L I E> RAR.Y OF THE U N I VERSITY or ILLINOIS 353 . Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/departmentcongreOOwine The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft/ mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN NOV 1 8 »K L161— O-1096 I>^IIT I. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY AND IN THB SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE oiT^ OF "W-A-siiiasrca-Toisr, GIVINU THEIR NAMES, NO. OP THEIR ROOMS AND STORY IN EACH DEPARTMENT SALARY AND RESIDENCE. ALSO, AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OP ALL THEIR NAMES, PREPARED BY J. A. WINEBERQEB. WASHINGTON D. C. PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY C. BOHN, No. 568 PENN. AVENUE. ALSO SOLD BY ALL IIOOKSBLLERS IS WASHINGTON. W. H. MooRE, Printer, cor. Penn. av. and 11th st. 1881. 2 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Executive and Cabiuet 20 State Department. — Secretary's Office 21 Treasury Department. — Secretary's Office 23 Do do.... .....First Comptroller's Office 24 Do do Second Comptroller's Office 25 Do do First Auditor's Office 26 Do do Second Auditor's Office 27 Do do Third Auditor's Office 28 Do do Fourth Auditor's Office 30 Do do Fifth Auditor's Office 31 Do do Sixth Auditor's Office 3] Do ....do Treasurer's Office 34 Do do Register's Office 35 Do do Solicitor's Office 36 Do do Commissioner of Customs 37 Do do Light-House Board 37 Do do Coast Survey Office 39 War Department. — Secretary's Office 44 Do do Adjutant General's Office 44 Do do Quartermaster General's Office 45 Do do Subsistence Bureau 46 Do do Paymaster General's Office 46 Do do Medical Department 47 Do do Engineer Department 47 Do do Topographical Bureau 48 Do do Ordnance Office 48 Navy Department. — Secretary's Office 50 Do do Bureau of Yards and Docks 50 Do do Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography 51 Do do Bureau of Construction and Equipment 51 Do do Bureau of Provisions and Clothing 52 Do do Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 53 Do do National Observatory 53 Post Office Department 55 City Post Office 59 Interior Department. — Secretary's Office 60 Do do Patent Office 61 Do do Indian Office 64 Do do General Land Office 65 Do do Pension Office 70 Entered according to the act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty, by C. Bohn, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia, DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued. Page. Interior Department. — Office of Commissioner of Public Buildings 72 Do do Census Bureau 73 Do do Capitol Police 76 Do do Penitentiary 16 Do do Auxiliary Guards, &c 11 Judiciary — Supreme Court 79 Do .Office of the Attorney General of the U. S 79 Do Court of Claims 80 Do United States District Court 80 Do Criminal Court 81 Do Orphans' Court ■ 81 Do Justices of the Peace., 81 Do Levy Court 83 Do Jail 83 Miscellaneous. — Library of Congress 84 Do Public Printing 84 Do Hospital for the Insane for the District of Columbia 84 Do Smithsonian Institution 85 Do Extension of the Capitol 86 Diplomatic Corps 88 List of Foreign Ministers, their Secretaries, Attaches, &c 88 Organization of the Executive Departments, «fcc 4 Alphabetical List of all the names of officers in the several departments 9 JS^EXPLANATION.«^ The column headed class, having a figure parallel to a clerk's name^ in- dicates the salary, thus : 4t.h class $1,800. 3rd do $1,600. 2nd do $1,400. 1st do $1,200. 4 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. ORGANIZATION OF THE DEPARTMENTS. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE EXECOTIVE DEPARTMENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES The Diplomatic Branch has charge of all correspondence between the depart- ment and other diplomatic agents of the United States abroad, and those of foreign powers accredited to this government. The Consular Branch has charge of the correspondence, &c., between the de- partment and the consuls and commercial agents of the United States. The Disbursing Agent has charge of all matters connected with accounts re- lating to any fund disbursed by the department. The Translator furnishes such translations as the department may require, and records the commissions of consuls and vice consuls, when not in English, upon which exequaturs are issued. The Clerk of Appointments and Commissions makes out and records commis- sions, letters of appointment, nominations to the Senate, exequaturs, and re- cords, when in English, the commissioners on which they are issued; has charge of the library. The Clerk of Rolls and Archives takes charge of the enrolled acts and resolu- tions of Congress, as they are received from the President ; prepares authenti- cated copies thereof; superintends their publication, and that of treaties ; at- tends to their distribution, and that of all documents and publications in re- gard to which this duty is assigned to the department; writing and answering all letters connected therewith ; has charge of all Indian treaties, and business relating thereto. The Clerk of Authentications has charge of the seals of the United States and of the department, and prepares and attaches certificates to papers presented for authentication; receives and accounts for the fees; records all letters from the department, other than the diplomatic and consular. The Clerk of Pardons and Passports prepares and records pardons and remis- sions, and registers and files the papers on which they are founded, and makes out and records passports. The ordinary business of this otfice maybe classified under the following heads: 1. Official opinions on the current business of the government, as called for by the President, by any head of department, or by the Solicitor of tlie Treasury. 2. Examination of the titles of all land purchased, as the sites of arsenals, custom-houses, light-houses, and all other public works of the United States. 3. Applications for pardons in all cases of conviction in the courts of the United States. 4. Application for appointment in all the judicial and legal business of the government. 5. The conduct and .argument of all suits in the Supreme Court of the United States in Avhich the government is concerned. 6. The supervision of all other suits arising in any of the departments, when referred by the head thereof to the Attorney General. To these ordinary heads of tine' business of the office is added at the present time the direction of all appeals on land claims in California. STATE DEPARTMENT. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 5 ORGANIZATION OF THE DEPARTMENTS. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. To its supervision and mangeraent are committed tne following branches of the public service: 1st. The Public Lands. — Its head is the Commissioner of the General Land Office. The Land Bureau is charged with the survey, management, and sale of the public domain, the revision of Virginia military bounty-land claims, and the issuing of scrip in lieu thereof. 2d. Pensions. — 'The Commissioner is charged with the examination and ad- judication of all claims arising under the various and numerous laws passed by Congress granting bounty land or pensions for the military or naval service in the revolutionary and subsequent wars. 3d. The Indian O^ee has charge of all matters connected with the Indians. 4th. The Patent Office is charged with the performance of all " acts and things touching and respecting the granting and issuing of patents for new and useful discoveries, inventions, and improvements^" the collection of sta- tistics relating to agriculture; the collection and distribution of seed, plants, and cuttings ; and the charge of all duties connected with matters relating to copyright ; the keeping of copyright books, maps, and other publications here- tofore deposited in the State Department. The Department of the Interior has, besides the supervision of the accounts of the United States marshals and attorneys, the clerk of the United States courts, the management of the lead and other mines of the United States; the afi'airs of the penitentiary of the United States in the District of Columbia ; the taking and returning the censuses of the United States, and of supervising and directing the acts of the Commissioner of Public Buildings ; the management of the hospital for the insane of the army and navy and of the District of Co- lumbia, and the construction of the three wagon roads leading to the Pacific coast. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Secretary's Office. — The Secretary of the Treasury is charged with the general supervision of the fiscal transactions of the government, and the execution of the laws concerning commerce and navigation ; the survey of the coast ; the light-house establishment; the marine hopitals of the United States, and the construction of certain public buildings for custom-house and other purposes. The First Comptroller prescribes tho mode of keeping and rendering accounts for the civil and diplomatic service, as well as the public lands, and revises and certifies the balances arising thereon. The Second Comptroller prescribes the mode of keeping and rendering the ac- counts of the army, navy, and Indian departments of the public service, and revises and certifies the balances arising thereon. The Commissioner of the Customs prescribes the mode of keeping and rendering the account of the customs revenue and disbursement, and for the building and repairing custom-houses, &;c., and revises and certifies the balances arising thereon. The First Auditor receives and adjusts the accounts of the customs revenue and disbursements, appropriations and expenditures on account of the civil list and under private acts of Congress, and reports the balances to the Com- missioner of the Customs and the First Comptroller, respectively, for their de- cision thereon. 6 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. ORGANIZATION OF THE DEPARTMENTS. The Second Auditor receives and adjusts all accounts relating to the pay- clothing, and recruiting of the army, as well as the armories, arsenals, and ordnance, and all accounts relating to the Indian department, and reports the balances to the Second Comptroller for his decision thereon. The Third Aicditor receives and adjusts all accounts for subsistence of the army, fortifications, military academy, military roads, and the quartermaster's department, pension claims arising from military services previous to 1816, and for horses and other property lost in the military service, and reports the brlance to the Second Comptroller for his decision thereon. The Fourth Auditor adjusts all accounts for the service of the Navy Depart- ment, and reports the balances to the Second Comptroller for his decision , thereon. The Fifth Auditor adjusts all accounts for diplomatic and similar services performed under the direction of the State Department, and reports the bal- ances to the First Comptroller for his decision thereon. The Sixth Auditor adjusts all accounts arising from the service of the Post Office Department. His decisions are final, unless an appeal is taken vs^ithin twelve months to the First Comptroller. He superintends the collection of all debts due the Post Office Department, and all penalties imposed on post- masters and mail contractors for failing to do their duty; he directs suits and legal proceeding, civil and criminal, and takes legal measures to enforce the prompt payment of money due to the department; instructing attorneys, mar- shals, and clerks relative thereto ; and receives returns from each term of the United States courts of the condition and progress of such suits and legal pro- ceedings ; has charge of all lands and other property assigned to the United States in payment of debts due the Post Ofiice Department, and has power to sell and dispose of the same for the benefit of the United States. The Treasurer receives and keeps the moneys of the United States in his own office and that of the depositories, and pays out the same upon warrants drawn by the Secretary of the Treasury, countersigned by the First Comptroller, and upon warrants* drawn by the Postmaster General, and countersigned by the Sixth Auditor, and recorded by the Register. He also holds public moneys advanced by warrant to disbursing ofiicers, and pays out the same upon their checks. The Register keeps the accounts of public receipts and expenditures; receives the returns and makes out the official statement of commerce and navigation of the United States ; and receives from the First Comptroller and Commis- sioner of Customs all accounts and vouchers decided by them, and is charged by law with their safe-keeping. The Solicitor superintends all civil suits commenced by the United States, {except those arising in thePost Office Department^) and instructs the United States attorneys, marshals, and clerks in all matters relating to them and their results. He receives returns from each term of the United States courts, showing the progress and condition of such suits ; has charge of all lands and other prop- erty assigned to the United States in payment of debts, {except those a:ssignedin payment of debts due the Post Office Department,) and has power to sell and dis- pose of the same for the benefit of the United States. The Light-house Board.— The Secretary of the Treasury is ex-ofUcio president of this board. It directs the building and repairing of light-houses, light- vessels, buoys, and beacons, contracts for supples of oil, &c. United States Coast Purvey.— The coast survey office is charged with the su- perintendence of the survey of the coast of the United States, and its superin- tendent is the superintendent of weights and measures. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 7 ORGANIZATION OF THE DEPARTMENTS. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. The management of the Post Office Department is assigned by the constitu- tion and laws to the Postmaster General. Appointment Office, at the head of which is the First Assistant Postmaster General, attends to the establishment and discontinuance of post offices, changes of sites and names, appointment and removal of postmasters and route and local agents, and the giving of instructions to postmasters. It provides them with marking and rating stamps and letter balances. It provides blanks and stationery for the use of the department, and superintends the several agencies established for supplying postmasters with blanks. It has the super- vision of the ocean mail steamship lines, and of the foreign and international postal arrangements. The Contract Office, at the head of which is the Second Assistant Postmaster General, arranges the mail service, and places the same under contract; cor- responds and acts respecting the trips, conveyance, departures and arrivals on all the routes, the course of the mail between the different sections of the country, the points of distribution, and the regulations for the government of the domestic mail service. It prepares the advertisement, receives the bids, and takes charge of the annual and occasional mail lettings ; the adjustment and execution of the contracts ; application for the establishment or alteration of mail arrangements, and the appointment of mail messengers. All claims for transportation service not under contract are to be recognized by the Con- tract Office as authority for the proper credits at the Auditor's Office. Post- masters at the ends of routes receive from it the statement of mail arrange- ments prescribed for the respective routes. It reports weekly to the Auditor all contracts executed, and all orders affecting accounts for mail transporta- tion; prepares the statistical exhibits of the mail service, and the reports of the mail lettings, giving a statement of each bid ; also, of the contracts made, the new service originated, the curtailments ordered, and the additional allow- ances granted within the year. The Finance Office, the head of which is the Third Assistant Postmaster Gen- eral, supervises the financial business of the department not devolved by law upon the Auditor, embracing accounts with the draft officers and other depos- itaries of the department, the issuing of warrants and drafts in payment of balances reported by the Auditor to oe due to mail contractors and other per- sons, the supervision of the accounts of offices under order to deposit their | quarterly balances at designated points, and the superintendence of the rendi- tion by postmasters of their quarterly returns of postage. It has charge of the dead-letter office, of the issuing of postage stamps and stamped envelopes for the pre-payment of postage, and of the accounts connected therewith. To the Third Assistant Postmaster General, all postmasters should direct their quarterly returns of postage ; those at draft offices, their letters reporting quarterly the net proceeds of their offices ; and those at depositing offices, their certificates of deposit : to him should also be directed the weekly and monthly returns of the depositaries of the department, as well as all application and receipts for postage stamps and stamped envelopes, and for dead letters. Inspection Office, the head of which is the Chief Clerk, is assigned the duty of receiving and examining the registers of the arrivals and departures of the mails, certificates of the service of route agents, and reports of mail failures ; of noting the delinquencies of contractors, and preparing cases thereon for the 8 DEPA.RTMENT DIRECTORY. ORGANIZATION OP THE DEPARTMENTS. action of the Postmaster General ; furnishing blanks for mail registers, and reports of mail failures ; providing and sending out mail bags and mail locks and keys; the suppression of all cases of mail depredation, of violation of law by private express, or by the forging or illegal use of postage stamps. NAVY DEPARTMENT. SecretuTy's Office. — The Secretary of the Navy has charge of everything con- nected with the naval establishment, and the execution of all laws relating thereto under the general direction of the President ; all instructions to com- manders of squadrons, and commanders of vessels; all orders of officers, com- missions of ofiScers, both in the navy and Marine corps, appointments of com- missioned and warrant officers, orders for the enlistment and discharge of sea- men, eminate from the Secretary's office. All the duties of the different bureaus are performed under the authority of the Secretary, and their orders are con- sidered as emanating from him. He has a general superintendence of the marine corps, and all the orders of the commandant of that corps should be approved by him. The Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks has charge of all the navy yards, docks and wharves, buildings and machinery in navy yards, and everything imme- diately connected with them. It is also charged with the management of the Naval Asylum. The Bureau of Construction^ Equipment^ and Repair. — The office of the engi- neer-in-chief of the navy is attached to this bureau. It has charge of the building and repairs of all vessels of war, purchase of materials, and the pro- viding of all vessels with their equipments, as sails, anchors, water-tanks, &c. The engineer- in-chief superintends the construction of all marine steam engines for the navy, and, with the approval of the Secretary, decides upon plans for their construction. The Bureau of Provisions and Clothing contracts for all provisions for the use of the navj^, and clothing. The Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography has charge of all ordnance and ordnance stores, the manufacture or purchase of cannon, guns,powder, shot, shells, &c., and the equipment of vessels of war. with everythng connected therewith. It also provides them with maps, charts, chronometers, barome- ters, &c., together with such books as are furnished ships-of-war. The United States Naval Observatory and Hydrographical Office" at Washington, and the Naval Academy at Annapolis, are also under the general superintend- ence of the chief of this bureau. The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery manages everything relating to medi- cines and medical stores, treatment of sick and wounded, and management of hospitals. WAR DEPARTMENT. The following bureaus are attached to this department: Commanding General's Office. — This office, at the head of which is Lieutenant General Scott, is at New York. Adjutant General's Office.— In this office are kept all the records which refer to the personnel of the army, pay rolls, &c. It is here where all military com- missions are made out. The Judge Advocate General is also connected with it. The other bureaus consist of — The Quartermaster General's Office; the Paymaster General's Office; the Com- missary General's Office; the Surgeon General's Office; the Engineer Office; the Topographical Bureau ; and the Ordnance Bureau. NAMES IN THE DEPARTMENTS Page. Abbot, T. J 45 Abbot, G. J 21 Abbot, G. D 25 Abbot. C 28 Abert, J. J 48 Acker, J. F 75 Adams, J. T 26 Adams, J. L.. 63 Adams, G. R 63 Adams, jr., J. H 61 Adams, C 67 Addison, J. L 44 Addison, W 33 Addison, T.B 32 Adler, M 49 Ahl, P 69 Albright. T. J 67 Allan, T 66 Allen, A 29 Allen, H 69 Allen, C 81 Alexander, C. L 64 Allin, P. T 28 Allyn, L. B 52 Ambler, J 52 Anderson, W 24 Anderson, T. F 25 Anderson, J. W 33 Anderson, J 70 Anderson, J. L 72 Anderson, L, J 32 Anderson, A. H 72 Anderson, J. D 30 Angney, 1 36 Ankcny, A. K 79 Andrews, F 28 Antisell, T 61 Archer, D. W 33 Archibold, S 52 Armor, C 56 Amos, J. W 33 Arnold, A. K 76 Asliburn, B. S 32 Ashby, J. R 74 Atkinson, T. L 29 Atkinson, R. J 28 Atlee, S. Y 23 9 Page. lid, E 69 Auld, J 25 Avery, R. S 41 Bach, J. C 69 Bache, A. D 39 Bachraan, J. D 36 Badger, G. E 86 Baer, B. F 56 Bailey, H. L 45 Bailey, G 60 Baird, S. F 85 Baker, C 45 Baker, A 75 Balbach, A 40 Baldwin, H 61 Ball, J. T 63 Ball, J. T 76 Ball, R 59 Ball, C.H 30 Balloch, J 29 Balluff, G. A 75 Balmain, A 47 Balmain, H. W 27 Barbarin, F. N 48 Barbour, A 36 Barclay, J. D 37 Barker, W. N 23 Barksdale, J. A 60 Barnard, H. S 42 Barnaclo, J. W 81 Barret, J 43 Bartlett, J. H 26 Bartlett, F. J 59 Bartlett, T 32 Bartle, R. F 42 Bartlc, G 21 Barton, T. B 56 Bassett, D 33 Bausel, M 59 Beach, S. B 56 Beall, G. W 68 Beall, W. D 46 Beard, L 27 Beard, H 60 Beare, W. S 23 Beattv, J. A 29 Page. Beck, J 32 Bedell. J 24 Belcher, E. R 29 Belger, J 45 Bell, J 30 Bell, S. P 62 Bell, W 55 Bender, G 49 Benner, F. W 42 Bent, S 40 Bennet, J. W 53 Bentley, J. P 26 Bentley, A. J 29 Bergman, P 64 Berrian, H 30 Berret, J. G 86 Berret, J. H 62 Berry, E 59 Berry, J. 0 74 Best, A 22 Bester, N. S 74 Betts, R 63 Bielaski, A 66 Bigger, F 35 Bigger, R. H 33 Bills, H. A 67 Birnie, C 74 Bittenger, H 65 Black, J. S 79 Blackfan, J. H 56 Blackwood, J 74 Blake, J. B 72 Blake, J. H 66 Blanchard, C. D 73 Blondeau, A 41 Bloor, J. D 64 Bloss, J. D 67 Bolan, T 60 Boone, J. F 32 Bootes, S. B 35 Bollmeyer, J. T 27 Boswell, 0 70 Bowie, G. F 69 Bowyer, J. C 21 Boyd, J 76 Buchanan, J 20 Buchanan. R, H. L.. 37 10 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. ALPHABETICAL LIST. Page. Burcli, A 44 Burche, R. W 68 Burgdorf, L 18 Burke, W 1l Burns, B 87 Burns, T 18 Burr, H. A 55 Burr,T. S 60 Burr, C. C 50 Butcher, J 34 Burgess, R Butler, D , Butler, 0. S Rracewell, T. C, Bradford, H. C... Bradley, A. H Branham, W. H... Brasbears, T, N 65 75 20 20 43 69 23 52 63 69 66 69 Brawley, J. B Breckinridge, J. C... Brent, J Brent, W. H Brewer, E Brewer, H. J Bridge, H Brigbam, H. 0 Briggs, B Brintnall, S Brockett, F. L Brodbead, J. H 73 Bronaugh, J. C 26 Bronaugb, J. W 52 32 32 31 Bronaugh, J. W. Bronaugh, W. J. Brosnaban, C... Brooke, E. H 46 Brooke, W. T Brooks, F. J Brown, W. V. H., Brown, J. A , Brown, T Brown, G Brown, R. L Browning, A. G. .. Browning, J. N ... Brumley, J. W Bromwell, W. J... Bvrne, P. A 66 87 66 87 69 64 35 31 57 69 21 59 Cabell, E. A 67 Gadman, W 47 Page. Cain, J. F 45 Clements, B. N Caldwell, L. W 36 Clemson, T. G Caldwell, J. M 56 Clifford, N Coldwell, A. J 74 Clinch, N Coldwell, E. C 74 Cobb, H Callahan, D 48 Coburn, W. A Callan, M. C 59 Cochran, R Callan, C. C 41 Codraan, W. H Callan, J. F 45 Colegate, J Callan, N 83 Coleman, C Calvert, C 44 Coleman, J Calvert, J 71 Coleman, J Cameron, J. W 52 Collins, J. H... Campbell, M 25 Collins, B. W.. Campbell, J 79 Collin-s, R. W.... Campbell, R. G 63 Colmesmil, J, D Campbell, J 77 Colclazer, F. W Cathcart, T. J 25 Collom, W. M.... Catron, J 79 Colt, C. A Cass, L 21 Corapton, J. W Cass, A. J 71 Condict, H. F.... Cams, J. B 32 Condon, J. R Carroll, W. T 79 Conn, G. W Carter, D. A 34 Connell, B. F...., Cawthorn, R 33 Connelly, T. C... , Chapman, A 64 Connelly, F Chambers, W 26 Conway, W. 0.... Chambers, D. A 74 Cook, W Chase, J 56 Cooke, G. M Chase, E. R 71 Cook, H. A Chase, W. H 29 Cooney, P. H Cave, W. A 74 Coomes, S Chew, R. S 21 Cooper, W. W.... Chifielle, T. P 74 Cooper, J. M Childs, E. L 55 Cooper, W Chilton, R. S 21 Cooper, S Clampit, J. W 75 Cosby, F Clark, M. B 53 Cowan, W. J Clark, J. H 67 Cowes, S. E Clark, J 54 1 Cowling, W. W Clark, A. M 67! Cox, T. C. Clarke, R. D 61 Clark, E. M 27 Clark, J. D 81 Clark, A. J 25 Clarke, G. W 69 Clarke, G. H 63 Clary, W. S 81 Clayton, P 23 Claxton, A. B 24 Clements, B 28 Cox, R. S Cox. W. W Cox, J. B Cox, G. G Cox, A. S Coyne, W Craig, H. K Cramer, J. L Craighill, J. A... Cranch, W. G... 56 70 23 81 64 67 76 26 24 36 76 35 35 67 23 29 30 65 82 29 28 75 25 23 81 29 71 64 66 25 28 34 68 22 73 TO 55 72 45 32 44 29 68 56 44 57 32 73 75 65 TMENT DIRECTORY. 11 ALPriABP:TICAL LIST. Page. DeLeon, T. C 48 Delano, W. J 74 Deming, C 26 Denby, W 53 Denbam, 0. B 48 Denham, Z.W 87 Depro, F 72 DeLaRoch,G.F 51 Derrick, A. H 21 De Witzleben, A 65 Dictz, W. H 64 Digges J. H 43 Dinnes, A. J 67 Divine, J. F 56 Dobbyn, J. F 75 Dodd, J. W 68 Dodge, A. II 21 Donaldson, J 22 Donn, E. W 86 Donn, J. W 41 Donohue, P 87 Donoho, T 82 Donoho, W. H 57 Doty, J. H. H 57 Doren, J. G 34 Dorrance, G. W 77 Dorsey, L 56 Dorsey, R. H 62 Dougherty, C A 59 Douglass, W. H. C... 47 Douglass, D 63 Douglass, W 34 Douglass, H 34 Douglass, S. A 86 Downes, J 41 Dowling, J 64 Dove, R. G 28 Dovle, F 26 Doyle, R.E 27 DrinkardjW. R 44 Draine, J. R 65 Drury, T 82 Drury, S 82 Dufify, M 83 Dufour, 0 66 Duncan, !S 20 Dundas, W. H 55 Dunn, L. B 65 Dunn, D 56 Dunnington, C. W. C 76 Dunlap, J 80 Duval, J. C Duvall, E Duvall, W. T. S. Page, .. 75 .. 30 .. 57 Eberman, J, M... Eddie, E. C Edelin, H Edwards, A.L... Edwards, A Edwards, S. M... Edwards, L. A... Edwards, J. L... Ela, R.... Ellery, A Elliott, A Elliott, W. A Elliott, J. L Ellis, S, P Embrey, T. M... Emery, W Emerich, G Engel, F English, J. A.... Enthoflfer, J Evans, W Evans, H. G Evans, H Evans, W. A Evans, C Evans, D Eveleth, J Eveleth, E Evens, B Everett, T. C Ewbank, J. S.... Ezell, J. B Fague, S. A Fahnstock, S. S. Fairfax, F Fales, J. T Fales, G. W Fales, N. W Falls, A. J jFelton, C. C i Fearson, J. N. ... iFeran, T j Ferguson, W [Ferguson, W. M. I Ferguson, B. W. [Ferguson. J 60 53 63 25 74 32 47 67 23 2;) 27 52 56 74 33 56 59 40 85 41 32 42 60 25 73 73 48 28 66 87 63 74 57 61 40 61 27 4!i 73 8'; 3 7 47 82 53 12 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. ALPHABETICAL LIST. Fillebrown, T.... Finckell, S. D... Findlay, T. S.... Finotti, G Fitzgerald, E Fitzhugh, W. M. Fitzhugh, P. A.. Fish, R. A Fisher, C Fisher, S Fleming, J Fletcher, C Flood, G.W Floyd, J. B Flynn, D Fogarty, J Ford, W. T Ford, S. C Force, P Force, W. Q Foreman, E Forrest, W Fort, W. S Forteney, E. W.., Forsyth, L. C Foster, T Fouke, J Fowler, R. B Foxwell, G. J. S. Franklin, W. B... Franklin, W. A.. Franks, T Frazer, J. A Freeman, B. C..,. Freeman, T. M,... P'rench, J. S French, M French, E. F Frere, B Frick, W Fridley, P. B Frost, H. J Fry, T Frysinger, H Fuller, B Fuller, T. J. D.... Fuller, H. L Fuller, E. H Page .. 52 .. 45 .. 86 .. 14 .. 39 .. 66 .. 32 34 .. 23 .. 82 .. 16 59 Gadsby, W. Gage, A. L. 44 43 57 72 27 77 85 61 27 23 33 23 30 69 48 46 87 74 69 77 70 57 61 76 25 72 76 70 68 7 7 33 31 27 29 67 Page. Gaines, W. W 31 Gaines, W. W 34 Galor, W. B 57 Gaines, E.P 56 Gardner, J. B 59 Gardner, C. K 68 Gardner, W. H 41 Garner, J. W 27 Garnett, R. P 34 Garnett, E. G 80 Garnett, A. Y. P 77 Garesche, J. P 44 Gartrell, L. J 86 Geddes, R 71 Geddes, C. W 74 Geffroy, W. V 68 Getty, G. T 71 Giberson, G. L 82 Gibson, G 46 Giles, W. B 49 Gillet, R. H 80 Gillet, S. W 68 Gillespie, C. A 74 Gillis, B. W 68 Gilliss, J. R 41 Graham, H Graham, G Graham, W. S Graham, J. A. Grayson, E. B Green, G. F Greenleaf, A.... Greenleaf, A Greenwood, A. Greer, S. F Grier, J Griffin, R. C Griffith, W. A Guest, E. G Gulick, W. B Gunnell, W. C Gwynne, C Gurley, R. W... Glenn, S. F 71 Glossbrenner, A. J... 20 Goddard, jr., J. H.... 83 Goddard, sr., J. H.... 77 Godman, R. V 77 Godwin, W. N. J 33 Goldsborough, B. F.. 74 Goldsmith, J. W 27 Goodall, T 43 Goodloe, H. H 72 Goodrich, J 59 Goodridge, A 57 Goodrick, J. C 45 Gott, R 46 Gordon, W 71 Gordon, J. F 63 Gordon, W. A 45 Gordon, J. N 57 Gordon, J 57 Gouge, W. M 23 Gough, S 50 Gould, J 67 Gozler, J 45 Grocme, R 29 Grammer, F. L 33 Hackett, I Hagerty, J , Haines, D. W..., Hall J. B Hall, E Hall, A Hall, W Hall', W. F Hale, P. H Haley, A. G Halstead, J. J -- Hamersly, L Hamlin, J. P Hamilton, J. H Hamilton, J Hampton, S. W Hancock, T. C... Handv, W Hansen, E. W Hanson, R. M.... Hanson, G. C... Hardia, W Hardin, W. L... Harkness, T. F Harleston, G. B Harmon, A. D.., Harper, G. K — Harrington, J..., Harris, W. H — Granger, J. N 65|Harris, W. A. 54 23 22 54 65 48 26 23 23 69 47 65 26 27 43 74 69 82 39 86 65 54 29 38 82 29 35 50 30 69 68 84 39 28 45 61 85 24 61| 401 67 57 72 30 68 39 75 26 36 27 37 T DIRECTORY. 13 ALPHABETICAL LIST. Page. Hinkle, D 42 Hinman, C. W 84 Hobbs, T. J 29 Hogaa, W 21 Hogan, W 67 Hogan, J. D 23 Hogg, J. W 50 Hoke, B. P 74 Holcomb, M. A 56 Holcomb, M. A 72 Holland, J. E 30 Hollister, A. D 56 Holraead, A 67 Holmead, J. E 61 Holohan, J. T 59 Holt, J 55 Hoitzman, G. H 64 Hood, J. H 71 Hood. J 68 Hooe,'B 71 Hooe, B 40 Horigan, D 54 Horrell, E. M 69 Howe, R 77 Howard, B. S 72 Howard, J. C 70 Howard, B. C 79 Howell, S. R 68 Howell, G. P 67 Howie, P. C 61 Horwitz, P. J 53 Houston, J. H 25 Houston, S. A 32 Hoover, J. T 40 Hoover, W 57 Huesman, C. A 68 Hughes, A. W, 59 Hughes, J 30 Huscgins, A, J B8 Hume, C 27 Humes, G 29 Humphres, A. A 38 Hungerford, H 72 Hunt, C 51 Hunt, T. J 42 Hunter, J 55 Hunter, T 30 Hunter, W 21 Huntington, S. H 80 Hyam, B. D 69 Hyde, S. G 69 Page. Hyde, A 82 lardella, N. M 59 Ihrie, G. P 74 Ingham, S 37 Ingle, H 59 Ingle, J 26 Ingram, W. B 43 Ironside, R. B 68 Irwin, R. B 44 Irwin, J. W 66 Isaac, W. M 65 Isaac, W. M 31 Jacob, W. W 67 Jacobs, C 62 Jackson, V. R 59 Jackson, T. A 52 Jackson, G. C 26 Jackson, A. H 69 Jamison, S. G 72 Janney, S. H 28 Janvier, B. A 29 Janveir, F. De H 56 Jarboe, B 77 Jeflferson, F 21 Jenckes, A. T 61 Jenkins, T 71 Jewell, J. M 48 Jewell, J. G 33 Jillson, W. E 63 Johnes, G. W 56 Johnson, G 37 Johnson, T 25 Johnson, M 32 Johnson, H. L 56 Johnson, B. W 68 Johnson, W. A 71 Johnson, S. J 76 Johnson, R 47 Johnson, J. H 82 Johnson, T. R 59 Johnson, G. R 52 Johnson, A. W 53 Johnson, W. F 30 Johnston, J. E 45 Joline, 0. 0 66 Jones, J.... 36 Jones, W. H 24 Jones, A. J 25 Jones, 0. T 35 Jones, S. P 84 14 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. ALPHABETICAL LIST. Jones, W. B... Jones, W Jones, C. L.... Jones, Z Jones, W. W.. Jones, T Jones, E. W... Jordan, A. B.. Jordon, J. H.. Jordon, M Jordon, R. S.. Jordon, P Jordon, C. A.. Josseljn, "R.... Joyner, W. H. Kallussowski Karcher, L Kayser, J. A Kean, J. D Kearon, R Kearns, J Keen, W. E. G Keenan, J. F Keller, J. P Keller, J. P Keller, P. A Kelly, J. R Kelly, M Kelly, R Kelly, M Kendall, G. M Kennedy, J. A Kennedy, J. C. G. Kennedy, J. M Kenney, T Kenuon, N Kernan, D Kerrick, H. B Keyser, B. U Kidwell,G. W. L.. Kidwell, J. S Killian, J Kimball, T. H Kincannon, H. A.. King, 11 , Kintr, W. W Kin^o;, C. K King, J. F , King, J. D... King, P. H Page. .. 59 .. 59 63 87 .. 24 .. 15 .. 62 .. 75 .. 33 .. 26 .. 29 .. 44 25 36 .. 36 .. 67 .. 40 .. 73 71 .. 84 .. 32 33 72 .. 69 ,. 49 ,. 73 .. 65 .. 60 .. 67 . 87 ,. 57 59 .. 73 . 73 43 ,. 71 . 87 . 33 . 38 . 23 74 . 64 . 29 . 72 . 55 . 67 . 51 59 . 38 . 83 Page. . 61 . 39 . 42 . 63 . 79 . 41 King, H King, V. E Klakrig, C. T.. Klink, A. C... Klopfer, H. A.. Knight, J Knox, PL C 74 Kondrup, J. C 42 Kraft, G. M 43 Kreamer, C. PI 57 Kretchmer, J. C 28 Lacey, R. A 55 Laird, S Lamborn, S. H. Laramond, P.... Lancaster, J. L. Landic, I Lane, T. H Lane, M , Page Lewis, S. L Lewis, J. F 5' Lightner, H 31 Lindenkohl, A 4' Lindsay, D. R 3 Lindsa}', A 21 Lindsay, W. C 6i Linton, S. B 4' Linton, W 2! Linton, S 3 Lipscomb, W. C 3 liiomen, E 41 Little, A 6 Lockwood, H. A 3' Long, J. G 7 Longstreet, A. B 8i Loomis, J. B.. Loomis, S. L.. Loranger, P. J Loring, E. G.. Langran, W 42 jLoughborough, H... Langtry, H " ~ Larned, B. F Laub, J. Y Latham, W Lauck, H. C Lauxman, M 43jLovejoy, J. N. Lawrence, A. W. Lawrence, S. A. 63 Lawrence, R. S 74 Lawrence, D. C. 61 6; 7 60 80 82 Lownos, F 35 Lowry, W. H 66 Lowry, J. H 44 Loving, H. C 67 Loving, L. L 2' 39 72 52 6 o4iLuber, F. Lucas, T Lucas, I Lumkin, J. M. Lawrie, C 55 Lumsden, W. 0 6 Lay, R. Lawson, T 47 59 Lynch, R. S 3 Lawrensou, J., 55!Mackall, R. L. LeCompe, S. B 34jMackall, B. Lee, W. B Lee, C. H Lee, R Lee, S. S Lee, G. W. C Leak, S. A Leech, R , Leech, D. D. T..., Leib, S. D Lemerie, A. C Lenthall, J Leonard, J. A. B., Lester, W. W Lewis, J. S 2 44|Mackie, J. S 2 44 Mackie, C. B 7i 3o!Maddox, T. H 3i 39 48 30 32 55 63 51 66 60 38 Lewis, T. P 44 Maedel, E. A 4: Maedel,A 4; Maedel, J. W Magee, J. S Magee, S Magraw, S. M. .. Magruder, T. C... Magruder, G. A. 4( 7b 75 35 87 51 Maguire, J. F 34 MaguirCjJ 75 Main, J 41 Mahou, A 26 26 56 57 25 38 V7 68 21 55 V5 77 86 56 40 37 67 21 74 34 33 72 34 29 28 82 34 42 75 53 40 48 27 21 77 32 79 29 67 74 62 82 40 46 51 62 62 41 49 32 67 50 DIRECTORY. 15 ALPHABETICAL LIST. Page McGarr, 0 36 McGiven, D. C 7 McGowan, J. A 8 McHenrv, R. W 62 McHenry, E 77 Mcllvaine, J. H 36 Mclntire. A.L 62 McKean, S. M 23 McKenna, P 82 McKnew, Z. W 84 iMcLain, R. T 56 21 40 35 30 25 33 McLean, J.. McLean, A McLeod, M McLeod, D McLeran, G. C. McMahon, M. T 56 McMurtrie, W. B 40 McNair, S. Y 32 McNier, J. B 74 McNaiiy, W. S 50 McNeil. A 29 McNeir, W 63 McNerhany, J. McNulty, F. J. McPeak, W.... ... 32 .. 33 ... 85 McPherson. W. IS 39 McPherson,' J. D 80 McRhea, A. H 32 Mechlin, W 27 Medill, W 24 Mead, S 31 Meech, L. W 74 Meed, J. W 59 Meehan, J. S 84 Meehan, C. H. W 84 Meek, J. B 72 Meldrum, J 63 Melvin, S 30 Merchant, E. McD.... 32 Merrick, W. D 80 Merrill, 0. R 51 Merritt, A. E 51 Mertz, W 42 Metzeroth, G. B 42 Meyer, F. S 82 Mickum, S 50 Middleton, R. W 27 Middleton, D. W.. 79 Middleton, E. J 82 Page. Milburn, B 82 Miles, J 74 Miles, J. W 32 Miller, J. M 56 Miller, B. A 57 Miller, H 64 Miller, T. J 71 Miller, M. S 45 Miller, W. H 26 Miller, W. D 74 Miller, J. E 27 Miller, E. P 87 ;\Iills, J 82 Mitchell, H 66 Mitchell, T 29 Michell, T 77 Mix, C. E 64 Moise, A 32 Molenard, J 69 Monroe, C 46 Moody, T. L 27 Moore, J. H 33 Moore, J. M 68 Moore, A 62 Moore, J. F 75 Moore, T 71 Moore, W. G 87 Moran, W. E 70 Moran, W. P 50 Morgan, W. S 35 Morris, John 72 Morris, James 71 Morrison, W. W 52 Morrison, R. J 68 Morrow, J 71 Morse, J, E 70 Morsell, J. S 80 Morsell, R. T 66 Moseley, J. W 68 Moses, J. C 36 Moses, P 57 Moses, S. P 75 Moss, J. T 63 Morton, L. M 45 Mullikin, N 49 Mulloy, T. J 84 Mulloy, W. A 82 iMurray, F. G 31 Murphy, F. J 82 Murray, H. G 82 Muse, D 54 16 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. ALPHABETICAL LIST. Page Muse, L 50 Mustin, T 31 Myers, J 30 Naar, B 56 Nabor, H 75 Nalle, B. J 67 Naylor, H 82 Neff, B 43 Nessenson, J 42 Nettleton,A 52 Newman, W. A 74 Nichols, C. H 84 Nixon, W. R 33 Noe, W. H 56 Norris, W. A 56 Norris, A. B 34 Norment, R. B 29 North, J. B 37 North, C. B 60 Norton, C. A 74 Nourse, J. R 35 Nourse, J. B 45 Noyes, T. L 59 Noyes, A. M 75 Nutt, W. D 35 Nutter, S 43 O'Beirne, R. F 67 O'Dell, T. T 67 O'Dowd, R 45 Offutt, H. St. G 31 Ogilvie, W 42 Oliphaut, J 35 Oliver, J. N 36 Olcott, H. A 28 O'Neal, H. G 30 O'Neal, J e.. 43 Orme, D 43 Ott, J 25 Ott, J. D 67 Ould, R 80 Owner, J 74 Owrand, E 25 Ov/rand, C 57 Page, R. 0 56 Page, W. A 73 Page, S. S 57 Paine, 0. S 74 Palmer, W. G 83 Palmer, W. R 39 I Page. Parker, G 76 Parker, D. W C9 Parker, J. E 67 Parks, J. M 35 Parkhurst, W. G 74 Parris, S. B 25 Parrott, E. J 53 Partello, W. P... Patterson, E Patterson, G. C. 29 Patterson, H. S 34 Patterson, W. P 43 Patten, J. D 67 Patton, J. H 41 Peabody, J. H 72 Peak, W 34 Pearce, E 26 28 85 61 61 82 56 Pearce, G Pearce, J. A Peale, T. R Peck, H. P. K , Peck, J Peebles, J. E Pendleton, A. G 54 Pennington, C. J 73 Pennybacker, J. S.... 36 Pennybacker, J 34 Perkins, D. P 71 Perry, C. M 35 Peters, J. G.C 69 Peterson, A 42 Pettit, C.W 28 Petrie, G 56 Peyton, L 71 Phelps, G 45 Phenix, B. C. H 28 Phillips, G. W 81 Phillips, W 41 83 71 36 29 Pierce, J Pillow, M. L.... Pleasants, B. F. Pleasants, C. E. Poesche, T 74 Pollard, n. R 75 Polk, J. P 21 Pope, C. T. Pool, S. M. Pope, W. 11 24 63i Pool, J 24 Potts, J. E 29 Potts, J 44 Page. Pourtales, L. F 40 Powell, G 71 Powell, R.J 69 Powell, J. T 63 Powell, W. C 67 Powell, R 52 Powers, J. E 70 Pratt, H. D. J 21 Prentiss. W.H 22 Preston,' R. E 26 Price, W. C 34 Pritchard, H. F 70 Prior, J. N 71 Preuss, H. C 48 Pullian, J. W 69 Purcell, W. F 81 Purrington, W. J ' 33 Purrington, T 75 Quackenbush, N 65 Queen, R. T 32 Queen, J. R 82 Quicksall, J 56 Quincy, T. H 70 Quinn, T. H 57 Ray, A 82 Ramsay, W 45 Ramsay, S 47 Randall, H. K 28 Randolph, W. B 35 RatclifiF, D 80 Raymond, J. T 26 Raynor, J. T 69 Read, W 61 Read, S. B 68 Reddall, W. C 21 Reese, A. W 23 Reeve, S 36 Reever, H 82 Reid, J 34 Reidv, M 60 Reillv, F 76 Reilly, B. T 66 Rii?gs, M. C 34 Riggs, G. W 82 Reiss, J. H 24 Rice, N..... 44 Rice, G 70 Ricketts. R 68 Ricketts,R 71 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 17 ALPHABETICAL LIST. Riddick, W. F Ridg-ely, W. G Rind,S. S Rind, W. A Ringgold, F RiUenhouse, 11. F., Rittcr, F. W Rhees, W. J Rhett, C. H Rhey, A. J Rhodes, R. R Roach, W. N Roach, E. N Roane, A Robb, J Robertson, J. W... Robinson, J. S Robinson, S. A Robinson, J Robinson, H Robinson, T. J Robinson, T. J Robinson, J. 11 Robinson, W Robinson, T. H Roche, J. R. ...... Rogers, B. F Rogers, II Rodman, G Rolle, A Rose, W.J Row bind, J. A Rowzee, G Rnger, 0. J Rnppert, I Runipf, G..... Rundlet, G. W Russell, A. W Russell, A Russell, C. R Ruth, E. F Rutherdale, J , Ryan, W dynard, J. D , Page. G7 ., 50 .. 28 .. 29 .. 34 .. 35 .. 62 .. 85 .. GO .. 34 .. Gl 81 81 19 .. 70 ,. 29 .. 51 Sailer, B Sanderson, J Sanderson, N. J., Sanderson, N. J.. Sands, T. E Sanger, W. P. S. Page. Sargent, J. W 37 Saunders, D 55 Saunders, D 82 Saunders, A. E 34 Saxton, J 43 Scars, B 87 Scarburg, G. P 80 Schoepf, A Gl Schaeffer, F. B G5 Schall, W 52 Schwartz, J 4G Schellhaus, R 43 Schmidt, F G5 Schonborn, II. F 86 Schonborn, A 86 Schott, C. A 41 Scott, T. A 32 Scott, R. K 57 Scott, A 29; Scott, J. F : Page. . 62 Shugert, J. W 61 Shunk, W. F. Shulze, F. S.. Slade, W. 0.. ... 61 ... 33 ... 71 Slater, R. J) 76 Slicer, C. H 62 Sibley, E. S 45 Silliman, B 86 Simmons, S 51 Sipe, H 24 Sipe, E. H 42 Singleton, A. C 34 Sims, J. M 27 Simpson, P 32 Simpson, G. B 87 Skelly, W. E GO vSkinner, II. L 66 Skinner, St. J. B. L Slcmmer, C Schreiner, C. W 29jSlemmcr, W Schwartzman, G. A.. 55{Slocumb, B. F Seaton, W. V/ 85ibmallwood, G. T. Seaton, M 73iSmead, J. R 81 Smith, J. A, Selden, W Selden, W. H 20 'Smith, J Selden, J 52! Smith, J Semmcs, R Sengs tack, C. A Sengstack, sr., C. P. Sengstack, jr., C. P. Sengstack, L. R , H 38 1 Smith, J. M 24|Smith, P 33 7G|Smith, H 33 77|Smiih, E. G 64 77 Smith, C. H 47 Sengsleller, A 4l!Smith, T. M 31 56lSessf()rd, sr., J 26 Smith, C. F Shackelford, J 77|Smith, R. D. 0 Shaw, E 61 'Smith, J. W.... Shaw, G. K 68 Smith, W. F... . Shaw, J 70 Smith, T. L.... Shannon, W. A 23 1 Smith, J Sharretts, G. E. W... Shearman. W. P Sherman, C. R 37;Smitli, N. B. Shelton, J. P 28jSraith, A. .M. Sheppard, E.,... Sherwood, 8.... 74 74 42 38 26 35 27! Smith, B 65 2:)iSmith, A. K 67 67 61 5!) H. 75iSmith, ,1. L 34 j Smith, G 55 71 71 75 Shick, J 24iSmith, J. J Shields, J. W 60 Smith, G. ? G7|Shields, J. V. A 57jSraithson, J. " ' "'Smolinski, J. Shiras, A. E 46 Shoemaker, P 82 Sbubrick. W. B 37 bmoot, A. B 70 Snow, G. B 39 38 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. ALPHABETICAL LIST. Page, j Solomon, S. N 28 Southard, J. D 2:") Spalding, H. C 82 Sparks, A. K "Tl Spencer, G. H 33 Spencer, F. M. Spencer, K Spencer, J Sperry, W. W Sprigg, J. C Spottswood, R. T... Stack. J. F Stafford, 0. A Page. Syi)hax, C 72 Sylvester, T 28 Todd, J. G.... Todhiinter, J. Totten, J. G.. Tauccy, I. E. D. 7 1 jTownsend, 38 [Trader, J 33 Tread way, W. E. Taft, II. N Gl Tait, J. A 87 GO Talbert, J. E....... 57 1 Taliaferro, G. S... noiTallmadge, E. C. VljTaney, U. B 70 1 Tree, L nyiTastett, N 32 iTrenboIm 5G!Tate, T. M.. 43| Taylor, S. B Gy Taylor, W. S f-O I T',,,-!^.^ O TT Page, G7 .. 56 .. 47 .. 50 Towers, W 84 J. B. 44 2G GO 5» SljTrescot, W. I] 21 Trine, H 57 Stackpolc, T 78|Taylor, S.II 5 Stansbury, A. J 67 Stanton, B 8G Starbuck, N. H GG Sterling, E. C 75 Steele, J 50 GO Steele, H. N. Steele, A Steele, E. B. Taylor, L. M. Taylor, W. II. S... Taylor, W. B Taylor, J. P Taylor. J. T Terry, F. G G7 1 Thatcher, G. C..,. 84! Thaw, J Stellwagen, C. K 51 Thoni, C. N. Stevens, J. W 2GlThomas, G. C. Stevens, E. L G4 Thomas, P. F.. Stewart, C. B 631 Thomas, P. F. Stewart, J. E. Stickney, F. 11 Stoops, R Trine, II 43 Trook, J. X 21 Trook. L. II 21 Troot, T. P 55 Trowbridge, W, P.... 39 TschifFelv, F. A 66 71 Thomas, W. II 30 Thomas, J 82 24 1 Thomas, C. F 87 Storke, W. D 41 'Thomas, J. B Story, T 31 Stowers, W. J 69 .. 33 .. 40 .. 37 Strider, J. H Strausz, A Stroman, H. C Strother, B. H 62 Strother, F. M 4G Stuart, J G9 Stuart, C. A GO Stuart, 0 3G Stubbs, W. E 21 Stubbs, E 21 Sturgis, T 2G Sullivan, P 70 Sullivan, W. H 32 Sullivan, J. B 30 Sullivan, L. 0 34 Sutter, T. J 78 Swan, R 75 Swart, B. T 69 Sweeney, P 59 Thomas, N. J 77 Thompson, J. R 33 Thompson, W. A 42 Thompson, A 71 Thompson, W 82 Thompson, J 37 48 7G 60 48 Tucker. F. E Tune, S. T Turner, M. A Turpin, W. G Tustin, J. P Tuttle, C Twyman, J. W.... Tvler, W. W Tvler, G. G Tyler, W. S Tysinger, W. E... 57 59 33 6u. iDn J: sireet, noriD. 3d ViTcinin T 11 ^lilltl • X. luopLLL bl.j vjcurgcio w n. 3d A Inl^n.mfi XXlC^LIc^lllcl; 3d Pcnn I'U. ^OO ill bUecL. 3d Ohio 'Kc\ ^\'} 19th ctrppf iiU. iJ i ±ZitU fcLlccL. 3d Kv i-i LI. ooo iicvv wtJiccv av. 3d Missouri. SW. cor. Md. av. & lOth st. 3d Ohio No. 399 H street. 3d Dist. C... 2 1st street. 3d Virginia. 10th street, above L st. 3d Dist. C... No. 485 12th street. 3d Ohio No. 482 12th street. 2d No. 342 9th street. 2d Dist. C... No. 592 17th street. Winder's Building. G. E. W. Sliarretts.... J. E. Miller Messengers. J. W. Garner G. W. Fales. Laborer. J. W. Goldsmith.... Watchmen. L. E. Doyle W. Kelly J. H. Hilton F. R. May G. Harvey SECOND auditor's OFFICE. Second Auditor. 3 60 T. J. D. Fuller Chief Clerk. 3 56 Clerks. 3 64 3 57 3 55 3 63 3 72 F. Cosbv 3 68 E. M. Clark 3 61 Alexander Elliott 3 63 3 55 3 74 S. C. Ford 3 62 J. T. Bollmeyer 3 58 R. W. Middleton 3 56 H. W. Balmain 28 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 1 w 1 NAMES AND OFFICE. < w P3 o RESIDENCE. o is 3 22 3 26 3 38 3 27 3 32 3 36 3 14 3 15 3 20 3 35 3 40 3 44 3 8 3 43 3 * 21 Henrv A. Olcott 2d .]. C. Kretschraer 2d Obadiah Woodson 2d L. €. Forsyth 2d J. A. Throckmorton... 2d B. C. H. Phenix 2d F. Andrews | 1st Philip T. Ailin 1st R. H. Henderson 1st Messengers. Thomas Sylvester. John Hamilton .... Laborer. John Brent THIRD AUDITOR'S OFFICE. Third Auditor. R, J. Atkinson Chief Clerk. Samuel S. Rind Clerks. W. H. S. Taylor Charles Vinson H. K. Randall T. C. Daniel A. F. Cunningham .... Eben Eveleth J. P. Sheldon Charles Abbot H. T. Mathews Gideon Pearce Bennett Clements , S. H. Janney S. N. Salomon R. G. Dove C. W. Pettit $840 700 600 3000 2000 4th 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d Conn Penn N. C Mich Virginia Md Mass Missouri Dist. C... Dist. C. Dist. C. Dist. C. Ohio. Dist. C. Md Md Md Virginia. Virginia. Florida.. Wis Dist. C Virginia Md Dist. C. Virginia . N. York.. Dist. C. Dist. Col SW. cor. Pa. av. & 8th st. No. 453 10th street. No. 457 New York av. Lafayette House. Washington county, D. C. Pa. av., bt. 17th & 18th sts. No. 291 8th street. No. 417 Penn. avenue. I St., bt. 17th and 18th sts. No. 602 H street. No. 70 13J street. Cor. L and 18th streets. No. 381 11th street. No. 35 Gay St., Geo'town. No. 162 Wash. St. Geo'town No. 86 Penn. avenue. Cor. F and 18th streets. No, 485 E street. No. 359 Massachusetts av. No. 377 18th street. No. 209 Penn. avenue. No. 42 Gay St., Geo'town. No. 461 9th Street. 119 Prospectst., Geo'town. No. 62 Market St., Geo'town Alexandria, Va. Willards' Hotel. No. 7 Northern Liberties. No. 398 Mass. avenue. 03 O H CQ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 o 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 29 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. HERE iOM. < O 2d Tenn 2(1 Md 2d Dist. Col. 2d Virginia. 2d Md 2d S. C 2d Maine .... 2d Md 2d Ky 2d Virginia. 2d Dist. Col. 2d N. York.. 2d York.. 2d Ark 2d N. Jersey- 2d Ark 2d Del 2d 2d Virginia. 2d Ohio 2d Dist. 0... 2d Md 2d 2d 2d Dist. C... 2d Ohio 2fi 2d Ohio,,,, 2d N. York.. 2d Ky 2d Maine.... 2d Georgia.. 2d Dist. C... 2d Md 2d Md 2d Ala 2d N. Y 2d Ky 2d N. J 1st Ky 1st 1st Md 1st Dis. Col.. 1st La 1st Conn RESIDENCE. A. McNeill G. F. Worthington. H. J. Crosson Robert Graeme J. W. Robertson T. B. Thruston T. J. Hobbs Albert Ellery P. H. Cooney G. 0. Wunder George Humes A. Hazleton Abial Allen R. B. Norment J. E. Potts C. E. Pleasants B. A. Janvier C. W. Schreiner J. A. Craighill W. P. Parteilo W. A. Rind, Jr Edward T. Mathews A. T. McCallum Stephen Duncan, Jr R. S. Jordan J. A. Beatty T. L, Atkinson A. J. Bentley W. P. Shearman.... J. J. Wright H. L. Fuller J. Henly Smith W. Gadsby E. H. Cummins W. H. Chase J. P. Davidson T. H. Kimball J. C. Currie Alexander Scott F. G. Terry E. R. Belcher James Balloch., , William Linton L. B. Haynes , Thos. Mitchell No. 445 12th street Montgomery co., Md. 11th street, near M street. Corner 11th and I street. Pa. av., bt. 9th & 10th sts. Miss Williams', 11th street. No. 458 12th street. No. 119 Pennsylvania av. No. 403 5th street, west. Fairfax county, Va. Vansville, Md. No. 284 9th street, west. No. 460 4th street. No. 22 K street. No, 308 9th street. Northwest cor. 4^ & Pa.av. No. 432 H street, north. NE. cor. N.Y. av.& 15th st. Green street, GeorgetoAvn. No. 560 M street, north. No. 35 Gay St., Geo'town. No. 512 L street, north. 11th St., bt. E and F sts. No. 21 Indiana avenue. No. 538 L street. 4th St., bt.L stand N.Y.av. No. 381 11th street. NE. corner 4th and M sts. No. 297 F street. No. 425 E street. No. 413 I street. No. 248 F street. No. 266 H St., near 18th st. Union Hotel, Georgetown. Pa.av.,opp.Willards' Hotel No. 406 H street. No. 392 I street. No. 530 13th St., Island. No. 502 E street. No. 382 C street. No. 485 12th street. No. 403 13th street. C street, bet. 3d and 4|. No. 417 Penn. avenue. No. 291 E street. >1 a o H 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. RESIDENCE. Messengers Thomas Foster Eli Duvall Richard Lee.... Laborers. John Bell John Mvers FOURTH AUDITOR'S OFFICE. Fourth Auditor. T. Hunter Chief Clerk. G. M. Head Clerks. J. B. Sullivan H. Bcrrian R. L. Mackall D. ITifrgius T. n. Lane L. L. Lovin£? H. G. O'Neal J. E. Holland W. L. Waller Isaac Hackett J. D. Anderson S. Melvin L. Cruger M. McLeod F. H. Sticknoy S. A. Leake W. F. Johnson Messengers. Wm. Thumlert C. H. Ball $840 TOO TOO 600 600 3000 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 2d 2d 3d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 1st 700 Virginia . Dis. Col., Virginia . Dis. Col.. Dis. Col.. Virginia , Ky Penn N. York.. Dis. Col.. Ohio N. York.. Tenu Dis. Col.. Dis. Col.. Penn...... N. Jersey Maine. ... Virginia. S. Car.... Dis. Col.. Maine .... Va Penn Dis. Col Dis. Col, No. 466 12th street. No. 2*73 B street. No. 509 Maryland avenue. Pa. av., bet. 1st & 2d sts. L St., bet. 16th &17th sts. 13th St. , bet. Pa. av. & D st. No. 74 Missouri avenue. G street, near 13th. No. 89 Penn. av.west. Union Hotel, Georgefn. No. 505 17th street. No. 138 24th street, west. No. 227 H street. M street, bt. 9th and lOtb. Washington Co., D. C. N. Y. av., bet. 9th & lOtb. No. 322 New York avenue. No. 411 I street. No. 350 New York ave. No. 184 I street. Fayette st., Georgetown. No. 306 9th street. No. 441 I street. K St., bet. 12th and 13th. No. 409 10th street. Alexandria county, Va. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 31 Treasury building. 23 22 21 16 22 21 16 21 11 16 22 21 G. P. 0. Building. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. w a ^ fa RESIDENCE. FIFTH auditor's OFFICE. Fifth Auditor. BarthV Fuller Chief Cleric. Thomas M. Smith.... Clerks. Thomas Mustin Francis G. Murra}-..., Amos G. Browning.., Wm. M. Isaac C. J. Wall Thomas Story... W. W. Gaines H. Warrington Messenger. Simeon Mead Laborer. Cornelius Brosnahan sixth auditor's OFFICE. Sixth Auditor. T. M. Tate.. Chief Clerk. H. St. Geo. Offutt.. Disbursing Clerk. D. R. Lindsay $3000 2000 3d 3d 2d 2d 2d 1st 1st 1st 600 3000 2000 N. Car... Indiana. Va Illinois.. Ky Md La Indiana . La Dis. Col, N. J Dis. Col.. Virginia. Mo, Cor. 12th and M streets. No. 417 Penn. avenue. No. 444 11th street. Vt. av., bt. 13th & 14th. N. Y. av., bet. 9th & 10th No. 408 K street. No. 331 Penn. avenue. No. 367 Penn. avenue. National Hotel. No. 187 H street. No. 681 6th street, south No. 440 10th street. Clay's Hotel. No. 417 II street. 2000 Ala. No. 58 Missouri avenue. >^ P3 O H 1 3 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 I 3 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. < w o ^ h. 4th 4th 4th Md , 4th Virginia . 4th Ohio 3d Fla 3d Dist. C... 3d 3d Penn 3d Dist. C... 3d Dist. C... 3d Dist. C... 3d New J.... 3d Ind 3d Dist. C... 3d Dist. C... 3d Md 3d Tenn 3d Dist. C... 3d 3d Tenn 3d Dist. C... 3d Cal 3d Virginia . 3d Dist. C... 3d 3d Virginia . 3d 2d Virginia , 2d Dist. C... 2d Virginia . 2d N. C. 2d Penn 2d Dis. Col.. 2d N. J 2d Maine .... 2d Virginia. 2d Md 2d Dis. Col.. 2d 2d Dis. Col. 2d La 2d 2d D. Col.... RESIDENCE. Clerks. T. Bartlett H. Rogers J. F. Boone W. Latham R. Leech W. C. Lipscomb.. N. Tastett W. H. Sullivan.... S. A. Houston T. B. Addison J. P. Wheeler L. J, Anderson — M. Johnson J. L. Davis S. Hanson , J. W. Bronaugh..., J. B. Carns A. Russell , S. Harkness T. J. McCamant.... A Moise, Jr , L. Welsh J. Thaw E. McD. Merchant, P. Simpson , J. W. Miles J. Beck S. Y. McNair S. M. Edwards J. McNerhany W. J. Bronaugh.... B. S. Ashburn E. A. Whipple W. Evans J. Kearns C. T. Pope W. T. Darrell P. A. Fitzhugh.... R. T. Queen C. F. McDonald..., A. West A. H.McRea , J. Todd , T. A. Scott No. 518 H street. No. 20 4J street. No. 594 Md. avenue. 7thst.,bt.Md.av. & Va. av. No. 425, 10th street. Fairfax county, Va. Cor.of 10th & B sts., south. No. 311 G street. No. 38 Missouri avenue. No. 39 2d St., Georgetown. No. 411 3d street. No. 7 4 J street. No. 392 E street. Est., bt. 7th and 8th sts. 3d street, Capitol Hill. At Mrs. McNeils, Pa. aV. Washington House. No. 522 H street. No. 7 New York avenue. Mrs. Fitzgerald's, Pa. av. G St., bt. 7th and 8th sts. No.l54Bridgest.,George'n No. 482 Penn. avenue. At Mrs. Adams, Penn. av. No. 456 12th street. No. 34 Missouri avenue. No. 310 Virginia avenue. No. 499 12th street. No. 327 9th street. Cor. 6th and P sts., north. No. 543 10th street, south. No. 512 I street. No. 563 12th street, south. No. 210 6th street. No. 506 L street, north. No. 407 13th street. No. 498 L street. Lst.jbt. 12th and 13th sts. 12th. St., above N.York av. 497 12th street, north. Prince George's co., Md. No. 311 17th Street. No. 224 6th street. No. 358 B street. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 33 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE, RESIDENCE. 3 4 1 2 1 25 3 19 3 Bkr. 1 4 1 4 1 Bkr. 1 22 1 25 1 11 3 15 1 22 3 8 2 27 1 19 3 Bkr. 3 Bkr. 1 4 1 3 3 27 1 19 1 1 1 5 3 8 3 Bkr. 3 Bkr. 1 20 3 4 3 23 1 5 3 Bkr. 1 3 3 8 3 1 1 7 1 3 1 4 1 29 I 3 1 3 1 23 I 5 3 Bkr. 1 2 3 19 W. A. Coburn R. H. Bigger W. W. Tyler M. A. Turner E. W. Forteney... J. H. Stridor F. S. Shulze W. Ryan J. W. Anderson... J. W. Amos J. G. Jewell W. E. G. Keen.... H. B. Kerrick J. 0. Wilson J. W. Compton... P. Smith W. N. J. Godwin. H. Smith S. Y. Mason.- J. H. Moore F. L. Grammer... R. Cawthorn W. V. W. Weaver T. M. Embrey G. H. Spencer G. G. Cox W. R. Nixon A. D. Harmon D. W. Archer W. Addison J. G. Mattison H. Fry singer ...... W. J. Purrington G. C. McLeran.... E. C. Tallmadge.. J. H. Jordon F. J. McNulty H. E. Woodbury.. D. Bassett H. A. Cooke J. R. Thompson... W. Coyne G. K. Harper J. H. Washington R. Widdicombe... S. Linton 5 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 3d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Dist. C... Ind Virginia. Penn Dist. C... Virginia. Penn Maine .... Md Ohio Miss Gal Mo Mass Dist. C... Dist. C... La Dist. C... Ohio Dist. C... Md Virginia . Virginia. Dist. C... Georgia.. Dist. C... La Maine .... Florida .. Dist. C... N. York. Penn Maine .... jlllinois... jConn ! Maine. ... jConn .^Dis. Col.. Dist. C... Miss [Maine .... I Missouri, i Virginia ! Virginia. I Dist. C... i Penn No. 399 H street. Cor. E and 13th streets. Corner 3d and G streets. No. 353 K street. 8th St., bt. M and N sts. No. 280 8th street. Washington county, D. C. No. 455 11th street. Cor. 4J St. and Pa. av. No. 514 L street. No. 77 Bridge st.,George'n. No. 409 12th street. No. 525 H street. No. 366 New York av. H St., bt. 4th and 5th sts. N St., bt. 6th and 7th sts. No. 425 Penn. avenue. Cor. Penn. av, and 4^- St. Mrs. Smich's, C street. No. 190 I street. 1st St., below D St. south. Mrs. Campbells, 4J st. No. 482 L street. Mass.av.,bt.l3th &14th sts No. 414 Seventh street. C St., bt. 3d and 4 J sts. No. 268 F Street. No. 516 L street. D St., bt. 2d and 3d sts. Georgetown, D. C. Corner H and I streets. No. 410 K street. No. 497 L street. No. 381 14th street. Exchange Hotel. 13thst.,'^bt. B&Csts. S. 7th St., bt. L and M sts. r2th St., bt. I and K sts. N.Y.av.,bt. 9th & 10th sts. Intirraary, E street. C. H. Morehead's, Pa. av. Infirmary, E street. L St., bt.*12th and 13th sts. Mr. Masi's, 9th street. Corner F and 10th >;ts. Cor. 13th St. and 1 a. av. 34 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ■AHOXS 1 1 ROOM. NAMES AND OFFICE. CLASS. WHERE FROM. RESIDENCE. 3 20 23 25 23 22 29 20 20 Bkr. 20 19 23 Bkr. 23 27 Bkr. 25 27 Bkr. Bkr. F. Ringgold A. E. Saunders. J. W. Daniel.... M. Lane. M. C. Riggs. J. G. Doren R. A. Fish. C. R. Russell. J. Butcher E. L. Massie L. 0. Sullivan... J. Pennvbacker. W. W. Gaines... A. B. Norris James Reid A. J. Rhey J. R. Young R. P. Garnett.... D. A. Carter S. H. Patterson. J. F. Maguire.... Basemer.t. I 1 28 Messenr/ers. W. W. Cox.... S. Sherwood. Laborers. R. White W. W. Mathaney W. Peak A. H. Bradley J. B. Cox S. B. LeCompte A. C. Singleton W. Douglass, colored, H. Douglass, colored. TREASURER S OFFICE. Treasurer. W. C. Price 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 700 600 600 600 '600 600 600 600 600 600 In. York. Virginia Dist. C, Mich Conn. Ohio .... Minn Georgia. Virginia. Virginia. La Virginia. La Penn Dist. Col. Penn Miss Virginia. Virginia . Ala Dist. Col. Dist. C. Dist. C. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. 3000 Mo Mr. Aigler's, D street. No. 40 Washing'n St., Alex Avenue House, 7th st. No. 447 Mass. avenue. No. 109 New York av. No. 427 11th street. Cor. 13th St. and Pa av. Pa.av.bt. 14th and 15th sts No. 508 L street. Infirmary, E street. No. 375 11th street. No. 32 4-|- street. National Hotel. No. 553 13th St., south. H St., bt. 4th and 5th sts. No. 400 D street. No. 293 Penn. avenue. Alexandria, Va. No. 415 Penn. avenue. No. 264 G street. No. 325 13th street. T St., bt. 9th and 10th sts. No. 429 6th street. 14th St., bt. I and K sts. Farmers's Hotel, D street. 8th St., bt. M and N sts. 10th street, east. 1st., bt. 9th and 10th sts. No. 407 13th street. No. 398 9th street. 1st St., bt. 0 and P sts. K St., bt. 4J and 6th sts. No. 268 F street 03 O H «J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 35 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. m 03 NAMES AND OFFICE. < •J o UESIDENCE. o Chief Clerk. W. B. Randolph Clerks. W. D. Nutt J. D. Colmesnil Anthony McLean... S. B. Bootes W. S. Morgan Hopkins Lightner... J. H. Smith R. L. Brown J. G. Hedgman C. M. Perry L. B. Wynne J. M. Parks Messenger. H. B. Croggon Assistant Messenger Henry Croggon EEGISTER's OFFICE. Register. Finley Bigger Chief Clerk. Charles T. Jones Clerks. B. P. Rittenhonse Wm. J. Cowan John Oliphant Edgar Patterson Francis Lowndes John R. Nourse Samuel M. Magraw.... $2000 4th 4th 4th 3d 3d 3d 3d 2d 2d 2d ist 1st $840 700 3000 2000 4th 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d Virginia . Miss Ky.. Virginia . Dis. Col- Virginia . Penn Virginia. Virginia. Virginia . Dis. Col. niinois... Ala Dis. Col.. Dis. Col.. Indiana . No. 288 G street Alexandria county, Va. 14th St., bt. E and F sts. Alexandria, Va. Georgetown, D. C. 12th St., bt. I and K sts. No. 404 E street. Corner G and 12th streets. Cor. 13th St. and Md. av. Georgetown, D. C. 13th St., near M street. No. 381 14th street. 9th St., bt. H and I sts. Corner 12th and L sts. Cor. 12th and L streets. Dr. Bailey's, 13th street. Indiana. . No. 537^ H street. Dis. Col N. Car.. No.llSBridge st.,George'n 13th St., bt. E and F sts. N. York.. I No. 215 F street, north. Dist. C...j No. 110 West St., George'!!. Virginia. Dis. Col Md Prospect St., Georgetown. No. 291 8th street. No. 488 11th street, west. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. TREASDRY DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE, tn c» a S ■< H O S M o 3ci Pena 2d Ohio 2d Virginia . 2d Md 2d Wis 2d 2d Penn 2d Virginia. 2d 2d Texas. ... 2d Dist. C... 2d Indiana.. 2d 2d Oliio 1st S. Car.... 1st La 1st Dist. C... 1st 1st Ohio 1st RESIDENCE. 1 ! 32 Basement. 31 43 40 33 42 38 38 33 35 3 39 35 39 37 43 35 38 39 D. W. Haines J. Moody Smith J. S. Pennybacker Francis A. Willis Samuel Reeve Jos. H. Mcllvaine Jonas D. Bachman Silas W. Hampton Thos. H. Maddox Thos. K. Wallace. Chas. P. Wannall James H. Robinson.... Owen McGarr Jefferson Jones J. Calhoun Moses Nicholas Clinch Wm. A. Waugh Isaac Angney B. F. Connell R. Josselyn Messengers. Charles Stuart Ignatius Ruppert Laborers. Henry Crocket Albert Barbour.. solicitor's office. Solicitor. Junius Hillyer Chief Clerk. B. F. Pleasants Clerks. L. W. Caldwell W. H. Joyner J. N. Oliver $840 700 600 600 3500 iOOO 3d 3d 3d Dis. Col. Dis. Col. Dis. Col. Penn Georgia Ky S. C N. Car.. Ky No. 202 22d street. No. 331 Penn. avenue. Georgetown, D. C. N.Y.av.,bt. 12th and 13th. Rockville&Wash.turnpike No. 423 Penn. avenue. No. 485 10th street. 13th St., bt. B & C, south. No. 466 E Street. No. 79 Green St., George"n. No. 367 9th street. Dr. Bailey's, 13th street. Mrs. Campbell's, 4^ street. No. 537|- H street. Dr. Bailey's, 13th street. Avenue House. No. 55 bridge st., Geo'wn. Gst.,bt.l3th and 14th sts. Avenue House. Lafayette House. No. 453 9th street. No. 212 New York av. K st.,bt. 18th and 19th sts. Gst.,bt.l3th and 14th sts. Cor. M and 10th sts. No. 272 F street. No. 366 New York av> No. 281 l Uh street. No. 264 G street. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 37 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. w g RESIDENCE. 12 11 10 10 R. H. L. Buchanan. Messenger. Thomas Button OFFICE COM. OF CUSTOMS Commiss'r of Customs. Samuel Ingham Chief ClerTc. Thomas Feran Clerks. C. R. Sherman James Sanderson W. H. Codman H. C. Stroman J. D. Barclay H. A. Lockwood J. B. North T, E. Martin J. W. Sargent Messengers. James Thompson Philip Hines UGHT-nOUSB BOAUD. President J {ex-officio.) Hon. J. A. Dix Chairman. Com. W. B. Shubrick. 3Iembers. Gen. J. G. Totten $700 3000 Conn Georgia.. Penn, 2000 3d 3d 3d 2d 2d 2d 1st 1st 1st $840 100 C3 c3 O O Penn. Penn..., Dist. C. Maine. . Penn.... Aid Wis Penn.... Penn .. N. H.... Dis. Col. Dis. Col. No. 339 F street. No. 673 6th street. No. 209 Penn. avenue. No. 401 13th street. Georgetown. Mrs. Davis's, 7th street. No. 417 Penn. avenue. In Fairfax co., Virginia. No. 397 18th street. In Fairfax county, Va. Union Hotel, Georgetown No. 353 19th street. Cor. 11th and M streets. 14th street. No. 450 12th street. 38 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. 03 S w o RESIDENCE. Capt. A. A.Humphries Prof. A. D. Bache Prof. Joseph Henry.... Com'der E. G. Tilton. Secretaries. Com'der R. Semmes... Capt. W. F. Smith Chief Clerk. W. R. Hayward . Clerks. J. D. King, [accoun't] J. S. Lewis, [exa. oik] B. U. Keyser, [corre't] G. S. Taliaferro, [rec] Messenger. W. H. Walker.. Laborer. r o w $2000 3d 3d 2d 1st $840 3 J. R. W. Mankin 600 Dist. C... 9th st., bt. H andl sts Fla. Dist. Col, Georgia.. Penn Virginia. Virginia National Hotel. 6th St., bt. H and I sts. Corner F and 13th streets. Washington county, D. C. No. 473 13th street. 19th St., bet. I and K sts. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 39 TREASURY DEPARTMENT— COAST SURVEY OFFICE. Office on New Jersey avenue, south of the Capitol. NAMES AND OFFICE. RESIDENCE. Superintendent. Prof. A. D. Bache Assistant Superintendent and in charge of office. Capt. W. R. Palmer General Assistant. Lt. A. P. Hill Computer of Longitudes. Prof. W. P. Trowbridge General Disbursing Agt. Samuel Hein Clerks. W. W. Cooper A. W. Russell R. L. Hawkins V. E. King W. S. McPherson F. Luber E. Fitzgerald W. L. Nicholson F. Whyte H. McHenry A. W. King Librarian. C. B. Snow HTDROGRAPHIC DIVISION. Hydrographic Lispector. Com. S. S. Lee , $6000 2500 2d 2d 2d 1st 1st 1st 1st $1000 1000 840 600 1100 Peni U. S. A. U. S. A. Mich N. York. Penn Md Dist. C. Dist. C Dis. Col Dis. Col Dis. Col Penn .... Dis. Col Dis. Col Dis. Col Texas. No. 588 New Jersey avenue. No. 286 H street, north. Willard's Hotel. No. 10 Jackson Place. No. 32 1st street, Georgetown, Mrs. Hough's, Penn. avenue. No. 446 D street. No. 382 9th street. No. 441 D street. E street, bet. 9th and 10th streets. Union Hotel, Georgetown. No. 353 F street. No. 284 E street, south. B street, south. No. 417 Penn. avenue. No. 207 New York avenue. No. 589 Md. avenue. Virginia. Ravensworth, Alexandria co., Va. 40 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. TREASURY DEPARTMENT— nOAST «?nRvi?v m?T?TPTi' NAMES AND OFFICE. CLASS. WHERE FROM. { RESIDENCE. Assistant Inspector. Lt. S. Bent Draughtsmen. A. Balbach , L. Karcher VV. B. McMurtrie MAP DIVISION. In charge of Division. Lt. J. McLean Clerk. W. H. Mavnadier , DRAWING DIVISION. In charge of Division. Lt. Thomas Wilson...., Clerk. J. T. Hoover Draughtsmen. M. J. McClery.... A. Lindenkohl... L. D. Williams... A. Straus z E. Hergesheimer. F. Engel F. Fairfax J. W. Maedel W. T. Martin B. Hooe, jr S. B. Linton , TIDAL DIVISION. Assist. C. S. in charge. L. F. Pourtales $840 1000 1800 1600 U. S. N., Dis. Col. Dis. Col. Dis. Col. U. S. N. Dist. Col. U. S. A. Dist. C... Dist. C Dist. C Dist. C. Germ'3'.. Gtrm'y- Germ'y.., Virginia, Dist. C... Dist. C... Virginia. Dist. C... No. 442 9th street. Mass. avenue, bet. 6th and 7th sts. No. 361 7th street west. 13th street, bet. Penn. av. and E st. Lafayette House, F street. No. 332 19th street, west No. 580 New Jersev avenue. No. 201 6tU street. New York avenue, near 15th street. No. 426 1st street. 1st street east, near C street north. Penn. avenue, bet. 3d and 4^ sts. No. 383 New York avenue. No. 21 East Capitol street. Corner 2d and G streets, south. No. 482 9th street, 7th street west, below E st. north. No. 2 4^ street, north. No. 536 Maryland avenue. N. York.. 1 D st, south, be. 6th and 7th sts. east. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 41 TREASURY DEPARTMENT— COAST SURVEY OFFICE. NAMES AND OFFICE. RESIDENCE, Tide Computers. R. S. Avery John Dovvnes W. IL Gardner J. W. Donn J. R. Gilliss COMPUTING DIVISION. Assist. C. S. in charge. C. A. Schott Computers. James Main Gottlieb Rumpf. W. D. Storke.... B. H. Todd J. H. Patton ENGRAVING DIVISION. In charge of Division. Lt. J. R. Smead Assistant. Edward Wharton , Clerk. C. C. Callan. Engravers. George McCoy.., John Knight , Albert Rolle...r., A. Sengteller..., J. Enthoffer A. Blondoau William Phillips. $840 600 450 330 330 1600 1000 1000 540 330 300 1200 500 2000 1800 1800 1500 1500 1500 Dist. C. Dist. C. Dist. C. Dist. C. Dist. C. Dist. C... Illinois... N. Jersey Dist. C... Dist. C... Dist. C... No. 401 6th street. U. S. A.. Virginia . Dist. C... y. York., Del Germ'y .. France... Austria .. France... England. A St. south, bet. 3d and 4th streets. No. 532 Maryland avenue. No. 290 G street. No. 290 G street. No, 172 F street. No. 564 New Jersey avenue. 6th St. east, bt. E. Cap. & A st. north. No. 89 East Capitol street. No. 454 Pennsylvania avenue. 11th street. No. 580 New Jersey avenue. No. 6 Louisiana avenue. No. 438 E street. No. 623 Penn. avenue. No. 602 Maryland avenue. No. 18 A street north. No. 353 6th street west. No. 447 D street north. No. 283 B street south. Penn. avenue, bet. 2d & 3d sts. east. 42 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. TREASURY DEPARTMENT— COAST SURVEY OFFICE. NAMES AND OFFICE. RESIDENCE. A. Maedel G. B. Metzeroth.. II. 8. Barnard J. C. Kondrup.,.. W. Langran A. Peterson Walter Ogilvie.... E. A. Maedel II. C. Evans R. F. Bartle W. A. Thompson. F. W. Benner Edward H. Sipe.. C. T. Klakring.... ELECTROTYPE DIVISION Electrotypist. George Matbiot Assistant. D. Hinkle Laborer. J. Robinson PRINTING DIVISION. Printer. J. Rutherdale Ifolder. William Mertz INSTRUMENT SHOP. Instrument Makers. J. Vierbuchcn. T. J. Hunt J. Nessenson... J. W. Smith.... $2000 Y20 450 Dist. C... N. York.. England. Denmark Dist. C... Dist. C Dist. C Germ'y. . Dist. C.. Dist. C. Dist. Dist. Dist. Denmark Md Dis. Col Dis. Col N. York. Germany N. York.. Dis. Col. Germany No. 453 New Jersey avenue. No. 409 G street north. No. 319 B street north. No. 533 B street south. A St. north, bt. 3d and 4th sts. cast Corner N. York avenue and 13th st. No. 25 A street south. No. 335 E street north. St. Charles Hotel. No. C12 ]\raryland avenue. No. 49G Maryland avenue. No. G12 Pennsylvania avenue No. G28 L street. Peun. avenue and 3d street. Prince George's county, Md. No. 455 D street, north. Navy Yard. No. 502 New Jersey avenue. No. 414 K street, north. No. 470 5th street, east. D st.south,bt.N.J.av.& south Cap.sts. Dis. Col. I No. 202 Penn. avenue. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 43 TREASURY DEPARTMENT— COAST SURVEY OFFICE. NAMES AND OFFICE. Schellhaiis P. Vierbucben ... Carpenters. A. Yeatmen Henry Trine Apprentice. R, H. Yeatman.. . Messengers. Daniel Flynn Tbomas Kenney, George M. Kraft Watchmen. Benedict NelF. — J. F. Stack Laborers. John Barret W. H. Brent, colored... D. Orme, colored W. B. Ingram, colored. S. Nutter, colored J. H. Digges, colored... OFFICE OF WEIGHTii AND MEASURES. Asst. Superintendent. Joseph Saxton Mechanicians. $G00 500 300 500 500 360 360 360 320 320 320 E. Liomen James O'Neil . T. Goodall.... M. Lauxman.. Jacob Haas... J. V. Webber. Watchman. W. P. Patterson 2500 Germany N. York.. Dis. Col Dis. Col Dis. Col. Ireland.. Ireland.. Germany Germany Dis. Col. Ireland.., Dis. Col Dis. Col. Dis. Col. Dis. Col. Dis. Col, RESIDENCE. Penn. N. C. France... Dis. Col. Dis. Col. Dis. Col. Dis. Col. Dis. Col. Duff Green's Row, 1st st., east. No. 400 1st street, east. No. 145 B street, south. 1st St., bt. M and Peirce streetg. No. 145 B street east. No. 214 G Street, south. Bt. 1st and 2d sts. E. & B & C sts., S. 6th St. E., bt. East Cap. & A st., S. Bt. 1st & 2d sts. cast & B and C sts., S. No. 387 D street, south. No. 396 2d street. No. 442 9th street. N. street, bet. 20th and 21st streets. No. 324 18th street. D street, bt. 2d and 3d sts. No. 210 K street. New Jersey avenue. No. 310 4th street, east. No 5 A street, south. No. 659 N. Jersey avenue. No. 264 North Capitol street, No. 136 East Capitol street. No. 385 D street, north. N. Car. av., bt. 3d & 4th sts., east. I 44 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. WAR DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. RESIDED' CTE. 21 19 17 17 20 24 8 20 22 32 27 3] 30 42 29 31 27 28 Secretary/ of War. Joseph Holt Chief Clerk. William R. Drinkard. Clerks. John Potts Nathan Rice Charles Calvert.... William B. Lee.... Thomas P. Lewis. Richard B. Irwin.. Alfred Wetherill... 3Iessengers. Patrick Jordon.. Francis Catcher. Laborer. Allan Burch. ADJ T GENERAL'S OFFICE, Adjutant General. Col. Samuel Cooper... Assist. Adj't. Generals, Maj. E. D. Townsend.. Capt. J. P. Garesche... Capt. John Withers... Clerks. James L. Addison James IL Lowry Richard M. Hanson.... Charles H. Lee Levi Davis $8000 ' Ky... No. 588 New Jersev av. i ' 2200 4th 4th 3d 3d 2d 2d 1st 700 600 U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. 4th 2d 2d 2d 2d Virginia Dis. Col.. Michigan Army Mass Virginia. Penn Dist. C... Dist. C. Dist. C. Dist. C... N. York. Mass.... Del Dist. C. Md Dist. C... Dist. C... Virginia. Dist. C... No. 350 K street. No. 497 17th street. No. 406 F street. No. 342 19th street. No. 88 Six Building No. 451 13th street. No. 202 I street. No. 239 22d street. No. 453 New York av, No. 2&0 G street. 14th st.,bt. Pa.av.&Ests, Corner F and 19th streets. No. 339 21st street, west. No. 377 11th street. No. 261 I street. Prince George's co., Md. No. 395 Now York av. Penn. av., bt. 5th and 6th. No. 411 3d street. No. 145 Beall st., Geor'n- DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 45 WAR DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. JiKSinENCE. 20 28 30 28 30 16 15 14 Richard O'Dowd Wadsworth Ramsay... .1, Ft'ndall Cain J. F. Calhiu 2d 1st 1st 1st Messengers. Charles Baker. I $840 Q. M. general's office, Quartermaster General. Jos. E. Johnston, Quartermaster. Maj. E. S. Sibley. Asst. Quartermasters. Capt. M. S. Miller Maj. n. C. Wayne Maj. James Bclger Chief Clerk. W. A. Gordon.... Clerks. Jas. Goszler II. L. Bailoy T. J. Abbott S. D. Finckel.... J. C. Goolrick... Jas. B. Nourse.. T. L. Darreli .... Geo. M. Cooke.. L. M. Morton.... James Honning. Messenger. i Geo. Phelps 4th 3d 3d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 1st 1st 1st Army | Corner 11 and 23d sts. Mo j No. 32G 21st street. Dist. C.;. j No. 456 Gth street. Dist. C... No. 138 E street. Army. . Virginia AJich N. York. Georgia U. S. A. Penn Dis. Col. Virginia, Dist. C... Dist. C... Virginia, Dist. C... Md Virginia , Dist. C... Dist. C... No. 452 L street. No. 215 H street Corner G and 21st sts. Fst.,bt.l8th and 19th sts. No. 224 G street, north. Cor. F and 14tu streets. No. 96 Gay St., Geo'tovvn. No. 131 Beall st,,Geo'towu, No. 406 I street. No. 144 20th street. No. 418 G street. No. 48 East Capitol st. Near Georgetown. Cor. Md. av. and 11th st. No. 209 Penn. avenne. West street, Georgetown. No. 20 21st street. $840 Dist. C... Kst.,bt. 15th and 16th sts. 40 DEPARTxMENT DIRECTORY WAR DEPARTMENT. KAMES AND OFFICE. TwESIDENCE. Winder's Building, 34 36 3G 3G SUBSISTENCE OFFICE. Commissary General. Maj. Gen, Geo. Gib.sou AssL Com. Gen. Sub. Col. J. P. Taylor Commissary. Capt. A. E. Shims Clerks. Richard Gott W. n, Watson Columbus Monroe . John A, V\''ilcox..., Jos. Scliwartz Charles McClurs! ... Messenger. G. J. S. Foxvvell, Laborer. F. M. Strothcr.... PAYMASTER GENS, OFFICE Paymaster General. Col. B. F. Larned Chief Clerk. ' W. D. Beall Clerks. E. H. Brooke. A. Greenleaf . R. S. Cox 4th 2d 3d 2d 1st 1st $840 600 4th 3d 3d 2d Penn No. 217 F street, north. N. J Md Dist. Col. Dist. C... Dist. C... German}' Penn . CJ. S. A. Virginia. Army. Dist. Col Md Dist. C... Dist. C... Gen. Gibson's, F street. No. 212 G street. Cor, G and i9th streets. No. 215 op. Willnrds Hotel. No. 220 2 2d street. No. 222 22d street. Gst.,bt.l4th and 15th sts. No. 4*70 11th street. M St., bt. 15th and 16th sts. No. 486 12th street. No. 108 West st.jGeo'town. Montgomery county, Md. No. 268 G street. Washington county, D. C. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 47 WAR DEPARTMEiNT. D3 w o H OOH NAMES AND OFFICE. < s s RESIDENCE. 1 2 35 2d N. York.. No. 534 12th street. 2 38 2d Dis. Col.. Georgetown Heiglits. if! 38 W. H. C. Douglass , 1st Virginia. Penn. av., bet. 3d & 4} sts. 2 35 $600 Dist. C... No. 379 L street. Surgeon General. 2 30 Virginia. No. 42G 20th street, west. Surgeon. 2 28 R. Island iSo. 255 1 street. Assistant Surgeons. 2 43 L. A. Edwards Dist. C... No. 157 F street. 28 Virginia, No. 275 I street. Chief Clerk. 2 41 Richmond Johnson.... 4th Dis. Col. No. 175 Penn. avenue. Clerks. 2 28 Andrew Balintiin Dis. CoL. IT St., bt. 1 ah a 18tn sts. 2 41 2d Virginia. B St., bet, 13| & 14th sts. Ilos^ntal Steioard. 2 43 Germ'y... Penn. av,, bt. I7th ifelSth. Messenger. 2 28 J. H. Collins $840 Dis. Col.. No. 231 G street. 1 ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. | Chief Engineer. } 1 18 Gen. J. G. Totten , ' Coim No. 20.3 G street. 48 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. WAR DEPARTMENT. 20 24 19 21 NAMiES AND OFFICE. w o EESIDENCE. 4G 44 ^ss^ Engineers. Capt. IL G. Wright.... Lieut. G. W. C. Loo... ChieJ Clerk. F. N. Barbiirin Clerks. James Evelcth G. C. Thomas Robert 11. Fowler. Henry G. Preuss... Mvssenger. 0. B. Deuham.. . TOPOGRAPHICAL UDREAU, Col. J. J. Abert , Capt. J. C. Woodruff. Chief Clerk. George Thomson. Clerks. Philip Harry Dennis Callahan. J. M. Jewell T. G. DeLeon Messenger. George Thompson. Laborer. G. W. Flood ORDNANCE OFFICE. Col. H. K. Craig Capt. Wm. Maynadier 4th 3d 3d 2d 1st $840 4th 4th 2d 2d 1st $840 600 Conn Virginia. N. Jersey Virginia Dis. Col., Dist. C... Dist. C... Dis. Col.. Army..., Army..., Md N. York Md Miss Dis. Col, Dis. Col. Dis. Col.. Army, Army, No. 270 H street. Arlington. No. 38 1st St., Georget'n. No. 375 19th street. No. 339 21st street. No. 3G5 11th street. No. 279 7th street. H St., bt. 11th & 12th sts. No. 264 I street. No. 452 H street north. No. 42 1st St., Georget'n. Georgetown, D. C. No. 181 Gth street. No. 173 K street. No. 421 15th street, "west. No. 570 M street. No. 4G7 13th street. No. 233 I street. No. 332 19th street. 49 — WAR DEPARTMENT. m m M . « ?=. O o o cs NAMES AND OFFICE. ij o H O « « KESIDENCE. Chief Clerk . 2 48 Gcor'^^ Bender 4th Dis. Col.. Clerks. 2 45 3d Dis. Col.. High street, Georgeto\^^^. 2 50 2d Dis. Col.. No. 17 1st St., George'u. 9 4i> Wra. McDermott 2d Dis. Col.. No. 229 I street. 2 45 J. P. Keller 2d Dis. Col.. No. 469 13th street. 2 50 Charles Sleiumer 2d 1st street, Georgetown. 2 47 N. W. Fales 1st Dis. Col.. Cor. H and 9th streets. 2 47 W. B. Giles 1st Dis. Col.. West street, Georgetown. Messenger. 2 47 KMiiIiikin $840 Dis. Col.. G street, bet. 13th & Ulli. T I 50 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. NAVY DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. 13 11 11 secretary's office. Secretary of the Navy. Isaac Toucey Chief Clerk. Chas. W. Vvelsh Disbursivg Clerk. Wm. P. Moran Clerks. John W. Hogg: (Jeo. J. Watkins Wiilter S. i\lcNair3^... Gwinn H. Heap Charles C. Burr John P. McPilderry Abel B. Upslinr G. Clinton Williams... James Steele George F. Green is fa RESIDENCE. S?8000 Conn No. 372 C street. 2200 Mass.... 4th I Virginia, Ifessenyers. Samuel Micknra Lindsay Muse..., BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS. Chief of Bureau. Capt. Joseph Smith... Chief Clerk. Wm. G. Ridgely Clerks. Stephen Gongh 3d 3d Dist. C... 3d 3d 3d Conn 2d Md 2d Virginia. 2d Conn 2d Md 2d Dist. C... 900 Dist. C... 700 Dist. C... No. 267 G street. No. 167 H street. 3500 4th Mass. Dist. C... No. 344 New York av. No. 67 2d St., Geo town. No. 384 N. York avenue. No. 319 9th street. No. 419 10th street. No. 59 1st St., Geo'town. No. 399 15th Street. No. 231 F street. No. 220 H Street. GeorgetoAvn Heights. No. 134 22d street. No. 338 18th street. No. 348 9th street. No. 76 1st St., Geo'town. 2d Dist. C... No. 84 Prospect st., Gco'n. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 31 NAVY DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. UESIDENOB. 14 12 10 Jos. S. Robinson, jr... 2d Aup^ustus E. Merritt... 2d Saral, A. Robinson Ic-t Civil Engineer. Wm. P. S. «an^er '$2000 Draughtsman. Geo. F. de la Roche... Jfessenger. Charles Hunt N. C Conn Dis. Col, 6th St.. bt. G and H sts. No. 417 10th street. No. 11 Geo'town Heights Virginia.} Country. BUREAU OP ORDNANCE AND HYDROGRAPHY. Chief of Bureau. Capt. G. A. Magruder 3500 Chief Clerk. Joseph P. McCorkle.-.l 4th Clerks. 1400 840 Md, Dis. Col. Charles K. King.... Edward M. Tidball. Oliver R. Merrill.... Draughtsman. Chas. K. Stellwagen.. 2d 2d 2d 2d Samuel Simmons BUURAU OF CONSTRUC- TION, EQUIPMENT. AND REPAIR. Chief of Bureau. John Lenthail Washington st. , Geo* to wn No. 398 New York av. Virginia. No. 288 H street. Dis. Col. Virginia. Virginia. Maine.... Penn. $840 3000 Dist. C. No. ST? 20th street. No. 167 H street. No. 255 G street. No. 413 I street. No. 424 H street. No. 529 H street. Penn No. 105 F street. 53 DEPARTIVTENT DIRECTORY. NAVY DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE, RESIDENCE. Chief Clerk John Ambler.... Clerks. 4th Virginia. James Selden John W. Bronaugli., Wm. W. Morrison..., Wra. Schall J. Toomer Wiuslovv, William A. Elliot..., JamtfB F. Scott , DraiigJitsman. Richard Powell Engineer in Chief. Samuel Archbold.... \st Asst. Engineers. Thos. A. Jackson. Geo, R. Johnson .. 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 1st |$1400 000 ! 1250 1250 Messenger. Alfred Nettleton. BUREAU OF PROVISIONS AND CLOTHING. Chief of Bureau. Purser H. Bridge... Chief Clerk. John W. Cameron. Clerks. Thos. Fillebrown. Lucius B. Allyn... Dist. C... Dist. C, N. C Penn N. C Md Dis. Col Penn , Md Virginia Dela ! 840 Conn 3500 4th 2d 2d Maine , N. C, Maine Conn . No. 122 Penn. avenue. Washington co., D. C. No. 55 2(1 St., Geo'town. No. 3S4 N, avenue. No. 417 1 0th street. No. 233 F street. No. 410 20th street. No. 185 H street. No. 330 K street, No. 249 G street. Alexandria, Ya. No. 127 H street. Cor. 7tu and I streets. Rugby House, 14th street No. 267 H street. No. 224 H street. No. G03 M street. 53 NAVY DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. Edward C. Eddie. John P. Wolf j Itlcsftciiffcr. Ij^natiiis Lucas "Winder's Biiildino: BURKAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGKIIY. Chu'f of Bureau. i Surgeon W. Wheian .. Asdstant. P. A. S. P. J. Horvvitz. Clerics. National Observa'i-y Building. Wythe Denby.. Chester Tuttle 3Iessengcr. Marsh B. Chirk NATIONAL OBSERVATORY, Superintendent. M. F. Manry Lieutenants. E.G. Parrott E. L. Winder i J. W. Bennet j W. C. West N, H. Van Zandt. A. W. Johnson ... Astronomer. Jas. Ferguson.... RESIDENCE. •2d iMich.. 2d IPenn... .3840 Dist. C. No. :-;r)4 nth street. No. 330 Pcnn. avenue. Corner D and 2Gth sts. 3500 Penn 1800 iMd, 2d IN. C Penn .... $840 ;ooo 1300 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 2500 Penn. No. 254 G street. No. 444 12th street. No. 384 New York av. No. 489 lUh street. No. 361 E street. Vir ginui N. II Wis Md N. York. Dist. C. Dist. C. Observatory Building Mrs. Ulrich's, 15th street, II st.,bt. 20th and 21st sts. G st.,bt., 19th & 20th sts. No. 397 New York av. Corner E and 9th streets. No. 175 Penn. avenue. Scotl d... Corner I and 20th sts. 54 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. NAVY dp:partment. NAMES AND OFFICE. RESIDENCE. Prof\s of Mathematics. A. G. Pendleton. M. Yarnell A. W. Lawrence. T. J. Robirson... Basement Clerk. Thos. Harrison , Instrumeni Maker. John Clark ^Yaichmm, I Angelo Harris. Messenger. Daniel Muse. $1800 1800 ^0 2d Virginia . Kv n ". C Montgomery county, Md. Georgetown, D. C. Lafayette House, F street. N. C Congress St., Geo'town. No. 26 Gay St., Geo'toTm. No. 50 East Capitol st. Dist. C... Dist. C, Thos. Hays 600 Dennis Horigan | 600 Gardener. Jas. K. Watt 540 Porter. Dis. Col. Dis. Col. 360 180 Dis. Col. Dis. Col. Dis. Col. 22d St., bt. N and 0 sts. Georgetown, D. C. 25th St., bt. I and K sts. Fst.jbt. 21stand22dsts. Fairfax county, Va. D II 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 i 2 2 3 1 2 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 55 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. RESIDENCE. Postmaster General. \ Vacant. 1st Asst. P. 31. Gen. lloriitio King 2d Asst. P. M. Gen. W. H. Dundas M Asst. P. 31. Gen. A. N. Zevelj^ Chief Clerk. B. N. Clements Dis. Clerk and l^upH of Gen. P. 0. Building. Wm. Bell Clerks. E. L. Childs H. A. Burr St. J. B. L. Skinner... J. L. Lancaster T. P. Trott David Saunders R. A. Lacey J. H, Marr James Lawrenson John Hunter J. 1). Wheat D. D. T. Leech 0, A. Colt... Chauncey Smith W. J. Darden W. P Young C. Laurie G. A. Schwarzman ... William Slemraer.. $8000 3000 3000 Maine. ...! No. &10 H. street. Virginia.! Washington county, D. C 3000 ;N. C I 2200 2000 Tenn Virginia , 4tb N. H 4th 4th N. Y , 4th Dis. Col.. 4th Conn 3d Ohio,,,. Florida... Md 3d Md 3d Virginia . 3d Dist. C... 3d N. York. 3d 3d Vermont 3d Virginia . 3d 3d Dist. C... 3d N. C 3d No. 3^(9 11th street. No 264 F street. No. 409 I street. No. 1 Indiana avenue. No. 391 H street, west. No. 334 New York avenue- No. 491 Maryland avenue. No. 586 New Jersey ave. 6th St., bet. D and'E sts. Corner I and 20th streets. No. 605 M street. No. 394 6th street. No. 476 H street. Corner 12th and 0 sts. No. 470 I street. No. 383 12th street, west. Avenue House, No. 332 9th street. No. 395 9th street. Washington county, D. C. 3d street, bet. E and F sts. Georgetown. O f- 'n 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 ] 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 ] 1 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. RESIDENCE. T. McMahon W. I. Crandai! J. E. Peebles Pt. C. Washington... J. F. Lewis J. E. Todbmiter E. P. (Jaiues S. P). ileacli Joseph Qiiieksall Woodberry Emery.. n. L. Johnson J. II. Blackfan George Petrie........ J. N. Davis Israel Uneapher Geo. W. Jobnes Louis V/atkins John Spencer R. T. Spottswood... A. Yan Bnssiuu Ch.^rles Armor J. M. iMiller j T. B. Barton R C. Page Henry Major J. M." Caldwell | F. De IL Janvier | W. A. Norris j Benjamin Naar | B. F. Baer j J. L. Elliott I W. Wickes I David Dunn S. A. Elliot..^ W. II. Noo J. FT. lliunilton T. Marron R. W. Wallace A. D. Hollister R. T. McLain 0. J. linger John Chase J. F. Divine Lorenzo Dorsey W. E. Tysinger Francis Connelly.... 3d |N. York.. 3(1 3d Ala 3d Kv 3d Texas. 3d La 3d L-i 3d N\ YcH'k.. 3d N'. Jersey 3d ^I;"jgg 3d Dist. C... 3d N. Jersey 3d N . York.. 3d Md 3d P e n n 3d Ohio 3d Dist. C... 2d Md 2d Y 1 r g 1 n i a . 2d N. Jersey 2d Ohio 2d Penn 2d Penn 2d V^ir^'inia . 2d Penn 2d Indiana..! 2(1 [*enn 2d iV. H 2d N J 2d 2d Del 2d Penn .. 2d Maine . ... i 2d N. Y 2d Ky 2d Dis. Cel.. 2d Dis. Col.. 2d Dis. Col.. 2d N. York..i 2d Dis. Col.. 2d N. Y, 2d 2d Virginia.! 2d Md\ 2d Virginia.' 2d Penn 1 No. 287 G street. No. 412 1 4th street. No. 404 8th street, north. No. 306 F street. No. 488^- 7th street. No. 382 II street. No. 297 F street. No. 310 0th street, west. Herndon House. No. 405 r2th street. No. 475 I street. No. 3G4 Mass. avenue. No. 24 K street. No. 480 I street. No. G14 II street. No. 331 Penn. avenue. No. 420 9th street. Cor. 4^ St. and Penn, av. No. 457 12th Street. No. 173 B Street, south. No. 590 M Street, north, No. 331 Penn. avenue. No. 333 9th Street. No. 415 10th street. Georgetown, D. C. No. 410 P street. No. 252 G street, north. L St., bet. 9th k 10th sts. No. 619 II street, north. No. 199 6th street. At Mrs. Adams, Penn. av. G St., bt. 13th & 14th sts. Avenue House. No. 578 N. J. avenue, east. No. 331 Penn. avenue. F St., bt. 13th & 14th sts. No. 340 New York avenue. I St., bt. 8th and 9th streets. No. 297 B street south. No. 232 7th street. Avenue House. Wash tou St., Alexandria. No. 543 L street. No. 422 nth street. Lafayette House. F street. Corner 13th and F streets. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 57 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICK. UESIDENCB, 21 R. K. Scott Lafayette Hewitt. . J. V. A. Shields... R. W. Gurley J. R. Condon G. M. Kendall T. II.Quinn J. II. H. Doty J. N. Trook Reuben Spencer... W. T. S. Duvall... Allen Goodridge.. S. A. Fague T. M. Freeman B. Sailor J. N. Gordon Perry Moses., Doorkeeper. Samuel H. Taylor Messengers. John Gordon W. L. Newton J. N. Browning.... B. A. Miller , Watchmen. C. Owrand , W. B. Galor James Fogarty Timothy Malihan . Eli Davis C. H. Kreamer Laborers. S. S. Page T. C. Weisiger...., F. E. Tucker W. Hoover , W. H.Donoho J. 0. Walker 8 2d f^y 2d 2d Missouri 2d La 1st Md ist Dis. Col.. 1st Mich 1st N. York. 1st Mich 1st Mich , 1st Dis. Col.. 1st Mich .,, 1st Md 1st Ky 1st New J.... 1st Md 1st S. C $600 900 700 700 700 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 Dis. Col. Dist. C Dis. Col. Dis. Col. Dis. Col. Ohio Dist. C. Conn .... Conn .... Dis. Col. Dist. Col Dist. C... Dist. C... Pist. C... Dist. C... Dist. C... Dist. C... No. 497 12th street. No. F street. No. 412 1 4th street. Mr. Stewarts, Missouri av. No. 612 H street, north. No. 512 Md. avenue. Lafayette Hons©, F street. No. 200 22d street. No. 287 Va. avenue. No. 666 M street. 3d St., bt. E and F streets. No. 379 14th street. No. 382 9th street. No. 323 9th street. 0 St., bt. 1 0th and 1 1 th sts. F St., bt. 9th and 10th sts. Corner 15th and F streets. No. 533 L street. No. 287 G street, L st.,bt. 9th and 10th sts. No. 456 11th street. 7th St., bt. G and H sts. 12th St., bt. L & Mass. av. Prince George's co., Md. 1 4th St , near H street. 7th St., bt. L and M sts. 11th St., bt. H and I sts. H St., bt. 4th and 5th sts. No. 415 10th street. No. 115 B street, south. Prince George's county. 7th St., bt. M and N sts. D St., bt. 9th and 10th sts. No. 468 12th street. 58 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. RESIDENCE. C. McDonnell D. Daley j George Bradle}^ Henry Stevens James Reed, colored.,, S. Alexander, colored, J. Hutchinson, col'd... W. Queen, colored HEATING AND VEXTILA- Baseraent. ting apparatus. Engineer. A. J. Amos Assistant Engineer. Sanil. Franklin Firemen. A. Hall J. Wilkinson. $600 Dist. C... 600 Dist. C... 600 N. York.. 600 Virc^inia. 600 D. Col.... 600 Dist. C... 600 Dis. Col.. 600 Dis. Col.. 1200 Virs^inia. 600 iDis. Col.. 600 Virginia , Virginia, Capitol Hill. 13^- St., bt. C and D sts. No". 318 5th street. C)\ street, south. Pa. av.,bt. 2d & 3d sts., E. Corner 15th and N sts. Mass av., bt. 12th fT. NAMES AND OFFICE. PATENT OFFICE. Commissio7icr. Vacant. Examiners. Henry Baldwin ... T. R." PealG Jiis. Henry E. Foreman D. C. Lawrence.., A. B. Little Henry King: .Jas. S. French Wm. B. Taylor.... Rufas R. Rhodes. R. D. Clarke H. P, K. Peek Asst. Examiners. J. Van Santvoord. A. T. Jenckes Isaac T). Toll Saml. E. Cowes... . J. 11. Adams, jr...^. Thos. Antisell E. Yulee Addison M. Smith. H. N. Taft Henry Wnrtz Edw. Shaw A. Herbert Jos. T. Fales J. W. Shugert J. E. Holmead J. J. Halsted A. Schoepf T. C. Connelly Wm. Read E. G. Guest S. S. Fahaestock . W. F. Shuuk P. C. Howie $3000 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 Tenn Dis. Col. Ky Dist. G... Dist. C... N. H Mo i Virginia. Dist. C... •Miss Wis Ohio 1800 N. York.. 1800 R. I 1800 Mich 1800 New H... 1800 1800 Dis. Co].. 1800 Florida.. 1800 Dist. 0... 1800 N. York.. 1800 N. York.. 1800 Mass 1800 Md IGOO Iowa IGOO Penn IGOO Dist. C... 1600 N. J IGOO Dist. C... IGOO Dist. C... IGOO Del IGOO 1600 IGOO IGOO Dis Co]... No. 331 New York av. G St., bt. 14th and 15th, No. 153 F street. IGth St. .next to cor.ofll st. No.446NE.cor.ofH&10tb. National Hotel. No. 16 East Capitol st. Alexandria, ^^a. C St., bt. 3d and 4} sts. No. 461 E street. No. 346 9th street. No. 41G north N street. No. 209 G street,. No. 561 4th street, east. 12th st.,bt. I and K sts. No. 397' r2th street. No. 421 iSth street. Alexandria county, Ya. E St., bt. 2d and 3d sts. N St., bt , 14th and Vt. av. No. 448 L street. 7th St., bt. D and E sts. No. 488.} Seventh street. Mrs. Byarit's, G street. Mass. av., bt. 5th and Gth. H St., bt. 7t]i and 8th sts. Cor. 14th an(iC streets. No. 240 Gtli street, west. Prince Gcor^re's co., Md. ^I St., bt. 5th and Gth sts. Mout. K. Whi taker... Drauglilmian. A. L. Mclntire MACHINISTS. I'rincipal. S. P. Bell Assistants. Win. M. McCaiiley .. Cornelius Jacobs "Wm. Yeatman C. II. Slicer J. C. Wood John Kavanangh.... Chief Clerk. S. T. Shugert Clerics. Hugh McCormick... K. \V. Ritter S. F. Whitney C. E. Upperman R. II. Dorse Y R. W. JlcIIcnry W. G. Crane h; P. E. Wilson Julias II. Berret A. i\Ioorc E. W. Jonej ! Alex. ]\IcConnick I Beckwith West ' B. II. tStrothcr | $1G00 IGOO D. Col.... E St., bt. 2d and 3d sts. xMd No. 252 F street. IGOO !S. Car. I 1600 Dis. Col. 11th bt. G and II sts. 1600 lOSO 1000 1000 1000 750 600 York. M St., bt. nth & 12th sts. No. 54 Missouri avenue. Dist. C...j No. 512 G street. Virginia . 7th St.. bt. E and F sts,, S. Virginia.! 10th and B streets, south. Md I Penn. av., bt. 3d k 4.\ sts. N. C i No. 248 D street. Dis. Col..! Mo. av., bt. 3d and 4.^ sts. 2000 Penn 4 th 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d Dist. C. N. Y Dis. Col. Dis. Col. Md Md iDis. Col I Virginia.] IDis. Col..! In. York..! |Ky iDis. Co!..! iLa I F st.,bt. 9th and & 10th sts. No. 394 4th street. 5th St., bt. E and F sts. Dorsey's Hotel, cor. 7th k T. Mass. av., bt. 10th & Uth. Howard county, Md. Est., bt. 15th IGth sts. Cor. '2d St. east & D st. S. No. 337 Pennsylvania av. No. 365 15th street. St. Charles Hotel. No. 323 9th street. Washington county, D. C. St. Charl(>s Hotel. No. 512 G street. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 63 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. NAMKS AND OFFICE S o RESIDENCE. H. 0. Brigham J. T. Moss II. Edelin J. L. Adams R. Betts J. Meldrum S. D Lcib I W. F. Hall I J. B. Loomis j C. L. Jones ] R. G. Campbell.... J. S. Ewbank S. M. Pool H. U. Bradford J. T. Powell A. C. Klink S. A. Lnwrence.... W. McNeir J. F. Gordon Librarian. Prof. W. E. Jillson. Clerk. R. C. Weight man.. Copyright Clerk. D. Douglass $1600 1000 Messenger. G. R. Adams... . Pafjes. G. II. Clarke J. B. Trenholm... C. B. Slewart J T. Ball Six lal)orers, each Sup't of the (hstrihution of tJie. Cong. .Journals and Documents. J. H. Wheeler 1st $840 400 400 400 400 GOO Mass Virginia Md Ala Md N. York.. Penn jVermont Mass Dis. Col.. Dis. Col,. N. York.. Penn K.y Dist. C... Penn N. York . Md Md Dist. C. Virginia Dis. Col.. Virginia Dist. C... Dist. C... Dist. Col. Dist. C... N. C. Cor. 8th St. and La. ave. B street. Capitol Hill. Mi's. Scott's, Penn. ave. No. 3(jl I street. No. 592 12th St., Island. St. Charles Hotel. 10th St , l)t. E and F sts. (Corner 12t]i anfl G sts. No. 532 Maryland avenue. 13th St.. bet. G and II sts. No. 487 Mass. avenue. G St., bet. nth & 18th sts. Mass. av., bt. 4th & 5th sts. Mrs. Davis's, Penn. ave. Corner 14th and C streets. No. 351 !0th street. Pa. av., bt. 4.} & Gth sts. Mrs. Masi's, 9th street. No. 103 B street south. Rugby House, 14th and K. No. 43 Louisiana avenue. No. 38 2 L street. No. 460 lltli street. lOih, bet.Va. av. k M sts. D St., bet. 9th & 10th sts. No. 34 Missouri avenue. Fairfax county, Va. Corner H and 10th sts. 61 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. INTx'^PJOR DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. S o RESIDENCE. $2000 S. Car..,'. Prince George's co., Md. 3d Dis. Coj.. Cor. 13th and N streets. 2cl No. 207 6th street. 1st Dist. C... C street. 1st Dist. C... Prince George's co., Md. $G00 Dist. C... L St., bet, 4th and 5th sts. 1000 Dist. C... B St., bet. 2d and 3d sts. 3000 ^0. 660 iitn Street. 2000 Dist. C... No. 164 High St., Ge tovrn. 4 th Virginia. jNo, 440 hi Street. 4th M St., DI. lijin ' W. V. H, Brovni ; 4th |Dis. Ool.,| No. 354 Nc-vr York av. Princiiiol ('lerk Surveii!(, \ ■ i • ' ! i : 2 i i> i S„ J, Da!)ag.„. ...,...,...] 4th jlllinol^.-. No, B5r» 12t.h St.. north- Draughtsman. iti^U iDisL i2ih yt, bt. G aiidH bt.s. 18 } A. Bielasld i 1600 Illinois... Cor. 10th and B streets. AssL Draughtsman. 19! H. MitchelL , i 1400 jVirp^iaia.j Cor. 13th and N streets. 7 I T. Allan ! 4th 5 I W. H. Lowry | 4th B. T. Reilly I 3d 10 i I 6 5 12 8 21 26 8 10 21 13 9 4 5 17 4 21 13 7 N. Vedder I 3d Ben]. Even? j 3d F. A.Tschiffely ! 3d J. H.Blake | 3d S. Brintnail | 3d P. H. Sweet 3d W. H. Coleman \ 3d Ol'iTer Dufour \ 3d H. L. Skinner i 3d R. T. MorselL... J. L. Cramer .... J. W. Irwin W. M. Fitzhugh, W. T. Brooke.... N. H. Starbuck. Wm. Hall C. 0. Joline B. P. Slocumb., 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d 3d Greorgia.. Dis. Col- Ohio I Illinois... iPenn iDis. Col.. IN. C In. y {Virginia. iPenn lind Ohio Dis. Col.. N. York.. Ky Ky Dist. C... Ohio La N. Y. Miss-. I St.. bt. 8th and 9th sts. No. 340 9th street. 17th St., bt. H and I sts. Mass.av.jbt. 1 lth&12th st^. No. 421 10th street. No. 437 I street. Co. 4| St. and Penn. ay. No. 461 9th street. Georgetown, D. C. No. 324 K street. No. 407 E street- No. 358 6th street. Lst.,bt. 17thst.&Vt.aY. No. 508 15th street. No. 173 I street. Fairfax county, Va. No. 631 M street, north. No. 223 6th street. M St., bt. 8th and 9th sts. No. 354 10th street. Cor. 6th and F streets. 67 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. XAMK.S AM) OFFICE. I 33 9 10 11 !. 12 2 19 2 22 I 10 I 18 1 12 1 5 1 29 ] 28 2 18 2 10 1 29 2 18 1 12 2 22 1 2 1 2 1 4 2 21 1 14 1 9 2 5 2 19 1 14 2 25 2 25 2 12 2 19 1 33 2 14 2 18 2 2 2 1 2 26 21 2 2 1 31 1 19 1 12 I 9 D. McCnrty 1 W. W. Kin-- I J. W. Walton ! Thomus Cromwell i T. J. Albright , A. K. Smith E. A. Cabell ! E. H. Fuller A. J. Dinnies .f. < C. Walbridgc A. J. Stansbury ''. A. Holmead • John Gould j H, K. Kalussowski j John D. Oit ! John McDuell \ W. C. Powell i G. P. Howell A. G. Haley W. S. Crawford J.W. Hester J. G. Todd W. 0. Lumsden P. M. Martin Wm. Hogan W. A, Harris W. W. Yerby Richard Kelly C. Adams N. B. Smith T. T. O'Deli A. M. Clark John H. Clark J. E. Parker H. 0. Loving W. W. Jacob R. F. O'Beirne A. J. Sanderson J. M. Bincklcy J. L. Edwards j J. D. Patten J. B. Bloss I W. F. Riddick ■ R. S. Lynch I B. J. Nalle I A. Steele ! 3d 3d 3d la 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2(1 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 1st 1st N. York.. Dist. Col. Ohio Md Penn Md Virginia. IM,. Col.. >ouri. ■ .. Vovk.. DisL 0... Dist. C... Dist. C... Dist. C... Md Dist. C... Georgia.. Penn Miss Tenn Virginia. N. H |Md j Virginia . j Texas Dist. C... Minn iN. York.. 'Indiana . |n. York.. :Dist. C... I Penn Ky jMich I Virginia. Virginia. iMicii jPenn jConn Dist. C... lOhio iMich |N. Car... Penn ^Virginia. Indiana. . i No. 3G4 10th street. ' Fst.,bt. 13thand I4th I No. 359 E street. I No. 392 Mass. avenue. I No. 3«7 15tb street. I Cor. 13th and F streets. Cor. 9th and E strcet-s. No. 71 andT2 D st.. north. Cor. 9th and H streets. Inglesidc. Washington • •>. No. 454 E street. No. 5T5 14th street, S. No. 135 E street. No. 660 M street. No. 302 9th street. No. 420 14th street. No. 76 F street, south. No. 299 B street, south. Cool Spring Farm. No. 238 I street, north. Union Hotel, Georgetown. I No. 262 8th street, j No. 31 Gay st., George'n. No. 234 7th street. No. 531 13th St., south, j H St., bet. 6th and 7th sts. Corner F and 12th streets. No. 376 13th street. No. 421 I street. No. 428 N street, north, i No. 537 13th street, S. No. 362 10th street. No. 330 F street. No. 357 cor. 11th k E sts. No. 340 9th street. No. 425 E street. At Gen. Cass's, Vt. ave. No. 455 10th street. Corner 13th and N streets. F St., bet. 19th and 20th. 15th St., bt. N.Y. av. &;H. Dela. a v., near Boundar, . No. 373 Penn. avenue. No. 400 D street. Corner 9th and G streets. H St., bet. 7th and 8th sts. < 08 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. RESIDENCE. 2 1 ] 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 12 22 10 12 22 22 9 17 39 39 17 17 17 12 21 22 21 19 13 17 t; 12 9 9 10 10 10 25 10 18 1 1 28 28 2 12 G 28 J, M. Moore G. W, Beall J. A. Deeble C. Young R. Rickets R. W. Burche J. D. Rynard S. R. Howell W. 0. Conway R. S. Davis W. G. Whittlesey L. M. Taylor A. J. Huggins J. F. Young G. K. Shaw G. C. Hanson Grafton Powell S. P>. Read C. P. Higginson G. C. Patterson B. W. Giliis G. W. Conn G. C. Thacher De Witt Kent W. A. Marks C. A. Huesman R. J. Morrison J. W. Dodd J. L. C. Danner J. A. Graham S. G. Heaton Wm. H. Harris S. W. Gillet J. W. Moselev P. N. Wise Clerks under actoflii55. 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st John Hood $2000 R. B. Ironside 3d C. K. Gardner 2d B. W. Johnson 2d H. J. Frost 2d C. E. Weaver 2d W. V. Getfroy 2d Dudley Webster ' 1st Dist. C... Tenn Dis. Col. Illinois... Dis. Col. Dist. C... Illinois ...1 IncUana.. Md Indiana.. Indiana.. Mich Ala Dist. C... Maine .... Illinois... Dis. Col. N. Jersey Virginia. Tenn Penn La Indiana.. Md.. ...... Virginia, Ohio Indiana.. Georgia.. Ala Ala Vermont Miss N. York.. Missouri. Pcnn Cal Oregon... Florida .. Mich. Penn.. ,. N. Car- Conn I St., bet. 17th & 18th sts. Corner 1 1th and F streets. No. 437 T street, north. No. 5 Md. avenue. Island. No. 461 I street. Alton, Montgo'yco., Md. N.J. av.,bt. M & Nsts.,N. No. 263 8th street. No. 646 L street. No. 391 C street. Avenue House. Cor. 8th St. and La, ave. Herndon House. Washington county, D, C. No. 264 8th street. No. 575 14th street. No. 516 14th street, west. No. 370 6th street. No. 465 10th street. Montgomery county, Md. 3d St., bet E and F sts. 12th St., bet. M & N sts. Avenue House. No. 483 nth street. No. 378 E street. No. 393 C street. No. 452 Penn. avenue. No. 525 H street. No. 598 N street. No. 58 Missouri avenue. No. 418 9th street. Over Washington Bank. No. 405 N. Y'ork avenue. E St., bet. 6th and 7th sts. No. 329 N. York avenue. No. 358 9th streei. No. 426 N Street. No. 566 New Jersey ave. No. 428 9th street. No. 46 Missouri avenue. No. 473 6th street. No. 352 D street. C St., bet. 2d and 3d sts. a! o CO 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 69 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. NAMES ANI> OFFICE. « 2 < 1st 1 Mich 1st Dist. C... 1st 1st Md 1st Ohio 1st Cal 1st Ohio 1st Q 1st Tl 1 i n ni Q Xli 1 LlVy «>3 • • • 1st Qllio 1st La 1st Minn 1st Dist. C... Ist VirginiO/ . 1st Dist. C... 1st Ala Ist Tenn 1st S. Car.... 1st Pcnn Lst Diq Col 1st Del 1st Minn 1st Minn 1st Minn . 1st Tn r] ifi n Q 1st Ohio 1st Mich 1st Di'lo. \>/Ul.. 1st Tenn 1st Dist. C... 1st 1st Dist. C... 1st Cal 1st Georgia.. 1st Miss 1st 1st Ky 1st Md 1st 1st RESIDENCE. J. T. Raynor E. Brewer B. T. ywart G. F. Bowie B. Briggs J. H. Keller J. H. Heath R. J. Powell Jacob Fouke E. M. Horrell, Edward Auld 0. A. Stafford A. C. Watkins F. L. Brockett H. F. Condict J. W. Bruraley A. H. Jackson A. T. Harllee W. F. Wallace F. M. Spencer James Stuart W. G. Turpin John Hagerty W. R. Wilson S. W. Williams Israel Brown G. W. Clarke S. G. Hyde J. Molenard T. Franks P. Ah\, jr W. Hardia H. C. Whiting H. Watterson 0. Thorn E. Havilland D. W. Parker B. D. Hyam H. Allen W. J. Stowers J. W. Pullian J. W. Twyraan J. C. C. Peters H. C. Worthington .... J. C. Bach No. 9 New York avenue. Prospect St., Georgetown. Montgomery county, Md. No. 114 Green St., Geo'n. 11th St., bet. G & H sts. No. 469 13th street. No. 339 F street. No. 433 5th street. No. 492 E street. No. 449 Mass. avenue. No. 36 9th street. St. Charles Hotel. No. 63 Indiana avenue. Alexandria, Va. No. 473 6th street. No. 410 6th street. No. 490 H street. 6th St., bet. G and II sts. No. 550 Penn. avenue. No. 387 6th street. No. 158 0 street, south. Georgetown, D. C. Penn.av., bt. 3d and 4h srg. Mrs. King's, cor. F &llth Cor. 7th and L sts., N. Yard No. 23 Penn. av., east. Si. Charles Hotel. Cor. 10th St. & Mass. av. Cor. L and 14th streets. No. 502 L street. No. 260 8th street. SW. cor. of 9th & E sts. Cor. 9th and F streets. Willards Hotel. No. 388 6th street. 9th St. , bt. E and F sts. No. 58 Missouri Avenue. Lafayette House. I St., bt. 8th and 9th sts. No. 404 J 12th street. No. 449 Mass. avenue. No. 382 C street. No. 365 1 2th street. 6th St., bt. G and H sts No. 331 Penn. avenue. 70 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFPICli:. RESIDEXCE. . I G . Rowzee . j W. E, Monui ... . I W. S. Graham. . I J. C. Howard... . G. Ric< ---1" Di.-i. C...; Prince George s co., Md. '■^40 ;Di,st. 0...; No. 402 Mass. avenue. .S40 :Di.<. Col..: No. 2 21st street. 2 1 8. 6 2 2 1 6 2 1 8 6 2 14 I 4 1 7 1 10 1 10 1 8 1 12 2 10 2 6 1 1 1 3 2 4 1 9 2 14 2 5 1 9 2 6 2 18 1 £) 1 14 2 2 1 9 1 14 2 1 1 12 1 8 1 7 1 10 1 8 Robert Geddes W. H. Woodley J. D. Wilson J. E. Stewart Wra. Gordon J. J. Smith Ezra Williams J. B= Kea-n.,..o Thee dore Je?)J-:: i.o.r. W. Enrte..,. ............ W, 0. Slads.., ... D. P. Perkins A. R. Sparks J. E. Talbert .... S. F. Glenn J. N. Prior « W. W. Sperry J. Calvert J. G. Lon 1st 1 cf 1 si Virginiii . 1st N. C 1st Penn 1st La ist Virginia 1st Mass 1st Dist. C... 1st Ohio 1st Kan 1st Dist. C... 1st Virginia. 1st Dis. Col. RESIDENCE. J. I. McCarty C. H. Norton 13. T. Goldsborough.. C. Birnie James Owner W. D. Miller C. N. Thom T. P. Chiffelle , R. Cochran S. L, Lewis A. Yonng J. S. WiLson N. S. Bestor W. G. Parkhnrst J. Blackwood, jr P. H. Hale J. B. McNier Th'jo. Poesche W. A. Franklin W. A. Newman A. J. Caldwell S. P. Ellis R. D. 0. Smith E. Calhoun Caldwell. J. B. Ezell G. Finotti C. A. Gillespie 0. S. Paine J. B. Martin James Miles G. P. Ihrie J. S. Kidwell L. W. Meech R. S. Lawrence B. F. Iloke A. Edwards W. J. Delano W. A. Cave H. E. Knox J. 0. Berry D. A. Chambers 0. F. Smith J. R. Ashby T. C. L. Hatcher C. W. Geddes No. 485 Cth street. No. 485 12th street. National Hotel. No. 55 Penn. avenue. No. 520 Va. avenue. Mrs. Holmead's, 4}y street. Cor. 18th and I streets. Cor. ih St. aud Penn. av. No. 115 B street, south. No. ^73 K street. Fairfax county, Va. Bridge st., Georgetown. Montgomery county, j\Id. No. 482 11th street. No. 417 Penn. avenue. Farmer's Hotel, D street. 6th St., bt. H and I sts. Cor. of 12th and N sts. Cor. 1st and B sts., east. No. 367 Penn. avenue. No. 466^- Penn. avenue. No. 525ll street. No. 149 B street, south. 623 Maryland avenue. Mrs. Cudlip's, Penn. av. Prince George's Co., Md. Tst St., bt. G and H sts. Penn. av., bt. 3d & 4.} sts. No. 422 13th Street. " Georgetown, D. C. Lafayette House, F st. No. 154 Penn. avenue. No. 402 Penn. avei.ue. Mrs. Holmead's, 4.^ street. Cor. H and G streets. No. 459 12th street. No. 355 F street. 6th St., bt. K and L sts. No. 573 Md. avenue. Georgetown, D. C. No. 4^24 11th street. Cor. 8th St. and Pa. av. 3d St., bt. E and F streets. No". 516 L street. Cor. 13^- and B St., south. d 2 4 4 5 5 21 10 18 5 5 16 2 5 4 5 18 5 20 5 18 5 23 6 3 7 5 8 18 21 4 5 3 Offi. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 75 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. 02 M w . P3 S W C£ O 1st M(l 1st Kansas... 1st Illittois... 1st Dist. C... 1st 1st Dis. Col. 1st Tean 1st Di^t. C... 1st Virginia . 1st Dist. C... 1st Cal 1st Dist. C... 1st Oregon... Ist Dis. Col.. 1st Oregon... 1st Virginia. Ist Virginia. 1st Texas . ... 1st Georgia.. 1st N. York . 1st Mich, ... 1st Va 1st N. Car... 1st N.Mexico 1st Dis. Col.. 1st Dist. C... 1st Dist. C... 1st N. York.. 1st Oliio 1st Dis. Col. 1st $700 Dist C, 700 Dis. Col. 700 Dist. C... 700 Dist. C... 700 Dist. C... 600 Dist. C... GOO Dist C... 600 Dist C... GOO Dist C... RESIDENCE. B. Marriott II. R. Pollard T. Purrington J. Smolinski J. Whitehill , J. Maguire G. W. Day F. H. FliU E. Hall ,.. J. H. Cunningham Robert Swan E. C. Sterling S. P. Moses J. W. Clampitt J. F. Dobbyn A. B. Jordan John West J. C. Duval H. H. Young , 0. W. Marsh T. B. Watson E. Sheppard.. T. C. Hancock A. Baker W. S. Tvler C. B, Mackie J. F. Moore S. L. Loorais S. H. Laniborn .... T. Jones J. B. Brawley Messengers. A. M. Noyes C. A. Baliuff. F. W. Colcldzer.... H. Nator Lewis Hamersl}'" .. . Laborers. J. Smithson G. Woolbridge Watchmen. S. Magee J. F. Acker Baltimore, Md. No. 378 E street. No. 300 F street. No. 442 7th street. No. 459 1 2th street Hcrndon House. Cor. G and 12th streets. No. 445 F street No. 337 Penn. avenue. 6th St., bt. G and H sts. No. 4664 Penn. avenue. 4.}st.,bt. Pa. av. andCst 8th St., bt M and N sts. Cor. H and 13th streets. 6th St, bt E. Cap. & A st. Est.,bt. 10th and lltksts. Alexandria, Va. Kirkwood House. Corner i5th and I streets. No. 391 New York av. Georgetown, D. C. D St, bt 2d and 3d sts. Infirmary, E street. Cor. 12th and G streets. No. 410 P street Georgetown, D. C. Cor. 6th and F streets. No. 277 I street Mrs. Sargent's, E street. No. 444 ilth street. F st, bt 12th & 13th sts. No. 126 Penn. av. K St., bt 6th and 7th sts. K st, bt 6th and 7th sts. 6th st, bt. D and La. av. No. 308 G street. B St., bt 2d and 3d sts. 8th st, bt. G and H sts. Corner 2d and E streets. 76 DEPARTMENT DIHECTORY. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE. CAPITOL POLICE. Captain. C. W. C. Dnnniiii^ton. Police Officers. RESIDENCE. A. K. Arnold ... ... H. J. Johnson T. C. Wells J. T. Ball R. D. Slater W. H. Thompson. T^. Fritz Michael French... Francis Reillv J. P. Hamlin."'...... J. N. Crockwcll... J. S. Magec Thomas Proby.>.. Watchman in Crypt. Jer. Boyd Gatekeeper at Capitol. j J. H. Upperman Watchmen. James Fleming . James Coleman. PENITENTIAUY. Inspectors. Peter Force George Parker.. R. R. Crawford. I Warden. Charles P. Sengstack. Sli40 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 uoo 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 Virginia.! No. 298 B street, south. 87G GOO 600 250 250 250 1800 Vii-ginia Indiana. Dis. Col. Va Indiana. Dist. C Penn .... Tenn Md Minn Dis. Col. Dist. C. Dist. C. 800 La. Dis. Col.. Dis. Col.. Penn Dist. C... Dist. C... Dist. C... D St.. bt. 3d and 4th sts. Cor. Del. av. and B st.,N. Cor. Del. av. and B St., N 2d St., l)t. n and C st3.,E. {Jor. Del. av. nnd B St., N. 1st St., bt. Band C sts.', E. Dei. av., bt. J] & C sts., N. No. 5L5 L street, north. No. 381 B street, sonth. N. J. av,, bt. A and B sts.. No. 549 13th street. No. 35 F street, south, Georgetown. 41 St., bt. Pa. av. &Mo. av. D St., bt. 2d and 3d sts. 4| St., bt. B St. and Md. av. Cor. 3d and C sts., east. 10th St., bt. D and E sts Corner 4} and G streets. Georgetown, D. C. Md Penitentiary building. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 77 LXTERIOR DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND OFFICE Clerk. Johu A. Eraser $1200 Asusiant Warden. C. P. Scng:stack, jr. ... | 900 Physician. A. Y. P. Garnett, GOO Chaplain. G. W. Dorrance. I GOO Vfaichmcn. Richard Howe Thomas Mitchell Robert V. Godman .... Benedict Jarboe.. Thomas Fry William 13. Maxwell... Geore Wissingcr John Campbell Lewis R. Sengstack... Daniel C. McGivern... Ezekiel K. Rejaiolds... James Shackelford.... 3Iairon. E. F. Marceron Office in City Hall AUXILIARY GUARDS. Capf. of the Guards and Chief of Police. G60 G60 GGO 600 (;go GGO GGO GGO GGO GGO GGO GGO Dist. C... RESIDENCE Penitcntiarv buildin<: Dist. Col. Penitentiary biiiidinpr. Dist. C... 9th St., bt. E & F sts., N. Dist. C... I4th St., bet. H&T sts.,N. Dist. C... 4i St., bt. T and K sts., S. Dist. C... Penitentiary. Dist. C... 41- St., bt. L and :\f sts., S. Dist. C... n St., bt. M and N bts., S. Dist. C... 43- St., bt. M and N sts., S. Dist. C...I 4.} ;;t., bt. H and I sts., S. Dist. C... Georgetown, Dist. C... 4.} str, bt. ^ilaine & Md. av. Dist. C... Penitentiary bnilding. Dist. C... 4.'/ St., bt. I and K sts., S. Dist. C... ifst.. bt. 4} and Glh sts. Dist. C... Opposite Willards Hotel. 600 IDist. C... J. H. Goddard Lt. of Guards. N. J. Thomas Ll. of Police. E. McHonrv 4^ St., bt. N andO sts.,S. 2000 |Dis. Col. I St., bt. Gfh and 7th sts. 1000 1000 Dis. CoL. Washington House. Dis. Col., n St., bt. 4th ami r>th sts. 78 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. NAMES AND-OPFICE. S o RESIDENCE. 67 Guards, each 26 Police, each 1 Police* PRESIDENT'S HOUSE. Doorkeepers. Louis Burgdorf. T. Burns Waichmen. Thomas Stackpole. J. R. Vernon Fireman. G. W. Rundletfc Gardner Presi's House. John Watt PUBLIC GARDENER. Thos. J. Sutter.... 22 Laborers, each. Watchman, Reservation No. 2. J. Harrington. LAMPLIGHTERS. Seven, each DRAWKEEPERS. Two. Two. Two $630 630 365 600 600 600 600 600 800 1440 600 600 600 Dis. CoL. Di^iCol... N. H Dist. C... Dis. Col. Dist. Col. N. Jersey Dis. Col.. 8th St., bt. L and M sts. 1st St., bt. C and D sts., S. At President's Hotise. H St., bt. 21st & 22d sts. Corner 22 d and G streetsL 0 St., bet. 3d and4i sts. Capitol Hill = Stationed at Kaih-oad Depot. flSach $45 per month. J Each $2.40 per i^y. KEach $l.SOperd»y. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 79 JUDICIARY. NAMES AJiD OFFICE. Old Sen. Chamber, in the Capitol. Treasni7 Building. SUPREME COURT. Mr.Chief Justice Taney Mr. Justice McLean.... Mr. Justice Wayne Mr. Justice Catron Mr. Justice Nelson Mr. Justice Grier Mr. Justice Campbell.. Mr. Justice Clifford.... One vacancy. Heporter. Hon. B. C. Howard.... 3Iarshal. William Seldcn Clerk. Wm. Thos. Cai-roll Dept. Clerk. D. W. Middleton OFFICE OP ATTORNEY GENERAL OP THE UNITED STATES. Attorney Genei'til. E. M. Stanton Assistant. A. B. McCalmont Clerks. A. Roane J. M. Cooper J. A. Rowland A. K. Ankeny Messenger. 2 H. A. Klopfer.... $6500 GOOO 6000 6000 GOOO GOOO 6000 6000 3300 Fees. Fees. Fees. 3000 3d 2d 2d 1st Md Ohio Georgia Tenn .... N. York Penn. ... Ala , Maine.., Md Dis. Col. Dist. C Dist. C. $8000 Ohio Penn. Texas.. Ponn ... Dist. C. Penn.... Dist. C. RESIDENCE. Tnd. av., bt. 3d & 4^ sts. Mrs. Carter's, A St., north No. 2 Franklin Place, 1st. Morrison's, 4^ street. National Hotel. Morrison's, 4^- street. Franklin Place, I street. Morrison's, 4^- street. Morrison's, 4J street. N.Y.av.bt. 13th & 14th sts. Co. of F and 18th streets. No. 568 N. Jersey av., east. No. 365 C street. No. 234 H street. No. 369 D street. 2dst. E.,bt. E&Fsts., S. Cor. F and 6th streets. 12th st.,bt. 1st. &N.Y.av No. 64J L street. 80 DEPARTIMENT DIRECTORY JUDICIARY. CO 5 O NAMES AND OFFICE. RESIDENCE. r,0 Court Room in die Capi- tol. I COURT OP CLAIMS. Jadi/es. G. P. Scp.rburgli Edward G. Loring James Iliiehes Solicitor. R. II. Gillet Assistants. Daniel Ratcliu... J. D. MePherson. $-1000 Virginia, 4000 I Mass 4000 ! Indiana.. Chief Clerk. S. H. Huntington Clerk. Edward G. Garnett.... Messenger. S. B. Taylor = City Hall. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT. Chi,-f Judge. James Dunlap Associate Judges. J. S. Mor.sell W. M. Merrick Attorncg. Robert Ould Clerk. 1 J. A. Smith.. 3500 3500 2500 3000 2000 800 N. York. Dist. C... Dis. Col, Conn 2700 2500 2500 Fees. Fees. Florida.., Dis. Col, Dist C... Dist. C... Dis. Col, Dist. C... Dis. Col, No. 342 N. Y. avenue. No. 303 I street. No. 399 IStli street. N.Y.av.,bt.l4tb & 15th sts Franklin Rovv\ Prince George's Co., Md. No. 303 G street No. 394 I street. No. 134 11 street, south. Georgetown, D. C Georgetown, D. C. No. 425 F street. Pa. av. and Madison Place. No. 379 C street. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 81 JUDICIARY. NAMES AND OFFICE. RESIDENCE. City Hall. CRIMINAL COURT. Judge. T. Hartley Crawford... District Attorney. Robert Ould Clerk. J. A. Smith Marshal. Wm. Selden Asst. Marshal. G. W. Phillips orphans' court. Judge. W. F. Purcell Register of Wills. E. N. Roach , Clerk. W. N. Roach justices op the peace Charles Allen , A. K. Arnold J. W. Barnaclo Richard Burgess Johu D. Clark , Nicholas Callan W. S. Clary B. B. Curran 11 $2500 Fees. Fees. Fees. Fees. $1500 Fees. Fees ., ...do.., Penn. Dis. Col. Dis. Col Dis. Col, Dis. Col, Dist. C. Dist. C. N. C Dis. Col. ...do ...do. ..I. ..do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do No. 411 F street. Pa.av. and Madison Place. No. 379 C .street. N.Y.ar.,bt,l^th& 14th sts. 3d St. , bt. Ind. av, and E St. North Capitol street. F.st..bt. 1 1th and 12th st«. No. 679 7th street. No. 512 Mass. avenue. 9th St., bet. I and K sts. No. 249 F street. No. 403 H street. F St., bet. I4th & I5th sts. No. 379 0th street. Cor. jS. C. av. & 6tb st..E. 82 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. JUDICIARY. NAMES AND OFFICE. 5 S K O a « RESIDENCE. James Cull William Cooper R. R. Crawford Thos. Donoho C, W. 0. Dunnington. Samuel Drury Terence Drury Thomas J. Fisher B. W. Ferguson J. N. Fearson Gilbert L. Giberson... Albert Greenleaf. John H. Goddard Henry Haw 0. E. P. Hazard Anthony Hyde J. H. Johnson James A. Kennedy Moses Kelly P. H. King James Lawrenson H. Loughborough Benedict Milburn G. McCeney John Mills W. A. MuUoy F. J. Murphy F. S. Meyer E. J. Middieton Patrick McKenna George Mattingly H. G. Murray Henry Naylor Joseph Peck John R. Queen Alfred Ray Henry Reaver.... George W. Riggs Peirce Shoemaker David Sa^undors H. C. Spalding Jenkin Thomas William Thompson.... N. B. Van Zandt James Ward W. R. Woodward Fees.., ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do.., ...do.., ...do.., ...do.., ...do... ...do.., ...do.., ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... Dis. Col.. ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do .ao ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do...... ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do ...do i...do |...do |...do I. ..do |...do ...do...... ...do ...do I ...do I ...do I ...do i ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... No. 619 8th St., Cap. Hill. No. 121 D street, Island. Georgetown, D. C. D St., bet. 9th and 10th. No. 298 B street, south. No. 133 I street. No. 399 16th street. No. 420 New York ave. A street, near 3d St., east. Georgetown, D. C. 1st street, near N. Y. av. No. 268 G street. I St., bet. 6th and Tth sts. Washington county, D. C. No. 223 Penn. avenue. Georgetown, D. C. No. 482 E street. No. 414 F street. No. 372 4th street. 6th St., bet. G and H sts. No. 394 6th street. Washington co., D. C. H St., bet. 4th and 5th sts. Washington county, D. C. Penn. av., bt. 2d & 3d sts. No. 440 3d street, east. 8th St., bet. H & I sts. 10th St., bet. E and F sts. Washington county, D. C. Capitol Hill. No, 166 F street, south. Navy Yard. Washington county, D. C E St., bet. 9th & 10th sts Vth St., bet. L and M sts. Washington county, D. C Georgetown, D. C. No. 2"80 I street. Washington county, D. C. No. 409 F street. Cor. E and 10th streets. Georgetown, D. C. No. 439 9th street. No. 359 Mass. avenue. No. 427 8th street. No, 454 6th street, west. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 83 JUDICIARY. NAMES AND OFFICE. g OS RESIDENCE. C. P. Wannall Thos, J. Williams.. C. H. Wiltberger... Charles Walter Robert White LEVY COURT OP WASH- INGTON COUNTY. Joshua Pierce H. Loughborough. Henry Haw Henr}^ Naylor Robert White , R. R. Crawford .... Samuel Drury G. W. Riggs, jr...., J. A. Kennedy ..... W. G. Palmer One vacancv. Clerk. N. Callan. Jailor. P. H, King Guards. Robert Waters.., T. H. Robinson., N. J. Sanderson J. H. Goddard..., P. Wilson , J. A. McGowan., S. Laird , M. Dulfy Fees .. ...do... ,..do... ,..do... ...do... .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. $100 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 Dis. Col.. ...do ...do ...do ...do .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... .do... ...do. ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... ...do... Cor. 9th St. and N. Y. ave. NO, 381 Penn. avenue. Washington county, D. C. No. 324 3d Street. Georgtown, D G. Washington Co., D. C. Washington Co., D. C. Washington Co., D. C. Washington Co., D. C. Georgetown, D. C. Georgetown, I). C. No. 133 I street. No. 280 I street. No. 414 F street. H St., bt. 9th and 10th sts. F st.,bt.I4th and 15th sts. 6th St., bt. G and H sts. D St., bt. Gth and Tth sts. Capitol Hill. Navy Yard. I St., bet. 6th and Tth sts. Corner 4th and L streetf-. At the Jail. Penn. av., bt. 1st & 2d st.^. Capitol Hill. 84 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. MISCELLANEOUS. NAMES AND OFFICE. RESIDENCE. 1 !• 2 I, Office in Basement ofCapitol LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Librarian. J. S. Meehan Assistants. E. B. Stelle C. H. W. Meehan C. W. Hinman Messenger. Robert Kearon PUBLIC PRINTING. Superintendent. John Heart Clerks. William Towers John S. Williams Z. W. McKnew Messenger. T. J. Mulloy HOSPITAL FOR THE IN- SANE FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Superintendent. C. H. Nichols, M. D.... Asst. Physician. S. P. Jones Six attendants Six attendants $2160 1800 1800 1800 1400 3000 1800 1800 1800 2500 800 t t Dis. Col Dis. Col.. Dis. Col.. Conn Dis. Col. S.C..., Dis. Col.. Conn.. Md Dis. Col.. Mich Penn. No. 395 B street, south. St. Charles Hotel. Cor. Pa. av. and 1st St., E. National Hotel. N St., bt. 6th and 7th sts. No. 443 12th street. No. 16 K street. No. 484 H street. D St., bt. 2d and 3d sts. Capitol Hill. Hospital Building. Hospital Building. * $3 60 per day. fEach $18 per month. J Each $10 per month. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 85 MISCELLANEOUS. NAMES.AND OFFICE. RESIDENCE. Office in Smith- sonian. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUT'N. Presiding Officer. James Buchanan Chancellor. Roger B. Taney Secretary. Joseph Henry Asst. Secretary, Spencer P. Baird Treasurer. W. W. Seaton Chief Clerk. W. J. Rhees Clerks. Penn. Md. $3^00 2000 N. Jersey N. York.. Dis. CoL. Wm. Q. Force. John Varden .. Janitor. W. McPeak 1400 1200 900 400 Penn, Dis. Col. Dis. CoL. Penn. President's House. Ind. av., bt. 3d and 4^ sts. Smithsonian building. N.y.av.,bt. 9th & 10th sts. E St., bt. Tth and 8th sts. No. 506 H street. Cor. D and 10th streets. 10th St., bt. H and I sts. Smithsonian building. Executive Committee. James A. Pearce Alexander D. Bache... J. G. Totten Building Committee. William H. English.... Joseph Henry \ 8G DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. MISCELLANEOUS. REGENTS OP THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. Hon. John C. Breckinridge, Vice President of the United States. Hon. Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the United States. Hon. James G. Berret, Mayor of the City of Washington. Hon. J. A. Pearce, Member of the Senate of the United States. Hon. J. M. Mason, Member of the Senate of the United States. Hon. S. A. Douglas, Member of the Senate of the United States. Hon. W. H. English, Member of the House of Representatives. Hon. L. J. Gartrell, Member of the House of Representatives. Hon. Ben. Stanton, Member of the House of Representatives. Gideon Hawley, citizen of New York. George E. Badger, citizen of North Carolina. Cornelius 0. Felton, citizen of Massachusetts. Alexander D. Bache, citizen of Washington, D. 0. Joseph G. Totten, citizen of Washington, D. C. MEMBERS EX-OFFICIO OP THE INSTITUTION. James Buchanan, President of the United States. John C. Breckinridge, Vice President of the United States Lewis Cass, Secretary of State. Howell Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury. John B. Floyd, Secretary of War, Isaac Toucey, Secretary of the Navy. Joseph Holt, Postmaster General. Jer. S. Black, Attorney General. Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the United States. P. F. Thomas, Commissioner of Patents. J. G. Berret, Mayor of the City of Washington HONORARY MEMBERS. Benjamin Silliman, of Conn. A. B. Longstreet,, of Miss. Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Interior. EXTENSION OP CAPITOL. Architect. Thomas U. Walter, P street, between 6tb and Tth streets. Draughtsmen. E. W. Donn, No. 352 H street. Frank S. Findlay, E street, between 10th and 11th streets. Henry P. Schonborn, 5th street, between east Capitol and A streets. August Schonborn, east Capitol street, bt. 3d and 4th streets. W. S. Taylor, corner 14th and F streets. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 87 MISCELLANEOUS. Messenger. Patrick Donohoe, 6th street, between east Capitol and A streets. Topographical Engineer, in charge of U. S. Capitol Extension, new Dome, and Post Office BuildiJig. William B. Franklin, No. 240 I street. Assistant Engineer, W. C. Gunnell, corner 20th and G streets. Chief Machinist. C. F. Thomas, B street, between New Jersey avenue and 1st street, east. Chief Clerk. Z. W. Denham, H street, between 10th and 11th streets, Clerks. T. C. Magruder, Washington county, D. C. W. G. Moore, No. 18 K street, north. T. C. Everett, No. 273 B street, south. G. B. Simpson, corner 11th and E streets. G. B. Harleston, No. 216 New York avenue. Bernard Sears, No. 307 Penn. avenue. E. P. Miller, Georgetown, D. C. Messengers. Daniel Kernan, corner 4th and A streets, east. M. Kelly, Capitol Hill. Inspector and Receiver. James A. Tait, 3d street east, near A street, south. Assistants, James A. Brown, No. 25 A street, south. William Robinson, No. 71 4^ street. Foreman of Laborers. F. J. Brooks, No. 411 5th street. Foreman of Masonry. Zephaniah Jones, No. 491 L street, north. Overseer, Benj. Burns, No. 346 10th Btreet, west 88 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. DIPLOMATIC CORPS. List of Foreign Ministers^ their Secretaries, Attaches accredited to the government oj the United States. ENGLAND. Lord Lyons, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, H street. W. Douglas Irvine, {Secretary of Legation, I7th street, bt. H and I streets. Frederick Warre, Attache. Henry Francis Manley, Attache, No. 150 Penn. avenue. Hon. Edmund Monson, Attache and Private Secretary. George Jenner, esq., FRANCE. McMercier, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Georgetown Le Viecomte Jules Treilhard, 1st Secretary of Legation, corner 22d street and Penn. avenue. Mr. Charles de Hell, Secretary of Legation, 18th street, bet. I and K streets. Mr. Paul Hocmelle, Attache, at Boyle's, Penn. avenue, bt. 17th and 18th sts. Mr. De Vaugrigneuse, Chancclier, F street, bt. 19th and 20th streets. RUSSIA. Mr. Edward de Stoeckl, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, corner I and Conn, avenue. The Baron de Osten Sacken, First Secretary of Legation, cor. I7th and I sts. Mr. Waldemar de Bodisco, Second Secretary of Legation, G street, bt. 19th and 20th streets. NETHERLANDS. Mr. Theodore Marinus Roest Van Limburg, Minister Resident, corner F and lYth street. SPAIN. Senor Don Gabriel Garcia y Tassara, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, I street, between 15th and 16th streets, Washington. Sefior Don Carlos Villalba, Second Secretary of Legation. Senor Don Tomas de Moreno, Attache. Senor Don Francisco de Barreyro, Private Secretary. PORTUGAL. Commander J. C. de Figaniere e Morao, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, New York. Senbor d'Ornellas Vasconcellos, Attache. PRUSSIA. Baron Fr. von Gerolt, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, 'Corner 15th and H streets. Baron von Grabow, Secretary of Legation, at Mrs. Ulrich's, opposite Depart- ment of State, Washington. Alexander Gau, Chancellor of Legation, Washington. BELGIUM. Blondell Von Cuelebrouk, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Willai^ds Hotel DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 89 DIPLOMATIC CORPS. AUSTRIA. The Chevalier Hul.semanri, Minister llesident, corner 20th and F Rt.reets. BREMEN. Rudolph Schleiden, Mini^ster Resident, northwest corner fUh and D streets, Wiishincrton. SWEDEN . Baron Wetterstedt, Minister Resident, G street, bet. ITth and 18th streets. DENMARK. W. de RiUislofT, Charge d' Affaires, New York. SARDINIA. The Chevalier Bertiaatti, Charpre d' Affaires, at Mrs. TJlrich's, opposite Depart- naent of State, Washington. TWO SICILIES. Omfora, Duke of Lecissnano, Charge d'Afi'aires, at Mrs. Ulrich's, opposite State Department. MEXICO. Seflor Jose M. Mata, Envo}^ Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, National Hotel. Sefior Mariano Degollad, Attache.. BRAZIL. The Counsellor Senhor M. M. Lisboa, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary , corner M and 14th streets. NEW GRANADA. Scuor General Pedro Alcantara Herran, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotonliary, New York City. Seilor Rafael Ponibo, Secretary of Legation. PERU. Doctor Cipriano Coroncl Zegarro. Sefior Nicolas Lizarzaburu, Secretary of Legation. Edwardo Villcna, Attaciie. COSTA RICA. Seilor Luis Molina, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Mrs Dlrich's, opposite State Department. GUATEMALA-SALVADOR. Senor Don Aut,onio Jose de Yrisarri, Minister Plenipotentiary, Brooklyn. 12 90 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES MINISTERS, &c. List of Diplomatic and Principal Consular Officers of the United States in Foreign CouniiicSj with the places o f their residences. BRITISH DOMINIONS. ENGLAND. George M. Dallas, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, London. Philip N. Dallas, Secretary of Legation, London. Benjannn Moran, Assistant Secretary of Legation, London. Robert B. Campbell, Consul, London. Beverley Tucker, Consul, Liverpool. Albert Davy, Consul, Leeds. Duncan Macaulcy, Consul, Manchester. William Thompson, Consul, Southampton. Samuel Ward, Consul, Bristol. Samuel Ward, Consul, Falmouth. Thomas W. Fox, Consul, Plymouth. Thomas W. Fox. Consul, Newcastle. SCOTLAND. George Vail, Consul, Glasgow. Joseph B. Holderby, Consul, Dundee. James McDowell. Consul, Leith. IRELAND. Theodore Frean, Consul, Belfast. Robert Dowling, Consul, Cork. Samuel W. Talbot, Consul, Dublin. Thomas W. Persse, Consul Galway. Alexander Henderson, Consul, Londonderry. CHINA. James Keenan, Hong Kong. EAST INDIES. Charles HufFnagle, Consul General of British India, Calcutta, .lohn P. O'Sullivan, Consul, Singapore. Luther H. Hatfield, Consul, Bombay. John Black, Commercial Agent, Ceylon. / AUSTRALIA. James F. Maguire, Consul, Melbourne. Robert D. MerriU, Consul, Sydney, N. S. W. TASMANIA. , Consul, Hobart Town. 91 UNITED STATES MINISTERS, &c. NEW ZEALAND. O. H. Leiivenwortli, Bay of Islands. IX AND NEAR EUROPE OR AFRICA. George H. Fairlield, Consul. Port Louis D. M. Huckins, Consul, Cape Tov/n. Horatio J. Sprague, Consul, Gibraltnr. William Winthrop, Consul, Malta. William Carrol, Consul, St. Plelena. IONIAN ISLANDS. Araos S. York, Consul, Zante. ^•ORTH AMERICA. Wyman B. S. Moor, Consul General British N. American Provinces, Montreal. Albert Pillsbury, Consul, Halifax, N. S. Albert G- Catlin, Consul, Prince Edward's Island. William S. H. Newman, Consul, St. John's, N. F. Benjamin H. Norton, Consul, Pictou, N. S. , Consul, St, John's, N. B. , Consul, Caspe Basin, C. E. WEST INDIES. Isaac Winston, Consul, Kin<^ston, Jamaica. Isaac J. Merritt, Consul, Nassau, N. P. Andrew G. Carothers, Consul, Turk's Island. James F, Smith, Consul, Barbadoes, Richard S, Newbold, Consul, Island of Trinadad. Frederick B. Wells, Consul. Bermuda. R. S. Higinbotham, Commercial Agent, Antigua. Emil S. Delislio, Commercial Agent, St. Christoper. SOUTH AMERICA. Thos. C. Jenkins, Consul, Demarara. FALKLAND ISLANDS. \Y. H. Smiley, Commercial Agent, Port Stanley. AFRICA. Daniel R. B. Upton, Consul, Bathurst, Africa. RUSSIA. John Appleton, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, St. Pe- tersburg. Julian A. Michell, Secretary of Legation, St. Petersburg. 92 DKPARTMEjNT DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES MINISTERS, &c. Caleb Croswell, Consul, St Petersburg. Francis S. Claxton, Consul, Moscow. ^ Consul, Odessa. Charles A. Leas, Consul, Revel. Perry McD. Collins, Commercial Agent, Amoor River. , Consul, Riga. Edmund Brandt, Consul, Archangel, lieyiiold Frenckell, Consul, Helsinfors. FRENCH DOMINIONS. Chas. J. Faulkner, Envoj'- Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Paris. V\ . R. Calhoun, Secretary of Legation, Paris. .James G. Clarke, Assistant Secretary of Legation, Paris. Ht'iiry W. Spencer, Consul, Paris. Francis J. Grund, Consul, Ilavre. Alexander Derbes, Consul, Marseilles. Gabriel G. Fleurot, Consul, Bordeaux. Thos. W. Rountrec, Consul, La Rochellc. .fool W. White, Consul, Lyons. Hypolite Roqnes, Consul, Nantes. , Consul, Bayonne. Charles Audouy. Consul, Napoleon Vendee. WEST INDIES. Charles W. Kimball, Consul. Gaudaloupe. Alexander Campbell, Consul, Martinique. AFRICA. , Consul, Algiers. AMElllCA. Samuel E. Fabens, Consul, Cay enne. George Hughes, Commercial Agent, St. Pierre, Miqueion. SPANISH DOMINIONS. W. Preston, Enroy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Madrid, Robert \V. Woolley, Secretary of Legation, Madrid. T. T. Tunstall, Consul, Cadi/,*. J. Somers Smith, Consul, Malaga. Ernest Volger, Consul, Barcelona. Spiridion Ladico, Consul, Port Mahon. John Morand, Consul, Denia Peter Morand, Consul, Denia. Manuel Barcena, Consul, Vigo. William L. Giro, Consul, Alicante. Lewis Gallo, Consul, Bilbao. John Cunningham, Consul, Seville. CUBA. ('harks J. Helm, Consul General, Havana. Hugh Martin, Consul, Matanzas. John R. Kooken, Consul, Trinadad de Cuba. Stephen Cochran, Consul, St. Jago de Cuba. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 93 UNITED STATES MINISTERS, &c. PORTO RICO. Charles de Ronceray, Consul, San Juan, James C. Gallaher, Consul, Ponce. OTHER SPANISH ISLANDS. Felipe Bodman, Consul, Teneriffe. Charles Griswold, Consul, Manilla. PORTUGUESE DOMINIONS. George W. Morgan, Minister Resident, Lisbon. , Secretary of Legation, Minister Resident, Lisbon. John F. Porteous, Consul, Oporto. John H. Marsh, Consul, Funchal. Charles W. Dabney, Consul, Fayal, Azores. W. H. Morse, Consul, Santiago, Cape Verde. John G. Willis, Commercial Agent, St. Paul de Loauda. J Commercial Agent, Mozambique. , Commercial Agent, Macao. Clarimundo Martins, Consul, Bisao. Francisco de Asis Belard, Commercial Agent, Isle of tit. Thomas. BELGIUM. E. Y. Fair, Minister Resident, Brussels. , Secretary of Legation, Brussels, James W. Quiggle, Consul, Antwerp. Robert M. Livingston, Consul, Ghent, DOMINIONS OF THE NETHERLANDS. Henry C. Murphy, Minister Resident, the Hague. , Secretary of Legation, the Hague, William S. Campbell, Consul, Rotterdam. R. C. BarnAvell, Consul, Amsterdam. Henry Anthon, Jr., Consul, Batavia, Java, Henry Sawyer, Consul, Paramaribo. Stephen Higgenson, Consul, Padang. Charles Rey, Commercial Agent, St. Martin. Moses Jesurun, Commercial Agent, Curacao, W. I. DANISH DOMINIONS. James M. Buchanan, Minister Resident, Copenhagen. , Secretary of Legation, Copenhagen. , Consul, Copenhagen. J. M. Epping, Consul, Elsinore. Robert A. Finlay, Consul, Santa Cruz. Diedrich Kohlsaat, Consul, Altona. Robert P. Wearing, Commercial Agent, St. Thomas. SWEDEN AND NORWAY. B, F. Angel, Minister Resident, Stockholm. 94 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES MINISTERS, &c. — , Secretary of Legation, Stockholm. A. W. Frestadins, Consul, Stockholm. Egmont Rohss, Consul, Gottenburg. , Consul, Bergen. , Consul, Porsgrun*. PRUSSIA. Joseph A. Wright, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Berlin. E. G. W. Butler, jr. , Secretary of Legation, Berlin. Abel French, Consul, Aix-la-Chapelle. Rudolph F. Schiiiow, Consul, Stettin. AUSTRIA. J. Glancy Jones, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Vienna. Geo. W. Lippitt, Secretar}^ of Legation, Vienna. Edw ard C. Stiles. Contul. Vienna. Stephen S. Remak, Consul, Trieste. J. J. Sprenger, Consul, Venice. SAXONY. P. A, Stockton, Consul, Leipsic. , Consul, Dresden. DUCHY OF SAXE MEININGEN HILBURGHAUSEN. Louis Lindner, Consul, Sonniberg. BAVARIA. Andrew Ten Brook, Consul, Munich. Philip Geisse, Consul, Nuremburg. Charles Obermayer, Consul, Augsburg. WURTEMBURG. Tapley W. Young, Consul, Stuttgard. HESSE DARMSTADT, HESSE CASSEL, NASSAU, AND HESSE HOMBOURG. Samuel Ricker, Consul, Frankfort. HANOVER. J. S. iiutton, Consul, Hanover. BRUNSWICK. Augustus Alers, Consul, Brunswick. BADEN. , Cousul, Carlsruhe. DEPARTMEjNT directory. 95 UNITED STATES MINISTERS, &c. MECKLENBERG SCHWERIN AND MECKLENBERG STREIJTZ. J Consul, Scliwerin. OLDENBUEG. Consul, Oldenburg. HANSEATIC AND FREE CITIES. Samuel Ricker, Consul General, Frankfort. Isaac R. Diller, Consul, Bremen. John B. Miller, Consul, Hamburg. SWITZERLAND. Theodore S. Fay, Minister Resident, Berne. , Secretary of Legation, Berne. John Endlich, Consul, Basle. William Fell Giles, Consul, Geneva. George H. Groundie, Consul, Zurich. SARDINIA. John M. Daniel, Minister Resident, Turin. . Secretary of Legation, Turin. W. L Patterson, Consul, Genoa. R. H. Leese, Consul, Spezzia. ^ Consul, Nice. TUSCANY. J. A. Binda, Consul, Leghorn. K. J. Mallett, Consul General, Florence. PONTIFICAL STATES. John P, Stockton, Minister Resident, Rome. ^ J^ecretary of Legation, Rome. Horatio de V. Glentworth, Consul, Rome. , Consul, Ancona. ^ Consul, Ravenna. , Consul, Carrara. TWO SICILIES. Joseph R. Chandler, Minister Resident, Naples, ^ Secretary of Legation, Naples. Alexander Hammett, Consul, Naples. Henry H. Barstow, Consul, Palermo. Charles H. Morgan, Consul, Messina. TURKISH DOMINIONS. James Williams, Minister Resident, Constantinople. John P. Brown. Secretary of Legation and Drogoman, Constantinople. 96 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES MINISTERS, &c. J. Hosford Smith, Consul General, Constantinople. E. S. Offley, Consul, Smyrna. J. Augustus, Johnson, Consul, Beyroul. W. R. Page, Consul, Jerusalem. Augustus Canfield, Consul, Candia. Wra. Ledyard Ellsworth, Consul, Cyprus. , Consul, Trebisond. MALDAVTA , Consul, Galatzu. EGYPT. Edwin De Leon, Consul General, Alexandria. GREECE. John D. Diomatari, Consul, Athens. BARBARY STATES. George V. Brown, Consul, Tangiers. Marcus J. Gaines, Consul, Tripoli. George W. S. Nicholson, Consul, Tunis. Juda Sol. Levy, Commercial Agent, Tetuan. AFRICA. William H. Browne, Commercial Agent, Monrovia , Commercial Agent, Gaboon. DOMINIONS OF THE SULTAJV OF MUSCAT. Daniel H. Mansfield, Consul, Zanzibar. ■ , Consul, Muscat. BORNEO. , Consul, Bruni. JAPAN. Townsend Harris, Consul General, Simoda. Elisha E. Rice, Commercial Agent, Hakodadi. SLAM. J. H. Chandler, Consul, Bangkok. CHINA. John E. Ward, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleuipotentiary, Pekin. , Secretary of Legation, Pekin. S. Wells Williams, Interpreter, Pekin. Oliver H. Perry, Consul, Canton. 97 UNITED STATES MFNISTERS, &c. William L. G. Smith. Consul, Hhan.irliai. Samuel L. Gou verneur. jr., Consul, Koo Choo. Thomas 11. Hyatt, Consul, Araoy. Charles W. Bradley, ('onsul, Niugpo. William Buck, Consul, Swatan. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS James W. Borden. Commissioner, Honolulu. J. A. Parker, Consul, Honolulu. Chas. Richmond. Consul, Lahania. Thomas IMiller, Consul, Hilo. FRIENDLY AND NAVI(4AT0R'S ISLANDS. James C. Diricsen, Commercial Agent, Apia. SOCIETY ISLANDS. Vicesimus Turner. Consul. Tahiti. FEEJEE ISLANDS John B. Williams, ('u'umercial Agent, Lanthala. IIAYTI AND SAN DOMINGO. John N. Lewis, ('ommercial Agent, Port an Prince. W. W. Richmond, Commercial Agent, St. Domingo. G. Eustis Hubbard, Commercial Agent, Cape Hayticn. Richmond Loring, Commercial Agent, Aux-Cayes. ^ MEXICO. Robert M. McLane, I'invoy Extraordinary and Minister Pleuipoieatiar}', Mexico C. L. D. Elgee, Secretary of Legation, ]\Iexico. John T. Pickett, Consul, Vera Cru?.. L. W. Emory, Consul, Acapulco. John Black, Consul, Mexico. Franklin Chase, Consul, Tampico. Richard Fitzpatrick, Consul, Matamoras. K. P. Johnson, Consul, Tabasco. David R. Ditt'endertier, Consul, Paso Del Norte. Joseph Walsh, Consul, Monterey. Rafael Praciat, Consul, Campeachy. Edward Conner, Consul, Mazatlan. , Consul, San Bias. Robert Rose, Consul, Guayaraas. Ramon J. y Patrullo, Consul, Merida and SisaL Charles R. Webster, Consul, Tehauntepee. A. C. Allen, Consul, Minatitlan. , Consul, Laguna. , Consul, Chihuahua. A. Morrell, Consul, Manzanillo. 13 98 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES MINISTERS, &c. , Consul, Aguas Calientas. Thomas Sprague, Commercial Agent, La Paz. J. C. Davis, Consul, Zacatecas. Sames Smith, Consul, Saltillo. NICARAGUA. Alexander Dimitry, Minister Resident, Nicaragua. Secretary of Legation, Nicaragua. Thomas S. Bell, Commercial Agent, San Juan del Norte and Punta Arenas. R. Runnels, Consul, San Juan del Sur. GUATEMALA. Beverly L. Clarke, Minister Resident, Guatemala. , Secretary of Legation, Guatemala. James S. Peacock, Consul, Guatemala. COSTA RICA. Alexander Dimitry, Minister Resident. Marquis L. Hine, Consul, San Jose. SAN SALVADOR. Joseph W. Livingston, Consul, La Union. HONDURAS. — Minister Resident. A. Follin, Consul, Oraoa and Truxillo. W. C. Burchard, Commercial Agent, Comayagua and Tegucigalpa. Gilbert S. Miner, Amapala. NEW GRANADA. George W. Jones, Minister Resident, Bogota. ^ Secretary of Legation, Bogota. Amos B, Corwine, Consul, Panama. ' Daniel A. Robinson, Consul, Aspinwall. Albert Malhiews, Consul, Carthagena. , Consul, Sabanillo. , Consul, Santa Martha. Henry L. Jesup, Consul, Bogota. John Capela, jr.. Consul, Turbo. Nicolas Danie, Consul, Rio Hacha. Eugenio M. Uribe, Commercial Agent, Medellen. VENEZUELA. Edward A. Turpin, Minister Resident, Caracas. ^ Secretary of Legation, Caracas. Andrew J. Smith, Consul, Laguayra. R. H. Swift, Consul, Maracaibo. William Bliss, Consul, Puerto Cabello. Henry Tay, Consul, Ciudad Bolivar. DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. 99 UNITED STATES MINISTERS, &c. ECUADOR. Charles R. Buckalcw, Minister Resident, Quito. , Secretary of Legation, Quito. Jose N. Casanova, Consul, Guayaquil. BRAZIL. B. K. Meade, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Rio de Janeiro. Romaine Dillon, Secretary of Legation, Rio de Janeiro. Robert B. Scott, jr.. Consul, Rio de Janeiro. Richard A. Edes, Consul, Pernambuco. Eben P. Bailey, Consul, Para. J. S. Gillmer, Consul, Bahia. William H. McGrath, Consul, Maranham. George F. Upton, Consul, Rio Grande. William T. Wright, Consul, Santos. Robert S. Cathcart, St. Catharine's. URUGUAY. Richard H. Gayle, Consul, Montevideo. ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. John F. Cushman, Minister Resident, Parana. ^ Secretary of Legation, Parana. William H. Hudson, Consul, Buenos Ayres. William H. Smiley, Consul, Rio Negro. Benjamin Upton, Commercial Agent, Rosario. PARAGUAY. ^ Commissioner, Asuncion. , Secretary of Legation. Louis Bamberger, Consul, Assumption. CHILI. John Bigler, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Santiago. G. W. Ryckenan, Secretary of Legation, Santiago. J. B. Gordon, Consul, Valparaiso. Albert G. Blakey, Consul, Talcahuano. Charles C. Green, Consul, Coquimbo. PERU. John Randolph Clay, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Lima. Z. B. Cavcrly, Secretary of Legation, Lima. William Trevitt, Consul, Callao. Fayette M. Ringgold, Consul, Payta. Leonard G. Sanford, Consul, Tumbez. John T. Lansing, Consul, Arica. 100 DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES MINISTERS, &c. BOLIVIA. John Cotton Smith, Minister Resident, La Paz J Secretary of Legation, La Paz. Lewis Joel, Consul, Cobija. AFRICA. John Seys, Agent on the Coast of Africa, Liberia. CHINA. Charles W. Bradley, ") Commissioners for the adjustment of claims under the Oliver C. Roberts, /treaty with China, dated November 8, 1858, Canton, PART II CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY OF THE THmXI -SIXTH CONGRESS UNITED STA.TES. TABLE OF CONTENTS. • Page. Alphabetical list of Senators, with their Residences in Washington 3 List of Standing Committees in the Senate 5 Officers of the Senate 8 Alphabetical list of Representatives, with their residences in Washington 10 List of Standing Committees in the House of Representatives 16 List of Senators and Representatives by States, with their post offices, and counties composing each congressional district 21 Officers of the House of Representatives 44 Clerks of the Standing Committees of the Senate 1 Clerks of the Standing Committees of the House of Representatives 20 i I f 7 CommiUees — Senate. On Territories. (Room on First Floor.) Mr. Green, chairman, Douglas, Sebastian, Fitzpatricic, Collamer, Wade, Latham. To Audit and Control the Contingent Ex- penses of the Senate. (Office Sec'y of the Senate, First Floor.) Mr. Johnson, of Tenn, chairman, Powell, Dixon. On Printing. (Room on Third Floor.) Mr. Fitch, chairman, Davis, Anthony. On Engrossed Bills. (Office Sec'y of the Senate, First Floor.) Mr. Lane, chairman, Bigler, Harlan. On Enrolled Bills. (Room on First Floor.) Mr. Saulsbury, chairman, Bingham, Latham. On the Library. (Library Room.) Mr. Pearce, chairman, Bayard, Collamer. CLERKS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES OP THE SENATE. Mr. Phillips, Finance. Mr. Cole, Pensions. Jones, Claims. Rogers, Printing. Morgan, Judiciar3^ Callan, Military Affairs. Washington, Post Offices and Post Roads. Matthews, Revolutionary Claims. Chesney, Commerce. Hayes, Public Grounds and Build- ings. Chandler, Territories. Russell, Naval Affairs. Dunn, Indian Affairs. Tsosski, Private Land Claims. Burwell, Foreign Relations. Lewis, Public Lands. McDowell, Patents. Fendall, District of Columbia. 8 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. OFFICERS OF THE SENATE. Asbury Dickens, Secretary, north side F street, bet. 12tli and 13tli sts., 274. William Hickey, Chief Clerk, Clay's Hotel. W. J. McDonald, Principal Clerk, cor. Delaware av. and C St., Capitol Hill. Joseph H. Nicholson, Principal Executive Clerk, Willards' Hotel. T. W. Dickens, Clerk, north side north A street, Capitol Hill. J. C. Fitzpatrick, clerk, north side south B street, Capitol Hill, 294. William Patten, Clerk, at Mrs. Smith's, No. 391 C street, bet. 3d and 4^ sts. Wm. F. Price, Clerk, north side north A street, Capitol Hill, 8. Y. P. Page, Clerk, south side E street, between 3d and 4th streets, 477. Joseph Reynolds, Clerk, A street, between 9th and 10th streets, 456. W. R. Bradford, No. 480 Penn. avenue. E. T. Montague, Clerk, at Mrs. Taylor's, west side 3d street, near Penn. av. J. L. Clubb, Keeper of the Stationery, north side I street, between 6th and 7th streets, 524. W. H. Rohrer, Principal Messenger, Montgomery street. No. 45, Georgetown. L. H. Breed, Assistant Messenger, Washington county, D. C. W. Kesley, Page, Ellaville, Md. R. Coleman, Laborer, 1st street, between Penn. avenue and B street. Dunning R. McNair, Sergcant-at-arms, No. 465 6th street, bet. D and E sts. Charles S. Jones, Assistant Doorkeeper, north side H street, between 10th and nth streets, 442. Jno. M. Jameson, Postmaster, west side 2d street, between Penn. avenue and C street, 451. James B. Smallwood, Assistant Postmaster, No. 416 6th street, between F and G streets. Moses Titcomb, Superintendent of Document Room, No. 30 4J street north. B. L. Bogan, Assistant in Document Room, south side Mass. avenue, between 4th and 5th streets, 451. A. Tread way. Assistant in Document Room, No. 541 H street, between 6th and 7th streets. Joseph Hedrick, Superintendent of Folding Room, north side north A street, Capitol Hill, 26. Isaac Bassett, Messenger, Acting Assistant Doorkeeper, 285 2d street. Cap. Hill. Alexander Dodge, Messenger, Acting Assistant Doorkeeper, 465 D st., Cap. Hill. John A. Peebles, Clerk to the President of the Senate, Penn. avenue, over Gil- man's Drug store. William Johnson, Messenger, corner 8th and L sts. Thomas Wallace, Messenger, cor. Penn. avenue and 4 J St., Arlington House, N. Carlisle, Messenger, corner 4th and A streets south. B. A. Jamieson, Messenger, absent. P. Starritt, Messenger, Penn. avenue, No. 520, between 2d and 3d streets. James Dobbyn, Messenger, 6th street east, near Capitol street. F. D. Queen, Messenger, No. 289 7th street, between L and M streets. M. Larner, Messenger, No. 441 F street, betw. 6th and 7th streets. Thomas Peters, Messenger, north Capitol street. J. G. Schott, Messenger, No. 262 B street north, between 1st and 2d streets. M. Latruitte, Messenger, Mrs. Wren's, Penn. avenue, between 3d and 4^ sts. B. Owens, Messenger, No. 37 A street east, bet. 1st and 2d streets. A. H. Ragan, Messenger, Mass. avenne, bet. 4th and 5th streets. I 9 Officers of the Senate. Thomas Wallace, Messenger, cor, Penn. avenue and 4.} St., Arlington House. N. Carlisle, Messenger, corner 4th and A streets soutb, ' B. A. Jamieson. Messenger, absent. P. Starritt, Messenger, Penn. avenue, No. 520, between 2d and 3d streets. James Dobbyn, Messenger, Gth street east, near Capitol street. F. D. Queen, Messenger, No. 289 7th street, between L and jM streets. M. Larner, Messenger, No, 441 F street, between 6th and 7th streets, Thomas Peters, Messenger, north Capitol street. J. G. Schott, Messenger, No. 282 B street north, between 1st and 2d streets. M. Latruitte, Messenger, Mrs. Wren's, Penn, avenue, between od and 4 J sts. B. Owens, Messenger, No, 37 A street east, bet. 1st and 2d streets. A. H. Ragan, Messenger, Mass. avenue, bet. 4th and 5th streets, A, P. Gorman, Mail Carrier, cor. Penn. avenue and 3d st., St. Charles Hotel. James F. Dooley, Mail Carrier, No. 517 4th street east. .James G. Holland, Mail Carrier, No. 412 9th street, bet. H and I streets. Edward Dunn, Chief Engineer of the Heating and Ventilating Apparatus, No. 314 Delaware avenue. John Kibby, Assistaj;it Engineer, No. 314 Delaware avenue. James Smith, Fireman, Tsio. 314 Delaware avenue. Edward Fitzsimmons, Fireman, cor. 4J street, and Penn, avsnue, William Clements, Fireman, C street east, near 3d street. Charles Gordon, Laborer, F street east, Edward Powers, Laborer, 1st street east. 10 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES, With their residences in Washingtoyi. The italic (a) designates these whose wives accompany them ; the italic {h) those who have a sin- gle lady with them ; two {t)h,) more thau one lady ; the italic {ah,) wife and single lady. Speaker House of Reps., William Pennington, N. J., No. 253 I street. REPRESENTATIVES. aAdams, Charles F Masj^. aAdams, Green Ky. Adrain, Garnett B N. J. Aldrich, Cyrus Minn. Allen, William Ohio. aAUey, John B Mass. Anderson, Thomas L Mo. Anderson, William C Ky. a Ashley, James M Ohio. Ashmore, John D S. C. Avery, William T Tenn, Babbitt, Elijah .Penn. Barksdale, William Miss. aBarr, Thomas J N. Y. Barrett, J. R Mo. aBeale, Charles L N. Y, Bingham, John A Ohio. aBlair, Samuel S Penn. Blake, Harrison G Ohio. aBocock, Thomas S Va. Bonham, Millcdge L S. C Boteler, Alexander Fl Va. aBouligny, John E La. Boyce, William W S. C. Brabson, Reese B Tenn. Branch, Lawrence O'B N. C. Bray ton, William D R. I. aBriggs, George N. Y. Bristow, Francis M Ky. Brown, John Y Ky. Buffinton, James Mass. aBurch, John C Cal. Burlingame, Anson Mass. RESIDENCE IN "WASHINGTON, 194 I Street. 420 14th street. No. 452 13th street. No. 435 9th street. Clay's Hotel. Corner 3d and C sts. National Hotel. 420 14th street. Poulton's, No. 479 8th street. Willards' Hotel. Brown's Hotel, Willards' HoteL Brown's Hotel, Willards' Hotel. No. 241 F street. Washington House. Washington House. Avenue House. Mrs. Hyatt's, Penn. av., bet. 6th and 7th sts. Corner 17th and H sts. Willards' Hotel. Mr. Parker's, corner 4J and C sts. No. 215 Pa. av. Not arrived. Brown's Hotel. Mrs, Carter's, No, 4 Capitol Hill.. Clay's Hotel, National Hotel. National Hotel. Corner 3d and C sts. Brown's Hotel. National Hotel. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 11 Alphabetical List of Representatives. RESIDENCE IN WASHINGTON. Burnett, Henry C Ky Burnham, Alfred A Conn aiButterfield, Martin N. Y aCampbell, James II Penn . Carey, John Ohio Carter, Luther C N. Y Case, Chai-les Ind. aClark, Horace F N. Y. Clark, John B Mo. a^Clemens, Sherrard Va. aClopton, David ,...Ala. <^Cobb, Williamson R. W Ala. Coburn, Stephen Me. Cochrane, Clark B N. Y. Cochrane, John N. Y. aColfax, Schuyler Ind. Conkling, Roscoe N. Y. Corwin, Thomas Ohio. ctCovode, John Penn. aCox, Samuel S Ohio- Craig, James Mo. ahbbCvaigQ, Burton N. C- Crawford, Martin J Ga- aCurry, Jabez L. M Ala. a^Curtis, Samuel R Iowa. Daily, Samuel G Nebraska. Davidson, Thomas G La. Davis, H. Winter Md. Davis, John G Ind. Davis, Reuben Miss. aDawes, Henry L Mass. De Jarnette, Daniel C Va. Delano, Charles Mass. Dimmick, William H. ......Penn. Duell, R. Holland ...N. Y. Dunn, W. McKee Ind. Edgerton, Sidney Ohio. Edmunson, l5enry A Va. Edwards, Thomas M N. H. Eliot, Thomas D Mass. abbmy, Alfred N. Y. English, William H Ind. Etheridge, Emerson Tenn. Farnsworth, John F 111. National Hotel. No. 481 10th St. Willards' Hotel. Washington House. Mrs. Hyatt's, Penn. av.,bet. Otb and TthvSts. Mrs. .loy's, corner 8th street and La. av. Washington House. Corner 13th and K sts. Brown's Hotel. Willards' Hotel. Brown's Hotel. Mrs. Masi's, No. 461 9th street. Washington House. Willards' Hotel. Willards' Hotel. Clarendon House. Willards' Hotel. Willards' Hotel. Avenue House. Rugby House, corner 14th and K sts. Brown's Hotel. No. 358 D St. Brown's Hotel. Brown's Hotel. Mrs. Joy's, corner 8th street and La. av. Washington House. Kirkwood House. No. 341 I St. No. 512 12th St. No. 353 Penn. av. Corner 3d and C sts. Brown's Hotel. Willards' Hotel. National lIoteL Mrs. Tilly's, No. 64 Missouri avenue. Willards' Hotel. Mrs. Hyatt's,- 339 Penn. av. G.'upe's, 415 Penn. av. Willards' Hotel. No. 406 F St. No. 267 G St. Clarendon House. No. 375 Penn. av. No. 41 La. av. 12 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Alphabetical Lint of Repreaenlatives. RESIDENCE IN WASHINGTON. afeiFentoii, Rcubeu E N. Y. Ferry, Orris S Conn. Florence, Thoma>^ B Penu. aFoster Stephen C Me. aFouke, Philip 13 ill. Frank, Augustus N. Y. ai^French, Ezra 13 Me. Garnett, Muscoe 11. H Va aGartrell, Lucius J Ga. (z6(!>Giimer, John xV N. C aiGooch, Daniel W Mass- Graham, James H N. Y. Grow, Galus.ha A Penn. Gurley, John A Ohio. «Hale, James T Penn. Hail, Chapiu Penn. (/^Hainiltou, Andre vvr J Texas. a6Hardeman, jr., Thomas Ga allarns, J. Morrison Md. Harris, John T Va. Haskin, John L3 N. Y.j Hatton, Ptobert Tenn.'i Hawkins, George S Fla, Helmick, William. Ohio. Hickman, John Penn. Hill, Joshua Ga. Hindrnan, Thomas C Ark. Hoard, Charles B N. Y. Holman, William S Ind. Hooper, William H Utah. Houston, Ge orge S Ala. (/Hovvard, Vv'illi'im Ohio. Howard, William A Mich aHughes, George W Md. Humphrey, James N. Y. a6Hutchina, John Ohio. Irvine, AVilliam N. Y Jackson, James Ga a^Jenkins, Albert G Va. fl'Jones, John J ...Ga. aJunkin, Benjamin F Penn Keitt, Lawrence M S. C. ciKellogg. Francis \V Mich. aKeUogg, William lll.j '■iKenyon. William S N. Y.J No. 400 4th street. Washingion House. Corner Penn. av. and 17th st. St. Charles Hotel. No. 400 F St. V/il lards' Hotel. Washington House. F, between 20th and 21st sts. No. 500 11th St. No. 480 10th St. Corner C and 3d sts. Dr. Bailey's, corner E and loth sts. Poulton's, No. 479 8th st. Willards' Hotel. Avenue House. Washington House, Clay's Hotel. Brown's Hotel. Clarendon House. Brown's Hotel. Klotz's, 9th street, ne«r D. Brown's Hotel. Naiioaal Hotel. Avenue House. No. 23 9 Penn. av. Brown's Hotel. No. 301 E St. AVillards' Hotel. Mrs. Tilley's, No. 74 Mo. av. No. 424 H street. Brown's Hotel. Clay's Hotel. Washington House. Lafayette House, F, bet. 13th and 14th sts. No. 2r,2 G St. Mrs. Young's, corner Mo. av. and 4J st. No. 403 7th St. No. 430 7th St. / Brown's Hotel. Laiavette House, F, bet. 13th and 14 sts. Wi!-hiiigron House. Brown's Hotel. Mrs. Kelloiig's, No. 49 north Ast., Cap. Hill. National Hotel. Wasiiino-ton House. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 13 Alphabetical List of Representatives. NAMES. RESIDENCE IN WASHINGTON. , Ind. No. 54 Mo. avenue, between 3d and 4^ sts. afiKilliiigcr, John W ... Penn. Clay's Hotel. No. o7G H St. , , Md. Lamar, Lucius Q. C ....Miss. Brown's Hotel. Laodrum, Jolm AI La. Brown's Hotel. wLarrabec, Charles H.... Wis. No. 286 F St. Leacli, DeV/itt C Mich. No. 282 B St. ....N. C. No. 4G2 N. Y. av. Leake, Sbelton F Va. No. 441 I St. abbLee, M. Liiidley ...N. Y. Clay's Hotel. , , 111. No. 409 F St. Lungnecker, Henry C... ...Peun. Willards' Hotel. Willards' Hotel. No. 273 E St. III. Crutchett's, corner tkh and J) sts. Maclay, William B. ...N. Y. No. 212 F St. Ky. National Hotel. Mars ton, Gil man ...N. H. No. 439 Pa. av. Martin, Charles D ...Ohio. No. 6 La. av. Martin, Elbert S Ya. National Hotel. T^iavnard, Horace ...Teiin. Kirkwood House. aft^McClernand, .John A 111. No. 409 F St. N. Y. Corner D and 15th st. Willards' Hotel. McKnight, Koberl ... Penn. No. 411 13th St. McPherson, Edward ...Penn. No. 457 lOih St. aMcQueen, John ....S. C. Brown's Hotel. Willards' Hotel. Miles, W. Porcher , s. c. Brown's Hotel. Millson, John S Va. Mrs. Winner's, 9th street, between D and E. Millward, William No. 420 Fourteenth st. Montgomery, William,, Washington House. Ky. Clarendon Hotel. Ala. Brown's Hotel a^Moorhead, James [v ...Penn. No. 215 Pa. av. Vt. Mrs. Gibbons', 3G Missouri av. No. 455 12th St. Morris, Lsaac N ... HI. No. 482 12th St. , Me. Mr. Chipmau's, 402 Pa. av., bet. 4} and 6th Nelson, Thomas A. 11... ...Tenn. Clarendon Hotel. Nihlack, William E Ind. No. 483 (Uh St., bet. La. av. and C st. ,. N. J. Willards' Hotel. Noell. John W ,,, Mo. Brown's Hotel. aO\\v., Abraham B ........ ...N. Y. Willards' Hotel. 14 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Alphabetical List of Representatives. aOtero, Miguel A N.M ttPalmev, George W N. Y Parrott, Marcus J Kansas Pendleton, George H Ohio ttPenuington, William N. J. aPerry, John J Me. «Pettit, John U Ind. Peyton, Samuel 0 Ky. Phelps, John S Mo. Porter, Albert G Ind. oPotter, John F Wis. Pottle, Emory B N. Y. Pry or, Roger A Va. abbVngh, James L Ala. Quarles, James M Tenn. Reagan, John H Texas. Reynolds, Edwin R N. Y. Reynolds, John H N. Y. Rice, Alexander H Mass. Riggs, Jetur R N. J. Robinson, Christopher R. I. Robinson. James C 111. Rovce, Homer E Vt. Ruffin, Thomas N. C. Rust, Albert Ark. Scott, Charles L Cal. Scranton, George W Penn. aSedgwick, Charles B N. Y. Sherman, John Ohio. Sickles, Daniel E N. Y^ Simms, William E Ky. aiSingleton, Otho R Miss. Smith, William Va. Smith, William N. II N. C. Somes, Daniel E Me. ai^SpauIding, Elbridge G N. Y^. Spinner, Francis E N. Y. Stall worth, James A Ala. Stanton, Benjamin. Ohio. Stevens, Thaddeus Penn. aStevens, Isaac I W. T. aStevenson, John W Ky. Stewart, James A Md. Stewart, William Penn. RESIDENCE IN WASHINGTON. National Hotel. Willards' Hotel. Mr. Hughes', 268 F st. No. 6 Louisiana av. No. 253 I St. Mrs. Joy's, corner 8th and La. av. Clay's Hotel. National Hotel. No. 532 12th St. Willards' Hotel. No. 400 4th street. Rugby House, corner 14tli and K sts. Mr. Potentini's, Pa. av., bet. 10th andUth. Brown's Hotel. Willards' Hotel. Brown's Hotel. Rugby House, corner 14th and K sts. Willards' Hotel. Willards' Hotel. No. 512 12th street. No. 409 13th St. No. 512 12th St. Mrs. Gibbons', 36 Missouri av. Brown's Hotel. No. 385 E St. National Hotel. Clay's HoteL Willards' Hotel. Willards' Hotel. Mr. Potentini's, Pa. av., bet. 10th and 11th. National Hotel. Brown's Hotel. No. 437 5th St. National Hotel. Willards' Hotel. National Hotel. Willards' Hotel. No. 512 12th St. Mrs. Hyatt's, 330 Penn. av. No. 325 north B st, Capitol Hill. 12th street, between E and F. National Hotel. National Hotel. No. 46 La. av. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 15 Alphabetical List of Repref^entatives. Stokes, William B Tenn. Stout, Lansing Oregon. «Stratton, John L. N N, J. Tappan, Mason W N. H. Taylor, Miles La. Thayer, Eli Mass. Theaker, Thomas C Ohio. aThomas, James H Tenn. • Tompkins, Cydnor B Ohio. aTrain, Charles R Mass. aTrimble, Carey A Ohio. 66Underwood, John W. H Ga. Vallandigham, Clement L.. Ohio. aVance, Zebulon B .N. C. iJVandever, William Iowa. Van Wyck, Charles H N. Y. Verree, John P Penn. «Wade, Edward Ohio. Waldron, Henry Mich. flWalton, E. P Vt. aWashburn, Cadwalader C.W^is. Washburne, Ellihu B Til- Webster, Edwin H Md. Wells, Alfred N. Y. Whiteley, William G Del. Wilson, James Ind. aWindom, William Minn. Winslow, Warren N. C. Wood, John Penn. aWoodrulF, John Conn, aWoodson, Samuel H Mo. Wright, John V Tenn. RESIDENCE IN WASHINGTON. No. 375 Penn. av. No. 42 Mo. av. Willards' Hotel. National Hotel. 2ist street, between G and H sts. H, A. Willard's, 14th st., bet. Pa. av. and F Mrs. Hyatt's, 330 Pa. av. Willards' Hotel. Washington Plouse. Rugby House, corner 14th and K sts. Willards' Hotel. Brown's Hotel. No. 6 La. av. Clarendon Hotel. No. 10 K St., between 8th and 9th sts. National Hotel. Willards' Hotel. Mrs. Carter's, No. 8 north A st. Washington House. Mrs. Joy's, corner 8th street and La. av. No. 400 4th St. No. 3G0 C St. Mrs. McAllister's, 4i, bet. La. av. and C st. Mrs. Tilley's, No. 74 Missouri av. No. 512 12th St. Washington House. Mrs. Harrison's, No. 62 Mo. av. Mrs. Nolan's, No. 215 F st. Clay's HoteL Willards' Hotel. Brown's Hotel, Brown's Hotel. 16 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Committees — House of Representatives. LIST OF STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE OF REPRE- SENTATIVES. Committee of Elections. (Room No. 4, First Floor.) Mr. John A. Gilmer, N. C. Henry L. Dawes, Mass. James H. Campbell, Pa. William W. Boyce, S. C. Gilman Marston, N. H. John W. Stevenson, Ky. Lucius J. Gartrell, Ga. John L. N. Stratton, N. J. Robert McKnight, Penn. Co'nmittee of Ways and Means. (Room No. 64, Second Floor.) Mr. John Sherman, Ohio. H. Winter Davis, Md. John S. Phelps, Mo. Thaddeus Stevens, Penn. William A. Howard, Mich. John S. Millson, Va. Justin S. Morrill, Vt. Martin J. Crawford, Ga. Elbridge G. Spaulding, N. Y. Committee on Claims. (Room No. 18, First Floor.) Mr. Mason W. Tappan, N. H. Charles B. Hoard, N. Y. John A. McCleruand, 111. Alfred Ely, N. Y. Sydenham Moore, Ala. E. P. Walton, Vt. Horace Maynard, Tenn. James T. Hale, Penn. John Hutchins, Ohio. Committee on Commerce. (Room No. 100, Third Floor.) Mr. EUihu B. AVashburne, 111. Edward Wade, Ohio. 'John Cochrane, N. Y. Thomas D. Eliot, Mass. Wm. N. H. Smith, N. C. James K. Moorhead, Penn. Lucius Q. C. Lamar, Miss. John T. Nixon, N. J. Sherrard Clemens, Va. Committee on rublic Lands. (Room No — , Third Floor. Mr. Ell Thayer, Mass, Owen Lovejoy, 111. Williamson R. W. Cobb, Ala, John Covode, Penn. John G. Davis, Ind. Carey A. Trimble, Ohio. William Vandever, Iowa. William Windom, Minn. J. R. Barrett, Mo. Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. (Room No. 29, First Floor.) ] I Mr. Schuyler Colfax, Ind. John Woodruff, Conn. John C. Burch, Cal. Green Adams, Ky. John B. Alley, Mass. Reuben Davis, Miss. James Craig, Mo. William Helmick, Ohio. M. Lindley Lee, N. Y. I CONGRESSIONvVL DIRECTORY. 17 CommiUees — House of Representatives. Committee for the District of Columbia. (Room No. 88, Third Floor. Mr. Luther C. Carter. N. Y. David Kilgore, Ind. Henry C. Burnett, Ky. Thomas J. Barr, N. Y. Roscoe Conkling, N. Y. George W. Hughes, Md. Sidney Edgerton, Ohio. William C. Anderson, Ky. John V. Wright, Tenn. Committee on the Judiciary. (Room No. 22, First Floor.) Mr. John Hickman, Penn. John A. Bingham, Ohio. George S. Houston, Ala. Miles Taylor, La. Thomas A. R. Nelson, Tenn. William Kellogg, HI. J. H. Reynolds, N. Y. Christopher Robinson, R, I. Albei't G. Porter, Ind. Committee on Revolutionary Claims. Mr. George Briggs, N. Y. Orris S. Ferry, Conn. Samuel S. Cox, Ohio. Zebulon B. Vance, N. C. James Jackson, Ga. R. Holland Duell, N. Y. Daniel C. DeJarnette, Va. William S. Holman, Ind. Reuben E. Fenton, N. Y. Committee on Viihlic Expenditures, Mr. John B. Haskin, N. Y. George W. Palmer, N. Y. Henry A. EJmunson, Va. John W. Killinger, Penn. Daniel E. Somes, Me. Thomas C. Hindman, Ark. John Wood, Penn. David Clopton, Ala. Philip B. Fouke, ni. Committee on Private Land Claims. Mr. C. C. Washburn, Wis Clark B. Cochrane, N. Y. William T. Avery, Tenn, William S. Kenyon, N. Y. George S. Hawkins, Fla. John W. Noell, Mo. John E. Bouligny, La. Samuel S. Blair, Penn. Thomas C. Hindman, Ark, Committee on Manufactures. Mr. Charles F. Adams, Mass. George W. Scranton, Pa. John McQueen, S. C. Shelton F. Leake, Va. Laban T. Moore, Ky. Ezra B. French, Me. W. McKee Dunn, Ind. Jetur R. Riggs, N. J. James B. McKean, N. Y. 18 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Committees — House of Representatives. Committee on Agriculture. (Room No. 17, First Floor.) Mr. Martin Butterfield, N. Y. John Carey, Ohio. William G. Whiteley, Del. William Stewart, Penn. John V. Wright, Tenn. Francis M. Bristow, Ky. Cyrus Aldrich, Minn. John C. Burch, Cal. Galusha A. Grow, Penn. Committee on Indian Affairs. (Room No. 12, First Floor.) Mr. Emerson Etheridge, Tenn. Samuel H. Woodson, Mo. Horace F. Clark, N. Y. Charles L. Scott, Cal. DeWitt C. Leach, Mich. Thomas M. Edwards, N. H. Cyrus Aldrich, Minn. John H. Reagan, Texas. Charles L. Beale, N. Y. Committee on Military Affairs. (Room No. 48, Second Floor.) Mr. Benjamin Stanton, Ohio. Samuel li. Curtis, Iowa. James Buffinton, Mass. Abraham B. Olin, N. Y. John J. McRae, Miss. George H. Pendleton, Ohio. Henry C. Longnecker, Penn. Alexander R. Boteler, Va. George W. Hughes, Md. Committee on the 3Iilitia. Mr. Cydnor B. Tompkins, Ohio. William Irvine, N. Y. Albert G. Jenkins, Va. Edwin H. Webster, Md. James M. Quarles, Tenn. Thomas Rutfin, N. C. Alfred Wells, N. Y. Thomas C. Theaker, Ohio. William E. Simms, Ky. Committee on Naval Affairs. (Room No. 51, Second Floor.) Mr. Freeman H. Morse, lue. Thomas S. Bocock, Va. Emory B. Pottle, N. Y. Warren Winslow, N. C. James Wilson, Ind. Jabez L. M. Curry, Ala. Charles B. Sedgwick, N. Y. J. Morrison Harris, Md. Edward McPherson, Penn. Committee on Foreign Affairs. (Room No. — , Third Floor.) Mr. Thomas Corwin, Ohio. Anson Burlingame, Mass. William Barksdale, Miss. Edward Joy Morris, Penn. Lawrence (3'B Branch, N. C. Homer E. Royce, Vt. W. Porcher Miles, S. C. Joshua Hill, Ga. .Tames Humphrey, N. Y. 19 Commitices — House of Representatives. Committee on Territories. (Room No. 23, First Floor.) Mr. Galuslia A. Grow, Peun. John J. Perry, Me. William Smith, Va. Daniel W. Gooch, Mass. Henry Waldron, Mich. John B. Clark, Mo. Charles Case, Incl. Clement L. Vallaudigham, 0. James M. Ashley, Ohio. Committee on Revolutionary Pent ions. (Room No. 90, Third Floor.) Mr. John F. Potter, Wis. John P. Verree, Penn. Burton Craige, N. C. Garnett B. Adrain, N. J. Benjamin F. Junkin, Penn. Elijah Babbitt, Penn. Charles Delano, Mass. James M. Leach, N. C. James H. Thomas, Teun. Committee on Invalid Pensions. (Room No. 91, Third Floor.) Mr. Reuben E. Fenton, N. Y. Stephen C. Foster, Me. Daniel E. Sickles, N. Y. Thomas B. Florence, Penn. William B. Stokes, Tenn. Francis W. Kellogg, Mich. Chapin Hall, Penn. Reese B. Brabson, Tenn. Charles D. Martin, Ohio. Committee on Roads and Canals. (Room No. 89, Third Floor.) Mr. Robert Mallory, Ky. W. McKee Dunn, Ind. Otho R. Singleton, Miss. John A. Gurley, Ohio. William Montgomery, Penn. Albert Rust, Ark. Orris S. Ferry, Conn. James M. Quarles, Tenn, Chapin Hall, Penn. Committee on Patents. (Room No. 19, First Floor.) Mr. William Milhvard, Penn. James A Stewart, Md. Alfred A. Buruham, (>onn. William E. Niblack, Ind. Augustus Frank, N. Y. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. (Room No. 26, First Floor. Mr. Charles R. Train, Mass. Charles L. Beale, N. Y. Lawrence M. Keitt, S. C. J. K. McKenty, Penn. Samuel 0. Peyton, Ky. Committee on Revisal and Unfinished Business. Mr. John A. Logan, 111. John J. Jones, Ga. William Howard, Ohio. Elijah Babbitt, Peun. Stephen C. Foster, Me. Committee on Accounts. (Room No. 10, First Floor.) Mr. Francis E. Spinner, N, Y. Jacob M. Kunkel, Md. Harrison G. Blake, Ohio. James H. Graham, N. Y. William Allen, Ohio. Committee on Mileage. (Room No. — , Third Floor.) Mr. John D. Ashmore, S. C. Charles H. Van Wyck, N. Y. Dwight Loomis, Conn. Thomas Hardeman, jr., Ga. James C. Robinson, HI. 20 CONGRESJSIONAL DIRECTORY. Committees — House of Representatives. Committee on Engraving. Mr (laraett B. Adrain, N. J. John Covode, Penu. William B. Maclay, ^. Y. Committee on Expenditures in the State Department. Mr. James B. McKean, N. Y. LausiMg Stout, Oregon. Thomas J. Barr, N. Y'. Peter E. Love, Ga. Heury L. Dawes, Mass. Committee on Expenditures in the Treasury Department. Mr. Dwight Loomis, Conn. James M. Quarles, Tenn. Alfred Wells, N. Y. James H. Thomas, Tenn. Charles R. Train, Mass. Committee on Expenditures in the War Department. Mr. William Stewart, Penn. Charles H. Larrabee, Wis. Cydnor B. Tomkins, Ohio. William C. Anderson, Ky. Justin S. Morrill, Vt. Committee on Expenditures in the Navy Department. Mr. Robert Hatton, Tenn. John W. H. Underwood, Ga. Samuel S. Blair, Penn. George VV. Hughes, Md. John Sherman, Ohio. Committee on Expenditures in the Post Office Department. (Room No. 24, First Floor.) Mr. George W. Palmer, N. Y. Elbert S. Martin, Ya. Laban T. Moore, Ky. J. M. Landrum, La. Benjamin Stantoo, Ohio. Committee on Expenditures on the Public Buildings. (Room No. 26, First Floor.) Mr. William D. Brayton, R. I. E. P. Wo 1 ton, Vt. Johr T. Harris, Va. Thomas A. R. Nelson, Tenn. Thomas L. Anderson, Mo. Joint Committee on the TAhrary. (Library Room.) Mr. John U. Pettit, Ind. Charles F. Adams, Mass. James L Pugh, Ala. Joint Committee on Printing. (Room No. 6, First Floor.) Mr. John A. Gurley, Ohio. JohnB. Haskin, N. Y'. William H. Dimmick, Penn. Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills. Mr. Thomas G. Davidson, La. Thomas C. Theaker, Ohio. CLERKS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE. Mr. French, Claims. Bassett, Ways and Means. Mendenhall, Post Of&ce and Post Roads. Nokes, Indian AfFairs. Upton, Naval Affairs. Poore, Foreign Affairs. Mr. Harrington, Commerce. Jones, Territories. Fletcher, Revolutionary Pensions. Daniels,. Accounts. Brandt/., Elections. Coombs, Military Affairs. Ilobbs, Judiciary. 21 LIST OF SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES, BY STATES, WITH THEIR POST OFFICES, AND COUNTIES COMPOSING EACH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. Maine — New Hampshire. NAMES. POST OFFICES. MAINE. SENATOKS. Lol M. Moirill Augusta. Wm. P. Fessenden... Portland. REPRESENTATIVES. Daniel E. Somes Biddeford John J. Perry .. Ezra B. French. Freeman H. Morse.. Stephen Coburn. Stephen C. Foster.. NEW HAMPSHIRE SENATORS. Danl. Ci«'trk Manchester. John P. Hale I Dover. Oxford Damariscotta. Bath . Skowhegaii, Pembroke CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. York, city of Portland, together with the towns of Scarborough, Cape Eliz- abeth, Westbrook, Gorhani, Standish, Baldwin, Naples, and Seebago. Franklin, Oxford, and part of Cum- berland county. The part of Lincoln lying on the east side of Kennebec river, together with the county of Waldo, except the Isl- and of Islesborough, North Haven, and Vinalhaveu. Kennebec, and the pnrts of Lincoln and Somerset lying west of the Ken- nebec river, and the part of Norridge- wock on the east side of said river. Penobscot and Piscataquis, and that portion of Somerset east of Kenne- bec river, except the town of Nor- ridgewock. Washington, Hancock, and Aroos- took, together with the towns of Vinalhaven, North Haven, and Isles- borough, in the county of Waldo. 22 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. New IIamp>{hi:-e — Vermont — 3Iassachusetts. liETRESENTATIVES. Gilirvan Marston.... Mason W. Tappan... Thomas M. Edwards. VEUMONT. POST OFFICES. Exeter.. . Bradford Keene ... Solomon Foot Rutland. Jacob Collaraer j Woodstock. REPRESENTATIVES. I E. P. Walton i Montpelier Justin S. Morrill Strafford. Homer E. Royce j East Berkshire MASSACHUSETTS SENATORS. Charles Sumner. Henry Wilson ... REPRESENTATIVES. Thomas D. Eliot. . .. James Buffinton ... Charles F. Adams .. Alexander II. Rice , Ausou Burling;ime.. John B. Alley. Daniel W. Gooch.. ., Charles R. Train..., Eli Thayer Charles Delano Hoary L. Dawes..., Boston. Natick. New Bedford Fall River. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. Rockingham, Stafford, Belknap, and Carroll. 2. Hillsborough and INIirrimack. 3. Coos.Grafton, Sullivan, and Cheshire. 1. Bennington, Rutland, Addison, and Washington. 2. AVindham, Windsor, Orange, and Caledonia. 3. Chittenden, Grand Isle, Franklin, Lamoil, Orleans, and Essex. Barnstable, Dukes, and Nantucket, and parts of Bristol and Plymouth. Bristol and Plymouth. Quincy \ 3. Parts of the counties of Norfolk, Middlesex, and Worcester. 4. Parts of Suffolk and Norfolk. 5. Part of Suffolk. 6. Essex. 7. Parts of Middlesex and Essex. 8. Parts of ^liddlesex and Worcester. 9. Part of Worcester. 10. Parts of Hampshire, Hampden, Franklin, and Worcester. 11. Berkshire, and parts of the counties of Franklin, Hampshire, and Hamp- den. Boston Cambridge Lynn Melrose Framinghara .. Worcester Northampton.. North Adams.. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 23 Bhode Island — Conneciicut — New York. RHODE ISLAND. SENATORS. James F. Simmons . Henry B. Anthony.. REPRESENTATIVES. Christ'r Robinson ... William D. Brayton POST OFFICES. CONNECTICUT. SENATORS. James Dixon L. F. S. Foster REPRESENTATIVES. Dwight Loomis John Woodruff. Alfred A. Burnhara Orris S. Ferry NEW YORK. SENATORS. Preston King, William H. Seward... Providence. Providence. Woonsocket. Warwick. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. Hartford. Norwich. Rockville ., New Haven Windham.., Norwalk. . Ogdensburg. Auburn, Cayuga county. 1. Bristol, seven-eighths of Providence county, and all of Newport except New Shoreham. 2. The western district contains the following : NewShoreham, Westerley, South Kingston, North Kingston, Charleston, Exeter, Richmond, Hop- kinton, Jamestown, East Greenwich, West Greenwich, Warwick, Coving- ton, Cranston, Johnston, Scituate, Foster, Gloucester, and Burrilville. 1. Hartford and Tolland. 2. New Haven and Middlesex. 3. New London and Windham. 4. Fairfield and Litchfield. 24 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. New York. NAMES. REPRESENTATIVES. Luther C. Carter. James Humphrey... Dauiel E. Sickles... Thomas .J. Barr Wm. B. Maclay John Cochrane George Briggs.... Horace F. Clark. John B. Haskin Chas. H. Van Wyck Wm. S. Kenyon Charles L. Beale Abraham B. Olin John H. Reynolds... James B. McKean... George W. Palmer... Francis E. Spinner... Clark B. Cochrane... POST OFFICES. Flushins: .. . Brooklyn New York New York New York , New York New York New Y'ork , Fordham Bloomingburg Kingston Kinderhook.... Troy Albany Saratoga Sp'g; Plattsburgh... Mohawk Schenectady .., CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. James H. Graham... Delhi , RoscoeConkling. | Utica R. HoUaud Duell....: Courcland Vil- i lage. M. Lindley Lee i Fulton Chas. B. Hoard ! Watertowti Charles B. Sedgwick' Syracuse , Martin Butterfield... Palm vi a Emory B. Pottle Naples, Uataiit county. Alfred Wells Ithaca.'. William Irvine Cornin.i 1. Suffolk, Queens, Richmond, and the towns of Bushwick, Flatbush, Flat- lands, Gravesend, New Utrecht, and New Lotts, in King's county. 2. The nine wards of city of Brooklyn. 3. 1st, 2d, 8d, 5th, and 8th wards in the city of New York, 4. 4th, Cth, 10th, and 14th wards in the city of New York. 5. 7th and 13th wards of the city of New York, county of New York, city of Williamsburg, and county of Kings. G. 11th, 15th, and 17th wards in city of New York. 7 9th, 16th, and 20th wards in city of "New York. 8. 12th, 18th, 19th, 21st, and 22d wards in city of New York. 9. Westchester, Rockland,and Putnam. 10. Orange and Sullivan. 11. Ulster and Greene. 12. Dutchess and Columbia. 13. Rensselaer. 14. City and county of Albany. 15. Washington, Warren, Saratoga, and Hamilton, 10. Essex, Clinton, and Franklin. 17. St. Lawrence and Herkimer. 18. Schoharie, Schenectady, Montgom- ery, and Fulton. 10. Ostego and Delaware. 20. Oneida. 21. Chenango, Broome, and Courtland, 22. Oswego and Madison. 23. Lewis and Jefl'erson. 24. Onondaga. 25. Cayuga and Wayne. 26. Yates, Ontario, and Seneca. 27. Tompkins, Chemung, Tioga, and Schuyler. 28. Steuben and Livingston. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 25 Neio York — New Jersey — Pennsylvania. NAMES. Alfred Ely Augustus Frank Edwin 11. Reynolds . E. G. Spaulding Reuben E. Feuton... NEW JERSEY. SENATORS. John R. Thomson.... John C. Ten Eyck... REPRESENTATIVES. John T. Nixon John L. N. Stratton. Garnett B. Adrain... Jeter R. Riggs William Pennington. PENNSYLVANIA. SENATORS. Simon Cameron William Bigler REPRESENTATIVES. Thomas B. Florence E. Joy Morris ».. John P. Verree William Mill ward.... Tohn Wood POST OFFICES. Rochester. Warsaw. ... Albion .... Buffalo Frewsburg Princeton. Mount Holly. Bridgeton Mount Holly... New Brunswick Patterson Newark Harrisburg. Clearfield. Philadelphia ... Philadelphia ... Philadelphia ... Philadelphia ... Conshohocken . CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 29. Monroe. 30. Genesee, Wyoming, and Alleghany. 31. Orleans and Niagara. 32. Erie. 33. Chatauque and Cattaraugns. 1. Atlantic, Cape May, Camden, Cum- berland, Gloucester, and Salem. 2. Burlington, Mercer, Ocean, and Mon- mouth. 3. Hunterdon, Warren, Somerset, and Middlesex. 4. Sussex, Morris, Passaic, and Bergen. 5. Essex, Hudson, and Union. 1. l8t, 2d, 3d, 4th, 7th, and part of the 5th wards of Philadelphia. 2. Part of the 5th, the 6th, 8th, 9th, and 10th wards of Philadelphia. 3. 11th, 12th, 16th, 17th, 18th, and part of the 19th wards of Philadelphia. 4. 13th, 14th, 15th, 20th, 24th, and parts of 19th, 21st, and 23d wards of Philadelphia. 5. Parts of 21st and 23d, and the 22d wards of Philadelphia, and Mont- gomery county. 26 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Pennsylvania — Delaware. John Hickman.. .. Henry C. Longnecker Jacob K. McKenty.. Thaddeus Stevens... John W. Killiuger... James H. Campbell. George W. Scranton Wm. H. Dimmick.... Galusha A. Grow.... James T. Hale Benj. F. Junkin Edward McPherson.. Samuel S. Blair John Covode Wm. Montgomery.... James K. Moorhead. Robert McKnight... William Stewart Chapin Hall Elijah Babbitt DELAWARE. SENATORS. James A. Bayard.... Willard Saulsbury... REPRESENTATIVES. Wm. G. Whitoley .... POST OFFICES. West Chester... Allentown Reading Lancaster Lebanon Pottsville Scranton Honesdale Glenwood Bellefonte New Bloomfield Gettysburg Huntington LockportStat'n Washington .... Pittsburg Pittsburg Mercer Warren Erie Wilmington. Georgetown. New Castle. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 6. Delaware and Chester. 7. Bucks and Lehigh. 8. Berks. 9. Lancaster. 10. Lebanon, Dauphin, Union,and Lower Mohoney township, in Northumber- land county. 11. Schuylkill and Northumberland, 12. Luzerne, Wyoming, Columbia, and Montour. 13. Northampton, Monroe, Carbon,Pike, and Wayne. 14. Bradford, Susquehanna, and Tioga. 15. Lycoming, Clinton, Centre, Mifflin, Potter, and Sullivan. 16. York, Cumberland, and Perry. 17. Bedford, Fulton, Franklin, Adams, and Juniata. 18. Huntingdon, Blair, Cambria, and Somerset. 19. Westmoreland, Armstrong, and In- diana. 20. Fayette, Greene, and Washington. 21. City of Pittsburg and that portion of Allegheny county lying south of the Allegheny and Ohio rivers. 22. Allegheny city and so much of Alle- gheny county as lies north and east of the Allegheny and Ohio rivers, and Butler county. 23. Beaver, Lawrence, and Mercer. 24. Warren, Venango,Clearfield, Clarion Jefferson, McKean, and Elk. 25. Erie and Crawford. State of Delaware. 27 Maryland — Virginia. NAMES. POST OFFICES. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. MARYLAND. SENATORS. James A. Pearce.... Anthony Kennedy.. REPRESENTATIVES. James A. Stewart .. Edwin H. Webster.. J. Morrison Harris. H. Winter Davis. Jacob M. Kunkel... George W. Hughes . VIRGINIA. SENATORS. James M. Mason.. Robert M. T. Hunter REPRESENTATIVES. M. R. H. Garnett... Chestertown, Kent county. Baltimore. Cambridge Belair.. .... Baltimore . Baltimore . Frederick . West River Winchester. Lloyds, Essex county. Loretto, Essex county. 1, Somerset, Worcester, Dorchester, Talbert, Queen Anne, and Caroline. 2. Carroll, Harford, Cecil, and Ktnt counties, and the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 6th, 6th, 7th, and 13th election dis- tricts of Baltimore county. 8. 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th wards of Baltimore city, and 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th election districts of Baltimore county. 4. 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th wards in the city of Baltimore. 5. Washington, Frederick, and Alle- gheny. 6. Calvert, St. Mary's, Prince George's, Anne Arundel, Howard, Montgomery, and Charles. 1. Middlesex, Westmoreland, Richmond, county, Essex, Northumberland, King and Queen, Lancaster, Glou- cester, Matthews, James City aiid Williamsburg, New Kent, York, Wp r- wick, Northampton, Accomac, Rad Elizabeth City. 28 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Virginia. NAMES. POST OFFICES. "Rrvwlinor (rrppTi Petersburg .... Thomas S. Bocock... Appomatox C. H. Shelton F. Leake .... Charlottesville Shepherdstown Sherrard Clemens ... Albert G. Jenkins... Green Bottom. 1 H'ry A. Edmundson. Salem, Roan- oke county. Elbert S. Martin..... t Lee C. H. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 2. Isle of Wight, Princess Ann, Nor- folk county and Norfolk city, Nanse- mond, Surry, Sussex, Southampton, Greensville, Prince Geojge, and Charles City. 3. Richmond city, Henrico, Chester- field, Goochland, Hanover, King William, Caroline, and Louisa. 4. Nottoway, Charlotte, Prince Edward, Cumberland, Powhatan, Amelia, Lu- nenburg, Mecklenburg, BrunsAvick, Dinwiddle, and city of Petersburg. 5. Appomatox, Campbell, Halifax, Pitt- sylvania, Henry, Patrick, and Frank- lin. 6. Albemarle, Bedford, Amherst, Nelson, Greene, Madison, Fluvanna, and Buckingham. 7. Spottsylvania, Alexandria, Fairfax, Fauquier, Prince William, Rappa- hannock, Culpeper, Stafford, and King George. 8. Hampshire, Page, AVarren, Clarke, Berkeley, Jefferson, Fredrick, Mor- gan, and Loudon. 9. Rockbridge, Augusta, Rockingham, Highland, Pendleton, Hardy, Shen- andoah, and Bath. 10. Marshall, Ohio, Brooke, Hancock, Wetzel, Tyler, Pleasants, Marion, Monongalia, Taylor, and Preston. 11. Lewis, Upsher, Harrison, Barbour, Randolph, Braxton, Doddridge, Ritchie, Gilmer, Wood, Wirt, Jack- son, Mason, Putnam, Kanawha, and Cabell. - 12. Botetourt, Craig, Roanoke, Mont- gomery, Allegheny, Monroe, Giles, Mercer, Greenbrier, Boone, Logan, Wyoming, Wayne, Fayette, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Raleigh, and Floyd. 13. Washington, Lee, Russell, Smyth, Grayson, Wythe, Carroll, Tazewell, Pulaski, and Scott. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 29 North Carolina — South Carolina. POST OFFICES. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. NORTH CAROLINA SENATORS. Thomas Bragg Thos. L. Clingman. REPRESENTATIVES. William N. H. Smith Raleigh Greensboro'.... Thomas Ruffin... Warren Winslow L. O'B. Branch Jno. A. Gilmer James M. Leach Burton Craige Zebulon B. Vance... S. CAROLINA. SENATORS. James H. Hammond Beech Island. James Chesnut Camden Raleigh. Ashville. Murfreesboro'. 1. Currituck, Camden, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Chowan, Gates, Bertie, Hertford, Northampton, Halifax, Martin, Washington, and Tyrrell. Goldsborough . 2. Wayne, Edgecombe, Green, Pitt, Le- noir, Jones, Onslow, Carteret,Craven, Beaufort, and Hyde. Fayetteville.... 3. Duplin, Sampson, New Hanover, Brunswick, Columbus, Bladen, Cum- berland, Robeson, and Richmond. 4. Wake, Johnston, Nash, Franklin, Orange, Warren, and Grandville. 5. Person, Caswell, Alamance, Guilford, Chatham, Randolph, Moore, and Montgomery. Lexington i 6. Rockingham, Stokes, Forsyth, David- j son, Davie, Iredell, Alexander, Ashe, Surry, and Yadkin. Cleveland, Catawba, Lincoln, Gaston, Mecklenburg, Union, Anson, Stanly, Rowan, and Cabarrus. Wilkes, Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, Rutherford, Yancey, Madison, Bun- combe, Henderson, Haywood, Jack- son, Macon, Cherokee, and Watauga. Salisbury. ......I 7. I Ashville REPRESENTATIVES. John McQueen....... Marlboro' 1. Lancaster, Chesterfield, Marlboro', Darlington, Marion, Williamsburgh, Georgetown, Horry, and All-Saints' parish districts-. 30 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. South Carolina — Georgia. NAMES. POST OFFICES. W. Porcher Miles... liawrence M. Keitt.. Orangeburgh Milledge L. Bonham John D. Ashmore... TjlUilaUUrU ••»• GEORGIA. SENATORS. Washington. Columbus. REPRESENTATIVES. Thomas ville.... Martin J. Crawford. Thos. Hardeman, jr. Lucius J. Gartrell... J. W. H. Underwood CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 2. City of Charleston, Goose Creek, St. Stephen's, St. John's, Berkley, St, James, Santee, St. Thomas, St. Den- nis, Christ Church, St. Andrew's, and James Island parishes. 3. Orangeburgh, Barnwell, Beaufort, and Colleton districts, and the parish of St. John's, Colleton. 4. Edgefield, Abbeville, Laurens, New- berry, and Lexington districts. 5. Anderson, Pickens, Greenville, Spar tanburg, and Union districts. 6. York, Chester, Fairfield, Richland, Kershaw, Sumpter, and Clarendou districts. 1. Appling, Bryan, Bulloch, Chatham, Camden, Clinch, CoflTee, Efiingham, Emanuel, Glynn, Irwin, Laurens, Liberty, Lowndess, Mcintosh, Mont- gomery, Tatnall, Telfair, Thomas, Wayne, and Ware. 2. Baker, Chattahooche, Terrel, Schley, Worth, Calhoun, Clay, Miller, De- catur, Dougherty, Dooly, Early, Lee, Macon, Marion, Muscogee, Pulaski, Randolph, Sumpter, Stewart, and Webster. 3. Upson, Pike, Spalding, Monroe, Bibb, Houston, Taylor, Talbot, Harris, Butts, and Crawford. 4. Campbell, Cobb, Coweta, De Kalb, Fayette, Fulton, Heard, Henry, Mer- riwether, Troup, and Carroll. 5. Polk, Paulding, Floyd, Cass, Catoosa, Cherokee, Gilmer, Haralson, Mur- ray, Fannin, Pickens, Whitfield, Gor- don, Walker, Dade, and Chatooga. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 31 Georgia — Alabama — Mississippi. NAMES. James Jackson , Joshua Hill. John J. Jones. ALABAMA. SENATORS. Benj. Fitzpatrick... C. C. Clay, jr EEPRESENTATIVES. James A. Stallworth James L. Pugh.. DfT'. a Clopton Sydenham Moore.... Geov'^e S. Houston.. W, R. W. Cobb .Tabe% L. M. Curry.. MISSISSIPPI. :rrfO'i Davis. J , Brown POST OFFICES. Athens... Madison. Waynesboro' Burke co. Wetumpka. Huntsville, Evergreen . Eufaula Tuskegee... Greensboro Athens Bellefonte. . Talladega.. Hurricane. Terry, Hinds county. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 6. Walton, Gwinnet, Forsyth, Lumpkin, Hall, Hart, Touns, Jackson, Haber- sham, Clark, Madison, Union, Rabun, and Franklin. 7. Wilkinson, Baldwin, Putnam, Jones, Jasper, Newton, Morgan, Greene, Washington, Hancock, and Twiggs. 8. Taliaferro, Wilkes, Oglethorpe, El- bert, Lincoln, Columbia, Richmond, Warren, Jefferson>Burke and Scriven. 1. Mobile, Clark, Conecuh, Washington, Marengo, Baldwin, Wilcox, Monroe, Dallas, and Choctaw. 2. Barbour, Dale, Butler, CoflFee, Henry, Pike, Lowndes, and Covington. 3. Montgomery, Chambers, Antauga, Macon, Russell, and Tallapoosa. 4. Bibb, Tuscaloosa, Sumpter, Green, Perry, Fayette, and Pickens. 5. Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Franklin, Morgan, Marion, Walker, and Hancock. 6. Marshall, Jackson, Madison, Blount, De Kalb, and Cherokee. 7. Coosa, Shelby, Talladega, Jefferson. St. Clair, Benton, and Randolph. 32 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Mississippi — Louisiana. POST OFFICES. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. REPRESENTATIVES. Lucius Q. C. Lamar. Reuben Davis William Barksdale . . . Otho R. Singleton... John J. McRae. Abbeville . , Aberdeen . Columbus . Canton State Line LOUISIANA. SENATORS. J. P. Benjamin. John Slidell REPRESENTATIVES. John E. Bouligny.., Miles Taylor. New Orleans. New Orleans. New Orleans..- Donaldsonville 1. Tishemingo, Tippah, Pontotoc, Mar- shall, Lafayette, Panola, De Soto, Tunica, and Coahoma. 2. Itawamba, Monroe, Chickasaw, Cal- houn, Yallabusha, Tallahatchie, Sun- flower, and Bolivar. 3. Lowndes, Noxubee, Oktibbeha, Choc- taw, Carroll, Attala, Leake, Winston, Neshoba, and Kemper. 4. Warren, Isaquina, Washington, Hinds, Holmes, Madison, Yazoo, Rankin, Scott, Newton, Smith, Jasper, Clark, and Lauderdale. 5. Adams, Wilkinson, Amite, Pike, Han- cock, Harrison, Jackson, Green, Wayne, Jones, Perry, Covington, Simpson, Lawrence, Marion, Frank- lin, Copiah, Claiborne, and Jefferson. 1. The parishes of Plaquemines, -'t. Bernard, and that portion of ihc parish of Orleans which lies on tlu right bank of the Mississippi, au( the said parish on the left bank be^ low Canal street in the city of So. Orleans, including said cit}- beV. . said street. 2. Upper portion of city of New 0)^ leans, commencing at Canal streei, and Jefferson, St, Churles, St. Jolm, St. James, Ascension, Astumption. Lafourche, Terrebonne, St. Martin and St. Mary parishes. 83 Louisiana — Ohio. 'homas G. Davidson Joira M. Landrura.. onio. SENATORS. Hen^arain F. Wade.. clmont, Monroe, Noble, and Guern- sey. 18. Stark, Portage, and Summit. 19. Cuyahoga, Geauga, and Lake. 20. Ashtabula, Trumbull, and Mahon- ing. 21. Jeiferson, Columbiana, Carroll, an(i Harrison. Ballard, Caldwell, Callow.'iy, Crit- tenden, Graves, Hickman, Hopkins, Livingston, Marshall, M(5Cracken, Trigg, Union, and Lynn. Breckenridge, Butler, Christian, Daviess, Grayson, Hancock, Hender- son, Muhlenburg, Ohio, and McLean. Allen, Barren, Hart, Logan, Mon roe, Simpson, Todd, >Va"iTen, and Edmonson. Boyle, Cumberland, Clinton, Adair, Casey, Taylor, Greene. Russell, Pulaski, Wayne, and Lincoln. Mercer, Anderson, Spencer, Bullitt, Hardin, Larue, Marian, AVashing- ton. Nelson, and Meade. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. « 35 Kentucky — Tennessee. NAMES. Green Adams.. Robert Mallory.... William E. Simms. Laban T. Moore John W. Stevenson. TENNESSEE. SENATORS. A. 0. P. Nicholson.. Andrew Johnson. ... REPRESENTATIVES. Thos. A. R. Nelson. Horace Maynard .... Reese B. Bradson. ... William B. Stokes... Robert Ilatton James H. Thomas... Jolm Y. WrijTht Barboursville. La Grange Paris Lousia Covin£?ton Columbia. Greenville. Jonesboro' ... Knoxville .... Chattanooga. Alexandria. .. Lebanon Columbia Purdy CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. G. Madison, Garrard, Rockcastle, Lau- rel, Whitley, Knox, Harlan, Letcher, Pike, Floyd, Jol)nson, Porry,OwsJcy, Eslil, Clay, and Breasliod. 7. City of Louisville, .lefi'orson, Shelby, Henry, and Oluham. 8. Scott, Franklin, AVoodward, .Tessa- mine, Fayette, Bourbon, Harrison, and Nicholas. 9. Batli, Ca]-ter, Clarke, Fleming, Greenup, Lav/rcnce, Lewis, Mont- gomery, Morgan, and -Mason. 10. Brjicken. Boone, Campbell, Galla.tin, Grant, Kenton, Pendleton, Owen, Trimble, and Carroll. 1. Johnston, Carter, Sullivan, Haw- kins, Hancock, Jefferson, Sevier, Cock, Green, and AYashington. 2. Knox, Granger, Clairborne, Camp- bell, Anderson, Scott, iMorgan, Fen- tress, and Overton. 3. Eradly, Bledsoe, Blount, Hamilton, ?darion, Mci\nnn, Monroe, Meiggs, ]*olk, Rhea, and Rhoane. 4. Smith, Macon, Jackson, AVhite, Van P.uron, Warren, Grundv, Coffee, ;iiid Do Kalb. 5. Rutherford, Cannon, AVilliamson, AVilson, and Sumner. 6. Lincoln, Franklin, Bedford, Mar- shall, and Maury. 7. Giles, Lawrence, Wayne, Hardin, IMcNary, Pei-ry, Decatur, Benton. Ilnmpliries, Hickman, and Lewis. 86 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Tennessee — Indiana. James M. Quarles... Emerson Etlieridf^e.. ■\Vm. T. Avery INDIANA. SENATORS Jesse D. Bright Graham N. Eitch..,. REPRESENTATIVES. Wm E. Niblack Wm. H. English Wm. M. Dunn Wm. S. Holman.. David Kilgore.... Albert G. Porter. John G. Davis.... James Wilson Schuyler Colfax.. Charles Case. John U. Pcttit. POST OFFICE? CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. Clarkesville. Dresden ^Memphis. .JelFersonville. Logansport. Vincennes Lexington Madison Aurora Muncietown ... Indianapolis... Rockville Crawfordsville South Bend,... Fort Wayne.... Wabash 10. Davidson, Robertson, Montgomery, Stev/art, Dickson, and Cheatham. Carroll, Dyer, Gibson, Henderson, Henry, Lauderdale, Gbion, Tipton, and Weakley. Shelby, Fayette, Hardeman, Madi- son, and Haywood. 1. Poesy, Vanderburg, Gibson, Knox, Davis, Pike, Warrick, Spencer, Du- bois, and jMartin. 2. Scott, Clark, Floyd, Washington, Harrison, Orange, Crawford, and Perry. 3. Munroe, Lawrence, Brown, Jackson, Bartholomew, .Jennings, Jefferson, and Switzerland. 4. Dearborn, Ohio, Franklin, Eush, Decatur, and Ripley. 5. Faj^ctte, Union, AVayne, Henry, Del- avfare, and Randolph. • 6. Shelby, Hancock, Marion, Johnson, Morgan, and Hendricks. 7. Vermillion, Parke, Yigo, Putnam, Clay, Sullivan, Owen, and Green. 8. Tippecanoe, WaiTcn. Fountain. Mont- gomery', Boone, Clinton, and Carroll. 9. Miami, Cays. Yv'hite, Benton, Jasper, Pulaski, Fulton, Marshall, Starke, Lake,Porter,Laporte,and St. Joseph. 10. Elkhart, Lagi\ange, Steuben, Kosci- usko, Noble, De Ivalb, AVhitley, and Allen. 11. Adams, Blackford, Grant, Hamilton, Howard, Huntington, Jay, Madison, Tipton, Wabash, and AVells. 87 Illin 0 is — 3fts s 0 nri. NAMES. ILLINOIS. SENATORS. Stcplicn A, Douglas. Lyman Trunibuli. ... IlErrvESENTATIVES. Elliliu B. Yv'aslibunie Jolm r. Farnsworth Owen Lovcjoy ♦Villiam Kellogg Isaac N. Morris John A. McClernand James C. Eobinson.. Philip B. Fouke John A. Logan MISSOURI. SENATORS. Truston Polk James S. Green. POST OFFICES. Chicago. Alton. Galena St. Charles. Princeton... Canton Quincy Springfield. Marshall.... Belleville . Benton, St. Louis, Canton. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. Jo Daviess, Carroll, Stephenson, Ogle, V/innebago, Boone, McHenry, and Lake. 2. Cook, Da Page, Kane, De Kalb, IjCC, Whitcsides, and Ilock Island. 3. Kendall, Will, Grundy, Kankakee, ]i-o([uois. La Salle, Buvenu, Putnam, Livingston, ?JcLn!)o, Do "Witt, Cham- paign, and Vennillion. 4. IMcrcer, Warren, Knox, Henry, St:)rkc, Marshall, Woodford, Taze- AVcU, Jdason, Fulton, and Peoria. 5. Adams, Brown, Callioun, Haucock, Henderson, Pike, and Scluiylcr. G, Morgan, Sangamon. Menard, Cass, Scott, Green, Jerj-ey, Macoapin, Montgomery, Cl:risti;;ii. and Siiolby. 7. Lawrence, llicldaud, Clay, .Jasper, Crawford, Clark, Cum1)erland, Ef- fingham, Fayette. Coles, Edgar, IMoultrie, ]Macon. PiaTt, and Logan, 8. jNIadiso!!, St. ('lair, lUouroe, F^an- dolph, 'Washington, .Jefferson, Ma- rion, Bond, and Clinton. y. Wa];,-.sli, Edward«, V.'ayne, Hamil- ton, White, Gallatin. Saline, Frank- lin, Williamson, .lohnson, Hardin, Pope, ^lassac, Pulaski, Alexander, Union, Jackson, and Perry. 88 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Missouri — Arkansas. NAMES. rOST OFFICES REPRESENTATIVES. J. Richard BiiiTett. Thomas L. Anderson John B. Clark. James Craig. Samuel 11. Woodson. John S. Phelps. John. W.Noell. ARKANSAS. SENATORS. Wm. K. Sehaslian. Robt. W. .Johasnn... St. Louis. Palmyra . Fayette St. Joseph, Independence Springfield. Perry viile Helena. I'iueBluffi^. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. City and County of St. Louis. 2. Audriaii, Boone, Calaway, Lincoln, Marion, Monroe, Montgomery, Pike, Ralls, St. Charles, and Warren. 3. Lewis, Clark, Scotland, Schuyler, Putnam, Mercer, Grundy, Livings- ton, Carroll, Chai-iton, Howard, Randolph, Linn, Sullivan, Adair, Knox, Shelby, and Ivlacon. 4. Andrew, Atchison, Buchanan, Cald- well, Clay, Clinton, Davis, De Kalb, Gentry, Harrison, Holt, Nodaway, PLitte, and Ray. 5. Benton, Cass, Cole, Cooper, Plenry, Jackson, Johnson, Lafayette, Miller, Moniteau, Morgan, Pettes, and Saline. 6. Barry, Barton, Bates, Camden, Ce- dar, Dade, Dallas, Douglass, Gas- conade, Green, Hickory, Howell, Jasper, Laclede, Lawrence, Mc- Donald, Maries, Newton, Oregon, Osage, Ozark, Polk, Pulaski, St. Clair, Stone, Taney, Texas, Vernon, Webster, and Wright. 7. Franklin, Washington, Crawford, Dent, Shannon, Reynolds, Ripley, Butler, Wayne, Bollinger, Stoddard, Dunklin, Pemiscott, Ncav Madrid, Mississippi, Scott, Cape Girardeau, Madison, Perry, St. Genevieve, Jef- ferson, St. Francois, Iron, and Phelps. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 39 Arkansas — ilichigan. NAMES. REPRESENTATIVES. Tlios. C. Ilindraan. Albert Rust MICHIGAN. SENATORS. Zachariali Chanrller. Kinsley S. Bingham. POST OFFICES. Helena. Little Rock, Detroit. Kensincrton REPRESENTATIVES. William A. Howard Detroit. Henry Waldron Francis W. Kellogg. DeWitt C. Leach Hillsdale Grand Rapids. Lansinn: CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. 1. Benton, jMadison, Washington, Crawford, Johnson, Franklin, New- ton, Carroll, iMariou, Searcy, Van Burcn. I'ope, Izzard, Fulton, Con- way, White, J;ickson, Independence, Lawrence, Ilaiidolph, Green, St. Francis, Poinsett, Mississippi, Crit- tenden, and Piiilllps. 2. Union, Culhoun, Bradley, Ashley, Drue, Arkansas, Desha, Chicot, Monroe, Prairie, Jefferson, Pulaski, Saline, Perry, Scott, Yell, Sebastian, Polk, Montgomery, Hot Springs, Dallas, .Clark, Pike, Sevier, Hemp- stead, Lafayette, Columbia, and Ouachita. and 1. Wayne, "Washtenaw, Jackson, Livingston. 2. Monroe, Lenawee, Hillsdale, Branch, St. .Joseph, and Cass. 3. Calhoun, Kalamazoo, Van Buren, Berrian, Eaton, Barry, Allegan, Clinton, Ionia, Kent, Ottawa, Mount Calm, and Newyago. 4. Oakland, ?>Iacomb, St. Clair, Huron, Sanilac, Lapeer, Ingham, Genesee, SluaAv;issee, Saginaw, Tuscola, Mid- land, Schoolcraft, Ontonagon, IMack- inaw, Houghton, Chippewa, and all otlirr unorganized counties not in- cluded in the 3d district. 40 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Florida — Texas. NAMES. POST OFFICES. CONGRESSIONAL DISTEICTS. FLORIDA. SENATORS. D. L. YuTce.... S. 11. Mallory REPRESENTATIVE. George S. Hawkins. TEXAS. SENATORS. Lewis T. Wigfall Joim W. Hemphill.. REPRESENTATIVES. John H. Reagan Andrew J. Hamilton Homassassa. Pensacola. Pensacola. ]\LarshalL Austin. Palestine Austin, State at large. Anderson, Angelina, Bowie, Cass, Cherokee, Collin, Cooke, Dallas, Denton, Fanning, Grayson, Harri- son, Henderson, Hopkins, Houston, Hunt, Jasper, Jefferson, Kaufman, Lamar, Liberty, Nacogdoches, New- ton, Orange, Panola, Polk, Red River, Rusk, Sabine, San xVugustine, Shelby, Smith, Titus, Tyler, Up- shur, Van Zant, and Wood. Galveston, Harris, Montgomery, AValker, Madison, Grimes, Washing- ton, Leon, Robertson, Brasos, Bmde- son. Freestone, Limestone, Navai-ro, Henderson, McLennan, Falls, Bells, Williamson, Milan, Matagorda, Wharton, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Bastrop, Travis, Burnett, Calhoun, Victoria, Jackson, Goliad, Dewitt, Lavaca, Gonzales, Gaudalupe, Cald- well, Haj-s, Comal, Cameron, Hidal- go, Starr, Webb, Nueces, San Pa- tricio, Refugio, Kenney, Bexar, Gillespie, Medina, Walde, Fayette, Colorado, Austin, ElPasso, Presidio, Tarrant, and Ellis. a Iowa — Wisconsin. NAMES. POST OFFICES. COXORESSIONAL DISTRICTS. TOW A. SENATOIiS. James Harlaji James W. Grimes ... INIt.. Pleasant. Burlington. RP.PRESKNTATIVKS. Samuel R. Cui'tis.... 1 . Adair, Adams, Appanoose, Audubon, Cass, Clarke, Dallas, Davis, Deca- tur, Des Moines, Fremont, Gutlirie, Harrison, Henry, Jasper, Jefierson, Keokuk, Lee, Louisa, Lucas, Me- liaska, Marion, xMadison, Mills, Monroe, Montgomery, Page, Polk, Pottawatomie, llinggold, iShelby, Taylor, Union, Van 13uren, Wapello, William Vandever.., Dubuque. WISCONSIN. SENATORS, I James R. Doolittle..| Racine. Kenosha. Alamakee, Benton, Black Hawk, Boone, Bremer, Butler, Buchanan, Buncombe, Buena Vista, Cedar, Cer- ro Gordo, Chickasaw, Crawford, Clayton, Clinton, Clay, Cherokee, Calhoun, Carroll, Delaware, Du- buque, Dickinson, Emmet, Fayette, Floyd, Franklin, Greene, Grundy, Hardin, Howard, Hancock, Ida, Iowa, Jones, Johnson, .Jackson, Kossuth, Linn, Marsliall, Mitchell, Monona, Muscatine, Osceola, O'Brien, Palo Alto, Pocahontas, Plymouth, Scott, Sac, Story, Sioux, Tama, Webster, Winnesheik, Wright, Worth, Winnebago, and Woodburjr. C. Durkee , REPRESENTATIVES John F. Potter East Troy 1, ]\Iilwaukie. Waukesha, Racine, and Kenosha Walworth, 42 CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Wisconsin — California — 31i7in esota — Oregon. C. C. Washburn, C. H. Larrabee. CALIFORNIA. SENATORS. Wm. M. Gwin Milton S. Latham BEPRESENTATIVES. Charles L. Scott. John C. Burch . . MINNESOTA. SENATOES. Henry M. Rice. .. M. S. Wilkinson .. REPRESENTATIVES. POST OFFICES. Mineral Point, Cyrus Aldrich .. .. William Windom. OREGON. SENATORS. Joseph Lane E. D. Baker REPRESENTATIVE. Lansing Stout Horicon. San Francisco Sacramento. Sonora . Weaverville St. Paul. Mankato, Chatfield. Winona .. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. Salem. Salem. Portland. 2. Adams, Bad Axe, Burnett, Buffalo, Clark, Chippewa, Crawford, Dane, Douglas, Eau, Claire, Dunn, Grant, Green, Iowa, Jackson, Juneau, La- fayette, La Crosse, La Point, Ma- rathon, Monroe, Pierce, Polk, Por- tage, Richland, Rock, Sauk, St. Croix, Tremp d'leau, and Wood. 3. Brown, Calumet, Columbia, Dodge, Door, Fond du Lac, Jefferson, Shawanaw, Kewaunee, Manitowoc, Marquette, Oconto, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Sheboygan, Washington, Waupacca, Waushara, Winnebago. 1. State at large. 2. State at large. 1 . State at large. 2. State at large. 1. State at large. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 43 Neiv Mexico — Utah-— Washington — Kansas — Nebraska. POST OFFICES. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. NEW MEXICO. • DELEGATE. Miguel A. Otero Albuquerque. UTAH. • DELKGATE. William 11. Hooper.. Great Salt Lake City. WASHINGTON. DELEGATE. Olympia. KANSAS. DELEGATE, Marcus J. Parrott... Leavenworth City. NEBRASKA. DELEGATE. S. G. Daily Peru, Nehema county. CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Officers of the House of Representatives. OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. William Pennington, Speaker of the House of Representatives, No. 258 I st. Tliaddeus Morrice, Speaker's Messenger, No. 519 K st. J. W. Forney, Clerk House of Representatives, J. D. Hoover, cor. I and 15th. P. B. Hayes, Chief Clerk, National Hotel. .J. M. Barclay, Assistant Clerk, No. 263 I st. Daniel Buck, Assistant Clerk, corner 5th and E sts. John Bailey, Assistant Clerk, No. 28 north A street, Capitol Hill. T. DeKalk Harris, Assistant Clerk, 56 Mo. av. G. W. Pearce, Asbistant Clerk, Mrs. Joy's, corner 8th and La. av. Isaac Strohni, Assistant Clerk, Mrs. Speir's, No. 275 Penn. av. W. K. Mehaifey, Assistant Clerk, No. 56 Missouri av. J. B. Sheridan, Assistant Clerk, corner 9th and D sts. J. C, Walker, Assistant Clerk, E street, between 2d and 3d sts. R. U. Sherman, Assistant Clerk, No. 297 F st. R. J. Bennett, Assistant Clerk. G. N. Beale, Assistant Clerk, Montgomery County. Md. P. B. Tompkins, Assistant Clerk, Miss AVilliams', No. 379 Pa. av. John Bussing, xVssistant Clerk, Klotz's, corner 9th and D sts. G. H. Chapman, Assistant Clerk, No. 473 13th st. J. R. Briggs, Assistant Clerk, Mrs. Joy's, corner 8th and La. av. William Averill, Assistant Clerk, corner 8th and La. av. C. C. Chaifee, Librarian House of Representatives. J. W. Jones, Chief Messenger, No. 879 Pennsylvania av. Frederick Emerich, Messenger, Virginia avenue, bet. 4th and 5th sts. Wein Forney, Messenger. A. J. Swartz, Messenger in Library in the Hall of the House. Jacob A. Shindel, Messenger, E street, between 14th and 15th sts. S. A. Power, Messenger, No. 46 Louisiana av. D. A. McElhone, Folder of Documents, St. Charles Hotel. A. R. Parker, Topographer House of Representatives, No. 514 M st, George Chipman, Clerk, No. 402 Penn. av. R. Prentice, Clerk, No. 600 N st. James Peacock, Clerk, Clay's Hotel. G. C. Baker, Clerk. J. P. Allyn, Clerk. Willards' HoteL CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 45 Officei-s of the House of Representatives. fsaac Entwisle, Engineer of the He.ating Department, 7th street east, between North Carolina avenue and C street south. Joseph Mansfield, Fireman, 7th street east, bet, N. C. av. and C street south.