Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/missmarjoribanks01olip Chronicles of Carlingford MISS MARJORIBANKS By MRS OLIPHANT With an Introduction by Q. D. LEAVIS The Zodiac Press LONDON ruDiisnca oy Chatto & Windus Ltd 42 William IV Street London W.C.2 Clarke, Irwin & Co. Ltd Toronto SBN 701 1 1503 3 C0PYRi8;-;T [v^vrERIAL Hot To Be Fu-lnor :V^ f^^'oduced Wivhout P:;:^T^^:..:;bn Cf Tho Introduction © Q. D. Leavis 1969 Printed in Great Britain by Northumberland Press Limited Gateshead Contents Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X Chapter XI Chapter XII Chapter XIII Chapter XIV Chapter XV Chapter XVI Chapter XVII Chapter XVIII Chapter XIX Chapter XX Chapter XXI Chapter XXII Chapter XXIII Chapter XXIV Chapter XXV Chapter XXVI Chapter XXVII 25 34 41 45 55 63 72 80 90 98 no 118 125 133 141 149 167 188 199 204 213 229 240 248 258 321 333 vi CONTENTS Chapter XXVIII ^^^ Chapter XXIX 279 Chapter XXX ^3^ Chapter XXXI 296 Chapter XXXII ^o^ Chapter XXXIII Chapter XXXIV Chapter XXXV Chapter XXXVI ^^g Chapter XXXVII ^^j Chapter XXXVIII ^^2 Chapter XXXIX 363 Chapter XL -^- Chapter XLI -,3- Chapter XLII Chapter XLIII Chapter XLIV Chapter XLV Chapter XLVI Chapter XLVII Chapter XLVIII Chapter XLIX Chapter L Chapter LI ^8j Chapter the last m\a 394 402 409 420 430 439 449 471 471 INTRODUCTION I THINK most of US have felt at some time that there must have been somebody who bridged the gap between Jane Austen and George £liQi; — the aspect of course of George EHot that had grown out of Jane Austen — and not been satisfied by such inward reminders as that Trollope in the Barchester series has frequently the air of being a Victorianised, minor Jane Austen, or that most of Coningsby would surely have delighted Jane Austen, or that in Little Dorrit Dickens presents a serious comedy of manners in the scenes between the Meagleses and Mrs Gowan that is decidedly in the Austen tradi- tion. By way of the novel here reprinted, Miss Marjoribankj [pro- nounced "Marchbanks"] which first appeared in Blackwood's Magazine in 1865-6, I suggest it and its author, Mrs Oliphant, for that missing link. Her Lucilla has long seemed to me a triumphant intermediary between their Emma and Dorothea, and, incidentally, more entertaining, more impressive and more likable than either. That this novel is, in its consistent ironic comedy, probably unique in Mrs Oliphant's oeuvre (I do not claim to have read the lot, nor does anyone else I imagine) does not mean that she hasn't a con- tinuous "Miss Marjoribanks" vein running through most of her work, a vein which constantly surfaces and which the connoisseur will soon learn to recognise and look out for; in her short stories it is more frequently dominant. Tough-mindedness did not disappear for the rest of the century with Jane Austen and Coningsby. The ironic eye that Jane Austen turned on Georgian middle-class country life extends its gaze in Coningsby to areas she would have had no knowledge of, but she would, we can feel sure, have appreciated Rigby and Lord Monmouth, Lord Eskdale and the ladies of that world, and the manner of their presentation; whereas her apprecia- tion of Middle-march would, one suspects, have been limited by lack of sympathy with the idealisation and apotheosis of Mrs Casaubon. Miss MarjoribanJ^s however is something that Jane Austen might almost have created and written herself (though it would have been in fewer words) if she had not died prematurely, for it brings to Regency period : the technique and style as well as T^e language our novel is essentially witty from start to finish. The opening as anti-sentimental as the author of Northanger Abbey could hi desired, though of course not directed at her targets but at Victor] conventional sentiment — e.g. in the course of the novel Rose Ls says of her sister : "But I am sorry to say she has not a strong sense duty" and " 'I have always been brought up to believe that duty v happiness,' said Miss Marjoribanks with some severity" — autho* jokes inconceivable in Middlemarch. Lucilla is a Victorian a heroine, large, strong, unsentimental, insubordinate to men :. with a hearty appetite. Who else in 1865 could habitually write thus? — "Lucilla had a great deal too much sense to upbraid anyone w ingratitude, or even to make any claim upon that slippery qualit " *He will never learn that he is old', she said in Lucilla's e and thus the t\vo old people kept watch upon each other, a noted, with a curious mixture of vexation and sympathy, e; other's declining strength." ". . . nor had she the ordinary amount of indifference to ot people, or confidence in herself, which stands in the place of si control with many people." ". . . hurriedly clasping together a pair of helpless hands a: they could find a little strength in union." *' 'We must leave that to Providence,* said Miss Marjoriban with a sense of paying a compliment to Providence in entrust: it with such a responsibility." *'. . . as Mrs Chiley. justly remarked, Mrs Woodburn wa woman who would take off the Archbishop of Canterbury or Virgin Mary if she had the opportunity. . . ." "The Archdeacon was one of those men who are very strc for the masculine side of Christianity; and when he was with ladies, he had a sense that he ought to be paid attention to, inst( of taking that trouble in his own person. Miss Marjoribanks v not a woman to be blind to the advantages of this situation, 1 MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 3 her journey to a great many virtuous resolutions ; for, in such a case as hers, it was evidently the duty of an only child to devote herself to her father's comfort, and become the sunshine of his life, as so many young persons of her age have been known to become in lit- erature. Miss Marjoribanks had a lively mind, and Avas capable of grasping all the circumstances of the situation at a glance. Thus, between the outbreaks of her tears for her mother, it became apparent to her that she must sacrifice her own feelings, and make a cheerful home for papa, and that a great many changes would be necessary in the household — changes which went so far as even to extend to the furniture. Miss Marjoribanks sketched to herself, as she lay back in the corner of the railway carriage, with her veil down, how she would wind herself up to the duty of presid- ing at her papa's dinner-parties, and charming every- body by her good-humour, and brightness, and devotion to his comfort ; and how, when it was all over, she would withdraw and cry her eyes out in her own room, and be found in the morning languid and worn-out, but always heroical, ready to go down-stairs and assist at dear papa's breakfast, and keep up her smiles for him till he had gone out to his patients. Altogether the picture was a very pretty one ; and, considering that a great many young ladies in deep mourning put force upon their feelings in novels, and maintain a 4 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : smile for the benefit of the unobservant male creatures of whom they have the charge, the idea was not at all extravagant, considering that Miss Marjoribanks was but fifteen. She was not, however, exactly the kind of fio'ure for this mise en scene. When her schoolfellows talked of her to their friends — for Lucilla was already an important personage at Mount Pleasant — the most common description they gave of her was, that she was " a large girl ; " and there was great truth in the adjective. She was not to be described as a tall girl — which conveys an altogether different idea — but she was large in all particulars, full and well-developed, with somewhat large features, not at all pretty as yet, though it was known in Mount Pleasant that some- bo*dy had said that such a face might ripen into beauty, and become "grandiose," for anything any- body could tell. Miss Marjoribanks was not vain ; but the word had taken possession of her imagination, as was natural, and solaced her much when she made the painful discovery that her gloves were half a number larger, and her shoes a hairbreadth broader, than those of any of her companions ; but the hands and the feet were both perfectly well shaped ; and being at the same time well clothed and plump, were much more presentable and pleasant to look upon than the lean rudimentary school -girl hands with which they were surrounded. To add to these excel- I^IISS MAEJOEIBANKS. 5 lences, Lucilla had a mass of hair which, if it could but have been cleared a little in its tint, would have been golden, though at present it was nothing more than tawny, and curly to exasperation. She wore it in large thick curls, which did not, however, float or wave, or do any of the graceful things which curls ought to do ; for it had this aggravating quality, that it would not grow long, but would grow ridiculously, unmanageably thick, to the admiration of her com- panions, but to her own despair, for there was no knowing what to do with those short but ponderous locks. These were the external characteristics of the girl who was going home to be a comfort to her widowed father, and meant to sacrifice herself to his * happiness. In the course of her rapid journey she had already settled upon everything that had to be done ; or rather, to speak more truly, had rehearsed everything, according to the habit already acquired by a quick mind, a good deal occupied with itself. First, she meant to fall into her father's arms — forgetting, with that singular facility for overlooking the peculi- arities of others which belongs to such a character, that Dr IMarjoribanks was very httle given to em- bracing, and that a hasty kiss on her forehead was the warmest caress he had ever given his daughter — and then to rush up to the chamber of death and weep over dear mamma. " And to think I was not there to 6 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : soothe her last moments ! " Lucilla said to herself, with a sob, and with feelings sufficiently real in their way. After this, the devoted daughter made up her mind to come down-stairs again, pale as death, but self-controlled, and devote herself to papa. Perhaps, if great emotion should make him tearless, as such cases had been known. Miss Marjoribanks would steal into his arms unawares, and so surprise him into weeping. All this went briskly through her mind, un- deterred by the reflection that tears were as much out of the Doctor's way as embraces; and in this mood she sped swiftly along in the inspiration of her first sorrow, as she imagined, but in reality to sufier her first disappointment, which was of a less soothing character than that mild and manageable grief. When Miss Marjoribanks reached home her mother had been dead for twenty-four hours ; and her father was not at the door to receive her as she had expected, but by the bedside of a patient in extremity, who could not consent to go out of the world without the Doctor. This was a sad reversal of her intentions, but Lucilla was not the woman to be disconcerted. She carried out the second part of her programme without either interference or sympathy, except from Mrs Marjoribanks's maid, who had some hopes from the moment of her arrival. " I can't abear to think as I'm to be parted from you all, miss," sobbed the MISS MAKJORIBANKS. 7 faithful attendant. " I've lost the best missus as ever was, and I shouldn't mind going after her. When- ever any one gets a good friend in this world, they're the first to be took away," said the weeping hand- maiden, who naturally saw her own loss in the most vivid light. " Ah, Ellis," cried Miss Marjoribanks, re- posing her sorrow in the arms of this anxious attendant, " we must try to be a comfort to poor papa I " With this end Lucilla made herself very trouble- some to the sober-minded Doctor during those few dim days before the faint and daily lessening shadow of poor Mrs Marjoribanks was removed altogether from the house. When that sad ceremony had taken place, and the Doctor returned, serious enough, heaven knows, to the great house, where the faded helpless woman, who had notwithstanding been his love and his bride in other days, lay no longer on the familiar sofa, the crisis arrived which Miss Marjoribanks had rehearsed so often, but after quite a different fashion. The widower was tearless, indeed, but not from excess of emotion. On the contrary, a painful heaviness possessed him when he became aware how little real sorrow was in his mind, and how small an actual . loss was this loss of his wife, which bulked before the world as an event of just as much magnitude as the loss, for example, which poor Mr Lake, the drawing- master, was at the same moment suffering. It was 8 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : even sad, in another point of view, to think of a human creature passing out of the world, and leaving so little trace that she had ever been there. As for the pretty creature whom Dr Marjoribanks had mar- ried, she had vanished into thin air years and years ago. These thoughts were heavy enough — perhaps even more overwhelming than that grief which develops love to its highest point of intensity. But such were not precisely the kind of reflections which could be solaced by paternal attendrissement over a weeping and devoted daughter. It was May, and the weather was warm for the season ; but Lucilla had caused the fire to be lighted in the large gloomy library where Dr Marjoribanks always sat in the evenings, with the idea that it would be " a comfort " to him ; and, for the same reason, she had ordered tea to be served there, instead of the dinner, for which her father, as she imagined, could have little appetite. AVhen the Doctor went in to his favourite seclusion, tired and heated and sad — for even on the day of his wife's funeral the favourite doctor of Carlingford had patients to think of — the very heaviness of his thoughts gave warmth to his indignation. He had longed for the quiet and the coolness and the solitude of his library, apart from everybody ; and when he found it radiant with firelight, tea set on the table, and Lucilla crying by the fire, in her new crape, the effect upon a temper MISS MARJOEIBANKS. 9 by no means perfect may be imagined. The unfor- tunate man threw both the windows wide open and rang the bell violently, and gave instant orders for the removal of the unnecessary fire and the tea-service. " Let me know when dinner is ready/' he said, in a voice like thunder ; "and if Miss Marjoribanks wants a fire, let it be lighted in. the drawing-room/' Lucilla was so much taken by surprise by this sudden over- throw of her programme, that she submitted, as a girl of much less spirit might have done, and suffered herself and her fire and her tea-things to be dismissed up-stairs, where she wept still more at sight of dear mamma's sofa, and where Ellis came to mingle her tears with those of her young mistress, and to beg dear Miss Lucilla, for the sake of her precious 'elth and her dear papa, to be persuaded to take some tea. On the whole, master stood lessened in the eyes of all the household by his ability to eat his dinner, and his resentment at having his habitudes disturbed. " Them men would eat and drink if we was all in our graves," said the indignant cook, who indeed had a real grievance ; and the outraged sentiment of the kitchen was avenged by a bad and hasty dinner, which the Doctor, though generally " very particular,'" swallowed without remark. About an hour afterwards he went up-stairs to the drawing-room, where Miss Marjoribanks was waiting for him, much less at ease 10 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : than she had expected to be. Though he gave a little sigh at the sight of his wife's sofa, he did not hesi- tate to sit down upon it, and even to draw it a little out of its position, which, as Lucilla described after- wards, was like a knife going into her heart. Though, indeed, she had herself decided already, in the inter- vals of her tears, that the drawing-room furniture had got very faded and shabby, and that it would be very expedient to have it renewed for the new reign of youth and energy which was about to commence. As for the Doctor, though Miss Marjoribanks thought him insensible, his heart was heavy enough. His wife had gone out of the world without leaving the least mark of her existence, except in that large girl, whose spirits and forces were unbounded, but whose discretion at the present moment did not seem much greater than her mother's. Instead of thinking of her as a comfort, the Doctor felt himself called upon to face a new and unexpected embarrassment. It would have been a satisfaction to him just then to have been left to himself, and permitted to work on quietly at his profession, and to write his papers for the 'Lan- cet,' and to see his friends now and then when he chose ; for Dr Marjoribanks was not a man who had any great need of sympathy by nature, or who was at all addicted to demonstrations of feeling; consequently, he drew his wife's sofa a little further from the fire, MISS MAKJORIBANKS. 11 and took his seat on it soberly, quite unaware that, by so doing, he was putting a knife into his daughter's heart. " I hope you have had something to eat, Lucilla," he said ; " don't get into that foolish habit of flying to tea as a man flies to a dram. It's a more innocent stimulant, but it's the same kind of intention. I am not so mucli against a fire ; it has always a kind of cheerful look." " Oh, papa," cried his daughter, with a flood of in- dignant tears, " you can't suppose I want anything to look cheerful this dreadful day." " I am far from blaming you, my dear," said the Doctor ; " it is natural you should cry. I am sorry I did not write for my sister to come, who would have taken care of you ; but I dislike strangers in the house at such a time. However, I hope, Lucilla, you will soon feel yourself able to return to school ; occupation is always the best remedy, and you wiU have your friends and companions " " Papa ! " cried Miss Marjoribanks ; and then she summoned courage, and rushed up to him, and threw herself and her clouds of crape on the carpet at his side (and it may here be mentioned that Lucilla had seized the opportunity to have her mourning made long, which had been the desire of her heart, baffled by mamma and governess for at least a year). "Papa !" 12 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : she exclaimed with fervour, raising to him her tear- stained face, and clasping her fair plump hands, " oh, don't send me away ! I was only a silly girl the other day, but this has made me a woman. Though I can never, never hope to take dear mamma's place, and be — all — that she was to you, still I feel I can be a com- fort to you if you will let me. You shall not see me cry any more," cried Lucilla with energy, rubbing away her tears. " I will never give way to my feelings. I will ask for no companions — nor — nor anything. As for pleasure, that is all over. Oh, papa, you shall never see me regret anything, or wish for anything. I will give up everything in the world to be a comfort to you ! " This address, which was utterly unexpected, drove Dr Marjoribanks to despair. He said, " Get up, Lucilla ; " but the devoted daughter knew better than to get up. She hid her face in her hands, and rested her hands upon her mother's sofa, where the Doctor was sitting ; and the sobs of that emotion which she meant to control henceforward, echoed through the room. ''It is only for this once — I can — cannot help it,'' she cried. When her father found that he could neither soothe her, nor succeed in raising her, he got up himself, which was the only thing left to him, and began to walk about the room with hasty steps. Her mother, too, had possessed this dangerous faculty of MISS MAEJOEIBANKS. 13 tears ; and it was not wonderful if the sober-minded Doctor, roused for the first time to consider his little girl as a creature possessed of individual character, should recognise, with a thrill of dismay, the appear- ance of the same qualities which had wearied his life out, and brought his youthful affections to an -un- timely end. Lucilla was, it is true, as different from her mother as summer from winter; but Dr Marjori- banks had no means of knowing that his daughter was only doing her duty by him in his widowhood, according to a programme of filial devotion resolved upon, in accordance with the best models, some days before. Accordingly, when her sobs had ceased, her father returned and raised her up not unkindly, and placed her in her chair. In doing so, the Doctor put his finger by instinct upon Lucilla's pulse, which was sufficiently calm and well regulated to reassure the most anxious parent. And then a furtive momentary smile gleamed for a single instant round the corners of his mouth. " It is very good of you to propose sacrificing your- self for me," he said ; " and if you would sacrifice your excitement in the mean time, and listen to me quietly, it would really be something — but you are only fifteen, Lucilla, and I have no wish to take you from school just now; wait till I have done. Your poor mother is 14 CHEONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : gone, and it is very natural you should cry ; but you were a good child to her on the whole, which will be a comfort to you. We did everything that could be thought of to prolong her days, and, when that was impossible, to lessen what she had to suffer; and we have every reason to hope,'' said the Doctor, as indeed he was accustomed to say in the exercise of his profes- sion to mourning relatives, " that she's far better off now than if she had been with us. When that is said, I don't know that there is anything more to add. I am not fond of sacrifices, either one way or another; and I've a great objection to any one making a sacri- fice for me " ''But, oh papa, it would be no sacrifice," said Lucilla, "if you would only let me be a comfort to you ! " " That is just where it is, my dear," said the steady Doctor ; " I have been used to be left a great deal to myself; and I am not prepared to say that the respon- sibility of having you here without a mother to take care of you, and all your lessons interrupted, would not neutralise any comfort you might be. You see," said Dr Marjoribanks, trying to soften matters a little, "a man is what his habits make him; and I have been used to be left a great deal to myself. It answers in some cases, but I doubt if it would answer with me." MISS MAKJORIBANKS. 15 And then there was a pause, in which Lucilla wept and stifled her tears in her handkerchief, with a warmer flood of vexation and disappointment than even her natural grief had produced. "Of course, papa, if I can't be any comfort 1 will — go back to school," she sobbed, with a touch of sullenness which did not escape the Doctor's ear. " Yes, my dear, you will certainly go back to school," said the peremptory father ; " I never had any doubt on that subject. You can stay over Sunday and rest yourself. Monday or Tuesday will be time enough to go back to Mount Pleasant ; and now you had better ring the bell, and get somebody to bring you something — or I'll see to that when I go down-stairs. It's getting late, and this has been a fatiguing day. I'll send you up some negus, and I think you had better go to bed." And with these commonplace words, Dr Marjori- banks withdrew in calm possession of the field. As for Lucilla, she obeyed him, and betook herself to her own room, and swallowed her negus with a sense, not only of defeat, but of disappointment and mortification which was very unpleasant. To go back again and be an ordinary school-girl, after the pomp of woe in which she had come away, was naturally a painful thought; she who had ordered her mourning to be made long, and contemplated new furniture in the drawing-room, and expected to be mistress of her 16 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : father's house, not to speak of the still dearer privilege of being a comfort to him ; and now, after all, her active mind was to be condemned over again to verbs and chromatic scales, though she felt within herself capacities so much more extended. Miss Marjoribanks did not by any means learn by this defeat to take the characters of the other 'personoe in her Httle drama into consideration, when she rehearsed her pet scenes hereafter — for that is a knowledge slowly acquired — but she was wise enough to know when resistance was futile ; and like most peojole of lively imagination, she had a power of submitting to circumstances when it became impossible to change them. Thus she con- sented to postpone her reign, if not with a good grace, yet still without foolish resistance, and retired with the full honours of war. She had already re-arranged all the details, and settled upon all the means possible of preparing herself for what she called the charge of the establishment when her final emancipation took place, before she returned to school. " Papa thought me too young," she said, when she reached Mount Pleasant, " though it was dreadful to come away and leave him alone with only the servants; but, dear Miss Martha, you will let me learn all about political economy and things, to help me manage everything ; for now that dear mamma is gone, there is nobody but me to be a comfort to papa." ]\IISS MAJIJORIBANKS. 17 And by this means Miss Marjoribanks managed to influence the excellent woman who believed in ' Friends in Council/ and to direct' the future tenor of her own education ; while, at least, in that one moment of opportunity, she had achieved long dresses, which was a visible mark of womanhood, and a step which could not be retraced. VOL. I. CHAPTEE II. De Maejoeibanks was so far from feeling the lack of his daughter's powers of consolation, that he kept her at Mount Pleasant for three years longer, during which time it is to be supposed he managed to be comfortable after a benighted fashion — good enough for a man of fifty, who had come to an end of his illusions. To be sure, there were in the world, and even in Carlingford, kind women, who would not have objected to take charge of the Doctor and his " establishment," and be a comfort to him ; but, on the whole, it was undeniable that he managed tolerably well in external matters, and gave very good men's dinners, and kept everything in perfect order, so far as it went. Naturally the fairer part of existence was left out altogether in that grim, though well-ordered, house ; but then he was only a man and a doctor, and knew no better; and while the feminine part of Grange Lane regarded him with natural pity, not only for what he lacked, but for MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 19 a still more sad defect, his total want of perception on the subject, their husbands and fathers rather liked to dine with the Doctor, and brought home accounts of sauces which were enough to drive any woman to despair. Some of the ladies of Grange Lane — Mrs Chiley, for example, who wa& fond of good living herself, and liked, as she said, '' a little variety'' — laid siege to the Doctor, and did their best to coax his receipts out of him ; but Dr Marjoribauks knew better than that. He gave all the credit to his cook, like a man of sense ; and as that functionary was known in Carlingford to be utterly regardless and unprincipled in respect to gravy-beef, and the materials for " stock," or " consomm^," as some people called it, society was disinclined to exert its ordinary arts to seduce so great an artiste from the kitchen of her indulgent master. And then there were other ladies who took a different tone. "Dr Marjoribanks, poor man, has nothing but his table to take up his mind," said Mrs Centum, who had six children ; " I never heard that the heart could be nourished upon sauces, for my part ; and for a man who has his children's future to think of, I must say I am surprised at you, Mr Centum." As for young Mrs Woodbum, her reply was still more decisive, though milder in its tone. " Poor cook I I am so sorry for her," said the gentle young matron. "You know you always like something for breakfast, Charles ; and then 20 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : there is the cliilclren's dinner, and our lunch, and the servants' dinner, so that tlie poor thing is worn out before she comes to what you call the great event of the day ; and you know how angry you were when I asked for a kitchen-maid for her, poor soul." The conse- quence of all this was, that Dr Marjoribanks remained unrivalled in Grange Lane in this respect at least. When rumours arose in Carlingford of a possible second marriage for the Doctor — and such rumours naturally arose three or four times in the course of the three years — the men of Grange Lane said, " Heaven forbid ! " '' No wife in the world could replace l^ancy," said Colonel Chiley, after that fervent aspiration, " and none could put up with her;" while, on the other side, there were curious speculations afloat as to the effect upon the house, and especially the table, of the daugh- ter's return. When a young woman comes to be eighteen it is difficult to keep her at school ; and though the Doctor had staved off the danger for the moment, by sending Lucilla off along with one of her schoolfellows, whose family was going abroad, to make orthodox acquaintance with all the Smss mountains, and all the Italian capitals, still that was plainly an expedient for the moment ; and a new mistress to the house, which had got along so well without any mis- tress, was inevitable. So that it cannot be denied Miss Marjoribanks's advent was regarded in Carlingford MISS MARJORIBANKS. 21 with as mucli interest and curiosity as she could have wished. For it was ah-eady known that the Doctor's daughter was not a mild young lady, easy to be con- trolled ; but, on the contrary, had all the energy and determination to have her own way, which naturally belonged to a girl who possessed a considerable chin, and a mouth which could shut, and tightly curling tawny tresses, which were still more determined than she was to be arranged only according to their inclina- tion. It was even vaguely reported that some pas- sages-of-arms had occurred between Miss Marjoribanks and the redoubtable E'ancy during the short and un- certain opportunities which were afforded by holidays ; and the community, accordingly, regarded as an affair of almost municipal importance Lucilla's final return home. As for the young lady herself, though she was at school, she was conscious of having had a career not without importance, even during these three years of pupilage. Since the day when she began to read political economy with Miss Martha Blount, who, though the second sister, was the directing spirit of the establishment, Lucilla had exercised a certain in- fluence upon the school itself which was very satis- factory. Perhaps her course might be a little deficient in grace, but grace, after all, is but a secondary quality ; and, at all events, Miss Marjoribanks went straight forward, leaving an unquestionable wake behind her. 22 CHKONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : and running down with indifference the little skiffs in her way. She was possessed by nature of that kind of egotism, or rather egoism, which is predestined to impress itself, by its perfect reality and good faith, upon the surrounding world. There are people who talk of themselves, and think of themselves, as it were, under protest, and with dejDreciation, not actually able to convince themselves that anybody cares ; but Lu- cilla, for her part, had the calmest and most profound conviction that, when she discussed her own doings and plans and clevernesses, she was bringing forward the subject most interesting to her audience as well as to herself. Such a conviction is never without its fruits. To be sure, there were always one or two in- dependent spirits who revolted ; but for the crowd, it soon became impressed with a profound belief in the creed which Miss Marjoribanks supported so firmly. This conviction of the importance and value of her own proceedings made Lucilla, as she grew older, a copious and amusing conversationalist — a rank which few people who are indifferent to, or do not believe in, themselves can attain to. One thing she had made up her mind to as soon as she should return home, and that was to revolutionise society in Carlingford. On the whole, she was pleased with the success of the Doctor's dinners, though a little piqued to think that they owed nothing to herself ; but Lucilla, whose in- MISS MARJORIBANKS. 23 stinct of government was of the true despotic order, and who had no objection to stoop, if by that means she could conquer, had no such designs against Nancy as were attributed to her by the expectant audience in Carlingford. On the contrary, she was quite as much disposed as her father was to take Nancy for prime- minister ; for Miss Marjoribanks, though too much occupied with herself to divine the characteristic points of other people, had a sensible and thorough belief in those superficial general truths which most minds acquiesce in, without taking the trouble to believe. She knew, for example, that there was a great differ- ence between the brilliant society of London, or of Paris, which appears in books, where women have generally the best of it, and can rule in their own right ; and even the very best society of a country town, where husbands are very commonly unmanage- able, and have a great deal more of their own way in respect to the houses they will or will not go to, than is good for that inferior branch of the human family. Miss Marjoribanks had the good sense to see and ap- preciate these details ; and she knew that a good dinner was a great attraction to a man, and that, in Carling- ford at least, when these refractory mortals were secured, the wives and daughters would necessarily follow. Besides, as is not uncommon with women who are clever women, and aware of the fact, Miss Marjoribanks 24 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : preferred the society of men, and rather liked to say so. With all these intentions in her mind, it may be imagined that she received coolly enough the invita- tion of her friend to join in the grand tour, and the ready consent given by her father when he heard of it. But even the grand tour was a tool which Lucilla saw how to make use of. N"owadays, when people go everywhere, an untravelled w^oman would find it so much the harder to keep up the role of a leader of society to which she had devoted herself ; and she felt to the depth of her heart the endless advantage to her future conversation of the experiences to be acquired in Switzerland and Italy. But she rejected with scorn the insinuation of other accidents that might occur on the way. " You will never come back again, Lucilla," said one of her companions ; "you will marry some enchanting Italian with a beautiful black beard, and a voice like an angel ; and he'll sing serenades to you, and do all sorts of things : oh, how I wish I was you ! " "That may be," said Miss Marjoribanks, "but I shall never marry an Italian, my dear. I don't think I shall marry anybody for a long time. I w^ant to amuse myself. I wonder, by the way, if it would im- prove my voice to take lessons in Italy. Did I ever tell you of the Italian nobleman that was so very at- tentive to me that Christmas I spent at Sissy Vernon's ? MISS MARJORIBANKS. 25 He was very handsome. I suppose tliey really are all very handsome — except, of course, the Italian masters ; but I did not pay any attention to him. My object, dear, and you know it, is to return home as well edu- cated as possible, to be a comfort to dear papa." '' Yes, dear Lucilla," said the sympathetic girl, " and it is so good of you ; but do tell me about the Italian no- bleman — what did he look like — and what did he say ?" " Oh, as for what he said, that is quite a different matter/' said Lucilla ; " but it is not what they say, but the way they say it, that is the fun. I did not give him the least encouragement. As for that, I think, a girl can always stop a man when she does not care for him. It depends on whether you intend him to commit himself or not," Miss Marjoribanks con- tinued, and fixed her eyes meditatively, but intently, upon her friend's face. " Whether I intend ? — oh goodness, Lucilla ! how can you speak so ? as if I ever intended anything," said her companion, confused, yet flattered, by the pos- sibility; to which the elder sage answered calyily, with all the composure in the world. " Xo, I never supposed you did ; I was thinking of myself," said LuciUa, as if, indeed, that was the only reasonable subject of thought. "You know I have seen a good deal of the world, one way and another, with going to spend the holidays, and I could tell 26 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : you quantities of things. It is quite astonishing how much experience one gets. When I was at Midhurst, at Easter, there was my cousin Tom, who was quite ridiculous ; T declare he nearly brought things to an explanation, Fanny — which, of course, of all things in the world I most wanted to avoid." " Oh, but why, Lucilla ?" cried Fanny, full of delight and wonder ; " I do so want to know what they say when they make explanations, as you call them. Oh, do tell me, Lucilla, why?" "My dear," said Miss Marjoribanks, "a cousin of my own ! and only twenty-one, and reading for the bar ! In the first place, my aunt would never have forgiven me, and I am very fond of my aunt. It's so nice to like all one's relations. I know some girls who can't bear theirs. And then a boy not much older than myself, with nothing but what his mother pleases ! Fortunately he did not just say the words, so I escaped that time ; but, of course, I could understand perfectly what he meant." " But, oh, Lucilla, tell me the words," cried the per- sistent questioner; " do, there's a darling ! I am quite sure you have heard them — and I should so like to know exactly what they say ; — do they go down on their knees ? — or do they try to take your hand as they always do in novels ? — or what do they do ? — Oh, Lucilla, tell me, there's a dear ! " MISS MARJOPJBANKS. 27 " Nonsense," said Lucilla ; " I only want you to understand that I am not likely to fall into any danger of that sort. My only ambition, Fanny, as I have told you often, is to go home to Carlingford and be a comfort to dear papa." " Yes," said Fanny, kissing her devoted companion, " and it is so good of you, dear ; but then you cannot go on all your life being a comfort to dear papa," said the intelligent girl, bethinking herself, and looking again with some curiosity in Lucilla's face. " We must leave that to Providence," said Miss Marjoribanks, with a sense of paying a compliment to Providence in intrusting it with such a responsibility. " I have always been guided for the best hitherto," she continued, with an innocent and unintentional profan- ity, which sounded solemn to her equally innocent companion, '' and I don't doubt I shall be so till the end." From which it will be perceived that Miss Marjori- banks was of the numerous class of religionists who keep up civilities with heaven, and pay all the proper attentions, and show their respect for the divine govern- ment in a manner befitting persons who know the value of their own approbation. The conversation dropped at this point ; for Lucilla was too important a person to be left to the undivided possession of an inquisitive innocent like Fanny Middleton, who was only sixteen, 28 CHEONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : and had never had even a flirtation in her own person. There were no Carlingford girls at Mount Pleasant, except poor little Eose Lake, the drawing-master's second daughter, who had been received on Dr Mar- joribanks's recommendation, and who heard the little children their geography and reading, and gave them little lessons in drawing, by way of paying for her own education ; but then Eose was entirely out of Miss Marjoribanks's way, and could never count for anything in her designs for the future. The girls at Mount Pleasant were good girls on the whole, and were rather improved by the influence of Lucilla, who was extremely good-natured, and, so long as her superiority was duly acknowledged, was ready to do anything for anybody — so that Eose Lake was not at all badly off" in her inferior position. She could be made useful too, which was a great point in her favour ; and Miss Mar- joribanks, who possessed by nature some of the finest qualities of a ruler, instinctively understood and appre- ciated the instruments that came to her hand. As for Eose, she had been brought up at the School of Design in Carlingford, of which, under the supervision of the authorities who, in those days, inhabited Marlborough House, Mr Lake was the master, Eose was the pride of the school in the peaceable days before her mother died ; she did not know much else, poor child, except novels, but her copies " from the round " filled her MISS MAEJOKIBANKS. 29 father with admiration, and her design for a Honiton- lace flounce, a spirited composition of dragons' tails and the striking plant called teazle, which flourishes in the neighbourhood of Carlingford (for Mr Lake had leanings towards Preraphaelitism), was thought by the best judges to show a wonderful amount of feeling for art, and just missed being selected for the prize. A girl with such a talent was naturally much appreciated in Mount Pleasant. She made the most charming de- sign for Miss Marjoribanks's handkerchief — " Lucilla," in Gothic characters, enclosed in a wreath of forget-me- nots, skilfully combined with thistle-leaves, which Eose took great pains to explain were so much better adapted to ornamentation than foliage of a less distinct char- acter ; and the young draughtswoman was so charmed by Lucilla's enthusiastic admiration, that she volun- teered to work the design in the cambric, which was a much more serious matter. This was on the eve of Miss ]\Iarjoribanks's final departure from school. She was to spend a year abroad, to the envy of all whom she left behind ; but for herself, Lucilla was not elated. She thought it very probable that she would ascend Mont Blanc as far as the Grands Mulcts at least, and, of course, in spring, go up Vesuvius, having got through the Carnival and Miserere and all the balls in Ptome ; but none of these things moved her out of her usual composure. She took it all in the way of busi- 30 CHRONICLES OF eARLINGFOIlD. ness, as she had taken her French and her German and her singing and her political economy. As she stepped into the steamboat at Dover which was to convey her to scenes so new, Lucilla felt more and more that she who held the reorganisation of society in Carlingford in her hands was a woman with a mission. She was going abroad as the heir-apparent went to America and the Holy Land, to complete her education, and fit her- self, by an examination of the peculiarities of other nations, for an illustrious and glorious reign at home. CHAPTER III. It may be well to seize the opportunity of Miss Marjori- banks's travels, through which it is unnecessary to fol- low her, as they have nothing particular to do with the legitimate history of her great undertaking, to explain a little the state of affairs in Carlingford before this distinguished revolutionary began her labours. It is something like going back into the prehistoric period — those ages of the flint, which only ingenious quarry- men and learned geologists can elucidate — to recall the social condition of the town before Miss Marjoribanks began her Thursday evenings, before St Eoque's Chapel was built or thought of, while Mr Bury, the Evangeli- cal Rector, was still in full activity, and before old Mr Tufton, at Salem Chapel (who sometimes drank tea at the Eectory, and thus had a kind of clandestine en- trance into the dim outskirts of that chaos which was then called society), had his first "stroke." From this latter circumstance alone the entirely disorganised 32 CHEONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : condition of affairs will be visible at a glance. . It is true, Mr Vincent, who succeeded Mr Tufton, was re- ceived by Lady Western, in days when public opinion had made great advances ; but then Lady Western was the most good-natured creature in the world, and gave an invitation, when it happened to come into her head, without the least regard for the consequences ; and, after all, Mr Vincent was very nice-looking and clever, and quite presentable. Fortunately, however, the period to which we allude was prior to the entrance of Lady Western into Grange Lane. She was a very pretty woman, and knew how to look like a lady of fashion, which is always of importance ; but she was terribly inconsequent, as Miss Marjoribanks said, and her introductions were not in the least to be depended upon. She was indeed quite capable of inviting a family of retired drapers to meet the best people in Grange Lane, for no better reason than to gratify her proteges, which, of course, was a proceeding calculated to strike at the roots of all society. Fortunately for Carlingford, its reorganisation was in abler hands. Affairs were in an utterly chaotic state at the period when this record commences. There was nothing which could be properly called a centre in the entire town. To be sure, Grange Lane was inhabited, as at present, by the best families in Carlingford ; but then, without organisation, what good does it do to have a MISS MAKJORIBANKS. 33 number of people together 1 For example, Mr Bury was utterly unqualified to take any lead. Mrs Bury bad been dead a long time, and the daughters were married, and the Eector's maiden sister, who lived with him, was entirely of his own way of thinking, and asked people to tea-parties, which were like Me- thodists' class-meetings, and where Mr Tufton was to be met with, and sometimes other Dissenters, to whom the Eector gave what he called the right hand of fel- lowship. But he never gave anything else to society, except weak tea and thin bread-and-butter, which was fare, the ladies said, which the gentlemen did not relish. " I never can mduce Charles to go out to tea," said young Mrs Woodburn, piteously; "he won't, and there is an end of it. After dinner he thinks of no- thing but an easy-chair and the papers ; and, my dear Miss Bury, what can I do ? " " It is a great pity, my dear, that your husband's carelessness should deprive you of the benefit of Christian conversation ; but, to be sure, it is your duty to stay with him, and I hope it will be made up to you at home," Miss Bury would say. As for the Eector, his favourites were devoted to him ; and as he always saw enough of familiar faces at his sister's tea-parties, he took no account of the defaulters. Then there was Dr Marjoribanks, who gave only dinners, to which naturally, as there was no lady in the house, ladies could not be invited, and VOL. I. c 34 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : who, besides, was rather a drawback than a benefit to society, since he made the men quite intolerable, and filled them with such expectations, in the way of cookery, that they never were properly content with a good family dinner after. Then the ladies, from whom something might justly have been expected in the way of making society pleasant — such as Mrs Centum and Mrs Woodburn, for example, who had everything they could desire, and the most liberal housekeeping allow- ances — were either incapacitated by circumstances (which was a polite term in use at Carlingford, and meant babies) or by character. Mrs Woodburn liked nothing so well as to sit by the fire and read novels, and "take off" her neighbours, when any one called on her ; and, of course, the lady who was her audience on one occasion, left with the comfortable conviction that next time she would be the victim ; a circum- stance which, indeed, did not make the offender un- popular — for there were very few people in Carling- ford who could be amusing, even at the expense of their neighbours — but made it quite impossible that she should ever do anything in the way of knitting people together, and making a harmonious whole out of the scraps and fragments of society. As for Mrs Chiley, she was old, and had not energy enough for such an undertaking ; and, besides, she had no chil- dren, and disliked bustle and trouble, and was of opin- MISS MARJORIBANKS. 35 ion that the Colonel never enjoyed his dinner if he had more than four people to help him to eat it ; and, in short, you might have gone over Grange Lane, house by house, finding a great deal of capital material, but without encountering a single individual capable of making anything out of it. Such was the lament- able condition, at the moment this history commences, of society in Carlingford. And yet nobody could say that there were not very good elements to make society with. When you add to a man capable of giving excellent dinners, like Dr Marjoribanks, another man like young Mr Cavendish, Mrs Woodburn's brother, who was a wit and a man of fashion, and belonged to one of the best clubs in town, and brought down gossip with the bloom on it to Grange Lane ; and when you join to Mrs Centum, who was always so good and so much out of temper that it was safe to calculate on something amusing from her, the languid but trenchant humour of Mrs Woodburn — not to speak of their husbands, who were perfectly available for the background, and all the nephews and cousins and grandchildren, who con- stantly paid visits to old Mr Western and Colonel Chiley ; and the Browns, when they were at home,, with their floating suite of admirers ; and the young ladies who sang, and the young ladies who sketched, and the men who went out with the hounds, when 36 CHEONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : business permitted tliem ; and the people who came about the town when there was an election ; and the barristers who made the circuit ; and the gay people who came to the races ; not to speak of the varying chances of curates, who could talk or play the piano, with which Mr Bury favoured his parishioners — for he changed his curates very often ; and the occasional visits of the lesser county people, and the country clergymen ; — it will be plainly apparent that all that was wanting to Carlingford was a master-hand to blend these different elements. There had even been a few feeble preliminary attempts at this great work, which had failed, as such attempts always fail when they are premature, and when the real agent of the change is already on the way; but preparations and presentiments had taken vague possession of the mind of the town, as has always been observed to be the case before a great revolution, or when a man destined to put his mark on his generation, as the newspapers say, is about to appear. To be sure, it was not a man this time, but Miss Marjoribanks ; but the atmos- phere thrilled and trembled to the advent of the new luminary all the same. Yet, at the same time, the world of Carlingford had not the least idea of the real quarter from which the sovereign intelligence which was to develop it from chaos into order and harmony was, effectivement, to MISS MAEJOEIBANKS. 37 come. Some people had hoped in Mrs Woodburn before she fell into her present languor of appearance and expression ; and a great many people hoped in Mr Cavendish's wife, if he married, as he was said to intend to do ; for this gentleman, who was in the habit of describing himself, no doubt, very truthfully, as one of the Cavendishes, was a person of great con- sideration in Grange Lane ; and some hoped in a new Eector, for it was apparent that JVIr Bury could not last very long. Thus, with the ordinary short-sighted- ness of the human species, Carlingford blinded itself, and turned its eyes in every direction in the world rather than in that of the Swiss mountains, which were being climbed at that moment by a large and blooming young woman, with tawny short curls and alert decided movements ; so little do we know what momentous issues may hang upon the most possible accident ! Had that energetic traveller slipped but an inch further upon the mer de glace — had she taken that other step which she was with difficulty persuaded not to take on the Wengern Alp — there would have been an end of all the hopes of social importance for Carlingford. But the good fairies took care of Lucilla and her mission, and saved her from the precipice and the crevasses ; and instinctively the air at home got note of what was coming, and whispered the news mysteriously through the keyholes. " Miss Marjori- 38 CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFORD. banks is coming home," the unsuspecting male public said to itself as it returned from Dr Marjoribanks's dinners, with a certain distressing, but mistaken pre- sentiment, that these delights were to come to an end ; and the ladies repeated the same piece of news, con- joining with it benevolent intimations of their inten- tion to call upon her, and make the poor thing feel herself at home. "Perhaps she may be amusing," Mrs Woodburn was good enough to add ; but these words meant only that perhaps Lucilla, who was com- ing to set them all right, was worthy of being placed in the satirist's collection along with Mrs Centum and Mrs Chiley. Thus, while the town ripened more and more for her great mission, and the ignorant human creatures, who were to be her subjects, showed their usual blindness and ignorance, the time drew nearer and nearer for Miss Maijoribanks's return. CHAPTER IV. " My daughter is coming home, Nancy/' said Dr Marjoribanks. " You -will have to make preparations for her immediately. So far as I can make out from this letter, she will arrive to-morrow by the half-past five train." " Well, sir," said Nancy, with the tone of a woman who makes the best of a misfortune, '' it ain't every young lady as would have the sense to fix an hour like that. Ladies ia* terrible tiresome in that way; they'll come in the middle o' the day, when a body don't know in the world what to have for them ; or they'll come at night, when a body's tired, and ain't got the heart to go into a supper. There was always a deal of sense in Miss Lucilla, when she hadn't got nothing in her head." " Just so," said Dr Marjoribanks, who was rather relieved to have got through the announcement so easily. " You will see that her room is ready, and 40 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : everything comfortable ; and, of course, to-morrow slie and I will dine alone." " Yes, sir/' said Nancy ; but this assent was not given in the decisive tone of a woman whose audience was over; and then she was seized with a desire to arrange in a more satisfactory manner the cold beef on the sideboard. When she had secured this little in- terval for thought, she returned again to the table, where her master ate his breakfast, with a presenti- ment. " If you please, sir," said Nancy, " not to give you no vexation nor trouble, which every one knows as it has been the aim o' my life to spare you, as has so much on your mind. But it's best to settle afore commencing, and then we needn't have no heartburn- ing. If you please, am I to take my orders of Miss LuciUa, or of you, as I've always been used to ? In the missus's time," said Nancy, with modest confi- dence, "as was a good missus, and never gave no trouble as long as she had her soup and her jelly comfortable, it was always you as said what there was to be for dinner. I don't make no objection to doing up a nice little luncheon for Miss Lucilla, and giving a little more thought now and again to the sweets ; but it ain't my part to tell you, sir, as a lady's taste, and more special a young lady's, ain't to be expected to be the same as yours and mine as has been culti- vated like. I'm not one as likes contention,'* con- MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 41 tinned the domestic oracle, '' but I couldn't abear to see a good master put upon ; and if it should be as Miss Lucilla sets her mind upon messes as ain't got no taste in them, and milk-puddings and stuff, like the most of the ladies, I'd just like to know out of your own mouth, afore the commencement, what I'm to do ? " Dr Marjoribanks was so moved by this appeal that he laid down his knife and contemplated the alarming future with some dismay. "It is to be hoped Miss LuciUa will know better," he said. " She has a great deal of good sense, and it is to be hoped that she will be wise enough to consult the tastes of the house." But the Doctor was not to be let off so easily. " As you say, sir, everything's to be hoped," said Nancy, steadily ; " but there's a-many ladies as don't seem to me to have got no taste to their mouths ; and it ain't as if it was a thing that could be left to hopes. Sup- posin' as it comes to that, sir, what am I to do ? " "Well," said the Doctor, who was himself a little puzzled, " you know Miss Lucilla is nineteen, Nancy, and my only child, and the natural mistress of the house." " Sir,"* said Nancy, austerely, " them is things as it ain't needful to name ; that ain't the question as I was asking. Supposin' as things come to such a point, what am I to do ? " "Bless me! it's half-past nine," said the Doctor. 42 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : "and I have an appointment. You can come just as usual when we are at breakfast, that wiU be the best way/' he said as he went out at the door, and chuckled a little to himself when he felt he had escaped. " Lu- cilla is her mother's daughter, it is true," he said to himself when he had got into the safe seclusion of his brougham, with a degree of doubt in his tone which was startling, to say the least of it, from the lips of a medical man; "but she is my child all the same," he added, briskly, with returning confidence ; and in this conviction there was something which reassured the Doctor. He rubbed his hands as he bowled along to his appointment, and thought within himself that if she turned out a girl of spirit, as he expected, it would be good fun to see Lucilla's struggle with Nancy for the veritable reins of government. If Dr Marjori- banks had entertained any positive apprehensions that his dinners would be spoiled in consequence, his amusement would have come to an abrupt conclusion; but he trusted entirely in Nancy and a little in Lu- cilla, and suflPered his long upper-Hp to relax at the thought without much fear. Her father had not returned from the labours of his long day when Lucilla arrived, but he made his last visits on foot in order to be able to send the brougham for her, which was a great thing for the Doctor to do. There was, indeed, a mutual respect between the two, MISS MAEJOEIBANKS. 43 who were not necessary to each other's comfort, it is true, as such near relations sometimes are ; but who, at tlie same time, except on the sole occasion of Mrs Marjoribanks's death, had never misunderstood each other, as sometimes happens. This time Miss Mar- joribanks was rather pleased, on the whole, that the Doctor did not come to meet her. At other times she had been a visitor ; now she had come into her king- dom, and had no desire to be received like a guest. A sense of coming home, warmer than she remembered to have felt before, came into Lucilla's active mind as she stepped into the brougham. Not that the words bore any special tender meaning, notwithstanding that it was the desire of her heart, well known to all her friends, to live henceforward as a comfort to dear papa, but that now at last she was coming into her kingdom, and entering tlie domain in which she intended her will to be law. After living for a year with friends whose arrangements (much inferior to those which she could have made had she had the power) she had to acquiesce in, and whose domestic economy could only be criticised up to a certain point, it was naturally a pleasure to Miss Marjoribanks to feel that now at length she was emancipated, and at liberty to exercise her faculty. There were times during the past year when Lucilla had with difficulty restrained herself from snatching the reins out of the hands of her hosts, and 44 CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : ! showing them how to manage. But, impatient as she was, she had to restrain herself, and make the best of i it. Now all that bondage was over. She felt like a 1 young king entering in secret a capital which awaits him with acclamations. Before she presented herself \ to the rejoicing public, there were arrangements to be i j made and things to be done ; Snd Miss Marjoribanks i gave a rapid glance at the shops in George Street ! as she drove past, and decided which of them she meant to honour with her patronage. When she \ entered the garden it was with the same rapid glance j of reorganising genius that she cast her eyes around it ; | and still more decided was the look with which she ; regarded her own room, where she was guided by ! the new housemaid, who did not know Miss Lu- i cilia. Nancy, who knew no better (being, like most i gifted persons, a woman of one idea), had established her young mistress in the little chamber which had ; been Lucilla's when she was a child; but Miss Mar- joribanks, who had no sentimental notions about white j dimity, shook her head at the frigid little apartment, ^ where, however, she was not at all sorry to be placed | at present ; for if Dr Marjoribanks had been a man of ! the prevenant class, disposed to make all the prepara- ' tions possible for his daughter, and arrange elegant : surprises for her, he would have thoroughly disgusted * i Lucilla, who was bent on making all the necessary \ i MISS MARJORIBANKS. 45 improvements in her own person. When she went down to the drawing-room to await her father, Miss !Marjoribanks's look of disapprobation was mingled with so much satisfaction and content in herself that it was pleasant to behold. She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders as she paused in the centre of the large faded room, where there was no light but that of the fire, which burned brightly, and kept up a lively play of glimmer and shadow in the tall glass over the fireplace, and even twinkled dimly in the three long windows, where the curtains hung stiff and solemn in their daylight form. It was not an uncom- fortable sort of big, dull, faded, respectable drawing- room ; and if there had been a family in it, with recollections attached to every old ottoman and easy- chair, no doubt it would have been charming ; but it was only a waste and howling wilderness to Lucilla. When she had walked from one end to the other, and verified all the plans she had already long ago con- ceived for the embellishment of this inner court and centre of her kingdom, Lucilla walked with her un- hesitating step to the fire, and took a match and lighted all the candles in the large old-fashioned candlesticks, which had been flickering in grotesque shadows all over the roof. This proceeding threw a flood of light on the subject of her considerations, and gave Miss Marjoribanks an idea, in passing, about the best mode 46 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : of lighting, which she afterwards acted upon with great success. She was standing in this flood of light, re- garding everything around her with the eye of an enlightened critic and reformer, when Dr Marjoribanks came in. Perhaps there arose in the soul of the Doctor a momentary thought that the startling amount of edairage which he witnessed was scarcely necessary, for it is certain that he gave a momentary glance at the candles as he went up to greet his daughter ; but he was far too well-bred a man to suggest such an idea at the moment. On the contrary, he kissed her with a sentiment of real pleasure, and owned to himself that, if she was not a fool, and could keep to her own de- partment, it might be rather agreeable on the whole to have a woman in the house. The sentiment was not enthusiastic, and neither were the words of his saluta- tion — " Well, Lucilla ; so this is you!" said the mod- erate and unexcited father. "Yes, papa, it is me," said Miss Marjoribanks, " and very glad to get home ;" and so the two sat down and discussed the journey — whether she had been cold, and what state the railway was in — till the Doctor bethought himself that he had to prepare for dinner. " Nancy is always very punc- tual, and I am sure you are hungry," he said ; " so I'll go up-stairs, with your permission, Lucilla, and change my coat ;" and with this the actual arrival terminated, and the new reign began. MISS MARJORIBANKS. 47 But it was only next morning that the young sovereign gave any intimation of her future policy. She had naturally a great deal to tell that first night ; and though it was exclusively herself, and her own adventures and achievements, which Miss Marjori- banks related, the occasion of her return made that sufficiently natural ; and the Doctor was not altogether superior to the natural prejudice which makes a man interested, even when they are not in themselves par- ticularly interesting, in the doings of his children. She succeeded in doing what is certainly one of the first duties of a woman — she amused her father. He followed her to the drawing-room for a marvel, and took a cup of tea, though it was against his principles ; and, on the whole, Lucilla had the satisfaction of feel- ing that she had made a conquest of the Doctor, which, of course, was the grand and most essential preliminary. In the little interval which he spent over his claret. Miss Marjoribanks had succeeded in effecting another fundalfcental duty of woman — she had, as she herself expressed it, harmonised the rooms, by the simple method of re-arranging half the chairs and covering the tables with trifles of her own — a proceeding which converted the apartment from an abstract English drawing-room of the old school into Miss Marjoribanks's drawing-room, an individual spot of ground revealing something of the character of 48 CHEONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : its mistress. The Doctor himself was so moved by this, that he looked vaguely round when he came in, as if a little doubtful where he was — but that might only be the effect of the sparkling mass of candles on the mantelioiece, which he was too well-bred to remark upon the first night. But it was only in the morning that LucUla unfolded her standard. She was down to breakfast, ready to pour out the coffee, before the Doctor had left his room. He found her, to his intense amazement, seated at the foot of the table, in the place which he usually occupied himself, before the urn and the coffee-pot. Dr Marjoribanks hesi- tated for one momentous instant, stricken dumb by this unparalleled audacity; but so great was the effect of his daughter's courage and steadiness, that after that moment of fate he accepted the seat by the side where everything was arranged for him, and to which Lucilla invited him sweetly, though not without a touch of mental perturbation. The moment he had seated himself, the Doctor's eyes were opened to the importance of the stej) he had taken. " I am afraid I have taken your seat, papa," said Miss Marjoribanks, with ingenuous sweetness. " But then I should have had to move the urn, and all the things, and I thought you would not mind." The Doctor said nothing but ''• Humph ! " and even that in an under-tone ; but he became aware all the same that he had abdicated, MISS MAKJORIBANKS. 49 without knowing it, and that the reins of state had been smilingly withdrawn from his unconscious hands. When Nancy made her appearance the fact became still more apparent, though still in the sweetest way. " It is so dreadful to think papa should have been bothered witli all these things so long," said Miss Mar- joribanks. "After this I am sure you and I, Nancy, can arrange it all without giving him the trouble. Perhaps this morning, papa, as I am a stranger, you will say if there is anything you would like, and then I shall have time to talk it all over with Nancy, and find out what is best," — and Lucilla smiled so sweetly upon her two amazed subjects that the humour of the situation caught the fancy of the Doctor, who had a keen perception of the ridiculous. He laughed out, much to Nancy's consternation, who was standing by in open-eyed dismay. "Very well, Lucilla," he said ; " you shall try what you can do. I daresay Nancy will be glad to have me back again before long ; but in the mean time I am quite content that you should try," and he went off laughing to his brougham, but came back again before Lucilla could take Nancy in hand, who was an antagonist more formidable. " I forgot to tell you," said the Doctor, " that Tom Marjoribanks is coming on Circuit, and that I have asked him to stay here, as a matter VOL. I. D 50 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : of course. I suppose hell arrive to-morrow. Good- bye till the evening." This, though Dr Marjoribanks did not in the least intend it, struck Lucilla like a Parthian arrow, and brought her down for the moment. "Tom Marjori- banks ! " she ejaculated in a kind of horror. " Of all people in the world, and at this moment ! " but when she saw the open eyes and rising colour of Nancy the young dictator recovered .herself — for a conqueror in the first moment of his victory has need to be wary. She called Nancy to her in her most affectionate tones as she finished her breakfast. "I sent papa away," said Miss Marjoribanks, " because I wanted to have a good talk with you, Nancy. I want to tell you my object in life. It is to be a comfort to papa. Ever since poor mamma died that is what I have been thinking of ; and now I have come home, and I have made up my mind that he is not to be troubled about anything. I know what a good, faithful, valuable woman you are, I assure you. You need not think me a foolish girl who is not able to appreciate you. The dinner was charming last night, Nancy," said Lu- cilla, with much feeling ; " and I never saw anything more beautifully cooked than papa's cutlets to-day." " Miss Lucilla, I may say as I am very glad I have pleased you," said Nancy, who was not quite conquered as yet. She stood very stiffly upright by the table. MISS MAEJOEIBANKS. 51 and maintained her integrity. " Master is particular, I don't deny," continued the prime minister, who felt herself dethroned. " I've always done my best to go in with his little fancies, and I don't mean to say as it isn't right and natural as you should be the missis. But I ain't used to have ado with ladies, and that's the truth. Ladies is stingy in a-many things as is the soul of a good dinner to them as knows. I may be valleyable or not, it ain't for me to say ; but I'm not one as can always be kept to a set figger in my gravy- beef, and my bacon, and them sorts of things. As for the butter, I don't know as I could give nobody an idea. I ain't one as likes changes, but I can't abide to be kept to a set figger ; and that's the chief thing, ^liss Lucilla, as I've got to say." "And quite reasonable too," said Miss Marjoribanks ; "you and I will work 'perfectly well together, Nancy. I am sure we have both the same meaning ; and I hope you don't think I am less concerned about dear papa than about the gravy-beef. He must have been very desolate, with no one to talk to, though he has been so good and kind and self-sacrificing in leaving me to get every advantage ; but I mean to make it up to him, now IVe come home." " Yes, miss," said Nancy, somewhat mystified ; " not but what master has had his little parties now and again, to cheer him up a bit ; and I make bold to say, QBRARY fgrnvtRsmr OF tiiwoi^ 52 CHEONICLES OF CAELIXGFOED : miss, as I have heard compliments, which it was Thomas that brought 'em down-stairs, as might go nigh to turn a body's head, if it was vanity as I was thinking of; but I ain't one as thinks of anything but the comfort of the family," said Xancy, yielding in spite of herself to follow the leadings of the higher will in presence of which she found herself, " and I'm always one as does my best, Miss Lucilla, if I ain't worried nor kept to a set figger with my gravy-beef." " I have heard of papa's dinners," said Lucilla, graci- ously, " and I don't mean to let down your reputation, ISTancy. Now we are two women to manage every- thing, we ought to do still better. I have two or three things in my head that I will tell you after ; but in the mean time I want you to know that the object of my life is to be a comfort to poor papa ; and now let us think what we had better have for dinner," said the new sovereign. ISTancy was so totally unpre- pared for this manner of dethronement, that she gave in like her master. She followed ]\Iis3 Marjoribanks humbly into those details in which LuciQa speedily proved herself a woman of original mind, and powers quite equal to her undertaking. The Doctor's formid- able housekeeper conducted her young mistress down- stairs afterwards, and showed her everything with the meekness of a saint. Lucilla had won a second victory still more exhilarating and satisfactory than the first ; ]\IISS MARJORIBANKS. 53 for, to be sure, it is no great credit to a woman of nine- teen to make a man of any age throw down liis arms ; but to conquer a woman is a different matter, and Lucilla was thoroughly sensible of the difference. Xow, indeed, she could feel with a sense of reality that her foundations were laid. Mss Marjoribanks had enough of occupation for that day, and for many days. But her mind was a little distracted by her father's parting intelligence, and she had, besides, a natural desire to view, the country she had come to conquer. When she had made a careful supervision of the house, and shifted her own quarters into the pleasantest of the two best bedrooms, and concluded that the little bare dimity chamber she had occupied the previous night was quite good enough for Tom Marjoribanks, Lucilla put on her hat and went out to make a little reconnaissance. She walked down to the spot where St Eoque's now stands, on her own side of Grange Lane, and up on the other side into George Street, suiTeying all the capa- bilities of the place with a rapid but penetrating glance. Dr Marjoribanks's house could not have been better placed as a strategic position, commanding as it did all Grange Lane, of which it was, so to speak, the key, and yet affording a base of communication with the profaner public, which Miss Marjoribanks was wise enough to know a leader of society should never ignore 54 CHRONICLES OF CAKLINGFORD : completely ; for, indeed, one of the great advantages of that brilliant position is, that it gives a woman a right to be arbitrary, and to select her materials according to her judgment. It was more from a disinclination to repeat herself than any other motive that Lncilla, when she had concluded this preliminary survey, went up into Grove Street, meaning to return home that way. At that hour in the morning the sun was shining on the little gardens on the north side of the street, which was the plebeian side ; and as it was the end of Octo- ber, and by no means warm, Lucilla was glad to cross over and continue her walk by the side of those little enclosures where the straggling chrysanthemums prop- ped each other up, and the cheerful Michaelmas daisies made the best of it in the sunshine that remained to them. Miss Marjoribanks had nearly reached Salem Chapel, which pushed itself forward amid the cosy little line of houses, pondering in her mind the unex- pected hindrance which was about to be placed in her ♦ triumphant path, in the shape of Tom Marjoribanks, when that singular piece of good fortune occurred to her which had so much effect upon her career in Car- lingford. Such happy accidents rarely happen, except to great generals or heroes of romance ; and it would have been, perhaps, a presumption on the part of Lucilla to place herself conspicuously in either of these categories. The fact is, however, that at this eventful MISS MARJORIBANKS. 55 moment she was walking along under the shade of her pretty parasol, not expecting anything, but absorbed in many thoughts, and a little cast down in her expecta- tions of success by a consciousness that this unlucky cousin would insist upon making love to her, and per- haps even, as she herself expressed it, saying the words which it had taken all her skill to prevent him from saying before. Not that we would have any one believe that love-making in the abstract was disagree- able to Miss Maijoribanks ; but she was only nineteen, well off and good-looking, and with plenty of time for all that; and at the present moment she had other matters of more importance in hand. It was while occupied with these reflections, and within three doors of Salem Chapel, in front of a little garden where a great deal of mignonette had run to seed, and where the ]\Iichaelmas daisies had taken full possession, that Lucilla was roused suddenly out of her musings. The surprise was so great that she stopped short and stood still before the house in the extremity of her astonish- ment and delight. Who could it be that possessed that voice which Miss Marjoribanks felt by instinct was the very one thing wanting — a round, full, delicious contralto, precisely adapted to supplement without supplanting her own high-pitched and much-cultivated organ ? She stopped short before the door and made a rapid observation even in the first moment of her 56 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED. surprise. The house was not exactly like the other humble houses in Grove Street. Two little blank squares hung in the centre of each of the lower win- dows, revealed to Lucilla's educated eye the existence of so much ''feeling" for art as can be satisfied with a transparent porcelain version of a famous Madonna ; and she could even catch a glimpse, through the cur- tains of the best room — which, contrary to the wont of humble gentility in Carlingford, were well drawn back, and allowed the light to enter fully — of the glim- mer of gilt picture-frames. And in the little garden in front, half-buried among the mignonette, were some remains of plaster-casts, originally placed there for ornament, but long since cast down by rain and neglect. Lucilla made her observations with the promptitude of an accomplished warrior, and before the second bar of the melody indoors was finished, had knocked very energetically. "Is Miss Lake at home?" she asked, with confidence, of the little maid-servant who opened the door to her. And it was thus that Lucilla made her first bold step out of the limits of Grange Lane for the good of society, and secured at once several import- ant personal advantages, and the great charm of those Thursday evenings which made so entire a revolution in the taste and ideas of Carlingford. CHAPTEE V. Miss Maejoeibanks did not leave the contralto any time to recover from lier surprise ; she went up to her direct where she stood, with her song arrested on her lips, as she had risen hastily from the piano. " Is it Kose ? " said Lucilla, going forward with the most eager cordiality, and holding out both her hands ; though, to be sure, she knew very well it was not Eose, who was about half the height of the singer, and was known to everybody in Mount Pleasant to be utterly innocent of a voice. " No," said Miss Lake, who was much astonished and startled and offended, as was unfortunately rather her custom. She was a young woman without any of those instincts of politeness, which make some people pleasant in spite of themselves ; and she added nothing to soften this abrupt negative, but drew her hands away from the stranger and stood bolt upright, looking at her, with a burning blush, caused by temper much more than by embarrassment, on her face. 58 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : " Then," said Lucilla, dropping lightly into the most comfortable chair she could get sight of in the bare little parlour, " it is Barbara — and that is a great deal better ; Eose is a good little thing, but — she is different, you know. It is so odd you should not remember me ; I thought everybody knew me in Carlingford. You know I have been a long time away, and now I have come home for good. Your voice is just the very thing to go with mine : was it not a lucky thing that I should have passed just at the right moment ? I don't know how it is, but somehow these lucky chances always happen to me. I am Lucilla Marjoribanks, you know." " Indeed ! " said Barbara, who had not the least in- tention of being civil, " I did not recognise you in the least.'' " Yes, I remember you were always shortsighted a little," said Miss Marjoribanks, calmly. " I should so like if we could try a duet. I have been having les- sons in Italy, you know, and I am sure I could give you a few hints. I always like, when I can, to be of use. Tell me what songs you have that we could sing together. You know, my dear, it is not as if I was asking you for mere amusement to myself ; my grand object in life is to be a comfort to papa " " Do you mean Dr Marjoribanks ? " said the uncivil Barbara. " I am sure he does not care in the least MISS MAEJORIBANKS. _ 59 for music. I think you must be making a mis- take " " Oh no," said Lucilla, " I never make mistakes. I don't mean to sing to him, you know ; but you are just the very person I wanted. As for the ridiculous idea some people have that nobody can be called on who does not live in Grange Lane, I assure you I mean to make an end of that. Of course I cannot commence just all in a moment. But it would always be an advantage to practise a little together. I like to know exactly how far one can calculate upon every- body ; then one can tell, without fear of breaking- down, just what one may venture to do."" " I don't understand in the least," said Barbara, whose pride was up in arms. " Perhaps you think I am a professional singer ? " " My- dear, a professional singer spoils everything," said ]\Iiss Marjoribanks ; " it changes the character of an evening altogether. There are so few people who understand that. When you have professional sing- ers, you have to give yourself up to music ; and that is not my view in the least. My great aim, as all my friends are aware, is to be a comfort to dear papa." " I wish you would not talk in riddles," said Lucilla's amazed and indignant companion, in her round rich contralto. " I suppose you really are Miss Marjori- 60 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : banks. I have' always heard that Miss Marjoribanks was a little " " There ! " said Lucilla, triumphantly ; " really it is almost like a recitative to hear you speak. I am so glad. What have you got there ? Oh, to be sure, it's tliat duet out of the Trovatore. Do let us try it ; there is nobody here, and everything is so con- venient — and you know it would never do to risk a breakdown. Will you play the accompaniment, or shall I ?" said Miss Marjoribanks, taking off her gloves. As for the drawing-master's daughter, she stood aghast, lost in such sudden bewilderment and perplexity that she could find no words to reply. She was not in the least amiable or yielding by nature ; but Lucilla took it so much as a matter of course that Barbara could not find a word to say ; and before she could be sure that it was real, Miss Marjoribanks had seated herself at the piano. Barbara was so obstinate that she would not sing the first part, which ought to have been hers ; but she was not clever enough for her antagonist. Lucilla sang her part by herself gallantly ; and when it came to Barbara's turn the second time, Miss Mar- joribanks essayed the second in a false voice, which drove the contralto off her guard ; and then the mag- nificent volume of sound flowed forth, grand enough to have filled Lucilla with envy if she had not been sus- tained by that sublime confidence in herself which is MISS MAEJOEIBANKS. 61 the first necessity to a woman with a mission. She paused a moment in the accompaniment to clap her hands after that strophe was accomplished, and then resumed with energy. For, to be sure, she knew by instinct what sort of clay the people were made of by whom she had to work, and gave them their reward with that liberality and discrimination which is the glory of enlightened despotism. Miss Marjoribanks was naturally elated when she had performed this im- portant and successful tour. She got up from the piano, and closed it in her open, imperial way. " I do not want to tire you, you know," she said ; " that will do for to-day. I told you your voice was the very thing to go with mine. Give my love to Eose when she comes in, but don't bring her with you when you come to me. She is a good little thing — but then she is different, you know," said the bland Lucilla ; and she held out her hand to her captive graciously, and gathered up her parasol, which she had left on her chair. Barbara Lake let her visitor go after this, with a sense that she had fallen asleep, and had dreamt it all ; but, after all, there was something in the visit which was not disagreeable when she came to think it over. The drawing-master was poor, and he had a quantity of children, as was natural, and Barbara had never for- given her mother for dying just at the moment when she had a chance of seeing a little of what she called 62 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : the world. At that time Mr Lake and his portfolio of drawings were asked out frequently to tea ; and when he had pupils in the family, some kind people asked him to bring one of his daughters with him — so that Barbara, who was ambitious, had beheld herself for a "month or two almost on the threshold of Grange Lane. And it was at this moment of all others, just at the same time as Mrs Marjoribanks finished her pale career, that poor Mrs Lake thought fit to die, to the injury of her daughter's prospects and the destruction of her hopes. Naturally Barbara had never quite for- given that injury. It was this sense of having been ill-used which made her so resolute about sending Eose to Mount Pleasant, though the poor little girl did not in the least want to go, and was very happy helping her papa at the School of Design. But Barbara saw no reason why Eose should be happy, while she her- self had to resign her inclinations and look after a set of odious children. To be sure, it was a little hard upon a young woman of a proper ambition, who knew she was handsome, to fall back into housekeeping, and consent to remain unseen and unheard ; for Barbara was also aware that she had a remarkable voice. In these circumstances, it may be imagined that, after the first movement of a passionate temper was over, when she had taken breath, and had time to consider this sudden and extraordinary visit, a glimmer of hope MISS MATUORIBANKS. 63 and interest penetrated into the bosom of the gloomy girl. She was two years older than Miss Marjoribanks, and as different in " style " as she was in voice. She was not stout as yet, though it is the nature of a con- tralto to be stout ; but she was tall, with all due oppor- tunity for that development which might come later. And then Barbara possessed a kind of beauty, the beauty of a passionate an4 somewhat sullen brunette, dark and glowing, with straight black eyebrows, very dark and very straight, which gave, oddly enough, a suggestion of oblique vision to her eyes ; but her eyes were not in the least oblique, and looked at you straight from under that black line of shadow with no doubtful expression. She was shy in a kind of way, as was natural to a young woman who had never seen any society, and felt herself, on the whole, injured and un- appreciated. But no two things could be more differ- ent than this shyness which made Barbara look you straight in the face with a kind of scared defiance, and the sweet shyness that pleaded for kind treatment in the soft eyes of little Rose, who was plain, and had the oddest longing to make people comfortable, and please them in her way, which, to be sure, was not always successful. Barbara sat down on the stool before the piano, which Miss Marjoribanks-had been so obliging as to close, and thought it all over with growing ex- citement. No doubt it was a little puzzling to make 64 CHRO^^ICLES OF CAELIXGFOED : out how the discovery of a fine contralto, and the pos- sibility of getting up unlimited duets, could further Lucilla in the great aim of her life, which was to be a comfort to her dear papa. But Barbara was like a young soldier of fortune, ready to take a great deal for granted, and to swallow much that was mysterious in the programme of the adventurous general who might lead her on to glory. In half an hour her dreams had gone so far that she saw herself receiving in Miss Marjoribanks's drawing-room the homage, not only of Grange Lane, but even of the county families, who would be attracted by rumours of her wonderful per- formance ; and Barbara was, to her own consciousness, walking up the middle aisle of Carlingford Church in a veil of real Brussels, before little Mr Lake came in, hungry and good-tempered, from his round. To be sure, she had not concluded who was to be the bride- groom ; but that was one of those matters of detail which could not be precisely concluded on till the time. Such was the immediate result, so far as this secon- dary personage was concerned, of Lucilla's masterly impromptu ; and it is needless to say that the accom- plished warrior, who had her wits always about her, and had made, while engaged in a simple reconnais- sance, so brilliant and successful a capture, withdrew from the scene still more entirely satisfied vsdth herself. MISS MAKJORIBANKS. 65 Nothing, indeed, could liave come more opportunely for Liicilla, who possessed in perfection that faculty of throwing herself into the future, and anticipating the difficulties of a position, which is so valuable to all who aspire to be leaders of mankind. With a prudence which Dr Marjoribanks himself would have acknow- ledged to be remarkable " in a person of her age and sex," Lucilla had already foreseen that to amuse her guests entirely in her own person, would be at once impracticable and ''bad style." The first objection might have been got over, for Miss Marjoribanks had a soul above the ordinary limits of possibility, but the second was unanswerable. This discovery, however, satisfied all the necessities of the position. Lucilla, who was liberal, as genius ought always to be, was perfectly willing that all the young ladies in Carling- ford should sing their little songs while she was enter- taining her guests ; and then at the right moment, when her ruling mind saw it was necessary, would occur the duet — the one duet which would be the great feature of the evening. Thus it will be seen that another quality of the highest order developed itself during Miss iSIarjoribanks's deliberations ; for, to tell the truth, she set a good deal of store by her voice, and had been used to applause, and had tasted the sweetness of individual success. This, however, she was willing to sacrifice for the enhanced and magnifi- VOL, I, E 66 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : i cent effect wliich she felt could be produced by the combination of the two voices ; and the sacrifice was one which a weaker woman would have been incapable ; of making. She went home past Salem Chapel by the ' little lane which makes a line of communication be- ] tween the end of Grove Street and the beginning of I Grange Lane, with a sentiment of satisfaction worthy the greatness of her mission. Dr Marjoribanks never \ came home to lunch, and indeed had a contempt for I that feminine indulgence ; which, to be sure, might be accounted for by the fact, that about that time in the ! day the Doctor very often found himself to be pass- ing close by one or other of the houses in the neigh- bourhood which had a reputation for good sherry or j madeira, such as exists no more. Lucilla, accordingly, | had her lunch alone, served to her with respectful care ; by Nancy, who was still under the impression of the l interview of the morning ; and it occurred to Miss ] Marjoribanks, as she sat at table alone, that this was ; an opportunity too valuable to be left unimproved ; \ for, to be sure, there are few things more pleasant ; than a little impromptu luncheon-party, where every- I body comes without being expected, fresh from the \ outside world, and ready to tell all that is going on ; I though, on the other hand, it was a little doubtful how ' i it might work in Carlingford, where the men had generally something to do, and where the married " MISS MARJORIBANKS. 67 ladies took their luncheon when the children had their dinner, and presided at the nursery meal. And as for a party of young ladies, even supposing they had the courage to come, with no more solid admixture of the more important members of society, Lucilla, to tell the truth, had no particular taste for that. Miss Marjori- banks reflected as she ate — and indeed, thanks to her perfect health and her agreeable morning walk, Lucilla had a very pretty appetite, and enjoyed her meal in a way that would have been most satisfactory to her many friends — that it must be by way of making his visit, which was aoo-ravatino; under all circumstances, more aggravating still, that Tom Marjoribanks had decided to come now, of all times in the world. " If he had waited till things were organised, he might have been of a little use," Lucilla said to herself; " for at least he could have brought some of the men that come on circuit, and that would have made a little novelty ; but, of course, just now it would never do to make a rush at people, and invite them all at once." After a moment's consideration, however, Miss Marjoribanks, with her usual candour, reflected that it was not in Tom Marjoribanks's power to change the time of the Carlingford assizes, and that, accordingly, he was not to be blamed in this particular at least. " Of course it is not his fault," she added, to herself, '' but it is astonishing how things happen with som6 68 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : men always at the wrong moment ; and it is so like Tom." These reflections were interrupted by the ar- rival of visitors, whom Miss Marjoribanks received with her usual grace. The first was old Mrs Chiley, who kissed Lucilla, and wanted to know how she had enjoyed herself on the Continent, and if she had brought many pretty things home. "My dear, you have grown ever so much since the last time I saw you," the old lady said in her grandmotherly way, " and stout with it, which is such a comfort with a tall girl ; and then your poor dear mamma was so delicate. I have always been a little anxious about you on that account, Lucilla ; and I am so glad, my dear, to see you looking so strong." "Dear Mrs Chiley," said Miss Marjoribanks, who perhaps in her heart was not quite so gratified by this compliment as the old lady intended, " the great aim of my life is to be a comfort to dear papa." Mrs Chiley was very much moved by this filial piety, and she told Lucilla that story about the Colo- nel's niece, Susan, who was such a good daughter, and had refused three excellent ofi'ers, to devote herself to her father and mother, with which the public in Grange Lane were tolerably acquainted. " And one of them was a baronet, my dear," said Mrs Chiley. Miss Marjoribanks did not make any decided response, for she felt that it would be dangerous to commit herself MISS MARJOKIBANKS. 69 to such a height of self-abnegation as that ; but the old lady was quite pleased to hear of her travels and adventures instead ; and stayed so long that Mrs Centum and Mrs Woodburn, who happened to arrive at the same moment, found her still there. Mrs Chiley was a little afraid of Mrs Woodburn, and she took her leave hastily, with another kiss ; and Lucilla found herself face to face with the only two women who could attempt a rival enterprise to her own in Carliugford. As for Mrs Woodburn, she had settled herself in an easy- chair by the fire, and was fully pre- pared to take notes. To be sure, Lucilla was the very person to fall victim to her arts ; for that confidence in herself which, in one point of view, gave grandeur to the character of Miss Marjoribanks, gave her also a certain ' naivete and openness which the most simple rustic could not have surpassed. "I am sure by her face she has been telling you about my niece Susan/' said the mimic, assuming Mrs Chiley 's tone, and almost her appearance, for the moment, " and that one of them was a baronet, my dear. I always know from her looks what she has been saying ; and ' the Colonel was much as usual, but suffering a little from the cold, as he always does in this climate.' She must be a good soul, for she always has her favourite little speeches written in her face." 70 CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : " I am sure I don't know," said Miss Marjoribanks, who felt it was her duty to make an example ; " there has always been one thing remarked of me all my life, that I never have had a great sense of humour. I know it is singular, but when one has a defect, it is always so much better to confess it. I always get on very well with anything else, but I never had any sense of humour, you know ; and I am very fond of Mrs Chiley. She has always had a fancy for me from the time I was born ; and she has such nice manners. But then, it is so odd I should have no sense of humour," said Lucilla, addressing herself to INIrs Centum, who was sitting on the sofa by her. " Don't you think it is very odd ? " " I am sure it is very nice," said Mrs Centum. " I hate people that laugh at everything. I don't see much to laugh at myself, I am sure, in this distracting world ; any one who has a lot of children and servants like me to look after, finds very little to laugh at." And she seized the opportunity to enter upon domestic circumstances. Mrs Woodburn did not answer a word. She made a most dashing murderous sketch of Lucilla, but that did the future ruler of Carlingford very little harm ; and then, by the evening, it was known through all Grange Lane that Miss Marjoribanks had snubbed the caricaturist who kept all the good people in terror of their lives. Snubbed her absolutely, and took the MISS MAKJOEIBANKS. 71 words out of lier very mouth, was the report that flew through Grange Lane ; and it may be imagined how Lucilla's prestige rose in consequence, and how much people began to expect of Miss Marjoribanks, who had performed such a feat ahnost on the first day of her return home. CHAPTER YL Tom Marjoeibanks arrived that night, according to the Doctor's expectation. He arrived, with that curi- ous want of adaptation to the circumstances which characterised the young man, at an hour which put Nancy entirely out, and upset the equanimity of the kitchen for twenty-four hours at least. He came, if any one can conceive of such an instance of carelessness, by the nine o'clock train, just as they had finished putting to rights down-stairs. After this. Miss Marjoribanks's conclusion, that the fact of the Carlingford assizes oc- curring a day or two after her arrival, when as yet she was not fully prepared to take advantage of them, was so like Tom, may be partially understood. And of course he was furiously hungry, and could have man- aged perfectly to be in time for dinner if he had not missed the train at Didcot Junction, by some wonderful blunder of the railway people, which never could have occurred but for his unlucky presence MISS MAIUORIBANKS. 73 among the passengers. Lucilla took Thomas apart, and sent him down-stairs with the most conciliatory- message. " Tell Nancy not to put herself about, but to send up something cold — the cold pie, or anything she can find handy. Tell her I am so vexed, but it is just like Mr Tom ; and he never knows what he is eating," said Miss Marjoribanks. As for Nancy, this sweetness did not subdue her in the least. She said, " I'll thank Miss Lucilla to mind her own business. The cold pie is for master's breakfast. I ain't such a goose as not to know what to send up-stairs, and that Tummas can tell her if he likes." In the mean time the Doctor was in the drawing-room, much ao;ainst his will, with the two young people, spinning about the room, and look- ing at Lucilla's books and knick-knacks on the tables by way of covering his impatience. He wanted to carry off Tom, who was rather a favourite, to his own den down-stairs, where the young man's supper was to be served ; but, at the same time, Dr Marjoribanks could not deny that Lucilla had a right to the greet- ings and homage of her cousin. He could not help thinking, on the whole, as he looked at the two, what a much more sensible arrangement it would have been if he had had the boy, instead of his sister, who had been a widow for ever so long, and no doubt had spoiled her son, as women always do ; and then Lucilla might have passed under the sway of Mrs Marjoribanks, who 74 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : no doubt would have known how to manage her. Thus the Doctor mused, with that sense of mild amazement at the blunders of Providence, which so many people experience, and without any idea that Mrs Marjori- banks would have found a task a great deal beyond her powers in the management of Lucilla. As for Tom, he was horribly hungry, having found, as was to be expected, no possible means of lunching at Didcot ; but, at the same time, he was exhilarated by Lucilla's smile, and delighted to think of having a week at least to spend in her society. " I don't think I ever saw you looking so well," he was saying ; " and you know my opinion generally on that subject." To which Lucilla responded in a way to wither all the germs of sentiment in the bud. " What subject V she said ; " my looks ? I am sure they can't be interesting to you. You are as hungry as ever you can be, and I can see it in your eyes. Papa, he is famishing, and I don't think he can contain himself any longer. Do take him down-stairs, and let him have something to eat. For myself," Lucilla con- tinued, in a lower tone, '' it is my duty that keeps me up. You know it has always been the object of my life to be a comfort to papa." " Come along, Tom," said the Doctor. " Don't waste your time philandering when your supper is ready." And Dr Marjoribanks led the way down-stairs, leaving ]\IISS MARJORIBANKS. 75 Tom, who followed him, in a state of great curiosity to know what secret oppression it might be under which his cousin was supported by her duty. Naturally his thoughts reverted to a possible rival — some one whom the sensible Doctor would have nothing to say to ; and his very ears grew red with excitement at this idea. But, notwithstanding, he ate a very satisfactory meal in the library, where he had to answer all sorts of questions. Tom had his tray at the end of the table, and the Doctor, who had, according to his hospitable old-fashioned habit, taken a glass of claret to " keep him company," sat in his easy-chair between the fire and the table, and sipped his wine, and admired its colour and purity in the light, and watched with satis- faction the excellent meal his nephew was making. He asked him all about his prospects, and what he was doing, which Tom replied to with the frankest confidence. He was not very fond of work, nor were his abilities anything out of the common ; but at the present mo- ment Tom saw no reason why he should not gain the Woolsack in time ; and Dr Marjoribanks gave some- thino- like a sio;h as he listened, and wondered much what Providence could be thinking of not to give him the boy. Lucilla meantime was very much occupied up-stairs. She had the new housemaid up nominally to give her instructions about Mr Tom's room, but really to take 76 CHRONICLES OF CARLTNGFORD : the covers off the chairs, and see how they looked when the room was lighted up ; but the progress of decay had gone too far to stand that trial. After all, the chintz, though none of the freshest, was the best. When the gentlemen came up-stairs, which Tom, to the Doctor's disgust, insisted on doing, Lucilla was found in the act of pacing the room — pacing, not in the sentimental sense of making a little promenade up and down, but in the homely practical signification, with a view of measuring, that she might form an idea how much carpet was required. Lucilla was tall enough to go through this process without any great drawback in point of grace — the long step giving rather a tragedy-queen effect to her handsome but sub- stantial person and long, sweeping dress. She stopped short, however, when she saw them, and withdrew to the sofa, on which she had established her throne ; and there was a little air of conscious pathos on her face as she sat down, which impressed her companions. As for Tom, he instinctively felt that it must have some- thing to do with that mystery under which Lucilla was supported by her duty ; and the irrelevant young man conceived immediately a violent desire to knock the fellow down ; whereas there was no fellow at all in the case, unless it might be Mr Holden, the upholsterer, whose visits Miss Maijoribanks would have received with greater enthusiasm at this moment than those of MISS MARJOEIBANKS. 77 the most elmble eldest son in England. And then she gave a little pathetic sigh. " What were you doing, Lucilla ? " said her father, — " rehearsing Lady Macbeth, I suppose. At least you looked exactly like it when we came into the room." " No, papa," said Lucilla, sweetly ; " I was only measuring to see how much carpet we should want ; and that, you know, and Tom's coming, made me think of old times. You are so much down-stairs in the library that you don't feel it ; but a lady has to spend her life in the drawing-room — and then I always was so domestic. It does not matter what is outside, I always find my pleasure at home. I cannot help if it has a little effect on my spirits now and then," said Miss Marjoribanks, looking down upon her handker- chief, " to be always surrounded with things that have such associations " " What associations ? " said the amazed Doctor. To be sure, he had not forgotten his wife ; but it was four years ago, and he had got used to her absence from her favourite sofa ; and, on the whole, in that particular, had acquiesced in the arrangements of Providence. " Eeally, Lucilla, I don't know what you mean." " No, papa," said Miss Marjoribanks, with resigna- tion. " I know you don't, and that is what makes it so sad. But talking of new carpets, you know, I had such an adventure to-day that I must tell you — quite 78 CHRONICLES OF CAELIXGFOED : one of ony adventures — the very luckiest thing. It happened when I was out walking ; I heard a voice out of a house in Grove Street, just the very thing to go with my voice. That is not a thing that happens every day/' said Lucilla, " for all the masters have always told me that my voice was something quite by itself. When I heard it, though it was in Grove Street, and all the peojDle about, I could have danced for joy." " It was a man's voice, I suppose," suggested Tom Marjoribanks, in'gloomy tones ; and the Doctor added, in his cynical way — " It's a wonderful advantage to be so pleased about trifles. What number was it ? For my part, I have not many patients in Grove Street," said Dr Marjori- banks. " I would find a voice to suit you in another quarter, if I were you." " Dear papa, it's such a pity that you don't under- stand," said Lucilla, compassionately. " It turned out to be Barbara Lake ; for, of course, I went in directly, and found out. I never heard a voice that went so well with mine." If Miss Marjoribanks did not go into raptures over the contralto on its own merits, it was not from any jealousy, of which, indeed, she was incapable, but simply because its adaptation to her own seemed to her by far its most interesting quality, and indeed almost the sole claim it had to considera- tion from the world. MISS MARJOEIBANKS. 79 " Barbara Lake ?" said the Doctor. " There's some- thing in that. If you can do her any good, or get her teaching or anything — I have a regard for poor Lake, poor little fellow ! He's kept up wonderfully since his wife died; and nobody expected it of him," Dr Mar- joribanks continued, with a momentary dreary recollec- tion of the time when the poor woman took farewell of her children, which indeed was the next day after that on which his own wife, who had nobody in particular to take farewell of, faded out of her useless life. " Yes," said Lucilla, " I mean her to come here and sing with me ; but, then, one needs to organise a little first. I am nineteen — how long is it since you were married, papa ? " " Two-and-twenty years," said the Doctor, abruptly. He did not observe the strangeness of the question, because he had been thinking for the moment of his wife, and perhaps his face was a trifle graver than usual, though neither of his young companions thought of remarking it. To be sure he was not a young man even when he married ; but, on the whole, perhaps something more than this perfect comfort and respect- ability, and those nice little dinners, had seemed to shine on his horizon when he brought home his incapable bride. "Two-and-twenty years!" exclaimed Lucilla. "I don't mind talking before Tom, for he is one of the 80 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : family. The things are all the same as they were when mamma came home, though, I am sure, nobody would believe it. I think it is going against Provi- dence, for my part. Nothing was ever intended to last so long, except the things the Jews, poor souls ! wore in the desert, perhaps. Papa, if you have no objection, I should like to choose the colours myself There is a great deal in choosing colours that go well with one's complexion. People think of that for their dresses, but not for their rooms, which are of so much more importance. I should have liked blue, but blue gets so soon tawdry. I think," said Miss Marjori- banks, rising and looking at herself seriously in the glass, " that I have enough comj)lexion at present to venture upon a pale spring green." This little calculation, which a timid young woman would have taken care to do by herself, Lucilla did publicly, with her usual discrimination. The Doctor, who had looked a little grim at first, could not but laugh when he saw the sober look of care and thought with which Miss Marjoribanks examined her capabili- ties in the glass. It was not so much the action itself that amused her father, as the consummate ability of the young revolutionary. Dr Marjoribanks was Scotch, and had a respect for " talent '' in every development, as is natural to his nation. He did not even give his daughter that credit for sincerity which she deserved, MISS MARJOEIBANKS. 81 but set it all to the score of her genius, which was com- plimentary, certainly, in one point of view; but the fact was tliat Lucilla was perfectly sincere, and that she did what was natural to her under guidance of her genius, so as always to be in good fortune, just as Tom Marjoribauks, uuder the guidance of his, brought dis- credit even upon those eternal ordinances of English government which fixed the time of the Carlingford assizes. Lucilla was quite in earnest in thinking that the colour of the drawing-room was an important mat- ter, and that a woman of sense had very good reason for suiting it to her complexion — an idea which ac- cordingly she proceeded to develop and explain. " For one can change one's dress," said Miss Mar- joribauks, " as often as one likes — at least as often, you know, as one has dresses to change ; but the furni- ture remains the same. I am always a perfect guy, whatever I wear, when I sit against a red curtain. You men say that a woman always knows when she's good-looking, but I am happy to say / know when I look a guy. AVhat I mean is a delicate pale-green, papa. For my part, I think it wears just as well as any other colour ; and all tlie painters say it is the very thing for pictures. The carpet, of course, would be a darker shade ; and as for the chairs, it is not at all necessary to keep to one colour. Both red and violet go beautifully with green, you know. I am sure VOL. I. F 82 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : Mr Holden and I could settle aU about it without giv- ing you any trouble." " Who told you, Lucilla/' said the Doctor, " that I meant to refurnish the house ? " He was even a little angry at her boldness, but at the same time he was so much amused and pleased in his heart to have so clever a daughter, that all the tones that could produce terror were softened out of his voice. '' I never heard that was a sort of thing that a man had to do for his daughter," said Dr Marjoribanks ; " and I would like to know what I should do with all that finery when you get married — as I suppose you will by-and-by — and leave me alone in the house ? " " Ah, that is the important question," said Tom. As usual, it was Tom's luck ; but then, when there did happen to be a moment when he ought to be silent, the unfortunate fellow could not help but speak. " Perhaps I may marry some time," said Miss Mar- joribanks, with composure ; "it would be foolish, you know, to make any engagements; but that will depend greatly upon how you behave, and how Carlingford behaves, papa. I give myself ten years here, if you should be very good. By twenty-nine I shall be going off a little, and perhaps it may be tiring, for anything I can tell. Ten years is a long time, and naturally, in the mean time, I want to look as well as possible. Stop a minute ; I forgot to put down the number of MISS MAEJOEIBANKS. 83 paces for the length. Tom, please to do it over again for me ; of course, your steps are a great deal longer than mine." " Tom is tired," said the Doctor ; '' and there are no new carpets coming out of my pockets. Besides, he's going to bed, and I'm going down-stairs to the library. "We may as well bid you good-night." These words, however, were addressed to deaf ears. Tom, as was natural, had started immediately to obey Lucilla, as he was in duty bound ; and the old Doctor looked on with a little amazement and a little amuse- ment, recognising, with something of the surprise which that discovery always gives to fathers and mothers, that his visitor cared twenty times more for what Lucilla said than for anything that his superior wisdom could suggest. He would have gone oft' and left them as a couple of young fools, if it had not occurred to him all at once, that since this sort of thing had begun, the last person in the world that he would choose to see dancing attendance on his daugh- ter was Tom Marjoribanks. Oddly enough, though he had just been finding fault with Providence for not giving him a son instead of a daughter, he was not at all delighted nor grateful when Providence put before him this simple method of providing himself with the son he wanted. He took a great deal too much inte- rest in Tom Marjoribanks to let him do anything so 84 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : foolish ; and as for Lucilla, the idea that, after all her accomplishments, and her expensive education, and her year on the Continent, she should marry a man who had nothing, disgusted the Doctor. He kept his seat accordingly, though he was horribly bored by the drawing-room and its claims, and wanted very much to return to the library, and get into his slippers and his dressing-gown. It was rather a pretty jDicture, on the whole, which he was regarding, Lucilla, perhaps, with a view to this discussion, had put on green rib- bons on the white dress which she always wore in the evening, and her tawny curls and fresh complexion carried off triumphantly that difficult colour. Perhaps a critical observer might have said that her figure was a little too developed and substantial for those vestal robes ; but then Miss Marjoribanks was young, and could bear it. She was standing by, not far from the fire, on the other side from the Doctor, looking on anxiously, while Tom measured the room with his long steps. " I never said you were to stride," said Lucilla ; " take moderate steps, and don't be so silly. I was doing it myself famously if you had not come in and interrupted me. It is frightful to belong to a family where the men are so stupid," said Miss Mar- joribanks, with a sigh of real distress; for, to be sure, the unlucky Tom immediately bethought himself to take small steps like those of a lady, which all but MISS MAEJOEIBANKS. 85 threw him on his well-formed though meaningless nose. Lucilla shook her head with an exasperated look, and contracted her lips with disdain, as he passed her on his ill-omened career. Of course he came right up against the little table on which she had with her own hand arranged a bouquet of geraniums and mign- onette. " It is what he always does," she said to the Doctor, calmly, as Tom arrived at that climax of his fate ; and the look with which she accompanied these words, as she rang the bell smartly and promptly, mollified the Doctor's heart. " I can tell you the size of the room, if that is all you want," said Dr Marjoribanks. "I suppose you mean to give parties, and drive me out of my senses with dancing and singing. — N'o, Lucilla, you must wait till you get married — that will never do for me." " Dear papa," said Lucilla, sweetly, " it is so dread- ful to hear you say parties. Everybody knows that the only thing I care for in life is to be a comfort to you ; and as for dancing, I saw at once that was out of the question. Dancing is all very well," said Miss Marjoribanks, thoughtfully; "but it implies quantities of young people — and young people can never make what I call society. It is Evenings I mean to have, papa. I am sure you want to go down-stairs, and I suppose Tom would think it civil to sit with me, though he is tired; so I will show you a good ex- 86 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : ample, and Thomas can pick up the table and the flowers at his leisure. Good-night, papa," said Lucilla, giving him her round fresh cheek to kiss. She went out of the room with a certain triumph, feeling that she had fully signified her intentions, which is always an important matter ; and shook hands in a conde- scending way with Tom, who had broken his shins in a headlong rush to open the door. She looked at him with an expression of mild despair, and shook her head again as she accorded him that sign of amity. " If you only would look a little where you are going," said Miss Marjoribanks; — perhaps she meant the words to convey an allegorical as well as a positive meaning, as so many people have been found out to do — and then she pursued her peaceful way up-stairs. As for the Doctor, he went off" to his library rubbing his hands, glad to be released, and laughing softly at his nephew's abashed looks. " She knows how to put Mm down at least," the Doctor said to himself, w^ell pleased ; and he was so much amused by his daugh- ter's superiority to the vulgar festivity of parties, that he almost gave in to the idea of refurnishing the draw- ing-room to suit Lucilla's complexion. He rubbed his hands once more over the fire, and indulged in a little laugh all by himself over that original idea. " So it is Evenings she means to have ? " said the Doctor ; and, to be sure, nothing could be more faded than the MISS MAEJOKIBANKS. 87 curtains, and there were bits of the carpet in which tlie pattern was scarcely discernible. So that, on the whole, np to this point there seemed to be a reasonable prospect that Lucilla would have everything her own way. CHAPTEE VII. Miss Mae joeib axes had . so many things to think of next morning that she found her cousin, who was rather difficult to get rid of, much in her way : natu- rally the young man was briefless, and came on circuit for the name of the thing, and was quite disposed to dawdle the first morning, and attach himself to the active footsteps of Lucilla ; and for her part, she had things to occupy her so very much more important. For one thing, one of Dr Marjoribanks's little dinner- parties was to take place that evening, which would be the first under the new regime, and was naturally a matter of some anxiety to all parties. "I shall go down and ask Mrs Chiley to Qpme with the Colonel," said Lucilla. '' I have always meant to do that. We can't have a full dinner-party, you know, as long as the house is so shabby ; but I am sure Mrs Chiley will come to take care of me." " To take care of you ! — in your father's house ! Do MISS MARJORIBANKS. 89 you think they'll bite ? " said the Doctor, grimly ; but as for Lucilla, she was quite prepared for that. " I must have a chaperoue, you know/' she said. " I don't say it is not quite absurd ; but then, at first, I always make it a point to give in to the prejudices of society. That is how I have always been so suc- cessful," said the experienced Lucilla. "I never went in the face of anybody's prejudices. Afterwards, you know, when one is known " The Doctor laughed, but at the same time he sighed. There was nothing to be said against Mrs Chiley, who had, on the whole, as women go, a very superior training, and knew what a good dinner was ; but it was the beginning of the revolution of which Dr Marjoribanks, vaguely oppressed with the idea of new paper, new curtains, and all that was involved in the entrance of Mr Holden the upholsterer into the house, did not see the end. He acquiesced, of course, since there was nothing else for it ; but it must be confessed that the spectre of Mrs Chiley sitting at his right hand clouded over for the Doctor the pleasant anticipation of the evening. If it had been possible to put her at the head of the table beside Lucilla, whom she was to come to take care of, he could have borne it better — and to be sure it would have been a great deal more reasonable ; but then that was absolutely out of the question, and the Doctor gave in with a 90 CHRONICLES OF CAHLINGFORD : sigh. Thus it was that he began to realise the more serious result of that semi-abdication into which he had been beguiled. The female element, so long peace- fully ignored and kept at a distance, had come in again in triumph and taken possession, and the Doctor knew too well by the experience of a long life what a restless and troublesome element it was. He had begun to feel that it had ceased to be precisely amusing as he took his place in his brougham. It was good sport to see Lucilla make an end of Tom, and put her bridle upon the stiff neck of Nancy ; but when it came to changing the character of the Doctor's dinners, his in- tellect naturally got more obtuse, and he did not see the joke. As for Tom, he had to be disposed of summarily. " Do go away," Miss Marjoribanks said, in her straight- forward way. " You can come back to luncheon if you like ; — that is to say, if you can pick up anybody that is very amusing, you may bring him here about half- past one, and if any of my friends have come to call by that time, I will give you lunch ; but it must be somebody very amusing, or I will have nothing to say to you," said Lucilla. And with this dismissal Tom Marjoribanks departed, not more content than the Doctor ; for, to be sure, the last thing in the world which the poor fellow thought of was to bring some- body who was very amusing, to injure his chances MISS MARJOEIBANKS. 91 with Lucilla. Tom, like most other people, was utterly incapable of fathoming the grand conception which in- spired Miss Marjoribanks. When she told him that it was the object of her life to be a comfort to papa, he believed it to a certain extent ; but it never occurred to him that that filial devotion, though beautiful to contemplate, would preserve Lucilla's heart from the ordinary dangers of youth, or that she was at all in earnest in postponing all matrimonial intentions until she was nine-and-twenty, and had begun to "go off" a little. So he went away disconsolate enough, waver- ing between his instinct of obedience and his desire of being in Lucilla's company, and a desperate determin- ation never to be the means of injuring himself by presenting to her anybody who was very amusing. All Miss Marjoribanks's moncle, as it happened, was a little out of humour that day. She had gone on so far tri- umphantly that it had now come to be necessary that she should receive a little check in her victorious career. When Tom was disposed of. Miss Marjoribanks put on her hat and went down Grange Lane to carry her invitation to Mrs Chiley, who naturally was very much l^leased to come. " But, my dear, you must tell me what to put on," the old lady said. " I don't think I have had anything new since you were home last. I have heard so much about Dr Marjoribanks's dinners 92 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : that I feel a little excited, as if I was going to be made a freemason or something. There is my brown, you know, that I wear at home when we have anybody — and my black velvet ; and then there is my French grey that I got for Mary Chiley's marriage/' " Dear Mrs Chiley/' said Lucilla, '' it doesn't matter in the least what you wear ; there are only to be gen- tlemen, you know, and one never dresses for gentlemen. You must keep that beautiful black velvet for another time." ''■ Well, my dear," said Mrs Chiley, " / am long past that sort of thing — but the men think, you know, that it is always for them we dress." "Yes," said Miss Marjoribanks, "their vanity is something dreadful — but it is one of my principles never to dress unless there are ladies. A white frock, high in the neck," said Lucilla, with sweet simplicity — " as for anything else, it would be bad style." Mrs Chiley gave her young visitor a very cordial kiss when she went away. " The sense she has !" said the old lady ; but at the same time the Colonel's wife was so old-fashioned that this contemptuous way of treating " The Gentlemen " puzzled her unprogressive intelligence. She thought it was superhuman virtue on Lucilla's part, nearly incredible, and yet established by proofs so incontestable that it would be a shame to doubt it ; and she felt ashamed of herself — she who MISS MARJOEIBANKS. 93 might have been a grandmother, had such been the will of Providence — for lingering five minutes unde- cided between her two best caps. " I daresay Lucilla does not spend so much time on such vanity, and she only nineteen," said the penitent old lady. As for Miss Marjoribanks, she returned up Grange Lane with a mind at ease, and that consciousness of superior endow- ments which gives amiability and expansion even to the countenance. She did not give any money to the beggar who at that period infested Grange Lane with her six children, for that was contrary to those prin- ciples of political economy which she had studied with such success at Mount Pleasant ; but she stopped and asked her name, and where she lived, and promised to inquire into her case. " If you are honest and want to work, I will try to find you something to do," said Miss ^larjoribanks ; which, to be sure, was a threat appalling enough to keep her free from any further molestation on the part of that interesting family. But Lucilla, to do her justice, felt it equally natural that beneficence should issue from her in this manner as in that other mode of feeding the hungry which she was willing to adopt at half-past one, and had solemnly engaged herself to fulfil at seven o'clock. She went up after that to ^Ir Holden's, and had a most interesting conversation, and found among his stores a delicious damask, softly, spiritually green, of which, to his great 94 CHEONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : astonishment, she tried the effect in one of the great mirrors which ornamented the shop. " It is just the tint I want/' Lucilla said, when she had applied that unusual test ; and she left the fashionable upholsterer of Carlingford in a state of some uncertainty whether it was curtains or dresses that Miss Marjoribanks meant to have made. Perhaps this confusion arose from the fact that Lucilla's mind was occupied in discussing the question whether she should not go round by Grove Street, and try that duet again with Barbara, and invite her to Grange Lane in the evening to electrify the little com- pany ; or whether, in case this latter idea might not be practicable, she should bring Barbara with her to lunch by way of occupying Tom Marjoribanks. Lu- cilla stood at Mr Holden's door for five seconds at least balancing the matter ; but finally she gave her curls a little shake, and took a quick step forward, and without any more deliberation returned towards Grange Lane ; for, on the whole, it was better not to burst in full triumph all at once upon her constituency, and exhaust her forces at the beginning. If she conde- scended to sing something herself, it would indeed be a greater honour than her father's dinner-party, in strict justice, was entitled to ; and as for the second question, though Miss Marjoribanks was too happy in the confidence of her own powers to fear any rivals. MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 95 and though her cousin's devotion bored her, still she felt doubtful how far it was good policy to produce Barbara at luncheon for the purpose of occupying Tom. Other people might see her besides Tom, and her own grand coup might be forestalled for anything she could tell ; and then Tom had some title to consi- deration on his own merits, though he was the unlucky member of the family. He might even, if he were so far left to himself (though Miss Marjoribanks smiled at the idea) fall in love with Barbara ; or, what was more likely, driven to despair by Lucilla's indifference, he might pretend to fall in love ; and Lucilla reflected, that if anything happened she could never forgive her- self. This was the point she had arrived at when she shook her tawny curls and set out suddenly on her return home. It was now nearly one o'clock, and it was quite pos- sible that Tom, as well as herself, might be on the way to Grange Lane ; but Lucilla, who, as she said, made a point of never going against the prejudices of society, made up her mind to remain sweetly unconscious of the hour of luncheon, unless some lady came to keep her company. But then Miss Marjoribanks was al- ways lucky, as she said. A quarter of an hour before Tom applied for admission. Miss Bury came to pay Lucilla a visit. She had been visiting in her district all the morning, and was very easily persuaded to repose 96 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : herself a little ; and then, naturally, she was anxious about her young friend's spiritual condition, and the effect upon her mind of a year's residence abroad. She was asking whether Lucilla had not seen something soul-degrading and dishonouring to religion in all the mummeries of Popery ; and Miss Marjoribanks, who was perfectly orthodox, had replied to the question in the most satisfactory manner ; when Tom made his appearance, looking rather sheepish and reluctant, and followed by the " somebody amusing " whom Lucilla had commissioned him to bring. He had struggled against his fate, poor fellow ! but when it happens to be a man's instinct to do what he is told, he can no more resist it than if it was a criminal impulse. Tom entered with his amusing companion, who had been chosen with care, and was very uninviting to look at ; and by-and-by Miss Bury, with the most puzzled looks found herself listening to gossip about the theatres and all kinds of profane subjects. " I think they are going to hang that fellow that killed the tailor," said the amusing man ; "that will stir you up a little in Carling- ford, I should suppose. It is as good as a play for a country town. Of course, there will be a party that will get up a memorial, and prove that a man so kind- hearted never existed out of paradise ; and there will be another party who will prove him to be insane ; and then at the end all the blackguards within a hun- MISS JNIARJORIBANKS. 97 dred miles will crowd into Carlingford, and the fellow will be hanged, as he deserves to be ; but I assure you it's a famous amusement for a country town." " Sir," said Miss Bury, with a tremulous voice, for her feelings had overcome her, " when you speak of amusement, does it ever occur to you what will become of his miserable soul ? " " I assure you, wretches of that description have no souls," said the young barrister, " or else, of course, I would not permit myself to speak so freely. It is a conclusion I have come to not rashly, but after many opportunities of observing," the young man went on with solemnity; "on the whole, my opinion is, that this is the great difference between one portion of mankind and the other : that description of being, you may take my word for it, has no soul." " I never take anybody's word for what is so plainly stated in the Holy Scriptures," said Miss Bury ; " I never heard any one utter such a terrible idea. I am sure I don't want to defend a — a murderer," cried the Rector's sister, with agitation ; " but I have heard of persons in that unfortunate position coming to a heav- enly frame of mind, and giving every evidence of being truly converted. The law may take their lives, but it is an awful thing — a truly dreadful thing," said Miss Bury, trembling all over, " to try to take away their soul." VOL. I. G 98 CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : " Oh, nonsense, Lucilla. By Jove ! he does not mean that, you know," said Tom, interposing to relieve his friend, " Do you believe in Jove, Mr Thomas Marjoribanks?" said Miss Bury, looking him in an alarming manner full in the face. The unfortunate Tom grew red and then he grew green under this question and that awful look. " No, Miss Bury, I can't say I do," he answered, humbly ; and the amusing man was so much less brotherly than Tom that he burst into unsympathetic laughter. As for Lucilla, it was the first real check she had sustained in the beginning of her career. There could not have been a more unfortunate contretemps, and there is no telling how disastrous the efiect might have been, had not her courage and coolness, not to say her orthodoxy, been equal to the occasion. She gave her cousin a look which was still more terrible than Miss Bury's, and then she took affairs into her own hands. " It is dreadful sometimes to see what straits people are put to, to keep up the conversation," said Lucilla ; " Tom in particular, for I think he has a pleasure in talking nonsense. But you must not suppose I am of that opinion. I remember quite well there was a dreadful man once here in jail for something, and Mr Bury made him the most beautiful character ! Every creature has a soul. I am sure we say so in the Creed MISS MARJORIBANKS. 9.9 every day of our lives, and especially in that long creed where so many people perish everlastingly. So far from laughing, it is quite dreadful to think of it," said Lucilla. " It is one of my principles never to laugh about anything that has to do with religion. I always think it my duty to speak with respect. It has such a bad efiect upon some minds. Miss Bury, if you will not take anything more, I think we had better go up-stairs." To think that Tom, whose luck, as usual, had be- trayed him to such an unlooked-for extent, should have been on the point of following to the drawing- room, was more than Miss Marjoribanks could com- prehend; but fortunately his companion had more sense, and took his leave, taking his conductor with him. Miss Bury went up -stairs in silence, sighing heavily from time to time. The good woman was troubled in her spirit at the evident depravity of the young men with whom circumstances had constrained her to sit down at table, and she was sadly afraid that such companionship must have a debasing effect upon the mind of that lamb of the flock who was now standing before her. Miss Bury bethought herself of Dr Marjoribanks's profane jokes, and the indifference he had shown to many things in which it was his duty to have interested himself, and she could not but look with tender pity in her young friend's face. " Poor dear," said Miss Bury, " it is dreadful indeed 100 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : if this is the sort of society you are subjected to. I could recommend to Dr Marjoribanks a most admir- able woman, a true Christian, who would take charge of things and be your companion, Lucilla. It is not at all nice for you, at your age, to be obliged to re- ceive young men like these alone." "I had you !" said Lucilla, taking both Miss Bury's hands. '' I felt it was such a blessing. I would not have let Tom stay for luncheon if you had not been there ; and now I am so glad, because it has shown me the danger of letting him bring people. I am quite sure it was a special providence that made you think of coming here to-day." " Well, my dear," said Miss Bury, who was natur- ally mollified by this statement of the question, "I am very glad to have been of use to you. If there is anything I desire in this Life, it is to be useful to my fellow-creatures, and to do my work while it is called day. I should not think the time lost, my dear Lucilla, if I could only hope that I had impressed upon your miud that an account must be given of every careless word " " Oh, yes," said LuciUa, " that is so true ; and be- sides, it is quite against my principles. I make it a point never to speak of anything about religion except with the greatest respect ; and I am quite sure it was a special providence that I had you." MISS MAEJOEIBANKS. 101 Miss Bury took her farewell very affectionately, nob to say effusively, after this, with her heart melting over the ingenuous young creature who was so thank- ful for her protection ; but at the same time she left Miss Maijoribanks a prey to the horrible sensation of having made a failure. To be sure, there was time to recover herself in the evening, which was, so to speak, her first formal appearance before the public of Car- lingford. Tom was so ill-advised as to come in when she was having her cup of tea before dinner to fortify her for her exertions ; and the reception he met with may be left to the imagination. But, after all, there was little satisfaction in demolishing Tom ; and then Lucilla had known from the beginning that the success of her undertaking depended entirely on herself CHAPTER YIIL The evening passed off in a way which, if Miss Mar- joribanks had been an ordinary woman, would have altogether obliterated from her mind all recollection of the failure at lunch. To speak first of the most im- portant particular, the dinner was perfect. As for the benighted men who had doubted Lucilla, they were covered with shame, and, at the same time, with delight. If there had been a fault in Dr Marjori- banks's table under the ancient regime, it lay in a certain want of variety, and occasional over-abun- dance, which wounded the feelings of young Mr Cavendish, who was a person of refinement. To-night, as that accomplished critic remarked, there was a certain air of feminine grace difiused over everything — and an amount of doubt and expectation, unknown to the composed feastings of old, gave interest to the meal. As for the Doctor, he found Mrs Chiley, at his right hand, not so great a bore as he expected. MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 103 She was a woman capable of appreciating the triumphs of art that were set before her ; and had indeed been trained to as high a pitch of culture in this respect as perhaps is possible to the female intelligence ; and then her pride and delight in being admitted to a participation in those sacred mysteries was beyond expression. " My dear Lucilla, I feel exactly as if I was going to be made a freemason ; and as if your dear good papa had to blindfold me, and make me swear all sorts of things before he took me down- stairs/' she said, as they sat together waiting for the commencement of the ceremony ; and when the two ladies returned to the drawing-room, Mrs Chiley took Lucilla in her arms and gave her a kiss, as the only way of expressing adequately her enthusiasm. " My love," said the Colonel's wife, " I never realised before what it was to have a genius. You should be very thankful to Providence for giving you such a gift. I have given dinners all my life — that is, all my married life, my dear, which comes to almost the same thing, for I was only a baby — but I never could come up to anything like that," said Mrs Chiley, with tears in her eyes. As for Miss ^Marjoribanks, she was so satisfied with her success that she felt at liberty to tranquillise her old friend. " I am sure you always give very nice dinners," she said; "and then, you know, the Colonel has his favourite dishes — whereas, I must say for papa, he is 104 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED ; very reasonable for a man. I am so glad you are pleased. It is very kind of you to say it is genius, but I don't pretend to anything but paying great attention and studying the combinations. There is nothing one cannot manage if one only takes the trouble. Come here to this nice easy-chair — it is so comfortable. It is so nice to have a little moment to ourselves before they come up-stairs/' " That is what I always say," said Mrs Chiley ; "but there are not many girls so sensible as you, Lucilla. I hear them all saying it is so much better French fashion. Of course, I am an old woman, and like things in the old style." " I don't think it is because I am more sensible,"" said Miss Marjoribanks, with modesty. " I don't pre- tend to be better than other people. It is because I have thought it all over, you know — and then I went through a course of political economy when I was at Mount Pleasant," Lucilla said, tranquilly, with an air of having explained the whole matter, which much impressed her hearer. " But for all that, some- thing dreadful happened to-day. Tom brought in one of his friends with him, you know, and Miss Bury was here, and they talked — I want to tell you, in case she should say something, and then you will know what to believe. I never felt so dreadfully ashamed in my life — they talked " MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 105 " My dear ! not anything improper, I hope/' cried the old lady, in dismay. " Oh, no," said Liicilla ; " but they began laughing about some people having no souls, you know — as if there could be anybody without a soul — and poor Miss Bury nearly fainted. You may think what a dreadful thing it was for me." " My dear child, if that was all," said Mrs Chiley, reassured — " as for everybody having a soul, I am sure I cannot say. You never were in India, to be sure ; but Miss Bury should have known better than to faint at a young man's talk, and frighten you, my poor dear. She ought to be ashamed of herself, at her age. Do you think Tom has turned out clever?" the old lady continued, not without a little finesse, and watching Lucilla with a curious eye. " Not in the very least," said Miss Marjoribanks, calmly ; " he is just as awkward as he used to be. It is dreadful to have him here just now, when I have so many things to do—and then he would follow me about everywhere if I would let him. A cousin of that sort is always in the way." " I am always afraid of a cousin, for my part," said Mrs Chiley ; " and talking of that, what do you think of Mr Cavendish, Lucilla? He is very nice in him- self, and he has a nice property ; and some people say he has a very good chance to be member for Carling- 106 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : ford when there is an election. I think that is just what would suit you." " I could not see him for the lamp/' said LucUla ; " it was right between us, you know — but it is no use talk- ing of that sort of thing just now. Of course, if I had liked, I never need have come home at all," Miss Mar- joribanks added, with composure ; " and, now I have come home, I have got other things to think of If papa is good, I will not think of leaving him for ten years." " Oh yes ; I have heard girls say that before," said Mrs Chiley; ''but they always changed their minds. You would not like to be an old maid, Lucilla ; and in ten years " " I should have begun to go off a little, no doubt," said Miss Marjoribanks. " No, I can't say I wish to be an old maid. Can they be coming up-stairs already, do you think ? Oh, it is Tom, I suppose/' said Lucilla, with a little indignation. But when They did make their appearance, which was at a tolerably early period — for a return to the drawing-room was quite a novelty for Dr Marjoribanks's friends, and tempted them accordingly — Miss Marjoribanks was quite ready to receive them. And just before ten o'clock, when Mrs Chiley began to think of going home, Lucilla, without being asked, and without indeed a word of preface, suddenly went to the piano, and before anybody knew. MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 107 had commenced to sing. She was a great deal too sensible to go into high art on this occasion, or to electrify her father's friends with her newly-acquired Italian, or even with German, as some young ladies do. She sang them a ballad out of one of those trea- sures of resuscitated ballads which the new generation had then begun to dig out of the bowels of the earth. There was not, to tell the truth, a great deal of music in it, which proved Lucilla's disinterestedness. " I only sang it to amuse you," she said, when all the world crowded to the piano ; and for that night she was not to be persuaded to further exertions. Thus Miss Marjoribanks proved to her little public that power of subordinating her personal tastes and even her vanity to her great object, which more than any- thing else demonstrates a mind made to rule. " I hope next time you will be more charitable, and not tan- talise us in this way," Mr Cavendish said, as he took his leave ; and Lucilla retired from the scene of her triumph, conscious of having achieved entire success in her first appearance in Carlingford. She laid her head upon her pillow with that sweet sense of an approving conscience which accompanies the footsteps of the bene- factors of their kind. But even Miss Marjoribanks's satisfaction was not without its drawbacks. She could not get out of her mind that unhappy abortive luncheon and all its horrors ; not to speak of the possibility of 108 CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : her religious principles being impugned, whicli was j dreadful in itself (" for people can stand a man being i sceptical, you know," Miss Marjoribanks justly observed, ■ " but everybody knows how unbecoming it is in a wo- ' man — and me who have such a respect for religion I"), i there remained the still more alarming chance that ; IMiss Bury, who was so narrow-minded, might see some- ' thing improper in the presence of the two young men \ at Lucilla's maidenly table ; for, to be sure, the Eector's i sister was altogether incapable of grasping the idea] that young men, like old men and the other less inte- i resting members of the human family, were simple material for Miss Marjoribanks's genius, out of which I she had a great result to produce. This was the dread \ that overshadowed the mind of Lucilla as she composed ' herself to rest after her fatigues. When she slept the i sleep of the innocent, it still pursued her into her' dreams. She dreamed that she stood at the altar by i the side of the member for Carlingford, and that Mr Bury, with inflexible cruelty, insisted upon marrying j her to Tom Marjoribanks instead ; and then the scene | changed, and instead of receiving the salutations of Mr ■ Cavendish as M.P. for the borough, it was the amusing j man, in the character of the defeated candidate, who i grinned and nodded at her, and said from the hustings that he never would forget the luncheon that had been his first introduction to Carlingford. Such was the" MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 109 niglitniare that pursued Lucilla even into the sphere of dreams. When such a presentiment takes possession of a well- balanced mind like that of Miss Marjoribanks, it may be accepted as certain that something is likely to follow. LuciQa did her best to disarm fate, not only by the sweetest submission and dutifulness to the Doctor and tiis wishes, but by a severe disregard of Tom, which irove that unhappy young man nearly desperate. Far from saying anything about luncheon, she even ignored bis presence at breakfast, and remained calmly uncon- scious of his empty cup, until he had to ask for some coffee in an injured and pathetic voice, which amused Dr Marjoribanks beyond description. But even this iid not prove sufficient to propitiate the Fates. When rhey were gone — and it may be well to say that LucHla used this pronoun to signify the gentlemen, in greater or smaller number as it might happen — and she had finished all her arrangements. Miss Marjoribanks de- cided upon going to Grove Street to pay Barbara Lake a visit, and practise some duets, which was cer- tainly as innocent an occupation for her leisure as could have been desired. She was putting on her hat with this object when the bell in the garden rang solemnly, md Lucilla, whose curiosity conquered her good man- ners for the moment, hastening to the window, saw Mr Bury himself enter the garden, accompanied by a 110 CHEONICLES OF CARLINGFORD black figure in deep and shabby mourning. All the \ tremors of the night rushed back upon her mind at ; the sight. She felt that the moment had arrived for ' a trial of her courage very different from the exertions ; which had hitherto sufficed her. Nothing but the \ most solemn intentions could have supported the Eector ■ in that severe pose of his figure and features, every line ! in which revealed an intention of being ''faithful;" i and the accompanying mute in black, whose office the j i culprit could not divine, had a veil over her face, and | wore a widow's dress. Miss Marjoribanks, it is true, ; was not a woman to be discouraged by appearances, ' but she felt her heart beat as she collected all her , powers to meet this mysterious assault. She took off ) her hat with an instinctive certainty that, for this ; morning at least, the duet was impracticable, when she ] heard Mr Bury's steady step ascending the stairs ; but, \ notwithstanding, it was with a perfectly cheerful polite- - ness that she bade him welcome when he came into \ the room. " It is so good of you to come,'' Lucilla ^ said ; " you that have so much to do. I scarcely could : believe it when I saw you come in : I thought it , must be for papa." " I did hope to find Dr Marjoribanks," said the \ i Eector, " but as he is not at home, I thought it best \ to come to you. This is Mrs Mortimer," said Mr , Bury, taking the chair Lucilla had indicated with a \ MISS MARJORIBANKS. Ill certain want of observance of his companion which betrayed to the keen perceptions of Miss Marjoribanks that she was a dependant of some kind or other. The Eector was a very good man, but he was Evangelical, and had a large female circle who admired and swore by him ; and, consequently, he felt it in a manner natural that he should take his seat first, and the place that belonged to him as the principal person present ; and then, to be sure, his mission here was for Mrs Mortimer's as well as Miss Marjoribanks's "good." After this introduction, the figure in black put up its veil, and revealed a deprecating woman, with a faint sort of pleading smile on her face. Probably she was making believe to smile at the position in which she found herself; but anyhow she took her seat humbly on another chair at a little distance, and waited, as Lucilla did, for the next golden words that it might please the Eector to say. " ^ly sister told me what happened yesterday," said Mr Bury. " She is very sorry for you. Miss Marjori- banks. It is sad for you to be left alone so young, and without a mother, and exposed to — to temptations which it is difficult to withstand at your age. Indeed, at all ages, we have great occasion to pray not to be led into temptation ; for the heart of man is terribly deceitful. After hearing what she had to say, I thought it best to come up at once this morning and talk to 112 CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : Dr Marjoribanks. I am sure his natural good sense will teacli him that you ought not to be left alone in the house." " I do not see how papa can help it/' said Lucilla. " I am sure it is very sad for him as well ; but since dear mamma died there has been nobody but me to be a comfort to him. I think he begins to look a little cheerful now," Miss Marjoribanks continued, with beautiful simplicity, looking her adversary in the face. " Everybody knows that to be a comfort to him is the object of my life." " That is a very good feeling," said the Rector, " but it does not do to depend too much upon our feelings. You are too young to be placed in a position of so much responsibility, and open to so much temptation. I was deeply grieved for Dr Marjoribanks when his partner in life was taken from him ; but my dear Miss Lucilla, now you have come home, who stand so much in need of a mother's care, we must try to find some one to fill her place." Lucilla uttered a scream of genuine alarm and dis- may ; and then she came to herself, and saw the force of her position. She had it in her power to tarn the tables on the Eector, and she did not hesitate, as a weaker woman might have done, out of consideration for anybody's feelings. '' Do you mean you have found some one for him to marry ?" she asked, with a look of MISS MAKJOEIBANKS. 113 artless surprise, bending her earnest gaze on Mr Bury's face. As for the Eector, he looked at Lucilla aghast, like a man caught in a trap. " Of course not, of course not," he stammered, after his first pause of consterna- tion ; and then he had to stop again to take breath. Lucilla kept up the air of amazement and consterna- tion which had come naturally at the first, and had her eyes fixed on him, leaning forward with all the eager* anxiety natural to the circumstances, and the unfortu- nate clergyman reddened from the edge of his white cravat to the roots of his grey hair. He was almost as sensitive to the idea of having proposed something improper as his sister could have been, though indeed, at the worst, there would have been nothing improper in it had Dr Marjoribanks made up his mind to an- other wife. " It is very dreadful for me that am so young to go against you," said Lucilla ; " but if it is that, I cannot be expected to take any part in it — it would not be natural. It is the great object of my life to be a com- fort to papa ; but if that is what you mean, I could not give in to it. I am sure Miss Bury would under- stand me," said Miss Marjoribanks ; and she looked so nearly on the point of tears, that the Eector 's anxious disclaimer found words for itself. " iSTothing of the kind, my dear Miss Lucilla — no- VOL. I. H 114 CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : thing of the kind," cried Mr Bury ; " such an idea never came into my mind. I cannot imagine how I could have said anything — I can't fancy what put such an idea Mrs Mortimer, you are not going away ?" Lucilla had already seen with the corner of her eye that the victim had started violently, and that her heavy veil had fallen over her face — but she had not taken any notice, for there are cases in which it is absolutely necessary to have a victim. By this time, however, the poor woman had risen in her nervous, undecided way. "I had better go — I am sure I had better go," she said, hurriedly, clasping together a pair of helpless hands, as if they could find a little strength in union. " Miss Marjoribanks will understand you better, and you will perhaps understand Miss Marjoribanks " " Oh, sit down, sit down," said Mr Bury, who was not tolerant of feelings. " Perhaps I expressed myself badly. What I meant to say was, that Mrs Mortimer, who has been a little unfortunate in circumstances — sit down, pray — had by a singular providence just applied to me when ray sister returned home yesterday. These things do not happen by chance, Lucilla. We are taken care of when we are not thinking of it. Mrs Mortimer is a Christian lady for whom I have the greatest respect. A situation to take the superin- tendence of the domestic affairs, and to have charge of MISS MARJORIBANKS. 115 you, would Ibe just what would suit her. It must be a great anxiety to the Doctor to leave you alone, and without any control, at your age. You may think the liberty is pleasant at first, but if you had a Christian friend to watch over and take care of you What is the matter ?" said the Eector, in great alarm. It was only that the poor widow who was to have charge of Lucilla, according to his benevolent intention, looked so like fainting, that Miss Marjoribanks jumped up from her chair and rang the bell hastily. It was not Lucilla's way to lose time about anything ; she took the poor woman by the shoulders and all but lifted her to the sofa, where she was lying down with her bonnet off when the Eector came to his senses. To describe the feelings with which Mr Bury contemplated this little entracte, which was not in his programme, would be beyond our powers. He went off humbly and opened the window when he was told to do so, and tried to find the eau-de-cologne on the table ; while Thomas rushed down-stairs for water at a pace very unlike his usual steady rate of progress. As for Lu- cilla, she stood by the side of her patient quite self- possessed, while the Eector looked so foolish. " She will be aU right directly," Miss Majoribanks was say-^ ing ; " luckily she never went right off. When you don't go right off, lying down is everything. If there had been any one to run and get some water she would 116 CHEONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : have got over it ; but luckily I saw it in time/' "What possible answer Mr Bury could make to this, or how he could go on with his address in sight of the strange turn things had taken, it would have been hard to say. Fortunately for the moment he did not attempt it, but walked about in dismay, and put himself in the draught (with his rheumatism), and felt dreadfully vexed and angry with Mrs Mortimer, who, for her part, now she had done with fainting, manifested an inclination to cry, for which Mr Bury in his heart could have whipped her, had that mode of discipline been permitted in the Church of England. Lucilla was merciful, but she could not help taking a little advantage of her victory. She gave the sufferer a glass of water, and the eau-de- cologne to keep her from a relapse, and whispered to her to lie quiet ; and then she came back and took her seat, and begged the Eector not to stand in the draught. " I don't think she is strong," said Miss Marjori- banks, confidentially, when she had wiled the discon- certed clergyman back to her side, " her colour changes so ; she never would be able for what there is to do here, even if papa would consent to think of it. For my part I am sure I should be glad of a little assist- ance," said Lucilla, "but I never like to give false hopes, and I don't think papa would consent ; — she looks nice if she was not so weak, poor thing ! — and MISS MAEJOKIBANKS. 117 there are such quantities of things to be done here : but if you wish it, Mr Bury, I will speak to papa," said Miss Marjoribanks, lifting her eyes, which were so open and straightforvvard, to the Eector's face. To tell the truth, he did not in the least know what to say, and the chances are he would not have been half so vexed and angry, nor felt in so unchristian a disposition with the poor woman on the sofa, had he meant to do her harm instead of good. " Yes, I should be glad if you would mention it to Dr Marjoribanks," he said, without very well knowing what he said ; and got up to shake hands with Lucilla, and then recollect- ed that he could not leave his protegee behind him, and hesitated, and did not know what to do. He was really grateful, without being aware of it, to Miss Marjoribanks, when once again she came to his aid. " Please, leave her a little," said Lucilla, '' and 1 can make acquaintance with her, you know, in case papa should be disposed to think of it ; — she must lie still till it quite wears off. I would ask you to stay to lunch if I was not afraid of wasting your precious time " Mr Bury gave a little gasp of indignation, but he did not say anything. On the whole, even though smarting under the indignity of being asked to lunch, as his sister had been, when probably there might be a repetition of the scene of yesterday, he was glad to 118 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : get safely out of the house, even at the risk of aban- doning his enterprise. As for a woman in want of a situation, who had so little common sense as to faint at such a critical moment, the Eector was disposed to wash his hands of her ; for Mr Bury, " like them all," as Lucilla said, was horribly frightened by a faint when he saw one, and afterwards pretended to disbelieve in it, and called it one of the things which a little self- command could always prevent. When lie was gone Miss Marjoribanks felt the full importance of her victory; and then, though she had not hesitated to sacrifice this poor woman when it was necessary to have a victim, that moment was over, and she had no pleasure in being cruel ; on the contrary, she went and sat by her patient, and talked, and was very kind to her; and after a while heard all her story, and was more comforting than the Eector could have been for his life. " I knew it would hurt your feelings," Miss Marjori- banks said, candidly, " but I could not do anything else — and you know it was Mr Bury's fault ; but I am sure if I can be of any use to you " It was thus that Lucilla added, without knowing it, another com- plication to her fortunes ; but then, to be sure, clear- sighted as she was, she could not see into the future, nor know what was to follow. She told the Doctor in the evening with the greatest faithfulness, and described MISS MARJORIBANKS. 119 how Mr Bury looked, and that she had said she did not think papa would be disposed to think of it ; and Dr Marjoribanks was so much entertained that he came up-stairs to hear the end, and took a cup of tea. It was the third night in succession that the Doctor had taken this step, though it was against his principles ; and thus it will be seen that good came out of evil in a beautifully distinct and appropriate way. CHAPTEE IX. It was not till Miss Marjoribanks had surmounted to a certain extent the vexation caused her by her unlucky- confidence in Tom, that that unhappy young man took the step which Lucilla had so long dreaded, but which she trusted to her own genius to hmder him from carrying into execution. Miss Marjoribanks had ex- tricated herself so triumphantly from the consequences of that unhappy commencement of her very charming luncheon-parties, that she had begun to forget the culpability of her cousin. She had defeated the Eector in his benevolent intentions, and she had taken up his protegee just at the moment when Mr Bury was most disgusted with the unfortunate woman's weakness. Poor Mrs Mortimer, to be sure, had fainted, or been near fainting, at the most inopportune moment, and it was only natural that the Eector should be annoyed ; but as for Lucilla, who was always prompt in her actions, and whose good-nature and liberality were un- MISS ]^LVEJORIBANKS. 121 doubted, she found her opportunity in the failure of Mr Bury's scheme. After the Eector had gone away. Miss Marjoribanks herself conducted the widow home ; and by this time Mrs Mortimer's prospects were be- ginning to brighten under the active and efficient patronage of her new friend. This being the case, Lucilla's good-humour was perfectly restored, and she had forgiven Tom his maladroitness. " He cannot help it, you know," she said privately to old Mrs Chiley : '' I suppose some people are born to do ridiculous things." And it was indeed as if he had intended to give a practical illustration of the truth of this con- clusion that Tom chose the particular moment he did for driving Miss Marjoribanks to the extremity of her patience. The upholsterers were in the house, and indeed had just finished putting up the pictures on the new paper in the drawing-room (which was green, as Lucilla had determined it should be, of the most deli- cate tint, and looked, as she flattered herself, exactly like silk hangings); and Mr Holden himself waited with a certain complaisance for Miss Marjoribanks's opinion of the efi'ect. He had no doubt on the subject liimself; but he was naturally impressed, as most people were, with that confidence in Lucilla's judgment which so much facilitates the operations of those per- sons who are born to greatness. It was precisely at this moment that his evil genius persuaded Tom Mar- 122 CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : joribanks to interrupt Thomas, who was carrying Mr Holden's message to his young mistress, and to shut the library door upon the external world. Lucilla had taken refuge in the library during the renovation of the drawing-room ; and she was aware that this was Tom's last day at Carlingford, and had no intention of being unkind to him. To tell the truth, she had at the bottom of her heart a certain regard and impulse of protection and patronage towards Tom, of which some- thing might have come had the unlucky fellow known how to manage. But, at the same time. Miss Marjori- banks was aware that things must be approaching a crisis up-stairs, and was listening intently to the move- ments overhead, and wondering why she was not sent for. This was the moment of all others at which Tom thought fit to claim a hearing ; and the state of Lu- cilla's feelings may be easily imagined when she saw him plant himself by her side, with his face alternately red and white, and all the signs of a desperate resolu- tion in his countenance. For the first time in her life a certain despair took possession of IVIiss Marjoribanks's mind. The sounds had suddenly ceased up-stairs, as if the artists there were making a pause to contemplate the effect of their completed work — which indeed was precisely the case — and at the same time nobody came to call her, important though the occasion was. She made a last efibrt to emancipate herself before it was too late. MISS MARJORIBANKS. 123 " Eing, please, Tom," she said ; " I want to know if they have finished up-stairs. I am so sorry you are going away ; but you know it is one of my principles never to neglect my duty. I am sure they must be waiting for me — if you would only be kind enough to ring." " Lucilla," said Tom, " you know I would do any- thing in the world you liked to tell me ; but don't ask me to ring just now : I am going to leave you, and there is something I must say to you, Lucilla," said the young man, with agitation. Miss Marjoribanks was seated near the window, and she had a moral certainty that if any of the Browns happened to be in that ridiculous glass-house where they did their photo- graphy, they must have a perfectly good view of her, with Tom in the background, who had placed himself so as to shut her into the recess of the window. This, coupled with the evidence of her senses that the work- men up-stairs had ceased their work, and that a slow footstep traversing the floor now and then was all that was audible, drove Lucilla to despair. " Yes," she said, temporising a little, which was the only thing she could do, " I am sure I am very sorry ; but then, you know, with the house in such a con- dition ! Next time you come I shall be able to enjoy your society," said the designing young woman ; '' but at present I am so busy. It is one of my principles. 124 CHKONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : you know, that things are never rightly done if the lady of the house does not pay proper attention. They are sure to make some dreadful mistake up-stairs if I don't look after them. I shall see you again before you go." " Lucilla, don't be so cruel !" cried the unlucky Tom, and he caught her hand though they were at the win- dow ; " do stop a moment and listen to me. Lucilla I what does it matter about furniture and things when a man's heart is bursting ? " cried the unfortunate lover ; and just at that moment Miss Marjoribanks could see that the curtain was drawn aside a little — ever so little — in the glass-house. She sat down again with a sigh, and drew her hand away, and prepared herself to meet her fate with heroism at least. "What in the world can you have been doing?" said Lucilla, innocently ; '' you used always to tell me, I know, when you got into any difficulty ; and I am sure if I can be of any use to you, Tom . But as for furniture and things, they matter a great deal, I assure you, to people's happiness ; and then, you know, it is the object of my life to be a comfort to dear papa." When she said this. Miss Marjoribanks settled her- self again in the recess of the window, so that the Miss Browns could command a full view if they chose ; for Lucilla's courage was of the highest order, and nothing, except, perhaps, a strategical necessity of profound importance, would have moved her to retreat before an MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 125 enemy. As for Tom, he was bewildered, to start with, by this solemn repetition of her great purpose. '' I know how good you are, Lucilla," he said, with hiimility ; " but then my uncle, you know — I don't think he is a man to appreciate . Oh, Lucilla ! why should you go and sacrifice to him the happiness of your life?" " Tom," said Miss Marjoribanks, with some solem- nity, " I wish you would not talk to me of happiness. I have always been brought up to believe that duty was happiness ; and everybody has known for a long time what was the object of my life. As for poor papa, it is the worse for him if he does not understand ; but that does not make any difference to my duty," said the devoted daughter. She gave a little sigh as she spoke, the sigh of a great soul, whose motives must always remain to some extent unappreciated ; and the sight of her resignation and beautiful perseverance overwhelmed her unlucky suitor ; for indeed, up to this moment, Lucilla still entertained the hope of preventing Tom from, as she herself described it, ''saying the very words," which, to be sure, are awkward words to hear and to say. " Lucilla, when you are so good to my uncle, you ought to have a little pity on me," said Tom, driven to the deepest despondency. " How do you think I can bear it, to see you getting everything done here, as if 126 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : you meant to stay all your life — when you know I love you?" said the unfortunate young man; "when you know I have always been so fond of you, Lucilla, and always looked forward to the time ; and now it is very hard to see you care so little for me." "Tom/' said Miss Marjoribanks, with indignant sur- prise, " how can you say I care little for you 1 you know I was always very fond of you, on the contrary. I am sure I always stood your friend at home, whatever hap- pened, and never said a word when you broke that pretty little pearl ring I was so fond of, and tore the scarf my aunt gave me. I wonder, for my part, how you can be so unkind as to say so. We have always been the very best friends in the world," said Lucilla, with an air of injury. " I always said at school I liked you the best of all my cousins ; and I am very fond of all my cousins.'' Miss Marjoribanks concluded, after a little pause, " It is so unkind to tell me that I don't care for you!' Poor Tom groaned within himself as he listened. He did not know what to answer to Lucilla's aggrieved yet frank confession, l^aturally it would have been much less displeasing to Tom to understand that she hated him, and never desired to see him any more. But Miss Marjoribanks was far from entertaining any such unchristian sentiments. She even began to forget her anxiety about what was going on up-stairs in that MISS IMAKJOEIBANKS. 127 delightful sense of power and abundant resources with which she was mastering the present difficulty. She reflected in herself that though it was excessively annoying to be thus occupied at such a moment, still it was nearly as important to make an end of Tom as to see that the pictures were hung rightly ; for, to be sure, it was always easy to return to the latter subject. Accordingly, she drew her chair a little nearer to the window, and regarded Tom with a calm gaze of bene- volent interest w^hich was in perfect accordance with the sentiments she had just expressed ; a look in which a little gentle reproach was mingled. '' I have always been like a sister to you," said Lucilla ; " how can you be so unkind as to say I don't care?" As for the unhappy Tom, he got up, as was natural, and took a little walk in front of the table, as a young man in trouble is apt to do. " You know very well that is not what I mean, Lucilla," he said, disconso- lately. ''It is you who are unkind. I don't know why it is that ladies are so cruel ; I am not such a snob as to persecute anybody. But what is the good of pretending not to know what I mean ?" "Tom, listen 1" cried Miss Marjoribanks, rising in her turn ; " I feel sure they must have finished. There is Mr Holden going through the garden. And every- body knows that hanging pictures is just the thing of all others that requires a person of taste. If 128 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : they have spoiled the room, it will be all your fault." " Oh, for heaven's sake never mind the room ! " said Tom. " I never thought you would have trifled with a man, Lucilla. You know quite well what I mean ; you know it isn't a — a new thing," said the lover, beginning to stammer and get confused. ''You know that is what I have been thinking of all along, as soon as ever I had anything to live on. I love you, Lucilla ; you know I love you ! how can you trifle with me so?" '' It is you who are trifling," said Miss Marjoribanks, " especially when you know I have really something of importance to do. You can come up-stairs with me if you like. Of course we all love each other. What is the good of being relations otherwise ?" said Lucilla, calmly ; " it is such a natural thing, you know. I sup- pose it is because you are going away that you are so affectionate to-day. It is very nice of you, I am sure ; but, Tom, I feel quite certain you have not packed your things," Miss Marjoribanks added, in an admonitory tone. " Come along with me up-stairs." And by this time Lucilla's curiosity was beginning again to get the upper hand. If she only could have escaped, it would have been impossible for her cousin to have renewed the conversation ; and luckily he was to leave Carlingford the same evening; but then a man is always an inconsequent creature, and not to be cal- MISS MARJORIBANKS. 129 culated on. This time, instead of obeying as usual, Tom — having, as Miss Marjoribanks afterwards de- scribed (but only in the strictest confidence), " worked himself up to it" — set himself directly in her way, and seized upon both her hands. " Lucilla," cried the unlucky fellow, " is it possible that you really have misunderstood me all this time ? Do you mean to say that you don't know ? Oh, Lucilla, listen just five minutes. It isn't because I am your cousin. I wish to heaven I was not your cousin, but some one you had never seen before. I mean I want you to consent to — to — to — marry me, Lucilla. That is what I mean. I am called to the bar, and I can work for you, and make a reputation. Lucilla, listen to what I have got to say." Miss Marjoribanks left her hands in his with a calm- ness which froze poor Tom's heart in his breast. She did not even take the trouble to draw them away. "Have you gone out of your senses, Tom?" she asked, in her sensible way ; and she lifted her eyes to the face of the poor young fellow who was in love, with an inquir- ino; look, as if she felt a little anxious about him. " If you have any feeling as if fever was coming on," said Lucilla, " I think you should go up-stairs and lie down a little till papa comes in. I heard there had been some cases down about the canal. I hope it is not the assizes that have been too much for you." When Miss VOL. I. I 130 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : Marjoribanks said this, she herself took fast hold of Tom's hands with a motherly grasp to feel if they were hot, and looked into his eyes with a certain serious inspection, which, under the circumstances, poor fellow ! was enough to drive him out of the little rationality he had left. Tom was so far carried away by his frenzy, that he gave her a little shake in his impatience. " You are trying to drive me mad, Lucilla ! " cried the young man. " I have got no fever. It is only you who are driving me out of my senses. This time you must hear me. I will not let you go till you have given me an answer. I am called to the bar, and I have begun my Career," said Tom, making a pause for breath. " I knew you would have laughed at me when I was depending on my mother ; but now all that is over, Lucilla. I have loved you as long as I can remem- ber ; and I always thought— that you — cared for me a little. If you will have me, there is nothing I could not do," said Tom, who thoroughly believed what he was saying ; " and if you will not have me, I will not answer for the consequences. If I go off to India, or if I go to the bad " "Tom," said Lucilla, solemnly, and this time she drew away her hands, ''if you ever want to get married, I think the very best thing you can do is to go to India. As for marrying just now at your age. MISS MARJORIBANKS. 131 you know you miglit as well jump into the sea. You need not be vexed," said Miss Marjoribanks, in her motherly way. " I would not speak so if I was not your best friend. As for marrying me, you know it is ridiculous. I have not the least intention of marrying anybody. If I had thought of that, I need never have come home at all. As for your going to the bad, I am not afraid of that. If I were to let you carry on with such a ridiculous idea, I should never forgive myself. It would be just as sensible to go into a lunatic asylum at once. It is very lucky for you that you said this to me'' Lucilla went on, '' and not to one of the girls that think it great fun to be married. And if I were you, Tom, I would go and pack my things. You know you are always too late; and don't jump on your portmanteau and make such a dreadful noise if it won't shut, but ring the bell for Thomas. You know we are to dine at half-past five to-day, to give you time for the train." These were the last words Tom Marjoribanks heard as Lucilla left the room. She ran up to the drawing- room without losing a minute, and burst in upon the vacant place where Mr Holden had stood so long waiting for her. To be sure. Miss Marjoribanks's forebodings were so far fulfilled that the St Cecilia, which she meant to have over the piano, was hung quite in the other corner of the room, by reason of being 132 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : just the same size as another picture at the opposite angle, which the workmen, sternly symmetrical, thought it necessary to "match." But, after all, that was a trifling defect. She stood in the middle of the room, and surveyed the walls, well pleased, with a heart which kept beating very steadily in her bosom. On the whole, perhaps, she was not sorry to have had it out with Tom. So far as he was personally concerned, Miss Marjoribanks, being a physician's daughter, had great faith in the vis medicatrix, and was not afraid for her cousin's health or his morals, as a less experi- enced woman might have been. If she was angry with anybody, it was with herself, who had not taken sufficient precautions to avoid the explanation. " But, after all, everything is for the best," Lucilla said to herself, with that beautiful confidence which is com- mon to people who have things their own way ; and she devoted her mind to the St Cecilia, and paid no more attention to Tom. It was not till more than an hour after that a succession of dreadful thumps were not only heard but felt throughout the house. It was Tom, but he was not doing any harm to himself. He was not blowing out his brains or knocking his head against the wall. He was only jumping on his port- manteau, notwithstanding that Lucilla had warned him against such a proceeding — and in his state of mind the jumps were naturally more frantic than MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 133 usual. When Lucilla lieard it, she rang the bell, and told Thomas to go and help Mr Tom with his pack- ing ; from which it will be seen that Miss Marjori- banks bore no grudge against her cousin, but was disposed to send him forth in friendship and peace. CHAPTEE X. It was nearly six weeks after this before all Miss Mar- joribanks's arrangements were completed, and she was able with satisfaction to herself to begin her campaign. It was just before Christmas, at the time above all others when society has need of a ruling spirit. Tor example, Mrs Chiley expected the Colonel's niece, Mary Chiley, who had been married about six months before, and who was not fond of her husband's friends, and at the same time had no home of her own to go to, being an orphan. The Colonel had invited the young couple by way of doing a kind thing, but he grumbled a little at the necessity, and had never liked the fellow, he said — and then what were two old people to do to amuse them ? Then Mrs Centum had her two eldest boys home from school, and was driven out of her senses by the noise and the racket, as she confided to her visitors. " It is all very well to make pretty pictures about Christmas," said the exasperated MISS MAKJOEIBANKS* 135 mother, "but I should like to know how one can enjoy anything with such a commotion going on. I get up every morning with a headache, I assure you ; and then Mr Centum expects me to be cheerful when he comes in to dinner ; men are so unreasonable. I should like to know what they would do if they had what we have to go through : to look after all the servants — and they are always out of their senses at Christmas — and to see that the children don't have too much pudding, and to support all the noise. The holidays are the hardest work a poor woman can have," she concluded, with a sigh ; and when it is taken into consideration that this particular Christmas was a wet Christmas, without any frost or possibility of amusement out of doors, English matrons in gene- ral will not refuse their sympathy to Mrs Centum. Mrs Woodburn perhaps was equally to be pitied in a different way. She had to receive several members of her husband's family, who were, like Miss Marjori- banks, without any sense of humour, and who stared, and did not in the least understand her when she ''took off" any of her neighbours; not to say that some of them were Low-Church, and thought the practice sinful. Under these circumstances it will be readily believed that the commencement of Lucilla's operations was looked upon with great interest in Carlingford. It was so opportune that society forgot 136 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : its usual instincts of criticism, and forgave Miss Mar- joribanks for being more enlightened and enterprising than her neighbours ; and then most people were very- anxious to see the drawing-room, now it had been restored. This was a privilege, however, not accorded to the crowd. Mrs Chiley had seen it under a vow of secrecy, and Mr Cavendish owned to having made a run up- stairs one evening after one of Dr Marjoribanks's little dinners, when the other convives were in the library, where Lucilla had erected her temporary throne. But this clandestine inspection met with the failure it de- served, for there was no light in the room except the moonlight, which made three white blotches on the carpet where the windows were, burying everything else in the profoundest darkness ; and the spy knocked his foot against something which reduced him to sudden and well-merited agony. As for Mrs Chiley, she was discretion itself, and would say nothing even to her niece. " I mean to work her a footstool in water-lilies, my dear, like the one I did for you when you were married," the old lady said ; and that was the only light she would throw on the subject. " My opinion is that it must be in crimson," Mrs Woodburn said, when she heard this, " for I know your aunt's water-lilies. When I see them growing, I always think of you. It would be quite like Lucilla Marjori- MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 137 banks to have it in crimson — for it is a cheerful colour, you know, and quite different from the old fur- niture ; and that would always be a comfort to her dear papa." Trorn this it will be seen that the curi- osity of Carlingford was excited to a lively extent. Many people even went so far as to give the Browns a sitting in their glass-house, with the hope of having a peep at the colour of the hangings at least. But Miss Marjoribanks was too sensible a woman M leave her virgin drawing-room exposed to the sun when there was any, and to the photographers, who were perhaps more dangerous. " I think it is blue, for my part," said Miss Brown, who had got into the habit of rising early in hopes of finding the Doctor's household off its guard. " Lucilla was always a great one for blue ; she thinks it is becoming to her complexion ;" which, indeed, as the readers of this history are aware, was a matter of fact. As for Miss Marjoribanks, she did her best to keep up this agreeable mystery. "For my part, I am fond of neutral tints," she herself said, when she was questioned on the subject; "anybody who knows me can easily guess my taste. I should have been bom a Quaker, you know, I do so like the drabs and greys, and all those soft colours. You can have as much red and green as you like abroad, where the sun is strong, but here it would be bad style," said Lu- cilla ; from which the most simple-minded of her 138 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOKD : auditors drew the natural conclusion. Thus all the world contemplated with excitement the first Thursday which was to open this enchanted chamber to their admiring eyes. " Don't expect any regular invitation/' Miss Marjoribanks said. '' I hope you will all come, or as many of you as can. Papa has always some men to dinner with him that day, you know, and it is so dreadfully slow for me with a heap of men. That is why I fixed on Thursday. I want you to come every week, so it would be absurd to send an invita- tion ; and remember it is not a party, only an Evening," said Lucilla. " I shall wear a white frock high, as I always do. Now be sure you come." " But we can't all go in high white frocks," said Mrs Chiley's niece, Mary, who, if her trousseau had been subtracted from the joys of marriage, would not, poor soul I have found very much left. This intimation dismayed the bride a little ; for, to be sure, she had decided which dress she was to wear before Lucilla spoke. " But, my dear, you are married,'' said Miss Marjori- banks ; " that makes it quite difi'erent : come in that pretty pink that is so becoming. I don't want to have any dowdies, for my part ; and don't forget that I shall expect you all at nine o'clock." When she had said this. Miss Marjoribanks pro- ceeded on her way, sowing invitations and gratification MISS MARJORIBANKS. 139 round her. She asked the youngest Miss Brown to bring her music, in recognition of her ancient claims as the songstress of society in Carlingford ; for Lucilla had all that regard for constituted rights which is so necessary to a revolutionary of the highest class. She had no desire to shock anybody's prejudices or wound anybody's feelings. "And she has a nice little voice," Lucilla said to herself, with the most friendly and tole- rant feelings. Thus Miss Marjoribanks prepared to establish her kingdom with a benevolence which was almost Utopian, not upon the ruins of other thrones, but with the goodwill and co-operation of the lesser powers, who were, to be sure, too feeble to resist her advance, but whose rights she was quite ready to recog- nise, and even to promote, in her own way. At the same time it is necessary here to indicate a certain vague and not disagreeable danger, which appeared to some experienced persons to shadow Lucilla's conquering way. Mr Cavendish, who w^as a young man of refinement, not to say that he had a very nice property, had begun to pay attention to Miss Marjoribanks in what Mrs Chiley thought quite a marked manner. To be sure, he could not pretend to the honour of taking her in to dinner, which was not his place, being a young man ; but he did what was next best, and manoeuvred to get the place on her left hand, which, in a party composed chiefly of men, was 140 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : not difficult to manage. For, to tell the truth, most of the gentlemen present were at that special moment more interested in the dinner than in Lucilla. And after dinner it was Mr Cavendish who was the first to leave the room ; and to hear the two talking about all the places they had been to, and all the people they had met, was as good as a play, Mrs Chiley said. Mr Ca- vendish confided to Lucilla his opinions upon things in general, and accepted the reproofs which she admin- istered (for Miss Marjoribanks was quite unquestion- able in her orthodoxy, and thought it a duty, as she said, always to speak with respect of religion) when his sentiments were too speculative, and said, "How charming is divine philosophy ! " so as, for the moment, to dazzle Lucilla herself, who thought it a very pretty compliment. He came to her assistance when she made tea, and generally fulfilled all the duties which are expected of a man who is paying attention to a young lady. Old Mrs Chiley watched the nascent re- gard with her kind old grandmotherly eyes. She cal- culated over in her own mind the details of his posses- sions, so far as the public was aware of them, and found them on the whole satisfactory. He had a nice property, and then he was a very nice, indeed an unex- ceptionable young man ; and to add to this, it had been agreed between Colonel Chiley and Mr Centum, and several other of the leading people in Carlingford, that MISS INIAEJOEIBANKS. 141 he was the most likely man to represent the borough when old Mr Chiltern, who was always threatening to retire, fulfilled his promise. Mr Cavendish had a very handsome house a little out of town, where a lady would be next thing to a county lady — indeed, quite a county lady, if her husband was the Member for Car- lingford. All these thoughts passed through Mrs Chiley's mind, and, as was natural, in the precious moments after dinner, were suggested in occasional words of meaning to the understanding ear of Miss Marjoribanks. "My dear Lucilla, it is just the position that would suit you — with your talents ! " the old lady said ; and Lu- cilla did not say No. To be sure, she had not at the present moment the least inclination to get married, as she truly said ; it would, indeed, to tell the truth, dis- turb her plans considerably; but still, if such was the intention of Providence, and if it was to the Member for Carlingford, Lucilla felt that it was still credible that everything might be for the best. " But it is a great deal too soon to think of anything of that sort," Miss Marjoribanks would reply. '' If I had thought of that, I need never have come home at all ; and especially when papa has been so good about everything." Yet for all that she was not ungracious to Mr Cavendish when he came in first as usual. To marry a man in his position would not, after all, be 142 CHEONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : deranging her plans to any serious extent. Indeed, it would, if his hopes were realised, constitute Lucilla a kind of queen in Carlingford, and she could not but feel that, under these circumstances, it might be a kind of duty to reconsider her resolution. And thus the time passed while the drawing-room was undergoing renovation. Mr Cavendish had been much tantalised, as he said, by the absence of the piano, which prevented them from having any music, and Lucilla had even been tempted into a few snatches of song, which, to tell the truth, some of the gentlemen present, especially the Doctor himself and Colonel Chiley, being old- fashioned, preferred without the accompaniment. And thus it was, under the most brilliant auspices, and with the full confidence of all her future constituency, that Miss Marjoribanks superintended the arrangement of the drawing-room on that momentous Thursday, which was to be the real beginning of her great work in Car- lingford. "My dear, you must leave yourself entirely in my hands," Lucilla said to Barbara Lake on the morning of that eventful day. " Don't get impatient. I dare- say you don't know many people, and it may be a little slow for you at first ; but everybody has to put up with that, you know, for a beginning. And, by the by, what are you going to wear?" " I have not thought about it," said Barbara, who MISS MAEJOEIBANKS. 143 had the painful pride of poverty, aggravated much by a sense that the comforts of other people were an injury to her. Poor soul ! she had been thinking of little else for at least a week past ; and then she had not very much choice in her wardrobe ; but her disposition was one which rejected sympathy, and she thought it would look best to pretend to be indifferent. At the same time, she said this with a dull colour on her cheeks, the colour of irritation ; and she could not help asking herself why Lucilla, who was not so handsome as she was, had the power to array herself in gorgeous apparel, while she, Barbara, had nothing but a white frock. There are differences even in white frocks, though the masculine mind may be unaware of them. Barbara's muslin had been washed six times, and had a very different air from the vestal robes of her patron- ess. To be sure, Lucilla was not taken in, in the least, by her companion's look of indifference, and would even have been delighted to bestow a pretty dress upon Barbara, if that had been a possible thing to do. " There will be no dress," said Miss Marjoribanks, with solemnity. " I have insisted upon that. You know it is not a party, it is only an Evening. A white frock, high — that is all I mean to wear ; and mind you don't lose patience. I shaU keep my eye on you ; and after the first, I feel sure you will enjoy yourself. 144 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : j Good-bye for the present." When she had uttered | these encouraging words, Miss Marjoribanks went away : to pursue her preparations, and Barbara proceeded to get out her dress and examine it. It was as important to her as all the complicated paraphernalia of the even- i ing's arrangements were to Lucilla. It is true that : there were greater interests involved in the case of the \ leader ; but then Barbara was the soldier of fortune ; who had to open the oyster with her sword, and she ' was feeling the point of it metaphorically while she j pulled out the breadths of her white dress, and tried to : think that they would not look limp at night ; and \ what her sentiments lost in breadth, as compared with ! Lucilla's, they gained in intensity, for — for anything ; she could tell — her life might change colour by means I of this Thursday Evening ; and such, indeed, was her j hope. Barbara prepared for her first appearance in ^ Grange Lane, with a mind wound up to any degree of : daring. It did not occur to her that she required to , - keep faith with Miss Marjoribanks in anything except i the duet. As regarded other matters, Barbara was ! quite unscrupulous, for at the bottom she could not j but feel that any one who was kind to her was taking j an unwarrantable liberty. What right had Lucilla | Marjoribanks to be kind to her? as if she was not as i good as Lucilla any day ! and though it might be ! worth he* while to take advantage of it for the moment, C MISS MAEJOEIBANKS. 145 it was still an insult, in its way, to be avenged if an opportunity ever should arise. The evening came, as evenings do come, quite indif- ferently whether people are glad or sorry ; and it was with a calmness which the other ladies regarded as next to miraculous, that Miss Marjoribanks took Colonel Chiley's arm to go to the dining-room. We say the other ladies, for on this great occasion Mrs Centum and Mrs Woodburn were both among the din- ner-guests. " To see her eat her dinner as if she had nothing on her mind ! " Mrs Centum said in amaze- ment : ''as for me, though nobody can blame me if anything goes wrong, I could enjoy nothing for think- ing of it. And I must say I was disappointed with the dinner," she added, with a certain air of satisfaction, in Mrs Woodburn's ear. It was when they were going up-stairs, and Lucilla was behind with Mrs Chiley. *' The fuss the men have always made about these dinners ! and except for a few made dishes that were really nothing, you know, I can't say I saw anything particular in it. And as for Lucilla, I can't think she has any feeling," said the banker's wife. " Oh, my dear, it is because you don't understand," said Mrs Woodburn. " She is kept up, you know, by a sense of duty. It is aU because she has set her heart on being a comfort to her dear papa 1" Such, it is true, were the comments that were made VOL. I. K 1 j 146 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : ^ upon the public- spirited young woman who was doing ; so much for Carlingford ; but then Lucilla only shared I the fate of all the ffreat benefactors of the world. An i i hour later the glories of the furniture were veiled and \ hidden by the robes of a radiant flood of society, em- \ bracing all that was most fair and all that was most ' distinguished in Carlingford. JSTo doubt there was a world of heterogeneous elements ; but then if there had | not been difficulties where would have been the use of \ Miss Marjoribanks's genius ? Mr Bury and his sister, who had been unconsciously mollified by the admirable dinner provided for them down-stairs, found some stray lambs in the assembly who were in need of them, and thus had the double satisfaction of combining pleasure I with duty ; and though there were several people in i the room whose lives were a burden to them in con- i sequence of Mrs Woodburn's remarkable gift, even : they found it impossible not to be amused by an occa- ; sional representation of an absent individual, or by the ! dashing sketch of Lucilla, which she gave at intervals ; in her corner, amid the smothered laughter of the audi- ence, who were half ashamed of themselves. " She is | never ill-tempered, you know," the persons who felt ' themselves threatened in their turn said to each other \ with a certain piteous resignation ; and oddly enough it was in general the most insignificant people about ; who were afraid of Mrs Woodburn. It is needless to MISS MAKJORIBANKS. 147 say that such a dread never entered the serene intelli- gence of Miss Marjoribanks, who believed in herself with a reasonable and steady faith. As for old Mrs Chiley, who had so many funny little ways, and whom the mimic executed to perfection, she also was quite calm on the subject. " You know there is nothing to take off in me," the old lady would say; " I always was a simple body : and then I am old enough to be all your grandmothers, my dear ; " which was a saying calculated, as Miss Marjoribanks justly observed, to melt a heart of stone. Then the Miss Browns had brought their photo- graphs, in which most people in Grange Lane were caricatured hideously, but with such a charming equality that the most exigeant forgave the wrong to himself in laughing at his neighbours. Miss Brown had brought her music too, and sang her feeble little strain to the applause of her immediate neighbours, and to the delight of those who were at a distance, and who could talk louder and flirt more openly under cover of the music ; and there were other young ladies who had also come prepared with a little roll of songs or " pieces." Lucilla, with her finger as it were upon the pulse of the company, let them all exhibit their powers with that enlightened impartiality which we have already remarked in her. When Mr Cavendish came to her in his ingratiating way, and asked her how she 148 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : could possibly let all the sparrows chirp like that when the nightingale was present, Miss Marjoribanks proved herself proof to the flattery. She said, " Do go away, like a good man, and make yourself agreeable. There are so few men, you know, who can flirt in Carling- ford. I have always reckoned upon you as such a valuable assistant. It is always an advantage to have a man who flirts," said Miss Marjoribanks. This was a sentiment perhaps too large and enlightened, in the truest sense of the word, to meet, as it ought to have done, with the applause of her audience. Most of the persons immediately surrounding her thought, indeed, that it was a mere hon-mot to which Lucilla had given utterance, and laughed accordingly ; but it is needless to explain that these were persons quite unable to under- stand her genius. All this .time she was keeping her eyes upon a figure in the corner of a sofa, which looked as if it was glued there, and kept staring defiance at the world in general from under black and level brows. Lucilla, it is true, had introduced Barbara Lake in the most flattering way to Mrs Chiley, and to some of the young ladies present ; but then she was a stranger, and an intruder into those regions of the blest, and she could not help feeling so. If her present companions had not whis- pered among themselves, " Miss Lake ! what Miss Lake ? Good gracious ! Lake the drawing -master's MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 149 daughter ! '' she herself would still have reminded her- self of her humble paternity. Barbara sat as if she could not move from that corner, looking out upon everybody with scared eyes, which expressed nothing but defiance, and in her own mind making the reflec- tions of bitter poverty upon the airy pretty figures round her, in all the variations of that costume which Miss Marjoribanks had announced as the standard of dress for the evening. Barbara's muslin, six times washed, was not more difierent from the spotless light- ness of all the draperies round her, than was her air of fright, and at the same time of defiance, from the gay babble and pleasant looks of the group which, by a chance combination, she seemed to form part of. She began to say to herself that she had much better go away, and that there never could be anything in com- mon between those frivolous creatures and herself, a poor man's daughter ; and she began to get dreadfully exasperated with Lucilla, who had beguiled her into this scene, to make game of her, as poor Barbara said ; though, so far from making game of her, nobody took much notice, after the first unsuccessful attempt at conversation, of the unfortunate young woman. It was when she was in this unhappy humour that her eye fell upon Mr Cavendish, who was in the act of making the appeal to Lucilla which we have already recorded. Barbara had never as yet had a lover, but 150 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : she had read an unlimited number of novels, which came to nearly the same thing, and she saw at a glance that this was somebody who resembled the indispen- sable hero. She looked at him with a certain fierce interest, and remembered at that instant how often in books it is the humble heroine, behind backs, whom all the young ladies snub, who wins the hero at the last. And then Miss Marjoribanks, though she sent him away, smiled benignantly upon him. The colour flushed to Barbara's cheeks, and her eyes, which had grown dull and fixed between fright and spite, took sudden expression under her straight brows. An in- tention, which was not so much an intention as an instinct, suddenly sprang into life within her ; and, without knowing, she drew a long breath of eagerness and impotence. He was standing quite near by this time, doing his duty according to Miss Marjoribanks's orders, and flirting with all his might ; and Barbara looked at him as a hungry schoolboy might be sup- posed to look at a tempting apple just out of his reach. How was she to get at this suitor of Lucilla's ? It would have given her so pure a delight to tear down the golden apple, and tread on it, and trample it to nothing ; and then it came into her head that it might be good to eat as welL It was at this moment that Miss Marjoribanks, who was in six places at once, suddenly touched Barbara's MISS MARJORIBANKS. 151 shoulder. " Come with me a minute ; I want to show you something," she said loud out. Barbara, on her side, looked round with a crimson countenance, feeling that her secret thoughts must be written in her guilty eyes. But then these were eyes which could be utterly destitute of expression when they pleased, though their owner, at present just at the beginning of her expe- rience, was not quite aware of the fact. She stumbled to her feet with the awkward motion natural to that form of shyness which her temper and her tempera- ment united to produce in her. She did all but put her foot through Miss Brown's delicate skirt, and she had neither the natural disposition nor the acquired grace which can carry off one of those trifling offences against society. Nevertheless, as she stood beside Lucilla at the piano, the company in general owned a little thrill of curiosity. Who was she ? A girl with splendid black hair, with brows as level as if they had been made with a line, with intense eyes which looked a little oblique under that straight bar of shadow. Her dress was limp, but she was not such a figure as could be passed over even at an evening party ; and then her face was a little flushed, and her eyes lit up with excitement. She seemed to survey everybody with that defiant look which was chiefly awkwardness and temper, but which looked like pride when she was standing up at her full height, and in a 152 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : conspicuous position, where everybody could see her. Most people concluded she was an Italian whom Lu- cilla had picked up somewhere in her travels. As for Mr Cavendish, he stopped short altogether in the occu- pation which Miss Marjoribanks had allotted to him, and drew close to the piano. He thought he had seen the face somewhere under a shabby bonnet in some by-street of Carlingford, and he was even sufficiently learned in female apparel to observe the limpness of her dress. This preface of curiosity had all been foreseen by Miss Marjoribanks, and she paused a moment, under pretence of selecting her music, to take the full advan- tage of it ; for Lucilla, like most persons of elevated aims, was content to sacrifice herself to the success of her work ; and then all at once, before the Carlingford people knew what they were doing, the two voices rose, bursting upon the astonished community like a sudden revelation. For it must be remembered that nobody in Carlingford, except the members of Dr Marjori- banks's dinner-party, had ever heard Lucilla sing, much less her companion; and the account which these gentlemen had carried home to their wives had been generally pooh-poohed and put down. " Mr Centum never listens to a note if he can help it," said the banker's wife, " and how could he know whether she had a nice voice or not ? " which, indeed, was a MISS MAEJOEIBANKS. . 153 powerful argument. But this evening there could be no mistake about it. The words were arrested on the very lips of the talkers ; Mrs Woodburn paused in the midst of doing Lucilla, and, as we have before said, Mr Cavendish broke a flirtation clean off at its most interesting moment. It is impossible to record what tliey sang, for those events, as everybody is aware, happened a good many years ago, and the chances are that the present generation has altogether forgotten the duet which made so extraordinary an impression on the inhabitants of Grange Lane. The applause with which the performance was received reached the length of a perfect ovation. Barbara, for her part, who was not conscious of having ever been applauded be- fore, flushed into splendid crimson, and shone out from under her straight eyebrows, intoxicated into absolute beauty. As for Miss Marjoribanks, she took it more calmly. Lucilla had the advantage of knowing what she could do, and accordingly she was not surprised when people found it remarkable. She consented, on urgent persuasion, to repeat the last verse of the duet, but when that was over, was smilingly ob- durate, '' Almost everybody can sing," said Miss Mar- joribanks, with a magnificent depreciation of her own gift. " Perhaps Miss Brown will sing us something ; but as for me, you know, I am the mistress of the house." 154 CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : Lucilla went away as she spoke to attend to her j guests, but she left Barbara still crimson and splen- | did, triumphing over her limp dress and all her ; disadvantages, by the piano. Fortunately, for that j evening Barbara's pride and her shyness prevented ; her from yielding to the repeated demands addressed ' to her by the admiring audience. She said to Mr Cavendish, with a disloyalty which that gentleman thought piquant, that " Miss Marjoribanks would | not be pleased ; " and the future Member for Car- : lingford thought he could not do better than obey i the injunctions of the mistress of the feast by a little : flirtation with the gifted unknown. To be sure, Barbara was not gifted in talk, and she was still : defiant and contradictory ; but then her eyes were j blazing with excitement under her level eyebrows, and j she was as willing to be flirted with as if she had known , a great deal better. And then Mr Cavendish had a ^ weakness for a contralto. While this little by-play was going on, Lucilla was moving about, the centre of a perfect tumult of applause. 'No more complete sue- , cess could be imagined than that of this first Thursday \ Evening, which was remarkable in the records of Car- lingford ; and yet perhaps Miss Marjoribanks, like other conquerors, was destined to build her victory upon sacrifice. She did not feel any alarm at the pre- \ sent moment ; but even if she had, that would have MISS MARJORIBANKS. 155 made no difference to Lncilla's proceedings. She was not the woman to shrink from a sacrifice when it was for the promotion of the great object of her life ; and that, as everybody knew who knew Miss Marjoribanks, was to be a comfort to her dear papa. CHAPTER XL "You have never told us who your unknown was,'* said Mr Cavendish. " I suppose she is professional. Carlingford could not possibly possess two such voices . in private life." " Oh, I don't know about two such voices," said Miss Marjoribanks ; " her voice suits mine, you know. It is always a great thing to find two voices that suit..' I never would choose to have professional singers, for my part. You have to give yourself up to music when you do such a thing, and that is not my idea of society. I am very fond of music," said Lucilla — " excessively fond of it ; but then everybody is not of my opinion — and one has to take so many things into consideration. For people who give one party in the year it does very well — but then I hate parties : the only pleasure in society is when one's friends come to see one without any ado." " In white frocks, high,'' said Mrs Woodburn, who MISS MARJORIBAJSTKS. 157 could not help assuming Lucilla's manner for tlie mo- ment, even while addressing herself ; but as the pos- sibility of such a Usc-majcste did not even occur to ]\Iiss ]\Iarjoribanks, she accepted the observation in good faith. " Yes ; I hate a grand toilette when it is only a meeting of friends/' she said — "for the girls, you know ; of course you married ladies can always do what you like. You have your husbands to please/' said I-ucilla. And this was a little hard upon her satirist, for, to tell the truth, that was a particular of domestic duty to which Mrs Woodburn did not much devote herself, according to the opinion of Grange Lane. " But about the contralto," said Mr Cavendish, who had come to call on Miss Marjoribanks under his sister's wing, and desired above all things to keep the peace between the two ladies, as indeed is a man's duty under such circumstances. "You are always statesmanlike in your views ; but I cannot under- stand why you let poor little Molly Brown carry on her chirping when you had such an astonishing force in reserve. She must have been covered with confusion, the poor little soul." " Nothing of the sort," said Mrs Woodburn, pursu- ing her favourite occupation as usual. " She only said, ' Goodness me I how high Lucilla goes ! Do you 158 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : ' like that dreadfully high music ? ' and made little eye- brows/^ To be sure, the mimic made IVIiss Brown's eyebrows, and spoke in her voice, so that even Lucilla found it a little difficult to keep her gravity. But then . Miss Marjoribanks was defended by her mission, and she felt in her heart that, representing public interest; as she did, it was her duty to avoid all complicity in any attack upon an individual ; and consequently, to a certain extent, it was her duty also to put Mrs Wood- i burn down. " Molly Brown has a very nice little voice," said Lu- cilla, with most disheartening gravity. " I like to hear her sing, for my part — the only thing is that she wants- cultivation a little. It doesn't matter much, you know, i whether or not you have a voice to begin with. It is i cultivation that is the thing," said Miss Marjoribanks,' deliberately. " I hope you really thought it was a pleasant evening. Of course everybody said so to me ; , but then one can never put any faith in that. I havej said it myself ever so many times when I am sure I i did not mean it. For myself, I don't give any import- ; ance to the first evening. Anybody can do a thing; once, you know ; the second and the third, and so on : — that is the real test. But I hope you thought it ' pleasant so far as it went." i " It was a great deal more than pleasant," said Mr j Cavendish ; " and as for your conception of social ■ MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 159 politics, it is masterly," the future M.P. added, in a tone which struck Lucilla as very significant ; not that she cared particularly about INIr Cavendish's meaning, but still, when a young man who intends to go into Parliament congratulates a young lady upon her states- manlike views, and her conception of politics, it must be confessed that it looks a little particular ; and then, if that was what he meant, it was no doubt Lucilla's duty to make up her mind. " Oh, you know, I went through a course of politi- cal economy at Mount Pleasant," she said, with a laugh. " One of the Miss Biounts was dreadfully strong-minded. I wonder, for my part, that she did not make me literary ; but fortunately I escaped that." " Heaven be praised 1 " said Mr Cavendish. " I think you ought to be Prime-minister. That con- tralto of yours is charming raw material ; but if I were you I would put her through an elementary course. She knows how to sing, but she does not know how to move ; and as for talking, she seems to expect to be insulted. If you make a pretty-behaved young lady out of that, you will beat Adam Smith."' " Oh, I don't know much about Adam Smith," said Miss Marjoribanks. "I think Miss Martha thought him rather old-fashioned. As for poor Barbara, she is only a little shy, but that will soon wear off. I 160 CHEONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : j don't see what need site has to talk — or to move | either, for that matter. I thought she did very well indeed for a girl who never goes into society. ] Was it not clever of me to find her out the very first ; day I was in Carlingford ? It has always been so | difiicult to find a voice that went perfectly with | mine." " For my part, I think it was a great deal more \ than clever/' said Mr Cavendish ; for Mrs Woodburn, i finding herself unappreciated, was silent and making notes. " It was a stroke of genius. So her name is \ Barbara ? I wonder if it would be indiscreet to ask , where Mademoiselle Barbara comes from, or if she be- " longs to anybody, or lives anywhere. My own im-j pression is that you mean to keep her shut up in a i box aU the week through, and produce her only oni the Thursday evenings. I have a weakness for a fine] contralto. If she had been existing in an ordinary' habitation like other people in Carlingford, I should; have heard her, or heard of her. It is clear to mej that you keep her shut up in a box." I " Exactly," said Lucilla. " I don't mean to tell youi anything about her. You may be sure, now I havej found her out, I mean to keep her for myself Heri box is quite a pretty one, like what Gulliver had some-j where. It is just time for lunch, and you are both' going to stay, I hope ; and there is poor Mary Chiley! MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 161 and her husband coming through the garden. What a pity it is he is such a goose !" " Yes ; but you know she never would take her uncle's advice, my dear/' said the incorrigible mimic, putting .on Mrs Chiley's face ; '' and being an orphan, what could anybody do ? And then she does not get on with his family. By the way," Mrs Woodburn said, falling into her natural tone, if indeed she could be said to have a natural tone — " I wonder if anybody ever does get on with her husband's family?" The question was one which was a little grave to herself at the moment ; and this was the reason why she re- turned to her identity — for there was no telling how long the Woodburns, who had come for Christmas, meant to stay. " I shall be quite interested to watch you, Lucilla, when it comes to be your turn, and see how you manage^ she went on, with a keen look at Miss Marjoribanks ; and Mr Cavendish laughed. He too looked at her, and Lucilla felt herself in rather a delicate position : not that she was agitated, as might have been the case had the future M.P. for Carling- ford "enojao;ed her affections," as she herself would have said. Fortunately these young affections were quite free as yet ; but nevertheless Miss Marjoribanks felt that the question was a serious one, as coming from the sister of a gentleman who was undeniably paying her attention. She did not in the least wish VOL. I. L 162 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : to alarm a leading member of a family into which it | was possible she might enter ; and then at the same time she intended to reserve fully all her individual j rights. ; "■ I always make it a point never to shock any- 1 body's prejudices/' said Miss Marjoribanks. "I I should do just the same with them as with other : people ; all you have to do is to show from the first : that you mean to be good friends with everybody. | But then I am so lucky : I can always get on with j people," said Lucilla,, rising to greet the two unfor- | tunates who had come to Colonel Chiley's to spend a i merry Christmas, and who did not know what to do with themselves. And then they all went down- : stairs and lunched together very pleasantly. As i for Mr Cavendish, he was "quite devoted," as poor ! Mary Chiley said, with a touch of envy. To be sure, \ her trousseau was still in its full glory; but yet \ life under the conditions of marriage was not nearly such fun as it had been when she was a young lady, \ and had some one paying attention to her : and she ratlier grudged Lucilla that climax of existence, not- ; withstanding her own superior standing and dignity as a married lady. And Mrs Woodburn too awoke \ from her study of the stupid young husband to remark i upon her brother's behaviour : she had not seen the ! two together so often as Mrs Chiley had done, and ; MISS MARJORIBANKS. 163 consequently this was the first time that the thought had occurred to her. She too had been born " one of the Cavendishes/' as it was common to say in Carling- ford, with a certain imposing yet vague grandeur — and she was a little shocked, like any good sister, at the first idea. She watched Lucilla's movements and looks with a quite diff'erent kind of attention after this idea struck her, and made a rapid private calcula- tion as to who Dr Marjoribanks's connections were, and what he would be likely to give his daughter ; so that it is evident that Lucilla did not deceive herself, but that Mr Cavendish's attentions must have been marked indeed. This was the little cloud which arose, as we have said, no bio^orer than a man's hand, over Miss Mar- joribanks's prosperous way. When the luncheon was over and they had all gone, Lucilla took a few minutes to think it over before she went out. It was not that she was unduly flattered by Mr Cavendish's attentions, as might have happened to an inexpe- rienced young woman ; for Lucilla, with her attrac- tions and genius, had not reached the mature age of nineteen without receivino- the natural homao;e of mankind on several clearly-defined occasions. But then the present case had various features peculiar to itself, which prevented Lucilla from crushing it in the bud, as she had meant to do with her cousin's ill-fated ] 64 CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : passion. She had to consider, in the first place, her mission in Carlingford, which was more important than anything else ; but though Miss Marjoribanks had vowed herself to the reorganisation of society in her native town, she had not by any means vowed that it was absolutely as Miss Marjoribanks that she was to accomplish that renovation. And then there was something in the very idea of being M.P. for Car- lingford which moved the mind of Lucilla. It was a perfectly ideal position for a woman of her views, and seemed to offer the very field that was necessary for her ambition. This was the reason, of all others, which made her less careful to prevent Mr Cavendish from " saying the words " than she had been with Tom. To be sure, it would be a trial to leave the drawing-room after it had just been furnished so en- tirely to her liking — not to say to her complexion ; but still it was a sacrifice which might be made. It was in this way that Miss Marjoribanks prepared her- self for the possible modifications which circumstances might impose. She did not make any rash resolution to resist a change which, on the whole, might possibly be " for the best," but prepared herself to take every- thing into consideration, and possibly to draw from it a superior good : in short, she looked upon the matter as a superior mind, trained in sound principles of poli- tical economy, might be expected to look upon the MISS MARJOKIBANKS. 165 possible vicissitudes of fortune, with an enlightened regard to the uses of all things, and to the compara- tive values on either side. Barbara Lake, as it happened, was out walking at the very moment when Miss Marjoribanks sat down to consider this question. She had gone to the School of Design to meet Kose, with an amiability very unusual in her. Eose had made such progress, after leaving Mount Pleasant, under her father's care, and by the help of that fine feeling for art which has been men- tioned in the earlier part of this history, that the charge of tlie female pupils in the School of Design had been confided to her, with a tiny little salary, which served Mr Lake as an excuse for keeping his favourite little daughter with him. Nothing could be supposed more unlike Barbara than her younger sister, who just came up to her shoulder, and was twice as serviceable and active and " nice," according to the testimony of all the children. Barbara had led her father a hard life, poor man ! the time that Eose was at Mount Pleasant ; but now that his assistant had come back again, the poor drawing-master had re- covered all his old spirits. She was just coming out of the School of Design, with her portfolio under her arm, when Barbara met her. There were not many pupils, it is true, but still there were enough to worry poor Eose, who was not an imposing personage, and 166 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : who was daily wounded by the discovery that after all there are but a limited number of persons in this world, especially in the poorer classes of the com- munity, and under the age of sixteen, who have a feel- ing for art. It was utterly inconceivable to the young teacher how her girls could be so clever as to find out each a different way of putting the sublime features of the Belveder Apollo out of drawing, and she was still revolving this difiicult problem when her sister joined her. Barbara, for her part, was occupied with thoughts of a hero much more interesting than he of Olympus. She was flushed and eager, and looking very handsome under her shabby bonnet ; and her anxiety to have a confidant was so great that she made a dart at Eose, and grasped her by the arm under which she was carrying her portfolio, to the great discomposure of the young artist. She asked, with a little anxiety, " What is the matter ? is there anything wrong at home?" and made a rapid movement to get to the other side. " Oh, Eose," said Barbara, panting with haste and agitation, " only fancy ; I have just seen him. I met him right in front of Masters's, and he took off his hat to me. I feel in such a way — I can scarcely speak." " Met — who ? " said Eose — for she was imperfect in her grammar, like most people in a moment of emer- MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 167 gency ; and, besides, she shared to some extent Miss Marjoribanks's reluctance to shock the prejudices of society, and was disturbed by the idea that somebody might pass and see Barbara in her present state of excitement, and perhaps attribute it to its true cause. " Oh you stupid little thing ! " said Barbara, giving her " a shake " by her disengaged arm. " I tell you, him ! — the gentleman I met at Lucilla Marjoribanks's. He looked as if he was quite delighted to see me again ; and I am sure he turned round to see where I was going. He couldn't speak to me, you know, the first time ; though indeed I shouldn't be the least sur- prised if he had followed — at a distance, you know, only to see where I live," said Barbara, turning round and searching into the distance with her eager eyes. But there was nobody to be seen in the street, except some of Eose's pupils lingering along in the sunshine, and very probably exchanging similar confidences. Barbara turned back again with a touch of disappoint- ment. "I am quite sure be will find out before long ; and don't forget I said so," she added, with a little nod of her head. " I don't see what it matters if he found out direct- ly," said Rose. " Papa would not let anybody come to our house that he did not approve of ; and then, you know, he will never have anything to say to people who are patronising. I don't want to hear any more 168 CHKONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : about your fine gentleman. If you were worried as I am, you would think much more of getting home than of anybody bowing to you in the street. One of the gentlemen from Marlborough House once took off his hat to me/' said Eose, with a certain solemnity. " Of course I was pleased; but then I knew it was my design he was thinking of — my Honiton flounce, you know. I suppose this other one must have thought you had a pretty voice." This time, however, it was an angry shake that Barbara gave to her sister. " I wish you would not be such a goose," she said ; " who cares about your Honiton flounce ? He took off his hat because — because he admired me, I suppose — and then it was a great deal more than just taking off" his hat. He gave me such a look ! Papa has no sense, though I suppose you will blaze up when I say so. He ought to think of us a little. As for patronising, I should soon change that, I can tell you. But then papa thinks of nothing but paying his bills and keeping out of debt, as he says — as if everybody was not in debt; and how do you suppose we are ever to get settled in life? It would be far more sensible to spend a little more, and go into society a little, and do us justice. Only think all that that old Doctor is doing for Lucilla ; and there are four of us when the little ones grow up," said Barbara, in a tone of injury. MISS MAIiJOKIBANKS. 169 "I should like to know what papa is thinking of? If mamma had not died when she did " "It was not poor mamma's fault/' said Eose. "I daresay she would have lived if she could for all our sakes. But then you have always taken a false view of our position, Barbara. We are a family of artists" said the little mistress of the School of Design. She had pretty eyes, very dewy and clear, and they woke up under the excitement of this proud claim. " When papa is appreciated as he deserves, and when Willie has made a name," said Eose, with modest confidence, " things will be different. But the true strength of our position is that we are a family of artists. We are everybody's equal, and we are nobody's equal. We have a rank of our own. If you would only remember this, you would not grudge anything to Lucilla Mar- joribanks ; and then I am sure she has been very kind to you." " Oh, bother ! " said the unfeeling Barbara. " You do nothing but encourage papa with your nonsense. And I should like to know what right Lucilla Marjori- banks has to be kind to me ? If I am not as good as she, it is a very strange thing. I should never take the trouble to think about him if it was not that Lucilla believes he is paying her attention — that is the great fun. It would be delicious to take him from her, and make crame of her and her kindness. Good- 170 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : ness ! there he is again. I felt sure that he would try to find out the house." And Barbara crimsoned higher than ever, and held Eose fast by the arm, and called her attention by the most visible and indeed tangible signs to the elegant apparition, like any other underbred young woman. As for Rose, she was a little gentlewoman born, and had a horror unspeakable of her sister's bad manners. When Mr Cavendish made a movement as if to ad- dress Barbara, it was the pretty grey eyes of Rose lifted to his face with a look of straightforward sur- prise and inquiry which made him retire so hastily. He took off his hat again more respectfully than before, and pursued his walk along Grove Street, as if he had no ulterior intention in visiting that humble part of the town. As for Barbara, she held Rose faster than ever, and almost pinched her arm to make her listen. "I knew he was trying to find out the house," she said, in an exultant whisper. "And Lucilla thinks he is paying her attention ! " For the fact was, that when Miss Marjoribanks took to being kind to Bar- bara, she conferred upon the contralto at the same moment a palpable injury and grievance, which was what the drawing-master's daughter had been looking for, for several years of her life. And naturally Lucilla, who was at this moment thinking it all over under the soft green shadows from her new hangings, MISS MARJOEIBANKS. 171 was deprived of the light which might have been thrown on her reflections, had she seen what was going on in Grove Street. The conditions of humanity- are such that even a woman of genius cannot alto- gether overstep them. And Lucilla still continued to think that ]\Ir Cavendish was paying her attention, which, indeed, was also the general opinion in Grange Lane. CHAPTER XII. The second of her Thursday evenings found Miss ' Marjoribanks, though secure, perhaps more anxious ; than on the former occasion. The charm of the first i novelty was gone, and Lucilla did not feel quite sure ' that her subjects had the good sense to recognise all ' the benefits which she was going to confer upon them. ; " It is the second time that counts," she said in confi- i dence to ]\Irs Chiley. "Last Thursday they wanted; to see the drawing-room, and they wanted to know| what sort of thing it was to be. Dear Mrs Chiley, it; is to-night that is the test," said Lucilla, giving a^ nervous pressure to her old friend's hand ; at least \ a pressure that would have betokened the existence of nerves in any one else but Miss Marjoribanks, whose magnificent organisation was beyond any suspi- cion of such weakness. But, nevertheless, Mrs Chiley, | who watched her with grandmotherly interest, was com- forted to perceive that Lucilla, as on the former occa-* MISS MA.EJORIBANKS. 173 sion, had strength of mind to eat her dinner. " She wants a little support, poor dear/' the old lady said in her heart ; for she was a kinder critic than the younger matrons, who felt instinctively that Miss Marjoribanks was doing what they ought to have done. She took her favourite's arm in hers as they went up-stairs, and gave Mr Cavendish a kindly nod as he opened the door for them. "He will come and give you his assistance as soon as ever he can get away from the gentlemen," said Mrs Chiley, in her consolatory tone ; "but, good gracious, Lucilla, what is the matter?" The cause of this exclamation was a universal hum and rustle as of many dresses and many voices ; and, to tell the truth, when Miss Marjoribanks and her companion reached the top of the stairs, they found themselves lost in a laughing crowd, which had taken refuge on the landing. " There is no room, Lucilla. Lucilla, everybody in Carlingford is here. Do make a little room for us in the drawing-room," cried this over- plus of society. If there was an enviable woman in Carlingford at that moment, it certainly was Miss Mar- joribanks, standing on the top of her own stairs, scarcely able to penetrate through the throng of her guests. Her self-possession did not forsake her at this supreme moment. She grasped Mrs Chiley once again with a little significant gesture which pleased the old lady, for she could not but feel that she was Lucilla's only 174 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : confidante in her brilliant but perilous undertaking. \ " They will not be able to get in when they come up- stairs," said Miss Marjoribanks ; and whether the j faint inflection in her voice meant exultation or dis- j appointment, her old friend could not tell. But the scene changed when the rightful sovereign entered the gay but disorganised dominion where her ! subjects attended her. Before any one knew how it was done, Miss Marjoribanks had re-established order, and, what was still more imjoortant, made room. She j said, " You girls have no business to get into corners. The corners are for the people that can talk. It is i one of my principles always to flirt in the middle of the company," said Lucilla ; and again, as happened : so often, ignorant people laughed and thought it a I ton mot. But it is needless to inform the more : intelligent persons who understand Miss Marjoribanks, I that it was by no means a hon mot, but expressed Lucilla's convictions with the utmost sincerity. j Thus it happened that the second Thursday was more brilliant and infinitely more gratifying than the ; first had been. For one thing, she felt sure that it ; was not to see the new furniture, nor to criticise this , new sort of entertainment, but with the sincerest | intention of enjoying themselves, that all the people : i had come ; and there are moments when the egotism i of the public conveys the highest compliment that can ' MISS MAKJOlilBANKS. 175 be paid to the great minds which take in hand to rule and to amuse it. The only drawback was, that Bar- bara Lake did not show the same modesty and reti- cence as on the former occasion. Far from being sensibly silent, which she had been so prudent as to be on Miss Marjoribanks's first Thursday, she forgot her- self so far as to occupy a great deal of Mr Cavendish's valuable time, which he might have employed much more usefully. She not only sang by herself when he asked her, having brought some music with her unseen by Lucilla, but she kept her seat upon the stool before the piano ever so long afterwards, detaining him, and, as Miss Marjoribanks had very little doubt, making an exhibition of herself : for Barbara, having received one good gift from nature, had been refused the other, and could not talk. When Lucilla, arrested in the midst of her many occupations, heard her protegee's voice rising alone, she stopped quite short with an anxiety which it was touching to behold. It was not the jealousy of a rival cantatrice which inspired Miss Marjoribanks's countenance, but the far broader and grander anxiety of an accomplished statesman, who sees a rash and untrained hand meddling with his most delicate machinery. Lucilla ignored everything for the moment — her own voice, and Mr Cavendish's attentions, and every merely secondary and personal emotion. All these details were swallowed up in the 176 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : fear that Barbara would not acquit herself as it was necessary for the credit of the house that she should acquit herself ; that she should not sing well enough, or that she should sing too much. Once more Miss Marjoribanks put her finger upon the pulse of the community as she and they listened together. Fortu- nately, things went so far well that Barbara sang her very best, and kept up her prestige : but it was diffe- rent in the second particular ; for, unluckily, the con- tralto knew a great many songs, and showed no incli- nation to stop. Nothing remained for it but a bold coup, which Lucilla executed with all her natural coolness and success. " My dear Barbara," she said, putting her hands on the singer's shoulders as she finished her strain, "that is enough for to-night. Mr Cavendish will take you down-stairs and get you a cup of tea ; for you know there is no room to-night to serve it up-stairs." Thus Miss Marjoribanks proved herself capable of preferring^ her great work to her personal sentiments, which is generally considered next to impossible for a woman. She did what perhaps nobody else in the room was capable of doing : she sent away the gentleman who was paying attention to her, in company with the girl who was paying attention to him ; and at that moment, as was usual when she was excited, Barbara was splen- did, with her crimson cheeks, and the eyes blazing out MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 177 from under her level eyebrows. This Miss Marjori- banks did, not in ignorance, but with a perfect sense of what she was about. It was the only way of pre- venting her Evening from losing its distinctive charac- ter. It was the Lamp of sacrifice which Liicilla had now to employ, and she proved herself capable of the exertion. But it would be hopeless to attempt to describe the indignation of old Mrs Chiley, or the un- mitigated amazement of the company in general, which was conscious at the same time that Mr Cavendish was paying attention to Miss Marjoribanks, and that he had been flirting in an inexcusable manner with Miss Lake. " My dear, I would have nothing to do with that bold girl," Mrs Chiley said in Lucilla's ear. " I will go down and look after them if you like. A girl like that always leads the gentlemen astray, you know. I never liked the looks of her. Let me go down-stairs and look after them, my dear. I am sure I want a cup of tea." " You shall have a cup of tea, dear Mrs Chiley," said jNIiss Marjoribanks — " some of them will bring you one ; but I can't let you take any trouble about Barbara. She had to be stopped, you know, or she would have turned us into a musical party ; and as for Mr Cavendish, he is the best assistant I have. There are so few men in Carlingford who can flirt," said Lucilla, regretfully. Her eyes fell as she spoke upon VOL. I. M 178 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : j young Osmond Brown, who was actually at that mo- ment talking to Mr Bury's curate, with a disregard of his social duties painful to contemplate. Poor ■ Osmond started when he met Miss Marjoribanks's '\ reproachful eye. " But then I don't know how/' said the disconcerted ' youth, — and he blushed, poor boy, being only eighteen, j and not much more than a schoolboy. As for Lucilla, | who had no intention of putting up with that sort of | thing, she sent off the curate summarily for Mrs Chiley's cup of tea. " I did not mean you, my dear Osy," she said, in i her motherly tone. " When you are a little older we - shall see what you can do ; but you are not at all dis- i agreeable for a boy," she added encouragingly, and took • Osmond's arm as she made her progress down the i room with an indulgence worthy of her maturer years : ^ and even Mrs Centum and ]\Irs Woodburn and the i Miss Browns, who were, in a manner, Lucilla's natural, i rivals, could not but be impressed with this evidence of her powers. They were like the Tuscan chivalry in | the ballad, who could scarce forbear a cheer at the \ sight of their opponent's prowess. Perhaps nothing ^ that she could have done would have so clearly demon- ; strated the superiority of her genius to her female ; audience as that bold step of stopping the music, which | began to be too much, by sending off the singer down- i i MISS MAEJOKIBANKS. 179 stairs under charge of 'Mr Cavendish. To be sure the men did not even find out what it was that awoke the ladies' attention ; but then, in delicate matters of social politics, one never expects to be understood by them. Barbara Lake, as was to be expected, took a very long time over her cup of tea ; and even when she returned up-stairs she made another pause on the landing, which was still kept possession of by a lively stream of young people coming and going. Barbara had very little ex- perience, and she was weak enough to believe that Mr Cavendish lingered there to have a little more of her society all to himself ; but to tell the truth, his senti- ments were of a very different description. For by this time it must be owned that Barbara's admirer began to feel a little ashamed of himself. He could not but be conscious of Lucilla's magnanimity ; and, at the same time, he was very well aware that his re- turn with his present companion would be watched and noted and made the subject of comment a great deal more amusinof than af]jreeable. When he did take Barbara in at last, it was with a discomfited air which tickled the spectators beyond measure. And as his ^vil luck would have it, notwithstanding the long pause he had made on the landing, to watch his opportunity of entering unobserved, jNIiss Marjoribanks was the first to encounter the returning couple. They met ISO CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : full in the face, a few paces from tlie door — exactly, as ]\Irs Chiley said, as if it had been Mr and Mrs Caven- dish on their wedding visit, and the lady of the house had gone to meet them. As for the unfortunate gen-» tleman, he could not have looked more utterly discon- certed and guilty if he had been convicted of putting the spoons in his pocket, or of having designs upon the silver tea-service. He found a seat for his companion with all the haste possible ; and instead of lingering by her side, as she had anticipated, made off on the instant, and hid himself like a criminal in the dark depths of a group of men who were talking together near the door. These were men who were hopeless, and good for nothing but to talk to each other, and whom Miss Marjoribanks tolerated in her drawing- room partly because their wives, with an excusable weakness, insisted on bringing them, and partly be- cause they made a foil to the brighter part of the com- pany, and served as a butt when anybody wanted to be witty. As for Lucilla, she made no effort to recall the truant from the ranks of the Incurables. It was th"^ only vengeance she took upon his desertion. When he came to take leave of her, she was standing with her hand in that of Mrs Chiley, who was also going away. " I confess I was a little nervous this evening," Miss Marjoribanks w^as saying. " You know it is al- ways the second that is the test. But I think, MISS M.VRJOlilBANKS. 181 whole, it has gone off very well. Mr Cavendish, you promised to tell me the truth ; for you know I have great confidence in your judgment. Tell me sin- cerely, do you think it has been a pleasant evening ? "' Lucilla said, with a beautiful earnestness, looking him in the face. The guilty individual to whom this question was addressed felt disposed to sink into the earth, if the earth, in the shape of Mr Holden's beautiful new carpet, would but have opened to receive him ; but, after all, that was perhaps not a thing to be desired under the circumstances. Mr Cavendish, however, was a man of resources, and not disposed to give up the contest without striking a blow in his own defence. ''Not so pleasant as last Thursday," he said. "I am not fit to be a lady's adviser, for I am too sincere ; but I incline to think it is the third that is the test," said the future ^I.P. ; and Lucilla made him, as Mrs Chiley remarked, the most beautiful curtsy ; but then nothing could be more delightful than the manner in which that dear girl behaved through the whole affair. " If everybody would only help me as you do ! " said Miss Marjoribanks. "Good -night; I am so sorry you have not enjoyed yourself. But then it is such a consolation to meet with people that are sincere. And I think, on the whole, it has gone off very well v-^ t^e second," said Lucilla, "though I say it that 182 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : should not say it." The fact was, it had gone off so well that the house could hardly be cleared of the amiable and satisfied guests. A series of the most enthusiastic compliments were paid to Lucilla as she stood in state in the middle of the room, and bade everybody good-bye. " Next Thursday," she said, with the benevolent grace of an acknowledged sovereign. And when they were all gone, Miss Marjoribanks's reflections, as she stood alone in the centre of her domains, were of a nature very different from the usual reflections which the giver of a feast is supposed to make when all is over. But then, as everybody is aware, it was not a selfish desire for personal pleasure, nor any scheme of worldly ambition, which moved the mind of Lucilla. With such motives it is only natural that the conclusion, " All is vanity," should occur to the weary entertainer in the midst of his withered flowers and extinguished lights. Such ideas had no- thing in common with the enlightened conceptions of Miss Marjoribanks. Perhaps it would be false to say that she had suffered in the course of this second Thursday, or that a superior intelligence like Lucilla's could permit itself to feel any jealousy of Barbara Lake ; but it would be vain to deny that she had been surprised. And any one who knows Miss Mar- joribanks will acknowledge that a great deal was im- plied in that confession. But then she had triumphed MISS MARJOEIBANKS. 183 over the weakness, and triumphantly proved that her estimate of the importance of her work went far be- yond the influence of mere personal feeling. In these circumstances Lucilla could contemplate her withered flowers with perfect calmness, without any thought that all was vanity. But then the fact was. Miss Marjoribanks was accomplishing a great public duty, and at the same time had the unspeakable consolation of knowing that she had proved herself a comfort to her dear papa. The Doctor, it is true, after looking on for a little with a half-amused consciousness that his own assistance was totally unnecessary, had gradu- ally veered into a corner, and from thence had finally managed to escape down-stairs to his beloved library. But then the sense of security and tranquillity with which he established himself at the fire, undisturbed by the gay storm that raged outside, gave a certain charm to his retirement. He rubbed his hands and listened, as a man listens to the wind howling out-of- doors, when he is in shelter and comfort. So that, after all, Lucilla's sensation of having accomplished her filial duties in the most eff'ective manner was to a cer- tain extent justified, while at the same time it is quite certain that nobody missed Dr Maijoribanks from the pleasant assembly up-stairs. CHAPTEE XIII. It was thus that the reign of Miss Marjoribanks be- came gradually established and confirmed in Carling- ford. It would be unnecessary to enter into detail, or to redouble instances of that singular genius which made itself so fully felt to the farthest limits of society, and which even indeed extended those limits mir- aculously beyond the magic circle of Grange Lane. Lucilla's powers beguiled not only the Powells and Sir John Eichmond's family, who were, as everybody knows, fully entitled to be called county people, and came only on the Thursdays when there was moonlight to light them home, which was not so much to be wondered at, since county society in those parts was unusually heavy at that period ; but even, what was more extraordinary, Miss Marjoribanks made a lodg- ment in the enemy's country on the other side, and made a capture, of all people in the world, of John Brown, who lived in his father's bio; old house at the IkllSS MARJORIBANKS. J 85 toiuii end of George Street, and had always laughed in his cynical way at the pretensions of Grange Lane. But then Lucilla had, as all the ladies admitted, an influence over " the gentlemen," of which, as was natu- ral, they were slightly contemptuous, even if perhaps envious, to some extent, of the gift. For every- body knows that it requires very little to satisfy the gentlemen, if a woman will only give her mind to it. As for Miss Maijoribanks herself, she confessed frankly that she did her best to please Them. '' For you know, after all, in Carlingford, one is obliged to take them into consideration,'' she said, with a natural apology. " So many of you poor dear people have to go where they like, and see the people they want you to see," Miss Marjoribanks added, fluttering her maiden plumes with a certain disdainful pity in the very eyes of Mrs Centum and Mrs Woodburn, who were well aware, both of them, at the bottom of their hearts, that but for Dr Marjoribanks's dinners, their selfish mates would find infinite objections to the Thursday even- ing, which was now an institution in Carlingford. And Lucilla knew it just as well as they did, which gave a certain sense of condescension and superiority to her frankness. '' I never pretend I don't try to please them," Miss Marjoribanks said ; and the ma- trons found themselves worsted as usual ; for, to be sure, it was not for Thera, but for the good of the 186 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : community in general, that Lucilla exerted herself so successfully. ISTothing, indeed, could have proved more com- pletely the disinterested character of Miss Marjori- i banks's proceedings than her behaviour in respect to j Mr Cavendish. After the bold and decisive action i taken by Lucilla on the first occasion when the flir- tation between him and Barbara Lake became appar- , ent, the misguided young man returned to a better ' frame of mind ; perhaps out of admiration for her magnanimity, perhaps attracted by her indifiTerence, \ as is the known and ascertained weakness of the ; gentlemen. And perhaps also Mr Cavendish was j ashamed of himself, as, in Mrs Chiley's opinion at \ least, he had so much reason to be. Anyhow, what- ' ever the cause, he behaved himself with the profoundest ' decorum for several weeks in succession, and treated j the contralto with such overwhelming politeness as reduced poor Barbara out of her momentary exulta- tion into the depths of humiliation and despair. Mr Cavendish was Lu cilia's right hand for that short but virtuous period, and fully justified Miss Marjoribanks's opinion, which was founded at once upon reflection and experience, that to have a man who can flirt is next thing to indispensable to a leader of society ; that is to say, if he is under eflScient discipline, and capable of carrying out a grand conception. Everything went MISS MARJOKIBANKS. 187 on delightfully so long as this interval lasted, and Lu- cilla herself did not disdain to recompense her faithful assistant by bestowing upon him various little privi- leges, such as naturally appertain to a subject whose place is on the steps of the throne. She took him into her confidence, and made him to a certain extent a party to her large and philanthropic projects, and even now and then accepted a suggestion from him with that true candour and modesty which so often accom- pany administrative genius. While this continued, kind old Mrs Chiley kept caressing them both in her old-womanly way. She even went so far as to call Mr Cavendish " my dear," as if he had been a grand- son of her own, and took her afternoon drive in her little brougham past his house with a genial sense of prospective property through Lucilla, which was won- derfully pleasant. To be sure there was not very much known in Carlingford about his connections ; but then everybody was aware that he was one of the Caven- dishes, and the people who are not content with that must be hard indeed to please. As for Mrs Wood- bum, she, it was true, continued to '' take off" Miss Marjoribanks; but then, as Mrs Chiley justly remarked, she was a woman who would take off the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Virgin Mary, if she had the oppor- tunity ; and there was no fear but Lucilla, if once married, would soon bring her to her senses ; and then 188 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : i Mr Chiltern grew more and more feeble, and was ' scarcely once in a fortnight in his place in Parliament, | which was a sacrifice of the interests of the borough j dreadful to contemplate. And thus it was in the in- \ terests of Lucilla, notwithstanding that ladies are not \ eligible for election under such circumstances, that Mrs Chiley carried on a quiet little canvass for the \ future M.P. j All this lasted, alas ! only too short a time. After ■ a while the level eyebrows and flashing eyes and: magnificent voice of Barbara Lake began to reassert; their ancient power. Whatever may be the predis-j position of the Cavendishes in general, this particular i member of the race was unable to resist these influ- ences. Barbara had managed to persuade Eose to persuade her father that it was necessary for her to \ have a new dress ; and Mr Lake was more persuad- ' able than usual, being naturally pleased to be com-' plimented, when he went to give his lessons, on his] daughter's beautiful voice. " Her talent has taken ! i another development from ours," he said, with his| little air of dignity, " but still she has the artist tern- 1 perament. All my children have been brought up to' love the beautiful ; " and this argument had, of course, j all the more effect upon him when repeated by his, favourite daughter. "And then Barbara has such a! noble head," said Rose; "when nobody is looking at I MISS MARJOEIBANKS. 189 her she always makes a fine composition. To be sure, when she is observed she gets awkward, and puts her- self out of drawing ; but that is not to be wondered at. I don't want her to be fine, or to imitate the Grange Lane people ; but then, you know, papa, you always say that we have a rank of our own, being a family of artists/' said Rose, holding up her little head with a pretty arrogance which delighted the father both in a paternal and a professional point of view. " If one could only have made a study of her at that mo- ment," he said to himself, regretfully ; and he con- sented to Barbara's dress. As for the contralto, whose sentiments were very different from those of her father and sister, she watched over the making of the robe thus procured with a certain jealous care which nobody unacquainted with the habits of a family of artists could under- stand. Barbara's talent was not sufficiently devel- oped to permit of her making it herself; but she knew already by sad exjDerience that Rose's views of what was picturesque in costume were peculiar, and not always successful. And then it was only a new dress to Rose, whereas to Barbara it was a supreme effort of passion and ambition and jealousy and wounded amour propre. Mr Cavendish had paid a great deal of attention to her, and she had naturally entertained dreams of the wildest and most magni- 190 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : \ 8 ficent character — of riding in her carriage, as she would : herself have said, and dressing as nobody else dressed in Carlingford, and becoming the great lady of the '' town, and eclipsing utterly Lucilla Marjoribanks, who ^ had been so impertinent as to patronise her. Such '. had been Barbara's delicious dreams for a whole fort- \ night ; and then Mr Cavendish, who had taken her up, ; put her down again, and went away from her side, and ; I delivered himself over, heart and soul, to the service of I i Lucilla. Barbara had no intellect to speak of, but she ; had what she called a heart — that is to say, a vital cen- tre of inclinations and passions, all of which were set in motion by that intense force of self-regard which belongs to some of the lower organisations. Thus she j arrayed herself, not in simple muslin, but in all the ; power of fascination which a strong will and fixed ; purpose can add to beauty. And in her excitement, I and with the sense she had that this was her oppor- ; tunity, and that advancement and grandeur depended^; upon the result of her night's work, her level eyebrows, ; and flushing cheeks, and black intense eyes, rose! almost into positive beauty. There was nobody in the room to compare with her when she stood up to singj on that memorable evening. The Miss Browns, forj example, were very pretty, especially Lydia, who was ' afterwards married to young Richmond, Sir John's- eldest son ; and they were much oiicer girls, and| MISS MAEJOKIBANKS. 191 far more engaging than Barbara Lake, who was not even a lady, Mrs Chiley said. But then her de- termination, though it was a poor enough thing in itself, gave a certain glow and passion to her coarser beauty. When she stood up to sing, the whole room was struck mth her appearance. She had her new dress on, and though it was only white muslin like other people's, it gave her the air of a priestess inspired by some ap- proaching crisis, and sweeping forward upon the victim who was ready to be sacrificed. And yet the victim that night was far from being ready for the sacrifice. On the contrary, he had been thinking it all over, and had concluded that prudence and every other reason- able sentiment were on the other side, and that in many ways it would be a very good thing for him if he could persuade Miss Marjoribanks to preside over and share his fortunes. He had made up his mind to this with all the more certainty that he was a man habitually prone to run off after everything that at- tracted him, in direct opposition to prudence — an inclin- ation which he shared with his sister, who, as everybody knew, had ruined poor Mr Woodburn's fortunes by " taking off," before his very face, the only rich uncle in the Woodbum family. Mr Cavendish, with this wise resolution in his mind, stood up in the very path of the contralto as she followed Miss Marjoribanks to 192 CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : the piano, and, confident in his determination, even allowed himself to meet her eye — which was rash, to say the least of it. Barbara flashed upon him as she passed a blaze of intense oblique lightning from under her level brows — or perhaps it was only that straight black line which made it look oblique — and then went on to her place. The result was such as might have been anticipated from the character of the man. Barbara was in richer voice than ever before, and all but oblit- erated even Lucilla, though she too was singing her best ; and thus poor Mr Cavendish again fell into the snare. That very night the flirtation, which had already created so much talk, was resumed with more energy than ever ; and Barbara took Miss Marjori- banks's place at the piano, and sang song after song in a kind of intoxication of triumph. This, to be sure, was visible only to a small portion of the guests who crowded LuciUa's drawing-room. But the result was soon so visible that all Carlingford became aware of it. The hero wavered so much that the excitement was kept up for many weeks ; but still from the first nobody could have any reasonable doubt as to how it was to end. And it was while this process of seduction was going on that the character of Miss Maijoribanks revealed itself in all its native grandeur. Lucilla had various kind friends round her to advise her, and especially old MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 193 ]\Irs Chiley, whose indignation went beyond all bounds. " My dear, I would never let her enter my door again — never ! " cried the old lady ; " I told you long ago I never could bear her looks — you know I warned you, Lucilla. As for her sino-inoj, what does it matter ? You have a much prettier voice than she has : every- body knows that a soprano is perfect by itself, but a contralto is only a second !' Mrs Chiley said, with mingled wrath and satisfaction ; " and, my dear, I should never let her enter my house gain, if it was me.' " Dear Mrs Chiley," said Lucilla, who was now, as usual, equal to the occasion, " it is so nice of you to be vexed. You know I would do anything to please you ; — but, after all, there are thousands and thousands of gentlemen, and it is not so easy to find a voice that goes with mine. All my masters always said it was a quite peculiar second I wanted ; and suppose Barbara is foolish, that is not to say I should forget my duties," Miss Marjoribanks added, witli a certain solemnity; " and then, you know, she has no mother to keep her right." "And neither have you, my poor dear," said Mrs Chiley, kissing her proUgee. As for Lucilla, she ac- cepted the kiss, but repressed the enthusiasm of par- tisanship with which her cause was being maintained. " I have you,'' she said, with artless gratitude ; " and VOL. I. N 194 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : then I am different," added Lucilla. Nothing but modesty of the most delicate description could have expressed the fact with such a fine reticence. No doubt Miss Marjoribanks was different ; and she proved her superiority, if anybody could have doubted it, by the most beautiful behaviour. She took no more notice of the unprincipled flirtation thus set agoing under her very eyes, than if Mr Cavendish and Barbara Lake had been two figures in gingerbread. So far as anybody knew, not even a flying female shaft from Lucilla's bow, one of those dainty projectiles which the best of women cast forth by times, had ever been directed against the ungrateful young person who had made so unprincipled a use of her admittance into Grange Lane ; and the faithless gallant had not even the gra- tification of feeling that Lucilla was "cool" to him. Whether this singular self-denial cost Miss Marjori- banks any acute sufferings, nobody could tell, but Mrs Chiley still marked with satisfaction that Lu- cilla, poor dear, was able to eat her dinner, of which she had so much need to support her strength ; and after she had eaten her dinner Miss Marjoribanks would go up-stairs and show herself just as usual. She was in perfect voice, and neither lost her colour, nor grew thin, nor showed any of those external signs of a disappointment in love with which most people are familiar. " It might have been difi'erent, you MISS MAEJOKIBANKS. 195 know, if my affections had been engaged," she said to her sole and sympathising counsellor; and Mrs Chiley, who had had a great deal of experience in girls, be- came more and more of opinion that such sense was all but superhuman. Meantime the tide of public opinion ran very high in Carlingford against Mr Cavendish, who had been so popular a little while before. If it had been one of the Miss Browns, or a niece of the Col- onel's, or indeed anybody in Grange Lane, people might have passed over it — but one of Mr Lake the drawing-master's daughters ! The only person indif- ferent was Mrs Woodburn, who ought to have known better ; but then she was thoughtless, like her brother, and liked it all the better, on the whole, that he should transfer those attentions which he had been paying to Miss Marjoribanks, and which in that quarter must have come to something, to a little harmless amusement with Barbara, who, after all, was very handsome, and had by times a little air of obdurate stupidity which captivated the mimic. As for anything coming of that, Mrs Woodburn rejected the idea with a simplicity which was perfectly consistent with her insight into other people's weaknesses. She could put on Barbara's stolid defiant look, and even make her eyebrows square, and give something of an oblique gleam to her eyes, with the most perfect skill and mas- 196 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : tery of the character, and at the same time be just as stolid as Barbara in respect to what was going on at her very hand, and to the consequences which must follow. She did not want her brother to marry Miss Marjoribanks, and yet she could not have said a word against so unexceptionable a match ; and accordingly it was quite a satisfaction to her to see him turned aside in so perfectly legitimate a manner. She added to her repertory a sketch of Barbara at the moment when, yielding to Mr Cavendish's entreaties, she seated herself at the piano " for just one song ; " and being perfectly successful in the representation, Mrs Wood- burn took no further care about the matter. To be sure, the hero was sufficiently experienced in such matters to know how to get out of it when it should be the j)roper time. Thus the affair progressed which was to have far more serious consequences than these thoughtless persons dreamed* of Barbara, ascended again to the heights of exultation and enchantment. Perhaps she was even a little in love ; for, after all, she was young, and grateful to the man who thus distin- guished her from the world. Yet, on the whole, it is to be feared that his house and his position in society, and the prospect of unlimited millinery, were more to her than Mr Cavendish. All these details were not perhaps contemplated by himself as he MISS MARJORIBANKS. 197 devoted himself to the handsome contralto. He had not begun to dream, as Barbara had done for a long time, of the wedding breakfast and the orange blos- soms, or even of furnishing a new drawing-room handsomer than Miss Marjoribanks's, and giving parties which should be real parties and not mere Thursdays. None of these imaginations occupied Mr Cavendish as he followed Barbara's glowing cheeks and flashing eyes to his undoing. But then if he did not mean it she meant it ; and, after all, there are occasions in which the woman's determination is the more important of the two. So that, taking every- thing into consideration, there can be no doubt that it was very fortunate that Lucilla's affections were not engaged. She behaved as nobody else in Car- lingford was capable of behaving, and very few people anywhere, according to Mrs Chiley's admiring belief. It was not for a vulgar antagonist like Barbara Lake to touch Lucilla. The way in which she asked her to lunch and went on practising duets with her was angelical — it brought the tears to Mrs Chiley's eyes ; and as for the domestic traitor whom Miss Mar- joribanks thus contrived to warm in her magnani- mous bosom, she was sometimes so full of spite and disappointment that she could neither eat her lunch nor go on with her singing. For, to be sure, the dearest climax of her triumph was wanting so long as 198 CHRONICLES OF CAKLINGFORD. Lucilla took no notice ; and so far from taking any notice, Miss Marjoribanks was sweeter and more friendly than usual in her serene unconsciousness. " I am so afraid you have caught cold," Lucilla would say ; " if you don't feel clear in your lower notes, we can pass over this passage, you know, for to-day. You must see papa before you go away, and he will order you something ; but, my dear Barbara, you must take care." And then Barbara could have eaten her fingers instead of the gloves which she kept biting in her vexation. For, to tell the truth, if Miss Marjoribanks was not jealous, the victory was but half a victory after all. CHAPTEE XIV. It was thus that Miss Maijoribanks went through all the preliminary stages, and succeeded finally in mak- ing a triumph out of what would certainly have been a defeat, and a humbling defeat, for anybody else. She was much too sensible to deceive herself on the subject, or not to be aware that to have a gentle- man who was paying attention to her withdrawn from her side in this open manner in the sight of all the world, was as trying an accident as can happen to a woman. Fortunately, as Lucilla said, her affec- tions were not engaged ; but then, apart from the affections, there are other sentiments which demand consideration. Everybody in Carlingford knew that Mr Cavendish had been paying her a great deal of atten- tion, and the situation was one which required the most delicate skill to get through it successfully. Besides, Miss Marjoribanks's circumstances were all the more difficult, since up to this moment she had 200 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : been perfectly sincere and natural in all lier proceed- ings. Policy had been constantly inspired and backed by nature in the measures Lucilla had taken for the organisation and welfare of her kingdom, and even what people took for the cleverest calculation was in reality a succession of happy instincts, by means of which, with the sovereignty of true genius, Miss Marjoribanks managed to please everybody by having her own way. A little victory is almost necessary to begin with, and it is a poor nature that does not expand under the stimulus of victory; but now the young reformer had come to the second stage. For, to be sure, that sort of thing cannot last for ever ; and this Lucilla, with the natural prevision of a ruling mind, had foreseen from the beginning. The shape in which she had feared defeat, if a nature so full of resources could ever be said to fear, was that of a breakdown, when all the world was looking to her for amusement, or the sudden appearance of a rival entertainer in Carlingford with superior powers : though the last was but a dim and improbable dan- ger, the first was quite possible, and might have arrived at any moment. Miss Marjoribanks was much too sensible not to have foreseen this danger in all its shapes, and even in a kind of a way to have provided against it. But Providence, which had al- ways taken care of her, as Lucilla piously concluded, MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 201 had spared her the trial in that form. Up to this moment it had always providentially happened that all the principal people in Carlingford were quite well and disengaged on the "evening." To be sure, the ladies had headaches, and the married gentle- men now and then WTre out of temper in Grange Lane as in other less favoured places ; but these social ac- cidents had been mercifully averted on Thursdays, perhaps by means of some special celestial agency, perhaps only through that good-luck which had been born with Lucilla. Not in this vulgar and likely manner was the trial of her strength to come. But when she was at the height of her success, and full in the eye of the world, and knew that everybody was remarking her, and that from the sauces for which the Doctor's table was once so famed, but which even Colonel Chiley no longer thought of identifying as Dr Marjoribanks's, to the fashion of the high white frock in which Lucilla had taught the young ladies of Carhngford to appear of an evening, she was being imitated on every hand, — at that moment, when an ordinary person would have had her head turned, and gone wild with too much success. Miss Marjo- ribanks suddenly saw her dragon approaching her. Just then, when she could not put on a new ribbon, or do her hair in a different style, without all Car- lingford knowing of it — at that epoch of intoxication 202 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : and triumph the danger came, sudden, appalling, and unlocked for. If Lucilla was staggered by the en- counter, she never showed it, but met the difficulty like a woman of mettle, and scorned to flinch. It had come to be summer weather when the final day arrived upon which Mr Cavendish forgot him- self altogether, and went over to the insidious ene- my whom Miss Marjoribanks had been nourishing in her bosom. Fifty eyes were upon Lucilla watching her conduct at that critical moment — fifty ears were on the strain to divine her sentiments in her voice, and to catch some intonation at least which should betray her consciousness of what was going on. But if Miss Marjoribanks's biographer has fitly dis- charged his duty, the readers of this history will have no difficulty in divining that the curiosity of the spec- tators got no satisfaction from Lucilla. Many people even supposed she had not remarked anything, her composure was so perfect. No growing red or grow- ing pale, no harsh notes in her voice, nor evidence of distracted attention, betrayed that her mind was elsewhere while she was attending to her guests ; and yet, to be sure, she saw, just as other people did, that Barbara, all flushed and crimson, with her eyes blazing under their sullen brows, stood in a glow of triumph at the open window, with Mr Cavendish in devoted attendance — a captive at her chariot-wheels. MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 203 Matters had been progressing to this point for some time ; but yet the two culprits had never before showed themselves so lost to all sense of propriety. Instead of fainting or gettiug pale, or showing any other symptoms of violent despite, Lucilla went upon her airy way, indirectly approaching this point of interest. She went up and chatted with them, and ordered Mr Cavendish to find a chair for Barbara. " What can you be thinking of to let her stand so near the window? If she were to catch cold and lose her voice, what should we all do ? " said Lucilla ; and she established the two in the most commodious corner before she left them. " Take care she does not go back again into the draught," were her parting words, and even the culprits themselves could do nothing but stare at each other with consternation and shame. This was all the notice Lucilla took of what was going on. If she was affronted, or if she was wounded, nobody found it out ; and when Mrs Chiley offered the tribute of her indignation and sympathy, it has already been recorded how her young friend responded to her. " Fortunately my affections never were engaged," Lucilla said, and no doubt that was a great advantage ; but then, as we have said, there are other things besides affections to be taken into account when 204 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : the woman whom you have been kind to snaps up the man who has been paying attention to you, not only before your eyes, but before the eyes of all the world. The result of her masterly conduct on this occasion was that her defeat became, as we have said, a triumph for Miss Marjoribanks. To be sure, it is to be hoped that, in the sweets of their mutual regard, the two criminals found compensation for the disapproval of the spectators ; but nothing could be more marked than the way in which Carlingford ! turned its cold shoulder on its early favourite. " I i never imagined Cavendish was such a fool," Mr Cen- ; turn said, who was a man of few words ; " if he likes ' that style of philandering, it is nothing to me, but j he need not make an idiot of himself." As for Mr \ Woodburn, he, as was natural, inflicted vicarious ! punishment upon his wife. "It must be all your ■ fault," he growled, when he was taking her home, and , had her at his mercy, with that logic peculiar to a ' married man ; " you ought to tell him he's making an ass of himself. Why the deuce do you let him go on with that tomfoolery ? He'U lose all his chances in : life, and then, I hope, you'll be satisfied. You women | can never see an inch before your own noses ! " cried the uncivil husband ; which, it must be confessed, was ] rather hard upon poor Mrs Woodburn, who had nothing to do with it, and had indeed calculated J MISS MARJOEIBANKS. 205 Upon perfecting her sketch of Barbara in the quiet- ness of the walk home ; for as everybody lived in Grange Lane, carriages were not necessary for Miss Marjoribanks's guests. They flitted out and in, in the moonlight, with pretty scarfs thrown over their heads and laced handkerchiefs tied under their chins, and made Grange Lane between the two straight lines of garden-wall like a scene in a mas- querade. While Mr Cavendish was thus suffering by de- puty the contempt of his former admirers, Lu- cilla, by herself in the abandoned drawing - room, was thinkino' over the evenino; with a severe but on the whole satisfactory self-examination. After the first shock, which she had encountered with so much courage, Miss Marjoribanks was rather grate- ful than otherwise to Providence, which had brought the necessary trial upon her in this form. If it had been a breakdown and humiliating failure instead, how different would her sensations have been ! and Lucilla was quite conscious that such a thing might have occurred. It might have occurred to her, as it had done to so many people, to see Thursday come round with a failure of all that made Thursday agreeable. Lady Eichmond might have had her in- fluenza that day, and little Henry Centum his sudden attack, which had kept his mother in conversation 206 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : \ ever since, and Mrs Woodburn one of her bad head- i aches ; and as for the Miss Browns, there was nothing in the world but Lucilla's habitual good fortune which ' prevented them from having blacked their fingers ; with their photography to such an extent as to make . | them perfectly unpresentable. Or, to turn to another \ chapter of accidents, the last duet, which Barbara had insisted upon singing without proper practice, might have broken down utterly. None of these ; things had happened, and Lucilla drew a long breath ^ of gratitude as she thought how fortunate she had i been in all these particulars. To be sure, it was | necessary to have a trial of one kind or other ; and ^ the modest but intense gratification of having stood,^ the test, diffused itself like a balm through her bosom. No doubt she would have felt, like most people, a ' certain pleasure in snubbing Barbara ; but then there ; is, on the other hand, a sweetness in sacrificing such i impulses to the sacred sense of duty and the high \ aims of genius which is still more attractive to a ■ well-regulated mind. Miss Marjoribanks herself put , out the candles, and went to her own room with that ' feeling of having acquitted herself s^isfactorily which | many people think to be the highest gratification of j which the mind is capable. After all, it was by no \ means certain that Mr Cavendish would be M.P. for \ Carlingford. Mr Chiltern might live for twenty \ MISS MAEJOEIBANKS. 207 years, or he even might get better, which was more unlikely ; or supposing him to be comfortably dis- posed of, nobody could say with any certainty that some man unknown at present in Carlingford might not start up all of a sudden and gain the most sweet voices of the shopkeepers, who were the majority of the community, and quite outnumbered Grange Lane. It was thus that Lucilla consoled herself as she went meditative but undaunted to her maiden rest. Wliile all this was going on, Dr Marjoribanks re- mained an amused spectator, and chuckled a little quietly, without saying anything to anybody, over the turn affairs had taken. The Doctor knew all about ^everybody in Carlingford, and he had never been an enthusiast in favour of Mrs Woodburn's brother, not- withstanding that the young man had been received so warmly into society as one of the Cavendishes. Per- haps Dr Marjoribanks being Scotch, and having a turn for genealogy, found the description a little vague ; but at all events there can be no doubt that he laughed to himself as he retired from the scene of his daughter's trial The Doctor possibly thought, in a professional point of view, that a little discipline of this descrip- tion would be useful to Lucilla. Perhaps he thought it would be n^ood for her to find out that — though she had managed to slip the reins out of his hands, and get the control of affairs with a skill which amused 208 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : ; the Doctor, and made him a little proud of her abilities, i even though he was himself the victim — she could not '■ go on always unchecked' in her triumphant career, but j must endure like other people an occasional defeat. : No doubt, had Lucilla been really worsted, paternal ' feeling would have interposed, and Dr Marjoribanks i would to some extent have suffered in her suffering ; j but then the case was different, ajjd nobody required, as it turned out, to suffer for Lucilla. The Doctor ] I was pleased she had shown so much spirit, and j pleased to see how entirely she had discomfited her ' antagonists, and turned the tables upon the " young < puppy," in whom he had no confidence ; and withal : Dr Marjoribanks chuckled a little in his secret hearty over the event itself, and concluded that it would do Lucilla good. She had vanquished Nancy, and by a skilful jerk taken the reins out of his own experienced hands. He was aware that he had been on the whole very wisely governed since his abdication, but yet he was , not sorry that the young conqueror should feel herself human ; so that nobody except Mrs Chiley felt that mingled rage and disappointment with which Barbara Lake had hoped to inspire Lucilla's bosom ; and Mrs Chiley, so to speak, had nothing to do with it. As for Barbara herself, she returned home in a state of mingled spite and exultation and disgust, which filled her sister with amazement. MISS MARJORIBANKS. 209 " She is such an actor, you know," Barbara said ; " she never will give in to let you know how she is feeling — not if she can help 4t ; but for all that she must have felt it. Nobody- could help feeling it, though she carried it off so well. I knew how it would be, as soon as I had on a dress that was fit to be seen." " What is it that she could not help feeling ? " said Eose. " I suppose it is Lucilla you mean ? " " I should like to know what right she had to be kind to me," cried Barbara, all glowing in her sullen but excited beauty ; " and invite me there, and intro- duce me in her grand w^ay, as if she was any better than I am ! And then to look at all her India mus- lins ; but I knew it would be different as soon as I had a decent dress," said the contralto, rising up to contemplate herself in the little mirror over the mantelpiece. This conversation took place in Mr Lake's little parlour, where, Eose had been waiting for her sister, and where Barbara's white dress made an unusual radiance in the dim and partially-lighted room. Eose herself was all shrouded up in her morning dress, with her pretty round arms and shoulders lost to the common view. She had been amusing herself as she waited by working at a corner of that great design which was to win the prize on a later occasion. Eeaders of this VOL. I. 210 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : history who have studied the earlier chapters will remember that Rose's tastes in ornamentatioD were very clearly defined for so young a person. Instead of losing herself in vague garlands of impossible flowers, the young artist clung with the tenacity of first love to the thistle leaf, which had been the foundation of her early triumphs. Her mind was full of it even while she received and listened to Barbara ; whether to treat it in a national point of view, bringing in the rose and shamrock, which was a perfectly allowable proceeding, though perhaps not original — or whether she should yield to the " sweet feeling " which had been so conspicuous in her flounce, in the opinion of the Marlborough-House gentlemen — or whether, on the contrary, she should handle the subject in a boldly naturalistic way, and use her spikes with freedom, — was a question which occupied at that moment all Eose's faculties. Even while she asked Barbara what the subject was on which Lucilla might be supposed to be excited, she was within herself thinking out this difficult idea — all the more difficult, perhaps, consider- ing the nature of the subject, since the design in this case was not for a flounce, in which broad handling is practicable, but for a veil. " I wish you would not talk in that foolish way,'' said Eose ; " nobody need be any better than you, as you say. To be sure, we don't live in Grange Lane, MISS MARJORIBANKS. 211 nor keep a carriage ; but I wish you would recollect that these are only accidental circumstances. As for dress, I don't see that you require it ; our position is so clearly defined ; we are a family of " " Oh, for goodness gracious sake, do be quiet with your family of artists ! " cried Barbara. " Speak for yourself, if you please. I am not an artist, and never will be, I can tell you. There are better places to live in than Grange Lane ; and as for keeping a car- riage, I would never call a little bit of a brougham a carriage, if it was me. Lucilla made believe to take no notice, but she did not deceive me with that. She was as disappointed as ever she could be — I daresay now she's sitting crying over it. I never would have cared one straw if I had not wanted to serve Lucilla out ! " cried the contralto, with energy. She was still standing before the glass pulling her black hair about into new combinations, and studying the effect ; and as for Eose, she too looked up, and, seeing her sister's face reflected in the glass, made the discovery that there was something like grimace in the countenance, and paused in the midst of her meditations with her pencil in her hand. " Don't put yourself out of drawing," said Eose ; " I wish you would not do that so often. When the facial angle is disturbed to that extent But about Lucilla, I think you are excessively ungrateful. 212 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : Gratitude is not a servile sentiment/' said the little Preraphaelite, with a rising colour. "It is a slavish sort of idea to think any one has done you an injury by being kind to you. If that is the sort of thing you are going to talk of, I think you had better go to bed." " Then I will, and I sha'n't tell you anything/' said Barbara, angrily — " you are so poor-spirited. For my part, do you think I'd ever have gone to help Lucilla and sing for her, and all that sort of thing, if it had not been to better myself? Nor I wouldn't have thought of him just at first, if it hadn't been to spite her. And I've done it too. I'd just like to look in at her room window and see what she's about. I daresay she is crying her eyes out, for all her looking as if she took no notice. I know better than to think she doesn't care. And, Eose, he's such a dear,"" said Barbara, with a laugh of excitement. To be sure, what she wanted was to be Mrs Cavendish, and to have a handsome house and a great many nice dresses ; but at the same time she was young, and Mr Caven- dish was good-looking, and she was a little in love, in her way, as well. " I don't want to hear any more about it," said Eose, who was so much moved as to forget even her design. " I can't think how it is you have no sense of honour, and you one of the Lakes. I would not be a traitor for a dozen Mr Cavendishes 1 " cried Eose, MISS MABJORIBANKS. 213 in the force of her indignation. " He must be a cheat, since you are a traitor. If he was a true man he would have found you out." " You had better be quiet, Eose," said Barbara ; '' you may be sure I shall never do anything for you after we are married, if you talk like that ; and then you'll be sorry enough." "After you are married! has he asked you to marry him ? " cried Eose. She pushed away her design with both her hands in the vehemence of her feelings, and regarded her sister with eyes which blazed, but which were totally different in their blazing from those which burned under Barbara's level eyebrows. It was too plain a question to have a plain answer. Barbara only lighted her candle in reply, and smiled and shook her head. "You don't suppose I am going to answer after your insulting ways," she said, taking up her candle ; and she swept out of the room in her white dress with a sense of pleasure in leaving this grand point un- settled. To be sure, Mr Cavendish had not yet asked that important question ; but then the future was all before them, and the way clear. As for Eose, she clenched her little fists with a gesture that would have been too forcible for any one who was not an artist, and a member of a family of artists. " To think she should be one of us, and not to know what honour 214 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD. means/' said Eose ; " and as for this man, he must be a cheat himself, or he would find her out." This was how Mr Cavendish's defection from Lu- cilla took place ; and at the same time it is a satisfac- tion to know that the event was received by everybody very much as little Eose Lake received it. And as for Miss Marjoribanks, if Barbara could have had the malicious satisfaction of looking in at the window, she would have been mortified to find that right-minded young woman sleeping the sleep of the just and inno- cent, and enjoying repose as profound and agreeable as if there had been no Mr Cavendish in the world, not to speak of Carlingford ; — which, to be sure, was a result to be greatly attributed to Lucilla's perfect health, and entire satisfaction with herself. CHAPTER XV. This event was of far too much importance in the limited world of Grange Lane to pass over without some of the many commentaries which were going on upon the subject coming to the ears of Miss Marjori- banks, who was the person principally concerned. As for the Doctor, as we have already said, he was so far lost to a sense of his paternal duties as to chuckle a little within himself over the accident that had hap- pened to Lucilla. It had done her no harm, and Dr Marjoribanks permitted himself to regard the occur- rence in a professional point of view, as supplying a little alterative which he could scarcely administer himself ; for it is well known that physicians are seldom successful in the treatment of their own fami- lies. He was more jocose than usual at breakfast for some days following, and, on the morning of the next Thursday, asked if everybody was to come as usual, with a significance which did not escape the young mistress of the house. 216 CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : " You know best, papa," she said, cheerfully, as she poured him out his coffee : " if there is anybody who is ill and can't come, it must be your fault — but I did not hear that any one was ill." " Nor I," said the Doctor, with a quiet laugh ; and he could not help thinking it would be good sport to see Cavendish come into the drawing-room all by him- self without any support, and make his appearance before Miss Marjoribanks, and do his best to be agree- able, with an awful consciousness of his bad behaviour, and nobody sufficiently benevolent to help him out. The Doctor thought it would serve him right, but yet he was not sufficiently irritated nor sufficiently sympa- thetic to lose any of the humour of the situation ; and it was with a little zest, as for something especially piquant, that he looked forward to the evening. As for Miss Marjoribanks, she too recognised the importance of the occasion. She resolved to produce that evening a new 'plat, which had occupied a corner of her busy mind for some time past. It was a crisis which called for a new step in advance. She sat down by the win- dow after breakfast with various novel combinations floating in her creative brain ; and while she was re- volving these ideas in her mind, Nancy came in with more than her usual briskness. It is true that Lu- cilla had her household well in hand, and possessed the faculty of government to a remarkable extent; MISS MARJORIBANKS. 217 but still, under the best of circumstances, it was a serious business to propose a new dish to Nancy. Dr Marjoribanks's factotum was a woman of genius in her way, and by no means unenlightened or an enemy of progress ; but then she had a weakness common to many persons of superior intelligence and decided character. When there was anything new to be intro- duced, Nancy liked to be herself the godmother of the interesting novelty ; for, to be sure, it was her place, and Miss Lu cilia, though she was very clever, was not to be expected to understand what came in best with the other dishes for a dinner. " I ain't one as goes just upon fish and flesh and fowl, like some as call themselves cooks," Nancy said. " If I have a failing, it's for things as suits. When it's brown, make it brown, and don't be mean about the gravy- beef — that's my principle ; and when it ain't brown, mind what you're a-doing of — and don't go and throw a heap of entrys and things at a gentleman's head without no 'armony. I always says to Miss Lucilla as 'armony's the thing ; and when I've set it all straight in my mind, I ain't one as likes to be put out," Nancy would add, with a gleam of her eye which betokened mischief. Miss Maijoribanks was much too sensible not to be aware of this peculiarity ; and accordingly she cleared her throat with something as near nervousness as was possible to Lucilla before she 218 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : opened her lips to propose the innovation. Miss Marjoribanks, as a general rule, did not show much nervousness in her dealings with her prime-minister, any more than in her demeanour towards the less important members of society ; and consequently Nancy remarked the momentary timidity, and a flash of sympathy and indignation took the place of her usual impulse of defiance. '' I heard as master said, there was some gentleman as wasn't a-coming," said Nancy. '•' Not as one makes no difference in a dinner ; but I allays likes to know. I don't like no waste, for my part. I ain't one as calk'lates too close, but if there's one thing as I hates like poison, it's waste. I said as I would ask, for Thomas ain't as correct as could be wished. Is it one less than usual. Miss Lucilla?" said Nancy; and it was Lucilla's fault if she did not understand the pro- found and indignant sympathy in Nancy's voice. " Oh, no ; it is just the usual number," said Miss Marjoribanks. " It was only a joke of papa's — they are all just as usual " And here Lucilla paused. She was thinking of the dish she wanted, but Nancy thought she was thinking of Mr Cavendish, who had treated her so badly. She studied the countenance of her young mistress with the interest of a woman who has had her experiences, and knows how little They are to be depended upon. Nancy murmured '' Poor MISS MARJORIBANKS. 219 dear ! " under her breath, almost without knowing it, and then a brilliant inspiration came to her mind. Few people have the gift of interfering successfully in such cases, but then to offer consolation is a Christian duty, especially when one has the confidence that to give consolation is in one's power. " Miss Lucilla, I would say as you Ve been doing too much, if anybody was to ask me," said Nancy, moved by this generous impulse — " all them practisings and things. They're well enough for young ladies as ain't got nothing else to do ; but you as has such a deal in your hands If there was any little thing as you could fancy for dinner," said Nancy, in her most bland accents ; " I've set it all down as I thought would be nicest, allays if you approves. Miss Lucilla ; but if there was any little thing as you could fan- cy " " Poor dear, it's all as we can do," she mur- mured to herself. The faithless could not be brought back again ; but Ariadne might at least have any little thing she could fancy for dinner, which, indeed, is a very general treatment of such a case on the part of perplexed sympathisers who do not know what to say. Lucilla was so excited for the moment by this un- usual evidence of her 0"vvn good fortune, that she had almost spoiled all by sitting straight up and entering with her usual energy into the discussion — but instinct 220 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : saved Miss Marjoribanks from this mistake. She lost no time in taking advantage of the opportunity, and instead of having a fight with I^ancy, and getting a reluctant consent, and still more reluctant execution of the novelty, Lucilla felt that she was doing that excellent woman a favour by naming her new dish. Nancy approved so thoroughly as to be enthusiastic. " I always said as she had a deal of sense," she said afterwards, triumphantly. "There ain't one young lady in a hundred as knows what's good for her, like Miss Lucilla." But notwithstanding this fervent de- claration of approval, Nancy, softened as she was, could not but linger, when all was concluded, to give a little advice. " I wouldn't worrit myself with all them practisings. Miss Lucilla, if I was you," said her faithful retainer. "They're a deal too much for you. I've took the liberty, when all was cleaned up, to go on the stair and listen a bit, and there ain't nothing to equal it when you're a-singing by yourself I don't think no- thing of them duets — and as for that bold-faced brazen thing " " Oh, Nancy, hush ! " said Lucilla ; " Miss Lake has a beautiful voice. If she does not look quite like a lady, it is not her fault, poor thing. She has no mamma to set her right, you know. She is the best assistant I have — she and Mr Cavendish," said Lucilla, MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 221 sweetly ; and she gave Nancy a look which moved the faithful servant almost to tears, though she was not addicted to that weakness. I^ancy retired with the most enthusiastic determination to exert herself to the utmost for the preparation of the little dish which Lucilla fancied. " But I wouldn't worrit about them duets," she said again, as she left the room. " I wouldn't, not if I was you, Miss Lucilla, asking pardon for the liberty : as for having no mamma, you have no mamma yourself, and you the young lady as is most thought upon in Carlingford, and as different from that brazen-faced thing, with her red cheeks " " Hush, oh hush, ISTancy," Lucilla said, as she sank back in her chair; but Miss Marjoribanks, after all, was only human, and she was not so distressed by these unpolished epithets as she might or perhaps ought to have been. " Poor Barbara ! I wish she could only look a little bit like a lady," she said to herself; and so proceeded with her preparations for the evening. She had all her plans matured, and she felt quite comfortable about that evening which all her friends were thinking would be rather trying to Lucilla. To tell the truth, when a thing became rather trying, Lucilla's spirits rose. Mr Cavendish's desertion was perhaps, on the whole, more than compensated for by the exhilaration of a difficulty to be encountered. She too began to fore- 222 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : cast, like her father, the possibilities of the evening, and to think of Mr Cavendish coming in to dinner when there was nobody to support him, and not even a crowd of people to retire among. Would he run the risk of coming, under the circumstances ? or, if he came, would he prostrate himself as he had done on a previous occasion, and return to his allegiance ? This question roused Lucilla to a degree of energy unusual even to her ivho was always energetic. It was then that the brilliant idea struck her of adjourning to the garden in the evening — a practice which was received with such enthusiasm in Carlingford, where the gar- dens were so pretty. She put on her hat directly and went down-stairs, and called the gardener to consult him about it ; and it was thus that she was employed when Mrs Chiley rang the bell at the garden-gate. If it had been anybody else in Carlingford, Lucilla would have led her back again to the house, and said nothing about the subject of her conference with the gardener ; for it is always best, as all judicious persons are aware, not to forestall these little arrangements which make so agreeable a surprise at the moment ; but then Mrs Chiley was Miss Marjoribanks's special confidant. The old lady had her face full of business that bright morning. She listened to what her young friend proposed, but without hearing it, and said, " Oh yes, my dear, I am sure it will be charming," MISS MAKJORIBANKS. 223 without the very least notion what it was she applauded. " Let us go in and sit down a moment, for I have something to say to you, Lucilla," Mrs Chiley said ; and when they had reached the drawing- room and shut the door, the Colonel's wife gave her favourite a kiss, and looked anxiously in her face. "You have not been to see me since Monday," said Mrs Chiley. " I am sure you are not well, or you could not have stayed away so long ; but if you did not feel equal to going out, why did not you send for me, Lucilla, my poor dear ? " Though Miss Marjori- banks's thoughts at that moment were full of the garden, and not in the least occupied with those more troublesome matters which procured for her Mrs Chiley's sympathy, she placed the kind old lady in the most easy chair, and sat down by her, as Mrs Chiley liked to see a young creature do. Lucilla's affairs were too important to be trusted to a young confidante of her own age ; but even a person of acknowledged genius like Miss Marjoribanks is the better of some one to whom she can open up her breast. " Dear Mrs Chiley ! " said Lucilla, " I am quite well, and I meant to have come to see you to-day." "My poor dear!" said Mrs Chiley again. "You say you are quite well, for you have such a spirit; but I can see what you have been going through. I don't understand how you can keep on, and do so 224 CHRONICLES OF CARLIXGFOED : much. But it was not that tliat brought me here. There is some one coming to Carlingford that I want you to meet, Lucilla. He is a relation of Mary Chiley's husband, and as she does not get on very well with them, you know, I think it is our duty to be civil. And they say he is a very nice man ; and young — enough/' said Mrs Chiley, with a look of some anxiety, pausing to see the effect produced upon Lu- cilla by her words. Miss Marjoribanks had not, as she once confessed, a very vivid sense of humour, but she laughed a little, in spite of herself, at the old lady's anxious look. " Don't be sorry for me," she said ; " I told you that fortunately my affections were not engaged. I don't want any new gentleman introduced to me. If that was what I was thinking of, I never need have come home," Lucilla said, with a little dignity ; and yet, to be sure, she was naturally curious to know who the new man, who was very nice and young — enough, could be ; for such apparitions were not too plentiful in Carlingford ; and it did not seem in reason that an individual of this interesting description could come out of Colonel Chiley's house, " My dear, he is a clergyman," said Mrs Chiley, putting her hand on Miss Marjoribanks's arm, and speaking in a half whisper ; " and you know a nice clergyman is always nice, and you need not think of MISS ^rARJORIBANKS. 225 him as a young man unless you like. He has a nice property, and he is Rector of Basing, which is a very good living, and Archdeacon of Stanmore. He has come here to hold a visitation, you know ; and they say that if Carlingford was made into a bishopric, he is almost sure to be the first bishop ; and you know a bishop, or even an archdeacon, has a very nice posi- tion. I want to be civil to him for Mary Chiley's sake, who is not on such terms as we could wish with her husband's friends ; and then I suppose he will have to be a great deal in Carlingford, and I should like him to form a good impression. I want you and your dear good papa to come and meet him ; and then after that — but one thing is enough at a time," the old lady said, breaking ofi" with a nod and a smile. She too had brought her bit of consolation to Lucilla ; and it was a kind of consolation which, when administered at the right moment, is sometimes of sovereign effi- cacy, as Mrs Chiley was aware. " I am sure papa will be very happy," said Lucilla ; " and, indeed, if you like, I shall be very glad to ask him here. If he is a friend of yours, that is quite enough for me. It is very nice to know a nice clergy- man ; but as for being a young man, I can't see how that matters. If I had been thinking of that, I need never — but I should think papa would like to meet him ; and you know it is the object of my life to please papa." VOL. I. p 226 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED *. " Yes, my poor dear," said the Colonel's wife, " and he would be hard-hearted indeed if he was not pleased ; but still we must consider you too a little, Lucilla. You do everything for other people, and you never think of yourself. But I like to see you with nice people round you, for my part," Mrs Chiley added — " really nice people, and not these poor-spirited, un- grateful " " Hush, hush ! " said Lucilla ; " I don't know such nice people anywhere as there are in Carlingford. Some people are never pleased with their neighbours, but I always get on so well with everybody. It is my good luck, you know ; and so long as I have you, dear Mrs Chiley " ''Ah, Lucilla!" said the old lady, "that is very kind of you — and you could not have anybody that is fonder of you than I am ; but still I am an old woman, old enough to be your grandmother, my dear — and we have your future interests to think of. As for all the vexations you have had, I think I could find it in my heart to turn that ungrateful creature to the door. Don't let her come here any more. I like your voice a great deal better when you are singing by yourself — and I am sure the Archdeacon would be of my opinion," said j\Irs Chiley, with a confidence which was beautiful to behold. It was true she had not seen her new hero as yet, but that only left her so MISS MAEJOEIBilNKS. 227 much more free to take the good of him and his pro- bable sentiments ; for to persons of frank and simple imagination a very little foundation of fact is enough to build upon. " Dear Mrs Chiley, it is so nice of you to be vexed/' said Lucilla, who thouo^ht it as well not to enter into any further argument. " Papa will be delighted, I am sure, and I can come in the evening. The Colonel likes to have only six people, and you will be three to start with, so there can't be any room for me at dinner ; and you know I don't mind about dinner. I shall come in the evening and make tea for you — and if you think he would like to come next Thurs- day " said Lucilla, graciously. This was how it was eventually settled. Mrs Chiley went home again throuoh Grange Lane in the sunshine, with that little old-womanish hobble which Mrs Woodburn executed with such precision, perfectly satisfied with her suc- cess, and indulging herself in some pleasant visions. To be sure, a nice clergyman is always nice to know^ even though nothing more was to come of it ; and a new man in the field of such distinguished pretensions, would be Lucilla's best defence against any sort of mortification. As for Miss Marjoribanks herself, she was thinking a great deal more of the new details for the approaching evening than of anything else more distant, and consequently less important ; but, on the 228 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : whole, she was by no means displeased to hear of the Archdeacon. In such a work as hers, a skilful leader is always on the outlook for auxiliaries ; and there are circumstances in which a nice clergyman is almost as useful to the lady of the house as a man who can flirt. To be sure, now and then there occurs a rare example in which both these qualities are united in one person ; but even in the most modest point of view, if he was not stupid or obstinately Low- Church, there was nothing to despise in the apparition of the Archdeacon thus suddenly blown to her very door. "While she had the seats placed in the garden (not too visibly, but shrouded among the shrubs and round the trunks of the trees), and chose the spot for a little illumination, which was not to be universal, like a tea-garden, but concentrated in one spot under the big lime-tree, Lucilla permitted herself to speculate a little about this unknown hero. She did not so much ask herself if he would be dark or fair, according to the usage of young ladies, as whether he would be High or Broad. But, however, that question, like various others, was still hidden in the surrounding darkness. This was how Mrs Chiley did her best to cheer up Lucilla in the discouragement from which she sup- posed her young friend to be suffering. It was per- haps a loftier expedient in one way than Nancy's MISS MARJORIBANKS. 229 desire that she should have something she would fancy for dinner ; but then there could not be any doubt as to the kindness which prompted both sugges- tions ; and, after all, it is not what people do for you. but the spirit in which they do it, which should be taken into consideration, as Lucilla most justly ob- served. CHAPTER XVI. That evening was one which all the people in Grange Lane had unanimously concluded would be rather hard upon Miss Marjoribanks. To be sure, when a crisis arrives there is always a certain excite- ment which keeps one up ; but afterwards, when the excitement is over, then is the time when it becomes really trying. There was naturally, under these cir- cumstances, a larger assemblage than usual to watch the progress of the little drama, and how Lucilla would behave ; for, after all, society would be exces- sively tame if it were not for these personal complica- tions, which are always arising, and which are so much better than a play. As for the Doctor himself, the portion of the evening's entertainment which par- ticularly amused him was that which preceded all 'the rest — the reception given by Lucilla to her guests at dinner, and especially to the culprit, who came in quite alone, and found nobody to stand up for him. MISS MARJORIBANKS. 231 Mr Cavendish, who felt to the full the difficulty of his position, and, to tell the truth, was a little ashamed of himself, came late, in order to abridge his trial as much as possible ; but Lucilla's habitual good-fortune was not confined only to her own necessities, but seemed to involve everybody opposed to her in a cease- less ill-luck, which was very edifying to the spectators. Mr Cavendish was so late that the other guests had formed into groups round the room, leaving a great open space and avenue of approach to the lady of the house in the middle ; and the audience, thus arranged, was very impatient and unfavourable to the lingerer who kept them waiting for their dinner. When he came in at last, instead of doing anything to help him, everybody ceased talking and looked on in stern silence as the wretched culprit walked all the length of the room up to Lucilla through the unoccupied space which exposed him so unmercifully on every side. They all stopped in the middle of what they were saying, and fixed stony eyes on him, as the dead sailors did on the Ancient Mariner. He had a very good spirit, but still there are circumstances which take the courage out of a man. To be sure, Miss Marjoribanks, when he reached her at last, received Mr Cavendish with the utmost grace and cordiality ; but it is easy to imagine what must have been the feelings of the unfortunate 232 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : hero. The Balaclava charge itself, in the face of all the guns, could have been nothing to the sen- sation of walking through that horrible naked space, through a crowd of reproachful men who were waiting for dinner ; and it was only after it was all over, and Mr Cavendish had safely arrived at Miss Marjoribanks's side, and was being set at his ease, poor wretch, by her incomparable sweet- ness, that the Doctor, with a certain grim smile on his countenance, came and shook hands with his unfortunate guest. ''You are late," Dr Marjoribanks said, taking out the great watch by which all the pulses of Grange Lane considered it their duty to keep time, and which marked five minutes after seven, as every- body could see. It was ten minutes after seven by the pretty French clock on the mantelpiece, and at least twenty by the lowering countenances of Dr Marjoribanks's guests. Mr Cavendish made the best of his unhappy position, and threw himself upon Lucilla's charity, who was the only one who had any compassion upon him ; for to see Mrs Chiley's forbidding countenance no one could have believed that she had ever called him "my dear.'' "Dinner is on the table, papa," Miss Marjoribanks said, with a little reassuring nod to the culprit who had made her his refuge ; and she got up mSS MAKJORIBANKS. 233 and shook out her white draperies with a charitable commotion for which her faithless admirer blessed her in his heart. But the place at her left hand was not left vacant for Mr Cavendish ; he had not the spirit to claim it, even had he had the time ; and the con- sequence was that he found himself next to his brother-in-law at table, which was indeed a hard fate. As for Lucilla, nobody had ever seen her in better spirits or looks ; she was quite radiant when the famous dish made its appearance which Nancy had elaborated to please her, and told the story of its in- troduction to her two next neighbours, in a half whis- per, to their immense amusement. " When the servants are gone I will tell you what w^e are laughing at," she breathed across the table to Mrs Chiley, who was " more than delighted," as she said, to see her dear Lucilla keeping up so well ; and when the dessert was put upon the table, and Thomas had finally disap- peared. Miss Marjoribanks kept her promise. "I could not think how I was to get her to consent," Lucilla said, " but you know she thought I was in low spirits, the dear old soul, and that it would be a comfort to me." Though there was often a great deal of fun at Dr Marjoribanks's table, nothing was ever heard there to compare with the laughter that greeted Lucilla's narrative. Everybody was so entirely aware ,234 CHEONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : of the supposed cause of the low spirits, and indeed was so conscious of having speculated, like Nancy, upon Miss Marjoribanks's probable demeanour at this trying moment, that the laughter was not mere laugh- ter, but conveyed, at the same time, a confession of guilt and a storm of applause and admiration. As for Mr Cavendish, it was alarming to look at him in the ter- rible paroxysm of confusion and shame which he tried to shield under the universal amusement. Miss Mar- joribanks left the dining-room that evening with the soothing conviction that she had administered punish- ment of the most annihilating kind, without for a moment diverging from the perfect sweetness and amiability with which it was her duty to treat all her father's guests. It was so complete and perfect that there was not another word to be said either on one side or the other ; and yet Lucilla had not in the least committed herself, or condescended from her maiden dignity. As for Dr Marjoribanks, if he had chuckled over it before, in anticipation, it may be supposed how he enjoyed now this perfect vindication of his daughter's capacity for taking care of herself. The sound of the victory was even heard up-stairs, where the young ladies at the open windows were asking each other, with a little envy, what the men could be laughing at. There was, as we have said, a larger assembly than usual that night. For one thing, it MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 235 was moouliglit, and all the people from the country were there ; and then public curiosity was profoundly concerned as to how Lucilla was to conduct herself on so trying an occasion. The laughter even jarred on the sensitive feelings of some people who thought, where a young girl's happiness was concerned, that it was too serious a matter to be laughed at ; but then Miss Marjoribanks was not a person who could be classed with ordinary young girls, in the general ac- ceptation of the word. It was when things were at this crisis, and all eyes were directed to Lucilla, and a certain expectation was diffused through the company, that Miss Marjoribanks made that proposal of adjourning to the garden, which was received with so much applause. Lucilla's instinct, or rather her genius, had warned her that something out of the ordinary course of proceedings would be expected from her on that special occasion. She could not get up and make a speech to her ex- cited and curious audience, neither could she, aiwopos of nothing, tell over again the story which had been received with such applause down-stairs ; and yet something was wanting. The ordinary routine did not satisfy Lucilla's constituency, who had come with the laudable intention of observing her on a trying occasion, and watching how she got through it. " The air is so delicious to-niirht that I had some seats 236 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : placed in the garden/' Miss Marjoribanks said, " and if you all like we will sing to you up here, and give you as much music as ever you please. You know I never would consent to be too musical when every- body was in one room. It does not matter so much, when there are a suite ; but then papa, you know, is only a professional man, and I have but one draw- ing-room," said Lucilla, with sweet humility. It was Lady Eichmond to whom she was addressing herself at the moment, who was a lady who liked to be the great lady of the party. '' It is only in summer that we can be a little like you fine people, who have as many rooms as you please. When you are at a little distance we will sing to you all the evening, if you like." '' But, my dear, are you sure you feel able for so much exertion?" said Lady Eichmond, who was one of those people who did not think a young girl's happiness a thing to be trifled with; and she looked with what she described afterwards as a very searching expression in Miss Marjoribanks's face. " Dear Lady Eichmond, I hope I am always able for my duty," said that gentle martyr. " Papa would be wretched if he did not think we were all enjoying ourselves ; and you know it is the object of my life to be a comfort to papa." This was what the searching expression in Lady {\u.J MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 237 Richmond's eyes elicited from Lucilla. The sentiment was perhaps a little different from that which she had conveyed to her delighted auditors in the dining-room, but at the same time it was equally true ; for every- body in Carlingford was aware of the grand object of Miss jMarjoribanks's existence. Lady Richmond went do^Yn to the garden at the head of a bevy of ladies, and seated herself under the drawing-room windows, and placed a chair beside her own for Mrs Chiley. " I am afraid that dear girl is keeping up too well," Lady Richmond said ; " I never saw such fortitude. All the young people say she does not feel it ; but as soon as I fixed my eyes on her I saw the difference. You can always find out what a girl's feelings are when you look into her eyes." " Yes," said Mrs Chiley, with a little doubt, for she had been shaken in her convictions by the universal laughter, though she was a little mystified herself by Lucilla's anecdote ; and then she had never been gifted with eyes like Lady Richmond's, which looked people through and through. "She goes through a great deal, and it never seems to do her any harm," the old lady said, with a little hesitation. " It is such a comfort that she has a good constitution, especially as her mother was so delicate ; and then Lucilla has such a spirit " " But one may try a good constitution too far," 238 CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : said Lady Eichmond ; " and I am certain she is full of feeling. It is sure to come out when she sings, and that is Avhy I came to this seat. I should not like to lose a note. And do tell me who is that horrid flirting disagreeable girl?" added the county lady, drawing her chair a little closer. By this time the garden was full of pretty figures and pleasant voices, and under the lime-tree there was a glimmer of yel- low light from the lamps, and on the other side the. moon was coming up steady like a ball of silver over the dark outlines of Carlingford ; and even the two voices which swelled forth up-stairs in the fullest accord, betraying nothing of the personal sentiments of their owners, were not more agreeable to hear than the rustle and murmur of sound which rose all over Dr Marjoribanks's smooth lawn and pretty shrubbery. Here and there a group of the. older people sat, like Lady Eichmond and Mrs Chiley, listening with all their might ; and all about them were clusters of girls and their natural attendants, arrested in their pro- gress, and standing still breathless, "just for this bar," as young people pause in their walks and talks to listen to a chance nightingale. And, to be sure, whenever anybody was tired of the music, there were quantities of corners to retire into, not to speak of that bright spot full of yellow light under the lime-tree. MISS MARJORIBANKS. 239 ''Nobody but Lucilla ever could have thought of anything so delicious," was what everybody said. And then the two singers up-stairs gave so much scope to curiosity. "Do you think they are all by themselves?" Lydia Brown was heard to ask, with a little natural anxiety; and the live- lier imaginations among the party set to work at once to invent impossible tortures which the soprano might inflict on the contralto. But, to tell the truth, the two singers were by no means alone. Half the gentlemen of the dinner-party, who were past the sentimental age, and did not care about moonlight, had gone up-stairs according to their use and wont, and remained there, finding, to their great satisfaction, room to move about, and comfortable chairs to sit down in. They sat and chatted in the corners in great content and good-humour, while Lu- cilla and Barbara executed the most charming duets.: Now and then old Colonel Chiley paused to put his two hands softly together and cry " Brava !" but on the whole the gentlemen were not much disturbed by the music. And then there were a few ladies, who were subject to neuralgia, or apt to take bad colds in the head, who preferred . being up-stairs. So that if Lu- cilla had meant to pinch or maltreat her rival, circum- stances would have made it impossible. Miss Marjori- banks did nothing to Barbara, except incite her to sing 240 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : , 1 her very best ; but no doubt she was the means of in- ! flicting considerable pain on Mr Cavendish, who stood : at a little distance, and looked and listened to botfi, and perhaps had inward doubts as to the wisdom of ; his choice. Such was the arrangement of the person- i ages of the social drama, and it was in this way that \ everybody was occupied, when an event occurred ' which at a later period awoke much excitement in Carlingford, and had no small influence upon the I future fate of some of the individuals whose history is | here recorded. Everything was as calm and cheerful and agree- able as if Carlingford had been a social paradise, \ and Miss Marjoribanks's drawing-room the seventh I heaven of terrestrial harmony. The sky itself was ^ not more peaceful, nor gave less indication of any i tempest than did the tranquil atmosphere below, where \ all the people knew each other, and everybody was ' friendly. Lucilla had just risen from the piano, and \ there was a little pause, in which cheers were audible I from the garden, and Colonel Chiley, in the midst of his conversation, patted his two hands together ; and : it was just at that moment that the drawing-room door ! opened, and Thomas came in, followed by a gentleman. The gentleman was a stranger, whom Miss Marjori- banks had never seen before, and she made a step for- ward, as was her duty as mistress of the house. But I MISS MARJORIBANKS. 241 when she had made that one step, Lucilla suddenly stood still, arrested by something more urgent than the arrival of a stranger. Mr Cavendish, too, had been standing with his face to the door, and had seen the new arrival. He was directly in front of Lucilla, so near her that he could not move without attracting her attention. When Miss Marjoribanks took that step in advance, Mr Cavendish, as if by the same im- pulse, suddenly, and without saying a word, turned right round like a man who had seen something ter- rible, at which he dared not take a second look. He was too much absorbed at that moment in his own feelings to know that he was betraying himself to Lu- cilla, or even to be conscious that she was near him. His face was more than pale ; it had a green ghastly look, as of a face from which all the blood had sud- denly been withdrawn to reinforce the vital centre in some failing of nature. His under-lip hung down, and tw^o hollows which had never been seen there before appeared in his cheeks. Miss Marjoribanks was so taken by surprise that she stood still, thinking no more of her duties, but regarding in utter dismay and amaze- ment the look of dead stupefied terror which thus appeared so unexpectedly before her. Mr Cavendish had turned right round, turning his back upon a lady to whom he had been talking the minute before. But he was as unconscious of doing so as of the fact that VOL. I. Q 242 CHRONICLES OF CAKLINGFOED : he had presented the spectacle of his miserable surprise and alarm in the most striking way to the one woman present who had a right to entertain a certain grudge against him. During this moment of unusual inaction on Lu- cilla's part, the stranger had been led up to Colonel Chiley, and had shaken hands with him, and was entering into some explanations which Miss Mar- joribanks divined with her usual quick intelligence ; and then the old Colonel roused himself up from his easy-chair, and leaned over to speak to Dr Marjori- banks, and showed symptoms of approaching the lady of the house. All these movements Lucilla followed breathlessly, with a strange consciousness that only her presence of mind stood between her faithless suitor and a real danger. And as if to prove the difference, Barbara Lake chose that moment of all others to show her power, and made an appeal to Mr Cavendish and his taste in music, to which the unhappy man made no response. JMiss Mar- joribanks saw there was no time to lose. With a fearless hand she threw down a great portfolio of music which happened to be close to her, just at his feet, making a merciful disturbance. And then she turned and made her curtsy, and received the homage of Mr Archdeacon Beverley, who had arrived a day .MISS I^IAKJORIBANKS. 243 before he was expected, and had come to look after his host, since his host had not been at home to receive him. " But you have broken your music-stand or some- thing, Lucilla," said the Colonel. " Oh, no ; it is only a portfolio. I can't think what could make me so awkward," said Miss Marjoribanks; " I suppose it was seeing some one come in whom I didn't know." And then the old gentleman, as was his duty, paid the Archdeacon a compliment on having made such a commotion. " We used to have the best of it in our day," said the old soldier ; " but now you churchmen are the men." Miss Marjoribanks heard the door open again before this little speech was finished. It was Mr Cavendish, who was going out with a long step, as if he with difiiculty kept himself from running ; and he never came back again to say good-night, or made any further appearance either out of doors or indoors. It is true that the Archdeacon made himself very agreeable, but then one man never quite makes up for another. Miss Marjoribanks said nothing about it, not even when Mrs Woodburn came up to her with a scared face, and in full possession of her own identity, which of itself was an extraordinary fact, and proved that something had happened ; but it would be vain to say that Lucilla was not much 244 CHRONICLES OF CA.ELINGFORD. i excited by this sudden gleam of mystery. It gave the ■ Archdeacon an extraordinary and altogether nnex- I pected attraction ; and as for Mr Cavendish, it was ' utterly inconceivable that a man in society, whom | everybody knew about, should give way to such a \ panic. The question was, What did it mean ? CHAPTEK XVII. The arrival of Mr Archdeacon Beverley in Carling- ford was, for many reasons, an event of importance to the town, and especially to society, which was con- cerned in anything that drew new and pleasant people to Grange Lane. For one thing, it occurred at the time when that first proposal of elevating Carling- ford into a bishopric, in order to relieve the present bishop of the district of a part of his immense diocese, had just been mooted; and supposing this conception to be ever carried out, nobody could have been more eligible as first bishop than the Archdeacon, who was in the prime of life, and a very successful clergyman. And then, not to speak of anything so important, his presence was a great attraction to the country clergy, especially as he had come to hold a visitation. Not- withstanding all this, it is impossible to deny that Mrs Chiley, his hostess, and even Miss Marjoribanks herself, regarded the manner of his first appearance 246 CHEONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : with a certain displeasure. If he had only had the good sense to stay at home, and not come to seek his entertainers ! To be sure it is awkward to arrive at a house and find that everybody is out ; but still, as Mrs Chiley justly observed, the Archdeacon was not a baby, and he might have known better. " Com- ing to you the very first night, and almost in his travelling things, to take the cream off everything/' the old lady said, with tears of vexation in her eyes ; " and after that, what have we to show him in Car- lingford, Lucilla?" As for Miss Marjoribanks, she was annoyed, but she knew the wealth of her own resources, and she was not in despair, like her old friend. " They never know any better," she said, sympathetically. " Dear Mrs Chiley, there was no- thing else to be expected ; but, at the same time, I don't think things are so very bad," said Lucilla ; for she had naturally a confidence in herself of which even Mrs Chiley 's admiring faith fell short. The Archdeacon himself took it quite cheerfully, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. " I have no doubt it was a very pleasant party, if one could have got the key-note," he said, in his Broad-Church way, as if there was nothing more to be said on the subject, and Lucilla's Thursday was the merest ordinary assembly. For there could be no doubt that he was Broad-Church, even though his antecedents had not proclaimed the MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 247 fact. He had a way of talking on many subjects which alarmed his hostess. It was not that there was anything objectionable in what he said — for, to be sure, a clergy- man and an archdeacon may say a great many things that ordinary people would not like to venture on, — but still it was impossible to tell what it might lead to ; for it is not everybody who knows when to stop, as Mr Beverley in his position might be expected to do. It was the custom of good society in Carlingford to give a respectful assent, for example, to Mr Bury's extreme Low-Churchism — as if it were profane, as it certainly was not respectable, to differ from the Rector — and to give him as wide a field as possible for his missionary operations by keeping out of the way. But Mr Beverley had not the least regard for respectability, nor that respect for religion which consists in keep- ing as clear of it as possible ; and the way in which he spoke of Mr Bury's views wounded some peojole's feelings. Altogether, he was, as Mrs Chiley said, an anxious person to have in the house ; for he just as often agreed with the gentlemen in their loose ways of thinking, as with the more correct opinions by which the wives and mothers who had charge of Their moral- ity strove hard to teep them in the right way ; and that was the reverse of what one naturally expected from a clergyman. He was very nice, and had a nice position ; and, under all the circumstances, it was not 248 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : only a duty to pay attention to him, but a duty from which results of a most agreeable character might spring; but still, though she could not be otherwise than kind, it would be impossible to say that it was out of personal predilection that Mrs Chiley devoted herself to her guest. She admitted frankly that he was not like what clergymen were in her time. For one thing, he seemed to think that every silly boy and girl ought to have an opinion and be consulted, as if they had anything to do with it — which was just the way to turn their heads, and make them utterly insupportable. On the whole, perhaps, the old lady was more chari- table to Mary Chiley, and understood better how it was that she, brought up in sound Church principles, did not get on so well as might be desired with her hus- band's family, after a week of the Archdeacon. And yet he was a delightful person, and full of information, as everybody admitted ; and if Carlingford should be erected into a bishopric, as would be only right — and if Mr Beverley should happen to be appointed bishop, as was highly probable — then it would be a pleasure to think that one had been kind to him. At the same time, it must be owned that he showed a great want of tact in coming to Miss Marjoribanks's Thursday on the night of his arrival, and thus brushing, as it were, the very cream off his introduction to Grange Lane. And Mrs Chiley still sighed a little over Mr Cavendish, MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 249 and tliouglit within herself that it was not his fault, but that designing, artful creature, who was enough to lead any man wrong. For it was very clear to the meanest capacity that nobody could ever call the Arch- deacon " my dear," as, with all his faults, it had been possible to call Mr Cavendish. And by this line of thought ]Mrs Chiley was led to regret Mr Cavendish, and to wonder what had become of him, and what family affairs it could be that had taken him so suddenly away. A great many people in Carlingford were at that moment occupied by the same wonders and regrets. Some people thought he was frightened to find how far he had gone with that Miss Lake, and had left town for a little to be out of the way ; and some thought he must have been speculating, and have lost money. To tell the truth, it was very strange that he should have disappeared so suddenly, — just at the mo- ment, too, when old Mr Chiltern had one of his bad attacks of bronchitis, which Dr Marjoribanks himself had admitted might carry him off any day. Nothing could be more important to the future interests of young Cavendish than to be on the spot at this critical moment, and yet he had disappeared without telling anybody he was going, or where he was going, which was on the whole a perfectly unexplainable proceeding. His very servants, as had been ascertained by some inquiring mind in the community, were unaware of his 250 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : intention up to the very last moment ; and certainly lie had not said good-bye to anybody before leaving Dr Marjoribanks's garden on that Thursday evening. Mr Woodburn, who was not a person of very refined perceptions, was the only man who found his disap- pearance quite natural. '' After making such a deuced ass of himself, by George ! what could the fellow do ? " said his brother-in-law, who naturally enjoyed the dis- comfiture of so near a connection ; and this was no doubt a providential circumstance for Mrs Woodburn, who was thus saved from the necessity of explaining or accounting for her brother's unexpected disappear- ance ; but it failed to satisfy the general community, who did not think Mr Cavendish likely to give in at the first blow even of so distinguished an antagonist as Miss Marjoribanks. Some of the more charitable in- habitants of Grange Lane concluded that it must be the sudden illness of some relative which had called him away ; but then, though he was well known to be one of the Cavendishes, neither he nor his sister ever spoke much of their connections ; and, on the whole, public opinion fluctuated between the two first sugges- tions — which seemed truest to nature at least, whether or not they might be fully corroborated by fact — which were, either that Mr Cavendish had taken fright, as he might very naturally have done, at the advanced state of his relations with Barbara Lake ; or that he had MISS ]\LUlJORIBANKS. 251 speculated, and lost money. In either case his depar- ture would have been natural enough, and need not, perhaps, have been accomplished with quite so much precipitation ; but still such a community as that in Grange Lane was in circumstances to comprehend how a young man might take fright and leave home, either because of losing a lot of money, or getting entangled with a drawing-master's daughter. The immediate result, so far as society was con- cerned, was one for which people did not know whether to be most glad or sorry. Mrs Woodburn, who kept half the people in Grange Lane in terror of their lives, seemed to have lost all her inspiration now her brother was away. She did not seem to have the heart to take off anybody, which was quite a serious matter for the amusement of the community. To be sure, some people were thankful, as supposing themselves exempt- ed from caricature ; but then unfortunately, as has been said, the people who were most afraid for Mrs Wood- burn were precisely those who were unworthy of her trouble, and had nothing about them to give occupa- tion to her graphic powers. As for Miss Marjoribanks, who had supplied one of the mimic's most effective studies, she was much disturbed by the failure of this element of entertainment. " I have always thought it very strange that I never had , any sense of hum- our," Lucilla said ; '' but it would not do, you know 252 CHEONICLES OF CAELINGFOKD : if all the world was like me; and society would be nothing if everybody did not exert themselves to the best of their abilities." There was a mournful in- tonation in Lucilla's voice as she said this ; for, to tell the truth, since Mr Cavendish's departure she had been dreadfully sensible of the utter absence of any man who could flirt. As for Osmond Brown and the other boys of his age, it might be possible to train them, but at the best they were only a provision for the future, and in the mean time Miss Marjoribanks could not but be sensible of her loss. She lamented it with such sincerity that all the world thought her the most perfect actress in existence. " I have no- thing to say against any of you," Lucilla would say, contemplating with the eye of an artist the young men of Grange Lane who were her raw material. " I daresay you will all fall in love with somebody sooner or later, and be very happy and good for nothing ; but you are no assistance in any way to society. It is Mr Cavendish I am sighing for," said the woman of genius, with the candour of a great mind ; and even Mrs Woodburn was beguiled out of her despondency by a study so unparalleled. All this time, however, Lucilla had not forgotten the last look of her faithless admirer as he faced round upon her when Mr Archdeacon Beverley came into the room. She too, like every- body else, wondered innocently why Mr Cavendish had MISS MARJOEIBANKS. 253 gone away, and when he was coming back again ; but she never hinted to any one that the Archdeacon had anything to do with it ; for indeed, as she said to her- self, she had no positive evidence except that of a look that the Archdeacon had anything to do with it. By which it will be seen that Miss Marjoribanks's pru- dence equalled her other great qualities. It would be wrong to say, however, that her curiosity was not excited, and that in a very lively way; for the vague' wonder of the public mind over a strange fact, could never be compared in intensity to the surprise and curiosity excited by something one has actually seen, and which gives one, as it were, a share in the secret, — if indeed there was a secret, which was a matter upon which Lucilla within herself had quite made up her mind. As for the Archdeacon, the place which he took in society was one quite different from that which had been filled by Mr Cavendish, as, indeed, was natural. He was one of those men who are very strong for the masculine side of Christianity ; and when he was with the ladies, he had a sense that he ought to be paid attention to, instead of taking that trouble in his own person. Miss Marjoribanks was not a woman to be blind to the advantages of this situation, but still, as was to be expected, it took her a little time to get used to it, and to make all the use of it which was practi- 254 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : cable under the circumstances — whicTi was all the more difficult since she was not in the least '' viewy " in her own person, but had been brought up in the old- fashioned orthodox way of having a great respect for religion, and as little to do with 'it as possible, which was a state of mind largely prevalent in Carlingford. But that was not in the least Mr Beverley's way. It was when Lucilla's mind was much occupied by this problem that she received a visit quite unex- pectedly one morning from little Rose Lake, who had just at that time a great deal on her mind. For it may easily be supposed that Mr Cavendish's sudden departure, which bewildered the general public who had no special interest in the matter, must have had a still more overwhelming effect upon Barbara Lake, who had just been raised to the very highest pinnacle of hope, closely touching upon reality, when all her expectations collapsed and came to nothing in a mo- ment. She would not believe at first that it could be true ; and then, when it was no longer possible to resist the absolute certainty of Mr Cavendish's depar- ture, her disappointment found vent in every kind of violence — hysterics, and other manifestations of un- reason and self-will. Rose had been obliged to leave the Female School of Design upon her papa's over- burdened shoulders, and stay at home to nurse her sister. Perhaps the little artist was not the best per- MISS MARJOEIBANKS. 255 son to take care of a sufferer under such circumstances; for she was neither unreasonable nor self-willed to speak of, though perhaps a little opinionative in her way — and could not be brought to think that a whole household should be disturbed and disordered, and a young woman in good health retire to her room, and lose all control of herself, because a young man, with whom she had no acquintance three months before, had gone out of town unexpectedly. Perhaps it was a want of feeling on the part of the unsympathetic sister. She gave out that Barbara was ill, and kept up a most subdued and anxious countenance down-stairs, for the benefit of the children and the maid-of-all-work, who represented public opinion in Grove Street ; but when Kose went into her sister's room, where Barbara kept the blinds down, and had her face swollen with crying, it was with a very stern countenance that her little mentor regarded the invalid. " I do not ask you to have a sense of duty," Eose said, with a certain fine disdain, " but at least you might have a proper pride." This was all she took the trouble to say ; but it must be admitted that a great deal more to the same effect might be read in her eyes, which were generally so dewy and soft, but which could flash on occasion. And then as the week drew on towards Thursday, and all her representations proved unavailing to induce Barbara to get up and prepare herself for her usual 256 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFOIID : duties, the scorn and vexation and impatience with which the dutiful little soul met her sister's sullen determination that " she was not able " to fulfil hei' ordinary engagements, roused Rose up to a great reso- lution. For her own part she was one of the people who do not understand giving in. "What do you mean by lying there ? " she said, pounding Barbara down small and cutting her to pieces with infallible good-sense and logic ; ''will that do any good ? You would try to look better than usual, and sing better than usual, if you had any proper pride. I did not fall ill when my flounce was passed over at the exhibi- tion. I made up my mind that very evening about the combination for my veil. I would die rather than give in if I were you." " Your flounce ! " sobbed Barbara — " oh you unfeel- ing insensible thing ! — as if your h-heart had anything to do with — that. I only went to s-spite Lucilla — and I won't go — no more — oh, no more — now he's been and deserted me. You can't understand my feelings — g-go away and leave me alone." " Barbara," said Eose, with solemnity, " I would forgive you if you would not be mean. I don't un- derstand it in one of us. If Mr Cavendish has gone away, it shows that he does not care for you ; and you would scorn him, and scorn to show you were think- ing of him, if you had any proper pride." MISS MAIUOKIBANKS. 257 But all the answer Barbara gave was to turn away with a jerk of annoyance the old easy-chair in which she was lying buried, with her hands thrust up into her black hair, and her eyes all red ; upon which Eose left her to carry out her own resolution. She was prompt in all her movements, and she wasted no time on reconsideration. She went down into Grange Lane, her little head erect, and her bright eyes regarding the world with that air of frank recognition and acknow- ledgment -which Eose felt she owed as an artist to her fellow- creatures. They were all good subjects more or less, and the consciousness that she could draw them and immortalise them gave her the same sense of confidence in their friendliness, and her own perfect command of the situation, as a young princess might have felt whose rank protected her like an invisible buckler. Eose, too, walked erect and open-eyed, in the confidence of her rank, which made her everybody's equal. It was in this frame of mind that she arrived at Dr Marjoribanks's house, and found Lucilla, who was very glad to see her. Miss Marjoribanks was pondering deeply on the Archdeacon at that moment, and her little visitor seemed as one sent by heaven to help her out. For to tell the truth, though Lucilla understood all about Mr Cavendish, and men of his description, and how to manage them, and take full use of their powers, even her commanding intelligence VOL. I. R 258 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : felt the lack of experience in respect to such a case as that of the Archdeacon, who required a different treat- ment to draw him out. She was thinking it over in- tently at the moment of Eose's arrival, for Lucilla was not a person to give up the advantages of a novel posi- tion because she did not quite understand it. She felt within herself that there was no doubt a great effort might be produced if she could but see how to do it. And it was Thursday morning, and there was no time to lose. " I came to speak to you about Barbara," said Eose. " She is not fit to come out this morning. I told her it was very ungrateful not to make an effort after you had been so kind ; but I am sorry to say she has not a strong sense of duty ; and I don't think she would be able to sing or do anything but look stupid. 1 hope you will not think very badly of her. There are some people who can't help giving in, I suppose," said Eose, with an impatient little sigh. " And so this is you, you dear little Eose ! " said Lucilla, "and I have never seen you before since I came home — and you always were such a pet of mine at Mount Pleasant ! I can't think why you never came to see me before ; as for me, you know, I never have any time. Poor papa has nobody else to take care of him, and it always was the object of my life to be a comfort to papa." " Yes," said Eose, who was a straightforward little MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 259 woman, and not given to compliments. '' I have a great deal to do too," she said ; " and then all my spare moments I am working at my design. Papa always says that society accepts artists for what they can give, and does not expect them to sacrifice their time," Kose continued, with her little air of dignity. Miss Maijoribanks knew very well that society was utterly unconscious of the existence of the Lake family ; but then there is always something imposing in such a perfectly innocent and superb assumption as that to which the young Preraphaelite had just given utterance ; and it began to dawn upon Lucilla that here was another imperfectly understood but effective instrument lying ready to her hand. " I should like to see your design," said Miss Mar- joribanks, graciously. "You made such a pretty little wreath for the corner of my handkerchief — don't you remember ? — all frogs' legs and things. It looked so sweet in the old satin stitch. What is the matter with poor Barbara ? I felt sure she would catch cold and lose her voice. I shall tell papa to go and see her. As for to-night, it will be a dreadful loss to be sure, for I never could find a voice that went so well with mine. But if you are sure she can't come " " When people have not a sense of duty," said Eose, with an indignant sigh, " nor any proper pride, Some are so different. Barbara oufjht to have been 260 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : some rich person's daughter, with nothing to do. She would not mind being of no use in the world. It is a kind of temjDerament I don't understand," continued the little artist. All this, it is true, was novel to Miss Marjoribanks,who had a kind of prejudice in favour of the daughters of rich persons who had nothing to do ; but Lucilla's genius was broad and catholic, and did not insist upon comprehending everything. She gave Kose a sudden scrutinising look, and measured her mentally against the gap she had to fill. ISTo doubt it was an ex- periment, and might fail signally ;. but then Miss Mar- joribanks was always at hand to cover deficiencies, and she had that confidence in herself and her good-for- tune which is necessary to everybody who greatly dares. " You must come yourself this evening, you dear old Eose," said Lucilla. " You know I always was fond of you. Oh yes, I know you can't sing like Barbara. But the Archdeacon is coming, who understands about art ; and if you would like to bring your design My principle has always been, that there should be a little of everything in society," said Miss Marjoribanks. *' I daresay you will feel a little strange at first with not knowing the people, but that will soon pass off — and you must come." When she had said this, Lucilla bestowed upon little Eose a friendly schoolfellow kiss, putting her hands ]MISS MARJORIBANKS. 261 upon the little artist's shoulders, and looking her full in the face as she did so. " T am sure you can talk," said ]\Iiss Marjoribanks. She did not say " Go away now, and leave nie to my arrangements ; " but Eose, who was quick-witted, understood that the salute was a dismissal, and she went away accordingly, tingling with pride and excitement and pleasure and a kind of pain. The idea of practically exemplifying, in her own person, the kind of demeanour which society ought to expect from an artist had not occurred to Eose ; but destiny having arranged it so, she was not the woman to withdraw from her responsibilities. She said to herself that it would be shabby for her who was known to have opinions on this subject, to shrink from carry- ing them out ; and stimulated her courage by recourse to her principles, as people do who feel them gel ves bound to lay sacrifices on the altar of duty. Notwith- standing this elevated view of the emergency, it must be admitted that a sudden thought of what she would wear had flushed to Eose's very finger-tips, with a heat and tingle of which the little heroine was ashamed. For it was Thursday morning, and there was not a moment to be lost. However, after the first thrill which this idea had given her, Eose bethought herself once more of her principles, and stilled her beatinor heart. It was not for her to think of what o she was to put on, she who had so often proclaimed 262 CHEONICLES OF CARLINGFORD. the exemption of " a family of artists " from the rules which weigh so hard upon the common world. " We have a rank of our own," she said to herself, but with that tremor which always accompanies the transfer- ence of a purely theoretical and even fantastic rule of conduct into practical ground — " We are everybody's equal, and we are nobody's equal — and when papa begins to be appreciated as he ought to be, and Willie has made a Name " This was always the point at which Eose broke off, falling into reverie that could not be expressed in words ; but she had no leisure to remark upon the chance " compositions " in the street, or the effects of light and shade, as she went home. A sudden and heavy responsibility had fallen upon her shoulders, and she would have scorned herself had she deserted her post. CHAPTEK XVIIL But the anticipations of Eose Lake were trifling mat- ters in comparison with the universal interest and even excitement which attended the Archdeacon's first ap- pearance in Carlingford. What might be called his first public appearance took place at Dr Marjoribanks's table, although he had previously dined at the Eec- tory, and also at Sir John Eichmond's, besides that there had been somebody to dinner at Colonel Chiley's almost every day ; but then there were only county people at Sir John's, and Mr Bury's guests naturally counted for very little in Grajige Lane ; — indeed, it was confidently reported that the Eector had invited Mr Tufton of Salem Chapel to meet the Archdeacon, and that, but for the Dissenting minister having more sense and knowing his place, that unseejnly conjunc- tion would have taken place, to the horror of all right- thinking people. So that Dr Marjoribanks's was in reality the first house where he had any chance of 264 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : seeing society. It would perhaps be using too strong a word to say that Miss Marjoribanks was anxious about the success of her arrangements for this parti- cular evening ; but, at the same time, it must be ad- mitted that the circumstances were such as to justify a little anxiety. Mr Cavendish was gone, who, to do him justice, was always agreeable, and his departure disturbed the habitual party ; and Mrs Woodbum had lost all her powers, as it seemed, and sat at Dr Marjo- ribanks's left hand, looking just like other people, and evidently not to be in the least depended on ; and Lu- cilla was aware that Barbara was not coming, which made, if nothing else, a change in the programme. No music, nobody to do the flirting, nor to supply the dramatic by-play to which Grange Lane had become accustomed ; and a new man to be made use of, and to be done honour to, and introduced in society. A young woman of powers inferior to those of Miss Marjoribanks would have sunk under such a weight of responsibility, and there was no doubt that Lucilla was a little excited. She felt that everything depended upon her courage and self-possession. If she but lost her head for a moment and lost command of affairs, everything lyight have been lost ; but then fortunately she knew herself and what she could do, and had a modest confidence that she would not lose her head ; and thus she could still eat her dinner with the com- MISS MAEJOEIBANKS. 265 posure of genius, though it would be wrong to deny- that Lucilla was a little pale. And then, as if all these things had not been enough to discourage the lady of the house, another discordant element was added by the presence of Mr Bury and his sister, whom it had been necessary to ask to meet the Archdeacon. The Rector, though he was very Low- Church, had no particular objections to a good dinner — but he made a principle of talking of that import- ant daily necessity in a disparaging, or at best in a patronising way, which roused Dr Marjoribanks's tem- per ; and sometimes the Doctor would launch a shaft of medical wit at his spiritual guide, which Mr Bury had no means of parrying. Nor was this the only danger to which the peace of the party was exposed. For the Picctor, at the same time, regarded J\lr Beverley ^^T.th a certain critical suspiciousness, such as is seldom to be encountered except among clergymen. He did not know much about his clerical superior, who had only recently been appointed to his archdeaconry ; but there was something in his air, his looks and demean- our, which indicated what Mr Bury considered a loose way of thinking. When the Archdeacon made any remark the Rector would pause and look up from his plate to listen to it, with his fork suspended in the air the while — and then he would exchange glances with his sister, who was on the other side of the table. All 266 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : this, it may be supposed, was a little discomposing for Lucilla, who had the responsibility of everything, and who could now look for no assistance among the ordi- nary members of her father's party, who were, as a gen- eral rule, much more occupied with the dinner than with anything else that was going on. In such a state of afiairs, it was a great relief to Miss Marjoribanks when the Archdeacon, who occupied the post of honour by her side, made a lively new beginning in the conversation. It had not to call flagged before — not precisely flagged — but still there were indications of approaching ex- haustion, such as can always be perceived half-a-mile off by anybody who has any experience in society ; and when the Archdeacon took up the ball with all the liveliness of a man who is interested in a special question, it will not be difficult to any lady who has ever been in such circumstances to realise to herself Miss Marjoribanks's sense of gratitude and relief " By the by," said Mr Beverley, " 1 meant to ask if any one knew a man whom I am sure I caught a glimpse of the first day I was in Carlingford. Per- haps it was in the morning after I arrived, to be pre- cise. I can't recollect exactly. If he lives about here, he ought to be known, for he is a very clever amusing sort of fellow. I don't know if Carlingford is more blessed than other country towns with people of that complexion," said the Archdeacon, turning to Lucilla MISS MARJOEIBANKS. 267 with a smile. His smile, as he paused and turned to Miss Maijoribanks, was such as conveys a kind of challenge when it is addressed to a young lady, and meant to lead to a lively little combat by the way ; and yet there was something of keen personal anxiety and animosity in it. As for Lucilla, she was conscious of an immediate thrill of curiosity, but still it was curiosity unmingled with any excitement, and she had no particular objection to respond. " Everybody is nice in Carlingford," said Miss Mar- joribanks ; " some people are always finding fault with their neighbours, but I always get on so well with everybody — I suppose it is my luck." This was not precisely an answer to the Archdeacon's question ; and there was somebody at the table who could have fallen upon Lucilla and beaten her for putting off the revela- tion which trembled on the lips of Mr Beverley, and yet would have given anything in the world to silence the Archdeacon, and felt capable of rushing at him like a fury and tearing his tongue out, or suffocating him, to stop the next words that he was going to say. But nobody, knew anything about this, or could see into the one heart that had begun to flutter and throb with alarm ; for outwardly, all the well-dressed, cheerful people at Dr Marjoribanks's table sat eating their dinner, one precisely like another, as if there had been no such thing as mystery or terror in the world. 268 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFORD : " You must not expect me to believe in the perfec- tion of human society/' said the Archdeacon, going on in the same strain; "I would much rather pin my faith to the amiable dispositions of one young lady who always finds her neighbours agreeable — and I hope she makes no exception to the rule," said the Broad-Churchman in a parenthesis, with a smile and a bow — and then he raised his voice a little : " The man I speak of is really a very amusing fellow, and very well got up, and calculated to impose upon ordinary observers. It is quite a curious story ; he was a son of a trainer or something of that sort about Newmarket. Old Lord Monmouth took an extraordi- nary fancy to him, and had him constantly about his place — at one time, indeed, he half brought him up along with his grandson, you know. He always was a handsome fellow, and picked up a little polish ; and really, for people not quite used to the real thing, was as nearly like a gentleman " " Come, now, I don't put any faith in that," said Mr Woodburn. "I don't pretend to be much of a one for fine comjDany myself, but I know a gentle- man when I see him ; a snob always overdoes it, you know-" — " " I never said this man was a snob," said the Arch- deacon, with a refined expression of disgust at the in- terruption flitting over his features ; " on the contrary, MISS MAEJOEIBANKS. 269 if he had only been honest, he would have been really a very nice fellow " " My dear sir," said Mr Bury, " excuse me for break- ing in — perhaps I arn old-fashioned, but don't you think it's a pity to treat the question of honesty so lightly ? A dishonest person has a precious soul to be saved, and maybe a most deeply interesting character; but to speak of him as a very nice fellow, is — pardon me — I think it's a pity ; especially in mixed society, where it is so important for a clergyman to be guarded in his expressions,'' said the Eector. When Mr Bury began to speak, everybody else at table ceased talking, and gave serious attention to what was going on, for the prospect of a passage of arms between the two clergymen was an opportunity too captivating to be lost. " I hope Mr Bury's dishonest friends will pardon me," said the Archdeacon ; " I mean no harm to their superior claims. Does anybody know the man here, I wonder ? He had changed his name when I knew him, and there is no telling what he may call himself now. I assure you he was a very good-looking fellow — dark, good features, nearly six feet high " " Oh please don't say any more," said Miss Marjori- banks, and she could not quite have explained why she interrupted these personal details ; " if you tell me what he is like, I shall fancy everybody I meet is him ; 270 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : Mr Centum is dark, and has good features, and is nearly six feet high. Never mind, what he is like ; you gentlemen can never describe anybody — you al- ways keep to generals ; tell us what he has done." Somebody drew a long breath at the table when the Archdeacon obeyed Miss Marjoribanks's injunction. More than one person caught the sound, but even Lucilla's keen eyes could not make out beyond contro- versy from whom it proceeded. To be sure, Lucilla's mind was in a most curious state of tumult and con- fusion. She was not one of the people who take a longtime to form their conclusions; but the natural conclusion to which she felt inclined to jump in this case was one so monstrous and incredible that Miss Marjoribanks felt her only safeguard in the whirl of possibilities was to reject it altogether, and make up her mind that it was impossible ; and then all the cor- respondences and apparent corroborations began to dance and whirl about her in a bewildering ring till her own brain seemed to spin with them. She was as much afraid lest the Archdeacon by some chance should fall upon a really individual feature which the world in general could identify, as if she had had any real con- cern in the matter. But then, fortunately, there was not much chance of that ; for it was one of Lucilla's principles that men never can describe each other. She listened, however, with such a curious commotion MISS MARJORIBANI^S. 271 in her mind, that she did not quite make out what he was saying, and only pieced it up in little bits from memory afterwards. Not that it was a very dreadful story. It was not a narrative of robbery or murder, or anything very alarming ; but if it could by any possibility turn out that the man of whom Mr Bever- ley was speaking had ever been received in society in Carlingford, then it would be a dreadful blow to the community, and destroy public confidence for ever in the social leaders. This was what Lucilla was think- ing in her sudden turmoil of amazement and ap- prehension. And all this time there was another person at table who knew all about it twenty times better than Lucilla, and knew what was coming, and had a still more intense terror lest some personal de- tail might drop from the Archdeacon's lips which the public in general would recognise. Mr Beverley went on with his story with a curious sort of personal keen- ness in his way of telling it, but never dreaming for a moment that anybody that heard him was disturbed or excited by it. " He has a mark on his face," the Archdeacon said — but here Miss Marjoribanks gave a little cry, and held up both her hands in dismay. " Don't tell us what marks he has on his face," said Lucilla. " I know that I shall think every man who is dark, and has good features, and is six feet, must be him. I wonder if it could be my cousin Tom ; he has 272 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : a little mark on his face — and it would be just like his dreadful luck, poor fellow. Would it be right to give up one's own cousin if it should turn out to be Tom ? " said ]\Iiss Marjoribanks. The people who were sitting at her end of the table laughed, but there was no laughing in Lucilla's mind. And this fright and panic were poor preparatives for the evening, which had to be got through creditably with so few resources, and with such a total reversal of the ordinary programme. Miss Marjoribanks was still tingling with curiosity and alarm when she rose from the table. If it should really come to pass that an adventurer had been re- ceived into the best society of Carlingford, and that the best judges had not been able to discriminate between the false and true, how could any one expect that Grange Lane would continue to confide its most im- portant arrangements to such incompetent hands ? Such was the dreadful question that occupied all Lucnia's thoughts. So far as the adventurer himself was concerned, no doubt he deserved anything that might come upon him ; but the judgment which might overtake the careless shepherds who had admitted the wolf into the fold was much more in Miss Marjori- banks's mind than any question of abstract justice. So that it was not entirely with a philanthropical intention that she stopped Mr Beverley and put an end to his dangerous details. Now she came to think of MISS MAKJOKIBANKS. ^ 27^ it, she began to remember that nobody of her acqitaint- ancc had any mark on his face ; but still it was best not to inquire too closely. It was thus with a pre- occupied mind that she went up to the drawing-room, feeling less in spirits for her work than on any previous occasion. It was the first of the unlucky nights, which every woman of Lucilla's large and public-spirited views must calculate upon as inevitable now and then. There was no moon, and the Eichmonds naturally were absent, and so were the Miss Browns, who were staying there on a visit — for it was after the engage- ment between Lydia* and John ; and Mr Cavendish was away (though perhaps under the circumstances that was no disadvantage) ; and Mrs Woodburn was silenced ; and even Barbara Lake had failed her patroness. " You are not in spirits to-night, Lucilla, my poor dear," said Mrs Chiley, as they went up-stairs ; and the kind old lady cast a fierce glance at Mrs Woodburn, who was going before them with Miss Bury, as if it could be her fault. " Dear Mrs Chiley," said Miss Marjoribanks, " I am in perfect spirits ; it is only the responsibility, you * It may be mentioned here that this was an engagement that none of the friends ajjproved of, and that it was the greatest possible comfort to Miss Marjoribanks's mind that she had no- thing to do with it — either one way or another, as she said. VOL. I. S 274 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFOED : know. Poor Barbara is ill, and we can't have any music, and what if people should be bored? When one has real friends to stand by one it is different/' said Lucilla, with an intonation that was not in- tended for Mrs Chiley, "and I always stand by my friends." This was the spirit with which Miss Marjoribanks went up-stairs. It was a sentiment which pervaded her whole life. Even when she had occasion to be suffici- ently displeased with the people who surrounded her, and to feel that her own loyal friendship met with no adequate response, this was the unfailing inspiration of her heart. She did not rush into opposition because any misguided man or woman failed for the moment to appreciate her efforts, and return, as they ought to have been glad to do, her sentiments of kindness. On the contrary, nothing could have been more long-suffering and tolerant and benign than the feelings with which Lucilla regarded the unfortunate persons who mistook or did not appreciate her. She knew herself, which, however superior they might be, was something they could not know ; and she could afford to be sorry (for their own sakes) for their want of discrimination. If there should happen to be somebody in Grange Lane who had gained admittance into society under false pretences, not even such an offence, grievous as it was, could induce Miss Marjoribanks to condemn the culprit MISS MAEJOKIBANKS. 275 unheard. It was at once her settled resolution, and a peculiarity of her character, to stand by her friends ; and whatever mioht be the thouo-hts in her own mind, her immediate decision was to shut her ears to every indication of the culprit's personality, and to be blind to every suggestion that could identify him. People who like to discover the alloy which blends with- all human motives, may suppose that Lucilla felt her own credit as the leader of society at stake, and would not admit that she had been duped. But this had in reality but a very small share in the matter. Her in- stinct, even when reason suggested that she should be doubtful of them, was always to side with her own friends; and though there might be persons included in that sacred number who were scarcely worthy of the character, yet Lucilla, like every lofty character, could act but according to her own nature, and could not forsake any one whom she supposed to be thus mysteriously and darkly assailed. And she had her reward. There are virtues in this world which go without any recompense, but there are other virtues upon which a prompt guerdon is be- stowed ; and Lucilla possessed this happier develop- ment. Whether it was that little speech of hers which touched the mimic's heart, or whether the effect was produced by some other secret influence, it is certain that this was the nidit on which Mrs Wood- 276 CHRONICLES OF CAELINGFORD : burn's talent came to what may be called a sort of apotheosis. She shook off her languor as by a sudden inspiration, and gave such a sketch of the Archdeacon as up to this day is remembered more clearly in Car- lingford than the man himself. She took him off to his very face, and he never found it out, though every- body else did, and the house shook with restrained laughter. And as if this was not enough. Rose Lake had come with her portfolio, with some sketches of her brother's (who afterwards became so celebrated) in it, which electrified all the people who were fond of art ; and by the side of the young Preraphaelite was Bar- bara, who had come " to spite Lucilla," and who re- mained unwittingly to grace her triumph, ^he stood by herself, all wan and crumpled, all the night, showing her disappointment and rage and jilted state so clearly in her face, as to afford to all the mammas in her neighbourhood a most startling example of the danger of showing your feelings, with which to point a moral to the other young people about. She had come be- cause Eose was coming, and she would not be eclipsed by her younger sister. But nobody took any notice of Barbara on this miserable evening ; nobody asked her to sing, or offered her a seat, or even spoke to her, ex- cept Lucilla, who in her magnanimity found time to say a word as she passed. She was carelessly dressed, and her hair was hastily arranged, and her eyes were I^IISS IVTARJOEIBANKS. 277 red. She had no desire to look as if she had not been jilted, and had no proper pride, as Eose said ; and Mrs Chiley, who was Lucilhvs partisan and champion, and who thouo-ht poor Barbara deserved it all, seized the opportunity, and delivered a little lecture on the subject to the first group of girls who came in her way. " A disappointment may happen to any one," said Mrs Chiley ; " and so long as they had done nothing unbecoming, nobody could blame tliem ; but, my dears, whatever you do, don't show it like that ! It makes me ashamed of my sex. And only look at Lucilla ! " said the old lady. Lucilla had the best of it now. Instead of a failure, such as for a moment seemed likely, she had a triumphant success. She, and she only, said a word of kindness to her formerly triumph- ant rival. She drove her chariot over Barbara, and drew an advantage even from her sullen looks and red eyes. And the only thing that dissatisfied Mrs Chiley in the entire course of the evening was the trustful confidence with which Miss Marjoribanks left the Archdeacon, the (possible) new candidate for her favour, beside the Lakes and their portfolio of draw- ings. In this, as in all other things, Lucilla could not but follow the dictates of her magnanimous nature. And even her own prospects, as her old friend lament- ed, were as nothing to her in comparison with the 278 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOKD : good of society. Experience ought to have taught her better ; but then experience rarely does that amount of practical good which is generally attributed to it in the world. Lucilla gave little Eose the fullest oppor- tunity of showing her drawings to the Archdeacon and awakening his curiosity, and even securing his affections, as the jealous observer thought; and every- body knows how little is necessary, if a young woman likes to exert herself, to lead a poor man to his undo- ing; and Mr Beverley, though an archdeacon, was most probably, in this respect at least, no wiser than other men. This was the painful aspect of the case which Mrs Chiley discussed with her husband when they got home. '' He is not like what clergymen were in our day," said the old lady, " but still he is very nice, and has a nice position, and it would just suit Lucilla ; but to think of her going and leaving him with these Lake girls, notwithstanding the lesson she has had ! and I have no doubt the little one is just as design- ing and nasty as the other. If it should come to anything, she has only herself to blame," said Mrs Chiley. As for the Colonel, he took it more calmly, as a gentleman might be expected to do. "You may trust a parson for that," said the old soldier. " He knows what he is about. You will never find him make such an ass of himself as young MISS MAEJORIBANKS. 279 Cavendish did." But this only made Mrs Chiley sigh the more. " Poor Mr Cavendish ! " said the old lady. " I will never blame him, poor fellow. It was all that deceitful thing laying her snares for him. For my part I never like to have anything to do with those artist kind of people — they are all adventurers/' said the Colonel's wife ; and she went to bed with this unchristian per- suasion in her mind. While every one else regarded the matter with, to some extent, a personal bias, the only person who looked at it abstractly, and contemplated not the acci- dents of an evening, but the work itself, which was progressing in the face of all kinds of social difficul- ties, was the master-mind which first conceived the grand design of turning the chaotic elements of society in Carlingford into one grand unity. Lucilla was not blind to the dangers that surrounded her, nor indifFer- ent to the partial disappointment she had undergone ; but she saw that, in spite of all, her great work was making progress. And when we announce that Miss ]\Iarjoribanks herself was satisfied, there remains little more to say. As for the Archdeacon, he, as was natural, knew nothing about the matter. He said again, with the natural obtuseness which is so general among the gentlemen, that it had been a very pleasant party. 280 CHRONICLES OF CARLINGFOED : " She has a fine clear candid nature/' said Mr Bever- ley, which certainly was better than pronouncing so- lemnly that she was a good woman, which was what he said of Mrs Chiley and Lady Eichmond, in the lump, as it were, without considering how unlike they were to each other. That was all he, being only a man, knew about it. But though Lucilla was satisfied with the events of the evening, it would be vain to deny that there were perturba- tions in her mind as she laid her head upon her maiden pillow. She said to herself again with pro- founder fervour, that fortunately her affections had not been engaged ; but there were more things than affections to be taken into consideration. Could it be possible that mystery, and perhaps imposture, of one kind or another, had crossed the sacred threshold of Grange Lane ; and that people might find out and cast in Lucilla's face the dreadful discovery that a man had been received in her house who was not what he appeared to be ? When such an idea crossed her mind. Miss Marjoribanks shivered under her satin quilt. Of course she could not change the nature of the fact one way or another ; but, at least, it was her duty to act with great circumspection, so that if pos- sible it might not be found out — for Lucilla appre- ciated fully the difference that exists between wrong MISS MARJORIBANKS. 281 and discovery. If any man was imposing ujDon his neighbours and teUing lies about himself, it was his ovni fault ; but if a leader of society were to betray the fact of having received and petted such a person, then the responsibility was on her shoulders. And softer thoughts mingled with these prudential con- siderations — that sweet yet stern resolution to stand by her friends which Miss Marjoribanks had this evening expressed, and that sense of pity for every- body who is unfortunate which asserts itself even in the strongest of female intelligences. On the whole, it was clear that prudence was the great thing re- quired, and a determination not to give too hasty heed to anything, nor to put herself in the wrong by any alarmist policy. Fortunately the respecta- bility of Dr Marjoribanks's house was enough to cover its guests with a shining buckler. Thus Lu- cilla calmed down her own apprehensions, and suc- ceeded in convincing herself that if the impostor whom the Archdeacon had seen had been really received in Grange Lane, it was so much the worse for the im- postor; but that, in the mean time, in the lack of evidence it was much the best thing to take no notice. If there was any one else in Carlingford who regarded that past danger with a livelier horror and a more distinct fear, certainly Miss Marjoribanks had no way 282 CHRONICLES OF CAELIXGFOED : of knowing of it ; and nobody had been remarked as being in a despondent condition, or, indeed, in any- thing but the highest spirits, in the course of this Thursday, except the ungrateful creature, who had begun all the mischief; and tolerant as Lucilla was, it would have been going beyond the limits of nature to have expected that she could have been profoundly sorry for Barbara Lake. At the same time, poor Barbara, though she was not an elevated character, had gone home in a very sad state of mind. She had taken courage to ask Mrs Woodburn about her brother, and Mrs Woodburn had made the very briefest and rudest response to her question, and had "taken off" her woe-begone looks almost to her very face. And no one had shown the least sympathy for the forsaken one. She had not even been called from her solitude to sing, which mi^ht have been somethino; and it was Eose, as she said to herself, who had attracted all the attention ; for, like most selfish people, Barbara, though keenly aware of her own wrongs, had no eyes to perceive that Rose, who had a proud little spirit, was anything but satisfied with the evening's entertainment, to which she had herself so largely contributed. "I feel as if I should never see him more," Barbara said, quite subdued and broken down, with a burst MISS MARJORIBANKS. 283 of tears, as the two went home ; and poor little Eose, who was soft-hearted, forgot all her disapprobation in sympathy. " Never mind them, dear ; they have no feelino*. ^Ye must clino- tooether all the closer, and try to be everything to each other," Rose said, with eyes which w^re full, but which would not shed any tears. What was passing through her own mind was, that it was not for herself, but for her portfolio and the talk that arose over it, that Lucilla had asked her ; but, at the same time, she said to herself, that all that was nothing in comparison to the wound of the heart under which Barbara was suffering. " Dear, never mind, we will be everything to each other," said poor little romantic Rose ; and the elder sister, even in the depths of her dejection, could have given her a good shake for uttering such an absurd sentiment ; for a great deal of good it would do to be everything to each other — as if that could ever replace the orange blossoms and the wedding tour, and the carriage and handsome house, which were included in the name of Cavendish ! " And he was such a dear ! " she said to herself in her own mind, and wept, and made her eyes redder and redder. If Mr Cavendish had known all that was going on in Carlingford that night, the chances are that he would have been most flattered by those tears which Barbara shed for him 284 -^HEONICLES OF CAELINGFOED. under the lamps in Grove Street ; but then it is to be hoped he would not have been insensible either to the just reticence and self-restraint which, mingling with Miss Marjoribanks's suspicions, prevented her, as she herself said, even in the deepest seclusion of her own thoughts, from naming any name. END OF THE FIRST VOLUME. PRINTED BY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS, EDINBURGH. i