s 14.GS: CIR 229 (3eA> Sc^^Uj STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. BINKS, Director GRAPHIC ANALYSES OF OIL WELL DRILLING AND PRODUCTION, 1937-1955 Lester L. Whiting Margaret O. Oros *"NOlS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UBRAR y DIVISION OF THE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C. FRYE, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 229 1957 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/graphicanalyseso229whit GRAPHIC ANALYSES OF OIL WELL DRILLING ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL AND PRODUCTION, 1937-1955 SURVEY LIBRARY Lester L. Whiting and Margaret O. Oros ABSTRACT County trends in Illinois oil production from 1937 through 1955, 1951 through 1955, and for the years 1955 and 1956, are presented on four maps that show the number of holes drilled and percentage of successful drilling for each county. Annual and total production figures for 24 oil producing counties are pre- sented in graphs. The dollar value of oil in the Illinois mineral economy, total oil production, and producing wells and dry holes drilled in pool and wildcat categories also are shown graphically. A brief historical summary of Illinois oil discovery and de- velopment prior to 1937 is included in the report. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT The purpose of this report is to show, primarily by graphic methods, trends relating to the discovery and production of oil in Illinois between 1937, when the first major production in the deep part of the Illinois basin was dis- covered, and 1956. Highlights in the discovery and history of development prior to 1937 are reviewed as background for the main report. The search for oil and natural gas in Illinois began more than 100 years ago. The first actual production is believed to have been from one or two bore holes, drilled near Champaign in 1853, that obtained marsh gas (Blatch- ley, 1906). Since then drilling in the state has been nearly continuous. In the early 1860s several holes were drilled north of Casey, in Clark County. Sufficient evidence of oil was obtained to give the name "Oilfield" to the small town that grew up in the vicinity of the drilling, but commercial production was not found until the Casey pool was discovered in 1904. In the late 1860s several core holes were drilled in a search for coal near Litchfield in Montgomery County. Oil seepage from one of these holes, which had been improperly plugged, collected in the workings of an old mine. For years the oil was skimmed off the water and sold. A large gas well was struck in 1882 about two and a half miles south of Litchfield. The well was later flooded out when it was deepened, but several more holes were drilled and the gas from these was conveyed by pipeline to Litchfield where it was used for domestic purposes. Continuing development led to the discovery of oil in 1889, and 1460 barrels of oil was produced dur- ing that year. A total of 6576 barrels of oil had been sold when production ceased, in 1902. With the discovery of the Casey pool in 1904, the importance of Illinois as an oil producing area was assured. Production, which amounted to 181,084 barrels in 1905, rose rapidly during the next five years, and in 1910 amounted to 33,143,362 barrels. As a result, Illinois ranked ninth among the oil produc- [1] ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 1. - Illinois Oil Production Thousands January c 8 i— i u H Bond 1,290 450 Christian 4,872 Clark 47,000* 200 Cumberland 21,866 Clay 72,300 CI inton 50,202 2,520 Coles 11,150 Crawford 168,800 Edgar 1,700 Edwards 23,953 Effingham 6,500 Fayette 197,210 Frankl in 39,460 Gallatin 20,435 Hancock- McDonough 4,475 Hamilton 71,810 Jasper 26,800 Jefferson 44,883 Lawrence 265,300 Macon 80 Macoupin 128 Madison 11,990 2,672 Marion 273,092 4,020 Montgomery 74 Perry 150 2 Randolph 1,288 Richland 58,827 St. Clair 2,800 2,800 Saline 1,470 Shelby 402 Wabash 57,306 Washington 13,866 35 Wayne 122,825 White 134,435 c ro ■ H C o > a 10 ■-< o ro i-j CO o cc 0) U) > 0) •SI • H ro > > c X ID 3 < 300 50 2,550 1,800 22,000 1,610 23,200 15,800 25 4,475 160 8,500 427 1,000 44,185 1,288 231 190 600 10 60 16 900 6,600 200 200 226 39,600 100 3,000 1,160 11,320 3,300 2,900 150 38,700 25 84,125 16,933 600 6,500 150 500 2,211 800 1,000 2,240 1,000 7,000 54,700 25,750 50 1,000 8,200 4,500 34,000 2,000 400 9,358 46,500 50,530 100 700 244 5,895 1,000 36,250 27,581 •«' c ^'^ ^ w t '^^ S ' !""■■■ TOTAL 1,758,739 12,699 13,009 93,660 23,276 18,265 328,884 192,656 Totals for Clark County and State include 300,000 bbls. (Warsaw) not listed in chart. from Carper sand GRAPHIC ANALYSES - DRILLING AND PRODUCTION 3 by Counties and Pays, 1888-1954 of barrels 1955 . CD . ro •h c 3 0) -H CD a> .M •ih tr> -H a> en 0) CD o 0) -H O TO O x: ro (h Q. M o T3 h (H -l-> (H CD (h en C C C >- 4-> -P D. u £ a ro fn D tH a. r-H 3 i-H O CD C ro Q) CD ro > i-> ro xi ro to ro ja ro -h a CQ CQ CO o X H 3 a. o a, 750 40 1,122 200 21 , 900 21,640 4,510 200 19,500 2,000 164,000 540 20 60 2,575 10 4,632 16,018 6,664 4,300 400 200 100 400 900 260 1,565 600 1,600 36,700 32 ,700 111,000 580 200 1,363 15 40 5,850 40 31,850 2 10 550 6,500 4,000 2,100 60 160 2,000 2,700 2,350 200 2,860 1,000 31,000 7 500 22,000 6,000 125,000 500 100 200 75,000 128 391 110,405 5,844 850 4 70 148 20 20,000 7 5 400 100 50 140 50 158 50 8,128 3,600 23,695 50 10 1,310 1,120 250 12,198 12,255 350 200 2,000 250 250 15,300 4,100 23,720 8,521 9,060 19,972 3,395 1,830 3,773 217,913 82,593 13,960 356,489 564 9,541 54,140 27,814 5,795 1,900 305,291* 4 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ing states during 1906, raised its position to third in 1907, and held that posi- tion for several years. After 1913, when the major development in the eastern fields comprising Clark, Cumberland, Edgar, Crawford, and Lawrence coun- ties was essentially over, production gradually declined again until by 1936 it was less than 4,500,000 barrels annually and Illinois ranked 14th in the nation. A reversal in the downward trend came in 1937 with the discovery and development of new producing areas at Clay City, Noble, Patoka, New Centralia, Olney, Cisne, Beecher City, and Rinard. The development after discovery of the Salem pool in 1938 added still further gains and as a result Illinois ranked fourth in the national picture during 1940 and 1941. Since then it has slowly lost ground, now ranking eighth in the nation, but is still in first place among states east of the Mississippi River. MILESTONES Drillers in search of oil have penetrated rock of pre -Cambrian age in eight holes, one each in Boone, DeKalb, Monroe, and Winnebago counties, and two in both Lee and Pike counties. One of the holes in DeKalb County pene- trated 638 feet of pre -Cambrian rock before it was abandoned. Several hundred holes, including those listed above, were drilled to the St. Peter sandstone or deeper, but to date the St. Peter has not produced oil, although one test in the Mattoon pool in Coles County had a show of oil in the St. Peter. The oldest rocks that produce oil in Illinois are in the Trenton formation of Ordovician age. These beds had produced more than 12.7 million barrels of oil by the end of 1954 (table 1). The deepest producer, the Kingwood Oil Co. No. A-24 Shanafelt in the Salem pool, was completed in the Trenton for 54 barrels a day at a plugged total depth of 4780 feet. It had been drilled originally to a depth of 5256 feet in the St. Peter sandstone. The top of the Trenton is at 4537 feet. Three holes, two in the Centralia pool and one in the Salem pool, were completed initially for more than 10,000 barrels of oil a day, producing from Devonian limestone. The largest of these, the Adams Oil and Gas No. 17-D Copple in sec. 35-2N-1W, made 12,000 barrels a day. This represents the largest initial production for any well drilled in Illinois. The top of the Devon- ian is at 2844 feet. The deepest hole drilled was the Superior Oil Company's No. 17 Ford "C" in sec. 27-4S-14W, New Harmony Consolidated pool in White County. It was drilled to 7682 feet in the Shakopee formation, later plugged back to 3796 feet, and completed in September 1952 for 20 barrels of oil and 10 barrels of water daily from the Salem formation. The top of the Salem is at 3753 feet. Three formations have produced more than 300 million barrels of oil each. The Cypress formation of Chester (Upper Mississippian) age tops the list with more than 350 million barrels. The Ste. Genevieve (Lower Missis- sippian), with more than 325 million barrels, and the various Pennsylvanian sands, which furnished about 305 million barrels, are second and third, re- spectively, as shown in table 1. This table was prepared for "The Eastern Interior (Illinois) Basin as a Habitat for Oil," by Alfred H. Bell and David H. GRAPHIC ANALYSES - DRILLING AND PRODUCTION 5 Swann, presented at the meeting of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in New York City, March 1955. Gas, except locally, is of no great economic significance in Illinois. However, gas is present and occasionally a large well is completed. Largest to date is the Richardson No. 1 Coombs Estate in the Cooks Mills pool of Coles County, which was completed for 24 million cubic feet per day from the Cypress sand. This area is currently being considered as a gas storage area. A summary of drilling shows that approximately 80,000 tests have been drilled in the search for oil in Illinois during the past century. About 48,000 of these holes resulted in producing wells, which total gives Illinois an all- time success ratio of 60 percent. The following graphs, thirteen in number, and the supplementary tables are intended to be self-explanatory. They were designed to present the essen- tial facts of Illinois drilling and production from which valid inferences can be made relative to the oil future of the state. For complete details refer to the annual statistical reports. DOLLAR VALUE OF ILLINOIS MINERALS Figure 1 shows the annual dollar value of all minerals produced in Illinois. Minerals other than oil, in their relative order of importance, in- clude coal, limestone and dolomite, clay products, sand and gravel, fluorspar, and the metals zinc, lead, and silver. Oil represents approximately one -third of the total annual mineral value for Illinois, and in one year, 1940, it exceeded the value of all other minerals combined. The combined value of all minerals during 1955 was almost 600 million dollars, with oil accounting for slightly over 250 million dollars. In 1937 the combined value had been $130,000,000, and the oil value $10,000,000. ANNUAL PRODUCTION GRAPH, 1905 TO 1955 Figure 2 shows yearly production of oil in Illinois since 1905. The graph illustrates the importance of the "Old Fields" area, which reached a peak pro- duction of 33,686,238 barrels during 1908. Production gradually declined after 1910, and during 1936 only 4,475,000 barrels of oil were produced. Following the start of "basin" drilling in 1937, the peak production year was 1940, with 146,788,000 barrels of oil, due largely to Devonian production in the Centralia and Salem pools. Production declined sharply from this peak until 1953 when some 59,000,000 barrels were produced. The Siggins "pilot flood" in 1942 was the first intentional attempt to ob- tain more production by injecting water to flush out additional oil. The ver- tically lined portion of figure 2 shows the proportion of oil recovered by sec- ondary methods since 1944. Since 1953, production has been climbing again. Both waterflooding and fracture treatment of wells have been contributing factors. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 600 500 2 400 o 300 = 200 100 A/ -\y All mineral including petroleum r 7 r" / x / •*. x-* / : '. / '•. 2 / •• •' *■* / / / 1 X- X «— Othe :* • minerals / / J, X' x-**/ / / / / il 1 1 1 1 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 Fig. 1. - Value of oil, other minerals, and total value of all minerals pro- duced in Illinois over the ZO-year period 1935-1957. Fig. 2. - Production of oil and gas, 1905 to 1955. GRAPHIC ANALYSES - DRILLING AND PRODUCTION 7 CUMULATIVE OIL PRODUCTION IN BARREL JAN I, 1888- JAN I, 1955 COUNTY TOTAL • 100,000 • 1,000,000 100,000,000 Sto't Geoicfcoi Swrr Fig. 3. - Structure of the Illinois basin on the base of the New Albany shale, and cumulative oil production by counties. (Swann and Bell, unpublished ms.) GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF OIL PRODUCTION Figure 3 shows the distribution of total oil production to January 1, 1955, by counties, in the whole Illinois basin, which includes parts of Indiana and Kentucky. The relation of the major and minor oil producing areas to the principal structural features of the basin are shown by this map. For example, the four highest ranking counties are located in areas marginal to the central deep; Lawrence and Crawford counties are on the La Salle belt east of the central deep, and Marion and Fayette counties are on the DuQuoin belt west of the central deep. Most of the other counties that have major oil production are in or near the central deep. It is noteworthy that there has been little oil production south of the Shawneetown - Rough Creek fault belt. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY uD&aq buunpDjj pazijiun uidjog poo||J3(OM uotuag ZZ'Z$0l28i$ 3SD9J0UI SDIJJ p3XD|3J suoipupay ( pej ) auuo^ pooij p|id suibbic; SU0lplJ|S9J 31UI1JDM (ujaps puo O||0J|U93 ) UDJU0A9Q UJ9|DS ^;«o Ado l It a * a u- N 2 2 CD en h- Oi 0} ■z. o IQ r- ^' o w — , T a t- o z T IT O Q_ 2 1 > < OQ H 3 O q> h- a & 5? en 2 r- O* a pH IT) £ • 3 G 43 be X) ■ H G jS a) OX) en x: bo T3 U C h n! c o ■iH 4-1 u X) o h 0, SNOIUldrVOO S13UHV8 JO SNOmiW GRAPHIC ANALYSES - DRILLING AND PRODUCTION 9 GRAPH OF PRODUCTION AND WELL COMPLETIONS, 1937-1955 Figure 4 is a two-part graph - the lower part shows total monthly pro- duction and the upper portion gives the monthly total of completed producers. Some of the significant events that affected the rates of drilling and production are noted at the top of the graph. RATIO OF PRODUCERS TO DRY HOLES IN POOL AND WILDCAT DRILLING Figure 5 permits a comparison of producers and dry holes in three cat- egories: A - all holes drilled more than half a mile from nearest production, B - all holes drilled more than two miles from nearest production (shown only since 1942 when differentiation on this basis began), and C - all holes drilled in pools. In graph C the phenomenal ratio of producers to dry holes indicated from 1938 through 1941 is due in large measure to development in the Salem-Cen- tralia area. PERCENTAGES OF DRILLING SUCCESS, BY COUNTY Figures 6, 7, 8, and 9 show the likelihood of obtaining oil production in any given county as indicated by the relationship of producers to total holes drilled to date. The ratios for each county are expressed on the maps as per- centage of success. The figures show the percentages, on a county basis, for four different periods. Figure 6 is for the 19 -year period following the discovery of oil in the deeper portion of the Illinois basin in 1937. Figure 7 is for the 5-year period, 1951-1955. Figures 8 and 9 are for 1955 and 1956, respectively. County percentages for each year (1937 through 1955), were calculated and are given in table 4. Criteria used in determining the percentage values are in- cluded in the discussion of table 4. To permit evaluation of oil possibilities, the counties are divided into five classes: unlikely (0 percent); slight (1 to 10 percent); fair (11 to 30 percent); good (31 to 60 percent); and excellent (61 to 100 percent). Thus, for example, Jefferson County with 56 percent success would be classified as having "good" chances. These classes are indicated by shading on the maps. Figure 6, indicating drilling success from 1937 through 1955, shows a concentration of "excellent" prospects across the central part of the Illinois basin. Edwards County, three percentage points below the "excellent" rating, is the only county in a solid block of ten in this part of Illinois which falls out- side this classification. All of the counties in the "excellent" class have had more than 2,000 holes drilled and two of them have been tested by more than 4,000 holes. It is possible that the "excellent" area continues southeastward from Wabash and White counties, Illinois, into Gibson and Posey counties, Indiana. The counties surrounding the "excellent" area, except for Shelby and Montgomery counties to the northwest, have "good" prospects. The "good" 10 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 800 600 / y- Dry holes 400 - 200 o + /\ I i Producers 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 400 B « 200 o Dry holes VVU Producers \ 3500 3000 2500 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 « 2000 o - 1500 o 1000 500 K //- Producers A aK/ a 7 Dry holes / — '\V SJ7 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 Fig. 5. - Number of producers and dry holes shown for (A) wildcat tests, (B) wildcat far tests, and (C) pool drilling. GRAPHIC ANALYSES - DRILLING AND PRODUCTION 11 counties are in turn surrounded by counties in the "fair," "slight," or "un- likely" classification. Collectively, the counties in the "fair," "good," and "excellent" classi- fications include all of the deeper part of the basin plus a considerable portion on the shelf, both to the west and northeast. It is interesting to compare the area covered under these three classifications with that classified as "best" by Dr. Alfred H. Bell in 1930, using a geologic approach (Bell, 1931, 1955). The similarity of the areas outlined in each case is striking. The percentage values shown for each county on figure 6 are considered as the base percentages because they are determined by all the drilling from 1937 through 1955. Two obvious inferences may be drawn from figure 6. First, that the best chances of obtaining a producing well in Illinois is in Marion or Fayette counties, which have success ratios of 82 and 81 percent, respectively. And second, that counties like Douglas, Morgan, or Williamson, which have ratios of 3, 5, and 2 percent respectively, offer little incentive for future exploration. However, attention must be called to two factors that affect the validity of such inferences. First, how reliable is an estimate based on only a few holes (for example, the 3 percent success for Douglas County based on 38 holes)? Confidence limits for the binominal distribution provide one means of answering this question. Using a 95 percent confidence coefficient (this means that 5 times out of 100 we will be in error), confidence limits were obtained from standard tables (Dixon and Massey, 1951, p. 322, table 9c) and are given below for Douglas County. Table 2. - Confidence Limits for Douglas County Percentage 95% Confidence No. of Holes Producers of success limits 1937-55 38 1 3 to 16 1951-55 21 1 5 to 25 1955 12 1 8 to 42 1956 248 106 41 35 to 46 1937-56 286 107 37 31 to 44 The essential conclusion indicated is that an increase in number of holes narrows the confidence limits, a fact reflected in the first four lines of table 2. However, as shown in the fourth line of table 2, with more holes used the percentage of success falls well outside the confidence limits previously es- tablished. In the fifth line, with an even greater number of holes, not only does the percentage of success fall outside the previously established confidence limits but the confidence limit itself widens. Why? Obviously because of pool activity with its concentrated drilling. This latter situation is more strikingly illustrated by the drilling in Marion and Fayette counties, statistics for which are given below in table 3. In these counties the 1937-1955 success percentages are 82 (4154 holes) and 81 (2977 holes). 12 jskphenson" "|winne«aco ItooVic' MCHENIT ""|LA«e" i I . I I DRILLING SUCCESS JANUARY 1,1937 through- DECEMBER 31,1955 Fig 6 - Percentage of success in drilling showing, for each county, the total wells drilled, number of oil producing wells, and percentage of drilling success, 1937-1955. GRAPHIC ANALYSES - DRILLING AND PRODUCTION 13 DRILLING SUCCESS 1951 - 1955 Fig. 7. - Five-year summary of percentage of drilling success, 1951-1955. 14 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DRILLING SUCCESS 1955 /seem 10 \ L, Total number of wells ^X- \ f % drilled in the county , x* 0% I- -_■ ,■■ - /gbeene ^mac )morgan/ ~*>\-w ; .__; ; l9 % of successful wells Fig. 8. - Drilling record for 1955 showing percentage of drilling success. GRAPHIC ANALYSES - DRILLING AND PRODUCTION 15 STEPHENSON "["wiNNEtAGcT IBOONE' MCHENRY ~~|IAKE~ DRILLING SUCCESS 1956 Fig. 9. - Drilling record for 1956 showing percentage of drilling success. 16 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 3. - Confidence Limits for Marion and Fayette Counties Percentage 95% Confidence No. of holes Producers of success limits Marion County 1937-55 4,154 3,419 1951-55 502 298 1955 92 53 1956 59 30 1937-56 4,213 3,449 82 59 51 to 64 58 42 to 68 50 36 to 64 82 Fayette County 937-55 2,977 2,413 951-55 166 49 1955 18 4 1956 29 11 937-56 3,006 2,424 81 - 30 23 to 39 22 6 to 47 37 20 to 57 81 _ Because a large number of the holes in Marion and Fayette counties rep- resent concentrated drilling in the very large Salem and Louden pools, which have 2759 and 2171 holes respectively, the percentages of success are much too optimistic and should not be used as guides to future drilling. This is indi- cated by the fact that short-term percentages of success shown in lines 2, 3, and 4 for each county always are significantly below the long-term percentages shown in lines 1 and 5. The main conclusions to be drawn from the foregoing discussion and tables are that: 1) So long as the confidence limits for any given area continue to narrow and the success percentages obtained by additional drilling fall within these limits, the percentage value shown on figure 6 may be accepted with reasonable assurance. 2) When the percentage of success obtained by annual drilling for any given area falls significantly above or below the confidence limits established by long-term drilling, the percentage value shown on figure 6 should be ac- cepted with caution. As long as these limitations are kept in mind, the percentage values shown in figure 6 can be helpful in determining areas of the state that merit additional exploration. One further comment should be made relative to the maps. Production possibilities in the northern half of the state and in the southern two tiers of counties are indicated as unlikely. This is in accord with drilling statistics, but there are decided geological differences between the two areas. In the northern part of Illinois, rocks of Devonian, Silurian, or Ordovi- cian age are at the surface or lie directly below Pleistocene or Pennsylvanian sediments. Thus the prolific producing beds of Mississippian age, which have accounted for more than two-thirds of the oil recovered to date in Illinois, are absent. GRAPHIC ANALYSES - DRILLING AND PRODUCTION 17 In the southern counties nearly all the producing formations are present, but drilling to date indicates the pay zones may be tight in this area. However, the number of holes drilled so far are too few to prove that none of the area is oil bearing. COUNTY PRODUCTION GRAPHS Figures 10, 11, 12, and 13 are post graphs that show annual production (solid portion) and accumulated production (open portion) since 1937 for 24 counties in Illinois that had produced more than 4,000,000 barrels of oil by the end of 1955. For counties that produced oil before 1937, a single open post in the 1936 position represents the accumulated production to that time. Each figure represents a group of six counties that had accumulated pro- ductions of 4 to 15 million, 15 to 45 million, 45 to 80 million, or more than 80 million barrels of oil, respectively. The scale used for the counties within each group is constant but a different scale is used for each group. In counties in which an intentional controlled waterflooding program is in operation, the year the program was started and the pool in which it is lo- cated are shown in the graph. Subsequent floods in the counties are not indi- cated. Further data on this subject are given in the waterflood summaries pre - pared annually by the Illinois State Geological Survey. One other county, Saline, has produced nearly 5.5 million barrels of oil as of January 1, 1956. Although Saline County obtained its first production in 1941, the amount of oil recovered before 1953 was insignificant, being less than 20,000 barrels. Production in 1953, 1954, and 1955 amounted to 640 thou- sand, 791 thousand, and 4 million barrels, respectively. Eighteen additional Illinois counties have produced less than 4 million barrels of oil. These are, in the order of their importance, St. Clair (3 mil- lion), Bond (2.3 million), Randolph (1.6 million), Edgar (1.4 million), and Shelby, Monroe, Macon, Perry, Montgomery, Sangamon, Moultrie, Macoupin, Jackson, Douglas, Hancock, Kankakee, Morgan, and Williamson. None of the latter have produced as much as half a million barrels. DETAILED COUNTY STATISTICS Table 4 gives a year by year breakdown of drilling in each county in Illinois from 1937 through 1955. The first column for each county lists the number of new holes completed each year. These figures do not include former dry tests that have been re- worked. Because the emphasis in this report is on oil production, bedrock gas wells are here considered as dry holes. They are included in the figures given in the first column. Gas wells have been completed in Adams, Champaign, Livingston, and Pike counties, as well as in many counties that also produce oil. The second column lists the number of holes completed as oil producers, including former dry holes which were reworked and made into producers. The g „ number of such reworked wells is indicated by superscript figures (Wayne 3821 ). The third column represents percentage of success as determined by the figures listed in columns one and two. 18 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 280 FAYETTE LAWRENCE Louden Woterf loodt r 240 MARION Potoko Woterflooi 200 Fig. 10. 1940 45 50 55 36 40 45 50 55 40 45 50 55 _ l60 —160 CRAWFORD WAYNE Aden Waterflood, J WHITE New Harmony Waterflood-} -f J 1940 45 50 55 JASPER 40 45 50 55 36 40 45 50 St Mone waterfloodT Benton waterflood! 1940 45 50 55 36 40 45 50 55 40 45 50 55 Fig. 11. 45 50 55 CUMBERLAND Siggms Pilot waterflood^ 40 45 50 35 36 40 45 50 County production statistics, annual and cumulative. RICHLANO Calhoun woterflood 19 Fig. 12. 1936 40 45 50 55 Mcdonough 40 45 50 55 Sailor Springs waterflood"} CHRISTIAN Fig. 13. EFFINGHAM ill J 1936 40 45 50 55 45 50 55 40 45 50 55 County production statistics, annual and cumulative. 20 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The figures used above do not include the following: 1) Workover information on either reworked dry holes resulting in dry holes or on reworked producers resulting in producers or dry holes. 2) Holes drilled specifically for gas input, water input, stratigraphic tests, or structure tests. 3) Water wells, many of which have penetrated deep into bedrock forma- tions. 4) Pleistocene "drift" gas wells. There are more than 500 such gas wells in the state. REFERENCES Bell, A. H., 1931, The relation of geology to the development of the petroleum industry: Trans. Illinois Acad. Sci., v. 23, no. 3, p. 367-370. Bell, A. H., 1955, Oil resources and possibilities in Illinois: Illinois Geol. Sur- Survey, 111. Pet. 72. Dixon, W. J., and Massey, F. J., 1951, Introduction to statistical analyses: McGraw Hill, New York. Table 9c, p. 322. Swann, David, and Bell, A. H., unpublished ms., Habitat of oil in the Illinois basin: A.A.P.G. GRAPHIC ANALYSES - DRILLING AND PRODUCTION 21 Table 4. - Percentage of Success in Drilling, by County and by Year Superscript figures indicate wells originally completed as dry holes but worked over into producers BOND CHRISTIAN CLARK CLINTON Producers Producers Producers Produc ers Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % 1937 5 3 7 3 43 29 15 52 1938 12 1 8 4 24 7 29 444 398 90 1939 7 4 20 4 20 62 35 56 1940 54 26 48 1 15 5 33 450 369 82 1941 21 4 19 3 20 8 1 40 64 25 39 1942 16 3 19 2 11 1 9 59 29 1 49 1943 13 4 1 25 6 2 33 44 9 20 1944 18 7 39 - 22 9 41 19 1 5 1945 3 1 1 100 5 1 20 27 11 41 1946 12 7 1 14 8 2 25 53 23 1 43 1947 19 9 47 3 1 33 46 ll 1 24 46 21 46 1948 15 2 13 5 2 40 37 10 27 42 24 57 1949 23 11 48 172 130 76 50 16 32 103 72 1 70 1950 58 27 47 18 7 39 105 40 1 38 165 82 1 50 1951 39 4 10 27 10 37 57 26 46 120 41 34 1952 25 2 8 22 5 1 23 59 22 37 84 24 2 29 1953 14 34 21 l 62 41 ll 2 27 68 12 1 18 1954 31 12 1 39 152 87° 57 34 10 29 121 50 1 41 1955 163 91 l 56 95 44 1 46 67 33 49 93 2 33 35 Total 548 2 199 36 557 31 6 56 634 5 221 35 2093 1274 10 61 CLAY COLES CRAWFORD CUMBERLAND Producers Producers Producers Produc ers Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % 1937 91 75 82 1 20 13 65 - 1938 153 141 92 7 19 7 37 5 1939 159 136 86 17 3 18 7 2 29 11 1940 37 23 62 9 1 11 13 2 1 15 1 1941 93 60 1 65 8 1 13 5 1 20 - 1942 137 75 1 55 12 1 8 16 3 19 5 1943 201 148 74 8 1 13 7 10 1944 176 136 1 77 14 10 71 5 1 20 6 1 17 1945 105 63 60 93 61 1 66 7 4 57 3 1946 186 108 58 378 299 79 10 3 30 50 26 52 22 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 4. (coi itinued) CLAY i :;oles CRAWFORD CUMBERLAND Producers Producers Producers Producers Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % 1947 196 130 5 66 38 21 55 19 8 42 19 4 21 1948 310 183 59 49 26 53 18 5 28 16 7 44 1949 167 2 103 62 22 2 9 27 14 52 6 1950 130 70 54 18 53 15 28 9 2 22 1951 150 61 41 19 5 1 26 56 30 54 16 4 1 25 1952 92 26 1 28 9 72 45 63 5 1 20 1953 119 64 6 54 10 1 10 74 2 30 41 9 2 22 1954 225 138 13 61 12 3 25 219 3 91 44 18 3 17 1955 199 4 117 59 49 22 45 233 133 57 10 Total 2926 1857 34 63 773 2 457 59 880 413 6 47 199 50 1 25 DOUGLAS EDGAR EDWARDS EFFINGHAM Producers Producers Produc ers Produc ers Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % 1937 - 1 1 4 1938 - 5 - 8 1939 2 9 34 17 50 13 I 1 8 1940 2 10 79 62 78 12 3 25 1941 2 9 1 11 52 36 69 32 18 1 56 1942 - 3 49 31 1 63 38 18 2 47 1943 1 1 68 37 54 44 29 66 1944 2 - 143 97 2 68 38 15 39 1945 - 3 145 105 72 88 55 63 1946 - 7 65 38 1 58 42 12 29 1947 1 12 1 8 77 34 1 44 39 19 49 1948 1 5 1 20 63 30 3 48 33 8 24 1949 3 155 64 41 70 34 3 49 23 12 52 1950 3 113 40 35 106 58 2 55 71 36 2 51 1951 4 34 4 12 103 42 3 41 48 20 42 1952 4 20 2 10 101 45 5 45 23 4 2 17 1953 - 24 7 29 119 72 4 61 19 4 21 1954 1 20 3 15 62 31 7 50 39 16 41 1955 12 1 8 23 2 9 84 47 4 56 58 24 41 Total 38 1 3 454 125 28 1421 816 36 57 672 294 8 44 GRAPHIC ANALYSES - DRILLING AND PRODUCTION 23 Table 4. (continued) FAYETTE Producers Wells No. % FRANKLIN Producers Wei 1 s No . % GALLATIN Producers Wells No. % HAMILTON Produc Wells No. ers % 1937 11 2 18 - - 2 1938 575 509 89 6 - 1 1939 960 895 93 9 1 11 19 7 1 37 7 1 14 1940 577 2 517 90 20 16 80 24 13 1 54 92 78 85 1941 238 191 1 80 277 231 83 96 64 2 67 432 376 4 87 1942 69 47 68 65 23 35 53 30 57 256 2 187 73 1943 44 18 41 58 26 1 45 49 40 1 82 156 7 119 76 1944 19 1 5 50 23 46 42 25 60 111 69 3 62 1945 9 28 9 32 31 16 1 52 83 55 66 1946 24 5 1 21 10 1 10 22 10 1 45 84 42 2 50 1947 22 3 14 49 30 61 88 46 1 52 100 67 2 67 1948 12 6 50 127 78 61 217 150 1 69 111 71 1 64 1949 78 55 3 71 116 64 55 194 115 3 59 88 41 47 1950 173 115 1 66 77 39 51 123 54 44 207 116 56 1951 80 24 30 32 7 22 78 31 41 240 115 3 48 1952 36 7 19 20 6 30 65 31 l 48 117 49 2 42 1953 18 6 33 16 8 1 50 83 52 5 63 99 53 5 54 1954 14 8 1 57 36 25 4 69 96 7 70 73 77 36 4 47 1955 18 4 22 53 2 30 57 200 5 123 62 191 3 113 59 Total 2977 9 2413 81 1049 617 8 59 1480 31 878 Ji 59 2454 1588 38 65 HANCOCK Producers Wells No. % JACKSON Produc Wells No. ers % JASPER Producers Wells No. % JEFFERSON Producers Wells No. % 1937 2 - 3 - 1938 2 3 6 68 40 59 1939 3 1 33 1 8 1 13 73 37 1 51 1940 2 1 50 5 63 47 75 33 16 48 1941 1 10 1 10 176 141 1 80 184 148 1 80 1942 1 5 101 72 1 71 84 35 3 42 1943 1 2 26 12 1 46 116 65 1 56 1944 2 2 18 5 28 142 88 62 1945 2 2 40 18 45 173 120 69 1946 - - 61 26 43 76 46 61 24 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 4. (co. ntinued) HANCOCK JACKSON JASPER JEFFERSON Producers Producers Producers Producers Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % 1947 4 1 97 48 2 49 51 19 37 1948 2 3 118 51 2 43 89 40 1 45 1949 1 3 77 37 4 48 47 23 49 1950 - - 70 30 1 43 50 17 34 1951 - - 32 9 28 52 11 21 1952 2 2 40 10 2 25 63 26 41 1953 2 3 30 ll 3 37 52 25 48 1954 1 4 27 18 2 67 98 53 1 54 1955 3 5 165 2 119 72 85 45 2 53 Total 31 2 6 51 1 2 1158 655 21 57 1536 854 10 56 LAWRENCE MCDONOUGH MACON MACOUPIN Producers Producers Produc ers Producers Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % 1937 13 5 38 15 12 80 - - 1938 36 10 28 7 2 29 2 9 1939 41 3 7 7 1 14 2 4 1940 28 6 21 9 3 33 4 9 1941 48 18 38 10 3 30 - 8 3 38 1942 58 37 64 5 1 20 1 20 1 5 1943 66 32 1 48 - - 2 1944 57 21 1 37 3 - 3 1 33 1945 20 3 15 7 4 57 - 3 2 67 1946 51 26 1 51 - 2 4 1947 67 25 37 1 1 3 1948 35 12 34 3 1 33 1 1 1949 95 36 38 4 2 1 50 10 15 1950 184 62 34 3 5 12 1 8 1951 75 27 1 36 3 6 11 1952 133 71 1 53 6 1 7 I 1 14 1953 106 54 1 51 4 1 25 6 2 1 33 14 1954 141 78 4 55 1 49 21 1 43 15 1 7 1955 255 178 3 70 12 2 17 17 1 6 19 Total 1509 705 14 47 100 32 1 32 107 24 2 22 159 10 1 6 GRAPHIC ANALYSES - DRILLING AND PRODUCTION 25 Table 4. (continued) MADISON 1 WAR ION MONROE MON TGOMERY Produc ers Producers Producers Producers Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % 1937 1 122 93 lb - - 1938 4 729 643 88 1 7 1939 9 1 11 1242 1162 7 94 16 7 44 11 1 9 1940 7 952 895 5 94 16 9 1 56 40 6 15 1941 3 127 96 1 76 3 3 100 15 1 7 1942 35 23 66 42 13 31 1 4 1 25 1943 23 14 61 61 36 59 2 1 50 10 2 20 1944 51 38 75 46 2 28 61 2 11 3 27 1945 47 33 70 62 31 50 - 2 1946 70 54 77 48 16 33 1 1 1947 42 24 57 56 29 52 - 8 1 13 1948 43 9 21 45 17 38 - 15 2 13 1949 75 18 24 78 43 1 55 - 31 4 13 1950 102 19 19 42 19 1 45 1 23 1 4 1951 75 17 23 37 5 14 1 20 2 10 1952 35 7 20 71 28 1 39 2 35 4 11 1953 53 12 1 23 120 88 J 73 - 13 1954 52 10 19 182 4 124 68 1 11 1955 34 5 1 15 92 53 1 58 1 15 Total 761 2 284 37 4154 341 9 28 82 48 20 1 42 272 28 10 MORGAN MOULTRIE PERRY RANDOLPH Producers Producers Producers Producers Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % Wells No. % 1937 - - 1 1 1938 4 2 5 5 1939 1 4 16 7 1940 - - 8 9 1 11 1941 5 1 5 7 1942 3 - 14 3 21 2 1943 - 1 5 2 1944 - - 5 3 1945 - 1 5 - 1946 4 7 1 14 3 2 26 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 4. (co ntinued) ] Wells MORGAN Producers No. % MOULTRIE Producers Wells No. % PERRY Producers Wells No. % RANDOLPH Producers Wells No. % 1947 1 1 5 - 1948 4 1 25 1 9 1 11 - 1949 3 6 5 1 20 3 1 33 1950 6 5 8 3 1951 1 3 9 1 1952 - 2 33 9 27 24 2 8 1953 8 1 13 2 10 1 10 22 17 77 1954 8 1 13 1 7 22 4 18 1955 7 9 4 44 13 10 3 30 Total 55 3 5 46 5 11 166 15 9 123 28 23 R ICHLAND Producers Wells No. % ST. Wells CLAIR Producers No. % SALINE Producers Wells No. % SANGAMON Produc Wells No. ;ers % 1937 60 48 80 2 - - 1938 180 135 75 11 5 45 4 1 1939 102 91 89 38 21 55 7 2 1940 111 99 89 24 15 63 5 - 1941 99 69 1 70 38 27 71 13 2 15 - 1942 92 49 53 24 5 21 12 - 1943 47 31 1 66 17 2 2 1944 111 74 67 12 4 33 6 1 17 - 1945 151 106 1 70 3 5 2 40 1 2 2 200 1946 161 95 2 59 8 2 25 10 4 40 1 1947 109 68 62 3 3 100 6 1 17 1 1948 156 71 46 7 7 100 5 - 1949 71 26 37 5 8 5 160 16 1 1 100 1950 149 61 2 41 10 5 50 25 5 1 20 3 1951 162 60 1 37 3 1 33 18 4 1 22 4 1952 86 46 3 53 5 12 2 17 2 1953 69 34 3 49 7 43 2 28 65 - 1954 122 86 1 70 8 140 93 1 66 17 2 12 1955 113 3 81° 72 16 1 6 355 193 1 54 49 7 14 Total 2151 1330 18 62 241 104 5 43 684 335 6 49 84 12 2 14 GRAPHIC ANALYSES - DRILLING AND PRODUCTION 27 Table 4. (continued) Wells SHELBY Producers No. % 1 Wells WABASH Producers No. % WASHINGTON Producers Wells No. % Wells WAYNE Producers No. % 1937 1 19 9 47 3 20 9 45 1938 17 23 6 26 19 107 80 75 1939 17 1 6 217 170 78 133 96 72 237 193 81 1940 11 2 18 202 3 145 J 72 102 76 75 265 232 3 88 1941 17 2 12 356 9 287 81 69 45 2 65 409 340 83 1942 4 95 63 2 66 29 14 48 297 208 7 70 1943 12 2 17 194 145 1 75 24 ll 1 46 228 154 3 68 1944 5 201 2 138 z 69 13 4 31 330 241 l 73 1945 5 124 3 82 J 66 25 5 20 217 142 3 65 1946 46 9 20 182 108 59 27 1 4 312 206 6 65 1947 19 3 16 301 178 3 59 16 1 6 253 150 3 59 1948 10 4 40 312 181 3 58 33 9 27 342 204 5 60 1949 19 2 11 357 4 228 64 17 247 2 147 60 1950 11 223 121 1 54 10 205 100 6 49 1951 12 133 62 3 47 47 18 38 236 4 118* 50 1952 12 1 8 87 35 1 40 49 13 27 298 3 158^ 53 1953 4 115 61 2 53 90 39 43 383 295 35 77 1954 9 203 q m 58 80 26 33 419 15 304 iJ 73 1955 4 144 75 2 52 131 74 ? 56 252 174 8 69 Total 235 26 11 3488 41 2211 L 63 917 432 10 47 5057 3451 104 68 Wells WHITE Producers No. % WILLIAMSON Producers Wells No. % 1937 1 - 1938 4 1 1939 104 68 65 5 1940 479 412 86 5 1941 839 4 732 87 10 1942 302 218 5 72 7 1943 203 2 150 74 5 1944 277 187 1 68 4 1945 230 154 4 67 - 1946 315 4 223 71 1 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Table 4. (continued) Wells WHITE Produc No. ers % WILLIAMSON Producers Wells No. % 1947 223 137 3 61 - 1948 182 91 3 50 Gr 1949 240 131 4 55 3 1950 290 166 3 57 1 I 1 ioo Gr 1951 320 181 5 57 1 Pe 1952 305 7 152 50 2 1953 247 143 7 58 - 1954 452 361 26 80 2 1955 478 314 10 66 15 Total 5491 3821 88 70 62 I 1 2 Grand total holes drilled 47,841 Grand total producers .... 29,321 Percentage of wells that are producers .... 61 Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 229 28 p., 13 figs., 4 tables, 1957 ILLINOIS JUutdofJUacofa/ \ CIRCULAR 229 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA ^UTOGWID^...