , det f > ? t ? 18 Chambre sur 'o h " ie duire et lixer Jes balaires de certains Offi 0 ®wcrs do cers de Justice, a fait rapport, conformement a I’Ordre" des amendemens fails au dit Bill par le Comite, les! d^Greffie? ° nt ^ lu * de nouveau a la Table Or dome, ^ Que la Question de concours soit mainte- tiant separement mise sur les dits amendemens. vt le premier des dits amendemens ayant etc Iu de nouveau, et la Question de concouis ayant et6 mise sur J c 0 1 Ulj La Chambre s’est divisee: Pour, 38. Contre, 4. Ainsi il a ete emporte dans l’Affirmative. Le restant des dits amendemens ayant ete separement Jus de nouveau, et la Question de concours ayant ete separement mise sur iceux, ils ont ete unannnement adoptes, et Resolu, Que cette Chambre concourt avec le Comite dans les dits amendemens. Ordonne , Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. & Un Bill grossoye pour reduire et fixer les Salaires de ceihuns Ofhciers de Justice, a ete lu pour la troisieme Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Huot porte le dit Bill au Conseil -Legislate, et demande son concours. Conformement a 1’Ordrc, un Bill nour assurer a Qn Majeste la propriety du Musee d’ Histone Naturelle “'“ci™. de Pierre Chasseur . pour I’avantage du Public, a etc lu une second e fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit grossoye. • Ul ! B ' lU SJ’ossove pour assurer a Sa Majeste la nro- pnete du Musee d Histoire Naturelle de Pierre Oh as sear, pour I’avantage du Public, a ete lu pour la troi- sieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. Ordonne, Que M. Huot porte le dit Bill au Conseil Legislatif, et demande son concours. L’Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en „ Connte sur le Bill pour autoriser les Paroisses et Town- oSW?” ships de cette Province, a se former en Corporations Bin pou , r rin - pour certaines fins y mentionnees, ayant ete lu • ’ ParSlTt des /O i - *1 'Ll — /. f ~\ . . 1~ J.* i r t ■ . - * Townships, de- li Bill to be tided. J — J HU L V, t V, JL4 j Ordonne, Que le dit Grdre du jour soit decharge. charge. MTiZi. TP S'n e . r 0f ‘, he da y for lhe House in Committee i vey Bill ; on the Bill to make provision for the Survey of Lake St. Louis, and other places, being read ; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mr. Power took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair; 1 reported; And Mr. Power ^reported that the Committee had gone through the Bill, and had made an amendment t ;, 1 , er( : t , 0 5 which amendment was again read at the Clerk s table, and agreed to by the House. Ordered , 1 hat the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. An engrossed Bill to make further provision for the urvey ot Lake St. Louis, and other places, was read for the third time. Resolved, I hat the Bill do pass. Vol.-«. Ordered, 3'd. Ordonne, Que trois cents Exemplaires du dit Bill so.ent imprimes pour 1’usage des Membres de cette Chambre. L Ordre du jour pour que la Chambre se forme en r Comite sur le Bill pour pourvoir a 1’exploiation du Lac B ^poVr'i’Ex- St. Louts, et autres lieux, ayant etelu • plow, on du -La Chambre s est en consequence formee en le dit Comite. M. Power a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et antes y avoir siege quelque temps, J M. J’Urateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et M . Power a fait rapport que le Comite avail passe Le bh. Bill, et y avait fait un amendement ; Jequel amende- P° rt C ment a ete lu de nouveau a la Table du Greffier et adopte par la Chambre. * ordonne, Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit mos- soye. & Un Bill grossoy£ pour pourvoir a l’exploration du passe Lae St. Louis, et autres heux, a ete lu pour la troi- sieme fois. Resolu, Que le Bill passe. S M Ordonne, 690 \\°. — 1 v 2° Murii'u J. 1836 , „ . . That Mr. Perrault do carry the said Bill to th ^Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. Committee on The Order of the day for the House Report relating t Ninth Report of the Mane nig to Mr. Justice OH U |C . i Thompson. G, Ranees, W«j}. int0 the said C °Mn Power took the Chair of the Committee. Several Members having retired ; Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. And the names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, . Messieurs Archambeault , Baker, Barely, Beaudomn, Berthelot, Besserer , Blackburn, Boufard Laron ^ . Clapham , Deblois, De Tonnancour, De U ill, Pieire At toile Dorian, Charles Drolet , Fortm, Fraser, Grannis, Hebert , Huot, Knight, Le lioutillier, Letourneau, Meil- leur Morin, Mousseau, Noel, O' Callaghan, Pei vault. Power, RodPr, Simon, Joseph Andre laschereau, ihi- bamleau, Toomy, Trudel Vanfelson and iger. And at half past ten o’clock at night, Mr. Speake adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. J Ordonne, Que M. Perrault porte le dit Bill au Con- seil Legislatif, et demande son concours. L’Ordre du iour pour que la Chambre se forme en Comite sur le Neuvieme Rapport du Comite 1 emi- nent des Griefs, ayant etc lu , La Chambre s’est en consequence form6e en le dit M. Power a prisle Eauteuil du Comite, Plusieurs Membres s’etant retires ; M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil ; Et les noms des Membres presens ont etc pris comme SUlt ' M. l’Orateur, Messieurs Archambeault, Baker, Bardy , Beaudomn, Berthelot, Besserer, Blackburn, Clanham, Deblois, De Tonnancour, De Witt, Pierre- An toine Dorian, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser, Granins, Hubert Huot, Knight, Le Boulilher, Letourneau, Meil- kur^ Morin, Mousseau, Noel, O'Callaghan Perrault Power, Rodier, Simon, Joseph- Andre laschereau , Thi- baudeau, Toomy, Trudel Vanfelson et ^ er Et a dix heures et demie du soir, M. 1 Oiateur a ajourne la Chambre faute de Quorum. Comite sur le Rapport relatif a M. le Juge Thompson. Answer to an Address. Answer to an Address. Saturday, 12 th March, 1836. » f R. Clapham, in the absence of Mr. Gugy , accom- f 1 nanied by the other Messengers, reported to the louse, that their Address of the fourth instant, to is 'xcellency the Governor in Chief, relating to Mi. ’us- ee Fletcher, had been presented to His Excellency ; an hat he had been pleased to give the following Answer: The charges against the conduct of Mr. Justice Fletcher, as a .fudge, which are brought under my no- ice by this Address, merit, and shall not fail to receive rom me, the most attentive consideration ; but as it loesnot appear that Mr. Fletcher has yet had an op- lortunity of meeting the evidence adduced against him, ,r of making his defence, I cannot come to any deci- iion in this matter, until after I shall have heaid what Mr Fletcher may have to say in Ins vindication, and L he whole case shall.have thus been brought under my Samedi , 12 Mars 1836. ■m/f Clapham, en l’absence de M. Gugy, accompagne Adresse. ill ® des autres Messagers, a fait rapport a la Cham- bre que son Adresse du qualre du courant, a Son 1 x- cellence le Gouverneur-en ; Chef, relativement a M. le Jpo-e Fletcher, avait etc presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’ii lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Les accusations portees contre la conduite de M. Fletcher , comme Juge, dont cette Adresse me donne connaissance, meritent et ne manqueront pas de rece- voir de ma part la consideration la plus seneuse; mais comme il ne parait pas que M. Fletcher ait encore eu loccasion de refuter les Temoignages donnes contre lui, ou de faire sa defense, je ne puis rien decider dans cette affaire qu’apres avoir entendu ce que M. Fletcher peut avoir a dire pour se disculper, et qu’on aura mis ainsi toute cette affaire sous mes yeux. judgment. Castle cf St. Lewis, Quebec 11th March, 1836. Mr . Bouffiird, in the absence of Mr. Cote, accompa- nied by the other Messengers, reported to the I louse, that their Address of the eighth instant, to His Exce - lenev the Governor in Chief, relating to Jacques Sur- vrenant and Jean Baptiste Miville Dechene, Schoo Masters in the County of Acadie, had been presented lo His Excellency; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer: Gentlemen, In compliance with the prayer of this Address, i shall direct measures to be taken to obtain from the Individuals therein mentioned, the reimbursement ot the sums of public money which are stated to be at present in their hands. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec , 12th March 1836. On Motion of Mr. Besserer , seconded by Mr. Fortin, Ov deredy Chateau St. Louis, Quebec , 11 Mars 1836. M Boufard, en l’absence de M. Cote, accompagne 2 S autres Messagers, a fait rapport a la Chambre, que , n Adresse du huit du courant, d Son Excellence le rouverneur-en Chef, relativement a Jacques Sur prenant t Jean-Baptiste Miville Dechene, Maitres d Ecole dans i Comte de 1’ Acadie, avait ete presentee a Son Lxcel- ,nr-P • pi nu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse sui- vante : i\/[ 0 ssi 0 u rs Conformant a la demande contenue en cette Adresse, j’ordonnerai qu’il soit pris des mesures pout^ obtenir des personnes y mentionnees, le remboursemen, des sommes de deniers publics qu’on dit etre k present entre leurs mains Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 12 Mars 1836. Reponse a * Adresse. Sur Motion de M. Besserer, seconde par M. Fortin, Ordonne , 6 Will. IV. 12° Martii. 601 Adjournment. Quebec nnd (Montreal In- corporations Bill read thrice ind passed. 'he Enquiry ito the public onduct of Mr. ustice Thomp- rn, to be con- nued next Ses- on. eport onPent- ntiary. ppendix '. F. F.) esolution res- ctir.g Qua- ntine Ex- nses. Hindi's naendments to II concerning a erection of irishes and nstruction of lurches, &c. nsidered. Ordered , That when this House doth adjourn, it will adjourn till Monday next, at one o’clock, 1\ M. Ordered , That Mr. Caron have leave to bring in a Bill to continue for a limited time, the Acts relating to the Incorporation of the Cities oi Quebec and Montreal, 1-Ie accordingly presented the said Bill, and the same was read for the first time. Ordered , I hat the said Bill be now read a second time. The said Bill was accordingly read a second time. Ordered, That the Blank in the said Bill be filled with the words “ one thousand eight hundred and thirty “ eight.” J Ordered, That the said Bill, as amended, be engrossed. An engrossed Bill to continue for a limited time, the Acts relating to the Incorporation of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, was read for the third time. Resolved, That the Bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Caron do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council, and desire their concurrence. , Ordonne, Que lorsque cette Chambre sajournera, die Ajoumement. s ajourne a une heure, P. M. Lundi prochain. On donne, Que M. Charon ait la permission d’intro- d’incorpo duire tin Bill pour continuer, pour un temps limite, les Actes relatifs a rlncorporation des Cites de Quebec et f dl ’ lus troU de Montreal. et passf> II a en consequence present^ le dit Bill, lequel a ete lu pour la premiere fois. Ordonne, Que le dit Bill soit maintenant lu une se- conde fois. Le dit Bill a en consequence ete lu une seconde fois. Ordonne, Que le Blanc dans le dit Bill soit rempli par les mots “ mil-huit-cent-trente-huit.” Ordonne , Que le dit Bill, tel qu’amende, soit gros- soye. ® Un Bill grossoye pour continuer, pour un temps li- mite, les Actes relatifs a l’lncorporation des Ciffs de Quebec et de Montreal, a pour y visiter les principaux Penitenciers, “ constater les differens Systemes de Discipline que “ l’ on a adoptf's dans telles Prisons, et les reMemens “ faits Pour l’administration et regie d’icelles, °et pour “ d’autres objets,” presente a la Chambre le deux Mars 1835, et autres references, a presente a la Cham- bre le Rapport du dit Comite, lequel a ete lu de nou- veau a la Table du Greffier. Pour le dit Rapport, voir Appendice (F. F. F.) a la nn de ce Volume. (F. f. f.) Sur Motion de M. Besserer, seconde par M. Caron, Ordonne, Que trois cents Exemplaires du dit Rap- port soient imprimes pour l’usage des Membres de cette Chambre, On Motion of Mr. Morin, seconded bv Mr. Caron, Resolved, That in case the Bill passed'by this House during the present Session, to establish a more effectual System of Quarantine in this Province, should not be- come Law, this House is disposed hereafter to make good all just and reasonable sums of the public money’em- ployed with discretion, in case the Public Health should be threatened, for the purpose of carrying into effect pro- per measures for preventing the introduction of Conta- gious or Pestilential diseases into this Province durino' the current year. & Sur Motion de M. Morin, seconde par M. Caron, Resolu, Que dans le cas ou le Bill passe par cette Resolution au Chambre durant la presente Session, pour etablir un su i et de ? D «- systeme plus cfiiccicc do (^uarantBine gii ccttc Province, r ^ n tame. ne deviendrait pas Loi, cette Chambre est disposee a faire bon par la suite de toutes sommes justes et rai- sonnables de deniers publics, employes avec discretion, dans le cas ou la Saute Publique serait menacee, pour inettre a effet les mesures propres a empecher I’intro- duction des maladies Contagieuses et Pestilentielles en cette Province, durant l’annee courante. On Motion of Mr. Caron, seconded by M x.Bardy, Ordered, r l hat the Amendments made by the Legis- lative Council to the Bill, intituled, “ An Act concern - “ in g the erection of Parishes, and the construction “ and maintenance of Churches, Presbyteries and Bu- “ r *al Grounds,” be now referred to a Committee of the whole Plouse. Sur Motion de M. Caron, seconde par M. Bardy, Ordonne, Que les Amendemens faits par le Conseil Amendemens Legislatif au Bill, intitule, “ Acte concernant l’erec- Bi.fZt™".. “ non ties Paroisses et la construction et reparation fKSS. des Eglises, ! lesby teres et Cimetieres, soient m^m- cons,ruc u°ndes tenant referes a un Comite de toute la Chambre. StdLT' Les 1 2 ° Mar til. The said Amendments were read, and are as fol lowetli : press 4. Line 46. — After “remonstrances” insert the following Clauses : “ Provided always, and be it further “ enacted by the authority aforesaid, “ that nothing contained in this Act “ having relation to the dismember- “ ment, division or subdivision of Pa- “ rishes, already established and erec- “ ted according to Law, or to the “ union of two or more Parishes, or to “ the changing or altering the limits, “ boundaries or lines of demarcation “ of the said Parishes, shall extend to “ any of the said Parishes which may “ have contracted debts for the erec- “ tion of the Church or Vestry in the “ said Parishes respectively, until the “ said debts be paid or satisfied. “ And whereas it happens often that “ two Parishes are ministered to by “ the same Rector, and that Divine “ Service is performed in each of “ them but every fortnight alternately : “ Be it further enacted by the autho- “ rity aforesaid, that the publications “ of notices required by this x\ct may “ legally be made in that of the two “ Parishes ministered to by the same “ Rector, where Divine Service shall “ be performed.” Press 10. Line 3 — After “ Act” insert “ or to extend “ in any manner or way whatsoever to “ the erection, creation, subdivision, “ dismemberment or union, or to the “ alteration of the bounds of any Pa- “ rish according to the establishment “ of the Church of England .” The House then resolved itself into the said Com- mittee. Mr. Cote took the Chair of the Committee; and af- tersometime spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair. Les dits Amendemens ont ete lus, et sont comme suit : Feuille 3. Ligne 0.1. — Retranchez “ ont,” et inserez “ sont.” ‘i “ “ 33 .. — Apres “ Cationiques,’ ins6rez “de “ s’adresser aux dits Commissaires “ pour demander la reconnaissance “ civile du Droit Canonique.” Feuille k. Ligne 17.— Apres “ reclamations,” inserez les Clauses suivantes : “ Pourvu toujours, et qu’il soit de “ plus statue par l'autorite susdite, “ que rien de contenu dans cet Acte, “ ayant rapport au demembrement, “ division ou subdivision de Parois- “ ses deja etablies et erigees suivant “ la Loi, ou a reunir deux ou plu- “ sieurs des dites Paroisses, ou de “ changer ou modifier les limites, “ bornes et demarcations des dites “ Paroisses, ne s’etendra a aucune “ des Paroisses comme ci-dessus qui “ pourrait avoir contracts des dettes “ pour la batisse d'Eglise ou Pres- “ bvteres dans les dites Paroisses “ respectivement, jusqu’a ce que les “ dites dettes soient payees et ac- “ quittees. “ Et vu qu i! arrive souvent que « deux Paroisses sont desservies par “ le meme Cure, et que l'Office Di- “ vin n’a lieu dans chacune que tous “ les quinze jours alternativement, “ Qu’il soit de plus statue par l'au- “ torite susdite, que les publications “ requises par cet Acte pourront va- “ lablement 6tre faites dans celle des “ deux Paroisses desservies par le “ meme Cure ou 1‘Office Divio sera “ celebre.” Feuille G. Ligne 37. — Retranchez “ a ce qu’ils soient “ permis.” Feuille 7. Ligne 29-— Retranchez “ pour.” Feuille 8. Ligne 42.— Apres “ Acte,” inserez “ on s’e- “ tendre en aucune manRre quel- € ‘ conque a I’erection, creation, sub- “ division, demembrement ou re* “ union, ou a changer les limites “ d'aucune Paroisse, suivant l’eta- “ blissement de FEglise d 'Angle- “ terre Feuille 9. Ligne 23.— Retranchez “ Clauses,” et inse- rez “ Causes.” Feuille 10. Ligne 4-1. — Retranchez “soit,” et inserez “ ou.” Feuille 1 1. Ligne 8. — Avant “ les,” inserez,” mani&re.” La Chambre s’est alors formee en le dit Comite. M. Cote a pris le Fauteuil du Comite; et apres y avoir siege quelque temps, M. l’Orateur a repris le Fauteuil. i ni Mr. De Witt presented to the House the Report and M. De Witt a presente a la Chambre le Rapport et pram Society Account of the Commissioners for the Emigrant Society le Compte des Commissaiies pour la Societe des Lmi Kep ° rt ‘ at Montreal S r ® s ^ Montreal. For the said Report and Account, see Appendix (W.) Pour les dits Rapport et Compte, voir Appendice .Appendix ( w.) ^ ^ end of th[s Volume> (W.) a la fin de ce Volume. Bill to give va- lidity to Soc- coge lands Bill read the second time. An engrossed Bill from the Legislative Council, inti- tuled, “ An Act to give effect and validity to the Bill “ passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly of Conformement a l Ordre, un Bill grossoye du Con- seil Legislatif, intitule, “ Acte pour donner effet a et “ rendre valide un Bill passe par le Conseil Legislatif et l’Assemblee Happortdel, ' Societe des Emigres a Montreal. A ppendice(l I Bill pour ren valide le Bill des Torres c soccuge, !u 1' seconde fois, ommiltee on eport relaiin] Mr. Justice hompson. esolutionsand Address re- ing to Mr. slice Thomp- i a, reported. 6. Will. IV 12° Mar lii. “ this Province, intituled, “ An Act for rendering va- lid conveyances of Land, and other immoveable pro- “ Pprty held in free and common soccage in the Pro- “ vince o i Lower Canada, and for other purposes therein “ mentioned,” to which the R.oval Assent was given and “ signified after the period limited by Law,” was, ac- cording to Order, read a second time. Ordered. . That the said Bill be referred to a Commit- tee of the whole House, on Monday next. The Order of the day for the House in Committee on the Ninth Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances, being read; The House accordingly resolved itself into the said Committee. Mi. Power' took the Chair of the Committee; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair ; And Mr. Power reported that the Committee had come to seveial Resolutions, which Resolutions were again read at the Clerk's Table, as followeth : 1. Resolved, I hat it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, That John G cooler Thompson, Esquire, Judge of the Provincial Court of the Inferior District of Gaspe, has been guilty of a contempt of the Laws of the Countiy, by evincing repugnance, negligence and un- pardonable indifference to the performance of certain portions of his Judicial duty ; and that he has by his geneial conduct opposed numerous obstacles to the dispatch of business and to the due administration of Justice, to the great detriment of the interests of His Majesty’s Subjects in the said Inferior District of Gaspe. 2. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, That the said John Gawler Thompson has been guiity of a shameful neglect of duty and of malversation in the exeicise of his said Judicial functions, having among other things arrested and impeded the due course of the Law, by illegally delaying and refusing his ministry to several of His Majesty’s Subjects in the said Inferior District of Gaspe. 3. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- \ ee, r the said John Gawler Thompson has, in his Judicial capacity, violated the enactments of the Sta- tutes of the Province of Lower Canada, relating to the juiisdiction and constitution of His Majesty’s Provin- cial Court of the Inferior District of Gaspe, and the rights and privileges inherent to all His Majesty’s Subjects, and solemnly guaranteed to them by the Bill of Rights ; because the said Judge, in consequence of his intempeiance, has rendered himself incompetent to hold several of the Terms of the said Provincial Court • and, because, owing to the same cause, the said Judge has only imperfectly held divers other Terms of his Majesty s said Provincial Court of the said Inferior District. R es °l ve df That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, I hat the said John Gawler Thompson has, in con- sequence of his intemperance on the Bench, and while the Court was sitting, been guilty of conduct which renders him unworthy of His Majesty’s confidence ; and that he cannot hold the Office of Judgein this Pro- vince in a manner compatible with the honor of His Majesty s Government, and the interests of the People of this Country. 5. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Commit- tee, lhat an humble Address be presented to His Ex- cellency the Governor in Chief, praying him to use the powers vested in him by his Commission, for the pur- pose of provisionally suspending the said Honorable Vol. — 45. J ° hn (m ;; i,Assem blee de cette Province, intitule, « Acte pour rendi e vahdes les transports de Terres et autres pro- pnetes imrpeubles tenues en franc et commun ioc- « cage dans la 1 iovince du Bas-Canada, et pour d’au- nnnprTPfl.” , _ . ESSAGE du Conseil Legislatif, par l’Honorable gjjx* . M. De Lery , un des Maitres en Chancellerie : Lake St. Louis Survey Bill. Bill relating to Light Houses on Scattarie and St. Pauls Islands. (« Mutual Fire InsuranceCom- panies Bill. a <( Gaspe Fisheries Bill. Quebec Incor- poration Bill, with Amend- ments. Montreal In- corporation Bill, with Amend- ments. Education en- couragement Bill, with amendments. Sole Leather Bill, with amendments. “ An Act to make provision for the Survey of Lake St. Louis, and other places.*’ “ An Act to appoint a Commissioner on the pait ot this Province to arbitrate with Commissioners on the “ part of the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Bruns - “ wick and Prince Edward’s Island, respecting the “ maintenance of Light Houses on the Islands of Sea - “ tarie and St. Paul.” . “ An Act to continue, for a limited time, and to amend a certain Act therein mentioned, relative to the establishment of Mutual Fire Assurance Compa- n digs. , “ An Act for the better regulation of the fisheries “ in the Inferior District of Gaspe.” And, also ; . . „ The Legislative Council have passed the following Bills with several Amendments, to which they desire the concurrence of the Assembly : “ An Act to consolidate, extend and amend the “ provisions of certain Acts therein mentioned,, con- “ ceming the Corporation ot the City of Quebec. “ An Act to consolidate, extend and amend the pio- “ visions of certain Acts therein mentioned, concern- “ in" the Corporation of the City of Montreal. “ An Act for the further and permanent encourage- “ ment of Education. rc . T “ An Act to provide for the inspection of bole Lea* “ ther.” And, also ; Legislative Council, Monday, 14 th March , 1836. (< Le Conseil 1 ' Ugislatif a passe les Bills suivans, sans A T. e A d cte pour assurer a Sa Majesty la proprieW du “ Musee d’Histoire Naturelle de Pierre Chasseur, poui !< a Acte quf fah des C reglemens ulterieurs concernant “ les Auberges et les Aubergistes, et pour d'autres ob. “ jets y relatifs.” . T „ . “ Acte pour pourvoir a l’exploration du Lac Saint “ Louis, et autres lieux.’ . . , , “ Acte pour nommer un f ommissaire Arbitre de la “ part de cette Province pour decider avec des Com- “ missaires de la part des Provinces de la A ouvelle- “ Ecosse, du Nouveau- Brunswick, et de 1 lie du Prince Edouard, quant a l’entretien ,de Phares sur les lies de Scattarie et de Saint Paul.” “ Acte pour continuer, pour un temps limite, e amender un certain Acte y mentionne, re' at it a e- “ tablissement de Compagmes d’Assurance Mutucl e “ contre le Feu.” , 4 •„*. a Acte pour mieux rf’glerles Peclies dans le Distnct “ Inferieur de Gaspe.” Le Conseil Legislatif a passe les Bills suivans, avec plusieurs Amendemens, auquels ll demande la concui- rence de l’Assemblee : “ Acte pour refondre, en les Cendant et amen- " dant, les dispositions de certains Actes y mention- nes, concernant ia Corporation de la Cite de Quebec. “ Acte pour refondre, en les etendant et, les dispositions de certains Actes y mentionnes, ,con- cernant la Corporation de la Cite de Montreal.” Acte pour l encouragement ulterieur et permanent 1’ ETtnnntinn.” Le Conseil a concouru au : Bill du Musee de P. Chasseur. Bill des Auber gistes. Bill pour l’ex- ploration du Lac St Louis. Bill au sujetd phares sur le? lies Scattarie St. Paul. fc (< Bill pour des Compagnies d’Assurance Mutuellecon le Feu. Bill des Pec de Gaspe st aniendmens, Bill d’lnco ration de Q bee. U Bill d’lncc ration de Ml real. Bill pour 1 k de l’Education. . . Q “ Acte pour pourvoir a 1 inspection du Cuir a be- “ melles. ’ Et, aussi *, Conseil Legislatif, Lundi, 14 Mars 1836. couragemei l’Educatio' Bill pour 1| speciion dm a Semellesk des amend mens. Council request Documents on Law Officers Salaries Bill. Ordered, That a Message be sent to the Assembly by one of the Masters in Chancery, to request that the Documents upon which is founded the Bill, intitule , “ An Act to reduce and fix the Salaries of certain Ofh- “ cers of the Law,” be communicated to this House. And then he withdrew. Ordonne, Qu’un Message soit envoy* a l’Assemblee par Pun des Maitres en Chancellerie, pour la pner de ™«..* vouloir bien communique!’ a cette Chambre les L)o- des office cumens et Temoignages d’apres lesquels cette Cham- Ju^e. bre a precede sur ie Bill, intitule, Acte pour reduire « et fixer les Salaires de certains Officiers de Justice. Et ensuite il s’est retire. The names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Bardy, Beaudouin, Clapham, Charles Dro- Eortin Fraser , Godbout, Hebert, Knight, Mousseau, V - n* 7 7. /| M '7A. os* hsiwnn let let , vorim, x /uocr, - — — > » ; , O'Callaghan, Power, Simon , Joseph Andre laschereau, Toomy , Trudel, Vanfelson and Wells. And at a quarter past three o’clock, P. M., Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. Les noms des Membres presens ont hi pris, comme suit : , _ M. l’Orateur, Messieurs Bardy, Beaudouin, Clapham, Charles Dro- let, Fortin, Fraser, Godbout, Hebert, Knight Mousseau, O’Callaghan, Power, Simon , Joseph- Andre Taschereau, Toomy, Trudel, Vanfelson et Wells. Et a trois heures et un quart, P. M., M. 1 Orateur a ajourne la Chambre faute de Quoium. Wednesday, Mercredi, 6' Will. IV. 16 " — 17 0 Martii, 097 Wednesday , 16/h March , 1836. Mercredi, 16 Mars 1836. Answer jo an \ dilress. M R. Deblois , accompanied by the other Messen- gers, reported to the House, that their Address of the twelfth instant, to Ilis Excellency the Governor in Chief; relating to Mr. Justice Thompson , had been presented to His Excellency ; and that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, I shall not fail to give the most attentive considera- tion to the charges brought under my notice by this Address, against the conduct of Mr. Thompson , as Judge of the District of Gaspe ; but I cannot come to any decision upon the case until I shall have received from Mr. Thompson such defence as he may have to offer to the accusations preferred against him by the Assembly. Castle of St. Lewis, Quebec, 16th March, 1836. Deblois , accompagne des autres Messagers, a • fait rapport a la Chambre, qoeson Adresse du douze du courant, k Son Excellence le Gouverneur- en-Chef, relativement a M. le Juge Thompson, avait ete presentee' a Son Excellence, et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : 1 Messieurs, Je ne manquerai pas de donner la consideration la plus seneuse aux accusations qui me sont soumises par cette Adresse conlre la conduite de M. Thompson comme Juge du District de Gaspe ; mais je ne puis en vemr a aucune decision sur le cas que je n aie recu de M. Ihompson telle defense qu il peut avoir a offrir aux plaintes portees contre lui par PAssemblee, Chateau St. Louis, Quebec, 16 Mars 1836. nfiponsc a une Adresse. essage from e Council. mncil have reed lo : . e. Anne idge Bill. I ll forprevent- ; accidents by e, with endments. It and Pearl fhes Inspec- 1 1 Bill, with leDdments. I ors Bill, i'h amend- tnts. I I A Message from the Legislative Council by the Ho- norable Mr. De Levy, one of the Masters in Chanceiv : Mr. Speaker, The Legislative Council have passed the Bill, in- tituled, “ An Act to appropriate a certain sum of mo- “ ney for the construction of a Bridge over the River Ste. Anne, in the County of Champlain,” without any amendment. And, also ; The Legislative Council have passed the following Bills, with several Amendments, to which they desire the concurrence of the Assembly : “ An Act to suspend, for a limited time, certain Or- “ dinances therein mentioned, as far as the same relate to the City o {Quebec, arid the City of Montreal , and “ for preventing accidents by Fire.” An Act to continue and amend two Acts therein mentioned relative to the inspection of Pot Ash and “ Pearl Ash.” “ An Act to regulate the qualification and summon- “ ing of Jurors in Civil and Criminal matters.” And then he withdrew. Message du Conseil Legislate par PHonorable M. De Lery, un des Maitres en Chancellerie : M. I’Orateur, Le Conseil Legislate a passe le Bill, intitule, “ Acte pour affecter une certaine somme d argent pour la " construction d’un Pont sur la Riviere Ste. Anne, dans le Comte de Champlain ,” sans amendement. Message du Conseil. Le Conseil a concouru au : Bill du Pont de Ste. A nne, sans amendement, et Et, aussi ; Le ( onseil Legislatif a passe Ies Bills suivans, avec plusieurs Amendemens, auxquels il demande la concur- rence de l’Assemblee : “ Acte pour suspendre, pour un temps limits, cer. bn. P „„, P , S „. tames Onlonnancesy mentionnees, en autant qu’elles f Ies accidens out rapport a la Cite de Quebec, et a la Cite de Montreal, et pour prevenir Ies accidens du Feu.” Acte pour continuer el amender deux Actes y men- Bil1 pour 1 in ‘ tionnes, relatifs a I’inspection de la Potasse et de la Potasse et Per. Perlasse. iasse,et “ Acte pour regie r la qualification et sommation des a B veit s s Jur * s ’ Jutes en matieres Civileset Cnminelles. amendemens. Et ensuite il s’est retire. The names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messiems Lardy, Beaudouin, Lerthelot, Besserer, Caron, Clapham, Deb 'ois, Char es Drolet, Fortin, Fraser, Godbout, Grannis , Hebei t, Knight, Letourneau, Mous- seau. O' Callaghan, Simon, Joseph Andre Taschereau, Toomy, Trudcl, Vanfelton, Viger and Wells. And at a quarter to four o’clock, P. M., Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. Les noms des Membres presens ont ete pris, comme suit : M. I’Orateur, Messieurs Bardy, Beaudouin, Berthelot, Besserer Caron, Clapham, Deblois, Ch tries Drolet, Fortin , Fraser Godbout, Grannis, Hebert, Knight, Letourneau, Mous - seau, O'Callaghan , Simon, Joseph-Andre Taschereau Toomy, Trudel, Vanfelson, Viger et Wells. Eta trois heures et trois quarts P. M., M. lOiateur a ajouine la Chambre faute de Quorum. wer to an r*ss. Thursday , 17/A March , 1836. R. O'Callaghan , accompanied by the other Me sengers, reported to the House, that their A ess of the ninth instant, to His Excellency the Gove nor in Chief, praying His Excellency to direct the pn per Officei to adopt legal measures to oblige Ihom, Allen S/ayner, Esquire, Deputy Post Master Gener; to reimbuise a certain sum of Nine thousand five hu dred and fifty rounds five shillings and two pence Cu rency, which the said Thomas Allen Stayner has r ceived since his appointment to his present Office, f the transmission of Newspapers and other printed' P V0L.-15. pe Jeudi, 17 Mars 1836. M O'Callaghan, accompagne des autres Messagers, 7 * a rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du neuf du courant, a Son Exllence le Gouverneur-en- Clief, pour prier Son Excellence d’ordonner a I’Officier a qui il ap iartient, de prendre des mesures en Loi pour obhger Thomas- Allen Stayner, Ecuyer, Depute Maitre- General des Postes, t rembourser une certaine somme de Neufmille cinq cent cinquante livres cinq schellin^s et deux deniers courant, que le dit Thomas- Allen Stay - ner a re^e depuis qu’il est nomme a femploi qu’il oc- cupe actuellement, pour le transport par la Malle des 8 O PapierS Reponse a un® Adresse. 1 7 ° Marin. A. 1836 . and Pamphlets by Mail, and which sum the said I , <\f (tuner, without authority of Law, tip- 2 ‘rJjThS ^private use and benefit, had been presented to His Excellency ; and that lie had been pleased to give the following.Answer : ^'have "taken into my serious consideration this Address which prays that 1 would direct the adoption of legal measures to oblige Mr, Signer Deputy I os Master General, to reimburse the sum of Nine thousand five hundred and fifty pounds five shillings and two pence, which, since his appointment he has received, and without legal authority appropriated to Ins own use fo the transmission of Newspapers and other printed I Pa- pers an d Pamphlets by Mail ; and I find from such in- formation as I have been enabled to collect, that the Deputy Post Master General receives his Commission noifrom any local authority, but, under an Imperial Act from the Post Master General in the United King- dom —that from that source all regulations for tile ma- nagement of his Department emanate,- and that the net revalue derived by means of the Provincial Post Office is transmitted to, and forms part of the Iteyenues of the Parent State. I also find that the Proprietors of News and other printed Papers, arc not obliged by any legal provision, as in the case of Letters to use the Post Office as a mode of conveyance for the ciiculation of thpir Papers • but I am advised that under the Impe- riaT Act^vhicii establishes the rates of Postage if News and other printed Papers are sent by Mad, the lost Master might legally demand on them the same i ate of Postage as on Letters. This, however from liberal views towards the public, has not been the pi actice , but the Deputy Post Masters General of British A orth America have, from the earliest period, beenaUowed as a privilege and perquisite attached to the Othce, to make for their own benefit, such arrangements with the different Newspaper Proprietors as they could mu- tually agree upon with respect to the charge for tians- mitting Newspapers through the 1 ost Oh ce. Under these arrangements the charge, 1 understand, is quite trifling compared to what might legally be demanded for the benefit of the Imperial Levenue ; and as the privilege has recently been expressly recog. nized and sanctioned by Bis Grace the Duke of Rich- mond while Post Master General, upon a complaint formally made to him on the subject by a l roprietor of one of the Provincial Newspapers, I feel that I could not with propriety comply with the prayer of this Ad- dress I will, however, communicate with His Majes- ty’s Government, and suggest the expediency of then- taking into early consideration the existing auange- ments on this head. Castle of St. Lewis , Quebec , 17 th March, 1886. Papiers Publics, et autres Imprimes et Pamphlets, et laquelle somme le dit Thomas-Alien Stayner s’est ap- propriee sans l’autorite de la Loi, pour son avantage particulier, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence, et qu’il 1 u i avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante : Messieurs, J’ai pris en ma serieuse consideration cette A- dresse. dans laquelle on me prie d'ordonner l’adoption ’ . / i Tv/r ~ jny,) VtUlIO IV. VJV. w.-w — | | de mesures legales pour obliger M. Stayner , Depute M aitre General des Postes, a rembouser la somme de Neuf mille cinq cent cinquante livres cinq schllings et deux deniers qu’il a recpie depuis sa nomination, et qu’il a appiopriee a son usage, sans autorisation legale, somme provenant des transports de Papiers-Nouvelles et autres Papiers imprimes et Pamphlets tiansmis par la Malle ; et je trouve, d’apres les informations que j’ai pu me pro- curer, que le Depute Matt re General des Postes resoit sa Commission, non d’aucune autorite locale, mais du Maitre General des Posies du Eoyaume-Uni, en vertu d’un Acte Imperial ; que tous les reglemens pour la reoie de son Departement emanent de cette source, et q^e le Revenu net qui provient du Departement des Postes de la Province est transmis en Angleterre,et forme pai tie des Revenus de la Mere-Patrie. Je trouve aussi que les Proprietaires de Papiers-Nouvelles el autres Papiers imprimes ne sont obliges par aucun Statut, co i me pour les Lettres, de se servir de la Poste pour le transport et la circulation de leurs Papiers; mais I on m’a represente que par l’Acte Imperial qui etablit les taux de Frais de Poste, lorsque Ton envoie par la Malle des Papiers-Nouvelles et autres Papiers imprimes, le Maitre de Poste peut legalement demander les memes taux de Frais de Poste pour ces Papiers que pour les Lettres. Cela cependant, dans la vue de favoriser le Public, n’a pas ete Pusage. Mais il a ete permis aux Deputes Maitres Generaux des Postes de V Amerique Britannique du A'ord, comme privilege et emolument attaches a cet emploi, de faire pour leur propre profit des arrangemens avec les divers Proprietaires de Pa- piers-Nouvelles par rapport aux frais de transport de Papiers-Nouvelles par la Poste. D apres ces arrangemens, j’apprends que les Frais de Poste de Papiers-Nouvelles sont tres-modiques, en cora- paraison de ce qui pourrait etre demande pour 1 avan- tage du Revenu Imperial ; et, comme le privilege a ete recemment reconnuet sanctionne expressement par Sa Grace le Due de Richmond , lorsqu il etait Maitre General des Postes, a 1‘occasion d’une plainte qui lui a ete faite formellement a ce sujet par un Proprietaire d’un des Papiers-Nouvelles de la Province, je crois que je ne puis pas convenablement me rendre a la demande que contient cette Adresse. Je communiquerai ce- pendant avec le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, etje lui suggererai I’expedience de prendre aussitot possible en consideration les arrangemens qui existent a ce sujet. Chateau St. Louis , Quebec , 17 Mars 1836. Answer to an Address. Mr. O'Callaghan , accompanied by the other Messen- gers, reported to the House that their Address of the ninth instant, to His Excellency the Governor in Chief, nrayino- His Excellency to remit to Silas Horton DicL- l -son, "the sum of Fifty pounds Currency, being the full amount of certain Fines levied upon the said Dick- erson by the Provincial Judge of the District of St. Francis, had been presented to His Excellency; am that he had been pleased to give the following Answer : Gentlemen, , . , . I request you to inform the House of Assembly, that, after mature consideration, 1 find myself unable to accede to the prayer of this Address by authorizing an issue M. O' Callaghan, accompagne des autres Messagers, a fait rapport a la Chambre, que son Adresse du neuf du courant, a Son Excellence leGouverneur-en-Chef, priant Son Excellence de remettre a Silas-Horton Dickeison , la somme de Cinquante livres courant, montant de certaines Amendes que le Juge Provincial du District de Saint Francois lui a fait payer, avait ete presentee a Son Excellence ; et qu’il lui avait plu de donner la Reponse suivante: jyi essieurs Je vous prie d’informer la Chambre d’Assemblee, qu’apr^s mure consideration, je ne me crois pas autorise a acceder a la demande que contient cette Adi esse, et a Reponse Adresse. 6 Will. IV. 1 7° — 18" — 19” — 21" MaHii, issue from the Public Treasury in favor of Silas Hor- ton Dickerson, of Fifty pounds Currency, the amount of five several Fines, paid by him under sentences pro- nounced by the Provincial Judge lor the District of Saint Francis. Castle of St- Lewis, Quebec , 17th March, 1836. The names of the Members present were taken down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Bardy, Beaudouin, Berthelot, Besserer , Clapham, De Tonnancour, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser, Godbout, Gran- nis, Hebert, Huot, Knight, Letourneau, Mousseau, O' Callaghan, Simon, Joseph Andre Taschereau, Toomy , Trudel, Vanfelson, Viger and Wells. And at twenty minutes past three o’clock, P. M., Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quo- rum. 699 a permettrede prendre sur le Tresor Public, pour Silas- Ilorton Dickerson, la soimne de Cinquante livres cou- rant, montant de cinq differentes Amendes qu’il a payees en vertu de Sentences prononcees par le Ju^e Provincial du District de Saint Frangois. Chateau St. Louis, Quebec , 17 Mars 1836. Les noms des Membres presens ont ete pris, comme suit : M. l’Orateur, Messieurs Bardy, Beaudouin, Berthelot, Besserer, Clapham, De Tonnancour, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser , Godbout, Gran- ms, Hebert, Huot, Knight, Letourneau, Mousseau, O' Callaghan, Simon, Joseph-Andre Taschereau, Toomy, Trudel, Vanfelson, Viger et Wells. Et a trois heures et vingt minutes, P. M., M. l’Orateur a ajourne la Chambre faute d e Quorum. Friday , 18 th March , 1836. RESENT : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Bardy, Beaudouin, Berthelot, Besserer, Clapham, Charles Drolet , Fortin, Fraser, Godbout, Grannis, Hebert, Le Boutillier , Mousseau, O' Callaghan, Joseph Andre Taschereau, Toomy, Trudel, Vanfelson, Viger and Wells. And at a quarter past three o’clock, P. M., Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum. louse meets nd adjourns for ant of a Quo- im. P Vendredi, 18 Mars 1836. RESENS: M. l’Orateur, Messieurs Bardy, Beaudouin, Berthelot, Besserer Clapham, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Fraser, Godbout, Grannis, Hebert, Le Boutillier, Mousseau, 0‘Callaghan, Joseph-Andre Taschereau, Toomy, Trudel, Vanfelson, Viger et Wells. Et a trois heures et un quart, P. M., M. l'Orateur a ajourne la Chambre faute de Quorum. La Chambre s’assemble, et s’ajourne faute de Quorum. Saturday, 19 th March, 1836. RESENT : Mr. Speaker, Messieurs Beaudouin, Berthelot, Caron, Cazeau, Clapham, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Godbout, Hebert, Huot, Le Boutillier, Mousseau, Simon, Joseph Andre Taschereau, Viger and Wells, And at a quarter past three o’clock, P. M., Mr. Speaker adjourned the House for want of a Quorum till Monday next. ouse meets id adjourns for int of a Quo- P Samedi , 19 Mars 1836. JP RESENS: M. 1 Orate ur, Messieurs Beaudouin, Berthelot, Caron, Cazeau, Clapham, Charles Drolet, Fortin, Godbout, Hebert, Huot, Le Boutillier, Mousseau, Simon, Joseph-Andre Taschereau, Viger et Wells. Et a trois heures et un quart, P. M., M. l’Orateur a ajourne la Chambre faute de Quorum, a Lundi prochain. La Chambre s’assemble, et s’ajonrrie faute de Quorum. Monday , 2\st March, 1836. 7at e ,he P Pr'o ^P HE names of the Members present were taken .ration. J1L down, as followeth : Mr. Speaker, ^ Messieurs Beaudouin, Berthelot, Besserer , Blanche t, Car on, Cazeau, Clapham, Deblois , Charles Drolet, Du- bord, Fortin, Godbout, Hebert, Huot, Le Boutillier , Mousseau, Power, Simon , Joseph Andre Taschereau, Thibaudeau , Toomy, Vanfelson, Viger and Wells. &HVSZ- A Messa S e from His Excellency the Governor in uency. Chief, by John Sewell, Esquire, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod : Mr. Speaker, I am commanded by His Excellency the Governor in Chief, to acquaint this Honorable House, that it is the pleasure of His Excellency, that the Members thereof Lundi, 21 Mars 1836. 1L ES noms des Membres presens ont ete pris, comme Membres P re. J*-* suit: sens a la Froro> M. l’Orateur, 6 Messieurs Beaudouin, Berthelot, Besserer, Blanchet, Caron, Cazeau, Clapham, Deblois, Charles Drolet Du bord, Fortin, Godbout, Hebert, Huot, Le Boutillier, Mousseau, Power, Simon, Joseph-Andre Taschereau , Hubaudeau, Toomy, Vanfelson , Viger et Wells. Message de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef Message pour se par John Sewell, Ecuyer, Gentilhorame Huissier de la Verge Noire: lence. M. l’Orateur, II m'est ordonnepar Son Excellence le Gouverneur- en-Chef, d informer cette Honorable Chambre, que c est le plaisir de Son Excellence que les Membres d’i- celle e 3 nv->l Ass«0t Bills. 700 2 1 0 Martii . A. 1836 , , . • • tim T po-islative celle se rendent immediatement aupres d’elle, dans la thereof do forthwith attend him m » c Chambre du Conseil Legislatif. Council Chamber. Accordingly Mr. Speaker and the House went up to attend His Excellency, when His Excellency was o eased to give, in His Majesty’s name, the Royal As- sent to the following Public and Private bdls . An Act to repeal certain parts of an Old. nance therein mentioned, concerning persons i to be admi e ,o practice the Law or to practice as Notaries in tins Pr An Act to prevent Debtors from wasting or minishingthe value of their immoveable propeity undei seizure, to the injury of their Creditors. An Act to establish a new Public Square at Mon- treal, and for other purposes therein mentioned. An Act to incorporate the College of Chambly. An Act to provide less expensive means for the reco- very of Wages due to Seamen of Vessels belonging to or registered in this Province. An Act to provide for Lighting of the City o Montreal, with Gas. An Act to amend and extend the provisions of Act, intituled, “ An Act for making a Rail Road from Lake Champlain to the River Saint Lawrence. An Act to regulate the Fees of persons employed by Justices of the Peace in the Country Parishes, as C lei ks or Bailiffs, in certain cases. . , An Act to revive, amend and continue, for a linyted time, a certain Act concerning the Police of William Hennj, and other Villages. < . An Act to repeal an Act therein mentioned, concern- ing Inspectors and Measurers of Rafts ami Scows, and the Pilots thereof, between Chateauguay and Montreal, and for other purposes therein mentioned. An Act to extend certain privileges to the class ot persons denominating themselves Methodist Protes- An Act for the relief of divers Societies of Protestant Christians therein mentioned. . An Act to continue, for a limited time, a certain Act therein mentioned, concerning the Quebec ^ank. An Act for preserving, for the purposes of Husban- dry, the Grass growing on Beaches in the District ot Quebec • An Act to facilitate the proceedings on certain op- positions to Marriages. An Act to appoint Commissioners to treat with Com- missioners appointed, or to be appointed, on the part of the Province of Upper Canada, for the purposes therein mentioned. . ,, An Act to provide for the summary trial ot Small Causes. An Act to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and to consolidate the provisions therein made for the encouragement of useful Arts in this Province. An Act to continue, for a limited time, ceitain Acts therein mentioned. ..... c An Act further to provide, during a limited time, tor the want of Notaries in the Inferior District of Gaspe. An Act to make further provision for the security of Titles to real property in the Inferior District of Gaspe, and to repeal two Acts therein mentioned. An Act for the qualification of the Justices of the p ea ce. An Act to prevent the fraudulent seizure and sale of Lands and other real property within this Province. An En consequence, M. POrateur et la Chambre se sont rendus aupres de Son Excellence; et alors. Son Ex- cellence a bien voulu donner, an nom de Sa Majeste, la Sanction Royale aux Bills Publics et Prives, suivans: Acte pour rappeler ceitaines parties d une Ordon- nance y mentionnee, qui concerne les personnes qui doivt nt etre admises a pratiquer la Loi, ou a pratiquer me Notaire en cette Province. . commeiNoiaiiccu ,, , . z\ c te pour empecher les Debiteuis cie cletenoier ou diminuer la valeur de leurs proprietes immobilizes, durant la saisie d’icelles, au prejudice de leurs Ciean- Cie Acte pour etablir une nouvelle Place Publique a Montreal , et pour autres objets y mentionnes. Acte pour Incorporer le College de Chambly. Acte qui pourvoit au recouvrement, avec moms de frais, des Gages dus aux Equipages des Vaisseaux ap- partenans a cette Province, on enregistr^s en icelle. Acte pour pourvoir a l’Eclairage de la Cite de Mont- real, par le Gaz. ,, Acte pour amender et etendre les dispositions d un Acte, intitule, “ Acte pour pourvoir a la construction “ d un Chemin a Bisses entre le Lac Champlain et le “ Fleuve St, Laurent. ” Acte pour regler les Honoraires des personnes em- ployees par les Juges de Paix dans les Campagnes, comme Greffiers ou Huissiers en certains cas. Acte pour faire revivre, amender et continuer, pour un temps limite, un certain Acte concernant la Police de William Henry, et autres Villages. Acte pourabroger un Acte y mentionne, concernant 1’Inspecteur et les Mesureiirs de Bacs et Cages, et Ies Pilotes d’iceiix entre Chateauguay et Montreal, et pour autres fins y mentionnees. Acte pour etendre certains Privileges aux personnes qui se denomment Methodistes Protestans. Acte pour le soulagement de diverses Societes de Chretiens Protestans y mentionnees. Acte pour continuer, pour un temps limite, un cer- tain Actey mentionne, concernant la Banque d e Quebec. Acte pour conserve!*, pour les fins de 1 Agriculture, le Foin qui croit sur les Greves, dans le District de Quebec. . , , Acte pour rendre plus expeditive la mamere de pro- ceder dans les cas de ceitaines oppositions aux Mari- ages. . . , ., Acte pour nommer des Commissaires pour trader avec les Commissaires qui sont ou pourront etie nom- mes de la part de la Province du Haul-Canada , pour les fins y mentionnees. . Acte pour pourvoir a la decision sommaire des L e- tites Causes. . Acte pour rappeler certains Actes y mentionnes, et incorporer en un seul Acte les dispositions d’iceux au sujet de l’encouragement des Arts utiles en cette Pio- vince. Acte pour continuer, pour un temps limite, certains Actes y mentionnes. . Acte pour subvenir encore, pour un temps limite, au manque de Notaires dans le District Inferieur de Gaspe. Acte pour pourvoir ulterieurement a la conservation des Litres des Biens-fonds dans le District Inferieur de Gaspe, et pour abroger deux Actes y mentionnes. Acte pour la Qualification des Juges de Paix. Acte pour empecher les Saisies et Ventes fiaudu- leuses des Terres et autres proprietes reeiles dans cette Province. Actc 6 Will. iY. 21° Martiu 701 An Act for more easily carrying into effect an Act, intituled, “An Act to authorize the appointment of “ Commissioners to treat with Commissioners on the “ part of Upper Canada, respecting the drawing of a “ division Line between Lower and Upper Canada .” An Act for the more easy and less expensive deci- sion of differences between Masters and Mistresses and their Servants, Apprentices and Laborers in the Coun- try parts of this Province. An Act to provide more effectually for the safe con- veyance of Prisoners charged with Criminal Offences, from the Country parts of this Province to the Common Gaol of the several Districts. An Act to establish Depots of Provisions for the re- lief of shipwrecked Seamen. An Act to continue, for a limited time, two certain Acts therein mentioned, concerning the Militia of this Province. An Act to enable the Commissioners for the erection of a new Hall of Assembly, to pay off* a certain excess of expenditure, and to cause certain work to be done about the said Building. An Act to enable His Majesty to acquire the Island called “ Grosse Isle” for the public uses of the Pro- vince, and to indemnify the Proprietor and the Lessee thereof. An Act to provide for the support of divers Charita- ble Institutions, and for other purposes therein men- tioned. An Act to grant an aid towards printing, in the French language, the Treatise on Agriculture written by William Evans. An Act to provide means for putting the Steam Dredging Vessel into operation. An Act to regulate the measurement of Coal. An Act to provide for the building of a Custom House m the City of Montreal. An Act to cause a Census to be taken of the Coun- ties of Montmorency and Drummond. An Act to continue certain Acts therein mentioned, relating to the administration of Justice in the Inferior District oi Gaspe. , ^ or raa k* n g certain Regulations respecting the Office of Sheriff. 1 h An Act to repeal a certain Act therein mentioned, and more effectually to remedy divers abuses prejudicial to Agriculture. An Act to provide for the medical treatment of Sick Mariners. An Act to provide for the management and care of the Lachine Canal, and to establish certain rates, tolls and duties to be taken thereon. ’ ’ An Act to appoint a Commissioner on the part of this Province to arbitrate with Commissioners on the part of the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Pi ince Edward s Island, respecting the maintenance of Light Houses on the Islands of Lttarielu72int Paul. An Act to continue for a limited time, and to amend a certain Act therein mentioned, relative to the esta- blishment of Mutual Fire Assurance Companies. ^ or ^ ie better regulation of the Fisheries in the Inferior District of Gaspe. An Act to make provision for the Survey of Lake Saint Louis, and other places. An Act to vest in His Majesty, the property of Pierre Chasseur’s Museum of Natural History, for public be- nefit. r Vol.— 45. An Acte pour faci liter 1’cxecution d’un Acte, intitule t( Acte pour autoriser la nomination de Commissaires “ P our traiter avec les Commissaires nommes de la part “ du Haul-Canada, touchant la fixation d’une Ligne de “ Divison entre le Haute t le Bas-Canada ° Acte qui pourvoit a faire decider d’une maniere plus facile et moms dispendieuse les differends qui s’elevent entre les Maitres et Maitresses et leurs Serviteurs, Ap- prentis ou Engages dans les Campagnes de cette Pro- vince. Acte qui pourvoit plus efficacement au transport sur des Prison mers prevenus d’Offenses Criminelles, des Campagnes de cette Province aux Prisons Communes ties differens Districts. Acte pour etablir des Depots de Provisions pour le soulagement des Naufrages. Acte pour continuer, pour un temps limite, deux certains Actes y mentionnes, concernant la Milice de cette Province. Acte pour mettre les Commissaires pour I’erection d’une nouvelle Salle de Seance de l’Assemblee en etat de couvrir un excedant de Depenses, et de faire faire certains ouvrages au dit batiment. Acte pour mettre Sa Majeste en etat de faire {’Ac- quisition de file appelee “ La Grosse-Ile,” pour les usages publics de la Province, et pour indemniser le Proprietaire et Fermier d’icelle. Acte pour pourvoir a divers objets de’Bienfaisance etautres fins y mentionnees. Acte pour aider a 1’impression, en Langue Francaise, du Iraite d Agriculture de William Evans. Acte pour pourvoir a la mise en operation du Cure- Mole a Vapeur. Acte pour regler le Mesurage du Charbon de Terre. Acte pour pourvoir a l’erection d’une Maison de Douane dans la Cite de Montreal. Acte pour faire faire le Recensement des Comtes de Montmorency et de Drummond. Acte pour continuer certains Actes y mentionnes relatifs A l’Administration de la Justice dansle District Inferieur de Gaspe. Acte pour faire certains R£glemens au sujet de l’Of- fice de Sheriff Acte pour revoquer un certain Acte y mentionmff et pour retnedier plus efficacement a divers abus pre- judiciables a l’Agriculture. Acte pour pourvoir au Traitement Medical de Ma- rins malades. Acte pour pourvoir a la Regie et Surveillance du Canal de Lachine , et pour etablir certains Peages et Droits a y etre leves. & Acte pour nommer un Commissaire-Arbitre de la part de cette Province, pour decider avec des Commis- saires de la part des Provinces de la Nouvelle-Ecosse , du Nouveau- Brunswick et de Pile du Prince Edouard, quant a 1 entretien de Phares sur les lies de Scattarie et de St. Paul. Acte pour continuer, pour un temps limits, et amen- der un certain Acte y mentionne, relatif a l’etablisse- ment de Compagnies d’Assurance Mutuelle contre le Feu. Acte pour mieux regler les Peches dans le District Inferieur de Gaspe. Acte pour pourvoir A l’Exploration du Lac St. Louis , et autres lieux. A cte pour assurer ti Sa Majeste la propriete du Musee d Histoire Naturelle de Pierre Chasseur, pour l’avan- f on«rt /I ii DiikK a ^ tage du Public. 8 P Acte 702 21 ” Martii. X. 4 . 1836. A Bill reserved. Royal Assent to BilU of aid. , a , / . f hp further regulation of laverns and Tat'er" Kelperfand i'or Cher purposes therewith con- "ct to appropriate a certain sum of money for the construction of a Bridge over the R.ver Samte Jane, in the County of Champlain. The Title of the following Bill was then read : „ L Act to provide for making and maintaining a u Rail Road from the River Saint Lawrence to the 1 10 - “ Towldch e it was His Excellency the Governor in Chief’s pleasure to say, that he reserved the said Bill for the signification of His Majesty’s pleasure thereon. The Honorable Speaker of the House of Assembly then said ; Mav it please Your Excellency, , ~ . , In the name and on the behalf of His Majesty s faith- ful an d loyal Commons, I have the honor of presenting f“ Your Excellency’s Assent, several Bills of aid which been granted to His Majesty during tins Session, and which Bills are as followeth : An Act to continue, for a limited time, an Act passed in the second year of Hls M: f st y * le, < S". >n £ tilled “ An Act to create a fund to defray the ie « Dense of providing medical assistance for Sick Emi- “ grants, an'd of enabling indigent persons of that de- “ scription to proceed to their place of destination. An Act to regulate and establish lire Salaries of tire Officers of the Customs at the Inland Port, in this 1 10 vince, and for other purposes therein mentioned. An Act for the encouragement of Education in tins P ' AnAct to provide for tire establishment of Normal SC An Act to provide for the reimbursement of certain sums of money expended for Sanitary and Charitab purposes, and to make provisions tor similar purposes t0 ' Toelch'of which Bills His Excellency was pleased to sio-nifv the Royal Assent in the following words : In His Majesty’s name 1 thank His loyal Subjects, accept their benevolence, and assent to this bi . Un Bill reserve. His Excellen- cy’s Speech. And then His Excellency was pleased to make the following Speech to both Houses : Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, Gentlemen of the House ot Assembly, Acte qui fait des reglemens ulterieurs concernant les Auberges et Aubergistes, et pour d’autres objets y 16 *Acte pour affecter une certaine somme d’argent pour la construction d’un Pont sur la Riviere Sainte Anne, dans le Comte de Champlain. Le Titre du Bill suivant, a ete alors lu : “ Acte pour pourvoir a la construction et a l’entre- «< tien d un Chemin a kisses, a partir du Heuve Saint “ Laurent , a aller jusqu’a la Ligne Provinciale.” / Auquel il a pin a Son Excellence de dire , qu elle re- servait le dit Bill pour la Signification du l laisir de Sa Majeste sur icelui. Alors, P Honorable Orateur de la Chambre d’Assem- blee adit: Qu’il plaise a Votre Excellence Sanetion Roya An nom et de la part deskideles et Loyales Com (eA desBiiis, manes de Sa Majeste, j ai Phonneur de presenter pour la Sanction de Votre Excellence, plus.eurs Bills d aide, qui ont ete accordes a Sa Majeste durant cette Session, lesquels sont comme suit : Acte pour continuer, pour un temps limite, un Acte passe dans la seconde annee du Ilegne de Sa Majeste, intitule “ Acte pour creer un Fonds pour subvemraux “ depenses du Traitement Medical et des soins pour “ les Emigres malades, et pour mettre les personnes “ indigentes de cette description en etat de se rendre “ au lieu de leur destination.” . Acte pour regler et etablir les Salaires des (Jmciers des Douanes aux Ports de PInterieur de cette Province, et autres fins y mentionnees. Acte pour l’encouragement de l’Education en cette Acte pour pourvoir a l’etablissement d’Ecoles Not- m tjSi • Acte pour pourvoir au remboursement de certaines Somtnes d’argent depensees pour des fins Samtaires et de Bienfaisance, et pour pourvoir a des objets sembla- bles pour l’avenir. , x A chacun desquels Bills, il a plu a Son Excellence de donner la Sanction Royale, dans les mots suivans : Au nom de Sa Majeste, je remercie ces loyaux Su- jets, accepte leur bienveillatice, et sanctionne ce Bui. Et ensuite, il a plu k Son Excellence tie faire aux deux Chambres, la Harangue suivante : Messieurs du Conseil Legislatif, Messieurs de la Chambre d’Assemblee, c , i (U wTTit La saison avancee de l’annee, et 1 absence d un nom- The advanced season o' * he X* al ’ Houses for bre suffisant de Membres dans les deux Chambres, pour ^d"rf' public business, renders it expedient puWi ques m'rmposent ie devo.r that I should prorogue this Parliament. P » Gentlemen of the House of Assembly, It is to me matter of sincere regret, that the ofl’eis of peace and conciliation, of which I was the bearer to this Country, have not led to the result which I ha hoped for. The consequences of their rejection, and of the demands which have been made to His Majesty, I will not venture to predict. , , _ . T In the Speech with which I opened the Session, i announced, that should you consent to discharge the arrears due to the Public Officers, and provide for then maintenance, pending the enquiries which His Majesty had commanded to be made in the Province, no part ot the surplus Revenue of the Crown should be touched 1 during Messieurs de la Chambre d’Assemblee, C’est pour moi un sujet de regret sincere de voir que les offres de paix et de conciliation dont j etais le por- teur a ce Pays, n’aient pas produit le resultat que j en attendais. Je ne veux pas me hasarder a predire toutes les consequences qui sen suivront de leur refus, et des demandes qui ont ete faites a Sa Majeste. Dans le discours avec lequel j’ai ouvert la Session, ievous ai annonce, que si vons consentiez a hquider les Arrerages dus aux Officiers Publics, et a pourvoir a leur maintien dans 1’intervalle de l’Enquete que Sa Majeste avait donne ordre de faire dans la Province, il ne serait touche a aucune partie de 1 excedant des llevenus Prorogaiion. 6 Will. IV, 21" Marlii, during those enquiries without your assent. As no provision has been made for the purposes contemplated in that proposal, I shall he under the necessity of apply- ing the Revenues at the disposal of the Crown, as far as they will extend, to the payment of the Public Ser- vants, and towards the current Expenses of the Civil Government. What further measures must be adopted for the removal of the difficulties to which the affairs of the Province are reduced, the authorities in England must determine. Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, Gentlemen of the House of Assembly, Of the fifty-nine Bills that have passed both Houses during the Session, l have given the Royal Assent to all, save one, namely, the Bill for establishing a Rail Road between the River Saint Lawrence and the Province Line. As this Bill affects the King’s Preroga- tive in the disposal of the waste Lands of the Crown, the 42nd Clause of the Constitutional Act makes it necessary that I should reserve it for the signification of His Majesty’s pleasure ; and it is probable that the omission of the formalities required by that Clause, will be altogether fatal to the measure. I shall continue to do all in my power for the ad- vancement of the public good, and the furtherance of that paternal policy which has been enjoined upon me by our Most Gracious Sovereign ; and you, Gentle- men, will, I doubt not, each in his individual capacity, labor to preserve the peace, and to promote the real interests of the community. After which, the Honorable Speaker of the Legisla- tive Council said, Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly, It is the will and pleasure of His Excellency the Governor in Chief, that this Provincial Parliament be prorogued until Saturday the thirtieth day of April next ; and this Provincial Parliament is accordingly prorogued until Saturday the thirtieth day of April next. 703 Revenus de la Couronne pendant cette Enqu6te sans votre assentiment ; comme il n’a ete rien fait pour les objets que I on avait en vue en fhisant cette offre, je me trouverai dans la necessite d’employer les Revenus a ia disposition de la Couronne a payer, jusqu’A leur con- currence, les Serviteurs Publics, et a subvenir aux de- penses courantes du Gouvernement Civil. Quant aux autres mesures a prendre pour remedier aux difficultes ou les affaires de la Province se trouvent reduites, c’est aux Autorites en Angleterre de les terminer. Sur cinquante-neuf Bills qui ont ete passes par les deux Chambres dans cette Session, j’ai donne la Sanc- tion Royale a tous, excepte a un seul, savoir : le Bill qui etablit un Chemin de Fer entre le Fleuve Saint Laurent et Ja Ligne de la Province Comme ce Bill affecte la Prerogative du Roi, en disposant des Terres incultes de la Couronne, la 42e Clause de l’Acte Con- stitutionnel m’oblige a le reserver, jusqu’a signification uu plaisir de Sa Majeste; et il est probable que 1 omis- sion des formalites requises par cette Clause, sera en- tierement fatale a ce Bill. Je continuerai a faire tout en mon pouvoir pour avancer le bien public, et mettre a effet cette politique paternelle qui m’a ete enjointe par notre Tr&s-Gracieux Souveiain ; et vous, Messieuis, travaillerez, je n en doute pas, chacun de vousen votre qualite individuelle, a preserver la paix, et a avancer les vrais interets du Pays. Apr£s quoi l’Honorable Orateur du Conseil Legis- latifadit: Messieurs du Conseil Legislate, et Messieurs de la Cbambre d'Assemblee, C est la volonte et le plaisir de Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en Chef, que ce Parlement Provincial soit i ’ rorogation - pioroge a Samedi, le trentieme jour d’Avril prochain, et ce Parlement Provincial est en consequence proroge a Samedi, le trentieme jour d’Avril prochain. Messieurs du Conseil Legislatif, Messieurs de la Chambre d’Assemblee, INDEX- TO THE FORTY-FIFTH VOLUME OF THE •JOURNALS. 1835 - 6 . BENAQUIS Indians. Petition of clivers of them, complaining of having been forcibly de- prived of the produce of their chace by the Hudson’s Bay and King’s Posts Companies, and praying protection, 249. Referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 2.50. Accounts , Contingent, from 1st January to 31st Decem- ber, 1834, with amount of arrears due and demands made against the House up to the 15th October, 1835, laid before the House, 18. Re- ferred, 28. See Infra. , Standing Committee for the Contingent Accounts and other objects connected with the internal department of the House of Assembly, appointed, 20. The Tenders for Printing, — the Statement of Indemnity paid to the Mem- bers, — the Contingent Accounts, — the Libra- rian’s Report, — and the Clerk’s Report relating to his Assistants, referred, 28. The Commit- tee discharged from the consideration of the latter Report, 58. The Fourth Report of the Special Committee on the Contingent Accounts and other references, presented to the House on the 2 1 st February, 1834, referred, ibid. In- struction respecting the Printing ordered by the House, 368. A Member added, ibid. First Report, — on Tenders for Printing, 69. Second Report, 321. Committed, 326. Considered, 372. Resolutions reported and agreed to, 37 5. Third Report, 435. Committed, 436. Consi- deration deferred, 442. Public. Laid before the House by Message from His Excellency, 174. See Appendix (I.) Re- ferred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, and to be printed, 176. , Standing Committee of, appointed, 20. Petitions referred, viz : Of Joseph Ouellet, 21. Of Edward Holland, 26. Of Jean Bte. Miville Dechene ; Of P. A. Weilbrenner ; Of A. Jo- bin and G. Deschambeault ; Of Robert Hoyle, 34. Of John Francis Delair, 49. Of the Cure, Vol. 45. — Session 1835-6. Accounts, Public , continued : Churchwardens and others of the Parish of Lotbiniere ; Of Toussaint Charretier ; Of Louis Beaudouin ; Of Matthew Jack ; Of Charles Antoine G. De Tonnancour ; Of Carey Mc- Clellan Hyndman, 57. Of Amasa Bebee ; Of Martin Sheppard ; Of John McClellan, 66. Of William Annett ; Of Eustache Bigue Nobert ; Of Alexander Thompson ; Of Pierre De Roche- blave ; Of Antoine J. Duchesnay, 82. Of Francis and Edouard Normand ; Of Pierre Paul Demaray ; Of John Fife, 106. Of Gabriel Marchand, 183. Of David Thompson, 350. The Report of the Commissioners for the erec- tion of a Gaol and Court House in the County of St. Hyacinthe, referred, 76 . That part of the Petition of Antoine Dupuis to be indemni- fied for services during the last American War, referred, 137- The Blue Book for 1834, refer- red, 166. The Public Accounts for 1835, and the Estimate for 1836, together with the Mes- sages accompanying the same, referred, 176. The Statement of the probable amount of pub- lic monies which will be in the Vaults on the 15th January, 1836, referred, 224. Instruction respecting the distribution of ^31,000 advanced from the Military Chest, and also respecting the Salaries of the Receiver General and Commis- sioner of the Jesuits’ Estates, 226. The Re- ceiver General’s Accounts, and the Statement of the public monies in the Chest at the time of his appointment, referred, 270. His Excel- lency’s Message relating to an outrage commit- ted in the County of Sherbrooke, referred, 370. First Report, 205. Second Report, 293. Third Report ; to be printed, 344. Fourth Report, 443. For the Reports, see Appendix (I.) They are committed, 334, 443. Instruction to the Committee of the whole House to enquire into the State of the Province, 433. Certified Extracts from a Dispatch to the Lower Canada Commissioners received from the Speaker of the Assembly A INDEX to the Forty-fifth Volume. [1835-6, Accounts , Public, continued : . Assembly of Upper Canada, committed, 453, His Excellency’s Message, with Copies of those parts of the Instructions to the Lower Canada Commissioners which have reference to the to- pics embraced in the Extracts received from Upper Canada, committed, 472. House in Committee, 383, 495, 503. Further proceed- ings dropped for want of a Quorum, 503. House again in Committee, 516, 517, 521, 528, 529. Resolutions on the Public Accounts and other references, and an Address to the King, and Petitions to the Lords and Commons, on the State of the Province, reported, 530. Mo- tion for putting the Question of concurrence on the Resolutions ; an amendment proposed, 584. Mr. Speaker declines receiving the Motion of amendment, giving his reasons therefor ; an Appeal is made from his decision ; his decision is confirmed, upon a division ; the main Motion and Resolutions are agreed to unanimously, 585. A Bill presented, 600. See Civil Gov em- inent. For the Address and Petitions, see Ad- dresses ( 1 .) to the King ; Petitions to the Lords and Commons. Fifth Report, 594. See Ap- pendix (I.) Acts of the British Parliament. See Canada Tenures Act ; Constitutional Act. of the Provincial Parliament. Bill to continue, for a limited time, certain Acts therein men- tioned, read the first time, 122. Read the se- cond time, and referred, 138. Report ; Bill and Report committed, 284. Considered, 300, 329. Resolutions and the Bill reported ; the Resolutions agreed to ; Bill to be engrossed, 329. Passed, 335. By the Council with amend- ments in the English version, 510. Considered, and agreed to, 511. Royal Assent, 700. — 6th, Will. IV., Cap. 32. Addresses to the King. 1. On the State of the Province, reported from a Committee of the whole House, 530. The Ad- dress, 544. Agreed to, upon a division, 586. To be engrossed, ibid. Presented by the whole House to His Excellency for transmission to His Majesty’s Ministers, 660. 2. For the removal of Samuel Gale, Esquire, from the office of Judge of the Court of King’s Bench in this Province, reported from a Com- mittee of the whole House, 637* Agreed to, upon a division ; to be engrossed, 639. Pre- sented by the whole House to His Excellency for transmission to His Majesty’s Ministers, 694. A Copy to be transmitted to John Arthur Roebuck, Esquire, 640. Addresses to the Governor in Chief. 1. A Special Committee appointed to prepare the draught of an Address in answer to His Excellency’s Speech at the opening of the Ses- sion, 15. The Speech referred, ibid. The draught of an Address reported, 38. To be printed ; committed, 45. Considered ; repor- ted without any amendment, 60. Debated ; several amendments proposed to be made there- to negd. upon divisions ; finally agreed to, some of the paragraphs unanimously, the others upon divisions, 60, 6l, 62, 63. To be engros- sed ; to be presented by the whole House, and Members named to wait upon Plis Excellency to know when he will receive the House with Addresses to the Governor in Chief, continued : its Address, 63. Members report the time fixed by His Excellency, 64. The House present the Address ; His Excellency’s answer, 72. 2. For Copies of Communications relative to the appointment of Mr. Justice Gale, 31. Answer, 124. Presented, 148. See Gale, Mr. Justice. - — 3. For Copies of Communications relative to the charges preferred against Mr. Justice Kerr, 32. Answer, 124. Presented. 149. See Kerr , Mr. Justice. 4. For communication of certain Papers relating to the Jesuits’ College, and to the Forges of St. Maurice, 48. Answer, 124. See Forges of St. Maurice ; Jesuits’ Estates. — — 5. For a Copy of the Royal Instructions given in 1818, relating to grants of Land to the Mili- tia who served during the late War with the United States, 48. Answer, 124. A Copy of the General Order relating to grants of Lands to Soldiers, presented, 149. 6. For an advance to the Clerk of the House, of *£22,000, towards defraying the Contingent Expenses of the House, 90. Answer, 125. 7. For Lists of applications for a mutation of Tenure under the Imperial Act 6th, Geo. IV. Cap. 59, and other papers connected therewith, 116. Answer, 133. Presented, 175. See Ca- nada Tenures Act. — — 8 For communication of any Dispatch or other Document that may have been received in an- swer to the Address of this House of 19th March, 1833, respecting the annexation ofGas- pe to New Brunswick, 117. Answer, 134. See Gaspe , Distiict of. - — ■ 9. For information respecting the Felons Coun- sel Bill, reserved on the 18th March, 1835, for the signification of His Majesty’s pleasure, 138. Answer, 142. 10. For Copies of the Income Returns for the last five years, of the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries or Clerks of the several Courts, 142. Answer, 151, Presented, 190. See Income Returns. - 11. For Accounts respecting the Timber cut upon the Crown Lands, 145. Answer, 159. Presented, 301. See Lands. 12. For a detailed Statement respecting the Schools in the County of Missiskoui, 166. An- swer, 170. Presented, 190. See Missiskoui , County of. 13. For copies of any Answers that may have been made by Lord Aylmer to certain Dis- patches relating to Mr. Justice Kerr, 171. Answer, 185. Presented, 190. See Kerr, Mr. Justice. 14. For a Statement of the probable amount of Public Monies which will be in the Vaults on the 15th January 1836, 178. Answer, 185. Pre- sented, 206. See Public Monies. 15. For a List of all the Lots of Land sold or granted under Patent, and promised by Location Tickets or otherwise in the augmentation of Aston; also, notes of the Surveys regarding said augmentation, and of the Lots reserved therein for the Crown and Clergy, 179. Answer, 185. Presented, 277, 301. See Lands. — 16. For various Papers and Documents connected with the sales of Lands in the Townships of Stanfold, Bulstrode, Arthabaska and Warwick ; copies of all applications for Lands in said Townships, t 835 - 6 .] INDEX to the Forty-fifth Volume. Addresses to the Governor in Chief, continued : Addresses to the Governor in Chief, continued: Townships, and a List of all disposable or va- cant lots therein, 179. Answer, 185. Presen- ted, 277, 301. See Lands, 17. Tor a List of all the lots of Land sold or "ranted under Patent, and promised by Loca- tion Tickets or otherwise, in the Townships of Stanfold, Bulstrode, Arthabaska and Warwick ; — also, notes of the Surveys regarding said Town- ships, and of the lots reserved therein for the Crown and Clergy, 179. Answer, 18G. Presen- ted, 277* 302. See Lands. 18. For Copies of all Adverlizements and No- — tices relating to Lands or to the cutting of Tim- ber thereon, published in the Quebec Gazette by Authority, since 13th November 182G, or rendered public in any other manner whatever, 180. Answer, 186. Presented, 302. See Lands. — 19. For a Copy of the Lease of the King’s Posts made to John Goudie, and Copies of all subse- quent Deeds or arrangements with regard to the said Lease, 180. Answer, 186. Presented, 222. See King's Posts. 20. For a detailed Statement of the waste Lands granted, leased or promised to Public Officers and their families and relations within the pe- — riods therein described, 180. Answer, 186. — Presented, 341. See Lands. 21. Fora detailed List of all lots of ground gran- ted in this Province since 30th December 1832, under any tenure recognized by the Laws of — Great Britain, except those in the Townships, 183. Answer, 192. Presented, 245. See Lands. 22. For a detailed Statement of all grants and applications for grants of Land made since 26th November 1832, under the tenure of franc-alleu- - - noble or roturier, 184. Answer, 192. Pre- sented, 245. See Lands. 23. For Copy of the Dispatch authorizing the payment of the Salaries of the late Chairmen of the Quarter Sessions for the Districts of Quebec and Montreal, 195. Answer, 196. Presented, — 200. See Chairmen of the Quarter Sessions. 24. For Copies of Petitions and Correspondence respecting the appointment of Commissioners for Small Causes in the County of Beauharnois, — 205. Answer, 223. Presented, 245. See Small Causes. 25. For Copies of Documents and other infor- mation relative to and connected with the ap- — point ment of the Hon. W. B. Felton as Agent for certain Townships, and as Commissioner of Crown Lands, 225. Answer, 236. Presented, 312. See Felton, Hon. William Bowman. — 26* For Copies of all Petitions and Correspon- dence relative to the appointment of Commis- sioners for Small Causes in the County of Aca- die, 225. Answer, 236. Presented, 245. See Small Causes. 27. For various Papers relating to the building and repairing of Churches, Parsonage Houses and Church Yards, and to the erection of Pa- - rishes for civil purposes, 238. Answer, 263. — Presented, 302. See Churches , &c. ; Sudivision of Parishes . 28. For Copy of a Dispatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, to Lord Aylmer, dated . 6th June 1833, 239. Answer, 252. Presented, 302. See Appendix (L. L.) Referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances, 302. 29. For Copy of a Dispatch from Lord Aylmer to the Earl of Aberdeen, dated 18th March 1835, 239. Answer, 252. Presented, 341. — See Appendix (L. L.) Referred to a Special Committee; to be printed, 344. Copies of cer- tain other Dispatches presented pursuant to Address (47.) also referred, 477* — 30. For detailed Statements of the receipts and expenditure of the Public Monies, up to the 10th October 1835, since the appointment of the present Receiver General, 244. Answer, 252 Presented, 270. See Public Monies. — 31. For Copy of the Correspondence between the late Governor in Chief and the Colonial Minister, relative to the renewal of the present Lease of the Forges of St. Maurice, 250. An- swer, 253. See Forges of St. Maurice. — 32. For Copy of the Report of the Executive Council recommending the lease of 25,940 ar- pents of Land in the Seigniory of Cap de la Magdeleine to the Hon. Matthew Bell, and a detailed Statement of all such portions of the Jesuits’ Estates as have been sold or alienated, 254. Answer, 273. Presented, 302. See Jesuits' Estates. — 33. For a Statement of the monies paid duiing the last three years for the Printing of the Laws, and Copies of the Accounts of persons who prin- ted the same, 266. Answer, 273. Presented, 280. See Printing of the Laws. — 34. For Copies of all tire proceedings before the Coroner at Montreal at the Inquest held on the body of John Collins who died in the Montreal Gaol, 281. Answer, 284-. Presented, 302. — See Montreal Gaol. — 35. For Copies of all Correspondence which has taken place since the 1st December 1835, be- tween any Public Functionaries and His Excel- lency, relative to the Montreal Gaol, 287. An- swer, 298. Presented, 312. See Montreal Gaol. — 36. For Copy of a Communication addressed to the late Governor in Chief by the Chief Justices and Puisne Judges, relating to their Salaries and Allowances, 296. Answer, 307- — 37- For various Papers and information relative to the erection of a Court House and Gaol in the County of Missiskoui, 296. Answer, 301. Presented, 362, See Missiskoui , County of. — 38. For information relative to the subdivision of the Seigniory of St- Armand into two or more distinct Parishes, 297* Answer, 301. Presen- ted, 342. See 5/. Armand. — 39. For Copies of certain Correspondence and Documents relating to the improvement of the Navigation between the Cascades and Lake St. Francis, and with regard to certain Islands or Islets opposite to the Seigniory of Soulanges, 313. Answer, 316. Presented, 379. See Navi- gation between Lakes St. Louis and Lake St. Francis. 40. For Copies of Correspondence having refe- rence to a complaint made by Mr. Justice Val- lieresde St. Real, of the conduct of certain Ma- gistrates of Three Rivers, 336. Answer, 345. — - Presented, 362. See Vallieres, Mr. Justice. 41. For Copies of all Petitions and Correspon- dence relative to the appointment of Commis- sioners for Small Causes in the County of Riche- lieu, 338. Answer, 348. Presented, 379. See Small Causes. 42 INDEX to the Forty-fifth Volume. [1835-6. Addresses to the Governor in Chief, continued : 42. For Copies of Correspondence and Reports of the Executive Council, relative to the renewal of the Leases of the Beaches at Sillery since 1822,354. Answer, 361. Presented, 410. See Jesuits' Estates. , 43. Praying him to appoint some person to col- lect and pay over to the Receiver General, the Montreal Harbour dues that have accrued since 1st May 1835, or that may hereafter accrue, un- til further legal provision be made on the sub- ject, 394. Answer, 424. 44, Bor a List of the Members of the Executive Council of Lower Canada, 404. Answer, 414. Presented, 421. See Executive Council. , 45. Praying that he will be pleased to give direc- tions to the proper Officer to compel Ralph Taylor, Esquire, to refund a certain sum of money by him drawn, and which he has neglec- ted to distribute among the Schools in the County of Missiskoui, 411. Answer, 414. 46. For Copies of any Dispatches or Instructions received since 1828, relative to the leasing of Crown property or of the Jesuits’ Estates by private contract or by public auction, 424. An- swer, 432. See Jesuits ’ Estates. . 47. For Copies of certain Dispatches and enclo- sures from the Colonial Secretary of State to Lord Aylmer, with the dates of their reception in this Colony, 425. Answer, 438. Presented, 472. See Appendix (L. L.) Referred, 4?7. — See Addresses (29.) 48. F’or Copy of a Report made by David Thomp- son, and the Dans accompanying the same, re- lative to the Survey of Lake St. Francis and other parts of the River St. Lawrence, 460. — Answer, 493. 49. Praying that he would make application to His Majesty's Government to obtain for the use of the Province, a Copy of the Survey of that part of the River St. Lawrence from Three Ri- vers to Montreal, made by Captain Bayfield, Royal Navy, 461. Answer, 493. 50. Praying him to appoint a Judge of the Court of King’s Bench for the District of Quebec, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the removal of James Kerr, Esquire, 461. Answer, 493. 51. With Copies of various Reports and Evidence and Documents annexed thereto, and praying His Excellency to take immediate steps to have Samuel Gale removed from the office of Judge of the Court of King’s Bench in this Province, 485. Answer 597. See Gale, Mr Justice. 52. With a Copy of the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances, and of the Evidence taken by them, and praying His Ex- cellency forthwith to remove the Hon. William Bowman Felton from all offices of honor or emolument which he may hold by Commission during pleasure, reported, 490. Agreed to 491. Answer, 608. 53. Praying him (for reasons mentioned in Reso- lutions adopted by the House and founded on the Third Report of the Special Committee on Fees and Emoluments received by the Officers of the Courts of Justice) to dismiss David Chis- holme, Esquire, from the Office of Clerk of the Peace for the District of Three Rivers, and of all other places of confidence in the Province, and hereafter not to appoint him to any office of trust herein, 497. Answer, 619. Addresses to the Governor in Chief, continued : 54. Praying him to transmit the Fourth Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances, rela- ting to Lord Aylmer, and the Resolution of the House concurring therein, to His Majesty’s Go- vernment in England, passed upon a division, 508. Answer, 589. 55. With a Copy of the Report of the Special Committee appointed to enquire respecting the death of’ John Collins, and the Documents and Evidence accompanying the said Report, pray- ing His Excellency to remove Edward Holland from the office of Gaoler to the Montreal Gaol, and Daniel Arnoldi from the office of Physician to the said Gaol, 524. Answer, 642. 56. "With a Copy of the First Report of the Spe- cial Committee appointed to enquire concern- ing the Officers of the Executive Government, and a Copy of the Resolutions founded thereon, praying Plis Excellency to cause each of the persons in whom the cumulation of offices men- tioned in the said Resolutions and Report ex- ists, to make his election of one of the offices he may so hold, and to remove him from the rest, and to confer the offices thus rendered vacant on separate persons, 525. Answer, 642. 57. Informing him that the House has voted an humble Address to His Majesty on the State of the Province, and praying he will be pleased to transmit the same to His Majesty’s Ministers for the purpose of being laid at the foot of the Throne; to be engrossed; to be presented by the whole House ; Members named to wait up- on His Excellency to know when he will receive the said Addresses, 586- Members report the time fixed by His Excellency, 643. The House present the Address ; His Excellency’s Answer, 660. 58. Praying that grants of Land under Letters Patent be made to all Officers of Militia and Militiamen who served in the incorported Militia during the last American War, who have not ob- tained any, as well as to those who having ob- tained Lands have lost them in consequence of the conditions contained in the Location Tic- kets not having been fulfilled, 589. Answer, 651. To be printed, 661. — — 59. Relating to the British American Land Com- pany, 593. Answer, 652. See British Ameri- can Land Company. - — - 60. With a copy of the Third Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances, relating to the Chairmen of the Quarter Sessions, praying His Excellency to transmit the same to His Majesty’s Government in England, 596. An- swer, 6 19. 61. For an advance to the Clerk of the House, of £5000, towards defraying the Contingent Expenses of the House, 597- Answer, 653. 62. For the Certificates and Documents upon which the Commissions of certain Attornies at Law were granted, 618. Answer, 660. Pre- sented, 679. 63. Praying him to remove Lewis Gugy, Esquire, from the office of Sheriff of the District of Mon- treal, and not hereafter to appoint him to any place of honor or profit in this Province, re- ported from a Committee of the whole House on the First Report of the Special Committee on the Fees and Emoluments received by the Offi- cers 1835 - 6 .] INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. Addresses , continued : cers of the Courts of Justice, 622. Agreed to, upon a division, 623. Answer, 678. • 64. With a Copy of the Report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the Petition of divers Inhabitants of the District of St. Fran- cis, and praying His Excellency to take imme- diate steps to remove Charles Whitcher, Esquire, from the Office of Sheriff of the said District, and from all other Offices of honor or profit which he may hold under the Crown in this Province, 630 Answer, 678. * 65. Praying he will be pleased forthwith to dis- miss Mr. Justice Fletcher, reported from a Spe- cial Committee, 634. Agreed to, 635. To be printed, ibid. Answer, 690. 66. Informing him that the House has voted an humble Address to His Majesty, praying the removal of Samuel Gale, Esquire, from his Office of Judge of the Court of King’s Bench in this Province, and praying His Excellency will be pleased to transmit the same to His Ma- jesty’s Government in England, to be laid at the foot of the Throne, passed upon a division ; to be engrossed ; to be presented by the whole House; Members named to wait upon His Ex- cellency to know when he will receive the said Addresses, 639. Messengers report the time fixed by His Excellency, 679. The House pre- sent the Address, 694. His Excellency’s an- swer, 695. 67- Praying him to communicate certain Resolu- tions adopted by the House respecting the main- tenance of Light Houses on the Islands of Scat- tarie and St. Paul, to the Governments of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward’s Island, 641. Answer, 653. — — 68. Relating to the Lands comprized in the Lease of the King’s Posts, 641. Answer, 695. 69. Communicating to His Excellency, a Reso- lution of the House, that Bills be written on Paper for the remainder of the Session, pre- vious to the third reading, for want of Parch- ment whereon to engross them, 643. Answer, 673. — — 70 For Copies of Reports, Plans, Correspondence and other Documents relating to the improve- ment of the River St. Lawrence at the Ste. Anne Rapids, 656. Answer, 679. 71. With a Copy of the Report of the Special Committee appointed to enquire into the con- duct of certain Schoolmasters, and praying His Excellency to direct the proper Officer to adopt legal means to compel Jacques Surprenant and Jean Baptiste Miville Dechene, two School- masters, to refund certain sums of money which they fraudulently obtained and received from the Receiver General, 673. Answer, 690. 72. Praying His Excellency to direct the proper Officer to adopt legal measures to oblige Tho- mas Allen Stayner, Esquire, Deputy Post Mas- ter General, to reimburse a certain sum of mo- ney which he has received for the transmission of Newspapers and other printed papers and pamphlets by Mail, 683. Answer, 697. 73. With a Copy of the Tenth Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances, and pray- ing His Excellency to remit to Silas Horton Dickerson the amount of certain Fines levied upon him by the Provincial Judge of the Dis* trictof St. Francis, 683. Answer, 698. Vo* 45. — Session 1835-6. Addresses, continued : 74. Praying him to suspend Mr. Justice Thomp- son from the exercise of his Judicial functions during the continuance of the Enquiry on the Petition of Joseph Frangois Deblois, Esquire, and until his removal may be solemnly awarded by the proper authorities, reported from a Com- mittee of the whole House, 693. Agreed to, upon a division, 694. Answer, 697. -- — Motion for an Address for copy of a Dispatch from the Duke of Portland, dated 19th April, 1799, and detailed Statements of the sums paid to the Receiver General out of the Military Chest since 1791. 227. Committed, ibid. Con- sidered ; Committee rises without reporting, 248. Adjournments. See House of Assembly. Agent. Bill for appointing an Agent in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, read the first time, 7* Read the second time ; commit- ted, upon a division, 18. Considered, 25. Re- ported, 29. Passed, 45. • House resolves to consider, in Committee, the expediency of appointing an Agent in case the preceding Bill should not become Law, 125. Various Letters and Communications received by Mr. Speaker from the Agent ( John Arthur Roebuck, Esquire,) laid before the House, 125. See Appendix (P.) They are also committed, 125. House in Committee, 142, 156. Resolu- tions reported, 167. Agreed to, upon divisions, 168, 169. To be communicated to Mr. Roebuck by the Speaker, I69. Letter from Mr. Roebuck acknowledging the receipt of the said Resolu- tions, 497. The Petitions to the Lords and Commons on the State of the Province to be transmitted to Mr. Roebuck, with a request that he will adopt measures for causing them to be presented and supported, 586. A Copy of the Address to the King relating to Mr. Justice Gale to be also transmitted to him, 640. A Committee appointed, upon a division, to re- gulate the mode of communication with the Agent, 169. Report, 673. Committed, 6 75. Considered, 688. The Committee to sit again, ibid. Agricultural Societies. Reports from them, presented, viz : Of the Counties of Two Mountains, 53. Montreal, 129. Acadie, 134. Missiskoui, 149. Shefford, 279, 308. Beauharnois, 284. Stan- stead, 308, 348. See Appendix (H.) They are referred, together with the Reports presented last Session, to the Standing Committee of Agri- culture, 59. Petition of the Lower Canada Agricultural Society, for an aid ; also referred, 107. Agriculture ; Standing Committee of, appointed, 20. Instruction to enquire into the proceedings of the Commissions named in virtue of the Acts 57th, Geo. Ill, Cap. 2 and 12, and to examine all documents furnished by the said Commis- sions, 58. All the R eports and Accounts of the Agricultural Societies of the last and present Sessions, referred, 59. Instruction to enquire respecting the Treatise on Agriculture published in English by William Evans, 91. The Peti- tion of the Lower Canada Agricultural Society, and the Petition of the distressed Inhabitants of Notre Dame de Bonsecours des Eboulemens, referred, 107- A Member added, ibid. Three Petitions from Parishes on the Island of Orleans B relating [ 1 835 - 6 , INDEX to the Forty-fifth Volume. Agriculture , continued : relating to the Bill for preserving Grass growing on Beaches, also referred, 481. First Report, 141. Committed, Considered, 170. Re- solution reported, and agreed to, 182. See Infra. Bill to grant an aid towards printing in the French language the Treatise on Agriculture written by William Evans, read the first time, 267. Read the second time, 278. Passed, 279. By the Council, 648. Royal Assent, 701. — 6th, Will. IV., Cap. 44. — — House resolves to consider, in Committee, the expediency of repealing the Act 3rd, Will. IV., Cap. 31, which provides for the remedy of di- vers abuses prejudicial to Agriculture, 334. Matter considered ; a Resolution reported ; agreed to ; Bill to repeal the said Act, and more effectually to remedy divers abuses preju- dicial to Agriculture, read the first time, 338. Read the second time, and referred, 360. Re- port ; Bill and Report committed, 380. Con- sidered, 396. Reported, 398. Read the third time ; amended ; passed, 427. By Ihe Council, with amendments, 635. Committed ; consi- dered, 655. Reported, with an amendment ; to be engrossed, 659- Council’s amendments as amended passed, 671. Agreed to by the Coun- cil, 685. Royal Assent, 761. — 6th, Will. IV., Cap. 06. Ancienne Lorette. Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Parish of Ancienne Lorette, relating to the Roman Catholic Church in the said Parish, 209. Referred, 210. Report, 669. See Appendix (E. E.) Anderson, Dr. John. Petition from him to be indem- nified for professional services and medeciue fur- nished to the indigent Emigrants at Lachine in 1834, 27. Referred to the Standing Commit- tee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, 28. Andres , S., Jun. and Andres, S. R. See Canals under the head Chambly Canal. Annett , William. Petition from him for a Salary as Keeper of the Court Hall at Perce, 82. Re- ferred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. Archambeault , Esquire, Charles. Two Petitions of Trustees of Schools Nos. 3 and 5, of the Parish ofSte. Martine de Beauharnois, praying for an enquiry into his conduct respecting the distribu- tion of premium money to Schools in the County of Beauharnois, SI7. Referred to the Standing Committee of Education and Schools, ibid. Four other Petitions from Trustees of Schools in the said County, similar to the preceding two, 462. Referred to a Special Committee, ibid. Instruction to enquire into the manner in which the money allowed for the encouragement of Education in the said County has been received and distributed, 462. The Standing Commit- tee of Education and Schools discharged from the further consideration of the two first Peti- tions, and they are referred, together with the evidence taken thereon, (see Fourth Report of the Standing Committee of Education and Schools,) to the Special Committee, 476. Petition from Mr. Archambeault for leave to attend the Committee and cross-examine the Witnesses ; leave granted, 490. Arnoldi, Dr. Francis , T. C. Petition from him, for ar- Arnoldi, Dr. Francis, T. C. continued : rears of Salary as one of the Resident Physicians at Montreal in 1832, 309. Referred to the Standing Committee for Hospitals and Charita- ble Institutions, ibid. Arnoldi, Dr. Daniel. See Addresses (55.) Arts. House resolves into Committee to consider the expediency of repealing certain Acts relating to the encouragement of Arts; a Resolution re- ported and agreed to; Bill to repeal the said Acts, and to consolidate the provisions therein made for the encouragement of useful Arts, read the first time, 137. Read the second time, and referred, 150. Report ; Bill committed, 282. Considered, 292. Reported, 297- Passed, 315. By the Council, 599. Royal Assent, 700. — 6th Will. IV. Cap. 34. Ashes. The Pot and Pearl Ashes Act 9th Geo. IV. Cap. 36, referred to a Special Committee, 329. Report, 681. Bill to continue and to amend two Acts therein mentioned relative to the In- spection of Pot Ash and Pearl Ash, read the first time; read the second time; committed; con- sidered, 682. Reported, 6S6. Passed, 688. — By the Council, with amendments, 697. Aubin, N. See House of Assembly . Aylmer , Lord. Fourth Report of the Standing Com- mittee of Grievances, accusing him of having been guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, presented, 403. See Appendix (E. E.J Com- mitted; to be printed, 403. Considered; a Re- solution reported concurring in the said Report; Motion to defer putting the Question of con- currence thereon negd. upon a division; The Resolution agreed to, 508. See Addresses (54.) See also Addresses (28.) (29.) (47.) *'” r 73| ANKRUPTCY and Insolvency Laws. Petition of divers Merchants and Traders for the appoint- ment of Commissioners to enquire into the state of them, 151. Referred, 152. Report, 265. — Bill to appoint Commissioners to enquire into the said Laws, read the first time, 183. Bankrupts. Bill for the better relief of the Creditors of such as shall become Bankrupt, read the first time, 128. Read the second time ; committed, 183. The Cession de Biens Bill also commit- ted, 203. Considered ; a Resolution and the two Bills reported ; the Resolution agreed to, and referred, together with the two Bills, to a Special Committee, 204. Report 598. Banks. Statements of the affairs of the Quebec Bank, Montreal Bank and City Bank, ordered, 28. — Presented, 76, 133. See Appendix (J.). To be printed, 133. — — Petitions for the renewal of the Charters of the City, Montreal and Quebec Banks, 67, 107, 108, 134. They are referred to the Standing Committee of Trade, 67, 108, 134. Report, 273. House resolves to consider in Committee, the ex- pediency of continuing and amending the Que- bec Bank Act, 313. Matter considered; a Re- solution reported and agreed to ; Bill to conti- nue the said Act, read the first time, 329. Read the second time, 337. Passed, 340. By the Council, 349. Royal Assent, 700. — 6th Will. IV. Cap. 48. Baptisms , Marriages and Burials. General Statements and \ 835-6. j INDEX to the Forty-fifth Volume. Baptisms , Marriages and Burials , continued : and Returns for 1835, from the Districts of Que- bec, Montreal and Three Rivers, laid before the House, 517. See Appendix (C. C. C.) Baptists. Petition for an Act to authorize the Baptist Ministers in Lower Canada, to keep duly au- thenticated Registers, 21. Referred, ibid. A Member added, 25. Report, 155. See Protes- tant Christians. Beaubien, Dr. Pierre. Petition from him, for balance of Salary due to him as one of the Health Offi- cers at Montreal in 1832, 1 10. Referred to the Standing Committee for Hospitals and Charita- ble Institutions, ibid. Beaudouin, Louis. Petition from him to be indemnified for alleged losses in constructing Bridges in the County of Lachenaie, 57. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. Bebee, Amasa. Petition from him for remuneration for his services as Treasurer and Clerk to the Commissioners for erecting a Gaol and Court Hall at New Carlisle, 66. Referred to the Stand- ing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. Bertrand , Alexis. Petition from him for a Pension as a disabled Militiaman, 171. Referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances, 172. Bertrand , Florent Edouard. See House of Assembly. Bills brought from the Legislative Council. See Cha- rivaris ; Conveyances of ' Land ; Mortgages ; No- tre- Dame de Bonsecours ; Prisoners ; Road Act. Public and Private. See Acts of the Provincial Parliament ; Agent ; Agriculture ; Arts ; Ashes ; Bankruptcy and Insolvency Laws ; Bankrupts ; Banlcs ; Canada Tenures Act; Canals ; Cap Rouge Bridge ; Census ; Cession de Biens ; Chambly Col- lege ; Charivaris ; Chasseur, Pierre ; Civil Go- vernment ; Coal; Commissions ; Constitutional Act ; Conveyances of Land ; Convicts ; Court Houses and Gaols ; Customs ; Debtors ; Defendants ; Depots of Provisions ; Differences ; Division Line ; Duel- ling ; Education and Schools ; Elections ; Emi- grant Tax Act ; Fees ; Gaspe, District of; Gaspe Fisheries ; Gaspe Judicature Act ; Gaspe Land Titles ; Goods unclaimed ; Grass ; Grasse Isle ; Hospitals and Charitable Institutions ; House of Parliament; Houses of Correction ; Incorporation Acts ; Inventories ; Jesuits' Estates ; Judicature of the Province ; Jurors ; Justices of the Peace ; Lake St. Louis ; Lands ; Lauzon , Seigniory of ; Law Officers ; Legislature ; Lessors and Lessees ; Light Houses ; Lumber Trade ; Markets ; Mem- bers ; Methodists Protestants ; Militia ; Missis- Jcoui, County of ; Montreal Custom House ; Montreal Gas Light Company ; Montreal Har- bour ; Mortgages ; Mutual Fire Insurance Com- panies ; Navigation of the River Richelieu ; No- tarial Profession ; Notre Dame de Bonsecours ; Oppositions to Marriages; Ordinance of the 25th Geo. III. Cap. 4; Ordinance of the 27th Geo. III. Cap. 3 ; Ordinances ; Ordnance , His Majes- ty’s ; Parish and Town Officers ; Parishes in distress ; Passengers ; Pillory ; Police of Bo- roughs and Villages ; Post Office Department ; Printing of the Laws; Prisoners; Protestant Christians ; Provincial Statutes ; Public Officers ; Quarantine ; Rafts and Scows ; Rail Roads ; Re- ligious Congregations ; Road Act of the 36th Geo. 111. Cap. 9; Ste. Anne Bridge; St. Charles Free Bridge; St. Francis , District of; Seamens * Wages ; Sheriff ; Sick Mariners ; Small Causes ; Sole Leather; Steam Dredging Vessel; Stellio- Bills , continued : nate ; Subdivision of Parishes ; Tavernkeepers ; Tobacco ; Upper Canada. Riders added to Bills after third reading, 427, 601, 672. Read twice at one sitting, 132, 659, 682, 689. Read thrice and passed at one sitting, 691. Passed, upon a division, 346. — ■ To be written on Paper previous to third reading during the remainder of the Session, the Cldrk of the House not being able to procure any Parchment whereon to engross them, 643. — Lists of the Titles of all Bills which have origi- nated and passed in either or both Houses in the last and present Sessions, and not become Law, to be printed, 643. — Engrossed ; Standing Committee of, appointed, 20 . — Private; Standing Committee of, appointed, 20. The Montreal Market Petition and the Isle du Pads Common Petition, referred, 23. The Montreal Gas Light Company Petition referred, 36. The Petitions of Pierre Gingras, and of In- habitants of St. Augustin, relating to a Bridge over the River Cap Rouge, referred, 57. The Montreal and Lachine Rail Road Petition ; the Champlain and St. Lawrence Rail Road Ferry Petition, and the Laprairie Counter-Petition, re- ferred, 69. The Petition for a Rail Road from Pointe Levi to the Province Line, and the Peti- tion of L. Juchereau Duchesnay relating to a proposed Bridge over the River Cap Rouge, referred, 89. The Petition for a Rail Road from Lake Memphramagog to Port St- Francis ; the Petition for Rail Roads from Lake Memphra- magog to the Town of Dorchester, and to the Province Line ; and the Petition from the Coun- ties of Chambly and Rouville in support of the last Petition, referred, 109. A Member added, 137. First Report,- on Montreal Market Peti- tion, 36. Second Report,— on Isle du Pads Com- mon Petition, and the Montreal and Lachine Rail Road Petition, 146. Third Report, — on Montreal Gas Light Company Petition, and on the Petitions relating to a Ferry between Laprai- rie and Montreal, ibid. Fourth Report, — on the several Petitions relating to a Bridge over the River Cap Rouge, ibid. Fifth Report, — on the Petition for a Rail Road from Pointe Levi to the Province Line, 165. Sixth Report, — on the Petitions for Rail Roads in the Townships, ibid. The time fixed by the Rules of the House for receiving Reports on Private Bills, exten- ded, 210. Blais, Francois. Petition from him, relating to a Lot of Land in Kingsey which he alleges to have been dispossessed of, by fraudulent means, 2 66. Referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 267. Blue Book for the year 1834, laid before the House, 166. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. Bonaventure, County of. Petition of divers Proprie- tors and Freeholders of the said County, com- plaining of the heavy toll charged by the own- ers of Grist Mills, and of the bad construction of the said Mills, 99. Referred, 100. Bonner, John. See Cap Rouge Bridge. Boroughs and Villages. See Police. Bouchard, Pierre. Petition from him, representing that [ 1835 - 6 . INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. Bouchard, Pierre, continued : that he was wounded in the year 1814, while on duty as a Militiaman, and praying for a Pension, 81. Referred, ibid. See Militia. Boucher, Louis. Petition from him, praying an indem- nity for injury sustained during the late Ameri- can War, while on duty as Captain of the 4th Battalion of the Select and Incorporated Militia, 25. Referred, ibid. See Militia. Bowen, Mr. Justice. Petition of Adolphus Mordecai Hart, complaining of the public conduct of Mr. Justice Bowen, 336. Referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances, with an Instruction to enquire into the public character and conduct of Mr. Justice Bowen, ibid. Petition from Mr. Justice Bowen, 400. Also referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances, 402. Mo- tion, That it be an Instruction to the said Com- mittee to require A. M. Hart to specify and articulate the various subjects of complaint which he may have against Mr. Justice Bowen, 402. Consideration thereof deferred, upon a division, 403. Committed; considered; Com- mittee rises without reporting, 412. Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances, 685. See Appendix (E. E.) To be printed ; House resolves to continue the said Enquiry during the ensuing Session, 685. Brandon, Township of. Petition of divers Inhabitants and Freeholders of the said Township, praying the Plouse to institute an enquiry whether the Lands on which they are settled form part of said Township and belong to the Crown, or whether they form part of the Seigniory of Lanaudiere, 346. Referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 347. Bridges. See Beaudouin, Louis ; Cap Rouge Bridge ; Road Act ; Roads and Public Improvements ; Ste. A^ine Bridge ; St. Charles Free Bridge. British American Land Company. Petition of divers Inhabitants and Proprietors of the Parish of Ste. Anne de Varennes, for the repeal of the Charter of the said Company, 126. Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Stanstead for the abolition of the Charter of the said Company, and for the grant of the waste Lands to actual settlers, 385. To be printed, ibid. They are referred to the Standing Committee of Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 127, 385. ■ — — See Addresses (59.) List of Letters Patent granted to the said Company, laid before the House, 679. Brochu , Pierre , See Roads and Public Improvements. Brousseau , Jean Baptiste. Petition from him and J. F. M. Trudeau, for additional remuneration for services in 1834, attending night and day at the Cholera Hospital at Point St. Charles, 1 1 0. Referred to the Standing Committee for Hospi- tals and Charitable Institutions, ibid. Butchers. Petition of the Butchers and others of Que- bec, for a Bill to annul a Regulation of the Common Council, by which they are forbidden to sell and retail Meat from their Carts in the Markets, 392. Referred, 393. See Incorpora- tion Acts. ALDIVELL, JOHN, Esquire, late Receiver Ge- neral. Committee appointed to enquire into r.rp«pnt state of the affairs relating to his Caldwell, John, Esquire, continued : defalcation, 366. Report, 526. Committed ; to be printed, 527. Considered, 604,633, 645. Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 648. See Lauzon, Seigniory of. Call of the House. See House of Assembly. Canada Land Company. See British American Land Company. Canada Tenures Act. List of all applications made since 13th October, 1832, for a change of te- nure, and List of all Letters Patent of change of tenure, issued since 1st February, 1835, under the said Act, laid before the House, 175. Re- ferred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, and to be printed, 176. House resolves to consider, in Committee, the . expediency of repealing the said Act in whole or in part, 594. Matter considered ; Resolu- tions reported, and agreed to, 607. Bill to repeal so much of the Imperial Acts 3rd, Geo. IV., Cap. 119, and 6th Geo. IV., Cap. 59, as authorizes the commutation of the tenure of Lands, read the first time, 607. Read the se- cond time, 631. Passed, 634. Canals : — Chambhj Canal. Report of the Commissioners pre- sented, 76. See Appendix (N ) Referred, 76. The Report of the Commissioners for the im- provement of the navigation of the River Riche- lieu, also referred, 96. Petition of S. Andres, Jun., and S. R. Andres, Contractors for making the said Canal, praying payment for extra work done by them, — that no prosecution be carried on against their sureties, and that they may be permitted to finish the Canal should the House make a further grant for that purpose, 96. Also referred, 97. The Petition for aid to improve the navigation of the River Richelieu, referred, 340. Members added, 340, 478. Report, 6ll. Committed, 614. Considered, 645. Resolu- tions reported, 649. Agreed to, 650, 651. See Infra ; Navigation of the River Richelieu. Bill to provide for the completion of the Chambly Canal, read the first time, 656. Read the second time, 659. Passed, ibid. Lachinc Canal. The Report of the Commissioners for 1834, referred, 94. Petition of divers Proprie- tors of Lands on the line of the said Canal and of St. Pierre, complaining of damages done to their property owing to the operations of the said Canal, and praying to be compensated for their losses, 94. Also referred, 96. Report of the Commissioners for 1835, 141. See Appen- dix (Q.) Referred, 141. Report, 6l6. — — Bill to provide for the management and care of the said Canal, and to establish certain rates, tolls and duties to be taken thereon, read the first time, 510. Read the second time, and com- mitted, 620. Considered, 629. Reported, 636. Passed, 658. By the Council, 685. Royal Assent, 701. — 6th, Will. IV., Cap. 22. Cap de la Magdeleine, Seigniory of. See Jesuits' Es- tates. Cap Rouge Bridge. Petition from Pierre Gingras for the privilege to build a Toll Bridge over the River Cap Rouge, 57. Petition of Inhabitants of St. Augustin against the erection of said Bridge, except under the reservation to them of the right of making use of the present place of passage across the said River, ibid. Both Petitions referred, ibid. Petition of L. J. Du- chesnay 18 35-6'. J INDEX to the Forty-fifth Volume. Cap Rouge Bridge , continued : chesnay relating to the proposed Bridge, 89. Referred, ibid. Report, 146, Committed, 147. Considered j a Resolution reported concurring in the said Report, and agreed to ; Bill to am thorize Pierre Gingras to build a Toll Bridge over the River Cap Rouge, read the first time, 170. Petition from John Bonner relating to the space to be observed between the piers of the raid Bridge, 193. Bill read the second time, and referred, together with the Petition of John Bonner, 203. Report, 250. Bill and Report committed, 251. Considered, 272. Reported, 276. Passed, 285. By the Council, with amendments, 384. Cape Chat. Petition of the Proprietors of Cape Chat and Ste. Anne des Monts, praying that the said places be dismembered from the District of Gaspe, and annexed to the District of Quebec, 81. Referred to the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, 82. Report, 318. Census. Bill to cause a Census to be taken of the Counties of Montmorency and Drummond, read the first time, 619. Read the second time ; committed ; considered, 631. Reported, 636. Passed, ibid. By the Council, 685. Royal Assent, 7C1.— 6th, Will. IV., Cap. 40. Cession de Biens . Bill to remove all doubts with res- pect to the benefit of Cession de Biens in cer- tain cases, read the first time, 171. Read the second time, and referred, 203. Report ; Bill and Report committed, 598. Considered ; re- ported, 632. Passed, 656. Chairmen of the Quarter Sessions. Copy of a Dispatch, and two enclosures, relating to the Salaries of the Chairmen of the Quarter Sessions in Lower Canada, laid before the House, 200. Referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances, 227. Report, 354. See Appendix (E. E.) Com- mitted, and to be printed, 354. Considered ; a Resolution concurring in the said Report, leported, and agreed to, 595. See Addresses ( 60 .) Chambly Canal . See Canals. College Petition of the Revd. Mr. Mignault, for an Act to incorporate the said College, 80. Referred, 81. Report, 137. Bill to incorpo- rate the College, read the first time, 137. Read the second time, and referred, 142. Report ; committed, 210. Considered, 234. Reported, ibid. Passed, 239. By the Council, 283. Royal Assent, 700.— 6th, ‘ Will. IV., Cap. 51. County of. Petition of Inhabitants of the Pa- rishes of St. Jean, St. Luc and Ste. Marguerite de Blairfindie, praying that the said Parishes may be detached from the County of Chambly, and erected into a separate County, 65. Re- fei red to the Standing Committee of Privileges and Elections, ibid. Chat itable Institutions. Petitions from them for aid, viz : Oi the Committee of the Society of Ladies of Quebec for the relief of Orphans, 36. Of the Charitable Society of Ladies for repentant Females at Montreal ; Of the Committee of Ladies superintending the Male Orphan Asy- lum in St. Roch Suburbs, Quebec, 58. Of the Directresses of the Orphan Asylum of Mon- treal ; Of the Directresses of the Ladies Bene- volent Society of Montreal ; Of the Directresses of the Female Society of Montreal, 90. They Vol. 4 5.— -Session 1835-6. Charitable Institutions, continued : are referred to the Standing Committee for Hos- pitals and Charitable Institutions, 36, 58, 90. — See Hospitals and Charitable Institutions. Charivaris Bill to enable the Justices of the Peace and Officers of the Peace, to repress certain proceedings known by the name of Charivaris, received from the Council, and read the first time, 511. Read the second time, 527. Re- feried, 528. Report ; Bill and Report com- mitted, 589. Considered ; an amendment re- ported ; agreed to ; to be engrossed, 590. C barretter, 'loussaint. Petition from him, relating to work done by him at the Light House on the West Point of Anticosti, 57. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. Chasseur Pierre. Petition from him, relating to his. Museum, 106. Referred to the Standing Com- mittee of Education and Schools, 107. Bill to vest the property of his Museum in the public, read the first time, 529. Read the se- cond time, 595. Passed, 602. By the Coun- cil, with amendments, 685. A new Bill intro- duced, and read the first time, 686. Read the second time, 689. Passed, ibid. By the Coun- cil, 696. Royal Assent, 701.— 6th, Will. IV. Cap. 47. Chateauguay. See Rafts and Scorn. Chatham, Gore of. Petition for the Gore of Chatham to be attached to the County of Two Mountains, 195. Referred to the Standing Committee of Privileges and Elections, ibid. Chemin des Caps. Petition of the Inhabitants of the Chernin des Caps, for relief, 65. Referred, 66. Report, 250. See Appendix (E. E.) Commit- ted, 2o0. C onsidered, 272. A Resolution re- ported, and agreed to upon a division, 275. Chiskolme, David. See Addresses (53.) Churches, Parsonage Houses and Chuich Yards. In- struction to a Committee to take into conside- ration the expediency of explaining or modifv- ing the Act or Ordinance of the 31st Geo. III. concerning the building and repairing of them, 238. Copies of Communications, Letters Pa- tent, and applications in respect to the erection of Churches, Parsonage Houses and Church Yards, laid before the House, 302. See Ap- pendix (M. M.) They are referred, 303. See Subdivision of Parishes. — — See Ancienne Lorette. Circuit Courts. See Dorchester , Town of j Terrebonne County of. Civil Government. Message from His Excellency, with Statements of Arrears due on the several items of the Civil Government up to 1 Oth October 1835, for which a Supply is required, and of the amount of the monies in the Public Treasury, 75. For the Statement of arrears, See Appen- dix (I.) The Message and Statements referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, and to be printed, 75. Message from His Excellency, with the Estimate of the expenses of the Public Service, for the year 1836, 174. See Appendix (I.) To be prin- ted, and referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, 1 76- ■ Bill to provide means for defraying the expenses of the Civil Government for six months ending 15th July IS06, and to provide for certain other expenses therein mentioned, read the first time, 600 , C [ 1835 - 6 . INDEX to the Forty-filth Volume. Civil Government , continued : 600. Read the second time, G06. Passed, G29. Clergy Reserves- Message from His Excellency, ac- companied with an Extract from one Dispatch, and Copy of another, from Lord Ripon, rela- ting to the Clergy Reserves, 1 12. Referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seignio- rial Rights, and to be printed, 116. Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. His Certificates for the Election of Members, viz : For the Counties of Beauce, 281- Kamouraska, 6- Montreal, 208. Nicolet, 5. Saguenay. 445. Clerk of the House. Letter from him, acquainting the Speaker of the indisposition of the Clerk Assis- tant, and soliciting that G. B. Faribault, Esquire, be called to the Table to act as Clerk Assistant during that Officer’s absence, 7- Lays before the House, Tenders for the Printing required by the House, — a Statement of Indem- nity paid to the Members for their attendance during the Session ending 18th March 1834, — the Contingent Accounts of the House, — the Librarian's Report, and also his own Report re- lating to his Assistants and the extra Writers employed in his Office, 19- Lays Bank Statements before the House, 7 G, 133. Lays Repoitsof Commissioners for Roads, &c. before the House, 93- Lays before the House, Statements of monies voted and recommended to be voted by the House during the Session, 397- House resolves that he cannot absent himself from the service of the House, 416. Lays Statements of Baptisms, Marriages and Bu- rials for the year 1835, before the House, 517- To prepare at the close of the Session Lists of the Titles of all Bills which have originated and passed in either or both Houses in the last and present Sessions, and not become Law, 643. Clerk Assistant. George Barthelemy Faribault, Es- quire, appointed in the place of the late Jean Antoine Bouthillier, Esquire, 145. Clerk' s Assistants. The Clerk’s Report relating to them, laid before the House, 19. See Appendix (B.) Referred to the Committee appointed to point out a proper person to fill the situation of Law Clerk, 58. Report, 117. Committed, 119. Con- sidered, 131. Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 138. Cloutier , Louis. Petition from him, and others, rela- ting to lots of Land in the Township of Ascot on which they have been located for several years past, 593. Referred to the Standing Com- mittee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, ibid. Coal. Bill to regulate the measurement of Coal, read the first time, 510. Read the second time, and committed, 530. Considered ; reported, GOG. Read the third time, 617- Passed, 618. By the Council, 658. Royal Assent, 701. — 6th Will. IV. Cap. 36. Colborne, Sir John. See State of the Province. Collins , John. See Montreal Gaol. Commission of the Peace. Instruction to the Standing Committee of Grievances to take into conside- ration the state of the last Commission of the Peace, 142. Commissioner of Crown Lands. See Felton , Hon. William Bowman. Commissions. Bill to ascertain the manner in which persons shall hereafter be admitted to practice Commissions , continued : the Law or to practice as Notaries in this Pro- vince, read the first time, 37. Read the second time, and committed, 71. Considered, 123. Reported, 130. Passed, 138. Message from His Excellency, acquainting the House that he has received a Dispatch inform- ing him that the Bill to ascertain the manner in which persons shall hereafter be admitted to practice the Law or to practice as Notaries in this Province, passed in the Session of 1834, will be confirmed by the King in Council, 165. Commissioners. Mr. Speaker communicates to the House, Extracts from a Dispatch to the Lower Canada Commissioners, by him received from the Speaker of the Assembly of Upper Canada, and certified by the Clerk of the said Assembly, 446. Motion, That the said Documents be in- serted in the Journals of the House, ibid. Mo- tion to defer the consideration of the previous Motion, ibid. Question thereupon negd. upon a division ; another Motion to refer the main Motion to the Standing Committee of Privileges and Elections to search for precedents, and to report its opinion whether the said Communica- tion made by Mr. Speaker is Parliamentary or not ; Question thereupon also negd. upon a division ; Main Motion agreed to, upon a divi- sion, and the Extracts inserted, 447. They are committed to the Committee of the whole House on the several Reports of the Standing Com- mittee of Public Accounts and on the State of the Province, 453. Message from His Excellency, with Copies of all those parts of the Instructions which have reference to the topics embraced in the Extracts received by the House from Upper Canada, 463. Committed to the same Committee as the Extracts, and to be printed, 472. See Agriculture ; Bankruptcy Laws ; Canals ; Deaf and Dumb Institution ; Division Line ; Elections ; Emigrant Societies j Exploring 5 House of' Parliament ; Insane persons and Found- lings ; Internal Communications ; Lauzon, Seig- niory of ; Light Houses ; Montreal Custom House ; Montreal Gaol 5 Montreal Harbour ; Navigation ; Nobert , Eustache Bigue ; Ouellet, Joseph ; Penitentiary Prisons ; Quebec Custom House ; Roads and Public Improvements ; St. Hyacinthe, County of 5 Small Causes ; Upper Canada. Committees of the whole House , sit to consider various matters. See the following heads : — Accounts , Contingent ; Accounts Public ; Acts of the Pro- vincial Parliament ; Addresses (O to the Gover- nor in Chief ; Agent ; Agricidture j Arts ; Ashes ; Aylmer , Lord ; Bankrupts ; Banks ; Bowen, Mr. Justice ; Caldwell , John, Esquire ; Canada Tenures Act ; Canals ; Cap Rouge Bridge ; Census ; Cession de Biens ; Chairmen of the Quarter Sessions ; Chambly College ; Cha- rivaris ; Chemins des Caps ; Clerk's Assistants ; Coal ; Commissions ; Complaint ; Constitutional Act ; Convicts ; Court Houses and Gaols ; Cus. toms ; De Beaujeu, Widow; Debtors ; Defendants ; Depots of Provisions ; Dickerson, Silas 11 . 5 Diffe- rences ; Duelling ; Dundee, Township of ; Educa- tion and Schools ; Elections ; Emigrant Tax Act ; Executive Government ; Fees ; Fees and Emolu- ments’, Felton, Hon. William Bowman Fletcher, Mr. Justice j Gale, Mr. Justice ; Gaspe , Dis- trict 1835 - 0 .] to the Forty fifth Folumc*. Committees of the whole House, continued : trict of ; Gaspe Fisheries ; Gaspe Land Titles ; (•mss ; Crosse Isle ; Hospitals and Charitable Institutions ; House of Parliament ; Houses of Correction ; Incorporation Acts ; Jesuits’ Es- tates ; Judicature ; Jurors ; Justices of the I race ; Jjuh c St. Louis ; Lands and Seigniorial Rights ; Lui ochel, Simeon ; Lauzon, Seigniory 0/ ; Law Clerk ; Law Officers ; Lessors and Lessees ; Library of the House ; Light Houses ; Lumber Trade ; Markets ; Members ; Metho- dist Protestants ; Militia ■ Missislcoui, County of ; Mondelet, J. M. ; Montreal Custom House ; Montreal Gaol ; ^Montreal Gas Light Company ; Montreal Harbour ; Mutual Fire Insurance Companies ; Notarial Profession ; Oppositions to Marriages ; Ordinance of 1667; Ordinance of the 25th, Geo. III. Cap 4; Ordinance of the 27th, Geo. III. Cap. 3 ; Ordinances ; Ordnance , His Majesty’s ; Pam/* and Totm Oncers ; Pa- m distress; Passengers', Police of Bo- roughs and V illages ; P o,$7 Office Department Printing of the Laws ; Protestant Christians Provincial Statutes ; Quarantine ; QaeZ/cc Cas tom ' House ; Rafts and Scows ; Rail Roads Religious Congregations ; Revenue and Finance Road Act^ ; Roads and Public Improvements Rules of the House ; AY*?. Anne Bridge ; S'/ Charles Free Bridge ; St. Francis , District of Schoolmasters ; Seamens’ Wages ; Sheriff', Sick Mariners ; Sw*a// Ca?«as ; So/a Paa//*ar ; State of the Province ; Stellionate ; Subdivision of Pa- rishes ; Tavernkeepers ; Thompson, Mr. Justice; lobacco ; Upper Canada ; Whitcher, Charles, Esquire. Discharged from the consideration of certain matters, 207, 377. Rise for want of a Quorum, 228, 231, 243, 320 348, 351, 364, 435, 478, 493, 503, 605, 615,* 633, 651, 657, 671, 678, 684, 688, 690, 694. Rise without reporting, 248, 272, 314, 363, 367, 412, 427, 442, 492, 669, 677, 692. - — - Special, appointed, and who do not report. See the following heads : —Addresses (29.) ; Bona- venture, County of ; Gaols ; Houses of Correc- tion ; Incorporation Acts ; Pillory ; St. Patrick’s Church ; Tavern and Shop Licences ; Welland Canal. > To report from time to time, 51, 129, 36‘? 385, 393. ’ * Discharged from the consideration of a Petition, 29f. - - Standing. A Committee of eleven Members ap- pointed to prepare Lists of Members to com- pose Standing Committees, 15. Instruction to prepare a List of Members to compose a Com- mittee of Revenue and Finance, 17. Lists re- ported, 20. Agreed to, 21. * > Discharged from the consideration of cer- tain matters, 58, 187, 227, 362, 366, 476, 498 Complaint by a Member (Mr. O’Callaghan ) of having been grossly abused and threatened with per- sonal violence within the precincts of the House, by a Mr. Philippe Aubert De Gaspe during one of the sittings of the House, 72! Resolve, That the facts contained in the* said declaration constitute a breach of the privileges of the House, of which Mr. De Gaspe has ren- dered himself guilty, and that he be taken into the custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending the House to answer for the said breach of pri- vileges and await the judgment of the House ; Complaint, continued Mr. Speaker to issue his Warrant accordingly, 73. Deputy Serjeant at Arms reports having taken Mr. De Gaspe into custody; Motion, I hat P. A. De Gaspe be for his said offence committed to the common Gaol of the District ol Quebec and be therein imprisoned during one month to be computed from 10th Novem^ her, 1835, and that Mr. Speaker do issue his , arrant accordingly ; Motion, in amendment, that the Petition of P. A. De Gasp£ be received ; Question thereupon negd. upon a division ; another Motion, in amendment, that the said P. A. De Gaspe be brought to the Bar of the House, reprimanded by Mr. Speaker, and dis- charged on paying costs ; Question thereupon negd. upon a division ; Main Motion agreed to unanimously, 94. Deputy Serjeant at Arms reports that he has lodged the body of P. A De Gaspe in the common Gaol at Quebec, 129* * °VV Artl , cle Published in the Quebec Gazette of the 19th February, 1836, addressed “ To the Editor of the Quebec Gazette,” dated “ Quebec, 17th February, 1836,” and signed “ Piacular,” 502. Messrs. Neilson and Cowan ordered to appear at the Bar of the House, 503. Samuel Neilson examined at the Bar, 506. House resolves to enquire, in Committee, into the truth or false, hood of the Evidence of one William Dodds, a witness examined before theStandingCommittee of Grievances, as recorded by the said Commit- tee ; the Quebec Gazette containing the article signed “ Piacular,” referred to the said Com- mittee, as well as the affidavit of William Dodds aid befoie the House by Samuel Neilson ; a special Messenger to be dispatched for the said William Dodds to attend the said Committee, 511. House in Committee, 618. The Evi- dence taken before the Committee, reported 623. Resolutions of the House founded on the said Evidence, 628. William Dodds discharged from any further attendance, 629. Conference . See Differences between Masters and their Servants. Constitutional Act. House resolves to consider, in Committee, whether it be expedient to amend certain parts of the said Act, 599. Matter con- sidered ; a Resolution reported and agreed to, 632. Bill to amend so much of the said Act as relates to the constitution and formation of the Legislative Council, and to substitute other pro- visions in the place thereof, read the first time, ibid. Second reading deferred, 657, 6S4, 686 Contingent Expenses of the . Legislature . See Leoi s l a - ture. 0 Conveyance of Prisoners. See Prisoners. Conveyances of Land. Bill to give effect and validity to a Bill for rendering valid conveyances of Land and other immoveable property held in free and common Soccage, to which the Royal Assent was given and signified after the period limited by Law, received from the Council, and read the first time, 685. Read the second time 692. Committed, 693. Convicts. Message from His Excellency, with an Ex- tiact of a Dispatch from the Colonial Secretary, on the subject of the transportation of Convicts* together with Copy of a Proclamation issued by His Excellency in conformity with the said. Dispatch, 73. Committed, 76. Considered, 131. Resolutions reported and agreed to; Bill for [1835-6 INDEX to the Forty-fifth Volume. Convicts, continued : . _ for the transportation of certain Offenders from this Province to England to be thence again transported to New "South Wales or Van Die- men’s Land, read twice and referred, 132. Re- port, 133. Passed, 133. By the Council, 145. Royal Assent, 158. — 6th, Will. IV. Cap. 1. Court of Appeals. House resolves to consider, in Com- mittee, the expediency of amending the Act 34th, Geo. III. Cap. 6, in so far as the same re- lates to the constitution of the Court of Appeals, 28. Order discharged, 53. Court Houses and Gaols. House resolves to consider, in Committee, the best means of making further provision for maintaining the County Court Houses and Gaols erected under the Act 2nd, Will. IV. Cap. 66, 184. Matter considered, 208. Resolutions reported, and agreed to ; Bill to make further provision for maintaining Court Houses and Gaols in the several Counties, read the first time, 222. Read the second time, and referred, 230. Report ; Bill and Report committed, 238. Considered, 249. Reported, 251. Passed, 255. Courts of Justice. See Justice, Courts of. Cresse , Luc Michel. Petition from him, to be allowed a Clerk and furnished with Law Books, to ena- ble him to discharge his duties as a Magistrate in the Parish of Nicolet, 317- Referred to the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, 318. Crevier, Revd. Edouard. Petition from him, for aid towards the establishment of an Hospital in the Village of St. Hyacinthe, 90. Referred to the Standing Committee for Hospitals and Charita- ble Institutions, ibid. Crown Lands. See Lands. Cumulation of Offices. See Executive Government. Custom House Fees. See Customs. Custom Houses. See Montreal Custom House ; Quebec Custom House. Customs. Message from Ilis Excellency, relating to the expiration of the Inland Customs Act, and accompanied with copies of Correspondence between the Provincial Government and the United States, on the subject of Fees demanded by the Collector at Coteau du Lac on American Vessels and Boats, 148. See Appendix (T.) Referred, 152. The Petitions of Robert Hoyle and John Simpson referred, 152, 174. Report, 294. Referred, 428. See Infra. Bill to regulate and establish the Salaries of the Officers of the Customs at the Inland Ports, and for other purposes therein mentioned, read the first time, 362. Read the second time and referred, 377* Report; Bill and Report com- mitted, 412. The Report of the Special Com- mittee on His Excellency’s Message relating to the Inland Customs Act, and other references, also committed, 428. House in Committee; further proceedings dropped for want of a Quo- rum, 435. House again in Committee, 437,496. Bill reported, 507. Passed, 521. By the Coun- cil, 647. Royal Assent, 702. — 6th Will. IV. Cap. 24. fjf^AVIDSON, JOHN. See Dundee, Township of. Deaf and Dumb Institution • Report of the Commis- sioners, presented, 64. See Appendix (C.) Re- ferred to the Standing Committee of Education Deaf and Dumb Institution, continued : and Schools, 64. Report, 676. See Appendix (O. O.) Deblois, Joseph Francois, Esquire. See Thompson, Mr. Justice. De Beaujeu, Widow. Petition from her and her son relating to the division Line between Upper and Lower Canada, 76. Referred, 80. The Peti- tion of John McCuaig, also relating to the same division Line, referred, 98. Report, 351. See Appendix (S. S.) ; Committed ; to be printed, 351. Considered, 441. Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 457. See Division Line. De Boucherville, Pierre. Petition from him, for arrears of the compensation due to him from 1st August 1833, to 30th April 1834, as Overseer to prevent accidents by Fire at Montreal, 90. Referred, 273. See Incorporation Acts. Dechene, Jean Baptiste J\Jiville. See Addresses (71.) Debtors. Bill to afford relief during a limited time, to Insolvent Debtors, read the first time, 30. Read the second time, 46. Passed, 59. By the Council, with amendments, 193. Considered and agreed to, 194. Royal Assent, 284. — 6th Will IV. Cap. 4. Bill for the more speedy relief of Insolvent Deb- tors, read the first time, 251 . Read the second time, 262. Passed, 270. By the Council, 283. Royal Assent, 284.— 6th Will. IV. Cap. 3. Bill to prevent Debtors from wasting or dimi- nishing the value of their immoveable property under seizure, read the first time, 91. Read the second time, 131. Report; Bill committed, 141. Considered, 150. Reported, ibid. Passed, 156. By the Council, with amendments, 237. Considered, 269. Agreed to, 2/0. Royal As* sent 700. — 6th Will. IV. Cap. 9. Defendants. Bill to regulate the mode of summoning Defendants who have no known Domicile in the Province, in matters of Saisie Arret, read the first time, 510. Read the second time and re- ferred, 595. Report ; Bill and Report commit- ted ; considered ; reported, 676. Passed, 683. De Gaspe, Philippe Aubert, the younger. See Com- plaint ; House of Assembly. Delair , John. Petition from him, for payment of an account for services as a Bailiff, 49. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. Demaray, Pierre Paul. See Missislcoui , County of, under the head Elections. Depots of Provisions. Petition of divers Ship-Owners and others, for the re-establishment of the Depot of Provisions at Ste. Anne du Cap Chat, 100. — Referred, ibid. Message from His Excellency, with Copy of an Address from the Trinity House at Quebec, relating to Depots of Provisions, 340. Referred, 342. That part of the Peti- tion from the Magdalen Islands relating to a Depot of Provisions on Amherst Island, referred, 362, Report, 385. Committed, 389. To be printed, 392. Considered, 431, 442, 473- Re- solutions reported, 481. Agreed to with amend- ments, 482. See Infra • Bill to establish Depots of Provisions for the re- lief of Shipwrecked persons, read the first time, 482. Read the second time and amended, 494. Passed. 510. By the Council, 647* Royal Assent, 701. — 6th Will. IV. Cap. 39- De Rocheblave, Pierre. See Missislcoui, County of, under the head Elections. Deschambault, 1 835 - 6 .] Deschambault, Guillaume • See Montreal East Ward under the head Elections. Be Tonnancour, Charles. A Petition from him, for a Salary as Coroner for the District of St. Francis 57. Rp*fprrr>4 fn tlwv i: /-i ... INDEX to the Forty-fifth Volume. Dickerson, Silas II. Duchesnay , L. J where an, continued : River j representing that he is the Proprietor o the said River, and praying that he may be maintained in Ins property and his just rights, c ^[ lei | , to Standing Committee of Petition from him, complaining Dados d^Becel/^ 'ch '' t S f Ca V }} 0ll £ e Bridge. ed heavy losses by the illegal and l0S ™™topher. — ' * J7- , Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. of having suffered heavy losses by [he illegal and arbitrary procmiings of Mr. Justice Fletcher, iSS. Referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances, ibid. Report, 659- See Appendix a ) Cp mm Rf e< R 6-59. Considered, 673. — A Resolution and an Address reported and agreed to, 683. See Addresses (73.) See Fletcher , Mr. Justice. Differences between Masters and their Servants, &c Bill foi the more easy and less expensive deci- sion of differences between Masters and Mis. tresses and their Servants, Apprentices and La- boiers in the country parts, read the first time, 31. Read the second time, and referred, 139 Report ; Bill committed, 282. Considered, 292. Reported, 29/. Read the third time, 304. 1 assed, 305. By the Council, with amendments, 361. Considered, 479. Agreed to, with the exception of one, 4S0. Committee appointed , .... Petition from him rv, 7 le /ir SaII1 A St , a Juc, gn;snt rendered by the Court o Vice Admiralty, and the seizure oflns Steam Boat to satisfy the said Judgment, I oi. Referred to the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, ibid. Reportf 318. filial Bill to prevent Duelling, read the first time, Renor^ Ri | ht ‘ 'Tlf ‘" ne a,,d referre d, * 24. leport, Bill and Report committed, 443.— . ouse in Committee ; further proceedings drop- ped lor want of a Quorum, 478. House again Pas^eTS 6 ’ 4S3 ’ 587 ' Bi " rep ° rted - 59l ~ Bagar, Philemon. See Roads and Public Improvements. Dundee Township of. Petition of the Inhabitants “ of, complaining of the conduct of John David- 38Q and R J F hn ^ cGibbon > Justices of the Peace, fed*6R? efe w ’ 39 °* Re P° rt * 680 ‘ Commit- , -- ^uuuutitcc auuomiea u, 081. House i.n Committee; further pro- to draw up Reasons to be offered to the Coun- LuvlaiTpiWrl dr °p PP t v f °! Wan [ ofa Q uorum » 694. cil at a Conference for disagreeing to the said P /a T from hlm ’ pra ^ in ^ to be in- amendment, 494. Reasons reported, and agreed 1 i - , LC - 0I , 11S osse f and damages occasioned to; Conference to be desired with the Council by , , havin S been obliged to leave Grosse Isle, 591. Council agrees to the Conference; Ma- 11S tT thereof ’ 65. Referred, nagers appointed, 599. Message from the Coun- f nan ° SSe Isle P urcha se Bill also refer- C *1 acquainting the House that they do not in- j 7- Report ’ l 50 ' See Gr °sse Isle. sist on their amendment. 63.5. Rnval A« on f Dupuis, Antoine. I etilion from him, to be indemnified sist on their amendment, 635. RoVal Assent 701— 6th Will. IV. Cap. 27. * ’ Division Lme. Bill for the more easily carrying into effect the Act 1st Will. IV. Cap. j 5 , authorizing the appointment of Commissioners to treat with Upper Canada, respecting the drawing of a Di- vismn Line between the two Provinces, read the first time, 491- Read the second time, 503. Passed, 506. By the Council, 635. Roval As- sent, 701.— 6th Will. IV. Cap. 25. Dix , Charles. See Jesuits' Estates. Dodds, William. See Complaint. Dorchester Bridge. See St. Charles Bridge. Dorchester, Town of. Petition of divers' Inhabitants for the St. John’s Circuit to be held at Dorches- ter, 328. Dower, Customary. See Mortgages. Instruction to the Standing Committee of Courts of J ustice, to enquire whether it would not be ex- pedient to amend the Law of Dower, either customary or conventional, 25. Drummond, County of. Petition of Inhabitants and 1 loprietors of certain Townships on the North East side of the River St. Francis, in tie County of Drummond, for the removal of the place of Election, and for an immediate Censis of the said County, 64. Petition of divers La.d-owners in the said County, fora Census, 161. They are referred to the Standing Committee of P11- vileges and Elections, 161, 294. See a, so Census. Buchesnay, Antoine Juchereau. Petition from him for an increase of Salary as French Translator to Government 82. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. Buchesnay, L. Juchereau. Petition from him, taking notice of the Petition of Pierre Gingras for the privilege to build a Bridge over the Cap Rouge Vol. - 45. — Session 1835-6. for services during the last American War in conveying Prisoners to Coteau du Lac, 101. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. Education and schools ; standing C o,„. mittee of, appointed, 20. Petitions for grants of money viz: to complete the building of the Co! egeat 1 Assomption ; to defray the expenses f n oJ dUCatl ° n S ° ciet >' of Quebec for 1835 and L 36 ; to pay off the debts due by the Col- ege of Ste. Aline de la PocatRre ; to pay the Pension of Augustus Wolff; towards the Sher- brooke Academy, 21 ; towards the Shefford Aca- demv 1 tn pnlQrrvQ n — 1 1 D ij m - v j ^ enlarge a SclVoolhouse' near the f'' 1 A,ln . e de la Peiade ; towards a College at 1 Assomption ; to defray one half the cost of the erection of two Schoolhouses in the i arish of St. George; to pay arrears of Salary to a School Mistress of District No. 9, in Barn- ston; to assist Zadock Thompson in publishing a Geography, History and Map of Lower Ca- nada, adapted to the use of Schools, 26; to pay the Salary of Laurent Bedard, Schoolmaster in St Hyacinthe, to 15th May 1835; towards the Chaileston Academy ; for remuneration to James 1 ougherty, 1 nncipal of Shefford Academy; to purchase a lot of ground and erect a building thereon for the Montreal Infant School Society! to pay , ohn Slevin an additional allowance for having kept a Superior School in the County of Saguenay ; towards the Montreal British and Canadian School Society; to pay arrears of Salary to the Revd. A. Gale, as Schoolmaster at Lachine; towards the Stanstead Seminary ; to pay arrears of Salary to the Teacher of the School [ 1835 - 6 . INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. Education and Schools , continued : School No. I, for Wendover and Simpson, 34; to remunerate the Teacher of School District No. 10, in Inverness; to pay one half year’s al- lowance ended 15th November, 1834, to W. Stewart of School District No. 4, in Leeds ; to pay one half the cost of a Schoolhouse in Dis- trict No. 2 in Hull; to build a Schoolhouse in the Village of Laprairie; to pay the Master of the School No. 2 in Wickham, the usual allow- ance from 15th May 1834; to pay the Master of School No. 1, in Tingwick, six months Sala- ry ended 15th May 1834 ; to pay the Master of the Elementary School in Ristigouche, the usual allowance, 49; to indemnify Joseph Francois Renault for advances made in maintaining two Schools and a Model Farm; to pay one half the cost of a lot of land and house bought for the School District No 1, in St. Barthelemi ; for the education of the children of the Indians of Lorette; to establish a Superior School in Ste. Anne d’Yamachiche ; towards the support of the National School at Quebec ; to assist in finishing a Schoolhouse in St. Pierre, Riviere du Sud ; towards the support of two Schools under the management of the Education Society of Three Rivers; to enable the Ursuline Nuns ofThree Rivers to pay a balance due on a build- ing for the purpose of Education ; to pay one half the cost of a Schoolhouse in District No. 19, Township of Maria, and one half the cost of another in District No. 21, in Shoolbred ; to pay the Salaries of the Masters of Schools Nos. 4 and 5 in Melbourne, from 15th May to 15th No- vember 1834, 54, 55 ; towards the establishment of a Superior School in the Parish of Kamouraska; to establish a superior School in the Parish of Ste. Anne d’Yamachiche; towards the support of the Chambly College ; to purchase a lot of ground in Kingsey and build a Schoolhouse thereon ; to pay the usual Elementary allowance to the Teacher of School District No. 2, in Simpson, from May 1834, to May 1835 ; to- wards the support of the Berthier Academy ; towards the support of the Infant School of Quebec ; to build a Schoolhouse in the Village of St. George, 66 ; to pay one half the cost of the erection of a Schoolhouse in District No. 4 in Stanbridge, 67 ; to pay the usual Elementary School allowance to three additional Schools in Leeds, and for an additional number of School Districts ; towards the establishment of a School in Tring ; to pay the usual allowance to the Teacher of School District No. 9, in Inverness, for the half year ending November 1834; to- wards the School established in connexion with St Andrew’s Church, Quebec ; for various objects connected with the College of St. Hya- cinthe ; towards several Schools in Stukely ; to pay the usual allowance to the Teacher of School District No. 29 in Stanstead, for the half year ending 15th May, 1835 ; towards the support of the British and Canadian Infant School at Quebec ; towards the National School at Montreal ; to pay the usual allowance to the 1 eacher of School No. 9 in Bourg Louis, for the half year ending in May, 1835 ; towards the support of a School established in the Lower I own of Quebec ; towards the Quebec British and Canadian School ; to rebuild that part of the premises of the Ursulines Nuns of Quebec Education and Schools, continued : appropriated for the education of day Scholars ; to facilitate the progress of Education in the Parish of St. Joseph de Chambly, 82, 83 ; to pay the usual allowance to the Teachers of School Districts Nos. 12 and 13 in Compton, 106 ; towards the support of the Montreal Re- collet School Institution ; to enable Francis Xavier Vallade to procure an Assistant in his School at Terrebonne ; towards the establish- ment and support of an Academy in the Town of New Carlisle; to remunerate Jacques Sur- prenant for 15 years services as Schoolmaster, 107 ; to pay the Salary of the Teacher of the School District No. 3 in the Parish of Ste. Foi, 335. The Petitions are referred, 21, 26, 35, 50, 55, 67, 83, 107, 335. Petition for the divi- sion of Potton into School Districts, and the payment of the Schoolmasters therein, 31. Re- ferred, ibid. Petition for the extension of the Act under which one half the cost of the erection of Schoolhouses is allowed, in favor of the Pa- rish of St. Ambroise, till 1st November, 1836 ; Petition for an increase of Schools in Inverness ; Petition for the subdivision of School District No. 1 in Ireland ; Petition complaining of abuses in the execution of the Elementary School Act, 54, 55. Referred, 55. Petition for the usual allowance to the Teacher of School District No. 5 in Brome, from 2nd June to 8th Novr., 1834, and to be placed on the same foundation for permanent support as other Elementary Schools, 67. Referred, ibid. Petition for additional Schools in Eaton, Newport, Dudswell, Bury and Clifton, 106. Referred, 107- The follow- ing Petitions referred, viz : of the Quebec Me- chanics Institute for aid ; of the Montreal Natural History Society for aid, and for the grant of a lot of ground, 35 ; of the Quebec Literary and Historical Society for aid, 55 ; of James Turpin, 67 ; of the Quebec Gaol Association for aid ; of the Huron Chiefs of La Jeune Lorette for aid to repair their Presby- tery, 83 ; of Pierre Chasseur, 107* Two Pe- titions for enquiry into the conduct of Charles Archambeault, Esquire, respecting the distribu- tion of premium money for Schools in the County of Beauharnois, referred, 317. The Report of the Commissioners for the Deaf and Eumb Institution, referred, 64. All Reports relating to Education presented or to be pre- sented during the Session, referred, 141. Two Instructions respecting Elementary Schools, 181. First Report, 311. Second Report, 368. Third Report, 392. Fourth Report, 476. Fifth Report, 498. Sixth Report, 676. For the Re- ports, see Appendix (O. O.) The First Re- oort committed, and to be printed, 311. Con- sidered, 348, 351. Further proceedings drop- ped for want of a Quorum, ibid. Again consi- dered, 354. Resolutions reported and agreed to, 357. The Second Report committed, 368. Instruction to take into consideration the claims of School Trustees and Visitors in Inverness and Leeds, 369. RIouse in Committee, 383. A Resolution reported and agreed to, 390. The Fifth Repoit committed, 498. Considered, 523. Resolutions reported and agreed to, 529. — ■ Bill for the further and permanent encourage- ment of Education, read the first time, 330. Read the second time and referred, 347. Re- port ; 18;i5-6.J INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. Education and Schools, continued : port ; Bill and Report committed, S54. Con- sidered, 372. Bill reported, 375. Passed, 381. By the Council, with amendments, 696. Bill for the encouragement of Education in this Province, read the first time, 392. Read the second time and referred, 411. Report ; Bill and Report committed, 413. Considered, 428. Bill reported, 428. Passed, 436. By the Coun- cil, 648. Royal Assent, 702. — 6th, Will. IV. Cap. 30. Bill to provide for the establishment of Normal Schools, read the first time, 392. Read the second time and referred, 403. Report ; Bill and Report committed, 405. Considered, 441. Bill reported, 457. Passed, 477. By the Council, 648, Royal Assent, 702. — 6th, Will. IV. Cap. 12. House resolves to consider, in Committee, whe- ther it would not be expedient to amend the Elementary Education Acts of 2nd, Will. IV. Cap 26 ; 3rd, Will. IV. Cap. 4, and 4th, Will. IV. Cap. 34, 394. Matter considered ; a Re- solution reported and agreed to ; Bill to repeal the said Acts, and to provide for the further encouragement of Elementary Education, read the first time, 399. Read the second time, and referred to the Standing Committee of Educa- tion and Schools, 427. Motion, that it be an Instruction to the said Committee to proportion the proposed votes of money for the promotion of Education on the state of the population, and to amend the said Bill in such manner as to grant to each County a sum proportionate to its population, 436. The Motion committed, ibid. Considered ; Committee rises without reporting, 442. Report on Bill ; Bill and Re- port committed, 446. Considered, 483. Re- ported, ibid. Passed, 530. Reports from School Visitors, for the County of Stanstead, 53, 64, 76. Report of the School in the Town of Three Rivers, 349. See Appen dix (C.) Elections : — Missiskoui, County of. Petition of Pierre De Rocheblave for payment of his account as Com- Elections, continued : Missislcoui, County of. missioner on the contested Election of Ralph Taylor, Esquire, for the said County, 82. Pe- tition of Pierre Paul Demaray, Clerk to the said Commission, for payment of his account, 105. Petition of Gabriel Marchand, one of the Commissioners, for payment of his account, 183. They are referred to the Standing Com- mittee of Public Accounts, 82, 106, 183. Montreal East Ward. Petitions of Andre Jobin and Guillaume Deschambault, two of the Com- missioners appointed to receive evidence on the contested Election of Olivier Berthelot, Es- quire, — and of P. A. Weilbrenner, Clerk to the said Commission, for payment of their respec- tive accounts, 34. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. Montreal West Ward. The entries in the Jour- nals of the 4th and 6th March, 1835, relating to the Petition of John Donellan and William Walker, and of divers Electors of the West Ward of Montreal, complaining of an undue Election, read ; Motion, that the House do now proceed to take into consideration the Motion made on the 4th March, 1835, for the reception of the said Petition ; Motion to defer the con- sideration thereof negd. upon a division ; Main Motion also negd. upon a division, 38. Bill for the better ensuring the freedom of Elec- tions, read the first time, 16. Read the second time, 23. Passed, 29. — — Message from His Excellency, recommend- ing the repeal of the 18th Clause of the Act 4th, Will IV. Cap. 28, relating to contested Elec- tions, 227. Referred to the Standing Commit- tee of Privileges and Elections, ibid. Instruc- tion to the same Committee respecting the said Act, 253. Report, 264. Committed, 265. Con- sidered ; a Resolution reported and agreed to; Bill to amend the said Act, read the first time! 278. Read the second time, 299. Passed, 304. By the Council, with amendments, 344. Committed, ibid. Considered, 404, 427. Com- mittee rises without reporting, 427. WRITS ISSUED IN THE RECESS. For what place. In the room of. On what account. Kamouraska Amable Dionne, Esquire Vacated his Scat ; 6. Writs (Warrants for new Writs) ordered during the Session. Montreal Beauce Saguenay Montmorency Quebec, Upper Town of Louis Joseph Papineau, Esquire,... Pierre Elzear Taschereau, Esquire Francis Xavier Tessier, Esquire Elzear Bedard, Esquire Rene Edouard Caron, Esquire Made his Election for the West Ward j 45. Vacated his Seat ; 193. Deceased ; 300. Now a Puisne Judge ; 617. Vacated his Seat ; 669. Emigrant Societies. Reports and Accounts of the Commissioners presented : — Of the Quebec Emigrant Society, 159. Of the Montreal Emi- grant Society, 692. See Appendix (W.) Emigrant Tax Act of 2nd Will. IV. House resolves to consider, in Committee, the expediency of Emigrant Tax Act of 2nd Will. IV., continued : continuing the said Act, 368. Matter consi- dered, 378. A Resolution reported and agreed to ; Bill to continue the said Act for a limited time, read the first time, 382. Read the second time ; committed ; considered, 390. Repor- ted, [ 1835 - 6 . INDEX to the Forty-filth Volume. Emigrant Tax Act of 2nd Will. IV., continued : ° ted 394. Passed, 395. By the Council, 413. ftoyal Assent, 702. — 6th, Will. IV. Cap IS. Emigrants. Returns of Emigrants from the United ° Kingdom and other places, at the Ports of Que- bec and Montreal, for the year 1885, presented, 275. See Appendix (I. I.) Entries in the Journals. See Journals. Executive Council. List of Members of the Executive Council of Lower Canada, laid before the House, 421. Referred, 440. See Infra. Executive Government. Committee appointed to en- quire concerning the Officers of the Executive Government, and their Salaries, Fees and Emo- luments, 393. To report from time to time, ibid. The List of Members of the Executive Council, referred, 440. First Report, 453. Committed, 456. Considered ; Resolutions and an Address reported and agreed to, 524. See Addresses (56.) Expiring Laws. See Laws Expiring. Exploring. First, Second and Third Reports of the Commissioners under the Act I Oth and 11th, Geo. IV. Cap. 39, for more completely explo- ring certain parts of the Province, presented, 231, 254. See Appendix (B. B.) First and Third Reports relerred to the Standing Com- mittee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 231, 254. Exports. See Imports. Jtf ARIBAULT, GEORGE BARTHELEMY , Es- quire, appointed to act as Clerk Assistant during the temporary absence of Mr. Bouthillier, 7. Is appointed Cierk Assistant, 145. Fees. House resolves to consider, in Committee, the expediency of regulating the Fees of persons employed by Justices of the Peace in the Coun- try Parishes, as Clerks or Bailiffs, 23. Matter considered, 30. A Resolution reported and agieed to ; Bill to regulate the Fees of persons employed by Justices of the Peace in the Coun- try Parishes as Clerks or Bailiffs, read the first time, 45. Read the seeond time, 59. Refer- red, 60. Report ; committed, 281. Consi- dered, 287. Bill reported, 290. Passed, 299. By the Council, 333. Royal Assent, 700. — Oth, Will. IV. Cap. 19. Fees and Emoluments. Committee appointed to en- quire concerning the Fees and Emoluments re- ceived by the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries and Criers of the Court of Appeals and of the Courts of King’s Bench, 17 Members added ; Instruction to enquire concerning the Fees and Emoluments received by the Attornies, Clerks of the Peace, and other Officers of the Courts of Justice in the Province, 19. The Income Returns of the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries and Clerk of the Court of Appeals, referred, 293. To report from time to time, 362. First Re- port, 363. To be printed, ibid. Second Re- pot, 365. To be printed, ibid. Third Report, 379. To be printed, 380. Fourth Report, 609. Fifth Report, 644. For the Reports, see Appendix (V. V.) First Report committed, 363. That part of the Report of the Special Committee appointed to enquire respecting the death of John Collins, having reference to the Sheriff of Montreal, also committed, 480. The Fees and Emoluments , continued : Order for the House in Committee read ; Mo- tion to discharge the said Order, and to refer the accusations, Report and Evidence against the Sheriff of Montreal, to the Standing Com- mittee of Grievances ; the Motion committed j considered ; Committee rises without report- ing ; House in Committee, 492. Further pro- ceedings dropped for want of a Quorum, 493. House again in Committee ; further proceedings dropped for a want of a Quorum, 615. House again in Committee ; Resolutions and an Ad- dress reported, 620. They are debated, and finally agreed to, upon divisions, 622, 623. See Addresses (63.) Third Report committed, 380. Considered ; Resolutions and an Address repor- ted and agreed to, 496. See Addresses (53.) See Law Officers. Felons Counsel Bill . See Addresses (9.) Felton , William Locker. Petition from him, for aid in the publication of a revised Edition of the Pro- vincial Statutes, 51. Referred, 91. Report, 140. Felton, Hon. William Bowman. Entries in the Jour- nals of 2nd March, 1835, relating to the Hon. W. B. Felton, read ; Instruction to the Stand- ing Committee of Grievances, to prosecute the enquiry into his public character and conduct instituted during the last Session, 171. Copies of Documents relating to bis appointment as Commissioner of Crown Lands and as Agent for certain Townships, and Copies ofCommuni- tions relative to grants of Land made to him, laid before the House, 312. See Appendix (Q. Q.) They are referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances, 313. Report, 338. See Appendix (E. E.) Committed ; to be printed, 339. Considered ; Resolutions re- ported, 459. Agreed to, upon divisions ; the Resolutions and Report referred to a Commit- tee, with an Instruction to prepare and report the draught of an Address in conformity to the same, 473. An Address reported, 4*90. See Addresses (52.) Female Penitents. See Charitable Institutions. Perron, Augustin. See Militia. Fife , John, Tide Surveyor at Quebec. Petition from him, to be remunerated for extra duties per- formed by him under the Emigrant Tax Act, 105. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, 106. Fire Insurance Companies. See Mutual Fire Insurance Companies. Fisheries. See Gaspe Fisheries. Fletcher , Mr. Justice. Petition of S. H. Dickerson, praying the House to resume the consideration of the complaints and grievances set forth in his Petition of January 1829, against Mr. Justice Fletcher, 344. Referred to the Standing Com- mittee of Grievances, and to be printed, ibid. Entries in former Journals relating to divers complaints against Mr. Justice Fletcher, read, and referred to the said Committee, 354. Re- port, 603. See Appendix (E. E.) Committed, 603. Considered ; Resolutions reported, and agreed to ; Committee appointed to prepare the draught of an Address in conformity to the said Resolutions, 615. An Address reported, 634. See Addresses (65.) The two Reports to be printed, 635. Flour and Indian Meal . House resolves to consider, in Committee, 18 35-6. J INDEX to the Forty-fifth Volume. Flour and Indian Meal , continued : Committee, the expediency of amending the Act of the 58th Geo. II L relating to Elour aud Indian Meal, 64 1. Forges of St. Maurice. Message from His Excellency, with Copies of the Leases of the said Forges’ and of certain Lands in the Seigniory of Cap de la Magdeleine, 1 48. Copies of Communications relative to the renewal of the present Lease of the Forges, laid before the House, 3 12. To be printed, 319. See Appendix (S.) They are referred to the Standing Committee on the Je- suits’ Estates, 250, 312. See also Jesuits’ Estates. Fortier , Dr. Francois. Petition from him, for arrears due to him in his capacity of Health Officer at Quebec in 1832, 36* Another Petition from him for arrears due to him as Inspecting Physician at Giosse Isle in 1832, 90. They are referred to the Standing Committee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, 36, 90. Foundlings. See Insane persons and Foundlings. Ft aser, Alexander . See Roads and Public Improve- ments. Freedom of Elections. See Elections. Freewill Baptists. Petition for an Act to authorize the freewill Baptists to keep regularly authenti- cated Registers, 25. Referred, ibid • Report, 155. See Protestant Christians. French Translator. Special Committee appointed to pornt out a proper person to fill that situation, 145. Report ; to be considered, 288. Consi- deration deferred, 298. Petition of Henri Voyer, to be appointed French Translator; to be also taken into consideration, 299- The Report and Petition considered; Motion, that Leon Gosse- lin, Esquire, Advocate, of Montreal, be named Trench Translator; Motion, in amendment, that Henri Voyer, Esquire, Advocate of Que- bec, be named, agreed to upon a division ; Main Motion as amended, agreed to unanimously, 390. ALE, Mr- Justice. Copies of Communications be- tween the Colonial Secretary and the Provin- cial Government, relative to the appointment of Mr. Gale to the Bench at Montreal, laid before the House, 148. See Appendix (U.) Referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances, 149* Report, 426. See Appendix ^E. E.) Committed, and to be printed, 426. Considered; Resolu- tions and an Address reported, 484. Agreed to, upon a division, 485. See Addresses (51.) His Excellency’s Answer to the Address (51.) Committed, 597* House in Committee ; fur- ther proceedings dropped for want of a Quorum, 633. House again in Committee ; an Address to the King reported, 637. See Addresses (2) to the King ; Addresses (66.) Gaols. Message from His Excellency, with Extracts from Presentments recently made by the Grand Juries of the several Districts, relating to the Gaols, together with Estimates and Copies of Letters from the Sheriffs of Quebec, Montreal and Ihree Rivers, and from the Commissioners of the Montreal new Gaol, 21 1. That part of the said Message which has reference to the Montreal Gaol, with the Documents relating thereto, re- ferred to the Committee on Montreal Gaol, 287. Vol. 45. — Session 1835-6. Gaols, continued: The Message and Documents, together, with the Reportsof the Commissioners for the erection ol the Montreal new Gaol for 1834 and 1835 i ef erred to a Special Committee, 354. A Mem- ber added, 368. * em — See Montreal Gaol ; Penitentiary Prisons. Gas Light Company . See Montreal Gas Light Com- pany. ° Gaspe, District of Hi s Excellency's Answer to the Address (8 ) relative to the annexation of the District ofGaspe to the Province of New Bruns wick, referred, 166. Report, 3G5. Committed; to be printed, 366. Considered; a Resolution reported, and agreed to, 383. Bill to provide during a limited time for the want of Notaries in the District ofGaspe, read the first time, 333. Read the second time, and referred, 342. Report; Bill and Report com- P ltte n’ fo?* C^ered; Bill reported, 363. lassed 38 1 By the Council, with amendments, o,>J. Considered, and agreed to, 605. Royal Assent, 700.— 6th Will. IV. Cap. 52. * Fisheries. Bill for the better regulation of the Fisheries in the District of Gaspe, read the first Ke “ d n the second time and referred, 7f7- Report ; Bill and Report committed, 510. louse in Committee, 523. Bill reported, 528. 1 assed, 670. By the Council, 696. Royal As- sent, 701. —6th Will. IV. Cap. 57. Judicature Acts. Bill to continue certain Acts therein mentioned, relating to the administra- tion of Justice in the District of Gaspe, read the first time, 594. Read the second time, and amended, 604. Passed, 618. By the Council, 685. Royal Assent, 701.— 6th Will. IV. Cap 54. 1 Land Titles. Petition from the Proprietors and Inhabitants of the District ofGaspe, relating to their Land Titles, 84. Referred to the Stand- ing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, • House resolves to consider, in Committee, whether it would not be expedient to repeal the Act 59th Geo. III. and 1st Will. IV. relating to Land Titles in the District of Gasp<§, 277.— JMattei considered; a Resolution reported and agieed to; Bill to make further provision for the security of Titles to real property in the District of Gaspe, and to repeal the said two Acts, read the first time, 292. Read the se- cond time and referred, 320. Report; Bill and Report committed, 335. Considered, 355. Re- poi ted, 360. Passed, 381. By the Council, with amendments, 599. Considered and agreed to, 603. Royal Assent, 700.— 6th Willf IV. Cap. 53. Gilfoyle, Jane. Petition from her, and others, com- plaining of having been illegally arrested, and of not being able to obtain redress, and praying the House to adopt such proceedings on their case as will be founded in law and justice, 285. Referred to the Standing Committee of Grie- vances, 286. Gingras, Pierre. See Cap Rouge Bridge . Girod, Amury. See Post Office Department. Goods unclaimed. Bill to authorize the sale of certain Goods unclaimed and remaining in the posses- sion of the Clerks of the Peace, read the first time, E [ 1835 - 6 . INDEX to the Forty-fifth Volume. Goods unclaimed, continued : time, 29. Read the second time, 40. Passed, 59. By the Council, 158. Royal Assent, 284. —6th Will. IV. Cap. 5. Gosselin , Leon. Petition from him, for payment of a balance due to him as Secretary to the Sanitary Committee of Montreal in 1833 and 1834, 109. Referred to the Standing Committee for Hospi- tals and Charitable Institutions, 110. Governor in Chief. Answers from him. See Addresses. Bills sanctioned by him, 158, 284, 700, 701, 702. Bill reserved by him for the signification of His Majesty’s pleasure thereon, 702. Messages from His Excellency : By Black Rod, 5, 158, 283, 699- By his Secretary Stephen Walcott, Esquire, viz: On the subject of the transportation of Convicts, 73. With a Statement of the balances due on the se- veral items of the Civil Expenditure of Lower Canada, up to 10th October, 1835 ; and State- ments of the amount of Cash in the Public Trea- sury, 75. Relating to the Clergy Reserves, 112. Relating to the Jesuits’ College, 147. Relating to the Lease of the Forges of St. Mau- rice, 148. With Copies of Correspondence between the Provincial Government and the United States, relating to the Inland Port of Entry at Coteau du Lac, 148. Relating to the Lawyers and Notaries Commis- sions’ Bill, 165. Informing the House that its Address on the State of the Province has been laid at the foot of the Throne, 1 66. With the Public Accounts for the year 1835, 174. With the Estimate of the expenses of the Public Service for the year 1836, 174. With Extracts from Presentments recently made by the Grand Juries in the several Districts, to- gether with Estimates and Copies of Letters from the Sheriffs, relating to the Gaols in Que- bec, Montreal and Three Rivers, and from the Commissioners of the Montreal new Gaol, 210. Relating to the contested Elections Bill passed in the Session of 1834, 226. Relating to a Custom House for the Port of Montreal, 244. Relating to the new Custom House at Quebec, 255. With Copies of certain Communications and Plans, received from Upper Canada, relative to the improvement of the Navigation of the Ri- ver St. Lawrence, 271. Relating to a Tonnage Duty on Vessels, 311. Relating to Depots of Provisions, 310. Relating to an Outrage committed in the County of Sherbrooke, 369. With Copies of Communications relating to a Light House on St. Paul’s Island, 374. With the draught of a Bill, and Copies of Com- munications respecting the Property occupied for the Ordnance service, 407* With Copies of a Communication from His Ma- jesty's Government respecting the erection of Light Houses on the Islands of Scattarie and St. Paul, 416. With a series of Reports adopted by the House of Lords on the subject of Prisons and Prison Discipline, 429. Governor in Chief, continued : Messages from His Excellency, continued : With Copies of those parts of the Instructions to the Lower Canada Commissioners which have reference to the topics embraced in Extracts re- ceived by the House from Upper Canada. 462. With Copies of Communications from the Go- vernment of New Brunswick, respecting the erection of Light Houses on the Islands of Scat- tarie and St. Paul, 511. Respecting the construction of a Lock at the Ste. Anne Rapids on the Rideau Canal, 511. Proclamations from him. For proroguing the Pro- vincial Parliament, 1, 2, 3. For assemblingit, 4. Speech from him at the opening of the Session, 7 . Committee appointed to draught an Ad- dress in Answer thereto, 15. See Addresses (1.) to the Governor in Chief. The Speech to be printed, 15. Speech from him at the close of the Session, 702 . Grass. Bill for preserving the Grass growing on Beaches in the District of Quebec, read the first time, 145. Read the second time, and refer- led, 191. Report ; Bill committed ; consider- ed, 229. Reported, 283. Passed, 239. By the Council, with amendments, 344. Commit- ted, ibid. Considered, and agTeed to, 356. Royal Assent, 700. — 6th, Will. IV. Cap. 55. — — Two Petitions from the Parishes of Ste. Famille and St. Pierre on the Island of Orleans, praying that the Beaches on the North side of the Island may be excepted from the operation of the 11 th Clause of the preceding Bill 5 Petition of the great body of the Inhabitants of the County of Orleans, in favor of the Bill, 481. They are referred to the Standing Committee of Agriculture, 481. Grenville Canal. Petition of divers Proprietors and Farmers whose Lands are intersected by the Grenville Canal, relating to Horned Cattle and Sheep found on the banks of the said Canal, 1 95. Referred, 498. See Ordnance. Grievances ; Standing Committee of, appointed, 20. Petitions referred to the Committee, viz : — Of Benjamin Fortier, a Pilot ; Of the Inhabitants of the Chemin des Caps, for relief, 66. Of Mr. Justice Vallieres de St. Real, 104. Of John Ryan, 140. Of Joseph Fran 5 oisDeblois, Esquire, accusing Mr. Justice Thompson of high crimes and misdemeanors, 145. Of Anna Hodge, 162. Of Alexis Bertrand, 172. Of divers Inhabitants of the Parish of Ancienne Lorette, 210. Of Jo- seph Sampson, 229. Of Yves Sylvestre, a Pi- lot, 237. Of Jane Gilfoyle and others, 286. Of Silas H. Dickerson, complaining of having suffered heavy losses by the illegal and arbitrary proceedings of Mr. Justice Fletcher, 288. Of Adolphus Mordecai Hart, 336. Of Silas H. Dickerson, praying the House to resume the consideration of his complaint and grievances against Mr. Justice Fletcher, 344. Of Mr. Jus- tice Bowen, 402. Of divers Inhabitants of the Counties of Bonaventure and Gaspe relating to the Petition of Joseph Francis Deblois, Es- quire, 501. Instructions to the Committee, viz : — to take into consideration the state of the last Commission of the Peace, 142 ; to pro- secute the enquiry into the public character and conduct of the Hon. William Bowman Fel- ton, instituted during the last Session, 171 ; to enquire into the proceedings adopted by either House 1835-6.] INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. Grievances, continued : House of the Imperial Parliament, relative to the Petitions addressed to His Majesty and Par- liament in 1H34, on the State of this Province, 190 ; to enquire whether or not the practice of filling up Warrants and Affidavits signed in blank, has not been followed for a long time past in the Police Office at Quebec, 286 ; to enquire into the public character and conduct of Mr. Justice Bowen, 336. Copies of Com- munications relative to the appointment of Mr. Justice Gale, referred, 149. The various Do- cuments laid before the House last Session, received from the Hon. Mr Viger, and A. N. Morin, Esquires, Agents for the Province, re- ferred, 190. The Dispatch relating to the Chairmen of the Quarter Sessions, referred, 227. The Copy of the Dispatch from the Se- cretary of State for the Colonies to Lord Ayl- mer, dated 6th June, 1833, laid before the House pursuant to an Address (28.) referred, 802. Various Documents and Communica- tions relative to the Hon. W. B. Felton, refer- red, 313. Copies of Documents relative to a complaint of the conduct of certain Magistrates at Three Rivers, preferred by Mr. Justice Val- ines de St. Real, referred, 36 2. A Member added, 436. First Report, 250. See Chemin des Caps. Second Report, 338. See Felton, Hon. William Bowman. Third Report, 354. See Chairmen of the Quarter Sessions. Fourth Report, 403. See Aylmer , Lord. Fifth Re- port, 426. See Gale, Mr. Justice. Sixth Re- port, 442. See Thompson, Mr. Justice. Se- venth Report, 603. See Fletcher, Mr. Justice. Eighth Report, 631. See Mondelet, J. M. Ninth Report, 653. See Thompson, Mr. Jus- tice. lentil Report, 659. See Dickerson, Si- las H. Eleventh Report, 669. See Ancienne Lorette. Twelfth Report, 669. See Thomp- son, Mr. Justice. Thirteenth Report, 685, See Bowen, Mr. Justice. The whole of the Reports are to be found in the Appendix (E. E.) Grosse Isle. That part of the Governor in Chief’s Speech at the opening of the Session, which suggests the expediency of indemnifying the Proprietor of Grosse Isle for its past occupation in the public service, and of enabling the Go- vernment to obtain possession of it, referred to a Special Committee, 18. Report, 37. Com- mitted, ibid. Considered, 60. A Resolution reported and agreed to ; Bill to enable His Majesty to acquire Grosse Isle and to indemnify the Proprietor thereof, read the first time, 71. Read the second time, and referred to the Com- mittee on the Petition of Pierre Duplain, Lessee of said Isle, 229. Report, 250. Bill and Re- port committed, ibid. Considered; Bill repor- ted, 272. Passed, under a new Title, 276. By the Council, 648. Royal Assent, 701 6th. Will. IV. Cap. 21. The Entry in the Journal of 7th March, 1835, containing the Message of His Excellency Lord Aylmer, on the subject of the expenses incurred at Grosse Isle, read ; and the Message and Do- cuments accompanying it, referred to the Stand- ing Committee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, 136. See also Ilopitals and Charitable Institutions $ Quarantine. Gugy, Lewis , Esquire. See Addresses (63.) II ALL OF ASSEMBLY. See House of Parlia- ment. Hart, Adolphus Mordecai. See Bowen, Mr. Justice. Highways and Bridges. See Road Act of the 36th, Geo. III. Cap. 9. Ilodge, Anna. Petition from her, respecting a Crown Reserve Lot in the lownship of Stanbridge, located by her late husband, in 1821, and after- wards sold by the Commissioner of Crown Lands, and praying for remuneration, 161. Re- ferred to the Standing Committee of Grievances, 162, Holland, Fdward. Petition from him, for indemnity for his services as Keeper of the House of Cor- rection at Montreal since 1829, 26. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. • See Addresses (55.) Horned Cattle and Sheep. See Grenville Canal. Hospitals and Charitable Imitations ; Standing Com- mittee of, appointed, 20. Petitions referred to the Committee, viz : — of the Montreal Sanitary Committee ; of Dr. John Anderson ; of Rene Edouard Caron, Esquire, Mayor of the City of Quebec, acting for and on behalf of the Corpo- ration of the said City ; of the Medical Students of the City of Quebec, 28 ; of Xavier Tessier, Esquire ; of Dr. Francois Fortier ; of the Com- mittee of the Society of Ladies of Quebec for the relief of Orphans, 36 ; of Dr. Andre La- croix, 51 ; of the Charitable Society for repen- tant Females at Montreal ; of the Committee of Ladies superintending the Male Orphan Asy- lum in St. Roch Suburb, Quebec ; of Joseph Adolphe Perrault ; of Dr. Joseph Parant, 58 j of Dr. Framjois Fortier ; of the Revd. Edou- ard Crevier ; of the Orphan Asylum of Mon- ti eal j of the Ladies Benevolent Society of Montreal ; of the Female Charity Society of Montreal, 90 ; of Leon Gosselin ; of the Cor- poration of the Montreal General Hospital ; of Dr. Pierre Beaubien ; of Jean Bte. Brousseau and J. F. M. Trudeau, 110; of Dr. Robert Nelson ; of Dr. Francis T. C. Arnoldi, 309. Instiuctions to the Committee, viz \ — to enquire into the means of preventing for the future, the introduction of the Asiatic Cholera in this Pro- vince, 28 ; to make certain enquiries respecting the Montreal General Hospital, 145 ; to en- quire into the necessity of creating a Fund to defray the expenses of the care and medical treatment of sick Mariners, 181. Lord Ayl- mer’s Message of the 7th March, 1835, on the subject of the expenses incurred at Grosse Isle, with the Documents accompanying it, referred, 136. The Report of the Foundlings and In- sane in the General Hospital of Grey Nuns, and the Reports of the Commissioners for the relief of Insane persons and Foundlings in the Dis- tricts of Quebec and Three Rivers, referred, 64, 155, 277, The Public Account No. 10, containing a Statement of the Quarantine Ex- penses at Quebec and Grosse Isle in 1835, re- ferred, 366. First Report, I87. Second Re- port, 197* They are committed, 200, 207. House in Committee ; further proceedings dropped for want of a Quorum, 228. House again in Committee, 230, 235. Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 240. Third Report, 223. [ 1835 - 6 . INDEX to the Forty-fifth Volume. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, continued : 223. Committed, ibid. Considered, 234. A Resolution reported, and agreed to, 242. Fourth Report, 223. Committed, 224. Con- sidered, 235. Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 242. Bill presented, 527. See Sick Mari- ners. Fifth Report, 351. Committed, 353. Considered, 372. Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 375. Sixth Report ; committed, 393. Considered, 412. Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 413. Two Bills presented, 242, 4 1 5. See Infra. Bill to provide for the support of divers Charita- ble Institutions, and for other purposes therein mentioned, read the first time, 242. Read the second time, 251. Passed, 255. By the Coun- cil, G48. Roval Assent, 701. — Gth, Will. IV. Cap. 29. — — — Bill to provide for the reimbursement of certain sums of money expended for Sanitary and Cha- ritable purposes, and to make provision for simi- lar purposes for the future, read the first time, 415. Read the second time, 427. Passed, 434. By the Council, 648. Royal Assent, 702. — Gth, Will. IV. Cap. 31. House oj Assembly : — Attends upon the Governor in the Legislative Council, 5, 158, 283, 700. At the Castle of St. Lewis, 72, 660, 694. Adjourns to particular hours on future days, 72, 125, 132, 133, 503, 51G, 522, 528, 599, 6C9, 619, 631, 643, 653, 660, 691. Adjourns to particular hours on the same day, 72, 133, 504, 517, 522, 528, 605, 616, 629, 634, 646, 658, 671. Adjourns for want of a Quorum, 196, 228, 231, 244, 320, 348, 351, 364, 394,435, 459,478, 483, 493, 503, 509, 52 5, 605, 61 6, 618, 629, 633, 645, 651, 657, 671, 678, 684, 688, 690, 694, 695, 696, 697. 699. Is informed of the death of one of its Members, and adjourns, 307. Vote their thanks to the Hon. Denis Benjamin Viger for his services as the late Agent of the Province, and for the zeal, patriotism, assiduity and talent displayed by him in acquitting him- self of his Mission, and supporting the divers claims entrusted to his care, and more especially the Petitions of the House to both Houses of the Imperial Parliament on the State of the Province, adopted on 21st February, 1834, 91. To be communicated to him by Mr. Speaker, ibid. Copy of Mr. Speaker’s Letter accompa- nying the vote, 152. Mr. Viger’s answer, 153. ■ Vote their thanks to Augustin Norbert Morin, Esquire, (a Member) for his distinguished ser- vices, and the zeal, patriotism, assiduity and talent he displayed in supporting the Petitions referred to in the preceding Vote of thanks, 92. To be communicated to him by Mr. Speaker, ibid. Copy of Mr. Speaker’s Letter accompany- ing the vote, 154. Air. Morin’s answer, ibid. • Ordered to be called over, upon a division, 391* Members not attending to be sent for in custody of the Serjeant at Arms ; circular Letters to be written to the absent Members, 302. Call de- ferred, 443. Called ; the names of those who made default, 444, 445. The reasons assigned by the Members to be considered, 483. Consi- dered ; several Members excused, 507, 508. Motion, thatW. H. Scott, Esquire, Member for House of Assembly , continued : the County of Two Mountains, has, in sending no excuse, committed a breach of the privileges of the House ; consideration thereof deferred, 508. Considered ; amended ; and Mr. Scott excused, 60S. The consideration of the reasons of absence of Samuel Wood, Esquire, Member for the County ofShefford, deferred, 508,608. Statements of all monies voted and recommended to be voted by the House for the present Ses- sion, up to the 27th January, 1836, ordered, 397* Presented, ibid. Resolutions of, That to serve a Writ of Saisie Arret, or any other civil process on the Clerk of the House in his office, during the holding of the Provincial Parliament, is a breach of the privileges of the House ; That Oliver Williams, a Bailiff, has been guilty of such a breach of the privileges of the House ; That he be taken into the custody of the Serjeant at Arms or any of his Deputies, and that Mr. Speaker do issue his Warrant accordingly, 425. The Deputy Serjeant at Arms reports having taken Oliver Williams into custody, 429. Petition of O. Williams apologizing to the House for having unintentionally committed a breach of its privi- leges, and praying the House to pardon him, 429. Llouse resolves that no further proceed- ings be had against the said O. Williams, and that he be discharged on paying costs, ibid. - Its proceedings interrupted by a Tumult in the Lobby; the Sergeant at Arms reports that he had taken into custody Florent Edouard Bertrand, who was the cause of the Tumult; Declaration of Etienne Drolet, Doorkeeper ; Motion That, Florent Edouard Bertrand has been guilty of a breach of the privileges of the House, that he be committed to Gaol for eight days, and that Mr. Speaker do issue his Warrant accordingly ; Motion, in amendment, to substitute the words “ twenty four hours” in place of “ eight days,” 430. Question thereupon negd. upon a division ; Main Motion agreed to unanimously, 431. De- puty Sergeant at Arms reports having lodged the body of F. E. Bertrand in Gaol, 432. Is informed by a Member that a Mr. N. Aubin and a Mr. Philippe Aubert De Gaspe had mali- ciously thrown Assafoetida upon the stove in in the Wardrobe of the House; Declaration of another Member relative to the same subject, 456. N- Aubin and Philippe Aubert de Gaspe declared guilty of a breach of the privileges of the House, and ordered to be taken into custo- dy of the Sergeant at Arms or one of his De- puties, and Mr. Speaker to issue his Warrants accordingly, 457 — Resolution of, That, the Clerk having given in- formation that he has no parchment left where- on to engross Bills, and that he cannot at pre- sent procure any in the Province, the Bills for the remainder of the Session be written on Pa- per previous to the third reading, 643. To be communicated to His Excellency by Address, and to the Council by Message, ibid. Examines Samuel Neilson at the Bar, 506. ■ Two Motions, That the House do adjourn ; Ques- tions thereupon negd. upon a division, 694. House of Parliament. The Report of the Commission- ers for the erection of a new Hall of Assembly, laid before the House last Session, referred to a Special Committee, 19. Report, 176. Com- mitted, 1 835-6. J INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. House of' Parliament, continued : mitted, 1 78. Considered, 204, 230. Resolutions reported, and agreed to ; Bill to enable the Com- missioners to pay off a certain excess of expen- ditme, and to cause certain woik to be done about the said Building, read the fiisr time, 233. Read the second time, 262. Passed, 270. By the Council, 647- Royal Assent, 701 6th Will. IV. Cap. 45. Houses of Correction. House resolves to consider, in Committee, whether it. would not be expedient to provide temporary Houses of Correction in the several Districts of this Province, 149. Mat- ter considered, 170. Resolution reported, and agreed to, 182. Bill to provide temporary Houses of Correction in the several Districts, read the first time, 269. Read the second time, and referred, 2S7. Houses of Public Entertainment . See Tavernkeepers. Hoyle , Robert. Petition from him for increase of Sala- ry as Collector of the Customs at Stanstead, 34. Referred, 152. See Customs. Hucksters • See Markets. Huron Indians. Petition of the Huron Indians of Jeune Lorette, relating to their claim to the Seigniory of Sillery, 54. Referred, ibid. Report, 293.— Petition from them, for aid to repair the Presby- tery attached to their Church, 82 Referred to the Standing Committee of Education and Schools, 83. Hyndman , Carey McClellan. Petition from him, fora Sa- lary as l rier of the Court of King s Bench for the District of St. Francis, 57. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid - Ia EXPORTS. See Appendix M PORTS and fG. G. G.) Income Returns of the Sheriffs, Prothonotaries, and of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, from 1830 to 1834 inclusive, laid before the House, 190. See Appendix (X.) Referred, 293. See Fees and Emoluments. Incorporation Acts. Petitions for the continuation of the Incorporation Acts of Montreal and Que- bec, 151, 159. They are referred, 151, 161. The Petition of the Montreal Volunteer Fire Companies, referred, 161. The Petition rela- ting to the Watch and Night Light at Quebec, referred, 191. The Petition of Pierre De Bou- cherville, referred, 273. The Petition of the Butchers of Quebec, referred, 393. — — House resolves into Committee to consider the expediency of amending the Incorporation Acts of the Cities of Quebec and Montreal ; a Reso- lution reported, and agreed to, 530. See Infra. — Bill to consolidate, extend and amend the provi- sions of divers Acts concerning the Corporation of the City of Quebec, read the first time, 530. Read the second time ; committed, 614. Con- sidered, 630. Reported, f 36. Passed, 658. By the Council, with amendments, 696. —— — Bill to consolidate, amend and extend divers Acts relating to the Corporation of the City of Montreal, read the first time, 591. Read the second time; committed, 6 1 4. Considered, 630. Reported, 636. Passed, 658. By the Council, with amendments, 696. ■ Bill to continue for a limited time, the Acts rela- Vol. — 45.- — Session 1835*6. Incorporation Acts , continued : ting to the Incorporation of the Cities of Que- bec and Montreal, presented, read thrice, and passed, 691. Indians. See Abenaquis Indians ; Huron Indians ; Mic- mac Indians. Inland Customs. See Customs. Inland Ports of Entry. See Customs. Insane Persons and Foundlings. Report of the Com- missioners for the District of Quebec, 53. Re- port of the Foundlings and Insane in the Gene- ral Hospital of Grey Nuns at Montreal, 64. Ac- counts of the Commissioners for the District of Three Rivers, 277. See Appendix (G.) They are referred to the Standing Committee for Hos- pitals and Charitable Institutions, 155, 64, 277. See Hospitals and Charitable Institutions. Instructions to Committees. See Accounts , Contingent ; Accounts , Public ; Agriculture ; Archambeault, Charles, Esquire ; Bowen , Mr. Justice ; Churches , &c. ; Commission oj the Peace ; Dower , Custo- mary ; Education and Schools ; Fees and Emo- luments ; Felton , Hon. William Bowman ; Grie- vances ; Hospitals and Charitable Institutions ; Jesuits' Estates ; Jurors ; Lands and Seigniorial Rights ; Light Houses ; Members ; Militia ; Montreal General Hospital ; Navigation ; Roads and Public Improvements ; Stale of the Province j Subdivision oj Parishes ; Trade. Internal Communications. First and Second Reports of the Commissioners appointed under the Act 3rd, Will. IV. Cap. 26, for the improvement of the Internal Communications of the Province, presented, 330. See Appendix (D.) ■ See also Roads and Public Improvements. Internal Navigation. See Navigation. Inventories. Bill for the better regulation of the for- malities to be observed in the closing of Inven tories, read the first time, 152. Read the second time, and referred, 182* Report, 205. Passed, 226. Isle du Pads. Petition for amendments to the Isle du Pads Common Act, 23. Referred to the Stand- ing Committee of Private Bills, ibid. Report, 146. Jack, MATTHEW. Petition from him, for ar- rears of Salary as Clerk in the Audit Office of Accounts, 57. Referred to the Standing Com- mittee of Public Accounts, ibid. Jesuits' College. See Jesuits' Estates. Jesuits' Estates . Bill to regulate the concession of Lands in the Fiefs and Seigniories formerly be- longing to the late Order of Jesuits’, and the collection of the arrears of cens et rentes and lods et ventes in the same, read the first time, 18. Read the second time, and referred, 47. See Infra. Standing Committee of, appointed, 20. The pre- ceding Bill referred, 47* The Entry in the Journal of 5th March 1834, containing the Go- vernor in Chief’s answer to an Address of 24th February 1834, relating to the reserve of 30,000 arpents of Land for the Forges of St. Maurice, read, and the Answer referred, 48- Instruction to enquire what would in future be the least ex- pensive system which could be adopted for the management of the said Estates, ibid. Members added, F INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. [1835-6. Jesuits' Estates, continued : added, ibid. Message from His Excellency re- lating to the Jesuits’ College, 147. Referred, 155. Instruction to obtain certain information respec- ting the said College, ibid. His Excellency’s Message with the Documents accompanying it, relating to the new Lease of the Forges ot St. Maurice, referred, 250. Instruction to make en- quiries respecting certain lots of ground in Three Rivers, supposed to belong to tne said Estates, 254. Petition of Charles Dix and Thomas Web- ster, relating to Lands near the Falls of Shawi- negan, 274. Referred, 27 5. Copy of the Re- port of the Executive Council recommending the Lease of 25,940 arpents of Land in the Seigniory of Cap de la Magdeleine, and a State- ment of portions of the Jesuits’ Estates that have been sold or otherwise alienated, laid before the House, and referred, 302. For the said Report and Statement, see Appendix (S.) Co- pies of Communications relative to the renewal of the present Lease of the Forges of St. Mau- rice, referred, 312. A Member added, 398. Various Documents and Copies of Correspon- dence respecting Leases of the Beach at Sillery since 1832, laid before the House, and referred, 410. See Appendix (S.) His Excellency’s Answer to the Address (46.) for Copies of any Dispatches or Instructions received since 1828, relative to the leasing of Crown property or of the Jesuits’ Estates, referred, 432. First Re- port, 368. Committed, ibid. Considered, 3^3. 406, 414, 478. The Committee to sit again, 478. Second Report, 510. Agreed to, ibid. For the Reports, see Appendix (X. X.) Bill to regulate the administration and manage- ment of the Jesuits’ Estates, read the first time, 269. Read the second time and referred, 297. Report; Bill and Report committed, 398- Con- sidered, 406. Bill reported, 411. Passed, 494. Jobin, Andre • See Montreal East Ward under the head Elections. Journals. To be printed under the direction of Mr. Speaker, 15. Entries in former Journals read, 1 9 , 38, 48, 134, 171, 354. Judges. House resolves to consider, in Committee, the expediency of adopting Legislative provisions to to insure the independence and uprightness of the Judges in this Province, 155. Committee deferred, 184. Order discharged, 207. Judicature Act. House resolves to consider, in Com- mittee, the expediency of repealing or amend- ing certain parts of it, 23. Matter considered ; a Resolution reported ; agreed to ; referred to the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, 53. Report, 305. To be printed, 306. See Infra. of the Province. Bill to amend the Judicature of the Province, and to extend and facilitate the administration of Justice in the different parts thereof, read the first time, 306. Read the se- cond time ; committed, 337. Considered, 337, 343, 345, 348. Reported, and amended, 350. Read the third time ; Motion to add two Clauses thereto by way of Ryder, 366. Question there- upon negd. upon a division; Bill passed, 367. By the Council, with amendments, 661. Com- mitted, 662. House in Committee; Committee rises without reporting, 669. Judicature. See Gaspe Judicature Acts; St. Francis , District of. Jurors. Bill to regulate the qualification and sum- moning of Jurors in Civil and Criminal matters, read the first time, 23. Read the second time, and referred, 47. Report ; Bill and Report committed, 426. Considered, 435. Bill re- ported, 437. Passed, 477. By the Council, with amendments, 697* Instruction to the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, to enquire whether it would not be expedient to grant an indemnity to Jurors, 25. Report, 193. Committed, 194. Considered; further proceedings dropped for want of a Quo- rum, 231. Committee deferred, 233, 280, 315, 360. Justice , Courts of; Standing Committee of, appointed, 20. Instructions to the Committee, to enquire whether it would not be expedient to grant an indemnity to Jurors, and to amend the Law of Dower, 25. The Petition respecting erroneous Judgments given by Justices of the Peace, re- ferred, 49. A Resolution declaring that it is ex- pedient to amend the Judicature Act, referred, 53. The Petition for the annexation ot Cape Chat and Ste. Anne des Monts to the District of Quebec ; the Petition relating to the County Court of St. Hyacinthe ; and the Petition for a Ci rcuit Court in the Village of Terrebonne, re- ferred, 82. The Petition of Christopher Duelos d it Decelles, referred, 105. That part of the Petition from the Magdalen Islands relating to a Gaol, referred, 111. First Report, — on indem- nity to Jurors, 193. See Jurors. Second Re- port, — on Judicature Act, 305. See Judicature Act. Third Report, — on the various Petitions, 318. The Petition of Luc Michel Cress£, re- ferred, 318. Justices of the Peace. Bill for the qualification of Jus- tices of the Peace, read the first time, 29. Read the second time, and referred, 46. Report, 197. Bill and Report committed, ibid. Consi- dered, 207. Biil reported, 222. Passed, 226. By the Council, with amendments, 362. Com- mitted, 526. Considered and agreed to, 596. Royal Assent, 700 — 6th Will. IV. Cap. 16 Petition of Inhabitants of the County of Beau- harnois respecting erroneous Judgments given by Justices of the Peace, 49. Referred to the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, ibid. Report, 318. ENNEBEC RAIL ROAD. See Rail Roads. Kerr , Mr. Justice. Copies of Communications from the Colonial Secretary to the Provincial Govern- ment, relating !o the charges against Mr. Justice Kerr, laid before the House, 149. See Appen- dix (V.) Copy of that part of Lord Aylmer’s An- swer to a Despatch of 11th November 1834, which relates to Mr. Justice Kerr, laid before the House, 190. See also Appendix (V.) King , The. See Addresses to the King. King's Posts. Copy of the Lease of the King’s Posts to John Goudie, laid before the House, 222. — See Appendix (Z.) Referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 000 LACHINE 18J5-6.J INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. TjACHINE CANAL. See Canals. Lacroix , Dr. Andre. Petition from him, for payment of an Account for professional services rendered in 1832, to the poor laboring: under Cholera in St. Renii, 50. Referred to the Standing Com- mittee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, ibid. Lake St. Francis. See Navigation. Lake St. Louis. Bill to make provision for the Survey of Lake St. Louis and other places, read the first time, 441. Read the second time, and referred, 458. Report ; Bill and Report com- mitted, 676. House in Committee ; further proceedings dropped for want of a Quorum, 688- House again in Committee; Bill report- ed ; passed, 689. By the Council, 696. Royal Assent, 761. — 6th Will. IV. Cap. 23. — See also Navigation. Land Company. See British American Land Company. Lands and Seigniorial Rights ; Standing Committee on, appointed, 20. A Member added. 127. — - Petitions referred to the Committee, viz : Of divers Inhabitants of the County of Saguenay, 27. See Saguenay. Of Proprietors and Inha- bitants of the District of GaspC 87. See Gaspe Land Titles. Of divers Inhabitants and Proprie- tors of the Parish ofSte. Anne de Varennes ; and of divers Inhabitants of the County ofStanstead, 127, 885. See British American Land Com- pany. Of divers Inhabitants of the County of Megan tic, 163. See Megantic, County of. Of divers Inhabitants of the City and District of Montreal, 174. See Law of Tenure. Of divers Abenaquis Indians, and others residing in the Province of Lower Canada, 250. See Abenaquis Indians • Of Widow Foil rier, 3 1 4. See Poin ier, Widow. Of Frangois Xavier Vigneault, of the Township of Wendover, 333. See Vigneault , Franqois Xavier. Of the Inhabitants of the Pa- rish of St. Joseph de la Pointe Levi, and other neighbouring Parishes, 333. See Phillips , Wil- liam. Of divers Inhabitants and Freeholder of the Township of Brandon, 347. See Brandon , Township of. Of James Nevill, and two other Farmers of Leeds in the County of Megantic, 374. See Leeds, Township of. Of William McNeil, of the Township of Kingsey, 381. See McNeil, William. Of the Chiefs and others of the Micmac Tribe settled on the North side of the River Ristigouche, 434. See Micmac In- dians. Of Aime Massue, of Varennes, 460. See Massue, Aime. Of Louis Cloutier and others, of the Township of Ascot, 598. See Cloutier , Louis. Of Inhabitants of the Seigniory of Shool- bred; of divers Inhabitants of the County of Nicolet; of Proprietors and Censitaires in the Seigniory De Lery ; of the Freeholders of the Seigniories De Bleury, Sabrevois and Noyan; of divers Inhabitants of the Seigniory of La Cole ; of divers Inhabitants of the Parish of Ste. Fa- mille du Cap Sante, 50, 87, 136, 303. See Seigniorial Charges. His Excellency’s Message relating to the Clergy Reserves, and Documents accompanying it, referred, 116. See Clergy Preserves. Six Instructions relating to Lands, he. 127, 128. Instruction respecting the refund- ing of the Quit Rents, 181. The Copy of the Lease of the King’s Posts referred, 222. See Kings Posts. The 1st and 3rd Reports of the Commissioners for more completely exploring Lands and Seigniorial Rights , continued : certain parts of the Province, referred, 2SI, 254. See Exploring. Various other Statements and Lists referred, 176, 246, 287, 302, 342. See Infra. First and Second Reports, 610. See Appendix (E. E. E.) The consideration of the several matters referred to the Committee to be renewed early in the ensuing Session, 610. The Second Report committed ; to be printed, ibid. House in Committee; an Address re- ported and agreed to, 641. See Addresses (68.) The Committee to sit again, ibid. His Excel- lency’s Answers to the Addresses (58.) (59.) relating to Militia Lands and to the British American Land Company, referred, 656. The Committee on the Second Report deferred, 677. List of applications made since the 13th Octo- ber 1832, for a change of tenure under the Impe- rial Act 6th Geo. IV. Cap. 59, and a List of Letters Patent of change of tenure issued snce the 1st February 1835, under the said Act, laid before the House, 1 75, 176. Referred, 176. See Supra. List of all Lots of ground granted in free and common soccage within the Seigniories since 30th December 1832; Return of applications for Land under the tenures of franc-alleu-noble and roturier, since November 1832 ; and a Re- port of the Provincial Secretary that no grants have been made under the said tenures since November 1832, laid before the House, 245. See Appendix (C. C.) Referred, 246. See Supr a. Statements respecting Lands in the Augmenta- tion of the Township of Aston, and in the Town- ships of Arthabaska, Bulstrode, Stanfold and Warwick, laid before the House, 277. See Ap- pendix (C. C.) Referred, 287. See Supra. - Lists of Lands sold in the augmentation of As- ton ; Documents relating to the Townships of Stanfold, Bulstrode, Arthabaska and Warwick; List of Lands sold in the said Townships ; and Statements of ad vertizements of the sale of Crown Lands and Licences to cut Timber since 13th November 1826, laid before the House, 301. See Appendix (C. C.) Referred, 302. See Supra. Statement of grants of Land made under Letters Patent to Public Officers and their families from 22d July 1828, to 8th January 1836, and List of Lands leased or promised to Councillors, Judges and others, laid before the House, 341. See Appendix’(C.C.) Referred, 342. See Supra. Bill to prevent the fraudulent seizure and sale of Lands and other real property, read the first time, 28. Read the second time, and referred, 46. Report, 197. Bill and Report commit- ted, ibid. Considered ; Bill reported, 208. Passed, 226. By the Council, 635. Royal As- sent, 700.— 6th Will. IV. Cap. 26. ■ — Three Accounts relating to the sales of Timber cut upon the uncultivated Lands of the Crown, laid before the House, 301. See Appendix (K, K.) To be printed, ibid. Larochel, Simeon . Petition from him, representing that he has discovered a method of loading and firing cannon and small arms by the sole means of mechanism, and praying for means to make the said invention known and rendered useful, 100. Referred, i bid. Report; committed, 238. House in Committee ; Committee rises without reporting, 272. Lauzon t [ 1835 - 6 . INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. Lauzon , Seigniory of. Bill to provide for the appoint- ment of Commissioners to bid at the sale of the Seigniory of Lauzon by the Sheriff, and for ether purposes therein mentioned, read the first time, 649. Read the second time ; committed; considered, 659, 678. Further proceedings drop- ped for want of a Quorum, 678. House again in Committee ; Bill reported; passed, 687. Zaw Clerk. A Special Committee appointed to point out a proper person to fill the situation of Law Clerk to the House, 16. The Clerk s Report relating to his Assistants, referred, 58. Report, 117. Committed, 119. Considered, 131. Re- solutions reported, and agreed to, 138. Law Officers. Bill to reduce and fix the Salaries of certain Officers of the Law, read the first time, 609. Read the second time, and committed, 644. House in Committee, 6J7, 684. Further proceedings dropped for want of a Quorum, 684. House again in Committee, 686. Amendments reported and agreed to ; Bill passed, 689. The Council request the Documents upon which the Bill is founded, 696. Law Practitioners. See Commissions ; Ordinance of the 25th Geo. III. Cap. 4. Law of Tenure. Petition of divers Inhabitants of the City and District of Montreal, for the modifi- cation or repeal of the Law of Tenure as the same now exists under the Custom of Paris, 172. Referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 174. Laws expiring ; Standing Committee of, appointed, 20. First Report, 119. Leeds, Township of. Petition of Janres Nevill and two others, farmers of Leeds, complaining of having been deprived of Lands on which they had settled and made improvements, 373. Re- ferred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 374. Legislative Council : — Messages to their Honors: Requesting that Councillors may be examined before Committees of the Assembly, 122, 155, 265, 313, 334, 346, 356, 600. With the Plans, Documents, Evidences and Proofs upon which the Montreal Market Bill is founded, 273. Desiring a Conference, 591. Requesting that one of their Officers may be ex- amined before a Committee of the Assembly, 631. With a Copy of a Resolution of the House, de- claring that Bills for the remainder of the Ses- sion be written on Paper previous to third read- ing, for want of Parchment whereon to engross them, 643. With the Documents upon which is founded the Bill for changing one place of Election in the County of Missiskoui, 673. Messages from their Honors: Agreeing to their Members being examined be- fore Committees of the Assembly, 128, 129, 159, 277, 320, 336, 349, 361, 609, 635. Agreeing to Bills sent up by the Assembly, with- out amendments, 145, 158, 283, 310, 333, 336, 343, 349, 400, 413, 599, 635, 6 17, 658, 685, 696, 697. Agreeing to Bills sent up by the Assembly, with amendments, 193, 237, 333, 343, 361, 384, 413, 444, 510, 599, 648, 661, 685, 696, 697- Requesting that the Plans, Documents, Evi- Legislative Council, continued : Messages from their Honors, continued: dences and Proofs upon which is founded the Montreal Market Bill, may be communicated to them, 254. With Bills of their own, 400, 444,510, 661, 635. Agreeing to a Conference, 599. Agreeing to an amendment made by the Assem- bly to a Bill sent down by their Honors, 635. Agreeing to an amendment made by the Assem- bly to amendments made to a Bill by their Honors, 685. Acquainting the House that they do not insist on one of their amendments to the Bill relating to differences between Masters and Servants, 635. Agreeing to one of their Officers being examined before a Committee of the Assembly, 648. Requesting that the Documents upon which is founded the Bill for changing one place of Election in the County of Missiskoui, be com- municated to them, 658. Requesting that the Documents upon which is founded the Bill to reduce and fix the Salaries of certain Officers of the Law, be communicated to them, 696. Legislature. Bili to makegood certain sums advanced to meet the Contingent Expenses of the Legis- lative Council and House of Assembly, read the first time, 460. Read the second time, 492. Passed, 494. See Revenue and Finance. Lessors and Lessees. Bill to regulate the exercise of the rights appertaining to Proprietors ami Les- sors agaimt their Tenants and Lessees, read the first time, 91. Read the second time, and refer- red, 131. Report, 609. Bill and Report com- mitted, 610 Considered ; Bill reported, 641. Passed, 656. Library of the House. The Librarian’s Report of the state of it, laid before the House, 18. See Appendix (A.) Referred, 28. Report, 321. Committed, 326 Considered, 372. Re- solutions reported, and agreed to, 375. Licenses. See Tavern and Shop Licenses. Light Houses. Account of the Commissioners for the erection of Light Houses in the Gulf and Ri- ver St. Lawrence, presented, 76. See Appen- dix (K.) Message from His Excellency, with Copies of Communications received from the Government of New Brunswick, relating to a Light House on St. Paul’s Island, 374. See Appendix (Y. Y.) Message from his Excellency, with Copies of Communications from the Colonial Secretary, respecting the erection of Light Houses on the Islands of Scattarie and St. Paul, 417. They are referred, 379, 424, Report, 499. To be printed ; committed ; Instruc- tion to take into consideration the expediency of repealing the Act 10th and 11th, Geo. IV. Cap. 31, 500. Message from Mis Excellency, with Copies of Communications from the Go- vernment of New Brunswick, on the subject of the erection of Light Houses on the Islands of Scattarie and St. Paul, 512. Also committed, 516. The two last Messages and Documents accompanying them, to be printed, 521. House in Committee, 631. Resolutions and an Ad- dress reported, and agreed to, 640. See *4d> dresses (67.) Bill to appoint a Commissioner to arbitrate with Commissioners 1835-6.] INDEX to the J Light Houses , continued : Commissioners on the part of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward’s Island, res- pecting the maintenance of Light Houses on the Islands of Scattarie and St. Paul, read the first time, 641 Bead the second time ; committed ; House in Committee ; further proceedings drop- ped for want o/' a Quorum, 651. House again in Committee ; Bill reported, 657. Passed, 658. By the Council, 696. Koval Assent, 701.— 6th, Will. IV. Cap. 38. Lorette Indians. See Huron Indians. Lotbiniere , County of Petition of divers free and in- dependent Electors of the Seigniory of St. Giles, for an additional place of Election in the said County, 303. Referred to the Standing Committee of Privileges and Elections, /5/d. Parish of. Petition of the Cure, Churchwardens, and others, for an Act in favor of the poor of said Parish, granting to them a sum of money loaned in 1829 for their relief, 57. Referred lo the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. Lumber Trade . Petition of divers Merchants and Traders concerned in the Lumber Trade, for amendments to the Lumber Act, 108. Refer- red to the Standing Committee of Trade, ibid. Report, <265. Bill for the better regulation of the Lumber Trade, read the first time, 432. Read the se- cond time, and referred, 477. A Member ad- ded, 517. Report ; Bill and Report commit- ted, 646. House in Committee, 678. The Committee to sit again, ibid. CLELLAN , JOHN. Petition from him for an increase of Salary as Keeper of the Court Hall at New Carlisle, and for arrears as Keeper of the said Hall, 66. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. McCuaig John. Petition from him, relating to the division Line between Upper and Lower Cana- da, 98. Referred, ibid. See De Beaujeu, Wi- dow ; Division Line. McGibbon, John. See Dundee , Township of. McJSeil , William. Petition from him, relating to a lot of Land in Kingsey, 380. Referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 381. Magdalen Islands. Petition of the Inhabitants of the Magdalen Islands tor the erection of a Gaol on one of the said Islands, for a Depot of Provi- sions on Amherst Island, and for the privilege of sending a Member to represent them in the House, 111. That part relating to a Gaol, re- ferred to the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, ibid. Report, 318. That part relating to a Depot of Provisions, referred, 362. Re- port, 385. The latter part referred to the Standing Committee of Privileges and Elections, 111 . Marchand, Gabriel. See Missiskoui , County of, under the head Elections. Markets. House resolves to consider, in Committee, the expediency of repealing the Act 1st, Will. IV. Cap. 28, which suspends certain parts of the Ordinance for regulating the Markets of Quebec and Montreal, 281. Petition of divers "orty-fifth Volume. Markets , continued : Hucksters of Quebec, praying that no measures be adopted which will prevent them from sellin<>- meat or other articles in the Markets, <2.)8. Committed, 299. Petition of divers Citizens of Quebec for the repeal of the said Act, 310. Committed, 31 1 . House in Committee j Com- mittee rises without reporting, 314. Petition of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Montreal, for authority to purchase a certain piece of ground for the purpose of extending the new Market Place, and to bor- row money to make the said purchase and to make improvements thereon, 22. Referred, 23. Report, 36. Bill to establish a new Public Square at Montreal, read the first time, 3J. Read the second time, and referred, 93. R e ! port ; Bill and Report committed, 181. Con- sidered, 204. Bill reported, 207. Passed, 226. Ihe Council request the Plans, Documents, &c. upon which the Bill is founded, 254. They are communicated to the Council, 273. Bill passed by the Council, with amendments, 333. Considered, and agreed to, 459. Royal As- sent, 700. — 6th, Will. IV. Cap. 7. Marriages See Oppositions to Marriages. Massae , Aime. Petition from him, relating to the set- tlement of his Seigniory, and to the Land Com- pany, 460. Referred to the Standing Commit- tee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, ibid. Masters and Servants. See Differences Medical Students. Petition from those in Quebec, for the establishment of a School for Medecine, vested with power to confer degrees in Mede- cine, &c., 28. Referred to the Standing Com- mittee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, ibid. Megantic, County of. Petition of divers Inhabitants of the said County, for the abolition of the Quit Rents, and the opening of the waste Lands of the Crown to all His Majesty’s subjects who may be willing to become settlers thereon, 162. Referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 163. Members. Take the Oath and their Seat, 5, 7, 236 284, 444, 446. Their Seats vacated, 6, 193, 669. Letters and Manuscripts addressed to any Mem- ber sitting in the House during the Session, to be paid for by the Clerk, and charged in the Contingent Accounts, 15. 1 heir names taken upon divisions of the House 18, 31, 38, 61, 62, 63, 168, 169, 231, 232, 29 6*. 342, 346, 391, 395, 398, 433, 447, 462, 472, 473, 475, 485, 488, 508, 585, 586, 620, 622. 623, 650. A Statement of Indemnity paid to the Members for their attendance during the Session ended 18th March, 1834, laid before the House, 18. Referred, 28. Report, 321. Added to Committees, 19, 25, 48, 91, 97, 107, 127, 137, 184, 233, 249, 340, 368, 398, 431, 432, 436, 478, 517, 688. — House resolves to consider, in Committee, whe- ther it is not expedient to grant an Indemnity to the Members for their attendance during the Sittings of the House, and for their travelling expenses, 29. Matter considered, 52. Reso- lutions reported, and agreed to ; Bill to grant an Indemnity to the Members, read the first time Vol. 45. — Session 1835-6. G [1835-6. INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. Members, continued : time, 59. Read the second time, 71. Passed, upon a division, 92. By the Council, 145. Royal Assent, 158. — Gh, Will. IV. Cap. 2. . Chosen for two places, make their choice of one, 45. — — Have leave of absence, 58, 182, 315, 321, 338, 351, 444, 478. Motion, That a Member have leave of absence ; Question thereupon negd. upon a division, 311. Motion that a Member be added to a Special Committee ; Question thereupon negd. upon a division, 232. «— — The names of those present at the prorogation, 699. — House is informed that a Member’s indemnity has been attached in the hands of the Clerk ; Instruction to the Standing Committee of Privi- leges and Elections to take the said information into consideration, 406. Report ; concurred in ; Resolution, declaring that the Clerk cannot absent himself from the service of the House ; to be communicated to the Judges by Mr. Speaker, 416. See also House of Assembly. Messages. See Governor in Chief ; Legislative Council. Methodist Protestants. Petition of Inhabitants of Rus- seltown and other places, for an .Act to autho- rize the Ministers of the Methodist Protestants in Lower Canada, to keep duly authenticated Registers, 133. Referred, ibid. Report, 155. Bill to extend certain privileges to the class of persons denominating themselves Methodist Pro- testants, read the first time, 16G. Read the second time, and referred, 191. Report ; Bill and Report committed, 265. Considered, 276. Reported, 277. Passed, 282. By the Coun- cil, 343. Royal Assent, 700. — Gth, Will. IV. Cap. 50. Micmac Indians. Petition of the Chiefs and others of the Micmac Tribe settled on the North side of the River Ristigouche, relating to a tract of Land claimed by them, situate between Pointe La Croix and Pointe a Bourdon, 433. Refer- red to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 434. Militia. House resolves to consider, in Committee, if it would not be expedient to amend the Act of the 55th, Geo. III. Cap. 10, relating to Pensions to wounded Militiamen, 17* Matter consider- ed ; a Resolution reported, and agreed to ; Bill to amend the said Act, read the first time, 24. Read the second lime, 51. Referred, 52. Re- port, 129. Bill and Report committed, ibid. Considered, 139, 156. Bill reported, 169. Read the third time, 181. Passed, 182. The Entry in the Journals of 5th March, 1834, containing the Answei of the late Governor in Chief to the Address of the 24th February, 1834, relating to grants of Land to the Officers and Militiamen who served during the last Ame- rican War, read, ami the said Answer referred to a Special Committee, 19. The Petitions of Louis Boucher, Hercule Olivier, Pierre Bou- chard, ami John and Christopher Rouse, refer- red, 25, 81, Petition of Augustin Ferron, a Militiaman, wounded during the last American War, for a Pension ; referred, 101. The Peti- tion of Antoine Dupuis, ref’eried, ibid. The Committee to report from time to time, 129. Instruction to enquire whether the Militiamen Militia , continued : who have asked for Lands have received any, and on what conditions, 303. A Member ad- ded, 432. First Report, 326. Committed, 328. Considered, 588. A Resolution reported con- curring in the said Report, and agreed to, 588. See Addresses (58.) Bill to continue for a limited time, and to conso- lidate two certain Acts therein mentioned, con- cerning the Militia of this Province, read the first time, 490. Read the second time, and referred, 503. Report; Bill and Report com- mitted ; considered ; Bill reported, 592. Pas- sed, 602. By the Council, 647, Royal Assent, 701 — Gth, Will. IV. Cap. 43. Missiskoui , County of. Petition of Inhabitants of the County, for the removal of one of the places of Election therein, 81. Referred to the Standing Committee of Privileges and Elections, ibid. Counter-Petition, 232. Also referred, ibid. Re- port, 608. C ommitted, 519. Considered, 595, 61.8. A Resolution reported, and agreed to, 608. Bill to amend the Act 9th, Geo. IV. Cap. '■'3, by changing one nlace of Election in the said County, read the first time, 608. Read the second time ; Motion, That the Bill be engros- sed ; Motion to put off the consideration of the previous Motion, 6 1 9. Question thereupon negd., upon a division ; main Motion, agreed to, 6.0. Bill passed, G29. The Council re- quest the Documents upon which the Bill is founded, 658 They are communicated to the Council, 67*3. Statements respecting Schools in the said Coun- ty, laid before the House, 190. See Appendix (Y.) Referred, 195. Report, 370. Commit- ted, 372. Considered ; Resolutions and an Address reported, and agreed to, 410. See Addresses (45.) Copies of Proceedings and Correspondence, and Documents relative to the erection of a Gaol and Court House in the said County, laid before the Mouse, 362. See Appendix (T. T ) Co- pies of Documents relating to the division of the Seigniory of St. Armand in the said County, laid before the House, 342. See Appendix (R. R.) They are referred, 374. Report, 669. Miville de Cfiene, Jean Baptiste. Petition from him, for indemnity for the loss of his Schooner in 1816, while employed in transpoi ting Provisions for the relief of the poor at Rimouski, 34. Re- ferred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. Mondelet , ./. M. Coroner for the District of Mon- treal. Petition from him, taking notice of that part of the Repoit of the Special Committee, respecting the death cf John Collins, which relates to him, and praying to be heard in per- son or by Counsel, before further proceedings are adopted by the House thereon, 519. Mo- tion, that that part of the said Report which relates to the said Coroner, be referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances ; the Mo- tion committed, 520. Considered, and agreed to, 588. The Petition also referred, ibid. Re- port, 631. See Appendix (E. E.) Montmorency , County of. Petition of divers Electors, representing that the population of the said County exceeds 4000 Souls, and praying that measures be adopted to enable them to send two 1835-6.] INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. Montmorency County of, continued : Montreal Harbour, continued : ers i arnament, aio. iteferred to (lie Standing Committee of Privileges and Elec- tions, ibid. Report, 517. See Census. Montreal Bank. See Banks. Chat liable Ladies Society /. See Charitable Insti- tutions. City Bank. See Banks. County Mutual ['ire Insurance Company. See Mutual Fire Insurance Companies. Custom House Message from His Excellency, with copy of a Letter, together with Plans, Specifications and Estimates, from the Commis- sioners appointed to ascertain the piobable cost of a Custom House for the Port of Montreal, 245. Referred, 24 . Report ; committed, 425. Considered, 435. Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 436. Bill to provide tor the building of a Custom House in the City of Mon- tieal, lead the first time, 437. Read the secQnd time, 441. Passed, 443, By the Council, 658. Royal Assent, 701.— 6th, Will. IV. Cap. II. Emigrant Society. See Emigrant Societies. — — Female Charity Society. See Charitable Institu- tions Gaol. Account of the Commissioners, presented, 141. See Appendix (R.) Report of the Colli- sion ers presented, 210. See Appendix (R.) The Reports tor 1834 and 1835, referred, ,i54 ‘ 7 Committee appointed to enquire into the ciicumstances which preceded arul accompanied the death ol John Coilins who died in the Mon- treal Gaol, and also to enquire into the state of the said Gaol, >81. That part of His Excel- lency’s Message of 27th November, 1835, which has reference to the state of the Montreal Gaol, with the Documents relating thereto, referred,' 287* Copies of the proceedings at the Inquest held on the body of John Collins, laid before the House, and referred, 302. See Appendix (N. N.) Copies of all Correspondence between any Public Functionaries and the Executive Government, since 1st December, 1835, rela- tive to the Montreal Gaol, laid before the House, and referred, 312. See Appendix (N. N.) Report, 363. See Appendix (W. W.) Committed ; to be printed, ibid. That part of said Report having reference to the Sheriff of Montreal, referred to the Committee of the whole House on First Report on Fees and Emo- luments, 480. House in Committee ; Resolu- tions and an Address reported, and agreed to 523. See Addresses (5b.) Gas Light Comp my. Petition from them, for an Act of Incorporation, 36. Referred, /& esse, Luc Michel ; Crevier, Revd, Edouard ; l)e Beaujeu, "Widow; De Boucherville, Pierre-, Delair, John-, Depots of Provisions ; De Tonnuncour, Charles A. ; Dickerson, Silas II. ; Dorchester, Town of; Drummond, County of; Duchesnay, An- toine Juchereau ; Duchesnay, L. Juchereau ; Duclos dit Decel/es, Christopher ; Dundee , Town- ship of; Duplain, Pierre-, Dupuis, Antoine-, Education and Schools ; Elections ; Felton, Wil- liam Locker-, Fife, John-, Fletcher, Mr. Justice; Fortier, Dr. Francois; Freewill Baptists ; French Translator ; Gaspc Land Titles ; Gilfoyle, Jane ; Gosselin, Louis-, Grass-, Grenville Canal ; Hodge, Anna ; Holland, Edward ; House of Assembly ; Hoyle, Robert ; Huron Indians ; Hyndrnan, Carey McClellan ; Incorporation Acts ; Isle du Pads ; Jack, Matthew ; Jesuits* Estates ; Justices of the Peace ; Lacroix, Dr. Andre ; Larochel Simeon ; Law of Tenure ; Leeds, Township of ; Lotbiniere, County of ; Lumber Trade ; McClellan, John ; McCuaig, John ; McNeil, William ; Magdalen islands ; Markets ; Massue, Aime ; Medical Students ; Megantic, County of ; Methodist Protestants ; Micmac Indians ; Missiskoui , County of ; Mi- ville Dechene, Jean Bte. ; Monde/e t, J. M. ; Montmorency, County of; Montreal Gas Light Company-, Montreal General Hospital ; Mon- treal Natural History Society ; Montreal Sani- tary Committee ; Montreal Volunteer Fire Com- panies ; Mutual Fire Insiuance Companies ; Navigation ; Nelson, Dr. Robert ; New Car- lisle ; Nobert, Eustache Bigue ; Normand, Francois Sq Edouard ; Olivier, Hercule ; Ouel- let, Joseph ; Parant, Dr. Joseph ; Parish Churches ; Parishes in distress ; Perrault, Jo- seph Francois ; Perrault, Joseph Adolphe ; Phillips, William ; Pigott, John ; Pilots ; Poir- rier, Widow ; Post Office Department ; Post Offices -, Printing of the Laws ; Quebec Cor- poration ; Quebec Gaol Association ; Quebec Li- terary and Histoncal Society ; Quebec Mecha- nics Institute ; Rajts and Scows ; Rail Roads ; Register Offices ; River St. Charles ; Road Act ; Roads and Public Improvements ; Rouse, John and Christopher ; Ryan, John ; Saguenay, County of; St. Charle> Free Bridge ; St. Hya- cinthe, County of ; St. Patrick's Church ; St. Petitions, continued : Timothee de Beauharnois -, Sampson, Joseph ; Seigniorial Rights and Charges ; Sheppard , .Martin ; Sherbrooke, County of ; Simpson, John ; Terrebonne, County of ; Tessier, Dr. / Xavier ; Thompson, Alexander ; Thompson , David ; Thompson, Mr. Justice ; Turnpike Roads ; Turpin, James -, Universalists ; Val- lieres de St. Real, Mr. Justice ; Vigneault, Fran- cois Xavier ; Warehousing ; Watch and Night Light ; Welland Canal ; Whitcher, Charles, Es- quire ; Wolves. Pew reserved in each Parish Church for the Senior Captain of Militia. See Parish Churches. Phillips, William. Petition of Inhabitants of Pointe Levi and neighbouring Parishes, relating to a Beach Lot encroached upon by William Phil- lips, 331. Referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 333. Pigott, John. Petition from him, for aid to enable him to perfect a contrivance for obtaining power from the waves and undulation of wa- ter, 27. Referred to the Standing Committee on Roads and Public Improvements, ibid. Pillory. Bill to abolish the punishment of the Pillory in certain cases, read the first time, 20. Read the second time, 45. Referred, 46. Pilots. Petition of Benjamin Fortier, a Pilot, repre- senting that he has been suspended for the re- mainder of his life, and praying to have his Branch restored, or be allowed a Pension out of the Pilot Funds to which he has considerably contributed, 05. Petition of Ives Sylvestre, representing that he has been interdicted and suspended from his duties upon false allegations brought forward against him, and praying for the removal of such suspension, 236. They are referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances, G6, 237. Petition of the Pilots for and below the Harbour of Quebec, to be incorporated, and for the erec- tion of a Light House on the Island ofBicquet, 187 Another Petition for amendments to the Law regulating the profession of Pilots in so far as regards Apprentice Pilots, 289. They are referred to the Standing Committee of Trade, 187, 290. Report, 460. Pointe Levi. See Phillips, William. Poirrier, Widow. Petition from her, relating to a lot Land in Stanfold, and praying relief, 313. Re- ferred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 314. Police of Boroughs and Villages. Bill to revive, amend and continue a certain Act concerning the Po- lice of William Henry and other Villages, read the first time, 129. Read the second time, and referred, 150, Report, 284. Bill and Report committed, 285. Considered ; Bill reported, 293. Passed, 296. By the Council, 336. Royal Assent, 700. — 6th, Will. IV. Cap. 46. Poor. See Parishes in distress. Post Office Department. Special Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the Post Office De- partment ; to report from time to time, 51. His Excellency’s Message of 1 1th March, 1835, and Documents accompanying the same, on the subject of the Post Office, referred, ibid. Peti- tion of School Trustees in the Parish of St. Ce- saire, complaining that the half year’s allowance due to the School No. 6, on 15th Novr., 1833, has never been received by the Petitioners, and praying 1835-6.] INDEX to the Forty-fifth Volume. Post Office Department , continued : praying an enquiry into the subject, 31. Re- ferred, 187. Petition of Amury Girod, com- plaining of abuses in the said Department, 206. Referred, ibid. First Report, 255. Second Report, 675. See Appendix (G. G.) Second Report to be printed, 676 . Committed ; consi- dered ; a Resolution and an Address reported, and agreed to, 682. See Addresses (72.) ■ Bill to establish a Post Office in this Province, and to provide for the future management of the same, reported, and read the first time, 309, 310. Read the second time, and committed, 343. Considered, 355, 361, 364. Reported ; amended, 372. Passed, 396. Copies of the Bill to be transmitted to the Speakers of the respective Assemblies in British North America, 405. Post Offices. Petition for the establishment of Post Offices in the Parishes of St. Jean Baptiste de Rouville, St. Damase and St. Pie, read bv a Member, 396. Motion, that the said Petition be received ; Question thereupon negd. upon a division, 397. Postage. See Members. Pot and Pearl Ashes. See Ashes. Printing of the Laws. House resolves to consider, in Committee, whether it is expedient to repeal or amend the Act 34th, Geo. III. Cap. 1 , which relates to the Printing of the Laws, 266. Mat- ter considered ; a Resolution reported, and agreed to, 279. Bill to repeal the said Act, and to make other provisions concerning the print- ing and distribution of the Laws, read the first time, ibid. Statement and Accounts of the monies paid during the last three years for printing the Laws, laid before the House, 280. See Appendix (J. J.) Petition of J. C. Fisher and W. Kemble, Law Printers to the King, taking notice of the said Bill, and praying to be protected in their just rights and privileges, 289. Bill read the second time, and referred ; the Statement, Accounts and Petition also referred, 291. Report ; Bill and Report committed, 308. Considered, 315. Bill reported, 316 . Passed, 330. required for the House. Tenders received by the Clerk, laid before the House, 18. Refer- red, 28. Report, 69. Committed, 70 . Consi- dered, 123. Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 130. Prisoners. Bdl to provide more effectually for the safe conveyance of Prisoners charged with Cri- minal Offences from the country parts of this Province to the common Gaols of the several Districts, received from the Council, and read the first time, 511. Read the second time, and referred, 529. An amendment reported ; agreed to ; to be engrossed, 610 . Bill as amended, passed, 618. Agreed to by the Council, 635. Royal Assent, 701 .— 6 th, Will. IV. Cap. 37 . Prisons and Prison Discipline. See Penitentiary Pri- sons. Privileges and Elections ; Standing Committee of, ap- pointed, 20. Petitions referred to the Com- mittee, viz : — of Inhabitants of the Parishes of St. Jean, St. Luc and Ste. Marguerite, to be de- tached from the County of Chambly, and erec- ted into a separate County, 65 ; of Inhabitants of the County of Missiskoui, for the removal of Privileges and Elections , continued: one of the places of Election in said County, 81. Counter- Petition to the latter one, 232; of Inhabitants of the Townships of Eaton, Duds- wel) and others, for on additional place of Elec- tion in the County of Sherbrooke, 101 ; of di- vers Landowners in the County of Drummond, for a Census of said County ; of Inhabitants and Proprietors in the County of Drummond, for the removal of the place of Election, 161, 294 ; of the Inhabitants of the Gore of Chat- ham, to be attached to the County of Two Mountains, 195 ; of divers free and indepen- dent Electors in the County of Lotbiniere, for an additional place of Election, 303 ; of divers Electors of the County of Montmorency, repre- senting that they are entitled to send two Mem- bers to Parliament, 395. Report on all the Petitions, 517. Committed, 519. Considered, 595, 608. A Resolution reported, and agreed to, 608 . See Missiskoui , County of. His Ex- cellency’s Message relating to the Contested Elections Act 4th, Will. IV. Cap. 28, referred, 227 . Instruction respecting the said Act, 253. Report, — on the Instruction, 264. See Elections. Instruction to take into consideration informa- tion given to the House by the Clerk, relating to a Writ of Attachment served upon him against the indemnity of one of the Members, 406. Report thereon, 416. Concurred in* ibid. See House of Assembly ; Members. That part of the Petition of the Magdalen Islands for the privilege of sending a Member to Parlia- ment, referred, 111 . Proclamations. See Governor in Chief. Protestant Christians. Bill for the relief of divers So- cieties of Protestant Christians, read the first time, 156. Read the second time, and referred, 184. Report ; Bill and Report committed, 210. Considered, 234. Bdl reported, 239. Passed, 251. By the Council, 343. Royal As- sent, 700. — 6th, Will. IV. Cap. 49 . Provincial Statutes. House resolves to consider, in Committee, whether it is not expedient to re- print the Provincial Statutes, Laws and Ordi- nances now in force, 30. Matter considered, 47. A Resolution reported, and agreed to ; Bill to provide for reprinting the Provincial Statutes and Ordinances now in force, read the first time, 51. Read the second time, and re- ferred, 91. Report, 140. Bill and Report com- mitted, 141. Considered, 150. Bill reported, 156. Passed, 182. Public Granaries. See Parishes in distress. Public Monies. Statements of the total amount of Pub- lic Monies in the safety Vault and in the Re- ceiver General’s Vault, on 9th November, 1835, laid before the House, 75. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. - Statement of the probable amount of Public Mo- nies which will be in the Vaults on the 15th January, 1836, laid before the House, 206 . Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, 224. Statement of the amount of the monies in the Public Chest at the time of the appointment of Mr. Hale, as Receiver General, and his Ac- counts Current up to 10 th October, 1835, laid before the House, 270 . Referred to the Stand- ing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. Public [ 1835 - 6 . INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. Public Officers. Bill to make the Salaries and Emolu- ments of Public Officers liable to attachment at the suit of the Creditors of such Officers, read the first time, 23. Read the second time, and referred, 46. Reported, 69. Passed, 92. UARANTINE. Bill to provide more effectually for the establishment of a strict and efficient Quarantine, read the first time, 600. Read the second time, and committed, 671. Considered, 672, 676. Reported, 683. Passed, ibid. House resolves, that in case the said Bill should not become Law, it is disposed to make good all monies employed with discretion for the pur- pose of preventing the introduction of conta- gious or pestilential diseases during the current year, 691. Quebec Bank. See Banks. Charitable Institutions. See Charitable Institu- tions. Corporation. Petition for the reimbursement of a sum of money borrowed and expended by them for the preservation of the public health in 1834, 28. Referred to the Standing Com- mittee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, ibid. Custom House Message from His Excellency, accompanied with copies of Communications from the Commissioners for the said Custom House, 256. Referred, 262. Report, 646. Committed, 647. House in Committee ; the Committee to sit again, 687. Emigrant Society. See Emigrant Societies. Gaol Association. Petition from them, for aid in furtherance of the general objects of the Society, 83. Referred to the Standing Committee of Education and Schools, ibid. Incorporation Acts. See Incorporation Acts. Literary and Historical Society. Two Petitions from the Society for aid, 54. Referred to the Standing Committee on Education and Schools, 55. Mechanics Institute. Petition from the Society for an aid, 35. Referred to the Standing Com- mittee on Education and Schools, ibid. Questions, Amended, 183, 291, 300, 328, 431, 480, 482, 521, 686. Negatived : — That it be an Instruction to the Standing Com- mittee of Courts of Justice to enquire into the expediency of authorizing the appointment of Commissioners to prepare the draught of a Ju- dicature Law for the Province, 26. That the House do proceed to take into consi- deration a Motion made on the 4th March 1835, for the reception of the Petition of John Donel- lan and William Walker, and other Electors of the West Ward of Montreal, complaining of an undue Election, 38* To amend several paragraphs of the Address re- ported in answer to His Excellency’s Speech at the opening of the Session, 61, 62, 63. That the time for receiving Private Petitions be extended, 123. That the reasons alleged in a Petition presented for leave to present a Petition of the Inhabi- tants of Chateau Richer, are sufficient to induce the House to receive the said Petition, 130. To amend a Motion for committing Philippe Questions Negatived, continued: Aubert De Gaspe, the younger, to the Common Gaol of the District of Quebec, for one month, 94. That a Member be added to a Committee, 232. That it be an Instruction to the Standing Com- mittee on the Jesuits* Estates to enquire and report on the expediency of disposing of the said Estates with a view to make Legislative application of the Funds arising from the sales thereof, 285. That the second reading of the Printing of the Laws Bill be put off for six months, 291. That a Member have leave of absence, 311. To put off the further consideration of a Motion to engross the St. Charles free Bridge Bill, 342. That two engrossed Clauses be added to the Ju- dicature Bill alter the third reading, 367. That the Orders of the day be now called, 391. That a Petition for the establishment of certain Post Offices be received, 397. That the Elementary Education Bill be referred to a Special Committee in place of the Standing Committee for Education and Schools, 427. To amend a Motion for committing Florent Edouard Bertrand to Gaol for eight days, 431. Relative to a Motion for inserting in the Jour- nals, certified Extracts from a Despatch to the Lower Canada Commissioners, received from the Speaker of the Assembly of Upper Canada, 447. To defer putting the Question of concurrence upon a Resolution reported from a Committee of the whole House on the Fourth Report of the Standing Committee of Grievances, 508. To put off the consideration of a Motion for en- grossing the Bill for changing a place of Elec- tion in the County of Missiskoui, 620. To amend the second Resolution reported from a Committee of the whole House, relating to the Chambly Canal, 650. That the House do adjourn, 694. Quit Rents. See Lands and Seigniorial Rights ; Me- gantic. County of. R ,AFTS and SCOWS. Petition for the repeal of the Act 48th Geo. III. Cap. 13, in which a tax is now levied on Rafts and Scows passing from Chateauguay to Montreal, 196. House resolves to consider, in Committee, whether it is expedi- ent to repeal the said Act ; the Petition is com- mitted, 1 97- House in Committee; a Resolu- tion reported, and agreed to, 228. Bill to re- peal the said Act, read the first time, 232. Read the second time, and referred, 247. Report ; Bill and Report committed ; considered, 255. Reported, 271. Two Petitions against the re- peal of the Act, 274. Bill read the third time, and recommitted, together with the two Peti- tions, 275. Bill reported, 315. Passed, ibid. By the Council, 343. Royal Assent, 700 — 6th Will. IV. Cap. 20. Rail Roads : — Petition of divers Residents and Proprietors of the Island of Montreal, to be incorporated, and authorized to make a Rail Road from Montreal to Lachine, and to take tolls thereon, 68. Re- ferred, 69. Report, 146. Petition of the Company of Proprietors of the Champlain 1835 - 6 .] INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. Rail Roads, continued: Champlain and St. Lawrence Rail Road, to keep a Ferry between Laprairie and Montreal, 69. Counter-Petition of Inhabitants of the County of Laprairie, ibid. They are referred, 69. Report, 146. Bill to amend and extend the provisions of the Act for making a Rail Road from Lake Champlain to the River St. Lawrence, read the first time, 166. Read the second time, and referred, 192. Report ; Bill and Report committed, 229. Considered, 248. Bill reported, 251. Passed, 270. By the Coun- cil, 310. Royal Assent, 700. — 6th Will. IV. Cap. 6. Petition of divers Inhabitants of the District of Quebec, to be authorized to make a Rail Road from Pointe Levi to the boundary line in the State of Maine, 89. Referred, ibid. Report, 165. Bill to provide for making and maintain- ing a Rail Road from the River St. Lawrence to the Province Line, read the first time, 166. Read the second time, and referred, 203. Re- port; Bill and Report committed, 251. Con- sidered, 283, 298, 300. Bill reported, 306. Passed, 319. By the Council, 349. Reserved for the signification of His Majesty’s pleasure thereon, 702. Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Stanstead, for leave to make a Rail Road from Lake Memphramagog to the Town of Dorches- ter, and another from the same place to the Province Line, 109- Petition of Inhabitants of the Counties of Chambly and Rouville, in favor of the said Rail Roads, ibid. They are referred, ibid. Report, 165. Petition respecting a Rail Road from Montreal to the Upper Province Line, read by a Mem- ber; Motion for the reception of the said Peti- tion ; Mr. Speaker declines receiving it, giving his reason thereof; an appeal is made, and Mr. Speaker’s decision confirmed, upon a division, 196 . . Petition of a Deputation from the St. Andrew’s and Quebec Rail Road Association, represent- ing that they are desirous of carrying the said Road to Pointe Levi, and praying the House to pass such Resolutions on the subject as they may deem proper, 282. Committed ; consi- dered ; Resolutions reported, and agreed to, ibid. Receiver General. See Public Monies. Register Offices. Petition of Inhabitants of the City and District of Montreal, for the establishment of Register Offices in the several Counties, 195. A similar Petition of divers Citizens of Quebec, 232. They are referred, 195, 232. Two Mem- bers added, 233. Report, 504. To be printed, 505. House resolves to consider, in Committee, whe- ther it is expedient to render permanent divers temporary Acts relating to Register Offices in certain Counties, 521. Committee deferred, 588, 633, 677.. Registers. See Baptists ; Freewill Baptists ; Metho- dist Protestants ; Universalists. Religious Congregations. Bill to repeal an Act for the relief of certain Religious Congregations there- in mentioned, and to make other Legislative provision in the place thereof, read the first time, 16. Read the second time, and commit- Religious Congregations , continued : ted, 46. Considered, 52, 71. Reported, 92. Passed, 130. By the Council, with an amend- ment, 648. Committed ; considered, 661, 676. Committee rises without reporting, 677. Revenue and Finance ; Standing Committee of, ap- pointed, 20. Instruction to enquire into the state of the Funds raised under the authority of the Act 33d Geo. III. Cap. 8, to defray the Salaries of the Officers of the Legislature and the Contingent Expenses thereof, and concern- ing the amount of the advances made from time to time for the same purpose since 10th Octo- ber 1832, and the propriety of covering the same by Bill, 436. Report, 438. Committed ; to be printed, 440. Considered, 445. Reso- lutions reported, and agreed to, 458. Bill pre- sented, 460. See Legislature. River St. Charles. Petition of Inhabitants of the Coun- ty of Saguenay, complaining of obstructions to the navigation of the said River, and praying for their removal, and for the erection of a Break- water, 35. Referred to the Standing Commit- tee of Roads and Public Improvements, 36. Rivers Richelieu and Yamas/ca. See Navigation. Road Act of the 36th Geo. III. Cap. 9* House resolves to consider, in Committee, the expediency of amending the said Act, 17. Matter considered; a Resolution reported, and agreed to; Bill to amend the Act, and to make further provision for making, altering and repairing Highways and Bridges, read the first time, 29. Read the second time, and referred, 123. Petition from Inhabitants of the County of Vaudreuil for amendments to the Road Laws, 36. Petition of divers Inhabi- tants of the County of Bellechasse, for the re- newal of the Act 2d Will. IV. Cap. 44, with amendments, 206. They are referred, 137, 206. The Bill from the Council to amend the said Act, also referred, upon a division, 431. A Member added, ibid. Report on the first Bill, 442. Bill and Report committed, 443. Con- sidered, 478. Reported, 492. Read the third time, 600. Three Clauses added by way of Ryder, 601. Bill passed, 602. Bill to amend the Road Act of the 36th Geo. III. Cap. 9. received from the Council, and read the first time, 400. Read the second time and referred, 431. See Supra. Roads and Public Improvements ; Standing Commit- tee of, appointed, 20. Members added, 184, 249. Petitions for aid towards Roads, Bridges, &c. referred, 22, 27, 36, 50, 56, 68, 88, 109- Other Petitions are referred, viz : — Of John Pigott, 27 ; of Inhabitants of the County of Saguenay relating to obstructions to the navigation of the River St. Charles, 36 ; of Inhabitants of St. Timothee de Beauharnois, relating to Rafts and Cribs passing from Chateauguay to Montreal, 50; of Philemon Dugar, 56 ; of Inhabitants of Wen- dover, Wickham and Grantham, 58 ; of Pierre Bedard and others settled on the line of Road between St. Joachim and Baie St. Paul ; of the Inhabitants of St. Laurent and St. Pierre, Is- land of Orleans, relating to the winter Road on the Ice, 68 ; of Inhabitants of the County of Montreal, and of divers Proprietors and Inha- bitants of Chambly and neighbouring Parishes, relating to Turnpike Roads ; of Louis Bertrand; of Alexander Fraser, 109 ; of divers Inhabitants of Vol.— 45. — Session 1835-6. I INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. [1835-6. Roads and Public Improvements , continued : of the City and District of Montreal, for the improvement of the Navigation of the River St Lawrence upon a scale corresponding with that upon which it has been commenced in Up- per Canada, 164. Instruction to enquire into the state of the Metis Road, 89- Instruction to enquire whether it is not expedient to con- tinue the appropriations for Roads and Public Improvements granted by the House in 1834, 112. The Reports relating to Roads and Pub- lic Improvements, presented or to be presented during the Session, referred, 141. His Excel- lency’s Message, with the Documents from Upper Canada accompanying it, relative to the improvement of the Navigation of the River St. Lawrence, referred, 271. His Excellency's Message, with the Documents accompanying it, relating to a Lock at the Ste. Anne Rapids, referred, 527. First Report, 226. Second Re- port, 357- To be printed, ibid. Third Report, 395. To be printed, ibid. Fourth Report, 428. Fifth Report, 443. For the Reports, see Ap- pendix (A. A.) The First Report committed, 22G. House in Committee, 234, 243. The Committee to sit again, 243. A Resolution re- ported, and agreed to, 246. Bill presented, ibid. See Ste. Anne Bridge. Two Petitions against a Turnpike Road from Chambly to Longueuil, committed, 285, 295. House again in Com- mittee, 316, 367, 377* Resolutions reported, and agreed to, upon a division, 382. The Se- cond Report committed, 357. That part of the First Report relating to the Road from Laprai- rie to St. John’s, also committed, 377* House in Committee, 398. The Fifth Report also committed, 443. House again in Committee, 596, 615, 657. Further proceedings dropped for want of a Quorum, 657. House again in Committee; further proceedings dropped for want of a Quorum, 671. The Petition of the Commissioners for the Road from Rawdon to Grand St. Esprit, also committed, 686. House again in Committee, 687. The Committee to sit again, ibid. The Third and Fourth Reports committed, 395, 428. House in Committee on the two latter Reports, 414, 437. Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 440, 441. Bill presen- ted, 441. See Lake St. Louis. — — Petitions for aid towards Roads, Bridges, be . ; — of Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Jacques ; of Inhabitants of the County of l’Assomption ; of Inhabitants in the Township of Rawdon ; of Inhabitants in Rawdon and Kildare ; of In- habitants of St. Antoine de Tilly ; of Militia- men and Inhabitants of Deschambault and Grondines ; of Inhabitants of Jacques Cartier ; of Inhabitants in the County of Rimouski ; of Inhabitants of St. Colomban ; of Inhabitants of Sutton, Stanbridge and St. Armand ; of In- habitants of Stanbridge, 22. Oflnhabitants of Beauharnois and Godmanchester ; of Inhabi- tants of Hinchinbrooke ; of Inhabitants of Hemmingford ; of the Mayor of the City of Quebec ; oflnhabitants of Ste. Anne de la Pe- rade ; oflnhabitants of Rawdon anil Kildare ; of Inhabitants of Hatley, 27. Of Inhabitants of Bristol ; oflnhabitants of Hull ; of Inhabi- tants of Templeton ; of Inhabitants of Hull and Templeton ; of Inhabitants of the West side of the River Gatineau ; of Inhabitants of Roads and Public Improvements , continued : the County ol Saguenay, 35. Of Inhabitants of the Concession of St. George, Parish of St. IJrbain ; of Inhabitants of Grantham ; of In- habitants of Wickham and Grantham, 36. Of Inhabitants of Hull ; of Inhabitants of Locha- ber ; oflnhabitants of St. Joseph de la Pointe Levi ; of Inhabitants of the County of Laprai- rie ; of Inhabitants of Grantham ; of Inhabi- tants of Bonaventure, 50. Of Inhabitants of Argenteuil ; of Inhabitants of Vaudreuil ; of Proprietors in the County of Lotbiniere ; of Proprietors of Cap Sante and Pointe aux Trem- bles ; of E. C. Lagueux and M. Sauvageau, 55. Of Proprietors of La Savanrie, Charles- bourg ; of Freeholders of the County ofLache- naie ; of Inhabitants of St. Giles, Ste. Croix, Nelson and Inverness ; of Inhabitants of God- manchester and Hinchinbrooke ; of Inhabitants of Hinchinbrooke, Godmanchester, North Georgetown, Ste. Martine and Chateauguay ; oflnhabitants of Hinchinbrooke, Godmanches- ter, Ormstown, and other places ; of Inhabitants of Ste. Foy, Sillery and the Banlieue of Que- bec ; of Inhabitants of Hereford, Clifton, Ea- ton, and others, 56. Of Inhabitants of the County of Terrebonne ; of Proprietors of St. Jean Baptiste de Nicolet ; of Inhabitants of the Parish of Ste. Martine, 67. Of lnhabitants of St. David de Deguire ; of Inhabitants of Bourg Marie de l’Est ; of Inhabitants on the Ste. Foi Road ; of Inhabitants of Wickham and Dunham ; of Louis Juchereau Duchesnay ; of Inhabitants of Cap Sante, Pointe anx Trembles, Ancienne Lorette and St. Augustin ; of In- habitants of Chateau Richer and Ange Gar- dien, 68. Of Inhabitants of the Little River St. Charles ; of Inhabitants of Charlesbourg ; of divers Freeholders and others of the Little River St. Chatles; of Inhabitants of Quebec and Cap Rouge ; of Inhabitants of the Seig- niory of Chateauguay ; of Inhabitants of Raw- don ; of Inhabitants of Halifax and Inverness; of Inhabitants of the County of Berthier ; of Inhabitants of St. Paul and Ste. Elizabeth; of the Inhabitants of St. Stanislas de Batiscan ; of Inhabitants of Sherrington, 87. Of Pierre Brochu ; of Freeholders of St. Jean l’Evange- liste, St. Luc, Ste. Marie, and other neighbour- ing Parishes ; of Proprietors of Ashford ; of Inhabitants of Ste. Claire ; of Inhabitants re- siding on the Kennebec Road; oflnhabitants of the Counties of Beauce, Lotbiniere and Me- gantic ; of Inhabitants of Kingsey and Drum- mond ; of Inhabitants of Durham ; of Pro- prietors of Cap de la Magdeleine ; of Land- holders of Laval ; of Inhabitants of Dundee ; of Freeholders of Hinchinbrooke, 88. Of in- habitants of St. Luc, St. Jean, Blairfindie, La- prairie and Chambly ; of Proprietors and Free- holders of the County of Terrebonne; oflnha- bitants of Grenville and Harrington ; of Inha- bitants of Grantham ; of divers Inhabitants of Grantham ; of Inhabitants of Durham ; of Inhabitants of St. Michel d’Yamaska and St. Frat^ois ; of Inhabitants of the Seigniory of Monnoir and various Townships ; of Inhabi- tants of Potton, Sutton, Dunham and Stan- bridge, 109. They are referred to the Standing Committee on Roads and Public Improvements, 22, 27, 36, 50, 56, 68, 88, 100. See Supra. Roads 1835-6.] INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. Hoads and Public Improvements, continued : Reports from Commissioners, presented, 33, 7G, 94, 159, 223, 384, 403. See Appendix (D.) They are referred to the Standing Committee on Roads and Public Improvements, 141. All Reports relating to Public Improvements made by the several Commissioners since 1827, refer- red to the same Committee, 436. Petition of Inhabitants ot the Townships ofWen- dover, Grantham and Wickham, praying that an unexpended balance appropriated for the improvement of the Navigation of the River St. Francis, may be applied in improving Roads in said Townships, 49. Referred to the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Improvements, 58. ■ Petition of Philemon Dugar, to be remunerated for public works done in the Township of Raw- don, 56. Petition of Pierre Bedard and others, for an annual aid to enable them to continue their establishments on the line of Road be- tween St. Joachim and Baie St. Paul, 67. Pe- tition of the Inhabitants of St. Laurent and St. Pierre , Island of Orleans, relating to the Win- ter Road on the Ice between Quebec and the said Island, 68. Petition of Louis Bertrand to be reimbursed a sum of money expended in Iron work for the Bridge over the River des Trois Pistoles, 108. Petition of Alexander Fraser to be reimbursed a sum of money expen- ded in the erection of a Bridge over the Riviere Verte on the Temiscouata Road, ibid. They are referred to the Standing Committee of Roads and Public improvements, 56, 68, 109. Petition of the Commissioners for the Road from Rawdon to Grand St. Esprit, containing their Report, 686. Committed to the Committee of the whole House on the Second Report of the Standing Committee of Roads and Public Im- provements, ibid. Roebuck , John Arthur , Esquire. See Agent. Rouse , John and Christopher. Petition from them, for land in remuneration of their services during the late American War, 81. Referred, ibid. See Militia. Royal Commissioners. See Commissioners. Rules of the House. The time fixed by them for re- ceiving Reports on Private Bills, extended, 210. House resolves to consider, in Committee, the expediency of altering and amending the Rules of the House relating to Petitions for Private Bills, 227. House in Committee, 243, 263. Resolutions reported, and agreed to, 263. Ryan , John. Petition from him, for protection in the exercise of his Civil Rights, 139. Referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances, 140. ^IjAGUENAY, County of. Petition of divers In- habitants of the County of Saguenay, praying that a certain tract of territory included in the Lease of the King’s Posts may be granted in free and common Soccage for the purpose of settling thereon, 27- Referred to the Standing Committee of Lands and Seigniorial Rights, ibid. Ste. Anne Bridge. Bill to appropriate a certain sum of money for the construction of a Bridge over the River Ste. Anne, read the first time, 246. Read the second time, and referred, 272. Re- port j Bill committed, 274. Considered, 278. Ste. Anne Bridge, continued : Reported, 280. Passed, 290. By the Coun- cil, 697. Royal Assent, 702. — Gth, Will. IV. Cap. 41 Ste. Anne College. Report of the Founder and Supe- rior of the said College, 30. See Appendix (C.) Ste. Anne des Monts. See Cape Chat. Ste. Anne Rapids. Report and Estimate of a Lock and Canal at the Ste. Anne Rapids, with Plans, by Captain Yule, Royal Engineers, presented, 438. See Appendix (D.) — • — Message from His Excellency, with a Letter and Memorial from the Merchants, Traders and other Inhabitants of Montreal, representing the public advantage to be derived from the con- struction of a Lock at the Ste. Anne Rapids on the Rideau Canal, 515. Referred to the Stand- ing Committee of Roads and Public Improve- ments, 527. St. Armand , Seigniory of. Copies of Documents re- lating to the division of the said Seigniory into two Parishes, laid before the House, 342. See Appendix (R. R.) Referred, 374. See Mis - sisfeoui, County of. St. Athanase. See Subdivision of Parishes . St. Cesaire. See See Post Office Department . St. Charles Free Bridge. Two Petitions for leave to build a free Bridge over the River St. Charles, viz : of Inhabitants of the Suburb of St. Roch, and of divers Inhabitants of the County of Montmorency, 33. They are referred, ibid. Petition of Messrs. Smith Sc Anderson offering to reduce the Tolls of Dorchester Bridge, pro- vided the prayer of the two preceding Petitions be not granted, 97. Referred ; a Member ad- ded, ibid. Report, 164. Committed, 165. House in Committee, 183. Petition of the Pro- prietors of Dorchester Bridge to be heard by Counsel at the Bar of the House, in defence of their rights as patentees of the said Bridge j leave granted, 194. Counsel heard, 228. House again in Committee ; a Resolution reported, 230. Agreed to, upon a division, 231. Bill to establish a Free Bridge over the River St. Charles presented, upon a division, and read the first time, 231. Read the second time, 216. Referred, upon a division, 247. Report ; Bill and Report committed, 304. House in Com- mittee ; further proceedings dropped for want of a Quorum, 320. House again in Committee, 337. Bill reported ; Motion, that the Bill be engrossed ; Motion to put off' the further con- sideration of the same ; Question thereupon negd. upon a division ; main Motion agreed to, upon a division, 342. Bill passed, upon a divi- sion, 346. St. Francis, District of. House in Committee to con- sider the expediency of amending the several Acts relating to the administration of Justice in the said District ; a Resolution reported and agreed to ; Bill to consolidate the several Acts relating to the administration of Justice in the District of St. Francis, and to amend certain of the said Acts, read the first time, 70. Read the second time, and referred, 182. Report j Bill and Report committed, 232. House ill Com- mittee, 291. Bill recommitted to the former Special Committee, ibid. Report ; Bill and Report committed, 343. House in Committee ; Committee rises without reporting, 363. St. [ 1835 - 6 . INDEX to the Forty fifth V olume. t St. Hyacinthe, County of. Report of the Commission- ers for the erection of a Gaol and Court House in the said County, 76. See Appendix (M.) Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, 76. Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County, re- lating to their County Court, 81. Referred to the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, 82. Report, 318. St. Mathias. See Subdivision of Parishes. St. Patrick’s Church. Petition of the Revd. Patrick McMahon and others, for the incorporation of St. Patrick’s Church at Quebec, 33. Referred, 34. St. Timothee de Beauharnois. Petition of Inhabitants thereof, relating to Rafts and Scows passing from Chateauguay to Montreal, 50. Referred to the Standing Committee of Roads and Pub- lic Improvements, ibid. Saisie- Arret. See Defendants ; House of Assembly. Sampson, Joseph. Petition from him, respecting a Lot of Land in the 5th Range of the Township of Hatley, 229. Referred" to the Standing Com- mittee of Grievances, ibid. Scattarie Island. See Light Houses. Schoolmasters. A Committee appointed to enquire into the conduct of Jacques Surprenant, a Schoolmaster, and into other matters relating to the conduct of certain Schoolmasters in the County of Acadie, 432. Report, 610. Com- mitted, 611. Considered; Resolutions and an Address reported, and agreed to, 672. See Addresses (71.) Schools. See Education and Schools. Seamens’ Wages. Bill to provide less expensive means for the recovery of wages due to Seamen of Vessels belonging to or registered in this Pro- vince, read the first time, 32. Read the second time, and referred, 59. Report ; Bill and Re- port committed, 224. House in Committee ; further proceedings dropped for want of a Quo- rum, 243. House again in Committee, 247, 262. Bill reported, 262. Passed, 270. By the Council, 310. Royal Assent, 700. — 6th, Will. IV. Cap. 28. Seigniorial Rights and Charges. Petitions relating to them, viz : — of Inhabitants of the Seigniory of Shoolbred, 50 ; of divers Inhabitants of the County of Nicolet, 85 ; of Proprietors and Censitaires in the Seigniory of De Lery ; of the Freeholders of the Seigniories De Bleury, Sabrevois and Noyan, 86 ; of divers Inhabi- tants of the Seigniory of Lacole, 134 ; of di- vers Inhabitants of the Parish of Ste. Famille du Cap Sante, 303. They are referred to the Standing Committee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 50, 87, 136, 303. Serjeant at Arms. His Deputy reports having taken persons into custody, 94, 428, 430. Having lodged them in Gaol, 129, 432. Sheppard , Martin. Petition from him, for remunera- tion for services as Interpreter to the General Sessions of the Peace at Gaspe, between 1825 and 1833, 66. Referred to the Standing Com- mittee of Public Accounts, ibid. Sherbrooke , County of. Petition of Inhabitants of the Townships of Eaton, Dudswell, and others, for an additional place for holding the Poll of Elec- tion in said County, 101. Referred to the Stand- ing Committee of Privileges and Elections, ibid. — — - Message from His Excellency, with a Statement of expenses attending a Commission appointed Sherbrooke, County of, continued : to enquire into an Outrage alleged to have been committed in the said County, 369. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, 370. Sheriff. Bill for making certain regulations respecting the office of Sheriff, read the first time, 28, 29. Read the second time, and referred, 46. Report ; Bill committed, 335. Considered, 355. Repor- ted, 360. Passed, 382. By the Council, with amendments, 635- Considered, and agreed to, 643. Royal Assent, 701. — 6th Will. IV. Cap. 15. Shop Licenses. See Tavern Licenses. Sick Mariners. Bill to provide for the Medical treat- ment of them, read the first time, 527. Read the second time, and committed, 604. Consi- dered, 632. Reported, 633. Passed, 656. By the Council, 685. Royal Assent, 701. — 6th Will. IV. Cap. 35. Sillery, Seigniory of. See Huron Indians ; Jesuits’ Estates. Simpson , John. Petition from him, for arrears of Salary as Collector of the Customs at Coteau du Lac, 174. Referred, ibid . See Customs. Small Causes. Bill to revive, amend and continue for a limited time, an Act further to provide for the summary trial of Small Causes, read the first time, 19* Read the second time, and re- ferred, 60. Petition from Montreal for the re- newal of the said Act, 51. Also referred, 69. Report; Bill and Report committed, 273. The amendments reported by the Special Committee to be printed, 283. House in Committee, 307. Bill reported, 310. Passed, under a new Title, 340. By the Council, with amendments, 444. Committed, 460. Considered ; a Resolution con- curring in the amendments, reported, and agreed to, upon a division, 488. Royal Assent, J00. Gtn Will- IV. Cap. 17. .. Petitions and Correspondence relative to the ap- pointment of Commissioners for Small Causes in the Counties of Acadie, Beauharnois and Richelieu, laid before the House, 245, 379. See Appendix (D. D.) Those relating to the Coun- ty of Acadie referred to the Committee on the Small Causes Bill, 246. Sole Leather. Bill to provide for the inspection of Sole Leather, read the first time, 591. Read the second time, and committed, 614. Considered, 630. Reported, 636. Passed, 657. By the Council, with amendments, 696. Speaker. Informs the House that he has issued his War- rants for new Writs, pursuant to its orders, 5. . Informs the House that Members have vacated their seats, 6. Informs the House that he has issued his War- rant for a new Writ during the recess, 6. Reads a Letter from the Clerk of the House acquainting him of the indisposition of the Clerk Assistant, 7* — — Reports His Excellency’s Speech to both Houses, 7. The Journals to be printed under his direction, 15. To issue his Warrants for new Writs, 45, 193, 330, 617, 669. Reports His Excellency’s Answers to Addresses, 72, 660, 695. To issue his Warrants for taking persons into custody, 73, 425, 430. Speaker , 1835 - 6 .J INDEX to the Forty fifth Volume. Speaker > continued : To communicate Votes of Thanks to Messrs. Viger and Morin, 91, 92. Lays before the House Copies of his Letters in communicating the same, together with the answers, 152. Communicates to the House the Speech he pro- poses to make on presenting the Convicts Bill and the Members Indemnity Bill for the Royal Sanction, 157* Reports the Royal Assent to Bills, 158, 284<. To communicate the Resolutions adopted by the House respecting an Agent, to Mr. Roebuck, 169. To transmit to him the Petitions to the Lords and Commons on the State of the Pro- vince, 586. To transmit to him Copy of the Address (2) to the King relating to Mr. Justice Gale, 640. — — Declines receiving Motions, 196, 585. Appeals are made, and his decisions confirmed, 196, 585. Informs the House that a Member's indemnity has been attached in the hands of the Clerk, 406. ■ Communicates to the House, Extracts from a Despatch to the Lower Canada Commissioners by him received from the Speaker of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada, 446. Communicates to the House, a Letter received by him from John Arthur Roebuck, Esquire, acknowledging the Resolutions of the House of 18th November 1835, 497- State of the Province . Instruction to the Standing Committee of Grievances to enquire into the proceedings adopted by either House of the Imperial Parliament relative to the Petitions to His Majesty and Parliament in the year 1834, on the State of the Province, 190. The vari- ous Documents laid before the House last Ses- sion and received from the Agents of the Pro- vince, relative to the said proceedings, referred to the same Committee, 190. Report, 403. See Addresses (54.) ; Aylmer , Lord. ... Instruction to the Committee of the whole House on the several Reports of the Standing Com- mittee of Public Accounts, to enquire into the State of the Province, 432. An Address to the King, and Petitions to the Lords and Commons, reported, 530. See Addresses (1.) to the King ; Petitions to the Lords and Commons. To be prin- ted, 658. — — House resolves, upon a division, to take into con- sideration, in Committee, certain passages touch- ing the State of this Province in the Speech delivered by Sir John Colborne, Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada, at the opening of the Parliament of that Province on the 14th January, 1836, 398. House in Committee; Resolutions reported, 474. Agreed to, upon divisions, 475, 476. Copies to be transmitted to the Speakers of the several sister Assemblies, 475. Stayner, Thomas Allen , Esquire. See Addresses (JQ.) Steam Dredging Vessel. Bill to provide means for put- ting the Steam Dredging Vessel into operation, read the first time, 279. Read the second time, 282. Passed, 290. By the Council, 648. Royal Assent, 701.— 6th Will. IV. Cap. 58. Stellionate. Bill to prevent and punish Stellionate, read the first time, 505. Read the second time, and referred, 527. Report; Bill and Report committed, 604. Considered, 677. Bill re- ported, 683. Read the third tim e,ibid. Passed, 684. Vol. 45. — Session 1835-6, Subdivision of Counties . Petitions for the subdivision of Counties, 65, 195. See Cliambly, County of ; Chatham, Gore of. Subdivision of Parishes. House resolves to consider, in Committee, the expediency of amending the Subdivision of Parishes Act 1st Will. IV. Cap. 51, 223. Instruction to consider whether it would not be expedient to explain or modify the Act or Ordinance of the 31st Geo. III. con- cerning the building and repairing of Churches, Parsonage Houses and Church Yards, 238. House in Committee ; a Resolution reported, and agreed to, and referred to a Special Com- mittee, 248. Copies of Commissions, Letters Patent and applications in respect to the erec- tion of Parishes, Churches, Parsonage Houses and Church Yards, laid before the House, 302. See Appendix (M. M.) Referred, 303. Two Petitions from St. Mathias relating to the sub- division of the Parishes of St. Mathias and St, Athanase, 378. Referred, 379. Another Pe- tition of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Mathias, 405. Referred, ibid. His Excellency’s Answer to the Address (27.) for various Papers relating to the erection of Pa- rishes, referred, 426. Report, 446. See Appen- dix (B. B. B.) To be printed- 446. See Infra. Bill concerning the erection of Parishes and the construction and maintainance of Churches, Presbyteries and Burial Grounds, read the first time, 446. Read the second time, and com- mitted, 492. Considered, 517. Reported, 522. Passed, 617. By the Council, with amendments, 685. Committed, 691. House in Committee ; Committee rises without reporting, 692. Subdivision of the Province Act. See Missiskoui , Coun- ty of. Surprenant , Jacques. See Addresses (71.) ; Education and Schools ; Schoolmasters. Sylvestre , Ives. See Pilots. JL AVERN and SHOP LICENSES . Detailed Statements of each Tavern and Shop License granted in 1834 and 1835, in the Townships, Parishes and extra Parochial places in each Dis- trict, ordered, 190. Presented, 253. See Ap- pendix (^F. F.) Referred, 253. TavernJceepers. Bill for the better regulation of Ta- verns and Tavernkeepers, and for other pur- poses therewith connected, read the first time, 137. Read the second time, 149. Referred, 150. Report ; Bill and Report committed, 477. Considered, 509, 587, 596. Bill reported, 604. Passed, 644. By the Council, 696. Royal As- sent, 702. — 6th Will. IV. Cap. 14. Taylor , Ralph. See Addresses (45.) Terrebonne , County of. Petition of Inhabitants of the Counties of Terrebonne and Lachenaie, for a Circuit Court in the Village of Terrebonne, 82. Referred to the Standing Committee of Courts of Justice, ibid. Report, 318. Tessier , Dr. Xavier. Petition from him, for arrears of Salary for public services as Health Officer at Quebec in 1830, 1831 and 1832, 36. Referred to the Standing Committee for Hospitals and Charitable Institutions, ibid. Thompson , Alexander. Petition from him, for pay- ment of his Salary as Inspector of Chimnies at Three K INDEX to the Forty-fifth Volume. [1835-6. Thompson, Alexander, continued : Three Rivers, 82. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, ibid. Thompson, David. Petition from him, for payment of an account as Surveyor in making a trigonome- trical Survey of Lake St. Francis, and of the Channels of the Ottawa River, 349. Referred to the Standing Committee of Public Accounts, 350. Thompson, Mr. Justice. Petition of Joseph Frangois Deblois, Esquire, accusing Mr. Justice Thomp- son of high crimes and misdemeanors, 143. Re- ferred to the Standing Committee of Grievances, and to be printed, 145. Sixth Report of the said Committee, 442. See Appendix (E. E.) To be printed, 442. Petition of divers Inha- bitants of the Counties of Bonaventure and Gaspe, relating to the Petition of Joseph Fran- gois Deblois, Esquire, 500. Referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances, and to be printed, 501. Ninth Report of the said Com- mittee, 653. See Appendix (E. E.) Committed ; to be printed, 653. House in Committee ; fur- ther proceedings dropped for want of a Quo- rum, 690. House again in Committee; Reso- lutions and an Address reported, 693. Agreed to, upon divisions, 694. See Addresses (74.) Twelfth Report of the said Committee, 669. See Appendix (E. E.) To be printed, 669. House resolves to continue during the next Session, the enquiry into the public acts and conduct of Mr. Justice Thompson, 69L Tobacco. House resolves to consider, in Committee, the propriety of reducing the Duties on Tobac- co imported by land or inland Navigation, 428. House in Committee, 587. Resolutions repor- ted and agreed to ; Bill to diminish the Duties payable on Tobacco imported by land or inland navigation, read the first time, 595. Read the second time, 604. Passed, 609. Tonnage Duty. Message from his Excellency, with Copy of an Address from the Trinity House at Quebec, and Estimate of the probable expenses of the Corporation for 1836, and suggesting a small Tonnage Duty on Vessels, with a view of providing for the increased expenditure occa- sioned by the erection of Light Houses and a Floating Light, 312. For the Documents, see Appendix (P. P.) Referred to the Standing Committee of Trade, 313. Report, 590. Trade ; Standing Committee of, appointed, 20. The Petition of the Montreal Board of Trade for the extension of the warehousing system ; the Pe- tition of divers Merchants and Traders for amendments to the Lumber Act ; and the Pe- tition for the appointment of Commissioners to enquire into the state of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Laws, referred, 67 , 107, 152. First Report, — on preceding Petitions, 265. The Petition for the continuation of the Quebec Bank Charter ; three Petitions for the renewal of the Charters of the City Bank, Montreal Bank and Quebec Bank ; and the Petition for the renewal of the Montreal and City Banks, and for placing all Banking Establishments under similar or other salutary restrictions, re- ferred, 67 , 107, 134. Second Report, — on last preceding Petitions, 273. The Petition of Pilots to be incorporated, and for a Light House on Bicquet Island ; and the Petition of Pilots relating to Apprentice Pilots, referred, 187 > 290. Instruction respecting the Pilots Trade ; Standing Committee of, continued : Fund, I 87 . Third Report, — on last references, 460. The Petition from Montreal relating to obstructions in the River St. Lawrence and to the Steam Dredging Machine, referred, 152. Fourth Report, — on last reference, 461. His Excellency’s Message relating to a Tonnage Duty on Vessels, referred, 313. Fifth Report, 590. Trinity House, Onebe?. See Tonnage Duty. Trudeau, Francois Michel. See Brousseau, Jean Bte. Tumult. See House of Assembly. Turnpike Roads. Petition of divers Inhabitants of the County of Montreal, praying that the Road leading from Montreal to the lower end of the Island may be established into a Turnpike Road, 108. Referred to the Standing Commit- tee on Roads and Public Improvements, 109. Petition of divers Proprietors and Inhabitants of Chambly and neighbouring Parishes, for the Road from Chambly to Longueuil to be made a Turnpike Road, 108. Referred to the Stand- ing Committee of Roads and Public Improve- ments, 109. Two Counter-Petitions, 285, 295. Committed to the Committee of the whole House on the First Report of the said Commit- tee, ibid. Turpin , James. Petition from him, praying the House to subscribe for a certain number of Copies of two Maps which he is about to publish, 66. Referred to the Standing Committee on Educa- tion and Schools, 67. NIVERSALISTS. Petition for an Act to au- thorize the Universalists to keep duly authenti- cated Registers, 25. Referred, ibid. Report, 155. See Protestant Christians. Upper Canada. Bill to appoint Commissioners to treat with Commissioners on the part of Upper Ca- nada for the purposes therein mentioned, read the first time, 299. Read the second time, and referred, 345. Report ; Bill and Report com- mitted, 350. Considered, 364. Bill reported, 367. Passed, 381. By the Council, 400. Royal Assent, 700. — 6th, Will. IV. Cap. 8. See Commissioners ; Division Line ; Navigation ; State of the Province. Ursulines at Quebec. See Education and Schools. Useful Arts. See Arts. V ALLIERERS DE ST. REAL , Mr. Justice. Petition from him, for an enquiry into certain allegations therein stated, having reference to his imprisonment by order of a Court of Ge- neral Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Three Rivers in July, 1835, and to great irregularities which prevail at the said Court, 101. Referred to the Standing Committee of Grievances, 104. Copies of Documents relating to a complaint of the conduct of certain Magistrates at Three * Rivers, preferred by Mr. Justice Valli£res de St. R6al, laid before the House, 362. See Appen- dix (U. U.) Referred to the Standing Com- mittee of Grievances, 362. V essels. See Passengers. Viger , Plonble. Denis Benjamin. House vote their thanks to him, 91. See House of Assembly. Vigneault , Francois Xavier. Petition from him, rela- tive 1 835 - 6 . J INDEX to the Forty-fifth Volume. Vigneault, Francois Xavier , continued : tive to a lot of Land in Wendover on which he is settled, 330. Referred to the Standing Com- mittee on Lands and Seigniorial Rights, 333. Voyer , Ilenri. See French Translator. WW AREHOUS1NG. Petition of the Montreal Board of Trade, for the extension of the ware- housing system, 67. Referred to the Standing Committee of Trade, ibid. Report, 265. Watch and JVight Light. Petition of the Corporation of Quebec, representing the insufficiency of the Night Watch, recommending its increase and also the establishment of a Day Watch, and pray- ing the House to adopt measures to cover the additional expenditure which the proposed in- creased establishment would occasion, 191. Referred, ibid. See Incorporation Acts. Webster, Thomas. See Jesuits' Estates. Weilbrenner , P. A. See Montreal East Ward under the head Elections. Welland Canal. Petition of the Welland Canal Com- pany, for a further aid to complete the said Canal, 30. Referred, ibid. Whitcher , Charles , Esquire. Petition of divers Inha- bitants of the District of St. Francis, complain- ing of his conduct as Sheriff of the said District, 384. Referred, ibid. Report, 528. See Ap- pendix (D. D. D.) Committed j to be printed, 52 8. Considered, GOG, 629. Resolutions and an Address reported, and agreed to, 630. See Addresses (64.) William Henry , Borough of. See Police. Williams, Oliver. See House of Assembly m Wolves. Petition of divers Inhabitants of the Seig- niory of La Petite Nation, for the continuance of the Act authorizing a bounty for the destruc- tion of Wolves, 413. ' INDEX AU QU AR ANTE-CIN QUIEME VOLUME DES JDURNAUX. 1 835 - 6 . ■ - '■ — ■■ — , 1 nil. M —V BENAQUIS. Petition de quelques-uns d’entre eux, se plaignant qu’il ont ete forcement prives du prodint de leur chasse, par les Compagnies de la Baie d’Hudson et des Postes du Roi, et demandant protection, 249. Referee au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuri- aux, 250. Acte Constitutionnel. La Chambre resout de considerer en Comite, s’il est expedient d’amender certaines parties du dit Acte, 599- Chambre en Comit6; une Resolution rapportee et adoptee, 632. Bill pour amender le dit Acte, en tant qu’il a rap- port ii la constitution et formation du Conseil Legislatif, et pour y substituer d’autres dispo- sitions, lu la premiere fois, ibid. Seconde lec- ture remise, 657, 684, 686. Acte des Chemins de la 36e Geo. III. Chap. 9. La ‘Chambre resout de considerer en Comite, s’il ne serait pas expedient d’amender le dit Acte, 17. Chambre en Comite ; une Resolution rap- portee et adoptee ; Bill pour amender 1’Acte, et qui pourvoit a de nouvelles dispositions pour ouvrir, changer et reparer les grands Chemins et Ponts, lu la premiere fois, 29. Lu une se- conde fois, et refere, 123. Petition des Habi- tans du Comte de Vaudreuil, pour des amende- nnens aux Lois des Chemins, 36. Petition de divers Habitans du Comte de Bellechasse, pour le renouvellement de l’Acte 2de Guill. IV. Chap. 44, avec des amendemens, 206. Elies sont referees, 137, 206. Le Bill du Conseil pour amender le dit Acte, aussi refere, sur une division, 431. Un Membre ajoute, ibid • Rap- port sur le premier Bill, 442. Bill et Rapport referes a un Comite general, 443. Consideres, 478. Rapporte, 492. Lu la troisieme fois, 600. Trois Clauses ajoutees en forme de Cavalier, 601. Bill passe, G02. Bill pour amender l’Acte des Chemins de la 36e Geo. ILL Chap. 9, re5U du Conseil, et lu la premiere fois, 400. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 43. Voir supra. Actes du Parlement Britannique. Voir Acte Consti- tutionnel ; Tenures du Canada, Acte des. du Parlement Provincial. Bill pour continuer, pour un temps limite, certains Actes y men- tionnes, lu la premiere fois, 122. Lu une se- conde fois, et refers, 139- Rapport ; Bill et Rapport referes a un Comite general, 284. Con- sideres, 300, 329. Resolutions et le Bill rap- portes ; les Resolutions adoptees ; Bill k etre grossoye, 329. Passe, 335. Par le Conseil, avec des amendemens a la version Anglaise, 510. Iceux consideres et adoptes, 511. Sanction Royale, 700. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 32. Adresses au Gouverneur-en-Chef. 1. Un Comite Special nomine pour preparer le projet d’une Adresse, en reponse a la Harangue de Son Excellence a l’ouverture de la Session, 15. La Harangue referee, ibid. Le projet d’une Adresse rapporte, 38. A etreimprime; refe- re a un Comite general, 45. Considere ; rap- porte sans amendement, 60. Discute; plusieurs amendemens, proposes a y etre faits, negatives , sur des divisons ; finalement adopte, quelques- uns des paragraphes unanimement, les autres sur des divisions, 60, 61, G2, 63. L’ Adresse a etre grossoyee ; it etre presentee par toute la Cham- bre, et des Membres nomraes pour se rendre au- pres de Son Excellence, pour savoir quand elle voudra recevoir la Chambre avec ses Adresses, 63. Les Membres font rapport du temps fixe par Son Excellence, 64. La Chambre presente les Adresses ; la Reponse de Son Excellence, 72. - — — 2. Pour Copies de Communications relatives a la nomination INDEX au Quarante-cinquieme Volume. [1835-6. Adresses au Gouverneur-en-C hef, continuees : nomination de M. le Juge Gale, 31. Reponse, lg4. Presentees, 148. Voir Gale, M. le Juge. 3. Pour Copies de Communications relatives aux accusations portees contre M. le Juge Kerr, 32. Reponse, 124. Presentees, 149. Voir Kerr y W. le Juge. ... - 4. Pour Communications de certains Papiers re- latifs au College des Jesuites, et aux Forges de St. Maurice, 48. Reponse, 124. Voir Biens des Jesuites ; Forges de St. Maurice. „ 5. Pour une Copie des Instructions Royales don- nees en 1818, relatives aux octrois de Terres aux Miliciens qui out servi durant la dernifere Guerre avec les Etats-Unis, 48. Reponse, 124. Une Copie de l’Ordre General relatif aux oc- trois de Terres aux Soldats, presentee, 149. — — 5. Pour une A vance au Greffier de la Chambre, de £22,000, pour defrayer les Depenses Contin- gentes de la Chambre, 90. Reponse, 125. . 7. Pour des Listes duplications pour une mu- tation de Tenure, d’apres l’Acte Imperial, Ge Geo. IV. Chap. 59, et autres Papiers qui y ont rapport, 116. Reponse 133. Presentees, 175. Voir Tenures du Canada, Acte des- 8. Pour Communication d’aucune Depeche, ou autre Document, qu’on a pu recevoir en reponse a i’Adresse de cette Chambre du 19 Mars 1833, au sujet de l’annexation de Gaspe au Nouveau- Brunswick, 1 17. Reponse, 134. Voir Gaspe , District de. — — 9. Pour information au sujet du Bill autorisant les Avocats a defendre les Felons, reserve le 18 Mars 1835, pour la signification du plaisir de Sa Majeste, 138. Reponse, 142. — — 10. Pour des Copies des Retours des Revenus des cinq dernieres annees des Sherifs, Proto- notaires ou Greffiers des differentes Cours, 142. Reponse 151. Presentees, 190. Voir Retours des Revenus. — — 11. Pour des Comptes au sujet du Bois coupe sur les Terres de la Couronne, 145. Reponse, 159. Presentes, 301. Voir Terres. • . ... . ■ 12. Pour un Tableau detail le au sujet des Ecoles dans Je Comte de Missiskoui, 166. Reponse, 170. Present^ 190. Voir Missiskoui, Comte de. - — - 13. Pour des Copies d’aucunes Reponses que Lord Aylmer a pu faire a certaines Depeches re- latives a M. le Juge Kerr, 171. Reponse, 185. Presentees, 190. Voir Kerr, M. le Juge. - — - 14. Pour un Etat du montant probable des De- niers Publics qui seront dans les Voutes le 15 Janvier 1836, 178. Reponse, 185. Presente, 206. Voir Deniers Publics. ■ 15. Pour une Liste de tous les Lots de terre vend us, octroyes ou concedes sous Patentes, et promis par Billets de Location, ou autrement, dans ^augmentation d’ Aston ; anssi, des Notes d arpentages par rapport a la elite augmentation, et des Lots qui y sont reserves pour la Cou- ronne et le Clerge, 179. Reponse, 185. Pre- sentees, 277> 301. Voir Terres. —— 16. Pour divers Papiers et Documens qui ont rapport aux ventes de Terres dans les Townships de Stanfold, Bulstrode, Arthabaska et Warwick ; Copies de toutes applications pour des Terres dans les dits Townships, et une Liste de tous Lots dans iceux disponibles et vacans, 179. Reponse, 185. Presentes, 277, 301. Voir Terres. — 17. Pour une Liste de tous les Lots de terre Adresses au Gouverneur-en-Chef, continuees : vendus ou octroyes sous Patentes, et promis par Billets de Location, ou autrement, dans les Townships de Stanfold, Bulstrode, Arthabaska et Warwick ; aussi, Notes des arpentages par rapport aux dits Townships, et des Lots qui y sont reserves pour la Couronne et le Clerge, 179. Reponse, 18G. Presentees, 277, 302. Voir Terres. - — - 18. Pour des Copies de toutes annonces et pu- blications concernant les Terres, ou Sexploita- tion de Bois sur iceiles, publiees dans la Gazette de Quebec par autorite, depuis le 13 Novembre 182G, ou rendues publiques de toute autre ma- nure, 180. Reponse, 186. Presentees, 302. Voir Terres. 19. Pour une Copie du Bail des Postes du Iloi fait a John Goudie, et Copies de tous Actes ou Conventions a l'egard du dit Bail, 180. Re- ponse, 186. Presentees, 222. Voir Postes du Roi. 20. Pour un Rapport detaille des Terres va- cantes concedees, donnees a Bail ou promises aux Officiers Publics et a leurs families et pa- rens, dans les periodes qui y sont mentionnees, 180. Reponse, 186. Presente, 341. Voir Terres. — — 21. Pour une Liste detaillee de tous Lots de terre concedes dans cette Province, depuis le 30 Decembre 1832, -sous toute tenure reconnue par les Lois de la Grande-Bretagne, excepte ceux dans les Townships, 183. Reponse, 192, Presentee, 245. Voir Terres. — — 22. Pour un Etat detaille de toutes concessions et applications pour concessions de Terres, faites depuis le 26 Novembre 1832, sous la tenure de Franc- Alleu noble ou roturier, 184. Reponse, 192. Presente, 245. Voir Terres. 23. Pour Copie de la Depeche qui autorise le paiement des Salaires des ci-devant Presidens des Sessions de Quartier des Districts de Que- bec et de Montreal, 195. Reponse, 196. Pre- sentee, 200. Voir Piesidens des Sessions de Quartier. 24. Pour Copies de Petitions et Correspondance au sujet dela nomination des Commissaires pour les Petites Causes dans le Comte de Beauhar- nois, 205. Reponse, 223. Presentees, 245. Voir Petites Causes. — — 25. Pour Copies de Documens et autres* infor- mations ayant rapport a la nomination de l’Hon. W. B. Felton, comme Agent pour certains Townships, et comme Commissaire des Terres de la Couronne, 225. Reponse, 236. Presen- tees, 312. Voir Felton, Hon. William Bowman. - 26. Pour Copies de toutes Petitions et Corres- pondance relatives a la nomination de Commis- saires pour les Petites Causes dans le Comte de L’Acadie, 225. Reponse, 236. Presentees, 245. Voir Petites Causes. 27. Pour divers Papiers relatifs a la construc- tion et reparation des Eglises, Presbyteres et Cimetieres, et a l’erection des Paroisses pour des effets civils, 238. Reponses, 263. Presen- tes, 302. Voir Eglises , etc. j Subdivision des Paroisses. - 28. Pour Copie d’une Depeche du Secretaire d’Etat pour les Colonies, a Lord Aylmer, datee 6 Juin 1833, 239- Reponse, 352. Presentee, 302. Voir Appendice (L. L.) Referee au Co- mite Permanent des Griefs, 302. 29 . INDEX au Quarante-cinquieme Volume. 1835 - 0 ’.] Adresses au Gouverneur-en-Chcf, continuees : 29. Pour Copic d'une Dep6che de Lord Aylmer au Comte d’Aberdeen, dat£e 18 Mars 1835, 239. Reponse, 252. Presentee, 341. Voir Appendice (L. L.) Referee k un Comit6 Spe- cial j a Ctre imprimee, 344. Copies de cer- taines autres Depeches presentees, conform<$- ment i\ PAdresse (47*)> aussi referees, 4-77. SO. Pour des Etats detail! es de la Recette et de la Dipense des Deniers Publics jusqu'au 10 Octobre 1835, depuis la nomination du present Receveur-General, 244-. Reponse, 252. Pre- sentes, 270. Voir Deniers Publics. 31. Pour Copie de la Correspondance entre Ie ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef et le Ministre Colonial, relative au renouvellement du present Bail des Forges de St. Maurice, 250. Reponse, 253. Voir Forges de St. Maurice. 32. Pour Copie du Rapport du Conseil Executif, concedant le Bail de 25,940 arpens de terre dans la Seigneurie du Cap de la Magdeleine a 1’Hon. Matthew Bell, et un Tableau detaille des differentes parties des Biens des Jesuites qui ont £t£, vendues ou alienees, 254-. Reponse, 273. PresenC-s, 302. Voir Biens des Jesuites. — ■ — 33. Pour un Etat des Argens payes durant les trois demises annees, pour 1 impression des Lois, et Copies des Comptes des personnes qui les ont imprimees, 266. Reponse, 273. Pre- sen tes, 280. Voir Impression des Lois. * 34. Pour Copies de tous les proced^s qui ont eu lieu devant le Coronaire de Montreal, a l’en- quete tenue sur le corps de John Collins, dece- de dans la Prison de Montreal, 281. Reponse, 284-. Presentees, 302. Voir Prison d Mont- real. 35. Pour Copies de toutes les Correspondances qui ont eu lieu depuis le ler Decembre 1835, entre les Fonctionnaires Publics et Son Excel- lence, relativement a la Prison de Montreal, 287. Reponse, 298. Presentees, 312. Voir Prison a Montreal. 36. Pour Copie d’une Communication adressee au ci-devant Gouverneur-en-Chef par les Juges- en-Chef et les Juges Puisnes, relativement a leurs salaires et allocations, 296. Reponse, 307. . 37. Pour divers Papiers et informations relatives a l’erection d’une Cour de Justice et d’une Prison dans le Comte de Missiskoui, 296. Re- ponse, 301. Pr^sentes, 362. Voir Missiskoui, Comte de. — — - 38. Pour information relative a la subdivision de la Seigneurie de St. Armand en deux Paroisses distinctes ou plus, 297. Reponse, 301. Pre- sentee, 342. Voir St. Armand. 39. Pour Copies de certaines Correspondances et Documens relatifs a l’amelioration de la na- vigation entre les Cascades et le Lac St. Fran- cois, et au sujet de certaines lies ou Ilets vis-a- vis la Seigneurie de Soulanges, 313. Reponse, 316. Presentees, 379. Voir Navigation entre le Lac St. Louis et le Lac St. Francois. 40. Pour Copies de Correspondances ayant rap- port a une plainte que M. le Juge Vallieresde St. Real a faite de la conduite de certains Ma- gistrats des Trois-Rivieres, 336. Reponse, 345. Presentees, 362. Voir Vallieres, M. le Juge. ... - 41. Pour Copies de toutes Petitions et Corres- pondances pour la nomination de Commissaires pour les Petites Causes dans le Comtd de Riche- lieu, 338. Reponse, 348. Presentees, 379. Voir Petites Causes. Adresses au Gouverneur-en-Chef, continuees : — — 42. Pour Copies de Correspondances et Rap- ports du Conseil Executif, relatifs au reuou- vellement des Baux pour les Greves de Sillery, depuis 1822, 354. Reponse, 361. Presentees, 410. Voir Biens des Jesuites. 43. Le priantde notnmer quelque personne, pour percevoir et payer au Receveur-General les Droits de Port <:chus depuis le ler Mai 1835, ou qui pourront devenir dus ci-apres, jusqu’a ce qu’il ait et6 fait des dispositions legales sur le sujet, 394. Reponse, 424. 44. Pour une Liste des Membres du Conseil Exe- cutif du Bas-Canada, 404. Reponse, 414. Pre- sentee, 4-21. Voir Conseil Executif. 45. Le priant de vouloir donner ordre a l’Officier a qui il appartiendra, d’obliger Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer, de rembourser une certaine somme d’ar- gent qu’il a recue et neglige de distribuer parmi les Ecoles du Comte de Missiskoui, 411. Re- ponse, 414. 46. Pour des Copies de toutes Depeches ou Ins- tructions recues depuis 1828, relatives au mode de disposer a Bail des Proprietes de la Cou- ronne ou des Biens des Jesuites par contrat pri- ve ou par Encan public, 424. Reponse, 432. Voir Biens des Jesuites. 47. Pour Copies de certaines Depeches et In- cites du Secretaire d’Etat pour les Colonies a Lord Aylmer, avec les dates de leur reception dans cette Colonie, 425. Reponse, 438. Pre- sentees, 472. Voir Appendice (L. L.) Refe- rees, 477. Voir Adresses (29.) 48. Pour Copie d’un Rapport de David Thomp- son, et les Plans qui l'accompagnent, sur l’ex- ploration du Fleuve St. Laurent, dans le Lac St. Frangois, et ailleurs, 460. Reponse, 493. 49. Le priant de s’adresser au Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, pour lui demander de donner, pour 1’usage de la Province, Copie de 1’exploration de la partie du Fleuve St. Laurent, depuis les Trois-Rivieres jusqu’a Montreal, qui a ete faite par le Capitaine Bayfield, Marine Royale, 461. lUponse, 493. 50. Le priant de nommer un Juge de la Cour du Banc du Roi pour le District de Quebec, pour remplir la vacance operee par la destitu- tion de James Kerr, Ecuyer, 461. Riponse, 493. 51. Accompagnee des Copies de divers Rapports et T£moignages et Documens y annexes, et priant Son Excellence de prendre immediate- ment des mesures, pour faire destituer Samuel Gale de la charge de Juge de la Cour du Banc du Roi en cette Province, 485. Reponse, 597. Voir Gale , M. le Juge. . ■ 52. Avec une Copie du Second Rapport du Co- mit£ Permanent des Griefs, et des Temoignages qu’il a pris, et priant Son Excellence de desti- tuer de suite l’Hon. William Bowman Felton de tous les emplois d’honneur et de profit qu’il pent remplir par Commission durant bon plaisir, rapportee, 490. Adoptee, 491. Reponse, 608. 53. Le priant (pour des causes mentionnees dans les Resolutions adoptees par la Chambre, et fondles sur le Troisieme Rapport du Co- mite Special sur les Honoraires et Emolumens regus par les Officiers des Cours de Justice) de destituer David Chisholme, Ecuyer, de la charge de Greffier de la Paix pour le District des Trois-Rivieres, et de toutes autres places de confiance INDEX an Quarante-Cinquieme Volume. addresses se Gouverneur-en-Chef, continuees . confiance en cette Province, et de ne vouloir lui en accorder aucune a l’avenir, 497. Ke- ponse, 619. _ 54. Le priant de transmettre le QuatrRme Rap- port du Comite Permanent des Griefs, relatif a Lord Aylmer, et la Resolution de la Chambre Padoptant, au Gouvernement de Sa Majeste en Angleterre, passee sur une division, 508. Re- ponse, 589. „ 55. Avec une Copie du Rapport du Comite Special, nomme pour enquDir au sujet de la mort de John Collins, et les Documens et Te- moignages qui accompagnent le dit Rapport, priant Son Excellence de demettre Edward Hol- land de la place de Geolier de la Prison de Montreal, et Daniel Arnoldi de la place de Me- decin de la dite Prison, 524. Reponse, 642. - 56. Avec une Copie du Premier Rapport du Comite Special, nomme pour enquerir concer- nant les Officiers du Gouvernement Executif, et une Copie des Resolutions fondees sur icelui, priant Son Excellence d’ordonner a chacune des personnes qui remplissent en meme temps les differentes charges designees dans les dits Rapport et Resolutions, de f'aire choix de Pun des emplois qu’elles peuvent ainsi posseder, et de leur oter leurs autres charges, et de donner les charges ainsi devenues vacantes a des per- sonnes differentes, 525. Reponse, 64-2. — — 57. Linformant que la Chambre a votee une humble Adresse a Sa Majeste sur l’etat de la Province, et le priant de vouloir transmettre icelle aux Ministres de Sa Majeste, afin qu’elle soit mise au pied du Trone ; a etre grossoyee ; a etre presentee par toute la Chambre ; Mem* bres nommes pour se rendre aupres de Son Ex- cellence, pour savoir quand el 1 e voudra rece- voir la dite Adresse, 586. Ces Membres font rapport du temps que Son Excellence a fixe, 643. La Chambre presente P Adresse ; Re- ponse de Son Excellence, 660, 58. Demandant que des octrois de Terres soient faits par Lettres Patentes a tons les Officiers de Milice et Miliciens qui ont servi dans la Milice Incorporee pendant la derniere Guerre Ameii- caine, qui n’en ont pas obtenues, ainsi qu’a ceux qui en ayant obtenues les auraient perdues, pour n’avoir pas rempli les conditions exigees dans les Billets de Location, 589. Reponse, 651. A etre imprimee, 661. — — - 59. Relative a la Compagnie des Terres de l’A- meiique du Nord, 593. Reponse, 652. Voir Compagnie des Terres Britannique Americaine. 60. Avec une Copie du Troisieme Rapport du Comite Permanent des Griefs, relatifs aux Pie- sidens des Sessions de Quartier, priant Son Ex- cellence de la transmettre au Gouvernement de Sa Majeste en Angleterre, 596. Reponse, 619. • 61. Pour une Avance au Greffier de la Chambre de £5000, pour defrayer des Depenses Contin- gentes de la Chambre, 597* Reponse, 653. 62. Pour les Certificats et Documens sur lesquels les Commissions de certains Procureurs en Loi ont ete accordees, 618. Reponse, 660. Pre- sent es, 679- 63. Le priant de demettre Lewis Gugy, Ecuyer, de sa place de Sherif du District de Montreal , et de ne lui accorder a l’avenir aucune place d’honneur 011 de profit en cette Province, rap- portee d’un Comite do toute la Chambre, sur [ 1835 - 6 . Adresses au Gouvemeur-en-Chef, continuees : le Premier Rapport du Comite Special sur les Honoraires et Revenus pe^us par les Officiers des Cours de Justice, 622. Adoptee sur une division, 6 23. Reponse, 678. — - — 64-. Avec une Copie du Rapport du Comite Spe- cial auquel a ete referee la Petition de divers Habitans du District de St. Francis, et priant Son Excellence de prendre immediatement des mesures pour destituer Charles Whitcher, E- cuyer, de la charge de Sherif du dit District, et de tous autres emplois de profit ou d’hon- neur qu’il peut remplir sous la Couronne en cette Province, G30. Reponse, 678. 65. Le priant de vouloir destituer de suite M. le Juge Fletcher, rapportee d’un Comite Special, 634. Adoptee, 635. A etre imprimee, ibid. Reponse, 690. — — 66- L informant que la Chambre a vote une hum- ble Adresse k Sa Majeste, demandant le deplace- ment de Samuel Gale, Ecuyer, de sa charge de Juge de la Cour du Banc du Roi en cette Pro- vince, et priant Son Excellence qu’il lui plaise de transmettre icelle ou Gouvernement de Sa Majeste en Angleterre, pour etre mise au pied du Trone, passee sur une division; a etre gros- soyee; a etre presentee par toute la Chambre ; Membres nommes pour se rendre aupres de Son Excellence, pour savoir quand elle voudra re- cevoir la dite Adresse, 639- Les Messagers font rappprt du temps qu’a fixe Son Excellence, 679. La Chambre presente 1’ Adresse, 694. Re- ponse de Son Excellence, 695. 67. Le priant de communiquer au Gouverne- mens de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, du Nouveau-Bruns- wick et de l lle du Prince Edouard, certaines Resolutions adoptees par la Chambre, au sujet de 1’entretien de Phares sur les lies de Scatta- rie et de St. Paul, 641. Reponse, 653. 68. Relative aux Terres comprises dans le Bail des Postes du Roi, 64-1. R6ponse, 695. 69. Communiquant a Son Excellence une Reso- lution de la Chambre, que les Bills soient ecrits sur du Papier avant leur troisieme lecture, pen- dant le reste de la Session, par le manque de Parchemin pour les grossoyer, 643. Reponse, 672. ?0. Pour Copie des Rapports, Plans, Correspon- dance et autres Documens relatifs a I’ameliora- tion du Fleuve St. Laurent, aux Rapides de Ste. Anne, 656. Reponse, 679- 71. Avec une Copie du Rapport du Comite Spe- cial nomm£ pour s’enqu6rir de la conduite de certains Maitres d'Ecoles, et priant Son Excel- lence d’ordonner a l’Officier a qui il appartiendra, d’adopter des mesures legales pour contrain- dre Jacques Surprenant et Jean Baptiste Miville De Chene, deux Maitres d’Ecoles, de restituer certaines sommes d’argent, qu’ils ont fraudu- leusement obtenues et pei^ues du Receveur- General, 673. Reponse, 690. — — 72. Priant Son Excellence d’ordonner a l’Officier i\ qui il appartiendra, de prendre des mesures en Loi, pour obliger Thomas Allen Stayner, E- cuyer, Depute Maitre General des Postes, a rembourser une certaine somme d’argent, qu’il a re9ue pour le transport par la Malle des Papiers Publics et autres Imprimes et Pamphlets, 683v Reponse, 697* 73. Avec une Copie du Dixieme Rapport du Comite Permanent des Griefs, et priant Son Excellence 1835 -G.] INDEX au Quarante-cinquicme Volume. Actresses au Gouverneur-cn-Chcf, continuees : Excellence de remettre a Silas Horton Dicker- son le montant de certaines amendes que le Juge Provincial du District de St. Frangois lui a fait payer, 683. Reponse, G9S. 74.. Le priant de suspendre M. le Juge Thomp- son de scs fonctions judiciaires, durant la con- tinuation de 1’Enquete sur la Petition de Joseph Frangois Deblois, Ecuyer, et jusqu’u ce que sa destitution finale puissent etre solenneilement prononcee par telle autorite qu’il appartiendra, rapportee d’un Comite de toute la Chambre, 693. Adoptee sur une division, G94. Reponse, 697. Motion pour une Adresse pour Copie d’une De- peche du Due de Portland, datee du 19 Avril 1799, et pour des Tableaux detailles des sommes payees au Receveur-General sur la Caisse Mili- taire depuis 1791, 227* Referee, ibid. Consi- dereej le Comite se leve sans f'aire rapport, 248. Actresses au Roi. — — • 1. Sur I’etat de la Province, rapportee d’un Comite de toute la Chambre, 530. L* Adresse, 544. Adoptee sur une divison, 586. A etre grossoyee, ibid. Presentee par toute la Cham- bre a Son Excellence, pour etre transmise aux Ministres de Sa Majeste, 630. 2. Pour la destitution de Samuel Gale, Ecuyer, de la charge de Juge de la Cour du Banc du Roi en cette Province, rapportee d’un Comite de toute la Chambre, 637. Adoptee sur une division ; a etre grossoyee, 639. Presentee par toute la Chambre a Son Excellence, pour etre transmise aux Ministres de Sa Majeste, 694. Une Copie a etre transmise a John Arthur Roe- buck, Ecuyer, 640. Agent. Bill pour nommer un Agent dans le Royaume- Uni de la Grande-Bretagne et dTrlande, lu la premiere fois, 7. Lu une seconde fois; refere a un Comite general, sur une division, 18. Con- sidere, 25. Rapporte, 29. Passe, 45. La Chambre resout de considerer en Comite, s’il ne serait pas expedient de nommer un Agent dans le cas ou le Bill precedent ne deviendrait pas J,oi, 125. Diverses Lettres et Communica- tions regues par M. l’Orateur de l’Agent, ( John Arthur Roebuck, Ecuyer,) mises devanl la Cham- bre, 125* Voir Appendice (P.) Elies sont aussi referees, 125. Chambre en Comite, 142, 156. Resolutions rapportees, 167. Adoptees sur des divisions, 1G8, 169. A etre communiquees a M. Roebuck par M. l’Otateur, 169- Lettre de M. Roebuck, accusant la reception des elites Resolutions, 437. Les Petitions aux Lords et aux Communes sur l’etat de la Province a etre transmises a M. Roebuck, et le priant de vou- loir adopter les moyens de faire presenter les dites Petitions, et de les appuyer, 586. Une Copie de l’Adresse au Roi relative a M. le Juge Gale, a lui etre aussi transmise, 640. Un Comite nomme, sur une division, pour regler de quelle maniere il sera communique avec le dit Agent, 169* Rapport, 673. Refere, 6J5. Considere, 588. Le Comite devant sieger de nouveau, ibid. Agriculture, Comite Permanent d’, nomme, 20. Ins- truction de s’enquerir des procedes des Com- missions nommees en vertu des Actes 57e Geo. III. Chap. 2 et 12, et d’examiner tous les Do- Agriculturc, Comit6 Permanent d’, continuee : enmens fournis par les dites Commissions, 58. Tous les Rapports et Comptes des SociSRs d’Agricullme de la derniere et de la presente Session, ref-res, 59. Instruction de s’enquerir an sujet duTraite d* Agriculture publie en langue Anglaise, par William Evans, 91. La Petition de la Socict6 d’Agriculture du Bas-Canada, et la Petition des Habitans en detresse de Notre Dame de Bonsecours des Eboulemens, referees, 107. Un Membre ajoute, ibid. Trois Peti- tions des Paroisses de 1’Ue d’Orlcans, relatives au Bill pour conserver le Foin qui croit sur les Greves, aussi referees, 481. Premier Rapport, 141. Refers a un Comite general, ibid. Con- sidere, 170. Resolution rapportee, et adoptee, 182. Voir infra. - — — Bill pour aider a 1’impression en langue Fran- chise du Traite d’Agriculture de William Evans, lu la premiere fois, 267. Lu une seconde fois, 278. Passe, 279. Par le Conseil, 648. Sanc- tion Royale, 701. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 44. - — — La Chambre resout de considerer en Comit£,s’il ne serait pas expedient de r£voquer l’Acte 3e Guill. IV. Chap. 31, qui pourvoit a rernedier a divers abus prejudiciables a P Agriculture, 334. Cham- bre en Comite ; une Resolution rapportee ; adop- tee ; Bill pour revoquer le dit Acte, et pour rernedier plus efficacement A divers abus preju- diciables a PAgriculture, lu la premiere fois, 333. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 360. Rapport ; Bill et Rapport referes a un Comitd general, 380. Consideres, 396. Bill rapporte, 398. Lu la troisieme fois ; amende ; passe, 427. Par le Conseil, avec des amendemens, 635- Iceux referee a un Comite general ; con- deres, 655. Rapportes, avec un amendement ; a etre grossoye, 659. Les amendemes du Con- seil, tels qu’amendes, passes, 671. Adoptes par le Conseil, 685. Sanction Royale, 701. — Ge. Guill. IV. Chap. 56. Agriculture, Societes d\ Rapports d’icelles presents, savoir : des Comtes du Lac des Deux Mon- tagues, 53. De Montreal, 129. L’Acadie, 134. Missiskoui, 149. Shefford, 279, 308. Beauharnois, 284. Stanstead, 3(18, 348. Voir Appendice (IL) Ils sont referes, avec les Rapports presents durant la derniere Session, au Comite Permanent d’Agriculture, 59. Pe- tition de la Society d’AgricuIture du Bas-Ca- nada, pour une aide, aussi referee, 107. Ajournemens. Voir Chambre d’Assemblee. Alkalis. L’Acte de la Potasse et Peilasse, 9e Geo. IV. Chap. 36, refers a un Comite Special, 329. Rapport, 681. Bill pour continuer et amender deux Actes y mentionnes, relatifs a 1’inspection de la Potasse et de la Peilasse, lu la premiere fois ; lu une seconde fois ; refere a un Comite general ; considere, 682. Rapporte, 686. Passe, 68S. Par le Conseil, avec des amende- mens, 697> Ancienne Lorette. Petition de divers Habitans de la Paroisse de 1’ Ancienne Lorette, relative a 1’E- glise Catholique Romaine de la dite Paroisse, 209. Referee, 210. Rapport, 669. Voir Ap- pendice (E. E.) Anderson, Dr. John. Sa Petition pour etre indemnis6 pour des services ayant rapport a sa profession, et medecines fournies a des Emigres pauvres a Lachine, en 1834, 27, lURree au Comite Permanent V ol. — 45. B [1835-6. INDEX au Quarante-cinquieme Volume. Anderson, Dr. John, continue : Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Charity, 28. Andres, S., Jun. et Andres, R, S. Voir Canaux , sous le chef Canal de Chambly. Arnett, William. Sa Petition pour un salaire comme Gardien de la Cour de Justice a Perce, 82. Referee au Comiffi Permanent des Comptes Publics, ibid. Appel Nominal. Voir Chambre d’ Assemblee. Archambeault, Charles, Ecuyer. Deux Petitions des Syndics des Ecoles Nos. 3 et 5 de la Paroisse de Ste. Martine de Beauharnois, demandant une Enquete sur sa conduite, au sujet de la dis- tribution de recompenses en argent aux Ecoles dans le Comt6 de Beauharnois, 317* Referees au Comite Permanent pour l’Education et les Ecoles, ibid. Quatre autres Petitions des Syn- dics des Ecoles dans le dit Comte, semblables aux deux pr^ce'dentes, 462. Referees a un Co- mite Special, ibid. Instruction de s’enquerir de la maniere dont ont et6 percus et distribues les argens alloues pour l’encouragement de l’Edu- cation dans le dit Comite, 462. Le Comite Permanent pour PEducation et les Ecoles de- charge de la consideration ulttfrieure des deux premieres Petitions, et el les sont referees, avec les Temoignages pi is sur icelles, (Voir le Qua- trieme Rapport du Comite Permanent pour PE- ducation et les Ecoles,) au Comite Special, 476. Petition de M. Archambeault, pour la permis- sion d’etre present devant le Comity et de trans- questionner les Temoins ; permission accor- dee, 490. Arnold's, Dr. Daniel. Voir Adresses (55.) Arnold’s, Dr. Francis, T. C. Sa Petition, pour arre- rages de salaire comme Pun des Medecins Resi- dents a Montreal en 1832, 309. Referee au Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Insti- tutions de Charite, ibid. Arlillerie de Sa Majesty. Message de Son Excellence, avec le projet d’un Bill pour investir les princi- paux Officiers de l’Ordonnance de Sa Majeste de toute propriety dans le Bas-Canada occupee pour le service de Sa Majeste, et des Copies de Communications regues a ce sujet des Officiers respectifsde lOrdonnance a Quebec, 407. Re- feres, 412. La Petition de divers Proprietaires et Cultivateurs dont les Torres sont couples par le Canal de Grenville, relativement aux betes a cornes et moutons trouves sur les bords du dit Canal, referee, 498. Rapport, 594. Bill pour investir les principaux Officiers de PArtil- lerie de Sa Majeste de tous les biens et proprie- ty dans le Bas-Canada, occupes pour le service de PArtillerie, lu la premiere fois, 594. Lu une seconde fois, et r^ffire un Comite general, 644. Chambre en Comite, 677* Le Comite devant sieger de nouveau, ibid. Arts. La Chambre se forme en Comite pour conside- rer la convenance de rappeler certains Actes au sujet de l’encouragement des Arts ; une Reso- lution rapportee et adoptee ; Bill pour rappeler les dits Actes, et incorporer en un seul Acte les dispositions d’iceux au sujet de l’encourage- ment des Arts utiles, lu la premiere fois, 137. L11 une seconde fois, et rffere, 150. Rapport ; Bill refere a un Comiffi general, 282. Consi- dere, 292. Rapporte, 297* Pass6, 315. Par le Conseil, 599. Sanction Royale, 700. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 34. Arts utiles. Voir Arts. Assistans du Greffier. Le Rapport du Greffier rela- tivement a eux mis devant la Chambre, 19. Voir Appendice (B.) Refere au Comit6 nom- ine pour indiquer le choix d’une personne con- venable pour remplir la place de Greffier en Loi, 58. Rapport, 117- Refers a un Comite general, 119. Considere, 131. Resolutions rapportees, et adoptees, 138. Aubergistes. Bill qui fait des Reglemens ulterieurs concernant les Auberges et les Aubergistes, et pour d’autres objets y relatifs, lu la premiere fois, 137. Lu une seconde fois, 149- Refers, 150. Rapport ; Bill et Rapport referes a un Comit6 general, 477* Consideres, 509, 587, 596. Bill rapporte, 604. Passe, 644. Par le Conseil, 696. Sanction Royale, 702. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 14. Aubin, N. Voir Chambre d’ Assemblee. Aylmer , Lord. Quatri&me Rapport du Comite Per- manent des Griefs, l’accusant de s’etre rendu coupable de hauts crimes et malversations, pre- sente, 403. Voir Appendice (E. E.) Refere it un Comit6 general ; i\ etre im prime, 403. Considere ; une Resolution rapportee concou- rant dans le dit Rapport ; Motion, pour differer de mettre la Question de concours sur icelle, negativee sur une division ; la Resolution adop- tee, 508. Voir Ads esse (54.) Voir aussi Adresses (28.) (29.) (47.) 1 ACS et CAGES. Petition pour 1’abrogation de 1’Acte 48e Geo. III. Chap. 13, danslequel une taxe est maintenant prelevee sur les Bacs et Cages qui passent de Chateauguay a Montreal, 196. La Chambre resout de considerer en Co- mite s’il est expedient d abroger le dit Acte ; la Petition est referee a ce Comit£, 197. Cham- bre en Comite ; une Resolution rapportee, et adoptee, 228. Bill pour abroger le dit Acte, lu la premiere fois, 232. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 247. Rapport ; Bill et Rapport r£fe- re's a un Comite general ; consideres, 255. Bill rapporte, 27 1. Deux Petitions contre l’a- brogation de l’Acte, 274. Bill lu la troisieme fois, et rHer6 de nouveau, avec les deux Peti- tions, 275. Bill rapporte, 315. Passe, ibid. Par le Conseil, 343. Sanction Royale, 700. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 20. Basics dans les Eglises Paroissiales. Petitions de divers Plabitans du Comt6 de l’lslet, — d’Abraham Turgeon, et de Jean Marie Roy, au sujet des Bancs reserves dans chaque Eglise Paroissiale pour l’usage du plus ancien Capitaine de Mi- lice, 224, 225, 304. Elies sont referees, 225, 304. Rapport, 647. La Chambre resout de reprendre la consideration du dit sujet a la pro- chaine Session, 647. Banqueroutes et Eaillites , Lois des. Petition de divers Marchands et Commergans, pour la nomination de Commissaires pour s’enquerir de l’etat d i- celles, 151. Referee, 152. Rapport, 265. Bill pour nommer des Commissaires pour s’enquerir des dites Lois, lu la premiere fois, 183. Banqueroutiers. Bill pour le soulagement des Crean- ciers de ceux qui font faillite ou banqueroute, lu la premiere fois, 128. Lu une seconde fois ; refere a un Comite general, 188. Le Bill de la Cession de Biens refers au rncme Comite, 203. Consideres ; 1835-6.] INDEX au Quarante-cinquieme Volume. Banqueroutiers, continues : Consideres ; une Resolution et les deux Bills rap- portes ; la Resolution adoptee, et referee avec les deux Bills un Comite Special, 204. Rap- port, 598. Banques. Etats des affaires de la Banque de Quebec, de la Banque de Montreal et de la Banque de la Cite, requis, 28. Presents, 76, 133. Voir Appendice (J.) A etre imprimes. Petitions pour le renouvellement des Chartes des Banques de la Cite, de Montreal et de Quebec, 67, 107, 108, 1 34*. Elies sont referees au Co- mite Permanent de Commerce, 67, 108, 134. Rapport, 273. La Chambre resout de considerer en Comite la convenance de continuer et amender l’Acte de la Banque de Quebec, 313. Chambre en Co- mite ; une Resolution rapportee, et adoptee j Bill pour continuer le dit Acte, lu la premiere fois, 329. Lu une seconde fois, 337. Passe, 340. Par le Conseil, 349. Sanction Royale, 700. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 48. Baptemes , Manages et Sepultures. Etats Generaux et Retours pour 1835, des Districts de Quebec, Montreal et des Trois-Rivieres, mis devant la Chambre, 517. Voir Appendice (C. C. C.) Baptistes. Petition demandant un Acte pour autori- ser les Ministres des Baptistes dans le Bas-Ca* nada, de tenir des Registres authentiques, 21. Referee, ibid. Un Membre ajoute, 25. Rap- port, 155. Voir Chretiens Protest ans. Beaubien, Dr. Pierre. Sa Petition, pour balance de salaire a lui due comme l’un des Officiers de Sante a Montreal en 1832, 110. Referee au Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Insti- tutions de Charite, ibid. Beaudouin, Louis. Sa Petition pour etre indemnise des pertes qu’il alRgue avoir souffertes, en cons- truisant des Ponts dans le Lachenaie, 57. Referee au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, ibid. Bebee, Amasa. Sa Petition, pour remuneration pour ses services comme Tresorier et Clerc des Com- missaires pour eriger une Prison et Salle d’Au- dience a New Carlisle, 66. Referee au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, ibid. Bertrand, Alexis. Sa Petition pour une Pension comme Milicien estropie, 171. Referee au Comite Per- manent des Griefs, 172. Bertrand, Florent Edouard, Voir Chambre d f Assem- ble. Betes d comes et Moutons. Voir Grenville , Canal de. Bibliotheque de la Chambre. Le Rapport du Bibliothe* caire touchant l’etat d’icelle, mis devant la Chambre, 18. Voir Appendice (A.) Refer<§, 28. Rapport, 321. Refere a un Comite gene- ral, 326. Considere, 372. Resolutions rappor- tees, et adoptees, 375. Biens des Je suites. Bill pour regler la concession des Terres dans les Fiefs et Seigneuries appartenans ci-devant a l’Ordre des Jesuites, et la perception des arrerages de Cens et Rentes et Lods et Ventes dans iceux, lu la premiere fois, 18. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 47. Voir infrd. Comit6 Permanent pour les, nomine, 20. Le Bill precedent refere, 47. L’Entree dans le Jour- nal du 5 Mars 1834, coritenant la Reponse du Gouverneur-en-Chef a une Adresse du 24 Fe- vrier 1834, relativement a la Reserve de 30,000 arpens de terre pour les Forges St. Maurice, lue, et la Reponse referee, 48. Instruction de s’enquerir sur le mode le moins dispendieux a Biens des Jesuites, continues : adopter pour regir ces Biens a Pavenir, ibid. Membres ajoutes, ibid. Message de Son Ex- cellence relatif au College des Jesuites, 147. Refere, 155. Instruction pour obtenir certaine information au sujet du dit College, ibid. Mes- sage de Son Excellence avec les Documens qui l’accompagnent, relativement au nouveau Bail des Forges de St, Maurice, referes, 250. Ins- truction de faire des recherches au sujet de cer- tains Lots de terre dans les Trois-Rivieres, sup- poses dependre des dits Biens, 254. Petition de Charles Dix et Thomas Webster relative aux Terres pres des Chutes de Shawinegan, 274. Referee, 275. Copie du Rapport du Conseil Ex^cutif, recommandant le Bail de 25,940 ar- pens de terre dans la Seigneurie du Cap de la Magdeleine, et un Tableau des parties des Biens des Jesuites qui ont dt£ vendues, ou au- trement alienees, mis devant la Chambre, et referes, 302. Pour les dits Rapport et Tableau, voir Appendice (S.) Copies de Communica- tions relatives au renouvellement du present Bail des Forges de St. Maurice, referees, 312. Un Membre ajoute, 398. Divers Documens et Copies de Correspondance au sujet des Baux des Greves de Sillery depuis 1832, mis devant la Chambre, et referes, 410. Voir Appendice (S.) La Reponse de Son Excellence a l’A- dresse (46.) poir des Copies de toutes Depeches ou Instructions ret^ues depuis 1828, concernant le mode de disposer a Bail a Pavenir des Pro- prietes de la Couronne ou des Biens des J£- suites, referee, 432. Premier Rapport. 368. Refere a un Comite general, ibid. Considere, 383, 406, 414, 478. Le Coraite devant sieger de nouveau, 478. Second Rapport, 510. Adop- te, ibid. Pour ces Rapports, vcir Appendice (X. X.) Bill pour regler Padministration et regie des Biens des Jesuites, lu la premiere fois, 269. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 297. Rapport ; Bill et Rapport referes a un Comity general, 398. Consideres, 406. Bill rapport^, 411. Pass£, 494. Bills envoyes du Conseil Legislatif. Voir Acte des Che- mins ; Charivaris ; Hypotheques ; Notre Dame de Bonsecours ; Prisonniers ; Transport des Terres. Publics et Prives. Voir Acte Constitutionnel ; Acte des Chemins de la 36e Geo. III. Chap. 9 ; Actes du Parlement Provincial ; Agent ; Agricul- ture; Alkalis; Arts; Aubergistes; Bacs et Cages; Banqueroutes et Faillites , Lois des ; Banquerou- tiers ; Banques; Biens des Jesuites ; Canaux ; Cap Rouge , Pont du ; Cession de Biens ; Chambly, College de ; Charbon de terre ; Charivaris ; Chasseur Pierre ; Chemins d Lises ; Chretiens Protestans ; Commerce des Bois ; Commissions ; Compagnies d’ Assurance Mutuelle contre le Feu ; Congregations Religieuses ; Cours de Justice et Priso?is ; Criminels ; Cuir cl Scmelles ; Cure- Mole d Vapeur; Debiteurs; De/endeurs ; De- pots de Provisions ; Differends ; Douanes ; Duel; Education et Ecoles ; Effets non reclames ; Elec- tions; Emigres, Acte de la Taxe des ; Foin; Fonc- tionnaires Publics; Gaspe, Actes de Judicature de; Gaspe, District de ; Gaspe, Peches de ; Gaspe , Titres des Terres d ; Gaz, Compagnie pour Ve- clairage par le ; Gouvernement Civil ; Grosse lie ; HauuCanada ; Honoraircs ; Ilopitaux et Insti- tutions INDEX an Quarante-cinquieme Volume. [ 1 835 - 6 . Bills Publics et Prives, continues: tutions de Charite ; Hypotheques ; Impression des Lois ; Incorporation , Actes d' ; Inventaires ; Judicature de la Province ; Jwg’cs dePaix; Ju- ris- \ Lac St. Louis ; Louzon, Seigneune de ; Legislature ; IJgne de Division; Locateurs et Locataires ; JMdsons de Correction ; Matson du Parlement ; Marches; Marins mala des ; Ma- te lots, Gages des; Membres ; Methodistes l ro- testans ; Milice; Missiskoui , Comte tie ; Mont- real, Havre de; Montreal, Unison de Douane de ; Navigation de la Riviere Richelieu ; Nota- riat ; Notre Dame de Bonsecours; Officiers de Justice; Officiers de Paroisses et de Vi lies; Op- positions aux Manages; Or donnance de la 2je Geo. III. Chap. 4 ; Ordonnance de la L 27e Geo. IIS. Chap. 3 ; Ordonnance de Sa Majeste ; Or- donnunces ; Paroisses en del r esse ; Passagers ; Pctiles Causes ; Pharos ; Pilori ; Police des Bourgs et Villages; Posies, Department des; Prisonniers ; Quarantaine ; Recensement ; She- ri/; Stntuts Provinciaux; St. Charles , Pont hire; Ste. Anne, Pont de ; Stellionat; St. Fran- cois, District de; Subdivision des Paroisses ; Ta- bac ; Tenures du Canada, Acte des; Terres et D> oits Seigneuriaux ; Transport des Terres . Cavaliers ajoutes a des Bills apres la troisieme lecture, 427, 601, 672. Lus deux fois a la merae seance, 132, 658, 682, 689 , Lus trois fois et passes a la merae seance, 6Q1. — — Passe, sur une division, 346. A etre ecrits sur du Papiey, avant leur troisieme lecture, pendant le reste de la Session, le Gref- fier de la Chambre ne pouvant pas se procurer de Parchemin pourles grossoyer, 643. Listes des Intitules de tons les Bills qui out pris leur oiigine et out etc passes dans chacune on dans les deux Chambres pendant la derniere et la presente Session, et ne sont pas detenus Lois, a etre imprimees, 643. __ Grossoyes ; Comite Permanent des, nomine, 20. ____ Prives ; Comite Permanent des, nomine, 20. La Petition du Marche de Montreal et la Peti- tion de la Commune de Pile du Pads, referees, 23. La Petition de la Compagnie pour eclairer Montreal par le Gaz, referee, 36. Leg Peti- tions de Pierre Gingras et des Habitans de St. Augustin, relatives a un Pont sur la Iliviere Cap Rouge, referees, 57* La Petition du Che- min a Lisses de Montreal et Lachine; la Peti- tion de la Compagnie du Chemin a Lisses de Champlain et du St. Laurent, pour un Bateau traversier, et la Petit ion de Laprairie contre la precedence Petition, referees, 69. La Petition pour un Chemin a Lisses de la Pointe Levi a la Ligne Provinciale, et la Petition de L. Ju- chereau Duchesnay relative a un Pont propose sur la Riviere Cap Rouge, referee's, 89. La Petition pour un Chemin a Lisses du Lac Mem- ph ram agog au Port de St. Frangois; la Peti- tion pour des Chemins k Lisses, du Lac Mem- phramagog a la Ville de Dorchester, et a la Ligne Provinciale ; et la Petition des Comtes de Chambly et de Ilouville au soutien de la der- niere Petition, referees, 109. Un Membre ajoute, 137. Premier Rapport, — sur la Peti- tion du Marche de Montreal, 36. Second Rap- port, — sur la Petition de la Commune de l’lle du Pads, et la Petition du Chemin a Lisses de Montreal et Lachine, 146. Troisieme Rap- Bills Prives, continues: port, — sur la Petition de la Compagnie pour eclairer Montreal par le Gaz, et. sur les Peti- tions relatives a un Bateau traversier entre La- orairie et Montreal, ibid. Quatiieme Rapport, — *sur les differentes Petitions relatives a un Pont sur la Riviere Cap Rouge, ibid. Cinquieme Rapport,— sur la Petition pour un Chemin a Lisses, de la Pointe Levi a la Ligne Provinciale, 165. Sixieme Rapport, — sur les Petitions pour des Chemins a Lisses dans les Townships, ibid. Le temps fixe par les Regies de la Cham- bre pour recevoir des Rapports sur des Bills Prives, prolonge, 210. Blais, Francois. Sa Petition, relative a un Lot de terre dans Kingsey, dont il allegue avoir ete depossede par des moyens f'rauduleux, 206. Referee au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux, 267* Bonaventure, Comte de. Petitions de divers Proprietaires et Francs Tenancies du dit Comite, se plaignaut d un droit de mouture exorbitant, que leur im- posent ies Proprietaires de Moulins a Farine, et de la construction defectueuse des dits Mou- lins, 99- Referee, 100. Bonner, John. V oir Cap Rouge, Pont du. Bouchard Pierre. Sa Petition, representant qu’if fnt blesse en iannee 1814, pendant qu’il etait de service comme Milicien, et demandant une Pen- sion, 81. Referee, ibid. Voir Milice. Boucher, Louis. Sa Petition, demandant une indem- nite pour dommages soufferts durant la derniere Guerre Americaine, pendant qu’il etait en de- voir comme ( apitaine dans le 4e Batadlon de la Milice d’Ebte et Incorporee, 25. Referee, ibid. Voir Milice. Bouchers Petition des Bouchers et autres de Quebec, pour un Bill annuitant une Ordonnance du Con sell de Ville, par laquelle ils se trouvent pri- ves de vendre et debiter des viandes dans leurs voit tires sur les Marches, 392. Referee, 393. Voir Incorporation, Actes d. Bourgs ct Villages. Voir Police. Bowen, M. le Juge. Petition d’Adolphus Mordecai Hart, se pfaignant de la conduite publique tie M. le J uge Bowen, 336. Referee au Comit6 Permanent des Griefs, avec une Instruction de s’enqu'rir du caractere et de la conduite pu- blics tie M. le Juge Bowen, ibid. Petition de M. le Juge Bowen, 400. Aussi referee au Comite Permanent des Griefs, 402. Motion, Qu’il soit une Instruction au dit Comite de requerir A. M. Hart, de specifier et articuler- les divers sujets de plaintes qu’il pent avoir contre M. le Juge Bowen, 402. Consideration d icelle re- mise, sur une division. 403. RefercT a un Co- mite general ; consiueree; le Comite se leve sans faire rapport, 412. Rapport du Comite Permanent des Griefs, 685. Voir Appendice (E. E.) A etre imprime; la Chambre resout de continuer la dite Enquete durant la Session prochaine, 685. Brandon, Township tie. Petition de divers Habitans et Francs-Tenanciers du dit Township, pliant la Chambre d’enquerir si les Terres sur les- quelles ils sont etablis forment partie du dit Township et dependent de la Couronne, ou si el les forment partie tie la Seigneurie de Lanau- diere, 346. Referee au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux, 347. Brochu , 1835 - 6 .] INDEX au Quarantc-einquieme Volume. Brochu, Pierre. Voir Chemins et Ameliorations Pu- bliques. Brousseau, Jean Baptiste. Sa Petition avec J. F. M. Trudeau, pour une remuneration additionnelle, pour des services en 1834, s’etant tenus cons- tamment dans les Hopitaux des Choleriques a la Pointe St. Charles, 110. Referee au Oomite Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite, ibid. Bruit. Voir Chambre d’ Assemblee. Bureaux tV Enregislrement. Petition des Habitans de la Cite et du District de Montreal, pour l’eta- blissement de Bureaux d’Enr<%istrement dans les difterens Comtes, 195. Une semblable Petition de divers Citoyens de Quebec, 232. Elies sont referees, 195, 232. Deux Membres ajout&, 233. Rapport, 504. A etre imprime, 505. La Chambre resoul de considder en Comite, s’il serait expedient de rendre permamens divers Actes temporaires, relativement aux Bureaux d’Enr^gistrement dans certains Comtes, 521. Comite remis, 588, 633, 677. Bureaux des Postes. Voir Postes, Bureaux des. ALDWELL, JOHN, Ecuyer, ci-devant Rece- veur-G6neral. Comity nomme pour s’enquerir en quel etat sont les affaires de sa defalcation, 366. Rapport, 526. Refere a un Comit6 ge- neral ; a etre imprime, 527 ; considere, 604, 633, 645. Resolutions rapportees, et adoptees, 648. Voir Lauzon, Seigneurie de. Canaux : — Canal de Chambly. Rapport des Commissaires pr&sen- te, 76. Voir Appendice (N.j Refere, 76. Le Rapport des Commissaires pour l’ameliora- tion de la navigation de la Riviere Richelieu, aussi refere, 96. Petition de S. Andres, Jun., et S. R. Andres, Contracteurs pour faire le dit Canal, demandant le paiement d’ouvrages extra qu’ilsont faits, — d’empecher toutes poursuites contreleurs cautions, et qu’il leur soit permisde finir le Canal, la Chambre leur faisant une allo- cation ultdieure pour cette fin, 96. Aussi refe- ree, 97. La Petition pour une aide pour ame- liorer la navigation de la Riviere Richelieu, r6- fer£e, 340. Membres ajoutes, 340, 478. Rap- port, 611. R£f<£re a un Comite general, 614. Consider^, 645. Resolutions rapportees, 649. Adoptees, 650, 651. Voir itifra, ; Navigation de la Riviere Richelieu. Bill pour pourvoir au parach&vement du Canal de Chambly, lu la premiere fois, 656. Lu une seconde fois, 659. Passe, ibid. Canal de Lachine. Le, Rapport des Commissaires pour 1834, refers, 94. Petition de divers Proprie- Terres sur la ligne du dit Canal, et de St. Pierre, se plaignant de dommages faits k leurs propriety, dus aux operations du dit Ca- nal, et demandant a etre indemnis^s de leurs pertes, 94. Aussi referee, 96. Rapport des Commissaires pour 1835, 141. Voir Appen- dice (Q.) Refere, 141 . Rapport, 6 1 6. Bill pour pourvoir k la r£gie et surveillance du dit Canal, et pour etablir certains peages et droits a y etre leves, lu la premiere fois, 510. Lu une seconde fois, et refere a un Comite general, 620. Consider^, 629. Rapporte, 636. Passe, 658. Par le Conseil, 685. Sanction Royale, 701.— 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 22. Cap Chat. Petition des Proprietaires de Cap Chat et Ste. Anne des Monts, demandant que les dits lieux soient d^membr^s du District de Gasp£ et annexes au District de Quebec, 81. RG7> ree au Comite Permanent des Cours de Justice 82. Rapport, 318. Cap de la Magdeleine, Seigneurie du. Voir Biens des Je suites. Cap Rouge, Pont du. Petition de Pierre Ginoras, pour le privilege de batir un Pont de P£age sur la RivRre Cap Rouge, 57. Petition des Ilabi- tans de St. Augustin, contre 1’dection du dit Pont, s’il n’y a reserve en faveur des Petition- naires de conserver leur passage a gu6 sur la dite Riviere, ibid. Ces deux Petitions r 30, 50,56,08,88, 100. Voir supra. — Rapports des Commissaires presentes, o3, /0, 94 159, 223, 384, 403. Voir Appendice (D.) Ils sont referes au Comite Permanent des Che- mins et des Ameliorations Publiques, 141. Tous les Rapports relatifs aux Ameliorations Publiques faits par les dilferens Commissaires depuis 1827, referes au meme Comite, 430. Petition des Habitans des Townships de Wendo- ver Grantham et Wickham, demandant qu’une balance non depensee, allocation faite pour 1 a- melioration de la navigation de la RivKre bt. Frangois, soit employee a ameliorer les Che- mins dans les dits Townships, 49. Referee au Comite Permanent des Chemins et des Au.eli- orations Publiques, 58. a , t f , Petition de Philemon Dugar, pour etre remunere pour des ouvrages publics faits dans le Town- ship de Rawdon, 56. Petition de Pierre Be- dard, et autres, demandant une aide chaque annee, afin de les mettre en etat de continuei leurs etablissemens le long du Chemin entre St. Joachim et la Baie St. Paul, 67. Petition des Habitans de St. Laurent et St. Pier) e, lie d’Orleans, relativement au Chemin d hiver sur la Mace entre Quebec et la dite He, 68. Peti- tion de Louis Bertrand, pour etre rembourse d’une somme d’argent depensee pour des ou- vrao’es en fer pour un Pont sur la Riviere des Trois- Pistoles, 108. Petition d 'Alexander Fra- ser, pour etre remboursee d’une somme d’ar- o-ent depensee dans la construction d un Pont sur la Riviere Veite sur le Chemin de Temis- couata, ibid « Elies sont reieiees au Comitc Per- manent des Chemins et des Ameliorations Pu- bliques, 56, 68, 109. _ . Petition des Commissaires pour le Chemin clc- puis Rawdon jusqu au Grand St. Esprit, conte- nant leur Rapport, 686. Ilefere au Comite de toute la Chambre sur le Second Rapport du Comite Permanent des Chemins et des Ame- liorations Publiques, ibid. . . __ Chemins et Fonts. Voir Actes des Chemins de la oGe Geo. ILL Chap. 9. Chisholme, David. Voir Adresses (5o.) Chretiens Protestans. Bill pour le soulagement de diverses Society de Chretiens Protestans, lu la premiere 1835-6.] INDEX au Quarante-cinquieme Volume. Chretiens Protestans, continues : premiere fois, 1 66. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 184. Rapport ; Bill et Rapport refers a un Comite general, 210. Consid^res, 234. Bill rapporte, 239. Passe, 251. Par le Con- seil, 543. Sanction Royale, 700 — Ge. Guill. IV. Chap. 49. Circuit, Cour lie. Voir Dorchester, Ville de ; Terre- bonne, Comte de. Cloutier, Louis . Sa Petition, avec autres, relative a des Lots de terre dans le Township d’ Ascot, sur Jesquels ils se sont etablis il y a plusieurs annees, 598. Referee au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux, ibid. Colborne , Sir John. Voir Etat dela Province. College des Je suites. V oir Biens des Je suites. Collins, John. Voir Prison d Montreal. Comites de toute la Chambre siegent pour la considera- tion de divers sujets. Voir les chefs suivans : Acte Constitutionnel ; Acte des Chemins ; Acte du Parlement Provincial ; Adresse (1.) au Gou- verneur-en-Chef ; Agent ; Agriculture ; Alka- lis ; Arts ; Assistans du Greffier ; Aubergisles ; Aylmer , Lord ; Bacs et Cages ; Banqueroutiers ; Banques ; Bibliotheque de la Chambre ; Biens des Jesuites ; Bowen, M. le Juge ; Caldwell, John, Ecuyer ; Canaux ; Cap Rouge, Pont du ; Cession de Biens ; Chambly, College de ; Char- bon de terre ; Charivaris ; Chemins d Lisses ; Chemin des Caps ; Chemins et Ameliorations Pu- bliques ; Chretiens Protestans ; Commerce des Bois ; Commissions ; Compagnies d’ Assurance Mutuelle contre le Feu ; Comptes Contingens ; Compies Publics j Congregations Religieuses ; Cour s de Justice et Prisons ; Criminels ; Cuir cl Semelles ; De Beaujeau, Veuve ; Debiteurs ; Defendeurs ; Depots de Provisions ; Dickerson, Silas II . ; Differ ends ; Douanes ; Duel ; Dun- dee, Township de ; Education et Ecoles ; Elec- tions ; Emigres, Acte de la Taxe des ; Etat de la Province ; Felton , Hon. William Bowman ; Fletcher, M. le Juge ; Fain ; Gale, M. le Juge ; Gaspe, District de ; Gaspe, Peches de ; Gaspe, Titre des Terres d ; Gaz, Compagnie pour ke- el air age par le ; Gouternement Executif ; Gref- jier en Loi ; Grosse-Ile ; Haut-Canada ; Hono - raires ; Honoraires et Revenus ; Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite ; Impression des Lois ; Incorporation Actes d' ; Judicature ; Juges de Paix ; Juris ; Lac St. Louis ; Larochel, Si- meon ; Lauzon, Seigneurie de ; Locateurs et Locataires ; Matsons de Correction ; Matson du Parlement ; M nitres d 'Ecoles ; Marches ; Ma- rins Malades ; Matelots, Gages des ; Membres ; Methodistes Protestans ; Milice ; Missiskoui, Comte de ; Mondelet, J. M. ; Montreal , Havre de ; Montreal, Maison de Douane de ; Mont - real, Prison de ; Notariat ; Offciers de Jus- tice ; Officiers de Paroisses et de Villes ; Oppo- sitions aux Manages ; Ordonnance de la 25e Geo. III., Chap. 4 ; Ordonnance de la 27e Geo. III., Chap, 3 ; Ordonnance de 1667 ; Ordon- donnance de Sa Majeste ; Ordonnances ; Pa- roisses en detresse ; Passagers j Petites Causes ; Phares ; Plainte ; Police des Bourgs et Vil- lages ; Postes, Department des ; Presidens des Sessions de Quartier ; Quarantaine ; Quebec, Mai- son de Douane de ; Recensement \ Regies de la Chambre ; Revenus et Finances ; Sheri/s ; S to- tals Provinciaux ; Ste. A?me, Pont de ) St. Comiles de toute la Chambre, continues : Charles , Pont libre ; Stellionat ; St. Francois, District de ; Subdivision des Paroisses ; Tabac ; '1 enures du Canada, Actes des ; Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux ; Thompson, M. le Juge j Whil- cher , Charles, Ecuyer. D^charges de la consideration de certains sujets, 207, 377. Se Invent faute de Quorum, 228, 231, 243, 320, 348, 351, 364, 435, 478, 493, 503, 605, 615, 633, 651, 657, 671, 678, 684, 688, 690, 694. Se Invent sans faire rapport, 248, 272, 314, 363, 367, 412, 427, 442, 492, 669, 677, 692. — — Speciaux nommes, et qui n’ont pas fait de Rap- ports. Voir les chefs suivans — A dr esses (29.) Bonaventure, Comt6 de ; Incorporation, Actes dl ; Licences d’ Aubergisles et de Marchands ; Maisons de Correction ; Pilori ; Prisons ; St. Patrice, Eglise de ; Welland, Canal de. — A faire rapport de temps a autre, 51, 129, 362, 385, 393. Decharges de la consideration d’une Peti- tion, 294. Permanens. Un Comite d’onze Membres nom- mes pour preparer des Listes de Membres pour former des Comites Permanens, 15. Instruc- tion de preparer une Liste de Membres pour former un Comite des Revenus et Finances, 17. Des Listes rapportees, 20. Adoptees, 21. Decharges de la consideration de certains sujets, 58, 187, 227, 362, 366, 476, 498. Commerce, Comite Permanent de, nomme, 20. La Pe- tition du Bureau de Commerce de Montreal, pour Pextension du systeme d’emmagasinage ; la Petition de divers Marchands et Comme^ans, pour des amendemens a l’Acte du Commerce des Bois ; et la Petition pour la nomination de Commissaires pour s’enquerir de l’etat des Lois au sujet des Banqueroutes et Faillites, referees, 67,107, 152. Premier Rapport, — sur les Peti- tions precedentes, 265. La Petition pour la continuation de la Charte de la Banque de Quebec ; trois Petitions pourle renouvellement des Chartes de la Banque de la Cite, des Banques de Montreal et de Quebec ; et la Pe- tition pour le renouvellr nent des Banques de Montreal et de la Cite, et pour placer tous les ^tablissemens de Banques sous des restrictions salutaires de cette nature, ou autres, referees, 67, 107, 134. Second Rapport, — sur ces der- ni£res Petitions 273. La Petition des Pilotes pour etre incorpores, et pour un Phare sur file Bicquet ; et la Petition des Pilotes rela- tive aux Apprentis Pilotes, referees, 187, 290. Instruction au sujet du Fonds des Pilotes, 187. Troisieme Rapport, — sur ces demises refe- rences, 460. La Petition de Montreal relative aux obstructions dans le Fleuve St. Laurent et au Cure-Mole a Vapeur, referee, 152. Qua- tri£me Rapport, — sur ces derni&res references, 461. Le Message de Son Excellence relatif a un Droit de Tonnage sur les Vaisseaux, refers, 313. Cinquieme Rapport, 590. Commerce des Bois. Petition de divers Marchands et Negocians interess^s dans le Commerce des Bois, pour des amendemens a l’Acte du Com- merce des Bois, 108. Referee au Comite Per- manent de Commerce, ibid. Rapport, 265. — — — Bill pour mieux r£gler le Commerce des Bois, Iu la premiere fois, 432. Lu une seconde fois, et lifer 6, Von. 45.— Session 1835-6. D INDEX au Quarante-cinquieme Volume [ 1835 - 6 . Commerce des Bois , continue • . „ t» _ rp fere, 477, Un Membre ajoute, 517. Kap port ; Bill et Rapport rdRris a un Comite ge- neral, 646. Chambre en Comite, 6/ b. Le Comite devant sieger de nouveau, ibid. _ Commissure des Terres de la Couronne. W Felton, Hon. William Bowman. , r . m Commissures. M. 1 Orateur communique a la t» bre des Extraits d’une DSpeche aux Comm saires du Bas-Canada, qu’il a re$us de 1 Orateui de l’Assemblee du Haut-Canada, et certifies par le Greffier de la dite Assemble, 446 % Motion, One les dits Documens soient inseres dans le Journal de la Chambre, ibid. Motion pour re- mettre la consideration de la Motion anteneure, ibid. Question sur icelle negativee sur une : di- vision : une autre Motion pour rHerer la Mo- tion principale au Comite Permanent des Pri- vileges et Elections, pour laire des recherches de pr^cedens, et rapporter son opinion, si la dite Communication faite par M. 1 Orateui est Parlementaire ou non ; Question sur icelle aussi negativee sur une division ; Motion principale adoptee, sur une division, et les Extraits inseres, 447. Ils sont referes au Comite de toute a Chambre sur les divers Rapports du Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, et sur etat de la Province, 453. . „ _ Message de Son Excellence, avec Copies de .viessage nc — toutes les Instructions qui out rapport aux ma tieres qu’embrassent les Extraits que la Cham- bre a recusdu Haut-Canada, 463. Referes au meme Comit6 que les Extraits, et a etre impri- iTi cs 4 72* Voir’ Agriculture ; Banqueroutes, Lois des -, Ca- naux ; Chemins et Ameliorations Publiques ; Communications Inlemterieures •, Elections , Enu- ,rres , Socieles des ; Exploration ; Haut-Canada ; t Jnsenseset Enjans-tr ouves ; Luuzon, Seigneurie de * Ligne de Division ; Maison du Par lenient ; Montreal , Havre de-, Montreal, Maison de Dou- anede ; .Navigation ; jNobert, Eustache Bigue ; Ouellet Joseph ; Phares ; Prison d , Montreal ; Penitentiaires ; Petites Causes ; Quebec, Maison de Douane de \ Sourds-Muets , Institul des ; St. Hnacinthe, Comte de. ^ , Commission de la Paix. Instruction au Comite Perma- nent des Griefs, de prendre en consideration Petat de la derniere Commission de la Paix, 142. Commissions. Bill pour constater la maniere en laqnelle on pourra ci-apres etre admis Ji pratiquer la Loi ou a pratiquer comme Notaire en cette io- vince, hi la premiere fois, 37. Lu une seconde fois, et refere a un Comit6 general, 7 1. Consi- ders, 123. Rapporte, 130. Passe, 138. _ Message de Son Excellence, informant la Cham- bre qu elle a re^u une Depeche l’inlormant que le Bill pour constater la maniere en laquelle on pourra ci-apr^s etre admis a pratiquer la Loi ou a pratiquer comme ISIotaire en cette Province, passe dans la Session de 1834, sera confirme par le Roi en Conseil, 105. ^ Communications Interieures. Premier et Second Lap- ports des Commissaires norames en vertu de PActe 3e. Guill. IV. Chap. 26, pour I’ameliora- tion des Communications Interieures de la Pro- vince, present! s, 330. Voir Appendice (D.) Voir aussi Chemins et Ameliorations Publiques , . Compagnie des Terres Britannique Americaine. Peti- tion de divers Habitaiis et Propnetaires de la Paroisse de Ste. Anne de Varennes, pour le rap* Compagnie des Terres Britannique Americaine , conti- pel de la Charte de la dite Compagnie, 120. Petition de divers Habitans du Comte de Stan- stead pour l'abolition de la Charte de la dite Compagnie, et pour Poctroi de Terres incultes aux personnes qui desireront s’y etablir, 385. A etre imprinLe, ibid. Elies sont referees au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Sei- gneuriaux, 127, -185. p Voir Adresses (5 90 Liste des Lettres Patentes accordees a la dite Compagnie, mise devant la Chambre, 679- v . Compagnie pour eclairer Montreal par le Gaz, V oir Montreal. p . . Compagnies d' Assurance Mutuelle conlre le leu. Pe i- 1 tion desDirecteurs de laCompagme d Assurance Mutuelle contre le Eeu du Comte de Montreal, pour des amendemens a 1 Acte en vertu duquei ils sont incorpores, 415. Referee, ibid. Rap- port, 600. Ea Chambre resout de considerer en Comity sil est expedient rl’amender le mt Acte : une Resolution rapportee, et adoptee *, Bill pour continuer, pour un temps limite, et amender l’Acte 4e. Guill. IV. Chap. S3, relatif .V l’etablissement de Compagnies d Assurance Mutuelle contre le Feu, lu la premiere fois, 600. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 645. Rapport ; Bill et Rapport referes a un ( omite general, 653. Consults *, Bill rapport, 660. Lu la troisieme fois ; un Cavalier ajout6 ; Bill passe, 672. Par le Conseil, 696. Sanction Koyale, 701— 6e. Guill. Chap. 33. at n' Comptes Contingens, depuis le ler Janvier au 31 De- 1 cembre 1834, avec le montant des arrerages dus et des demandes faites contre la Chambre jus- qu’au 15 Octobre 1835, mis devant la Chambre, 18. Referes, 28. Voir Depends Coniingentes, etc. Publics. Mis devant la Chambre par Message de Son Excellence, 174. Voir Appendice Q.) Referes au Comit6 Permanent des Comptes Publics, eta etre imprimes, 176. _ } Comite Permanent des, nommf, 20. Pe- titions referees, savoir : De Joseph Ouellet, 21. D’ Edward Holland, 26. De Jean Bte. Miville De Chene ; de P. A. Weilbrenner ; d’A. Jobin et G. Deschambeault ; ele Robert Hoyle, o4. De John Francis Delair, 49. Des Cure, Mai- guilliers et autres de la Paroisse de Lotbinieie j de Toussaint Charretier ; de Louis Beaudouin ; de Matthew Jack ; de Charles Antoine G. De Tonnancour; de Carey McClellan Hyndman j 57 D’Amasa Bebee ; de Martin Sheppard j de* John McClellan, 66. De William Annett; d’Eustache Bigue Nobert; d’Alexander Thomp- son ; de Pierre de Rocheblave ; d Antoine J. Duchesnav, 82. De Francois et Edouard Nor- mand ; de Pierre Paul Demaray ; de John Fife 106. De Gabriel Marchand, 183. De David Thompson, 350. Le Rapport des Com- missaires pour IVrection d’une Cour de Justice et Prison dans le Comte de St. Hyacinthe, leiei e, 76. La partie de la Petition d Antoine Dupuis, pour etre indemnise pour des services durant la derniere Guerre Americaine, referee, 137. Le Li vie Bleu pour 1834, refere, 166. Les Comptes Publics pour 1335, et l’Estimation pour 183b, avec les Messages qui les accompagnent, leferes, 176. L’Etat du montant probable des Argens Publics qui seront dans les Voutes le 15 Janvier 1 00 D, 1835-6’.] INDEX au Quarante-cinquieme Volume. Comptes Publics , continues : 1836, refere, 224. Instruction an sujet de Ja distribution de ^31,000, avances de !a Caisse Militaire, et aussi au sujet des SaJaires du Re- ceveur-Gtmeral et du Commissaire des Biens des Jesuites, 226. Les Comptes du lleceveur- General et l’Etat des Deniers Publics dans la Caisse lors de sa nomination, referes, 2?0. Le Message de Son Excellence relatif a une of- fense commise dans le Comte de Sherbrooke, re- fere, 370. Premier Rapport, 205. Second Bap- port, 293. Troisieme Rapport; a etre imprime, 344. Quatrieme Rapport, 448. Pour ces Rap- port, voir Appendice (I.) Ussont referes, 334, 443. Instruction au Comite de toute Chambre de s’enquerir de l’etat de la Province, 433, Extraits certifies d’une Depeche adressee aux Commissaires du Bas-Canada, re9us de l’Ora- teur de PAssemblee du Haut-Canada, referes a un Comite general, 453. Le Message de Son Excellence, avec Copies de telles parties des Instructions aux Commissaires du Bas-Canada, qui ont rapport aux matieres qu’embrassent les Extraits re9us du Haut-Canada, referes, 472. Chambre en Comite, 383, 495, 503. Procedes ulterieurs tombes faute de Quorum, 503. — Chambre de nouveau en Comite, 516, 517, 521, 528, 529- Resolutions sur les Comptes Pu- blics et autres references, et une Adresse au Roi et des Petitions aux Lords et aux Com- munes sur Petat de la Province, rapportees, 530. Motion pour mettre la Question de con- cours sur les Resolutions; un arnendement propose, 584. M. l’Orateur refuse de rece- voir la Motion d’amendement, donnant ses rai- sons pour cela ; un appel est fait de sa decision ; sa decision est confirmee, sur une division ; la Motion principale et les Resolutions sontunani- mement adoptees, 585. Un Bill presente, 600. Voir Gouvernement Civil. Pour 1’Adresse et les Petitions, voir Adresses (1.) au Roi, Petitions aux Lords et aux Communes. Cinquieme Rap- port, 594. Voir Appendice (I.) Conference. Voir Differends entre les Maitres et leurs Serviteurs. Congregations Religieuses. Bill pour revoquer un Acte pour le secours de certaines Congregations Re- ligieuses y mentionnees, et pour faire d’autres dispositions legislatives au lieu d’icelui, lu la premiere fois, 16. Lu une seconde fois, et re- fere a un Comite general, 46. Considere, 52, 71. Rapporte, 92. Passe, 130. Par le Con- seil, avec un arnendement, 648. Icelui refere a un Comite general ; considere, 66l, 676. Le Comite se l£ve sans faire rapport, 677. Conseil Executif. Liste des Membres du Conseil Exe- cutif du Bas-Canada, raise devant la Chambre, 423. Referee, 440. Voir infrd. Conseil Legislatif : Messages a leurs Honneurs. Demandant que des Conseillers soient examines devant des Comites de PAssemblee, 122, 155, 265, 313, 334, 346, 356, 600. Avec les Plans, Documens, Temoignages et Preuves sur lesquels le Bill du Marche de Mont- real est fonde, 273. Leur demandant une Conference, 591. Que Pun de leurs Officiers soit examine devant un Comite de l’Assemblee, 631. Avec une Copie d’une Resolution de la Cham- bre, declarant que faute de Parchemin pour gros. Conseil Legislatif, continue: soyer les Bills, ils soient ecrits sur du Papier avant leur troisieme lecture, pendant le reste de la Session, 643. Avec les Documens sur lesquels est fonde le Bill pour changer une place d’election dans le Com- te de Missiskoui, 673. Messages de leurs Honneurs : Consentant a ce que leurs Membres soient exa- mines devant des Comites de l’Assemblee, 128 129, 159, 277, 320, 336, 349, 361, 609, 635. Concourant a des Bills transmis par l’Assemblee, sans arnendement, 145, 158, 283, 310, 333, 336, 343, 349, 400, 413, 599, 635, 647, 658, 685, 696, 697. Concourant a des Bills transmis par PAs3embffie, avec des amendemens, 193, 237, 333, 343, 361* 384, 413, 444, 510,599, 648, 661, 685, 696, 697! Demandant que les Plans, Documens, Temoi- gnages et Preuves sur lesquel est fond£ le Bill du Marche de Montreal leur soient communi- ques, 254. Avec des Bills provenant d’eux-memes, 400, 444, 510, 661, 685. Consentant a une Conference, 599. Concourant a un arnendement fait par l’Assem- blee a un Bill transmis par leurs Honneurs, 635. Concourant a un arnendement fait par l’Assem blee aux amendemens faits a un Bill par leurs Honneurs, 685. Informant la Chambre qu’ils n’insistent pas sur Pun de leurs amendemens au Bill relatif aux differends entre les Maitres et leur Serviteurs, 635. Consentant a ce qu’un de leurs Officiers soit ex- amine devant un Comite de l’Assemblee, 648. Demandant que les Documens sur lesquels est fonde le Bill pour changer une place d’election dans le Comte de Missiskoui, leur soient com- muniques, 658. Demandant que les Documens sur lesquels est fond6 le Bill pour reduire et fixer les Salaires de certains Officiers de Justice, leur soient com muniques, 696. Cour d* Appel. La Chambre resout de considerer en Comite, s’il ne serait pas expedient d’amender l’Acte 34e Geo. III. Chap. 6, en autant qu’ice- lui a rapport a la constitution de la Cour d’Ap- pel, 28. Ordre decharge, 53. Couronne, Terre s de la. Voir Terres. C'ours de Justice. Voir Justice, Cour de. Cours de Justice et Prisons. La Chambre resout de considerer en Comite, quels sont les moyens qu’il convient d’adopter pour pourvoir ulterieure- ment a Pentretien des Cours de Justice et Pri- sons de Comtes Gigees en vertu de PActe 2e Guill. IV. Chap. 66, 184. Chambre en Comite, 208. Resolutions rapportees, et adoptees; Bill pour pourvoir ulterieurement a Pentretien des Cours de Justice et Prisons dans les differens Comtes, lu la premiere fois, 222. L11 une se- conde fois, et r£fer£, 230. Rapport; Bill et Rapport referes a un Comite general, 238. Con- siders, 249. Bill rapporte, 251. Passe, 255. Cresse , Luc- Michel. Sa Petition pour qu’il lui soit procure un Clerc, et des Livres de Lois, afin qu’il puisse remplir ses devoirs de Magistrat dans la Paroisse de Nicolet, 317. Referee au Comit6 Permanent des Cours de Justice, 3 IS. Crevier, Messire Edouard. Sa Petition pour une aide, pour Petablissement d un Hopital dans le Vil- lage INDEX an Quarante-cinquieme Volume. [ 1835 - 6 . Me is ire Edouard, continue : lane lie St. Hyacinthe, 90. lleferee an Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de C ha rite, ibid. Criminels . Message de Son Excellence, avec un bx- trait d une Depeche du Secretaire Colonial, le- lativement a la deportation des Criminels, avec Copie d’une Proclamation emanee par Son Ex- cellence, en conformite de la elite Depeche, 73. Referes a un Comite general, 76. Considers, 131. Resolutions rapportees et adoptees. i d qui pourvoit a la deportation de certains Con- damnes de cette Province en Angleterre, pour de-la etre de nouveau deportes^ dans la i\ou- velle-Galles Meridionale ou la Terre de Die- men, lu trois fois, et refere, 132. Rapport, 133.’ Passe, 133. Par le Conseil, 145. Sanc- tion Royale, 158. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 1. Cuir d Semelles. Bill pour pourvoir a ^inspection du Cuir a Semelles, lu la premise fois, 59 L Eu une seconders, et refere a un Com.te general, 614. Considere, 630. Rapporte, 636. lasse, 657- Par le Conseil avec des amendemens 696 . , . Cumul des Emplois. Voir G ouvsr nement ExccutiJ. Cure-Mole d Vapeur. Bill pour pourvoir a la nnse en operation du Cure-Mole a Vapeur, lu la pre- miere fois, 279. Lu une seconde fois, SSL. Passe, 290. Par le Conseil, 648. Sanction Royale, 701. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 58. De Chene, Jean Baptiste Miville. Voir Adr esses (71.) Defendeurs. Bill pour r£g\ e r la manure d’assigner, en matiere de saisie-arret, le saisi qui n’a ni domi- cile ni residence connue en cette Province, lu la premiere fois, 510. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 595. Rapport ; Bill et Rapport referes a un Comit6 general ; consideres ; Bill rappor- te, 676. Passe, 683. DeGaspe , Philippe Aubert, fils. V on' Chambre d As- semble ; Plainte. Delair , John. Sa Petition, pour le paiement d un Compte pour services com me Huissier, 49. Referee au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, ibid. . , Demaray, Pierre Paul. Voir Missislioiu, Comte de, sous le chef Elections. . Dealers Publics. Etat du montant total des Demers Publics dans la Voute de surete et dans la Voute du Receveur-G£neral, le 9 Novembre 1835, mis devant la Chambre, 75. Refere au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, ibid. . Etat du montant probable des Deniers I ubhcs qui seront dans les VoCites le 15 Janvier 1836, mis devant la Chambre, 206. Ref6r6 au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, 224, . — — Etat du montant des Deniers dans la Caisse 1 u- blique, lors de la nomination de M. Hale, comme Receveur-General, et ses Comptes courans jus- qu'au 10 Octobre 1835, mis devant la Chambre, 270. Referes au Comite Permanent des Comptee Publics, ibid. . , . Depenses Contingentes de la Legislature. \ oir Legis- lature. * AVIDSON, JOHN. Voir Dundee, Township De Beaujeu, Veuve. Sa Petition, et de son fils, rela- tive a la Ligne de division entre le Haul, et le Bas-Canadaf 76. Referee, 80. La Petition de John McCuaig, aussi relative a la meme Ligne de division, reteree, 98. Rapport, 351.^ Voir Appendice (S. S.) Refere a uti Comite gene- ral ; a etre imprime, 351. Consider^, 441. Re- solutions rapportees, et adoptees, 457. \ oir Ligne de Division. Debiteurs. Bill pour le soulagement, pendant un temps limite, des Debiteurs msolvables, lu la premise fois, 30. Lu une seconde fois, 10. Passe, 59. Par le Conseil, avec des amende- mens, 193. Consideres, et adoptes, 194. Sanc- tion Royale, 284.— 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 4. Rill pour venir plus promptement au secours ties Debiteurs insolvables, lu la premiere fois, 251. Lu une seconde fois, 262. Passe, 270. Pai le Conseil, 283. Sanction Royale, 284.— 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 3. _ Rill pour emp&cher les Debiteurs de d teriorer ou diminuer la valeur de leurs proprietes immo- bilieres durant la saisie d’icelles, lu la premieie fois, 91. Lu une seconde fois, 131. Rapport ; Bill refere a un Comit6 general, 141. Consi- dere, 150. Rapporte, ibid. Passe, 156. Par le Conseil, avec des amendemens, 237. Iceux consideres, 269. Adoptes, 270. Sanction Koya- le, 700. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap 9. Deblois, Joseph Francois, Ecuyer. Voir Thompson , M. lejuge. De Boucherville, Pierre. Sa Petition pour arrerages de la compensation qui lui est due depuis le ler Aout 1833, jusqu’au 30 Avril 1834, comme Inspecteur pour prevenir les accidens du leu a Montreal, 90. Referee, 273, Voir Incorpora- tion , Actes d\ Depenses Contingentes, et autres objets relatifs aux * • a. A' A ^ lo ( ham hrp rl As. Departemens interieurs de la Chambre d As semblee ; Comite Permanent pour les, nomme, 20. Les Propositions pour les Impressions, 1’Etat de l’lndemnite payee aux Membres,— - les Comptes Contingens,— Le Rapport du bi« bliothecaire, — et le Rapport du Grefiier concei- nant ses Assistans, referes, 28. Le Comite^de- charo-e de la consideration de ce deinier Rap- portf 58. Le Quatri&me Rapport du Comit6 Special sur les Comptes Contingens, et autres references, presente a la Chambre le 21 Feviier 1834, refere, ibid. Instruction au sujet des Impressions ordonnees par la Chambie, 06b. Un Membre ajoute, ibid. Premier Rapport,— sur les Propositions pour Impressions, 69. Se- cond Rapport, 321. Refere a un Comit6 gene- ral, 326. Considere, 372. Resolutions rap- port&es, et adoptees, 375. Froisieme Rappoit, 435. Refere a un ComiR general, 436. Con- sideration remise, 442. . Depots de Provisions. Petitions de divers Proprietaires de Vaisseaux, et autres, pour le retablissement du Depot de Provisions a Ste. Anne du Cap Chat, 100. Referee, ibid. Message de Son Excellence, avec Copie d’une Adresse de la Maison de la Trinite de Quebec, relative a des Depots de Provisions, 340. Referes, 342. La pat-tie de la Petition des lies de la Magdeleine relative a un Depot de Provisions sui l lie Am- herst, referee, 362. Rapport, 385. Refer6 x un Comite gen6ral, 389. A etre imprime, 392. Considere, 431, 442, 473. Resolutions rappor- tees, 481. Adoptees avec des amendemens, 482. Voir infrd. — — Bill pour etablir des Depots de Provisions pour le soulagement des Naufrages, lu la premiere fois, 482. Lu une seconde fois, et amende, 494. 18 Jo>- 6 .] INDEX a,u Quarante-cinquieme Volume. Depots de Provisions, continues : 494. Passe, 510. Par le Conseil, 647. Sanc- tion Royale, 701. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 39. De Rocheblave, Pierre. Voir Missiskoui, Comt6 de, sous le chef Elections. Deschambeault, Guillaume. Voir Montreal, Quartier Est de, sous le chef Elections. De Tonnancour, Charles. Sa Petition pour un salaire com me Coronaire pour le District de St. Fran- cois, 57. Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, ibid. Dickerson, Silas H. Sa Petition, se plaignant de ce qu’il a essuy6 des pertes graves par les proced6s illegaux et arbitraires de M. le Juge Fletcher, 288. Referee au Comite Permanent des Griefs, ibid. Rapport, 659. Voir Appendice (E. E.) Refer6 & un Comite general, 659.' Considere, 6/3. — Une Resolution et une Adresse rappor- tees et adoptees, 683. Voir Adresses (73.) Voir Fletcher, M. le Juge. Dijerends entre les Maitres et leurs Serviteurs, etc. Bill qui pourvoit a faire decider d’une maniere plus facile et moins dispendieuse les difLrends qui s’eRvent entre les Maitres et Maitresses et leurs Serviteurs, Apprentis ou Engages dans les Campagnes, lu la premiere fois, '91. Lu une seconde fois, et rHere, 139. Rapport ; Bill r6fere a un Comit6 general, 282. Considere, 292. Rapport6, 297- Lu la troisieme fois, 304. Passe, 305. Par le Conseil, avec des amendemens, 361. Iceux considers, 479. Adoptes, a l’exception de Pun d’eux, 480. Comite nomme pour preparer des Raisons a offrir au Conseil Legislatif, dans une Confe- rence, pour lesquelles la Chambre ne concourt pas au dit amendement, 494. Raisons rappor- tees et adoptees $ Conference a etre demandee au Conseil, 591. Le Conseil consent a la Con- ference ; Directeurs nommes, 599. Message du Conseil informant la Chambre qu’il n’insiste pas sur son amendement, 635. Sanction Roya- le, 701.— 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 27. Dix, Charles. Voir Biens des Jesuites. Dodds, William. Voir Plaint e. Dorchester, Pont de. Voir St. Charles, Pont. Dorchester, Ville de. Petition de divers Habitans, pour que la Cour de Circuit de St. Jean soit tenue k Dorchester, 328. Douaire Coutumier. Voir Hypotheques. ■ ■- Instruction au Comite Permanent des Cours de Justice, de s’enquerir s’il ne serait pas expe- dient d'amender la Loi relative au Douaire, soit coutumier ou prefix, 25. Douanes. Message de Son Excellence relatif k l’expi- ration de l’Acte des Douanes Interieures, et accompagne de Copie de Correspondance entre le Gouvernement Provincial et les Etats-Unis, au sujet des Honoraires demandtis par le Col- lecteur au Coteau du Lac sur les Vaisseaux et Bateaux Am6ricains, 148. Voir Appendice (T.) Refer6s, 152. Les Petitions de Robert Hoyle et John Simpson referees, 152, 174, Rapport, 294. R6fere, 428. Voir infrd. ■ Bill pour regler et 6tablir les salaires des Officiers des Douanes aux Ports de l’Interieur, et autres fins y mention n6es, lu la premiere fois, 362. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 377. Rapport ; Bill et Rapport refer6s a un Comite general, 412. Le Rapport du Comite Special sur le Douanes, continuees : Message de Son Excellence relatif A PActe des Douanes Interieures, et autres references, r6f6re au me me Comit6, 428. Chambre en Comite ; proc6d6s ult6rieurs tombes faute de Quorum", 435. Chambre de nouveau en Comite, 437, 496. Bill rapport6, 507. Passe, 521. Par le Conseil, 647. Sanction Royale, 702.— 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 24. * Maisons de. Voir Montreal, Maison de Dou- ane de ; Quebec, Maison de Douane de. Droits de Tonnage. Message de Son Excellence, avec Copie d’une Adresse de la Maison de la Trinit6 de Quebec, et Estimation des Depenses proba- bles de la Corporation pour 1836, et sugg6rant un modique Droit de Tonnage sur les Vaisseaux, afin d’avoir des fonds pour subvenir aux de- penses croissantes occasionn6es par Petablisse- ment de Phares et d’un Phare flottant, 312. Pour les Documens, Voir Appendice (P. P.) Refer6s au Comit6 Permanent de Commerce, 313. Rapport, 590. Droits et Charges Seigneuriaux. Petitions relatives a iceux, savoir : — des Habitans de la Seigneurie de Shoolbred, 50 ; de divers Habitans du Com- t6 de Nicolet, 85 ; des Proprietaires et Censi- taires dans la Seigneurie De Lery j des Francs- tenanciers des Seigneuries De Bleury, Sabrevois Noyan, 86 ; de divers Habitans de la Seigneu- rie de Lacole, 134 ; de divers Habitans de la Paroisse de la Ste. Famille du Cap Sant6, 303. Elies sont referees au Comit6 Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux, 50, 87, 136, 303. Drummond, Comt6 de. Petition des Habitans et Pro- prietaires de certains Townships sur le cote Nord-Est de la Riviere St. Fran5ois, dans le Comt6 de Drummond, pour le changement de la place d’Election, et pour qu’un Recensement du dit Comt6 ait lieu imm6diatement, 64. P6- tition de divers Proprietaires de terres dans le dit Comt6, pour un Recensement, 161. Elies sont referees au Comit6 Permanent des Privi- leges et Elections, ]6l, 294. Voir aussi Re- censement. Duchesnay, Antoine Juchereau. Sa Petition, pour une augmentation de salaire cotnme Traducteur Franpais du Gouvernement, 82. Referee au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, ibid. Duchesnay, L. Juchereau. Sa Petition, prenant con- naissance de la Petition de Pierre Gingras pour le privilege de batir un Pont sur la Riviere du Cap Rouge ; representant qu’il est Propri6taire de la dite Riviere, et demandant qu’il soit main- tenu ensa propriet6 et ses droits, 89. Referee au Comit6 Permanent des Bills Prives, ibid. Voir Cap Rouge, Pont du. Duclos dit Decelles, Christopher . Sa Petition, pour un soulagement contre un Jugement rendu par la Cour de Vice-Amiraut6, ei la saisie de son Ba- teau-a-Vapeur pour satisfaire au dit Jugement, 104. R6f6r6e au Comit6 Permanent des Cours de Justice, ibid. Rapport, 318. Duel. Bill pour la repression du Duel, lu la premiere fois, 400. Lu une seconde fois, et refer6, 424. Rapport ; Bill et Rapport referes a un Comite general, 443. Chambre en Comite ; proc6des ulterieurs tombes faute de Quorum, 478. Cham- bre de nouveau en Comite, 483, 587. Bill rap- porte, 594. Pass6, 634. Du gar E Vol. 45. — Session 1835-6. [ 1835 - 6 . INDEX au Quarante-cinquieme Volume. Dugar, Philemon. Voir Chemins et Ameliorations Pu - bliques. Dundee , Township de. Petition des Habitans d’ice- lui, se plaignant de la conduite de John David- son et John McGibbon, Juges de Paix, 389. Referee, 390. Rapport, 680. Refere a un Comite general, 681. Chambre en Comitti $ procedes ulterieurs tombes faute de Quorum, 694. Duplain , Pierre . Sa Petition, demandant a etre in- demnise des pertes et dommages qui lui sont resultes de ce qu’il a ete oblige de laisser la Grosse-Ile et d’abandonner son Bail d'icelle, 65. Referee, ibid. Le Bill pour l’achat de la Grosse-Ile aussi refere, 229. Rapport, 250. V oir Grosse-Ile . Dupuis , Antoine. Sa Petition, pour £tre indemnis£ pour ses services durant la derniere Guerre Ame- ricaine, en conduisant des Prisonniers au C6- teau du Lac, 101. Referee au Comite Perma- nent des Comptes Publics, ibid. -M ^COLES. Voir Education et Ecolcs. Education et les Ecoles ; Comit6 Permanent pour P, nomme, 20, Petitions pour des octrois d’ar- gent, savoir : pour parachever l’erection du College de L’Assomption ; pour payer les de- penses de la Societe d’Education de Quebec pour 1835 et 1836 ; pour payer les dettes dues par le College de Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere ; pour payer la Pension d’Augustus Wolff ; pour i’Academie de Sherbrooke, 21 ; pour l’Acade- mie de Shefford ; pour agrandir une Ecole pr£s de PEglise de Ste. Anne de la Parade ; pour un College a L’Assomption ; pour payer la moiti£ du cout de la batisse de deux Maisons d’Ecoles dans la Paroisse de St. George ; pour payer les airerages du salaire d’une Maitresse d’Ecole de Parrondissement N°. 9, dans Barn- ston ; pour aider Zadock Thompson dans la publication d’une G^ographie et Histoire et Carte du Bas-Canada, adapt^es a l’usage des Ecoles, 26 ; pour payer le salaire de Laurent Bedard, Maitre d’Ecole a St. Hyacinthe, jus- qu’au 15 Mai 1835 ; pour l’Acad^mie de Charleston ; pour remuneration i\ James Dou- gherty, Principal de l’Academie de Shefford ; pour acheter un emplacement pour y £riger une batisse pour la Societe de l’Ecole des Enfans de Montreal, 31 ; pour payer un allouance addi- tionnelle a John Slevin ponr avoir tenu la meil- leure Ecole dans le Comte de Saguenay ; pour la Societe de l’Ecole Britannique et Canadienne a Montreal ; pour payer des arrerages de salaire au Revd. A. Gale, comme Maitre d’Ecole a Lachine ; pour le S^minaire de Stanstead ; pour payer des arrerages de salaire a l’lnstitu- teur de l’Ecole N°. 1, pour Wendover et Simpson, 34 ; pour r^munerer le Precepteur de PEcole de Parrondissement N ° . 10, dans In- verness ; pour payer Pallocation d’un semestre fini le 15 Novembre 1834, a W. Stewart, de Parrondissement d’Ecole N ° . 4, dans Leeds ; pour payer une moiti£ du cout d une Maison d’Ecole de Parrondissement N ° . 2, dans Hull ; pour batir une Maison d’Ecole dans le Village de Laprairie ; pour payer le Maitre de PEcole N ° . 2, dans Wickham, l’allouance ordinaire depuis le 15 Mai 1834 ; pour payer le Maitre Education et Ecoles , continuees : de PEcole N ° . 1, dans Tingwick, six mois de salaire finis le 15 Mai 1834 j pour payer le Maitre de l’Ecole EEmentaire de Ristigouche, l’allouance ordinaire, 49 ; pour indemniser Jo- seph-Fram^ois Perrault des avances faites pour soutenir deux Ecoles et une Ferme-modele ; pour payer la moitie du cout d’un Lopin de terre et d’une Maison achetes pour l’arrondisse- ment d’Ecole N ° . 1, dans St. Barth^lemi ; pour l’education des Enfans des Sauvages de Lorette ; pour etablir une Ecole Primaire dans Ste. Anne d’Yamachiche ; pour le soutien de l’Ecole Nationale a Quebec j pour aider a ache- ver une Maison d’Ecole dans St. Pierre du Sud ; pour le soutien de deux Ecoles sous la regie de la Societe d’Education des Trois-Ri- vi£res ; pour mettle les Religieuses Ursulines des Trois-Rivieres en etat de payer une balance due sur un Batiment pour les fins de l’Educa- tion ; pour payer une moitie du cout d’une Maison d’Ecole dans Parrondissement N ° . 19, Township de Maria, et une moitie du cout d’une autre dans Parrondissement N ° . 21, dans Shoolbred ; pour payer les salaires des Maitres des Ecoles Nos. 4 et 5 dans Melbourne, depuis le 15 Mai au 15 Novembre 1834, 54, 55 ; pour l'etablissement d’une Ecole Primaire dans la Paroisse de Kamouraska ; pour Etablir line Ecole Primaire dans la Paroisse de Ste. Anne d’Yamachiche ; pour le soutien du Col- lege de Chambly ; pour ncheter un emplace- ment dans Ivingsey et y batir une Maison d’E- cole ; pour payer Pallocation ordinaire aux Ecoles Elementaires au Maitre de Parrondisse- ment d’Ecole N ° . 2, dans Simpson, depuis Mai 1834 rl Mai 1835 ; pour le soutien de l’A- cademie de Berthier ; pour le soutien de PE- cole des Enfans a Quebec ; pour batir une Maison d’Ecole dans le Village de St. George, 66 ; pour payer la moitie du cout de Perection d’une Maison d'Ecole dans Parrondissement N ° . 4, dans Stanbridge, 67 ; pour payer Pallo- cation ordinaire aux Ecoles Elementaires a trois Ecoles additionnelles dans Leeds, et pour un nombre additionnel d’arrondissemens d’Ecoles j pour l’etablissement d’une Ecole dans Tring ; pour payer Pallocation ordinaire au Maitre de Parrondissement d’Ecole N ° . 9, dans Inver- ness, pour la demi-annee finie en Novembre 1834 ; pour PEcole £tablie dn relation avec PE- glise de St. Andre, Quebec ; pour divers objets ayant rapport au College de St. Hyacinthe pour plusieurs Ecoles dans Stukely ; pour payer Pal- location ordinaire au Maitre de Parrondissement d’Ecole N ° . 29 dans Stanstead, pour la demi- annee finie le 15 Mai 1835 ; pour le soutien de PEcole Britannique et Canadienne des Enfans de Quebec ; pour l’Ecole Nationale de Mont- real ; pour payer Pallocation ordinaire au Mai- tre de PEcole N°. 9, dans Bourg-Louis, pour la demi-annee finie en Mai 1S35 ; pour le sou- tien d’une Ecole etablie dans la Basse-Ville de Quebec ; pour PEcole Britannique et Cana- dienne de Quebec ; pour rebatir cette partie des batimens des Religieuses Ursulines de Que- bec employee pour l’education des Enfans ex- ternes ; pour faciliter les progr^s de l’Educa- tion dans la Paroisse de St. Joseph de Chambly, 82, 83 ; pour payer Pallocation ordinaire aux Maitres des arrondissemens d’Ecoles Nos. 12 et 13 1835-6.] INDEX au Quarante-cinquieme Volume*. Education et Ecoles, continuees : dans Compton, 106 ; pour le soutien de ^Insti- tution de l’Ecole des Rteollets de Montreal ; pour mettre Fransois-Xavier Vallade en £tat de se procurer un Assistant dans son Ecole i\ Terre- bonne ; pour l’etablissement et soutien d’une Academic dans la Ville de New Carlisle ; pour remun^rer Jacques Surprenant pour 15 annees de services comrne Maitre d’ Ecole, 1 07 ; pour payer le salaire de l’lnstituteur de l’arrondisse- ment d’Ecole N ° . 3, dans la Paroisse de Ste. Foi, 335. Les Petitions sont referees, 21,26, 3 1 , 35, 50, 55, 67, 83, 107, 335. Petition pour la division de Potton en deux arrondissemens d’Ecoles, et le paiement des Maitres d’Ecoles en iceux, 31. R£f£ree, ibid. Petition pour l’extension de l’Acte en vertu duquel la moitie du cout de la batisse de Maisons d’Ecoles est allou^e, en faveur de la Paroisse de St. Ambroise, jusqu’au ler Novembre 1836 ; Petition pour une augmentation d’Ecoles dans Inverness ; Petition pour la subdivision de l’arrondissement d’Ecole N 0 . 1 dans Ireland ; Petition conte- nant une plainte d’abus dans l’exccution de l’Acte des Ecoles Elementaires, 54, 55. Refe- rees, 55. Petition pour l’allocation ordinaire au Maitre de farrondissement d’Ecole N 0 . 5 dans Brome, depuis le 2 Juillet au 8 Novembre 1834, etpour etre mis sur le meme pied de fon- dation, avec une aide permanente, que les autres Ecoles Elementaires, 67. Referee, ibid. Peti- tion pour des Ecoles additionnelles dans Eaton, Newport, Dudswell, Bury et Clifton, 10G. Re- feree, 107. Les Petitions suivantes referees, savoir : de Mnstitut des Artisans de Quebec, pour une aide; de la Societe d'Histoire Natu- lelle de Montreal, pour un aide, et pour leur accorder un terrain ; 35 ; de la Soci^te Litte- raire et Historique de Quebec, pour une aide, 55 ; de James Turpin, 67 ; des Chefs Hurons de la Jeune Lorette, pour une aide pour Sparer leur Presbytere ; de la Societe de la Prison de Quebec, pour une aide, 82, 83 ; de Pierre Chas- seur, 107. Deux Petitions pour enquerir de la conduite de Charles Archambeault, Ecuyer, au sujet de la distribution de recompenses en argent pour des Ecoles dans le Comte de Beau- harnois, referee, 317. Le Rapport des Com- missaires pour l’Institut des Sourds-Muets, re- fere, 64. Tous les Rapports relatifs a l’Educa- tion presentes ou k etre pr^sentes durant la Session, referes, 141. Deux Instructions au sujet des Ecoles Elementaires, 181. Premier Rapport, 311. Second Rapport, 368. Troi- sieme Rapport, 392. Quatrieme Rapport, 476. Cinquieme Rapport, 498. Sixieme Rapport, 676. Poir ces Rapports, voir Appendice (O. O.) Le Premier Rapport refers a un Co- mite general, et k etre imprim6, 311. Conside- rs, 348, 351. Precedes ullerieurs tombes faute de Quorum, ibid. Considere de nouveau, 354. Resolutions rapportees et adoptees, 357. Le Second Rapport refSrS a un ComitS general, 368. Instruction pour prendre en considera- tion les reclamations des Syndics et Visiteurs d’Ecoles dans Inverness et dans Leeds, 369. Chambre en Comite, 383. Une Resolution rapportee et adoptee, 390. Le Cinquieme Rap- port rSfere a un Comit6 general, 498. Consi- dere, 523. Resolutions rapportees et adoptees, 529. Bill pour l’encouragement ultdrieur et permanent Education el Ecoles, continuees : de l’Education, lu la premiere fois, 330. Lu une seconde fois et refere, 347. Rapport ; Bill et Rapport referes a un Comite general, 354, Considers, 372. Bill rapporte, 375. Passe, 381. Par le Conseil, avec des amendemens, 696. — — Bill pour l’encouragement de l’Education en cette Province, lu la premiere fois, 392. Lu une seconde fois et refere, 411. Rapport, Bill et Rapport referes it un Comite general, 413. Consideres, 428. Bill rapporte, 428. Passe, 436. Par le Conseil, 648. Sanction Rovale, 702.— 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 30. Bill pour pourvoir it l’etablissement d’Ecoles Nor- males, lu la premiere fois, 392. Lu une se- conde fois, et refere, 403. Rapport ; Bill et Rapport referes a un Comite general, 405. Consideres, 441. Bill rapporte, 457. Passe, 477. Par le Conseil, 648. Sanction Royale, 702. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 12. * La Chambre resout de considerer en Comite, s’il ne serait pas expedient d’amender les Actes d’Education Elementaire de la 2e. Guill. IV. Chap. 26 ; 3e. Guill. IV. Chap. 4, et 4e. Guill. IV. Chap. 34, 394. Chambre en Comite ; une Resolution rapportee et adoptee ; Bill pourrap- peler les dits Actes et pour pourvoir ulterieure- ment a l’encouragement de l’Education Ele- mentaire, lu la premiere fois, 399. Lu une seconde fois, et rSferS au Comite Permanent pour l’Education et les Ecoles, 427* Motion, qu’il soit une Instruction au dit Comite, de baser le Tableau des votes d’argent proposes pour promouvoir l’Education sur l’etat de la population, et d’amender le dit Bill de maniere a accorder & chaque Comte une somme propor- tionate a sa population, 436. La Motion refS- ree a un Comite general, ibid. Considerte ; le Comite se leve sans faire rapport, 442. Rap- port sur le Bill ; Bill et Rapport refers a un Co- mitt genera], 446. Considers, 483. Bill rap- porte, ibid. Passe, 530. — - — Rapports des Visiteurs d’Ecoles pour le Comte de Stanstead, 53, 64, 76. Rapport de l'Ecole dans la Ville des Trois-Rivieres, 349. Voir Appendice (C.) Ejfets non-reclames. Bill pour autoriser la vente de certains effets non-rtclames, et restant en la possession des Greffiers de la Paix, lu la pre- miere fois, 29. Lu une seconde fois, 46. Passe, 59. Par le Conseil, 158. Sanction Royale, 284. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 5. Eglises Paroissiales. Voir Bancs dans les Eglises Pa- roissiales. Eglises, Presbi/teres et Cimetieres. Instruction a un Comite de prendre en consideration la conve- nance d’expliquer ou modifier l’Acte ou Ordon- nance de la 31e. Geo. III., concernant la cons- truction et la reparation d’iceux, 238. Copies de Commissions, Lettres Patentes et Applica- tions au sujet del’erection d’Eglises, Presbyteres et Cimetieres, mises devant la Chambre, 302. Voir Appendice (M. M.) Elies sont referees, 303. Voir Subdivision de raroisses. Voir Ancienne Lorette. Elections : — MissisJcoui, Comte de. Petition de Pierre De Rocheblave, pour le paiement de son compte comme Commissaire sur I’Election contestee de Ralph Taylor, Ecuyer, pour le dit ComlS, 82. Petition de Pierre-Paul Demaray, Greffier de [1835-6 INDEX au Quarante-cinquieme Volume. Elections, continues : . la dite Commission, pour le paiement de son compte, 105. Petition de Gabriel Marchand, Pun des Commissaires, pour le paiement de son compte, 183. Elies sont referees au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, 82, 106, 183. Montreal , Quarlier Est de. Petitions d’ Andre Jobin et Guillaume Deschambeault, deux des Commissaires nomm£s pour prendre des T6moi- gnages sur l’Election contestee d’Olivier Ber- thelet, Ecuyer, et de P. A Weilbrenner, Gref- fier de la dite Commission, pour le paiement de leurs comptes respectifs, 34. Referees au Co- mite Permanent des Comptes Publics, ibid. Montreal , Quartier Ouest de. Les Entrees dans les Journaux du 4 et du 6 Mars 1835, relatives a la Petition de John Donellan et William Walker, et de divers Electeurs du Quartier Ouest de Montreal, se plaignant de Pillegalite d’une Election, lues ; Motion, que la Chambre prockle maintenant a prendre en consideration la Motion faite le 4 Mars 1835, pour la recep- Elections, continuees : tion de la dite Petition ; Motion pour remettre la consideration d’icelle, negativee sur une divi- sion ; Motion principale aussi negativee sur une division, 38. . Bill pour assurer davantage la liberte des Elec- tions, lu la premiere fois, 16. Lu une seconde fois, 23. Passe, 29. — Message de Son Excellence, recommandant le rappel de la 18e. Clause de PActe4e. Guill. IV. Chap. 28, relatif aux Elections contests, 227. Refere au Comite Permanent des Privileges et Elections, ibid. Instruction au meme Comite au sujet du dit Acte, 253. Rapport, 264- Re- fere a un Comit6 general, 265. Consid£r6 ; une Resolution rapportee et adoptee ; Bill pour amender le dit Acte, lu la premiere fois, 278. Lu une seconde fois, 299. Passe, 304. Par le Conseil, avec des amendemens, 344. Iceux referes a un Comite general, ibid. Consid^res, 404, 427. Le Comite se leve sans faire rapport, 427. WRITS EMANES DANS LA VACANCE. Pour quelle place. A la place de qui. Pourquoi. Kamouraska Amable Dionne, Ecuyer, Ayant resigne ; 6. Writs (Warrants pour de nouveaux Writs) ordonnes pendant la Session. Montreal Beauce Saguenay — Montmorency Quebec, Haute-Ville de Louis-Joseph Papineau, Ecuyer,... Pierre-Elzear Taschereau, Ecuyer, Fran9ois-Xavier Tessier, Ecuyer, Elzear Bedard, Ecuyer, Rene-Edouard Caron, Ecuyer, Ayant fait son Election pour leQuartier Ouest; 45. Ayant resign^ ; 193. Decede ; 300. Maintenant Pun des Juges Puisnes ; 617. Ayant -resigne ; 669. Emigres , Acte de la Taxe des, de la 2e de Guill. IV. La Chambre resout de considerer en Comite, s’il est expedient de continuer le dit Acte, 368. Chambre en Comite, 378. Une Resolution rapportee et adoptee; Bill pour continuer le dit Acte pour un temps limite, lu la premiere fois, 382. Lu une seconde fois ; refere a un Comite general ; considere, 390. Rapporte, 394. Passe, 395. Par le Conseil, 413. Sanction Royale, 702.— 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 13. Emigres. Retours des Emigres du lloyaume-Unis, et autreslieux, au Ports de Quebec et de Montreal, pour l’annee 1835, presentes, 2J5. Voir Ap- pendice (1. I.) Socieles des. Rapports et Comptes des Commis- saires presentes De la Societe des Emigres a Quebec, 159* De la Societe des Emigres k Montreal, 692. Voir Appendice (W.) Emmagasinage. Petition du Bureau de Commerce de Montreal, pour l’extension du systeme d’Emma- gasinage, 67. Referee au Comte Permanent de Commerce, ibid. Rapport, 265. Enfan^-trouves. Voir Insenses et Enjans-trouves , Entrees duns les Journaux. Voir Journaux. Etut de la Province. Instruction au Comite Permanent des Griefs, de s’enquerir des procedes adoptes par Pune ou Pautre Chambre du Parlement Im- perial, au sujet des Petitions a Sa Majeste et au Parlement, en l’annee 1834, sur Petat de la Pro- Etut de la Province , continue : vince, 190. Les divers Documens mis devant la Chambre durant la derniere Session et re5us des Agens de la Province, r elatifs aux dits pro- cedes, referes au meme Comite, 190. Rapport, 403. Voir Adresses (54) ; Aylmer, Lord. — — Instruction au Comite de toute la Chambre sur les diflerens Rapports du Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, de s’enquerir de l’etat de la Province, 432. Une Adresse au Roi, et des Petitions aux Lords et aux Communes, rappor- tees 530. Voir ddresses (I.) au Roi; Petitions aux Lords et aux Communes . A etre imprimees, 658. La Cambre resout, sur une division, de prendre en consideration, en Comit£, certains passages sur l'etat de cette Province, contenus dans la Harangue prononcee par Sir John Colborne, Lieutenant-Gouverneur du Haut-Canada, al’ou- verture du Parlement de cette derniere Pro- vince, le 14 Janvier 1836, 398. Chambre en Comite; Resolutions rapportees, 474. Adop- tees, sur des divisions, 475, 476. Copies a etre transmises aux Orateurs des differentes Assern- blees de nos Colonies, 475. Etudiants en Medecine. Petition de ceux de Quebec, pour Petablissement d’une Ecole de Medecine, avec le droit de conferer des degres en Mede- cine, etc., 28. Referee au Comite Permanent pour 1835-G.] INDEX au Quarante-cinquiemc Volume. Etudiants en Medecine , contin 116s: pour les Hopitaiix et Institutions de Charite, ibid. Exploration. Premier, Second et Troisieme Rapports des Commissaires en vertu de l’Acte 10c et lie Geo. IV. Chap. 39, pour explorer plus complete- ment certaines parties de la Province, presen- tes, 231, 254. Voir Appendice (B. B.) Pre- niier et Troisieme Rapports referes au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuri- aux, 231, 254. Exportations. Voir Importations. jH^ARIBAULT, GEORGE BARTIIELEMY, Ecuyer, nomme pour agir comme Greffier Assis- tant, durant l’absence temporaire de M. Bouthil- lier, 7* Est nomme Greffier Assistant, 145. Farine de Froment et de Ble-d’Inde. La Chambre re- sout de considerer en Comite, s’il ne serait pas expedient d’amender l’Acte de la 58e Geo. III. relatif a la Farine de Froment et de Ble-d’Inde, 644. Felons , Bill autorisant les Avocats d defendre les. Voir Adresses (9.) Felton 3 Hon. William Bowman. Entrees dans les Jour- naux du 2d Mars 1835, relative a l’Hon. W. B. Felton, lues; Instruction au Comite Permanent des Griefs de continuer 1’Enquete qui avait ete commencee durant la derniere Session sur son caractere et sa conduite publics, 171. Copies de Documens relatifs k sa nomination comme Commissaire des Terres de la Couronne et comme Agent pour certains Townships, et Co- pies de Communications relatives aux octrois de Terres qui lui ont ete faits, mises devant la Chambre, 312. Voir Appendice (Q. Q.) Elies sont referees au Comite Permanent des Griefs, 313. Rapport, 338. Voir Appendice (E. E.) Refere a un Comite general ; <\ etre imprime, 339. Considere, Resolutions rapportees, 459. Adoptees sur des divisions; les Resolutions et Rapport referes a un Comite, avec une Instruc- tion de preparer et rapporter le Projet d’une Adresse en conformite aux dites Resolutions, 473. Une Adresse rapportee, 490. Voir Adresses (52.) Felton, William Locker. Sa Petition, pour une aide dans la publication d’une Edition corrigee des Statuts Provinciaux, 51. Referee, 91. Rap- port, 140. Terr on t Augustin. Voir Milice. Feu , Compagnies d' Assurance contre le. Voir Compa- gnies d’ Assurance Mutuelle contre le Feu. Fife , John , Visiteur de la Douane a Quebec. Sa Pe- tition demandant une remuneration pour des devoirs additionnels qu’il a remplis en vertu de l'Acte de la Taxe des Emigres, 105. Referee au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, 106. Filles Repenties. Voir Institutions Charitables. Fletcher, M. le Juge. Petition de S. H. Dickerson, pliant la Chambre de prendre de nouveau en consideration les plaintes et les griefs enonces dans sa Petition de Janvier 1829, contre M. le Juge Fletcher, 344. Referee au Comite Perma- nent des Griefs, et £tre imprimee, ibid. En- trees dans les Journaux precedents relatives a diverses plaintes contre M. le Juge Fletcher, lues, et referees au dit Comite, 354. Rapport, 603. Voir Appendice (E. E,) Refere a un Comite general, 603. Considere ; Resolutions Fletcher , M. le Juge, continue : rapportees, et adoptees ; Comite nomme pour preparer le Projet d’une Adresse en conformite aux dites Resolutions, 615. Une Adresse rap- portee, 634. Voir Adresses (65.) Les deux Rapports k etre imprimes, 635. Foin. Bill pour conserver le Foin qui croit sur les Greves dans le District de Quebec, lu la pre- miere fois, 145. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 191. Rapport; Bill refere a un Comite gene- ral ; considere, 229. Rapporte, 283- Passe, 239. Par le Conseil, avec un amendement, 344. Icelui refere it un Comite general, ibid. Considere, et adopte, 356. Sanction Royale, 700. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 55. Deux Petitions des Paroisses de la Ste- Famille et de St. Pierre, dans file d’Orleans, deman- dant que les Greves sur le cote Nord de file soient except^es de l’operation de la lie Clause du Bill precedent; Petition d’un grand nombre des Ilabitans du Comte d'Orleans, en faveur du Bill, 481. Elies sont referees au Comite Permanent d’ Agriculture, 481. Fonctionnaires Publics. Bill pour rendre les appointe- mens des Fonctionnaires Publics susceptibles d’etre saisis et arrfites a la poursuite de leurs Creanciers, lu la premiere fois, 23. Lu une seconde fois, et refers, 46. Rapporte, 69. Passe, 92. Forges de St. Maurice. Message de Son Excellence, avec Copies des Baux des dites Forges et de certaines Terres dans la Seigneurie du Cap de la Magdeleine, 148. Copies de Communica- tions relatives aux renouvellement du present Bail des Forges, mises devant la Chambre, 312. A 6tre imprimis, 319. Voir Appendice (S.) Elies sont r^ffirees au Comite Permanent sur les Biens des Jesuites, 250, 312. Voir aussi Biens des Jesuites. Fortier , Dr. Francois. Sa Petition, pour des arrerages qui lui sont dus en sa quality d Officier de Sante rt Quebec en 1832, 36. Une autre Petition du m&rr.e pour arrerages qui lui sont dus comme Medecin-Inspecteur a la Grosse-Ue en 1832, 90. Elies sont referees au Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite, 36, 90. Fraser , Alexander. Voir Chemins et Ameliorations Pu- bliques. Freewill- Baptists. Petition demandant un Acte pour autoriser les Freewill-Baptists a tenir d’une ma- nure reguliere des Registres authentiques, 25. Referee, ibid. Rapport, 155. Voir Chretiens Protestans. ALE , M. le Juge. Copies de Communications entre le Secretaire Colonial et le Gouvernement Provincial, relatives a la nomination de M. Gale au Banc a Montreal, mises devant la Chambre, 148. Voir Appendice (U.) Referees au Co- mite Permanent des Griefs, 149. Rapport, 426. Voir Appendice (E. E.) Refere a un Comite general, et a etre imprime, 426. Con- sidere ; Resolutions et une Adresse rapportees, 484, Adoptees, sur une division, 485. Voir Adresses (51.) Reponse de Son Excellence if l’Adresse (51.) Refere a un Comite general, 597. Chambre en Comite ; procedes ulterieurs tombes faute de Quorum, 633. Chambre de nouveau en Comite. Une Adresse au Roi rap- F portee. INDEX au Quarante-cinquieme Volume, Gale , M. le Juge, continue : portae, 637. Voir Adresses (2.) au Roi ; Adi esses (66.) Gaspe, District de. La Reponse de Son Excellence k 1’ Adresse (8.) relative a I’annexation du Dis- trict de Gaspe a la Province du Nouveau-Bruns- wick, referee, 166. Rapport, 365. Referee a un Comite general ; k etre imprim^e, 366. Consid^ree ; une Resolution rapport^e et adop- tee, 383. Bill pour subvenir pour un temps limite, au manque de Notaires dans le District de Gaspe, lu la premiere fois, 333. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 342. Rapport; Bill et Rapport refe- res a un Comit6 general, 349. Consideres ; Bill rapporte, 363. Pass£, 381. Par le Conseil, avec des amendemens, 599. Iceux consideres, et adopffs, 605. Sanction Royale, 700. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 52. Actes de Judicature do.. Bill pour continuer certains Actes y mentionnes, relatifs a l’adminis- tration de la Justice dans le District de Gaspe, lu la premiere fois, 594. Lu une seconde fois, et amende, 604. Pass£, 618. Par le Conseil, 685. Sanction Royale, 701. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 54. — Peekes de. Bill pour mieux regler Ies Peches dans le District de Gaspe, lu la premiere fois, 284. Lu une seconde fois et r£fer£, 297. Rap- port ; Bill et Rapport referes un Comife gene- ral, 510. Chambre en Comite, 523. Bill rap- porte, 528. Passe, 670. Par le Conseil, 669. Sanction Royale, 701. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 57. Titres des Terres d. Petition des Proprietaires et Habitans du District de Gasp£, relativement aux Titres de leurs Terres, 84. Referee au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Sei- gneuriaux, 87. La Chambre r^sout de considerer en Co- mite, s’il ne serait pas expedient d’abroger 1’ Acte 59e Geo. III., et lere Guill. IV. relatif aux Titres des Terres dans le District de Gaspe, 277* Chambre en Comit^ ; une Resolution rapportee et adoptee ; Bill pour pourvoir ulterieurement a la conservation des Titres des Biens-fonds dans le District de Gaspe, et pour abroger les dits deux Actes, lu la premiere fois, 292. Lu une seconde fois, et ref’er6, 320. Rapport ; Bill et Rapport referes a un Comite general, 335. Consideres, 355. Bill rapporte, 360. Pass6, 381. Par le Conseil, avec des amende- mens, 599. Iceux consideres et adoptes, 603. Sanction Royale, 700. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 53. Gaz, Compagnie pour Vecluirage par le. Voir Compa- gnie pour eclairer Montreal par le Gaz, sous le chef Montreal. Gilfoyle, Jane. Sa Petition, avec autres, se plaignant d’avoir ete illegalement arretes, et de n ’avoir pu obtenir justice, et priant la Chambre d’adopter telle mesure, dans ce cas, qui sera fondee sur Ja loi et la justice, 285. Referee au Comite Per- manent des Griefs, 286. Gingras, Pierre. Voir Cap Rouge , Pont du. Girod, Amury. Voir Pontes, Departement des. Gosselin, Leon. Sa Petition, pour le paiement d’une balance qui lui est due comme Secretaire du Comite Sanitaire de Montreal en 1833 et 1834, 109. Referee au Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite, 110. [ 1835 - 6 . Gouvernement Civil. Message de Son Excellence, avec des Etats des arrevages dus sur les differens Items du Gouvernement Civil jusqu’au 10 Oc- tobre 1835, pour lesquelles on demande des Subsides ; et du montant des Deniers dans le Tresor Public, 75. Pour les Etats des arre- rages, voir Appendice (I.) Le Message et les Etats, r£fer£s au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics ; et a etre imprimes, 7 5. Message de Son Excellence, avec l’Estimation des Depenses du Service Public, pour l’annee 1836, 174. Voir Appendice (I.) A etre im- primes, et referes au Comit6 Permanent des Comptes Publics, 1 76. Bill pour pourvoir a defrayer les Defenses Civiles du Gouvernement pour six mois expires le 15 Juillet 1836, et pour pourvoir a certaines autres Depenses y mentionnees, lu la premiere fois, 600. Lu une seconde fois, 606. Passes, 629. Gouvernement Executif. Comite nomme pour faire une Enquete au sujet des Officiers du Gouverne- ment Executif et de leurs Salaires, Honoraireset Emolumens, 393. Doit faire rapport de temps a autre, ibid. La Liste des Membres du Con- seil Executif referee, 440. Premier Rapport, 453. lleRrd a un Comite general, 456. Con- sidere ; Resolutions et une Adresse rapportees et adoptees, 524. Voir Adresses (56.) Gouverneur-en-Chef : Ses Ileponses. Voir Adresses. Bills qu’il a sanctionnes, 158, 284,760, 701, 702. Bills qu’il a reserves pour la signification du plai- sirde Sa Majesty sur iceux, 702. • Messages de Son Excellence : Par l'Huissier de la Verge-Noire, 5, 158, 283, 699. Par son Secretaire Stephen Walcott, Ecuyer, sa- voir : Relativement a la deportation des Criminels, 73. Avec un Etat des Balances dues sus les differens Items de la Depense Civile du Bas Canada, jus- qu'au lo Octobre 1835, et Etat du montant de l’Argent dans le Tresor Public, 75. Relatif aux Reserves du Clerg6, 112. Relatif aux College des Jesuites, 147- Relatifau Bail des Forges de St. Maurice, 148. Avec Copie de Correspondance entre le Gou- vernement Provincial et les Etats-Unis, rela- tivement au Port Inffrieur d’Entr^e au Coteau du Lac, 148. Relatif au Bill des Commissions des Avocats et Notaires, i65. Informant la Chambre que son Adresse sur l’etat de la Province a He mise au pied du Trone, 166 . Avec les Comptes Publics pour l’annee 1835* 174. Avec une Estimation des depenses du Service Public pour i'annee 1836, 174. Avec des Extraits des Representations recern- ment faites par les Grands Jures dans les diffe- rens Districts, avec des Estimations et Copies des Lettres des Sherifs, relativement aux Pri- sons dans Quebec, Montreal et les Trois-Ki- vRres, et des ( ommissaires de la Nouvelle Pri- son a Montreal, 210. Relativement au Bill des Elections contestees passe dans la Session de 1834, 226. Relativement a une Maison de Douane pour le Port de Montreal, 244. Relativement a la nouvelle Douane a Quebec, 255. Avec INDEX au Quarantc-cinquieme Volume. 1835 - 6 .] Gouverneur-en-Chef, continue : Avec Copies de certaines Communications et Plans re5us du Haut-Canada, relativement a {’amelioration de la Navigation du Fleuve St. Laurent, 27 1. Relativement a un Droit de Tonnage sur les Vaisseaux, 311. Relativement a des Depots de Provisions, 340. Relativement it une offense commise dans le Comt6 de Sherbrooke, 369. Avec Copie de Communications relatives it des Phares sur Pile St. Paul, 374. Avec le Projet d’un Bill, et Copies de Commu- nications au sujet de la Propriety occup^e pour le service de I’Ordonnance, 407. Avec Copies d’une Communication du Gouverne- ment de Sa Majeste au sujet de la construction de Phares sur les lies de Scattarie et St. Paul, 416. Avec une serie de Rapports agrees par la Cham- bre des Lords au sujet des Prisons et de la dis- cipline des Prisons, 429. Avec Copies des Instructions aux Commissaires du Bas-Canada, qui ont rapport aux matieres qu’embrassent les Extraits que la Chambre a re^is du Haut-Canada, 462. Avec Copies de Documens du Gouvernement du Nouveau -Brunswick, au sujet de Petablisse- ment de Phares sur les lies Scattarie et St. Paul, 511. Au sujet de la construction d’une Ecluse aux Rapides de Ste. Anne sur le Canal du Rideau, 511. Ses Proclamations. Pour proroger le Parlement Provincial, 1,2, 3. Pour {’assembler, 4. Sa Harangue a i’ouverture de la Session, 7. Co- mite nomine pour preparer une Adresse en r£- ponse a icelle, 15. Voir Adresses (1.) au Gou- verneur-en-Chef. La Harangue a £tre impri- m6e, 15. — — Sa Harangue a la cloture de la Session, 702. Greffier Assistant. George Barthelemy Faribault, Ecuyer, nomine en remplacement de feu Jean- Antoine Bouthillier, Ecuyer, 145. Greffier de la Chambre. Sa Lettre, informant l’Ora- teur de Pindisposition du Greffier Assistant, et demandant que G. B. Faribault, Ecuyer, soit appele a la Table, pour agir comme Greffier Assistant durant l’absencede cet Officier, 7. Met devant la Chambre des Propositions pour les Impressions requises par la Chambre, — un Etat de ITndemnite payee aux Membres pour leur assistance durant la Session terming le 18 Mars 1831, — les Comptes Contingens de la Chambre, — le Rapport du Bibliothecaire, et aussi son Rapport relatif a ses Assistans et aux Ecrivains extraordinaires employes dans son Bureau, 19. Met devant la Chambre les Etats des Banques, 76, 133. Met devant la Chambre des Rapports de Com- missaires pour des Chemins, etc., 93. Met devant la Chambre des Etats des Deniers votes, et que l’on a recommande a cette Cham- bre de voter durant la Session, 397* La Chambre resout qu’il ne peut s’absenter du service de la Chambre, 416. Met devant la Chambre des Etats des Baptemes, Mariages et Sepultures pour l’annee 1835, 517. Doit preparer a la cloture de la Session, des Listes des Titres de tous les Bills qui ont pris leur origine et ont 6t6 passes dans Pune ou dans Pune etl’autre des deux Chambres, dans la Grejffier de la Chambre, continue : derni&re et dans la presente Session, et ne sont pas devenus Lois, 643. Greffier de la Couronne en Chancellerie. Ses Certificats pour ^Election de Membres, savoir : Pour les Comtes de Beauce, 281. Kamouraska, 6. Montreal, 208. Nicolet, 5. Saguenay, 445. G) ejffer en Loi. Un Comite Special nomme pour in- diquer le choix d’une personne pour remplir la place de Greffier en Loi de la Chambre, 1 6. Le Rapport du Greffier concernant ses Assis- tans, rH'ere, 58. Rapport, 117. Refer6 aun Comity general, 119. Considers, 131. Reso- lutions rapportees, et adoptees, 138. Greniers Publics. Voir I'aroisses Grenville , Canal de. Petition de divers Proprietaires et Cultivateurs dont les Terres sont coupees par le Canal de Grenville, relativement aux betes a cornes et moutons trouves sur les bords du du dit Canal, 195. IHffir^e, 493. Voir Artillerie. Griefs\ Comite Permanent des Griefs, nomm6, 20. Petition referees a ce Comite, savoir:— De Ben- jamin Fortier, Pilote; des Habitans du Che- min des Caps, pour un secours, 66. De M. le Juge Vallieres de St. Real, 104. De John Ryan, 140. De Joseph Fram^ois Deblois, E- cuyer, accusant M. le Juge Thompson de hauts ciimes et de malversations, 145. D’Anna Hodge, 162. D’Alexis Bertrand, 172. De divers Ha- bitans de la Paroisse de l’Ancienne Lorette, 210. De Joseph Sampson, 229. D’Yves Syl- vestre, Pilote, 237. De Jane Gilfoyle et autres, 286. De Silas H. Dickerson, se plaingnant de ce qu’il a essuye des pertes graves par les pre- cedes illegaux et arbitrages de M. le Juge Fletcher, 288. D’ Adolph us Mordecai Hart, 336. De Silas II. Dickerson, priant la Cham- bre de reprendre la consideration de ses plaintes et griefs contre M. le Juge Fletcher, 344. De M. le Juge Bowen, 402. De divers Habitans des Comtes de Bonaventure et Gaspe, relative- ment a la Petition de Joseph Frangois Deblois, Ecuyer, 501. Instructions a ce Comity, sa- voir : de prendre en consideration 1’etat de la derni&re Commission de la Paix, 142 ; de con- tinuer l’Enquete qui avait ete commencee du- rant la derniere Session, sur le caractere et la conduite publics de 1’Hon. William Bowman Felton, 171 ; de s’enquerir des precedes adoptes par l’une ou l’autre Chambre du Parlement Im- perial, au sujet des Petitions qui on et6 adres- seesa Sa Majeste et au Parlement en 1834, sur 1’etat de la Province, 190; de s’enquerir si la pratique de remplir des Warrants et Affidavits, sign£s en blanc, a 6te en usage dans le Bureau de Police a Quebec, depuis long-temps, ou non, 286; de s’enquiTir du caractere et de la con- duite publics de M. le Juge Bowen, 336. Co- pies de Communications relativement a la no- initiation de M. le Juge Gale, r peditive la manure de proceder dans icelles, lu la premiere fois, 318. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 330. Rapport, 335. Bill passe, 340. Par le Conseil, avec des amendemens, 384. Iceux consideres, et adoptes, 391. Sanction Iloyale, 700. 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 42. Orateur. Informe la Chambre qu’il a emane ses War- rants pour de nouveaux Writs, conform^ment a ses ord res, 5. Informe la Chambre que des Membres ont resi- gne leurs sieges, 6. Informe la Chambre qu’il a emane son Warrant pour un nouveau Writ, durant la vacance, 6. Lit une Lettre du Greffier de la Chambre , in- formant de indisposition du Greffier Assis- tant, 7* Fait rapport de la Harangue de Son Excellence aux deux Chambres, 7. Les Journaux a 6tre imprimes sous sa direction, 15. Doit 6naner ses Warrants pour de nouveaux Writs, 45, 193, 330, 617, 669. Fait rapport des Reponses de Son Excellence a des Adresses, 72, 66 0, 695. Doit emaner ses Warrants pour que des personnes soient prises sous la garde du Sergent d’Armes, 731, 425, 430. Doit communiquer des Votes de Remercimens a Messrs. Viger et Morin, 91, 92. Met devant la Chambre des Copies de ses Lettres en les communiquant, avec les Reponses, 152. Communique a la Chambre le Discours qu’il se propose de faire en presentant le Bill des Crimi- nels et le Bill de 1’Indemnite des Membres pour la Sanction Royale, 157. Fait rapport de la Sanction Royale A des Bills, 158, 284. Doit communiquer a M. Roebuck les Resolu- tions adoptees par la Chambre au sujet d’un Agent, 169. Doit Ini transmettre les Petitions aux Lords et aux Communes sur l’etat de la Province, 586. Doit lui transmettre Copie de 1 Adresse (2.) au Roi, relative a M. le Juge Gale, 640. Refuse INDEX an Quarante-cinquieme Volume. [1835-6. Orateur , continue: . . Refuse de recevoir des Motions, 196, 585. Des appels sont faits, et ses decisions sont confir- mees, 196, 585. . Informe la Chambre que l’indemnit4 d un Mem- bre a ete saisie entre les mains du Greffier, 406. — — Communique a la Chambre des Extraits d une D^peche au Commissaires du Bas-Canada, qu’il a regus de 1’Orateur de la Chambre d’Assem- blee du Haut-Canada, 446. Communique a la Chambre une Lettre qu’il a regue de John Arthur Roebuck, Ectiyer, accu- sant la reception des Resolutions dela Chambre, du 18 Novembre 1835, 497. Ordonnance de la 2 5e Geo. III. Chap. 4, qui concerne les Avocats, Procureurs, Solliciteurs et les No- taires, etc. La Chambre resout de considerer en Comite, s il est expedient de l’amender en partie, 16. Chambre en Comite; une Resolu- tion rapportee, et adoptee ; Bill pour rappeler certaines parties de la dite Ordonnance qui con- cerne les personnes qui doivent etre admises a pratiquer la Loi, ou a pratiquer comme No- taires en cette Province, lu la premiere fois, 24. Lu une seconde Ibis, et ref ere a un Comite general, 47. Chambre en Comite; Bill rap- porte, 72. Passe, 92. Par le Conseii, avec des amendemens, 237. Iceux consideres et adoptes, 244. Sanction Royale, 700. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 10. La Chambre resout de considerer en Comite, s’il est expedient d’amender telle parties de la dite Ordonnance qui a rapport a la maniere en laquelle on pourra ci-apres etre admis a prati- quer la Loi ; Chambre en Comite; une Resolu- tion rapportee, etadoptee, 37- Voir Commissions. — de la 27e Geo. III. Chap. 3, pour loger les Troupes chez les Habitans des Campagnes, et qui pourvoit aux transports des effets du Gou- vernement. La Chambre resout d’examiner en Comite, s il est expedient dc lu rappeler, 69. Chambre en Comite ; une Resolution rapportee, et adoptee, 93. Bill pour rappeler la dite Or- donnance, lu la premiere fois, 122. Lu une se- conde fois, 131. Passes 138. Par le Conseii, avec des amendemens, 413. Ordonnance de 1667. La Chambre resout de conside- rer en Comite, s’il est expedient d’amender Particle 10 du Titre 10 de la dite Ordonnance, 334. Chambre en Comite, 356, 364. Procedes ulterieurs tombesfaute de Quorum, 364. Cham- bre de nouveau en Comite ; le Comite se Rve sans faire rapport, 367- Ordonnance de Sa Majeste. Voir ArtUlerie. Qrdonnances pour prevenir les accidens du Feu. La Chambre se forme en Comite pour considerer s il est expedient de suspendre, pour un temps limite, certaines Ordonnances qui out rapport aux Cites de Quebec et de Montreal, et pour prevenir les accidens du Feu, 498. L r ne Re- solution rapportee etadoptee; Bill pour sus- pendre, pour un temps limits, certaines Qrdon- nances y mentionnees, en autant qu’eiles out rapport aux CiUs de Quebec et de Montreal et pour prevenir les accidens du Feu, lu la pre- miere fois, 499. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 509. Rapport ; Bill refere a un Comite general, 527. Chambre en Comite, 604. Procedes ul- terieurs tombesfaute de Quorum, 605. Cham- bre de nouveau en Comite, 606. Bill rapporU, 619. Passe, 647- Par le Conseii, avec des amendemens, 697, Ordres du Jour decharg4 s , 207, 503, 507, 089. Orleans, Comte d’. Voir F 0 in. Ouellet , Joseph. Sa Petition, pour le paiement de son Compte comme Commissaire pour faire un Re- censement du Comte de Rimouski en 1834, 21. Referee au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, ibid- ARAN1\ Dr. JOSEPH. Sa Petition, pour des arrerages de salaire comme Medecin Inspecteur au Port de Quebec en 1834 et 1835, 58. Refe- ree au Comite Permanent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite, ibid. Parchemin. Voir Bills. Parlement , Maison du. Voir Maison du Parlement. Parlement Provincial. Il s'assemble, 5. Est prorog6, 703. Paroisses. Voir Subdivision des Paroisses. Paroisses en detresse. Comptes rendus en vertu des Actes 4e Guill. IV. Chap. 1 et 3, pour le se- cours des Paroisses en detresse, 33, 64, 76, 129, 407, 438. Voir Appendice (E.j Petition des Habitans de la Paroisse de Notre- Dame de Bonsecours des Eboulemens, deman- dant une aide, pour les soulager dans leur de- tresse actuelle, et leur procurer les moyens d’en- semencer leur terres le printems prochain, 107. Referee au Comite Permanent d’Agriculture, ibid. Comit6 Special nomm6 pour enquerir au sujet de la necessite d etablir des Greniers Publics, sous la surveillance de Corporations, ou autrement, pour le secours des Paroisses en detresse, 606. Un Bill pour autoiiser les Paroisses et Town- ships a se former en Corporations, pour certaines fins y mentionnees, rapporte, et lu la premiere fois, 644. Lu une seconde fois ; refere a un Comite general ; considere ; le Comite devant sieger de nouveau, 684. Ordre dtcharg4 ; Bill a etre imprime, 689. Passagers. Bill pour limiter le nombre des Passagers dans les Vaisseaux venant d Europe en cette Province, lu la premiere fois, 368. Lu une se- conde fois, et refers a un Comite general, 394. Considere, 399. Rapporte, 403. Passe, 405. Un Rapport de tous les Vaisseaux qui sont entres a Quebec avec des Passagers en 1834 et 1835, requis, 36 8 . Presente, 407. Voir Appendice (A. A. A.) Pauvres. Voir Paroisses en detresse. Peekes , Pecheries. Voir Gaspe, Peclies de. Penitentiaires. Comit6 Special nomme pour prendre en consideration le Rapport des Commissaires pour obtenir les informations necessaires pr4pa- ratoires a l’inlroduction de systeme peniten- tiaire de discipline des Prisons en cette Pro- vince, 17. La partie de la Harangue de Son Excellence a l’ouverture de la Session qui a rapport aux Prisons et a leur discipline, r6f£- ree, ibid. Message de Son Excellence avec un Extrait d’une Depeche du Secretaire Colonial, et une serie de Rapports agrees par la Chambre des Lords, au sujet des Prisons et de leur disci- pline, 429. Refer4s, 456. Deux Membres ajoutes, 688. Rapport, 691. Voir Appendice (F. F. F.) A etre imprime, 691. Perrault, Joseph Adolphe. Sa Petition, pour etre in- demnise pour des services m£dicaux, pendant que le Cholera regnait a Montreal en 1834, 58. Referee INDEX au Quarante-einquieme Volume. 1 835 - 6 .] Perrault, Joseph Adolphe, continue : llcferee au Comite Permanent pour les Hopi- taux et Institutions de Charity ibid. Perrault , Joseph Franpis. Sa Petition, pour 6tre in- demnise des avances qu'il a faites pour soutenir deux Maisons d’Ecoles et une Ferme-modtde, 54,. Referee au Comite Permanent pour [’Edu- cation et les Ecoles, 55. Petites Causes. Bill pour remettre en force, amender et continuer, pour un temps limits, un Acte pour pourvoir ulterieurement a la decision som- mairedes Petites Causes, lu la premiere fois, 19. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 60. Petition de Montreal, pour le renouvellement du dit Acte, 51. Aussi referee, 09. Rapport ; Bill et Rap- port referes un Comit6 general, 273. Les amendemens rapportes par le Comite Special, a £tre imprimes, 283. Chambre en Comite, 307. Bill rapporte, 310. Passe, sous un nouveau ti- tre, 340. Par le Conseil, avec des amendemens, 444. Iceux referes a un Comite general, 460. Consideres ; une Resolution concourant dans les dits amendemens, rapportee, et adoptee, sur une division, 448. Sanction Royale, 700. — 6e. Guili. IV. Chap. 17. Petitions et Correspondance relatives h la nomi- nation de Commissaires pour les Petites Causes dans les Comtes de L’Acadie, Beauharnois et Richelieu, mises devant la Chambre, 245, 379. Voir Appendice (D. D.) Celles relatives au Comte de L’Acadie referees au Comite sur le Bill des Petites Causes, 246. Petitions. Motion, que le temps pour recevoir des Petitions privees soit prolotige j Question sur icelle negativee , sur une division, 123. Pour permission de presenter une Petition apres le temps fix6 ; Motion que les raisons allegu^es dans la dite Petition sont suffisantes pour induire la Chambre h recevoir la Petition a laquelle elle r£f£re j Question sur icelle negativee, sur une division, 130. . Voir les chefs suivans : — Abenaquis, Sauvages -, Acte des Chemins j Agriculture, Societes d’ ; Ancienne Lorette ; Anderson, Dr. John ; An- nett, William ; Archambeault, Charles, Ecuyer ; Arnoldi, Dr. Francis, T. C. ; Bacs et Cages ; Banqueroutes et Faillites, Lois des ; Banques ; Baptistes ; Beaubien, Dr. Pierre ; Beaudouin, Louis ; Bebee, Amasa $ Bertrand, Alexis ; Biens des Jesuites ; Blais, Fran pis ; Bonaventure , Comte de ; Bouchard, Pierre ; Bouchers ; Bowen, M. Ie Juge ; Brandon , Township de ; Brousseau, Jean Bte. ; Bureaux d Enregistre- ment ', Canaux ; Cap Chat j Cap Rouge, Font du ; Chambly, College de ; Chambly, Comte de ; Chambre d'Assemblee ; Charretier , Toussaint ; Chasseur, Pierre ; Chatham , Augmentation de ; Chemin des Caps ; Chemins d Lisses ; Chemins de Barriere ; Chemins et Ameliorations Pu- bliques ; Cloutier, Louis ; Commerce des Bois ; Compagnie des Terres Brilannique Americaine ; Compagnie pour eclairer Montreal par le Gaz ; Compagnies d' Assurance Mutuelle contre le Feu ; Cresse , Luc-Michel j Crevier Messire Edouard ; De Beavjeu, Veuve ; De Boucherville, Pierre ; Delair, John ; Depots de Provisions ; De Ton- nancour, Charles A. ; Dickerson, Silas H. ; Dorchester, Ville de Di'oits et Charges Sei- gneuriaux ; Drummond , Comte de ; Duchesnay, Antoine Juchereau ; Duchesnay, L. Juchereau ; Petitions, continues : Duclos dit Decclles, Christopher ; Dundee, Town- ship de ; Duplain , Pierre ; Dupuis Antoine ; Education et Ecoles ; Eg/ises Paroissiales ; Elec- tions j Emmagasinage ; Etudiants en Medecine j Felton, William Locker ; Fife, John ; Fletcher , M. le Juge ; Foin ; Fortier, Dr. Franpis ; Freewill Baptists ; Gaspe , Titres des Terres d ; Gilfoyle, Jane j Gosselin, Louis ; Grenville, Ca- nal de ; Guet et Flambeaux de nuit ; Hodge, Anna ; Holland, Edward ; Hoyle, Robert ; Hu- ron* , Sauvages ; Hyndman, Carey McClellan ; lie du Pads ; lies de la Magde/eine ; Impres- sion des Lois ; Incorporation, Actes d' ; Institu- tions Chari tables ; Jack, Matthew ; Juges de Paix ; Lacroix, Dr. Andre ; Larochel, Simeon ; Leeds, Township de ; Loi qui regie la Tenure ; Lotbiniere , Comte de ; Loups ; Marches', Mas - sue, Aime ; McClellan, John ; McCuaig, John ; McNeil, William ; Megantic, Comte de ; Me- thodist Protestans ; Micmacs, Sauvages ; Mis- siskoui, Comte de j Miville DeChene, Jean Bte . ; Mondelet, J. M. ; Montmorency, Comte de ; Montreal, Comite Sanitaire de ; Montreal, Com- pagnies volontaires du Feu d ; Montreal, Hopi- tal General de ; Montreal, Societe d’Histoire Naturelle de ; Navigation ; Nelson, Dr. Robert ; New Carlisle ; Nobert, Eustache Bigue ; Nor- mand, Franpis el Edouard ; Olivier, Ilercule ; Ouetlet, Joseph j Parant, Dr. Joseph ; Paroisscs en detresse ; Perrault, Joseph Adolphe ; Per- rault, Joseph Franpis ; Phillips, William ; Pi- gott, John ; Pilotes ; Poirier , Veuve ; Postes, Bureaux des ; Postes , Departement des ; Quebec, Corporation de ; Quebec, Institut des Artisans de ; Quebec, Societe de la Prison de ; Quebec , Societe Litteraire et Historique de ; Riviere St. Charles ; Rouse, John et Christopher ; Ryan , John ; Saguenay, Comt£ de ; Sampson, Joseph ; Sheppard , Martin ; Sherbrooke , Comte de ; Simpson, John ; St. Charles, Pont libre ; St. Hyacinthe, Comte de ; St. Patrice, Eglise de ; St. Timothee de Beauharnois ; Terrebonne, Com- t6 de ; Tessier, Dr. Xavier ; Thompson, Alex- ander ; Thompson, David ; Thompson, M. le Juge ; Traducteur Franpis j Turpin, James ; Universalistes ; Vallieres de St. Real, M. le Juge ; Vigneault, Franpis Xavier ; Welland, Canal de j Whitcher, Charles, Ecuyer. Petitions aux Lords et aux Communes, sur l’etat de la Province rapport^es d’un Comite de toute la Chambre, 530. La Petition aux Lords, 557. Aux Communes, 571. Elies sont adoptees, sur des divisions, 586. A &tre grossoyees ; & etre transmises a l’Agent en Angleterre, ibid. Phares. Compte des Commissaires pour l’erection de Phares dans le Golfe et Fleuve St. Laurent, present^, 76. Voir Appendice (K.) Message de Son Excellence, avec Copie de Com- munications regues du Gouvernement du Nou- veau-Brunswick, relativement a un Phare sur File St. Paul, 374. Voir Appendice (Y, Y.) Message de Son Excellence avec Copies de Communications du Secretaire Colonial, au su- jetde l’erection de Phares sur les lies Scattarie et St. Paul, 417. Ils sont referes, 379, 424. Rapport, 499. A etre imprime ; refere a un Comite general ; Instruction de prendre en consideration s’il est expedient de rappeler l’ Acte lOe et lie Geo. IV. Chap. 34, 500. Message Vol. 45. — Session 1835*6. I [1835 G. INDEX au Quarante-cinquieme Volume, Phares, continues : . Message de Son Excellence, avec Copies de Documens du Gouvernement du Nouveau- Brunswick au sujet de lYrection de Phares sur ies lies Scattarie et St. Paul, 512. Refers au meme Comite, 51 G. Les deux derniers Mes- sages et Documens qui les accompagnent, a 6tre imprimis, 521 . Chambre en Comite, 631. Resolutions et une Adresse rapportees, et adop- tees, 640. Voir Adresses (67.) Bill pour nommer un Commissaire pour decider avec des Commissaires de la part de la Nou- velle-Ecosse, Nouveau-Brunswick et He du Prince Edouard, quand a l’entretien de Phares sur les lies de Scattarie et de St. Paul, lu la premiere fois, 641. Lu une seconde fois ; re- ier6 a un Comite general j Chambre en Comi- ty ; procedes ulterieurs tombes faute de Quo- rum, 651. Chambre de nouveau en Comite ; Bill rapporte, 657. Passe, 658. Par le Con- seil, 696. Sanction lloyale, 70L — Ce. Guill. IV. Chap. 38. Phillips, William. Petition des Habitans de la Pointe Levi et Paroisses circonvoisines, relativement a un Lot de giLve sur iequel William Phillips a empire, 331. Referee au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux, 333. Pigott , John. Sa Petition, pour une aide pour le tnet- tre en £tat de peifectionner un plan, pour tirer des values ou de l'ondulation des eaux une puissance physique, 27. Referee au Comite Permanent des Chemins et des Ameliorations Publiques, ibid. Piloti. Bill pour abolir la peine du Pilori en certains cas, lu la premiere fois, 20. Lu une seconde fois, 45. Reffire, 46. Pilote s. Petition de Benjamin Fortier, Pilote, repre- sentant qu’il a ete suspendu pour le restant de sa vie, el priant la Chambre dele rehabiliter, ou qu’il lui soit fait une pension a meme les fonds des Pilotes, auquel il a considerablement con- tribu6, 65. Petition d’Yves Sylvestre, repre- sentant qu’il a £te i nterdit et suspendu de son office sur de fausses allegations produites contre lui, et demandant a etre rdhabilite, 236. Elies sont referes au Comite Permanent des Griefs, 66, 237. — - — Petition des Pilotes pour et au bas du Havre de Quebec, pour etre incorpores, et pour l’erection de Phares sur Pile Bicquet, 187. Une autre Petition pour des amendemens a la Loi qui regie la profession de Pilote, en autant qu'elle a rapport aux Apprentis Pilotes, 2S9. Elies sont r£ffir6es au Comite Permanent de Com- merce, I87, 290. Rapport, 460. Pla'mte , par un Membre (M. O’ Callaghan), de ce qu'il a £te grossierement injurie et menace d’une violence personnelle, dans les limites de la Chambre, par un M. Philippe Aubert de Gasp6, durant Pune des Stances de la Chambre, 72. Resolution, Que les faits contenus en la dite declaration constituent une infraction des Pri- vileges de la Chambre, dont M. De Gaspe s’est rendu coupable, et qu’il soit pris sous la frarde du Sergent d’Armes qui assiste a la Chambre, pour repondre pour la dite infraction des privi- leges et attendre le jugement de la Chambre ; M. V’Orateur £mane son Warrant en conse- quence, 73. Le Depute Sergent d’Armes fait rapport qu’il a pris M. De Gasp6 sous sa garde ; Motion, Quc P. A, De Gasp6 soit, pour sa dite Flainte, continue : offense, envoys a U Prison commune du Dis- trict de Quebec, et qu’il y soit detenu pendant un mois a compter du 10 Novembre 1835, et que M. POrateur emane ses Warrants en con- sequence ; Motion en amendement, que la Pe- tition de P. A. De Gasp6 soit re$ue ; Question sur icelle negativee, sur une division ; une autre Motion, en amendement, que le dit P. A. De Gaspe soit atnen6 a la Barre de cette Chambre, reprimands par M. l’Orateur, et dScharge en payant les frais ; Question sur icelle negativee , sur une division ; Motion principale adoptee unanimement, 94. Le Depute Sergent d’Armes fait rapport qu'il a loge le corps de P. A. De Gaspe dans la Prison commune a Quebec, 129. D’un Article publie dans la Gazette de Quebec du 19 Fevrier 1836, adresse “ A l’Editeur de “ la Gazette de Quebec ,” date “ Quebec, 17 “ Fevrier 1836,” et signS “ Piacular,” 502. II est ordonne a Messrs. Neilson et Cowan de comparaitre a la Barre de la Chambre, 503. Samuel Neilson examine a la Barre, 506. La Chambre rSsout de s’enquerir en Comite de la vSrite ou de la faussete du Temoignage du nom- me William Dodds, Temoin examine devant le Comite Permanent des Griefs, tel que pris par le dit Comite ; la Gazette de Quebec contenant Particle signe “ Piacular,” referee au dit Co- mite, ainsi que l'Affidavit de William Dodds, mis devant la Chambre par Samuel Neilson ; un Messager special a etre envoye pour le dit William Dodds pour comparaitre devant le dit Comite, 511. La Chambre en Comite, 618. Les Temoignages pris devant le ComitS, rap- poites, 62 3. Resolutions de la Chambre fon- dees sur les dits Temoignages, 628. William Dodds decharge et dispense de comparaitre ul- terieurement, 629. Pointe Levi. Voir Phillips, William. Poirier, Veuve. Sa Petition, relative a un Lot de terre dans Stanfold, et demandant un secours, 313. Referee au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux, 314. Police des Bourgs et Villages. Bill pour faire revivre, amender et continuer, pour un temps limits, un certain Acte concernant la Police de William Henry, et autres Villages, lu la premiere fois, 129. Lu une seconde fois, et referS, 150. Rap- port, 2S4. Bill et Rapport refers a un ComitS general, 285. Considers ; Bill rapports, 293. Passe, 296. Par le Conseil, 336. Sanction Royale, 700. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 46. Ponts. Voir Acte des Chemins ; Beaudouin, Louis \ Cap Rouge , Pont du ; Cheniins et Ameliorations Publiques ; St. Charles , Pont libre ; Ste. Anne , Pont de. Port de Lettres. Voir Membres. Ports Interieurs d’ Entree. Voir Douanes. Pastes , Departement des. Comite Special nommS pour s’enquGir de l’etat du Departement des Postes ; devant faire rapport de temps a autre, 51. Le Message de Son Excellence du 11 Mars 1835, et Documens qui faccompagnent au sujet du Bureau des Postes, refSres, ibid. Petition des Syndics d’EcoIes dans la Paroisse de St. Ce- saire, se plaignant que l’allocation a l’Ecole N 0 . 6, pour les six mois finis le 15 Nov. 1833, n’a jamais Ste re^ue par les Petitionnaires, et demandant une Enquete sur le sujet, 31. Re- feree, 187. Petition d’Amury Girod, se plai- gnant INDEX au Quarante-cinquieme V olume. 1 835 - 6 ,] Postes, Departement des, continue : gnant d’abus dans le dit Departement, 20G. Re- ier£e, ibid. Premier Rapport, 2 55. Second Rapport, 675. Voir Appendice (G. G.) Se- cond Rapport a etre imprime, G76. Refere a un Comite general ; consid6’6 j une Resolu- tion et une Adresse rapportees, et adoptees, Q82. Voir Adresses (72.) p/(l pour etablir un Bureau de Poste dans cette Province, et pour pourvoir a la regie de ce Bu- reau a l’avenir, rapporte, et lu la premiere fois, 309, 310. Lu une second fois, et refere a un Comite general, 343. Considere, 355, 361, 364. Rapporte ; amende, 372. Passe, 396. Copies de ce Bill a etre transmises aux Orateurs des Assemblies respectives dans PAmirique Britannique Septentrionale, 405. Bureaux des. Petition pour letablissement de Bureaux de Postes dans les Paroisses de St. Jean-Baptiste de Rouville, St. Damase et St. Pie, lue par un Membre, 396. Motion, que la dite Petition soit re9ue ; Question sur icelle negativee sur une division, 307. Postes du Roi. Copie du Bail des Postes du Roi John Goudie, mise devant la Chambre, 222. Voir Appendice (Z.) Referee au Comite Per- manent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux, 222 . Potasse et Perlasse. Voir Alkalis. Praticiens en Lot. Voir Commissions ; Ordonnance de la 25e Geo. III. Chap. 4. Presidens des Sessions de Quartier. Copie d’une De- peche et deux Incluses, relatives aux Salaires des Prisidens des Sessions de Quartier dans le Bas-Canada, mises devant la Chambre, 200. Referees au Comite Permanent des Griefs, 227. Rapport, 354. Voir Appendice (E. E.) Re- fere a un Comite general, et a etre imprim£, 354. Considere ; une Resolution pour concou- rir dans le dit Rapport, rapportee, et adoptee, 595. Voir Adresses (60.) Prisonniers. Bill qui pourvoit plus efficacement au transport sur des Prisonniers pr^venus d’offenses criminelies, des campagnes de cette Province aux Prisons communes des differens Districts, re^u du Conseil, et lu la premiere fois, 511. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 529. Amende- mens rapportes, et adoptes j a 6tre grossoyes, 610. Bill, tel qu’amende, passe, 618. Les dits amendemens adoptes par le Conseil, 635. Sanc- tion Royale, 701.— 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 37. Prisons. Message de Son Excellence, avec des Ex- traits des Representations qui ont 6t6 faites der- nierement par les Grands Jur6s des divers Dis- tricts, relativement aux Prisons, avec les Esti- mations et Copies des Lettres des Sherifs de Quebec, Montreal et des Trois-Rivieres, et des Commissaires de la nouvelle Prison de Montreal, 211. La partie du dit Message qui a rapport i la Prison de Montreal, avec les Documens rela- tifs a icelle, referes au Comite sur la Prison de Montreal, 287. Les Message et Documens, avec les Rapports des Commissaires pour P£rec- tion de la nouvelle Prison a Montreal pour 1834 et 1835, referes a un Comite Special, 354. Un Membre ajoute, 368. Voir Montreal , Prison d \ Penitentiaires . Prisons et discipline des Prisons. Voir Penitentiaires. Privileges et Elections ; Comit6 Permanent des, nom- m6, 20. Petitions referees it ce Comite, sa- voir : — des Habitans des Paroisses de St. Jean, Privileges et Elections, continues : St. Luc et Ste. Marguerite, pour etre retran- chees du Comt6 de Chambly, et formees en un Comte separ6, 65 ; des Ilabitans du Comte de Missiskoui, pour changer Pune des places d'E- lection dans le dit Comte, 81. Petition contre la derniere ci-dessus, 232 ; des Plabitans des Townships d’Eaton, Dudswell et autres, pour une place additionnelle d’Election dans le Com- te de Sherbrooke, 101. De divers Proprietaires de Terres dans le Comte de Drummond, pour un Recensement du dit Comite ; des Ilabitans et Proprietaires dans le Comte de Drummond, pour le changement d’une place d’Election, 161, 294 ; des Habitans de P Augmentation de Chat- ham, pour que PAugmentation de Chatham soit comprise dans le Comte du Lac des Deux Mon- tagnes, 195 ; de divers libres et indt'pendans Electeurs dans le Comte de Lotbiniere, pour une place additionnelle d’Election, 303 j de di- vers Electeurs du Comte de Montmorency, re- presentant qu’ils ont droit d’envoyer deux Mem- bres au Parlement, 395. Rapport sur toutes ces Petitions, 517. Refers a un Comity gene- ral, 519. Consider^, 595, 608. Une Resolu- tion rapportee, et adoptee, 608. Voir Missis- koui, Comte de. Le Message de Son Excel- lence relatif a l’Acte des Elections contestees, 4e Guill. IV. Chap. 28, refers, 227. Instruc- tion au sujet du dit Acte, 253. Rapport, — sur Plnstruction, 264. Voir Elections. Instruction de prendre en consideration Pinformation don- nee & la Chambre par le Greffier, concernant la Saisie- Arret faite entre ses mains de Plndemnite d’un des Membres, 406. Rapport sur icelle, 416. Concours dans icelui, ibid. Voir Chambre d’ Assemblee ; Membres. La partie de la Peti- tion des lies de la Magdeleine, pour le privilege d’envoyer un Membre au Parlement, referee, 111 . Proclamations . Voir Gouverneur-en-Chef. (JAR.4N PAINE. Bill qui pourvoit plus efficace- ment a l’etablissement d’une Quarantaine stride et efficace, lu la premiere, fois, 600. Lu une seconde fois, et refere a un Comite general, 671. Considere, 672, 676. Rapport^, 683. Passe, ibid. La Chambre r^sout que, dans le cas oii le dit Bill ne deviendrait pas Loi, elle est dispos£e a faire bon de tous les Deniers em- ployes avec discretion, a l’effet d’empecher l’in- troduction des maladies contagieuses et pesti- lentielles, durant l’annee courante, 691. Quebec , Actes d' Incorporation de. Voir Incorporation , Actes ct\ — ■ — - ■ Banques de. Voir Banques. Corporation de. Petition pour le remboursement d’une somme d’argent empruntee et depensee par elle pour la conservation de la sant6 pu- blique en 1834, 28- Referee au Comite Per- manent pour les Hopitaux et Institutions de Charite, ibid. Institut des Artisans de. Petition de la Societe, pour une aide, 35. Referee au Comite Perma- nent pour 1 Education et les Ecoles, ibid. Institutions Charitables de. Voir Institutions Charitable S’ Maison de Douanc de. Message de Son Excel- lence [ 1835 - 6 . INDEX au Quarante-cinquieme Volume. Quebec , Matson de Douane de, continuee : fence, accompagn6 de Copies des Communi- cations des Commissaires pour la dite Maison de Douane, 256. Referes, 262. Rapport, 646. R^fere ^ un Comite general, 647* Chambre en Comite ; le Comite devant sieger de nouveau, 687- _ — Societe de la Prison de. Sa Petition, demandant une aide pour avancer generalement les objets de la Socfefe, S3. Referee au Comite Perma- nent pour l’Education et les Ecoles, ibid. — — Societe des Emigres de. Voir Emigres , Societe s des. — — Societe IJtteraire et Hisiori/jue de. Deux Petitions de la dite Societe, pour des aides, 54. Referees au Comite Permanent pour l'Education et les Ecoles, 55. Questions amendees, 183, 291, 300, 328, 431, 480, 4S2, 521, 686. Negativees: Qu’il soit une Instruction au Comite Permanent des Cours de Justice, de s’enquerir de la con- venance d’autoriser la nomination de Commis- saires pour preparer le Projet d’une Loi de Ju- dicature pour la Province, 26. Que la Chambre procede a prendre en conside- ration une Motion faite le 4 Mars 1835, pour la reception de la Petition de John Donnellan et William Walker, et autres Electeurs du Quar- tier Ouest de Montreal, se plaignant de l’ille- galite d’une Election, 38 . Pour amender plusieurs Paragraphes del’Adresse rapportee en reponse h la Harangue de Son Ex- cellence, a l’ouverture de la Session, 6 1, 62, 63. Que le temps pour recevoir des Petitions privees soit prolongee, 123. Que les raisons all guees en une Petition pre- sentee pour avoir la permission (Pen presenter line des Habitans du Chateau Hicher, sont suf- fLantes pour engager la Chambre a recevoir la dite Petition, 130. Pour amender une Motion pour envoyer Phi- lippe Aubert De Gaspe, Junior, a la Prison Commune du District de Quebec, pour un mois, 94. Qu’un Membre soit ajoute a un Comite, 232. Qu'il soit une Instruction au Comite Permanent sur les Biens des Jesuites, de s’enquerir et faire rapport s'il est expedient de disposer des dits Biens, dans la vue de faire des applications legislatives des fends qui proviendront des ventes diceux, 285. Que la seconde lecture du Bill pour l’impression des Lois soit remise a six mois, 291. Qu’un Membre ait permission de s’absenter, 31 1. Pour renvoyer la consideration ulterieure d’une Motion pour grossoyer le Bill du Pont gratuit St. Charles, 342. Que deux Clauses grossoy w,am McNeil, du Township de Kingsey, 3 * 2 . Voir McNeil, William. Des Chefs et a Mfres f ^ e ta Tribu Micmaque, etablie sur le Nord dela Riviere Ristigouche, 433. Voir jnicmacs, Sauvages. D’Aiine Massue, de Van^nHcs, 460. Voir Massue, Aime. De Louis frontier et autres, du Township d’Ascot, 598. Voir Cloutier , Louis. Des Habitans de la Sei- gneurie de Shoolbred ; de divers Habitans du Comt6 de Nicolet; des Propri&aires et Ccnsi- taires dans la Seigneurie De Lery ; des Francs- tenanciers des Seigneuries de Bleury, Sabrevois et Noyau ; de divers Habitans de la Seigneurie de La Cole ; de divers Habitans de la Paroisse de la Ste. Famille du Cap Sante, 50, 87, 136, 303. V oir Droits et Charges Seigneuriaux. Le Message de Son Excellence relatif aux Re- serves du Clerge, et Documens qui l’accom- pagnent, referes, 116. Voir Reserves da Clerge. Six Instructions relatives aux Terres, etc. 127, 128. Instruction au sujet du remboursement des Rentes Quit Rents, 181. La Copie du Bail des Postes du Roi referee, 222- Voir Posies du Roi. Les ler et 3e Rapports des Commis- saires pour explorer plus completement cer- taines parties de la Province, referes, 231, 254. Voir Exploration. Divers autres Etals et Listes referes 1 70, 240, 287, 302, 342. Voir infra. Premier et Second Rapports, 610. Voir Ap- pendice (E. E. E.) La consideration de di- vers sujets referes a ce Comite a etre reprise de bonne lieure dans la prochaine Session, 610. Le Second Rapport refere a un Comite general ; a etre imprime, ibid. Charnbre en Comity ; une Adrcsse rapportee et adoptee, 641. Voir Adresses (68.) Le Comite devant sieger de nouveau, ibid. Les Reponses de Son Excel- lence aux Adresses (58.) (59.) relatives aux Terres des Miliciens et a la Compagnie des Terres Britannique Americaine, referees, 656. Le Comite sur le Second Rapport, remis, 677- Terres. Listes des Demandes faites depuis le 13 Oc- tobre 1832, pour obtenir un changement de Tenure, en vertu de l’Acte Imperial 6e. Geo. IV. Chap. 59, et une Liste des Retires Patentes accordant un changement de Tenure emanees depuis le ler Fevrier 1835, en vertu du dit Acte, mises devant la Charnbre, 175, 176. Referees, 176. Voir suprcl. Liste de tous les Terrains concedes en Franc et Commun Soccage dans les Seigneuries depuis le 30 Decembre 1832 ; Retour des applications pour des Terres sous les. Tenures en Franc- Alleu Noble et Iloturier, depuis Novembre 1832; et un Rapport du Secretaire Provincial qu’aucune terre n’a ete concedee sous les elites Tenures depuis Novembre 1832, mis devant la Charnbre, 245. Voir Appendice (C. C.) Re- feres, 246. Voir supra. Etats au sujet des Terres dans l’augmentation du Township d’ Aston, et dans les Townships d’Arthabaska, Bulstrode, Stanfold et Warwick, mis devant la Charnbre, 277. Voir Appendice (C. C.) Referes, 287. Voir supra. Liste de Terres vendues dans 1’augmcntation d’Aston ; Documens relatifs aux Townships de Stanfold;, Bulstrode, Arthabaska et Warwick ; Liste des Terres vendues dans les Hits Town- ships ; et Tableaux des Annonces des ventes de Terres , continuees: Terres de la Couronne et Permissions pour cou« per du Bois depuis le 13 Novembre 1826, mis devant la Charnbre, 301. Voir Appendice (C.C.) Referes, 302. Voir suprd. Etats des octrois de Terres faits en vertu de Let- tres Patentes aux Officiers Publics, et a leurs fa- milies, depuis le 221 .1 uillet 1828, au 8 Janvier 1836, et Liste des Terres donnees a Bail ou promises aux Conseillers, Juges et autres, mis devant la Charnbre, 341. Voir Appendice (C*C.) Referes, 342. Voir suprd. Bill pour empecher les saisies et ventes fraudu- leuses des Terres et autres proprietes reelles, hi la premiere fois, 28. Lu une seconde fois, et refere, 46. Rapport, 197* Bill et Rapport referes a un Comite general, ibid. Consideres; Bill rapporte, 208. Passe, 226. Par le Conseil, 635. Sanction lloyale, 700. — 6e. Guill. IV. Chap. 26. Trois Comptes relatifs aux ventes du Bois coupe sur les Terres incultes de la Couronne, mis (le- vant la Charnbre, 301. Voir Appendice (K.K.) A etre imprimes, ibid. Tessier, Dr. Xavier. Sa Petition, demandant des ar- rerages de Salaire pour des services publics cotnme Officier de Sante a Quebec en 1830, 1331 et 1832, 36. Referee au Comite Permanent pour les Llopitaux et Institutions de Charite, ibid. Thompson, Alexander. Sa Petition, pour le paiement de son Salaire comme Inspecteur des Cheminees aux Trois-RivRres, 82. Referee au Comite Permanent des Comptes Publics, ibid. Thompson, David. Sa Petition, pour le paiement d’un Compte comme Arpenteur, ayant arpente, par le moyen de la Trigonometric, le Lac St. Fran- cois et les Chenaux de la Riviere Outaouais, 849. Referee au Comite Permanent des Comp- tes Publics, 350. Thompson!, M. le Juge. Petition de Joseph Francois Deblois, Rcuyer, accusant M. le Juge Thomp» son de bauts crimes et malversations, 143. Re- feree au Comit6 Permanent des Griefs, et a etre impriinee, 145. Sixieme Rapport du dit Comite, 442. Voir Appendice (E. E.) A etre imprime, 442. Petition de divers Habitans des Comtes de Bonaventure et Gaspe, relative ft ia Petition de Joseph Francis Deblois, Ecuyer, 500. Referee au Comite Permanent des Griefs, et a etre imprimee, 501. Neuvieme Rapport du dit Comite, 653. Voir Appendice (E. E.) Refere ft un Comite general ; a etre imprime, 653. Charnbre en Comite; procedes ulte- rieurs tombes finite de Quorum, 690. Charnbre de nouveau en Comite; Resolutions et une Adresse rapportees, 693. Adoptees sur des di- visions, 694. Voir Addresses (74.) DouzRme Rapport du dit Comite, 669. oir Appendice (E. E.) A etre imprime, 669. La Charnbre re- sout de continuer en la Session prochaine 1’En- quete sur les actes et la conduite publics de M. le Juge Thompson, 691. Tonnage. Voir Droits de Tonnage. Traducteur Frangais. Comite Special nomrne pour in- diquer le choix d’une personne convenable pour remplir cette place, 145. Rapport ; a etre con- sidere, 288. Consideration remise, 298. Pe- tition de Henri Voyer, pour £tre nomrne Tra- ducteur Fran$ais ; pour etre aussi prise en con- sideration, INDEX au Quarante*cinquieme Volume. [1835-6. Traducteur Francis, continue ; sideration, 299- Les Rapport et Petition a etre consideres ; Motion que Leon Gosselin, Ecuyer, Avocat de Montreal, soit nomme rraducteur Francais ; Motion, en amendement, que Henri Voyer, Ecuyer, Avocat de Quebec, soit nomme ; adoptee sur une division ; Motion principale, telle qu’amendee, adoptee unanimement, 390. Transport des Frisonniers. Voir Prisonniers. Transport de Terres . Bill pour rendre valides les transports de Terres et autres proprietes im- meubles tenues en franc et commun Soccage, auquel la sanction Royale a ete donnee et si- gnifiee apres la periode limitee par la Loi, re 5 ti du Conseil, et lu la premiere fois, 685. . Lu une seconde fois, 692* Refere a un Comite gene- ral, 693. T finite, Matson de la, Quebec. Voir Droit de Tonnage. Trudeau, Frangois Michel. Voir Brousseau , Jean Bte. Turpin, James . Sa Petition, pliant la Chambre de souscrire pour un certain nombre de Copies de deux Cartes qu'il est sur le point de publier, 66. Referee au Comite Permanent pouiTEdu- cation et les Ecoles, 67. HJnIVERSALISTES. Petition pour un Acte au- torisant les Universalistes a tenir des Registres dument authentiques, 25. Referee, ibid. Rap- port, 155. Voir Chretiens I'rotestans. Ursidines cl Quebec. Voir Education et Ecoles . Va/SSEAUX. Voir Passages. Valliercs de St. Real, M. le Juge. Sa Petition, pour une Enqufcte au sujet de certains allegues qu’elle contient, ayant rapport k son emprisonnement par ordre d’une Cour de Session Trimestrielle Generalc, aux Trois-Rivieres, en Juillet 1835, et a de grandes irregularites qui regnent dans la dite Cour, 101. Referee aux Comit6 Perma- nent des Griefs, 104. Copies de Documens relatifs a une plainte contre la conduite de quel- ques-uns des Magistrals des Trois-Rivieres, por- Vallieres de St. Real, M. le Juge, continue : tee par M. le Juge Vallieres de St. R&l, mises devant la Chambre, HG2. Voir Appendice (U. U.) Referees au Comite Permanent des Griefs, 362. Viger. Honble. Denis Benjamin. Lu Chambre lui vote ses Remercimens, 91. Voir Chambre d’ As- semble. Vigneault, Frangois Xavier. Sa Petition, relative k un Lot de terre dans Wendover sur lequelil s’est etabli, 330. Referee au Comite Permanent sur les Terres et Droits Seigneuriaux, 333. Voyer, Jlenri. Voir Traducteur Frangais. Webster THOMAS. Voir Biens des Je- suit es. Weilbrenner, P. A. Voir Montreal , Quartier Est de, sous le chef Elections. W elland, Canal de. Petition de la Compagnie du Canal de Welland, pour une aide ulterieure, pour ache- ver le dit Canal, 30. Referee, ibid. Whitcher, Charles , Ecuyer. Petition de divers Habitans du District de St. Fran§ois, se plaignant de sa conduite comme Sherif du dit District, 384. Referee, ibid. Rapport, 528. Voir Appendice (D. D. D.) Referee a un Comite general ; a etre imprimee, 528. Consideres, 606, 629* Re- solutions et une Atiresse rapportees, et adoptees, 630. Voir Adresses (64.) William Henry, Bourg de. Voir Police des Bourgs et Villages. Williams, Oliver. Voir Chambre d’ A ssemblee.