Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library MOMENTS WITH ART C^e^. Copyright, By A. C. McClurg & Co. A.D. 1899. ^■/Vi ./ >. fr /Wv ,s f * SO*. I 3) -*»v I*? 04 J. W. D. I 194650 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. For permission to use poems in this col- lection, the compiler wishes to thank Mrs. E. S. P. Ward, Miss Dickinson, Miss Marie van Vorst, Mr. T. B. Aldrich, Rev. Dr. Henry Van Dyke, Prof. Richard Burton, Mr. William Allen Butler, Mr. A. R. Macdonough, Mr. C. M. Sciple, and Rev. Frank W. Gunsaulus. Poems by Mrs. Elizabeth S. P. Ward, Emma Lazarus, Mrs. Deland, Edgar Fawcett, James Russell Lowell, E. R. Sill, E. C. Stedman, Henry W. Longfellow, W. W. Story, and Oliver Wendell Holmes, are used by per- mission of and by special arrangement ,with Messrs. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Thanks are also due the following authors and their publishers : — Messrs. Cassell & Co., Magazine of Art : J. M. Templeton, J. F. Sullivan, and Sir Joseph Noel Paton. Cassell Publishing Co. : Helen Gray Cone. The atfenotoleKgment. viii Century Co. : Mrs. F. E. Coates, Mrs. A. W. Brotherton, Mrs. Bessie C. Parker, Richard Watson Gilder, Kenyon Cox, S. Weir Mitchell, and R. R. Bowker. Messrs. Dodd, Mead & Co. : Austin Dobson and Hamilton W. Mabie. Messrs. Harper & Brothers: Mrs. A. A. James, Mrs. Minna C. Smith, Mrs. ’Harriet L. Bradley, Marrion Wilcox, and Hon. John Hay. The Independent: Mrs. L. W. Reese, John Lane, William Watson. Leslie’s Weekly : Wm. H. Hayne. Messrs. Little, Brown & Co. : Mrs. Louise C. Moulton, Susan Coolidge, and Sir Edwin Arnold. Messrs. Macmillan & Co. : Chris- tina Rossetti and Matthew Arnold. G. P. Putnam’s Sons : Augusta Lamed. J. E. P. D. Brooklyn, N. Y., October, 1899. CONTENTS After Albert Cuyp .... After Ruysdael After Teniers ...... After Watteau Andrea del Sarto “ Angelo, thou art the Master ” Anthony of Padua .... Antinous of the Vatican . . ^ Any Sculptor to Any Model S. Weir Mitchell^ A ustin Dobson . Robert Brozvning Richard W. Gilder Harriet L. Bradley Owen Innsly . . . J. A ddington Symonds Apollo, and Venus of Medici, The James Thomson Ars Servatrix Henry Norman T. B. Aldrich . William Watson Florence Earle Coates PAGE J°5 80 46 90 126 193 32 114 Sonnet on Briton Riviere’s Painting 22 183 14 169 182 198 William Watson . 47 Ascending Magdalen, by Ribera, Michael A ngelo . 60 The Minna C. Smith . 54 Before the Picture of the Baptist, Robert Leighton . 153 by Raphael William Wordsworth *5° Before Titian’s Portrait of Himself Minna C. Smith . i37 Christ Blessing Little Children Christ, The (suggested by the Sir Edwin A mold 177 Pictures of Tissot) . . . Martha G. Dickinson 61 Richard Burton 48 Corot’s Orpheus Cradle Tomb in Westminster A ugusta Lamed . * 42 Abbey, The Daniel’s Answer to the King. Susan Coolidge . . * 92 F. W. Gunsaulus . . 173 X Contents, Discouraging Model, A . . . . Dutch Picture, A Easter in Florence Engraving, after Murillo, An . . Epitaph on Sir Godfrey Kneller . EurydicetoOrpheus(by Leighton) Extemporaneous Lines on a Por- trait of Lady Montagu, by Kneller Face, A Femme Inconnue of the Louvre “ Fini^ Coronat Opus ” . . . . Flight into Egypt, The .... For “The Wine of Circe,” by Burne-Jones ^ Four Pictures by Burne-Jones . Fra Angelico Fra Lippo Lippi Gospel of Art, The Hiram Powers’ Greek Slave . . Holy Family, by Michelangelo . Hour in a Studio, An (F. L.) . . Household Art In an Artist’s Studio .... In an Atelier In the Court of the Lions : by Moonlight ....... Individuality Ivory Miniature, An Last Supper, The (by Leonardo) Lepage’s Joan of Arc .... Lines to a Stupid Picture . . . Lines written on the Roof of Milan Cathedral .... Lion of Lucerne, The .... Madonna Madonna, The Madonna and Child Madonna of Dagnan-Bouveret, A Madonna of Fra Lippo Lippi, A Magdalen of the Dresden Gal- lery, A . PAGE J. Whitcomb Riley . 19 Henry W. Longfellow 47 Lord Houghton . . 149 Marrion Wilcox . . 119 Alexander Pope . . 188 Robert Browning . . 62 Alexander Pope . . 169 Robert Browning . . 23 Kenyon Cox . . . . 12 1 R. R . Bowker . . . 199 Henry Van Dyke . . 125 D. G. Rossetti . . . 148 y. A ddington Symonds 88 Sir yoseph Noel Pat on 102 Robert Browning . . 154 Kenyon Cox .... 13 E. B. Browning . . 176 D. G. Rossetti . . . 103 Richard W. Gilder . 18 1 Austin Dobson . . . 117 Christina Rossetti . . 87 T. B. Aldrich ... 94 Louise C. Moulton . . 115 Sidney Lanier ... 21 Helen Gray Cone . . 33 William Wordsworth 99 Helen Gray Cone . . 104 Austin Dobson . . . 106 y. A ddington Symonds 44 Edgar Fawcett . . . 19 1 Lizette W. Reese . . 195 Emily H. Miller . . 46 Alice Archer yames . 112 Robert U. yohnson . 86 Richard W. Gilder . 141 A. R. Macdo?iough . 174 Contents. XI PAGE Mater Dolorosa William H. Hayne . i5 Meissonier • Edgar Fawcett . . . 43 Michael Angelo Henry W. Longfellow 116 122 Michael Angelo’s Slave . . • >> ft >» Richard W. Gilder . 176 Michael Angelo’s Studio . . . Henry W. Longfellow 59 Michelangelo’s Moses .... William Watson . . 135 Milan (Da Vinci’s Christ) . . . S. Weir Mitchell . . 151 Millais’ Huguenots Anonymous ...» 184 Millet and Zola Lord Houghton . . 100 Near Amsterdam (after Cuyp) . S. Weir Mitchell y . . 123 ,^New Colossus, The Emma Lazancs . - 136 Old and New Art D. G. Rossetti . . . 187 Old Picture-Dealer, The . . . Edmund C. Stedman 54 Old Pictures in Florence . • . Robert Browning . . 67 On a Head of Christ, by Quintin Matsys Bessie C. Parker . . 3i On a Portrait of Dante, by Giotto James Rtissell Lowell 113 On a Portrait of Wordsworth, by B. R. Haydon E. B. Browning . . 52 On a Surf-Rolled Torso of Venus E. Lee Hamilton . . 196 On Beethoven composing “The Moonlight Sonata” (by Benj. Constant) 141 On Diirer’s Melencolia .... William Watson . . 102 On Raphael’s Archangel Michael E. Lee Hamilton . . 142 Our Lady of the Rocks (by Da Vinci) D. G. Rossetti . . . 172 Passtum John Hay .... 36 Parthenon by Moonlight, The Richard W. Gilder . 108 Pathos of Art, The Sir Lewis Morris . . 179 Perfection William Watson . . 30 Pictor Ignotus Robert Browning . . 49 Picture at Newstead, A . . . Matthew A mold . . 37 Pictures Sir Lewis Morris . . 189 Poet expresses his Feelings re- specting a Portrait in Delia’s Parlor, The Robert Southey . . . 53 Portia’s Picture ...... William Shakespeare 196 Portrait by Burne-Jones, A . . Marie van Vorst . . 192 Portrait d’une Dame Espagnole (Fortuny) 124 XU Contents, PAGE Portrait, The D. G. Rossetti . • • U5 Recognition Martha G. Dickinson 30 Romney’s Remorse Lord Tennyson . . . 143 ^