1285.17 N816C Jacksonville Northminster Pres. Church Centennial, 1950 ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/celebrationofoneOOnort 285.1773463 I816C • sa *& Northminster Presbyterian Church Centennial 1850-1950 Jacksonville, Illinois IUISBS BISIflWGAL SOSKI NORTHMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4 # * CELEBRATION OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE CHURCH April 30 Through May 7, 1950 The Rev. C. Frank Janssen, Pastor Frank Bracewell, Choir Director Mrs. George W. Ferreira, Organist bg |i< J%mm&$/ ■- +Mt$KIIIE&ffJw / 1 J Page Two 2 55, /773V63 ^4c< ' Pac?e r/iree Our First Edifice Corner Jordan and Kosciusko Streets Page Four Our First Pastor Rev. Antonio DeMattos : :: :. : :x - First Pastor Second Church Rev. Robert R. Lenington First Pastor Central Church Rev. E. N. Pires Our Present Pastor Rev. C. Frank Janssen Page Fivt HISTORICAL SKETCH HISTORY OF NORTHMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Prepared By Mrs. Lillie Sears, George W. Vasconcellos and Walter H. DeShara When the Northminster Presbyterian Church was or- ganized in Jacksonville, May 15, 1850, this city was only 25 years old. Many changes have taken place during the One Hundred years that Northminster has served this community. The Northminster church was organized by a group of Portuguese people who came to Jacksonville from the Island of Madeira in the fall of 1849, settling in this city, Spring- field and Waverly. Before coming to America these people had previously organized a church on the Island of Madeira, which dated back to May 12, 1845. The Madeira church was organized through the efforts of Dr. Robert Reid Kalley, a Scotch phy- sician, of the Free Church of Scotland. The members of the church first worshipped in other churches of Jacksonville and in 1853 a building was erected at the corner of Jordan and Kosciusko streets. Up to 1856 the church was under the Scotch Presbyterian Church. The question of "New" and "Old" Presbyterian in the United States caused two churches to be formed. The First Presbyterian Church going under the "New" and the Second Portuguese Presbyterian Church under the "Old" School. Ptiye Six The First church was organized with the Rev. Antonio DeMattos as pastor, while the Second church was formed with the Rev. Robert R. Lenington as pastor. In 1875 the Second church became divided during the pastorate of the Rev. E. N. Pires. Another church, known as the Central Portuguese Pres- byterian Church was formed with the Rev. E. N. Pires, as pastor. In February of 1887 the Central and First Churches united with the Rev. E. N. Pires as pastor. It was known as the United Portuguese Presbyterian Church. The building used by the Central church was moved to the site of the First church, doubling its seating capacity. On October 21, 1900, the United and Second churches united, forming what is now known as the Northminster Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. Roger F. Cressey, as pastor. On February 3, 1909, a committee was appointed to se- lect a location for a new church building and the present site of Northminister church w T as chosen. The corner stone for the new building w 7 as laid on August 21, 1909. The new edifice was constructed at a cost of ap- proximately $45,000 and was paid for within a few years. The pastors who have served the churches include, Rev. Antonio DeMattos, Rev. Henry Vieira, Rev. Robert R. Lening- ton, Rev. E. N. Pires, Rev. Hugo McKee, Rev. Charles B. Bar- ton, Rev. George W. McWherter, Rev. Hiram A. Stinson, Rev. Roger F. Cressey, Rev. J. W. Eltzholtz, Rev. W. E. Spoonts, Rev. R. W. Burton, Rev. Harry Lothian, Rev. George Albright and the present pastor, Rev. C. Frank Janssen. The present membership of the church is more than 300. Page Seven CENTENNIAL COMMITTEES General Chairman — Rev. C. Frank Janssen. Publicity — Leland Souza, Chairman; Mrs. H. E. Collier. Walter H. DeShara. Finance — George Souza, Chairman-, Charles Ornellas, Walter W. Wild. Music — Frank Bracewell, Chairman; Mrs. Clyde Vasconcellos, Mrs. George W. Ferreira, Mrs. Melvin Smith. Reception — Mrs. Carl Day, Chairman; Mrs. William Bieber, Mrs. Thomas Fernandes. Invitations — Mrs. George Coraor, Chairman; Miss Cecil Munis, Miss Ardeen DeFrates, Mrs. Robert Shannon. Program — Lester Fernandes, Chairman; Wrenner Souza, George W. Vasconcellos. Historical — Walter H. DeShara, Chairman; Mrs. Lillie Sears, George W. Vasconcellos. 1'nH' Eight CENTENNIAL PROGRAM Sunday, April 30th Morning Worship — Dr. Ralph Cummins, Champaign, Illinois. Remarks — Ernest L. Hoagland, Mayor of Jacksonville. Evening Speaker — Dr. E. C. Pires, Delavan, Illinois. Tuesday, May 2nd Evening Service — Rev. C. Frank Janssen. Wednesday, May 3rd Church Family Night — Speakers : Carroll T. Hughes and Frank F. Bracewell. George W. Vasconcellos, presiding. Friday, May 5th Evening Service — Rev. Ernest L. Fernandes, Peoria, Illinois. Sunday, May 7th Morning Service — Dr. Clifford E. Barbour, Moderator. Presbyterian General Assembly, Knoxville, Tenn. Evening Service — Ministerial Association, Dr. Frank Marston, President. Page Nine CHURCH OFFICERS ELDERS — Frank F. Bracewell, Clerk; George Coraor, Clifford DeFrates, Henry DeFrates, Harold DeFrates, Walter H. DeShara, Melvin Smith, Leland Souza, Wrenner Souza, Clyde Vasconcellos, George W. Vasconcellos, Cal Vieira. Deacons — Loren DeFreitas, Paul DeFrates, Walter Edwin DeShara, Lester Fernandes, George McHenry. Harold O'Daffer. TRUSTEES — Charles Ornellas, President; Wesley W. Sperry, Vice-President; Walter W. Wild, Secretary; Harry Oliver, Treasurer; George W. Ferreira, John Mc- Henry, Harold Nunes, George Souza, Henry A. Souza. Financial Secretary — Wrenner Souza. Missionary Society — Mrs. George Coraor, President; Mrs. Paul DeFrates, Secretary; Mrs. William Bieber, Treasurer. Ladies Aid Society — Mrs. Carl Day, President; Mrs. Lillie Sears, Secretary; Mrs. L. Arch Vasconcellos, Treas- urer. Page Ten SUNDAY SCHOOL OFFICERS Superintendent — Harold Nunes. Assistant Superintendent — Mrs. George Coraor. Secretary — Walter Edwin DeShara. Assistant Secretary — Dale DeFrates. Treasurer — Harold DeFrates. Assistant Treasurer — Melvin Smith. Pianist — Mrs. Lillie Sardinah. Assistant Pianist — Mrs. Norlys Hodge. Chorister — Mrs. E. H. Sheppard. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT Superintendent — Mrs. G. C. Albright. Assistant Superintendent — Mrs. Thomas Fernandes. Pianist — Miss Ardeen DeFrates. Assistant Pianist — Miss Doris Souza. CRADLE ROLL Superintendent — Mrs. George McHenry. Assistant Superintendent — Mrs. Harold DeFrates. Assistant Superintendent — Mrs. Henry Bodensiek. * SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS Mrs. Anna Estaque, George W. Vasconcellos, Mrs. H. E. Gollier, Mrs. George Coraor, Mrs. E. H. Sheppard, Harold Nunes, Mrs. Clyde Vasconcellos, Mrs. C. Frank Janssen, Rev. C. Frank Janssen, Mrs. Carl Day, Mrs. Robert Kemp, Mrs, Willard Tranbarger, Mrs. Percy C. Fernandes, Mrs. Thomas Fernandes, Mrs. Robert Asher, Mrs. Paul DeFrates, Doris Souza and Ardeen DeFrates. Page Eleven Sons and Daughters of the Church Who Have Entered The Ministry and The Mission Field Ministers — John F. DaGama, Robert Lenington, Fred Lenington, Emmanuel Meline, Joseph F. Cherry, Henry Vieira, Robert Baptist, E. C. Pires, Ernest Fernandes. Missionaries — Manuel G. Santos, John Ornellas, Joseph Da Rhaunde, Mrs. Antonia Estaque, Mary Ferreira, Belle Ferreira, Laura Pires, Eleanor Pires, Joseph Martino, Rev. Antonio Leete. IN MEMORIAM This space we set aside as a memorial to the Founders, Ministers and members of Northminster Presbyterian Church who have gone to their eternal home. Through their efforts, labors, patience and faith in God, Northminster Church is now entitled to celebrate 100 years of spirit- ual service in Jacksonville. 1'irrJrc