yt^> , ; j 7 Univ.of 111. Library 52 /~2 S~( l ■ UR INTENTION is to present each of our customers with a copy of this catalogue. When we say a copy we mean one copy. The only possible condition under which a duplicate copy may be had is upon payment of three dollars ($3.00), which approximates the actual cost of the book. Positively no exceptions will be made to this rule. HIS IS THE most prominent page in this book. On this page we have a very important suggestion to make. We have spent a great deal of time and a great deal of money in the production of this catalogue. We have corrected prices up to date of issue. We have not spent our time and money for the en- joyment we get out of seeing our name in print. We have published this catalogue for the convenience of the man we send it to. We want him to know what we carry in stock, and we want him to know the price of the things he wants to order. We believe every man we send it to will appreciate it. If he appreciates it, as he is justified in appreciating it, he is bound to do four things. FIRST: He will write and tell us so. SECOND: He will keep the book up to date by noting changes of prices as they occur. THIRD: He will appreciate that the firm that compiles and prints and presents him with a book like this must have the stock and service to back it up. FOURTH: He will use this catalogue when he orders goods, and demonstrate his appreciation by sending his orders here. He simply can’t send them anywhere else and get the same stock or service or satis- faction. THIRD EDITION M. F. PATTERSON’S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF Dental Furniture, Instruments AND Materials. REVISED AND ENLARGED, All former Price Lists and Catalogues are hereby cancelled. M. F, PATTERSON, DENTAL DEPOTS: ST, PAUL, MINN,, Ryan Building, Seventh and Robert Streets. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN,, Medical Block, Second Floor, 608 Nicollet Avenue, MILWAUKEE, WIS,, Goldsmith Building, \ 41 Wisconsin Street, DES MOINES, IOWA, 216 Fifth Street. 1901 MURDOCH-KERR PRESS, PITTSBURGH. DENTAL DEPOT. 5 INTRODUCTION* ♦*1 ^ EARLY three years have elapsed since we published our second Cata- li+1 logue, and in producing the third edition we hope to keep abreast of the times, and produce a book which shall present all the articles needed in practicing Dentistry. Remarkable changes (especially in prices) during that time have been the immediate cause of the appearance of the third edition; but not the least is the long list of new goods which have become staple. This being especially applica- ble to Electric Appliances, which are a necessity in the modern equipped Dental Office. In our four Depots we are carrying the largest and best assorted stock of Dental goods to be found in the western country. Our constantly increasing business forces us to seek new and larger quarters, and new methods for the bet- ter and quicker handling of same. We are carrying a larger and better assorted stock than ever, and constantly adding new goods upon appearance of same. We pride ourselves upon the quick returns made in our shipping department, and our endeavor is to get goods to our customers by the first train possible. Our stock and service warrant the best and quickest returns to be made of any Depot in the West. Our Tooth Department is especially equipped to fill the most difficult cases. Our stock and service will warrant us in saying that we cannot be excelled, or equaled, in this most particular part of the business. As we carry all the various grades of goods no especial mention is made of quality, any further than is indicated by the price, and we will say that, price considered, no better goods can be obtained. Thanking you for past favors we trust our efforts shall meet your approval and we will receive your liberal patronage in the future. Respectfully, M. F. PATTERSON. M. F. PATTERSON : 6 SUGGESTIONS FOR ORDERING. IS EASIER to order goods here than any place we know of. We have no rules about orders. All we want a customer to do is to tell us what he wants in as few words as he can — in as plain English as he is master of. If we know what he wants he will get what he wants. Write name, town, county and state on every order. Address These are orders only to the firm. Suggestions. In referring to former orders, give date as nearly as pos- sible. Tell us how goods are to be sent. Never enclose an order in a package and always have sender’s name on packages. It is as important for packages to. bear sender’s name as our name. Terms. Accounts will be opened with responsible persons subject to conditions that govern any ordinary business house. Those conditions are proper evidenee of responsibility in the form of reference, etc. Upon monthly balances paid by the ioth of the month we allow a discount of 2 per cent, on all goods except precious metals. In the absence of account being opened in regular form, cash Cash must accompany all orders. Discounts. For spot cash the prices in this catalogue are subject to the following discounts: Three per cent, on bills up to $25.00. Five per cent, on bills from $25.00 to $100.00. Ten per cent, on bills over $100.00. Remittances should be made by drafts on New York or Chicago, or in the form of express or post office money orders. Goods will be send C. O. D. to strangers only upon receipt of a sufficient amount to guarantee good faith. Responsibility. When goods leave our hands they become the property of the purchaser. We assume no responsibility for safe delivery. Our responsibility ends with the exercise of all possible care in packing, addressing and forwarding. Goods are forwarded by mail at the sole and exclusive risk of the purchaser. Our terms for precious metals are strictly and absolutely spot cash. DENTAL DEPOT. 7 % TOOTH DEPARTMENT. E HAVE a reason for devoting the first part of this catalogue to our Tooth Department. Our Tooth Department is the first part of our business. It is the most important part. It is the one particular feature of our business we have nursed and patted and hammered into shape until to-day there isn't a better or a more complete tooth department in the United States than our tooth de- partment. We are proud of it. If we knew any way to improve it we would change it. There simply isn't any way. M. F. PATTERSON, 8 Porcelain Teeth* We handle the product of five different tooth factories. Our stock of each make is just as complete as if we carried but one make. Dentists sending tooth orders here are more likely to get just what they want than if the order goes to the factory. The reason for this is perfectly ob- vious. We are not interested in pushing the sale of any one brand of teeth. It is our business to send a customer just exactly what his order calls for. If he specifies a Justi tooth he will get nothing else. If he sends a sample for shade that he wants duplicated we know the make to send him. We have the choice of five lines of, teeth. We couldn’t very well get along with any less. If we could we wouldn’t want to. The teeth we sell vary in prices. We have the markets of the world to choose from. We honestly believe Justi and White and Ash and Sibley and Thompson teeth are the best teeth selling at Justi and White and Ash and Sibley and Thompson prices. Each is the best of its class. The illustrations used are our own. They do not refer to any particular make of teeth. Any make of teeth may be ordered from them. Justi, White, Ash and Sibley each make shade guides. We wish every dentist had all four of them. If a man orders a Justi tooth from a White shade guide he isn’t as sure of results as if he had used a Justi shade guide. The same thing ap- plies to Sibley’s teeth. In ordering always specify whether gum or plain, vulcanite or plate teeth are desired. PRICE LIST OF TEETH. H. D. Justi & Son’s. Gum Sections Retail. $ 0.15 $25.00 Lots. $ 0.14 $50.00 Lots. $0.13^ $100.00 Lots. $0.1214 $300.00 Lots. $0.nl4 Gum Plate and Rubber 15 .14 • 1314 . 12^2 .1154 Plain Rubber and Plate 14 •13 . 12 ^ • Ill4 .iol4 Flat Back, Long Pin, Plain and Gum 15 .14 • 13/4 • 1214 .nl4 Plain Plate and Rubber, Hand Stained. . . . 25 •23 .22 .20 .18 Gum Teeth, Hand Stained '. . . 28 .26 •25 •23 .21 Allen’s Continuous Gum 14 .13 . 1 2j4 • nl4 • iol4 Gum Rubber Teeth Gideon Sibley's* Each. $25.00 Lots. $0.0914 $50.00 Lots. $ 0.09 $100.00 Lots. $ 0 . 08 14 Plain Rubber Teeth . .10 •0914 .09 .0814 Gum and Plain Plate Teeth . . • 09 F 2 .09 . 08 14 (Short Pins) Flat Back and Long Pin Teeth . .12 .iiJ4 .11 .ioj4 Thompson Dental Manufacturing Single Sets, Gum or Plain : n : P >♦ w .$ 1. 15 23 Sets . . 25.00 48 Sets 100 Sets Above prices subject to our usual cash discounts. DENTAL DEPOT. 9 Price of Teeth. — Continued. S. S. White Dental Mfg> Company. PLAIN TEETH. SHORT PINS. Each. $25 Lots. $50 Lots. $ J 00 Lots. $300 Lots. Plain Rubber Plain Plate Celluloid Countersunk Pin Cavity Stoppers, with Pins . . Continuous Gum GUM TEETH. Gum Sectional Gum Rubber, Single Gum Plate LONG PIN TEETH. Flat Back, Gum and Plain. .. Bicuspid and Molar Facings Lower Fronts - Bicuspids and Molars, both Plate I and Saddle-back J CROWNS. Logan, one Pin Logan, two Pins Cusp Wood Pivot MISCELLANEOUS. Plain Hand-Stained and Smokers’ Teeth.... Perforated Molars and Bicuspids, Gum Sec- tional Perforated Molars and Bicuspids, Plain Cavity Stoppers, without Pins... Diatoric Porcelain Inlays Porcelain Inlays, Lots of ioo . . Porcelain Inlay Rods Miniature Sets 14 .13 .1214 . 11^4 .10 14 14 •13 . 12/4 .11 34 .iol 4 15 .14 •I3P2 .1214 .ii }4 .15 .14 . 13^4 . 12^4 •n >4 .60 •57 •55 .52 .50 65 .62 .60 .57 •55 .14 •13 .1234 . n T A .1034 .06 •05M .05P2 •05 .0434 .25 .23 .22 .20 .18 ,12^4 • nj 4 .11 .10 .09 .06 .05 24 •05P2 •05 •° 4/4 .06 •0524 .05^2 •05 .0414 •05 .04 .08 .60 C. Ash Each. Flat, for Metal Plate Crown and Bridge Work .17 Vulcanite (double-headed Pins). .14 Pinless (for Vulcanite Work), Set 14 1.00 Tube Teeth and Tooth Crowns. . .25 New Shade Ring free with all quanti : Son's. $10 Lots. $25 Lots. $50 Lots. $100 Lots. .16^4 .16 • 15 .14 .1 3 J A • 13 .1234 .12 •95 .90 .85 •75 .24 .23 .22 .20 lots of Ash & Son’s teeth. Cavities in Artificial Teeth. A good many dentists drill their own cavities. A good many more prefer to have us drill them. We have this part of our business down to a fine art. We have never heard of the gold coming out of a cavity we have prepared. Cavities should be drilled before plate is made. It insures better results. We are not overly particular about it but that is our preference. Cavities in artificial teeth, each 25 cents. J a . 10 £ t 'T' M <-> »*-i *0= o - be 43 C 0 • rj 2 « . - to S o 1 “ 43 in Two Sections. Upper, Sets of 4, in One Section. 30 M. F. PATTERSON, Chart of Gum Sections, Partial* — Continued. Order any make of teeth from these illustrations. Upper, Sets of 3, Centrals and Lateral, in One Section. DENTAL DEPOT. 31 Chart of Gum Sections, Partial-Continued. Order any make of teeth from these illustrations. Upper, Sets of Two, in One Section. 32 M. F. PATTERSON, Chart of Plain Teeth for Rubber Work* Order any make of teeth from these illustrations. Upper, Incisors and Cuspid. Each Cut represents the Half of a Set of Six. The above cuts show the approximal, labial, and lin- gual faces of a Superior Rub- ber Central ; the side views giving the position of the headed pins, the length of bite and of the ridge , and the curve of the labial face. Plain nlate and bridge teeth may be ordered from above. The moulds shown will convey a , general idea as to size and form desired. DENTAL DEPOT. Chart of Plain Teeth for Rubber Work.— Continued. Order any make of teeth from these illustrations. Upper, Incisors and Cuspid. Each Cut represents the Half of a Set of Six. general idea as to size and form desired. 34 M. F. PATTERSON Chart of Plain Teeth for Rubber Work*- -Continued. Order any make of teeth from these illustrations. Upper, Incisors and Cuspid. Each Cut represents the Half of a Set of Six. Plain plate and bridge teeth may be ordered from above. The moulds shown will convey a general idea as to size and form desired. DENTAL DEPOT. 37 Chart of Plain Teeth for Rubber Work* — Continued. Order any make of teeth from these illustrations. Lower, Incisors and Cuspid. Each Cut represents the Half of a Set of Six. The above cuts show the approximal, labial, and lingual faces of an Inferior Rubber Central ; the side view giving the position of the headed pins, the length of bite and of the ridge , and the curve of the labial face. Plain plate and bridge teeth may be ordered from above. The moulds shown will convey a general idea as to size and form desired. 3 M. F. PATTERSON Chart ot Plain Teeth for Rubber Work.— Continued. Order any make of teeth from these illustrations. Upper, Bicuspids and Molars* Each Cut represents the Half of a Set of Eight. Plain plate and bridge teeth may be ordered from above. The moulds shown will convey a general idea as to size and form desired. DENTAL DEPOT. 39 Chart of Plain Teeth for Rubber Work. — Continued. Order any make of teeth from these illustrations. Upper, Bicuspids and Molars. Each Cut represents the Half of a Set of Eight. Plain plate and bridge teeth may be ordered from above. The moulds shown will convey a general idea as to size and form desired. Chart of Crowns. Veneers or Facings for Bridge Work. 40 M. F. PATTERSON, A Detachable tooth is what hundreds of dentists were endeavoring to invent for years. It was known that the only way to rid crown and bridge work of its difficulties and imperfections was by some method in which the porcelains would not be subjected to heat, and repairs could be made without removing the bridge from the patient’s mouth. The detachable tooth was conceded to be this method. In extreme cases, when specially good results were to be obtained, dentists made detachable teeth, but at great expense. Since the advent of the Mason Detachable Tooth, crowns and bridge work have been placed upon a sound and sure basis. As the porcelains are not- heated, they cannot check or go off shade. Each and every porcelain can be easily slipped on and off the bridge while in the patient’s mouth. They won’t budge until you want them budged, then it is easy and simple to do it. Any good dentist can do good work with the Mason Detachable Tooth. It is not a radical departure from the old way in the sense that a dentist must unlearn that which he already knows. The Mason method is more simple, if anything. The same tools and the same knowledge are all that’s, needed. It’s less trouble, sure in results, less expensive, pleases patients, and makes better workmanship possible. No dentist who values his time, wants to make money, or is anxious to do the very best work, can afford not to use the Mason Detachable Teeth. Illustrated Catalogue and little booklet free, for the asking. DENTAL DEPOT. 41 42 M. F. PATTERSON, Mason's Detachable Porcelains* — Continued. 61 62 57 67 55 86 84 87 71 85 72 9:J DENTAL DEPOT. 43 Mason's Detachable Porcelains. — Continued. 44 M. F. PATTERSON, Mason’s Detachable Porcelains. — Continued. DENTAL DEPOT. 45 Mason's Detachable Porcelains. Mason’s facings, each $o 50 A GOOD THING! Have you tried Mason’s Stop-out Material FOR GENERAL LABORATORY WORK? Sample free for the asking. Price, 15c per box. It is indispensable to Dentists for preventing solder from entering where not needed. Absolutely unshrinkable and insures perfect manipulation of Mason's Detachable Porcelains. Prices. Gold Backings. 75c. Class. Nos. 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 24, 49, 52, 54, 57, 61, 63, 85, 86, 88. $1.00 Class. Nos. 3, 4, 6, 7, 13, 20, 21, 23, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 50, 55, 56, 59, 81. $1.25 Class. Nos. 16, 18, 19, 22, 26, 27, 28, 43, 44, 46, 53, 60, 62, 71, 74, 83, 84. $1.50 Class. Nos. 17, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 45, 47, 48, 75. $1.75 Class. Nos. 34, 35, 72, 90, 92. Matinum Backings. 35c Class. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 49, 50, 54, 55. 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 81, 85, 86, 88, 52. 50c Class. Nos. 16, 17, 18, 21, 27, 28, *29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 53, 62, 71, 73, 74, 75, 83, 84. Nos. 34, 35, 72, 90, 92. 60c Class. 46 M. F. PATTERSON, Tools which Facilitate the Working of Mason Detachable Teeth. Fig. i, shows a fine three-cornered file for reducing size of dovetail when necessary — See Fig. B B. Fig. 2, shows a Barrett file, used for enlarging the opening of groove in backing — See Fig. A A. Fig. 3, shows a fine three-cornered file for making the opening in cusps — See Fig. 7. Fig. 10 shows Anvil for straightening backings that may become warped in soldering. Fig. 3 . Plyers No. 1, are for holding backing — See Fig. 8. Plyers No. 2, showing cross section at jaws, gives a ready means of removing dovetail and inlay from backing, without injury to any part of bridge or crown — See Fig. 9. Fig. 8. While no special tools are necessary for doing crown and bridge work by the Mason method, we recommend these files and plyers, which will greatly facilitate the work. You will also find these tools very useful in your general laboratory work. DENTAL DEPOT. 47 Minutes Instead of Hours* If for no other reason, the ease with which re- pairs are made to crown and bridge work should be sufficient inducement for a dentist to adopt the Mason method. You know the trouble you have to contend with in the old method. It’s just this way. A porcelain breaks in a patient’s mouth, and he comes to you to have it repaired. You take out the bridge, attach a new porce- lain, and fasten the bridge in the patient’s mouth again. Perhaps it takes you three hours, per- haps a day. You have had a lot of bother, wasted your time and caused your patient pain. The Mason method is just the reverse of all this. It takes minutes where the old method takes hours. A broken porcelain can be removed and another porcelain put on in fifteen to thirty minutes. You do not have to disturb the bridge, nor do you cause the least pain to your patient. You save yourself annoyance, and you save your time. If you are not familiar with the Mason system and will let us know, we will send you a little booklet that will explain it to you. 4S M. F. PATTERSON, The Improved Logan Tooth Crown. A good many people have tried to make a porcelain tooth crown to compete with the Logan crown, but no one has ever succeeded. The reason no one has ever succeeded is simply because the Logan crown can’t be improved. It is easier to set the Logan crown than any other and when it is set, and set properly, it stays set. Our stock of Logan crowns is one of the features of our tooth department. We make a specialty of them. The crown is molded with the interior of the base around the pin hollowed out, so that when mounted the retaining material shall extend inside of the crown instead of forming a joint at its junction with the root, thus carrying the line upon which the leverage is exerted nearer to the point upon which the biting force is applied, and pro- viding room for a considerable body of the retaining material instead of a thin disk as in ordinary crowns, reducing the liability to fracture to the minimum. The pin, in the incisors, cuspids, and bicuspids, is a stout, tapering double-T shaped platinum post, which extends outside of the crown three-eights of an inch. It can be split, for two rooted bicuspids, or shortened when necessary. The molars are made with two square pins, grooved on all four sides. One of these is for the palatal root, the other for either of the buccal roots, as may be most convenient. The posts can be filed smaller for special cases, or nicked if desired to afford a stronger hold in the retaining material, though this will usually be unnecessary, as their shape was designed specially to give the strongest hold possible. Cross-Section of a Cent- tral Incisor, showing the position of the pin in the root. Dr. Ottolengui's Method of Mounting the Logan Crown. The canal of the root to be crowned is opened up to the proper depth with a twist drill, and then with a root-reamer, corresponding to the size of the pin, is enlarged to fit the pin along its whole length, and so hold the crown firmly independently of the cement. With a root-facer a labial slope is given to the root-end, so that the crown neck shall fit under the edge of the gum. The cuts show the method and its result, and the cross-section shows how the cement encases the pin. DENTAL DEPOT. 49 Logan Crowns* Upper, Incisors and Cuspids. 50 M. F. PATTERSON, Logan Crowns* — Continued. Upper, Incisors and Cuspids, Lower, Incisors and Cuspids. DENTAL DEPOT. Logan Crowns. — Continued. Upper, Bicuspids and Molars. M. F. PATTERSON, Logan Crowns* — Continued. Upper, Bicuspids and Molars. DENTAL DEPOT. 53 The Sibley- Wilmington Teeth. Made by Gideon Sibley. Chart of Gum Sections, Upper, Sets of 14. See Prices on Page 8. 4 54 M. F. PATTERSON, The Sibley- Wilmington Teeth v — Continued. Made by Gideon Sibley. Chart of Gum Sections, Upper, Sets of J4, See Prices on Page 8. DENTAL DEPOT. 55 The Sibley- Wilmington Teeth * — Continued. Made by Gideon Sibley. Chart of Gum Sections, Upper, Sets of 14. See Prices on Page 8. ,6 M. F. PATTERSON, The Sibley- Wilmington Teeth. Made by Gideon Sibley. Chart of Gum Sections, Upper, Sets of J4. See Prices on Page 8. DENTAL DEPOT. 57 The Sibley- Wilmington Teeth, — Continued. Made by Gideon Sibley. Chart of Gum Sections, Upper, Sets of 14. See Prices on Page 8. M. F. PATTERSON, The Sibley- Wilmington Teeth ♦ — Continued. Made by Gideon Sibley. Chart of Gum Sections, Upper, Sets of 14. See Prices on Page 8. 300 287 306 307 DENTAL DEPOT. 59 The Sibley- Wilmington Teeth* — Continued. Made by Gideon Sibley. Chart of Gum Sections, Lower, Sets of \A. See Prices on Page 8. M. F. PATTERSON, The Sibley- Wilmington Teeth. — Continued. Made by Gideon Sibley. Chart of Plain Teeth for Rubber Work. Upper Incisors and Cuspid. See Prices on Page 8. DENTAL DEPOT. (>l The Sibley- Wilmington Teeth. — Continued. Made by Gideon Sibley. See Prices on Page 8. Chart of Plain Teeth for Rubber Work. Upper Incisors and Cuspid. 62 M. F. PATTERSON, The Sibley- Wilmington Teeth. — Continued. Made by Gideon Sibley. Chart of Plain Teeth for Rubber Work. Upper Incisors and Cuspid. See Prices on Page 8. The dash (thus — ) under the mould number, as shown above and on next page, indicates that it is a “Wilmington ” mould ; and will be found on all teeth, as well, now made from these moulds. DENTAL DEPOT. 63 The Sibley- Wilmington Teeth, — Continued. Made by Gideon Sibley. Chart of Plain Flat Back Teeth for Metal Plate and Crown Work, Upper Incisors and Cuspid, See Prices on Page 8. G4 M. F. PATTERSON, The Sibley- Wilmington Teeth* — Continued. Made by Gideon Sibley. Chart of Plain Flat Back Teeth for Metal Plate and Crown Work. Upper Incisors and Cuspid* See Prices on Page 8. DENTAL DEPOT. 65 DENTAL FURNITURE* & R furniture department has grown as our business has grown. We don’t just take orders from pic- tures in books. We have the stock right here on our floor. Before a dentist invests a lot of money in a chair he ought to know what he is buying. If he comes to us he can find out. We have all the different kinds side by side on our floor. We know all about them. We are not prejudiced. 66 M. F. PATTERSON, The New Columbia Dental Chair* Made by The Ritter Dental Mfg. Co. Highest Position. Lowest Position, 20 inches. Highest Position, 38 inches. The base of this chair is made so that the oil is contained in a single casting seven inches deep, with no openings in sides or bottom, so leakage is impossible. To remove the oil, release the lever of the rotating lock, and then lift up the whole upper part of the chair, telescope tubes and all ; the oil will remain in the lower base casting, free to be removed as desired. This construction is new. DENTAL DEPOT. 67 The New Columbia Chair* Made by The Ritter Dental Mfg. Co. Anaesthetic Position* The New Columbia Dental Chair combines such self-evident advantages and manifest simplicity with great strength and beauty, it is the admiration of customer and competitor alike. It presents all correct ideas, and especially avoids freak mechanisms so often in- troduced as novelties, but without practical value, and gives the dentist an article which for convenience, attractiveness, strength and comfort to patients is unexcelled. G8 M. F. PATTERSON, Description of the New Columbia Dental Chair* The mechanism for raising and lowering consists of an oil pump, by means of which oil is pumped out of the base of the chair, which serves as a reservoir, into a tube in which a rod is closely fitted by means of leather washers. The pump is operated by pressing the foot down on the long, main lever shown near the base of the chair; a spring inside always returns the lever to the upper position after each stroke. N The oil entering the tube at the bottom and under the closely-fitted rod, pushes the rod upward, and thus raises the chair. To lower it, press the foot on the small lowering lever; this opens a valve, and allows the oil to flow out of the tube back into the reservoir. This simple device produces an easy and quiet movement, and avoids complicated appli- ances used in other chairs. To revolve the chair, release the small lever, a portion of which shows just back of the lowering lever. The chair can then be turned entirely around, if necessary, and the levers will all turn with it. The body is carefully balanced, and can be tilted to any position, and held by means of the lever shown projecting from under the seat. The child’s foot-rest is shown folded into the front plate (See page 66), an when swung out, it is in operative position. The pivoted extension on the adult foot-rest is illustrated fully extended ; when not required, it can be turned back in to the space between the main frame. The telescoping tubes which guide the chair body up and down require no oiling, owing to the construction, embodying a rolling contact, instead of a broad, frictional surface, producing the easy movement, great neatness and great strength, for which the New Columbia is so well known. The rolling contact in the New Columbia enables us to produce a very rigid construction, and in seven years’ use has never shown the least wear. The arms may be detached when desired, or they may be reversed, turning the convex portion next to the patient, allowing the operator to stand closer to the patient. On the left arm provision is made for fastening a spittoon. Table and bracket attachment, or fountain spittoon, can be fastened under- neath the seat. The back frame is pivoted to the chair body, and can be adjusted forward to a vertical position, or backward below a level with the seat, as shown in the anaesthetic position, and can be locked in any position. When adjusted forward and the arms reversed as explained, it makes a very comfortable child’s seat. The upholstered back is hinged at the upper part to a vertically sliding frame, and allows the lower end to be moved forward to support the small of the patient’s back. The hand wheel on the back frame locks the upholstered back at any desired height. The lever above the hand wheel controls the various positions of the head-rest. See page 78 for description of the Ritter Plain and Sectional head-rests. The operator, standing at the side of the chair, has full control over all the levers ; raising and lowering, or rotating can all be accomplished without stepping to the back. The main lever makes a convenient foot-rest. If you want a chair which will answer every requirement, be a convenience to yourself and a comfort to your patients, choose the New Columbia. PRICES OF CHAIRS. Best Quality Mohair Plush, with Wilton Carpet $150.00 Plain Maroon Leather and Wilton Carpet 150.00 Finest Green or Maroon Plush, with Wilton Carpet 155.00 Green or Maroon Seal Leather, with Wilton Carpet 157.00 In Cane 150.00 Ritter Sectional head-rest, as shown on page 78, adds ten dollars ($10) to above prices. DENTAL DEPOT. G9 The New Columbia Dental Chair, showing its medium position, also complete suspen- sion of the Direct or Alternating Current Dental Engine and position of Controller when ready for use. 5 70 M. F. PATTERSON, The Favorite Dental Chair* Made by The Ritter Dental Mfg. Co. With Sectional Head Rest* We make this chair in two heights, No. i and No. 2. The range of the No. 1 Favorite chair is from 18 inches, lowest position, to 35 inches, highest position The range of the No. 2 Favorite chair is from 16 inches, lowest position, to 38 inches, highest position. The lowest position of the chair when tilted back is 12 inches. DENTAL DEPOT. 71 The Favorite Dental Chair* Made by The Ritter Dental Mfg. Co. The Favorite Dental Chair has been constructed on lines very similar to the New Columbia, embodying all of our latest improvements. The flat disc base, first introduced by us, is sufficiently large to support the chair without screwing to the floor, and in no way interferes with the operator. Above the disc is the reservoir for the oil, which, being made all of one piece, without holes through it, makes it impossible for the oil to leak. The cylinder is fitted into the tank and made to rotate and carry all of the levers with it, and by pushing the corrugated lever near the bottom of the cylinder to the left with the foot, the cylinder may be locked at any desired point. The levers are always ready for use, and in the same relative position to the top. 72 M. F. PATTERSON, The Favorite Dental Chain — Continued. For the principle used in raising and lowering the chair, see the description of the oil pump used in our New Columbia Chair, as they are the same. This is a guarantee in itself, as the splendid success of this feature of the Columbia is well known. In raising and lowering the chair, the patient is hardly conscious of its moving, it runs so smoothly and quietly. This is accomplished by means of the guiding arrangement inside of the tube and cylinder. The outer guide tube has four polished and ground sur- faces that slide in an adjustable ring in the base. The balance of the tube is finished in enamel and handsomely decorated. The inner guide tube is a polished and ground tube which slides through an adjustable ring in the top of the outer guide tube. The adjustment rings embody the easiest adjustment known, and are for the purpose of taking up any play that may be in the chair base. By simply turning the rings they put an even amount of adjustment on all the sides. We use no keys for preventing the tubes from turning, as keys always wear loose and are unsatisfactory, but we have an arrangement inside that guides the tubes up and down and holds them from turning, and will never wear, as it lubricates itself with the raising of the chair. The pump is bolted to the bottom of the cylinder. By opening the rotary lever, the cylinder can be bodily raised from the tank, and there being no bottom in the cylinder, it is easy to inspect the pump, or any working part, without removing from their places. The body of the chair is tilted the same as the New Columbia. The child’s foot-rest and the adult’s extension foot-rest are the same as in the New Columbia. The arms are adjustable in any position that could posssibly be desired, up or down, to or from the patient, at any angle to the back, or reversed and hung beside the seat frame and locked into any desired position by the small lever beside the seat frame, as shown in the illustration. With this arrangement it is not 'necessary to remove the arm from the chair, and it is always there when you want to use it. The back frame is pivoted to the chair body, and can be adjusted forward to a vertical position, or backward to a level below the seat to form the anaesthetic position. The back is supported by a curved bar, which locks automatically, and it is impossible for the back to slip. The upholstered back is attached in the same manner as in the New Columbia. The hand-wheel, that locks the back extension slide, extends through a slot in the back, and is connected to the slide and serves to help in raising the back. Description of our head-rests will be found on page 78 of this book, or pages 10 and 11 of our 1900 catalogue. PRICE LIST. Favorite Chair No. 1, range from 18 to 35 inches. Best Quality Mohair Plush, with Wilton Carpet # $150.00 Plain Maroon Leather and Wilton Carpet 150.00 Finest Green or Maroon Plush, with Wilton Carpet 155.00 Green or Maroon Seal Leather, with Wilton Carpet 157.00 In Cane 150.00 Favorite Chair, No. 2, range from 16 to 38 inches. Best Quality Mohair Plush, with Wilton Carpet $165.00 Plain Maroon Leather and Wilton Carpet 165.00 Finest Green or Maroon Plush, with Wilton Carpet 170.00 Green or Maroon Seal Leather, with Wilton Carpet 172.00 In Cane 165.00 Ritter Sectional Head Rest adds ten dollars ($10.00) to above prices. The Favorite Chair will be ready for delivery about Jan. 1, 1901. Limited space prevents our showing the Favorite chair in the anaesthetic position, but we would refer you to page 67, where you will see this position in the New Columbia Chair. DENTAL DEPOT. 73 The Sibley Dental Chain Highest Position, 4 \ inches from the floor* Lowest Position, 18 inches from the floor* Patented March 6, 1900. No. 644,640. No. 644,641 No. 644,642 No. 644,643 No. 644,644 Other Patents Pending. The raising and lowering of the Chair is by a strictly hydraulic principle, without the use of a single ratchet, clamp or other such device. Its vertical range of from 18 inches, the lowest, to 41 inches, the highest position — the greatest range known in Dental Chairs — • is easily, quickly, and noiselessly secured without any supplemental lifting attachment or the need of projecting through the floors. The Chair revolves on its base, carrying all levers with it, where they are always within easy reach of operator. Oil Tank is cast solid with the base, hence no leakage is possible. A self-renewing Oil Cushion causes the Chair to sink the last two inches so softly that you can’t tell when it stops. The back adjustment is such that it cannot “drop,” and thus terrorize patients. The “Dual” Lever controlling Head Rest is so constructed that its vertical movements are secured without changing the position of the pads, besides other desirable features not elsewhere found. PRICES. First Quality Maroon Plush, “Plain” Head Rest $165.00 “ Plain Leather “ “ 165.00 n Sealskin, “ “ 172.00 u Maroon Plush, puffed and trimmed with Silk Cord, “Plain” Head Rest 185.00 “ Embossed Leather, puffed and edged with Cord, “Plain” Head Rest 195.00 With the Sibley. “Sectional” Head Rest, as shown in illustrations, addi- tional 10.00 See illustration of new Arm Adjustment on page 86. 74 M. F. PATTERSON, New Model Wilkerson Chair* The New Model Wilkerson Chair at its lowest position is 18 inches from the floor, and from that point has a vertical range of 22 inches, to its extreme height of 40 inches. The Chair is elevated, lowered, clamped and rotated by the same foot lever, which in the old style Wilkerson serves only to raise the chair. PRICES. In Finest Maroon or Green Plush $200.00 In Crimson Plain Turkey Morocco 200.00 In Maroon French Finish Leather 200.00 In Sealskin 207.00 In Finest Green or Maroon Plush, puffed with Plush, trimmed with Silk Cord, with Wilton Carpet 220.00 In Crimson Embossed Turkey Morocco, puffed with Plain Morocco, edged with Cord, with Carpet to match 230.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 75 PRICES. Wilkerson Dental Chair* Most dentists know what the Wilkerson Chair is. It has been in use for about 21 years. No one has ever found any very serious fault with it. At the reduced price, it is undoubtedly the best chair for the money made to-day. The illustration shows the disk base pat- tern, with sectional head rest, described in detail on page 79. The Chair is also made with leg base and regular head rest. The prices are for the Chair as shown, with regular instead of sectional head rest. Lowest Highest Position Position Low-base, . . 20 inches 28 inches Medium-base, .23 “ 34 “ High-base, . . 26 “ 40 “ In Finest Green or Maroon Plush, Crimson Plain Turkey Morocco or Leather, French Finish Leather or Cane $125.00 In Sealskin • • I3 2 - 00 In Finest Green or Maroon Plush, puffed with Plush, trimmed with Silk Cord, with Wilton Carpet M5-00 In Embossed Turkey Morocco, Crimson, puffed with Plain Morocco, edged with Cord, with Carpet to match I55- 00 Fancy upholstery made to order only. Watkins Sectional Head-Rest (see page 79), instead of regular Head-Rest, adds $10.00 to these prices. The High-Low Wilkerson* The High-Low Wilkerson Chair is almost identical in appearance with above illustration. Its range is materially greater, being acquired by inserting portion below base into the floor. The base of the High-Low Wilkerson at its lowest point is 20 inches, while its highest positions are 37, 39 and 41 inches, depending upon the depth of beam beneath floor of office. In Finest Green or Maroon Plush, Crimson Plain Turkey Morocco' or Leather, French Finish Leather or Cane $135.00 In Sealskin 142.00 In Finest Green or Maroon Plush, puffed with Plush, trimmed with Silk Cord, with Wilton Carpet 155.00 In Embossed Turkey Morocco, Crimson, puffed with Plain Morocco, edged with Cord, with Carpet to match 165.00 Watkin’s Sectional Head-Rest adds $10 to these prices. Chair Oil* The oil we supply for Wilkerson Chairs is prepared especially for Wilkerson Chairs. It will stand any variation in temperature without gumming. Z l / 2 pints for the Wilkerson Low-Base Chair or 3 pints for medium base $1.00 4 “ “ “ High “ or 9-in. High-low Chair, or Pedal Lever. .. 1.25 5 “ " “ n-in. “ or 13-in. “ “ 1.50 Linen Covers for Chairs* Linen Covers for Seat, Back, Arms, and Head-Rest 4.00 M. F. PATTERSON, ?6 The Morrison Dental Chair* Lowest position of seat, 15 inches from floor. Highest position of seat, 4 2 inches from floor. The Morrison Chair is used very largely in colleges and by students. It is also preferred by many operators on account of its remarka- ble range. In its lowest position it is nearer the floor than any other type of chair, while its highest is an inch higher than the High- Low Wilkerson. The Morrison Chair is substantially made, and is more generally used than any chair raised and lowered by hand. PRICES. In Corded Upholstery (Student’s Morrison) $ 76.00 In Best Quality Green or Maroon Plush or Plain Morocco 90.00 In Morocco, Embossed 100.00 In Finest Quality Green or Maroon Plush, puffed and trimmed with Plush 1 10.00 The illustration shows No. 4 Cuspidor, No. 4 Bracket, No. 3 Socket, which are extra, and add $7.00 to the above prices. Watkins Sectional Head-Rest (see page 79), instead of regular Head-Rest shown, adds $25.00 to the above prices. The Cycloid Chair* The Cycloid Chair is light and yet well balanced. As a chair for examinations it is without an equal. It is well adapted to the needs of the beginner. It presents a handsome appearance, and is an ornament to any office. The lifting mechanism is unique, and has a range of ten inches. PRICES. Price, upholstered in Corded Mate- rial $63.00 Price, upholstered in Best Quality Maroon or Green Plush 76.00 Watkins Sectional Head-Rest (see page 79), instead of regular Head-Rest shown idds $25.00 to above prices. The illustration shows No. 4 Cuspidor, No. 4 Bracket, and No. 1 Socket, which are extra, and add $6.00 to above price*. DENTAL DEPOT. 77 Duplex Lift Dental Chair. By means of both pump and hand adjust- ment, this chair has a range from a low posi- tion of 18 inches to its highest of 40 inches. It has every essential movement. If a greater elevation than that afforded by the pump is desired, the body of the chair may be raised with one hand before the chair is occupied. The Duplex Lift Chair meets every require- ment, and is the best low-priced hydraulic chair made. It presents a handsome appear- ance. PRICES. Maroon Plush Upholstery $85.00 Corded “ 80.00 Carpet “ 72.00 Watkins Sectional Head-Rest (see page 79), instead of regular Head - Rest shown, adds $25.00 to the above prices. White's Portable Dental Chair. In this Chair the different parts have all essential movements, affording comfort to operator and patient. Less than ten minutes required for packing or unpacking. The seat has a range of 18 inches from lowest to highest position, and back has corresponding range. The packing box is made of hard wood; dimensions in inches, 39x13x714 inches deep. Chair and box, packed, weigh 88j4 pounds. Price, including crate $36.00 78 M. F. PATTERSON, The Ritter Sectional Head-rest* Made by The Ritter Dental Mfg. Co. In this head-rest we think we have made ample provision for every conceiv- able position. The pads can be adjusted independently, either in or out, so that they are quite close together, or far apart; they can be turned around on the main cross-bar into any required position. The hand screws on the backs of the pads allow them to turn so their faces can be placed at any angle to each other. Turn- ing the pads into the position so they converge toward their lower ends, offers a position of comfort to patients, which we fear many practitioners have not fully understood. Head-Rest pads in the parallel position support the back of the head at only two places, but when turned as above described, they give the neck and head com- plete support over the entire extent of the pads. A patient will never complain of his neck getting tired if you use this head- rest adjusted as just explained, so that it gives support to the neck, as well as to the head. The pads in this position also allow plenty of space for a lady’s hair. The hand-wheels lock the pads independently in any position. A convenience which is not provided for in other sectional head-rests is the arm-rests, neatly upholstered, which are now provided on all our sectional head- rests, without extra charge. They can be readily placed on either side, or be re- moved entirely. The pads are together adjustable throughout a large range by means of the ball and socket joint in the upper section; then with the lower sec- tions also, the range and positions are almost unlimited. The latter movements are all controlled by a sidewise adjustment of a lever. The vertical movement is controlled by a sidewise adjustment of a small lever which is beside the other lever, as shown in the illustration on page 70. This is the best and most convenient slide lock that was ever made, and in no way in- terferes with the arrangement of the pads. The head-rest can be adjusted to any of our make of chairs, or the Wilker- son, but it will be necessary to send us the old head-rest and the back slide. No credit allowed for old parts. Our regular head-rest, furnished on all chairs unless otherwise ordered, is the same as the sectional head-rest just described but from the ball up the pads are stationary, as shown in cut on page 67, or our Catalogue, page 8. The new sectional head-rest will be supplied from the ball upward for $16.00. If slides and all parts are to be furnished new, then the cost will be $38.00. DENTAL DEPOT. 79 The Watkins Sectional Head-Rest. The addition of this head-rest to the chair means greatly increased comfort to operator and patient. The pads may be placed in any desira- ble position and may be locked at any points. When sold with the chair this head-rest adds $10.00 to its price. See page 75, etc. When ordered for chairs that have been in use, all parts shown in engraving are furnished; the head-rest cannot be supplied otherwise. PRICES. Watkins Sectional Head Rest for Wilkerson Chairs $35 00 “ “ “ “ “ S. S. White Pedal Lever Chairs 40 00 Watkins Sectional Head Rest for Morrison Chairs 35 00 “ “ “ “ “ Archer and other wood back Chairs 37 00 Watkins Sectional Head Rest for Cycloid 33 00 “ “ “ “ “ S. S. White Swinging, 1st Style, Pedal Lever and Harris Chairs 33 00 Snowden & Cowman Head-Rest. This is a first-class head-rest for comparatively little money. It weighs 4 pounds, and can be packed in a space 13x4 inches. Price, $4.50. 80 M. F. PATTERSON, New Portable Head Rest* Made by Snowden & Cowman Mfg. Co. New Portable Head Rest. This head-rest can be attached to any chair, is very firm and can be raised, lowered or moved, backward or forward without interfering with attachment to the chair. Price, $10.00. DENTAL DEPOT. 81 Portable Head-Rests. [T he S. S. W hite Portable Head-Rest. This Head-Rest has free and full movement in all directions, and it may be adjusted with equal facility to suit a very tall man or a small child. It can be attached with ease to almost any style of chair. In the cut it is shown in position on an ordinary office-chair, it weighs but five and a quarter pounds, and when folded up and packed for transportation, it occupies but little space, being adapted in these particulars to the needs of the traveling practitioner. It is substantially made and nicely finished ; all the metal parts nickel-plated. The head-pad is upholstered in Maroon and Green Plush, in the best manner and with the best materials. Price .• $12.00 Portable Head-Rest No. 9. Considerably heavier than Nos. 6 or 7. Works on a ball and socket joint. Metal por- tions made of steel and wrought and malleable iron, nicely japanned. Weight, 7 \ lbs. PEICE. Complete, Plush, Nickel- plated Mountings $13 00 Complete, Raw Silk, Nickel- plated Mountings 11 00 No. 9. Dr. O. C. White's Portable Head-Rest. Has full movements in all directions and is adjusted by simply turning thumb screw. Dotted lines show range. Weight, pounds. PRICES. No. 6, upholstered in Plush $8.oo No. 7, upholstered in Raw Silk 7.00 82 M. F. PATTERSON, Second-Hand Chairs* It is clearly impossible to publish a list of second-hand chairs in a book of this character* We always have a lot of second-hand chairs in stock, but our stock changes. We would rather write letters about second-hand chairs than any- thing we know of* Any man who is going to buy a second-hand chair can't alford to buy it until he writes to us. We will always send pictures of any chairs we have, and write as exact and as honest a description of them as we can construct in the English language. We will stand back of anything we say about them. If we don't show better value for less money than anybody else, we don't want the order. Saliva Ejector. Suggested by R. R. Andrews, D. D. S., Cambridge, Mass. Made by The Boston Dental Mfg. Co. This instrument is designed to obviate the constant annoyance to the operator, and pain to the patient, which has been found in the old-styled instrument, by the drawing in of the tissues of the mouth. The air tube extending from A to B conducts a constant current of air, thereby preventing the drawing of the tissues into the inlet holes in the bulb of the Ejector. o Being made of metal, it can be sterilized or boiled, thereby insuring cleanliness. The end of Ejector is arranged to fit improved connection manufactured by S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co. Price, each $1.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 83 The movements of this bracket differ from those commonly used. This is fastened to under side of chair, and the standard, instead of turning in a circle, moves parallel to the side of the chair throughout about 18 inches, remaining in whatever position placed. In the illustration it is in the extreme forward position. Pushing the arm to the right moves it nearer the back of the chair, and it is always the same distance away from the chair, a feature unlike the usual brackets which turn about a pivot. It has a swinging glass holder at top of standard, and directly below is the table bracket arm. Bracket table is screwed to casting shown on end of arm, this being pivoted on a stud allows the table to revolve. It is provided with spittoon holder, which adjusts in length and also moves up and down on standard. Standard has a vertical range of 14 inches, and is locked securely at any point by the small hand lever. It is strong and durable, quickly adjusted, and finely finished in nickel and black japan, gold striped. To be fastened to any chair provided for a bracket attachment. PRICES. Bracket, with Cuspidor and Holder complete $25.00 Cuspidor No. 3, with Gold Catcher 3.00 Holder, from Standard outward 3.00 Bracket 19.00 Dental Bracket No* \ and Cuspidor No. 3* Made by The Ritter Dental Mfg. Co." 84 M. F. PATTERSON, Dental Bracket No* 2 and Cuspidor No* 4* Made by The Ritter Dental Mfg. Co. Our No. 2 Bracket is fastened under the chair seat, same as No. i. It pivots at the fasten- ing, and turns around throughout half a circle. There is the usual standard and bracket table arm and glass holder. The cuspidor bracket and holder can be adjusted vertically, and is hinged near the middle to allow it to fold back out of the way. The standard can be raised or lowered and securely clamped at any point. PRICES. Bracket No. 2, complete, with No. 4 Cuspidor and Holder $16.00 Cuspidor No. 4, without Gold Catcher 1.50 Holder from Standard outward 2.50 Chair Socket, with Holder, for holding No. 3 Cuspidor 3.00 Chair Socket, with Holder, for holding No. 4 Cuspidor 3.50 Cuspidor No. 3, with Gold Catcher 3.00 Cuspidor No. 4, without Gold Catcher 1.50 DENTAL DEPOT. 85 Combination Dental Chair Attachment* PRICES. The illustration shows attachment for the Wilkerson Chair. A combination attachment permits the oper- ator to put his table where he wants it. The table that carries the tools ought to be part of the chair that holds the patient. It should rise and fall and rotate with the chair. It should never be in to *§ ^ ^ s a tj ill!' vh 05 co I . b/!)r^ ^ h •*-* JSSg 53 .Q CD ^ 53 53 _ . v 53 £ cd cC ^ ^ t3 O +j u d £ ■ • r< 3 2 « a S 3 a CD u a o co * S „ « ^ .53 £ £ £ Cone Journal Boss Bracket. 100 M. F. PATTERSON White's Tool Bracket No* \ Japanned, without Table $10.00 With Imitation Rosewood Table 16.00 With Plain-side Allan Table, Walnut or Oak 20.00 With Plain-side Allan Table, Mahogany 22.00 With Glass-side Allan Table, Walnut or Oak 22.00 With Glass-side Allan Table, Mahogany ; 24.00 With Holmes Table, Walnut or Oak 40.00 With Holmes Table, Mahogany 43.00 Alcohol Lamp and Shield is included in the above prices. Boxing 50 White's Tool Bracket No* 2* The table shown is made especially for this bracket. It is a plain tray, 12 inches square, with raised rim, no drawers. Price, complete as illustrated $10.00 Linen Covers. For Imitation Rosewood Tables each $. 90 For Allan Tables each 1.10 For Holmes Tables each 1.20 Table Pads* You can preserve the cover of your Table, keep it fresh looking and free from stains, by using a Table Pad. Made of Paper Fiber Lint, with “pinked” edges. They are neat and useful, and really ornamental. Price, for Allan Table each $ .10 Price, for Allan Table per doz. 1.00 Price, for Holmes Table each .12 Price, for Holmes Table per doz. 1.20 DENTAL DEPOT. 101 No* 5 Bracket Table* Made by The Ritter Dental Mfg. Co. This table contains three drawers, opening from either side. The middle, large drawer has two sliding trays in it. One of the other drawers also has a sliding tray and the third contains holes for holding engine burs and discs. The top is a beautiful landscape painting on the under side of the glass plate, making the top easy to keep clean. Price in mahogany only $15.00 Holmes Table* Made by The Ritter Dental Mfg. Co This table we make in oak, walnut or mahogany, selected woods and very highly polished. It is 18 inches long, 15% inches wide and 4^ inches deep. The four drawers open from either end. The wings on each side contain nickel-plated racks for engine burs and discs. On one side is a nickel-plated cotton holder containing a spring which always pushes the cotton forward. The Holmes Table is too well known to require further description. Price, including lamp and shield $22.00 Holmes Table* Made by the S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co. Price, Walnut or Oak $30.00 Price, Mahogany 33.00 7 102 M. F. PATTERSON, The T. H. Grigg Bracket Table* No. i is a plain Table, covered with fine cloth or leather. It contains two drawers, which extend the entire length of the table, and can be opened from either end. No. 2 (see cut) is modeled after the No. i Table, of the same dimensions and general utility. But it is of much finer finish, and constructed in the same manner as the Grigg Table, namely: to prevent shrinkage and insure the utmost durability; it is also provided with the same beveled moulding, dispensing with the cord formerly used, leaving no place for dust to accumulate. PRICES. No. i Table, Walnut, covered with cloth or leather $3.00 JN'o. 2 Table, Walnut or Oak, covered with cloth or leather, including Lamp and Shield. . 5.00 The first thing to recommend the Grigg Bracket Table is its size. It isn’t too big to be in the way, and it isn’t too small to be useless. Its size is just right. No convenience is omitted that it ought to have, and none is present for which there is no actual need. The Tables are made of Oak, Walnut and Mahogany. The wood won’t shrink or expand or warp, because it is thoroughly seasoned. This means that none of the drawers will be contrary. They will come out easily when you pull, and go back just as easily when you push. There’s a place for everything in it. A dentist can do his work better, more quickly, more satisfactorily to his patient with this Table than with any other. No question about it. Send for a circular that does the Table fuller justice. Grigg Table, covered with Cloth or Leather, including Lamp and Shield $15.00 Bracket Tables Nos. \ and 2* Made by H. D. Justi & Son. DENTAL DEPOT. 103 Justi's Universal Cuspidor Clamp. This Clamp is designed to hold any of the metal cuspidors used on dental chairs. As dentists are aware, these cuspidors, made by different persons, vary much in size ; and having bought one of the common clamps with a cuspidor to fit, he is extremely likely to find the next one he buys will be too small to> be held securely or too large to enter the clamp at all. By purchasing Justi’s Universal Cuspidor Clamp all the trouble is avoided. The jaws of the Clamp have a wide range of motion, as will be seen by the dotted lines in the cut, and by the spring they are firmly closed upon the Cuspidor, so that there is no danger of its being thrown out by accident. Price, including Socket for Columbia, Wilkerson or Archer Chair $3.00 Price, including Socket for Morrison Chair 4 00 Allan Bracket Table. ' Made by H. D. Justi & Son. Made in Walnut, Oak and Mahogany. PRICES. Plain Veneered Sides, including Lamp and Shield $ 9.00 Beveled Glass Sides, including Lamp and Shield 12.00 Bracket Tables. Made by The S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co. PRICES. ALLAN TABLE. Plain Veneered Sides, Walnut or Oak, including Lamp and Shield $10.00 Plain Veneered Sides, Mahogany, including Lamp and Shield 12.00 Beveled Glass Sides, Walnut or Oak, including Lamp and Shield 12.00 Beveled Glass Sides, Mahogany, including Lamp and Shield 1400 IMITATION ROSEWOOD. Table as shown on page 100 • 6 00 TABLE FOR NO. 2 BRACKET. With Socket for No. 2 Bracket, as shown on page 100 3.00 104 M. F. PATTERSON. Cabinet No* 65* Patented Jan. 10th, 1899, Feb. 21st, 1899. Manufactured by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. srr*£ y Our No. 65 cabinet contains more practical and desirable features than any other. It is replete with astonishing conveniences. Three extension brackets are contained in a circular compartment, which is closed by a semi-circular bent crystal glass door. The revolvable bracket tables are covered with cabinet cloth. Under the bracket compartment is a slide, and under the slide are two swell front drawers for forceps, etc. The medicine closet is entirely separated from, and above all instruments, and has a door with a beveled mirror panel. DENTAL DEPOT. 105 Cabinet No. 65. — Continued. The bur drawer slides under and behind the medicine closet at an angle of about 30 degrees, and drops opposite the opera- tor’s eye at a touch of the hand. The bur rack is in five ascending rows. Under the bur drawer is a space for disposing of the glass door which closes over and protects the instrument drawers. This door has a beveled glass panel and slides into its place of concealment at the same angle as the bur drawer. Below the glass door is a tier of trays for instruments and small supplies. The upper three trays contain racks for long-handled instruments, and have a mechan- ism by which the points of the instruments are automatically raised and exposed above the tray front when open. The fourth tray contains a row of wooden pins for dam clamps and a row of shallow compartments, concave in shape, for nerve broaches, separating files, corundum and rub- ber points and other small instruments which are difficult to pick up. The fifth tray is designed for clamp forceps, dam punch, wedge cutter, pliers, etc. The sixth tray is for shears, mallets, separators, etc. The seventh tray is for gold, alloy, chip syringe and other bulky goods. The lower tray is ingeniously arranged for strips and disks. The tier of trays mentioned, with the exception of the strip and disk tray, is contained in a separate polished wooden box, which may be withdrawn from the cabinet and used as a portable case. This smaller case is provided with an ingenious locking device and a brass handle for carrying. Under the tier of trays are two drawers for linen, and a compartment under the latter drawer is intended for soiled linen and has a self-closing door. The two forceps drawers and the two linen drawers are automatically locked when the door over the instrument trays Drawer is closed, and this door is provided with a good cylinder lock. The interiors of bur drawer, medicine closet and all small trays are made of fine cabinet woods, and all portions of the interior which are exposed to view when the cabinet is open, are well finished. All drawer sides are of hard wood, and when practicable, drawer bottoms are covered with cabinet cloth. The trimmings are of special design, very artistic and attractive. We take pains to put a very fine and durable finish on Drawer for Strips and Disks. these cabinets, and the back, which is built of the same wood as the front and sides, is paneled and finished. The cabinet stands on five castors. Dimensions. — Height, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet clinches; depth, 1 foot 10 inches One of the Trays for Long Handle Instruments. Patented Feb. 21st, 1899. PRICES. No. 65 Cabinet, Mahogany $105.00 No. 65 Cabinet, Walnut 100.00 No. 65 Cabinet, Oak 90.00 106 M. F. PATTERSON, Cabinet No* 75* (Patented December 4, 1894.) Manufactured by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. The lines of this cabinet are so refined and modest, producing such a pleasant effect, that from the first its popularity has been assured. In the upper left corner is a swinging section containing ten swinging drawers hinged at the left front corner, a supporting hinge having been designed especially for the purpose. The hinge is ornamental, strong and rigid and will not allow the drawers to sag. The bottoms of six of these swinging drawers are made of grooved blocks, slightly inclined from front to rear, for pluggers, excavators and other long instruments, the handles only of which are in contact with the grooves, the shanks and points extending beyond and being freely accessible. Beneath these instrument drawers is another, the bottom of which is a solid wooden DENTAL DEPOT. 107 block, into which two circular depressions are turned and four large grooves cut. These de- pressions are convenient as receptacles for the many small supplies used by a dentist, and render the selecting of minute articles easy and rapid. Three drawers without divisions, complete the . series of drawers proper in the swinging section, and are intended for the clamp-forcep, punch, wedge-cutter, pliers, etc. The hinge arrangement and the manner of placing in- struments enables the operator to have every drawer open simultaneously, thus bringing the points of all the instruments in sight and within easy reach. Above the ten drawers described is a bur block having the same hinge arrangement, and made with a series of steps into thfe threads of which holes are bored for hand-piece and right angle burs and drills. The swinging section containing the ten swinging drawers and the bur block, closes upon three shelves and three drawers intended for gold, alloy and general supplies. The closing of the lower drawer works a device which effectually locks all the larger drawers. The medicine case is in the upper right corner of Drawer for Nerve Broaches and the cabinet behind a sliding beveled mirror. A partition sepa- other Small Instruments. rates this compartment from the opposite coYner of the cabinet, and protects the instruments from the corrosive fumes of the medicines. Beneath the medicine case are two drawers, the upper one of which contains a removable, slidable tray with con- veniently arranged divisions for the different grades of strips and for disks. Beneath the tray is ample space for a surplus stock of strips and disks.* The lower drawer is intended for rubber dam, and is divided into three compartments. The one in the rear for waste ; the middle one, having a hinged cover, for a roll of dam, and the front one for the scissors and unused pieces. The lower right corner of the cabinet has a swinging section containing hooks for forceps. The back upon which the forceps hang is slightly inclined to give them sufficient -contact to prevent their swinging when the section is opened and closed. This receptacle for forceps is easier opened than a drawer, and opens noiselessly at the touch of the finger. If a separate extracting room is used, this swinging section be- comes available for clamp-forceps, weage-cutter, dam punch, shears, etc. A table-slide of convenient height is pro- vided. Under the slide is a large drawer for bulky instruments and supplies. Under this drawer are three smaller ones for clean linen, etc. A cupboard with a beveled chipped glass door is intended for miscellaneous supplies, or may be used as a receptacle for soiled linen. The cabinet is made of mahogany, of wal- nut and of quarter-sawed oak with finished back. The cabinet work is of the highest order. Every detail, no matter how trivial it may seem, is carefully looked after. All open sawed work is of three-ply wood to insure strength and stability. Every visible surface in or upon the cabinet is superbly finished. All trim- mings are fire gilt and will not tarnish. All^ portions of the interior which are exposed to view when the cabinet is open, are lined with a wood affording a pleasing contrast with the exterior. The mahogany cabinets are lined with white and bird’s-eye maple, and the walnut and oak cabinets are lined with solid mahogany and properly finished. DiMENSiONS.—Height, over all, 7654 inches; width of cabinet, when closed, 30 inches; width of cabinet when opened, 47 inches; depth, 15 inches. • PRICES Mahogany Walnut Quarter-Sawed Oak $100.00 95.00 85.00 One of the Trays for Long- handled instruments. 108 M. F. PATTERSON, Cabinet No* 40* Patent Pending. Manufactured by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. There are at least four characteristics in this piece of furniture which make it a favorite with the Dental Profession : Its novel drawer arrangements, its convenient medicine com- partment, its simplicity of design and mechanism, and a rich appearance, which is emphasized by a graceful swell front, a harmonious selection of trimmings and the best of finish. Two features entirely new in Dental Cabinets are embodied in it. One is a series of semi-circular trays for instruments. These trays, when closed, have the appearance of drawers. When open they are entirely outside of the cabiget, and the instruments upon them are in the most convenient and accessible situation. dental depot. 109 Cabinets — Description* The upper tray has a rack for excavators ; the next tray has a rack for pluggers. The excavating instruments may be entirely put out of the way when they are no longer needed, and the plugging and finishing instruments may be swung out of the cabinet, ready for use. The lower two trays are for forceps and for bulky tools and material. These trays swing on a pivot concealed within the drawer front. . They are easier opened than drawers, cannot fall to the floor, and are so rigid that they can- not sag. The other new feature is a rotating bur block, situated at a convenient height, and with a capacity of 20 long shank instruments, no burs and 30 right angle instruments in sixteen ascending rows. These instruments, when in the block, stand at a convenient angle, and may be easily withdrawn. On the right, of the bur block is the medicine closet, containing three shelves and a tray for bottles. The door of the medicine closet has a beveled French mirror panel. On the left of the bur block are six swinging drawers for miscellaneous small instruments and materials, and under the six swinging drawers is a sliding drawer suitable for gold, etc., which when closed automatically locks the rotatable trays and all the drawers beneath them. When the bur block is closed, one edge slightly laps the ends of the swinging drawers and the gold drawer, and by turning the key in the lock of the medicine closet door, the bur block effectively locks the entire cabinet, except the closet for soiled linen. The bur block when closed shows a raised panel. In the base of the cabinet are two drawers for clean napkins and towels, a cupboard for soiled linen, and three other drawers for supplies. The trimmings on this cabinet, including the hinges, are fire gilt brass, and will not tarnish. The workmanship is of the highest order, and the finish is elegant and durable. In workmanship, finish, convenience and appearance, it surpasses any other cabinet ever before offered for the same price. Height (not including top ornament), 4 feet, 9 inches; height, over all, 5 feet, 5 inches ; width, over all, 2 feet, 2 inches ; depth, over all, 1 foot, 5 inches. Made of mahogany, of walnut, and of quarter-sawed oak, with paneled and finished back. Rotating Bur Block. PRICES. Mahogany $60.00 Walnut 55.00 Quartered Oak 50.00 110 M. F. PATTERSON, Cabinet No* 28 * Patent Pending. Manufactured by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. This is an entirely new design, very much more attractive than any other cabinet heretofore made for the same price. It is admira- bly adapted to the extracting room, though adequate for the operating room. Our aim, when designing this cabinet, was to produce a good, well-built and handsome piece of office furniture at a very low price. The style and finish is on a plane with higher priced goods, though it lacks the internal con- veniences contained in our better cabinets. On the left there is a tier of six shallow drawers for small instru- ments, and under them a deeper drawer for larger instruments, such as chip-blower, not air syr- inge, etc. The two drawers on the right are intended for rubber dam, cot- ton, bibulous paper, strips, gold and other supplies. Above these two drawers is a medicine closet, entirely sepa- rated from the other compart- ments in the cabinet, so that the corrosive fumes of the medicines cannot effect the instruments. The oval panel in the door of the medicine closet is fitted with a French plate mirror, and an- other French plate mirror sur- mounts the tier of instrument drawers. The swell-front drawer is in- tended for forceps, and the com- partment under the forcep drawer is divided into three spaces by a vertical partition near the center and a horizontal partition in the larger part. This provides a place for clean napkins, clean towels and soiled linen. Made of quarter sawed oak. Ornamented with fire gilt trimmings and provided with lignum-vitae castors. Height, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet V/2 inches; depth, over all, 16^ inches. . Price $30.00 __ DENTAL DEPOT. Ill Cabinet No, 10. Manufactured by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. This cabinet was the first popular cabinet put on the market, and its popularity was an incentive to imitation. But our No. io cabinet has steadily maintained its lead over imi- tations because of the superior- ity of workmanship and finish. Under the two drawers con- necting the two wings of the top is a beveled mirror. The medicine case on the left is en- tirely separated from any other compartment of the cabinet. The instrument drawers on the right are re- moved and securely protected against corrosive fumes from the medicines. The shallow drawer under the top is lined with cabinet cloth The larger drawer under this is intended for forceps and contains a sliding tray, increasing the ca- pacity of the drawer 50 per cent. We also make this cabinet with the two lower drawers in the base opening from the front instead of the end The panels in the two doors of the top are ordinarily of wood, but we substitute a plate of beveled French glass in the door closing over the instru- ment drawers and a beveled mirror in the door of the medi- icine' case, if so ordered. We build these cabinets of oak and walnut, trimmed with bright cast brass trimmings. Dimensions. — Height, over all, 5 feet 3 inches; height of base, 3 feet; width, 2 feet 6 inches; depth, 18 inches. PRICE No. 10 Cabinet, Oak, with wood top and wood panels in doors $32.00 No. 10 Cabinet, Oak, with wood top and glass panels in doors 34.00 No. 10 Cabinet, Walnut, with wood top and wood panels in doors. .. . 33.00 No. 10 Cabinet, Walnut, with wood top and glass panels in doors. .. . 35.00 For Marble Top on No. 10 Cabinets, add 3.00 112 M. F. PATTERSON, New Model Bracket, 7TIIE New Model Bracket is built especially ^ for dentists’ use. It has about 12 inches more reach than any other form of the Uni- versal Brackets. It is to be put on the wall in front or beside or behind the chair. It is long enough to reach the chair, no matter how far away it is from the wall or window. The reflector concentrates the light of the lamp. It throws all the light in one direction. It throws actually more light in the patient’s mouth than if the light was inside instead of outside. The shade keeps the light out of the operator’s eyes. Thousands of dentists will testify that if this bracket is used they can operate just exactly as well as in broad daylight. When the light is not in use the bracket can’t by any possible chance be in the way. It doesn’t take up any room in the office. It folds up against the wall. When it is wanted it takes one hand to get it. There isn’t a ratchet, or a spring, or a screw about it. Just reach for it. Put the light where it is wanted and let go of it. It stays where it is put.* The New Model Bracket is an ornament to any dental office. It is a work of art. Fig. 2. Showing new crook n extension arm with shade turned in. Turn- ing shade out adds about twelve inches to length of bracket. Lee S. Smith & Son, Sole Agents, Pittsburg, Pa. DENTAL DEPOT. 113 New Model Bracket — Continued. When fully extended the light is 6 feet 4 inches from the wall. It may be swung 5 feet 8 inches on either side. It reaches 4 feet 5 inches up or down. There isn’t a spot in that entire space that the light can’t be put and made to shine in any conceivable direction. PRICES : Polished Brass, - - - $5 85 Copper Oxidized, - - - - 5 35 Japanned with Brass Arm, - 4 00 Prices include polished aluminum shade shown in figure 2, but do not include lamp socket or cord. A frosted aluminum shade will cost 15 cents less on each form. Deduct 60 cents if ordered without shade. Sfiowing crook in middle section of bracket. The position of the lamp is changed by grasping the crook which is otherwise held in position by the weight of the rod. Bracket No. 5. This is the ordinary form we offered to the dental proiession three years ago. It doesn’t rea -h so far as the new model by about 12 inches. It is just as easy to handle. The sole difference is in the appearance. It is a simple form that costs less to make. The part that attaches to the wall is of iron japanned. The extension arm may be any of the three finishes specified. Improved Shades for Uni- versal Bracket. These shades keep the light out of the operator’s eyes. They throw it into the patient’s mouth. They make daylight out of darkness. Not a ray escapes. The shades are made in two styles as shown, in both alumi- num and steel. The aluminum is black enamel outside, and highly polished inside. It is a perfect reflector, and will be furnished with all brackets unless otherwise ordered. It is made for the dental trade. The steel shades are green enamel outside, with a white enamel reflecting surface inside. No. 5. PRICES : Brass Polished, - $3 00 Brass Oxidized, - - 3 15 Brass Copper Oxidized, 3 30 Prices include polished aluminum shade shown in connection with Fig. 2, but do not include lamp, socket or cord. A frosted aluminum shade will cost 15 cents le s on each form. Deduct 60 cents if ordered without shade. No. 27. No. 26. Price of either form : Aluminum, 60 cents ; Steel, 35 cents. Lee S. Smith & Son, Sole Agents, Pittsburg, Pa. 114 M. F. PATTERSON, The S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co/s Dental Cabinets. Circulars of these Cabinets will be mailed upon application. Gothic Pattern. Walnut or Oak. with White Marble Slab Mahogany, with White Marble Slab Tennessee Marble Slab adds $4.00 to above prices. No. 1 with Locking Device. $Il 8.00 124.OO No. 2 without Locking Device. $ 110.00 110.00 Eastlake Pattern with Doors or Falling Slide. Walnut or Oak, with White Marble Slab $75.00 Walnut or Oak, with Fine Tennessee Marble Slab 77.00 * Mahogany, with White Marble Slab 85.00 Mahogany, with Fine Tennessee Marble Slab 87.00 The Model. Walnut or Oak, with White Marble Slab Walnut or Oak, with Fine Tennessee Marble Slab. .. . Mahogany, with White Marble Slab Mahogany, with Fine Tennessee Marble Slab Number Six. Oak or Walnut Mahogany With instrument case and bottle rack. $70.00 $90.00 . 72.00 92.OO 72.00 94.OO 74-00 96.OO $60.00 65.00 Office Preparations Case. These Cases, made of walnut, handsomely finished, and provided with lock and key, have had an extensive sale. They contain eight half-ounce square vials, with flat-top glass stoppers. Outside measurements: 6x352x3*4 inches. Price, including vials $2.50 Rolling Case for Forceps. Made of morocco, lined with chamois, strongly made. PRICES. 5 spaces for Forceps, Instruments, etc each $2.00 7 spaces for Forceps, Instruments, etc each 2.25 9 spaces for Forceps, Instruments, etc each 3.00 12 spaces for Forceps, Instruments, etc each 3.50 15 spaces for Forceps, Instruments, etc each 4.50 20 spaces for Forceps, Instruments, etc each 6.00 Rolling Case for Burs for Students .50 Any other size made to order. Dentist's Visiting Case. Contains necessary instruments and medicines for emergencies. Just fits the pocket Price complete $9.00 Cases for Artificial Teeth. PRICES. Nos. 1 to 4 are Half Oval, No. 5 is Oval, and Nos. 7 to 9 are Oblong. 1. Cotton-Velvet lined, 3)/ 2 x2y A xiy 2 in., Leather Hinge each $0.60 2. Cotton lined, 3x254x154 in., Leather Hinge each .60 3. Satin and Silk-Velvet lined, 354 x 254 x 154 in., Brass Hinge each .75 4. Card-Board, Paper lined, 3x254x1 *4 in per doz. 1.25 5. Satin and Silk-Velvet lined, 4 I 2 3 4 5 / 2 x3 I Axi I / i in., Brass Hinge each 1.06 7. Satin and Silk-Velvet lined, 454x3*4x1 in., Brass Hinge each 1.00 8 . CardBoard, Paper lined, 4x3x154 in per doz. 1.50 9. Card-Board, Paper lined, 3x254 in per doz. 1.25 The above are outside measurements. DENTAL DEPOT. 115 Hand Cabinet No* 65* Made by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, O. Patented Feb. 21, 1899. This Cabinet is made as a part of our No. 65 Cabi- net, so that the dent st or dental student who buys it purchases part of a complete Cabinet, the balance being furnished at any time. It is supplied with a tray for medicine bottles and a rack for burs. A de- scription of the arrangement of the drawers, etc., may be found on page 104 in the advertisement of Cabi- net No. 65. Hand Cabinet No. 2. Made by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. PRICES. Mahogany, Walnut, Quartered Oak, $13.00 12.50 12.00 Student's Box No. U Manufactured by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. This box is made of quarter-sawed sycamore, is highly polished, lined throughout with cabinet cloth and fitted with lock, key, brass handle and hooks. In the end are 6 half ounce glass stoppered bottles in a space for the purpose, a removable block into which holes are bored for holding engine instru- ments, and a bored block into which a glass alcohol lamp will fit, thoroughly protecting it from breakage. Length, 13 inches; width, 10 inches; depth, 6 inches. Price, including bottles, but not lamp, - - $5.00 Lamp, extra, .30 S. S. White D.M. Co.’s make, similar to above, including 8 vials, but not the lamp, - - 6.00 This Cabinet is intended for students and for travel- ing dentists. It is large enough to hold all operating in- struments, including forceps, and has spaces for glass- stoppered medicine bottles and a rack for clamps and engine instruments. Made substantially of oak, highly finished. All draw- ers are lined with cabinet cloth, and the case is furnished with an effective locking device and a bra s handle on top. Dimensions: height, 10)4 inches; width, 11% inches; depth, 8% inches. Prices, including 8 glass stoppered bottles, $8.50 116 M. F. PATTERSON The Practical Operating Stooh Patent Pending. Manufactured by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. Normal Position. Inclined Position. Fatigue impairs a dentist’s productiveness, his skill and his health. A tired man cannot do as well for his patients or for himself as he might if he had conserved his strength. A Practical Operating Stool is a conserver of strength, and its continued or occasional use produces a restful feeling that is unknown to the man who works standing all day. The stool can be inclined in every direction, forward, backward or sideways, without touching a lever, is self-righting, and the seat can be raised or lowered in an instant. Range of elevation from 21^2 to 31 inches; range of inclination, 33 degrees. Price $12.00 The Lyon Improved Adjustable Stool. Has a range of 23 to 35 inches from the floor. A lever is provided for changing the angle of the stool. Price $15.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 117 ENGINES AND EQUIPMENTS* ««««« Supplies and Materials for the Operating Room* O PART of our stock is more complete than this part. We are not just publishing a list of Engines and Equipments that are made by different people. We are publishing a list of Engines and Equipments that are ac- tually in our own stock. We don’t believe there is a more complete stock of this particular class of goods anywhere in the country than we have here. 8 118 M. F. PATTERSON, The u Sibley” Improved Dental Engine and Universal Hand-Piece* This is a Side-Wheel, Flexible Cable, Rocking Engine, possessing several unique and distinctively new devices or adaptations thereof, among which the following are especially worthy of mention : new Rocking Upright, which, with the Duplex Spring Con- nection used gives unusual freedom to the Hand- Piece, almost wholly eliminating vibration, and in- suring precision and that delicacy of touch to the operator so essential to good work, by relieving the hand of the strain and tremor that is in- separable from the rigid upright Engine. The Pully-Head is wholly unlike and superior to any similar contrivance for this purpose. It does away with the old-fashion- ed ratchet, and by an excellent Cam move- ment you are enabled to drop the Cable Arm, or raise it to any desired angle with one hand. It is provided with an excellent Arm Support, which prevents break or strain of Cable. The “ Sibley” Hand - Piece, as will be seen from the cut, which is exact size, is a compact, handsomely finished tool. It is thoroughly well made and when in use no oily parts are exposed, the spindle being completely enclosed within the casing, thus preventing the possibility of soiling the fingers of the operator or the face of the patient. The Bur is easily and quickly clamped and firmly held by a universal sec-j tional split Chuck, taking any of the straight shank instruments in common use. This Hand-Piece is fitted to receive the regula- tion Duplex Spring Connection or the Cable and Sheath direct without the Duplex Spring Connection. It also takes the various < style Right Angle Attachments and Engine | Mallets, as well as the modern Slip Joint Connection. This forms a complete, well balanced, handsomely made and finished Engine. This Engine is made with Drive Wheel of three different sizes and weights, as follows : “F” Wheel Diameter, 12^ inches; weight, about i 8 j 4 pounds. Co/s Cataphoric Outfits. OUTFIT NO 1. The S. S. W. D. M. Co.’s Current Controller, with 12 ft. Battery Cord and 18-Cell Dry Bat- tery in oak box $25.00 1 Metal or Sponge Negative Electrode @ $1.00; 1 needle electrode No. 10, @ $1.85, and 1 pair cords, @$ol6o. . 3.45 No. 1 outfit complete 28.00 Same with 24, instead of 18 cells. . . 31.50 OUTFIT NO. 2. The S. S. W. D. M. Co.’s Current Controller, with 4-way cable connected to Polished Cherry Wood Board, 12 ft. Battery Cord, 18-Cell Dry Battery in oak box. . . . 28.00 Electrodes, cords, etc., sa^ne as in No. 1 3.45 Weston’s Milliamperemeter, especially designed for Cataphoric purposes, reading from o to 5 M. A., divided into i-20ths. Diameter of case, 5 ^ inches ; height, 2% inches ; weight, 5 lbs. 10 ozs 25.00 No. 2 Outfit complete 56.00 Same with 24, instead of 18 cells 59-50 Weston’s Engine-room type Milliam- peremeter, reading from o to 10 M. A., divided into i-5ths, if desired in place of the special milliampere- meter. Diameter of case, 6^4 in. ; height, zYa in.; weight, 9 lbs. 5 ozs. 16.50 The S. S. W. D. M. Co.’s Galvano- scope 7.00 The S. S. W. D. M. Co.’s Current Controller, with 12 ft. Battery Cord. 15.00 4- Way Cable, 8 ft. long, to connect Milliamperemeter to Controller .... 1.00 18 Cells Dry Battery, in varnished oak box with Binding Posts and Han- dles 10.00 24 Cells Dry Battery, in varnished oak box with Binding Posts and Han- dles 13.50 Dry Cell* Separate, per cell 25 Bracket Arm to attach to S. S. W. No. 1 Tool Bracket 5.50 Bracket Arm to attach to S. S. W. Combination Chair Attachment .... 5.25 S* S* White Cataphoric Electrodes and Cords* PRICES. Set Obtunding and Bleaching appli- ances complete, with 1 Positive and 1 Negative Cord and 12 Rubber Nip- ples, in leather-covered case $20.00 Set Bleaching Electrode and accesso- ries, with 1 Positive Cord and 12 Rubber Nipples, in pasteboard box. 6.00 SEPARATELY. Syringe Electrode, with No. 3 Points, Cup, and Positive Cord 6.00 Duplex Electrode, with Positive Cord 5 - 0 ° Hand Electrode (No. 3), without Cord 1. 00 Bleaching Electrode 2.00 Duplex Syringe 1.50 Nipple Expander 2.00 Positive Connecting Cord, 6 ft. long, with Spring Wire Clamp Tip 50 Negative Connecting Cord, 6 ft. long, with Tips 30 Rubber Nipples, 2 sizes each .02 Plain Long Handle Tooth Electrode, with Bent Tip (No. 10) 1.85 Straight Platinum Tip to fit handle of No. 10 1. 00 Curved Platinum Cup, to fit handle of No. 10 2.25 Plain Duplex Electrode (No. 13).... 3.00 Plain Duplex Electrode (No. 13a)... 3.00 Single Cup Long Handle Electrode (No. 14) 1.50 Self-Holding Electrode (No. 15).... 2.15 Sponge Negative Electrode (No. 16) . 1.00 Positive and Negative Cords to fit Electrodes Nos. 10 to 16. . . .per pair .60 144 M. F. PATTERSON, Electric Mouth Lamp and Laryngoscope* S0* N&er The Electric Mouth-Lamp supplies the means for exact diagnosis in lesions of the teeth. More especially those which, with ordinary means, are difficult to locate. The ring on the handle is to regulate the illumi- nation. The lamp may be used with Partz battery or on no-volt circuit with rheostat or transformer; also with storage bat- teries. Voltage, 4 volts; current, i ampere. Price, with Cord, in Morocco Case $10.00 Price, extra Lamps in socket, each 2.00 Replacing Glass portion of Lamp, when broken 1.75 4 Cells Partz Acid Gravity Battery, No. 1 14.00 4 Cells Partz Gravity, No. 4 6.00 Electric Mouth-Illuminator * With Lamp Resistance for 110-Volt Circuit. This appliance is to be attached to the head-rest frame of the chair by means of a hinged bracket-arm which gives it universal adjustment. Both the sup- port and the hood over the lamp are adjustable. For directing a strong light in the oral cavity the operator has merely to adjust the Illuminator to concentrate the light of an Edison five-candle power incandescent lamp upon the part of the mouth desired, without af- fecting the eyes of the operator or patient, and without the slightest discomfort from heat. The lamp may be operated on street circuit or batteries. The bracket fits either Wilkerson or Watkins head-rest. Price, Electric Mouth-Iluminator, including Bracket and 7 ft. Con- ducting Cord $15.00 Resistance Lamp, mounted on Walnut Block, extra 4.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 145 The 44 Excello ” Electric Fan Motor and Battery Outfits, The “ Excello” Fan Motor is built especially for use with the “Excello” Improved Gravity Battery in connection with storage batteries. This motor is of the iron clad variety and has one long self-oiling bearing, to which the armature shaft is nicely fitted, producing practically a noiseless running fan motor. The body of motor is nicely emmeled in black, and striped in gold. All exposed parts are nickel plated, including the four blade, 8 inch fan and the fan guard. The “Excello” Improved Gravity Battery for charging storage cells to run the “Excello” Fan Motor is described on page 146. The storage battery is a satisfactory source of electrical energy if a reliable means for keeping it charged is at hand. When it is necessary to send the storage battery away to power station to be recharged, it becomes unreliable and a nuisance, as it is impossible to tell whether the battery is fully charged or empty, and one is liable at any time to be placed in an unpleasant position because storage battery is run out. The use of the “Excello” Improved Gravity Battery does away with the trouble. By permanently connecting a suitable number of “Excello” batteries to the storage cells, we secure a constant and reliable source of electrical energy with which to keep them charged. Possibilities* Those who do not object to giving a little attention to the charging batteries, can by the use of a bulb attachment, which we can furnish, double the running time of the fan motor. This will require about two minutes each day, and once in two weeks, % of the solution in porus cups will have to be drawn off and refilled with clean water. Blue stone and zinc are consumed about one-half quicker by this method. Storage batteries should last from five to eight years if properly cared for. They are furnished in nicely finished cases which are fitted with handles for convenience in handling All our storage battery elements are formed and fully charged before shipping so that when received they should be ready for service. It is only necessary to set up the “ Excello,” charging batteries according to printed directions and connect to the storage cabinet at once. Both batteries will thus be kept in proper condition even if the storage battery is doing no work. Storage cabinet should be located as near the work as possible. The “Excello” charging batteries, however, can be placed wherever convenient. Use rubber covered wire, not smaller than No. 10 or 12, to connect fan motor to storage cabinet. Those who are already using storage batteries, whether with or without our “ Excello” charging batteries, can use our fan motor with their batteries. The Cost of Renewals for the “ Excello” battery outfit is about $6.00 for six months’ service running fan three hours per day. The “ Excello ” battery renewals consist of blue stone (sulphate of copper) and an improved form of zinc element. The cut (Fan outfit A) illustrates our regular 4-volt Fan Motor Outfit complete with six charging batteries in lead lined, polished oak box. This outfit will operate the fan motor THREE HOURS per day ON AN AVERAGE for six months. Six more “Excello” batteries will run the fan motor six hours per day Cost of renewals under normal conditions about $6.00 for six months. Renewals for double set of “Excello” batteries, $10.00 for same time. This outfit is just suited to the needs of the dentists office. It gives a steady and widely diffused breeze, and it will prove of inestimable value and comfort to both patient and practitioner. Fan outfit B consists of one cell of storage bat- tery in cabinet, three “Excello” batteries and Fan Motor. Speed of Fan about 700 revolutions. Three hours service per day for six months without care or attention. Cost of renewals $6 per year. This fan outfit is desirable where only a VERY gentle breeze is wanted. F* RICE LIST: “ Excello ” Fan Motor “Excello” Battery com- with 6 feet silk conduct- plete without chemi- ing cord & terminals $13. 50 cals, per cell, - - - - 2.50 Outfit A, complete with- out battery box - - - 45.00 Outfit B, complete, with- out battery box - - 30.00 4 volt Storage Battery in cabinet form & charg’d 15.00 2 volt Storage Battery in cabinet form & charg’d 10.00 Excello” battery zincs .00 “ Blue stone pr lb. .10 8 cell lead lined, oak bat- tery box, 12.00 6 cell lead lined, oak bat- tery box, 9.00 3 cell lead lined, oak bat- tery box, 7.50 Fan Outfit A. Storage Battery work is our specialty . We shall be pleased to give estimates on anything in this line. CLARK & MILLS, Manufacturers of and dealers in Electro Dental Apparatus, 543 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass, _ 146 M. F. PATTERSON, The “Excello” Improved Gravity Battery and Storage Battery Outfits, For Operating Electric Engines and Lathe Motors. There are many practitioners so located that they are unable to use the commercial lighting current with which to operate their apparatus. The alternating current is not satisfactory for running electric engines, and in many places even where the i io volts direct current is in use, it is not available during the day time. High tension currents above 220 volts are dangerous. We are, therefore, obliged to fall back upon batteries for our source of power. The “Excello” Improved Gravity Battery, Which is of an improved gravity type in com- bination with the original Daniell cell is the result of years of study and practical experi- ence. Its superiority consists in its ex- tremely low internal resistance, and conse- quent large current output, length of life, con- stancy, economy of material and labor, relia- bility and cleanliness. The “Excello” keeps clean at all times, if properly set up, and re- quires very little attention. The “Excello” zinc is composed of mercury and the best speltzer obtainable. Maintenance* The “Excello” requires eight pounds of sulphate of copper (blue stone). This quantity, provided it is best quality, should last six months or more on ordinary work. A new zinc is re- quired in from four to twelve months, depending on the kind of work. These two elements of renewal and plain water are all that are necessary for the successful operation of the “Excello.” The “Excello” is capable, under ordinary conditions, of maintaining a constant discharge rate of about 250 milliamperes, or about six ampere hours per day. By using two sets of pri- mary batteries working in multiple series, twice the amount of current can be secured, and therefore double the working ca- pacity of a single set. Expense of Operating* The cost of operating the “Excello” Improved Gravity Bat- tery is about one-fourth of a cent per day per cell, and the cost of renewals about $1.25 per cell per year. PRICE LIST. Glass jar, 6x12 $ .45 I Copper 35 Porous cup 60 Rubber cover 50 “Excello” composite zinc 60 | Total $2.50 Best grade Sulphate of Copper (blue stone), eight pounds per cell, at ten cents per pound. CLARK & MILLS, Manufacturers of the “Excello” Improved Gravity Battery and Dealers in Electro-Dental Apparatus. Special Apparatus Made to Order. 543 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. DENTAL DEPOT. 147 L° LINCOLN. NEB.* Water Motor Dental Engine* Made by The Sims Hydraulic Engine Co., Lincoln, Neb. A Motor Dental Engine is only good when it runs right, and you do not want a complicated lot of devices and chemicals to fuss over, do you ? You’re too busy to spend two thirds of your time this way. We think the simpler a motor and your power is, the more efficient it is for your work. We make the simple kind, it’s the Sims Hydraulic Engine, and its always ready because we have nothing to get out of order. Its nois- less, too. We couldn’t afford to make any other kind, for dentists don’t want that kind. Our motor has long phosphor bronze bearings. It is durable. Our controlling valve attached to the motor and operated with the switch, which is placed at the base of the chair, controls the motor in starting, stopping, reversing and vary- ing the speed. Not three or four speeds of 1,000 at a jump, but any rate of speed you desire. Bracket finished in nickel or oxidized copper, ad- justable in length, pivoted at the wall attachment, Motor. and the cone bearing engine head is free to turn through a complete circle, gives perfect freedom to handpiece cable and sheath. Our self-lubricating ceiling pulleys have a grease cup that that can be refilled without re- moving pulleys or driving cord. Foot switch. We challenge competition. We are not going to try to tell you all we have, on this page, because we’ve so much, and offer it for so little, and Ceiling Pulleys. there isn’t room enough here anyway. We will have to sendjyou our catalog. Are you illing ? Price, Reversible Motor, Bracket and Engine Head, Switch, Driving Cord and Wire Cable, (to connect switch with controller valve), $50, Bracket. 148 M. F. PATTERSON Improved Cables and Sleeves for White's Engines, Fig. 3 102 - 26 ^ inches.- Fig 4. Fig. 5. -^ 2 inches. PRICES. Cables “A,” complete, with brass ferrules, Cable End No. 103 and Coupling No. 102 $ 2.00 Cables “B,” with brass ferrules only 1.50 Cables B\ with brass ferrules and Coupling No. 102 1.70 Cables “C,” soldered ends 1-50 Cables “D,” for old style Pulley-Head 1-50 Sleeves “A,” or “B,” with metal ends 1-50 Duplex Springs. For the Shaw Engine-Arm or Slip Joint Attachment. We have springs we sell at one-fourth the price of the Duplex, but we don’t sell one-fourth as many of them. It is a question of quality that makes the difference in both respects. Price, each 40 cents. Engine Belting. PRICES. No. 1 (Brown) Belts, for White’s Engines A, B, C. D, Shaw, and John- ston Engines each $0.10 No. 2 (Maroon) Belts, for White’s Side- Wheel Engines E. F, G. H (Endless) each .15 No. 2 (Maroon) Belts, for Doriot Engines (Endless) each .25 No. 3 (Small Maroon) Belts, for Weber-Perry Engines (Endless) each .25 White Belts, for Bonwill Dental Engines (Endless) each .15 White Belts for Elliott Suspension Engines each .15 Special Endless Belts of Nos. 2 and 3 Belting per yard .04 Splicing, extra each .10 No. 1 Engine Belting (Brown) per yard .01 Nos. 2 and 3 Engine Belting (Maroon) per yard .04 DENTAL DEPOT. 149 PARTS OF THE DUPLEX-SPRING CONNECTION. For 1he_S._S. White Dental Engines and No. 6 Hand-piece. For the Shaw Improved Dental Engine and No 6 Hand-piece. J rjIi ! r< 1 ^ For the Shaw Improved Dental Engine and Nos 7 and $ Han d-piec e^ Price, complet-e. any of,the above combinations $4 00 Extra Hand-pieces may be fitted for the No. 2 Slip-Joint System, as illustrated below. For No. 6 Hand-i For Nos 7 and 8 Hand-pieces. D io-fi Price, either combination as illustrated.. $i PARTS OF THE DUPLEX-SPRING AND No. 2 SLIP-JOINT CONNECTION, For the S. S. WHITE DENTAL ENGINES A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H. FOR HAND-PIECE No. 6. FOR HAND-PIECES Nos. 7 and 8. 43 " ^ «> 2 § <3 j ,Q bO . G M "Eh q & 53 02 03 o3 q, "ft-P oo a c3 5® oj >» & 03 e3 o3 03 a O S3 ft^ O a c3 a ® A ® +-> : o, ^ ,p G > . G t: ® ;M g .5 bcoj ; "Eg ^ s - 3 s -a *1 *» ^ • be ^ <13 : fl ^ © xi ® m XI E ft ' * <3 cc ft ^ .2L < ftp m e3 4. o 10 150 M. F. PATTERSON, No, 2 Slip-Joint and Duplex Spring Connections, FOR SHAW ENGINE. FOR S. S. WHITE ENGINE. The complete combination of No. 2 Slip-Joint and Duplex-Spring Connection, with Hand-pieces properly fitted, are shown upon this page. A screw-socket on the end of the cable or engine-arm is necessary for the application of the Slip-Joint and Duplex-Spring Connection. All S. S. White and Shaw engine-arms adapted for the Nos. 6, 7, and 8 Hand-pieces have this socket. Hand-piece No. 6 or No. 7, with Slip-Joint and Duplex-Spring Connection for the White or Shaw Engines each $21.50 Hand-piece No. 8, with Slip-Joint and Duplex-Spring Connection, for the White or Shaw Engines each 17.50 Hand-piece No. 6 or No. 7, with Duplex-Spring Connection, for the White or Shaw Engines each 14.00 Hand-piece No. 8, with Duplex-Spring Connection, for the White or Shaw Engines each 10.00 Slip-Joint, separately each 7.50 Duplex-Spring Connection, separately each 4.00 Slip-Joint atatchment No. 2, for Doriot Engine 12.00 Slip-Joint attachment No. 2 with adapter for Weber-Perry Engine 12.50 ? Hand Pieces, Number Six.— All other hand-pieces are tools— this is an instrument. It is exact and precise in operation. The bit may be secured or released with one hand. It has an absolutely secure and true bur-fastening. When locked the bur and spindle become one straight and solid piece. Price, each $10.00 Number Seven.— Probably the most popular Hand-Piece on the market. It is universal. Will hold plain wire as well as slotted bur shank. Is easily repaired. The lost motion may readly be taken up. Operated by sliding end of hand piece to or from the operator. This releases or secures the bur. Price, each $10.00 Number Eight.— In the construction of this Hand-Piece, the manufacturers have succeeded in constructing a spring clutch device for locking the spindle, thus rendering it unnecessary to hold it in the fingers when a bit is inserted or removed. No wrench or screw-driver is required in taking apart for cleaning or oiling. Price $6.00 Notice. All of these Hand-Pieces as regularly sold are furnished with part similar to “G. G.,” (pag 149. for attachment to sheath of regular engine. The illustrations show the Hand-Pieces as rigged for the Slip-Joint connection. Cuts are % size. Special Notice. Instructions for attaching those Hand-pieces to engines and for oiling, cleaning, etc., will gladly be mailed upon application. DENTAL DEPOT. 151 Doriot Hand-Piece A. Two pieces, one inside, one outside. That’s the story of the Doriot Hand-Piece A. The bur is secured or released by turning the milled nut shown. This opens and closes the end of shaft in which bur is inserted. Price, including Wrist-Joint $14.00 Doriot Stop-Motion Hand-Piece B* Similar in operation to Hand-Piece A, with the exception that by sliding forward the ring shown — this is easily accomplished by the hand holding the instrument — the bur is in- stantly stopped. Price, including Wrist-Joint $15.00 Right Angle No* 2 for Doriot Hand-Piece A* To attach the Right-Angle to the Hand-Piece, remove the case (see directions with the Engine), and put the Angle Attachment in the place of it. We are prepared to furnish for the Doriot Hand-Piece A, Obtuse and Acute Angles as well as Right Angles Nos. 2 and 3. The No. 2 is shown in engraving. Price of either $8.00 Right Angle Hand-Piece* Fitted for the No* 2 . Slip-Joint Connection* No. 2 Right Angle. We are also prepared to furnish Right Angle Hand-Piece No. 3 as well as the No. 2 in both obtuse and Acute Angles. Price of either $8.00 152 M. F. PATTERSON, Angle Attachments** OBTUSE. For Hand-Pieces Nos. 6, 7, and 8. There has been a good deal of nonsense printed about Angle Attachments. A good many things have been said about them that were not true, and that the men who have believed them are finding out were not true. No. 2. Right Angle for Hand-pieces Nos. 6 t 7, and 8. It may be possible some day for some one to pro- duce a good changeable an- gle hand-piece. It hasn’t been done yet. We don’t believe it ever will be done. Theoretically those that have been made are all right. Practically they are all wrong. There simply isn’t room in as small a thing as the head of an an- gle attachment for the com- plicated machinery necessary to make a changeable angle. It is hard enough to make a stationary angle that will last. It is impossible to make a changeable angle that will last. It is actual economy for a dentist to buy the three dif- ferent angle attachments, or if he uses the slip-joint at- tachment, the three different angle hand-pieces. If he does that, he has instruments adapted to work in any conceivable position, and he has instruments that will outwear three of the No. 2 Angle Attachment, changeable angles. We believe the No. 2 Attachment shown to be the best attachment made. It is simple in construction. It is easily operated, and it is the one we always send unless otherwise ordered. Price, either form, $6.oo No. 3 Angle Attachment. We supply the No. 3 Attachment when desired. In it a split chuck with taper bearings controlled by a milled nut grasps a considerable portion of the shank of the bit, which is thus held true. A hinged cap covering the milled nut prevents the entrance of saliva into the working parts. Price, each $6.00 File Saw and Tape Carrier. ACUTE. For Hand-Pieces Nos. 6, 7, and 8. This appliance brings to the work of separating, smoothing, or polishing between teeth, in any part of the mouth, the efficient help of the dental engine. Files or tapes can be used with equal facility. The advantages of the rapid motion of the engine in this branch of dental work, and the perfect control under which the device is run, will commend this Carrier to the dentist. Those who have used it speak of it as a very practical appliance. PRICES. With Fittings for Nos. 4, 6, 7 or 8 Hand-piece each $6.00 Saws for same, single cut per doz. .25 With Fittings for Doriot Hand-piece '• 8.00 Saws for with Fittings for No. 1 or 2 Slip- Joint “ 8.00 Files for Saws for same, double cut- same .38 1.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 153 • Burs at Wholesale* Engine burs keep. No one ever heard of an engine bur going out of style. When a dentist can save 25 cents a dozen, or 16 2-3 per cent., by buying six dozen of them at one time, he would never be able to show any business man why he ever bought any less than six dozen at a time. Not in a thousand years. We are just as willing to break open a package and deliver 1-12 of a dozen burs as we are to deliver a half gross of burs ; but when a dentist can save $1.50 on an investment of $7.50, it’s a wonder we ever have to break an original package. Burs, dozen price, $1.50 ; per half gross $ 7.50 Burs, dozen price, $2.00 ; per half gross 10.50 Pocket Microscope, Pocket Tool Case* For Examining Burs* Burs ought to be bought under a glass. It is the only safe way to buy them. Any good micro- scope will do. This one is made for this particular purpose. Flash a microscope on the per- sistent cheap bur man. It is the easiest and quickest way to get rid of him. Price in morocco-covered case $12.00 Made of leather, lined with cotton velvet, and provided with a slip cap; contains tools tor taking apart and assembling hand-pieces, viz. : , A monkey-wrench, two bodkins, and two screw-drivers, with points respectively 3-64 and 5-64 of an inch wide. PRICES. Complete ' $4.50 Wrench, separately 75 Screw-drivers, separately each 75 Bodkins, separately ’ ’ ’ .each !io Our Own Engine Screw-Driver* We make a very fine screw-driver for use in hand-pieces. It is almost indispensable. Knurled steel handle, revolving head. Points of blued steel. Price, nickel plated $ .50 Price, bronzed ’35 Styles of Bit Shanks* ,, ^ absolutely necessary to specify style of hand-pieces used when ordering bars. It is er y impossible for pur clerks to remember from one time to the next. We always send ours tor No. 7 hand-piece, unless otherwise ordered. For Cone-Journal Hand-Piece No. 6. For the Nos. 4, 7, 8 f and Universal Hand-Pieces. There are at present two forms of shanks for bits for Angle Attachments, of which we give illustrations. For No. I or No. 3 Right-Angle. Length, Ys inch. For No. 2 Right-Angle. Length, Vs inch. 154 Round. M. F. PATTERSON, Excavating Burs, Wheel. Cone. Inverted Cone. Bud. ft II Fissure, Square End. 44 If 45 46 47 48 49 5° 51 52 53 54 55 55^ 56 57 5§ 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 $1.50 doz. $2.00 doz. Fissure, Pointed. $1 50 doz. Oval. $2.00 doz. $1.50 doz. $2.00 doz. $1.50 doz. $2.00 doz. Dentate Burs for Cutting Enamel* Round. Fissure, Square End. Fissure, Pointed. 502 503 504 505 506 507 557 558 559 550 561 562 $2.00 per doz. DENTAL DEPOT. 155 Enamel-Cutting Burs* Made by C. Ash & Sons, Limiteu. Enlarged View. Enlarged View. The heads of these Burs are flutted, as shown in the enlarged illustrations, each leaf is vertical, and has a saw edge. They cut enamel with great rapidity, and are very highly spoken of by those who use them. All sizes for Handpieces Nos. 4, 7, 8 per doz. $2.00 All sizes for any style of Angle-Handpiece or Attachment “ 2.00 Cross-Cut Cavity Burs. Made by C. Ash & Sons, Limited. Made also in Pear Shape. Like the enamel-cutting Burs shown above, each leaf on these I cross-cut cavity Burs has a saw edge. Rapid excavation can be done with them, with little or no pain to the patient, when they are run at high speed and applied intermittingly to ihe tooth substance under operation. Each shape is made in twelve sizes, ranging from very small to large. For Handpieces Nos. 4, 7 and 8 $2.00 doz. For R. Angle No. 2 only 2.00 “ 156 M. F. PATTERSON, Flat, Spear Point. Drills! Square. Flat. Square Point. Spade $1.50 doz. Forbes’s. Bound. Five-Sided. $1.50 doz. Twist Drills. ‘Flexible’’ Burs. 142 143 144 MS 146 147 148 $1.50 doz. I $4.20 doz. Talbot's Keamers. ■‘Flexible’’ Drills. flu ni Ambler Drills. ; n 161 162 163 164 165 166 178 179 180 $3.60 doz. $2.25 doz. $4.20 doz. The “Flexible” Burs and Drills have spring-tempered stems, longer than regular stock. The bur-heads are formed so as to guide easily in the canal; and they are cut, to adapt them for engine-work, of a medium fineness between cavity and finishing burs. DENTAL DEPOT. 157 Price each $ .35 Gates-Glidden Nerve Canal Drills* i a 1 Drill Extractor* Undue pressure on a Nerve-Canal Drill will sometimes cause the drill-head to break off in the canal. This Extractor has a split and threaded cone - socket, which, when carefully pushed and turned in the canal, will seize the broken drill-shank and effect the extraction. In some cases it may be best to first enlarge the canal before inserting the Extractor. Price $ .60 x 74 175 176 177 Price, each, $ 0.35 IGroovingf Bor* 1 For cutting grooves in walls of root ca- nals. When the grooves have been cut the canal is filled with gutta-percha, cement or amalgam. When the pin is inserted it forces the filling into the grooves, adding greatly to the strength of the operation. Price, each $ .40 Evans' Root Trimmers* 1 i 7i i II s js When natural crowns have been reduced by CARBORUNDUM WHEELS AND POINTS, USe Reamers Nos. 1 to 3 for rounding off regu- lar points. No. 4 is a scraper with three sides for successive use, and is used in hand socket only. Prices, Nos. 1, 2, 3, each, 35 cents. No. 4 , each, 25 cents. 158 M. F. PATTERSON, Plug-Finishing Burs, Bound. Wheel. Each .35. .40. Each .35. .40. Inverted Cone. Oval. Bud. Each .35. .40. Each .35. .40. Each .35. .40. Pear. Barrel. Sugar-Loaf Each .35 .40. Each .35. .40. Each .35. .40. Knife-Edge. Trephines. Plate Saw. Crown Saw. DENTAL DEPOT. 159 Root-Reamers and Facers. Peeso Root-Reamers. FACERS. REAMERS. SAFE-SIDE ROOT-FACERS. J p bJ^ 9 14 roots. PRICES. Root Reamers Nos. 1, 2, 3 each $0.60 Root Facers Nos. 4, 5, 7, 8 each 1.00 Root Facers Nos. 6, 9 each 1.25 Tubular~and' Circular Engine Knives.] For Treatment of Abscesses, etc. PRICES. Nos. 1, 2, 3 each $0.60 Allport's Burs for Cutting Diseased Bone. In the Treatment of Pyorrhea Alveolaris, etc. Cutting into tissue when the patient is not under an anesthetic. With the rapid motion given by the Engine they produce but little pain. PRICES. Nos. 1, 2, 3 each $2.00 Nos. 4, 5, 6 each 2.25 No. 7 each 1.25 Walker-Younger Younger Trephines. Rea’mers. $ H * ® ® • These Burs have extra long shanks to pre vent the hand-piece from coming in contact with the teeth. Made for Hand-pieces Nos. 6, 7, and 8. PRICES. A, B, C each $0.50 D, E, F each .35 Implantation Instruments for Younger's Operations. PRICES. Walker-Younger Trephines each $1.00 Younger Reamers “ .75 Rollins Spiral Knives, Nos. 1 and 2 “ 1.25 “ Tubular “ No. 3 “ 2.00 Ottolengui Implantation Reamers “ 2.25 Rolling Ottolengui Knives. Implantation Knives. o O OOO # ® $ 3 1 2 160 M. F. PATTERSON, Willard Countersink Burs* PRICES. Fissure-Bur $0.60 Convex “ 75 Diamond Trephines and Porcelain Inlaying* • • # # @ 1357 9 PRICES. Nos. 1, 3, and 5 each $0.50 “ 7 and 9 “ .75 Inlay Burs. ©CO PRICES. ; Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 No. 7 Nos. 8 and 9 Set of nine each ii $0.40 •50 .60 4.00 Inlay Mandrels* * ? 3 a Price each $0.10 “ set of three 25 Drills for Retaining- Points and Anchor Screws* Starting Drills. Limit Drills. PRICES. Starting Drills, .each $0.25 Limit Drills “ .25 Right- Angle Drills and Taps* As used in How's Retaining- Screw Process. PRICES. Drills, AA, A, or B each $0.30 Taps, AA, A. or B “ .50 Hub for Right-Angle Taps. 1 I B Price $0.20 DENTAL DEPOT. 161 Steel, Corrugated, as shown in cut ..each $ .40 Steel, with Smooth Heads each .25 Herbst's Rotary Burnishers, Price each $ .25 Steel Disk Burnishers, Nos. 1 and 2 are small and large Push or Pull Disks. Nos. 3 and 4 are small and large Pull Disks. Nos. 5 and 6 are small and large Push Disks. Price for either No. 6, 7, or 8 Hand-piece each $ .40 1 2 3 4 5 0 Herbst's Rotary Files. PRICES. Mounted, complete each $ .45 Files ! each .25 Porte-Polishers, separately. .each .20 Sleeve Drills for Bridge Repairing, “T With the Bridge-Repair Pliers and the Sleeve Drill a broken bridge may be repaired without removal from the mouth. The sleeve Drill is used as illustrated. After the new tooth is fitted tO' the bridge and the pins cut off to the proper length for riveting, the sleeve is slipped over the pin to act as a guide for centering the drill on the pin while countersinking. Price $ -45 162 M. F. PATTERSON, IVORY'S Spiral Leaf Burs* IVORY'S New Process Burs* Besides the above shape we have them in Inverted Cone and Pear shape. Sizes from No. 3 to 8. Price, $2.10 per Doz. $ 21.00 per Gross. The Spiral Leaf Burs are different from Cross Cut Burs from the fact that the teeth run in a spiral form. A tooth in one blade pick- ing up what the other leaves. The Burs are self-cleansing and each succeeding tooth takes a fresh hold on the Dentine or enamel. The above are made in all the differ- ent shapes of Cavity Burs. Price, $ 1.50 per Doz. $15.00 per Gross. These Bars, we claim, are better for cutting tooth substances and will last longer and will hold their shape; conse- quently their edge better than any other Cavity Bur on the market. The New Process Bur* While the New Process Bur has the advantage of the Tough and Fibrous edge, it is especially an ad- vantage to have Spiral Deaf Burs hardened under the same process which makes them the rapid and durable cutters as you will find them to be. LONG DENTAL DEPOT. 163 Mandrels, Porte-Polishers, Etc Fig. i. 318 320 No. 300 each $ .07 Nos. 301, 301 J 4 , 301^, 302 each .15 Extra nuts for No. 302 each .06 No. 303, Right or left hand screw. each .15 No. 303, Right, only with spurs, .each .25 Nos. 304, 305 each $ .20 Nos. 306, 307 each .25 No. 308, Needle Chuck each 1.25 No. 309 each .15 No. 318 each 1.00 No. 320 each .75 Nos. 310, 311, 312 each $ .50 Handle for No. 310 each .30 No. 313 each .20 No. 314 each .25 Screw driver for 313 and 314 each $ .20 No. 315 each .35 No. 316 each .75 No. 317 eac h .50 164 M. F. PATTERSON ; The Positive Mandrel* This Mandrel Patented February 13th, 1894. HOLD A PAPER DISK, HOLD A CARBORUNDUM STONE, HOLD A METAL DISK OR SAW, HOLD A RUBBER DISK, or anything from the X oVo- of an inch to inch in thickness. When the Screw and Spring pressure is brought to bear on the Disk, it is held as in a vise. There is no wabble, it runs true, and will not loosen or tear out ; in fact, it is perfect and complete as Arkwright’s Spinning Jenny. A pin in the Shank acts as a Thread, on which the Spiral Spring rotates up or down to and from the screw head. INSTRUCTIONS. The Mandrel being held in the hand-piece reverse engine, run the Spring down the Shank, the entire length of coil, holding in such a manner between the fingers that the screw is removed at the same time. Thread the screw through the aperture in the Disk. Enter the guide pin of the screw into the threaded aperture in end of Shank, run engine forward by pressing the thumb on head of screw. By the forefingers run the coil up, while the Screw is engaging the thread, using a little pressure on coil to tighten. A little practice will enable an operator to work this Mandrel quicker than any in use. To hold Carborundum or other stone enlarge the aperture, so that it will pass over the end of Mandrel Shank as in above cut. In ordering state the hand-piece you desire to use it with. PRICE, 6o CENTS. Paper Disks, per hundred — any grade...: $ .io 12 boxes i. oo Metal Disks, per dozen io Any make of Disks will work on this Mandrel. T. W* IVORY, 51 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia* Improved Huey Mandrel. Patent Applied for. Made by Lukens & Whittington, Philadelphia. Strongest and Best. Will carry paper disk or any size stone. The regular long screw is only threaded one-half way, which provides a smooth bearing for the stone, and a quick change from one part to another. An outer sleeve, with left thread, is fitted on body of mandrel, so that this combination makes it the strongest and most quickly changed mandrel now in use. Price, each $ .50 DENTAL DEPOT. 1G5 166 M. F. PATTERSON, THE MANUFACTURE OF CARBORUNDUM. Carborundum Furnace Ready to Burn. WHAT IT IS | Carborundum is an artificial mineral. It is composed of carbon and silicon in equal atomic proportions. Its chemical formula is SiC. HOW IT IS MADE It is made by passing the electric current through a mixture of coke, sand, sawdust and salt. The heat generated by this current is estimated at 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit, which is probably little short of the heat of the sun itself. ITS EARLY USES When carborundum was invented by Mr. E. G. Acheson in 1891, it was used principally by diamond cutters for polishing diamonds and sold at $600 per pound. Two years later increased pro- duction brought the price down to $10 per pound. At the present time the Company is operating fourteen immense furnaces with a capacity every 36 hours of 14,000 pounds. WHERE IT IS MADE Carborundum is made at Niagara Falls by a current of 2,200 volts supplied by the Niagara Falls Power Co. This current is reduced to 105 volts by one of the largest transformers in the World, and for thirty-six hours that comparatively small voltage carries a current of 7,200 amperes, which heats the core of the furnace to incandescence. When DENTAL DEPOT. 167 the current has been shut off and the furnace allowed to cool for four or five hours, the unchanged mixture is raked off the top of the furnace, exposing beautifully colored crystals radiating to a distance of 12 to 14 inches from the core. ._ These crystals are crude carborundum. Any one of them will scratch the surface of a diamond. They are absolutely insoluble in any water or in any acid, and infusible at any attainable heat. | POWER USED It requires 48,000 horse power hours per day to meet the present demand for this marvelous material. FROM START TO FINISH The plant of the Carborundum Co. is as complete and perfect as science and art, backed by un- limited capital, can make it. The product embraces the processes from raw material to the finished article. Not one single solitary thing has to be done outside. When the crude carborundum has been removed from the furnace SEPARATING AND CLEANING CRYSTALS it is crushed into grain form, and after being treated with acids for several days is thoroughly washed, dried and graded. It is then ready to be made into wheels. THE BOND Carborundum wheels are made with a vitrified bond. In making the wheels the carborundum is mixed with certain proportions of Kaolin and Feld-spar. The mass is placed in a mould and pressed in a hydraulic press. A carborundum wheel is vitrified in a kiln similar to a kiln used in making porcelain-ware. It requires VITRIFYING THE WHEEL seven days to fire it. When the wheel is removed from the kiln it is ready for Carborundum Furnace After Burnirg. 168 M. F. PATTERSON, CARBORUNDUM ENGINE GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. CARBORUNDUM DOESN'T GRIND. IT CUTS. Square Edge Stump "Wheels. Round Edge Stump. Each, 8 cents. Per doz., 90 cents. Knife Edge Disks. I.IN.0IAM Thick Centre and Thin Edge Disks. ■ CTION IMAM. StGJIOM. 135. Each, 8 cents, Per doz., qo cents. DENTAL DEPOT. 169 CARBORUNDUM ENGINE GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. CARBORUNDUM CUTS. IT DOESN'T GRIND. Cup Shapes. Each, 8 cents. Per doz., 90 cents. Points. Each, 8 cents. Per doz., 90 cents. 142 . 141 . 140 . Round Edge Points. Each, 5 cents. Per doz., 50 cents. I ■ I 146 . 144 . Points. if 1 158 . 159 Square and Round Edge. B 'J§ '211 m m y 4 162. 163. 164. 165. MB )•) 166 16 7, •M'M 168. 991 i§ 1 1 173 Each, 5 cents. Per doz., 50’cents. 170 M. F. PATTERSON. business. If it passes the eye of a corps of men paid to look for imperfec- tions it is ready for the market. The ele- ment of MERIT OF THE GOODS chance hasn’t entered into the success of this enterprise. There hasn’t been any accident about it. The Company has prospered and increased its capacity simply and solely because carborundum is a better abrasive than any other abrasive. CARBORUNDUM IN DENTISTRY One of the earliest uses of carborundum The Grinder. was in the dental office and laboratory. It has revolutionized this particular feature of a dentist’s work. It has found its way into every dental office in the United States. It is saving seventy-five per cent, of the time of every man who uses it. It will actually and positively cut four times as fast as corundum. It may be used wet or dry. REDUCED PRICES When carborundum disks and stump wheels were introduced the uniform price was 60 cents each, and several hundred thousand of them were sold at that price. As production was increased the Dental Profession was first to receive the advantage of decreased cost in the form of a reduction in price on engine goods to 15 cents each, and a cut of 50 per cent, on lathe wheels. PRESENT PRICES In the summer of 1900 the price on engine goods was still further reduced to 8 cents each, a dozen rate of 90 cents established and the lathe wheels reduced 331-3 per cent. The quality of the goods has not been affected. All caiborundum goods are better made to day than they were ever made before. \Vhere_Carborundum Receives its Chemical Treatment. DENTAL DEPOT. 171 | NO SOFT SPOTS I T1 f Whee ' S are abs ° ,ute - ly uniform. There can’t be any possible chance of a soft spot in them. The method of mixing the crystals and bond makes us absolutely certain about that. | HELP THE WHEEL If the wheels become untrue after long use it is because they are not being properly used. They are being run too slow or the work is being crowded too fast. OUR GUARANTEE -j All carborundum goods are guaranteed to be free from soft spots. They are guaranteed to remain perfectly true if properly used. They are guaranteed without any qualification never to glaze or wear smooth. BOGUS GOODS The genuine carborundum small press. 1 dental goods are being imitated. All good things are bound to be imitated. They are being made by unscrupulous parties of broken up machine wheels made by the silicate process, or with a shellac bond. They are being sold by unscrupulous dealers for the sake of additional profit. No dentist who has ever used the genuine article will ever buy the imitation of it. It isn’t necessary for us to tell any man who has ever used the genuine article that no other material or combination of materials will give as good results. A dentist knows what he wants. If he asks for GENUINE carborundum he will get it. If he doesn’t get it we would like to know of it. The Carborundum Company are the only manufacturers of carborundum in America. Lee S. Smith & Son are the sole agents for the dental trade in the United States. We are represented in all of the larger cities by first-class dealers only. LEE S. SMITH & SON, Sole Agents. PITTSBURG, PA. A Section of the Kiln Room. DENTAL DEPOT. Price, each $0.75 Lee S. Smith & Son, sole agents, Pittsburg. The Watson Paper Disk Mandrel* This is an enlarged picture of the business end of a Watson paper disk mandrel. The spring shown in the lower cut is made of hardened steel. Of course it is covered up inside the. mandrel. When the pin goes in it jams against that spring. The spring holds the pin in place. It is guaranteed never to break. It can’t ever let go of it until the right time comes. When the right time comes — a pull and it’s off in a jiffy. It is easier to work the Watson paper disk mandrel than any man- drel made. No other mandrel holds a disk any tighter. 11 174 M. F. PATTERSON, Flexible Mandrels. This Mandrel has a spring on it. The spring is a good thing. It gives the Carborundum disk or point a soft yielding contact with the filling or tooth. The patient will appreciate that feature. The operator will appreciate the variation in the contact. Made in three styles. A. has a screw pin, as shown, for carrying Carborundum Engine goods. Price each $ .50 B. has a small screw cone for carrying felt, soft rubber points, etc. Price each .50 C. For carrying wood points, etc. Price each .35 > Mandrels for Carborundum Wheels and Points. No 3. Made to snugly fit center holes of the Carborundum Engine goods. The offset is made of three lengths, 1-16, % and % inches. A drop of cement is placed upon the wheel or disk and the Mandrel inserted. Heat applied to Mandrel causes cement to set immediately. Price, per doz 75 cents. Price, each 7 cents. Disk Moistener and Cheek Protector. This is a clever device. It is made of aluminum. It fits over the nose of any hand piece. The mere act of putting it there keeps it there. The extension carries a little sponge. The sponge carries 'enough water to keep a stone wet for a long time. It is possible to spend a good deal more money to get a thing to do the work this moistener does, but no amount of money will get anything to do the work more effectively. Six extra sponges are included with every outfit. The price is an even 25c each. Trade supplied by Lee S. Smith & Son, Pittsburg, Pa. Edwards Disk Moistener. An arrangement of rubber bulb to be filled with water. Compression of bulb projects water through nozzle against disk. Price, each $1.00 Melotte's Moistening Pad and Holder. The pad is made of layers of cotton stitched together. The holder is for holding the pad to its work. PRICES. Moistening pads, per box $ .40 Holder 60 Bur Shank Shield. Simply a soft rubber disk for stretching onto shank of mandrel, etc. It protects the hand-piece by keeping out the water. Price, per box of 50 $ .12 DENTAL DEPOT. 175 Ash's Grooved Diamond Discs* Made by C. Ash & Sons, Limited. (Registered. Reg. No. 310,731.) One of the most prominent and valuable features in these Diamond Discs is, that they will last twice as long as any other, and are not so readily spoiled by the application of pressure to the sides and edge. They should be kept well wetted with water during use and run at high speed. In our practical, every-day experience of Diamond Discs we find that these grooved discs will not only stand hard wear, but that they are superior to any other which we have ever tried. We make them in two forms as under: (a) Charged on both sides and on edge; extremely thin and sharp; eminently adapted for cutting fine grooves in mineral or porcelain inlays and rods ; for slicing purposes ; for sepa- rating teeth and fillings in the mouth, etc. Sizes — ^4-inch and 24-inch diameter each $1.25 Sizes — %-inch diameter each 1.25 (b) Charged on both sides, but not on edge ; very useful for smoothing and contouring the surfaces of inlays and hardened fillings, and for imparting little touches of individuality to mineral teeth and crowns, which many dentists make it their aim to produce, in imitation of the patient’s natural teeth. Sizes — Yz - inch and ^-inch diameter each $1.25 Sizes — %-mch diameter each 1.25 Cup-shape, charged on both sides and on edge, 24-inch and %-inch di- ameter .- each 1.25 1 2 Diamond Drill* Made by C. Ash & Sons, Limited. For Making Cavities in Artificial Teeth, &c. In using this Diamond Drill in the Engine the tooth or other article to be drilled should be placed on a board or table ; it cannot be sufficiently well supported in the hand to bear the pressure necessary to bore into a hard substance. Turpentine or water should be used as a lubricant. PRICE. For No. 4 or No. 7 Hand-piece $1.50 Root Rougheners* Made by C. Ash & Sons, Limited. (Suggested by Mr* W. R. Humby.) Fig. 1 is flame-shape, and Fig. 2 has a long, square, tapering head. They are both made with saw edges, like the enamel-cutting burs shown on page 155. Mr. Humby says “The advantages I claim for the root rougheners are : — ‘T. That the hole may be roughened in the widest diameter of the root • and, “2. That the size of the grooves is automatically proportioned as shown by the section of the root illustrated, the larger grooves being in the thick end, while the smaller ones are at the apex, with tapering in- termediate sizes.” PRICE. For Hand-pieces Nos. 4, 7, 8 (Figs. 1, 2) $2.00 176 M. F. PATTERSON, Diamond Disks, Wheels and Points* When we say Diamond Disks, wheel and points, we mean copper disks, wheel and points charged with diamond dust. The diamond dust is forced into the copper. It stays in it as long as the point is kept wet. If used dry for a fraction of a minute, the copper is heated, and the cutting quality of the article destroyed. Diamond Disks* REGULAR. — Charged all over. The regular are always sent unless Thin or Safe-Side are specified. Two sizes: No. i, ^-inch; No. 2, %-inch. THIN. — Charged all over. Same sizes as the regular. Price of either Regular or Thin each $1.75 SAFE-SIDE. — Charged on one side only, the other made smooth or “safe,” thus doing away with the need of a shield. Two sizes : No. 1, ^-inch ; No. 2, %-inch. Price each $1.25 FISSURE. — Will cut on both sides the same as the “Regular” Disks. They are made 5- 16-inch in diameter. The center holes are made sufficiently large to admit the screws of Mandrels Nos. 304 and 313. They can also be used on Mandrels Nos. 304 and 314 by properly centering the Disk before tightening the screw. Price each $ .50 SMALL FISSURE. — Diameter, 3-16-inch. Charged all over. Permanently mounted, not sold unmounted. Price each $ .50 DIAMOND STARTING POINT. — For removing the enamel surface as a starting-point in drilling natural or artificial teeth. As it is charged all over, it will also be found excellent in smoothing cavity-margins and other uses. Price, each $ .50 Diamond Wheels* - r ©§ ©0 w No. 1. No, 2. Nos. 3 and 4. No. 5. No. 6. Square Edge. Knife Edge. Round Edge. Round Edge. Square Edge. The value of Diamond Wheels in heavy work, as the dressing of roots, is well known. Made in six sizes and forms. Nos. 1 and 2 are charged all over; Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the edge only, with smooth sides. Can be used on Mandrels Nos. 302, 303, 313, 317, 319 A. PRICES. No. 1, Square Edge %-inch diameter each $1.25 No. 4, Round Edge, %-inch diameter, Thick each $1.25 “ 2, Knife “ “ “ “ “ 1.25 “ 5, “ “ % “ “ “ 1.75 “ 3, Round “ “ “ “ Thin... “ 1.00 “ 6, Square “ “ “ “ “ 1.75 Diamond Points* Diamond Cups* I No. 1. No. 1 No. 2 No. 10 ..each $1.00 The Points are charged all over. Used with Porte-Polisher No. 307. DENTAL DEPOT. 177 Arthurs Corundum Disks. AB C D EFGHI KLMNOP Q R Two Grits: Cutting and Polishing. Price, not mounted each $ .05 ; per doz. $ .50 Price, mounted each .13; per doz. 1.50 Gem Disks. Made in same style as Arthur’s ; shown above, with exception of O. P. Q. A to N, and R, not mounted each-$ .07; per doz. $ .75 A to N, and R, mounted each .15; per doz. 1.75 Butler’s Corundum Point. For Porte-Polisher No. 305. Root -Dressing Corundum Points and Corundum Cavity Points. Not mounted each $ .03; per doz. $ .25 Mounted (excepting Butler’s) ... .each .11; per doz. 1.25 Mandrels, separately each .07; per doz. .75 1 2 3 Gem Points. Made in same style as above points. Nos. 1 to 16, not mounted Nos. 1 to 16, mounted Gem crown wheels Gem Stump wheels, unmounted . . Gem stump wheels, mounted Gem Cup, not mounted Gem Cup, mounted .each $ .04; per doz. $ .40 .each .12; per doz. 1.40 each $ .07; per doz. $ .75 .each .07; per doz. .75 .each .15; per doz. 1.75 per doz. .40 per doz. 1.40 Shellac for Mounting Disks and Points. Shellac prepared in sticks Ri-inch diameter, 2 j 4 inches long, put up in boxes of one dozen. Prepared also in powder for the same purpose. Price, in Sticks Price, in Powder per box $ .25 per box .10 178 M. F. PATTERSON, Rubber and Corundum Disks* Made of Corundum thoroughly incorporated with vulcanized rubber. Price, not mounted each $0.05 Rubber and Corundum Points* 1 2 3 4 5678 Made of corundum, thoroughly incorporated with vulcanized rubber, to be used with Mandrels 307 or 319 C. Price each $0.05 Wood Polishing Points* Exactly same forms as rubber and corundum points shown above, with dition of a more tapering point similar to No. 8. Assorted, nine forms (100 in a box) per box $0.60 Separately, Nos. 1, 2, 7 (100 in a box) per box .75 Separately, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 (100 in a box) per box .50 Corundum Stump Wheels. SQUARE EDGE. — Made in four sizes, -J, f, f and 1 inch and three thick- nesses, 1-16, -J and 3-16 inch. Unmounted each $0.05; per doz. $0.50 ROUND EDGE. — Made in three sizes, A, f and 1 inch and two thicknesses, i and 3-16 inch. ...each $0.05; per doz. $0.50 ...each .13; per doz. 1.50 SAFE EDGE. — Made with brass tire for grinding sides of natural crown without wounding gum. Unmounted, 1 inch diameter each $0.15 Bright-Metal Shields* Thin metal disks for making carborundum wheels, etc. Safe sided. Two sizes, $ and J inch. Price each $0.05 DENTAL DEPOT. 179 Disk Mounter* This is a machine for mounting Carborundum or other abrasive disks. It mounts them true. It can’t guess. It can’t make a mistake. Price each $1.00 Corrugated Soft-Rubber Disks* Suggested by Dr. C. F. Francis. A E CDEFGHIK The corrugated surface carries powders either for finishing fillings or for polishing the natural teeth. Price each $0.05 1 2 3 4 Corrugated Soft-Rubber Points* 12 Nos. 1 to 1 2 per doz. $0.40; each $0.04 Arkansas, Hindostan, and Scotch Stones* Not Supplied Unmounted. R S T U VV X PRICES. Arkansas Stones Hindostan Stones Scotch Stones each $1.00 U it •50 •30 1 80 M. F. PATTERSON New Diamond Drills* Made by H. D. Justi & Son. These Diamond Drills are entirely different front any others heretofore in use, and should not be confounded with them. The Diamond Points in these Drills are carefully selected for the purpose, and are of the very best quality ; they are set in the steel shanks in such a manner as to render it simply impossible for them to become loose or drop out. The Diamond having considerable projection from the shank the point is left perfectly free without the metal part offering any resistance whatever in the manipulation. While in use the Drills should be kept constantly wet or in oil, and too heavy a pressure on them during the operation should be avoided. It would also be well to withdraw the Drill repeatedly from the cavity in order to prevent binding, and have it always work free. A breakage is only possible in cases where the Drill has been improperly used. Price, each $3.00 Dollar Diamond Drill* We have a Diamond Drill we sell at a dollar. Of course it isn’t as good a drill as the above drill, but it’s a big dollar’s worth of drill. It is not warranted in any way. It is made as well as it can be made, and is sold without guarantee. Price, each $1.00 Genuine Moose Hide Polishers* Shellac Centers. Easily Mounted. No Time Required. No Trouble. DIRECTIONS FOR MOUNTING. Either a screw-pointed engine mandrel or an old bur can be used, by simply heating the point in the flame of a spirit lamp and when hot screwed into the center of the Polisher. It cannot come off when engine is reversed, and will be ready for instant use whether engine runs in either direction, thus obviating the difficulty of keeping the polisher on the mandrel. The advantages secured from using Moose Hide Polishers and Shellac Centers are : Being small and thin, they can be run around and between teeth, and will not abrade the gums, thereby making them the safest and only polisher that should be used on the teeth, and being of such even material the enamel will not be harmed and all discolorations can be readily removed. The beautiful finish they give to fillings — gold and amalgam — have endeared them to the operator, who daily enters his testimony in their favor. The ease of mounting them and “staying mounted” makes them worth double any other polisher on the market. You can only get the staying qualities with the shellac centers. Put up 50 in a box. Price, .* $ -3° H. D. JUSTI & SON, Chicago, 66 Madison Street. Philadelphia, 1301 and 1303 Arch Street. DENTAL DEPOT. 181 Soft Rubber Polishing Cups* Corrugated Inside. The cup adapts itself to the shape of the tooth, carry- ing the polishing powder to every portion of the surface. Price each $ .05 Tooth-Brush Wheels* Bane Ceiter. Metal Center. No. 2. No. 4. No. 5. Nos. 1 and 2 are made of three grades of bristles : soft, medium and stiff. Nos. 4 and 5 are made only of two grades : soft and stiff. PRICES. No. 1. Cup Shape, with Stem, to be used with Porte-Polisher No. 307 $ .20 No. 1. Cup Shape, without Stem, for Mandrels Nos. 300, 301 20 No. 2. Straight, with Stem, used with Porte-Polisher No. 307 25 No. 2. Straight, without Stem, for Mandrels Nos. 300, 301 25 No. 4. Cup Shape j To be used on Mandrel \ 25 No. 5. Straight \ No. 303. / 25 Tooth-Polishing Brush* The brush spreads out like a fan. It carries polish- ing powders under the free margins of the gums with- out injury. Four grades: Soft, Medium, Stiff and Extra Stiff. Used. with. Porte polisher 307. Price, any one grade, or assorted each $ .03 Price, any one grade or assorted per doz. .30 Price, any one grade or assorted per gross 3.00 Leather Polishing Wheels* Sometimes called Moosehide or Hard Buff polishers. For carrying pumice and other powders to clean teeth or polish fillings. Five diameters, varying in thickness. Put up in boxes of 100 assorted or of separate diameters, as desired. Used on Mandrels Nos. 301, 30154 , 319B. Price per box $ .40 Compressed Leather Wheels* For Polishing Plates* Etc* Price per box of 50, J/2 inch diameter $ .20 Chamois Polishing Wheels for Engine. Three thicknesses of the chamois are stitched together in a circular form, making a sort of a hub. The wheels just adapt themselves perfectly to the surface to which they are applied, forming an_ ideal vehicle for the polishing material. Two sizes: in., Y in. Put up in boxes of 25, containing sixteen of the smaller and nine of the larger size. Price Felt buffs, assorted forms per box $ .40; each $ .02 per doz. .50 182 M. F. PATTERSON, Carborundum Powder. Carborundum powder is the best known substance for polishing gold fillings. It is used just like other powders. We can furnish it in any grit, but for this pur- pose supply the six-minute grade. If it is used once it is used always. It is also invaluable for polishing instruments. It doesn’t scratch. It polishes. Price, per box $0.15 Ordinary Polishing Powders. Arkansas Stone Powder per box Buckhorn Powder, large boxes “ Chalk, Prepared per lb., $0.12; “ Crocus , “ Corundum Flour “ Corundum Flour, Extra Fine “ Emery “ Hindostan Stone “ Pumice Stone per lb., $0.10; “ Rotten Stone “ Rouge “ Tripoli “ Paper Disk Lubricator. The Paper Disk Lubricator is used to eliminate the grating sound of the disk, and to lessen the heating of the filling during the polishing operation. It is in the form of a stick; the material is of about the consistence of yellow wax, and is used by holding one end against the rotating disk, the surface of which becomes coated with a film of the lubricator, and is then ready to be applied to the filling. The effect is seen in a smoother cut, while in no way interfering with the rapidity of the work; it also, to an extent, stiffens the disk and lessens its liability to catch in the rubber-dam. This Lubricator is an economy. The gold ground off by the disk is caught and held in the film, so that if the used disks are saved and burned the gold re- covered will more than pay for the year’s supply of disks. Put up in tin foil, which is stripped off as the Lubricator is used, making it cleanly to handle. Price $0.25 .38 10 .10 •25 •25 .10 .12 .10 .10 .20 .10 $0.10 DENTAL DEPOT. 183 Carborundum Paper Disks* HE same identical grade of Carborun- dum is used for charging these disks that is used in making the regular line of engine goods. It is pure Carborundum and that is all there is to it. Carborundum on a disk cuts just as well or) a paper disk as in a wheel. If paper disks could be charged with diamond dust they couldn’t cut any faster than these disks cut. The finer grits polish while they cut. They are good from start to finish Specify the genuine Carborundum paper disks in next order. We will refund the price of the full box for tl^e lid of any box that is not satisfactory. They are sold with a guarantee. Four Grits : — COARSE. MEDIUM COARSE. MEDIUM. FINE. Four Sizes : — Y* inch, inch, % inch, Ji inch. Boxed Separately. They cost just the same as common disks. Price per 100, .... 10 cents. 1200, $1.00 Lee S* Smith & Son, Makers, Pittsburgh* 184 M. F. PATTERSON, Paper & Cloth Disks, oooO Vs % % % Our Disks are made of the very best material, they are heavily shellacked, and the edges are very clean cut, which makes them superior to any on the market. Thy are made in Sand Paper, Garnet Paper, Emery Paper, Cuttlefish Paper, and Emery Cloth. The grits run from oo fine to i, very coarse, excepting the Cuttlefish Disks, which are made in three grits — fine, medium, and coarse. They are made in the following sizes: § in. -J in. § in. f in. f in. Paper and Cloth Disks are put up as follows: In boxes containing ioo of one kind, size, and grit. In boxes containing 525 assorted kinds, sizes, and grits. prices. Paper Disks, 100 in box $ .10 Paper and Cloth Disks, assorted, 525 in per 12 boxes 1.00 box 60 Emery Cloth Disks, 100 in box 20 In ordering state kind, size and grit wanted. per 12 boxes 2.00 H. D. JUSTI & SON, Philadelphia. Chicago. Brown's Mounted Granite Disks. For Use With Dental Engines. The Buffalo Dental Mfg. Co. Sole Agent. 1 l No. 1. No. 0. No. 2. No. 3. No. 7. No. 4. Furnished in three grits — fine, medium, and coarse. PRICE. Nos. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, Brown’s Mounted Granite Disks, each $0.12 Per dozen 1-25 Separating Saws. For making separations between teeth, no more valuable appliance has been brought forward than these fine steel circular saws for dental engines. A inch % iuch PRICED. 40.15 . .20 DENTAL DEPOT. 185 Paper and Cloth Disks* ORDINARY. Sand-Paper. Garnet-Paper. Emery Paper. French Emery-Paper. Cuttlefish -Paper. Emery-Cloth. Six Sizes. Fo ir Grits. Three Grits. Four Grits. One Grit. Two Grits. One Grit. .... 00-0-1- 00-Od r 00-0-14 Regular. M Regular and Fine. .. 0 00-0-' 00-0-14 0 .... 00-0-1-1. 00-0- l 00-0-14 ll LC LL LL 0 .... 00-0-14. 00-0 J 00-0-14 L C LL LL LL 0 00-0-1 -L 00-0-1 4 CL LL LL LL ....0 ....00-0-14. 00-0-^ i 00-0-14 LL CL CL LL 0 PRICES. Paper disks, ioo in a box, per box, $ .10; per dozen boxes $1.00 Emery cloth disks, 100 in a box, per box, $0.20; per dozen boxes 2.00 Perfection cloth disks, Garnet, coarse cutting; Lava, fine cutting; Rouge, polishing. One size, inch. Price per box, $ .20; per dozen boxes $2.00 Double-Faced French Emery paper Disks — per box 15 Easel for Paper Disks* This easel is made of wood 714 inches long by 4^ inches wide. It carries an assortment of 525 disks. It stands up on the bracket table, where every disk on it is in plain sight. Price, with 525 assorted disks, $ .90 Disk Tray* This tray has 14 separate compartments. It contains 1,400 paper disks. There is a sepa- rate compartment for each kind. The tray measures 5 inches in diameter and is 1^ inches deep. It is the cheapest and best way to buy paper disks. Price $1.30 Thickened Rim Sand Paper Disks* The rim of the disks is thick and is the only part charged. Two sizes, 24 an d 24 inch. Two grits, 00 fine, and 1 coarse. Price per box of 400 $1.00 Chamois Disks* A hard, smooth celluloid surface on one side, chamois on the other. Made in four sizes, 'A, 24 , Va and inch. Price per box of 25 disks $ .25 Celluloid Disks* The abrasive material (Corundum) is forced into the Celluloid instead of being merely carried upon the surface. Their flexibility prevents their being easily broken. Made of four diameters, viz. : 24 - in., 24 -in., 24 - in., 24 - in. Put up in boxes containing one dozen of a size, not assorted. Price each $ .03 Price per doz. .25 Plain White Celluloid Disks* For cutting and finishing after the dam is removed they are far superior to paper, as saliva has no effect upon them. Dip the disk in water, and apply any of the polishing or cutting powders. Price per box of 100 $ .40 Washers for engine disks, per box of 100 20 186 M. F. PATTERSON, MOORES^SYST m DISCS ^MANDRELS 1 MANF D BY E.C.MOORE& SON. DETROIT, Wl\CH.' SAMUEL A. CROCKER & CO. SOLE AGENTS FOI3 THE U, a Dental and Surgical Goods, 35, 37 & 39 West Fifth St.xet, GIIT GTlsTTsTA-TX, O. As shown in the illustration, the efficiency of both the disc and man- drel, owing to their mechanical con- struction, is so apparent and satis- fying, that special instruction * is scarcely necessary. It is comforting to know that the mandrel is but one piece, no screws or nuts to drop or lose £>n the floor ; it can be turned backward as well as forward without fear of disc coming off. The illustration shows the construc- tion of mandrel, which is simply a split mandrel having a square grooved beveled head, and the disc, which is supplied with square metallic center, is put on and held tightly to place on the mandrel by pressing smartly into the square center of disc until it goes on with a snap, and to remove, take mandrel between the thumb and finger in such manner as to tendto close the spring of the mandrel, insert the thumb nail between the flange of the mandrel and the flange of the disc, forcing the nail between, throws the disc off ; a very little practice and this is easily done. The Discs are put up in five (5) Grits as shown on label above, and are made in four (4) sizes, y 2 , 5 /i, 24> 7 A. These are put up in round boxes of 50 Discs each, and in neat blocks with hinged lid (as shown in cut) of 500 Discs each. These blocks are made in three (3) sizes, holding respectively p2 and A, % and 24> 24 and A sizes. The Discs are made of two (2) Grits, fine and coarse. They are pronounced by the best operators as the greatest time-savers and the best Discs ever offered the profession. PRICES. Mandrels (Universal) $1.00 Mandrels, Cone Journal 1.00 Discs in stained wooden blocks of 5°° 1.50 Discs, in single round boxes of 50 15 Samuel A. Crocker & Co., Sole Agents, Cincinnati, Ohio. DENTAL DEPOT. 187 Steel Wire Wheel Brushes. For Cleaning Burs and Files. The cuts illustrate five varieties of Stands for the convenient keeping of Engine-bits. They are of polished or ebonized wood. The same forms are made- for Right-Angle Burs. No. i is 5 inches in diameter, i inch high, containing 72 holes. No. 2, same, with glass cover, but containing only 60 holes. No. 3 is 2 >Ya inches in diameter, 3J/2 inches high, containing 48 holes. No. 4 is 4^4 inches in diameter, 4^4 inches high, containing 78 holes. No. 5 is a Revolving Stand, 7 inches in diameter, 7*4 inches high, containing 120 holes. PRICES. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 $1.00 1.50 1. 00 1.50 3-00 188 M. F. PATTERSON, MINERAL ENGINE OIL There’s nothing fancy about this oil. It is simply a plain, colorless, tasteless, odorless oil that will not gum, and will not become rancid. It prevents heating of journals. It is made for use on engines and Hand-pieces. It is the only oil that ought to be used on delicate machinery. The price at which mineral engine oil is sold is the same as inferior oils. The bot- tle contains full two ounces,- which is double the size usually sold . See that the name of the refiners, LEE S. SMITH & SON, is on the label. Price, per 2 oz. bottle, - - $0.25 LEE S. SMITH & SON, Refiners, ----- 'Pittsburg. Engine Bit-Holders, Kaeber Engine Bit Holder. A slit coned clamp, working in a cone- socket and controlled by a screw collar, grasps the bit firmly. Made for straight and cone-journal bits. State which is wanted . Price, - - - Improved Revolv- ing Head Engine Bit-Holder. A chuck device holds the bit firmly. Two styles, one to hold bits for No. 4 H a nd-piece and other straight- shank bits; the other to hold those for No. 6 . In order- ing, state which is wanted. Price, - $0.75 $1.25 DENTAL DEPOT. ENGINE MALLET NUMBER 3, The blow is delivered by a revolving hammer, a metal wheel with a steel plate let into its rim, and projecting sufficiently to strike the head of the plun- ger at each revolution of the wheel. The rapidity of the blows is only limited by the speed at which the engine is run. The force of the blow can be varied by running the engine faster or slower, or by greater or less pressure on the plugging- point. The Mallet is shown with the No. 2 Slip-Joint at- tached. Six socket-handles are supplied with each Mallet and included in the price. These socket-handles are for automatic or for cone-socket points, as may be preferred. Unless otherwise ordered, we supply the former. Various modifications of the yoke are made for attachment to Hand-pieces Nos. 6, 7, and 8, or by means of the Slip-Joint direct to the arms of various engines, except the Cord and Doriot. For these a still different organization is supplied. . Price, any fitting, with six socket- handles complete $12.00 Sockets separately, per doz 1.25 190 M. F. PATTERSON, Engine Mallet No* 4. b As will appear from the illustration, this new form of Engine Mallet is extremely compact and simple. We think it will be found to answer the requirements of a great many in the profession who wish to use an Engine Mallet, but who insist that it shall be small in size. The rapidity of the blow is of course regulated by the speed of the engine. Every revolution of the hand- piece spindle gives a distinct blow. The blow approxi- mates that of the Electric Mallet ; its strength is Tegu- 'lated by the slnall collar bearing the two knurled rings at b. The small serrated finger slide, c, is intended to enable the operator to arrest the blow while the engine is running, particularly to allow him to stop the action of the hammer while he is picking up gold and carrying it to its place in the mouth. Supplied with fittings for No. 4, No. 6, Nos. 7 and 8, or Doriot Hand-piece A, and for the No. 2 Slip-Joint. Be sure to specify in ordering which fitting is wanted. PRICES. With Fittings for No. 4, No. 6, Nos. 7 and 8 Hand- pieces, or No. 2 Slip-Joint $ 8.00 With Fittings for Doriot Hand-piece A 10.00 The Avil Dental Mallet* The most important feature of this Engine Mallet is its swiveling or adjustable head, which can be placed at any angle and impart a direct blow. A heavy or light blow can be obtained by simply turning an adjustable collar. By merely pressing a lever, the blow is stopped to pick up gold. To change the angle, twist the head and it locks itself. All these changes can be accomplished without stopping the engine. PRICES. Avil Mallet, adapted for Slip Joint, includ- ing one point $15.00 Dog and Ferrule extra 1.50 Plugger Points each .75 DENTAL DEPOT. 191 The Buffalo Dental Manufacturing Co* desire to call attention to the Lewis and S. & L. Automatic Pluggers as now manufactured. Never before in its history have so many improvements been made in these instruments as have been made since 1891. It has been the aim of the Company to excel in their produc- tions, and these instruments are examples of excellence seldom obtained. This is particularly due to the introduction of modern machinery and methods, and the Automatic Pluggers as now made are as perfect as ingenuity, experience, careful supervision and machinery can make them. The Company would also state that all Automatic Pluggers are made under the personal supervision of their original inventor ; the first Automatic Plugger, afterwards known as the ‘‘Snow & Lewis,” having been invented, made and used by Dr. Theo. G. Lewis, the President of the Company, who has been closely identified with the manufacture and improvements ever since its introduction. The original instrument was first publicly exhibited by Dr. Lewis at the meeting of the Buffalo City Dental Association, held September 4, 1865 ; also, in October of the same year, at the meeting of the Western New York Dental Society, and a record of this exhibit, with proper credit, was given to Dr. Lewis at the time in the Secretary’s books of both Societies. Subsequently, Snow & Lewis commenced the manufacture of the instrument, but were suc- ceeded shortly after by the Buffalo Dental Manufacturing Co., who have been its exclusive manufacturers ever since. Six Styles. For thirty-three years the best known and most indispensable ad junct to the Dentists’ operating case. No. 7. Lewis Direct- Action Automatic Plugger. Adjustable by milled sleeve to either one-eighth or one-sixteenth inch stroke. Pat. May 16, 1899. Price, nickel plated, $7.00. No. I. Direct- Action Automatic Plugger. Adjustable to either one-eighth or one- quarter inch stroke. Price, nickel plated, $7.00. No. 2. Direct-Action Automatic Plugger, having but one-eighth inch stroke. Price, nickel-plated, $7.00. No. 3. Double-Action Automatic Plugger. One-eighth inch stroke. The most perfect “Double-Action” made. Price, nickel plated, $8.00. No. 4. Direct- Action Plugger. The same mechanism as No. 3, but without the “Back-Action” end. Regulation of blow same as No. 3. Price, nickel plated, $7.00. No. 6. Obtuse-Angle Automatic Plugger. Pat. March 28, 1893; July 2, 1895. 'Same mechanism as No. 4, but with improved tension knob, and Obtuse Angle tool or point holder. Price, nickel plated, $8.00. 192 M. F. PATTERSON, The Lewis Automatic Plugger, No. 7. Made only by the Buffalo Dental Manufacturing Company. This instrument is a modification of the well-known Automatic Pluggers made by us for so many years, but has improvements in design and construction, and a device for obtaining either a long or short blow, that is in no other Automatic Plugger heretofore constructed. The hammer is rubber-faced to deaden the blow, and is nearly the same in weight as used in the No. i Automatic Plugger. The catches for engaging the latch are milled on one piece of steel and hardened. The catch-plate is inserted in the hammer in such a manner that it is im- possible for it to become loose or break. The most marked improvement aside from the design of the case, is in the simple and positive device by which a very short stroke — or receding of the shank — is secured, and a corresponding light or delicate blow obtained. This change from a long or to a 1-16 inch stroke, or vice versa, is accomplished by revolving the knurled steel sleeve on the extreme lower end of the instrument to a stop either out or in. The short stroke — evolving a light blow — is very desirable when operating on fragile walls. Price, Lewis Automatic. Plugger, No. 7, Nickel plated. $7 00 The S. & L. Automatic Plugger, No. 1. The Snow & Lewis Automatic Plugger has been in use since 1865, and it stands as well in favor at present as it has at any time since its introduction. It was the first successful Spring Plugger brought to public notice, and nothing has been offered in the market since its first appearance which compares with it for efficiency. The best proof of its excellence, and the public appreciation of it, is found in the constantly increasing demand for it. Full directions accompany each Plugger sold. S. & L. Automatic Plugger, No. 1 Patented May 16, 1899 No. 7. No. 1. $ 7.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 193 The S. & L. Automatic Plugger, No. 2. No. 2. The No. 2 Automatic Plugger differs from the No. i by being a trifle shorter, and the shank or tool- holder having only one length of stroke instead of two; the shank receding but one-eighth of an inch. In all other respects the instrument is the same. This instrument (No. 2) is preferred by many op- erators who never find use for the long or one-fourth inch stroke of the No. 1. The No. 2 Automatic Plugger has a locking ring by which the tool-holder is made stationary, enabling the instrument to be used as a hand-plugger. This Automatic Plugger has the socket fitted to receive either the S. & L. or cone socket points. PRICE. S. & L. Automatic Plugger No. 2, nickel plated $7.00 The S. & L. Automatic Plugger, No. 3. The mechanism of this plugger is exactly the same as the other S. & L. Pluggers. The difference in the working is that this instrument gives the back- ward, or pull, blow, as well as the ordinary direct, or thrust, blow. The Double-Action Plugger will be found very convenient for use when a hand instrument is requir- ed to fix the gold before malleting; the back-action end holding the hand-plugger point and serving the purpose of a hand instrument, while it is only neces- sary to reverse the plugger in the hand to do the mal- leting. See illustrations of back action points on Page 196. PRICE. No. 3. S. & L. Double-Action Automatic Plugger No. 3, nickel plated ...... $8.00 194 M. F. PATTERSON, No. 4. The S. & L. Automatic Plugger No. 4. $ The immediate success of the S. & L. Double- Action Automatic Plugger suggested the adoption of the same mechanism for a direct-action plugger. The outward form of the instrument has been changed to better accommodate the fingers. The size of the case remains the same, as over thirty years’ experi- ence has demonstrated that a plugger with a small case and a small hammer, actuated by a stiff spring, gives a short, jerky, undesirable blow, while one with a large case, containing a large hammer, propelled by an elastic spring, delivers a blow nearly resembling that of a hand-mallet. The shank or tool holder in the No. 4 extends through the entire length of the instrument, the upper or top end of the shank being supported by the milled cap. This not only gives a steadiness to the tool- holder, but ensures all the parts being in line, in any position the instrument may be placed. PRICE. S. &. L. Automatic Plugger No. 4, nickel plated $7.00 The S. & L. Automatic Plugger No. 6. OBTUSE ANGLE. Patented March 28, 1893. July 2, 1895. A new form of the S. & L. Automatic Plugger, whereby a direct blow may be given in a curved di- rection. This improvement renders the instrument capable of reaching all posterior cavities with a facility and certainty impossible with the direct-acting or straight-shank pluggers. The usefulness of this addi- tion is not limited to the filling of posterior or obscure cavities, but it will be found equally convenient in many other situations. The points used with the No. 6 Automatic Plug- ger are special, and are curved to correspond with the curve of the tool or point-holder, thereby bringing all parts in line with the blow. These points are also of special taper, and are accurately fitted to the tool- holder. No points except those made by the Buffalo Dental Manufacturing Company will fit the No. 6 Automatic Plugger. For illustrations of points used with the No. 6 Automatic Plugger, see page 197. PRICE. S. & L. Automatic Plugger No. 6, nickel plated $8.00 No. 6. DENTAL DEPOT. 195 Ivory's Automatic Pluggers* (PATENTED JUNE 22d , 1897.) Other Patents Pending for Additional Improvements. The Single Action Plugger and the Double Action Plugger are actuated by the same mechanical movements. The Castings are of ‘Black, Hard Rubber . They are light and pleasant to handle . T>o not cramp the hand. Each blow made is decisive. The pressure for ordinary stroke easy. The distance -}?; of an inch. The stroke is speedy and not annoying. Their durability guaranteeo. INSTRUCTIONS. To make the blow heavy or light, turn the cap B on Single Action ; and the movable stem on the Double Action. The shaft is of one solid length, to which the springs are attached and on which the hammer works, making a simple and durable instrument. Are tapped to fit either Cone Socket or Automatic Points. PRICES. Double action $7 oo Single action 6 00 -B 6 196 M. F. PATTERSON, The Abbott Automatic Mallet. Engravings are % size. A is the old style Abbott. C is the long stroke with rubber handle. B is the same form with shortened stroke. 1) is the same with short stroke. Price, any style, $8.00. u, “ Set of 12 5.25 The Bosworth Automatic Mallet. Direct-Action Mallet. Direct-Action Mallet “ “ “ with Case Ang'e Mallet with Case and Twelve Points. “ with Points (less Case) “ separately Angle Points, separately (per set) Nos. 1, 2, 10, 11 and 12 “ 6 , 7 “ 8, 9 “ 5 “ 3, 4 Case only Angle Mallet, PRICES. .? 7. 13. 10 . each 3.00 o^oSw§§88§8 DENTAL DEPOT. 197 Morocco Case for Automatic Pluggers. NEW PATTERN POINT RACK. PRICES. Morocco Case, with rack to hold 24 points. .•••••• • • • ' W ' ' « ’ V V * xtA* V V UUi’ ^ ^ Morocco Case and 24 Plugger Points, with a Lewis No. 7 or S. & L., No. 1, 2 or 4 Au- ^ ^ Morocco t Ca^! U s^ e Back Action * Points, and one dozen assorted Direct- Action Points, with No. 3 Automatic Plugger Points for the Lewis and S* L. Automatic Pluggers* SET “L.” rf ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PRICES SET “L” AUTOMATIC PLUGGER POINTS. Nos. 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 each ’ Per set of 14 ; o? S. & L. or Abbott Automatic Plugger Points, per Points for Obtuse Angle Automatic Plugger No* 6* ° e ( _ § # . PRICES. Obtuse Angle Points, per set of 8 ?2.00 Obtuse Angle Points, each 25 181 ints of any desired pattern made to order. 19S M. F. PATTERSON, The New Improved S* S* White Dental Electrical Mallet This mallet is really 'an improved mallet. It is the same general form as the original Bonwill Mallet, but the only feature in it that has not been changed is the winding of the magnets. The mallet as now made is interchangeable. An electrical mallet is an ideal instru- ment. It strikes more blows' in a given time than any other form of mallet. The method of short- ening or lengthening the stroke is simple and exact. The mechanical portion of the improved mallet is completely insulated from the electrical portion. It is impossible for the current to be communicated to the hand of the operator or to the» patient. The Mallet requires 6 to 8 volts and ^ ampere. Can be used with direct street current, or Partz Acid Gravity Battery. Price, Mallet with Connecting Posts, 7 ft. Silk Cord with Contacts, 1 Plugger, Wrench, and Leather Case, $40. Complete detailed description, with prices and directions for use, sent to any dentist on application. Partz Batteries* Acid Gravity No. 1 for Electrical Mallet. .. .per cell, each $3.50 Acid Gravity No. 3 per cell, each 1.50 Acid Battery, No. 4 per cell, each 1.50 Motor Battery, No. 6 per cell, each 4.50 Black Walnut Box for 4 Cells, No. 1 Battery, with Bind- ing Posts 6.00 Black Walnut Box for 6 Cells, No. 1 Battery, with Bind- ing Posts 9.00 Sulfo-Chromic Salt, 2 pounds in Jar with Screw Cap... . .per jar .75 per pkg. .08 per pkg. .12 Sulfate of Magnesia, 11-oz. packages Sulfate of Magnesia, 22-oz. packages. DENTAL DEPOT. 199 Set of J20 P lugger Points for Engine and Automatic Mallets. We have discarded old forms of engine pluggers formerly classified as “ Selection A,” “Selection B,” etc., and have substituted this list of 120 points. The list has been selected with great care, and is carefully classified. PRICES. Nos. 1 to 46, 49 to 81, 87 to 93, 117 and 118— each, 35c. Nos. 84 to 86, 98 to 102, 107 to 110, 112 to 114, 119 & 120, each, 60c. “ 47 & 48, 94 to 97. 103 to 106. Ill, 115 & 116 “ 45c. “ 82 and 83 “ 85c. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 8o 2C0 M. F. PATTERSON, Plugger Points for Engine and Automatic Mallets* — Continued. IOI 102 103 104 X05 106 107 108 109 IXO III X 12 113 114 115 Xl6 117 118 119 120 For prices of above points see preceding page. Dr. C. R. BUTLER’S. U \ I 0 0 i 'U i^^2 3 4 5 678 9 io 11 12 35c. 50c. 35c. $0.60 each. 75c. 50c. 60c. Dr. R. W. VARNEY’S. = - bb - as -sss -Gms -Ei-ns-mm - i=j ~ = M \ \ \ U 13 14 15 16 17 50c. $1.00 35c. $0.90 each. $1.25 each. $1.50 $1.25 each $ 0-35 DENTAL DEPOT. 201 DR. M. H. WEBB'S. ii; i 1 it >3 m y $1.00 each. $i.oo each. $0.75 each. $1.00 75c. DR. T. A. WATLING'S REVISED SET. if n « 1 • | 'i r r r \ n i . II 1234567 8 $0.50 each. $1.50 each, DR. M. H. CHAPPELL'S. DR. T. L. NICKLIN'S. 75c. $1.25 each. $ I ' 5°$ I '75 $ 1 - 5 ° 35c $1.25 each. *202 M. F. PATTERSON ; The Revised Set of Royce Plugger Points. H 1 ¥\! 15 l6 17 18 While all these Points are unexcelled for use with hand-pressure, hand or automatic mallet, the greatest satisfaction will be derived from their use with the rapid mallet, for which they are specially adapted. They com- bine the advantages of both serrated and smooth points, with the objec- tionable features of both eliminated. The ease and perfection with which gold can be manipulated with them when operated by the Engine Mallet is almost beyond belief. • They are> so shaped and serrated as to allow the utmost freedom of movement of the point in wiping in the gold, and the extension of the serrations over the sides of the heads facilitates their “clearing” without dragging. There are no corners or sharp edges to catch the gold or dent the filling, and they cannot burnish the surface of the gold so that the next piece will not cohere. These points are also kept in stock for cone-socket handles. PRICES. Nos. 1 to 10, 12 to 15 each $ .75 Nos. 16 and 17 each 1.00 Nos. 11 and 18 each 1.25 Set of 18 15.00 Bennett's Plugger Points. 1 % Inches Long. The faces of these Plugger-points are slightly convex to insure perfect conden- sation and welding of the gold. The shanks are shorter than those of ordinary points, balancing the mallet in the hand more per- fectly. Nos. 1 to 5 are for starting and for filling labial and crown cavities. These are old forms, but serrated in one direction only to spread the gold slightly toward the walls. Nos. 6 and 7 are for packing gold against the cervical walls of medium and large cavities, and for building on corners or restoring crowns. Nos. 8, 9, and 10 are especially for use in the front teeth.. Nos. 8 and 9 have two surfaces, the smaller chiefly for working within the cavity, and the larger for completing the filling. No. 10 is also used for the latter purpose where a larger point is required. No. 11 is for medium and large approximal cavities in bicuspids and molars, the narrow end being intended for use in the grooves on the buccal and palatal walls. No. 12 is a special point for condensing around the walls and margins. It is flat, but has no corners or sharp edges. Though primarily intended for the automatic mallet, these points are equally well adapted for the hand mallet. PRICES. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12 each $ .35 Nos. 6, 7 each .75 Nos. 8, 11 each 1.00 Nos. 9, 10 each 1.25 Per set of 12 8.00 DENTAL DEPOT. ■203 Mallet Points. With Convex Stoned Faces. These Pluggers are very finely serrated, and carefully made to patterns approved by Dr. Prosper Ladmore, and it gives us much pleasure to state that he says of their manufacture : “They are Perfect and Without Fault.” Much praise has been bestowed upon them by those Operators who have seen and used them. Dr. Ladmore thus describes them: — For retaining points and all fine work. For lower cavities at the back of the mouth. For upper cavities at the back of the mouth. Fine corkscrew twists for interstitial cavities. Foot Plugger, with large flat surface for condensing approximal fillings. This instrument is thinner than usual, to permit its use where there is only a slight space. Foot Pluggers of different sizes, the convexed surfaces 'of which will be found to adapt themselves more readily to the cervical margins than ordinary flat-faced points would do ; also they get over the work quicker, and counteract the tendency of the gold to ‘ball up,’ driving it toward the cavity walls. Are Foot Pluggers of an obtuse angle, for condensing interstitial fillings. These are also serrated at the points, thus enabling the Operator to use them on the foot surface or at the point, to save time in changing instru- ments.” PRICES. Ladmore’s Convex Stoned Pluggers, with screw ends, like Fig. i, for Engine, Automatic and Cone Sockets. (Figs. 1-15) each $ .50 “Fig. 1. “Fig. 2 & 5- “Fig. 3 & 4- “Fig. 6 & 7- “Fig. 8. “Fig. 9 to 13. “Fig. 14 & 15. i\ l. Nerve Canal Drills. (Dr. W. Mitchell’s.) Made by C. Ash & Sons, Limited. Dr. Mitchell says : “After, an experience of twelve years with these Drills, I find them the most satisfactory shape I have yet tried. They have no tendency to draw or screw into the canal, as is the case with those Drills which have a twist or gain upon ’them nor are they liable to break off in the canal. “Their shape is such that they can easily be sharpened on an oil stone by placing the ball of the index finger upon the head of the drill, and holding the shaft between the thumb and third finger • a backward and forward motion across the stone does the rest! d hey are easily bent if a lateral motion be used in sharpening them. In using them a reciprocating motion with very slight pressure will ensure rapid cutting with perfect clearing of the debris ” Price for any Hand-piece (Figs. 1-5) each $‘.50. 204 M. F. PATTERSON, Socket-Handles for Cone-Socket Points; n w Price per doz Styles of Knurls, Price per dozen. 1 PI im pn |i|j S3 lilts llllffl $ Mi ||1| !H gpi ifSi Illlll 111 illl Bl lli NOTE, — Order Handles by Nunmber. Order Style of Knurl by Letter, DENTAL DEPOT. 205 Socket-Handles for Cone-Socket Points. Price per dozen. Socket-Hubs. A B c D E We furnish Nos. 3 , 4 , 5 , 8 , 9 , as above. 11 A and B screw into the Cone-Socket Handles and take automatic mallet points. C and D screw into automatic sockets and take Cone- Socket points. E is designed for use between the thumb and finger for rotating cone-socket nerve-instruments. PRICES. A,” Hardened Steel each $ •30 f B,” Knurled Steel each • 15 C,” Hardened Steel each •30 “D,” Knurled Steel each • 15 E.” Knurled Steel • 15 10 , 4 x and 5 x for automatic plugger points at same prices M. F. PATTERSON, 20(3 Ivory's Vulcanite Cone Socket Handle. The shape of this handle will commend it. It is easy to work with. It does not tire the hand, and is finely finished. Price, per doz $ 5-00 Hand Porte Polisher. Made by J. W. Ivory. The Jack Porte Polisher, improved by Dr. D. D. Smith, made to hold short pieces of orange wood sticks firmly and at the most convenient angle, for polishing the palatal and lingual surfaces of the upper and lower teeth and the buccal faces of all molars. Thorough polishing should always follow instrumentation for the removal of deposits • on the teeth. With this im- portant device any part of the mouth may be conveniently reached, enabling the most perfect treatment of all surfaces. Frequent hand polishing of all exposed surfaces of the teeth with orange-wood and pumice is strongly ad- vised as constituting the only reliable prophylactic treatment for caries and pyorrhae. Price, each $2.50 Ivory's Lock Nut for Cone Socket Points. Made by J. W. Ivory. Consists of a regular C. S. or Automatic shank with the tliread extending somewhat deeper on the shank. On this thread, a nut with a conical shoulder moves, so that when the cone socket or automatic instrument is screwed into the handle and tightened against the shoulder of the nut, the threads of the nut and those of the shank lock into each other, effectively holding the instrument in its handle. It is evident that all cone socket and automatic in- struments constructed after this manner will be a bless- ing to the profession, as plugger points and cone socket points heretofore have caused no end of annoyance by loosening under trifling pressure, and often when least expected. Price, each $ .12 DENTAL DEPOT. t07 Pliers for Inserting and Removing Cone-Socket Points* In order to set the points firmly in the handles it will be necessary to use more force than can be given with the fingers. These Pliers are especially adapted for the purpose. No. i is finely finished and nickel- plated. In both jaws are inserted cop- per plates which prevent the marring of the instruments and give firmer grasp than can be had with the No. 2 Pliers. No. 2 is a flat-nosed Plier, with de- pressions ground in the jaws. Polished and nickel-plated. PRICE. No. 1 per pair $1.75 No. 2 per pair .90 Forms of Cone-Socket Points* All cone-socket points are made with two forms of shanks. X is for small, delicate points Y is for the heavier points. v No. 2. 208 M. F. PATTERSON, Excavators* Octagon Handles, Nickel plated per doz. $2 50 Cone Socket Points each 12 CENTAL DEPOT. 209 Excavators* — Continued. ^ f= 210 M. F. PATTERSON, Excavators. — Continued. DENTAL DEPOT. Gillett Excavators. Made by The Boston Dental Mfg. Co. Suggested and arranged by H. W. Gillett, D.M.D., Newport, R. I. Designed for excavating in mesial and distal cavities. Xos. 1-3 are almost a straight instrument with a slight bend and are useful in surface cavities, and are also found to be useful in finishing the gold fillings in fissure cavities. Nos. 4-11 have a double offset, and are designed for deep crown, and distal cavity ex- cavating. Nos. 12-19 have a single offset, and are designed for surfaces presenting towards the operator, i. e., mesial cavities. The blades are very thin; the inner surface being flat, the instrument can be easily honed. The practical efficiency of this set of instruments will be found in the removal of soft decay, and for general excavating in the whole range of cavities. Price, each $0.25 Price, per set, 19 4.50 212 M. F. PATTERSON. Battle-Ax Excavators* PRICES. Plain Octagon Handles per doz. , $4 00 Cone Socket Points “ 2 75 Bennett’s Chisel Excavators. H ^ 0 ft A f? ft 1 | i 23456789 12 13 14 Price Made only for Cone Socket Handles. each, $0 15 DENTAL DEPOT. 2 t 3 The Palmer (or best) Excavators. Made only in Octagon Steel Handles. Price each $0.50 Butler's Rapid Excavators. Made only in Octagon Steel Handles. Price each $0.50 Dr. W. C. Head's Approximal-Surface Instruments. I 2345678 9 IO II 12 13 T4 15 16 17 18 I 2345678 9 IO II 12 13 T4 15 16 17 18 Made only in Octagon Steel Handles. Nos. 1 and 2 each $0.30 Nos. 3 to 18 each .50 There are just two ways on earth to sharpen a spoon excavator. One way is to hire the man who made it to do it. The other way is to do it yourself with a grooved Carborundum Hone. See page 278. M. F. PATTERSON, 214 Darby-Perry Excavators* ft ft (? 1 ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 )1 1 n ' t [ 2 34567 8 1 PRICES OF EXCAVATORS. Plain Octagon Cone-Socket Handles. Points. Per set of 37 $0.50 $6.00 SEPARATELY. Nos. i to 22 each $0.25 $0.15 “ 23,24 “ .30 .20 “ 25 to 27 “ .25 .15 “ 28 to 37 “ .30 .20 We are glad to send steel instruments of any kind “on suspicion.” We will also send several for choice if we are asked to. It is often pretty hard to tell just how an instrument is going to act by looking at a picture of it. DENTAL DEPOT. 215 Burnishers* PRICES. NqjS. i to 31 — i in. File-cut Handles u 32 “ 41 — “ “ “ “ “ 1 “ 31 — Cone-Socket PoiDts “ 32 “ 4 r — “ “ “ each $0.50 . “ .60 •35 •45 216 M. F. PATTERSOR, Goldsmith's Right and Left Thin Burnishers. These Burnishers have a double curve, somewhat difficult to show in the cut, but which specially adapts them to all approximal fillings, right or left, in either jaw. In Long Handles only. Price each $ .50 Gordon White's Burnishers, For Approximal Fillings. The chief peculiarity of these Bur- nishers is the extreme thinness of the blades. In addition to this the sickle- shape of No. 4, Dr. White says, makes it the most useful one he ever had. For Cone-Socket only. Price each $ .35 Chupein's Gum Retractor. Designed to hold back the gum, or the rubber dam, while filling those very troublesome cavities which extend under the gum on the labial surfaces of the anterior teeth. The Retractor is to be held in the left hand of the operator, or by the assistant, and is so nicely shaped that its hold on the tooth-neck is close, to exclude moisture, and secure against slipping. Ebony Handle. Price each $ .75 G.S1BLEY PHIL DENTAL DEPOT. 217 Chisels* 218 M. F. PATTERSON, 1 J Enamel Cleavers. Dr. C. S. Case’s. Made by C. Ash & Sons, Limited. Suitably shaped for forcing under the gum without injur- ing it ; worked with a pulling motion. Made in right and left sides in ebony handles. PRICES. In Ebony Handles, - each, $o 60 Cone Socket point, - “ 35 Dr. How's Fissure Chisels. They cut only on the iloor of a fissure, and deepen it with- out wasting time or force on the sides. Price, J^-in. File-cut Long Handles . each $0.65 Price, Cone - Socket Points each .50 2 3 4 5 DENTAL DEPOT. 219 Brown's Heroic Chisels. This set of in- struments is de- signed to do near- ly all the heavy trimming away of enamel, both on the exposed sur- faces of the teeth and on their ap- proximal surfaces. Several of the points are also val- uable for scaling calculus and re- moving stains. The forms of the heavy points will explain their uses, for “heroic” chis- els; the thin blades only to be used where necessary on account of lim- ited space between the teeth. Made only on Octagon Steel Handles, PRICES. Each, Nos. I, 2, 3.. $1.50 Nos. 4, 5, 6. . 1.60 Tompkins' Scalers for Pyorrhea Treatment. 220 M. F. PATTERSON, Scalers. DENTAL DEPOT. 221 Scalers. File-cut Handles each $0.50 Cone-Socket Points each .35 12 For. Darby-Perry Scalers see page 224. 222 M. F. PATTERSON, Dr. J. E. Craven's Scalers for Pyorrhoea Work. Made by H. D. Justi & Son. This set of 12 Scalers will reach almost any location in the mouth, where pyonal calculus will accumulate. They should not be used for ordinary tartar hooks, and should always be kept absolutely sharp ; for this latter purpose it is best to use a knife blade slip of Ar- kansas stone. The goose-neck forms Nos. 1 and 2 are for applying force directly from or to- ward the operator, between teeth. The slender cow-horns, Nos. 3, 4 and 5, 6, are right and left pairs, designed to apply the serpentine movement necessary to penetrate between roots of molars where the ravage of Riggs’ disease often extends, and in which cases it is so difficult to treat successfully. Of the flat forms Nos. 7 and 8 are for operating about the roots of anterior six teeth of either jaw; their forms will suggest their uses. Nos. 9. 10 and 11, 12, are right and left pairs, 9, 10 being expressly applicable to the sides of necks and roots of inferior molars and bicuspids ; they often are con- venient in certain locations of the upper set. Nos. 11, 12 are expressly designed for* passing between the molars and applying force to scrape the anterior faces of am terior roots of lower molars (or bicuspids) and anterior faces of palatine and an- terior buccal roots of upper molars ; the force is applied away from the operator with this latter pair. Price per set, Nickel-Plated Handles $6.00 Price each, Nickel-Plated Handles 50 Price each, Socket Points 35 l DENTAL DEPOT. 223 Harlan's Scalers. These instruments are not intended for the heavy work of removing salivary deposits, but for the finer operations for which they are specially designed they will be found indispensable. Made in long handles only. Prices, each $o 50 << per set 6 00 Dr. F. Abbott's Set of Scalers. For Removing Calcular Deposits. These Scalers are so shaped as to cut either forward, backward, or laterally. Made in long handles only. Price, File cut handles, .each $0 50 224 M. F. PATTERSON White's Small Scalers. Sold only permanently mounted in long ebony handle, same as No. II, page 205. PRICE. Ebony Taper Handles, Finger-hold Checkered each $0.50 . King's Scalers. Devised by Dr. S. H. King. Sold only permanently mounted in long ebony handle, same as PRICE. Ebony Taper Handles, Finger-hold Checkered No. 11, page 205. each $0.50 Darby-Perry Scalers. 1 23456 789 ro 11 PRICES. File-cut Ball-end Handles. Per Set of 11 $6.25 SEPARATELY. Nos. i to 3 each $0.50 Nos. 4 to 11 each .60 Cone-Sockei Points. $350 $0.25 •35 DENTAL DEPOT, 225 Separating Saws. For making separations between the teeth preparatory to the use of disc or strip, without risk of wounding the gum. It permits very delicate manipulation. Price, complete $0-75 Chuck only 35 Cone-Socket handle 15 Saw only 25 Hard Bits. Except Nos. 13 and J4 they are square-edge. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Made only for Cone-Socket Handles each $0.30 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Made only for Cone-Socket Handles each $0.30 1 Explorers, 2345678 9 10 11 Octagon Handle . . Cone-Socket Points per doz. $2.50 . . .each .1 z 226 M. F. PATTERSON, Probes. W ith very fine points. Made by C. Ash & Sons, Limited. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . In small round blued-steel handles with turned ends. They form a very useful set, but the points are too fine to admit of the instruments being nickel-plated. Price, blued or N. P. (Figs. 1-16) r each $0.25 Lancets. Made by C. Ash & Sons, Limited. I. each $1.00 Blades. 2. 3. $1.50 $1.75 1. Lancets for pocket, in Tortoise-shell handles DENTAL DEPOT. 227 Hopkins' Nerve-Canal Reamers. I I Nerve Instruments. Nerve Canal Drills. i Extractors. Probes Hook. Barb Made in long octagon steel handles only. Price each $0.30 Price 3 4 . . . . .each $0.50 Donaldson's Flexible Spring Canal-Pluggers. These pluggers have spring enough to stiffen them for effective use, and are still flexible enough to be bent for individual cases. They are of grad- ed thinness from 1 to 6, the last the thickest, and the handles correspond with the six styles of cone-socket knurl from A to F ; so that the oper- ator may readily distinguish the num- ber by its peculiar handle. Price each $0.30 Gold Pointed Probe. Fine Wood Handle, Hexagon Ferrule, to elevate point and prevent rolling on the table. 14-K Gold Point. Useful for introducing dressings into root canals. Not affected by iodine, etc. Price, Gold Pointed Probe $0.35 NERVE EXTRACTORS. Hook and Barb. Made of best quality steel, drawn temper; will follow the canal readily. Octagon Handles. Price per doz. $2.50 NERVE PROBES. Three sizes, round steel handles. Price per doz. $2.00 Flagg’s Gold and Plati- num each 1.25 22S M. F. PATTERSON, Our Own Brand of Barbed Nerve Extractors. It is customary for people who make a broach to sell at a low price to claim it to be the best broach on the market, regardless of price. We are not that kind of people. We do not make our own broaches. They are made especially for us. If we made them ourselves we would have to sell the best broaches we could employ one or two or three men to make for us. As it is, we have the markets of the world to choose from. We are a lot more particular about the broaches we sell than any dentist is about the broaches he buys. The result is that our own brand of broaches we honestly believe to be a better article than anybody else sells at anything like the same price. We are always ready to buy back any of our broaches that are not just exactly what we claim them to be. • Price, assorted, per dozen $0.50 Price, assorted, per gross 5.00 Classified Broaches. We also have a line of broaches put up in classified packages, as follows: No. 1, containing one dozen assorted small, extra small, medium, and large sizes — Soft and Half-Soft. No. 2, containing one dozen extra small — Soft and Half-Soft. No. 3, containing one dozen small — Soft and Half-Soft. Other assortments to order without extra charge. Price per package $.50 Price per gross 5.00 We send “Regular” unless “Extra Thin” is specified. Iridium-Platinum Nerve Extractors. Not corroded by iodine, acid, or dampness. Can be cleaned by heating in the flame of spirit lamp. PRICES. Quarter dozen, Barbed, each $ .40; per pkg $1.20 Quarter dozen, Hooked, each $ .40; per pkg 1.20 Holdfast Broach Holder. Made by Lee S. Smith & Son, Pittsburg. This is the neatest little broach holder we know anything about It is dainty. It is just exactly the sort of holder or handle a dentist ought to have for carrying as small and delicate a thing as a broach. The handle is vulcanized rubber. The metal parts are nickel plated. The holder is light, graceful, and a big step in advance of the clumsy metal and bone holders that have been used for so many years. Price, each $ .40 DENTAL DEPOT. 229 Correct Nerve Broaches. The Most Perfect and Only Uniform Broaches Ever Produced. ] ONE DOZEN CORRECT NERVE BROACHES, THE BARBS ARE UNIFORMLY INCLINED - AND GRADUATED. H. D. JUSTI & SON, CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. y V □ r o 0 II Our aim always to excel in the manufacture of all products from our fac- tories, prompts us to call attention to another edition to our list of improve- ments, our CORRECT NERVE BROACHES, which we are confident will be accepted by the profession as superior to all others. We have for years supplied Broaches which were justly cele- brated, but the Correct Broaches have entirely eclipsed them. s u 0 ry . £ ° ffl £ b\ o s H ft £ 0 (J Their advantages over ordinary Broaches are explained in a few words. They are made of the finest and toughest quality of steel, the different sizes being equally propor- tioned, the barbs being uniformly inclined and graduated, whereby they can be inserted and withdrawn from the canal with the greatest ease and least perceptibility. The breakage of ordinary NERVE BROACHES in the canal is caused either through the uneven length of the barbs or an inferior quality of steel. Another advantage of our Correct Broaches is the manner in which they are packed ; they are put up in wooden boxes, provided with grooved blocks in which the Broaches fit snugly, protecting them from injury. The blocks can be readily removed from the boxes for the pur- pose of selecting the required Broach. Nerve Broaches put up in Paper Packages are liable to rust through the penetration of the paste from the labels, and in opening them they invariably become mixed. Price, Price, per doz $ .50 per gross 5.00 H. D. JUSTI & SON. 230 M. F. PATTERSON, i Ivory's Spiral Nerve Extractors* Patented January 6th, 1891* Mr. Ivory has made a great improvement in these broaches over the first he put on the market, both in temper and toughness, be- sides having them as fine as the finest, with sufficient pliability to enter the most tortuous canals ; so that now there could be nothing better desired for the purpose of removing from the nerve canals their vessels and contents. He manufactures them out of platina and iridium as well as steel. Those of the former have all the toughness and pliability of the steel, besides having the various “known” advan- tages of these metals, not rusting or corroding with the different chemicals, iodine, etc., sometimes used in treament of the*various ailments to which teeth are subject. METHOD OF USING. As soon as the point of the Extractor enters the canal chamber, twist it to the right as you would a corkscrew ,and keep on turning in the same direction until by the delicate touch or feeling you have a firm hold of the vessels, then draw away. Almost invariably it will be found that you extract them bodily, without tearing or severing the vessels, as has been so often done by barbed broaches. In medi- cating canals, wind a shred of cotton on the point of the instrument, and you can carry medicine right to the apex of the root. We give only only one testimonial out of a great number we have received: Send me one dozen Spiral Nerve Broaches, medium and small sizes. I don’t want the large ones. They are the best Nerve Broaches out, after one has tried them. You remember I did not think so at first, don’t you? M. L. McKellops, D.D.S. Price, per doz., steel $ .75 Price, per half doz., platina and iridium 1.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 231 Nerve-Broach Holders* Nos. i and 2 have a screw-ring to clamp the jaws so as to hold the broach securely. No. 3 has a screw-clamp. PRICES. No. 1, Ivory Handle $1.00 No. 2, Knurled Steel Handle 75 No. 3, Bone Handle 10 See also Holdfast Holder on page 228. Elliott Adjustable Angle Broach Holder. This picture tells its own story. There have been a good many adjustable broach holders made, but they have been clumsy, complicated affairs. This is the best adjust- able holder we know of. Price each $ .75 Nerve Paste for Devitalizing. Put up in J oz. glass-stoppered bottles, price per bottle, 50 cents. Devitalizing Nerve Fibre. A preparation of Arsenic, Creosote, Tannin and Opium. Put up in screw cap bottle ready for use. Price per bottle 75 cents. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3 Finger-Rests. Made of vulcanized rubber to slip over shank of Plugger, Excavator, etc. They afford a good pushing surface. Simply pushing them on keeps them on. PRICES. Finger-Rests Nos. 1 and 2 each $ .10 Finger-Rests Nos. 1 and 2 per doz. 1.00 232 M. F. PATTERSON, Donaldson's Bristles and Cleansers. Every once in awhile some manufacturer blossoms forth with an announcement that he has discovered and placed on the market a canal cleanser as good in every respect as a Donald- son cleanser at about half the price of a Donaldson, but they haven’t delivered the goods. Dentists long ago stopped taking such statements seriously. They go right on buying more of the Donaldson bristles and cleansers every month, paying Donaldson prices and having Donaldson satisfaction. It is the old story of quality. Dr. Donaldson's Spring-Tempered Nerve-Brisiles. Put Up in boxes or packages of half-dozen as follows : PRICES. No. i. Four hooks and two roughened (handles) No. 2. All hooks (handles) No. 3. Four hooks and two roughened (ng handles) No. 4. All hooks (no handles) All roughened (handles) All plain (handles) All roughened (no handles) All plain (no handles) } } } } per box. . . .$1.25 each 25 per pkg.. . .$0.75 each 15 per box. . . .$1.25 each 25 per pkg.. . .$0.75 each 15 Dr. Donaldson's Pulp-Canal Cleansers. PRICES. Put up in boxes or packages of half a dozen as follows : No. 1. Assorted sizes (handles) No. 2. All fine (handles) No. 2. All medium (handles) No. 3. Assorted sizes (short handles) No. 3. All fine (short handles) No. 3. All medium (short handles) No. 4. Assorted sizes (no handles) No. 4. All medium (no handles) No. 5. All fine (no handles) No. 6. Assorted, for Adjustable Holder (no handles) No. 6 . All fine (no handles) No. 6. All medium (no handles) “B” Between fine and medium (no handles) 1 \ [ J per box. . . .$1.75 each 30 per pkg.. . .$1.25 each 25 I A Canal Probe Gauge. The enlarged sectional cut exhibits the structure of the three-jawed spring gauge, into the open end of which is thrust any fine probe, shown in full size at A. The friction grip of the jaws enables the probe to be pushed into the root-canal to the apical foramen for exactly gauging the length of the root, as at B. When the canal has been suitably drilled the same probe and gauge may be used to determine precisely the proper length of the crown post. The gauge is blued for contrast with the white root-end and bright probe. Price each $0.25 DENTAL DEPOT. 233 Beutelrock's Nerve Canal Instruments. — Continued. Patented in America, England, Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland and Italy. It is claimed that these Nerve Canal Instruments supersede any hitherto introduced, for the following reasons : 1. The instruments are made of a new kind of steel and are not hardened over the fire like others. 2. Their elasticity is so great that they are almost unbreakable, and breakage can only arise as the consequence of misapplied force. 3. The drills remove detached portions of their own accord from the canals, owing to their double cutting form, so that the injurious effect produced by the moving forward of the particles and of the secretions toward the tips of the roots and the walls of the root canals is done away with. 4. The form and the nature of the tempering imparted t to the drills render it quite impossible for them to jam under careful handling. 5. They are especially noteworthy for their extreme fine finish, so that after a little practice one can penetrate even the most minute canals with the greatest ease. 6. Owing to their exquisite elasticity and fineness they follow the direction of every nerve canal, even of those which are crooked, so that a piercing of the side walls of the root cannot occur. 7. The efficiency of the drills is astonishingly rapid and sure, so that the drilling out of the canals of a tooth with three fangs can easily be effected in a few minutes. 234 M. F. PATTERSON, Beutelrock's Nerve Canal Instruments* — Continued. 8. In spite of the rapidity with which they can he worked these drills do not generate any heat. 9. Their employment in dental operations reduces the time and the trouble hitherto neces- sary to the drilling out of nerve canals to a minimum. Fig. A shows how a thick tooth may be drilled through by means of an engine instrument with ease and great accuracy. Figs. C and F show the flexibility of Hand and Engine Drills. Figs. C and D, E and G show how accurately the Instruments follow the root canal. Fig. H shows the Nerve Canal Cleanser wrapped with cotton. A shred of cotton held between thumb and forefinger is securely fastened to the instru- ment by turning the latter to the right ; a turn of the left instantly releases it. Fig. I shows the Nerve Canal Reamer in use. The Nerve Canal Reamers are the latest addition to this set of Instruments; they are indispensable for Pivot, Crown and Bridge-Work. Nerve Canal Drills for Engines Nos. 1 to 12. Nerve Canal Drills, with flexible stem, Nos. 31 to 36. Nerve Canal Reamers for Engines Nos. 51 to 56 and 59 to 64. See prices on page 236. DENTAL DEPOT. 235 Beutelrock's Nerve Canal Instruments, Nerve Canal Drills for Hand, Nos. 13 to 18. Nerve Canal Reamers for Nerve Canal Drills, with flexible stem, Nos. 37 to 42. Hand, Nos. 67 to 72. For prices see page 236. 23 G M. F. PATTERSON, Beutelrock’s Nerve-Canal-Instruments. Nerve Canal Probes, Nos. 25 to 30. Fistula Canal Probes, with gold point, Nos. 00 and o. Nerve Canal Cleansers, Nos. 19 to 24. N. B. The handles of the instrument intended for manual use are made of celluloid, so that the whole instrument is elastic, even to its handle. But the celluloid handles must not be sterilized in steam or in boiling, or simmering water, as their forms would be affected and altered thereby. Nerve Canal Drills for engine No. 1 to 12 . each $0 50 ‘ “ “ with flexible stem, No. 3i to 36 “ 75 Nerve Canal Reamers for engine, No. 51 to 56 and 59 to 64 “ 75 Nerve Canal Drills for Hand with file ible stem, No. 37 to 42 “ 85 A small set of these Nerve Instruments in Morocco Case, velvet lined, consisting of 6 Drills for Hand Piece 6 “ “ R. A. Attachment 3 Hand Drills 2 Nerve Canal Cleansers 1 Nerve Probe Nerve Canal Drills for Hand, No. 13 to 18 ... each $0 60 Nerve Canal Reamers for Hand, No. 67 to 72 “ 85 “ “ Probes, No. 25 to 30 '• 60 Fistula Canal Probes, with Gold Points, No. 00 and o “ 60 Nerve Canal Cleansers, No. 19 to 24 “ 60 mm DENTAL DEPOT. n u 1 Nerve Instruments. For prices see next page. Dr, Corydon Palmer's. 2 3 4 5 6 ! 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 How's. Hunter's. Dr, B. F. Arrington's Extractors. Nerve-Canal Dressers. Soft. Spring Temper. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Dr, B. F. Arrington's Pluggers. Soft. Spring Temper. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Ligature Cutter. Suggested by Dr. Garrett Newkirk. The inner side of the hook has a knife-edge, and the point is made blunt to avoid any risk of wounding the gum or puncturing the rubber-dam, as is likely to occur when a lancet is used to remove a ligature. They are used with the pull-cut. Price, Octagon Steel Handle each $0.35 Cone-Socket Points each .25 15 238 M. F. PATTERSON, A Root drier. Nerve Instruments. Gates Drills. Improved Gates-Glidden Drills. Flexible or Drawn Temper. Inflexible or Spring Temper. Flexible or Inflexible or Drawn Temper. Spring Temper. 46 47 48 49 50 5> 52 53 54 55 56 57 Light Octagon Cone-Socket Steel Handles. Points. Nos. 1 to 7 each $0.45 $0.40 “ 8 “ 13 “ -30 •25 “ 14 “• 1 7 “ -40 •35 “ 18 “ 5i “ - 2 5 .20 “ 52 “ 57 “ 40 •35 Nos. 18 to 19 Iriodio-Platinum, knurled handle, each $1.50. Littleton's Root Canal Drills. 1 234 Spring tem- pered, light steel han- dle, each.. $0.40 Set of four 1.50 Gum Depressors. These instruments are de- signed especially for de- pressing the gum in the in- terdental spaces to enable the operator to fix the rub- ber-dam below deep ap- proximal cavities. Price, No. 1 $0.30 Price, No. 2. .... . .40 Evan's Root-Drier. PRICES. Complete, Silver Probe, Copper Bulb and Steel Handle $1 .75 PARTS SEPARATELY. Steel Handles each $0.45 Cone-Socket Handle Attachment (see A) 35 Copper Bulbs each .45 Silver Points each .85 DENTAL DEPOT. 239 Pluggers. e ® • • • « « • PRICES. Taper-end File-cut Handles each $0.50 Cone-Socket Points each .35 240 M. F. PATTERSON, Pluggers* 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Taper-end File-cut Handles Cone- Socket Points PRICES. each $0.50 each .35 DENTAL DEPOT. 241 Pluggers, 227 228 PRICES. Taper-end File-cut Handles each $0.50 Cone-Socket Points each .35 242 M. F. PATTERSON, Pluggers. r I _ • ® .•«»<••• PRICES. Taper-end File-cut Handles each $0.50 Cone-Socket Points each .35 DENTAL DEPOT. 243 Pluggers. 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 PRICES. Nos. < c 303 to 342. . 343 and 344 345 and 346 347 to 350 . 351 352 to 359 • 360 to 380. . Taper-end File- cut Handles. ..each $0.50 . . “ 1. 00 •75 1. 00 •75 •50 Cone-Socket Points. $0.35 •85 .60 •85 •35 .60 •35 244 M. F. PATTERSON, Pluggers. PRICES. Taper-end File- Cone-Socket cut Handles. Points. Nos. 381 to 390 each $0.50 $0.35 “ 39i to 394 “ .60 .45 “ 395 to 400 “ .75 .60 “ 401 to 405 “ .60 .45 “ 406 to 410 “ .75 .60 “ 41 1 to 414 “ .60 .45 “ 415 to 426 “ .75 .60 “ 427 to 432 “ .50 .35 “ 433 to 436 “ -75 .60 DENTAL DEPOT. 245 Hand Pluggers for “Solila” Gold. Handle No. 1. “Solila” Gold may be condensed entirely by hand if sufficient pressure is used, but to secure the very best results special instru- ments should be used. The above pluggers were manufactured expressly for working “Solila,” and their success has been instantaneous; 14,000 instru- ments were sold during the first year. The following numbers were selected by a leading Philadelphia dentist : Numbers 3, 4, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 12A, 31, 32 and 33. They form a most convenient set.. PRICES. Hand Pluggers, Handle No. 1, Nos. 3, 6, 7, 12, 12A, 28, 31, 32, 33, 32A, 33A. .each $1.50 Hand Pluggers, Nos. 4, 8, 8A, 9, 10 each 1.25 Hand Pluggers, Handle No. 2, any number each 1.50 Cone-Socket Points, Nos. 3 to 33A each 1.00 E. deTrey & Sons, 3943 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. M. F. PATTERSON, Ivory's Gold Pluggers. Patented February 23d, 1897. The above set of Pluggers has been devised to meet a demand for better Gold Filling Instruments. DESCRIPTION. They are fashioned after the Royce Pluggers in the different bends and angles, though in the formation of the serrated points they are almost the very opposite — as these, instead of being oval faced, have a depressed center, with serrations peculiarly formed in the bottom of this center (which is the patented feature) surrounding this center is a lip or rim of fine pointed serrations. These serrations are cut from without inwards and are in style somewhat after the Royce Plugger in this par- ticular. The depressed or cup shape prevents the Plugger from being driven into the gold, preventing the splitting of enamel walls and the spreading and pitting of the gold where it is not desired. An instrument that is best adapted for filling teeth will build the gold in the exact place in which it is placed, not spread the gold away from, but directly and uniformly against the face or wall on which it is working, building the filling at that point and that place only, at the same time not breaking up or unnecessarily pitting the mass already in the cavity or forcing and spreading away from the enamel walls.i To sum up, the advantages are: For contouring gold, there is no Plugger to compare with these; for picking up, the gold, no tweezers were ever constructed to do the work better; for condensing the gold evenly and at the point desired; for rapidity of filling teeth, there is none equal. In every conceivable way this Plugger is adapted for the work of filling teeth with gold, and that better than by any instrument previously brought to the attention of the profession. PRICES. Long Handle each $0.65 Cone-Socket each .50 Snow & Lewis each .50 Set of 14, Long Handle 7.60 Set of 14 C. S. or Automatic Point 6.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 247 Dr, R, W, Varney's Set of Pluggers, • ■■■■ - ■ II 15 - 'N Y’j I! l jlr :::: O ' ^ 2 3 A 5 6 1 1 1 7 8 c I |l ) 10 11 i 1: 2 13 Since the introduction of Dr. Varney’s set of 13 Pluggers— nearly thirty years ago — they have had steady and increasing sales. The cause of their enduring popularity is not far to seek. In their field they have never been surpassed, if indeed they have been equaled. No better evidence of Dr. Varney’s perfect understanding of the technique of cohesive gold working could be required than is afforded by the story of these instruments. This other factor must be reckoned in the account. Dr. Varney gave us permission to copy his instruments for the benefit of other dentists only on condition that we guarantee to make every set as though intended for his own use. That guaranty is still worth its face value. Every set is made to- day as carefully as the first one was. Really the buyer of Varney Pluggers to-day gets better instruments than those who bought them in the early seventies. Steels have improved, and we know steels, and the buyer gets the benefit of the improvement through our knowledge. The full-length cut shows the general style. Made of the finest steel, with extreme care in forming and serrating. Tempered all over. Smooth octagon shaft, nickel-plated. The cuts show the size and bends, but the serrations are too fine for illustration. Lone: Handle. Cone-Socket Points. Per set of 13. . $ 17-50 $ 14.25 Nos. 1 to 3 . . SEPARATELY. $0.90 “ 4 to 7 ... . “ 1.50 1-25 “ 8 “ i -75 1-50 " 9 to 12. . “ 1.50 1-25 “ 13 •35 Morocco Case for complete set, with space for each instrument . 248 M. F. PATTERSON, © ^ Moss Fibre Gold Pluggers. © Q Q © ffti @>1 I 8 o 3 x6 17 Made only for Cone-Socket Handles and especially for No. 12, page 205. PRICES. Complete set of 22 Points, without Handles SEPARATELY. $27.50 Nos. 1, 2, 8, 9 each $0.90 No. 6 each 1.50 Nos. 10, 11, 21 each 1. 00 Nos. 14, 16, 18, 20 1.75 Nos. 3, 4, 15, 17 Nos. 5, .12, 13, 19, 22. each 1.25 No. 7 each 2.00 Dr. J. A. Watling's Revised Set of Pluggers. I; 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 XO II 12 13 14 15 16 17 PRICES. Per set of 17. Long Handle. ... .$ 16.75 Cone-Socket Points. $12.50 Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, II, 13 No. 12 Nos. 15, 16 Nos. 7, 8, 14 No. 17 each $ 0.75 $ 0.50 1. 00 •75 1.25 1. 00 “ i -75 1.50 “ .60 •35 SEPARATELY. DENTAL DEPOT. 249 Chappell's Gold Builders* f 1 nr % v? I ^79 Tl 7 8 PRICES. Per Long Handle set of 13 $17-50 SEPARATELY. Long Cone-Socket Handle. Points. 2 each $ i.oo $ 0.75 Nos. Cone-Socket Points. $14.25 to 8. 1.50 1.25 12, 13 1.75 1.50 Morocco Case for com- 2.00 1.75 plete set, with space for each instrument The Darby-Perry Pluggers* \l. Long Cone-Socket Handle Points. ii each $ 1.75 $ 1.50 •35 .60 Per set of 32. Nos. 1, 2, 3 Taper Handles. Points. $0-35 “ 4 “ -75 •50 “ 5 to 11 •35 “ 12 to 18 “ *75 •50 “19 “ .60 •35 23 24 23 PRICES. File-Cut Taper Handles. Cone-Socket Points. $23.00 $15.00 SEPARATELY. File-Cut Cone-Socket File-Cut Cone-Socket Taper Handles. Points. Nos. 20 each 1.00 .75 “ 2I >22 “ -75 .50 23 to 26 “ 1.00 .75 ‘‘ 27 to 30 •* .75 .50 3L 32 “ ,60 .35 250 M. F. PATTERSON, Harvard Pluggers. © # %© @> © @# @ • PRICES. Per set of 32 $36 00 SEPARATELY. Nos. 1. 2, 3, 5, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17 each $1 00 No. 10, each $1 50 “ 19 to 32 ** 1 10 “ 12 “ 1 75 “ 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 18, “ 1 25 Made only on Octagon Ball-end Handles. Dr. C. R. Butler's Set of P luggers. 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 M 15 16 17 PRICES. Per set of 17, Long Handle. $13 25 Per set of 17, Cone-Socket Points. SEPARATELY. 9 00 Long Cone-Socket Handle. Points. Nos 1 2 4 17 each $0 60 each $0 35 “ ' 3 ’, 11, 13, 14, 15 “ 75 “ 50 “ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 “ S5 “ 60 Long Cone-Socket Handle. Points. No. 10 each $1 00 each $0 75 “ 16 “ 1 25 “ 1 00 DENTAL DEPOT. 251 Barker Pluggers. These pluggers are shaped like the bur that shapes the cavity. They are permanently mounted upon a solid ebony handle of the same diameter as the widest part of the shank shown. The handles, exclusive of points, measure 4% inches. The instruments are especially for use in hand pressure. Retaining-pits are often imperfectly filled. The special value of these points is in adapting the gold to the periphery of the retaining-pit, groove, or cavity walls. After the filling be- comes flat, any other forms may be used if desired. Price, Nos. 1, and 3 to 10 each $ 2.00 Price, No. 2 3.25 Price per set of ten 21.00 Bing's Soft Gold or Tape Pluggers* Made only on taper Ebony* Handles, graded to correspond with the size and use of point, PRICES. Per set of 21 $18.50 No. o each 1.25 Nos. 1, 2, 16 : “ 1. 00 “ 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 “ .90 “ 3, 5, 17, 18, 19, 20 “ .75 Dr. Louis Jack's Matrices and Matrix Pluggers. PRICES. Complete set, 10 Pluggers, 14 Matrices, and 1 pair Pliers $14.00 Matrices per set of fourteen 4.50 Separately, Nos. 1 and 2, Right or Left each .15 Separately, Nos. 3 to 7 “ .40 Pluggers “ .75 Pliers, Nickel-plated ...per pair 2.25 252 M. F. PATTERSON, Fine Pluggers for the Electric Mallet* DR. M. H. WEBB’S SET. ' V $1.25 DR. S. E. KNOWLES’S “ CLUB FOOT’’ SET. » ^ < C.V S© r V> | 12 13 14 15 .60 $1.25 a *) ®\ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 $1.00 $1.25 $1.00 $1.25 DR. R. W. VARNEY’S SET. ' :::: sa -sns - es&a - enna - mta — gill ■ - n 1 \ \ \ ^ i s 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 $1.15 Dr. T. L. Nicklin’s Set. $1.50 $ 1-75 I 1 - 5 ° DR. M. H. CHAPPELL’S “ GOLD BUILDERS.” n fi m* 42 43 44 45 46 47 18 49 $1.50 $ i.oo $1.50 $ 1-75 $2.00 $ 1.75 Universal Approximal Instruments for Plastics. It is particularly effective in condensing or compress- ing to place pellets of amalgam or gutta-percha, and es- pecially for contouring the surfaces of these materials — for the latter of which it is, of course, to be warmed. It will also be found useful in the adjustment of ligatures under the gingival margins of molars and bicuspids for retaining the rubber-dam, or, as an ordinary burnisher, for approximal gold fillings. PRICES. Cone-Socket Point 35 cents. Octagon Handle, ball end 50 cents. DENTAL DEPOT. 253 Pluggers. — Continued. Dr. T. S. Waters'. Dr. E. Parmly Brown's. hn Dr. H. J. McKellops'. Socket Handles. Each 75 cents. / vs o “A,” Socket for Snow & Lewis Plugger Points, jj' ~ “B.” Socket for Salmon Plugger-Points. “C,” Socket for Cone-Socket Plugger-Points. MD :b. m Ift! l 1 Nicklin Modification Pluggers. These three Pluggers are modified forms of the well- known No. 1 6 of Butler’s mallet set. They have the Varney style of handle. The modifications in sizes and serrations were suggested by Dr. T. L. Nicklin. Price, Steel Handles, Nickel-plated each $1.50 Price, Cone-SocKet Points each 1.25 Webb's Right and Left Ebony Handle Pluggers. Made only on Ebony Taper Handles, with Corkscrew Right and Left Points. ■^ r * ce each $0.75 We haven’t them in stock for Cone-Socket Handles. Double-End Plugging Assistant. The peculiarity and merit of this Double-End Assistant lies in very ingenious curves of the ends, which on reversal will lean to opposite sides, and so hold a pellet without interfering with the Plugger or obstructing the sight. Made only on Round Steel Handles. Price Not made for Cone-Socket Handles. ,$0.60 16 254 M. F. PATTERSON Amalgam, Gutta-Percha and Plastic Filling Instruments, 20 21 22 23 24 60c 60c 60c 50C 50c 45C 45c 45c 35c 35c 25 26 50c 50C 35c 35c Long Handle— 50 C C. S. 50c 40C Points— 40c 40c 50C 40c 50c 35c 35C 25c 25c 25c 35c 25c 35c 50c 50c 50c 50c 35c 35C 35c 35c 35c 35c 45c 50c C. S. Points— 35c 35c 35c 35C 5C 35c 35c 35c 35c 35c 35c 54 55 50c 50c 35C 35c DENTAL DEPOT. 255 Dr, G, T, Greggs' Set of Six Plastic Instruments, Set of Six Plastic Instruments designed by Dr. G. T. Gregg. The various forms and shapes of this set of plastics, their oval, yet thin surfaces, their advantageous curves suited for use in the most difficult places have assured a sale for this particular set of gutta percha and plastic instruments that has already substituted other forms and patterns long popular with the profession. Price set of six $2.00 Price each 0.35 Dr, B. F, Arrington's Revised Set of Amalgam Intsruments, I 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 x 6 This set of seventeen instruments is complete for the working of | amalgam and gutta-percha, representing the matured conclusions of thirty-five years’ practical experience and careful observation, rein- forced by constant study and experiment.. The method of using amalgam is to carry it to the cavity with a serrated conveyor and condense with smooth-surface instruments or burnishers. The set will be found to con- tain points suited for all sizes of cavities. Made as points for Cone- Socket Handles and as Long-Handle Instruments. PRICES. Per set of 17. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 Nos. 5 to 17. . Long-Handle Instruments. $875 . . each $0.60 Cone-Socket Points. $6.25 $0.45 •35 25G M. F. PATTERSON, Ivory's Set of Five Amalgam Carriers and Pluggers* Patented February 23 d, 1897. The advantage in these Instruments is in the Serrated Cup Depressions enabling the operator to carry the Amalgam to the most difficult cavities and pack into the tooth with the one Instru- ment. Also nice for Gutta Percha. We will make special instruments for canal work. Price $4.50 Per set of Five as above. ,$i.oo Each DENTAL DEPOT. 257 “Special” Plastic Filling Instruments* Made by C. Ash & Sons, Ltd. (Set of 6.) Figs. 1 and 2 are small Spatulas and Burnishers for filling small cavities in all parts of the mouth. Figs. 3 and 4 are Spatulas and Burnishers. These are useful for general plastic filling. Fig. 5 is a right and left Packer and Trimmer. Particularly useful for filling distal cavities in bicuspids and molars. Fig. 6 is a double-ended Spatula with thin blades set at very useful angles. Prices, In N. P. octagon handles (figs. 1—6) 80.75 each. “ N. P, for Cone-Socket handles 35 “■ 258 M. F. PATTERSON : No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 DENTAL DEPOT. 259 Woodson's Double-end Amalgam Instruments* Ivory's Amalgam Carrying Plugger and Spoon* Carrier, $1.00 Spoon Amalgam Carrier No* 9. $0.60 Price, each $0.75 260 M. F. PATTERSON, Ladrr Plastic Filling Instruments, 8 DENTAL DEPOT. 261 Hand Burs, Round. D « 1 1 » < i ;» 1 1 1 1 D Q 1 | > < 0 ) % 2> < j® > { a 1 1 1 I 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Wheel. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Price, Octagon Steel Handles, per doz $2 50 Not kept in stock for Cone-Socket Handles. 262 M. F. PATTERSON, Hand Drills* Scranton Drills. Gates Bur Drills, O 0 q> 0> <3> 12 3 ®> 4 5 6 II I 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Gates Bur Drills. 22 23 24 I I 1 1 I ill i >1,11 i I II II i I J III ll i 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 The Scranton and Gates Drills are self-cleansing in operation. The Gates Bur Drills, Nos. 13 to 24, are useful for opening cavities or pulp-canals, and accomplish it with a smooth and rapid cut, unequaled by any other instrument. Nos. 25 to 36 make excellent excavating burs, and will penetrate solid material with great ease and efficiency. Nos. 37 to 48 will be found invaluable where a smoothly finished undercut is desired, or the bottom of a cavity so shaped as to offer a more desirable surface than that formed by the round bur. FIat t Spear-Point Drills. Square Drills. 00 01 2 34 5 6 8 10 00 0 1 2 3 4568 *0 Auger Drills. Forbes Drills. 1 1 jj 1 * \ ^ - ( ] j \ ( ;i 1 * 1 r ) 1 'Mi 1 1 00 ( ) 1 1 2 3 1 4 5 . 1 1 Mill i 6 8 10 C 0 0 1 5 i 3 4 5 6 8 Price, Octagon Steel Handles per doz. $2.50 Not kept in stock for Cone-Socket Handles. DENTAL DEPOT. 263 Gardiner's Gold T rimmers* 1 2 Approximal Trimmers* With these two Gold Trim- mers the dentist is fully- equipped for trimming off gold fillings in whatever position. Price each $0.50 Made in Octagon Steel han- dles only. This set of four Approximal Trimmers covers a good deal of territory in the trimming of approximal fillings, more espe- cially at the cervical margins. Made for Cone-Socket Handles. Price each $0.35 Allport's Pyorrhea Alveolaris Instruments* This set includes all the instruments needed in the treatment of Pyorrhea Alveolaris. PRICES. Nos. 1 to 15, for Cone-Socket Handles each $0.35 Nos. 1 to 13, 3-16 in. File-cut Handles “ .55 Double- End Probe Nos. 14 and 15 “ .70 For illustrations and prices of Allport’s burs for use in conjunction with these instruments see page 159. 264 M. F. PATTERSON New Set of Younger's Pyorrhea Instruments* In presenting this new set it will be noticed they are much smaller than the former set of twelve, and differ in many respects. They are Dr. Younger’s latest ideas, the result of experience and much thought. It is impossible to show by cuts the angles’ fine, delicate front and side cutting edges of this practical set — so keen that but litle pressure is needed in using them, an important matter where a sensitive touch is often the guide to the work that is being done. Deli- cate as they are, however, strength has been considered in their forms, so as to permit of any use they may be put to. We have no hesitation in saying this is the most complete set offered. They must be seen to be appreciated. Dr* Allan says of this useful plier : “The Inlay Plier is a good thing. They save time and patience. With care the inlay is securely held and the danger of its flying away and being lost is greatly lessened.” SEE NEXT PAGE. Inlay Plier* Designed by Dr. Geo. S. Allan. Price German Silver Cement Spatula, Pri rice, 50 cents. Lukens & Whittington, 624 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. DENTAL DEPOT. 265 New Set Younger's Pyorrhea Instruments. f \ Price perset, long handles, $11.25 each $0.45 “ C. S. points, 8.00 “ .30 Lukens & Whittington, 624 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 266 M. F. PATTERSON, Saws and Saw Frames* No. 4. Devised by Dr. Dwight M. Clapp. No. 5. Devised by Dr. Dwight M. Clapp. Kaeber Frame No. 1, with one Saw $ o 60 Cla pp “ “ 3! “ “ ll “ “ 4> Right Side, with one Saw AO “ “ “ 5? Left “ “ “ ; 0 Flat-Face Files, per doz j ^ Saw for Frames Nos. 1 to 5, cut on one edge, per doz V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V .... V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V/.'. • 25 “ 1 to 5, cut on both edges, “ DENTAL DEPOT. 267 “Flexo” Files, Saws and Strips* These flexible files are a great improvement over the ordinary separating file. They can be adapted to the shape of the tooth without breaking, they cut rapidly and smoothly, without dragging, until worn out, and used wet clear themselves. We illustrate 6 forms only, but also supply Nos. 4 and 5, which are coarser cuts. The hold on Nos. 4 and 5 is smooth. Plug Finishing File* Saws and Files for Saw Frames* PRICES. Separating Files, Nos. 000 to 5 per doz., $1.25 We also furnish these with DRAW CUT at same prices. Finishing Strips per doz., 1.00 Plug Finishing Files per doz., 2.00 Saws for Saw Frame, cut on one edge per doz., .25 Saws for Saw Frame, cut on both edges per doz., .38 Files for Saw Frame per doz., 1.00 “Flexo” Saw for Hand Use* Patented December 1, 18S5. This Saw is of the same thickness as the No. 000 Separating File, from which it differs only in being cut on the edges with both sides safe, and in having a crimped finger-hold at both ends. Very fine and thin, as shown. Price per doz., $1.00 2G8 M. F. PATTERSON, Separating Files. Our Separating Files afford a wide range of sizes and cuts, from the almost polishing face of No. ooo to No. 8, eleven sizes in all, with almost as great a range in cut of working surface. The finer files are almost mere lines in thick- ness; the coarser ones are perceptibly heavier. Some of them are cut on both sides, some on only one, as indicated below. In the regular line, Nos. ooo to 4 and 6 have one safe side; Nos. 5, 7 and 8 are cut all over. All have the push-cut. Put up in dozen packages containing one of each number separate, or assorted. PRICE. Push-cut No. ooo each, 12 cts; per doz., $1.25 “ Nos. 00 to 8 each, 10 cts.; per doz., 1.00 “ Assorted per doz., 1.00 Draw-Cut Separating Files. For very exact work, Nos. 00 and o of our Separating Files are made with the draw-cut. PRICE. Nos. 00 and o each, 13 cts. ; per doz., $1.50 Draw-cut DENTAL DEPOT. 269 Black's Saw Frame* (Suggested by Dr. G. V. Black.) Made by Gideon Sibley. The chief defect of Saw Frames hitherto made, even the best of them, is the constant menace to the cheeks of the patient from the rough, unprotected saw ends and ill finished frame; in fact the utmost skill will scarce prevent wounding the mouth of patient unnecessarily while using such frames. The Black Frame is made with special reference to overcoming this serious defect, which it does to perfection. It is so constructed that both ends of the Saw drop into slots, which perfectly cover the spud- ded ends, thus effectively protect the cheek of the patient. It is adapted to either Kaeber or Clapp Saws and is a thoroughly well made, strong and handsome ebony handled tool. Price, each, in neat box $i- 5 ° File-Carriers. For carrying files or parts of files for finishing fillings or separating teeth, enabling the operator to utilize what would otherwise go to waste — the best part of broken files. PRICES. *Nos. i, 2, 3 each, $0.38 No. 4 each, .40 No. 5 each, .50 No. 6. Dr. Abbott’s. For upper and lower fillings. Price, Ebony Handle $2.50 No. 7. Dr. Abbott’s. For separating. Price, Ebony Handle, each, 2.00 No. 8. Ebony Handle Carrier. For separating molars each, 2.50 No. 9. Dr. J. C. Connor’s pattern. Price, Ebony Handle, each, .75 Dr* Meriam's Right and Left Plug-Finishing Files* Price each, $0.20 Price per doz., 2.40 Dr. Taft's Plug-Finishing Files* A small, delicate File, with spring temper, designed for dressing down fillings in approximal cavities. Right and left, either push or pull-cut. Price, Push-Cut or Regular Price, Pull-Cut Price, Oval 17 each I3cts.; per doz., $1.50 eachi3cts.; per doz., 1.50 eachi3cts.; per doz., 1.50 270 M. F. PATTERSON Plug Trimmers and Plug-Finishing Files. Dr. F. Searle*s Plug Trimmers. Cut on . Rd. side. R. & L. Cut on one side. Cut all over. R. & L. Cut on one side. Dr. Searle’s Plug Trimmers. Dr. D. D. Smith's Approximal Trimmers. Cut all over. Coarse Coarse Fine Cut Cut Cut one side. both sides. one side. Fine. Cut boll) sides. Right and Left Approximal Trimmers. Patented March 13, 1883. Dr. H. Weston’s Two-Faced Safe- sided File. A 3 ° Dr. M. L. Rhein’s Approximal Trimmers. 32 No. 1. PRICES. Nos. 1 to 6, 10, 11 Nos. 7 to 9, 12 to 18, 28, 29 Nos. 19 to 24, 31, 32 Nos. 25 to 27, 30, No. 31. No. 32. Cut on inside. Cut on outside. Octagon Handles Cone-Socket Nickel-Plated. Points. $0.25 •35 •45 .60 DENTAL DEPOT. 271 FILES, Double-End Plug-Finishing, for Lateral and Crown Cavities. 45 46 4 ? 5° 51 52 54 55 56 57 60 62 66 . 6 9 95 98 99 101 J °4 105 106 108 109 . There is perhaps not a place in the mouth which cannot be reached for plug- nnishing purposes with some one of the forms of Files shown here. each 23 c; per doz. $ 2.75 No. 110. FOR DEEP MARGINAL FILLING. RIGHT AND LEFT. 272 M. F. PATTERSON, Contour Plug-Finishing Files. Separating, No. 000 “ Nos. 00 to 8 per doz. $1.25 “ 1.00 These Double-End Right and Left Files, beveled on the smooth side, making sharp, thin edges, are very finely cut. Price each 23 cents; per doz. $2.75 DENTAL DEPOT, 273 FILES. Plug-Finishing. Oval. Pointed. Straight. Oval. Pointed. Curved. Oval. Blunt. Straight. IO II 12 13 14 Oval. Flat. Blunt. Curved. Pointed. Curved, These Files run thin, medium and thick, and fine, medium and coarse-cut. Price each 18c: per doz. $2.00 Ribbon Saws. There is never a poor Ribbon Saw in our stock. They are always very flexible and quite thin. They are cut on both edges. The edges are perfect. Two widths, | and £ inch. Price, each $ 0.10 274 M. F. PATTERSON, Bicuspid, Pivoting and Stump Files, Bicuspid. Nos. 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 86, are rights and lefts, cut inside, outside, and all over. No. 27 is bent; No. 28 is thin and fine-cut; No. 29, medium and medium-cut; No. 30, thick and coarse-cut ; No. 32, extra thick; No. 86, narrow and medium-cut. Stump. No. 33, oval, one safe side and cut all over; No. 34, triangular, cut all over; No. 35, half oval, pointed, curved, cut all over; No. 36, half oval, blunt, cut all over; No. 37, half oval, thin, pointed, fine-cut all over; No. 38, half oval, pointed, medium-cut all over; No. 39, half oval, thick, coarse-cut all over. Pivoting. No. 41, round, coarse-cut; No. 42, oval, medium-cut; No. 43, round, small, fine-cut. PRICES. Bicuspid, Stump, and Pivoting Files each 20 cents ; per doz $2.40 DENTAL DEPOT. 275 Single and Double Curve Molar Files* 1 15 78 87 107 80 81 84 These Files are made cut inside, outside, or all over. In ordering, state cut wanted; whether for the right or left side of the mouth; upper or lower jaw. PRICES. No. 78. Single Curve, Knife Edge each 20 cts. ; per doz. $2.40 “ 87. Feather Edge “ 25 “ “ 3.00 “ 107. Knife Edge “ 25 3.00 “ 80. Double Curve, Feather Edge . . . . “ 30 3-50 “ 81. Oval Face “ 30 “ “ 3-50 “ 84. “ Knife Edge “ 25 “ “ 3-00 “ 115. Double Curve, Knife Edge. Light and delicate in form (pat- tern supplied by Dr. J. T. Cazier), so that it can frequently be used in operations for which the ordinary bicuspid and molar files are too heavy ...each 25 cts. ; per doz. 3.00 Stine's Plug Trimmer and Scaler* The form of this instrument exactly adapts it to the double purpose of a Plug Trimmer and a Scaler. The convex edge, thin and sharp, makes it very efficient in shearing off the surplus of fillings, and the opposite side has the requisite strength and angular edges suitable for a Scaler. Price each $0.50 M. F. PATTERSON, 270 Foil Carriers and Dressing Pliers ♦ No. 7 $0.60 No. 8. $ 2.50 dental depot. Foil Carriers and Dressing Pliers* — Continued. 277 278 M. F. PATTERSON, REPAIRS, We do most; of our own repairing right here in our own shop. There are some things we never try to fix. There are some things that can’t be properly fixed outside of the shop where they are made. If they can be fixed outside we can fix them. We don’t know of anybody who is doing better repair work than we are doing. We can’t make new things out of old things, but we come as close to doing that as any person. PRICES FOR REPAIRING. Recutting cavity burs — stone cut per doz., $0.75 Burs. Recutting plug finishing burs — stone cut. .per doz., 1.00 Six dozen lots and over at reduced rates. We restone every bur sent to us. We treat them as if they were new. The work couldn’t be better. If you pay more than our prices you pay too much. If you pay less you get poorer work. Re-serrating ordinary pluggers per doz., $1.50 Re-serrating Varney or other fine pluggers per doz., $2.00 to $3.00 Excavators re-pointed per doz., 75c to $1.00 SHARPEN YOUR OWN EXCAVATORS. There isn’t any use sending a spoon or any other form of excavator to us for repair if it is just dull. This grooved car- borundum hone will do the work as well as it can be done in any factory on earth. It is the only hone made that will sharpen a spoon excavator. There are three different sized grooves on top of the hone as shown. They fit any sized excavator. If the instrument is dull it doesn’t have to be drawn the length of the hone more than about twice. When the feather edge has been dressed off on the flat side of the hone the excavator is as sharp as the day it was made. The hone is made of genuine carborundum by the Carborundum Company, at Niagara Falls, and will last for an indefinite period. PRICES. Large (cut shows about two-thirds size) coarse grit, $0.50 Large (cut shows about two-thirds size) fine grit, .65 Small, 2jxii-i6xf coarse grit, .35 Small, 2-Jxii-i6x| fine grit, .50 Pluggers, Excavators, DENTAL DEPOT, 79 Plugging Mallets* No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. For prices, etc. see next page. 280 M. F. PATTERSON Plugging Mallets , — Continued. No. 13- No. io. No. 12. No. i Lignum vitae, Rosewood handle, length io *4 inches $0.30 Nos. 2 and 3 Patent metal head, nickel plated, weights 4j4 and 6^2 oz., and lengths 6^4 inch and 7^4 inch respectively 1.25 .Nos. 4, 5 and 6 Robbins, heads soft steel, lengths 6 l / 2 inch, 5 inch and 7^4 inch respectively i-5° Nos. 7, 8 and 9 Butler’s wood case, metal centre, legths 6J4 inch, 7 inch and 7^4 inch respectively 1.50 Nos. 10 and 11 Dead blow, metal case, weights 2 and 3 oz., and lengths 6J4 inch and 6J4 inch respectively i-5° Nos. 12 and 13 Dead blow, metal case, weights 4 and 6 oz., and lengths 6J4 inch and 7 inch respectively 200 No. 14 Palmers, metal case, weight 8 oz., length 7J4 inch 2.50 No. 15 Jennings’ metal case, hard leather centre, length 7 inch i-5° No. 15. DENTAL DEPOT. 281 Mouth Mirrors, (Made by C. Ash & Sons, Ltd.) Mirror and Lens 8 8 g Ash's High Grade Mouth Mirrors* Ebony handle, small and Medium each $1. 282 M. F. PATTERSON, Medium. Mouth Mirrors* Cuts Full Size. Medium Large. Large. We handle just one kind of Mouth Mirrors. They are the very best mirrors we can buy. There is never a cloudy glass among them. A bad glass can never, by any possible chance, find its way into our stock. PRICES. Ebony Handle. Ivory Handle. “ (medium) !■ each $0.75 \ each $1.25 “ (medium large) 1 J “ (large) “ 2.00 Magnifying, size of No. 1 I “ “ “ 2 y “ 1.00 ^ •• 1.50 “ “ “ 3 J “ 4 2.00 Ivory's Clamp Mirror* Patented June 28th, 1898. an improvement over any This Ball and is Socket Mirror idea P reviousl > r offered to the profession. The credit of the invention belongs to Dr. Chas. Harndon, oi Bowanville, Ontario. The ball and socket movement gives any position desirable, and will attach to any clamp. It has not only the ball and socket movement, 'but an arm movement from side to side, and forward and backward adjustment. Price each $1.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 283 Aluminum Handle Mouth-Mirrors. Plane and Magnifying. 3 B PRICES. Plane . . . .each $1.25 Magnifying “ 1.25 Extra Mirrors only, Plane “ .45 Extra Mirrors only, Magnifying “ 45 284 M. F. PATTERSON, Magnifying Examina- tion Glass* Magnifying Toilet Mirror. For travelers this will be found especially convenient, as it answers every purpose, while occupying little space. Valuable in the office for showing patients completed operations. Glass is magnifying. Handle, ivory finish. Diameter of glass, 2 inches. Price $2.00 Office Mirror. This is a glass for toilet purposes as well as for showing patients completed operations. It has an inlaid wooden frame with adjustable metal handles. One side of the glass is magnifying, the other plane. Price each $2.50 Miscellaneous Mouth Mirrors. No. 15. Flat Ebony Handle, Plane Glass $1.00 No. 16. Flat Ebony Handle, Magnifying 1.00 No. 17. Double End, one Magnifying, the other Plane 1.75 No. 18. Oval, (Dr. C. R. Butler’s), Plane Glass, Ebony Handle 1.25 No. 19. Oval, (Dr. C. R. Butler’s), Magnifying Glass 1.25 No. 20. Oval, (Dr. C. R. Butler’s), Plane Glass, Ivory Handle 1.75 No. 21. Oval, (Dr. C. R. Butler’s), Magnifying Glass 1.75 No. 22. Ebony Handle, Flexible Stem, Plane Glass.. 1.25 No. 23. Ebony Handle, Flexible Stem, Magnifying Glass 1.25 No. 24. Ivory Handle, Flexible Stem, Plane Glass. . 1.75 No. 25. Ivory Handle, Flexible Stem, Magnifying Glass 1.75 Anti-Cloudine. (Made by C. Ash & Sons.) A preparation to prevent the condensation of moisture on mouth-mirrors and eye-glasses. A very thin film of the Anti- Cloudine spread over the surface of the glass and then wiped off with a soft material will prevent condensation for about thirty-six hours, when the application should be renewed. The application and subsequent removal of the Anti-Cloudine is an excellent cleanser for the glass. Price per jar $0.25 Reglassing Mirrors. One handle will out wear a lot of glasses. There isn’t any sense in buying an entire new mirror when the glass is used up. We insert new glasses at the following prices. When the mirror is returned it is as good as new. PRICES. Extra glasses for all mirrors except those noted below each $0.35 Inserting same, including new nickel parts “ .25 Extra glasses for Nos. 4 and 8 “ .90 Extra glasses for Nos. 18 to 25 “ .80 DENTAL DEPOT. 285 Syringes. Order by Number. No. 2. All metal, as shown $ 7.00 No. 3. Same as No. 2, with addition of finger rings on each side 1 25 No. 4. Similar in form to No. 2, but with glass barrel, metal casing; two pipes, straight and curved 4.00 No. 5. Hard rubber, same form as No. 2 .75 No. 6. Hard rubber, one curved coin silver pipe 1.25 No. 7. Hard rubber, one straight or curved platinum pipe 3.00 No. 8. Hard rubber, one straight or curved 18K gold pipe 3.75 No. 9. Farrar’s Alveolae Abscess, two gold drop points and one gold charging tube, two hypodermic points and one hub 11.50 No. 10. Same as No. 9, two gold drop points, one gold charging tube 9.50 No. 11. Same as No. 9, two gold drop points 7.50 No. 13. Chip Syringe, nickel-plated pipe $ .40 No. 14. Same as No. 13, but with oval instead of flat bottom bulb 35 No. 15. Same as No. 13, with addition of valve in bulb for rapid air supply .50 18 286 M. F. PATTERSON, Syringes— Continued. Order by Number. No. 1 6. Warm Air Chip, reinforced point $ SO No. 17 . Dr S. G Perry’s, similar to No. 16, with addition of sliding shield ‘to protect' lip and cheek of patient T 50 No. 19. Hot Air, carbon core in heating chamber... No. 20. Same as No. 19, without silk netting on bulb 1.50 No. 22. Berlin Abscess, with one gold and one hard rubber tube, balance of instrument is rubber, making it safe to use with any fluid; complete as shown 1. 00 DENTAL DEPOT. 28 7 Syringes. — Continued. Order by Number. No. 24. Minim, platinum point fused in glass $ .70 No. 25. Dr. D. D. Peabody’s, similar to Minim, but of better quality. Pipe is gold, with exceedingly fine point $1-25 No. 26. Asceptic, with platinum point fused in glass and cotton wound piston 60 288 M. F. PATTERSON Syringes— Continued* Order by Number. No. 29. Continuous Current Hot Air, carbon core in heating chamber. Removable shield for covering hot chamber when in use $ 4.00 No. 30. Hot Air, same principle as No. 29, but lacking continuous feature $ 3- 2 5 Parts of Syringes* Bulbs (Rubber), for Nos. 12, 18, 27 and 23 each “ “ j 3 ;; 15, 19, 20 and 30 “ 14, 21 and 17 “ “ “ “ “ 24. .. “ “ (set) “ “ 29 “ (including hub) 22 “ Charging Tubes, for Nos. 9, 10 and 11 “ Drop Points, “ “ 9, 10 and 11 “ Hubs “ “ 4, 9, 10 and 11 “ Nets (silk), “ “ 12, 18, 23 “ Nets (silk), “ “ 19 “ Non-Conductors. “ “ 18 “ Non-Conductors, “ “ 19, 20 “ Plugs (Rubber), “ “ 27 (per doz., 40 cents) Points, “ “ 4 “ “ “ 2 “ “ “ “ 7 “ “ “ 8 “ “ « 12 « “ “ “ 13, 15 and 14 “ (Hypodermic) “ “ 9, 10 and 11 “ “(Gold), “ “ 21 “(Hard Rubber) “ “ 22 « “( Hard Rubber and Platinum), No. 22 “ $0.10 .20 •30 .15 •03 1. 00 •50 2.00 1.25 •50 .20 .25 .25 •50 X4 •50 •30 i-75 2.50 .25 .20 .20 •50 .20 .50 DENTAL DEPOT. 289 Lewis Abscess Syringe, FOR TREATMENT OF ALVEOLAR ABSCESS, PYORRHCEA ALVEOLARIS, AND THE IMMEDIATE RESOLUTION 0*F PERIODONTITIS AND INSIPIENT ALVEOLAR ABSCESS. (Made by Buffalo Dental Mfg. Co.) This syringe is so constructed that it can be filled and operated with one hand. The movement of the piston is but one-quarter of an inch, thereby taking up the desired quantity of fluid and no more. The capacity of the syringe is so small (a few drops only) that it obviates the annoyance of cauter- izing the inside of the mouth when \ising creosote or other strong medicines. If the opening into the tooth or pulp canal is made to fit the syringe point, the whole contents of the syringe can be discharged into the pulp canal and through the apical foramen and into the fis- tulous sinus, thoroughly medicating the diseased tract without allowing any of the preparation used to escape into the mouth to cause annoyance to the patient. In the same manner a few drops of the appro- priate remedy may be placed in the pocket between the root and the gum in a case of pyorrhoea al- veolaris. The small amount of fluid contained in this syringe can be pumped back and forth during its applica- tion to the tooth or gum-pocket, keeping it in active circulation and insuring its penetration to every part of the diseased tract. This syringe is almost indispensable in the treatment of inflamed and abscessed roots by the exhibition of peroxide of hydrogen and mercuric chloride, and it is more extensively used for this purpose, perhaps, than for any other. The fact has been established, by the repeated success of this treatment, that periodontitis may be reduced in an hour or two, and alveolar abscess aborted. Full directions accompany each syringe for its use in cases of the nature described above. PRICE. Lewis Abscess Syringe, with two gold points.. .$ 3.50 290 M. F. PATTERSON, Syringes* — Continued. Order by Number. No. 31. All metal- Aseptic Packing around plunger, instead of on it. Price in case $2.00 Obtunding Hypodermic* No. 32. This is a strictly dental syringe. Made expressly for our sales. It is the best syringe we can buy. It is provided with patent self-packing device for expanding the piston, and an extra glass barrel with extra packing inserted is included in the price. Price, complete, with two needles. . .$2.00 No. 33. Similar to No. 32, but without extra barrel and packing $2.00 No. 34. Plain line, with small finger rests $ 1 - 5 ° No. 35. Combined abscess and Hypo- dermic. One each straight and curved gold pipes, for abscesses, and a heavy, reinforced steel needle for hypodermic use $4-90 DENTAL DEPOT. 291 Haycock's Anti-Infection Hypodermic Syringe, Gideon Sibley, Sole Agent. EXPLANATORY CUT.— No. 1. Barrel of Syringe. No. 2. German Silver Plunger. No. 3. Wrench. No. 4. Needle. A and B. Coarse Thread. C. Annuler Shoulder. Points of Superiority. Absolute impossibility of infection if used as directed. Cleanliness, every part being accessible. Strength, being made of superior material, and of such design as to insure it against accident and breakage. No leakage possible — perfect steadiness of the piston, doing away with that jerky motion observed in most other makes. Unlike any glass Syringe, this can be sterilized with boiling water without danger of breakage. The only Syringe on which alcoholic fluids have no effect. The only Syringe which the operator can sterilize without removing the needle. The package or washer being on the outside of the barrel, the solution does not come in contact with it. The piston is made of solid German silver, and is under complete control of the operator, insuring precision in making the injection. This Syringe is guaranteed against breakage. We replace any .part broken (except needles) free of charge. Price of Haycock’s Syringe, in handsome morocco case, with two needles and wrench $3.00 Haycock's Compound Eucaine Tablets. (Dental Local Anaesthesia.) Gideon Sibley, Sole Agent. Being convinced from his own observation, as well as that of many promi- nent surgeons, both Medical and Dental, that Beta-Eucaine was almost the ideal Dental Anaesthetic, Dr. George B. Haycock experimented long to eliminate its toxicity and otherwise better adapt for surgical use this admirable Anaesthetic. Using Beta-Eucaine, as a base, he at last succeeded in producing his “Com- pound Eucaine,” which he claims causes no toxic effect, and at the same time it retains all the efficiency of Beta-Eucaine, and is safer and less expensive. It is made by a leading manufacturing chemist under the Doctor’s personal direction; all the component parts being analyzed before being compounded, it is perfectly reliable. Haycock’s Compound Eucaine contains absolutely no cocaine, menthol, carbolic acid, creosote or any ingredient which would cause inflammation. It produces as profound anaesthesia as cocaine, while possessing the following advantages over the latter: it has no toxicity, can be sterilized by boiling, its solutions will keep indefinitely, it has no mydyratic with moderate anti-bacterial action. The only safe criterion by which to judge of the value of any new medica- ment, is careful, unbiased and thorough clinical investigation by competent observers. Judged by this standard, Eucaine can be said to have passed the experimental stage and takes rank as the most prominent local Anaesthetic. For reducing to a solution: place T2 tablets of “Compound Eucaine” and i ounce of distilled water in a test tube, gradually bring to a boil, put in a bottle and keep well corked. Absolutely safe, perfect and prompt anaesthesia is sure, with no bad after-effects. Price, per box of four tubes — sufficient for the extraction of 240 Teeth. . . .$2.00 Sample tube, 15 tablets 50 292 M. F. PATTERSON, Hypodermic Needles and Syringe Tubes* Ever since dentists began to use the Hypodermic Syringe for local anaesthetics we have made a specialty not only of hypodermic syringes, but of hypodermic needles as well. The needles we sell are standard. It is possible to make a needle that looks just as well as our needles, and sell it for less money than we ask for these needles, but the quality can’t be there. No dentist can afford to experiment. If we could get a dollar apiece for needles, we couldn’t give any better quality. Our needles are made of the finest obtainable grade of Seamless tube. They are highly tempered, and have very fine concave points. A. — Plain Seamless Steel Needle, nickel-plated B. — Reinforced Steel Needle, nickel-plated C. — Obtunding Reinforced Needles, securely fastened in our improved reinforced hub, which is made of one piece, thus avoiding all pos sibility of leakage C i. — Same — Solid Gold or Platina D. — Craft’s or St. Louis Needle, consists of a tapering tube in which is soldered a short, blunt-pointed Steel Needle, is easily kept clean. .. E. — Solid Seamless Gold Abscess Needle, straight or curved F. — Solid Seamless Gold Lewis Abscess Needle, straight or curved G. — Illustrates blunt point on all Dental Hypodermic Needles (not ab- scess). This style will always be furnished unless otherwise ordered. H. — Pipe for Nickel Dental Syringe, straight or curved K. — Pipe for Moffatt’s Water Syringe, straight or curved Each. Per Doz. $ *15 $1.25 , .20 L 2.00 .25 2.50 •75 750 •35 3-50 .90 9.00 .80 8.00 • -25 2-75 .2^ 2-75 Half-dozen of one style at dozen price; less than half-dozen at single price. Unless special thread is designated, we will fill all orders for needles with standard screw hubs, although we are prepared to furnish needles to fit all styles and makes of syringes. Hypodermic Needles in Gross and Half- Gross Lots. We will make very material discounts from above prices* for gross and half-gross orders. Write for quotations. Syringe Repairs. A capable man is required to properly repair a hypodermic syringe. We have none but capable men in this department. It doesn’t make any difference in what condition a syringe reaches us. It is actually as good as new when we return it. The charges will depend upon the amount of work required, but are always reasonable. For inserting heavy new barrel and new packing the price is 50 cents. DENTAL DEPOT. 293 Custer Electric Gold Annealer, Sole Acrent, The Ransom & Randolph Co., To r edo, O. This instrument has been devised for annealing gold, and can also be used for tem- pering instruments and warming gutta-percha. The heat is obtained by electrically heating coils of platinum wire which are imbedded in the surface of the tray. It possesses the following advantages: First. — The heat being radiated from an electrically heated noble metal, is entirely free from the products of combustion, and the purity of the heat is thereby assured. Second. — The heat is high enough for thoroughly annealing all forms of gold, and the wiring is so arranged that a rheostat is not required. Third. — The heat is practically the same all over the surface, and the gold is thereby evenly annealed. Fourth. — It saves time. It requires no attention, and the surface being rough, the operator is enabled to pick up the gold with the plugger-point instead of the pliers. Fifth. — The slab which covers the tray when not in use may be warmed for softening gutta-percha upon by turning the current on for a few moments. The ELECTRIC ANNEALER is in use by the best operators in the land; in fact, the best gold operations cannot be made without perfect and clean annealing of the gold. Gold not only works with perfect uniformity, but fillings made of electrically annealed gold do not flake off. The ELECTRIC ANNEALER can be operated by any current used for incandescent lighting, the no or 52-volt current, the constant or alternating current. It cannot get out of order, and will last a lifetime. It is connected in the usual manner to a chandelier, wall bracket, or switch, and costs but little to operate. Each annealer is wound for but one current. When ordering, specify the current on which the annealer is to be used. Size of top, 5^2 inches by 4 Yi inches. Height, 2 inches. Price $16.00 294 M. F. PATTERSON, No. i. The glass portion is 2^4 inches diameter, i inch deep. No. 2. Same as No. i, except depth of glass, which is i Y\ inches. No. 3. Ground glass cap, to prevent evaporation. 3*4 inches deep, 2 inches diameter. No. 4. Same as No. 3, but y /2 inches high, 2^4 inches diameter. No. 5. Same as No. 3, but more of an oval shape. 4^4 inches high, 3 inches diameter. PRICES. Nos. 1 and 2, without flfime shield $0.30 “ 1 and 2, with flame shield 60 Flame Shield only 30 No. 3 $0.20 “ 4 25 “ 5 50 Model Annealing Burner. Cut Half Size. This Burner is so constructed as to secure perfect combustion, giving a clear blue flame, of convenient size and proper temperature for annealing pur- poses. The shield may be adjusted at any height to suit the operator, or it may be lowered so as to completely expose the flame. Height 2.V2 inches; diameter of base inches. Nickel-plated all over. Price $1.00 Capital Annealing Lamp* The cut shows the lamp full size. It is the most convenient for the student’s case, occupying less space vertically than any other of our alcohol lamps. Leather washers make it entirely se- cure from leakage in any position. Made of brass, nickel-plated, and finely finished. Price $100 Wicks for Alcohol Lamps. Round, close woven wicks for alcohol lamps. Three for five cents. DENTAL DEPOT. 295 The Modern Sterilizer. Made by Lee S. Smith & Son, Pittsburg, Pa. This is a sterilizer for dental in- struments. Most sterilizers are made to use in the laboratory. This is made to use in the office. Itfis made for your patient to look at. It is made to hang on the wall of your of- fice as near the front of your chair as you can get it. The brass plate with the black letters on it is not put on the front of the boiler to advertise Lee S. Smith & Son ; it is put there for the effect the word Sterilizer is bound to have upon your patient. That is the theoretical side of it. The Modern Sterilizer is as good practically as it is theoretically. It is made of burnished copper, the back is rein- forced by a piece of heavy asbestos board. It is nine inches wide by twelve inches high; the upper half is the boiler or water chamber, the lower half is the burner chamber. A Bunsen burner is furnished with the outfit, but it may also be operated by an alcohol lamp. The mica in the door to the burner chamber is transparent ; if a small flame is kept burning in sight of your patient, your patient doesn’t have to be told you are in the habit of steriliz- ing your instruments. He can see for himself. The tray shown in the side cut is for insert- ing and removing instruments from the boiler. It is large enough to hold six or eight pairs of forceps. Price, complete $ 6.00 Sold with an ironclad money-back guarantee if not satisfactory in every way. The Down's Sterilizer* The Down’s Sterilizer is enclosed in a jacket of sheet zinc. It is a practical apparatus, and if the operator prefers to do his sterilizing in the laboratory, is just as effective as any. Price, Sterilizer, without Burner $3.00 Price, Sterilizer, with No. 17 Burner, less Shield 3.70 Price, Sterilizer, with No. 12 Burner 3.50 -96 M. F. PATTERSON, Alcohol and Annealing Lamps: — Con- tinued. Kells Bracket Table Lamp. The engraving tells what this lamp is for. There isn’t any danger of upsetting it, and it doesn’t take up any room on the table. The lamp is convenient, economical and durable. It is out of the way; it is vapor-tight and the shape assures the confinement of the alcohol close around the wick. It is substantially made through- out. All metal portions nickel-plated. Price $1.00 Shield for same -20 Annealing Tray No. 3. This tray is made for use on Model Annealing Burner, shown on page 295. The mica disk is 1^ inches in diameter, the stem 2 inches long. Price $0.40 Annealing Tray No. 4. For use with Gas Burners 17 and 20. It is similar to No. 3, but is larger, and is supported by two arms instead of one. It can be used for annealing gold or for softening gutta-percha. It has a mica disk for the former purpose, and one of soap- stone for the latter. The soapstone plate has a button of low- fusing metal in a pocket at its center. When the button melts the heat is right for a medium heat gutta-percha. Price, complete, with Soapstone and Mica Disks. $0.75 Annealing Tray No. 5. Annealing Tray No. 5 is for use with Nos. 1 and 2 Alcohol Lamps, page 295. The mica disk, which affords a large an- nealing surface, is loose, resting in the circular frame and held in place by the raised edge. Metal parts of brass, nickel-plated. Price $0.75 Annealing Tray No. 6. A shovel-shaped sheet of mica, nearly 3 inches square, in- tended for use with a cone-socket handle. The mica is held in a metal frame, with screw-stem for at- tachment to the socket-handle. The size of the sheet affords a large annealing space. The handle does away with all risk of burning the fingers. A new mica sheet can be slipped into the frame whenever necessary. Price $0.40 Annealing Tray No. 3. Cut nearly full si DENTAL DEPOT. 297 The S. S. White Annealing Lamp. This outfit consists of a lamp similar to No. 3, on page 295, mounted on a base of ebonized wood. It includes an upright rod, carrying a metal annealing tray. Price, complete $2.25 Dr. How's Thermoscopic Heater. The only way gutta-percha can be properly heated is by the use of this heater. It does away with guess work. It is scientific. Made of steatite, with a wood handle and fusible buttons, A for low-heat and B. for high-heat ]gutta-perchas. A held over the flame melts at 212 0 F. ; B at 230° F. Pellets of “Premiurii” Gutta- Percha placed at 1, 1, will be soft- ened properly when the button A melts. The heater can then be set on the bracket-table. Low-heat Gutta-Perchas can be placed at 2, 3 and 4, according to their softening points. For “Excelsior” Gutta-Percha the A button is poured out and the B sub- stituted. Price $0.30 Bogues' Lamp and Warm- Water Cup. A framework of brass upon a brass base supports a boiler of ornamental design beneath which the lamp is placed. At one side of the boiler, which holds a pint of water, is a socket or scabbard to hold the mouth-mirror, which is thus always kept warm. When desired, the boiler can be substituted by the annealing tray. This outfit is designed to afford a constant supply of tepid water for syringing out cavities ; to keep the mouth-mirror at about the temperature of the body, so as to prevent the condensa- tion of moisture on its surface when placed in the mouth ; to anneal gold, and to soften gutta- percha. Price, complete $7-50 Flagg's Improved Gutta-Percha Softener and Tool Heater. A dry-heat apparatus, with provision for three different degrees of heat adapted to various makes of gutta-percha. The heating chamber consists of a metal cylinder open at the bottom for the entrance of the flame of the lamp. Mounted upon the cap are two metal plates, one above the other, giving two additional heating surfaces. There is a rack for holding instruments. The height of the heating surfaces above the flame can be changed as desired. Two additional attachments are a boiler holding about half a pint, intended for keeping a small supply of tepid water ready for use, and a plain-top, nickel-plated annealing tray for gold foil. PRICES. Complete, with Warm-Water Cup and Annealing Tray No. 1 $6.50 Gutta-Percha Softener and Tool-Heater, separately 5.00 Warm-Water Cup, separately 1.00 Annealing Tray No. 1, separately 50 293 M. F. PATTERSON : The Ivy Burner* Made by H. D. Justi & Son. It is made of a lion-oxidizing white metal which admits of a very bright polish, and in finish very CLOSELY RESEMBLES SILVER, consequently will not assume that unsightly appearnce which all nickel-plated burners acquire after they are in use a short time. It is also a very strong and ductile metal. The burner gives a fine blue flame, which can be increased from the smallest to about five inches. This is by all odds the best and neatest burner ever offered. Price $0.50 Whitney Annealing Lamp with Mica Tray* (IMPROVED.) The Annealing Lamp illustrated was designed many years ago by the late Dr. B. T. Whitney, and has always maintained its su- periority over other lamps used for the purpose. We have recently reconstructed the entire lamp, still retaining the general features of the original. A new glass font, holding more alcohol and having a broad base, has been substituted for the old one. An entirely new wick holder and tray support have been used; but the most useful and marked improvement has been in the insertion of a two-inch disk of mica in the annealing tray. This last feature will appeal to dentists who use mica for annealing purposes exclusively. All the metal parts are nickel-plated. PRICE. Whitney Annea’ing Lamp, improved $1.00 Students' Annealing Lamp* This Annealing Lamp was suggested by Prof. A. P. Southwick, of the University of Buffalo, for the use of students in that college. It is constructed entirely of brass. The lamp is surmounted by the same style of brass frame for holding the tray as is used on the Whitney Annealing Lamp PRICE. Students’ Annealing Lamp $0.80 DENTAL DEPOT. 299 The Brewer Universal Forceps* For Rubber Dam Clamps. This instrument will prove a decided economy in time, money and drawer space, as the operator obtains in one the working functions of two or three different forceps. Price, nickel-plated $3.00 Adapted for all Clamps except Nos. 65 and 66 and Nos. 85 to 1 19. Price .each $2.50 The Bowman-Allan Clamp Forcep* Dr. Delos Palmer Clamp Forceps* For Clamps Nos. 85 to 116. Price, nickel-plated, either style, per pair $2.50 We have a cheaper Clamp Forcep, similar in style to the Bowman-Allan. Price, each, $2.00 Perfected Rubber Dam Punch* 1 he only good Punch in the market. Makes a clean and sharp perforation. Point and die made of hardened steel. Price, nickel-plated Gold Foil Scissors* Foil Shears, 9 inch r °! Shears, 8 inch, Japanned, Pointed ■p-i p, ars ’ 8 inch, Japanned, Blunt. . roi Shears, 8 inch, Polished, Blunt... *°il Shears: 8 inch, Polished, Pointed. each $3.00 $2.00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 300 M. F. PATTERSON, Dr. Kelly's Cervix Fluid* Gideon Sibley, Sole Agent. This preparation will make and keep the gums as dry as parchment, Dr. Kelly claims, hence does away with the discomforts of Rubber Dam and Clamps in filling cervical cavities and setting Logan and other’ crowns. It contains no acid, does not injure gums and tooth structure, like the different acetic and other acids. It makes such operations more agreeable to all, but especially nervous patients. Price, per bottle, with full directions $1.00 Allen's Illuminated Rubber Dam. The Illuminated Rubber Dam is a high-class rubber dam, with one surface coated with aluminum. The coating gives it a silvery white appearance, with a fine reflecting surface. When adjusted to the teeth, it lights up not only the cavity of decay but the entire surrounding parts. The coating is so applied that it will not come off. Made of best quality roll rubber dam, 6 inches wide, medium weight only. Put up, yard and half-yard rolls, in white pasteboard boxes. Price per yard roll $2.25 Price per yard roll 1.13 Denham's Coffer Dam Shields. The material of these Shields is elastic rubber similar to the rubber dam, for which they will, in many cases, prove a convenient substitute, especially where it is difficult to apply the rubber dam, and when it is necessary to treat the teeth with medicaments. The Shields may be used with Rubber Dam Clamps. Price, per box of one dozen $0.60 Rubber Dam Punches. Triplex No. 1, nickel-plated each $1.00 Triplex No. 2, nickel-plated 1.50 Dental Speculum. The Dental Speculum affords the dentist an unobstructed view of the interior of the mouth, and when once adjusted leaves both hands free. It lets the light freely into the mouth, and its polished surfaces aid by reflection. It holds the lips out of the way, and is comfortable to the patient. It serves as a protection to the lips and cheeks during operations. Price, nickel-plated and polished $0.35 Elliott's Cheek Distender. Designed to distend the cheeks of a patient during operations on the teeth. Its bow of spring-wire and the cheek-pieces are polished and nickel-plated, which help to reflect light on the teeth. As the spring is not stiff, it is used with very slight inconvenience to the patient. Price $1.00 Lip Protector. The advantage of this device was suggested by the use of the ordinary Cheek Holder. It is found very useful in protecting the lips from being chafed, when using either files, drills or excavators. Price, nickel-plated $0-35 DENTAL DEPOT. 301 TRAUN'S IDEAL RUBBER DAM* It comes now with the new “Sealskin” finish* Our famous Rubber Dam is now made with the new “Sealskin” finish. This finish has obvious advantages. You need only to handle this rubber to appreciate them. It makes the dam beautifully smooth, soft, easily managed and handled, and pleasant to the touch. It does not feel clammy or sticky. It does not become over-tough, breaking when drawn over a large clamp, but remains elastic, stretching farther than before. Otherwise it is still the same good old “Ideal” Dam. You know its merits, but “a good tale will bear telling twice.” By our process this rubber dam has been vulcanized in such a way as to render it practically odorless — it has none of that nasty sulphuric smell. You appreciate the importance of making everything as agreeable and as pleasant to your patients as possible. You can use our new seal skin finish “Ideal” rubber dam with the assurance that it will be pleasanter in the mouth of the patient than any other dam made. This rubber dam is a gOod deal better than any other dam made. It is just as tough and durable as it is possible to make any rubber dam. The seal skin finish dam has all the merits of any rubber dam, and has a number of manifest merits of its own. One of those merits is its light color. On this account it does not absorb the light like the old dark colored kinds. This is important when working in the mouth where all the light possible is needed. The “Ideal” Dam with the seal skin finish costs no more than ordinary kinds of rubber dams not so good. It is cheaper for you to buy, because it does not deteriorate for years. You can always use up every bit you have. Nothing need be wasted. The prices of our new “Ideal” seal skin finish are as follows, each can holding a full square yard, cut 6 inches wide, 18 feet long: Light $1.00 per can. Medium 1.50 per can. Heavy : 2.00 per can. We also put up the medium weight in $1.00 cans holding two-thirds of a yard. If you find it more convenient to use the Dam in 5 in., 7 in., or full width, you can have it that way, unless specified, we send 6 in. rolls. 19 302 M. F. PATTERSON, Davidson's Dental Dam* Made from selected Para Rubber. By selected we mean that whenever we come across a particularly fine lot -of Para Rubber we lay it on one side for use in our dam. Then the lot is care- fully picked over and only the best pieces are reserved. By this means we are enabled to present to the profession a dam that is as near perfect as it is possible to produce. This dam is sold all over the world and unless our claims for its toughness and dura- bility were justified it certainly would not have so wide a mar- ket. Try it and see for yourself. All first-class dealers handle it, or write to us and we will direct you where to find it. PRICES: Light, per roll, \ yd. wide $0.75 Light, per roll, 1 yd. wide 1.25 Medium, per roll, \ yd. wide .80 Medium, per roll, 1 yd. wide 1.50 DAVIDSON RUBBER CO., Boston, Mass. DENTAL DEPOT. 303 SIMPLE. Dr. S. E. Knowles' Rubber Dam Spreader. Patented July 27, 1897. PRACTICAL. DURABLE. O' j No implement for spreading the dam can be made practically successful un- less guarded on each extremity by an elastic substance, as the dam will creep on FIRST — Complete -exposure of the parts to be operated upon, the free edges and ends of the dam being entirely out of the way. SECOND — Facility in adjusting the tension on the dam and head band. THIRD — Entire freedom from slipping on, or puncturing of the dam. FOURTH — Absence of necessity for use of weights. FIFTH — Equalization of tension of the dam upon the face, making it the most comfortable appliance for the patient ever devised. It is all right. Try it for ten days, and if not satisfactory return to your dealer and get your money back. the unguarded metal until it is punctured and its usefulness as a spreader de- stroyed. This point is fully protected by the patent. ITS ADVANTAGES ARE : Price $1.25 Sole Agent, JAS. W. EDWARDS, Dental Supplies, 825 Market Street, San Francisoo, Gal 304 M. F. PATTERSON Improved Rubber Dam Holden Dr. Cogswell’s Design. H. D. Justi & Son, Philadelphia-Chicago. PRICES. Plain, with Slide (shown in cut) or Ring without guards $ .60 Plain, with Slide (shown in cut) or Ring with horn or amber guards 1.00 Plain, with Slide (shown in cut) or Ring with ivory guards 1.50 Putting best new silk braid on holder 25 Narrow gum braid for plain holder (18 inches).. 10 Wide gum braid Cotton, for holder as shown (i 3 inches) 10 Wide gum braid, Silk, for holder as shown (18 inches) 20 Slides for holder shown each .12 Novel Robber Dam Holder, Nos* 4 and 5* PRICES. No. 4 , Two Clips, Wide Cotton Gum Braid with Slide $1.15 No. 5, Four Clips, with Cotton Gum Braid and Double Slide 2.25 The Carmichael Robber Dam Holder, made of thin, pol- ished, black vulcan- ite, and has glove snap-buttons with tortoise-shell cellu- loid springs. Price each $1.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 305 RUBBER DAM HOLDER. With Adjusting Ratchets. Dr. W. Mitchell’s. Made by C. Ash & Sons. Dr. Mitchell thus speaks of this novel and useful Holder: — “The advantages of the Rubber-dam Holder are too apparent to need much descrip- tion. Its capacity is that of both rubber-dam and napkin holder, and in many cases weights may be dispensed with. The adjusting ratchet is an important improvement over all other methods, enabling the operator to produce traction in any desired direction — something that has long been needed. To the practical dentist further description would be superfluous.” Rubber-dam Holder, with vulcanite guards, elastic braid and nickel-plated clips and ratchets $2.00 Nerve Canal Pliers. Straight and Curved. Made by C. Ash & Sons. For Removing Broken Drills from Root Canals, etc. Price of Pliers, Straight or Curved, Nickel-plated each $2.00 Root Reamers. Designed by Dr. J. Leon Williams. Made by C. Ash & Sons. Unlike the ordinary three-sided reamers, these instruments are grooved, which renders them self-clearing. They cut rapidly, never clog, can be sharpened on an oil-stone as easily as an excavator, and can thus, without difficulty, always be kept in the finest cutting condition. If used with care there is no danger of forcing them through the sides or ends of roots, moreover they make a large cone-shaped opening, which gives plenty of room for working, and is of the best possible shape for the reception of such taper- ing dowel-pins as the one designed by Mr. Nash, of Inverness. Made in two sizes, S — small, L — large. Price for any Handpiece, either size each $ .50 Price for any Attachment, either size each .50 306 M. F. PATTERSON, Made in two lengths, 2| inches and 2 inches, with new square moveable bar. Price, Lewis Rubber Dam Holder, nickel-plated $0.60 Buffalo Rubber Dam Weights. The Buffalo Dental Manu- facturing Company were the first to introduce rubber dam weigths of any description. Their utility was at once recog- nized, and various modifica- tions of the original Lewis weight have from time to time made their appearance. We now offer a new rubber dam weight, that is simple in con- struction, neat in appearance, and convenient in application. It consists of a metal disk depending from a flexible strip of brass, which is sur- mounted by a spring clasp for attachment to the rubber dam. The whole is polished and nickel plated. The weights are made in three sizes — small, me- dium, and large. Cuts are full size. Small. Medium. PRICES: Buffalo Rubber Dam Weights, small, each 25 cts Buffalo Rubber Dam Weights, medium, each 30 cts Buffalo Rubber Dam Weights, large, each 35 cts DENTAL DEPOT. 307 Improved Rubber Dam Weights. H. D. Justi & Son, Philadelphia-Chicago. No. 1. 1 oz. No. 2, 1 % oz. No. 3,234 oz. No. 4, 334 These weights are attached to the loose ends of the Dam, so as to keep it out of the operator’s way, and from annoying the p itient. They are of solid metal, nickehplated ; the springs are more readily attached or detached than any others. Price of either si?p. 5n '’pros. Made of Brass, Nickel-plated, with Si’k Braid, Chain or Spring Clip. PRICES. Nos. 5 to 7, with Silk Braid and Hook each 80.35 Nos. 5 to 7, withIXickel-plated Chain and Hook each .40 Nos. 5 to 7, with Nickel-plated Spring Clip each .50 308 M. F. PATTERSON, It don’t take many words to describe THE IVORY CLAMP to the dental profession, if they follow the description and accompanying illustra- tions. Every dentist must be at least fifty per cent, mechanical, and as this clamp is a mechanical device, he can and will readily under- stand and appreciate its worth and superiority, as soon as his eye rests on these illustrations. Its Good Points when in the Dentist's Hands are Manifold* The ease with which the dam is carried by the clamp, and placed over the tooth to be operated on, causes neither annoyance nor pain to the pa- tient. The Way the Clamp is Grasped by the Forceps enables you to locate the clamp in the exact position you desire, and when this is done, simply push the dam from the flanges, and you find the dam snugly hug- ging the neck of the tooth, and as snugly held by the clamp. There is no deception in the illustrations, as the Ivory Clamp is as easily placed in position as por- trayed by the cuts. See different designs on following pages. DENTAL DEPOT. 309 No. oo. “ 0 . “ 1 . “ 2 . “ 2a. Patented June 1 2th, 1888, - April 2d, 1889, - January 23d, 1894. Very small bicuspid, used also as a lateral incisor Small bicuspid, also used frequently on lateral incisors and cuspids Bicuspid clamp, festooned in the ja'ws to hold rubber and gum deep on neck of the tooth Bicuspid, general For superior bicuspids and small third molars EACH. .$0 80 . [80 . 80 . 80 . 80 EACH. No. 3. Designed for inferior molars, small size $0 80 “ 4. (Festooned.) Des gned for superior molars, small size 80 “ 5. Designed for superior molars, modeled after the Tee’s festoon clamp 80 “ 7. Designed for inferior molars generally.. 80 “ 8. (Festooned.) For superior molars, generally 80 “ 10a, 11a. Right and left molars, patterned somewhat after the Delos Palmer set suggested by Drs. Allen and McKellops. Spread by clamp forceps that engage in holes either side of jaws 1 50 “ 12, 13. Right and left inferior molar buccal cavity clamps, designed to hold the gum and rubber away from the margin of buccal cavities 1 60 No. 14. Designed for partially erupted teeth, and where a strong hold of conical crown is desirable $0 80 “ 17. Designed with thfee jaws, to facilitate the filling of cavities on the distal surface of molars, where the adjacent tooth is absent. Spread only by forceps that engage in holes either side of jaws .... 1 00 “ 18. Designed for cavities on the distal surface of bicuspids, where the adjacent teeth are out. Spread only by forceps that engage in ho'es either side of jaws 1 00 Nos. 19, 20. Designed for buccal cavities on bicuspids ; right and left 1 60 Nos. 22, 23. Designed for superior molars, are made with narrow jaws so as not to impinge on the gum, and yet fit these odd-shaped superior molars '. “ 22 A, 23A. Designed for superior and inferior molars, buccal cavities “ 24. Inferior molars, small size *1’60 1 60* 80b 310 M. F. PATTERSON, 21 G Napkin Clamp 21G. Made from a design by Dr. Gaskill, Demonstrator for a number of years at the Pennsylvania Dental College. This clamp has many good features, among them the easy manner the Bow will spread. No. 2ig. Designed for all molars $1.00 Illustrating below how cavities are exposed for ready access by some of the specially de- signed Ivory Clamps. cavities. No. 17. Designed with three jaws, to facilitate the filling of cavities on the distal surface of molars. No. 18. Designed for cavities on the distal surface of biscuspids. PRICES. Set of Four, any three of the 80c clamps and one $1.00 Clamp Entire Set of 32 Clamps Including Morocco Case and Clamp Forceps $ 3-oo 23.00 25.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 311 Rubber Dam Clamps* Price, each $0.40. Set of 6, Original Allan.— Serrated. Price, each $0.40. Set of 6, Original Allan. — Plain. Dr. Charles F. Allan’s Molar Clamps. Price, each $0.40. 312 M. F. PATTERSON, Rubber Dam Clamps* Dr. Tees’s Festooned. Dr. Tees’s Broad Flange. Dr. W. W. Evans’s Beaked Holar. Set of 9, Reach=Around. Price, each $0.40. DENTAL DEPOT. 313 Rubber Dam Clamps* Dr. H. C. Longnecker’s. 52 53- 54 55 5 6 Price, each $0.40. Dr. H. C. Longnecker’s “ Back Set.” Dr. Southwick’s. Price, each $0.40. Dr. Southwick’s. 60 C 61 ■ ’ 1 " ■ ■ ■ ■ y — — J s Price, each $0.40. Dr. W. E. Buckman’s. Dr. E. C. Moore’s. 64 Price, each $0.60. Dr. J. F. P. Hodson’s. Dr. W W. Evans’s “Incisor and Bicuspid.” Price, each $0.80. Price, each $0.80. Dr. W. W. Evans’s “ Incisor and Bicuspid” with Dr. Hickman’s. Set Screw. Price, each $1.00. Price, each $0.90. 314 M. F. PATTERSON, Rubber Dam Clamps. — Continued. •77 78 79 Price |1.25 each. Dr. L. Ynchausti's. No. 83. No. 84. Rubber Dam Clamp with Tongue Guard. Especially adapted for crown cavities, and for under approximal or buccal cavities which do not extend to the cervical margin. With this Clamp alone a tooth may often be kept dry for over an hour. Price, each $1.00 New Root-Clamps for Crown Work. No. 118. No. 119. Adjusters for the application of the dam to roots upon which porcelain crowns are to be fitted. The dam is adjusted over the ad- joining teeth, carried beyond the cone-shaped ends of the Clamp with a waxed silk ligature, the Clamp is removed, leaving the dam in position. Price, each $ 2.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 315 Rubber-Dam Clamps. — Continued. Dr. Delos Palmer’s Set of 32. Morocco Case, lined with satin and velvet $ 5 - 00 The same, with set of Thirty-two Clamps and Palmer’s nickel-plated Forceps. 26.50 Pasteboard Box, containing the same arrangement for the Clamps 2.50 The same, with set of Thirty-two Clamps and Palmer’s nickel-plated Forceps 24.00 Substituting the Universal Clamp Forceps for the Palmer, add 50 cents to the price of complete set. For description, see page 299. M. F. PATTERSON, 316 Meister's Improved Lever Clamps Gideon Sibley, Sole Agent. For Use in Filling Cervical Incisors, Cuspids and Proximal Cavities in and Bicuspids* The Meister modifications and improvements, including the Lever Attachments, render these Clamps the most easily and quickly adjusted and removed, with the least discomfort to patient. A pressure on the levers by thumb and finger opens the Clamp, and when released, it closes with sufficient tension to firmly hold in position. Nos. oi, 02, 03, 04, 07 and 08 are designed for use in filling all labial surfaces of incisors, cuspids and biscuspids where the cavity is close to or under the gums; 07 and 08 being especially effective in the more troublesome and difficult cases. No. 05 is for lower incisors or very small teeth. No. 06 is adapted for more general use on all front teeth. Nos. 09 and 010 are rights and lefts designed for proximal cavities. For general use on biscuspids, 02, 04 and 08 are best adapted, but in some cases other numbers can be used to advantage. Price; each $1.00 Set No. 1, complete 8.50 MeistePs Improved Adjustable Lever Clamps* The above No. 2 set of Clamps are the same forms as those comprising set No. 1, but have an adjustable instead of the fixed palatine attachment. They are thus regulated at will, and are adjustable to all cases; the advantage of which will be at once apparent to the practical operator. Order from your dealer or direct. Price, each $175 DENTAL DEPOT. 317 These four clamps constitute a complete set of Ivory’s Labial Clamps, which are applied by a forcep. There are very few marginal cavities that these clamps will not expose; No. 9 being most universal; No. 6 for Superior Centrals and Cuspids; No. 15 fjr Inferior Incisors, and No. 16 for cavities extending wide on the face of the tooth. Manner of Application* In adjusting these clamps to a tooth, carry the Lingual Jaw to a point beyond the bulb of the enamel at the margin of the gum, holding it there while the clamp is tilted outwardly till the Labial Jaw catches the tooth beyond the margin of decay; thus it will be noticed that the Lingual Jaw acts like a pivot as it bears against the inner side of the neck of the tooth, while the outer jaw is being tilted forward on the tooth. After the clamp is in place it can often be forced still higher by pressing with an instrument against the Labial Jaw; some doctors take a burnisher and get under the jaw and cant it back, as any pressure here not only pushes the clamp higher on the neck of the tooth, but tends to strengthen or tighten the hold of the clamp to the same. Copied from “ Items of Interest,” February, 1890 . “The new ‘Cervix Clamps,’ as devised by Dr. Ivory, are excellent. I have tried the ‘Stoner,’ ‘Long,’ and other Cervix Clamps, none of which have proved so generally useful as those of Dr. Ivory. These Clamps as made are easily adjusted to the tooth, remain firmly fixed, holding the dam out of the way, and make easy an operation. Price, $1.00 each. Per set of four, $3.50. Bibulous Paper and Napkin Clamps. Patented, June 12, 1888. Napkin clamps for molars and bicuspids, superiors and inferiors. De- signed for holding bibulous paper and cotton rolls $1.00 Nos. 21, 21a. Is designed to carry the rubber, and to fill a simple crown cavity. The projecting arms to hold the rubber down, so as to do away with the necessity of attaching rubber to more than the one tooth; and is also designed to hold cotton or napkin for plastic fillings and treatment of roots, etc I>00 20 318 M. F. PATTERSON, A Wonderful Success Just What is Wanted Surpassing All Other Attempts, Ivory's Adjustable Clamp. Patented January 23, 1894. None Equal to it For Cavities Deep on the Neck of the Tooth. This Clamp is tightened to a tooth by means of a slide — see drawing. It is simple, out of the way and easy to work; a comfort in comparison with others, holds firm and goes deep. The construction is so simple that explanation is unnecessary. It may be adjusted to go higher on the tooth without removing, simply by loosening the set screw and sliding the arm attached to the Labial Jaw farther through the slide, then tightening the screw again. Should the slide fastener have a tendency to slip on very large teeth, pin holes are made in the arm to hold it at any place desired. Warranted to vive satisfaction. Price $1.50 Ivory's Improved Adjustable Clamp* Patent Applied For. The great advantage of this Clamp, where it surpasses all others, is that the labial jaw is forced by screw pressure, carrying the rubber dam and gum in advance of the jaw, thus exposing the cavity and keeping it dry for the operation. INSTRUCTIONS. First place on the tooth the rubber dam “ligature” with a proper instrument, press the ligature well up on the palatal neck. Then apply the clamp, taking care that the palatal jaw catches above the margin of the enamel beyond the bulb of the tooth. Tighten the yoke screw, having both the labial and palatal jaws below the ligature. After the clamp is thus adjusted cut ligature, turn the pivotal screw to .the left, forcing the labial jaw to sufficient distance above the cavity. As this jaw advances to the lesser diameter of the neck, continue tightening the yoke screw so that neither the gum or the rubber dam can slip under the jaw of the clamp. Remove by loosening the yoke screw when the natural spring of the clamp releases the jaws from the tooth. Price of Clamp Extra (Small Labial) Jaw Attachment $2.50 •50 DENTAL DEPOT. 319 Dr, How's Cervix Screw Clamp, No. 130. The illustrations show the Clamp in position on an upper central and a lower bicuspid, the cavity in each extending far beyond the normal gum margin. Price, each $2.25 The Johnson Cervix Clamp, By means of the nuts A and B this Clamp may be adjusted to and firmly fixed on any tooth anterior to the molars. Price, with wrench $2.50 How's Cervix Clamp, The use of the Cervix Clamp in hold- ing back the gum from a cavity in the tooth-neck is made obvious by the il- lustration. $1.00 # Johnson's Lever Clamps, For use in fill- ing cavities which extend under the gum margins of incisors, cuspids and bicuspids. The Clamp is easily adjusted and the gum is not disturbed ex- cept at the point where the work is to be performed, where the clamp acts as a pro- tector. Price, each, $1.00 Price, each 320 M. F. PATTERSON, Ottolengui's Root Clamps for Crown Work. The set consists of two pairs. The rubber-dam is first stretched o'ver the Clamp lugs, thus permitting of the root, and then pushed well under the gum. Price, each ; $1.50 a view Climax Cervix Clamps. In use, the Clamp is first placed on. the tooth, which it grips with remarkable firmness, and the rubber-dam, punched through the largest hole of the Ainsworth punch, is then siretched over it. There is no risk o» dislodging the Clamp. The set of six will be requisite in a practice of considerable extent, though the first four numbers will meet many presentations satisfactorily. Price, Climax Cervix Clamps, each $0.75 Dr. W. H* Duddy's Napkin Holder Fig. i. and Clamp. This appliance is made especially for carrying napkins made of Cottonoid, and is de- signed principally for use on the posterior portion of the in- ferior maxilla while inserting temporary fillings, or treating teeth ; although it can be used advantageously on the superior maxilla also. The wire should rest on the gum back of the last molar tooth, and the nap- kin should be -forced well dow n on the lingual surface of the maxilla in order to compress numerous sublingual ducts and prevent the free flow of saliva. Fig. 1 shows the holder with the napkin ready for use. Fig. 2 is the holder, made of nickel-plated steel wire, with the ends covered with hfhrd rubber. These illustrations are full size. The Cottonoid Napkins as shown in the cut are 3J4 inches long and 2 inches wide. The napkins can be rolled any size on an excavator" handle, and then easily slipped over the ends of the holder. .$0.40 Price DENTAL DEPOT. 321 The Ladmore-Brunton Clamps and Matrices* i. With Flexible Key. Made by C. Ash “ .25 .50 Bow Spring, 18-carat ' “ 3.00 “ 3.25 Wedges (Patrick’s). 18-carat Gold “ .60 “ 1.75 Hooks H “ “ “ “ .50 “ .70 Key, Nickel- plated “ .25 For prices of Patrick Bow-Spring, etc., see below. The cost of the Yoke Regulators and Patrick Bow- Spring, etc., as shown in cut of cast, and including a Key, is $11.15. Teeth Regulators* Invention of Dr. John J. R. Patrick. Patented March 20, 1883. All the parts, including the spring, ai’e made 18-k. gold. Complete set, as abore, but with 12 slides, K, in all thirty-one pieces , $18.25 SEPARATELY. A. Bow-Spring each $3.00 H. Hooks (7) B. Wedge “ .60 K. Slides (12) C. “ “ .60 L. Cuspid Hook D. Anchor Bands (2) “ 2.50 Molar Anchor Bands. E. T-Bars (6) “ .40 each $0.50 , “ .20 .75 2.75 DENTAL DEPOT. 331 B* D. M* Co's* Jack-Screws* Southwick's Pattern of Jack Screws, Especially designed for use against bicuspids for expanding the arch. One tooth is moved at a time; the plate being notched for the reception of the revolv- ing head of the Jack Screw, < which bears directly upon the tooth. New rubber is vulcanized in the notch to retain the tooth in position. Three sizes are made, the same in length as the above. They are also rust proof. PRICE. Southwick’s Jack- Screws .. ..each $1.00 No. 1 No. 2 Old Style Jack Screws, These are of the ordinary shape and in three sizes as follows : in. opening to i % in., i in. opening to i Y% in., i % in. opening to i l / 2 in. By a new process we have recently adopted,. these Jack Screws are perfectly pro- tected from rusting. They are always ready, and after long-continued use will be found to turn as easily as at first. PRICE. Old Style Jack Screws . . .each $i.oo No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Jack-Screws* Old Style. Modified McCullom. Each Jack-Screw length closed is indicated above the line in fractions of an inch; the open length is found below the line. PRICES. Old Style Jack-Screws, Nos. oo to 3 Modified McCullom Jack-Screws, A to G. Jack-Screw Pin-Wrench (Fig. 5) each $1.50 1.50 .20 332 M. F. PATTERSON, We have omitted separate cut of this device, as it is shown in above cut in connection with the Lee-Bennet. The Lee Pull Back is used, as its name suggests for attaching to rubber plate and pulling a natural tooth to its proper place. Price each $2.00 These screws combine the screw and spring methods for moving teeth. The turning of the screw causes a forceful action to the extent only of the screw thrust. PRICES. The Set, complete $5-00 Pushing Spring Jack (Short or Long Head) 1.75 Extra Heads, each 5 ° Pulling Spring Jack, No. 3 2.50 Wrench 25 DENTAL DEPOT. 333 The Norton-Talbot Regulating Springs* These springs are made of piano-wire, in three sizes, as shown by the cuts. The How Screw-post (preferably the solid-headed screw-post) may be em- ployed to fix the spring. PRICE. Either size, nickel-plated. each $0.15 Spring Wire Coiler* Made with four mandrels of different sizes, and used for coiling piano-wire for use in regulating. The lises of this de- vice are manifold. Price each 1.75 Piano Wire Cutter* A special cutter with strong shearing blades, in each of which are half round notches that effect a clean cut. This is a useful tool and will soon save its cost in lieu of spoiled shears and nippers. Price each $1.75 Best Quality Piano Wire for the Coffin Split-Plate* We are prepared to supply five sizes of wire for regulating teeth by the Coffin Split-plate method. Put up in bundles containing two pieces, 7 J 4 inches long, of each of the five sizes. Price, per bundle $0.20 Gold Ligature Wire* As this Wire is strong and pliable, it is better adapted for ligatures than platinum wire, which is generally used. Anneal before using. It it put up without being annealed, to keep it in shape. Price, per dwt $..1.60 Gilling Twine* Adapted for ligatures for correcting irregularities ; for holding rubber dam in position ; also, for passing between teeth to discover imperfections in the enamel, and for cleaning and polishing. Three sizes : coarse, medium and fine. Put up in plaits, convenient for use, in lengths of 24 inches. Price, per plait $0.10 Price, per Y lb. ball, coarse or medium 1.00 Price, per lb. ball, fine . 1.25 Dental Floss Silk* Our name on the end of a spool of silk means simply best silk, money than we have to pay for this, but we can’t buy better silk. We can buy silk for less It is made for our sales. Plain. Waxed. PRICES. Per Gross. Per Half-Gross. Per Dozen. Per Spool. f 12-yd $7-00 $ 3.75 $0.75 $0.08 ] 24-yd 6.25 1.35 .15 l 150-yd 38.25 8.00 .75 f 6-yd 3.00 .60 .06 ! 12-yd 9.50 5.00 1. 00 .10 1 24-yd 9.50 2.00 .20 l 150-yd 45.50 9.50 .90 21 334 M. F. PATTERSON, Red Cross Pocket Dental Floss. Plain Floss An Art Metal Holder filled with 10 yards waxed silk for 10c. You want your patients to use Floss Silk for their own good (and also for the good of your work). YOU know its advantages, explain it to THEM. In this form it is more conven- ient than toothpicks, and far better. It’s a pleasure to use it. It is cheap enough to give away. Price per dozen $i.oo Floss Silk Holder for the Pocket. A very excellent device for carrying Floss Silk to be used for cleansing the teeth. Price each $i.oo Price, Plain Round Holder 25 Price, Plain Round Holder, with cutter 50 Silk Holders. No. 1. floss silk. A holder for the pocket, made of steel, nickel-plated, carrying six yards of waxed Price each $0.30 Price, in 1 dozen lots 3.00 No. 2. Similar to No. 1, with addition of cutter. Price each $0.50 Double-Screw Matrices. These Matrices are especially useful in filling extensive cavities with weak walls in teeth of poor structure. Fig. A shows the method of application. PRICES. Per set of 8 Matrices and Key-Wrench $6.50 Double-Srew Matrices each .75 Key-Wrench for same “ .50 Pinney's Loop Matrix. The Loop is made of soft steel which can be bent and adapted with pliers. The Windlass-nut can be turned by inserting a point in the edge holes. Price, nickel-plated $1.50 Price, Extra Loops each .15 DENTAL DEPOT. 335 Manufacturers of Pure Silk Threads and Fabrics* John D* Cutter & Co*, \ Union Square, New York* My experience in making Silk Floss for Dentists’ use covers nearly 30 years. Many have been the suggestions and criticisms with which I have been favored, and many the experiments and endeavors whereby I have sought to attain such perfection as should satisfy the most fastidious. My latest, Best and most j Elegant production I now offer to the Trade — viz: WAXED SILK FLOSS IN INDIVIDUAL BOXES OF POLISHED WOOD* Three Sizes — viz : Fine, 40 yds. Standard, 20 yds* Coarse, 10 yds* PRICE, TWO DOLLARS PER DOZ* Large spools for office use one dollar each — the fine containing 2,407 yds., and the standard 1,607 yds. May be ordered of any Dental Depot. Week's Rubber Tooth Forms, H. D. Justi & Son. For use by Students in the manual training system of Operative Technics. Adopted by National School of Dental Technics. These forms are designed to take the place of the tooth- brush handle formerly used. Price ! each $0 50 Technic Tooth Forms. The Forms are made of a light-colored vulcanite, which is hard enough to afford sufficient strength in the margins of the cavities to be cut, and with a sufficient body of materal behind them to give all the solidity required in filling them. Price, each $0.80 336 M. F. PATTERSON, Case for Anchor Screw Appliances* The instruments are held in a narrow compartment, at the upper end of which (under the points of the instruments) is a recess for holding the little boxes in which slotted Anchor Screws are sold. One of these with the lid removed is set into the recess. A cylindrical compartment is provided for carrying lengths of Anchor Screw-wire, with a cork stopper, which not only keeps dust out but supplies a ready method of handling the wires. Made of wood (size of cut), leather-covered, with slip-top. PRICE. Case $0.50 Complete, including set of 5 Screw Appliances, 6 Gold Screws No. 1, 2 inches Gold Anchor Screw Wire and Case 4.90 Screw- Wire Posts, Etc* Screw- Wire. No, Morrison’s 12-K. Gold 1 “ “ “ 2 t< 11 u o Talbot’s 18-K. “ 4 “ “ “ 5 ll lilt 0 (( nn y ei nn g Anchor “ “ 9 “ Iridio-Platinum 10 ength. Threads Diam. to inch. Price per rod. 3 in. .0521 $1.50 3 “ .042 \ 112 1.20 3 “ .035 J 1.00 2 “ .0601 1.50 2 “ .058 | 1.50 2 “ .051 54 1.00 2 11 .046 | 1.00 2 “ .041 j 1.00 2 “ •0301 10Q .030 / 1UU 1.00 2 “ 1.25 Screw-Posts. No. Length. Diam. How’s 14-K. Gold AA) i .051) < t ii 4 C A ► i in. .058 it n % u B j I .065 “ Bright Metal 1 .051 a a n A [ i in. .058 | (( ii ii B J 1 .065 “ Crown Metal AA) 1 .051 ii ti a A 1 8 in. .058 ti it u B J 1 .065 J Threads to inch. 48 Price each. $0.45 .55 .65 .15 .15 .15 .50 .60 .70 Screw-Posts with Heads. No. Length. Diam. Bright Metal AA 1 .051 ) ii u A [ f in. .058 [ ii ii B J .065 ) Threads to inch. 48 .Price each. $0.35 .35 .35 Anchor Screws.* • Length. Gold T V in. .0301 Iridio-Platinum ^ “ .030 J Threads to inch. 100 Price each. $0.20 .25 Nuts for Screw-Posts. Gold, three sizes, A A, A, B, 1 each $0.50 Bright-Metal, three sizes, AA, A, B... j “ -12 The Morrison Screw Wires are used with the taps and drills of the instruments known as the St. Louis system — listed on next page. *Anchor Screws, both Gold and Iridio-Platinum, are put up in boxes of 6 screws each. DENTAL DEPOT. 33 : Anchor Screws and Appliances- No. 1. No 3. B No. 4. C No. 5. No. 6. D E No.. 7 S No. 2. Cut No. 1 shows the size of the 18-carat Gold Anchor Screw. No. 2. Iridio-Platinum Anchor Screw, same diameter, but longer than No. 1. “A.” Anchor Screw magnified to show thread and slot. Also sold in 2-inch lengths. See Nos. 9 and 10, page 336. No. 3. The Starting or Center Drill will form a pit at the exact point desired ; but if this point be not at first obtained, the pit center may be moved laterally while the drill is revolving. “B.” Point of Center Drill magnified. No. 4. Limit or Anchor Drill ; will bore only to the depth determined by the limit shoulder — half the length of Screw No. 1. “C.” Point of Limit or Anchor Drill magnified. No. 5. Screw-Tap; is probably the most perfectly formed tap of its size that has ever been put on the market, its diameter being only thirty one-thou- sandths (.030) of an inch. No. 6. Screw-Driver and Sleeve which holds the screw for insertion or removal, as shown magnified at D. No. 7. The Anchor Screw Chuck is made upon the principle of the How Screw-Post Chuck, and is operated in the same way. It will drive an Anchor Screw or a section of Anchor Screw Wire, but it cannot be used to back out a slotted screw as the Driver No. 6 can. Its principal use is in screwing home sections of the wire, which may be nicked at the proper point, and twisted off by turning the chuck after the wire is seated, leaving the cut-off end as an anchor. “E” and “F” exemplify the Anchor Screw in gold contouring operations. A drilled and tapped hole to be filled with gold foil serves as a superior re- taining point. The handles are made smooth to prevent a breaking twist or the stripping of the threads of dentin by excessive force in turning the tap. PRICES. No. 1. Go 1 d Anchor Screws.. each $0.20 No. 6. Anchor Screw-Driver and Sleeve each $0.30 “ 2. Iridio-Platinum Anchor Screws “ .25 “ 7. Anchor Screw Chuck “ 1.00 “ 3. Center Drill “ .25 The set of five instruments (Nos. 3 to 7) per set 2.25 “ 4. Anchor Drill “ .25 Center Drill No. 3 and Anchor Drill No. 4 are also “ 5. Anchor Tap “ .50 made for use with engine, price each .25 In ordering, state for which Hand-piece they are desired. St* Louis System of Retaining Screws, In this set of instruments the drills, taps and wire fitted for each other bear corresponding numbers, as 1, 2, 3. The wire-holder is made adjustable to take either size of wire. The cutting-edges of the cutting-pliers are formed with two round openings. The long wire to be used, if put in one of the openings, can be “nicked” at the proper distance to form the screw while in the wire-holder, so that, after having been screwed into place, it may read- ily be broken off, without the use of file or pliers in the mouth. PRICES. Complete set, including 3 Drills, 3 Taps, 1 Wire-holder, 1 pair Nippers, and 3 Gold Screw Wires, 3 inches long with Morocco Case $12 00 Wire-holder $ 1 .50 Taps each ?o!75 Drills each .25 Nippers, nicked-plated “ 2 . 00 For prices of Morrison Gold Wire see page 336. 338 M. F. PATTERSON, Dr* How's Tooth, Crown and Retaining Screw Appliances* PRICES. No. i. Long-Handled Chuck, with set-screw for carrying the drills and taps No. 2. Cone-Socket Screw-Driver, with sliding split tube or gauge which serves as an adjustable holder for the screw-post No. 3. Nut-Driver, with Split Tube for Cone-Socket Handle, 3 sizes for Screw-Posts with Nuts No. 4. Twist Drills, 3 sizes No. 5. Drill Chuck with Set-Screw No. 6. Screw-Taps, 3 sizes No. 7. Screw-Posts No. 8. Screw-Post Chucks, 3 sizes Fig. 1. Screw-Posts with Heads Fig. 2. Right-Angle Drills, 3 sizes, AA, A, and B Fig. 2. " “ ' Taps, 3 “ AA, A, “ B Fig. 3. Hub for Right- Angle Taps Nuts for Screw-Posts. For sizes and price, see page 336. each $0.75 U •50 (C a n a a u •50 .20 •50 •50 •15 1.50 •35 •30 •5o .20 DENTAL DEPOT. 339 Ivory's Matrix Retainer, No. 1. Patented April 1, 1890. This instrument is one of the most convenient in the dental oufit, as a band can be applied to the tooth in such short order, and that with as pretty an adap- tation of the latter to the tooth as any could desire. Appearances are against the Instrument in regard to length and size, yet it requires length to reach back to the distal teeth. There is no dependence on any other tooth in order to work this retainer, clasping a band for an anterior or distal cavity in a tooth equally as well. One dozen Bands made of the finest quality of steel from 3 to 4-ioooth of an inch in thickness, going with each Holder. Having made a great im- provement in my Bands, by a process of toughening the steel, I can offer a better article than heretofore. The application is so evident, instructions are unneces- sary. •Price $2.00 Bands, % per doz .25 Ivory's No. 2 Matrix Retainer. Patented May 3, 1892. This Instrument is a modification of my other Retainer, to be used on Cuspids, Bicuspids and First Molars. INSTRUCTIONS. In applying band to the Retainer, hold the band at right angles with the arms, so that the oblong points of the latter fit in the oblong holes of matrice, then bring the matrix horizontal with the arms, and the band is locked to the Retainer. With the band thus attached to the Retainer, fasten to the tooth. The points of the instrument bearing against the adjacent sides of the tooth hold the Matrix firmly. Remove from the tooth by loosening the screw, the spring throws the jaws apart, straightening the band, when it comes away without any injury to the filling, should it be of plastic material. NOTE. — The screw will operate in either end of the yoke, thus making the instrument universal. Price, with One Dozen Bands $2.00 Extra Bands, per doz 25 340 M. F. PATTERSON, Ivory's Matrix Retainer Nd 3* The above Retainer with the accompanying- Bands makes a very service- able addition to the supply of any office. While it is especially adapted for use on Bicuspids it may be used also on Molars. This device will be found to hold the Band firm and give as pretty an ad- justment of the Band to the neck of the tooth as possibly can be made. Ordina- rily, Band Matrices cut into the gum on some one or more places, which cannot be said of these. No operator ever put a Band on a tooth with a more true or as neat a fit as can be made by this instrument. Price of Retainer, with one dozen bands $1.50 Bands, per doz 50 Dr, W* P* Dickinson Wedge Matrix Retainer* Manufactured only by J. W. Ivory. The wedges are pivoted so *as to turn to the front or back and also have a rotary movement, and are also concaved so as to fit the convex surface of the tooth and will adapt the Band to the teeth no difference how irregular they may be. Price, including 1 doz. bands $2.50 25 Bands extra, put up in envelopes 25 Matrix Steel We furnish a superior grade of thin steel for matrices. It is put up in a package containing 5 pieces 6x35 inches, assorted thicknesses. Price per package - $0.50 DENTAL DEPOT. 341 PRICES. Set of Matrices, complete, 4 Holders, 16 Bands, 1 Key Holders, A, B, C Holder, D Bands Key •• ..$ 5-35 each .75 “ 1-25 “ .10 4 4 •25 Loop Matrices* Dr. Creager’s Loop Matrices comprise eight sizes of thin, flex- ible steel bars operated by a screw and key. One eye in each bar is smooth, the other threaded to fit the screw. Per set of eight Loops, including Screw and Key $2.50 Loops, separately each .25 Screw, separately “ .25 Key “ .25 Dr, Brophy's Improved Band Matrices. PRICES. t'er set, complete, 10 Bands, 2 Screws and 1 Key Bands Screws Key $2.25 each (( •15 •25 •25 342 M. F. PATTERSON, The Lodge Band Matrix* Lee S. Smith & Son, Sole Agents, Pittsburg. Patented May 11, 1897. This is the only matrix we know of with which a filling may be contoured. It is im- possible to make a picture that will do justice to it. It is impossible to make a cut showing how the matrix hugs the tooth at .the cervical margin, or ro tell why the shape of the band and the method of securing it cause the matrix to assume the contour shape for which it is celebrated. The Lodge Band Matrix is absolutely positive in its action. It . is universal. It can be used in any part of the mouth. It gives absolutely perfect results in any position. A set consists of two screws, one for molars, to be operated with the wrench, and one for bicuspids, where the wrench is not necessary. Four bands, two molars, right and left, and two bicuspids, right and left, and a wrench, all in a neat case. Price, complete $2.00 Extra bands may be secured at 10 cents each. The Weirich Single Band Matrix* Made by H. D. Justi & Son. Patented Oct. 15, 1889. As will be seen by the illustration this is a simple band of metal with a loop at the end. It is the most easily applied, will fit any tooth, and cannot possibly injure the teeth. The metal alloy of which the band is made is so composed and tempered that it may be bent many times in the same place without breaking. To apply the Matrix, place the band between the teeth, bringing the loop to the buccal side of the tooth to be operated upon ; pass the other end through the loop drawing the band close around the tooth, then bend it sharply back on the loop and it will remain firmly in place. To remove the Matrix merely reverse the movement, straighten the band and slip it off. This Matrix may be properly called the best, as it excels in simplicity of construction, facility of application and perfectly secures the desired results. Price each $0.50 The Miller Matrices. i ff yf. _ , , - 3 ' 14 tsTiSrl Di This Matrix is commonly held firmly in place by the expansion of its duplex spring ; but it may be additionally supported by a wedge of wood ^ between the springs. The side cut shows method of use. The metal will not amalgamate, rust, nor be found incompatible with any proper filling material 111 Miller Matrices, Thick, per set of 9 $2.25 Miller Matrices, Thin, per set of 9 2.25 Miller Matrices, separately, each 25 In ordering, please specify as “Thick” or “Thin.” DENTAL DEPOT. 343 Band Measuring Appliance* Designed by Geo. W. Weirich, D.D.S. A neat instrument for taking- correct measurements for bands. A piece of binding wire is placed in the instru- ment and adjusted around the root,, giving the perfect measure of required band. Price 50 cents. H* D. Justi & Son, Philadelphia. Chicago. Exact Dentimeter* In the Exact Dentimeter the ends of the wire are passed into the hole in the face of the head, and out through the openings which are cut into it from two sides. The loop thus formed is adjusted around the tooth or root, the end of the Dentimeter is pressed against the root at the gum-margin, the loop pulled tight and the ends of the wires wound around the boss on the handle. A few turns of the Dentimeter twists the loop tight, when the wires can be unwound from the boss, the Dentimeter laid aside, and the loop removed. Head and boss of brass nickel plated, handle of ebonized wood. Price $0.50 Handy Dentimeter* In the Handy Dentimeter, the wire ends are passed through the holes in the flattened head, and after the loop is adjusted and tightened, twisted firmly, holding the strands with the fingers. Made only for Cone-Socket Handles. Price $0.35 344 M. F. PATTERSON, Watt's Crystal Gold* Strip Gold* Gold Cubes* LARGE. MEDIUM. SMALL Sliced Gold* The above cut shows our new forms of Crystal Gold. We also manufacture the “bulk” or “regular” form. From our experience of over one-half of the century in manufacturing gold in special forms for Dental work WE CLAIM that our Crystal Gold : Can be used exclusively in ALL OPERATIONS from a pin-head cavity to contour work with perfect results. Is susceptible of the most beautiful and perfect FINISH with care and the use of proper instruments. Does not ball or CRUMBLE. Under the microscope presents a fernlike or feathery APPEARANCE which insures an article which is UNIFORM in texture and working properties. Saves TIME. Time is MONEY for both dentist and patient. For ease of MANIPULATION, high FINISH and COLOR cannot be excelled. Is PURE. Strictly 1,000 fine. After trial will be found INDISPENSABLE because of its perfect adaptation to walls of cavity, its cohesiveness and easy working qualities. Our statements are substantiated by innumerable testimonials from patrons, some of whom have used our gold for over forty years. Many say that difficult operations per- formed with our gold twenty to forty years ago are now found in as perfect condition as when completed. Watts’ Crystal Gold is sold by all reliable dental depots or sent direct, by us on receipt of remittance. “Crystal Gold” (Bulk) “Crystal Gold Cubes” “Crystal Gold Strips” “Sliced Crystal Gold” % OZ. p2 OZ. I OZ. .$4.00 $15.00 $30.00 . 4.00 15.00 30.00 . 4.00 15.00 30.00 . 4.00 15.00 30.00 Cubes are put up in three sizes: “large,” “medium” and “small.” When specially ordered two other sizes will be furnished, which are designated as medium” and “J4 small.” Crystal Gold is sold in four different grades of condensation. No. i is softest having been less exposed to heat when annealing. No. 4 is hardest. No. 1 and No. 2 are usuallv preferred A. J. WATTS. Office, 401 E. 28th St., cor. 1st Ave., New York City. Terms : Draft on New York or Money Order. DENTAL DEPOT. 345 Nickolds’ Improved Sof t Gol< i Foil. Nickolds' Improved Soft Gold Pellets* The manufacturer claims in this special Foil to have developed in the high- est degree yet known the peculiar excellence of Gold as a Dental Filling. It combines, in a greater degree, the softness and adaptability of sponge gold, with a condensing and cohesive quality unequaled by any adhesive gold, and it is con- ceded by the best operators to manipulate more easily and with better results than any foil extant. Warranted absolutely pure, 1000 fine. Chemically prepared and manufactured only by ALFRED J. NICKOLDS, 347 Gates Avenue, ... Brooklyn, N. Y. PRICES. ' J Ounce jl “ 2 1 “ 2 Ounces at one time, per oz For sale by all leading Dental Depots and by the manufacturer. $ 4.00 15.00 30.00 29.00 346 M. F. PATTERSON, /Zzt- &0Z/? jty <9/z?2E-ojv 'Ss&z.^-y' A/CS* CTsy/c^co, ///. Sibley's Felt Gold* This GOLD was in- troduced thirteen years ago, and the demand for it has yeariy in- creased in a way that indicates decided merit. It is very cohesive, con- denses easily, does not “ball,” hence saves much time in operat- ing. For use with “Felt” Gold you need only the ordinary tine pluggers with shallow serrations preferably as large faced as the size of the cavity will admit, until the Gold is united, then use smaller points to condense. It is pure, hence retains color, and is the queen as well as the pioneer of the Plastic Golds. PRICES: ■J Ounce $ 4.00 i i5-oo 1 “ 30.00 2 Ounces at one time 58.00 1 -40-ounce (sample package) 1.00 u Sibley's ” Pure Gold Foil* The Gold filling is necessarily the most costly filling. First, because of the greater cost of the material, but more especially on account of the time and skill required in making it. If you use Gold Foil, the very best made is none too good for you. Since it is difficult enough to make good Gold fillings with the best Gold, don’t lose time experimenting. The above Foil is strictly reliable, and made in both soft and cohesive and regular and untrimmed forms. Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 kept in stock. PRICES : Pure Gold Foil, Regular, in all numbers, Soft and Cohesive : Ounce $ 4.00 “ 1500 “ 29.00 Ounces at one time 56.00 Pure Gold Foil, Untrimmed, in all numbers, Soft and Cohesive : Ounce $ 3.50 “ 14.00 “ 27.00 44 Sibley's " Pure Gold Cylinders* This GOLD, prepared by an entirely new process, is pronounced by experts to be better adapted to the walls and inequalities of all cavities than any Gold yet produced in cylinder form. Gold Cylinders, Soft and Cohesive, made in numbers -J, f, 1, 2, 3 and assorted. PRICES: J Ounce i “ 1 “ 2 Ounces at one time $ 4.00 15.00 29.00 56.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 347 Personal Note to Dentists* For 25 years I have been a Refiner of Gold. This precious “King of Metals,” while it is soft and most ductile, requires great skill and experience to bring it to a HIGH STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. This refining or purifying is done by a special process, the result of long study, by which I am enabled to attain — that necessity, especially in dental work —ABSOLUTE PURITY. My goods are all guaranteed to be as fine as can be made, by any one, any- where. They have no superior, and are looked upon and recommended by thousands who have used them in all leading cities as being of the highest grade, always thoroughly reliable and the acme of perfection. THE VALUE OF GOOD GOLD. First-class, carefully prepared foil, always in good working condition, should be urged into common use. This is the kind I manufacture, and it is my policy to keep the matter before American dentists, as in this age of “plastic” golds it is easy to be deceived. THE VALUE OF EXTRA PLIABLE. The great value of extra pliable gold lies in its being already in the metallic form, while the “plastics” need to be burnished. Precipitated forms of gold of recent manufacture, or as made for thirty years or more, are not as desirable as foil or its preparations as regards quality of work. Rivals making inferior goods have adopted my trade-mark name of “Extra Pliable” with slight variation. The only genuine goods bear my name and address. PRICES : I -10 oz. Rolled Gold $3.20 Gold Foil 3.20 Extra Pliable Gold Rolls 3.60 Gold Rolls 3.20 Untrimmed Gold Foil 2.90 Cohesive Magnetic Gold 3.20 Gold and Platinum, shades 1, 2 and 3. . 3.20 Plastic Gold 4.20 EDWARD ROWAN, 831 2 oz - I oz. 2 OZS. 5 OZS. $15.00 $29.00 $56.00 $137-50 15.00 29.00 56.00 137-50 17-50 34.00 66.00 160.00 15.00 14.00 29.00 27.00 56.00 137-50 15.00 29.00 56.00 137-50 20.00 to 837 East J63d Street, New York. Gold Case. Here is a handsome Case, made in first-class style, for the convenient and cleanly keeping of gold pellets, cylinders, etc. Six small and two large compartments. Size 4jx2fxi-j inches ; leather cov- ered, velvet lined. Two colors leath- er, red and black. Price $1.50 348 M. F. PATTERSON, H. D* Justi & Son’s, Gold Foil and Cylinders* For the convenience of those who prefer their gold in the cylinder form we have prepared the following grades : Soft, Cohesive, Semi-cohesive. Nos. J 4 > 24 , i, i x /z, 2, 3. We recommend this gold to the profession with the utmost confidence, knowing that one who gives it a trial will need no further proof of its excellence. These forms of gold are warranted chemically pure, and the operator may rely upon always finding them to work the same, or, in technical phrase, to “run even.” Star Gold Foil* Made by H. D. Justi & Son. The Foil is of two grades, soft and cohesive, and in the following numbers: Soft, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 20, 40, 60. Cohesive, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10. PRICES. Star Gold Foil pr. T V oz. $ 2.00 “ “ Vs “ 3-50 “ “ y 2 “ 14.00 “ “ 1 “ 27.00 Cylinders “ tV “ 3- 2 ° “ “ “ H “ 15.00 “ “ “ 1 “ 29.00 “ “ in 2 oz. lots “ 1 “ 28.00 “ “ in 5 oz. lots “ 1 “ 27.50 Gold Trays* Made by H. D. Justi & Son. The cut is Kill size; made of black rubber, and very useful for the different sizes of gold pellets. Price .each $0.25 <£ry&tal Dear Doctor: The advertisement on the next page contains information of vital importance in your business. Read carefully, act promptly, and you will profit largely. I F dentists would realize the many superior features of 44 SOLI LA” and learn to use it rightly, we are positive that it would be preferred to any other gold material for filling teeth. “SOLILA” will save at least one-third of your time and labor, and will enable you to do more and better work. It condenses harder and more rapidly than any other gold. It always retains its beautiful color. It adheres perfectly — no leakage between filling and tooth. Hand condensation may be used throughout. Fillings may be made entirely of 44 SOLILA.” Altogether it is the most perfect gold now on the market, but it must be used rightly in order to obtain desired results, A leading European dentist, in an address on “SOLILA” Gold and its Advantages in Filling Teeth,” says : 44 SOLILA ” renders me the greatest service in my practice, and has reduced my daily labor to a considerable extent ; and, therefore, I can advise you to give it a thorough trial, and believe that in a short time you will find it most useful .” — Dental Cosmos. Issue of December, i8gg. In Europe, where “SOLILA” was first introduced, its sales during the first year amounted to one-half the entire output of gold material for filling teeth. Its sale in America has already reached large proportions, and is constantly increasing. This fact alone is conclusive proof of its superiority. 44 SOLILA” has been greatly improved during the last few months, both in quality and in the way it is packed, and it is now unsurpassed. We ask your careful consideration of our claims, and assure you perfect satisfaction in its use if directions are fol- lowed. Write to-day for prices and full description. E. de TREY & SONS ppirFQ No. 3943 Locust Street Per b-° z $ 5.00 Philadelphia, Pa. Per 2-02 19.50 Per I- 02 :. 38.00 SOFT • ! n HND • COHESIVE, Any Number Desired. The “Soft” can be made Cohesive by re- annealing. . . . Guaranteed to be ... Pure, Uniform, tough , Ductile, Malleable. Note Our Prices. TFJ1S Foil is oot orjly one of the most POPULAR Foils on the marKet, but Is one of the OLDEST brands in this country. For over half a century we have been manufacturing Gold Foil, and the best evidence of its giving ENTIRE satisfaction is found in the fact that the leading members of tlje Pro- fession prefer it to all others. PRICES. oz., . . $2.00 -i- “ . . 3.50 I “ or over, per oz., 27.00 FOR SALE AT ALL THE LEADING DENTAL DEPOTS oz. .SM.A 7 £'Y^& CO., I N the good old times when dentists made their own GOLD CYLINDERS by hai}d they rolled them just as they wanted them, just soft enough, of just the right consistency, and so forth. The manufactured ones made nowadays are not apt to be like the “good old Kind,” but we are making by a new process, from our brand of gold foil, GOLD CYLINDERS that seem to please the dentists and that “they say” are Well-nigh perfect. They are soft and cohesive and are numbered % y 34 , i, 2, 3, 4, 5, and also assorted, as follows; m # @§ # m >4 34 2 TRICES. re oz. (Trial size) ♦ % « ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ * “ Vi « t <* ....... 2 “ per oz., ..... 5 “ ** ...... IF YOU HAVE NOT YET TRIED THEM YOU SURELY SHOULD, AND THAT SOON. $2.00 4.00 7.50 15.00 29.00 28.00 27.50 for sale ax all xhe leading dental depots. DENTAL DEPOT. 353 Nos. 54 54 1, 1^2, i 54 , 2 Nos. y 2 , 1, 2, 3 Nos. 1, 2, 3 , 4 , Nos. 2, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 . . $ 4.00 Miscellaneous Gold Filling Materials* Our space is too limited to admit extended notice of all filling materials we carry in stock. We believe our stock of gold filling materials is more complete than any other house in the trade. Our stock of any one make would be a big stock for the average dental depot. Hood & Reynolds' Gold Foil* Soft, cohesive, non-cohesive, crystalline surface, unannealed, folded. Per 54 oz., $3.50; per oz., $27.00. Hood & Reynolds' Gold Cylinders. Style A, flattened Nos. 54 Stj-le A, loose, and can be used as pellets Nos. 54 Style B, loose, but more compact than Style A Nos. 1, Style C, compact, but not hard, used as cylinders only Nos. 2, PRICES. Cylinders, per % ounce Cylinders, per y 2 ounce 15.00 Cylinders, per 1 ounce 29.00 Cylinders, in lots of 2 ounces or more, per ounce 28.00 Tin Cylinders, per ounce 22.00 S. S. White Dental Mfg. Go's. Regular, per 5'8 ounce $ 3.50 Regular, per ounce 27.00 Quarter Century, Globe and 1000 Fine Foil and Pack's Gold Cylinders. 54 ounce $ 4.00 54 ounce 15 - 0 ° 1 ounce 29.00 Lots of 2 ounces per ounce 28.00 Lots of 5 ounces per ounce 27.50 Cold Welded Cylinders and Kearsing's Universal Gold Blocks. 54 ounce $ 4.00 y 2 ounce, or over per ounce 30.00 Moss Fibre. 54 ounce $ 4- 2 5 54 ounce 16.50 E. Kearsing's Gold Foil. % ounce $ 3-75 54 ounce, or over per ounce 28.00 Valleau's Gold Foil. 54 ounce $ 4.00 y 2 ounce, or over.... per ounce 30.00 Abbeys' Gold Foil. 54 ounce $ 4.00 No quantity rate. Platinum-Gold Foil. Platinum-Gold Foil, rolled, Nos. 30 to 60 only, per 1-16 ounce, $2.00. This neat, compact Sliding Tray affords a convenience for keeping different forms of gold filling-materials handy for se- lection. It has compartments for an assortment of mats, pel- lets, cylinders, ropes, or strips, so that selection can be made without loss of time. The Tray is nicely gotten up, with a snug-fitting case, cover- ed with a paper which shows varying designs in different lights. The partitions are cov- ered with gilt paper, and the bottoms lined with soft chamois. Slid into the case, the Tray is protected from dust or the loss of its contents, and occupies only a little space (about 4 ? 4 x 354 x 54 inch) in the Bracket Table Drawer. Price $0.25 22 354 M. F. PATTERSON, Chamois Skin Pad, For Gold Pellets and Foil, to be placed on while operating. PHILADELPHIA, CHICAGO, jiK is .. wifi This Pad is made of Selected Chamois Skin, with a very soft lining. It is designed to take the place of spunk, and being neater and cleaner, it is much preferred by every one who has used it. The Pad is 5! inches long and 4! inches wide, and to protect it from dust, put up in a paper box. Price 25 cents Gold Foil Stand* A neat and useful little piece of of- fice furniture - intended for preserving gold prepared for fillings from dust and moisture. The base is of polished wood, covered on the upper surface with soft spunk, and protected by a glass vase fitted into the base, the joint projected by a ring of chenille. Made in three sizes, the vases meas- uring respectively 3, 4, and 5 inches in diameter ; the height, inclusive of base, from 3 to 4 inches. Price of the 3 and 4-inch each $1:50 “ “ ^ “ “ 2.00 Pellet Placer* Will be found a valuable assistant in carrying pellets, cylinders, etc. to the cavities to be filled. The delicate points will take up the pellets or tear off bits of the mat gold without in the least compress- ing it until it is placed in the cavity where condensation is required. Price each $0.40 Diameter or all Rolls DENTAL DEPOT. 355 Red Cross Absorbent Cotton Rolls. Manufactured by Johnson & Johnson. The name of the manufacturers is a guarantee of quality for asep- tic cotton preparations. These rolls are a convenient form of absorbent cotton, a smooth roll without fuzz, to be used as a substitute for the napkin or rubber dam, and in many cases preferable to either. A section of a roll is placed either side of the tooth to be operated upon and a clamp may be used if desired. They will also be found useful . in covering the mouths of the ducts. Another way is to bend a roll around the entire outside of the arch or in under the tongue. Put up ioo in a box, assorted diameters, Nos. i, 2, 3 and 4. 6 inch rolls, assorted, 100 in box per box $0.50 6 inch rolls, all No. 2, 100 in box. .. . “ .50 6 inch rolls, all No. 3, 100 in box “ .50 1^2 inch rolls, assorted, or all No. 2 or all No. 3, 100 in box “ .25 Non-Absorbent Dental Rolls. Non- Absorbent Rolls are used as a dam instead of an absorbent. Often preferable and entailing far less labor than to use the rubber dam. They are particularly adapted to crown and bridge work. Instead of the roll being loaded with saliva and conducting mois- ture to the point of operation, this point is kept dry and the roll is dry. The saliva ejector or an absorbent may be used in con- nection with them. 6 inch rolls, assorted, 100 in box per box $0.50 6 inch rolls, all No. 2, 100 in box per box .50 6 inch rolls, all No. 3, 100 in box per box .50 356 M. F. PATTERSON. Cottonoid. — (Sterilized.) We like to sell Cottonoid. We have never known a man to stop using it who ever tried it. We just have to call attention to it once. It is simply felted absorbent cotton. It is a general dental absorbent. It is more highly absorbent than bibulo'us paper and more conven- ient in form. We have samples to send if they are asked for. PRICES. Va pound packages per package $0.25 1 pound packages (containing four 54 pound packages) per pound 1.00 Put up 50 in a box, 6x6 inches Put up 50 in a box, 9x9 inches Red Cross Aseptic Dental Napkins. Johnson & Johnson. STERILIZED. ABSORBENT. Absolutely clean — To be used but once and destroyed — Cheaper than washing 44 the old kind.” Two Sizes : Small, 6 inches square. Large, 9 “ Their adoption and the discarding of the old-time laundered napkin for use within the mouth is a step in the progress of dentistry that science teaches us is necessary to health and ab- solute cleanliness. per box $0.25 per box .50 Bibulous Paper. We import our own bibulous paper. It is the best our money can buy. We don’t ask any more for it than other people ask for poorer qualities. PRICES. French French Japanese Japanese Japanese, 400 small sheets in box per quire $0.15 .per ream 2.40 per 100 sheets 25 per 1,000 sheets 2.25 per box .25 Spunk. We know good spunk when we see it. We buy none but the best, selected we mean selected. PRICES. When we say Selected, the best of the best per ounce $0.50 Ordinary, as it comes from the bale per ounce .20 Ordinary, in bulk per pound 2.25 DENTAL DEPOT. 357 Spooner's Combined Cotton Holder and Trap. Lee S. Smith & Son, Sole Agents, Pittsburg. The upper part contains fresh cotton. The lower part is for the waste. The fresh cotton is always ready for use. A stab with the pliers takes care of the waste. You push and it pulls. You could hit the place in the dark. The combination of trap and holder doesn’t take up any more room than an ordinary holder alone. Price, including device to prevent slipping., .each, $1.25 Cotton Holder. H. D. Justi & Son. Made of brass, nickel-plated. A spring constantly forces the cotton to the opening where it is always ready for use. Price $0.70 Absorbent Cotton (Plain.) Johnson & Johnson’s Absorbent Cotton is better than ordinary absorbent cotton. It is made for surgical purposes. It is absolutely clean and pure, and it absorbs. It is the only cotton that should be used where surgical cleanliness is required. It is the best for the den- tist. It costs no more than the common kind. Price per 1 oz. box, $0.12 Price per 2 oz. box, .20 Price per lb. box, .60 Absorbent Cotton in Aseptic Container. Price, container filled each, $0.30 Parker's Paper Fibre Lint. Price, half-pound boxes per box, $0.50 358 M. F. PATTERSON Cotton-Holders and Waste Receivers. PRICES. Cotton-Holder, separately $1.00 Waste-Receiver, separately 1.25 Complete, as illustrated 2.50 Waste Cotton-Holder and Robert's Cotton Pellet Roller. This is a very smooth little device. It makes a better cotton pellet than can be made any other way. It ought almost to be called a self-roller. A wisp of loose cotton is held in the pliers, the pliers pressed against the disk and the pellet is formed. To be thoroughly appreciated, the device should be seen in actual operation. The waste cotton holder is a glass bottle in nickel-plated case. PRICES. Roberts’ Cotton Pellet Roller, B $1*25 Waste Cotton Holder, A 1.75 Roberts’ Cotton Pellet Roller and Waste Cotton Holder 3.00 Dr. G. B. Richmond's Cotton Dental Pellets. These Pellets are made in four sizes, and of the finest ab- sorbent cotton. They will be found a great convenience to the operator, saving the time required to prepare pellets in the usual way. Put up in packages containing the four sizes, assorted. Price, boxes containing 8,000 to 10,000 Pellets. .. .each $0.25 Price, boxes containing about 5,000 Pellets each .15 Absorbent Paper Tampons. A sort of almond-shaped, flattened roll of Japanese Bibulous paper, convenient for hand- ling with the plug-pliers. Specially adapted for drying caps, roots and crowns for cementa- tion in crown and bridge work. Three sizes, 1,000 assorted in a light wooden box. Price per box, $0.60 " Salivoids." A Compressed Cotton Saliva Pad for stopping the salivary ducts. Put up 4 dozen in box 2 dozen large; 2 dozen small Price per box, $0.60 DENTAL DEPOT. 359 TRIUMPH ALLOY. H. D. Justi & Son, Philadelphia and Chicago. It is with pleasure that we offer to the den- tal profession Triumph Alloy. In this, as in all other materials manufactured by us, our effort is to produce for the dental profession goods which are strictly high class, and which will justify you in the continuance of their use after once being adopted in your practice. The precision and care exercised in the manufac- ture of Triumph Alloy warrants us in going further in our claims than becomes many other manufacturers, as every batch of material made is subjected to the most thorough tests with those delicate and accurate physical in- struments, which we possess for this purpose. The tests to which we claim an alloy should be subjected before being offered to the pro- fession is, that there should not be the slight- est possible shrinkage, but a slight expansion, and that not to exceed one point, or ToiwG of an inch as measured by the micrometer. The second effort should be to attain the greatest possible strength, and in Triumph we can de- clare that the Alloy will show a crushing strength of never less than 400, and even as high as 450 pounds. Triumph is also an annealed Alloy, which is a guarantee against any possible change. As it leaves our factory, so it remains, and the results will be the same whether used immediately upon its receipt, or its use is postponed to future years. The combination of metals is such that it will retain a beautiful silvery white color. We believe it to be perfect, and unhesitatingly invite comparison with any alloy on the market. Directions. The proportion in a mix should be 7 ,o,f mercury to 5 of alloy. Always start the mix in a mortar, afterwards kneading thoroughly in the palm of the hand, then expressing the excess of mercury by gently wringing the mass in a piece of drilling or a doily. Triumph Alloy is naturally a rapid crystallizer through the high percentage of silver it contains, so that it is necessary that the cavities be prepared before making the mix, and not to mix for more than two cavities at a time. Cut your mass in pieces the required size for introduction into the cavities and pack tvith as large (finely serrated) instruments as possible, using as much pressure as is consistent with the operation. In contour work a matrix should always be used. You will note that a filling can be polished within a few minutes after its completion. Triumph Alloy is put up and sold only in original packages : One-half ounce $ 1.50 One ounce 3.00 Two ounces 5.50 Five ounces 12.50 Ten ounces 22.50 Twenty ounces 40.00 360 M. F. PATTERSON, Justus Gold and Platinum Alloy. For Durability, Density and Making Strong Edges it is Unexcelled* Justus White Alloy. This Alloy is of fine grain, makes a very hard filling capable of high finish, which, with its light grayish color it has perfectly retained under the many tests to which it has been subjected. Price, Justi’s Gold and Platinum Alloy,' per 1 oz $ 2 “ “ “ “ “ 2 oz 4 “ “ “ “ “ 5 oz 10 “ “ “ “ “ 10 oz 19 00 “ “ “ “ “ 20 oz 30 00 “ Justi’s White Alloy, “ 1 oz 3 50 “ “ “ “ 2 oz 6 00 “ “ ‘ “ 4 oz 11 00 “ “ *• “ 10 oz 24 00 ‘ “ ‘‘ “20 oz 38 00 8SS DENTAL DEPOT. 361 Welch's Gold and Platina Alloy Is so well known, and so generally in use that farther advertisement seems hardly necessary. But, of course, new men are constantly coming into the profession, and all are anxious to use the best. Its expensive materials will not allow me to compete with many in use, but a proof of its superior quality is certainly in the fact of its being used by so many of our best dentists. My amalgam, too, is a staple article, and is thought by some to be equal to my G. P. Alloy. I was the first to bring out the cement I then named Oxiphosphate, and it has well stood the test of time. PRICE TO DENTISTS. Welch’s Alloy .... ioz., $3.00; 2ozs., $5.50; 4 ozs., $10.00; 10 ozs., $22.50. Welch’s Amalgam 1 oz., $2.00 ; 2 ozs., $3.75 ; 4 ozs., $ 7.00 ; 10 ozs., $15.00. Welch’s Oxiphosphate, large, $1.50; medium, $1.00. Liquids or Powders, large, 75 cents ; medium, 50 cents. Address, DR* T* B* WELCH, Philadelphia, Station W. 362 M. F. PATTERSON, “ REGO ” ALLOY. Every ounce of this Alloy is rigidly tested in our Laboratory, and must conform to this re- quirement : Shrinkage, o. Expansion not ex- ceeding T o son of an inch. Our method of mak- ing insures the perma- nency of this standard. With proper manipu- lation this Alloy makes a perfectly tight, mi- crobe-proof filling, of great strength and of a beautiful silvery white color. Permanency is not a visible quality in Alloy, else few Alloys sold to-day would find pur- chasers. New methods, new processes and advanced knowledge of the physical properties of metals enable us to insure in “Rego” Alloy a filling material that for uniformity of highest de- sirable qualities has not hitherto been approached in any large way. Although a graduate metallurgist with eighteen years’ experience in our laboratory, de- voting all his time to dental materials, our representative took a special Manufacturers’ Post- Graduate Course, given by Dr. Greene V. Black, D.D.S., Sc.D., LL.D., Dean of the North- western University Dental School. We were thus enabled to avail ourselves of the results and conclusions of this world-wide recognized" expert, who has for more than forty years, with infinite labor and tireless patience, experimented along entirely original lines with Amalgams and Amalgam making. In “Rego” Alloy, therefore, we offer you an Alloy made in strict conformity with Dr. Black’s views and standing all his tests. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY DENTAL SCHOOL AMERICAN COLLEGE OF DENTAL SURGERY CONSOLIDATED 'WITH THIS SCHOOL CORNER MADISON AND FRANKLIN STREETS G. V. Black, M. D., D. D. S., Sc D., LL. D., Dean FOR ANY INFORMATION ADDRESS THEO. MENGES, D. D. S., Secretary. Chicago, III., January 12, 1900. “Mr Gideon Sibley", “Hear Sir: Please send by bearer 100 ounces ‘Rego’ Alloy. ‘Rego’ has successfully stood every scientific test, and proves eminently satisfactory clinically. It is gratifying to us to know that Dr. Black’s students have succeeded so well in the mastery of the principles, complicated as they are, involved in the manufacture of a stable Alloy. Respectfully yours, Theo. Menges, Secretary . Having used 300 ounces of “Rego” Alloy prior to placing the above order, it might be safely inferred, even in the absence of above expression of their satisfaction, that this Alloy is all right. Alloy as a filling, once so full of uncertainty, and so limited in its successful re- sults, is now with “Rego” Alloy so certain that success can always be depended upon where an Amalgam filling is required. Put up only in 1 and 5 -ounce bottles, inclosed in neat boxes. Prices: 1 ounce, $3.00; 5 ounces, $12.50; 10 ounces, $22.50; 20 ounces, $40.00. DENTAL DEPOT. 363 The Standard Dental Alloy From a small beginning, based on a course of scientific experiment, grows steadily into favor on three continents. Fine Grain Rapid Solidification Homogeneous. Specially adapted for Building and Pivoting. PRICE. Per ounce $6.00 Per half-ounce 3.00 QUANTITY RATES TO DENTISTS. Three ounces per ounce, $5.50 Five to nine ounces “ 5.00 Ten ounces and over “ 4.75 ECKFELDT & DuBOIS, P. o. Box 995, Philadelphia, Pa. “THE OLD RELIABLE/' This AMALGAM has received the endorse- ment of the Dental Profession t lar 4 e for over forty-four years which would seem to render any remarks as to its excellence superfluous. r.EWARE OF FRAUDULENT IMITATIONS, whether from so called anal} sis or otherwise, and remember that Lawrence’s Amalgam is always put up in a white lithographed envel- ope, covering a brown one containing the Amalgam, with Trade Mark on the lap of each, and both copyrighted. THE S. S. WHITE DENTAL MANUFACTURING CO., Ches-nut St., Cor. 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa., is sole Agent, and all communications from the Trade should be addressed accordingly. Prices, 1 oz. $3.00: 2 oz. $5 50; 4 oz. $10.00;. Ini oz. and 1-2 oz. Packages. Manufactured only by AMHROSE LAWRENCE, M. D , 109 St. Rotolph St., Boston, Mass. In addition to above and other alloys listed in our catalogue we also carry in stock the following : ■Globe Alloy per oz. $2.00 True Dental loy 1.50 Alba Alio v “ 1.50 Splendid Alloy..... per oz. $1.50 Arrington’s “ 1.50 Townsend’s “ 1.50 Alloys Manufactured by Gideon Sibley, Dawson's White Alloy, Made from Dr. O. B. Dawson’s original formula, and has met with a continuous demand for near a •quarter centurv. Our superior manufacturing facili- ties render it certain that this alloy was never better, than it is to-day, if as good. 1-oz. 2-oz. 5-oz. 10-oz, 20-oz. Prices, $4.00 $7.50 $17.00 $32.50 $30.00 Sibley's Gold and Platinum Alloy. This Alloy will be appreciated by those who like Gold and Platinum in their Amalgam. It makes a dense plug with excellent edge strength and good color. 1-oz. 2-oz. 5 oz, 10-oz. 20-oz. Prices, $2.50 $4.75 $11.00 $20.00 $30.00 Sibley's White Alloy. One of the very whitest Alloys made and has •great edge strength; mixing more re idily and setting less quickly than Rego Alloy as it does, some prefer it on this account. 1-oz. 2-oz. 5-oz. 10-oz. 20-oz. Prices, $2.50 $4.75 $11.00 $.0.00 $30.00 Sibley's New Amalgam. In a very low-priced Amalgam we do not believe this is excelled. It mixes very easily and sets slowly. You may pay much more, in fact, and have less worthy fillings. 1-oz. 5-oz. 10-oz. 20-oz. Prices, $1.50 $6.75 $12.00 $20.00 Plastic Fillings. Prepared and Tested by Thos. Fletcher, F. C. S., Warrington, Eng. Platinum and Gold Alloy per oz. $4.80 White Enamel, Oxchloride of Zinc ...per pkt. 1.50 Artificial Dentine, Oxsulphate of Zinc per pkt. 1.00 364 M. F. PATTERSON, ‘ Things Lincoln didn’t say ” would make a hook of considerable size, if it contained only things people say he said. Wen of achievement all meet the same fate in this respect — they have many things attributed to them without foundation. • . Dr. Black is a recognized authority on Amal- gam. and some time ago he gave a special course to a few men. , . _ _ Now, the “ things he didn't say” are appearing in the advertisements of concerns which sent men to take this course. For one thing, “ he didn't say >' that ■ perfect results could be obtained by the atomic system of measurements- on .he contrary, he pointed out good reasons why they could not be accurate. And he didn’t have a formulae. He gave these men the benefit of his knowledge and experience so that when they graduated, they could apply these principles to the making ol A 20th Century Alloy is the result of Dr. Black’s principles applied to months of careful expen- mcn it i?a perfect’alloy— that's all. and the price is made to fit the quality— not the quality to fit a -4' believe demists are only laying up trouble for the future when they buy a cheap alloy. PRICES : 1 oz S3 00 2 oz. $4.50 5 oz. 812.50 10 10 oz. $22.50 20 oz. $40.00 L. E>. CAULK, n s 00 o o Q 00 This is an old standard cement which we can heartily recommend. It is manufactured by an expert chemist, who has devoted himself for years to the pro- ducing of dental cements, and he is confident that no cement yet produced is so well adapted to all dental purposes. Do not be deceived by absurd claims and foolish tests. The most worthless of cements, composed of desicated epsom salts and the syrupy phosphoric acid of the drug stores will withstand some of the most important tests better than the best cements made, yet it is solu- ble in water. Oxycloride of zinc is much more impervious than oxyphosphate, yet which is the most permanent? You cannot afford to experiment with your practice, but use Britton’s Vitrified Cement, with the assurance that it is the best obtainable. Every package is guaranteed, and will be cheerfully exchanged upon request, without question. Price $1.50 Separate bottles $0.50 374 M. F. PATTERSON, H. D. Justi & Son's Superior Insoluble Cement. FACTS ABOUT CEMENT. No dentist ever got good results when he did things wrong. No dentist will be satisfied with Justi’s Insoluble Cement if he neglects to mi^ it right. But the dentist who mixes the powder and liquid like the directions’ say, will find Justi’s Insoluble Cement really, actually, absolutely insoluble. He will find it becoming harder as time passes. He will find that old fillings can be removed by using the hardest tempered and sharpest instruments. He will find the hardening so rapid that it is unnecessary to remove the rub- ber dam before finishing. It is the best that money will purchase. That’s the whole story. Made in 4 colors : No. 1 white, No. 2 cream, No. 3 yellow, No. 4 bluish gray. Send orders to any dental depot or to us direct. PRICES: i-oz. Box, 4 colors and 2 bottles Liquid $3.00 ■J-oz. Box, 1 color and 1 bottle Liquid 1.50 -£-oz. Box, 2 colors and 1 bottle Liquid 1.50 H. D. Justi & Son. DENTAL DEPOT. 375 C. A* & S, Cement ( Oxyphosphate of Zinc*) Made by C. Ash & Sons, Ltd. Noted for the Following Qualities: Easy working ; extraordinary hardness ; great power of resistance to the acids of the mouth; freedom from shrinkage and expansion; complete adhesion to the walls of the cavity. Prepared in six shades: White, Pale Yellow, Yellow, Pearl Gray, Gray, and Brown. PRICES. Box containing one bottle Liquid and 30 grammes Powder per box $1.50 Separately Powder Separately Powder Liquid Box containing two bottles Liquid and four io-gramme bottles P< Pale Yellow, Yellow, Pearl Gray Separately Powder Liquid Directions for use enclosed in each box. Note. — The liquid never becomes turbid, no matter whether t corked ; it is, however, advisable to keep it corked when not in use. Sample packet sent free on application. .per bottle •75 •75 , . . .per box 2.50 1.50 1. 00 • — White, 2.50 .60 .per bottle •30 )ttle is left open or Eisfelder's Cement* C. Ash & Sons, Ltd., Sole Agents U. S. A. In original metal boxes, containing 4 large Powder and 4 Liquid $9.00 In metal boxes, 1 Powder and Liquid 2.50 376 M. F. PATTERSON, H* D* Justi & Son’s Acme Cement* OXY-CHLORIDE. It is manufactured under our personal supervision, and we can guarantee its uniformity in quality and its durability, it is free from all such substances that produce but a temporary hardening, readily destroyed by the secretions o t e mohth. It combines all the cardinal properties a cement should possess, does its work unerring, complete, and is lasting. We also claim originality in the bottles ; the stopper, formed in the shape of a bowl, is intended for the manipulation of the cement, and for carrying the same to the mouth ; this is very convenient for the operator. Furnished in two colors— No. i, a soft medium yellow; No. 2, a soft medium gray. These the most particular operator will find sufficient for the various cases presenting themselves. Price, per box $ 1.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 377 Plastic Flint Cement A Zinc Phosphate Cement made in two shades — gray and yellow, the zinc oxide being perfectly vitrified, and breaking with a fracture like that of fine porcelain. The fluid, a limpid solution of Glacial Phosphoric Acid, which neither crystallizes nor clouds. Always reliable. Never deteriorates before use; a package five years old working as well as one made but a day. No other Zinc Phosphate can sustain this claim. For Bridge and Crown Work “Plastic Flint” is absolutely without a peer, and for packing joints in gum block work (Pros- thetic) first-class results are always attained where proper care is observed. A large piece of asbestos cloth for non-conductor capping accompanies each package, together with full direc- tions for use. Put up in neat Oak Boxes containing 3 ounces of powder and sufficient quantity of fluid. Price, per package $1.50 WHAT IS SAID OF IT, Dr. William H. Trueman, whose contribution to the “American System of Dentistry,” and whose active work and practical writings have made his name familiar to dentists in all parts of the civilized world, writes after five years’ trial of PLASTIC FLINT : * * * Have been well satisfied with your “PLASTIC FLINT.” It works kindly, and in durability it fully equals any that I have ever used. WILLIAM H. TRUEMAN. Dr. Alex. P. Long, Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry at the Pennsylvania Dental Col- lege, after a practical test of PLASTIC FLINT, dating almost from its discovery, writes : * * * Haying long used your preparation of Zinc Phosphate, known as “PLASTIC FLINT,” it gives me pleasure to testify to its merits. The fact that it does not deteriorate before use, and its almirable results in the mouth, stamp it as a superior article, and I use it in preference to any other. Yours truly, ALEX. P. LONG, D.D.S. 378 M. F. PATTERSON, Schallenmuller's Formol Cement* Improved Formageno is a superior preparation for painless treatment, and preserving diseased pulps in every stage, for capping amputated pulps, and for filling roots. Painful and irritated pulps can be capped and the cavity filled at one sitting. The application of this improved Formageno Cement is the easiest and surest, because it neither adheres to the instrument nor crumbles. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. The cavity of the tooth to be filled must be carefully excavated with spoon-shaped excavators, a thin layer of soft dentine may exceptionally be left on the pulp. Before capping, pulps should be saturated with the fluid, for at least five minutes ; irritated or inflamed pulps must be first healed by one or several dressings of the fluid in order to reduce them to their normal state before they can be capped. To prevent pain a dressing of Carbolic Acid 50 per cent, may be used for some minutes. The pulp and the largest part of the cavity is then covered with a thick layer of a stiff paste of Formol Cement. After hardening, the cavity may be filled with Cement or Amalgam. When the cavity has to be filled immediately, or when a pressure on the pulp is to be feared by the act of chewing, it must be pro- tected by a metal cap. In lateral fillings a thin layer of Gutta-percha will be found sufficient. An aching pulp may be relieved in a few minutes if caused by ossification, inflamed or partially destroyed pulp, by some dressings of the fluid, which may be put on hard or decayed Dentine, or directly upon the pulp, in short intervals of about five minutes. At the same time we wish to draw attention to the wonderful and quick re- lieving effect of the fluid in Pulpitis. Pulps that are beyond healing must be cauterized, the crown pulp amputated, and the root stumps anesthetized with pure Carbolic Acid, and saturated after some minutes with Formaline 20 to 40 per cent., mixed with equal parts of Carbolic Acid 50 per cent., after which they must be covered with a thick layer of Formol Cement, and the cavity at once filled with Cement or Amalgam. This Formol Cement becomes very hard under the filling. By the slow hardening of the Formol Cement, the evaporation of the Formaline brings about a more extensive and prolonged effect, and this is still further increased by the lasting effect of the Antiseptic Cement. Filling the root canal is best done by means of a fine nerve needle with a bit of cotton twisted on it, and for this purpose Formol Cement must be mixed thinner. Remnants of pulp that may happen to remain at the apex of the root will give no rise to inflammation, as it is mummified by the Formol Cement, which should be pumped up to the end of the root. A Cement or Amalgam filling may be made immediately and directly upon this root filling. The Bottles should be kept well closed. Price, per box. $1.50 H. D* Justi & Son, Sole Agents* DENTAL DEPOT. 379 The S, S* White Copper Amalgam* This is a strictly reliable article. We have discarded all other from our stock. PRICES: i Ounce $1.00 5 Ounces 4 00 Heating: Spoon for Copper Amalgfam* The spoon is made of steel, riveted to end of shank. It should be used with C. S. handle No. io. See page 205. Price each $0.25 Tin Foils* Globe Tin Foil, Nos. 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 18 and 20, per book $0.50 Extra Tough Foil, Nos. 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 18, 20, 30 and 40, per book. . .40 Chemically Pure Tin Foil 30 No. 60, for Celluloid Work 60 Miscellaneous Cements* Agate, J-oz. box, $0.75 ; 10 J-oz. boxes, $6.00. Agate, i-oz. box, $1.00; 10 i-oz. boxes, $9.00. Baldwin’s Hydraulic, per box, $1.00; 10 boxes, $9.00. Flagg’s Oxychloride, per package, $1.00. Formagen, small package, $1.50; large package, $2.50. Fossiline, per package, $2.00. Granit-Plombe, \ ounce, $1.50; 1 ounce, $2.25. Harvard, ^-oz. package, $1.25; ij-oz. package, $2.25; ij-oz. Asst, pack- age, $2.50. Houghton’s Os Artificial, per package, $0.75. Lynton, small size, per case, $1.00; large size, per case, $2.50. Weston’s Crown and Bridge, per box, $1.50; 10 boxes, $11.25. Weston’s Insoluble, one color, per box, $0.50 ; 10 boxes, $4.50. Weston’s Insoluble, two colors, per box, .75 ; 10 boxes, $7.00. Weston’s Insoluble, four colors, per box, .75 ; 10 boxes, $7.00. Weston’s Non-irritant, per package, $0.75. Weston’s Xenolite, -|-oz. package, $1.00; 1 1-3-oz. package, $1.50; large case, $1.50. 380 M. F. PATTERSON, \l o o We have now an entirely different cement which we call Petroid We firmly believe it to be the best cement that is made or that can be made. A long time ago we came to the conclusion that the cements then in use contained many radical defects, and determined to spare no ways or expense to produce a cement which should come as near per- fection as human effort could bring it. To this end we placed the matter in the hands of our chemist, who has be^en exclusively engaged for several years in investigations and experiments with cements. He secureu all cements and analyzed them qualitatively and quantitatively. In this manner the nature of all constituents used was learned as well as the com- position of the various cements. Physical tests and measurements were made, and researches of a similar nature were conducted with substances entirely different from those in i se. It was found that all cements tested possessed some defects seriously impairing their value. In the light of the errors, both of omission and commission, which were discovered, attempts were made to produce a perfect cement, embracing all the good points of all the cements tested and none of their defects. This attempt was successful. Petroid con- tains no objectionable constituents and a precisely correct proportion of those which enhance the qualities necessary to produce a perfectly balanced result. Petroid powders are free from impurities and inert matter, and when mixed with Petroid Liquid furnish an easily manipulated, hard and adhesive cement, unequal for density, fineness and uniformity. Petroid Liquid can be kept indefinitely without change by deposit, formation or chemical alteration. The lesisting substances insure complete union in easy stages thus preventing penetration, and when properly prepared the products cannot reveal neglect in any particular. L. D. Caulk, Broad and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. DENTAL DEPOT. 381 The Wilcox Non-Corrosive Cement Spatula* Lee S. Smith & Son, Sole Agents, Pittsburg, Pa. This is tile only spatula that ought to be used for mixing any phosphate cement. The reason it is the only spatula that ought to* be used is be- cause it is the only cement spatula that is non-corrosive. The reason it is better to use a non-corrosive spatula than any other kind of spatula is because phosphate of iron is formed when phosphoric acid is brought in contact with steel. Phos- phate of iron neutralizes a portion of the acid. It discolors the cement and decreases its hardness and density. Many a bottle of acid has been spoiled by having a steel spatula dipped into it. It wouldn’t hurt it to keep this spatula in it. This spatula is made with a good-sized round handle that just fits the hand, and that makes it easier to manipulate this spatula than any other. PRICES. Complete as shown each $0.65 Cone socket blade each .50 DARBY’S DENTAL SPECIALTIES. DENTAL CAPSICUM PLASTERS. The old original and 1 best in the market. 50 CENTS PER BOX OF 80. STIFFENED PAPER POINTS. For Drying Pulp Canals. They find moisture after all drying processes have been employed. Universally used. 25 CENTS PER BOX OF 100. HARD BUFF POLISHERS. For the Dental Engine. The only reliable ones on the market that will “stand up” under moisture. 40 CENTS PER BOX OF 100. If your depot does not have them, send direct to manufacturer and get any size you want. FRANK B. DARBY, 316 EAST CHURCH STREET, ELMIRA, N. Y. 382 M. F. PATTERSON, Mixing Slabs for Cements, Etc* No. i. Glass Mixing Tablet, with Rubber Feet. No. 2. The Richards — Porcelain. Size of Tablet, 4^2 inches at base; inch thick. •The rubber feet of this tablet keep it from slipping on table. Price $0.25 No. 3. Beveled-Edge Glass. Shown about half size. Edges beveled from both top and bottom. Top polished for mixing; bottom rough- ened. Price $0.25 Shown about half size. Dimensions, 4^ X3x% inches. The depression is for collecting excess ‘liquid. The under surface is roughened. Price .$0.30 No. 4. Porcelain Palette. Form used by water colorists. Three de- pressions. Measures 4x2^ inches. Price each $0.20 No. 5. Plane Glass. For Mixing Nerve Paste. No. 5 is somewhat smaller than the oth- ers, in accordance with its special use in mixing small quantities of nerve paste. The size is 3x2 Kx /4 inch. Ground on the edges only. Both surfaces being of polished glass and readily cleansed, either can be used in mixing. Price $0.12 White's Cement Powder Scoop* White's Minimeter* For conveying cement powder to mix- ing slab. Price, each, 5 cents ; per doz., 50 cents. For conveying cement liquid to mixing- slab. Price, each, 10 cents ; per doz., $1.00 The Spooner Dropper* Trade supplied by Lee S. Smith & Son. Made of glass, pointed for inserting in cork of cement liquid bottle. Simply depressing the point places one to five drops of liquid just where it is wanted. Price, each, 10 cents; per doz., $1.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 383 Paper Cement Pad. This is a picture of the improved Spooner Paper Cement Pad. The leaves are on the way to the waste basket. There are a hundred of these leaves in each pad. The surface is smooth as glass. The cement is mixed on the top leaf. Instead of scrubbing and scraping at a glass slab pull off the top" leaf and throw it away. Then you’re ready to do it again. You have a hundred cement slabs for the price of one. Ask for the yellow pa- per. It is the improved form. Price, each. .25 cents Lee S. Smith & Son,/ Sole Agents, Pittsburgh X 84 M. F. PATTERSON, For prices see next page. i DENTAL DEPOT. 385 No. 16 No. i. Boswell’s $0.70 “ 2. Houghton’s 7", “ 3. Taylor’s 75 “ 4. Weston’s 50 “ 5. Ivory 40 “ 6. Stiff Blade, wood handle 75 “ 7. Stiff Blade, steel handle 75 “ 8. Baker’s 75 No. 9. Boston $0.50 “ 10. Correct 50 “ 11. Flagg’s 25 “ 12. Spring temper 25 “ 13. Ditto, curved 25 “ 14. Xenolite 50 “ 15. Crown and Bridge 50 “ 16. Peirce 25 Cone-Socket Cement Spatulas* Cone-Socket Spatulas each $0.25 24 386 M. F. PATTERSON, Gutta-Percha Fillings* ages. Hill's Stopping* The oldest Gutta-Percha Filling on the market, put up in 1-20, 1-10, V2 and 1 oz pack- Price, per ounce $5-00 Premium Gutta-Percha Steppings. Great density and fineness of texture. Makes durable fillings. Softens at 208° F. Put up in cake or stick form, in ounce boxes. Price, per box $1.00 Excelsior Stopping. Especially adapted for mounting crowns where unusual firmness of support is required and for situations exposed to wear. Softens at 225 0 F. Price, per oz. box, assorted size pellets $1.00 Dawson's Improved Gutta-Percha Fillings. Hand Made. This Stopping is made from carefully selected materials, in small batches (few ounces each) to avoid the high temperature (and consequently dry and crumbling compound) that always destroys the more volatile constituents of high grade gum. It is of a quality that has never before been offered to the dental profession. PRICES. Pellets, Points, Cylinders and Wafers, per oz., $3.00; 2 oz., $5.00; 4 oz., $10.00; 10 oz., $20.00 S. S. White's Gutta-Percha Pellets. A thoroughly reliable Gutta-Percha Filling, put up in Pellets of assorted sizes, in 1-20, I -10, 14 , X A and 1 oz. packages. Price, per ounce $2.00 Gilbert's Temporary Stopping. For the retention of medicaments used in the treatment of teeth and the filling of cavities temporarily ; also for non-conducting layers in deep cavities, and for filling pulp-canals. Put up in ounce boxes. Price, per box $0.50 Dr. J. Foster Flagg's Gutta-Percha Stopping. Hand-made, under the personal supervision of Dr. Flagg. Adapted to regular, high or low heat. Price, 1-5 oz. packages, per ounce $5.00 Temporary Stopping. Dressing Seal. For temporary needs. Softens with dry heat and is useful for many purposes, such as crowding tissue from marginal cavities, for quickly inclosing medicines within cavities, etc., etc. Price, per box, two sizes $0.30 Constant Gutta-Percha. In a very short time the “Constant” Gutta-Percha becomes exceptionally hard, and light burnishing will give it a polished surface. “Constant” Gutta-Percha is put up in oz. packages, either in cake or stick form. Price, per ounce $2.00 Cavitme. A superior lining for cavities. It is quick-drying, an effective insulator and preventive of pulp-irritation arising from the conduction of heat by metallic fillings, or from the action of zinc plastics. Cavitine is colorless, and is not affected by the fluids of the mouth, by mois- ture, or by chemical agents. A thin film of it upon the cavity wall aids in the preservation oi the wails. Price, per bottle $0.25 DENTAL DEPOT, 387 Sibley's Gutta-Percha u Nerve Canal Points* From the Formula used by Dr. Dawson for the American Dental Mfg. Co., and later by the Wilmington Dental Mfg. Co. Here are good old-fashioned, round, hand-made Nerve Canal Points, in which only the best quality of Gutta-Percha is used They are carefully made, nicely tapered, and being very tough admit of bending in any shape. Gutta-Percha as a root filling is becoming increasingly more popular, and in most all cases is much preferable to wood, metal, or paper. Put up in assorted sizes, and pink or white colors. 150 Points in a box, price So. 50 GJJTTA PERCH A NERVE CANAL POINTS TEE WILMINGTON DENTAL M’F’G CO. New Yohk. Philadelphia. Chicago. Washington. Dawson's Improved Gutta-Percha Filling* (Hand-made.) Made by Gideon Sibley. This stopping is made from carefully selected materials, in small batches— few ounces each— in order to avoid the high temperature (and consequently dry and crumbling compound) that always destroys the more volatile constituents of high-grade gum. In this Gutta-Percha for Permanent Filling we offer to the Profession the same quality and standard originally prepared by Dr. Dawson, which has had an immense sale for many years. It was said of it some twenty years ago, “ It is of a quality that has never before been offered to the Dental Profession/’ and we believe this may be truthfully said of it to-day. Made in pellet form. Put up in y 2 ounce, and 1 ounce boxes, per ounce $2.00 Sibley's Temporary Stopping. For the retention of medicaments used in the treatment of teeth, for filling nerve canals, etc. This Stopping becomes plastic at a very low heat, is very sticky and firmly adheres to the tooth, but not to a steel instrument. If properly manipulated, this Stopping will effectually seal the foramen, thus protecting the pulp; or serve the purpose of a temporary filling for weeks or months, according to the position of the cavity. It is also used for setting gold crowns. Price per box, Pink, White or assorted colors So. 50 388 M. F. PATTERSON, Dr* WessePs Non-Conductive Cavity Lining* Being non-irritating, as well as non-conductive, it makes an excellent capping for exposed pulps. It is extremely “sticky,” and so can be used for stopping a leak in the rubber-dam; for holding wedges in place; for preventing gutta-percha from drawing out of the cavity while filling and finishing. It will hold the first few pieces of gold in place, when starting a filling, thus doing away with the need for retaining pits. Its impermeability to moisture comes into play in keeping fillings dry until they have set hard. Put up in oz. ground-stoppered bottles. i Price, per bottle $0.35 Asbestos Felt Foil* This material is recommended as excellent for lining cavities preparatory to filling with gold, amalgam or cement. It may be used as a covering for recently exposed healthy pulps. Price, per envelope, containing 12 sheets $0.10 Pulp Canal Points* Creasoted Charcoal per tube of 12 Gutta-Perch, machine-made, flattened ..per box of 150 Gutta-Percha, hand-made, round per box of 150 Lead, 100 in box per box Lead, 50 in box.. “ Paper, Darby’s, 100 in box. “ Tin, 100 in box “ Tin, 50 in box Wood, 100 in box “ Rock Asbestos per package Canal Point Carriers. No instrument could be better adapted to the purpose for which it is intended than the Grooved-Beak Pliers. They are specially designed for handling Nerve-Canal Points. With the Flat-Beak Pliers it is very difficult to hold these small points securely while forcing them info the Nerve-Canal; but with the Grooved Beaks there would be no difficulty, the forms of the Points and the Plier-Beaks being perfectly adjusted to each other. Price, nickel-plated, per pair $1.25 Temporary Gutta-Percha Cap-Crowns* For the protection of teeth prepared for crowning against agencies which would irritate them and make their sensitiveness unbearable. The gutta-percha surface is soothing, and the Cap-Crown perfectly fends off cold draughts of air, acids, etc. These Cap-Crowns also afford an unequaled means of retaining medicaments in treatment or devitalization, especially in coronal exposures or in abrasion. The Gutta-Percha Cap-Crowns are made in four sizes and put up in boxes containing one dozen, assorted sizes. Gutta-Percha Cap-Crowns per box $0.50 $0.50 .25 .50 1. 00 •50 •25 1. 00 •50 •50 .25 Interdental Space Guards* An aid in preserving the deciduous teeth until the development of the permanent set causes their expulsion. The metallic span is coated with gutta-percha on its convex (under) side. This is warmed and then carried to position on the point of the instrument. The span gives a firm support for a gutta-percha filling and protects the interdental tissues from encroachment of food. PRICES. Space-Guards (in boxes of 25) per box $0.25 Carriers (for Cone-Socket only) each .35 DENTAL DEPOT. 389 Redistilled Mercury in Mercury Holders* In order to bring our Redistilled Mercury before the pro- fession in a more convenient shape, we have designed a new Mercury Holder, made of pear wood, far superior to the glass bottles generally used. We furnish these Holders, filled with best redistilled Mercury at the same price as the bottled article. To draw the Mercury, puncture the soft wooden plug on top. Price per Holder, filled! $0.50 Philadelph : a. No. l. H. D. JUSTI & SON, Chicago. Natural Size. No. 3. No. 2. PRICES. No. 1. Empty $0.25; filled with 2 ozs. Mercury $0.50 2. Empty 50; filled with 2 ozs. Mercury 75 3. An improved form. The sectional view tells the story, .each .50 Mercury* Under our own name we put up the best Mercury we can buy. It is re-distilled. It isn’t the sort to be had in drug stores, yet it is nothing but Mercury, pure Mercury. It is im- portant to have the best. This is the best. We furnish it in lb. glass bottles, from which the Mercury may be readily transferred to the regulation wooden holder. Price, per 4 ounce bottle $0.45 Mercury Expresses A tool for squeezing excess Mercury out of amalgam. The action is simple and sure, and is analagous to the finger and thumb movement in common use, but much more powerful, and therefore more certain and more uniform. Price $3-5° 390 M. F. PATTERSON, B* D* M* Co*'s Mercury Holder* Filled with Re-Distilled Mercury. We have designed a new Mercury Holder, made of pear- wood, and of a convenient shape for the operating table. This Holder is furnished Filled with the Best Mercury that can be Produced, and is sold at the same price as the mercury when put up in bottles. The mercury is obtained by drilling a small hole in the top of the Holder. PRICE. ♦ B. D. M. Co.’s Mercury Holder, filled with Mercury ... .50 cents. ( Full Size.) Phillips' White Alloy* MADE FROM CHEMICALLY PURE MATERIALS. WILL NOT SHRINK NOR DISCOLOR. EDGE STRENGTH UNSURPASSED. A trial is sure to convince any one that it is AS NEAR PERFECT as any Alloy made, and we have enough confidence in it to recommend it to the profession without reserve. Price, per ounce $3-00 In ounce and half-ounce packages. Austin Carborundum Strips* These Strips are made of the Richardson brand of linen, probably the strongest made. Each Strip is carefully cut lengthwise of the cloth, with the threads running parallel the entire length of the Strip, giving it great strength. The grit is fastened to the cloth by a special process known only to Mr. Austin. It is then forced into the cloth fibre and will not wear off as rapidly as on most strips. In fact, this LASTING QUALITY Is one of the special features of the Austin finishing Strips. GIVE THEM A TRIAL. THEY ARE WELL WORTHY OF IT. Price, 50 cents per box* SEND FOR A TRIAL BOX. FINE. MEDIUM. COARSE. ASSORTED. NARROW. MEDIUM. WTDE. ASSORTED. Wheeler's Alloy Balance* For determining definite proportions of alloy and mercury. Price $0.60 DENTAL DEPOT. 391 . . FOUR ORADES . . 0( mx 5qoo( xxxx XXm xxxx xxxx xxxx XxXX x>xx xxxx mX XX.XX XaXX XXXX XXXX XXM M M xxxx M XXXX PYROZONE 3% SOLUTION. A stable aqueous solution of H 2 0 2 conforming to the standard of the United States Pharmacopoeia. Supplied only in 4 oz., chemically clean, glass-stoppered bottles. Invaluable as a mouth-wash, and as a cleansing agent for the teeth. Destroys pus, blood stains, green-stain on the teeth, and prevents dental decay. PYROZONE 25% SOLUTION (Ethereal). Invaluable as a bleaching agent for the teeth, and for topical application in pyorrhoea alveolaris. Is also a valuable styptic in bleeding from the gums after extraction. VAPOCAINE. A scientific obtundent for sensitive dentine. Possesses great penetrating power and renders dental work expeditious for the dentist and easy for the patient. Superior to arsenic for bloodless extirpation of dental pulps. By using Vapocaine no fear of toxic effect on the surrounding alveolar structure need be feared. Supplied in Small Glass Bottles, 50 Cents. Samples Free on Application. TARTARLITHINE. An effective remedy in the dental manifestations of gout. Recent researches have shown the co-existence of the uric acid diathesis with certain forms of pyorrhoea or suppurative gingivitis. Tartarlithine eliminates uric acid from the system and the promptness of its action in many cases of pyorrhoea is surprising. We have reports of numerous cases in which a cure has been effected. Literature and Samples Free on Application. McKesson & robbins, - newyork. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DENTAL TRADE* Che S. S. White Dental snrg. Co., PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, CHICAGO, BROOKLYN, ATLANTA, ROCHESTER, BERLIN, (Germany); BUENOS AYRES, (R. A .) 5 ST. PETERSBURG, (Russia). XXXX DENTAL DEPOT. 401 Nerve Mummifying Paste. Made by Gideon Sibley. By the use of this Paste, teeth can be filled immediately after having been devitalized without removing the dead pulp or further treatment of any kind. Its application changes the dead pulp into material that may be utilized as a permanent filling. It is antiseptic, and does not discolor the teeth. Price, per jar 35 cents Artificial Dentine. For the Preservation of Exposed or Partially Exposed Pulps. Gideon Sibley, Sole Agent. The most acute pain in the pulp will be relieved almost instantly on the proper introduction of Artificial Dentine into the cavity. It does not require the use of the Rubber Dam, is easily applied, antiseptic, hardens the soft decay, and will not injure the mucuous membrane of the mouth. It is not a mumifier, but is a non-irritating substitute for natural dentine. Price, per package, directions enclosed $1.00 Kelene (Ethyl Chlorid.) An Obtundent for Sensitive Dentin. A Local Anesthetic in Tooth-Extraction or Pulp-Extirpation. A Reliever of Neuralgia. A Diagnostic between Peripheral and Centric Neuralgias. In ordering designate as straight or curved tube, plain or automatic cap, and give the size. PRICES : Large Tubes, 30-gram, Plain Cap, Straight or Curved each $1.00 Small Tubes, 10-gram, Plain Cap, Straight or Curved “ .45 Small Tubes, 10-gram, Plain Cap, in lots of 10 Tubes per tube .40 Extra Large Tubes, 60-gram, Automatic Cap, Straight or Curved, each 1.60 Large Tubes, 30-gram, Automatic Cap, Straight or Curved, “ 1.10 Small Tubes, 10-gram, Automatic Cap, Straight or Curved ‘ .50 Small Tubes, 10-gram, Automatic Cap, in lots of 10 tubes per tube .45 Balsamo del Deserto. When Balsamo is mixed with amalgam it causes the filling to be as poor a conductor of heat, cold and electricity as a cement filling, and is impermeable to the fluids of the mouth. The tooth-edge does not crumble as it does with amalgam alone. The filling does not blacken the tooth as amalgam fillings do, Balsamo keeping the filling from oxidizing. Put up in half-ounce ground-glass stoppered bottles. Price, per bottle $1.00 Baldock's Improved Nerve-Destroying Paste. Made by C. Ash & Sons. This is now prepared in the form of a soft inseparable paste, which renders it extremely easy of application. It has been more extensively used during the last seventeen years than any other known devitalizing preparation. Per bottle $1.50 25 402 M. F. PATTERSON, A DRUG ON THE MARKET That is prepared by skilliul chemists, cannot help but be appreciated by the dental profession. Our drugs are pure, properly compounded and are easily and quickly applied. We .wish to call attention to four specialties, viz : Mummifying Paste, Aromatic Iodoform Paste, Nitrate of Silver Discs and Arsenical Discs, as we are the original manufacturers of above named preparations. ARSENICAL DISCS, Small discs of asbestos treated with arsen- ious acid, opium and cocaine. Easily applied, effective and prompt in action, less danger of its coming into contact with the gums or other mucous membrane. Directions:— Dip disc in car- bolic acid, glycerine, oil cloves or eugenol and seal in cavity. A trial will convince you of the effect- iveness of this preparation. Price, 75 cents a bottle. MUMMIFYING PASTE, To be used as a permanent root canal filling immediately after extirpating a devitalized pulp. No other treatment is required. Work the paste well into canal with a broach or upon a few fibres of cotton. May be used with advantage in abscessed teeth. The canal should be thoroughly dried with hot air before in- troducing paste, then seal with oxy-phos- phate cement, and fill tooth as usual. Price, 50 cents a jar. NITRATE SILVER DISCS « — Small discs of asbestos treated with a saturated aqueous solution of silver nitrate. Asbestos being inorganic, and packing same immediately after treatment in amber colored bottles, insures the preparation from oxidation. Used in treating deciduous teeth when too sensitive to be filled. Directions:— Moisten disc with drop o f water and wipe out cavity, thus preventing further decay. Price, 50c. AROMATIC IODOFORM PASTE , — A paste composed of chemically pure iodoform, petrolatum and essential oils. The latter not only increasing its antiseptic properties, but thoroughly disguising the odor of the iodoform. Price, 45 cents a jar. We carry a full line of essential oils, drugs and chemicals. Also redistilled mercury, the best on the market ; tooth powders, tooth washes, local anaesthetics and double strength dental tinctures. Write for price list. H. T. THAYER & CO. Manufacturers of Dental Pharmaceutical Preparations, 1 \\ North Howard Street, BALTIMORE, MD, DENTAL DEPOT. 403 Preparations for Office and Laboratory* Acid, Carbolic, i-oz. glass-stoppered bottles Acid, Carbolic, and Glycerol, 2-oz. bottles Acid, Salicylic, Y~oz. bottles '• Acid, Trichloracetic, i-oz. bottles . Acid, Trichloracetic, }£-oz. bottles Anaesthetic, Barr’s Anaesthetic — Wilson’s Local— see pages 396 and 397. Anti-Fog Aresenical Compound, Foulks’ Bay Rum, pint bottles . . .. . . Boro-Bornyl. pints Boro-Bornyl pints . Boro-Bornyl, pints Boro-Bornyl, Y pints Boro-Bornyl, Y pints Boro-Bornyl, Y* pints Camphenol, Antiseptic, (Johnson & Johnson), put up in 8-oz. bottles (dilutes to from two to six gallons of solution.) Camphorated Phenol Carbolic Acid and Glycerine Carbolized Resin, Fletcher’s Carvacrol Cavity Lining, Wessel’s, Non-Conductive Chlorid of Aluminum i-oz. bottle Chlorid of Ethyl, “Kelene.” Large Tubes, 30 gram, Plain Cap, Straight or Curved Small Tubes, 10 gram, Plain Cap, Straight or Curved Small Tubes, 10 gram, Plain Cap, in lots of 10 tubes Extra Large Tubes, 60 gram, Automatic Cap, Straight or Cruved Large Tubes, 30 gram, Automatic Cap, Straight or Curved Small Tubes, 10 gram, Automatic Cap, Straight or Curved Small Tubes, 10 gram, Automatic Cap, in lots of 10 tubes (Continued on page 404.) Dr* Wells’ Periosteal Tablets* .per bottle. $0.35 •35 66 .20 u .60 “ .20 75 per jar, .25 per bottle, 75 U 75 66 75 , 6 bottles, 375 ,12 bottles, 7-50 per bottle, •50 . 6 bottles, 2.50 .12 bottles, 5-oo .per bottle, .25 6 6 •50 “ •25 (( .25 66 1. 00 “ •35 •35 .each, 1. 00 •45 .per tube, .40 .each, 1.60 “ 1. 10 6 6 •50 per tube, •45 Dr. Wells’ Periosteal Tablets are a specific for all inflammatory conditions of the Periosteal and Mucous Membranes of the mouth. Prompt application of these tablets will prevent hours of suffering and save the vitality of thousands of teeth. Seventy per cent, of the cases of Alveolar Abscess would be averted, and the other thirty mitigated* They quickly abate the inflammation from operations of fillings, pivoting, wedging, etc. These tablets do not contain Morphine, Cocaine, or any of the products of Coal-tar* They can be used with absolute safety. Their action is in no sense counter-irritant, but anti-phlogistic* Retail price 25 cents per box. No Dental Office complete without them. Dr* Wells’ “Dentocos Tablets” for Dentition* The attention of the profession is called to this remedy for the ailments of dentition; by the use of these tablets, an easy eruption of the teeth is assured, and complete relief from the dangerous conditions which frequently accompany the process, such as Cerebral Irritations, Convulsions, etc* Rickets, Curvatures of the Spine, Bow Legs, etc* will be averted by the administration of the “Dentocos Tablets" during the period of dentition and the child will start in life equipped with a set of teeth free from imperfections at the fissures, hard and perfect in formation. Each tablet contains a small quantity of Carbonate of Lime obtained from the Oyster Shell* They are perfectly harmless, and agreeable to take* Com- pounded under Dr. Wells’ personal supervision by The Wells Manufacturing Co*, 70 W* 40th St*, N* Y . Each box contains 3 mouth treatments, retail price 50 cents per box. M. F. PATTERSON, 404 Chlorid, Zinc, i-oz. bottle per bottle, .30 Cleansing Paste for the Hands, The S. S. W. D. M. Co.’s, per doz., $3.00 per box, .30 Cocam Discoids, 20 in Tube % grain, $0.15; 1-5 grain, $0.20; grain, .24 Cocain Discoids, 100 in Bottle y& grain, .55; 1-5 grain, .85; % grain, 1.00 Cologne, Bouquet, 12-oz. glass-stoppered bottles per bottle, 1.50 Cologne, Ordinary, Pint bottles “ 1.00 Cologne, Oriental, 12-oz. glass-stoppered bottles “ 1-75 Creosote, 1 oz. glass-stoppered bottles “ .25 Creosote, Pure Wood, i-oz. glass-stoppered bottles “ .50 Dentocos Tablets — Wells — see page 403. Doilies or Napkins, 6 in. square, colored border per doz., .50 Doilies or Napkins, 7 in. square, colored border “ -55 Doilies or Napkins, 6 in. square, colored border “ 1.25 Electrozone, 16-oz. bottles, per doz., $4.00 per bottle, .50 Eucain Hydrochlorate, per y $- oz “ .60 Eucain Hydrochlorate, per j4-oz “ 2.00 Eucain Hydrochlorate, Sample package “ .35 Eugenol Oil, i-oz. bottles “ .60 Glycerol (Glycerin), Pure, 2-oz. bottles “ .25 Glycerol (Glycerin), Pure, 8-oz. bottles “ .60 Good’s Thymol Disinfectant per can, .10 Guaiacocain per bottle, .50 Gum wash — Antiseptic, Seabury — see pages 408 and 409. Hydronaphthol “ .50 Hydrogen Dioxid — Oakland — see pages 406 and 407. Hydrozone — see page 398. Iodin and Carbolic Acid, 2-oz. bottles “ .25 Iodoform, %-oz. bottles “ .60 Iodoform, Compound, Foulks’ “ .75 Iron, Solution Perchlorid of, i-oz. glass-stoppered bottles “ .20 Iron, Persulfate of (Monsel’s Solution), i-oz. glass-stoppered bottles “ .20 Iron, Subsulfate of (Monsel’s Powder), i-oz. bottles “ .25 Liquid Gutta Percha, i-oz. bottles “ .40 Listerine “ 1.00 Listerine, sample bottle : “ .25 Litmus Paper, Blue and Red per jar, .13 Meditrina, 8-oz. bottles, per doz., $4.00 each, .50 Mercury, Redistilled, 14-lb. bottles per bottle, .50 Mercury, l A~Vo., in Wood Holder each, .50 (Continued on page 405.) PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA. (MgHz02.) — FLUID, “THE PERFECT ANTACID.” The only neutralizing- agent known that will ‘maintain a continuous alkaline condition in the mouth. The only reliable medicament for inducing an alkaline reaction of the whole gastro-intestinal tract. A Bland, Non-Irritating, Agreeable, Harmless ALKALINE ANTISEPTIC. Rational therapeutics indicates its use in : Erosion, Gingival Caries, the Tooth Caries of Pregnancy, and all oral pathological conditions due to hyperacidity of the mouth secretions, whether local or systemic in origin. For Fermentative Dyspepsia and the Colic of Infants it is a specific. USE PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA INSTEAD OF OTHER ALKALI. Get the genuine (PHILLIPS') and caution your patients. The Chas. H. Phillips Chemical Co., 128 Pearl Street, New York. DENTAL DEPOT. 405 DENTAL MEDITRINA. (Concentrated and Chemically Pure Electrozone.) Produced from Sea Water by Electricity. A perfect dental deodorant, Antiseptic and germicide. NON=TOXIC. NON=IRRITANT. ist. It instantly and absolutely annihilates all germ life. 2d. Its application reduces all inflammatory conditions in a remarkably short time. 3d. It has strong styptic qualities. 4th. It perfectly deodorizes all fetid or putrid conditions or secretions. 5th. It instantly stops all fermentation. Send for a Descriptive Pamphlet to The Chemical & Electrical Company, Sole rianufacturers and Owners, 120 Liberty Street, New York. Preparations for Office and Laboratory. — Continued. Milk of Magnesia per bottle, Nerve-Fiber per jar, Nerve-Paste (Arsenic and Creosote), %-oz. bottles : per bottle, Oil of Cloves, oz. bottles Oil of Eucalyptus Periosteal Tablets — Wells — see page 403. Phenol Sodique, 8-oz. bottles per doz., $3.50; Potassa, Permanganate of (Crystals), i-oz. bottles per bottle, Pyrozone, 3$ Solution, 4-oz. bottle per doz., $4.50; “ Pyrozone, 25$ Solution, i-oz. tube per tube, Pyrozone, Atomizer each, Pyrozone, Atomizer, Extra Glass Tubes The 3$ solution can only be sent by express. The 25$ solution can be mailed at an additional expense of $0.15. Pyrozone Absorbent Tablets per box, Robinson Remedy for Pyorrhea Alveolaris, etc per bottle, Salol Sanitas Oil, i-oz. bottles “ Sanitol “ Sedative Antiseptic Dressing “ Silver, Nitrate of (Crystals), x /%-oz. bottles “ Sodium and Potassium, Ward’s 6 tubes in a box per box Tartarlithine Tablets per bottle, Tartarlithine and Sulphur Tablets “ Thycalol Small, per bottle, $0.50; Large “ Thymol, Glycerol of, i-oz. bottles “ Thymozone, 16-oz. bottles “ Tymozone, 6-oz. bottles per doz., $5.00; “ Tincture of Aconite Root, i-oz. bottles “ Tincture of Arnica, 4-oz. bottles 1 “ Tincture of Calendula, 4-oz. bottles “ Tincture of Capsicum, 2-oz. bottles “ Tincture of Iodin, i-oz. glass-stoppered bottles “ Tincture of Iodin, Colorless, i-oz. glass-stoppered bottles “ Vapocaine “ Volasem — an antidote to Cocain “ Wine of Opium, 2-oz. bottles “ 50 75 50 20 50 35 50 50 75 25 75 .25 •50 .25 .20 .50 •30 •30 1. 00 1. 00 •75 1. 00 .40 •75 .50 • 15 •30 •35 •25 •25^ •25 •50 1. 00 • 50 406 M. F. PATTERSON, OAKLAND Hydrogen Dioxid ft The kind that keeps' I Oakland Hydrogen Dioxid. Two Points for the Dentist. Oakland Hydrogen Dioxid produces the greatest degree of suc- cess for the operator. Oakland Hydrogen Dioxid produces the greatest degree of com- fort for the patient. THE PRINCIPAL REASON why you should use Oakland Hydrogen Dioxid in your practice is because it stands in a class alone as an aid to dental surgery. It is a chemically pure wash for the mouth, teeth and gums with a positive, pronounced and clearly de- fined action all its own. It does all that any other wash may do ; beyond that, it does things in the way of preparing the mouth for dental surgery that no other wash dare attempt to do. It is a revelation to the up-to-date dentist; it enables him to undertake difficult operations with reason, method and confidence. It helps to build a reputation for skill that wins patients and keeps them. It is not only a professional aid ; it is a commercial necessity. ANTISEPTIC. This is a wash which thoroughly arrests the pro- cesses of decomposition and prevents the growth of micro-organisms. It keeps the mouth pure and wholesome, nad maintains a condi- tion of cleanliness. The known chemical activities of Oakland Hydrogen Dioxid are admitted by highest authorities to be par- ticularly efficient in the treatment of morbid conditions of the gums and mucous membrane. It produces the highest receptive state of the organs and tissues prior to the application of other remedies. GERMICIDE. The germicidal power of this preparation is far greater than carbolic acid and other so-called germicides which have outlived their usefulness. It has no disagreeable odor and carries our guaranty to be absolutely harmless. It penetrates and searches the dental structure, destroys and eliminates every form of microbe or diseased germ. The constituent elements of this wash cannot be so abused as to produce serious consequences. It may be applied freely to mucous or cutaneous surfaces without dread of injurious after-effects. This is the one germicide which is really bad for the germ and good for the patient. DENTAL DEPOT. 407 ill ilil &j DETERGENT. — Cleansing and purifying in action, it in no way interferes with normal secretions or excretions. It does not inter- rupt the action of the salivary glands nor impede the digestive func- tions. By its chemical constituents it must, and does, serve to eradi- cate the causes and particles which lead to discoloration, decay and all the attendant distressing and painful complications. It destroys all fetid matter which naturally collects about the teeth under normal conditions. DEODORANT. — An unexcelled deodorizer. This wash effec- tually absorbs and dissipates the odors that attend putrefaction or fer- mentation. It counteracts the gases which arise trom infected mat- ter; it removes every trace of taint, forces its wqy through cavities and interstices, insuring a healthful operation and a permanent state of cleanliness. It does what a mouth wash should do — it keeps the mouth clean. STYPTIC. — The flow of blood after tooth extraction may be quickly stopped with this preparation. In this respect it is a sur- prise to the dentist, a relief to the patient. It is invaluable, also, in cases of hemorrhages caused by ulceration of the gums. For general use Oakland Hydrogen Dioxid is unsurpassed as a dentrifice. It is not merely a pretty scented deception. It acts ; it satisfies. We have received never a word of complaint, never a thing but praise for this invaluable preparation. Oakland Hydrogen Dioxid was compounded for a purpose — it is not an accident bom of random chance. How well it fulfils its - pur- poses is attested by its enormously increasing sales. It is the right thing. You should have it. Practitioners supplied at the following prices: yi lb. bottles $0.30 lb. bottles 45 1 lb. bottles 75 5 lb. bottles 2.50 Prepared by THE OAKLAND CHEMICAL CO., 464 West Broadway, New York City. Oakland Chemical Company 464 West Broadway New York, Qty 408 M. F. PATTERSON, Fyorrhoea Alveolaris, Spongy Gums and After Extraction* There are a great mam so-called mouth-washes; most of them are merely “shampoos’ for the teeth. Some of them are harmless, some of them are deadly, and still others are ., merely pretty, perfumed conceits. You require a Gum Wash with a decided, prompt and powerful action. Your patrons demand it. Your reputation requires it. Our Astringent Gum Wash is the matured product of chemical research. It is the result of close study of dental needs. It was compounded for a purpose. It was our aim to pro- duce a preparation having a definite and positive result. It was our aim to give to dentists a gum wash which would cause the patient to rise fr< m the chair and declare : “That Man Knows His Business.” We have succeeded. There is no doubt of it, There is an increasing demand for the Astringent Gum Wash. It is a saturated solution of White Oak B ark, scientifically pre- pared, blended and aged in large oak casks. This insures great uniformity and strength such as cannot be attained by the chemist compounding in small quantities. It is a non-irritant, chemically pure and absolutely harmless. There are no after- effects. It contains no cocaine or other injurious constituents. This Is What It Does. The Gum Wash absolutely prevents the recurrence or re-establishment of Pyorrhoea Alveolaris. It counteracts the effects of ulceration, and allays all inflammation of the mouth and gums. It kills and obliterates every trace of the germ. It removes the corpse. There are no remains. It cleanses and purifies the dental structure, searching every cavity and every interstice. It acts as deoderizer and disinfectant, leaving the mouth wholesome and free from taint. DENTAL DEPOT. 409 410 M. F. PATTERSON, Liquefied Nitrous Oxide. Did you ever stop and consider how much depends upon using gas of absolute purity ? In case of accident did you ever stop and consider who will be held responsible? It isn’t the man who makes it or the man who sells it, but the man who administers it. It is of the utmost importance to know just what you are using. The name of the maker on the cylinder is just about as good a guarantee as we can get. If the name of H. D. Justi & Son or The S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co. is on it there isn’t any use looking fuither. Either of those names is a guarantee of quality. We don’t know of another that is. We handle gas made by both of these firms. We add to the makers’ our personal guarantee of its absolute purity. We also guarantee the amount of gas to be as stated on the label. This may be tested by weighing the cylinder when full and again when empty. When we ship the cylinder it is full. If it isn’t full we don’t ship it. It should be weighed again immediately upon receipt and in case of short weight, indicating a leak, we should be notified at once ; otherwise he will not be responsible for loss of gas. PRICES. Small Cylinder, with ioo gallons of Gas i $9.00 Medium Cylinder, with 250 gallons of Gas 17.50 Large Cylinder, with 450 gallons of Gas 25.50 Refilling, Small (ioo-gallon) Cylinder 3.00 Refilling, Medium (250-gallon) Cylinder 7.50 Refilling, Large (450-gallon) Cylinder 13.50 Steel Gas Cylinder. This seamless Gas Cylinder is made of a single piece of tough, fibrous steel. Holds 2P2 times as much N 2 O as the old small cylinder, is only a trifle longer and weighs only one-third more. Requires refilling only about one-third as often. Has a steel cap to protect the valve from accidental injury. Stands a strain far beyond that ever given to any previous make — tons of pressure to the square inch. Costs with all its added safety and convenience only in exact proportion to its greater capacity.' Size (outside dimensions) — Length, clear of valve and cap 17 inches Length, including valve and cap 21 inches Diameter 4 inches Capacity: Liquified Nitrous Oxid 250 gallons Compressed Oxygen 75 gallons Average weight, including cap and valve 16 lbs. PRICES. Seamless Steel Cylinder, complete $10.00 Gas (Nitrous Oxid), 250 gallons 7.50 $17.50 Prices of Various Parts of Gas Outfit. Case, Horizontal, Leather-covered, Velvet-lined, Nickel-plated Mountings $10.00 Case, Upright, Japanned, Nickel-plated Mountings 5.00 Gas-bag for Nitrous Oxid, 4 gallons capacity 2.25 Gas-bag for Nitrous Oxid, 7 gallons capacity 3.50 Gas-bag for Oxygen, 1 gallon capacity 1.00 Key, Wheel 25 Stop-cock, for insertion in small Rubber Tubing 1.00 Thimble, Nickel-plated, for securing Tubing to Yoke 10 Tubing, Inhaler, Silk-covered per foot .40 Yoke Valve, Nickel-plated, with Tube for connecting Cylinder and Bag, and Thimble for securing Tubing to Yoke 1.50 DENTAL DEPOT. 411 This outfit combines all the necessary requirements for the successful adminis- tration of the gas. Its beauty of design renders it an ornament to any operating- room. It has lately been much im- proved, both in workmanship and in de- sign of ornaments. This Gasometer has from the first had an extensive sale and is the cheapest one on the market, taking its efficiency, durability and workman- ship into consideration. The body of the Gasometer is made of GALVANIZED IRON, and is placed upon an ornamental cast-iron stand, the whole being neatly japanned and ornamented. The stand is furnished with a support which will securely hold either a ioo or 500 gallon cylinder, en- ] abling the operator to use either size, as Jfk may be desired. The Gasometer is furnished with a water-seal, which may be adjusted to either wholly or partially sustain the weight of the bell, dispensing with bal- ance weights, and preventing the escape of gas if the tap on the inhaling tube should accidentally be left open. The economy of this apparatus is un- questioned, as gas left over after admin- istration is saved, and in good condition for future use. The fittings are all nickel plated. Capacity of Gasometer, about seven gal- lons. It is made in five styles : the No. 3, having a nickel-plated bell, being per- haps more serviceable than No. 1 or 2. The Lewis Gasometer for Nitrous Oxide* No. 1 Lewis Gasometer, blue, black or maroon, highly orna- mented $33-00 No. 2 Lewis Gasometer, maroon striped 30.00 No. 3 Lewis Gasometer (No. 1 with sides of bell nickel-plated) 37.50 No. 4 Lewis Gasometer, orna- mented brass, polished and lacquered 45-00 No. 5 Lewis Gasometer, orna mented brass, polished, nickel- plated 50.00 All prices include the Lewis Inhaler Support and White Metal Connection for tubing. 412 M. F. PATTERSON, The Nevius Gasometer* Patented August 14th, 1883. H. D. Justi & Son. “ What We Believe ” We believe The Nevius Gaso- meter is the very best in the world. We have reason for our belief from the fact that nobody has ever been able to find any fault with it. Dentists tell us that there is nothing about it that can be im- proved. They tell us that it really costs them nothing to buy it, be- cause it saves enough gas to pay for itself. It is a handsome apparatus, as the illustration shows. It will adorn the finest operating room. The Nevius Gasometer holds 12 gallons of gas. None is wasted. From 3 to 5 gallons is the usual quantity needed to completely anaesthetize a patient, and what remains can be retained in good condition for future use. There is a scale on the bell of the Gasometer that shows the operator exactly how much gas he is administering, and the construc- tion is such that the inhaling is de- cidedly easier than when any other apparatus is used. The dentist who aspires to be the best in his profession in his city needs this Gasometer. Noth- ing short of the best apparatus will answer for this purpose. Write to us and bother us with all the questions you would like to have answered. Price, complete, including 100 gallons gas ...$66.00 Gasometer, separate 40.00 Cylinder Stand 7.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 413 The S* S* White Gasometer* The bell, which holds eight gallons of gas, works on a nickel-plated guide-rod. The guide-rod is grad- uated to show the quantity of gas in the bell. The bell is nickel-plated all over, the top burnished. The water tank is finished on the outside in a blue- black bronze, oxidized, with the beads and edges f rubbed through to the polished brass, the whole lac- quered. The stand is of cast iron, japanned black an^l ornamented. Will hold either 500-gallon or 100-gal- lon cylinder, and is on rollers for convenience in handling. The outfit includes yoke and rubber tubing (1 ft.), Inhaler No. 3 with Inflatable Face-piece, Inhaler tubing (4 ft.), and metal connection, wheel key and Russia-iron Jackets for the large and small cylinder, everything complete, ready to attach a gas cylinder. Directions for setting up and oper- ating accompany each Gasometer. Price, Complete Apparatus, except Gas Cylinder and Gas $68.00 Price, Complete Apparatus, with Small Gas Cylinder, containing 100 gallons of Gas 77.00 Price, Complete with Large Cylinder, containing 450 gallons of Gas. . . > 93-5° Boxing Free. Yoke Attachment* For supporting and holding gas bag, also for re- moving bag from cylinder and conveying gas in cases of emergency. Shown in illustration on page 416. Price $8.00 414 M. F. PATTERSON, Long's Gasometer. This is a Rood Gasometer. It is the only one we know of with copper receiver. The metal tube and attachments are all nickel-plated and the apparatus is highly ornamented, making upon the whole an elegant object in the office. The receiver holds about ten gallons of gas, and registers the amount inhaled by the patient. A float seals the gas chamber, which is always dry. Gas can be kept as long and pure in the Gasometer as in the cylinder. At the base is fastened a metal cylinder holder that will receive any size gas holder. No. i Gas Apparatus, made of Cop- per, with attachments, ioo gallon Gas Cylinder, filled ; Long’s In- haler, including boxing $73.25 No. 1 Gas Apparatus, with Chloro- form Attachment, and Tubing... 55.00 No. 1 Gas Apparatus — less tubing and attachment 50.00 500-gallon Cylinder, without gas. . . 12.00 ioo-gallon Cylinder, without gas... 6.00 Nickel-plated Receiver, extra 10.00 Inhalers Nos. 1, 2 and 3 8.00 Chloroform Attachment 3.00 Rubber Hood 1.00 Foot-Piece for Cylinders. The handling of gas cylinders, especially those con- taining oxygen, which are usually manipulated by pa- tients or their attendants, is greatly facilitated by the use of a light base or Foot-piece for holding them up- right. The bottom of the cylinder is set into the Foot- piece, and the wedge is forced between the cylinder and one of the upright supports to take up any play. So placed the cylinder is held firmly and steadily, and the upright position is preferred by some. Price for Small Cylinders $0.25 Price for Medium Cylinders 65 DENTAL DEPOT. 415 Adjustable Tripod* Nos. 3 and 4. The Adjustable Tripod will adapt itself to cylinders of any size from 100 to 500 gallons. This is accomplished by raising the self-locking wedge-shaped bolts to a suffi- cient height to allow the cylinder to pass through, when, dropping the bolts, the weight of the cylinder will force them downward, clamping the cylinder firmly and re- quiring no further fastening. PRICES. No. 3 Tripod with 4 J gal. Gas Bag, 100 gal. Cylinder and Gas $27.25 No. 4 same with 7 gal. Gas Bag 28.50 Tripod, separate 4.00 Improved Cylinder Holder* Nos. 5 and 6. The cut represents the latest and best Cylinder Hold- er. It may seem a very simple matter to make a good cylinder holder, but to make one to conveniently hold two different sizes — 500 gallons and 100 gallons — has proved quite difficult. In the one we now offer the ob- jections are all overcome, and it combines beauty of de- sign and finish with convenient adaptation to either size of cylinder. For the 500 gallon cylinder it is only necessary to re- move the cap at the top of the holder and place the Cylinder inside. For use with the 100 gal. Cylinder see Fig. 2. The rods, A, are hinged to a cir- cular base, B. The rods are thick- est at the top, and when the Cylin- der is placed in the Holder the rods are forced against the Cylin- der and hold it firmly against turn- ing. The body of the Holder is black, japanned and handsomely orna- mented with various figures and designs. At C, fig. 1, is shown an im- proved cylinder attachment, with a support for the inhaler. PRICES. No. 5 Apparatus as shown in cut, 4J gal- lon Gas Bag, 100 gallon Cylinder and Gas $30.25 No. 6 same with 7 gal. Gag Bag 31.50 Cylinder Holder, separate 7.00 416 M. F. PATTERSON, This is an excellent device for use in offices where the Gas is administered frequently. The Bracket may be attached to the window casing- or other wood- work. The whole arrangement will be found compact, convenient and orna- mental. PRICES. Complete as shown, with 4J gallon Bag and filled Cylinder $33-5° Complete as shown, with 7 gallon Bag and filled Cylinder 34-75 Wall Cylinder Bracket, separate 4.00 Downs Stand for Gas Cylinders* The Downs Stand is a simple and convenient device for holding Gas Cyl- inders, especially designed for use in the operating room of the resident dentist. With the Yoke Attachment it makes a very efficient and convenient apparatus. It consists of an iron base with a tin casing, in which the cylinder is placed and securely held by a set-screw. Two sizes. Specify which you desire when ordering. PRICES. With Small Cylinder (filled with 100 gals. Gas) and 4^-gal. Bag..$34.oo With Small Cylinder (filled with 100 gals. Gas) and- 7-gal. Bag. . 35.25 With Large Cylinder (filled with 450 gals. Gas and 4-J gal. Bag. . 53.00 With Large Cylinder (filled with 450 gals. Gas) and 7-gal. Bag. . 54.25 DENTAL DEPOT. 417 Surgeon's Cases, Rectangular* The Case is made of well-seasoned wood, lined with velvet and covered with leather, and the mountings are nickel-plated. A stout cast-steel ring, neatly japanned, with a heavy set-screw, clamps the cylinder. Size 18x7x7 inches. For ioo-gallon cylinders only. The cylinder lies on its side. The No. 1 Case has a 4-J-gallon bag the No. 2 Case a 7-gallon bag. PRICES. No. 1 Case, Complete, with Filled Cylinder . . .$32.75 No. 2 Case, Complete, with Filled Cylinder 34-°° Upright Surgeon's Case, Cylindrical The case is of metal, handsomely japanned. Size 16^x7 . inches. Made only for ioo-gallon cylinders. Nos. 5 and 6 are alike except in the sizes of the PRICES. No. 5, Complete Apparatus, with 4^-gallon Bag, in Stout Metal Case, hand- somely japanned $27.75 No. 6, the same, with 7- gallon Bag 29.00 Oxygen and Nitrous Oxide Apparatus* Complete, with two small Cylinders, filled respect- ively with Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen $67.00 Same, less Cylinders and Gas 50.00 26 418 M. F. PATTERSON, No. 3. Simplex Inhaler, nickel-plated, with inflatable Rubber hood, complete $ 8 00 Face-piece and fittings 4 00 Inflatable Hood 2 00 Valve for same 50 The upper illustration shows the inhaler complete, with the hood inflated, and the lower one the various parts detached. “T” is the hood with the inflatable rim in its normal condition when not filled with air, and “O” the nut which secures it firmly to the tube “A.’ - “P” is a thin metal washer to prevent the nut from injur- ing the hood when attaching, and'“R” is a neat metal frame to stiffen the same so that it will conform to the face of the patient. “Q” is a wrench which fits the nut “O” so that it may be readily taken apart to be cleaned when necessary. The valve “S” is entirely automatic in its action and by pressing the valve stem lightly against the teeth the valve is opened and when the hood is inflated it closes instantly t y removing it. By simply pressing the valve stem with the finger the air is released. The inhaler will be furnished as heretofore with either the metallic mouth-hood and hard rubber mouth- piece, the flexible rubber hood or the inflatable rubber hood, but when ordered with the metalic mouth- piece it will be furnished as in the original with the long tube “A,” as it makes it more convenient for the operator. For convenience in ordering they are numbered. H. D. JUSTI & SON, DENTAL DEPOT. 419 The Simplex Inhaler* No* 1* Patented July 29th, 1890. Fig. 4. Sectional View Showing Internal Construction of Simplex Inhaler No. 1. This inhaler is offered to the profession as being the neatest and cleanest automatic inhaler in use. It has no valves on the outside to mar the finish and collect dust or dirt, and is made with as few parts as possible, thereby reducing the liability to disarrangement to a minimum. The valves are made of thin hard rubber and will not scale like mica when brought in contact with moisture from the breath. The internal construction is shown in the sectional cut (fig. 4). The body A is of a single tube and contains a sliding tube having an opening H. When pressed forward by the thumb- piece K and rod L a communication is made through G to the gasometer and the opening I is closed to the air, w'hich is admitted through the holes D in the ring B, as indicated by the arrow. The inhaling valve F and its seat CC are inserted in the sliding tube and are removed with it when taken apart for cleaning, which is simply done by unscrewing the end in the tube containing the parts K and L. The spring around the rod L keeps the gas inlets G and H closed when not in use. The exhaling valve is attached to the inner surface of the tube A and has an opening D through the ring B, as indicated by the arrow. The holes in the ring B are made at an angle of about 45°, thereby preventing any disagreeable exhalations being driven into the face of the patient. The rubber tube from the gasometer is attached by the thread shown and is made perfectly secure by the bayonet joint M, which is quickly removed when necessary. The inhaler is finely polished and nickel-plated and is furnished as illustrated or with the flexible or inflated soft rubber hoods. Inhaler, nickel-plated with]Metallic Mouth Hood, price 1 $8 00 Manufactured and for sale by H. D. JUSTI & SON 420 M. F. PATTERSON, Simplex Inhaler No* 2* SECTIONAL VIEW. Showing interior construction of Simplex Inhaler Nos. 2 and 3. PRICES. 2. Simplex Inhaler, nickel-plated with flexible Rubber Hood, complete . .$8.00 Face-Piece and Fittings 2.00 Flexible Rubber Hood 1.00 Nitrate of Ammonia (Fused*) We handle only a warranted pure article, that is made specially for our use. If kept in a dry, cool place it will give satisfaction. It is affected by dampness or heat. I11 25 and 50-lb. boxes, lots over 50 lbs per lb $0.20 In 25 and 50-lb .boxes, lots 50 lbs. or less “ .21 In 5, 10 and 25-lb. boxes, lots over 50 lbs " .21 In 5, 10 and 25-lb. boxes, lots of 50 lbs. or less “ .22 Prices subject to fluctuation. DENTAL DEPOT. 421 This Inhaler is almost en- tirely automatic in its action. It requires the use of but one hand, the inlet valve being opened by a slight pressure of the thumb. The gas can be turned on without the pa- tient’s knowledge. Upon the removal of the pressure the valve closes automatically and shuts oft" the gas. The entire Inhaler, as shown here, except the hood and the two valve-disks, is of metal, smoothly finished, the outside polished and nickel- plated. It is readily taken apart for cleaning. The illus- tration is half size. We supply this Inhaler with either the Metal, Flexi- ble Rubber, or Inflatable Rubber Face-piece, as shown, at the same price. Price $8.00 Flexible Face-Piece and Fittings only $2.00 Flexible Face-Piece (Rubber Portion Only) 1.00 Inflatable Face-Piece, with all parts for adapting to No. 3 Inhaler. 4.50 Valve for Inflatable Face-Piece 50 Inflatable Face-Piece (Rubber Portion Only) 2.00 Rubber Aprons* These Rubber Aprons can be put on and taken oft almost instantaneously. They are large enough to afford ample protection to the clothing of the operator or patient, not big enough to interfere with freedom of movement. The dimensions are 43 inches long and 34 inches wide at the middle line. Made of rubber cloth, and nicely finished, with the edges bound. Price No* 3 Inhaler* each $0.75 422 M. F. PATTERSON, Complete Outfits with Dr* G* H. Hurd's Chloroform Mixer or Vitalized Air Cup Attachment* 2 Fig. 2. — Reservoir for Chloroform Mixture. Fig.3. — Stop Cock with chamber holding four drops of the fluid mixture, which is re- ceived from the Reservoir. This is shown in cut in shape of an arrow, the spear part pointing upward: in this position the chamber is filled. Turn the Stop Cock one-half revolution (spear pointing downward) and the mixture will discharge into the enlargement of the gas passage. The gas must be turned on simultaneously with the discharge of the fluid, which vaporizes the mixture while passing into the gas bag. Fig. 4. — Stop Cock for shutting off the gas. This is an extra precaution against the carelessness of the operator in not closing the cylinder valve, otherwise, in case of leakage, the gas would pass into the bag and burst it. PRICES. Dr. Hurd’s Chloroform Mixer, Union and Extension $7.00 Union and Extension 5.00 Dr. Hurd’s Chloroform Mixer, will he included with outfits for an additional price of $6.00. Old Style Gas Apparatus and Parts* as We have complete outfits for dentists who prefer to make their own gas. follows : Old* Style Gas Apparatus and Parts. Prices are Gasometers made to order only., Retorts; Bohemian, with Rubber Stopper Retorts, Bohemian, without Rubber Stopper Retorts, Long Neck, 1 quart Retorts, Long Neck, j 4 -gallon Retorts, Florence Flasks, without Stopper or Tube . . Retorts, Florence Flasks, with Stopper and Tube . Retort-Holders Rubber Stopper for Bohemian Retorts Rubber Stopper for Florence Flasks (one hole) ..., Rubber Stopper for Wash Bottles (two holes) Tubes. for Wash Bottles, long Tubes for Wash Bottles, short Wasli-Bottles Wash Bottles with Rubber Stopper and Two Tubes each, $1.25 i-i5 .60 * » •75 •75 1.40 2.50 .10 u .50 •50 .25 .15 1. 00 1.75 Rowan's Iron Retort. This is an iron retort, porcelain lined. It can’t break. It will last indefinitely. PRICES. Plain, complete with 2 Rubber Stoppers and Glass Tube $ 9.00 Nickel-dipped, complete with 2 Rubber Stoppers and Glass Tube. . 11.50 DENTAL DEPOT. 423 Horton's Dental Apron or Bib. Designed and Patented by R. Horton, D.D.S. Where there is a copious flow of saliva this Bib becomes a neces- sity. It is so shaped as to catch and retain all overflow. The Bib is readily attached by passing the tape over the head and tying. Made of checkered rubber cloth, mounted on a wire frame. Price $0.75 Soft Rubber Bite-Blocks. 1 Being elastic, they cannot injure the frailest tooth by be- ing bitten upon. Their resilience will open the jaws, if partially closed, as soon as muscular relaxation takes place. Being grooved, they cannot fall into the mouth or be pressed out of place by the tongue. They are too large to pass back into the pharynx or be swallowed, and they cannot be broken or injured by biting. They do not need to have a string attached to them, and are readily removed with a crooked finger. Each block can be set at two heights, and can be placed at any point between the jaws without likelihood of slipping. 2 4 Price, each 25c. Daintree's Adjustable Mouth Prop. This Mouth Prop combines facility of lengthwise adjustment to suit the “open” of the jaws with a spring which affords the necessary elasticity. With the spring compressed the length at the shortest adjustment is 1 3-16 inches; at the longest, inches. One head screws into the body, around which the other swivels, an elastic spring being confined between the swiveling-head and the body. The heads are cushioned with cork, and there is a ring for the attachment of a retaining cord. Price, nickel-plated 75 cents. 424 M. F. PATTERSON, Nevius' Reversible Mouth Props* Made by H. D. Justi & Son. Patented May 22, 1883. These Mouth Props are made of nickeled brass, with cork tips. A is the cup into which the tips are neatly fitted. B is the reversible standard, on either end of which the cups A are swiveled. The standard may be reversed from right to left or from left to right, as the case may require, while the brace is still retained firmly between the teeth, thus enabling the operator to extract he lower molars on both sides of the jaw, while .he patient is under one influence of the gas. If the greater number of teeth, or the most diffi- ' cult ones to extract, are on the right side of the jaw, place the prop between the incisors, with the curve to the left, before admin- istering the gas, or vice versa. As soon as the teeth on the right side are re- moved, reverse the standard with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand to the right side of the mouth, and proceed to extract the left molars. By the use of this prop the mouth is not only kept open, but plenty of room is given and a better opportunity afforded to extract on both sides of the jaw than with any other prop that can be used. They are made in sets of three, differing only in length. Price: $1.00 each; or, $2.50 for the set. Bickford's Mouth Props* This well known Mouth Prop is provided with a spring inside to give it elasticity ; the heads have cork cushions ; the ring outside is intended for a re- taining cord. Price, per set of 3 $2.50 Price, each 1.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 425 B, D. M. Co/s Yoke. B, D. M. Co/s Wheel Key, FOR MAKING CONNECTION TO GAS CYLINDERS. Made very heavy and strong, handsome- ly finished and nickel-plated. PRICE. B. D. M. Co.’s Yoke .' $1.50 FOR OPENING THE VALVES OF NITROUS OXIDE CYLINDERS. This key is 2^4 inches in diameter, larger than those usually sold for the pur- pose, and the irregular shape of its edge affords a strong grip for the hand. Price, B. D. M. Co.’s Wheel Key 25c Lewis Inhaler Support, FOR ATTACHMENT TO LEWIS GASOMETER. The engraving illustrates a support to be slipped on one of the upright guide rods of the Lewis Gasometer, for holding the Mouth-piece or Inhaler when not in use. The support will hold any Inhaler in the market, and can be attached to any gasometer of our manufacture. It will be found a great convenience. PRICE. Lewis Inhaler Support, nickel-plated 50c Metal Connections for Gas Bags,. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. The tubing and bag are joined by metallic screw-connections, as shown above. By their use any one can attach either tubing or bag when necessary. DIRECTIONS. Figs. 1 and 2 connect the small end of the bag to the rubber tubing. Figs. 3 and 4 connect the large end of b^g to the covered tubing. Insert Fig. 1 in the rubber tubing, and screw Fig. 4 over the covered tubing. In inserting Figs. 2 and 3, bind with copper wire or good strong twine, which may be neatly covered with material corresponding in appearance to that of the bag. The parts must be screwed together until firmly seated on the leather washers. Price, per set 50c 426 M. F. PATTERSON, Pure Oxygen and Apparatus for its Therapeutic Administration* Made by The S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co. INHALATION APPARATUS. Both in Apparatus for Inhalation and Enema, the administration of the gas is absolutely under control of the operator. Pamphlets fully describing methods of use, etc., cheerfully mailed upon application. PRICES. Inhalation Apparatus $ 5.00 Small Cylinder, 40 gallons capacity 6.00 40 gals. Gas, pure Oxygen or mixed Oxygen and Nitrous Oxid. . . . 2.00 Complete Apparatus, Cylinder, and foot-piece, and 40 gallons Gas. $13.00 Inhalation Apparatus $ 5.00 Medium Cylinder, 75 gallons’ capacity 10.00 75 gallons Gas, either pure or mixed 3.75 Complete Apparatus, Cylinder, 75 gallons Gas, and foot-piece... .$18.75 Inhalation Apparatus $ 5.00 Large Cylinder, 100 gallons capacity 12.00 100 gallons Gas, either pure or mixed 5.00 Complete Apparatus, Cylinder, and 100 gallons Gas $22.00 Oxygen Gas Bags 1.00 Oxygen Gas, per gallon 05 DENTAL DEPOT. 427 Extracting Forceps* Our name on a forcep is a guarantee of quality. It is a guarantee that if any forcep should prove soft in use or should be broken and show a flaw in the metal it will be exchanged for a new one without charge. We don’t know how anybody could make a broader guarantee than that. There are forceps that sell for more money than ours, but they are not any better forceps. They are not finished any better and they couldn’t be backed by a stronger guarantee. We have three complete stocks of forceps. We have a full line of our own and Claudius Ash & Sons, as well as the S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co.’s. We can never, by any possible chance, receive an order for forceps that we can’t fill from our stock. The patterns of White’s and our own are identical. Our Own Brand* PRICES. All numbers except those noted below $2 00 Nos. 66, 67^ 85, 86 2 25 Nos. 88 R. 88 L 2 50 Claudius Ash & Sons* All numbers $3 00 S* S* White D* M* Co/s* All numbers except those noted below. . $2 50 Nos. 29, 30, 62 2 25 Nos. 66, 67, 85, 86 3 00 Nos. 88 R, 88 L 3 25 The Common Sense Forceps, except No. 286 3 00 The Common Sense Forceps, No. 286 3.50 To simplify reference to our list of forceps we append classified list: Alveolar 436-439 Ash & Sons 428-431 Bicuspid 441-443 Children’s . 453 Common-Sense 456-459 Crowded Teeth 439-440 Cuspid 440-441 Third Molar 450-451 Excising 45 2 "453 Incisor 440-441 Molar, Upper 444-447 Molar, Lower 447 Root 432-436 Splitting 452-453 Sub-Alveolar, Dr. Tee’s 454 Watling’s, Prof. J. A 455-456 428 M. F. PATTERSON, C ♦ Ash & Sons' Hand-Made Forceps* The cuts on this and succeeding pages show those most in demand by our patrons. We can confidently recommend them for lightness, strength, temper, finish and accuracy of adaptation. Ash’s complete list forwarded on application. 41 . 44 . 45 . Price, nickel-plated each, $3.00 (Full catalogue of all their Forceps on application.) DENTAL DEPOT. 429 67. C Ash & Sons' Forceps* 68 . 68A 76. 76S. 76N. Price, nickel-plated each, (Full catalogue of all their Forceps on application.) This shows the bend of the handles of Figs. 76, 76S and 76N. $3.00 430 M. F. PATTERSON, 79 (Back View.) (Full catalogue of all their Forceps on application.) DENTAL DEPOT. 431 C Ash & Sons' Forceps* 432 M. F. PATTERSON, Root Forceps* No. i L. S. Root, Upper Front. Straight. Long Slender Beaks. No. i S. Root, Upper Front. Straight. Smali. No. 2 L. Root, Upper or Lower. Half Curved. Large. DENTAL DEPOT. 433 Root Forceps. — Continued. No. 2 M. Root, Upper or Lower. Half Curved. Medium. 434 M. F. PATTERSON, Root Forceps* — Continued. No. 35. Root, Upper. Bayonet Shape. No. 65. Root, Upper. Bayonet Shape. Slender Beaks. For difficult roots in upper jaw, and roots of front teeth in lower jaw. Designed by Dr. B. F. Arrington. No. 86. Root, Upper. Bayonet Shape. The ends of the handles are rounded to fit the palm of the hand, so that the beaks can be easily forced between the tooth and the alveolus. Designed by Dr. Henry I. Dorr. No. 50 R. Root, Lower Right Side. DENTAL DEPOT. 435 Root Forceps —Continued. No. 49. Root, Lower Molar. Either Side. For extracting lower molars with crowns liable to fracture under direct application of the forceps. No. 103. Root, Lower. Half Curved. Resembles No. 50, right side, but has smaller beaks, and greater curve to the handles. No. 87. Root. Universal. Designed by Dr. J. L. Baker. 436 M. F. PATTERSON, Root Forceps* — Continued. No. 7. Root, Upper Back. Universal. No. 107. For the extraction of roots broken off or decayed at one side under the the other side is in good condition. gum while No. 63. Spicula. Universal. No. 69. Fragment, or Small Root. Universal. Designed by Mr. Tomes. Alveolar Forceps* No. 64. Alveolar Cutting, Front. For cutting-away process after extraction. DENTAL DEPOT. 437 Alveolar Forceps* — Continued. No. 42. Alveolar. Upper Back. Long Beak. No. 41. Alveolar. Long Beak. Half Curved. No. 44. Alveolar. Long Beak. Full Curved. 438 M. F. PATTERSON, No. 34. Alveolar. Full Curved. Designed by Dr. Parmly. Alveolar Forceps*- — Continued. No. 33. Alveolar. Straight. Designed by Dr. Parmly. No. 39. Alveolar. Half Curved. .Designed by Dr. Parmly. mm No. 85. Alveolar Root. For Lower Molars and Bicuspids. Designed by Dr. J. D. Thomas. No. 105. Alveolar. Bayonet-shape. With beaks like Dr. Kell’s Bicuspid Forceps, smooth all over, without cutting-edges, but with thin points. DENTAL DEPOT. 439 No. 61. Alveolar Cutting Back. Bayonet Shape. For cutting-away process after extraction. No. 32. Alveolar. Bayonet Shape. Designed by Dr. Parmly. No. 32 A. Alveolar. Bayonet Shape. Small. 440 VI. F. PATTERSON, No. 37. Crowded Teeth. Narrow Beaks. Full Curved. No. 38. Crowded Teeth. Narrow Beaks. Straight. Incisor and Cuspid Forceps No. 13. Incisor, Upper. Also made with Straight Handles. No. 48. Incisor, Upper Lateral. No. 97. Upper Cuspid. Short Beaks. Designed by Dr. James H. Harris. No. 97 is also made a trifle narrower and shorter in the beaks, and with half-inch longer handles. We designate it as 97 A. DENTAL DEPOT. 441 Incisor and Cuspid Forceps* — Continued. Bicuspid Forceps* No. 14. Incisor or Bicuspid, Lower. For Either Side. No. ii. Bicuspid or Cuspid, Upper. 442 M. F. PATTERSON, Bicuspid Forceps* — Continued. No. 25. Bicuspid, Lower. Safety. No. 21. Bicuspid or Cuspid, Lower. DENTAL DEPOT. 443 Bicuspid Forceps* — Continued. Bicuspid, Upper. Two sizes, A and B, alike in all respects except that the beaks of B are slightly narrower than those of A. Cut shows beaks of A. The beaks of these Forceps (Nos. 99 and ioo) are very smooth all over, without cutting- edges, but with thin points, the inner surfaces of which are beveled outward slightly. In use the beaks are forced beneath the gum well up onto the root, when the pressure caused by closing the handles lifts the tooth out of its socket. Care must be taken to avoid bringing any leverage upon the delicate points, as otherwise they may chip. No. ioo. Bicuspid, Lower. The curve of the beaks of these Forceps gives them a wide range of application. The short, thick-end handles afford facility for applying the power with the palm of the hand in direct line with the arm, the beaks being thus readily forced up along the root, which they grasp effectively. The instrument will be found especially valuable in extraction under nitrous oxide, as its use will obviate the necessity of frequent changes. The handles are so powerful as compared with the beaks that care must be exercised in their use. Devised by Dr. H. A. Hull. No. 102. Upper Bicuspid. Centrals, Laterals and Cuspids are frequently extracted these Forceps. Devised by Dr. E. B. Goodall. with 444 M. F. PATTERSON, Upper Molar Forceps. No. 18 R. Molar, Upper. Right Side. Designed by Dr. Chapin A. Harris. No. 18 L. Molar, Upper. Left Side. Designed by Dr. Chapin A. Harris. No. 19 R. Molar, Upper. Right Side. No. 19 L. Molar, Upper. Left Side. DENTAL DEPOT. 445 Upper Molar Forceps* — Continued. No. 68. Molar, Upper. Either Side. Straight. Designed by Dr. T. C. Stellwagen No. 53 R. Molar, Upper. Right Side. Bayonet Shape. Also made with Straight Handles. No. 53 L. Molar, Upper. Left Side. Bayonet Shape. Also made with Straight Handles. No. 88 R. Molar, Upper. Right Side. Three Beaks. Also made with Hook Handles. No. 88 L. Molar, Upper. Left Side. Three Beaks. Also made with Hook HandU 446 M. F. PATTERSON, Upper Molar Forceps*— Continued. No. 57 R. Molar, Upper. Right Side. Horn Beak. Bayonet Shape. Also made with Straight Handles. No. 57 L. Molar, Upper. Horn Beak. Bayonet Shape. Also made with Straight Handles. No. 20 R. Molar, Upper. Right Side. Horn Beak. T hose. Forceps (No. 20 R. and L.), with No. 16, make an invaluable set for the extraction of Molar roots when the crowns are decayed below the gum margin. No. 20 L. Molar, Upper. Left Side. Horn Beak. No. 59 R. Molar, Upper. Right Side. Horn Beak. DENTAL DEPOT. 447 Upper Molar Forceps, — Continued. No. 59 L. Molar, Upper. Left Side. Horn Beak. Lower Molar Forceps, No. 15. Molar, Lower. Either Side. Designed by Dr. Chapin A. Harris. No. 47. Molar, Lower. Either Side. Designed by Dr. Hutchinson. 448 M. F. PATTERSON, No. 28 R. Molar, Lower. Right Side. No. 28 L. Molar, Lower. Left Side. Lower Molar Forceps* — Continued. DENTAL DEPOT. 449 Lower Molar Forceps* — Continued. No. 7 1. Molar, Lower. For Either Side. The curves in the handles are the reverse of those of No. 70, so as to bow over the lower incisors. The advantage of this form is that all the force of the hand tends to draw the tooth out of its socket. No. 54. Molar, Lower. Left Side. This pair of Forceps, with No. 28 for the right side, makes a very efficient set for Lower Molars. No. 60. Molar, Lower. Either Side. Designed by Dr. Wolverton. 28 450 M. F. PATTERSON, Lower Molar Forceps* — Continued. No. 55. Molar, Lower. Right Side. Horn Beak. No. 56. Molar, Lower. Left Side. Horn Beak. No. 55 for the Right Side and No. 56 for the Left Side make a very efficient, set for Lower Molars. No. 16. Molar, Lower. Either Side. Horn Beak. No. 16, with No. 20, R. and L., makes an invaluable set for the extraction of molar roots when the crowns are decayed below the gum-margin. No. 23. Molar, Lower. Either Side. Horn Beak. > T o. ic. Third Molar, Upper. Either Side. Also made with Straight Handles. DENTAL DEPOT. 451 Dentes Sapientiae Forceps* — Continued. No. 104. Third Molar, Upper. Either Side. Like No: 10, but with beak at a different angle. No. 8. Third Molar, Lower. Either Side. No. 98. Third Molar, Lower. Either Side. No. 5. Third Molar, Lower. Either Side (Physick’s). 452 VI. F. PATTERSON, Excising Forceps* No. 12. Excising, Upper. Straight Beaks. No. 31. Excising, Lower. Curved Beaks. No. 31 A. Excising Lower. Curved Beaks. Like No. 31, but with narrow beaks for pre- paring the root and cutting off posts in mounting crowns. No. 106. 0 For excising small portions of partially decayed crowns, but not heavy enough for excising entire crowns. Also useful for cutting off pins, etc. Splitting Forceps. No. 6. Splitting or Separating. DENTAL DEPOT. 453 Splitting Forceps* — Continued. No. 67. Combined Root, Incising, Separating, Splitting and Elevating, Upper. Designed by Dr. T. C. Stellwagen. ;\o. 66. Combined Root, Incising, Separating, Splitting and Elevating, Lower. Designed by Dr. T. C. Stellwagen. Children's Forceps* No. 30. Children’s Teeth. Straight. 454 M. F. PATTERSON, Sub-Alveolar Thin Pointed Forceps* No. 74. Root, Upper or Lower. Half Curved. These Forceps (73 to 77) are designed to pass into the tooth socket, to bring away roots or teeth the crowns of which are entirely decayed and broken off. The beaks are perfectly smooth inside, and being also very thin, and the outside slope very gradual, they may, after insertion between the root and alveolus, be forced up so as to grasp and hold on to the sound portion of the root, thus securing its safe extraction The peculiar merit of this style of Forceps and method of extracting is that tbe natural edges of the walls of the aiveolus are saved, and these on healing make the fullest and least irritable basis for artificial dentures. In using these Forceps care must be taken that the beaks grasp the root firmly before force is applied ; othewise the delicate points may chip. The points are not intended to bear the strain of extraction. Their office is simply to prepare the way for securing a firm grasp with the beaks proper. Every pair is thoroughly tested and it will do all that we claim for it, but we cannot hold ourselves responsible for breakages caused in disregard of instructions. No. 73- Root, Upper Front. Straight. No. 77. Third Molar, Upper. Either Side. DENTAL DEPOT. 455 Prof. J. A. Watling's Forceps. No. 80. Molar, Upper. Right Side. No. 82. Bicuspid and Cuspid, Lower. Right Side. 456 M. F. PATTERSON, Prof. J. A. Watling's Forcep: >s. — Continued, No. 83. Bicuspid, Lower. Left Side. No. 84. Alveolar, Lower. Either Side. The Common-Sense Forceps. Price, per pair, $ 3 . 00 . No. 201. For Upper Lateral Incisors, Bicuspids, and Roots. Either Side No. 213. For Upper Central Incisors and Cuspids. Either Side, No. 218 R. For Right Upper Molars, DENTAL DEPOT. The Common-Sense Forceps* — Continued. No. 218 L. For Left Upper Molars. No. 210. For Upper Third Molars. Either Side. No. 265. For Upper Roots and Spiculae. Either Side. No. 203. For Lower Incisors and Single Roots. Either Side. 214. For Lower Cuspids and Bicuspids. Either Side. 458 M. F. PATTERSON, The Common-Sense Forceps. — Continued. No. 215. For Lower Molars. Either Side. No. 222. For Lower Third Molars. Either Side. No. 235. For Upper Bicuspids and Single Roots. No. 209. For lower Incisors and Bicuspids. DENTAL DEPOT. 459 The Common-Sense Forceps* — Continued. No. 253 R. Upper Right Molar; also made with straight handles. The Patterson Special Extracting Forcep. For extracting Lower Incisors and Roots. Beaks are smooth and have a full curve down. Handles curved same as Universal Lower No. 15. Price $2.00 460 M. F. PATTERSON, Root Extractors, Screws, Punches, Hooks and Elevators. Prices, Nos. i to 17, in round ebony handles .* v each, $0.75 Prices, Nos. 20 to 23, in round ebony handles each, 1.00 Prices, Nos. 24 to 25, in round ebony handles. each, 1.75 DENTAL DEPOT. 461 Mechanical* HE development of this department is in keeping with the development of our other departments. It is right up-to-date. No person ever makes new things for the Laboratory that can’t be found in our stock as soon as they are advertised, sometimes before. M. F. PATTERSON, Work Bench No* 4, This bench is as well made and as well finished as a fine Dental Cabinet, and is intended for use in the operating room. It is closed by a roll top which follows the grooves in the upright sides above the bench top at a height to clear any lathe heads or electric lathes on the market and when closed every drawer except two unimportant ones, is automatically locked. When open, the roll is entirely con- cealed, and the ends fold back so as to leave no obstruction to the light. The top is a combination of finished wood and smooth but unpolished marble, as shown in the illustration. The wood top is to receive the lathe head. Be- tween the two left-hand drawers is a chamber for the lathe belt, and a slot for the belt may be cut into the wood top, should one be necessary. If a direct connec- ted electric lathe is used, the belt slot is not needed, and a small hole for an elec- tric cord may be bored in line with the belt chamber, and wires can be concealed between the panel in the recess and the finished back of the bench. The filing block is of hard maple and is made removable. The upper left hand drawer has two transverse partitions dividing it into three compartments, and is for brush wheels and felt wheels and cones. At the right of this drawer is a drawer containing a rack for mounted grinding wheels. (Patent Pending.) Manufactured by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. DENTAL DEPOT. 463 Drawer for Gold, Solder, Plate, etc. Beneath the two drawers mentioned is a panel which conceals a double gas cock. A lead supply pipe leads to a point near the floor, where the gas service is to be attached; one pipe leads from one of the cocks to the double nozzle, and another pipe leads from the other cock to the single nozzle. Rack for Mounted Grinding wheels. The double nozzle in the rear right hand corner is also connected with the bellows in the bellows compartment. If compressed air is to be used we will p-pe the bench for it and place the air cock under the drawer for polishing wheels. This ar- rangement enables the operator to control the flow of gas or air with the left hand, without reaching over the bench top. The upper drawer of the center tier is for gold, solder, plate, wire, etc., and contains a borax block and a grooved block for borax brushes, spatula, etc. Underneath this is a drawer for rubber filings, plaster and wax cuttings, and other waste. It is lined with zinc, and contains a suitable receptacle for spatulas, plaster knife, etc., and special pro- vision for scraping off wax and plaster from the tools used. Beneath the two drawers of the center tier is a tray of zinc for gold filings and clippings. It has a novel arrangement for preserving and removing fine filings. The right hand tier of drawers is sur- mounted by a wooden slide intended for an arm rest. The first drawer below the slide is for files, scrapers, etc., and the bottom is a grooved block for keeping the instruments separated. The second and third drawers are suitably divided for pliers. Drawer for Files, Scrapers, etc. puncheSj plate cutt ers, et C. The fourth drawei is for miscellaneous supplies and stock. The fifth drawer is lined with zinc and has a longitudinal division. It is intended for a small quantity of plaster and marble dust. If the com- partment behind the door is not wanted for a bel- lows, the opening through which the treadle pro- trudes may be closed with a finished, raised panel (which is furnished with the bench), and may be used for Storage purposes. DmwerforPUe^ches. Plate, Dimensions. — Height, over all, 3 feet, 9J inches; height of bench top, 3 feet; length, over all, 3 feet, 8 inches; depth, over all, 1 foot, 5^ inches. PRICE. In solid mahogany $60.00 Bellows extra $ 5.00 In walnut 55.00 Cock and piping for compressed air, extra 3.00 In quarter sawed oak 50.00 N. B. — The treadle used on the bellows in this bench is a special pattern and’will be furnished to_those who wish to use bellows already on hand, at 50 cents. Drawer for Filings, Plaster Scrapings, etc. 464 M. F. PATTERSON, Work Bench No. I, for Rubber Work. (Patent Pending.) Manufactured by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. This bench is for rubber work and is one of a set of three, the other two being respec- tively for gold work and plaster and sand work. The higher part is surmounted by a marble slab inches x 14^2. x % inches thick, and is the place where the vulcanizing should be done and where the vulcanizer should remain permanently. Beneath the slab are two drawers 3 inches deep, for flasks, wrenches and tools that are used about the vulcanizer. The third drawer contains a series of shallow compartments, concave in shape, for scrapers. The fourth drawer is partially divided by grooved compartments similar to Drawer No. 3, and is intended for files, etc. Drawers five and six are for hammers, horn mallets and other large tools, and for rubber, wax and other supplies. The cupboard contains a shelf and will be found convenient. Adjacent to the series of drawers described above, and under the right hand end of the lower top, is a cupboard designed for the tooth stock. At the left hand end of the bench is a drawer containing a rack for holding mounted grinding wheels. To the right of this drawer is another for brush wheels, felt wheels and cones. Between these last two drawers runs the belt of the lathe. Under the filing block is a tray for catching rubber filings, plaster cuttings, etc. The lower top of the bench is of hard maple, and a 4 inch rail extends along the back and end. The filing block is placed in such a location that the workman, when using it, is within easy reach of his tool drawers. Dimensions. — Height of vulcanizer stand, 45^2 inches; height of bench, 36 inches; size of bench top, 15^2x34 inches; length, over all, 49 inches. PRICES. Price in finished oak $20.00 Cock and piping for compressed air, extra 3.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 465 Work Bench No* 2 for Plaster and Sand Work* (Patent Pending.) Manufactured by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. This bench is one of a set of three, the other two being respectively for rubber aiui gold work. The top of the bench is of marble, 19^x24, % inches thick. At the back of the marble slab is an opening 2^4 inches by 6 inches which enters a metal chute for carrying waste plaster, etc., through the bench, back of the drawers to a galvanized iron receptacle beneath. This receptacle rests upon a shelf and can be withdrawn by its two handles. The left upper drawer is for rubber bowls and articulators. Beneath the upper drawer is a shallow drawer arranged with shallow compartments, concave in shape, for spatulas, plaster knives, etc., the arrangement of the compartment' being such that the various tools remain where placed. At the right of the two drawers already mentioned is a drawer lined with zinc for sand, moulding rings, ladles and all appliances used in casting. The drawer beneath the three upper drawers contains divisions for 18 impression trays. The two lower compartments are V shaped and hinged at the lower point. One is for impression plaster and the other for cast plaster. The center of gravity of these drawers is such that they remain either in an open or closed position, as placed. Dimensions. — Height of slab, 39 inches; height over all, 43 inches; width, 2^/2 inches; depth, 20 inches. Price, complete, in finished oak $18.00 29 466 M. F. PATTERSON, Work Bench No 3 for Gold Work* (Patent P- nding.) Manufactured by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. This bench is one of a set o± three, the other two being respectively for rubber work and for plaster and sand work. The conveniences which are contained in it are such that it can be used either in the Laboratory or Operating Room. The top is marble, i6x34x% inches thick. Under the right hand end is a slide, and beneath this slide is a drawer arranged with shallow compartments, concaved in shape, for files, etc., each compartment being intended for a single instrument. Beneath this drawer are two drawers containing divisions of suitable size to hold the various plate cutters, benders, punches, shears, pliers, etc. Drawers four and five are for bulky tools and supplies. The lower compartment contains the foot bellows, fixed permanently in place, the treadle only of which projects in front of the bench. The bellows is connected with a metal pipe in the rear right hand corner of the bench, and this pipe extends upward behind the drawers and through the marble slab, and is surmounted by a neat polished brass casting with a horizontal nozzle, to which the blow-pipe tubing may be attached. If the purchaser of this bench uses the compressed air tank instead of the bellows, he may utilize the lower compartment as a drawer by withdrawing and reversing it, the other end of the drawer being finished and furnished with a drawer pull. The front end then becomes the rear end, and the opening is closed by a slide, furnished with all benches. Under a filing block, which is furnished with the bench, near the left hand end of the bench, is a drawer arranged with concave blocks cut out of the solid wood. One of these concavities is elliptical in shape, for gold plate, wire, etc., and five are circular in shape, for different grades of gold polder or for other purposes. The drawer also contains a slightly concaved borax block of rnarble, % inch thick, and a grooved block from which brushes and small instruments may be readily taken. This drawer can only be opened by one who knows the location of a secret lock. Below the gold drawer is a slide of zinc in a wooden frame for catching gold filings. This slide gradually slopes downward to the center, which has a screw cap removable from below. Dimensions. — Height to top of marble, 36 inches; width (on "floor), 36*4 inches; depth (on floor), I6J4 inches. Price, in finished oak $ 21.00 Price, in finished oak, with 9 in. bellows, as illustrated 26.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 467 Work Bench No. 5. (Patent Pending.) Manufactured by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. Without doubt the Laboratory Bench should possess plenty of top surface; and the tools and supplies used for gold work, and those used for vulcanite work should be kept entirely separated, as one can who has our Nos. i and 3 Benches. Nevertheless, there are dentists who have limited space for a bench, and for those our Bench No. 5 will be found a satisfactory substitute for one with greater top surface and more drawer room. The higher top is of smooth but unpolished marble and is intended as a permanent place for the vulcanizer. Beneath is a space for the tooth stock, and below this space are three drawers conveniently divided into suitable spaces for the various tools used. Below the three shallow drawers are two deeper ones for bulky tools and supplies, and in the lower space the bellows may be placed with the treadle projecting through the side. The bellows is connected with one of the pair of nozzles on the bench top by a flexible tube and iron piping. Beside the air nozzle is one for gas, the pair supplying gas and air for the blow-pipe. Between the pair of nozzles and left end of the bench is a single nozzle which is for supplying gas for the Bunsen Burner. The flow of gas is controlled by a double cock concealed behind the panel beneath the two drawers at the left end of the bench. The lower top is made of hard maple, and removably fastened to its front edge is a maple filing-block. Immediately below the filing-block is a drawer containing depressions for different karats of gold, solder, gold plate, etc., a marble borax slab and a place for tools. The second drawer is for rubber filings, plaster and wax cuttings and other waste, and is lined with zinc and contains a suitable receptacle for spatulas, plaster knife, etc., and special provision for removing the wax and plaster from the tools used. Beneath the two drawers mentioned is a tray of zinc for gold filings and clippings. It has a novel arrangement for separating the filings from the plate clippings. At the left end of the bench are two drawers for the lathe appurtenances, the right one containing a rack for mounted grinding wheels, cones, etc. Between these two latter drawers is an opening through which the lathe belt may run if foot power is used. PRICES. Bench No. 5, finished oak, less bellows #35.00 Bench No. 5, finished oak, with bellows 40.00 N. B. — The treadle used on the bellows in this bench is a special pattern and will be furnished to those who wish to use bellows on hand, at 50 cents. 468 M. F. PATTERSON, Miscellaneous Precious Metals* In this list we include all precious metals carried in stock that are not mentioned in list of the product of J. M. Ney & Co., whose goods are a specialty with us. 16K Gold Plate Coin Gold Coin Gold Solder Gold Solder, 18K, in prepared filings, in i dwt. bottles. . Gold Solder, 20K, in prepared filings, in 1 dwt. bottles. . Platinum Solder, Gold 75$; Platinum, 25$ Gold Wire, Round, 18K Gold Wire, Round, 20K Gold Wire, .Half Round and Triangular, 18K Gold Wire, Half Round and Triangular, 20K Gold Spiral Springs, 10K Gold Spiral Springs, 18K Gold Spring Attachments, 4 in a set, per set, $6.oo Gold Clasp Wire Gold Ligature Wire Silver Plate, Pure per oz., $ .95; Silver Plate, Coin per oz., .95; Silver Solder per oz., .80; Silver, Granulated Silver, Precipitated Silver Springs per dwt., $0.87 ‘ * 1.02 u .96 “ .90 iC 1. 00 (( 1.20 (( •93 a 1. 01 u 1. 00 u 1.06 u .80 (( I-I 5 each, 1.50 .per dwt., 1.02 1.25 ((■ .06 “ .06 •05 . . .per oz., •95 1.50 each, •25 Platinum. — The prices of platinum plate, platinum wire, round, square and triangular, platinum and iridium plate as well as platinum and iridium wire, round, square and tri- angular, all of which we carry in stock, fluctuate, but will always be supplied at currenc market rates. ALL PLATES CUT TO PATTERN $0.05 PER DWT. EXTRA. Allowance for Scraps* We allow the highest market value for every grain of Scrap sent to us. W~e do not aim to make a profit of one single penny in any transaction of this character. We allow for all Scrap sent to us just exactly what we get for it at the United States mint. We will cheerfully estimate the value of any Scrap in advance of mailing check or crediting account or exchanging for other goods. Our Terms for Precious Metals. Our terms for precious metals are absolutely and positively SPOT CASH without exception. We have no choice about it. At the present greatly reduced prices there simply isn’t enough margin in the goods to permit us to put them on our books without an actual loss. Cleansing Paste for the Hands* There are few things made that will enable a dentist to go right straight from the labora- tory bench to the chair and have his hands in the condition he would like them. This Paste is one of them. It will do the business. Does not require much — just a little — just a pinch. It not only is good for an emergency, but, used all the time, keeps the hands in perfect condition. It is one of the little luxuries that becomes a necessity when once used. Price, per box, 30 cents ; per doz. $ 3-00 Gauge ■Hartford. C onn - GOLD PLATES No. 14 We can furnish Gold arat Discs, or gauge desited, to At mntry )S and etting 20 DWT. 30 GAUGE iUDWV. 30 GAUGE 5 DWT 30 GAUGE 4DWT. 30 GAUGE a 0** Put in envelopes as illustrated above are rapidly taking the lead over every other brand on the market. Dentists, always quick to appreciate a really good article, find in NEY’S SOLDER one of GREAT STRENGTH, and at the same time SOFT and EASY FLOWING. Another most important feature is the COLOR, which, if used in connection with our Plates of corresponding Karat, will be found entirely satis- factory. We would ask a trial that you may be convinced of its superiority. PRICES. Per Dwt. Gold Solder for 14 k. plate, ■ $ .66 << << fi 16 k. it ■ .76 n n a 18 k. it ■ .86 n u n 20 k. it ■ .96 u n n 22 k. it ■ 1.00 FOR SALE AT ALL THE LEADING DENTAL DEPOTS. DENTAL DEPOT. 471 The Hollingsworth Crown and Bridge Work System* This system comes pretty near making Crowns and making Bridge Work by machinery. The method is simple. The results accurate and artistic. Limited space prevents a full description of the system. We have a pamphlet on this subject of great value; send for it. there is no charge. It tells all about the system from start to finish. It is full of little tricks. It is just about sure to effect a sale of all or part of this outfit. Then if not handy to our depot, and the reference is satisfactory and you would like to see the set itself, say the word and we’ll cheerfully send it. It generally stays. That is one reason we are so willing. PRICES. Set No. i, complete as shown Set No. 2, consisting of cusps for bicuspid and molar crowns only, in separate cases Set No. 3, consisting of forms for incisor and cuspid crowns only, in separate cases A. — Casting Plate B. — Carbon Stick • C. — Asbestos Pad D. — Copper Strips per box, E and F. — Rubber Rings each, $18.00 13.00 9.00 •75 .06 .20 .12 .10 Hollingsworth's Contouring System* There is no plier made that can properly contour a gold crown. In the Hollingsworth System the band is fitted to the root. It is heated and burnt into wooden block. One of these 72 forms (which are copied from nature) is selected, placed in the crown, and with the small press is forced into the band. This contours it without changing shape of the fitted neck. That is all there is to it. The method can be utilized in almost any system of gold crown construction. The set consists of 72 Contouring Forms in Folding Case, 1 Pair Pliers, 1 Screw-Press. 5 Hard-wood Blocks. PRICES. Set, complete $9.00 Screw-Press 1.00 Hard-wood Blocks, Set of 5 Band Pliers 472 M. F. PATTERSON, The Nelson Gold Teeth as they appear on Rubber Work* The different styles, sizes and lengths of our teeth usually required by dentists, are indi- cated by the following cut or diagram. The cut shows the exact size of each tooth. They can be made a little narrower by pinching together or a little wider by spreading, which will in no wise impair the beauty or utility of the tooth. There are but two prices, viz., $1.00 and $1.25 per tooth. The Nelson Gold Teeth, since they were first put before the Dental Profession, have quick- ly found a place in all Dental Offices. While they are in- tended to give strength and beauty to rubber plates, and perfectly imitate crown and bridge work, they are also most useful for dummies in gold bridge work. These diagrams are to be had at all Dental Depots. Bicuspids and Molars, full cutting surface, each, $ 1.30 Patrons will please ordei by number only. The Nelson Gold Tooth Co., No. 9 W. 14 th Street, New York. Dr* W. H* Baird's Method for Crown and Bridge Work* The device consists of a Swaging Pliers, the jaws of which open parallel to each other, the lower jaw being grooved to admit the slides which carry the teeth-dies, of which there are 248, neatly put up in substantial plush-lined trays. These trays, with pliers and slides, are put up in a substantial plush-lined box, with catch-lock, making a convenient package. The Dies are made of a Specially Alloyed Metal, very hard and tough. With proper use they are practically indestructible. The selection of Dies is such that one of proper shape and size may be found to suit almost any case without the use of pliers to elongate or depress cusps, and no contouring will be found necessary if selection is properly made. Price set, complete $20.00 The Morrison Seamless Crown Outfit* Designed for forming seamless cap crowns, seamless collars and shells for all forms of crown and bridge-work. A seamless cap of the desired size is made by driving a disk of metal successively through the holes in the steel draw plate, and the cap given the desired tooth form in the die plate made specially for this method. A seamless gold or aluminum cap crown for any molar or bicuspid can be made in a very few minutes. Water-tight dummies for bridges are obtained by making seamless crowns and soldering plate over the open end. Incisor and cuspid crowns are made in two pieces in a fusible metal mould cast in the little square clamp. Price $16.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 473 MitchePs Steel Die* For Cap Crowns and Bridge Work. The plate is inches long, 31 wide by f thick. Made ot fine steel, case hardened, highly finished and contains a variety of sizes, and shapes (thirty-six), making it the most convenient die ever offered. Much time and material will be saved by having at hand a die the exact size needed. Being made of steel, it enables one to strike at once a solid gold cusp, if desired, by melting scraps into nuggets of convenient size and driving into the die selected. Or by covering the die with a piece of No*. 32 gold plate and placing a leaden bullet thereon and driving into the die, a perfect shell results. Full directions accompany each die. Price $6.00 Dr* Geo* W* Melotte's Improved Gold Crown Dies* Improved Gold Crown Dies. (case hardened steel.) SOLE AGENT. THE S S. WHITE DENTAL MF6 CO. DIRECTIONS PL*» ft* E* id (dale «poi» a lead taw. tKaiv drive The notable points claimed by Dr. Melotte for his set of Improved Crown Dies are convenience and compactness. The set consists of six- teen dies and a handle or holder. The die-heads are provided with a shank to fit the socket in the holder, in which it is held securely bv a spring. The die heads are of bronze, the handle of steel. The set is put up in a neat case about 6 by 3J by if inches. Price, per set $6.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 475 The Reynear Gold Crown* Lee S. Smith & Son, Sole Agents, Pittsburg, Pa. The chart on opposite page shows the sizes of the Rynear Crown. It is an utter impossibility to make an engraving that will do this crown justice. No dentist can construct crowns of better shape. The contour is perfect. They are the shape of the natural models they are made over. The Rynear Crowns are seamless. They are made of 22 karat gold. The grinding surface is gauge 29, Stubbs. The bands are gauge 31, Stubbs. The Rynear Crowns are always the same. They are absolutely uniform. We don’t believe any case can be found that we cannot fit from this set of 60 Crowns. They vary in diameter only one thousandth of an inch, from ab- normally small to abnormally large of each class. All of these Crowns are made of extra length. If the name “Rynear” isn’t printed on the label bearing the number of the crown, the crown isn’t a Rynear crown. That means it isn’t as good a crown. The name Rynear is printed on the label for the protection of dentists who want the best. PRICES. Molars, 22 karat gold each, $2.50 Bicuspids each, 2.00 Set complete, Crowns, in neat leather case $125.00 Crowns of 24 karat gold made at a cost of $1.00 extra per crown. THE EVANS GOLD SEAMLESS CONTOUR CROWN A STANDARD ARTICLE OF MANUFACTURE. The Best in Quality Being of heavier gauge of plate and higher grade of gold (23J4 carat), than any other manufactured. The Most Practical For the reasons that they are alterable, and the shapes and forms presented are the result of years of study and experience in the requirements of crown- work. _ ... . _ The Greatest Variety of Form As the full set numbers 265 sizes and forms, which is three times that of any other crown manufactured . A new chart of sizes and forms of this crown, together with general directions, sent to any address. In ordering, the best method is to send a small model of the prepared root or tooth. PRICES— BICUSPID CROWNS, all sizes, $2 00. MOLAR CROWNS, all sizes, $2.50. The above prices place these ci'owns to the professioh at figures on an average less than the cost of gold required to form crowns by the ordinary methods in use . The surface of this gold does not oxidize or lose its lustre when annealed. This characteristic property enables the den i t to distinguish the EVANS GOLD SEAMLESS CONTOUR CROWix from all ot-ier makes composed of cheaper grades of gold. For sale by the manufacturer, to whom orders can be addressed. (Cash has to accompany orders, or goods wfll be sent C. O. D. ) Also by the S. S. WHITE DENTAL MFG. CO. and Leading Houses in Dental Supplies In the EVANS GOLD CROWNS more value in gold is given the dentist and less profit made, than f>n my Gold Crown on the market. Do not be induced to accept substitutes. EVANS COMPANY. Manufacturers, 55 West 39th St., Hew York City. Aluminum Crowns. Aluminum Crowns, all sizes each, $0.75 Aluminum Crowns, 25 or more at one time .each, 0.65 476 M. F. PATTERSON, Gold Crowns and Bridge Work to order. If there is one department of our business that has developed more than another during the past few years it is this department. Our service in this direction has grown without advertising. It has grown simply because our customers for whom we make crowns and bridges get better results than when they send them elsewhere. We don’t mean to say we do work of this kind ourselves, but we do mean to say if we did the work ourselves it couldn’t be done any better, and that is a pretty high standard. There are numbers of Prosthetic Dentists here in the city. Some of them do work for other dentists, some of them do work exclusively for us. When a case comes to us we know the man who can do that particular piece of work better than anybody else can do it. We send the case to him and have personal supervision over the work. It must be right before it passes our inspection It doesn’t cost us a cent to have it done over if it isn’t right. It is usually right. We believe we are more particular about the grade of work sent in our care than the man who sends it. It always satisfies. Our prices are right. They are the same to a penny as the prices charged by the man who does the work. Our customers don’t have to pay extra for our supervision. We know what it means to be disappointed in receipt of this special work. When this work is sent to us the case is always back when we say it will be back. Our i eturns are always prompt returns. Every order is a rush order. PRICES. Gold Crowns, laterals, centrals and cuspids, to order only each, $3.00 Gold Crowns and Bridge Work estimated on receipt of model. Solid Gold Cusps for Crown and Bridge Work. RIGHT. UPPER. LEFT. STS /'-n THICKNESS OF THE COLD CUSPS. 9 to ri 12 13 14 15 16 $2.50. $2.50. $1.-40. $1.40. $1.40. $1.40. $2.75. $2.50. RIGHT. LOWER. LEFT. Complete set of Sixteen $33.00 Made of 22-carat gold, and designed to be soldered to seamless or other gold bands fitted to the natural tooth-roots, in the mouth, forming a cap-crown. Also intended to form the masticating surfaces of porcelain crowns in bridge-work. These Solder Tweezers are made long and slender in order to afford extreme delicacy of manipulation. The least pressure at the ends of the handles holds the solder or collar, and the slighest movement of one or both handles releases it. The extreme tips of the beaks are the working point. The illustration shows the appliance about half size, with beaks exhibited full size in the side cut. The full length is 8 y 2 in. Dull nickeled. Price, each, S0.30 DENTAL DEPOT. 477 Improved Crown Die-Plate and Hub-Mould* UPPER 00 00 5 0 0 0 0 1^00 00 R LOWER ^ 3 ) © 0 Q) k. The Die-Plate contains 32 depressions, 16 molars and 16 bicuspids. It is made of a special hard metal. The Hub-Mould is made of cast iron. Full description and directions for use accompany each apparatus. PRICES. Die-Plate $3.00 Hub-Mould . 1. 00 Wire Soldering Frames* No. 1. For soldering gold crowns or small bridge pieces. The flame passes through the meshes of the wire readily, so that all parts of the piece can be heated evenly. Crowns are thus soldered without changing. Small bridge pieces can be held over the flame for heating up as well as soldering. The handle is eight inches long, so that there is no inconvenience from the conduc- tion of the heat to the hand while manipu- lating the frame. Price ... each, $0.15 Copper Acid Pan* Improved* The improvement consists in enlarging the Pan, making it of thinner copper, and there- fore lighter, and stiffening it by a rib around the center. No change in price. Price $0.75 This Frame is suitable for holding the largest pieces of crown and bridge-work. The whole instrument is 16 inches long, the net frame is 354 inches square. The wood handle protects the hand under any degree of heat that may be required in soldering. Price $0.50 Copper Ladle* A dental laboratory is not complete with- out a handy, serviceable ladle for melting and pouring fusible metals, like Melotte’s or Weston’s. This Ladle is made with a copper bowl 3 inches in diameter (cut half size), and wood handle 754 inches long. A neatly turned lip facilitates pouring. Price $0.35 478 M. F. PATTERSON, Cap-Crown Slitter* The sharp-pointed \ .ife-blade beak is' placed under the cervical edge, and the elongated beak on the cuspid end of the crown, which is then easily slit lengthwise by simply compress- ing the forceps handles. A cap-crown or bridge anchorage may be quickly removed in a way that admits of replacement after bringing together and soldering the edges of the slit crown. The handles of this instrument are of the form known as Common-Sense. Price $2.50 Hollingsworth Crown Driver* The action of the appliance is that of the spring mallet. A hard rubber handle set at right angles affords a secure hold, with the trigger of the spring to the thumb or forefinger by either of which it can be operated. The illustration of the complete device is half size, while the buffers are shown full size. Price, complete, with three Buffers, as shown $2.00 Crown Driver and Pull-Off* The cut shows all parts 2-3 full size. Two sizes of sockets and buffers. Gold crowns are not marred by the soft buffers. The double bayonet form affords access to molars as well as centrals, and porcelain crowns can be sent home without risk of fracture. Price, complete $2.50 DENTAL DEPOT. 479 The Gold Crown and Band Holder, (Patented June 29, 1897.) Designed by Dr. Burgess of Baltimore. To hold Crowns and Bridge Sections while being polished. An indispensable article in any dental office where Crowns and Bridges are made. It will hold any crown from the largest molar to the smallest lateral, with no danger of splitting or injuring the crown, whereby the polisher has complete com- mand of the work. One instrument will do the work of a hundred whittled pegs of wood, and will last a life-time. A Word as to Price — -75 cents. — There a*re six distinct foot-shape points, which require accuracy. If, after six months trial, any man complains of the cost as exorbitant, let him write me to that effect, or let him try to put one together, and he will say that $1.00 would be cheap. How to Use. — Grasp the handle of the Holder in the right palm. Hold firmly, then with the end of the thumb and side of the forefinger force the slide to the centre of the curve on the wires, assisting with the left hand, to compress the points and prevent the slide from going off the ends of the wires. Thus you compress the foot-shape points to a centre; place over the points the crown and let the slide fall back gently to place; the crown is held by the springs firmly and securely for any filing and polishing required. J. W. Ivory, Philadelphia. Dear Sir Having used the Burgess Crown Holder for about two years, both in my practice and in clinics at College, would say it is a most useful little instrument. Save many times its cost in time on every crown. Is equally good for holding shell and Richmond Crowns. Very truly yours, Geo. E. Hardy, Dem. Mech. Dentistry, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Price 75 cents. Burgess Band Former* To be used instead of Pliers in getting gold formed into size of Root previous to soldering. PRICE. Metal. .$1.00 Ebony Wood. Other Woods from .30 to .50 Manufactured and Controlled by J. W. IVORY, 51 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 480 M. F. PATTERSON, Root and Crown Reducer. The pictures tell the whole story of this device. The guide D fits over a cone socket handle, while the cutting instrument “C” is a cone socket point. The instrument will follow and dress the periphery of roots of irregular outline. Made only for Cone Socket Handles (No. 3 Knurled is the best one to use.) PRICES. Root and Crown Reducer, complete, $1.75 PARTS SEPARATELY. Adjustable Pintle and Guide 1.15 Abrader 45 No. 3 Knurled Cone-Socket Handle. . .15 Root-Trimmers or Reducers. The shoulder keeps the instrument on the root and limits the penetration of the spur, which, by its knife-edge, scrapes the side of the root, Fig. i, so that it may easily and quickly be given the shape of Fig. 2, or any similar form. The straight pair, Nos. 1 and 2, for use on the su- perior roots anterior to the molars, and the curved pair, Nos. 3 and 4, for use on all the other natural roots. Price each, $0.45 Made for Cone-Socket Handles only. Bryant's Bridge-Repair Tools. 1 2 3 4 5 To repair a bridge with the Bryant system drill holes in backing for pins. Thread pins first with instrument No. 1, then with No. 2. Countersink pin holes from rear with right angle instrument No. 3. Place tooth in position. Screw nuts, Fig. 5, in place with driver No. 4. Grind nuts flush with backing. PRICES. Tooth-pin Dies, Nos. 1 and 2 each, $0.75 Right-Angle Reamers, No. 3 “ .25 Nut-Drivers, No. 4 “ * .25 Gold Nuts, No. 5 “ .50 The Set in box containing one each of Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and two of No. 5 3.00 DENTAL* DEPOT. 481 Samuel A* Crocker & Co's. Improved Rolling Mills. No. 3. No. 4. A good rolling mill is almost an absolute necessity in a first-class dental office. A dentist can get along without a rolling mill, but he is losing a lot of money and a lot of valuable time in an effort to save the price of a mill. There isn’t any sense in a dentist selling his gold scrap for a penny less than he pays for it. With one of these mills he can work his scrap gold into new plate in his odd moments. These rolls are finely finished and in point of quality are the equal of any roll made. No. 3 No. 4 Interchangeable Ring Roll, $10.00 extra. PRICES. $25.00 35-oo 482 M. F. PATTERSON, Samuel A. Crocker & Co/s Im- proved Rolling Mills — Continued. This is a simpler form of Rolls than shown on preceding page. It is just as well finished and will do just as good work, but lacks the cog system of adjusting the rolls. Any of these rolls will’ pay for themselves in a short time. Price, No. 2 $20.00 Stafford's Fusible Metal Outfit* Made by H. D. Justi & Son. This preparation can be poured on its self or any preparation used in connection with fusible metals. In pouring this or any metal on its self do not have the metal too hot while pouring. If skillfully manipulated this preparation can be poured into small modeling compound impressions, but they should be well oiled and perfectly cold. Complete outfit consists of one steel ladle with wooden handle, one rubber ring, two bars of fusible metal and one tube of specially prepared wire for measuring roots and teeth to be crowned. PRICES. Complete Outfit $1.25 Fusible Metal, per 3 oz. Bar 35 Steel Ladle 40 Copper Wire, per tube 20 Flexible Rubber Ring 05 DENTAL DEPOT. 483 No* i 20. Carbon Soldering” Block. Soldering Blocks and Pads. Made by Buffalo Dental Mfg. Co. For supporting work under the blowpipe. Clean- ly and perfect non-conductors. They are circu- lar, depressed on each face, and four inches diameter. No. 120a. Carbon Block Holder. PRICE. No. 120. Carbon Soldering Block, 25 cents. A very convenient device for holding Car- bon Soldering Block. PRICES. No. 120 A. Carbon Block Holder .... $0.25 Carbon Block and Holder 5 ° Nos. 122 and 122a. Asbestos Soldering Block and Holder. No. 121. Carbon Cylinder. Made of the same composi- tion as the Carbon Blocks. More cleanly than charcoal ; the cupped ends being admira- bly adapted for soldering smali articles, such as gold crowns, or for blowpipe assays. Size, 1^x3 inches. PRICE. No. 121. Carbon Cylin- . der 15 cents No. 122. These Blocks have found favor with many in preference to Carbon Blocks for soldering purposes. They are made of first quality. A holder is supplied similar to the one used for holding Carbon Blocks, but with a flange to prevent block from falling through. PRICES. No. 122 Asbestos Block $0.60 No. 122 A. Asbestos Block Holder . . . .25 Asbestos Pads. For protecting the table during blowpipe operations. These are made from asbestos board, about one-fourth of an inch thick, and edged with iron. PRICES. No. 00AP. 4 in. x 4 in. x *4 in $0.10 No. oAP. 8 in. x 8 in. x J 4 in • 4° No. iAP. 6 J 4 in. x 10 in. x in 5 ° No. 2AP. 10 in. x 13 in. x in 85 No. 3AP. 13 in. x 20 in. x % in 1 - 5 ° 30 484 M. F. PATTERSON, Dr* Melotte's Moldine, Impression Cup, Ring and Fusible Metal. For Crown Dies and Counter Dies. Here is the complete outfit. No dentist who is doing crown and bridge work can afford to be with- out any part of it. A die and counter die may be made of one or two teeth in four minutes Moldine is an immediate invest- ment. Solder will not flow over the inside of a collar filled with it. PRICES. Complete Outfit, inclosed in a tin box containing one- half pound Mouldine, one Impression Tray, one Ring, and two ingots of Fusible Metal $1.25 Melotte’s Moldine per half pound .40 Impression Cup (S. S. W. No. 20) 25 Rubber Ring 05 Fusible Metal, per ingot (about 2^4 ounces) 30 Asbestos Soldering Blocks. No. 1. Asbestos Soldering, Melting, and Ingot Block, 6 inches long, 2^4 inches wide, J 4 inch thick. Put up in a tin box with directions for use. Price $0.50 No. 2. Asbestos Soldering Block, 4 ^4 inches diameter, i £4 inches high. Concave top, with or without holder. Price, No. 2, with Holder $0.85 Price, No. 2, without Holder 60 Price, Holder separately 25 Asbestos Mats. Circular Mats, made of solid asbestos, 14 inch thick. Made in two sizes, 4F2" and 9" diameter. Price, large size each, $0.15 Price, small size : “ .08 Asbestos. Fine (Powdered) per lb., $0.15 Coarse (Long fibre) “ .30 Borax Slate. This slate consists of a shallow, saucer-shaped glass dish with a ground a wooden block, which has a metal cover. Price surface let into $0-35 Pin Vise No. 1. (See price on page 485.) DENTAL DEPOT. 485 Revolving Combination Anvil and Bench Block* This combination tool consistsof a hub carrying a case- hardened steel anvil, a par-vulcanized rubber block for filing, and a wood block for the same purpose. Price, complete $3 00 Cast iron frame, with par vulcanized rubber block, two sizes; the large size is 5 inches long over all by 2% inches ivide. The small size is 4 % inches long by 1 % inches wide. Pricp, either size each, SI. 25 Rubber Blocks, separately “ .35 DUPLICATE PARTS. Brackets each, $0.50 Anvils “ 1.00 Rubber Blocks “ .35 Wood Blocks “ .15 Anvil for Crown and Bridge-Work* The length of the anvil varies from say 3 to 3% inches; the height is about 3 % inches; weight, 1J4 ibs. Price, with Base, as illustrated S1.00 Price, without Base 40 “Dentist's” Anvil. The anvil is 4 to 4% inches long, 1 % inches wide, and about 3% inches high. The weight is ample, varying from 2 % to 2 '% pounds. Price each, $1.50 Pin Vise No* 2 No. 2. The illustrations are full size and require little description. No. 1, shown on page 484, has a corrugated ebonized wood handle, making it quite light. No. 2 is all steel. Both handles have a hole drilled through from end to end. Price, No. 1 $0.25 Price. No. 2 $0.75 486 M. F. PATTERSON, Copper Pickle Pans. Made by The Buffalo Dental Mfg. Co. No. 693. For boiling out gold work after soldering. Made of very heavy copper. Will last a lifetime. No. 394. A cheaper article; shallow and of light copper. PRICES. No. 693. Copper Pickle Pans, 3^2 inches diameter $1.00 No. 394. Copper Pickle Pans, 3J/2 inches diameter 40 No. 395. Copper Pickle Pan. — New Pattern. This pan has many desirable features. It is made of heavy spun copper, 4 inches diameter on the top, 3 inches on the bottom, and l 1 /^ inches high. The size is sufficiently large to admit a full piece of bridge work. The pan is riveted to a stout brass wire that extends entirely through a wood handle, terminating with a hook which serves a double purpose, that of allowing the pan to be hung up, and also of maintaining it on a level when placed on a bench, making it impossible to upset the pan. PRICE. No. 395. Copper Pickle Pan, 4 inches diameter $0.75 Steel Anvils. PRICES. No. 1. Polished, to hold in vise $0.50 No. 2. Polished, same as No. No. 1, but mounted on iron base 1. 00 DENTAL DEPOT. 487 No* 7* Dickinson's Contouring Pliers* No. 7 Pliers $i-5° No* 8. Robinson's Collar Pliers* No. 8 Pliers $1-50 No* 9. Peeso's Pliers* No. 9 Pliers $1.50 488 M. F. PATTERSON, No* 4* Burchard's Contouring Pliers* (Curved*) No. 4 Pliers, 5-inch No* 5. Lane's Contouring Pliers* No. 5 Pliers $!-75 No* 6* Universal Contouring Pliers* Devised by Dr. H. J. Goslee. DENTAL DEPOT. 489 No. U Crown Contouring Pliers. Made by H. D. Justi & Son. For shaping crowns this instrument is the most valuable yet introduced. It has curved, oval and concave beaks, and is adapted to any part of the crown band. No. i Pliers each, $1.50 No. 2. Reynold's Contouring Pliers. No. 2 Pliers each, $1.50 No. 3. Johnson's Contouring Pliers. 490 M. F. PATTERSON, Solid Steel Pliers and Nippers. No. 10. Front. No. 12. Flat. No.11. Side. No. 13. Round. Front Cutting Nippers,. No. 10 each, $0 70 Side Cutting Nippers, No. 11 each, $0 70 Flat Nose Pliers, No. 12 “ 40 Round Nose Pliers, No. 13 “ 40 Parallel Pliers! o Parallel Pliers are a lab- oratory necessity. The jaws are exactly parallel along the entire bite, so that whatever they grasp is held immovably, whether a piece of plate as thin as cardboard or a quarter-inch thick. Nick- el-plated all over. PRICES. 434 in P er P air < ^0 80 5 “ “ 90 in. 5 “. DENTAL DEPOT. 491 Crown Expanders. A handy instrument for enlarging gold crowns or collars. By proper manipulation these Expanders can be used to enlarge any portion in any particular direction, or the entire crown. Two sizes of beaks. Price, either size, nickel-plated $1.00 Shriver's Bridge-Repairing Pliers and Drill. This method permits the immediate use of a plate tooth facing selectable from any stock and firmly fixable on the bridge or crown without any disturbance of post or pier. The engraving shows how it is done. The pin of the facing is simply rivetted to the backing. Price, No. 18, Bridge-Repairing Pliers per pair $3.00 Price, No. 18, Sleeve Drills, for No. 6 or 7 Hand-piece each, .45 492 M. F. PATTERSON, Contouring Pliers* No. 19. Provided with an ad- justable steel punch for making stop or guard on collar of crown. Price per pair, $2.00 No. 20. A leaden bullet (No. 5 shot) is pinched into recess forming contouring surface that will not scratch the crown. Price per pair, $2.00 No. 19. S. S. White. No. 20. Abell’s. Pin-Roughening, Cutting, and Bending Forceps* No. No. 21. 21. This appliance may be employed as a wire-cutter, for bending clasps, or for roughening the posts of crowns so that the cement with which they are set shall take a firmer holder upon them. Price per pair, $2.50 No* 22 and 23 How's Crown Pliers* Nos. 22 and 23, straight and curved Pliers, for bending pins over posts, in Dr. How’s process of mounting artificial tooth-crowns. PRICES. per pair, $1.50 “ 1.75 No. 22, Straight No. 23, Curved DENTAL DEPOT. 493 Pin-Roughing and Bending Pliers* C. Ash & Son.’ Full Size. This is the most useful tool ever devised for cut- ting, roughening, and bending the pins of flat and vul- canite teeth. To obtain the best results the pins should be bent as nearly as possible at right angles — see Fig. A — and in such a direction that they will grasp the vulcanite in the thickest part. In the several illustrations given above, Fig. B shows the most usual bend. Pliers, as illustrated, Nickel-plated $2.25 Pin Nippers* For Punching Holes in Metal Backings for Flat Teeth, The Chop in which the pin is fixed is so arranged that the cutting pins can be renewed as often as neces- sary. This is accomplished by merely unscrewing the movable pin-holder A, and dropping in the pin from the back. The pins are flattened at one end, to pre- vent them turning round or falling through, and when the pin-holder A is screwed home in the head of the nippers the pin is perfectly secure. Price, Nickel-plated, including 6 Pins $2.25 Extra Pins per doz. .25 Pin-Holder A, extra, for renewing 50 6J4 in. long. 494 M. F. PATTERSON, Young's Adjustable Perforators. For Punching two holes at once. Made by C. Ash & Sons, Ltd. Mr. Young claims that his tool secures, rapidly and with mathematical precision, exact correspondence between the holes in the metal plate used for backing teeth, and the pins of the tooth to be backed. It provides also for the quick and easy disengagement of the plate from the perforating pins after punching. The difficulty of separating, without twist- ing or injuring the perforated plate (the greatest obstacle to punching two holes at once), is entirely removed. The risk of fracture in backing teeth is reduced to a minimum. No measuring is required. The tooth is its own gauge, virtually punching its own holes. Method of Using- Holding the Perforators in the right hand — like an ordinary pair of pliers — so that the end of the upper lever F rests loosely in the palm, the fingers and thumb readily grasp the lower lever E. The tooth to be backed is taken in the left hand, and one of the pins placed in the nearest punch-hole in groove G. Holding the tooth down with the thumb, the punch-holes are then slowly moved apart by pressure at E, taking special care at the time not to have the slightest pressure on the top lever F, or the jaws will not separate easily; the second pin of the tooth will slip into the second punch-hole immediately they come opposite each other, and the perforating pins are now fixed in position for punching. Retaining the tooth in its position, the metal backing is placed in the slotted recess D, immediately under the tooth, and the holes are punched in it by pressing down the lever F. Whilst perforating, the plate is easily held in position with the left hand, and the thumb placed over the tooth prevents its being jerked out. The tooth should be removed before f and the plate after , relieving the pressure at F. The holes in intermediate plate C support and stiffen the pins B B, and their breakage in use is almost impossible. Should it be necessary, however, to replace the pins, it can be done with the greatest ease by taking out the screws A A and removing the back. Price, with Set Screw $3.50 Jacob's Permanent Gutta-Percha Stopping. From the formula of H. L. Jacob, M. R. C. S. Jacob’s Permanent Stopping is the purest, toughest, most tenacious and most wear- resisting preparation of Gutta-Percha that has ever been made. Its great durability and general excellence have been recognized by the Profession for upwards of forty years, and owing to its low specific gravity, one ounce of it is equal in bulk to several ounces of any other preparation of Gutta-Percha that is employed as a material for filling teeth. Supplied in cylindrical Pellets, each bottle sufficing for more than one hundred average fillings, in the following shades : — No. i — Whitish. No. 2 — Brownish, for teeth that are somewhat discolored. Directions for use enclosed in each Packet. PRICE. Pellets, in bottles per bottle, $r.oo VO 00 vj p\V\ inches diameter $1.50 No. 2R Burner, 5 inches diameter 2.00 For Gasoline Gas with Cap-nut Regulator, No. iR, $1.70; No. 2R 2.30 For Gasoline Gas with Wheel Valve, No. iR, $2.25; No. 2R 2.95 No. 46B. Fletcher's Solid Flame Burner. This burner gives a flame perfectly free from smell. It is simple, strong, cheap, and of a power and adaptability unapproached by any known burner PRICES. No. 46B. Solid Flame Burner, capacity, 35 feet per hour $2.00 For Gasoline Gas, with Cap-Nut Regulator 2.30 For Gasoline Gas, with Wheel Valve 2.95 Extra Gauze Tops, each 25 No. 310 to 320. Fletcher's Standard Boiling Burners. These Burners are designed as a complete series of the highest and most perfected class, in the simplest possible form, and are in one casting. PRICES. Diameter across support for vessels : No. 310. Standard Boil- ing Burner, 10 feet per hour 5P2 in. $1.00 No. 315. Standard Boil- ing Burner, 15 feet per hour 7 in. 1.25 No. 320. Standard Boil- ing Burner, 20 feet per hour 8 in. 1.75 No. 5F. Lewis Waxing Burner. No. 5F. The burner is constructed with an angle at its upper end, to prevent melted wax from running down the tube and clog- ging up the gas jet. A revolving drip-table is attached to the upright tube. PRICE. No. 5F. Lewis Waxing Burner $ .50 524 M. F. PATTERSON, No. 3R. Radial Burner. No. 47. Fletcher's Solid Flame Boiling Burner. Patented Jan. 1, 1884. This is in one casting, practically inde- . structible, and will boil water in a light kettle at the rate of 2 quarts in 12 minutes. Price. — No. 3R $1.00 No. 47. Large size $2.00 For Gasoline Gas, with Wheel Valve. 2.95 For Gasoline Gas, with Cap-nut Reg- ulator 2.30 Extra perforated copper caps 25 No. 47A. Solid Flame Boiling Burner. A Cheap, Simple, Indestructible Burner for General Work. — The flame of these burners is shorter, more compact and higher in temperature than that of an ordinary Bunsen, and is also free from smell. The sizes given are the bore of the horizontal tube. PRICES. Same as No. 47, shown above, but smaller size. PRICES. No. 47A. Capacity, 12 feet per hour For Gasoline Gas, with Wheel Valve For Gasoline Gas, with Cap-Nut Regulator ... Extra perforated copper caps Nos. 200 and 201. Fletcher's Argand Bunsens. $ 1.00 i-75 1.20 .20 No. 200, y$-in. size, gas consumption, 2 feet per hour. Without Tripod $ .50 No. 200, y 2 - in. size, gas consumption yy 2 feet per hour. Without Tripod 75 No. 200, 24 ~in. size, gas consumption, 7 feet per hour. Without Tripod 1.00 No. 200, 2^-in. size, gas consumption 2 feet per hour. With Tripod 65 No. 201, ] 4 -in. size, gas consumption 3^2 feet per hour. With Tripod "... .95 No. 201, 24 ~ in. size, gas consumption 7 feet per hour. With Tripod 1.25 Large Spider Ring (for No. 201, ^-in. only) 30 Small Spider Ring (for 201, F2-in. or 24 -in.) 15 The 44 Purdy ” Alcohol Lamp, for Soldering:. This popular Lamp is in the shape of a glass globe 3 y 2 inches in diameter, set in a nickel-plated metallic base, which allows the Lamp to be placed at any angle for conven- ience. The burner carries a half-inch wick and is constructed so that the flame can be controlled at any desired height. Price $1.50 Alcohol Soldering: Lamps. Illustrations of these lamps will be sent for the asking. PRICES. No. 7, Japanned $1.25 No. 8j Japanned 1.10 No. 9, Plain Tin 1.00 No. 10, Plain Tin 1.75 No. 11, Japanned 1.00 CENTAL DEPOT. 525 Custer Electric Oven. Sole Agent, The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. Protected by design patent, issued July 28, 1896 ; mechanical patents June 25, 1895, Oct. 8, 1895, Oct. 20, 1896, Jan. 4, 1898. Others pending. Custer’s Oven will fuse any dental porcelain in thirty minutes, costs but little to operate, is compact, and frees the room from heat, noise, dirt and odors. The heat produced is perfectly free from gas, and being easily controlled, prevents the possibility of over-heating or checking the case. The Oven can be operated by any electric current used for incandescent lighting, and repuires no electrical expert to’ set it up or work it. Among others who use this Oven are the following well-known practitioners: Dr. L. P. Haskell, Chicago, 111 .; Dr. W. B. Ames, Chicago, 111 .; Dr. G. J. Dennis, Chicago, 111 .; Dr. Geo. L. Field, Detroit, Mich.; Dr. W. H. Kessler, Detroit, Mich.; Dr. C. R. Yearick, Detroit, Mich.; Dr. S. H. Guilford, Philadelphia, Penn.; Dr. E. Parmly Brown, New York, N. Y.; Dr. Geo. E. Hunt, Indianapolis, Ind. ; Dr. W. H. Jackson, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Dr. W. H. Todd, Columbus, Ohio; Dr. Grant Molyneaux, Cincinnati, Ohio; Dr. Kraus, Vienna, Austria. The Custer Oven is made in four styles, fully explained in a booklet, “Modern Office Furnishings,” which will be sent upon application. PRICES. No. i. For Crowns and Bridge Work $50.00 No. 2. For Full Cases 65.00 No. 2. Extra Large, for the Specialist 75.00 No. 3. Haskell Pattern, for Full Cases 80.00 Above prices include rheostat, arc light and connections. In ordering state full name of electric current to be used. M. F. PATTERSON, 526 Mitchell's No. \ Electric Furnace For Inlays and Crowns. ABOUT_ HALF-SIZE. Inside measurements of Muffle, 2% inches long, % inch^wide, % inch high. Simple, efficient, cleanly, noiseless and safe. The current required for working it can be obtained from any existing lamp socket. Suitable for working on any main current, continuous or alternating. Price of Furnace complete, with Wires and Plug, Nickel Tray for holding the work, tin of Ash’s Investing Material, with direc- tions for use, tin of Kaolin for repairing Muffle with direc- tions for use and Card of Instructions for working the Fur- nace $15.00 Rheostat for Furnace $5.00 The above price of $15.00 is charged for the Furnace wound for any current between 50 and 120 volts; if required for more than 120 volts the price is $17.50. We stock it wound for 100 volts and no volts. In ordering please state voltage for which it is required. Electric Furnaces. A piece of fairly thick Asbestos Cloth put on the floor of the Muffle of an Electric Furnace will greatly lessen the risk of short-circuiting, by preventing the tray coming in contact with the platinum wires should the fireclay be cracked. It will also prevent the work sticking to the floor should it from any cause roll off the platinum or nickel tray; moreover it tends to keep the heat uniform all over the Muffle. — C. A. & S. Note. — Ash’s Illustrated Pamphlet of Electric and Gas Furnaces suitable for all classes of Body work supplied on application. DENTAL DEPOT. 527 Mitchell's No* 2 Electric Furnace* For Inlays, Crowns and Sections. Inside measurements of Muffle, 2 inches long; 1% inches wide; 1 inch deep. This Furnace possesses all the features of the No. i Furnace over which it has the advantage of greater Muffle space. Our Low-Fusing Mineral Body and Gum Enamel can be fused in either Fur- nace in a few minutes. Price of Furnace complete, with Wires and Plug, Nickel Tray for holding the work, tin of Ash’s fine Investing Material, with directions for use, tin of Kaolin for repairing Muffle with di- rections for use, and Card of Instructions for working the Furnace $16.50 Rheostat for Furnace $5.00 The above price of $16.50 is charged for the Furnace wound for any current between 50 and 120 volts; if required for more than 120 volts the price is $19.00. We stock it wound for 100 volts and no volts. In ordering please state voltage for which it is required* Note. — Ash’s Illustrated Pamphlet of Electric and Gas Furnaces suitable for all classes of Body work supplied on application. M. F. PATTERSON. 528 Ash's Low-Fusing Mineral Bodies and Gum Enamel For Making Inlays and Crowns. Not recommended for Bridges and Continuous-Gum Work, Very Dense, Can be Ground and Polished Like Our Mineral Teeth. Suitable for Use with any Teeth. Can be fired in any Furnace adapted for Crown and Bridge Work. These Materials fuse at a temperature of about 1,205 degrees Centigrade ( 2,200 degrees Fah.), and possess a beautiful, bright, lifelike surface, which gives them a most natural appearance in the mouth. The claim made for them is that they do not change color, however long they may be subjected to the fluids of the mouth, provided they be properly fired. To obtain the best results with them, they should be mixed to a putty-like consistency with the specially-prepared Mixing Liquid, which we supply for the purpose. It is of great importance to work the materials in as stiff a condition as possible, hence the reason for recommending a putty-like consistency. Failure to remove as much of the moisture as possible with blotting-paper or amadou before firing will cause the Mineral Body or Enamel to be less dense and strong when fired than it otherwise would be. Perhaps the most difficult part of the work is in the firing, but with care and experience this becomes quite easy. The chief point is to watch the work during the different stages of firing. For instance, the first firing should only be carried to the biscuiting stage, which, in a gas furnace, is reached in from one to two minutes, and in an electric furnace in from four to five minutes, starting all cold in each case. The Inlay is then built'up and contoured as desired, the added Mineral Body being made nice and smooth 011 the surface by a few very gentle taps of the plaster mould upon the bench, and again fired until it is completely vitrified. This second firing does not take so long as the first firing, owing to the fact that the furnace is warm at starting. The operator can determine when the vitrified stage is reached by watching the work until a dark shade is seen to pass over it, which indicates the glazing process. The heat should then be cut off. On no account must the firing be continued beyond this stage, or porosity will result from the over-firing. DENTAL DEPOT. 529 Ash's High-Fusing Mineral Bodies and Gum Enamels Perfectly Suitable for Bridges and Continuous-Gum Sets* Adapted for Use with any Teeth* We have now made arrangements whereby we can guarantee that the fused specimens supplied with the box perfectly match the colors in the bottles. The new Gum Enamel, lately introduced, is prepared in two shades — 159B Light and 162B Dark, both of which are much admired by those who have used or seen them. The Mineral Body is prepared in the following six shades — the light part of our B|i, B { 3, C|2, E] 2, F|2, and the dark part of our B|4. By mixing together varying proportions of the Gum Enamels a considerable number of different shades can .be obtained. The Bottles in the Box Mentioned Below Contain a Quarter of an Ounce Each* PRICES: Box containing six bottles of Mineral Body, two bottles of Gum Enamel, Nickel- plated Spatula and Camel-hair Pencil complete $ 6.00 Separately — Mineral Body, any shade named above, per 14 oz, bottle 0.75 Gum Enamel, either shade, per 14 oz. bottle 0.75 Spatula, Nickel-plated each 0.50 Mixing Liquid, in two-ounce bottles per bottle 0.25 Quantity Rates — Mineral Body, any shade named above per oz. 1.50 In 5 oz. lots, one shade or assorted shades per lot 6.50 Gum Enamel, either shade named above per oz. 3.00 In 5 oz. lots, either shade or assorted in both per lot 14.00 Note. — We are prepared to supply to order by the ounce any special shade of our High- Fusing Mineral Body at $1.50 per ounce, or Gum Enamel at $3.00 per ounce, on condition that a pattern tooth or gum section is sent to us showing the exact shade required. Note. — Ash’s special Illustrated Pamphlet on Inlays, Crowns, Bridges and continuous Gum work supplied on application. Miscellaneous Bodies and Enamels* Bodies, Allens, for Continuous Gum Work, The S. S. W. D. M. Co.’s per oz. $1.50 Allens, for Continuous Gum Work, Dr. Close’s per oz. 1.50 Tees, for Continuous Gum Work per lb. 2.00 Block per lb. 2.50 Lukens “A” per lb. 2.50 Enamels, Allens, for Continuous Gum Work, The S. S. W. D. M. Co.’s per oz. 2.50 Allens, for Continuous Gum Work, Dr. Close’s per oz. 2.50 Tees, for Continuous Gum Work per oz. 2.50 The S. S. W. D. M. Co.’s, for Blocks per oz. 2.00 The S. S. W. D. M. Co.’s, for Point and Base per oz. .38 For Coloring Porcelain Teeth, Poulsons per box 7.50 530 M. F. PATTERSON, The Ritter Dental Mfg. Co/s Dental Chair and Electrical Dental Engines Received the Highest Award at the Paris Exposition, 1900* The Columbia Electric Laboratory Lathe* Made by The Ritter Dental Mfg, Co. The chucks for carrying carborundum or other grinding wheels are placed directly or. the end of the shaft. The chucks have a slightly tapering hole, and the shaft bears a tapering end to correspond. To put a chuck on, place it over the shaft and give it a slight tap with the hand. The knurled nuts seen on the ends of the bearings are for the purpose of forcing the chucks off the shaft, by giving them a few turns forward. It has sufficient weight so it will not move when doing heavy grinding. It has an entirely emery 4 and dust-proof case, and is free from the destructive sparking at the commutator and switch. The small knob on the front of the motor controls the speed. It is handsomely finished in black japan and gold striping. DENTAL DEPOT. 531 The Columbia Electric Laboratory Lathe — Continued. Construction of Lathe Armature. The adjoining illustration clearly shows a very important improvement in the const ruction of the armature shaft and bearings of our Electric Laboratory Lathe. We can assure you this desirable construction alone recommends our lathe in preference to all others. Our competitors will say about their motors, “If the bearings wear out we can send you new ones.” But bear in mind, when the bearings are badly worn the shaft must be in a similar condition. A shows a steel sleeve or tube, placed over the shaft of the armature. E is a small screw with which the steel tube is held on the shaft. B shows the phosphor bronze bearings in which the steel tube revolves, and with it the armature. D is a felt washer placed in the recess, shown in the end of tbebronze bearing “B.” C is a brass washer pressed over the tapering end of the armature shaft to hold the felt washer in place, and this practically excludes pumice stone and emery from the bearings. In this method of constructing bearings, the wear will take place on the steel tubes “A.” instead of on the shaft and on the bronze bearings in “B.” As these are all made on the interchangeable plan, when they are worn they can be removed and new ones be put on in a few minutes. The importance of this construction must be evident. Without it, if the shaft is worn, the only way to make repairs is by putting in an entirely new armature (the revolving portion), necessitating great expense. When you buy a Columbia Lathe, you always get the benefit of our wide experience. Sleeves “A” and Bearings “B,” per set, $3 50. PRICES. Laboratory Lathe for 110- volt current, including 7 chucks and one bur chuck .. $44 00 Laboratory Lathe for 6-volt Battery 44 00 Laboratory Lathe without chucks 40 00 Special reducing resistance for operating 110-volt lathe on 220-volt circuits 6 00 Storage battery to run 6- volt Lathe 35 00 (The 6-volt Battery will run both Engine and Lathe.) 2 2 3 4 5 6 , k t J- he £ r - st chucks are for holding various size grinding wheels, cotton wheels and brushes. No. 1 has a hub %-mch m diameter; No. 2 5-16-inch; No. 3, 3-16-inch; No. 4, %-inch; No. 5, 34-inch left; No. 6, 34-inch left- No 7 is a left-screw cone for felt wheels and cones. No. 8 is a chuck for holding either No. 6 or No. 7 handpiece burs’ Chucks Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, each * ok Chuck No. 7, $1.00; Chuck No. 8, when purchased separately "”."2 *0 If ordering the Lathe with less than full set of chucks, each chuck will be charged according to above price list 532 M. F. PATTERSON, The Browning Laboratory Lathe. Made by The Browning Mfg. Co.. Milwaukee, Wis. The Laboratory is certainly deficient without a well made electrical lathe with plenty of power and with a low speed ior grinding and a high speed for polish- ing. The Browning Lathe has these requirements, actually, having three speeds —one very low and one very high. Dust proof. Shaft and armature large, con- sistent with power and endurance. Right and left chucks with different finishes for distinguishing them. Most simple device for attaching and detaching chucks. One chuck for holding engine burs, drills, discs, stones, etc. PRICES — Including io Chucks. no 220 500 volt ii a with resistance $44.00 49.00 54.00 Combined Engine-Lathe. By fitting Lathe with reverse attachment and placing a pulley on its shaft with separate controller at chair as for engine, to which wires are run from Lathe, a belt running from Lathe pulley to any form of several suspension engines. Operator may have Lathe and Engine combined. PRICES — Including Chucks. no volt $75-oo 220 “ 80.00 500 “ 85.00 PRICES OF CHUCKS. 9 regular chucks, each 50 Drill or burr chuck 2.50 Sandpaper chuck 50 Write for Question Book Sheet and Direction Book. DENTAL DEPOT. 533 Dental Lathe Motor* Made by The Holtzer-Cabot Electric Co., Brookline, Mass. The dental profession has been quick to recognize the advantages of the electric current as a source of power in their work and in the laboratory of the dentists in this country the electric motor is fast replacing all other sources of power. Many dentists, however, have hesitated to adopt electric motors for they suppose that a special knowledge of such machines was essential for their satisfactory operation. So far from this being the case there is really no machine that is so easily controlled and is less liable to get out of order. We refer, of course, to- a motor built on up-to-date principles in a thoroughly mechanical manner. The attached cut illustrates the Holtzer-Cabot special dental lathe motor which ha.-> been specially designed both as regards construction, exterior shape and operation for the particular needs of the dental profession. This machine has a spherical body which completely encloses the armature and com- mutator, thus protecting these vital parts from dust and injury. The shape also admits of the most compact construction for a given power so that the light is not obstructed ; neither is the movement of the hand limited in the slightest degree in the performance of work. The motor runs noiselessly and will develop 1-6 H. P. ; thus it is of ample capacity ‘to meet any requirements that such a machine would be called upon to perform. The H — C Dental Lathe Motor is equipped with a 4-speed regulating switch under the direct control of the operator, which gives a wide range suitable for different operations necessary in practical dentistry. The chucks and mandrels (five in number) are designed especially 1 for the work; they run perfectly true at all times and their construction admits of rapid change and ad- justment. The different buffs and polishing devices used by dentists can be accommodated as well as securely and quickly attached with very little trouble. The mechanical construction of the motor can not be surpassed. The shaft is made of crucible steel and ground to gauge, and every detail of work has been carefully considered. The electrical design also conforms to the best practice, so that power is obtained in the most efficient manner and at a minimum cost in current consumption. We are at present building these machines wound for the standard no volts D. C. lighting service, but can furnish them wound to 6, 10 or 12 volts, 'so that they can be used in connection with storage batteries. Price, including Five Chucks $40.00 33 534 M. F. PATTERSON, Electric Laboratory Lathe ♦ Arranged to be Operated by the 110-volt Direct Current. Made by The S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co. PRICES. Electric Laboratory Lathe complete, including Clutch Lathe-Head and io Mandrels, Lathe-Stand, ]/% Horse-Power Motor, Variable Resistance, and Foot-Pedal $64.50 Electric Laboratory Lathe complete, including Unique 1 Lathe-Head and 8 Chucks.... 60.50 Boxing 2.00 Other Motors and other Lathe-Heads can be substituted at value. PARTS SEPARATELY. Lathe-Table $10.00 no-Volt Lathe-Motor 28.00 New Iron and Enamel Variable Resistance 12.00 Foot-Pedal 1.50 USE THE BACKUS WATER MOTOR for driving your lathes and light machinery. Send to us for booklet issued by The Backus Water Motor Co., of Newark, N. J. Niagara Lathe Head and Stand. This lathe has been carefully designed throughout; and while it can be afforded at a less price than many others, it will be found on examination to be of good workmanship, of ample strength, and con- venient in use. The head has a taper screw for brushes, a parting- nut for carrying a large wheel, and a split chuck for carrying pin-chucks. PRICES. Niagara Lathe Head and Stand, complete ...$9.00 Niagara Lathe Stand only 7.00 Niagara Lathe Head only 2.00 Niagara Lathe Hand Rest only 35 The S. S. White Dental Office Lathe. An upright lathe with cover for head and 10 inch driving wheel. Price of Lathe, with a set of six Corundum Wheels $20.00 Boxing 75 Head separately, without Chucks 3.00 The S. S. White Laboratory Lathe. An upright lathe with cover. Occupies floor space of 10x23 inches. Price of Lathe complete, with Chucks $25.00 Boxing I00 DENTAL DEPOT. 535 A Lathe Head of one kind or another may be bought almost anywhere, but there’s an art in making a really good Head, which is only known to experienced Fine Tool and Ma- chine makers, and the Redman Head comes from such a shop. It is made by the same skilled workmen and tools that turn out Lathes costing hundreds of dollars each. If you’ve been in practice for a generation past you have used, seen used, or heard of the “Redman” Cone Bearing and Light Running Lathe Head during all these years ; did you ever even hear of one being unsatisfactory? PRICES. The Redman Lathe Head, complete, with io Chucks $8.50 Chuck for Drills and Engine Burr, extra 2.00 Extra Brass Chucks 25 Hand Rest for Turning 50 Head Base for United States or Johnson & Lund Stand 50 For Office Use, with the whole head polished nickel plated and ornamented 10.00 GIDEON SIBLEY, Sole Agent, Rest or Hand-Support. A useful auxiliary to the laboratory lathe. It affords an easy, comfortable support for the hand, as for instance, in grinding teeth, and enables the operator to hold the work steadily against the carborundum wheel. It can be adjusted to the proper height by means of the screw. Made of metal, japanned. Price each 80. .is 536 M. F. PATTERSON, New Improved Cone Lathe Head* Made by Snowden & Cowan Mfg. Co. No more lost motion. Can be used with any driving wheel. All lost motion or wear can be taken up by the simple adjusting of screw on base. It is made very strong and durable. It runs easier than any Lathe Head on the market. Fitted to run on either U. S. Lathe Stand or the American Lathe Stand. Price with 5 chucks $7.00 Portable Hand and Foot Lathe. Weight under 7 pounds, and occupies a space of 6x9 inches. Price, complete, $5.50. without foot attachment, $5.00. Hand Fly Wheel Lathe is an intermediate between the Hand Lathe and the Hand and Foot Lathe ; weight on- ly 3 pounds. Price, $4.50. Hand Lathe. — • Small, strong and durable, weight 2 34 pounds. Price, $4.00. DENTAL DEPOT. 537 Unique Lathe-head. PRICES. Unique Lathe-Head; with Chucks Nos. i to 8 .$9.00 Unique Lathe-Head, without Chuqks 6.50 Sponge holder for unique Lathe 30 The Unique Lathe. A combination of above head and Whites No. 4 Driving Wheel mounted together. Price, complete, including set of 8 chucks $25.00 Our New Lathe Head. Made by Snowden & Cowman Mfg. Co. This is a very durable and steady lathe head. It isn’t made to take the place of the cheap jewelers’ lathe heads because it is better made and sells for more money, but it will be found to be very simple in construction and decidedly easy running. The price includes four chucks — two screw head for Carborundum brush and felt wheels, one for carrying a vulcanite bur and one for sand paper. Price, with four chu;ks $5.00 The Brown Lathe Bath. This device is believed to be one of the most perfect of its kind ; the cup contains a wick, which is applied tol the surface of the grinding wheel keep- ing it wet without flooding it. The cup revolves on the pedestal and the lat- ter revolves and slides on the screw which enters the bench, thus making it perfectly adjustable. It can be fitted to any lathe by cutting the rod to the proper length. When used for the first time, that part of the wick contained in the tube should be wet. PRICE. Brown’s Lathe Bath 50 cents. Lathe Bath or Drip Cup with Sponge. Price with sponge 25c 538 M. F. PATTERSON. Clutch Lathe-Head, with Cone-Journals and Cone-Man drels. Parts Separately. Head without Mandrels $ 9.00 Mandrels Nos. 1, 2 and 9 each, .25 Mandrels No. 3 “ .35 Mandrels No. 4, with thread for Laboratory Lathe-Chucks “ .30 Mandrels No. 4, with thread for Lawrence Lathe-Chucks each, $ .30 Mandrels Nos. 5 and 6 “ .45 Mandrels Nos. 7 and 10 “ .60 Mandrels No. 8 “ 1-00 Lathe-Cord and Couplings. These Couplings are made of iron with a threaded hole in each end into which the Leather Cord can be screwed. Price per set $0.25 Leather Lathe-Cord per foot $0.07 DENTAL DEPOT. 539 The S* S. White Laboratory Lathe Head. Price, No. 3 Laboratory Lathe- Head, with Chucks Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and Wrench $5-0° No. 3. Large Wire Wheel. Suggested by Dr. J. M. Whitney. ♦ For cleansing engine tools (burs) and files and dressing down celluloid and rubber plates. It is shown full size; i$4 inches in diameter, two rows of fine steel wire. Price, each 5° cents Laboratory Lathe Chucks ► Made with a plain collar on the inner end, and a screw at the lower end of the hole. They run perfectly true. Nos. 1, 2, 3 are for corundum wheels, which are fastened on with shellac. No. 1 carries wheels Nos. 00 to 4. No. 2 carries Nos. 5, 6, 7. No. 3 carries Nos. 8, 9, 10. No. 4 is a screw-cone, very convenient for felt wheels! and cones. No. 5, collar-and- nut Chuck for brush wheels, cotton wheels, etc. Nos. 6, 7, 8, collar-and-screw Chucks for Carborundum wheels. PRICES. Chucks Nos. 1, 2, 3 each, $0.15 Chuck No. 6 Chuck No. 4 each, .25 Chuck No. 7 Chuck No. 5 each, .50 Chuck No. 8 each, $0.40 each, .50 each, .60 540 M. F. PATTERSON, The Lawrence Lathe-Head* The Lawrence Lathe-Head is so well known, and the cut shows it so clearly, that detailed description is unnecessary. Price, Iron Lathe-Head, with two Chucks, as shown $7-50 Slip Mandrel for this head with two Chucks .each 1.30 The Lawrence Driving; Wheel No. I. Driving Wheel $12.00 Boxing Wheel 1.00 Springs for Wheel 1.00 Treadle for Wheel 1.25 Adjustable Drip Cup for Lathes. The Cup is adjustable on the stem and is held at any desired height by a clamp. Price, Plain Brass $1.00 Price, Nickel-plated 1.25 Lathe-Arbor for Sand Paper, etc. This Arbor is made of brass After cutting the sand, emery, or other paper to proper size, say two and one-half inches square, one edge of it is slipped into the. groove and the paper is wrapped around the Arbor. It will be held in place by the motion of the Lathe. Price for Redman Lathe-Head $0.25 Price for all S. S. W. Heads 30 Felt-Wheel Chuck No. 9. Suggested by F. E. Pomeroy. I his Chuck, made of brass, is provided with steel pins, which prevent the wheel from revolving on the Chuck. Pric e each $0.50 Engdne Bit Chuck No. 10. No 10 is a split Chuck for carrying Engine-Bits. It is adapted to Unique and Of- fice and Labaratory Lathes. If desired for bits carried by No. 6 Hand-Piece, please specify. Price .* each $1.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 541 No. i. This is a cas;-iron wheel, eighteen inches in diameter, weighing twenty pounds. Total weight, as illustrated, twenty-eight pounds. The rim is grooved for use with a round belt or cord. Price. — Driving Wheel No. i $3.00 No. 2. This is a. heavy cast-iron rim with arms of three-eighths round steel. The weight is thus thrown principally into the rim of the wheel, making it a very effective one for the weight. Diameter, twenty inches; weight, twenty-five pounds; total weight, thirty-three pounds. Price. — Driving Wheel No. 2 $6.00 S. S. White Driving Wheel No. 4. The diameter of the wheel is 21 inches, and its weight about 38 pounds; total weight of wheel and frame about 68 pounds. Price (Crated) $10.50 Wood Cones for Finishing Vulcanite Plates. 123 These Cones are made of soft wood coated with corundum, coarse and fine grits. They are intended to screw on the taper-end of a lathe-spindle or on a taper-chuck. The illustrations are full size. Price of 1 dozen Cones, assorted, .per doz. $0.25 542 M. F. PATTERSON, Driving Wheels* Buffalo Driving Wheel No* 70 . This wheel is made from new patterns, and is of the class of wheels that can be used either by fasten- ing to the floor or by hanging under the bench, the •change being made by reversing the treadle lever and then reversing the frame. The wheel itself weighs 40 lbs., is 20 y 2 inches in diameter, has a grooved flat rim on which either a round or flat belt can be used. Total weight of wheel and frame, 59 lbs. Height of frame, 25 inches. This wheel is well made and runs true. The crank hasi a friction roller which runs in the treadle arm, thereby reducing the friction to a minimum. Taking altogether, it is the Cheapest First-Class Wheel ■ever offered, and it is guaranteed to be as above rep- resented. PRICE. Buffalo Driving Wheel No. 70 $8.00 Driving Wheel No* 5* NO. 5. SWING TREADLE. STANDING. NO. 5. SWING TREADLE. HANGING. This wheel may be used either hanging under the bench, or fastened to the floor, the frame being so made that it can be fitted up so as to swing the treadle lever either way. The wheel is operated by a swinging movement of the foot, which is much less tiresome than the heel and toe motion generally used. The wheel can be furnished with either a flat or round rim, with or without groove, for round belt. The crank runs in a slot in the lever, a rawhide roller being interposed. The diameter of wheel, twenty inches; weight twenty-five pounds ; total weight, fifty pounds. PRICE. Driving Wheel No. 5 $9.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 543 Skeleton Hand Lathe. A very effective and desirable form of cheap grinding apparatus. The spindle carries a heavy fly-wheel, which gives the apparatus strength and steadiness of motion. The price includes one chuck for brushes, ane one for a small carbo- rundum wheel, which screw on the end of the spindle. A large carborundum wheel is carried between the parting nuts on the spindle. PRICES. Skeleton Lathe $4-50 Extra Chucks, each 25 Cone-Journal Hand and Foot-Lathe* Price $7.00 Lathe Tables. Iron frame, wooden top, 26x20. This table is strongly built and weighs 85 pounds. Price, each $10.00 Boxing 1. 00 544 M. F. PATTERSON, LOOK FOR OUR TRADE MARK. FRED. C. STEIMANN & CO. Manufacturers and Importers, 1 02- 1 04 Fulton Street, NEW YORK. OUR GOODS SOLD AT RETAIL BY ALL DENTAL DEPOTS. WE SELL AT WHOLESALE ONLY. SPECIALTIES: Felt Polishing Wheels, Felt Polishing Cones, Bristle Brush Wheels, Tooth Polishing Brushes, Steel and Brass Wire Wheels, Moose Hide and Leather Buffs, Vulcanite Files, Gold Plate Files, Crown and Collar Shears, Plate Shears, Foil Scissors, Damascus Calipers, Damascus Charcoal Blocks, Damascus Crown Dies, Damascus Plyers and Nippers, Damascus Lathes, Screw Plates, Etc, COLLEGE GOODS AND LABORATORY SUPPLIES. No. 3 4 2 6 9 io 14 19 6o 55 56 17 18 No. I 5 7 8 11 12 13 20 21 22 57 58 59 53 54 15 16 23 24 DENTAL DEPOT. 545 Wood-Center Brush Wheels. Straight Bristles. Rows. Bristles. Stiff Medium Stiff Soft Stiff Soft Stiff Soft Diameter. if in. 1* “ 1* “ 1? “ I: It ” 2? “ 3* “ 3* “ “ 2 “ 2 “ Rows. Bristles. 2 Stiff Diameter, l£ in Soft Medium Soft Stiff Medium Stiff Medium Soft { ( Stiff Medium Stiff Medium Stiff Medium Stiff Medium Cut represents No. 26. Each. .$0 IO • 14 • 15 18 20 25 40 45 28 No. Rows. Bristles. 25 26 50 34 42 29 30 37 38 45 t 64 Stiff Soft Stiff Soft Stiff Soft Stiff Soft Stiff Soft Diameter. Each 3“} *>* !* “ z":::""" %' H “ 70 \ “ I * 3-1 62 IJ'“I - I :: } * Converging Bristles. Cut represents No. 27. Each. •fo 15 18 20 • 2.5 . 40 .. 45 .. 28 .. 34 No. Rows. Bristles. Liameter. Each. 47 3 Soft 3 in. 1 1 48 3 Stiff 3 “ fo 37 49 3 Medium 3 “ J 1 3i 3 Soft 35 “ 1 1 32 3 Stiff 3* “ 50 33 3 Medium 3 * “ J 1 39 3 Soft 3f'“ 1 1 40 1 Stiff 31 ;; 70 4i 3 Medium 3* “ J 1 27 4 Stiff 3 “ 1 L 28 4 Medium 3 “ J r -• 44 35 4 Stiff 35 “ 1 36 4 Medium 3i “ j 43 4 Stiff 3 ; “ 1 44 4 Medium 3t “ J 72 61 6 Stiff 3 “ 1 65 62 6 Medium 3 “ 1 y 546 M. F. PATTERSON, Wood-Center Brush Wheels* — Continued* Cup-Shape. Cut represents No. 76. No. 67. i Row, Medium Bristles, 2 inches diameter. -No. 68. 1 Row, Stiff Bristles, 2 inches diameter No. 76. 3 Rows, Soft Bristles, 2-J inches diameter. . . No. 78. 3 Rows, Medium Bristles, 2-| inches diameter No. 77. 3 Rows, Stiff Bristles, 2J inches diameter. . . No. 69. 3 Rows, Soft Bristles, 3 inches diameter. . . . No. 71. 3 Rows, Medium Bristles, 3 inches diameter. No. 70. 3 Rows, Stiff Bristles, 3 inches diameter. .. . each $0.14 No. 65. No. Oo. Cup-Shape Bristles, Long Wooden Shanks* Style of No. 65. No. 51. 2 Rows, Stiff Bristles, ij inches diameter each $0.18 No. 65. 2 Rows, Stiff Bristles, if inches diameter each .24 Straight Bristles, Long Wooden Shanks* Style of No. 66. No. 52. 2 Rows, Stiff Bristles, i-J inches diameter each $0.18 No. 66. 2 Rows, Stiff Bristles, ij inches diameter each .24 DENTAL DEPOT. 54 T Wood-Center Brush Wheels* — Continued* Hub-Shape. Covering Bristles. Hub-Shape. No. Each. >5. Ring Polisher, \ in. diam. . . $0.08 74. Soft Bristles, i-J in. diam. "| 72. Med. Bristles, 1^ in. diam. > .32 73. Stiff Bristles, i-J in. diam J Cut represents No. 87. No. Each. 85. Stiff Bristles, f in. diam.. . $0.18 86. Stiff Bristles, I in. diam. . . .22 87. Stiff Bristles, i-J in. diam.. . .30 Wood-Center Cotton Wheels. Cut represents No. 83. No. 79. i Row, if inches diameter. No. 80. 2 Rows, if inches diameter No. 81. 2 Rows, 2 inches diameter No. 82. 2 Rows, 2f inches diameter No. 83. 3 Rows, 2f inches diameter No. 84. 4 Rows, 3 inches diameter each $0.12 u u j- .20 •34 .40 548 M. F. PATTERSON, Felt Cones and Wheels* Hardened Centers* Made of stock selected with a view to its special fitness for polishing: flexible, dense, and withal soft — but not spongy. Cones — Blunt and Pointed* PRICES. Large Felt Cone, i inch in diameter, Blunt or Pointed, each $0.20 Small Felt Cone, f inch in diameter, Blunt or Pointed, each 10 Very Small Felt Cone, f inch in di- ameter, Blunt (per doz. $0.75) each .07 Wheels — Square Edge. PRICES. Square-Edge No. o, J in. diameter, .each $0.10 Square-Edge No. 1, ij in. diameter, .each .15 Square-Edge No. 2, if in. diameter, .each .15 Square-Edge No. 3, 2 \ in. diameter, .each .25 Square-Edge No. 4, 2f in. diameter, .each .25 Wheels — Round Edge. Round-Edge No. 1, if inches diameter each $0.15 Round-Edge No. 2, if inches diameter each .15 Round-Edge No. 3, 2f inches diameter each .25 Round-Edge No. 4, 2f inches diameter each .25 Abrada. Abrada is put up in oval sticks, 4xifxf inches, each stick in a separate box, neatly labeled. No. I, Fine, for Polishing Vulcanite. No. 3, Fine, for Polishing Metals. No. 2, Medium for Grinding Vulcanite. No. 4, Medium, for Grinding Metals. PRICES. each $0.15 each .25 .... .70 Nos. 1 and 2. Nos. 3 and 4. In box of four 550 M. F. PATTERSON, Chart of Carborundum Lathe Wheels* D I A MET LRS We furnish any diameter shown in any thickness shown, and any thickness shown in any diameter shown. '/z TH I CICNL55 DENTAL DEPOT. 551 CARBORUNDUM DENTAL LATHE WHEELS. Patented February 28, 1893. A Carborundum lathe wheel will cut porcelain faster than any other wheel on earth. It will actually and positively cut four times as fast as a corundum wheel. Expert chemists say Carborundum is as much harder than corundum as corundum is harder than talc or soapstone. These same authorities place Carborundum next to the dia- mond in the scale of hardness. They say it is a close second. A genuine Carborundum wheel is vitrified. Before it is vitrified it is subjected to an enormous pressure. After it is pressed it is baked in a potter’s kiln for seven days at a tem- perature of 2500 degrees. There are two good results of this process. The first result is the production of a wheel that is abso- lutely uniform in texture. The second result is the production of a wheel that may be used dry just as well as wet. It will do just as good work one way as the other. There are imitations of these wheels, but it is just as easy to tell them from the genuine before buying as after using. If this label isn’t pasted on the wheel is simply isn’t a genuine Carborundum wheel. If it isn’t genuine it isn’t as good. Every Carborundum wheel bearing our name is sold under this guarantee. WARRANT. Carborundum Wheels are guaranteed to be free from soft spots, to cut equally well, wet or dry, to cut from two to four times as fast as Cor- undum, according to grit, and not to glaze or wear smooth. LEE S. SMITH & SON, SOLE AGENTS, PITTSBURG, PA. There are not many words in that guarantee, but every one of them counts. Every one of them means exactly what it says. See prices on page 552. 552 M. F. PATTERSON, Carborundum Dental Lathe Wheels AT REDUCED PRICES. The prices of Carborundum Lathe Wheels were reduced 33 1-3 per cent, in July 1900, to the following list. The decreased cost means simply increased production. In the genuine Carborundum goods it can never by any possible chance mean inferior quality. The quality of the wheel is constantly improving. It is as near perfect as money and brains can make it. SQUARE EDGE. Inches. Inches. Inches. No. Diameter. Thickness. Center Hole. Price in Cents. No. Diameter. Thickness. Center Hole. Price in Cents. Diameter. Thickness. Center Hole. Price in Cents. 1 * T6 3 3 2 12 9 1* 3 8 1 4 25 ! ! 17 1 3 8 _5_ ; 16 35 2 * 1 3 3 2 12 10 n * i 26 i 18 2i ! i T6 I 40 3 3 T6 3 3 2 14 11 2 i i 25 ! 19 ' 1 3 ' i 3- 8 35 4 1 1 8 T6 17 i 12 2 l i 27 20 3 i 3 8 35 5 | 1 1 3 1 6 18 1 13 2 1 k 30 21 j 3 3 8 3 1 8 40 6 1 3 8 3 1 6 18 14 2 1 * 35 22 3 l t ! 47 7 * 1 1 J-? S' i 20 15 1 F n T6 27 23 3 4 ! 3 ; 8 60 8 1? ¥ 1 4 1 22 16 2\ 4 5 1 6 27 , ROUND EDGE. 30 i 1 1 6 3 3 2 14 37 1* i 4 25 44 2 h t TF 37 31 i * ^ j 14 33 1* 3 8 ¥ 27 45 3 i 1 3 32 37 32 h T6 3 3F 17 39 2 i i 27 46 3 ¥ j if ! 37 33 1 i 5 32 20 ! 40 2 \ 1 ¥ 30 1 47 Q O 1 3 8 1 3 3 2 44 34 1 k 5 3 2 20 41 i 2 1 1 ¥ 35 50 Thin Thick Edge Cent’r! 25 35 1 3 8 3 2 22 42 2\ 1 * 3 TF 30 36 1£ J i 25 I 43 2\ 1 T 3 1 T * 30 51 3 (« «( 40 FIVE GRITS, A, B, C, D, & E. COARSE TO FINE. SOLE AGENTS : LEE S. SMITH & SON, DENTAL DEPOT, The Carborundum Co., Mfrs., Niagara Falls, N. Y. 524 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa, DENTAL DEPOT. 553 Felt Wheels* — Continued* PRICES. Knife-Edge, No. i, if inches diameter . . .each $0.15 Knife-Edge, No. 2, if inches diameter . . .each .15 Knife-Edge, No. 3, 2f inches diameter . . . each .25 Knife-Edge, No. 4, 2f inches diameter . . .each .25 Cotton-Duck Wheels and Cones* Suggested by Dr. J. H. Mease. Cotton-Duck .Wheels and Cones hold the coarser abrasives better than anything we know of. As time-savers in cutting down a plate preliminary to the application of fine finishers they are unequaled. PRICES. Wheels, No. 1, i-§ in. diameter each $0.10 Wheels, No. 2, if in. diameter each .20 Wheels, No. 3, 2f in. diameter each .30 Wheels, No. 4, 2f in. diameter each .40 Cones. PRICES. Large Cones, 2 inches long, 1 inch diameter. Small Cones, if inches long, 1 inch diameter, Extra Small .... each $0.40 .... each .20 Chamois-Skin Polishing Wheels. PRICES. 3 inches in diameter $0.40 2 .\ inches in diameter 35 2 inches in diameter 25 .10 34 554 M. F. PATTERSON, Vulcanite Burs. No. i. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 2, shank for “Best” Lathe Head. No. 3, shaDk for Laboratory and Unique Lathes. No. 4, shank for Cone Journal Lathe Head. No. 5, shank for Clutch Lathe Head. PRICES. Burs Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. for Clutch Lathe Head ,.each$1.50 Burs Nos. 1, 2, 3,4, 5 for other Lathe Heads named... “ 1.25 Circular Steel Files. In cutting down the rough surface of a vulcanite plate, they combine the efficiency of a file with the rapid work of a lathe. Diameter, width, and cut as shown. Size of hole 5-16-inch diameter. Price each $1.25 DENTAL DEPOT. 555 Ready-Mounted Corundum Wheels. These wheels are intended for use with the Niagara Lathe. They are moulded upon pin-chucks, and can be used until completely worn out. They are the; most convenient form of small wheel, as they can be used clear beyond the point when ordinary wheels become useless. The facility with which some little depression is reached with onej of these wheels, when worn down to a very small diameter, is only appreciated by those who have used them. A single trial will convince any one of their value. The illustrations' show them full size. PRICES. Ready-Mounted Corundum Wheels, sizes A, G, H or K, each 15 cents. Ready-Mounted Corundum Wheels, size L, each 20 cents. Ready-Mounted Corundum Wheels, size J, each 30 cents. The Austin Flexible Rubber Plate Finisher. Consists of a flexible rubber carrier, mounted upon a split chuck, and carrying emery paper or emery cloth secured by a brass collar or ferrule. When the Fnisher is; screwed on the taper screw chuck or taper spindle of a lathe, the flexible carrier is expanded to securely hold the paper or cloth between the brass collar and the carrier. PRICES. Austin’s Flexible Rubber Plate Fnisher, including a supply of paper and cloth, $ .50 Extra Emery Paper, per package 10 Extra Emery Cloth, per package 556 M. F. PATTERSON, Corundum Wheels* No. Diameter. Thickness in inches. 00 0 34 $0.05 .05 % 54 % % 1 1 2 ;; 1 .05 1 $0.08 $0.12 $0.14 $0.16 $0.20 3 4 5 6 r - 12 .14 .16 .18 .20 .24 fs“\ 234 “ j 334 “ [ - .25 .30 .35 .40 .50 7 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 The 34 -in. Wheels Nos. 0 to 7 are made both round and square edge. All others square edge only. Articulating, diameter 2* in., thickness of cutting edge A in each to Depressed Center, diameter 334 in “ * 40 Three Grits, B, C and D — fine, medium and coarse. No. 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Diameter, in. if” 1 “ Ws “ 1 % “ 2/1 “ 7 314 “ Articulating. Gem Wheels for Lathe* PRICES. Thickness 34 in. and less. • each $0.10 .20 .40 .50 .30 Grits, fine and extra fine. Finishing Strips and Carrier* This appliance gives the dentist three advantageous working surfaces of different shapes— the rounded slanting end, the sharp edge, and long fiat face. The strips are put up 50 in a box, sand and emery-paper. Price, complete, Carrier and box of finishing strips $ 0.12 “ Carrier separately ’ *93 “ Strips separately, per box T....T1^"***1!1^*""* *10 Flexible Steel Scratch Brush. A flexible steel wire Brush for the removal of silex and very small globules of rubber from the palatine surfaces of rubber plates. Price $0,25 Hinman's Polishing-Strip Chucks* This device consists of a slotted wood chuck, with the portion which carries the Polishiug Strips covered with felt to give the proper surface. One end of the strip is tucked into the slot, where it is held firmly by a wooden pin. The Polishing Strip Chucks can be used on any lathe with a screw mandrel, and will be found useful in polishing vulcanite plates, etc. Three sizes. Price, No. 1 $0.20 “ 2 and 3 25 100 Emery Paper Strips for No. 1 chuck !20 100 “ “ “ “ 2 “ 25 100 “ “ “ “ 3 “ 30 DENTAL DEPOT. 557 Carborundum Cloth and Paper for Laboratory use. CAHIMiKU^ Carborundum Cloth and Paper is better than any other kind of cloth and paper for lab- oratory work. It cuts faster and cleaner than anything else. Both cloth and paper are furnished in three grits, coarse, medium and fine, in sheets 11x12 inches. Carborundum Cloth, per sheet $0.05; per doz. $0.50 Carborundum Paper, for 2 sheets 05; per doz. .25 Lee S. Smith & Son, Sole Agents, Pittsburg, Pa. Sand, Emery, Cuttle-Fish and Garnet Paper. Emery and Crocus Cloths. Sand-Paper, Nos. 2, 2 ^ 4 , 3. . Emery-Paper, Nos. 00 to 1 }4 Emery-Paper, No. 2 Emery-Paper, No. 2 j 4 Emery-Paper, No. 3 Cuttle-Fish Paper quire $0.25 Garnet Paper •50 .30 Emery-Cloth, Nos. 00 to i/ 4 * “ .90 a •35 Emery-Cloth, No. 2 “ 1. 00 a .40 Emery-Cloth, No. 2 j 4 1.25 .50 Emery-Cloth, No. 3 1-35 (C .60 Crocus-Cloth “ .90 .50 Reamer. For Fitting Wheels having Wood Centers to Taper-Screw Chucks. This is a simple, inexpensive, and efficient tool which will prove useful in every laboratory. In shape and size it corresponds to the No. 4 taper-screw chuck, and to the taper-screw end of the lathe-spindle. It is designed to cut rapidly and accurately, and may be used a long time without re- quiring to be sharpened. Price. each $0.75 Dental-Plate Brushes. These little Brushes are fixed in a soft metal socket, adapted to a taper-screw lathe-chuck. They will be found very efficient in reaching those parts of the plate that will not permit the use of the brush wheel. Put up in boxes containing 10 each. Price per box $1.00 558 M. F. PATTERSON, The Brown Celluloid Apparatus, Dry Heat. Malleable Iron Flasks and Wrenches. This apparatus is recom- mended as excellent for moulding celluloid plates by the “Dry Heat” process, a short explanation, of which will be found below. (See note). It will be found a very convenient appliance, and capable of turning out work equal to some much higher priced ma- chines. Brown’s flask is now sent out with the apparatus, by which the difficulty heretofore experienced in removing the plaster is entirely overcome. The flask has a loose bottom, resting on a flange ; by rapping on this loose bottom, the plaster is removed entire. This feature will be readily appreciated by those who have used dry heat in working celluloid. Note. — The preferable method of moulding celluloid in the Brown apparatus, is first to put the flask into the apparatus, when ready for moulding the plate, and thoroughly dry the plaster. Then remove it, insert the celluloid blank, replace the flask in the apparatus as quickly as possible, and immediately begin to close the flask. Only enough heat will be re- quired during this part of the operation to retain the flask at the temperature it already has. The absence of moisture in the plaster has the effect of rendering the celluloid harder and more dense in texture, and it is believed that plates moulded in this manner are less apt to warp, than when moulded in wet plaster. PRICES. Brown Celluloid Apparatus, complete, including one Flask, large and small Wrench, for Gas, Alcohol or Kerosene $6.00 The “Best” Hot Moist Air Celluloid Apparatus, FOR GAS. The Gartrell Steam Gauge and Gas The inside chamber is of cast iron, surrounded by a sheet- iron casing. The lid, of cast iron, forming a part of the clamp, is pierced for the pas- sage of three wrought-iron screw-bolts — nuts being on the upper side and easy of access PRICES. For Gas, with No. 13 Burner as shown.... $11.00 For Alcohol, with Lamp No. 10 1 1. 00 Iron Flasks, separately, each 1. 00 Brass Flasks, separate- ly, each 2.00 Steam Celluloid Apparatus. Apparatus complete . . $16.00 Complete with Gas Bur- ner No. 13 1 7.00 Flasks for Steam Ap- paratus, Malleable Iron, Galvanized .... 1.50 Packing for Boiler of Steam Apparatus, per strip 2v. Packing for Gland of Steam Apparatus, per strip 20 Regulator, Price each $10.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 559 The Lewis Cross-Bar Vulcanizer. Patented October^ This Vulcanizer is entirely new in its essential parts, and ’embodies improvements suggested by many years of experience, both in handling and in manufacturing, and we have no' hesitation in recommending it as the strongest, safest, most reliable and convenient Vulcanizer of the cross bar pattern on the market. The pot is hand-made from copper rolled ex- pressly for our Vulcanizers, is of unusual thick- ness, and is warranted to be perfect. The cap resembles that used on the B. D. M. Co.’s Cross-Bar Vulcanizer, but is much thicker and heavier; besides, being ribbed on the under- side to resist any strain that may be put upon it. This Cap has but two holes drilled in it ; one for the mercury bath, to which the thermometer is attached ; the other for the insertion of the Lewis manifolt, which carries the safety valve, blow- off,^ gas regulator or steam gauge. The ring that surrounds the pot is malleable iron and is of ample strength. Besides the lugs for taking the strain of the cross-bar and bolt, it has a dove-tailed projection for the insertion of a lifting handle. It will be observed that when the cross-bar and cap are removed, there are no swinging bolts or attachments to the pot. The Cross-Bar is of an improved form, and is made of malleable iron. One end is at right angles to the main bar and terminated by projections that catch under the lugs on No. 21. Cross-Bar wrench. No. 20. Pot Lifter, the ring. Over the projections is a small rib which prevents the bar from dropping out of position, these two projections, in fact, forming a hinge-guide. The other end of the cross bar has an enlarged portion for the reception of the bolt, and is terminated by a handle. The Lewis Vulcanizer is closed by one bolt suspended in a slot on the hand-end of the Cross-bar. The bolt is squared to prevent ro- tation, and is surrounded by a spring for the purpose of disen- gaging it from the lugs when the nut is slacked off, and for always retaining the holt perpendicularly, and forcing it in place automatic ally. It is not necessary to ad- just the bolt in the lug, as the action of adjusting the cross-bar causes the bolt to assume its proper position. Made in two sizes, 4 - 4^-inch diameter. inch and 4-in. 4 / 4 -in. No. i, complete. .$14.00 $16.00 No. 2, complete.. 16.00 18.00 No. 3, complete.. 18.00 20.00 560 M. F. PATTERSON. The Casgrain Flask-Closing Vulcanizer Patented in U. S., March 12, 1895 ; in Canada, March 18, 1895. This vulcanizer is the invention of Dr. Edmond H. Casgrain, of Quebec, Canada, and is of the class known as flask-closing vulcanizers. This vulcanizer possesses great strength, and is constructed in such a way that it is easily and quickly closed and made steam- tight, and the flasks compressed with the ut- most facility. As sent out, it is provided with a steam gauge (a thermometer being entirely useless), a blowi-off 'and safety apparatus. Provision is also made for the attachment of the Lewis Graduated Gas Regulator when re- quired, as shown in the illustration. The steam gauge is mounted on an improv- ed siphon, made of brass, polished and nick- eled, thereby dispensing with the unsightly iron coil as commonly used. The entire vulcanizer is made of brass — • with the exception of the pot, which is cop- per — of the best possible workmanship, highly polished and nickel plated. The flasks are of special pattern, and adapted to this vulcanizer only. Owing to the large amount of metal in this vulcanizer, it “heats up’’ slowly, which, how- ever, is an absolute advantage when perfectly vulcanized results are desired. In our ex- periments we found that it took from 30 to 35 minutes to reach 320°, and that unusually thick pieces of rubber were vulcanized per- fectly through the entire mass, and without porosity. This result was obtained in all of our experiments ; the products from this vul- canizer being homogeneous, and with a tough- ness quite remarkable. Flasks for the Casgrain Vulcanizer are designated No. 23, and should be ordered by number. The Lewis Heating Apparatus is furnished with this vulcanizer when ordered for gas. The top ring and base are bolted to the steel jacket to prevent rotation, the base being pro- vided with holes so that it can be securely screwed to the work bench. Wrenches Used on Casgrain Vulcanizer* No. 23. Casgrain Cap Wrench. No. 24. Stem Wrench. PRICES. Casgrin Vulcanizer, complete with two flasks and steam gauge $25.00 Lewis No. 4 Graduated Gas Regulator, with No. 2 Siphon, extra 5.00 No. 1 Time Regulator for above 4.00 Gas or kerosene heating apparatus, as desired. DENTAL DEPOT. 561 S, & C. Vulcanizers* For Gas or Kerosene., PRICES. Complete with Coolidge’s Gas and Time Regulator. $25.00 Complete with Gauge and Blow-off Cock 21.00 Complete with Thermome- ter and Blow-off Cock. . 18.00 Additional Large Iron Flasks each .90 Additional Large Brass Flasks ...each 1.25 562 M. F. PATTERSON, VULCANIZER. This Vulcanizer is made of the best Bronze, so-called “Gun Metal,” and is tested at one thou- sand pounds hydraulic pressure. It will hold three flasks of any kind with Donham spring, and allow plenty of room for handling. This packingis moulded instead of being cut in strips, and will last for years without being renewed. The cover can be screwed steam tight without the use of a wrench, the same being necessary only to open after being heated. The small quan- tity of water used (one gill) produces Vulcan- izing by steam instead of water, thus producing better results. The bed plate jacket which is screwed to the bench allows an easy and ready method of handling. GAS. OI^ Price, complete with two flasks. $16.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 563 The Edson Flask-Closing Vulcanizer and Celluloid Apparatus. This vulcanizer has the same pot and cover fasten- ing as the Whitney, a simple screw thread, which has proved itself to be, all things considered, one of the most satisfactory fastenings in use for this class of vulcanizers. The flasks are closed inside the boiler after steam has been generated therein, by means of a screw and cross-bar, which operate a clamping apparatus. The dentist is thus enabled to choose his time to close the flask, and to take advantage of the greater softness of the rubber consequent upon the higher tempera- ture it is exposed to in the vulcanizer. This appa- ratus is provided with a Mercury Bath Thermom- eter; also, the B. D. M. Co.’s Safety Apparatus, and the Blow-off valve, mounted on a Lewis Manifold. The clamping apparatus has lately been remodeled and strengthened, and the lower end of the screw is now attached to the boiler head by a cap-nut, so that the clamping apparatus can be either closed or open- ed by turning the screw. The Lewis Heating Apparatus is furnished with this vulcanizer when ordered for gas. The top ring and base are bolted to the steel jacket to prevent rotation, the base being provided with holes so that it can be securely screwed to the work bench. Our Combined Bed-Plate and Kerosene Heating Apparatus is furnished with the Edson Vulcanizer unless either gas or alcohol is specified. PRICE. Edson Flask-Closing Vulcanizer and Celluloid Apparatus complete, for Gas, Alcohol of Kerosene, including two flasks $25.00 No. 2 Improved Siphon. For the Lewis Graduated Gas' Regulator No. 4 . Gas Regulators are usually mounted on unsightly iron crooks, that are liable to become closed by rust, which often prevents the proper opera- tion of the Regulator. We have lately perfected a Siphon, that is in every way reliable, pre- sents no objectionable features, and will not corrode. It is made entirely of brass, polished and nickel plated. This Siphon is threaded for mounting the Lewis Graduated Gas Regulator No. 4. PRICE. Brass Siphon, No. 2 $1.00 564 M. F. PATTERSON. Patented August 27, 1889. The Crane Flask-Closing Vulcanizer. This vulcanizer has a screw-press attached to and forming part of the cover. Between the screw and the presser-foot which bears upon the flasks, is a heavy spiral spring, which equalizes the pressure, and follows up the flasks as they close. The flasks, being packed in the usual way, are placed in the vulcanizer, which is then closed, and heat applied ; the screw being run down in the meantime until its bearing upon the flasks is felt. When the thermometer indicates 260°, or there- abouts, the screw should again be turned down about three-quarters of an inch, or until a suffi- cient pressure is attained to insure the proper closing of the flasks. The gentle and continuous pressure of the spring will close the flask per- fectly, while the breaking of the blocks and other effects of over-pressure will be avoided. It will be observed that this apparatus gives the dentist complete control of the time for closing the flask. It is, therefore, superior to the spring clamps, which must be operated before they are put into the vulcanizer. The Lewis Heating Apparatus is furnished with, this vulcanizer when ordered for gas. The top ring and the base are bolted to the steel jacket to prevent rotation, the base being pro- vided with holes so that it can be securely screwed to the work bench. Special flasks with long guide pins, but without bolts, are furnished. The il- lustration shows the vulcanizer as rigged for gas. The Heating Apparatus for Kerosene for this vulcanizer combines the bed-plate and stove. The vulcanizer is placed in it when the cover is to be screwed on, and is not removed until the plate is vulcanized. The screw for closing the flask is operated at the proper time without any liability of moving the vulcanizer. This heating apparatus is illustrated on another page. The pot of this vulcanizer is 4^ inches diameter. It is made of extra heavy copper, with a cast gun-metal bottom. The whole machine is made with special regard to strength and durability. PRICE Crane Vulcanizer, complete, for two flasks, Gas, Alcohol or Kerosene $25.00 Combined Bed-Plate and Kerosene Heating Apparatus* For, the Casgrain, Crane, Edson and Whitney Vulcanizer The bed-plate ring has a side flange upon it, by which it is fastened to the edge of the bench so as to overhang. Depending from the ring is the jacket, to which the Kerosene Stove is attached. The necessity for cutting a holfe through the bench is thereby avoided, and the stove is brought out to a convenient position for use. The lamp has a four- inch wick, is securely held, and easily removed for filling. This apparatus is furnished with the Cas- grain, Edson or Crane Vulcanizers, without ad- vance in price. PRICES. No. 30D. Combined Bed-Plate and Kerosene Heating Ap- paratus for Casgrain, Edson, Crane or Whitney 4j4-inch Vulcanizers $2.50 No. 30E. Combined Bed-Plate and Kerosene Heating Ap- paratus for Whitney 4-inch Vulcanizers 2.50 When ordered with either a 4-inch or 414-inch Whitney Vulcanizer, in place of ordinary heating apparatus, 75 cents ad- vance on list price of vulcanizer. When ordered separately, specify whether for Casgrain, Edson. Crane or Whitney 4-inch or Whitney 4k2-inch Vulcanizer. DENTAL DEPOT. 565 The Whitney Vulcanizer. The Whitney Vulcanizer was invented by the late Dr. B. T. Whitney more than thirty years ago. It consists of a copper pot, four inches in diameter, on which a brass head is screwed; a steam-tight joint being made by means of a rubber-packing in the head, which bears upon the edge of the pot. The pressure is thus brought evenly upon the parts, the screw-thread supporting the pot and preventing it from being drawn out of true. The B. D. M. Co.’s Safety Appar- atus is applied to this Vulcanizer. This gives way and allows the escape of steam, if the temperature of the Vulcanizer should, by forgetfulness or oversight, rise to a dangerous extent. Experiments have shown a variation of as much as twenty de- grees in the temperature as indicated by the thermometer, depending upon the presence or absence of air in the Vulcanizer; the mixture of air and steam not allowing the heat to pass freely through it to the thermometer. A Blow-off Valve has therefore been added, by means of which the aii can be expelled from the Vulcanizer while it is heating up. These two adjuncts are mounted on the Lewis Manifold. The Whitney Vulcanizer is closed by means of two wrenches, No. 3 and 8. These form the most convenient means for the purpose, for the traveling dentist. For those having a regularly appointed laboratory, the bed-plate and wrench, Nos. 9 and 10, are recommended. These are furnished with the Vulcanizer instead of the round and straight wrenches, Nos. 3 and 8, without any advance in price. If a hole in the bench' is not practicable, the Raised Bed-Plate, No. 16, will be furnished at an advance in price of 75 cents. See also Overhang- ing Bed-Plate. The 17 Flask Wrench answers to close the flasks and the blow-off and safety valve. The heat is supplied by either gas, alcohol or kerosene. No. 1. Whitney Vulcanizer, 4-inch, for one flask, gas, alcohol or kerosene. .$12.00 No. 2. Whitney Vulcanizer, 4-inch, for two flasks, gas, alcohol or kerosene 14.00 No. 3. Whitney Vulcanizer, 4-inch, for three flasks, gas, alcohol or kerosene. . 16.00 Overhanging Bed-Plate* For Whitney Vulcanizer. The combined bed-plate and kerosene heating apparatus, originally designed for the Edson and Crane Vulcanizers, has recently been altered to be used as an overhanging bed-plate to accommo- date both the 4-inch and 4^-inch Whitney Vulcanizers. This Bed-Plate is very strong, and ia secured to the work bench by three screws. It obviates the necessity of putting a hole in the work bench as required by some other patterns of Bed- Plate. The engraving also shows our im- proved Bed-Plate Wrench No. 10. PRICES. No. 19. Bed-Plate, for 4-inch Whitney Vulcanizer 75 cents. No. 19A. Bed-Plate, for 4k2-inch Whitney Vulcanizer 75 cents. No. 10. Improved Bed-Plate Wrench 50 cents.' 566 M. F. PATTERSON, The Hayes Vulcanizer. The Hayes Copper Boiler consists of a copper pot four inches in diam- eter, a cover containing the packing- joint, and a collar which screws upon a threaded ring which encircles the pot, and bears upon the cover to tighten the joint by means of three set-screws, which are plainly shown in the engraving. This fastening has proved to be very substantial. The Iron Clad Boiler is made pre- cisely like the Copper Boiler above described, except that the copper pot is covered by a shell of malleable iron strong enough to withstand many times the pressure of steam used in vulcanizing. It is only made of 4 inches diameter, and for one, two, or three flasks. The B. D. M. Co.’s Safety Apparatus and a Blow-off Valve form part of the equipment of the Hayes Vulcanizers, and are mounted on the Lewis Manifold. The Flask Wrench, No. 17, here illustrated, answers for closing the Hayes Vulcanizer and the flasks and operating the safety valve and blow-off. No. 17. Flask Wrench. Either gas, alcohol or kerosene heating apparatus is furnished as required. No. 1 Hayes Vulcanizer, Copper, Gas, Alcohol or Kerosene $12.00 No. 2 Hayes Vulcanizer, Copper, Gas, Alcohol or Kerosene 14.00 No. 3 Hayes Vulcanizer, Copper, Gas, Alcohol or Kerosene 16.00 No. 1 Hayes Vulcanizer, Iron Clad, Gas, Alcohol or Kerosene 13.00 No. 2 Hayes Vulcanizer, Iron Clad, Gas, Alcohol or Kerosene 15.00 No. 3 Hayes Vulcanizer, Iron Clad, Gas, Alcohol or Kerosene 17.00 Four and One-Half Inch Screw-Top Vulcanizer. This is made from the Edson patterns, without the clamping arrangement. It has the same screw fastening for the cover as the Whitney Vulcanizer; and it is, in fact, a large size of that machine. It is 454 inches diameter, large enough to take the B. D. M. Co/s “Large” flask if desired for dental purposes, and can be made to order, of any depth re- quired for special use, such as rubber-stamp work. No. 2, 454-inch Screw-Top Vulcanizer, Gas, Alcohol or Kerosene $16.00 No. 3, 454-inch Screw-Top Vulcanizer, Gas, Alcohol or Kerosene 18.00 Four and One-Half Inch Hayes Vulcanizer. This Vulcanizer is the same as the ordinary Hayes Copper Boiler in all respects except size. It is half an inch larger in diameter, and is preferred by dentists who like to use extra large flasks, and have ample room for them. It is also used for rubber-stamp work to some extent, and for this purpose can be 'made specially of any depth to ten or twelve inches. Two sizes kept in stock, for two or three flasks. No. 2, 454-inch Hayes Vulcanizer, Gas, Alcohol or Kerosene $16.00 No. 3, 454-inch Hayes Vulcanizer, Gas, Alcohol or Kerosene 18.00 Repairs on Vulcanizers. Take Notice. — We must insist on having all parts of a Vulcanizer sent us for repairs. Dentists will save themselves much annoyance, delay, and at times additional expense, bv observing the above rule. All vulcanizers, after being repaired, are thoroughly tested,’ no matter how trivial the repairs have been, and unless we have all the parts, we can not be sure that the repaired vulcanizers are steam tight, and in a satisfactory condition. In every instance, send Cap, Thermometer and Pot. This rule also applies when a gas regulator is to be fitted to a vulcanizer. We will quote prices on any part of any Vulcanizer when requested. DENTAL DEPOT. 567 The Mann Vulcanizer. New Philadelphia Vulcanizer* Tripod, Two-Case. Three-Case. Gas or Alcohol Less Steam Gauge SI 8 00 $20 00 Kerosene Less Steam Gauge 18 50 20 50 Boiler and Top, alone 15 00 16 00 Steam Gauge, with Siphon, complete, extra 6 50 Two-Case. Three-Case. Gas or Alcohol $18 00 $20 00 Kerosene 18 50 20 50 With Screw Cover Instead of Tripod, Two-Case. Three-Case. Gas or Alcohol $14 00 $16 00 Kerosene 14 50 16 50 Furnaces, Furnaces Nos. i and 2 are oval, with hinged doors, the center sections cased with sheet iron. No. i takes muffles 12 in. long, zVa in. wide, inside measurements. Outside measure- ments for the two-muffle furnace are 43 in. high, 21 in. wide, and 16 in., deep ; for the one- muffle furnace, 34 in. high, 21 in. wide, 16 in. deep. No. 2 Furnace takes a muffle 11 in. long, 3^2 in. wide, inside measurements. Outside measurements are 33 in. high, 20 in. wide, and 14 in. deep. These Furnaces are not carried in stock, but are made only on order. No. 1, For two Muffle, with 4 Muffles, 6 Slides, and half-peck Fire-Clay, packed in cask for shipping $ 33.75 No. 1, For one Muffle, with 4 Muffles, 6 Slides, and half-peck Fire-Clay, packed in cask for shipping 27.50 No. 2, For one Muffle, with 4 Muffles, 6 Slides, and half-peck Fire-Clay, in cask for shipping 23.00 Lilliput, Tees’s. Height 1872 in., base 12x8 in. With 2 Muffles, Slide, Poker, Tongs, 2 Coke Screens, 72 lb. Kaolin, and Instructions (boxed) 31.00 Model. For Continuous-Gum Work. Total height 24 in., diameter 1274 in. With 2 Muffles, 1 pair Tongs, and a Poker (boxed) 26.00 Soldering (see Soldering Appliances below). Furnace Equipments* Fire-Clay per quart $ .06 Muffles, No. 1, Roberts. 137^x3^x254 in., inside measurements 1.00 Muffles, No. 1, 12x35^x3 in., inside measurements 88 Muffles, No. 2, 11x372x274 in., inside measurements 75 Muffles, No. 3, 1072x374x2 in., inside measurements 60 Muffles, for Lilliput Furnace, 7x376x274 in., inside measurements 75 Muffles, for Model Furnace, 8x372x254 in., inside measurements 80 Slides, No. 1, $0.12; No. 2, $0.11; No. 3 ’ I0 Slides, for Model or Lilliput Furnaces, 7 in. long, 376 in. wide 15 Soldering Furnaces* Russia Iron, with handle each $ 2 .oo Russia Iron, with stand each 200 568 M. F. PATTERSON, Vulcanizer Wrenches and Bed-Plates* Malleable Iron. No. i. Edson or Crane Vulcanizer Cap No. 2. Wrench. Price 75 cts. Edson or 4^-inch Whitney Bed-Plate. Price 25 cts. No. 21. Lewis Cross-Bar Wrench. Price 25 cts. No. 23. Casgrain Cap Wrench. Price 30 cts. No. 11. Vulcanizer top Wrench. Price 25 cts. For the Crane or Edson Vulcanizers. No. 14. Edson Stuffing-Box Wrench. Price 15 cts. One end for tightening the stuffing-boxes ; the . other for safety apparatus and blow-off. No. 9. Bed-Plate for Whit- No. 18. Pin Wrench for No. 8. Whitney Round ney Vulcanizers, 4-inch. Crane Vulcanizer. Wrench. Price 25 cts. Price 15 cts. Price 50 cts. No. 19. Spanner for Crane Vulcanizer. Price 15 cts. No. 24. Casgrain Stem Wrench. Price 25 cts. No. 17. Hayes or Whitney Flask Wrench ; No. 3. also for Safety Valve and Blow-off. No. 4. Price 15 cts. Whitney Straight Wrench. Wrench for Crane Stuffing-box. Price 15 cts. No. 10. B. D. M. Co.’s Improved Bed-Plate No. Wrench for Whitney Vulcanizer. Price 50 cts. Pot Lifter for Lewis Cross-Bar Vulcanizer. Price 15 cts. No. 12. Wrench for Groshan’s Flask . . .each 15 cents. DENTAL DEPOT. 569 Mercury Bath Thermometers* For Dental Vulcanizers* The annexed cut shows the Mercury Bath Thermometer— full size — that is now placed on all vulcanizers of our make. As so mucn depends on a reliable thermometer, parties purchasing. vulcanizers should see that the genuine Mercury Bath Thermometer is placed on each machine. The great quantity of unreliable thermometer tubes furnished by different parties induced an investigation to ascertain, if possible, the causes of their failure, and we are glad to say it has resulted in an im- provement both in the quality of material used and the manner of pro- duction ; and, as a mark of distinction to protect the trade and the dental profession from imposition, we have caused a trade mark to be regis- tered in the Patent Office. This consists of a Red Stripe extending along the back of the white ground commonly employed in the ther- mometer tubes. It is formed in the tubes in the same manner as the white ground itself. Hereafter all of our tubes will have this mark in the glass, and all the scales will have the initials B. D. M. CO. stamped on the face. Without each of these, any tubes may be declared spurious and prod- ably worthless. Any imitation of these tubes will be in violation of law, and all imitators of them will be held responsible. We often receive applications for thermometer tubes without scales, the dentist evidently supposing that any tube will fit the old scale. This is a mistake. The position of the 320° point and the distance between it and the 212 0 point vary in different tubes. Each scale must, there- fore, be especially fitted for its tube, and care should be exercised that they be not separated. Orders for thermometer tubes without scales will not be filled. Provision is made on the improved Thermometer Case — herewith illustrated — for the correct adjustment of the thermometer tube to the indications on the scale, in case the scale should not be accurately cut. By turning the screw on the top of the inside thermometer case with a screw driver, the thermometer tube can be raised or lowered as required, till the black mark on the tube and 320° mark on the scale coincide. PRICES. Mercury Bath Thermometer and Case, complete Thermometer Tube and Scale Thermometer Case, only B. D. M Co.’s Mercury Bath Thermometer and new inside Ther- mometer Case. $i-75 ■75 1. 00 B* D* M* Co/s Time Regulator* This Time Regulator is of new design. In this, as in the gas regulator, the use of rubber in any form, excepting as connecting tubing, has been entirely discarded, as experi- ence has proved that substance to be very prone to deteriora- tion from a variety of causes. It has a metallic valve, which is gas tight, whether it be open or closed, which will be found to operate with ease and certainty. The timing device is operated by the minute arbor of the clock, instead of the hour arbor, as is usually the case. It is capable of very deli- cate adjustment as to time, its variations being limited by seconds instead of minutes. The No. 1 Time Regulator is used in connection with Gas Regulators Nos. 1 and 4. No. 2 Time Regulator is used with Gas Regulator No. 2. PRICES. No. 1. B. D. M. Co.’s Time Regulator $4.00 No. 2. B. D. M. Co.’s Time Regulator 5.00 35 570 M. F. PATTERSON, No* 4 Lewis Graduated Gas • Regulator* For Dental Vulcanizers. An entirely new Gas Regulator, supersede- ing the Coolidge-Lewis Regu- lator No* 4. Patented May 15, 1894. Gas Regulators for Dental Vul- canizers have been in use for a number of years, and have received the highest possible commendation from those using them. They wholly relieve the operator from all care or anxiety about vulcan- izing, leaving him free 10 attend to patients, or leave the office for an unlimited time, if he so desires. The Gas Regulator holds the temperature of the vulcanizer at the proper point, and the Time Regulator shuts off the gas at the proper time. Adjustment is re, or for a longer or shorter time, so that as complete control is had of the vulcanizing process as would be possible by the most careful attention, without the necessity of any oversight by the oper- ator after the proper adjustments are made, and the gas under the vulcanizer lighted. Owing to the extreme regularity of the heat, better results are obtained in vulcanizing than by the usual methods. In a word, no dentist who uses gas for vulcanizing can afford to be without a Gas Regulator if he values his time, comfort or safety. The Buffalo Dental Manufacturing Co. have from time to time brought out several successful Gas Regulators, and from the experience gained in this special line of goods, have now been enabled to produce a Gas Regulator that is believed to be superior in every way to any heretofore constructed. The No. 4 Lewis Graduated Gas Regulator, while resembling in outward appearance other Regulators heretofore manufactured, is in its essential points entirely different from them, and a trial of many months has proved it to be a remarkably perfect and reliable Regulator. This Regulator is capable of being set to temperatures varying from 280° to 320°. To vulcanize at any of the degrees of temperature marked on the graduated base, all that is required is to turn the milled hand-plate till the pointer is over the degree desired. This can be done either before or after lighting the gas under the vulcanizer. A small screw is inserted in the base, which acts as a stop for the pointer, and prevents the Regulator from being set, either by design or accident, to maintain a higher temperature than the highest graduation on the base, thereby endangering the safety of the vulcanizer. This Regulator requires no special adjustment after leaving the factory. We strongly recommend the No. 2 brass siphon for mount- ing all gas regulators or steam gauges. Lewis Graduated Gas Regulator No. 4, without Time Regulator. .$4.00 With No. 2 Brass Siphon, extra 1.00 Lewis Graduated Gas Regulator No. 4, with Time Regulator 8.00 Gas Inlet. easily made for a higher or lower temperah DENTAL DEPOT. 571 Coolidge Gas Regulator No* 2. This improved form of the Coolidge Gas Regulator is intended especially for use with any style of vulcanizer which exceeds the dimensions of the Whitney or Hayes Vulcanizers, and requiring a larger gas supply than they do. By the use of multiplying levers, the valve is moved so quickly that it will turn on a full flow of gas if the pressure drops but two or three pounds. It will operate equally well whether a large or small quantity of gas is used, and is applicable to the Whitney or Hayes Vulcanizers. It has a special adjustment for controlling the amount •of gas which must be allowed to pass to keep the burner alight when the desired temperature and pressure are at- tained and the gas is turned down. By this adjustment, the burner may be kept alight whether it be a small labora- tory Bunsen or one of three or four times the size. This adjustment is made by turning a small screw at the back of the case. Its adjustment for temperature and pressure is also new, quickly comprehended and easily operated. It is made by turning the milled plate which forms the back of the casing. This causes the valve-seat to approach or recede from the valve, as will be seen by looking through the glass front. PRICES. Coolidge Gas Regulator No. 2, without Time Regu- lator • $ 7.00 Coolidge Gas Regulator No. 2, with Time Regu- lator 12.00 The Lewis Manifold for Dental Vulcanizers* This device is made to carry the blow-off, safety valve and gas regulator — as used on dental vulcanizers — all in one casting, and obviates the necessity of drilling two or more holes in the vulcanizer cap for the in- sertion of these adjuncts. The center opening is for convenience of attaching a gas regulator. This is done by removing the cap-screw and screwing the coiled-pipe connection, or Siphon No. 2, in its place. The manifold is a great convenience for those having the old style of vulcanizers — with one hole in the cap — and desiring all the latest attachments, as it can be easily screwed into the cap without the necessity of drilling additional holes. u ^ Is plainly stamped “Safety Valve” and “Blow-off,” thus avoiding confusion be- tween these two attachments. In ordering, state whether for a Whitney, Hayes or Lewis Cross-Bar Vulcanizer. PRICES. Lewis Manifold only, without Safety Valve or Blow-off Lewis Manifold, complete, with Safety Valve and Blow-off. 572 M. F. PATTERSON, B. D. M. Co/s Improved Safety Apparatus. For the prevention of Vulcanizer Explosion. This apparatus consists of a thin metal disk, which is re- tained on the face of a hollow stud by means of a screw-cap. If the vulcanizer is neglected, and the steam pressure is allowed to rise so as to be dangerous, the safety disk will be blown out, and the pressure will be relieved. The engraving shows the manner in which the disk and washer are applied. The genuine “B. D. M. Co.” safety disks are manufactured only by the Buffalo Dental Manufacturing Co. PRICES. Safety Apparatus, with package of disks $1.00 Safety Disks, per package 25 The B. D. M. C.'s Blow-off Valve. This should be opened when heat is applied to the vulcanizer, and allowed to remain open until there has been a free escape of steam for two or three minutes. The air passes out with the escaping steam, and an atmosphere of pure steam in the vulcanizer is secured. The thermometer, under this condi- tion, will always show the same temperature for a certain steam pressure. A variation between the indications! of the steam gauge and thermometer of as much as 20 degrees has been noticed when the air was allowed to remain in the vulcanizer. PRICE. B. D. M. Co.’s Blow-off Valve 75 cents. Steam Gauge for Vulcanizer s. This is a reliable Steam-Gauge, to which is connected a condensing-chamber, with pipes so arranged as to form a trap. Above this trap is placed a safety-disk attachment. This Gauge can be placed on any of the modern vulcanizers having a blow-off or safety attachment, by simply removing the cap of same and screwing on the gauge. Price, complete # $7.50 The Buffalo Rubber Gauge. For determining the necessary quantity of rubber to be used in packing Dental Flasks. This consists of an ordinary tumbler, with a dished cover of spun brass, havjng a short flat tube soldered into a center opening. The trial plate is put into the tumbler, which is nearly filled with water, so that when the cover is put on, a little will overflow into it through the flat tube. The overflow is then thrown away, the trial plate removed, and replaced with rubber. When the water again stands at the top of the tube, the gauge contains exactly the bulk of the trial plate in rubber. The small sectional area of the tube, the only escape which is afforded to the water, renders the gauge very sensitive, and a very exact measurement is secured. The operation takes but a minute’s time, and will be found a much better method than guessing. PRICE. Buffalo Rubber Gauge 50 cents. Starr's Rubber Gauge* Price, each 30 cents. DENTAL DEPOT. 573 No* XII. B. D. M. Co/s Flask Tongs* These tongs are of malleable iron, nickled on the rough, and 13 inches long. They will be found very useful for lilting flasks from the vulcanizer. They are of sufficient length to reach the bottom of a three-case vulcanizer, and will securely grip any flask. Price. — No. XII. Flask Tongs 50c. Made of malleable iron. The handle unships, leaving the flask standing upon the plate. Enables the dentist to remove them from the dish in which they are boiled without touch- ing them. De Hart’s Flask Lifter. . .25c. Flask Lifter and Holder* The cut is a little more than one-third the actual size. The serrated ends of the handles are per- fectly adapted for lifting the flask from the vul- canizer, and the clamp end holds any size or form of flask, while fas- tening the screws. Price each 65c. Endless Packing* Endless Packing for the Hayes or Cross- Bar 4-inch Vulcanizer each 10c. Endless Packing for the Hayes or Cross- Bar 4p2-inch Vulcanizer each 15c. Endless Packing for the Whitney 4-inch Vulcanizer each 8c. Endless Packing for the Whitney 4l4-inch, Crane or Edson Vulcanizer each 8c. Strip Packing for the Whitney 4-inch Vulcanizer Endless Packing for the Mann Vulcanizer Endless Packing for the Davis Vulcanizer Endless Packing for the Boston Vulcanizer Endless Packing for the Casgrain Vulcanizer Endless Packing for the Seabury Vulcanizer Endless Lead Packing for Mann Vulcanizer Endless Lead Packing for Davis Vulcanizer each 5c. each 12c. each 12c. each ioc. each 25c. each 40c. each 15c. each 15c. 574 M. F. PATTERSON, Heating Apparatus for Vulcanizers. Heating apparatus for Vulcanizers is included in price of the Vulcanizer, but we are also prepared to supply the various heaters separately when desired. PRICES. Kerosene Heating Apparatus, complete $1.50 Gas Heating Apparatus 1.50 Alcohol Heating Apparatus 1.50 Flask Press. For closing flasks after packing, and will effect con- siderable savings in bolts and nuts. The B. D. M. Co.’s Flask Press, as now made, is from entirely new patterns, much stronger than the old style, and en- larged to admit of using No. 18 large flask. It has a large square-thread screw, well fitted, and should last a lifetime. PRICE. Flask Press $1.50 t Dr* Donham's Spring-Clamp for Flasks. A simple and effective method of utilizing the tension of a spring for closing flasks in vulcanizing. This device gives all the advantages of continuous pressure, and dispenses with flask-bolts. Made in two sizes, holding two or three flasks, and adapted to the different vulcanizers. The two-case size is used for a single flask, as shown in the illustration. PRICES. Springs, Two or Three-Case each $1.25 Brass Flasks ». each 1.00 Two-Case Spring, with one Brass Flask, as shown in cut.. 2.25 Two-Case Spring, with two Brass Flasks 3.25 Three-Case Spring with three Brass Flasks 4.25 Vulcanite Solder No. 2. New Style Flask Press. Made by Snowden & Cowman Mfg. Co. This Press is made of cast iron, very heavy, with steel screw and detachable handle. It has a Pivot Plate to level up the flask, insuring- always a central pressure on the flask; will take any flask in the market. Price $1.50 Boiler for Heating Flasks. Made of extra heavy tin, with wooden handle. Ca- pacity for four flasks. Price $1.50 for Repairing Artificial Plates. Our Vulcanite Solder works admirably in mending vulcanite plates when the direc- tions are carefully complied with. Price per bottle $ .25 Rubber Solder (Fusible Metal). Wood's. Per Ingot $1.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 575 No* I* Old Style Improved Flask Press* Made by Snowden & Cowan Mfg. Co. This Press is intended to close the flask after packing with rubber. It is of great advantage, saving the screws and flasks. The upright rods are of wrought iron and the handle of the screw can be detached. They are well made and very strong, and has been made larger, so that they will take any Flask in the market. Price $1.50 The Handy Flask Press* The Handy Flask Press is so constructed that the bolts of the Flask may be placed in their position after the two parts are put together, without removing it from the Press. The top and bottom plates are connected together at their corners by wrought- iron screw-bolts passing through tubes, and all are clamped to- gether by nuts. Price, japanned $3.00 The Seabury Rubber Compress* Designed to close the flask, with a uniform pressure, in the vulcanizer, when the rubber melts, at about 250° Fahr., and thus avoids all danger from forcible pressure applied while the rubber is hard. Price, Two or Three Flask Compress, including Lever and. Block $2.00, 576 VI. F. PATTERSON, Dental Flasks* A variety of flasks for vulcanite work is illustrated below. The cuts give a good idea of their appearance and construction, and their inside dimensions in inches are also given. The measurements are given in the following order: ist, from front to back; 2d, from side to side; 3d, height. No. i. Whitney Flask. Shallow Bottom and Shallow Ring. Size, 2fx3j5gXi T V PRICE.— Brass $1.25 Malleable Iron .80 No. 3. Whitney Flask. Deep Bottom and Deep Ring. Size, 2fx3 T 5 gXi|-. PRICE.— Brass $1.25 Malleable Iron 80 No. 5. Hayes Flask. Size, 2|x3jxi|. Made either in malleable iron or brass. The clamp is always malleable iron. PRICE. — Brass, with clamp $1.50 Malleable Iron 1.00 Clamp, separately 50 No. 2. Whitney Flask. Shallow Bottom and Deep Ring. Size, 2§x3 T 5 eXlf. PRICE. — Brass $1.25 Malleable Iron 80 No. 4. Whitney Flask. Deep Bottom and Shallow Ring. Size, 2fx3 T %xii|. PRICE. — Brass $1.25 Malleable Iron 80 No. 6. Edson Flask. Size. 2|x3 T 7 gXi x \. It is closed by the stirrup mechanism of the Edson Vulcanizer, and consequently has no bolts. It has very long and heavy guide pins, and is intended for use with either vulcanite or celluloid. PRICE.— Brass $1.50 Cast Iron IQQ DENTAL DEPOT. 577 Dental Flasks* — Continued. No* 7. Slot Flask* Size, 2 ^x3^xi^4. PRICE. — Brass $1.25 Malleable Iron 80 No. 13* Slot Flask. Deep* Size, 2^x354x1%- PRICE. — Brass $1.25 Malleable Iron 80 No. 8. Brown Flask. Size, 2j4x3^4xi 54 . PRICE. — Brass $1.25 Malleable Iron 80 No. 18. Whitney Flask. Large. Size, 2^x3^xi^. PRICE. — Brass $1.25 Malleable Iron 80 Extra Long: Bolts with Spring's* for Whitney Flasks. These bolts and springs will be found to be a perfect substitute for the Donham or other spring clamps. They will fit either the No. 1, 2, 3, 4 or 18 flask. PRICES. Extra Long Bolts with Springs, per set of three $ .15 Springs only, per set . . 05 No. 1, 2, 3, 4 or 18 Flask, with Long Bolts and Springs. .80 No. 16. Elliott Flask. Pat. Sept. 18, 1883. Size, 224x3^x1^. The clasps swing over inclines or lugs on the cover, and hold the parts of the flask tightly together. The lugs are put below the surface, that the flask may be placed either side up. The flask can be carried when hot by a wire hook, which is passed through the hole in a section of the cover. Made in brass only. PRICE. Elliott Flask, Brass $1.50 578 M. F. PATTERSON, No. 21. Hughes Wedge Clamp Flask. Patent Aug. 2, 1887. Size, 224x3^x13^. The several parts of this flask are held together by means of keys passed through slotted clamps, thereby doing away with the ordinary bolts and nuts. This method is represented as being a very quick way of securing the flask together. A flask press greatly facilitates the closing of the flask be- fore applying the clamps. Made in brass only. PRICE. Hughes Flask, Brass $1.50 No. 20. Crane Flask. Size, 27^x3^x154 This flask is designed especially for the Crane Vulcan- izer, and is the only one used in it. It is a large sized and strong flask. Made in brass only. No bolts re- quired. PRICE. Cran e Flas k, Brass $1.50 No. 22. Donham Flask. Used in connection with the Donham Spring. PRICE. Donham Flask, Brass $1.00 No. 25, The Improved Star Reversible Flask. Two sizes, Regular and Extra Large. PRICES. Regular, Malleable Iron, Nickel- plated $ .80 Regular, Brass ^25 Extra Large, Malleable Iron, Nickel plated ! 25 Extra Large, Brass 2 . 0 q Anchor Flask. Price Iron, $ .80 Price Brass, 1.25 The Seabury Dental Flask. Shown in connection with Seabury Rub- ber Compress on page 575. Price each $ 1.25 DENTAL DEPOT. 579 Box Flask. This Flask is specially design- ed for extra large cases or for making appliances like splints for fractures, etc. It is made in two sizes, viz.: No. i adapted to two-case vul- vanizers. No. 2 adapted to three-case vul- canizers. The construction of the Flask is such that very nearly all the available space in the boiler is utilized. Price each $1.20 The Griswold Flask. The Griswold Flask is made of /^-inch rolled brass. It is shaped over steel dies. It is polished both inside and outside, and is of uniform thickness. Price each $1.00 B. D. M. Co/s Flask Bolts. Our Whitney Flask Bolts are made from patterns, with extra thick nuts, which give about double the wear to the bolt, as compared with those formerly made. Our Hayes Flask Bolts are made of Forged Steel, with malleable iron nuts. Pur- chasers will please observe that the genuine Hayes Bolts are stamped “B. D. M. Co.” on the bolt, and the words “Forged Steel” are on each package of bolts. We believe our flask bolts to be the best and most durable in the market. Each set is now put up in a suitable box bearing our imprint. “Star.” PRICES. Whitney, New Style per set of 3. . 12 cents. Whitney Slot (or Brown’s Vulcanite) per set of 3. . 12 cents. Extra long bolts, with springs per set of 3. . 15 cents Star Bolt, for S. S. W. D. M. Co.’s Star Flask. . . .per set of 3. .25 cents. Hayes Steel Clamp Bolts per set of 3. .25 cents. Brown’s Celluloid Bolts per set of 3. .50 cents. Hayes Set Screw for Screw-Collars per set of 3. .25 cents. Bolts and nuts for Groshan’s Flasks per set of 3. .25 cents. 580 M. F. PATTERSON, Wattes Improved Metal* Manufactured by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. This metal is the result of diligent x'esearch aided by abundant leisure and long experience in the science of metallurgy. It is stronger and runs sharper than any now in use, while it withstands chemical action in the mouth better than 18 carat gold. It has no equal for lower plates, gives a much better fit than rubber, celluloid or gold, and is a good conductor of heat and electricity. Weight is often advantageous, but if shrinkage is very great, a base plate of the metal may be made and the teeth attached to it with rubber or celluloid. Beau- tiful upper or lower dentures may thus be made, and will command a much higher price than the ordinary rubber plate your neighbors make. Full directions with each ingot. The cut shows the exact size and shape of the ingots. Any other form is an imitation. Six ingots to the pound. Price per Ingot $1.00 Watt's Improved Moulding Flask. Manufactured by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. The Watt’s Improved Moulding Flask has many advantages over the discarded style. The two parts are held together with bolts, and the handle attaches to the flask at the top, thus placing the weight below the point of contact, which enables it to be held steady while pouring the metal. The handle is also a wrench at one end, while the other end is wedge shaped to assist in separating one part of the flask from the other. Price, complete $1.00 If sent by mail, postage extra twenty-five cents. Weston's Flask. For Casting each $1.00 DENTAL DEPOT, 581 T raun's 44 Ideal ” Dental Rubber* No dentist is ignorant of the fact that the quality of his work depends greatly upon the material he uses. A dentist who uses inferior dental rubbers is risking his professional reputation. The patient does not discriminate between bad work and bad material. The best professional skill is not able to make a poor rubber do the work of a good one. It is absolutely essential that you should use the best dental rubbers you can get. This means that you should use rubbers made by a house which has experience and in which you have confidence. Our experience in making rubber goods extends over a period of 44 years. In that time we have learned all there is to know about making dental rubbers. When we say that our “Ideal” Dental Rubber is the strongest, toughest and most elastic dental rubber made, you can rely upon our words. The “Ideal” is the rubber which every practitioner can use with confidence — his repu- tation will be safe in its hands. It makes practically unbreakable plates. Upon polishing, it developes a rich dark red color and a smooth glossy surface which is pleasant to the mouth of the patient. It is uniform in color and in texture. It is always the same, reliable in every way. It is a rubber that, if you once use it, you will use constantly and with implicit confidence. With all that, it is not expensive to use, as its specific gravity is light, and it gives more sheets to the pound than any other make. The “Ideal” Dental Rubber vulcanizes in 55 minutes at 320 degrees Fahrenheit.. The price is $2.75 a pound. A sample sheet will be sent for 20 cents, enough to give you an opportunity to learn its good qualities. When you write, ask for our rates on quantities. They are lower than you think. Our No. 1 Light Orange Rubber is a good thing for the busy dentist who cannot take much time packing his plate. He can pack a plate with this rubber quicker than with tlie strong dark dental rubbers. It is a beautiful light red in color, and is plenty strong enough for the regulation plate. A combination of ^To. 1 Orange for the base and Maiden Blush Pink for the face would make a very pretty and attractive looking denture. The price of this No. 1 is only $2.25 per lb. A valuable booklet, with full description and samples of our rubbers vulcanized, will be sent free, if you mention this book. Traun Rubber Co*, Successors to Excelsior Rubber Works* Factory* College Point* N. Y. Office* 335 Broadway* New York City. 582 M. F. PATTERSON, Traun's][Pmk Dental Rubber. There is just one thing which is essential in pink dental rubber — that is naturalness. That is the perfect pink color which best imitates the natural gums. Our pink rubber is the best pink rubber made in America — nay, it is the best pink rubber made anywhere, it is superior to even the best reputed and highest priced im- ported kinds. When we say our Pink is superior in every way to any other pink rubber made,, we mean just that. We are prepared to stand by this statement without hedging or qualification. The main thing in pink rubbers is the life-like appearance. With our rubbers a good gum-like shade can be obtained, even without solarizing. A few hours’ exposure to sun- light, however, always improves the delicate tints. More than that, it is strong — comparatively. Many of our customers find it is strong enough to be used for the entire plate, an advantage that will be manifest to every dentist. Other pinks cannot be so used — they are not strong enough. You must use them merely to give color to the face of the plate. You use stronger rubber for the base. The advantage of working entirely in pink rubber, which is strong enough to make the entire plate, and which is natural enough to furnish a perfect color, will be appreciated by every true dentist who has his profession and success at heart. That dentist needs to become acquainted with Traun’s Pink Dental Rubber, unless he already knows it. It is made in three colors, which supply every color needed by the dentist. These colors are the Ideal Pink, Imperial Pink, and Maiden Blush Pink. The prices of these are as follows: Ideal Pink. Imperial Pink. Maiden Blush Pink.. Light Shade. Deep Rose. Extra Light Shade. Per Pound $5.00 $5-50 $6.00 Half Pound 2.50 2.75 3.00 Perhaps you would like to see a sample of our Pink Dental Rubber before buying. We will send a sample sheet for thirty cents. A catalogue with vulcanized samples of all our Dental Rubber free for the asking.. Mention this book. Traun Rubber Co*, Successors to Excelsior Rubber Works, Factory, College Point, N. Y. Office, 335 Broadway, New York City.- DENTAL DEPOT. “583 Price-List of Traun's Dental Rubbers, 5 lbs. 10 lbs. 25 lbs. 50 lbs. Per lb. per lb. per lb. per lb. per lb. Traun’s “Ideal,” it makes Unbreakable plates . $2.75 $2.00 $i-75 $.1.65 $1.50 No. 1. Light Orange 2.05 1.80 1.70 1.50 No. 2. Medium Orange 2.05 1.80 1.70 1.50 No. 3- Dark Orange 2.50 2.20 2.00 1.80 No. 4- Light Mottled 2.50 2.20 2.00 1.80 No. 5- Dark Mottled 2.50 2.20 2.00 1.80 No. 6. Maroon 2.70 2.40 2.20 2.00 Maroon A 2.00 i-75 1.65 1.50 No. 7. “ Nubian ” Black, the standard deep jet black 2.70 2.40 2.20 2.00 “Zulu” Black, jet black, superior to other makes offered at the same price 2.05 1.80 1.70 1.50 Pure Black 2.05 1.80 1.70 1.50 No. 9. White 4.00 3.60 No. IO. “Giant,” a colossus in strength. . 3-00 2.70 2.40 2.20 2.00 No. 12. Herakles, the only colored Non-Mer- cury Rubber 4.00 3-6o 3.20 b 0 2.70 Traun's Pink Rubbers* Traun’s No. 8. Imperial Pink, deep Rose 5.50 5.00 4-50 4-25 4.00 Traun’s No. n. Maiden Blush Pink, extra light 6.00 540 4.80 4-50 4-25 Traun Ideal Pink, light shade 5.00 4-50 4-25 4.00 3-75 Traun’s New “Columbia” Dental Rubber Featherbone 1.75 1.60 1.50 145 i-35 Traun Rubber Co*, (Excelsior Rubber Works,) Factory, College Point, N. Y. Office, 335 Broadway, New York City, The S, S* White Dental Mfg* Co/s Vulcanite Rubber* Bow Spring Rubber $2-75 Dental Gum, No. i, Improved 2.25 Pink and Pink A 5.00 White 4.00 Black 2.25 Poulson’s Pink 5.50 Poulson’s Shaded Pink, 1-5-lb. package $1.50 Poulson’s Shaded Crown Rubber, 1-5-lb. package 1.00 Poulson’s Shaded Jet Black Rubber, 1-5-lb. package 1.00 Gears’ Shaded Pink, 3 oz. packages 2.75 Gears’ Shaded Pink, 1 oz. packages 1.25 Per lb. 5 lb. lots. 10 lb. lots. 25 lb. lots. .$2.75 $2.50 $2.25 $2.00 . 2.25 2.00 1.90 . 5 00 4-75 4-50 . 4.00 . 2.25 • 5-50 Walker's Vulcanizable “Granular Gum" Facing* No. 1 Mottled Granular Gum per ounce $1.00 No. 2. Purple Tint Dark Granular Gum per ounce 1.15 No. 2A. Purple Tint Light Granular Gum per ounce 1.15 No. 3. Florid Tint Dark Granular Gum perounce 1.15 No. 3A. Florid Tint Light Granular Gum perounce 1.15 584 M. F. PATTERSON, ESTABLISHED 1865. ...EUGENE DOHERTY'S... NEW IMPROVED PINK RUBBERS. I desire to state to the Profession that I manufacture three shades, Light, Medium Light and Deep Shade, which cannot be surpassed in quality, strength, shades or finish. Dentists who have used my Pink Rubbers, speak highly of them and desire no other make. All I ask is a trial and I am positive after a test of my Pink Rubbers has been made, they will prove their superiority over all others. The desirable qualities of my Pink Rubbers are color and tough- ness. To test this fact, the cost is not great and the experiment worth making to Dentists using this variety of Rubber. My Pink Rubbers are the nearest approach to the Natural Gum as yet on the market. They are of superior quality, possess a strength unknown in other makes, are more natural in appearance and warranted to give entire satisfaction. During my 35 years experience as a manufacturer I have certainly turned out the highest product of dental rubbers, that has ever been put on the market and I have earned this reputa- tion among dentists the world over. Eugene Doherty’s Rubber Da m Excels all other makes, manufactured from carefully selected Rubber under the most improved processes, superior in quality, strength and finish, no smell, no rot, warranted to last for years without deteriorating. Dentists using this Dam once want no other. All I ask kfor it is a trial, the Rubber Dam will do the rest. To those who have not used my Dam it will pay them to give it a trial as I am positive it will prove its superiority over other makes. I desire to state to the Profession that my Dam is ordorless, its sterling qualities are strength and durability, it gives the best satisfaction, no dentist can afford to be without it. Give it a trial and sec for yourself. , The two following Pages treat on my Rubbers. EUGENE DOHERTY, IIO & J 12 KENT AVENUE, BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A. DENTAL DEPOT. 586 DENTAL RUBBERS. TWIN CITY RED RUBBER. This Rubber is the best that can be made, regardless of cost, making a plate as tough and springy as Pure Para, and of a dark red shade. It takes the lead today in our sales, and gives abso- lute satisfaction wherever it has had a trial. PRICES. Per lb $ 3 -oo Per 5-lb. lots 2.75 Per 10-lb. lots 2.25 PHOENIX RED RUBBER. This Rubber is made in two shades of Orange (light and dark); the dark will always be sent when color is not specified. This Rubber is equal to many of the best on the market, and can be depended upon to make good work. PRICES. Per lb $2.50 Per 5-lb. lots 2.25 Per 10-lb lots 2.00 TWIN CITY MAROON RUBBER. PRICES. Per lb $3.00 Per 5-lb. lots 2.75 Per 10-lb. lots 2.25 PHOENIX BLACK RUBBER. This is a jet black Rubber of a superior quality. In the years this Rubber has been on the market it has never in a single instance failed to meet the requirements. PRICES. Per lb $2.25 Per 5-lb. lots 2.00 Per 10-lb. lots 1.75 PATTERSON’S NEW RUBBER. This is a medium red Rubber, by a new process, good plates. PRICES. Per lb $2.00 Per 5-lb. lots 1.75 Per 10-lb. lots 1.50 Makes 584 M. F. PATTERSON, TWIN CITY PINK RUBBER This Rubber is an imported Rubber, from the very best German laboratories; the shade is not equalled by any other make. It has the required strength, and the sales since we introduced it, eight years ago, have been enormous. Put up in y* lb. boxes. PRICES. Per lb $6.00 Per 5-lb. lots 5.75 Per 10-lb. lots 5.50 PHOENIX PINK RUBBER. Is a good Rubber where something cheaper is wanted. Color and strength are equal to the expectations of many uses. PRICES. Per lb. $5.00 Per 5-lb. lots 4.75 Per 10-lb. lots 4.50 PHOENIX RUBBER DAM. This is our leader, and is always sent when no other is specified. Put up in y. .Sheffield ASH'S HIGH GRADE DENTAL RUBBERS. We draw the attention of the profession to those of our Rubbers in Color shown on preceding page. We have selected these from our full list as the ones more generally used in the United States. THE GUM PINK Is by far the strongest pink that has yet been pro- duced, and more nearly resembles the color of the human gum than any in the market. THE ENGLISH PINK Is the superior of any rubber at same price. Contains no coloring matter and is the strongest base rubber made, one pound being equal in bulk to one and a half pounds of colored rubber. Are universally esteemed for their general excellence and can always be relied upon for uniformity in strength, color and purity. Full list of all our Rubbers supplied on application. THE ORANGE, ENGLISH BASE AND IMPROVED BLACK THE DARK ELASTIC RETAIL AND QUANTITY RATES : Per lb. 5 lb. lots. 10 lb. lots. 20 lb. lots. 25 lb. lets. Gum Pink Light, $6 oo $5 40 $5 00 $4 70 $4 50 “ Medium, 6 oo 5 40 5 00 4 70 4 50 New Pink, 6 oo 5 40 5 00 4 70 4 50 No. i “ 6 oo 5 40 5 00 4 70 4 50 No. iX “ 6 oo 5 40 5 00 4 70 4 50 English Pink Light, 5 oo 4 75 4 50 4 00 3 75 “ Medium, 5 oo 4 75 4 50 4 00 3 75 Whalebone No. i, 4 oo 3 60 3 20 3 20 3 20 Dark Elastic, 3 50 3 15 3 00 3 00 2 80 Orange, 3 oo 2 70 2 50 2 40 2 40 Imp. Black, 3 oo 2 70 2 50 2 40 2 40 English Base, 2 50 2 25 225 2 00 2 00 c. ASH & SONS, LTD., 30 EAST FOURTEENTH STREET, NEW YORK. Quantity rates apply to MIXED lots of our Rubbers. Doherty’s New Improved Pink Vulcanizable Gutta Percha for Coating. PRICE, $6.00 PER POUND. DENTAL DEPOT. 587 ESTABLISHED 1865* ...SAMSON RUBBER... PRICE LIST* PINK RUBBER, LIGHT SHADE, PINK RUBBER, MEDIUM LIGHT SHADE, PINK RUBBER, DEEP SHADE, In 5 pound lots, per pound .. 8^ In 10 “ “ “ “ ... per pound $5.00 “ “ 5.00 “ “ 5.00 ..$4.50 .. 4.25 “©a Samson Rubber, per lb $2.75 Maroon Rubber, per lb 2.75 In 5 pound lots, per pound $2.50 In 10 “ “ “ “ 2.25 In 25 “ “ “ “ 2.00 In 50 “ “ “ “ 1.80 No. 1 Rubber, per pound $2.25 No. 2 Rubber, per pound $2.25 Mottled Rubber, “ “ 2.25 Jet Black Rubber, “ 2.25 Pure Black “ “ “ 2.25 Para Black “ “ “ 2.25 Gutta Perclia, Base Plate, pink or white, per pound $2.25 In 5 pound lots, per pound $2.00 In 10 “ “ “ “ 1.90 In 20 “ “ “ “ 1.80 In 40 “ “ “ “ 1.70 Doherty's New Ideal Dental Rubber, per pound, $1.75* In 5 pound lots, per pound $1.60 Red Vulcanizable Gutta Percha, per lb. ..$3.00 Flexible or Palate Rubber, per lb. ..$3.00 No. 1 Weighted Rubber, “ “ ... 3.50 No. 2 Weighted Rubber, “ “ ... 3.50 Black “ “ “ “ ... 3.50 15 Minute Rubber, “ “ ... 2.50 My Rubber Dam is put up in rolls, 6 inch wide by 18 feet long, one square yard, and 6 inch wide by 9 feet long, one half square yard. Medium Rubber Dam, per yard roll.. $1.65 Medium Rubber Dam, per half yard roll 83 Thin Rubber Dam, per yard roll 1.15 Thin Rubber Dam, per half yard roll 58 EUGENE DOHERTY, 110 & IJ2 Kent Avenue, BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A. 36 588 M. F. PATTERSON ESTABLISHED 1865 . JN every line of business in the world, there only one best manufacturer. There we never two “bests,” and there never will be. There is just one make of dental rubb that is better than all the others That is the Strongest and Toughest. That never varies in Quality. That takes the Highest Polish. That is Easiest for the Dentist to Pack. That Rubber is SAMSON I have made Samson Rubber for over 24 years. I know exactly what it is and what it will do. I know the Para Rubber of which it is made is the most carefully selected. I know the process by which it is manufactured is used by me only, and I know that process is best. No dentist can afford to use rubber that is a shadow short of the best. No dentist can afford to take an^ chances. Samson Rubber costs no more than ordinary grades, but is worth a great deal more. If you have used it, you know all these words are true. If you have not used it, you are asked to try it. Never mind what other makers say. Never mind what I say. Simply try Samson Rubber and let it recommend itself. I make every variety of Rubber that a dentist needs. No. 1 Rubber is a light red, uni- formly tough and strong, and will give perfect satisfaction. My Pure Black, Jet Black and Para Black Rubber contain not an atom of mercury. The quality is unmatchable anywhere. My Weighted Rubber mixed with pure metal, for lower sets, is considered the finest in the world. Doherty's New Improved Vulcanizable Gutta Percha. My Red Vulcanizable Gutta Percha which I have made for the last 30 years, is cleaner and cooler in the mouth than Rubber, food does not collect on it, nor does it become slimy. My Pink Vulcanizable Gutta Percha for coating, I believe^ to be superior to anything yet on the market for this purpose. ONLY ONE BEST RUBBER. is re er RUBBER. EUGENE DOHERTY, UO & \\2 Kent Avenue, BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A. DENTAL DEPOT. 589 The Vulcan Gold Lining. A Perfect Gold Covering for Rubber Plates. The gold is applied in one piece to the surface to be covered, and no extra care is required in pack- ing the flask. The lining is composed of chemically pure gold with a thin covering of pure silver. The sheets are the thickness of No. 20 foil, and each book contains about forty-eight (48) square inches — more than enough to cover six ordinary size plates on one side, or four plates on both sides. Price, per package $5.00 Combination Dentures. This is a perforated metal plate, by the use of which, in combination with rubber dental plates may be made much thinner than if made of rubber only. The cut shows the full size of the plates. A part of the plate on the right shows the per- forations as they appear under a strong magnifier. Each box of plates will contain full directions with illustrations of their appli- cation to whole and partial dentures. No. 1. Aluminum Plates, each 35 cents; per box of six $2.00 No. 2. Victoria Metal Plates (gold colored), each 60 cents; per box of six 3.50 Dr* Wunsche's Metal Adhesion Plates. These plates are of very strong, white metal, enabling the dentist to dispense with the vacuum-chamber in upper dentures, besides adding very much to the strength of the case. Each box will contain full directions. No. l. A thin metallic form, the surface of which is covered with minute papilli-form prominences— shown in Fig. 2 magnified four diameters— effect surface cohesion as if the denture were glued to the gums, yet cause no irritation and leave no marked indentations. Strong cohesion can be had with a narrow plate, the sense of taste left unimpared. Full directions accompany each package. Price, per box, containing one dozen Forms, 25 cents. Rubber Cement, per bottle, 25 cents. These forms are also- made of gold with a thin lining of silver, similar to our Vulcan Gold Lining, and for like use. Thickness of No. 120 foil. Price, each, &2.50. 590 M. F. PATTERSON. Spyer's Adhesive Plates* Upper. Lower. With the use of these plates dentures can be fitted and comfortably worn in mouths that would not hold a hard rubber plate, that are tender, or in which the gums are spongy. Full directions accompany each package. PRICES. No. i. Box contains 3 upper and 3 lower plates $1.00 No. 2. Box contains 6 upper 1.00 No. 3. Box contains 6 lower 1.00 L Spyer's Automatic Suction Cavity* Fig. 1 . 7 IG. 2. Fig. 1 is a view of Spyer’s Automatic Suction Cavity ready for use. Fig. 2 shows it in position on the plaster model. The Automatic Suction Cavity is furnished al- ready shaped for the model ; it is only necessary to trim it to meet the requirements of each case, al- ways leaving a slight space between the slots or openings, AA, Fig. 2, and the outer margin of the metal form. Secure the cavity by means of pins or mucilage to the plaster model on the palatal sur- face inside of the alveolar ridge, leaving the ridge uncovered. Cover the metal form with the wax base-plate, which should be of the size, and approxi- mate the form of the finished, plate. Upon the base-plate the teeth are set up as usual, and the case flasked, packed, and vulcanized in the usual way. The finished plate will have along the edge of its palatal surface two ridges, besides the form of the vacuum, which provides strong adhesion from end to end of the plate. After vulcanizing, remove the metal form. If the ridges are too high, file them down to the desired height. Each box contains 12 Automatic Suction Cavities. Price per box $0.50 Scott's Plate Retainers. These Retainers have been used very largely* as a means of retaining the plate in the mouth by means of suction. PRICES. Per box of 1 dozen, upper $2.00 Each 20 DENTAL DEPOT. 591 Celluloid Plates* Uppers | ' Nos. 3 Price, $0.16 PRICES. 3J 4 .20 .18 4* .22 5 .22 5* .25 6 .27 6i .29 Uppers, “A,” j " Nos. 3 . Price, $0.23 3* .24 4 .24 4* .28 5 .30 5* .30 6 .39 .44 Lowers ■< ; Nos. U ( Price, $0.12 2 .13 .16 3 .15 3£ .21 4 .21 4| .26 Plumpers j f Nos. 3 L Price, $0.27 4 .36 5 •43 6 .35 Partials - f Nos. 5 (. Price, $0.08 6 .10 7 .13 8 .16 9 .14 10 .18 Liquid Celluloid. jrer uumc^ Tin Foil No. 60 , for Celluloid Work. Metallic Air Chamber Patterns* 12 3 4 12 3 4 Each form of our Air Chamber Patterns is made in 3 thicknesses affording a choice 12 styles. They are put up in boxes containing a dozen each, either of separate numbers We also supply two additional forms: No. 5 acorn shape and No. 6 shield shape. Price, Thin and Medium per dozen, $0.15 Price, Thick Per dozen, 0.20 Air Chamber Metal. Cut in strips 1x15 inches, gauges B. and S. Nos. 14 to 18. • per pound $0.25 Plate Brushes. Bone Handles. Two Grades, Medium and Stiff. Three Rows eac h $ 020 Four Rows eac h -3° Five rows,. each .40 Rubber Scrubbers. Each $°-3° Artificial Plate Brush. This Brush is made of the best Russian bristles, fastened with brass wire. The back is left open to permit the free drainage of water, thus keeping the Brush in good condition. It is especially designed for the needs of wearers of dental plates, but will be found very useful in the laboratory. p r i ce per doz., $4.00; each, $0.35 592 M. F. PATTERSON, Kingsley Vulcanite Finishers* Vulcanite Packers* Set of Five* 5 each $0.25 Price DENTAL DEPOT, 593 Vulcanite Scrapers* each $0.25 Light Wood Handles 594 M. F. PATTERSON, The Pearson Chisels* Designed by Chas. E. Pearson. Here is a chisel that is full of good features. The Handle, made as it is, will appeal to you, as it fits the palm of the hand, and is so easily grasped. The curvature of the blade is such that no awkward position is necessary in carving around the teeth. This curvature, combined with the right and left angles of the cutting edge, makes it of no difficulty at all to trim on either side of the lingual surface of the plate. As you will notice in the cuts, the same curvature is found in the square end Chisel, too. The old style Chisels offer you no conveniences; these Chisels embody ALL. The use of these Chisels in trimming but one denture will create such an attachment for them that they will al- ways hereafter be found in your labor atory. (Three in Set.) Made in Right, Left and Straight Edge. Price, each. 30 cents. J* W* IVORY, 51 North Tenth St*, Philadelphia* DENTAL DEPOT. 595 Fine Vulcanite Finishers* These three forms of Vulcanite Finishers afford facilities for fine work not found in the larger sizes, «T“3H an d are accordingly added to our set. They have It -■ 1 been well thought out, and as they are made are 1 excellent tools. No. 21 is a thin narrow chisel for paring the labial surfaces, margins, and edges of a vulcanite (or cast) plate. No. 22 is a pointed side- cutting tool for carving smoothly between the teeth; the parts most difficult to shape and finish. No. 23 is for palatal and generally efficient work. Finely HE! \ finished; the handles like those made for the Kingsley Finishers for years, to afford a firm, non-cramping grasp. Taken all together, this finishing set will be found to pleasingly supplement the preparatory work of the burs, files, and scrapers. Price each $ .30 Vulcanite Carver Chisel* Added to our Set as No. 24* In carving of vulcanite dentures for the produc- tion of artistic effects, smaller forms of Chisels are found to be preferable to larger sizes. They allow of a delicacy of manipulation impossible with a large in- strument, on account of the perfect control of the smaller blade. The Chisel Carver here illustrated is an excellent example. With it the most accurate paring and shaving of the vulcanite is readily accomplished. The cutting edge has a two-step bevel to facilitate clear- ance. Made in the best style. Apple-wood handle. Price each $ .30 No. 24. 596 M. F. PATTERSON, Bench Knives* These knives are of good material, rosewood handles, tempered steel blades, and excel- lent in shape for trimming plaster casts, and for dental laboratory purposes generally. Aluminum-Handled Bench Knife No. 5. This knife is made from one piece of steel, and is very strong and well tempered. One end is tapered and thinned for removing plaster impressions from the casts. PRICES. Bench Knife, Nos. 1, 2 or 3 25 cents. Bench Knife No. 4 35 cents. Aluminum-Handled Knife, No. 5 50 cents l 3 4 DENTAL DEPOT. 597 Litter st Hand-Cut Files* These files are made of the best imported steel, and are cut by hand, firm has been making a specialty of dental files since 1851. PRICES. Each. Doz. Separating, No. 00, 0, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. . . , $ .10 $1.00 Separating, No. 000, narrow and wide 12 1-25 Separating, No. 000, 00, 0, 1, -?>; draw cut. . . 12 1-25 Plug Finishing, 12 styles; very fine to very coarse 15 1.80 Double End Plug Finishing, 30 styles 20 2.40 This Vulcanite Files* Inches. Double End Half Round 7 Each. $ .20 Doz. $2.40 Double End, Half Round . .. .8 •25 3.00 Double End, Half Round . .. .9 .28 3-25 Fishbelly, or Double End Oval . . . .7 .28 3-25 Fishbelly, or Double End Oval ....8 •30 3-45 Fishbelly, or Double End Oval . .. .9 •32 3.80 Half Round, with tongue for handle . • • • • 4 J .14 1.65 Half Round, with tongue for handle . .16 1.92 Half Round, with tongue for handle. ....6 .20 2.32 Half Round, with steel handle . . . . 4 i .16 1.92 Half Round, with steel handle -.•■Si .18 2.08 Half Round, with steel handle 6 1 .20 2.40 Rat Tail, or Round ....4 .14 1.65 Rat Tail, or Round . .. .5 •15 1.80 Rat Tail, or Round ... .6 .16 1.92 THE LITEREST GOMPANY, Menlo Park, N. J. 598 M. F. PATTERSON, Files for Vulcanite Work, PRICES. A, Half Round, with Tang for Wood Handle. Per Each. Doz. 4^2-in . $0.18 $2.00 5 /4-in . 22 2.50 6-in . . -25 2-75 B. Double End, Half Round. Per Each. Doz. 7-in . . $0.26 $3.00 8-in . . • .30 3-50 9-in . . 32 375 Half Round, Steel Handled. Per 4 Each. Doz. 4>4-in . $0.22 $2.50 5/4"in • 24 2.60 6-in . . 26 3.00 C. “Fish Belly/' Half Round. Per Each. Doz. 7- in $0.32 $3.75 8- in 35 4.00 9- in . .40 4.50 Half Round, Scraper Point with Tang. Each. Per Doz. 4/4-in . $0.22 $2.50 5 /4 _ in . 2 <> 275 6-in . . 26 3.00 Rat-T ail. Each. Per Doz. 4- in . . $0.18 $2.00 5-in • • 20 2.25 6-in . . 22 2.50 DENTAL DEPOT. 599 Double End Files for Vulcanite Work* The Cuts show the forms of these Files. Nos. i, 4. 5 and 6 are cut on one side of each end. Nos. 2 and 3 are cut on all sides of the end. Nos. 1, 4, 5 and 6 are half oval. Nos. 2 and 3 are full oval. Price, each 25 cents; per doz $275 600 M. F. PATTERSON, PRICES. Barrel $6.50 Half-Barrel 3.50 Quarter-Barrel 2.25 Twelve Quart Can 1.50 Six-Quart Can 90 We can supply any grade of Plaster that is made — we carry in stock noth - ing but French’s Selected. There is no question about this being the best in the world. In this particular case there is no economy in. using anything short of the best. Plaster is the only article in our stock ‘sold over eastern prices. We will sell Plaster at New York and Philadelphia prices if shipped from the mills direct to the buyer. Twen- ty-five cents for cartage is added to these prices if plaster is sent from our depots by freight. DENTAL DEPOT. 601 I 111 § Plaster Spatulas* No. 1 7. Spatula or Palette Knife, with Patent Bolster, 4-in $ .25 No. 18. Spatula or Palette Knife, with Patent Bolster, 5-in 30 No. iq. Spatula or Palette Knife, with Patent Bolster, 6-in 40 No. 19*2. Spatula or Palette Knife, Sq. End, with Patent Bolster, 4-in... .30 Champion Compound* For Impressions, Investments and Making Metal Dies* Made by Gideon Sibley. This is a substitute for Plaster in all cases, yet possessing a number of advantages all its own. It has had a large sale for some years (the Wilmington Dental Mfg. Co. formerly made it), and despite the appearance in the market since of many similar preparations, the demand for Champion Compound has increased with the demand for good Crown and Bridge Work. It is admirably adapted for all kinds of metal work. Price per can, about 4 pounds 50 cents. Modeling Compound* Made by Gideon Sibley. This preparation ranks among the highest of the Impression Materials, and by a vast number of dentists is preferred to any other. With Sibley’s Modeling Compound you can secure a perfect impression and a smooth model. It hardens quickly in the mouth and has a delicate* and pleasant perfume. Put up in pound poxes; price per pound 75 cents. Fowler's Pink and Yellow Wax* For Base Plates, Made by Gideon Sibley. Probably but few dentists will be found at home or abroad who have not a favorable acquaintance with these Waxes. They have been in the market for more than* fifteen years, and are pure, dainty and reliable. Fowler’s Pink Wax, sheets, per pound $1.00 Fowler’s Yellow Wax Sheets, per pound 1.00 Sibley's Sticky Wax* For putting impressions together, mending plaster casts, sticking teeth to the plate — especially in metal work — mending rubber dam, sticking it to the tooth or gum for attaching the porcelain to the gold in crown and bridge work, etc., etc. Price per box, in sticks $ .50 Crown Sticky Wax, per box **]*[]’ ’^ 0 Rubber Bowls* Spatula or For Mixing Plast Palette Knife. Made by Gideon Sibley. These Bowls are made of soft vulcanized rubber thick enough to give all the strength and rigidity required. They cannot be broken; their sides can be pressed together to form a lip for pouring thin-mixed plaster;, and any unused plaster which sets in them can be thoroughly crushed and •removed by squeezing the sides together. A is 2 >Ya inches in diameter at the top *by 2*4 inches in depth ; B, 4 inches in diameter by 2^4 inches in depth ; and C, 4/4 inches in diameter by 2 > l A inches in depth. Rubber Plaster Bowl, A each $ .50 Rubber Plaster Bowl, B each .60 Rubber Plaster Bowl, C each .80 602 M. F. PATTERSON, Excelsior Cast Varnish* This is not a new prepara- tion. It has been made for twenty-five years. It has never been advertised, but the sale of it has increased stead- ily. It prevents the plaster ad- hering to Vulcanite or Cellu- loid plates. It makes the cast hard, more dense and less liable to crumble or break. The bottle contains nearly double the quantity of other varnishes, and sells at the same price. Price, per 4-oz. bottle with brush $ .25 Lee S. Smith & Son, Makers, Pittsburg. Miscellaneous Coatings for Plaster Casts. Collodion, in 2-oz. bottles, with brush per bottle $ .40 Collodion, in 6-oz. bottles per bottle .80 Copal-Ether Varnish per bottle .25 Sandarac Varnish, in 2-oz. bottles per bottle .25 Extra Shellac Varnish, in 2-oz. bottles per bottle .25 Liquid Silex, in 2-oz. bottles, with brush per bottle .20 Elliott’s Parting Fluid per bottle .25 Gilbert’s Imperial Varnish per bottle .25 Camel’s Hair Brushes, for use with above each, $ .05; per doz., $ .50 DENTAL DEPOT. 603 Modelling Compounds ♦ Modeling compound is cleaner than plaster. A good many dentists prefer it to either wax or plaster and use it exclusively. We handle the best kinds. PRICES. Jno. Hood & Co.’s, per lb $0.75 Put up in J 4 lb. boxes. Four grades : Extra Soft, Soft, Medium and Hard. C. Ash & Sons, per lb $1.25 Put up in y lb. boxes. S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co.’s, per lb $0.75 In 10 lb. lots, per lb 65 Put up in y lb. boxes. In medium grade only. Manifique — made by H. D. Justi & Son, per pound $1*25 Put up in J 4 lb. boxes. Modelling Composition for Base-Plates* The easy manipulation of Modelling Composition and its rigidity early suggested to Dr. W. S. Elliott its use for base or “trial” plates, for which purpose it proved, to be particularly well adapted. We put it up for this purpose, in oblong sheets 5^x3 in. Price, in half-pound boxes per box $0.63 Dr* Melotte's Moldine. For taking impressions of one or two teeth or roots, Dr. Melotte’s Moldine used with Impression Tray No. 20 is excellent. Moldine is also useful in several other directions, notably as an investment for soldering or repairing plates. Price, per J 4 - lb $0.40 Highly Improved Patent Articulating Paper* This Paper is very useful in articulating sets of teeth and crown fillings. By its use the operator is enabled to mark the bite and know just where to grind off the surface. It is free from oil, smell and taste. Put up in books, each containing one dozen leaves, thick or thin. Price, per book $0.08 The Ideal Dental Base-Plate. DOES NOT “CRAWL” FROM THE CAST NOR SOFTEN UNDER THE HEAT OF THE MOUTH. “Ideal” in every way. Fancy a trial plate that will not soften with heat of the mouth. Fancy a trial plate upon 1 which teeth may be mounted and the plate worn in cases of emer- gency for a week or so at a time. Then you have the “Ideal” Dental Base Plate. There isn’t anything could replace it. If it is used once it is used always. Price per box of 12 sheets, 314x2^2 inches 50 cents. Wax Preparations for Impressions. Impression Wax. Put up in half-pound boxes. White Wax per box, $.60 Yellow Wax “ .38 Gutta-Percha and Wax “ .63 White Paraffine and Wax “ .50 Pink Paraffine and Wax “ .50 Dainty Wax “ .60 Wax for carding teeth per lb. $0.75 Articulating Wax per lb. 1.00 Wax Preparations for Base-Plates. Base-Plate Wax. Put up in half-pound boxes. Yellow Wax per box, $0.50 Gutta-Percha and Wax k “ Pink Paraffine and Wax “ Pink Wax, Extra Tough, stick form “ .63 •50 •50 Waxed Cloth for Base-Plates. 18 sheets in a box per box, $0.75 T enax W ax ‘ for Base-Plates* Price, per lb ; $1.00 37 604 M. F. PATTERSON, Wax Spatulas ♦ DENTAL DEPOT. 605 Wax Spatulas. Continuous Gum Spatulas. These Spatulas were made from patterns supplied by the late Dr. Ambler Tees, whose skill as a worker in continuous gum was widely known, and they show the forms which he used as best adapted for the purpose. No. 1 is for applying the body and gum between the necks of the teeth. No. 2 is used to imitate the margins and festoons of the gums. No. 3, to divide the body between the roots of the teeth. No. 4, to apply the body on the buccal, labial, palatal and lingual surfaces of the teeth. Price, each $0.25 Cone-Socket Wax Knives. No. 8. $0.50. No. 9. $0.50. Each ).25 806 M. F. PATTERSON, Impression Trays. The ordinary cut of an impression tray does not convey much of an idea as to its actual size. For the convenience of our customers we have prepared a system of charts which we are confident will be more satisfactory. Our trays are made of britannia-metal, of the best quality, and of uniform thickness. They are light enough to allow of alterations with pliers or mallet, or for many cases with the fingers, so as to adapt them to any peculiar formation of the maxilla. They are superior in form and finish. Upper Impression Trays. ‘ This Chart shows sizes of Upper Trays from one to eight. Special atten- tion is invited to the peculiar- ities of these forms — to the dip at the sides, to accommo- date the prom- inences of the malar processes and in front to avoid the labial fraenum; and to the length ( i ]/ 2 inches) and position of the handle, which, being below the line of the base, gives more room for the lip. Price, each, 25 c. Specially adapt- ed for Plaster. These Trays dif- fer from the reg- ular set of Upper Trays in having raised palatine edge, which makes them especially desirable for tak- ing plaster im- pressions for Full Upper Dentures, the raised edge p r e v e n ting the plaster from slip- ping off the Tray. Price, each, 25c. DENTAL DEPOT. 607 Upper Impression Trays* With Flat Bottom and Square Sides. I This chart shows sizes of Trays from 12 to 16 (for Partial Upper Dentures), with flat bot- tom and square sides. The handles Xyi inches in length, set below the line of the base. Price, 25 cents. Partial Upper and Lower Trays. Adjustable Upper Impression Trays. Each of these Trays is stiff enough for ordinary uses, yet can be quickly bent, compressed, twisted, or cut away to meet emergencies or unusual presentations of the teeth, gums or palatine arch. Their great facility of adjustment renders good impres- sions possible in difficult cases with- out loss of time. Made in three sizes — 17, 18 and 19. This form illustrates a Partial Upper Tray for one or two teeth. Useful in pivoting and bridge work. Price, Partial Upper and Lower Trays. No. 10, suggested by Dr. L. M. Mathews; No. 20, by Dr. Geo. W. Melotte. These Trays were designed for Partial Cases of every description. They are well adapted for use in any part of the upper or lower jaw. Price, each 25 cents. 608 M. F. PATTERSON. The Weirich New Flexible Rim Impression Trays. Made by H. D. Justi & Son. (Patented.) While plaster impressions are acknowledged to be the only reliable ones, every dentist has found a serious difficulty in obtaining them, owing to the tendency of the plaster on the outside the maxillary ridge to break away when the impression is withdrawn from the mouth. This usually breaks into small pieces, always difficult and often impossible to replace. From this cause sometimes several impressions have to be taken before one sufficiently perfect for use can be obtained. In this Tray this trouble is removed. The plaster is mixed and applied in the usual way; when withdrawn it will break away, but the pieces, adhering to the rubber, will come directly back into their proper places, and the impression can at once be brought into perfect shape. This result is obtained by making the rim of the Tray of rubber, as shown in the cut. This rubber is fastened in a groove in the base of the Tray, and is sufficiently rigid to sup- port the plaster while taking the impression, and yet flexible enough to permit the impres- sion to be withdrawn without difficulty. These upper Trays are of five sizes, No. i, the largest, being the same as the Regular No. i Tray; the others are evenly graded to No. 5, which is small enough for any case likely to be presented. This invention has been tried by a number of dentists, and pronounced a great success, saving them much annoyance and trouble, and giving them far more perfect results. Price, Flexible Rim Tray $0-75 DENTAL DEPOT. 609 Angle's Impression Trays* Made by H. D. Justi & Son. The best Trays for taking partial impressions. The Trays are of such shape and height that it is only necessary to evenly fill them with plaster, leaving but very little surplus material to cause annoyance. Uppers, Nos. 21, 22 and 23. Price, each $°-35 610 M. F. PATTERSON, Adjustable Lower Impression Trays* Made by H. D. Justi & Son. Nos. 1 7 and 18 are for Full Lower Dentures, No. 17 being the largest. They are very deep and suitable for mouths in which there is good depth under the Molars. Price, Lbwer Trays, Nos. 17 and 18 each $0.25 The Wiley Tray. In this Tray, suggested by Dr. J. K. Wiley; the inner wall is cut through on either side, with slots running to the outer rim for adjusting the Tray by spreading, closing, or bending the sides. Price, each 35 cents. DENTAL DEPOT. 611 Lower Impression Trays* This Chart illustrates the sizes of a set of seven, Nos. i to 7, for Full Lower Dentures. The inner line is shaped to avoid the lingual frsenum. Nos. 5 and 6 are especially designed for cases where great absorption has taken place, and the muscles of the mouth are on a level with the maxillary ridge. Price, each 25 cents. WITH FLAT BOTTOM AND SQUARE SIDES. This Chart illustrates the sizes of a set of three, Nos. 14 to 16, with fiat bottom and square sides, designed especially, in taking impressions of lower teeth, to obtain the antago- nizing model for the Upper Dentures. Price, each 25 cents. 012 M. F. PATTERSON, Partial Lower Impression Trays* ThisChart illustrates the sizes of a set of four, for Partial Lower Dentures, with an open- ing to allow the front teeth to pass through. Price, each 25 cents. Lower Impr'ession Trays for Undercuts* In Trays Nos. 8 and 9, the rim is cut away, allowing it to be placed in the mouth with the impression material in it, and pressed downward and forward against the front teeth, pro- curing a perfect impression of undercuts or shelving gums. Price, Lower Trays, for Undercuts, each 25 cents. DENTAL DEPOT. 613 Deep Lower Impresston Trays for Regulating* Nos. 21 and 22 are for cases where specially deep Trays are required. The lingual exten- sions are adapted to secure ac- curate impressions when the lower molars are missing. The object of the No. 23 Tray is to supply a ready means of taking impressions of the entire lower crowns and gum in cases where only a few teeth are missing. For this reason the walls, both outside and inside, are made high and strong, and run out almost flush with the ends. Price, Nos. 21, 22 or 23, each ! 35 cents. Franklin's Lower Impression Trays. The Franklin Tray is for taking lower impressions. It allows the su- perfluous plaster to come into the up- per part of the Tray, where it can be stirred until it is perfectly free from air bubbles. There are three sizes of this Tray, No. 1, shown in the cut, being the largest. Price, Franklin’s Lower Trays each $0.50 G 14 M. F. PATTERSON, Adjustable Partial Impression Tray. This device con- veniently takes the place of three partial impression trays. The Tray proper rotates on the pivot B, and is thus per- fectly adapted for use in the front or either side of the mouth ; and is firmly held in either position by the sliding guard A. Price, .each $0.60 Partial Impression Trays. These two new forms of Partial Impression Trays will be found especially useful in cases where spaces intervene between molars and bicuspids or molars and cuspids. They are designed for taking im- pressions of both upper and lower partials, and are especi- ally adapted for bridge-work cases ; No. 30 for either the upper left or the lower right, and No. 31 for the upper right or the lower left, as the case may be. PRICES. Partial Impression Trays, Nos. 30, 31 each $0.25 DENTAL DEPOT. 615 Partial Impression Trays. Partial Upper Tray No. 18 is well adapted for crown and Bridge Work to take the im- pression of one or two teeth. Price, Partial Upper Tray, No. 18 each $0.20 Partial Upper and Lower Trays, Nos. 19 and 20, are designed for partial cases of every description. Price, Partial Trays, Nos. 19 and 20 each $0.25 These Trays are con- sidered very useful for partial pieces of crown and bridge work. A is intended for left upper and right lower. B for right upper and left lower. Price, Upper and Lower Partial Trays A and B...j each $0.25 Pier Impression Trays. Devised by Dr. C. P. Wilson. The device is designed to produce accurate impressions of separated single teeth which are to serve as piers for dental bridges and plates, or for regulating attachments. Thick-mixed plaster is to be placed in the Pier Tray, which is then pressed over the tooth. The holder A telescopes upon the trays, from which it is to be slipped by the handle C, leaving the tray upon the tooth. A very thin knife, or excavator, is then pushed between the partial divisions of the tray near its contact with the gum to effect a lateral separation of the two parts of the tray, and the impression. The parts readily separate from the tooth with a line of fracture that enables them to be rejoined and the tray replaced in the holder. This is pivoted so that the dividing line of the tray may be mesio-distal when the handle is turned to a convenient angle for taking the impression, from which a perfect plaster model (or several of them) may be obtained. At b, b, are shown the separable parts of the tray B, which can be placed in the holder so that the fracture may occur at any desired angle relative to the pier tooth. Two sizes. The cut is exact size of No. 1 Tray. The Tray of No. 2 is 1-16-inch larger in diameter. Price either size $0.40 616 M. F. PATTERSON, Movable Palate-Plate Tray, Form E. _ . , m Form E illustrates the movable Palate-Plate Tray. Price of Tray, with two Palate Plates complete «i nn “ “ “ without Palate-Plate ® 'oc “ “ Palate-Pieces ZZZZZZZZT: eich True Bite Plates. Fi £ E No. 10. Patented July 3, 1894. A true bite arid an accurate impression are prime factors in the process of making a successful comolete or To * a y e time ’ get l an exa p t tooth-length gauge and a correct articulation, the bite should be taken owxu, j ci auimjidiiiv si and thin metal of the B: Plates may be sheared 1 change of edge contour, be for adaption, or cut with Pis Nippers for partial cases. With a pair of Plate Nippe the operator may easily chan either the upper or lower pla into a partial one by nippii out spaces to suit the case ^ PRICES. hand. True Bite PI ales,; Upper, Nos. 1 to 5.. ..each $0.20 True Bite Plates, Trial set of four, Nos. 2, ,, ,, ,, Bower, Nos. 6 to 9 .20 3, 7 and 8 per set M Nos. 10 and\l >Perand Lo " er Duple u 3 - Trae Bi .* e 1>lates ’ Co “Plete set, Nos. 1 to 11 2 . True Bite Plates, Partial, Nos. 12, 15 ea. .35 " 1 to 15 3 * DENTAL DEPOT. 617 Hoffs Plaster Knife. This Plaster Knife is made of a single piece of steel, and is shown in the cut of full size. The angle of the blade with the handle perfectly adapts it for paring plaster casts either by a draw or push cut. The sharp chisel at the end of the handle will be found specially useful in chipping off the impression from the cast. It will be found a convenient instrument in the labora- tory for a variety of uses. Price $ .50 Articulating Plates. After the plaster for the first half of a model is poured in one side of a “squash” bite, instead of waiting till it sets thor- oughly to carve dowels or grooves, an Articulating Plate is slightly imbedded in the surface while still plastic. In three or four minutes the Plate can be removed, the surface of tne plaster coated with parting fluid, and the second half run. These Articulating Plates do the work quickly and cleanly. If several models are to be run the saving of time will be con- siderable. Full directions for use accompany each plate. Price, No. 1 , \ Price, No. 3 . each $ .10 each .15 618 M. F. PATTERSON, Harper's Ivory Blocks* Made by H. D. Justi & Son. These two sets of Ivory Blocks are adopted by some colleges for the same purposes as Rubber Tooth Forms. PRICES. Ii’arper’s Ivory Blocks per set of 6 $0.45 Tenney’s Ivory Blocks per set of 4 0.50 Articulating Forms* Made by Lee S. Smith & Son, Pittsburg, Pa. For use in technic teaching as indicated in Week’s Technics. Made on correct principles at the request of numerous dental faculties. The form as shown is made of brass of same proportion as regular articulator, and while having all the movements of that instrument, may be fastened open as desired. Price, each $1.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 619 No* \ \ * Antes Anatomical Articulator* Made by Buffalo Dental Mfg. Co. (Patented by Dr. Robert H. Antes, Geneseo, 111.) The object of this Articulator is to supply means whereby the natural movements of the human jaw can be closely followed, thus enabling an artificial set of teeth to be assembled that will imitate the natural teeth in position and correctness of bite. It is divested of all superfluous parts not absolutely required in the proper articulation of artificial teeth, yet it contains all mechanical essen- tials for practical anatomical purposes. This Articulator embraces features whereby a lateral movement in a curved plane on either side of the center line is obtained by means of angular slots in the yoke which forms the hinge. The slots in the yoke also allow an endwise, or forward and back movement of the upper plate on a horizontal plane; and when the pressure imparting each movement is relaxed the parts are automat- ically returned to their normal position by the encased spring on the end of the yoke. If desired, the yoke can be deprived of all motions, except the hinged one, by compressing the spring by means of the milled sleeve on the end of the yoke. These combined features are not present in any other Articulator. Both the upper and lower plates are remov- able, thus enabling an extra set of plates to be used on one body. The upper plate can be supplied with an off-set to accommodate thick casts. The body of the Articulator is of improved shape, and will be found to fit the hand per- fectly. PRICES. No. ii. Antes Anatomical Articulator, nickel dipped $2.00 Extra top or bottom plates, each 20 Extra top plate, with off-set.. 20 38 620 M. F. PATTERSON, No. 12. Antes-Lewis Anatomical Articulator. (Patented October 1, 1895.) Made by Buffalo Dental Mfg. Co. The success of the Antes Articulator No. n, created a desire to produce an Articulator to more accurately conform to the requirements of a perfect Anatomical Articulator as set forth by the late Dr. W. G. A. Bonwill, as to the measurements between the condyles, and the measurements from the condyles to the cutting edges of the incisors, viz. : an equilateral triangle of four inches. The extension of the arm of the bracket carrying the top plate, and its supporting bracket, accomplished this desirable feature without interfering with the per- fect mechanical movements relating to the lateral and forward and back movement of the original Antes Articulator. This Articulator embraces features whereby a lateral movement in a curved plane on either side of the center line is obtained by means of angular slots in the yoke which forms the hinge. The slots in the yoke also allow an endwise, or forward and back movement of the upper plate on a horizontal plane ; and when the pressure imparting each movement is relaxed the parts are automatically returned to their normal position by the encased spring on the end of the yoke. If desired, the yoke can be deprived of all motions, except the hinged one, by compressing the spring by means of the milled sleeve on the end of the yoke. These combined features are not present in any other Articulator excepting the Antes No. n. A locking device by which the upper plate is sustained in a position at right angles to the base has been added to this Articulator. This prevents the upper portion from falling down to the injury of teeth or cast. The upper plate and also the sliding post are indexed, to enable the parts to be returned to the place previously occupied, should there be occasion to remove either the plate, or yoke from the body of the Articulator. Thumb pieces have been supplied to the oscillating yoke for the purpose of operating it when testing the case for occlusion. Provision has been made in the body of the Articulator for raising or lowering or in other words increasing the distance between the upper and lower plates to accommodate the different thicknesses of casts. Both the upper and lower plates are removable, thus enabling an extra set of plates to be used on one body. PRICES. No. 12 Antes-Lewis Anatomical Articulator... Extra top or bottom plates, each $2.50 .20 DENTAL DEPOT 621 No. 5. Hayes Articulator. Made by Buffalo Dental Mfg. Co. This articulator is the first one invented which dis- pensed with a removable pin in the joint, a part which is so easily lost or mislaid, and the absence of which causes so much annovance. The Hayes Articulator is capable of all the motions required in an articulator, and can be brought back to its first position, if desired, after a change, with ease and certainty. Each motion is independent, and the self-locking device which constitutes the joint makes it a very desirable implement of the kind. PRICES. No. 5. Hayes Articulator Polished and nickel plated No. 8. Lewis Independent Motion Articulator. .$2.50 . 3.00 Made by Buffalo Dental Mfg. Co. Decidedly the In the construction of this articulator, the de- sirable points in several articulators have been com- bined with new devices to produce a practical im- plement in every particular. Every motion is independent. The means for cor- recting false positions in the bite are complete in every respect, while the range to accommodate dif- ferent thicknesses of casts is ample. Substantially the same articulator has been in constant use by the designer for several years, and has been found to be as near perfection as possible. The hinge of this articulator is constructed with- out a removable pin. It is easily taken apart by turning back the top of the articulator to a right angle to the base, and pressing to the right. Best Articulator Made. PRICES. No. 8. No. 8. Lewis Independent Motion Articulator, plain brass $2.00 Lewis Independent Motion Articulator, polished and nickel plated 2.50 Articulator No. 1. Made by H. D. Justi & Son. Many dentists like to have a considerable number of Articulators in the laboratory, yet do not care to invest in many of the higher priced ones. To> meet this demand has been made the No. i., in which the vertical extension of the jaws is dispensed with. This is a well made and reliable Articulator, nickel-plated but not polished, and will be found a good practical instrument in all ordinary cases. PRICES. No. i, Plain Nickel-Dipped $0.90 No. 1, Nickel-Plated and Polished 1.25 622 M. F. PATTERSON, This illustrates Articulator No. 2. Reference to the cut will show their peculiar con- struction and adaptation to convenient use in articulation. By loosening the thumb-screw F the lower jaw can be moved downward so as to largely increase the space between the jaws, as shown by the dotted lines. The upper jaw can be easily removed by turning the nut on the side of the frame half way round, this releases the spring C and the pivot can be lifted out of the socket. Articulator No. 3. This Upper Jaw of the Articulator attached to the frame by a ball and socket joint is the invention of Dr. D. L. Overholser, and is an addition to the other movements which makes this the most perfect instrument and capable of the finest adjustment by which to correct errors that may occur in taking articulations. This, with the rest of the frame as in No. 2 is our No. 3. Price, No. 2 $2.00 Price, No. 3 $2.50 No. 9. Articulator. Made by Buffalo Dental Mfg. 00. This articulator is now made from new patterns, heavier and stronger than heretofore, and is proba- bly the best cheap articulator in the market. PRICES. No. 9 Articulator, plain, each $0.80 No. 9 Articulator, nickel plated, each 1.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 023 No ♦ 10. Lewis Crown Articulator. Made by Buffalo Dental Mfg. Co. The demand for a more perfect Crown Articulator has been met by the production of one containing new and practical features which will be appreciated by practical men. The top of the Articulator is hinged in such a manner that it can be turned back parallel with the base, which overcomes the disagreeable feature of falling by accident onto the base and breaking the casts, and also enables one to fit a Crown in position without the obstruction of either half of the Articulator. It has also a side or lateral motion, by which a test of the proper occlusion of the cusps of the Crown can be obtained. This lateral motion can be continued to a quarter or a complete revolution if desired, thereby affording another means of free access to the cast. By the action of a spring and lock, the top plate is restored to its original position in line with the base and held firmly. This feature is presented in no other Articulator, and is admitted to be a valuable one. Wings have been placed on the base to prevent falling over. The adjustment for height is accomplished by a milled screw and set nut, as in other Articulators of our make. PRICE. No. io. Lewis Crown Articulator, nickel dipped 50 cents. Dental Articulators. Made by Buffalo Dental Mfg. Co. No. 4. The Snow and Lewis Articulator. This articulator is capable of adjustment vertically by means of a sliding post and clamping screw, so as to accommodate two casts, for a full upper and lower set, or one cast, for a single set. It is made from heavy castings and all the joints are nicely fitted. The adjusting screw is secured by means of a jam-nut, so that there is no danger of losing the right length of bite, in handling the articulator. PRICES. No. 4. Snow & Lewis Articulator Nickel Plated $2.00 2.50 Crown Articulator No. 5. Made by H. D. Justi & Son. This articulator, improved by the addition of the graduating screw, is particularly well adapted to the ad- justment of small or partial dentures, as it affords a view of the palatal as well as the buccal faces of the teeth. Price, Brass, Nickel-dipped. .. .$0.25 624 VI. F. PATTERSON, Articulator* No. 4. Made by H. D. Justi & Son. Price Modified Bonwill Pattern, with 8 Loops and Screw Post. $ 2.00 S. S. White's, No. 6. The upper plate has a double bend, so that when reversed, as shown by the dotted lines in cut, the space between the plates is increased one inch, giving ample room for extra length of bite in upper and lower dentures. Price, Polished and Lacquered $2.00 Price, Nickel-plated... 2.50 Miscellaneous Articulators. s. s. White’s No. 1 No. 2 Polished and laquered No. 2 Nickel-plated Plain Line No. 4 No. 7 Anatomical No. 8 Crown No. 9 Crown each $1.00 each 2.00 each 2.50 each .90 each 2.50 2.00 50 50 DENTAL DEPOT. 625 Bannister's Appointment-Day Book. Copyright secured. Published_by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. Right. 1 2 3 ^4 5 "6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Left. _S. JL 10 ii 12 . JL _3 _± 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 2423 22 21 20 19 18 17 A Thursday NAM 13. SBfcVICE RENDERED. TMSl 4A$< J. Li. lo _ jL. *f± £ JUsisfac/ '7'yuui^ OfryiA^^O 2 J_ ■ ig££ /ST - z /a Friday 8 p 10 H 12 1 2 3 4 [ f 5 Saturday ,JB g The prominent feature of this Appointment-Day Book is the cut of the teeth, which are engraved in two straight lines for economy of space, and are numbered from i to 32. Dots are used to represent the location of a filling; thus io 2 would mean that tooth No. 10 had been operated upon in the location indicated by; (two dots). The Bannister system of Dental book-keeping starts with the book illustrated above and ends with the bill to the patient, the same cuts being used throughout. The book illustrated is a combination appointment and day book in which the dentist may charge the work done opposite the appointment, and give credit for cash that may be paid. Under date of Thursday, Nov. 18th, in the engraving, may be seen a fac-simile of one day’s work, and we call attention to the work done for the Kifby family, which will be found charged to its head, Frank Kirby, in the illustration of the Bannister Register Ledger adver- tised on page 628. The Appointment-Day Book is well bound in leather and contains pages for one year’s use. When open it presents engagements for one week, and being without dates can be begun at any time. In the book are calendars and a list of abbreviations which will be convenient to adopt. Price, v - 75 Cents. 626 M. F. PATTERSON, The Improved Diagram Appointment Book* Published by Lee S. Smith & Son, Pittsburg. The matter on the opposite page is an exact reproduction of a page in The Improved Diagram Appointment Book. It isn’t necessary to tell the nature of the improvement to any Dentist who has ever used an appointment book similar to this. It will be apparent at a glance. The pages of the Improved Book are larger, the diagram is larger and there are three lines to each hour instead of two. Besides these features the pages are numbered and dollar and cent columns have been added. The paper is of superior quality. This style of appointment book was originally made for the pocket, but as its size ren- dered it rather unwieldy for pocket use, it was neither the one thing or the other. The space was too contracted to make it possible to keep an exact record. As now made it can still be used as a pocket book, but is intended us more of a desk book. It is a light, convenient form of appointment book combined with a diagram for reg- istering the work to be done or tO' make memorandum of the work when finished. The diagram is the simplest possible form, but is just as efficient as any. The book will cover a year’s appointments. The Improved Diagram Appointment Book isn’t supposed to take the place of all the ac- count books in a Dentist’s Office. It is simply a book of accurate memoranda that may be copied into a large ledger, if desired. The simplest way of recording the work done is by letting hour of appointment stand for that person in the diagram. Thus the figure 3 in the diagram stands for Mrs. Edgecomb. the 3 o’clock appointment. PRICE. Flexible Leather Binding $0.60 Diagram Appointment Book and Pocket Diary* Similar to above, but smaller in size. PRICES. With Tuck $0.80 Leather 50 Cloth 30 The Triggs* Dental Charts* ARTHUR, MOUNTAIN & CO , Manufacturers, NEW YORK. DON'T buy a New Ledger until you see a Modern Card Index System of J* J* J* DENTAL BOOKKEEPING j* jt It is used and endorsed by the leading members of the profession* Affords easy and rapid reference to all accounts, no matter how old ; is simple in construction and saves time and labor in keeping your books* Made in four styles of handsomely lithographed charts, with indexes and cards for cash record. Prices: $5, $8, $10, $12, Special forms of Charts made to order. Write to your dealer for samples. DENTAL DEPOT. 627 MONDAY. Z'.Mo.W S' 3 8 •'V 1 ' Z 2 /Q+'r-cv—n — ■S ^ <7 ✓/ 1 // (U^rlC <5 a 9 2 10 3 (f/fco. G.7* <0 d <> 11 ^ o 4 2A e> a 12 5 r^tOC~C4^ir£L. > d a TUESDAY. (0@©00QOQQQO00(^00 • Mo • ©©©aeoooooo©©®©® 8 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 8 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 5 (See opposite page.) 628 M. F. PATTERSON, Bannister's Register-Ledger. Copyright secured. Published by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. Date No. Dr. Cr. /f /ji A 0 ft* ax X ( 0 ^ ft. Zft* 3 If' . 4 . . . ft zL > Zf U . 7 102l 0 ' ^ * ' CUT, TWO-THIRDS SIZE. At the end of the day’s work, or at any convenient time, the charges for the work done may be posted from the Bannister’s Appointment-Day Book, illustrated on page 625 to the book illustrated herewith, and the operations registered. Bannister’s improved Dental Register is without doubt the most popular register on the market. It is the only register made in which the account of an entire family may be kept on one page without marking the cuts. Refer to the account of the Kirby family as it appears in the ledger. Notice that the account of each individual member is charged to Mr. Kirby, and that three of the family had fillings inserted in tooth No. 10, location “2” (2 dots). The book contains a list of abbreviations corresponding to those used in the Appointment- Day Book, by the use of which much writing may be avoided and at a glance the dentist may know the history of the case in question. Its size, 7^x 8x1 14 inches, makes it more convenient for handling and filing away than any other on the market. Made in four styles, all indexed and handsomely bound in leather with bands and ends. PRICES. Register No. 1, 340 pages, 1 account to each page $3- oc Register No. 2, 340 pages, 2 accounts to each page 3.00 Register No. 3, 340 pages, 250 pages 1 account, 90 pages 2 accounts to each page 3.00 Register No. 4, 340 pages, 240 pages 1 account. 83 pages 2 accounts to each page, and 53 pages (175 accounts) for registering mechanical work 300 DENTAL DEPOT. 629 Bannister's Bill Heads* Copyright secured. Published by The Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 COPYRIGHT SECURED. NUMBERS INOIOATS TEETH OPERATED UPON Prompt Payment Expected. NO. To Professional Services, \(nr/{ /o 2 a y Jo 2 J 2 / o 0 0 T'f H U „ , r 3 0 0 y c c H .. „ 'htldj i 3 a a X! / 0 0 * /o AlAA JfAJjPsaAj. ; 2 0 a D Q / ) ' 22 fo 1 - ^ I The use of Bannister’s Bill Heads enables a dentist to render a bill in such a way that the recipient can get an intelligent understanding of the different charges. The abbreviations for the different operations used in the Appointment-Day Book and Ledger illustrated and described on pages 625 and 628, should be dispensed with and the name of the operation written in full. Our imaginary Mr. Kirby will have no trouble in deciphering the bill against his family if his dentist uses the Bannister System of Dental Book-keeping. Bill Heads, pads of 100 $0.50 Lots of 500 with name and address 2 r 0 630 M. F. PATTERSON, Pearson's Vest Pocket Appointment Book* Published by E. W. Allendorph, Kansas City, Mo. The neatest thing of the kind ever offered to the Dental profession, can be carried in the vest pocket, arranged for the appointment for eight hours of every working day in the year. Blank pages in book for memoranda; as now made there is a pocket for appointment cards on inside of the front cover, and the inside of the back cover is an erasable tablet. By using this little book, you have your appointments always with you. Bound in Red Russia Leather with pencil attached. Price 50 cents. With your name neatly printed in gold on cover 75 cents. Account and Appointment Books. Published by The S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co. The Meredith Pocket Dental Account Books. The Pocket Defital Register and Appointment Book, 244 pages. The Pocket Dental Journal and Appointment Book, 224 pages. The Pocket Dental Ledger and Appointment Book, 208 pages. Prices any style : Cloth $1.25 Leather with tuck 1.50 Dentists' Pocket Diary and Appointment Book. Contains blanks for 54 weeks. Flexible cover, gilt edge $0.55 Flexible cover, gilt edge, with pocket and tuck 80 The S. S. White Dental Appointment Book No. 3 . 312 pages, 5^x9, leather : $1.25 Griffiths' Appointment Book and Emergency Compendium. Size, 6 x 3 h Leather, plain $0.50 Leather, with flap, pocket and pencil-holder 75 Allport's Improved Registering Dental Ledger. 340 Pages, Half Turkey, Cloth Sides $3.50 340 Pages, Half Roan, Paper Sides 3.00 172 Pages, Half Roan, Paper Sides...' 2.00 The Warren Improved Dental Ledger. No. 1, 308 Pages, 10x15 $3 00 No. 2, Square form, 312 pages, io. T 4 xio^ $2.50 Waters' Dental Ledger. 101 Pages $3.50 201 Pages 6.50 Examination Blanks. No. 1, 4^8X2$4 ; per tablet of 100 $0.20 No. 2, 5 J^x 3 J 4 , per tablet of 50 20 No. 3, 3^x334, per tablet of 50 20 Allan’s Examination Record, 5j4 x 7k2> per book of 100 leaves $0.30 Allan’s Examination Record, 5 indexed and paged 40 Record of Cataphoric Operations, 5x7, 100 leaves .40 Bill Heads. No. 1, 8^2x7, tablets of 100 $0.60 No. 2, 7 l /£x 4%, tablets of 100 30 No. 3, Sy 2 K7, tablets of 100, Allport design 60 No. 4, 8^2x7, tablets of 100, Pettit design 60 No. 5, 7x&y 2 , tablets of 100, Warren design 60 Sample pages of all Account Books and^ Examination Blanks mentioned above for the asking. Bill Heads to Order. We would like to have an opportunity of quoting prices on high grade printing of this character. If our work is not better and our prices lower we won’t expect the order. We have facilities for doing the best work 'that' can be done. DENTAL DEPOT. 631 Dental Cuts — Electrotypes . This is a list of our regular stock electrotypes. It is not a list of all we can furnish. We have unequaled facilities for duplicating work of this character. If you see an engraving anywhere and want one like it, send the picture to us. We’ll do the rest. The price will be right. No. 6. 80.20. No. 7. 8 >.30. No. 10. $0.20. No. 11. 80.20 No. 12. 80.45. 632 M. F. PATTERSON, Headquarters for Dental and Medical Books* For Fifty-Seven years we have made a specialty of books on Medicine, Dentistry, and the Collateral Sciences* Our stock of American and English books is unsurpassed and our facilities for supplying miscellaneous orders and quoting titles are of the best* Books not on hand will be quickly obtained. English, French, and German books imported to order. Catalogues of books on Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, Hygiene, Chemistry, Nursing, etc., sent free upon application* Correspondence receives prompt attention. Selected List of Our BROOMELL. Anatomy and Histology of the Human Mouth and Teeth. By Dr. I. Norman Broomell, Professor of Anatomy, Dental Histology, and Prosthetic Technics in the Pennsylvania Col- lege of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia. Hand- somely illustrated with 284 engravings. Large octavo. Cloth, $4.50 net. GORGAS'S Dental Medicine. Sixth Edition. A Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. By Ferdinand J. S. Gorgas, M.D., D.D.S., Professor of the Principles of Dental Science, Dental Surgery, and Prosthetic Dentistry in the Dental Department of the University of Maryland. Revised and Enlarged. Replete with Practical Suggestions for Treatment. With an Index of Formulae and a General Index. 8vo. Cloth, $4 00 ; Sheep, #5.00 net. HARRIS. Dictionary of Dentistry. Sixth Edition, Revised. Including Definitions of such Words and Phrases of the Collateral Sciences as Pertain to the Art and Practice of Dentistry. By Chapin A. Harris, M.D., D.D.S., late President of the Baltimore Dental College. Rewritten, Revised, and Enlarged by Ferdinand J. S. Gorgas, M.D., D.D.S., Author of “ Dental Medicine” ; Editor of Harris’s “ Principles and Practice of Dentistry” ; Professor of Principles of Dental Science, Dental Surgery, and Prosthetic Dentistry in the University of Maryland. Octavo. Cloth, $5.00 ; Leather, $6.00 net. HARRIS. Principles and Practice of Dentistry. Thirteenth Edition. Including Anatomy, Physio- logy, Pathology, Therapeutics, Dental Surgery, and Mechanism. By Chapin A. Harris. M.D., D.D.S., late President of the Baltimore Dental College. Edited and Thoroughly Revised by Ferdinand J. S. Books on Dentistry. Gorgas, A.M., M.D., D.D.S., author of “Dental Medicine ” ; Professor of the Principles of Dental Science, Dental Surgery, and Prosthetic Dentistry in the University of Maryland. 1250 illustrations. 1180 pages. 8vo. Cloth, Jf6.oo; Leather, $7.00 net. RICHARDSON'S Mechanical Dentistry. Seventh Edition. A Practical Treatise on Me- chanical Dentistry. By Joseph Richardson, D.D.S. Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged by Dr. George W. Warren, Chief of the Clinical Staff. Pennsyl- vania College of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia. With 691 illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, $5.00 ; Leather, $6.00 net. TOMES. Dental Anatomy. Human and Com- parative. By C. S. Tomes, D.D.S. , Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology in the Dental Hospital of London. Fifth Edition. 263 illustrations. Cloth, S4.00 net. TOMES. Dental Surgery. . A System of Dental Surgery. By Sir John Tomes. F.R.S. Fourth Edition. Revised by Charles S. Tomes, M.A., F.R.S. 289 illustrations. Cloth, $4.00 net. WARREN. Compend of Dental Pathology and Dental Medicine. Containing all the most note- worthy points of interest to the Dental Student, and a Chapter on Emergencies. By Geo. W. Warren, D.D.S., Clinical Chief, Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, Philadelphia. Third Edition, Enlarged. Illustrated. Being No. 3. ? Quiz-Compends ? Series. i2mo. Cloth, .80c; Interleaved, Si. 25 net. WARREN. Dental Prostheses and Metallurgy. 129 illustrations. Same author as above. Cloth, Si. 25 net. B^SEND FOR SPECIAL CATALOGUE OF BOOKS FOR DENTISTS.^ P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1012 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Publishers of Dental and Medical Books. DENTAL DEPOT. 633 Dental Journals. Right to us is the best place to send subscriptions for Dental Journals. We are agents for all of them. Our prices are the publishers’ prices. No person has ever ad- vanced a good argument why it isn’t more convenient to renew subscriptions through us than to send them direct. We give these orders the same attention we give orders for anything else we sell. Cosmos, Monthly $2. 50 per year Dental Review, Monthly 2.50 per year Ohio Journal, Monthly 1.00 per year International, Monthly 2.50 per year Dental Register, Monthly 1.00 per year American Journal, Monthly 2.50 per year Western Journal, Monthly 2.00 per year Dental Brief, Monthly 1.00 per year Pacific Dental Gazette . 1.50 per year Books — Dental and Medical. Abbott’s Dental Pathology and Practice. Cloth net 2.50 Ambler’s Tin Foil and its Combinations for Filling Teeth. Cloth net 1.00 Angle’s System of Irregularities. 5th edition. Paper, net $0.75. Cloth net 1.00 Angle’s “Treatment of Malocclusion and Fractures of the Maxillae.” Sixth edition, net 4.00 Arthur’s Treatment and Prevention of Decay. Cloth 1.25 Ashburst’s Surgery. Cloth, $6.00. Sheep 7.00 Attfield’s Chemistry. 16th edition. Cloth net 2.50 Ballou’s Compend of Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology. Cloth, net, $0.80; Inter leaved net 1.25 Barrett’s Dental Surgery. 2d edition net 1.00 Barrett’s Oral Pathology and Practice. Cloth net 2.50 Bartholow’s Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 9th edition. Cloth, $5.00. Sheep 6.00 Bartholow’s Practice of Medicine. Cloth, $5.00. Sheep 6.00 Bell’s Popular Essays on the Care of the Teeth and the Mouth 1.25 Biddle’s Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 13th edition. Cloth, net $4.00. Sheep.... net 5.00 Billroth’s Surgical Pathology. Cloth, $5.00. Sheep 6.00 Black’s Anatomy of the Teeth. Cloth. 4th edition net 2.50 Black’s Formation of Poisons by Micro-Organisms. Cloth net .75 Bodecker’s Anatomy and Pathology of the Teeth, Cloth, $3.00. Sheep 3.50 Broomell’s Anatomy and Histology of the Mouth and Teeth net 4.50 Brubaker’s Compend of Physiology. 8th edition, net 80 cents. Interleaved net 1.25 Burchard’s Compend of Dental Pathology and Therapeutics net 1.75 Burchard’s Text-Book of Dental Pathology. Cloth net 5.00 Burchard’s Text-Book of Dental Pathology. Sheep net 6.00 Cleaveland’s Medical Lexicon. Cloth, net $0.50. Tucks net .75 Clifford’s Manual of Recitations. Cloth net 1.25 Coleman’s Dental Surgery and Pathology. By Stellwagen. Cloth 3.25 Da Costa’s Medical Diagnosis. Cloth, $6.00. Sheep 7.00 Dalton’s Physiology. 7th edition. Cloth, $5.00. Sheep 6.00 Dental Cosmos. Single numbers, $0.25. Bound volumes 3.50 Dental Cosmos. Subscription may begin at any time. Price $2.50 a year, in advance, to United States, Dominion of Canada, and Mexico; $3.00 a year, in advance, to other U. P. U. countries. Sample copy free. Dunglison’s Medical Dictionary. 21st edition. Cloth, $7.00. Sheep 8.00 Eames’s Practice of Dental Medicine. Cloth net 2.75 Essig’s Prosthetic Dentistry, American Text-Book. Cloth, net $6.00. Sheep, net $7.00. Morocco net 8.00 Evans’s Crown and Bridge-Work. Cloth. 6th edition net 3.00 Fillebrown’s Operative Dentistry. Cloth net 2.25 Flagg’s Plastics. 5th edition. Cloth net 4.00 Flagg and Inglis’s Dental Pathology and Therapeutics. 3d edition. Cloth net 1.50 Fownes’s Chemistry. Cloth, $2.75. Sheep 3.25 Frey’s Compend of Histology. Cloth, $3.25. Sheep 4.00 Gilbert’s Vulcanite and Celluloid. Cloth 75 Gorgas’s Dental Medicine. 6th edition. Cloth, net $4.00. Sheep net 5.00 Gorgas’s Questions, Vol. 1 2.00 Gorgas’s Questions, Vol. 2 2.50 Gorgas’s Questions, Vol. 3 2.50 Gould’s Illustrated Dictionary of Medicine. 4th edition. Sheep or Half Dark-Green Leather, net $10.00. With Thumb Index net 11.00 Gould’s Student’s Medical Dictionary. Half Leather, net $3.25. Half Morocco, In- dexed net 4.00 634 M. F. PATTERSON, Books — Dental and Medical* — Continued. Gould’s Pocket Dictionary. Leather, net $1.00. Indexed net 1.25 Gray’s Anatomy. 13th edition. Cloth, $6.00. Sheep 7.00 Gray’s Anatomy. With Colored Plates. Cloth, $7.00. Sheep 8.00 Green’s Pathology and Morbid Anatomy. New edition. Cloth net 3.25 Guilford’s Nitrous Oxide. Cloth 1.00 Guilford’s Orthodontia. 3d edition net 2.25 Harris’s Dictionary of Dentistry. 6th edition. Cloth, net $5.00. Sheep net 6.00 Harris’s Principles and practice of Dentistry. 13th edition. Cloth net $6.00. Sheep, net 7.00 Hartshorne’s Conspectus of the Medical Sciences. Cloth, $4.25. Sheep 5.00 Hatfield’s Compend of Diseases of Children. 2d edition. Cloth, net $0.80. Inter- leaved net 1.25 Heath’s Injuries and Diseases of the Jaws. Cloth. 4th edition net 4.50 Hewitt’s Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen net 1.25 Hodgen’s Dental Metallurgy. Cloth net 2.50 Horwitz’s Compend of Surgery, Minor Surgery, and Bandaging. 5th edition. Cloth, net $0.80. Interleaved net 1.25 Howell’s Physiology. American Text-Book. Cloth, net $6.00. Sheep or Half Mo- rocco net 7.00 Hughes’s Compend of Practice of Medicine. 5th edition. Parts I and II, each, Cloth, net $0.80; Interleaved net 1.25 Johnson’s Principles and Practice of Filling Teeth net 2.50 Kirke’s Hand-Book of Physiology. 15th edition. Cloth, net $3.00. Sheep net 3.75 Kirk’s (E.C.) Operative Dentistry. American Text-Book. Cloth, net $5.50. Sheep net 6.50 Klein’s Elements of Histology. 5th edition. Limp Cloth net 2.00 Knapp’s Teeth Regulation. Paper. 2d edition.. , net .50 Landois’s Physiology. Cloth net 7.00 Leffmann’s Quiz Compend. Chemistry. 4th edition. Net $0.80; Interleaved net 1.25 Marshall’s Injuries and Surgical Diseases of the Face, Mouth, and Jaws. Cloth, net $6.00. Sheep . . .net 7.00 Meredith’s The Teeth and How to Save Them. Cloth 1.25 Miller’s Micro-Organisms of the Human Mouth. Cloth ... 5.00 Mitchell’s Dental Chemistry. 4th edition net 2.00 Morris’s Anatomy. Cloth, net $6.00. Leather, net $7.00. Half Russia net 8.00 Morton, W. J., Cataphoresis. Cloth, net $4.00. Sheep net 5.00 Nash’s Chronic Alveolitis. Vol. I. Cloth net 3.00 National Dispensatory. Cloth, net $4.00. Sheep j,... net 8.00 Ottolengui’s Methods of Filling Teeth. 2d edition. Cloth net 2.00 Paget’s Surgical Pathology. Cloth, $7.00. Sheep 8.00 Pedley’s Hygiene of the Mouth 1.50 Potter’s Quiz Compend. Anatomy. 5th edition. Cloth, net $0.80; Interleaved. .. .net 1.25 Potter’s Quiz Compend. Materia Medica. 6th edition. Cloth, net $0.80; Inter- leaved net 1.25 Richardson’s Mechanical Dentistry. 7th edition. Cloth, net $5.00. Sheep net 6.00 Roscoe’s Elementary Chemistry. Cloth 1.50 Roughton’s Surgery and Pathology for Dentists. Paper, $1.75. Cloth 2.25 Samsioe’s Plateless Dentures. Cloth net 1.50 Smith’s (A. Hopewell) Dental Microscopy. Cloth 2.00 Stewart’s Compend of Pharmacy. 5th edition. Cloth, net $0.80; Interleaved net 1.25 Taft’s Index of Periodical Dental Literature net 2.00 Taft’s Operative Dentistry. Cloth, net $3.00. Sheep net 4.00 Talbot’s Interstitial Gingivitis. Cloth net 3.50 Talbot’s Iregularities of the Teeth. 2d edition. Cloth net 3.00 Teeth (The), Natural and Artificial (sample copy free). Per 100, $2.50; per 500, $12.00; per 1,000 21.00 With name and address on cover, per 100, $3.25; per 500, $14.00; per 1,000 23.00 Thomas’s Medical Dictionary. Cloth, $3.00. Sheep 3.50 Thompson’s (Alton Howard) Manual of Comparative Dental Anatomy for Dental Students net 1.50 Tomes’s Dental Anatomy, Human and Comparative. 5th edition net 4.00 Tomes’s Dental Surgery. 4th edition net 4.00 Turnbull’s Anesthesia. 4th edition. Cloth net 2.50 Tyson’s Cell Doctrine. Cloth 1>50 United States Dispensatory. (Wood and Bache.) Cloth, $7.00; Sheep 800 Warren’s Compend of Dental Pathology and Dental Medicine. 2d edition. Net, 1 $0.80; Interleaved ■•••••••• ; • net 1.25 Warren’s Dental Prosthesis and Metallurgy. Cloth 1 . 2 * Webb’s Operative Dentistry. Cloth net 2.25 Weeks’s Manual of Operative Technics. Cloth 2 00 White’s The Mouth and Teeth. Cloth 4 £ DENTAL DEPOT. 635 TOOTH POWDER — 44 PHOENIX*” r fMTE FiWIIl BEAUTIFYS, CLEANSES AND PRESERVES THE TEETH , HARDENS THE GUMS PREPARED FOR c There is no difference between Phoenix Tooth Powder and Pearl Dentifrice. They are exactly the same. They are made by the same people, at the same time, from the same ingredients. We make no secret about this. The sole difference is in the container, the bottle. Phoenix Tooth Powder is put up in single screw top oval glass bottles. This form is preferred by some of our customers. Different names for different forms saves confusion. We have not tampered with the powder. We are never going to tamper with it. Our customers always know what to expect when they order either Pearl or Phoenix. The quality is always the same. The next lot will be just the same as the last lot. PRICES. Two ounce bottles, square double metal stopper, per dozen. . . . $1.75 In six dozen lots 9.00 In bulk, per pound 1.00 Securely packed and sent by freight or express. When ordered in six dozen lots we put dentist’s name and address on label without extra charge. 634 M. F. PATTERSON. TOOTH POWDER— PEARL, -*An Elegant*- PREPARATION — t-FORH— Beautifying, Cleansing, and Preserving — t-THE-*— — K'mh— It contains no Alkali. A great many dentists in this country are making their rent selling tooth powder. There is no reason why they shouldn’t. There is no reason why a den- tist shouldn’t supply his patients with a standard preparation. Pearl Dentifrice is a standard preparation. We have been selling it since about 1878. We are selling it to-day to dentists who bought it then. We are selling more of it each successive year. Pearl Dentifrice contains no injurious chemicals. There isn’t an objectiona- ble feature about it. It is as near perfect as we know how to make it. We supply Pearl Dentifrice in wintergreen or rose flavor, in white or pink color. We always send wintergreen, white powder, unless the order states other- wise. PRICES. Two ounce bottle, square, double metal stopper, per dozen. .. .$1.75 In six dozen lots . 9-°° In bulk, per pound 1.00 We pack it securely and send it by freight or express. We put the buyer’s name and address on the label, without extra charge, if he will order in six dozen lots. DENTAL DEPOT. 635 H 2 w o 2 2 h < ♦s U h cu w CO p 2 < w 2 h— I < w hJ < JS WORKS WONDERS (as an adjuvant) IN Pyorrhoea Alveolaris. STOMATITIS, SORE, BLEEDING AND SPONGY GUMS AND ABNORMAL ACCUMULATION OF TARTAR* Three years' use, by hundreds of eminent dentists throughout the world, demonstrates that relieves congestion, stimulates the tissues and blood vessels, promotes nutrition of the alveolar process and restores normal conditions, as nothing else will do* being in the form of an agreeable and efficient dentifrice (paste) will be used faithfully and systematically, where a medicament in a less agreeable or convenient form would be neglected* Correspondence Solicited , Samples Free * DENTACURA COMPANY, NEWARK, N* J* For Sale by all DENTAL DEPOTS* 39 S3eji/4cr/r<7 to i— i 2 w n H > 2 H U m O U O X > 2 636 M. F. PATTERSON, THYMO TOOTH PASTE. THYMO TOOTH POWDER. Composed of pure materials, and meets all the requirements of cleanliness. Highly perfumed with delicate oils, and is in every respect as perfect as it is possible to make it. Put up in 2J oz. glass bottles — nickel screw cap. Price, per gross, - - $21 00 “ dozen, - - 1 75 Is the Best Dentifrice in the World. It combines real efficiency as an abrasive, detergent, and antacid with elegance as a toilet article. It thoroughly cleanses partially de- cayed teeth from all parasites or living animal- culae, leaving them pearly white and imparting a delightful fragrance to the breath. Each tube enclosed in a neat box — in half gross lots or more. The Dentist can have his name and address printed on the labels without extra charge. Price, per gross, - - $21 00 u dozen, - - 1 75 Manufactured by The Thymo Chemical and Manufacturing” Co., 50 Clinton Building, Columbus, Ohio. WE SELL IT DENTAL DEPOT. 637 Specialties for the Mouth t Made by The S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co. Tooth Powders. No. I Tooth Powder. Rose and Wintergreen. PRICES. Rose or Wintergreen Tooth-Powder, 4 lb. Cans Rose or Wintergreen Tooth-Powder, i-lb. Cans Rose or Wintergreen Tooth-Powder, 14-lb. Cans Rose or Wintergreen Tooth-Powder, %-lb. Cans Phenated Tooth Powder, each S5.00 each 1 . 50 , each . go , each . 50 PRICES. ‘Phenated, 4-lb. Enameled Cans Phenated, i-lb. Enameled Cans Phenated, y 2 - lb. Enameled Cans Phenated, %-lb. Enameled Cans — each $5 . 00 each 1 . 50 each . 90 each . 50 No. 2 Tooth Powder. PRICES. 4-lb. Enameled Cans each S3. 50 %-lb. Enameled Cans i-lb. Enameled Cans each 1.00 %- lb. Enameled Cans No. 3 Tooth Powder. PRICES. 4-lb. Decorated Tin Cans each $2.50 %-lb. Decorated Tin Cans i-lb. Decorated Tin Cans each .75 %-lb. Decorated Tin Cans Liberal discounts on all of above to Dentists. Write for prices. each each each each .60 •35 •45 •25 Price. Price. Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price. Price. Price Mouth Washes. Ruby. Put up in 4-oz. bottles, with patent sprinkler top, each bottle in a neatly ornamented box. PRICES. . .per gross #84. 00 Price per bottle .75 ..per dozen 7.50 Boquet. Put up in 6-oz. bottles, glass stoppers. . .per gross $84.00 Price per bottle .75 . . per dozen 7 . 50 Salicylic Acid. Put up in 6-oz. bottles. . . per gross S57 • 00 Price per bottle . 50 . . per dozen 5 . 00 Florentine. Put up in 334-oz. bottles. . per gross $37.50 ^ Price per bottle .35 . . per dozen 3 . 50 Oralina. Put up,in 4 -oz. bottles. . . per gross $37.5° Price per bottle . 35 . . per dozen 3 . 50 Saponaceous. Put up in 4 -oz. bottles. . . per gross ’ $33 . 00 Price per bottle . 30 ..per dozen 3.00 Astringent. Put up in 3 -oz. bottles. . . per gross $33 . 00 Price per bottle . 30 ..per dozen 3.00 Put up in 16 -oz. bottles. each 1 . 25 Teaberry. Put up in 2-oz. bottles. per gross $23.00 Price per bottle .25 per dozen 2.25 Laurel. per dozen $4.00 Price .per bottle .40 638 M. F. PATTERSON, Oraline Paste* In tubes in gross lots or more, the dentist can have his name and address printed on the labels without extra charge* Price . per gross $25.50 Price per dozen 2.50 Price per bottle .25 In Opal Glass Jars. PRICES. Large per gross $40.80 Large per dozen 4.00 Large each .35 Small per gross 25.50 Small per dozen 2.50 Small each .25 Savonola. PRICES. Savonola large bottles $0.35 Savonola small bottles .25 Tooth Soaps. PRICES. Per Gross. Per doz, Per cake. Mint or Wintergreen $21.00 $2.00 $0.25 Rose 27.00 2.50 .30 Precipitated Chalk. Half-Pound Rice-Paper Bags, Boxed. Price in half-pound boxes per box $0.15 Decorated Tin Tooth-Powder Flask. PRICES. Filled with No. 1 Rose, Wintergreen, or Phenated Tooth-Powder. Each Per dozen Per half-gross Tooth-Powder Bottles. PRICES. Per doz. $1.50 1.25 4-50 3.25 1.50 3-25 Per doz. $1.25 2-75 Per gross. Per y 2 gross. No. 1 (Large) $14 50 $7-75 No. 2 (Small) ......... 12.00 6.50 No 1 Filled with our No. 1 Tooth Powder.. 4300 23.00 No. 2, Filled with our No. 1 Tooth-Powder. . 31.00 16.50 No 3’, With Nickel-plated Top 14-50 7-75 No. 3, With Nickel-Plated Top, filled with our No. 1 Tooth-Powder 3100 16.50 Spring-Bottom Tooth-Powder Flask. Per gross. Per y 2 gross. Price empty $12.75 Price’ filled with No. 1 Tooth-Powder 26.00 $14.00 $ 0.25 2.00 10.00 Each. $0.15 .12 .40 •30 •15 •30 Each. $0.12 •25 DENTAL DEPOT. 639 Wood Tooth-Powder Boxes* Made of boxwood, varnished, witli fancy lithographed label, “Tooth Powder,” withput name. PER DOZ. PER GROSS. No. 2. 2J in. diam., ij in. deep $0.50 $5*25 No. 3. 2 \ in. diam., ij in. deep 60 6.30 No. 4. 2j in. diam., ij in. deep 70 7.35 Fine Card-Board and Paper Tooth-Powder Boxes* PER DOZ. No. i. Paper, Round, covered with Gilt and Star Paper, lined with Silver Paper, 2 \ in. diameter, J in. high $0.35 No. 2. Fine Card-board, Round, covered with Enameled Paper, edged with Gold Paper, 2 \ in. diameter, J in. high 45 No. 3. Fine Card-board, Oval, covered with Gelatine Paper, edged with Gold Paper, 2J in. long, 2 in. wide, $■ in. high. . .55 No. 4. Fine Card-board, Round, covered with Gelatine Paper, edged with Gold Paper, 2 \ in. diameter, J in. high 55 No. 5. Paper, Half-Oval, covered with Gelatine Paper, edged with Gilt Paper, 2f in. long, 2 \ in. wide, i-J in. high 65 No. 6. Paper, Half-Oval, covered with Gelatine Paper, edged with Gilt Paper, 2-f in. long, 2 \ in. wide, 15-16 in. high 65 PER GROSS. $ 4.00 5.00 6.25 6.25 7-5° 7-50 All the above are without Labels. No. 7. Paper Top and Bottom, Card-board Side, Round, covered with Enameled Paper, edged with Gilt Paper, 2 \ in. diameter, £ in. high No. 8. Paper, Round, covered with Enameled Paper, lined with Silver Paper, edged with Gilt Paper, 2 \ in. diameter, f in. high No. 9. Fine Card-board, Round, covered with Enameled Paper, edged with Gold Paper, 2J in. diameter, J in. high No. 10. Fine Card-board, Half-Oval, covered with Enam- eled Paper, edged with Gold Paper, 2J in. long, 2 in. wide, £ in. high No. 11. Paper, Half-Oval, covered with Enameled Paper, edged with Gilt Paper, 2f in. long, 2f in. wide, i£ in. high No. 12. Paper, Half-Oval, covered with Enameled Paper, edged with Gilt Paper, 2 f in. long, 2 \ in. wide, 15-16 in. high. . . . ■45 •50 •50 •55 .70 .70 5.00 5-5o 5-5o 6.25 8.00 8.00 The above (Nos. 7 to 12) are labeled “Tooth-Powder” in fancy gilt letters. We will fill any of the Round or Oval Boxes with our Best Tooth-Powder (No. 1) at $1.00 per dozen additional, and the Half-Oval at $1.30 per dozen additional. 640 M. F. PATTERSON, Prophylactic Tooth Brushes. Endorsed everywhere as the ideal of Tooth Brush construction. You recommend them, — they commend you by the service they render. Florence Dental Plate Brush. The dentist’s reputation demands insistence on the use of this brush. Child's Size* Youth's Size. Each Size Always Sold in a Yellow Box. The new models of Youth’s and Child's sizes fill a long recognized want. They are made especially for children from the dentist’s standpoint. May we send you Prescription Blanks and Circulars? Florence Mfg. Co., Sole Makers, Florence, Mass. See opposite page for prices. DENTAL DEPOT. 641 The Prophylactic Tooth Brushes* ( See op j osite page. ) Price, Adult’s size each, 35c ; per doz. $3.00 Price, Child’s size each, 25c ; per doz. $2.50 The Florence Dental Plate Brush* Price, each $0.35 Miscellaneous Tooth Brushes* 5 Hoivs, Per doz. No. 1 $3.00 No. 2 3.00 A 3- Row. Medium Bristles 3.00 A 3-Row. Soft Bristles 3.00 A 4-Row. Medium Bristles 3.50 A 4-Row. Soft Bristles 3.50 B 3-Row. Medium Bristles 3.00 Large. Small. Per doz. B 4-Row. Medium Bristles $3.50 B 5-Row. Medium Bristles 4.00 No. 209. Medium Bristles 3.50 No. 210. Medium Bristles 3.50 No. 211. Large, Medium Bristles 3.50 No. 211. Small, Medium Bristles (for children) 2.75 On tooth-brushes to dentist, 6-doz. lots, 12% per cent.; 1-gross lots, 25 per cent, discount from above prices. 642 M. F. PATTERSON, Tooth Brushes, — Continued, No. 212, Large. No. 212, Small. No. 21.3, ]Lo,re;e. No. 217. No. 213, Small. No. 218. Per doz. No. 212. Large, Medium Bristles .. .$3.50 No. 214. No. 212. Small, Medium Bristles (for ' No. 215 Children) 2.75 No. 216. No. 213. Large, Medium Bristles 3.75 No 217 No. 213. Small, Medium Bristles (for No. 218. Children) 3 . 5 o No. 219. On tooth-brushes to dentists, 6-doz. lots, 12*4 per discount from above prices. Per doz. Stiff Bristles 3.75 Medium Bristles 3.50 Very Stiff Bristles 3.50 Medium Bristles 3.50 Soft Bristles 3.50 Soft Bristles 3.50 cent.; i-gross lots, 25 per cent. DENTAL DEPOT. 643 Tooth Brushes* — Continued. Per doz. No. 220. Very Soft Bristles(Goat Hair) $3.50 No. 221. Very Soft Bristles (Bad- ger Hair i 6.00 No. 222. Medium Bristles 3.50 Per doz. No. 223. Medium Bristles $3.60 No. 224. Soft Bristles 3.50 No. 225. Medium Bristles. 3.50 No. 226. Medium Bristles 3.50 No. 227. Medium Bristles 4.50 On tooth-brushes to dentists, 6 doz. lots, 12% P er cent.; 1-gioss Jots, 25 jtr Per doz. No. 228. Soft Bristles $4.50 No. 229. Soft Bristles (for chil- dren) 3.00 No. 230. Medium Bristles 3.75 No. 231. Medium Bristles 3.50 cent, discount from above prices. 644 M. F. PATTERSON, Miscellaneous Articles in the Mechanical Class* Blow-pipes — Knapp’s, with .Stand, but without Gas Cylinder or Gas per dozen $14.00 Blow-pipes — Knapp’s, with Carburetter, without Gas Cylinder or Gas each 20.00 Carburetter, separate each 6.00 Brushes, Ideal for Laboratory three for $1.00; each .35 Brushes. Scratch No. 1 .50 Brushes, Scratch No. 2 65 Clamps, for holding plates, while swaging each $0.60 to 1.00 Bottles, Tooth-Powder, with Sprinkler Tops. No. 1. (Large), Empty per gross $14.50 No. 1. (Large), Empty per p2-gross 7.75 No. 1. (Large), Empty ^...per dozen 1.50 No. 1. (Large), Empty each .15 No. 1. (Large), Filled with No. 1 Tooth-Powder per gross 43.00 No. 1. (Large), Filled with No. 1 Tooth-Powder per .J/2-gross 23.00 No. 1. (Large), Filled with No. 1 Tooth-Powder per dozen 4.50 No. 1. (Large), Filled with No. 1 Tooth-Powder each .40 No. 2. (Small), Empty per gross 12.00 No. 2. (Small), Empty per } 4 -gross 6.50 No. 2. (Small), Empty per dozen 1.25 No. 2. (Small), Empty each .12 No. 2. (Small), Filled with No. 1 Tooth-Powder per gross 31.00 No. 2. (Small), Filled with No. 1 Tooth-Powder per J^-gross 16.50 No. 2. (Small), Filled with No. 1 Tooth-Powder per dozen 3.25 No. 2. (Small), Filled with No. 1 Tooth-Powder each .30 No. 3. Nickel Top, Empty _ per gross 14.50 No. 3. Nickel Top, Empty per j 4 -gross 7.75 No. 3. Nickel Top, Empty per dozen 1.50 No. 3. Nickel Top, Empty each .15 No. 3. Nickel Top, Filled with No. 1 Tooth-Powder per gross 31.00 No. 3. Nickel Top, Filled with No. 1 Tooth-Powder per ^2-gross 16.50 No. 3. Nickel Top, Filled with No. 1 Tooth-Powder per dozen 3.25 No. 3. Nickel Top, Filled with No. 1 Tooth-Powder each .30 Boyd’s Method for Lining Vulcanite Dentures. Vulca No. 1 ...per box 1.00 Vulca No. 2 per box 1.00 Adhesit per bottle .25 Aluminum Foil (25 sheets) per book .30 Camel’s-Hair Brushes, A, B, C each .06 Corundum Cups, Files, etc. Cones, ^-inch diameter at base, i* 4 -inch high ..each Cups, Small each Cups, Large each Slabs, Nos. 1 and 4 each Slab, No. 2 each Slab, No. 3 each Files, No. 5 each biles, No. 6 each Files, No. 7 each Files, No. 8 each Files, No. 9 each Files, No. 10 each Files, No. 11 each Files, No. 12 each Crucibles, Plumbago, No. 00 each Crucibles, Plumbago, No. o each Crucibles, Plumbago, No. 1 each Crucibles, Sand nest of four Draw Plates, furnished on order. Specify range of sizes desired. Fyrite .per can Handles, Wood, for files, etc., assorted sizes each Inlay Apparatus, Jenkins, complete $0.12 .12 •15 •35 • 15 .20 •15 •15 .20 •25 •25 •15 •IS •15 .20 .20 .22 .08 •25 •05 100.00 DENTAL DEPOT. 645 Miscellaneous Articles in the Mechanical Class* — Continued. Inlay Apparatus, Jenkins less bellows Kaolin, prepared per pound Knife Cleaners each Marble Dust .per quart Polishing Putty (Oxid of Tin) per box Platinum Foil for Crown and Bridge Work, Thickness of our No. 30 Gold Foil per ounce Rouge, Stick , Silex, Coarse per lb Silex, Fine per lb. Silex, Extra Fine per lb. Silex, Double Fine per lb. Soldering Irons each Spar, Body per lb. Spar, Enamel ..per lb. Spatula, Sand Molding each 95.00 •50 .20 26.00 .20 •25 •50 1. 00 2.00 •25 •75 •75 1. 00 Scotch Stones, 6 in. long, 3-16 in. square each $0.06 Scotch Stones, 6 in. long, 1-4 in. square “ .08 Scotch Stones, 6 in. long*, 3-8 in. square “ .10 Stoves : Kerosene, with one 4-in. Burner each $1.50 Wicks for Kerosene Stoves, 4 in. . .per doz. $ .30 Bell Gas Bracket Stove “ ! .15 Wicks for Kerosene Stoves, 2 in. . . “ .25 Seamless Gold Collars for Crown and Bridge Work. Nos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Each, 34c. 36c. 38 c. 40C. 42c. 45 C. 48c. 50 C. 52 C. 54 C. 56c. 58c. 60c. 62c. 65c. Nos. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Each, 58c. 62c. 66c. 70C. 74 C. 78c. 82C. 88c. 94C. 98 p. $ 1.02 $1.07 $1.12 $1.17 $1.22 Nos. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4 i 42 43 44 45 Each, 82c. 88c. 94c. $1.00 $1.06 $1.12 $1.18 $1.26 $1.34 $1.42 $1.50 $1.58 $1.66 $ 1.74 $1.82 Complete set of 45 Collars $40.00 Appliances for Shaping Gold Collars : Contractors for reducing each $1.50 Trays for Logan Crowns 1. 00 Mallet for Swaging “ 1.50 Tubing, conducting, 1-8-in. inner diam. per ft. .08 Mandrel for Shaping (set of 7) . . “ 1. 00 Tubing, conducting, 3-16-in. “ “ “ .12 Crown Heater and Setter No. 1 for Tubing, conducting, 1-4-in. “ “ “ .16 Front Teeth “ .50 Tubing, conducting, 3-8-in. “ “ “ .20 Crown Heater and Setter No. 2, for Tubing, conducting, 1-2-in. “ tl a .25 Bicuspid Teeth “ .50 Tubing, conducting, 5-8-in. “ “ “ .30 Pin Punch, Logan “ .25 Tubing, conducting, 3-4-in. “ it t ( •35 Pins for Setting Tooth Crowns, Lo- Tubing, conducting, i-in. “ it t •45 gans, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 “ -45 Vises, Bench . . $2.50 to 7.00 Tongs, Crucible, Iron, 12-in “ .50 Vises, Hand, with Wood Handle. 1. 00 Tongs, Crucible, Iron, 17-in “ .65 Wire Gauze for Fyrite . . per box • 30 646 M. F. PATTERSON, Laboratory and Office Pliers* Arkansas and Washita Oil Stones* Made by Buffalo Dental Mfg. Co. Wood Mounted Wood Mounted a , o PRICES. W^ aS ,, St0neS - eaC 1 h $ ' 6o £ ubber Mounted Arkansas Stones.. each $ .75 Washita Stones ..each .50 Rubber Mounted Washita Stones .each * Jo Carborundum Slab. : Thefts rt e ; these back at the price paid for them if they are not satisfactory after say six months ? use each 25 cents. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Arkansas Knife-Edge Slips each $ .60 Double Knife-Edge Slips. each .60 Pointed Slips each .35 Stone Slips No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. Round-Edge Slips each $ .50 Square Slips each .40 F1 at Slips each .40 DENTAL DEPOT. 647 Labelled Office Bottles* Cuts Full Size. Manufactured by the Ransom & Randolph Co., Toledo, Ohio. No. 1. No. 2. The bottles herewith illustrated are indestructably labelled, the names of the drugs having been burned in, obviating the necessity of frequently replacing the ordinary paper label, and giving the dentist bottles of uniform appearance. Furnished to order with any label though they are regularly kept in stock in sets of twenty labelled as follows : Ac. Carbol. Ac. Tannic. Chlorof. Cocam Cryst. Ol. Clove. Ol. Eucalypt. Chlor.-Perch. Ammonia. Iron Persulph. Alcohol. Ac. Arsen. Iodine. Black's 1 - 2 - 3 . Iod. & Aconit. Ac. Sulph. Silv. Nit. Ol. Cass. Creosote. Ac. Lactic. Sandarach. In ordering, specify style preferred. Price of either style, per set of 20 $5.00 Each, as labelled, or to order 30 Plain Bottles* We are also prepared to furnish three sizes of bottles, style of No. 1 shown above, without labels at the following prices : 1 14 oz. Clear Glass only 6 oz. Clear Glass only 14 oz. Clear, blue, amber or green each $ .25; per dozen $2.50 each .35 ; per dozen 4.00 each .15; per dozen 1.60 <>48 M. F. PATTERSON, Morrison Reamer and Screw-Portes. L Reamer No. 3. No. 2. The Reamer is used to enlarge the openings into the canals of badly decayed roots to permit the entrance of the Screw-Porte for their extraction. Three sizes of the Screw-Portes are made to suit differences in roots. The Reamer is made only on Octagon Handle. The complete set is put up in a neat box with spaces let into a wood block to keep the instruments in place when not in use. PRICES. Per set, in box Reamer Screw-Portes Not kept in stock for Cone-Socket Handles. Lancets. — Fixed ^Blades. 1234 .... $ 2.00 each .50 each .50 5 PRICES. Ivory Handle (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) each $0.75 Ebony Handle (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) each .60 Steel Handle, \ in., File-cut (Nos. 1, 2 and 3) each .50 Steel Octagon Handle, Abscess (Nos. 4 and 5) each .38 Cone-Socket Points (Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) each .35 DENTAL DEPOT. 640 Derenberg's Tweezers* For Removing Loose and Temporary Teeth, Dressings, Etc* The appearance of this instrument serves to disarm the fears of the patient. To ensure a firm grip being obtained, the beaks are hollowed out and serrated inside. It is a combination of the usual extracting Forceps and ex- isting forms of Tweezers, the latter of which are usually so light and made with points much too fine and small to possess the needful strength for doing the work for which this instrument is intended. Mr. Derenberg finds it very useful for removing loose and temporary teeth, dressings, etc. Price, Nickel-plated $2.25 Lancets for Pocket. BLADES. I 2 Lancets, for pocket, in Tortoise-shell handles, each #1.00 #1.50 Gum Guillotine Forceps. Designed by Mr. Woodhouse. 3 $ r -75 Full Sue. For removing gum from the masticating surfaces of partially erupted wisdom teeth. Before applying the forceps, make an incision with a lancet along the anterior margin of the tooth; then insert the blade and remove the gum by firmly closing the handles. This instrument cannot be Nickel-plated without spoiling the cutting edges. Price, in polished steel only $3.00 & 650 M. F. PATTERSON, Gum Cutting Scissors* Lack of space prevents the illustration of our entire line of these instruments. We illustrate only the more popular forms. We have them all. Prices quoted are for the highest grade only. We have duplicates of most of above patterns in cheaper qualities at cheaper prices. DENTAL DEPOT. 051 Miscellaneous Goods in the Operative Department. Anatomical Illustration of an Incisor Tooth, Abbott’s each $ i.oo Anatomical Illustration of the Fifth Nerve each i.oo Anatomical Lantern Slides (Dr. Cryer’s) each i.oo Articulating Disks, per box of ioo each .10 Binders for Dental Cosmos each .50 Bur Thimbles, Hinged each .50 Burs, Excavating, Round No. 20 Bur Gauge, Hand cut each .40 Cable Spring Attachment 2.25 Cases — Bur, for Students each .50 Cases — Medicine, with 18 bottles, $2.25. Empty each 1.00 Cases — Office Polishing PoWder each 1.00 Case — Folding Instrument — limitation Morocco, Velvet lined, for Varney’s Set 13, Chappell’s Set 13, Pluggers each 3.00 Case — Imitation Morocco, for Anchor Screw Instruments each .50 Case — Slip-form for Varney’s Set 13, Chappell’s Set 13, Knowles’ Set 13, Plug- gers each .80 Case — Slip-form for Electric Mallet Pluggers. Set 15 each .80 Carving Tools, Dr. W. W. Evans’: Apple Wood Handles, Nos. 1 and 2 each 1.25 Apple Wood Handles, No. 3 each 1.50 Chamois Skins each 10c to 1.00 Cotton Holder, for Holmes’ Table each 2.00 Crown Setter No. 1, for front teeth each .50 Crown Setter No. 2, for bicuspid teeth «..each .50 Doilies or Napkins, 6 inches square, colored borders , per dozen .50 Doilies or Napkins, 7 inches square per dozen .55 Doilies or Napkins, i2*/ 2 inches square per dozen 1.25 Drop Tubes each .10 Dub’s Screw Forcep each 5.50 Engine Bit Oiler 50 Files — Serrating, per dozen, $3.60 each .30 Files — Flexo, Separating, perforated, Nos. 000, 00, 1 and 2, push cut, per dozen, $1.401 each .15 Gutta percha washers per box .50 Handpiece, Bonwill, for S. S. White Engine - 10.00 Handpiece, Bonwill, for Bonwill Engine 14.00 Holder for same each .35 Hullihen’s Screw Forcep , each 4.00 Manicure Forcep each 2.50 Mandrel, No. 303*4 each .15 Moustache Protector each .75 Mouth-Distenders, Nickel-plated, with Polished Wood handles each .60 Oil Can for Engine and Hand-Piece each .15 Oil, Sperm, 3 oz. bottle per bottle .20 Pivot Wood per box .50 Pliers — Flagg’s Wafering each 2.00 Pulleys — New Patent Universal Pulleys, enabling Motor to be placed in any part of office. Ceiling or Wall Pulley, complete 3.40 Ceiling or Wall Pulley, with Universal Joint and Extension Rod 6.00 Rubber Dam Appliers, % i n - File-cut Handle each 1.25 Rubber Dam Appliers, % in. Bone Handle each 1.62 Rubber Dam Appliers, fi i n - Ebony Handle each 2.00 Rubber Dam Appliers, in. Ivory Handles .each 3.00 Saliva Pump, Glass, with Rubber Bulb each .75 Scalers, Pyorrhea, Marshall’s, per set of eight, $4.00 each .50 Spatula — No. 15. Foil, Nickel-plated, wood Handle each 1.50 Spatula — Foil, Bone each .25 Strips — Finishing, Sand and Emery Paper and Carrier, 50 Strips and 1 Carrier in a Box per box .12 Strips — Finishing only (50 in a box) per box .10 Strips — Finishing Carrier only each .03 Tongue Scraper 50 40 652 M. F. PATTERSON, INDEX. This index is complete. Every article in the book is indexed every way it can be indexed. No man who uses it will have to look for an article in more than one place. He will find it in the first place he looks for it. I’AGE PAGE A bbott Automatic Mallet 196 Abbott Back Action Points 196 Abbott’s Scalers 223 Abbey’s Gold Foil 353 Abell’s Contouring Pliers... x 492 Abrada 548 Abrader 480 Abscess Syringe, Berlin 280 Abscess Syringe, Lewis .' 289 Absorbent Cotton 357 Absorbent Cotton in Asceptic Container 357 Absorbent Cotton Rolls, Red Cross... 355 Absorbent Paper Tampons 358 Absorbent Tablets, Pyrozone 405 Acid, Carbolic 403 Acid, Carbolic and Glycerine 403 Acid Gravity Battery, Partz 198 Acid Pan, Copper 477 Acid, Rex Soldering 506 Acid, Salicylic 403 Acid, Trichloracetic 403 Account Books 625-630 Acme Cement, Justis 376 Acodin 399 Aconite Root, Tincture of 405 Acute Angle Attachments 152 Adhesive Plates, Spyers 590 Adhesion Plates, Wunsche’s Metal.... 589 Adhesit 644 Adjustable Angle Broach Holder 231 Adjustable Arm Support for the Shaw Engine 149 Adjustable Bunsen Burner 522 Adjustable Clamp, Ivory’s 318 Adjustable Drip Cup for Lathes 540 Adjustable Fracture Bands, Angles... 32S Adjustable Lever Clamps, Meister’s... 316 Adjustable Mouth Prop, Daintree’s. . . . 423 Adjustable Partial Impression Tray.... 614 Adjustable Perforators 494 Adjustable Stool, Lyon’s Improved.... 116 Adjustable Tripod for Cylinders 415 Agate Cement 379 Air Chamber Metal 591 Air Chambers, Metallic 593 Air Compressors, Hydraulic 508 Air Receivers 508 Air, Vitalized, Attachment 422 Alba Alloy 363 Alcohol and Annealing Lamps 294-296 Alconol Lamp, Purdy 524 Alcohol Lamp Wicks 294 Alcohol Soldering Lamps 524 Allen’s Bodies and Enamels 529 Allan Bracket Table 103 Allan Clamps 311 Allen’s Illuminated Rubber Dam 300 All-cord Electric Dental Engine 129 Allowance for Scraps 468 Alloy, Alba 363 Alloy Balance, Wheeler’s 390 Alloy, Caulks White 366 Alloy. Dawson’s White 363 Alloy, Globe 363 Alloy, Justis White 360 Alloy, Par Excellence 364 Alloy, Phillips’ White 390 Alloy, Rego 362 Alloy, Rex 506 Alloy, Sibley’s Gold and Platinum 363 Alloy, Sibley’s White 363 Alloy, Splendid 363 Alloy, Standard 363 Alloy, Triumph ' 359 Alloy, Twentieth Century 364 Alloy, Welch’s Gold and Platina 361 Allport’s Pyorrhea Alveolaris Instru- ments 263 Allport’s Burs 159 Allport’s Registering Dental Ledger... 630 Alternating Current Engine, Ritter.... 126-127 Aluminum, Chlorid of 403 Aluminum Combination Dentures 589 Aluminum Crowns 475 Aluminum Foil 644 Aluminum Handle Bench Knife 596 Aluminum Handle Mouth Mirrors 283 Aluminum Ingots 504 Aluminum Plate 504 Aluminum Punch 503 Alveolar Forceps 436-439 Amalgam, Arrington’s 363 Amadou 356 Amalgam, Caulk’s Superior 366 Amalgam, Copper Heating Spoon 379 Amalgam, Gutta Percha and Plastic Filling Instruments 254-260 Amalgam, Lawrence’s 363 Amalgam, Sibley’s New 363 Amalgam, Townsend’s 363 and 366 Amalgam, Welch’s 361 Amalgam, White’s Copper 379 Ambler Engine Drills 156 American Dental Journal 633 American Saw Frames 502 Ammonia, Nitrate of, Fused 420 Andrews’ Saliva Ejector 82 Anaesthetic, Barr’s 403 Anaesthetis, Wilson’s 396-397 Anatomical Articulator 619 Anatomical Articulator, Antes-Lewis. . 620 Anatomical Illustrations 651 Anchor Bands, Agle’s 328 Anchor Flask 578 Anchor Screw Appliances 336-338 Anchor Screw Chuck 337 Anchor System Drills 160 Angle’s Band Forming Pliers 328 Angle’s Band Soldering Pliers 329 Angle’s Impression Trays 609 Angle Right No. 2 151 Angle’s Regulating Appliances 327-329 Angle’s Wire Stretcheing Pliers 329 Angle Attachments 152 Annealed Wire, Angle’s 328 Annealing and Alcohol Lamps 294-296 Annealing Burner, Model 294 Annealing Burner, Ivy 298 Annealer, Custer Electric Gold 293 Annealing Lamp, Capital 294 Annealing Lamp, Students’ 298 Annealing Lamp, S. S. White 297 Annealing Lamp, Whitney with Mica Tray.. 298 Annealing Trays 296 Antes Anatomical Articulator 619 DENTAL DEPOT. 653 PAGE Antes-Lewis Anatomical Articulator. . Anti-Cloudine Antidote to Cocaine Anti-fog Anti-Inf eet ; on Hypodermic Syringe, Haycock’s Antimony Rubber Tubing Antiseptic Balsam Varnish Antiseptic, Camphenol Antiseptic Dressing, Sedative Antiseptic Guln Wash, Seabury’s Anvil and Bench Block, Revolving.... Anvils, Dentists’s Anvil for C. & B. Work Anvil, Swaging Anvils, Steel Apparatus, Brown Celluloid Apparatus, Browning Electric Apparatus for Oxygen and Nitrous Ox- ide Apparatus for Pure Oxygen Appliances, Angle’s Regulating Appliances, Band Measuring Appliances for Shaping Gold Collars. .. Appliances, Melotte’s Soldering Appliers, Rubber Dam Appointment Book, Improved Diagram. Appointment Book, Pearson’s Vest Pocket Appointment Day Book, Bannister’s... Apron or Bib, Horton’s Aprons, Rubber Approximal Surface Instruments, Head’s Approximal Trimmers Arbor for Sand Paper Arch, Expansion, Angles Argand Bunsen’s Arkansas Stones Arkansas Stones Arkansas Stone Powder Arkansas Stone Slips Arm Support, Flexible Engine Arms, Engine Arnica, Tincture of Aromatic Iodoform Paste Arrangement, Melting Arrington’s Amalgam Arrington’s Amalgam Instruments.... Arrington’s Nerve Canal Pluggers Arrington’s Nerve Extractors Arsenical Compound, Foulk’s Arsenical Discs Arthur’s Corundum Disks Articulating Forms Articulating Paper Articulating Plates Articulator, Antes Anatomical Articulator, Antes-Lewis Anatomical.. Articulator, Bonwill Articulators, Crown Articulator, Hayes’ Articulators, Justis’ Articulator, Lewis’ Independent Motion Articulator Number Nine Articulators, White’s Artificial Cavities in Teeth Artificial Dentine 620 284 405 403 291 520 399 403 405 408-409 485 485-486 485 499 486 558 131-134 417 426 327-329 343 645 515 651 626 630 625 423 421 213 263 540 328 524 646 179 182 646 149 120 405 402 520 363 255 237 237 403 402 177 618 603 617 619 620 624 623 621 621-624 621 622 624 11 401 Artificial Dentures, Cohesion Forms for 589 Artificial Plate Brush 591 Artificial Teeth Cases 114 Asbestos 48i Asbestos Pads 483-484 Asbestos Felt Foil 388 Asbestos Pad for Hollingsworth System 471 Asbestos Soldering Blocks and Holders 483-184 Asceptic Container and Absorbent Cot- ton 357 Asceptic Dental Napkins, Red Cross... 356 Asceptic Syringe 287 Ash’s Bodies and Enamels 528-529 Ash’s Dental Rubbers 585-586 Ash’s Enamel Burs 155 Ash & Sons Extracting Forceps 427-431 Ash’s Grooved Diamond Disks 175 PAGE Ash’s Ideal Clamp Ash’s Lancets Ash’s Mallet Points Ash’s Mouth Mirrors Ash & Son’s Modelling Compound Ash’s Nerve Canal Pliers Ash’s Plastic Filling Instruments Ash’s Probes Ash’s Root Reamers Ash’s Rubber Dam Holder Assistant, Plugging, Double End Astringent Mouth Wash Attached Fountain Cuspidor, Sibley. .. . Attachment, Cable Spring Attachment, Combination Dental Chair Attachment, Combination Attachment, Syringe and Saliva Ejector Attachment Yoke Attachments, Angle Attachment, Combination Attachments, Gold Spring Atomizer, Pyrozone Austin Carborunuum Strips Austin Flexible Rubber Plate Finisher. Automatic Air Compressors Automaton Blowpipes Automatic Mallet, Abbott Automatic Mallet. Bosworth Automatic Pluggers Automatic Plugger, Lewis No. 7 Automatic Plugger Points Automatic Pluggers, S. & L. No. 1.... Automatic Pluggers, Ivory’s Automatic Pluggers, S. & L. Nos. 2 & 3. Automatic Pluggers, S. & L. Nos. 4 & 6. Automatic Suction Cavities, Spyer’s. . Avil Dental Mallet 321 226 203 281 603 305 257 226 305 305 253 637 91 651 85 86 93 413 152 83-86 468 405 390 555 508 512 196 196 191 192 196-203 192 195 193 194 590 190 B abbitt Metal 504 Back Action Points, Abbott 196 Backings, Gold and Matinum, for Mason’s Porcelains 45 Bailey Moulding Flask 505 Baird’s Method of Crown and Bridge Work 472 Bag for Oxygen Gas 410 Bags, Foulk’s Capsicum 394 Bag, Gas for Nitrous Oxide 410 Balance, Wheeler’s Alloy 391 Baldock’s Nerve Destroying Paste 401 Baldwin’s Hydraulic Cement 379 Ball Bearing Side Wheel Engines 120 Balsamo Del Deserto 401 Balsam Varnish, Howard’s Antiseptic. 399 Bands, Anchor, Angles 328 Band and Crown Swager, Parker 499 Band and Gold Crown Holder 479 Bands, Angle’s Adjustable Fracture. .. . 328 Band Driver, Angle’s 328 Bands for Ivory’s Matrix Retainers. .. . 340 Band Former, Burgess’ 479 Band Forming Pliers, Angle’s 328 Band Material, Angle’s 327 Band Pliers for Hollingsworth System. 471 Band Measuring Appliances 343 Band Matrices and Clamps, Guilford’s. 341 Band Matrices, Brophy’s Improved.... 341 Band Matrix, Lodge 342 Band Matrix, Weirich Single Band.... 342 Band Soldering Pliers, Angle’s 329 Bannister’s Appointment Day Book... 625 Bannister’s Bill Heads 629 Bannister Register-Ledger 628 Barbed Nerve Extractors 228-230 Barker Pluggers 251 Baker’s Cement Spatula 385 Barr’s Anaesthetic 403 Base Metals 504 Base Plate, Ideal Dental 603 Base Plate Modelling Composition.... 603 Base Plate Wax 603 Bath. Brown Lathe 537 Batteries, Description of 130 Batteries, Partz 198 Battery, Excello Improved Gravity.... 146 654 M. F. PATTERSON PAGE Battery Outfit 145 Battery, Storage, Outfits 140 Battle Ax Excavators 212 Bay Rum 403 B. D. M. Co.’s Blow Off Valve 572 B. D. M. Co.’s Jack Screws 331 B. D. M. Co.’s Mercury Holder 390 B. D. M. Co.’s Safety Apparatus 572 B. D. M. Co.’s Time Regulator 569 B. D. M. Co.’s Two-Table Bracket 98 B. D. M. Co.’s Wheel Key 425 B. D. M. Co.’s Yoke 425 Bed Plates 564-565 Bed Plates and Wrenches for Vul- canizers 568 Beebe’s Collar and Crown Scissors.... 496 Bell Bracket Gas Stoves 645 Bellows 509 Belting, Engine 148 Belyea’s Solder Tweezers 476 Bench Block 485 Bench Block and Anvil, Revolving.... 485 Bench for Rubber Work 464 Bench Knives 596 Bench Vises 645 Bench, Work No. 4 462-463 BeDch, Work No. 5 467 Bending, Cutting and Pin Roughing Forceps 492-493 Bennett’s Chisel Excavators 212 Bennett’s Plugger Points 202 Berlin Abscess Syringe 286 Best Celluloid Apparatus 558 Best (or Palmer’s) Excavators 213 Beutelrock’s Nerve Canal Instruments. 233-236 Bib or Dental Apron, Horton’s 423 Bibulous Paper 356 Bibulous Paper and Napkin Clamps. .. . 317 Bickford’s Mouth Props 424 Bicuspid Forceps 441-443 Bicuspid Pivoting and Stump Files . . 274 Bill Heads 630 Bill Heads, Bannister’s 629 Binders for Cosmos 651 Binding Wire 502 Bing’s Soft Gold or Tape Pluggers.... 251 Bite Blocks. Soft Rubber 423 Bite Plates, True 616 Bit Holders, Engine 188 Bit Oiler, Engine 651 Bit Shanks 153 Bits, Hard 225 Bit Stand, Engine 187 Black’s Saw Frame 269 Blade, Fixed Separator 325 Blakiston’s Dental and Medical Books. 632 Blanks, Examination 630 Bleaching Electrode 143 Blocks and Pads, Soldering 483-484 Block, Bench 485 Block, Bench, and Anvil, Revolving... 485 Blocks, Ivory 618 Blocks, Soft Rubber Bite 423 Blocks, Wood for Hollingsworth System 471 Blowers, Fletcher Foot 509 Blow Off Valve, B. D. M. Co.’s 572 Blowpipes 511-516 Blowpipes, Automaton 512 Blowpipe, Burgesse’s Mechanical 514 Blowpipes, Fletcher’s 514 Blowpipe, Haskell’s Mouth 516 Blowpipe, Herapath Improved 513 Blowpipe, Knapp’s 644 Blowpipe, Lee’s Brazing 514 Blowpipe, Macomber 514 Blowpipe, Matchless 514 Blowpipe, Melotte’s Improved 515 Blowpipes, Mouth 513 Blowpipe Pad, Melotte’s 515 Blowpipe, S. S. White Self-Acting.... 514 Blowpipe, Star 516 Blowpipe Stand 513 Bodies and Enamels 528-529 Bogue’s Lamp and Warm Water Cup. 297 Bohemian Retorts 422 Boiler for Heating Flasks 571 PAGE Boiling Burners, Fletcher’s 523-524 Bolts, Flask 57 P Bone Spatula, Foil 651 Bonwill Articulator 621 Bonwill Handpiece 651 Book, Improved Diagram Appointment 626 Book, Pearson’s Vest Pocket Appoint- ment 630 Books, Account 625-630 Books, Dental and Medical 632-631 Boquet Cologne .~ 404 Boquet Mouth Wash 637 Borax Slate 484 Borax Stick. Prepared 504 Boro-Bornyl 403 Boston Cement Spatula 385 Boston Vulcanizer 562 Boswell’s Cement Spatula 385 Bos worth Automatic Mallet 196 Bottles 393 Bottle, Common Sense Office Prepara- tion ' 393 Bottle Cover, Jiffy 394 Bottles, Labelled Office 647 Bottles, Labels for Medicine 393 Bottles, Plain 647 Bottles, Tooth Powder 638 Bottles, Wash 422 Bottles With Sprinkler Tops, Tooth Powder 644 Bowls, Rubber 601 Bowman-Allan Clamp Forceps 299 Bow Springs, Rubber 583 Boxes, Tooth Powder. Card Board and Paper 639 Boxes, Wood Tooth Powder 638 Box Flask 579 Box, Student’s No. 1 115 Boxwood Wedge Slips 325 Boyd’s Lining Method 644 Bracket Engine, Electric, Browning’s. . 135 Bracket for Gas Cylinder, Wall 416 Bracket, Handy 96 Bracket, New Model 112-113 Brackets and Tables, S. A. Crocker & Co 99 Brackets, Cuspidor 95 Brackets, Dental 83-86 Brackets, Electric Light 112-113 Bracket Table, Allan’s 103 Bracket Table Lamp 296 Bracket Table No. 5 101 Bracket Tables Nos. 1 and 2 102 Bracket Table, T. H. Grigg’s 102 Bracket, Tool White’s Nos. 1 and 2. .. . 100 Bracket, Two-Table, B. D. M. Co.’s... 98 Bracket, Wall No. 1 and Table Sibley’s. 97 Bracket, White’s, Engine Wall No. 2. . 141 Braid for Rubber Dam Holders 304 Brass Blowpipes 513 Brass Connections 522 Brass Reducer 522 Brazing Blowpipe, Lee’s 514 Brewer’s Drills 157 Brewer Universal Clamp Forceps ^ 299 Bridge and Crown Cement 370-371 Bridge and Crown Work, Baird’s Method 472 Bridge and Crown Work Files 502 Bridge Repairing Pliers and Drill, Shriver’s 491 Bridge Repair Tools, Bryant’s 480 Bridge Work and Crown Anvil 485 Bridge Work and Crown System, Hol- lingsworth 471 Bridge Work and Gold Crowns to Order 476 Bridge Work Shears 496 Bright Metal Screw Posts 336 Bright Metal Shields 178 Bristles and Cleansers, Donaldson’s... 232 Britton’s Vitrified Cement 373 Broaches, Correct Nerve 229 Broaches, Donaldson’s 232 Broach Holder, Adjustable Angle 231 Broach Holder, Holdfast 228 DENTAL DEPOT. 655 PAGE Brown and Sharpe’s Plate and Wire Gauge 503 Brown Celluloid Apparatus 558 Brown Flask 577 Browning Chair Engine 134 Browning Electric Apparatus 131-134 Browning Electric Engine 132 Browning Laboratory Lathe, Electric. . 532 Browning Rheostat 135 Browning Standard Electric Engine with Controlling Base 133 Browning Suspension Engine 136 Brown Lathe Bath 537 Brown’s Electric Mallet Pluggers 253 Brown’s Heroic Chisels 210 Brown’s Investment Sand 504 Brown’s Mounted Granite Disks 184 Brown’s Plug Finishing File 272 Brophy’s Improved Band Matrices.... 341 Brush, Artificial Plate 591 Brushes, Camel’s Hair 602 Brushes, Dental Plate 557 Brushes, Ideal 644 Brushes, Plate 591 Brushes, Plate 504 Brushes, Prophylactic Tooth 640 Brushes, Scratch Nos. 1, 7, 2 644 Brushes, Steel Wire Wheel 187 Brushes, Tooth 610 643 Brush, Flexible Steel Scratch 556 Brush, Florence Dental Plate 640 Brush, Tooth Polishing 181 Brush Wheels, Tooth 181 Brush Wheels, Wood Center 545-547 Bryant’s Bridge Repair Tools 48o Buckhorn Powder 182 Buckman's Clamps 313 Buffalo Driving Wheels 542 Buffalo Rubber Dam Weights 306 Buffalo Rubber Gauge 572 Buff, Hard, Polishers 381 Builders, Chappell’s Gold 249 Bulbs, Syringe 288 Bunsen Burners 521-522 Bunsens, Fletcher’s Argand 524 Burchard’s Contouring Pliers 488 Burgesse’s Mechanical Blowpipe 514 Burgess Band Former 479 Burner, Ivy 298 Burner, Lewis Waxing 523 Burner, Model Annealing 294 Burners, Bunsen 521-522 Burners, Laboratory, Gas 522-524 Burners, Radial 523-524 Burners, Solid Flame 523-524 Burnishers 215 Burnishers, Engine 161 Burnishers, Goldsmith’s R. & L. Thin. 216 Burnishers, Gordon White’s 216 Burnishers, Herbert’s Rotary 161 Burnishers, Plate 497 Burnishers, Steel Disk 161 Bur Case for Students 651 Bur, Grooving, 157 Bur No. 20 651 Burs 154-155 Burs, Allport’s 159 Burs, Cross Cut Cavity 155 Burs Dentale, for Cutting Enamel 154 Burs, Enamel Cutting 155 Burs, Excavating 154 Burs, Inlay . 160 Burs, Flexible Engine 156 Burs, Hand 261 P.ur Shank Shield 174 Burs, Ivory’s 162 Burs, New Process 162 Burs, Plug-finishing 158 Burs, Spiral Leaf 162 Burs, Willard’s Countersink 160 Burs Wholesale 153 Burs, Vulcanite 551 Butler’s, Corundum Point 177 Butler’s Plugger Points 200 Butler’s Rapid Excavators 213 Butler’s Set of Pluggers 250 PAGE C A. & S. Cement 375 Cabinet No. 10 Ill Cabinet No. 28 110 Cabinet No. 40 108-109 Cabinet No. 65 104-105 Cabinet No. 75 106-107 Cabinets, Dental 104-115 Cabinets, Dental, S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co.’s 114 Cabinet, Hand No. 2 115 Cabinet, Hand No. 65 115 Cables and Sleeves, White’s Improved. 148 Cable Spring Attachment. 651 Calendula, Tincture of 405 Callipers 503 Camel’s Hair Brushes 602 Camphenol, Antiseptic 403 Camphorated Phenol 403 Canal Drills, Ash’s 203 Canal Drills, Engine, Gates-Glidden Nerve 157 Canal Drills, Littleton’s 238 Canal Instruments, Beutelrock’s 233-236 Canal, Nerve Drills 227 Canal Point Carriers 388 Canal Pliers, Nerve 305 Canal Probe Gauge 232 Canal Pulp Points 388 Can, Oil 651 Cap Crown Sliter 478 Cap Crowns, Temporary Gutta Percha. 388 Capsicum Bags, Foulk’s 394 Capsicum Plasters, Darby’s Dental.... 381 Capsicum Plasters, Red Cross 394 Capsicum Plasters, White’s 394 Capsicum, Tincture of 405 Capital Annealing Lamp 294 Capitol Obtinda, Capitol 395 Carbolized Non-Irritant Cement, Wil- cox 372 Carbolic Acid 403 Carbolized Resin, Fletcher’s 399 Carbolic Acid and Glycerine 403 Carbolic Acid and Iodin 404 Carbon Cylinder 483 Carbon Block Holder 483 Carbon Soldering Block 483 Carbon Stick for Hollingsworth System 471 Carborundum Cloth and Paper 557 Carborundum Engine Goods 165-172 Carborundum Files for C. & B. Work. . 502 Carborundum Finishing Strips 391 Carborundum Hone, Grooved 278 Carborundum Lathe Wheels 549-552 Carborundum Mandrels 174 Carborundum Paper Disks 183 Carborundum Powder 182 Carborundum Slab 646 Carborundum Strips, Austin 390 Carburetter, Knapp’s 614 Card Board Tooth Powder Boxes 639 Carmichael Rubber dam Holder 304 Carriers and Fillers, Amalgam 258 Carrier and Finishing Strips 556 Carriers, Canal Point 388 Carriers, File 269 Carriers, Foil 276-277 Carriers for Interdental Space Guards. 388 Carrier, tape 152 Carver Chisels, Vulcanite 595 Carving tools, Evans 651 Carvacrol 403 Case, Bur, for Students 651 Cases, Dentai, for Students 114 Case Dentist’s Visiting 114 Cases, Folding Instrument 651 Case for Anchor Screw Materials 336 Cases for Artificial Teeth 114 Case for Palmer Clamps 315 Case, Gold 347 Case Heater, Lewis 518 Case Heater with Gasoline Generator, etc 517 Case, Horizontal, for Gas Outfit 410 Case, Medicine 651 Case, Morocco, for Automatic Pluggers. 197 656 M. F. PATTERSON, PAGE Case, Office Preparations 114 Case, Pocket Tool 153 Case, Polishing Powder 651 Case, Rolling, for Forceps 114 Case, Upright, for Gas Outfit 410 Casgrain Flask Closing Vulcanizer 560 Casting Plate for Hollingsworth System 471 Casting Rings 505 Cast Varnish, Excelsior 602 Cataphoric Electrodes and Cords 143 Cataphoric Outfit, Smith’s 142-143 Cataphoric Outfits, White’s 143 Caulk’s Gutta Percha Points 367 Caulk’s Superior Amalgam 366 Caulk’s Temporary Stopping 367 Caulk’s White Alloy 366 Cautery, Improved Dento-Electric 141 Cavitine 386 Cavity Burs, Cross-cut 155 Cavities in Teeth 11 Cavity Lining, Non-Conductive 388 Cazier’s Plug Finishing Files 272 Cavity Points, Corundum 177 Cavity Stoppers 11 Cavity, Spyer’s Automatic Suction 590 Ceiling Pulleys 651 Celluloid Apparatus, “Best” 558 Celluloid Apparatus, Brown 558 Celluloid Apparatus, Edson 563 Celluloid, Disks 185 Celluloid, Liquid 591 Celluloid, Plates 591 Celluloid, Strips 392 Celluloid Work, Tin Foil 591 Cement, Agate 379 Cement, Baldwin’s Hydraulic 379 Cement, Britton’s Vitrified 373 Cement, C. A. & S 375 Cement, Eisfelder’s 375 Cement, Flagg’s Oxychloride 379 Cement for Lining Deep Seated Cavi- ties 372 Cement, Formagen 379 Cement, Fossiline 379 Cement, Harvard 379 Cement, Houghton’s os Artificial 379 Cement, Justis’ Acme 376 Cement, Justis’ Superior Insoluble.... 374 Cement Liquid Dropper, Spooner 382 Cement, Lynton 379 Cement, Mixing Slabs 382-383 Cement Pad, Paper 383 Cement, Petroid 380 Cement, Plastic Flint 377 Cement Powder Scoop 382 Cement, Schallenmuller’s Formol 378 Cement, Sibley’s Insoluble 369 Cements, Simple Tests for 372 Cement, Spatulas 384-385 Cement Spatulas, Cone Socket 385 Cement Spatula, German Silver 264 Cement Spatula, Wilcox Non-Corrosive. 381 Cement Wax 506 Cements, Weston’s 379 Cement, Wilcox Carbolized, Non-Irri- tant 372 Cement, Wilcox Impervious 370-371 Century, Twentieth, Alloy 364. Cervix Clamp, Climax 320 Cervix Clamp, Johnson 319 Cervix Fluid, Kelly’s 300 Cervix Screw Clamp, How’s 319 Chair, Attachment, Sibley’s Combina- tion 86 Chair, Dental, New Columbia 68-69 Chair, Duplex Lift 77 Chair, Cycloid 76 Chair, Favorite Dental 70-72 Chairs, Linen Covers for 75 Chair. Morrison Dental 76 Chair Oil 75 Chairs, Second-Hand 82 Chair, Sibley’s Dental 73 Chair, White’s Portable 77 Chair, Wilkerson Dental 74-75 Chalk, Precipitated 638 PAGE Chalk, Prepared \ . . . 182 Chamber, Air Metal ! . 591 Chambers, Metal Air 591 Chamois Disks 185 Chamois Polishing Strips 392 Chamois Polishing Wheels for Engine. 181 Chamois Skins 651 Chamois Skin Pad 354 Chamois Skin Polishing Wheels 553 Champion Compound 601 Chappell’s Electric Mallet Pluggers. .. 252 Chappell’s Gold Builders 249 Chappell’s Plugger Points 201 Charcoal Cresoted Points 388 Charging Tubes for Syringes 288 Charts, Trigg’s Dental 626 Chase’s Dental Wedge Forceps 326 Chase’s Investment Compound 504 Chase’s Molding Sand 504 Cheek Distender, Elliott’s 300 Cheek Protector and Disk Moistener. 174 Chemically Pure Tin Foil 379 Children’s Forceps 453 Chip Syringes 2S5-2S6 Chisel Excavators, Bennett’s 212 Chisel, Vulcanite Carver 595 Chisels 217-219 Chisels, Brown’s Heroic 219 Chisels, How’s Fissure 21S Chisels, Pearson 594 Chlorid of Aluminum 403 Chlorid of Ethyl 401 Chlorid, Zinc 404 Chloroform Mixer, Hurd’s 422 Chuck, Anchor Screw 337 Chuck for Wire Brush Wheel 187 Chucks, Hinman’s Polishing Strips.... 556 Chucks, Lathe 530-543 Chupein’s Gum Retractor 216 Circular and Tubular Engine Knives. . 159 Circular Steel Files 554 Clamps and Band Matrices, Guilford’s. 341 Clamps and Matrices, Ladmore-Brunton 321 Clamps, Bibulous Paper and Napkin. . 317 Clamp, Cuspidor, Justis’ Universal.... 103 Clamp, Duddy’s Napkin Holder 320 Clamps for Crown Work, Ottolenguis Root 320 Clamps for Holding Plates 644 Clamp, Ideal 321 Clamp, Ivory’s Adjustable 318 Clamp, Ivory, Description of 308 Clamps, Ivory’s Labial 317 Clamps, Ivory’s Rubber Dam 309-310 Clamp Mirror, Ivory’s 282 Clamp, Root for Crown Work 314 Clamps, Rubber Dam 308-310 Clamp, Rubber Dam with Tongue Guard 314 Clamps, Soldering 515 Clapp’s Saw Frames 266 Clasp Wire, Gold 468 Clay, Fire 567 Cleaners, Knife 644 Cleansers and Bristles, Donaldson’s. . 232 Cleansing Paste for the Hands 404 Cleansing Paste for the Hands 468 Cleavers, Enamel 216 Climax Cervix Clamps 320 Close’s Bodies and Enamels 529 Cloth and Paper, Carborundum 557 Cloth and Paper Disks 183-186 Cloth, Emery and Crocus 557 Cloth Strips, Emery and Crocus 392 Cloth, Waxed for Base Plates 603 Cloudine, Anti . 284 Clutch Lathe Head 538 Cloves, Oil of 405 Coarse Asbestos 484 Coarse Si! ex 641 Coatings for Plaster Casts 602 Cocain, Antidote to 405 Cocain, Discoids 404 Coiler, Spring Wire 333 Coffer Dam Shields 300 Cogswell Rubber Dam Holder 304 DENTAL DEPOT. 657 PAGE Cohesion forms for Artificial Dentures. 589 Cohesive Magnetic Gold, Rowan’s.... 347 Coin, Gold 468-470 Cold Welded Cylinders 353 Collar and Crown Scissors 496 Collar Pliers, Robinson’s 487 Collars, Seamless Gold 645 Collodion 602 Colognes 404 Columbia Dental Chair G6-69 Columbia Electric Engines 124-130 Columbia Electric Laboratory Lathe. . 530-531 Columbia Dental Rubber, Traun’s.... 582 Combination Anvil and Bench Block, Revolving 485 Combination Attachments 83-86 Combination Chair Attachment, Sib- ley’s 86 Combination Dental Chair Attachment. 85 Combination Dentures 589 Combination Bed Plate and Heating Apparatus 564 Combined Engine Lathe, Browning... 532 Common-Sense Forceps 456-459 Common-Sense Office Preparation Bot- tle 393 Composition, Modelling for Base Plates 603 Compound, Champion 601 Compound, Chase’s Investment 504 Compound, Foulk’s Arsenical 403 Compound, Foulk’s Iodoform 401 Compound, Mitchell’s Investment 507 Compound, Regina 506 Compound, Sibley’s Modeling 601 Compounds, Modeling 603 Compressor, Wedge 326 Compressed Leather Wheels 181 Compress, Seabury Rubber 575 Conducting Tubing 645 Cone Journal Hand and Foot Lathe. . 543 Cone Lathe Head, Improved 536 Cones and Wheels, Cotton Duck 553 Cones and Wheels, Felt 548-553 Cone Socket and Long Handle Exca- vators 208-214 Cone Socket and Long Handle Plug- gers 239-253 Cone Socket Burnishers 215 Cone Socket Cement Spatulas 385 Cone Socket Chisels 217-219 Cone Socket Explorers 225-226 Cone Socket Handles 204-206 Cone Socket Handle, Ivory’s Vul- canite 206 Cone Socket Point Pliers 207 • Cone Socket Scalers 220-224 Cone Socket Wax Knives 605 Cones, Wood 541 Connections 522 Connections, Duplex Spring and No. 2 Slip Joint 150 Connections for Gas Bags, Metal 425 Constant Gutta Percha * 386 Container, Asceptic and Absorbent Cot- ton 357 Continuous Current Hot Air Syringe. . 288 Continuous Gum Spatulas 605 Contour Crowns, Evans’ Seamless Gold. 475 Contouring Pliers 487-492 Contouring System, Hollingworth .... 471 Contour Plug Finishing Files 272 Contractors for Reducing Collars 645 Copal Ether Varnish 399 Copal Ether Varnish 602 Copper Acid Pan 477 Copper Amalgam Heating Spoon 379 Copper Amalgam, S. S. White 379 Copper Ladle 477 Copper Pickle Pans 486 Copper Strips, Hollingsworth 471 Copper Wire, Stafford’s 482 Coolidge Gas Regulator 571 Cord, Engine 148 Cord, Lathe and Couplings 538 Cords and Electrodes, AVhite’s Cata- phoric 143 PAGE Correct Cement Spatula 385 Correct Nerve Broaches 229 Corrugated Soft Rubber Disks and Points 179 Corundum and Rubber Disks 178 Corundum and Rubber Points 178 Corundum Cups 644 Corundum Disks, Arthur’s 177 Corundum Files 644 Corundum Flour 182 Corundum Points 177 Corundum Stump Wheels 178 Corubdum Wheels 556 Corundum Wheels, Ready Mounted... 555 Corydon, Palmer’s, Nerve Instruments. 237 Cosmos, Dental *. . . . 633 Cotton, Absorbent 357 Cotton Braid for Rubber Dam Holders. 304 Cotton Dental Tellets, Richmonds.... 358 Cotton Duck Wheels and Cones 553 Cotton Holders 357 Cotton Holder and Trap, Spooner’s... 357 Cotton Holders and Waste Receiver. . 35S Cotton Holder for Holmes Table 651 Cottonoid 356 Cotton Rolls, Red Cross Absorbent.... 355 Cotton Waste Holder and Pellet Roller. 358 Cotton Wheels 547 Counter Die Metal 504 Countersink Burs, Willard’s 160 Couplings and Lathe Cord 538 Cover, Jiffy Bottle 394 Cover, Linen 100 Covers for Chairs, Linen 75 Crane Flask Closing Vulcanizer 564 Crane Flask 578 Creager’s Loop Matrices 341 Creasoted Charcoal Points 388 Creosote 404 Craven’s Scalers for Pyorrhoea Work. 222 Crocker’s Improved Rolling Mills 481-482 Crocker’s, S. A. & Co.’s Brackets and Tables 99 Crocus 182 Crocus Cloth 557 Cross Bar Vulcanizer, Lewis’ 559 Cross-Cut Cavity Burs 155 Crowded Teeth Forceps 439-440 Crown Articulators 623 Crowns, Aluminum 475 Crown and Band S wager, Parker. .. . 499 Crown and Bridge Work Anvil 485 Grown and Bridge Work Cement 370-371 Crown and Bridge Work Method, Baird’s 472 Crown and Bridge Cement Spatula. . . 385 Crown and Bridge W'ork Files 502 Crown and Bridge Work Shears 496 Crown and Bridge Work System, Hol- lingsworth 471 Crown and Root Reducer 480 Crowns, Cap, Temporary Gulta Percha. 388 Crocus Cloth Strips 39.2 Crown Contouring Pliers 489 Crown Dies, Mellotte’s 473 Crown Die Plate and Hub Mould, Im- proved 477 Crown Driver and Pull Off 478 Crown Driver, Hollingsworth 478 Crown Expanders 491 Crown, Gold and Band Holder 479 Crowns, Gold and Bridge Work to Order 476 Crown Heater and Setter 645 Crown Hub Metal 504 Crowns, Logan, Illustrations of 48-52 Crowns, Logan, Prices of 1] Crown Metal, Ney’s 469 Crown Metal Screw Posts 336 Crown Outfit, Morrison Seamless 472 Crown Pliers, Howe’s 492 Crucibles, Plumbago 644 Crowns, Rynear Gold 474-475 Crown Saw 128 Crown Screw, Appliances, How’s 338 i Crown Slitter, Cap 478 658 M. F. PATTERSON, PAGE PAGE Crown Work Root Crown 314 Crown Work Swaging Hammer, Lane’s 500 Crucible Furnaces 521 Crucibles, Sand 644 Crucible Tongs 501 Crucible Tongs 645 Crystal Gold, Watt’s 344 Crystals, Nitrate of Silver 405 Cup, Lewis Soldering 518 Cups, Diamond 176 Cups, Corundum 64 i Cups, Gem 177 Cups, Rubber Polishing 181 Cup, Warm Water and Lamp, Rogues. . 297 Curved Plate Shears 496 Cuspid Forceps 440-441 Cuspidor, Attached, Fountain, Sibley’s 91 Cuspidor Brackets 95 Cuspidor Bracket Sockets 95 Cuspidor Clamp, Universal, Justi’s.... 103 Cuspidor, Hand 85 Cuspidors for Dental Chairs 94 Cusps, Solid Gold 476 Custer Electric Gold Annealer 293 Custer Electric Oven 525 Cuts, Dental 631 Cutter, Ligature 237 Cutter, Piano Wire 333 Cutter’s Floss Silk 335 Cutter Wedge 326 Cutting, Bending and Pin Roughing Forceps 492-493 Cutting Nippers, Hall’s Patent 495 Cutting Scissors, Gum 650 Cuttle Fish Paper 557 Cuttlefish Paper Strips 392 Cvloid Chair 76 Cylinder Bracket, Wall 416 Cylinders 410 Cylinders and Gold Foil, Justi’s 348 Cylinder, Carbon 483 Cylinders, foot piece for 414 Cylinder Holder, Improved 415 Cylinders, Ney’s Gold 352 Cylinder Stand, Down’s 416 Cylinders, Steel Gas 410 Cylinders, Sibley’s pure Gold 346 Cylindrical Surgeon’s Case Outfit 417 D aintree’s Adjustable Mouth Prop... Dam Clamp Forceps Dam, Dental, Davidson’s Dam, Doherty’s Rubber Dam, Rubber Clamps Dam, Rubber Holders Dentacura Darby’s Dental Specialties Darby-Perry Excavators Darby-Perry Pluggers Darby-Perry Scalers Davidson’s Dental Dam Davis’ French Cloth Strips Dawson’s Improved Gutta Percha Filling Dawson's White Alloy Dead Blow Swaging Mallet DeHart’s Flask Lifter Delos Palmer Clamp Forceps Delos Palmer Clamps, Set of 8 Delos Palmer Clamps, Set of 32 Denham’s Coffer Dam Shields Dental Alloy. Standard Dental and Medical Books Dental Apron or Bib. Horton’s Dental Base Plate, “Ideal” Dental Brackets Dental Brief Dental Cabinets Dental Cabinets, S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co.’s Dental Cases for Students Dental Capsicum Plasters Dental Capsicum Plasters, Darby's.... Dental Chair Combination Attach- ment Dental Chair Cuspidors 423 299 302 584 308-320 303-306 635 381 214 249 224 302 392 386-387 363 500 573 299 311 315 300 363 632-634 423 603 S3-100 633 104-115 114 114 381 381 85 94 Dental Chair, Duplex Lift 77 Dental Chair Favorite 70-72 Dental Chair, Morrison 76 Dental Chair, New Columbia 66-69 Dental Chair, Sibley’s 73 Dental Chair, Sibley 86 Dental Chair, Wilkerson 74-75 Dental Charts, Trigg’s 626 Dental Cuts 631 Dental Dam, Davidson’s 302 Dental Electrical Mallet 198 Dental Engine, All-Cord Electric 129 Dental Engine. Counterppise 139 Dental Engines, Electric 123 Dental Engine, Elliott’s Suspension... Dental Engine, Improved, Sibley’s.... 118 Dental Engine, Shaw Improved 121-122 Dental Engine Speed Regulator, White’s 139 Dental Engine, Water Motor 147 Dental Engine, Weber-Perry 121-122 Dental Engine, White’s Improved, Side Wheel 119 Dental Flasks 576-579 Dental Forge, Oxy-Carbon 518 Dental Floss, Red Cross 334 Dental Floss Silk 333-335 Dental Furniture 65-116 Dental Journals 633 Dental Lathe Motors 530-533 Dental Mallet, Avil 190 Dental Napkins, Red Cross Asceptic. . 356 Dental Office Lathe 534 Dental Plaster 600 Dental Pettlets, Richmond’s Cotton.... 358 Dental Plate Brushes 557 Dental Plate Brush, Florence 640 Dental Register 633 Dental Review 633 Dental Rolls, Non- Absorbent 355 Dental Rubbers, Ash’s 585-586 Dental Rubber, Traun’s “Ideal” 581-583 Dental Speculum 300 Dental Wedge Forceps, Chase’s 326 Dentalloy, True 363 Dentate Burs for Cutting Enamel 154 Dentimeter, Exact 343 Dentimeter, Handy 343 Dentine, Artificial 401 Dentists’ Anvils 485-486 Dentists’ Pocket Diary and Appoint- ment Book 630 Dentists’ Visiting Case 114 “Dentocos” Tablets, Wells’ 403 Dento-Electric Cautery, Improved 141 Dentures 589 Dentures, Samsioe’s System of plate- less 506 Department, Tooth 9-64 Depressors, Gum 238 Derenberg’s Tweezers 649 Description of Batteries 130 Detachable Handles and Ladles 504 Detachable Teeth, Mason’s 40-46 De Trey’s Solila, Gold 349-350 Detrey’s Solila Gold Pluggers 245 Device, Parker Swaging 498-499 Devitalizing Nerve Fibre 231 Devitalizing Nerve Paste 231 Diagram Appointment Book, Improved. 626 Diamond Cups 176 Diamond Disks, Ash’s Grooved 175 Diamond Disks, Wheels and Points. .. . 176 Diamond Drills 175 and 180 Diamond Trephines for Porcelain In- laying 160 Diaphrams for Foot Blowers 509 Diatoric Teeth 11 Dickinson’s Contouring Pliers 487 Dickinson’s Wedge Matrix Retainer... 340 Die Plate and Hub Mould, Improved Crown 477 Die Plate, Mitchell’s Steel 473 Dies, Melotte’s Gold Crown 473 Dies, Tooth Pin 480 Dies, Townsend’s Fusible Metal 499 DENTAL DEPOT. 659 PAGE Dioxid, Oakland Hydrogen Discoids, Cocain Discs. Arsenical Discs, Nitrate of Silver Disk Mandrel, Watson Disk Lubricator Disk Moistener and Cheek Protector. . Disk Moistener, Edward’s Disk Mounter Disk Steel Burnishers Disk, Tray Disks and Mandrels, Moore’s Disks and Points, Soft Rubber. Cor- rugated Disks, Arthur’s Corundum Disks, Ash’s Grooved Diamond Disks, Carborundum Disks, Carborundum Paper Disks, Celluloid Disks. Chamois Disks, Diamond, Wheels and Points... Disks for Foot Blowers, Rubber Disks, Gem Disks, Granite, Brown’s Mounted Disks, Ney’s Gold Disks, Paper and Cloth Disks, Paper, Thickened Rim Disks. Rubber and Corundum Disks, Washers for Disinfectant, Goods Thymol Distender, Elliott’s Cheek Distender, Mouth Doherty’s Dental Rubbers Doherty’s Rubber Dam Doilies Doilies or Napkins Donham Flasks Donham’s Spring Clamp for Flasks... Donaldson’s Broaches Donaldson’s Bristles and Cleansers.... Donaldson’s Flexible Spring Canal Pluggers Doriot Engine Doriot Handpiece A Doriot Stop-Motion Handpiece B Double Action Foot Bellows Double and single Curve Molar Files. . Double Bow Separator Double End Files for Vulcanite Work. . Double End Plugging Assistant Double End Plug Finishing Files Double Screw Matrices Down’s Stand for Gas Cylinders Down’s Sterilizer Draw Plates Dressing Seal Dressing, Sedative Antiseptic Dressing Pliers Drier, Evans’ Root Drill Extractor 406-407 404 402 402 173 182 174 170 161 185 186 170 177 175 *165-172 183 185 185 176 500 177 184 460 183-186 185 178 185 404 300 651 584-588 584 651 404 578 574 232 232 227 121-122 151 151 500 275 322 590 253 271 334 416 295 644 386 405 276-277 238 157 Drill for Shriver’s Bridge Repairing Pliers 491 Drill, Limit, for Anchor Appliances... 337 Drill, Starting for Anchor Appliances. 337 Drills and taps, Right Angle 160 Drills, Ash’s Nerve Canal 203 Drills, Brewer’s 157 Drills, Diamond 175 and 180 Drills, Engine 156-157 Drills, Flexible engine ... 156 Drills for Anchor System 160 Drills, Gates’ Nerve Canal 238 Drills, Gates-Glidden Nerve Canal En- gine 157 Drills, Gates-Glidden, Solid Handles. . 238 Drills, Hand 262 Drills, Littleton’s Root Canal 238 Drills, Nerve Canal 227 Drills, Sleeve 161 Drip Cup with Sponge 537 Driving Wheels, Lathe 540-542 Driving Wheel, Lawrence 540 Driver, Angle’s Band 328 Driver, Crown and Pull Off. 478 Driver, Engine Screw 153 Driver, Hollingsworth Crown 478 Drivers, Nut Drop Bottles Drop Tubes Dropper for Cement Liquid, Spooner. - Drop Points for Syringes Dubs’ Screw Forcep Duck Wheels and Cones Duddy’s Napkin Holder and Clamp Duplex Electrode Duplex Lift Dental Chair Duplex Springs • Duplex Spring Connection and Slip Joint No. 2 Duplex Springs Dust, Marble E asel for Paper Disks Earnest’s Files Edson Flask Edson Vulcanizer Edw r ards’ Disk Moistener Eisfelder’s Cement Ejector, Saliva Ejector, Saliva, and Syringe Attach- ment Electric Apparatus, Browning Elastic Bands, Angle’s Electric Bracket Engine and Browning Rheostat Electric Dental Engine, All-Cord..... Electric Dental Engine and Equip ments Electric Engine, Browning’s Electric Engine, Browning’s Standard w r ith Controlling Base Electric Engines, Columbia Electric Engines, White’s Electric Fan Motor, Excello and Bat- tery Outfit Electric Furnace, Mitchell’s Electric Gold Annealer, Custer Electric Hot Air Syringe, Improved No. 1 Electric Incandescent Lamps Electric Laboratory Lathes Electric Light Brackets Electric Mallet Pluggers Electric Mouth Illuminator Electric Mouth Lamp, and Laryngo- scope Electric Oven, Custer’s Electrical Mallet, White’s Electrodes and Cords, White’s Cata- phoric Electrotypes Electrozone Elevators, Root Elliott Adjustable Angle Broach Holder Elliott Flasks Elliott’s Cheek Distender Elliott’s Parting Fluid Elliott’s Separator Emery Emery Cloth Emp. Sinacine Enamel Cleavers Enamel Cutting Burs Enamel Cutting Dentate Burs ......... Enamels, and Mineral Bodies Endless Packings Engine, All-Cord Electric Dental Engine, Alternating Current, Ritter. .. . Engine Arms Engine Arm Support, Flexible Engine Belting Engine, Browning Chair Engine, Browning’s Electric Engine, Browning's Standard Electric with Controlling Base Engine, Browning’s Suspension Engine Bit Chuck Engine Bit Holders Engine Bit Oiler Engine Bit Stand Engine Burs PAGE 480 393 651 382 288 651 553 320 143 77 143 150-151 148-149 644 185 272 576 563 174 375 82 93 131-134 327 135 129 123- 146 132 133 124- 130 137-141 145 526-527 293 141 140 530-533 112-113 252-253 144 144 525 198 143 631 404 460 231 577 300 602 322 182 557 394 218 155 154 528-529 573 129 126-128 120 149 148 134 132 133 136 540 188 651 187 161 660 M. F. PATTERSON, PAGE Engine Cables and Sleeves, White’s.. 148 Engine, Counterpoise Dental 139 Engine, Dental Improved, Sibley’s.... 118 Engine, Dental Speed Regulator, White’s 139 Engine Disk Washers 185 Engine Drills 15G-157 Engine, Doriot 121-122 Engine, Elliott’s Suspension Dental... 122 Engine Goods, Carborundum 165-172 Engine, Improved, Shaw Dental 121-122 Engine Knives, Tubular and Circular. . 159 Engine Mallet No. 3 189 Engine Mallet No. 4 190 Engine Oil, Mineral 188 Engine Screw Driver 153 Engine, Second-Hand 122 Engine Wall Bracket No. 2, White’s... 141 Engine, Water Motor, Dental 147 Engine, Weber-Perry Dental 121-122 Engine, White’s Improved Dental 119 Engines and Equipments 117 Engines, Electric Bracket 135 Engines, Electric, Columbia 124-130 Engines, patts of 120 Engines, Side Wheel and Ball Bearing Side Wheel 120 Engines, White’s Electric 137-141 English Pattern Foot Bellows 509 Equipments and Engines 117 Equipment, Electric 123-140 Equipments 567 Ethyl Chlorid 401 Eucaine Tablets, Haycock’s Compound. 291 Eucain, Hydrochlorate 404 Eucalyptus, Oil of 405 Eugene Doherty’s Dental Rubbers.... 584-588 Eugeuol Oil 404 Evans Carving Tool 651 Evans Gold Seamless Contour Crowns. 475 Evans Clamps 312 Evans Clamps 313 Evans Root Drier 238 Evans Root Trimmers 157 Exact Dentimeter 343 Exaxmining Lens and Mouth Mirror Combined 281- Examination Blanks 630 Examination Glass, Magnifying 284 Excavating Burs 154 Excellence, Par, Alloy 365 Excello Electric Fan Motor and Bat- tery Outfit 145 Excello Improved Gravity Battery.... 146 Excelsior Cast Varnish 602 Excelsior Stopping 386 Excavators, Battle Ax 212 Excavators, Bennett’s Chisel 212 Excavators, Butler’s Rapid 213 Excavators, Cone Socket and Long Handle 208-214 Excavators, Darby-Perry 214 Excavators, Gillett’s 211 Excising Forceps 452-453 Expander, Nipple 143 Expanders 491 Expansion Arch, Angle’s 328 Explorers 225-226 Expresser, Mercury 389 Extracting Forceps 427-460 Extractors, Arrington’s Nerve 237 Extractors, Barbed Nerve 228-230 Extractor, Drill 157 Extractors, Ivory’s Spiral Nerve 230 Extractors, Nerve 227 Excavators, Palmer (or Best) 213 Extractors, Platinum Iridium Nerve. . . 228 Extractors, Root 16<> Extra Rubber Disks for Foot Blowers. 509 Extra Pliable Gold Rolls, Rowan’s.... 347 Extra Shellac Varnish 602 Extra Tough Tin Foil 379 F ace Piece, Flexible for Inhalers... 421 Face Pieces, Inflatable for Inhalers 421 Facing, Walker’s Granular Gum.. 583 Facers and Reamers, Root 159 PAGE Fan Motor, Electric, Excello and Bat- tery Outfit 145 Farrar’s Alveolar Abscess syringe.... 285 Favorite Dental Chair 70-72 Felt Cones and Wheels 548-553 Felt Foil, Asbestos 388 Felt Gold, Sibley’s 346 Felt Wheel Chuck 540 Fibre, Devitalizing Nerve 231 Fibre Lint, Parker’s Paper 357 Fibre, Nerve 405 Fifteen Minute Rubber 587 File Saw and Tape Carrier 153 Files, Carborundum 502 File Carriers 269 Files, Circular Steel 55-t Files, Corundum 644 Files, Earnest’s 272 Files for Crown and Bridge Work.... 502 Files for Vulcanite Work 598-599 Files, Herbst’s Rotary 161 Files, Litterst Hand-Cut 597 Files, Perforated 651 Files, Plate 502 Files, Plug Finishing 269-273 Files, Saws and Strips, Flexo 267 Files, Separating 266-269 Files, Serrating 651 Fillers and Carriers, Amalgam 258 Filling, Dawson’s Improved Gutta Percha 386 Filling, Dawson’s Improved Gutta Percha 387 Fillings, Fletcher’s Plastic 363 Fillings, Gutta Percha 386-387 Fine Asbestos 484 Fine Siiox 644 Fine Vulcanite Finishers 595 Finger Rests 231 Finisher, Austin Flexible Rubber Plate 555 Finishers, Fine Vulcanite 595 Finishers, Kingsley Vulcanite 592 Finishing Buvs Plug 158 Finishing Strips, Carborundum 391 Finishing Strips and Carrier 556 Finishing Strips, Howard’s 392 Fire Clay 567 Fissure Chisels, How’s 218 Fissure Diamond Disks 176 Fixed Blade Lancets 648 Fixed Blade Separator 325 Flagg’s Cement Spatula 385 Flagg’s Gum Scissors 650 Flagg’s Gutta Percha Softener 297 Flagg’s Gutta Percha Stopping 386 Flagg’s Oxychloride Cement 379 Flagg’s Watering Pliers 651 Flask, Anchor 578 Flask, Bailey Moulding 505 Flask Bolts 579 Flask, Box 579 Flask, Brown 577 Flask Closing Vulcanizer, Casgrain... 560 Flask, Crane 578 Flasks, Dental 576-579 Flask, Donham 578 Flask, Edson 576 Flasks, Elliott 577 Flask, Griswold 579 Flask, Hayes’ 576 Flask, Hawes’ Moulding 505 Flask, Hughes’ Wedge Clamp 578 Flask, Lewis’ Moulding 505 Flask Lifter, DeHart’s 573 Flask Presses 574-575 Flask, Seabury Dental 578 Flask, Star Reversible 578 Flask, Slot 577 Flask, Tin, Tooth Powder 638 Flask Tongs 573 Flask, Watt’s Improved 580 Flask, Weston’s 580 Flasks, Whitney 576-577 Fletcher Foot Blowers 509 Fletcher’s Argand Bunsens 524 DENTAL DEPOT. 661 PAGE Fletcher’s Blowpipes 514 Fletcher’s Burners 523-521 Fletcher’s Carbolized Resin 399 Fletcher’s Crucible Furnace 521 Fletcher’s Hot Blast Blowpipe 513 Fletcher’s Mortar and Pestle 36S Fletcher’s Plastic Fillings 363 Flexible Canal Pluggers 227 Flexible Dental Rubber 587 Flexible Engine Arm Support 149 Flexible Engine Burs 156 Flexible Engine Drills 156 Flexible Face Piece for Inhaler 421 Flexible Mandrels 174 Flexible Rim impression Trays, Weirich 608 Flexible Rubber Plate Finisher, Austin. 555 Flexible Rubber Ring 482 Flexible Steel Scratch Brush 556 Flexible Stem Reamers, Pettee’s 157 Flexo Files, Saws and Strips 267 Flint, Plastic Cement 377 Florence Dental Plate Brush 640 Florence Flask Retorts 422 Florentine Mouth Wash 637 Floss Silk, Dental 333-335 Floss Silk Holders 334 Flour, Corundum 182 Fluid, Elliott’s Parting 602 Fluid. Kelly’s Cervix 300 Flux, Parr’s 506 Flux, Parr’s Hard Wax 506 Fog, Anti 403 Foil, Aluminum 644 Foil, Asbestos Felt 38S Foil Carriers and Dressing Pliers 276-277 Foil, Gold and Pettlets, Nickold’s 345 Foil, Gold, Scissors 299 Foil, Ney’s Gold 351 Foil, Platinum 644 Foil, Tin for Celluloid Work 591 Foil Spatula 651 Foil Stand, Gold 354 Foil, Star Gold 348 Foil, White’s Gold 353 Foils, Tin 379 Folding Instrument Cases 651 Foot and Hand Lathes 536-543 Foot Blowers, Fletcher 509 Foot Piece for Cylinders 414 Forbes’ Drills 156 Forceps, Chase’s Dental Wedge 326 Forcep Case, Rolling 114 Forceps, Extracting 427-46C Forceps, Dubs and Hullihen’s Screw. . 651 Forceps, Gum Guillotine 649 Forceps, Mechanical 495 Forceps, Rubber Dam Clamp 299 Forge, Oxy-Carbon Dental 518 Formagen Cement 37£ Former, Burgess Band 479 Forming Pliers, Angle’s Band 328 Formol Cement, Schallenmuller’s 378 Forms, Articulating 618 Forms Technic Tooth 335 Fossiline Cement 379 Foulk’s Arsenical Compound 403 Foulk’s Capsicum Bags 394 Foulk’s Iodoform Compound 404 Fountain Cuspidor, Sibley Attached. . 91 Fountain Spittoon, Weber’s Porcelain Bowl 87-90 Fowler’s Pink and Yellow Wax 601 Fracture Bands, Angle’s Adjustable. . 328 Frames, American Saw 502 Frames, Wire Soldering 477 Franklin’s Impression Tray 613 French Bibulous Paper 350 French Emery Paper Strips 392 French Rubber Tubing 325 Furnace Equipments 567 Furnace, Ladle 516 Furnace, Lewis’ Soldering and Ladle. . 519 Furnace for Gasoline Generator 521 Furnaces 567 Furnaces, Crucible 521 PAGE Furnace, Mitchell’s Electric 526-527 Furnaces, Soldering 567 Furniture, Dental 65-116 Fused Nitrate of Ammonia 420 Fusible Metal Dies, Townsend’s 499 Fusible Metal, Melotte’s 484 Fusible Metal Outfit, Stafford’s 482 Fusible Metal, Wood’s 504 Fyrite 644 G ardiner’s Gold Trimmers 263 Garnet Paper 557 Gartrell Steam Gauge and Gas Regulator 558 Gas Bags, Metal Connections 425 Gas Bag for Nitrous Oxide 410 Gas Burners, Laboratory 522-524 Gas Cylinders 410 Gas Cylinder Stand, Down’s 416 Gas Cylinders, Steel 410 Gas Cylinder Wall Bracket 416 Gas Generators, Gasoline 510-511 Gas, Nitrous Oxide 410 Gas Regulator and Steam Gauge, Gar- trell 558 Gas Regulator, Coolidge 571 Gas Regulator, Lewis’ Graduated 570 Gas tap 522 Gasoline Gas Generators 510-511 Gasoline Blowpipe 511 Gasometer, Lewis’ 411 Gasometer, Long’s 414 Gasometer, Neviu’s 412 Gasometer, S. S. White’s 413 Gates-Glidden Drills, Solid Handle.... 238 Gates-Glidden Nerve Canal Drills, En- gine 157 Gates’ Hand Bur Drills 262 Gates’ Nerve Canal Drills 238 Gauge, Buffalo Rubber . 572 Gauge, Canal Probe 232 Gauge, Plate and Wire 503 Gauge, Starr’s Rubber 572 Gauge, Steam for Vulcanizers 572 Gauze, Wire 645 Gear, Angle’s Head 328 Gear’s Shaded Pink Dental Rubbers. . 583 Gem Cups 177 Gem Disks 177 Gem Lathe Wheels 556 Gem Points 177 Gem Wheels 177 Generators, Gasoline Gas 510-511 General Separator 324 German Silver Cement Spatula 264 Giant, Little Separator 324 Gideon Sibley’s Teeth, Prices of 10 Gilling Twine 333 Gilbert’s Imperial Varnish 602 Gilbert’s Temporary Stopping 386 Gillett Excavators 211 Glass, Magnifying Examination 284 Glass Mortar and Pestle 368 Glass Mixing Slabs 382 Glass Vials, Square 393 Globe Alloy 363 Globe Gold Foil 353 Globe Tin Foil 379 Glycerine and Carbolic Acid 403 Glycerol 404 Glycerol of Thymol 405 Gold, Anchor Screw Appliances 336 Gold and Platinum Alloy, Justis 360 Gold and Platinum, Rowan’s 347 Gold and Platinum Alloy, Sibley’s.... 363 Gold and Platinum Alloy, Welch’s.... 361 Gold Annealer, Custer Electric 293 Gold Backings for Mason’s Porcelains. 45 Gold Builders, Chappell’s 249 Gold Case 347 Gold Clasp Wire 46S Gold Collars, Seamless 645 Gold Crowns 474-475 Gold Crown and Hand Holder 479 Gold Crown Dies, Melotte’s 473 662 M. F. PATTERSON. PAGE PAGE Gold Crowns and Bridge Work to Or- der 476 Gold Cusps, Solid 476 Gold Cylinders, Ney’s 351 Gold, De Trey’s Solila 349-350 Gold Foil and Cylinders, Hood’s 353 Gold Foil and Cylinders, Justi’s 348 Gold Foil and Pellets, Nickold’s 345 Gold Foil, Ney’s 351 Gold Foil Scissors 299 Gold Foil, Sibley’s Pure 346 Gold Foil Stand 354 Gold Foil, Star 348 Gold Foil, White’s 353 Gold Foils, Rolls, etc., Rowan’s 347 Gold Ligature Wire 333 Gold Ligature Wire 468 Gold Lining, Vulcan 589 Gold Nuts 480 Gold or Tape Pluggers, Bing’s 251 Gold Plates 468-470 Gold Plate, Ney’s 469 Gold Pointed Probe 227 Gold Pluggers, Ivory’s 246 Gold Pluggers, Moss Fibre...., 248 Gold Seamless Contour Crown, Evans’. 475 Gold, Sibley’s Felt 346 Goldsmith’s R. & L. Thin Burnishers. 216 Gold Solder . 468-470 Gold Solder, Ney’s 468 Gold Spring Attachments. 468 Gold Spiral Springs 468 Gold Teeth, Nelson 472 Good’s Thymol Disinfectant 404 Gold Trays 348 and 353 Gold Trimmers, Gardiner’s 263 Gold, Watt’s Crystal 344 Gordon White’s Burnishers 216 Gold Wire •• • 468 Gold Work Bench 466 Graduated Gas Regulator, Lewis’ 570 Granite Disks, Mounted 184 Granit-Plombe Cement 379 Granular Gum Facing, Walker’s Vul- canizable 583 Granulated Silver 468 Gravity Battery, Excello Improved .... 146 Gregg’s Set of Six Plastic Instruments. 255 Griffith’s Appointment Book 630 Grigg, T. H. Bracket Table 102 Griswold Flask 519 Grooved Carborundum Hone 278 Grooved Diamond Disks, Ash’s 175 Grooving Bur 157 Guaiacocain 404 Guard, Tongue with Rubber Dam damp 314 Guards, Interdental Space 388 Guide and Pintle 480 Guidp, Shade Guilford’s Band Matrices and Clamps. . 341 Guillotine Forceps, Gum 649 Gum Cutting Scissors 650 Gum Depressors ___ ^38 Gum Enamel Gum Guillotine Forceps 64J Gum Retractor, Chupein’s 216 Gum Spatulas, Continuous 60o Gum Teeth Gum Wash, Seabury’s Antiseptic 408-409 Gutta Percha, Amalgam and Plastic Filling Instrument 254 260 Gutta Percha and Wax 603 Gutta Percha, Constant 386 Gutta Percha Fillings 386-387 Gutta Percha Filling, Dawson’s Im- proved 387 Gutta Percha Fillings, Dawson’s Im- proved 380 Gutta Percha, Liquid 404 Gutta Percha Nerve Canal Points 387-388 Gutta Percha Pellets, White’s 386 Gutta Percha Points 367 Gutta Percha Pulp Canal Points 388 Gutta Percha Softener, Flagg’s 297 Gutta Percha Stopping, Premium 386 Gutta Percha Stopping, Flagg’s 386 Gutta Percha Stopping, Jacob’s Per- manent 491 Gutta Percha, Temporary Cap Crowns. 388 Gutta Percha, Vulcanizable 584 Gutta Percha Washers 651 H all’s Patent Cutting Nippers 495 Hammer for Crown Work, Lane’s Swaging : 500 Hammers, Rivetting 500 Handy Bracket 96 Hand Burs 261 Hand Cabinet, No. 2 115 Hand Cabinet, No. 65 115 Hand Cuspidor 85 Hand-Cut Exiles, Litterst 597 Hand Drills 262 Hand and E’oot Lathes 543 and 536 Hand Lathe, Skeleton 543 Hands, Cleansing Paste for 404 Hands, Cleansing Paste for 468 Hand Electrode 143 Handles, Detachable and Ladles 504 Handles for Cone Socket Points 204-206 Handles, Socket for Electric Mallet Pluggers 253 Handles, Wood for Files 644 Handpieces 150-151 Handpiece, Bonwill 651 Handpiece, Doriot A 151 Handpiece, Doriot Stop-Motion B.... 151 Handpiece, Universal, Sibley’s 118 Hand Porte Polisher, Ivory’s 206 Hand Rest 535 Hand Support 535 Handy Dentimeter 343 Handy Flask Press 575 Hand Vise 645 Hard Bits 225 Hard Buff Polishers 381 Hard Wax Flux, Parr’s ’ 506 Hard Wood Blocks for Hollingsworth System 471 Harlan’s Scalers 223 Hartford Capitol Obtunda 395 Harper’s Ivory Blocks 618 Harvard Cement 379 Harvard Pluggers 250 Haskell’s Formula Babbitt Metal 504 Haskell’s Mouth Blow’pipe 516 Hawes’ Moulding Flask - 505 Haycock’s Anti-Infection Hypodermic Syringe 291 Haycock’s Compound Eucaine Tablets. 291 Hayes’ Articulator 621 Hayes’ Flask 576 Hayes’ Vulcanizers 566 Head Gear, Angle’s 328 Plead, Redman Lathe 535 Head-Rest, New Portable 80 Head-Rest, Ritter Sectional 78 Head-Rest, Watkins’ Sectional 79 Head Rests. Portable, White’s 81 Head-Rest, Snowden & Cowan 79 Head’s Approximal Surface Instru- ments 213 Heads, Bill 630 Heater, Crown 645 Heater, How’s Thermoscopic 297 Heater, Lewis’ Case 518 Heater, Tool and Gutta Percha Soft- ener, Flagg’s 297 Heating Apparatus for Vulcanizers... 574 Heating Spoon for Copper Amalgam. . 379 Herapath Blowpipe, Improved 513 Herbst’s Rotary Burnishers 161 Herbst’s Rotary Files 161 Herbst’s Steel Strips 392 Heroic Chisels, Brown’s 219 Hickman’s Clamps ... 313 High-Low, Wilkerson 75 Hill’s Stopping 386 Hindostan Stones 179 Hindustan Stones 182 DENTAL DEPOT. 663 PAGE Hinman’s Polishing Strip Chucks 556 Hodson’s Clamps . 318 Hoff’s Plaster Knife 617 Holder, B. D. M. Co.’s Mercury 390 Holder, Carbon Block 483 Holder, Cotton 357 Holder, Cotton and Waste Receiver... 358 Holder, Buddy’s Napkin and Clamp. .. . 320 Holder, Elliott Adjustable Angle 231 Holders, Engine Bit 188 Holder and Flask Lifter 573 Holder, Floss Silk 331 Holder, Gold Crown and Band 479 Holder for Perforated Files 651 Holder, Holdfast Broach 228 Holder, Improved Cylinder 415 Holder, Mercury 389 Holders, Retorts 422 Holdfast Broach Holder 228 Holders, Rubber Dam 303-306 Hollingsworth’s Contouring System... 471 Hollingsworth Crown and Bridge Work System 471 Hollingsworth Crown Driver 478 Holmes’ Spring Jack Screw 332 Holmes’ Table 101 Holt’s Clamps 312 Holtzer-Cabot Electric Lathe Motor. . 533 Hone, Grooved Carborundum 278 Hood, Jno. & Co.’s Foils and Cylinders. 353 Hood, Jno. & Co.’, Modelling Com- pound 603 Hooks, Root 460 Hopkins’ Nerve Canal Reamers 227 Horizontal Case for Gas Outfit 41b Horn Mallets 505 Horton’s Dental Apron or Bib 423 Hot Air Syringes 285-28S Hot Air Syringe, Improved Electric No. 1A 141 Hot Blast Blowpipe, Fletcher’s 513 Houghton’s Cement Spatula 385 Houghton’s Os-Artificial Cement 379 Howard’s Antiseptic Balsam Varnish. 399 Howard’s Finishing Strips 392 How’s Cervix Clamp 319 How’s Cervix Screw Clamp 319 How’s Crown Pliers 492 How’s Fissure Chisels . . . 218 How’s & Hunter’s Nerve Canal Dressers 237 How’s Screw Posts 336 How’s Thermoscopic Heater 297 How’s Tooth, Crown and Retaining Screw Appliances 338 Hub for Right Angle Taps 169 Hub Mould and Die Plate, Improved Crown 477 Hubs for Syringes 288 Hubs, Socket 205 Huey Improved Mandrel 164 Huey’s Clamps 312 Hughes’ Wedge Clamp Flask 578 ' Hullihen’s Smew Forcep 651 Hurd’s Chloroform Mixer 422 Hydrochlorate, Eucain 401 Hydrogen Dioxid, Oakland 406-407 Hydronapthol 404 Hypodermic Needles and Syringe Tubes 292 Hypodermic Obtunding Syringes 290 Hypodermic Points 288 and 292 Hypodermic Syringes 290-291 Hydraulic Air Compressors 508 Hydraulic Cement, Baldwin’s 379 Hydrozone 398 I deal Brushes 644 Ideal Clamp 321 Ideal Dental Base Plate 603 Ideal Rubber Dam, Traun’s 301 “Ideal” Dental Rubber, Traun’s 581-583 Ideal Pink Dental Rubber 582 Illustrations, Anatomical 651 Illuminator. Electric Mouth 144 Illuminated Rubber Dam, Allen’s..-.. 300 Illustrations of Logan Crowns 48-52 PAGE Illustrations of Sibley’s Teeth 53-64 Imperial Pink Dental Rubber 582 Imperial Varnish, Gilbert’s 602 Impervious Cement, Wilcox 370-371 Implantation Instruments 159 Impression Plaster 600 Impression Trays 606-617 Impression Wax 603 Improved Adjustable Clamp, Ivory’s. . 318 Improved Adjustable Stool, Lyon’s.... 116 Improved Cables and Sleeves for White’s Engines 148 Improved Crown Die Plate and Hub Mould 477 Improved Cylinder Holder 415 Improved Dento-Electric Cautery ....• 141 Improved Diagram Appointment Book. 626 Improved Electric Hot Air Syringe No. 1A 141 Improved Gravity Battery, Excello... 146 Improved I-Ierapath Blowpipe 513 Improved Huey Mandrel 164 Improved Lever Clamps, Meister’s 316 Improved Orange Wood Wedges 325 Improved Plate Snips 497 Improved Rolling Mills, Crocker’s.... 481-482 Improved Regulating Screw and Pull Back, Lee’s 332 Improved Rubber Dam Weights 307 Improved Rubber Dam Holder 304 Improved Shaw Dental Engine 121-122 Improved Siphon 563 Incandescent, Electric Lamps 140 Incisor Forceps 440-441 Independent Motion Articulator, Lewis’. 621 Inflatable Face Piece for Inhalers 421 Inhaler Number Three 421 Inhaler, Simplex 418, 419, 420 Ingot Mould 520 Ingots, Aluminum 504 Inhaler Support, Lewis’ 425 Inhaler Tubing 410 Inlay Apparatus, Jenkins’ 644 Inlay Burs 160 Inlaying Porcelain Diamond Trephines for 160 Inlay Mandrels 160 Inlay Plier 261 Insoluble Cement, Justi’s Superior.... 374 Insoluble Cement, Sibley’s 369 Instrument Cases, Folding 651 Instruments, Nerve 228-238 Instruments, Nerve, Corydon Palmer’s. 237 Instruments, Beutelrock’s Nerve Canal. 233-236 Instrument, Pyorrhea Alveolaris 283-265 Instrument, Universal Approximal for Plastics 252 Interdental Space Guards 388 International Dental Journal 633 Instruments, Head’s Approximal Sur- face 213 Instruments, Implantation 159 Investment Compound, Chase’s 504 Investment Material, Mason’s 45 Investment Compound, Mitchell’s .... 507 Iodin and Carbolic Acid 404 Iodin, Tincture of 405 Iodoform 404 Iodoform, Aromatic 402 Iodoform Compound, Foulk’s 401 Iridio-Platium Plates and Wires 468 Iridium-Platinum Nerve Extractors.... 228 Iridio-Platinum Screws 336 Iron and Enamel Rheostats 140 Iron, Persulfate of 404 Iron Retort, Rowan’s 422 Irons, Soldering 644 Iron, Solution Perchlorid of 404 Iron, Subsulfate of 404 Ivory Blocks 618 Ivory’s Burs 162 Ivory Cement Spatula 385 Ivory Chisels 594 Ivory’s Adjustable Clamp 318 Ivory’s Amalgam Carriers and Plug- gers 250 064 M. F. PATTERSON, PAGE Ivory’s Automatic Pluggers 195 Ivory’s Amalgam Carrying Pluggers and Spoon 259 Ivory’ Clamp Mirror 282 Ivory’s Gold Crown and Band Holder. 479 Ivory’s Gold Pluggers 249 Ivory’s Labial Clamps 317 Ivory’s Lock Nut for C. S. Points 203 Ivory’s Martrix Retainers 339-340 Ivory’s Rubber Dam Clamps 309-310 Ivory’s Spiral Nerve Extractors 230 Ivory’s Universal Double Bow Sepa- rator 322 Ivory’s Vulcanite Cone Socket Handle. 200 Ivy Burner 298 J ack’s Matrices and Matrix Pluggers.. Jack Screws Jack Screw, Angle’s Jack Screws, B. D. M. Co.’s Jack Screw, Holmes’ Spring Jack Screw, Lee-Bennett Jack Screw Pin Wrench Jacobs’ Permanent Gutta Percha Stop- ping Japanese Bibulous Paper Jenkins’ Inlay Apparatus Jennings’ Plugging Mallet Jiffy Bottle Cover Johnson Cervix Clamp Johnson’s Contouring Pliers Johnson’s Lever Clamps Journals, Dental Justi’s Acme Cement Justi’s Articulators Justi’s Diamond Drill Justi’s Gold Foil and Cylinders Justi’s Gold and Platinum Alloy Justi’s Modelling Compound Justi’s Superior Insoluble Cement Justus Teeth, Prices of Justi’s Universal Cuspidor Clamp Justi’s White Alloy 251 331-332 327 331 332 332 331 494 356 644 280 394 319 489 319 633 376 621-624 180 348 360 603 374 10 103 360 K aeber Engine Bit Holder Kaeber’s Saw Frames Kearsing’s Gold Foil Kearsing’s Universal Gold Blocks Kaolin Kelene Kell’s Bracket Table Lamp Kelly’s Cervix Fluid Kerosene Crucible Furnace Kerosene Heating Apparatus and Com- bined Bed Plate Kerosene Stoves Key for Guilford’s Band Matrices Key, Wheel, B. D. M. Co.’s King’s Scalers Kingsley Vulcanite Finishers Knapp’s Blowpipe Knapp’s Method of Teeth Regulation.. Knife Cleaners Knife, Hoff’s Plaster Knife, Palette Knives, Bench Knives, Cone Socket Wax Knives, Tubular and Circular Engine. . Knowles’ Club Foot Plugger Points. . Knowles’ Electric Mallet Pluggers.... Knowles’ Rubber Dam Spreader 188 266 353 353 644 401 296 300 521 564 645 341 425 224 592 644 329 644 617 601 596 605 159 201 303 L abelled Office Bottles 647 Labels for Medicine Bottles 393 Labial Clamps, Ivory’s 317 Laboratory and Office Preparations... 403-409 Laboratory Gas Burners 522-524 Laboratory Lathes, Electric 530-533 Laboratory Lathe Head, White’s 539 Laboratory Lathe, White’s 534 Laboratory Pliers 645 Ladle, Copper 477 Ladle, Furnace 516 Ladle and Soldering Furnace, Lewis’.. 519 Ladle, Stafford’s, Steel 482 Ladles with Detachable Handles 504 PAGE Ladmore-Brunton Clamps and Matrices 321 Ladinore’s Mallet Points 203 Ladmore’s Piastic Filling Instruments. 260 Lamps, Alcohol and Annealing 294-296 Lamp and Warm Water Cup, Bogue’s. 297 Lamps, Alcohol Soldering 524 Lamp, Annealing, S. S. White 297 Lamp, Capital Annealing 294 Lamps, Electric Incandescent 140 Lamp, Electric Mouth and Laryngo- scope 144 Lamp, Kell’s Bracket Table 296 Lamp, Students’ Annealing 298 Lamp, Whitney Annealing with Mica Tray 298 Lamp Wicks, Alcohol 294 Lancets, Ash’s 226 Lancets, Fixed Blades 648 Lancets, Pocket 649 Lane’s Contouring Pliers 488 Lane’s Crown Scissors 496 Lane’s Swaging Hammer for Crown Work 500 Lantern Slides, Anatomical 651 Large Wire Wheel 539 Laskey Syringe 287 Lathe Arbor for Sand Paper 540 Lathe Bath, Brown 537 Lathe Burs 554 Lathe Driving Wheels 540-543 Lathe Chucks 530-543 Lathe Cord and Couplings 538 Lathes, Hand and Foot 536-543 Lathe Head and Stand, Niagara 534 Lathe Head, Clutch 538 Lathe Head, Lawrence 540 Lathe Head, New Improved Cone 536 Lathe Head, Our New 537 Lathe Head, Redman 535 Lathe Head, Unique 537 Lathe Head, White’s Laboratory 539 Lathe, Skeleton Hand 543 Lathe Tables 543 Lathe, Unique 537 Lathe Wheels, Carborundum 549-552 Lathe Wheels, Gem 556 Lathe, White’s Dental Office 534 Lathe, White’s Laboratory 524 Laurel Mouth Wash 637 Lava Paper Strips 392 Lava Strips 392 Lawrence's Amalgam 363 Lawrence Drive Wheel 540 Lawrence Lathe Head 540 Laryngoscope and Electric Mouth Lamp 144 Lead 504 Lead Pulp Canal Points 388 Leather Polishing Wheels 181 Leaves, Styptic 394 Ledger-Register. Bannister’s 628 Lee-Bennett Jack Screw 332 Lee’s Brazing Blowpipe 514 Lee’s Improved Regulating Screw and Pull Back 332 Lever Clamps 316 Lever Clamps, Johnson 319 Lewis’ Abscess Syringe 289 Lewis’ Automatic Plugger No. 7 192 Lewis’ Crown Articulator 623 Lewis’ Cross Bar Vuleanizer 559 Lewis’ Combined Case Heater and Sol- dering Cup 51S Lewis’ Gasdmeter 411 Lewis’ Graduated Gas Regulator 570 Lewis’ Independent Motion Articulator 621 Lewis’ Inhaler Support 425 Lewis’ Manifold 571 Lewis’ Moulding Flask 505 Lewis’ Rubber Dam Holder 306 Lewis’ Soldering and Ladle Furnace. . 519 Lewis’ Waxing Burner 523 Lifters, Flask 5J3 Ligature Cutter ^37 Ligature Wire, Gold 333 Ligature Wire, Gold 468 DENTAL DEPOT. 665 PAGE PAGE Lilliput Furnace, Tees’ 567 Limit Drill for Anchor Appliances.... 337 Limit Drills for Anchor System 160 Linen Covers 100 Linen Covers for Chairs 75 Linen Cloth Strips 392 Linen Strips 390-392 Lining, Non-Conductive Cavity 388 Lining, Vulcan Gold 589 Lint, Parker’s Paper Fibre 357 Lip Protector 300 Liquefied Nitrous Oxide 410 Liquid Celluloid 591 Liquid Dropper, Cement 382 Liquid Gutta Percha 404 Liquid Silex 602 Listerine 401 List Price of Teeth 10 and 11 Litmus Paper 404 Litterst Hand-Cut Files 597 Little Giant Separator 324 Littleton’s Root Canal Drills 238 Lo-bel-o 394 Local Anaesthetic, Wilson’s 396-397 Lock Nut for C. S. Points 206 Lodge Band Matrix 342 Logan Crowns, Illustrations of 48-52 Logan Crown Trays 645 Logan Crowns, Prices of 11 Logan Pins 645 Logan Pin Punch 645 Long’s Gasometer 414 Long Handle and Cone Socket Exca- vators 208-214 Long Handle and Cone Socket Pluggers 239-253 Longnecker’s Clamps 313 Long Neck Retorts 422 Loop Matrices, Creager’s 341 Loop Matrix, Pinney’s 334 Low-Fusion Bodies and Enamels 528 Luken’s Bodies and Enamels 529 Lubricator, Paper Disk 182 Lyder’s Clamps 312 Lyon Improved Adjustable Stool 116 Lynton Cement 379 M acomber Blowpipe 514 Magnifying Examination Glass. . 284 Magnesia, Phillips’ Milk of 401-405 Magnesia, Sulfate of 19S Magnifique Modelling Compound 603 Magnifying Toilet Mirror 284 Maiden Blush Pink Dental Rubber.... 582 Mallet, Abbott Automatic 196 Mallet, Avil Dental 190 Mallet, Bosworth Automatic 196 Mallet, Dead Blow Swaging 500 Mallet, Engine No. 3 189 Mallet, Engine No. 4 190 Mallet, Electric Pluggers 252-253 Mallet for Swaging Collars 645 Mallets, Horn 505 Mallets, Plugging 279-280 Mallet Points, Ash’s 205 Mallet, White’s Dental Electrical.... 198 Mann Vulcanizer 567 Manifold, Lewis’ 571 Mandrels 163 Mandrels, Flexible 174 Mandrels for Carborundum Goods 174 Mandrel for Shaping Collars 645 Mandrel, Improved Huey 164 Mandrels. Inlay 360 Mandrel No. 303% 651 Mandrel Positive” 164 Mandrel, Watson Paper Disk 173 Marble Dust 644 Marchand’s Hydrozone 398 Marshall’3 Scalers 651 Mason’s Detachable Teeth 40-46 Mason’s Stop Out Material 45 Matchless Blowpipe 514 Material, Angle’s Band 327 Material, Mason’s Stop Out 45 Matinum Backings for Mason’s Porce- lains 45 Mats, Asbestos 483-484 Matrices and Clamps, Guilford’s Band. 341 Matrices and Clamps, Ladmore-Brunton 321 Matrices, Bropliy’s Improved Band.... *341 Matrices, Creager’s Loop 341 Matrices, Double Screw 334 Matrix, Lodge Band 342 Matrices, Miller 342 Matrix, Pinney's Loop 334 Matrix Pluggers and Matrices, Jack’s.. 251 Matrix Retainer. Dickinson’s Wedge. . 340 Matrix Retainers, Ivory’s 339-340 Matrix Steel 340 Matrix, Weirich Single Band 342 McCullom, Modified Jack Screws 331 McKellop’s Electric Mallet Pluggers. . 253 McKesson & Robbins’ Preparations.... 400 Microscope, Pocket 153 Milk of Magnesia, Phillips’ 404-405 Miller Matrices 342 Mills, Rolling, Crocker’s Improved 481-482 Mineral Bodies and Enamels 528-529 Mineral Engine Oil 188 Minimeter, White’s 382 Minim Syringe 287 Mirror, Ivory’s Clamp 282 Mirror, Magnifying Toilet 284 Mirrors, Mouth 281-284 Mirror, Office 284 Mirrors, Reglassing 284 Mitchell’s Electric Furnace 526-527 Mitchell Investment Compound 507 Mitchell’s Rubber Dam Holder 305 Mitchell’s Steel Die Plate 473 Mixer, Hurd’s Chloroform 422 Mixing Slabs for Cements 382-383 Muffles for Furnaces 567 Mummifying Paste 402 Mummifying Paste, Nerve 401 Measuring Appliances, Band 343 Mechanical Blowpipe, Burgesse’s 514 Mechanical Department 461 Mechanical Forceps 495 Mechanical Saw Frames 502 Medical .and Dental Books 632-63* Medicine Bottle Labels 393 Medicine Case 651 Meditrina 404 Meister’s Improved Lever Clamps 316 Melting Arrangement 520 Melotte’s Fusible Metal 484 Melotte’s Moldine, Outfit 484 Melotte’s Moistening Pad and Holder. . 174 Melotte’s Moldine 603 Melotte’s Improved Gold Crown Dies.. 473 Melotte’s Improved Gas Blowpipe 515 Melotte’s Soldering Appliances 515 Mercury Bath Thermometers 569 Mercury Expressor 389 Mercury Holders 389 Mercury Holder, B. D. M. Co.’s 390 Mercury, Redistilled 389 Mercury Redistilled in Mercury Holders 389 Method for Crown and Bridge Work. Baird’s 472 Meredith Pocket Dental Account Books 630 Meriam’s R. & L. Plug Finishing Files 269 Metal Adhesion Plates, Wunsche’s. . . . 589 Metal, Air Chamber 591 Metal. Babbitt 504 Metals, Base 504 Metal Connections for Gas Bags 425 Metal, Counter Die 504 Metal, Crown Hub 504 Metal Dies, Townsend’s Fusible 499 Metal, Melotte’s Fusible . . . . 484 Metal Outfit, Stafford’s Fusible 482 Metal, Pattern 504 Metal Polishing Strips 392 Metals, Precious 468-470 Metal, Stuck’s 504 Metal, Watt’s Improved 580 Metal, Wood’s Fusible 504 Metallic Air Chambers 591 Metallic Base, Weston’s 501 Model Annealing Burner 294 066 VI. F. PATTERSON, PAGE Modelling Composition for Base Plates 603 Modelling Compounds 603 Modelling Compound, Sibley’s 601 Modern Sterilizer 295 Modification Pluggers, Nicklin’s 253 Modified McCullom Jack Screws 331 Moffatt’s Syringe 285 Moffatt’s Warm Air Syringe 286 Moistener, Disk and Cheek Protector. . 174 Moistener, Edward’s Disk 174 Moistening Pad and Holder, Melotte’s. 174 Molar Files, single and Double Curve. 275 Molar, Lower Forceps 447 Molar, Upper Forceps 444-447 Moldine, Melotte’s 603 Moldine, Melotte’s 484 Monsel’s Solution and Powder of Iron. 404 Moore’s Clamps 313 Moore’s System Disks and Mandrels. . 186 Moose Hide Polishers 180 Morocco Case for Automatic Pluggers. . 197 Morrison Dental Chair 76 Morrison’s Gold Screw Wire 336 Morrison Reamer 648 Morrison Screw Portes 648 Morrison Seamless Crown Outfit 472 Mortars and Pestles 368 Moss’ Fibre Gold 353 Moss’ Fibre Gold Pluggers 248 Motor, Dental 533 Motor Dental Engine, Water 147 Motors, Dental Lathe 530-533 Motor, Excello Electric Fan and Bat- tery Outfit 145 Motor Stand Outfit, White’s New Model No. 2 137 Mould, Ingot 520 Moulding Flask, Bailey 505 Moulding Flask, Hawes’ 505 Moulding Flasks, Lewis’ 505 Moulding Flask, Watt’s Improved.... 580 Moulding Sand 504 Moulding Spatula, Sand Moulding.... 644 Mounted Corundum Wheels 555 Mounted Granite Disks 184 Mounter, Disk 179 Moustache Protector 651 Mouth Blowpipes 513 . Mouth Blowpipe, Haskell’s 516 Mouth Distender 651 Mouth Illuminator, Electric 144 Mouth Lamp Electric and Laryngo- scope 144 Mouth Mirrors 281-284 Mouth Mirrors, Ash’s High Grade.... 281 Mouth Mirrors, Aluminum Handle 283 Mouth Mirror and Examining Lens Combined 281 Mouth Mirror, Screw Frame 283 Mouthpieces for Saliva Ejector 93 Mouth Props, Bickford’s 424 Mouth Props, Neviu’s Reversible 424 Mouth Washes, White’s 637 Movable Palate-Plate Tray 616 N apkin and Paper Clamps 317 Napkin Clamp 310 Napkins 651 Napkin Holder and Clamp, Duddy’s. .. . 320 Napkins or Doilies 404 Napkins, Red Cross Asceptic 356 Natural Gas Blow Pipes 511 Necessities for the Dentist 400 Needles and Syringe Tubes, Hypoder- mic 292 Nelson Gold Teeth 472 Nerve Broaches, Correct 229 Nerve Broach Holders 228 and 231 Nerve Canal Dressers, Hoove’s and Hun- ter’s 237 Nerve Canal Drills 227 Nerve Canal Drills, Ash’s 203 Nerve Canal Drills, Gate’s 238 Nerve Canal Drills, Gates-Glidden, En- gine 157 Nerve Canal Instruments, Beutel- rock’s Nerve Canal Pliers Nerve Canal Pluggers, Arrington’s.;.. Nerve Canal Points, Sibley’s Gutta Percha Nerve Canal Reamers, Hopkins’ Nerve Destroying Paste, Baldock’s. . . . Nerve Extractors Nerve Extractors, Ax-rington’s Nerve Extractors, Barbed Nerve Extractors, Ivory’s Spiral Nerve Extractors, Platinum Iridium. . Nerve Fibre Nerve Fibre, Devitalizing Nerve Instruments Nerve Instruments, Corydon Palmer. . Nerve Mummifying Paste Nerve Paste Nerve Paste for Devitalizing Nerve Probes Nets for Syringes Nevius’ Gasometer Nevius’ Reversible Mouth Props New Amalgam, Sibley’s New Columbia Dental Chair New Idea Dental Rubber New Improved Cone Lathe Head New Iron and Enamel Rheostats New Model Bracket New Model Wilkerson Chair New Pattern Copper Pickle Pan New Pattern Extractors New Philadelphia Yulcanizer New 7 Process Burs New Portable Head-Rest ; New* Style Flask Press New Style Pitman Ney’s Gold Cylinders Ney’s Gold Foil Ney’s Gold Plate '. Ney’s Gold Solder Niagara Lathe Head and Stand Nicklin Modification Pluggers Nicklin’s Electric Mallet Pluggers Nicklin’s Plugger Points Nickold’s Gold Foil and Pellets Nipple Expander Nippers and Pliers, Solid Steel Nippers, Hall’s Patent Cutting Nippers, Pin Nitrate of Ammonia, Fused Nitrate of Silver Crystals Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Apparatus. Nitrous Oxide Gas Bag Nitrous Oxide, Liquefied Non-Absorbent Dental Rolls N on-Conductive Cavity Lining Non-Conductors for Syringes Non-Corrosive Spatula, Wilcox Non-Irritant, Carbolized Cement, Wil- cox Northrop’s Plug Finishing File Norton Talbot Regulating Springs No. 2 Angle Attachment Nos. 1 and 2 Tool Brackets, White’s.. No. 5 Bracket Table No. 2 Right Angle No. 2 Slip Joint and Duplex Spring Connections Number Nine Articulator Number 20 Bur Number Three Inhaler Nut Drivers Nuts for Screw Posts Nuts, Gold Nut, Lock, Ivory’s for S. S. Points.... Novel Rubber Dam Holder PAGE 233-236 305 237 387 227 401 227 237 228-230 230 228 405 231 226-238 237 401 405 231 227 288 412 424 363 66-69 587 536 140 112-113 7 4 486 460 567 162 80 574 122 352 351 469 468 534 253 252 201 345 143 490 495 493 420 405 417 410 410 355 388 28S 381 372 272 333 152 100 101 151 150 622 651 421 480 336 480 206 304 O akland Hydrogen Dioxid 40t) '|9I Obtunda, Hartford Capitol 395 Obtunding Hypodermic Syringes. 290 Obtuse Angle Attachments 152 O. C. White’s Portable Head Rest 81 Office and Laboratory Preparations... 40o-409 Office Bottles, Labelled 547 DENTAL DEPOT. 067 PAGE Office Mirror 284 Office Pliers 646 Office Preparations Case 114 Office Preparation Bottle, Common- Sense 393 Ohio Journal 633 Oil, Chair 75 Oil Can 651 Oil, Eugenol 404 Oil of Cloves 405 Oil of Eucalyptus 405 Oil, Mineral Engine 188 Oil, Sanitas 405 Oil, Sperm 651 Oiler, Engine Bit 651 Old-Style Gas Apparatus and Parts.... 422 Old-Style Improved Flask Press 575 Old-Style Jack Screws 331 One Thousand Fine Gold Foil 353 Operating Stool, Practical 116 Opium, Wine of 405 Oroline Mouth Wash 637 Oralina Paste •. 638 Orange Wood for Wedging 325 Orange Wood Wedges, Improved 325 Ordering, Suggestions for 8 Orders for Teeth 14 Ordinary Cologne 404 Oriental Cologne 404 Os Artificial Cement. Houghton’s 370 Ottolengui Implantation Knives 159 Ottolengui’s Root Clamps for Crown Work 320 Our New Lathe Head 537 Outfit, Cataphoric, Smith’s 142-143 Outfit, Morrison Seamless Crown 472 Outfit, Stafford’s Fusible Metal 482 Outfits, Battery 145 Outfits, Cataphoric, White’s 143 Outfits, Storage Battery 146 Oven, Custer’s Electric 525 Overhanging Bed Plate 565 Oxid of Tin 644 Oxiphospliate of Zinc, Welch’s 361 Oxy-Carbon Dental Forge 518 Oxychloride Cement, Flagg's 379 Oxygen and Nitrous Oxide Apparatus. . 417 Oxygen Gas Bag 410 Oxygen, Pure and Apparatus 426 P ackers, Vulcanite 592 Packings, Endless 573 Pacific Dental Gazette 633 Pack’s Gold Cylinders 353 Palmer, Delos’ Clamp Forceps 299 Pad, Asbestos, for Hollingsworth Sys- T tern 471 Pads and Blocks, Soldering 483-484 Pads, Asbestos 483-484 Pad, Chamois Skin 354 Pad, Melotte’s Blowpipe 515 Pad, Moistening and Holder, Melotte’s 174 Pad, Paper Cement 383 Pads, Rubber for Wedge Forceps 326 Pads, Table 100 Palate Rubber 587 Palette Knife 001 Palmer Clamps, Set of 8 311 Palmer’s Clamps, Set of 32 315 Palmer tor Best) Excavators 213 Palmer’s, Corydon, Nerve Instruments. 237 Palmer’s Plugging mallet 280 Pan, Copper Acid 477 Pans, Copper Pickle 486 Paper and Napkin Clamps 317 Paper, Articulating 603 Paper, Bibulous 356 Paper and Cloth Disks 183-186 Paper Disk Easel 185 Paper Disk Lubricator 182 Paper Disk Mandrel, Watson 173 Paper Disks, Thickened Rim 185 Paper Fibre Lint, Parker’s 357 Paper, Litmus 404 Paper Points, Stiffened 381 PAGE Paper, Sand, Emery, Cuttle Fish and Garnet 557 Paper Strips 392 Paper Cement Pad 383 Paper and Cloth, Carborundum 557 Paper Disks, Carborundum 183 Paper Tampons, Absorbent 358 Paper, Tooth Powder Boxes 639 Para Rubber for Separating 325 Paraffine and Wax 603 Parallel Pliers 490 Par Excellence Alloy 365 Parker Crown and Band Swager 499 Parker’s Paper Fibre Lint 357 Parker Swaging Device 498-499 Parr’s Engine Arm Support 149 Parr’s Flux 506 Parr’s Hard Wax Flux 506 Parr’s Universal Separator 323 Parting Fluid, Elliott’s 602 Parts of Duplex Spring Connection.... 149 Parts of Engines 120 Parts of Gas Outfits 410 Parts of Knapp’s Method of Teeth Regulation 329 Parts of Yoke Regulator 330 Partz Batteries 19s Paste, Baldock’s Nerve Destroying. . . 401 Paste, Cleansing for the Hands 404 Paste, Cleansing for the Hands 468 Paste, Nerve 405 Paste, Nerve for Devitalizing 231 Paste, Mummifying 402 Paste, Nerve Mummifying 401 Paste, Oralina 638 Paste, Thy mo Tooth 636 Patent Cutting Nippers, Hall’s 495 Patent Universal Pulleys 651 Patrick’s Teeth Regulators 330 Patterns, Air Chamber 591 Pattern Metal 504 Peabody Syringe 287 Pearson chisels 594 Pearson’s Vest Pocket Appointment Book 630 Peeso’s Pliers 487 Peeso Root Reamers 159 Pierce Cement Spatula 385 Pellets and Gold Foil, Nickold’s 345 Pellet Placer 354 Pellets, Richmond’s Cotton Dental.... 358 Pellet Roller, Robert’s Cotton 358 Pellets, White’s Gutta Percha 386 Perfected Rubber Dam Punch 299 Perfection Polishing Strips 392 Perforated Files 651 Perforators, Young’s Adjustable 494 Periosteal Tablets, Well’s 403 Permanent Gutta Percha Stopping, Jacobs’ 494 Permanganate of Potash 495 Perry’s Syringe 286 Perry’s Two Bar Separator 323 Persulfate of Iron 401 Pestles and Mortars 368 Petroid Cement 3*80 Pettee’s Flexible Stem Reamers 157 Phenol, Camphorated 403 Phenol Sodique 405 Philadelphia Vulcanizer 567 Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia 404-405 Phillips’ White Alloy 39b Piano Wire 333 Piano Wire Cutter 333 Pickle Pans, Copper 486 Pier Impression Trays 615 Pink Wax, Fowler’s 601 Pinless Teeth 11 Pinney’s Loop Matrix 334 Pins, Logan 645 Pin Nippers 493 Pin Punch, Logan 645 Pin Roughing Cutting and Bending Forceps 492-493 Pin Vises 481-485 Pin Wrench, Jack Screw 331 41 668 M. F. PATTERSON, PAGE Pink Dental Rubber, Traun’s 582 Pintle and Guide 480 Pipes, Blow 511-516 Pipes, Syringe 292 Pitman, New Style 122 Pivoting, Bicuspid and Stump Files... 274 Pivot, Wood 651 Pocket Dental Floss, Red Cross 334 Pocket Lancets 649 Pocket Microscope 153 Pocket Tool Cose 153 Points, Abbott’s Back Action 196 Points, Ash’s Mallet 203 Points, Bennett’s Plugger 202 Points, Butler’s Plugger 200 Points, Carborundum 165-172 Point Carriers, Canal 388 Points, Caulk’s Gutta Percha 367 Points, Chappell’s Plugger 201 Point, C. S. Pliers 207 Points, Corundum 177- Points, Diamond, Disks and Wheels. . 176 Point, Diamond Starting 176 Points and disks, Soft Rubber, Cor- rugated 179 Points, Drop, for Syringes 288 Points, Gem 177 Points, Knowles’ Club Foot Plugger. . 201 Points for Lewis & S. & L. Automatic Pluggers 197 to 203 Points, Nicklin’s Plugger 201 Points for Obtuse Angle Automatic Plugger 197 Points, Pulp Canal 688 Points, Royce Plugger Points, Rubber and Corundum 178 Points, Sibley’s Gutta Percha Canal. . 387 Points, Stiffened Paper 381 Placer, Pellet *>54 Plain Bottles Plain Teeth 34-69 Plain White Celluloid Disks 185 Plaster Bowls 601 Plasters, Darby’s, Dental Capsicum... 381 Plaster, Dental 600 Plaster Knife, Hoff’s 61< Plaster and Sand Work Bench 46a Plasters, Red Cross Capsicum 394 Plaster Spatulas 601 Plasters, White’s Capsicum 394 Plastic Filling, Amalgam and Gutta Percha Instruments Tlastic Fillings, Fletcher’s 363 Plastic Flint Cement 377 Plastic Gold, Rowan’s .• 34* Plastic Instrument, Universal Approxi- mal ^”2 Platinum Iridium Nerve Extractors... 228 Platinum Solder 468 Plates, Articulating 6*< Plates, Bed 564-565 Plate Brush, Artificial 591 Plate Brush, Florence 640 Plate Brushes 504 Plate Brushes 59i Plate Burnishers 49* Plate, Casting, for Hollingsworth 4