THE UNIVERSITY rtt t OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY A9774 V.z Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. U. of I. Library JUl 2 o '3S rw. tv EC 1 1 !$50 Vr 11 Boi <3 J U‘i I MAY 1 * t DEC 0 m BY 9324-S I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates Michigan Bibliography A PARTIAL CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, MAPS, MANUSCRIPTS AND MISCEL¬ LANEOUS MATERIALS RELATING TO THE RESOURCES, DEVELOP¬ MENT AND HISTORY OF MICHIGAN FROM EARLIEST TIMES TO JULY 1, 1917; TOGETHER WITH CITATION OF LIBRARIES IN WHICH THE MATERIALS MAY BE CONSULTED, AND A COMPLETE ANALYTIC INDEX BY SUB¬ JECT AND AUTHOR m 9 1922 Prepared by FLOYD BENJAMIN STREETER VOLUME II Michigan Historical Commission Lansing, 1921 V /W 7 7. 4- V. "L 'TTTU HA b ii MAPS AND ATLASES Mr. William L. Jenks furnished the list of maps in the Port Huron Public Library, the Library of the Wisconsin State Historical Society and a partial list of those in the Library of Congress. The remainder of the titles of maps in the Library of Congress are taken from Phillips: A list of maps of America in the Library of Congress . . . Washington, Govt, print, off., 1901. The titles of atlases in the Library of Congress are taken from Phillips: A list of geographical atlases in the Library of Congress . . . 3 v.. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909-1914. A Great Lakes Region and Old Northwest 7073. Amerique septentrionale. Par N. Sanson d’Abbeville, geog. du roy. Avec privilege du roy pour vingt ans. A. Paris, Chez hauteur et chez Pierre Mariette, rue S. Jacques a L’Esperace, 1650. - B. 7074. Le Canada, ou Notivelle France, &c. Tiree de diverses relations des Francois, Anglois, Hollandois, &c. Par N. Sanson d’Abbeville, geographe ordre du roy. Avecq privilege pour vingt ans. A Paris, Chez hauteur, 1657. — B. Ibid. (In Sanson, N. L’Ameriqve en plvsiever cartes. Paris, l’Avt heur, 165/, no 2). -- L C. 7075. Carte du Canada et des terres decouuertes vers le Lac d’Erie. Voir la lettre de M. Talon du 10 Fbre. 1670. - B. Copy of map in Harvard University. 7076. Le Canada faict par le Sr. de Champlain, ou sont la Nouvelle France, la Nouvelle Angleterre, la Nouvelle Holande, la Nouvelle Svede, la Virginie etc. Avec les nations voisines et autres terres nouuellement decouueites. Suiuant les memoires de P. Du Val, geographe du roy. [n. p., 1670?]. M H C. Undated, but about 1670. This is a very rare map; the plate was.reissued several times, first probably in 1653. The configurations of the lakes are very curious. 7077. Map of a portion of North America from the great lakes to the gulf of Mexico, and from the River Mississippi to the Atlantic Ocean. [1680]. 503181 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN (In Hulbert, Archer Butler. The crown collection of photographs of American maps, selected and ed. by Archer Butler Hulbert . . . Cleveland, A. H. Clarke company, 1904-1908. Series III, plates no. 1, 2, 3, and 4). - S.. 7078. North America divided into its principall parts where are distin¬ guished the severall states which belong to the English, Spanish, and French. To the Most Serene and Most Sacred Majesty of Charles II, by the grace of God King of Great Brittain, France, and Ireland, this map of North America, is humbly dedicated, and presented, by your majesties loyal subject, and servant William Berry, [n. p., 1680?]. - M H C. Undated. C61ored outlines. Shows North America and the northern part of South America. California appears as an island. 7079. ' Amerique septentrionale divisee en ses principales parties. Presente a Monseigneur le Due de Bourgogne par son tres-humb et tres obeissa seruiteur, H. Jaillot. A. Paris, 1694. - M H C. Colored outlines. Shows North America and the northern part of South America. California appears as an island. 7080. A new map of the English Empire in America viz, Virginia, Mary¬ land, Carolina, New York, New Jersey, New England, Pennsylvania, New¬ foundland, New France &c., by Rob: Morden. [London? 1695]. -• M H C. 7081. Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France & des decouvertes quiy ont ete faites dressee sur les observations les plus nouvelles, & sur divers momoires tant manuscripts qu’impremiez. [Amsterdam, 1705?]. - B. Ibid. (In chatelain, H. A. Atlas historique. [anon.]. Amsterdam, 1705-1720, v. 6, p. 82). - L C. 7082. North America; corrected from the observations communicated U> the Royal society at London, and the Royal academy at Paris. By John Senex, F. R. S. [London] 1710. - B. Ibid. John Senex sculpt. [London, 1710]. (In American maps, v. 3, no. 14). - L C. 7083. A map of New France containing Canada, Louisiana &c. in Nth. America according to the patent granted by the King of France to Monsieur Crozat, dated the 14th of Sep. 1712. N. S. and registered in the Parliament of Paris the 24th of the same month. By H. Moll, geographer, [n. p., 1712]. - B. i A smaller copy in Hulbert, Archer Butler. The crown collection of "photographs of American maps, selected and ed. by Archer Butler Hulbert . . . Cleveland, The A. H. Clarke company, 1904-1908, series III, plates no 13-16. - S. 7084. Carte de la Nouvelle France, ou se voit le cours des grandes rivieres de S. Laurens & de Mississipi aujour d’hui S. Louis, aux environs des-quelles se trouvent les etats, pais, nations, peuples & c. de la Floride, de la Louisiane, de la Virginie, de la Marie-Lande, de la Pensilvanie, du Nouveau Jersay, de la Nouvelle Yorck, de la Nouv. Angleterre, de L’Acadie, du Canada, des MAPS AND ATLASES 5 Esquimaux, des Hurons, des Iroquois, des Illinois &c. Et de la Grande lie de Terre Neuve: Dressee sur les memoires les plus nouveaux recueillis pour l’etablissement de la compagnie Frangoise Occident. [By Nicolas de Fer?]. [n. p., 1718?]. - B;G;MHC. This is undoubtedly a reduced copy of a larger map issued in 1718, by De Fer. 7085. Carte tres curieuse de la Mer du Sud, contenant des remarques nouvelles et tres utiles non seulement sur les ports et iles de cette mer, mais aussy sur les principaux pays de 1’Amerique tant septentrionale que meridionale, avec les noms & la route des voyageurs par qui la decouverte en a ete faite. Le tout pour 1’intelligence des dissertations suivantes. [By Nicholas de Fer?]. [n. p., 1719?]. - M H C. Unsigned and undated. Uncolored. Printed in two halves, the upper showing North America and the lower showing South America. Embellished with fine engravings appear¬ ing as insets. Ibid. (In Chatelain, H. A. Atlas historique. [anon.]. Amsterdam, 1705-1720, v. 6, p. 117). - LC. 7086. Amplissimae regionis Mississipi seu Provinciae Ludovicionae a R. P. Ludovico Hennepin Francisc Miss in America septentrionali anno 1687 detectae, nunc gallorum coloniis et actionum negotiis to to orbe celeberrimae nova tabula edita a Io. Bapt. Homanno, S. C. M. geographo. Norimbergae [1720]. M H C: Ibid. (In Homann Johann Baptist. Atlas geographicus major. Norimbergae, Homan- niani heredibus, 1759, v. 1, no. 139). - L C. 7087. A new map of the north parts of America claimed by France under ye names of Louisiana, Mississipi, Canada and New France with ye adjoyning territories of England and Spain . . . laid down according to the newest and most exact observations by H. Moll, geographer. 1720. London, H. Moll [1720]. — B;LC;MHG 7088. Amerique septentrionale publiee sous les auspices de Monseigneur le Due d’Orleans, premier prince du sang. Par le Sr. d’Anville, MDCCXLVI. Avec privilege. A Paris, Chez l’auteur, aux galeries du Louvre. [1746]. - M H C. Colored outlines. Ibid. (In his Atlas general. Paris, 1727-1780, no. 10-11). - LC. 7089. Amerique septentrionale, dressee, sur les relations les plus modernes des voyageurs et navigateurs, et divisee suivant les differentes possessions des Europeens; par le Sr. Robert de Vaugondy . . . [n. p., 1750]. - G. 7090. Carte'des pays connus .sous le nom de Canada, dans laquelle sont distinguees les possessions Francoises, & Angl. Dediee et presentee a Mon¬ seigneur la Comte d’Argenson, ministre secretaire d’etat pour le department de la guerre, par le Sr. Robert de Vaugondy, fils, geographe ordinaire du roi. A Paris, Ches l’auteur, quai de hhorlog du palais proche le pont-neuf, avec privilege, 1753. - M H C. 7091. Canada, Louisiane et terres Angloises, par le Sr. d’Anville, de 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN l’academie rle. des inscriptions et belles lettres, et de celle des sciences de Petersbourg, secretaire de S. A. S. Mgr. le Due d’Orleans. Novembre, MDCCLV. Sous le privilege de l’academie, chez l’auteur: aux galeries du Louvre, [n. p., 1755]. - M H C. 7092. Partie occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada par Mr. Beilin, ingenieur du roy et de la marine‘pour seruir a l’intelligence des affaires et de l’etat present en Amerique, communiquee au public par les heritiers de Homan, en Tan 1755. [n. p.] 1755. - S. Ibid. (In Homann, J. B. Atlas geographicus major. Norimbergae, Homannianis heredibus, 1759, V. 1, no. 145).-L C. The map in the State Library is undoubtedly a copy of the map in Homann’s Atlas. 7093. Carte des possessions Angloises & Francoises du continent de FAmerique septentrionale. [n. p.] 1755. - S. 7094. North America. From the French of Mr. d’Anville. Improved with the back settlements of Virginia and course of Ohio. Illustrated with geographical and historical remarks. May 1755. Published according to act by Thos. Jefferys, geographer to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, near Charing Cross, [n. p., 1755]. - L C; M H C. Colored. Shows that portion of the United States and Canada lying east of the longi¬ tude of the Mississippi. Ibid. (In Jefferys, T. The natural and civil history of the French dominion in N. & S. America. London, 1760, pt. 1, p. 134).-L C. 7095. A map of the British and French dominions in North America with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements, humbly inscribed to the Right Honourable, the Earl of Halifax and the other Right Honourables, the Lords Commissioners for trade plantations, by their lordships most obliged and very humble servant, Jno. Mitchell. Printed for Jefferys and Faden, geographers to the king at the corner of St. Martins Lane, Charing Cross, London [1755]. - G; M H C; U. 7096. Partie de 1’Amerique septentrionale, qui comprend le cours de 1’Ohio, la Nile. Angleterre, la Nile. York, le New Jersey, la Pensylvanie, le Maryland, la Virginie, la Caroline, par le Sr. Robert de Vaugondy . . . [n. p.] 1755. - G. 7097. An accurate map of the British Empire in Nth America as settled by the preliminaries in 1762. [n. p., 1762?]. - B. Ibid. (In The gentleman’s magazine. Dec. (Supplement). 1762. London, for D. Henry, 1762, v. 32, p. 603). ——• L C. 7098. The British government in Nth. America laid down agreeable to the proclamation of Octr. 7, 1763. [n. p., 1763?]. - B. 7099. A new map of North America from the latest discoveries, [anon.], [n. p.] 1763. - B; G. Ibid. (In The London magazine. London, for R. Baldwin [1763], v. 32, Feb. 1763, p. 64). - L C. MAPS AND ATLASES 7100. Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France et des decouvertes qui y ont ete faites. Dressee sur plusieurs observations et sur un grand nombre de relations imprimees ou manuscrites, par Guillaume Del’Isle, geographe de l’Academie royale des sciences. A Paris, Chez hauteur sur le quai de l’horloge a haigle d’or avec privilege de sa maj. pour 20 ans, 1763. - B. 7101. A new and accurate map of the British dominions in America, ac¬ cording to the treaty of 1763; divided into several provinces and jurisdictions projected upon the best authorities and astronomical observations. By Thos. Kitchin, geographer, [n. p., 1766]. - M H C. Undated. Uncolored. Shows that portion of the United States and Canada lying east of the longitude of eastern Texas. Ibid. (In Universal history. The maps and charts of the modern part of the universal history. London, for T. Osborne, 1766).-L C. 7102. A map of the British dominions in North America, according to the treaty in 1763, by Peter Bell, geographer, [n. p.] 1772. - M H C. Ibid. (In The history of the British dominions in North America, [anon.]. London, for W. Strahan & T. Becket & co., 1773). —•—• L C. 7103. An accurate map of North America describing and distinguishing the British and Spanish dominions on this great continent, according to the definitive treaty concluded at Paris, 10th Feby. 1763. Also all the West India islands belonging to and possessed by the several European princes and states. The whole laid down according to the latest and most authentick improvements, by Eman Bowen, geogr. to his majesty, and John Gibson, engraver. London, printed for Robert Sayer, 1772. - M H C. Ibid. (American maps, v. 2, no. 26-27). —•—• L C. 7104. North America from the French of Mr. d’Anville, improved with the English surveys made since the peace. London, printed for Rob’t Sayer & J. Bennett, map & print sellers ... as the act directs 10 June, 1775. -B. Ibid. (In Mills, David. A report on the boundaries of Ontario. Toronto, 1873).- L C. 7105. A map of the British Empire, in North America, by Samuel Dunn, mathematician. Improved from the surveys of Capt. Carver. London, printed for R. Sayer & J. Bennett, map & sea chart sellers, 1776. - B. Ibid. (In Jefferies, T. [and others]. The American atlas. London, R. Sayer & J. Ben¬ nett, 1776, no. 8). - L C. 7106. The British colonies in North America. Engraved by William Faden, MDCCLXXVII. [n. p., 1777]. - M H C. Ibid. (In Faden, William, ed. The North American atlas. London, for W. Faden, 1777. Ed. B.,no. 1). - L C. 7107. A new and correct map of North America, with the West India islands. Divided according to the last treaty of peace, concluded at Paris, 10th Feby. 1763 wherein are particularly distinguished the several provinces and colonies, which compose the British Empire, laid down according to the BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8 latest surveys and corrected from the original materials, of Gover’r Pownall, member of Parliament, [n. p.] 1777. - B. 7108. A new map of the western parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Mary¬ land, and North Carolina; cpmprehending the River Ohio and all the rivers which fall into it; part of the River Mississippi, the whole of the Illinois River, Lake Erie; part of the lakes Huron, Michigan, &c., and all the country bordering on these lakes and rivers. By Thos. Hutchins . . . London, T. Hutchins, 1778. - L C; M H C. Made to aecpmpany his work “A topographical description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina.” The data relating to Michigan were chiefly collected in 1762 by the author on a trip to the English posts on the lakes. 7109. Carte des Etats-Unis de l’Amerique septentrionale, dressee d’apres des cartes Anglaises; par M. Brion de la Tour, ingenieur-geographe du roi. A Paris, Chez le S. Desnos, ingenieur-geographe de sa majeste [1780?]. — S. Ibid. (In Brion de la Tour, Louis. Almanach interessant. Paris, 1780). - L C. 7110. Carte de l’Amerique septentrionale, depuis La Baye d’Hudson jusqu’au Mississipi: pour servir aux essais historiques et politques sur la revolution de cette partie du mond . . . [Bruxelles? 1782?]. - S. Ibid. (In Hilliard d’Auberteuil, Michel Rene. Essais historiques et politiques sur les Anglo-Americains. Gravures et cartes. Bruxilles, 1782).-L C. 7111. . . . North America agreeable to the most approved maps and charts, by Thos. Conder. [London, 1782]. - B. At top: Engraved for Millar’s New complete & universal system of geography. Ibid. (In Millar, George Henry. The new and universal system of geography. London, for A. Hogg, 1782, p. 788). - L C. 7112. A map of the United States of America, as settled by the peace of 1783. [London] I. Fielding, 1783. - B. Ibid. (In The European magazine and London review. 1783. London, for I. Fielding, 1783, v. 4, p. 337). -- L C. 7113. A new map of North America, with the West India islands. Divided according to the preliminary articles of peace, signed at Versailles, 20 Jan. 1783, wherein are particularly distinguished the United States, and the several provinces, governments, &c., which compose the British dominions; laid down according to the latest surveys, and corrected from the original materials of Gover’r. Pownall, membr of Parliam’t. [n. p.] 1783. - M H C. 7114. Carte generale des colonies Angloises dans l’Amerique septentrionale pour l’intelligence de la guerre presente. D’apres des manuscrit Anglais par J. B. Nolin, geographe. Corrige, augmente des indications des principaux evenemens de la guerre avec le tracee des limites pour constituer le traite de paix propose entre la couronne de la Grande Bretagne et les Etats Unis. MAPS AND ATLASES 9 Par P. Phelipeau, geographe, professeur de mathematique de l’Ecole royale militaire de Londres 1783. Paris, Basset [1783]. - B; L C. 7115. Charte iiber die XIII Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America, ent- worfen durch F. L. Giissefeld und herausgegeben von den homaennischen erben rnit Romisch Kayseri. Allergn. Freyheit, Ao. 1784. [Nuremberg, 1784]. - L C; S. In French at top: Les XIII Etats Unis de L’Amerique septentrionale, d’apres les meil- leures & speciales cartes Angloises qui ont parues jusqu’ici par F. L. Gussefeld chez les Heritiers de Homann, Pan 1784. 7116. The United States according to the definitive treaty of peace signed at Paris Septr. 3d, 1783 . . . By Wm. McMurray . . . [n. p., 1784?]. - B; M H C. 7117. A map of the northwest parts^of the United States of America (In Bailey, Francis. Pocket almanac for 1785. Philadelphia, F. Bailey [1785]). - Harvard University Library. An original copy of this map is in Harvard University Library. This map was drawn by John Fitch to exhibit the divisions of the Northwest territory as proposed in the ordinance of 1784. It appeared, according to Winsor's Narrative and critical history of America . . . Boston and New York [cl884]-1889, vol. VII, p. 529, in Francis Bailey’s Pocket almanac for 1785, size 7J^x5, and two years later in John Me Culloch’s Introduction to the hist, of America. It was re-engraved in 1788 for Johann David Schopf’s Reise. (Eng. trans. 1912). In 1790 it appeared in Workman’s Elements of geography. It was also issued on a larger scale by the author as above. Fitch has claims to being the inventor of the first steamboat, and this map was made and sold to obtain money to aid in constructing his first model. 7118. A map of the federal territory [Ohio] from the western boundary of Pennsylvania to the Scioto River laid down from the latest informations and divided into townships and fractional parts of townships agreeably to the ordinance of the honle. congress passed in May, 1785. [n. p., 1787]. - L C. The map to accompany Manassah Cutler’s “An explanation of the map which delineates that part of the federal lands”, &c. [anon.]. Salem, 1787. 7119. Map of a part of North America. Showing proposed new western states [1790]. (In Hulbert, Archer Butler. The crown collection of photo¬ graphs of American maps, selected and ed. by Archer Butler Hulbert . . . Cleveland, The A. H. Clarke company, 1904-1908, series III, plates no. 9, 10, 11 and 12). - S. 7120. A map of the northern & middle states; comprehending the western territory & the British dominions in North America. From the best authorities, [n. p., 1792?]. - B. Ibid. G. Gonne sculpt. Engraved for Morse’s Geography. Published by John Jones. Dublin, 1792. (In Morse, Jedidiah. The American geography. Dublin, for J. Jones, 1792). - L C. 7121. A new and general map of the middle dominions belonging to the United States of America, viz. Virginia, Maryland, the Delaware-counties, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, &c., with the addition of New York, & of the 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN greatest part of New England, &c., as also of the bordering parts of the British possessions in Canada. London, Laurie & Whittle, 1794. - M H C. Shows the portion of the United States lying east of the Mississippi and north of the latitude of the southern boundary of Virginia. 7122. Map of the middle states of America. Comprehends New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and the territory N. W. of Ohio. By J. Russell. (In Russell, J. An American atlas. London, H. D. Symonds & J. Ridgway, 1795, no. 6). - L C. 7123. N. W. territory. (In The United States gazetteer . . .By Joseph Scott. Philadelphia, 1795). - L C. The author states in the preface that the maps were drawn and engraved by himself. 7124. A map of part of the N. W. territory of the United States. Com¬ piled ... by Samuel Lewis, 1796. W. Barker, sculp. (In Carey, M. American Atlas. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1809, no. 24). - L C. 7125. N. W. territory. (In Carey M. American pocket atlas . . .. Philadelphia, for M. Carey, 1796, no. 12). - L C. 7126. An exact map of the five great lakes with part of Pensilvania, New York, Canada [etc.]. Jno. Lodge sculp. (In Russell, William. The history of America. London, for Walker, 1800, v. 2. p. 338). - L C. 7127. N. W. territory. (In Carey, M. American pocket atlas; containing nineteen maps . . .* with a brief description of each state . . . Phila¬ delphia, for M. Carey, 1801, no. 12). - L C. 7128. Map of the United States exhibiting the post-roads, the situations, connexions and distances of the post-offices, stageroads, counties & principal rivers, by Abraham Bradley, jun’r. Engraved by Francis Shallus, Phila¬ delphia. [Philadelphia, F. Shallus, 1804]. - L C. Copyrighted, 1804, by Abraham Bradley. 1st ed. [Philadelphia, 1796]. - L C. 7129. Map of Ohio, Indiana and N. W. territories. (In Carey, M. Ameri¬ can pocket atlas . . . 3rd ed. Philadelphia, A4. Carey, 1805, no. 12) -LC. 7130. A new map of part of the United States of North America, exhibit¬ ing the western territory, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, &c.; also the lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Ontario & Erie, with upper and lower Canada etc. From the latest authorities by John Cary, engraver. 1805. London, J. Cary, 1805. (In Cary, John. New universal atlas. Lon¬ don, for J. Cary, 1808, no. 56). - B; L C; P H. 7131. A new map of part of the United States of North America, exhibit¬ ing the western territory, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, &c.; also the lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Ontario & Erie; with upper and MAPS AND ATLASES 11 lower Canada &c., from the latest authorities. By John Cary. London, 1807. - G. 7132. Map of the seat of war in North America. 2d ed. with additions & improvements. (In Melish, John. A military and topographical atlas of the United States; including the British possessions and Florida; to which is added a list of the military districts, a register of the army, and a list of the navy of the United States. Philadelphia, G. Palmer, 1813, no. 1). - L C; P H. 7133. A correct map of the seat of war [1812-15]. Drawn by Sam’l Lewis. Sam’l Harrison, sc. Philadelphia, J. Conrad & F. Lucas [1814]. - L C. 7134. A new improved map of the seat of war. Philadelphia, William McCarty, 1814. - B. Also in History of the American war of. 1812. 3d ed. [anon]. Philadelphia, M’Carty & Davis, 1817, front. - L C. 7135. A new map of the seat of war [1812-15]. S. Lewis, del. J. Bower, set. [Philadelphia, 1815?]. -L C. 7136. Upper territories of the United States. (In Carey, M. American pocket atlas; containing twenty maps . . . with a brief description of each state and territory . . . 4th. ed. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1814, no. 12 a). - L C; P H. 7137. The upper territories of the United States. (In Carey, M. General atlas . . . Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1814, no. 25). - L C; W. The same map appears in the Atlas under the same title published by M. Carey & son. Philadelphia, 1818. 7138. Northern provinces of the United States. 1817. (In Thomson, J. A new general atlas . . . Edinburgh, for J. Thomson & co., 1817, no. 56). - L C. 7139. A new map of part of the United States of North America, exhibit¬ ing the western territory, Kentucky, Pennsylvania. Also the lakes Superior Michigan, Huron, Ontario, and Erie, with upper and lower Canada. From the latest authorities. By John Cary, engraver. (In Cary, John. New universal atlas . . . London, J. Cary, 1819, no. 56). - L C. 7140. Map of the northwestern territories of the United States, showing the track pursued by the expedition under Gov. Cass in 1820. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. (In Schoolcraft, Henry R. Narrative journal of travels from m Detroit northwest through the great chain of American lakes to the sources of the Mississippi River in the year 1820, by Henry R. Schoolcraft. Albany, 1821). - G; L C; S; U. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN B State 7141. Geographical, statistical, and historical map of Michigan territory. Drawn by J. Finlayson. Engraved by Young & Delleker. (In A complete historical, chronological, and geographical American atlas . . . Philadel¬ phia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1822, no. 36). - B; L C; P H; S. It has text upon the right and left borders giving description and history of the territory. Several editions of the work were issued in English and the same map was used in Buchon’s Atlas geographique, statistique, historique et chronologique . . . , with text in French and in Weiland’s Atlas von Amerika, with German text. 7142. Michigan. (In Lucas, F. A general atlas containing distinct maps of all the known countries in the world . . . Baltimore. Fielding Lucas, jun., 1823, no. 75). - L C. 7143. Map of Michigan with part of the adjoining states. By Philu E. Judd. Engraved by J. O. Lewis. [Detroit? 1824?]. - S. ✓ ' \ Original in Michigan State Library. A reduced copy of this map is in vol. 38 Michigan pioneer and historical collections, and a description of it is on pages 634-5. It was the first map of Michigan based upon actual surveys, and covers only the counties which had been partially or wholly surveyed in 1824: Wayne, Monroe, Lenawee, Washtenaw, Oakland, Macomb, St. Clair. The engraver, Lewis, lived at Detroit for several years. He issued a portfolio of portraits of Indian Chiefs. Mr. Judd came to Detroit from Niagara county, New York, was educated as a lawyer, but pursued chiefly other means of livelihood. At the time of his death he was U. S. In¬ spector of the road built by the government form Detroit to the rapids of the Miami. 7144. Carte, geographique, statistique et historique du territoire Michi¬ gan. (In Buchon’s Atlas geographique, statistique, historique et chrono¬ logique des deux Amdriques . . . Paris, J. Carey, 1825, no. 40).- B; L C. 7145. . . . Part of the United States, exhibiting the northwest, Michi¬ gan, Indiana and Illinois territory, the states of Kentucky, Ohio, Virginia . . . 1825. (In Cary’s New universal atlas . . . London, for J. Cary, 1824-[1825], no. 57). — L C. 7146. Map of the surveyed part of the territory of Michigan. By O. Risdon, 1825. Engraved by Rawdon, Clark & co., Albany. [Detroit? 1825]. - B; D; M H C; P H. • This map was drawn on a scale of four miles to an inch, and included only that part of the territory lying east of the meridian line and south of Saginaw Bay, divided at that time into the counties of Monroe, Lenawee, Washtenaw, Wayne, Macomb, Oakland, Shia¬ wassee, Lapeer, St. Clair, Sanilac and Saginaw. 7147. Map of the surveyed part of the territory of Michigan on a scale of eight miles to an inch. By John Farmer, 1826. V. Balch and S. Stiles, en¬ gravers, Utica. [Detroit, 1826].-B; L C. Copyright entry 1825. MAPS AND ATLASES 13 7148. Map of the states of Ohio, Indiana & Illinois, and part of Michigan territory, compiled from the latest authorities. D. H. Vance, del.; J. H. Young, sc. (In Finley, Anthony. A new American atlas . . . Philadelphia, A. Finley, 1826, no. 11). - G; L C; M H C; W. 7149. Geographical, statistical and historical map of Michigan territory. Drawn by J. Finlayson. Engrav’d by Young & Delleker. (In Complete historical, chronological and geographical American atlas . . . Philadelphia, H. C. Carey & I. Lea, 1827, no. 36). - L C; S; W. 7150. Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, Young & Delleker, sc. (In Armroyd, Qeorge. A connected view of the whole internal navigation of the United States, [anon.]. Philadelphia, H. C. Carey and I. Lea, 1826). - L C. 7151. Western states and territories. (In Malte-Brun, C. Universal geography . . . Philadelphia, A. Finley, 1827-1829, no. 34). - L C. The same map appeared in an edition of 1832 published by J. Laval and in another of - 1837 by Grigg & Elliot.-L C. 7152. Geographische—statistische und historische charte von Michigan. Das gebiet Michigan und das nordwestliche gebiet. 1828. (In Weiland, C. F. [Atlas von America]. [Weimar, Geograph, institut, 1824-1828], no. 28). -B; L C; P H. 7153. Map of the territories of Michigan and Ouisconsin. By John Farmer. Detroit, J. Farmer, 1830. - L C; W. Copyright entry May 11, 1829. 7154. Gebiet Michigan. Das nordwestliche gebiet. (In Schlieben, W. E. A. von. Atlas von Amerika in 30 charten und einem erlautemden texte. Die charten lithographirt, Werner. Leipsig, G. J. Goschen, 1830, no. 6). - L C. 7155. A new and authentic map of the state of Michigan and territory" of Wisconsin. By Thomas R. Tanner. 1830. (In Tanner, Henry S. A new American atlas containing maps of the several states of the North American union . . . Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1839). - B; L C. 7156. Michigan. Drawn & published by David H. Burr. New York, cl831. -- M H C. At bottom: Entered according to act of congress in the year 1831 by David H. Burr in the clerk’s office of the District court for the southern, district of New York. Ibid. (In Burr, D. H. A new universal atlas . . . New York, D. S. Stone [1835?], no. 44). - L C. 7157. An improved map of the surveyed part of the territory of Michigan. By John Farmer, 1831. V. Balch and S. Stiles, engravers. New York, 1831. - B; P H. Copyright entry, May 11, 1829. 7158. Map of the territories of Michigan and Ouisconsin (pronounced 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MICHIGAN Wisconsin). On a scale of 30 geographical miles to an inch. By John Farmer of Detroit, 1831. Engraved by Rawdon, Clark & co., Albany, N. Y., 1831. [Detroit, 1831]. -- M H C; P H. Copyright entry, May 11, 1829. 7159. Map of the states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and part of Michi¬ gan territory. Compiled from the latest authorities. Published by S. Augus¬ tus Mitchell. J. H. Young, sc. Philadelphia, 1831. - W. 7160. Ibid. Philadelphia, 1832. - P H. 7161. Map of the states of Indiana and Ohio with part of Michigan terri¬ tory. ('In An atlas of the United States of North America. London, Simp¬ kins & Marshall; Philadelphia, T. Wardle, 1832, no. 8). - L C. 7162. The traveller’s pocket map of Michigan with its canals, roads & distances, by H. S. Tanner. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner [1832]. - L C. 7163. North America, sheet III; Upper Canada with parts of New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Published by Baldwin & Cradock under the superintendence of the Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. London, 1833.- G;PH. 7164. Ibid. Sheet V; the northwest and Michigan territories. Published by Baldwin & Cradock under the superintendence of the Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. London, 1838. - B; P H. These maps appear in subsequent editions of 1844 and 1853. 7165. Map of the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois with the settled part of Michigan. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1834. - B. 7166. A new emigrant’s map of Michigan, with a part of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. New York, J. Wightman, 1834. - MHC. 7167. Michigan and the great lakes (In Bradford, T. G. Atlas designed to illustrate the abridgment of universal geography, modern and ancient . . . Boston, W. D. Ticknor; New York, F. Hunt & co. [etc.] 1835, no. 14; and In Bradford, T. G. A comprehensive atlas, geographical, historical and commercial. Boston and New York, 1835, no. 16). - B; L C; P H. 7168. An improved edition of a map of the surveyed part of the territory of Michigan. By John Farmer, 1835. [Detroit] engraved by T. Farmer, cl835. - B; L C; M H C; P H; W. 7169. Improved map of the territories of Michigan and Ouisconsin. On a scale of 30 geographical miles to an inch. By John Farmer of Detroit, 1835. Albany, N. Y., Rawdon, Clark & co., 1835. - L C; M H C; P H. 7170. Map of the states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, with the settled MAPS AND ATLASES 15 part of Michigan. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1835. - L C; W. Copyright entry 1834. Engraved by J. H. Young. 7171. The states of Ohio, Indiana & Illinois and Michigan territory from the latest authorities. Published by Ezra Strong. New York, 1835. - MHC;PH. The north line of the map is north line of Gladwin and Arenac counties. 7172. Michigan. (In Tanner, Henry S. Atlas of the United States, containing separate maps of each state and territory of the North American union. Philadelphia, The author, 1835, no. 21). - L C. 7173. The tourist’s pocket map of Michigan exhibiting its internal im¬ provements, roads, distances, &c., by J. H. Young. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1835. - B; L C; M H C; P H; U. Copyrighted in 1834. Also used to accompany Lanman, James H. History of Michigan . . . New York, 1839. - B; G; L C; S; U. ' 7174. Map of the northern parts of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois with Michi¬ gan and that part of the Ouisconsin territory lying east of the Mississippi River. By David H. Burr, draughtsman to the house of representatives, 1836. [Washington? 1836?]. - P H; W. Also in a collection of maps, charts, drawings, surveys, etc. Published from time to time, by order of the two houses of congress . . . Washington, 1843, no. 41. -- L C. 7175. An improved edition of a map of the surveyed part of the territory of Michigan. By John Farmer, 1836. Published by J. H. Colton & co. New York [1836]. -- M H C; P H; W. Copyright entry, July 4, 1835. 7176. Improved map of the territories of Michigan and Ouisconsin. On a scale of 30 geographical miles to an inch. By John Farmer of Detroit, 1836. Engraved by Rawdon, Clark & co. Albany, N. Y. [1836]. - G; W. 7177. Map of the territories of Michigan and Ouisconsin (pronounced Wisconsin). On a scale of 50 geographical miles to an inch. By John Farmer of Detroit, 1836. Engraved by Rawdon, Clark and co. Albany, N. Y. [1836]. - B; D; P H. Copyright entry Nov. 9, 1835, by J. H. Colton & co. 7178. Map of the states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, with the settled part of Michigan. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1836. - B. Copyright entry 1834. Engraved by J. H. Young. 7179. Traveller’s map of Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Pub¬ lished by Humphrey Phelps & Bela S. Squire, jr. New York, 1836. - B; P H. Drawn and engraved by J. T. Hammond, New York. The upper line of the map crosses the state along the north line of Montcalm and Gratiot counties. 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7180. A new map of Michigan. (In Tanner, H. S. A new universal atlas . . . Philadelphia, The author, 1836, no. 25). - L C. 7181. The tourist’s pocket map of Michigan, exhibiting its internal im¬ provements, roads, distances, &c., by J. H. Young. Published by S. Augus¬ tus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1836. - L C; M H C; P H; W. Copyright entry 1834. Engraved by J. H. Young. 7182. Map of the surveyed part of Michigan, by John Farmer. Pub¬ lished by J. H. Colton & co. New York, 1837. - G; P H; W. Copyright entry 1836. Engraved by S. Stiles & co., N. Y. 7183. Map of the state of Michigan and territory of Wisconsin, with parts of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, on a scale of 30-miles to an inch. By John Farmer. Published by J. H. Colton. New York, 1837. - P H. Copyright entry by J. H. Colton & co., Nov. 9, 1835. 7184. Map of states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois with the settled part of Michigan. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1837. - B. Copyright entry, 1836. Engraved by J. H. Young. 7185. Steele’s map of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. From the latest authorities. Buffalo, 1837. - P H. Accompanies Steele, Oliver G. Western guide book and emigrant’s directory. 7186. Michigan. Engraved by G. W. Boynton. (In Bradford, T. G. and Goodrich, S. G. A universal, illustrated atlas . . . Boston, C. D. Strong, 1842, no. 23). - L C. 7187. Map of the states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, with the settled part of Michigan. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1838. - W. 7188. Map of Michigan & part of Wisconsin territory, exhibiting the post offices, post roads, canals, railroads, &c., by David H. Burr. [n. p., 1839]. - L C. 7189. A map of Michigan and Wisconsin. (In Burr, David H. Maps of the United States, exhibiting the postofffces and post roads. [Washington? 1839?], no. 12). - L C; P H. This map was drawn by Burr who then held the position of geographer to the house of representatives, to exhibit the post offices and post roads, and was made under the direction of the Post Office Dept. The map was evidently drawn with much care and is valuable as showing the extent of settlement at that time. 7190. Map of the states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, with the settled part of Michigan. Published by S. Augustus Mitchell. Philadelphia, 1839. - W. Copyright entry, 1831. 7191. Map of the surveyed part of Adichigan. By John Farmer. Pub¬ lished by J. H. Colton. New York, 1840. - S. Engraved by S. Stiles & co. Copyright entry, 1836. MAPS AND ATLASES 17 7192. Traveller’s map of Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Pub¬ lished by Humphrey Phelps & T. Ensign. New York, 1840. - P H. Drawn and engraved by J. T. Hammond, New York. 7193. Guide through Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wis¬ consin & Iowa, showing the township lines of the United States surveys, location of cities, towns, villages, post hamlets, canals, rail and stage roads. By J. Calvin Smith. New York, J. H. Colton, 1840. - S. 7194. Traveller’s map of Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Pub¬ lished by Humphrey Phelps and T. Ensign. New York, 1841. - P H. Drawn and engraved by J. T. Hammond, N. Y. 7195. Michigan . . . 1841. (In Tanner, Henry S. A new universal atlas . . . Philadelphia, Carey & Hart, 1842-[1843], no. 25). - L C; P H. 7196. Explanations of the maps accompanying the report from the Sec¬ retary of the treasury . . . January 18, 1841. 1 p. 9 maps on 4 1. No. 2, Michigan. (In A collection of maps, charts, drawings, surveys, etc. Pub¬ lished from time to time by order of the two houses of congress . . . Wash¬ ington, 1843, no. 112-115). - L C. 7197. Michigan. (In Greenleaf, Jeremiah. A new universal atlas . . . Brattleboro, Vt., G. R. French, 1842, no. 44). - L C. 7198. Map of the states of Indiana and Ohio, with part of Michigan ter¬ ritory. Engraved and printed by Fenner Sears & co., London. (In Hinton, J. H. The history and topography of the United States. 3d ed. London, J. Dowding, 1842, v. 1, p. 472). - L C. 7199. Guide through Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wis¬ consin and Iowa, showing the township lines of the United States surveys. Location of cities, towns, villages, post hamlets, canals, rail and stage roads, by J. Calvin Smith, New York. Published by J. H. Colton. [New York] 1843. - P H. 7200. Map of the state of Michigan and the surrounding country, exhibit¬ ing the sections and the latest surveys. Compiled from authentic sources by John Farmer. Detroit, cl844. - L C; M H C; S. 7201. Michigan. 1844. (In Morse, Sidney E. and Breese, S. Morse’s North American atlas. New York, Harper & bros., 1842J45], no. 27). -- L C; P H; W. The same map appeared in Morse, S. E. and Breese, S. The cerographic atlas of the United States . . . New York, S. E. Morse & co., 1842, no. 25.— L C. 7202. Guide through Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wis¬ consin & Iowa. Showing the township lines of the United States surveys. Locations of cities, towns, villages, post hamlets, canals, rail and stage roads. By J. Calvin Smith. New York, J. H. Colton, 1844. (In Colton, J. H. 3 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Western tourist, or emigrant’s guide, [etc., etc.]. New York, J. H. Colton, 1844). ■- P H. 7203. Sketch of public surveys in Michigan, [n. p., 1844], (U. S. 28th cong., 2d sess., senate document no. 7). - W. 7204. . . . Michigan, AVisconsin, and part of Iowa . . . (In Olney, J. Olney’s school atlas . . . New York, Pratt, Woodford & co. [cl844-1847]. no. [8]). - L C. 7205. A new sectional map of the state of Michigan and territory of Wis¬ consin. Constructed principally from the United States surveys, by Thomas R. Tanner, 1845. Philadelphia, 1845. - W. 7206. Ibid. Charles E. Ely, sc. Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1846. -G. 7207. Sketch of the public surveys in Michigan, [n. p., 1847]. (U. S. 30th cong., 1st sess., senate executive document no. 2). - W. 7208. Ibid. [n. p., 1848?]. (U. S. 30th cong., 1st sess., senate executive document no. 2). - W. 7209. Diagram of the state of Michigan, showing the districts, surveyed . . . Detroit, 1848. - W. Issued by U. S. Surveyor general’s office. 7210. Map of the state of Michigan and the surrounding country, exhibit¬ ing the sections and the latest surveys. Compiled from authentic sources, by John Farmer. 3rd. ed. Detroit, 1849. - P H; W. Copyright entry March 11th, 1844. 7211. . . . Michigan . . . (In Mitchell, S. A. A new universal atlas . . . Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1849, no. 29). - L C. The atlas was copyrighted in 1846 and passed through many editions. The map of Michigan was revised and changed in subsequent editions. 7212. Diagram of . . . Mich, showing the districts embraced in con¬ tracts for subdivisions . . . Philadelphia, 1849. -- W. Issued by U. S. Surveyor general’s office. 7213. Sketch of the state of Michigan, showing the districts embraced in contracts for township lines north of Grand & Saginaw rivers. [Surveyor- general’s office]. Detroit, Nov. 5, 1849. Philadelphia, P. S. Duval, lith. [1849]. - L C. 7214. Sketch of the public surveys in Michigan. [Surveyor-general’s office]. Detroit, Nov. 5, 1849. Baltimore, lith. by E. Weber & co. [1849]. - L C. 7215. Map of the surveyed part of Michigan by John Farmer. Published by J. H. Colton. New York, 1850. - B. Engraved by S. Stiles & co. Copyright entry 1836 by J. H. Colton & co. MAPS AND ATLASES 19 7216. [Map of Michigan], [n. p., n. d.]. - S. Hand drawn. Population of the counties for 1840, 1845 and 1850 is given. 7217. A new map of Michigan . . . (In Mitchell, S. A. New atlas of North and South America . . . Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & co., 1851, no. 27). - L C. 7218. Sketch of the public surveys in Michigan. Detroit, 1851. - W. Issued by U. S. Surveyor general’s office. 7219. Map of the state of Michigan and the surrounding country exhibit¬ ing the sections and the latest surveys, Compiled from authentic sources by John Farmer. 23d ed. Detroit, 1852. - M H C. 7220. A new map of Michigan with its canals, roads and distances. Pub¬ lished by Thomas, Cowperthwait & co. (In A new universal atlas ... of the world . . . [Philadelphia?] Thomas, Cowperthwait & co., 1852, p. 30). - W. 7221. Colton’s railroad & township map. Western states. Compiled from United States surveys. Published by J. H. Colton. [New York?] 1853. - P PI. 7222. Map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin embracing a great part of Iowa and Illinois, and the whole mineral region with a chart of the lakes, exhibiting the sections, the geological formations, and the general topography; compiled from the state topographical department, from the latest United States surveys and from other authentic sources. By John Farmer of Detroit, 1853. [Detroit, 1853]. - G; P H. 7223. Sketch of the public surveys in Michigan. Detroit, 1853. - W. Issued by U. S. Surveyor general’s office. 7224. Map of the western states, by J. M. Atwood. Published by Ensign, Bridgman & Fanning. New York, 1854. - B. 7225. Michigan. Published by J. H. Colton. New York, 1854. -- P H; W. Copyright 1853. 7226. Map of the surveyed part of Michigan, by John Farmer. New York, J. H. Colton, 1854. - G; M H C. 7227. Map of the state of Michigan and the surrounding country exhibit¬ ing the sections and the latest surveys. Compiled from authentic sources by John Farmer. 23d. ed. Detroit, 1854. - S. 7228. Der staat Michigan—Geologische karte der Insel Royal. (In Lange, H. Atlas von Nord-Amerika . . . Braunschweig, G. Westermann, 1854, no. 10). - L C. 7229. Township map of Michigan. Published by Ensign, Bridgman & Fanning. New York, cl855. - W. 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7230. Guide through Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wis¬ consin and Iowa, showing the township lines of the United States surveys, location of cities, towns, villages, post hamlets, canals, rail and stage roads. By J. Calvin Smith. Published by J. H. Colton, 86 Cedar St. New York, 1885. - P H. Copyright J. H. Colton, 1851. 7231. Map of the western states, by J. M. Atwood. Published by Ensign, Bridgman & Fanning. New York, 1856. (In Ensign, Bridgman & Fanning’s Travellers’ guide through the states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, and Wisconsin, with railroad, canal, state and steamboat routes; accompanied with a new map of the above states. New York, Ensign, Bridgman & Fanning, 1856). - P H. 7232. Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa & Minnesota. Drawn and engraved by J. Bartholomew. Printed in colors by Schenck & Macfarlane, Edinburgh. (In Black, A. & C. Black’s atlas of North America. A series of twenty maps constructed and engraved by John Bartholomew . . . Edinburgh, A. & C. Black, 1856, no. 9). - L C. 7233. A new map of Michigan with its canals, roads & distances. Pub¬ lished by Charles Desilver. Philadelphia, 1856. - B. 7234. Map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin, embracing a great part of Iowa, Illinois & Minnesota; and the whole mineral region, with charts of the lakes; exhibiting the sections, the soundings, the geological forma¬ tions and the general topography compiled from the topographical depart¬ ments, from the latest geological, nautical and linear surveys', and from other authentic sources. Projected, engraved and published by John Farmer of Detroit. Part first. [Detroit] 1856. - B; S. 7235. Michigan. (In Morse, C. W. Morse’s general atlas of the world . . . New York, D. Appleton & co., 1856, no. [31]). - L C. 7236. Sketch of the public surveys in Michigan. Surveyor general’s office. Detroit, October 23rd, 1856. Akerman lith. New York [1856?]. - B. 7237. Michigan. (In Colby, Charles Galusha. The diamond atlas . . . The western hemisphere. Published by S. N. Gaston. New York, 1857). - L C. 7238. Farmer’s township map of Michigan and Wisconsin embracing part of Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota, with chart of the lakes. Prepared, engraved and published by the author at Detroit. 1857. Detroit, S. Farmer, 1857. -- L C. 7239. By state authority. Wisconsin & Michigan. Agencies of the Aetna insurance co. Drawn by Wm. H. Martin. Klauprech & Menzel’s lith. Cincinnati. Hartford, Conn., Aetna insurance co., 1858. —— L C. MAPS AND ATLASES 21 7240. Map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin, embracing a great part of Iowa, Illinois & Minnesota; and the whole mineral region, with charts of the lakes; exhibiting the sections, the soundings [etc.]. Projected, en¬ graved and published by John Farmer. Detroit, J. Farmer, 1858.-L C. 7241. Map of the states of Michigan and the surrounding country. Ex¬ hibiting the sections and the latest surveys. By John Farmer, 1859. 23d ed. [Detroit, J. Farmer, 1859]. - L C. 7242. Colton’s [map of] Michigan; published by J. H. Colton. New York, J. H. Colton, 1860. - G. 7243. Map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin embracing a great part of Iowa, Illinois & Minnesota; and the whole mineral region, with charts of the lakes; exhibiting the sections, the soundings, the geographical forma¬ tions and the general topography; compiled from the latest geological, nauti¬ cal and linear surveys, and from other authentic sources. Projected, engraved and published by John Farmer of Detroit. Part first and second. [Detroit] 1860. B; S; U. Copyright entry September 29th, 1858. 7244. Michigan and Wisconsin. (In Mitchell, S. A. New general atlas . . . Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, jr., 1860, no. 34). - L C. Maps drawn and engraved by W. Williams. 7245. Map of Michigan. 1860. Published by Schonberg & co. New York [I860?] - L C. 7246. Geological map of Michigan and Wisconsin, by A. Winchell, Sept. 1860. - S. Hand drawn on cloth. 7247. Map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin, embracing a great part of Iowa, Illinois & Minnesota; and the whole mineral region, with charts of the lakes exhibiting the sections, the soundings, the geological formations & the general topography. Compiled from the topographical departments, from the office of the United States lake surveys, from the latest geological and linear surveys, and from various other authentic and reliable sources. Projected & engraved by John Farmer, C. E. Detroit, Michigan, R. Farmer & co., 1861. - MHC;PH;S; U. 7248. . . . Michigan and Wisconsin. (In Johnson, A. J. New illus¬ trated . . . family atlas, with descriptions, geographical, statistical, and historical. Compiled, drawn and engraved under the supervision of J. H. Colton and A. J. Johnson. New York, Johnson & Ward, 1862, no. 49-50). - L C. 7249. Farmer’s railroad and township map of Michigan and chart of the lakes drawn from U. S. surveys & other authentic sources, Drawn and en¬ graved by John Farmer. Completed and published by R. Farmer & co. Detroit, R. Farmer & co., 1862. - G; L C; P H. 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7250. . . . Michigan and Wisconsin . . . (In Johnson, A. J. New illustrated . . . family atlas, with descriptions, geographical, statistical, and historical. Compiled, drawn and engraved under the supervision of J. H. Colton and A. J. Johnson. New York, Johnson & Ward, 1863, no. 49-50). - L C. 7251. . . . Michigan and Wisconsin. 1863. (In Mitchell, S. A. New general atlas . . . Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, jr., 1865, no. 41). -- L C. This map also appeared in editions issued: Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, jr., 1866, 1867 and 1870. - L C. 7252. Colton’s county and township map of the states of Illinois, Wis- v consin; Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri, with parts of Indiana, Michigan, Kansas and Nebraska. New York, J. H. Colton, 1864. - L C. 7253. Michigan & Wisconsin. (In Johnson, A. J. New illustrated . . . family atlas . . . Maps compiled, drawn & engraved under the supervision of J. H. Colton 1 & A. J. Johnson . . . New York, Johnson & Ward, 1864, no. 57-58). - L C. 7254. Map of the state of Michigan and the surrounding country exhibit¬ ing the sections and the latest surveys. Compiled from authentic sources, by John Farmer. 23d ed. Detroit, 1864. - M H C. * * 7255. Farmer’s rail road & township map of Michigan and chart of the lakes. From U. S. surveys & other authentic sources. Drawn and engraved by John Farmer, C. E. Completed & published by S. Farmer & co. . . . Detroit, 1864. - B; G; L C. 7256. Map of the state of Michigan. From special surveys and public records, &c. made and collected by and under the direction of Geil & Jones and Geil & Harley, by Samuel Geil, T. E. . . . Philadelphia, Samuel Geil, 1864. - LC;PH;S;U. 7257. Farmer’s new sectional map of Wisconsin, embracing part of Illinois, Michigan & Minnesota. Projected and engraved by John Farmer. Detroit and Milwaukee, S. Farmer & co., 1865. - L C. 7258. Map of the state of Michigan from special surveys and public rec¬ ords, &c., made and collected by and under the direction of Geil & Jones and Geil and Harley. By Samuel Geil, T. E. . . . Published by Samuel Geil. Philadelphia, 1865. - M H C. 7259. Michigan and Wisconsin. (In Mitchell, S. A. New reference atlas for the use of colleges, libraries, families and counting houses . . . Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & co., 1865, no. 15). - L C. 7260. Ibid. (In Mitchell S.A. New school atlas . . . Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & co., 1865, no. 15). - L C. This map also appeared in edition issued: Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & co., 1871. - L C. MAPS AND ATLASES 23 7261. Farmer’s railroad & township map of Michigan and chart of the lakes. From U. S. surveys & other authentic sources. Drawn and engraved by John Farmer, C. E. Silas Farmer & co. . . •. publishers . . . Detroit, 1866. - U. 7262. Schonberg’s map. [New York, Schonberg & co., 1866]. - L C. 7263. Map of Michigan. (In U. S. Dept, of interior. General land office. Maps accompanying the report of the commissioner of the General land office. 1866. [Washington, 1866], no. 4). - L C. 7264. Western states. Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, with portions of Illinois & Indiana. (In Bartholomew, J. Black’s general atlas of the world . . . New edition. Edinburgh, A. & C. Black, 1867, no. 44). - L C. 7265. Map of the state of Michigan and the surrounding country ex¬ hibiting the sections and the latest surveys. Compiled from authentic sources, by John Farmer. 23d. ed. Detroit, J. Farmer, 1867. - L C; U. 7266. Colton’s sectional map. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co., 1868. - L C. 7267. Farmer’s railroad and township map of Michigan and chart of the lakes, from U. S. surveys and other authentic sources. Drawn and engraved by John Farmer. Detroit, Silas Farmer & co., 1868. - B; G. 7268. [Map of Michigan]. Detroit, Mich., Calvert lith. co., cl869. — G. 7269. Colton’s guide map of Michigan. Published by Rufus Blanchard. Chicago, Ill., 1870. - S. 7270. Farmer’s railroad & township map of Michigan and chart of the lakes. Detroit, S. Farmer & co., 1871. - B; L C. 7271. Sectional map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin embracing part of the states of Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota. Compiled from United States land and lake surveys and official state and county records. By Edward Molitor, civil and topographical engineer, Lithographed & published by the Calvert lithographing, engraving and publishing company. Detroit, 1871. ■- B; L C; S. 7272. Post route map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin with ad¬ jacent parts of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota. Designed and constructed under the orders of Postmaster General John A. J. Cresswell and Second Assistant Postmaster General Giles A. Smith, by W. L. Nicholson, topographer of P. O. Dept. Washington, 1871. - G. 7273. Farmer’s railroad & township map of Michigan and chart of the lakes. Detroit, S. Farmer & co., 1872. - L C; S. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7274. Railroad and post office map of Wisconsin and Michigan. New York, H. H. Lloyd & co., 1872. - L C. 7275. Map of the state of Michigan and the surrounding country exhibit¬ ing the sections and the latest surveys. Compiled from the most authentic sources by John Farmer, 1873. Detroit, S. Farmer, 1873. -• B; G; L C. 7276. Farmer’s railroad & township map of Michigan and chart of the lakes. Detroit, S. Farmer & co., 1873. - L C. 7277. Michigan and Wisconsin; [revised and enlarged]. (In Mitchell, S. A. New general atlas . *. . Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1873, no. [33]). - L C. i Map also appeared in subsequent editions: Philadelphia, S. A. Mitchell, 1876, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1884, 1893. 7278. Atlas of the state of Michigan, including statistics and descriptions of the topography, hydrography, climate, natural and civil history, railways, educational institutions, material resources, etc. By Alexander Winchell, LL. D., chancellor of the Syracuse university; Hon. C. D. Walker; Oramel Hosford, esq.; Henry M. Utley, esq.; and Ray Haddock, esq. Drawn, com¬ piled and edited by H. F. Walling, C. E., late professor of civil engineering in Lafayette college . . . Detroit, R. M. & S. T. Tackabury [cl873]. 162 p., inch 84 maps.-B; L C; S; U. 7279. County Atlas of Michigan. New York, F. W. Beers & co., 1874. 104 p., inch 40 maps.-L C. 7280. Bridgman’s county & railroad township map of Michigan, 1874. New York, E. C. Bridgman, cl874. - L C; S. 7281. Colton’s township map of the state of Michigan. Drawn, engraved and published by G. W. & C. B. Colton. New York, 1874. - B; L C. 7282. Cram’s new sectional map. Compiled & published by George F. Cram. Chicago, G. F. Cram, 1874. - L C. 7283. Map of the state of Michigan and the surrounding country exhibit¬ ing the sections and the latest surveys. Compiled from authentic sources by John Farmer. Detroit, 1874. - U. 7284. Colton’s township map of the state of Michigan. Published exclu¬ sively for the Michigan state gazetteer & business directory, 1875-6. [New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co., 1875].-L C. 7285. Watson’s new county, railroad and distance map of Michigan. [New York, G. Watson, 1875]. - L C. 7286. Michigan, 1876. By J. E. Sherman, [n. p., 1876]. - S. Outline map showing the counties. In large type is given the population, value of products, acreage and educational statistics. MAPS AND ATLASES 25 7287. Railroad map of Michigan prepared for the Commissioner of rail¬ roads, by O. W. Gray & son. Philadelphia, 1877. - S. At bottom of map: Entered according to act of congress in the year 1874 by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. in the office of the librarian of congress at Washington. 7288. Rand, McNally & co’s indexed map of Michigan. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1877]. - L C. 7289. Sectional map. Detroit, R. M. Tackabury [1877]. - L C. 7290. Map of Michigan and Wisconsin, by A. von Steinwehr. [Cincinnati, Van Antwerp, Bragg & co., 1877]. - L C. 7291. Michigan. [Map by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. anon.]. [New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co., 1878]. - L C. 7292. P. P. Mast & co’s new map of Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. Pre¬ pared by Henry S. Stebbins. Toledo, O., H. S. Stebbins [1878]. - L C. 7293. Railroad map of Michigan, prepared for the Commissioner of rail¬ roads by George F. Cram . . . Geo. F. Cram, lith. Chicago, Ill., 1878. - S. 7294. Map of Michigan and Wisconsin. Compiled from the latest au¬ thentic sources. Published by H. R. Page & co. Chicago, Ill., 1879. -- M H C. 7295. Rand, McNally & co’s township, county and railroad map of Michi¬ gan. [Chicago, Rand, McNally & co., 1879]. - L C. 7296. Michigan. (In U. S. Dept, of interior. General land office. [Atlas of the states and territories over which land surveys have been extended, 1879]. [New York, J. Bien, 1879], no. 4). - L 6. 7297. Railroad map of Michigan. Prepared for the Commissioner of rail¬ roads, by Geo. F. Cram. Chicago, 1880. - B. 7298. “Wolverine state.” Haskell brothers’ county, railroad station, post office and index map of Michigan. Chicago, Haskell bros., 1880. - L C. 7299. Geography of Michigan. By Joseph Estabrook. 12 p., 1 map. (In Van Antwerp, Bragg & co. The eclectic atlas and hand-book of the United States. Cincinnati, New York, Van Antwerp, Bragg & co. [1881], sup. 12). - L C. Eclectic series of geographies. Supplements. 7300. Michigan. Prepared for the Commissioner of immigration, by Henry S. Stebbins, map engraver, October, 1881. [Chicago, 1881]. - L C; U. 7301. Post route map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin with ad¬ jacent parts of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota. Designed and constructed under the orders of Postmaster General John A. J. Cresswell and 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Second Assistant Postmaster General Giles A. Smith. By W. L. Nicholson, topographer of P. O. Dept. The first edition was issued in 1871. Engraved by D. McClelland. Washington, D. C. [1881]. - L C; M H C. 7302. Post route map of the states of Ohio and Indiana with adjacent parts of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky and West Virginia. By W. L. Nicholson. The 1st ed. was issued in 1870. Drawn by Paul Geopel and A. Kelp. Engraved by D. McClelland. [Washington, 1881]. - L C. 7303. Michigan. Geo. F. Cram, engraver and publisher. Chicago, cl882. - B. 7304. Cram’s railroad & township map of Michigan. Published by Geo. F. Cram . . . Chicago, Geo F. Cram, 1882.-G. 7305. Railroad map of Michigan prepared for the Commissioner of rail¬ roads by Henry S. Stebbins, map publisher. Chicago, 1882. - S; U. 7306. Ibid. Prepared for and published with the Tenth annual report of the Commissioner of railroads, 1882 . . . Henry S. Stebbins, map engraver and printer. Chicago [1882?]. - B; S. 7307. Rand, McNally & co.’s indexed county and township map of Michi¬ gan, with a new and original compilation and index designating all post office towns and railroad stations, and giving full postal directions for sending mail matter to every state, known in the post office department as “locals”; also an alphabetically arranged list of all railroads in the state (with name of the express company doing business over each); also of counties, lakes, rivers, etc. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1883?]. 43 p., 2 fold. maps. - G; L C. 7308. Post route map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin with adja¬ cent parts of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota showing post offices, with the intermediate distances between them and mail routes in operation on 1st February, 1883. Published by order of Postmaster General Timothy O. Howe under the direction of C. Roeser, jr. . . . [Washington] 1883. - M H C. 7309. [Maps of Michigan]. Chicago, Henry S. Stebbins, map eng’r & publisher, cl884. 1 v. - S. Contents.—Railroads, lower peninsula, Michigan.—Railroads, upper peninsula, Michi¬ gan.—Congressional districts, lower peninsula, Michigan.—Congressional districts, upper peninsula, Michigan.—Senatorial districts, lower peninsula, Michigan.—Senatorial dis¬ tricts, upper peninsula, Michigan.—Representative districts, lower peninsula, Michigan.— Representative districts, upper peninsula, Michigan.—Judicial districts, lower peninsula, Michigan.—Judicial districts, upper peninsula, Michigan. 7310. Railroad map of Michigan. Prepared for the Commissioner of rail¬ roads, by Henry S. Stebbins . . . Chicago, 1884. - G; U. 7311. Ibid. Prepared for and published with the Eleventh annual report of the Commissioner of railroads, by Henry S. Stebbins . . . Chicago. 1884. - G. MAPS AND ATLASES 27 7312. Tackabury’s atlas of the state of Michigan, including statistics and descriptions of its topography, hydrography, climate, natural and civil his¬ tory, railway and steam boat history, educational institutions, material re¬ sources, etc. By Alexander Winchell, LL.D., professor of geology and paleontology in the University of Michigan; Oramel Hosford, esq.; - and Ray Haddock, esq. Drawn and compiled by H. F. Walling, C. E., topog¬ rapher to United States geological survey, [etc.]. Detroit, Mich, and Canas- tota, New York, George N. Tackabury, 1884. 198 p. - G; S. 7313. Cram’s township and railroad map of Michigan. Chicago, Geo. F. Cram, 1885. - G. 7314. Official map of Michigan. Railroad, township and sectional. Prepared under the direction of the Commissioner of railroads. Engraved and published by Cram & Stebbins. Chicago, Ill., 1885. - D; G; U. 7315. Michigan. cl886. (In Brown, M. R. The continental atlas . . . Philadelphia, M. R. Brown, 1889, no. 130-131). - L C. 7316. Illustrated atlas of Winnebago and Boone counties, Ill., containing maps of every township in counties, with village and city plats, also maps of Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, [etc.]. Chicago, H. R. Page & co., 1886. 3-120 p. inch 52 maps, 19 pi. - L C. 7317. Map of the State of Michigan engraved and printed under the super¬ vision of the Commissioner of railroads of the state and giving the latest boundaries and names of counties, townships, locations of towns, railway stations and all lines of railways completed January 1st, 1888. Chicago, Cram & Stebbins [1888?]. - M H C; S; U. 7318. State of Michigan 1888. Compiled from the official records of the General land office and other sources under the supervision of Geo. U. Mayo . . . Photo, lith. & print, by Julius Bien & co. New York [1888 .J. - U. 7319. Map of Michigan engraved and printed under the supervision of the Commissioner of railroads of the state and giving the latest boundaries and names of counties, townships, locations of towns, railway stations and all lines of railways completed January 1st, 1889. Published by Cram & Stebbins. Chicago [1889?]. - M H C. 7320c Railroad map of Michigan prepared for the capital city Michigan railway guide, by Henry S. Stebbins . . . Chicago, H. S. Stebbins [188— 7]. - G. 7321. Map of the state of Michigan engraved and printed under the super¬ vision of the Commissioner of railroads of the state and giving the latest boundaries and names of counties, townships, locations of towns, railway stations and all lines of railways completed January 1st, 1890. Published by Cram & Stebbins. Chicago [n. d.]. - S. 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7322. Ibid. Completed January 1st, 1892. Published by Geo. F. Cram. Chicago [1892 ?]. - S. 7323. Rand, McNally & co’s indexed county and township pocket map and shippers’ guide of Michigan. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & co., 1892. 60 p., 1 fold, map: - L C. 7324. Ibid. Chicago and New York, Rand, McNally & Co. [1893]. 61 p., 1 fold. map.-L C. 7325. Official map of the state of Michigan . . . giving the names, loca¬ tions and boundaries of counties, county seats, townships, towns, railway stations and all lines of railways completed to January 1st, 1896 . . . authorized . . . By Simeon R. Billings, Commissioner of railroads. Detroit, The Wilton-Smith company, cl895. - G. 7326. Michigan. By C. N. Kendall. Wisconsin. By George L. Collie. Boston, Ginn & co., 1896. (With Frye, Alex. Everett. Complete geography. Michigan and Wisconsin ed. 1896). - L C. 7327. Official map of the state of Michigan. Compiled, printed and en¬ graved under the supervision of the State commissioner of railroads, giving the names, locations and boundaries of counties, county seats and all lines of railways completed to January 1st, 1896. Detroit, The Wilton-Smith company [1896?]. - B. 7328. Map of Michigan showing the location of the land grant of the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad, and the line of said road, with stations between Ft. Wayne and Little Traverse Bay. By W. O. Hughart. Grand Rapids [1897?]. - G. 7329. Map of Michigan and Wisconsin prepared for Wood’s Official rail¬ way guide by the Matthews-Northrup co. . . . Buffalo, N. Y., The Mat- thews-Northrup co., cl897. G. 7330. Official map of the state of Michigan. Compiled, printed and en¬ graved by authority and under the supervision of the State commissioner of railroads giving the names, locations and boundaries of counties, county seats, townships, towns, railway stations and all lines of railways completed to October 1, 1897. Detroit, Mich., cl897. —— B; S; U. 7331. Ibid. Compiled by authority and under the supervision of the State commissioner of railroads, July 1, 1899. Detroit, Wolverine printing co., cl897. - G; U. 7332. Ibid. September 1, 1899. Chase S. Osborn, Commissioner of rail¬ roads. Detroit, Michigan, Wolvering printing co., cl897. - S. 7333. A sectional map of the state of Michigan from official surveys and state records. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl900. - B. 7334. Official map of the state of Michigan. Compiled, printed and en- MAPS AND ATLASES 29 graved by authority and under the supervision of the Commissioner of rail¬ roads giving the names, locations and boundaries of counties, county seats, townships, towns, railway stations and all lines of railroads completed to January 1, 1900. Published by the Wolverine printing co. Detroit [1900?]. •- U. 7335. Rand, McNally & co’s indexed county and township pocket map and shippers’ guide of Michigan . . . Chicago and New York, Rand, Me Nally & co. [1900]. - L C. 7336. Post route map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin. Showing post offices and the intermediate distances on mail routes in operation on the 1st of June, 1900. Published by order of Postmaster General Charles Emory Smith, under the direction of A. von Haake, topographer, P. 0. Dept. [Wash¬ ington, 1900]. - L C. 7337. A sectional map of the state of Michigan from official surveys and state records. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, Mich., cl901. -B; G; S; U. 7338. Official railroad map of the state of Michigan compiled by authority and under the supervision of the State commissioner of railroads, 1901. Chase S. Osborn, Commissioner of railroads. Milwaukee, Northwestern litho. co. [1901]. - S. 7339. New railroad, post office and county map of Michigan. With com¬ plete index of all post offices and railroad stations, giving populations and locations. Published by the National publishing company. Boston, cl901. - B. 7340. The “tri-color” map. A spctional map of the state of Michigan from official surveys and state records. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl902. B. 7341. The Mathews-Northrup up-to-date map of Michigan. [Buffalo, 1903].-B. 7342. Mendenhall’s road map of Michigan, showing through bicycle routes in the state, locations of towns, post offices, railroads, etc. Cincinnati, C. S. Mendenhall [1903]. - D. 7343. Official railroad map of the state of Michigan. Compiled by au¬ thority and under the supervision of the Commissioner of railroads 1903- 1904. Theron W. Atwood, Commissioner of railroads. [Detroit?] A. J. Farmer, cl903. B; D; G. 7344*, [Map of Michigan] containing data ... of principal railroads, . .. . manufactures, minerals, products, population, school system . . . [n. p., 1904]. - G. 7345. Tunison’s new distance and indexed map of Michigan. Chicago, H. C. Tunison, c!904. - G. 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7346. State of Michigan. Compiled from the official records of the Gen¬ eral land office and other sources under the direction of Frank Bond, chief of drafting division . . . [Washington?] 1904. - U. 7347. Official railroad map of the state of Michigan. Compiled by authority and under the supervision of the State commissioner of railroads, 1906-1907. Theron W. Atwood, Commissioner of railroads. [Detroit?] A, J. Farmer, cl903. - B; G. 7348. Rand, McNally & co’s illustrated atlas of Michigan, accompanied by a new and original compilation and ready reference index, showing in detail the entire railroad system, the express company doing business over each road, and accurately locating all cities, towns, and post offices, etc. Ulus, from photographs. (New state census). Chicago, Rand, McNally & co. [1906]. 64 p. - D. 7349. Post route map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin showing post offices with the intermediate distances on mail routes in operation on the 1st of September, 1906. Published by order of Postmaster General Geo. B. Cortelyou under the direction of A. von Haake, topographer, P. 0. Dept. [Washington?] 1906. - G. 7350. Ibid. 1st of June, 1907. Published by order of Postmaster General George v. L. Meyer, under the direction of A. von Haake, topographer, P. O. Dept. [Washington?] 1907. - G. 7351. Cram’s superior reference atlas of Michigan and the world. New York, Chicago, G. F. Cram, c 1908. 160 p. inch 68 col. maps, 3 pi. - L C. 7352. Official railroad map showing steam and electric lines of the state of Michigan. Compiled by the authority and under the supervision of the Railroad commission, Jan. 1908 . . . Engraved and printed by the Mat- thews-Northrup works. Buffalo, N. Y., cl908. - G; S; U. 7353. Rand, McNally and co.’s sectional, statistical and commercial map of Michigan. Chicago, Rand, McNally and company, cl908. - G. 7354. The “tri-color” map; a sectional map of the state of Michigan from official surveys and state records. Ed. for 1909-10. Detroit, cl902. - G. 7355. Map of the state of Michigan showing state lands. [By John F. Nellist]. [n. p., 1909]. - G. 7356. Post route map of the state of Michigan and Wisconsin showing post offices with the intermediate distances on mail routes in operation the 1st of December, 1909. Published by order of Postmaster General Frank H. Hitchcock, under the direction of A. von Haake, topographer, P. O. Dept. [Washington?] 1909. - G. 7357. The Rand-McNally new commercial atlas map of Michigan; southern peninsula. [Chicago] Rand, McNally and company, 1912. - G. MAPS AND ATLASES 31 7358. Scarborough’s new census map of Michigan showing counties in different colors, townships, cities [etc.]. Complete index to all places on map with population according to census of 1910. Indianapolis, Ind., Scar¬ borough co., 1912. - G; U. 7359. Official railroad map showing steam and electric lines of the state of Michigan. Compiled by the authority and under the supervision of the Michigan railroad commission, September, 1913. Engraved and printed by the Matthews-Northrup works. Buffalo, N. Y., cl913. - S; U. 7360. New ideal state and county survey and atlas. Special subscription ed. [Chicago] Rand, McNally & co. [cl913]. 84 p., maps (colored). - G. Colored map of Kent, Muskegon and Ottawa counties, Mich., folded in pocket in back of volume. 7361. Post route map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin, showing post offices with the intermediate distances on mail routes in operation on the 1st of June, 1913. Published by order of Postmaster General A. S. Burle¬ son under the direction of David M. Hildreth, topographer, P. O. Dept. [Washington?] 1913. - G. 7362. The “tri-color” map. A sectional map of the state of Michigan from official surveys and state records. 1914 ed. Detroit, Silas Farmer & co., 1914. - B. 7363. Scarborough’s new census map of Michigan showing counties in different colors, townships, cities, villages and post offices, steam and electric railways, with stations and distances between stations, and other features; complete index to all places on map, with population according to census of 1910. Indianapolis, 1914. - G. 7364. Map of Michigan revised by Kenyon printing & mfg. co., Des Moines, Iowa . . . [Des Moines? 1915?]. - U. 7365. Lake shore detailed survey road map of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin . . . compiled and drawn from official surveys and records . . . Chicago, Standard map co., cl915. - G. 7366. Post route map of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin, showing post offices, with the intermediate distances on mail routes, in operation on the 1st of April, 1915. Published by order of Postmaster General A. S. Burleson. [Washington] 1915. - G. 7367. Bowen’s Michigan state atlas, containing a separate map of each county, showing section, township and range lines, railroad and interurban lines, churches and school houses and public highways, with a historical sketch of each county; improved roads shown in colors; also containing maps of Michigan, the United States and the world, and the official soil map of Michigan, population of townships, cities and villages and geographical and other tables of value. Indianapolis, B. F. Bowen & co., inc., 1916. 198 p.„ col. maps. - G; S. 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7368. Cram’s superior map of Michigan; showing distances between stations on railroads. On reverse side of map a complete concise and original ready reference index of cities, towns, villages and junction points with latest census populations. Accurately locating all counties, county seats, post offices and railroad stations. Chicago, George F. Cram company, cl916. - G. 7369. Geological map of Michigan. Compiled by R. C. Allen, R. A. Smith, and L. P. Barrett, from surveys by the Michigan geological survey and the United States geologic survey. Baltimore, Md., A. Hoen & co., lith., 1916. - S;U. At top of map: Michigan geological and biological survey publication XXIII. 7370. Rand McNally indexed pocket map and shippers’ guide of Michi¬ gan. [Chicago?] cl916. - D. 7371. Kenyon’s highway map of Michigan showing counties, cities, vil¬ lages, post offices, railroads and stations . . . with complete index showing population. Des Moines, Iowa, Kenyon company, cl917. - S. i The extreme northwest portion of Michigan is detached from the upper peninsula and given below it. 7372. Aeroplane view of Michigan looking south from Sault Ste. Marie. Published and copyrighted by the Arnold transit co. Mackinac Island [n. d.]. - B. 7373. Colton’s railroad and express map of the northwestern states show¬ ing the counties, towns, railroads, stations, distances, etc. . . .New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [n. d.]. - G. ‘ 7374. Map of the state of Michigan showing the principal streams and natural drainage systems, [n. p., n. d.]. - G. 7375. Map of Michigan. Drawn by H. G. Rothwell, C. E., Detroit, Mich. Buffalo, New York, Sage sons & co. [n. d.]. - U. MAP'S AND ATLASES 33 C Sections 7376. Region tributary to Detroit and Miamitown. 1790. (In Wisconsin state historical society, proceedings . . . Madison, 1915, p. 214). - S; W. 7377. Carte du Detroit et partie du Lac Erie, et du Lac Ste. Claire, scitue par les 42 degrees 4 minutes de latitude nord. - B. “True copy of a plan in the Dominion archives, itself a copy of a plan in Paris. " 7378. Map of the drainage basin of Grand River, Michigan, [n. p., n. d.]. - G. 7379. Map of the Grand Traverse region, to accompany a report on its geological & industrial resources, by Alexander Winchell, A. M., professor of geology, zoology and botany, in the University of Michigan, 1865. Drawn by H. G. Rothwell, C. E., Detroit, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y., Sage sons & co. [1865?]. - S. 7380. Map of the drainage basin of Huron River, Michigan, [n. p., n. d.]. -- G. Blue print map. 7381. Outline map of Huron River valley from Geddesburg to Parshall and White Highway. Ann Arbor, Mich. [n. d.]. - G. 7382. Map exhibiting the country between lakes Michigan and Erie . . . contested boundary lines. Map by David H. Burr. [n. p., 1834?]. -- W. 7383. Ibid. New York, P. A. Mesier’s lith. [1835]. (In U. S. Congress. A collection of maps, [etc.], published by order of congress. Washington, 1843, no. 48). - B; L C. 7384. Corrected map of the country along the proposed boundary be¬ tween Michigan and Wiskonsan to accompany the report of Capt. T. J. Cram, December, 1840. Drawn by Lt. J. D. Webster, T. E. [Washington? 1840?]. - B. 7385. NellisPs road map of Michigan, lower peninsula. Compiled and published by John F. Nellist. Grand Rapids, Mich., John F. Nellist, cl913. - G; U. 7386. Ibid. Grand Rapids, Mich., John F. Nellist, cl915. - G. Dixie Highway marked in red. 7387. Rand McNally & co’s sectional map of Michigan. [Lower penin¬ sula]. Chicago, 1887. - S. 5 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7388. The summer resort section of North Michigan . . . [n. p.] cl903. - U. Issued by the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad company. 7389. Plat book of northern Michigan. Rockford, Ill., Hixson & co. [1917?]. - G. 7390. Northern Michigan resort region. Published by the Pere Mar¬ quette railroad . . . [n. p.] cl903. - U. 7391. Map of the southern part of Michigan, by John Farmer. New York, J. H. Colton & co., 1855. - L C. Copyright entry 1855. 7392. Michigan east coast resort region, New Buffalo to Holland. Road map, giving location of' summer resorts on the line of the Pere Marquette railroad . . . [Chicago?] cl904. -- U. 7393. Michigan east coast resort region, Holland to Pentwater. Road map, giving location of summer resorts on the line of the Pere Marquette rail road. Chicago, Poole bros., cl904. - U. 7394. Michigan east coast resort region, Pentwater to Traverse City. Road map, giving location of summer resorts on the line of the Pere Mar¬ quette railroad . . . [Chicago?] cl912. - U. 7395. Sketch of the public surveys in the north part of Michigan. 25th. cong., 2d sess. [Washington, 1837]. (In U. S. Congress. A collection of maps, [etc.], published by order of congress. Washington, 1843, no. 137). - L C. 7396. Ibid. 26 cong., 1st sess. [n. p., 1839]. (In U. S. Congress. A col¬ lection of maps, [etc.], published by order of congress. Washington, 1843, no. 83). - L C. 7397. Ibid. W. J. Stone, sc. 27th. cong., 2d sess. [Washington, 1841]. (In U. S. Congress. A collection of maps, [etc.], published by order of con¬ gress. Washington, 1843, no. 124). - L C. 7398. Map of.the Saginaw valley, Mich., by A. Alberti, civil engineer, July, 1860. Part I. Ehrgott, Forbriger & co., lithographers, engravers & printers. Cincinnati [I860?]. -- S. 7399. Map of drainage basin of St. Joseph River, [n. p., n. d.]. - G. 7400. Chapman’s sectional map of the region around Lake Superior. Drawn from the U. S. survey by W. R. Wood; esq., Detroit. Published by Dyer & Pasmore. Milwaukee, Wis., 1857. - P H; W. 7401. Township map of Lake Superior region and upper Mississippi. Compiled from government surveys. Philadelphia, J. Distumell, 1872. - L C. MAPS AND ATLASES 35 7402. Thunder Bay River basin; being the northeast section of the south¬ ern peninsula from Nellist’s Road map of Michigan. Grand Rapids, cl915. - G. 7403. Map of the drainage basin of Thunder Bay River, Michigan, [n. p., n. d.]. - G. 7404. Map of the northern peninsula of Michigan . . . Baltimore [1849]. (U. S. 31st cong., 1st sess., house executive document no. 5). -W. 7405. Tackabury’s new sectional map of the upper peninsula of Michigan: Published by Geo. N. Tackabury. Detroit, Mich. & Canastota, N. Y., 1884. - M H C. 7406. Map of the original vegetation of the upper peninsula of Michigan Compiled by Charles A. Davis from the plat books of the U. S. land survey, the Michigan geological survey, and other data. [Lansing?] 1907. - G. Map accompanied the Annual report of the Michigan geological survey for 1906 as plate XVII. 7407. The western counties of Michigan . . . New York [1846?]. -W. D Counties 7408. Township map of Alcona county. C. L. Smith, [n. p., n. d.]. - S. Hand drawn map. 7409. Map of Allegan co., Michigan. From special surveys and public records, by I. M. Gross, under the direction of Geil & Harley. Philadelphia, S. Geil, 1864. -- L C. 7410. Atlas of Allegan county, Mich. From actual surveys. Philadel¬ phia, C. O. Titus, 1873. 81 p. inch 33 maps, 2 maps at end. - L C. 7411. Map of Allegan county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service. [n. p.] 1910. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7412. Standard atlas of Allegan county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities, and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory and de¬ partments devoted to general information, analysis of the system of U. S. land surveys, digest of the system of civil government, etc., etc. . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1913. 150 p., maps. - D. 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7413. Outline map of Alpena county, Michigan. Alpena, Michigan [n. d.]. - G. 7414. Township map of Alpena county. C. L. Smith, [n. p., n. d.]. - S. Hand drawn map. 7415. The official atlas and directory of Antrim county, Mich. Drawings by Charles M. Beers. Philadelphia, S. E. Pond & co., 1897. 88 p. inch 29 maps. - L C. 7416. Standard atlas of Antrim county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities, and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1910. 89, viii, [13] p. inch maps. - D; L C. 7417. Standard atlas of Arenac county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1906. 41, xxii p. inch maps. - D. 7418. Atlas of Barry co., Michigan. From actual surveys by and under the directions of D. J. Lake, C. E., assisted by B. N. Griffing, Wm. G. Hard, J. E. Sherman, C. Hard. Philadelphia, C. O. Titus, 1873. 47 p. inch maps. - B. 7419. Standard atlas of Barry county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1895. 3-90, viii p. inch maps. - L C. 7420. Map of Barry county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1910. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7421. Standard atlas of Barry county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United vStates and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1913. 128 p., maps. - D. 7422. Map of Bay county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service . . . [n. p.] 1910. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7423. The county of Bay; state, county, township, city and village maps. Published by Monroe and Learman, assisted by Bay county abstract co. . . . Chicago, Ill., Standard map co., lithographers and engravers, 1916. 69 p., maps. - D; G. 7424. Standard atlas of Benzie county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United MAPS AND ATLASES 37 States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1915. 87 p., maps.-D. 7425. Atlas of Berrien co., Michigan. From actual surveys by and under the directions of D. J. Lake, C. E., assisted by B. N. Griffing, Wm. G. Hard, J. E. Sherman, C. Hard. Philadelphia, C. 0. Titus, 1873. 85 p., maps. - B. 7426. Map of Berrien county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service. [n. p.] 1910. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7427. Map of Branch co., Michigan. From county records and actual surveys by Geil & Jones. Philadelphia, Geil & Jones, 1858. - L C. 7428. Atlas of Branch co., Michigan. From actual surveys by and under the directions of D. J. Lake, C. E., assisted by J. B. Edwards, C. Hard, B. N. Griffing, J. E. Sherman. Philadelphia, C. O. Titus, 1872. 65 p. inch 29 maps, 2 maps at end.-B; L C. 7429. Map of Branch county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service. [n. p.] 1911. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7430. Standard atlas of Branch county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1915. 123 p., maps. - D. 7431. Map of Branch county, Michigan, showing a rough outline of the territory (the space printed in red) within which the marl deposits of the Michigan Portland cement company are located, [n. p., n. d.]. - B. 7432. Map of Calhoun county published under the direction of Douglass Houghton, state geologist, pursuant to an act of the legislature of the state of Michigan. S. W. Higgins, topographer to geol. sur.; C. C. Douglass and Bela Hubbard, assistant geologists. W. T. Stone, sc. Washington City, [1836?-1845?]. - G; S; U. 7433. Map of Calhoun county, Michigan. From actual surveys & county records by Bechler & Wenig. Philadelphia, Geil, Harley & Siverd, 1858. - L C; S. 7434. Atlas of Calhoun co., Michigan . . . under the superintendence of F. W. Beers. New York, F. W. Beers & co., 1873. 91 p. inch 37 maps. - L C; U. 7435. Map of Calhoun county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1912. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7436. Standard atlas of Calhoun county, Michigan, including a plat book 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN of the villages, cities & townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1916. 155 p., maps. -- D. 7437. Atlas of Cass county, Michigan. From actual surveys by and under the directions of D. J. Lake, C. E., assisted by B. N. Griffing, J. E. Sherman, J. B. Edwards, C. Hard. Philadelphia, C. O. Titus, 1872. 54 p. inch 20 maps, 2 maps at end. -- B. 7438. Standard atlas of Cass county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, farmers directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1896. 80, viii p. inch maps. - L C; U. 7439. Map of Cass county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1912. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7440. Map of the counties of Cass, Van Buren, and Berrien, Mich. From special surveys & official records by Geil & Jones. Philadelphia, Geil, Harley & Siverd, 1860. - L C. 7441. Map of Charlevoix county, Michigan, showing rural delivery serv¬ ice. [n. p.] 1911. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7442. Map of Chippewa county, Mich., also part of Mackinac, Luce, and Cheboygan counties, Mich. & Algoma, Ont. Sault Ste. Marie, H. C. Thomp¬ son [n. d.]. - G. 7443. Atlas of Clinton county, Michigan. From actual surveys by and under the directions of D. J. Lake, C. E., assisted by B. N. Griffing, C. Hard, A. A. Ambler, D. B. Clark. Philadelphia, C. O. Titus, 1873. 53 p., maps. - B. 7444. Map of Clinton county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1908. - G. Blue print map. by U. S. Post office dept. 7445. Standard atlas of Clinton county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities & townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1915. 99 p., maps. - D. 7446. Map of the counties of Clinton and Gratiot, Michigan. From official records & special surveys by D. S. Harley, J. P. Harley, J. D. Nash, H. G. Brigham & M. C. Wagner, under the direction of Geil.& Harley. Philadelphia, Samuel Geil, 1864. - B; L C. 7447. Standard atlas of Delta county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities & townships of the county, map of the state, United MAPS AND ATLASES 39 States and world, Patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, Geo. A. Ogle & co., 1913. 116 p., maps. - D. 7448. Delta co., Michigan; sectional map. J. I. Berry, [n. p., n. d.]. - S. Hand drawn map. 7449. Map of Dickinson county, Michigan, compiled from United States gov’t and geological surveys. By H. E. McClintock, Iron Mountain, Michigan. August, 1903. [Iron Mountain, Michigan, 1903]. - B. 7450. Map of the counties of Eaton and Barry, Michigan. Drawn from special surveys & official records by Geil & Jones. Philadelphia, Geil, Harley & Siverd, 1860. -- B. 7451. [Map of] Eaton county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1912. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7452. Atlas of Genesee co., Michigan . . .New York, F. W. Beers & co., 1873. 119 p. incl. 42 maps. - L C. 7453. Atlas of Genesee county, Michigan, containing maps of every town¬ ship in the county, with village and city plats, also maps of Michigan and the United States from official records. Flint, Mich., Homer A. Day, 1899. 61 maps, colored. - G. Verso of each map is blank. 7454. Map of Genesee county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1911. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7455. Map of the counties of Genesee & Shiawassee, Michigan, from actual surveys & official records, by Geil & Jones, topographical engineers. Philadelphia, Geil & Jones, 1859.-B; L C; M H C. 7456. Plat book of Gogebic county . . . Milwaukee, Foust & Jungblut, cl910. 44 maps. - L C. 7457. Atlas of Grand Traverse co., Michigan, compiled and drawn for the publisher by E. L. Hayes. To which is added, a township map of Michi¬ gan, a railroad map of the U. S., and map of the world. Philadelphia, C. O. Titus, 1881. 50, viii p. incl. 19 maps. - D; L C. 7458. New atlas and directory of Grand Traverse county, Michigan. Drawings, descriptive text, &c. by Hon. George E. Steele, assisted by . . . Chas. M. Beers . . . Traverse City, Mich., S. E. Pond & co., 1895. 108 p. incl. 24 maps. - L C. 7459. Imperial atlas of Gratiot county, Michigan, drawn from original surveys and field notes, official county records and other authentic sources. 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Boston, Mass., National publishing company, 1901. 65, [1], xxxii p. incl. 29 maps (col.). - G; L C. Contains map of the world and map of the United States. Verso of each is blank. 7460. Map of Gratiot county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1910. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7461. Map of Hillsdale co., Michigan. From actual surveys & county records by L. Geil & L. L. Jones, 1857. Philadelphia, Kellogg & Randall, 1857. - L C. 7462. Plat book of Hillsdale county, Michigan. Chicago, The American atlas co., 1894. 3-90 p. incl. 33 maps. - L C. 7463. [Map of] Hillsdale county, Michigan, showing rural delivery serv¬ ice. [n. p.] 1912. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7464. Standard atlas of Hillsdale county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1916. 72 p., maps. -- D. 7465. Plat book of Houghton county, Michigan. Compiled & published by Wm. J. Weston, Bessemer, Mich. & C. F. Hancock, Chassell, Mich. . . . Milwaukee, Foust & Jungblut, 1911. 35 maps. - L C. 7466. Map of Huron county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1910. - G. Blue print map, by U. S.-Post office dept. 7467. County atlas of Ingham, Michigan. From recent and actual sur¬ veys and records under the superintendence of F. W. Beers. New York, F. W. Beers & co., 1874. 104 p. incl. 40 maps. - L C; U. 7468. Map of Ingham county, Mich. [Chicago?] Rand, McNally & co. cl912. - S. 7469. [Map of] Ingham county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1912. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7470. Topographical map of the counties of Ingham & Livingston, Michi¬ gan. From special surveys & county records. Geil & co. and A. Jackson, topographical engineers. Published by Geil, Harley & Siverd . . . Phila¬ delphia, 1859. - L C; M H C; S. 7471. Atlas of Ionia co., Michigan. From recent and actual surveys and records, under the superintendence of F. W. Beers . . . New York, F. W. Beers & co., 1875. 108 p. incl. 37 maps. - L C; U. MAPS AND ATLASES 41 7472. Atlas of Ionia county, Mich. New York, J. B. Beers & co., 1891. 103 p. inch 36 maps. - L C. 7473. Standard atlas of Ionia county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world. Patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle, 1906. 93 p., maps. - D. 7474. Map of Ionia county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service. [n. p.] 1911. -- G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7475. Rogers’ map of Iron county, Michigan. Compiled from U. S. gov’t and geological surveys. By H. E. McClintock. September—1903. Detroit, Silas Farmer & co., map makers [1903?]. - B. 7476. Atlas of Isabella county, Michigan, compiled and drawn for the publisher by E. L. Hayes. To which is added a township map of Michigan, a railroad map of the U. S., and map of the world. Philadelphia, C. O. Titus, 1879. 50, viii p. inch 25 maps. - D; L C. 7477. Map of Isabella county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1911. - G • Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7478. Atlas and farm directory of Isabella county, Michigan; compiled from county records and actual surveys . . . Chicago, Standard map co. [cl915]. 38 p., 18 col. maps. - D; G. Contains a map of the state of Michigan. 7479. Map of Jackson county, published under the direction of Douglass Houghton, state geologist, pursuant to an act of the legislature of the state of Michigan. S. W. Higgins, topographer to geol. surv. C. C. Douglass and Bela Hubbard, assistant geologists. W. J. Stone, sc. Washington City, [1836P-1845?]. B; G; S; U. 7480. Map of Jackson county, Michigan. From records and special sur¬ veys by S. Geil & S. L. Jones, topographical engineers. Engrd & manufd by Robert P. Smith. Philadelphia, Jos. M. Alexander, 1858. - B; L C; S. 7481. Combination atlas map of Jackson county, Michigan. Compiled, drawn and published from personal examinations and surveys by Everts & Stewart. Chicago, III., 1874. 144 p. inch maps. - D; L C; U. 7482. Standard atlas of Jackson county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1911. 3 p. h, 9-141 (i. e. 139), xxii p. inch maps. - D; L C. 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7483. Map of Jackson county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1911. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7484. Map of Kalamazoo co., Michigan. From special surveys and county records under direction of Geil & Harley. Surveys by I. Gross; drawn by S. L. Jones. Philadelphia, Geil & Harley, 1861. - L C. 7485. Atlas of Kalamazoo co., Michigan. From recent and actual surveys and records under the superintendence of F. W. Beers. Published by F. W. Beers & co. . . . New York, 1873. 95 p. inch 36 maps. - L C; U. 7486. Illustrated atlas of Kalamazoo county, Michigan, containing maps of Kalamazoo county and dity; detail maps of townships showing farmlands with areas and owners names, rail roads, streams, lakes, etc., etc.; detail plats of Kalamazoo city and interior villages, showing dimensions of lots, location of water mains, sewers, buildings, etc.; also maps of the hemispheres, world, United States and Michigan; with early and present history of Kala¬ mazoo county. Detroit, Wm. C. Sauer, 1890. 116 p. (including 48 p. of maps). - D. 7487. Standard atlas of Kalamazoo county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1910. 2 p. 1., 7-134, [6], viii, [x]-xxii p. inch maps, 10 pi. D; L C. 7488. Map of Kalamazoo county, Michigan, showing rural delivery serv¬ ice. [n. p.] 1911. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7489. Atlas of Kalamazoo county, Michigan, containing plats of all town¬ ships with names of property owners, rural routes and outlines map of the county, showing location of townships, villages, roads, schools, churches, railroads, streams, etc., etc. Chicago, Ill., H. C. Maley [1913]. 52 p., 20 maps (col.). - D; G. 7490. Kalcaska county, Mich. [Map by H. J. Frost, anon.], [n. p., 1878]. - L C. 7491. Innes and Tinkham’s map of Kent county, Michigan. Chicago, Hacheson, lith., 1855. - G. 7492. Map of Kent county, Michigan, compiled by E. M. Harney & G. A. Randall. Milwaukee, Randall, Harney & co., 1863. - G. 7493. Illustrated historical atlas of the county of Kent, Michigan. Chicago, H. Belden & co., 1876. 92 p. incl. maps. - B;LC. 7494. R. L. Polk & co.’s illustrated historical atlas of Kent county, Michi¬ gan. 1894. Grand Rapids, R. L. Polk & co. [1894]. 56 p. incl. 34 maps. - L C. MAPS AND ATLASES 43 7495. R. L. Polk & co.’s illustrated historical atlas of Grand Rapids and Kent county, Mich. Grand Rapids, R. L. Polk & co., 1894. 86 p. inch 61 maps. - L C. 7496. [Map of] Kent county. [Lansing, Mich.?] 1901. - G. Map accompanied the Annual report of the Michigan geological survey for 1901 as Plate IV. 7497. Map of Kent county, Michigan, compiled and published by the Grand Rapids herald. Rockford, Ill., Hunter and Van Valkenburg, 1902. - G. 7498. Standard atlas of Kent county, Michigan, including a plat book of the cities, villages and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons’ directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago., Geo. A. Ogle & co., 1907. 80 maps (col). - G. Verso of each map is blank. 7499. Map of Kent county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service. [n. p.] 1909. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7500. Map of Kent county, Michigan. Chicago, Rand, McNally and company, cl912. - G. Two road maps clipped together. 1 map in color. 7501. Map of Kent county, Michigan. Rockford, Mich., Rockford regis¬ ter, 1916. - G. Map in color. 7502. Map of Kent county, Michigan, Advertiser’s ed. Rockford, Mich., Rockford register, 1916. - G. 7503. Township map of Kent county, [n. p., n. d.]. - G. 7504. [Map of part of] township no. 6 N. R. no. 2 W., [Wyoming township, Kent county], Grand Rapids. - G. Pen and ink map. 7505. Map of Lapeer co., Michigan. From special surveys & public rec¬ ords, by W. E. Doughty, C. E. and I. Gross, C. E. Philadelphia, Samuel Geil, 1863. - B. 7506. Atlas of Lapeer co., Michigan, from recent and actual surveys and records under the superintendence of F. W. Beers . . . New York, F. W. Beers & co., 1874. 78 p. inch 38 maps (colored). - G; L C. 7507. Map of Lapeer county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service. [Washington] 1912. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7508. Atlas of Leelenau co., Mich. Philadelphia, C. O. Titus, 1881. 37, viii p. inch 19 maps. - L C. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7509. Map of Lenawee county published under the direction of Douglass Houghton, state geologist, pursuant to an act of the legislature of the state of Michigan. S. W. Higgins, topographer to geol. surv. C. C. Douglass and Bela Hubbard, assistant geologists. W. J. Stone, sc. Washington City [1836P-1845?]. - G; S. 7510. Map of Lenawee co., Michigan. From actual surveys by G. R. Be'chler & E. Wenig. Philadelphia, Bechler, Wenig & co., 1857. - L C. 7511. Combination atlas map of Lenawee county, Michigan. Compiled, drawn and published from personal examination and surveys. By Everts & Stewart. Chicago, Ill., 1874. 1 p.l., 113 p. inch 22 maps, 82 pi. - D; G; L C; U. 7512. Atlas of Lenawee county, Michigan. Compiled and drawn from personal examination and actual surveys. Published by George B. Cadwell & co. [n. p.] 1893. 126 p., maps. - B. 7513. Pocket atlas of Lenawee county, 1906. Adrian, Mich., Treat bros., cl906. Cover title, 24 maps. - L C. 7514. Map of Lenawee county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1912. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7515. Atlas of Livingston co., Michigan. From recent and actual surveys and records under the superintendence of F. W. Beers. New York, F. W. Beers & co., 1875. 86 p. inch 30 maps. - L C; U. 7516. Map of Livingston county, Michigan, showing rural delivery serv¬ ice. [n. p.] 1912. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7517. Standard atlas of Livingston county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, Geo. A. Ogle & co., 1915. 85 p., maps. - D. 7518. Map of Macomb county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1910. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7519. Standard atlas of Macomb county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., cl916. 127, xxiii p., maps. - D. 7520. Map of the counties of Macomb & St. Clair, Michigan. From special surveys & county records, by Geil & Jones, topographical engineers. Phila¬ delphia, Geil, Harley & Siverd, 1859. - B; L C. 7521. Atlas and farm directory of Mason county, Michigan; compiled from MAPS AND ATLASES 45 county records and actual surveys . . . Chicago, Standard map co. [c 1915]. 36 p., 17 (col.) maps.-D; G. Contains also a map of the state of Michigan. 7522. Atlas of Mecosta county, Michigan. Compiled and drawn for the publisher by E. L. Hayes, C. E. To which is added a township map of Michi¬ gan, a railroad map of the United States & map of the world. Philadelphia, C. 0. Titus, 1879. 61, viii p. inch maps. - B; L C. 7523. [Map of] Mecosta county, Michigan, showing rural delivery serv¬ ice. [Washington] 1913. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7524. Standard atlas of Menominee county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, Geo. A. Ogle & co., 1912. 2 p. 1., 7-93, [1], viii, x-xxii p. inch maps. - D; L C. 7525. Map of Midland county, Michigan. Saginaw, Michigan, Imperial publishing co., 1897. - S. 7526. Map of Midland county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service. [n. p.] 1911. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7527. Standard atlas of Midland county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities & townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1914. 64 p., maps. D. 7528. Map of Monroe co., Michigan. From special surveys & county records, by Geil & Jones, topographical engineers. Philadelphia, Geil, Harley & Siverd, 1859. - B; L C; S; U. 7529. County atlas of Monroe, Michigan. From recent and actual sur¬ veys and records under the superintendence of S. M. Bartlett, C. E., for F. W. Beers. New York, F. W. Beers & co., 1876. 130 p. inch 33 maps, 21 pi. -B; L C; U. 7530. Standard atlas of Monroe county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, farmers directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1896. 2 p. 1., 7-82, viii, x-xxii p. inch maps. - L C. 7531. Map of Monroe county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service. [n. p.] 1911. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7532. Map of Montcalm co., Michigan, from recent and actual surveys 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN and records under the superintendence of F. W. Beers. Published by F. W. Beers & co. New York, 1875. - S. 7533. Map of Montcalm county, Michigan, showing rural delivery serv¬ ice. [n. p.] 1911. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7534. Township map of Montmorency county. C. L. Smith, [n. p., n. d.]. - S. Hand drawn map. 7535. County atlas of Muskegon, Mich. New York, F. W. Beers, 1877. 114 p. incl. 38 maps.' - L C. 7536. Standard atlas of Muskegon county, Mich., including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, [etc., etc.]. Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1900. 2 p. 1., 7-103, xxii p. incl. maps. - L C. 7537. Map of Muskegon county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1910. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7538. Atlas of Newaygo county, Mich. To which is a added township map of Michigan, a railroad map of the United States and map of the world. Philadelphia, C. O. Titus, 1880. 71, viii p. incl. 33 col. maps. - L C. 7539. Standard atlas of Newaygo couuty, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, Geo. A. Ogle & co., 1900. 2 p. 1., 8-75, [21], viii, x-xxii p. incl. maps. - L C; U. 7540. Map of Newaygo county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1910. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. ■ 7541. Atlas of Oakland co., Michigan . . . under the superintendence of F. W. Beers. New York, F. W. Beers & co., 1872. 141 p. incl. 55 maps. - L C; U. 7542. Map of Oakland county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1912. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7543. Topographical map of Oceana co., Michigan, from actual surveys and records. F. W. Beers. Published by F. W. Beers & co. New York, 1876. - S. 7544. Map of Oceana county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1911. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. MAPS AND ATLASES 47 7545. Standard atlas of Oceana comity, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1913. 83, 23 p., maps. - D. 7546. Township map of Ogemaw county. C. L. Smith, Lansing, Mich, [n. p., n. d.]. - S. Hand drawn map. 7547. Atlas of Osceola county, Michigan. To which is added a township map of Michigan, a railroad map of the United States and map of the world. Philadelphia, C. O. Titus, 1878. 60, viii p. inch 27 maps. - L C. 7548. Map of Ottawa county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1908. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7549. Standard atlas of Ottawa county, Michigan, including a plat of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1912. 2 p. 1., 7-113, xxii p. inch maps. - D; L C. 7550. Map of Ottawa county road system and connections; revised July, 1917. Grand Haven, Mich., 1917. - G. Map in color; issued by the Board of county road commissioners of Ottawa county. 7551. Sectional map of Ottawa county, Michigan. [Grand Rapids?] Potts and Conger [n. d.]. - G. 7552. Map of the counties of Ottawa & Muskegon and part of Allegan, Michigan. From official records & special surveys by I. M. Gross, C. E., under the direction of Geil & Harley. Philadelphia, Samuel Geil, 1864. - B. 7553. Map of Saginaw county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service. [n. p.] 1911. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7554. Standard atlas of Saginaw county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1916. 117 p., maps. - D. 7555. Map of Saginaw and Tuscola, with part of Genesee, Lapeer, Huron & Midland counties, Michigan. 1859. Published by D. A. Pettibone. Bridgeport Center, Michigan [n. d.]. - U. 7556. Combination atlas map of St. Clair county, Mich. Compiled, drawn and published from personal examinations and surveys . . . Philadelphia, Everts & Stewart, 1876. xviii, 54 p. inch 31 col. maps. - L C. 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7557. Standard atlas of St Clair county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities, and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, farmers directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, Geo. A. Ogle & co., 1897. 2 p. 1., 7-115, [1], viii, x-xxii p. inch maps. - L C; U. 7558. Map of Saint Clair county, Michigan, showing rural delivery serv¬ ice. [n. p.] 1910. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7559. Standard atlas of St. Clair county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., cl916. 107> xxiii p., maps. - D. 7560. Map of St. Joseph co., Michigan. From actual surveys & county records by Geil & Jones, topographical surveyors . . . Philadelphia, Geil, Harley & Siverd, 1858. - B; L C. 7561. Atlas of St. Joseph county, Michigan. From actual surveys by and under the direction of D. J. Lake, C. E., assisted by B. N. Griffing, J. E. Sherman, J. B. Edwards, C. Hard. Philadelphia, C. O. Titus, 1872. 69 p. inch 22 maps, 2 maps at end. - B; G; L C; S. 7562. Property atlas of St. Joseph county, Michigan. Philadelphia, E. P. Noll & co., 1893. 1 p. h, 44 p. inch 31 maps. - L C. 7563. Map of St. Joseph county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1910. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7564. Map of Saint Joseph county, Michigan. Chicago, Standard map co., 1914. - G. 7565. Topographical map of Sanilac co., Michigan, from actual surveys and records by F. W. Beers. Published by F. W. Beers & co. . . . New York, 1876. S. 7566. Atlas of Sanilac county, Michigan, containing maps of every town¬ ship in the county, with village and city plats and outline map of the county. Also maps of Michigan, United States and the world. Compiled from late and authentic sources; together with other valuable information . . . Philadelphia, J. L. Smith, 1894. 117, [1] p. inch 44 col. maps. - L C. 7567. Map of Sanilac county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1912. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7568. County atlas of Shiawassee co., Michigan. From recent and actual surveys and records under the superintendence of F. W. Beers. New York, F. W. Beers & co., 1875. 102 p. inch 37 maps. - B; L C; U. MAPS AND ATLASES 49 7569. [Map of] Shiawassee county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1912. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7570. Standard atlas of Shiawassee county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, Geo. A. Ogle & co., 1915. 107, xxiii p. inch maps. - B;D. 7571. Map of Tuscola county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service, [n. p.] 1909. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7572. Atlas of Van Buren county, Michigan. From actual surveys by and under the direction of D. J. Lake, C. E., assisted by B. N. Giffiing, Wm. G. Hard, J. E. Sherman, C. Hard. Philadelphia, C. O. Titus, 1873. 79 p., maps. - B. 7573. Map of Van Buren county, Michigan, showing rural delivery serv¬ ice. [n. p.] 1910. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7574. Standard atlas of Van Buren county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, Geo. A. Ogle & co., 1912. 2 p. 1., 7-109, xxii p. inch maps. - D; L C. 7575. Map of Washtenaw county published under the direction of Doug- . lass Houghton, state geologist, pursuant to an act of the legislature of the state of Michigan. S. W. Higgins, topographer to geol. surv. C. C. Douglass and Bela Hubbard, assistant geologists. W. T. Stone, sc. Washington City [1836P-1845?]. - G; S; U. 7576. Washtenaw county, by S. Pettibone. Lith’d by P. S. Duvall. Philadelphia, 1848. - U. 7577. Map of Washtenaw county, Michigan. From actual surveys by G. R. Bechler & E. Wenig. Philadelphia, Bechler, Wenig, & co., 1856. - U. 7578. Map of Washtenaw county, Michigan. From actual surveys by G. R. Bechler & E. Wenig. Philadelphia, Bechler, Wenig & co., 1858.- L C. 7579. Combination atlas map of Washtenaw county, Michigan. Compiled, drawn and published from personal examinations and surveys, by Everts & Stewart. Chicago, Ill., 1874. 1 p. 1., 15-124, [2] p. inch 30 maps, 57 pi. - D; L C; U. 7580. Standard atlas of Washtenaw county, Michigan, including a plat 7 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, farmers directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, Geo. A. Ogle & co., 1895. 98, viii p. inch maps. - U. 7581. M. M. Dickson & co’s, township and sectional pocket map of Washtenaw county, Michigan. Accompanied by a list of county officers, census tables, directory of resident farmers who own the land they occupy, showing location of farm and giving postoffice address . . . Published by the M. M. Dickson & co. Ann Arbor, Michigan [1896]. 34 p. - U. 7582. Map of Washtenaw county, Michigan, showing rural delivery serv¬ ice. [n. p.] 1910. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Post office dept. 7583. Standard atlas of Washtenaw county, Michigan, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory . . . Chicago, G. A. Ogle & co., 1915. 119 p., maps. - D. 7584. Map of the counties of Washtenaw and Lenawee, Michigan. From special surveys and official records by G. R. Bechler & E. Wenig. Phila¬ delphia, S. Geil, 1864. - L C. 7585. Rough sketch of part of Wayne county, territory of the United States northwest of Ohio River, shewing the present inhabited part of the county, with the different tracts of land claimed by individuals in that part; copied from McNiff’s sketch by Rob’t King, copy by Wm. Tatham, Sept. 1812. Prepared for the Department of state by Wm. Tatham, 25th Sept’r 1812. Ms. [1812]. - L C. 7586. Map of Wayne county, Mich., by William Hancock. Lith. by R. Burger. Detroit, 1854. - S. 7587. Map of Wayne county, Michigan, by John Farmer. Exhibiting the names of the original purchasers and the number of acres [etc.]. [De¬ troit, J. Farmer, 1855]. - L C. 7588. Map of Wayne co., Michigan. From special surveys & official records by Geil & Tones & Geil & Harley. Philadelphia, Geil, Harley & Siverd, 1860. - B; U. 7589. Illustrated historical atlas of the county of Wayne, Michigan, Chicago, H. Belden & co. [187-]. 79 p. inch 24 maps, 25 pi. - L C. 7590. Map of Wayne county, with roads, railroads, cities [etc.]. Detroit, S. Farmer & co., 1883. - D; L C. 7591. General map of Wayne county. Drawn and published by William C. Sauer, C. E. Detroit, 1893. - B. 7592. Detailed official atlas of Wayne co., Mich. Detroit, W. C. Sauer [1894]. 2 p. 1., 79 pi. - L C. MAPS AND ATLASES 51 7593. Map of Wayne county. Published by Wm. C. Sauer, C. E. De¬ troit, 1895. - B. 7594. Map of Wayne county, Michigan. Published for the schools by William C. Sauer, C. E. [Detroit] 1895.-B. 7595. Map of Wayne county, Michigan. [Detroit, Silas Farmer & co., 1900]. - B. 7596. Farmer’s new map of Wayne county, Michigan, showing highways, acreage, land-owners, sections, private claims and rural free delivery routes. Compiled by Arthur John Farmer. Drawn by Jethro Brown. Detroit, Silas Farmer & co., cl904. - B. 7597. Detailed atlas of Wayne county, Michigan, containing general maps of Wayne county and city of Detroit, general township maps on a scale of two and a half inches to a mile, showing areas of lands and owners’ names, rail roads, electric car lines, wagon roads, streams, drains, location of school houses, churches, cemeteries, etc., and detail plats of the city of Wyandotte and all interior villages on a scale as shown on each map; also sundry details showing all subdivisions outside the incorporated villages and an alpha¬ betically arranged index for reference to locating subdivisions. Compiled and drawn from authentic records and private surveys by W. C. Sauer, C. E. [Detroit, cl905]. 2 p. h, 44 maps. - B; L C. 7598. Map of Wayne county, Michigan, showing rural delivery service. [n. p.] 1910. - G. Blue print map, U. S. Post office dept. 7599. Road map of Wayne county. Board of county road commissioners. [Detroit? 1915?]. - B. 7600. Map of west half of Wayne county showing plat of Wyandotte, [n. p., n. d.]. - B. 7601. Wayne county and part of Oakland and Macomb. Compiled from official and original sources by Mason L. Brown. Detroit, S. Farmer & co., 1894. - D. 7602. New section map and country road guide. Wayne and parts of Washtenaw, Oakland and Macomb counties. Detroit, S. J. Kenyon, printer and stationer, 1896. - B. 7603. Atlas of Wexford county, Michigan, containing complete maps of all townships, names of property owners, maps of the county, city of Cadillac, United States and state of Michigan. [Cadillac] Cadillac evening news; Chicago, Standard map co. [cl914]. 43 p., 20 maps, (19 in color). - D; G. 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN E Cities, Towns and Villages 7604. Map of the village of Ada situated on section 34. T. 7 N. R. 10 W., county of Kent, Michigan. Drawn by R. Andrewes, Detroit, 1836. Washing¬ ton City, W. J. Stone [1836?]. - G; U. 7605. Town of Altona. Being the terminus of the Detroit and Milwaukee & Pt. Huron & Milwaukee railways at the mouth of Grand River, Lake Michi¬ gan. [n. p., n. d.]. - B. Manuscript. Undated. « 7606. Map of the village of Ann Arbor, by J. F. Stratton. New York, N. Currier’s lith., 1836. - G. 7607. City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw co’ty, Michigan. 1853. Surveyed and published by Henry Hart . . . New York [1853?]. - U. 7608. City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw co’ty, Michigan. Surveyed & published by D. A. Pettibone, Ann Arbor. [Ann Arbor?] 1854. - S. 7609. Ibid. Surveyed & published by S. Pettibone. Ann Arbor, 1869. -U. 7610. Map of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Showing University of Michigan, public buildings, schools and factories. Revised, enlarged and copyrighted September, 1907. By Harold P. Gould, publisher. [Ann Arbor] Ann Arbor plant, The Richmond & Backus co., printers [n. d.]. - U. 7611. Map of Ann Arbor showing campus and buildings of the University of Michigan. Prepared by Wickes brothers 1914. Copyright 1914 by Shirley W. Smith. [Ann Arbor? 1914]. - U. Blue print map. 7612. [Birds eye view of Ann Arbor]. Drawn and published by A. Ruger. Battle Creek, Mich. [n. d.]. - B. 7613. Map of Ann Arbor, [n. p., n. d.]. -U. 7614. City of Coldwater, Branch co., Mich. From special surveys & official records, by Willits & Waters, civ. engrs. 1871. Judson S. Bird, civil engineer, Jackson, Mich. lith. Chas. Shober. Chicago [1871?]. - M H C. 7615. Detroit in 1708. [n. p., n. d.]. - B. 7616. De Lery’s plan of Detroit, [n. p.] 1749. - B. 7617. Fort and settlements of Detroit A. D. 1763. [n. p., 1763?]. - B. 7618. Detroit in 1763 from Beilin’s atlas of 1764. [n. p., n. d.]. - B. MAPS AND ATLASES 53 7619. Fort de Detroit et ses environs, [n. p.] 1768. -- B. True copy of map in the Dominion archives, Ottawa. 7620. Fort du Detroit in 1780. [n. p., n. d.]. - B. 7621. Plan of government ground. Detroit, 1792. - B. True copy of plan in the Dominion Archives, Ottawa. 7622. Detroit prior to the fire of June 11, 1805. Prepared by C. M. Bur¬ ton, Wayne county abstract office, from official records. R. J. Mackey, draughtsman. New York, Photo-gravure co. [1889]. - L C. 7623. Plat of the city of Detroit as laid out by the gov r and judges. - B. Photo copy. 7624. A plan of the city of Detroit. Drawn by Abijah Hull, surveyor of Michigan, January, 1807. [n. p., 1807?]. - B. 7625. Map of the city of Detroit in the state of Michigan by John Farmer, district surveyor. Eng. by C. B. & J. R. Graham, lithographers. New York, cl835. - B; G. 7626. City of Detroit, Michigan. From late and accurate surveys, May, 1837. New York N. Currier’s lith., cl837. - B. 7627. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. By A. E. Hathon, A. M. [n. p.] 1849. - B. 7628. City of Detroit, Wayne county, Michigan. Surveyed and published by Henry Hart, civil engineer & architect. New York, 1853. - B. 7629. City of Detroit. Published by J. D. Johnston! [Detroit] 1853-4. - B. 7630. A counting house map of the city of Detroit. Drawn, engraved and published by John Farmer. (Inset: Farmer, John. Map of Wayne county, Michigan. Detroit, J. Farmer, 1855). - L C. 7631. Guide map of the city of Detroit. Drawn by Eugene Robinson. Detroit, S. Farmer & co., cl863. - B; L C. 7632. Map of Elmwood cemetery, city of Detroit. Drawn by Eugene Robinson, city surveyor. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, 1865. - B; L C. 7633. Munro’s map. Compiled by J. F. Munro. Approved & adopted by the Common council, May 12, 1857. Rev. ed. Detroit, Munro & Sage sons & co., 1868. - L C. 7634. J. W. Frisbie’s hand book and guide map of the city of Detroit. [Drawn by Eugene Robinson]. Detroit, S. Farmer & co. [1870]. - L C. 7635. Map showing the fire limits, paved streets & sewers. From draw- 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN ings by Eugene Robinson. Detroit, order of Common council, 1870. - L C. 7636. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan, 1871; compiled by Eugene Robinson, city surveyor. Lithographed & published by the Calvert lith. eng. & map pub’g. company. Detroit, 1871. - L C; S. 7637. Guide map of Detroit. [Detroit?] cl871. - B. 7638. Map and manual of the city of Detroit. Detroit, S. Farmer & co. [1872]. 79 p., 1 fold. map. -B; L C. 7639. Guide map of the city of Detroit. Drawn by Eugene Robinson. Detroit, S. Farmer & co. [1872], - L C. 7640. Map of the principal business portion of the city of Detroit, Michi¬ gan. Detroit, The Crowe printing and engraving co. [1876]. - L C. 7641. Detroit and its environs. Compiled from official and original sources by Charles H. Ellis. Detroit, S. Farmer & co., 1876. - L C. 7642. Detroit and its environs. Compiled from official and original sources by Chas. H. Ellis . . . Detroit, Silas Farmer & co., 1877. - S. Copyright 1876. 7643. Guide map of the city of Detroit. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl878. - B; L C. 7644. Map of the city of Detroit, Mich. Compiled & corrected by Eugene Robinson. Detroit, The Calvert lith. & eng. co., 1879. - L C. 7645. Wards and election districts—city of Detroit. Map of the city of Detroit compiled by Eugene Robinson. Detroit, The Calvert lith. co., 1881. - S. “Ent’d acc’g to act of congress A. D. 1873 by Eugene Robinson, in the office of the librarian of congress at Washington. ” 7646. Atlas of the city of Detroit and suburbs, Hamtramck, Springwells and Greenfield, from official records and actual surveys. New York, E. Robinson, 1885. 1 p. 1., 30 maps. - D; L C. 7647. Map of Elmwood cemetery prepared under the direction of A. W. Blain, superintendent of the grounds. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl886. B. 7648. Guide map of the city of Detroit. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl886. - B. 7649. Detroit and its environs. Compiled from official and original sources, by C. H. Ellis and Silas Farmer. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl887. - B. 7650. Rascher’s maps of Detroit. Chicago, The Rascher map publishing company, v. 1 & 2, 1888; v. 3, 1889. - B. MAPS AND ATLASES 55 7651. Map of Detroit. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl890. -B. 7652. Detroit and its environs. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl890. - B. 7653. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. 1891. Lithographed & published by the Calvert lith. & eng. co. Detroit, cl890. - B. 7654. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. Lithographed & published by the Calvert lith. & eng. co. Detroit, 1892. - B. 7655. Detroit and its environs. Compiled from official and original sources. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl892. - B. 7656. The Mathews-Northrup up-to-date map of Detroit, Michigan. Buffalo and New York, cl893. - B. 7657. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, R. L. Polk & co., 1893. - B. 7658. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. Drawn and published by Wm. C. Sauer. [Detroit] 1893. - B. 7659. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. 1894. Detroit, R. L. Polk & co., cl894. - B. 7660. Map of Detroit. Chicago, H. Arthur & co., cl895. - B. 7661. Handy indexed map of the city of Detroit showing complete street railway system to date. October, 1895. Detroit, L. D. Tallman, 1895. - B. 7662. Guide map of the city of Detroit for bicyclists, showing pavements. # Lithographed and published by the Calvert lith. & eng. co. Detroit, cl896. - B. 7663. Plan of Elmwood cemetery, surveyed and drawn under the direc¬ tion of the Board of trustees, by David Molitor . . . Detroit, 1896. -G. 7664. New map and guide of the city and environs of Detroit. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl898. - B. 7665. The official map of the city of Detroit. With all streets and cor¬ ner house numbers. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl898. B. 7666. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. 1899. Showing paved streets, public schools, police stations, fire engine and ladder houses. Published by Calvert lithographing company. Detroit, cl899. - B. 7667. Map of Detroit. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl899. - B. 7668. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. Published by Wm. Sauer. [Detroit] 1899. - U. 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7669. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. 1900. Showing wards and election districts. Lithographed & published by the Calvert lith. & eng. co. Detroit, cl899. - B. 7670. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. 1901. Showing paved streets. Published by Calvert lithographing co. Detroit, cl901. - B. 7671. Map of Detroit. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl901. - B. 7672. Map of the sewers of the city of Detroit, 1901. R. H. McCormick, city engineer. Lithographed by the Calvert lith. & eng. co. Detroit, cl900. - B. 7673. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, R. L. Polk & co., 1901. - B. 7674. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. 1902. Issued by the De¬ partment of public works. Detroit, 1902. - B. 7675. The official map of the city of Detroit. With all streets and comer house numbers. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl902. - B. 7676. New map of Detroit, Delray, Highland Park, Hamtramck, Wood- mere, River Rouge. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl902. - B. • 7677. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. 1904. Issued by the De¬ partment of public works. Detroit, cl 904. - B. 7678. The industrial map of Detroit showing its manufacturing, mercan¬ tile and railroad interests with shipping facilities. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, c 1904. - B. 7679. Baist’s real estate atlas of surveys of Detroit, Mich. . . . Com¬ piled and published from official records, private plans and actual surveys . . . Philadelphia, G. W. Baist, 1906. 1 p. h, 33 maps. - L C. 7680. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. Showing paved streets, public schools, police stations, fire engine and ladder houses, to January 1, 1907. Published by Calvert lithographing co. Detroit, cl907. - B. 7681. New map of Detroit and suburbs including Delray, Woodmere, River Rouge, Oakwood, Highland Park, Hamtramck, St. Clair Heights, Fair- view and Grosse Pointe. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl907. -- B. 7682. Birds eye view of Detroit [in] 1908. [Detroit] cl907. - U. Issued by the Hurd-Martin Co. 7683. R. L. Polk & co’s map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, R. L. Polk & co., 1908. - U. MAPS AND ATLASES 57 7684. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, Calvert litho¬ graphing co., 1909. - B. 7685. A new map of Detroit and suburbs; includes River Rouge, Oakwood, Highland Park, Hamtramck, St. Clair Heights and Grosse Pointe. Detroit, S. Fanner & co., cl909. - D. 7686. The parks of Detroit. Issued by public improvement committee. Board of commerce. Detroit, 1910. - B. 7687. Baist’s real estate atlas of surveys of Detroit and Highland Park, Mich., complete in one volume. Compiled and published from official records, private plans and actual surveys, by G. Wm. Baist [assisted by] Wm. E. and H. V. Baist. Philadelphia, G. W. Baist, 1911. 1 p. 1., 33 (i. e. 34) col. maps. - B;D;LC. 7688. Map of the central business district of Detroit, Mich., showing the location of railroad depots, steamboat docks, parks and leading hotels. Pre¬ pared by the Detroit convention and tourists’ bureau. [Detroit, 1911?]. -G. 7689. Map of the improved portion of Grand Lawn cemetery. Located • on Grand River avenue, Detroit. [Detroit?] 1911. - B. 7690. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan. Showing streets with house numbers, street car lines and the location of the principal industrial, educa¬ tional and religious buildings. Drawn and published by Sauer bros. and Frydrych. [Detroit] 1912. - U. 7691. Suburban pocket map of the city of Detroit, Michigan; a general map of the city and environs . . . [Detroit, Sauer bros., 1912?]. - B. 7692. Industrial map of Detroit and suburbs naming and locating all factories. [Detroit?] cl912. - D. 7693. Map of the city of Detroit showing the enlargements by acts of the legislature. [Detroit? 1912?]. - B. 7694. Farmer’s ideal map of Detroit. [Detroit, Silas Farmer & co., 1913]. - B. 7695. New map of the new north Woodward district. Published by Michelson land and home co. Detroit, cl914. - B. 7696. Commercial pocket map of Detroit showing streets, street car lines and the location of the principal factories and public buildings. Detroit, Wm. Sauer, cl914. - U. 7697. Map of the city of Detroit, Michigan, showing steam and electric railways and the location of the principal manufactories, etc. Drawn and published by Wm. Sauer. [Detroit] cl914. - U. 58 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7698. Map of the city of Detroit and environs. [Detroit, Mich.] Sauer bros., cl916. - G. 7699. Detroit. Hannan’s golf club addition. [Detroit, 1917?]. - B. 7700. Blue print plan of the down town district of Detroit, [n. p., n. d.]. - B. 7701. Detroit. Campbell Park subdivision, [n. p., n. d.]. - B. 7702. Norwood estates just off Woodward avenue in the Birmingham district, Detroit, [n. p., n. d.]. -- B. 7703. Map of Detroit showing the wonderful development on Woodward avenue; properties of James G. Pierce associated co’s. in red; showing location of Cass Lake Highlands, [n. p., n. d.]. - B. 7704. Map of the city of Flint, Genesee county, Michigan. Compiled by order of the Common council, by G. T. Clark and Stephen Mathewson, civil engineers and surveyors. Flint, 1873. - B; L C. 7705. Map, Grand-Haven, Ferrysburg and Mill-point, Ottawa county, Michigan. Surveyed by H. Bean, T. Fletcher & S. S. Montague. Drawn & published by Sam. S. Montague. Lith. of Ed. Mendel. Chicago [1856?]. - S. 7706. Plat of the city of Grand Rapids, situated on the rapids of Grand river, the county of Kent and state of Michigan, by J. Almy, engineer, [n. p., 1832]. - G. 7707. A plat of the village of Grand Rapids, situated on the S. J of N. E. fr. Qur. Sec. 25, T 7 N. R. 12 W., M[ich.] T[er.]. Tousant Campau, proprietor; surveyed August 28th, 1833 by C. Barnes. [Grand Rapids, Mich.?] 1833. - G. Pen and ink map. 7708. Plat of the subdivision of lot nos. 1 & 2, in section 25 township 7 N R 12 W; state of Michigan, generally known as the Mission Reserve & constituting part of the 5th ward of the city of Grand Rapids, as surveyed and laid out for the proprietor J. W. Converse, esq., by J. Almy, Nov. 1st. 1856, and recorded in the Register’s office in the county of Kent in liber 7, at page 560. Boston, F. F. Oakley’s lith., 1856. - G. 7709. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1868. Chicago, Chicago lithographing co., 1868. - G. Birds eye view by A. Ruger. 7710. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1874. Charles Shober & co., publishers. Chicago, Chicago lith. co., 1874. - G. Birds eye view. 7711. Map of the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan. [Grand Rapids?] 1876. - B. MAPS AND ATLASES 59 7712. The city of Grand Rapids, Mich. [Grand Rapids] Collar & Greiner, 1884. - L C. 7713. [Birds eye view of] Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1886. Grand Rapids, Mich., Cole and Demar, 1886. - G. Thirty three illustrations in margin. 7714. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Published by the Sanborn map & pub¬ lishing co. New York, 1888. - B. 7715. The city of Grand Rapids, Michigan; compiled by Fred W. Stevens . . . [Detroit?] R. L. Polk & co., cl890. - G. 7716. Grand Rapids. Chicago, Geo. F. Cram [189-?]. - G. 7717. [Grand Rapids public] library site. [Grand Rapids, Mich.] 1901. -G. Blue print map. 7718. [Map showing] location of building east of [Grand Rapids public] library site. [Grand Rapids, Mich.] 1901. - G. 7719. [Map] showing location of [Grand Rapids public] library site, also streets and sewer grades in adjacent streets, [n. p.] 1901. - G. Blue print map. 7720. Map of the city of Grand Rapids and environs . . . [showing how the Grand Rapids public library dots the city]. Grand Rapids, R. L. Polk & co., cl906. - G. 7721. R. L. Polk & co’s map of the city of Grand Rapids and environs, from official records, original plats and actual surveys by D. and F. E. Skeels, civil engineers. Grand Rapids, Mich., R. L .Polk & co., 1883-1907. - G. 9 maps. Title varies. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has 1883, 1888, 1892-1894, 1896, 1901, 1903, 1907. 7722. Map of the city of Grand Rapids and environs. Compiled by Rumsey and Works. Grand Rapids, Mich., Grand Rapids directory co., 1912. - G. 7723. Nellist’s map of one day trips around Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids, Mich., John F. Nellist, cl915. - G. 7724. Ellsworth’s addition to the city of Grand Rapids, Kent co., Michi¬ gan. Drawn by W. L. Coff inberry . . .New York, F. Mayer & co., lith. [n. d.]. - G. 7725. Map of the village of Grosse Pointe Farms, Wayne co., Mich. 1912. Traced from map compiled and delineated by Thomas Campau and son, 60 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN civil engineers and surveyors. Revised and corrected to July, 1912. [n. p., 1912]. - B. Blue print map. 7726. Birds eye view of Hancock, L. S., Mich. 1873. Drawn and pub. by A. J. Cleveland, [n. p.] American oleograph co. print [n. d.]. - B. 7727. Map of Highland Park, Woodward Heights and vicinity, [n. p., n. d.]. - B. Issued by Stewart and Fry, real estate. 7728. Plan of the canal and town of Huron in Michigan. New York, N. Curriers [1847?]. .- G. 7729. Map of Jackson, Jackson co., Mich. Surveyed & published by Henry Hart . . . New York, 1853. - S. 7730. Map [of] Jackson, Michigan, from official records and special sur¬ veys. Drawn by J. S. Bird, C. E. Philadelphia [?] J. S. Bird, 1871. - S. 7731. State fair grounds, Jackson, Mich. Chicago, Rand, AdcNally & co., 1886. - L C. Map by J. B. Frost. 7732. . . . Jacobsville and vicinity, Keweenaw Bay, Lake Superior, showing obstructing rocks in vicinity of dock wrecked by recent storms, Oct. 1905. [Washington, 1905?]. - U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7733. Condensed street map of Kalamazoo, Michigan, compiled and drawn by the Michigan engineering co. [Kalamazoo, Mich., Beecher, Kymer and Patterson, 1912?]. - G. Cover title: Indexed street map of Kalamazoo, Michigan. 7734. . . . L’Anse including Portage Entry and Port of Keweenaw Bay, Lake Superior. Projected from a trigonometrical survey under the orders of col. J. D. Graham, corps of engineers in 1863 and of Col. W. F. Raynolds ... in 1864 and 1865. Published in 1866. [Washington?] 1866. - L C; U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7735. Map of the Town of Adichigan (Comprising section sixteen and por¬ tions of nine and twenty one) in the county of Ingham. Surveyed by T. M’Cracken. Miller’s lith. N. Y. [n. d.]. - M H C; S. 7736. Map of the town of Lansing and adjoining towns, embracing por¬ tions of the counties of Clinton, Eaton and Ingham, Michigan . . . Detroit, Macy & Driggs, cl847. - G. 7737. Map of the city of Lansing, Mich., published by Waterbury & Emery, showing streets, blocks, additions and subdivision, also hydrants [etc.]. Corrected to June 1st 1888. [Lansing? 1888?]. - S. MAPS AND ATLASES G1 7738. Map of the city of Lansing, published by A. M. Emery. [Lansing?] 1914. -S. 7739. Map of the city of Lansing, Michigan [showing] North Highland, the new subdivision. (In The state journal, Lansing, May 11, 1917). -U. Issued by North Highland company. 7740. . . . Map of the city of Lansing. [Lansing] The Dyer-Jenison- Barry co., ltd. [n. d.]. - S. 7741. Map of city of Lansing, published by John A. Kerr & co. Com¬ piled from the records.of the state by W. A. Barnard, of the State land office, and L. D. Preston, surveyor and C. E., Lansing, Mich. Detroit, Michigan, The Calvert lith. co. [n. d.]. - M H C; S. 7742. Mackinaw City, from actual survey made August, 1857, by R. C. Phillips. Cincinnati, 1857. - G. 7743. [Birds eye view of] Marquette, L. S., Mich., Beck & Pauli, litho. Milwaukee, Wis. [1886?]. - M H C. 7744. Contemplated seat of government of Michigan. Plan of the city of Adarshall, Calhoun county, Michigan, by O. Wilder. New York, P. A. Mesiers’ lith. [n. d.]. - B. 7745. Rascher’s fire insurance atlas of Muskegon city and North Muske¬ gon, Mich. Surveyed and published by the Western fire map publishing co. Chicago, 1883. Caption title, 46 p. - B. 7746. Outline map of Muskegon, Michigan, [n. p.] 1911. - G. Blue print map. 7747. Plat of New Baltimore, Michigan. [Detroit? n. d.]. - B. 7748. Map of Saginaw comprising the cities of Saginaw and East Saginaw Michigan. By Charles Holmes and Harrison Cary. New York, Am. photo- litho co., 1882. - S. Another map, smaller size. - L C. 7749. Map of St. Clair, St. Clair county, Mich. Surveyed & published by Willm. Hancock. St. Clair, W. Hancock [1854]. - L C. 7750. City of Saint Joseph, Berrien county, Michigan, [n. p., 1836?]. - B; G. 7751. Sanilac Centre, Michigan. Hubbard & King’s subdivision of north half of northeast quarter of section 5, town 11 north, range 14 east, also of west half of southeast quarter of section 32, town 12 north, range 14 east, [n. p., n. d.]. -- B. Manuscript. Undated. 7752. Illustrated atlas of the twin cities Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and Ontario, containing general and detail maps, showing streets with sewers and water mains, subdivisions with lots and their dimensions, private claims, 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN etc. etc. Also maps of the hemispheres, world, United States and Michigan, with early and present history of the twin cities and surrounding country. Detroit, Mich., Wm. C. Sauer, C. E., 1888. 2 p. 1., 3-92 p., col. maps. - S. 7753. [Map of] Waverly, Ottawa county, Michigan; surveyed and platted by F. E. Skeels,’surveyor, [n. p., n. d.]. - G. 7754. Plat of the village of Woodwardville. [n. p., n. d.]. - B. 7755. City of Ypsilanti, Washtenaw county * Michigan. Surveyed and drawn by C. S. Woodard, C. E. Chicago, Chas. Shober. lith., 1859. - S. Geological and Topographical 7756. . . . Ann Arbor quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1901-2 in co¬ operation with the state of Michigan. [Washington, 1902?]. - G; U. Quadrangle maps are issued as U. S. Geological survey, topographic atlas sheets. 7757. . . . Ann Arbor quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1901-1902 in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Feb. 1904. by U. S. G. S. Edition of April, 1904. [Washington, 1904?]. - S; U. 7758. . . . Ann Arbor quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1901-1902 in co¬ operation with the state of Michigan. Edition of April, 1904. Reprinted Dec. 1908. [Washington, 1908?]. - U. 7759. . . . Ann Arbor quadrangle. Edition of Dec. 1907. Reprinted with changes after field revision Dec. 1914. [Washington, 1914?]. - U. 7760. . . . Ann Arbor folio, Michigan, [by I. C. Russell and Frank Leverett] . . . Washington, D. C., U. S. Geological survey, 1908. Cover title, 15 p., 3 maps. (U. S. Geological survey, geologic atlas of the United States, no. 155). - D; L C; S; U. 7761. Ibid. Washington, D. C., U. S. Geological survey, 1915. Cover title, 18 p., 3 maps. (U. S. Geological survey, geologic atlas of the United States, no. 155, reprint). - L C. “The Ann Arbor folio pub. in 1908 ... is here reprinted without field revision. The text, however, has been rev. in the light of facts disclosed by studies in adjacent regions. ” 7762. Surface geology; Bay county [flowing wells], compiled by W. F. Cooper. Grand Rapids, Mich., Mich. lith. co., 1905. - G. Issued by Michigan geological survey. 7763. Surface geology; Bay county [sand areas], compiled by W. F. Cooper. Grand Rapids, Mich., Mich. lith. co., 1905. - G. Issued by Michigan geological survey. MAPS AND ATLASES 63 7764. Topographic map of Bay county, [showing location of drill holes for coal], compiled by W. F. Cooper. Grand Rapids, Mich., Mich. lith. co., 1905. - G. Issued by Michigan geological survey. 7765. . . . Calumet special map . . . Surveyed in 1908-1909. En¬ graved Mar. 1911 by U. S. G. S. Edition of May, 1911. [Washington, 1911?]. - S; U. 7766. ... Chesaning quadrangle . . . Surveyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved, 1916, by U. S. G. S. Edition of 1917. [Washington, 1917?]. - S. 7767. . . . Crystal Falls quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1891 and 1895. Engraved Oct. 1898, by U. S. G. S. Edition of Feb. 1899. [Washington, 1899?]. S; U. 7768. . . . Detroit quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1904. Surveyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Aug., 1905, by U. S. G. S. Edition of Dec., 1905. [Washington, 1905?]. - S. U. 7769. . . . Detroit folio: Wayne, Detroit, Grosse Poin'te, Romulus, and Wyandotte quandrangles, Michigan, by W. H. Sherzer; surveyed in co¬ operation with the state of Michigan. Washington, D. C., engraved and printed by the U. S. Geological survey, 1917. Cover title, 22 p., 11 maps. - S. 7770. . . . Dexter quadrangle. Jno H. Renshawe, geographer in charge, topography by Robert Muldrow and E. C. Bebb, control by U. S. Lake survey and Geo. T. Hawkins. Surveyed in 1901-1902. Surveyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved July, 1905 by U. S. G. S. Edition of Feb. 1906. [Washington, 1906?]. - S. 7771. . . . Map to accompany the cross sections of the Eagle River dis¬ trict . . . (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1869-1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien, lith. [1874?], pi. XX). -- B; M H C; S; U. 7772. . . . Cross section of the Eagle River district no. 1 . . . (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper penin¬ sula, 1869-1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. XXI).- M H C; S; U. 7773. . . . Eagle River section no. 2. (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1869-1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. XXII). - M H C; S; U. 7774. . . . Fowierville quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1908. Surveyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Apr. 1910, by U. S. G. S. Edition of June, 1910. [Washington, 1910?]. - S; U. 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7775. . . . Grand Rapids quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1911-1912. Surveyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved May, 1914, by U. S. G. S. Edition of Oct. 1914. [Washington, 1914?]. - S. 7776. . . . Grosspoint quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1904. Surveyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Aug. 1905, by U. S. G. S. Edition of Oct. 1905. [Washington? 1905?]. -- S; U. 7777. . . . Houghton quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1908, 1909, 1911 and 1912. Engraved Aug. 1914, by U. S. G. S. Edition of Feb. 1915. [Wash¬ ington, 1915?]. - S. 7778. . . . Grouped cross sections illustrating certain stratigraphical relations between Houghton and Keweenaw counties . . . (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1869- 1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. XIX). - M H C; S. 7779. . . . Howell quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1906-1907. Sur¬ veyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. [Washington, 1907?]. - U. 7780. . . . Howell quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1906-1907. Sur¬ veyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Jan. 1909, by U. S. G. S. Edition of April, 1909. [Washington, 1909?]. - S. 7781. Sketch map showing surface geology about the northern shores of lakes Huron and Michigan, by Israel C. Russell. Areas occupied by swamps, muck-soil, etc., not represented. [Lansing? 1904]. - G. Accompanies the Annual report of the Michigan geological survey for 1904 as plate xvi. Map colored. 7782. . . . Iron River quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1891-95. En¬ graved Oct. 1898, by U. S. G. S. Edition of Dec. 1898. [Washington, 1898?]. - S; U. 7783. Geological map of the trap range of Keweenaw Point, Lake Superior, by Wm. H. Stevens, Samuel W. Hill & C. P. Williams. Philadelphia, R. L. Barnes [1863]. ■- L C. 7784. . . . Lansing quadrangle . . . Surveyed 1909 and 1910. Sur¬ veyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved June, 1912, by U. S. G. S. Edition of Aug. 1912. [Washington, 1912?]. - S; U. 7785. Geological map of the lower peninsula, by C. Rominger, state geologist. [New York?] Julius Bien, lith., 1867. - G. 7786. Map showing geological formations and contours of rock surface of the southern peninsula of Michigan, revised from state reports and unpub¬ lished data by Alfred C. Lane. Baltimore, Md., 1905. (U. S. Geological survey, w'ater supply Raper no. 182, pi. 2). - G. 7787. Map of the surface formation of the southern peninsula of Michigan, MAPS AND ATLASES 65 by Frank Leverett, United States geologist, in cooperation with Frank Taylor and members of the Michigan geological survey, 1911. [Washington? 1911]. -- G; M H C; S; U. 7788. . . . Marquette quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1905. Surveyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Jan. 1907, by U. S. G. S. Edition of April, 1907. [Washington, 1907?]. - S; U. 7789. . . . Mason quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1908-1909. Surveyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Sept. 1911,byU.S.G.S. Edition of Dec. 1911. [Washington, 1911?]. - S; U. 7790. Description of the Menominee quadrangle, by Charles Richard VanHise and William Shirley Bayley. 13 p., 2 maps. (In U. S. Geological survey. Geologic atlas of the United States, Menominee special folio, Michi¬ gan . . . Engraved and printed by the U. S. Geological survey. Washing¬ ton, D. C., 1900). - U. 7791. . . . Menominee special map . . . Surveyed in 1898. Engraved Mar. 1900, by U. S. G. S. Edition of April, 1901. [Washington, 1901?]. -- S; U. 7792. Geological survey of Michigan . . . surface (pleistocene) geology; compiled by John F. Nellist from notes of F. Leverett and F. B. Taylor and various members of the state survey, (with permission of the U. S. Geological survey). Grand Rapids, Mich. [1907?]. - G. 7793. . . . Milford quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1906-1908. Sur¬ veyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Oct. 1909, by U. S. G. S. Edition to Dec. 1909. [Washington, 1909?]. - S. 7794. Surface geology (pleistocene) of Monroe county. Mapped by W. H. Sherzer; assistants W. D. Cramer, R. R. Putman, De Forest Ross. [Wash¬ ington? 1900]. - U. 7795. Ned Lake sheet . . . Edition of August, 1895. [Washington, 1895?]. - U. In series: U. S. Geological survey, topographicatlas sheets. 7796. Pench Lake sheet . . . Edition of Aug. 1895. [Washington, 1895?]. - U. In series: U. S. Geological survey, topographic atlas sheets. 7797. . . . Pontiac quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1905-1906. Sur¬ veyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved June, 1907, by U. S. G. S. Edition of Nov-.- 1907. [Washington, 1907?]. - S; U. 7798. . . . Map to accompany the cross sections of the Portage Lake district . . . (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1869-1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. XIV a and b). - M H C; S; U. 9 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7799. . . . Cross sections near Portage Lake, south shore . . . (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper penin¬ sula, 1869-1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. XV-XVIII). - M H C; S; U. 7800. . . . Map of Republic Mountain and vicinity, situated in sects. 7 and 18, T. 46 N., R. 29 W., Marquette co., Mich. (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1869-1873. . . . New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. VI). - M H C; S; U. 7801. . . . Magneto-geological chart of Republic Mountain, Mar¬ quette co., Mich. (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1869-1873 . . .New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. II [xi?]). - M H C; S; U. 7802. . . . Rochester quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1906. Surveyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Oct. 1907, by U. S. G. S. Edition of Feb. 1908. [Washington, 1908?].-S; U. 7803. . . . Romulus quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1903. Surveyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Feb. 1906, by U. S. G. S. Edition of April, 1906. [Washington, 1906?]. - S. 7804. . . . Sagola quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1891-95. Engraved Oct. 1898, by U. S. G. S. Edition of Jan. 1899. [Washington, 1899?]. - S; U. 7805. . . . St. Charles quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1914. Surveyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved 1916, by U. S. G. S. Edition of 1917. [Washington, 1917?]. - S. 7806. . . . Saline quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1901-1902. Survey made in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Jan. 1906, by U. S. G. S. Edition of April, 1906. [Washington, 1906?]. - S; U. 7807. . . . South Lyon quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1901-1902. Sur¬ veyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Nov. 1905, by U. S. G. S. Edition of Mar. 1906. [Washington, 1906?]. - S. 7808. Geological map of the Lake Superior land district in the state of Michigan prepared pursuant to an act of congress approved March 1st, 1847, entitled ‘‘An act to establish a new land district and to provide for the,sale of mineral lands in the state of Michigan”. By J. W. Foster & J. D. Whitney, U. S. geologists. New York, J. Ackerman, lith. [1848]. - L C; S; W. 7809. Geological map of the district between Keweenaw Bay and Choco¬ late River, Lake Superior, Michigan. J. W. Foster & J. D. Whitney, U. S. geologists. New York, Ackerman, lith. [1851?]. - L C; S. 7810. Section and diagram illustrating the geology of the region between MAPS AND ATLASES 67 the northern shores of lakes Superior and Michigan, [by J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney]. New York, Ackerman, lith. [n. d.]. - S; W. 7811. . . . Three Rivers quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1914. Sur¬ veyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved 1916, by U. S. G. S. Edition of 1916. [Washington, 1916?]. - S; U. 7812. Topographical map of Tuscola county by C. A. Davis, assisted by A. C. Lane. J. F. Nellist, draughtsman, [n. p.] 1904. - G. Issued by Michigan geological survey. 7813. Geological map of a district of township lines in the northern penin¬ sula of Michigan, surveyed by Wm. A. Burt, in the year 1846. Baltimore, lith. by E. Weber [1846]. - L C. 7814. . . . Atlas accompanying reports on iron-bearing rocks. T. B. Brooks. New York, Julius Bien, 1873. Cover title, xii plates, 2 charts. •- U. At head of title: Geological survey of Michigan. 7815. . . . Map of the upper peninsula. Paleozoic rocks by C. Romin- ger; copper-bearing rocks (Huronian), by T. B. Brooks; Laurentian rocks by Brooks and Pumpelly. (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompany¬ ing reports on upper peninsula, 1869-1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. I). - B; M H C; S; U. 7816. . . . Map of the central portion of the upper peninsula, Michigan. (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien, lith. [1874?], pi. II). -• B; M H C; S; U. 7817. Michigan. Geological survey. Geological survey of Michigan. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1869-1873. New York, Julius Bien [1874?]. Cover title, 13 maps, 9 pi., 2 tab. - D; L C; M H C; S; U. 7818. . . . Map of the surface formation of the northern peninsula of Michigan. By Frank Leverett, United States geologist. 1911. [Washing¬ ton? 1911]. - G; M H C; S; U. At head of title: Geological survey of Michigan. R. C. Allen, state geologist, in coopera¬ tion with the United States geological survey; George Otis Smith, director. 7819. . . .Wayne quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1903. Surveyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Jan. 1905, by U. S. G. S. Edition of Feb. 1905. [Washington, 1905?]. - S; U. 7820. . . . Witbeck quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1891-96. Engraved Nov. 1898, by U. S. G. S.'Edition of Jan. 1899. [Washington, 1899?]. - S; U. 7821. . . . Wyandotte quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1903-1904. Sur- 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN veyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Jan. 1906, by U. S. G. S. Edition of Mar. 1906. [Washington, 1906?]. - S; U. 7822. . . . Ypsilanti quadrangle . . . Surveyed in 1901-1902. Sur¬ veyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Engraved Feb. 1906, by U. S. G. S. Edition of June, 1906. [Washington, 1906?]. - S. G Mines and Mineral Regions 7823. . . . Geological section in the Central mine. (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1869- 1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien, 1874?], pi. XXIII). - M H C; S; U. * 7824. . . . Map of Champion mine, Marquette co., Mich. (In Michi¬ gan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1869-1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. VII). - M H C; S; U. 7825. Sketch map of the copper range of northern Michigan showing principal properties. (In Mining financial news. New York, March 3, 1910). -- U. 7826. . . . Map of iron mines at Negaunee, Michigan, including the Jackson and the Hematite mines. Topography by C. D. Lawton, C. E. (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper penin¬ sula, 1869-1873 . . . New York, J. Bien [1874?], pi. V). - B; M H C; S;U. 7827. Furnaces consuming L. S. Ores. Production of pig iron. Metal¬ lurgical and chemical character of the ores. Jany. 1873. (In Michigan, geo- logicaj survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1869-1873 . . .* New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. XIII). - MHC;S;U. 7828. . . . Statistics of the iron ore trade and iron mines of the upper peninsula, 1854 to 1873. (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompany¬ ing reports on upper peninsula, 1869-1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. XII). - M H C; S; U. 7829. . . . Map of the Marquette iron region, upper peninsula, Mich., 1872. (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1869-1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. III). - B; M H C; S; U. MAPS AND ATLASES G9 7830. . . . Map of the Menominee iron region, upper peninsula, Mich., 1872. (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1869-1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. IV). - M H C; S; U. 7831. Menominee iron range of Michigan and Wisconsin, compiled from U. S. Govt, surveys, and other authentic resources. Milwaukee, S'. Chapman [1881]. - L C. 7832. Method of sinking shafts, Mohawk mine; dip of no. 4 shaft 35° -45'; showing bucket in three different positions as it ascends, [n. p., n. d.]. -- B. Blue print map. 7833. . . . Map of the New York mine of Marquette co., Mich. (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper penin¬ sula, 1869-1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. X).-M H C; S; U. 7834. Map of the mineral district of northern Michigan. Chicago., Franklin co. [n. d.]. - G. Issued by Michigan college of mines, Houghton. 7835. . . . Map of Lake Superior mine, Marquette co., Mich. (In Michigan geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1869-1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. IX). - B; M H C; S; U. 7836. Map of the mineral region of the south shore of Lake Superior. From the U. S. surveys of 1845, by J. Houghton, jr. & T. W. Bristol. Buf¬ falo, N. Y., Hall & Mooney [1845]. (In Burt, William A. and Hubbard, Bela. Reports . . . Detroit, C. Willcox, 1846). —— L C. 7837. The mineral regions of Lake Superior; mineral agency map at Copper Harbor with additions by John R. St. John. New York, lith of G. Snyder [n. d.]. (In St. John, John R. A true description of the Lake Superior country; its rivers, coasts, bays, harbors, islands, and commerce [etc.]. New York, William H. Graham, tribune buildings, 1846). - L C; S. 7838. Maps of the mineral region of Lake Superior. Published by Weare & Little & co. Albany, N. Y., J. H. Hall, lith. [1846?]. - G; M H C; PH. 7839. A geological map of the mineral region from the official plats of the United States surveys and chart of Lake Superior reduced from the survey and chart of Lieut. Byfield of the R. N. by John Farmer. Detroit, 1847. - G; W. 7840. Geological and topographical map of the mineral district of Lake Superior, Michigan; compiled & drawn by Jno C. Booth & E. J. Hulbert, 1855, showing accurately the relative position of the copper & iron mines, the selec- 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN tions made by the Sault Ste. Marie canal co., the swamp or state lands & individual possessions. Topography reduced from the plats of the U. S. sur¬ veys, geological notes furnished by S. W. Hill, esq. (late U. S. D. G.). En¬ graved, printed and mounted by J. H. Colton & co. New York, E. Warner & E. J. Hulbert [1855]. - S; U. 7841. Ibid. 2d ed. New York, cl864. - S. 7842. Map of a portion of the silver range of Lake Superior, Marquette county/Michigan. New York, Howe & Terry [1864]. - L C. 7843. Sectional map of the copper, iron and silver region of Lake Superior, embracing the counties of Marquette, Houghton, Baraga, Keweenaw, Ontonagon, Isle Roy ale and parts of Delta, Menominee & Schoolcraft. Phila¬ delphia, J. Disturnell, 1875. - L C. 7844. . . . Map of Washington and Edwards mines, Humboldt, Mar¬ quette co., Mich. (In Michigan, geological survey. Atlas accompanying reports on upper peninsula, 1869-1873 . . . New York, Julius Bien [1874?], pi. VIII). - B; M H C; S. 7845. Map of the What-Cheer mine located on the south half of section 16, town 51 north, range 37 west. Containing 320 acres. With adjacent country to Lake Superior. L. H. Bradford & co’s lith. [Boston? 1858?]. - B. H Lands 7846. The Cadillac tract. [Chicago, Rand, McNally and company, 1907?]. - G. 7847. Map showing location of the lands belonging to Detroit, Mackinac & Marquette R. R. co. in the counties of Schoolcraft, Mackinac and Chippewa . . . Detroit, The Calvert lith. co., 1881. - G. 7848. Map showing the Duncan lands on Mackinac Straits & Cheboygan River. Michigan. Drawn by P. L. Fox. [Philadelphia? 1857?]. - B. 7849. Map of Flint & Pere Marquette railway co’s lands in Michigan. Chas. Shober & co., props. Chicago, Chicago lithograph co., 1871. - B. 7850. Map of the lands of the Flint and Pere Marquette railway in the Saginaw region, Mich. [n. p., n. d.]. - B. 7851. . . . Plat of a survey of land “for military purposes” around Fort Brady, Sault St. Marie, Mich., made by 1st Lieut. G. C. Westcott, 2d U. S. MAPS AND ATLASES 71 Inf. under the direction of Brig’r Gen’l H. Brady, U. S. A., November, 1846. [Washington? 1846?]. - B; U. At top of map: Doc. 221, 29 congress, 2 session. 7852. True copy of “plot of the military reservation at Fort Gratiot, Mich., showing that portion deeded to the C. D. & C. G. T. J. R. R. co. (within the red lines). Surveyed and drawn under the direction of Capt. George G. Meade, T. E., by W. H. Hearding and J. L. Beghein, April 1859”, made in the bureau of engineers, War department, June 28th, 1866. - B. Manuscript. 7853. Map of Fort Ponchartrain, and vicinity showing lands possessed near the fort. - B. “True copy of plan in the Dominion Archives”. Undated. 7854. Map of Gladwin and Clare county lands, Michigan. [Gladwin? n. d.]. - S. 7855. Lands of James B. Goodman and others in Delta county, Michigan. 1890. [n. p., 1890?]. - U. 7856. Map of the land grant of the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad company. N. Y., G. W. & C. B. Colton and co. [1882?]. - G. 7857. Map of the original swamp areas of the lower peninsula of Michi¬ gan; compiled from John Farmer’s map of 1873 . . . [by Alfred C. Lane], [n. p.] A. J. Farmer, 1907. - G. Swamp areas in brown. 7858. Map of the farm, garden and lawn of the State agricultural college, Lansing, Michigan, prepared for the Centennial exhibition by R. C. Car¬ penter, C. E. [1876?]. - S. Hand drawn. 7859. Map of the part of the mineral lands adjacent to Lake Superior, ceded to the United States by the treaty of 1842 with the Chippewas. Com¬ prising that district lying between Chocolate River and Fond du Lac, under the superintendency of Gen. John Stockton, U. S. agency. Projected and drawn under the direction of Lieut. Col. George Talcott, by A. B. Gray, as¬ sisted by John Seib. Washington, C. B. Graham, lith. [1845]. - B; L C; U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers. 7860. Plan of private claims in Michigan territory as surveyed by Aaron Greeley, D. surveyor in 1810. [n. p., 1810]. - B; L C. 7861. Private claims at Michilimackinac surveyed in Oct’r & Nov’r 1828 by John Mullet, D. S. [Washington" 1846?]. - B. At top of map: S. doc. 221, 29th congress, 2d. session. 7862. Map showing land districts, public lands sold . . . (Michigan). 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN (In U. S. Congress. A collection of maps . . . pub ... by order . . . of congress. Washington, 1843, no. 86 B). - W. 7863. Map of the lower peninsula of Michigan showing . . . lands of the Saint Mary’s Falls ship canal company . . . Detroit [1855?]. - W. 7864. Map of the lands of the St. Mary’s Falls ship canal company, in . . . Michigan . . . [n. p.] 1863. -- W. 7865. Map of the upper peninsula of Michigan showing the location of the mineral lands of the Saint Adary’s Falls ship canal co. . . . Lith. by S. D. Elwood. Detroit [n. d.]..-M FI C. 7866. Map of part of the state of Michigan showing the pine lands of the St. Mary’s Falls ship canal company. Land office, Detroit, Mich. L. H. Bradford & co’s lith. Boston [n. d.]. - S; U. 7867. Upper peninsula of Michigan showing state lands. Grand Rapids, Mich., John F. Nellist, 1908. - G. 7868. Map of the states of Missouri, Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin, the territory of Minnesota and the mineral lands of Lake Superior. Compiled by I. S. Drake. Philadelphia, Thomas, Cowperthwait & co., 1849. -- L C. 7869. The Lake Superior ship canal, railway and iron co. 450,000 acres of land in the upper peninsula for sale or lease . . . New York, Julius Bien, photo-lith [n. d.]. - U. 7870. Plat of A. B. Woodward’s property on the turnpike, [n. p., n. d.]. •- B. I Islands 7871. . . . Beaver Island group including north shore of Lake Michigan from Waugoshance Point to Seul Choix Point, prepared and first issued under the direction of Lieut. Colonel C. S. Riche . . . in 1911; second edition re¬ vised and published under the direction of Major Harry Burgess ... in 1916. [Washington, 1917?]. - S. At bottom of map: Issued January 19, 1917. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7872. Map of the south west end of Drummond Island, showing British occupation 1815-1828. (In Cook, Samuel F. Drummond Island. Lansing, Mich., 1896). - L C. 7873. . . . Chart of Grand Island and its approaches, Lake Superior; MAPS AND ATLASES 73 projected from a trigonometrical survey executed under the direction of Captain G. G. Meade ... in 1859 and Colonel G. J. Lydecker ... in 1906. Additions and corrections under the direction of Major Charles Keller . . . in 1908 and Colonel J. C. Sanford . . . in 1914. [Washington, 1914?]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7874. Map of Isle Royale, Lake Superior, Michigan, showing some of its geological and vein phenomena. By S. W. Hill. New York, John J. Bloom¬ field, 1871. - S. 7875. . . . Les Cheneaux Islands and northeasterly approaches to Straits of Mackinac from Beaver Tail Reef to St. Martin Bay including Mackinac and Round Islands and northerly shore of Bois Blanc Islands. Prepared and first issued under the direction of Lieut. Colonel J. L. Lusk and Colonel G. J. Lydecker ... in 1906-07. Third edition revised and published under the direction of A4ajor Harry Burgess . . . in 1916. [Washington, 1916?]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7876. Les Cheneaux Islands. Published by the Arnold transit co. Mackinac Island, Mich. [n. d.]. - B. 7877. Map of the island of Mackinac. Philadelphia, J. Distumell, cl875. (Accompanies Distumell, J. Island of Mackinac, giving a description of all the objects of interest and places of resort in the Straits of Mackinac and its vicinity including Old Mackinaw, Point St. Ignace, Cheboygan, etc. . . . With a map and embellishments. Compiled by J. Distumell . . . Phila¬ delphia, 1857. -- B; L C. J Lakes and Bays 7878. West end of Lake Erie and Detroit River. From surveys under the orders of Lieut. Col. James Kearney, 1849. [Washington, 1852]. - L C. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7879. A map of the five great lakes with part of Pensilvania, New York, Canada and Hudsons Bay territories, &c. [n. p., 1755?]. - G. 7880. State boundary lines in the great lakes, U. S. Engineer office. Cleveland, Ohio. December 30, 1911. - U. Blue print map. 7881. North end of Green Bay, the island at the entrance and the N. W. 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MICHIGAN shore of Lake Michigan. Projected from trigonometrical surveys, executed under the orders of J. D. Graham in 1863 and Col. W. F. Raynolds in 1864. [Washington, 1866]. - L C. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7882. South end of Green Bay, the islands of the entrance thereof and part of west shore of Lake Michigan. Projected from trigonometrical surveys executed under the orders of Col. J. D. Graham in 1863 and Col. W. F. Ray¬ nolds in 1864. [Washington, 1866]. - L C. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7883. . . . Coast chart no. 1 north end of Green Bay including northwest shores of Lake Michigan from Seul Choix Pt. to Porte des Morts Passage, prepared under the direction of Major Charles Keller . . . in 1909-1910 and Major C. S. Riche ... in 1910. [Washington] 1910. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7884. . . . Entrance to Green Bay, Lake Michigan, from Poverty Island Passage to Porte des Morts Passage including Drisco Shoal prepared under the direction of Major Charles Keller ... in 1907-1908. Additions and corrections under the direction of Colonel J. C. Sanford ... in 1914. [Washington] 1914. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7885. . . . Huron Bay and Huron Island, Lake Superior. Projected from a trigonometrical survey made in 1866 and published in 1867 under the direction of Gen. W. F. Raynolds. [Washington, 1869]. - L C. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7886. . . . Huron Bay and Huron Islands, Lake Superior, projected m from a trigonometrical survey executed under the direction of Lieut Col. W. J. Raynolds ... in 1866. Additions and corrections under the direction of Major J. L. Lusk ... in 1906 and Colonel J. C. Sanford ... in 1914. [Washington] 1915. - S. At bottom of map: Issued January 30, 1915. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7887. . . . South end of Lake Huron and head of the St. Clair River. Projected from a trigonometrical survey, executed under the order of Capt. Geo. G. Meade ... in 1859. [Washington, 1861]. - L C; U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7888. General chart of Lake Huron. Projected from trigonometrical surveys under the orders of Capt. G. G. Meade and from other reliable in¬ formation, 1860. Electrotype no. 1. [Washington, I860]. - L C. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7889. Ibid. Aids to navigation corrected to March 2, 1888. [Washing¬ ton, 1888?]. - U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. MAPS AND ATLASES 75 7890. . . . Coast chart no. 2 Lake Huron from Richmondville to Au Sable Point including Saginaw Bay projected from a trigonometrical survey executed under the direction of Captain J. N. Macomb ... in 1856 and Captain G. G. Meade ... in 1857-58. Chart revision, additions and corrections ... in 1912. [Washington, 1912]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7891. . . . General chart of Lake Huron including Georgian Bay and North Channel compiled under the direction of Major W. L. Fisk, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, in 1902-3 from U. S. lake surveys made between the years 1851 and 1902; the Canadian shore from British Admiralty charts and official Canadian sources . . . [Washington] 1914. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7892. . . . Coast chart no. 3 (new) Lake Huron, Tawas Harbor to Rogers, Mich., prepared under the direction of Colonel J. C. Sanford . . . in 1913-1914. Engraved by J. Hartenstein & John Stolz. [Washington, 1914]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7893. . . . Coast chart no. 1; south end of Lake Huron from Harbor Beach, A4ich. and Port Albert, Ont., to head of St. Clair River, prepared and first issued under the direction of Major Charles Keller ... in 1909. Third edition revised under the direction of Colonel Mason M. Patrick . . . and issued under the direction of Major Harry Burgess . .. . in 1916. [Washington, 1916]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7894. . . . Keweenaw Bay including L’Anse and Portage Entry, Lake Superior, projected from trigonometrical surveys executed under the direc¬ tion of Colonel J. D. Graham ... in 1863 and Lieut. Col. W. F. Raynolds ... in 1864-65. Additional surveys made ... in 1905 ... in 1906 . . . in 1910. Published in 1911. [Washington, 1911]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7895. . . . Chart of Little Bay de Noc and approaches under the direc¬ tion of Major W. L. Fisk ... in 1904-05. Additions and corrections under the direction of Major C. S. Riche . . . in 1910. [Washington, 1910]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7896. Chart of Marquette Bay, by T. S. Thompson, 1861. [n. p., 1861]. - L C. 7897. . . . Chart of Maumee Bay and Maumee River, including City of Toledo, Ohio. Prepared under the direction of Major W. L. Fisk ... in 1901. [Washington, 1901]. - U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7898. North end of Lake Michigan including the Beaver Island group. From trigonometrical surveys under the orders of Capt. J. N. Macomb in 1854 & 1855. [Washington, 1857]. -- L C. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7899. North east end of Lake Michigan including Grand and Little Traverse bays and the Fox and Manitou islands. Projected from trigono¬ metrical surveys under the orders of Capt. Geo. G. Meade in 1861 and Lt. Col. J. D. Graham in 1862 & 1863. [Washington, 1863]. - L C. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7900. North end of Lake Michigan including Green Bay and the Straits of Mackinac. Projected'from a trigonometrical survey under the orders of Capt. J. N. Macomb in 1851, 52, 53, 54 and 55; of Capt. G. G. Meade in 1860 & 61, of Col. J. D. Graham in 1862 & 63; and Col. W. F. Raynolds in 1864, 65 & 66. [Washington, 1867]. - L C. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7901. North American lakes. Lake Michigan. From the United States government surveys to 1876. London, Admiralty, 1878. - L C. Great Britain, Admiralty, hydrographic office, charts, 301. 7902. . . . Coast chart no. 6 (new); Lake Michigan, South Haven to Benona, Mich., prepared under the direction of Lieut. Colonel C. S. Riche ... in 1911 and 1912. [Washington] 1912. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7903. . . . North end of Lake Michigan including Green Bay compiled under the direction of Colonel G. J. Lydecker ... in 1907 and Major Charles Keller ... in 1907-8 from U. S. lake surveys made between the 5^ears 1851 and 1907. Additions and corrections under the direction of Lieut. Col. C. S. Riche ... in 1911 and 1912. [Washington] 1912. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7904. . . . Coast chart no. 5 (new); Lake Michigan, Waukegon, Ill. to South Haven, Mich, prepared under the direction of Lieut. Colonel C. S. Riche ... & Lieut. Col. Adason M. Patrick . . . in 1912, and Lieut. Col. J. C. Sanford . . . in 1912-1913. Engraved by J. Hartenstein, P. A. Staffin & G. F. Penner. [Washington] 1913. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7905. . . . General chart of Lake Michigan compiled under the direc¬ tion of Lieut. Colonel G. J. Lydecker ... in 1897-1898 from sectional lake survey charts and local surveys made under officers of the corps of engi¬ neers, U. S. Army. Revised from results of surveys by the U. S. Lake survey and U. S. Engineer offices and published under the direction of Colonel J. C. Sanford ... in 1915. [Washington] 1915. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. MAPS AND ATLASES 77 7906. . . . Chart of inland route of navigation, Michigan, from Che¬ boygan to Little Traverse Bay including Petoskey and Harbor Springs pre¬ pared under the direction of Colonel J. C. Sanford ... in 1914-1915. [Washington] 1915. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7907. . . . Manitou Passage, Lake Michigan, prepared from U. S. suryeys and first issued under the direction of Major W. L. Fisk ... in 1902. Revised from results of surveys by the U. S. Lake survey office and published under the direction of Lieut. Colonel Mason M. Patrick ... in 1915. [Washington, 1916?]. -- S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7908. Coast chart no. 8; Lake Michigan, Frankfort to Charlevoix, Mich, including Manitou and Fox islands. Prepared and first issued under the direction of Lieut. Colonel C. S. Riche ... in 1912. 2d ed. Revised and published under the direction of Major Harry Burgess . . . in 1916. [Wash¬ ington, 1916]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7909. Map of Muskegon Lake, made from actual survey on the ice in 1884, by Abbott and Gamble, civil engineers. Chicago, cl884. - G. 7910. . . . Pine Lake including Charlevoix Harbor, Mich. Prepared from surveys by the U. S. Lake Survey and first issued under the direction of Major Charles Keller ... in 1907-1908. Revised from results of surveys by the U. S. Lake survey and U. S. Engineer office, Grand Rapids, Mich, and published under the direction of Lieut. Colonel Mason M. Patrick ... in 1915. [Washington, 1915]. - S. 7911. . . . Portage Lake and River with part of Keweenaw Bay. Pro¬ jected from a trigonometrical survey under the orders of Col. J. D. Graham . . . in 1863. and of Col. W. F. Raynolds ... in 1864. Published in 1865. [Washington, 1865?]. -- L C; U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7912. . . . Portage Lake, Manistee co., Lake Michigan. Prepared under the direction of Colonel G. J. Lydecker ... in 1905-1906 and Lieut. Colonel J. L. Lusk ... in 1906. Additions and corrections under the direc¬ tion of Colonel J. C. Sanford ... in 1914. [Washington, 1914]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7913. . . . Saginaw Bay and part of Lake Huron. Projected from a trigonometrical survey . . . in 1856 and . . . in 1857 & 1858. Published in 1860. [Washington, I860]. - L C; U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7914. ... Chart of Lake Saint Clair. Projected from trigonometrical surveys executed under the direction of Lt. Col. W. F. Raynolds, corps of engineers & brvt. brig. genl. U. S. A. in 1867 & 1868 and Major C. B. Com- 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN stock, corps of engineers & brvt. brig, gen’l, U. S. A. in 1870 & 1871. Drawn in 1873 and 1874. Additions and corrections under the direction of Major W. L. Fisk, corps, of engineers, U. S. Army in 1902. [Washington, 1902?]. -- U. 7915. Bayfield’s North America, sheet IV: Lake Superior. Reduced from the admiralty survey, published by the Society for the diffusion of use¬ ful knowledge . . .New York, lith of G. Snyder [n. d.]. (In St. John, John R. A true description of the Lake Superior country; its rivers, coasts, bays, harbors, islands, and commerce with Bayfield’s chart; [etc.]. New York, William H. Graham, tribune buildings, 1846). - L C; S. 7916. Lac Svperievr et avtres lievx ou sont les missions des peres de la Compagnie de Iesvs comprises sovs le mon d’Ovtaovacs. [anon. facs.]. New York, Ackerman’s lith. [1849]. - L C. Facsimile of a map made by the Jesuit missionaries in the years 1670 & 1671 and pub¬ lished at Paris, 1672. (House of reps., ex. doc., 30th cong., no. 69). 7917. Plan of the north shore of Lake Superior. Compiled from Bay¬ field’s chart. Toronto, Maclear & co., 1858. - L C. Issued by Canada, crown lands department. 7918. Sailing chart of south shore of Lake Superior. Reduced from sur¬ veys by T. S. Thompson, [n. p., 1861]. - L C. 7919. Farmer’s map of Lake Superior and the mining regions, showing geological formations, mines, [etc.]. Detroit, S. Farmer & co., 1867. - LC. 7920. Farmer’s map of Lake Superior and the mining regions showing geological formations, mines, mining lands, lakes, marshes, hills, roads, rail¬ roads, towns and villages with historical and scientific descriptions concern¬ ing the development of the mines and minerals. Published by Silas Farmer & co. . . . Detroit, Michigan, 1872. - L C; S. 7921. Colton’s Lake Superior and the upper peninsula of Michigan. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co., 1876.-L C. 7922. . . . Lake Superior chart no. 2. Projected from a trigonometrical survey under the superintendence of Brvt. Brig. Gen’l. W. F. Raynolds . . . in 1864, 65, 66, 67, 68 and 69 and from local surveys ... in 1855 ... in 1859 ... in 1863 ... in 1869 and 1900. Additions and corrections under the direction of Lt. Col. G. J. Lydecker, corps of engrs. in 1900. [Wash¬ ington, 1900?]. - U. 7923. . . . Chart of Lake Superior. Compiled under the direction of Colonel O. M. Poe, corps of engineers . . . from U. S. surveys made be¬ tween the years 1855 and 1895, the Canadian shore from British Admiralty charts and others sources. With additions to date under the direction of MAPS AND ATLASES 79 Lieut. Col. G. J. Lydecker ... in 1898 and Major W. L. Fisk ... in 1901. [Washington, 1901]. - U. 7924. . . . Coast chart no. 3, Lake Superior, from Grand Portal to Big Bay Point, Mich., including Manitou Island and Standard Rock. Prepared under the direction/of Major Charles Keller, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, in 1909-1910 and Major C. S. Riche, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, in March & April, 1910. [Washington, 1910]. —-— S. 7925. . . . General chart of Lake Superior compiled under the direction of Colonel O. M. Poe, corps of engineers, bvt. brig. gen. U. S. Army, from U. S. lake surveys made between the years 1855 and 1895. Chart revision. Addi¬ tions and corrections . . . 1911. [Washington, 1911]. - S. 7926. . . . Coast chart no. 1; east end of Lake Superior from Cape Gar- gantua, Ont. to mouth of Big Two Hearted River, Mich, including Whitefish Bay and head of St. Mary’s River. Prepared under the direction of Major W. L. Fisk, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, in 1903-4. Additions and corrections under the direction of Lieut. Col. C. S. Riche, corps of engineers, U. S. Army and Lieut. Col. Mason M. Patrick, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, in 1912. [Washington, 1912]. - S. 7927. . . . Coast chart no. 8; Lake Superior from Grand Portage Bay, Minn, to Lamb Island, Ont. including Isle Royal, Michigan. Prepared from trigonometrical surveys executed under the direction of Lieut. Col. W. F. Raynolds ... in 1867, 1868 & 1869 and Major C. B. Comstock ... in 1870 and 1871. Chart revision. Additions and corrections ... in 1912- 1913. [Washington, 1913?]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7928. . . . Coast chart no. 4; Lake Superior, from Big Pay Point to Ontonagon, Mich, including the Keweenaw Peninsula. Prepared under the direction of Lieut. Colonel J. L. Lusk, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, in 1906 and Colonel G. J. Lydeeker, corps of engineers, U. S. Army in 1906-1907. Additions and corrections under the direction of Colonel J. C. Sanford, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, in 1914. [Washington, 1914]. - S. 7929. . . . Coast chart no. 6; west end of Lake Superior from Little Girl Point, Mich, to Beaver Bay, Minn., including the Apostle Islands. Com¬ piled under the direction of Colonel G. J. Lydeeker ... in 1905-1906 and Lieut. Colonel J. L. Lusk ... in 1906. Revised from results of surveys by the U. S. Lakb survey and U. S. Engineer offices and published under the di¬ rection of Lieut. Colonel Mason M. Patrick ... in 1915. Engraved by A. J. C. Heman, P. A. Staffin & John Stolz. [Washington, 1915]. - S. 7930. . . . Coast chart no. 5; Lake Superior, from Ontonagon to Oronto Bay and Outer Island. Prepared under the direction of Colonel Mason M. Patrick . . . in 1915M6 from U. S. lake surveys made between the years 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1868 and 1905. First issued under the direction of Major Harry Burgess . . . in 1916. Engraved by G. F. Penner. [Washington, 19161. - S. 7931. . . . Thunder Bay, Lake Huron. Projected from a trigono¬ metrical survey executed under the orders of Captain Geo. G. Meade . . . in 1858. Aids to navigation corrected to January 1, 1880. [Washington, 1880?]. - U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7932. . . . Thunder Bay, Lake Huron, Morris Bay to Black River, Michigan, prepared under the direction of Lieut. Col. Mason M. Patrick ... in 1912 and Lieut'. Col. J. C. Sanford ... in 1912-1913. Engraved by P. A. Staffin, John Stolz & E. E. Bissing. [Washington] 1913. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7933. . . . Keweenaw waterway, Mich, including Torch Lake and canal, Lake Superior, prepared and first issued under the direction of Major W. L. Fisk ... in 1905. Fourth edition (in colors) revised and published under the direction of Lieut. Colonel Harry Burgess ... in 1917. [Wash¬ ington, 1917]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. K Harbors 7934. . . . Preliminary chart of Agate Harbor, Lake Superior. Sur¬ veyed and drawn under the direction of Capt. J. N. Macomb, T. E., by Lieut. W. F. Ravnolds, T. E. . . .in 1855. Published under the super¬ vision of Capt. G. G. Meade, T. E. 1858. [Washington, 1858?]. - U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7935. . . . Agate Harbor, Mich., Lake Superior, surveyed and drawn under the direction of Captain J. N. Macomb . . . in 1855, by Lieutenant W. F. Raynolds and others. Published under the direction of Captain G. G. Meade ... in 1858. Additions and corrections under the direction of Major W. L. Fisk ... in 1904. Engraved by W. H. Dougal. [Washing¬ ton, 1904]. - G. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7936. Copper Harbor, Manitou Island & Point Kewaiwona, by T. S. Thompson, [n. p., 1861]. - L C. 7937. . . . Preliminary chart of Copper Harbor. Surveyed by Assistant MAPS AND ATLASES 81 Henry Gillman, 1864. Reduction for engraving by Assistant Joshua Barney, 1865. [Washington, 1865?]. - U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7938. . . . Preliminary chart of Eagle Harbor, Lake Superior, from sur¬ veys under the direction of the topographical bureau of the War department . . . 1850. [Washington, 1850?]. - U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7939. . . . Preliminary chart of Eagle Harbor, Lake Superior. Sur¬ veyed and drawn under the direction of Capt. J. N. Macomb, by Lieut. W. F. Reynolds [Raynolds?] 1855. Washington, 1858. - L C. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7940. Chart of Eagle Harbor. Reduced from U. S. Lake survey, by T. S* Thompson. 1861. [n. p., 1861]. - L C. 7941. . . . Eagle Harbor, Mich., Lake Superior, surveyed under the direction of Captain J. N. Macomb ... in 1855 and Colonel G. J. Ly- decker ... in 1906. [Washington] 1907.-G; S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7942. . . . Harbor at Grand Haven, Mich., including Spring Lake and Lower Grand River prepared under the direction of Major Charles Keller ... in 1907. Additions and corrections under the direction of Lieut. Col. J. C. Sanford ... in 1913-1914. [Washington, 1914].-S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7943. . . . Holland Harbor and Black Lake including city of Holland, Michigan, prepared under the direction of A4ajor-Charles Keller ... in 1908. Additions and corrections under the direction of Lieut. Col. Mason A4. Patrick ... in 1912. [Washington, 1912].-S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7944. . . . Manistee Harbor, Michigan, prepared under the direction of Major W. L. Fisk ... in 1904. Additions and corrections under the direc¬ tion of Major C. S. Riche . . . in 1910-1911. [Washington, 1911]. S. .Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7945. . . . Manistique Harbor, Michigan, surveyed in 1915 and first issued under the direction of Colonel Mason M. Patrick ... in 1916. [Washington, 1916?]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7946. . . . Preliminary chart of Marquette Harbor, Lake Superior. From surveys under the direction of the Bureau of topographical engineers of the War department . . . 1859. [Washington, 1859?]. - U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7947. . . . Chart of Marquette and Presque Isle harbors, Michigan. Prepared under the direction of and from surveys in 1914 by Colonel J. C. 11 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Sanford . . . Published under the direction of Lieut. Colonel Mason M. Patrick ... in 1915. [Washington, 1915?]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7948. . . . Chart of Menominee Harbor, Green Bay, including the cities of Marinette, Wis. and Menominee, Mich. Prepared under the direc¬ tion of Lieut. Colonel J. L. Lusk . . . and Colonel G. J. Lydecker . . . in 1906. Additions and corrections under the direction of Major C. S. Riche . . . in 1910. [Washington, 1910?]. S. Issued by U. S. War dept.., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7949. . . . Munising Harbor, Lake Superior, prepared under the direc¬ tion of Major Charles Keller . . . in 1907. Additions and corrections under the direction of .Lieut. Col. J. C. Sanford ... in 1912. Engraved by G. F. Penner. [Washington, 1913?]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7950. . . . Muskegon Harbor, Lake Michigan, including Muskegon Lake. Prepared under the direction of Major W. L. Fisk ... in 1901. Additions and corrections under the direction of Lieut. Col. C. S. Riche . . . in 1911. [Washington, 1912?]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7951. Preliminary chart of Ontanagon Harbor. Surveyed and drawn under the direction of Capt. J. N. Macomb, by Lieut. W. F. Raynolds. Re¬ duced for publication under the direction of Capt. G. G. Meade. 1859. [Washington, 1859].-L C; U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7952. Sketch of Ontonagan Harbor, 1861. By.T. S. Thompson, [n. p., 1861]. - L C. 7953. Port Kalamazoo, state of Michigan, surveyed and drawn by L. Judson. New York, N. Currier’s lith. [n. d.]. - G. 7954. Harbors of refuge. Presq’ile, False Presq’ile, and Middle Island, Lake Huron. Projected from a trigonometrical survey executed under the orders of Capt. Geo. G. Meade, 1858. [Washington, I860]. - L C. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7955. Ibid. Aids to navigation corrected to January 1, 1880. [Wash¬ ington, 1880?]. - U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7956. Ibid. Prepared under the direction of Major W. L. Fisk ... in 1904-1905, additions and corrections under the direction of Major C. S. Riche ... in 1910. [Washington, 1910?]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7957. ... St. Joseph and Benton Harbor, Michigan, prepared under MAPS AND ATLASES 83 the direction of Major Charles Keller ... in 1908-1909. [Washington, 1909?]. — S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7958. . . . Preliminary chart of Tawas Harbor. (Harbor of refuge, Lake Huron). Surveyed under the direction of Captain J. N. Macomb . . . 1856. [Washington, 1857]. - L C; U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. L Rivers, Straits and Canals 7959. Map of Au Sable River; traced by E. F. Hyde, revised by R. E. Andrews. Detroit, Mich., Robt. E. Andrews, water office [1901?]. - G. Blue print map. 7960. Plat of Clinton River between the mill dam of the old yellow mill and the mill dam of D. Paddack in the village of Pontiac. Surveyed Augt. 28, 1849. I. R. Grout, [n. p., 1849?]. - B. 7961. Map of Detroit River and adjacent country, from an original drawing by a British engineer. (In Melish, John. A military and topographi¬ cal atlas of the United States, including the British possession & Florida . . . Philadelphia, G. Palmer, 1813, no. 7). - L C. Also issued as a seperate. - B. 7962. A survey of the River Detroit, from Lake Erie to Lake St. Clair. By Capt. W. F. W. Owen & assistants, in 1815. Published according to act of parliament . . . 12th April, 1828. London [1828]. - B. 7963. Map of the straits of Detroit. Surveyed, projected and drawn by lieutenants J. N. Macomb and W. H. Warner, U. S. Corps of top’l eng’rs. 1840 ’41 ’42. Sheet no. 1. Washington [n. d.]. - B. 7964. . . . Chart of the Detroit River, projected from a trigonometrical survey executed under the orders of Major C. B. Comstock, corps of engineers, brevet brigadier general, U. S. A., in 1873. Additions and corrections under the direction of Major W. L. Fisk, corps of engineers, U. S. Army in 1901. [Washington, 1901]. - U. 7965. . . . Chart of Detroit River, projected from a trigonometrical survey under the direction of Major C. B. Comstock, corps of engineers . . . in 1873. Additions and corrections under the direction of Major W. L. Fisk ... in 1902-1904, Colonel G. J. Lydecker ... in 1905-1906. [Washing¬ ton] 1906. - B. 84 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MICHIGAN 7966. . . . Lime Kiln crossing, Detroit River, showing recent changes in available channels and positions of aids to navigation, May, 1907. Prepared under the direction of Major Charles Keller, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, from information furnished by Col. Chas. E. L. B. Davis. [Washington, 1907?]. - B. 7967. Lower Detroit River showing available channel and positions of aids to navigation at opening of season of 1907. Prepared under the direction of Colonel G. L. Lydeeker, corps of engineers, U. S. Army. From informa¬ tion furnished by Colonel Chas. E. L. B. Davis. [Washington, 1907?]. - B. 7968. . . . Chart of Detroit River prepared and first issued under the direction of Major C. B. Comstock ... in 1876. Tenth edition (in colors) revised and published under the direction of Harry Burgess . . . in 1917. [Washington, 1917]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7969. . . . Preliminary chart of Eagle River, Lake Superior. Surveyed and drawn under the direction of Capt. J. N. Macomb, T. E. by Lieut. W. F. Raynolds, T. E. . . . in 1855. Published under the supervision of Capt. G. G. Meade, T. E., 1859. [Washington, 1859]. - L C; U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7970. Chart of Eagle River. By T. S. Thompson, [n. p., 1861]. - L C. 7971. Survey of the mouth of Galien River, Michigan. Surveyed by Lieuts. J. M. Berrien and E. Rose. Drawn by Lieut. Berrien, [n. p.] 1835. - B. 7972. River and flood service along the Grand River of Michigan; com¬ piled by C. F. Schneider . . . drawn by J. F. Nellist, State geological sur¬ vey, 1904. [n. p.] 1904. - G. Blue print map, by U. S. Weather bureau. 7973. Map of the mouth of Grand River, [n. p., n. d.]. - B. Manuscript. Undated. 7974. A sketch of the confluance or streigts between the lakes Huron and Michigan, &c. (In Hulbert, Archer Butler. The crown collection of photographs of American maps, selected and ed. by Archer Butler Hulbert . . . Cleveland, the A. H. Clarke company, 1904-1908, series III, plates no. 5 and 6). - S. 7975. Straits of Mackinac with the approaches thereto from lakes Huron and Michigan and the entrance by the Detour Passage to the St. Mary’s River. From trigonometrical surveys under the orders of Lieut. Col. James Kearney in 1849 and of Capt. J. N. Macomb in 1851, 1852, 1853 & 1854. [Washington, 1856]. - L C. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. MAPS AND ATLASES 85 7976. Ibid. Additions and corrections under the direction of Lt. Col. G. J. Lydecker, corps of engineers, U. S. Army in 1900 and Major W. L. Fisk, corps of engineers, U. S. Army in 1902. [Washington, 1902?]. —— U. 7977. . . . Straits of Mackinac from Presque Isle, Lake Huron to Charle¬ voix, Lake Alichigan, prepared under the direction of Alajor Charles Keller . . . in 1909-1910, Lieut. Colonel C. S. Riche ... in 1910-1911. [Wash¬ ington, 1911]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7978. . . . Portage River, Mich., Lake Superior, vicinity of Princess Point. Showing recent changes of range lights and amended sailing courses. Prepared under the direction of Col. G. J. Lydecker, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, Oct. 1905. [Washington, 1905?]. - U. 7979. Preliminary chart, lower reach of Saginaw River and bar in front, [Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron]. Surveyed under the direction of Capt. J. N. Macomb. 1856. [Washington, 1869]. - L C. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7980. Ibid. Additions and correction to June 1st, 1893. [Washington, 1893?]. - U. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7981. . . . Mouth of Saginaw River including Bay City, Alichigan. Prepared under the direction of Major Charles Keller, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, in 1908. [Washington, 1908].-G; S. 7982. River and flood service along the Saginaw River of Michigan; compiled by C. F. Schneider . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., J. F. Nellist, 1911. - G. Blue print, by U. S. Weather bureau. 7983. . . . Map of the delta of the St. Clair. Surveyed, projected and drawn by Lieutenants J. N. Macomb and W. H. Warner under the direction of Captain W. G. Williams, U. S. Corps of top’l eng’rs. 1842. W. T. Stone, sc. [Washington, 1842]. - B. Ibid. (In U. S. Congress. A collection of maps, [etc.]. Published by order of congress. Washington, 1843, no. 106). - L C. 7984. Chart of Saint Clair River. Projected from trigonometrical sur¬ veys executed under the orders of Lt. Col. W. F. Raynolds, corps of engineers in 1867, and drawn under the direction of Major C. B. Comstock, corps of engineers in 1871 & 1872. [Washington? 1872?]. - B. 7985. . . . Saint Clair River, including foot of Lake Huron and St. Clair flats canal. Prepared under the direction of Alajor W. L. Fisk, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, from surveys made under officers of the corps of engi¬ neers, U. S. Army, 1867-1903. [Washington] 1903. - B. 7986. Plan of the straits of St. Alary and Michilmakinac to shew the 86 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN situation & importance of the two westernmost settlements of Canada for the fur trade, [n. p., 175-?]. - B; G; L C; M H C; S. 7987. Map of the canal of the Sault Ste. Marie. From a survey by Cap¬ tain Canfield and Judge Burt. John Holcroft, assistant, Drawn by John Holcroft. 1852. Lith. and printing by R. Burger and C. Beaubien. Detroit [n. d.]. - U. 7988. [Map of] the Saint Mary’s Falls ship canal, constructed in 1853-4. S. D. El wood, lithographer. Detroit [1854?]. - B. 7989. . . . Sketch of the navigation through East Mebish Rapids, River St. Mary . . . 1853. Reduced for engraving. Washington, 1854. U. 7990. Map of the St. Mary’s River from Lake Superior to Lake Huron. Compiled from the U. S. government surveys by Lieut. A. L. Magilton, U. S. A. 1855. Engraved and printed by J. H. Colton & co. New York [1855]. - U. 7991. Chart no. 1 of River Ste. Marie from Point Iroquois to East Neebish. Surveyed under the direction of Captain J. N. Macomb ... in 1853, 1854 & 1855 with additions to date under the orders of Captain G. G. Meade, top’l engrs. 1857. [Washington, 1857?]. - U. 7992. Chart no. 2 of River Ste. Marie including the part from the entrance of Ned Lake to the East Neebish. Surveyed under the direction of Captain J. N. Macomb ... in 1853 & 1854. Reduction for engraving under the direction of Captain G. G. Meade ... in 1858. [Washington, 1858?]. - U. 7993. . . . Chart no. 2 St. Mary’s River, Twin Islands to Sault Ste. Marie; projected from trigonometrical survey executed under the direction of Colonel O. M. Poe ... in 1893-5 and Lieut. Col. G. L. Lydecker . . . in 1895-6. Chart revision; additions and corrections ... in 1913-1914 [Washington] 1914. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7994. . . . Chart no. 1 of St. Mary’s River from Lake Huron to Twin Islands; prepared from surveys under the direction of Colonel O. M. Poe, and Colonel G. J. Ly decker ... in 1894-1899 and first issued 1899. Sixth edition (in colors) issued under the direction of Lieut. Colonel Mason M. Patrick ... in 1915. [Washington, 1915]. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 7995. . . . Chart no. 3 St. Mary’s River, head of Hay Lake to White- fish Bay. Projected from trigonometrical surveys executed under the direc¬ tion of Colonel O. M. Poe ... in 1893-1895, 2nd Lieut. J. B. Cavenaugh ... in 1895-6 and Lieut. Col. G. L. Lydecker ... in 1895-6. Chart revision, additions and corrections ... in 1914. [Washington] 1915. - S. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. MAPS AND ATLASES 87 M Railroads and Roads 7996. Automobile road map of southeastern Michigan. Published by Silas Farmer & company . . . Detroit, cl905. - S. Copyright 1905 by A. J. Farmer. 7997. Automobile road atlas of southern Michigan with information con¬ cerning good roads and how to get to them, automobile associations and clubs, index of places with garage and hotel. [Detroit] Silas Farmer & co. [1908?]. - B. Contents.—1. Detroit and northwest.—2. Detroit and northeast.—3. Detroit and southwest.—4. Port Huron and northwest.—5. Bad Axe and Thumb.—6. Saginaw and southeast.—7. Saginaw and southwest.—8. Saginaw and northeast.—9. Saginaw and northwest.—10. Lansing and northwest.—11. Lansing and southeast.—12. Lansing and southwest.—13. Jackson and southeast.—14. Jackson and southwest.—15. Kala¬ mazoo and southeast.—16. Kalamazoo and southwest.—17. Grand Rapids and south¬ east.—18. Grand Rapids and west.—20. Grand Rapids and east.—21. Niles and west.—• 22. Chicago and east. 7998. Map of the Detroit railway lines. Lithographed and published by the Calvert lith. & eng. co. Detroit c!895. - U. 7999. Street car map of the Detroit united railway. Published by J. W. Brenkert & co. Detroit, cl903. - B. 8000. Macauley bros’. road map. Giving all the favorite runs out of Detroit. [Detroit? 1908?]. - B. 8001. Detroit & Howell P. R. Sec. I, from 32nd m. post to Brighton, ter¬ minating at 41 inclusive—9 miles, [n. p., n. d.]. - B. 8002. Detroit & Howell P. R. Sec. 2, from 41st m. post to the 50th inclu¬ sive. [n. p., n. d.]. - B. 8003. Map of the Detroit and Milwaukee railway. Showing its connec¬ tions with the northern, southern, eastern and western railroads. Also the population of counties contiguous to the line of the road. R. Highman, chief engineer. Detroit, S. D. Elwood & co. [I860? 1 ]. - B. 8004. Map of the Dixie highway showing every city, town, village and hamlet through its entire length proposed by the Dixie highway association and also advocated by the National highways association. Washington, 1915. - G. The trail marked in red. 8005. Map and profile of the Fort st. union depot company’s R. R. from Eighteenth st. to Third st. Detroit, 1891. - B. Blue print map. 88 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8006. D. B. Cooke & co’s Great western railway guide exhibiting all sta¬ tions with distances from each other. Chicago, 1856. - P H. 8007. Lake shore & Michigan southern railway; -condensed profiles, fn. p., n. d.]. - M H C. 8008. Mackey road map. Compiled and copyrighted by R. J. Mackey. Detroit, H. F. Loomis, 1898. - B. 8009. Map showing the route of the Michigan airline railroad and its con¬ nections. Drawn, engraved and printed by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. New York, 1869. - B. 8010. The New York central lines . . . Engraved and printed by the Matthews-Northrup works. Buffalo, N. Y., cl905. - U. 8011. Overland road map, giving the best automobile roads connecting the principle [principal] cities and towns of western Michigan. [Grand Rapids, Mich., 1912]. 32 p., maps. - G. Issued by the Overland motor company. 8012. Map of the Port Huron & Milwaukee railway showing its north south & west’n R. R. connections. Robert Higham, consulting engineer. Joel Gray, chief engineer, [n. p., n. d.]. - B. 8013. Railroads in Michigan, [n. p.] 1848. - L C; photo copy P. H. 8014. Map of railroads, lower peninsula of Michigan. Detroit, Silas Farmer, cl902. - B. 8015. Survey of a road route from Saginaw to Mackinac, M. T. Executed by Lieut. Poole, 3d arty. 25 cong., 2d sess. (In U. S. Congress. A collection of maps . . . published by order of congress. Washington, 1837, no. 153). - L C. Ibid. no. 73. - W. 8016. Birds eye view of the rail and water routes to the celebrated mineral spring, at St. Clair, Michigan. Detroit, The Calvert lith. co. [1882]. - B; L C. 8017. Map showing location of roads, drains, and improvements built by state of Michigan and filed in State land office. A. C. Carton, commiss’r. Drawn by R. R. Havens, 1914. [Lansing? 1914]. - M H C; S. Blue print map of the lower peninsula. 8018. A map showing location of roads built by state and railroads that received land grants from the state. Compiled from records in State land office. A. C. Carton, commissioner. Drawn by R. R. Havens, 1914. [Lan¬ sing? 1914]. - M H C; S. Blue print map of the upper peninsula. 8019. Map of suburban railways in southeastern Michigan. Published by Silas Farmer & co. Detroit, cl902. - B. MAPS AND ATLASES 89 8020. Colton’s map of Michigan showing the Toledo, Ann Arbor & north Michigan railway and connecting lines, [n. p., n. d.]. - B. 8021. Map showing the Toledo and Saginaw Bay railroad and its con¬ nections. New York, G. W. & C. B. Colton & co. [1881]. - L C. 8022. Map of the United States road from Ohio to Detroit as lately located by Messrs. A. Edwards, S. Vance and Philu E. Judd (the last of whom died before the survey was completed), commissioners appointed by the President of the U. S. agreeable to an act of congress. Detroit, John Fanner, 1825. - G. 8023. Map of the United States road from Detroit in the territory of Michigan to Fort Gratiot as surveyed and marked by Harvey Parker in 1827. Copied from the original in the U. S. Topogr’l bureau, Sept. 19th, 1849. [n. p., 1849]. - B. N Miscellaneous 8024. Map showing the mail routes in the upper peninsula of Michigan, [n. p., 1853?]. - W. Photostat copy from U. S. Plouse files. 8025. Plat of the northern boundary of the state of Indiana. Surveyed in confonnity to the act of congress . . . (In U. S. Congress. A collection of maps . . . pub. . . . by order ... of congress. Washington, 1843, no. 80). -- W. 8026. General map to accompany the report of Capt. T. J. Cram, T. E., on the'survey of the boundary between Michigan and Wiskonsan. Projected by Capt. Cram. Drawn by Lieut. Webster. [Washington? 1840?]. -- B; W. Called “no. 6.” 8027. Map exhibiting position of the several lines connected with . . . Ohio boundary question . . . [n. p., 1836?]. - W. Issued by U. S. Engineer department. 8028. Ibid. (In U. S. Congress. A collection of maps . . . pub. . . . by order . . . of congress. Washington 1843, no. 65). - W. 8029. The international boundary line of Michigan, by Annah May Soule. (In Michigan pioneer and historical society. Historical collections . . . Lansing, 1896, v. 26, p. 597-631. 11 maps). - B; D; G; L C; M H C; S; U. 90 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8030. Michigan national guard. Map of Camp Devlin. Detroit, 1895. *- B. 8031. Plan of Charlevoix summer resort. Chicago, Henry S. Stebbins, map engraver and publisher [n. d.]. - U. 8032. The free public schools of the state of Michigan. [Chart of the educational system of Michigan. Executed at the University of Michigan, made under the direction of Charles S. Denison, Ann Arbor, 1876]. - S. i Hand drawn in pen and ink. 8033. Siegel’s official illustrated map and guide of the Michigan state fair. Detroit, cl908. - B. 8034. Chart of the St. Clair flats reduced from the original surveys of Capt. George G. Meade, under the direction of Lieut. Col. J. Kearney. Show¬ ing also the improvement of the mouth of the South Pass now being effected by the United States. [Washington, 1857]. - L C. Issued by U. S. War dept., corps of engineers, lake survey. 8035. Map of the Saint Clair flats, Mich. Surveyed in 1887 by H. D. Bartholomew, under authority'of a commission, issued by the commissioner of the State land office, dated Dec. 28th 1886. [Lansing? 1887?]. - S. 8036. Isolation and disinfection; restricted scarlet fever and diphtheria in Michigan during the 10 years 1887-96. [Lansing? 1896?]. - U. i MAPS AND ATLASES 91 III MANUSCRIPTS IN THE BURTON HISTORICAL COLLECTION A Stub-Book Volumes I The Burton Historical Collection has over thirteen hundred large stub-book volumes filled with manuscripts. Because of the miscellaneous character of some of this material and the breaks in the collections, the descriptive notes have been arranged consecutively by volumes. The notes on the various portions of each collection though separated in this list are all cited under one caption in the index. However the volumes have been grouped together so far as the collections of manuscripts permitted and the smaller collections within the larger considered in the descriptive notes. Mainly the general character of the material has been noted but in some cases important documents are cited. While nothing short of the publication of each document would be entirely satisfactory, it is felt that students of Michigan history will find this descriptive list useful. 8037. Vols. 1 to 18.—Mss. of the Askin family, 1747-1836. Large portion relate to business matters of John Askin and include correspondence, ac¬ counts, receipts, invoices, promissory notes and deeds. Most of the volumes contain material on the sale and purchase of land; vols. 9, 11 and 18 having lists of Askin’s property, and vol. 17 material on the Askin estate. Vols. 1 to 5, 12 and 18 contain data on the fur trade; vols. 12, 13, 15, 17 and 18 material on military matters; vols. 3, 4, 8 and 9 information on Indian affairs; vols. 2 and 15 material on law suits; and vol. 17 records of the quarter sessions of a court held at Sandwich, 1832-1836. Vol. 12 contains business letters and papers of James Abbott and George Meldrum; vols. 15, 16 and 17 manuscripts of Charles Askin; and vol. 18 material on the female benevolent society at Detroit. 8038. Vols. 19 to 32.—Mss. of John R. Williams, 1784-1853. Relate largely to business affairs though some are legal, political and military in character. The business letters and papers include correspondence relative to the purchase and shipments of merchandise; lists of books purchased; material on the sale of property; and receipts, accounts, contracts, inven¬ tories, promissory notes, and deeds. Vols. 19, 20, 21 and 23 contain material on the fur trade; vols. 19, 20, 21, 23, 27, 31 and 32 proceedings of public meetings, petitions, data on elections and other material political in character; vols. 21, 22, 26 to 29 and 32 information on the Territorial militia and mili- 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MICHIGAN tary affairs; vols. 21, 22, 23 and 25 data relating to the Bank of Michigan and other banks. Vol. 19 contains a docket of cases in the Wayne county court; vol. 28 papers relating to the Indians around Michilimackinac; and about two-thirds of vol. 29 consists of papers relating to H. R. Schoolcraft, Indian agent. A considerable portion of each of vols. 19 to 25 is filled with the manuscripts of Dr. William McCoskry which consist mainly of accounts, receipts and promissory notes and papers relating to the settlement of the McCoskry estate. The manuscripts in vol. 32 are undated and con¬ sist mainly of resolutions adopted at public meetings, petitions, papers relat¬ ing to a Fourth of July celebration at Detroit; address before a convention of delegates of the Anti-Masonic party and copies of articles for newspapers on political, military and other subjects. 8039. Vol. 33.—Mss. of the Rivard family, 1740-1855. Mostly private . papers of Jean Baptist, Simon, Charles and Ferdinand Rivard; and include receipts, accounts, deeds, inventories, tax notices, will of Charles Rivard, and papers relating to the Rivard estate. 8040. Vols. 34 to 36.—Mss. of James Abbott, 1789-1857. Mainly ac¬ counts, receipts, deeds and promissory notes; correspondence relating to rents, purchase and value of property; and papers relating to the settlement of the estates of James Abbott, Sr., and of Samuel Abbott. 8041. Vols. 37 to 66.—Mss. of Halmor Hull Emmons, and of Van Dyke and Emmons, 1834-1872. Mainly manuscripts of a legal character, though some of the letters and papers relate to business and private matters. Over forty pages of vol. 37 are filled with information on baptisms, marriages and deaths of members of the Beaubien family, and other data on the family. This volume also contains copies of minutes of the common council, Detroit, 1827-1830. Vols. 39, 42, 46, 48, 57, 58 and 59 to 66 contain materials relating to the Erie and Kalamazoo, Michigan southern, Detroit and Milwaukee, Grand Rapids and Indiana, the Chicago and Michigan grand trunk, and other railroads; and include an abstract of the proceedings of the directors and stockholders of the Erie and Kalamazoo railroad co., 1834 to 1844 in vol. 39; , statement of earnings and estimated expenses of the Michigan southern in 1860 and estimated receipts for 1861 and 1862, in vol. 62; statement of the receipts and expenses of the Detroit and Milwaukee in 1860, in vol. 63; and amount of subscription to the capital stock of the Chicago and Michigan grand trunk, listed by counties, and an abstract showing the improved condition of the Detroit and Milwaukee railroad by the annual traffic earnings, 1863- 1865, in vol. 64. Vol. 49 contains the testimony of the defendants in the case of Giltner vs. Gorham, known as the Adam Crosswhite case and arising under the Fugitive slave rendition law. Letters and papers of the law firms of James A. Van Dyke and Ebenezer B. Harrington, 1843-1845, are found in vols. 45 and 46; of William A. Howard and Robert P. Toms in vols. 52, 53 and 55; of Robert P. Toms, Oscar F. Cargill and Marcus A. Chase in vol. 53; of Toms MAPS AND ATLASES 93 and Chase in vols. 53, 54, 58 and 59; of J. P. C. Emmons, and of J. P. C. Emmons and L. L. Jones in vols. 53, 54, 57 and 58 and of Robert P. Toms in vols. 60 to 66. Vol. 59 contains correspondence of J. C. Holmes relating chiefly to meetings of agricultural societies and premiums awarded at the State Fair in 1867. 8042. Vols. 67 to 69.—Mss. of Robert P. Toms, 1873-1877. Continuation of the Toms manuscripts in the preceding volumes and consist mainly of letters and papers legal and business in character. 8043. Vols. 70 to 84.—Mss. of Van Dyke and Emmons and of H. Hb Emmons, 1809-1870. Large portion are legal in character though there are also receipts, promissory notes, cancelled bank checks and other private business papers. Vols. 71 to 84 contain a collection of manuscripts of Garwood. T. Sheldon consisting largely of letters concerning the sale of lands for taxes,, price of lands, information about titles to lands; lists of property on which taxes were due; certificates of property redeemed; deeds; and mortgaged. Vols. 73 and 84 contain data on railroads; vols. 78, 83 and 84 a few manu¬ scripts of J. P. C. Emmons; and vols. 81 and 82 legal letters and papers of the law firm of Eben N. Willcox, Garwood T. Sheldon and William J. Gray. 8044. Vols. 85 to 91.—Mss. of Jacob M. Howard, 1750-1870. Mainly legal and political in character. Part of volume 85 consists of deeds and papers relating to land grants. The Howard manuscripts are a source of information on the admission of Michigan into the Union; construction of railroads; faction¬ al character of the Whig party; appointments to office; the Republican party; political influence of corporations; and issues of the Reconstruction period. 8045. Vol. 92.—Early Detroit documents. Include a paper by Clarence M. Burton on Augustus B. Woodward and other data on Judge Woodward; petitions and other material relative to schools in Detroit in the territorial period; and some deeds. 8046. Vols. 93 to 98.—Mss. of Theodore Romeyn, and of Thomas M. Lockwood, and Hovey K. Clarke, 1836 to about 1886. Relate mainly to railroad matters and legal affairs* Vols. 93 and 94 contain letters and papers of the Port Huron and Milwaukee Railroad company and vol. 95 material relating to railroads, especially the Great Western, Detroit and Milwaukee,, and Lake shore and Michigan southern. These volumes also contain material relating to lands; vol. 98 having business and legal manuscripts of Jacob M. Howard, 1836-1865. These include tax and other receipts; certificates of land sold for taxes and redeemed; and a list of private claims at Sault Ste. Marie. 8047. Vol. 99.—Mss. of H. H. Emmons, 1864-1866. Mainly papers legal and business in character relating to railroads. 8048. Vol. 100.—Miscellaneous mss. Consist mainly of letters and papers of Jean B. and Charles Piquette; Duncan Reid and Mrs. Eleanora 94 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Reid; and of T. M. Sheldon, 1783-1840. The manuscripts of Jean B. Piquette cover 1783 to 1812 and those of Charles Piquette, 1838 to 1840. These are mainly business papers, including receipts, letters relative to shipment of goods and accounts with Detroit firms; also papers relating to the Piquette estate. The Reid papers cover 1819 to 1825 and include receipts, accounts, and papers relative to the estate of Duncan Reid. The Sheldon manuscripts cover 1826 to 1840 and include receipts; accounts; copies of petitions to the Territorial Council and State Legislature; legislative committee reports; resolutions; and journals of the Territorial Council and the State Legislature. 8049. Vol. 101.—Mss. of the Godfroy family, 1799-1841. Mainly papers of Gabriel, Peter, and J. J. Godfroy. Over half of the volumne consists of such papers as deeds, receipts, accounts, orders for goods, contracts, and letters about shipment of goods. The greater portion of the rest of the volume consists of orders to sheriffs for the appearance of people in court and papers relating the sessions of court in Wayne county in the Territorial period. Also accounts of Captain Jesse Burbank with Angus Mackintosh and others, and lists of provisions issued to Capt. Burbank, 1799 to 1809; a list of taxes in Wayne county in 1802; and several papers relating to matters in territorial courts about 1812. 8050. Vol. 102.—Mss. relating to the Munroe (Monroe)—Burton genealogy. 8051. Vols. 103 to 144.—Mss. of William Woodbridge, 1771 to about 1860. Vol. 103 contains manuscripts of John Trumbull, 1771 to 1790, which con¬ sists mainly of private correspondence, deeds and accounts; and letters of William Woodbridge while he was in school in the East. The rest of the volumes contain large numbers of legal and private papers and are an excel¬ lent source of information on political issues, giving the point of view of a leading Whig on these questions. Vols. 114, 116, 121 to 125 contain a number of public records and considerable information on territorial elections and political issues; vols. 129 to 138 data on the leading questions in politics between 1834 and 1848 such as views of Whigs toward the foreign element, the Constitutional Convention of 1835, factional character of the Democratic and Whig parties, panic of 1837, internal improvements, tariff, and election of 1848; and vols. 143 and 144 consists mainly of copies of speeches, remarks in congress, petitions, messages, resolutions, newspaper articles and papers relating to cases in court. Vol. 109 also contains material on the War of 1812; vols. Ill to 126 a large number of reports and letters from the office of the collector of customs at Detroit. 8052. Vols. 145 to 169.—Mss. of H. H. Emmons, 1817-1876. Consist chiefly of correspondence of a legal character and papers connected with cases in court. A large number of these relate to the affairs of railroad companies, especially the Erie and Kalamazoo, the St. Joseph valley and the Michigan southern railroad companies, and many to cases while H. H. Emmons was MAPS AND ATLASES 95 Judge of the U. S. Circuit Court. Vol. 163 contains some of the manuscripts of Cornelius O’Flynn, and vols. 162 and 164 of Garwood T. Sheldon. 8053. Vol. 170.—A4ss. of William Backus and of W. H. Jackson, 1865- 1893. The former cover p. 1-208 and the latter p. 209 to end. The Backus manuscripts consists of papers relating to land; also correspondence, receipts and cancelled bank checks. The rest of the volume contains deeds and receipts of Annie E. B. Jackson; a few accounts and letters. 8054. Vol. 171.—Mss. of H. H. Emmons, and of A. and H. H. Emmons, 1807-1839. Mainly receipts, accounts, deeds, and papers relating to cases in court. 8055. Vol. 172.—Mss. of Jacob M. Howard, Judge John Hunt and of Robert Mitchell Eberts, 1824-1864. The Howard manuscripts cover 164 p. and relate mainly to the claims of the De Repentigny heirs to lands at Sault Ste. Marie. The Hunt and Eberts papers consists largely of receipts, ac¬ counts and deeds. 8056. Vol. 173.—Mss. of John Prentis, 1812-1866. Mainly deeds, con¬ tracts, and correspondence relative to payments of money, and other business and legal matters. 8057. Vols. 174 to 183.—Mss. of H. H. Emmons and of Van Dyke and Emmons, 1834-1882. Mainly papers legal in character, many of which are undated. Some of the volumes contain information on railroads; vol. 182: contains manuscripts of A. Van Arsdale, 1857-1868; and vol. 183 manuscripts of Robert P. Toms, 1858 and 1880; of A. Van Arsdale, 1857-1868; and of Wil¬ liam J. Gray, 1884-1886, which are legal in character. 8058. Vol. 184.—Mss. of Robert P. Toms, 1880-1883. Correspondence relating mainly to leases, taxes, purchase of property, rentals and titles of property. 8059. Vol. 185.—Mss. of H. H. Emmons, undated, and of William J. Gray, 1885. Legal papers. The papers of Gray relate mainly to the case of Campau vs. Moran. 8060. Vols. 186 to 189.—Mss. of Charles L. Bissell, 1854-1857. Corres¬ pondence relative to the price, purchase, shipment and supply of grain, beans, rice, potatoes and poultry. Vol. 189 also contains letters, deeds, receipts and other papers of Theodore Romeyn, 1883-1884. 8061. Vols. 190 to 192.—Mss. of Theodore Romeyn, 1860-1885. Consist largely of accounts, receipts, cancelled bank checks, part of Romeyn’s letter book in 1880, newspaper clippings, and letters and papers of a legal and politi¬ cal character. 8062. Vol. 193.—Miscellaneous mss., 1805-1883. About fifty pages of receipts, accounts and correspondence of Charles Lamed; some deeds; re¬ ceipts; certificates of lands purchased for unpaid taxes; a law docket; and 06 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN about fifty pages of letters and papers relative to the estate of Alexander D. Fraser. 8063. Vols. 194 to 195.—Mss. of Alexander D. Fraser, 1846-1883. Con¬ sist mainly of correspondence, receipts, accounts, deeds and papers in the settlement of the estate. 8064. Vols. 196 to 199. —Mss. of H. H. Emmons, 1839-1870. Mainly papers relating to cases in court. Vol. 199 also contains letters of J. P. C. Emmons, and correspondence of H. H. Emmons with officials of railroad com¬ panies. 8065. Vols. 200 to 202. —Mss. of Ross Wilkins, 1829-1892. The first two volumes contain mainly business and private correspondence; letters and papers legal and political in character; accounts; receipts; and deeds. The third volume also contains copies of sermons, notes fors ermons, Biblical references, and correspondence with ministers of the Methodist denomination. 8066. Vols. 203 to 204. —Mss. of William Woodbridge, undated. Mis¬ cellaneous collection consisting chiefly of memorandum notes, arguments on points of law, a treatise on taxation, copies of a speech in Congress and of an address before the New England society. 8067. Vol. 205.—Mss. apparently of Nelson H. Wing and others, 1830- 1856. Mostly United States land certificates and deeds, on many of which the names of Oscar F. Cargill, Nelson H. Wing or Theophilus Crawford appear. 8068. Vols. 206 to 227. —Mss. of H. H. Emmons and of Van Dyke and Emmons, 1836-1871. Consist largely of letters and papers legal in character. Vols. 211, 215-217 and 220-222 contain considerable information on railroads, among these the Detroit and Milwaukee, Michigan southern and the Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay. Letters of J. P. C. Emmons are scattered through these volumes. Manuscripts of A. and H. H. Emmons appear in vols. 207, 209, 213 and 221; of Van Dyke and Harrington in vols. 207 and 208; of Peter J. Desnoyers in vol. 212; of Van Dyke, Emmons and Sheldon in vol. 214; of J. C. Holmes in vol. 216; and of the Charles Laurent estate, 1882, in vol. 227. 8069. Vols. 228 to 258. —Mss. of Robert P. Toms, 1845-1888. Mainly letters and papers of a legal character, together with a number of deeds, accounts, receipts, cancelled bank checks and other business papers. Manu¬ scripts of William J. Gray appear in vol. 233. Letters and papers of the law firm of Howard and Toms are found in vols. 235-239, 245-252, 255-257; of Howard and Cargill in vols. 237, 239-244, 246, 249-251, 255. Part of vol. 258 contains accounts of James Carniff in 1891, and manuscripts of Denis J. Campau, 1877, and of Joseph Campau. 8070. Vol. 259. —Mss. of Sylvester, George B. and Charles Larned and of John Hunt, 1810-1859, Mainly papers and correspondence relating to legal matters; also some business papers and letters of a political character. MANUSCRIPTS 97 8071. Vol. 260.—Mss. of Robert P. Toms, 1867-1880. Mainly corres¬ pondence relating to legal matters; some business papers. 8072. Vol. 261.—Mss. of Sylvester, George B. and Charles Larned, 1808- 1877. Mainly correspondence legal in character; some legal and business papers. 8073. Vols. 262 to 282.—Mss. of H. H. Emmons and of Van Dyke and Emmons, 1834-1870. Contain chiefly correspondence and papers of a legal character. Material on the Detroit and Milwaukee railroad is found in vols. 262, 266, 269, 275, 279 and 280; and on the Michigan southern in vols. 266 and 273. Letters of J. P. C. Emmons are scattered through these volumes. Manuscripts of A. and H. H. Emmons appear in vols. 262, 263, 267, 269 and 280; of Van Dyke and Harrington in vols. 263, 279, 280 and 281; of Garwood T. Sheldon in vol. 264; of Emmons and Jones in vols. 269 and 275; and of Denis J. Campau, 1863-1878 in vol. 282. 8074. Vols. 283 to 299.—Mss. of the Campau family, 1852-1878. Mostly letters and papers of Denis J. Campau and Theodore J. Campau relating to business and legal matters. A considerable portion relate to the settlement of the estate of Joseph Campau. About half of vol. 296 is filled with certifi¬ cates of steamer inspectors issued by authority of the United States. 8075. Vol. 300.—Mss. of James May, James W. Romeyn and of the Emmons family, 1788-1878. The May papers consist of Detroit deeds, 1788- 1797 and fill 43 pages. The Romeyn papers cover p. 48-109 and relate in part to the presidential election campaign in 1876. The Emmons papers consist of correspondence of LI. H. and J. P. C. Emmons of a legal and private character, 1836-1857, and include 2 letters dated 1853 and 1858 respectively, from Peter White on political matters. Also letters from J. C. Holmes about premiums awarded at the State Fair in 1857. 8076. Vol. 301.—Mss. of H. H. Emmons, 1836-1868. The first part of the volume consists mainly of private and legal correspondence of J. P. C. Emmons. There are a few letters to J. C. Holmes about meetings of agri¬ cultural societies, and the State Fair. The manuscripts after 1860 belong to H. H. Emmons and relate mainly to railroad affairs, especially the Detroit and Milwaukee railroad company. 8077. Vol. 302.—Mss. of the Campau family, 1873-1878. Mainly re¬ ceipts and accounts of Denis J. Campau. 8078. Vols. 303 to 329.—Mss. of H. H. Emmons, 1834-1879. Contain mainly manuscripts of a legal character, though there are a number of busi¬ ness letters and papers, and some private correspondence. Information on railroads can be obtained from most of these volumes. Among these are the following: Detroit and Milwaukee in vols. 301, 306, 307, 310, 311, 312, 314- 321 and 323-329; Detroit, Howell and Lansing in vol. 306; Grand Rapids and Indiana in vol. 310; Grand Trunk in vols. 311, 315, 325, 326 and 327; Great 13 98 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN western in vols. 316, 318-320; Michigan southern in vols. 312, 317-320 and 323-327: Manuscripts of J. P. C. Emmons appear in most of these volumes. Vol. 301 contains a few letters of J. C. Holmes relating to agricultural societies and the State Fair; vol. 309 about forty pages of business papers of A. Nowlin, 1878-79: vols. 310, 311, 313, 315, 317, 318, 320-322, 324-329 manuscripts of the law firm of Van Dyke and Emmons; vols. 313 and 317 of A. and H. H. Emmons; and vols. 328 and 329 of Van Dyke and Harrington. 8079. Vols. 330 to 331.—Mss. of Robert P. Toms and of Howard and Toms, 1851-1864. Mainly correspondence relating to legal and business matters. Most of vol. 330 and about fifty pages of vol. 331 are filled with manuscripts of the law firm of Howard and Toms. 8080. Vols. 332 to 335.—Mss. of H. H. Emmons and of Van Dyke and Emmons, 1832-1869. Consist mainly of letters and papers of a legal character and papers relating to the Detroit and Milwaukee, Great western, Grand Rapids and Indiana, Michigan southern, and other railroads. Manuscripts of J. P. C. Emmons, A and H. H. Emmons and of J. C. Holmes are also found in these volumes. 8081. Vol. 336.—Mss. of Robert P. Toms, 1851-1855, 1864. Mainly cor¬ respondence of a legal character. About half of the volume consists of Toms manuscripts and the other half the manuscripts of the law firms of Howard and Toms, and of Toms, Cargill and Chase. 8082. Vol. 337.—Mss. of H. H. Emmons, 1837-1860. Mainly corre¬ spondence and papers, legal, business or private in character. Part of the volume contains manuscripts of Van Dyke and Emmons and of J. P. C. Emmons. 8083. Vols. 338 to 339.—Mss. of Robert P. Toms, and of Howard and Toms, 1851-1869. Mainly letters and papers of a business and legal character. 8084. Vol. 340.—Mss. of H. H. Emmons, Van Dyke and Emmons, and of J. P. C. Emmons, 1833-[ 186— ?]. Mainly correspondence and papers legal and private in character. 8085. Vols. 341 to 343.—Mss of Robert P. Toms, 1852-1882. Consist of letters and papers legal and business in character. 8086. Vol. 344.—Mss. of Van Dyke and Emmons, and of H. H. Emmons, 1796-1860. A4ainly correspondence and papers legal in character; some undated. 8087. Vols. 345 to 347.—Mss. of Robert P. Toms, 1851-1884. Mainly papers and correspondence legal and business in character. Vol. 346 con¬ tains manuscripts of the law firms of Howard and Toms and of Toms, Cargill and Chase, and vol. 347 letters and papers of William J. Gray, 1884. 8088. Vol. 348.—Mss. of H. H. Emmons, mostly in the sixties. Mainly MANUSCRIPTS 99 papers and correspondence legal in character. Some of the manuscripts relate to the Detroit and Milwaukee railroad. 8089. Vol. 349.—Mss. of Robert P. Toms, 1861-1884. Mainly corre¬ spondence private, legal and business in character. Volume also contains manuscripts of William J. Gray. 8090. Vol. 350.—Mss. of H. H, Emmons, and of Van Dyke and Emmons, 1840-1866. Partly unimportant letters and papers legal and business in character and partly material on railroads. 8091. Vol. 351.—Mss. of Robert P. Toms, 1862-1884. Mainly corre¬ spondence legal and business in character; some private letters and business papers. Volume also contains manuscripts of William J. Gray. 8092. Vols. 352 to 354.—Mss. of H. H. Emmons, 1850-1883. Larger part of the manuscripts are legal in character though a considerable portion relate to business matters. These also contain information on the Detroit and Milwaukee, Oakland and Ottawa, the Port Huron and Lake Michigan, and i * other railroads. 8093. Vol. 355.—Mss. of Robert P. Toms, 1859-1873. Mainly corre¬ spondence of a legal and business character. About two-thirds of the volume consists of Toms manuscripts and the remainder mainly of manuscripts of William J. Gray, 1884. 8094. Vol. 356.—Mss. of Van Dyke and Emmons and of H. H. Emmons, 1836-1870. Mainly correspondence and papers legal and business in character. There are also some materials on railroads in this volume and manuscripts of J. P. C. Emmons. 8095. Vols. 357 to 348.—Mss. of Robert P. Toms and of Howard and Toms, 1851-1888. Consist mainly of letters and papers of a legal character, together with a considerable number relating to business and private matters. Several of the volumes contain manuscripts of the law firms of Toms and Chase and of Cargill and Chase. Manuscripts of William J. Gray appear in vols. 359, 363, 375 and 376. 8096. Vol. 385.—Mss. of Van Dyke and Emmons and of H. H. Emmons, 1843-1857. Mainly correspondence and papers of a legal character, together with some railroad material. Volume also contains manuscripts of Van Dyke and Harrington, Van Dyke, Emmons and Sheldon, and of J. P. C. Emmons. 8097. Vols. 386 to 387.—Mss. of Robert P. Toms and of Howard and Toms, 1852-1879. Mainly legal and private in character. Vol. 387 also contains Report of the directors of the Great western railway of Canada for the half year ending July 31, 1861. Vol. 386 also contains manuscripts of Toms and Chase and vol. 387 of William J. Gray. 8098. Vol. 388.—Mss. of Ross Wilkins, mostly undated, some in the fifties. Mainly briefs and other papers of a legal nature. 100 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8099. Vol. 389.—Mss. of Robert P. Toms and others, 1852-1885. In addition to the Toms manuscripts most of which are legal in character, there are letters and papers of Howard and Toms, and of William J. Gray, 1884- 1885, also legal in character; portion of a letter book of H. H. Emmons, February 11, 1870 to April 25, 1870; and over fifty pages of correspondence of Charles L. Bissell and company in 1856 relating to the price and shipment of grain. 8100. Vols. 390 to 391.—Mss. of Charles L. Bissell and company, 1854- 1856. Mainly correspondence relative to the price and shipment of grain, potatoes, poultry, eggs, etc. 8101. Vol. 392.—Mss. of Ross Wilkins, partly undated, some in the fifties. About half of the volume contains papers relative to cases in court and the other half receipts and accounts. 8102. Vol. 393.—Mss. of Charles L. Bissell and H. H. Emmons, 1857- 1890. Over half of the volume contains correspondence of Charles L. Bissell,. 1857-58, chiefly about prices and shipment of grain. Twenty-seven pages are filled with manuscripts of H. H. Emmons in the sixties relating mainly to> railroads. There are also papers in the nineties legal in character. 8103. Vol. 394.—Mss. of Ross Wilkins, and of Robert P. Toms, about 1848-1891. The Wilkins papers relate mainly to cases in court, including testimonies in Giltner vs. Gorham et ah, 1848. There are also three books of accounts of the National Insurance Bank with Robert P. Toms and copies of the Michigan almanac for 1884, 1885 and 1891. 8104. Vols. 395 to 399.—These volumes originally contained maps which have been removed. 8105. Vols. 400 to 401.—Mss. of H. H. Emmons, about 1869-1872. Mainly papers relating to cases in court. Considerable space is filled with material relating to the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad. 8106. Vol. 402.—Mss. of Jacob M. Howard. Relate mainly to the claim of Louise Pauline Legardeur de Repentigny and others to the Seigniory or Feif known as Sault Ste. Marie. Most of the papers are dated 1862 to 1864.. 8107. Vols. 403 to 407.—Mss. of John Norton and Charles C. Trowbridge 1836-1839. Relate in part to business matters of the Michigan State Bank.. Vol. 403 also contains papers relating to lands in Wayne and Allegan counties, 1817-1835, and to the estate of Mary Abbott; vols. 404 and 405 correspondence' with Charles C. Tnrwbridge and A. H. Adams of a business character, 1845- 1848; vol. 407 over one hundred pages of correspondence with the law firm of Asher B. Bates, H. N. Walker and Samuel T. Douglass, 1839, and over thirty pages of correspondence with George F. Porter, lawyer, 1839. 8108. Vols. 408 to 413.—Mss. of Charles C. Trowbridge, of Bates, Walker and Douglass and of Walker and Douglass, 1839-1844. The manuscripts of MANUSCRIPTS 101 Bates, Walker and Douglass and of Walker and Douglass relate mainly to legal matters. Vol. 408 contains correspondence of John Norton relative to the banking business and most of the volumes contain manuscripts of Charles C. Trowbridge relating to banking and business matters. 8109. Vols. 414 to 417.—Mss. of Charles C. Trowbridge and others, 1829- 1872. Relate to business matters, chiefly to the Bank of Michigan and Michigan State Bank. Vol. 414 contains also manuscripts of John Norton, 1837, and A. H. Adams, 1846-1852, relating to bank affairs; legal materials from the office of Douglass and Walker, 1844; and letters of the Right Rev¬ erend Bishop McCoskry concerning church matters; vol. 415, information on the Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay railroad and the Detroit and Erin plank road; vols. 416 and 417 papers of John Gibson, 1838-1865; and vol.. 417 letters and papers of John Norton and A. H. Adams. 8110. Vols. 418 to 420.—Mss. of Charles C. Trowbridge and of Charles Root and co., 1849-1896. Relate mainly to business matters. There are also papers relating to the Detroit and Erin and Detroit and Howell plank roads, including maps of these roads; and business correspondence of Charles L. Bissell. 8111. Vol. 421.—Mss. of Charles L. Bissell, 1855. Correspondence about prices and shipment of grain. Also a copy of a memorial of the Trustees of the Detroit fire department to the Legislature. 8112. Vols. 422 to 423.—Collection of invitations, programs, and of litera¬ ture issued by railroads and steamship companies advertising pleasure trips and summer resorts. 8113. Vols. 424 to 425.—Mss. of Charles Jackson, 1833-1887. Consist mainly of accounts, deeds, mortgages, correspondence, and insurance and other papers, part of which relate to the Charles Jackson estate. About 15 pages of manuscripts of Charles C. Trowbridge relating to land and a collec¬ tion of U. S. land certificates are found in vol. 424. 8114. Vol. 426.—Mss. of John Anderson (Architect); and early Detroit documents. The Anderson manuscripts cover the first 70 pages and consist of plans of buildings and estimated cost of labor and material. The rest of the volume consists of documents relating to the early history of Detroit. 8115. Vol. 427.—Mss. of Waldo M. Johnson, 1854-1864; and Detroit docu¬ ments. The Johnson manuscripts cover pages 1-56 and 210-250 and relate to the price of stocks, especially railroad stocks, and investments in same. Volume also contains election tickets of Detroit and Wayne county during the civil war and some Brady and Robison family papers. 8116. Vol. 428.—Mss. of Waldo M. Johnson and of Sidney D. Miller, 1844-1900. The correspondence and private business papers of Waldo M. Johnson, 1863-1870, fill about 18 pages. The correspondence and papers of 102 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Sidney D. Miller relate in part to the Detroit street railway. Also state¬ ment of condition of lands in Baraga and Marquette counties by the Audi¬ tor General’s office, 1864-1879, and a collection of deeds. 8117. Vol. 429.—Mss. of John Gibson and others, 1824-1892. About half of the volume consists of deeds to property; also township charts showing lands for sale in 1884; receipts and accounts of Elizabeth and Ellen Gibson and of John Gibson, 1861-1884; and a number of short essays by William A. Hopson. 8118. Vol. 430.—Mss. of John Gibson and of John R. Williams. About one-fourth of the volume consists of receipts and accounts of John Gibson and Elizabeth and Ellen Gibson. The Williams papers cover p. 65-105. A con¬ siderable portion of the volume consists of charts showing swamp, school and vacant lands, most of them dated 1885-86; also several monthly returns of troops in the Harbor of New York, and other reports, 1809-1812. 8119. Vol. 431.—Mss. of Bela Hubbard, Robert J. Hubbard, and Thomas H. Hubbard, and of Waldo M. Johnson, 1848-1865. The Hubbard manu¬ scripts consist of about one-third of volume of certificates of purchase of land sold for taxes; and statements of taxes due, paid and received on land. The Johnson manuscripts consist letters and papers of a business character. 8120. Vols. 432 to 437.—Mss. of Nelson H. Wing, 1838-1878. Chiefly tax and other receipts; deeds to property; other business papers; and corre¬ spondence relative to timber and other lands. Vol. 437 contains manuscripts of Robert P. Toms relating to the estate of Nelson H. Wing, of which Toms was executor. 8121. Vols. 438 to 441.—Mss. of Bela Hubbard and John E. King, and of Waldo M. Johnson, 1849-1888. The Hubbard and King manuscripts relate mostly to lands, vols. 438 and 439 containing a collection of maps of land in Sanilac county. There are a number of warrants in vol. 441 to lands granted as a bounty for military service. Vol. 440 and considerable space in the other volumes is filled with letters and papers of Waldo M. Johnson relating to < » stocks, especially railroad stocks, and to other business matters. 8122. Vol. 442.—Mss. of Waldo M. Johnson and of John D. Conely, 1849-1902. The Johnson manuscripts consist of correspondence, 1849-1868, of a business character. The correspondence and papers of John D. Conely, 1894-1902, relate to legal matters. The volume also contains deeds to prop¬ erty; a collection of speeches by Indians on the Detroit and Upper Sandusky rivers, 1788; and a paper on Cadillac by Levi Bishop. 8123. Vol. 443.—Mss. of Bela Hubbard and John E King, and of Waldo M. Johnson. About ninety-five pages of deeds to property belonging to Hub¬ bard and King; and seventy-five pages of maps giving much detailed informa¬ tion of value. The rest of the volume is mainly letters of W. M. Johnson, 1849, relative to price of stocks; and some correspondence and papers of John D. Conely, of a legal character in the nineties. MANUSCRIPTS 103 8124. Vols. 444 to 447.—Mss. of Robert P. Toms, 1877-1884. Largely correspondence and papers relating to the Nelson H. Wing estate of which Toms was executor; and to other legal matters. Vol. 447 also contains manuscripts of William J. Gray who was “administrator” of the Wing estate. 8125. Vols. 448 to 449.—A4ss. of John R. Williams, 1818-1852. Accounts receipts; bank drafts; letters on the purchase and rent of property; informa¬ tion on the Black Hawk and Mexican wars and on political issues; and reso¬ lutions of the Detroit city council. 8126. Vol. 450.—Miscellaneous mss. Papers relating to the estate of Mrs. Julia A. Anderson; material on Detroit in the Revolutionary period; article on the Chippewa Indians; collection of deeds and wills; grants of land from George III, 1764; acts of the Legislature of New York; correspondence of Major General Butler at Fort Pitt, 1791-1796; papers relating to the Terri¬ torial government, and to the constitution of Michigan in 1907; correspondence of J. O. Winship, Cleveland, Ohio, 1892-1904; and a biographical sketch of James Scott of Detroit. 8127. Vols. 451 to 453.—Mss. of John Mason, 1826-1849. Relate mainly to claims of Samuel Chew and others against the Mexican Government. Vol. 451 also contains about forty pages of receipts and other private papers of John Mason and a collection of business letters and papers' of John R. Williams, 1803-1815, some of which relate to the fur trade. 8128. Vol. 454.—Mss. of John R. Williams, 1807-1832. Mainly receipts; accounts; material on the shipment of goods and payment of transportation charges; and correspondence relating to the fur trade. 8129. Vol. 455.—Afss. of John Askin, Samuel A. Drake, and of Clarence M. Burton. The papers of John Askin cover 25 pages. The Drake papers cover pages 30-110 and consist of notes for histories. The Burton papers fill pages 118 to end of vol.. and relate to genealogical and historical matters. The material of an historical nature includes correspondence of John Hecke- welder; notes from the life of Marshall; data on Detroit including the settle¬ ment by the French, sketch of Cadillac, the Moravians at Detroit, and the early schools. 8130. Vols. 456 to 457.—Mss. of John Askin, 1797-1832. Alainly letters and papers relating to business and private matters. These include accounts; deeds; and information on military matters, Indian affairs and on lands. Both volumes contain manuscripts of Charles Askin and vol. 457 two peti¬ tions to the Governor and Judges of Michigan territory. 8131. Vols. 458 to 459.—A4ss. of James Alay, Alexander D. Fraser, Eurotas P. Hastings and the firm of Park and Meldrum, 1797-1847. The May and Fraser manuscripts are chiefly legal in character and cover 1797-1847. The Park and Aleldrum manuscripts relate to business matters. 104 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN The correspondence of Eurotas P. Hastings, 1827-1847, fills about one hun¬ dred pages of vol. 458 and relates to missionary and church work in Michigan. 8132. Vol. 460.—Mss. of the law firm of Maynard, Meddaugh and Davi¬ son, about 1864-1893. Largely letters and papers of a legal character. 8133. Vol. 461.—Mss. of Rice and Meeker, Elon Farnsworth, Joshua W. Waterman, Ira Davenport and Francis Palms, 1847-1900. The Rice & Meeker papers cover 104 pages and relate to legal matters; Farnsworth papers, p. 105-140; the Waterman and the Davenport papers p. 145-202 and consist of land certificates; the Palms papers the rest of the volume and con¬ sist of business correspondence, deeds, etc. 8134. Vols. 462 to 474.—Mss. of the law firms of John Ward and Ervin Palmer, and of John Ward, 1872-1902. Mainly letters and papers of a legal character, though some relate to business and private matters. Vol. 465 contain also manuscripts of Ira A. Leighley of a legal character and a type¬ written biographical sketch of George Christian Anthon. 8135. Vol. 475.—Wayne county records, early Detroit documents and mss. of Joseph Campau. The Wayne county records cover, 1797-1802 and relate to cases in court. There are also judgments signed by jurors; instructions to sheriffs of Wayne co.; and the subscribed declaration of those Detroit inhabi¬ tants who elected to remain British subjects. The Joseph Campau papers cover p. 69-91. 8136. Vols. 476 to 647.—Mss. of James F. Joy, 1830-1886. Vols. 476 to 522 contain papers from the law office of James F. Joy and George F. Porter, 1830-1853; and up to vol. 506 most of the manuscripts deal with legal matters. The main material relating to railroads begins with vol. 506 and fills a larger space in succeeding volumes. In these can be found correspondence with officers of a large number of railroads in various sections of the country, and reports and statistics on these railroads. For instance information can be had on many western railroads, such as the Atchison and Nebraska; Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe; Hannibal and St. Joseph; Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs; Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston; Missouri river, Fort Scott and Gulf; and the Union Pacific. However only railroads in Michigan and those mainly or entirely in the Great Lakes region are listed below. While information on other railroads in this region than are listed below, and more on those that are listed, can doubtless be found in this collection, an attempt has been made to give the names of those with whose officers Joy had considerable correspondence or on which reports and statistics have been noted. The names of these railroads with the numbers of the volumes in which the material appears are as follows: Chicago and Aurora, 517-520, and succeeding volumes; Chicago and Michigan lake shore, 570, 573, 576, 578-599, 601-603, 606, 607, 609, 611-614, 621, 629, 633, 634, 637-640, 643-647; Chicago and northwestern, 524 andj630; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, MANUSCRIPTS 105 525-578, 580, 582-589, 593-602, 604-607, 610, 615, 617-624, 627-632, 641-647; Chicago, Clinton, Dubuque and Minnesota, 597, 604-607, ; 610, 621,' 623-626, 637, 639, 643; Detroit and Bay City, 626, 629, 636, 637, 645, 647; Detroit, Lansing and Lake Michigan, 585, 593-599, 601, 605, 606, 611-614, 617, 626, 631, 632, 637-643; Flint and Pere Marquette, 607 and 608; Grapdj Rapids and Indiana, 549, 550, 556, 560, 570, 571; Grand Trunk, 560 and 578^,Illinois central, 516-533, 535-538, 543, 550, 556, 582, 630; Jackson, Lansing and Sagi¬ naw, 553, 554, 564, 587, 593-599, 604-607, 622, 625, 626, 643; Michigan cen¬ tral, 506, 508, 509-514, 516-519, 521-524, 526-533, 535-537, 539, 541-544, 546- 593, 595-601, 603-647; Michigan southern, 508, 512-515, 520, 522„ 526; Michigan southern and northern Indiana, 538 and o58; Northern Indiana, 506, 508, 513, 514, 520; Wisconsin Valley, 619-621, 623, 624, 627-629, 632, 636, 641-645, 647. -..v .Uf ' ,f> ■ i-!.: • ■ 8137. Vol. 648.—Mss. of Ward and Palmer and of Jqhn Ward, 1872-1898. Mainly letters and papers of a legal character; also soine business papers. 8138. Vols. 649 to 743.—Mss. of James F. Joy, 1855 to about 1890. The material in vols. 649-733 is similar to that in the preceding volumes .of Joy manuscripts. The names of the railroads with the numbers of the volumes are as follows: Chicago and Michigan lake shore, 649, 650, 662-664, 667-671, 733; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, 651, 655-657, 665, 667-676, 681, 696, 702, 706, 708-711, 725, 727, 728; Chicago, Clinton, Dubuque and Minnesota, 678-703, 724; Detroit and Bay City, 653-711, 722, 724; Detroit, Eel River and Illinois, 660-664, 673; Detroit, Lansing and Lake Michigan, 649-664, 674; Detroit, Lansing and northern, 679-711; Flint and Pere Marquette, 680; Fort Wayne, Jackson and Saginaw, 687, 694-698, 725; Jackson, Lansing and ; Sagi¬ naw, 661, 665, 675, 697, 698, 704-713, 726; Lake shore and Michigan southern, 655, 659, 722; Michigan central, 650-733; Wisconsin Valley, 650-671, 678, 679, 688, 690, 691, 698-701. Vols. 734-743 contain mainly accounts, receipts and cancelled bank checks. .. r“V. • * ' 4 '' ) 8139. Vol. 744.—Mss. of James F. Joy, and from the Revenue office, Sault Ste. Marie, 1799-1872. About forty pages of cancelled bank checks of James F. Joy, 1872. The rest of the volume contains manuscripts from the Revenue office at Sault Ste. Marie, 1799-1807. 8140. Vols. 745 to 777.—Mss. from the Revenue office, Sault. Ste. Marie, 1802-1871. Mainly manifests of cargoes, reports, lists of instructions and correspondence. Some relate to lighthouses. 8141. Vols. 778 to 785.—Mss. of Peter P. Wright, lawyer of Delhi, Dela¬ ware county, New York, 1825-1858. Mainly letters .and papers of a legal •character. . : . r v 8142. Vols. 786 to 787.—Mss. of Peter P. Wright and of Daniel W. Howard and James M. Welch, war claims agency, Detroit, 1859-1877. Part of the Wright manuscripts cover 1859 and 1860 and part are 1 undated. The 106 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MICHIGAN Howard and Welch manuscripts cover 1863-1877 and relate mainly to the discharge of soldiers, claims for bounty and back pay, and pensions. 8143. Vols. 788 to 793.—Mss. of James F. Joy, 1819-1895. Vols. 788 and 789 contain mainly manuscripts from the law office of Joy and Porter; vols. 790 and 791 a large number of mansucripts relating to mining interests in the upper peninsula; and vols. 792 and 793 considerable information on rail¬ roads. 8144. Vol. 794.—Mss. of James F. Joy and of John Ward, 1797-1908. Over 100 pages of letters and papers of Joy and Porter, legal in nature. Then Bible references and a sermon of Rev. Henry Axtell, Presbyterian Minister, Geneva, New York; list of births, deaths, and marriages at Saco, Maine, 1819- 1843; material on exports and imports of the Port of Detroit; and monthly meteorological summary, Detroit, Feb., 1908. Pages 170 to the end consist of letters and papers of John Ward of a legal and business character. 8145. Vols. 795 to 796.—Mss. of the Campau family, and of Ward and Palmer, 1791-1865. The Campau manuscripts consist of deeds, leases, con¬ tracts, receipts, lists of tenants, U. S. land certificates and papers relating to the estate of Joseph Campau. The Campau manuscripts only fill about 170 pages of vol. 796. The remainder of the volume contains manuscripts of the law firm of Ward and Palmer. 8146. Vols. 797 to 816.—Mss. of Ward and Palmer, and of John Ward, 1851-1904. Mainly letters and papers of a legal character. 8147. Vols. 817 to 819.—Mss. of Thomas Williams, 1771-1804. Mainly letters and papers of a business character, including material on the fur trade. 8148. Vols. 820 to 823.—Mss. of John R. Williams, 1784-1849. Largely letters and papers of a business character. Vol. 820 contains material on the fur trade and vols. 821 and 823 information on the Mexican war. 8149. Vol. 824.—Mss. from Biddeford, York county, Mass., 1721-1821. 8150. Vol. 825.—Mss. of Robert Sanders, 1807-1809. Mainlv corre- spondence of a business character; also some information on political questions. 8151. Vols. 826 to 827.—Mss. of John R. Williams, mostly undated. Mainly letters and papers of a business nature and include information on the fur trade and on military matters. A considerable portion of vol. 827 is filled with county records of Huron county, 1867-1902, including orders on the county treasury, record of votes cast, list of assessments on townships, and liquor licenses issued in 1902. 8152. Vol. 828.—Mss. of William and Francis Button, 1843-1909. About eighty-five pages of accounts; receipts; deeds; contracts and specifications for the construction of buildings in Detroit; and papers relating to the estate of George Perring, some in the name of Francis Perring, the administrator. The rest of the volume contains deeds, accounts, receipts and papers relating MANUSCRIPTS 107 to the settlement of the estate of William Button, of which Francis Button was administrator. 8153. Vol. 829.—Mss. of Thomas Palmer and of Alpheus Felch, 1820- 1850. Include papers on granting the public domain to settlers; on claims against French government; on railroad communication between the Atlantic and Pacific about 1850; speeches, evidently of Alpheus Felch, in Congress; capitulation of General Hull in 1812; reports of the War dep’t., 1850, on the number of soldiers in various wars; printed memorials to Congress; statement of appropriations for the Cumberland road to December 31, 1820; deeds to property, mainly to Thomas Palmer; information on Carver’s grant; and p. 140 to end mainly records of Wayne county. 8154. Vols. 830 to 833.—Mss. of Alpheus Felch, 1835-1880. Vol. 830 also contains records of Wayne county. The rest of this collection contains many important letters and papers while Alpheus Felch was in public life, which give information on the banks in the thirties, on the attitude of the people toward state and national political issues; on factions in the Democratic party; on Indians; internal improvements; and on lands and land surveys. 8155. Vols. 834 to 841.—Mss. of Harper’s and St. Mary’s U. S. General hospitals and Post hospital at Detroit Barracks, 1864-1866. Muster rolls of sick and wounded soldiers; lists of sick and wounded under treatment; lists of patients admitted, returned to duty, discharged, deserted, died and granted furloughs; clothing issued; etc. 8156. Vols. 842 to 844.—Mss. of Thomas Williams and of John R. Wil¬ liams, 1778-1851. Large number of accounts, receipts, promissory notes and orders for goods. Vol. 842 also contains material on the fur trade; vol. 843 extracts from the legislative journals for 1847 and papers relating to work on Grand Circus Park in Detroit; and vol. 844 consists largely of lists of voters and returns of elections in Hamtramck Township. Wayne co., 1839- 1851. 8157. Vol. 845.—Mss. of Ward Monroe (Munro), 1827-1866. Mostly letters of a private character; receipts; accounts; deeds to property; copy of oath taken by native Americans; and papers relating to the school in Seneca Falls, New York. 8158. Vol. 846.—Mss. of Charles C. Trowbridge, 1855-1859. Cover 160 pages and include financial reports of the Detroit and Milwaukee railroad; correspondence relative to purchases and shipment of rails and other railroad material; and deeds to property. Also map of the battle ground of Gettys¬ burg. Pages 170 to end of vol. contain early Detroit documents and letters, and include letters of a business and legal nature of Elijah Brush of Detroit in 1801; election returns of Hamtramck township, Wayne county in 1839; and correspondence of a political character in 1845. 8159. Vols. 847 to 857.—Mss. of the law firms of Albert H. Wilkinson and 108 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN HoytPosty and of Elisha A. Fraser and Jasper C. Gates; and of the business- firm of Thomas McGraw and co., 1861-1892. The manuscripts of Fraser and Gates appear in vo}s r . §51-853, 855 and 856. The manuscripts of Thomas McGraw and co. are r found in vols. 847, 852-854 and 857, and relate to prices, shipments, bind and quality of wool. Vol. 847 contains about sixty-five pages, of letters of Elijah Brush, 1801; vols. 850 and 851 contain deeds on which appears the name of Eleanor L. Campau, 1867-1881; vol. 853 manuscripts of Ellen and Elizabeth and John Gibson; and vol. 857 a few letters of D. Farrand Henry, 1876, relating to the Detroit water works. 8160. Vol. 858. —Mss. of D. Farrand Henry and of Thomas McGraw and co. The correspondence of D. Farrand Henry covers about one hundred and fifty pages and relates to technical details, to problems confronting a water works engineer, to appointments, and the exchange of reports. The rest of the volume contains correspondence and accounts of Thomas McGraw and co.,. 1861-1865, relative to the wool business. 8161. Vols. 859 to 866.— Mss. of Thomas McGraw and co., 1865-1870. Relate mainly to the wool business. 8162. Vols. 867 to 869. —Mss. of Wilkinson and Post and of Thomas McGraw and co., 1852-1892. The Wilkinson and Post manuscripts are legal and business in character. The manuscripts of Thomas McGraw and co. relate to the wool business. Vol. 868 also contains manuscripts of Fraser and Gates and a large portion of vol. 869 is filled with deeds. 8163. Vol. 870. —Ms^. of Rev. Charles Brooks, a resident of Cambridge,. Medford and Hingham, Mass., 1791-1870. I -IV V ■ ; - . ' >r: 8164. Vols. 871 to 872. —Collection of deeds to property arranged alpha¬ betically according to the location of the property. Vol. 871 also contains iv, • 'A 1 s -i. ; : i • 1 manuscripts relating, to the estate of Ezra French, Rockingham co., N. H.,. 1788-1814, and vol. 872 a number of wills. 8165. Vols. ( 873 to, 876.— Records of Lenox township, Macomb county, about 1840-1879., Largely tax materials; proceedings of meetings of the township boqrd; rpportjs of school inspectors and highway commissioners; oaths of constables; reports on township elections and directions to road over¬ seers. Vol. 874 also contains papers of Jacob M. Howard, 1844-1856; Samuel Zug, 1855-1860 and James Farrell, 1870-1900. Vol. 876 also contains several pages of manuscripts relating to judicial, Indian and political affairs, 1828- 1848!'' y , 8166. Vote. 877 to 882.+— Mss. of Cornelius J. O’Flynn, 1851-1910. Mainly manuscripts of & legal , character, especially papers relating to cases in court. 8167. Vols. 883 to 894. —Mss. of Wilkinson and Post, 1854-1891. Largely manuscripts of a legal character, together with cancelled checks, deeds and other business papers. , Vols. 883 and 885 also contain manuscripts of Thomas MANUSCRIPTS 109 McGraw and co. relating to the wool business, and vols. 893 and 894 receipts of Charles L. Ortmann for money paid on school lands in Marquette co. and deeds to tax lands in Ogemaw co. 8168. Vol. 895.—Mss. of Wilkinson and Post, and of Jasper C. Gates, 1894-1895; of D. Farrand Henry, 1869-1872; and of Philip Breitmeyer, 1910. The Wilkinson and Post, and the Gates manuscripts fill about forty-five pages and consist of letters and papers of a legal character. The Henry manuscripts cover seventy-five pages and consist of correspondence relative to the lake survey and engineering problems. The Breitmeyer manuscripts contain correspondence relative to appointments; messages; and recommenda¬ tions to the city council while Mr. Breitmeyer was mayor of Detroit. 8169. Vols. 896 to 903.—Mss. of Philip Breitmeyer, 1907-1910. Mostly manuscripts while Philip Breitmeyer was mayor and consist of messages to* the council; papers relating to meetings and conventions; ordinances; work of city departments; and notices of desertions from the U. S. Navy and de¬ scriptive lists of deserters. 8170. Vols. 904 to 905.—Mss. of Clarence M. Burton, 1874-1886. Largely correspondence and papers of a private and business character. 8171. Vols. 906 to 907.—Mss. of Christopher Champlin of Newport, 1766- 1790; and mss. of the Town of Dartmouth, 1775-1842. 8172. Vol. 908.—Miscellaneous mss. Volume contains in part manu¬ scripts of the Town of Dartmouth, 1842-1852. The last one hundred pages is miscellaneous in character and includes letters, petitions, etc. to General Haldimand, 1780-1781; histories of the first Sunday School and First Baptist church of Benton Harbor, Mich.; newspaper clippings; and material relating to Joseph Chew and family. 8173. Vols. 909 to 959.—Mss. of Solomon Sibley, 1766-1824. Letters and papers both legal and business in character and contain information on the War of 1812; Territorial politics; Indian affairs; and lands. Vols. 910 to 943 contain a large collection of manuscripts of James O’Hara, contractor, and James Henry, contractor’s agent, and papers relating to the James Henry estate, some of the volumes being almost entirely filled with them. These relate chiefly to supplying U. S. troops with provisions. 8174. Vol. 960.—Miscellaneous mss. Relate mainly to matters outside of Michigan. 8175. Vols. 961 to 969.—Mss. of Solomon Sibley, 1805 to about 1837. Letters and papers relating to legal matters, political questions, Indian affairs and lands. Vol. 964 also contains papers of Ebenezer Sproat Sibley, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Army, 1839, and vol. 969 manuscripts in 1847 relating to the appraisement of land in Berrien county in behalf of the Michigan cen¬ tral railroad co. and maps of land along the railroad. 110 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8176. Vols. 970 to 971.—Miscellaneous mss. Vol. 970 contains letters of Thomas Palmer, 1830-1842, of a business and legal character; reports of troops, 1813; historical data on Detroit; correspondence of Thomas Rowland, 1820-1827, of a private nature. Vol. 971 contains proceedings of a meeting in 1821 in favor of the election of John McCarty as Territorial delegate in Congress; U. S. land certificates; biographical sketches of J. M. Bulkley, Cyrus Griffin and Henry Barnard; correspondence with Henry R. School¬ craft, 1836; deeds to property; list of officers of the militia at Detroit, 1788; and Acts of the British Parliament in 1766. 8177. Vols. 972 to 973.—Mss. of William Wadsworth and Wedworth Wadsworth, 1822-1856. Letters written to these men from Monroe, Rochester .-and other points in Michigan giving the opinion of the writer on the best •sections; and information on the price of land; new settlements; internal improvements; Toledo War; panic of 1837; and prospects of the Grand river 'valley. Vol. 973 also contains maps of Monroe and the City of Columbia on the Grand river. 8178. Vols. 974 to 1006.—Mss. of E. S. Sibley, 1836-1853. Requisitions, returns, receipts, invoices, accounts with receipts of payment attached, lists •of persons and property employed, pay rolls, and other papers and corre¬ spondence of the office of Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Army. 8179. Vols. 1007 to 1009.—Mss. relating mainly to affairs in Hingham, Mass., 1764-1887. 8180. Vol. 1010.—Miscellaneous mss., 1777-1S14. Manuscripts of Capt. William Kent, 1777-1795, cover fifty-six pages and consist mainly of receipts, promissory notes, accounts with Boston merchants, and some private corre¬ spondence. Correspondence of Gen. Green Clay, 1813-1814, fills about one hundred thirty pages and consists mainly of letters written to him relating to appointments of officers and to provisions at Fort Meigs. The volume also contains several reports on the guard and police at Camp Meigs, and a record of the Brady family. 8181. Vols. 1011 to 1035.—Mss. of E. S. Sibley, 1847-1851. Similar in •character to those in vols. 974 to 1006. 8182. Vol. 1036.—Miscellaneous mss., 1753-1868. Include letters of Capt. Otho Hamilton and Capt. J. Hamilton from Placentia, Newfoundland, 1753- 1760, relative to military matters; of James Miller, 1811-1812, relative to Indian affairs and military matters; of Osmund Tower, 1861-1868, political in character; manuscripts of Benson J. Lossing relative to the career of General Simon Perkins and to military matters; list of prizes captured by private vessels of Salem during the War of 1812; and some correspondence of General A. Butler and of General Lewis Cass. 8183. Vols. 1037 to 1083.—Mss. of E. S. Sibley, 1851-1856. Similar in character to those in the above volumes of manuscripts of E. S. Sibley. MANUSCRIPTS 111 8184. Vol. 1084.—Miscellaneous mss. Include deeds, 1786-1814; corre¬ spondence, 1806-1815; mostly relating to military matters; genealogical material on the Hinckley family; copy of the Free Soil song sung at Buffalo- in 1848; and printed proceedings of the meeting of the Connecticut Society for the Promotion of Freedom, Sept. 13, 1792. 8185. Vols. 1085 to 1150.—Mss. of E. S. Sibley, 1829-1858. Vols. 1085- 1112 and 1131-1150 contain material similar to that in the above volumes of Sibley manuscripts; vols. 1113 to 1129 material relating to Territorial roads; and vols. 1129 and 1130 manuscripts relating to Indian affairs, especially the removal of the Pottawatomis. 8186. Vols. 1151 to 1153.—Mss. of Silas Fanner, 1702-1885. Collection of historical material gathered by Silas Farmer for his writings. It consists chiefly of copies of original manuscripts; extracts from books of travel; from newspapers; and answers to inquiries, and contains a good deal of information: on Detroit in the 18th and early 19th centuries; a number of papers on Cadil¬ lac, including a copy of his Memoirs taken from French Archives; extracts from the Memoirs of Chevelier de Beauchene in 1733; and a copy of Charelvoix’s account of Detroit in 1721. 8187. Vols. 1154 to 1157.—Mss. of John Clark, 1820-1866. Relate to business matters, John Clark being dealer in general merchandise. Vols. 1154 and 1155 also contain papers relating to the estate of Francis Browning. 8188. Vols. 1158 to 1165.—Mss. of Luther S. Trowbridge, 1858-1872. Relate to both legal and business matters. Vols. 1158 and 1159 also contain manuscripts of the lav/ firm of Alexander W. Buel and Luther S. Trowbridge _ 8189. Vols. 1166 to 1172.—Mss. of William C. Maybury, 1893-1900... Relate to business matters and political affairs, and include accounts, re¬ ceipts, notices of sale of lands for delinquent taxes and letters from the Standard life and accident insurance co., Detroit, of which Adaybury was managing director; Corbin cabinet lock co., New Britain, Conn.; Union casualty and surety co., of St Louis; and correspondence of the Alma mining, milling and smelting co., of which Maybury was president. Vols. 1168 to 1171 contain a good deal of correspondence of a political character during the campaign for election of mayor of Detroit in 1897, and letters from lodges.. 8190. Vols. 1173 to 1187.—Mss. of Philip Breitmeyer, 1909-1910. Adainly typewritten letters written to Air. Breitmeyer while mayor of Detroit and copies of letters written by him. They relate to issuing and revoking of licenses; appointments; provisions of ordinances and of the charter;invita¬ tions to address meetings of citizens and organizations; and reports from departmental officers to the mayor. A great deal of information can be gleaned from these manuscripts about the government of the city; and the- attitude of the people toward leading questions of municipal government.. Problems connected with the Detroit united railway take up considerable 112 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN space. Vol. 1187 is partly filled with manuscripts of the Detroit motor com¬ pany which consist chiefly of accounts of this company. 8191. Vols. 1188 to 1191.—Mss. of Clarence M. Burton, 1874-1899. Mostly letters and papers of a business character, data on historical subjects and information of a genealogical nature. In the front of volume 1188 are manuscripts relating to Indian affairs, 1823-1824; list of members of Detroit lodges; deeds; and receipts. 8192. Vols. 1192 to 1194. —Mss. of Robert P. Toms, 1861-1894. Legal and business in character. A considerable portion of these volumes are filled with manuscripts of Nelson H. Wing and relating to his estate. 8193. Vols. 1195 to 1200.—Mss. of D. Farrand Henry, 1873-1885. Chiefly private business papers; and manuscripts relating to various matters con¬ nected with the Detroit waterworks, of which D. Farrand Henry was ap¬ pointed Chief Engineer in 1872. 8194. Vol. 1201.—Miscellaneous mss. from Bridgeton, Maine, 1780-1846. 8195. Vols. 1202 to 1203.—Mss. of Benson John Lossing. Important material consisting mainly of data on the War of 1812, especially the military history and biographical sketches of officers, including correspondence in the fifties and sixties relative to events in the War of 1812; and a copy of Treaty of Peace, December 24, 1814. Also deeds and legal papers. 8196. Vols. 1204 to 1208.—Mss. of Dewitt C. Holbrook, 1856-1900. Re¬ late chiefly to legal and business matters, including considerable material on Port Huron property; inventory of Holbrook’s property; list of books; land contracts; deeds; and papers relative to the settlement of the Holbrook estate. 8197. Vols. 1209 to 1211.—Mss. chiefly of Alvah Bradish and Charles C. Trowbrdige, 1831-1899. The Bradish manuscripts consist largely of letters of congratulation, introduction and commendation; and correspondence rela¬ tive to paintings and the taking of lessons in painting. Many of the Trow¬ bridge manuscripts relate to railroads and to the payment of claims. Vol. 1211 also contains correspondence of Thomas M. Cooley, B. F. Graves, Zachariah Chandler and Herbert Bowen. 8198. Vols. 1212 to 1214.—Mss. of Dewitt C. Holbrook, 1870-1886. Con¬ sist largely of accounts, receipts, deeds, stock certificates of mining companies and papers of a legal character. Manuscripts of Fred G. Russell also appear in vols. 1213 and 1214, a considerable portion of which relate to the Holbrook estate and are dated 1889-1900. 8199. Vols. 1215 to 1219.—Miscellaneous mss. The general character of this material is as follows: vol. 1215, largely deeds, wills and receipts, 18lb- 1895; vol. 1216, manuscripts, 1795-1858, relating mainly to matters outside of Michigan; vol. 1217, correspondence of legal and private character of James V. Campbell, Thomas M. Cooley and Elijah W. Morgan; and letters of Alvah MANUSCRIPTS 113 Bradish relating to paintings; vol. 1218, manuscripts of Elijah W. Morgan, 1829-1845, legal and business in character, and of Alvah Bradish relating to paintings; vol. 1219, largely manuscripts of Alvah Bradish, some of which relate to the publication of Memoirs of Douglass Houghton. 8200. Vols. 1220 to 1276.—Mss. of the Palmer family, 1811-1904. Vol. 1220 contains letters and papers of a business character of Friend and Thomas Palmer; and correspondence of a private, legal and business nature of James Witherell, Mrs. Amy Witherell and Polly Withered. Vols. 1221 to 1245 con¬ sist largely of letters and papers of a business character of Friend and Thomas Palmer, 1816-1847. Beginning with vol. 1248 there are a large number of manuscripts of Thomas W. Palmer. In addtiton to valuable letters and papers of a business and political character there is a large collection of private correspondence with his father and mother; his sisters Julia and Sara; and his brothers-in-law Henry M. Roby and Henry W. Hubbard. Vols. 1264 to 1273 contain manuscripts of Friend Palmer, 1861-1904, many of which relate to his work in the quartermaster’s department and the settlement of civil war claims of the state against the United States. Vols. 1274 to 1276 contain calling cards, invitations, pictures, etc. 8201. Vol. 1277.—Miscellaneous msS. About one hundred pages contain business letters of Nathan W. Brooks, merchant at Detroit, 1837. Most of rest of volume consists of letters to T. B. Howard, Comptroller General of Georgia; four private letters of Rev. George X. Smith, 1833-1857; and copies of two letters from R. Tinckham to his brother, 1831, one giving an account of his trip through southwestern Michigan. 8202. Vols. 1278 to 1279.—A Iss. of Messrs. Atwood and company of Philadelphia, 1856-1857. Vol. 1279 also contains manuscripts of Thomas W. Palmer, 1852-1859. 8203. Vols. 1280 to 1283.—Mss. chiefly of George Dennett, Portsmouth, N. H., 1776-1850. Vol. 1283 also contains manuscripts of Lewis Cass, Bela Hubbard and E. B. Ward. 8204. Vols. 1284 to 1299.—Mss. of Luther S. Trowbridge, 1866-1873. Relate mainly to business, legal and political matters and include corre¬ spondence with officers of the Collins iron company of Lake Superior and the Silver mining company of Silver Islet, Lake Superior; and information on lands in northern Michigan and coal interest in Missouri. 8205. Vols. 1300 to 1304.—Mss. of Emory Wendell, 1863-1899. Consist largely of accounts; receipts; cancelled bank checks; land contracts; memo¬ randum notes; and correspondence of a business character, part of which relates to the banking business. 15 114 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN B Account Books, Diaries, Letter Books, Etc. Miss G. B. Krum, Librarian in Charge, Burton Historical Collection, furnished the titles^ for this section. 8206. Adams, C. S., estate. Land book. [Detroit] 1853-1873. Ledger accounts of buyers on contract. (Pencilled notes by S. D. Miller). Ledger accounts due E. S. Sibley for land bought on contract, 1856-1879. 11 pages near front of vol. 8207. Aetna base ball association, Detroit. Record book. [Detroit] 1874- 1876. Records and ledger accounts. 8208. Albright, Egbert F. [Reminiscences of Detroit, 1836-1852]. 1914. 10, 4 p. Given to C. M. Burton, in an interview, July 29, 1914. 8209. Alexander, Charles Towne. Letter book. [Detroit] September 18, 189 7-June 3, 1898. 8210. Alexander, Charles Towne and Paddock, Lewis H. Journal. [De¬ troit] March. 30, 1900-April. 30, 1902. 8211. Allegan land company. Sales books, [n. p.] 1835-1849. 2 v. Volumes are respectively as follows: 1835-1841 (Memo, of sales.—List of wild lands),, and 1835-1849 (Memo, of sales.—List of wild lands.—Lands sold for Boston company.— Taxes paid by Boston company.—Taxes paid by Allegan company). 8212. Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay railroad company. Freight de¬ livery book. [Lansing] July 27, 1864-January 20, 1865. Many leaves lacking. C. C. Trowbridge, receiver. 8213. -,-. Journal. De¬ troit, November 30, 1864-February 28, 1865. 8214. --—,-. Letter book [receiver’s]. Detroit, November 1, 1864-November 20, 1866. Letter book [private] of C. C. Trowbridge, p. 169 to end of vol. 8215. Anderson, Ebenezer. Cash book. [Detroit] August 13, 1869- August 13, 1874. Ledger accounts (including receiver’s receipts and dividends), p. 101-172. 8216. Askin, Charles. Diary and memoranda. Strabane, 1841-1858. (In Askin, John. Invoice book, 1798-1799. Last half of volume). 8217. Askin, Charles and James. Day book. Strabane, June 24, 1803— December 31, 1804. MANUSCRIPTS 115 8218. -,-. Ledgers. [Strabane] 1805-1807. 2 v. First volume covers 1805-1896 and contains their Sales book at Canborough, Ont., 1813- 1815, 6 p. in the center of the volume. The other volume covers 1805-1807. A few accounts in the vol. are balanced in later years. John Askin’s account is current to 1811. 8219. Askin, John. Account book. [Detroit] October 6, 1780-February 28, 1782. Account current with John Askin & co. 8220. -,-. Bill book. [Albany, etc.] 1761-1762. Promissory notes, drafts, receipts, bills of exchange, etc., relating to Mr. Askin’s mer¬ cantile business in Albany. Some are signed John Askin & co. (i. e. John Askin & James Gordon). 8221. -,-. Inventory book. Detroit, January 1, 1787. Slaves, houses and lands, boats, live stock and grain, implements and tools, furniture, books, mdse, and outstanding accounts. 8222. -,-. Invoice book. [Detroit] April 25, 1798-April 10, 1799. General merchandise and liquors consigned by James and Andrew McGill, Montreal, to John Askin. Furs consigned by John Askin to J. & A. McGill. Silver works and liquors consigned by J. & A. McGill to John Anderson & co. Furs consigned by John Anderson & co. to J. & A. McGill. Diary of Charles Askin, 1841-1858, in last half of vol. 8223. -,-. Journals. Detroit, [etc.] 1780-1804. 10 v. 8224. -,-. Ledgers. Detroit [and Strabane] 1783-1814. 15 v. 8225. -,-. Letter book. Michilimackinac, April 27-July 7, 1778. 176 p. 8226. -,-. Memorandum book. [Detroit] March 30, 1785- December 31, 1786. Memoranda, June 10, 1789-September 2, 1790. (In his Ledger, 1789-90. 17 p. at end -of vol.). Indexed. 8227. Austin, Fred. G., as trustee in bankruptcy of Cameron Currie & company, complainant vs. Hayden, Charles, et ah, defendants, various paging. Typewritten. Depositions. 8228. Backus, M. Claim book. [n. p.] March, 1803-April, 1807. Called “Docket Book.” 8229. Baker, Harris W., et ah, libellants, vs. Barges “Tycoon” and Mikado,” The Michigan and Ohio ferry company, respondents. 280 p. Typewritten. 8230. Baldwin & Silsby. Journal. Detroit, September 1, 1836-July 20, 1839. 2 v. Hardware merchants. 8231. - . Ledger [A]. [Detroit] 1835-1839. 116 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8232. Bank of Michigan. Letter book. Detroit, January 11-July 7, 1837. [C. C. Trowbridge, president]. Henry K. Sanger, cashier. Thos. J. Hulbert, ass’t cashier. 8233. Barnes, L. S. L. Memorandum book. [n. p., n. d.]. A few entries only, and these are remedies for specific ailments. 8234. Barstow & Lockwood. Cash book. Detroit, October 2, 1847- September 20, 1854. 8235. -. Letter books. [Detroit] February 24, 1840- August 8, 1849. 3 v. 8236 . Barthe, Jean Baptiste, & co. Ledger. Sault Ste. Marie, 1775-1779. Debits are for equipments of men engaged to trade for the company, the value to be re¬ turned in peltries. Credits are the year’s wage of the “engage” to be paid in money. French text 8237. -,-,-. Sales book. Sault Ste. Marie, Septem¬ ber 4, 1774-June 1, 1779. “Journale des chose que je vens au savage et leur done [dons]” Fly-leaf. The ‘things he sold’ were chiefly rum and tobacco, taking peltries in payment. Several pages at the end of the volume are used for the accounts of St. Anne’s churchy Detroit, 1806-1807, in the handwriting of Etienne Dubois. French text. 8238. Batchewanung land and mining company. Certificate stub-book. Detroit, November 18, 1864-December 13, 1881. 8239. -. Record book. Detroit,. November 16, 1864-October 28, 1872. 8240. Beaubien, Jean Baptiste. Ledgers. Detroit, 1766-1810. 2 v. 8241. Begole, Josiah W. [Manuscripts]. December 1, 1882-June 18,1883- Contents.—Five letters of J. W. Begole to railroad officials soliciting mileage books, and in acknowledgement of same and of annual pass.—Porter, H. C. Letter (copy) to J. W. Begole mentioning inclosure of mileage book for use over the Flint and Pere Marquette- railroad.—Meddaugh, E. W. Letter to S. R. Callaway, gen. manager of Chicago and Grand Trunk railway co., suggesting that a pass be granted rather than a mileage book.. Two excerpts from the Detroit post and tribune with facsimiles of Gov. Begole’s letters. 8242. Berrien county. [Papers relating to the transfer of land in Berrien, Ionia and Ottawa counties, Mich., 1835-1837]. 29 pieces. Include account against the “Proprietors of Port Sheldon” by their agents, Edward P„ Deacon and Alex. H. Jaudon, December, 1836. 8243. Bissell, Mary E. Diaries. Detroit, February 5, 1862-January 7, 1864. 3 v. Diaries of a schoolgirl who is attending the Detroit female seminary, 42 Fort st., as a day pupil. Social, family and church notes give interest to this daily exposition of Detroit doings. 8244. Blesch, August F. Contract house with Otto H. Schneider & co. [Detroit] August 19, 1908-April 17, 1912. Exhibit re Mechanics’ liens suits. George L. Canfield, attorney for defendant. MANUSCRIPTS 117 8245. Brady & co. Bank books. Detroit River savings bank. Detroit, June 15, 1898-October 30, 1901. 2 v. Brady (Preston Brady) & co. dealers in building and mining supplies. 8246. -. Check stub-books. Detroit River savings bank.. Detroit, November 25, 1899-Sept ember 16, 1902. 3 v. 8247. -. Index book. [Detroit, 1900?]. Ledger index. “Ex. 14.” 8248. -. Journal. [Detroit, February, 1900-November, 1902]. 8249. -. Letter book. Detroit, June 26, 1901-June 3, 1902. 8250. -. Sales book. [Detroit] October 27, 1900-March 24, 1903. 8251. British museum. French-Indian war. Additional manuscript 15874, [p. 208-312b]. 88 p. Copy made for C. M. Burton, London, 1907. Contents.—Narrative of what passed on the River Ohio, 1753.—General state of the points now depending between Great Britain and France, 1754.—State of the actual possessions of Great Britain in N. A. at the Treaty of Utrecht, 1713.—[Letters, memoirs, and projects for preliminary agreement between the ambassadors and ministers] 1755. 8252. Browning, Francis P. Cash book. Detroit, May 27, 1830-August 16, 1833. Opened for cash entries, but has many memoranda and other entries transferred to Day book or “bill”. 8253. -,-. Day books. Detroit, July 13, 1825-August 14, 1834. 6 v*. 8254. -,-. . Journals. Detroit, October 4, 1824-February 16, 1835. 5 v. 8255. -,-. Ledgers. [Detroit] 1825-1834. 2 v. 8256. Buck, Amos. Cash book. [Denmark, Mich., 1845-1846]. not paged.—Ledger. [Flat Rock, Mich., 1849-1852]. 53 p. Business at Denmark not identified from entries. Engaged with A. J. Peck, of Flat Rock, as clerk in store, January 11, 1849, and ledger entries refer to old store accounts and to present expenses. 8257. Burnham, James K., etalvs. Interstate casualty company of New York, garnishee defendant; Eva Winans, principal defendant, [et al]. In the Circuit court of the county of Wayne. Before Tudge Carpenter and jurv, June 28, 1897. 160 p. Typewritten copy. 8258. Burton, Clarence Monroe. [Chronological notes on United States history]. An index to historical events compiled chiefly from the Michigan pioneer and historical society’s Collections and Canada archives’ Reports (A & B). 118 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8259. -,-. [Court and other records copied from original files] 1819-1849. [Detroit, 1910-1911]. 88,206 p. Typewritten. Indexed. Binder’s title: Court journal, city hall attic. 8260. -,-. Detroit, 1814-1860. [Detroit, 1907- 1908]. 119-360 p. Typewritten. Indexed. Binder’s title. Sources for this compilation are the various Detroit newspapers, 1833-1860; County clerk’s office files, books A-C. 1823-1847; Chancery court files; Supreme court records, 1814-1822. 8261. -,-. [Detroit in 1825-27, as compiled from the] Michigan herald, v. 1, no. 1, May 10, 1825-May 2, 1827. [Detroit, n. d.]. not paged. ‘ # One entry, April 10, 1828. Binder’s title: Michigan herald, 1825-1828. Copy 2. Typewritten. Indexed. 48, 229 p. Binder’s title: Michigan herald, 1825-27. 8262. -,-. [Detroit in 1833-1835, as compiled from the] Detroit courier, April 3, 1833-January 14, 1835. [Detroit, n. d.]. 213, 128 p. Typewritten. Indexed. Binder’s title: Detroit courier, 1833-1834. - 8263. -,-. [Detroit in 1835-37, as compiled from the] Free press, September 28, 1835-January 3, 1837. [Detroit] September 25, 1911. 254 p. Copy 2. Typewritten. 309 p. Binder’s title: Free press, 1835-1837. Index to Free press, 1835-1837. 149 p. Typewritten. 8264. -,-. Detroit in 1836. [n. d.]. 15 p. Typewritten. A paper dealing with this period in the city’s history as it concerns streets, cemeteries, water works, schools, finances and prosperity, and obituary notices. 8265. -,- . [Detroit in 1842-43, as compiled from the] Daily advertiser, January 5, 1842-August 26, 1843. [Detroit, n. d.]. 266, 130 p. Typewritten. Indexed. Binder’s title: Daily advertiser, 1842-43. 8266. -,-. [Detroit in 1843-45, as compiled from the] Democratic free press, January 4, 1843-May 27, 1845. [Detroit, n. d.]. [169] p. Binder’s title: Free press, 1843-4-5. Copy 2. Typewritten. Indexed. 243 p. 8267. -,-. [Detroit in 1844-45, as compiled from the Democratic] free press, June 21, 1844-May 27, 1845. [Detroit, n. d.]. 128, 60 p. Typewritten. Indexed. Binder’s title: Free press, 1844-45. MANUSCRIPTS 119 8268. -,-. [Detroit in 1849, as compiled from the] Daily advertiser, January 1-December 31, 1849. [Detroit, n. d.]. not paged. Binder’s title: Daily advertiser, 1849. Copy 2. Typewritten. Indexed. 321, 115 p. 8269. -,-. [Detroit in 1850-1854, as compiled from 1 the] Free press, January 9, 1850-November 22 1851, and the Daily adver¬ tiser, January 9, 1851-July 17, 1854. [Detroit, n. d.]. not paged. Binder’s title: Detroit, 1850-1854. 8270. -,-. [Detroit in 1900]. [Detroit, 1900]. lip. Typewritten. Written for the new edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, as published by the London times in 1900. 8271. -,-. Diary of Detroit [as extracted from the current numbers of Detroit newspapers, July 25, 1817-January 3, 1837]. 5 v. Typewritten. With this are: Randall, Robert. Trial of Robert Randall and Charles Whitney for breach of privileges of the House of representatives, v. 5, p. 138-205.—Papers relating to the early history of Michigan university, v. 5, 207-261.—Edwards papers, v. 3, p. 619-650; v. 5, p. 262-264. 8272. -,-. A journal [record] of my trip in 1904 [Lake Nipissing and French River]. [41] p., genealogical table, map, 40 photos. Typewritten copy also. 8273. -,-. The Protestant orphan asylum of De¬ troit [1821-1910]. [Detroit, 1910?]. 23 p. Typewritten. This institution w T as organized in 1821 under the name “The female benevolent society of the city of Detroit. ” 8274. -,-. Shandean club [a sketch] and bio¬ graphical notes of members. [Detroit, n. d.]. Ms. and typewritten copies. With this are: Minutes of meetings of the Shandean club, March 23 and July 11, 1844. 8275. Buxton, Mrs. Jane E. Bank book. The Preston national bank of Detroit. [Detroit] August 16, 1900-January 31, 1901. 8276. Cadillac, Antoine de La Mothe. [Contract between Cadillac, Jacques Arrive called Delisle, and Joseph Gaultier, debtors, and Francois Hazeur, creditor, for the payment of 3158 livres, 1 sol, 5 deniers, for trade merchandise]. Ville Marie [Montreal] September 17, 1694. 8277. -, ----. [Order to Sieur D’Argenteuil to re¬ port to Comte de Frontenac at Montreal on affairs at Michilimackinac]. October 2, 1695. 8278. Cadillac manuscripts. Archives judiciaries du district de Quebec. Papiers trouves dans une liasse marquee: Grandmesnil. [5 juillet, 1707- 1730?]. 48 p. Sales of land, contracts of marriage, etc. Signed, Grandmesnil, secretary [of Sieur Cadillac]. 120 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Inventory of Cadillac’s property in Detroit, August 25, 1711. Signed, Cherubin Deniau, priest, p. 36-47. Bound with these are: Cadillac papers. Records relating to Cadillac, 1697-1709, at Quebec and Montreal. Signed, Chambalon. 8279. -. [Records from the French archives relating to Canada, 1669-1730]. 12 v. Paged continuously. Manuscript copies made in Paris for C. M. Burton. English translation made in London for C. M. Burton by Brown & Stevens. 12 v. 8280. -. [Records relating to Cadillac at Quebec and Montreal, 1697-1709]. 28 p. (With their Archives judiciaries. [1707-1730?]. End of vol.). Judgments, procurations, etc. Signed, Chambalcn, [notary] at Quebec, Adhemar, [notary] at Montreal. 8281. Campbell, James Valentine. [Manuscripts]. 254 p. Typewritten copies made for C. M. Burton from manuscripts and papers, the property of Judge Campbell. * • Contents.—(By Judge Campbell) Local sketches—Detroit, p. 4-23.—Church beginnings in Michigan, p. 25-45.—Early French settlements and settlers about Detroit, p. 46-79.— Moravians in Michigan, p. 86-99.—The small perils of history, p. 100-113.—Land titles in Michigan, p. 143-174.—[Bloody Run and vicinity], p. 175-182.—Plan to buy Michigan, 1795, p. 183-187.—Corruption of names, p. 204.—Notes on Detroit places and incidents, p. 217-226. The age .of steam, by Henry Whiting, 1830, p. 127-139. My vineyard in sun and breeze, by D. Bethune Duffield, 1866, p. 140-142. (Copies of documents): Plan of Detroit in 1749, 1754, p. 1-3.—Memorial to Pres. Madison from citizens of Detroit concerning the administration of Gov. Hull [1809], p. 80-85.—Observations on the petitions to Congress of the inhabitants of the counties of Mackinaw', Brown and Craw¬ ford, 1821, p. 114-126.—Letter of Gov. Hull to Judge Woodward for information'as to taking oath of office, 1808. p. 188.—Letter of C. C. Trowbridge to Judge Campbell on the character of Jefferson Davis, as reported to him by Gov. Doty, 1876, p. 189.—Public meet¬ ing of citizens of Detroit in regard to the imprisonment of John P. Sheldon for contempt of Supreme court, 1829, p. 191-194.—English translation, by C. C. Trowbridge, of letter of John R. Williams to Gabriel Richard [1823] and Memorandum by C. C. T. that the letter was posted as a “Handbill” in a few towns where votes were expected, p. 195-202.—Com¬ mission to James May as Adjutant general by Gov. Hull, 1805, p. 203.—Letter of R. F. Cadle to Gov. Porter containing charges against Lewis Grignon, 1834.—Summons to Jacob Visger as judge of the court of common pleas to attend contested election of Geo. McDougall, Oct. 23, 1800.—Gabriel Richard to C. C. Trowbridge on the death of Vincent Dupont, Aug. 28, 1832.—Letter of Judge Griffin to Judge Woodward at Washington, Dec. 1, 1808, p. 212-213.—Letter of acceptance of Wm. Woodbridge to the dinner given by members of the bar and officers of the supreme court, Feb. 2, 1832, p. 214.—Promissory note of Michi¬ gan grand lodge to the Bank of Michigan for $125, Apr. 3. 1827, and note by C. C. Trow¬ bridge concerning payment, p. 215.—Recommendation that the Bank of Michigan loan -$2500 to meet the expenses of the convention at Ann Arbor, Dec. 12, 1836. (4 signatures), p. 215.—Papers relating to the proceedings of the canvassers at the election of 1825, p. 226-242.—Statistics of Ste. Anne’s church, 1700-1800, p. 243.—Call for a public meeting by the citizens of Detroit to demand protection frcm British cfhcer, Jan. 27, 1813, p. 244.— Extract of Wayne co. records relating to subjects of Great Britain in the U. S., 1797, p. 245-247.—List of votes for S. Sibley in 1798, p. 248-254. 8282. Canada. Archives. [Records relating to the history of Detroit, 1760-1797]. 332 p. fold, plans. Manuscript copies, made in Ottawa by Douglass Brymner, archivist, for C. M. Burton. Index for series (Haldimand papers) and page, in pocket at end of vol. 8283. -. Custom house, Collingwood, Ont. Report outwards of the ■cargo of the steamer Lady Elgin, Collingwood to MaclAiac, October 20, 1855. MANUSCRIPTS 121 8284. Canfield, George Lewis. [Admiralty notes], [n. d.]. 8285. -,-. Case books (law). [Detroit] 1887-1909. 9 v. 8286. -,-. Check stub-book. American exchange ‘national bank. Detroit, August 11, 1893-October 30, 1894. 8287. -,-. Diaries [professional]. [Detroit] 1904- 1908. 3 v. 8288. Case, William. Journal. Upper Canada, April 6, 1808-August 26, 1809. 44 p. Typewritten copy made for C. M. Burton from the original in the possession of the Case family. The journal of a Methodist itinerant minister while traveling the Ancaster and Detroit circuits. The latter was on the Canadian side of the river and a society was formed at or near Malden with 14 members, “the first and only Methodist society in 200 miles. ” p. 35. A few later entries, undated for year, are by Mrs. Case, p. 42. “ Catalogue of letters sent ...” 1808-1811, p.43-44. 8289. Cass, Lewis. To Hon. J. C. Calhoun. [Washington]. Facsim. i p. Recommendation of Henry and-Baker, sons of Major Baker, for the U. S. Military academy; also-Newberry, of New York, now living at Detroit. - 8290. -,-. [Manuscripts]. 1799-1863. Contents.—Seven letters, 1819-1863.—Two proclamations for organization of Oakland and St. Clair counties, 1820.—Two speeches on the Oregon question, 1846.—Thirty-two letters to Cass, 1816-1831.—Five miscellaneous letters, 1799-1825.—Deed and plat of land at Frenchtown [Monroe] from Jonathan Kearsley to Lewis Cass, May 23, 1-845.—U. S. Army orders, Detroit, May 24, 1824, by John R. Williams.—Inventory of Cass papers.— Ledyard collection.—Deed of lot in Elmwood cemetery to Henry Ledyard, January 6, 1849. 8291. Celoron [Celeron], Pierre Joseph. [Journal of an expedition to the Ohio in 1749]. 58 p. Typewritten copy of an English translation by Edmond De Hennetot. (Printed in Catholic historical researches, v. 2, 1885). The Journal is a daily record of the route followed and the incidents connected with the object of the expedition—to take possession of the country in the name of Louis XV. The original document is preserved at Paris, in the archives of the Department of Marine. 8292. Chapin, James Henry. [Autographs] dedicated to Alpha delta phi, James H. Chapin, [University of Michigan, class of 1868]. Many names are of the Michigan University fraternity. 8293. Cheeseborough, Mrs. Alice T. Index book. Detroit, 1880. Index to accounts. Inventory of personal property at 1069 Woodward Ave, Detroit, p. 68-100. 8294. -,-.-. Journal. Detroit, 1881. Rent accounts. 8295. -,-.-. Ledger. Detroit, 1881. Rent accounts. 8296. Cicotte, Edward V. Reminiscences, taken stenographically by Herschel Whittaker. Detroit, 1891. 46 p. Typewritten. 122 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8297. City of Toledo (steamer). Ledger (crew), [n. p.] September 3CL 1865-November 30, 1870. Wm, A. Moore, part owner. Selah Dustin, master. Seasons of 1865, 1869-1870, with balance sheets only for April-May, 1866. 8298. Clark, John. Account with Alpheus Earl, June 1, 1844-January \ Y 1866. (In Browning, F. P. Ledger. 1831-1834, p. 109, 193). 8299. Connor, Leartus. Camera notes on Muskegon and Milwaukee, made . . . while attending medical conventions during the regular sessions' of May and June, 1893. Detroit, 1893. Mounted photographs and notes. 8300. Cooper, David. Note-book. Detroit, 1801. (In Henry, James.. Beef journal. 1810. 20 p. first part of vol.). 8301. Copper Creek mining company. Receipt stub-book [for call pay¬ ments on subscription]. Detroit, November 21, 1892-November 19, 1894. 8302. Copway, George. Pa-mah-duk ke-ne-bood (Life and death). New York, December 24, 1850. Original poem, in Indian, with English translation. 8303. Crittenden, Rebecca L. Old age pensions. Detroit, 1915. 12 p. Typewritten. 8304. Detroit. Christ Church. Pew record. [Detroit] March 31, 1898- October 8, 1902. Records for last payment are of irregular dates. 8305. -. Citizens. [Petition to the common council that the appli¬ cation of the Gas light company for an increase of its capital stock be granted]. Detroit, January 17, 1855. 4 p. 8306. --.-. [Report of] meeting, July 7, 1891, to express- condemnation of the action of the common council in granting to the Detroit city railway company an extension of the time for which their franchise shall’ run. 51 p. Typewritten. 8307. -. Citizens educational committee. [Correspondence and printed material in reference to the proposed legislation for the government of the Detroit schools]. 1899. Contents.—Provisions of bill. (2 copies).—Abstract of bill.—Addresses and circular letter to the citizens of Detroit.—Memorial to the governor and legislature of Michigan by citizens of Detroit. (2 copies).—Resolutions of the Detroit manufacturers club and the- Merchants & manufacturers exchange.—Letter of D. E. Heineman concerning the intro¬ duction of the bill in the house.—Letters of prominent educators of the U. S. in analysis of this or similar legislation.—Address of Emerson E. White before the N. E. A., February 22, 1899, “Authority of the school superintendent.”—Legislative material of other states on education.—Proposed bill for a board of education in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1871. . Colonial records of Detroit, October 22, 1754-May 21,. 8308. - 1800. 4 v. MANUSCRIPTS 123 8309. -. Commandant. Commission to Joseph Pouget as a lieu¬ tenant of the Detroit militia. Detroit, August 26, 1782. 8310. -.-. Commission as justice of the peace for the district of Detroit to Thomas Williams. [Detroit] May 1, 1779. Photographic copy. 8311. — : -. Common council. Index to proceedings of the common council, 1815-1892. Compiled by C. M. Burton. [Detroit, n. d.]. 430 p. Typewritten. . 8312. --.-. Special committee on ways and means. Report of the special committee on the ways and means of the city to pay its interest, December 28, 1841. 2 p. 8313. -. Congress street Methodist Episcopal church. Trustees. Deed of “Slip No. Seventeen” to William Phelps for twenty years from July 24, 1846, for $100. [Detroit] January 20, 1848. (With Phelps, Samuel. Journal . . . 1859). 8314. -. Electric railway company. Record book. Detroit, May 18, 1886-March 29, 1889. 8315. -. Elmwood cemetery. Register of interments, February, 1862-August, 1874. 8316. -. Fire and marine insurance company. Insurance book (marine). 1894. 8317. -. First Presbyterian church. Records. [Detroit] 1834- 1868. 61, 16 p. Typewritten copy. Contains marriage records, records of conversions, funerals, etc. 8318. -. Mercantile society. [Papers relating to the erection of a chamber of commerce]. Detroit, 1827-1828. 8319. --. National bank. Signature book. [Detroit] 1883-1894. 8320. -. Plumbers’ supply company. Certificate stub-book. [De¬ troit] December 27, 1890-March 6, 1891. 832R -.-. Check stub-books. [Detroit] July 18, 1890-September 6, 1892. 4 v. 8322. --.-. Contract book. [Detroit] 1890. 8323. --.-. Day books. [Detroit] De¬ cember 8, 1890-July 31, 1891. 2 v. 8324. -.-. Order book. [Detroit] Feb¬ ruary 7-June 3, 1890. 8325. 3, 1890-August 22, 1892. Record book. Detroit, July 124 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8326. -.-. Work book. [Detroit] Feb¬ ruary 8-July 30, 1891. 8327. -. Ste. Anne’s church. Accounts, kept by Etienne Dubois, 1806-1807. (In Barthe, J. B., & co. Sales book, 1775-1779. End of vol.). 8328. -.-.-. • Registre de Sainte Anne, Detroit, February 2, 1704-December 30, 1848. [Detroit, 1894?]. 5 v. in 7. Contents.—Baptisms, marriages and burials. 8329. -.-.-. Some substitutes for the lost records, April 12, 1779-September 19, 1782. [Detroit] 1898. 13 p. Typewritten. These records were lost from the archives of Ste. Anne’s church, and were collected, verified and authenticated by Rev. Christian Denissen from the “ Dictionnaire genealogique des families canadiennes, par l’Abbe Tanguay. 8330. -.-.-. Exterior parishes. Registre des paroisses exterieures, 1810-1833. [Detroit, 1894?]. 249 p. Manuscript copy, with marginal paging of original volumes. These registers include the parishes of L'Anse Creuse; L’Arbre Croche; Aux pieds des rapids [Foot of the rapids]; Baie Verte [Green Bay]; Chapelle du Nord est; Galena; L’lsle Drummond; Mackinac; Prairie du Chien; Riviere aux Hurcns [Clinton River]; Riviere St. Clair; Salt River; and Sault Ste. Marie. Ibid. Index. With this is Detroit. Ste. Anne’s church.' Trustees. Index registre. 8331. -.-.-. Trustees. Livre des assemblies de la paroisse Ste. Anne, August 5, 1796-August 26, 1887. [Detroit, 1894?]. 208 p. Manuscript copy, with marginal paging of the original volume. 8332. -. St. Paul’s Protestant Episcopal church. Records of St. Paul’s church. Detroit, 1824-1908. 918 p. Contents.—Baptisms, December 5, 1824-April 14, 1906.—Confirmations, August 12, 1827-April 12, 1908.—Marriages, August 18, 1824-June 29, 1904.—Burials, August 20, 1824-July 29, 1904.—Communicants, 1824-1904. 8333. -. Savings bank. Bank statements. Detroit, March 31, 1884-February 21, 1888. 8334. -.-, complainant, vs. Emily L. Truesdail, Wesley Truesdail, Sidney D. Miller, Buckminster Wight and Adandeville Poole, de¬ fendants. 135 p. Petition for rehearing, with affidavits and papers. Copy. Indexed. 8335. -.- -,-, vs. Wesley Truesdail, et al, defendants. Bill of complaint; John H. Bissell, solicitor for complainant. 8336. -. Tennis club. Bank books. Detroit, May 11, 1885-Janu- ary 1, 1887. 2 v. May 11-July 3, 1885. (American national bank). July 6, 1885-Jan. 1, 1887. (American exchange national bank). 8337. -. Woodmere cemetery. Jewish section. Record of con¬ gregation lots of Temple Beth El, 1865-1913. MANUSCRIPTS 12 5 8338. Detroit and Erin plank road company. Journals. [Detroit] January 1, 1853-June 16, 1876. 2 v.‘ One volume covers January 1, 1853-June 30, 1865. (Erin and Mount Clemens plank road company. 3 p. at end of vol.—[Decision of referees re toll gate within Detroit city limits]. Newspaper clipping appended front of vol.). The other volume covers August 10, 1865-June 16, 1876. (Letter from A. N. Munger on the condition of the road. 1870. Appended front of vol.). Also Annual reports and half-yearly dividend payments with signatures of stockholders. 8339. Detroit and Howell plank road company. Journal. [Detroit] January 1, 1853-December 15, 1876. 2 v. Also Annual reports to directors and half-yearly dividend payments with signatures of stockholders. 8340. -. Toll book. [Detroit] July 21, 1849-January 13, 1883. A weekly statement of tolls from each gate. Lansing and Howell plank road company, p. 18-125, 205-215. Detroit and Erin plank road company, p. 127-197. Erin and Mt. Clemens plank road company, p. 200-204, 220-226. C. C. Trowbridge, treasurer. 8341. -. Transfer book. Detroit, April 30, 1849-January 22, 1883. 8342. Detroit and Lake St. Clair plank road company. Cash book. De¬ troit, June 27, 1859-August 15, 1865. 8343. Detroit and Milwaukee railroad company. Cash book. [n. p.] September 12-November 12, 1866. Traffic receipts. 8344. -. Diary of C. C. Trow¬ bridge, receiver. [Detroit] April 10, 1875-February 18, 1887. Appended are: Northern Pacific railroad [newspaper clippings].—The panic at Montreal newspaper clipping re Sir Hugh Allan]. 8345. -. Letter book [receiver’s]. Detroit, February 10, 1877-October 14, 1878. C. C. Trowbridge, receiver. 8346. Doran, William T. A brief sketch of the University of Detroit. [Detroit, 1917]. 16 p. Typewritten. 8347. Doty, Ellis. Memorandum book, 1816-1834. Contents (in order of entry).—School-house accounts (Canandaigua?), 1816.—Fees re¬ ceived for acknowledgements (Detroit), 1828-1832.—Ledger accounts (Canandaigua?), 1816-1817.—Docket of E. Doty as justice of the peace, Chatauqua co., N. Y., 1818-1821.— Ledger account with the Detroit common council, 1828.—Tabulated list of demand notes, 1820-1833.—Tabulated list of judgments on dockets of Abbott, Chipman, Rowland and Withered, 1832-1834.—Deeds, 1832-1833.—Account with Mrs. Hanks, 1828.—Fees on docket of Abbott, Rowland and Withered (undated, entered by number and names of parties). Appended: Advertisements of sale at “Doty’s auction room,” Detroit, 1844-1845, p. 135. 126 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8348. Draper mss. Seven photostat copies made for C. M. Burton from the Draper manuscripts of the Wisconsin state historical society. 8349. Duffield, Bethune. Check stub-book. State savings bank. De¬ troit, December 5, 1889-May 26, 1890. 8350. -,-. Check stub-books. Detroit, March 25-Decem- sber 26, 1891. 2 v. 8351. -,-. Ibid. Detroit, May 24, 1892-January 23, 1893. 2 v. 8352. -,-. Diaries [professional]. Detroit, 1886-1894. 9 v. 8353. -,-. Letter book. Detroit, August 25, 1891- August 15, 1893. 8354. Duffield, Divie Bethune. Bank books. American national bank & American exchange national bank. Detroit, January 2, 1883-March 11, 1891. 4 v. 8355. -,-. Claim book. Detroit, February 27, 1858- April 20, 1864. 8356. -,-. Daily journals. Detroit, 1866, 1878. 2 v. 8357. -,-. Day books. Detroit, January 16, 1856- April 28, 1887. 5 v. 8358. -,-. Diaries [professional]. Detroit, 1876- 1891. 14 v. 8359. -,-. Journals. Detroit, January, 1858-De- cember, 1868. 3 v. 8360. -,-. Ledger. Detroit, 1866-1880. Opened as a cash book for Lothrop & Duffield, January-May, 1854, [7] p., and continued as a ledger. 8361. -,-. Letter books. Detroit, March 8, 1876- November 14, 1885. 4 v. 8362. -,-. Letters to, 1879 and 1881. 2 v. Alphabetical file. 8363. -, — : -. Letters to. Three boxes of loose letters. 8364. -,-. Memoranda note books. Detroit, 1842- 1882. 4 v. Volumes contain material respectively as follows: 1842-1844, Lecture notes.—Notes on Rollin’s Ancient history, v. 1.—Newspaper clippings of Michigan statute laws, 1844. 1879-1880, Mineral point tunnel co.—Detroit real estate. 1880, Detroit real estate.—Legal note re stolen property. 1882, Travel and biographical notes. MANUSCRIPTS 127 8365. -, --*-. Notes of testimony in court cases, 1886. 8366. Duffield, D. B. & Duffield, H. M. ' Claim books. Detroit, June 2 r 1865-April 2, 1878. 4 v. 8367. -, —. —.-, —. —. Journals. Detroit, June, 1865- November 24, 1874. 3 v. 8368. -, —. —.-, —. —. Ledgers. Detroit, 1865-1876. 2 v. 8369. -, —. —.-, —. —. Letter books. Detroit, January 4, 1860-June 22, 1876. 7 v. 8370. Duffield, George. Bank book. Peninsular bank. Detroit, No¬ vember 1, 1855-October 21, 1857. 8371. Duffield & Duffield. Bank book. American exchange national bank. Detroit, October 19, 1889-December 31, 1892. 8372. -. Check stub-books. Detroit, December 13,. 1886-August 3, 1892. 2 v. 8373. -. Journal. [Detroit] August 1, 1889-September 30, 1892. 8374. -. Letter books. Detroit, May 29, 1885-July 30^ 1889. 2 v. 8375. Duffield mss. Address book. 8376. -. Catalogue of law books. 8377. --—. Ledger, [n. p.] 1864-1865. 8378. -. Ledger, [n. p.] 1864-1868. 8379. Dumont, Brig.-gen. Ebenezer. Official report of the Battle of Lebanon, Tenessee, May 5, 1862. Nashville, 1862. Copied from the Louisville journal of May 31, 1862. Frequent mention is made of Colonel Duffield, and his “valuable aid” receives special commendation. 8380. Dunham, L. The Superior court of Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids [1917]. 5 p. Typewritten. 8381. Dwight, Alfred A. Township plats in Huron, Sanilac, Lapeer Sc St. Clair counties, Michigan, 1853. 65 p. fold. map. 8382. Elliott Richard Robert. Comments on the memoir “endorsed 19 [14] November 1704,” 1893. The memoir referred to is “14 Nove 1704 Memoire de Mr. La Mothe Cadillac touchanfc l’etablissement du Detroit de Quebec” and was not included in Margry’s Memoires et documents, but is among his papers on file in the Bibliotheque nationale and copied by Theodore Beauchesne. 128 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8383. -,-. Immigration register of passage to and from Europe. Detroit, 1851-1869. 8384. -,-—. Immigration register of foreign exchange- drafts and orders on Europe. Detroit, February 17, 1879-April 6, 1891. 8385. -,-. Journal. Detroit, 1862-1866. 397 p. Elliott’s cloth house, successors to Eagle & Elliott. 8386. -,-. Letter books, 1848-1880. 12 v. Letters relate chiefly to immigration and to clothing business. 8387. [Elsworth, Ralph H.]. Manuscript notes, newspaper files, and clip¬ pings relating to the publication, ownership and name of the newspapers of Ludington and Scottsville, Mason co., Mich., 1890-1914. This material represents an outline history of journalism in Mason co., during the period indicated. 8388. -,-. Wayside notes, Mason county, 1898-1899, 1902-1903. A scrapbook of writings by R. H. Elsworth, representative of the Record-appeal, Lud¬ ington, Mich. 8389. Emmons, A. & H. H. Letter books. Detroit, February 18, 1839- Oetober 31, 1843. 3 v. 8390. Emmons, Halmor Hull. Journal. [Detroit] May 9, 1843-May 8, 1857. 8391. -,-. Letter books. Detroit, November 4, 1843-Januarv 27, 1869. 10 v. After 1855 correspondence relates mainly to railroad matters. 8392. Emmons & Jones. Daily journal. Detroit, 1855. 8393. The Evangelical observer. Ledger. Detroit, 1844-1846. 8394. [Farmer, Silas]. [Biographical data for his history of Detroit and Michigan]. Seventeen biographies, having attached index slips for paging which agree with the index for corresponding names in v. 1 of the history. 8395. Farnsworth, Benjamin Stow. Memorandum book. [Detroit] 1861- 1890. Contents.—Sales book and journal entries, boot and shoe business, 1861, 1865-1867, p. 1-54.—Small accounts, 1873-1881, p. 55-66.—Inventory notes, 1877-1860, p. 73-79, 209- 234.—Index of scrapbook, 14 vols., p. 86-115. 8396. -,-. Scrapbooks. 1855-1889. 14 v. Clippings from Detroit, Boston, New York and Chicago papers. Historical information is in chronological order throughout the volumes. Indexed. Farnsworth family notes in ms, v. 8, 1876-1881, p. 90-95. 8397. Fletcher, Joseph. Plat of a tract of land containing 9056.40 acres back of the private claims near Detroit. (Original plat dated June 2d, 1816). MANUSCRIPTS 129 8398. [Foster, James]. The capitulation; or, a history of the expedition conducted by William Hull, brigadier-general of the Northwestern army. By an Ohio volunteer. Chillicothe, ptd. by James Barnes, 1812. 78, [v] p. Photostat copy made for C. M. Burton. Title page shows signature, T. Worthington. 8399. Fraser, A. D., estate. Executors’ account book. Detroit, 1877- 1883. Accounts, claims, memoranda of inventory, attorney’s services. Kept by William Jennison, executor and attorney. 8400. Fraser & Gates. Letter books. Detroit, December 15, 1885-April 30, 1894. 3 v. 8401. Frink, Mrs. Bellona Pratt. Reminiscences, 1839-1904. 59 p. Typewritten copy. Includes copies of newspaper articles relating to family or town history of Marshall, Mich., to 1906. 8402. Frue, Mrs. Helen L. Investment books. [Detroit] October, 1884- February 1, 1893. 4 v. 8403. Gerrish, Jacob. Journal, Jan. 1, 1837-September 12, 1850, New Buffalo, Mich., & Michigan City, Ind. 596 p. Typewritten carbon copy. 8404. Gibbons, Robert. Addresses and letters as prepared for delivery or for the press, 1903-[1906] ? Contents.—Address as president of the Michigan improved live stock breeders’ associa¬ tion. [1903].—Address on the Panama canal. [1904].—Address on “Agriculture.”— Fragment of an article on the sheep industry of Michigan, p. 16-23.—Two letters on the revision of the tariff as affecting wool growers. [1906?].—Letter to the editor of the Weekly live stock report, entitled “No discrimination against Germany. ” [1906?]. 8405. Goodale, Hiram J. Survey of Fort St. from the city of Detroit to its intersection with the Dearbomville road [May 18, 1837]. Copy. 8406. Graham & McKenzie. Journal “B”. Detroit, October 4, 1790- September 16, 1791. “ Martin Derocher adventure [to the] Miamis. ” p. 25-26. 8407. -. Ledger “B’\ [Detroit] October 4, 1790- Sept ember 18, 1791. Merchandise and furs. Index inclosed. 8408. Haigh, Henry. Ledger. [Detroit] 1849-1852. Drug business. 8409. Hamtramck, John Francis. Power of attorney to Solomon Sibley, or to any attorney of any court of record in the N. W. Territory, to confess judgment unto Robert and James Abbott on his bond of $1600 dated August 13, 1801. 17 130 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8410. Hamtramck. Street railway. Record book. [Detroit] August 29, 1868-June 18, 1881. 8411. Harrow family mss. St. Clair co., Mich., 1830-1855. Twelve pieces. These papers relate to a bond given by Alexander Harrow to Atkinson Pattinson about 1800, and its final settlement in favor of Arthur J. Robertson, of Inches, Scotland. They embrace statements, deeds, a letter of A. D. Fraser, and a tax roll of Clay township for 1834. 8412. Henry, James. Beef journal. Detroit, June, 1810. 8413. -,-. Invoice books. Detroit, September 1, 1797- September 24, 1806. 2 v. General merchandise, liquors and saddlery. 8414. -,-. Journal of Mackinac store. Michilimackinac, July 15, 1802-March 31, 1804. General merchandise. 8415. -,-. Journals. Detroit, October 10, 1797-March 2, 1814. 7 v. 8416. -,-. Ledger of Mackinac store. [Michilimackinac?] 1802-1805. General merchandise. 8417. -,-. Ledgers. [Detroit] 1797-1813. 4 v. 8418. -,-. Letter book. Detroit, May 21, 1799-February 25, 1812. Letters with accompanying order lists of gen. mdse, and saddlery addressed to Leith, Jameson & co., and to Forsyth, Richardson & co., of Montreal, 1799-1808, in the first half of volume, and family correspondence, 1808-1812, in the last half of vol. 8419. -,-. Memoranda books. [Detroit] 1799-1810. 3 v. 8420. -,-. Tannery bark book. Point Industry, May 31, 1804-1810. Account [in cords] of bark received at the tannery, and from whom received. 8421. -,-. Tannery hide books. Tan-yard, June 27, 1798- March 16, 1803. 2 v. 8422. -,-. Tannery journals. Detroit and Point Industry, October 18, 1799-January 15, 1810. 7 v. 8423. -,-. Tannery ledgers. Point Industry and Detroit, 1799-1806. 2 v. 8424. -,-, & co. Account of beef cattle. Detroit, March 26- December 6, 1810. This beef adventure in company with Sutherland & Brown was started in the spring of 1809 and closed the following year. MANUSCRIPTS 131 8425. [Henry, Stephen Chambers]. Tannery journal. Detroit, January 4, 1813-September 14, 1814. After the death of James Henry, December 26, 1812, his nephew, S. C. Henry, had charge of the tannery, and many entries in this volume refer to payments per S. C. Henry. 8426. Hicks, Palmer & co. Ledger. [Detroit] 1850-1853. 8427. Howard, Joshua. [Manuscripts]. 1813-1861. Contents.—Fifteen army commissions, 1813-1861, and seven letters, June 1-December 25, 1847, written from Mexico to his family in Detroit.—A vessel passport in blank. 8428. Hurlbut, Chauncey (steamer). Logbook, [v. p.] April 19 [1905?]- December 6, 1906. 8429. Indiana (Ter.) Governor. Proclamation for the organization of the county of Wayne. Vincennes, January 14, 1803. Printed in Michigan pioneer and hist, society. Collections, v. 8, p. 540-542. 8430. Irish relief committee. Michigan. Record book of contributions for the relief of the poor in Ireland. Detroit, November 2-September 23, 1847. 8431. Jefferson, Thomas. Reply to the speech of the Ottawa, Chippewa, Potawatomi, Wyandot, and Shawnee Indians concerning promises made by Gen. Wayne at the Treaty of Greenville and provisions of the Treaty of Swan Creek, January 31, 1809. 3J p. Photographic copy. 8432. Kean, Robert. Petition to the court of general quarter sessions of the peace for a recommendation to the governor for a license to keep a tavern in the town of Detroit. [Detroit?] December [5] 1797. 8433. Kercheval, B. B., estate. Bank book. Detroit savings fund insti¬ tute. [Detroit] June 30, 1855-April 15, 1859. 8434. Lansing and Howell plank road company. Account book. [De¬ troit] October 10, 1857-January 17, 1881. 8435. -. Certificate stub-book. [Lansing] August 13, 1850-December 22, 1880. 8436. -. Ledger (stock), [n. p.] August 6, 1852-November 26, 1880. 8437. -. Record book. Lansing, April 6, 1850-January 1, 1881. 8438. -. Transfer book. Lan¬ sing, July 17, 1850-December 22, 1880. 8439. La Plant, Amable, estate. Bank book. Detroit savings bank. Detroit, 1867-1868. 8440. -,-,-. Sales book. [n. p.] 1867. Bill of sale of personal property. 132 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8441. Lamed, Sylvester, Journal. Detroit, August 6, 1842-October 16, 1843; September 19, 1855-May 29, 1858. 42, 58 p. Professional services. 8442. -,-. Ledgers. [Detroit] 1842-1855. 2 v. 8443. Larned & Ward. Letter books. Detroit, September 18, 1845- June 7, 1858. 2 v. 8444. Loskiel, George Henry. Extempore on a wagon. A metrical nar¬ rative of a journey from Bethlehem, Pa., to the Indian town of Goshen, Ohio,, in the autumn of 1803 . . . Translated with notes by J. Max Hark. Lan¬ caster, Pa., S. H. Zahn & co., 1887. Manuscript copy. Unimportant differences between this and printed edition. 8445. Lossing, Benson John. [Papers representing material used in his histories and biographies]. Contents.—Revolution.—War of 1812.—Civil war.—Miscellaneous. 8446. Lothrop & Duffield. Bill book. Detroit, January 16, 1846-June 1, 1849. 8447. -. Claim books. Detroit, August 9, 1843-July 25,1862. 6 v. 8448. -. Ledger. Detroit, 1856-1865. 8449. -. Letter books. Detroit, September 1, 1849- October 11, 1861. 3 v. 8450. Ludden, Nathaniel T. Journal. Detroit, December 3, 1844-May 29, 1845. 88 p. Dry goods and groceries. 8451. Lunt, Mary Coffin. Extracts—poetry and prose—collected by Mary Coffin Lunt, 1826-1838. 2 v. 8452. -,-. Poems, [n. p.] May 11, 1827-January 27, 1829. 8453. McCoskry, William. Day books. [Detroit] May 21, 1812-March 27,1831. 3 v. 8454. McLean, Charles B. Notes (undated) entered in a volume of the Index rerum of 1836 imprint, [n. p.]. In another handwriting and of date probably after 1900, are genealogical notes, also entered alphabetically. 8455. Mack, Stephen. Account with Mack & Sibley. [Pontiac] April 6,. 1822-November 17, 1826. 34 p. Mutilated. Distillery accounts. 8456. Mack & Sibley. Account with Stephen Mack. [Pontiac] May 1 3 r 1822-November 10, 1826. 20 p. Mutilated. MANUSCRIPTS 13a 8457. Manhatten banking company, New York. Account [book] with C. C. Trowbridge. New York, May 29, 1841-May 18, 1842. 8458. Margry, Pierre. Copies of papers collected by Pierre Margry re¬ lating to Antoine de La Mothe Cadillac and now on file in the Bibliotheque nationale, Paris. Copied by Theodore Beauchesne, September, 1907. 2 v. 8459. Marlette. Relief committee. Letters and telegram relating to the burned district. Marlette, 1881. 8 p. 8460. Martin, Hugh R. Cash book. [Detroit] September 11, 1806-July 2, 1807. 66 p. Hugh R. Martin was in partnership with Charles Curry, but each partner kept some books of original entry in his own name. 8461. -,-. Journal. Niagara, Michilimackinac and Detroit, February 20, 1806-June 3, 1807. not paged. 8462. -,-. Sales of goods after taking an inventory. De¬ troit, March 28-October 21, 1808. General merchandise. 8463. Martin & Curry. Journals. Detroit, 1801-1808. 8 v. 8464. -. Ledgers. Detroit, 1801-1808. 6 v. 8465. Mayne, Thomas. Deposition concerning the abduction of Thomas Raynor by British officers at Grosse Pointe, Sep. 5, 1815. Detroit, Sep¬ tember 11, 1815. 2 p. Photographic copy (mounted, 2 cards). 8466. Miamis company. In account with John Askin for “Inputs,” January 31, 1787-January 21, 1788. 2 v. 8467. -. Journals, [v. p.] May, 1786-September 30, 1788. 2 v. 8468. Michigan. Commission of inquiry into minimum wage for women. Conferences, 1914. [Report]. [Lansing] 1914. 73 p. Typewritten. Carbon copy. 8469. Michigan. Dental association. Record book, 1856-1880. 306 p. p. 1-2 lacking. (Art. 1-5 of Constitution). 8470. Michigan. University. Harris hall. Check stub-books. [Detroit] August 1, 1893-August 1, 1899. 3 v. 8471. --. Law dept. Lecture course on international law, and on the history of treaties, by Pres. Angell, October 5, 1886-June 6,. 1887. Notes by George L. Canfield. 8472. -.-. Monroe branch. Report of the principal,. S. Center, March 9, 1838. (In Burton, C. M. Diary of Detroit, v. 5). Typewritten copy. The original was presented to the University by James V. Campbell,. March 15, 1887. 134 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8473. Michigan (Ter.) Cavalry. Muster roll of a troop of cavalry under the command of Captain Richard Smyth in the service of the United States commanded by Major James Withered, from the 21st of April, when last mustered, to the 20th of July,' 1812. 8474. -. Citizens. Resolutions adopted at a meeting of citizens of the territory of Michigan for a change of government. [Detroit] James M. Miller, ptr. [1809]. Godfroy papers—broadside. 8475. -. Governor. Bank book. Bank of Michigan. [De¬ troit] March 30-September 2, 1825. Official bank book of Lewis Cass, as Governor and Superintendent of Indian affairs. Account transferred to Wm. Woodbridge on May 6, 1825, as Acting Governor and Superintendent. 8476. -.-. [Inquiry to the Secretary of state re¬ garding permission to the people of Detroit to cut timber from their lands]. Washington, December 10, 1805. 1 p. 8477. -.-. Proclamation [of the power of Congress alone to disapprove and nullify the laws of the original states adopted by the governor and judges of the territory of Michigan]. Detroit, Jacques M. Miller, imprimeur [1809]. 8478. -. Laws, statutes, etc. An act making certain appro¬ priations to be paid out of the contingent fund for the year 1827. Approved April 13, 1827. 8479. -. Supreme court. Presentment of the grand jury, September 26, 1809. [Detroit] J. M. Miller, ptr. [1809]. A definite protest against certain acts of the territorial legislature, with a request that the laws of the territory be translated into the French language. List of persons comprising the grand jury. 8480. Michigan bond and mortgage company. Certificate stub-book, and transfer book. [n. p.] March 20, 1839-March 29, 1860. 8481. Michigan college of medicine. Certificate stub-book. [Detroit] April 19, 1880. 8482. Miller, Sidney David. Account book. [Detroit] 1857-1868. 8483. -,-. Agency book. Detroit, 1872. Mortgages and investments. Copies of specifications, contracts, and newspaper clippings in relation to the building erected on the northeast corner of Griswold and Larned sts., afterwards known as the Detroit savings bank building, p. 130-160. 8484. -,-. Cash book. [Detroit] January 2, 1868- December 31, 1870. 8485. -,-. Journals. Detroit, December, 1853-1882. 20 v. 8486. . Ledgers. [Detroit] 1852-1867. 2 v. MANUSCRIPTS 135 8487. -,-. Letter books. Detroit, June 2, 1852- September 22, 1875. 12 v. 8488. -,-. Letters to Sidney D. Miller, [v. p.] July 10, 1865-December 29, 1874. 13 v. 8489. Miller, Sidney Trowbridge. Check stub-books. [Detroit] January 2, 1892-October 12, 1896. 3 v. 8490. -,-. Diary [professional]. [Detroit] 1906. Occasional entries only, and these for the most part refer to dates of law cases. 8491. Mitchell & Newell. Journal, [n. p.] 1873. 8492. Mizner, Henry Rutgers. [Manuscripts]. 1861-1888. (With Howard, Joshua. [Manuscripts]. 1813-1861). Contents.—Ten army commissions, 1861-1888.—Marksman’s certificate, November 1, 1884.—Letter from U. S. Grant, November 1, 1865. 8493. Montreal. Notarial archives. [Records, 1689-1822]. 22 v. Paged continuously. Manuscript copies made for Clarence M. Burton at the Palais de justice, Montreal. French text. 8494. Moore, William Austin. Bank book. First national bank, Detroit. [Detroit] November 14-December 24, 1872. 8495. -,-. Check stub-book. American national bank of Detroit. Detroit, January 20-July 4, 1885. 8496. -,-. Letter book. Detroit, January 10, 1862- March 21, 1864. 8497. Moore, William A. and Blackmar, Thomas S. Ledger. [Detroit] 1857-1859. (In Moore & Griffin. Ledger, 1862, p. 49-78). 8498. Moore, Canfield & Warner. Rent book [clients’]. [Detroit] 1879- 1883. 8499. Moore & Griffin. Claim book. [Detroit] 1875. Many cases “In admiralty”. Moore, Canfield & Warner. Claim book. p. 75 to end of vol. 8500. -. Letter books. Detroit, May 3, 1867-February 3, 1873. 4 v. 8501. -. Receipts and disbursements, 1870. 8502. New England society. Michigan. Record book. Detroit, Decem¬ ber 1, 1846-December 22, 1857. not paged. Constitution and signatures, with date of signing and name of state represented, Decem¬ ber 17, 1846-December, 1856. 11 p. at end of vol. 8503. New York & Michigan lumber company. Detroit agency. Journal. Detroit, July 17, 1865-December 31, 1869. 136 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8504. Northwest territory. Laws, statutes, etc. Laws of the Northwest territory, 1787-1802. 3 v. Copies from the original records in the office of the Secretary of state, Columbus, Ohio. 8505. North western mining company of Detroit. Certificate book. De¬ troit, November 1, 1849-May 1, 1850. 8506. O’Flynn, Cornelius. [Abstract of titles of land in the city of De¬ troit]. Compiled by Cornelius O’Flynn and Bela Hubbard [from the journals, files and papers of the governor and judges, and from records in the register’s office]. [Detroit, 1844]. 53, 464 p. Copy. 8507. F. F. U. rubber company. Certificate stub-book. [Detroit] June 27, 1905-February 3, 1906. Bethune Duffield, secretary. 8508. —. —. —.-. Letter book. Detroit, July 6, 1905- March 31, 1908. 197 p. 8509. Pilcher, Elijah H. [Record of] marriage certificates issued by Elijah H. Pilcher, November 1, 1838-July 26, 1881. Copy. Michigan records chiefly, tabulated by county. A few for Ontario, Canada. 8510. Pine Lake (steamer). Logbook. May 16-October 21, 1912. 8511. Pingree, Mrs. Frances A. Gilbert. Scrapbooks. 1889-1891. 6 v. 8512. Pingree, Hazen Stuart. Scrapbooks. [Detroit] 1890-1901. 253 v. 8513. Plessis, Joseph Octave. Extract from the Journal of the pastoral visitation of Monseigneur Joseph Octave Plessis in 1816. 13p. English translation, by “L. L.,” of that part of the Journal which includes his visit to Detroit, June 19-July 8, 1816. 8514. Ploughboy (steamer). Account book. [v. p.] 1856. 8515. Pontiac mss. Three photograph copies of original French documents made by C. M. Burton to show the similarity between the writing of the Pontiac Journal and that of a deed by Robert Navarre, and the dissimilarity between the Journal and the records of Ste. Anne’s church, Detroit, of the same date. 8516. Pontiac mill company. Accounts and general statements. 1826- 1828. 8517. Porter, Frederick Bissell. [Manuscripts]. Detroit, etc., 1847-1891. Contents.—Essays, speeches and editorials, 1859-1863.—Eleven family letters, 1851- 1891.—Medical note book, 1860.—Poetry, 1857-1859.—Application of Miles J. O’Reilly for writ of habeas corpus for John Rose, presented to F. B. Porter and filed May 2, 1861.— Papers of George A. Porter, 1851-1853.—The western traveler, by H. Goodwin. 8518. Post, Hoyt. Scrapbook of Wayne co. circuit court reports, 1866- 1869. MANUSCRIPTS 137 8519. Potawatomi Indians. Deeds. Grosse He. To Alex, and William Macomb. 1 p. Photograph made for C. M. Burton from the original deed leaned by Robert Lee Stran- ton, of Grosse lie. 8520. Procter, Henry. Regulation of the civil government of the territory of Michigan. [Detroit] August 16, 1812. 8521. Protestant Episcopal church. Diocese of Michigan. Letter book. Detroit, May 8, 1878-September 24, 1879. 8522. Protestant orphan asylum. A register of the transactions of the Female benevolent society of the city of Detroit. [Detroit, 1821-1831]. not paged. 8523. Randall, Corydon C. Day book of photograph orders. Detroit, October 25, 1876-June 26, 1882. 8524. Reid, James (tugboat). Logbook, April 23, 1912-January, 1913. 8525. Reid wrecking company, limited, libellant vs. Schooners “C. G. King” and Donaldson, respondents. 152 p. Typewritten. 8526. Richard, Gabriel. Circular letter soliciting assistance in rebuild¬ ing the parish church of Ste. Anne of Detroit. Albany, May 10, 1809. 1 p. 8527. --. Draft of resolutions for the formation of an asso¬ ciation to be called the “ Society of Catholic schools in the territory of Michi¬ gan.” 1815. 2 p. 8528. Ross, Robert B. Old-time fun. How Detroit amused itself in 1864, and later. [Detroit] 1905. Scrapbook of illustrated articles from the Detroit evening news, January 7-February 12, 1905. 8529. Ryan & Bourke. Sales book. Detroit, October 11, 1888-November 30, 1889. Commission merchants. 8530. St. Mary’s hospital, Detroit. Register of county patients received October 24, 1855-December 24, 1873. not paged. Opposite pages give record of patients’ discharge of death. 8531. St. Mary’s River improvement co. Survey of the Saint Mary's River improvement company’s aqueduct at the village of St. Mary, Chippewa •county, [Mich.] commenced June 16th, 1881. Transit notes and Level notes. 8532. Sandwich, Ont. Assumption church. Livre de comptes de la fabrique de la paroisse de l’Assomption, October 5, 1775-October 5, 1859. {Detroit, 1894?]. 1 v. in 2. Manuscript copy. 138 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8533. -,-.-. Registre de la paroisse de I’Assumption, August 31, 1872-December 31, 1824. [Detroit, 1894]. 5 v. in 3. Manuscript copy. 8534. Sargent, Winthrop. Proclamation for the organization of the county of Wayne. [Detroit] August 15, 1796. 8535. Scott, William McDowell. Ledger. [Detroit] 1803-1812. Professional services (doctor), and official business as justice of the peace, U. S. Marshal, etc. Some accounts closed in 1815-1816. 8536. Services at the funeral of Honorable Lawton T. Hemans, Mason, Michigan, November 19, 1916. not paged. 'Typewritten. Carbon copy. 8537. Sibley, Henry S. Letter books. Detroit, March 7, 1899-August 9, 1904. 5 v. 8538. Sibley, Solomon. Cash book. Detroit, July 9, 1800-January 24, 1809. not paged. 8539. -,-. Note book. [Detroit] January 1, 1827-April 27, 1829. Entries for mill at Pontiac and cattle interests of Mack & Sibley.—Circuit court dates by county. 8540. Smith, James Cosslett. Check stub-book. [Detroit] December 31, 1901-August 15, 1902. 8541. Smith, Joshua Toulmin. Journal in America. Detroit [September 15, 1837-July 18] 1838. 70 p. The Journal, procured by Clarence M. Burton in London, Eng., was kept by this English writer and his wife during their journey from New York to Detroit and return as far as Utica, with a most unfavorable record of their stay in Detroit “to which ill fate led us owing . . . to the misrepresentations of Harriet Martineau. ” Wildcat money and the Canadian rebellion receive lengthy comment. The writer lectured on phrenology in Detroit and Ann Arbor. Schoolcraft says he “lectured acceptably” and expressed a wish for Indian skulls for transmission to London, cf. “Personal memoirs . . . ” p. 594. 8542. Society of the army of the Tennessee. Press head quarters register, twentieth reunion, Society of the army of the Tennessee, Detroit, Mich., September 14 and 15, 1887, 8543. Trowbridge, Charles Christopher. Cash books. Detroit, July 1, 1875-March 16, 1883: 2 v. 8544. -,-. Check stub-books. [Detroit] October 11, 1875-March 15, 1883. 7 v. 8545. -,-. Check stub-books [plank roads]. [Detroit] June 8, 1878-June 22, 1883. 5 v. 8546. -,-. Expense books, [v. p.] January 2, 1846-December 31, 1880. 4 v. MANUSCRIPTS 139 8547. -,-. Inventory books [personal prop¬ erty, real estate, stocks, etc.]. [Detroit] January 1, 1844-March 1, 1876. 3 v. 8548. -,-. Land book re Allegan adventure. Detroit, November 10, 1834-July 28, 1873. [237] p. A complete record of the Allegan and Boston companies within above dates. Ms. map showing C. C. Trowbridge’s lands in Allegan co., p. 14. Appended: Map of Allegan co., and parts of Ottawa, Kent and Kalamazoo cos., with inset of Holland on verso of front cover. 8549. -,-. Ledger. [Detroit] 1880-1883. 8550. -.-. Letter books. ‘'Allegan no. [1]- 3. ” Detroit, September, 1835-June 15, 1841. 3 v. ♦ Carbon copies of correspondence of Mr. Trowbridge in connection with the Allegan land company. 8551. -, —t -. Letter books. Detroit, May 4, 1859-May 27, 1876. 2 v. These letter books are of especial interest in railroad and church matters and in the promi¬ nence at that time of the people addressed. 8552. Trowbridge, C. C., estate. Check stub-book. [Detroit] April 10- July 5, 1883. Sidney D. Miller and George Hendrie, trustees. 8553. -, —, —.,-. Inventory book. [Detroit] April 14- November 3, 1883. 8554. - ,—.—., -—. Investment ledger. [Detroit] May 14- June 7, 1888. 8555. -, —. —.,-. Journal. [Detroit] January 5, 1890- April 20, 1891. 8556. Truesdail, Wesley. Journal (Alta Vista). [East China, St. Clair co., Mich.] January 1, 1867-March 26, 1879. Mandeville Poole, agent. 8557. -,-. Ledger (Alta Vista). [East China, St. Clair co., Mich] 1867-1879. 8558. Tuttle, Christopher. Journal. River Raisin, July 18, 1808-May 4, 1810. Entries show interest in Pleasant Bank tannery and in a saddler’s shop; also credits of service as a Justice of the peace for Erie district. 8559. U. S. Army. Commissary dept. Ledger for supplies in account with James O’Hara, contractor, [n. p.] 1797-1798. Entries include Beef, pork, tallow, lard, flour, salt, whiskey, soap, candles, stationery. 8560. —. —.-.-.-. Detroit. Bakehouse accounts under Thompson’s contract, October-December, 1801. Amount of flour sent to bakehouse. James Henry, contractor’s agent. 140 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8561. —.—. -. •—-.-. Ledger of contractor’s agent [James Henry] 1797-1800. Includes accounts for Fort Miami, Fort Wayne, Michilimackinac and Presqu’ Isle. Officers’ accounts cover the issues at Detroit. 8562. —. —.-. •—-.- t -. Letter book of James Henry, contractor’s agent at Detroit. Detroit, October 20, 1799-Deeember 30, 1800. 8563. ■—. —.-.- .-. Stock account books. Detroit, October 1, 1799-September 30, 1801. 2 v. 1799-1800. James O’Hara, contractor. 1800-1801. Edward Thompson, contractor James Henry, contractor’s agent at Detroit. 8564. —. —.-.-. Mackinac. Inventory of rations issued and in store. Michilimackinac, June, 1800-September 1, 1801. William Henry, contractor's agent. Col. James O’Hara, contractor. James Henry, con¬ tractor’s agent at Detroit, to whom the Mackinac reports were made. 8565. —. —. Attorney. Michigan district. Docket of causes. [DetroitJ 1837-1863. 3 v. 8566. —. —.-. --. Letter book, July 17, 1844- November 12, 1851. 8567. —. —.-.-. Letter books. Detroit, April 26, 1841-December 24, 1864. 3 v. 8568. —. —. Bureau of the census. [Census rolls of Michigan territory for the counties of Brown, Crawford, Mackinac, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland and Wayne, and of the town of Detroit]. Eight sheets; typewritten copies of originals in the office of the clerk of the Supreme court at Lansing. Indorsement on each sheet: Filed . . . July 25, 1821. 8569. —. —. Circuit court. Michigan. Eastern district. Term docket for Judge Wilkins, March, 1869. 8570. —. —. Congress. Committee appointed to prepare a plan for the temporary government of the western territory. Report. [Washington] March 1, 1784. 3, 1 p. Photographic copy (mounted, 4 cds.). 8571. —.—.Custom house. Detroit. Cash book. Detroit, May 21, [1824]-June 22, 1826. William Woodbridge, collector. 8572. —.—. -.-. Daybooks. Detroit, February 11, 1815-July 19, 1828. 9 v. 8573. —. —. 8574. —. —. 1816-March 31, 1819. . Impost book, 1815-1823. . Journal. Detroit, January 16, MANUSCRIPTS 141 8575. -t—. —.---.-. Ledger. Detroit, 1817-1818. 8576. •—.—.--. Mackinac. Journals. Mackinac, April 21, 1806-July 20, 1809. 2 v. George Hoffman, collector. 8577. •—. —.---.-. Ledgers. [Mackinac] 1806- 1808. 2 v. 8578. —. —. General hospitals. Detroit (Harper). Prescriptions for the sick and wounded at Harper, U. S. A. General hospital, December 3, 1864- April 15, 1865. Ruled for names of soldiers and daily prescriptions. 8579. —. —.---.-(St. Mary’s). Letter book. De¬ troit, December 8, 1864-April 17, 1865. 64 p. Letters, requisitions and accounts, signed by the acting ass’t surgeons of the U. S. Army, in charge. 8580. •—. —.-.-, --. Register of dis¬ charges [from] St. Mary’s hospital, August 8, 1863-October.26, 1864. 126 p. Report of guard, January 23-March 1, 1865, p. 118-119, 124-125. Passes granted, January 24-February 25, 1864, p. 120-123. 8581. —. —.-.-.-. Register of fur¬ loughs issued at St. Mary’s U. S. A. General hospital, January 9, 1864-May 29, 1865. not paged. 8582. —. —. Land office. Records of the United States Land office at Detroit. Detroit, 1804. 454 p. Earliest documents recorded are of date 1760, p. 395, 403. 8583. —. —. Marshal. Michigan. Account book for U. S. causes in the circuit and district courts of Michigan, 1849-1857. Charles H. Knox, U. S. Marshal. George W. Rice. 8584. —. —.-.-. Eastern district. Account book for causes in bankruptcy. [Detroit] April 28, 1869-1874. Joseph R. Bennet, U. S. Marshal. 8585. —. —.-.-.-. Cash book. [De¬ troit] January 31, 1881-February 14, 1885. S. S. Mathews, Marshal. 8586. —. —.-.-.-. Docket of causes for service of writs. [Detroit] April 28, 1869-March 17, 1886. 5 v. 8587. —. —.-.-.-.-. Docket of U. S. causes for service of commissioner’s warrants. [Detroit] 1874-1883. 3 v. 8588. —. —.-.-.-. Letter books. [De¬ troit] April 6, 1877-February 12, 1880. 2 v. 142 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8589. —. —.-.-. Huron and Detroit district. Account with William McDowell Scott as rendered by him, May 7, 1809. For serving citations, attendance in court, jury summons, pauper maintenance and services in the magistrates’ officea. 8590. —. —. Superintendent of Indian affairs. Michigan. Record book of licenses issued to Indian traders. Detroit, September 28, 1805-February 10, 1817. 8591. —. —. President. Commission to Solomon Sibley as member of the legislative council of the territory of the United States northwest of the River Ohio. Washington, December 23, 1800. t 8592. —. —. Secretary of State. Passport issued to George Duffield. Washington, May 1, 1882. 8593. Van Dyke & Emmons. Claim book. Detroit, 184-8-1852. [239] p. In this is: Van Dyke & McNeil. Claim book, 1868, 3 p. at end of vol. 8594. -^--. Journal. Detroit, August 13, 1844-Decem- ber 4, 1847. 8595. -. Letter books. Detroit, October 24, 1843- March 26, 1853. 12 v. 8596. Van Dyke, Philip J. D. and McNeil, Halmer E. Ledger. Detroit, 1866-1867. 8597. Van Husan, Caleb. Check stub-book. [Detroit] May 27, 1875- January 8, 1876. 8598. -,-. Check stub-books. [Detroit] May 27, 1875- July 7, 1885. 2 v. 8599. -,-. Letter book. [Detroit] September 17, 1861- February 11, 1865; September 19, 1879-October 29, 1884. 8600. -,-, estate. Letter book. [Detroit] September 19, 1884-November 19, 1887. 8601. Wayne county. Bible society. Record books. Detroit, 1856-1913. 2 v. In 1856 the society was known as the “Bible society of the city of Detroit.” It was reorganized in 1865 under the old name “Wayne county Bible society.” Treasurer’s reports are included from 1888 until the final report in 1913. 8602. -. Clerk. Marriage affidavits, 1831-1834. 8603. -. Justice of the peace. Docket of causes. Detroit, January 2, 1835-June 7, 1836. Robert Abbott, Justice of the peace. 8604. town] June 25, 1807-February 2, 1810. Christopher Tuttle, Justice of the peace. Docket of cases. [French- MANUSCRIPTS 143 8605. -. Medical society. Record book. April 14, 1849- May 13, 1851. Constitution, by-laws and minutes of meetings from organization of the society to its dissolution. 8606. -, Northwest territory. . . . County tax for the year 1802. [Sargent, Hamtramck, Detroit and St. Clair townships]. 1802. [18] p. 8607. -,-. Justice of the peace. Docket of causes. Detroit, January 29, 1801-May 21, 1803. James Henry, Justice of the peace. 8608. Williams, James Mott. Cargo book. Detroit, May 21, 1859- October 3, 1862. Entries show shipments of coal received by different vessels. 8609. Williams, John R. Account book. [Detroit] February 12, 1827- Adarch 28, 1828. House expenditures, kept by Theodore Williams. 8610. -,-. Cash book. [Detroit] March 13, 1809-Decem- ber 2, 1815. Receipts are from daily sales; disbursements include domestic, personal and business entries. 8611. -,-. Daybooks. Detroit, July 22, 1822-November 25, 1853. 9 v. 8612. -,-. Ledgers. [Detroit] 1805-1843. 5 v. 8613. -,-. Letter book. [Detroit] July 20-June 7, 1810. (In his Ledger C, 1813-33. 12 p. at front of vol.). 8614. -,-. Sales book. [Detroit] August 19, 1817-August 1, 1818. General merchandise. 8615. -,-., estate. Check stub-book. James L. Lyell, banker. Detroit, January 24-29, 1856. 8616. Williams, Thomas. Day books. [Detroit] November 5, 1781- September 18, 1786. 5 v. 8617. -,-. Ledgers. [Detroit] 1782-1788. 2 v. These volumes are respectively: A, 1782-1786 (Many pages missing); and B, 1784-1788 (Some accounts show settlement of T. Williams’ estate). 8618. Willmarth, Hiram. Memorandum books. [Redford, Mich., 1835- 1854]. 2 v. Surveying and miscellaneous notes. 8619. Winder, John. Bank book. Bank of Michigan. [Detroit] April 24, 1839-September 18, 1841. Bank account in first half of vol. U. S. Circuit court. Michigan district. List of notices served, [1844?] in last half of vol. 144 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8620. Wing, Nelson H. Check stub-book. [n. p.] 1866-1869. 8621. -,- —. Diary. Greenwich [N. Y.] 1869. Daily notes of life at Greenwich, N. Y. and of business and social visits to Boston, New York, Detroit, and Springfield, Vt. 8622. ■——,-. Land Books, [n. p.] September 1, 1860-September 16, 1872. 3 v. Michigan lands, purchased and located, listed for taxes. Vol. 1 September 1, 1860. Vol. 2 October, 1862 (Chicago and Dubuque properties added in 1864). Vol. 3 September 16, 1872. 8623 . -,-. Ledgers, [n. p.] [Greenwich, N. Y. ?] May 11, 1868-1877. 2 v. 8624. --,-. Memoranda of demands [notes, mortgages, etc.]. [n. p.] [Greenwich, N. Y.?] May 17, 1869-1877. 2 v. 8625. -,-., estate. Bankbook. Detroit national bank. De¬ troit, May 12, 1884-December 10, 1889. Wm. J. Gray, administrator. 8626. -,--—.,-. Bankbook. First national bank, De¬ troit. Detroit, September 17, 1877-November 12, 1878. R. P. Toms, executor. 8627. -,-.,-. Bank book. Second national bank, De¬ troit. Detroit, November 12, 1878-January 23, 1883. 8628. -,-.,-. Cashbooks. [Detroit] September 17, 1877-March 11, 1890. 2 v*. 8629. -,-.,-. Check stub-books. Second national bank. Detroit, September 17, 1877-March 21, 1885. 2 v. 8630. -,-.,-. Inventory book. [Detroit, 1877]. Genealogy of the family of Nelson H. Wing, and specific legacies, in front of book. 8631. Wolfschlaeger, Lucas, estate. Disbursements by M. E. Woodworth, administrator. [Detroit] July 18, 1902-April 20, 1904. 8632. Wolverine knitting company, Detroit. Record book. Detroit, July 15-October 3, 1889. 8633. Woodbridge, William. Account book. [Detroit] January 2-July 6, 1857. In account with Brooks & Adams for building material. 8634. -,-. Account book [postage?], [n. p.] April 6- December 27 [18—?]. 8635. -,-. Account book. [Detroit, n. d.]. 8636. -,-. Bank book. Detroit, July 1, 1820-July 24, 1824. Mutilated. MANUSCRIPTS 145 8637. -,-. Bank book. Bank of the United States. New York branch. New York, August 19, 1833-August 17, 1834. 8638. -,-. Cash books, [n. p.] June, 1813-August 1, 1831. 2 v. 8639. -,-. Claim books, [n. p.] April, 1804-Sep- tember, 1821. 10 v. 8640. -,-. Diaries. [Detroit] December 25, 1850- March 2, 1858. 5 v. ’ \ 8641. -,-. Ledger. Detroit, January-June, 1835. Entries of a commission merchant making shipments to London, Liverpool, Dublin, Cadiz, etc. Sales account for January 6-8 is signed “ James Bennett per William Woodbridge. ” 8642. -,-. Ledger accounts. [Detroit] April 17, 1819- May 18, 1822. 8643. Wright, J. L., & bros. Balance book. [Detroit] July 10, 1850- February 15, 1851. Statement of the balance due to and from J. L. Wright & bros. 19 INDEX * \ • • I INDEX Numbers refer to titles. Abbot, t. c. Clute: Dr. T. C. Abbot, 716 Manual labor at M. A. C., 1 Abbott, E. W. Facts about Mich., 2 -, F. H. Practice in civil actions in courts of rec¬ ord, 3 -, J. Mss., 8037, 8040 -, M., estate Norton: Mss., 8107 -, R. and J. Hamtramck: Power of attorney to S. Sibley to confess judgment, 8409 --, s. Abbott: Mss., 8040 Abbott and Gamble Map of Muskegon Lake, 7909 Abell, T. B. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report on resolution authorizing commissioner of land office to issue certificate of purchase to school lands, 4585 Abolition, see Slavery Acadamies Michigan. State teachers’ association: Memorial asking portion of proceeds from swamp lands, 5111 See also Schools; name of academy Accident Fund, see Michigan. Insurance dept. Accidonts Worsfield: Special danger near switches on railroad tracks, 7041 Accounting Michigan. State board of accountancy: C. P. A. manual, 4860 Account books, see Manuscripts Accounts, see Business manuscripts Ada Map, by R. Andrewes, 7604 Adair, W. & co. Autumn catalogue, 4 Descriptive catalogue, 5 Adam, J. J. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report relative to claim, 4448 Adams, A. H. Mss., 8107, 8109 ADAMS, C. C. Ecological survey in northern Mich., 6 Ecological survey of Isle Royale, 7 -—, C. K. Historical sketch of U. of M., 8 Michigan. University: Memorial ad¬ dresses at funeral of Prof. Watson, 5197 U. of M., 9 -, C. S., estate Land book, 8206 -, M!. B. U. S. Engineer dept.: Manistee Harbor, 6668 -—, M. J. History of suffrage, 10 -, P. R. Treatise on prohibitory liquor law of Mich., 11 -, R. C. Agriculture in Mich., 12 Addison, L. G. Ohio boundary, 13 Address of Democratic members of legisla¬ ture, 14 -on advisability of purchasing Belle Isle, 16 -to Democracy of Ingham county, 15 Addresses at inauguration of Rev. H. Q. Butterfield, 17 Adjutant general, see Michigan. Adjutant general’s office Admiralty cases Newberry: Reports of cases argued and adjuged, 5539 Adrian Board of education Report, 18 See also Adrian. Public schools Charters and ordinances, 19-21 College Calendar, 28 Repertory, 29 Alpha tau omega and Kappa kappa gamma fraternities The exponent, 30 Description Charming Adrian, 649 Directories Annual city directory, 27 Brown: Directory, 454 Chapin: City directory, 643 150 INDEX ADRIAN—Continued High school Senior sickle, 6200 History [Bonner]: History, 396 . Millard: Early history of Lenawee co. and of Adrian, 5442 Ladies library association Catalogue, 22, 23 Public school library Catalogue, 24, 25 Public schools Lyster: Report on typhoid fever among school children, 2785 Payne: Historical sketch, 5683 See also Adrian. Board of education Story tellers’ league Year book, 26 Smart: Whisky war in, 6263 Advantages of Ludington, 31 Aeroplanes Williams aeroplane co.: Concerning our exhibition machines, 6960 Aetna base ball association Record book, 8207 Aetna insurance co. [Map of] Wisconsin & Michigan, 7239 Agate Harbor Preliminary chart, by U. S. War dept., 7934 Agate Harbor, by U. S. War dept., 7935 Agricultural college, see Michigan. Agri¬ cultural college Agricultural education Jeffery: Elementary laboratory study in crops, 2392; in soils, 2393 Michigan. Commission on industrial and agricultural education: Report, 3259 -. Dept, of public instruction: Agriculture in rural schools, 3355 Co. schools of agriculture, 3373 -. State commission on industrial and agricultural education: Report, 4954 See also Michigan. Agricultural college Agricultural pests Taft: Legislation relating to insects, 6461 -: Pests of orchard and garden, 6469 -: Small fruit notes; spraying, 6478 -: Spraying calendar, 6481 Agricultural societies Berrien county agricultural society: Pre¬ mium list, 351 Emmons: Mss., 8041, 8078 May: Farmers’ movement, 2927 Missaukee county agricultural society: Premium list of annual fair, 5460 Northern Michigan agricultural and me¬ chanical society: Officers, rules and regulations, and premium list, 5560 See also Eaton county agricultural so¬ ciety; Michigan. State agricultural society; St. Clair county agricultural society AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS, see Mich¬ igan. Census Agriculture Adair: Descriptive catalogue of vege¬ table, flower and agricultural seeds, 5 Adams: Agriculture in Mich., 12 Allegan co. farmer’s institute: Annual report, 52 Baird: Requisites for successful farming, 187 Beal: Comparing yield of old meadows with those recently seeded, 297 Bio we: Geog., commercial, and agr. view of United States, 393 Carton: Extract from address on rela¬ tionship between agriculture and manu¬ facturing, 586 Cass: Address before Kalamazoo co. agricultural society, 605 -: Address before Mich, state agri¬ cultural society, 606 Central Mich, agricultural society: List of premiums, 626 [Crawford county. Board of supervisors]: Back to farm, 860 Dixon: Study of farm management problems in Lenawee co., 1529 Drake: Management of sandy-land farms, 1543 Emmons: Mss., 8041 Fulton: Tillage, 1776 Gibbons: Addresses, 8404 Leverett: Surface geology, 2727 McDowell: Farming on cut-over lands, 2828 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Study of school gardens and elemen¬ tary agriculture, 3440 -. Dept, of state: Mich, crop report, 3510 -. Geological survey: Com¬ munication [in compliance with reso¬ lution requesting information on bene¬ fits to agricultural interests from com¬ pletion of survey], 3562 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Act providing for securing crop statistics, 3937 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on agriculture: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred part of governor’s message on subject, 3975 -. -. Senate.- -: Report in pur¬ suance to resolution for encourage¬ ment, 4431 -: Report [relative to aid to agricultural industry], 4432 -. Political science association: Social problems of the farmers, 4797 Osborn: Farming, 5611 Osborne farm annual, 5612 Russell: Agricultural notes in Ohio and Mich., 6055 INDEX 151 AGRICULTURE—Continued Seeley: Climate of Mich, and its relation to agriculture, 6197 Smalley: Management of muck-land farms, 6259 Shaw: Michigan agriculture, 6221 [Stebbins]: Western farm and factories, 6389 Stocking: Michigan farmers; effect of Wilson-Gorman act, 6410 Towar: Cow peas, soy beans and winter vetch, 6554 Traverse City. Board of trade: Grand Traverse fruits and agriculture, 6572 Upper Peninsula development bureau: Diversified farming, 6723 Homes and farms in Upper Peninsula, 6724 Home sweet home, 6725 Seven million fertile acres, 6727 Western Michigan development bureau: Western Michigan, land of oppor¬ tunity, 6875, 6876 Western Michigan, land of fruit and fortune, 6873, 6874 See also Beal, W. J.; Farms and farm¬ ing; Fruit and fruit culture; Land; Michigan. Agricultural college; Michi¬ gan.. Legislature. Senate. Committee on agriculture; Michigan. Public do¬ main commission; Michigan. State board of agriculture; Michigan. State grange; Railroad lands; Soils; U. S. Dept, of agriculture; Vegetables; Weeds Ainge, T. S. Michigan. State board of health: Quar¬ ter-century of public health literature, 4915 Alabaster, J. Answer on traffic and use of intoxicating beverages, 32 Alanson Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Alba Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Albach, J. R. Perkins: Annals of West, 5704-5708 Albert Benjamin Prescott; in memoriam, 33 Alberti, A. Map of Saginaw valley, 7398 Albion Charters, 34 College Fiske: Albion college, 1700 Pleiad, 36 Year book, 37 Commercial college Circular, 38 Directories Nedham: Directory, 5533 ALBION—Continued Polk & co.: Battle Creek city directory, 5760 Ordinances, 35 Albright, E. F. [Reminiscences of Detroit], 8208 Album of Detroit, 39 Alcona county Gregory: Preliminary geol. report, 1990 Leverett: Alcona co., 2722 Township map, by C. L. Smith, 7408 Alden, H. Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Re¬ port relative to claims of estate, 3141 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report relative to claims of estate, 4449 -, L. P. State public school, 40 Alexander, C. T. Letter book, 8209 See also Alexander and Paddock -, J- Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report rela¬ tive to petition, 4112 -, K. B. Log of North shore club, 41 Alexander and Paddock Journal, 8210 Alfalfa Michigan. Agricultural college. Experi¬ ment station: Doubtful substitutes for clover, 3016 [Shaw]: Alfalfa, 6211 Shoesmith: Alfalfa growing, 6237 Smith: Alfalfa in Mich., 6267 Alger, R. A. Eulogy on Gen. P. H. Sheridan, 42 Michigan. Governor: [Messages and pardons], 3728-3731 -. Legislature: R. A. Alger, 3965 Smith: Eulogy upon life and character, 6316 U. S. 59th Cong., 2d sess.: Russell Alexander Alger. Memorial addresses, 6648 Alger Republican club Matthews: Alger Republican club, 2922 Algoma steel corporation International joint commission: Mich, northern power co. Proceedings, 2324 Algonac Directories Meech: Port Huron and St. Clair co. directory, 2935 Wolverine directory co.: St. Clair co. directory, 7008 Aliens, see Foreigners Allardt, M. H. Michigan, 43 Allegan By-laws and charter, 44, 45 Manual, 46 152 INDEX ALLEGAN—Continued Public library Annual report, 47 Guide, 48 Schedule of lots for sale by Mary Ann Hubbard, 6154 Village directory, 49 Allegan county Calkins: Petition for grant of swamp lands for railroad, 551 Citizens: Memorial relative to appor¬ tionment of representatives, 50 -: Petition to confer public lands on Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad, 51 Cook: Six months among Indians, 803 Farm journal directory, 1636 Farmers’ institutes: Annual report, 52 History, 2146 Map, by Geil & Harley, 7409 -, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7411 -, of cos. of Ottawa and Muskegon and part of Allegan, by Geil & Harley, 7552 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7412 Pioneer society : Report, 53 Portrait and biographical record, 5838 Thomas: Twentieth century history, 6521 Titus: Atlas, 7410 Trowbridge: Land book, 8548 -: Letter books, 8550 Allegan land co. Sales book, 8211 Allan, A. B. Muskegon. Ordinances, etc.: Ordi¬ nances, 5515 -, James U. S. War dept.: Schoolcraft and Allen— expedition to Northwest Indians, 6698 -, John Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Select committee: Report of committee to which was referred bill to improve ad¬ ministration of justice, 4722 -. J- A - . , Introductory address to third session of college of medicine and surgery, U. of M., 54 -, R. C. Contributions to Pre-Cambrian geology of northern Michigan and Wisconsin, 55 Iron River iron-bearing district, 56 Mineral resources of Mich., 57-62 -, W. F. Place of Northwest in general history, 63 Allgemeiner arbeiter-bund Souvenir program, 64 Allouez, C. J. Verwyst: Missionary labors in Lake Superior region, 6759 Alma college Blaisdell: Renaissance of denominational college, 383 Bruske: History, 479 Catalogue, 65 ALMA COLLEGE—Continued Cooper: Plea for smaller college, 828 First greeting, 66 Alma mining, milling and smelting co. Maybury: Mss., 8189 Alma sanitarium, 67 Almanacs, see Michigan almanac Almont Souvenir for home coming, 6346 Almont, county of Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on towns and counties: Report to whom was referred petitions for organization of, 4242 Almshouses and workhouses Brodie: Address, 444 Storrs: Our county poorhouses, 6419 Wayne county. Grand jury: Present¬ ment relative to house of refuge, 6829 Almy, J. [Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment : Communication transmitting] report on survey of Maple River, 3185 Plat of subdivision known as Mission Reserve and constituting part of 5th ward of Grand Rapids, 7708 Plat of Grand Rapids, 7706 State of Michigan, 68 Alpena Board of education Annual report, 69, 70 Description Boulton: Souvenir, 407 Directory City and county directory, 72 Public library Catalogue, 71 Alpena county as she is, 73 Alpena county Boulton: Complete history, 405, 406 Dewey: Alpena county, 1502 Oliver: Centennial history, 5596 Outline map, 7413 Township map, by C. L. Smith, 7414 Alpena evening echo Alpena, 74 Alpena magnetic spring, 75 Alpena national bank, 76 Alpena weekly argus City of Alpena, 77 Alphadelphia association Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on incorporations: Report of committee [to whom was referred peti¬ tions for incorporation], 4088 Altenbrandt, E. Men behind guns in making of greater Grand Rapids, 78 Altitudes, see Michigan. Altitudes Altona [Map of] town of, 7605 Alvord, C. W. Conquest of St. Joseph, 79 Alward, D. E. Michigan. Legislature. Senate: Prac¬ tice and procedure, 4424 INDEX 153 AMBOY, LANSING AND TRAVERSE BAY RAILROAD Emmons: Mss., 8068 Freight delivery book, 8212 Journal, 8213 Letter book, 8214 Memorial of stockholders for legislative committee to examine frauds, 80 Petition for grant, of lands, 81 Trowbridge: Mss., 8109 Williams: Memorial relative to exami¬ nation into affairs of, 6939 Ameiva bifrontata cope Ruthven: On ameiva bifrontata cope, 6058 America Antiquities Schoolcraft: Incentives to study ancient period, 6164 Bibliography Hubbard: Valuable private library, 2250 American atlas co. Plat book of Hillsdale co., 7462 American biographical history, 82 American digest classification Michigan digest, 5394, 5395 American electric fuse co. Tones: How $10 grew to $500,000, 2422 American express company Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report relative to claim, 4468 American foul brood, see Foul brood American revolution Burton: Detroit in revolution, 519 Butterfield: Washington-Irvine corre¬ spondence, 543 Dodge: Narrative during captivity, 1532 Lossing: [Papers representing material used], 8445 Martindale: Loughery’s defeat, 2913 Moore: Northwest under three flags, 5479 American revolution, Daughters of, see Daughters of the American revolution American revolution, Sons of, see Sons of the American revolution American schoolmaster, 83 American social science association Baker: Report of meeting, 194 American Sunday school union Reports, 84, 85 American wit and humor Some funny things, 6331 Very funny, not too funny; just funny enough, 6760 Americanization National Americanization committee: Americanizing a city, 5522 See also Detroit. Public library Amusements Ballard: Popular amusements, 211 Ross: Industrial school entertainments, 6031 ANATOMY, HUMAN. Outlines, syllabi, etc. Michigan. University: Synopsis of lec¬ tures by C. L. Ford, 5215 Ancient order of united workmen. Detroit lodge By-laws, 86 -. Grand lodge Constitution, 87, 88 Anderson, A. C. vSecond report of grade dairy herd, 89 Shaw: Cull beans as food for swine, 6213 -: First annual report of grade dairy herd, 6219 Studies in milk production, 90 Studies in butterfat, 91 --, E. Cash book, 8215 ■-, F. M. Michigan. Political science association: Papers and addresses on primary re¬ form, 4794 -, I- Martindale: Loughery’s defeat, 2913 -, J. Mss., 8114 -, Mrs. J. A. Miscellaneous mss., 8126 -, M. B. La Salle: Relation of discoveries and voyages, 2686 Andersonville monument commission, see Michigan. Andersonville monument commission Andrewes, R. Map of Ada, 7604 Andrews, A. W. Ruthven: Miscellaneous papers on zool¬ ogy, 6057 -, L. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report relative to claim, 4682 Andrus, L. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report rela¬ tive to claim, 4117 Angell, J. B. Centennial celebration of evacuation of Detroit, 625 D’Ooge: President Angell’s quarter cen¬ tennial, 1537 Michigan Dept, of public instruction: J. B. Angell memorial day, 3393 -. University: Address in honor of, 5159 -. : Exercises at in¬ auguration, 5179 -. : U. of M.; quar¬ ter-centennial celebration of presidency, 5221 -. - Law dept.: Lec¬ ture course on international law, 8471 Reminiscences, 92 154 INDEX ANGELL, J. B.—Continued U. S. Deep waterways commission: Re¬ port, 6661 U. of M.; commemorative oration, 93 Anglo-American relations. Callahan: Neutrality of American lakes, 553 Anishinabe enamiad, 94 Annals of St. Paul’s church, Detroit, 95 Ann Arbor Ann Arbor railroad company Annual report, 147 Art association Ann Arbor art association; its aims and scope, 96 Exhibition of Oriental and American o -rh O *1 Handbook, 98 Board of education Annual catalogue, 99 Annual reports, 100 Annual report of superintendent, 101 Manual of course of study in primary and grammar depts., 102 Board of health Rules and regulations, 103 [Business men’s association] City of Ann Arbor, 104 Charters, 105-112 Civic association Ann Arbor, 113 Classified business and professional direc¬ tory, 114 Yearbook, 115 Clark’s, Misses, young ladies’ seminary Prospectus, 702 Report and catalogue, 703 Common council Proceedings, 116 Congregational church. Ladies’ aid so¬ ciety Cook book, 117 Dau’s blue book, 913 Dept, of public health Monthly report, 118 Description [Ann Arbor civic association]: Ann Arbor, 113 Cheever: Pleasant walks and drives, 658 Directories Ann Arbor civic association: Classified business and professional directory, 114 Chapin: City directory, 644 Cole & Keating’s Ann Arbor directory, 739 Loomis & Talbott’s Ann Arbor city di¬ rectory, 2768 Mills: Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti directory, 5450 Polk & co.: Directory, 5759 Pray: Washtenaw co. directory, 5866 Wendell directory co.: Washtenaw co. directory, 6861 ANN ARBOR—Continued District Sabbath school convention Proceedings, 119 Fire underwriters Minimum tariff of rates, 120 First Congregational church Confession of faith, 121 Manual, 122 Officers and members, 123 Report of church and society, 126 Roll of members, 124 Souvenir, 125 Folio by I. C. Russell & F. Leverett, 7760, 7761 High school Breeze, 127 Catalogue, 128 Exercises, 129 General catalog, 130 Omega, 131 Maps [Bird’s eye view], by A. Ruger, 7612 City of, by H. Hart, 7607 City of, by D. A. Pettibone, 7608 City of, by S. Pettibone, 7609 Map, 7613 Map, by H. P. Gould, 7610 Map, by J. F. Stratton, 7606 Map, by Wickes bros., 7611 Medical club Banquet, 132 Memorial proceedings in honor of Abra¬ ham Lincoln, 133 Ordinances, 105-112 Preparatory school Catalogue, 134 Public library Classified list of books, 135 Public school library Catalogue, 136 Finding list of English prose fiction, 137 Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Resources City of Ann Arbor, 679 St. Andrew’s church Annual report, 138 Cross: History, 865 Year book, 139 School of music Announcement, 140 Scientific association Constitution and by-laws, 141 Special waterworks committee Final report, 142 Steere: University of Michigan and saloons of Ann Arbor, 6395 Sunderland: Ministry of 15 years in col¬ lege town, 6437 Tales Harriman: Ann Arbor tales, 2049 Union high school Exercises, 143 Union school Catalogue, 144 INDEX. 155 ANN ARBOR—Continued Unitarian church Services and announcements, 145 Unitarian church, etc., services, organi¬ zation, officers, etc., 146 Water works Williams: Reports on valuation and extension, 6942 See also Washtenaw county Anne Woolson: Anne, 7036, 7037 Anne Meldrum Dermont [In Memoriam], 148 Anneke, E. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lution to inquire whether auditor gen¬ eral has paid over all moneys received, 4251 Annotations and citations Citator, 677 Anthon, C. E. Narrative of settlement of G. C. Anthon in America, 149 -, G. C. Anthon: Narrative of settlement in America, 149 Ward and Palmer: Mss., 8134 Anti-Masonic party Williams: Mss., 8038 Antiquities [Etzenhouser]: Engravings of prehistoric specimens, 1614 Gillman: Certain characteristics pertain¬ ing to ancient man, 1810 Michigan. University. Gallery of art and archaeology: Catalogue, 5283- 5285 Pidgeon: Traditions of De-coo-dah; and antiquarian researches, 5736 Russell: Prehistoric discoveries in Wayne co., 6054 Savage: Prehistoric finds of Mich., 6145 Schoolcraft: Archives of aboriginal knowledge, 6159 -: Incentives to study ancient period, 6164 Smith: Archeological survey of Mich., 6297 -: Notes on data of Michigan archaeology, 6299 -: Prehistoric and modern copper mines of Lake Superior, 6312 -: Saginaw valley collection, 6300 -: Summary of archeology of Sagi¬ naw valley, 6301 Society of colonial wars. Michigan: Mes¬ sage of mound builders, 6326 See also Archaeology; Earthworks; Mounds and mound builders; Saginaw valley Anti-slavery Miscellaneous mss., 8184 See also Fugitive slaves; Slavery ANTI-SLAVERY STATE CONVENTION, see Michigan. Anti-slavery state con¬ vention Anti-tuberculosis association, see Michigan. Anti-tuberculosis association Antrim county Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7416 Pond: Official atlas, 7415 Stearns salt and lumber co.: Kalkaska and Antrim cos. and their farm lands, 6387 Traverse region, historical and descrip¬ tive, 6580 Anville, [Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’J Amerique septentrionale, 7088 Canada, Louisiane et terres Angloises, 7091 North America from French of, 7104 Appeal showing necessity of early comple¬ tion of Great western railway, 150 Applegate, T. S. History of press of Michigan, 151 Apples [Eustace]: Thinning apples, 1618 Hartman: Can general farmer afford to grow apples, 2068 Long Point development association: Golden opportunities, 2761 Pettit: Insects injurious to, 5719 Taft: Apple orchard, 6452, 6453 -: Fruit list and apple scab remedies, 6457 See also Fruit and fruit culture Apportionment bill Michigan. Governor: Message relative to, 3659 Appraisal laws Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to, 4132, 4133 Arbitration, industrial Michigan. State court of mediation and arbitration: Report, 4955, 4956 Arbor day Beal: Hints, 300 -: Two programs, 317 King: Prose and verse for use on, 2530 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Arbor day, 3357-3360 Pattengill: Special day exercises, 5672 Archaeology Kelsey: Some archeological forgeries from Mich., 2499 Pearse: Crawfishes. Insect galls. Birds. Aboriginal remains, 5686 Pidgeon: Traditions of De-coo-dah; and antiquarian researches, 5736 Russell: Prehistoric discoveries in Wayne co., 6054 Ruthven: Herpetology of Mich., 6056 Savage: Prehistoric finds of Mich., 6145 Smith: Archeological survey of Mich., 6297 156 INDEX ARCHAEOLOGY—Continued -: Notes on data of Michigan archaeology, 6299 -: Summary of archeology of Sagi¬ naw valley, 6301 See also Antiquities; Earthworks; Mounds and mound builders Architects’ and builders’ directory Detroit. Architects’ and builders’ direc¬ tory, 957 Architecture Detroit. Public library: Architecture; selected list of books, 1282 International mill and timber company: Famous 50 Sterling system built homes, 2327 -: Sterling system of home building, 2328 National building plan association: Artistic homes, 5525, 5526 Archives Canada. Archives: Documents, 575 Conger: Report on public archives of Mich., 764 Person: Report on public archives of Mich., 5711, 5712 Arenac county Gregory: Geological report, 1989, 1990 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7417 Argonaut, 152 Arithmetic Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Arithmetic teaching, 3361 3rd grade arithmetic, 3457 4th grade arithmetic, 3386 5th grade arithmetic, 3387 6th grade arithmetic, 3434 Armada public library Catalog, 153, 154 Armenians in Michigan Kassabian: Armenians in Grand Rapids and western Mich., 2465 Armroyd, G. [Map of] Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, 7150 Armstrong, C. S. Michigan. Legislature. Senate: Eu- ' logies on death of E. S. Northrup, 4421 -, G. W. Michigan. State board of fish commis¬ sioners: Minute upon death, 4882 Army worm, see Insects Arnett, B. W. Northwest Territory, 155 Arnold, Rev. J. M. Boughton: Selections from autobiog¬ raphy, 403 Arnold transit co. Aeroplane view of Michigan, 7372 Les Cheneaux Islands, 7876 ARRIVE, J. Cadillac: [Contract between Cadillac, J. Arrive and J. Gaultier, and F. Hazeur], 8276 Art Catalogues and exhibitions Ann Arbor art association: Exhibition of Oriental and American art, 97 94 Detroit. Art club: Catalogue, 959 ^ -. Art collection: [Catalogues],. 960 ^ -. Art loan: Catalogue, 961 Grand Rapids. Public library: Cata¬ logue, 1919 Lewis art gallery: Catalogue, 2733 Michigan. University. Gallery of art and archaeology: Catalogue, 5283- ^ 5285 Spies public library: Catalogue of Indian and nature studies, 6364 See also Hackley art gallery; Michigan. University Galleries and museums Pattison: Opening of Hackley art galleries, 5673 Wyer: Art museum, 7055 Municipal • Brunner: Preliminary report for city plan for Grand Rapids, 478 Comey: Detroit suburban planning, 756 [Duquesne]: Preliminary report on program for Scott fountain, 1560 Olmsted: Conditions in Detroit, 1915, 5602 -: Improvement of Detroit, 5603 See also Detroit. City plan and im¬ provement commission Schools Battle Creek school of applied art: Instruction paper, 261, 262 Societies Ann Arbor art association, 96 -: Exhibition, 97 -: Handbook, 98 Study and teaching Liggett: Art education, 2741 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Art education, 3362 Artesian wells Leverett: Flowing wells, 2723, 2724 Arthur, C. B. Progress of Michigan women, 156 -, H., & co. Map of Detroit, 7660 Arthur Hill, 157 Artists Michigan. State library: Biographical sketches, 5009-5012 -.-: Mich, artists, 5043 Arts, see Manual arts INDEX 157 ARUNDEL, L. Motor boat boys on Great Lakes, 158 Ashes Kedzie: Manurial value, 2481 Ashman, J. W. In memoriam of Henry Doty, 159 Ashmore, E. Detroit training school alumni: Lest we forget, 1487 Ashpole, G. A. Port Huron. Charters: Charter, 5814 Ashton Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Askin, C. Diary and memoranda, 8216, 8222 Mss., 8037, 8130 -, C. and J. Day book, 8217 Ledgers, 8218 --, James, see Askin, C. and J. -,John Account book, 8219 Bill book, 8220 Inventory book, 8221 Invoice book, 8222 Journals, 8223 Ledgers, 8224 Letter book, 8225 Mss., 8037, 8129, 8130 Memorandum book, 8226 Miamis co.: In account with, 8466 -.: Journals, for diary of, 8467 Askin genealogy Richardson: War of 1812, 5974 Assessment Michigan. Board of state tax commis¬ sioners: Cash value assessments, 3229 Astronomy, see Michigan. University. De¬ troit observatory Asylums, see Michigan. Asylums; Michi¬ gan. Ionia state hospital; Michigan. Kalamazoo state hospital; Michigan. Pontiac state hospital; Michigan. Tra¬ verse City state hospital Atchison and Nebraska railroad Joy: Mss., 8136, 8138 Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fe railroad Joy: Mss., 8136 Athens Nedham: Directory, 5533 Athletic association, see Michigan. Ath¬ letic association Athletics, see Wrestling Atlases, see Maps and atlases; Michigan. Atlases; names of counties; Upper Peninsula Attorney general, see Michigan. Attorney general’s office Atwater, C. Indians of Northwest, 160 Atwood, J. M. Map of western states, 7224, 7231 -, T. W. Official railroad map of Mich., by Rail¬ road commissioner, 7343, 7347 -, Messrs. & co. Mss., 8202 AUDITOR GENERAL, see Michigan. Au¬ ditor general’s office Audubon society, see Michigan. Audubon society Augusta Nedham: Directory, 5533 Augustus Caesar Baldwin, 161 Au Sable & northwestern railway co. Gateway to a home, 162 Au Sable River Map, by E. F. Hyde, 7959 Au Sable River valley Wood: Notes on birds of, 7021 Austin, F. G., as trustee in bankruptcy of C. Currie & co., 8227 Authors’ days Pattengill: Special day exercises, 5672 Authors’ league of Mich. [Purpose and work], 163 Authorship Michigan. Historical commission: Sug¬ gestions for local hist, societies, 3797 Autobiographies, see Biographies Automobiles Bibliography Detroit. Public library: Automo¬ biles, 1283, 1284 Club Wolverine automobile club: By-laws, articles of association, 7005 Detroit. Board of commerce: Detroit and its automobiles, 980 Ford motor co.: Ford factory facts, 1729 -.: Ford motor cars, 1730 -.: Helpful hints to em¬ ployes, 1731 Industry Kelley: Speech relative to automobile industry and proposed tax on it, 2491 Lane: H. Ford’s own story, 2612 Laws and regulations Martindale: Digest, 2914 Michigan. Dept, of state: Digest of laws of various states, 3497 -.-.-: Digest of motor vehicle laws, 3499 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Motor vehicle law, 3913 -. State library. Legislative reference dept.: Digest, 5055 Licenses Michigan. Dept, of state: Motor vehicle licenses, 3516, 3517 Michigan. Dept, of state: Instructions to applicants for motor vehicle regi¬ stration, 3503 Miller: W. C. Durant, 5449 Packard motor car company: The Packard, 5623 Road guides Automobile road map of southeastern Mich., by S. Farmer & co.. 7996 Automobile road atlas of southern Mich., by S. Farmer & co., 7997 Bowen’s automobile and sportsmen’s guide, 418 158 INDEX AUTOMOBILES—Continued Lang: Pocket road map, Monroe co., 2614 Motor guide and league: Blazing the way, 5493 Motorists handbook, 5494 Overland road map, by Overland motor co., 8011 Rand McNally indexed pocket map and shippers’ guide of Michigan, 7370 Scarborough motor guide co.: Official tour book, 6148 West Michigan pike assoc.: Road guide and tourist directory of West Mich, pike, 6866 - - -- -.: Maps, routes and tourist’s directory of West Mich, pike, 6867 White printing co.: Auto guide for Grand Rapids and western Mich., 6903 See also Roads. Maps Starting, lighting and ignition devices Michigan state auto school: Automo¬ bile electrician’s key, 5419 Averill, P. Inspection of illuminating oil, 164 Avery, C. A. Detroit art loan: Catalogue, 961 -, E. M. [Robinson]: Biographical sketch, 5998 [Sweet]: Elroy McKendree Avery, 6441 J- Overflowed lands on Maple River, 165 Axford, L. L. Michigan law of conveyancing, 166 Axtell, Rev. H. Joy: Mss., 8144 Babbitt, Judge J. W. Harriman: Memorial, 2050 Baby, W. L. Souvenirs of past, 167 Backus, A. E. Backus and Tackson: Mss., 8053 -, J. F. W. Backus and Jackson: Mss., 8053 -, M. Claim book, 8228 - ’ S - Petition asking changes in tax laws, 168 - W W Mss.’, 8053 Bacon, A. P. Cooper: Life, 825 -,D. Cooper: Life, 825 -, M. R. Contested election, 293 Bacteriology Marshall: Bacteriology, 2897 Michigan. Agricultural college. Dept, of bacteriology, hygiene and pathology: Laboratory manual, 3011 BAD AXE, thumb’s best town, 169 Bagg, J. S. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on printing: Report in relation to bill making appropriations to state printer, 4197 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Account, 4250 Bagley, J. J. [Campbell]: J. J. Bagley, 568 Hopkins: Memorial address on life and character, 2205 Michigan. Charities and corrections, 3245 -. Governor: [Messages of and pardons granted by], 3702-3711 Old times, 170 Pauperism and crime in Michigan, 5677, 5678 Speech, 171 Bahlke, W. A. Chattel mortgage, 172 Bailey, J. R. Cook: Mackinaw in history; a critique, 805 Mackinac, 173-178 -, L. H. Experiment, 179 Hints on rural adornment, 180 Notes on fruits, 181 Notes on tomatoes, 182 Report, 183 Varieties of apples for market, 184 —, W. O. Report on Michigan forest fires of 1881, 185 Bailey’s gazeteer, 186 Baird, R. G. Requisites for successful farming, 187 Baist, G. W. Real estate atlas of surveys of Detroit, 7679 Real estate atlas of surveys of Detroit and Highland Park, 7687 Baker, E. W. County school manual and history of school dists., Cheboygan co., 188 -, F. A. Duration of municipal street grants, 189 Michigan. Constitution: Annotated constitution, 3310 Stephen Baldwin vs. Fred A. Baker, 190 -, G. A. St. Joseph-Kankakee portage, 191 —; h. w. vs. Barges “Tycoon” and “Mikado,” 8229 -, H. B. Causation of pneumonia, 192 Climate and health, 193 Report on Amer. social sci. assoc, meeting, 194 Report on death-rate, 195 Report on methods of collecting vital statistics, 196 INDEX 159 BAKER, H. B.—Continued Sickness in Michigan caused by poisonous cheese, 197 Trichiniasis, 198 -, J. F. Michigan woodlot, 199 - >J- H - Sources of Mississippi, 200 - ’ L * . Winchell: Oil region of Michigan; de¬ scription of Baker tract, 6985 -, R. H. City of Grand Rapids, 201 -, S. A. Lecture [on education], 202 Baker’s business directory of Detroit, 203 Baldwin, A. C., 161 -, F. A. Baldwin: Memorial of, 204 -, F. D. Brief military record, 439 -, F. L. Memorial of F. A. Baldwin, 204 -, H. P. Detroit. St. John’s church vestry: In memory, 1340 Michigan. Governor: [Messages and other papers], 3691-3701 -. Legislature: Memorial, 3955 -, J- Conquest of Old Northwest, 205 Discovery of Old Northwest, 206 -, S. vs. F. A. Baker, 190 —-> W * Law of personal injuries, 207, 208 -, & Silsby Journal, 8230 Ledger, 8231 Ball, B. D. Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Railroad lands taxable, 3073 -, D. Hollister: Daniel Ball, 2193 -, J- [Ball]: John Ball, 209 Ball: Overland journey to Oregon, 210 —, L. John Ball, 209 Overland journey to Oregon, 210 -, W. Michigan. Legislature. House. Special committee: Reports of committee to whom was referred petition of S. L. Bignall to be admitted to seat occupied by, 4364 Ballard, A. Popular amusements, 211 •-, Rev. J. Memorial, 2946 Baltimore and Ohio railroad company Pangborn: B. & O. red book for Mich., 5636 Baltimore Bay, 212 Baltimore mining co. Articles of assoc., 213 BANCROFT, W. L. Port Huron and Lake Michigan railroad co.: New railway outlet from Chicago to seaboard, 5821 Republican party. Michigan. State central committee: Correspondence with, 5954 Bangor DeLisle: Directory for 1868-9, 943 Bank of Michigan Letter book, 8232 Trowbridge: Mss., 8109 Bankrupt law Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on federal relations: Report, 4059 Banks, R. Oration, 215 Banks and banking • Alpena national bank, 76 Cooley: State bank issues, 816 Dix: Petitions for general banking law, 1528 Duffield: Bank books, 8354, 8370, 8371 Erie and Kalamazoo railroad co.: Acts of incorporation, 1605, 1606 Farmers’ and mechanics’ bank: Memorial asking extension of charter, 1668 -: Memorial of stockholders, 1669 Felch: Mss., 8154 Hinchman: Banks and banking, 2125 Jenks: First bank in Mich., 2396 Kercheval estate: Bank book, 8433 La Plant estate: Bank book, 8439 McComber: Petition for general law to authorize banking, 2801 Macomb county. Bank: Report, 2863 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication in reply to resolution in relation to, 3054 Report in relation to Manhattan bank, 3076 Report relative to banks under in¬ junction, 3081 Report relative to Farmers’ and mer¬ chants’ bank of St. Joseph, 3083, 3084 Report in regard to general banking law, 3087 -. Auditor general’s office: Communication [relative to banks neg¬ lecting or refusing to pay specific tax], 3093 Communication relative to agreement with Bank of Mich., 3098 -. Bank directory, 5363 -. Banks.: Reports, 3166 -. Board of fund commissioners: Report [in pursuance of act to estab¬ lish state bank of Mich.], 3172 160 INDEX BANKS AND BANKING—Continued -*—. Board of trustees of state as¬ sets: Annual report, 3232 -. Commissioners to settle with the Michigan, state bank: Report, 3288, 3289 -. Governor: Message trans¬ mitting memorial from bank conven¬ tion, 3600 -.-: Message trans¬ mitting papers relative to Bank of Macomb co., 3606 -—.-: Special message relative to further suspension, 3628 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws, 3833 - —.-,-,-.: Act re¬ lating to negotiable instruments, 3916 -. Legislature. House: State bank charters, 3973 - —•.-.-. Com¬ mittee on banks: Report of committee to investigate Bank of Macomb co. and Oakland co. bank, 3982 --.-.-. Com¬ mittee to investigate Bank of Ypsilanti: Report, 3984 -.-.-. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Report of committee to whom was re¬ ferred so much of governor’s message as relates to state bank, 3986 Report of committee to whom was re¬ ferred petition for Peninsular bank, 3999 -.-.-. Com¬ mittees on federal relations and on banks and incorporations: Report relative to circulation of bills of un¬ sound banks of foreign country, 4076 -.-. . Com¬ mittee on incorporations: Report of committee to whom was referred, peti¬ tions praying legislature to incorporate bank in Jackson, 4087 -.-.-. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Minority re¬ port on resolution relative to repealing act exempting stock of Bank of St. Clair from taxation, 4113 -: Report upon resolution relative to Farmers’ and mechanics’ bank, 4127 -.-.-. Select committee: Report of committee ap¬ pointed to investigate Bank of Mich., 4293 -: Report of committee [to whom was referred inquiries relative to condition of banking institutions in hands of receivers], 4294 BANKS AND BANKING—Continued -.-.-. Special committee: Report of committee to investigate Bank of Mich., 4363 -.-. Joint committee: Report of committee [to investigate affairs of Bank of Mich, and Farmers’ and mechanics’ bank], 4387 —-.-. Senate. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Report of committee to whom was re¬ ferred petition for charter of bank at Otsego, Allegan co.,4446 •-.-.-*-. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report relative to purchase by banks of portion of state stock, 4471 -: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred petition of president of Bank of St. Clair, 4499 -.-.-. Com¬ mittees on finance and judiciary: Re¬ port on bill [to tax banking associa¬ tions], 4508 -. -.-. Com¬ mittee on incorporations: Report in reference to amending constitution to secure state bank, 4511 -: Report on portion of governor’s message relating to state bank, 4524 -: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lution to inquire into violations of charter by Oakland co. bank, 4523 -.-.-. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port relative to loan to Bank of Gib- ralter, 4528 -.-.-. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tions for amendment to enable legis¬ lature to establish banking system similar to that of Ohio, 4550 -.-.-. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred bill to amend charter of banks of state, 4659 --.-. Select committee: Report of committee to whom were referred resolutions relative to city banks, 4700 -: Report relative to state bank and branches, 4701 -: Report in regard to re¬ sumption of specie payments by banks, 4702 -.-.-. Special committee: Report relative to Gov¬ ernment stock bank, 4754 INDEX 161 BANKS AND BANKING—Continued -. Treasury dept.: Communi¬ cation relative to, 5128 -.-.: Communi¬ cation relative to amount of tax paid by banks, 5129 -. (Ter.) Governor: Bankbook, 8475 Moore: Bank book, 8494 -: Check stub-book, 8495 Norton: Mss., 8107 Ravell: Sixty years of banking in Mich., 5929 Rogers: List of banks and banking cor¬ porations in territory and state prior to national banks, 6004 Sherwood: Bank note circulation, 6231 Statement of affairs of Bank of Wash¬ tenaw, 6381 Trowbridge: Mss., 8108 -: Petition for law authorizing business of banking, 6586 Waldo: Sketch of origin, establishment and workings of national banking sys¬ tem, 6784 Wayne co. savings bank: [Report of bank; savings banks in Mich.], 6837 Weeks & Polk: Bay City directory to which is appended directory of, 6848 Wendell: History of banking and banks and bankers of Mich., 6860 -: Mss., 8205 Williams: Mss., 8038 Winder: Bank book, 8619 Wing estate: Bank book, 8625-8627 Woodbridge: Bank book, 8636, 8637 See also Bank of Michigan; Detroit. American exchange national bank; Detroit. National bank; Detroit. Preston national bank; Detroit. Sav¬ ings bank; Detroit River savings bank; Farmers’ and mechanics’ bank; Michi¬ gan. Bankers’ association; Michigan. Bank commissioners; Michigan. Bank¬ ing dept.; Michigan. State bank Baptists Benton Harbor First Baptist church. History Miscellaneous mss., 8172 Detroit Baptist young people’s union: Manual, 971 Eighteenth St. Baptist mission, 1582 First Baptist church Haskell: Half-century memorial, 2077 -: Quarter-century ebenezer, 2080 History and directory of churches of Detroit, 2141 Our churches, Detroit, 5619 See also name of church under Detroit Flint River Baptist association: Minutes, 1722 BAPTISTS—Continued Grand Rapids Churches Moerdyk: History, 5465 Fountain Street Baptist church. Jack- son circle- Choice collection of tested recipes, 1899 Michigan Baptist convention: Annual meeting, 3167 Muskegon First Baptist church. Ladies’ society Muskegon cook book, 5514 Niles Baptist church Trowbridge: Pioneer days, 6594 First Baptist church: 75th anniver¬ sary, 5550 Sturgis Baptist church Trowbridge: Pioneer days, 6594 Trowbridge: History of Baptists in Michigan, 6593 -: Pioneer days, 6594 See also Biographical sketches; Biog¬ raphies; Hillsdale college; Kalamazoo college; Missions and missionaries; name of institution, local church or organization Bar association, see Michigan. State bar association Baraga, F. Sifferath: Short compendium of cate¬ chism for Indians, 6243 Verwyst: Life and labors, 6758 Baraga county Biographical record, 369 Farm and business directory, 1635 Barber, E. W. Direct legislation, 216 Michigan. Forestry commission: Mich. forestry, 3547 Vermontville colony, 217 -, G. M. Memorial, 218 Barber law Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Mich, barber law, 3834 Barbour, L. L. Indeterminate sentence, 219 Jails, 220-222 Peter White, 223 Barcroft, F. T. Detroit united railway: Statement of Barcroft appraisal, 1496 Report and appraisal of Detroit united railway, 224 [Rifenberick]: Statement concerning ap¬ praisal of D. U. R. lines, 5981 Barden, F. M. Commercial peach growing, 225 Bards and co’s. business directory of Grand Rapids, 226 Bark River Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 21 162 INDEX BARLEY Spragg: Barley improvement, 6366 Bamaby, H. T. The decade, 227 Barnard, F. A. American biographical history, 82 - » H ‘ Miscellaneous mss., 8176 -, W. A. Map of Lansing, 7741 Barnes, C. Plat of Grand Rapids, 7707 -, L. S. L. Memorandum book, 8233 -—, O. M. Prison system, 228 Prisons self supporting, 229 Speech, 230 ———, R. F. [Tower]: Builders of greater Grand Rapids, 6560 Barrett, A. M. Michigan. Commission on extent of mental defectiveness: Report, 3261 -, F. A. Musical directory of Detroit, 5510 -, L. P. Allen: Contributions to Pre-Cambrian geology, 55 -, O. S. Reminiscences of 4th Mich, infantry, 231 Barrows, H. K. Surface water supply, 232 -, W. B. Michigan birds, 233, 234 Barry, J. S. Michigan. Governor: [Messages and communications], 3633-3642, 3655- 3659 ■-, Mrs. W. Memorial of Col. Samuel Stone, 235 Barry county Farm journal directory, 1637 History, 2146 Lake: Atlas, 7418 Map, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7420 Map of cos. of Eaton and Barry, by Geil & Jones, 7450 Mudge: Directory, 5498 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7419, 7421 Porter: Business directory, 5807 Portrait and biographical album, 5825 Potter: History, 5855 Weissert: Indians and trading posts, 6850 Barstow, S. Memorial, 2947 Barstow & Lockwood Cash book, 8234 Letter books, 8235 Barthe, J. P., & co. Ledger, 8236 Sales book, 8237 BARTHOLOMEW, H. D. Drainage and sewerage, 236 Map of St. Clair flats, 8035 ■-, J- Mich., Wis., Iowa and Minn., 7232 Western states, 7264 Bartlett, C. H. La Salle in valley of St. Joseph, 237 Bartlit, S. M. Monroe and Ypsilanti railroad co.: Re¬ port, 5471 Bass Reighard: Breeding habits, 5944 Batchewanung land and mining co. Certificate stub-book, 8238 Record book, 8239 Bates, A. B. [Memorial], 238 See also Bates, Walker and Douglass -, G. W. Negotiable instruments law, 239 [-, H. M.] Plan and purpose of Michigan union, 240' -» J-. Autobiography, 241 White: and later experience and labors, 6895 -, Mrs. M. E. C. Along Traverse shores, 242 --, W. R. History, commercial advantages, and future prospects of Saginaws, 243 -, Walker and Douglass Mss., 8108 Norton: Mss., 8107 See also Douglass and Walker Batrachia Evans: Collection of amphibians and reptiles from Gogebic co., 1620 Smith: Catalogue of reptilia and amphibia, 6317 Battle Creek Charter and ordinances, 244-249 College Calendar, 256' Directories Bards and co.’s. business directory, 226 Nedham: Battle Creek and Marshall city directory, 5533 Polk & co.: Directory, 5760 Grange aid association: [Prospectus], 1972 Illustrated, 257 Oak Hill cemetery Rules, 250 [Postum cereal co. Advertising dept.: Journey through factories], 5853 Public school library Catalogue, 251-254 Sanitarium Description, 258, 952 Kellogg: Battle Creek sanitarium diet list, 2493 -: Battle Creek sanitarium sys¬ tem, 2494 •-: New method in diabetes, 2495 INDEX 163 BATTLE CREEK—Continued Way out of invalidism, 259 Word about physiologic method em¬ ployed, 2495 School of applied art Instruction paper, 261, 262 Schools Course of study, 255 Michigan. Historical commission: Prize essays, 3804 Sewerage Clark: Sewerage and drainage, 691 Baxter, A. History of Grand Rapids, 263 Bay City Annual statement of finances, 264 Bay City and Portsmouth street railway co. Act of incorporation, 287 Bay City times: Northeastern Michi¬ gan, 288 Banks [Craves]: Yesterday and today, 858 Board of education Annual report, 265 Manual, 266 Public schools, 267 Chamber of commerce Annual review, 268 Charters and ordinances, 269-274 Citizens Report on business, 275 Controller Annual report, 276 Description [Craves]: Yesterday and today, 858 Directories Bard and co’s. business directory, 226 DeLisle: Directory fcr 1868-9, 943 Polk & co.: Directory, 5761 Weeks & Polk: Bay City directory, 6848 Electric light dept. Annual report, 277 Fire dept. Annual report, 278 History History, commercial advantages and future prospects, 2144 Indian and pioneer history of Saginaw valley, 2291 Industries Bay City times: Northeastern Michi¬ gan, 288 Land: History and descriptive review, 2596 Marquis: Industries, 2895 International mill and timber co., see International mill and timber co. Library association Catalogue, 279 Map Mouth of Saginaw River including, by U. S. War dept., 7981 Mayor Message, 264, 280 BAY CITY—Continued Police dept. Annual report, 281 Public library Catalogue, 282, 283 Schools Michigan. Historical commission: Prize essays, 3804 See also Bay City. Board of education Water dept. Annual report, 285 Young men’s Christian association Inter-church banquet, 286 Bay county Cooper: Geological report, 831 Gansser: History, 1783 Harris: Facts, 2057 History, 2149 History of Tuscola and Bay cos., 2172 Map, bv U. S. Postoffice dept., 7422 [Map of] county of Bay, by Monroe & Learman, 7423 Portrait and biographical record, 5847 St. Andrew’s society: Constitution, 289 Surface geology, by W. F. Cooper, 7762, 7763 Topographic map, by W. F. Cooper, 7764 Bay de Noquet and Marquette railroad co. Michigan.. Auditor general’s office: Com¬ munication transmitting report, 3110 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Report, 3987 Bayfield’s North America, sheet IV: Lake Superior, 7915 Bayley, W. S. Menominee iron-bearing district, 290 Van Hise: Description of Menominee quadrangle, 7790 -——-: Marquette iron-bearing dis¬ trict, 6745 -: Menominee special folio, 6746 -: Preliminary report on Mar¬ quette iron-bearing dist., 6744 Bayley vs. McDonald Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Reports relative to elec¬ tion case, 4307 Bay View [Boughton]: Bay View, 404 [Detroit, and Cleveland steam navigation co.]: Where to spend summer, 1403 Souvenir, 6358 Bay View assembly Bulletin, 291 Programs, 292 Beakes, S. W. Contested-election case, 293 Past and present of Washtenaw co., 294 Beal, W. J. Branches of sugar maple and beech, 295 Brief and popular account of trees and shrubs on M. A. C. grounds, 296 Comparing yield of old meadows and re¬ cently seeded, 297 164 INDEX BEAL, W. J.—Continued Experiments and observations on jack- pine plains, 29S Forest products-of museum, 299 Hints for Arbor day, 300 History of M. A. C., 301 Lessons on growing forest trees, 302 Making a lawn, 303 Michigan. Academy of science: Report, 2972 -flora, 304, 305 -. University. Class of 1859: Class of “fifty-nine,” 5250 -weeds, 306 Observations on leaves of clover, 307 Potatoes, ruta-bagas and onions, 308 Replies to questions about grasses, 309 Ribgrass, 310 Seeds of Mich, weeds, 311 Six worst weeds, 312 Study of beans and peas, 313 -— of plant leaves, 314 -of seeds of timothy and red clover, 315 -of wheat and buckwheat, 316 Two programs for arbor day, 317 Vitality of seeds buried in soil, 318 Wheeler: Sketch of original distribution of white pine in Lower Peninsula, 6888 Why not plant a grove?, 319 Beals, T. S. Commercial, industrial and transportation interests of Detroit, 320 Beaman, T. C. Michigan contested election, 321 Bean Creek valley Hogaboam: Bean Creek valley, 2182 Bean-maggot Whelan: Bean-maggot in 1915, 6891 Beans Bissell: Mss., 8060 Cox: Bean growing, 848, 849 Muncie: Two Mich, bean diseases, 5504 Raven: Bean production, 5931 See also Vegetables Beard, W. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report relative to claims for work, 4252 Beard’s hist, and directory of Marquette county, 322 Beaubien, J. B. Ledgers, 8240 Beaubien family Mss., 8041 Beautiful Bloomfield hills, 323 Beautiful Detroit, 324 Beaver islands Legler: Moses of Mormons, 2715 [Map of] Beaver Island group, by U. S. War dept., 7871 - north end of lake Michigan in¬ cluding Beaver Island group, by U. S. War dept., 7898 Sketch of James Jesse Strang and Mor¬ mon kingdom, 6253 BEAVER ISLANDS—Continued Strang: Beaver Island and its Mormon kingdom, 6425 -: Some remarks on natural his¬ tory of, 6430 Wright: Lays of lakes, 7047 -: Ottawan, 7050 Bechler, G. R. Map of Lenawee co., 7510 -Washtenaw co., 7577, 7578 -cos. of Washtenaw and Lenawee,. 7584 Bechler and Wenig Map of Calhoun co., by Geil, Harley &: Siverd, 7433 Beck and Pauli [Birds eye view of] Marquette, 7743 Becker, H. Memorial, 325 Beckwith, H. W. [Documents], 326 Historic notes on Northwest, 327 Illinois and Indiana Indians, 328 Bedford Nedham: Directory, 5533 Beecher, F. A. Cummins: Mich, judicature act, 880 Law of contracts, 329 -wills, 330 Michigan. Constitution: Annotated’ constitution, 3310 Michigan law and procedure in probate courts, 331 Michigan rule book, 332, 333 Beef Henry: Beef journal, 8412 Henry & co.: Account of beef cattle,.. 8424 Norton: Baby beef production, 5569 See also Cattle Bee-keeping Cook: Wintering bees, 799 Millen: Foul brood, 5443 -: Transferring bees, 5444 Taylor: A year with bees, 6509 Beers, F. W., & co. Atlas of Calhoun co., 7434 -Genesee co., 7452 -Ionia co., 7471 -Kalamazoo co., 7485 -Lapeer co., 7506 -Livingston co., 7515 -Oakland co., 7541 County atlas of Ingham, 7467 -Michigan, 7279 '-Monroe, 7529 -— — Muskegon, 7535 --—- — vShiawassee, 7568 Map of Montcalm co., 7532 Topographical map of Oceana co., 7543 -Sanilac co., 7565 —-, J. B., & co. Crawford: Atlas of Ionia co., 7472 -, J. H., and co. Hist, of Great Lakes, 334 INDEX 165 BEETLES Hubbard: Coleoptera, 2249 Beet sugar Kedzie: Beet sugar, 2468 See also Sugar beets; White Pigeon beet sugar company Beets, H. Souvenir of quarter-centennial celebra¬ tion of Lagrave St. Chr. Ref. church, 335 Before the blazing back-log [Tateum]: “Before the blazing back¬ log”, 6505 Beghein, J. L. True copy of military reservation at Ft. Gratiot, 7852 Beginning and development of Catholicity in Dearborn, 336 Begole, J. W. [Mss.], 8241 Marlette. Relief committee: [Letters and telegram relating to burned dist.], 8459 Michigan. Governor: [Messages of and pardons by], 3725-3727 Belden, H., & co. Illustrated hist, atlas of co. of Kent, 7493 -.-. of Wayne, 7589 Belding Polk & co.: Directory, 5772 Belknap, C. E. Hist, of Michigan organizations at Chickamauga, Chattanooga and Mis¬ sionary Ridge, 337, 338 Legend of trailing arbutus, 339 Bell, P. Map of British dominions in North America, 7102 Belle Isle Advisability of purchasing, 16 Dietsche sight seeing autos, 1509 See also Detroit Bellevue Nedham: Directory, 5533 Beilin, [J. N.] Partie occidentale de Nouvelle -France ou du Canada, 7092 Bellinger, D. [Kaler]: At siege of Detroit, 2462 Belmont Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Bemis, E. W. Local government in Mich., 340 Bench and bar Reed: Bench and bar of Mich., 5941 Benedict, E. D. Hist., by-laws and roster of De Molai commandery, K. T. ? Grand Rapids, 341 Benevolent and protective order of Elks Souvenir, 342 Benevolent fraternity National benevolent fraternity: By¬ laws, 5524 BENNETT, C. W. Historical sketches of Ninth Michigan infantry, 343 -, E. H. Detroit. City plan and improvement commission: Preliminary plan of De¬ troit, 1096 -: Report on center of arts and letters, 1098 -, R. J. Law of negotiable paper, 344, 345 Benton, E. J. Wabash trade route, 346 -, T. H. Buchanan: Speeches on bill to admit Mich., 480 Benton Harbor College Annual, 349 Directory Polk & co.: Directory, 5762 First Baptist church. History Miscellaneous mss., 8172 First Sunday school. History Miscellaneous mss., 8172 High school [Annuals], 347 History Pender: History, 5693 Map St. Joseph & Benton Harbor, by U. S. War dept., 7957 Ordinances, 348 Schools Michigan. Historical Commission: Prize essays, 3804 Benzie county Buckley & Douglas lumber co.: Few facts about farm and fruit lands, 482 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7424 Traverse region, 6580 Benzonia college Catalogue, 350 Walker: Experiences of pioneer life in early settlements and cities of West, 6790 Berger, E. F. Patten: Commercial feeding stuffs, 5662 Berrien, J. M. Survey of mouth of Galien River, 7971 Berrien county Agricultural society: Premium list, 351 Coolidge: History, 818 Cowles: Directory and history, 845 Farm journal directory, 1638 History, 2150 Lake: Atlas, 7425 Map, by Geil, Harley & Siverd, 7440 -, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7426 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on incorporations: Report rela¬ tive to Berrien co. mutual insurance co., 4512 166 INDEX BERRIEN COUNTY—Continued -.-.-. Com¬ mittee on towns and counties: Report on county seat,' 4694 Noel: vSouvenir of 40th annual picnic, Berrien co. old settlers association, 5554 [Papers relating to transfer of land in Berrien, Ionia and Ottawa cos.], 8242 Polk & co.: Directory, 5762 Portrait and biographical record, 5826 Sibley: Mss. [relating to lands], 8175 Berrien Springs, 352 Berries Dean: Notes on small fruits, 936 Berry, C. S. [Michigan. State teacher’s association. Committee on educational investiga¬ tions]: Study of retardation, accelera¬ tion, elimination and repetition, 5114 —, J- I. Delta co., 7448 -, J. G. Michigan. Board of state canvassers: Papers in removal, 3227 Reunion, 16th Mich, infantry, 353 -, J. K. M. Obstacles to higher education in U. of M., 354 -, W. North America, 7078 Bertram, J. Hill: Pine industry, 2116 Bessemer Gordon: Geol. sec. from Bessemer down Black River, 1831 Bessey, E. A. Seed analyses, 355 Some ginseng troubles, 356 Yellow rocket, 357 Bibliographies Bradley: Material on institutional his¬ tory of Northwest, 427 Campbell: Hist, of chemical laboratory,' U. of M., 564 [Goss]: Published material relating to history of Grand Rapids, 1833 Hegner: Periodical literature and publi¬ cations of learned societies of interest to zoologists in U. of M. library, 2096 Lee: Bibliography of Carver’s travels, 2708 Michigan. Schoolmasters’ club: List of books recommended for high school classical library, 4837, 4838 -. State board of health: Quar¬ ter-century of public health literature, 4915 -. State library: [Bibliography], 5008 [Schoolcraft]: Bibliographical catalogue of books and other publications in Indian tongues, 6160 Vaughan: Writings of A. B. Prescott, 33 BIBLIOGRAPHIES—Continued Winch ell: List of books and papers pub¬ lished by Prof. Alexander Winchell, 6976 See also Libraries; Michigan. State board of library commissioners Bi-centenary of founding of Detroit, 358 Bicycle routes White: Bicycle routes in Mich., 6897 See also League of American wheelmen. Michigan division Biddle, J. [Communication transmitting abstract of votes on ratification of constitution of 1835], 359 Discourse, 360 Michigan. Historical society: History and scientific sketches of Mich., 3807 Big Dane settlement Rasmussen: Pioneer life, 5927 Bignall, S. L. Michigan. Legislature. House. Special committee: Reports of committee to whom was referred petition to be ad¬ mitted to seat, 4364 Big Rapids Charter, 361 Description [Seely & Lowrey]: Big Rapids, 6199 Directories Bailey: Gazeteer including sketch and business directory, 186 Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Polk, Murphy and co.: Directory, 5790 Ordinances, 362 Phelps free library Finding list, 363 Bill and Bonnell families Detroit tribune: [Scrap-book for genealogy], 1491 Billings, R. Official map of Michigan, 7325 Bills of exchange Bunker: Negotiable instruments law, 492 [Bingham, H. D.] Hist, of substitution of imprisonment for death penalty, 364 -, K. Michigan. Governor: [Messages and communications], 3662-3669 [-, S. D.] Mich, biographies, 365 Biographical history of Genesee co., 366 -northern Mich., 367 - memoirs of St. Clair co., 368 Biographical publishing co. Biographical record, Houghton, Baraga and Marquette cos., 369 -, Oakland co., 370 Portrait and biographical record of Ber¬ rien and Cass cos., 5826 -Muske¬ gon and Ottawa cos., 5842 ---‘Sagi¬ naw and Bay cos., 5847 INDEX 167 BIOGRAPHICAL PUBLISHING COM¬ PANY—Continued -album of Wash¬ tenaw co., 5850 Biographical record, Houghton, Baraga and Marquette cos., 369 -, Oakland co., 370 Biographical sketch of Rev. George Duffield, jr., 371 Biographical sketches of Col. J. H. Mc¬ Laughlin, 3 72 Biographical sketches Abbot, Dr. T. C., 716 Alger, R. A., 3965, 6316, 6648 Anthon, G. C., 8134 Avery, E. M., 5998, 6441 Bagley, J. J., 568, 2205 Baldwin, F. A., 204 Bliss, A. T., 3960 Boltwood, L. M., 6228 Bulkley, J. M., 8176 Cadillac, A. de la M., 531, 8129 Cass, L., 6248 Chandler, Z., 6638, 6639 Chipman, J. L., 6644, 6645 Cocker, B. F., 6977 Doty, H., 159 Drake, E. H., 2952 Duffield, G., jr., 371 Dufur, H. M., 372 Dunster, E. S., 5715 Durant, W. C., 5449 Eaton, J. D., 6089 Fairbank, H. C., 6249 Fairbanks, Mrs. M. A. R., 6250 Farnsworth, E., 567 Ferris, Mrs. N. G., 1686 Ford, M. H., 6643 Foster, W. D., 6307 Fowler, S. W., 1740 Haven, E. O., 6978 Hemans, L. T., 3805 Heyerman, O. F., 5438 Hill, A., 157 Horner, J. S., 2956 Houghton, D., 6971 Hull, W., 705 Jones, D., 2421 Joy, J. F., 6049 Loud, H. M., 2108 Luce, C. G., 3947 McLaughlin, J. H., 372 McMillan, J., 3948, 6647 -, W. C., 6251 Moffatt, S. C., 6640, 6641 Murphy, S. J., 6244 Nicolet, J., 542 Palmer, T. W., 533 Peirce, P. R. L., 5713 Peter, J. W., 2380 Prescott, A. B., 33 Richard, G., 1592 Romeyn, T., 6009 Scott, J., 8126 Shoemaker, M., 6252 Slocum, Mrs. S. T., 6772 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES—Continued Stockbridge, F. B., 6646 Strang, J. J., 6253 Trowbridge, C. C., 566 Walker, J., 2040 Watson, E., 2738 Wedemeyer, W. W., 6649 White, Mr. and Mrs. J., 440 Williams, A. S., 1992, 6637 -, G. P., 570 -, S. P., 6137 Winchell, A., 1800 Woodbridge, Mrs. J. T., 2939 Woodward, A. B., 5474 Wyman, H. C., 6291 See also Michigan. Biographies; co. his¬ tories under names of counties Biography of Gen. L. Cass, 373 Biographies Bates, Autobiography, 241 Biography of L. Cass, 373 Boughton: Selections from autobiog¬ raphy of Rev. J. M. Arnold, 403 Brown: Autobiographical notes by E. L. Brown, 464 -: Memoir of H. B. Brown, 468 Bunn: Life and adventures, 493 [Burroughs adding machine co.]: W. S. Burroughs, 506 Burton: First homoeopathic physician [Dr. John Mosher], 511 Campbell: Revolutionary services and civil life of Gen. W. Hull, 572 Cooper: Life of D. Bacon and A. P. Bacon, 825 Copway: Life, history and travels, 836 De Schweinitz: Life and times of David Zeisberger, 951 Detroit post and tribune: Z. Chandler, 1469 Dionne: G. Richard, 1518, 1519 Dudley: Autobiography, 1552 Forestie: Lamothe-Cadillac, 1732 Hamilton: Incidents and events in life of G. S. Hubbard, 2026 Harris: Public life of Z. Chandler, 2062 Haven: Autobiography, 2087 Hoyt: J. D. Pierce, 2237 Hubbard: Autobiography, 2248 Jackson: Life of W. H. Harrison, 2353 Lane: H. Ford’s own story, 2612 Lanman: Life of W. Woodbridge, 2616 Leeth: Short biography, 2713 Life of Gen. L. Cass, 2739, 2740 McLaughlin: L. Cass, 2847-2851 Meginness: Biography of F. Slocum, 2938 Orcutt: Burrows of Mich., 5607 Palmer: Life of A. F. Palmer, 5631 Parish: G. W. Jones, 5637 Perry: L. H. Stone, 5709 Phelps: F. Slocum, 5730 Pilcher: Life and labors of E. H. Pilcher, 5741 168 INDEX BIOGRAPHIES—Continued Pokagon: O-gi-maw-kwe Mit-i-gwa-ki; biography of Chief by publisher, 5756, 5757 Porter: H. H. Porter, 5808 Public life of L. Cass, with biographical sketch of Gen. W. O. Butler, 5892 Rice: David Zeisberger, 5968 Richardson: War of 1812; with notes and life of author [John Richardson], 5974 Richter: Secrets of taxidermy revealed; life of Wm. Richter, 5977 Rogers: Ponteach; with biography of author, 6008 {Schoolcraft]: Outlines of life and char¬ acter of L. Cass., 6177 Smith: St. Clair papers; life and public services of A. St. Clair, 6318 -: Life and times of L. Cass, 6319 Stephenson: Recollections of a long life, 6396 Verwyst: Life and labors of Rt. Rev. F. Baraga, 6758 Walker: Campaigns of Gen. Custer in Northwest and surrender of Sitting Bull, 6792 Ward: Autobiography of D. Ward, 6796 Wenley: Life and work of G. S. Morris, 6862 White: Early life and later experience and labors of Elder J. Bates, 6896 -: Sketches of Christian life and public labors of W. Miller, 6895 Whittaker: Popular life of Gen. G. A. CimtPT 6914 Williams’: P. White, 6955, 6956 Young: Sketch of life and public services , of Gen. L. Cass, 7057, 7058 See also Biographical sketches; Michigan. Biographies Biology Adams: Ecological survey in northern Mich., 6 Michigan. Geological and biological sur¬ vey: Biennial report, 3577 Parke, Davis & co.: Fifty years of manu¬ facturing, 5640 Ward: Biological examination of Lake Michigan, 6799 See also Michigan. Geological and biological survey Bird, J. S. City of Cold water, 7614 Map [of] Jackson, 7730 Bird day Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Arbor and bird day, 3357 Birds Adams: Ecological survey of Isle Royale, 7 Barrows: Mich, birds, 233, 234 Boies: Catalogue of birds in southern Mich., 394 Butler: Hist., work and aims of Mich. Audubon society, 540 Cook: Birds of Mich., 780, 781 BIRDS—Continued -: English or house sparrow, 800 Detroit. Audubon club: Constitution, 968 Michigan. Ornithological club: Bulle¬ tin, 4783 Pearse: Crawfishes. Insect galls. Birds, 5686 Watkins: Mich, birds that nest in open meadows, 6818 Wood: Notes on birds of Au Sable valley, 7021 -: Notes on spring migration (1907) at Ann Arbor, 7023 -: Some new and rare bird records for Mich., 7024 -: Some records of fall migration of 1906, 7025 -: Twenty-five years of bird migra¬ tion at Ann Arbor, 7026 See also Michigan. Audubon society Birmingham, 374 Dau’s blue book, 913 Births Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to registration, 3835 -. -, -, -.: Laws concerning record, return and compila¬ tion, 3906 See also Marriage and divorce; Michigan. Census; Michigan. Statistics, vital Bishop, L. McCracken: License movement, 2809 Michigan. State teachers’ association: Memorial, 5110 Miscellaneous mss., 8122 Political situation, 375 Bissell, C. L., and co. Mss., 8060, 8099, 8100, 8102, 8110, 8111 -, L. B. Presbyterian pulpit, 5870 -, M. E. Diaries, 8243 Bixby, Mrs. A. F. Historical sketches of Ladies’ library associations, 376 Black, C. A. Michigan. Commission on vagrancy, dis¬ orderly conduct, habitual drunkenness, etc.: Minor offenses, 3268 - , C. P. Does Mich, properly punish crime?, 377 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Com¬ piled laws, 3844 Blackberries Taft: Raspberries, blackberries, grapes, 6475 Blackbird, A. J. History of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, 378 Indian problems, 379 Blackbird [Troop]: Blackbird, a story of Mackinac Island, 6585 Black fly, 380 INDEX 169 BLACK HAWK WAR Thwaites: How G. R. Clark won North¬ west and other essays, 6535 Williams: Mss., 8125 Black Lake [Map of] Holland Harbor and Black Lake, by U. S. War dept., 7943 Pere Marquette railroad co.: Ottawa beach, 5702 Blades, F. A. Detroit. Controller’s office: Compara¬ tive statistics, 1116 -. - -: Compara¬ tive table, 1117 Driving first stake for capitol, 381 Blain. A. W. Map of Elmwood cemetery, Detroit, 7647 Blaine, J. G. Michigan. Legislature: Memorial, 3952 Blair, A. Michigan. Governor: [Messages and communications], 3673-3685 --. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on extension of suffrage to colored persons, 4118 Patton: Address at unveiling of statue, 5674 -•, E. H. Indian tribes of Upper Mississippi valley, 382 Blaisdell, T. C. Renaissance of denominational college, 383 Semi-centennial celebration of M. A. C., 384 Blanchard, J. C. Smith: Full and complete description of centennial celebration in Manistee, 6265 ——R- Colton’s guide map of Michigan, 7269 Discovery and conquests of Northwest, 385, 386 -, W. Z. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion to alter collection law that debtor shall not possess advantage over credi¬ tor, 4551 Bland, J. E. Michigan. Legislature: R. A. Alger, 3965 Blatch, H. S. Rembaugh: Political status of women in U. S., 5946 Blesch, A. F. Contract with O. H. Schneider & co., 8244 Blind, see Defective and delinquent classes; Michigan. Asylum for the deaf, dumb and blind; Michigan. Asylums; Michi¬ gan. Employment institution for the blind; Michigan. School for the blind BLISS, A. T. Michigan and her public institutions, 387 Michigan. Governor: [Messages], 3761- 3763 -. Legislature: Memorial, 3960 [Scrap-book of campaign], 6193 -, A. N. Federal land grants for internal improve¬ ments, 388 -, E. F. Zeisberger: Diary, 7072 - ? Michigan southern and northern Indiana railroad co.: Letter to stockholders, 5414 - , s - White: Sketches of Christian life and public labors of W. Miller, 6896 Blois, J. T. Gazetteer, 389-391 Bloomer, H. B. Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Michi¬ gan corporation law, 3846 Bloomfield Beautiful Bloomfield hills, 323 Bloss, J. B. Special taxation of liquor traffic, 392 Blowe, D. Geographical, commercial and agricul¬ tural view of U. S., 393 Blue sky law, see Corporation law; Invest¬ ment companies Bogs Transeau: Bogs and,bog flora of Huron River valley, 6563 Bogue, E. E. Forestry problem, 1733 Boies, A. H. Catalogue of birds in southern Mich., 394 Bolks, S. Van Raalte: De toestand der Hol- landsche kolonisatie in Michigan, 6748 Bolt, R. A. Juvenile offenders in Detroit, 395 Boltwood, L. M. Sheldon: L. M. Boltwood, 6228 Bonds Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Select committee: Report of committee to investigate alleged misapplication of part paid bonds said to have been paid by Mich, southern railroad co., 4703 See also State bonds Bonner, R. I. History of Adrian, 396 Knapp: Illustrated hist, and biographical record of Lenawee co., 2556 Memoirs of Lenawee co., 397 Whitney: History and biographical record of Lenawee co., 6913 Bonney, C. C. Rules of law*for carriage and delivery of persons and property by railway, 398 Boot and shoe business Farnsworth: Memorandum book, 8395 170 INDEX BOOTH, E. W. Survey of charities and philanthropies of Grand Rapids, 399 -, G. G. Cranbrook press, 400 -, J. C. Geological and topographical map of mineral district of Lake Superior, 7840, 7841 Bordner, J. S. Influence of traction on formation of mechanical tissue in stems of plants, 401 Botany Adams: Ecological survey of Isle Royale, 7 Beal: Michigan flora, 304, 305 -: Observations on leaves of clover, 307 -: Study of plant leaves, 314 Bradford: Brief hist, and outline of work done by botanical club at M. A. C., 421 Burns: Bog studies, 501 -: Preparation for field work, 502 -: River studies, 503 Cowles: Ecological relations of vegeta¬ tion on sand dunes of Lake Mich., 846 Davis: Field work, 927 -: Wood-lot studies, 929 Farwell: Mich, novelties, 1673 -: Notes on Mich, species of poly- gonatum, 1674 [Hubbard]: Geological survey [Michi¬ gan], 2244 Lane: Geological report on Huron co., 2599 Michigan. Academy of science: Report, 2972 -. Geological survey: Annual report, 3559 First bi¬ ennial report, 3565 Sargent: Crataegus in southern Mich., 6139 Transeau: Bogs and bog flora of Huron River valley, 6563 Wheeler: Catalogue of phaenogamous and vascular cryptogamous plants, 6884 Whitford: Genetic development of for¬ ests of northern Mich., 6906 Bottle charts Harrington: Currents of Great Lakes, 2053, 2054 Boudeman, D. Michigan. Political science association: City government, 4792 Boughton, C. Petition, 402 -, Martha A. Selections from autobiography of Rev. J. M. Arnold, 403 [-, Mattie A.] Bay View, 404 Boulton, W. Complete hist, of Alpena county, 405, 406 Souvenir of Alpena, 407 Boundaries, see Michigan. Boundaries BOUNTIES, see Civil war Bouquet’s expedition, 1764 Cort: Col. H. Bouquet, 839 [Smith]: Historical account of expedition against Ohio Indians, 6314, 6315 Whittlesey: Papers relating to expedi¬ tion, 6918 Bourland, B. P. Walter library, 408 Bours, A. L. History of Michigan, 409 Inaugural proceedings, 410 Michigan. Board of state building com¬ missioners: Proceedings at laying of corner stone, 3226 Bouyoucos, G. J. Effect of temperature on soils, 411 Freezing point method as means of deter- . mining acidity and lime requirements of soils, 412 Freezing point method as means of meas¬ uring soil solution, 413 Further studies on freezing point lowering of soils, 414 Investigation of soil temperature, 415 Soil temperature, 416 Bovee, F. N. Lansing, 417 Bowen, A. W., & co. City of Grand Rapids, 680 -, B. F., & co. Automobile and sportsmen’s guide, 418 Biographical history of Genesee co., 366 -northern Michigan, 367 -memoirs of St. Clair co., 368 Deland: Hist, of Jackson co., 942 Michigan state atlas, 7367 Wheeler: History of Wexford co., 6889 1 --, E. Accurate map of North America, 7103 -, H. Mss., 8197 -—, W. P. Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Physical training, 3413 Bowers, L. Powers: Numerous railway cos. vs. Perry F. Powers, 5864 Bowman, J. Clark: Col. G. R. Clark’s sketch, 696 Boylston club; fourth season, 419 Boyne City, Gaylord and Alpena railroad Abbott: Facts about Michigan particu¬ larly that part tributary to the line of B. C. G. & A. R. R., 2 Boyne Falls Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Boynton, N. S. Maccabees, 420 Boys’ and Girls’ clubs Michigan. Agricultural college. Dept, of agricultural education: Junior agri¬ cultural association, 3007 -. Dept, of public instruction: Juvenile corn growing associations, 3394 INDEX 171 BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ CLUBS—Continued See also Clubs; Michigan. Agricultural college. Extension division Boys’ reform school, see Michigan. In¬ dustrial school for boys Bradford, G. M. Brief hist, and outline of work done by botanical club at M. A. C., 421 --, J- B. Petition for revision of Detroit charter, 422 --—, T. G. Michigan and Great Lakes, 7167 Michigan, in Bradford’s Atlas, 7186 ■-, W. J. A. Notes on Northwest, 423 Bradish, A. Memoir of Douglass Houghton, 424 Remarks on fine arts dept., U. of M., 425 Mss., 8197, 8199 Bradley, A., jr. Map of U. S. exhibiting post-roads, situa¬ tions, connexions and distances of post- offices, 7128 -, C. P. Journal, 426 --, I. S. Available material for study of institu¬ tional history of Northwest, 427 Turner: West as field for history study, 6603 Bradrick, C. W. Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to women, 3940 Bradstreet, Col. Hough: Diary of siege of Detroit, 2211 Bradstreet’s book of commercial ratings, 428 Bradstreet’s expedition, 1764 Whittlesey: Papers relating to expedi¬ tion, 6918 Bradway, President Detroit. Real estate board: Inaugural address, 1335 Brady, H. Duffield: Veteran hero, 1556 Brady & co. Bank books, 8245 Check stub-books, 8246 Index book, 8247 Journal, 8248 Letter book, 8249 Sales book, 8250 Brady family Mss., 8115, 8180 Brady guards Detroit. Brady guards: Constitution, 1036 Bramhall, F. J. Facts and figures, 429-431 Michigan central railroad co.: Detroit, 5374 Summer days, 432 Summer note-book, 433 Brampton Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 BRANCH COUNTY Collin: History, 742 [Johnson]: Hist, of Branch co., 2406 Lake: Atlas, 7428 Map, by Geil & Jones, 7427 -, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7429 -, showing territory within which marl deposits of Mich. Portland cement co. are located, 7431 Michigan. Commissioners to review the county seat of Branch co.: Report, 3280 -. Geological survey: Report in relation to iron ore on school section, 3567 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on towns and counties: Report of committee to whom was referred bill to establish seat of justice, 4695 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7430 Portrait and biographical album, 5827 Brant, L. A. Michigan. Legislature: Memorial pro¬ ceedings for Gen. Sherman, 3961 Breakey, W. F. Ann Arbor medical club: Banquet, 132 Unsanitary methods, 434 Break o’day Howe: Break o’day, 2225, 2226 Breakwaters Patrick: Some damage by lake storm, 1913, 5658 Brearley, W. H. Detroit evening news: Grand pleasure excursions, 1440 Breitmeyer, P. Mss., 8168, 8169, 8190 Brenkert, J. W., & co. Street car map of D. U. R., 7999 Brett, W. H. School and library, 435 Brewer, J. H. Michigan. Constitutional convention: Proceedings, 3326 -, M. S. Speeches, 436 Brewster, C. B. [Trowbridge]: Tributes to his memory, 6590 Bridges Michigan bridge and construction co., 5365 Michigan. Highway dept.: General specifications for steel and concrete bridges, 3793 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to highways and bridges, 3875 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on roads and bridges: Report on memorial of L. Ives for authority to maintain bridge at Spring wells, 4224 Tollman: Petition asking laws be amended to allow overseers of highways be appointed and appropriations for roads and bridges be made at noon on election days, 6553 172 INDEX BRIDGMAN, E. C. County and railroad township map of Mich., 7280 Brief examination, of projected system of internal improvements, 437 Brief history of Mich., 438 Brief military record of F. D. Baldwin, 439 Brief sketch of Mr. and Mrs. J. White, 440 Brinton, Mrs. B. “Our boys”, 441 Brion de la Tour, [L.] Carte des Etats-Unis de 1’Amerique septentrionale, 7109 Bristol, T. W. Houghton: Reports, 2214 Map of mineral region of south shore of Lake Superior, 7836 British free trade [Stebbins]: British free trade a delusion, 6388 British museum French-Indian war, 8251 [British North American mining co.] Report, 442 Britton and Gray Ontonagon and state line, 443 Brockway Meech: Port Huron and St. Clair co. directory, 2935 Brockway Centre Meech: Port Huron and St. Clair co. directory, 2935 Brodie, W. Address before State medical society, 444 Bromme, T. Michigan, 445 Brondige, J. E. Pontiac. Ordinances, etc.: Revised ordinances, 5800 Bronson, W. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port upon petition, 4092 Brooks, Rev. C. Mss., 8163 -, J. W. Reply concerning comparative rates, 446 Report on merits of Mich, central as in¬ vestment, 447 •-, N. W. Miscellaneous mss., 8201 Woodbridge: Memorial for relief against taxes and other burthens in 9th ward, Detroit, 7032 -. S - Kalamazoo college: Historical catalogue, 2453 -, T. B. Analysis of cost and description of methods of mining in Marquette re¬ gion, 448 Atlas accompanying report on iron-bear¬ ing rocks, 7814 Iron-bearing rocks, 449, 450 L’Anse, 451 BROOKS, T. B.—Continued Michigan. Geological survey: Upper Peninsula, 3576 Use of magnetic needle, 452 Broomfield, A. Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Com¬ piled laws, 3844 Brosseau, Mrs. A. J. Daughters of the American revolution. Michigan: Report of gifts, 917 Brown, C. B. Volney: View of soil and climate of U. S., 6771 -, C. E. Annual directory of Saginaw valley, 453 Directory of Adrian, 454 -Port Huron, 455 -St. Louis, 456 __ c Govt, of Mich., 457, 458 Michigan circuit court reporter, 459 Michigan nisi prius reports, 460 Old Northwest Territory, 461 -, C. W. Keeping qualities of butter, 462, 463 -, D. W. Michigan. Constitutional convention: Debates, 3319 -, E. L. Autobiographical notes, 464 -, E. O. Two missionary priests at Mackinac, 465 -, F. J. Michigan’s brigade, 466 -, G. Detroit. Board of education: Manual, 1004 -, G. A. Pork production, 467 -, G. P. Marquette. Charters: Charter, 2885 -, H. B. Memoir, 468 Memorial address, 469 -, L. [Michigan. Governor: Communication, submitting papers relating to arrest], 3585 -, M. L. [Map of] Wayne co. and part of Oakland and Macomb, 7601 -, M. R. Michigan, 7315 -, S. B. Free masons. Michigan. Grand lodge: Memorial service, 1761 History of Ransom township, 470 -, S. R. Views on Lake Erie, 471 Western gazeteer, 472 -, T. W. Michigan. Courts: Rules of practice, 3340 -W. E. Indian legendary poems, 474 INDEX 173 BROWN, SMYTH AND NICHOLS Directory of East Saginaw and South Saginaw, 473 Browne, B. V. L. Easter in children’s ward, 475 Story of children’s ward, 476 Brownell, C. H. Michigan. State board of fish commis¬ sioners: Minute upon death, 4882 Browning, F. P. Cash book, 8252 Day books, 8253 Journals, 8254 Ledgers, 8255 -, F., estate Clark: Mss., 8187 Brule, E. Butterfield: Hist, of Brule’s discoveries, 541 Brule River King: Trouting on Brule River, 2531, 2532 Brummelkamp, A. Holland in Amerika, 477 Brunner, A. W. Preliminary report for city plan for Grand Rapids, 478 Brush, E. A. In memoriam, 2304 -, E. E. In memoriam, 2305 -, E. Trowbridge: Mss., 8158 Wilkinson and Post: Mss., 8159 Bruske, A. F. Hist, of Alma college, 479 Brydges, C. J. Detroit and Milwaukee railroad com¬ pany: Mortgage, 1411 Buchanan, J. Speeches on bill to admit Michigan, 480 Buchon, J. A. C. Carte, geographique, statistique et his- torique de Territoire Michigan, 7144 Buck, A. Cash book, 8256 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report of committee to whom was referred petition of, 4450 Buckingham, J. S. Eastern and western states, 481 Buckley, Rev. J. M. Haven: Autobiography, 2087 Buckley and Douglas lumber co. Few facts about farm and fruit lands in western Mich., 482 Buckwheat Beal: Study of wheat and buckwheat, 316 Budget, see Michigan. Budget Buel, A. W., see Buel and Trowbridge Buel and Trowbridge Mss., 8188 Buell, J. One woman’s work, 483 BUGLE blast, 484 Builders of better Detroit, 485 Building and loan associations Michigan. Dept, of state: Report, 3523 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to, 3836 Provident building, loan and savings society, 5888 See also Michigan. Builbing and loan association league; Michigan. Build¬ ing and loan associations Building association Chipman: Petition for act incorporating, 672 Building laws Bulkley: Building laws and ordinances of Detroit, 486 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Hous¬ ing code, 3876 Building supplies, see Brady & co. Buildings Michigan. State board of health: Exami¬ nation of plans for public buildings, 4895 Bulkley, H. C. Building laws of Detroit, 486 -—, J. M. Biographical sketch of in Miscellaneous mss., 8176 Early French settlements on Great Lakes, 487 History of Monroe co., 488 River Raisin monuments, 489 Bull, H. A. Michigan. Political science association: Papers and addresses on primary re¬ form, 4794 Bullen, E. L. Grand Rapids. Ordinances, etc.: Ordi¬ nances, 1911 Bull Run Lyster: Recollections of Bull Run cam¬ paign, 2790 [Bumphrey, M. H.] Soc. of Mich., New York veterans, 490 Buncher, C. Catalogue, 491 Bunker, R. E. Negotiable instruments law, 492 Bunn, M. Life, 493 Burbank, J. Godfroy family: Mss., 8049 Burch, E. P. Telephone rates in Detroit, 494 -, N. H. Gazetteer, 495 -, Polk & co. Grand Rapids directory, 496 Burgess, C. H. Small poultry house, 497 Burkart, J. L. Michigan. State board of health: Re¬ port of tuberculosis survey, 4923 Burlington Nedham: Directory, 5533 174 INDEX BURNET, J. Notes on Northwest Ter., 498, 499 Burnett, T. P. Michigan (Ter.) Legislative council: Re¬ port, 5356 Burnham, E. Rural school efficiency in Kalamazoo co., 500 -, J. K. Burnham vs. Interstate casualty co. of N. Y., 8257 Burns, G. P. Bog studies, 501 Otis: Michigan trees, 5617 Preparation for field work, 502 River studies, 503 - * R - St. Andrew’s society: Anniversary of birth, 6102 Burr, A. R. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report relative to memorial, 4473 -, D. H. Michigan, 7156 Map of northern parts of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois with Mich., and part of Ouisconsin Ter., 7174 -Mich, and part of Wisconsin Ter., 7188 -Mich, and Wisconsin, 7189 - exhibiting country between lakes Mich, and Erie . . . contested boun¬ dary lines, 7382, 7383 Burrows, J. C. Centennial celebration of evacuation of Detroit, 625 Detroit tribune: [New Year’s greetings], 1489 Orcutt: Burrows of Mich., 5607 [Smith]: J. C. Burrows, 6303 [-•]: Why J. C. Burrows should be expelled from U. S. Senate, 6304 Burroughs adding machine co. Collins: Through the Burroughs plant, 743 Instructions for operating, 504, 505 W. S. Burroughs, 506 [Burt, H. A.] Marquette and Mackinac railroad, 507 -, J. Niagara Falls ship canal, 508 -, W. A. Geological map of district of tqwnship lines in Northern Peninsula, 7813 Houghton: Reports, 2214 Burton, C. H. Beginnings of homoeopathy in Detroit, 510 First homeopathic physician, 511 --, C. M. Building of Detroit, 512, 513 “Cadillac’s village,” 514 Chapter in history of Cleveland, 515 [Chronological notes on U. S. history], 8258 BURTON, C. M — Continued Compendium of hist, and biog. of Detroit and Wayne co., 759 [Court and other records], 8259 Detroit bound to be big city, 516 -in earlier days, 517 Detroit. Historiographer: Annual re¬ port, 1191 -. -: History of Detroit, 1192 Detroit, 1814-60, 8260 [-in 1825-27], 8261 [- 1833-35], 8262 [- 1835-37], 8263 - 1836, 8264 [- 1842-43], 8265 [- 1843-45], 8266 [- 1884-45], 8267 -.- 1849, 518, 8268 [- 1850-54], 8269 [- 1900], 8270 Detroit in revolution, 519 -prior to fire of 1805, 7622 -rulers, 520 Diary of Detroit, 8271 Dodge: Narrative during captivity at Detroit, 1532 Early Detroit, 521 Ephraim Douglass, 522 Excursion into early records of Detroit, 523 Frustrated land grab, 524 [History of Griswold street], 525 Historical memoranda of Territory of Mich., 2136 In footsteps of Cadillac, 526 John Connolly, 527 Journal of Pontiac’s conspiracy, 2425 Journal of trip in 1904, 8272 [La Salle and the Griffon], 528 Laws governing execution and recording conveyances, 529 List of streets in Detroit, 530 Mss., 8129, 8170, 8191 -. from Burton historical collection, 2877 Michigan (Ter.) Commission on land titles: Governor and judges journal, 5331 Protestant orphan asylum of Detroit, 8273 Ross: Landmarks of Wayne co. and De¬ troit, 6032 Shandean club, 8274 Sketch of life of Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, 531 Society of colonial wars. Michigan: His¬ torical papers, 6325 -. -: Paul Revere of West, 6327 Utley: Michigan as province, territory and state, 6733 Burton’s abstracts, reports and statistics, 532 INDEX 175 BURTON, M. A. Journal of Pontiac’s conspiracy, 2425 Keep: Guide to Detroit, 2489 Mss. from Burton historical collection, 2877 Michigan (Ter.) Commission on land titles: Governor and judges journal, 5331 T. W. Palmer, 533 Burton genealogy Mss., 8050 Bush, C. P. Michigan, Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report in relation to qualifications to seat, 4040 Bushnell, L. D. Practical use of starters, 534 Bushy Run, Battle of, 1763 [Smith]: Historical account of expedition against Ohio Indians, 6314, 6315 Business album of Grand Rapids, 535 -bibliography Detroit. Public library: Books for business men, 1285 -buildings of Detroit, 536 -colleges Albion commercial college: Circular, 38 Cochran’s commercial institute: Circu¬ lar, 720 See also Ferris institute -corporations, see Corporation law -law Bates: Negotiable instruments law, 239 Bennett: Law of negotiable paper, 344, 345 Meeker: Digest of laws of Mich., 2937 -mss. Abbott: Mss., 8040 Askin family: Mss., 8037, 8130 Bissell & co.: Mss., 8060, 8099, 8100 ' Campau family: Mss., 8145 Clark: Mss., 8187 Emmons: Mss., 8078, 8082, 8090 Godfroy family: Mss., 8049 Holbrook: Mss., 8196 Johnson: Mss., 8119 Maybury: Mss., 8189 Palmer: Mss., 8200 Park and Meldrum: Mss., 8131 Piquette and Reid: Mss., 8048 Sanders: Mss., 8150 Sibley: Mss., 8173 Toms: Mss., 8042, 8069, 8079, 8083, 8085, 8087, 8091, 8093, 8095 Van Dyke and Emmons: Mss., 8094 Williams: Mss., 8038, 8125, 8127, 8128, 8147, 8148, 8151, 8156 Wing: Mss., 8120 See also manuscripts Butler, Gen. A. Miscellaneous mss., 8182 -, C. W. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lution for relief, 4693 BUTLER, E. Potter: History of Barry co., 5855 -, J. D. French footprints beyond lakes, 537, 538 French fortifications, 539 society, 540 -, W. O. Life of Gen. L. Cass, to which is appended sketch of public and private hist, of Major-Gen. Butler, 2740 Public life of L. Cass, with biographical sketch of Gen. Butler, 5892 Butter Anderson: Studies in butterfat, 91 Brown: Keeping qualities, 462, 463 See also Dairying; Milk Butterfield, C. W. Hist, of Brule’s discoveries, 541 Hist, of discovery of Northwest by Nicolet, 542 Washington-Irvine correspondence, 543 -, Rev. H. Q. Addresses at inauguration, 17 -, Rev. I. In memoriam, 2314 -, R. W. Michigan. Political science association: Papers and addresses on primary re¬ form, 4794 Butterworth hospital Annual report, 544 Button, F. Mss., 8152 _ y W. Mss.’ 81*52 Buttrick, G. L. [Guffin]: Report of hearing on school book legislation, 1999 Buxton, Mrs. J. E. Bank book, 8275 Cadillac, A. de la M. Burton: “Cadillac’s village”, 514 -: In foot steps of Cadillac, 526 -: Mss., 8129 -: Sketch, 531 [Contract between Cadillac, J. Arrive & J. Gaultier, & F. Hazeur], 8276 Crowley: Daughter of New France, 869 Detroit. Public library: Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, 1281 Detroit today: Cadillac bi-centenary ed., 1486 Elliott: Comments on memoir, 8382 Farmer: Mss., 8186 Forestie: Lamothe-Cadillac, 1732 Margry: Copies of papers relating to, 8458 Miscellaneous mss., 8122 [Order to Sieur D’Argenteuil to report to Comte de Frontenac], 8277 Viger: Quelques notes, 6764 Wayne co. Historical and pioneer society: Souvenir of Cadillac day, 6831 See also Cadillac mss. 176 INDEX CADILLAC MSS. Archives judiciaries du Dist. de Ouebec, 8278 [Records from French archives], 8279 [Records relating to Cadillac], 8280 Cadillac, Madame M. T. Detroit. Woman’s bi-centenary com¬ mittee: Historical art souvenir, 1362 -: Souvenir of unveiling tablet in memory of, 1363 Cadillac Charter and ordinances, 545 Directory Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Evening news: Atlas of Wexford co., 7603 Michigan. Historical commission: Prize essays, 3803 Schools Course of study, 546 Tract [Map of] Cadillac tract, by Rand, Mc- . Nally & co., 7846 Cadwell, G. B., & co. Atlas of Lenawee co., 7512 Cady, B. D. Port Huron. Charters: Charter, 5814 Cahill, E. President’s address, 547 Calcite Palache: Crystallization of calcite from copper mines of Lake Superior, 5627 Calculating machines .Burroughs adding machine co.: Instruc¬ tions for operating, 504, 505 ‘Calendar of superior court, Grand Rapids, 548 Calhoun, J. C. Speeches on bill for admission of Michi¬ gan, 549 Calhoun county Beers & co.: Atlas, 7434 Business directory, 550 Farm journal directory, 1639 History, 2151 Map, by State geologist, 7432 Map, by Geil, Harley & Siverd, 7433 -, —• U. S. Postoffice dept., 7435 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7436 Polk & co.: Battle Creek city directory, 5760 Portrait and biographical album, 5828 Calkins, A. R. Petition for grant of lands in Allegan co. for railroad, 551 --, R. D. Suggestive outline in geography, 552 Callahan, J. M. Neutrality of American lakes, 553 Callaghan & co. Michigan digest, 554-556 Calumet & Hecla mining co. Summary of operations, 558 U. S. Dept, of labor: Mich, copper dis¬ trict strike, 6664, 6665 CALUMET Board of education Public schools, 557 Directory Polk & co.: Directory, 5764 Calumet mineral region Hulbert: “Calumet-conglomerate”, 2260, 2261 Calumet special map, by U. S. Geological survey, 7765 Calvert lithographing co. Birds eye view of rail and water routes to mineral spring at St. Clair, 8016 Guide map of Detroit, 7662 Map of Detroit, 7653, 7654, 7666, 7669, 7670, 7680, 7684 ■-Detroit railway lines, 7998 [-Michigan], 7268 Calvin college chimes, 559 Cambridge Dewey: Saint Michael’s and all angels' church, 1501 Campaign literature Bagley: Speech, 171 Cass: Address to Democracy of Detroit, 607 Detroit tribune: Increase of state taxes, 1488 Edwin Denby club: For Congress E. Denby, 1581 Facts and arguments against election of Gen. Cass, 1629 Freeman’s pamphlet, 1754 Granger: Progress of radicalism, 1973 Independent labor party. Detroit: Cir¬ cular, 2282 May: Equal suffrage, 2926 Republican party. Michigan. Ingham co.: Address of central committee, 5952 --.-. State cen¬ tral committee: Campaign address, 5953 - -: Evils of free trade, 5955 -: “ Michigan, my Michi¬ gan”, 5956 - -: State and national finances, 5957 [Scrap-book of Gov. Bliss campaign], 6193 Ward: Protection vs. free trade, 6797 Wayne co. Republican club; an organi¬ zation with work to perform, 6832 Williams: Prohibition and woman suf¬ frage, 6936 -: Prohibition reform party, 6937, 6938 Wisner: Address to people of 3d cong. dist., 6997 See also Democratic party; Good govern¬ ment league, Grand Rapids; Michigan. Politics and government; Politics; Re¬ publican party; Whig party INDEX - 177 CAMPAU, D. J. Mss., 8069, 8073 See also Campau family -, E. L. Wilkinson and Post: Mss., 8159 —-, J- Mss., 8069, 8135, 8145 -, J., estate Campau family: Mss., 8074 - ,T.J. See Campau family -, T. and son Map of Grosse Pointe Farms, 7725 -family Mss., 8074, 8077, 8145 Campau vs. Moran Gray: Mss., 8059 Campbell, A. Address on climate, soil, resources, [etc.] of Upper Peninsula, 561 - — c ; Review of pamphlet on Church of Christ, 562 -, C. P. Grand Rapids. Charters: Revised char¬ ter, 1888 -. Ordinances, etc.: Ordi¬ nances, 1912 Index digest of Mich, supreme court de¬ cisions, 563 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Howell’s annotated statutes, 3877 -, E. D. History of chemical laboratory, U. of M., 564 -—, H. C. Radisson’s journal, 565 -, H. J. Shannon: State of Dakota; how it may be formed, 6207 -, J. B. Stockton: Report communicating report of superintendent of mineral lands on Lake Superior, 6415 -, J. V. Biographical sketch of C. C. Trowbridge, 566 Brown: Memorial address, 469 Elon Farnsworth, 567 Hamlin: Legends of Le Detroit, 2029 J. J. Bagley, 568 Judicial system [in Middle West], 569 Mss., 8199, 8281 Memorial discourse on Rev. G. P. Wil¬ liams, 570 Michigan. State teachers’ association: Memorial, 5110 -. Supreme court: Exercises in memory of, 5123 Outlines of political history of Mich., 571 -, M. D. Memorial day in Quincy, 573 -, Mrs. M. H. Revolutionary services and civil life of Gem W. Hull, 572 23 CAMP DEVLIN Michigan national guard: Map, 8030 Camping Northrup: Camps and tramps in Adiron- dacks and Grayling fishing in northern Mich., 5562 Camp Kenmore play school, 560 Campus news notes, 574 Canada Archives Cadillac mss.: Archives judiciaries du dist. Quebec, 8278 - -.: [Records relating to Cadillac], 8280 Documents relating to invasion of Canada and surrender of Detroit, 575 Montreal. Notarial archives: [Rec¬ ords], 8493 [Records relating to Detroit], 8282 Baby: Souvenirs of past, 167 Commerce with U. S. Detroit. Board of commerce: Inter¬ national commerce, 987 Crown lands dept. Plan of north shore of Lake Superior, from Bayfield’s chart, 7917 Custom house Report outward of cargo of steamer Lady Elgin, 8283 Description and travel Darby: Tour, 910 Ferguson: Practical notes made dur* ing tour, 1678, 1679 Flint: Letters, 1711 Fountain: Great Northwest, 1739 Howison: Sketches of Upper Canada, 2236 Rochefoucault Liancourt: Travels through U. S., 5999 Weld: Reise durch Nord Ameri- kanischen freistaaten, 6853 -: Travels through states of North America, 6852 -: Voyage au Canada, 6854 History Cadillac mss.: [Records from French archives], 8279 Crowley: Daughter of New France, 869 Walker: Northwest during revolution, 6787, 6788 Winsor: Pageant of Saint Lusson, 6995 Maps Amerique septentrionale, par le Sr. d’Anville, 7088 Le Canada faict par le Sr. de Cham¬ plain; suiuant les memoires de P. du Val, 7076 Le Canada ou Nouvelle France, par N. Sanson, 7074 Canada, Louisiane et terres Angloises, par le Sr. d’Anville, 7091 Carte du Canada, 7075, 7081 Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France, par G. Delisle, 7100 178 INDEX CANADA—Continued Carte de Nouvelle France [by Nicolas de Fer?], 7084 Carte des pays sous noin Canada, par Sr. Robert de Vaugondy, 7090 Map of New France, by H. Moll, 7083 New map of north parts of America, by H. Moll, 7087 North America. From French of Mr. D’Anville, by Thos. Jefferys, 7094 Partie occidental de Nouvelle France ou du Canada par Mr. Beilin, 7092 Parliament Report on Sault Ste. Marie canal, 576 Southern railway co., Prospectus, 577 See also Northwest Canadian revolt Ross: Patriot war, 6033 Canal lands Howell: Protest against appropriating tolls of St. Mary’s canal to payment due counties for taxes on canal lands, 2231 Canals Detroit. Board of trade: Niagara ship canal, 1028 Keith: Historical sketch of internal im¬ provements, 2490 Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment: Report on survey of canal from Mt. Clemens to Lake Michigan, 3203 New map of Mich., by C. Desilver, 7233 New map of Mich., with canals, roads and distances, 7220 Sabin: Filling and emptying 3rd lock at St. Mary’s Falls canal, 6060 See also Clinton and Kalamazoo canal; Erie canal; Grand Rapids canal; Illinois and Michigan canal; Oswego canal; Saginaw canal; Sault Ste. Marie canal Cane Kedzie: Early amber cane, 2473 Canfield, G. L. [Admiralty notes], 8284 Case books, 8285 Check stub-books, 8286 Diaries, 8287 Canning Cowles: Home canning, 844 Cannon, M. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report [relative to to claim], 4005 Capac Wolverine directory co.: St. Clair co. directory, 7008 Capital punishment [Bingham]: Hist, of substitution of im¬ prisonment for death penalty, 364 Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report on abolishment, 4296, 4297 Seymour: Remarks on bill for establish¬ ment of prison of infamy, 6204 CAPITOL, see Michigan. Capital and cap- itol Carey, M. Map of Ohio, Indiana and Northwest territories, 7129 -part of Northwest Territory, by S. Lewis, 7124 Northwest Territory, 7125, 7127 Upper territories of U. S., 7136, 7137 Cargill, O. F. Mss., 8067 See also Howard and Cargill; Toms, Car¬ gill and Chase Cargill and Chase Toms: Mss., 8095 Carlisle, F. Detroit, 578 Wayne co. Historical and pioneer society: Chronology of notable events, 6830 Souvenir of Cadillac day, 6831 Carlton, R. New purchase, 579 Carnahan, A. L. Development of Lake Superior copper mines, 580 Carniff, J. Toms: Mss., 8069 Caro Government of, 1835 Carpenter, H. B. Michigan. University: What’s what at Mich., 5225 -, R. C. Map of farm garden and lawn of M. A. C., 7858 Carpet beetle Cook: Carpet beetle, 783 Carrere, J. M. Brunner: Preliminary report for city plan for Grand Rapids, 478 Carrier, W. M. Michigan. University. Class of 1873: Record, 5254 Carriers Bonney: Rules of law for carriage and delivery of persons and property by railway, 398 Carter, C. S. Michigan. University. Class of 1870: History of class, 5252, 5253 - T French mission life, 581 [-, W.] Fort Defiance centennial, 582 Carton, A. C. Extracts from addresses, 583-587 Michigan. Public domain commission: Report on feasibility of using pulp and chicory dryers to dry surplus potato crop, 4815 What press can do in development of Mich., 588 See also Michigan. Public domain com¬ mission INDEX 179 CARVER, J. Adventures de, 589 Lee: Bibliography of Carver’s travels, 2708 -: Capt. J. Carver, 2709 Travels, 590-602 Cary, H. Map of Saginaw, 7748 -, J- New map of part of U. S. exhibiting western territory, 7139 - - — U. S. exhibiting western territory, 7130, 7131 Part of U. S. exhibiting Northwest, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois terri¬ tory, 7145 Case, E. C. Allen: Contributions to Pre-Cambrian geology, 55 On a nearly complete skull of Symbos cavifrons leidv, 603 -, J- M. Longyear: Forests, streams, lakes and resources, 2764 -, O. N. Michigan. Legislature: Memorial, 3953 -, W. Journal, 8288 Cash books, see Manuscripts Cass, L. Address before New England society, 604 -Kalamazoo co. agricul¬ tural society, 605 -Mich, agricultural societv, 606 -to Democracy of Detroit, 607 Biography of, 373 Discourse before Historical society of Mich., 608 Drake: Lake Superior railroad; letter to, 1544 Facts and arguments against election of, 1629 In memoriam, 2307 Life of, 2739, 2740 McClelland: Defence of, 2793 McLaughlin: Influence of on develop¬ ment of Northwest, 2846 -: L. Cass, 2847-2851 Mss., 8182, 8203, 8290 Michigan. Historical commission: Lewis Cass day on Mackinac Island, 3802 -. Historical society: Historical and scientific sketches of Mich., 3807 Michigan (Ter.) Governor: Message to legislative council, 5334 Public life of, 5892 Remarks on presentation of resolutions of instruction, 609 Schoolcraft: Map of northwestern ter¬ ritories showing track pursued by expedition under Gov. Cass in 1820, 7140 \ -]: Outlines of life and char¬ acter, 6177 Sketch of life and public services, 6248 CASS, L.—Continued Smith: Fifty years of public life. Life and times of, 6319 vSpeech on construction of Sault Ste. Marie canal, 610 -rivers and harbors, 611 To J. C. Calhoun, 8289 U. vS. 50th cong., 2d sess.: Proceedings upon acceptance of statue of, 6642 U. S. War dept.: Letter transmitting in¬ formation in relation to superin¬ tendency of Indian affairs in Michigan Territory, 6693 Young: Sketch of life and public services, 7057, 7058 See also Michigan (Ter.) Governor Cass code, see Michigan (Ter.) Laws, statutes, etc. Cass county Glover: History, 1819 Lake: Atlas, 7437 Map, by Geil, Harley & Siverd, 7440 --, by U. S. dept., 7439 [Mathews]: History, 2919 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7438 Pioneer picnic: 31st annual picnic, 613 Portrait and biographical record, 5826 Rogers: History, 6005 Cass platform, 612 Casselman, A. C. Richardson: War of 1812, 5974 Castalian, 614 Castle Nowhere Woolson: Castle Nowhere, 7038 Casualties Parker: Legal and other measures for prevention, 5643 Catalogues, see name of Library Catherwood, Mrs. M. H. Chase of Saint-Castin, 615 Heroes of Middle West, 616 Mackinac and lake stories, 617 Story of Tonty, 618-620 White islander, 621 Catholicism Beginning and development of Catholicity in Dearborn, 336 Brown: Two missionary priests at Mackinac; the parish register, 465 Carter: French mission life, 581 Catholic study club, Detroit, 622 Catholic young men’s literary society Constitution, 623 Elliott: Oldest Catholic city in West, 1591 Grand Rapids. Public library: List of books by Catholic authors, 1923 Maes: History of Catholic church in Monroe city and co., 2864 Michigan Catholic bicentenary supple¬ ment, 5366 Potier: Jesuit ms., 5854 Rezek: History of Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie and Marquette, 5966 180 INDEX CATHOLICISM—Continued Souvenir album of Catholic churches, schools and institutions in and around Detroit, 6348 See also Biographical sketches; Biog¬ raphies; Detroit. Catholics; Jesuits; Missions and missionaries; Nazareth academy; Sandwich, Ont. Assumption church; name of institution, local church or organization Catlin, G. B. Ross: Landmarks of Wayne co. and Detroit, 6032 Cattle Anderson: Second report of grade dairy herd, 89 Davenport: Feeding steers, 923 Giltner: Infectious abortion, 1812, 1813 Grange: Experimental work, 1967 -: Tuberculosis, 1971 Hallman: Tuberculin tests, 2021 Johnson: Feeding steers, 2409-2411 Norton: Rearing calves on skim-milk, 5571 Shaw: Dried beet pulp for fattening steers, 6216 [-]: Methods of breeding for im¬ provement of Michigan cattle, 6220 -: Plan for improvement, 6222 West Michigan holstein breeders’ asso¬ ciation: Catalog of annual consign¬ ment sale, 6865 See also Beef; Dairying; Stock food Cedar Springs Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Polk, Murphy and co.: Directory, 5790 Celoron [Celeron], P. J. [Journal of expedition to Ohio in 1749], ‘ 8291 Marshall: De Celoron’s expedition to the Ohio, 2907 Celery Coons: Septoria leaf spot disease or celery blight, 821 Hallagan: Celery culture, 2018 Little: Celery culture at Kalamazoo, 2750 Cejnent Alpena evening echo: Alpena, 74 See also Peninsular Portland cement co.; Portland cement Census, see Michigan. Census; Michigan. Statistics; U. S. Bureau of the census Centennial anniversary celebration at Grand Rapids, 624 Centennial celebration of evacuation of Detroit, 625 Centennial exhibition, see Michigan. State board of centennial managers Central Michigan agricultural society Crapo: Address at sheep-shearing exhi¬ bition, 857 List of premiums, 626 Central Michigan sanatorium, see Michi¬ gan. State sanatorium for the treat¬ ment of tuberculosis I N CENTRAL MINE Geol. sect., by Mich. Geological survey,. 7823 Central railroad [Hurd: Proposition to lease Central rail¬ road], 2270 Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment : Communication relative to labor, 3176 -: Communication [showing num¬ ber of tons and size of railroad iron purchased for], 3177 Report relative to, 3190 -: Report specifying number of passengers carried free of charge, 3197 Report in relation to, 3198 -: Report in compliance with reso¬ lution of senate, 3201 -: Report relative to damages for right of way, 3204 -: Report relative to amount ex¬ pended in building and construction to Jackson], 3210 [ - . - — - -: Report relative to number of passengers], 3211 [-•- -: Statement of indebtedness of internal improvement fund for and on account of], 3212 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Minority report of committee to whom was referred bill to amend act to authorize sale of, 3995 -.-———-. -. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port on propriety of leasing, 4093 -.-.-. Select committee: Report on sale of works of internal improvement. 4344 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port in regard to leasing, 4526 -»-: Re¬ port of committee to whom was re¬ ferred proposition to lease, 4546 Titus: Proposition to lease, 6548 Van Buren co. Citizens: Proceedings of meeting at Paw Paw on extension or completion, 6735 See also Michigan central railroad Cephalopoda Winchell: Notice of rocks lying between carboniferous limestones of Lower Peninsula, 6982 Ceremonies at dedication of Gilbert memorial, 627 INDEX 181 CERESCO Nedham: Directory, 5533 Chadsey, C. F. Attitude of education toward mouth hygiene in schools, 628 Chamberlain, D. H. State judiciary, 629 [Chamberlain, L. H.j Memoirs, 630 Champion Holland: Gazetteer of Marquette co., comprising directory of Champion, 2184 Champion mine Map, by Mich. Geological survey, 7824 Champlin, C. Mss., 8171 -,.J. W. Industrial prosperity, 631 Michigan. Political science association: City government, 4792 Chancery, see Masters in chancery; Michi¬ gan. Chancery court; Michigan. Courts Chandler, W. History of St. Mary’s Falls ship canal, 632-634 -, Z. Detroit post and tribune: Z. Chandler, 1469 Harris: Public life, 2062 Mss., 8197 Pierson: Doric pillar of Mich., 5738 Smith: On occasion of acceptance of statue of, 6313 U. S. 46th Cong., 2d sess.: Eulogies on, 6638 —. —. - -., -.: Memorial addresses on life and character, 6639 —. —. 63d —., 1st-.: Statue of Z. Chandler, 6650 Chaney, H. A. Alien suffrage, 635 Digest of decisions of Supreme court, 636-639 Digest of Michigan reports, 640 Jacobs: Digest of decisions of Supreme court, 2375 Michigan. University. Class of 1869: U. of M. Class of sixty-nine, 5251 Supreme court of Mich., 641 Channing, E. Hart: Documents illustrating state land claims and cessions, 2063 -: Documents relating to territorial administration, 2064 Story of Great Lakes, 642 Chapel and Price Michigan. Dept, of state: Communi¬ cation in reply to resolution relative to settlement, 3488 Chapin, H. H. Adrian city directory, 643 City directory of Ann Arbor, 644 Mich, state gazetteer, 645 -, J. H. [Autographs], 8292 CHAPMAN, C. C., & Co. History of Kent co., 2156 -Saginaw co., 2167 -Washtenaw co., 2174 -, H. H. Woolsey: Norway pine in lake states,. 7035 " -, N. Heineman: Jewish trader during Pon¬ tiac’s siege, 2100 S. Menominee iron range, 7831 Sectional map of region around Lake Superior, 7400 W. H. Peck: Memorial relative to state agri¬ cultural college, 5689 brothers Portrait and biographical album of Barry and Eaton cos., 5825 -Branch co., 5827 -Calhoun — Clinton and Shiawassee cos., 5829 record of Genesee, co., 5828 Lapeer and Tuscola cos., 5830 --album of Gratiot co., 5832 co., 5833 and Livingston cos., 5834 and Montcalm cos., 5835 co., 5836 co., 5837 co., 5831 -Hillsdale Huron - Ingham Ionia - Isabella - Jackson Kala¬ mazoo, Allegan and Van Buren cos., 5838 -Lenawee — Mecosta — Midland — Newayco — Oakland — Osceola — St. Joseph — Sanilac co., 5839 co., 5840 co., 5841 [Newaygo] co., 5844 co., 5845 co., 5846 co., 5848 co., 5849 Charitable institutions Kundig: Exposition of facts relating to, 2580 182 INDEX CHARITIES, see Michigan. Board of state commissioners for the general supervision of charitable, penal, pauper and reforma¬ tory institutions; Michigan. Charities and corrections; Michigan. Commission on extent of mental defectiveness; Michi¬ gan. State board of corrections and charities; names of cities for charitable organization Charity Islands Ruthven: Miscellaneous papers on zoology, 6057 Charity organization society Report, 646 Charlevoix, P. F. X. de Farmer: Mss., 8186 Charlevoix county Map, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7441 Traverse region, 6580 Charlevoix Harbor [Map of] Pine Lake including Charlevoix Harbor, by U. S. War dept., 7910 Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 Charlevoix summer resort Plan, by H. S. Stebbins, 8031 Charlotte Charter and ordinances, 647 Community association By-laws, 648 Charming Adrian, 649 Charters Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report rela¬ tive to power of legislatures to amend, 4116 -. State library. Legislative reference dept.: Local, special and private legislation, 5065 Chase, M. A., see Toms and Chase; Toms, Cargill and Chase -, O. M. Michigan. State board of fish commis¬ sioners: Minute upon death, 4882 -r» T * R - Michigan. University: Mich, univer¬ sity book, 5202 - , W. H. Sons of the American revolution. Dis¬ trict of Columbia society: Battle fields of Maumee valley, 6334 Dr. Chase’s steam printing house, 650 Chattanooga, Battle of [Belknap]: Hist, of Michigan organiza¬ tions at, 337, 338 Chattel mortgages Bahlke: Chattel mortgage, 172 Chatterton, M. D. Probate law, 651 Chautauqua, see National chautauqua asso¬ ciation Cheboygan Democrat: Cheboygan, 652 Description Cheboygan Democrat: Cheboygan, 652 CHEBOYGAN—Continued Directory Polk & co.: Directory, 5763, 5765 Cheboygan county Baker: County school manual and his¬ tory of school dists., 188 Cheboygan realty co.: Land of oppor¬ tunity, 653 Map, by H. C. Thompson, 7442 Polk & co.: Directory, 5765 Robinson: History, 5992 Traverse region, 6580 Ware: Centennial history, 6800 Cheboygan Harbor Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 Cheboygan realty co. Land of opportunity, 653 Checks Bates: Negotiable instruments law, 239 Cheese Baker: Sickness in Mich., caused by poisonous cheese, 197 Marshall: Grassy curd, 2898 Michels: Cheese problems, 2969 Cheeseborough, Mrs. A. T. Index book, 8293 Journal, 8294 Ledger, 8295 Cheever, N. W. Corporation form book, 654 Law and practice of probate courts, 655- 657 Pleasant walks and drives about Ann Arbor, 658 Stories and amusing incidents in early hist, of U. of M., 659 Chelsea Pray: Washtenaw co. directory, 5866 Wendell directory co.: Washtenaw co. directory, 6861 Chemistry Detroit. Public library: Chemistry, selected list of books, 1299 Cheney, S. Art theatre, 660 Chesaning, see Quadrangle maps Chesbrough, E. S. Sketch of plans and progress of Detroit River tunnel, 661 Chester, G. M. Martha Washington tea party, 662 Chew, J. Miscellaneous mss., 8172 -, s. Mason: Mss., 8127 Chicago Chicago and Aurora railroad Joy: Mss., 8136 Chicago and Michigan grand trunk rail¬ road co. Bancroft: Railway outlet to seaboard, 214 Emmons: Mss., 8041 Chicago and Michigan lake shore railroad Joy: Mss., 8136, 8138 INDEX 183 CHICAGO—Continued Chicago and northwestern railway co. Indian, The, the Northwest, 663 Joy: Mss., 8136 Lakes and resorts, 664 Only seven hours ride from Chicago to Menominee co., 665 Summer holiday, 666 Chicago and west Michigan railway co. Tours, 667, 668 Chicago, Burlington and Ouincy railroad Joy: Mss., 8136, 8138 ~ Chicago, Clinton, Dubuque and Minne¬ sota railroad Joy: Mss., 8136, 8138 Fire, 1871 Michigan. Lumbermen: Facts and figures against passage of Chicago relief bill, 4768 History, see Northwest Illinois national half-century exposition, 1915 Michigan. Freedmen’s progress com¬ mission: Mich, manual, 3550 World’s Columbian exposition Michigan. State board of health: Relative to board of health exhibit, 4920 Chickamauga, Battle of [Belknap]: Hist, of Michigan organiza¬ tions at, 337, 338 Chickamauga U. S. Military park Ranney: Address delivered at dedication of regimental monument, 5918 Children Ann Arbor public library: Classified list of books for younger readers, 135 Courtis: Manual for giving and scoring tests in three R’s, 842 Detroit. Children’s free hospital asso¬ ciation: Annual report, 1085 •-. Public library: Children's books, 1300 —-.-: Children’s cata¬ log, 1301 --. Society for the prevention of cruelty to children: Annual report, 1346 Lapeer training school for teachers: Sum¬ mer school for teachers of backward and mentally defective, 2680 Michigan. Dept, of labor: Sections of act relating to employment of females and minors, 3352 --. Dept, of public instruction: Law on labor permits, 3399 Michigan manual, 3410 Preferred list of books, 3416-3418 Selected list of children’s books, 3432 Suggestions for manual training, 3444 CHILDREN—Continued Supplementary catalog of preferred list of books, 3449 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws re¬ lating to juvenile courts, child caring and placing agencies, 3849 -.-,-.-.: Laws re¬ lating to juvenile courts, 3893 -.: Laws re¬ lating to juveniles, 3894 -.: Act cre¬ ating Dept, of labor, 3896 Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tions in relation to selling lands by minors, 4130 State library: First selection of 500 books, 5037 Preferred list of pictures for children and young people, 5045 Legislative ref¬ erence dept.: Laws relating to mini¬ mum wage, 5057 -. State normal college. Library: Public school libraries, 5083 State public school: Laws relating to establishment and govern¬ ment, and other laws relating to chil¬ dren, 5103 Power: Selected list of children’s books for school libraries, 5860 Randall: L’etat et l’enfant, 5914 -: Protection de l’enfance, 5915 Van Leuven Browne national magazine, 6747 See also Detroit. Protective agency for women and children; Michigan. State public school Childs, B. F. Marquette, Mackinac Island and the “Soo”, 669 Chilson, McKinley & co. Lansing city directory, 2674 Chilton, J. R. Lake Superior iron, 670 -, W. E. State claims Northwest Territory, 671 Chipman, H. Petition, 672 -"» J* L * . . Democratic association of Detroit : Cele¬ bration of anniversary of Battle of New Orleans; speech by, 945 U. S. 53d Cong., 1st sess.: Memorial ad¬ dresses on life and character, 6644 U. S.-.,-.:- - f 6645 Chippewa county Map, by H. C. Thompson, 7442 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report relative to contested seat, 4039 184 INDEX CHIPPEWA COUNTY—Continued -. —--.-. Select committee: Report on contested seat, 4300 Chippewa Indians Jones: History of Ojebway Indians, 2424 Keating: Travels in interior of North America, 2466 Kohl: Kitchi-gami, 2575 Long: Voyages and travels of Indian interpreter and trader, 2759 McKenney: Sketches of tour to lakes, 2835 Memorial in favor of Maine law, 673 Miscellaneous mss., 8126 Schoolcraft: Narrative of expedition through upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, 6174 -: Summary narrative of ex¬ pedition to sources of Mississippi, 6182 See also Indians Chittenden, A. K. Christmas tree plantations, 674 Cholera Michigan. State board of health: Pre¬ vention and restriction, 4905, 4906 See also Hogs Christian Reformed church Michigan Christian teachers’ institute: Six lectures, 5384 Christian temperance union, see Woman’s Christian temperance union of Michigan Christiancy, I. P. Graves: I. P. Christiancy, 1975 Speech at Monroe, 675 Christmas Pattengill: Special day exercises, 5672 Chronicle, 676 Church and state McCracken: Sunday laws, 2818 Church work in Michigan Hastings: Mss., 8131 Churches, see name of denomination; name of church Cicotte, E. V. Reminiscences, 8296 Cilley, J. Parish: G. W. Jones, 5637 Cimmerer, J. A. Saginaw. Board of trade: Fiftieth year, 6071 Circuit court commissioners, see Michigan. Circuit court commissioners Circuit courts Brown: Mich, circuit court reporter, 459 -: Mich, nisi prius reports, 460 See also Courts; Michigan. Circuit courts; Michigan. Supreme court; U. S. Circuit court; U. S. Circuit and district courts Circuit judges Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report rela¬ tive to pay of, 4552, 4553 Citator, 677 CITIES Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Incor¬ poration of cities, 3837, 3838 Powell: Historic towns of western states, ^ 5858 Smith: Influence of sewerage and water- supply on death-rate, 6295 See also Michigan. Cities; Municipal government; Municipal indebtedness Citizens telephone co. Grand Rapids exchange directory, 678 Citizenship Detroit: Public library: Useful books, 1329 See also Americanization; Foreigners City of Ann Arbor, 679 -Grand Rapids, 680 -Saginaw, 681 -St. Ignace, 682 -Toledo (steamer) Ledger, 8297 Civic affairs, 683 Civic club of Grand Rapids Annual report, 684 Constitution, 685 Report on sheriff’s office, 686 Civic news, 687 Civil procedure Cummins: New Mich, judicature act, 880 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Judica¬ ture act, 3892 ————. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on resolution respecting amendment to act to regulate and define powers of justices of peace and constables, 4129 Whitehouse: Mich, judicature act of 1915, 6900 Civil war Alger: Eulogy on Gen. Sheridan, 42 Augustus Caesar Baldwin, 161 Barnes: Speech on state of union, 230 Barrett: Reminiscences of 4th Mich, in¬ fantry, 231 [Belknap]: History of Mich, organiza¬ tions at Chickamauga, Chattanooga and Missionary Ridge, 337, 338 Bennett: Historical sketches of Ninth Mich, infantry, 343 Berry: Thirteenth reunion, 16th Mich, infantry, 353 Brown: Michigan’s brigade, 466 Bugle blast, 484 [Bumphrey]: Society of Mich., N. Y. veterans, 490 Clowes: Detroit light guard, 712 Crotty: Four years campaigning in army of Potomac, 867 Cummings: Great war relic, 878, 879 Curtis: History of Twenty-fourth Mich., 884 Cutcheon: Story of Twentieth Mich, infantry, 896 Detroit tribune: Veteran soldiers’ and sailors’ handbook, 1492 INDEX 185 CIVIL WAR—Continued Dodge: R. H. Hendershot, 1533 Duffield: Our soldier dead, 1558 Dumont: Official report of Battle of Lebanon, Tenn., 8379 [Durant]: History of Oakland co., 1563 Fowler: Autobiographical sketch, 1740 Granger: Progress of radicalism, 1973 Gunn: Memorial sketches of Dr. M. Gunn, 2000 Harper’s and St. Mary’s hospitals: Mss., 8155 Harris: Mich, cavalry at Gettysburg, 2058 -: Personal reminiscences, 2059 -: Stories, 2060 -: Story of rebellion, 2061 -: Public life of Z. Chandler, 2062 fHewes]: Hist, of formation, movements, [etc.] of Tenth Mich, infantry, 2109 Howard: Mss., 8044 Howard and Welch: Mss., 8142 Isham: Historical sketch of 7th regt. Mich, volunteer cavalry, 2345 -: History of Detroit light guard, 2347 Kidd: Mich, cavalry brigade in wilder¬ ness, 2527 ——: Personal recollections of cavalry¬ man, 2528 [Lane]: Soldiers’ diary, 2611 Lanman: Red book of Mich., 2617 Lee: Personal and historical sketches of 7th regt., Mich, cavalry, 2710 [Lester]: Semi-centennial roster of 9th Mich, infantry, 2721 List of volunteers from county of Wayne, 2749 Longyear: Memorial for re-establish¬ ment of military state agency, 2765 Lossing: [Papers representing material used in history], 8445 Lyster: Recollections of Bull Run cam¬ paign, 2790 Michigan. Adjutant general’s office: Flags, 2974 -.-: Mich. in the war, 2975 -- : Rec¬ ord of service of Mich, volunteers, 2976 -- : Rec¬ ord of service. Index, 2977 -.-: Rec¬ ord, 3rd Mich, cavalry, 2978 -.-: Re¬ port, 2979 -. Attorney general's office: Communication on bill to enable elec¬ tors in military service to vote, 3047 -. Auditor general’s office: Er¬ roneous bounties, 3122 -. Commissioner of the Gettys¬ burg cemetery: Report, 3269 -. Dept, of state: Act authoriz¬ ing Mich, soldiers to vote, 3466 CIVIL WAR—Continued -. Gettysburg battle field com¬ mission: Mich, at Gettysburg, 3583 -. Governor: Communication transmitting statement of arms and military equipment of state, 3674 -. Industrial school for boys: Communication in answer to inquiries [relative to number enlisted in military service], 3817 -. Infantry. 11th regiment: Proceedings of annual reunion, 3818 -. . 26th regiment: Fourth annual reunion, 3819 -. Infantry association: Roster of 17th regiment, 3820 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the revision of the constitu¬ tion: Report relative to disfranchising deserters from military service, 4013 -. -. -. Commit¬ tee on elections: Report relative to bill to enable qualified electors in military service to vote, 4050 -: Minority report on subject of allowing disqualified electors in military service to vote, 4051 -. -. . Commit¬ tee on the state prison: Report relative to employing convict labor in manufac¬ ture of fire arms, 4215 -. - 1 -. -—. Commit¬ tee on the reform school: Report rela¬ tive to using labor of reform school for manufacture of fire-arms, 4222 -. -. . Commit¬ tee on war bounties: Report in obedi¬ ence to resolution, 4248 -: Report relative to bill to authorize townships to raise money for war bounties, 4249 -. -. -. Commit¬ tee on ways and means: Report rela¬ tive to providing military fund in aid of volunteer militia, 4270 -: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred petitions relative to pay of bounties to volun¬ teers, 4286 -: Report rela¬ tive to condition of war loan bounty fund, 4288 -- -. -. Select committee: Report on soldiers’ suf¬ frage, 4354 -.-. Select committee of senate and committee on ways and means of the house: Report in relation to legalization of action of towns and counties in raising bounties for volun¬ teers, 4417 186 INDEX CIVIL WAR—Continued -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on federal relations: Report relative to armory in Northwest, 4462 - — - -: Report relative to exchange of prisoners, 4464 -: Report of committee to whom was referred por¬ tions of governor’s messages relating to state of union, 4466 -: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lutions on state of union, 4467 -. -. -———. Commit¬ tee on finance: Report relative to con¬ dition of war fund, 4491 -. -. -. Commit¬ tee on the judiciary: Report relative to constitutionality of law to enable electors in military service to vote, and vote outside of state, 4573, 4574 -. -. -. Commit¬ tee on the state prison: Report rela¬ tive to employing portion of convict labor in manufacture of fire arms, 4616 -. -. -. Commit¬ tee on privileges and elections: Report in reference to bill to enable qualified electors in military service to vote, 4631 -. —-.-. Select committee: Report of committee to whom it was referred to ascertain what legislation is needed in regard to rais¬ ing bounties for volunteers, 4735 -: Report of committee on soldiers’ suffrage, 4745 -. -. -. Special committee: Report of committee to inquire into military expenditures of state during last year, 4756 -: Report of committee to whom was referred resolutions of general assembly of Virginia, 4760 -.-. Select joint com¬ mittee: Report of minority of com¬ mittee on soldiers’ suffrage, 4761 -. Soldiers’ relief association: Report, 4843 Military order of the loyal legion of the U. S. Michigan commandery: By-laws, 5436 Circu- lar[s], 5437 In me- • • • moriam, O. F. Heyerman, 5438 CIVIL WAR—Continued —. —.-: Supple¬ mentary proceedings of regular monthly meeting, 5440 —. —.-: War papers, 5441 Mizner: Mss., 8492 Norton: Strong Vincent and his brigade at Gettysburg, 5572 O’Brien: Forgotten heroines, 5580 Owen: First Michigan infantry, 5620 Palmer: Mss., 8200 -: “To the soldier dead”, 5633 Ranney: Address at dedication of regi¬ mental monument in Chickamauga U. S. Military park, 5918 -: Reminiscences of an army sur¬ geon, 5923 Rice: Diary of 19th Mich, infantry, 5967 Roster of 20th Mich, infantry, 6034 Smithe: Glimpses of places and people and things, 6320 Tappan: Message to law congress of U. of M., 6501 Thatcher: Hundred battles in West, 6516' Tivy: Souvenir Of 7th, 6549 Travis: Story of 25th Mich. ; 6581 Trowbridge: Mich, troops in Battle of Gettysburg, 6592 Union league of America. Michigan. Grand council: Abstract of proceed¬ ings, 6614 -: Proceedings, 6615 Veteran publishing co.: The veteran, 6761 Wells: “With touch of elbow,” 6859 Williams: Michigan first regiment, 6954 Withington: First call of civil war, 7000 -: Michigan in opening of war, 7001 Woman’s relief corps. Dept, of Michigan: Journal of annual convention, 7011 Roll of members, 7012 Corps no. 7: Roster of members, 7013 See also Grand Army of the republic; Michigan. Adjutant general’s office; Michigan. History; Michigan. Quar¬ termaster general’s office; Soldiers; U. S. General hospitals; Woman’s re¬ lief corps Clapperton, G. W. Address; taxation in constitution, 688 Clare county Map of Gladwin and Clare co. lands, 7854 Clark, A. A. Decoration day at Flushing, 689 Discussion of sewerage and drainage of Ludington, 690 Obituary notice, 5578 Sewerage and drainage of Battle Creek,. 691 of members, 5439 INDEX 187 CLARK, C. F. Detroit city directory, 1421 -F. N. Disadvantage of planting small fish, 692 Report on distribution of fish and eggs from Northville and Alpena stations, 693 -, F. C. State railroad commissions, 694 •-, G. R. English: Conquest of Northwest, 1602 G. R. Clark papers, 695 Col. Clark’s sketch of his campaign in Illinois, 696 Hulbert: Military roads in Mississippi basin, 2259 Martindale: Loughery’s defeat, 2913 Schuyler: Transition in Illinois from British to American govt., 6187 Thwaites: How G. R. Clark won North¬ west, 6535 _ Q 'J' Map of Flint, 7704 -, J. Account with A. Earl, 8298 Mss., 8187 -, J. T. Communication on Sault Ste. Marie canal, 697 -, J. F. Michigan. Forestry commission: Mich. forestry, 3547 Woodlot forestry, 698 -, L. T. Suggestions concerning legume innocu- lation, 699 -. N. W. Pisciculture, 700 - . °* Seymour: Memorial in relation to bill to keep up dam on Flint River, 6205 -, R. W. New England in Northwest, 701 [Trowbridge]: Tributes to his memory, 6590 -, W. H. Michigan. Legislature. House. Special committee: Report of committee to whom was referred petition asking in¬ vestigation of acts of A. N. Hart, 4365 -, W. W. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port [relative to bill for relief], 4527 Clark’s, Misses, young ladies’ seminary Prospectus, 702 Report and catalogue, 703 Clark mineral springs, 704 Clarke, H. K. Detroit. Westminister Presbyterian church: Twenty-fifth anniversary, 1361 See also Lockwood and Clarke CLARKE, J. F. Campbell: Revolutionary services and civil life of Gen. W. Hull, together with history by, 572 William Hull, 705 -, J. H. Memoirs of asylum life, 706 -, R. E. Notes from copper region, 707 W. Hidi, C 708 Clarke family genealogy Detroit tribune: [Scrap-book], 1491 Clarksville Polk & co.: Directory, 5772 Classified business directory of Grand Rapids, 709 Classical conference, see Michigan. Classi¬ cal conference Classical literature Michigan. Schoolmasters’ club: List of books recommended for high school classical library, 4837, 4838 Clavers, Mrs. M., see Kirkland, Mrs. C. M. Clay Ries: Clays and shales of Mich., 5980 Clayton, E. B. Town of Huron, at foot of Lake Huron, 6561 -, J. M. Lyon: To Hon. J. M. Clayton, 2782 Clearing of land McDowell: Farming on cut-over lands, 2828 Clemenc, A. Cochran: Heroine not in society columns, 719 Clements, J. M. Crystal Falls iron-bearing dist., 710 — : — > s - . . Itinerant ministry, 711 Cleveland, A. J. Birds eye view of Hancock, 7726 Cleveland Blanchard: Discovery and conquests of Northwest, 386 Burton: Chapter in history of Cleveland, 515 Climate Baker: Climate and health, 193 Climax Nedham: Directory, 5533 Climax insurance co. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on insurance: Report, 4091 Clinton and Kalamazoo canal Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment: Report concerning number of engineers, 3187 -: Report, 3191 -: Report in compliance with reso¬ lution of senate, 3201 188 INDEX CLINTON AND KALAMAZOO CANAL— Continued [- • .- -]: Report on Cedar and Grand River branch, 3209 -. Governor: Special message [transmitting petition of contractors], 3611 -. Legislature. House. Com- • mittee on federal relations: Report relative to construction, 4060 -.-.-. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port upon petition of W. Bronson, con¬ tractor, 4092 - . - . - . [ - -]: Re¬ port [supplementary to report on so much of governor’s message as relates to internal improvement], 4094 -: Re¬ port of committee to whom was re¬ ferred petition for constructing, 4095 -.-. —-. Select committee: Report upon expediency of completing part of, 4301 -.-. Senate. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report relative to petition of contractors, 4451 -.-.-. Select committee: Report upon expediency of completing part of, 4704 Clinton county Avery: Overflowed lands on Maple River, 165 Daboll: Past and present, 905 History, 2171 Lake: Atlas, 7443 Leach: Ancient mounds, 2699 Map, by U. S. Postofflce dept., 7444 -, by Geil & Harley, 7446 -of Lansing and adjoining towns em¬ bracing portions of, by Macy & Driggs, 7736 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7445 Portrait and biographical album, 5829 Clinton River Detroit. Ste. Anne’s church. Exterior parishes: Registre, 8330 Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment: Report in relation to improve¬ ment, 3202 -. Legislature: Memorial and resolutions relative to improvement, 3959 -.-. House. [Com¬ mittee on internal improvement]: Re¬ port [supplementary to report on so much of governor’s message as relates to internal improvement], 4094 Plat, 7960 Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 CLINTON SALT WORKS Co. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Report of committee to whom was re¬ ferred bill to incorporate, 3988 Clio Polk & co.: Directory, 5768 Clothing business Elliott: Journal, 8385 -: Letter books, 8386 Cloths Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on manufactures: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lution inquiring into expediency of en¬ couraging manufacture of linen, cotton and woolen cloths, 4177 Clover Beal: Observations on leaves of, 307 -: Study of seeds of timothy and red clover, 315 Crozier: Crimson clover, 872 Michigan. Agricultural college. Experi¬ ment station: Alsike clover, 3013 - -: Doubtful substitutes- for clover, 3016 Shoesmith: Sweet clover, 6240 Wheeler: Insects of clover field, 6885 Clowes, W. F. Detroit light guard, 712 Club register co. Annual directory of women’s clubs, 713 Clubb, H. S. Michigan. Constitutional convention: Tournal of Constitutional commission, 3322 Michigan legislative excursion, 714 Spring Lake, 715 Clubs Lindemann: Twelve projects for Mich, clubs, 2747 Michigan. State Library: Outline of study for use of clubs, 5044 -.-: Study clubs, 5049 See also Women. Clubs Clute, O. Dr. T. C. Abbot, 716 Education at M. A. C., 717 Michigan. Agricultural college: Bread, brawn, brain, 2987 Spurry [and] flat pea, 718 Coal Lane: Coal, 2597 Michigan. Geological survey: Coal ip lower Mich., 3561 Schaefer: Coal fields of Saginaw, 6152 Coal mines and mining Cooper: Geological report on Bay co., 831 Lane: Northern interior coal field, 2606 Michigan. Dept, of labor: Annual re¬ port, 3353 See also Mines and mineral resources INDEX 189 COAST PILOT Scott: New coast pilot for lakes, 6189 Coates, J. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report in relation to qualifications to seat, 4040 Cobb, F. J. Society of colonial wars. Michigan: Historical paper, 6324 Cochran, N. D. Heroine whose name is not found in society column, Annie Clemenc, 719 Cochran’s commercial institute Circular, 720 Cocker, B. F. Winchell: Memorial discourse on life and services, 6977 --, W. J. Civil govt, of Mich., 721-725 Cockran, J. L. Marquette. Charters: Charter, 2883 Codd, G. P. Detroit. Mayor: Message, 1225 Codling-moth Pettit: Codling-moth, 5717 Coe, G. A. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on privileges and elections: Re¬ port of committee to whom was re¬ ferred memorial of G. A. Coe who claims to have been elected senator, 4627 „ Coffin, L. Reminiscences, 726 Coffinberry, S. C. Democratic association of Detroit: Cele¬ bration of anniversary of Battle of New Orleans; speech by, 945 --, W. L. Ellsworth’s addition to Grand Rapids, 7724 Colbert, R. J. Ruthven: Miscellaneous papers on zoology, 6057 Colby, C. G. Michigan, 7237 Col. Clayton’s lake tour, 727 Coldwater Alden: State public school, 40 Board of health Annual report, 728 Board of public works First annual report, 729 Charter and ordinances, 730 Coldwater, Marshall & Mackinac rail¬ road co. Statement, 735 [Coldwater Republican?] Agricultural college, 736 Directory Coldwater, Mich.; pictorial . city di¬ rectory, 734 Free public library Catalogue, 731, 732 Ladies’ library association Catalogue, 733 COLDWATER—Continued Lewis art gallery Catalogue, 2733 Map City of Coldwater, by Willits & Waters, 7614 Methodist Episcopal church Robinson: Centenary sermon. Propa- gandism of Christianity as exem¬ plified in planting and growth of Methodism in U. S., Michigan and Coldwater, 5993 State public school, see Michigan. State public school Cole, E. J. Grand Rapids flora, 737 -, J. H. Michigan. Governor: Official manual and directory, 3746, 3747 -» L - J: Delta of St. Clair River, 738 Cole and Demar [Birds eye view of] Grand Rapids, 7713 Cole & Keating’s Ann Arbor directory, 739 Coleman, H. Pontiac daily press, 740 Coles, E. History of Ordinance of 1787, 741 Collar & Greiner City of Grand Rapids, 7712 Collector of customs, see Customs Colleges Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on education: Report relative to appropriation of swamp lands in aid of, 4460 -. State teachers’ association: Memorial asking portion of proceeds from swamp lands, 5111 See also names of colleges Collin, H. P. Twentieth century history of Branch county, 742 Collins, J. B. Through Burrough’s plant, 743 -, W. H. Sermon at burial of Mrs. C. Jaquith, 744 Collins iron co. Trowbridge: Mss., 8204 [Colonial club of Grand Rapids], 745 Colonial dames, see National society of the colonial dames of America Colonial governors, see Order of the de¬ scendants of colonial governors. Michi¬ gan Colonial wars, see Society of colonial wars Colored people of Detroit, 746 See also Detroit. Negroes; Negroes Colt, F. Payment of taxes under protest, 747 Colton, C. Tour of American lakes, 748 -, G. W. & C. B., & co. Colton’s sectional map [of Michigan], 7266 Guide map of Mich., 7269 Lake Superior and Upper Peninsula, 7921 190 INDEX COLTON, G. W. & C. B., & Co.—Continued Map of land grant of Grand Rapids & Indiana railroad co., 7856 Map showing route of Mich, airline rail¬ road, 8009 Map showing Toledo & Saginaw Bay railroad and its connections, 8021 Michigan, 7291 Railroad and express map of northwestern states, 7373 Township map of Mich., 7281, 7284 -, J. H. County and township map of Ill., Wis., Minn., Iowa and Mo., with parts of Ind., Mich., Kans. and Neb., 7252 Map of Michigan, 7242 Michigan, 7225 Michigan and Wisconsin, 7248, 7250, 7253 Railroad and township map of western states, 7221 Traveler and tourist’s guide, 752-754 Western tourist, 749-751 Columbia, City of Wadsworth: Mss. for map of, 8177 [Columbus, pseud] Cautionary hints to Congress, 755 Comey, A. C. Detroit suburban planning, 756 Comfort, T. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report upon petition of, 4662 Commerce Bay City. Chamber of commerce: An¬ nual review, 268 Beals: Commercial, industrial and trans¬ portation interests of Detroit, 320 Blowe: Geographical, commercial and agricultural view of U. S., 393 Commerce, manufacturing and resources of Detroit, 757 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report on project to levy unequal tolls on com¬ merce through Oswego canal, 4688 Mills: Our inland seas, 5453 See also Michigan. Statistics Commercial credit co. Tax list of Grand Rapids, 758 Commercial education Michigan. Political science association: Convention of educators and business men, 4793 Commercial feeding stuffs Patten: Commercial feeding stuffs, 5662 Robison: Analyses, 5996 Commercial law, see Business law Commission, see Michigan. Historical commission Commissioner of deeds [Michigan. Governor]: Instructions to applicants for appointment, 3772 Committee for immigrants in America National Americanization committee: Americanizing a city, 5522 COMMON SCHOOLS, see Primary schools; vSchools Commonwealth power co. Woodruff: Water power bill, 7034 Compass Brooks: On use of magnetic needle, 452 Compendium of history and biography of Detroit and Wayne co., 759 Compiled laws, see Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc. Complete street railway directory of De¬ troit, 760 Compulsory education Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Law governing compulsory education, 3397 Comstock, C. B. U. S. Lake survey: Annual report upon survey of northern and northwestern lakes, 6673 -, H. H. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Report of committee to whom was re¬ ferred petition for charter of bank at Otsego, Allegan co., 4446 Conant, H. A. Michigan. Dept, of state: Digest of laws pertaining to duties of secretary of state, 3498 --.-.-: Supplement of Green’s treatise on townships, 3527 Conclusive reasons why grounds of Mich, national guard should be at Holland- Grand Rapids site, 761 Concrete Godfrey: Detroit River tunnel, 1820 Condensed information for Christian en¬ deavor convention, 762 Conder, T. North America agreeable to most ap¬ proved maps and charts, 7111 Conduct of life Walker: Opening lecture before Y. M. C. A. of Detroit, 6789 Conely, E. F. Argument on elevated railroad, 763 -, J. D. Mss., 8122, 8123 Conger, J. L. Report on public archives of Mich., 764 [-, N. B.] Report of director of Weather service dept., 765, 766 -, O. D. Harbor and river appropriations, 767 [-, T.] To delegates of Democratic state con¬ vention, 768 Congregationalists Ann Arbor Congregational church. Ladies’ aid society Cook book, 117 INDEX 191 CONGREGATIONALISTS—Continued First Congregational church Confession of faith, 121 Manual, 122 Officers and members, 123 Report of church and society, 126 Roll of members, 124 Souvenir, 125 Barber: Vermontville colony, 217 Congregational churches of Mich., 769 Cutcheon: Fifty years growth, 894 Detroit Churches History and directory of churches of Detroit, 2141 Our churches, Detroit, 5619 See also name of church under Detroit First Congregational church Books in library, 1143 Byzantine art, 1144 Fiftieth anniversary, 1145 First Congregational church and society, 1146 Profession of faith, 1147, 1148 Quarter centennial, 1149 First Congregational Unitarian society Catalogue of Sunday school books, 1150 Woodward Avenue Congregational church Our church, 1370 Woodward Ave. Cong, church man¬ ual, 1371 East Saginaw First Congregational church and society Manual, 1567 Grand Rapids Churches Moerdyk: History, 5465 Congregational church Grand Rapids receipt book, 1896 Manual, 1897 Park Congregational church Immen: Story of Park Congrega¬ tional church, 2280 Lansing Plymouth church Manual, 2658 Prudden: Sermon at dedication, 5889 -: Twenty years history, 5890 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Digest of general statutes on religious corpora¬ tions, 3848 Michigan. Congregational association Minutes, 3295 Western Michigan Congregational club Constitution and by-laws, 6871 See also Biographical sketches; Biog¬ raphies; Missions and missionaries; Olivet college; name of institution, local church or organization CONGRESS Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report on obtaining just representation of state, 4302 Congressional districts Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Minority report in relation to dividing state into, 4303 -.-. Senate.- -: Report of committee to whom was referred part of governor’s message which relates to formation of districts, 4705 [Conkling, E.] Exposition of Mackinaw City, 770, 771 Connolly, J. Burton: John Connolly, 527 Connor, L. Camera notes on Muskegon and Mil¬ waukee, 8299 Historical sketch of deceased founders of Detroit academy of medicine, 772 Mich, medical society, 773 Conover, J. S. Compiled law of Grand lodge of F. & A. Masons, 774 Freemasonry in Mich., 775 Freemasons. Michigan. Grand Lodge: Ceremonies, 1762 Monitor, 1763 ■-—, M. Detroit. Public library: Children’s cata¬ log, 1301 Conservation of natural resources Michigan. Public domain commission: Joint conference of those interested in conservation and development of natural resources, 4809 Conspiracy case, see Great railroad con¬ spiracy case Constables Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on resolution respecting amendment to act. to regulate and define powers, 4129 Sessions: Manual, 6201 Constantine School board Year-book, 776 Union school Catalogue, 777 Constitution, see Michigan. Constitution Constitutional conventions, see Michigan. Constitutional convention; Michigan (Ter.) Constitutional convention Contagion and contagious diseases, see Michigan. State board of health Contested elections Beakes: Contested election, 293 Beaman: Michigan contested election, 321 Hodge: Memorial claiming seat in house, 2178 192 INDEX CONTESTED ELECTIONS—Continued Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report on contested seat for Chippewa co., 4300 -: Reports relative to Bayley vs. McDonald, 4307 -. -. —*-. Special committee: Majority and minority reports of committee to whom was re¬ ferred petition of S. L. Bignall to be admitted to seat, 4364 -: Majority report on seats from Wayne co., 4382 -.-. Senate. Committee on privileges and elections: Report of committee to whom was referred me¬ morial of G. A. Coe who claims to have been elected senator, 4627 -: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion of B. F. Graves that E. Hussey be excluded from seat in senate, 4628 — --: Report in contested case of Tyler vs. Pond, 4632, 4633 --. -. Select committee: Report cn contested elec¬ tion in 5th senatorial district, 4716 Trowbridge: Mich, contested election, 6595 Tyler: Petition contesting seat of E. B. Pond for 7th district, 6612 U. S. Congress. House. Committee of elections: Mich, election, 6651 See also Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on elections Contingent fund Michigan. Governor: Special message in relation to manner in which fund has been expended, 3624 Contracts Beecher: Law of contracts, 329 [Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad co.]: Legislation conferring land grant, 1939 Contributions to medical research, 778 Controversy between S. A. M’Coskry and A. M’Farren, 779 Conveyancing Axford: Michigan law, 166 Burton: Laws of Mich., 529 Convict labor [Barnes): Prisons self supporting, 229 Lathrop: [Memorial relative to contract for], 2688 Michigan. Board of prison industries: Report, 3215 -. Joint prison and affiliated boards: Proposed prison legislation, 3827 [-. Legislature]: Shall convicts be imported, 3966 CONVICT LABOR—Continued •-. -. House. Commit¬ tee on the state prison: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred annual re¬ port of inspectors of state prison, 4211 - ——-: Report of com¬ mittee [to whom was referred memorial of mechanics of Jackson], 4214 -: Report relative to employing convict labor in manu¬ facture of fire arms, 4215 -.-. Senate.- -: Report relative to employing a portion of convict labor in manufacture of fire arms, 4616 Cook, A. J. Birds of Mich., 780, 781 Black wheat-stalk isosoma, 782 Carpet beetle, 783 Codling moth, 784 Enemies of wheat aphis, 785 Experiments with insecticides, 786 Foul brood, 787 Grain plant louse, 788 Honey analyses, 789 Injurious insects, 790 Insecticides, 791 Kerosene emulsion, 792, 793 Plant lice, 794 Planting for honey, 795 Plum curculio, 796 Silo, 797 Spraying with arsenites, 798 Wintering bees, 799 -, C. B. English or house sparrow, 800 [-, C. M. C.] Michigan, My Michigan, 801 -, C. W. Brine and salt deposits, 802 -, D. B. Six months among Indians, 803 -, M. T. Pearse: Crawfishes, 5686 -, S. F. Drummond Island, 804 Mackinaw in history; a critique, 805 Michigan. Legislature: Memorial of J. G. Blaine, 3952 -.-: Memorial of F. B. .Stockbridge, 3957 -.-. House: Con¬ stitution, rules, committees, 3967 __— ? w. Michigan, 806 Cooke, D. B., & co. Great western railway guide, 8006 Cookery Grand Rapids. Congregational church: Receipt book, 1896 Ishpeming. Grace church: Superior cook book, 2350 Muskegon. First Baptist church. Ladies’ society: Muskegon cook book, 5514 INDEX 193 COOKINGHAM, E. R. Atlas of Sanilac co., 7566 Cooley, E. A. Digest of Michigan reports, 807 -, L. E. U. S. Deep waterways commission: Re¬ port, 6661 -—, T. M. Digest of reported cases in Mich, reports, 808 Harrington: Reports, 2051 Hints to young lawyers, 809 Lawyer’s duty, 810 Mss., 8197, 8199 Michigan, 811-813 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Com¬ piled laws, 3839 -. University: Memorial dis¬ courses. Address on, 5194 -. —-: Memorial ad¬ dresses at funeral of Prof. Watson, 5197 On government ownership, 814 School boards, 815 State bank issues, 816 Coolidge, O. W. Relation of higher education to state, 817 Twentieth century history of Berrien co., 818 Coens, G. H. Leaf-spot, disease of tomato, 819 Michigan. Academy of science: Report, 2972 Potato diseases, 820 Septoria leaf spot disease or celery blight, 821 Cooper, D. M. Address on dedication of 1st house of worship in Saginaw valley, 822 Extracts from Monteith journal con¬ cerning introduction of gospel in Michigan, 823 [Historical and financial statement at rededication of Memorial Presbyterian church], 824 In memoriam, 2303 —-. Rev. W. M. Feny, 2306 Life of David Bacon and Alice Parks Bacon, 825 Note book, 8300 Open letter to T. W. Palmer, 826 Obituary discourse on death of N. H. Ferry, 827 Plea for smaller college, 828 -, J. F. Oak-openings, 829 -, M. O. Study in cost of producing milk, 830 - , W. F. Geological report on Bay co., 831 Lane: Fossils, 2598 -: Geological report on Huron co., 2599 Surface geology: Bay co., 7762, 7763 Topographic map of Bay co., 7764 25 COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES, see Kalama¬ zoo. Cooperative society: Mechanics’ and laboring men’s cooperative associations; Michigan. .Laws, statutes, etc. Cooperative society of national supply co. Prospectus, 832 Coopersville Polk, Murphy and co.: Directory, 5790 Copper bearing rocks Michigan. Geological survey: Upper Peninsula, 3576 Copper country commercial club Strike investigation, 833 Copper Creek mining co. Receipt stub-book, 8301 Copper Harbor [Map of] Copper Harbor, by T. S. Thomp¬ son, 7936 Preliminary chart, by U. S. War dept., 7937 Copper miners’ strike, 1913-1914 Copper country commercial club: Strike investigation, 833 U. S. Dept, of labor: Michigan copper district strike, 6664, 6665 Western federation of miners: Miners’ bulletin, 6868 Copper mines and mining Allen: Mineral resources of Mich., 60 Carnahan: Development of Lake Su¬ perior copper mines, 580 Clarke: Notes from copper region, 707 Copper mines of Lake Superior, 834 Copper range consolidated co.: Report, 835 Disturnell: Lake Superior guide, 1525 Foster: Report on geology and topog¬ raphy of Lake Superior land dist., 1736 Lawton: Review of Lake Superior cop¬ per mining, 2697 Michigan. Governor: Messages of H. S. Pingree, 3756 Mining journal co.: 1st annual review of industry of Lake Superior, 5457 Munroe: Copper princess, 5506 Osceola consolidated mining co. of Michi¬ gan: Report, 5613 Pettit: Remarks respecting copper dis¬ trict of Lake Superior, 5728 Picturesque iron and copper mining, 5735 Rickard: Copper mines of Lake Su¬ perior, 5978 St. John: True description of Lake Su¬ perior country, 6115 Smith: Prehistoric and modern copper mines of Lake Superior, 6312 Stockton: Report communicating report of superintendent of mineral lands on Lake Superior, 6415 Swineford: History and review, 6447 Tabular statement of copper and iron business of Lake Superior, 6451 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on public lands: Mineral lands—sale of, 6654 194 INDEX COPPER MINES AND MINING—Con¬ tinued —. —. Dept, of labor: Mich, copper dis¬ trict strike, 6664,6665 Visit of American institute of mining engineers to Lake Superior copper mines, 6767 Wright: Development of copper indus¬ try of northern Mich., 7044 -: Where copper was king, 7045 See also Mines and mineral resources Copper mines of Lake Superior, 834 Copper ores Gordon: Geol. sec. from Bessemer down Black River, 1831 Irving: Copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior, 2341 Lane: Salt water in lake mines, 2607 ——-: Theory of copper deposition, 2609 Pumpelly: Copper district of Upper Peninsula, 5894 Rominger: Geological report on Upper Peninsula, 6012 Wadsworth: Origin and mode of oc¬ currence of Lake Superior copper de¬ posits, 6774 Copper range Sketch map, 7825 Copper range consolidated co. Annual report, 835 Copway, G. Life, history and travels, 836 Pa-mah-duk ke-ne-bood, 8302 Corals, Fossil Rominger: Palaeontology, 6015 Corliss, J. B. Detroit. Ordinances, etc.: Revised ordinances, 1260 Corn Geismar: Corn production, 1792 Jeffery: Corn improvement, 2388, 2389 -: Corn; selecting, 2390 -: Crop, 2391 Shoesmith: Corn growing, 6238 Smith: Feeding corn smut to dairy cows, 6273 ■— - : Some experiments in corn raising, 6283 Cornell, M. E. Brief account of wonderful discovery of prehistoric relics, 837 -, W. F. North Lansing business directory, 838 Cornell Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Coroners Parker: Coroners and coroners’ in¬ quests, 5642 Corporation law Cheever: Corporation form book, 654 Hamilton: Consolidated corporation law, 2025 Lee: Suggestions for amendment of laws governing corporations, 2707 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Digest of general statutes on r&igious corpora¬ tions, 3848 CORPORATION LAW—Continued -.-,-,-.: Laws reg¬ ulating foreign and domestic invest¬ ment cos., 3891 -.-,-, -——.: Law gov¬ erning manufacturing and mercantile corporations, 3905 -.-,-,-.: Laws gov¬ erning mining corporations, 3912 -.-,-,-.: Mich. corporation law, 3846 -. ——-, -,-.: Modern 1 law of business corporations, 3847 Corporations Maybury: Mss., 8189 Michigan. Dept, of state: List of cor¬ porations filed articles of association, 3505 Powers: Numerous railway cos. vs. Perry F. Powers, 5864 Prudden: Corporate excess tax plan, 5891 Russell: Corporations in Mich., 6047 Webber: Relations of corporations to state, 6843 Cort, C. Col. H. Bouquet and his campaigns, 839 Coryell, R. J. Taft: Potatoes and potato scab, 6472 -: Small fruit notes, 6478 Corunna McGrath: Memorial day, 2834 Polk & co.: Owosso city and Shiawassee co. directory, 5781 Corwin, E. F. Use of library bulletins, 840 Cost and standard of living Michigan. Daity and food commissioner: Foods, 3347, 3348 Cottrell, E. W. Rev. ed. of memoirs, by-laws, roster and album of Detroit commandery no. 1, K. T., 841 Counties Beers: County atlas of Michigan, 7279' Bridgman’s co. and railroad township map of Mich., 7280 Colton’s co. and township map of Ill., Wis., Minn., Iowa and Mo., with parts of Ind., Mich., Kans. and Neb.,. 7252 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication relative to charging interest on indebtedness of counties to state, 3056 -. Auditor general’s office: Com¬ munication transmitting statement of accounts with, 3111 [-.-: Com¬ munication submitting abstract of re¬ turns from counties complying with act to provide for defraying state charges], 3117 -. Geological survey: Report relative to county maps, 3568 INDEX 195 COUNTIES—Continued New railroad, post office and county map of Mich., by National publishing co., 7339 Rand, McNally & co.’s indexed county and township map and shippers’ guide of Mich., 7323, 7324 -,-map of Michigan., 7307 -,-and shippers’ guide of Mich., 7335 -,-map of Mich., 7295 Watson’s new county, railroad and dis¬ tance map of Mich., 7285 Western counties of Mich., 7407 Wolverine state, by Haskell bros., 7298 See also Michigan. Legislature. House. * Committee on towns and counties; Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on towns and counties County board of supervisors, see Michigan. State association of supervisors County clerks Sessions: Manual, 6201 County superintendents of schools Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report relative to providing for appointment, 4015 'Courses of study Michigan. Commission on high school course of study: Course of study, 3258 -. Dept, of public instruction: Course of study, 3375-3379 Manual and course of study for county normal training classes, 3401 Manual and course of study, elemen¬ tary schools, 3402 State manual, 3437, 3438 Courtis, S. A. Manual of instructions for giving and scoring Courtis’ standard tests, 842 Courts Abbott: Practice in civil actions in courts of record, 3 Beecher: Michigan rule book, 332, 333 Cummins: Mich, judicature act, 880 Howe: Laws and courts of Northwest, . 2223, 2224 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Judica¬ ture act, 3892 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lutions touching reduction and regu¬ lations of costs and fees, 4121 -. -. Senate. Select committee: Report of committee to which was referred answers from county clerks and so much of governor’s mes- * sage as relates to expenses of courts, 4711 COURTS—Continued Riddell: 1st judge at Detroit and his court, 5979 Searl: Mich, court rules, 6196 See also Circuit courfs; Judiciary; Michi¬ gan. Circuit court; Michigan. Courts; Michigan. Supreme court; U. S. Cir¬ cuit court; U. S. Circuit and district courts Cowles, Albert E. Past and present of Lansing and Ingham co., 843 -, Anna B. Home canning by one-period cold-pack method, 844 Raven: Garment making for girls, 5930 -— C * D< Michigan. Infantry association: Roster of 17th regt., 3820 -, E. B. Berrien co. directory, 845 -, H. C. Ecological relations of vegetation on sand dunes of Lake Mich., 846 Cow peas Smith: Observations on influence of nodules on roots upon composition of, 6278 Towar: Cow peas, 6554 Cox, B. C. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report of committee to whom was referred memorial for services, 4006 -> L . J- Indian as diplomatic factor, 847 -, J- F. Bean growing, 848 How to carry out bean-growing project, 849 -, W. J. Primer of Michigan history, 850-852 —, W. V. z. Sons of the American revolution. Dis¬ trict of Columbia society: Battle fields of Maumee valley, 6334 Craig, I. Western Reserve historical society: Bat¬ tle of French Town, 6880 Memorial asking swamp lands to aid im¬ provement of Sauble River, 853 Cram, G. F. [Map of] Grand Rapids, 7716 —-Michigan, by Railroad com¬ missioner, 7322 Michigan, 7303 New sectional map, 7282 Railroad map of Mich., 7293, 7297 Railroad and township map of Mich., 7304 Superior map of Mich., 7368 Superior reference atlas of Mich., 7351 Township and railroad map of Mich., 7313 19G INDEX CRAM, Capt. T. J. Corrected map of country along proposed boundary between Mich, and Wiscon¬ sin to a.ccompar;y report of, 7384 General map to accompany report on sur¬ vey of boundary between Mich, and Wiskonsan, 8026 Cram and Stebbins Map of Michigan, by Railroad commis¬ sioner, 7317, 7319, 7321 Official map of Mich., by Railroad com¬ missioner, 7314 Cranbrook papers, 854 Cranbrook press Booth: Cranbrook press, 400 Crane, C. B. Sanitary survey of Saginaw, 855 Crapo, H. H. Address at dedication of library building at Flint, 856 Address before Central Michigan agri¬ cultural society at sheep-shearing ex¬ hibition, 857 Michigan. Governor: [Messages], 3686- 3690 Crary, I. E. Lyon: To J. M. Clayton, 2782 Cravath, I. M. Grand army of the republic. Dept, of Michigan: Manual, 1844 [Craves, J. P.] Yesterday and today, being story of Bay City and two leading institutions thereof, 858 Crawfishes Pearse: Crawfishes of Mich., 5686 Crawford, D. C. Atlas of Ionia co., 7472 -, S. Rufus Putnam, 859 -> T. Mss., 8067 —rr> T - H - Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred circular suggesting passage of law for more effectual pre¬ vention of traffic in ardent spirits with Indian tribes, 4730 „ Crawford county Back to farm, 860 Buckley and Douglas lumber co.: Few facts about farm and fruit lands, 482 Crystal Falls, see Quadrangle maps Crystal Falls district Clements: Crystal Falls iron-bearing district, 710 Cremation Michigan cremation association: Mich, cremation association, Detroit, 5389 Creswell, H. L. Baker: City of Grand Rapids, 201 CRIME Michigan. Commission on vagrancy, dis¬ orderly conduct, habitual drunken¬ ness, etc.: Minor offenses, 3268 Pauperism and crime in Mich., 5677, 5678 Criminal law [Bingham]: Hist, of substitution of im¬ prisonment for death penalty, 364 Black: Does Mich, properly punish crime?, 377 Donovan: Michigan justice’s guide, 1536 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the state prison: Report relative to criminal jurisprudence, 4614, 4615 --——. State board of corrections and charities: Special report, 4870 Tiffany: Treatise on criminal law of Mich., 6539-6541 Criminal procedure Donovan: Michigan justice’s guide, 1536 Criminal statistics Michigan. Dept, of state: Abstract of reports of sheriffs relating to jails, 3464 Crittenden, A. R. History of township and village of Howell,, 861 -, R. L. Old age pensions, 8303 Crockett, D. W. Digest of decisions of Supreme court, 862! Crofoot, F. S. Detroit unveiled, 863 Crofton Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Croghan, G. Selection of Croghan’s letters and jour¬ nals, 864 Crooked tree Wright: Stories of crooked tree, 7051, 7052 Crops Jeffery: Elementary laboratory study, 2392 Crosby, A. B. Michigan. University. Medical school: Memorial on female medical educa¬ tion, 5303 Cross, A. L. History of St. Andrew’s church, Ann 1 Arbor, 865 Crossman, D. L. Early French occupation of Mich., 866 Michigan. Legislature: Memorial, 3954 Croswell, C. M. Michigan. Board of fund commissioners: Report, 3173 -. Charities and corrections,, 3245 -. Governor: [Messages and' pardons], 3712-3718 INDEX 197 CROSSWHITE FUGITIVE SLAVE CASE Emmons: Mss., 8041 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on federal relations: Report of committee to whom was referred report touching proceedings in Mar¬ shall, 4063 Wilkins: Mss., 8103 Crotty, D. G. Four years campaigning in army of Potomac, 867 Crowe, J. T. Map of principal business portion of Detroit, 7640 Crowell & Murray Iron ores of Lake Superior, 868 Crowley, M. C. Daughter of New France, 869 Heroine of the Strait, 870 Love thrives in war, 871 Crozier, A. A. Crimson clover, 872 Cultivated raspberries, 873 Forage crops, 874 Millet, 875, 876 Modification of plants by climate, 877 [Smith]: Building silos, 6269 Cruikshank, E. A. Canada. Archives: Documents, 575 Crumb and Noble History and directory of churches of Detroit, 2141 Cucumbers Postiff: Cucumbers as cash crop, 5852 Cummings, C. L. Great war relic, 878, 879 -, R. W. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report relative to memorial, 4477 Cummins, A. M. New Mich, judicature act, 880 -, R. H. Journal, 881 Cunningham, J. V. Michigan. Dept, of labor: Sections of act relating to employment of females and minors, 3352 Currency Michigan. Governor: Communication transmitting resolutions of Kentucky relative to, 3602 See also Money Currie, Cameron & co. Austin, F. G., as trustee in bankruptcy, 8227 Currier, A. O. List of shell-bearing mollusca, 882 Curriers, N. Plan of canal and town of Huron, 7728 Curry, C., see Martin & Curry Curtis, J. E. Fish in national park, 883 -, O. B. History of Twenty-fourth Michigan, 884 CURWOOD, J. O. Great Lakes, 885 Custard, Mrs. A. French settlement in St. Joseph co., 886 Custer, E. B. Boots and saddles, 887, 888 Following the guidon, 889 Gen. Custer at battle of Little Big Horn, 890 Tenting on plains, 891, 892 -, Gen. G. A. Custer: Boots and saddles, 887, 888 -: Following the guidon, 889 -: Gen. Custer at battle of Little Big Horn, 890 -: Tenting on plains, 891, 892 Harris: Stories of Civil war, 2060 Kidd: Personal recollections of a cavalry¬ man, 2528 Michigan. Custer monument commission: Ceremonies attending unveiling statue, 3343 [Invitation to attend ceremonies of unveiling], 3344 Walker: Campaigns in Northwest and final surrender, 6792 Whittaker: Popular life, 6914 Wild life on plains, 893 Customs, Collector of Woodbridge: Mss., 8051 See also Sault Ste. Marie. Revenue office Cutcheon, B. M. Fifty years of growth in Mich., 894 In memoriam. John A. Logan and Seth C. Moffatt, 895 • Michigan. University: Defalcation in chemical laboratory, 5227 Smith: Full and complete description of centennial celebration in Manistee, 6265 Story of Twentieth Mich, infantry, 896 Utley: Class of sixty-one, U. of M., 6731 -: Michigan as province, territory and state, 6733 Cutler, H. G. History of St. Joseph co., 897 Powers: History of northern Mich., 5862 -, M. Poole: Ordinance of 1787, 5803 -, W. P. Ordinance of 1787, 898 Cutter, C. Guide to Mt. Clemens, 899-902 Cyclopedia of Mich., 903, 904 Daboll, S. B. Past and present of Clinton co., 905 Daily state Republican Happy new year, 906 Dairy and food laws Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Dairy and food laws, 3850 198 INDEX DAIRYING Anderson: Second report of grade dairy herd, 89 -: Studies in milk production, 90 -: Studies in butterfat, 91 Helme: Clean cows, 2102 Johnson: Report of warming water for dairy cows, 2414 Pere Marquette railroad co.: Dairying, 5698 Shaw: 1st annual report of grade dairy herd, 6219 -: Roots supplementary to silage for dairy cows, 6223 Smith: Dairy records, 6270 --: Feeding corn smut to dairy cows, 6273 -: Grade dairy herd, 6275 True: Discussion of farm dairy methods, 6596 Upper Peninsula development bureau: Dairying in Upper Peninsula, 6722 See also Butter; Cattle; Michigan. Dairy and food commissioner; Michigan. Dairymen’s association; Milk Dakin, M. H. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on charges against M. H. Dakin: Investigation, 4004 Dale, J. T. Western Michigan lake shore horticul¬ tural association: Proceedings of con¬ vention, 6877 Damages Baldwin: Law of personal injuries, 207, 208 [Dana, C. W.] Garden of the world, 907 -, E- Geographical sketches on western coun¬ try, 908 Danforth, E. B. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on privileges and elections: Re¬ port of committee to whom was referred memorial of G. A. Coe who claims to have been elected senator, 4627 [Daniells, J. T.j History of memory day, 909 Darby, W. Tour from New York to Detroit, 910 View of U. S., 911 D’Arcambal, Mrs. A. L. DePuy: Pebbles and pearls, 950 Dartmouth, Town of Mss., 8171, 8172 Dash, M. History of Lansing, 912 Dau’s blue book for Detroit, 913 Daughters of the American revolution Michigan Elijah Grout chapter, Leslie Vliet: History of early life and busi¬ ness interests of Leslie, 6769 DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REV¬ OLUTION—Continued Lansing chapter Lansing chapter, 914 Twenty-fifth year, 915 [Program of] annual conference, 916 Report of gifts, 917 Report of state secretary, 918 Sophie de Marsac Campau chapter, Grand Rapids Program, 920 Yearbook, 921 Yearbook, 919 Daughters of 1812. Michigan Programme for bronze statue of Gen. Macomb, 922 Dau publishing co. Grand Rapids society blue book, 1955 Davenport, E. Feeding steers, 923 Pigs, 924 -, I- Mss., 8133 Davidson, G. I. Building inspector’s hand book of Grand Rapids, 925 Davies, G. Michigan. Treasury dept.: Communi¬ cation [relative to claim], 5130 Davis, A. Michigan. University. Board of regents: Communication [relative to plan for university], 5225 -, Calvin O. Public secondary education, 926 -, Charles A. Field work in towns and cities, 927 Hankinson: Biological survey of Walnut Lake, 2035 Lane: Geological report on Huron co., 2599 Peat, 928 Topographical map of Tuscola co., 7812 Wood-lot studies, 929 -, C. E. L. B. U. S. Engineer dept.: General and detail drawings of Poe lock, St. Mary’s Falls canal, 6667 •-. —.-.: New lock at St. Mary’s Falls canal, 6670 --, C. G. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the state prison: Report relative to allowing losses upon con¬ tracts, 4209 -, G. C. Army worm, 930 Celery insects, 931 Locusts, 932 Pests, 933 [Some injurious insects], 934 Taft: Pests of orchard and garden, 6469 -'» J* Kingsbury: Memorial asking legislation on Grand Rapids canal, 2538 INDEX 199 DAVISON Polk & co.: Directory, 5768 Dawson and Bates Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on printing: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred account of, 4198, 4199 Day, D. H. Glen Lake region, 935 -, F. M. Detroit. City plan and improvement commission: Report on center of arts and letters, 1098 -, G. B. Trowbridge: Pioneer days, 6594 -, H. A. Atlas of Genesee co., 7453 Day books, see Manuscripts Deaf and dumb Michigan day schools for teaching speech to deaf, 5393 Wesselius: Michigan day schools for teaching speech to deaf, 6864 See also Defective and delinquent classes; Michigan. Asylum for the deaf, dumb and blind; Michigan. Asylums Deaf and dumb school, see Michigan. School for the deaf Dean, M. L. Notes on small fruit, 936 Taft: Notes on strawberries, 6465 -: Notes on vegetables, 6466 -: Small fruit notes for 1904, 6479 -: Strawberry notes for 1901, 6486 -: Tomatoes and potatoes, 6487 -: Vegetables and bush fruits, 6489 -: Vegetables, old and new, 6493 Dean-Hicks printing co. Efficiency, 937 Grand Rapids, Mich., 938 Dearborn, H. Dearborn: Defence of Gen. Dearborn, 939 -, H. A. S. . Defence of Gen. Dearborn, 939 Dearborn Beginning and development of Catho¬ licity in, 336 Nowlin: Bark covered house, 5574 Death penalty Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion asking restoration of, 4556 Deaths Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws re¬ lating to registration, 3835 -.-,-,-.: Laws con¬ cerning record, return and compilation, 3906 Ranney: President’s annual address, 5922 Smith: Influence of sewerage and water supply on death-rate in cities, 6295 See also Michigan. Census; Michigan. Statistics, vital DEBTOR LAWS Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Act to prevent debtors from giving preference to creditors, 3851 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred petition to alter collection law that debtor shall not possess advantage over creditor, 4551 Debts Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on resolution as to expediency of abolish¬ ing laws for collection of debts, 4123 -: Report rela¬ tive to imprisonment, 4124 -.-. Senate. Select committee: Report of committee to whom had been referred so much of governor’s message as relates to im¬ prisonment for debt, 4712 -: Report on abolishing im¬ prisonment for debt, 4713 See also Michigan. Board of fund com¬ missioners; State debt Decade Barnaby: The decade, 227 DeCeleron, See Celoron, P. J. Decoration day, see Memorial day Deeds Collection of, 8164 See also Conveyancing Deep waterways convention Lake transportation, 940 Defective and delinquent classes Michigan. Commission on extent of mental defectiveness: Report, 3261 -. Commission on vagrancy, disorderly conduct, habitual drunken¬ ness, etc.: Minor offenses, 3268 --. Dept of state: Annual ab¬ stract of statistical information, 3468 -.-.-: First annual report giving number of insane, deaf, dumb, blind, 3500 -. Farm colony for epileptics: Biennial report, 3535 -. Home and training school: Biennial report, 3808 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to insane and feeble-minded, 3884 -. State board of corrections and charities: Proceedings of annual con¬ vention, 4869 See also Deaf and dumb; Insane Defiance Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Deforestation Horton: Deforestation, 2208 200 INDEX DEJEAN, P. [Potter]: Michigan’s first justice of the peace, 5856 Delamarter, L. Distribution of deaths from diphtheria, 941 DeLand, C. V. History of Jackson co., 942 Michigan. State tax statistician: First annual report, 5109 DeLery Plan of Detroit, 7616 DeLong, N. Muskegon. Ordinances, etc.: Ordi¬ nances, 5516 Delinquent taxes Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Re¬ port concerning delinquent tax fund, 3127 [-.-: State¬ ment in compliance with resolution re¬ questing estimate of annual expenses consequent upon return of non-resi¬ dent delinquent taxes], 3144 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lution in relation to returns, 4282 Delisle, G. Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France, 7100 -, W. H. Directory of Bay City, 943 Delray New map of Detroit and suburbs, by S. Farmer & co., 7681 Delta boating and fishing club By-laws, 944 Delta county [Map of] Delta co., by J. I. Berry, 7448 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7447 Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Demmon, I. N. Hinsdale: History of U. of M., 2128 Democratic association of Detroit Celebration of anniversary of Battle of New Orleans, 945 Democratic party Address of members of legislature, 14 Bugle blast, 484 Cass: Address to Democracy of Detroit, 607 Cass platform, 612 [Conger]: To delegates of Democratic state convention, 768 Felch: Mss., 8154 Granger: Progress of radicalism, 1973 Proceedings of territorial convention, 946 Webster: History of Democratic party organization in Northwest, 6846 See also Michigan. Politics; Politics; Republican party Democratic Republican party. Michigan Territory Address of committee, 947 DeMQEN, C. G. Van Raalte: De toestand der Hol- landsche kolonisatie in Mich., 6748 DeMolay, Order of Benedict: History, by-laws, and roster of De Molai commanderv, no. 5, K. T. See also Freemasons Demurrage Stevens: "Reciprocal demurrage,” 6399 Denby, E. Edwin Denby club: For Congress E. Denby, 1581 [Denison, C. S.] Free public schools of Mich., 8032 Dennett, G. Mss., 8203 Dennis, Mrs. C. Petition for prohibiting sale of liquors, 948 -, T. and W. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report of committee to whom was referred claim, 4007 Denominational colleges, see name of college Densmore, J. B. U. S. Dept, of labor: Mich, copper dis¬ trict strike, 6664, 6665 Dental association, see Michigan. Dental association Dentistry Michigan. State board of dental exami¬ ners: Annual report, 4871 Price: Status of mouth hygiene in pre¬ ventive medicine, 5873 Dentists Physicians’, dentists’ and druggists’ di¬ rectory of Mich., 5733 Denton, S. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of com¬ mittee to which was referred petition praying for amending constitution by expunging word "white”, 4664 -: Report of com¬ mittee [to whom was referred petitions for law for appraisal of damages for lands flowed by mill dams], 4674 -: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred resolution relating to protection of American in¬ dustry, 4685 -.-.-. Select committee: Report of committee to which was referred bill to improve ad¬ ministration of justice, 4722 Dependent and ill-treated children, see Michigan. State public school DePeyster, A. S. •Detroit. Commandant: Commission to J. Pouget, 8309 Miscellanies, 949 DePuy, E. C. Pebbles and pearls, 950 INDEX 201 DEQUINDRE, MAJOR Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the militia: Report in rela¬ tion to, 4601 DeRepentigny, see Repentigny Dermont, A. M. [In memoriam], 148 DeSchweinitz, E. A. Life and times of D. Zeisberger, 951 Description of medical and surgical sani¬ tarium, 952 Descriptive America, 953 Descriptive pamphlet of authors’ carnival, 954 Desilver, C. New map of Mich., 7233 Desnoyers, P. J. Emmons: Mss., 8068 Detroit Academy of medicine Connor: Historical sketch, 772 Agricultural committee Report, 955 Album, 39 American exchange national bank Canfield: Check stub-book, 8286 Amusements Ross: Industrial school entertain¬ ments, 6031 Annual reports, 956 Architects’ and builders’ directory, 957 Art association Constitution, 958 Art club Catalogue, 959 Art collection [Catalogues], 960 Art gallery Detroit. International fair and expo¬ sition association: Art gallery, 1204 Art loan Catalogue, 961 Record, 962 Art, municipal, see Detroit. City plan and improvement commission Art museum, see Detroit. Museum of art Art study Liggett: Art education in Mich., 2741 Art work Parish publishing co.: Art work of Detroit, 5638 Arts and crafts theatre Cheney: Art theatre, 660 Arts, fine, see Detroit. Musical associa¬ tion ; Detroit. School of fine arts Associated charities Associated charities of Detroit, 964 Social service directory, 963 Association of charities By-laws, 965 Proceedings, 966 Athletic club Articles of association, 967 DETROIT—Continued Atlases Baist’s real estate atlas of surveys, 7679, 7687 Robinson: Atlas, 7646 See also Detroit. Maps Audubon club Constitution, 968 Authors’ carnival Descriptive pamphlet, 954 Automobiles, see Automobiles Bank clerks’ association Constitution, 969 Bankers’ club [Yearbook], 970 Banks, see name of bank under Detroit; Banks and banking Baptist churches, see Detroit. First Baptist church Baptist mission Eighteenth st. Baptist mission, 1582 Baptist young people’s union Manual, 971 Bar Memorial, 972 Bar association Act of incorporation, 973, 974 Articles of association, 975 First centennial anniversary, “John Marshall day’’, 976 New Wayne county court house, 977 Belle Isle bridge Detroit. City plan and improvement commission: Preliminary plan of Detroit, 1096 -park Address to public; advisability of pur¬ chasing Belle Isle for park, water works and basis for tunnel, 16 See also Detroit. Parks Bicentenary Michigan Catholic bicentenary sup¬ plement, 5366 Biographies Detroit illustrated, 1455 [Farmer: Biographical data for his¬ tory], 8394 Marquis: Book of Detroiters, 2893, 2894 Ross: Earlv bench and bar of Detroit, 6029 -: Landmarks, 6032 See also Detroit. History Board of commerce Annual report, 978 Detroit, 979 -and its automobiles, 980 -board of commerce, 981 -, seventh in population, 982 Detroiter, 983 Educational side of big Amer. city, 984 Hudson: Detroit, 2255 Improvement of Detroit, 985 Information for immigrants, 986 International commerce of North America, 987 202 INDEX DETROIT—Continued Olmsted: Improvement of Detroit, 5603 Parks of Detroit, 7686 Record of 13 years, 988 Recreation survey, 989 Report of Joint sanitation committee, 990 Souvenir book, 991 Board of education Annual report, 992 Cardboard construction,.993 Catalog of Cass technical high school, 994 Course of study in geography, 995 -language, 996-998 Directory of public schools, 999 Education in Detroit, 1000 English composition, 1001 Hand book of Junior high schools, 1002 Is change necessary, 1003 Manual, 1004 Memorial, 1005 Nature study outline, 1006 Outline courses, 1007 Outline of course in domestic science, 1008 Outline of work, 1009 Proceedings, 1010 Recommendation to establish con¬ tinuation schools for girls, 1011 Report of committee on library, 1012 Reports on petition for Bible in schools, 1013 Rules, 1014, 1015 Scenes from history and literature, 1016 Special report of School for deaf, 1017 Board of estimates Proceedings, 1018 Board of health Annual report, 1019 Bulletin, 1020 Board of poor commissioners Annual report, 1021 Board of sewer commissioners Report, 1022 Board of trade Annual report, 1023 Annual statement of trade and com¬ merce, 1024 Constitution, 1025-1027 Niagara ship canal, 1028 Ross: Industrial school entertain¬ ments, 6031 Board of trustees Proceedings, 1029 See also Detroit. Common council Board of water commissioners Act of incorporation, 1030, 1031 Annual report, 1032 Copy of Chauncey Hurlbut’s will, 1033 Regulations, 1034 Boat club Articles of association, 1035 Boys school, see Detroit school for boys DETROIT—Continued Brady guards Constitution, 1036 Bridge and iron works Memoir, 1037 Bridges Ely: Remarks in opposition to bridge at Detroit, 1598 •-: Shall waterway of Great Lakes: be obstructed by bridge at Detroit?, 1599 Builders’ and traders’ exchange Alphabetical and classified list, 1038 Builders’ and traders’ exchange, a live, local organization, 1039 Builders of better Detroit, 485 Building commission Annual report, 1040 Building code, 1041, 1042 Building laws Bulkley: Building laws, 486 Buildings Button: Mss., 8152 Bureau of governmental research Public business, 1043 Business men Economic study for, 1573 Cadillac day celebration Souvenir of Cadillac day, 6349 Campbell’s park subdivision, 7701 Cass Avenue Methodist Episcopal church Directory, 1044, 1045 Prospectus, 1046 Year book, 1047 Cass parks Detroit. Common council: Remarks of W. Hale, 1111 Cass technical high school Detroit. Board of education: Catalog, 994 Catholics Carter: French mission life, 581 Michigan Catholic bi-centenary sup¬ plement, 5366 Souvenir album of Catholic churches,. schools and institutions, 6348 See also name of church Catholic study club, 622 Catholic young men’s literary society Constitution, 623 Cemeteries, see name of cemetery Centennial celebrations Detroit today: Cadillac bi-centenary ed., 1486 Wayne co. Historical and pioneer society: Souvenir of Cadillac day, 6831 See also Detroit. Woman’s bi-cen¬ tenary committee Central high school Dedication, 1048 Quiver, 1049 INDEX 203 DETROIT —Continued Central Methodist Episcopal church Central M. E. church; past, present and future, 1050 Central M. E. Sunday school, 1051 Directory, 1052 Names of members, 1053 Order of exercises at laying of corner stone, 1054 Chamber of commerce Detroit, its commerce and industries, 1055 Detroit. Mercantile society: [Papers relating to erection of chamber of commerce], 8318 Parcels post rates, 1056 Charities Detroit. First Presbyterian church: Report of helping hand society, 1160 Social conference club, 6321 See also Detroit. Associated charities; Detroit. Free press fresh air fund; Detroit. Home for the friendless; Detroit. Working women’s home association; Detroit. Young men’s benevolent society Charity festival Illustrated catalogue, 1057 Charters Bradford: Petition for revision, 422 Charter and ordinances, 1058-1084 See also Detroit. Ordinances Children, see Detroit. Juvenile offenders; Detroit. Orphan asylum; Detroit. Protective agency for' women and children Children’s free hospital association Annual report, 1085 Christ church Final report of building committee, 1086 Pew record, 8304 Chrysanthemum exhibition Official programmes, 1087 Church of Christ Campbell: Review of pamphlet, 562 Church of the United Brethren in Christ Some information about church nearest you, 1088 Churches History and directory of churches of Detroit, 2141 Our churches, Detroit, 5619 See name of church under Detroit Cigarmakers’ benevolent association Constitution, 1089 Citizens [Petition that application of Gas light co. for increase of capital stock be granted], 8305 [Report of] meeting to express con¬ demnation of action granting De¬ troit railway co. extension of time for franchise, 8306 DETROIT—Continued Citizens’ educational committee [Correspondence and printed material in reference to proposed legislation for government of Detroit schools], 8307 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Bill for government of Detroit schools, 3853 Citizen’s interdenominational Thanks¬ giving service, 1090 City and railway guide, 1420 City directory, 1421 City guide, 1422 City plan and improvement commission Center of arts and letters, 1091 City tree planting, 1092, 1093 Comey: Detroit suburban planning, 756 Conditions in Detroit, 1094 [Duquesne]: Preliminary report on program for Scott fountain, 1560 James Scott fountain, 1095 Olmsted: Improvement of Detroit, 5603 -: Park for Detroit, 5604 Preliminary plan of Detroit, 1096 Program of competition, 1097 Report on center of arts and letters, 1098 City tract association First annual report, 1099 Clark’s expedition, see Clark, G. R. Clearing house association Constitution, 1100 Climate Hubbard: Climate of Detroit, 2243 Club Constitution, 1101 The Detroit club, 1102 Club woman, 1423 Cochran’s commercial institute Circular, 720 Collector of customs Woodbridge: Mss., 8051 College Catalogue, 1424 Prospectus, 1425 College of law Announcement, 1426 Detroit college of law, 1427 College of medicine and surgery Announcement, 1428 Announcement of graduate courses, 1429 By-laws of faculty, 1430 Trustees, faculty and graduates, 1431 Colored citizens, see Detroit. Negroes Commandant Commission to J. Pouget, 8309 Commission as justice of peace to Thos. Williams, 8310 Commerce Commerce, manufacturing and resour¬ ces, 757 204 INDEX DETROIT—Continued Haddock: Resources and industrial interests of Mich., 2009 Hamilton: Statement of trade and commerce, 2027 [Mitchell]: Detroit in history and commerce, 5462 See also Detroit. Board of trade; De¬ troit. Chamber of commerce Commerce, Board of, see Detroit. Board of commerce Commercial mutual association By-laws, 1103 Commissioner of public works Annual report, 1104 Committee in behalf of the colored citizens Memorial for right of suffrage, 1105 Committee on centennial celebration of evacuation by British Centennial celebration of evacuation; report, 625 Committee of entertainment for the dele¬ gates to the International American conference Detroit; a sketch, 1106 Committee on equitable legislation Treatise on proposed changes in mar¬ riage law, 1107 Committee of fifty on street railway question Barcroft: Report and appraisal of Detroit united railway, 224 Reports, 1108 Common council Detroit. Citizens: [Petition that ap¬ plication of Gas light co. be granted], 8305 Emmons: Mss., 8041 Index to proceedings, 8311 Journal, 1109 Manual, 1110 Remarks of W. Hale, 1111 Report on taxation, 1112 Special committee on ways and means Report, 8312 Standing committees and rules of order, 1113 Williams: Mss., 8125 See also Detroit. Board of trustees; Detroit. Charters; Detroit. Ordi¬ nances Community trust [General purpose], 1114 Congregational churches, see Detroit. First Congregational church; First Congregational Unitarian society; Woodward Ave. Congregational church Congress St. M. E. church. Trustees Deed, 8313 Conservatory of music Prospectus, 1432 Controller’s office Annual report, 1115 Comparative statistics, 1116 Comparative table, 1117 Estimates, 1118 [Report on garbage disposal], 1119 DETROIT—Continued Convention and tourists’ bureau Beautiful Detroit, 1120 Map of central business district of Detroit, 7688 Visions of beautiful Detroit, 1121 Copper mining company of Arizona Articles of association, 1433 Council of trades and labor unions Annual labor day souvenir, 1122 Courts Burton: [Court and other records], 8259 Riddell: 1st judge and his court, 5979' Cranbrook society Cranbrook papers, 854 Crematorium, see Michigan cremation association Cyclorama company Prize essays, 1123 Daily tribune Our domestic resources, 1434 Dau’s blue book, 913 Deaconess home Methodist Episcopal church. Con¬ ferences. Detroit: Manual of deaconess home, 2962 Deaf, school for Detroit. Board of education: Special report, 1017 Decoration day, see Detroit. Joint memorial day committee Delta boating and fishing club By-laws, 944 Democratic association Celebration of anniversary of Battle of New Orleans, 945 Dental society [List of officers and meetings], 1124 Dept, of parks and boulevards Annual report, 1125 Dept, of public works Gray: Communication in defense of audits, 1977 Map of Detroit, 7674, 7677 Official building code, 1126 Description Beautiful Detroit, 324 Business buildings, 536 Condensed information for Christian endeavor convention, 762 Crofoot: Detroit unveiled, 863 Detroit. Board of commerce: Detroit, 979 -.-: Detroit, seventh in population, 982 -. Chamber of commerce: De¬ troit, 1055 -. City guide, 1422 -. Committee of entertainment for the delegates to the international American conference: Detroit; a sketch, 1106 -. Convention and tourists' 1 bureau: Beautiful Detroit, 1120 INDEX 205 DETROIT —Continued -: Visions of beautiful De¬ troit, 1121 -. Illustrated, 1454, 1455 -. International fair and expo¬ sition association: Catalogue of entries and exhibits, 1205 -, its points of interest, 1459 -, Lansing & northern railroad co.: Detroit and pleasure resorts of northern Mich., 1462 -, Michigan, 1463 -of today, 1468 Dietsche sight seeing autos; seeing De¬ troit, 1509 Farmer: All about Detroit, 1651 -: Guide and souvenir, 1653 -: Guide to streets, street pave¬ ments, car routes and house num¬ bers, 1654-1657 -: Handbook, 1658 -: Illustrated guide and souvenir, 1665 -: Map and manual, 1666 Gentsch: Dictionary, 1797 Glimpses of Detroit, 1818 Ideal publishing co. and information bureau: Ideal guide, 2272 Keep: Guide to Detroit, 2489 Lates views of Detroit, 2687 [Lees]: Journal, 2711 McKinney: Industrial advantages, 2836 Michigan central railroad co.: De¬ troit, 5374 [Moore]: Detroit as she is, 5475 National educational association: Days in and about Detroit, 5528 O’Connell: Seeing Detroit, 5584 Queen city of straits, 5904 Ransom: Souvenir, 5924 Smith: Journal in America, 8541 Souvenir, 6350-6353 Warner: Picturesque Detroit, 6802, 6803 Williams and Burnham: Pocket guide, 6961 See also Detroit. Directories; Detroit. Guide books Detroit and Bay City railroad Joy: Mss., 8136, 8138 Statement, 1394 -Birmingham plank road co. By-laws, 1395 -Cleveland steam navigation co. Hero of Manila, 1396 Lake tour to Mackinac, 1397-1401 Omena resort, 1402 Water-way tales, 6815, 6816 Where to spend summer, 1403 --Erin plank road co. Detroit and Howell plank road co.: Toll book, 8340 Journals, 8338 Trowbridge: Mss., 8109, 8110 DETROIT—Continued -Eureka gold and silver mining co., 1404 -Howell plank road Detroit and Howell P. R., 8001, 8002 Journal, 8339 Salem. Township board: Opinions of judges of Supreme court in case, 6133 Toll book, 8340 Transfer book, 8341 Trowbridge: Mss., 8110 ——— -Lake St. Clair plank road co. Cash book, 8342 -Mackinac railroad co. Helping to feed and clothe America, 1405 -Maumee railroad co. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report upon memorial for amendment to charter, 4557, 4558 -Milwaukee railroad Burch: Gazetteer, 495 Cash book, 8343 Condition and prospect, 1406, 1407 Diary of C. C. Trowbridge, 8344 Emmons: Letter books, 8391 -: Mss., 8041, 8068, 8073, 8076, 8078, 8080, 8088, 8092 Howard: Statement showing difference in accounts, 2221, 2222 Lease, 1408 Letter book, 8345 Letter to bondholders, 1409, 1410 Map, 8003 Michigan. Governor: Special message on bill to amend act to authorize any township or city in St. Clair, Lapeer, Genesee and Shiawassee cos. to aid construction of railroad from Port Huron, 3689 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Report, 3989 -.-. Special joint committee: Report of committee to whom was referred investigation of affairs of, 4762 Mortgage, 1411, 1412 Petition for grant of lands, 1413 Report, 1414 Romeyn and Lockwood and Clarke: Mss., 8046 Trowbridge: Mss., 8158 -Pontiac railroad co. Charter, 1415 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Reply relative to settlement with, 3074 Report in relation to, 3077 Report relative to, 3082 20(5 INDEX DETROIT—Continued [-—. Auditor general’s office: Communication on subject of loan to], 3116 -. Governor: Message trans¬ mitting proposition of, 3593 -. Legislature. Senate. Se¬ lect committee: Report in refer¬ ence to mortgage, 4714 Pontiac railroad, 1416 Proposition of, 1417 -St. Joseph railroad co. Proposition for transfer of charter to state, 1418 --, Eel River and Illinois railroad Joy: Mss., 8138 -, Howell and Lansing railroad Emmons: Mss., 8078 -, Lansing and Lake Michigan railroad Joy: Mss., 8136, 8138 -, Lansing and northern railroad co. Detroit and pleasure resorts, 1462 Joy: Mss., 8138 -, Mackinac and Marquette rail¬ road co. Map showing lands, by E. Molitor, 7847 -, Monroe and Toledo railroad co. Detroit and Milwaukee railroad co.: Lease, 1408 -River savings bank Brady & co.: Bank books, 8245 -.: Check stub-books, 8246 -, Romeo and Port Huron railroad co. Prospectus for business, 1472 Deutsch-Amerikanische seminarverein Deutsch-Amerikanische seminarverein, 1500 Dime savings bank The dime savings bank, 1127 Diocese O’Brien: Diocese of Detroit, 5579 Diphtheria Goldberger: Report of investigation of diphtheria carriers, 1822 Directories Baker’s business directory, 203 Burton: “Cadillac’s village”, 514 Detroit. Architects’ and builders’ directory, 957 [-. Associated charities]: Social service directory, 963 ■ -. Board of education: Direc¬ tory of public schools, 999 ■ -business directory, 1419 -. Cass Ave. M. E. church: Di¬ rectory, 1044, 1045 -. Central M. E. church: Di¬ rectory, 1052 -city directory, 1421 * - engineers’, electricians’ and machinists’ directory, 1435 • -. First Presbyterian church: Directory, 1156 DETROIT—Continued • -. Fort Street Presbyterian church: Directory, 1165 ■-telephone key, 1485 Fanning: Pocket or carriage directory of 1st class residences, 1634 - History and directory of churches, 2141 Johnston: Detroit city directory, 2419 Musical directory of Detroit, 5510 Reaume: Detroit theatrical and city guide, 5933 Sauer: Standard guide and pocket directory, 6140 Shove’s business advertiser, 6241 Wellings: Directory of Detroit, and register of Mich., 6855, 6856 See also Detroit. Guide books Dodge: Narrative during captivity at, 1532 Eagle fire co. Constitution, 1128 Economic conditions Commerce, manufacturing and re¬ sources, 757 Edison illuminating co. Annual report, 1574 Education, see Detroit. Board of edu¬ cation; Detroit. High schools Elections Election and registration booths, 1585 Election districts, 1585 [Election tickets], 1587 Johnson: Mss., 8115 McCracken: City of Detroit, 2806 -: Working digest of regis¬ tration and election laws, 2819, 2820 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Reg¬ istration and election laws, 3854, 3855 Electric railway co. Record book, 8314 Elevated railroad Conely: Argument, 763 Warfield: Facts concerning proposed elevated terminal railroad, 6801 Elmwood cemetery Elmwood cemetery, 1129 Farmer: History and rules, 1659 Map, by E. Robinson, 7632 • -, — A. W. Blain, 7647 Plan, by D. Molitor, 7663 Register of interments, 8315 Report of board of trustees, 1130 Engineers’, electricians’ and machinists’ directory, 1435 Episcopal churches, see names of churches Estimates, see Detroit. Board of esti¬ mates Evening and continuation schools National Americanization committee: Americanizing a city, 5522 Evening news Detroit in 1900, 1436 - 1901, 1437 - 1902, 1438 -:- 1903, 1439 INDEX 207 DETROIT—Continued Grand pleasure excursions, 1440 Guide book, 1441 Investigation of Ford profit-sharing, 1442 News boys, 1443 Summer’s vacation, 1444 Excelsior boat club Excelsior boat club: Articles of in¬ corporation, 1627 Excursionists’ guide, 1445 Fair, see Detroit. International fair and exposition association Farrand training school for nurses Farrand training school for nurses: Announcement, 1672 See also Harper hospital Federation of labor Annual labor day review, 1131 Federation of women’s clubs Detroit club woman, 1423 Female benevolent society, see Protest¬ ant orphan asylum, Detroit Female seminary Catalogue, 1446 [Prospectus], 1447 Finance * Detroit. Historiographer: History of Detroit, 1192 See also Detroit. Controller’s office; Detroit. Treasurer’s office Fine arts, see Detroit. Museum of art; Detroit. Musical association Fire and marine insurance co. Charter and by-laws, 1132 Insurance book, 8316 Fire companies, see Detroit. Eagle fire co.; Detroit. Protection co.; Detroit. Woodbridge fire co. Fire dept. Annual report, 1133 Bissell: Mss., 8111 Charter, constitution and by-laws, 1134, 1135 The fire department, 1136 Hathaway: Our firemen, 2086 Memorial of J. A. Van Dyke, 1137 Memorial by order of trustees of old fire dept., 1138 Names of signers to constitution, 1139 Rules and regulations, 1140 Fire insurance, see Insurance Firemen’s fund association By-laws, 1141 Souvenir, 1142 First Baptist church Haskell: Half century memorial, 2077 -: Quarter-century ebenezer, 2080 First Congregational church Books in library, 1143 Byzantine art, 1144 Fiftieth anniversary, 1145 First Congregational church and so¬ ciety, 1146 Profession of faith, 1147, 1148 Quarter centennial, 1149 DETROIT—Continued First Congregational Unitarian society Catalogue of Sunday school books, 1150 First national bank Golden anniversary, 1151 First Presbyterian church Articles of faith and covenant, 1152, ^ 1153 Catalogue of Sunday school library, 1154 Dedicatory services, 1155 Directory, 1156 Exercises at laying of corner-stone, 1157 Manual, 1158 Records, 8317 Remonstrance against division of school fund, 1159 Report of Helping hand society, 1160 Roll of members, 1161 Subjects for young people’s meetings, 1162 First United Presbyterian church Handbook, 1163 Flower show Program and premium list, 1164 Folio, by W. H. Sherzer, 7769 Foreign population Detroit. Board of commerce: In¬ formation for immigrants, 986 National Americanization committee: Americanizing a city, 5522 See also Detroit. Public Library Fortifications U. S. War dept.: Report relative to certain fortifications for defence, 6696 Fort Street Presbyterian church Directory, 1165 Fiftieth anniversary discourse, 1166 Manual, 1167 Records of 25th anniversary, 1168 Three score and six, 1169 Fort Street Goodale: Survey, 8405 Franklin club: Constitution, 1751 Freemasons, see Freemasons. Detroit Free press Annual year book, 1448 [Detroit united railway], 1449 Short story of 82 years, 1450 Some funny things, 6331 Very funny, not too funny; just funny enough, 6760 Free press fresh air fund, 1451 Gas light co. Charter, 1170 Terms upon which public will be sup¬ plied, 1171, 1172 General hospital General hospital: Announcement, 1795 German-American academy Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report rela¬ tive to grant of swamp lands, 4579 German-American seminary Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on public institution: Re¬ port relative to establishing, 4634 208 INDEX DETROIT—Continued German-Americans, see Deutsch-Ameri- kanische seminarverein German Republican mass meeting Resolutions on state of union, 1802 Grace church Constitution of Young men’s associa¬ tion, 1173, 1174 Grace hospital Annual report, 1838 Grace hospital, 1839 Grand lawn cemetery Grand lawn cemetery, 1175, 1176 Map of improved portion, 7689 Great northern Portland cement co. Prospectus, 1978 Guaranteed securities corporation, 1997 Guaranty trust co. Duty of stockholder, 1998 Guide books Detroit city and railway guide, 1420 Detroit city guide, 1422 Detroit postoffice official guide, 1470, 1471 Sprague: Visitors’ guide and diction¬ ary, 6371 See also Detroit. Description; De¬ troit. Directories Hannan’s golf club addition, 7699 Harmonic society Souvenir, 1177 Harper hospital, see Detroit. Farrand training school for nurses; Harper hospital Health, see Detroit. Board of health; Detroit. Sanitary affairs Heating and lighting co. Celebrated Bolton hot water heater, 1178 Instructions for setting and connecting Bolton heaters, 1179 High School Argus, 1180 Argus annual, 1181 Helicon, 1182 Report of principal, 1183 High school alumni association 27th reunion, 1184 High school scholarship fund association Rules and regulations, 1185 Twelve years, 1186 High schools Catalogue, 1187 Detroit high schools, 1188 See also Detroit. Board of education; Detroit. Cass technical high school; Detroit. Central high school; De¬ troit. Public schools Historiographer Annual report, 1189-1191 History of Detroit, 1192 [Report], 1193 DETROIT—Continued History Albright: [Reminiscences), 8208 Anderson: Mss., 8114 Bi-centenary of founding, 358 Blanchard: Discovery and conquests of Northwest, 386 Burtofr: Building of Detroit, 512, 513 -: “Cadillac’s village,’’ 514 -: Detroit bound to be big city, 516 [-]: Detroit in earlier days, 517 -: Detroit, 1814-60, 8260 -: [Detroit in 1825-27], 8261 -: [Detroit in 1833-35], 8262 -: [Detroit in 1835-37], 8263 -: Detroit in 1836, 8264 -: [Detroit in 1842-43], 8265 -: [Detroit in 1843-45], 8266 -: [Detroit in 1844-45], 8267 -: Detroit in 1849, 518, 8268 -: [Detroit in 1850-54], 8269 -: [Detroit in 1900], 8270 -: Detroit in revolution, 519 -: Detroit rulers, 520 -: Diary, 8271 -: Early Detroit, 521 -: Excursion into early rec¬ ords of Detroit, 523 -: [History of Griswold Street], 525 -: In footsteps of Cadillac, 526 -: [La Salle and the Griffon], 528 -: Mss., 8129 Campbell: [Mss.], 8281 Canada. Archives: [Records], 8282 Carlisle: Detroit, 578 Centennial celebration of evacuation by British, 625 Clark: G. R. Clark papers, 695 Compendium, 759 Crowley: Daughter of New France, 869 -: Heroine of the Strait, 870 Detroit: Colonial records of, 8308 Detroit evening news: Detroit in 1900, 1436 1437 1438 1439 — 1901, — 1902, — 1903, Detroit in history and commerce, 1458 Detroit. Public library: Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, 1281 -. Public schools: Scenes given by elementary schools, 1333 Detroit tribune: [Scrap-book], 1491 Douglas: Little girl in old Detroit, 1538 Early Detroit documents, 8045 Edwards: Historical, statistical and commercial review of Mich., includ¬ ing historical sketch of Detroit, 1579 INDEX 209 / DETROIT —Continued Elliott: Oldest Catholic citv in West, 1591 —-: Sketch of life and times of G. Richard, 1592 Ellis: Forest messengers, 1593 Evening news association: Current history, 1623 Farmer: Detroit in 1890, 1652 -: History of Detroit and Mich., 1662-1664 -: Mss., 8186 [Foster]: Capitulation or history of expedition by W. Hull, 8398 Hatch: Chapter of history of War of 1812, 2085 Hollands: When Michigan was new, 2192 Leake: History of Detroit, 2705 Martindale: Loughery’s defeat, 2913 Michigan Catholic bicentenary sup¬ plement, 5366 Michigan (Ter.) Commission on land titles: Governor and judges journal, 5331 -Governor and judges: Report in obedience to act for ad¬ justment of titles of lands, 5333 Miscellaneous mss., 8126, 8176 Miskouaki: Indian affairs around De¬ troit in 1706, 5459 [Mitchell]: Detroit in history and com¬ merce, 5462 [Moore]: Governor, judge and priest, 5477 Palmer: Early days in Detroit, 5630 Parrish: Sword of old frontier, 5655 Potier: Jesuit manuscript, 5854 Powell: Historic towns of western states, 5858 Rameau: Notes historiques sur la colonie Canadienne de Detroit, 5911 Riddell: 1st judge at Detroit and his court, 5979 Roberts: Detroit 100 years ago, 5987 --: Sketches and reminiscences, 5988 [-]: Sketches, 5989 Ross: Landmarks, 6032 Society of colonial wars. Michigan: Paul Revere of West, 6327 Trowbridge: Detroit, past and present, 6588 -: Mss., 8158 Viger: Quelques notes sur Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, 6764 Vigneau: Souvenir program, bi-cen¬ tenary of founding of Detroit, 6765 Washburn: Detroit, 6809 Wayne co. records [etc./, 8135 Wellings: Directory of Detroit; and register of Mich., 6855, 6856 Whitney: Pontiac; a drama of old Detroit, 6909 27 DETROIT —Continued See also Detroit. Historiographer; De¬ troit. Politics and government; De¬ troit. Siege; Detroit. Surrender to the British; Pontiac’s conspiracy Home and day school Catalogue, 1452 Home for the friendless Annual report, 1194 Home messenger, 1195, 1196 Home kindergarten school Home kindergarten school: [An¬ nouncement], 2197 Home of industry for discharged prisoners DePuy: Pebbles and pearls, 950 Homeopathic college Calendar, 1453 Homeopathy Burton: Beginnings in Detroit, 510 Home savings bank Statement, 1197 Horticultural society Preamble, constitution and by-laws, 1198 Hospitals, see Detroit. Grace hospital; Harper hospital; St. Luke’s hospital and church home; St. Mary’s hospital Hotel association Detroit hotels, 1199 House of correction Annual report, 1200 Law, together with rules, regulations and ordinances, 1201 Michigan. Charities and corrections, 3245 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the state prison: Report relative to, 4217 Pauperism and crime in Mich., 5677, 5678 Housing association Right methods in housing bureau, 1202 Hunting and fishing club Articles of association, 1203 Hydraulic experiments Williams: Some Detroit hydraulic experiments, 6943 Illustrated, 1454, 1455 Imperial life insurance society Common sense talk on life insurance 2281 Improvement Detroit. Board of commerce: Im¬ provement of city, 985 Industrial advantages, 1456 Industrial school Annual report, 1457 Industries Beals: Commercial, industrial and transportation interests, 320 Detroit. Board of commerce: Souvenir book of industrial exposition, 991 -. Chamber of commerce: De¬ troit, 1055 ■- daily tribune: Domestic re¬ sources, 1434 210 INDEX DETROIT—Continued Detroit’s industrial advantages, 1456 Detroit in history and commerce, 1458 Detroit of today, 1468 Detroit tribune: Review of commerce of Detroit, 1490 Edwards: Industries of Mich., 1580 Hudson: Detroit, 2255 Industrial map of Detroit, by S. Farmer & co., 7678 Industrial map, 7692 Industries and wealth of Detroit, 2294 Leonard: Industries of Detroit, 2718 McKinney: Industrial advantages, 2836 Industrial school society Ross: Industrial school entertain¬ ments, 6031 In history and commerce, 1458 Insurance companies, see Detroit. Fire and marine insurance co.; Detroit. Manufacturers’ mutual fire insur¬ ance co. International fair and exposition asso¬ ciation Art gallery, 1204 Official catalogue of entries and ex¬ hibits, 1205 Premium list, 1206 International union of steam engineers, see International union of steam engineers Its points of inetrest., 1459 Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian church Dedicatory services, 1207 Joint memorial day committee Memorial and decoration day obser¬ vance, 1208 Journal [Detroit united railway], 1460 Year book, 1461 Junior high schools Detroit. Board of education: Hand¬ book, 1002 Juvenile offenders Bolt: Juvenile offenders, 395 Knights of labor, see Knights of labor Labor unions, see Detroit. Council of trades and labor unions; Detroit. Federation of labor Ladies’ industrial school association Annual report, 2583 Ladies’ Library association Catalogue, 1209 Ladies’ Protestant orphan asylum Articles of association, 2585 Land titles O’Flynn: [Abstract of titles], 8506 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on affairs in the Territory of Mich.: Report, 6658 Law school, see Detroit college of law Laws Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws affecting Detroit, 3852 DETROIT—Continued Learned institutions and societies Michigan. Historical society: His¬ torical and scientific sketches of Mich., 3807 Legends Hamlin: Legends of Le Detroit, 2029 Letter carriers Annual holiday greetings, 1210 National association letter carriers. Detroit branch no. 1: Program, annual entertainment, 5523 Lewis school for stammerers At Lewis school, 2736 Lewis school, 2734 Lewis school greetings, 2735 Light guard Clowes: Detroit light guard, 712 Communication asking bill to amend act for reorganization of military forces, 1211 Constitution and by-laws, 1212 Isham: History, 2347 Lighting, see Detroit. Public lighting commission Literary society Constitution and by-laws, 1213 Lodges Burton: Mss., 8191 Mails, see Detroit. Postal service Manufacturers, see Detroit. Merchants’ and manufacturers’ exchange Manufacturers’ club Preamble, constitution and by-laws, 1214 Manufacturers’ mutual fire insurance co. Articles of association, 1215 Maps Birds eye view, by Hurd-Martin co., 7682 Blue print plan of down town district, ^ 7700 Campbell’s park subdivision, 7701 Carte du Detroit et partie du Lac Erie, 7377 City of Detroit, 7626 -, by H. Hart, 7628 -, by J. D. Johnston, 7629 Commercial pocket map, by W. Sauer, 7696 Counting house map, by J. Farmer, 7630 De Lery’s plan, 7616 Detroit and environs, by C. H. Ellis, 7641, 7642 -and its environs, by C. H. Ellis & vS. Farmer, 7649 - - -, by S. Farmer & co., 7652, 7655 -in 1708, 7615 - 1763, 7618 -prior to fire of 1805, 7622 Farmer’s ideal map, 7694 Fort and settlement, 7617 Fort de Detroit, 7619 INDEX 211 DETROIT—Continued -du Detroit, 7620 Frisbie’s hand book and guide map, ^ 7634 Guide map, 7637 -, by E. Robinson, 7631, 7639 -, by S. Farmer & co., 7643, 7648 -, by Calvert lith. & eng. co., 7662 Handy indexed map, by L. D. Tail- man, 7661 Hannan’s golf club addition, 7699 Industrial map, 7692 -, by S. Farmer & co., 7678 Map and manual, by S. Farmer & co., 7638 Map, by H. Arthur & co., 7660 -, by Calvert lith. co., 7653, 7654, 7666, 7669, 7670, 7680, 7684 -, by Dept, of public works, 7674, 7677 -, by J. Farmer, 7625 -, by S. Farmer & co., 7651, 7667, 7671 ' -, by A. E. Hathon, 7627 -, by R. L. Polk & co., 7657, 7659, 7673 -, by E. Robinson, 7636, 7644 -, by W. Sauer, 7668, 7697 -, by W. C. Sauer, 7658 -, by Sauer bros., 7698 -, by Sauer bros. & Frydrych, 7690 - of central business district, by Convention and tourists’ bureau, 7688 - of principal business portion, by Crowe ptg. & eng. co., 7640 -of sewers, bv R. H. McCormick, 7672 -showing enlargements by acts of legislature, 7693 -showing fire limits, paved streets and sewers, from drawings by E. Robinson, 7635 -showing wonderful development on Woodward Ave., 7703 & Mathews-Northrup up-to-date map, 7656 Munro’s map, 7633 New map, by S. Farmer & co., 7676, 7685 -and guide, by S. Farmer & co., 7664 -of Detroit and suburbs, by S. Farmer & co., 7681 -of new north Woodward district, by Michelson land and home co., 7695 Norwood estates just off Woodward Ave., 7702 Official map, by S. Farmer & co., 7665, 7675 Plan of Detroit, by A. Hull, 7624 -of Government ground, 7621 DETROIT—Continued Plat as laid out by Governor and judges, 7623 Polk & co’s. map, 7683 Rascher’s maps, 7650 Region tributary to Detroit and Miami town, 7376 Sauer: Detailed atlas of Wayne co., 7597 Suburban pocket map, by Sauer bros., 7691 Wards and election districts, by E. Robinson, 7645 See also Detroit. Atlases; Wayne co. Maps Mayor Breitmeyer: Mss., 8168, 8169, 8190 Maybury: Mss., 8189 Message, 1216-1227 -, recorder and aldermen Petition against division of Wayne co., 1228 Mechanics’ society Annual report, 1229 Articles of agreement, 1230 Charter, 1231, 1232 Library Catalogue of books, 1233 Ross: [Detroit mechanics society], 6028 Medical and library association Transactions, 1234 Medical college, see Detroit college of medicine and surgery Memorial day, see Detroit. Joint me¬ morial day committee Memorial Presbyterian church [Cooper: Historical and financial statement], 824 Dedicatory services, 1235 Pastor’s New Year’s greeting, 1236 Twenty-fifth anniversary, 1237 Mercantile society [Papers relating to erection of chamber of commerce], 8318 Merchants’ and manufacturers’ exchange Annual meeting, 1238 Detroit in history and commerce, 1458 Methodist churches, see Detroit. Cass Ave. M. E. church; Detroit. Central M. E. church; Detroit. Congress St. M. E. church; Detroit. Deaconess home; Detroit. Tabernacle M. E. church Michigan, 1463 Michigan and Woodward aves’. Michigan.' Legislature. House. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred petitions in re¬ gard to aid in planking portions of Michigan and Woodward avenues, 4306 Michigan bridge and construction co., 5365 Michigan club, see Michigan club 212 INDEX DETROIT—Continued Michigan conservatory of music, see Michigan conservatory of music Michigan insurance co., see Michigan insurance co. of Detroit Michigan state auto school, see Michigan state auto school Military forces, see Detroit. Brady guards; Detroit. Light guard Mission Union mission Sunday school, 6616 Monthly, 1464 Motor co. Breitmeyer: Mss., 8190 Mount Elliott cemetery Board of trustees, 1239 By-laws, 1240 Farmer: History and rules, 1660 Municipal art, see Detroit. City plan and improvement commission -finance, see Detroit. Control¬ ler’s office --league Addresses at annual meeting, 1241 Annual report, 1242 Brief sketch of activities, 1243 Civic news, 687 Financial statement, 1244 -street railway commission Parsons, Barclay and Klapp: Report on Detroit street railway traffic, 5656 Museum of art Annual report, 1245 Antique oriental rugs, 1246 Bulletin, 1247 Catalogue of paintings, 1248 - of Scripp’s collection, 1249 Handbook of paintings, 1250, 1251 New site, 1252 Music, see Detroit. Conservatory of music; Detroit. Harmonic society; Detroit. Symphony orchestra Musical association Constitution, 1253 -directory, 5510 National bank Signature book, 8319 National building plan association Artistic homes, 5525, 5526 Negroes Colored people of Detroit, 746 Detroit. Committee in behalf of col¬ ored citizens: Memorial for right of suffrage, 1105 Thrilling narrative from sufferers of late riot, 6533 News White plague’s deadly work, 1465 News boys Detroit evening news: News boys, 1443 [Newsboys’ and carrier’s addresses], 1466 Newspapers Detroit free press: Short story of 82 years, 1450 See also Periodicals DETROIT—Continued News tribune Gov. C. S. Osborn’s administration, 1467 Ninth ward Memorial of freeholders of 9th ward, 2943 Porter: Letter relative to report on memorial of freeholders, 5809 Woodbridge: Memorial on subject of limits of Detroit, 7031 ' -: Memorial for relief against taxes and other burthens in 9th ward, 7032 North channel shooting club, see North channel shooting club of Detroit Nurses, see Detroit. Visiting nurse association Observatory, see Michigan. University. Detroit observatory Of today, 1468 Old club The old club of Detroit, 5591 Old settlers’ mining co., see Old settlers’ mining co. Ordinances, etc. Ordinances, 1254-1265 See also Detroit. Charters Orphan asylum Annual founders’ day services, 1266 Parks [Map of] parks of Detroit, by Public improvement committee, Board of commerce, 7686 Olmsted: Conditions in Detroit, 1915, 5602 -: Park for Detroit, 5604 Wilber: Report on Detroit park bill, 6923 -- and boulevards, see Detroit. Dept. of parks and boulevards Penal institutions Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to establishment of work-shop or penitentiary in Detroit, 4665 See also Detroit house of correction Peninsular bank Charter, 1267 People’s state bank History, 1268 Pharmacal co. Catalogue, 1269 Photographic co. Catalogue, 1270, 1271 Play grounds, see Detroit. Recreation Plumbers’ supply co. Certificate stub-book, 8320 Check stub-books, 8321 Contract book, 8322 Day books, 8323 Order book, 8324 Record book, 8325 Work book, 8326 INDEX 213 DETROIT—Continued Police dept. Annual report, 1272 Arguments against putting Police dept. under municipal control, 1273 Manual, 1274 -government Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report relative to bill to establish police government, 4125 Political association Constitution, 1275 Politics and government Government of Detroit, 1834 Independent labor party: Circular, 2282 McCracken: Laws in force in co. of Wayne, 2807, 2808 Maybury: Mss., 8189 Michigan. Political science associa¬ tion: City government, 4792 Pingree: Facts and opinions, 5744 -: Scrapbooks, 8512 Williams: Mss., 8038 See also Detroit. German Republican mass meeting; Detroit. History; Detroit. Women’s independent voters’ association Poor commissioners, see Detroit. Board of poor commissioners Port of Joy: Mss., 8144 Postal service U. S. Postoffice dept.: Scheme of city distribution, 6679 Post and tribune Z. Chandler, 1469 Post no. 384, see Grand army of the republic Postofhce Detroit. Letter carriers: Annual holiday greetings, 1210 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report relative to office as distributing office, 4666 Postoffice clerks’ association Practical hints, 1276 Postoffice official guide, 1470, 1471 Presbyterian alliance, see Presbyterian alliance of Detroit Presbyterian churches, see Detroit. First Presbyterian church; Detroit. First United Presbyterian church; Detroit. Fort Street Presbyterian church; De¬ troit. Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian church; Detroit. Memorial Presby¬ terian church; Detroit. Westminster Presbyterian church Preston national bank, see Preston national bank of Detroit Private claims Fletcher: Plat of tract of land, 8397 Protection co. Constitution, 1277 DETROIT—Continued Protective agency for women and children Annual report, 1278 Protestant orphan asylum, see Protestant orphan asylum Protestant Episcopal churches, see name of church Public library Americanization, 1279 Annual report, 1280 Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, 1281 Architecture, selected list of books, 1282 Automobiles, selected list of books, 1283, 1284 Books for business men, 1285 -foreigners, 1286, 1287 Bulletin, 1288 Catalogue, 1289-1298 Chemistry, selected list of books, 1299 Children’s books, 1300 -catalogue, 1301 Current periodicals, 1302 Detroit. Board of education: Report of committee on library, 1012 Detroit public library branches, 1303 -bulletin, 1304 Drama, 1305 Finding list of English and French prose fiction, 1306 -English prose fiction, 1307 -prose fiction, 1308 Gardens, selected list, 1309 Good books for young people, 1310 Industrial arts, selected list, 1311, 1312 Katalog der bucher in Deutscher • sprache, 1313, 1314 Katalog dziel polskich, 1315 Manual arts, selected list of books, 1316 Monthly bulletin, 1317 Municipal affairs, books and articles, 1318 -charters, selected list, 1319 -government, modern trend, selected list of books, 1320 Netherlands, books and articles, 1321 New main library, 1322 Preferential voting, selected bibliog¬ raphies, 1323 Program of competition for selection of architecture, 1324 Quarterly bulletin, 1325 Selected list on memorial day, 1326 Shade trees and gardening, selected list of books, 1327 Training class, 1328 Useful books in evening schools, 1329 Welfare work in industry, selected list, 1330 Public lighting commission Annual report, 1331 Public school teachers’ retirement fund [State law, constitution], 1332 214 INDEX DETROIT—Continued Public schools Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Bill for government, 3853 Reed: Speech work in, 5939 Scenes from Detroit’s history, 1333 See also Detroit. Board of education; Detroit. High schools Public works Detroit. City plan and improvement commission: Report on center of arts and letters, 1098 Olmsted: Conditions in Detroit, 5602 -*-: Improvement of Detroit, 5603 Williams: Mss., 8156 See also Detroit. Commissioner of public works; Detroit. Dept, of public works Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Railways Complete street railway directory, 760 Detroit. Citizens: [Report of] meet¬ ing to express condemnation of action granting city railway co. extension of time for franchise, 8306 -city and railway guide, 1420 -. Mayor: MayorPingree’scom¬ munication relative to leasing and operating street railway tracks, 1220 -. Ordinances, etc.: Ordinance to provide for single system of street railways, 1265 Map, by Calvert lith. & eng. co., 7998 Miller: Mss., 8116 Parsons, Barclay & Klapp: Report on Detroit street railway traffic, 5656 Weston: Address on street railways, 6882 See also Detroit united railway Real estate Baist’s real estate atlas of surveys of Detroit, 7679 -, 7687 Burton’s abstracts, reports and sta¬ tistics, 532 Duffield: Memoranda note books, 8364 See also Detroit. Land titles Real estate board Articles of association, 1334 Inaugural address by President Brad¬ way, 1335 Why we grow, 1336 Recorder’s court Annual report, 1337 Petition for separation of grades., of Cass, 2nd and 3rd aves., 1338 Recreation Detroit. Board of commerce: Recrea¬ tion survey, 989 Roads Macauley bros.’ road map, 8000 St. Aloysius church, 1339 St. Andrew’s society, see St. Andrew’s society DETROIT—Continued St. Anne’s church Accounts kept by E. Dubois, 8327 Barthe: Sales book, 8237 Campbell: [Mss.], 8281 Exterior parishes Registre, 8330 Registre, 8328 Richard: Circular letter soliciting assistance in rebuilding, 8526 Some substitutes for lost records, 8329 Trustees Livre des assemblies, 8331 St. John’s church Faber: Fifty years, 1628 In memory of H. P. Baldwin, 1340 St. Luke’s hospital and church home, see St. Luke’s hospital and church home St. Mary’s hospital, see St. Mary’s hospital St. Paul’s church Annals of St. Paul’s church, 95 [Lightner]: St. Paul’s church con¬ troversy, 2742 Manual, 1341 Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report in relation to incorporation, 4350 Records, 8332 Statement of facts relative to troubles in, 6382 St. Paul’s church guild Chester: Martha Washington tea party, 662 St. Peter and Paul’s church Golden jubilee, 1342 Sanitary affairs Detroit. Board of commerce: Report of Joint sanitation committee, 990 See also Detroit. Board of health Savings bank Bank statements, 8333 Condition, 1343 Jubilee [souvenir], 1344 Savings bank vs. W. Truesdail et ah, 8334, 8335 Savings fund institute Condition, 1473 Report, 1474-1476 Scholarships, see Detroit. High school scholarship fund association School for boys Announcement, 1477 -of design Catalgoue, 1478 -of fine arts Catalog, 1479 Circular, 1480 Schools Burton: Mss., 8129 Detroit. Citizens educational com¬ mittee : [Correspondence and printed material in reference to proposed legislation], 8307 -. Cyclorama co.: Prize essays, 1123 INDEX 215 DETROIT—Continued Early Detroit documents, 8045 See also Detroit. Board of education; Detroit. High schools; Detroit. Public schools Scientific association Constitution, 1345 Scott memorial fountain Detroit. City plan and improvement commission: James Scott fountain, 1095 -: Program of competi¬ tion, 1097 [Duquesne]: Preliminary report, 1560 Scripps school Junkin: Roll of teachers and pupils, 2432 Seminary, 1481 Sewer commissioners, see Detroit. Board of sewer commissioners Siege, 1712 Dubuisson: Official report of war, 1551 --, 1763 [Ellis]: Pontiac, 1594, 1595 Gladwin: Mss., 1817 Heineman: Startling experience of jewish trader during Pontiac’s siege, 2100 Hough: Diary, 2211 Journal of Pontiac’s conspiracy, 2425 [Macomb]: Pontiac, 2861 See also Detroit. History; Pontiac’s conspiracy --, 1812 [Kaler]: At siege of Detroit, 2462 Social life and customs Bissell: Diaries, 8243 Ross: Old-time fun, 8528 Societe de secours mutuels et de bien- faisance La Fayette Societe de secours mutuels et de bien- faisance La Fayette: Acte d’incor- poration, constitution et reglements, 6322 Society of arts and crafts Annual report, 6323 Society for the prevention of cruelty to children Annual report, 1346 Soldiers’ and sailors’ union Constitution, 1347 Solway guild Year book, 6330 Songs Nimmo: Detroit songs, 5551 ' Sophie B. Wright day nursery Annual report, 6343 Street boys’ home Brinton: Our boys, 441 Street railway commission Report, 1348 [Street railway ordinance], 1482 Street railways, see Detroit. Railways DETROIT—Continued Streets Burton: List, 530 Detroit. Recorder’s court: Petition for separation of grades, 1338 Surrender to British Campbell: Revolutionary services and civil life of Gen. W. Hull, 572 Canada. Archives: Documents, 575 Clarke: W. Hull, 705 Dearborn: Defence of Gen. Dearborn, 939 Hull: Defence, 2263 -: Report of trial of Gen. Hull, 2265 -: Trial, 2266 Lossing: Hull’s surrender of Detroit, 2771 Lucas: Journal, 2776, 2777 Walker: Two letters to Gen. W. Hull on conduct in surrender without re¬ sistance, 6793 Symphony orchestra Program, 1483 Tabernacle Methodist Episcopal church Nash: History, 5521 Tabernacle M. E. church, 1349 Taxation Backus: Petition for changes in tax laws, 168 Detroit. Common council: Report, 1112 Teachers’ mutual aid association Constitution, 1350 Teachers’ retirement fund, see Detroit. Public school teachers’ retirement fund Telephone exchange List of subscribers, 1484 Telephone key, 1485 Telephones Burch: Telephone rates, 494 Temperance, see Detroit. Young men’s temperance society Tennis club Bank books, 8336 Tenth ward Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on incorporations: Minority report in relation to changing boundaries of 10th ward, 4516 Theatres Reaume: Detroit theatrical and city guide, 5933 Thompson home for old ladies Articles of association and by-laws, 6527, 6528 Today Cadillac bi-centenary ed., 1486 Trade and commerce, see Detroit. Board of trade; Detroit. Commerce Trades unions, see Detroit. Council of trades and labor unions Training school alumni Lest we forget, 1487 216 INDEX DETROIT—Continued Treasurer’s office Annual report, 1351 Tribune Increase of state taxes, 1488 [New Year’s greetings], 1489 Review of commerce of Detroit, 1490 [Scrap-book], 1491 Veteran soldiers’ and sailors’ hand¬ book, 1492 Trust co. Descent and distribution of property, 1352, 1353 Fifteen years of service, 1354 How it serves public, 1355 Workmen’s compensation law, 1356 Trustees, see Detroit. Board of trustees Twentieth century club, see Twentieth century club of Detroit U. S. Lake survey office Patrick: Work, 5659 Union trust co., see Union trust co. Unitarian society, see Detroit. First Congregational Unitarian society United Brethren in Christ Some information about church nearest you, 1088 United Presbyterian church, see Detroit First United Presbyterian church United railway Annual report, 1493 Barcroft: Report and appraisal of Detroit united railway, 224 Breitmeyer: Mss., 819*0 Detroit. Committee of fifty on street railway question: Reports, 1108 -. Free press: [Detroit united railway], 1449 -. Journal: [Detroit united railway], 1460 -united weekly, 1494 [Rifenberick]: Statement of “facts” concerning “Barcroft appraisal”, 5981 Statement of F. T. Barcroft in answer to request to appear before board of arbitration, 1496 Street car map, by T. W. Brenkert & co., 7999 See also Detroit. Railways Unity club Constitution and by-laws, 1357 Subjects for papers, 1358 University, see University of Detroit University of Michigan club, see Uni¬ versity of Michigan club of Detroit Van Leuven Browne hospital Browne: Easter in children’s ward, 475 -: Story of children’s ward, 476 Veterinary dental college Illustrated lectures, 1497 Visiting nurse association Annual report, 1359 Water commissioners, see Detroit. Board of water commissioners DETROIT—Continued Water works Henry: Mss., 8160, 8193 Westminster Presbyterian church Programme for amateur concert, 1360 Services at celebration of twenty-fifth anniversary, 1361 Woman’s bi-centenary committee Historical art souvenir, 1362 Souvenir of unveiling tablet in memory of Madame Cadillac, 1363 Woman’s Christian temperance union Report, 1364 Women, see Detroit. Protective agency for women and children; Detroit. Working women’s home association; Detroit. Young women’s Christian association Women’s clubs, see Detroit club woman Women’s exchange and decorative art society Annual report, 1365 Women’s independent voters’ association Constitution, 1366 Woodbridge fire co. Constitution, 1367 Woodmere cemetery Farmer: History and rules, 1661 Jewish section Record, 8337 Thomas: Woodmere cemetery, 6524 -association History, 1368 Rules, 1369 Woodward Avenue Congregational church Manual, 1371 Our church, 1370 Working women’s home association Annual report, 1372 Yondotega club Book, 1373 Young men’s benevolent society Annual statement, 1374 Young men’s Christian association Annual announcement, 1375 Annual report, 1376 Elevation and plans of new building, 1377 Monthly bulletin, 1378 Royal railroad, 1379 Short history, 1380 Weekly bulletin, 1381 Young men’s society Act of incorporation, bv-laws, and rules, 1382-1384 Cataloge of books in library, 1385-1387 Collection of reports and transactions, 1388 Woodbridge: Address before, 7029 Young men's temperance society Constitution, 1389 Young women's Christian association Annual report, 1390 Educational dept. Catalogue, 1392 New building, 1391 INDEX 217 DETROIT—Continued Zoological society Detroit zoological society, 1393 -River Chart, by U. S. War dept., 7964, 7965, 7968 Disturnell: Great Lakes, 1523 International joint commission: Pollu¬ tion of boundary waters, 2326 [Joy]: To engineers to investigate bridg¬ ing, 2429 Lime kiln crossing, by U. S. War dept., 7966 Lower Detroit River, by U. S. War dept., 7967 Map, by British engineer, 7961 A survey, by W. F. W. Owen & assistants, 7962 [Thompson]: Remarks on maps from St. Regis to Sault Ste. Marie, 6525 U. S. Lake survey: Lake Huron, St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair and Detroit River, 6675 White star line: Daylight trips, 6905 West end of Lake Erie and Detroit River, by U. S. War dept., 7878 -navy Constitution, 1498 -tunnel Chesbrough: Sketch of plans and prog¬ ress, 661 Detroit River tunnel co.: Detroit River tunnel, 1499 Godfrey: Detroit River tunnel, 1820 Wilgus: Detroit River tunnel, 6928 -co. Detroit River tunnel, 1499 -. Straits of Map of straits of Detroit, by U. S. Corps of top’l eng’rs., 7963 Deutsch-Amerikanische seminarverein, 1500 Devlin, see Camp Devlin DeVries, T. Grand Rapids. Public library: Catalogue of collection of paintings, [etc.]-, 1919 Dewey, F. S. Alpena county, 1502 Saint Michael’s and All Angels’ church, 1501 --, J. s. Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Com¬ piled laws, 3840 DeWindt, E. A. Patten: Commercial feeding stuffs, 5662 Dexter Pray: Washtenaw co. directory, 5866 Wendell directory co.: Washtenaw co. directory, 6861 See also Quadrangle maps Diabetes Kellogg: New method in diabetes, 2495 Diaries, see Manuscripts DIBBLE, L. D. Prospectus of incorporation, condition and connections of [certain] railroad cos., 1503 Dickenson institute Addresses at opening, with catalogue, 1504 Dickinson, D. M. Detroit. House of correction: Law, to¬ gether with rules, regulations and or¬ dinances, 1201 Railroad property exempt from local taxation, 1506 - brothers Grand Rapids, 1505 Dickinson county Map, by H. E. McCiintock, 7449 Van Hise: Menominee special folio, 6746 Dickson, M. M., & co. Township and sectional pocket map of Washtenaw co., 1507 Diepenbeck, R. Der staat Michigan, 1508 Dietaries Michigan. State board of health: Model diet tables, 4901 Diet in disease Kellogg: Battle Creek sanitarium diet list, 2493 -: New method in diabetes, 2495 Marshall: Guide to special and test diets in university hospital, 2904 Dietsche sight seeing autos, 1509 Digest of cooperative work for playgrounds in Grand Rapids, 1510 Dilla, H. M. Politics of Mich., 1511 Dillenback, J. D. Centennial anniversary of American in¬ dependence at Grand Rapids, 1512 Directory of Grand Rapids for 1870-71, 1521 Grand Rapids annual for 1875-6, 1514 -in 1874, 1513 History and directory of Ionia co., 1515 Loomis: Centennial anniversary of American independence, 2767 -and Leavitt History and directory of Kent co., 2142 Dillon, J. B. History of Indiana, 1516 Dinner to G. P. Goodale, 1517 Dionne, N. E. G. Richard, 1518, 1519 Diphtheria Delamarter: Distribution of deaths, 941 Goldberger: Report of investigation of diphtheria carriers, 1822 Isolation and disinfection: restricted scarlet fever and diphtheria in Mich., 8036 Kellogg: Report, 2492 Michigan. State board of health: Con¬ tributions to study of spread, 4889 -.--- : _ Re¬ striction and prevention, 4924-4927 218 INDEX DIPHTHERIA—Continued -.-: Special reports relative to communicable and preventable diseases, 4930 -.-: Special reports of 3 outbreaks, 4931 Worcester: Diphtheria in Mich, asylum for insane at Kalamazoo, 7039 Directories, see name of city and county; Michigan. Directories Directory of Grand Rapids, 1520, 1521 Diseases Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Contagious diseases, 3371 Temperance and restriction of diseases, 3455 Parker: Verification by health officer of diagnosis of diseases dangerous to public health, 5647 See also Michigan. State board of health; names of diseases District nursing association of Grand Rapids Annual report, 1522 District of Columbia Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report on resolution relative to slavery in, 4667 District school libraries Michigan. State board of education: Memorial, 4876 Distumell, J. Great Lakes, 1523 Island of Mackinac, 1524 Lake Superior guide, 1525 Map of island of Mackinac, 7877 Sectional map of copper, iron and silver region of Lake Superior, 7843 Township map of Lake Superior region, 7401 Trip through lakes, 1526 Tourist’s guide to upper Mississippi River, 1527 Divorce, see Marriage and divorce Dix, D. O. Petitions for general banking law, 1528 Dixie highway Map, by National highways association and Mich, state good roads association, 8004 ' West Mich, pike association: Maps, routes and tourist’s directory of West Mich, pike, 6867 Dixon, H. M. Study of farm management problems in Lenawee co., 1529 * Dock, G. Medical library of U. of M., 1530 Doctors of medicine, see Physicians Documents in relation to bill admitting Mich., 1531 Dodge, J. Narrative during captivity, 1532 -, R. E. Jefferson: Dodge’s geography of Mich., 2384 DODGE, W. S. R. H. Hendershot, 1533 Doggett, J. Railroads in Mich., §013 Dogs Straker: Legal treatise on larceny of dogs, 6424 Dolsen, L. E. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report in relation to qualifications to seat, 4040 Domestic relations [Lacy]: Observations on court of do¬ mestic relations, Wayne co., 2581 Donaldson, J. N. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report in relation to petition of H. Miller claiming seat, 4052, 4053 Donan, P. Mackinac Island, 1534 Donnan, D. D. Marquette in 1900, 1535 Donovan, J. W. Mich, justice’s guide, 1536 D’Ooge, M. L. Michigan. University: Memorial dis¬ courses on C. L. Ford, 5195 -.-. Gallery of art and archaeology: Catalogue, 5283, 5284 President Angell’s quarter-centennial, 1537 Doran, W. T. Brief sketch of University of Detroit, 8346 Doty, E. Memorandum book, 8347 -> H * Ashman: In memoriam of H. Doty, 159 —,S. Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred petition for exten¬ sion of time in collecting school tax, 4355 Doughty, W. E. Map of Lapeer co., 7505 Douglas, A. M. Little girl in old Detroit, 1538 Douglas MacDonald: Message from the hills, 2855 Douglas Lake Reighard: Ecological reconnoissance of fishes, 5945 -region Ruthven: Miscellaneous papers on zool¬ ogy, 6057 Douglass, E. Burton: E. Douglass, 522 [Severance]: Peace mission to Niagara, 6202 INDEX 219 DOUGLASS, S. H. Michigan. University. Medical school: Memorial on female medical education, 5303 -, S. T. Detroit and Milwaukee railroad co.: Mortgage, 1412 Reports of cases in Supreme court, 1539 See also Bates, Walker and Douglass -and Walker Mss., 8108, 8109 See also Bates, Walker and Douglass Dow, H. S. History, commercial advantages and * prospects of Bay City, 2144 Lumberman's gazette, 1540 Dowagiac Freemasons, see Freemasons. Dowagiac Ladies’ library association Catalogue of books, 1541 School board Catalogue of graded schools, 1542 Draft act Michigan. Governor: Gov. Sleeper calling attention to registration regu¬ lations, 3788 Dragonflies Ruthven: Miscellaneous papers on zool¬ ogy, 6057 Drainage Bartholomew: Drainage and sewerage, 236 Harris: Sanitary drainage, 2055 Horton: Deforestation, 2208 See also House-drainage Drains Map showing location of drains built by state, by State land office, 8017 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to, 3856 -.-,-,-.: Laws re¬ lating to highways, bridges and drain¬ age, 3875 -.-,-,-.: Laws re¬ lating to State land office, 3898 Winter: Durability of concrete drain tile, 6996 Drake, E. H. Mercer: In memoriam, 2952 -, I. S. Map of Mo., Ill., Iowa, and Wis., Ter¬ ritory of Minn., and mineral lands of Lake Superior, 7868 -, J. A. Dixon: Study of farm management problems in Lenawee co., 1529 Management of sandy-land farms in northern Indiana and southern Mich., 1543 -, M. L. Lake Superior railroad, 1544 Memorial asking assent by Mich, to act of incorporation by Wisconsin as necessary to authorize Lake Superior railroad co. to construct roads and branches in Mich., 1545, 1546 DRAKE, S. A. Making of Ohio valley states, 1547 Mss., 8129 Drake’s Mich, digest, 1548 Drama Detroit. Public library: Drama, 1305 Draper, A. S. Recovery of law, 1549 Draper mss., 8348 Drawing Battle Creek school of applied art: Com¬ mercial line drawing, 262 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Drawing in rural schools, 3382 Drew, J. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred petition relative to school under care of pastor of trinity church, 4715 Drown[e], S. Oration at Marietta, 1550 Drowned lands Lyster: Reclaiming, 2784 Drug business Haigh, Ledger, 8408 Druggists Physicians', dentists' and druggists’ di¬ rectory of Mich., 5733 Drugs, see Detroit. Pharmacal co. Drummond Island Cook: Drummond Island, 804 Detroit. Ste. Anne's church. Exterior parishes: Registre, 8330 Map of south west end, in Cook: Drum¬ mond Island, 7872 Drunkenness Parker: Public-health subjects before American social science association, 5646 Dry goods business Ludden: Journal, 8450 Dublin [Krause]: Dublin, Manistee co., 2579 Dubois, E. Detroit. Ste. Anne’s church: Accounts, 8327 Dubuisson, [C. R.] Official report of war at Detroit in 1712, 1551 -, H. W. Autobiography, 1552 -, T. P. Battle and massacre at Frenchtown, 1553 Dudley and Goldsmith Directory of Grand Rapids, 1520 Duffield, A. W. In memoriam, 2302 -, B. Check stub-books, 8349-8351 Diaries, 8352 Letter book, 8353 220 INDEX DUFFIELD, D. B. Bank books, 8354 Claim book, 8355 Daily journals, 8356 Day books, 8357 Diaries, 8358 Journals, 8359 Ledger, 8360 Letter books, 8361 Letters to, 8362, 8363 Memoranda note books, 8364 Michigan. State agricultural society: Three lectures, 4849 » State teachers’ association: Memorial, 5110 Notes of testimony in court cases, 8365 -, D. B. and H. M. Claim books, 8366 Journals, 8367 - Ledgers, 8368 Letter books, 8369 -, G. Angelique, 1554, 1555 Bank book, 8370, 8371 MeCorkle: In memoriam; discourse on life and character, 2802 Veteran hero, 1556 -, G. Biographical sketch, 371 Michigan. University: Defalcation in chemical laboratory, 5227 New capitol, 1557 Our soldier-dead, 1558 --, Col. H. M. Centennial celebration of evacuation of Detroit; address of, 625 -, Mrs. I. G. Funeral address and memorial notices, 1777 -, S. P. .St. Louis magnetic spring, 6118 -and Duffield Check stub-books, 8372 Journal, 8373 Letter books, 8374 -mss. Address book, 8375 Catalgoue of law books, 8376 Ledger, 8377, 8378 Dufur, H. M. Biographical sketch, 372 Duluth, South shore and Atlantic railway Along south shore of Lake Superior, 1559 Dumas, C. G. F. [Smith]: Relation historique de l’expedi- tion contre les Indiens de l’Ohio en 1764, 6315 Dumont, Brig.-Gen. E. Official report of Battle of Lebanon, Tenn., 8379 Dunbar, C. S. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report [rela¬ tive to demand for constitutional amendment], 4227 DUNCAN LANDS Map showing lands on Mackinac Straits and Cheboygan River, by P. L. Fox, 7848 Dunham, L. Superior court of Grand Rapids, 8380 Dunster, E. S. Peterson: Edward Swift Dunster, 5715 [Duquesne, E.] Preliminary report on program for Scott ■ fountain, 1560 Durant, S. W. History of Ingham and Eaton cos., 1561 -Kalamazoo co., 1562 -Oakland co., 1563 -, W .C. Miller: W. C. Durant; character sketch, 5449 Dutch in Michigan Brummelkamp: Holland in Amerika, 477 • Historical souvenir of celebration of 60th anniversary of colonization, 2139 Huizinga: What Dutch have done in west of U. S., 2258 Smit: Naar Amerika, 6264 Van Raalte: De toestand der Hol- landsche kolonisatie in Mich., 6748 Van Schelven: “Centennial”; historical sketch of Holland city and colony, 6749 Versteeg: De Pelgrim-vaders van het westen, 6757 Wegwijzer en raadgever voor landver- huizers, 6849 DuVal, P. Le Canada, 7076 Dwellings Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Housing code, 3876 Dwight, A. A. Township plats in Huron, Sanilac, Lapeer and St. Clair cos., 8381 Dyer-Jenison-Barry co. Map of Lansing, 7740 Eagle Harbor Preliminary chart, by U. S. War dept., 7938 Eagle River district Map to accompany cross sections, by Mich, geological survey, 7771 Cross sections, by Mich, geological sur¬ vey, 7772, 7773 Earle, H. L. Michigan. State Library: Biographical sketches of American artists, 5009-5012 Earthquakes Hobbs: Late glacial and post glacial uplift, 2177 Earthworks Leach: Ancient forts in Ogemaw co., 2698 Eastern Michigan asylum, see Michigan. Pontiac state hospital INDEX 221 EAST SAGINAW Board of education Public schools, 1564 Charters, 1565, 1566 Directories Brown, Smyth and Nichols: Direc¬ tory, 473 Polk & co.: Directory, 5766 First Congregational church and society Manual, 1567 History Indian and pioneer history of Saginaw valley, 2291 Map, by C. Holmes & H. Cary, 7748 Ordinances, etc. Revised ordinances, 1568 Public library Catalogue, 1569 Water supply Saginaw. Board of water commis¬ sioners: Report on, 6076 See also Saginaw Eaton, J. D. Saginaw. High school. Class of 1862: Sketch of life of, 6089 Eaton county Agricultural society: 61st annual Eaton county fair, 1570 Durant: History, 1561 Farm journal directory, 1640 [Map], by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7451 Map of cos. of Eaton and Barry, by Geil & Jones, 7450 -Lansing and adjoining towns, em¬ bracing portions of Eaton co., by Macy 6 Driggs, 7736 Mudge: Directory, 5498 Portrait and biographical album, 5825 Eaton Rapids History and location, 2143 Public library Catalogue, 1571 Eberts, R. M. Mss., 8055 Eby, J. F. & co. Annual, 1572 Eclectic medical and surgical society, see Michigan. State eclectic medical and surgical society Ecology Adams: Ecological survey in northern Mich., 6 -: Ecological survey of Isle Royale, 7 Economic conditions, see Michigan. Eco¬ nomic conditions; Michigan. History Economic study for Detroit business men, 1573 Ecorse Polk & co.: Directory, 5787 Edgerton Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Edison illuminating co. Annual report, 1574 EDMONDS, C. A. Journal of senate as court of impeach¬ ment, 1575 Michigan. Legislature. Senate: Act: regulating impeachment, 4419 -, J. W. Report upon disturbance at Potawatamie payment, 1576 Education American schoolmaster, 83 Baker: Lecture, 202 Davis: Public secondary education, 926 Educators of Mich., 1577, 1578 Hinsdale: General introduction to courses in science and art of teaching, 2127 -: Theoretical and critical and' practical courses in teaching in. U. of M., 2133 Johnson: Industrial education in North¬ west, 2404 Johnstone: Agricultural education, 2420 Knight: History and management of land grants for, 2558 McLaughlin: History of higher educa¬ tion, 2845 Mayhew: Popular education, 2932 Michigan. Dept, of public instructionr Historical sketches, 3391 -. Historical commission:. Prize essays, 3804 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on public instruction: Report relative to report of superintendent of public instruction and so much of governor’s message as relates to edu¬ cation, 4640 -journal of education, 5405 -teacher, 5425 Payne: Contribution to science of edu¬ cation values, 5680 -: Contributions to science of edu¬ cation, 5681, 5682 Putnam: Development of primary and' secondary education, 5898 Report of subscriptions for education of seminarians of Diocese of Grand! Rapids, 5948 Salmon: Education in Mich. during territorial period, 6134 Schoolmaster, 6186 • v Tappan: School law and history and description of educational system, 6498 --: Public education, 6500 . Upper peninsula educational association: Bureau of research : Report, 6729 ■ Library section: Program, 6730 . Western journal of education, 6870 Whitney: Status of superintendents, principals and teachers of high schools, 6911 Williams: Duty of state to meet every educational want, 6958 Woman’s progress co. ^Woman’s progress among schools and colleges, 7010 INDEX EDUCATION—Continued .See also Agricultural education; Com¬ mercial education; Evening and con- ; . \ tinuation schools; Higher education; Industrial education; Manual training; Medical education; Michigan. Dept, •of public instruction; Michigan. Legis¬ lature. House. Committee on educa¬ tion; Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Committee on education; Michigan. State board of education; Military t education; Physical education; Schools; Secondary education; Teachers and teaching; Technical education; Women. T Education Educational institutions 1 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Educational institutions, 3383 , _ See also name of institution Educational law and legislation .Hamrpond: School law, 2032, 2033 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Digest of school laws, 3380 School funds and laws, 3427 Summary of school legislation, 3447 System of public instruction, 3451 Tappan: School law and history and . description of educational system, 6498 See also School law Educators of Mich., 1577, 1578 Edwards, A. Woodbridge: Letter to, 7030 —-, R. Historical, statistical and commercial review of Mich., 1579 Industries of Mich., 1580 -—— mine Map, by Mich, geological survey, 7844 Edwin Denby club For Congress E. Denby, 1581 Eggleston, E. S. Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Are railroad lands taxable, 4291 Eggs Bissell and co.: Mss., 8100 Eighteenth St. Baptist mission, Detroit, 1582 Eldred, F. E. Woodbridge: Memorial for relief against taxes and other burthens in 9th ward, Detroit, 7032 Eldredge, R. F. Past and present of Macomb co., 1583 Eldridge, A. Address before New England society, 1584 Election and registration booths, Detroit, 1585 --districts Election districts, Detroit, 1586 [Map of] wards and election districts, Detroit, by E. Robinson, 7645 Map of Detroit, by Calvert lith. & eng. coi, 7669 ELECTION DISTRICTS—Continued [Maps of Mich.], 7309 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication [on constitutional obstacles to division of counties into single representative districts], 3045 -laws McCracken: City of Detroit, 2806 --: Working digest of regis¬ tration and election laws, 2819, 2820 ---: Working edition of Mich. election law, 2821-2825 Michigan. Dept, of state: Act authoriz¬ ing Mich, soldiers to vote, 3466 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to elections, 3857 [-tickets], 1587 Elections Campbell: [Mss.], 8281 Detroit. Public library: Preferential voting, 1323 -street railway ordinance, 1482 Johnson: Mss., 8115 McCracken: Mich, political hand book, 2812 -: Mich, political manual, 2813 [-]: Mich, voter’s guide, 2814 -: Working digest of regis¬ tration and election laws, 2819, 2820 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication on bill to enable elec¬ tors in military service to vote, 3047 Communication [relative to definition of “general election”], 3049 -. Dept, of state: Returns of election for governor and lieutenant governor, 3524 -. Governor: Special message [relative to proposed amendment con¬ fining electors in voting to township or ward in which they reside], 3612 • -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: ‘Report rela¬ tive to election of senators, 4570 • -.-.-. Commit¬ tee on expiring laws: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred bill to repeal section relating to qualified voters at school meetings, 4594 -- (Tfer.) Laws, statutes, etc.: Actes relatifs aux, 5339 Pangborn: B. & O. red book for Mich., 5636 Willard: Counting electoral votes, 6932 Williams: Mss., 8038 Woodbridge: Mss., 8051 See also Contested elections; Detroit. Elections; Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on elections; Michi¬ gan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on privileges and elections; Michigan. Politics and government; Primaries; Suffrage INDEX 223 ELECTIVE FRANCHISE, see Suffrage; Women. Suffrage Elevated Pacific railroad Smith: Petition for appropriation to aid in developing plan, 6302 Elks, see Benevolent and protective order of Elks Ella Wright: Ella, 7046 Ellet, Mrs. E. F. Pioneer women of West, 1588 Summer rambles, 1589 Elliot, J. W. Jackson. Citizens: Petition for relief, 2360 Elliott, R. R. Comments on memoir of Cadillac, 8382 Immigration register, 8383, 8384 Journal, 8385 Last of Barons, 1590 Letter books, 8386 Michigan Catholic bicentenary supple¬ ment, 5366 Oldest Catholic city in West, 1591 Potier: Jesuit ms., 5854 Sketch of life and times of G. Richard, 1592 Ellis, C. H. Detroit and environs, 7641, 7642, 7649 -, E. D. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report relative to petition of, 4258 -, Edward S. Forest messengers, 1593 Pontiac, 1594, 1595 -, Erastus R. Memorial in favor of homeopathic treat¬ ment in Mich, asylums, 1596 - > F - History of Berrien and Van Buren cos., 2150 -Genesee co., 1597 -Shiawassee and Clinton cos., 2171 -, G. E. Good government league: “Bucket shop dept, store”, 1823 -: Ellis as a jug¬ gler, 1824 -: Record, 1825 -: Repudiated by Republicans, 1826 Ellsworth, E. K. U. S. Bureau of the census: Special census of population of Highland Park, 6628 —. —.-St. Clair Heights, 6629 Elmira Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Eloise Keenan: History, 2488 Elsworth, R. H. Manuscript notes, newspaper files and clippings, 8387 Wayside notes, Mason co., 8388 ELY, A. L. Schedule of lots in Allegan for sale by M. A. Hubbard, 6154 ’ —,E. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Reports on claims to seat, 4041 -, G. H. Remarks in opposition to bridge at .De¬ troit, 1598 Shall water-way of Great Lakes be ob¬ structed by bridge at Detroit?, 1599 -, S. P. Memorial relative to railroad interests of LTpper Peninsula, 1600 Emerson, C. Petition that colored people be admitted to all privileges of whites, 1601 -, L. G. Pumpelly: Copper district of Upper Peninsula, 5894 '•'■■■ Emery, A. M. Map of Lansing, 7738 Emigrant’s directory Blowe: Geographical, commercial and agricultural view of U. S., 393 Emigration Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report, of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lution to encourage, 4228 - agent [Michigan. Governor: Communication in compliance with resolution request¬ ing information relative to employment of], 3645 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report relative to establishment of agency, 4668 See also Immigration Emmet county Polk & co.: Directory, 5782 Traverse region, 6580 Wright: Ella, 7046 -: Stories of crooked tree, 7051, 7052 Emmett Wolverine directory co.: St. Clair co. directory, 7008 Emmons, A. & H. H. Letter books, 8389 Mss., 8054, 8068, 8073, 8078, 8080 -, H. H. Journal, 8390 Letter books, 8391 4 Mss., 8041, 8043, 8052, 8054, 8057, 8059, 8064, 8068, 8073, 8075, 8076, 8078, 8080, 8082, 8084, 8086, 8088, 8090, 8092, 8094, 8096, 8099, 8102, 8105 See also Van dyke and Emmons -, J. P. C. Mss., 8041, 8043, 8064, 8068, 8073, 8075, 8076, 8078, 8080, 8082, 8084, 8094, 8096 i See also Emmons and Jones 224 INDEX EMMONS AND JONES Daily journal, 8392 Mss., 8041, 8073 Employers’ liability Michigan. Employers’ liability and workmen’s compensation commission: Report, 3529 -. Industrial accident board: Workmen's compensation cases, 3814 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Mich. employers’ liability, 3858 - # State library. Legislative reference dept.: Legislative reference list, 5063 'Taylor: Administration of workmen’s compensation benefits, 6507 Workmen's compensation law, 7040 Employment institution for the blind, see Michigan. Employment institution for the blind Engineering Michigan engineer, 5396 -technic, 5427 The technic, 6510 See also Mich, engineering society; Michigan. University. Engineering society Engineers, see International union of steam engineers < English, W. H. Conquest of Northwest, 1602 English language Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Language outline, 3395 Language teaching, 3396 [Reed]: Announcement of special inter¬ est to foreigners desiring to speak Eng¬ lish correctly, 5939 Ensign, D. W. & co. Durant: History of Ingham and Eaton cos., 1561 History of Allegan and Barry cos., 2146 -Berrien and Van Buren cos., 2150 -Shiawassee and Clinton cos., 2171 Shenck: History of Ionia and Montcalm cos., 6155 _ T Traveller’s map of Mich., Ill., Ind., and Ohio, 7192, 7194 -Bridgman and Fanning Lake and river guide, 1603 Township map of Mich., 7229 -and Thayer’s travellers’ guide, 1604 Ensilage ICedzie: Chemical composition, 2469 Entomostraca Marsh: On cyclopidae and calanidae, 2896 Epileptic, see Defective and delinquent classes; Michigan. Farm colony for epileptics; Michigan. Home and train¬ ing school EPISCOPAL CHURCH, see Protestant Episcopal church Equal suffrage, see Michigan. Equal suf- rage association -taxation Michigan. Governor: Messages of Gov. Pingree, 3755-3758 Equity pleading and procedure Puterbaugh: Chancery pleading and practice, 5895-5897 Whitehouse: Mich, judicature act of 1915, 6900 Erie and Kalamazoo railroad co. Acts of incorporation, 1605, 1606 Communication from president; state¬ ment of receipts and expenses, 1607 Emmons: Mss., 8041, 8052 Memorial of committee of directors, 1608 Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on banks and incorporations: Minority report, 3990 3997 Report, Report, 1609 -Michigan telegraph co. Articles of agreement and association, 1610 -canal Mathews: Erie canal and settlement of West, 2920 -war, see Michigan. Boundaries Erin and Mount Clemens plank road co. Detroit and Erin plank road co.: Jour¬ nals, 8338 --—- Howell plank road co.: Toll book, 8340 Ernst, O. H. International waterways commission: Re¬ port, 2330 Erosion Gordon: Wave cutting on west shore of Lake Huron, 1830 Erysipelas Michigan. State board of health: Rela¬ tive to, 4919 -.-: Special reports relative to communicable and preventable diseases, 4930 Escanaba Carnegie public library Annual report, 1611 Directory Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Nursey: City of, 5575 Ordinances, 1612 Pageant of Escanaba, 5625 Essex county, Mass. Part taken in organization and settlement of Northwest Territory, 5657 -, Ontario St. Pierre: Histoire des Canadiens- Frangais du Mich, et du comte d’Essex, 6131, 6132 INDEX 225 ESSEXVILLE Polk & co.: Directory, 5761 Weeks & Polk: Bay City directory to which is appended directory of, 6848 Estabrook, J. Geography of Mich., 7299 Prof. J. Estabrook; memorial services, 5878 Estes, L. Latitude of Detroit observatory, 1613 Etiquette St. Mary’s college: Good form, 6123 [Etzenhouser, R.] Engravings of prehistoric specimens, 1614 Eugenics McKinnie: Preliminary report of eugenic survey, 2837 European foul brood, see Foul brood Eustace, H. J. Cover crops for orchards, 1615 Potato culture, 1616 Spray and practice outline, 1617 Thinning apples, 1618 Winter vetch, 1619 Evangelical observer Ledger, 8393 Evans, A. T. Collection of amphibians and reptiles from Gogebic co., 1620 Ruthven: Miscellaneous papers on zool¬ og v, 6057 -, D. H. In memoriam. Rev. W. M. Ferry, 2306 -, E. Pedestrious tour, 1621 Evening and continuation schools National Americanization committee: Americanizing a city, 5522 Warriner: All-day trades school, 6805 Evening news association Detroit, Mich., 1463 Men of progress, 1622 Quarterly register of current history, 1623 Everett, E. Walker: Remarks on announcement of death, 6791 -» F - French: Grand Rapids city directory, [containing scraps of history by], 1766 Memorials of Grand River valley, 1624 Scraps from history of Grand Rapids, 1625 Everts, L. H., & co. [Durant]: History of Oakland co., 1563 History of Calhoun co., 2151 -Oakland co., 2163 -St. Joseph co., 2170 -and Abbott [Durant]: History of Kalamazoo co., 1562 [Ellis]: History of Genesee co., 1597 History of Genesee co., 2153 -Hillsdale co., 2154 -Livingston co., 2159 29 EVERTS AND STEWART Combination atlas map of Jackson co., 7481 -Lenawee co., 7511 -St. Clair co., 7556 -Washtenaw co., 7579 Evidence Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication relative to evidence, 3053 Trask: Notes on laws of, 6567 See also Trials; Witnesses Ewing, T. Address at centennial celebration at Marietta, 1626 Excelsior boat club, Detroit Articles of incorporation, 1627 Exchanges, literary and scientific Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on education: Report relative to plan for international literary exchange, 4019, 4020 -.-. Joint committee: Report on international exchanges, 4397 -.-. Senate. Com¬ mittee on public instruction: Report respecting exchange of literary pro¬ ductions, 4636 Vattemare: Letters relative to receipt and distribution of books, documents, etc., 6751 -, prisoners Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on federal relations: Report relative to exchange of prisoners, 4069 Faber, W. F. Fifty years; history of St. Johns’ church, Detroit, 1628 Factory inspection Michigan. Bureau of labor and indus¬ trial statistics: Annual report, 3241 -: Annual report of in¬ spection of factories, 3242 -. Dept, of labor: Act creating dept., 3351 -.-.-: Annual re¬ port, 3353 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Law re¬ lating to inspection of factories, 3859 Facts and arguments against election of Gen. Cass, 1629 Fagots of cedar Swift: Fagots of cedar, 6443, 6444 Fairbank, H. C. Sketch of life of, 6249 -, Mrs. M. A. R. Sketch of life of, 6250 226 INDEX FAIRLIE, J. A. Mich, constitutional convention, 1630 Michigan. Political science association: Papers and addresses on primary re¬ form, 4794 Referendum and initiative, 1631 Some suggested changes in Mich, con¬ stitution, 1632 Fairview New map of Detroit and suburbs, by S. Farmer & co., 7681 Fall, B. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on petition [for law to convey certain lands], 4126 Fall, D. Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Arbor day, 3360 State manual, 3438 Thrift teaching, 3458 False Presq’ile Harbors of refuge, by U. S. War dept., 7954-7956 Fancher, I. A. History of Isabella co., 1633 Fanning, B. E. Pocket or carriage directory of resi¬ dences in Detroit, 1634 Farm animals, see names of animals - and business directory of Houghton, Keweenaw, Ontonagon and Baraga cos., 1635 - journal directory of Allegan co., 1636 -Barry co., 1637 -Berrien co., 1638 -Calhoun co., 1639 -Eaton co., 1640 -——-- — Gratiot co., 1641 --——- — Ingham'co., 1642 -Ionia co., 1643 -Kent co., 1644 -Lenawee co., 1645 -<-Macomb co., 1646 -— Monroe co., 1647 —-Montcalm co., 1648 -Shiawassee co., 1649 -Van Buren co., 1650 - lands, see Land - women, see Women Farmer, A. J. New map of Wayne co., 7596 -, J- Counting house map of Detroit, 7630 Geological map of mineral region, 7839 Improved edition of map of surveyed part of Territory of Mich., 7168, 7175 Improved map of surveyed part of Terri¬ tory of Mich., 7157 -territories of Michigan and Ouisconsin, 7169, 7176 FARMER, J.—Continued Map of Detroit, 7625 -Mich., 7200 -southern part of Mich., 7391 -surveyed part of Mich., 7182, 7191, 7215, 7226 -Territory of Mich., 7147 -Michigan and surrounding coun¬ try, 7210, 7219, 7227, 7241, 7254, 7265, 7275, 7283 -state of Mich, and Territory of Wis., 7183 -Mich, and Wis., 7222 -.--—., embracing great part of Iowa, Ill. and Minn., 7234, 7240, 7243, 7247 -territories of Mich, and Ouiscon¬ sin, 7153, 7158, 7177 -U. S. road from Ohio to Detroit as located by Messrs. Edwards, Vance & Judd, 8022 -Wayne co., 7587 New sectional map of Wis., embracing part of Ill., Mich., and Minn., 7257 Railroad and township map of Mich., 7249, 7255, 7261, 7267 -, s. All about Detroit, 1651 Automobile road map of southeastern Mich., 7996 Automobile road atlas of southern Mich., 7997 [Biographical data for history of Detroit and Mich.], 8394 Detroit in 1890, 1652 -. Young men’s Christian associa¬ tion: Royal railroad, 1379 Farmer’s map of Mich, and Wis., em¬ bracing part of Iowa, Ill., and Minn., 7238 Guide and souvenir of Detroit, 1653 Guide map of Detroit, 7643, 7648 Guide to streets, pavements, car routes and house numbers of Detroit, 1654- 1657 Handbook and guide map of Detroit, 1658 History and rules of Elmwood cemetery, 1659 ■----— Mount Elliott ceme¬ tery, 1660 -Woodmere cemetery, 1661 History of Detroit and Mich., 1662-1664 Ideal map of Detroit, 7694 Illustrated guide and souvenir of Detroit, 1665 Industrial map of Detroit, 7678 Mss., 8186 Map and manual of Detroit, 1666, 7638 -of Detroit, 7651, 7667, 7671 [-]- and its environs, 7649, 7652, 7655 -of Lake Superior and mineral regions, 7919, 7920 -railroads, Lower Peninsula, 8014 INDEX 227 FARMER, S.—Continued -suburban railways in south¬ eastern Mich., 8019 -Wayne co., 7590, 7595, 7596 [-]-., and part of Oakland and Macomb cos., 7601 Michigan book, 1667 New map of Detroit, Delray, Highland Park, Hamtramck, Woodmere, River Rouge, 7676 -and suburbs, 7681, 7685 -and guide of city and environs of Detroit, 7664 Official map of Detroit, 7665, 7675 Powell: Historic towns of western states, 5858 Railroad and township map of Mich., 7270, 7273, 7276 Sectional map of Mich., 7333, 7337 “Tri-color” map of Mich., *7340, 7354, 7362 Farmerkin’s farm rhymes Stockman: Farmerkin’s farm rhymes, 6414 Farmers’ and mechanics’ bank Memorial asking extension of charter, 1668 -of stockholders, 1669 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report upon resolution relative to, 4127 -. ---. -. Select committee: Report of committee ap¬ pointed to investigate, 4293 -. -.-. Special committee: Report of committee to investigate condition, 4363 -.-. Joint committee: Report of committee [to investigate affairs], 4387 Report of committee of investigation into condition, 4389 -.-. Senate. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Report of committee to whom was re¬ ferred petitions for removal or exten¬ sion of charter, 4446 -.-.-. Com¬ mittee on incorporations: Report relative to, 4517 -. Treasury dept.: Communi¬ cation relative to, 5131 See also Banks and banking Farms and farming Dixon: Study of farm management problems in Lenawee co., 1529 Grange: Diseases of farm animals, 1966 [Hamilton?]: Peaceful valley farms, 2028 May: Farmers’ movement, 2927 Michigan. Agricultural college: Pro¬ gram, farmers’ week, 2993 -. Dept, of state: Annual report relating to farms and farm products, 3472 FARMS AND FARMING—Continued - farmer: Circulation informa¬ tion, 5397 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Mich. farm laws, 3860 -. Political science association: Social problems of the farmer, 4797 -. State association of farmers’ clubs: Proceedings, 4852 -. State board of agriculture: Mich, farmers’ institutes, 4863 Smith: Shrinkage of farm products, 6282 -: Suggestions on farm accounts, ^ 6290 See also Agriculture; Michigan. State grange Farnsworth, B. S. Memorandum book, 8395 Scrapbooks, 8396 -, E. [Campbell]: Elon Farnsworth, 567 Mss., 8133 -, F. E. Proceedings; complimentary banquet to T. W. Palmer, 1670 Farrand, E. M. History of U. of M., 1671 -> J* S ‘ In memory of, 2317 -training school for nurses Announcement, 1672 See also Harper hospital Farrell, J. Mss., 8165 Farwell, O. A. Mich, novelties, 1673 Notes on Mich, species of polygonatum, 1674 Faults (Geology) Lane: Keweenaw fault, 2602 Faxon, Mrs. C. C. Sage public library: Supplement “A” to catalogue, 6065 Fayette Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Federal lands Salmon: Education in Mich.; and federal land grants for internal improvements, by A. N. Bliss, 6134 See also Land Federation of labor, see Michigan. Federa¬ tion of labor Fee system Rouech: Guide to lawful fees and com¬ pensations, 6039, 6040 Feeble minded, see Defective and delin¬ quent classes; Michigan. Home and training school Feeding stuffs Shaw: Feeding whole grain, 6218 See also Commercial feeding stuffs Felch, A. Indians of Mich., 1675 Mss., 8153, 8154 Michigan. Governor: [Messages and communication], 3643-3646 228 INDEX FELCH, A.—Continued [-. University. Board of regents. Executive committee]: [Letter from J. Kearsley], 5247 Washtenaw county. Bar association: Proceedings at banquet in honor of, 6810 Fellows, G. Michigan. State library. Legislative reference dept.: Local legislation, 5064 Female benevolent society, see Protestant orphan asylum Fenton Charter and ordinances, 1676 Polk & co.: Directory, 5768 [Fer, N. de?] Carte de Nouvelle France, 7084 Carte tres curieuse de la Mer du Sud, 7085 Ferguson, N. Tucker vs. Ferguson, 1677 -, R. M. Grand Rapids. Ordinances, etc.: Com¬ piled ordinances, 1913 Fergusson, A. Practical notes made during tour in Canada, 1678, 1679 Fernow, B. Ohio valley in colonial days, 1680 Ferrey, Mrs. M. B. Know your own state, 1681 Old seals and state seals, 1682 Ferris, J. States and territories of great West, 1683 -, W. N. Address as temporary chairman of Macki¬ nac conference of American peace cen¬ tenary committee, 1684 Duty of state toward mouth hygiene, 1685 [Mrs. N. G. Ferris], 1686 Michigan. Governor: [Messages, letter and reports], 3780-3786 -, Mrs. N. G. Ferris: [Mrs. N. G. Ferris], 1686 -institute Business, shorthand and telegraphy, 1687 [Calendar], 1688 Catalog, 1689 What school, 1690, 1691 Ferry, N. H. Cooper: Obituary discourse, 827 --, T. W. Justice to Mich. Indians, 1692 Michigan. Commissioner of the Gettys¬ burg cemetery: Report, 3269 -, Rev. W. M. In memoriam, 2306 Ferry sburg Map, by S. S. Montague, 7705 Fertilizers Jensen: Composition and value of farm manures, 2402 Kedzie: Commercial fertilizers, 2467- 2471 -: Fertilizer analyses, 2474, 2479 Patten: Fertilizer analyses, 5663 Robison: Fertilizer bulletin, 5997 FESTBERICHT bei funfzigjahrigen jubil- aum und einweihung drei neuen glocken der Evang.-Prot. St. Johannes gemeide, 1693 Few facts concerning history of Mich, state board of registration in medicine, 1694 Fick, L. J. Mechanics’ lien law, 1695 Field, G. Memoirs, incidents and reminiscences of early history of New church, 1696 Field crops Pettit: Insects of, 5722 Fielding, I. Map of U. S., 7112 Fife Lake Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Filley, A. Fitch: Report of great conspiracy case, 1702 -, W. Life and adventures of, 1697 Finance Bay City: Annual statement, 264 Saginaw. Controller’s office: Annual report, 6087 Wayne county. Board of county audi¬ tors: Report, 6820 -. Treasurer: Report, 6834 See also Detroit. Controller’s office; De¬ troit. Treasurer’s office; Michigan. Auditor general’s office; Michigan. Board of state auditors; Michigan. Board of trustees of state assets; Michigan. Finance; Public finances; Michigan. Treasury dept. Fine arts, see Art Finlay, J. R. Michigan. Board of state tax commis¬ sioners: Appraisal of mining proper¬ ties, 3228 Finlayson, J. Geographical, statistical and historical map of Mich. Territory, 7141, 7149 Finley, A. Map of states of Ohio, Ind. and Ill., and part of Mich. Territory, 7148 Western states and territories, 7151 Finney, B. A. Public libraries and local history, 1698 Fire insurance Insurance herald hand book, 2319 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to fire and marine insurance, 3885-3888 See also Insurance Fire marshal, see Michigan. State fire marshal Fire marshal law Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Fire marshal law, 3861 Firemen’s association, see Michigan. State firemen’s association Fires and fire relief Michigan. Fire relief commission: Re¬ port, 3540 vSee also Forest fires INDEX 229 FISCHER, R. S. Colton’s traveler, 754 Fish and fishing Clark, F. N.: Disadvantage of planting small fish, 692 -, —. —.: Report on distribution of fish and eggs from Northville and Alpena stations, 693 -, N. W. :Pisciculture, 700 Curtis: Fish in national park, 883 Disturnell: Lake Superior guide, 1525 Gallagher: Remonstrance against act repealing act to prevent transportation of pickled fish without inspection, 1780 Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad co. Passenger dept.: Guide to haunts of “little fishes”, 1946 ---.: Guide to resorts, 1947 Hankinson: Observations on fishes in Houghton co., 2036 -: Results of Shiras expeditions to Whitefish Point, 2037 Hill: Memorial against law to suppress pound or trapnet fishing, 2117 King: Trouting on Brule River, 2531, 2532 Laflin and co.: Need of national law to regulate size of mesh of nets on Great Lakes, 2586 Meek: Synoptic list of fishes within 50 miles of Chicago, 2936 Metcalf: Success in propagating Cali¬ fornia trout, 2959 Michigan. Game, fish and forestry war¬ den: Biennial report, 3552 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Act to protect, 3864 -. -, -, -.: Com¬ mercial fish laws, 3865 -- .— • Game and fish laws, 3869-3871 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on fisheries: Report relative to fishing interests, 4077, 4078 -.-. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report in rela¬ tion to bill to regulate fisheries, 4669 -: Report in rela¬ tion to destruction of fish, 4670 -.-.-. Select committee: Report of committee to whom has been referred sundry peti¬ tions on inspection of fish, 4717 Nelson: Fisheries of Chicago and vi¬ cinity, 5536 Northrup: Camps and tramps in Adiron- dacks and grayling fishing in northern Mich., 5562 Old club: Old club of Detroit, 5591 Pere Marquette railroad co.: Fishing and hunting, 5699 -.: Mich, sum¬ FISH AND FISHING-Continued Reighard: Breeding habits of black bass, 5944 -: Ecological reconnoissance of fishes of Douglas Lake, 5945 Ruthven: Miscellaneous papers on zool¬ ogy, 6057 Shields: Rustlings in rockies, 6235 Smith: Fisheries of Great Lakes, 6306 See also Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.; Michigan. Public domain commission. Game, fish and forest fire dept.; Michi¬ gan. State board of fish commissioners Fish commission, see Michigan. State board of fish commissioners Fish warden, see Michigan. Game and fish warden; Michigan. Game, fish and forestry warden; Michigan. Game, fish and forestry dept. [Fisher, E. B.] Grand Rapids, illustrated, 1699 Fiske, L. R. Address on condition and office of M. A. C., 1701 Albion college, 1700 Fitch, A. F. Report of great conspiracy case, 1702 Seward: Argument in defence of, 6203 Van Dyke: Argument in railroad con¬ spiracy case, 6737 -, F. S. Catalogue of public school exhibit, 1703 -, J. Map of northwest parts of U. S., 7117 Phillips: Rare map of Northwest, 5731 Five million loan Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Com¬ munication [relative to damages upon unpaid installments], 3097 [-.-: Com¬ munication on interest on unrecog¬ nized portion of bonds], 3115 -.-: Report, 3130 -. Governor: Special message concerning, 3623 -.-: Special message in relation to protested drafts drawn, 3632 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the five million loan: Re¬ port, 4079, 4080 -.-.-. Commit¬ tee on ways and means: Report of committee to whom has been referred bill for anticipation of installments of, 4261 -.-. Joint committee: Report on five million loan bonds, 4390 -.-. Joint select com¬ mittee: Report of committee to in¬ vestigate negotiation, 4416 •-.-. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report of committee to which was referred message in rela¬ tion to proposition for modifying terms of, 4486 mer resorts, 5701 230 INDEX FIVE MILLION LOAN—Continued -: Report, 4487 —-: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred report on, 4505 -——■. -. -. Com¬ mittee on incorporations: Report on resolutions inquiring into expediency of prohibiting circulation of bills less than 5 dollars and creating bank from balance of five million loan, 4515 -. -. -. Select committee: Report, 4719 -. Treasury dept.: Communi¬ cation concerning future payments, 5132 Flags Michigan. Adjutant general’s office: Flags of Mich., 2974 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Mich. flag law, 3862 -. State library: American flag, 5006, 5007 Pattengill: Special day exercises, 5672 Flaherty, N. L. Brief sketch of earliest history of Michi¬ gan’s Great Lakes region, 1704 - — V -. History of Grand Rapids furniture strike, 1705 Flat pea Clute: Spurry [and] flat pea, 718 Flats Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Digest of laws, 3863 Fletcher, J. Plat of tract of land, 8397 --, S. W. Outline of elementary course in horti¬ culture, 1706 Pollination of forced tomatoes, 1707 Varities of fruit originated in Mich., 1708 -, W. A. Communication relative to revision of laws, 1709 Report relative to revision of laws, 1710 Flint, J. Letter from America, 1711 - T Condensed geography and history of western states, 1712 Flint Charter and ordinances, 1713, 1714 Citizens Proceedings of meeting relative to dam across Flint River, 1715 Description Wood: History of Genesee co., 7017 Directories Bards and co’s. business directory, 226 Mills: Directory of Flint, 5451 Polk & co.: Directory, 5768 Executive committee of the golden jubilee Book of golden jubilee, 1716 FLINT—Continued Flint and Pere Marquette railroad co. Argument as to right of state to impose local tax on railroad lands, 1719 Burch: Gazetteer, 495 Ferguson: Tucker vs. Ferguson, 1677 History, resources and prospects of Saginaw valley, 2175 Joy: Mss., 8136, 8138 "Map of company’s lands in Mich., 7849 Map of lands in Saginaw region, 7850 Report, 1720 U. S. Circuit court. Eastern district of Mich.: John W. Mackintosh vs. Flint and Pere Marquette, 6630 Webber: Argument on behalf of, 6840 Ladies’ library association Catalogue, 1717 Constitution and catalogue, 1718 Crapo: Address at dedication of li¬ brary building, 856 Map, by G. T. Clark & S. Mathewson, 7704 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Opinion on whether bill authorizes delivery of bonds in aid of Pontiac and Lansing railroad, 3066 Flint scientific institute Constitution, 1721 Flint River Flint. Citizens: Proceedings of meeting relative to dam across Flint River, 1715 Seymour: Memorial in relation to bill to keep up dam, 6205 Flint River Baptist association Minutes, 1722 Flora Beal: Mich, flora, 304, 305 Sargent: Crataegus in southern Mich., 6139 Flowers Adair: Autumn catalogue, 4 -: Descriptive catalogue of vege¬ tables, flower and agricultural seeds, 5 Flushing Clark: Decoration day, 689 Flint. Citizens: Proceedings of meeting relative to dam across Flint River, 1715 Polk & co.: Directory, 5768 Foik, P. J. Mich, essay, 1723 Folk-lore. Indian Schoolcraft: Algic researches, 6157 [-■]: Indian fairy book, 6166 -: Myth of Hiawatha, 6172 See also Indians Follett, Mrs. E. N. In memoriam, 2312 Folsom, W. H. C. Fifty years in Northwest, 1724 Food Detroit and Mackinac railroad co.: Helping to feed and clothe America, 1405 INDEX 231 FOOD—Continued Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Dairy and food laws, 3850 See also Michigan. Dairy and food com¬ missioner Football Wagner & co.: Mich, on the gridiron, 6778 Forage crops Crozier: Forage crops, 874 -plants Towar: Sand lucerne, 6556 Forbes, J. G. Hull: Report of trial of Gen. Hull, 2265 Ford, C. L. Memorial discourse on A. B. Palmer, 1725 Michigan. University: Memorial dis¬ courses on, 5195 -.-: Synopsis of lec¬ tures, 5215 • -, H. Lane: H. Ford’s own story, 2612 • -, H. A. Michigan, 1726 --, ML H. U. S. 52d Cong., 2d sess.: Memorial ad¬ dresses on life and character of, 6643 __ Q Hoyt: J. D. Pierce, 2237 Journal of Pontiac’s conspiracy, 2425 Tocqueville: Voyage en Amerique, 6550 White captive, 1727 • -, R. M. Financial statement of Highland Park, 1728 • -, & son Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report in relation to resolutions on subject of loan, 4278 • -motor co. Detroit evening news: Investigation of profit-sharing, 1442 Ford factory facts, 1729 Ford motor cars, 1730 Helpful hints to employes, 1731 -River Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Foreigners Chaney: Alien suffrage, 635 Detroit. Board of commerce: Informa¬ tion for immigrants, 986 -. Public library: Books for for¬ eigners learning English, 1286, 1287 Woodbridge: Mss., 8051 See also Emigration agent Forestie, E. Lamothe-Cadillac, 1732 Forest fires Bailey: Report on Mich, forest fires of 1881, 185 Michigan. Forestry commission: Mich, forestry, 3547 FOREST FIRES—Continued -. Lumbermen: Facts and fig¬ ures against passage of Chicago relief bill, 4768 [Roth]: Forest fires, 6035 See also Michigan. Game, fish and for¬ estry warden; Michigan. Game, fish and forestry dept. - reserves, see Forests and forestry Forestry association, see Michigan. For¬ estry association - commission, see Michigan. For¬ estry commission -day King: Prose and verse for use on pro¬ grams, 2530 -problem in southern Mich., 1733 Forests and forestry Beal: Lessons on growing forest trees, 302 Clark: Woodlot, forestry, 698 Grand Island forest and game preserve, 1852 Hill: Pine industry, 2116 Michigan. Commission of inquiry, tax lands and forestry: Report, 3260 -. Forestry association: Annual meeting, 3541 -.-Laws, 3542 -.-commission: Advance movement, 3543 -.- : -: First re¬ port, 3544 -.-: Little talk about forestry, 3545 -.-: Mich, for¬ est reserve manual, 3546 -.-: Mich, for¬ estry, 3547 -.-: Report, 3548 -.-: Steps of progress, 3549 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Act to provide for preservation, 3866 -. Legislature. House. Special committee: Report of committee to whom was referred memorial relative to preservation of forest trees, 4375 -. State library. Legislative reference dept.: Public lands and forest protection, 5066 Proceedings of forestry convention in Grand Rapids, 5876 Roth: Forest regulation, 6036 -: What is forestry, 6037 -: What the state should do, 6038 [Schmidt]: How truth regarding pro¬ posed forestry legislation is distorted, 6156 Wheeler: Sketch of original distribution of white pine in lower peninsula, 6888 Whitford: Genetic development of for¬ ests of northern Mich., 6906 Woolsey: Norway pine in lake states, 7035 232 INDEX FORESTS AND FORESTRY—Continued See also Michigan. Game, fish and for¬ estry warden; Michigan. Game, fish and forestry dept.; Michigan. Public domain commission Forman, S. E. Government in Mich., 1734 Fort Brady Plat of survey of land “for military pur¬ poses", by G. C. Westcott, 7851 -Dearborn massacre Helm: Fort Dearborn massacre, 2101 -Defiance [Carter]: Centennial, 582 -Gratiot Meech: Port Huron and St. Clair co. directory, containing directory of, 2935 Sherman co.: Port Huron and Fort Gratiot directory, 6230 True copy of plot of military reservation, by W. H. Hearding & J. L. Beghein, 7852 -Meigs Miscellaneous mss., 8180 -Michilimackinac Memorial monument at site of, 2940 -Ponchartrain Map of fort and vicinity, 7853 -St. Joseph McCoy: Old Fort St. Joseph, 2805 -Street union depot co. Map and profile of railroad from 18th st. to 3rd st., 8005 -Wayne, Jackson and Saginaw railroad Joy: Mss., 8138 Forts Brown: Old Northwest Territory, 461 Fossils Winchell: Descriptions of fossils from Marshall and Huron groups, 6968 -: Descriptions of new species of fossils from Marshall group, 6969 -: Notice of small collection of fossils from Potsdam sandstone of Wisconsin and Lake Superior sandstone of Mich., 6983 -: Notices and descriptions of fossils from Marshall group of western states, 6984 Foster, G. L. Past of Ypsilanti, 1735 [-, J-] Capitulation, or history of expedition by W. Hull, 8398 -, J. W. Geological map of Lake Superior land district, 7808 Geological map of district between Keweenaw Bay and Chocolate River, 7809 Report on geology and topography of portions of Lake Superior land district, ^ 1736, 1737 Section and diagram illustrating geology of region between north shores of lakes Superior and Michigan, 7810 FOSTER, W. D. Smith: Memorial, 6307 -and Reynolds Standard guide, Mackinac Island and northern lake resorts, 1738 Foul brood Cook: Foul brood, 787 Millen: Foul brood, 5443 Pettit: Foul brood, 5718 Smith: Foul brood, 6274 Fountain, P. Great Northwest, 1739 Fourth of July orations Van Schelven: Centennial, 6749 Varnum: Oration at Marietta, July 4, 1788, 6750 Fowler, S. W. Autobiographical sketch, 1740 Fowlerville, see Quadrangle maps Fowls [Marshall]: Tuberculosis, 2902 Fox, C. Examination of case of church discipline, 1741 -, F. M. Betty of Old Mackinaw, 1742 -, O. G. Sewerage of Greenville, 1743 -, P. L. Map showing Duncan lands on Mackinac straits and Cheboygan River, 7848 -, T. B. History of Saginaw co., 1744 History of Saginaw valley, 1745 -, W. A. Beautiful Rochester, 1746 -illustrating co. Lansing illustrated, 1747 -Islands Coast chart no. 8; Lake Mich., by U. S. War dept., 7908 Northeast end of Lake Mich., by U. S. War dept., 7899 Franchise Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the revision of the constitu¬ tion : Report relative to disfranchising deserters from military service, 4013 See also Suffrage; Women. Suffrage Frank, L. F. Pionierjahre der familien Frank-Kerler, 1748 -family Frank: Pionierjahre der familien Frank- Kerler, 1748 Frankfort Harbor Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 Frankfort Literary association library Catalogue, 1749 Public school library Catalogue, 1750 INDEX 233 FRANKING PRIVILEGE Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report upon resolutions relative to extension, 4128 -.-. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lution relative to extension to gover¬ nors of franking privilege, 4671 Vermont. Governor: [Communication enclosing copy of resolution relative to extending franking privilege to gover¬ nors of states], 6755 Franklin club, Detroit Constitution, 1751 Fraser, A. D. Mss., 8062, 8063, 8131 Michigan (Ter.) Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws of territory, 5345 -, —. —., estate Executors’ account book, 8399 - , E. A., see Fraser and gates -and Gates Letter books, 8400 Mss., 8159, 8162 Fraternal beneficiary societies Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to fraternal beneficiary so¬ cieties, 3867 Fraternities, see Greek letter men Frazier, J. Sunset at Mackinac, 1752 Frederick mills Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Re¬ port in relation to state mills at Fred¬ erick, 3134 -. State land office: Communi¬ cation relative to appraisals and sale of Frederick mill property, 4993 Freeman, A. F. [Equal taxation], 1753 - > C * Hodge: Memorial claiming seat in house, 2178 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report in relation to memorial of H. C. Hodge claiming seat of, 4045 Freeman’s pamphlet, 1754 Freemasons Detroit Cottrell: Revised ed. of memoirs, by¬ laws, roster and album of Detroit commandery no. 1, K. T., 841 Noble: Historical resumd of pil¬ grimages of Detroit commandery no. 1, 5553 Palestine lodge no. 357, 1755 Dowagiac lodge no. 10 By-laws, 1756 Michigan Conover: Freemasonry, 775 Grand chapter of Royal Arch Masons McCurdy: Address, 2827 Transactions, 1757 FREEMASONS—Continued Grand commandery of Knights Tem¬ plar Annual conclave, 1758 Grand council of Royal and Select Masters Proceedings, 1759 Grand lodge Conover: Compiled law', 774 Masonic burial service, 1760 Memorial service, 1761 Michigan Masonic ceremonies, 1762 -monitor, 1763 Revised constitution, 1764 Transactions, 1765 Look: Masonic trials and Mich, di¬ gest, 2766 Pitts: Notes on early history, 5750 Pratt: Historical sketch of early Masonry in Mich., 5865 Free trade Brewer: Speech, 436 Republican party. Michigan. State central committee: Evils, 5955 [Stebbins]: British free trade, a delusion, 6388 Freight rates, see Michigan central railroad French, E. Mss., 8164 -, J. A. Grand Rapids directory, 17 66 -, W. H. Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Agriculture in rural schools, 3355 -and Indian war British museum: French-Indian w r ar, 8251 Fernow: Ohio valley, 1680 McKnight: Our western border, 2838 Mante: History of late w r ar, 2876 -in Michigan and Northwest Baker: Sources of Mississippi, 200 Baldwin: Discovery of Old Northw'est, 206 Bartlett: La Salle, 237 Bulkley: Early French settlements, 487 Burton: Detroit rulers, 520 -: Mss., 8129 Butler: First French footprints beyond lakes, 537, 538 -: French fortifications, 539 Butterfield: History of Brule’s discov¬ eries, 541 -: History of discovery of Nicolet, 542 Campbell: [Mss.], 8281 Carter: French mission life, 581 Crossman: Early French occupation of Mich., 866 Crowley: Daughter of New r France, 869 Custard: French settlement in St. Joseph co., 886 Dubuisson: Official report of war at Detroit in 1712, 1551 Elliott: Last of Barons, 1590 234 INDEX FRENCH IN MICHIGAN AND NORTH¬ WEST—Continued Farmer: Mss., 8186 Hamlin: Legends of Le Detroit, 2029 Kellogg: Early narratives of Northwest, 2497 Knapp: History of Maumee valley, 2555 La Salle: Relation of discoveries and voyages, 2686 Law: Colonial history of Vincennes, 2689 Margry: Decouvertes et etablissements, 2878 Marshall: Building and voyage of the Griffon, 2906 [-]: De Celoron’s [Celeron’s] ex¬ pedition to Ohio, 2907 St. Pierre: Histoire des Canadiens- Frangais du Mich., 6131, 6132 See also Detroit. History; Michigan. History Frenchtown, Battle of Dudley: Battle and massacre, 1553 Western Reserve historical society: Bat¬ tle of, 6880 Frieze, H. S. Memorial discourse on Rev. H. P. Tap- pan, 1767 Michigan. University: Exercises at unveiling of monument in memory of, 5180 -. -: Memorial ad¬ dress at funeral of Prof. Watson, 5197 -. -. Gallery of art and archaeology: Descriptive cata¬ logue, 5285 -_ -_ Museum of art and history: Catalogue, 5308 Relations of state university to religion, 1768 Frink, Mrs. B. Reminiscences, 8401 Frisbie, J. W. Handbook and guide map of Detroit, 7634 Frontenac, L. de B., Count de P. Isham: Frontenac and Miles Standish in Northwest, 2346 Frontier and pioneer life Allegan co. pioneer society: Report, 53 Baby: Souvenirs of past, 167 Bagley: Old times, 170 Barber: Vermontville colony, 217 Blanchard: Discovery and conquests of Northwest, 386 Blowe: Geographical, commercial and agricultural view of U. S., 393 Cook: Six months among Indians, 803 Cooper: Oak-openings, 829 Custer: Boots and saddles, 887, 888 -: Tenting on plains, 891, 892 -: Wild life on plains, 893 Ellet: Pioneer women of West, 1588 Frank: Pionierjahre der familien Frank- Kerler, 1748 Gerrish: Journal, 8403 [Gibbs]: Glimpses of early Mich, life in and around Kalamazoo, 1804 FRONTIER AND PIONEER LIFE—Con¬ tinued Hav: Narrative of life on old frontier, 2089 Hildreth: Contributions to early history of Northwest, 2113 '•-: Pioneer history, 2114 Indian and pioneer history of Saginaw valley, 2291 [Kaler]: Benjamin of Ohio, 2463 Kinzie: Waubun, 2539-2541 [Kirkland]: Forest life, 2543, 2544 -: New home, 2545-2549 -: Our new home in West, 2550 -: Western clearings, 2551, 2552 McKnight: Our western border, 2838 Mevis: Pioneer recollections, 2968 Mitchener: Ohio annals, 5464 Nida: Letters of Polly, 5545 Nowlin: Bark covered house, 5574 [Pritts]: Abentheuerliche ereignisse aus leben ersten ansiedler mittleren und westlichen staaten, 5875 -: Incidents of border life, 5874 Rasmussen: Pioneer life in Big Dane settlement, 5927 [Singleton]: Pleasure parties in North¬ west, 6247 Strickland: Pioneers of West, 6432 Trowbridge: Pioneer days, 6594 Walker: Experiences of pioneer life in early settlements and cities of West, 6790 Wilson: Arkansas traveller, 6966 Frost, G. S., & co. St. Mary’s Falls ship canal co.: 560,000 acres pine lands, 6130 -, H. J. Kalcaska [Kalkaska] co., 7490 -, J. B. State fair grounds, Jackson, 7731 “Frost bitten convention”, see Michigan. Convention Frothingham, E. H. Selling woodlot products, 1769 Wood: Notes on birds of Au Sable val¬ ley, 7021 Frue, Mrs. H. L. Investment books, 8402 Fruit and fruit culture Bailey: Hints on rural adornment, 180 -: Notes, 181 -: Varieties of apples for market, 184 Clubb: Spring Lake, 715 Dean: Notes on small fruits, 936 Eustace: Spray and practice outline, 1617 Fletcher: Varities originated in Mich., 1708 [Fruit belt land corporation]: Mich. grows fruit better than West, 1770 Fruitport orchard and vineyard co.: Fruit lands, 1771 Greening nursery co.: Fortune in fruit farming, 1985 INDEX 235 FRUIT AND FRUIT CULTURE—Con¬ tinued Hood: Laboratory manual, 2199 [Hubbard]: Fruit culture, 2240 [-]: Orchards and fruits, 2241 Long Point development association: Golden opportunities in heart of Mich, apple belt, 2761 Longyear: Fungous diseases, 2762 Merchant: Fruit garden of West, 2953 Michigan. Agricultural college. Experi¬ ment station: Report of South Haven substation, 3020 -: Special bulletin, 3022 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to sale of fresh fruit and vegetables, 3868 -. State horticultural society: Annual report, 4982 Catalogue of fruits, 4983 Taft: Bush fruits, 6454 -: Fruit list, 6457 -: Fruit notes, 6458 -: Fruits at agricultural college, 6459 -: Mich, fruit list, 6462, 6463 [-]: New danger to fruit growers, 6464 -: Small fruit notes, 6477 -: Small fruit notes; spraying, 6478 -: Small fruit notes for 1904, 6479 -: Small fruit trials at college, 6480 -: Vegetables and bush fruits, 6489 Traverse City. Board of trade: Grand Traverse fruits, 6572 Upper Peninsula development bureau: Upper Peninsula of Mich, fruit, 6728 Wilkin: Small fruit culture, 6929 Winchell: Notes on Selandria Cerasi Harris as it occurs at Ann Arbor, 6981 See also Apples; Blackberries; Grapes; Orchards and vineyards; Peaches; Plums; Raspberries; Strawberries [Fruit belt land corporation] Mich, grows fruit better than West, 1770 Fruit lands, see Land Fruitport orchard and vineyard co. Fruit lands, 1771 Fruitvale land development co. Fruitvale gardens, 1772 Fryer, R. C. Mich, state auto school: Automobile electrician’s key, 5419 Fugitive slaves Emmons: Mss., 8041 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on federal relations: Report of committee to whom was referred report touching proceedings in Marshall, 4063 -: Report rel¬ ative to fugitive slave law, 4064 FUGITIVE SLAVES—Continued -: Report rel¬ ative to delivering up fugitive slaves, 4065 -. -. -. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred bill to protect citi¬ zens from claims of slave-holders, 4309 Wilkins: Mss., 8103 See also Personal liberty laws; Slavery; Underground railroad Full length portrait of D. Houghton, 1773 Fuller, E. B. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the state prison: Report relative to allowing losses upon con¬ tracts, 4209 -, G. N. Economic and social beginnings of Mich., 1774 Michigan. Historical Commission: Mich, historical commission; prepared by, 3796 -.-: Pro¬ ceedings of Michigan Pioneer and his¬ torical society; prepared by, 3799 -.-: Sketch of historical societies; prepared by, 3798 -.-^Sugges¬ tions for local historical societies; pre¬ pared by, 3797 -, M. L. Failure of wells along lower Huron River, 1775 -, W. D. Michigan. Supreme court: Practice reports, 5125 Fulton, M. W. Methods and results of tillage, 1776 - , S. H. Michigan. Agricultural college. Experi¬ ment station: Report of South Haven substation, 3020 Funeral address and memorial notice of Mrs. I. G. Duffield, 1777 Funfzig jahre Deutschen strebens, 1778 Fungi Pollock: Mich, fungi, 5792 Fungicides Patten: Analyses of some materials sold as, 5661 Taft: Insecticides and fungicides, 6460 Furnaces consuming L. S. ores, by Mich, geological survey, 7827 Furniture industry and trade Grand Rapids furniture record, 1950 Widdicomb: Address at banquet in commemoration of semi-centennial an¬ niversary of incorporation of Grand Rapids, 6920 -: Early history of furniture industry in Grand Rapids, 6921 -: The mahogany tree, 6922 Furniture strike, see Grand Rapids. Furni¬ ture strike 236 INDEX FUR TRADE Askin: Invoice book, 8222 -: Mss., 8037 Barthe: Ledger, 8236 -: Sales book, 8237 Graham and McKenzie: Ledger “B”, 8407 Miamis co.: Journals, 8467 Richmond: Fur traders of Grand River valley, 5976 Utley: Fur trade in early development of Northwest, 6732 Williams: Mss., 8038, 8127, 8128, 8147, 8148, 8151, 8156 Gaines Polk & co.: Directory, 5768 Gale, G. Upper Mississippi, 1779 Galena and Chicago union railroad Michigan central railroad co.: Contract between, 5372 Galien River Survey, by Lieut. J. M. Berrien, 7971 Gallagher, T. Remonstrance against act repealing act to prevent transportation of pickled fish without inspection, 1780 -, W. D. Facts and conditions of progress in North¬ west, 1781 Galloway, T. B. Ohio-Michigan boundary, 1782 Game and fish laws Boies: Catalogue of birds in southern Mich., 394 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Game and fish laws, 3869-3871 Game and fish warden, see Michigan. Game and fish warden; Michigan. Game, fish and forestry warden; Michigan. Game, fish and forestry dept. -game birds Michigan. Game, fish and forestry warden: Biennial report, 3552 -, fish and forest fire dept., see Michigan. Public domain commission. Game, fish and forest fire dept. - preserve, see Forest and game pre¬ serve Games Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Games, 3390 -. State normal college. Dept. of physical education: Suggestions for physical training, 5082 Ganley, Miss M. Lansing. Public school library: Cata¬ logue, 2663 Gansser, A. H. History of Bay co., 1783 Gardam, W. H. Ypsilanti. Vestry of St. Luke's church: In memoriam, 7069 GARDEN Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Gardens and gardening Detroit. Public library: Gardens; se¬ lected list, 1309 -. - -: Shade trees, and gardening, 1327 Jeffery: Elementary laboratory study in crops, 2392 Knapper: Vitality of garden seeds, 2557 Michigan. State horticultural society: Annual report, 4982 Pettit: Insects of garden, 5723 Taft: Pests of orchard and garden, 6469 Waid: Hints on home gardening, 6779 -: Home vegetable garden, 6780 Gardiner, W. H. Mackinac, 1784, 1785 Gardner, W. Michigan. Constitution: Constitution, 3306 Garfield, C. W. Forestry problem; Gospel of forestry, 1733 Holt: Story of Grand Rapids, 2196 Michigan. Forestry commission: Mich, forestry, 3547 -, J. A. Discovery and ownership of Northwestern Territory, 1786 McGrath: Memorial day at Corunna, 2834 Gargoyle, 1787 Garment making Raven: Garment making for girls, 5930 Garner, J. W. Michigan. State library. Legislative reference dept.: Amendment of state constitutions, 5053 Garrigues, S. S. Michigan. Salt inspector: Statistics re¬ lating to saline interests, 4830 Report on salt manufacture, 1788, 1789 Gas association, see Michigan. Gas asso¬ ciation Gas, natural Smith: Occurrence of oil and gas in Mich., 6310 Gates, J. C. Mss., 8168 Mich, law of real property, 1790 See also Fraser and Gates Gaultier, J. Cadillac: [Contract between Cadillac, Arrive and Gaultier, and Hazeur],8276 Gaylord, A. S. [Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw railroad co.]: Lands exempt from general taxation, 2374 Gedenkboek van het vijftigjarig jubileum der Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk, 1791 Geib, W. J. U. S. Dept, of agriculture: Soil survey of Pontiac area, 6662 INDEX 237 GEIL, S. Map of Mich., 7256, 7258 -and Harley Map of Allegan co., 7409 -counties of Clinton and Gratiot, 7446 -Kalamazoo co., 7484 -counties of Ottawa and Muskegon and part of Allegan, 7552 -, Harley and Siverd Map of Calhoun co., 7433 -counties of Cass, Van Buren and Berrien, 7440 Topographical map of counties of Ingham and Livingston, 7470 -and Jones Map of Branch co., 7427 -counties of Eaton and Barry, 7450 -Genesee and Shia¬ wassee, 7455 -Hillsdale co., 7461 -Jackson co., 7480 -counties of Macomb and St. Clair, 7520 -Monroe co., 7528 -St. Joseph co., 7560 -Wayne co., 7588 Geismar, L. M. Corn production, 1792 Grasshoppers, 1793 Smith: Sugar beets in Upper Peninsula, 6289 Genealogy Anthon: Narrative of settlement of G. C. Anthon in America, 149 Bonner: Memoirs of Lenawee co., 397 Burton: Mss., 8191 Clarke: W. Hull, 708 DePeyster: Miscellanies, 949 Detroit tribune: [Scrapbook], 1491 Emmons: Mss. for material on Beaubien family, 8041 Farnsworth: Scrapbooks, 8396 Joy: Mss., 8144 McLean: Notes, 8454 Michigan. State library: Finding list of works on, 5035, 5036 Miscellaneous mss. for Brady genealogy, 8180 -. for Chew genealogy, 8172 - —. for Hinckley gene¬ alogy, 8184 Munroe (Monroe)—Burton: Mss., 8050 Slocum: History of F. Slocum, 6256 Vliet: History of early life and business interests of Leslie, Mich., 6769 Wing estate: Inventory book, 8630 See also Biographies; Biographical sketches; names of families General A. S. Williams monument associa¬ tion [Minutes on death of J. L. Hudson], 1794 General hospital, Detroit Announcement, 1795 GENERAL LAWS Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Index, 3879-3881 General motors co. Miller: W. C. Durant, 5449 Genesee county Beers & co.: Atlas, 7452 Biographical history, 366 Day: Atlas, 7453 [Ellis]: History, 1597 History, 2153 Map, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7454 - of counties of Genesee and Shia¬ wassee, by Geil and Jones, 7455 -of Saginaw and Tuscola with part of, by D. A. Pettibone, 7555 Petition of county commissioners for law for collection of certain tax, 1796 Polk & co.: Directory, 5768 Portrait and biographical record, 5830 Wood: History of Genesee co., 7017 See also Flint Gentsch, W. J. Dictionary of Detroit, 1797 Geography Calkins: Suggestive outline in, for schools of Mich., 552 Geography of Mich., 1798, 1799 Miller: Geographical influences in settle¬ ment of Mich., 5447, 5448 See also Michigan. Geography Geology Allen: Contributions to Pre-Cambrian geology of northern Mich., and Wis¬ consin, 55 Ann Arbor folio, by I. C. Russell and F. Leverett, 7760, 7761 Bayley: Menominee iron-bearing dis¬ trict, 290 Bradish: Memoir of D. Houghton, 424 Calumet special map, by U. S. Geological survey, 7765 Clements: Crystal Falls iron-bearing district, 710 Cooper: Geological report on Bay co., 831 Foster: Report on geology of Lake Superior land district, 1736, 1737 Geological map of Mich., by Geological survey, 7369 Geological society of America: A. Winchell, 1800 Geological survey of Mich., by U. S. Geological survey, 7792 Gordon. C. H.: Geological report on Sanilac co., 1828 -, W. C.: Geological section from Bessemer down Black River, 1831 Grabau: Monroe formation of southern Mich., 1836 -: Stratigraphy of the Traverse group, 1837 Gregory: Geological report on Arenac co., 1989, 1990 238 INDEX GEOLOGY—Continued Grouped cross sections illustrating stratigraphical relations between Houghton and Keweenaw counties, by Mich, geological survey, 7778 Hobbs: Late glacial and post glacial uplift, 2177 Houghton: Mineral region of Lake Superior, 2213 -: Reports, 2214 [Hubbard, B.]: Geological survey, 2244 -, L. L.: Keweenaw point, 2251 Irving: Copper-bearing rocks of Lake ' Superior, 2341 Lane: Geological report on Huron co., * ■2599 -:-Isle Royale, 2600 -: Geology of low’er Mich., 2601 -: Keweenaw fault, 2602 ■: Keweenaw series, 2603 [— : —]: Limestones, 2604 -: Summary of surface geology, 2608 -: Water resources of Lower Penin¬ sula, 2610 Leverett: Alcona co., 2722 --: Review of glacial geology of Southern Peninsula, 2726 -: Surface geology, 2727, 2728 Michigan. College of mines. Dept, of geologv: Notes on rocks and minerals, 3256 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on geological survey: Report of ' committee to whom was referred part of governor’s message relating to geology, 4082 -: Report in regard to survey and collection of specimens, 4083 Mining journal co.: 1st annual review of hopper mining industry of Lake Su¬ perior, 5457 Montgomery: Glacial phenomena, 5473 Ralph: Along bowstring or south shore of Lake Superior, 5909, 5910 -: Lake Superior along south shore, 5907 Rominger: Geology of Lower Peninsula, 6013 -: Palaeozoic rocks, 6016 Russell: Geological reconnaissance along north shore of lakes Huron and Mich., 6050 Sherzer: Detroit folio, 6232 ———: Geological report on Monroe co., 6233 -:-Wayne co., 6234 Sketch map showing geology about north . shores of lakes Huron and Mich., by I. C. Russell, 7781 Surface geology: Bay co., by W. F. Cooper, 7762, 7763 GEOLOGY—Continued Swineford: History and review of copper, iron, silver, slate and other interests of south shore of Lake Superior, 6447 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on public lands: Mineral lands—sale of, 6654 —. —. President: Message to 1st sess., 31st Cong., 6685 Van Hise: Geology, 6743 -: Marquette iron-bearing dis¬ trict, 6745 -: Menominee special folio, 6746 -—: Preliminary report on Mar¬ quette iron-bearing district, 6744 Wadsworth: On relation of “Kewee- nawan series” to eastern sandstone in vicinity of Torch Lake, 6773 -: Origin and mode of occur¬ rence of Lake Superior copper deposits, 6774 -: South trap range of Kewee- nawan series, 6776 Winchell, A.: Diagonal system of physi¬ cal features, 6970 -, —.: Field studies in Archaean rocks, 6972 -, —.: Geology of Washtenaw co., 6973 - ,—.: Grand Traverse region, 6974 -, —.: Mich., 6980 -, —.: Rectification of geological map of Mich., 6987 -, —.: Some indications of north¬ ward transportation of drift materials in Lower Peninsula, 6989 -, N. H.: Crucial points in geology of Lake Superior region, 6991 -, —. —.: Economic geology of region of Cheboygan and old Macki¬ nac, 6992 See also Michigan. Geological survey; U. S. Geological survey. George Washington Scripps, a memoir, 1801 George, W. S. In memoriam, 2315 Georgia Comptroller general Miscellaneous mss., 8201 Legislature [Michigan. Governor: Communica¬ tion transmitting] report and resolu¬ tions relative to surplus revenue, 3592 -. -: Special mes¬ sage transmitting preamble and joint resolutions, 3636 Georgian Bay General chart of Lake Huron, by U. S. War dept., 7891 German-American seminary Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report on memorial for amendment to act grant¬ ing swamp lands, 4155 INDEX '239 GERMAN-AMERICANS, see Deutsch- Amerikanische seminarverein German literature Detroit. Public library: Katalog, 1313, 1314 -Republican mass meeting Resolutions on state of union, 1802 Germans in Michigan Frank: Pionierjahre der familien Frank- Kerler, 1748 Funfzig jahre Deutschen strebens, 1778 Koch: Deutschen colonien in Saginaw flusses, 2566 [Loehe]: Etwas fiber Deutsch-Luther- ischen niederlassungen in grafschaft Saginaw, 2757 Gerrish, J. Journal, 8403 Geschichte der Deutschen Evang. Luth. Immanuels-gemeinde, 1803 Gettysburg, Battle of Harris: Mich, brigade of cavalry at, 2058 Michigan. Gettysburg battle field com¬ mission: Mich, at Gettysburg, 3583 Norton: Strong Vincent and his brigade at, 5572 Trowbridge: Mss. for map of battle ground, 8158 -: Mich, troops in, 6592 -cemetery, see Michigan. Com¬ missioner of the Gettysburg cemetery Ghent, Treaty of, 1815 Sons of the American revolution. Dis¬ trict of Columbia society: Battle fields of Maumee valley, 6334 Gibault, P. Law: Colonial history of Vincennes, 2689 Gibbons, G. C. International waterways commission: Re¬ port, 2330 -,R. Addresses and letters, 8404 Gibbs, H. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report rela¬ tive to petition for simplification of laws, 4131 [-, M. V.] Glimpses of early Mich, life in and about Kalamazoo, 1804 Gibralter and flat rock co. Copy of deed and articles of association, 1805 Gibson, E. and E. Mss., 8117, 8118, 8159 -, J- Mss., 8109, 8117, 8118, 8159 [Gilbert, A. B.] Devil’s kitchen, 1806 Tale of two cities, 1807 - > C - Detroit. City plan and improvement commission: Preliminary plan of De¬ troit, 1096 ■-, T. D., memorial Ceremonies at dedication of, 627 GILLAM, S. E. Effect on health of overflowed lands[ 1808 Gillespie, G. D. Manual, 1809 Gillett, M. S. Howard: Memorial respecting swamp lands, 2220 Gillman, H. Certain characteristics pertaining to ancient man in Mich., 1810 Mound builders, 1811 Giltner, W. Infectious abortion in cattle, 1812, 1813 Studies of agglutination reactions in'hog cholera, 1814, 1815 --vs. Gorham Emmons: Mss., 8041 Wilkins: Mss., 8103 Girls industrial school, see Michigan. State industrial home for girls Glacial epoch Hobbs: Late glacial and post glacial up¬ lift, 2177 Leverett: Review of glacial geology of Southern Peninsula, 2726 Montgomery: Glacial phenomena, 5473 Gladden, H. P. Taft: Bush fruits, 6454 -: Eighty new strawberries, 6455 -: Fruits at agricultural college, 6459 -: Potatoes, 6473 -: Raspberries, 6475 -: Small fruit notes, 6477, 6478. -: Small fruit trials at college, 6480 -: Strawberries, 6482 -: Strawberries and raspberries, 6483 -: Strawberry culture, 6484 -: Strawberry notes for 1899, 6485 -: Vegetables, old and new, 6493 Gladstone Charter, 1816 Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Gladwin, H. Mss., 1817 Gladwin county Map of Gladwin and Clare co. lands, 7854 Glazier, W. Baker: Sources of Mississippi, 200 Gleason, H. A. Adams: Ecological survey of Isle Royale; Ecological relation of invertibrate fauna by H. A. Gleason, 7 Glen Lake Day: Glen Lake region, 935 Glenn, T. H. Michigan. Constitutional convention: Journal, 3320 Glimpses of Detroit, 1818 Glover, L. H. Twentieth century history of Cass co., 1819 Godfrey, S. C. Detroit River tunnel, 1820 Godfroy, G. Mss., 8049 240 INDEX GODFROY, J. J. Mss., 8049 -, P- Mss., 8049 Godwin, G. C. Michigan. State board of health: Opin¬ ions relative to duties and compensa¬ tion of health officer, 4902 Goff, J. H. Michigan. Lake Superior canal semi¬ centennial celebration commission: St. Ma^’s Falls canal, 3832 Gogebic Milwaukee, lake shore and western rail¬ way co.: Gogebic and other resorts, 5455 Gogebic county Evans: Collection of amphibians and reptiles from, 1620 Inspector of mines: Annual report, 1821 Weston: Plat book, 7456 Goldberger, J. Report of investigation of diphtheria carriers, 1822 Goodale, G. P. Dinner, 1517 -, H. J. Survey of Fort Street from Detroit to Dearbornville road, 8405 Goode, G. B. Sons of the American revolution. Dis¬ trict of Columbia society: Battle fields of Maumee valley, 6334 Good government league, Grand Rapids “Bucket shop department store,” 1823 Ellis as a juggler, 1824 Record on which G. E. Ellis asks nomi¬ nation for governor, 1825 Repudiated by Republicans, 1826 Goodman, J. B. Lands in Delta co., 7855 Good roads’ association, see Michigan. State good roads’ association Goodrich, L. A. Water supply of Hillsdale, 1827 Goodrich Polk & co.: Directory, 5768 Good templars, see Independent order of good templars Gordon, C. H. Geological report on Sanilac co., 1828 Report on Port Huron oil field, 1829 Wave cutting on west shore of Lake Huron, 1830 -, J. W. Michigan. Governor: Special message [of Acting Gov. Gordon], 3630-3632 -, N. K. Helm: Fort Dearborn massacre, 2101 -, W. C. Geological section from Bessemer down Black River, 1831 Gore, V. M. Michigan. Constitutional convention: Report of committee on submission, 3327 GORTON, L. G. Michigan. Agricultural college: Bread, brawn, brain, 2987 Goss, D. History of Grand Rapids, 1832 Published material relating to history of Grand Rapids, 1833 Gould, H. P. Map of Ann Arbor, 7610 Government Government of city of Detroit and Wayne co., 1834 Government of village of Caro, 1835 Ownership [Cooley]: On government ownership, 814 Publications Michigan. State librarv: Catalogue, 5029 See also Michigan. Politics and govern¬ ment Grabau, A. W. [Lane]: Limestones, 2604 Monroe formation, 1836 Stratigraphy of the Traverse group, 1837 Grace hospital, Detroit Annual report, 1838 Grace hospital, 1839 Grafting Hood: Laboratory manual, 2199 Graham, A. A. Legislation in Northwest Territory, 1840 Mendenhall: Boundary line between Ohio and Indiana, 2950 Graham and McKenzie Journal “ B ”, 8406 Ledger “B”, 8407 -and Morton transportation co. Graham and Morton line, 1841 Grain Damage Geismar: Grasshoppers, 1793 Prices and shipment Bissell and co.: Mss., 8060, 8099, 8100, 8102, 8111 Grand army of the republic Dept, of Michigan [Chamberlin]: Memoirs, Detroit post no. 384, 630 Detroit post, no. 384 Detroit post, 1846 Greetings, 1842 Journal, 1843 Manual, 1844 [Souvenir of Lansing], 1845 Detroit tribune: Veteran soldiers’ and sailors’ handbook, 1492 Veteran publishing co.: The veteran, 6761 See also Soldiers Grand Blanc Polk & co.: Directory, 5768 INDEX 241 GRAND HAVEN Charter, 1847, 1848 Commercial association Grand Haven, 1849 Directory Polk, Murphy & co.: Directory, 5790 Maps Map, by S. S. Montague, 7705 Harbor, by U. S. War dept., 7942 Presbyterian Sunday school History, 2166 Public school library Catalogue, 1850, 1851 Grand Island Chart of island and its approaches, by U. S. War dept., 7873 -forest and game preserve, 1852 Grand Rapids Altenbrandt: Men behind guns in mak¬ ing greater Grand Rapids, 78 Annual reports, 1853 Armenian colony Kassabian: Armenians in Grand Rapids and western Mich., 2465 Art collection Grand Rapids. Public library: Cata¬ logue, 1919 Assessment rolls Grand Rapids. Index, 1905 Association of commerce Directory of social welfare orgainza- tions, 1854 Grand Rapids progress, 1954 Manufacturers’ directory, 1855 Statistical record, 1856, 1857 Atlas Polk & co’s. illustrated historical atlas, 7495 See also Grand Rapids. Maps Bailey’s gazeteer and directory, including sketch and business directory, 186 Baker: City of Grand Rapids, 201 [Ball]: John Ball, 209 Baptist church, see Grand Rapids. Foun¬ tain Street Baptist church Benevolent association Moerdyk: History, 5465 Biographical City of Grand Rapids, 680 Board of education Annual catalogue, 1858 Annual report, 1859 Centennial celebration of inauguration of 1st President of U. S., 1860 Grand Rapids school law, 1861 Manual, 1862 Proceedings, 1863 Robinson and Campau: Complete specifications for new central high school, 5995 School survey, 1864 -health and poor commissioners Annual report, 1865 Monthly bulletin, 1866 Survey of 5 years work at tuberculosis sanatorium, 1867 31 GRAND RAPIDS—Continued -police and fire commissioners Annual report, 1868 Code of rules and regulations of fire dept., 1869 Manual of police dept., 1870 Standing rules, 1871 See also Grand Rapids. Fire dept. -public works Annual report, 1872 Grand Rapids water works, 1873 -trade Act of incorporation, 1874 Dickinson brothers: Grand Rapids, 1505 Grand Rapids as it is, 1875-1877 [Souvenir], 1878 [Thoits]: Souvenir; Grand Rapids board of trade outing, 6520 Building inspector Davidson: Building inspector's hand¬ book, 925 Canal Kent co. Board of supervisors: Peti¬ tion for extension of time for con¬ struction of canal around Grand Rapids, 2521 -.-: Resolu¬ tions requesting select committee on Grand Rapids canal to visit and examine canal, 2523 Kingsbury: Memorial asking certain legislation on canal, 2538 [Michigan. Commissioners on the Grand Rapids canal]: Communi¬ cation, 3284 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report con¬ cerning canal lands, 4156 -. -. -. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred bill to provide for construction of canal around Grand Rapids, 4316 -: Report relative to, 4317 -. State land office: Com¬ munication in accordance with reso¬ lution relative to money paid con¬ tractor, 4991 Centennial celebration Centennial anniversary of American independence, 624 Charities Booth: Survey of charities and philanthropies, 399 Charity organization society Annual report, 646 Charters Charter, 1881-1892 See also Grand Rapids. Ordinances Christian Reformed church Gedenkboek van het vijftigjarig jubi- leum, 1791 Churches Moerdyk: History, 5465 242 INDEX GRAND RAPIDS—Continued City engineer, see Grand Rapids. Board of public works -government Michigan. Political science associa¬ tion: City government, 4792 -hall, see Grand Rapids. Inaugural proceedings -plan commission Brunner: Preliminary report for city plan, 478 - surveyor Report on additional water supply, 1893 Civic club Annual report, 684 Civic affairs, 683 -news, 687 Constitution, 685 Report on sheriff’s office, 686 Colonial club [Colonial club], 745 Commercial credit co. Tax list, 758 Commerce, see Grand Rapids. Associa¬ tion of commerce Common council Manual, 1894 Proceedings, 1895 See also Grand Rapids. Charters; Grand Rapids. Ordinances, etc. Congregational church Grand Rapids receipt book, 1896 Manual, 1897 See also Grand Rapids. Park Con¬ gregational church Dau’s blue book, 913 De Molay commandery, see De Molay, Order of Description Business album, 535 [Dean-Hicks printing co.]: Grand Rapids, Mich., 938 Dillenback: Grand Rapids in 1874, 1513 --: Grand Rapids annual for 1875-6, 1514 [Fisher]: Grand Rapids illustrated, 1699 Grand Rapids.’ Board of trade: [Sou¬ venir], 1878 -. Herald: Grand Rapids illustrated, 1952 Illustrated industrial souvenir, 2276 Shaw: Industries, 6210 Souvenir, 6355 Teevin: Handbook and guide, 6512 True: Official city guide, 6597 White: Grand Rapids, 6894 Wittemann: Grand Rapids, 7002 Deutschen Evang. Luth. Immanuels- gemeinde Geschichte, 1803 Diocese of Report of subscriptions for education of seminarians, 5948 GRAND RAPIDS—Continued Directories Bards and co’s. business directory, 226 Burch, Polk & co.: Grand Rapids di¬ rectory, 496 Classified business directory, 709 Directory, 1520, 1521 French: Grand Rapids city directorv, 1766 Grand Rapids. Association of com¬ merce: Manufacturers’ directory, 1855 [Holland]: Grand Rapids city direc¬ tory, 2185 Kolts: City guide and directory, 2577 Murphy & co.: Grand Rapids city and Kent co. directory, 5509 Polk & co.: Directory, 5769 Polk, Murphy and co.: Directory, 5790 Robinson: Business directory, 5994 White printing co.: Street and railway service directory, 6904 Williams: Grand Rapids directory, 6941 District nursing association Annual report, 1522 Eagle 45th anniversary, 1949 Education, see Grand Rapids. Board of education Federation of Catholic parishes Grand Rapids. Public library: List of books by Catholic authors, 1923 -women’s clubs Year book, 1898 Fire dept. Wilson: History, 6963 See also Grand Rapids. Board of police and fire commissioners First Reformed church Moerdyk: History, 5466 Flora Cole: Grand Rapids flora, 737 Fountain Street Baptist church. Jack- son circle Choice collection of tested recipes, 1899 Furniture co. House and its plenishings, 1900 Furniture industry, see Furniture indus¬ try and trade Furniture record, 1950 Furniture strike Flaherty: History, 1705 [Gilbert]: Tale of two cities, 1807 Gilbert, Thomas D., memorial Ceremonies at dedication, 627 Good government league “Bucket shop dept, store,” 1823 Ellis as a juggler, 1824 Record on which G. E. Ellis asks nomi¬ nation for governor, 1825 Repudiated by Republicans, 1826 Government, see Grand Rapids. City government INDEX 243 GRAND RAPIDS—Continued Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad Agricultural and industrial dept. Acres of opportunities, 1945 Allegan co. Citizens: Petition to confer public lands on G. R. & I. R. R., 51 By-laws, 1935 Communication transmitting statement of condition of road, 1936 Emmons: Mss., 8041, 8078, 8080, 8105 Exhibit of condition and affairs, 1937 Guide to lands for sale, 1938 Joy: Mss., 8136 Legislation conferring land grant, 1939 Mackinac, 1940 Map of land grant, by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co., 7856 -Michigan showing location of land grant to railroad, 7328 [- —] summer resort section of north Mich., 7388 Memorial for portion of lands donated by Congress, 1941 Michigan in summer, 1942 Passenger dept. Guide to haunts of “little fishes,” 1946 Guide to resorts, 1947 Michigan in summer, 1948 Report, 1943 St. Joseph co. Citizens: Petition praying legislature to confer on Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad co. portion of lands granted to aid construction of railroads, 6117 Statement of condition and affairs, 1944 Grant club Parrish: Speech before Grant club, 5654 Health, see Grand Rapids. Board of health and poor commissioners Herald Almanac, 1951 Grand Rapids illustrated, 1952 High school [Annuals], 1901 Pioneer; a weekly newspaper, 5745 Robinson and Campau: Complete specifications for, 5995 Historical society Constitution, 1902 Publications, 1903 History Baxter: History of Grand Rapids, 263 Dillenback: Grand Rapids in 1874, 1513 Everett: Memorials of Grand River valley, 1624 -: Scraps from history, 1625 French: Grand Rapids directory, 1766 Goss: History of Grand Rapids, 1832 -: Published material and original sources, 1833 History and directory of Kent co., con¬ taining history of, 2142 GRAND RAPIDS—Continued Holt: Story of Grand Rapids, 2196 Tuttle: History, 6608 Widdicomb: Address at banquet in commemoration of semi-centennial anniversary of incorporation, 6920 Hospitals Butterworth hospital: Annual report, 544 See also St. Mark’s hospital Inaugural proceedings at opening of city hall, 1904 Index to assessment rolls, 1905 Industries Dickinson brothers: Grand Rapids, 1505 Howell: Industrial advantages of Grand Rapids, 2227 Land: Historical and descriptive re¬ view, 2595 Junior high school Searchlight, 6195 Kindergarten association Annual report, 1906 Knights of Columbus, see Knights of Columbus Labor union, see Grand Rapids. Trades' and labor council Ladies’ literary club Announcement, 1907 Stinchcomb: History of, 6409 Lagrave St. Chr. Ref. church Beets: Thinking on God’s loving¬ kindness; souvenir of quarter-cen¬ tennial celebration, 335 Maps [Birds eye view], by Cole & Demar, 7713 City of Grand Rapids, by Collar & Greiner, 7712 -, by F. W. Ste¬ vens, 7715 Ellsworth’s addition, by W. L. Coffin- berry, 7724 Grand Rapids, by G. F. Cram, 7716 -, by A. Ruger, 7709 -, by Sanborn map and publishing co., 7714 -, by C. Shober & co., 7710 Map, 7711 -, by R. L. Polk & co., 7720 -, by Rumsey and Works, 7722 - showing trees on [public] library site, 7717 [-showing] location of building east of [public] library site, 7718 [-] showing location of [public] li¬ brary site, 7719 Nellist’s map of one day trips around, 7723 Plat, by J. Almy, 7706 -, by C. Barnes, 7707 -of subdivision known as Mission Reserve and constituting part of 5th ward, by J. Almy, 7708 R. L. Polk & co’s. map, 7721 See also Grand Rapids. Atlas 244 INDEX GRAND RAPIDS—Continued May: State of Mich. Supreme court; Mary May vs. city of Grand Rapids, 2931 Mayor Message, 1908 Weston: Documents and addresses, 6883 Mich, trust co., see Mich, trust co. National bank Mich, bank directory, 5363 Old National bank: Dictionary of Grand Rapids, 5592 -: General letter on trade conditions, 5593 Ordinances, etc. Ordinances, 1909-1913 See also Grand Rapids. Charters Park Congregational church Immen: Story of Park Congregational church, 2280 Peninsular club Peninsular club: [Constitution, by¬ laws and list of members], 5694 -: [Manual], 5695 Plaster and its uses, 1953 Playgrounds Digest of cooperative work for public playgrounds, 1510 Police, see Grand Rapids. Board of police and fire commissioners Politics, see Grand Rapids. Good gov¬ ernment league Poor, see Grand Rapids. Board of health and poor commissioners Postal service U. S. Postoffice dept.: Scheme of city distribution, 6680 Postoffice Guide, 1914 Press club Constitution, 1915 Progress, 1954 Public library Annual report, 1917 Bulletin, 1916, 1918 Catalogue, 1919, 1920 [Invitation for dedication], 1921 Library and schools, 1922 List of books by Catholic authors, 1923 Little journey in Ryerson library, 1924 Public playgrounds, see Grand Rapids. Playgrounds -school library Catalogue, 1925-1931 -welfare commission Report, 1932 -works, see Grand Rapids. Board of public works Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps . Ryerson public library, see Grand Rapids. Public library St. Mark’s hospital, see St. Mark’s hospital GRAND RAPIDS—Continued Sanitary affairs Michigan. State board of health: Special reports relative to com¬ municable and preventable diseases, also constitution of sanitary associa¬ tion, 4930 See also Grand Rapids. Board of health and poor commissioners Schools [Judd]: School survey, 2430 See also Grand Rapids. Board of education; Grand Rapids. High School; Grand Rapids. Kinder¬ garten association Semi-centennial anniversary Widdicomb: Address in commemora¬ tion of, 6920 Shinkman: 240 Schachaufgaben in, 6236 Social welfare organizations Grand Rapids. Association of com¬ merce: Directory, 1854 Society blue book, 1955 Sophie de Marsac Campau chapter, D. A. R. Program, 920 Year book, 921 Statistics, see Grand Rapids. Association of commerce Superior court Calendar, 548 Dunham: Superior court, 8380 Telephone directory Citizens telephone co.: Grand Rapids directory, 678 [Tower]: Builders of greater Grand Rapids, 6560 Township Catalogue of school district no. 15, 1956 Trade, see Grand Rapids. Board of trade Trades’ and labor council Labor day souvenir, 1933 Turner: Statement before committee on public lands, 6604 Veterinary college Prospectus, 1957 Vice committee of forty-one Report, 1934 Water works, see Grand Rapids. Board of public works Welfare commission, see Grand Rapids. Public welfare commission Whist club [The members; the contests], 6893 Williams: Friendly fellows of furniture town, 6946 Women’s clubs, see Grand Rapids. Fed¬ eration of women’s clubs Grand Pointe summer resort Souvenir, 6354 Grand River Harbor at Grand Haven, by U. S. War dept., 7942 Map of drainage basin, 7378 -of mouth, 7973 INDEX 245 GRAND RIVER—Continued Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment: Report in compliance with reso¬ lution of senate, 3201 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port of committee to whom was re¬ ferred bill to improve Grand River, 4102 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion asking improvement of school sec¬ tion upon which capitol is located, 4157 -.-. -. Com¬ mittee on roads and bridges: Report [relative to right of E. Ingersoll to keep ferry across], 4223 -. -. -. Select committee: Report relative to im¬ provement, 4318 River and flood service, by U. S. Weather bureau, 7972 U. S. War dept.: Survey of Grand River, 6699 See also Grand Rapids canal -road Michigan. Legislature: Memorial and resolutions, 3958 •-valley Everett: Memorials, 1624 Richmond: Fur traders of, 5976 Wadsworth: Mss., 8177 Grand Traverse Bay [Detroit and Cleveland steam navigation co.]: Omena resort, 1402 Northeast end of Lake Mich., by U. S. War dept., 7899 -college Benzonia college: Catalogue, 350 -county Board of supervisors Proceedings, 1958 Buckley and Douglas lumber co.: Few facts about farm and fruit lands, 482 Hayes: Atlas, 7457 Officers, 1959 Polk & co.: Directory, 5786 Pond & co.: New atlas and directory, 7458 Sprague: History, 6369 Teacher’s directory, 1960 Traverse region, 6580 - disease Smith: Grand Traverse disease, 6276 -region Leach: History, 2700 Map, by H. G. Rothwell, 7379 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on agriculture and public in¬ struction: Report of committee to whom was referred bill to establish branch of agricultural college in, 4436 Winchell: Grand Traverse region, 6974 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Co. Detroit. Recorder’s court: Petition for separation of grades, 1338 Emmons: Mss., 8078 Grand Trunk railway, 1961 Joy: Mss., 8136 Passenger dept. Mineral bath city, Mount Clemens, 1964 Summer playgrounds, 1962 -resorts, 1963 Grandville industrial association Grandville, 1965 Grange, E. A. A. Diseases of farm animals, 1966 Experimental work among cattle, 1967 Experimental work among horses, 1968 Foot-rot in sheep, 1969 Observations on disease affecting eyes of of sheep, 1970 Tuberculosis in cattle, 1971 Grange aid association, Battle Creek [Prospectus], 1972 Granger, B. F. Progress of radicalism, 1973 Granges National grange in Mich.: Souvenir, 5529 See also Michigan. State grange; Na¬ tional grange in Mich. Grant, C. B. Michigan. University. Defalcation in chemical laboratory, 5227 Grant club Parrish: Speech before Grant club at Grand Rapids, 5654 Grapes Shear: Grape spraying experiments, 6225 Taft: Raspberries, blackberries, grapes, 6475 Grasses Adair: Autumn catalogue, 4 Beal: Replies about, 309 -: Ribgrass, 310 -: Study of seeds of timothy and red clover, 315 Grasshoppers Geismar: Grasshoppers, 1793 Gratiot county Avery: Overflowed lands on Maple River, 165 County commissioner Handbook, 1974 Farm journal directory, 1641 Map of counties of Clinton and Gratiot, by Geil & Harley, 7446 -, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7460 National publishing co.: Imperial atlas, 7459 Portrait and biographical album, 5831 Tucker: Gratiot co., 6600 Graves, B. F. I. P. Christiancy, 1975 Mss., 8197 246 INDEX GRAVES, B. F.—Continued Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on privileges and elections: Report of committee to whom was re¬ ferred petition that E. Hussey be excluded from seat in senate, 4628 Gravier, G. Decouvertes et etablissements de Cavelier de La Salle, 1976 Gray, A. Communication in defense of audits of dept, of public works, Detroit, 1977 -, A. B. Stockton: Report communicating report of superintendent of mineral lands on Lake Superior, 6415 -, O. W. and son Railroad map of Mich., 7287 - y W. J. Mss., 8057, 8059, 8069, 8087, 8089, 8091, 8093, 8095, 8097, 8099, 8124 See also Willcox, Sheldon and Gray Grayling Michigan. Governor: To legislature relative to establishing permanent en¬ campment and maneuvering grounds, 3781 Great Britain Admiralty. Hydrographic office Lake Mich., 7901 Foreign relations McLaughlin: Western posts, 2852 Laws, statutes, etc. Bunker: Negotiable instruments law, 492 -Lakes and Great Lakes region Arundel: Motor boat boys on, 158 Barrows: Surface water supply, 232 Beers: History of, 334 Blair: Indian tribes of region, 382 Blanchard: Discovery and conquests of Northwest, including incidents of pio¬ neer life in region of, 386 Brown: Western gazetteer, 472 Butterfield: History of Brule’s dis¬ coveries, 541 Callahan: Neutrality of American lakes, , 553 Campbell: Radisson’s journal, 565 Channing: Story of, 642 Col. Clayton’s lake tour, 727 Colton: Tour, 748 Cummins: journal written during tour of, 881 Curwood: Great Lakes, 885 Disturnell: Great Lakes, 1523 -: Trip through lakes, 1526 Ensign, Bridgman and Fanning’s lake and river guide, 1602 Flaherty: Brief sketch of earliest his¬ tory, 1704 Fountain: Great Northwest, 1739 Gravier: Decouvertes et establissements de Cavelier de La Salle, 1976 Hall: Marine disasters, 2014 Hallet: Trial by fire, 2017 GREAT LAKES AND GREAT LAKES REGION—Continued Harrington: Currents, 2053, 2054 Hodge: Papers concerning early navi¬ gation, 2179 Houston: Annual report upon improve¬ ment of harbors, 2218 Jennings: List of rotatoria of Great Lakes, 2400 -: Rotatoria of U. S., 2401 Johnson: Highways and byways, 2405 Judson: Myths and legends, 2431 Kane: Myths and legends, 2464 Laflin & co.: Need of national law to regulate size of mesh of nets on Great Lakes, 2586 Lakes of North America, 2591 Lanman: History of Mich., civil and topographical, 2619 La Salle: Relation of discoveries and voyages, 2686 Law: Among lighthouses of Great Lakes, 2690 -: Deeds of valor, 2691 -: Heroes of Great Lakes, 2692 -: Life savers in Great Lakes, 2693 Leverett: Pleistocene of Indiana and Mich., 2725 Long: Marine review course finder, 2758 McKenney: Sketches of tour to lakes, 2835 Maps Accurate map of British Empire and North America, 7097 -North America, by E. Bowen, 7103 Amerique septentrionale, par le Sr. d’Anville, 7088 -, par H. Jaillot, 7079 -, par N. Sanson, 7073 -, par le Sr. Rob¬ ert de Vaugondy, 7089 Amplissimae regionis Mississipi, [by] J. B. Homann, 7086 British colonies in North America, 7106 British governments in North America agreeable to proclamation of 1763, 7098 Le Canada faict par le Sr. de Cham¬ plain, suiuant les memoires de P. du Val, 7076 Canada, Louisiane et terres Angloises, par le Sr. d’Anville, 7091 Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France, par N. Sanson, 7074 Carte de l’Amerique septentrionale depuis La Baye d’Hudson jusqu’ au Mississipi, 7110 Carte du Canada, 7075, 7081 Carte du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France, par G. Delisle, 7100 Carte tres curieuse de la Mer du Sud [by Nicolas de Fer?], 7085 INDEX 247 GREAT LAKES AND GREAT LAKES REGION—Continued Carte des Etats-Unis de l’Amerique septentrionale, par M. Brion de la ^ Tour, 7109 Carte generale des colonies Angloises dans l’Amerique septentrionale, 7114 Carte de Nouvelle France [by Nicolas de Fer?], 7084 Carte des pays sous nom Canada, par Sr. R. de Vaugondy, 7090 Carte des possessions Angloises & Francoises du continent de l’Amer¬ ique septentrionale, 7093 Charte fiber die XIII Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America, ent- worfen durch F. L. Giissefeld, 7115 Exact map of five Great Lakes, 7126 Map of British dominions in North America, by P. Bell, 7102 -British Empire in North America, by S. Dunn, 7105 -• — British and French dominions in North America, by Jno. Mitchell, 7095 -five Great Lakes, 7879 -New France, by H. Moll, 7083 -portion of North America from Great Lakes to Gulf of Mexico, 7077 -U. S., by I. Fielding, 7112 -northwest parts of U. S., by J. Fitch, 7117 New and accurate map of British dominions in America, by T. Kitchin, 7101 New map of English Empire in America, by R. Morden, 7080 -north parts of America, by H. Moll, 7087 -and correct map of North America, corrected from original materials of Gov. Pownall, 7107 -map of North America from latest discoveries, 7099 ---North America, corrected from original materials of Gov. Pownall, 7113 -part of U. S. exhibiting western territory; also lakes, by J. Cary, 7130, 7131 — --western parts of Va., Pa., Md. and N. Car., by T. Hutchins, 7108 North America, by W. Berry, 7078 -, by J. Senex, 7082 — -from French of Mr. d’Anville, by T. Jefferys, 7094 -from French of Mr. d’Anville, 7104 -agreeable to most ap¬ proved maps and charts, by T. Con- der, 7111 Partie de l’Amerique septentrionale, par Sr. R. de Vaugondy, 7096 Partie occidentale de Nouvelle France ou du Canada, par Mr. Beilin, 7092 GREAT LAKES AND GREAT LAKES REGION—Continued State boundary lines in Great Lakes, 7880 U. S. according to definitive treaty of peace, 1783, by IV. McMurray, 7116 See also Lake Erie; Lake Huron; Lake Mich.; Lake St. Clair; Lake Superior; Michigan. Maps; Northwest. Maps Marine history, 2879 Marine review publishing co.: Time and distance tables for lake ships, 2880 Marsh: On cyclopidae and calanidae, 2896 Marshall: Building and voyage of the Griffon, 2906 Michigan. Historical society: Historical and scientific sketches of Mich., 3807 -. Lake Superior semi-centennial celebration commission: St. Mary’s Falls canal, 3832 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on harbors: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to lake harbors and navigation, 4085 Mills: Our inland seas, 5453 Neill: Discovery along Great Lakes, 5535 Ossoli: Summer on the lakes, 5615 [Reynolds]: Standard guide, 5958 Sadler: Some points in connection with shipbuilding, 6063 Scenes on Lake Huron, 6151 Schoolcraft: Narrative journal of travels through northwestern regions, 6173 -: Summary narrative of expe¬ dition to sources of Mississippi, 6182 Scott: New coast pilot, 6189 Smith: Fisheries of Great Lakes, 6306 Spears: Trip on Great Lakes, 6360 Stewart: Memorial asking grant of land for “North shore line”, 6408 Strickland: Old Mackinaw, 6431 Thayer: From Vermont to Lake Su¬ perior, 6517 Trimble: Lake pilot’s handbook, 6584 U. S. Dept, of commerce and labor. Steamboat inspection service: Pilot rules for Great Lakes, 6663 U. S. Lake survey: Annual report upon survey of northern and northwestern lakes, 6673 -—.—.-: [Catalogue of charts], 6674 Water-way tales, 6815, 6816 Whiting: Remarks on supposed tides and periodical rise and fall of North American lakes, 6908 Winchell: Isothermals of lake region, 6975 Woolson: Castle Nowhere, 7038 Great northern Portland cement co. [Prospectus], 1978 248 INDEX GREAT RAILROAD CONSPIRACY CASE Detroit. Fire dept.: Memorial of J. A. Van Dyke, 1137 Fitch: Report, 1702 Lilibridge: Report of trial, 2743 Seward: Argument in defence of A. F. Fitch, 6203 Van Dyke: Argument in railroad con¬ spiracy case, 6737 Great union fair of Mich. Officers, rules, etc., 1979 Great war Detroit and Mackinac railroad co.: Helping to feed and clothe America, 1405 Michigan. Governor: Gov. Sleeper calling attention to draft registration regulations, 3788 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws, relative to military affairs, 3910 Great western railway Appeal showing necessity of early com¬ pletion, 150 D. B. Cooke & co’s. guide, 8006 Emmons: Mss., 8078, 8080 Romeyn and Lockwood and Clarke: Mss., 8046 Toms: Mss., 8097 Greek letter men Maxwell: Greek letter men of Mich., 2925 Greeley, A. Plan of private claims in Mich. Terri¬ tory, 7860 Green, S. M. Michigan. Dept, of state: Supplement to Green’s treatise on townships, 3527 -practice, 1980 Proposed revision of general statutes, 1981 Revised statutes, 1982 Treatise on townships, 1983, 1984 -, T. K. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred memorial for grant of lands in consideration of monies overpaid on purchase of primary school lands, 4718 Green Bay Coast chart no. 1 north end of Green Bay, by U. S. War dept., 7883 Entrance, by U. S. War dept., 7884 North end, by U. S. War dept., 7881 North end of Lake Mich., by U. S. War dept., 7900, 7903 South end, by U. S. War dept., 7882 U. S. Lake survey: Lake Mich, and Green Bay, 6676 Greenfield Robinson: Atlas of Detroit and suburbs, 7646 Greening nursery co., Monroe Fortune in fruit farming, 1985 Greenleaf, J. Mich., 7197 GREENLY, W. L. [Michigan. Governor: Communication transmitting report of disbursements under appropriation for Mexican war], 3651 Greenville Charter, 1986, 1987 Fox: Sewerage, 1743 Mulhern: Water supply, 5499 Greenville, Treaty of, 1795 Wilson: Peace of Mad Anthony, 696,4 -: Treaty of Greenville, 6965 Gregory, J. M. Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: school funds and laws, 3427 Relations of normal school to school sys¬ tems, 1988 -, W. M. Geological report on Arenac co., 1989 Preliminary report on Arenac co. and parts of Ogemaw, Iosco and Alcona cos., 1990 Grenell, J. Michigan. Commission of inquiry on minimum wage legislation for women: Report, 3262 - Trowbridge: Pioneer days, 6594 Greusel, John H. Story of anti-ripper candidate, 1991 -, Joseph Gen. A. S. Williams, 1992 Griffin, C. Miscellaneous mss., 8176 Griffon Marshall: Building and voyage, 2906 Remington: Ship-yard of Griffon, 5947 Grimsley, G. P. Gypsum of Mich., 1993 Gross, I. Map of Lapeer co., 7505 -, I. M. Map of Allegan co., 7409 Grosse He Dau’s blue book, 913 Potawatomi Indians: Deeds, 8519 Women’s improvement association of Grosse lie: Treaty tree and memorial tablet, 7015 Grosse Pointe Dau’s blue book, 913 [Hall]: Grosse Pointe, 2016 New map of Detroit and suburbs, by S. Farmer & co., 7681, 7685 Naming of Lake St. Clair, 1994 Sauer: Standard guide and directory, 6140 Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Grosse Pointe Farms Map, from map by T. Campau & son, 7725 Grove, C. Plan for better education through free newspapers, 1995 INDEX 249 GROVER, F. R. Brief history of Les Cheneaux Islands, 1996 Guaranteed securities corporation of De¬ troit, 1997 Guaranty trust co. Your duty as stockholder, 1998 [Guffin, J. T.] Report of hearing on school book legis¬ lation, 1999 Gunn, J. A. Memorial sketches of Dr. M. Gunn, 2000 -, M. Gunn: Memorial sketches, 2000 Gussefeld, F. L. Charte fiber die XIII Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America, 7115 [Guyot, A. H.] East central states, special geography of Ohio, Ind., Ill. and Mich., 2001 Geography of Mich., 2002 Gypsum Grand Rapids plaster and its uses, 1953 Grimsley: Gypsum of Mich., 1993 Hachtel, F. W. Goldberger: Report on investigation of diphtheria carriers, 1822 Hackley, C. H. Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Farragut, 2744 Patton: Grant, Sherman, Farragut, Lincoln, 5675 Hackley art gallery Aesthetics, 2003 Annual report, 2004 Catalogue of inaugural exhibition, 2005 Pattison: Opening, 5673 Wyer: Art museum, 7055 -public library Dedication, 2006 Hackley public library, 2007 Quarterly bulletin, 2008 Haddock, R. Resources and industrial interests of Mich., 2009 [Hager, A. D.] Ancient mining on shores of Lake Su¬ perior, 2010 Haigh, H. Ledger, 8408 [Haight, W. C.] Binding effect of Ordinance of 1787, 2011 Haines, E. M. Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws concerning organization and govern¬ ment of townships, 3938 Hairy vetch Shoesmith: Hairy vetch, 6239 Haldimand, Gen. Miscellaneous mss., 8172 Hale, D. J. Marl, 2012 --, W. Detroit. Common council: Remarks, 1111 HALL, B. F. Early history of northwestern states, 2013 -, J. W. Marine disasters on western lakes, 2014 -, J- West, The, 2015 [-» T. P.j Grosse Pointe, 2016 Hallet, R. M. Trial by fire, 2017 Halligan, C. P. Celery culture, 2018 Onion culture, 2019 Starting a lawn, 2020 Hallman, E. T. Tuberculin tests for tuberculosis in cattle, 2021 Hallock, C. Vacation rambles in north. Mich., 2022 Halpin, J. G. Poultry raising, 2023 Hambitzer, J. F. Michigan. Board of state canvassers: Papers in removal, 3227 Hamer, T. L. Speech, 2024 Hamilton, B. Consolidated corporation law, 2025 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Modern law of business corporations, 3847 - > H * Law: Colonial history of Vincennes, 2689 Proclamation, 8409 -, H. E. Incidents and events in life of Gurdon Saltonstall Hubbard, 2026 -, Capt. J. Mss., 8182 -> J- p - Michigan. Employment institution for the blind: Chief peeds of adult blind, 3531 -, M. D. Statement of trade and commerce of Detroit, 2027 -, Capt. O. Mss., 8182 [-, R. B.?] Peaceful valley farms, 2028 Hamlin, M. C. W. Legends of Le Detroit, 2029 Hammond, C. G. Memorial, 2030 Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report of committee to inquire and report facts in regard to alleged overdraft on treasury, 4357 - # , Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred resolution instructing attorney general [to recover sum of money], 4494 250 INDEX HAMMOND, J. E. Michigan. Dept, of public instruction Memorial day, 3407 State manual, 3437 Suggestive programs for special day exercises, 3446 Text-book legislation, 3456 Mich, souvenir, 2031 School law, 2032, 2033 Hammond Bay, Lake Huron Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors-, 5752 Hamtramck, J. F. Power of attorney to S. Sibley, to confess judgment unto R. and J. Abbott on bond, 8409 Hamtramck Atlas Robinson: Atlas of Detroit and suburbs, 7646 Maps New map, by S. Farmer & co., 7676 --— of Detroit and suburbs, by S. Farmer & co., 7681, 7685 Sauer: Standard guide and pocket directory, 6140 Street railway Record book, 8410 U. S. Bureau of census: Special census, 6627 Hamtramck township Citizens Petition, 2034 Hancock, C. F. Weston: Plat book of Houghton co., 7465 -- ? w. Map of St. Clair, 7749 -Wayne co., 7586 Hancock Birds eye view, by A. J. Cleveland, 7726 Polk & co.: Directory, 5764 Hankinson, T. L. Biological survey of Walnut Lake, 2035 Observations on fishes of Houghton co., 2036 Results of Shiras expeditions to Whitefish Point, 2037 Ruthven: Miscellaneous papers on zoology, 6057 Hannan real estate exchange Detroit, 7699 Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad Joy: Mss., 8136 Harbor Beach Patrick: Some damage by lake storm in 1913, 5658 Harbor improvement, see River and harbor improvement Harbor Point association History, articles of association, and by¬ laws, 2038 HARBOR SPRINGS [Detroit and Cleveland steam navigation co.]: Where to spend summer, 1403 Harbor Springs Christian association History, constitution, 2039 Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 [Harford, W. M.] Short sketch of life and services of J. Walker, 2040 Haring, F. B. Haring’s brief on conditional sale laws, 2041 Harley, H. Circular letter concerning administration of justice, 2042 [Harmer, W. M.] Lumbering, 2043 Harney, E. M. Map of Kent co., 7492 Harper hospital, Detroit [Articles of incorporation, deed, by-laws, etc.], 2044 Bulletin, 2045 Constitution, 2046 Mss., 8155 Report, 2047 U. S. General hospitals. Detroit: Pre¬ scriptions at Harper hospital, 8578 [What Detroit needs most], 2048 Harriman, K. E. Ann Arbor tales, 2049 -, W. D. Memorial of Judge J. W. Babbitt, 2050 Harrington, E. B. Reports of cases, 2051 Revised statutes, 2052 See also Van Dyke and Harrington -, M. W. Currents of Great Lakes, 2053, 2054 Harris, C. H. Sanitary drainage and sewerage, 2055 - 7 > J* E ; Soil acidity, 2056 --, J. c. Facts regarding Bay co., 2057 -r> s - Mich, cavalry at Gettysburg, 2058 Personal reminiscences, 2059 Stories of Civil war, 2060 Story of war of rebellion, 2061 -, S. S. [Trowbridge]: Tributes to his memory, 6590 _ W. C. Public life of Z. Chandler, 2062 Harrison, B. Stone: Biographical sketch, 6417 -, W. H. Jackson: Life, 2353 Harrow family Mss., 8411 Hart, A. B. Documents illustrating state land claims and cessions, 2063 -relating to territorial admin¬ istration, 2064 INDEX - 251 HART, A. N. Michigan. Legislature. House. Special committee: Report of committee to whom was referred petition fo W. H. Clark asking investigation of acts and doings of, 4365 Williams: Memorial relative to exami¬ nation into affairs of Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay railroad, 6939 - > F * Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the militia: Report on peti¬ tion, 4602 Petition to amend militia law, 2065 -, H. City of Ann Arbor, 7607 -- Detroit, 7628 Map of Jackson, 7729 Hart High school Mirror, 2066 Hartford Ladies’ library association Book-list, 2067 Hartley, E. F. U. S. Bureau of the census: Special cen¬ sus of population of Hamtramck, 6627 Hartman, S. B. Can general farmer afford to grow apples, 2068 Hartt, G. W. Michigan. State prison: Rebuilding men, 5091 Hartwick, L. M. Oceana co. pioneers and business men, 2069 Hartwig, W. J., co. General catalogue, 2070 Harvey, C. T. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report in con¬ tested election case of Harvey vs. Warner, 4042, 4043 -, Mrs. S. V. E. Jubilee annals of Lake Superior ship canal, 2071 Semi-centennial reminiscences of Sault canal, 2072 Harwood, P. M. Potatoes, 2073, 2074 Roots vs. silage for fattening lambs, 2075 Smut in oats and wheat, 2076 Haskell, S. Half-century memorial, 2077 Historical sketch of Kalamazoo college, 2078 History of Kalamazoo college, 2079 Quarter-century ebenezer, 2080 -bros. “Wolverine state”, 7298 Haskins, R. W. New England and West, 2081 Hastings, E. P. Mss., 8131 HASTINGS, H. Michigan. Governor: Message trans¬ mitting correspondence in relation to, 3605 Hastings Charter, 2082 Official city directory, 2083 Porter: Business directory of Barry co., containing history of Hastings, 5807 Women’s club Margaret, a mosaic, 2084 Hatch, W. S. Chapter of history of War of 1812, 2085 Hathaway, C. S. Our fireman, 2086 Hathon, A. E. Map of Detroit, 7627 Haven, E. O. Ann Arbor. Memorial proceedings in honor of A. Lincoln, with address of, 133 Autobiography, 2087 Michigan. State teachers’ association: Memorial, 5110 Winchell: Memorial discourse on life and services, 6978 Hawes, G. A. Loomis and Talbott’s Ann Arbor city di¬ rectory, 2768 -Monroe city direc¬ tory, 2769 Hawkins, O. Petition to admit colored men to privi¬ lege of elective franchise, 2088 Hawthorne Sargent: Crataegus in southern Mich., 6139 Hay, H. Narrative of life on old frontier, 2089 Hay Beal: Comparing yield of old meadows with recently seeded, 297 See also Marsh hay; Straw Hay and grain association, see Michigan. Hay and grain association Hayden, C. Austin, F. G., as trustee in bankruptcy of C. Currie & co., 8227 Hayes, E. L. Atlas of Grand Traverse co., 7457 -Isabella co., 7476 -Leelanau co., 75OS -Mecosta co., 7522 — 1 -Newaygo co., 7538 -Osceola co., 7547 -, R. B. Michigan. Legislature: Memorial, 3955 Hay Lake channel U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on commerce: St. Mary's River and Hay Lake channel, 6659 Waterways convention: Sault Ste. Marie canal and Hay Lake channel, 6817 Hazen, Gen. W. B. Bailey: Report on Michigan forest fires of 1881, 185 252 INDEX HAZEUR, F. Cadillac: [Contract between Cadillac, Arrive and Gaultier, and Hazeur], 8276 Hazelwood, A. Water and water supply in Mich., 2090 Headley, C. B. Annual statement of business of Saginaw valley, 2091 Lewis: Annual statement of business of Saginaw valley, 2732 Headlight, 2092 Healing waters at Ypsilanti, 2093 Health Ann Arbor. Board of health: Rules and regulations, 103 -. Dept, of public health: Monthly report, 118 Avery: Overflowed lands on Maple River, 165 Baker: Climate and health, 193 -: Report on American soc. sci. association meeting, 194 Bartholomew: Drainage and sewerage, 236 Fox: Sewerage of Greenville, 1743 Gillam: Effect of overflowed lands, 1808 Healing waters at Ypsilanti, 2093 • Hitchcock: Report on slaughter houses, 2176 Long: Present and future water supply of Ionia, 2760 Parker: Meetings and expenses of town¬ ship boards, 5644 -: Powers and duties of local boards, 5645 -: Public-health subjects before American social science association, 5646 -: Verification by health officer of diagnosis of diseases dangerous to public health, 5647 Ranney: Health service of a state, 5919 Vaughan: Healthy homes and foods for working classes, 6753 -: Mouth conditions and their relations to public health, 6754 See also Detroit. Board of health; Michi¬ gan. State board of health -laws Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to public health, 3874 - resorts Alpena magnetic spring, 75 Clark mineral springs bath house, 704 Cutter: Guide to Mount Clemens, 899- 902 History and location of Eaton Rapids, 2143 St. Clair mineral springs co.: Illustrated circular of Oakland, 6113 St. Louis magnetic spring, 6118 Healy, W. P. Michigan. Legislature. House. Special committee: Report of committee to investigate charges against, 4370 HEARDING, W. H. True copy of plot of military reservation at Ft. Gratiot, 7852 Heckewelder, J. Askin: Mss., 8129 Mitchener: Ohio annals, 5464 Hedrick, U. P. Native plums, 2094 Taft: Potatoes, 6470, 6473 ---, W. O. History of railroad taxation, 2095 Hegner, R. W. Bibliography of periodical literature and publications of learned societies of interest to zoologists in U. of M. li¬ brary, 2096 Heineman, D. E. Jewish beginnings in Mich., 2097 Legislature and local bills, 2098 Michigan’s need of budget, 2099 Startling experience of Jewish trader during Pontiac’s siege, 2100 Helm, L. T. Fort Dearborn massacre, 2101 Helme, J. W. Clean cows, 2102 Hemans, L. T. History of Mich., 2103-2106 Michigan. Historical commission: L. T. Hemans, 3805 Services at funeral, 8536 Hempsted, E. L. Michigan. Political science association: Papers and addresses on primary re¬ form, 4794 Hendershot, R. H. Dodge: R. H. Hendershot, 1533 Henderson, Mrs. L. M. Obituary, 5577 Hennepin, L. Remington: Ship-yard of Griffon, 5947 Hennigan, J. F. Jackson. Charters, 2358 Henrotin, E. M. Perry: L. H. Stone, 5709 Henry, A. Narrative of captivitv, 2107 -, D. F. Address to public, advisability of pur¬ chasing Belle Isle, review of pamphlet by, 16 Mss., 8159, 8160, 8168, 8193 -, J. Beef journal, 8412 Invoice books, 8413 Journal of Mackinac store, 8414 Journals, 8415 Ledger of Mackinac store, 8416 Ledgers, 8417 Letter book, 8418 Mss., 8173 Memoranda books, 8419 Tannery bark book, 8420 Tannery hide books, 8421 Tannery journals, 8422 Tannery ledgers, 8423 See also U. S. Army. Commissary dept. INDEX 253 HENRY, J., & Co. Account of beef cattle, 8424 [-, S. C.] Tannery journal, 8425 Henry Martyn Loud, 2108 Herdman, W. J. Michigan alumnus, vol. VIII, 5362 [Hewes, F. W.] History of formation, movements, camps, scouts, and battles of 10th regt., 2109 Hewitt, L. K. Peck: Memorial relative to state agri¬ cultural college, 5689 Heyerman, O. F. Military order of the loyal legion of the U. S. Mich, commandery: In me- moriam, 5438 Hiawatha Schoolcraft: Algic researches, 6157 -: Myth of Hiawatha, 6172 Hickox, G. H. Remarks at funeral of Lieut. P. S. Leg¬ gett, 2110 Hicks, F. Potter: History of Barry co., 5855 -& co. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report, 4008 -, Palmer & co. Ledger, 8426 Higby, F. W. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on military affairs: Report on petition of, 4599 Higgins, S. G. Salt industry in Mich., 2111 Higher education Berry: Obstacles in U. of M., 354 Coolidge: Relation of higher education to state, 817 McLaughlin: History of higher educa¬ tion in Mich., 2845 See also Education; name of college, nor¬ mal school or university Highland Park Atlas Baist’s real estate atlas of surveys of Detroit and Highland Park, 7687 Finances Ford: Financial statement, 1728 Maps Map, by Stewart & Fry, 7727 New map, by S. Farmer & co., 7676 -of Detroit and suburbs, by S. Farmer & co., 7681, 7685 Ordinances, etc. Miscellaneous ordinances, 2112 Population U. S. Bureau of the census: Special census, 6628 Sauer: Standard guide and pocket di- ' rectory, 6140 High schools Michigan. Commission on high school course of study: Course of study, 3258 HIGH SCHOOLS—Continued -. Dept, of public instruction: Township rural high schools, 3459 See also Education; Michigan. Agri¬ cultural college. Dept, of agricul¬ tural education; Secondary education High school oratorical association, see Michigan. High school oratorical asso¬ ciation Highway dept., see Michigan. Highway dept. Highways, see Roads Hildebrand, S. F. Meek: Synoptic list of fishes within 50 miles of Chicago, 2936 Hildreth, S. P. Contributions to early history of North¬ west, 2113 Pioneer history, 2114 Hill, A. Letter to board of education, Saginaw, on occasion of establishing four scholar¬ ships, 2115 [In memoriam], 157 Michigan. Forestry commission: Mich, forestry, 3547 —, A. J. Pine industry, 2116 -, B. L. Memorial against law to suppress pound or trapnet fishing, 2117 -, J. W. St. Clair. Common council: Corpora¬ tion manual, 6104 -, S. W. Geological map of trap range of Ke¬ weenaw Point, 7783 Map of Isle Royale, 7874 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred petition contesting seat of E. G. Seymour, 4044 Remarks on geological survey, 2118 Hillsdale Board of education [Hillsdale union school], 2119 College Alpha kappa phi society History, 2147, 2148 Thirteenth annual Melendy prize meeting, 2124 Amphictyon society History, constitution and member¬ ship, 2145 Annual catalogue, 2120 Bulletin, 2121, 2122 First 50 years, 2123 Reynolds: Closing chapter of story of 50 years, 5960 [-]: Hillsdale college; early his¬ tory, 5961 [-]: --; founding and removal, 5962 [-]:-; sketch of history—loss of buildings, 5963 254 INDEX HILLSDALE—Continued [-r] r-; sketch of history—recent loss of buildings, 5964 [-•]: True review, 5965 Directory ■ i Polk & co.: Directory, 5770 Goodrich: Water supply, 1827 Mitchell public library: Annual report, 5463 Reynolds: City of Hillsdale, 5959 Whelan: Water supply, 6890 Hillsdale county American atlas co.: Plat book, 7462 Brown: History of Ransom township, 470 History, 2154 Map, by L. Geil & L. L. Jones, 7461 [-], by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7463 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7464 Polk & co.: Directory, 5770 Portrait and biographical album, 5832 Hinchman, T. H. Banks and banking, 2125 Hines, E. N. Road book of Mich., 2126 Hingham, Mass. Mss., 8179 Hinman, R. Red way: Natural advanced geography, 5935 Hinsdale, B. A. General introduction to courses in teach¬ ing, 2127 History of U. of M., 2128 Old Northwest, 2129, 2130 Our common schools, 2131 Spirit and ideals of U. of M., 2132 Theoretical and critical and practical courses in teaching, 2133 Three important documents relative to western land cessions, 2134 U. of M. as constitutional institution, 2135 Hinsdill, M. Michigan central railroad co.: Reply to communication concerning compara¬ tive rates of freight, 5379 Histology Huber: Directions for work in histologi¬ cal laboratory, U. of M., 2253, 2254 Historical commission, see Michigan. His¬ torical commission -memoranda of Territory of Mich., 2136 -sketch of Petoskey, 2137 - sketches of education in Mich., 2138 -societies Michigan. Historical commission: Sketch of historical societies, 3798 - : -.-: Sugges¬ tions for local historical societies, 3797 See also Michigan. Pioneer and historical society; name of society HISTORICAL SOCIETIES—Continued Ohio Gallagher: Facts and conditions of progress in Northwest, 1781 - souvenir of celebration of 16th anniversary of colonization of Hollanders in western Mich., 2139 - writings of O. H. Marshall, 2140 History and directory of churches of Detroit, 2141 -- — Kent co., 2142 -location of Eaton Rapids, 2143 -, commercial advantages and future prospects of Bay City, 2144 -, constitution and membership of Amphictyon societv of Hillsdale college, 2145 -of Allegan and Barry cos., 2146 -— Alpha kappa phi society of Hills¬ dale college, 2147, 2148 -Bay co., 2149 -Berrien and Van Buren cos., 2150 -Calhoun co., 2151 -discovery and workings of silver mines in Iron River district, 2152 -Genesee co., 2153 -— Hillsdale co., 2154 -Jackson co., 2155 -Kent co., 2156 -Lake Huron shore, 2157 -Lapeer co., 2158 -Livingston co., 2159 -Macomb co., 2160 -Manistee, Mason and Oceana cos., 2161 -Muskegon co., 2162 -Oakland co., 2163 -Olivet college, 2164 --Ottawa co., 2165 -Presbyterian Sunday-school at Grand Haven, 2166 -Saginaw co., 2167 -- — Saginaws, 2168 -St. Clair co., 2169 -St. Joseph co., 2170 -Shiawassee and Clinton cos., 2171 -Tuscola and Bay cos., 2172 --Upper Peninsula, 2173 -Washtenaw co., 2174 -, resources and prospects of Saginaw valley, 2175 History Larzelere: Suggestions for teaching his¬ tory in rural schools, 2684, 2685 Hitchcock, H. O. Report on slaughter-houses, 2176 Hixon, W. W., & co. Plat book of northern Mich., 7389 Hobbs, W. H. Late glacial and post glacial uplift, 2177 Hodge, H. C. Memorial claiming seat in house, 2178. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report in relation to memorial claiming seat of C. Free¬ man, 4045 INDEX 255 HODGE, W. Papers concerning early navigation of Great Lakes, 2179 [Hoffman, C. F.] Winter in West, 2180 -— J* M - Saginaw valley review, 2181 Hogaboam, J. J. Bean Creek valley, 2182 Hogs Davenport: Pigs, breeding tests, 924 Giltner: Studies of agglutination re¬ actions in hog cholera, 1814, 1815 Michigan. Agricultural college. Ex¬ periment station: Hog cholera situa¬ tion, 3018 Robbins: Hog cholera, 5986 Shaw: Cull beans as food for swine, 6213 -: Digester tankage for swine, 6214 -: Equipment for breeding, feeding, care and management of swine, 6217 Smith: Pig feeding, 6279 Waterman: Hog cholera, 6814 See also Stock food; Swine Holbrook, D. C. Mss., 8196, 8198 Holcroft, J. Map of canal at Sault Ste. Marie, 7987 [Holden, E. A.] Souvenir, national grange in Mich., 2183 -, P. G. Harwood: Potatoes, 2074 -: Smut in oats and wheat, 2076 Holidays Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Special day programs, 3435, 3436 Suggested exercises, 3443 Holland, A. H. Gazetteer of Marquette co., 2184 [-, T. A.] Grand Rapids directory, 2185 Holland Board of health Rules, 2186 -public works Annual report, 2187 Charter, 2188 Common council Rules, 2189 Harbor Holland Harbor, by U. S. War dept., 7943 Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 High school Boomerang, 2190 History Van Schelven: Centennial, 6749 Huizinga: What Dutch have done in west of U. S., 2258 Map Holland Harbor and Black Lake in¬ cluding city, by U. S. War dept., 7943 Ordinances, 2191 HOLLANDERS, see Dutch in Mich. Hollands, Mrs. H. T. When Mich, was new, 2192 Hollister, H. J. Daniel Ball, 2193 •• Holmes, C. Map of Saginaw, 7748 ->J- C^- Communication relative to financial. Con¬ dition of State agricultural society, 2194 Mss., 8041, 8068, 8075, 8076, 8078, 8080 -—,J.T. =•: , Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report ■ of committee to whom were, referred petition for removal of State land office from Marshall to Grand Rapids, 4591 Holsinger, C. Petition for relief, 2195 i Holstein breeders’ association, see West Mich, holstein breeders’ association Holt, C. M. Story of Grand Rapids, 2196 Homann, J. B. Amplissimae regionis Mississipi, 7086 Home kindergarten school, Detroit [Announcement], 2197 Homeopathic branch, see Michigan. Uni¬ versity - college, see Detroit homeo¬ pathic college ■- institute, see Michigan. In¬ stitute of homoeopathy --medical society, see Michigan. Homeopathic medical society Homeopathy Burton: Beginnings in Detroit, 510 -: First homoeopathic physician in Mich., 511 Ellis: Memorial in favor of homeopathic treatment in Mich, asylums, 1596 Joy: Protest against homeopathic branch of university, 2428 Michigan. Homeopathic college: An¬ nual announcement, 5403 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report relative to erection of chair of homeopathy in university, 4037 Thayer: Memorial on subject of estab¬ lishing chair of homoeopathy in U. of M., 6518 _ : Treadwell: Petition for chair]of homoeo¬ pathy in university, 6582 See also Michigan. School of homeo¬ pathy and surgery; Michigan. Uni¬ versity. Homoeopathic medical school; Michigan. University. University homeopathic hospital Homer Lane: Homer, 2613 Nedham: Directory, 5533 Homeseekers’ excursions to northern Mich., 2198 250 INDEX HOMESTEAD LANDS Michigan. State land office: Report, 5003 Honey Cook: Honey analyses, 789 -: Planting for honey, 795 Hood, G. W. Laboratory manual of horticulture, 2199 Hook, H. H. Detroit illustrated, 1455 Hope college Annual report, 2200 Constitution, 2201 Fiftieth anniversary catalog, 2202 Kolyn: Book of words of pageant of Hope, 2578 Remembrancer, 2203 Year book, 2204 Hopkins, C. C. Michigan. Supreme court: Exercises in memory of J. V. Campbell, 5123 —-, G. H. Memorial address on life and character of J. J. Bagley, 2205 , W. R. Report on new town [Huron], 2206 Hopson, W. Mss., 8117 Hore, R. E. Allen: Mineral resources of Mich., with treatise on Mich, copper deposits by, 60 Horn, G. C. Spies public library: Catalogue of Indian and nature studies, 6364 Homer, J. S. Merrell: J. S. Horner, 2956 Hornsby, L. Grand Traverse co.: Teacher’s direc¬ tory, 1960 Horses Grange: Experimental work among, 1968 Norton: Preliminary report on winter¬ ing farm work horses, 5570 Horticultural society, see Michigan. State horticultural society Horticulture Bailey: Hints on rural adornment, 180 -: Notes on fruits [etc.], 181 Clark: Suggestions concerning legume innoculation, 699 Clubb: Spring Lake, 715 Fletcher: Outline of elementary course in, 1706 Hood: Laboratory manual of, 2199 Lyon: History of Mich, horticulture, 2783 Western Mich. Lake shore horticultural association: Proceedings of conven¬ tion, 6877 See also Fruit and fruit culture; Michigan. Public domain commission Horton, R. E. Available water power, 2207 Deforestation, 2208 Hosford, O. Memorial of Rev. O. Hosford, 2209 HOSKINS, N. Notes upon western country, 2210 Hospitals, see Michigan. University. Uni¬ versity homoeopathic hospital; Michi¬ gan. University. University hospital Hot water heating, see Detroit. Heating and lighting co. Hough, F. B. Diary of siege of Detroit, 2211 -- o. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of gover¬ nor’s message as relates to abolition of slavery, 4742 Houghton, D. Bradish: Memoir, 424 Copy of letter to T. H. Hubbard, 2212 Full length portrait and memoir, 1773 Map of Calhoun co., 7432 -Jackson co., 7479 -Lenawee co., 7509 -Washtenaw co., 7575 Michigan. Geological survey: State in account with D. Houghton, 3574 Portrait of, 5851 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on public lands: Mineral lands—sale of, 6654 Winchell: D. Houghton, 6971 > jr* Map of mineral region of south shore of Lake Superior, 7836 Mineral region of Lake Superior, 2213 Reports, 2214 Houghton Board of education Annual catalogue, 2215 Annual reports, 2216 Directory Polk & co.: Directory, 5764 Houghton and Ontonagon railroad Report, 2217 Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Houghton county Allen: Contributions to Pre-Cambrian geology; geology of Limestone Moun¬ tain and Sherman Hill [by] E. C. Case and W. J. Robinson, 55 Biographical record, 369 Farm and business directory, 1635 Grouped cross sections illustrating strati- graphical relations between Houghton and Keweenaw cos., by Mich, geo¬ logical survey, 7778 Hankinson: Observations on fishes of, 2036 Polk & co.: Directory, 5771 Ruthven: Miscellaneous papers on zool¬ ogy, 6057 Weston: Plat book, 7465 House decoration, see Grand Rapids. Furni¬ ture co. - documents, see Michigan. Legis¬ lature. House INDEX 257 HOUSE DRAINAGE Parker: Public health subjects before American social science association, 5646 - of correction, see Detroit. House of correction; Michigan. Industrial school for boys; Michigan. State house of cor¬ rection and branch of state prison in Upper Peninsula Houses Lyster: Report on healthful dwellings, 2786 See also Flats Housing code Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Housing code, 3876 Housing commission, see Michigan. Hous¬ ing commission Houston, D. C. Annual report upon improvement of harbors, 2218 Howard, C. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report rela¬ tive to allowing claim, 4560 - , D. W., see Howard and Welch -, Jacob M. In memoriam, 2309 Mss., 8044, 8046, 8055, 8165 Michigan. Legislature. House: Reso¬ lutions relative to sub-treasury, 3971 Protest against committee to inquire into overpayment of governor’s salary, 2219 -, John Memorial respecting swamp lands, 2220 -,Joshua [Mss.], 8427 -— ’ S - . „ . , Michigan. Legislature. House. Special committee: Report of committee to whom was referred memorial relative to preservation of forest trees, 4375 -, S. and C. Statement showing difference in accounts, 2221 , 2222 _ 'P jg Mss., 8201 - , W. A., see Howard and Cargill; Howard and Toms Howard and Cargill Mss., 8069 -Toms Mss., 8041, 8069, 8079, 8081, 8083, 8087, 8095, 8097, 8099 -Welch Mss., 8142 Howard City Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Polk, Murphy and co.: Directory, 5790 Howe, D. W. Laws and courts of Northwest, 2223, 2224 -, E. E. Break o’day, 2225, 2226 --, U. T. Michigan. State teachers’ association: Memorial, 5110 33 HOWE AND TERRY Map of portion of silver range of Lake Superior, 7842 Howell, A. Irwin: Annotations, 2344 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Howell’s annotated statutes, 3877 -. -,-,-.: General statutes, 3930 Sessions:* Manual for county clerks, sheriff’s and constables, 6201 Tiffany: Treatise on criminal law of Mich., 6539-6541 -: Treatise on powers and duties of justices of peace, 6542-6546 -, Mrs. A. Bixby: Historical sketches of ladies’ library associations of Mich., 376 - > C * Grand Rapids. Charters: Revised char¬ ter, 1884 -. Ordinances, etc.: Ordi¬ nances, 1910 Industrial advantages of Grand Rapids, 2227 -, C. A. Tiffany: Treatise on powers and duties of justices of peace, 6546 -, C. B. Mich, nisi prius cases, 2228 —, W. T. Memorial asking amendments to char¬ ters of central and southern railroads, 2229 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on federal relations: Report on channel of communication through Canada, 4066 -. -. -. Select committee: Report on land grants by Congress, 4324 Protest against passage of certain bill, 2230 Protest against appropriating tolls of St. Mary’s canal to payment due counties for taxes on canal lands, 2231 Right of government to lease mineral lands, 2232 Howell Board of education Annual circular, 2233 Catalogue, 2234 History Crittenden: History, 861 Smith: History, 6293 Public library Annual report, 2235 Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Howell tuberculosis sanatorium, see Michi¬ gan. State sanatorium for the treat¬ ment of tuberculosis Howison, J. Sketches of Upper Canada, 2236 Hoyt, C. O. J. D. Pierce, 2237 258 INDEX HOYT PUBLIC LIBRARY, SAGINAW Subject list, 2238 Trust deed, 2239 [Hubbard, A. C.] Fruit culture, 2240 Orchards and fruits, 2241 -, B. Catalogue of lands for sale, 2242 Climate of Detroit, 2243 Geological survey, 2244 Houghton: Reports, 2214 Mss., 8119, 8121, 8203 Memorials of half-century, 2245, 2246 -, Mrs. E. Petition asking passage of bill relative to license laws and sale of liquors, 2247 --, G. S. Autobiography, 2248 Hamilton: Incidents and events in life of, 2026 -, H. G. Coleoptera of Florida and Mich., 2249 -, H. W. Palmer: Mss., 8200 , L. L. Valuable private library, 2250 Keweenaw Point, 2251 Lane: Geology of lower Mich., 2601 Michigan. Geological survey: Extracts from annual reports, 3564 - , M. A. Schedule of lots in Allegan for sale, 6154 -, R. J. Mss., 8119 --, s. Schedule of lots in Allegan for sale by M. A. Hubbard, 6154 -, T. H. Houghton: Copy of letter to, 2212 Mss., 8119 -and King Mss., 8123 Hubbardston Citizens Decoration ceremonies, 2252 Polk & co.: Directory, 5772 Hubbell and Weeks Detroit city directory, 1421 Huber, G. C. Directions for work in histological lab¬ oratory, U. of M., 2253, 2254 Michigan alumnus; vol. VIII, 5362 Hudson, J. L. Detroit, 2255 General A. S. Williams monument asso¬ ciation: Minutes on death of J. L. Hudson, 1794 — r :» R - . . Michigan. University: Memorial dis¬ courses, address by, 5194 -, R. P. Michigan. State board of health: Michi¬ gan, a summer and health resort state, 4900 HUDSON Charter, 2256 Trinity Protestant Episcopal church Church record, 2257 Hughart, W. O. Map of Mich, showing land grant to Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad, 7328 Hughes, D. D. [Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad co.]: Legislation conferring land grant, 1939 Huizinga, G. F. What Dutch have done in west of U. S., 2258 Hulbert, A. B. Military roads of Mississippi basin, 2259 Society of colonial wars. Michigan: Message of mound builders, 6326 -, E. J. Calumet conglomerate, 2260, 2261 Geological and topographical map of mineral district of Lake Superior, 7840, 7841 Hulburt and Faulkner Manistee city and county directory, 2262 Hull, A. Plan of Detroit, 7624 —, w. Campbell: Revolutionary services and civil life of, 572 Clarke, J. F.: W. Hull and surrender of Detroit, 705 -, S. C.: W. Hull, 708 Dearborn: Defence of Gen. Dearborn, 939 Defence of, 2263 [Foster]: Capitulation, 8398 Lossing: Hull's surrender of Detroit, 2771 Lucas: Journal, 2776, 2777 Memoirs of campaign of northwestern army, 2264 [Moore]: Governor, judge and priest, 5477 Report of trial of, 2265 Trial, 2266 Walker: Two letters on conduct in sur¬ render of Detroit, 6793 Hulst, C. S. Indian sketches, 2267 Humboldt Holland: Gazetteer of Marquette co., comprising directory of, 2184 Humus Smalley: Management of muck-land farms, 6259 Hunt, C. P. Jackson. Ordinances, etc.: Ordinances, 2362 -, H. E. Mich, laws relating to women and girls, 2268 -, H. P. Palmer: Early days in Detroit, 5630 INDEX 259 HUNT, JAMES B. Address to members of agricultural so-* ciety of Oakland co., 2269 Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment : Communication relative to contract with D. C. McKinstry, 3182 -, John Mss., 8055, 8070 Hunter and Van Valkenburg Map of Kent co., 7497 Hunting Northrup: Camps and tramps in Adiron- dacks and grayling fishing in northern Mich., 5562 Pere Marquette railroad co.: Fishing and hunting in Mich., 5699 •-.: Mich, sum¬ mer resorts, 5701 Perry: Hunting expeditions, 5710 Shaffmaster: Hunting in land of Hia¬ watha, 6206 Shields: Rustlings in rookies, 6235 See also Game and fish laws under Michi¬ gan. Laws, statutes, etc. Huntington, S. Western Reserve historical society: Let¬ ters from correspondence, 6879* [Hurd, J.] [Proposition to lease Central railroad], 2270 Hurd-Martin co. Birds eye view of Detroit, 7682 Hurlbut, C. Detroit. Board of water commissioners: Copy of Chauncey Hurlbut’s will, 1033 -, —. (steamer) Logbook, 8428 Huron Hopkins: Report on new town of, 2206 Plan of canal and town, by N. Curriers, 7728 Town of Huron, at foot of Lake Huron, 6561 Huron Bay Huron Bay and Huron Island, by U. S. War dept., 7885, 7886 Huron county Dwight: Township plats, 8381 Lane: Geological report on, 2599 Map, by U. S.-Postofhce dept., 7466 Map of vSaginaw and Tuscola with part of, by D. A. Pettibone, 7555 Portrait and biographical album, 5833 Records Williams: Mss., 8151 Huron Island Huron Bay and Huron Island, by U. S. War dept., 7885, 7886 Huron, Lake, see Lake Huron Huron Mission Potier: Jesuit mss., 5854 Huron River Fuller: Failure of wells, 1775 Huron River basin Map of drainage basin of Huron River, 73£0 HURON RIVER VALLEY Outline map frpm Geddesburg to Parshall and White Highway, 7381 Transeau: Bogs and bog flora, 6563 Hussey, E. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on privileges and elections: Report of committee to whom was re¬ ferred petition that E. Hussey be ex¬ cluded from seat in senate, 4628 Hutchins, H. B. Legal education, 2271 - T New map of western parts of Va., Pa., Md. and N. Car., 7108 Phillips: Rare map of Northwest, 5731 [Smith]: Historical account of expedition against Ohio Indians in 1764, 6314 Western Reserve historical society: Bat¬ tle of French Town, 6880 Hyde, E. F. Map of Au Sable River, 7959 Hyde Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Hydraulics Sabin: Filling and emptying 3rd lock at St. Mary’s Falls canal, 6060 Hygiene Michigan. State board of health: Public health, 4914 -.-: Quar¬ ter-century of public health literature, 4915 -.-: Teach¬ ers’ sanitary bulletin, 4933 Hymers, E. E. Pontiac. Ordinances, etc.: Revised ordinances, 5800 Ideal publishing co. and information bureau Ideal guide to Detroit, 2272 Idiotic, see Defective and delinquent classes Ihling bros. and Everard Polk & co.: Kalamazoo city directory, 5774 Illinois Beckwith: [Documents, papers, materials and publications relating to Northwest and], 326 -: Illinois and Indiana Indians, 328 Blanchard: Discovery and conquests of Northwest, 385 Governor Message transmitting report on Illinois and Mich, canal, 2273 Illinois and Michigan canal Illinois. Governor: Message trans¬ mitting report, 2273 Illinois central railroad Joy: Mss., 8136 Statements and replies, 2274 Illinois, Indiana and Michigan railroad co. Engineer’s report on preliminary sur¬ veys,' 2275 260 INDEX ILLUSTRATED industrial souvenir of Grand Rapids, 2276 Imbecile, see Defective and delinquent classes Imlay City, 2277 ♦ Immediate effect acts Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Imme¬ diate effect acts, 3878 Immen, F. In memoriam, 2278 Immen, Mrs. L. P. Silver Springs, 2279 Story of Park Congregational church, 2280 Immigration Elliott: Immigration register, 8383, 8384 -: Letter books, 8386 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report relative to portion of governor’s message which relates to, 4672 -. State board of health: Im¬ migrant-inspection service, 4898 See also Emigration agency; Michigan. Public domain commission; Michigan. State agent of immigration Imperial life insurance society Common sense talk on life insurance, 2281 Imperial publishing co. Map of Midland co., 7525 Incorporation, acts of Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Opinion on acts of incorporation, 3070, 3071 Independent forestry commission Proceedings of forestry convention in Grand Rapids, 5876 Independent labor party. Detroit Circular, 2282 Independent Order of Good Templars. Mich. Constitution and by-laws, 2283 Transactions, 2284 Independent Order of Odd Fellows Belle Oak lodge no. 178 General laws, by-laws and rules, 2286 Constitution et reglements de la premiere loge Frangaise de 1’ouest, 2285 Lansing. Friendship encampment no. 33 Constitution, by-laws, and rules of order, 2287 Michigan Grand lodge Proceedings of R. W. grand lodge, 2288 —-grand lodge, 2289 Weston: Documents and addresses while mayor of Grand Rapids, 6883 Right worthy grand encampment Journal, 2290 Indiana Beckwith: Illinois and Indiana Indians, 328 Boundaries, see Michigan. Boundaries Dillon: History of Indiana, 1516 INDIANA (Ter.) Proclamation for organization of Wayne co., 8429 [May]: Memorial of citizens of Indiana Territory, 2930 Indian and pioneer history of Saginaw val¬ ley, 2291 ■-lands Map of part of mineral lands adjacent to Lake Superior, by U. S. War dept., 7859 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on Indian lands: Report on purchasing of, 4525 -River Polk & co.: Directory, 5765 Indians Anishinabe enamiad, 94 Askin: Mss., 8037, 8130 Atwater: Indians of Northwest, 160 Beckwith: Illinois and Indiana Indians, 328 Blackbird: History of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, 378 -: Indian problem, 379 Blair: Indian tribes of Upper Mississippi, 382 Blanchard: Discovery and conquests of Northwest, 386 Brown, S. R.: Western gazetteer, 472 -, W. E.: Indian legendary poems, 474 Burton: E. Douglass, 522 -: Mss., 8i91 Carver: Adventures, 589 -: Travels, 590-602 Cass: Discourse before historical society, 608 Chicago and northwestern railway co.: The Indian, the Northwest, 663 Chippewa Indians: Memorial in favor of Maine law, 673 Colton: Tour of American lakes and among the Indians, 748 Cook: Six months among Indians, 803 Copway: Life, history and travels, 836 -: Pa-mah-duk ke-ne-bood, 8302 Cox: Indian as diplomatic factor in Northwest, 847 Croghan: Selection of letters.and jour¬ nals, 864 Custer: Gen. Custer at battle of Little Big Horn, 890 -: Wild life on plains, 893 DePeyster: Miscellanies, 949 DeSchweinitz: Life and times of D. Zeisberger, 951 Dillon: History of Indiana, 1516 Dodge: Narrative during captivity, 1532 Dubuisson: Official report of war at Detroit in 1712, 1551 Edmonds: Report upon disturbance at Potawatamie payment, 1576 [Etzenhouser]: Engravings of prehistoric specimens, 1614 Felch: Indians of Mich., 1675 -: Mss., 8154 INDEX 261 INDIANS—Continued Fernow: Ohio valley, 1680 Ferry: Justice to Mich. Indians, 1692 Filley: Life and adventure, 1697 Gale: Upper Mississippi, 1779 Gillman: Certain characteristics per-. taining to ancient man, 1810 Helm: Fort Dearborn massacre, 2101 Henry: Narrative of captivity, 2107 Hildreth: Pioneer history, 2114 Hollands: When Mich, was new, 2192 Hough: Diary of siege of Detroit, 2211 Hulbert: Military roads in Mississippi basin, 2259 Hulst: Indian sketches, 2267 Indian and pioneer history of Saginaw .valley, 2291 Jackson: Life of W. H. Harrison, 2353 Jefferson: Reply to speech of Indians concerning promises made at treaty of Greenville, 8431 Jones: Journal of visits to Indians on west side of Ohio River, 2421 Judson: Myths and legends of Missis¬ sippi valley and Great Lakes, 2431 Keating: Travels in interior of North America, 2466 Kelton: Indian names and history of Sault Ste. Marie canal, 2515 Leeth: Short biography of, with account of life among, 2713 Littlejohn: Legends of Mich., 2751 Long: Voyages and travels of Indian interpreter and trader, 2759 Ludlow: Onawago, 2778 McClelland: Defence of Gen. Cass, 2793 McClung: Sketches of western adven¬ ture, 2794-2800 McKnight: Our western border, 2838 Mss. of Lenox township, Macomb co., 8165 Meginness: Biography of F. Slocum, 2938 Metcalf: Collection of narratives of Indian warfare, 2960 [Michigan. Governor: Communication transmitting] documents relative to settlements on Niles reservation, 3591 -. Historical society: Historical and scientific sketches of Mich., 3807 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on Indian affairs: Report [rela¬ tive to permitting Indians in Emmet and Cheboygan cos. to exercise elective franchise], 4089 -: Report with accompanying documents, 4090 -. -: Memorial in relation to, 3962 • -. -. Senate. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred circular suggesting passage of law for more effectual pre¬ vention of traffic in ardent spirits with Indian tribes, 4730 INDIANS—Continued Miscellaneous mss., 8122, 8176, 8182 Miskouaki: Indian affairs around De¬ troit in 1706, 5459 Mitchener: Ohio annals, 5464 Morton: Lake Huron and country of Algonquins, 5490 O’Brien: Two early missionaries to Indians, 5582 Old North-west leaflets, 5594 [Ottawa Indians: Petition of Ottawa Indians residing at L’Arbre Croche], 5618 Page: Legendary lore of Mackinac, 5624 Parkman: Conspiracy of Pontiac, 5648- 5652 Perkins: Annals of West, 5704-5708 Phelps: F. Slocum, lost sister of Wyom¬ ing, 5730 Pidgeon: Traditions of De-coo-dah, 5736 Pokagon: O-gi-maw-kwe mit-i-gwa-ki, 5756, 5757 [Pritts]: Abentheuerliche ereignisse aus leben ersten ansiedler mittleren und westlichen staaten, 5875 [-]: Incidents of border life, 5874 Rice: David Zeisberger and his own brown brethren, 5968 Rogers: Ponteach, 6007, 6008 Schoolcraft: Algic researches, 6157 -: American Indians, 6158 • - 1 -: Archives of aboriginal knowledge, 6159 [-]: Bibliographical catalogue of books and other publications, 6160 • -: Discourse before Historical society of Mich., 6162 • -: History of Indian tribes of U. S., 6163 • -: Incentives to study ancient period, 6164 • -: Indian in his wigwam, 6165 [ -]: Indian fairy book, 6166 [-]: Indian tribes of U. S., 6167 --: Information respecting his¬ tory, condition and prospects of Indian tribes of U. S., 6168, 6169 —-: Inquiries respecting history, present conditions and future prospects of Indian tribes, 6170, 6171 - ; -: Myth of Hiawatha, 6172 -: Narrative of expedition through Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, 6174 -: Oneota, 6176 -: Personal memoirs of a resi¬ dence of 30 years with Indian tribes on frontiers, 6178 --: Red race of America, 6179, 6180 [-]: Suggestions for travellers visiting ancient sites, 6181 -: Summary narrative of ex¬ ploratory expedition to sources of Mississippi, 6182 262 INDEX INDIANS—Continued -: Travels in central portions of Mississippi valley, 6183 [-]: Western scenes and remi¬ niscences, 6184 [Severance]: Peace mission to Niagara of E. Douglass, 6202 vSibley: Mss., 8173, 8175 Sifferath: Short compendium of cate¬ chism for Indians, 6243 Slocum: History of F. Slocum, 6256 -: Ohio country between 1783 and ^ 1815, 6258 Smith, H. J.: Saginaw valley collection, 6300 [-, W.]: Historical account of expe¬ dition against Ohio Indians in 1764, 6314, 6315 -, W. H.: St. Clair papers, 6318 Sons of the American revolution. Dis¬ trict of Columbia society. Battle fields of Maumee valley, 6334 Spies public library: Catalogue of Indian and nature studies, 6364 Tanner: Narrative, 6496 Taylor: Harrison-Tarhe peace con¬ ference, 6508 Terry: Aborigines of Northwest, 6514 Thatcher: Indian biography, 6515 Todd: Lost sister of Wyoming, 6552 [Tuttle]: Conversations on Mackinaw and Green Bay Indian missions, 6609 U. S. Board of commissioners of Indian affairs: Report on claims of creditors of Ottawas and Chippewas, 6623 —. —. Office of Indian affairs: Circular, 6678 —. —. President: Message in relation to removal of Chippewa Indians from mineral lands of Lake Superior, 6684 —. —.-: Message to 1st sess., 31st Cong., 6685 —. —. Superintendent of Indian affairs for Mich.: Annual report, 6687 —.—.War dept.: Letter transmitting information in relation to superin¬ tendency of Indian affairs in Mich. Territory, 6693 —. —.-.: Schoolcraft and Allen —expedition to Northwest Indians, 6698 Verwyst: Life and labors of Rt. Rev. TP. Baraga, 6758 -: Missionary labors of Fathers Marquette, Menard and Allouez, 6759 Volney: View of climate and soil of U. S., 6770, 6771 Walker: Campaigns of Gen. Custer in Northwest and surrender to Sitting Bull, 6792 Webber: Indian cession of 1819, 6841 Weissert: Indians and trading posts in northwest of Barry co., 6850 Williams: Mss., 8038 INDIANS—Continued Wood: Lives of famous Indian chiefs, 7027, 7028 Zeisberger: Diary, 7072 See also Chippewa Indians; Ottawa Indians; Pontiac; Potawatomi Indians; U. S. Supt. of Indian affairs Industrial accident board, see Michigan. Industrial accident board -arts Detroit. Public library: Industrial arts, selected list, 1311, 1312 -education Michigan. State commission on indus¬ trial and agricultural education: Re¬ port, 4954 Warriner: All-day trades school, 6805 See also Education; Manual training; Schools; Vocational education -enterprise, 2292, 2293 - school, see Michigan. Industrial school for boys; Michigan. State In¬ dustrial home for girls Industries and industrial history Alpena evening echo: Alpena, 74 Altenbrandt: Men behind guns in mak¬ ing greater Grand Rapids, 78 Baker: City of Grand Rapids, 201 Beals: Commercial, industrial and trans¬ portation interests of Detroit, 320 Champlin: Industrial prosperity, 631 Detroit. Public library: Welfare work in industry, selected list, 1330 Industries and wealth of Detroit, 2294 Michigan. Federation of labor: Official year book, 3536 -. Public domain commission: Michigan, agricultural, horticultural and industrial advantages, 4806, 4811 -wealth of Detroit, 2294 Infant mortality, see Michigan. Statistics, vital Infantry, see Michigan. Infantry Ingalls, E. S. Centennial history of Menominee co., 2296 Iron mines of Menominee co., 2297 Fearful tragedy in Medina, 2298 Ingersoll, E. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on roads and bridges: Report [relative to right to keep ferry across Grand River], 4223 Ingham county Beers & co.: County atlas, 7467 Cowles: Past and present, 843 Durant: History, 1561 Farm journal directory, 1642 Map of Lansing and adjoining towns em¬ bracing portions of, by Macy & Driggs, 7736 -, by Rand, McNally & co., 7468 [-], by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7469 Mudge: Directory, 5498 Polk & co.: Directory, 5775 Portrait and biographical album, 5834 INDEX 263 ✓ INGHAM COUNTY—Continued Topographical map of Ingham and Livingston cos., by Geil, Harley and Siverd, 7470 See also Lansing Inglis, J. G. Northern Mich., 2299 [Ingram, H. K.] Three on a tour, 2300 Inheritance and succession [Detroit. Trust co.]: Descent and dis¬ tribution of property, 1352, 1353 Michigan. Auditor general’s office: In¬ heritance tax law information, 3124 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Inheri¬ tance tax laws, 3883 - trust co.: Laws relating to descent and distribution of property, 5429 Union trust co.: Digest of Mich, laws, 6619 -.: Union trust co., 6621 Initiative and referendum Barber: Direct legislation, 216 Fairlie: Referendum and initiative, 1631 See also Referendum Inlander, 2295 Inland navigation Curwood: Great Lakes, 885 Deep waterways convention: Lake trans¬ portation, 940 In memoriam, E. A. Brush, 2304 -, E. E. Brush, 2305’ -, Rev. I. Butterfield, 2314 -, Gen. L. Cass, 2307 -, D. M. Cooper, 2303 -, A. W. Duffield, 2302 -:-, funeral obsequies on death of Rev. W. M. Ferry, 2306 -, Mrs. E. N. Follett, 2312 -, W. S. George, 2315 -, J. M. Howard, 2309 -, Mrs. C. Moore, 2311 -, Mrs. M. H. Sanford, 2313 -, A. B. Thompson, 2301 -, G. P. Wanty, 2308 -, J. M. Wight, 2310 — memory of J. S. Farrand, 2317 -E. Putnam, 2316 Innes, W. Freemasons. Michigan. Grand lodge: Memorial service, 1761 -and Tinkham Map of Kent co., 7491 -rifles. Co. K. 2d infantry, M. N. G. Program, 2318 Insane • Michigan. Dept, of state: Abstract of number, 3462 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to insane and feeble-minded, 3884 Smith: Behind the scenes, 6308 See also Defective and delinquent classes INSANE ASYLUMS, see Michigan. Asylum for the insane; Michigan. Asylums; Michi¬ gan. Ionia state hospital; Michigan. Joint board of trustees of state hospitals; Michigan. Kalamazoo state hospital; Michigan. Newberry state hospital; Michigan. Pontiac state hospital; Michi¬ gan. Traverse City state hospital •-hospitals Brodie: Address before State medical society, 444 Insect galls Pearse: Crawfishes. Insect galls, 5686 Insecticides Cook: Experiments, 786 -: Insecticides, 791 Patten: Analyses of some materials sold as, 5661 Taft: Insecticides and fungicides, 6460 Insects Cook: Injurious insects, 790 Davis: Army worm, 930 -: Celery insects, 931 -: Pests, 933 -: [Some injurious insects], 934 Pettit: Insects injurious to apple, 5719 -: Insects new and unusual, 5720 -: Insects of 1907, 5721 -: Insects of field crops, 5722 -: Insects of the garden, 5723 -: Some insects of year 1897-1901, 5726 Wheeler: Insects of clover field, 6885 Winchell: Notes on Selandria Cerasi Harris, 6981 Inspector general’s office, see Michigan. Inspector general’s* office Institutes, see Teachers’ institutes Insurance Ann Arbor fire underwriters: Minimum tariff of rates, 120 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Re¬ port in relation to Mich, insurance co., 3079 -. Dept, of state: Communica¬ tion transmitting statement of in¬ surance cos., 3494 -. -.-: First annual report relating to, 3501 -■. Employers’ liability and work¬ men’s compensation commission: Re¬ port, 3529 -insurance co. of Detroit: Me¬ morial and report, 5404 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to insurance, 3889 [Trask]: Brief upon insurance laws, 6564 Tupper: Address before commercial class of U. of M., 6601 Ypsilanti. Board of underwriters: Con¬ stitution and by-laws, 7063 See also Detroit. Fire and marine in¬ surance co.; Fire insurance; Life in¬ surance; Michigan. Insurance dept. Insurance herald hand book of Mich., 2319 Interest, see Usury laws * 264 INDEX INTERMITTENT FEVER Nicholson: Causation of, 5544 Internal improvement lands Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Com¬ munication in relation to, 3096 ' -.-: Com¬ munication relative to internal im¬ provement lands granted, 3102, 3103 -.-: Com¬ munication transmitting statement of appropriations, 3112 -. Board of state auditors on land claims: Annual report, 3220 •---. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port of committee to whom was re¬ ferred petitions and, resolutions for ap¬ propriating lands, 4104, 4105 -I---Re¬ port relative to sale of, 4106 -. -.-. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement lands: Minority report of committee to whom was referred bills making appropria¬ tions of, 4154 -. —-. -. Select committee: Report of committee to ascertain number of acres which have been and are to be appropriated, 4321 -. State land office: Communi¬ cation reporting amount of unappro¬ priated land on hand, 4994 -. - - -: List of lands unsold and not by law withheld from sale, 5001 Internal improvements Benton: Wabash trade route, 346 Bliss: Federal land grants for, 388 Brief examination of projected system, 437 Felch: Mss., 8154 Keith: Historical sketch of, 2490 Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Com¬ munication relative to, 3104 [-.-•]: State¬ ment of amount of appropriations and expenditures, 3147 -. Governor: Communication relative to internal improvement fund, 3599 -. -: Special message in relation to report of committee ap¬ pointed to investigate, 3625 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws in relation to, 3890 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report in relation to sale of public works, 4255 -: Report of committee to whom was referred bill to provide for further construction of, 4262 INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS — Contin¬ ued - 1 -: Report on so much of governor’s message as re¬ lates to internal improvement debt, 4263 -: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion for lands for construction of Southern railroad, 4276 -. -. -. Select committee: Report on claims by con¬ tractors, 4319 -: Report on sale of works of internal improvement, 4344 -. -. -. Special committee: Report of committee to investigate proceedings of boards of internal improvement, 4372 -. -: Memorial and resolutions, 3958 -. . Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report of com¬ mittee to whom were referred part of governor’s message relating to finances including sale of public works, 4480, 4481 -.--. Com¬ mittee to confer with the Governor: Report relative to mistakes in inter¬ nal improvement bill, 4509 -. . . Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report relative to application for donations of lands for, 4673 -. -. . Select committee: Report on five million ]oan and internal improvement fund, 4719 [-. State land office: Report in compliance with request for informa¬ tion about amount of each appropria¬ tion of lands out of 500,000 acre tract], 5002 Muskegon improvement commissioner: Report, 5518 Woodbridge: Mss., 8051 -: Speech in support of bill to apply certain alternate sections towards completion of works of internal im¬ provement, 7033 See also Michigan. Board of internal improvement; Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on internal im¬ provement; Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Committee on internal ini*- provement; River and harbor improve¬ ment; Sault Ste. Marie canal Internal revenue association. Detroit branch National association of U. S. internal revenue officers, 2320 INDEX ' 265 INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION Hearings in re remedies for pollution of boundary waters, 2321 In matter of application of Mich, northern power co. for approval of methods and plans for diversion of waters of St. Mary’s River, 2322 -.-obstruction, diversion and use of waters of St. Mary’s River, 2323 Michigan northern power co.: Pro¬ ceedings, 2324 Opinion in application of Mich, northern power co. for approval of lease, 2325 Pollution of boundary waters, 2326 ■-mill and timber co. Famous 50 Sterling system built houses, , 2327 Sterling system of home building, 2328 -- union of steam engineers. Local no. 5, Detroit Mich, engineers’, electricians’ and ma¬ chinists’ manual, 2329 --waterways commission Report, 2330 Interstate and international waters, see Waters, pollution of -- board of Perry’s victory centen- mial commissioners Perry memorial and centennial celebra¬ tion, 2331 • -commerce Shaw: Interstate commerce act, 6209 • -directory co. Mich, people in Los Angeles co., Cal., 2332 -publishing co. History of Jackson co., 2155 Investment companies Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws regulating, 3891 -. Securities commission: Bul¬ letin, 4840 Invoices, see Business mss. Ionia Board of education Manual and report, 2333 Year book, 2334 Directories Polk & co.: Directory, 5772 Long: Present and future water supply, 2760 Wright: Ionia in 1891, 7042 Ionia county Beers & co.: Atlas, 7471 Berrien co.: [Papers relating to transfer of land in Berrien, Ionia and Ottawa cos.], 8242 County school commissioner Directory and list of teachers, 2335 Crawford: Atlas, 7472 Dillenback: History and directory of Ionia co., 1515 Everett: Memorials of Grand River valley, 1624 IONIA COUNTY—Continued Farm journal directory, 1643 Map, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7474 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7473 Polk & co.: Directory, 5772 Portrait and biographical album, 5835 Schenck: History, 6155 Ionia reformatory, see Michigan. Building commissioners of the state house of cor¬ rection; Michigan. Reformatory Iosco county Gregory: Preliminary report on, 1990 Irish, B. Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report [of] committee to whom was referred claim of, 4320 Irish relief committee. Michigan Record book of contributions, 8430 Iron-bearing rocks Michigan. Geological survey: Upper Peninsula, 3576 -county Inspector of mines Annual report, 2336 Rogers’ map, 7475 --industry and trade [Brooks]: L’Anse, 451 -mines and mining Allen: Iron River iron-bearing district, 56 Bayley: Menominee iron-bearing dis¬ trict, 290 Brooks: Analysis of cost and description of methods of mining employed in Marquette region, 448 -: Iron-bearing rocks, 449, 450 Crowell and Murray: Iron ores of Lake • Superior, 868 Disturnell: Lake Superior guide, 1525 Furnaces consuming L. S. ores; produc¬ tion of pig iron, by Mich, geological survey, 7827 Ingalls: Iron mines of Menominee co., 2297 Lake Superior iron, 2590 Map of iron mines at Negaunee, by Mich, geological survey, 7826 •-Marquette iron region, by Mich. geological survey, 7829 [-] Menominee iron range, by S. Chapman, 7831 -Menominee iron region, by Mich. geological survey, 7830 Michigan. Governor: Messages of H. S. Pingree; taxation of copper and iron mines, 3756 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report rela¬ tive to reduction of specific tax imposed on corporations engaged in iron mining, 4230 Mussey: Combination in mining indus¬ try, 5520 Nursey: City of Escanaba, 5575 -: Menominee iron range, 5576 Picturesque iron and copper mining, 5735 266 INDEX IRON MINES AND MINING—Continued Republic iron co.: Articles of association, 5949 St. Mary’s canal mineral land co.: Re¬ ports upon value of co’s. lands in iron region, 6125 Statistics of iron ore trade and iron mines, by Mich, geological survey, 7828 Swineford: Annual review in Upper Peninsula, 6446 -: Appendix to history of Lake Superior iron district, 6450 -: History and review, 6447 -: Menominee iron range, 6448 -: History of Lake Superior iron district, 6449 Tabular statement of copper and iron business of Lake Superior, 6451 See also Mines and mineral resources -ore Chilton: Lake Superior iron, 670 Clements: Crystal Falls iron-bearing district, 710 Foster: Report on geology of Lake Superior land district, 1737 Irving: Penokee iron-bearing series, 2342, 2343 Michigan.’ Geological survey: Report in relation to iron ore on school section in Branch co., 3567 Rominger: Geological report on Upper Peninsula, 6012 Van Hise: Geology of Lake Superior region, 6743 -: Marquette iron-bearing dis¬ trict, 6745 -: Preliminary report on Mar¬ quette iron-bearing district, 6744 - resources of Mich., 2337 -River district Allen: Iron River iron-bearing district, 56 History of silver mines, 2152 Iron River, see Quadrangle maps Iron trade review Lake Superior iron ore shipments, 2338 Ironwood Charter, 2339 Ordinances, 2340 Iroquois Indians Rochefoucault Liancourt: Travels through U. S., 5999 Irving, R. D. Copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior, 2341 Penokee iron-bearing series, 2342, 2343 Williams: Greenstone schist areas of Menominee and Marquette regions, 6944 Irwin, R. Detroit and Milwaukee railroad co.: Mortgage, 1411 -, W. W. Annotations, supplemental to Howell’s statutes, 2344 ISABELLA Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Isabella county Fancher: History, 1633 Hayes: Atlas, 7476 Map, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7477 Portrait and biographical album, 5836 Standard map co.: Atlas and farm di¬ rectory, 7478 Isham, A. B. Historical sketch of 7th regiment, Mich, volunteer cavalry, 2345 -, E. S. Frontenac and Miles Standish in North¬ west, 2346 -, F. S. History of Detroit light guard, 2347 Ishpeming Charter, 2348, 2349 Directories Holland: Gazetteer of Marquette co., 2184 Grace church Superior cook book, 2350 Isle Royale Adams: Ecological survey of, 7 Coast chart no. 8; Lake Superior, by U. S. War dept., 7927 Lane: Geological report, 2600 Map, by S. W. Hill, 7874 Ives, L. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on roads and bridges: Report on memorial for authority to maintain bridge in Springwells, 4224 Jack-pine plains Beal: Experiments and observations on, 298 Kedzie: Jack pine plains, 2478, 2479 Jackson, A. E. B. Backus and Jackson: Mss., 8053 -, c. Mss., 8113 -, C. T. Report on geological and mineralogical survey of mineral lands, 2351 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on public lands: Mineral lands—sale of, 6654 U. S. President: Message to 1st sess., 31st cong., 6685 -, E. H. Is Virginia entitled to compensation for cession of Northwest Territory, 2352 -, I. R. Life of W. H. Harrison, 2353 -, J. G. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on affairs in the Territory of Mich.: Re¬ port, 6658 -, 0 . Michigan. State teachers’ association: Memorial, 5110 INDEX ✓ 267 JACKSON, W. H. Backus and Jackson: Mss., 8053 Jackson Annual reports, 2354 Bailey: Gazeteer and directory, includ¬ ing sketch business directory,-186 Bank Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on incorporations: Report of committee to whom was referred petitions praying legislature to in¬ corporate bank, 4087 Chamber of commerce Year book, 2355 Charters Charter, 2356-2359 See also Jackson. Ordinances, etc. Citizens Petition for relief of J. W. Elliot, 2360 City government Michigan. Political science association: City government, 4792 Common council Proceedings, 2361 Directories Bards and co’s. business directory, 226 Polk & co.: Directory, 5773 Polk, Murphy and co.: Directory, 5791 Thomas: Jackson city directory, 6522 Jackson and Michigan plank road co. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on roads and bridges: Report in reference to repeal of charter of Tackson and Michigan plank road co., 4657 Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw railroad co. Condition and prospects, 2371 Guide to lands for sale, 2372, 2373 Joy: Mss., 8136, 8138 Lands exempt from general taxation, 2374 Lands granted by state to railroad cos. exempt from general taxation, 2374 Maps Map, by J. S. Bird, 7730 -, by H. Hart, 7729 State fair grounds, by J. B. Frost, 7731 Mechanics Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the state prison: Report of committee [to whom was referred memorial], 4214 ♦ Ordinances, 2362 Public library Annual report, 2363 Catalogue, 2364 Finding list, 2365 List of books added, 2366 Republican party. Michigan: Proceed¬ ings at celebration of 50th anniversary of birth, 5950 -.-: Under the oaks, 5951 Young men’s association library Catalogue, 2367 JACKSON COUNTY Board of supervisors Proceedings, 2368 Resolution in relation to swamp lands, 2369 DeLand: History, 942 Everts and Stewart: Combination atlas map, 7481 History, 2155 Map, by Geil and Jones, 7480 -, by State geologist, 7479 -, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7483 Memorial for disposition of swamp lands, 2370 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7482 Polk & co.: Directory, 5773 Portrait and biographical album, 5837 Jacobs, A. P. Digest of decisions of Supreme court, 2375-2377 Reference digest of Mich, reports, 2378 Jacobsville [Map of] Jacobsville and vicinity, by U. S. Lake survey, 7732 Jaillot, [C. H. A.] Amerique septentrionale, 7079 James, J. A. Clark: G. R. Clark papers, 695 -McMillan, 2379 -Webber Peter, 2380 [-, U. P.] Routes of Missouri River, 2381 January, W. L. Detroit. Bar association: “John Mar¬ shall day, ’’ 976 Jaquith, Mrs. C. Collins: Sermon at burial, 744 Jarvis, J. W. Golden jubilee, African Methodist church, 2382 Jay, C. W. My new home in northern Mich., 2383 Jefferson, M. S. W. Dodge’s geography of Mich., 2384 Material for geography of Mich., 2385 Note on expansion of Mich., '2386 - T MacNaul: Jefferson-Lemen compact, 2859 Reply to speech of Indians concerning promises made at treaty of Greenville, 8431 Jeffery, J. A. Cement silos, 2387 Corn improvement, 2388, 2389 Corn, selecting, 2390 Crop of corn, 2391 Elementary laboratory study in crops, 2392 ■- t -soils, 2393 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Juvenile corn growing associations, 3394 Sandy soils of western and northern Mich., 2394 Shaw: College farm buildings, 6212 Soil moisture, 2395 268 INDEX JEFFERYS, T. North America, from French of Mr. D’Anville, 7094 Jefferies, E. Leeth: Short biography of J. Leeth, 2713 Jenison collection Michigan. State library: Catalogue, 5030 Jenks, W. L. First bank in Mich., 2396 Patrick Sinclair, 2397 St. Clair co., 2398 Sources of title to land in St. Clair co., 2399 Jennings, H. S. List of rotatoria of Great Lakes, 2400 Rotatoria of U. S., 2401 Jennison, W. Michigan. Courts: Revised rules, 3337 Jensen, O. F. Composition and value of farm manures, 2402 Jerome, D. H. [Messages and pardons], 3719-3724 Jesuits Lac Svperievr et avtres lievx ou sont les missions des peres de la compagnie de Jesvs comprises sovs le nom d’Ovtao- vacs,T916 Potier: Jesuit ms., 5854 Verwyst: Missionary labors of Fathers Marquette, Menard and Allouez in Lake Superior region, 6759 See also Missions and missionaries Jews in Michigan Heineman: Jewish beginnings in, 2097 See also Detroit. Woodmere cemetery. Jewish section Jochim, J. W. Michigan. Board of state canvassers: Papers in removal, 3227 -. Dept, of state: Mich, and its resources, 3509 Jodidi, S. L. Organic nitrogenous compounds in peat soils, 2403 Johnson, Adna R., jr. Michigan. University: What’s what at Mich., 5224 -, Alvin J. [Map of] Michigan and Wisconsin, 7248, 7250, 7253 -, B. W. Industrial education in Northwest, 2404 --, Clifton Highways and byways of Great Lakes, 2405 -, Crisfield History of Allegan and Barry cos., 2146 -Berrien and Van Buren cos., 2150 -Branch co., 2406 -Hillsdale co.,2154 JOHNSON, S. Experiments with wheat, 2407 Feeding experiments, 2408 Feeding steers, 2409-2411 Potato culture, 2412 Potatoes, 2413 Report of experiment in warming water for dairy cows, 2414 -with potatoes and oats, 2415 Silos, 2416 Wheat, 2417 -, Waldo M. Mss., 8115, 8116, 8119, 8121, 8122, 8123 -, William M. Memorial for relief, 2418 Johnston, J. D. Detroit city directory, 2419 [Map of] city of Detroit, 7629 Johnstone, R. F. Agricultural education, 2420 Joint documents, see Michigan. Legis¬ lature Joliet, L. Winsor: Joliet, Marquette and LaSalle, 6994 Jones, D. Journal of vistis to Indians on west side of Ohio River, 2421 -, F. G. How $10 grew to $500,000, 2422 -, G. W. Parish: G. W. Jones, 5637 -, H. G. Jones: Journal of visits to Indians on west of Ohio River, 2421 -, I. T.] Address of president of Mich, federation of women’s clubs, 2423 -, L. L ., see Emmons and Jones -> P- History of Ojebway Indians, 2424 Joos, E. O’Brien: “Le pere juste”, 5581 Journal of Pontiac’s conspiracy, 2425 -survey of Lake Erie, 2426 Journals, see Manuscripts Joy, J. F. Detroit and Bay City railroad co.: State¬ ment, 1394 Mss., 8136, 8h88, 8139, 8143, 8144 Memorial in behalf of Mich, central rail¬ road, 2427 Protest against homeopathic branch of university, 2428 Russell: J. F. Joy, 6049 To engineers to investigate bridging De¬ troit River, 2429 -and Porter Mss., 8136, 8143, 8144 [Judd, C. H.] School survey, Grand Rapids, 2430 -, P. E. Map of Mich., 7143 INDEX 7 269 JUDGES Howell: Mich, nisi prius cases, to which are added brief biographical sketches of, 2228 Judicial districts Littlejohn: Memorial for division of 9th, 2752 -system [Campbell]: Judicial system [in middle West], 569 Judiciary Chamberlain: State judiciary, 629 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred part of governor’s message which relates to reorganization, 4561 Judson, K. B. Myths and legends of Mississippi valley, 2431 -,L. Port Kalamazoo, 7953 June, C. M. Palmer: Early days in Detroit, 5630 June beetle Northrup: Bacterial disease in June beetle larvae, 5563 Junkin, J. H. Roll of teachers and pupils of J. E. Scripps school, 2432 Justice Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Select committee: Report of committee to which was referred bill to improve ad¬ ministration of justice, 4722 Justices of the peace Donovan: Michigan justice’s guide, 1536 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on resolution respecting amendment to act to regulate and define powers, 4129 Tiffany: Treatise on powers and duties, 6542-6546 Juvenile clubs, see Boys’ and girls’ clubs -courts Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to, 3849, 3893, 3921 -offenders Wayne co. . Grand jurors: Presentment relative to house of refuge, 6829 See also Michigan. Industrial school for boys Juveniles, see Children Kalamazoo Annual reports, 2433 Bailey: Gazeteer and directory, includ¬ ing sketch and business directory, 186 Board of education Catalogue, 2434 Triennial exhibit, 2435 Centennial celebration, 2436 KALAMAZOO—Continued Charters Charter, 2437, 2438 See also Kalamazoo, Ordinances, etc. City government Michigan. Political science association: City government, 3792 College Annual catalogue, 2449, 2451 Annual, 2450 Bulletin; catalogue number, 2451 College index, 2452 Haskell: Historical sketch, 2078 -: History, 2079 Historical catalogue, 2453 New course of study, 2454 Cooperative society General rules, 2439 Directories Bards and co’s. business directory, 226 Polk & co.: Directory, 5774 Female college Eurodelphian society Annual exhibition, 2455 Fire and water dept. Kalamazoo. Special committee: Con¬ cise history, 2448 [Gibbs]: Glimpses of early Mich, life, 1804 High schools Delphian, 2440 History Kalamazoo. Ladies’ library association: Quarter centennial of settlement, 2442 Kalamazoo and Allegan railroad Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Report relative to construction, 4103 Ladies’ library association Catalogue, 2441 Quarter centennial of settlement of Kalamazoo, 2442 Literary institute Programme of elocutionary exercises, 2456 Map Condensed street map by Mich, engi¬ neering co., 7733 Michigan female seminary, see Michigan female seminary Nazareth academy, see Nazareth academy Normal school, see Michigan. Western state normal school Ordinances, etc. Charter and ordinances, 2443 Public library Catalogue, 2444 Public schools Historical catalogue, 2445 List of books adapted for school use, 2446 [Ransom]: Historical address at, 5925 St. Augustine’s church Souvenir of dedication, 2447 Smit: Naar Amerika?, 6264 270 INDEX KALAMAZOO—Continued Special committee Concise history of Fire and water dept., 2448 Theological seminary Anniversary exercises, 2458 Catalogue, 2459 Kalamazoo college: Historical cata¬ logue, 2453 Sherwood rhetorical society Anniversary exercises, 2460 Kalamazoo county Beers & co.: Atlas, 7485 Burnham: Rural school efficiency in, 500 Cass: Address before Kalamazoo co. agricultural society, 605 [Durant] r History, 1562 Illustrated atlas, 7486 Kalamazoo co. directory with history, 2461 Maley: Atlas, 7489 Map, by Geil & Harley, 7484 -, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7488 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7487 Polk & co.: Directory, 5774 Portrait and biographical record, 5838 Thomas: Kalamazoo co. directory, 6523 Kalamazoo normal record, 2457 Kalamazoo River Michigan. Governor: Special message returning without signature act for improvement, 3654 -. Legislature. Senate. Select committee: Report on bill to authorize improvement, 4723 Kalamazoo state hospital, see Michigan. Kalamazoo state hospital Kalkaska Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Kalkaska county Buckley and Douglas lumber co.: Few facts about farm and fruit lands, 482 [Map of] Kalkaska co., [by H. J. Frost], 7490 Stearns salt and lumber co.: Kalkaska and Antrim cos. and their farm lands, 6387 Traverse region, 6580 Kale Taft: Potatoes. Kale, 6471 [Kaler, J. O.] At siege of Detroit, 2462 Benjamin of Ohio, 2463 Kane, G. F. Myths and legends of Mackinacs, 2464 Kansas Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs railroad Joy: Mss., 8136 Kansas-Nebraska issue Republican party. Michigan. State central committee: State and na¬ tional finances, and Kansas policy, 5957 KANSAS—Continued Legislature Michigan. Governor: Communication transmitting 'memorial relative to destitution of people, 3676 -. Legislature. Senate. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of gover¬ nor’s message as relates to affairs of Kansas, 4724 Kassabian, N. H. Armenians and their colony in Grand Rapids and western Mich., 2465 Kauffman, C. H. Pollock: Mich, fungi, 5792 Kawkawlin Bailey: Gazeteer and directory includ¬ ing sketch and business directory, 186 Kean, R. Petition to court for recommendation for license to keep tavern, 8432 Kearsley, J. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report of minority relative to claim, 4009 -. -. -—. Select committee: Report on claim, 4322 [-—. University. Board of regents. Executive committee: Letter to Gov. Felch], 5247 Keating, W. H. Travels in interior of North America, 2466 Kedzie, R. C. Analysis of commercial fertilizers, 2467 Beet sugar, 2468 Chemical composition of cornstalk and ensilage, 2469 Commercial fertilizers, 2470, 2471 Composition of wheat and straw, 2472 Early amber cane, 2473 Fertilizer analyses, 2474 Historical review of legislation relating to inspection of oil, 2475 Illuminating oils, 2476 Influence of sawdust on potable and culinary water, 2477 Jack pine plains, 2478, 2479 Management of swamps, 2480 Manurial value of ashes, 2481 Marl, 2482 Michigan alumnus; vol. VIII, 5362 --- soils, 2483 Report on water supply of Mich., 2484 -labelling medicines, 2485 Smith: Sugar beets, 6287 -: Sugar beets in 1897, 6288 Sugar beets, 2486 Wheeler: Sketch of original distribution of white pine in Lower Peninsula, 6888 Work of State board of health, 2487 Keeler, F. L. Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Course of study, 3377, 3379 Educational institutions, 3383 INDEX ' 271 KEELER, F. L.—Continued Explanations of school laws, 3385 Five lessons on tuberculosis, 3389 Manual of schoolroom equipment, 3403 Memorial day, 3408 Rural schoolhouses, 3423 Safety first, 3424 Why Mich, is great, 3461 Keenan, S. M. History of Eloise, 2488 Keep, H. E. Guide to Detroit, 2489 Keith, H. E. Historical sketch of internal improve¬ ments, 2490 Kelley, D. W. Daboll: Past and present of Clinton co., 905 -, P. H. Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Course of study, 3375 Suggestions for manual training, 3444 Speech [relative to automobile industry and proposed tax on it], 2491 Kellogg, J. H. Battle Creek sanitarium diet list, 2493 -System, 2494 Michigan. Dairy and food commissioner: Foods, 3347 New method in diabetes, 2495 Report concerning diphtheria, 2492 -, L. P. Capture of Mackinac, 2496 Early narratives of Northwest, 2497 -toasted corn flake co. Little journey to the home of, 2498 Kelsey, F. W. Michigan. Schoolmasters’ club: List of books recommended for a high school classical library, 4838 Some archeological forgeries from Mich., 2499 Kelton, D. H. Annals of Fort Mackinac, 2500-2513 History of Sault Ste. Marie canal, 2514 Indian names and history of Sault Ste. Marie canal, 2515 Kendall, C. N. Michigan, 7326 -, F. M. Michigan, 2516, 2517 Kennedy, S. Magnetic and mineral springs, 2518 Kent, C. A. Brown: Memoir consisting of auto¬ biographical sketch with additions by, 468 KENT, C. A.—Continued Michigan. Political science association: City government, 4792 -. University: Memorial dis¬ courses; address by, 5194 -, Capt. W. Mss., 8180 Kent county Belden & co.: Illustrated atlas, 7493 Board of superintendents of the county poor Annual report, 2519 Board of supervisors Manual, 2520 Petition for extension of time for con¬ struction of canal around Grand Rapids, 2521 Proceedings, 2522 Resolutions requesting select committee on Grand Rapids canal to visit and examine canal, 2523 City of Grand Rapids and, 680 Civic club of Grand Rapids: Report on sheriff’s office, 686 Currier: List of shell-bearing mollusca, 882 Everett: Memorials of Grand River valley, 1624 Farm journal directory, 1644 History, 2156 History and directory, 2142 Innes and Tinkham’s map, 7491 Map, by E. M. Harney and G. A. Ran¬ dall, 7492 ——, — Hunter and Van Valkenburg, 7497 [-], — Mich, geological survey, 7496 -, — Rockford register, 7501, 7502 -, — Rand, McNally & co., 7500 ---, — U. S. Postoffice dept., 7499 [—*— of part of] township no. 6 N. R. 2 W., 7504 Murphy & co.: Grand Rapids city and Kent co. directory, 5509 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7498 Polk & co.: Directory, 5769 -. illustrated historical atlas, 7494, 7495 Pomona grange no. 18 Year book, 2524 Primaries Michigan. Political science associa¬ tion: Papers and addresses on pri¬ mary reform, 4794 Primary election law, 2525 Rural mail directory co.: Directory, 6045 Supervisors, see Kent co. _ Board of supervisors Township map, 7503 Union publishing co.: Business and pro¬ fessional directory, 6617 Wilcox: Report on sheriff’s office, 6927 Kenyon co. Highway map of Mich., 7371 Map of Mich., 7364 272 INDEX KERCHEVAL, B. B., Estate Bank book, 8433 Kerler family Frank: Pionierjahre der familien Frank- Kerler, 1748 Kerosene emulsion Cook: Kerosene emulsion, 792, 793 Keweenaw Bay Keweenaw Bay, by U. S. War dept., 7894 Portage Lake and River, with part of Keweenaw Bay, by U. S. War dept., 7911 Keweenaw county Farm and business directory, 1635 Grouped cross sections illustrating strati- graphical relation^ between Houghton and Keweenaw cos., by Mich, geo¬ logical survey, 7778 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on towns and counties: Report relative to organization of four addi¬ tional townships, 4243 Mining companies: Petitions for organi¬ zation of townships, 5456 Remonstrances of residents against or¬ ganizing four new townships, 2526 Vivian: Remonstrance against organi¬ zation of new townships, 6768 -fault Lane: Keweenaw fault, 2602 -Peninsula Coast chart no. 4; Lake Superior, by U. S. War dept., 7928 -Point Geological map of trap range, by W. H. Stevens, S. W. Hill and C. P. Wil¬ liams, 7783 Hubbard: Keweenaw Point, 2251 ——-— series Lane: Keweenaw series, 2603 Wadsworth: On relation of “Keweena- wan series” to eastern sandstone in vicinity of Torch Lake, 6773 -: South trap range, 6776 Kibbie, P. Woodbridge: Memorial for relief against taxes and other burthens in 9th ward, Detroit, 7032 Kidd, J. H. Mich, cavalry brigade in Wilderness, 2527 Personal recollections of cavalryman, 2528 [Kimball, C.] Summer’s vacation, 2529 King, F. Prose and verse for use on “Forestry day” programs, 2530 ■-, John E. Hubbard and King: Mss., 8121 -, John L. Trouting on the Brule River, 2531, 2532 -, Julia A. Government of people of Mich., 2533, 2534 KING, N. G. Speech advocating appointment of com¬ missioners to prepare code of procedure and simplify proceedings in courts, 2535 Speech on motion to strike out proposed amendments to constitution, 2536 -, P. H. Michigan. Constitutional convention: Handbook, 3323 Journal, 3324 -> S - J- King’s official route guide, 2537 Motor guide and league: Blazing the way, 5493 Kingsbury, S. O. Memorial asking certain legislation on Grand Rapids canal, 2538 Kingsley Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Kinzie, J. A. Wau-bun, 2539-2541 Kipling Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Kirchner, O. Local self-government, 2542 Michigan. State board of health: Opin¬ ions relative to duties and compensa¬ tion of health officer, 4902 [Kirkland, Mrs. C. M.] Forest life, 2543, 2544 New home, who’ll follow, 2545-2549 Our new home in West, 2550 Western clearings, 2551, 2552 Kirtland, T. Diary, 2553 Kitchef, H. D. Law of reform, 2554 Kitchi-gami Kohl: Kitchi-gami, 2575 Kitchin, T. New and accurate map of British do¬ minions in America, 7101 Kittredge, Rev. F. E. [Harford]: Life and services of J. Walker, 2040 Knapp, E. A. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report upon petition, 4139 -, H. S. History of Maumee valley, 2555 -, J. I. Illustrated history and biographical rec¬ ord of Lenawee co., 2556 Knapper, L. Vitality of garden seeds, 2557 Knight, G. W. History and management of land grants for education, 2558 -» J* Emigrant’s best instructor, 2559 Knights of Columbus. Grand Rapids Opening of new home, 2560 ■-of labor Manual, 2561 INDEX 273 KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES Boynton: Maccabees, history of Knights of, 420 Jubilee souvenir, 2562 *-of Pythias Michigan. Grand lodge Proceedings, 2563 -. Olympic lodge no. 1 Constitution and by-laws, 2564 ■-of St. John, Mich. Annual military day, 2565 -Templars, see Freemasons Koch, F. K. L. Deutschen colonien in Saginaw flusses, 2566 Mineral-gegenden der Vereinigten Staaten, 2567 -, T. W. Ann Arbor art association: Exhibition of Oriental and American art; catalog by, 97 Enlargement of university library, 2568 Four needs of university library, 2569 Handbook of libraries of U. of M., 2570 Library assistant’s manual, 2571 Michigan. University. Library: Library staff manual, 5295-5297 -. -. -: U. of M. library, 5299 Summer library school at U. of M., 2572 [Union catalogs], U. of M., 2573 Kohl, J. G. Kitchi-gami, 2575 Reisen im Nordwesten, 2576 Kolts, M. J. City guide and directory, Grand Rapids, 2577 Kolyn, A. S. Book of words of pageant of Hope, 2578 [Krause, H.[ Dublin, Manistee co., 2579 Kundig, M. Exposition of facts relating to certain charitable institutions, 2580 Labadie, J. A. vScott: Jaunt along River Rouge, 6192 Labor and laboring class Flaherty: History of Grand Rapids furniture strike, 1705 Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment : Communication from acting commissioner on Central railroad rela¬ tive to labor on, 3176 -: Communication relative to state of labor on Southern railroad, 3179 -. Bureau of labor and industrial statistics: Annual report, 3241 -: Annual report of inspection of factories, 3242 Michigan central railroad employees’ mutual relief association: Proceedings of 1st annual meeting, 5383 35 LABOR AND LABORING CLASS—Con¬ tinued Michigan. Dept, of labor: Act creating dept., 3351 -. -.-: Annual re¬ port, 3353 -. -.-: Sections of act relating to employment of females and minors, 3352 -. Employers’ liability and work¬ men’s compensation commission: Re¬ port, 3529 -. Federation of labor: Official year book, 3536 -.-: Report of proceedings, 3537 -.-: Souve¬ nir program, 3538 -. Housing commission: Report, 3811 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Act creating dept, of labor, 3896 -. -,-,-.: Law re¬ lating to inspection of factories, 3859 -. -,-,-.: Laws re¬ lating to labor, 3897 -. -,-,-.: Mich. employers’ liability, 3858 -. -,-,-.: Work¬ men’s compensation law, 3941 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on roads and bridges: Report in relation to highway labor, 4655 -. State commission on industrial and agricultural education: Report, 4954 -. State court of mediation and arbitration: Report, 4955, 4956 -. State library. Legislative reference dept.: Laws relating to minimum wage for women and minors, 5057 U. S. Dept, of labor: Mich, copper dis¬ trict strike, 6664, 6665 Vaughan: Healthy homes and foods for working classes, 6754 Webber: Labor in relation to production of wealth, 6842 See also Convict labor; Independent labor party; Mechanics’ and laboring men’s cooperative associations Lactic bacteria Northrup: Influence of acid-destroying yeasts, 5564 [Lacy, A. J.] Observations on court of domestic rela¬ tions for Wayne co., 2581 -, F. D. Star lake romance, 2582 Ladd, S. B. Pumpelly: Copper district in Upper Peninsula, 5894 Ladies’ industrial school association, Detroit Annual report, 2583 274 INDEX LADIES OF THE MACCABEES. Michi¬ gan. Ypsilanti hive no. 621 Historical souvenir, 2584 • - Protestant orphan asylum, Detroit Articles of association, 2585 Laflin & co. . Need of national law to regulate size of mesh of nets on Great Lakes, 2586 Lake, D. J. Atlas of Allegan co., 7410 -Barry co., 7418 -Branch co., 7428 -Cass co., 7437 -Clinton co., 7443 -— St. Joseph co., 7561 -Van Buren co., 7572 Lake county Buckley and Douglas lumber co.: Few facts about farm and fruit lands, 482 [Swigart]: Swigart tract in, 6445 --Erie Brown: Views on Lake Erie comprising account of conflict on, 471 Journal of survey of south shore, 2426 [Lees]: Journal, 2711 Maps Carte du Detroit et partie du Lac Erie, 7377 Region tributary to Detroit and Miami town, 7376 West end, by U. S. War dept., 7878 See also Great Lakes and Great Lakes region • -and River Raisin railroad co. Michigan. Legislature. Blouse. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Report, 3991, 3992 -gems of Oakland, 2587 -Huron Gordon: Wave cutting on west shore of, 1830 Maps Coast chart no. 1, by U. S. War dept., 7893 -no. 2, by U. S. War dept., 7890 -no. 3, by U. S. War dept., 7892 General chart, 7888, 7889 General chart, by U. S. War dept., 7891 Saginaw Bay and part of Lake Huron, by U. vS. War dept., 7913 Sketch of confluence or streigts between lakes Huron and Mich., 7974 South end, by U. S. War dept., 7887 Morton: Lake Huron and country of Algonquins, 5490 Russell: Geological reconnaissance along north shore, 6050 Scenes, 6151 [Thompson]: Remarks on maps from St. Regis to Sault Ste. Marie, 6525 U. S. Lake survey: Lake Huron, 6675 See also Great lakes and Great Lakes region LAKE HURON SHORE History, 2157 -Michigan ' Maps Chart of inland route of navigation, by U. S. War dept., 7906 Coart chart no. 5, by U. S. War dept., 7904 -no. 6, by U. S. War dept., 7902 -no. 8, by U. S. War dept., 7908 General chart, by U. S. War dept., 7905 Lake Mich., by Great Britain, ad¬ miralty, hydrographic office, 7901 Manitou passage, by U. S. War dept., 7907 Michigan east coast resort region, by Pere Marquette railroad co., 7392- 7394 North end, by U. S. War dept., 7898, 7903 -of Lake Mich., by U. S. War dept., 7900 Northeast end, by U. S. War dept., 7899 Morton: Lake Michigan and French ex¬ plorers, 5491 Neill: Critical period for French traders, 5534 Nelson: Fisheries of Chicago and vi¬ cinity, 5536 Niles: Military government of district of Lake Michigan, 5546 Rathom: Two Chicago sketches, 5928 Reed: Dune country, 5936 Russell: Geological reconnaissance along north shore, 6050 Scates: Pocket cruising book for Lake Mich., 6149 U. S. Lake survey: Lake Michigan, 6676 —. —. National park service: Report on proposed sand dunes national park, 6677 Ward: Biological examination, 6799 See also Great Lakes and Great Lakes region -transit co. Charter and by-laws, 2588 -Nipissing Burton: Journal of trip in 1904, 8272 -Odessa Polk & co.: Directory, 5772 -pilots’ handbook Trimble: . Lake pilots’ handbook, 6584 — St. Clair Baltimore Bay, 212 Grosse Pointe. Naming of Lake St. Clair, 1994 Jennings: List of rotatoria of Great Lakes, 2400 Maps Carte du Detroit et partie du Lac Erie, et du Lac St. Claire, 7377 Chart, by U. S. War dept., 7914 Marsh: On cyclopidae and calanidae, 2896 INDEX 275 / LAKE St. CLAIR—Continued Pieters: Plants on Lake St. Clair, 5739 Reighard: Biological examination, 5943 [Thompson]: Remarks on maps from St. Regis to Sault Ste. Marie, 6525 U. S. Lake survey: Lake Huron, St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair, 6675 See also Great Lakes and Great Lakes region -shore Sprague: Saginaw valley and lake shore business gazetteer and directory, 6370 - disease Smith: Grand Traverse disease, 6276 ■-horticultural association, see Western Michigan lake shore horti¬ cultural association -and Michigan southern railway co. Annual report, 2589 Condensed profiles, 8007 Detroit. Recorder’s court: Petition for separation of grades, 1338 Joy: Mss., 8138 Railway panoramic guide, 5906 Romeyn and Lockwood and Clark: Mss., 8046 - Superior and Lake Superior mines, region, etc. Adams: Ecological survey of Isle Royale, 7 Alexander: Log of North shore club, 41 Beard’s directory and history of Mar¬ quette co., 322 Brooks: Analysis of cost and description of methods of mining in Marquette region, 448 -: On use of magnetic needle, 452 Carnahan: Development of Lake Su¬ perior copper mines, 580 Chilton: Lake Superior iron, 670 Copper mines of, 834 Crowell and Murray: Iron ores of Lake Superior, 868 Disturnell: Lake Superior guide, 1525 Duffield: Angelique, 1554, 1555 Duluth, south shore and Atlantic railway. Passenger dept.: Along south shore of Lake Superior, 1559 Foster: Report on geology and topog¬ raphy of Lake Superior land district, 1736, 1737 [Hager]: Ancient mining on shores of, 2010 Houghton: Mineral region of Lake Su¬ perior, 2213 -: Reports on mineral region of south shore, 2214 Iron trade review: Lake Superior iron ore shipments, 2338 Irving: Copper-bearing rocks, 2341 Koch: Mineral-gegenden der Vereinigten Staaten, 2567 Kohl: Kitchi-gami, 2575 Lake Superior iron, 2590 Lanman: Summer in wilderness, 2618 LAKE SUPERIOR AND LAKE SUPERIOR MINES, REGION, etc.—Continued Lawton: Review of Lake Superior copper mining, 2697 Maps Bayfield’s North America, sheet IV: Lake Superior, 7915 Chapman’s sectional map of region around Lake Superior, 7400 Chart, by U. S. War dept., 7923 Coast chart no. 1; east end, by U. S. War dept., 7926 -no. 3, by U. S. War dept., 7924 -no. 4,-. —.-., 7928 -no. 5,-. —.-., 7930 -no. 6; west end, by U. S. War dept., 7929 -no. 8, bv U. S. War dept., 7927 Colton’s Lake Superior and Upper Peninsula, 7921 Farmer’s map, 7919, 7920 General chart, by U. S. War dept., 7925 Geological map of Lake Superior land district, by J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, 7808 -of district between Keweenaw Bay and Chocolate River, [by f. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney], 7809 Lac svperievr, 7916 Lake Superior chart no. 2, by U. S. War dept., 7922 Map of Lake Superior mine, Marquette co., by Mich, geological survey, 7835 Plan of north shore, from Bayfield’s chart, 7917 Sailing chart of south shore, from sur¬ veys by T. S. Thompson, 7918 Section and diagram illustrating geol¬ ogy of region between north shores of lakes Superior and Michigan, [by J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney], 7810 Township map of Lake Superior region, 7401 Massingham: Lake Superior and other poems, 2918 Mining journal co.: 1st annual review of copper mining industry, 5457 Moore: Discoverers of Lake Superior, 5476 Mussey: Combination in mining indus¬ try, 5520 Neill: Critical period for French traders, 5534 Pettit: Remarks respecting copper dis¬ trict of, 5728 Pitezel: Lights and shades of missionary life, 5748, 5749 Ralph: Along bowstring or south shore of Lake Superior, 5909, 5910 276 INDEX LAKE SUPERIOR AND LAKE SUPERIOR MINES, REGION, etc.—Continued -: Lake Superior along south shore, 5907, 5908 Rickard: Copper mines of, 5978 St. John: True description of Lake Superior country, 6115 St. Mary’s canal mineral land co.: Re¬ ports upon value of co’s lands, 6125 Scenery of, 6150 Shields: Rustlings in rockies, 6235 Smith: Prehistoric and modern copper mines, 6312 Swain: Letters to mother giving descrip¬ tion of voyage to Canada and adven¬ tures at Lake Superior, 6439 Sweetser: Tourists’ and invalids’ guide to Northwest, 6442 Swineford: Appendix to history of Lake Superior iron district, 6450 -: History of Lake Superior iron district, 6449 Tabular statement of copper and iron business of, 6451 Thayer: From Vermont to Lake Su¬ perior, 6517 Tipton: Tourist and investor, 6547 U. S. President: Message in relation to removal of Chippewa Indians from mineral lands of, 6684 U. S. Treasury dept.: Surveys of public lands, 6690 —. —. War dept.: Mineral lands on Lake Superior, 6695 Van Hise: Geology of region, 6743 Whittlesey: Ancient mining on shores of, 6916 -: Railway connections with Lake Superior, 6919 Williams: Hon. Peter White; biographi¬ cal sketch of Lake Superior iron country, 6955, 6956 Winchell: Crucial points in geology of region, 6991 Wright: Where copper was king, 7045 See also Great Lakes and Great Lakes region; Mines and mineral resources; Upper Peninsula Lake Superior mining institute Proceedings, 2592 -railroad Drake: Lake Superior railroad, 1544 -: Memorial asking assent by Mich. to act of incorporation of Wisconsin necessary to authorize company to construct roads in Mich., 1545, 1546 -ship canal, railway and iron co. 450,000 acres of land in Upper Peninsula, 7869 —— tours, see Detroit and Cleveland steam navigation co. LAKES Henry: Mss. for survey, 8168 Lakes of North America, 2591 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Chairman of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to lake harbors and commerce, 4264 See also Northwestern lakes Lambs, see Sheep [Lamport, W. W.] Mich, poets, 2593 Lamson, D. H. Sanitary condition of school buildings, 2594 Lancaster family Detroit tribune: [Scrap-book], 1491 Land, J. E. Historical and descriptive review of in¬ dustries of Grand Rapids, 2595 -Bay City, 2596 Land Adams: Land book, 8206 Allegan co. Citizens: Petition to confer public lands on G. R. and I. R. R., 51 Allegan land co.: Sales book, 8211 Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay rail¬ road: Petition for grant of lands, 81 Askin: Inventory book. 8221 -: Mss., 8037, 8130 Au Sable and northwestern railway co.: Gateway to home, 162 Avery: Overflowed lands on Maple River, 165 Backus and Jackson: Mss., 8053 Batchewanung land and mining co.: Cer¬ tificate stub-book, 8238 -.: Rec¬ ord book, 8239 Berrien co.: [Papers relating to transfer], 8242 Bliss: Federal land grants for internal improvements, 388 Britton and Gray: Ontonagon and state line and Marquette and state line land grants, 443 Buckley and Douglas lumber co.: Few facts about farm and fruit lands, 482 Burton: Frustrated land grab, 524 Cadillac mss.: Archives judiciaires du dist. Quebec, 8278 Cheboygan realty co.: Land of oppor¬ tunity, 653 Detroit and Milwaukee railroad co.: Peti¬ tion for grant, 1413 Felch: Indians of Mich, and cessions of lands, 1675 -: Mss., 8154 Ferry: Justice to Mich. Indians, 1692 Gibson and Wili ams: Mss., 8118 Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad co. Agricultural and industrial dept.: Acres of opportunities, 1945 Hall: Early history of northwestern states, with land laws, 2013 INDEX / 277 LAND —Continued Howard: Mss., 8044, 8055 Hubbard: Catalogue of lands for sale, 2242 -: Mss., 8119 Hubbard and King: Mss., 8121, 8123 Jackson: Mss., 8113 Johnson and Miller: Mss., 8116 Mackinac City co.: Title to lands, 2856 Maps Cadillac tract, by Rand, McNally & co., 7846 Lake Superior ship canal, railway and iron co.: 450,000 acres of land in Upper Peninsula, 7869 Lands of J. B. Goodman and others in Delta co., 7855 Map of farm, garden and lawn of M. A. C., by R. C. Carpenter, 7858 -Flint and Pere Marquette rail¬ way co’s. lands in Mich., 7849 -Fort Ponchartrain and vicinity showing lands possessed near fort, 7853 ■-Gladwin and Clare co. lands, 7854 -lands of Flint and Pere Mar¬ quette railway in Saginaw region, 7850 -Mich, showing state lands [by J. F. Nellist], 7355 -Mo., Ill., Iowa and Wis., Ter¬ ritory of Minn., and mineral lands of Lake Superior, by J. S. Drake, 7868 -part of mineral lands adjacent to Lake Superior, by U. S. War dept., 7859 -original swamp areas of Lower Peninsula, 7857 - showing land districts, public lands sold, 7862 -lands of St. Mary’s Falls ship canal co., 7863-7866 -location of lands belong¬ ing to Detroit, Mackinac and Mar¬ quette railroad co., by E. Molitor, 7847 -Duncan lands on Macki¬ nac Straits and Cheboygan River, by P. L. Fox, 7848 Plan of private claims in Mich. Terri¬ tory as surveyed by A. Greeley, 7860 Plat of survey of land for military pur¬ poses around Fort Brady, by G. C. Westcott, 7851 -A. B. Woodward’s property on turnpike, 7870 Private claims at Michilimackinac sur¬ veyed by J. Millet, 7861 True copy of plot of military reserva¬ tion at Ft. Gratiot, 7852 Upper Peninsula [showing state lands], by J. F. Nellist, 7867 Michigan. Acting commissioner on state buildings: Communication, 2973 LAND —Continued -. Attorney general’s office: Laws of U. S. granting lands to Mich., 3065 -. Auditor general’s office: Com¬ munication relative to expenses for advertising and selling lands delin¬ quent for taxes, 3099 [-.-: State¬ ment relative to estimated expenses of publishing notice of sale], 3150 -. Board of internal improve¬ ment: Report [in reply to resolution to ascertain amount of outstanding obligations against land granted by Congress], 3195 -. Governor: Message trans¬ mitting communication from J. Mullet relative to relocations of certain lands, 3604 -. -: Special message with documents, 3627 -. -: Special message, 3630 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on federal relations: Report [relative to amount of land received from U. S.], 4067 -. -. -. Select committee: Report on land appro¬ priations, 4323 -: Report on land grants by Congress, 4324 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lution of enquiry into exempting real estate from sale on account of debt, 4567 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on lands returned delinquent for taxes: Report of committee to whom was referred resolution in relation to repeal of laws which require return of lands delinquent for taxes, 4592 ————-. -. -. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of com¬ mittee [to whom was referred petitions for law for appraisal of damages for lands flowed by mill dams], 4674 -. State Library. Legislative reference dept.: Public lands and forest protection, 5066 -. (Ter.) Commission on land titles: Governor and judges journal, 5331 -. —- Governor and judges: Report, 5333 Miscellaneous mss., 8126 North American mineral land co.: Pros¬ pectus, 5556 Northeastern Mich, development bureau: Land of undeveloped possibilities, 5558 Northeastern Mich, realty co.: North¬ eastern Mich., 5559 27 8 INDEX LAND—Continued Pine lands and lumber trade, 5742 Romeyn and Lockwood and Clarke: Mss., 8046 Saginaw valley land, salt and mineral co.: Prospectus, 6100 St. Helen development co.: Land of opportunity, 6114 [Sibbald]: True history of fraudulent land entries within limits of Ontonagon and state line railroad grant, 6242 Sibley: Mss., 8173, 8175 Smith: Western land office, Detroit, 6309 Stearns salt and lumber co.: Kalkaska and Antrim cos., 6387 [Swigart]: Tract in Mason, /Manistee, Lake and Wexford cos., 6445 Trowbridge: Mss., 8107, 8204 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on affairs in the Territory of Mich.: Re- .port, 6658 —.—. Treasury dept.: Letter trans¬ mitting statement of lands sold north¬ west of Ohio River, 6688 Van Dyke and Emmons: Mss., 8043 Waterman: Mss., 8133 Wing: Land books, 8622 -: Mss., 8067, 8120 See also Canal lands; Conveyancing; Deeds; Drowned lands; Federal lands; Indian lands; Internal improvement lands; Marl: Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on public lands; Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on university and school lands; Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee for appraisal of university and state building lands; Michigan. Legis¬ lature. House. Committee on univer¬ sity, school and state lands; Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Committee on public lands; Michigan. Public domain commission; Michigan. State land office; Mineral lands; Overflowed lands; Preemption law; Public lands; Railroad lands; Real estate; Salt spring lands; Sault Ste. Marie. Seigniory; School lands; State building lands; State lands; Swamp lands; Tax lands; Tax titles; U. S. General land office; U. S. Land; U. S. Land office, Detroit; University lands -office, see Michigan. State land office; Michigan. Public domain commission Landon, H. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report on petition for extension of time for col¬ lection of taxes for 1839, 4686 Land snails, see Snails Lane, A. C. Coal, 2597 Fossils of the Marshall and Coldwater, 2598 Geological report on Huron co., 2599 -Isle Royale, 2600 LANE, A. C.—Continued Geology of lower Mich., 2601 Gordon: Geological section from Besse¬ mer down Black River, 1831 Keweenaw fault, 2602 --series, 2603 Leverett: Alcona co.,-2722 Limestones, 2604 Lower Mich, mineral waters, 2605 Map showing geological formations and contours of rock surface of Southern Peninsula, 7786 Michigan. Geological survey: Coal in lower Mich., 3561 •-.-: Report, 3571 Northern interior coal field, 2606 Salt water in lake mines, 2607 Summary of surface geology, 2608 Theory of copper deposition, 2609 Water resources of Lower Peninsula, 2610 [ -, D.] • Soldier’s diary, 2611 -, R. W. H. Ford’s own story, 2612 -, W. A. Homer and its pioneers and business men, 2613 Lang, G. E. Pocket road map, Monroe co., 2614 Lange, D. Silver Island of the Chippewa, 2615 -, H. Der staat Mich., 7228 Lanman, C. Life of W. Woodbridge, 2616 Red book of Mich., 2617 Summer in wilderness, 2618 -, J- H. History of Mich., civil and topographical, 2619 History of Mich., from earliest coloniza¬ tion, 2620-2625 L’Anse [Brooks]: L’Anse, 451 [Map of] L’Anse, by U. S. Lake survey, 7734 ' - Creuse Detroit. Ste. Anne’s church. Exterior parishes: Registre, 8330 Lansing African Methodist Episcopal church Jarvis: Golden jubilee, 2382 Annual reports, 2626 Art exhibition, see Lansing. Loan exhi¬ bition Associated charities Report, 2627-2630 Bailey: Gazeteer and directory including sketch and business directory, 186 Banks, see Lansing. City national bank Blair statue Patton: Address at unveiling, 5674 Board of education Announcement, 2631 Rules and regulations, 2632-2635 INDEX 279 LANSING—Continued Central Methodist Episcopal church Directory, 2636 Chapter. D. A. R., see Lansing. Daugh¬ ters of the American revolution Charities, see Lansing. Associated chari¬ ties Charters Charter, 2637-2644 See also Lansing. Ordinances, etc. Choral union May musical festival,.2645 City national bank Business letter, 2646 Coal co. Michigan. Commissioners on incor¬ poration of the Lansing coal co.: Memorial, 3286 Common council Revised rules, 2647 Congregational church, see Lansing. Plymouth church Daily state Republican Happy new year, 906 Daughters of the American revolution Lansing chapter no. 292, 914 Twenty-fifth year, 915 Description Benevolent and protective order of Elks: Souvenir, 342 Bovee: Lansing, 417 Fox illustrating co.: Lansing illus¬ trated, 1747 Grand army of the republic. Dept, of Michigan: [Souvenir], 1845 Lansing illustrated, 2675, 2676 -. Improvement association: Lansing, 2650 Directories Bards and co’s. business directory, 226 Lansing city directory, 2674 Polk & co.: Directory, 5775 Franklin Street Presbyterian church Church manual, 2648 High school Oracle, 2649 History Cowles: Past and present, 843 Dash: History of Lansing, 912 Mevis: Pioneer recollections, 2968 Illustrated, 2675, 2676 Improvement association Lansing, 2650 Lansing and Howell plank road co. Account book, 8434 Certificate stub-book, 8435 Detroit and Howell plank road co.: Toll book, 8340 Ledger, 8436 Record book, 8437 Transfer book, 8438 Library and literary association Catalogue, 2651, 2652 Loan exhibition Catalogue, 2653 LANSING—Continued Maps Map, by W. A. Barnard and L. D. Pres¬ ton, 7741 -, — Dyer-Jenison-Barry co., 7740 -, — A. M. Emery, 7738 -, — Waterbury and Emery, 7737 -, — Macy and Driggs, 7736 - , — North Highland co., 7739 Methodist Episcopal church, see Lansing. Central Methodist Episcopal church Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee, on public lands: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion asking improvement of school sec¬ tion upon which capitol is located, 4157 -homeopathic college, see Michi¬ gan. Homeopathic college Mineral and magnetic well, 2677 Music, see Lansing. Choral union Odd Fellows, see Independent Order of Odd Fellow’s Ordinances, 2654-2656 Playground association Lansing playgrounds, 2657 Plymouth church Manual, 2658 Prudden: Sermon at dedication, 5889 -: Twenty years history, 5890 Presbyterian church, see Lansing. Frank¬ lin Street Presbyterian church Public school library Annual report, 2659 Catalogue, 2660-2664 Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Reform club History of, 2665 Retail grocers’ and meat dealers’ associa¬ tion Second annual pure food show, 2666 Scientific association First published transaction's, 2667 Social survey committee Know-your-city-week, 2668 Union building and loan association 13th annual statement, 2669 Woman’s club Constitution and by-laws, 2670 Our first decade, 2671 Report, 2672 Woman’s relief corps Woman’s relief corps. Dept, of Mich. Corps no. 7: Roster of members, 7013 Young men’s society, 2673 See also North Lansing Lapeer county Agricultural society: Premium list, 2678 Beers & co.: Atlas, 7506 Dwight: Township plats, 8381 Grand jury Resolution relative to conduct of S. D. M’Keen, 2679 History, 2158 Map, by W. E. Doughty and I. Gross, 7505 280 INDEX LAPEER COUNTY—Continued [-], — U. S. Postoffice dept., 7507 - of Saginaw and Tuscola, with part of, by D. A. Pettibone, 7555 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report of com¬ mittee [to whom was referred petition for location of seminary of learning in Hadley township], 4032 Portrait and biographical record, 5830 -training school for teachers Summer school for teachers of backward and mentally defective children, 2680 -Tuesday club Moore: Outline of study, 5481 LaPlaisance Bay U. S. War dept.: Letter transmitting report of survey of LaPlaisance Bay Harbor, 6694 LaPlant, A., estate Bank book, 8439 Sales book, 8440 L’Arbre Croche Detroit. Ste. Anne’s church. Exterior parishes: Registre, 8330 Larceny Straker: Legal treatise on larceny of dogs, 6424 Larmer, J. G. Stevens: Transcontinental trip in a Ford, 6405 Larned, C. Mss., 8062, 8070, 8072 _ Q g Mss.’ 8070* 8072 -, S. Journal, 8441 Ledgers, 8442 Mss., 8070, 8072 -and Ward Letter books, 8443 La Rochefoucault Liancourt, see Roche- foucault Liancourt Larzelere, C. S. Boundaries of Mich., 2681 Government of Mich., 2682, 2683 Suggestions for teaching history in rural schools, 2684, 2685 La Salle, Sieur de Baker: St. Joseph-Kankakee portage, 191 Bartlett: La Salle in valley of St. Joseph, 237 Burton: [LaSalle and the Griffon], 528 Catherwood: Story of Tonty, 618-620 Gravier: Decouvertes et etablissements de, 1976 Relation of discoveries and voyages, 2686 Remington: Ship-yard of Griffon, 5947 Winsor: Joliet, Marquette and LaSalle, 6994 Latest views of Detroit, 2687 Lath manufacture Saginaw daily enterprise: Statistics for 1867, 6094 LATHROP, H. B. [Memorial relative to contract for convict labor], 2688 [Michigan. Board of state auditors: Com¬ munication in reply to resolution re¬ questing opinion whether H. B. Lathrop has claim rendering further legislative action necessary], 3218 Lathrop Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Laub, D. K. Detroit evening news: Investigation of Ford profit-sharing, 1442 Laurent, C., estate Emmons: Mss., 8068 Laurie and Whittle New and general map of middle dominions belonging to U. S., 7121 Laurium Polk & co.: Directory, 5764 Law, J. Colonial history of Vincennes, 2689 -, W. H. Among lighthouses of Great Lakes, 2690 Deeds of valor, 2691 Heroes of Great Lakes, 2692 Life savers in Great Lakes, 2693 Law Howe: Laws and courts of Northwest, 2223, 2224 Hutchins: Legal education, 2271 Michigan. State library. Law dept.: Accessions, 5051 Catalogue, 5052 Trask: Briefs and notes on statutes and decisions, 6565 Lawns Halligan: Starting a lawn, 2020 Lawrence, A. L. Wolverine, 2694, 2695 Lawrence, Kansas. Society of Mich., see Society of Michigan Law reports, digests, etc. Callaghan & co.: Mich, digest, 554-556 Campbell: Index digest of Mich, su¬ preme court decisions, 563 Chaney: Digest of decisions rendered by Supreme court, 636-639 -: Digest of Mich, reports, 640 Cooley, E. A.: Digest of Mich, reports, 807 [-, T. M.]: Digest of reported cases, ^ 808 Crockett: Digest of decisions of Supreme court, 862 Douglass: Reports of cases argued and determined in Supreme court, 1539 Drake’s Mich, digest, 1548 Harrington: Reports, 2051 Jacobs: Digest of decisions of Supreme court, 2375-2377 -: Reference digest of Mich, re¬ ports, 2378 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Com¬ piled laws, 3839-3844 INDEX 281 LAW REPORTS, DIGESTS, etc.—Con¬ tinued -. -, -, — Di S est of general statutes on religious corpora¬ tions, 3848 -. -, -—-•: Digest of laws concerning flats, 3863 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on revised code: Report, 4012 -digest, 5394, 5395 -serial digest, 5410 -. Supreme court: Mich, re¬ ports, 5124 Newberry: Reports of admiralty cases argued and adjudged, 5539 Northwestern reporter: Northwestern reporter blue book, 5567 Shepard’s Mich, citations, 6229 Talbot: Table of cases of all Mich, courts, 6495 See also Lawyers; Legal manuscripts; Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc. Laws and charters under wdiich Michigan central and connections have been con¬ structed, 2696 Laws, see Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.; Michigan (Ter.) Laws, statutes, etc. Lawton, C. D. Map of iron mines at Negaunee, 7826 Michigan. Dept, of mineral statistics: Annual report, 3354 Review of Lake Superior copper mining, 2697 Lawyers Cooley: Hints to young lawyers, 809 - 1 —: Lawyer’s duty, 810 Detroit. Bar association: New Wayne co. court house, 977 Lowell: Bench and bar.of Macomb co., 2773 Merchants’ and manufacturers’ mercan¬ tile agency: Directory of bonded at¬ torneys, 2954 Michigan. State board of law examiners: Statute rules and regulations governing examination of applicants for admission to bar, 4939 Reed: Bench and bar of Mich., 5941 Ross: Early bench and bar of Detroit, 6029 Stanton: U. S. lawyer’s diary and rule book, 6376 See also Legal mss.; Michigan. State bar association; Washtenaw co. Bar associa¬ tion Leach, M. L. Ancient forts in Ogemaw co., 2698 Ancient mounds in Clinton co., 2699 History of Grand Traverse region, 2700 League of American wheelmen. Mich, division Bicycle routes in Mich., 2701 Road book, 2702 LEAGUE OF MICHIGAN MUNICIPALI¬ TIES Michigan. Political science association: Papers and discussions on municpial problems, 4795 Proceedings, 2703 Report, 2704 Leake, P. History of Detroit, 2705 Learned societies, see Societies Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston railroad Joy: Mss., 8136 LeConte, J. L. Hubbard: Coleoptera of Florida and Mich., 2249 Ledgers, see Manuscripts Lee, H. H., & co. State of Mich.; gazetteer and business directory, 2706 —, Jay P. Suggestions for amendment of laws gov¬ erning corporations, 2707 -, John T. Bibliography of Carver’s travels, 2708 Capt. J. Carver, 2709 -, W. O. Personal and historical sketches of 7th regiment, Mich, cavalry, 2710 Leelanau county Buckley and Douglas lumber co.: Few facts about farm and fruit lands, 482 Hayes: Atlas, 7508 Sprague: History, 6369 Traverse region, 6580 [Lees, J.] Journal, 2711 Leeson, M. A. History of Kent co., 2156 -Macomb co., 2160 -Saginaw co., 2712 Leeth, J. Short biography of, 2713 Leetsville ^olk & co.: Directory, 5763 Legal manuscripts Bates, Walker and Douglass: Mss., 8108 Canfield: Case books, 8285 Emmons: Mss., 8041, 8047, 8052, 8054, 8057, 8059, 8064, 8068, 8073, 8078, 8082, 8082, 8084, 8086, 8088, 8090, 8092, 8102, 8105 Holbrook: Mss., 8196, 8198 Howard: Mss., 8044 Joy: Mss., 8136 Larned: Mss., 8070, 8072 May, Romeyn, and Emmons family: Mss., 8075 May: Mss., 8131 Maynard, Meddaugh and Davison: Mss., 8132 Norton: Mss., 8107 O’Flynn: Mss., 8166 Prentis: Mss., 8056 Rice and Meeker: Mss., 8133 Romeyn: Mss., 8046, 8060, 8061 282 INDEX LEGAL MANUSCRIPTS—Continued vSibley: Mss., 8173, 8175 Toms: Mss., 8042, 8069, 8071, 8079, 8081, 8083, 8085, 8087, 8089, 8091, 8093, 8095, 8097, 8192 Trowbridge: Mss., 8188, 8204 Van Dyke and Emmons: Mss., 8043, 8094, 8096 Ward and Palmer: Mss., 8134, 8137, 8146 Wilkins: Mss., 8098, 8101, 8103 Wilkinson and Post: Mss., 8159, 8162, 8167 Wright: Mss., 8141 See also U. S. Attorney. Michigan dis¬ trict; U. S. Circuit court. Eastern dis¬ trict of Michigan; U. S. Marshal. Michigan; Wayne co. Justice of the peace Legends Belknap: Legend of trailing arbutus, 339 Brown: Indian legendary poems, 474 Hamlin: Legends of Le Detroit, 2029 Judson: Myths and legends of Missis¬ sippi valley and Great Lakes, 2431 Kane: Myths and legends of Mackinacs, 2464 Leggett: Me-nah-sa-gor-ning; a legend of Orchard Lake, 2714 Littlejohn: Legends of Mich, and Old Northwest, 2751 Page: Legendary lore of Mackinac, 5624 Wright: Stories of crooked tree, 7051, ^ 7052 See also Schoolcraft, H. R. Leggett, Lieut. P. S. Hickox: Remarks at funeral, 2110 -, S. M. Me-nah-sa-gor-ning, 2714 Legislation Michigan. State library. Legislative reference dept.: Local legislation, 5064 -.: Local, special and private legislation, 5065 Legislative association, see Michigan. Leg¬ islative association Legislature, see Michigan. Legislature; Michigan (Ter.) Legislative council Legler, H. E. Moses of Mormons, 2715 Legumes Smith: Legumes other than alfalfa, 6277 Leighley, I. A. Ward and Palmer: Mss., 8134 Leith, C. K. Van Hise: Geology of Lake Superior region, 6843 Lemen, J. MacNaul: Jefferson-Lemen compact, 2859 Lenawee county Board of supervisors Proceedings, 2716 [Bonner]: History of Adrian, 396 -: Memoirs of, 397 LENAWEE COUNTY—Continued Cadwell & co.: Atlas, 7512 Dewey: Saint Michael’s and All Angels’ church, 1501 Dixon: Study of farm management problems in Lenawee co., 1529 Everts and Stewart: Combination atlas map, 7511 Farm journal directory, 1645 Hogaboam: Bean Creek valley, 2182 Knapp: Illustrated history and bio¬ graphical record of Lenawee co., 2556 Map, by G. R. Bechler and E. Wenig, 7510 ' -, — State geologist, 7509 -, — U. vS. Postoffice dept., 7514 -, of counties of Washtenaw and Lenawee, by Bechler and Wenig, 7584 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom were referred peti¬ tions for act to establish highways in Fairfield township, 4559 Millard: Early history, 5442 Pioneer and historical society Annual picnic, 2717 Portrait and biographical album, 5839 Treat bros: Pocket atlas, 7513 Whitney: Historical and biographical record, 6913 Lenox township, see Macomb co. Leonard, J. W. Industries of Detroit, 2718 -Saginaws, 2719 Leoni. Michigan union college, see Michi¬ gan union college -theological institute Catalogue, 2720 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report on peti¬ tion, 4021 Leroy Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Les Cheneaux Islands Grover: Brief history, 1996 [Map of] Les Cheneaux Islands, by Arnold transit co., 7876 -, by U. S. War dept., 7875 Leslie Vliet: History of early lifeMnd business interests, 6769 Lester, F. A. Bennett: Historical sketches of Ninth Mich, infantry, 343 [Semi-centennial roster of Ninth Mich, infantry], 2721 Letter books, see Manuscripts Leverett, F. Alcona co., 2722 Ann Arbor folio, 7760, 7761 Flowing wells, 2723, 2724 Map of surface formation of Northern Peninsula, 7818 - — - - — Southern Peninsula, 7787 INDEX 283 LEVERETT, F.—Continued Pleistocene of Indiana and Mich., 2725 Review of glacial geology of Southern Peninsula, 2726 Surface geology, 2727, 2728 Symposium on water supplies, 2729 Levin, E. Coons: Leaf-spot disease of tomato, 819 -: Septoria leaf-spot disease of celery or celery blight, 821 Leaf-spot disease of tomato, 2730 Lewis, A. F. General information concerning ceme¬ teries of Saginaw, 2731 -, G. F. Annual statement of business of Saginaw valley, 2732 -, S. Correct map of seat of war, 7133 Map of part of Northwest Territory, 7124 New map of seat of war, 7135 -art gallery, Coldwater Catalogue, 2733 ■-school for stammerers At Lewis school, 2736 Lewis school, 2734 Lewis school greeting, 2735 Lewiston Michigan home colony co.: Full descrip¬ tion of country, its soils, climate, water¬ ways and transportation routes, 5402 Libraries Bixby: Historical sketches of ladies’ library associations of Mich., 376 Brett: School and library, 435 Buncher: Catalogue, 491 Crapo: Address at dedication of building of Ladies’ library association, Flint, 856 Finney: Public libraries, 1698 Hubbard: Valuable private library, 2250 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion asking people be relieved from tax for town libraries, 4551 -libraries, 5406 Spencer: Women’s clubs and public libraries, 6362 See also Adrian. Ladies’ library associa¬ tion; Adrian. Public school library; Allegan. Public library; Alpena. Public library; Ann Arbor. Public library; Ann Arbor. Public school library; Armada. Public library; Battle Creek. Public school library; Bay City. Public lib¬ rary; Big Rapids. Phelps free library; Coldwater. Free public library; Cold- water. Ladies’ library association; De¬ troit. First Congregational church; De¬ troit. First Congregational Unitarian society; Detroit. First Presbyterian church; Detroit. Ladies’ library asso¬ ciation; Detroit. ■ Mechanics’ society library; Detroit. Public library; De¬ troit. Young men’s society; District LIBRARIES—Continued school libraries; Dowagiac. Ladies’ lib¬ rary association; East Saginaw. Public library; Eaton Rapids. Public library; Escanaba. Carnegie public library; Flint. Ladies’ library association; Frankfort. Literary association li¬ brary; Frankfort. Public school li¬ brary; Grand Haven. Public school library; Grand Rapids. Public library; Hackley public library; Hartford. Ladies’ library association; Howell. Public library; Hoyt public library, Saginaw; Jackson. Public library; Jackson. Young men’s association librar}^; Kalamazoo. Ladies’ library association; Kalamazoo. Public li¬ brary; Lansing. Library and literary association; Lansing. Public school library; Manistee. Public library; Michigan. State board of corrections and charities; Michigan. State board of library commissioners; Michigan. State library; Michigan. State normal college; Michigan. State prison; Mitchell public library, Hillsdale; Mt. Clemens. Public library; Muskegon. Public school library; Owosso. Ladies’ library and literary association; Owosso. Young men’s Christian association li¬ brary; Petoskey. Public library; Port Huron. Ladies’ library association; Port Huron. Public library; Sage public library; Saginaw. East side public library; Saginaw. Public li¬ brary of union school district; Saginaw. Public school library; School libraries; Spies public library; Township li¬ braries; Traverse City. Ladies’ library association; Traverse City. Public library; Vicksburg. Ladies’ library Library association, see Michigan. Library association -institutes Preston: Library institutes, 5871 ——-science Koch: Library assistant’s manual, 2571 Licenses McCracken: License movement, 2809 Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report of minority of on license laws, 4330 -. -. -. Special committee: Report relative to grant¬ ing licenses, 4373 --. . Senate. Com¬ mittee on expiring laws: Report re¬ specting license laws, 4593 -. . . Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report relative to license laws, 4677, 4678 -. -. . Select committee: Report of committee to whom were referred petitions praying repeal of license laws, 4726, 4727 See also Liquor; Prohibition; Threshing machines 284 INDEX LIEB, S. History of Mich., 2737 Liens, see Mechanics’ liens Life and thrilling incidents in history of E. Watson, 2738 -of Gen. L. Cass, 2739, 2740 -insurance Imperial life insurance society: Common sense talk on life insurance, 2281 Insurance herald hand book, 2319 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws, 3887, 3888 -saving Law: Deeds of valor, 2691 -: Heroes of Great Lakes, 2692 -: Life savers in Great Lakes, 2693 Liggett, J. T. Art education, 2741 [Lightner, M. C.] St. Paul’s church controversy, 2742 Lights and lighthouses Law: Among lighthouses of Great Lakes, 2690 Michigan. Governor: Special message transmitting communication from supt. of lights on northwestern lakes, 3658 Scott: New coast pilot for lakes, 6189 Lilibridge, G. R. Report of conspiracy trial, 2743 Lillie, W. I. Grand Haven. Charters: Charter, 1847 Lime Patten: Lime for agricultural purposes, 5664 Lime kiln crossing, Detroit River, by U. S. War dept., 7966 Limestone Allen: Mineral resources of Mich., with treatise on limestone resources by R. A. Smith, 61 [Lane]: Limestones, 2604 Winchell: Some indications of northern transportation of drift materials in Lower Peninsula, 6989 See also Mines and mineral resources Lime-sulphur spray Patten: Manufacture and storage, 5665 Lincoln, A. Ann Arbor. Memorial proceedings in Ann Arbor, 133 -, Grant, Sherman, Farragut, 2744 [Lincoln highway association] Following path of progress, 2745 Summarizing a year’s progress, 2746 Lindemann, E. C. Twelve projects for Mich, clubs, 2747 Linden Polk & co.: Directory, 5768 Lindsey, C. Prairies of western states, 2748 Liquor Adams: Treatise on prohibitory liquor law, 11 Alabaster: Answer on traffic and use of intoxicating beverages, 32 LIQUOR—Continued Bloss: Special taxation of liquor traffic, 392 Chippeway Indians: Petition for Maine law, 673 Dennis: Petition for prohibition, 948 Economic study for Detroit business men, 1573 Hubbard: Petition asking passage of bill relative to license laws and sale of liquors, 2247 McCracken: License movement, 2809 Michigan. Governor: Appendix to message; report of liquor taxes col¬ lected, 3711 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws re¬ lating to manufacture, sale and use of liquors, 3901 -. -,-,-.: Law re¬ lating to shipment into dry territory, 3902 -. -,-,-.: Local op¬ tion law, 3903 -. -,-,-.: Prohibi¬ tory liquor law, 3900 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on petitions for enactment of law concern¬ ing sale of ardent spirits, 4140 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report upon bill to repeal act to prevent manufac¬ ture and sale of liquors, 4231 -. -. -. Select committee: Report of committee to whom were referred laws granting li¬ cense for sale of ardent spirits, 4331 -: Report of committee to whom were referred petitions for sup¬ pression of traffic in intoxicating drinks, 4332 -: Report of committee to whom was referred petition concerning sale of ardent spirits, 4333 -.-—-. -. Special committee: Report of committee to whom was referred petitions praying laws authorizing sale of spirituous liquors be repealed, 4376 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report relative to amending prohibitory liquor law, 4679 -. --. -. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred circular suggesting passage of law for more effectual pre¬ vention of traffic in ardent spirits with Indian tribes, 4730 See also Prohibition; Temperance List of volunteers from county of Wayne, 2749 INDEX 285 LISTER, W. N. Washtenaw co. Commissioner of schools: Manual, 6812 Little, F. Celery culture at Kalamazoo, 2750 Littlejohn, F. J. Legends of Mich, and Old Northwest, 2751 Memorial praying for division of 9th judicial district, 2752 -, W. H. Constitutional amendment, 2753 Little Bay de Noc. Chart, by U. S. War dept., 7895 -Traverse Bay Chart of inland route of navigation, by U. S. War dept., 7906 [Detroit and Cleveland steam navigation co.]: Where to spend summer, 1403 Northeast end of Lake Mich., by U. S. War dept., 7899 Sprang: Petoskey and Little Traverse Bay, 6372 Wright: Ottawan, short history of vil¬ lages and resorts surrounding, 7050 Live stock sanitary commission, see Michi¬ gan. Live stock sanitary commission -laws Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Live stock sanitary laws, 3904 Livingston county Beers & co.: Atlas, 7515 History, 2159 Map, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7516 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7517 Portrait and biographical album, 5834 Topographical map of Ingham and Liv¬ ingston, by Geil, Harley and Siverd, 7470 Livingstone, W. History of Republican party, 2754 Lloyd, H. H., & co. Railroad and postoffice map of Wiscon¬ sin and Mich., 7274 Local board of health, see Health -government Bemis: Local government in Mich, and Northwest, 340 Green: Treatise on townships, 1983, 1984 Michigan. Dept, of state: Mich, town¬ ship officers’ guide, 3512-3515 -. -.-: Supplement to Green’s treatise on townships, 3527 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws concerning organization and govern¬ ment of townships, 3938 See also Municipal government - history Finney: Public libraries and, 1698 Michigan. Historical commission: Sug¬ gestions for local historical societies, 3797 -- ; p r i Z e essays, 3803, 3804 -. State library: Finding list of works, 5035, 5036 LOCAL HISTORY—Continued Monroe high school. Class of ’96: Local history, 5470 See also Michigan. Historical commis¬ sion; names of cities, townships, counties, etc. -option, see Liquor Lockwood, H. A. Are our municipalities to become business corporations?, 2755 -, T. M., see Lockwood and Clarke -and Clarke Mss., 8046 -, see Barstow and Lockwood Lockwood Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Locusts Davis: Locusts, 932 Lodge, E. A. Petition in regard to granting university appropriation, 2756 Lodges Maybury: Mss., 8189 See also Detroit lodges Loehe, W. Etwas uber die Deutsch-Lutherischen niederlassungen in grafschaft Saginaw, 2757 Logan, J. A. Cutcheon: In memoriam, 895 Long, C. E. Marine review course finder, 2758 Voyages and travels of Indian interpreter and trader, 2759 -, O. R. Present and future water supply of Ionia, 2760 -, S. H. Keating: Travels in interior of North America, 2466 Long Point development association Golden opportunities in heart of Mich, apple belt, 2761 Longyear, B. O. Fungous diseases of fruits, 2762 Mich, mushrooms, 2763 -, J. M. Forests, streams, lakes and resources of northern Mich., 2764 -, J* W. Memorial for re-establishment of military state agency, 2765 Look, H. M. Masonic trials, 2766 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lutions relative to exemption of U. S. bonds, 4256 Loomis, C. M. Centennial anniversary; celebration at Grand Rapids, 2767 -and Talbott Ann Arbor city directory, 2768 Monroe city directory, 2769 286 INDEX LORD, G. Taxation of mining properties, 2770 -, W. B. Michigan. Constitutional convention: Debates, 3319 Los Angeles county, Cal. Interstate directory co.: Mich, people in Los Angeles co., 2332 Loskiel, G. H. Extempore on a wagon, 8444 Lossing, B. J. Hull’s surrender of Detroit, 2771 Mss., 8182, 8195 [Papers representing material used in histories and biographies], 8445 Lothrop, G. H. Detroit. Fire dept.: The fire depart¬ ment, 1136 -, G. V. N. Democratic association of Detroit: Cele¬ bration of anniversary of Battle of New Orleans, address by, 945 Detroit. Fire dept.: The fire depart¬ ment, 1136 -and Duffield Bill book, 8446 Claim books, 8447 Ledger, 8448 Letter books, 8449 Loud, H. M. H. M. Loud, 2108 Loughery, A. Martindale: Loughery’s defeat, 2913 Louisiana purchase exposition, see Michi¬ gan. Board of managers of the Louisiana purchase exposition Lovell, A. F. U. of M. calendar, 2772 Lowell, D. N. Bench and bar of Macomb co., 2773 Lowell Baxter: History of Grand Rapids, with appendix-history of Lowell, 263 Charter, 2774 Lower Detroit River, by U. S. War dept., 7967 -Peninsula Fuller: Economic and social beginnings of Mich., 1774 Geological map, by C. Rominger, 7785 Lyster: Study of climate and topographv of, 2789 Map showing geological formations and contours of rock surface, by A. C. Lane, 7786 -of surface formations, by F. Leverett, 7787 Nellist’s road map, 7385, 7386 Rand, McNally and co’s. sectional map of Mich., 7387 Lowrey, B. J. Mich, state press association, 2775 -H. H. Ionia county. County school commis¬ sioner: Directory and list of teachers, 2335 LOYAL LEGION, see Military order of the loyal legion of the U. S. Lucas, F. [Map of] Mich., 7142 -, R. Journal, 2776, 2777 Ohio. Governor: Message at 2d sess. of 33d assembly, 5586 -. -: Special message in pursuance of act making appropriation to defray expense of carrying into effect laws in regard to northern boundary, 5587 Luce, C. G. Michigan. Governor: [Messages and pardons], 3732-3740 -. Legislature: In memory, 3947 Luce county Map, by H. C. Thompson, 7442 Ludden, N. T. Journal, 8450 Ludington Advantages of, 31 Clark: Discussion of sewerage and drainage, 690 Description Souvenir, 6356 Directory Polk & co.: Directory, 5776 Schools Michigan. Historical commission: Prize essays, 3804 -Harbor Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 Ludlow, W. Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 •-, W. C. Onawago, 2778 Lumbering Dow: Lumberman’s gazette, 1540 Frothingham: Selling woodlot products, 1769 [Harmer]: Lumbering, 2043 Malloch: Tote-road and trail, 2866 Michigan. Lumbermen: Facts and fig¬ ures against passage of Chicago relief bill, 4768 Peattie: The beleaguered forest, 5688 Pine lands and lumber trade, 5742 Puddefoot: Hewers of wood, 5893 Saginaw daily enterprise: Statistics for 1867, 6094 -valley; its salt, lumber and other resources, 6099 -. Lumbermen: Tariff on lumber, 6101 St. Mary’s Falls ship canal co.: 560,000 acres pine lands, 6130 Statement of salt and lumber business of Saginaw valley, 6383 See also Forests and forestry Lunt, M. C. Extracts—poetry and prose, 8451 Poems, 8452 INDEX 287 LUTHER Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Lyon, L. Communication to members of U. S. senate, 2779 Letter to Hon. L. Williams, 2780 Letters to L. Williams, 2781 Stuart: Verdict for Mich., 6435 To Hon. J. M. Clayton, 2782 -, R. H. Bartlett: La Salle in valley of St. Joseph, 237 -, T. T.' History of Mich, horticulture, 2783 Michigan. Agricultural college. Experi¬ ment station: Report of South Haven substation, 3020 -. Legislature. House. Special committee: Report of committee to whom was referred memorial relative to preservation of forest trees, 4375 -. State horticultural society: Catalogue of fruits, 4983 Lyons Polk & co.: Directory, 5772 Lyster, H. F. Reclaiming of drowned lands, 2784 Report on outbreak of typhoid fever among school children at Adrian, 2785 -healthful dwellings, 2786 -limitation and prevention of typhoid fever, 2787 Sewerage, 2788 Study of climate and topography of Lower Peninsula, 2789 -, Henry Francis Recollections of Bull Run campaign, 2790 [McAfee, R. B.] History of the late war, 2791 McCandless, Rev. G. J. Freemasons. Michigan. Grand lodge: Memorial service, 1761 McCarty, D. G. Territorial governors of Old Northwest, 2792 -, J- Miscellaneous mss., 8176 -, W. New improved map of seat of war, 7134 McClelland, R. Defence of Gen. Cass, 2793 Michigan. Governor: Message, 3660 McClintock, H. E. Map of Dickinson co., 7449 Rogers’ map of Iron co., 7475 McClung, J. A. Sketches of western adventure, 2794-2800 McComber, W. H. Petition for general law to authorize banking, 2801 McCorkle, W. A. In memoriam; discourse on life and char¬ acter of Rev. G. Duffield, 2802 McCORMICK, R. H. Map of sewers of Detroit, 7672 M’Coskry, S. A. Controversy between and Alex. M’Farren, 779 Fox: Examination of case of church dis¬ cipline, 1741 Petition relative to division of school funds, 2803 Trowbridge: Mss., 8109 -, W. Day books, 8453 Mss., 8038 McCourt, R. S. History of old Sibley house, 2804 McCoy, D. Old Fort St. Joseph, 2805 McCracken, S. B. City of Detroit, 2806 Lake gems of Oakland, 2587 Laws in force in county of Wayne, 2807, 2808 License movement, 2809 Manual of Wayne co. affairs, 2810 Mich, and centennial, 2811 Michigan. Constitution: Constitution, 3303 -political handbook, 2812 -political manual, 2813 -voter’s guide, 2814 Protest against sectarianism in univer¬ sity, 2815 Religion in university, 2816 State of Mich., 2817 Sunday laws, 2818 Working digest of registration and elec¬ tion laws, 2819, 2820 Working edition of Mich, election law, 2821-2825 -> T. Map of Town of Mich., 7735 McCreary, O. Adams: Ecological survey [for papers by], 6, 7 McCue, C. A. Spraying for potato blight, 2826 McCulloch, H. D. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred petition contesting seat of P. McKinley, 4048 McCully, G. Burton: E. Douglass and his times, a fragment of history with journal of G. McCully, 522 McCurdy, H. Address, 2827 McDonald, see Bayley vs. McDonald McDowell, J. C. Farming on cut-over lands, 2828 McFarlane, C. T. Geography of Mich., 2829 McFarren, A. Controversy between and Bishop M’Coskry, 779 288 INDEX McGILL, C. W. Laws of Mich., 2830 Mich, laws made plain, 2831 -, J. and A. Askin: Invoice book, 8222 -: Mss., 8037 McGillivray, J. H. Michigan. Game, fish and forestry dept.: Mich, forest scouts, 3555 What Mich, is doing, 3556 McGrane, R. C. Evolution of Ohio-Erie boundary, 2832 McGrath, John W. Mandamus cases decided in Supreme court, 2833 -, Joseph M. Memorial day at Corunna, 2834 McGraw, T., and co. Mss., 8159, 8160, 8161, 8162, 8167 McGregor, M. Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Mich, corporation law, 3846 Mcllvaine, C. M. Hubbard: Autobiography, 2248 Mclnnes, D. Detroit and Milwaukee railroad co.: Mortgage, 1412 McKeen, S. D. Lapeer county. Grand jury: Resolution relative to conduct, 2679 McKenney, T. L. Sketches of tour to lakes, 2835 McKenzie, see Graham and McKenzie McKinley, P. Johnson: Memorial for relief, 2418 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred petition of H. D. McCulloch contesting seat, 4048 McKinney, James P. Industrial advantages of Detroit, 2836 -, John Michigan. Legislature. Joint committee: Report of committee to investigate treasury dept, and official acts of treasurer, 4414 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report relative to memorial of A. R. Burr praying to be released from liability as one of sureties on bond of, 4473 McKinnie, A. Preliminary report of eugenic survey, 2837 McKinstry, D. C. Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment: Communication from J. B. Hunt relative to contract, 3182 McKnight, C. Our western border, 2838 McKone, W. J. Mich, state and local government, 2839- 2842 McLaughlin, allen j. Sewage pollution of interstate and inter¬ national waters, 2843 -, Andrew C. Elements of civil government of Mich., 2844 Hackley public library: Dedication; ad¬ dress of, 2006 History of higher education in Mich., 2845 Influence of Gov. Cass, 2846 Lewis Cass, 2847-2851 Western posts, 2852 -, Col. J. H. Biographical sketch, 372 -, J. R. Michigan. Legislature: Shall convicts be imported, 3966 McLean, C. B. Notes, 8454 McMillan, J. Detroit tribune: [New year’s greetings], 1489 J. McMillan, 2379 Michigan. Legislature: In memory, 3948 U. S. 57th Cong., 2d sess.: J. McMillan; memorial addresses, 6647 _ C. Sketch of life, 6251 McMurray, W. Phillips: Rare map of Northwest, 5731 U. S. according to definitive treaty of peace, 1783, 7116 McNeil, H. E., see Van Dyke and McNeil M. A. C. record, 2853 Macauley bros. Road map giving all favorite runs out of Detroit, 8000 Maccabees, Knights of, see Knights of the Maccabees -, Ladies of, see Ladies of the Mac¬ cabees MacClure, T. R. State board of health, 2854 MacDonald, C. E. Message from hills, 2855 .. , J- H. Michigan. Legislature: Memorial, 3956 Maclver, J. K. Detroit. Boa'rd of trade: Annual report, 1023 Mack, S. Account with Mack and Sibley, 8455 -and Sibley Account with S. Mack, 8456 Mackey, R. J. Road map, *8008 Mackinac City co. Title to lands, 2856 Mackinac Arundel: Motor boat boys, 158 Bailey: Mackinac, formerly Michili- mackinac, 173-178 [Bramhall]: In summer days, 432 Brown: Two missionary priests at, 465 INDEX 289 J MACKINAC—Continued Catherwood: Mackinac and lake stories, 617 -: White islander, 621 Childs: Marquette, Mackinac Island and Soo, 669 Conference of the American peace cen¬ tenary committee Ferris: Address as temporary chair¬ man, 1684 Cook: Mackinaw in history; a critique, 805 DePeyster: Miscellanies, 949 Detroit. Ste. Anne’s church. Exterior parishes: Registre, 8330 Disturnell: Island of Mackinac, 1524 Donan: Mackinac Island, 1534 Foster and Reynolds: Standard guide, 1738 Fox: Betty of Old Mackinaw, 1742 Frazier: Sunset at Mackinac, 1752 Gardiner: Mackinac Island, the ancient Michilimackinac, 1784, 1785 [Gilbert]: Devil’s kitchen, 1806 Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad co.: Mackinac, 1940 Grover: Brief history of Les Cheneaux Islands; some new chapters of Macki¬ nac history, 1996 Henry: Narrative of captivity, 2107 Inglis: Northern Mich., 2299 [Ingram]: Three on a tour, 2300 Jenks: Patrick Sinclair, 2397 Kane: Myths and legends, 2464 Kellogg: Capture of Mackinac, 2496 Kelton: Annals of Fort Mackinac, 2500- 2513 Lake tours to, see Detroit and Cleveland steam navigation co. Mackinac Island, 2857 Map of island of Mackinac, by J. Dis¬ turnell, 7877 Michigan central railroad co.: Fairy isle of Mackinac, 5376 —. —-—--.: In summer days, 5382 -.: Mackinac Island, 5378 -. Historical commission: Names of places of interest, 3800 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report in relation to, 4049 Newton: Mackinac Island and Sault Ste. Marie, 5541 Page: Legendary lore, 5624 Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Powell: Historic towns of western states, 5858 [Reynolds]: Standard guide, 5958 [Richards]: Fairy isle of Mackinac, 5969 Robinson: History of Cheboygan and Mackinac cos., 5992 Shields: Rustlings in rockies, 6235 Standard guide, 6375 37 MACKINAC—Continued [Strang]: Ancient and modern Michili¬ mackinac, 6426-6428 Thwaites: How G. R. Clark won North¬ west, 6535 • -: Story of Mackinac, 6536 [Troop]: Blackbird, 6585 [Tuttle]: Conversations on Mackinaw and Green Bay Indian missions, 6609 Van Fleet: Old and new Mackinac, 6739- 6741 • -: Summer resorts of Mackinaw region, 6742 Ware: Centennial history of Cheboygan co., 6800 Williams: Early Mackinac, 6947-6950 • -: Early Protestant mission on Mackinac Island, 6951, 6952 -: Old mission church of Macki¬ nac Island, 6953 Woolson: Anne, 7036, 7037 See also Mackinac Island state park commission; Old Mackinaw ■-county City of St. Ignace and, 682 Map, by H. C. Thompson, 7442 Robinson: History, 5992 - Island, Mich., 2857 -state park Board of commissioners Report, 2858 Michigan. Historical Commission: L. Cass day on Mackinac Island, 3802 -.-: Nico- let day, 3801 -store Henry: Journal, 8413 -: Ledger, 8416 -, Straits of North end of Lake Mich., by U. S. War dept., 7900 Straits of Mackinac, by U. S. War dept., 7975-7977 Mackinaw City [Conkling]: Exposition of Mackinaw City, 770, 771 Mansfield: Exposition of natural posi¬ tion of Mackinaw City, 2875 [Map of] Mackinaw City, by R. C. Phillips, 7742 Polk & co.: Directory, 5763, 5765 Mackintosh, J. W. U. S. Circuit court. Eastern district of Mich.: John W. Mackintosh vs. Flint and Pere Marquette railroad co., 6630 Macleod, W. N. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report relative to plan for international literary ex¬ change, 4020 MacNaul, W. C. Jefferson-Lemen compact, 2859 290 INDEX MACOMB, A. Daughters of 1812. Michigan: Programme for bronze statue, 922 Letter to the governor, 2860 Pontiac, 2861 --and Saginaw railroad co. An act to incorporate, 2862 -county Bank Report, 2863 Eldredge: Past and present, 1583 Farm journal directory, 1646 History, 2160 Lenox township. Records Mss., 8165 •Lowell: Bench and bar of, 2773 Map, by U. S. Postofhce dept., 7518 -of cos. of Macomb and St. Clair, by Geil and Jones, 7520 [-] Wayne co. and part of Oakland and Macomb, by S. Farmer & co., 7601 [-—] Wayne and parts of Washtenaw, Oakland and Macomb cos., by H. P. Strong, 7602 Michigan. Governor: Message trans¬ mitting papers relative to Bank of Macomb co., 3606 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on banks: Report of committee to investigate affairs and condition of Bank of Macomb co., 3982 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report on bill to provide for re-locating county seat, 4680 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7519 Macy and Driggs Map of Lansing and adjoining towns, 7736 Maes, C. P. History of Catholic church in Monroe city and co., 2864 Magazines, see Periodicals Magilton, A. L. Map of St. Mary’s River, 7990 Magnetic spring St. Louis magnetic spring, 6118 Mahogany trees Widdicomb: The mahogany tree, 6922 Mail [Map showing mail routes in Upper Peninsula], 8024 Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment: Report in relation to mail con¬ tracts, 3194 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was referred pro¬ ceedings of meeting in favor of over¬ land mail from St. Paul to Puget Sound, 4232 -. State association of rural letter carriers: Constitution, 4854 National association letter carriers. . De¬ troit branch no. 1: Program, annual entertainment, 5523 MAIL—Continued Rural mail directory co.: Directory of rural free mail delivery, Kent co., 6045 See also U. S. Postofhce dept. Maine. Dept, of state Communications relative to exchange of documents, 2865 -liquor law Chippeway Indians: Memorial, 673 Smart: Funeral sermon, 6260 See also Liquor; Prohibition; Temperance Maley, H. C. Atlas of Kalamazoo co., 7489 Malloch, D. Tote-road and trail, 2866 Mancelona Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Manchester Pray: Washtenaw co. directory, 5866 Wendell directory co.: Washtenaw co. directory, 6861 Mandamus McGrath: Mandamus cases decided in Supreme court, 2833 Manhatten banking co. Account [book], 8457 Manistee Board of education Announcement of high school, 2867 -police and Lre commissioners Annual report, 2868 Centennial almanac, 2873 Charter, 2869 Daily news Salt city of the inland seas, 2874 Directories Hulbert and Faulkner: Manistee city and co. directory, 2262 O’Malley: Manistee city and co. di¬ rectory, 5605 Michigan. Historical commission: Prize essays, 3803 Officers, boards, 2870 Ordinances, 2871 Public library Annual report, 2872 Smith: Full and complete description of Centennial celebration, 6265 -county History, 2161 Hulbert and Faulkner: Manistee city and co. directory, 2262 O’Malley: Manistee city and co. direc¬ tory, 5605 Polk & co.: Directory, 5777 [Swigart]: Tract, 6445 -Harbor [Map of] Manistee Harbor, by U. S. War dept., 7944 Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 U. S. Engineer dept.: Manistee Harbor, 6668 Manistique Harbor [Map of] Manistique Harbor, by U. S. War dept., 7945 INDEX 4 291 MANITOU ISLAND Coast chart no. 3, Lake Superior, by U. S. War dept., 7924 -no. 8, Lake Mich., by U. S. War dept., 7908 Copper Harbor, Manitou Island and Pt. Kewaiwona, by T. S. Thompson, 7936 Northeast end of Lake Mich., by U. S. War dept., 7899 - Passage [Map of] Manitou Passage, by U. S. War dept., 7907 Mann, C. W. Old North-west leaflets, 5594 Mansfield, E. D. Exposition of natural position of Macki¬ naw City, 2875 Mansfield Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Mansion, J. E. Tocqueville: Quinze jours au desert, 6551 Mante, T. History of late war, 2876 Manton Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Manual arts Detroit. Public library: Manual arts, selected list of books, 1316 Manual, Mich., see Michigan. Manual -training Michigan. Dept, of public instruction Manual training forms, 3404 Manual training, 3405 Manual training in rural schools, 3406 Suggestions for, 3444 Warriner: All-day trades school, 6805 See also Education; Vocational training Manufacturing Baker: City of Grand Rapids, manu¬ facturing advantages, 201 Bates: History, commercial advantages and future prospects of Saginaws; population, manufacturing, 243 Bay City. Chamber of commerce: An¬ nual review, 268 Carton: Extract from address on rela¬ tionship between agriculture and manu¬ facturing, 586 Michigan. Manufacturers’ association: Members of the association and what they manufacture, 4769 - manufacturer and financial record: Made in Mich., 5407 [Stebbins]: Western farms and factories; protection of industry, 6389 U. S. Bureau of the census: Census of manufactures, 6624 Upper Peninsula development bureau:' Manufactures and water power, 6726 MANUFACTURING—Continued See also Lumbering; Michigan. Census; Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on agriculture and manufac¬ tures; Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on manufactures -and mercantile corporations Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Law governing, 3905 Manuscripts from Burton historical col¬ lection, 2877 Manuscripts Abbott, J. Mss., 8040 Adams, C. S., estate Land book, 8206 Aetna base ball association Record book, 8207 Albright, E. F. [Reminiscences of Detroit], 8208 Alexander, C. T. Letter book, 8209 -, —. —. and Paddock, L. H. Journal, 8210 Allegan land co. Sales book, 8211 Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay rail¬ road Freight delivery book, 8212 Journal, 8213 Letter book, 8214 Anderson, E. Cash book, 8215 -, J- Mss., 8114 Askin, C. Diary and memoranda, 8216 -, C. and J. Day book, 8217 Ledgers, 8218 -, J- Account book, 8219 Bill book, 8220 Inventory book, 8221 Invoice book, 8222 Journals, 8223 Ledgers, 8224 Letter book, 8225 Mss., 8037, 8129, 8130 Memorandum book, 8226 Atwood, Messrs., and co. Mss., 8202 Austin, F. G. As trustee in bankruptcy of C. Currie & co., 8227 Backus, M. Claim book, 8228 -, W. W. Mss., 8053 Baker, H. W. vs. barges “Tycoon” and “Mikado”, 8229 Baldwin and Silsby Journal, 8230 Ledger, 8231 292 INDEX MANUSCRIPTS—Continued Bank of Michigan Letter book, 8232 Barnes, L. S. L. Memorandum book, 8233 Barstow and Lockwood Cash book, 8234 Letter books, 8235 Barthe, J. B., & co. Ledger, 8236 Sales book, 8237 Batchewanung land and mining co. Certificate stub-book, 8238 Record book, 8239 Bates, Walker and Douglass Mss., 8108 Beaubien, J. B. Ledgers, 8240 Begole, J. W. [Mss.], 8241 Berrien county [Papers relating to transfer of land in Berrien, Ionia and Ottawa cos.], 8242 Biddeford, Mass. Mss. from, 8149 Bissell, C. L., & co. Mss., 8060, 8100, 8102, 8111 -, M. E. Mss., 8243 Blesch, A. F. Contract, 8244 Bradish, A. Mss., 8197 Brady & co. Bank books, 8245 Check stub-books, 8246 Index book, 8247 Journal, 8248 Letter book, 8249 Sales book, 8250 Breitmeyer, P. Mss., 8169, 8190 Bridgeton, Me. Mss. from, 8194 British museum French-Indian war, 8251 Brooks, Rev. C. Mss., 8163 Browning, F. P. Cash book, 8252 Day books, 8253 Journals, 8254 Ledgers, 8255 Buck, A. Cash book, 8256 Burnham, J. K. Vs. Interstate casualty co., 8257 Burton, C. M. [Chronological notes on U. S. history], 8258 [Court and other records], 8259 Detroit, 1814-60, 8260 [-in 1825-27], 8261 [- 1833-35], 8262 [- 1835-37], 8263 - 1836, 8264 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued [- 1842-43], 8265 [- 1843-45], 8266 [- 1844-45], 8267 [- 1849], 8268 [- 1850-54], 8269 [- 1900], 8270 Diary of Detroit, 8271 Journal of trip in 1904, 8272 Mss., 8129, 8170, 8191 Protestant orphan asylum of Detroit, 8273 Shandean club, 8274 Button, W. and F. Mss., 8152 Buxton, Mrs. J. E. Bank book, 8275 Campau family Mss., 8074, 8077, 8145 Cadillac, A. de la M. [Contract], 8276 [Order to Sieur D’Argenteuil], 8277 Cadillac mss. Archives judiciaires Quebec, 8278 [Records from French archives], 8279 [Records relating to Cadillac], 8280 Campbell, T- V. [Mss.], 8281 Canada. Archives [Records relating to Detroit], 8282 -. Custom house Report outwards of cargo of Lady Elgin, 8283 Canfield, G. L. [Admiralty notes], 8284 Case books, 8285 Check stub-book, 8286 Diaries, 8287 Case, W. Journal, 8288 r'p co t To J.'C. Calhoun, 8289 [Mss.], 8290 Celoron [Celeron], P. J. [Journal of expedition to Ohio], 8291 Champlin, C. Mss., 8171 Chapin, J. H. [Autographs], 8292 Cheeseborough, Mrs. A. T. Index book, 8293 Journal, 8294 Ledger, 8295 Cicotte, E. V. Reminiscences, 8296 City of Toledo . Ledger, 8297 Clark, J. Account, 8298 Mss., 8187 Connor, L. Camera notes on Muskegon and Mil¬ waukee, 8299 Cooper, D. Note book, 8300 INDEX 293 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued Copper Creek mining co. Receipt stub-book, 8301 Copway, G. Pa-mah-duk ke-ne-bood, 8302 Crittenden, R. L. Old age pensions, 8303 Dartmouth, Town of Mss., 8171 Deeds, collection of, 8164 Dennett, G. Mss., 8203 Detroit Christ church Pew record, 8304 Citizens [Petition that application of Gas light co. for increase of capital stock be granted], 8305 [Report of] meeting to express con¬ demnation of action granting De¬ troit railway co. extension of time for franchise, 8306 -educational committee [Correspondence and printed material in reference to proposed legislation for government of schools], 8307 Colonial records, 8308 Commandant Commission to J. Pouget, 8309 -as justice of peace to T. Williams, 8310 Common council Index to proceedings, 8311 Special committee on ways and means: Report, 8312 Congress St. M. E. church. Trustees Deed, 8313 Detroit and Erin plank road co. Journals, 8338 -Howell plank road co. Journal, 8339 Toll book, 8340 Transfer book, 8341 •-Lake St. Clair plank road co. Cash book, 8342 -—— Milwaukee railroad co. Cash book, 8343 Diary, 8344 Letter book, 8345 Electric railway co. Record book, 8314 Elmwood cemetery Register of interments, 8315 Fire and marine insurance co. Insurance book, 8316 First Presbyterian church Records, 8317 Mercantile society [Papers relating to erection of cham¬ ber of commerce], 8318 National bank Signature book, 8319 Plumbers’ supply co. Certificate stub-book, 8320 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued Check stub-books, 8321 Contract book, 8322 Day book, 8323 Order book, 8324 Record book, 8325 Work book, 8326 Ste. Anne’s church Accounts kept by E. Dubois, 8327 Exterior parishes Registre, 8330 Registre, 8328 Some substitutes for lost records, 8329 Trustees: Livre des assemblies, 8331 St. Paul’s Protestant Episcopal church Records, 8332 Savings bank Bank statements, 8333 Vs. W. Truesdail et al., 8334, 8335 Tennis club Bank books, 8336 Woodmere cemetery. Jewish section Record, 8337 Doran, W. T. Brief sketch of University of Detroit, 8346 Doty, E. Memorandum book, 8347 Drake, S. A. Mss., 8129 Draper mss., 8348 Duffield, B. Check stub-books, 8349-8351 Diaries, 8352 Letter book, 8353 -, D. B. Bank books, 8354 Claim book, 8355 Daily journals, 8356 Day books, 8357 Diaries, 8358 Journals, 8359 Ledger, 8360 Letter books, 8361 Letters to, 8362, 8363 Memoranda note books, 8364 Notes of testimony-in court cases, 8365 -, D. B. and Duffield, H. M. Claim books, 8366 Journals, 8367 Ledgers, 8368 Letter books, 8369 -, G. Bank book, 8370, 8371 -and Duffield Check stub-books, 8372 Journal, 8373 Letter books, 8374 -mss. Address book, 8375 Catalogue of law books, 8376 Ledger, 8377, 8378 Dumont, E. Official report of Battle of Lebanon, Tenn., 8379 294 INDEX MANUSCRIPTS—Continued Dunham, L. Superior court of Grand Rapids, 8380 Dwight, A. A. Township plats in Huron, Sanilac, Lapeer and St. Clair cos., 8381 Eberts, R. M. Mss., 8055 Elliott, R. R. Comments on memoir, 8382 Immigration register, 8383, 8384 Journal,. 8385 Letter books, 8386 Elsworth, R. H. Mss. notes, newspaper files and clip¬ pings, 8387 Wayside notes, Mason co., 8388 Emmons, A. and H. H. Letter books, 8389 Mss., 8054 -, H. H. Journal, 8390 Letter books, 8391 Mss., 8041, 8047, 8052, 8054, 8057, 8059, 8064, 8068, 8073, 8075, 8076, 8078, 8080, 8082, 8084, 8086, 8088, 8090, 8092. 8094, 8096, 8105 _ ; T P. C. Mss.,’8041, 8043, 8064, 8068, 8073, 8075, 8076, 8078, 8080, 8082, 8084, 8094, 8096 -and Jones Daily journal, 8392 Mss., 8041, 8073 Evangelical observer Ledger, 8393 Farmer, S. [Biographical data for history of De¬ troit], 8394 Mss., 8186 Farnsworth, B. S. Memorandum book, 8395 Scrapbooks, 8396 Felch, A. Mss., 8153, 8154 Fletcher, J. Plat of tract of land, 8397 [Foster, J.] Capitulation, or history of expedition by W. Hull, 8398 Fraser, A. D. Mss., 8063, 8131 -, —. —., estate Executors’ account book, 8399 -and Gates Letter books, 8400 Frink, Mrs. B. Reminiscences, 8401 Frue, Mrs. H. L. Investment books, 8402 Gerrish, J. Journal, 8403 Gibbons, R. Addresses and letters prepared for delivery or the press, 8404 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued Gibson, J. Mss., 8.118 Godfroy family Mss., 8049 Goodale, H. J. Survey of Fort St., 8405 Graham and McKenzie Journal “B", 8406 Ledger “B”, 8407 Gray, W. J. Mss., 8059 Haigh, H. Ledger, 8408 Hamtramck, J. Power of attorney to S. Sibley, 8409 Hamtramck. Street railway Record book, 8410 Harper’s hospital Mss., 8155 Harrow family Mss., 8411 Henry, D. F. Mss., 8160, 8193 -, J- Beef journal, 8412 Invoice books, 8413 Journal of Mackinac store, 8414 Journals, 8415 Ledger of Mackinac store, 8416 Ledgers, 8417 Letter book, 8418 Mss., 8173 Memoranda books, 8419 Tannery bark book, 8420 Tannery hide books, 8421 Tannery journals, 8422 Tannery ledgers, 8423 -, —., and co. Account of beef cattle, 8424 [-, S. C.] Tannery journal, 8425 Hicks, P., & co. Ledger, 8426 Hingham, Mass. Mss. relating to affairs in, 8179 Holbrook, D. C. Mss., 8196, 8198 Howard, Jacob M. Mss., 8055, 8106 -, Joshua Mss., 8427 -:-and Toms Mss., 8083 Hunt, J. Mss., 8055 Hurlbut, C. (steamer) Logbook, 8428 Hubbard, B. Mss., 8119 -, R. J- Mss., 8119 -, T. H. Mss., 8119 -and King Mss., 8121, 8123 INDEX 295 4 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued Indiana (Ter.) Governor Proclamation for organization of Wayne co., 8429 Invitations, programs and literature by railroad and steamship co., 8112 Irish relief committee. Michigan Record book, 8430 Jackson, C. Mss., 8113 -, W. H. Mss., 8053 Jefferson, T. Reply to speech of Indians concerning promises made at Treaty of Green¬ ville, 8431 Johnson, W. M. Mss., 8115, 8116, 8119, 8121, 8123 Joy, J. F. Mss., 8136, 8138, 8139, 8143, 8144 Kean, R. Petition, 8432 Kercheval, B. B., estate Bank book, 8433 Lansing and Howell plank road co. Account book, 8434 Certificate stub-book, 8435 Ledger, 8436 Record book, 8437 Transfer book, 8438 LaPlant, A., estate Bank book, 8439 Sales book, 8440 Larned, C., G. B. and S. Mss., 8070, 8072 -, S. Journal, 8441 Ledgers, 8442 -and Ward . Letter books, 8443 Lenox township, Macomb co. Mss., 8165 Lockwood and Clarke Mss., 8046 Loskiel, G. H. Extempore on wagon, 8444 Lossing, B. J. Mss., 8195 [Papers representing material used in histories and biographies], 8445 Lothrop and Dufheld Bill book, 8446 Claim books, 8447 Ledger, 8448 Letter books, 8449 Ludden, N. T. Journal, 8450 Lunt, M. C. Extracts—poetry and prose, 8451 Poems, 8452 McCoskry, W. Day books, 8453 McGraw, T., & co. Mss., 8160, 8161, 8162 McLean, C. B. Notes, 8454 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued Mack, S. Account with Mack and Sibley, 8455 Mack and Sibley Account with S. Mack, 8456 Manhattan banking co. Account [book], 8457 Margry, P. Copies of papers relating to Cadillac, 8458 Marlette. Relief committee [Letters and telegram relating to burned district], 8459 Martin, H. R. Cash book, 8460 Journal, 8461 Sales of goods after taking inventory, 8462 -and Curry Journals, 8463 Ledgers, 8464 Mason, J. Mss., 8127 May, J. Mss., 8075, 8131 Mavbury, W. C. Mss., 8189 Maynard, Meddaugh and Davison Mss., 8132 Mayne, T. Deposition concerning abduction of T. Raynor, 8465 Miamis co. In account with J. Askin, 8466 Journals, 8467 Michigan Bond and mortgage co. Certificate stub-book, 8480 College of medicine Certificate stub-book, 8481 Commission of inquiry into minimum wage for women [Report], 8468 Dental association Record book, 8469 University Harris hall Check stub-books, 8470 Law dept. Lecture course on international law, 8471 Monroe branch Report of principal, 8472 - (Ter.) Cavalry Muster roll, 8473 Citizens Resolutions for change of govern¬ ment, 8474 Governor Bank Book, 8475 [Inquiry regarding permission to people of Detroit to cut timber], 8476 296 INDEX MANUSCRIPTS—Continued Proclamation [of power of Congress to disapprove laws adopted by gov¬ ernor and judges], 8477 Laws, statutes, etc. Act making certain appropriations, 8478 Supreme court Presentment of grand jury, 8479 Miller, S. D. Account book, 8482 Agency book, 8483 Cash book, 8484 Journals, 8485 Ledgers, 8486 Letter books, 8487 Letters to, 8488 Mss., 8116 . g_ qy Check stub-books, 8489 Diary, 8490 Miscellaneous mss., 8048, 8062, 8117, 8122, 8126, 8172, 8174, 8176, 8180, 8182, 8184, 8199, 8201 Mitchell and Newell Journal, 8491 Mizner, H. R. Mss., 8492 Monroe, W. Mss., 8157 Montreal. Notarial archives [Records], 8493 Moore, W. A. Bank book, 8494 Check stub-book, 8495 Letter book, 8496 -and Blackmar Ledger, 8497 -, Canfield and Warner Rent book, 8498 -and Griffin Claim book, 8499 Letter books, 8500 Receipts and disbursements, 8501 Munroe (Monroe)—Burton genealogy Mss. relating to, 8050 New England society. Michigan Record book, 8502 New York and Mich, lumber co. Detroit agency Journal, 8503 Northwest Territory Laws, 8504 Northwestern mining co. of Detroit Certificate book, 8505 Norton, J. Mss., 8107 O’Flynn C. [Abstract of titles to land in Detroit], 8506 Mss., 8166 P. F. U. rubber co. Certificate stub-book, 8507 Letter book, 8508 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued Palmer, T. Mss., 8153 -family Mss., 8200 Pilcher, E. H. [Record of] marriage certificates, 8509 Pine Lake (steamer) Logbook, 8510 Pingree, Mrs. F. A. Scrapbooks, 8511 -, H. S. Scrapbooks, 8512 Plessis, J. O. Extract from journal of pastoral visi¬ tation, 8513 Ploughboy (steamer) Account book, 8514 Pontiac mss., 8515 •-mill co. Accounts, 8516 Porter, F. B. Mss., 8517 Post, H. Scrapbook of Wayne co. circuit court reports, 8518 Potawatomi Indians Deeds, 8519 Prentis, J. Mss., 8056 Procter, H. Regulations of civil government of Territory of Mich., 8520 Protestant Episcopal church. Diocese of Michigan Letter book, 8521 -orphan asylum Register of transactions of Female benevolent society, 8522 Randall, C. C. Day book, 8523 Reid, J. (tugboat) Logbook, 8524 - wrecking co. vs. schooners “C. G. King” and “Donaldson”, 8525 Rice and Meeker Mss., 8133 Richard, G. Circular letter soliciting assistance in rebuilding parish church of Ste. Anne, 8526 Draft of resolutions for formation of Society of Catholic schools in Mich. Territory, 8527 Rivard family Mss., 8039 Romeyn, T. Mss., 8046, 8061, 8075 Root, C., and co. Mss., 8110 Ross, R. B. Old-time fun, 8528 Ryan and Bourke Sales book, 8529 INDEX 297 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued St. Mary’s hospital Mss., 8155 Register of co. patients, 8530 —.-River improvement co. Survey of aqueduct at village of St. Mary, 8531 Sanders, R. Mss., 8150 Sandwich, Ont. Assumption church Livre de comptes de la fabrique, 8532 Registre de la paroisse, 8533 Sargent, W. Proclamation for organization of Wayne co., 8534 Sault Ste. Marie. Revenue office Mss. from, 8139, 8140 Scott, W. McD. Ledger, 8535 Services at funeral of L. T. Hemans, 8536 Sibley, E. S. Mss., 8178, 8181, 8183, 8185 -, H. S. Letter books, 8537 •-, s. Cash book, 8538 Mss., 8173, 8175 Note book, 8539 Smith, James C. Check stub-book, 8540 -, Joshua Journal in America, 8541 Society of the army of the Tennessee Press headquarters register, 8542 Toms, R. P. Mss., 8058, 8069, 8071, 8079, 8081, 8083, 8085, 8087, 8089, 8091, 8093, 8095, 8097, 8099, 8124, 8192 Trowbridge, C. C. Cash books, 8543 Check stub-books, 8544, 8545 Expense books, 8546 Inventory books, 8547 Land book re Allegan adventure, 8548 Ledger, 8549 Letter books, 8550, 8551 Mss., 8107, 8108, 8109, 8010, 8158, 8197 -, —. —., estate Check stub-book, 8552 Inventory book, 8553 Investment ledger, 8554 Journal, 8555 -, L. S. Mss., 8188, 8204 Truesdail, W. Journal, 8556 Ledger, 8557 Tuttle, C. Journal, 8558 United States Army. Commissary dept. Detroit Bakehouse accounts, 8560 Ledger of contractor’s agent, 8561 Letter book of J. Henry, 8562 Stock account books, 8563 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued Ledger for supplies, 8559 Mackinac Inventory of rations, 8564 Attorney. Michigan district Docket of causes, 8565 Letter books, 8566, 8567 Bureau of the census [Census rolls of Mich. Territory], 8568 Circuit court. Michigan. Eastern dis¬ trict Term docket for Judge Wilkins, 8569 Congress. Committee on government of western territory Report, 8570 Custom house Detroit Cash book, 8571 Day books, 8572 Impost book, 8573 Journal, 8574 Ledger, 8575 Mackinac Journals, 8576 Ledgers, 8577 General hospitals. Detroit Prescriptions for sick and wounded at Harper hospital, 8578 Letter book, 8579 Register of discharges, St. Mary’s, 8580 Register of furloughs at St. Mary’s, 8581 Land office Records, 8582 Marshal. Michigan Account book for U. S. causes in cir¬ cuit and district courts, 8583 Eastern district Account book for causes in bank¬ ruptcy, 8584 Cash book, 8585 Docket of causes for service of writs, 8586 Docket of causes for service of commissioner’s warrants, 8587 Letter books, 8588 Huron and Detroit district Account with Wm. McDowell Scott, 8589 President Commission to S. Sibley, 8591 Secretary of state Passport to G. Duffield, 8592 Superintendent of Indian affairs. Michigan Record book of licenses to traders, 8590 Van Dyke and Emmons Claim book, 8593 Journal, 8594 Letter books, 8595 Mss., 8041,. 8057, 8068, 8073, 8080, 8090, 8094, 8096 298 INDEX MANUSCRIPTS—Continued -and McNeil Ledger, 8596 Van Husan, C. Check stub-books, 8597, 8598 Letter book, 8599 -, C., estate Letter book, 8600 Wadsworth, Wm. and Wed worth Mss., 8177 Ward, J. Mss., 8134, 8137, 8144, 8146 -and Palmer Mss., 8134, 8137, 8145, 8146 Wayne co. Bible study Record books, 8601 Clerk Marriage affidavits, 8602 Justice of the peace Docket of causes, 8603, 8604 Medical society Record book, 8605 Northwest Territory County tax, 8606 Justice of the peace Docket of causes, 8607 [Records, etc.], 8005 Wendell, E. Mss., 8205 Wilkins, R. Mss., 8065, 8098, 8101, 8103 Wilkinson and Post Mss., 8159, 8162, 8167, 8168 Williams, J. M. Cargo book, 8608 -, J- R. Account book, 8609 Cash book, 8610 Day books, 8611 Ledgers, 8612 Letter book, 8613 Mss., 8038, 8118, 8125, 8128, 8148, 8151, 8156 Sales book, 8614 -, —. —., estate Check stub-book, 8615 -, T. Day books, 8616 Ledgers, 8617 Mss., 8147, 8156 Willmarth, H. Memorandum books, 8618 Winder, J. Bank book, 8619 Wing, N. H. Check stub-book, 8620 Diary, 8621 Land books, 8622 Ledgers, 8623 Mss., 8067, 8120 Memoranda of demands, 8624 ■-, —. -—-., estate Bank book, 8625-8627 Cash books, 8628 Check stub-books, 8629 Inventory book, 8630 MANUSCRIPTS—Continued Wolfschlaeger, L., estate Disbursements by M. E. Woodworth, administrator, 8631 Wolverine knitting co. Record book, 8632 Woodbridge, W. Account book, 8633-8635 Bank book, 8636, 8637 Cash books, 8638 Claim books, 8639 Diaries, 8640 Ledger, 8641 Ledger accounts, 8642 Mss., 8051, 8066 Wright, J. L., and bros. Balance book, 8643 -, P. P. Mss.’ 8141, 8142 Maple Hill Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 -River Avery: Overflowed lands on Maple River, 165 [Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment : Communication transmitting] report of J. Almy on survey, 3185 -: Report in compliance with resolution of senate, 3201 Maps and atlases Cities, towns and villages, 7604-7755 Counties, 7408-7603 Geological and topographical, 7756- 7822 Great Lakes region and Old Northwest, 7073-7140 Harbors, 7934-7958 Islands, 7871-7877 Lakes and bays, 7878-7933 Lands, 7846-7870 Mines and mineral regions, 7823-7845 Miscellaneous, 8024-8036 Railroads and roads, 7996-8023 Rivers, straits and canals, 7959-7995 Sections, 7376-7407 State of Mich., 7141-7375 See also Automobiles. Road guides; Canada. Maps; Detroit. Atlases; Detroit. Maps; Great Lakes and Great Lakes region. Maps; Michigan. Atlases; Michigan. Geological survey; Michigan. Maps; Northwest, Old. Maps; names of cities, counties, har¬ bors, islands, lakes, lands, mines, mineral regions, railroads, rivers, roads, and straits March, W. [pseud.] [Willcox]: Shoepac recollections, 6934, 6935 Margry, P. Copies of papers relating to Cadillac, 8458 Decouvertes et etablissements, 2878 INDEX 299 MARIETTA, OHIO Blanchard: Discovery and conquests of Northwest, 386 [Kaler]: Benjamin of Ohio, 2463 Marine City Meech: Port Huron and St. Clair co. directory, 2935 Wolverine directory co.: St. Clair co. directory, 7008 Marine course finder Long: Marine review course finder, 2758 Marine history, 2879 Marine review publishing co. Time and distance tables for lake ships, 2880 Markers, see Monuments Marl Hale: Marl, 2012 Kedzie: Management of swamps, 2480 -: Marl, 2482 Map of Branch co. showing territory within which marl deposits of Mich. Portland cement co. are located, 7431 Marlette. Relief committee [Letters and telegram relating to burned district], 8459 Marquette, J. Baker: St. Joseph-Kankakee portage, 191 Hulst: Indian sketches, 2267 Old North-west leaflets, 5594 Verwyst: Missionary labors in Lake Superior region, 6759 Winsor: Joliet, Marquette and LaSalle, 6994 Marquette Annual statement, 2881 Board of education Catalogue of schools, 2882 Charter, 2883-2887 Childs: Marquette, Mackinac Island and “Soo”, 669 Citizens Marquette, ^888 Citizens association Marquette, Mich. Illustrated, 2889 City commission Reports, 2890 Description Marquette. Citizens: Marquette, 2888 -. -association: Mar¬ quette, Mich. Illustrated, 2889 Directories Holland: Gazetteer of Marquette co., 2184 Polk & co.: Directory, 5778 Donnan: Marquette in 1900, 1535 Map [Birds eye view], by Beck and Pauli, 7743 Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon railroad [Brooks]: L’Anse, 451 -, and Mackinac railroad [Burt]: Marquette and Mackinac rail¬ road, 507 MARQUETTE—Continued -and Ontonagon railway co. . Memorial against transferring land grant to another co., 2891 -and state line Britton and Gray: Ontonagon and state line and, 443 Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps -Bay Chart, by T. S. Thompson, 7896 -county Beard’s directory and history, 322 Biographical record, 369 Holland: Gazetteer, 2184 Polk & co.: Directory, 5778 St. Mary’s canal mineral land co.: Re¬ ports upon value of co’s lands in iron region, 6125 -, Diocese of Rezek: History of, 5966 -Harbor Chart, by U. S. War dept., 7947 Preliminary chart, by U. S. War dept., 7946 - house of correction, see*Michi¬ gan. State house of correction and branch of state prison in Upper Peninsula -iron ore association Improvement of St. Mary’s River and canal, 2892 -iron region Brooks: Analysis of cost and description of methods of mining, 448 Rominger: Marquette iron region, 6014 Van Hise: Marquette iron-bearing dis¬ trict, 6745 -: Preliminary report on Mar¬ quette iron-bearing district, 6744 - normal school, see Michigan. Northern state normal school -schist region Williams: Greenstone schist areas, 6944 Marquis, A. N. Book of Detroiters, 2893, 2894 Industries of the Bay cities, 2895 -, S. S. Society of colonial wars. Michigan: Paul Revere of West, 6327 Marriage and divorce Detroit. Committee on equitable legis¬ lation: Treatise on proposed changes in law of marriage, 1107 -. First Presbyterian church: Rec¬ ords [of marriages], 8317 -. Ste. Anne’s church: Registre, 8328 Michigan. Dept, of state: Annual re¬ port on registration of marriages and divorces, 3471 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to registration of births, deaths, marriages, 3835 -. -, -, -.: Laws concerning marriages, 3906 Pilcher: [Record of marriage certificates], 8509 300 INDEX MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE—Continued Powers: Mich, law of marriage and di¬ vorce, 5861 Richberg: Incongruity of divorce laws of U. S., 5975 Wayne co. Clerk: Marriage affidavits, 8602 See also Michigan. Census; Michigan. Statistics, vital Marsh hay Kedzie: Chemical composition, 2469 Marsh, C. D. On cyclopidae and calanidae of Lake St. Clair, 2896 Marshall, C. E. Bacteriology, 2897 Grassy curd and cheese, 2898 Popular discussion of pure milk supply, 2899 Tuberculosis, 2900-2902 Vinegar, 2903 -> J. Burton: Mss., 8129 Detroit. Bar association: “John Mar¬ shall day,’' 976 -, M. Guide to special and test diets in univer¬ sity hospital, 2904 -, O. Report of scarlet fever at North Lansing, 2905 -— > °> H > Building and voyage of Griffon, 2906 De Celoron’s [Celeron’s] expedition to Ohio, 2907 Historical writings, 2140 -, R. B. Results of spirit leveling in Mich., 2908, 2909 •-, W. L. U. S. Congress. House. Committee on rivers and harbors: St. Mary’s River at the falls, 6656 Marshall Board of education Catalogue, course of study and regula¬ tions of schools, 2910 Charter, 2911, 2912 Directories Nedham: Battle Creek and Marshall city directory, 5533 Polk & co.: Battle Creek city direc¬ tory, 5760 History Frink: Reminiscences, 8401 Maps Plan, by O. Wilder, 7744 Martin, H. R. Cash book, 8460 Journal, 8461 Sales of goods after taking inventory, 8462 -,L. Van Hise: Geology of Lake Superior region, 6743 MARTIN AND CURRY Journals, 8463 Ledgers, 8464 Martindale, C. Loughery’s defeat, 2913 -, F. C. Digest of automobile laws, 2914 Michigan. Constitution: Constitution, 3311, 3312 -. Dept, of state: Digest of automobile laws of various states, 3497 • -. -.-: List of state officers, 3507 Marvine, A. R. Pumpelly: Copper district of Upper Peninsula, 5894 Marx, O. B. Address before U. of M. club, 2915 Mason, H. D. [Proposition for purchase of Southern railroad], 5879 -, J- Mss., 8127 -, O. T. Sons of the American revolution. Dis¬ trict of Columbia society: Battle fields of Maumee valley, 6334 -, S. T. Howard: Protest against committee to inquire into overpayment of governor’s salary, 2219 Macomb: Letter to the governor, 2860 Michigan. Dept, of state: Returns of election for governor and lieutenant governor, 3524 -. Governor: [Messages and communications], 3584-3607 ——--. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on payment of certain sum of money to governor: Report, 4192, 4193 • -. Mason monument commis¬ sion: [Invitation to ceremonies at unveiling of monument], 4770 • -— (Ter.) Governor: Message, 5335-5337 - - Legislative council: Special session, 1835; message of S. T. Mason, 5357 Proceedings, unveiling ceremonies of Mason monument, 5877 Schoolcraft: Communication relative to geographical names, 6161 To people of Mich., 2916 Mason Charter, 2917 Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps -county Buckley and Douglas lumber co.: Few facts about farm and fruit lands, 482 [Elsworth]: Mss. notes, newspaper files and clippings, 8387 -: Wayside notes, 8388 History, 2161 Polk & co.: Directory, 5776 [Swigart]: Tract in, 6445 INDEX 301 v MASON COUNTY—Continued Standard map co.: Atlas and farm di¬ rectory, 7521 Masonville Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Massingham, W. J. Lake Superior and other poems, 2918 Mast, P. P., & co. New map of Ohio, Indiana and Mich., 7292 Masters in chancery Michigan. Dept, of state: Report of number, 3519 Maternity hospitals Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to, 3849 Mather, S. T. U. S. National park service: Report on proposed sand dunes national park, 6677 [Mathews, A.] History of Cass co., 2919 -, Mrs. L. K. Erie canal and settlement of West, 2920 -Northrup co. Map of Mich, and Wisconsin, 7329 Up-to-date map of Detroit, 7656 -Mich., 7341 Mathewson, S. Map of Flint, 7704 Matlack, L. C. History of American slavery and Metho¬ dism, 2921 Matthews, J. A. Alger Republican club, 2922 Mattice, A. E. How Mich, was made, 2923 Maumee Bay Chart, by U. S. War dept., 7897 -branch railroad co. Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment : Communication accompanying certain requests and propositions from agents of, 3180 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report in regard to aid, 4267 -and Havre branch railroad Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port, 4107 -valley Knapp: History of, 2555 Slocum: History of Maumee River basin, 6257 Sons of the American revolution. Dis¬ trict of Columbia society: Battle fields, 6334 Maxwell, H. Wood-using industries of Mich., 2924 -* W. J. Greek letter men of Mich., 2925 MAY, C. S. Equal suffrage. 2926 Farmers’ movement, 2927 How we are governed, 2928 Political reform, 2929 -, D. Michigan. University: Memorial, 5196 [-, J-] Memorial of citizens of Indiana Territory, 2930 -, M. State of Mich. Supreme court; Mary May vs. city of|Grand Rapids, 2931 Maybury, W. C. Detroit. Mayor: Message, 1224 Mss., 8189 Mayhew, I. Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Compilation from annual reports, 3369 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Statutes relating to primary schools, 3926 -. State teachers’ association: Memorial, 5110 Popular education, 2932 Reports of superintendent of public in¬ struction, 2933 Statutes relating to primaryTchools, 2934 Mayne, T. Deposition concerning abduction of T. Raynor by British officers, 8465 Mayo, Mrs. M. A. Buell: One woman’s work, 483 Meader, C. L. Michigan. Schoolmaster’s club: List of books recommended for a high school classical library, 4838 Meadows Davis: Locusts, 932 Measles Michigan. State board of health: Special reports relative to communicable and preventable diseases, 4930 Mechanical drawing Michigan. University. College of engi¬ neering. Mechanical dept.: Drawing standards and conventions, 5262 Mechanics’ and laboring men’s cooperative associations Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Se¬ lect committee:^Report relative to petitions askingYpassage of law to authorize formation of, 4731, 4732 - liens Fick: Mechanics’ lien law, 1695 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Me¬ chanics’ lien law, 3907 Wilkinson: Treaties on law of mechan¬ ics’ liens on real property, 6930. Mechem, F. R. Michigan. Political science association: Papers and addresses on primary re¬ form, 4794 302 INDEX MECOSTA COUNTY Hayes: Atlas, 7522 [Map], by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7523 Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Portrait and biographical album, 5840 Mediation and conciliation, see Michigan. Board of mediation and conciliation Medical colleges, see Detroit college of medicine and surgery; Michigan college of medicine; Michigan. School of homeo¬ pathy and surgery; Michigan. Univer¬ sity. Homeopathic medical school; Michi¬ gan. University. Medical school; Michi¬ gan. University. Training school for nurses; Michigan. University. Univer¬ sity homoeopathic hospital; Michigan. University. University hospital -education Michigan. State board of registration in medicine: Rules and regulations re¬ lating to standard of preliminary and medical education, 4953 --geography Baker: Climate and health in Mich., 193 -library Dock: Medical library at U. of M., 1530 - sanitarium, see Battle Creek sani¬ tarium -societies Ann Arbor medical club: Banquet, 132 See also Michigan. Homeopathic medi¬ cal society; Michigan. State eclectic medical and surgical society; Michigan. State medical society; Michigan. State veterinary medical association; Wayne co. Medical society Medicine Kedzie: Report on labelling medicine, 2485 Physicians', dentists’ and druggists’ di¬ rectory of Mich., 5733 Ranney: Achievements in medicine, 5917 -: Observations upon progress of medical science, 5921 See also Homeopathy; Michigan. State board of health Medina Ingals: Fearful tragedy, 2298 Meech, C. E,, & co. Port Huron and St. Clair co. directory, 2935 Meek, S. E. Synoptic list of fishes, 2936 Meeker, R. D. Digest of laws of Mich., 2937 Meginness, J. F. Biography of F. Slocum, 2938 Meldrum, G. Askin: Mss., 8037 Melish, J. Map of seat of war in North America, 7132 Memoir of Mrs. J. T. Woodbridge, 2939 MEMORIAL DAY Detroit. Public library: Selected list on,1326 Duffield: Our soldier-dead, 1558 Hubbardston. Citizens: Decoration ceremonies, 2252 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Memorial day, 3407, 3408 Pattengill: Special day exercises, 5672 -monument at site of Fort Michili- mackinac, 2940 -- of A. B. Palmer, 2941 -C. R. Ward, 2942 -freeholders of 9th ward, De¬ troit, 2943 -L. D. Norris, 2944 -Miss E. Page, 2945 -Rev. J. Ballard, 2946 -S. Barstow, 2947 - record of Northern Peninsula, 2948 Memory day [Daniells]: History of, 909 Memphis Meech: Port Huron and St. Clair co. directory, 2935 Wolverine directory co.: St. Clair co. directory, 7008 Men of Mich., 2949 —-progress Evening news association: Men of progress, 1622 Menard, R. Verwyst: Missionary labors in Lake Su¬ perior region, 6759 Mendenhall, C. S. Road map of Mich., 7342 -, T. C. Boundary line between Ohio and Mich., 2950 Meningitis Michigan. State board of health: Ad¬ vice for restriction and prevention, 4884 Menominee Charter, 2951 Directory Polk & co.: Directory, 5779 Maps Chart of Menominee Harbor, including city, by U. S. War dept., 7948 Menominee special map, by U. S. Geological survey, 7791 Spies public library, see Spies public library -county Ingalls: Centennial history, 2296 -: Iron mines, 2297 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7524 -Harbor Chart, by U. S. War dept., 7948 -iron district Bayley: Menominee iron-bearing dis¬ trict, 290 Nursey: Menominee iron range, 5576 Rominger: Marquette iron region, Menominee iron region, 6014 Swineford: Menominee iron range, 6448 r INDEX v 303 MENOMINEE QUADRANGLE Van Hise: Description, 7790 -schist region Williams: Greenstone schist areas, 6944 -special folio Van Hise: Menominee special folio, 6746 Mercer, L. P. In memoriam; biographical sketch of E. H. Drake, 2952 Merchant, L. J. Fruit garden of West, 2953 Merchants’ and manufacturers’ mercantile agency Directory of bonded attorneys, 2954 Mereness, N. D. Travels in American colonies, 2955 Merino sheep breeders’ association, see Michigan. Merino sheep breeders’ asso¬ ciation Merrell, E. H. J. S. Horner, 2956 Merriam, Dr. C. E. Michigan. Political science association: Papers and addresses on primary re¬ form, 4794 -, J. M. Legislative history of Ordinance of 1787, 2957 Merwin, S. Whip hand, 2958 Metcalf, M. Success in propagating Cal. trout, 2959 Metcalfe, S. L. Collection of narratives of Indian war¬ fare, 2960 Meteorology Joy: Mss., 8144 Lyster: Study of climate and topography of Lower Peninsula, 2789 Michigan. State board of health: Prin¬ cipal meteorological conditions, 4909 Volney: View of climate and soil of U. S., 6770, 6771 Methodist Episcopal church Conferences Detroit Clements: Itinerant ministry, 711 Journal and reports, 2961 Manual of Detroit deaconess home, 2962 Michigan Memorial, 2963 Minutes, 2964 Programme, 2965 Detroit Cass Avenue Methodist Episcopal church Directory, 1044, 1045 Prospectus, 1046 Year book, 1047 Central Methodist Episcopal church Central M. E. church; past, present and future, 1050 Central M. E. Sunday school, 1051 Directory, 1052 Names of members, 1053 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH— Continued Order of exercises at laying of corner¬ stone, 1054 Churches History and directory of churches of Detroit, 2141 Our churches, Detroit, 5619 See also name of church under Detroit Circuit Case: Journal, 8288 Congress St. M. E. church. Trustees Deed, 8313 Deaconess home Methodist Episcopal church. Con¬ ferences. Detroit: Manual of deaconess home, 2962 District Sunday school teachers’ in¬ stitute Annual session, 2966 Tabernacle Methodist Episcopal church Nash: History, 5521 Tabernacle M. E. Church, 1349 Grand Rapids Churches Moerdyk: History, 5465 Lansing Central Methodist Episcopal church Directory, 2636 Matlack: History of American slavery and Methodism, 2921 Michigan camp ground association By-laws, 2967 Pilcher, E. H.: Protestantism in Michi¬ gan, 5740 -, J. E.: Life and labors of E. H. Pilcher, 5741 Pitezel: Historical recollections, 5747 -: Lights and shades of missionary life, 5748, 5749 Robinson: Centenary sermon: Propa- gandism of Christianity as exemplified in planting and growth of Methodism in U. S., Michigan and Coldwater, 5993 Striker: Historical address at Hastings, 6433 Wilkins: Mss., 8065 See also Adrian college; Albion college; Biographical sketches; Biographies; Missions and missionaries; Wesleyan Methodist church; name of institution, local church or organization Mevis, D. S. Pioneer recollections, 2968 Mexican war [Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Re¬ port of disbursements under appro¬ priation by virtue of resolutions on war], 3142 [-. Governor: Communication transmitting report of auditor general in compliance with resolution request¬ ing report of disbursements], 3649 304 INDEX MEXICAN WAR—Continued [-. -: Communication transmitting report of Acting Gov. Greenly of disbursements made by him under appropriation], 3651 -. -: Communication transmitting statement of expenditure under act to defray expenses of enlist¬ ing volunteer regiment, 3653 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the militia: Brief statement of accounts for services rendered and expenses incurred in raising regiment of volunteers, 4603 Williams: Mss., 8125, 8148 See also Veterans of the war with Mexico. Michigan Association Miamis co. In account with J. Askin, 8466 Journals, 8467 Michels, J. Cheese problems, 2969 Michelson land and home co. New map of new north Woodward dis¬ trict, 7695 Michigamme Holland: Gazetteer of Marquette co., 2184 Michigan Academy of science Bulletin, 2970 Presidential address, 2971 Report, 2972 Accident fund, see Michigan. Insurance dept. Acting commissioner on state buildings Communication, 2973 -to locate the capitol [Michigan. Governor: Communication transmitting report of acting com¬ missioner], 3650 Admission to union, see Michigan. Poli¬ tics and government Adjutant general’s office Flags, 2974 Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Communication showing names, salaries, etc. of clerks, 3107 -. Governor: Special message accompanied by reports of, 3631 —-in the war, 2975 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the militia: Report of committee to whom was referred re¬ port of adjutant and quartermaster general, 4182, 4183 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the militia: Report of committee to whom were referred so much of message of executive as regards militia, and also report of adjutant general, 4604 --. -. -. Special committee: Report of committee to whom was referred examination into expenditures, 4757 MICHIGAN—Continued Adjutant general’s office—Continued Record of service of Mich, volunteers, 2976 -. Index, 2977 Record, 3rd Mich, cavalry, 2978 Report, 2979, 2980 Roster of officers, 2981 See also Michigan. Inspector general’^ office; Michigan. Quartermaster general’s office Advisory board in the matter of pardons Intermediate sentence law, 2982 Report, 2983 Agent for selection of lands for agri¬ cultural college Communication, 2984 Agricultural college Abbot: Manual labor at, 1 Agricultural college bulletin, 2985 -of state of Mich., 2986 Beal: Brief and popular account of trees and shrubs on grounds, 296 -: Forest products of museum of economic botany, 299 -: History of, 301 Blaisdell: Semi-centennial celebration of, 384 Bradford: Brief history and outline of work done by botanical club at, 421 Bread, brawn, brain, 2987 Catalogue, 2988-2990 Clute: Education at, 717 [Coldwater Republican?]: Agricultural college, 736 Communication from president, 2991 Dept, of agricultural education Agriculture in high schools, 3001 Bulletin, 3002 Circular, 3003 Course in agriculture for high schools, 3004 - — - - public schools, 3005 Home projects in agriculture, 3006 Junior agricultural association, 3007 Nature study, 3008 Report of agriculture in high schools, 3009 Supplementary suggestions for high school agriculture, 3010 -. ■— bacteriology, hygiene and pathology Laboratory manual, 3011 -. — botany Report, 3012 Experiment station Alsike clover, 3013 Bulletin, 3014 Circular, 3015 Doubtful substitutes for clover, 3016 Elementary science bulletin, 3017 Hog cholera situation, 3018 INDEX 305 MICHIGAN—Continued Agricultural college—Continued Michigan. State board of agricul¬ ture: Annual report of secretary of board and annual report of experiment station, 4861 Press bulletin, 3019 Report of South Haven substation, 3020 -Upper Peninsula substa¬ tion, 3021 Special bulletin, 3022 Technical bulletin, 3023 Extension division Boys’ and girls’ club projects, 3024 Bulletin, 3025 Club bulletin, 3026 Organization of clubs, 3027 Outlines for lessons in home eco¬ nomics, 3028 Fiske: Address on condition and office of, 1701 Football program, 2992 Johnson: Wheat, notes on varieties grown on college farm, 2417 Johnstone: Agricultural education, 2420 M. A. C. record, 2853 Map of farm, garden and lawn, by R. C. Carpenter, 7858 Marshall: Bacteriology, 2897 Mayhew: Reports of superintendent of public instruction, 2933 Michigan. Agent for selection of lands for agricultural college: Communi¬ cation, 2984 -. Attorney general’s office: Communication giving abstracts of title of state to agricultural farm, 3044 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on agriculture: Report rela¬ tive to establishing military school, 3974 -. -. . Com¬ mittee on agriculture and manufac¬ tures and committee on education: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governors’ mes¬ sages as relates to college, 3979 -. -. . Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Report relative to appropriations, 3985 --. -. . Com¬ mittee on the militia: Report rela¬ tive to establishing military dept., 4184 --. -. -. Select committee: Report of committee appointed to consider preamble and resolution in relation to president, 4292 -. -. Joint commit¬ tee: Report relative to, 4384, 4385 39 MICHIGAN—Continued Agricultural college—Continued —: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to, 4386 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on agriculture: Report rela¬ tive to appropriations for, 4427 - — -: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as re¬ lates to college, 4428, 4429 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on agriculture and public in¬ struction: Majority report on so much of governor’s message as re¬ lates to, 4437 -: Report of committee to whom was referred bill to establish branch in Grand Traverse country, 4436 -. —-—. -. Com¬ mittee on military affairs: Report relative to providing for military in¬ struction, 4598 -. State agricultural society: Memorial for, 4846 Memorial praying removal, 4847 -. State board of education: Memorial, 4877 . Peck: Memorial relative to, 5689 Program, farmers’ week, 2993 Report of president, 2994 Rules and laws, 2995 Shaw: College farm buildings, 6212 Souvenir, 2996 Taft: Fruits at, 6459 -: Small fruit trials at college, 6480 Ten years of progress, 2997 Triennial catalogue, 2998 Wells: Memorial asking appropriation, 6858 Willits: Inaugural address, 6962 Wolverine, 2999 Year book, 3000 Agricultural society, see Michigan. State agricultural society Almanac Michigan almanac, 5360 Smith & co.: Peninsula state almanac, 6292 Wilkins: Mss., 8103 [AlmyJ: State of Mich., 68 Altitudes Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Mich., 2908, 2909 Alumnus, 5361, 5362 Andersonville monument commission Report, 3029 Antiquities, see Antiquities 306 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Anti-slavery state convention Report of proceedings, 3030 Anti-tuberculosis association Annual report, 3031 Bulletin, 3032 Warthin: Organization of state asso¬ ciation, 6807 Appraisers, see Michigan. Board of ap¬ praisers Art co. Men of Mich., 2949 Artists, see Artists Association of city clerks Third annual convention, 3033 -;-elocutionists Proceedings, 3034 -farmers’ clubs, see Michi¬ gan. State association of farmers’ clubs -judges Addresses, 3035 14th annual meeting, 3036 Asylum for the deaf, dumb and blind Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the asylum for the deaf and dumb and the blind: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governors’ messages as re¬ late to asylum, 3980 •-. -. -. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report relative to making appropriations, 4268 -. -. -. Special committee: Report of committee on subject of, 4367 -: Report of committee to visit asylum, 4368 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the asylum for the deaf and dumb and the blind: Report relative to condition of institution, 4440 ---: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred part of governor’s message relative to asy¬ lum, 4441 -: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to subject, 4442 -: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred so much of the governor’s message as relates to institution, 4443 -: Report on part of governor’s message relating to claims of asylum, 4459 MICHIGAN—Continued Asylum for the deaf, dumb and blind— Continued See also Michigan. School for the blind; Michigan. School for the deaf -for the insane Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the asylum for the insane: Report, 3981 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report relative to appropriations for, 4269 -. -. -. Special committee: Report of committee on subject of, 4367 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the asylum for the insane: Report relative to amount expended for construction, 4444 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on the asylum for the insane: Report [relative to construction and management of buildings], 4445 See also Michigan. Asylums; Michigan. Ionia state hospital; Michigan. Kalamazoo state hospital; Michigan. Newberry state hospital; Michigan. Pontiac state hospital; Michigan. Traverse City state hospital Asylums Ellis: Memorial in favor of homeo¬ pathic treatment, 1596 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Special committee: Report of committee to whom was referred report of, 4752 -: Report of committee to whom was referred report of trustees of state asylums, 4753 Report, 3037-3039 See also Michigan. Asylum for the deaf, dumb and blind; Michigan. Asy¬ lum for the insane; Michigan. Board of commissioners on location and site for an additional asylum for the in¬ sane; Michigan. Commissioners on location of eastern asylum for the in¬ sane; Michigan. Ionia state hospital; Michigan. Kalamazoo state hospi¬ tal; Michigan. Newberry state hos¬ pital; Michigan. Pontiac state hos¬ pital; Michigan. School for the blind; Michigan. School for the deaf; Michigan. Traverse City state hospital Athletic association Articles of association, 3040 Atlases Beers: County atlas, 7279 Bowen’s state atlas, 7367 Cram’s superior reference atlas, 7351 New ideal state and county survey and atlas, by Rand, McNally & co., 7360 Rand, McNally & co.’s illustrated atlas, 7348 Tackabury’s atlas, 7312 INDEX 307 1 MICHIGAN—Continued Atlases—Continued Walling: Atlas, 7278 See also Michigan. Maps Attorney general’s office Annual report, 3041 Communication, 3042-3046 Laws of U. S. granting lands, 3065 Michigan. Charities and corrections, 3245 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to juvenile courts, 3893 -. -,-,-.: Laws relating to state board of corrections and charities, juvenile courts, 3849 Opinion, 3066-3072 Railroad lands taxable, 3073 Reply relative to settlement with De¬ troit and Pontiac railroad co., 3074 Report, 3075-3087 Auditor general’s office Accountant’s manual, 3088 Acts amending tax laws, 3089 Annual compilation relating to munici¬ pal taxation, 3090 Annual report, 3091 Communication, 3092-3120 Compilation of annual reports of rail¬ road corporations, 3121 Erroneous bounties, 3122 Hints and suggestions relative to keeping accounts at state institu¬ tions, 3123 Inheritance tax law information, 3124 Michigan. Governor: Special mes¬ sage [transmitting communication relating to laws on], 3613 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Tax laws, 3932-3935 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report of committee to whom was referred resolution to inquire whether audi¬ tor general has paid over all moneys received, 4251 -—-: Report of committee to whom was referred memorials relative to return of taxes, 4281 -.-. -. Select committee: Report of committee to inquire and report facts in regard to alleged overdraft on treasury, 4357 -. -.-. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report on refer¬ ence of report of, 4469 - .. .: Report [on ex¬ amination of accounts on books of], 4470 -: Report of com¬ mittee to whom were referred part of governor’s message relating to MICHIGAN—Continued Auditor general’s office—Continued finances and report of auditor gen¬ eral, 4480, 4481 -. State land office: Report on tax homestead lands and collec¬ tion of delinquent taxes, 5003 Powers: Mich, central vs. Perry F. Powers, 5863 Reply to resolution relative to state lands, 3125 [Reply to resolution asking about man¬ damus to deliver up bond as se¬ curity to mortgage of Pontiac rail¬ road co.l, 3126 Report, 3127-3143 [Statement], 3144-3151 Summary showing financial condition of state institutions, boards and commissions, 3152 Table showing rate at which sinking fund will liquidate state debt, 3153 Audubon society Butler: History, work and aims, 540 Objects, 3154 See also Michigan. Ornithological club Authors’ league, 163 Auto school, see Michigan state auto school Bank commissioners Bank commissioners’ report, 3155 Communication in relation to report of Bank of Washtenaw, 3156 Report relative to condition of Far¬ mers’ bank of Genesee co., 3157 Report on affairs and condition of Bank of Ypsilanti, 3158 Report relative to Macomb co. bank, 3159 Report relative to specie certificates, 3160 Special report, 3161, 3162 Special report exhibiting condition of banks, 3163 Bank directory, 5363 Bankers’ association Annual convention, 3164 Banking dept. Annual report, 3165 Banks Reports, 3166 Baptist convention Annual meeting, 3167 Bar association, see Michigan. State bar association Battleship (Michigan) Wilkinson: Greetings from U. S. S. Michigan, 6931 Biographies American biographical history, 82 [Bingham]: Mich, biographies, 365 Cyclopedia of Mich., 903, 904 Educators of Mich., 1577, 1578 Evening news association: Men of progress, 1622 308 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Biographies—Continued Memorial record of Northern Penin¬ sula, 2948 Men of Mich., 2949 Michigan. Constitutional convention: Manual, 1907, 3325 -poets and poetry, 5409 -. State library: Biographi¬ cal sketches of American artists, 5009-5012 Military order of the loyal legion of the U. S. A4ichigan commandery: Circulars], 5437 Moore: History of Mich., 5478 Newspaper cartoonists’ association of Mich.: Gallery of pen sketches, 5540 Nimmo: Men of ’05, 5552 Portrait and biographical record of northern Michigan, 5843 Reed: Bench and bar of Mich., 5941 Sons of the American revolution. Michigan society: Year book, 6337 State Republican: Legislative souve¬ nir, 6384 Stocking: Michigan’s New Plampshire pathmakers, 6411 Tuttle: General history, 6607 See also Biographical sketches; Biog¬ raphies; Michigan. History; under names of cities, counties, colleges and universities Blind, see Michigan. Asylum for the deaf, dumb and blind; Michigan. Asylums; Michigan. Kalamazoo state hospital Blind school, see Michigan. School for the blind Board of agriculture, see Michigan. State board of agriculture -— appraisers Report [in obedience to resolution re¬ questing information in relation to proceedings as appraisers on public works], 3168 -state commissioners for the general supervision of charitable, penal, pauper and reformatory in¬ stitutions Pauperism and crime in Mich., 5677, 5678 —-commissioners on location and site for an additional asylum for the insane Report, 3169 -control of state swamp land roads Record of proceedings, 3170 --education Report in pursuance of act to establish state normal school, 3171 See also Michigan. State board of education •-examiners in optometry, see Michigan. State board of examiners in optometry MICHIGAN—Continued Board of fund commissioners Michigan. Treasury dept: Com¬ munication in relation to bonds is¬ sued, 5133 Report [in pursuance of act to estab¬ lish state bank of Mich.], 3172 Report, 3173 -internal improvement Annual report, 3174 Communication, 3175-3185 Letter in reply to joint resolution of legislature, 3186 Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Report in relation to moneys paid secretary of state as member of, 3132 Report relative to moneys paid in¬ vestigating committee, 3137 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Report of committee to whom was referred report of board, 4098, 4100 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on investigation: Report into accounts and proceedings of board, 4111 Report, 3187-3211 [Statement of indebtedness for and on account of Central railroad], 3212 See also Internal improvements; Michi¬ gan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement -law T examiners, see Michigan. State board of law examiners -managers of the Louisiana pur¬ chase exposition [Invitation], 3213 -mediation and conciliation First annual report, 3214 -prison industries Report, 3215 -registration in medicine, see Michigan. State board of registration in medicine -of state auditors Annual report, 3216 Capitol, 3217 [Communication in reply to resolution requesting opinion whether H. B. Lathrop has claim rendering further legislative action necessary], 3218 Contract prices for printing and bind¬ ing, 3219 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to juvenile courts, 3893 -. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report of committee to< whom was referred report of, 4295 -on land claims Annual report, 3220 -state building commissioners Acts providing for completion and fur¬ nishing building, 3221 Annual report, 3222 Final report, 3223 INDEX 309 / MICHIGAN—Continued Board of state building commissioners— Continued General instructions for guidance of architects, 3224 Laying corner-stone of new capitol, 3225 Proceedings at laying of corner-stone, 3226 See also Michigan. Capital and capitol *-canvassers Papers in removal of J. W. Jochim, 3227 ■-tax commissioners Appraisal of mining properties, 3228 Cash value assessments, 3229 Communication transmitting data rela¬ tive to operation of tax laws, 3230 Report, 3231 -trustees of state assets Annual report, 3232 -World’s Fair managers Act creating board, 3233 Letter from President Weston, 3234, 3235 Report, 3236 Bond and mortgage co. Certificate stub-book, 8480 Book, a state cyclopedia, 5364 Boundaries Addison: Ohio boundary, 13 Galloway: Ohio-Mich. boundary line dispute, 1782 Hamer: Speech, 2024 Larzelere: Boundaries of Mich., 2681 Lyon: Communication to members of U. S. senate, 2779 -: Letter to Hon. L. Williams, 2780 -: Letters to L. Williams, 2781 -: To J. M. Clayton, 2782 Maps Corrected map of country along pro¬ posed boundary between Mich, and Wisconsin to accompany report of Capt. Cram, 7384 General map to accompany report on survey, by Capt. Cram, 8026 International boundary line of Mich., by A. M. Soule, 8029 Map exhibiting country between lakes Mich, and Erie . . . con¬ tested boundary lines, by D. H. Burr, 7382, 7383 -exhibiting position of several lines connected with boundary question, 8027, 8028 Plat of northern boundary of Indiana, 8025 State boundary lines in Great Lakes, 7880 Mendenhall: Boundary line between Ohio and Mich., 2950 Michigan. Commissioners to audit the claims for supporting the suprem¬ acy of the laws: Report, 3282 MICHIGAN—Continued Boundaries—Continued [-. Governor: Communica¬ tion submitting papers relating to arrest of L. Brown], 3585 [-. -: Communication transmitting copy of act to establish north boundary of Ohio], 3589 - (Ten) Constitutional con¬ vention: Appeal, 5332 Miller: Establishment of, 5446 Ohio. Co-operative topographic sur¬ vey: Ohio-Michigan boundary, 5585 -. Governor: Message at 2d sess. of 33d assembly, 5586 -. -: Special message in pursuance of act making appropria¬ tion to defray expense of carrying into effect laws in regard to northern boundary, 5587 -. Legislature: Report of joint select committee to whom were re¬ referred governor’s message and ac¬ companying documents on northern 1 boundary, 5588 -. -: Resolutions on northern boundary, 5589 Soule: International boundary line, 6344 -: Southern and western boun¬ daries, 6345 Stuart: Verdict for Mich., 6435 U. S. 24th Cong., 1st sess.: Act to establish boundary of Ohio and for admission of Mich., 6635 —. —. Congress. House. Committee on the judiciary: Northern boun¬ dary of Ohio and admission of Mich., 6652 —. —.-. Senate. Committee on the judiciary: Report [on bill to settle and establish northern boun¬ dary of Ohio], 6660 —. —. Engineer dept.: Message from President in relation to survey to ascertain and designate boundary between Mich, and Wisconsin, 6669 —. —. President: Message in relation to boundary line between Ohio and Mich., 6682 —.—. War dept.: Boundary—Ohio and Michigan, 6691 Way: Facts and historical events of Toledo war, 6819 Bowling club Articles of association, 3237 Bridge and construction co., 5365 British governors Hamilton: Proclamation, 8409 Bromme: Mich., 445 Budget Heineman: Michigan’s need of bud¬ get, 2099 Building and loan association league Proceedings and papers, 3238 310 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Building and loan associations State organization, 3239 See also Building and loan associations -commissioners of the state house of correction Report, 3240 Bureau of labor and industrial statistics Annual report, 3241 -of inspection of factories, 3242 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Law relating to inspection of factories, 3859 See also Labor and laboring classes; Michigan. Dept, of labor Capital and capitol Blades: Driving first stake for, 381 Bours: History of Mich., 409 -: Inaugural proceedings at dedi¬ cation of new capitol, 410 Duffield: New capitol, 1557 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Report relative to title to capitol building and grounds in Detroit, 3085 -. Board of state auditors: The capitol, 3217 -. Commissioners to locate the capitol: Report, 3281 [-. Governor. Communica¬ tion transmitting report of acting commissioner to locate capitol], 3650 -. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report relative to state capitol, 4298, 4299 -. . Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report relative to new capitol, 4474 -. . -. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report on resolution relative to basement rooms of capitol, 4660 -: Report rela¬ tive to papers and propositions for location of capitol, 4661 See also Michigan. Board of state building commissioners Catholic bicentenary supplement, 5366 Cavalry Harris: Mich, brigade at Gettysburg, 2058 -: Personal reminiscences, 2059 -: Story of rebellion, 2061 Isham: Historical sketch of 7th regt., Mich, volunteer cavalry, 2345 Kidd: Mich, cavalry brigade in Wil¬ derness, 2527 —-: Personal recollections of cavalry¬ man, 2528 Lee: Personal and historical sketches of 7th Mich, regt., 2710 Michigan. Adjutant general’s office: Record, 3rd Mich, cavalry, 2978 MICHIGAN—Continued Cavalry—Continued Thatcher: Hundred battles in West, 6516 Wells: “With touch of elbow,’’ 6859 Weston: Documents and addresses while mayor of Grand Rapids, 6883 See also Michigan. Infantry; Michigan (Ter.) Cavalry Census [Map of Mich., giving population by counties], 7216 Michigan. Dept of state: Census and statistics, 3474-3486 -. -.-: Communi¬ cation giving number of colored population, 3487 -. -.-: Communi¬ cation transmitting census returns, 3491 •-. -.-: Communi¬ cation transmitting to senate state¬ ment of population, 3495 U. S. Bureau of the census: 13th cen¬ sus with supplement for Mich., 6625 —. —.-: 13 th cen¬ sus, statistics for Mich., 6626 —. —. District court. District of Mich.: Abstract showing number of white inhabitants, 6666 See also Michigan. Statistics; Michi¬ gan (Ter.) Census Centennial McCracken: Mich, and centennial, 2811 Central board of control of state insti¬ tutions 1st biennial report, 3243 -state normal school Dept, of hygiene and physical education Michigan. Dept, of public instruc¬ tion: Games, 3390 Year book, 3244 Chancery court Harrington: Reports, 2051 Charities and corrections Bliss: Mich, and her public institu¬ tions, 387 Charities and corrections, 3245 See also Michigan. Board of state commissioners for the general super¬ vision of charitable, penal, pauper and reformatory institutions; Michi¬ gan. Commission on penal, re¬ formatory and charitable institu¬ tions; Michigan. State board of corrections and charities Christian missionary association Proceedings, 3246 -teachers’ institute Six lectures, 5384 Chur Hips Campbell: [Mss.], 8281 INDEX 311 MICHIGAN—Continued Circuit court Detroit. Bar: Memorial relative to increase of salaries of circuit judges, 972 Michigan. Courts: Rules, 3332-3342 Stevens: Treatise on practice in ac¬ tions at law, 6402 Straker: Circuit court commissioner’s guide, 6423 -commissioners Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication relative to appoint¬ ment, 3055 -judges Michigan. Dept, of state: Commu- munication transmitting copies of opinion in regard to claims of judges for traveling expenses, 3492 Cities Schooley: Among the Wolverines, 6185 City clerks’ association, see Michigan. Association of city clerks Classical conference Proceedings, 3247 Climate Leverett: Surface geology, 2727 Michigan. Geological survey: Climate of Mich., 3560 Seeley: Climate of Mich., 6197 Clover farms, 5385 Club Annual banquet, 5386 Proceedings of annual meeting, 5387 See also Clubs College Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report on petition of trustees, 4023, 4024 —-of medicine Certificate stub-book, 8481 -mines Annual report of director, 3248 Dept, of geology Notes on rocks and minerals, 3256 Graduates, 3249 Handbook of library, 3250 Map of mineral district of northern Mich., 7834 Prospectus, 3251 Report of director, 3252 -president, 3253 Views, 3254 Wadsworth: Paper on Mich, mining school, 6775 Year book, 3255 Columbian club List of members, 3257 Commission on high school course of study Course of study, 3258 -industrial and agricul¬ tural education Report, 3259 See also Michigan. State commission on industrial and agricultural edu¬ cation MICHIGAN—Continued Commission on inquiry, tax lands and forestry Report, 3260 -extent of mental defective¬ ness Report, 3261 -inquiry on minimum wage legislation for women Report, 3262, 8468 - for the semi-centennial cele¬ bration Official program, 3263 Semi-centennial, 3264 - on penal, reformatory and charitable institutions Report, 3265 -of inquiry into taxation Report, 3266, 3267 - on vagrancy, disorderly con¬ duct, habitual drunkenness, etc. Michigan. State library. Legislative reference dept: Laws relating to vagrancy, 5059 Minor offenses, 3268 Commissioner of the Gettysburg cemetery Report, 3269 -of immigration Michigan, by H. S. Stebbins, 7300 - and its resources, 3270-3277 Report, 3278 See also Michigan. Public domain commission; Michigan. State agent of immigration -of the land office, see Michi¬ gan. State land office - of mineral statistics, see Michigan. Dept, of mineral statistics -of railroads, see Michigan. Railroad commission; Michigan. Railroad commissioner -of revision Communication, 3279 Commissioners to review the county seat of Branch co. Report, 3280 -to locate the capitol Report, 3281 - to audit the claims for supporting the supremacy of the laws Report, 3282 - on location of eastern asylum for the insane Report, 3283 [- on the Grand Rapids canal] Communication, 3284 • -to locate a state house of correction Report, 3285 —- on incorporation of the Lansing coal co. Memorial, 3286 • -on the compilation of the general laws Report, 3287 312 INDEX \ MICHIGAN—Continued Commissioners to settle with the Michi¬ gan state bank Report, 3288, 3289 •- on the state penitentiary Report on location, 3290 - to settle with the River Raisin and Lake Erie railroad co. Report, 3291 - to locate and establish a school for the blind Report, 3292 ■-- for settlement with Ypsi- lanti and Tecumseh railroad co. Report, 3293 Committee of inspection of the Michigan military academy Report, 3294 Compiled laws, see Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc. Congregational association Congregational churches of Mich., 769 Cutcheon: Fifty years growth, 894 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Di¬ gest of general statutes on religious corporations, 3848 Minutes, 3295 See also Congregationalists Conservatory of music Catalogue, 5388 Constitutional commission, 1873, see Michigan. Constitutional conventions 'Constitutional conventions Constitutional convention, 1835 Journal, 3314 Rules, 3315 Woodbridge: Mss., 8051 --—-, 1850 Journal, 3316 Manual, 3317 Michigan. Dept, of state: Com¬ munication relative to expenses of, 3490 -. Legislature. House. Se¬ lect committee: Report on pro¬ priety of calling convention to re¬ vise constitution, 4304 -.-. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report on bill to provide for expenses of, 4476 Report of proceedings, 3318 [Stevens]: Mich, constitutional con¬ vention of 1850, 6398 -, 1867 Debates, 3319 Journal, 3320 Manual, 3321 Morton: Prohibition, 5488 ---, 1873 Journal of constitutional commis¬ sion, 3322 -, 1907-1908 Clapperton: Address; taxation in constitution, 688 Fairlie: Mich, constitutional con¬ vention, 1630 MICHIGAN—Continued Constitutional conventions—Continued Handbook, 3323 Journal, 3324 Manual, 3325 Michigan. State library. Legisla¬ tive reference dept.: [Documents compiled for committee on print¬ ing], 5056 Moffett: Municipal ownership, 5467 Proceedings, 3326 Report of committee on submission, 3327 See also Michigan. State library. Legislative reference dept.; Michi¬ gan (Ter.) Constitutional con¬ vention -association Proceedings, 3328 Constitutions Constitution, 1835 Biddle: [Votes on ratification], 359 Constitution[s], 3296, 3297, 3309 Michigan. Dept, of state: Report in relation to amendment of con¬ stitution, 3521 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report relative to amendment, 4119 -. -. Senate. Se¬ lect committee: Report of com¬ mittee to whom were referred resolutions amending constitution, 4706 -: Report on con¬ stitutional reform, 4710 -. -. -. Spe¬ cial committee: Report on general revision of, 4755 Constitution, 1850 Constitution^], 3298-3300, 3304-3308 Fairlie: Some suggested changes, 1632 King: Speech on motion to strike out proposed amendments, 2536 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Opinion on constitutionality of submitting proposed amendments, 3067 Report [on changes and modifica¬ tions in laws necessary to adapt same to constitution], 3086 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the revision of the con¬ stitution: Report relative to dis¬ franchising deserters from military service, 4013 -.-.-. Com¬ mittee on constitutional amend¬ ments: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to change in constitution relative to time of legislative sessions, 4014 INDEX 313 MICHIGAN—Continued Constitutions—Continued -.-. Senate. Com¬ mittee on amendments to the con¬ stitution: Report, 4439 -.-.-. Select committee: Report upon amend¬ ments, 4707, 4708 -. State library. Law dept.: Catalogue, 5052 Wolf: Against revision, 7003 Constitution, 1867 Constitution, 3309 Constitution, 1873 Constitution, 3301-3303, 3309 Constitution, 1907 Constitution^], 3310-3313 Fairlie: Mich, constitutional con¬ vention, 1630 Michigan. State Library. Legis¬ lative reference dept.: [Docu¬ ments compiled for committee on printing of constitutional conven¬ tion of 1907], 5056 Miscellaneous mss., 8126 Convention Journal, 3329, 3330 Copper district strike, see Copper miners’ strike, 1913-1914 Court of mediation and arbitration, see Michigan. State court of mediation and arbitration Courts Green: Mich, practice, 1980 King: Speech advocating appointment of commissioners to prepare code of procedure and simplify proceedings in courts, 2535 Report of reporter, 3331 Rules, 3332-3342 Searl: Mich, court rules, 6196 Stanton: U. S. lawyer’s diary and rule book; rules of practice, state courts, U. S. courts, 6376 Stevens: Revised rules of practice, 6400 See also Courts; Michigan. Chancery court; Michigan. Circuit court; Michigan. Supreme court Cremation association Michigan cremation association, De¬ troit, 5389 Crop report Michigan. Dept, of state: Mich, crop report, 3510 Custer monument commission Ceremonies attending unveiling statue, 3343 [Invitation to attend ceremonies of unveiling], 3344 Monroe the floral city, 5469 Daily Michigan daily, 5390 Style book, 5391 MICHIGAN—Continued Dairy and food commissioner Annual report, 3345 Bulletin, 3346 Foods, 3347, 3348 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Dairy and food laws, 3850 Special bulletin, 3349 Dairymen’s association Annual report, 3350 Day celebration, 5392 -schools for teaching speech to deaf, 5393 Deaf and dumb Michigan day schools for teaching speech to deaf, 5393 See also Michigan. Asylum for the deaf, dumb and blind; Michigan. Asylums; Michigan. Kalamazoo state hospital; Michigan. School for the deaf Dental association Record book, 8469 Dept, of labor Act creating dept., 3351 Annual report, 3353 Sections of act relating to employment of females and minors, 3352 See also Labor and laboring classes: Michigan. Bureau of labor and in¬ dustrial statistics -. — mineral statistics Annual report, 3354 -. — public instruction Agriculture in rural schools, 3355 Annual report, 3356 Arbor day, 3357-3360 Arithmetic teaching, 3361 Art education, 3362 Bulletin, 3363 Catalogue of state teachers’ institutes, 3364 Certification of teachers, 3365 Communication [relative to act per¬ mitting counties to send students to normal school], 3366 - relative to university lands, 3367, 3368 Compilation from annual reports, 3369 Consolidation of school districts, 3370 Contagious diseases, 3371 County normal training classes, 3372 -schools of agriculture, 3373 - teachers’ examinations, 3374 Course of study, 3375-3379 Digest of school laws, 3380 Documents accompanying annual re¬ port, 3381 Drawing in rural schools, 3382 Educational institutions, 3383 Examination questions, 3384 Explanations of school laws, 3385 Fourth grade arithmetic, 3386 Fifth grade arithmetic, 3387 First supplementary list of books and prices, 3388 314 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Department of public instruction—Con¬ tinued Five lessons on tuberculosis, 3389 Games, 3390 Historical sketches of education, 3391 Industrial and vocational training, 3392 J. B. Angell memorial day, 3393 Juvenile com growing associations, 3394 Language outline, 3395 Language teaching, 3396 Law governing compulsory education, 3397 -governing graded school districts, 3398 -on labor permits, 3399 List of books and prices, 3400 Manual and course of study, 3401, 3402 -of schoolroom equipment, 3403 -training forms, 3404 -training, 3405 -in rural schools, 3406 Mayhew: Reports, 2933 Memorial day, 3407, 3408 Method of consolidating school dis¬ tricts, 3409 Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Communication relative to names, salaries, etc. of clerks, 3120 -. Commission on high school course of study: Course of studv, 3258 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Statutes relating to primary schools, 3926 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred reports of superintendent of public instruc¬ tion, 4026 -: Report on re¬ report of superintendent, 4034 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on printing: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred resolu¬ tion relating to printing reports for 1855, 1856 and 1857, 4613 - manual of child study, 3410 -teacher, 5425 Military training, 3411 Perry memorial, 3412 Physical training, 3413 Pioneer day program, 3414, 3415 Power: Selected list of children’s books for school libraries, 5860 Preferred list of books, 3416-3418 Report in relation to employing clerk, 3419 -— university and school lands, 3420 - of committee to whom was re¬ ferred so much of governor’s message and report of superintendent as re¬ lates to education, 4016 MICHIGAN—Continued Department of public instruction—Con¬ tinued Revised list of books, 3421, 3422 Rural schoolhouses, 3423 Safety first, 3424 School architecture, 3425 -buildings, 3426 -funds, 3427 -grounds, 3428-3430 Second supplementary list of books, 3431 Selected list of children’s books, 3432 Sense training, 3433 Sixth grade arithmetic, 3434 Special day programs, 3435, 3436 State manual, 3437, 3438 Study of primary school interest fund, 3439 -school gardens, 3440 ———-grounds, 3441 -problem, 3442 Suggested exercises for special days, 3443 Suggestions for manual training, 3444 -physical training, 3445 Suggestive programs for special day exercises, 3446 Summary of school legislation, 3447 Supplement to 61st report, 3448 Supplementary catalog of preferred list of books, 3449 [Supplementary report], 3450 System of public instruction, 3451 Teachers’ examinations, 3452 Teaching kindness to animals, 3454 Temperance, 3455 Text-book legislation, 3456 Third grade arithmetic, 3457 Thrift teaching, 3458 Township rural high schools, 3459 - —— unit system, 3460 Warriner: Industrial and vocational training, 6806 Why Mich, is great, 3461 -. — state Abstract of number of insane, 3462 -report of fees, 3463 -— reports of sheriffs relating to jails, 3464 -of superintendents of poor, 3465 Act authorizing Mich, soldiers in field to vote, 3466 Annual abstract of reports of superin¬ tendents of poor, 3467 -- - . .statistical informa¬ tion relative to insane, deaf and dumb, blind [etc.], 3468 - report on state library, 3469, 3470 -registration of births and deaths, marriages and divorces, 3471 -relating to farms and farm products, 3472 INDEX V 315 MICHIGAN—Continued Department of state—Continued Catalogue of books in principal vault, 3473 Census and statistics, 3474-3486 Communication, 3487-3496 Digest of automobile laws of various states, 3497 -laws pertaining to duties of secretary of state, 3498 -motor vehicle laws, 3499 Division of vital statistics Monthly bulletin, 3528 First annual report giving number of insane, deaf, dumb, blind, 3500 -relating to insur¬ ance, 3501 Instructions to applicants for motor cycle registration, 3502 vehicle registration, 3503 Letter transmitting reports of Mich, central and Mich, southern railroads, 3504 List of corporations filed articles of association, 3505 -state officers, boards, commis¬ sions and institutions, 3506-3508 Michigan. Adjutant general’s office: Record of service, index, 2977 -and its resources, 3509 -. Auditor general’s office: Communication showing names, salaries, etc. of clerks, 3107 Communication relative to names, salaries, etc. of clerks. 3120 -. Charities and corrections, 3245 -crop report, 3510 -official directory, 3511 -township officers’ guide, 3512- 3515 Motor vehicle licenses, 3516, 3517 Pauperism and crime in Mich., 5677, 5678 Report, 3518-3523 Returns of election for governor and lieutenant governor, 3524 Statistical report, 3525, 3526 Supplement to Green’s treatise on townships, 3527 See also Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc. Description and travel Blois: Gazetteer, 389-391 Bowen’s automobile and sportsmen’s guide, 418 Bradley: Journal, 426 Bromme: Mich., 445 Brown: Western gazetteer, 472 Chicago and northwestern railway: Summer holiday, 666 -west Mich, railway co.: Tours/667, 668 Darby: Tour from New York to De¬ troit, 910 MICHIGAN—Continued Description and travel—Continued Descriptive America, 953 Detroit, Lansing and northern railroad co.: Detroit and pleasure resorts of northern Mich:, 1462 Diepenbeck: Der staat Mich., 1508 Disturnell: Great Lakes, 1523 -: Trip through lakes, 1526 Ellet: Summer rambles, 1589 Ensign and Thayer’s guide, 1604 Farmer: Mich, book, 1667 Flaherty: Brief sketch of earliest his¬ tory of Michigan’s Great Lake region, 1704 Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad co.: Mackinac, 1940 [ ----- Mich, in summer, 1942 Passenger dept.: Mich, in summer, 1948 [Grand trunk railway co.]: Summer playgrounds, 1962 *-.: Summer re¬ sorts in northern Indiana and south¬ ern Mich., 1963 Hallock: Vacation rambles, 2022 Hammond: Mich, souvenir, 2031 Hoskins: Notes upon western country, 2210 Inglis: Northern Mich., 2299 Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw railroad co.: Guide to lands for sale, 2372, 2373 Jay: My new home in Northern Mich., 2383 Jefferson: Dodge’s geography, 2384 -: Material for geography of Mich., 2385 -: Note on expansion, 2386 Lanman: Summer in wilderness, 2618 Lee: State of Mich, gazetteer, 2706 Michigan central railroad co.: Macki¬ nac Island, Mich, resorts, 5378 -.: In sum¬ mer days, 5382 -. Dept, of public instruction: Why Mich, is great, 3461 -. State board of health: Mich., a summer and health resort state, 4900 -. State press association: 23rd annual conclave and royal outing, 5087 Miller: New states and territories, 5445 Motor guide and league: Blazing the way, 5493 Motorists handbook, 5494 Northrup: Camps and tramps in Adirondacks and grayling fishing in northern Mich., 5562 Parker: Trip to West and Texas, 5641 Peck: New guide for emigrants to West, 5690, 5691 316 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Description and travel—Continued -: New guide to West, 5692 Perry: Hunting expeditions, 5710 Port Huron times-herald: Eastern Mich., 5823 Railway panoramic guide, 5906 Scott: Journal of missionary tour, 6190 -: Geographical dictionary, 6191 Shields: Rustlings in rockies, 6235 Smith: Journal in America, 8541 Smithe: Glimpses of places and people and things, 6320 Steele: Western guide book, and emigrant’s directory, 6392-6394 Stevens: Transcontinental trip in a Ford, 6405 Swan: Journal of trip to Mich, in 1841, 6440 Swineford: History and review of copper, iron, silver, slate and other interests of south shore of Lake Superior, 6447 Tocqueville: De Tocqueville’s voyage en Amerique, 6550 ---: Quinze jours au desert, 6551 Wadsworth: Mss., 8177 Weld: Voyage au Canada, 6854 West Mich, pike association: Road guide and tourist directory of West Mich, pike, 6866 Western Mich, development bureau: Western Mich., the land of fruit and fortune, 6873, 6874 White printing co.: Auto guide for Grand Rapids and western Mich., 6903 Whittier: In Mich, lumber camps, 6915 See also Great Lakes and Great Lakes region: U. S. Description and travel Digest Callaghan & co.: Mich, digest, 554-556 Michigan digest 5394, 5395 See also Law reports, digests, etc. Directories Mich, bank directory, 5363 Michigan. Dept, of state: Mich, official directory, 3511 - state gazetteer and business directory, 5424 Physicians’, dentists’ and druggists’ directory, 5733 Platt: Mich, state business directory, 5751 Polk & co.: Mich, state gazetteer and business directory, 5788 Young and co.: Business and profes¬ sional directory of central Mich., 7059 Eclectic medical and surgical society, see Michigan. State eclectic medical and surgical society MICHIGAN—Continued Economic conditions Allardt: Mich., 43 Diepenbeck: Der staat Mich., 1508 Fuller: Economic and social begin¬ nings of Mich., 1774 Haddock: Resources and industrial interests, 2009 Michigan. Bureau of labor and in¬ dustrial statistics: Annual report, 3241 -. Commissioner of immigra¬ tion: Mich, and its resources, 3270- 3277 -: Report, 3278 -. Dept, of labor: Act creat¬ ing dept., 3351 -. -.-: Annual re¬ port, 3353 -. -.-: Sections of act relating to employment of females- and minors, 3352 -. Dept, of state: Mich, and its resources, 3509 -. Public domain commission: Agricultural, horticultural and in¬ dustrial advantages, 4806 Mich., agricultural, horticultural and industrial advantages, 4810, 4811 Wadsworth: Mss., 8177 Western Mich, development bureau: Western Mich., land of opportunity, 6875, 6876 Wood: Physical, industrial and sec¬ tional geography, 7019 See also Michigan. Industries; Michi¬ gan. History; Michigan. Resources; Michigan. Social life and customs;. Upper Peninsula development bureau Education Educators of Mich., 1577, 1578 See also Education; Michigan. Dept, of public instruction -, Board of, see Michigan. State board of education Elections, see Contested elections; Elec¬ tions; Michigan (Ter.) Elections Elocutionists, see Michigan. Association of elocutionists Employers’ liability and workmen’s com¬ pensation commission Report, 3529 Employment institution for the blind Biennial report, 3530 Chief needs of adult blind, 3531 Some facts, 3532 Engineer, 5396 Engineering co. Condensed street map of Kalamazoo, 7733 Engineering society Michigan engineer, containing pro¬ ceedings of the society, 5396 INDEX i 317 MICHIGAN—Continued Equal suffrage association Mich, laws relating to women and girls, 3533 Report, 3534 Essay Foik: Mich, essay, 1723 Executive dept., see Michigan. Gover¬ nor; Michigan (Ter.) Governor Fairs, see Great union fair of Mich. Farm colony for epileptics Biennial report, 3535 Farmer Circulation information, 5397 Favorite college songs Welch: Michigan’s favorite college songs, 6851 Federation of labor Official year book, 3536 Report of proceedings, 3537 Souvenir program, 3538 ——— of teachers’ clubs Bulletin, 3539 —- of women’s clubs, see Michi¬ gan. State federation of women’s clubs Fee guide Rouech: Guide to lawful fees and com¬ pensations, 6039, 6040 Female college Rogers: Memorial in behalf of, 6000 -seminary Circular, 5399 Fourth annual catalogue, 5398 Finance Mason: To people of Mich., 2916 Michigan. Governor: Gov. Baldwin’s estimate of receipts, expenditures and appropriations, 3695, 3697-3699 -. --: Special message [relative to investigation], 3618 --. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report in reference to providing means for redemption of state bonds, 4253 -: Report on so much of governor’s message as relates to part-paid bonds, 4254 -: Report of committee to whom was referred bill to liquidate public debt, 4257 -: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as re¬ lates to finances of state, 4259 -: Report relative to state finances, 4260 -: Report on so much of governor’s message as relates to internal improvement debt, 4263 MICHIGAN—Continued Financ 3—Continue d -: Report in relation to re-issue of state scrip, 4279 -. -. -. Select committee: Minority report on financial affairs, 4308 -. -. -. Special committee: Report, 4369 Republican party. Michigan. State central committee: State and na¬ tional finances, 5957 Romeyn: To people of Mich., 6010 See also Michigan. Auditor general’s office; Michigan. Board of state auditors; Michigan. Board of trus¬ tees of state assets; Michigan. Legis¬ lature. Senate. Committee on fi¬ nance; Michigan. Treasury dept. Fire marshal, see Michigan. State fire marshal Firemen’s association, see Mich. State firemen’s association Fire relief commission Report, 3540 Fish commission, see Michigan: State board of fish commissioners; U. S. Commission of fish and fisheries • - warden, see Michigan. Game and fish warden Forestry association Annual meeting, 3541 Laws, 3542 * -commission Advance movement, 3543 First report, 354-4 Little talk about forestry, 3545 Michigan forest reserve manual, 3546 -forestry, 3547 Report, 3548 Steps of progress, 3549 Forests, see Forests and forestry Freedmen’s progress commission Mich, manual, 3550 Freemasons, see Freemasons. Michigan Fund commissioners, see Michigan. Board of fund commissioners Game, fish and forestry dept. Biennial report, 3554 Forestry report, 3557 Mich, forest scouts, 3555 What Mich, is doing, 3556 -and fish warden List of deputy wardens, 3551 -, fish and forestry warden Annual report, 3553 Biennial report, 3552 See also Michigan. Public domain commission. Game, fish and forest fire dept.; Michigan. State board of fish commissioners Gas association Proceedings, 3558 318 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Gas co. Rules and regulations, 5400 Gazetteers, see Michigan. Description and travel; Michigan. Directories; Michigan. State gazetteer Geography Estabrook: Geography of Mich., 7299 Flint: Condensed geography and his¬ tory of western states, 1712 Geography of Mich., 1798, 1799 [Guyotj: Geography of Mich., 2001, 2002 Jefferson: Dodge’s geography, 2384 -: Material for geography of Mich., 2385 Kendall: Mich., 2516, 2517 McFarlane: Geography of Mich., 2829 [Montieth]: Geography of Mich., 5472 Pattengill: Mich, cards, 5671 Putnam: School geography, 5900 Redway: Natural advanced geog¬ raphy, 5935 Schoolcraft: Communication relative to geographical names, 6161 Skinner: Primary lessons, 6254 Wood: Physical, industrial and sec¬ tional geography, 7019 Geological survey Annual report, 3559 Bradish: Memoir of D. Houghton, 424 Climate of Mich., 3560 Coal in lower Mich., 3561 Communication [in compliance with resolution requesting information on benefits to agricultural interests], 3562 - relative to geological survey, 3563 Extracts from annual reports, 3564 First biennial report, 3565 Gordon: Geological section from Bes¬ semer down Black River, 1831 Hankinson: Biographical survey of Walnut Lake, 2035 Hill: Remarks on character and prog¬ ress of survey, 2118 Maps and atlases Atlas accompanying reports on Upper Peninsula, 7817 Brooks: Atlas accompanying report on iron-bearing rocks, 7814 Cross sections of Eagle River district, 7772, 7773 -near Portage Lake, 7799 Geological section in Central mine, 7823 - map of Lower Peninsula, by C. Rominger, 7785 -Mich., 7369 -survey of Mich., by U. S. Geological survey, 7792 Grouped cross sections illustrating stratigraphical relations between MICHIGAN—Continued Geological survey—Continued Houghton and Keweenaw cos., 7778 Magneto-geological chart of Re¬ public Mountain, 7801 Map of Calhoun co., 7432 -Champion mine, 7824 -to accompany cross sections of Eagle River district, 7771 -of Jackson co., 7479 -iron mines at Negaunee, 7826 [-] Kent co., 7496 -Lake Superior mine, 7835 -Lenawee co., 7509 -- original swamp areas of Lower Peninsula, 7857 -Marquette iron region, 7829 -Menominee iron region, 7830 -New York mine, 7833 - to accompany cross sections of Portage Lake district, 7798 -of Republic Mountain, 7800 —-Upper Peninsula, 7815 -central portion of Upper Peninsula, 7816 -original vegetation of Upper Peninsula, 7406 -Washtenaw co., 7575 -Washington and Edwards mines, 7844 Sketch map showing surface geology about north shores of lakes Huron and Mich., by I, C. Russell, 7781 Statistics of iron ore trade, 7828 Surface geology; Bay co., 7762, 7763 Topographic map of Bay co., 7764 Topographical map of Tuscola co., by C. A. Davis, 7812 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report rela¬ tive to geological survey, 4229 -. -. -. Se¬ lect committee: Report on collection of state geologist, 4310 -: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred reports of state geologist, 4311 -: Report in relation to report of state geologist, 4312 -: Report relative to publication of final report on geology of Mich., 4313 - : -: Report in regard to publication of map of state and counties, 4334 -. -. Joint com¬ mittee: Report relative to, 4391 - on geological survey: Re¬ port, 4415 INDEX V 319 MICHIGAN—Continued Geological survey—Continued -.-. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report on com¬ munication and accounts of state geologist, 4492, 4493 --. University. Board of re¬ gents: Report of committee on col¬ lection of state geologist, 5244 Ohio. Co-operative topographic sur¬ vey: Ohio-Michigan boundary, 5585 Outline of proposed final report, 3566 Report, 3567-3573 State in account with D. Houghton, ^ 3574 State geologist’s account current, 3575 Upper Peninsula, 3576 See also Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on geological survey; Rominger, Carl Geological and biological survey Biennial report, 3577 Biological survey of sand dune region, Saginaw Bay, 3578 Catalogue of publications, 3579, 3580 Marshall: Results of spirit leveling in Mich., 2908, 2909 Mineral resources, 3581 Publication, 3582 Geology, see Geology Gettysburg battle field commission Mich, at Gettysburg, 3583 Girls’ reform school, see Michigan. State industrial home for girls Good roads’ association, see Michigan. State good roads’ association Government, see Michigan. Politics and government Governor Howard: Protest against committee to inquire into over-payment of governor’s salary, 2219 Instructions to applicants for appoint¬ ment as commissioner of deeds, 3772 [Messages of and pardons by Gov. Alger], 3728-3731 [-of and pardons by Gov. Bag- ley], 3702-3711 [- and other papers of Gov. Baldwin], 3691-3701 [-and communications of Gov. Barry], 3633-3642 [-of Gov. Barry], 3655-3659 [- of and pardons by Gov. Begole], 3725-3727 [-and communications of Gov. Bingham], 3662-3669 [-and communications of Gov. Blair], 3673-3685 [-of Gov. Bliss], 3761-3763 [-of Gov. Crapo], 3686-3690 [- of and pardons by Gov. Croswell], 3712-3718 [-, letter and reports of Gov. Ferris], 3780-3786 MICHIGAN—Continued Governor—Continued [-and communications of Gov, Felch], 3643-3646 [- of and pardons by Gov, Jerome], 3719-3724 [- of and pardons by Gov, Luce], 3732-3740 [-of Gov. McClelland], 3660 [-and communications of Gov, Mason], 3584-3607 [-and reports of Gov. Osborn],. 3774-3779 [-of Acting Gov. Parsons], 3661 [- of and pardons by Gov, Pingree], 3748-3760 [-and communications of Gov, Ransom], 3647-3654 [- of and pardons by Gov, Rich], 3743-3745 [-of Gov. Sleeper], 3787, 3788- [-of Gov. Warner], 3764-3774 [- of and pardons by Gov. Winans], 3741-3743 [- of Gov. Wisner], 3670-3672' [-and communications of Gov. Woodbridge], 3608-3629 Michigan. Attorney general’s officer Communication [on constitutionality of recommendations in special mes¬ sage respecting Sault Ste. Marie canal], 3048 -. Dept, of state: Returns of election for governor and lieutenant governor, 3524 ————. Laws, statutes, etc.: [Laws relating to governor’s office], 3872, 3873 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on payment of certain sum of money to governor: Report, 4192, 4193 -. -. -. Select committee: Report in relation tO' error in payment of salary, 4314 -: Report relative to salary of governor, 4315 -•. State board of corrections and charities: Charities and correc¬ tions, 4867 -. Treasury dept.: Commu¬ nication relative to payment of salary, 5142 Official manual and directory, 3746,, 3747 Pauperism and crime in Mich., 5677, 5678 Schoolcraft: Communication relative to geographical names, 6161 Special message [of Acting Gov. Gor¬ don], 3630-3632 320 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Governor—Continued Special message on bill to amend act to authorize any township or city in St. Clair, Lapeer, Genesee and Shiawassee cos. to aid construction of railroad from Port Huron, 3689 Statement showing articles purchased and average cost by state institu¬ tions, 3773 See also Michigan (Ter.) Governor Grange, see Michigan. State grange Hand booh, 5401 Hay and grain association By-laws, 3789 Health dept., see Michigan. State board of health High school oratorical association Mich, high school oratorical association, 3790 Highway committee, see Michigan. State highway committee Highway dept. Biennial report, 3791 Bulletin, 3792 General specifications for steel and con¬ crete bridges, 3793 Michigan. University. College of engineering: Proceedings of short course highway engineering, 5259 Rogers: Care of earth roads, 6001 -: Gravel roads, 6002 -: Macadam roads, 6003 Historical commission Annual report, 3794 Bulletin, 3795 L. T. Hemans, 3805 L. Cass day on Mackinac Island, 3802 Michigan historical commission; its inception, organization, administra¬ tion, aims, 3796 Names of places of interest on Macki¬ nac Island, 3800 Nicolet day on Mackinac Island, 3801 O’Brien: Forgotten heroines, 5580 Prize essays, 3803, 3804 Proceedings of Michigan pioneer and historical society, 3799 Sketch of historical societies, 3798 Suggestions for local historical societies, ^ 3797 See also Michigan. History; Michigan. Historical society; Michigan. Pio¬ neer and historical society --——- review Edwards: Historical, statistical and commercial review of Mich., 1579 -society Biddle: Discourse, 360 Cass: Discourse, 608 Constitution, 3806 Historical and scientific sketches of Mich., 3807 Trowbridge: Communication on be- behalf of, 6587 MICHIGAN—Continued Historical society—Continued See also Michigan. Historical com¬ mission; Michigan. Pioneer and his¬ torical society History Bours: History, 409 Brief history, 438 Campbell: [Mss.], 8281 -: Outlines of political history of Mich., 571 Civil war, see Civil war Cook: Mich., 806 Cooley: Mich., 811-813 Cox: Primer of, 850-852 Crossman: Early French occupation of Mich., 866 Evening news association: Quarterly register of current history, 1623 Farmer: History of Detroit and Mich., 1662-1664 -: Mss., 8L56 Farnsworth: Scrapbooks, 8396 Ford: Mich., 1726 Fuller: Economic and social begin¬ nings, 1774 Hemans: History, 2103-2106 Hollands: When Mich, was new, 2192 Hubbard: Memorials of half-century, 2245, 2246 Kendall: Mich., 2516, 2517 Lanman, C.: Red book, 2617 -, J. H.: History of Mich., civil and topographical, 2619 -, —. —.: History of Mich, from earliest colonization, 2620-2625 Lawrence: Wolverine, 2694, 2695 Lieb: History of Mich., 2737 McCoy: Old Fort St. Joseph, 2805 McCracken: State of Mich., 2817 Manuscripts from Burton historical collection, 2877 Mattice: How Mich, was made, 2923 Michigan day celebration, 5392 -. Board of state building commissioners: Proceedings at lay¬ ing of corner-stone, 3226 -. Historical commission: Suggestions for local historical so¬ cieties, 3797 ——--. Historical society: His¬ torical and scientific sketches, 3807 Moore: History of Mich., 5478 Pattengill: Mich, cards, 5671 St. Pierre: Histoire des Canadiens- Frangais du Mich., 6131, 6132 Scripps: Outline history, 6194 Sheldon: Early history, 6226, 6227 Skinner: Story of Mich., 6255 Society of colonial wars. Michigan: Historical papers, 6325 [Stuart]: Review of Mich, as province, territory and state, 6434 -: Verdict for Mich., 6435 Taylor: Theophilus Trent, 6506 Trowbridge: Pioneer days, 6594 INDEX 321 MICHIGAN—Continued History—Continued Tuttle: General history, 6607 Utley: Mich, as province, territory and state, 6733 Webber: Indian cession of 1819, 6841 Whiting: Discourse before Historical society of Mich., 6907 See also Local history; Michigan. His¬ torical commission; Michigan. His¬ torical society; Michigan. Pioneer and historical society; Michigan. Politics and government Home and training school Biennial report, 3808 Rules and regulations, 3809 Home colony co. Full description of country, its soils, climate, waterways and transporta¬ tion routes, 5402 Homeopathic college Annual announcement, 5403 Homeopathic medical society Transactions, 3810 Horticultural society, see Michigan. State horticultural society Hospital for insane, see Michigan. Ionia state hospital; Michigan. Kalamazoo state hospital; Michigan. Newberry state hospital; Michigan. Pontiac state hospital; Michigan. Traverse City state hospital House documents, see Michigan. Legis¬ lature. House House of correction, see Detroit. House of correction; Michigan. Industrial school for boys; Michigan. Reforma¬ tory; Michigan. State house of cor¬ rection and branch of state prison in Upper Peninsula; Michigan. State in¬ dustrial home for girls Housing commission Report, 3811 Immigration commission, see Michigan. Public domain commission Improved live stock breeders’ association Gibbons: Addresses and letters, 8404 Industrial accident board Bulletin no. 3, 3812 Drake’s Mich, digest, 1548 Searl: Mich, court rules, 6196 Statistics, 3813 Workmen’s compensation cases, 3814 -and agricultural education, see Michigan. State commission on indus¬ trial and agricultural education - home for girls, see Michigan. State industrial home for girls -school for boys Biennial report, 3815 By-laws, 3816 Communication in answer to inquiries [relative to number of boys under 12 years, offences, etc.], 3817 Industrial enterprise, 2292, 2293 MICHIGAN—Continued Industrial school for boys—Continued Michigan. Charities and corrections, 3245 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the house of correction: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s mes¬ sage as relates to subject, 4086 -. --. -. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Minority report relative to reform school, 4143 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on the reform school: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s messages as related to reform school, 4221 -: Report relative to using labor of reform school for manufacture of firearms, 4222 -. -. Joint com¬ mittee: Report on reform school, 4412 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on house of correction: Re¬ port [relative to management and operation], 4510 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on the reform school: Report relative to condition of institution, 4652 Pauperism and crime in Mich., 5677, 5678 See also Michigan. Penal institutions Industries Champlin: Industrial prosperity, 631 Edwards: Industries of Mich., 1580 Haddock: Resources and industrial interests, 2009 McCracken: State of Mich., 2817 [Michigan. State board of centennial managers]; Catalogue of products, 4864 -: Report, 4865 Infantry Barrett: Reminiscences of old 4th, 231 Bennett: Historical sketches of Ninth Mich, infantry, 343 Berry: Thirteenth reunion, 16th Mich, infantry, 353 Crotty: Four years campaigning in Army of Potomac, 867 Cummings: Great war relic, 878, 879 Curtis: History of Twenty-fourth Mich., 884 Cutcheon: Story of Twentieth Mich, infantry, 896 Dodge: R. H. Hendershot, 1533 Fourth annual reunion [of 26th regi¬ ment], 3819 Fowler: Autobiographical sketch, 1740 Gunn: Memorial sketches of Dr. M. Gunn, 2000 41 322 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Infantry—Continued [Hewes]: History of formation, move¬ ments, camps, scouts and battles of 10th regiment, 2109 Isham: History of Detroit light guard, 2347 [Lester]: [Semi-centennial roster of 9th Mich, infantry], 2721 Norton: Strong Vincent and his bri¬ gade at Gettysburg, 5572 Owen: First Mich, infantry, 5620 Proceedings of 8th annual reunion of 11th Mich, infantry, 3818 Rice: Diary of 19th Mich, volunteer infantry, 5967 Roster of 20th Mich, infantry, 6034 Tivy: Souvenir of 7th, 6549 Travis: Story of 25th Mich., 6581 Williams: Mich, first regiment, 6954 See also Michigan. Cavalry; Mich¬ igan. Infantry association Infantry association Roster of 17th regiment, 3820 Insane asylums, see Michigan. Asylum for the insane; Michigan. Asylums; Michigan. Ionia State hospital; Michi¬ gan. Joint board of trustees of state hospitals; Michigan. Kalamazoo state hospital; Michigan. Newberry state hospital; Michigan. Pontiac state hospital; Michigan. Traverse City state hospital Inspector general’s office Report, 3821 See also Michigan. Adjutant general’s office; Michigan. Quartermaster general’s office ■- of illuminating oils, see Michi¬ gan. State inspector of illuminating oils Institute of homoeopathy Constitution and by-laws, 3822 Insurance co. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Report, 3996 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on incorporations: Report on resolution relating to company is¬ suing notes as money, 4521 -- — --: Report relative to, 4522 *-co. of Detroit Memorial and report, 5404 --dept. Accident fund, 3823 Annual report, 3824 Internal improvement, see Michigan. Board of internal improvement MICHIGAN—Continued Ionia state hospital Report, 3825 See also Michigan. Asylum for the insane; Michigan. Asylums; Michi¬ gan. Joint board of trustees of state hospitals Joint board of trustees of state hospitals, Proceedings, 3826 -prison and affiliated boards Proposed prison legislation, 3827 Report, 3828 Journal of education and teachers’ maga¬ zine, 5405 Judges, see Michigan. Association of judges Justice’s guide Donovan: Mich, justice’s guide, 1536 Kalamazoo state hospital Inventory of real estate and personal property, 3829 Michigan. Legislature. House. Special committee: Report of committee to visit insane asylum, 4371 -. -. Joint com¬ mittee: Report on asylum for in¬ sane, 4392-4394 -: Report on alleged misman¬ agement of Mich, asylum for insane, 4395 -: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of gov¬ ernor’s message as relates to asylum for insane, 4396 Morton: Remarks on bill making ap¬ propriation to complete building, 5489 Report, 3830 Schedule of orders, 3831 Smith: Behind the scenes, 6308 Worcester: Diphtheria in, 7039 See also Michigan. Asylum for the insane; Michigan. Asylums; Michi¬ gan. Joint board of trustees of state hospitals --normal school, see Michigan. Western state normal school Labor dept., see Michigan. Dept, of labor Lake Superior semi-centennial celebra¬ tion commission St. Mary’s Falls canal, 3832 Land office, see- Michigan. State land office Laws, statutes, etc. Act to prevent debtors from giving preference to creditors, 3851 -protect fish, 3864 -provide for preservation of for¬ ests, 3866 -creating Dept, of labor, 3896 -relating to negotiable instruments, 3916 INDEX 323 MICHIGAN—Continued Laws, statutes, etc.—Continued - to provide retirement fund for teachers, 3936 -providing registration and licensing threshing machines, 3937 Acts creating inspection of illuminating oils, 3917 Bennett: Law of negotiable paper in Mich., 344, 345 Bill for government of Detroit schools, 3853 Boies: Catalogue of birds in southern Mich, together with game and fish laws, 394 Bunker: Negotiable instruments law, ^ 492 Charter of Muskegon schools, 3915 Cheever: Law and practice of probate courts, 655-657 Commercial fish law, 3865 Compilation in reference to land grant railroads, 3923 Compiled laws, 3839-3844 ■Cummins: New Mich, judicature act, 880 Dairy and food laws, 3850 Detroit and Pontiac railroad co.: Char¬ ter, 1415 -.: Pontiac railroad, 1416 [Detroit. Trust co.]: Descent and dis¬ tribution of property, 1352, 1353 Digest of laws concerning flats, 3863 -general statutes on religious corporations, 3848 Duffield: Memoranda note books, 8364 Erie and Kalamazoo railroad co.: Acts of incorporation, 1605, 1606 Fick: Mechanics’ lien law, 1695 Fire marshal law, 3861 Fletcher: Communication relative to revision, 1709 -: Report relative to revision, 1710 Game and fish laws, 3869-3871 General school laws, 3927 General statutes, 3930 ■Green: Proposed revision of general statutes, 1981 -: Revised statutes, 1982 Hamilton: Consolidated corporation law, 2025 Hammond: School law, 2032, 2033 Harrington: Revised statutes, 2052 Hunt: Mich, laws relating to women and girls, 2268 Housing code, 3876 Howell’s annotated statutes, 3877 Immediate effect acts, 3878 Index to compiled laws, 3882 Index to general laws, 3879-3881 Inheritance tax laws, 3883 Irwin: Annotations, 2344 Judicature act, 3892 LCent co. primary election law, 2525 MICHIGAN—Continued Laws, statutes, etc.—Continued Key to revised statutes, 3895 Law relating to inspection of factories, 3859 -regulating foreign and domestic in¬ vestment cos., 3891 -on labor permits, 3399 -governing manufacturing and mer¬ cantile corporations, 3905 - regulating commerce in certain agricultural seeds, 3928 -regulating steam vessels, 3931 Laws relating to banking, 3833 —--registration of births, deaths, marriages, 3835 -building and loan asso¬ ciations, 3836 -state board of cor¬ rections, 3849 -affecting Detroit, 3852 -relating to drains, 3856 -elections, 3857 -fraternal beneficiary societies, 3867 -sale of fresh fruit and vegetables, 3868 [-governor’s office], 3872, 3873 -public health, 3874 -insane and feeble¬ minded, 3884 - fire and marine in¬ surance, 3885, 3886, 3888 -life insurance, 3887, 3888 - in relation to internal improve¬ ments, 3890 -relating to juvenile courts, 3893 -juveniles, 3894 -labor, 3897 -relating to state land office, 3898, 3899 -liquors, 3901 - : -shipment of liquor into dry territory, 3902 -concerning marriage, 3906 - and charters under which Mich. central and connections have been constructed, 2696 -relative to military affairs, 3910 - governing mining corporations, 3912 - relating to formation of partner¬ ship associations, 3919 -support of poor per¬ sons, 3921 -- —• primary elections, 3922 -railroads, 3924 -relating to old soldiers, 3929 -concerning organization and gov¬ ernment of townships, 3938 - for government of state troops, 3909 324 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Laws, statutes, etc.—Continued — relating to incorporation and gen¬ eral powers of villages, 3939 -women, 3940 Live stock sanitary laws, 3904 Local option law, 3903 McCracken: Laws in force in county of Wayne, 2807, 2808 McGill: Laws of Mich., 2830 -: Mich, laws made plain, 2831 Martindale: Digest of automobile laws, 2914 Mayhew: Statutes relating to primary schools, 2934 Mechanics’ lien law, 3907 Meeker: Digest of laws of Mich., 2937 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Opinion on acts of incorporation, 3070, 3071 [Opinion on constitutionality of chap. 94 of revised statutes of 1846], 3072 -. Auditor general’s office: Acts amending tax laws, 3089 -barber law, 3834 -. Board of state building com¬ missioners: Acts providing for com¬ pletion and furnishing of building, 3221 -. Board of world's fair mana¬ gers: Act creating board, 3233 -central railraod co.: Compi¬ lations of charter, 5371 ———--.: Extracts from railroad laws, 5375 -.: Laws and charters under which Mich, cen¬ tral and connections have been con¬ structed, 5377 -. Commissioner of revision: Communication, 3279 -. Commissioners on the com¬ pilation of the general laws: Report, 3287 -corporation law, 3846 -. Dept, of labor: Act creat¬ ing dept., 3351 -. -. --: Sections of act relating to employment of females and minors, 3352 -. Dept, of public instruction: Digest of school laws, 3380 Explanations of school laws, 3385 Law governing compulsory educa¬ tion, 3397 Law governing graded school dis¬ tricts, 3398 Law on labor permits, 3399 School funds and laws, 3427 MICHIGAN—Continued Laws, statutes, etc.—Continued Summary of school legislation for 1907, 3447 System of public instruction, 3451 -. Dept, of state: Communi¬ cation relative to certain chapters of revised statutes, 3489 -. -.-: Digest of laws pertaining to duties of secretary of state, 3498 -employers’ liability, 3858 -. Equal suffrage association: Michigan laws relating to women and girls, 3533 -farm laws, 3860 -flag law, 3862 -. Game and fish warden: List of deputy wardens and compila¬ tion of laws, 3551 -. Governor: Special mes¬ sage [transmitting communication of auditor general relating to laws on dept.], 3613 -. Joint prison and affiliated’ boards: Proposed prison legislation, 3827 -laws for protection of orchards and vineyards, 3918 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report of committee to whom was referred bill supplementary to common school laws, 4030, 4031 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on resolutions concerning chapters, re¬ vised laws, 4137 -: Report of committee instructed to inquire into constitutionality of sections of re¬ vised statutes, 4138 -: Report on bill to amend section of revised statutes of 1846, 4146 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on revised code: Report, 4012' - southern and northern Indiana railroad co.: Charter and laws, 5412 -. State library. Legislative reference dept.: Laws relating to vagrancy, 5059, 5060 Militia laws, 3908 Mineral lands, 3911 Modern law of business corporations,. 3847 Motor vehicle law, 3913 Moving picture law, 3914 Pharmacy laws, 3920 Port Huron and Lake Michigan rail¬ road co.: Charter, 5820 INDEX 325 i MICHIGAN—Continued Laws, statutes, etc.—Continued Prohibitory liquor law, 3900 Registration and election laws, 3854, 3855 Reid: Index to amended laws, 5942 Schaffner: Territorial tax legislation, ^ 6153 Statutes relating to primary schools, 3926 Tax laws, 3932-3935 Tibbits: Compilation of laws in rela¬ tion to fees and salaries of public officers, 6538 [Trask]: Brief upon insurance laws, 6564 -: Briefs and notes on statutes and decisions, 6565 -: Index of Mich, statutes, 6566 -: Notes on Mich, laws of evi¬ dence, 6567 -: Time, in practice, and index to forms and precedents, 6568 Uniform sales act, 3925 Union trust co.: Digest of Mich, laws governing descent and distribution of property, 6619 Whitehouse: Mich, judicature act of 1915, 6900 Workmen’s compensation law, 3941, 7040 See also Michigan (Ter.) Laws, stat¬ utes, etc. Legislative association Proceedings, 3942 Programme, reunion, 3943 Legislative excursions [Clubb]: Mich, legislative excursion, 714 Legislative excursion, 3944 Legislature Acts, 3945 Album, 3946 Allegan county. Citizens: Memorial relative to apportionment of repre¬ sentatives, 50 Heineman: Legislature and local bills, 2098 House Committee on agriculture Report relative to establishing military school at agricultural college, 3974 -of committee to whom was referred part of governor’s mes¬ sage on subject, 3975 -agriculture and manu¬ factures Report, 3976 -of committee to whom was referred part of governor’s mes¬ sage relating to tariff, 3977 -to whom was referred resolution relative to manufacture of sugar, 3978 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued - and committee on educa¬ tion Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governors * messages as relates to agricul¬ tural college, 3979 -on the asylum for the deaf and dumb and the blind Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governors’ messages as relates to asylum, 3980 -on the asylum for the in¬ sane Report of committee to whom was referred report of trustees, 3981 -on banks Report of committee to investigate Bank of Macomb co. and Oak¬ land co. bank, 3982 - relative to moneys to be received in treasury, 3983 -to investigate Bank of Ypsilanti Report, 3984 - on banks and incorpora¬ tions Minority report relative to Erie and Kalamazoo railroad, 3990 --of committee to whom was referred bill to amend act to authorize sale of Central railroad, 3995 Report relative to appropriations to aid agricultural college, 3985 -of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to state bank, 3986 —. - relative to memorial of Bay de Noquet and Marquette rail¬ way co., 3987 -of committee to whom was referred bill to incorporate Clin¬ ton salt works co., 3988 -to whom was referred house resolution in rela¬ tion to Detroit and Milwaukee railway, 3989 - — in reference to Lake Erie and River Raisin railroad co., 3991, 3992 - relative to enforcement of certain law, 3993 - [on various matters re¬ ferred to them], 3992 -relative to Mich, insurance co., 3996 -Mich, southern, 3997 - of minority of committee to whom was referred bill to au- 326 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued thorize sale of Southern railroad, 3998 -of committee to whom was referred petition for peninsular bank, 3999 - relative to authorizing certain counties, cities and town¬ ships to aid construction of rail¬ road from Jackson to Grand Rapids, 4000 -of committee to whom was referred bill for construction of railroad to Lake Superior, 4001 - relative to St. Joseph’s railroad co., 4002 - concerning circulation of shinplasters, 4003 ■-on charges against M. H. Dakin Investigation, 4004 --claims Report [relative to claim of M. Cannon], 4005 --of committee to whom was referred memorial of B. C. Cox for services, 4006 -claim of Dennis, Thomas and Wood, 4007 -- relative to claim of Hicks & co., 4008 - of minority relative to claim of J. Kearsley, 4009 -of committee to whom was referred petition of B. Porter, 4010 -in relation to claim of River Raisin and Lake Erie railroad co., 4011 -on revised code Report, 4012 -on the revision of the con¬ stitution Report relative to disfranchising deserters from military service, 4013 -on constitutional amend¬ ments Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to change in constitution relative to time of legislative sessions, 4014 -on education Minority report relative to estab¬ lishment of school district li¬ braries, 4022 Report relative to providing for appointment of county superin¬ tendents of schools, 4015 -of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message and report of superin- MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued tendent of public instruction as relates to education, 4016 -[to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to education], 4017 -relative to higher education of females, 4018 -plan for inter¬ national literary exchange, 4019, 4020 -- on petition of Leoni theo¬ logical institute, 4021 -petition of trustees of Mich, college, 4023, 4024 - relative to providing for normal instruction, 4025 -of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to primary schools, 4026 -relative to establishing re¬ form school for girls, 4027 -of committee to whom was referred special message of gov¬ ernor relative to school and uni¬ versity funds, 4028 -resolution relative to dis¬ tribution of school laws, 4029 - bill supplementary to common school laws, 4030, 4031 -• petition for location of seminary of learning in Lapeer co.], 4032 -on memorial of state teach¬ ers’ association, 4033 -on report of superintendent of public instruction, 4034 -- relative to repeal of act establishing teachers’ institu- tutes, 4035 - [relative to petition for adding university fund to com¬ mon school fund], 4036 -to chair of homeo¬ pathy in university, 4037 -on communication of execu¬ tive respecting loan to univer¬ sity, 4038 -on elections Minority report relative to me¬ morials in relation to contested seats, 4046 -on allowing dis¬ qualified electors in military service to vote, 4051 Report relative to contested seat of Chippewa and other cos., 4039 -in relation to qualifications of L. E. Dolsen, J. Coates and C. B. Bush to seats, 4040 INDEX 4 327 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued Reports on claims of E. Ely to seat, 4041 Report in contested election case of C. T. Harvey vs. E. Warner, 4042, 4043 -of committee to whom was referred petition of S. W. Hill contesting seat of E. G. Sey¬ mour, 4044 - in relation to memorial of H. C. Hodge claiming seat of C. Freeman, 4045 -of committee [to whom was referred petition for extending elective franchise to women], 4047 -of H. D. Mc¬ Culloch contesting seat of P. McKinley, 4048 - in relation to Mackinac election, 4049 - relative to bill to enable qualified electors in military service to vote, 4050 —- in relation to petition of H. Miller claiming seat of J. N. Donaldson, 4052, 4053 Reports of committee to whom was referred memorial of H. Ray¬ mond contesting seat of A. Stevens, 4054 Report of committee to whom was referred memorial in relation to Saginaw election, 4055 -in case of contested seat of J. Turrill, 4056 -of committee to whom was referred petitions asking law for registry of votes in election precincts, *4057 - statement of board of canvassers of Wayne co., 4058 - on federal relations Minority report [on state of union], 4075 Report on joint resolution in rela¬ tion to bankrupt law, 4059 - relative to construction of Clinton and Kalamazoo canal, 4060 -of committee to whom was referred preamble and resolu¬ tions relative to slave trade in District of Columbia, 4061 - portion of governor's message relating to federal rela¬ tions, 4062 - report touching pro¬ ceedings in Marshall denomi¬ nated abolition mob, 4063 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued - relative to fugitive slave law, 4064 -delivering up fugitive slaves, 4065 -on channel of communica¬ tion through Canada, 4066 - [relative to amount of land received from U. S.j, 4067 -of committee to whom have been referred petitions for law for protection of personal li¬ berty, 4068 - relative to exchange of prisoners, 4069 -of committee to whom was referred resolutions approving plan of railroad from Lake Michigan to Pacific, 4070 -relative to slavery in terri¬ tories, 4071 -[on extension of slavery and power of Congress over same], 4072, 4073 -of committee to whom was referred so much of governors’ messages as relates to relations of state with other states, 4074 Committees on federal relations and on banks and incorporations Report relative to circulation of bills of unsound banks, 4076 Committee on fisheries Report relative to fishing interests of state, 4077, 4078 -on the five million loan Report, 4079, 4080 -on state funds Report on state funds, 4081 -on geological survey Report of committee to whom was referred that part of governor’s message relating to geology, 4082 -in regard to survey and col¬ lection of specimens, 4083 - on the state geologist’s report Report in relation to improvement of state salt springs, 4084 -on harbors Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to lake har¬ bors, 4085 -on the house of correction Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to subject, 4086 -on incorporations Report of committee to whom was referred petitions praying legis¬ lature to incorporate bank in Jackson, 4087 328 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued -- for incorpora¬ tion of Alphadelphia associa¬ tion], 4088 -on Indian affairs Report [relative to permitting Indians in Emmet and Che¬ boygan cos. to exercise fran¬ chise], 4089 -, 4090 -on insurance Report relative to Climax insur¬ ance co., 4091 - on internal improvement Report on petition of W. Bronson, 4092 - on propriety of leasing Central railroad, 4093 - [supplementary to report on so much of governor’s mes¬ sage as relates to internal im¬ provement, 4094 -of committee to whom was referred petition for constructing Clinton and Kalamazoo canal, 4095 -relative to outstanding debts, 4096 -of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to subject, 4097-4101 - bill to improve Grand River, 4102 - relative to construction of Kalamazoo and Allegan rail¬ road, 4103 -of committee to whom was referred petitions and resolutions for appropriation of internal im¬ provement lands, 4104, 4105 -relative to sale of internal inprovement lands, 4106 -to Maumee and Havre branch railroad, 4107 -of committee to whom was referred proposition of Ohio and Maumee’s branch railroad co., 4108 - relative to Palmyra and Jacksonburg railroad, 4109 -- concerning petitions of Pontiac and Detroit railroad co., 4110 -on investigation Report into accounts and pro¬ ceedings of board of internal improvement, 4111 -on the judiciary Minority report relative to reform school, 4143 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued -of committee to whom was referred petitions for restoration of provisions of prohibiting liquor law, 4136 -on resolution rela¬ tive to repealing act exempting stock of Bank of St. Clair, 4113 Report relative to petition of J. Alexander, 4112 -on abolishing board of com¬ missioners, 4114 -relative to amending com¬ piled laws in regard to com¬ petency of witnesses, 4115 -to power of legis¬ lature to amend existing char¬ ters, 4116 -claim of D. W. Noyes, H. Miller, U. Miller and L. Andrus, 4117 -on extension of suffrage to colored persons, 4118 - relative to amendment of constitution, 4119 - in relation to striking out word “white” in constitution, 4120 -of committee to whom was referred resolutions touching costs and fees in courts, 4121 —-relative to fees of witnesses in criminal cases, 4122 -on resolution as to expedi¬ ency of abolishing laws for col¬ lection of debts, 4123 - relative to imprisonment for debt, 4124 -bill to establish police government for Detroit, 4125 *- on petition of B. Fall [to convey certain lands], 4126 -upon resolutions relative to extension of franking privilege, 4128 Farmers’ and mechanics’ bank, 4127 -- on resolution respecting amendment to act to regulate and define powers of justices of peace and constables, 4129 -of committee to whom was referred petitions in relation to selling lands by minors, 4130 - relative to petition of H. Gibbs for simplification of laws, 4131 -of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to appraisal laws, stop laws and relief laws, 4132, 4133 INDEX 329 J MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued • -relative to repeal of sections of personal liberty laws, 4134, 4135 • - on resolutions concerning chapters, revised laws, 4137 ■-of committee instructed by resolution to inquire into con¬ stitutionality of sections of re¬ vised statutes, 4138 • - upon petition of E. A. Knapp, 4139 • -on petitions for enactment of law concerning sale of ardent spirits, 4140 -upon legality of settlement with Mich, state bank, 4141 -of committee to whom w r as referred resolution to inquire into constitutional objection to issue of state bonds for military school, 4142 -petition of River Raisin and Lake Erie railroad co., 4144 •- resolution relative to money stolen from treasurer of Shiawassee co., 4145 -on bill to amend section of revised statutes of 1846, 4146 - upon part of governor’s message relating to opinions of Supreme court, 4147 -on bill and report relative to collection of taxes in Wayne co., 4148 - respecting publication of tax list of Wayne co., 4149 - on recommending passage of bill to provide for trial of offenses, 4150 -upon petition of citizens of Vermontville, 4151 -of committee to whom was referred petition for act to au¬ thorize W. F. Wolcott to convey land, 4152 -bill relative to tax titles, 4153 - on internal improvement lands Minority report of committee to whom was referred bills making appropriations of internal im¬ provement lands, 4154 -on public lands Minority report [relative to swamp lands], 4159 Report on memorial of German- American seminary for amend¬ ment to act granting swamp lands, 4155 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued - concerning Grand Rapids canal lands, 4156 -of committee to whom was referred petition asking for im¬ provement of section upon which capitol is located, 4157 - in regard to reduction of minimum price of school and uni¬ versity lands, 4158 •-of committee to whom was referred bill to provide for drain¬ ing swamp lands, 4160 -have been referred memorials and petitions relative to sale and drainage of swamp lands, 4161 -in relation to bill to provide for drainage and settlement of swamp lands, 4162 - relative to state swamp lands, 4163 -of committee to whom was recommitted bill to amend act to provide for drainage and re¬ clamation of swamp lands, 4164 - relative to swamp lands, 4165 - - — - an q overflowed lands, 4166 - - — - lands and state roads, 4167 - on university and school lands Minority report of committee to whom was referred bill to amend act to reduce price of university and school lands, 4175 Report of committee to whom was referred petition of inhabitants of Southfield township, Oak¬ land co., praying university lands be sold at less than mini¬ mum price, 4168 [-]-;- -resolution to inquire into expediency of reducing price of seminary and school lands, 4169 - relative to university and school lands, 4170 ■- adverse to petition of J. Rausted for acre of land for school house, 4171 -of committee to whom were referred petitions of settlers on Niles and Nottawassepe reser¬ vations, 4172 - [relative to allowing set¬ tlers who have purchased more land than they can keep to re¬ tain just equivalent for moneys paid], 4173 -- for appraisal of university and state building lands Report, 4174 330 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued -on the state library Report [on bill for better and more efficient management of state library], 4176 -on manufactures Report of committee to whom was referred resolution inquiring into expediency of encouraging manufacture of cloths, 4177 -relative to special message concerning state salt springs, 4178 - - to protective tariff, 4179 - on Michigan state bank Report of majority of committee to inquire into condition of Mich, state bank, 4180 -of committee in pursuance of act to authorize settlement with Mich, state bank, 4181 -on the militia Report of committee to whom was referred report of adjutant and quartermaster general, 4182, 4183 - relative to establishing military dept, at M. A. C., 4184 -of committee to whom was referred portion of governor’s message relating to militia, 4185, 4186 -[urging adoption of bill furnished by military conven¬ tion in Detroit], 4187 -of committee [to whom was referred petition for tax on citi¬ zens liable for military duty], 4188 - [relative to quantity of ordnance, muskets, etc. received from U. S.], 4189 - accompanying title 33 of revision, 4190 -on mines and minerals Report relative to specific taxes in Upper Peninsula, 4191 - on payment of certain sum of money to governor Report, 4192, 4193 -on abolishing certain state offices Report, 4194 - on memorial concerning phonetics Report, 4195 - on the accounts of B. Porter Report, 4196 -on printing Report in relation to bill making appropriations to J. S. Bagg, state printer, 4197 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued -of committee to whom was; referred account of Messrs. Daw* son and Bates, 4198, 4199 -[relative to terms on which printers and publishers will en¬ gage to publish journal and other documents ordered printed], 4200 - on claim of D. Munger, 4201 -on bill to repeal act creat¬ ing state printer, 4202 -of committee to whom was referred bill for state printing, 4203 - [relative to increase in expenditures for printing], 4204 -on the state prison Minority report [in regard to management of prison], 4218 Report of committee on state penitentiary, 4205 - relative to building new prison, 4206 - in relation to making ap¬ propriations for continuing con¬ struction of prison, 4207, 4208 - relative to allowing C. G. Davis and E. B. Fuller losses upon contracts, 4209 - [in compliance with reso¬ lution instructing them to in¬ quire whether or not any coin has been counterfeited in state prison], 4210 -of committee to whom was referred annual report of in¬ spector of state prison, 4211 - so much of governor’s message as relates to same, 4212, 4213 -memorial of mechanics of Jackson], 4214 - relative to employing con¬ vict labor in manufacture of firearms, 4215 -for making appropriation for payment of guards, 4216 - relative to state prison, 4217 - on the Northern and Southern railroad routes Report on revision of routes, 4219 -Southern railroad Report of committee to whom was referred bill to amend act to sell Southern railroad, 4220 -on the reform school Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governors’ messages as related to reform school, 4221 INDEX 331 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued - relative to using labor of reform school for manufacture of firearms, 4222 -on roads and bridges Report [relative to right of E. Ingersoll to keep ferry across Grand River], 4223 - on memorial for authority to maintain bridge in Spring- wells, 4224 -on military roads Memorial and resolutions relative to military roads commenced by general government, 4225 -on salines Report relative to saline resources of Mich., 4226 -on state affairs Report [relative to demand of C. S. Dunbar for constitutional amendment], 4227 -of committee to whom was referred resolution to encourage emigration, 4228 - relative to geological sur¬ vey, 4229 -to reduction of specific tax imposed on corpora¬ tions engaged in iron mining, 4230 - upon bill to repeal act to prevent manufacture and sale of liquors, 4231 -of committee to whom was referred proceedings of meeting in favor of overland mail from St. Paul to Puget Sound, 4232 -- in favor of law for regis¬ tration of marriages, births and deaths, 4233 - on memorial of North eastern medical society for law for registration of births, mar¬ riages and deaths, 4234 -of committee to whom was referred memorial of B. Porter [for further remuneration for services in construction of capi- tol buildings], 4235 - bill to locate branch of state prison in Upper Peninsula, 4236 - relative to tolls on St. Mary’s Falls ship canal, 4237 -claim of Sault Ste. Marie plank road co., 4238 -drainage and re¬ clamation of certain swamp lands, 4239 - on resolutions [relative to taxes], 4240 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued -on supplies Report relative to amount of stationary furnished chairman of committees and officers of house, 4241 -on towns and counties Report to whom was referred petitions for organization of county of Almont, 4242 - relative to organization of additional townships in Kewee¬ naw co., 4243 - adverse to vacation of county seat of Shiawassee co., 4244 - on questions relative to vacation of present county seat of Shiawassee co., 4245, 4246 -on University of Michigan Report, 4247 ■-on war bounties Report in obedience to resolution, 4248 -relative to bill to authorize townships to raise money for war bounties, 4249 -on ways and means Account of J. S. Bagg, 4250 Report of committee to whom was referred resolution to inquire whether auditor general has paid over all moneys received, 4251 - relative to claims of W. Beard for work, 4252 - in reference to providing means for redemption of state bonds, 4253 - on so much of governor’s message as relates to part-paid bonds, 4254 -in relation to sale of public works, 4255 -of committee to whom was referred resolutions relative to exemption of U. S. bonds, 4256 - bill to liquidate public debt, 4257 -relative to petition of heirs of E. D. Ellis, 4258 -of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to finances of state, 4259 - relative to state finances, 4260 -of committee to whom has been referred bill for anticipation of installments of five million loan, 4261 332 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued -- was referred bill to provide for further construction of works of internal improvement, 4262 - on so much of governor’s message as relates to internal improvement debt, 4263 [-of] chairman of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to lake harbors, 4264 -bill to es¬ tablish pay of members and officers, 4265 - relative to compensation of members and officers, 4266 -in regard to aid to Maumee branch railroad co., 4267 - relative to making appro¬ priations for Michigan asylum for deaf, dumb and blind, 4268 -to appropriations for Mich, asvlum for insane, 4269 -to providing mili¬ tary fund in aid of volunteer militia, 4270 - on governor’s message relative to Morris canal and banking co., 4271 - relative to appropriations for removing wall at state prison, 4272 -of committee to whom was referred petition of P. Raymond, 4273 -of county com¬ missioners of St. Joseph co., 4274 -relative to pay of president of senate, 4275 -of committee to whom was referred petition for lands for construction of Southern rail¬ road, 4276 - bill to amend act to authorize sale of Southern rail¬ road, 4277 -in relation to resolutions on subject to Ford & son, 4278 -re-issue of state scrip, 4279 - on resolutions and me¬ morials of boards of super¬ visors, 4280 -of committee to whom was referred' memorials relative to return of taxes, 4281 - resolution in relation to returns of delinquent taxes, 4282 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued -on state and county taxes,. 4283 _ -in relation to specific state taxes, 4284 - relative to construction of building for treasury dept., 4285 -of committee to whom was referred petitions relative to pay of bounties to volunteers, 4286 - relative to bill to consoli¬ date war debt., 4287 -to present condi¬ tion of war loan bounty fund, 4288 -on the White Pigeon beet sugar co. Report of committee to whom was referred petition to stockholders of beet sugar co., 4289 Constitution, rules, committees,. 3967, 3968 Documents, 3969 Hodge: Memorial claiming seat in house, 2178 Investigating committee Report relative to charge of bribery against certain railroad cos.,. 4290 Journal, 3970 Judiciary committee, see Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on the judiciary Resolutions relative to sub-treasury, 3971 Rules, 3972 Select committee Are railroad lands taxable, 4291 Minority report in relation to di¬ viding state into congressional districts, 4303 -on financial affairs, 4308 Proceedings of committee to inves¬ tigate conduct of G. Morell, 4336 Report of committee appointed to consider preamble and resolu¬ tion in relation to president of agricultureal college and board of agriculture, 4292 -to investi¬ gate Bank of Mich., 4293 -[to whom was referred inquiries relative to condition of banking institutions in hands of receivers], 4294 -report of board of audi¬ tors, 4295 - on abolishment of capital punishment, 4296, 4297 - relative to state capitol, 4298, 4299 -on contested seat for Chip¬ pewa co., 4300 INDEX 333 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued - upon expediency of com¬ pleting part of Clinton and Kalamazoo canal, 4301 -on obtaining just represen¬ tation of state in Congress, 4302 - on priority of calling con¬ vention to revise constitution, 4304 - of committee on physics and surgery to whom was re¬ ferred memorials praying repeal or modification of statutes rela¬ tive to practice, 4305 -to whom was referred petitions in regard to aid in planking portions of Mich, and Woodward aves. in Detroit, 4306 Reports relative to election case of Bayley vs. McDonald, 4307 Report of committee to whom was referred bill to protect citizens from claims of slaveholders, 4309 -on collection of state geolo¬ gist, 4310 -of committee to whom was referred reports of state geolo¬ gist, 4311 -in relation to report of state geologist, 4312 - relative to publication of final report on geology of Mich., 4313 —-in relation to error in pay¬ ment of salary of governor, 4314 -relative to salary of gover¬ nor, 4315 -of committee to whom was referred bill to provide for canal around Grand Rapids, 4316 - relative to Grand Rapids canal, 4317 -improvement of Grand River, 4318 - on claims by contractors on works of internal improve¬ ment, 4319 -[of] committee to whom was referred claim of B. Irish, 4320 - of committee to ascertain number of acres of internal im¬ provement lands which have been and are to be appropriated, 4321 - on claim of J. Kearsley against university fund, 4322 - on land appropriations, 4323 •-on land grants by Congress, 4324 ■-in relation to school lands, MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued -of committee to whom was referred petitions in behalf of settlers on university and state lands, 4326 - on resolutions proposing change to authorize biennial instead of annual sessions, 4327 -of committee to whom was referred resolution to inquire what person holding seat is in¬ eligible, 4328 -to inquire if any members hold seats in vio¬ lation of constitution, 4329 -on license laws, 4330 -of committee to whom were referred petitions for repeal of laws granting license for sale of ardent spirits, 4331 - i -for suppression of traffic in intoxicating drinks, 4332 -was referred petition concerning sale of ardent spirits, 4333 -in regard to publication of map of state and counties, 4334 -of committee to investigate conduct of G. Morell, 4335 -to whom was referred communication of Lieut. Gov. Mundy in relation to com¬ pensation for services, 4337 - on New Jersey election, 4339 -of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s messages as relates to suppres¬ sion of small notes, 4340 -of committee to investigate accounts of B. Porter, 4341 - — - — inquire into appropriation for building prison, 4342 -- petitions to prevent running cars on Sabbath, 4343 - on sale of works of in¬ ternal improvement, 4344 -of committee to whom were referred preamble and resolution in relation to railroad from Lake Mich, to Pacific, 4345 - relative to loans by state to different railroad cos., 4346 - upon swamp land state roads, 4347 - relative to construction^ ship canal around falls of^Ste. Marie, 4348, 4349 -in relation to incorporation of St. Paul’s church, Detroit, 4350 4325 334 INDEX I MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued -relative to manufacture of salt, 4351 -in regard to petitions for repeal of law to encourage manufacture of salt, 4352 -[of] committee to whom was referred petition for amendment expunging word “white” from constitution, 4353 -- on soldiers’ suffrage, 4354 -of committee to whom was referred petition of S. Doty for extension of time in collecting school tax, 4355 -on causes of unequal taxa¬ tion, 4356 -of committee to inquire and report facts in regard to alleged overdraft on treasury, 4357 - relative to establishing homeopathic dept, in U. of M., 4358 -of committee to inquire into present condition of U. of M., 4359 -con¬ cerning character of report al¬ leged to have been made by faculty of university, 4360 -relative to change in Wayne co. poor house, 4361 -of committee to whom were referred petitions for law for protection of witnesses, 4362 Resolutions reported by committee on New Jersey election, 4338 Special committee Majority report on contested elec¬ tion seats from Wayne co., 4382 - and minority reports of committee to whom was referred petition of S. L. Bignall to be admitted to seat, 4364 Report of committee to investigate Bank of Mich., 4363 -to whom was referred petition of W. H. Clark asking investigation of acts of A. N. Hart, 4365 - on amendments to consti¬ tution, 4366 -of committee to whom was referred subject of asylum for deaf, dumb and blind and asy¬ lum for insane, 4367 -appointed to visit asylum for deaf and dumb and the blind, 4368 -on financial affairs of state, 4369 -of committee to investigate charges against W. P. Healy, 4370 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. House—Continued -:- to visit in¬ sane asylum at Kalamazoo, 4371 —:-to investigate proceedings of boards of internal improvement, 4372 -relative to granting licenses, 4373 —:-interference of U. S. troops with construction of ship canal around falls of St. Mary’s, 4374 -of committee to whom was referred memorial of T. T. Lyon and S. Howard relative to preservation of forest trees, 4375 - petitions praying laws authorizing sale of spirituous liquors be repealed, 4376 -on construction of Northern Pacific railroad, 4377 -on salt interest, 4378 - in relation to interruption by U. S. troops of public works at Sault Ste. Marie, 4379 -relative to right of suffrage, 4380 -bill granting swamp lands in Upper Penin¬ sula to counties, 4381 Water power in Mich., 4383 State bank charters, 3973 In memory of C. G. Luce, 3947 -J. McMillan, 3948 James McMillan, 2379 Joint committee Joint report of committee [to whom was referred report of committee of inspection of prison], 4404 Report relative to agricultural col¬ lege, 4384, 4385 - of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to agricultural college, 4386 Reports of committee [to investigate affairs of Bank of Mich.], 4387 Report relative to asylum for deaf, dumb and blind, 4388 -of committee of investigation into condition of Farmers’ and mechanics’ bank, 4389 - on five million loan bonds, 4390 -relative to geological survey, 4391 - on asylum for insane, 4392- 4394 - on alleged mismanagement in Mich, asylum for insane, 4395 - of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to asylum for insane, 4396 INDEX 335 i MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Joint committee—Continued - on international exchange, 4397 - of committee on mines and minerals, 4399 -to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to mineral in¬ terests, 4400 -to receive pro¬ posals for printing, 4401 -to examine con¬ dition of penitentiary, 4402 -whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to prison, 4403 -[to visit state prison], 4405 -[to whom was referred resolution of instruction on state prison], 4406 -on location of Northern and Southern railroads, 4408, 4409 - on Northern and Southern railroad routes, 4410, 4411 -reform school, 4412 - of hearing on school book legislation, 4413 - of committee to investigate treasury dept, and official acts of J. McKinney, 4414 Testimony in investigation touching administration of affairs of state prison, 4407 -of Mich. soldiers’ home, 4398 Joint committee on education [Gufhn]: Report of hearing on school book legislation, 1999 Joint committees on geological survey Report, 4415 Joint documents, 3949 Joint memorial to Congress, 3950 Joint report on mining school, 3951 Joint select committee Report of committee to investigate negotiation of five million loan, 4416 Legislative proceedings Memorial of J. G. Blaine, 3952 -O. N. Case, 3953 -D. L. Crossman, 3954 -R. B. Hayes, 3955 -J. H. Macdonald, 3956 -F. B. Stockbridge, 3957 Mayhew: Popular education, 2932 Memorial and resolutions relative to improvements, 3958 improving Clinton River, 3959 -of A. T. Bliss, 3960 -proceedings for Gen. Sherman and Admiral Porter, 3961 - to Congress in relation to Indians, 3962 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Memorials—Continued -to Congress, 3963 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication relative to compen¬ sation of members and officers, 3057 -legislative handbook, 3964 •-. Salt inspector: Statistics relating to saline interests, 4830 Nomination of a candidate for U. S. senator, 5555 R. A. Alger, 3965 Select committee of senate and com¬ mittee on ways and means of the house Report in relation to legalization of action of towns and counties in raising bounties for volunteers, 4417 Select joint committee Report [of] committee to whom was referred part of governor’s message which relates to admission of Mich., 4418 •-minority of committee on soldiers’ suffrage, 4761 Senate Act regulating impeachment, 4419 Committee on agriculture Report relative to appropriations for agricultural college, 4427 -of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to agricul¬ tural college, 4428, 4429 - in relation to bill making appropriations for support of agricultural college, 4430 - in pursuance to resolution for encouragement of agricul¬ ture, 4431 - [relative to aid to agricul¬ tural industry], 4432 -on bill to encourage keeping of sheep, 4433 -of committee to whom was referred petitions asking appro¬ priation in aid of agricultural society, 4434 - relative to establishing state board of agriculture, 4435 -and public instruction Majority report on so much of governor’s message as relates to agricultural college, 4437 Report of committee to whom was referred bill to establish branch of agricultural college in Grand Traverse country, 4436 - or horse racing Report [relative to petition for law to authorize J. Wilson to construct race tract], 4438 336 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued - on amendments to the constitution Report, 4439 -on the asylum for the deaf and dumb and the blind Report relative to condition of institution, 4440 -of committee to whom was referred part of governor’s mes¬ sage relative to asylum, 4441 - so much of governor’s message as relates to subject, 4442 -institution, 4443 - on the asylum for the insane Report relative to amount ex¬ pended for construction, 4444 -[-construction and management of buildings], 4445 - on banks and incorpora¬ tions Report of committee to whom was referred petition for charter of bank at Otsego, Allegan co., 4446 — --on unfinished business Report in part, 4447 -claims Report relative to claim of J. J. Adam, 4448 — -of estate of H. Alden, 4449 -of committee to whom was referred petition of W. Buck, 4450 -relative to petition of con¬ tractors on Clinton and Kala¬ mazoo canal, 4451 --claim of lieuten¬ ant governor, 4452 - of committee to settle claims of state against Mich, state bank, 4453 -in relation to memorial of C. C. Parks, 4454 - relative to claim for im¬ provement of sand flats of Muskegon River, 4455 -of committee to whom were referred accounts and vouchers of E. H. Thomson, 4456 - claim of A. Titchworth, 4457 - in relation to claim of J. Van Fossen, 4458 -on the deaf and dumb and the blind MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued Report on part of governor’s mes¬ sage relating to claims of asylum, 4459 -education Report relative to appropriation of swamp lands in aid of colleges, 4460 -establishment of chair of homeopathy in U. of M., 4461 -federal relations Report relative to armory in Northwest, 4462 - - — appropriation of land for construction of ship canal around Niagara Falls, 4463 - - — exchange of prisoners, 4464 -— furnishing two statutes of deceased persons, 4465 -of committee to whom was referred resolutions on state of union, 4467 Reports of committee to whom was referred portions of governors’ messages relating to state of union, 4466 —^-finance Michigan. State industrial home for girls: Charges, 4987 Report relative to claim of Ameri¬ can express co., 4468 - on reference of report of auditor general, 4469 - [on examination of ac¬ counts on books of auditor general], 4470 -relative to purchase of por¬ tion of state stock, 4471 -of committee to whom was referred bill to authorize issue of new bonds for part-paid bonds, 4472 -relative to memorial of A. R. Burr, 4473 - - -■ to new capitol, 4447 -of committee to whom was resolution inquiring into ex¬ pediency of providing by law for settlement of claims against individuals, 4475 - on bill for auditing and paying expenses of constitutional convention, 4476 - relative to memorial of R. W. Cummings, 4477 -in relation to currency and finances of state, 4478 -on petition of J. J. Speed, 4479 INDEX 1 337 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued -of committee to whom were referred part of governor’s mes¬ sage relating to finances, 4480- 4482 - [relative to condition, of treasury], 4483 - relative to financial condi¬ tion of state, 4484, 4485 -of committee to which was referred message in relation to proposition of Morris canal and banking co., 4486 - on five million loan, 4487 -of committee to whom was referred part of governor’s mes¬ sage relating to foreign and domestic indebtedness, 4488 -on condition of contingent fund, 4489 - in relation to transfer of public funds, 4490 -relative to condition of war fund, 4491 -on communication and ac¬ counts of state geologist, 4492, 4493 -of committee to whom was referred resolution instructing attorney general [to recover sum of money], 4494 - letter of K. Pritchette, 4495 -on bill relative to state printing, 4496 - relative to Saginaw canal, 4498 -of committee to whom was referred petition of president of Bank of St. Clair, 4499 -were referred resolutions relative to reduction of salaries, 4500 -was referred petition of supervisors of Shiawassee co., 4501 - in relation to providing for support of state government, 4502 -on bill to amend chapter 20 of revised statutes, 4503 -relative to state taxes, 4504 -of committee to whom was referred report on five million loan, 4505 -- relative to usury laws, 4506, 4507 Sale of railroads, report, 4497 ‘Committees on finance and judiciary Report on bill [to tax banking as¬ sociations], 4508 'Committee to confer with the gov¬ ernor MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued Report relative to mistakes in internal improvement bill, 4509 -on house of correction Report [relative to management and operation of institution], 4510 -on incorporations Minority report in relation to changing boundaries of 10th ward of Detroit, 4516 Report in reference to amending constitution *to secure state bank, 4511 - relative to Berrien co. mutual insurance co., 4512 - [of] committee to whom had been referred applications for charters of incorporations, 4513 - on resolution referring so much of governor’s message as relates to currency, 4514 --inquiring into expediency of prohibiting cir¬ culation of bills of less than 5 dollars, 4515 -- relative to Farmers’ and mechanics’ bank, 4517 - [of] committee to whom has been referred bill to create fund for benefit of creditors of corporations, 4518 - in relation to grant of lands to railroad cos., 4519 - in regard to condition of Mich, state bank, 4520 - on resolution relating to Mich, insurance co. to issuing notes as money, 4521 -relative to Mich, insurance co., 4522 -of committee to whom was referred resolution to inquire into violations of charter by Oakland co. bank, 4523 --—■ on portion of governor’s message relating to state bank, 4524 -on Indian lands Report on purchasing Indian lands, 4525 - on internal improvement Report in regard to leasing Central railroad, 4526 - [relative to bill for relief of W. W. Clark], 4527 -to loan to Bank of Gibralter, 4528 ■-in relation to indebtedness of late commissioners, 4529 - relative to suspension of works of internal improvement, 4530 43 338 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued -to abrogating pres¬ ent board, 4531 -of committee to whom was referred documents in relation to internal improvement, 4532 -- so much of governor’s message as relates to subject, 4533 Reports in relation to suspension of proceedings on Northern and Southern railroads, 4534 Report on claim of Patrick and Vrooman, 4535 - relative to collections on public works, 4536 - in relation to expediency of appropriations on public works, 4537 -to certain rail¬ roads, 4538 -relative to bill to authorize counties to raise money to aid construction of railroad from Lansing to New Buffalo, 4539 -purchase of River Raisin and Lake Erie railroad, 4540 -to suspension of operations on Southern railroad, 4541 - in regard to orders drawn upon individuals by R. M. Morrison, 4542 - on bill to amend act of Southern railroad, 4543 - relative to Southern rail¬ road, 4544 -of committee to whom was referred bill to amend charter of Mich, southern railroad co., 4545 -proposition to lease Cen¬ tral railroad, 4546 - relative to transportation of materials for building uni¬ versity, 4547 -to Ypsilanti and Tecumseh railroad co., 4548 -on the judiciary Report of committee to whom was referred memorial of inhabi¬ tants of Plainfield, Allegan co., 4549 - petitions asking amend¬ ment to constitution to enable legislature to establish banking system similar to that of Ohio, 4550 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued - petition to alter collec¬ tion law that debtor shall not possess advantage over credi¬ tor, 4551 - relative to pay of circuit judges, 4552, 4553 ■-of committee to whom was referred resolution relative to amending constitution, 4554 - bill relative to proceed¬ ing against persons or incorpora¬ tions usurping corporate powers, 4555 - petition asking restora¬ tion of death penalty, 4556 - upon memorial of Detroit and Maumee railroad co. for amendment to charter, 4557, 4558 -of committee to whom were referred petitions praying pas¬ sage of act to establish highways in Fairfield township, Lenawee co., 4559 - relative to allowing claim of C. Howard, 4560 -of committee to whom was referred part of governor’s mes¬ sage which relates to reorgani¬ zation of judiciary, 4561 - relative to powers to au¬ thorize appropriation of normal school lands for highways, 4562 - on claim for improvement of sand flats of Muskegon River, 4564 -- of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to laws, 4565 petition of Z. Platt, 4566 - resolution of enquiry into exempting from sale on ac¬ count of debt real estate, 4567 -relative to petitions asking passage of law increasing fees and compensation of registers of deeds, 4568 -of committee to whom was referred bill dividing state into single representative districts, 4569 -relative to election of sena¬ tors, 4570 -or committee to whom was committed resolution relative to classification of senators, 4571 INDEX 339 X MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued - on amendment to extend elective franchise to all irre¬ spective of color or descent, 4572 -relative to constitutionality of law to enable electors in military service to vote and vote outside of state, 4573, 4574 --bill to provide homeopathic-branch of U. of M., 4575 • -of committee to whom was referred petitions for stringent usury law, 4576 -- on petition for increase of masters in chancery in Wayne co., 4577 • -on resolution in relation to constitutionality of mode of ap¬ pointing judge of criminal court in Wayne co., 4578 Sovereign right of Mich, to mines and minerals, 4563 --on public lands Minority report relative to sale and drainage of swamp lands, 4586 Report relative to grant of swamp lands to German-American semi¬ nary of Detroit, 4579 -of committee to which was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to lands be¬ longing to state, 4580 -- relative to lands received by state, 4581 -of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to public lands, 4582 --committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to public and mineral lands, 4583 -committee to whom was referred bill authorizing issuing patents for railroad lands in Upper Peninsula, 4584 -- authorizing commissioner of land office to issue certificate of purchase to T. B. Abell, 4585 - on resolution to inquire into expediency of granting swamp lands to counties, 4587 - [relative to] sale and dis¬ position of swamp lands, 4588 • - relative to sale of univer¬ sity land, 4589 —-of committee to whom was referred resolution to inquire into expediency of reducing price of university and state building lands, 4590 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued -were referred petition for removal of land office from Marshall to Grand Rapids, 4591 - on lands returned delin¬ quent for taxes Report of committee to whom was referred resolution in relation to repeal of laws which require return of lands delinquent for taxes, 4592 -on expiring laws Report respecting license laws, 4593 -of committee to whom was referred bill to repeal section re¬ lating to qualified voters in school meetings, 4594 -- on supplementary bill to primary school law Report, 4595 -on literature Report of committee to whom was referred resolution instructing enquiry into propriety of allow¬ ing regents traveling expenses, 4596 -on manufactures Report of committee to whom was referred communication relative to salt springs and salines, 4597 ---military affairs Report relative to providing for military instruction at agricul¬ tural college, 4598 -— on petition of F. W. Higby, 4599 •-on the militia Brief statement of accounts for services rendered and expenses incurred in raising regiment of volunteers to serve in Mexican war, 4603 Report relative to arms and mili¬ tary stores in state, 4600 -- in relation to Major De- quindre, 4601 -on petition of F. Hart, 4602 -of committee to whom were referred so much of message of executive as regards militia, 4604 ---was referred part of governor’s mes¬ sage relating to militia, 4605 --on mines and minerals Report of committee to whom was referred bill relative to granting charters to mining corporations in Upper Peninsula, 4606 ■- on mines, minerals and mining interests Michigan. Legislature: Joint re¬ port on mining school, 3951 340 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued -on printing Minority report, 4607 Report relative to printing con¬ stitution and laws in German, 4608 -after conference in relation [to necessary printing required by both houses], 4609 -of committee to whom was referred bill to repeal act creat¬ ing state printer, 4610 -relative to appointment of state printer, 4611, 4612 -of committee to whom was referred resolution relating to printing reports of superinten¬ dent of public instruction, 4613 -on state prison Report relative to criminal juris¬ prudence, 4614, 4615 -to employing a por¬ tion of convict labor in manufac¬ ture of fire arms, 4616 -of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as related to establish¬ ment of state prison, 4617 Report, 4618 —-of committee to investigate affairs of state prison, 4619 expenditures on state prison, 4620 -whom was referred report of commissioners on location of penitentiary, 4621 - so much of governor’s message as relates to state pri¬ son, 4622 •- — - — prisons, 4623 -same, 4624 - [relative to results of visit to institution], 4625 -- on resolutions referred to committee, 4626 -on privileges and elections Report of committee to whom was referred memorial of G. A. Coe who claims to have been elected senator, 4627 -petition of B. F. Graves that E. Hussey be excluded from seat in senate, 4628 -relative to petitions of per¬ sons asking to be admitted to seats as senators, 4629 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued -to extending elec¬ tive franchise to certain citizens, 4630 -in reference to bill to enable qualified electors in military service to vote, 4631 -in contested case of Tyler vs. Pond, 4632, 4633 -. public instruction Report relative to establishing ‘ ‘ German-American seminary ’ ’, 4634 - in relation to governor’s message as translated and printed in French, 4635 - respecting exchange of literary productions, 4636 - on petition asking aid for instruction of deaf and dumb, 4637 -of committee to whom was referred part of governor’s mes¬ sage relating to primary schools, 4638 - relative to certain school; moneys, 4639 -to report of super¬ intendent of public instruction, 4640 -apportionment of two mill tax, 4641 - in relation to proceeds of two mill tax for support of schools, 4642 -in answer to certain queries regarding branches of university, 4643 ■- relative to bill to provide for organization of homeopathic branch of university, 4644 -— of committee to whom was referred resolution instructing board of regents to procure pub¬ lication of journal of their doings,. 4645 -of inquiry to expediency of providing by law for publishing journal of board of regents of university, 4646 -in relation of remonstrance of regents of university, 4647 --— on railroad routes Report of majority of committee to consider propriety of location of Northern and Southern rail¬ road routes, 4648-4650 -on railroads Report on taxation of railroad lands, 4651 -on the reform school Report relative to condition of institution, 4652 INDEX 341 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued -on roads and bridges Report relative to overseers of highways, 4653 -to vacations of highways by 12 freeholders, 4654 - in relation to highway labor, 4655 - relative to highway taxes, 4656 - in reference to repeal of charter of Jackson and Michigan plank road co., 4657 -of committee to whom was referred petitions signed by per¬ sons in vicinity of road contem¬ plated, 4658 -on state affairs Documents in relation to certain university and state lands, 4676 Report of committee to whom was referred bill to amend charter of banks of state, 4659 -on joint resolution relative to basement rooms of capitol, 4660 -relative to papers and prop¬ ositions for location of capitol, 4661 - upon petition of T. Com- * fort, 4662 -of committee to whom was referred resolution proposing amendment in relation to quali¬ fication of voters, 4663 -to which was referred petition for amending constitution by expunging word “white”, 4664 -to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to establish¬ ment of work-shop or peni¬ tentiary in Detroit, 4665 - relative to Detroit post- office as distributing office, 4666 • - on resolution relative to slavery in District of Columbia, 4667 - relative to establishment of emigrant agency, 4668 • -in relation to bill to regu¬ late fisheries, 4669 -to destruction of fish, 4670 -of committee to whom was referred resolution relative to extension to governors of frank¬ ing privilege, 4671 -relative to portion of gov¬ ernor’s message which relates to immigration, 4672 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued -to application for donations of lands for internal improvements, 4673 •-of committee [to whom was referred petitions asking law for appraisal of damages for land flowed by mill dams], 4674 -to whom was referred bill for drainage and reclamation of swamp lands by system of state roads, 4675 -relative to license law, 4677, 4678 - on bill to provide for re¬ locating county seat of Macomb co., 4680 - in relation to settlers on Niles reserve, 4681 -relative to claim of D. W. Noyes, L. Andrews, U. Miller and H. W. Miller, 4682 —---to passage by Con¬ gress of preemption law, 4683 -of committee to whom was referred petition of board of supervisors of Shiawassee co. praying for amendment to joint resolution no. 18, 4684 - resolution relating to protection of American indus¬ try, 4685 -on petition for extension of time for collection of taxes for 1839, 4686 -in relation to annexation of Texas, 4687 -on project to levy unequal tolls on commerce through Oswego canal, 4688 - relative to establishment of female dept, in university, 4689 -of committee to whom was referred petition for aid in con¬ struction of harbor in Ottawa co., 4690 committed document in regard to act for destruction of wolves, 4691 - upon memorials of ladies praying legislature to grant them privilege of elective fran¬ chise, 4692 -of committee to whom was referred resolution for relief of W. Woodhouse and C. W. But¬ ler, 4693 -- on towns and counties Report on Berrien county seat, 4694 342 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued -of committee to whom was referred bill to establish seat of justice of Branch co., 4695 - relative to annexation of towns to county of Shiawassee, 4696 •- in relation to removal or vacating county seat of Shia¬ wassee co., 4697 Documents, 4420 Edmonds: Journal of senate as court of impeachment, 1575 Eulogies on death of E. S. Northrup, 4421 Executive journal, 4422 Investigating committee Report of committee to audit and settle accounts of state peni¬ tentiary, 4698 Journal, 4423 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication relative to oaths of office of senators, 3061 Communication relative to pay of president of senate, 3062 Practice and procedure, 4424 Protest against passage of laws dur¬ ing present session, 4425 [Reply to resolution requesting rea¬ son in favor of abolishing office of commissioner of state land office], 4426 Select committee Report on appropriation law, 4699 -of committee to whom were referred resolutions relative to city banks, 4700 -- relative to state bank and branches, 4701 -i n regard to resumption of specie payments by banks, 4702 -of committee to investigate alleged misapplication of part- paid bonds said to have been paid in by Mich, southern rail¬ road co., 4703 - upon expediency of com¬ pleting part of Clinton and Kala¬ mazoo canal, 4704 -of committee to whom was referred part of governor’s mes¬ sage which relates to formation of congressional districts, 4705 -were referred resolutions amending constitution, 4706 - upon amendments to con¬ stitution, 4707, 4708 -chap. 20, title 5 of proposed revision, 4709 -- on constitutional reform, 4710 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued -of committee to which was referred answers from county clerks and so much of governors message as relates to expenses of courts, 4711 ■-whom had been referred so much of gov¬ ernor’s message as relates to imprisonment for debt, 4712 -on abolishing imprisonment for debt, 4713 - in reference to mortgage on Detroit and Pontiac railroad, 4714 -of committee to whom was referred petition relative to school under care of pastor of Trinity church, 4715 -on contested election in 5th senatorial district, 4716 -of committee to whom has been referred sundry petitions on inspection of fish, 4717 -was referred memorial of T. K. Green for grant of lands in con¬ sideration of monies overpaid on purchase of primary school lands, 4718 - on five million loan, 4719 -on report of state agent of immigration, 4720 - on public improvements, 4721 -of committee to which was referred bill to improve admin¬ istration of justice, 4722 - on bill to authorize im¬ provement of Kalamazoo River, 4723 -of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to affairs of Kansas, 4724 -- on modification and re¬ duction of price of university lands, 4725 -of committee to whom were referred petitions praying repeal of license laws, 4726, 4727 - has been referred petitions in favor of law prohibiting manufacture of intoxicating beverages, like law in Maine, 4728 -was referred bill prohibiting manu¬ facture of intoxicating beverages and traffic therein, 4729 - circular suggesting pas¬ sage of law for more effectual prevention of traffic in ardent spirits with Indian tribes, 4730 INDEX 1 343 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued - relative to petitions for passage of bill to authorize for¬ mation of mechanics’ and labor¬ ing men’s cooperative associa¬ tions, 4731, 4732 -of committee to investigate conduct of commissioners to settle with Mich, state bank, 4733 -- relative to real value of assets of Mich, state bank, 4734 ■ - of committee to whom it was referred to ascertain what legislation is needed in regard to raising bounties for volun¬ teers, 4735 --on petitions for removal of state locations on Niles and Nottawassepe reserve, 4736 --on bill to set off real estate under execution, 4737 • - on so much of governor’s message as relates to River Raisin and Lake Erie railroad co., 4738 ■ -upon alleged trespasses by Sault St. Mary’s Falls ship canal co. on school section 16, T 46 N, R 2 E, 4739 --relative to manufacture of salt, 4740 ■ -to improvement salt springs, 4741 • -of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates, to abolition of slavery, 4742 -petition of state medical society, 4743 — resolution to enquire whether any officers, agents or clerks can be dispensed with, 4744 -on soldiers’ suffrage, 4745 - on resolutions • concerning proceedings of U. S. senate in relation to President, 4746 -of committee to whom was referred petition and claim of J. Van Fossen, 4747 -on claim of J. Van Fossen, 4748 -of committee to whom was referred memorial praying for redress of grievances from loca¬ tion of university lands upon Niles reserve, 4749 -so much of auditor gen¬ eral’s report as relates to Wayne co., 4750, 4751 MICHIGAN—Continued Legislature. Senate—Continued Special committee Majority report on manufacture of salt, 4758 Minority report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to salt interest, 4759 Report of committee to whom was referred report of Michigan asylums, 4752 - - — trustees of state asylums, 4753 - relative to government stock bank, 4754 -on general revision of con¬ stitution, 4755 - of committee to inquire into military expenditures, 4756 -to whom was referred examination of ex¬ expenditures of quartermaster and adjutant general’s depts., 4757 -resolutions of general as¬ sembly of Virginia, 4760 Wilber: Speech advocating con¬ struction of Mich, ship canal, 6924 Shall convicts be imported from other states, 3966 Sheldon: Mss., 8048 Special joint committee Report of committee to whom was referred investigation of affairs of Detroit and Milwaukee railroad co., 4762 * -investigate business and affairs of Pere Mar¬ quette railroad co., 4763 Stevens: Testimony before committee, 6401 See also Michigan (Ter.) Legislative • council Libraries, 5406 Library association Corwin: Use of library bulletins, 840 Mich, libraries, 5406 Preston: Library institutes, 5871 Proceedings, 4764 [Program], 4765 See also Libraries; Michigan. State board of library commissioners -and state board of library commissioners [Library institute program], 4766 - commissioners, see Michigan. State board of library commissioners Live stock sanitary commission Biennial report, 4767 Local government, see Michigan. Politics and government Lower Peninsula, see Lower Peninsula 344 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Lumbermen Facts and figures against passage of Chicago relief bill, 4768 Mackinac Island state park commission, see Mackinac Island state park Manual Michigan. Dept, of state: Mich, official directory, 3511 -. Governor: Official manual and directory, 3746, 3747 Manufacturer and financial record Made in Mich., 5407 Manufacturers’ association Members of the association and what they manufacture, 4769 Manufactures, see Michigan. Industries; U. S. Industries; U. S. Manufactures Maps Aeroplane view of Mich., by Arnold transit co., 7372 Bridgman’s county and railroad town¬ ship map, 7280 Cadillac evening news: Atlas of Wex¬ ford co., containing map of Mich., 7603 Carte, geographique, statistique et his- torique de territoire, by J. A. C. Buchon, 7144 Colton’s county and township map of Ill., Wis., Minn., Iowa and Mo., with parts of Ind., Mich., Kans. and Nebr., 7252 -guide map, 7269 -[map of] Mich., 7242 -map of Mich, showing Toledo, Ann Arbor and north Mich, railway and connecting lines, 8020 - railroad and express map of northwestern states, 7373 -and township map, western states, 7221 -sectional map, 7266 -township map of Mich., 7281 -township map, 7284 Cookingham: Atlas of Sanilac co., containing map of Mich., 7566 County of Bay; state map, by Monroe and Learman, 7423 Cram’s new sectional map, 7282 -railroad and township map, 7304 -superior map, 7368 -township and railroad map, 7313 Day: Atlas of Genesee co., containing map of Mich., 7453 Diagram of Mich, showing districts surveyed by U. S. Surveyor general’s office, 7209 for subdivisions, by U. S. Surveyor general’s office, 7212 Estabrook: Geography of Mich., 7299 Explanations of maps accompanying report from Secretary of treasury Jan. 18, 1841, 9 maps, no. 2 Mich., 7196 MICHIGAN—Continued Maps—Continued Farmer’s new sectional map of Wis., embracing part of Ill., Mich, and Minn., 7257 - railroad and township map of Mich., 7249, 7255, 7261, 7270, 7273, 7276 -and sectional map, 7267 -- township map of Mich, and Wis., embracing part of Iowa, Ill. and Minn., 7238 Gebiet Mich., by W. E. A. von Schlie- ben, 7154 Geographical, statistical and historical map of Mich. Territory, by J. Finlay son, 7141, 7149 Geographische—statistische und his- torische charte, by C. F. Weiland, , 7152 Geological map, by geological survey, 7369 -, by A. Winchell, 7246 Guide through Ohio, Mich., Ind., Mo., Ill., Wis. and Iowa, by J. C. Smith, 7193, 7199, 7202, 7230 Hayes: Atlas of Grand Traverse co., to which is added township map of Mich., 7457 Isabella co., • ., 7476 Mecosta co., • -., 7522 Newaygo co., • -., 7538 Osceola co., • -., 7547 Illustrated atlas of Winnebago and Boone cos., Ill., containing maps of Mich., Indiana [etc.], by H. R. Page & co., 7316 Improved edition of map of surveyed part, by J. Farmer, 7168, 7175 -map of surveyed part of Ter¬ ritory of Mich., by J. Farmer, 7157 -territories of Mich. and Ouisconsin, by J. Farmer, 7169, 7176 Kenyon’s highway map, 7371 Lake shore detailed survey road map of Ill., Ind., Mich., Wis., by Standard map co., 7365 [Map], 7216, 7344, 7374 [-], by Calvert lith. co., 7268 -, by J. Farmer, 7200 -, by S. Geil, 7256, 7258 -, by P. E. Judd, 7143 -, by Kenyon printing and mfg. co., 7364 -, by Railroad commissioner, 7317, 7319, 7321, 7322 INDEX 345 l MICHIGAN—Continued Maps—Continued -, by H. G. Roth well, 7375 -, by Schonberg & co., 7245 -, by U. S. Dept, of interior. Gen¬ eral land office, 7263 -of Michigan and part of Wisconsin Territory, by D. H. Burr, 7188 -and surrounding coun¬ try, by J. Farmer, 7210, 7219, 7227, 7241, 7254, 7265, 7275, 7283 -and Wisconsin, by D. H. Burr, 7189 ---, by J. Farmer, 7222 ---, by Matthews-Northrup co., 7329 -— --, by H. R. Page & co., 7294 --, by A. von Steinwehr, 7290 - —-- -, em¬ bracing great part of Iowa, Ill. and Minn., by J. Farmer, 7234, 7240, 7243, 7247 - of northern parts of Ohio, Ind. and Ill., with Mich, and part of Ouisconsin Territory, by D. H. Burr, 7174 -of Ohio, Ind. and Ill., with settled part of Mich., by S. A. Mitchell, 7178, 7184, 7187, 7190 - of states of Ind. and Ohio, with part of Mich. Territory, 7161, 7198 -of state of Mich, and Territory of Wis., by J. Farmer, 7183 -of states of Ohio, Ind. and Ill., and part of Mich. Territory, by A. Finley, 7148 - — -. -, by S. A. Mitchell, 7159, 7160 - -,-.- -—., with settled part of Mich., by S. A. Mitchell, 7165, 7170 — of surveyed part of Mich., by J. Farmer, 7182, 7191, 7215, 7226 -of Territory of Mich, by O. Risdon, 7146 -., by J. Farmer, 7147 - of territories of Mich, and Ouis¬ consin, 7153 -, by J. Farmer, 7158, 7177 - of western states, by J. M. At¬ wood, 7224, 7231 - showing state lands, [by J. F. Nellist], 7355 [Maps of Mich.], 7309 Mast & co’s. new map of Ohio, Ind. and Mich., 7292 Mathews-Northrup up-to-date map, 7341 Mendenhall’s road map, 7342 MICHIGAN—Continued Maps—Continued Mich., in Bradford’s illustrated atlas, 7186 -by M. R. Brown, 7315 -., by D. H. Burr, 7156 -., by C. G. Colby, 7237 •-., by G. W. and C. B. Colton & co., 7291 -., by J. H. Colton, 7225 -., by G. F. Cram, 7303 -., by J. Greenleaf, 7197 -., by C. N, Kendall, 7326 -., by F. Lucas, 7142 -., by S. A. Mitchell, 7211 -., by C. W. Morse, 7235 -., 1844, by S. E. Morse, 7201 -•» by J. E. Sherman, 7286 -., by H. S. Stebbins, 7300 -., by U. vS. Dept, of interior. Gen¬ eral land office, 7296 -., by H. S. Tanner, 7172 -., 1841, by H. S. Tanner, 7195 -. and Great Lakes, by T. G. Brad¬ ford, 7167 -. and Wis., by J. H. Colton and A. J. Johnson, 7248, 7250, 7253 -.-., by S. A. Mitchell, 7244, 7251, 7259, 7260, 7277 -., Wis. and part of Iowa, by J. Olney, 7204 -.,-., Iowa and Minn., by J. Bartholomew, 7232 New and authentic map of Mich, and Wis., by T. R. Tanner, 7155 -emigrant’s map, by J. Wightman, 7166 -map, by C. Desilver, 7233 -, by S. A. Mitchell, 7217 -of Mich., by H. S. Tanner, 7180 -with canals, roads and dis¬ tances, 7220 - railroad, postoffice and county map, by National publishing co., 7339 - sectional map of Mich, and Ter¬ ritory of Wis., by T. R. Tanner, 7205, 7206 North America; upper Canada; North¬ west and Mich, territories, by So¬ ciety for diffusion of useful knowl¬ edge, 7163, 7164 Official map of Mich., by Railroad com¬ missioner, 7314, 7325, 7327, 7330- 7332, 7334 -railroad map, by Railroad com¬ missioner, 7338, 7343, 7347, 7352, 7359 Ogle & co,: Standard atlas of Allegan co., including map of state, 7412 -.:-Antrim co.,-, 7416 -.:-Arenac co.,-, 7417 346 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Maps—Continued co., co., co., co., co., co. co., co., co., co., co., co., co., CO., CO., CO., CO., CO., -Barry -, 7421 -Benzie -, 7424 -Branch -, 7430 -Calhoun -, 7436 -Clinton -, 7445 -Delta -, 7447 -Ionia -, 7473 - Jackson -, 7482 -Kalamazoo -, 7487 -Kent -, 7498 — Livingston co., - - , 7517 - lVldCUIIlL) 7C1 o CO., , / 0 1 J • • ■ lVlCIlUIIllIICC CU. , . . 1 lVULLLdllLl CL)., 1 , / Dz- / co., - — ■ . IVlOllIUU - , 7530 -Muskegon -, 7536 -Newaygo -, 7539 -Oceana -, 7545 -Ottawa -, 7549 -Saginaw -, 7554 - vSt. Clair -, 7557, 7559 -Shiawassee -, 7570 -Van Buren -, 7574 -Washtenaw ■-, 7580, 7583 co.,- Ohio, Ind. and Mich., 7150 -,-. and Ill. and Mich. Territory, by E. Strong, 7171 Part of U. S. exhibiting Northwest, Mich., Ind. and Ill. Territory, by J. Cary, 7145 Post route map of Mich, and Wis., by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7272, 7301, 7308, 7336, 7349, 7350, 7356, 7361, 7366 -Ohio and Ind., with adjacent parts of Pa., Mich., Ill., Ky. and W. Va., by W. L. Nicholson, 7302 Railroad and postoffice map, by H. H. Lloyd & co., 7274 MICHIGAN—Continued Maps—Continued •- map, by Railroad commis- . sioner, 7287, 7293, 7297, 7305, 7306, 7310 7311 -, by H. S. Stebbins, 7320 Rand-McNally commercial atlas map, 7357 -- & co’s. indexed county and township map of, 7307 - - - and shippers’' guide, 7323, 7324, 7335 -. indexed map. 7288 -. indexed pocket map and shippers’ guide, 7370 sectional, sta¬ tistical and commercial map, 7353 --—. township, coun¬ ty and railroad map, 7295 Sauer: Illustrated atlas of Kalamazoo co., containing map of Mich., 7486 Scarborough’s new census map, 7358, 7363 Schonberg’s map, 7262 Sectional map, by S. Farmer & c.o., 7333, 7337 -of Mich, and Wis., by E. Molitor, 7271 -, by R. M. Tackabury, 7289 Sketch of Mich, showing districts em¬ braced in contracts for township lines, by U. S. Surveyor general’s office, 7213 -of public surveys, 7203 •-in Mich., 7207, 7208 -, by U. S. Sur¬ veyor general’s office, 7214, 7218, 7223, 7236 Staat Mich., 7228 Standard map co.: Atlas and farm directory of Isabella co., [containing map of Mich.], 7478 -Mason co., - -., 7521 State of Mich., by U. S. General land ^ office, 7318, 7346 Steele’s map of Ohio, Ind. Ill. and Mich., 7185 Tourist’s pocket map, by J. H. Young, 7173, 7181 Township map of Mich., by Ensign, Bridgman and Fanning, 7229 Traveller’s map of Mich., Ill., Ind. and Ohio, by H. Phelps and B. S. Squire, jr., 7179 -, by H. Phelps and T. Ensign, 7192, 7194 pocket map, by H. S. Tan¬ ner. 7162 INDEX 847 MICHIGAN—Continued Maps—Continued “Tri-color” map, by S. Farmer & co., 7340, 7354, 7362 Tunison’s new distance and indexed map, 7345 Watson’s new county, railroad and dis¬ tance map, 7285 Western states, by J. Bartholomew, 7264 Western states and territories, by A. Finley, 7151 Wisconsin and Mich., agencies of Aetna insurance co., 7239 Wolverine state, by Haskell bros., 7298 See also Canada. Maps; Great Lakes and Great Lakes region. Maps; Michigan. Atlases; Northwest, Old. Maps; War of 1812. Maps Mason monument commission [Invitation to ceremonies at unveiling of monument], 4770 Proceedings, unveiling ceremonies of Mason monument, 5877 See also Mason, S. T. Medical society, see Michigan. State medical society Merino sheep breeders’ association Register, 4771 Michigan airline railroad Map showing route, by G. W. and C. B. Colton & co., 8009 Mich, air line railroad co., 5359 -central railroad co. Annual report, 5367 Charter, 5368 Circular of treasurer, 5369 Comfort in travel, 5370 Compilations of charter, 5371 Contract between Mich, central and Galena and Chicago union, 5372 Copies of reports, 5373 Detroit, 5374 -. Recorder’s court: Petition for separation of grades, 1338 Donan: Mackinac Island, 1534 Extracts from railroad laws, 5375 Fairy isle of Mackinac, 5376 Fitch: Report of great conspiracy case, 1702 Headlight, 2092 Homeseekers’ excursions to northern Mich., 2198 Howell: Memorial relative to Central and Southern railroads, 2229 Illinois central railroad co.: State¬ ments and replies in reference to compensation for use of road, 2274 In summer days, 5382 Joy: Mss., 8136, 8138 -: Memorial in behalf of, 2427 Laws and charters under which Mich, central and connections have been constructed, 5377 Lilibridge: Report of conspiracy trial, 2743 MICHIGAN—Continued Michigan central railroad co.—Continued Mackinac Island, 5378 Michigan. Dept, of state: Letter transmitting report, 3504 --. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Minority report of committee to whom was referred bill to amend act to incorporate, 3995 Powers: Mich, central vs. P. F. Powers, 5863 Railway panoramic guide, 5906 Reply to communication concerning comparative rates of transportation of freight, 5379 Report of case Michigan central vs. Michigan southern, 5380 -upon merits as investment, 5381 Sibley: Mss., 8175 Smith: Petition relative to New Buf¬ falo and Central railroad, 6311 Van Dyke: Memorial asking legisla¬ ture not to condemn franchise, 6738 See also Central railroad Michigan Central railroad employees’ mutual relief association Proceedings of 1st annual meeting, 5383 -and Ohio ferry co. Baker vs. Barges “Tycoon” and “Mikado”, 8229 ■-southern railroad co. Circular statement of condition and prospects, 5415 Emmons: Mss., 8041, 8052, 8068, 8073, 8078, 8080 Exhibit of condition and prospects, 5416 Howell: Memorial relative to Central and Southern railroads, 2229 Joy: Mss., 8136 • -: Memorial in behalf of Mich, cen¬ tral railroad, 2427 Memorial, 5417, 5418 [Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Statement in compliance with reso¬ lution requesting amount of in¬ debtedness], 3145 -central railroad co.: Report of case Mich, central vs. Mich, southern, 5380 -. Dept, of state: Letter transmitting report, 3504 • -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Minority report, 3990 Report, 3997 Report .of minority on incorporation, 3998 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Report on bill to incorporate, 4543 348 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Michigan southern railroad co.—Contin¬ ued Report of committee to whom was referred bill to amend charter, 4545 -. -. -. Select committee: Report of committee to investigate alleged misapplication of part-paid bonds, 4703 See also Lake shore and Mich, southern railway co.; Southern railroad -southern and northern Indiana railroad co. By-laws, 5411 Charter and laws relating to, 5412 Joy: Mss., 8136 Leases and contracts, 5413 Letter to stockholders, 5414 Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Communication transmitting report, 3110 Paine: History of iron rails, 5626 Military academy Adjutant, 4772 Catalogue, 4773 College preparatory school, 4774 Michigan. State board of inspectors of the Mich, military academy: Report, 4937 —-. Committee of inspection of the Mich, military academy: Re¬ port, 3294 Prospectus, 4775 —-- order of the loyal legion, see Military order of the loyal legion of the U. S. - school, see Michigan. State military school Militia Michigan. Adjutant general’s office: Flags, 2974 Mich, in the war, 2975 Record of service of Mich, volun¬ teers, 2976 Record of service, index, 2977 Report, 2979 [ - • - ]: Roster of officers, 2981 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Militia laws, 3908 -. -,-,-.: Laws for government of Mich, state troops, 3909 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the militia: Report of committee to whom was referred portion of governor’s message relat¬ ing to, 4185, 4186 MICHIGAN—Continued Militia—Continued -: Report [urg¬ ing adoption of bill furnished by military convention in Detroit], 4187 -: Report of committee [to whom was referred petition for tax on citizens liable for military duty], 4188 -: Report [rela¬ tive to quantity of ordnance, mus¬ kets, etc. received from U. S.], 4189 -: Report ac¬ companying title 33 of revision, 4190 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report relative to providing fund in aid of volunteer militia, 4270 -volunteers of ’98, 5434 Williams: Mss., 8038 See also Michigan. Inspector general’s office; Michigan. Legislature. Sen¬ ate. Committee on the militia;. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Committee on military affairs; Michi¬ gan. National guard; Michigan. State artillery; Michigan. State, military board; Michigan (Ter.) Cavalry; Michigan (Ter.) Militia; U. S. Army; U. S. Military affairs Mineral statistics, see Michigan. Dept, of mineral statistics Mines and mineral resources, see Mines and mineral resources Mining school Michigan. Legislature: Joint report, 3951 Mortgage security society Organic law, articles of association and by-laws, 5408 Music teachers’ association Official program, 4776 National guard Conclusive reasons why grounds should be at Holland-Grand Rapids site, 761 Historical souvenir, Governor’s guard, Co. E, 1st regiment, 4777 Innes rifles. Co. K, 2d infantry: Pro¬ gram, 2318 Map of Camp Devlin, 8030 Michigan. Governor: To legislature relative to establishing permanent encampment and maneuvering grounds, 3781 See also Michigan. Inspector general’s office; Michigan. Militia; Michigan. Military academy; Michigan. State military board Natural history Michigan. Academy of science: Presi¬ dential address, 2971 INDEX 349 1 MICHIGAN—Continued Naval brigade, see Michigan. State military board Negroes, see Negroes Newberry state hospital Report of building commissioners, 4778 -of trustees, 4779 See also Michigan. Asylum for the insane: Michigan. Asylums; Michi¬ gan. Joint board of trustees of state hospitals Normal school, see Michigan. Central state normal school; Michigan. North¬ ern state normal school; Michigan. State normal college; Michigan. West¬ ern state normal school Northern asylum for insane, see Michi¬ gan. Traverse City state hospital - Michigan, see Northern Michi¬ gan; Upper peninsula -Peninsula, see Upper Peninsula -power co. International joint commission: In matter of application for approval of methods and plans for diversion of waters of St. Mary’s River, 2322 -: In matter of application for approval of obstruction, diversion and use of waters of St. Mary’s River, 2323 -: Mich. northern power co., proceedings, 2324 Opinion in application for approval of lease, 2325 -state normal school Dedication exercises of P. White hall of science, 4780 Summer school, 4781 Year book, 4782 Nurses’ association, see Michigan. State nurses’ association Officers and employees Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Report concerning salaries of state officers, 3127 -. Dept, of state: List, 3506- 3508 -. -. —-: Mich, offi¬ cial directory, 3511 •-. *-.-: Report of number of masters in chancery and notaries public, 3519 --. -.-: Report in compliance with resolution to furnish list of persons holding office, 3520 --. Legislature: Album, 3946 --. -. Senate. Se¬ lect committee: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred resolu¬ tion to enquire whether any officers, agents or clerks can be dispensed with, 4744 Rouech: Guide to lawful fees and com¬ pensations, 6039, 6040 MICHIGAN—Continued Officers and employees—Continued Tibbits: Compilation of laws in rela¬ tion to fees and salaries of public officers, 6538 Oil inspector, see Michigan. State in¬ spector of illuminating oils Ornithological club Bulletin, 4783 Pan American exposition commission Report, 4784 Pardon board, see Michigan. Advisory board in the matter of pardons Patrons of husbandry, see Michigan. State grange Penal institutions Michigan. Governor: Special mes¬ sage on penal institutions, 3703 -. State board of inspectors ot penal institutions: 1st biennial re¬ port, 4938 See also Michigan. Commission on penal, reformatory and charitable institutions; Michigan. Industrial school for boys; Michigan. Reforma¬ tory; Michigan. State prison Pharmaceutical association, see Michigan. State pharmaceutical association Pioneer and historical society Circular, 4785 From the Mich, pioneer and historical society, greeting, 4786 General circular, 4787 Manual, 4788 Michigan. Governor: Appendix to message for report of, 3711 - historical collections, 4789 -. Historical commission: Pro¬ ceedings, 3799 [Program], 4790 “Shells of the ocean,” 4791 See also Michigan. Historical com¬ mission; Michigan. Historical so¬ ciety; Michigan. History; names of county societies Poets [Lamport]: Mich, poets, 2593 -and poetry, 5409 Political science association Adams, M. J.: History of suffrage, 10 -, R. C.: Agriculture in Mich., 12 Cahill: President’s address, 547 City government in Mich., 4792 Convention of educators and business men, 4793 Papers and addresses on primary re¬ form, 4794 - and discussions on municipal problems, 4795 Publications, 4796 Social problems of the farmer, 4797 Taxation, 4798 Politics and government A. C. Baldwin, 161 Baby: Souvenirs of past, 167 350 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Politics and government—Continued Barnaby: Decade, story of municipal corruption, 227 Bemis: Local government, 340 Brown: Government of Mich., 457, 458 Buchanan: Speeches on bill to admit Mich., 480 Calhoun: Speeches on bill for admis¬ sion, 549 Cocker: Civil government, 721-725 Cook: Mich., 806 Cooley: Mich., 811-813 Detroit news tribune: Gov. C. S. Osborn’s administration, 1467 -* post and tribune: Z. Chandler, 1469 Dilla: Politics of Mich., 1511 Documents in relation to bill of ad¬ mission, 1531 Forman: Government in Mich., 1734 Greusel: Story of anti-ripper candi¬ date, 1991 Hamer: Speech [on bill to settle northern boundary of Ohio and to admit Mich.], 2024 Harris: Public life of Z. Chandler, 2062 Heineman: Legislature and local bills, 2098 Howard: Mss., 8044 Kendall: Mich., 2516, 2517 King: Government of people of Mich., 2533, 2534 Larzelere: Government of Mich., 2682, 2683 Livingstone: History of Republican party, 2754 McCarty: Territorial governors of Old Northwest, 2792 McKone: Mich, state and local gov¬ ernment, 2839-2842 McLaughlin: Elements of civil gov¬ ernment, 2844 Manuscripts of Lenox township, Ma¬ comb co., 8165 Mason: To people of Mich., 2916 May, C. S.: How we are governed, 2928 [-, J.]: Memorial of citizens of Indiana Territory, 2930 Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Communication relative to expenses of state government, 3100 ■ -. Convention: Journal, 3329, 3330 ■ -. Legislature. Select joint committee: Report [of] committee to whom was referred part of gover¬ nor’s message which relates to ad¬ mission of Mich., 4418 Millspaugh: Party organization and machinery, 5454 Morrill: Federal and state govern¬ ment, 5485 Nichols: Government class-book, 5543 MICHIGAN—Continued Politics and government—Continued Nimmo: Men of ’05, 5552 Osborn: Address at Republican state convention, 5609 Ostrander: Civil government of U. S. and Mich., 5616 Pangborn: B. & O. red book for Mich., 5636 Pattengill: Civil government of Mich., 5666-5670 -: Mich, cards, 5671 Peterman: Elements of civil govern¬ ment, 5714 Pingree: Address before Republican club of U. of M., 5743 -: Scrapbooks, 8512 Romeyn: Mss., 8061, 8075 -: To people of Mich., 6010 Shannon: State of Dakota, how it may be formed, 6207 Sheldon: Mss., 8048 Smart: Political duties of Christian men and ministers, 6261 [Smith]: Julius Caesar Burrows, 6303 [-]: Why J. C. Burrows should be expelled from U. S. senate, 6304 State affairs, 6379, 6380 -- Republican: Legislative souve¬ nir, 6384 U. S. 4th Cong., 1st sess.: Proceedings on admission of Tenn. so far as regards position of Mich., 6634 —. —. 24th Cong., 1st sess.: Act to establish boundary of Ohio and for admission of Mich., 6635 —. —. Congress. House. Committee on elections: Mich, election, 6651 —. —.-. -. Committee on the judiciary: Northern boundary of Ohio and admission of Mich., 6652 •—. —. President: Message in relation to admission of Mich., 6683 Van Buren: Mich, in her pioneer politics, 6734 Vanderpoel: Speech on bill to admit Mich, into union, 6736 Williams: Mss., 8038 Woodbridge: Mss., 8051 See also Campaign literature; Demo¬ cratic party; Detroit. Politics and government; Good government league, Grand Rapids; Michigan. History; Michigan (Ter.) Politics and government; Politics; Primaries; Republican party; Wayne county. Politics and government; Whig party Pomological society, see Michigan. State horticultural society Pontiac state hospital By-laws, 4799 Michigan. Commissioners on location of eastern asylum for the insane: Report, 3283 Report of commissioners, 4800 -of trustees, 4801 INDEX J 351 MICHIGAN—Continued Pontiac state hospital—Continued See also Michigan. Asylum for the insane; Michigan. Asylums; Michi¬ gan. Joint board of trustees of state hospitals Poor Pauperism and crime in Mich., 5677, 5678 Poultry breeders’ association Premium list, 4802 Press association Bulletin, 4803 Proceedings, 4804 Program, 4805 See also Michigan. State press associa¬ tion; Michigan. Woman’s press association; Northwestern Michigan press association •-club, see Michigan. Woman’s press club Prison industries, see Michigan. Board of prison industries Prisons Ellis: Memorial in favor of homeo¬ pathic treatment, 1596 See also Detroit. House of correction; Michigan. Commission on penal, reformatory and charitable institu¬ tions; Michigan. State house of cor¬ rection and branch of state prison in Upper Peninsula; Michigan. State prison; Prisons Psychopathic hospital, see Michigan. State psychopathic hospital Public domain commission Agricultural, horticultural and indus¬ trial advantages, 4806 Biennial report, 4807 Bulletin, 4808 Frothingham: Selling woodlot prod¬ ucts, 1769 Game, fish and forest fire dept. Annual forest fire report, 4816 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Game and fish laws, 3869 See also Michigan. Game, fish and forestry warden; Michigan. State board of fish commissioners Joint conference of those interested in conservation and development of natural resources, 4809 Maxwell: Wood-using industries, 2924 Michigan, agricultural, horticultural and industrial advantages, 4810, 4811 -. Game, fish and forestry dept.: What Mich, is doing, 3556 Preliminary report, 4812 Proceedings, 4813 Report on classification of state lands, 4814 -on feasibility of using pulp and chicory dryers to dry surplus potato crop, 4815 --instruction, see Michigan. Dept. of public instruction MICHIGAN—Continued Public lands Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to state land office, 3898, 3899 [Sibbald]: True history of fraudulent land entries within limits of Ontona¬ gon and state line railroad grant, 6242 See also Land; Michigan. State land office -school, see Michigan. State pub¬ lic school *-schools [Map of] Free public schools [by C. S. Denison], 8032 -works Woodbridge: Speech in support of bill to apply certain alternate sec¬ tions towards completion of works of internal improvement, 7033 Publishing co. Michigan poets and poetry, 5409 Quartermaster general’s office Communication, 4817 Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Communication showing names, salaries, etc., of clerks, 3107 -. Governor: Special mes¬ sage accompanied by reports of, 3631 --. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the militia: Report of committee to whom was referred report of adjutant and quartermaster general, 4182, 4183 -. -. Senate. Spe¬ cial committee: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred exami¬ nation into expenditures, 4757 Report, 4818 -, war with Spain, 4819 See also Michigan. Adjutant general’s office; Michigan. Inspector general’s office Railroad commission Annual report, 4820 Communication and comparative sta¬ tistics, 4821 Official railroad map of Mich., 7352, 7359 Orders and opinions, 4822 Police regulation, 4823 Searl: Mich, court rules, 6196 Special report in regard to equal mileage- rates, 4824 Stevens: Wanted: an impartial tri¬ bunal for trial of special proceedings against railroad cos., 6404 -commissioner Map of Mich., 7317, 7319, 7321, 7322 Official map of Mich., 7314, 7325, 7327, 7330-7332, 7334 - railroad map of Mich., 7338, 7343 7347 Railroad map of Mich., 7287, 7293, 7297, 7305, 7306, 7310, 7311 352 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Railroad guide Wood: Official railway guide, 7018 Railroads, see Railroads Reformatories, see Michigan. Commis¬ sion on penal, reformatory and chari¬ table institutions: Michigan. Indus¬ trial school for boys; Michigan. Re¬ formatory; Michigan. State industrial home for girls; Michigan. State pris¬ on; Reformatories Reformatory Biennial report, 4825 Michigan. Charities and corrections, 3245 -. Commissioners to locate a state house of correction: Report, 3285 Report of commissioners to locate house of correction, 4826 -— building commissioners, 4827 See also Michigan. Building commis¬ sioners of the state house of correc¬ tions; Michigan. Penal institutions Reform school for boys, see Michigan. Industrial school for boys *-girls, see Michigan. State industrial home for girls Reports, see Law reports, digests, etc.; Michigan. Supreme court R p^onrees Kendall: Mich., 2516, 2517 McCracken: State of Mich., 2817 Michigan. State agricultural society: Three lectures, 4849 Northeastern Michigan realty co.: Northeastern Mich., 5559 Schooley: Among the Wolverines, 6185 Revised statutes Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Key, 3895 Reviser of the laws Communication relative to subjects for further report to legislature, 4828 Roads, see Roads Salt inspector Annual report, 4829 Statistics relating to saline interests, 4830 Sanitary affairs, see Michigan. State board of health School for the blind Biennial report, 4831 Michigan. Central board of control of state institutions: 1st biennial re¬ port, 3243 --. Commissioners to locate and establish a school for the blind: Report, 3292 See also Michigan. Asylum for the deaf, dumb and blind; Michigan. Asylums; Michigan. Kalamazoo state hospital; Michigan. School for the deaf MICHIGAN—Continued School for the deaf Biennial report, 4833 [Description], 4834 Michigan. Central board of control of state institutions: 1st biennial re¬ port, 3243 ■-. Legislature. Joint com¬ mittee: Report relative to asylum for deaf, dumb and blind, 4388 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on public instruction: Re¬ port on petition asking legislative aid for instruction of deaf and dumb, 4637 See also Michigan. Asylums; Michi¬ gan. Asylum for the deaf, dumb and blind; Michigan. Kalamazoo state hospital -of homeopathy and surgery Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Report relative to appropriations, 3985 Schoolmasters’ club Fortieth meeting, 4835 Journal, 4836 List of books recommended for high school classical library, 4837, 4838 [Program], 4839 Schools, see Schools Seals, see Seals Secretary of state, see Michigan. Dept, of state; Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc. Securities commission Bulletin, 4840 Semi-centennial celebration, see Michi¬ gan. Commission for the semi-cen¬ tennial celebration Serial digest, 5410 Ship canal Wilber: Speech advocating construc¬ tion of, 6924 Social life and customs Fuller: Economic and social begin¬ nings of Mich., 1774 [Kirkland]: Forest life, 2543, 2544 -: New home, 2545-2549 -: Our new home in West, 2550 -: Western clearings, 2551, 2552 Ward: Autobiography, 6796 Society of colonial wars, see Society of colonial wars [Society of New York] Wolverines we know, 4841 Soldiers’ home Biennial report, 4842 Michigan. Legislature. Joint com¬ mittee: Testimony in investigation, 4398 Soldiers’ and sailors’ association Soldiers’ and sailors' association: 9th annual reunion, 6329 INDEX 1 353 MICHIGAN—Continued Soldiers’ relief association Report, 4843 See also Michigan. State association, Washington, D. C. Song [Cook]: Michigan, my Michigan, 801 State agent of immigration Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Se¬ lect committee: Report on report of state agent, 4720 See also Michigan. Public domain commission -agricultural college, see Michigan. Agricultural college -society Cass: Address before, 606 Holmes: Communication relative to financial condition, 2194 List of premiums, 4844 Memorial asking for additional appro¬ priation, 4845 -for a state agricultural college, 4846 - praying removal of agricul¬ tural college, 4847 -relative to society, 4848 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on agriculture: Report of committee to whom was referred petitions for appropriation, 4434 -. State board of agriculture: General index, 4862 Three lectures, 4849 Transactions, 4850 -artillery Constitution, 4851 See also Michigan. Militia - assets, see Michigan. Board of trustees of state assets - association of the District of Columbia Moses: Sons of Mich, and Mich, state association, 5492 -farmers’ clubs Proceedings, 4852 Program, 4853 -- — rural letter carriers Constitution, 4854 -the superintendents of the poor Annual convention, 4856 Proceedings of annual convention, 4855 -supervisors Fifteenth annual session, 4857 -, Washington, D. C. [Brief history], 4858 See also Michigan. Soldiers’ relief association -auditors, see Michigan. Board of state auditors -auto school Automobile electrician's key for start¬ ing, lighting and ignition, 5419 45 MICHIGAN—Continued State bank Annual report of trustees, 5420 Communication explanatory of docu¬ ment no. 36, 5421 -relative to moneys ad¬ vanced public officers, 5422 -from trustees of assets in answer to resolution of senate, 5423 Michigan. Governor: Certain com¬ munications in relation to, 3614, 3615 -. -: Correspondence relative to judicial proceedings in¬ stituted against, 3656 -. -: Special message, 3610 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report upon legality of settlement with, 4141 -. -—. -. Com¬ mittee on Michigan state bank: Re¬ port of majority of committee to inquire into condition, 4180 -----—: Re¬ port of committee in pursuance of act to authorize settlement, 4181 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report of com¬ mittee to settle claims of state against, 4453 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on incorporations: Report in regard to condition, 4520 -. -. -. _ Se¬ lect committee: Report of committee to investigate conduct of commis¬ sioners appointed to settle with, 4733 •-: Report relative to real value of assets, 4734 •-. Treasury dept.: State of Mich, in account with, 5156 Norton: Mss., 8107 Trowbridge: Mss., 8109 See also Banks and banking -bar association Proceedings, 4859 Riddell: 1st judge at Detroit and his court, 5979 -board of accountancy Mich. C. P. A. manual, 4860 -agriculture Annual report, 4861 General index, 4862 Mich, farmers’ institutes, 4863 Michigan. Legislature. House. Se¬ lect committee: Report of commit¬ tee appointed to consider resolution in relation to, 4292 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on agriculture: Report rela¬ tive to establishing, 4435 Proceedings of forestry convention in Grand Rapids, 5876 354 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued [State board of centennial managers] Catalogue of products, 4864 Report, 4865 -corrections and charities Biennial report, 4866 Charities and corrections, 4867 Library catalogue, 4868 Michigan. Charities and corrections, 3245 -. Governor: Appendix to message, 3711 —- —Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to, 3849 Proceedings of annual convention, 4869 Special report, 4870 See also Michigan. Charities and cor¬ rections -dental examiners Annual report, 4871 -education Biennial report, 4872 Catalogue of library of normal school, 4873 Memorial [relative to location of nor¬ mal school], 4874 - containing statement of operation, condition and fiscal neces¬ sities of normal school, 4875 -relative to township and dis¬ trict school libraries, 4876 - upon agricultural college, , 4877 See also Michigan. Board of education -equalization Proceedings, 4878 -examiners in optometry Annual report, 4879 -fish commissioners Biennial report, 4880 Bulletin, 4881 Jennings: List of rotatoria of Great Lakes, 2400 Marsh: On cyclopidae and calanidae of Lake St. Clair, 2896 Minute upon death of O. M. Chase, G. W. Armstrong and C. H. Brow¬ nell. 4882 Pieters: Plants of Lake St. Clair, 5739 Questions and answers relative to carp, 4883 Reighard: Biological examination of Lake St. Clair, 5943 -: Breeding habits, 5944 Ward: Biological examination of Lake Mich., 6799 See also Michigan. Game, fish and forestry warden; Michigan. Public Domain commission. Game, fish and forest fire dept. -health Advice for restriction and prevention of meningitis, 4884 Annual report, 4885 Circular, 4886 Communicable diseases, 4887 MICHIGAN—Continued State board of health—Continued Contributions to study of cause of typhoid fever, 4888 •- — - — spread of diphtheria, 4889 Dangerous communicable diseases, 4890-4892 Diseases, 4893 Engineering bulletin, 4894 Examination of plans for public build¬ ings, 4895 General plan of work, 4896 Great white plague, 4897 Immigrant-inspection service, 4898 Kedzie: Work of, 2487 MacClure: State board of health, 2854 Memorial concerning illuminating oils, 4899 Michigan. Dept, of state. Division of vital statistics: Monthly bul¬ letin, 3528 -, a summer and health resort state, 4900 Model diet tables, 4901 Opinions relative to duties and com¬ pensation of health officer, 4902 Outline of work, 4903 Parker: Coroners and coroners’ in¬ quests, 5642 Petition for abatement of alleged nuisance, 4904 Prevention and restriction of cholera, 4905, 4906 ■- - - — small¬ pox, 4907 -of typhoid fever, 4908 Principal meteorological conditions, 4909 Proceedings and addresses of general conference, 4910 -sanitary convention, 4911 - of quarter-centennial cele¬ bration, 4912 Protection of life from dangerous il¬ luminating oils, 4913 Public health, 4914 Quarter-century of public-health litera¬ ture, 4915 Ranney: Health service of a state, 5919 Registration of physicians, 4916 Regulations for examinations in sani¬ tary science, 4917 Relative to diseases, 4918 -to erysipelas and puerperal fever, 4919 -exhibit at Columbian ex¬ position, 4920 -notices of diseases which endanger public health, 4921 -scarlet fever, 4922 Report of tuberculosis survey, 4923 Restriction and prevention of diph¬ theria, 4924-4927 INDEX 355 MICHIGAN—Continued State board of health—Continued -scarlet ^ fever, 4928, 4929 Special reports relative to communi¬ cable and preventable diseases, 4930 -of 3 outbreaks of diph¬ theria, 4931 Statement of facts concerning cases of typhoid fever, 4932 Teachers’ sanitary bulletin, 4933 Typhoid fever, 4934 Water-supply of localities, 4935 Weekly reports of diseases, 4936 See also Clark, A. A. -inspectors of the Michigan military academy Report, 4937 -penal insti¬ tutions First biennial report, 4938 -law examiners Statute rules and regulations govern¬ ing examination of applicants for admission to bar, 4939 -library commissioners Annotated list of reference books, 4940 Annual report, 4941 Books for libraries, 4942 Catalgoue of books for popular library, 4943 How to start free public library, 4944, 4945 Koch: Library assistant’s manual, 2571 Legislative history of township libraries, 4946 List of books for school libraires, 4947 Michigan libraries, 5406 -summer school for library training, 4948 Poems arranged by grades, 4949, 4950 State aid to libraries, 4951 ‘Statistics of township and district libraries, 4952 Walter: Care of school libraries, 6795 See also Michigan. Library associa¬ tion; Michigan. State library -registration in medicine Few facts concerning history of, 1694 Rules and regulations relating to standard of preliminary and medical education, 4953 -building commissioners, see Michi¬ gan. Board of state building commis¬ sioners - buildings, see Michigan. Acting commissioner on state buildings -canvassers, see Michigan. Board of state canvassers - capital, see Michigan. Board of state building commissioners; Michi¬ gan. Capital and capitol -constitutions, see Michigan. Con¬ stitutions MICHIGAN—Continued State commission on industrial and agri¬ cultural education Report, 4954 ■ -court of mediation and arbitration Report, 4955, 4956 -dept., see Michigan. Dept, of state -eclectic medical and surgical society Memorial, 4957 Transactions, 4958 ■ -fair Emmons: Mss., 8075, 8076, 8078 Premium list, 4959 Siegel’s official illustrated map and guide, 8033 -federation of women’s clubs Corresponding secretary’s report, 4960 Directory, 4961 Hand book of outlines, 4962 [Jones]: Address of president, 2423 Manual, 4963 Michigan club bulletin, 4964 [Program of] annual convention, 4965 Report, 4966 Year book, 4967 - finances, see Michigan. Finance -fire marshal Annual report, 4968 Regulations, 4969 -firemen’s association Proceedings, 4970 —-funds Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on state funds: Report, 4081 - game, fish and forestry warden, see Michigan. Game, fish and forestry warden -gazetteer Chapin: Mich, state gazetteer and business directory, 645 State gazetteer and business directory, 5424 ■ -good roads association Map of Dixie highway, 8004 Ninth annual convention, 4971 -grange Annual meeting, 4972 Constitution and declaration of pur¬ poses, 4973 Lecturer’s bulletin, 4974 -year handbook, 4975 -handbook, 4976 -report, 4977 Patrons of husbandry granges of Mich. with names and addresses, 4978 Proceedings, 4979 Stockman: Coming of Happy Valley grange to Hard Scrabble Hollow, 6413 Treasurer’s financial report, 4980 ■ -highway committee Report, 4981 ■ -horticultural society Annual report, 4982 Catalogue of fruits, 4983 Lyon: History of Mich, horticulture, '2783 356 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued State horticultural society—Continued Wheeler: Catalogue of phaenogamous and vascular cryptogamous plants, 6884 -house of correction, see Michigan. Building commissioners of the state house of correction; Michigan. Com¬ missioners to locate a state house of correction; Michigan. Reformatory -and branch of state prison in Upper Peninsula Biennial report of board of control, 4984 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was referred bill to locate branch of state prison in Upper Peninsula, 4236 Report of board of commissioners, 4985 -industrial home for girls Biennial report, 4986 Charges of senate finance committee on industrial home, 4987 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report relative to establishing reform school for girls, 4027 -inspector of illuminating oils Michigan. Laws, statutes,- etc.: Act creating inspection of illuminating oils, 3917 Report, 4988 -institutions Bliss: Mich, and her public institu¬ tions, 387 Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Hints and suggestions relative to keeping accounts at state institu¬ tions, 3123 Summary showing financial condi¬ tion of state institutions, boards and commissions, 3152 ■-. Governor: Statement show¬ ing articles purchased and average cost of each, 3773 -land office Annual report, 4989 Communication from commissioner, 4990 - in accordance with resolution relative to money paid contractor on canal around rapids of Grand River, 4991 - giving statement of lands appropriated, 4992 - relative to appraisals and sale of F. Mill property, 4993 -- reporting amount of unappropriated internal improve¬ ment land on hand, 4994 -- transmitting state¬ ment of state lands trespassed upon during 2 years prior to 1861, 4995 relating to swamp MICHIGAN—Continued State land office—Continued -— transmitting state¬ ment of receipts from sales of swamp lands, 4997 -- giving statement of number of descriptions of legal sub¬ divisions of unsold swamp lands, 4998 - relative to sales of university lands, 4999 -to swamp land state roads, 5000 Edmonds: Journal of senate as court of impeachment, 1575 List of internal improvement lands un¬ sold and not by law withheld from sale, 5001 Map showing location of roads [etc.] built by state, 8017, 8018 Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Communication showing names, salaries, etc. of clerks, 3107 Communication relative to names, salaries, etc. of clerks, 3120 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to, 3898, 3899 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report of committee to which was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to lands belonging to state, with re¬ port of commissioner of land office, 4580 -—: Report of committee to whom were referred petition for removal of land office from Marshall to Grand Rapids, 4591 [-. -. -: Re¬ ply to resolution requesting reason in favor of abolishing office of commis¬ sioner or in favor of removing office from Marshall to state capitol], 4426 -. University. Board of re¬ gents. Executive committee: Peti¬ tion asking law requiring commis¬ sioner to report sale of university lands, 5248 [Report in compliance with request for information about amount of each appropriation of lands for internal improvement out of 500,000 acre tract], 5002 -on tax homestead lands, 5003 -of survey of St. Clair flats, 5004 [Statement of number of university and school lands sold], 5005 -library American flag, 5006, 5007 [Bibliography], 5008 Biographical sketches of American artists, 5009-5012 Bulletin, 5013 Catalogue, 5014-5030 lands, 4996 INDEX 1 357 MICHIGAN—Continued State library—Continued Communication [relative to books miss¬ ing], 5031 -[-- to condition of state library], 5032 -[-- manner in which money for enlargement of library has been expended], 5033 -in regard to, 5034 Finding list of works on genealogy and local history, 5035, 5036 First selection of 500 children’s books, 5037 Graded school libraries, 5038 [History of traveling library move¬ ment], 5039 Law dept. Accessions, 5051 Catalogue, 5052 Legislative reference dept. Amendment of state constitutions, 5053 Bulletin, 5054 Digest of laws relating to motor vehicles, 5055 [Documents compiled for committee on printing of constitutional con¬ vention of 1907], 5056 Laws relating to minimum wage for women and minors, 5057 -presidential pri¬ maries, 5058 -vagrancy, 5059, 5060 -women, 5061 Legislative circular, 5062 - reference list. Em¬ ployers’ liability, 5063 Local legislation, 5064 Local, special and private legislation, 5065 Public lands and forest protection, 5066 Libraries, 5040 List of duplicates for sale or exchange, 5041 -periodicals in general dept., 5042 Michigan artists, 5043 [-. Auditor general’s office]: Statement of amounts expended for enlargement, 3148 [-. Dept, of public instruc¬ tion]: Preferred list of books, 3416- 3418 -. Dept, of state: Annual re¬ port, 3469, 3470 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the state library: Report [on bill for better and more efficient management], 4176 Outline of study for use of clubs, 5044 Power: First selection of 500 children’s books, 5859 Preferred list of pictures for children and young people, 5045 MICHIGAN—Continued State library—Continued Quarterly bulletin, 5046 Report of state librarian, 5047 ■- [transmitting statement of manner in which money appropriated for enlargement of library has been expended], 5048 Study clubs, 5049 Traveling libraries, 5050 See also Michigan. State board of li¬ brary commissioners -medical society Connor: Mich, medical society, 773 Journal, 5067 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred petition of officers and members, 4743 President’s address, 5068 Ranney: President’s annual address, 5922 Report, 5069 Transactions, 5070 -military board Camp, garrison, guard and other duties, 5071 Laws, rules and regulations, 5072 Memorial, 5073 Michigan. Governor: Messages, 3756 Proposed permanent National guard encampment at Grayling, 5074 Regulations for National guard, 5075 Report, 5076 Willcox: Instruction in field artillery, 6933 -school Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred resolution to inquire into constitu¬ tional objections to issue of state bonds for, 4142 -normal college Aurora, 5077 Conservatory of music Outline of courses, 5081 Dept, of physical education Suggestions for physical training, 5082 Gregory: Relation of normal school to school systems, 1988 Library Public school libraries, 5083 Mayhew: Reports of superintendent of public instruction, 2933 Michigan. Board of education: Re¬ port in pursuance of act to establish, 3171 •-. Dept, of public instruction: Communication [relative to act per¬ mitting counties to send students], 3366 --. State board of education r Catalogue of library, 4873 358 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued State normal college—Continued Memorial [relative to location], 4874 Memorial containing statement of operation, condition and fiscal neces¬ sities, 4875 Proceedings of anniversary day exer¬ cises, 5078 Putnam: History, 5899 Summer school [catalogue], 5079 Training school dept. Suggestive outlines of courses of study, 5084 Western journal of education, 6870 Year book, 5080 -schools, see Michigan. Cen¬ tral state normal school; Michigan. Northern state normal school; Mich¬ igan. State normal college; Mich¬ igan. Western state normal school -nurses’ association Proceedings of annual convention, 5085 -offices Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on abolishing certain state offices: Report, 4194 -pharmaceutical association Proceedings of annual meeting, 5086 -press association Lowrey: Mich, state press association, 2775 23d annual conclave and royal outing, 5087 -printer Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Report in relation to legality of cer¬ tain payments, 3078 -. Auditor general’s office: Report concerning disbursement of certain moneys to, 3128 [ - . - ?]: Statement showing amounts paid, 3151 Munger: Memorial relative to ap¬ pointment of state journal as state printer, 5505 -printing Michigan. Board of state auditors: Contract prices for printing and binding, 3219 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report on bill relative to, 4496 See also Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on printing; Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Committee on printing -prison Affidavits and reports of inspectors, 5088 Bates: [Memorial relative to expendi¬ tures], 238 Catalogue of library, 5089 Communication from agent, 5090 MICHIGAN—Continued State prison—Continued Lathrop: [Memorial relative to con¬ tract for convict labor], 2688 Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Communication relative to settle¬ ment with agent of, 3105 Communication transmitting report relative to amount of cash received and expended, 3109 [- • -: Report relative to articles furnished], 3143 -. Charities and corrections, 3245 -. Commissioners on the state penitentiary: Report on location of same, 3290 -. Governor: Message of Gov. Warner relative to establishment of binder twine plant, 3766 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the accounts of B. Porter: Report of committee to investigate accounts, 4196 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report relative to appropriations for remov¬ ing wall and building work shops, 4272 -. -. -. Select committee: Report of committee to investigate accounts of B. Porter, commissioner, 4341 -: Report of committee to inquire into appropriation for build¬ ing, 4342 -. -■. Joint com¬ mittee: Report of committee to examine condition of, 4402 -: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of gov¬ ernors’ messages as relates to, 4403 -: Joint report of committee [to whom was referred report of committee of inspection], 4404 -: Report of committee [to visit prison], 4405 -: .Report of committee [to whom was referred resolution of in¬ struction on], 4406 -: Testimony in investigation touching administration of affairs, 4407 -—. -. Senate. In¬ vestigating committee: Report of committee to audit and settle ac¬ counts, 4698 INDEX 359 l MICHIGAN—Continued State prison—Continued Pauperism and crime in Mich., 5677, 5678 Rebuilding men, 5091 Report of agent, 5092 -board of control, 5093 -commissioners, 5094 -[on condition], 5095 - [in obedience to resolution to investigate financial condition, man¬ agement and other matters], 5096 Rules for government and discipline, , 5097 Souvenir booklet, 5098 Trip through prison, 5099 See also Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on the state prison; Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Committee on the state prison; Michigan. Penal institutions; Michi¬ gan. State house of correction and branch of state prison in Upper Pen¬ insula -psychopathic hospital Biennial report, 5100 See also Michigan. Joint board of trustees of state hospitals •-public school Biennial report, 5101 Boys and girls of, 5102 Laws relating to establishment and government, 5103 Michigan. Central board of control of state institutions: 1st biennial re¬ port, 3243 -. Charities and corrections, 3245 Pauperism and crime in Mich., 5678 Randall: Ecole de l’etat de Mich., 5913 Report to Paris exposition, 5104 - reform school, see Michigan. In¬ dustrial school for boys; Michigan. State industrial home for girls -salt inspector, see Michigan. Salt inspector -- sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis Biennial report, 5105 -summer encampment National chautauqua association: Michigan state summer encamp¬ ment, 5527 -swamp land commissioner Report, 5106 -tax association Heineman: Michigan’s need of budget system, 2099 Proceedings, 5107 Tax bulletin, 5108 See also Michigan. Board of state tax commissioners; Michigan. State as¬ sociation of supervisors -statistician First annual report, 5109 MICHIGAN—Continued State teachers’ association Committee on educational investiga¬ tions Study of retardation, acceleration, elimination and repetition, 5114 Executive committee. Physical train¬ ing section Physical training for city schools, 5115, 5116 Memorial asking appropriation to fur¬ nish 3 copies of Mich, school journal to district libraries, 5110 -portion of proceeds from swamp lands to colleges and academies, 5111 Michigan journal of education, 5405 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report on memorial of, 4033 -teacher, 5425 Official program, 5112 Putnam: Sketch of history, 5901 Transactions, 5113 -telephone co. Burch: Telephone rates in Detroit, 494 -treasury, see Michigan. Treasury dept. -troops, see Michigan. Militia ■ -union Sunday school association Proceedings of annual convention, 5117 -- veterinary board. Stallion regis¬ tration division Report, 5118 ■ -medical association Proceedings, 5119 Statistics Edwards: Historical, statistical and commercial review of Mich., 1579 Bramhall: Facts and figures about Mich., 429-431 Michigan. Dept, of state: Statistical report, 3525, 3526 Statistical sketch of Mich., 6385 Statistics compiled from census of 1850, 6386 U. S. Bureau of the census: 13th cen¬ sus, with supplement for Mich., 6625 ■—. —.-: 13th cen¬ sus, statistics for Mich., 6626 See also Michigan. Census; Statistics -, vital Baker: Report on death-rate of each sex in Mich., 195 -: Report on methods of collect¬ ing, 196 Delamarter: Distribution of deaths from diphtheria, 941 Michigan. Dept, of state: Annual re¬ port on registration of births and deaths, 3471 -. -.-. Division of vital statistics: Monthly bulletin, 3528 360 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued Statistics, vital—Continued --. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to registration of births, deaths, marriages, 3835 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report in favor of law for registration of mar¬ riages, births and deaths, 4233 -: Report on memorial of Northeastern medical society for law for registration of births, marriages and deaths, 4234 Wilbur: Collection and registration, 6925 Sunday school association, see Michigan. State Union Sunday school association Superintendent and collector of the St. Mary’s Falls ship canal Annual report, 5120 Supervisors, see Supervisors Supreme court Abstract of decisions rendered at Jan. term 1875, 5121 Baker: State of Michigan, Supreme court, S. Baldwin vs. F. A. Baker, 190 Campbell: Index digest of decisions, 563 Chaney: Digest of decisions, 636-639 -: Supreme court of Mich., 641 Citator, 677 Colt: Payment of taxes under protest, 747 Communication [in compliance with resolution asking opinion relative to conferring jurisdiction in certain causes on county and circuit courts], 5122 Cooley, E. A.: Digest of Mich, re¬ ports, 807 t-, T. M.]: Digest of reported cases, 808 Crockett: Digest of decisions, 862 Detroit. Bar: Memorial relative to payment of expenses of judges, 972 Douglass: Reports, 1539 Drake’s Mich, digest, 1548 Exercises in memory of J. V. Campbell, 5123 \ Jacobs: Digest of decisions, 2375-2377 McGrath: Mandamus cases decided in Supreme court, 2833 May: State of Mich. Supreme court, Mary May vs. city of Grand Rapids, 2931 Michigan. Courts: Report of reporter, 3331 -. -: Rules, 3332-3342 -digest, 5394, 5395 -. Industrial accident board: Workmen’s compensation cases, 3814 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Dairy and food laws, 3850 MICHIGAN—Continued Supreme court—Continued -. -,-,-.: How¬ ell’s annotated statutes, 3877 ■-. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report upon part of governor’s message re¬ lating to opinions of Supreme court, 4147 -reports, 5124 -serial digest, 5410 Practice reports, 5125 Salem. Township board: Opinions in people ex rel. Detroit and Howell railroad vs. Township board of Salem, 6133 Salsbury: People vs. L. K. Salsbury, 6135 Shepard’s Mich, citations, 6229 Stevens: Treatise on practice in actions at law, 6402 Talbot: Table of cases, 6495 See also Michigan. Courts; Michigan (Ter.) Supreme court Surveys Russell: Topographical survey, 6053 Swamp land commissioner, see Michigan. State swamp land commissioner -roads, see Michigan. Board of control of state swamp land roads Tax association, see Michigan. State tax association -statistician, see Michigan. State tax statistician Teacher, 5425 Teachers’ association, see Michigan. State teachers’ association -directory, 5426 Technic, 5427 Township officers’ guide, see Michigan. Dept, of state Traverse City state hospital Clarke: Memoirs of asylum life, 706 Ellis: Memorial in favor of homeo¬ pathic treatment, 1596 Report of commissioners, 5126 -trustees, 5127 See also Michigan. Asylum for the insane; Michigan. Asylums; Michi¬ gan. Joint board of trustees of state hospitals Treasury dept. Communication relative to banks, 5128 -amount of tax paid by banks, 5129 •-[-claim of G. Davies], 5130 - Farmers’ and mechanics bank, 5131 -concerning future pay¬ ments of five million loan, 5132 - in relation to bonds issued by fund commissioners, 5133 [- presenting statement of amount of funds received and dis¬ bursed], 5134 INDEX 361 MICHIGAN—Continued Treasury dept.—Continued - relative to amount and kind of funds received for state bonds, 5135 ■- transmitting reports of superintendent of St. Mary’s Falls canal, 5136, 5137 -relative to distribution of school moneys, 5138 - [in compliance with resolution relative to payment of money due from Southern railroad], 5139 -relative to negotiation and sale of state bonds, 5140 [- transmitting receipts and expenditures], 5141 -relative to payment of salary to governor, 5142 - exhibiting state of, 5043 -giving names, salaries, etc. of clerks, 5144 - accompanying report, 5145 -- in relation to weights and measures, 5146, 5147 Documents relative to disbursements of certain moneys, 5148 -loan to Palmyra and Jacksonburgh railroad co., 5149 Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Communication containing state¬ ment of funds in treasury, 3092 Communication showing names, salaries, etc. of clerks, 3107 I-•. —---—- : Communication transmitting state¬ ment of receipts and expenditures since last report], 3119 Report relative to replenishing, 3139 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on banks: Report relative to moneys to be received, 3983 -. -. . Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report relative to construction of building for, 4285 -. -. Joint com¬ mittee: Report of committee to in¬ vestigate, 4414 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report on refer¬ ence of report, 4469 -: Report [on ex¬ amination of accounts on books of], 4470 -: Report of com¬ mittee to whom were referred part of governor’s message relating to MICHIGAN—Continued Treasury dept.—Continued finances, together with report of state treasurer, 4480, 4481 -: Report [relative to condition of], 4483 Report of treasurer, 5150 -in answer to preamble and reso¬ lution, 5151 -— compliance with resolution of house, 5152 -relation to payment of cer¬ tain moneys, 5153 -taxes, 5154 [- relative to weights and meas¬ ures], 5515 State of Mich, in account with Mich, state bank, 5156 Statement of funds on hand, 5157 [-moneys paid for main¬ taining supremacy of laws], 5158 Trust co. Assignees and receivers, 5428 Laws relating to descent and distribu¬ tion of property, 5429 Tuberculosis sanatorium, see Michigan. State sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis Union, see Michigan. University Union college Catalogue, 5430 University Adams: Historical sketch of, 8 -: University of Mich., 9 Addresses in honor of President Angell, 5159 Alpha delta phi Chapin: [Autographs], 8292 Alumni association Mich, alumnus, 5361, 5362 U. of M. news-letter, 6715 Angell: Reminiscences, 92 -: U. of M.; commemorative ora¬ tion at semi-centennial, 93 Ann Arbor art association: Exhibition, 97 Answer and review of report of faculty and committee of regents, 5160 Architecture dept., see Michigan. Uni¬ versity. Colleges of engineering and architecture Argonaut, 152 Art and archaeology, see Michigan. University. Gallery of art and archaeology Athletics U. of M. athletic annual, 6709 Barber: Memorial relative to recent proceedings of board of regents and faculty, 218 [Bates]: Mich, union, 240 Becker: Memorial in regard to late difficulties in, 325 Berry: Obstacles to higher education in, 354 3G2 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continue d University—Continued Black fly, 380 Board of regents Communication [relative to plan for university], 5225 •- [-amend¬ ments to act providing for govern¬ ment], 5226 Executive committee Communication [in accordance with resolution requesting opin¬ ion of whether interest will be promoted by reduction of price of university lands], 5246 [Letter from J. Kearsley to Gov. Felch], 5247 Petition asking law requiring land office to report sale of university lands, 5248 [Explanation of appropriations], 5228 Medical dept, and hospital, 5229 Memoir embracing epitome of trans¬ actions, 5230 Memorial, 5231 -to senate and house, 5232- 5234 -relating to debt, 5235 - asking payment to uni¬ versity fund of certain interest moneys, 5236 -praying for relief, 5237 Michigan. Governor: Message in behalf of regents, 3595 -. Legislature. Senate. Committee on literature: Report of committee to whom was re¬ ferred resolution instructing en¬ quiry into propriety of allowing regents traveling expenses, 4596 Committee on public instruction: Report of committee to whom was referred resolution instructing board to procure publication of journal of their doings, 4645 Report of committee to whom was referred resolution of enquiry to expediency of providing by law for publishing journal of board, 4646 Report in relation to remonstrance of regents, 4647 Petition, 5238 Proceedings, 5239 Remonstrance against passage of bill to repeal act relating to in¬ terest fund, 5240 Report [in obedience to resolution requiring board to report on neces¬ sary changes in organic law], 5241 MICHIGAN—Continued University—Continued - of committee to investigate recent difficulties at university, 5242 -on professor¬ ships, 5243 -on collection of state geologist, 5244 Statement of secretary in reply to resolution of senate, 5245 University question; nature of gov¬ ernment, 6717 Burton: Diary of Detroit, 8271 Campbell: Memorial discourse on the life and services of Rev. G. P. Wil¬ liams, 570 Campus guide book, 5161 -news notes, 574 Castalian, 614 Catalogue of academic senate, 5162 - of corporation officers and students in medicine, arts and science, 5163 -officers and students of Romeo branch, 5164 -university, 5165 Catalogue, general, see Michigan. Uni¬ versity : General catalogue [Cheever]: Stories and amusing inci¬ dents, 659 Chemical laboratory Campbell: History, 564 Chronicle, 676 Class of 1858 Class of “fifty-eight,” 5249 -1859 Class of “fifty-nine,” 5250 --1861 Utley: Class of sixty-one, 6731 -- — 1869 U. of M. class of sixty-nine, 5251 --1870 History of class, 5252, 5253 -1873 Record, 5254 --1875 Record, 5255 -1893 . Vigintennial reunion, 5256 Clinical society Transactions, 5257 Code of laws, 5166, 5167 -rules, 5168 Collection of ’varsity verse, 5169 College of dental surgery Annual announcement, 5258 -engineering Mechanical dept. Drawing standards and conven¬ tions, 5262 Proceedings of short course highway engineering, 5259 Special announcement, 5260 Specifications, descriptive geometry drawing, 5261 INDEX 363 \ MICHIGAN—Continued University—C ontinue d Colleges of engineering and architecture General announcement, 5263 Special announcement, 5264 College of literature, science and the arts Announcement, 5265 - of courses in higher commercial education, 5266 - of courses in land¬ scape design, 5267 -of work in forestry, 5268 Botanical dept. Field studies in botany, 5273 Courses in business administration, 5269 List of accredited schools, 5270 Order of examinations for higher degrees, 5271 School of political science Annual announcement, 5274 Summer session, 5272 -pharmacy Announcement, 5275 Index to contributions of original work done by alumni, 5276 Register of alumni, 5277 Commencement annual, 5170 Commencement Quarles: Old and the new, 5903 Conference question, 5171 Constitutional provisions, laws and by¬ laws, 5172, 5173 Coolidge: Relation of higher education to state, 817 Curriculum Hinsdale: General introduction to courses in teaching, 2127 -: Theoretical and critical and practical courses in teaching, 2133 Michigan. University. College of literature, science and the arts: Courses in business* administra¬ tion, 5269 -. -. Library: Course in library methods, 5294 --. -: List of students in science and art of teaching, 5193 -. -: Suggested programs of study in business ad¬ ministration, 5214 •-. -: University training for newspaper work, 5219 See also under names of departments Death notices, 5174-5176 Defalcation in chemical laboratory, 5227 Dental college, see Michigan. Uni¬ versity. College of dental surgery Dept, of dentistry, see Michigan. Uni¬ versity. College of dental surgery MICHIGAN—Continued University—Continued -. — engineering, see Michigan. University. College of engineering -. — law, see Michigan. Univer¬ sity. Law school -. — literature, science and the arts, see Michigan. University. Col¬ lege of literature, science and the arts • -. —• medicine and surgery, see Michigan. University. Medical school * -. —• pharmacy, see Michigan. University. College of pharmacy Detroit observatory Estes: Latitude of Detroit observa¬ tory, 1613 Publications, 5278 Report of director, 5279 Directories Michigan. University: Directory of faculties and officers, 5177 -. -: General di¬ rectory, 5187 -. -: Official stu¬ dent directory, 5203 Polk & co.: Students’ directory, 5789 D’Ooge: President Angell’s quarter- centennial, 1537 Electro-therapeutical laboratory Bulletin, 5280 Engineering dept., see Michigan. Uni¬ versity. College of engineering -society Constitution and by-laws, 5281 Michigan technic, 5427 Selected papers, 5282 The technic, 6510 Entrance requirements Payne: Relation between university and high schools, 5684 [Examination questions], 5178 Exercises at inauguration of President Angell, 5179 - at unveiling monument in memory of H. S. Frieze, 5180 Extension service, 5181 Faculty Michigan. Legislature. House. Se¬ lect committee: Report of com¬ mittee to inquire concerning char¬ acter of report alleged to have been made by faculty, 4360 Michigan. University: Directory of faculty and officers, 5177 Farrand: History of U. of M., 1671 Fine arts dept. Bradish: Remarks on fine arts dept., 425 Football Wagner & co.: Mich, on gridiron, 6778 Ford: Memorial discourse on A. B. Palmer, 1725 364 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued University—Continued Frieze: Memorial discourse on Rev. H. P. Tappan, 1767 -: Relations of state university to religion, 1768 Funds Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on education: Report of committee to whom was referred special message, 4028 . . % . -: Report [relative to petition for adding university fund to common school fund], 4036 Gallery of art and archaeology Catalogue, 5283, 5284 Descriptive catalogue, 5285 Gargoyle, 1787 General catalogue, 5182-5186 -directory, 5187 Geological, mineralogical, zoological and botanical dept. [Michigan. University. Board of regents. Executive committee]: [Letter from J. Kearsley], 5247 Good songs, 5188 Graduate school Annual announcement, 5286 Michigan. University: Report on requirements for doctors’ degrees, 5210 Harris hall Check stub-books, 8470 Haven: Autobiography, 2087 Hinsdale: History of U. of M., 2128 [-]: Spirit and ideals of U. of M., 2132 -: Theoretical and critical and practical courses in teaching, 2133 -: U. of M. as constitutional institution, 2135 Histories Adams: Historical sketch of, 8 Farrand: History of, 1671 Hinsdale: History of, 2128 Ten Brook: Amer. state universi¬ ties, 6513 Homoeopathic medical school Annual announcement, 5287 Joy: Protest against passage of act for organization of homeopathic branch, 2428 Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on education: Report relative to erection of chair of homeopathy, 4037 Select committee: Report relative to establishing homeopathic dept, in U. of M., 4358 -. -. Senate. Committee on education: Report relative to establishment of chair of homeopathy, 4461 MICHIGAN—Continued University—Continued Committee on the judiciary: Re¬ port relative to bill to provide for homeopathic branch, 4575 Committee on public instruction: Report relative to bill to provide for organization of homeopathic branch, 4644 -. University. Senate: Memorial relative to establishing chair of homeopathy, 5315 [Palmer: Statement of relation of faculty in dept, of medicine and surgery to faculty in homoeopathic college], 5629 Souvenir, 5288 Thayer: Memorial on subject of establishing chair of homoeopathy in medical dept., 6518 Treadwell: Petition for chair of homoeopathy, 6582 University homeopathic observer, 6708 See also Michigan. University. Medical school; Michigan. Uni¬ versity. University homoeopathic hospital Hospitals, see Michigan. University. University homoeopathic hospital; Michigan. University. University hospital Inlander, 2295 Interest fund [Michigan. Auditor general’s office]: Statement of account with, 3146 Junior hop souvenir, 5189 Laboratories, see Michigan. Univer¬ sity. Electro-therapeutical labora¬ tory; Michigan. University. Patho¬ logical laboratory; Michigan. Uni¬ versity. Physical laboratory Laboratory manual Huber: Directions for work in his¬ tological laboratory, 2253, 2254 Law congress Tappan: Message to law congress of U. of M., 6501 ——- school Annual announcement, 5289 Graduates of law dept., 5290 Lecture course on international law, 8471 Michigan. University: To wit, dept, of law, 5217 Res gestae, 5291 Summer session, 5292 Laws, ordinances, by-laws, 5190 Laying corner-stone of new medical building, 5191 Library Bourland: Walter library, 408 Catalogue, 5293 Course in library methods, 5294 INDEX 365 1 MICHIGAN—Continued University—Continued Dock: Medical library, 1530 Hegner: Periodical literature and publications of learned societies of interest to zoologists, 2096 Koch: Enlargement needed, 2568 [-]: Four needs, 2569 -: Handbook of libraries, U. of M., 2570 [-]: Union catalogs, 2573 Library staff manual, 5295-5297 Public exercises on completion of library building, 5298 U. of M. library, 5299 Library committee Memorial [in compliance with resolu¬ tion requesting memorial setting forth necessity of library building], 5300 List of periodicals on file, 5192 -students who have pursued courses in science and art of teach¬ ing, 5193 Literature, science and arts dept., see Michigan. University. College of literature, science and the arts Lodge: Petition in regard to granting university an appropriation, 2756 Lovell: U. of M. calendar, 2772 [MaCracken]: Protest against sec¬ tarianism, 2815 -: Religion in university, 2816 Maps Map of Ann Arbor, by H. P. Gould, 7610 -, by Wickes bros., 7611 See also Ann Arbor. Maps Marshall: Guide to special and test diets in university hospital, 2904 Mayhew: Reports of superintendent of public instruction, 2933 May festival, see Michigan. Univer¬ sity. University musical society Medical library Warthin: Peter White gift, 6808 -school Allen: Introductory address to col¬ lege of medicine and surgery, 54 Catalogue, 5301 Contributions to medical research, 778 Historical sketch, 5302 Memorial on female medical educa¬ tion, 5303 Michigan alumnus, vol. VIII, 5362 ----. University. Board of regents: Medical dept, and hos¬ pital, 5229 •-university medical journal, 5432 [Palmer: Statement of relation of faculty in the dept, of medicine MICHIGAN—Continued University—Continue d and surgery to faculty in homoeo^ pathic college], 5629 Pitcher: Address to 1st graduates, 5746 Summer session, 5304 Thayer: Memorial on subject of establishing chair of homoeopathy in medical dept., 6518 See also Michigan. University. Homoeopathic medical school; Alichigan. University. Training school for nurses; Michigan. Uni¬ versity. University hospital Memorial discourses, 5194 -on C. L. 'Ford, 5195 - in relation to increasing en¬ dowment, 5196 -addresses at funeral of Prof. Watson, 5197 -of president, 5198 -of 75th anniversary, 5499 Alichigan alumnus, 5361 - book, 5200 -daily, 5390 Alichiganensian, 5435 Alichigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report on communication of executive re¬ specting loan, 4038 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on University of Alichigan: Report, 4247 -. -. -. Select committee: Report of committee to inquire into present condition, 4359 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Report relative to transportation of materials for building university, 4547 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on public instruction: Report in answer to queries regarding branches, 4643 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report rela¬ tive to establishment of female dept., 4689 [-union], 5201 -university book, 5202 -magazine, 5431 -- medical journal, 5432 Alonroe branch Report of principal, 8472 Museum Adams: Ecological survey of Isle Royale, report from museum, 6 -: Ecological survey in north¬ ern Alich., report from museum, 7 Catalogue of museum of art and history, 5308 366 INDEX MICHIGAN—Continued University—Continued Catalogue of Trowbridge collection of natural history, 5309 Occasional papers of museum of zoology, 5310 Pearse: Notes on Crustacea recently acquired by museum, 5687 Report of curator, 5305 - on collections in geology, zoology and botany, 5306 Statement of operations, 5307 Winchell: Description of elephantine molars, 6967 Musical society, see Michigan. Uni¬ versity. University musical society Nurses' training school, see Michigan. University. Training school for nurses. Observatory, see Michigan. Univer¬ sity. Detroit observatory Official student directory, 5203 Palmer: Why go to college, 5628 Pathological laboratory Contributions, 5311 Periodicals Argonaut, 152 Black fly, 380 Campus news notes, 574 Castalian, 614 Chronicle, 676 Gargoyle, 1787 Inlander, 2295 Michigan alumnus, 5361 -daily, 5390 Michigan technic, 5427 - university magazine, 5431 -medical journal, 5432 Oracle, 5606 The technic, 6510 The university, 6705 University castalia, 6706 --chronicle, 6707 - of Michigan gothamite, 6714 - homoeopathic observer, 6708 - of Michigan news-letter, 6715 -palladium, 6716 -record, 6718 Wolverine, 7004 Wrinkle, 7053 Pharmacy school, see Michigan. Uni¬ versity. College of pharmacy Phi chapter of psi upsilon, 5204 Physical laboratory Contributions, 5312 Presbyterian church. Synod of Michi¬ gan: Synod of Mich, and state uni¬ versity, 5869 President Michigan. Universitv: Memorial, of, 5198 MICHIGAN—Continued University—Continued -. -: President’s report, 5205 Private and local gifts to state uni¬ versities, 5206 Professors Memorial [relative to condition and wants], 5313 See also Michigan. University. Faculty Programme for commencement week, 5207 - of instruction in history, 5208 Proposed laboratory of hygiene, 5209 Quadrangle book, 5314 Regents, see Michigan. University. Board of regents Report on requirements for doctors’ degrees, 5210 -dept, of hygiene and physical culture, 5211 - of receipts and disbursements, 5212 Republican club Pingree: Address before, 5743 Research club Russell: Research in state univer¬ sities, 6052 Romeo branch Catalogue of officers and students, 5164 Rules and regulations, 5213 Sadler: Experimental ship tank, 6062 School of music, see University school of music -pharmacy, see Michigan. University, College of pharmacy -technology Wood: Report in reference to es¬ tablishment of school of tech¬ nology, 7016 Science and art of teaching Payne: Contributions to science of education, 5681, 5682 Senate Memorial relative to establishing chair of homeopathy, 5315 Senior classes Michiganensian, 5435 Songs Michigan. University: Good songs, 5188 Wagner: Michigan university song book, 6777 Welch: Michigan’s favorite college songs, 6851 See also University school of music Sophomore class The oracle, 5606 State psychopathic hospital Michigan. State psychopathic hos¬ pital: Biennial report, 5100 Steere: University of Michigan and saloons of Ann Arbor, 6395 INDEX 367 MICHIGAN—Continued University—Continued Students Michigan. University: Answer and review, 5160 -. -: General di¬ rectory, 5187 -. -: Official stu¬ dent directory, 5203 Polk & co.: Students’ directory, 5789 Students’ Christian association Michigan hand-book, 5401 Suggested programs of study in busi¬ ness administration, 5214 Summer library school [Koch]: Summer library school at U. of M., 2572 -session Abridged announcement, 5316 Announcement, 5317 Sunderland: Rev. B. Fay Mills and state university, 6438 Synopsis of lectures by C. L. Ford, 5215 Tappan: Discourse on inauguration as chancellor, 6499 -Presbyterian association, 5216 -: Public education, 6500 -: Report in relation to, 6502 -: Review of connection with, 6503 -: The university, 6504 Ten Brook: American state univer¬ sities, 6513 To wit, dept, of law, 5217 Training school for nurses Annual announcement, 5318 University, The, 6705 University bulletin, 5218 -castalia, 6706 -chronicle, 6707 - of Michigan bulletin of information addressed to legislature and people, 6710, 6711 -gothamite, 6714 -homoeopathic hospital Annual report, 5319 See also Michigan. University. Homoeopathic medical school -hospital Clinic for examination and treatment of tuberculosis patients, 5320 Dept, of gynecology and obstetrics [Case records], 5322 Report, 5321 See also Michigan. University. Medical school -musical society Annual May festival, 5323 See also University school of music -palladium, 6716 -of Michigan, photogravures, 5220 - — - ( quarter-cen¬ tennial celebration of presidency of J. B. Angell, 5221 MICHIGAN—Continued University—Continued --record, 6718 - school of music, see Uni¬ versity school of music - of Michigan; semi-centen¬ nial celebration, 5222 -training for newspaper work, 5219 ’Varsity stories, 5223 Views Smith: ’Varsity views, 6266 Wells: University as art centre, 6757 Wenley: Life and work of G. S. Morris, 6862 What’s what at Mich., 5224 Whitney: Education at, 6910 Winchell: Memorial discourse on life and services of Rev. B. F. Cocker,. 6977 -: Memorial discourse on life and services of Rev. E. O. Haven,. 6978 -: Statement of operations in museum and in dept, of geology, zoology and botany, 6990 Wolverine, 7004 Woman’s progress co.: Woman’s progress among schools and col¬ leges, 7010 Wrinkle, 7053 See also Education; Schools; Univer¬ sity lands Veterinary board, see Michigan. State veterinary board --medical association, see Michi¬ gan. State veterinary medical asso¬ ciation Vital statistics, see Michigan. Statistics, vital Volksblatt Goldenes jubilaum, 5433 Volunteers of ’98, 5434 Western state normal school Bulletin, 5324 Kalamazoo normal record, 2457 Training dept. Course of study for kindergarten and 1st 8 grades, 5326 Year book, 5325 Woman’s Christian temperance, union, see Woman’s Christian temperance union of Michigan -press association Constitution and by-laws, 5327 Proceedings of annual session, 5328 [Program of annual meeting], 5329 -club Leaves from our lives, 5330 World’s fair managers, see Michigan. Board of world’s fair managers Young men’s Christian association The state, 6378 Ypsilanti normal school, see Michigan. State normal college 368 INDEX MICHIGAN (Ter.) Baby: Souvenirs of past, 167 Cavalry Muster roll, 8473 See also Michigan. Cavalry; Michigan. Militia Census U. S. Bureau of the census: [Census rolls], 8568 Citizens Resolutions for change of government, 8474 Commission on land titles Governor and judges journal, 5331 Constitutional convention Appeal, 5332 See also Michigan. Constitutional con¬ vention Courts Godfrey family: Mss., 8049 Description and travel, see Michigan. Description and travel; Northwest. Description and travel Education Salmon: Education in, 6134 Elections JJ. S. Congress. House. Committee of elections: Mich, election, 6651 ''Governor Bank book, 8475 [[Inquiry to secretary of state regarding permission to people of Detroit to W - White: Sketches of Christian life and public labors, 6896 Millet Crozier: Millet, 875, 876 Mill-point Map, by S. S. Montague, 7705 Mills, B. F. Sunderland: Rev. B. F. Mills and state university, 6438 -, G. V. Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti directory, 5450 Directory of Flint, 5451 -, The G. V., directory co. Directory of Ypsilanti, 5452 -, J. C. Our inland seas, 5453 Mills Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication [as to constitutionality of law to regulate construction of mill dams and races], 3046 See also Frederick mills Millspaugh, A. C. Party organization and machinery in Mich., 5454 Milton Junction Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 MILWAUKEE, LAKE SHORE AND WESTERN RAILWAY Co. Gogebic and other resorts, 5455 Miner, Mrs. A. B. Muskegon. Public school library: Cata¬ logue, 5517 Mineral lands Howell: Right of general government to lease, 2232 [Jackson]: Report on geological and mineralogical survey, 2351 Map of part of mineral lands adjacent to Lake Superior, by U. S. War dept., 7859 1 -Mo., Ill., Iowa and Wis., Terri¬ tory of Minn., and mineral lands of Lake Superior, by I. S. Drake, 7868 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Mineral lands, 3911 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to, 4583 : St. Mary’s canal mineral land co.: State¬ ment of plan, 6126 U. S. President: Message in relation to- removal of Chippewa Indians from mineral lands of Lake Superior, 6684 ■—. —. Treasury dept.: Surveys of pub¬ lic lands, 6690 •—. —. War dept.: Mineral lands on Lake Superior, 6695 Mineralogy Foster: Report on geology of Lake Su¬ perior land district, 1737 Mineral waters Cutter: Guide to Mount Clemens, 901,, 902 Kennedy: Magnetic and mineral springs, 2518 Lane: Lower Mich, mineral waters, 2605 Lansing mineral and magnetic well, 2677 St. Clair mineral springs co.: Illustrated' circular of Oakland, 6113 Mines and mineral resources Allen: Mineral resources of Mich., 57-62 Baltimore mining co.: Articles of asso¬ ciation, 213 Batchewanung land and mining co.: Cer¬ tificate stub-book, 8238 -.: Rec¬ ord book, 8239 Beard’s directory and history of Mar¬ quette co., with early history of mines, 322 [British North American mining co.]: Report, 442 Brooks: On use of magnetic needle, 452 Calumet and Hecla mining co.: Sum¬ mary of operations, 558 Copper Creek mining co.: Receipt stub- book, 8301 Detroit and Eureka gold and silver min¬ ing co., 1404 ■- copper mining co. of Arizona: Articles of association, 1433 INDEX i 371 MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES— Continued Gogebic co. Inspector of mines: Annual report, 1821 [Hager]: Ancient mining on shores of Lake Superior, 2010 Holbrook: Mss., 8198 Houghton: Mineral region of Lake Su¬ perior, 2213 -: Reports, 2214 Howell: Right of general government to lease mineral lands, 2232 Hulbert: “Calumet-conglomerate”, 2260, 2261 Iron co. Inspector of mines: Annual re¬ port, 2336 -resources of Mich., 2337 - trade review: Lake Superior iron ore shipments, 2338 Joy: Mss., 8143 Koch: Mineral gegenden der Vereinigten Staaten, 2567 Lane: Geology of lower Mich., 2601 Lord: Taxation of mining properties, 2770 Maps Farmer’s map of Lake Superior and mining regions, 7919, 7920 Furnaces consuming L. S. ores, by Mich, geological survey, 7827 Geological section in Central mine, by Mich, geological survey, 7823 -map of mineral region, by J. Farmer, 7839 - and topographical map of mineral district of Lake Superior, by J. C. Booth and E. J. Hulbert, 7840, 7841 Map of Champion mine, by Mich, geological survey, 7824 -iron mines at Negaunee, by Mich, geological survey, 7826 -Lake Superior mine, by Mich. geological survey, 7835 -Marquette iron region, by Mich, geological survey, 7829 -Menominee iron region, by Mich, geological survey, 7830 -mineral district of northern Mich., by Mich, college of mines, 7834 -mineral region of south shore of Lake Superior, by J. Houghton, jr. and T. W. Bristol, 7836 Maps of mineral region of Lake Su¬ perior, by Weare and Little & co., 7838 Map of New York mine, by Mich, geological survey, 7833 --portion of silver range of Lake Superior, by Howe and Terry, 7842 -Washington and Edwards mines, by Mich, geological survey, 7844 -What-Cheer mine, 7845 MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES— Continued Method of sinking shafts, Mohawk ' mine, 7832 Mineral regions of Lake Superior, 7837 Sectional map of copper, iron and silver region of Lake Superior, 7843 Sketch map of copper range of northern ^ Mich., 7825 Statistics of iron ore trade and iron mines, by Mich, geological survey, 7828 Michigan. Board of state tax commis¬ sioners: Appraisal of mining prop¬ erties, 3228 • -. College of mines. Dept, of geology: Notes on rocks and minerals, 3256 -. Dept, of mineral statistics: Annual report, 3354 --. Geological survey: Annual report, 3559 -.-: Report for 1891 and 1892, 3570 -.-: Report, 3571 -.-: [Reports], 3573 -. Geological and biological sur¬ vey: Mineral resources, 3581 --. Laws, statutes, etc.: Mineral lands, 3911 --. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on mines and minerals: Re¬ port relative to specific taxes in Upper Peninsula, 4191 • -. -. Joint committee: Report of committee on mines and minerals, 4399 Report of committee to whom was re¬ ferred so much of governors’ messages as related to mineral interests of state, 4400 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Sovereign right of Mich, to mines and minerals, 4563 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on mines and minerals: Report of committee to whom was referred bill relative to granting charters to mining corporations in Upper Penin¬ sula, 4606 Old settlers’ mining co.: Articles of as¬ sociation, 5595 Swineford: Appendix to history of Lake Superior iron district, 6450 •-: History of Lake Superior iron district, 6449 Trowbridge: Mss., 8204 White: Mining industry of northern Mich., 6899 Whittlesey: Ancient mining on shores of Lake Superior, 6916 372 INDEX MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES— Continued See also Copper mines and mining; Iron mines and mining; Iron ore; Limestone; Michigan. Census; Michigan. Col¬ lege of mines; Silver mines and mining Minimum wage Michigan. State library. Legislative reference dept.: Laws relating to minimum wage for women and minors, 5057 Mining companies Petitions for organization of townships in Keweenaw co., 5456 -corporations, see Corporation law •-journal co. 1st annual review of copper mining indus¬ try of Lake Superior, 5457 -law Republic iron co.: Articles of association, by-laws, etc., 5949 -supplies, see Brady & co. Minors, see Children Minutes of state convention of colored citizens of Mich., 5458 Miskouaki Indian affairs around Detroit in 1706, 5459 Missaukee county Agricultural society Premium list of annual fair, 5460 Buckley and Douglas lumber co.: Few facts about farm and fruit lands, 482 School commissioner Missaukee schools, 5461 Stout: Story of year in, 6422 Missionary Ridge, Battle of [Belknap]: History of Mich, organiza¬ tions at, 337, 338 Missions and missionaries American Sunday school union: Reports, 84, 85 Anishinabe enamiad, 94 Beard’s directory and history of Mar¬ quette co., 322 Brown, C. R.: Old Northwest Terri¬ tory, 461 -, E. O.: Two missionary priests at Mackinac, 465 Copway: Life, history and travels, 836 De Schweinitz: Life and times of D. Zeisberger, 951 Dionne: G. Richard, 1519 Eighteenth St. Baptist mission, 1582 Hastings: Mss., 8131 Hildreth: Contributions to early history of Northwest, including Moravian missions in Ohio, 2113 Michigan. Christian missionary associa¬ tion: Proceedings, 3246 O’Brien: Two early missionaries to Indians, 5582 Pitezel: Historical recollections, 5747 -: Lights and shades of missionary life, 5748, 5749 MISSIONS AND MISSIONARIES—Con¬ tinued Potier: Jesuit mss., 5854 Rice: D. Zeisberger, 5968 Scott: Journal of missionary tour, 6190 Sifferath: Short compendium of cate¬ chism for Indians, 6243 [Tuttle]: Conversations on Mackinaw and Green Bay Indian missions, 6609 Union mission Sunday school of Detroit; its history, 6616 Verwyst: Life and labors of Rt. Rev. F. Baraga, 6758 -: Missionary labors of Fathers Marquette, Menard and Allouez, 6759 Zeisberger: Diary, 7072 See also Jesuits; Marquette, J. Mississippi Governor Communications relative to exchange of documents, 2865 Legislature [Michigan. Governor: Communica¬ tion transmitting preamble and reso¬ lutions in relation to abolition of slavery], 3587 Mississippi River Baker: Sources of, 200 Carver: Travels, 590-602 Catherwood: Heroes of middle West, 616 Disturnell: Tourist’s guide to Upper Mississippi, 1527 Schoolcraft: Summary narrative of ex¬ pedition to sources of Mississippi, 6182 U. S. War dept.: Schoolcraft and Allen ■—expedition to Northwest Indians, 6698 --valley Blair: Indian tribes of Upper Mississippi valley, 382 Colton: Traveler and tourist’s guide¬ book, 752, 753 -: Western tourist, 749-751 Description and travel Dana: Geographical sketches on west¬ ern country, 908 Ensign and Thayer’s guide, 1604 Ferris: States and territories of great West, 1683 Flint: Condensed geography and his¬ tory of western states, or Mississippi valley Gale: Upper Mississippi, 1779 Lanman: Summer in wilderness, 2618 Lindsey: Prairies of western states, 2748- Maps Amplissimae regionis Mississipi, [by]] J. B. Homann, 7086 See also Canada. Maps; Great Lakes; and Great Lakes region. Maps Margry: Decouvertes et etablissements,, 2878 Miller: New states and territories, 5445 Parker: Trip to West and Texas, 5641 Peck: New guide for emigrants to West, 5690, 5691 INDEX 1 373 MISSISSIPPI VALLEY—Continued -: New guide to West, 5692 Perkins: Annals of West, 5704-5708 Poole: West, 5805 Roosevelt: Episodes from winning of West, 6017 -: La conquete de l’Ouest, 6018 -: Winning of West, 6021-6025 Schoolcraft: Narrative journal of travels through norhtwestern regions, 6173 -: Narrative of expedition through upper Mississippi River to Itasca Lake, 6174 --: Personal memoirs of resi¬ dence of 30 years with Indians tribes on frontiers, 6178 -: Travels in central portions of Mississippi valley, 6183 Winsor: Joliet, Marquette and LaSalle, 6994 Missouri Compromise, see Kansas-Nebraska issue; Republican party; Slavery -River, Fort Scott and Gulf rail¬ road Joy: Mss., 8136, 8138 [Mitchell, J. J.] Detroit in history and commerce, 5462 -» J* . . Map of British and French dominions in North America, 7095 -, S. A. Map of Ohio, Ind. and Ill., with settled part of Mich., 7178, 7184, 7190 -states of Ohio, Ind. and Ill., and part of Mich. Territory, 7159, 7160 --,-.-., with settled part of Mich., 7165, 7170, 7187 Michigan, 7211 - and Wisconsin, 7244, 7251, 7259, 7260, 7277 New map of Mich., 7217 -and Newell Journal, 8491 -public library, Hillsdale Annual report, 5463 Mitchener, C. H. Ohio annals, 5464 Mizner, H. R. Mss., 8492 Moerdyk, P. History of churches and benevolent asso¬ ciations of Grand Rapids, 5465 -— 1st Reformed church, 5466 Moffatt, S. C. Cutcheon: In memoriam, 895 U. S. 50th Cong., lstsess.: Memorial ad¬ dresses on life and character, 6640, 6641 Moffett, E. A. Municipal ownership, 5467 Moffitt, J. A. U. S. Dept, of labor: Mich, copper dis¬ trict strike, 6664, 6665 Mohawk mine Method of sinking shafts, 7832 Molitor, D. Plan of Elmwood cemetery, 7663 MOLITOR, E. Map showing location of lands belonging to Detroit, Mackinac and Marquette railroad co., 7847 Sectional map of Mich, and Wis., 7271 Moll, H. Map of New France, 7083 New map of north parts of America, 7087 Mollhausen, B. Der leuchtturm am Michigan, 5468 Mollusca Currier: List of shell-bearing mollusca, 882 Walker: Illustrated catalogue, 6786 Money Baker: S. Baldwin vs. F. A. Baker, 190 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Report concerning circulation of shin- plasters, 4003 -. -. -Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of gover¬ nor’s message as relates to suppression of small notes, 4340 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on incorporations: Report on resolution referring so, much of gover¬ nor’s message as relates to currency, 4514 -: Report on resolutions inquiring into expediency of prohibiting circulation of bills of less than 5 dollars, 4515 See also Michigan. Bank commissioners; Michigan. Treasury dept.; Usury laws Monroe, W. Mss., 8157 -and Learman County of Bay, 7423 Monroe Bulkley: River Raisin monuments at, 489 Christiancy: Speech at centennial cele¬ bration, 675 Custer statue Michigan. Custer monument commis¬ sion: Ceremonies attending un¬ veiling, 3343 -: [Invitation to attend cere¬ monies of unveiling], 3344 Directory Loomis and Talbott’s Monroe city directory, 2769 Greening nursery co. Greening nursery co.: Fortune in fruit farming, 1985 High school. Class of ’96 Local history, 5470 Maes: History of Catholic church in. 2864 Maps Wadsworth: Mss., 8177 Monroe, the floral city, 5469 374 INDEX MONROE—Continued -- and Ypsilanti railroad co. Report of S. M. Bartlit, chief engineer, 5471 St. Mary’s academy, see St. Mary’s acad¬ emy —.-college, see St. Mary’s college Young ladies’ seminary and collegiate institute, see Young ladies’ seminary and collegiate institute Monroe county Beers & co.: County atlas, 7529 Bulkley: History of, 488 Farm journal directory, 1647 [Hubbard]: Geological survey, 2244 Lang: Pocket road map, 2614 Maes: History of Catholic church in, 2864 Map, by Geil and Jones, 7528 -, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7531 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7530 Ruthven: Miscellaneous papers on zoology, 6057 Sherzer: Geological report, 6233 Surface geology, by W. H. Sherzer, 7794 Wing: History, 6993 -formation Grabau: Monroe formation, 1836 Montague, S. S. Map, Grand Haven, Ferrysburg and Mill- point, 7705 Montcalm county Cornell: Brief account of wonderful dis¬ covery of prehistoric relics, 837 Farm journal directory, 1648 Map, by F. W. Beers & co., 7532 -, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7533 Portrait and biographical album, 5835 Rasmussen: Pioneer life in Big Dane settlement, 5927 Schenck: History, 6155 [Montieth, James] Geography of Mich., 5472 -, John [Cooper]: Extracts from journal con¬ cerning introduction of gospel in Mich., 823 Montgomery, H. T. Glacial phenomena, 5473 Montmorency county Michigan home colony co.: Full de¬ scription of country, its soils, climate, waterways and transportation routes in and around Lewiston, 5402 Township map, by C. L. Smith, 7534 Montreal. Notarial archives [Records], 8493 Montrose Polk & co.: Directory, 5768 Monuments Bulkley: River Raisin monuments, 489 Memorial monument at site of Fort Michilimackinac, 2940 Women’s improvement association of Grosse He: Treaty tree and memorial tablet, 7015 MOORE, C. A. B. Woodward, 5474 Cooley: Mich., 813 Detroit as she is, 5475 -—-. Committee of entertainment for the delegates to the International American conference: Detroit, a sketch, 1106 Discoverers of Lake Superior, 5476 Gladwin: Mss., 1817 Governor, judge and priest, 5477 History of Mich., 5478 Michigan. Lake Superior semi-centen¬ nial celebration commission: St. Mary’s Falls canal, 3832 -. Legislature: In memory of Hon. J. McMillan, 3948 Northwest under three flags, 5479 Ontonagon copper boulder, 5480 --, Mrs. C. In memoriam, 2311 -, Earl V. Welch: Michigan’s favorite college songs, 6851 --, Ella A. Outline of study for Lapeer Tuesday club, 5481 -, S. H. Port Huron. Charters: Charter, 5814 ■ -, W. A. Michigan. University: Memorial, 5196 -, William Austin Bank book, 8494 Check stub-book, 8495 Letter book, 8496 -■,-and Blackmar, T. S. Ledger, 8497 -, Canfield and Warner Rent book, 8498 ■ -and Griffin Claim book, 8499 Letter books, 8500 Receipts, 8501 Moravians Campbell: [Mss.], 8281 De Schweinitz: D. Zeisberger, 951 Hildreth: Contributions to early his¬ tory of Northwest, including Moravian missions in Ohio, 2113 Rice: D. Zeisberger, 5968 Zeisberger: Diary, 7072 Morden, R. New map of English Empire in America, 7080 Morell, G. Lapeer county. Grand jury: Resolution relative to conduct of S. D. M’Keen, 2679 Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Proceedings of committee to investigate conduct, 4336 --: Report of committee to investigate official conduct, 4335 Wisner: Protest against adoption of re¬ port to investigate official conduct, 6998 INDEX 1 375 MORENCI Charter and ordinances, 5482, 5483 Morgan, E. W. Miscellaneous mss., 8199 -, J. F. Soil solution, 5484 -, N. C. The Soo, 6342 Morley, F., see Michigan. Commissioner of immigration Morley Polk, Murphy and co.: Directory, 5790 Mormons and Mormonism Legler: Moses of the Mormons, 2715 Sketch of J. J. Strang and Mormon kingdom, 6253 Strang, C. J.: Beaver Island and its Mormon kingdom, 6425 [-, J. J.]: Ancient and modern Michilimackinac, 6426-6428 [-, —. —.: Scrap-book], 6429 Wright: Lays of lakes, 7047 -: Ottawan, 7050 Morrill, D. L. Federal and state government, 5485 Morris, G. S. Wenley: Life and work, 6862 -, T. Journal, 5486 -canal and banking co. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report on governor’s message relating to, 4271 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report of committee to which was referred message in rela¬ tion to proposition, 4486 -: Report of committee to whom was referred letter enclosing letters relative to negotiation with, 4495 Morrison, N. J. Memorial address at laying of corner¬ stone of south hall of Olivet college, 5487 -, R. M. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port in regard to orders drawn upon individuals, 4542 Morse, A. P. Adams: Ecological survey of Isle Royale, for paper by, 6 -, C. W. Mich., 7235 --, M. L. W. Kirtland: Diary, 2553 -, S. E. Mich., 7201 Mortgages and loans Michigan mortgage security society: Organic law, 5408 Morton, E. G. Prohibition, 5488 Remarks on bill making appropriation to complete building for asylum at Kalamazoo, 5489 MORTON, E. P. Lake Huron and country of the Algon- quins, 5490 Lake Mich, and French explorers, 5491 Mosely, T. Michigan. Legislature. ’ Senate. Com¬ mittee on public instruction: Report on petition asking aid for instruction of deaf and dumb, 4637 Moses, Z. Sons of Mich, and Mich, state association, 5492 Mosher, Dr. J. Burton: First homoeopathic physician in Mich., 511 Mosquitoes Pettit: Mosquitoes, 5724, 5725 Mothers’ day Pattengill: Special day exercises, 5672. Moths Cook: Codling moth, 784 Motor Boat Boys Arundel: Motor boat boys on Great Lakes, 158 -cycles Michigan. Dept, of state: Instructions-, to applicants for registration, 3502 -guide and league Blazing the way, 5493 Motorists handbook, 5494 Motor vehicles Michigan. Dept, of state: Motor ve¬ hicle licenses, 3516, 3517 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Motor vehicle law, 3913 Mounds and mound builders Cornell: Brief account of wonderful' discovery of prehistoric relics, 837 Gale: Upper Mississippi or historical 1 sketch of mound-builders, 1779 Gillman: Mound-builders, 1811 Leach: Ancient mounds in Clinton co., 2699 Mitchener: Ohio annals, 5464 Pidgeon: Traditions of De-coo-dah, and antiquarian researches, 5736 Society of colonial wars. Michigan: Message of mound builders, 6326 See also Antiquities Mt. Clemens Art of incorporation, charter and ordi¬ nances, 5496 Business men’s association Mount Clemens, the bathing city, 5495 Cutter: Guide, 899-902 Dau’s blue book, 913 Grand trunk railway co. Passenger dept.: Mineral bath city, 1964 Public library Annual report, 5497 Mount Morris Polk & co.: Directory, 5768 376 INDEX MOUTH HYGIENE Chadsey: Attitude of education towards mouth hygiene in schools, 628 Ferris: Duty of state, 1685 Price: Status of mouth hygiene in pre¬ ventive medicine, 5873 Vaughan: Mouth conditions and their relations to public health, 6754 Moving picture law Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Moving picture law, 3914 Muck land Kedzie: Management of swamps, 2480 Robinson: Utilization, 5991 Smalley: Management of muck-land farms, 6259 Mudge, C. E. Mudge’s directory of Eaton, Barry and Ingham cos., 5498 Muir Polk & co.: Directory, 5772 Mulhern, J. Water supply of Greenville, 5499 Mullet, J. Michigan. Governor: Message trans¬ mitting communication from, 3604 Private claims at Michilimackinac, 7861 Mumford, F. B. Fattening lambs, 5500, 5501 Harwood: Roots vs. silage for fattening lambs, 2075 Smith: Fattening lambs, 6272 -: Rape as forage plant, 6281 -, H. W. Fattening lambs, 5502 Production and marketing of wool, 5503 Muncie, J. H. Two Mich, bean diseases, 5504 Mundy, Lieut. Gov. Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred communication in relation to compensation for services, 4337 Munger, D. Memorial relative to appointment of state journal as state printer, 5505 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on printing: Report on claim, 4201 Munica Polk, Murphy and co.: Directory, 5790 Municipal finance Detroit. Controller’s office: Compara¬ tive statistics, 1116 -.-: Compara¬ tive table, 1117 -franchises Weston: Documents and addresses, 6883 -government Barnaby: Decade, a story of political and municipal corruption, 227 Detroit. Public library: Municipal af¬ fairs, books and articles, 1318 --.-: Municipal char¬ ters, selected list, 1319 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT—Continued -.-: Municipal gov¬ ernment, modern trend, selected list of books, 1320 -.-: Preferential vot¬ ing, municipal ownership, selected bibliographies, 1323 Kirchner: Local self-government, 2542 League of Mich, municipalities: Pro¬ ceedings, 2703 -.-: Report, 2704 Lockwood: Are our municipalities to become business corporations, 2755 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Incor¬ poration of cities, 3837, 3838 -. -,-,-.: Laws re¬ lating to incorporation and general powers of villages, 3939 -. Political science association: City government in Mich., 4792 Papers and discussions on municipal problems, 4795 Moffett: Municipal ownership, 5467 Wilcox: Municipal government in Mich. and Ohio, 6926 See also Detroit. Laws -indebtedness Michigan. Governor: Appendix to mes¬ sage, 3711 -ownership Michigan. Governor: Messages of H. S. Pingree, 3756 Moffett: Municipal ownership, 5467 See also Municipal government -street grants Baker: Duration of, 189 -taxation and indebtedness Michigan. Auditor general’s office: An¬ nual compilation, 3090 Munising Grand Island forest and game preserve, 1852 Munising Harbor [Map of] Munising Harbor, by U. S. War dept., 7949 Munro, J. F. Munro’s map, 7633 Munroe, G. C. Williams: Memorial relative to exami¬ nation into affairs of Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay railroad, 6939 -,K. At war with Pontiac, 5507 Copper princess, 5506 -(Monroe)—Burton genealogy Mss. relating to, 8050 Munshaw, G. R., see Michigan. Public domain commission Murfreesboro, Battle of Bennett: Historical sketches of Ninth Mich, infantry, 343 Murphy, A. J. Michigan. Legislature: Memorial pro¬ ceedings for Gen. Sherman, 3961 INDEX 377 MURPHY, G. B. Album of views, 5508 -, S. J. S. J. Murphy, 6244 & co. Grand Rapids city and Kent county di¬ rectory, 5509 Museums, see Antiquities; Detroit. Museum of art; Michigan. University. Museum Mushrooms Longyear: Mich, mushrooms, 2763 Music Ann Arbor school of music: Announce¬ ment, 140 Boylston club; 4th season, 419 Michigan conservatory of music: Cata¬ logue, 5388 See also Detroit symphony orchestra; Michigan. University. University musical society; University school of music Music teachers’ association, see Michigan. Music teachers’ association Musical directory of Detroit, 5510 Muskegon Atlases Rascher’s fire insurance atlas, 7745 Board of trade Advantages and surroundings of Mus¬ kegon, 5511 Charter, 5512, 5513 Description Connor: Camera notes, 8299 Souvenir, 6357 Directories Bard’s and co’s. business directory, 226 Polk & co.: Directory, 5780 First Baptist church. Ladies’ society Muskegon cook book, 5514 Hackley art gallery, see Hackley art gallery -public library, see Hackley public library Labor unions, see Grand Rapids. Trades’ and labor council Map Outline map, 7746 Monuments Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Farragut, 2744 Patton: Grant, Sherman, Farragut, Lincoln, 5675 Ordinances, 5515, 5516 Public school library Catalogue, 5517 Public schools Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Char¬ ter, 3915 Muskegon county B eers: County atlas, 7535 Everett: Memorials of Grand River valley, 1624 History, 2162 Map, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7537 MUSKEGON COUNTY—Continued -of counties of Ottawa and Muskegon, 7552 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7536 Pioneer and historical society Annual, 5519 Polk & co.: Directory, 5780 Portrait and biographical record, 5842 Harbor [Map of] Muskegon Harbor, by U. S. War dept., 7950 Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 improvement commissioner Report, 5518 Lake Map, by Abbott and Gamble, 7909 Muskegon Harbor, by U. S. War dept., 7950 -River Michigan. Dept of state: Communica¬ tion transmitting reports of commis¬ sioner and superintendent of Muskegon River improvement, 3493 -. -. — -: Report of commissioner of Muskegon River im¬ provement, 3518 Governor: Special message relative to claim growing out of im¬ provement, 3687 Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report of committee to whom was referred bill for draining swamp lands near sand flats, 4160 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report relative to claim for improvement of sand flats, 4455 Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on claim for improvement of sand flats, 4564 -sand flats Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report relative to claims of W. Beard for work, 4252 Musk-ox, fossil Case: On nearly complete skull, 603 Mussey, H. R. Combination in mining industry, 5520 My new home Jay: My new home in northern Mich., 2382 Myths, see Legends Nahma Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Nash, A. History of Tabernacle Methodist church, Detroit, 5521 378 INDEX NASHVILLE Porter: Business directory of Barry co., containing history of Hastings and Nashville, 5807 National Americanization committee Americanizing a city, 5522 - association letter carriers. De¬ troit branch no. 1 Program, annual entertainment, 5523 -benevolent fraternity By-laws, 5524 -building plan association Artistic homes, 5525, 5526 -Chautauqua association Michigan state summer encampment, national chautauqua association, 5527 -educational association Days in and about Detroit, 5528 -grange in Michigan [Holden]: Souvenir, 2183 - guard, see Michigan. National guard -highways association Map of Dixie highway, 8004 -parks and reserves U. S. National park service: Report on proposed sand dunes national park, 6677 -publishing co. Imperial atlas of Gratiot co., 7459 New railroad, postoffice and county map of Mich., 7339 - society of the colonial dames of America Mereness: Travels in American colonies, 2955 -supply co. Prospectus, 832 Natural history Fountain: Great Northwest, 1739 Schoolcraft: Natural history, 6175 -: Summary narrative of ex¬ pedition to sources of Mississippi, 6182 Nature study Stockman: Farmerkin’s farm rhymes, 6414 Naval brigade, see Michigan. State mili¬ tary board Nazareth academy Annual announcement, 5530 Facts concerning, 5531 Nazareth academy, 5532 Nedham, A. G., & co. Battle Creek and Marshall city direc¬ tories, 5533 Ned Lake Ned Lake sheet, by U. S. Geological sur¬ vey, 7795 Needham, J. G. Hankinson: Biological survey of Wal¬ nut Lake, 2035 Negaunee Holland: Gazetteer of Marquette co., 2184 NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS Bates: Negotiable instruments law, 239 Bennett: Law of negotiable paper, 344, 345 Bunker: Negotiable instruments law, 492 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Act relating to, 3916 Negroes Colored people of Detroit, 746 Detroit. Committee in behalf of colored citizens: Memorial, for right of suf¬ frage, 1105 Emerson: Petition that colored people be admitted to all privileges of free whites, 1601 Hawkins: Petition to admit colored men to privilege of elective franchise, 2088- Michigan. Dept, of state: Communi¬ cation giving number of colored popu¬ lation, 3487 -. Freedmen’s progress com¬ mission: Mich, manual, 3550 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on ex¬ tension of suffrage to colored persons,, 4118 -: Report in rela¬ tion to striking out word “white” in constitution, 4120 -. -. -. Select com¬ mittee : Report [of] committee to whom was referred petition for amendment ex¬ punging word “white” from constitu¬ tion, 4353 -. . Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on amendment to extend elective fran¬ chise to all irrespective of color, 4572 ■-. . . Com¬ mittee on privileges and elections: Report relative to extending elective franchise to certain citizens, 4630 --. -. . Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to which was referred peti¬ tion for amending constitution by expunging word “white,” 4664 Minutes of state convention of colored citizens of Mich., 5458 Russell: Census bulletin no. 48 of 1891, 6046 Thrilling narratives from sufferers of late- riot, 6533 See also Detroit. Negroes Neill, E. D. Critical period for French traders, 5534 Discovery along Great Lakes, 5535 Nellist, J. F. Map of Mich, showing state lands, 7355 - of one day trips around Grand Rapids, 7723 Road map of Mich., Lower Peninsula, 7385, 7386 Thunder Bay River basin, 7402 Upper Peninsula [showing state lands], 7867 INDEX 379 NELSON, E. W. Fisheries of Chicago and vicinity, 5536 Neutrality Callahan: Neutrality of American lakes, 553 Nevins, A. Rogers: Ponteach, 6008 ■ -, J- M. Protest against passage of bill for county superintendents of schools, 5537 Newaygo Polk, Murphy and co.: Directory, 5790 Newaygo county Hayes: Atlas, 7538 Map, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7540 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7539 Portrait and biographical album, 5844 New Baltimore By-laws and ordinances, 5538 Plat, 7747 Newberry, Mrs. F. E. Michigan. Legislature: In memory of C. G. Luce, 3947 --, J- s. Reports of admiralty cases argued and adjuged in courts of U. S. for district of Mich., 5539 •- state hospital, see Michigan. Newberry state hospital Newbro, S. D. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on memorial concerning pho¬ netics: Report, 4195 New Buffalo Gerrish: Journal, 8403 Smith: Petition relative to New Buffalo and Central railroad, 6311 -church in Mich. Field: Memoirs, incidents and remi¬ niscences, 1696 -England Clark: New England in Northwest, 701 Haskins: New England and West, 2081 Social life and customs Woodbridge: Address before Detroit young men’s society, 7029 ■ -society Cass: Address before, 604 Eldridge: Address before, 1584 Record book, 8502 Woodbridge: Mss., for address, 8066 Newett, G. A. Roosevelt: Roosevelt vs. Newett, 6020 Newhall Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 New Jersey Election Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report, 4339 -: Resolutions reported by committee on, 4338 Legislature Michigan. Governor: Special mes¬ sage [transmitting copies of joint resolutions of], 3616 NEWS BOYS, see Detroit. News boys Newspapers, see Periodicals Newton, S. Mackinac Island and Sault Ste. Marie, 5541 New York New York central railroad New York central lines, 8010 -and Hudson River railroad Wilgus: Detroit River tunnel and electrification of N. Y. C. and H. R. R. R., 6928 -and Mich, lumber co. Detroit agency Journal, 8503 -mine Map, by Mich, geological survey, 7833 Primaries Michigan. Political science associa¬ tion: Papers and addresses on pri¬ mary reform, 4794 University of Michigan club, see Uni¬ versity of Michigan club, New York Veterans [Bumphrey]: Society of Mich., N. Y. veterans, 490 Niagara and Detroit rivers railroad Report of engineer, 5542 -Falls ship canal Burt: Niagara Falls ship canal, 508 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on federal relations: Report relative to appropriation of land for construction, 4463 See also Canals Nichols, Chas. A. Detroit. Committee of fifty on street railway question: Reports, 1108 --, Chas. W. Government class-book of Mich., 5543 -, Clark A. Green: Green’s Mich, practice, 1980 Nicholson, A. W. Causation of intermittent fever, 5544 -, W. L. Post route map of Mich, and Wisconsin, 7301 ----— Ohio and Ind., with adjacent parts of Pa., Mich., Ill., Ky. and W. Va., 7302 Nicolet, J. Butterfield: History of discovery of Northwest, 542 Michigan. Historical Commission: Nico¬ let day on Mackinac Island, 3801 Nicollet, J. N. Baker: Sources of Mississippi, 200 Nida, S. H. Letters of Polly, the pioneer, 5545 Niles, W. H. Military government of District of Lake Mich., 5546 380 INDEX NILES Baptist church Trowbridge: Pioneer days, 6594 Board of education Catalogue of schools, 5547 Circular of schools, 5548 Charter, 5549 Directory Polk & co.: Directory, 5762 First Baptist church First Baptist church, 75th anniver¬ sary, 5550 -reservation [Michigan. Governor. Communication transmitting] documents relative to settlements, 3591 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report in rela¬ tion to settlers on, 4681 -and Nottawasepe reservations Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on university and school lands: Report of committee to whom were referred petitions of settlers for loca¬ tions for seminary purposes, 4172 -. -. Senate. Select committee: Report on petitions for removal of state locations on, 4736 -: Report of committee to whom was referred memorial for redress of grievances from location of univer¬ sity lands upon, 4749 Nimmo, D. C. Detroit songs, 5551 -, H. M. Men of ’05, 5552 Nisi prius cases Howell: Michigan’s nisi prius cases, 2228 Noble, F. W. Historical resume of pilgrimages of De¬ troit commandery no. 1, Knights Templar, 5553 Noel, T. Noel’s souvenir of 40th annual picnic of Berrien co. old settlers association, 5554 Nolin, J. B. Carte generate des colonies angloises dans 1’Amerique septentrionale, 7114 Noll, E. P., & co. Property atlas of St. Joseph co., 7562 Nomination of candidates for U. S. senator 1907, 5555 Normal institutes Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Course of study, 3378 -schools Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Manual and course of study, 3401 See also Michigan. Central state normal school; Michigan. Northern state normal school; Michigan. State nor¬ mal college; Michigan. Western state normal school NORRIS, L. D. Memorial, 2944 North Adams Michigan. Agricultural college. Dept, of agricultural education: Agricul¬ ture in high schools, 3001 North America Maps North America, by William Berry, 7078 Accurate map of North America, by E. Bowen, 7103 North America, by J. Senex, 7082 -from French of Mr. d’Anville, by T. Jefferys, 7094 -from French of Mr. d’Anville, 7104 • -American [pseud.] Scenes on Lake Huron, 6151 • -American mineral land co. Prospectus, 5556 • -channel shooting club of Detroit Constitution and by-laws, 5557 Northeastern Michigan Bay City times: Northeastern Mich., 288. Detroit and Mackinac railroad co.: Helping to feed and clothe America, 1405 --development bureau Land of undeveloped possibilities, 5558 -realty co. Northeastern Mich., 5559 Northern breezes Wright: Northern breezes, 7048, 7049 -Indiana railroad Joy: Mss., 8136 See also Michigan southern and northern Indiana railroad -Michigan Allen: Contributions to Pre-Cambrian geology of northern Michigan, 55 Bailey’s gazetteer and directory of lines of railway from Cincinnati to, 186 Great union fair of Michigan: Officers, rules, etc., 1979 Hixson: Plat book, 7389 Longyear: Forests, streams, lakes and resources, 2764 Portrait and biographical record, 5843 Powers: History, 5862 Sketch of public surveys in north part of Mich., 7395-7397 - Michigan agricultural and me¬ chanical society Officers, rules and regulations, and premium list, 5560 - asylum, see Michigan. Traverse City state hospital -Pacific railroad Michigan. Legislature. House. Special committee: Report on construction, 4377 Proceedings of convention to consider route and best means for promoting construction, 5561 INDEX X 381 NORTHERN RAILROAD Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment : Report in compliance with resolution of senate, 3201 -: Report relative to damages for right of way, 3204 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the Northern and Southern railroad routes: Report on revision of routes, 4219 -. -. Joint committee: Report on location, 4408, 4409 Report on Northern and Southern railroad routes, 4410, 4411 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ ports in relation to suspension of pro¬ ceedings on Northern and Southern railroads, 4534 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on railroad routes: Report of majority of committee to consider propriety of location of route, 4648- 4650 -state normal school, see Michigan. Northern state normal school North Highland co. Map of Lansing, 7739 -Lansing Cornell: North Lansing business di¬ rectory, 838 Marshall: Report of scarlet fever, 2905 See also Lansing -Muskegon Rascher’s fire insurance atlas, 7745 See also Muskegon Northrup, A. J. Camps and tramps in Adirondacks and grayling fishing in northern Mich., 5562 -, E. S. Michigan. Legislature. Senate: Eu¬ logies on death of, 4421 -,Z. Bacterial disease in Tune beetle larvae, 5563 Influence of acid-destroying yeasts upon lactic bacteria, 5564 -and son Pictures of South Haven, 5565 North shore club Alexander: Log of North shore club, 41 -line Stewart: Memorial asking grant of pub¬ lic lands for, 6408 North ville Dau’s blue book, 913 Dufheld: Our soldier-dead, address at, 1558 Northway, S. A. Sons of the American revolution. Dis¬ trict of Columbia society: Battle fields of Maumee valley, 6334 NORTHWEST, OLD Allen: Place of Northwest in general history, 63 Alvord: Conquest of St. Joseph by Spaniards, 79 Arnett: Northwest Territory, 155 Atwater: Indians of Northwest, 160 Baldwin: Conquest of, 205 --: Discovery of, 206 Beckwith: [Documents, papers, materials and publications relating to], 326 -: Historic notes on, 327 -: Ill. and Ind. Indians, 328 Bemis: Local government in Mich, and, 340 Benton: Wabash trade route in develop¬ ment of, 346 Blanchard: Discovery and conquests of, 385, 386 Bradford; Notes on, 423 Bradley: Available material for study of institutional history of, 427 British museum: French-Indian war, 8251 Brown: Old Northwest Territory, 461 Buckingham: Eastern and western states, 481 Burnet: Notes on early settlement, 498, 499 Burton: E. Douglass and his times, 522 Butler: First French footprints beyond lakes, 537, 538 ———: French fortifications near mouth of the Wisconsin, 539 Butterfield: History of Brule’s discov¬ eries and explorations, 541 -: History of discovery by Nicolet, 542 -: Washington-Irvine corre¬ spondence, 543 Campbell: Radisson’s journal, 565 Carlton: New purchase, 579 [Carter]: Fort Defiance centennial, 582 Celoron [Celeron]: [Journal of expedi¬ tion to Ohio in 1749], 8291 Chilton: State claims Northwest Ter¬ ritory, 671 Clark, G. R.: G. R. Clark papers, 695 -, R. W.: New England in North¬ western Territory, 701 Coles: History of Ordinance of 1787, 741 Colton, C.: Tour of American lakes, 748 -, J. H. : Traveler and tourist’s guide-book, 752, 753 - ,—.—.: Western tourist, 749- 751 [Columbus, pseud.]: Cautionary hints respecting sale of western lands, 755 Cox: Indian as diplomatic factor in his¬ tory of, 847 Crawford: R. Putnam, 859 Croghan: Selection of letters and jour¬ nals, 864 Cutler: Ordinance of 1787, 898 [Dana, C. W.]: Garden of the world, 907 382 INDEX NORTHWEST, OLD—Continued --, E.: Geographical sketches on western country, 908 Darby: View of U. S., 911 Dillon: History of Indiana, 1516 Disturnell: Tourist’s guide, 1527 Drake: Making of Ohio valley states, 1547 Drowne: Oration at Marietta, 1550 Ellet: Pioneer women of West, 1588 • -: Summer rambles in West, 1589 English: Conquest of, 1602 Ensign, Bridgman, and Fanning’s lake and river guide, 1603 ——— and Thayer’s guide, 1604 Evans: Pedestrious tour, 1621 Ewing: Address at centennial celebra¬ tion of settlement, 1626 Fernow: Ohio valley in colonial wars, 1680 Ferris: States and territories of great West, 1683 Flint, J.: Letters, 1711 -, T.: Condensed geography and his¬ tory of western states, 1712 Folsom: Fifty years in, 1724 Fountain: Great Northwest, 1739 Gale: Upper Mississippi, 1779 Gallagher: Facts and conditions of progress, 1781 Garfield: Discovery and ownership, 1786 [Graham]: Legislation in, 1840 Gravier: Decouvertes et etablissements de Cavelier de La Salle, 1976 Hall, B. F.: Early history, 2013 Hall, J.: West, 2015 Hart: Documents illustrating state land claims and cessions, 2063 • -: - relating to territorial administration, 2064 Haskins: New England and West, 2081 Hatch: Chapter of history of War of 1812, 2085 Hay: Narrative of life on old frontier, 2089 Helm: Fort Dearborn massacre, 2101 Hildreth: Contributions to early history, 2113 • -: Pioneer history, 2114 Hinsdale: Old Northwest, 2129, 2130 [-]: Three important documents relative to western land cessions, 2134 [Hoffman]: Winter in West, 2180 Hoskins: Notes upon western country, 2210 Howe: Laws and courts of Northwest, 2223, 2224 Howison: Sketches of Upper Canada, 2236 Hoyt: J. D. Pierce, 2237 Hubbard: Autobiography, 2248 Hulbert: Military roads in Mississippi basin, 2259 Isham: Frontenac and M. Standish, 2346 NORTHWEST, OLD—Continued Jackson, E. H.: Is Virginia entitled to compensation for cession of Northwest Territory?, 2352 -, I. R.: Life of W. H. Harrison, 2353 [James]: Routes of Missouri River, 2381 Johnson: Industrial education in North¬ west, 2404 Jones: Journal of visits to Indians on west side of Ohio River, 2421 [Kaler]: Benjamin of Ohio, 2463 Keating: Travels in interior of North America, 2466 Kellogg: Early narratives of Northwest, 2497 [Kimball]: Summer’s vacation, 2529 Kinzie: Waubun, 2539-2541 Kirtland: Diary, 2553 Knapp: History of Maumee valley, 2555 Knight, G. W.: History and manage¬ ment of land grants for education, 2558 -, f.: Emigrant’s best instructor, 2559 Kohl: Reisen im Nordwesten, 2576 Lanman: Summer in wdlderness, 2618 Larzelere: Boundaries of Mich., 2681 LaSalle: Relation of discoveries and voyages, 2686 Law: Colonial history of Vincennes, 2689 Laws, 8504 Leeth: Short biography, 2713 Lindsey: Prairies of western states, 2748 Loskiel: Extempore on a wagon, 8444 Lucas: Journal, 2776, 2777 [McAfee]: History of late war, 2791 McCarty: Territorial governors of Old Northwest, 2792 McClung: Sketches of western adven¬ ture, 2794-2800 McGrane: Evolution of Ohio-Erie boundary, 2832 McKnight: Our western border, 2838 McLaughlin: Influence of Gov. Cass on development of Northwest, 2846 -: Western posts, 2852 MacNaul: Jefferson-Lemen compact, 2859 Mss. from Burton historical collection, 2877 Maps Accurate map of British Empire in North America, 7097 -North America, by E. Bowen, 7103 Amerique septentrionale, par le Sr. d’Anville, 7088 - } par h. Jaillot, 7079 -, par N. San¬ son, 7073 ■-, par le Sr. R. de Vaugondy, 7089 Amplissimae regionis Mississipi, [by] J. B. Homann, 7086 British colonies in North America, 7106 INDEX 383 1 NORTHWEST, OLD—Continued British governments in North America agreeable to Proclamation of 1763, 7098 Canada, Le, faict par le Sr. de Cham¬ plain. Suiuant les memoires de P. du Val, 7076 -, —, ou Nouvelle France, par N. Sanson, 7074 Canada, Louisiane et terres Angloises, par le Sr. d’Anville, 7091 Carte de l’Amerique septentrionale depuis La Baye d’Hudson jusqu’ au Mississipi, 7110 Carte du Canada, 7075, 7081 -ou de la Nouvelle France, par G. Delisle, 7100 -des Etats—Unis de l’Amerique septentrionale, par M. Brion de la Tour, 7109 - de Nouvelle France, [by N. de Fer?], 7084 - generale des colonies Angloises dans l’Amerique septentrionale, 7114 -des pays sous nom Canada, par Sr. R. de Vaugondy, 7090 •- des possessions Angloises & Francoises du continent de l’Ameri¬ que septentrionale, 7093 - tres curieuse de la Mer du Sud [by N. de Fer?]_, 7085 Charte uber die XIII Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-America, ent- worfen durch F. L. Giissefeld, 7115 Map of British dominions in North America, by P. Bell, 7102 -and French dominions in North America, by J. Mitchell, 7095 -- Empire in North America, by S. Dunn, 7105 -federal territory [Ohio] from western boundary of Pa. to Scioto River, 7118 — -— middle states, by J. Russell, 7122 -New France, by H. Moll, 7083 -northern and middle states, 7120 -part of North America showing proposed new western states, 7119 -Northwest Territory, by S. Lewis, 7124 -Northwestern Territories, by H. R. Schoolcraft, 7140 --— portion of North America from Great Lakes to Gulf of Mexico, 7077 -northwest parts of U. S., by J. Fitch, 7117 -- — Ohio, Ind. and Northwestern Territories, 7129 -U-. S., by I. Fielding, 7112 New and accurate map of British do¬ minions in America, by T. Kitchin, 7101 NORTHWEST, OLD—Continued - map of English Empire, by R. Morden, 7080 -north parts of America, by H. Moll, 7087 -and correct map of North America, corrected from original materials of Gov. Pownall, 7107 -map of North America, corrected from original materials of Gov. Pownall, 7113 -from latest discoveries, 7099 -part of U. S. exhibiting western territory, by J. Cary, 7130, 7131, 7139 -western parts of Va., Pa., Md. and N. C., by T. Hutchins, 7108 North America, from French of Mr. d’Anville, 7094, 7104 -, by W. Berry, 7078 -agreeable to most ap¬ proved maps and charts, by T. Con- der, 7111 -, by J. Senex, 7082 Northern provinces of U. S., by J. Thomson, 7138 Northwest Territory, 7125, 7127 -, by J. Scott, 7123 Partie de l’Amerique septentrionale, par Sr. R. de Vaugondy, 7096 ——- occidentale de Nouvelle France ou du Canada, par Mr. Beilin, 7092 Region tributary to Detroit and Miami town, 7376 U. S. according to definitive treaty of peace, 1783, by W. McMurray, 7116 Upper territories of U. S., by M. Carey, 7136, 7137 Western states, by J. Bartholomew, 7264 See also Canada. Maps; Great Lakes and Great Lakes region. Maps; Michigan. Maps Margry: Decouvertes et etablissements, 2878 [Marshall]: De Celoron’s [Celeron’s] expedition to Ohio, 2907 Martindale: Loughery’s defeat, 2913 Mathews: Erie canal and settlement of West, 2920 Mereness: Travels in American colonies, 2955 Metcalfe: Collection of narratives of Indian warfare, 2960 Michigan. Historical society: Historical and scientific sketches of Mich., 3807 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on federal relations: Report relative to armory in Northwest, 4462 Miller: New states and territories, 5445 Mitchener: Ohio annals, 5464 Moore: Discoverers of Lake Superior, 5476 384 INDEX NORTHWEST, OLD—Continued -: Northwest under three flags, 5479 Morton: Lake Huron and country of Algonquins, 5490 - ; —: Lake Michigan and French ex¬ plorers, 5491 Neill: Discovery along Great Lakes, 5535 Nida: Letters of Polly, 5545 Old North-west leaflets, 5594 Ossoli: Summer on the lakes, 5615 Parish: G. W. Jones, 5637 Parker: Trip to West and Texas, 5641 Parrish: Sword of old frontier, 5655 Part taken by Essex co. in organization and settlement of Northwest Terri¬ tory, 5657 Peck: New guide for emigrants to West, 5690, 5691 -: New guide to West, 5692 Perkins: Annals of West, 5704-5708 Peyton: Over the Alleghanies and across the prairies, 5729 Phillips: Rare map of Northwest, 5731 Poole: Early Northwest, 5801, 5802 -: Ordinance of 1787, 5803, 5804 -: The West, 5805 Powell: Historic towns of western states, 5858 [Pritts]: Abentheuerliche ereignisse aus leben ersten ansiedler mittleren und westlichen staaten, 5875 [-]: Incidents of border life, 5874 Quaife: Chicago and Old Northwest, 5902 Remington: Ship-yard of the Griffon, 5947 Rochefoucault Liancourt: Travels through U. S., 5999 Roosevelt: Episodes from Winning of West, 6017 -: La conquete de l’Ouest, 6018 -: Northwest in the nation, 6019 -: Winning of West, 6021-6025 Rupp: Geographical catechism of Pa. and western states, 6044 Ryan: From charter to constitution, 6059 Schoolcraft: Discourse before Historical society of Mich., 6162 -: Narrative journal of travels through northwestern regions, 6173 --: Personal memoirs of resi¬ dence of 30 years with Indian tribes on frontiers, 6178 ■ ——: Summary narrative of ex¬ pedition to sources of Mississippi, 6182 ——— . : Travels in central portions of Mississippi valley, 6183 Schooley: Among the Wolverines, 6185 Schuyler: Transition in Illinois from British to American government, 6187 Scott, James L.: Journal of missionary tour, 6190 --, Joseph: Geographical dictionary, 6191 NORTHWEST, OLD—Continued [Severance]: Peace mission to Niagara of E. Douglass, 6202 Sheldon: Early history of Mich., 6226, ^ 6227 Slocum: History of Maumee River basin, 6257 -: Ohio country between 1783 and 1815, 6258 Smith, H. M.: Historical sketches of old Vincennes, 6305 [-], W.: Historical account of ex¬ pedition against Ohio Indians in 1764, 6314, 6315 -, W. H.: St. Clair papers, 6318 Society of colonial wars. Michigan: His¬ torical paper, English supremacy, 1763- 1793, 6324 -. -: Paul Revere of West, 6327 Sons of the American revolution. Dis¬ trict of Columbia society: Battle fields of Maumee valley, 6334 Steele, Mrs. E. R.: Summer journey in West, 6390 -, O. G.: Western guide book, and emigrant’s directory, 6392-6394 Stevens: Book of words, 6406 Stewart: New homes in West, 6407 Stone: Ordinance of 1787, 6416 Taylor: Harrison-Tarhe peace confer¬ ence, 6508 Terry: Aborigines of Northwest, 6514 Thwaites: Boundaries of Wisconsin, 6534 -: How G. R. Clark won North¬ west, 6535 Tucker: Oration, 6598, 6599 Turner: Outline studies, 6602 -: West as field for historical study, 6603 Tuttle: Centennial Northwest, 6606 U. S. Congress. Committee on govern¬ ment of western territory: Report, 8570 —. —.-. House. Committee on alterations in judicial establishment in Northwest Territory: Report on al¬ terations in judicial establishment and on division into 2 governments, 6653 —.—. Treasury dept.: Letter trans¬ mitting statement of lands sold north¬ west of Ohio River, 6688 Varnum: Oration at Marietta July 4, 1788, 6750 Volney: View of climate and soil of U. S., 6770, 6771 Walker: Experiences of pioneer life in early settlements and cities, 6790 -: Northwest during revolution, 6787, 6788 Ward: Protection vs. free trade, 6797 -: Reasons why Northwest should have protective tariff, 6798 Wayne county. Historical and pioneer society: Chronology of notable events, 6830 INDEX 1 385 NORTHWEST, OLD—Continued ---. Northwest Territory: County tax, 8606 Webster: History of Democratic party organization, 6846 Western Reserve historical society: Let¬ ters from S. Huntington correspon¬ dence, 6879 -: Battle of French Town, 6880 Whiting: Discourse before Historical society of Mich., 6907 Whittlesey: Gen. Wadsworth’s division, War of 1812, 6917 -: Papers relating to expeditions of Col. Bradstreet and Col. Boquet in Ohio in 1764, 6918 Williams: Two western campaigns in War of 1812-13, 6957 Wilson, F. E.: Peace of Mad Anthony, 6964 . -, —. —.: Treaty of Greenville, 6965 -, T.: Arkansas traveller, 6966 Winsor: Joliet, Marquette and LaSalle, ^ 6994 See also Canada; Great Lakes and Great Lakes region; Manuscripts Northwestern lakes. Superintendent of lights Michigan. Governor: Special message transmitting communication from, 3658 --Michigan press association Annual meeting, 5566 ---mining co. of Detroit Certificate book, 8505 -reporter Northwestern reporter blue book, 5567 - states Carver: Adventures, 589 -: Travels, 590-602 Chicago and northwestern railway co.]: The Indian, the Northwest, 663 [---- -•]: Lakes and resorts, 664 -summer institute, 5568 Norton, H. W. Baby beef production, 5569 Preliminary report on wintering farm work horses, 5570 Rearing calves on skim-milk, 5571 ' Shaw: Feeding whole grain, 6218 Shaw: Roots supplementary to silage for dairy cows, 6223 -, J. Mss., 8107, 8109 Trowbridge: Mss., 8108 -, O. W. Strong Vincent and his brigade at Gettys¬ burg, 5572 i Norvell, J. Lyon: To J. M. Clayton, 2782 [Ross: Facts relating to alleged portrait], . 6030 NORWAY Board of education Announcement of schools, 5573 -pine Woolsey: Norway pine in lake states, 7035 Notaries public Michigan. Dept, of state: Report of number, 3519 Nottawasepe reservation, see Niles and Nottawasepe reservations Novy, F. G. Mich, alumnus, vol. VIII, 5362 Noxious animals Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to destruction of, 3870 Nowlin, A. Emmons: Mss., 8078 -, W. The bark-covered house, 5574 Noyes, D. W. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report rela¬ tive to claim, 4117 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report relative to claim, 4682 Nurses’ association, see Michigan. State nurses association •-training school, see Michigan. Uni¬ versity. Training school for nurses Nursey, W. R. City of Escanaba, 5575 Menominee iron range, 5576 Oakland Lake gems of, 2587 Oakland and Ottawa railroad Emmons: Mss., 8092 Oakland county Beautiful Bloomfield hills, 323 Beers & co.: Atlas, 7541 Biographical record, 370 [Durant]: History, 1563 Hunt: Address to members of agricul¬ tural society, 2269 Map, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7542 [-of] Wayne co. and part of Oakland and Macomb, by S. Farmer & co., 7601 [-]-and parts of Washtenaw, Oakland & Macomb cos., by H. P. Strong, 7602 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on banks: Report of committee to investigate affairs and conditions of Oakland co. bank, 3982 Poppleton: Address at annual fair of agricultural society, 5806 Portrait and biographical album, 5845 Seeley: History, 6198 Oak-openings Cooper: Oak-openings, 829 Oakwood New map of Detroit and suburbs, by S. Farmer & co., 7681, 7685 49 386 INDEX OATES, W. R. Michigan. Game, fish and forestry war¬ den: Annual report, 3553 -. -,-dept.: Biennial report, 3554 Mich, forest scouts, 3555 What Mich, is doing, 3556 Oats Harwood: Smut in, 2076 Johnson: Potatoes, roots, oats, 2413 -: Report of experiments with potatoes and oats, 2415 Pettit: Thrips on oats, 5727 Obituary, commemorative of death of Mrs. L. M. Henderson, 5577 -notice of Prof. A. A. Clark, 5578 Object-teaching Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Sense training, 3433 O’Brien, F. A. Diocese of Detroit, 5579 Forgotten heroines, 5580 Michigan. Historical commission: Names of places of interest on Mackinac Island, 3800 “Le pere juste,” 5581 Two early missionaries to Indians, 5582 --, L. M. Michigan. University. Class of 1858: “Class of fifty-eight,” 5249 Oceana Beach association [Description], 5583 Oceana county Hartwick: Oceana co. pioneers and business men of today, 2069 History, 2161 Map, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7544 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7545 Topographical map, by F. W. Beers & co., 7543 O’Connell, J. P. Seeing Detroit, 5584 Odd fellows, see Independent Order of Odd Fellows O’Flynn, C. [Abstract of titles to land in Detroit], 8506 Mss., 8052, 8166 Ogemaw county Gregory: Preliminary report, 1990 Leach: Ancient forts, 2698 Township map, by C. L. Smith, 7546 Ogle, G. A., & co. Standard atlas of Allegan co., 7412 -Antrim co., 7416 •-Arenac co., 7417 -Barry co., 7419, 7421 - : -Benzie co., 7424 -Branch co., 7430 -Calhoun co., 7436 -Cass co., 7438 -Clinton co., 7445 -Delta co., 7447 -Hillsdale co., 7464 OGLE, G. A., & Co.—Continued -Ionia co., 7473 -Jackson co., 7482 --'Kalamazoo co., 7487 -Kent co., 7498 -Livingston co., 7517 -Macomb co., 7519 -Menominee co., 7524 •-Midland co., 7527 -Monroe co., 7530 -Muskegon co., 7536 -‘-Newaygo co., 7539 -Oceana co., 7545 -Ottawa co., 7549 -Saginaw co., 7554 -St. Clair co., 7557, 7559 -Shiawassee co., 7570 -Van Buren co., 7574 -Washtenaw co., 7580, 7583 Ogontz Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 O’Hara, J. Sibley: Mss., 8173 See also U. S. Army. Commissary dept. Ohio-Erie boundary McGrane: Evolution of, 2832 Ohio-Michigan boundary, see Michigan. Boundaries; Ohio. Co-operative topo¬ graphic survey; Ohio. Governor; Ohio. Legislature. Ohio Co-operative topographic survey Ohio-Michigan boundary, 5585 Description and travel Bradley: Journal, 426 Miller: New states and territories, 5445 Morris: Journal, 5486 Governor Message at 2d sess. of 33d assembly, 5586 Special message in pursuance of act making appropriation to defray ex¬ pense of carrying into effect laws in regard to northern boundary, 5587 Historical and philosophical society Gallagher: Facts and conditions of progress in Northwest, 1781 History Burnet: Notes on early settlement of Northwest Territory, 498, 499 Mitchener: Ohio annals, 5464 Ryan: From charter to constitution, 6059 Whittlesey: Gen. Wadsworth’s divi¬ sion, War of 1812, 6917 Legislature Report of joint select committee to whom were referred governor’s mes¬ sage and accompanying documents on northern boundary, 5588 Resolutions on northern boundary, 5589 INDEX 387 OHIO—Continued Ohio and Maumee’s branch railroad co. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Report of committee to whom was referred proposition of agents of, , 4108 . [Ohio, Quincy and Grand Haven railroad co.] [The O. Q. & G. H. railway; will it pay?], 5590 Ohio railroad co. Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment : Communication accompany¬ ing certain requests and propositions from, 3180 Primaries Michigan. Political science associa¬ tion: Papers and addresses on pri¬ mary reform, 4794 Valley Blanchard: Discovery and conquests of Northwest, 385 Dana: Geographical sketches on west¬ ern country, 908 Drake: Making of Ohio valley states, 1547 Fernow: Ohio valley in colonial days, 1680 Flint: Letters, 1711 McKnight: Our western border, 2838 Peck: New guide for emigrants to West, 5690, 5691 Perkins: Annals of West, 5704-5708 Peyton: Over the Alleghanies and across the prairies, 5729 Roosevelt: Episodes from Winning of West, 6017 -: La Conquete de l’Ouest, 6018 -: Winning of West, 6021 -6025 Slocum: Ohio country between 1783 and 1815, 6258. Steele: Summer journey in West, 6390 Oil Averill: Inspection of illuminating oil, 164 Kedzie: Historical review of legislation relating to inspection of illuminating oil in Mich., 2475 -: Illuminating oils, 2476 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Acts creating inspection of illuminating oils, 3917 -. State board of health: Me¬ morial concerning illuminating oils, 4899 -.---: Pro¬ tection of life from dangerous illumi¬ nating oils, 4913 -. State inspector of illuminating oils: Report, 4988 Winchell: Oil region of Mich., 6985 Old club The old club of Detroit, 5591 OLD MACKINAW Fox: Betty of Old Mackinaw, 1742 Strickland: Old Mackinaw, 6431 See also Mackinac; Michilimackinac -national bank Dictionary of Grand Rapids, 5592 General letter on trade conditions, 5593 -Northwest, see Northwest, Old -North-west leaflets, 5594 -settlers’ mining co. Articles of association, 5595 -times Bagley: Old times, 170 Olds, S. S. Detroit tribune: [New Year’s greetings], 1489 Oliver, D. D. Centennial history of Alpena co., 5596 Olivet Charter, 5597 College Addresses at inauguration of Rev. H. G. Butterfield, 17 Bulletin, 5598 Exercises and addresses at dedication of new library building, 5599 - connected with observance of 25th anniversary, 5600 History, 2164 Hosford: Memorial, 2209 Morrison: Memorial address at laying of corner-stone of south hall, 5487 Olivet college catalogue, 5601 Williams: History, 6959 Olmsted, Frank L. Roosevelt: Episodes from Winning the West, 6017 -, Frederick L. Conditions in Detroit, 5602 Detroit. City plan and improvement commission: Conditions in Detroit, 1094 Improvement of Detroit, 5603 Park for Detroit, 5604 Olney, J. Michigan, Wisconsin and part of Iowa, 7204 O’Malley, J. P. Manistee city and county directory, 5605 Omena resort [Detroit and Cleveland steam navigation co.]: Omena resort, 1402 Ontario Alexander: Log of North shore club, 41 Ontonagon and state line railroad Britton and Gray: Ontonagon and state line land grants in Mich., 443 [Sibbald]: True history of certain fraudu¬ lent land entries within Ontonagon and state line railroad grant, 6242 -boulder Moore: Ontonagon copper boulder, 5480 -county Farm and business directory, 1635 History of silver mines in Iron River District, 2152 388 INDEX ONTONAGON HARBOR Preliminary chart of Ontanagon [Ontona¬ gon?] Harbor, by U. S. War dept., 7951 Sketch, by T. S. Thompson, 7952 Onions Halligan: Onion culture, 2019 See also Vegetables Optometry Michigan State board of examiners in optometry: Annual report, 4879 Oracle, The, 5606 Orchard Lake Dau’s blue book, 913 Leggett: Me-nah-sa-gor-ning, a legend, 2714 Orchards and vineyards Eustace: Cover crops for, 1615 [-]: Winter vetch for a cover crop, 1619 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Mich. laws for protection, 3918 Taft: Apple orchard, 6452, 6453 [-]: Frozen trees, 6456 • -: Legislation relating to insects, 6461 • -: [Orchard] spraying, 6467 ■-: Pests of orchard and garden, 6469 White: Suggestions on planting orchards, 6898 Orcutt, W. D. Burrows of Mich., 5607 Order of De Molay, see De Molay, Order of Order of the descendants of colonial gover¬ nors. Michigan Roll of members, 5608 Ordinance of 1787 [Haight]: Binding effect, 2011 Merriam: Legislative history, 2957 Poole: Early Northwest, 5801, 5802 -: Ordinance of 1787, 5803, 5804 Stone: Ordinance of 1787, 6416 See also Northwest, Old Ornithological club, see Michigan. Ornitho¬ logical club Ornithology Cook: Birds of Mich., 780, 781 Orphan asylum, see Protestant orphan asylum Orr, R. K. Michigan. Insurance dept.: Accident fund, 3823 Ortmann, C. L. Wilkinson and Post: Mss., 8167 Osborn, C. S. Address at Republican state convention, 5609 Detroit news tribune: Gov. C. S. Os¬ born’s administration, 1467 Michigan. Governor: [Messages and reports], 3774-3779 Official railroad map of Mich., 7331, 7332 -—-., by Rail¬ road commissioner, 7338 The “Soo,” 5610 -, W. H. Farming, 5611 OSBORNE farm annual, 5612 Osceola consolidated mining co. of Mich. Report, 5613 Osceola county Ferguson: In circuit court of U. S.,. Tucker vs. Ferguson, 1677 Hays: Atlas, 7547 Portrait and biographical album, 5846 Oscoda Ordinances, 5614 Ossoli, S. M. Summer on the lakes, 5615 Ostrander, R. C. Civil government of U. S. and of Mich.,. 5616 Oswego canal Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report on project to levy unequal tolls on com¬ merce through canal, 4688 Otis, C. H. Mich, trees, 5617 Otisville Polk & co.: Directory, 5768 Ottawa Beach Pere Marquette railroad co.: Ottawa Beach, 5702 -county Berrien co.: [Papers relating to transfer of land in], 8242 Everett: Memorials of Grand River valley, 1624 History, 2165 Map, by U. S. Postofffce dept., 7548 ■-of counties of Ottawa and Muskegon,. by Geil and Harley, 7552 -road system, by Board of county road commissioners, 7550 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion for aid in construction of harbor, 4690 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7549 Portrait and biographical record, 5842 [Potts]: Historical and business com¬ pendium, 5857 Sectional map, by Potts and Conger, 7551 -Indians Blackbird: History of Ottawa and Chip¬ pewa Indians, 378 [Petition of Ottawa Indians residing at L’Arbre Croche], 5618 Wright: Stories of crooked tree, 7051, 7052 See also Indians; Pontiac, Ottawa chief Our churches, Detroit, 5619 Outdoor life Alexander: Log of North shore club, 41 King: Trouting on Brule River, 2531, 2532 [Tateum]: “Before the blazing back¬ log, ” 6505 See also Summer resorts INDEX 389 OVERFLOWED LANDS Gillam: Effect on public health, 1808 See also Swamp lands Overland motor co. Overland road map, 8011 [Owen, C. W.] First Mich, infantry, 5620 -, W. F. W. Survey of River Detroit, 7962 Owosso Directory Polk & co.: Directory, 5781 Ladies’ library and literary association Articles of association, by-laws and catalogue of books, 5621 Young men’s Christian association library [Catalogue], 5622 P* F. U. Rubber co. Certificate stub-book, 8507 Letter book, 8508 Pacific railroad, see Elevated Pacific rail road Packard motor car co. The Packard, 5623 Paddock, L. H., see Alexander and Paddock Page, Miss E. Memorial, 2945 -, H. R., & co. History of Bay co., 2149 -Lake Huron shore, 2157 -Lapeer co., 2158 -Manistee, Mason and Oceana counties, 2161 -Muskegon co., 2162 -Ottawa co., 2165 -Tuscola and Bay cos., 2172 Illustrated atlas of Winnebago and Boone cos., Ill., containing maps of Mich., Ind., [etc.], 7316 Map of Mich, and Wis., 7294 Traverse region, 6580 -, L. M. Legendary lore of Mackinac, 5624 Pageants Kolyn: Book of words of pageant of Hope, 2578 Pageant of Escanaba, 5625 Park: Pageant of old Detroit, 5639 Stevens: Book of words, pageant of Old Northwest, 6406 Winsor: Pageant of Saint Lusson, 6995 Paine, C. History of iron rails on Mich, southern and northern Indiana, 5626 Painting Bradish: Mss., 8197, 8199 See also Detroit. Museum of art Palache, C. Crystallization of calcite from copper mines of Lake Superior, 5627 PALEONTOLOGY Foster: Report on geology of Lake Superior land district, 1737 Lane: Fossils of the Marshall and Cold- water, 2598 -: Geological report on Huron co., 2599 Leverett: Pleistocene of Indiana and Mich., 2725 Michigan. Geological survey: Reports, 3573 Rominger: Palaeontology, 6015 Winchell: Descriptions of fossils from Marshall and Huron groups, 6968 -: Descriptions of new species of fossils from Marshall group, 6969 -: Grand Traverse region, 6974 -: Notice of rocks lying between carboniferous limestones of Lower Peninsula, 6982 --—:: Notice of small collection of fossils from Potsdam sandstone of Wisconsin and Lake Superior sand¬ stone of Mich., 6983 --: Notices and descriptions of fossils from Marshall group of western states, 6984 Palmer, A. B. Ford: Memorial discourse, 1725 Memorial, 2941 Michigan. State medical society: Presi¬ dent’s address, 5068 -. University. Medical school: Memorial on female medical education, 5303 [Statement of relation of faculty the school of medicine and surgery in U. of M. to faculty in homoeopathic col¬ lege], 5629 -, A. F. Palmer: Life of, 5631 Why go to college, 5628 - , E., see Ward and Palmer - > F * Early days in Detroit, 5630 Mss., 8200 -, F. and T. Mss., 8200 -, G. H. Life of A. F. Palmer, 5631 - , J., see Palmer family -, S., see Palmer family -, T. Mss.’ 8153, 8176 _ X. W. Burton: T. W. Palmer, 533 Cooper: Open letter, 826 Farnsworth: Proceedings, banquet to T. W. Palmer, 1670 Hackley public library: Dedication ad¬ dress, 2006 Mss., 8200, 8202 Mr. Thompson’s school at St. Clair, 5632 “To the soldier dead,” 5633 390 INDEX PALMER, W. B. U. S. Dept, of labor: Mich, copper dis¬ trict strike, 6664, 6665 --family Detroit tribune: [Scrap-book, for gene¬ alogy], 1491 Mss., 8200 Palms, F. Mss., 8133 Palmyra and Jacksonburg railroad Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port, 4109 -. Treasury dept.: Documents relative to loan, 5149 Petition from stockholders, 5634 Report, 5635 Palo Polk & co.: Directory, 5772 Pan-American exposition commission, see Michigan. Pan-American exposition commission Pangborn, J. G. B. & O. red book for Mich., 5636 Panic of 1837 Wadsworth: Mss., 8177 Woodbridge: Mss., 8051 Parcels post Detroit. Chamber of commerce: Par¬ cel’s post rates, 1056 Pardons Michigan. Governor: Communication transmitting names of persons par¬ doned and reasons, 3666 Communication in relation to granting, 3668 Governor's mes¬ sage, 3669 Alger, 3731 by J. J. Bagley, 37 — H. P. Baldwin, Begole, 3726 Croswell, 3713, 37 Jerome, 3724 Luce, 3739 mutations by Gov J.T Pardons by R. A. Pardons granted 05, 3708 ’ 3700 by J. W. — C. M. — D. H. — C. G. and com- Pingree, 3759 Rich, 3744 Winans, 3742 3694 by E. B. Special message], Paris, Mich. Bailey’s gazetteer and directory, includ¬ ing sketch and business directory, 186 PARIS, FRANCE Exposition universelle, 1900 Michigan. State public school: Report to Paris exposition, 5104 Treaty of McLaughlin: Western posts, 2852 Parish, J. C. G. W. Jones, 5637 Lucas: Journal, 2776, 2777 -, W. H., publishing co. Art work of Detroit, 5638 Park, J. S. Pageant of old Detroit, 5639 -and Meldrum Mss., 8131 Parke, Davis & co. Fifty years of manufacturing pharmacy and biology, 5640 Parker, A. A. Trip to West and Texas, 5641 -,H. Map of U. S. road from Detroit to Fort Gratiot as surveyed by, 8023 -, J. S. Flint. Charters: Charter and ordi¬ nances, 1714 -,L. Coroners and coroners’ inquests, 5642 Legal and other measures for prevention of casualties, 5643 Meetings and expenses of township boards of health, 5644 Michigan. State board of health: Opin¬ ions relative to duties and compensa¬ tion of health officer, 4902 Powers and duties of local boards of health, 5645 Public-health subjects before American social science association, 5646 Verification by health officer of diagnosis of diseases dangerous to public health, 5647 Parkman, F. Conspiracy of Pontiac, 5648-5652 Parks, C. C. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report in relation to memorial, 4454 [Parmenter, E. L.] School libraries, 5653 Parrish, I. H. Speech before Grant club, 5654 -> R * Sword of old frontier, 5655 Parsons, A. Michigan. Governor: Message, 3661 •-, Barclay & Klapp Report on Detroit street railway traffic, 5656 Partnership associations Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to formation, 3919 Part-paid bonds, see Bonds Part taken by Essex co. in organization and settlement of Northwest Territory, 5657 INDEX 391 \ PATHOLOGY Michigan. University. Pathological lab¬ oratory: Contributions, 5311 Patrick, M. M. Some damage by lake storm, 1913, 5658 Work of U. S. Lake survey office, Detroit, 5659 ■-and Vrooman Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port on claim, 4535 Patriot war Ross: Patriot war, 6033 Patrons of husbandry, see Michigan. State grange Patten, A. J. Analyses of miscellaneous materials, 5660 -some materials sold as in¬ secticides and fungicides, 5661 Commercial feeding stuffs, 5662 Fertilizer analyses, 5663 Lime for agricultural purposes, 5664 Manufacture and storage of lime-sulfur spray, 5665 Pattengill, H. R. Civil government of Mich., 5666-5670 Mich, cards, 5671 -. teachers’ directory, 5426 Special day exercises, 5672 Pattison, G. W. Munger: Memorial relative to appoint¬ ment of state journal as state printer, 5505 -, J. W. Opening of Hackley art galleries, 5673 Patton, J. Address at unveiling of statue to A. Blair, 5674 Grant, Sherman, Farragut, Lincoln, 5675 Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Farragut, 2744 > •> j 1 " Detroit tribune: [New Year’s greetings], 1489 Wilson bill and Mich., 5676 Pauperism and crime in Mich., 5677, 5678 Paw Paw River Van Buren co. Citizens: Proceedings of meeting at Paw Paw, [relative to re¬ vision of act for assessment and col¬ lection of taxes, extension or comple¬ tion of Central road and improvement of Paw Paw River], 6735 Paxson, F. L. Railroads of "Old Northwest,” 5679 Payne, W. H. Contribution to science of education values, 5680 Contributions to science of education, 5681, 5682 Historical sketch of public schools of Adrian, 5683 Relation between university and high schools, 5684 State uniformity in text-books, 5685 Peaceful valley farms [Hamilton?]: Peaceful valley farms, 2028 PEACHES Barden: Commercial peach growing, 225 Smith: Notes on disease known as “little peach,” 6294 Taft: Peach and plum culture, 6468 See also Fruit and fruit culture Pearse, A. S. Crawfishes of Mich., 5686 Notes on Crustacea recently acquired by museum, 5687 Peas, see Vegetables JPCcit Davis: Peat, 928 Robinson: Organic nitrogenous com¬ pounds in peat soils, 5990 Peattie, Mrs. E. W. The beleaguered forest, 5688 Pebbles and pearls DePuy: Pebbles and pearls, 950 Peck, G. W. Memorial relative to state agricultural college, 5689 -, J- M. A new guide for emigrants to the West, 5690, 5691 New guide to West, 5692 Perkins: Annals of West, 5706-5708 Peet, M. M. Adams: Ecological survey, for papers by, 6, 7 Peirce, H. B. History of Calhoun co., 2151 -, P. R. L. P. R. L. Peirce; in memoriam, 5713 Pench Lake Pench Lake sheet, by U. S. Geological survey, 7796 Pender, J. History of Benton Harbor, 5693 Peninsular bank, see Banks and banking -club, Grand Rapids [Constitution, by-laws and list of mem¬ bers], 5694 [Manual], 5695 -Portland cement co. [Prospectus], 5696 --railway co. Dibble: Prospectus, 1503 Port Huron and Chicago railroad line, 5819 Penmanship day Pattengill: Special day exercises, 5672 Pennock, A. C. Tuttle: Centennial Northwest, 6606 Penokee iron-bearing series Irving: Penokee iron-bearing series, 2342, 2343 Pensions Crittenden: Old age pensions, 8303 Pentwater Harbor Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 Pentwater Oceana Beach association: [Descrip¬ tion], 5583 392 INDEX PERE MARQUETTE RAILROAD Co. Annual report, 5697 Dairying, 5698 Fishing and hunting in Mich., 5699 Holders of junior securities, 5700 Mich, east coast resort region, 7392-7394 Michigan. Legislature. Special joint committee: Report of committee to investigate business and affairs of, 4763 Mich, summer resorts, 5701 Northern Mich, resort region, 7390 Ottawa beach, 5702 Pointe aux Barques resort, 5703 See also Flint and Pere Marquette rail¬ way co. Periodicals Adrian college: The exponent, 28 -: Repertory, 30 Albion college: Pleiad, 36 American schoolmaster (formerly West¬ ern journal of education), 83 Anishinabe enamiad, 94 Ann Arbor high school: Breeze, 127 -: Omega, 131 Applegate: History of press in Mich., 151 Argonaut, 152 Bay View assembly: Bulletin, 291 Black fly, 380 Calvin college chimes, 559 Campus news notes, 574 Castalian, 614 Chronicle, 676 Civic affairs, 683 -news, 687 Detroit. Board of commerce: Detroiter, 983 -. Board of health: Bulletin, 1020 -club woman, 1423 -* free press: Short story of 82 years, 1450 -. High school: Argus, 1180 -.-: Helicon, 1182 -, Home for the friendless: Home messenger, 1195, 1196 -- monthly, 1464 -. Museum of art: Bulletin, 1247 -. Public library: Bulletin, 1288 -.-: Current periodi¬ cals, 1302 -.-: Detroit public library bulletin, 1304 -•.-: Monthly bulle¬ tin, 1317 -.-: Quarterly bulle¬ tin, 1325 - united railway: Detroit united weekly, 1494 --. Woodward Avenue Congre¬ gational church: Our church, 1370 -. Young men's Christian associa¬ tion: Monthly bulletin, 1378 -: Weekly bulletin, 1381 Foik: Mich, essay, 1723 Gargoyle, 1787 PERIODICALS—Continued Grand Rapids. Board of health and poor commissioners: Monthly bulletin, 1866 •-eagle, 45th anniversary, 1949 --furniture record, 1950 -progress, 1954 Grove: Plan for better education through free newspapers, 1995 Hackley art gallery: Aesthetics, 2003 -public library: Quarterly bulle¬ tin, 2008 Harper hospital: Bulletin, 2045 Hope college: Remembrancer, 2203 Hudson. Trinity Protestant Episcopal church: Church record, 2257 Industrial enterprise, 2292 Inlander, 2295 Kalamazoo college: College index, 2452 -normal record, 2457 Michigan alumnus, 5361 -. Board of state building com¬ missioners: Proceedings at laying of corner-stone [giving history of Mich, and list of newspapers and periodicals published in state], 3226 -daily, 5390 ■-. Dept, of state. Division of vital statistics: Monthly bulletin, 3528 -. Federation of teachers’ clubs: Bulletin, 3539 -- journal of education, 5405 -libraries, 5406 -. Military academy: The adjutant, 4772 -. Ornithological club: Bulletin, 4783 -. Press association: Bulletin, 4803 -■. State board of health: Engi¬ neering bulletin, 4894 ---: Pub¬ lic health, 4914 -.-: Teach¬ ers’ sanitary bulletin, 4933 -. State library: List of periodi¬ cals in general dept., 5042 -.-: Quarterly bul¬ letin, 5046 -teacher, 5425 -. University: List of periodi¬ cals on file, 5192 -university magazine, 5431 -medical journal, 5432 -. University: University train¬ ing for newspaper work, 5219 -volksblatt: Goldenes jubilatim, 5433 Newspaper cartoonists’ association of Mich. Gallery of pen sketches, 5540 Politician and public official, 5758 Schoolmaster, 6186 Searchlight, 6195 The state, 6378 INDEX V 393 PERIODICALS—Continued State affairs, 6379, 6380 University of Detroit magazine; the tamarack, 6702 University, The, 6705 University castalia, 6706 -chronicle, 6707 - homoeopathic observer, 6708 -of Michigan gothamite, 6714 -newsletter, 6715 -record, 6718 Van Leuven Browne national magazine, 6747 Western journal of education, 6870 Wolverine, The, 7004 Wrinkle, 7053 See also Michigan. Press association; Michigan. Woman’s press association; Michigan. Woman’s press club Perkins, J. H. Annals of West, 5704-5708 -, s. Mss., 8182 Perkins Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Perring, F. Button: Mss., 8152 -, G. Button: Mss., 8152 Perry, B. M. Lucinda Hinsdale Stone, 5709 - , G. R. Grand Rapids. Mayor: Message, 1908 -, O. H. Hunting expeditions, 5710 Perry’s victory Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Perry memorial, 3412 See also Interstate board of Perry’s vic¬ tory centennial commissioners Person, H. S. Report on public archives of Mich., 5711, 5712 Personal liberty laws Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report rela¬ tive to repeal of sections of, 4134, 4135 *-property Bahlke: Chattel mortgage, 172 Peter, J. W. J. W. Peter, 2380 - R. L. Peirce; in memoriam, 5713 Peterman, A. L. Elements of civil government, 5714 Peterson, R. E. S. Dunster, 5715 Petitions Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee instructed to inquire into constitutionality of sections of revised statutes, 4138 PETOSKEY [Detroit and Cleveland steam navigation co.]: Where to spend summer, 1403 Directory Polk & co.: Directory, 5763, 5782 Historical sketch, 2137 Northwestern summer institute, 5568 Public library Annual report, 5716 Souvenir, 6358 Sprang: Petoskey and Little Traverse Bay, 6372 -Harbor Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 Petroleum Gordon: Reports on Port Huron oil field, 1829 Smith: Occurrence of oil and gas in Mich., 6310 Petrology Brooks: Iron-bearing rocks, 449, 450 Lane: Geological report on Isle Royale, 2600 Michigan. Geological survey: Reports, 3573 Rominger: Marquette iron region, Me¬ nominee iron region, 6014 Williams: Greenstone schist areas of Menominee and Marquette regions, 6944 Pettibone, D. A. City of Ann Arbor, 7608 Map of Saginaw and Tuscola with part of [other] counties, 7555 — : - > s - City of Ann Arbor, 7609 Washtenaw co., 7576 Pettit, R. H. Codling-moth, 5717 Foul brood, 5718 Insects injurious to apple, 5719 Insects new and unusual, 5720 -of 1907, 5721 -field crops, 5722 -the garden, 5723 Mosquitoes, 5724, 5725 Some insects of year 1897-1901, 5726 Thrips on oats, 5727 --, W. Remarks respecting the copper district of Lake Superior, 5728 Pewamo Polk & co.: Directory, 5772 Peyton, J. L. Over the Alleghanies and across the prairies, 5729 Pharmaceutical association, see Michigan. State pharmaceutical association Pharmacy Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Phar¬ macy laws, 3920 Parke, Davis & co.: Fifty years of manufacturing, 5640 See also Detroit. Pharmacal co. 394 INDEX PHELIPEAU, P. Carte generale des colonies Angloises dans l’Amerique septentrionale, 7114 Phelps, H. Traveller’s map of Mich., Ill., Ind. and Ohio, 7179, 7192, 7194 -, M. B. F. Slocum, 5730 -, W. F. Waterways convention: Sault Ste. Marie canal, 6817 -free library, see Big Rapids. Phelps free library Philadelphia Centennial exhibition [Michigan. State board of centennial managers]: Catalogue of products, 4864 -: Report, 4865 Phillips, P. L. Rare map of Northwest, 5731 -, R. C. Mackinaw City, 7742 -, T. G. Detroit. City plan and improvement commission: City tree planting, 1092, 1093 Phonetics Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on memorial concerning pho¬ netics: Report, 4195 Photographic album, 5732 Photographs, see Detroit. Photographic co. Physical education Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Games, 3390 Physical training, 3413 Suggestions, 3445 •-. State normal college. Dept. of physical education: Suggestions for physical training, 5082 -. State teachers’ association. Executive committee. Physical train¬ ing section: Physical training for city schools, 5115, 5116 - geography Lyster: Study of climate and topography of Lower Peninsula, 2789 Transeau: Bogs and bog flora of Huron River valley, 6563 Physicians Michigan. State board of health: Regis¬ tration, 4916 Physicians’, dentists’ and druggists’ di¬ rectory, 5733 Ranney: List of regular physicians regis¬ tered in Mich., 5920 Physics Michigan. University. Physical labo¬ ratory: Contributions, 5312 PHYSICS AND SURGERY Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred memorials praying repeal or modification of statutes rela¬ tive to practice, 4305 Pictures of South Haven, 5734 Picturesque iron and copper mining, 5735 Pidgeon, R. H. Robinson: Atlas of Detroit and suburbs, 7646 -, W. Traditions of De-coo-dah, 5736 Pierce, J. D. Hoyt: J. D. Pierce, 2237 Memorial relative -to establishment of female college, 5737 Piers Patrick: Some damage by lake storm, 1913, 5658 Pierson, A. T. Detroit post and tribune: Z. Chandler, 1469 Doric pillar of Mich., 5738 Pierson Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Polk, Murphy & co.: Directory, 5790 Pieters, A. J. Plants of Lake St. Clair, 5739 Pierz, F. O’Brien: Two early missionaries to Indians, 5582 Pilcher, E. H. Protestantism in Mich., 5740 [Record of marriage certificates], 8509 -, J. E. Life and labors of E. H. Pilcher, 5741 Pilgrim fathers Cass: Address before New England so¬ ciety, 604 Pillsbury, P. [Harford]: Short sketch of life and services of J. Walker, 2040 Pilot guides Scates: Pocket cruising book for Lake ^ Mich., 6149 Scott: Coast pilot for lakes, 6189 Trimble: Lake pilots’ handbook, 6584 ■-rules U. S. Dept, of commerce and labor. Steamboat inspection service: Pilot rules for Great Lakes, 6663 Pine industry Hill: Pine industry, 2116 Merwin: Whip hand, 2958 Pine lands and lumber trade, 5742 See also Lumbering Pine Lake [Map of] Pine Lake, by U. S. War dept., 7910 -(steamer) Logbook, 8510 -River Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 INDEX 1 395 PINGREE, MRS. F. A. Scrapbooks, 8511 -, H. S. Address before Republican club of U. of M., 5743 Detroit. Mayor: Message, 1218-1223 Facts and opinions, 5744 Michigan. Governor: [Messages and pardons], 3748-3760 Scrapbooks, 8512 Pioneer day Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Pioneer day program, 3414, 3415 - and historical society, see Michigan. Pioneer and historical society - - life, see Frontier and pioneer life -, a weekly newspaper, 5745 Piquette, C. Mss., 8048 -, J. B. Mss., 8048 Pitcher, Z. Address to 1st graduates of medical dept., U. of M., 5746 Michigan. State teachers’ association: Memorial, 5110 -. University. Board of regents: Memoir embracing epitome of transac¬ tions, 5230 Pitezel, J. H. Historical recollections, 5747 Lights and shades of missionary life, 5748, 5749 Pitts, A. G. Notes on early history of Freemasonry in Mich., 5750 Plank roads [Map of] Detroit and Howell P. R., 8001, 8002 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication relative to plank roads, 3063 Trowbridge: Check stub-books, 8545 See also Detroit and Erin plank road co.; Detroit and Howell plank road co.; Detroit and Lake St. Clair plank road co.; Erin and Mt. Clemens plank road co.; Lansing and Howell plank road co.; Roads Plants Bordner: Influence of traction on forma¬ tion of mechanical tissue in stems, 401 Cook: Grain plant louse, 788 -: Plant lice, 794 Pieters: Plants of Lake St. Clair, 5739 Sackett: Some bacterial diseases, 6061 Plaster industry, see Gypsum Plat books American atlas co.: Plat book of Hills¬ dale co., 7462 Hixson: Plat book of northern Mich., 7389 Weston: Plat book of Gogebic co., 7456 -: Plat book of Houghton co., 7465 PLATT, M. T. Mich, state business directory, 5751 -, Z. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion, 4566 Pleading Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Judi¬ cature act, 3892 Plessis, J. O. Extract from journal of pastoral visita¬ tion, 8513 Ploughboy (steamer) Account book, 8514 Plums Cook: Plum curculio, 796 Hedrick: Native plums, 2094 Taft: Peach and plum culture, 6468 Pneumonia Baker: Causation, 192 See also Health Poe, O. M. Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 Military order of the loyal legion of the U. S. Michigan commandery: Sup¬ plementary proceedings of regular monthly meeting, 5440 Poets and poetry Michigan poets and poetry, 5409 -. State board of library com¬ missioners: Poems arranged by grades, 4949, 4950 Pointe aux Barques Pere Marquette railroad co.: Pointe aux Barques resort, 5703 • -resort association Pointe aux Barques, 5753 Pointe aux Pins, 5754, 5755 Pokagon, [S.] 0-gi-maw-kw6 Mit-i-gwa-ki, 5756, 5757 Political parties, see Democratic party; Detroit. Politics and government; Michi¬ gan. History; Michigan. Politics and government; Michigan (Ter.) Politics and government; Republican party; Whig party • - science association, see Michigan. Political science association Politics Bishop: Political situation, 375 Bugle blast, 484 Cass: [Mss.], 8290 Detroit post and tribune: Z. Chandler, 1469 Facts and arguments against election of Gen. Cass, 1629 Felch: Mss., 8154 Freeman’s pamphlet, 1754 Greusel: Story of anti-ripper candidate, 1991 Harris: Public life of Z. Chandler, 2062 Larned: Mss., 8070 May: Political reform, 2929 396 INDEX POLITICS—Continued Millspaugh: Party organization and machinery in Mich., 5454 Orcutt: Burrows of Mich., 5607 Osborn: Address at Republican state convention, 5609 Palmer: Mss., 8200 Pangborn: B. & O. red book for Mich., 5636 Pingree: Address before Republican club of U. of M., 5743 Politician and public official, 5758 Romeyn: Mss., 8061, 8075 Trowbridge: Mss., 8158, 8204 Wilkins: Mss., 8065 Williams: Mss., 8038, 8125 Woodbridge: Mss., 8051 See also Campaign literature; Democratic party; Detroit. Political Association; Detroit. Politics and government; Good government league, Grand Rapids; Michigan. Politics and gov¬ ernment; Michigan (Ter.) Politics and government; Primaries; Republican party; U. S. Politics and government; Wayne county. Politics and govern¬ ment; Whig party Polk, R. L., & co. Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and Washtenaw co. directory, 5759 Battle Creek city directory, 5760 Bay City directory, 5761 Benton Harbor, St. Joseph and Niles directory, 5762 Calumet, Houghton, Hancock and Laurium directory, 5764 Cheboygan city and county directory, 5765 Detroit city directory, 1421 Directory of Big Rapids, 5763 East Saginaw directory, 5766 Escanaba city and Delta county di¬ rectory, 5767 Flint city and Genesee county directory, 5768 Grand Rapids city directory, 5769 Hillsdale city and county directory, 5770 Houghton co. directory, 5771 Illustrated historical atlas of Grand Rapids and Kent co., 7495 •-- - - — Kent co., 7494 Ionia city and county directory, 5772 Jackson city and county directory, 5773 Kalamazoo city directory, 5774 Lansing city and Ingham co. directory, 5775 Ludington city and Mason co. directory, 5776 Manistee co. directory, 5777 Map of Detroit, 7657, 7659, 7673, 7683 -Grand Rapids and environs, 7720, 7721 Marquette city and county directory, 5778 Menominee directory, 5779 POLK, R. L., & Co.—Continued Michigan state gazetteer and business directory, 5788 Muskegon city and county directory, 5780 Owosso city and Shiawassee co. directory, 5781 Petoskey city and Emmet co. directory, 5782 Port Huron city and St. Clair co. direc¬ tory, 5783 Saginaw directory, 5784 Sault Ste. Marie city directory, 5785 Students’ directory of U. of M., 5789 Traverse City and Grand Traverse co. directory, 5786 Wyandotte directory, 5787 See also Weeks and Polk -, Murphy and co. Grand Rapids directory, 5790 Jackson city directory, 5791 Pollock, J. B. Michigan fungi, 5792 Pomological society, see Michigan. State horticultural society Pond, A. Detroit. Fire dept.: The fire dept., 1136 Michigan. University: Memorial, 5196 -, E. B. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on privileges and elections: Re¬ port in contested case of Tyler vs. Pond, 4632, 4633 Tyler: Petition contesting seat for 7th senate district, 6612 -, S. E., & co. Official atlas of Antrim co., 7415 New atlas and directory of Grand Tra¬ verse co., 7458 Pontiac, Ottawa chief Crowley: Heroine of the Strait, 870 Ellis: Forest messengers, 1593 [-]: Pontiac, 1594, 1595 Ford: White captive, 1727 Gladwin: Mss., 1817 Heineman: Startling experience of Jewish trader during siege, 2100 Henry: Narrative of captivity, 2107 Hough: Diary of siege of Detroit, 2211 Journal of Pontiac’s conspiracy, 2425 Ludlow: Onawago, 2778 [Macomb]: Pontiac, 2861 Mante: History of late war, 2876 Mss., 8515 Morris: Journal, 5486 Munroe: At war with Pontiac, 5507 Parkman: Conspiracy of Pontiac, 5648- 5652 Poole: The West, 5805 Richardson: Wacousta, 5971, 5972 Rogers: Ponteach, 6007, 6008 Whitney: Pontiac, a drama of old De¬ troit, 6909 See also Detroit. History; Detroit. Siege INDEX V 397 PONTIAC Annual report, 5793 Area U. S. Dept, of agriculture: Soil sur¬ vey, 6662 Board of education Catalogue, 5794 Centennial report, 5795 Charter, 5796-5799 Coleman: Pontiac daily press, 740 Dau’s blue book, 913 [Durant]: History of Oakland co., 1563 Mill co. Accounts, 8516 Ordinances, etc. Revised ordinances, 5800 Pontiac and Detroit railroad co. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Report concerning petitions of, 4110 -railroad co. [Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Report on indebtedness], 3075 [-. Auditor general’s office: Reply to resolution asking about mandamus to deliver up bond as security to mortgage], 3126 Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps -state hospital, see Michigan. Pontiac state hospital Poole F. Early Northwest, 5801, 5802 Ordinance of 1787, 5803, 5804 West, 5805 -, Lieut. Survey of road route from Saginaw to Mackinac, 8015 Poor Michigan. Charities and corrections, 3245 -. Dept, of state: Abstract of reports of superintendents of poor, 3465 -. -.-: Annual ab¬ stract of reports of superintendents of poor, 3467 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to support of poor persons, 3921 •-. State association of the super¬ intendents of the poor: Annual con¬ vention, 4856 -: Proceedings of annual convention, 4855 -. State board of corrections and charities: Charities and corrections, 4867 -: Special report, 4870 Pauperism and crime in Mich., 5677, 5678 Wayne county. Superintendents of poor: Annual report, 6833 Wyman: The poorhouse, 7056 Poppleton, A. J. Address, 5806 Population, see Michigan. Census; U. S. Bureau of the census PORK Brown: Pork production, 467 Portage Lake [Map of] Portage Lake, by U. S. War dept., 7911, 7912 - district Cross sections near Portage Lake, by Mich, geological survey, 7799 Map to accompany cross sections, by Mich, geological survey, 7798 -River Portage Lake and River, by U. S. War dept., 7911 Portage River, by U. S. War dept., 7978 Porter, B. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report of committee to whom was referred claim for ma¬ terials furnished to, 4007 -: Report of committee to whom was referred petition, 4010 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on the accounts of B. Porter: Report, 4196 -. -. -*. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred memorial [for further remuneration for services in construction of capitol buildings], 4235 -. -. -. Select committee: Report of committee to investigate accounts, 4341 -, D. D. Michigan. Legislature: Memorial pro¬ ceedings, 3961 -, E. D. Business directory of Barry co., 5807 - , F. B. Mss., 8517 -, G. F. Norton: Mss., 8107 See also Joy and Porter __ JJ JJ H. H. Porter, 5808 -,L. Letter relative to report on memorial of freeholders of 9th ward, Detroit, 5809 Port Huron Charter, 5810-5814 Common council Proceedings, 5815 Directories Brown: City directory of, 455 Meech: Port Huron and St. Clair co. directory, 2935 Polk & co.: Directory, 5783 Sherman co.: Port Huron and Fort Gratiot directory, 6230 Wolverine directory co.: Port Huron city directory, 7007 --.: St. Clair co. directory, 7008 Ladies’ library association Catalogue, 5816 39$ INDEX PORT HURON—Continued Oil field Gordon: Reports, 1829 '[Ordinances], 5817 Port Huron and Chicago railroad line, the shortest northern and central route, 5819 ■-Lake Mich, railroad co. Charter, 5820 Dibble: Prospectus, 1503 Emmons: Mss. 8092 New railway outlet from Chicago to seaboard, 5821 Port Huron and Chicago line, 5819 Steele: Port Huron and Lake Mich, railroad co., 6391 -Lansing railroad Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Opinion on whether bill authorizes delivery of bonds voted by Flint, 3066 -Milwaukee railway co. Map, 8012 Petition for grant of lands, 5822 Romeyn and Lockwood and Clarke: Mss., 8046 Public library 18th annual report, 5818 Real estate Holbrook: Mss., 8196 --times-herald Eastern Mich., 5823 --Harbor U. S. War dept.: Letter transmitting report on preliminarv examination, 6692 Port Kalamazoo [Map of] Port Kalamazoo, by L. Judson, 7953 Portland Polk & co.: Directory, 5772 • -cement Hale: Marl, 2012 Russell: Portland cement industry in Mich., 6051 See also Peninsular Portland cement co. • -association Concrete roads of Wayne co., 5824 Portrait and biographical album of Barry and Eaton cos., 5825 • -record of Berrien and Cass cos., 5826 ■---- album of Branch co., 5827 • -Calhoun co., 5828 --— Clinton and Shiawassee cos., 5829 -- record of Genesee, Lapeer and Tuscola cos., 5830 —--album of Gratiot co., 5831 -Hillsdale co., 5832 Huron co., PORTRAIT and biographical album of Ing¬ ham and Livingston cos., 5834 -Ionia and Montcalm cos., 5835 -- - — Isabella co., 5836 ---- — Jackson co., 5837 -- — Kalama¬ zoo, Allegan and Van Buren cos., 5838 ---Lenawee co., 5839 ---Mecosta co., 5840 -Midland co., 5841 -record of Muskegon and Ottawa cos., 5842 •-northern Mich., 5843 -album of Newayco [Newaygo] co., 5844 -Oakland co., 5845 ---- — Osceola co., 5846 ■-- record of Saginaw and Bay cos., 5847 - 1 -- album of St. Jos¬ eph co., 5848 -- -- — Sanilac co., 5849 ---Washte¬ naw co., 5850 -of D. Houghton, 5851 Portsmouth DeLisle: Directory for 1868-9, 943 Post, H. Michigan. Courts: Revised rules, 3338, 3339 -. -: Rules of practice, 3340 -. Supreme court: Abstract of decisions rendered at Jan. term, 1875, 5121 vScrapbook of Wayne co. circuit court reports, 8518 See also Wilkinson and Post Postal service U. vS. Postoffice dept.: Scheme of city distribution for use in postoffice at Detroit, 6679 —. —.-.: Scheme of city distribution for use in postoffice at Grand Rapids, 6680 —. —. Railway mail service: Scheme of Mich., 6686 Wyandotte publishing co.: Souvenir Wyandotte postal guide, 7054 Postiff, W. Cucumbers as a cash crop, 5852 Postoffices Map of U. S. exhibiting post roads, situa¬ tions, connexions and distances of postoffices, by A. Bradley, Jr., 7128 5833 INDEX 399 POSTOFFICES—Continued New railroad, postoffice and county map of Mich., by National publishing co., 7339 Railroad and postoffice map of Wis. and Mich., by H. H. Lloyd & co., 7274 Wolverine state, by Haskell bros., 7298 Post routes Post route map of Mich, and Wis., by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7272, 7301, 7308, 7336, 7349, 7350, 7356, 7361, 7366 -Ohio and Ind., with parts of Pa., Mich., Ill., Ky. and W. Va., by W. L. Nicholson, 7302 [Postum cereal co. Advertising dept.] [Journey through factories], 5853 Potatoes Bissell: Mss., for prices and shipments ^ of, 8060, 8100 Coons: Potato diseases, 820 Davenport: Pigs. Potatoes, variety tests, 924 [Eustace]: Potato culture, 1616 Harwood: Potatoes, 2073, 2074 Johnson: Potato culture, 2412 -: Potatoes, roots, 2413 -: Report of experiments with, 2415 McCue: Spraying for potato blight, 2826 Michigan. Dairy and food commissioner: Foods, 3347 -. Public domain commission: Report on feasibility of using pulp and chicory dryers to dry surplus potato crop, 4815 Taft: Potatoes, 6470, 6471 -: Potatoes and potato scab, 6472 -: Potatoes, vegetable tests, 6473 -: Potato tests, 6474 -: Tomatoes and potatoes, 6487 Waid: Potato growing, 6781 -: Standardization and group classi¬ fication of potato varieties, 6782 -: Suggestions for growing potatoes, ^ 6783 See also Vegetables Potawatomi Indians Deeds, 8519 Edmonds: Disturbance at Potawatamie payment, 1576 Sibley: Mss., 8185 See also Indians Potier, P. Jesuit ms., 5854 Potter, W. W. History of Barry co., 5855 Michigan’s first justice of the peace, 5856 |Potts, H.] Historical and business compendium of Ottawa co., 5857 -and Conger Sectional map of Ottawa co., 7551 Poultry Bissell: Mss., for prices and shipment, 8060, 8100 POULTRY—Continued Burgess: Small poultry house and hints on poultry raising, 497 Halpin: Poultry raising, 2023 Smith: Some experiments, 6285 - breeders’ association, see Michigan. Poultry breeders’ association Powell, L. P. Historic towns of western states, 5858 -—, W. D. Riddell: 1st judge at Detroit and his court, 5979 Power, E. L. First selection of 500 children’s books, , 5859 Selected list of children’s books for school libraries, 5860 Powers, J. M. Mich, law of marriage and divorce, 5861 --, P. F. History of northern Mich., 5862 Mich, central railroad co. vs. P. F. Powers, 5863 Numerous railroad cos. vs. P. F. Powers,. 5864 -, O. W. Puterbaugh: Chancery pleading and practice, 5895 Poweting [Gilbert]: “Tale of two cities,” 1807 Pownall, T. New and correct map of North America, 7107 New map of North America, 7113 Prairie du Chien f Atwater: Indians of Northwest, or re¬ marks made on tour to, 160 Blanchard: Discovery and conquests of Northwest, 386 ' Pratt, F. Historical sketch of early Masonry in Mich., 5865 •-, Mrs. P. M. C. Michigan. Pioneer and historical society: “Shells of the ocean,” 4791 Pray, F. H. Washtenaw co. directory, 5866 Preemption law Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report rela¬ tive to passage by Congress of law, 4683 Preferential voting, see Elections Prehistoric mining [Hager]: Ancient mining on shores of Lake Superior, 2010 Prentice, M. H. Power: Selected list of children’s books for school libraries, 5860 Prentis, J. Mss., 8056 Presbyterians Cooper: Address on dedication of 1st house of worship in Saginaw valley, 822 INDEX 400 PRESBYTERIANS—Continued [-]: Extracts from Monteith Jour¬ nal concerning introduction of gospel in Michigan, 823 [-]: [History and financial state¬ ment at rededication of Memorial Presbyterian church], 824 -: In memoriam, 2303 --: Life of David Bacon and Alice Parks Bacon, 825 --: Plea for smaller college, 828 Detroit Churches History and directory of churches of Detroit, 2141 Our churches, Detroit, 5619 See also name of church under De¬ troit First Presbyterian church Articles of faith and covenant, 1152, 1153 Catalogue of Sunday school library, 1154 Dedicatory services, 1155 Directory, 1156 Exercises at laying of corner-stone, 1157 Manual, 1158 Records, 8317 Remonstrance against division of school fund, 1159 Report of helping hand society, 1160 Roll of members, 1161 Subjects for young people’s meetings, 1162 First United Presbyterian church Handbook, 1163 Fort Street Presbyterian church Directory, 1165 Fiftieth anniversary discourse, 1166 Manual, 1167 Records of 25th anniversary, 1168 Three score and six, 1169 Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian church Dedicatory services, 1207 Memorial Presbyterian church [Cooper: Historical and financial statement], 824 Dedicatory services, 1235 Pastor’s New Year’s greeting, 1236 Twenty-fifth anniversary, 1237 Presbyterian alliance, see Presbyterian alliance of Detroit Westminster Presbyterian church Programme for amateur concert, 1360 Services at celebration of twenty- fifth anniversary, 1361 Grand Haven Presbyterian Sunday school History, 2166 Grand Rapids Churches Moerdyk: History, 5465 Lansing Franklin Street Presbyterian church Church manual, 2648 PRESBYTERIANS—Continued Michigan. University: Tappan Pres¬ byterian association, 5216 Presbyterian alliance of Detroit Twenty-fifth anniversary of incorpora¬ tion, 5867 Presbyterian church. Synod of Michigan Minutes of annual meeting, 5868 Synod of Michigan and state univer¬ sity, 5869 Presbyterian pulpit, 5870 See also Alma college; Biographical sketches; Biographies; Missions and missionaries; name of institution, local church or organization Prescott, A. B. A. B. Prescott, in memoriam, 33 - 7 “» G * A * Michigan. Constitution: Constitution, 3307 Presidential primaries, see Primaries Presque Isle Harbor Chart, by U. S. War dept., 7947 Harbors of refuge, by U. S. War dept., 7954-7956 Press Carton: What press can do in develop¬ ment of Mich., 588 Chase's, Dr., steam printing house, 650 Coleman: Pontiac daily press, 740 - association, see Michigan. Press association; Michigan. State press asso¬ ciation; Michigan. Woman’s press asso¬ ciation; Northwestern Michigan press association - club, see Michigan. Woman’s press club Preston, L. D. Map of Lansing, 7741 -, N. K. Library institutes, 5871 -national bank of Detroit Buxton: Bank book, 8275 Preston national bank of Detroit, 5872 Price, W. H. Status of mouth hygiene in preventive medicine, 5873 Prickley lettuce Wheeler: Prickley lettuce, 6886 Primaries Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to primary elections, 3922 -. Political science association: Papers and addresses on primary re¬ form, 4794 •-. State library. Legislative reference dept.: Laws relating to presidential primaries, 5058 Warner: Nomination of candidates by direct vote, 6804 See also Detroit. Elections; Elections Primary education Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Statutes relating to primary schools, 3926 Putnam: Development, 5898 INDEX 401 PRIMARY SCHOOLS Mayhew: Statutes, 2934 Michigan. Governor: Special message in relation to suspending distribution of public moneys, 3621 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report, 4026 -: Report [relative to petition for adding university fund to common school fund], 4036 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on supplementary bill to pri¬ mary school law: Report, 4595 -. -. -•—■. Com¬ mittee on public instruction: Report of committee to whom was referred part of governor’s message relating to, 4638 Nevins: Protest against bill to provide for county superintendents of schools and to amend or repeal sections of primary school law, 5537 Sharp: Speech in favor of bill to change swamp land fund to primary school fund, 6208 See also Education; Schools Printing Michigan. Legislature. Joint committee: Report of committee to receive pro¬ posals, 4401 See also Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on printing; Michigan. State printing Prison industries, see Michigan. Board of prison industries Prisons Barbour: Jails, 220-222 Barnes: Prison system of Mich., 228 [-]: Prisons self-supporting, 229 DePuy: Pebbles and pearls, 950 Michigan. Charities and corrections, 3245 -. Dept, of state: Abstract of reports of sheriffs relating to jails, 3464 -. Joint prison and affiliated boards: Proposed prison legislation, 3827 -. State board of corrections and charities: Biennial report, 4866 -: Charities and corrections, 4867 ■-. State board of inspectors of penal institutions: 1st biennial report, 4938 Seymour: Remarks on bill for establish¬ ment of prison of infamy, 6204 Storrs: Correctional work in Mich., 6418 -: Penological hints, 6420 .'See Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on the state prison; Michi¬ gan. State house of correction and branch of state prison in Upper Penin¬ sula; Michigan. State prison 51 PRITCHETTE, K. Michigan. Bank commissioners: Report relative to Macomb co. bank, 3159 -.-: Report relative to specie certificates, 3160 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred letter enclosing letters relative to negotia¬ tion with Morris canal and banking co., 4495 [Pritts, J.] Abentheuerliche ereignisse aus dem leben der ersten ansiedler der mittleren und westlichen staaten, 5875 Incidents of border life, 5874 Private claims Plan of private claims in Mich. Territory, surveyed by A. Greeley, 7860 Private claims at Michilimackinac sur¬ veyed by J. Mullet, 7861 Prize essays, see Michigan. Historical commission Probate law and practice Beecher: Mich, law and procedure in probate courts, 331 Chatterton: Probate law, 651 Cheever: Law and practice of probale courts, 655-657 Probation system Michigan. Commission on vagrancy, disorderly conduct, habitual drunken¬ ness, etc.: Minor offenses, 3268 Proceedings of forestry convention in Grand Rapids, 5876 -, unveiling ceremonies of Mason monument, 5877 Procter, H. Regulations of civil government of Ter¬ ritory of Mich., 8520 Professor J. Estabrook, memorial services 5878 Profit-sharing Detroit evening news: Investigation of Ford profit-sharing, 1442 Ford motor co.: Helpful hints to em¬ ployes, 1731 Prohibition Adams: Treatise on prohibitory liquor law of Mich., 11 Alabaster: Answer to recent pleas for traffic and use of intoxicating beverages, 32 Dennis: Petition that sale of liquor may be prohibited by law, 948 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Minority re¬ port of committee to whom was referred petitions for restoration of provisions of prohibitory liquor law, 4136 •-. -. Senate. Select committee: Report of committee to whom has been referred petitions in favor of law prohibiting manufacture of intoxicating beverages, like law in Maine, 4728 402 INDEX PROHIBITION—Continued -: Report of committee to whom was referred bill prohibiting manufacture of intoxicating beverages and traffic therein, 4729 Morton: Prohibition, 5488 Smart: Funeral sermon of Maine law, 6260 -: Political duties of Christian men and ministers, 6261 -: Whisky war in Adrian, 6263 Williams: Prohibition and woman suf¬ frage, 6936 See also Liquor; Temperance -;-party Williams: Prohibition reform party, 6937, 6938 Promissory notes Bates: Negotiable instruments law, 239 See also Business mss. Property Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication relative to consti¬ tutionality of bill establishing police regulations for preservation of property on railroad lines, 3058 -. Auditor general’s office: Com¬ munication showing amount of prop¬ erty on which specific taxes were paid, 3114 [Proposition for purchase of southern rail¬ road], 5879 Prostitution Wright: Ella, 7046 Protestant Episcopal church Diocese of Michigan Bishop’s convention address, 5880 Fox: Examination of case of church discipline, 1741 Gillespie: Manual, 1809 Journal of proceedings of annual con¬ vention, 5881 Journal of special conventions, 5882 Letter book, 8521 Report of committee on state of church, 5883 Trowbridge: History of Episcopal church in Mich., 6589 -: Mss., 8109 [-]: Tributes to his memory, 6590 Williams: 2d annual address at 47th annual convention, 6940 Diocese of western Michigan Constitution and canons, 5884 Journal of proceedings of annual con¬ vention, 5886 -primary con¬ vention, 5885 See also Biographical sketches; Biog¬ raphies; M’Coskry, S. A.; name of institution, local church or organization PROTESTANT ORPHAN ASYLUM, DETROIT Askin: Mss., 8037 Burton: Protestant orphan asylum, 8273 Register of transactions of Female benev¬ olent society, 8522 Year book, 5887 Protestant Methodists, see Adrian college; Methodist Episcopal church Protestants [Cooper]: Extracts from Monteith jour¬ nal concerning introduction of gospel in Mich., 823 Pilcher: Protestantism in Mich., 5740 Provident building, loan and savings society, 5888 Pruden, M. M. Bards and co’s. business directory of Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Bay City, Muskegon, etc., 226 Prudden, T. P. Sermon at dedication of Plymouth church, Lansing, 5889 Twenty years history of Plymouth church, Lansing, 5890 -, W. K. Corporate excess tax plan, 5891 Pruning Hood: Laboratory manual, 2199 Psychopathic hospital, see Michigan. State psychopathic hospital Public domain commission, see Michigan. Public domain commission --improvements Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Select committee: Report, 4721 •-health, see Health; Michigan. State board of health - instruction, see Michigan. Dept, of public instruction —-lands Chilton: State claims Northwest Terri¬ tory, 671 [Hinsdale]: Three important documents relative to western land cessions, 2134 Michigan. Governor: Special message [transmitting copy of resolutions of Kentucky concerning], 3619 --. --: Special message accompanying joint resolutions of Alabama in relation to distribution of proceeds of sales, 3635 See also Land; Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on public lands; Michigan. Public domain commission; Railroad lands; U. S. General land office; U. S. Land; U. S. Land office, Detroit -life of L. Cass, 5892 - school, see Michigan. State public school; Schools Puddefoot, W. G. Hewers of wood, 5893 Puddleford papers Riley: Puddleford papers, 5982 INDEX v 403 PUERPERAL FEVER Michigan. State board of health: Rela¬ tive to, 4919 Pumpelly, R. Copper district [of Upper Peninsula], 5894 Michigan. Geological survey: Upper Peninsula, 3576 Punishment Barbour: Indeterminate sentence, 219 Storrs: Penological hints, 6420 Wayne county. Grand jurors: Present¬ ment relative to house of refuge, 6829 Puterbaugh, S. D. Chancery pleading and practice, 5895- 5897 Putnam, D. Development of primary and secondary education ,5898 History of Mich, state normal school, ^ 5899 School geography of Mich., 5900 Sketch of history of Mich, state teachers’ association, 5901 --, E. In memory of, 2316 -, R. Crawford: R. Putnam and his pioneer life in Northwest, 859 Pythias, see Knights of Pythias Quadrangle maps Ann Arbor quadrangle, by U. S. Geologi¬ cal survey, 7756-7759 Chesaning quadrangle, by U. S. Geologi¬ cal survey, 7766 Crystal Falls quadrangle, by U. S. Geo¬ logical survey, 7767 Detroit folio, Wayne, Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Romulus and Wyandotte quad¬ rangles, by W. H. Sherzer, 7769 -- quadrangle, by U. S. Geological survey, 7768 Dexter quadrangle, by U. S. Geological survey, 7770 'Fowlerville quadrangle, by U. S. Geologi¬ cal survey, 7774 Grand Rapids quadrangle, by U. S. Geo¬ logical survey, 7775 Grosspoint quadrangle, by U. S. Geo¬ logical survey, 7776 Houghton quadrangle, by U. S. Geo¬ logical survey, 7777 Howell quadrangle, by U. S. Geological survey, 7779, 7780 Iron River quadrangle, by U. S. Geo¬ logical survey, 7782 Lansing quadrangle, by U. S. Geological survey, 7784 Marquette quadrangle, by U. S. Geologi¬ cal survey, 7788 Mason quadrangle, by U. S. Geological survey, 7789 Milford quadrangle, by U. S. Geological survey, 7793 QUADRANGLE MAPS—Continued Pontiac quadrangle, by U. S. Geological survey, 7797 Rochester quadrangle, by U. S. Geological survey, 7802 Romulus quadrangle, by U. S. Geological survey, 7803 Sagola quadrangle, by U. S. Geological survey, 7804 St. Charles quadrangle, by U. S. Geo¬ logical survey, 7805 Saline quadrangle, by U. S. Geological survey, 7806 South Lyon quadrangle, by U. S. Geo¬ logical survey, 7807 Three Rivers quadrangle, by U. S. Geo¬ logical survey, 7811 Wayne quadrangle, by U. S. Geological survey, 7819 Witbeck quadrangle, by U. S. Geological survey, 7820 Wyandotte quadrangle, by U. S. Geologi¬ cal survey, 7821 Ypsilanti quadrangle, by U. S. Geological survey, 7822 Quaife, M. M. Chicago and Old Northwest, 5902 Hay: Narrative of life on old frontier, 2089 Quarles, J. V. Old and the new*, 5903 Quartermaster’s dept., see Michigan. Quar¬ termaster general’s office; U. S. Army. Quartermaster’s dept. Queen city of the straits, 5904 Quincy Campbell: Memorial day in, 573 -mining co. Lawton: Review r of Lake Superior copper mining, 2697 Radisson, P. E. Campbell: Radisson’s journal, 565 Rahn, O. Bacterial activity in soil as function of grain size, 5905 Railroad commission, see Michigan. Rail¬ road commission -conspiracy case, see Great railroad conspiracy case -lands Britton and Gray: Ontonagon and state line and Marquette and state line land grants in Mich., 443 [Burt]: Marquette and Mackinac rail¬ road, some reasons why grant of swamp lands should be made, 507 Calkins: Petition for grant of swamp lands in Allegan county for railroad, 551 Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw railroad co.: Guide to lands for sale, 2372, 2373 —.: Lands exempt from general taxa¬ tion, 2374 404 INDEX RAILROAD LANDS—Continued Marquette and Ontonagon railway co.: Memorial against transferring land grant to another co.,2891 Michigan. Attorney general's office: Laws of U. S. granting lands, 3065 -.-: Opin¬ ion on taxation of railroad lands, 3068 -. ---: Rail¬ road lands taxable, 3073 -. Legislature. House. Select committee: Are railroad lands taxable, 4291 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on incorporations: Report in relation to grant of lands to railroad cos., 4519 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report of committee to whom was referred bill authorizing issuing of patents, 4584 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on railroads: Report on taxa¬ tion of, 4651 [Sibbald]: True history of fraudulent entries within hints of Ontonagon and state line grant, 6242 U. S. 34th Cong., 1st sess.: Act making grant of alternate sections of lands to Mich, to aid construction of railroads, 6636 Railroads Bailey’s gazeteer and directory of lines of railway from Cincinnati to northern Mich., 186 Bancroft: New railway outlet from Chi¬ cago to seaboard, 214 Begole: [Mss.], 8241 Bonney: Rules of law for carriage and delivery of persons and property by railway, 398 Burch: Gazetteer of Detroit and Mil¬ waukee and Flint and Pere Marquette railroads, 495 Clark: State railroad commissioners, 694 Collection of invitations, programs, and of literature by railroad and steamship cos., 8112 Detroit. Recorder’s court: Petition for separation of grades, 1338 Dickinson: • Railroad property exempt from local taxation, 1506 Dow: Lumberman’s gazette, 1540 Ely: Memorial in relation to railroad interests in Upper Peninsula, 1600 Emmons: Letter books, 8391 •-: Mss., 8041, 8043, 8047, 8052, 8057, 8064, 8068, 8073, 8076, 8078, 8080, 8090, 8092, 8094, 8096, 8102 Hedrick: History of railroad taxation in Mich., 2095 Howard: Mss., 8044 Johnson: Mss., 8115, 8121 Joy: Mss., 8136, 8138, 8143 Keith: Historical sketch of internal im¬ provements, 2490 RAILROADS—Continued Maps Birds eye view of rail and water routes-, to mineral spring at St. Clair, by Calvert lith. co., 8016 Bridgman’s county and railroad town¬ ship map of Mich., 7280 Colton’s railroad and express map of northwestern states, 7373 -township map, western states, 7221 Cram’s railroad and township map of Mich., 7304, 7313 Farmer’s railroad and township map of Mich., 7249, 7255, 7261, 7267,. 7270, 7273, 7276 Map, by S. Farmer, 8014 [-of Mich.], 7344 -., by Railroad commis¬ sioner, 7317, 7319, 7321, 7322 —--suburban railways in south¬ eastern Mich., bv S. Farmer & co.,. 8019 -- showing location of roads built by state and railroads that have re¬ ceived land grants from state, by State land office, 8018 [Maps of Mich.], 7309 New railroad, postofbce and county map of Mich., by National publish¬ ing co., 7339 Official map of Mich., by Railroad' commissioner, 7314, 7325, 7327,, 7330-7332, 7334, 7338, 7343, 7347,, 7352, 7359 Railroad and postoffice map of Wis. and Mich., by H. H. Lloyd & co., 7274 - map of Mich., by Railroad commissioner, 7287, 7293, 7297, 7305, 7306, 7310, 7311 -., by H. S. Steb- bins, 7320 Railroads in Mich., by J. Doggett, 8013. Rand McNally & co’s. map of Mich.,. 7295 Watson’s new county, railroad and; distance map of Mich., 7285 Wolverine state, by Haskell bros., 7298: Michigan. Attorney general’s officer Opinion on constitutionality of acts authorizing towns and cities to raise money to aid construction of, 3069 -. Auditor general’s office: Com¬ pilation of annual reports of railroad corporations, 3121 -.-: Report relative to claims for damages on, 3136. -. Board of internal improve¬ ment : Communication transmitting survey and estimate for railroad from Centreville to Niles, 3184 -. Governor: Message of Gov.. Pingree [on railroad taxation], 3750- 3752, 3756 INDEX V 405 RAILROADS—Continued -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Com¬ pilation in reference to land grant rail¬ roads in Upper Peninsula, 3923 ■-. -,-,-.: Laws re¬ lating to, 3924 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Report relative to authorizing certain counties, cities and townships to aid construction of railroad from Jackson to Grand Rapids, 4000 Report of committee to whom was re¬ ferred bill for construction of railroad to Lake Superior, 4001 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on federal relations: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lutions approving plan of railroad from Lake Mich, to Pacific, 4070 -. -. -. Inves¬ tigating committee: Report relative to charges of bribery against certain cos., 4290 -. -. -. Select committee: Report of committee to whom were referred preamble and reso¬ lution in relation to railroad from Lake Michigan to Pacific, 4345 -: Report relative to loans by state to different cos., 4346 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Sale of railroads, report, 4497 ■-. -. -. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port in relation to certain railroads, 4538 -: Re¬ port relative to bill to authorize coun¬ ties to raise money to aid construction of railroad from Lansing to New Buffalo, 4539 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report rela¬ tive to allowing claim for apprehension of person who set fire to bridge over River Rouge, 4560 Paine: History of iron rails on Mich, southern and northern Indiana railway, 5626 Paxson: Railroads of “Old Northwest,” 5679 Porter: H. H. Porter, 5808 Powers: Numerous railroad cos. vs. P. F. Powers, 5864 Romeyn and Lockwood and Clarke: Mss., 8046 Stevens: Two-cent passenger fare bill, 6403 RAILROADS—Continued -: Wanted: an impartial tribunal for trial of special proceedings against railroad cos., 6404 Stoughton: Laws of U. S. granting lands to Mich, for, 6421 Towsley: Appeal to legislature and people for fair treatment on question of increased passenger fares, 6562 Trowbridge: Letter books, 8551 -: Mss., 8158, 8197 U. S. Circuit court. Western district of Michigan. Southern division in equity: Mich, railroad tax cases, 6631 Webber: State and its railroads, 6844 Western railway advertising co.: Travelers’ illustrated official railway reporter and guide, 6878 Whittlesey: Railway connections with Lake Superior, 6919 Wilgus: Detroit River tunnel, 6928 Wood: Official railway guide of Mich., 7018 Worsfield: Special danger near switches on railroad tracks, 7041 See also Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay railroad; Ann Arbor railroad co.; Atchison and Nebraska; Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad; Au Sable and northwestern railway co.; Bay de Noquet and Marquette rail¬ road co.; Canada southern railway co.; Central railroad; Chicago and Aurora railroad; Chicago and Mich, grand trunk; Chicago and Mich, lake shore railroad; Chicago and north¬ western railroad; Chicago and west Mich, railway; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad; Chicago, Clinton, Dubuque and Minnesota railroad; Coldwater, Marshall and Mackinac railroad co.; Detroit and Bay City railroad co.; Detroit and Mackinac railroad co.; Detroit and Maumee railroad co.; Detroit and Milwaukee railroad co.; Detroit and Pontiac rail¬ road co.; Detroit and St. Joseph rail¬ road co.; Detroit, Eel River and Illinois railroad; Detroit. Elevated railroad; Detroit, Howell and Lansing railroad; Detroit, Lansing and Lake Michigan railroad; Detroit, Lansing and northern railroad; Detroit, Macki¬ nac and Marquette railroad; Detroit, Monroe and Toledo railroad; Detroit, Romeo and Port Huron railroad co.; Elevated Pacific railroad; Erie and Kalamazoo railroad; Flint and Pere Marquette railroad co.; Fort Street union depot co.; Fort Wayne, Jackson and Saginaw railroad; Galena and Chicago union railroad; Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad co.; Grand Trunk railway co.; Great western railway; Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad; Houghton and Ontonagon railroad; 406 INDEX RAILROADS—Continued Illinois central railroad; Illinois, Indi¬ ana and Michigan railroad co.; Jack- son, Lansing and Saginaw railroad; Kalamazoo and Allegan railroad; Kan¬ sas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs railroad; Lake Erie and River Raisin railroad co.; Lake shore and Michigan southern railway;. Lake Superior rail¬ road; Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston railroad; Macomb and Sagi¬ naw railroad co.; Marquette and Ontonagon railway co.; Maumee branch railroad co.; Maumee and Havre branch railroad; Michigan air¬ line railroad; Michigan. Board of internal improvement; Michigan cen¬ tral railroad co.; Michigan. Railroad commission; Michigan southern and northern Indiana railroad co.; Michi¬ gan southern railroad co.; Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf railroad; Monroe and Ypsilanti railroad co.; New York central and Hudson River railroad; New York central railroad; Niagara and Detroit rivers railroad; Northern Indiana railroad; Northern Pacific railroad; Northern railroad; Oakland and Ottawa railroad; Ohio and Maumee’s branch railroad co.; Ohio, Quincy and Grand Haven rail¬ road co.; Ohio railroad co.; Palmyra and Jacksonburg railroad; Peninsular railway co.; Pere Marquette railroad co.; Pontiac and Detroit railroad co.; Pontiac railroad co.; Port Huron and Lake Michigan railroad; Port Huron and Lansing railroad; Port Huron and Milwaukee railway co.; River Raisin and Grand River railroad co.; River Raisin and Lake Erie railroad; St. Clair and Romeo railroad co.; St. Joseph’s railroad co.; St. Joseph valley railroad; Southern railroad; Tecumseh branch railroad; Toledo and Saginaw Bay railroad; Toledo, Ann Arbor and north Michigan railway; Union Pacific railroad; Wisconsin valley railroad; Ypsilanti and Tecumseh railroad Railway panoramic guide, 5906 Ralph, J. Along the bowstring or south shore of Lake Superior, 5909, 5910 Lake Superior along the south shore, 5907, 5908 Rameau [de Saint-Pere, Edme] Notes historiques sur la colonie Ca- nadienne de Detroit, 5911 Ramsey, J. Address before Detroit board of com¬ merce, 5912 Rand, McNally & co. Cadillac tract, 7846 Illustrated atlas of Mich., 7348 Indexed county and township map of Mich., 7307 RAND, McNALLY & Co.—Continued ---and shippers’ guide of Mich., 7323, 7324, 7335 -map of Mich., 7288 -pocket map and shippers’ guide of Mich., 7370 Map of Ingham co., 7468 --— Kent co., 7500 New commercial atlas map of Mich., 7357 New ideal state and county survey and atlas, 7360 Sectional map of Mich. [Lower Penin¬ sula], 7387 -, statistical and commercial map of Mich., 7353 Township, county and railroad map of Mich., 7295 Randall, C. D. Ecole de l’etat de Mich., 5913 L’etat et l’enfant, 5914 Michigan. State public school: Report to Paris exposition, 5104 Protection de l’enfance, 5915 -, C. C. Day book, 8523 -, F. G. County road system, 5916 -, G. A. Map of Kent co., 7492 -, R. Burton: Diary of Detroit, 8271 Rankin, H. C. Bennett: Historical sketches of Ninth Mich, infantry, 343 -, I. O. Puddefoot: Hewers of wood, 5893 -, J. M. Smith: Foul brood, 6274 Ranney, G. E. Achievements in medicine, 5917 Address at dedication of regimental monument, Chicamauga, U. S. Mili¬ tary park, 5918 Health service of state, 5919 List of regular physicians registered in Mich., 5920 Observations upon progress of medical science, 5921 President’s annual address, 5922 Reminincences of an army surgeon, 5923 Ransom, E. Michigan. Governor: [Messages and communications], 3647-3654 -, G. F. Souvenir of Detroit, 5924 [-, W. C.] Historical address at Kalamazoo, 5925 Ransom township, Hillsdale co. Brown: History of, 470 [Rantoul, R. S.] Part taken by Essex co. in organization and settlement of Northwest Terri¬ tory, 5926 Rape Smith: Rape as forage plant, 6281 INDEX 407 RAPID RIVER Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Rasch, F. A. Detroit. Ordinances, etc.: Revised ordinances, 1262 Rascher map publishing co. Map of Detroit, 7650 Rasies, S. Dionne: G. Richard, 1519 Rasmussen, A. Pioneer life in Big Dane settlement, 5927 Raspberries Crozier: Cultivated raspberries, 872 Taft: Raspberries, blackberries and grapes, 6475 -: Strawberries and raspberries, 6483 Rathom, J. R. Two Chicago sketches, 5928 Rausted, J. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on university and school lands: Report adverse to petition for acre of land for school house, 4171 Ravell, C. H. Sixty years of banking in Mich., 5929 Raven, P. E. Garment making for girls, 5930 -, W. F. Bean production, 5931 Ray, F. G. Patrick: Work of U. S. Lake survey office, Detroit, 5649 Raymond, H. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Reports of com¬ mittee to whom was referred memorial contesting seat of A. Stevens, 4054 -, P- Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion of, 4273 Raynor, T. Mayne: Deposition concerning abduc¬ tion by British officers, 8465 Real estate Campau family: Mss., 8074 Larned: Ledgers, 8442 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Select committee: Report on bill to set off real estate under execution, 4737 Miscellaneous mss., 8062 Toms: Mss., 8058 See also Land -property Gates: Mich, law, 1790 See also Conveyancing Ream, L. History of trip to great Saginaw valley, 5932 Reaume, R. F., & co. Detroit theatrical and city guide, 5933 Receipts, see Business mss. Receivers Michigan trust co.: Assignees and re¬ ceivers, 5428 RECIPROCITY Detroit. Board of commerce: Inter¬ national commerce, 987 Reconstruction period Howard: Mss., 8044 Republican party. Michigan. State central committee: Correspondence with W. L. Bancroft, 5954 Record of addresses delivered, poems read, and other exercises, at reunion of former pupils of Rev. J. A. B. and Mrs. L. H. Stone, 5934 -publishing co. Portrait and biographical record of northern Mich., 5843 Recovery of the law Draper: Recovery of the law, 1549 Redington, J. C. D. Detroit. Woman’s bi-centenary com¬ mittee: Historical art souvenir, 1362 Redway, J. W. Natural advanced geography, 5935 Reed, E. H. The dune country, 5936 -, E. E. Announcement of special interest to foreigners desiring to speak English correctly, 5937 Method for correction of stammering, 5938 Speech work in Detroit public schools, 5939 -, F. A. Reed method for cure of stammering, 5940 -, G. I. Bench and bar of Mich., 5941 Reed City Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Richardson: Water-supply, 5970 Reese, R. W. Noel: Souvenir of 40th annual picnic, Berrien co. old settlers association, 5554 Reference books Michigan. State board of library com¬ missioners: Annotated list of refer¬ ence books, 4940 Referendum Fairlie: Referendum and initiative, 1631 Michigan. State library. Legislative reference dept.: Local, special and private legislation, 5065 See also Initiative and referendum Reformatories Michigan. Charities and corrections, 3245 -. State board of corrections and charities: Biennial report, 4866 -: Charities and corrections, 4867 -. State board of inspectors of penal institutions: 1st biennial report, 4938 Storrs: Correctional work in Mich., 6418 408 INDEX REFORMATORIES—Continued See also Michigan. Building commis¬ sioners of the state house of correction; Michigan. Commissioners to locate a state house of correction; Michigan. Industrial school for boys; Michigan. Reformatory; Michigan. State indus¬ trial home for girls; Michigan. State prison Reformed church in America Scott: [Reformed church in America], 6188 Refuse and refuse disposal Detroit. Controller’s office: [Report on garbage disposal], 1119 Romig: Disposal of waste matter, 6011 Regents, see Michigan. University. Board of regents Registers of deeds Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report rela¬ tive to petitions asking passage of law increasing fees and compensation, 4568 Registration of births, etc. Brown: Two missionary priests at Mackinac, the parish register, 465 Wilbur: Collection and registration of vital statistics, 6925 Reid, D. Mss., 8048 -, Mrs. E. Mss., 8048 -, J. (tugboat) Logbook, 8524 -, J. W. Index to amended laws, 5942 - wrecking co. vs. schooners “ C. G. King” and Donaldson, 8525 Reighard, J. E. Biological examination of Lake St. Clair, 5943 Breeding habits, development and propa¬ gation of black bass, 5944 Ecological reconnoissance of fishes of Douglas Lake, 5945 Jennings: List of rotatoria of Great Lakes, 2400 Pieters: Plants of Lake St. Clair, 5739 Reinhold, R. M. American schoolmaster, 83 Western journal of education, 6870 Relief laws Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s messages as relates to, 4132, 4133 - corps, see Woman's relief corps Religious corporations, see Corporation law --- education McCracken: Protest against sectarianism in university, 2815 -: Religion in university, 2816 Rembaugh, B. Political status of women in U. S., 5946 REMINGTON, C. K. Ship-yard of the Griffon, 5947 Repentigny heirs Howard: Mss. for claim to land at Sault Ste. Marie, 8055, 8106 Report of subscriptions for education of seminarians of Diocese of Grand Rapids, 5948 Reptiles Evans: Collection of amphibians and reptiles from Gogebic co., 1620 Ruthven: Herpetology of Mich., 6056 -: Miscellaneous papers on zool¬ ogy, 6057 -: On ameiva bifrontata cope, ^ 6058 Smith: Catalogue, 6317 Republic Holland: Gazetteer of Marquette co., 2184 -iron co. Articles of association, by-laws, etc., 5949 -Mountain Magneto-geological chart, by Mich, geo¬ logical survey, 7801 Map, by Mich, geological survey, 7800 Republican party Michigan Detroit post and tribune: Z. Chandler, 1469 Howard: Mss., 8044 Ingham county Address of central committee, 5952 Livingstone: History of Republican party, 2754 Matthews: Alger Republican club, 2922 Osborn: Address at Republican state convention, 5609 Proceedings at celebration of 50th anniversary of birth, 5950 State central committee [Campaign address], 5953 Correspondence with W. L. Ban¬ croft, 5954 Evils of free trade, 5955 “Michigan, my Michigan,” 5956 State and national finances, 5957 Stocking: Under the oaks, 6412 Under the oaks, 5951 Orcutt: Burrows of Mich, and Republi¬ can party, 5607 Wayne county Wayne co. Republican club, 6832 See also Democratic party; Detroit. Politics and government; Good govern¬ ment league, Grand Rapids; Michigan. Politics and government; Politics; Whig party Resorts, see Fish and fishing; Summer re¬ sorts Revised statutes of 1846 [Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Opinion on constitutionality of chap. 94], 3072 INDEX 409 REVISED STATUTES, see Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc. Revolutionary war, see American revolution [Reynolds, C. F.] Standard guide, Mackinac Island and northern lake resorts, 5958 -, L. P. City of Hillsdale, 5959 Closing chapter of story of 50 years, 5960 Hillsdale college, early history, 5961 -, founding and removal, 5962 -, sketch of history, loss of buildings, 5963 -, sketch of history, recent loss of buildings, 5964 True Review, 5965 Rezek, A. I. History of Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie and Marquette, 5966 Q 0 Bissell: Mss., 8060 Rice, F. G. Diary of 19th Mich, volunteer infantry in war of rebellion, 5967 -, W. H. D. Zeisberger, 5968 -and Meeker Mss., 8133 Rich, J. T. Michigan. Governor: [Messages and pardons], 3743-3745 Richard, G. Circular letter soliciting assistance in rebuilding parish church of Ste. Anne, 8526 Dionne: G. Richard, 1518, 1519 Draft of resolutions for formation of Society of Catholic schools in territory, 8527 Elliott: Sketch of life and times, 1592 Weadock: Catholic priest in Congress, 6839 [Richards, W. C.] Fairy isle of Mackinac, 5969 Richardson, E. S. Water-supply of Reed city, 5970 -, [J-] Wacousta, 5971, 5972 War of 1812, 5973, 5974 - 1 — genealogy Richardson: War of 1812, 5974 Richberg, J. C. Incongruity of divorce laws of U. S., 5975 Richmond, R. L. Fur traders of Grand River valley, 5976 Richter, W. vSecrets of taxidermy revealed, 5977 Rickard, T. A. Copper mines of Lake Superior, 5978 Riddell, W. R. First judge at Detroit and his court, 5979 Ries, H. Clays and shales of Mich., 5980 [RIFENBERICK, R. B.[ Statement concerning “Barcroft ap¬ praisal” of D. U. R., 5981 Riley, H. H. Puddleford papers, 5982 Risdon, O. Map of surveyed part of Territory of Mich., 7146 Rivard, J. B., see Rivard family - , C., see Rivard family - , F., see Rivard family -, S., see Rivard family Rivard family Mss., 8039 River and harbor improvement .Conger: Harbor and river appropria¬ tions, speech, 767 Houston: Annual report, 2218 Michigan. Legislature: Memorial and resolutions, 3958 ■-. -: Memorial and resolutions relative to Clinton River, 3959 -. -: House. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Minority report of committee to whom was referred resolutions for appro¬ priations of internal improvement lands, 4105 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Chairman of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to lake harbors, 4264 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was referred petition for aid in construction of harbor in Ottawa co., 4690 Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 Saginaw River improvement association: Saginaw River improvement, 6095 River Raisin Battle of Bulkley: River Raisin monuments, 489 Tuttle: Journal, 8558 -and Grand River railroad co. Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication in relation to, 3052 -Lake Erie railroad Michigan. Attorney general's office: Report in relation to purchase of, 3080 -. Commissioner to settle with the River Raisin and Lake Erie rail¬ road co.: Report, 3291 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report in relation to claim, 4011 •-. -. . Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion of, 4144 -. -*—. Senate. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port relative to purchase of, 4540 • 410 INDEX RIVER RAISIN AND LAKE ERIE RAIL¬ ROAD—Continued --. -. -. Select committee: Report on so much of governor’s message as relates to, 4738 Report, 5983, 5984 River Rouge New map, by S. Farmer & co., 7676 -of Detroit and suburbs, by S. Farmer & co., 7681, 7685 Sauer: Standard guide and pocket directory, 6140 Scott: Jaunt along, 6192 Rivers Map of U. S. exhibiting, by A. Bradley, jr., 7128 Rix, G. C. Temperance address, 5985 Roads Automobile road atlas of southern Mich., by S. Farmer & co., 7997 Bowen’s automobile and sportsmen’s guide, 418 Detroit and Birmingham plank road co.: By-laws, 1395 Felch: Mss., 8153 Flaherty: Brief sketch of earliest history of Michigan’s Great Lake region, 1704 Hines: Road book, 2126 Johnson: Highways and byways of Great Lakes, 2405 King: Official route guide, 2537 [Lincoln highway association]: Following path of progress, 2745 -: Summar¬ izing a year’s progress, 2746 Maps Automobile road map of southeastern Mich., by S. Farmer, 7996 Lake shore detailed survey road map of Ill., Ind., Mich., Wis., by Standard map co., 7365 Macauley bros.’ road map, giving all favorite runs out of Detroit, 8000 Mackey road map, 8008 Map of Dixie highway, by National highways association and Mich, state good roads association, 8004 -Ottawa co. road system, by Board of county road commissioners, 7550 - showing location of roads built by state, by State land office, 8017, 8018 - of U. S. exhibiting post-roads, stage roads, counties and rivers, by A. Bradley, jr., 7128 -. —. road from Ohio to De¬ troit, by J. Farmer, 8022 -. —.-Detroit to Fort Gratiot as surveyed by H. Parker, 8023 Mendenhall’s road map of Mich., 7342 Nellist’s road map of Mich., Lower Peninsula, 7385, 7386 New map of Mich., by C. Desilver, 7233 ROADS—Continued -., with canals, roads, and distances, 7220 Overland road map, by Overland motor co., 8011 Survey of road route from Saginaw to Mackinac, by Lieut. Poole, 8015 Tourist’s pocket map of Mich., by J. H. Young, 7173, 7181 Wayne and parts of Washtenaw, Oak¬ land and Macomb cos., by H. P. Strong, 7602 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Laws of U. S. granting lands to Mich., 3065 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to highways and bridges, 3875 -. -,-■,-.: Laws re¬ lating to state land office, 3898 -. Legislature: Memorial and resolutions, 3958 -. . House. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report relative to swamp lands and state roads, 4167 -. . Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report rela¬ tive to powers to authorize appropria¬ tion of normal school lands for high¬ ways, 4562 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on roads and bridges: Report relative to overseers of highways, 4653 -- - -: Report relative to vacations of public high¬ ways by 12 freeholders, 4654 -: Report in relation to highway labor, 4655 --- -: Report of committee to whom was referred petitions signed by persons in vicinity of road contemplated, 4658 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was referred bill for drainage and reclamation of swamp lands by system of state roads, 4675 -. State good roads’ association: 9th annual convention, 4971 ■-. State highway committee: Report, 4981 - (Ter.) Laws, statutes, etc.: Actes relatifs aux, 5339 Portland cement association: Concrete roads of Wayne co., 5824 Randall: County road system, 5916 Rogers: Care of earth roads, 6001 -: Gravel roads, 6002 •-: Macadam roads, 6003 Scarborough motor guide co.: Official tour book, 6148 Sibley: Mss. for material on territorial roads, 8185 INDEX 411 ROADS—Continued Tollman: Petition asking laws be amended to allow overseers of highways to be appointed and appropriations for roads and bridges made at noon on election days, 6553 Wayne county. Board of county road commissioners: Annual report, 6821 See also Automobiles. Road guides; League of American Wheelmen. Michi¬ gan division; Michigan. Board of control of state swamp land roads; Michigan. Highway dept.; Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on roads and bridges; Michigan. State swamp land commissioner; Military roads; Plank roads; Swamp land state roads; TJ. S. Roads Roaring Brook [Detroit and Cleveland steam navigation co.j: Where to spend summer, 1403 Robbins, W. S. Hog cholera, 5986 Roberts, R. E. Detroit 100 years ago, 5987 Sketches and reminiscences of city of straits, 5988 Sketches of Detroit, 5989 Robertson, J., see Michigan. Adjutant general’s office Robinson, C. M. Olmsted: Improvement of Detroit, 5603 —-, C. S. Organic nitrogenous compounds in peat soils, 5990 Utilization of muck lands, 5991 --, E. A. Michigan. Forestry commission: Mich, forestry, 3547 *-* Frisbie’s hand book and guide map of Detroit, 7634 Guide map of Detroit, 7631, 7639 Map of Detroit, 7636, 7644 -Elmwood cemetery, Detroit, 7632 - showing fire limits, paved streets and sewers [of Detroit], 7635 Wards and election districts of Detroit, 7645 - ’ G - History of Cheboygan and Mackinac cos., 5992 -, J- W. Centenary sermon, propagandism of Christianity as exemplified in planting and growth of Methodism in U. S. and Mich., 5993 - > R - Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment: Report relative to individual awards, 3206 -: Report of president of board, 3207 ROBINSON, R.—Continued -: Report relative to Saginaw canal, 3208 -—, W. A. Business directory of Grand Rapids, 5994 -and Campau Complete specifications for new Central high school, 5995 Robison, F. W. Analyses of some of commercial feeding stuffs, 5996 Fertilizer bulletin, 5997 [— : —, w. s.] Biographical sketch of E. M. Avery, 5998 •-family mss. Johnson: Mss., 8115 Roby, H. M. Palmer: Mss., 8200 Rochefoucault Liancourt [F. A. F.], Due de la Travels through U. S., 5999 Rochester Fox: Beautiful Rochester, 1746 Michigan. State board of health: Con¬ tributions to study of spread of diph¬ theria, 4889 Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Rock Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Rockford Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Polk, Murphy and co.: Directory, 5790 - register Map of Kent co., 7501, 7502 Rogers, [A. C. and D.] Memorial in behalf of Mich, female col¬ lege, 6000 -, C. M. Map of Iron co., 7475 -, Frank F. Care of earth roads, 6001 Gravel roads, 6002 Macadam roads, 6003 -, Fred H. List of banks and banking corporations in territory and state before national banks, 6004 -, H. S. History of Cass co., 6005 - , J. S. National reserve for exigency of war, 6006 - . R * Hough: Diary of siege of Detroit, 2211 Ponteach, 6007, 6008 Romeo Dickenson institute: Addresses at open¬ ing, and catalogue, 1504 Romeyn, J. W. Mss., 8075 -- T > A * Detroit. Fire dept.: The fire depart¬ ment, 1136 Mss., 8046, 8060, 8061 T. Romeyn, 6009 To people of Mich., 6010 412 INDEX ROMIG, S. V. Disposal of waste matter, 6011 Rominger, C. Geological map of Lower Peninsula, 7785 - report on Upper Peninsula, 6012 Geology of Lower Peninsula, 6013 Marquette iron region, Menominee iron region, 6014 Michigan. Geological survey: Report, 3570 ■ -. - -: Upper Peninsula, 3576 Palaeontology, 6015 Palaeozoic rocks [of Upper Peninsula], 6016 Romulus Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Roosevelt, T. Episodes from "The winning of the West,” 6017 La eonquete de l’Ouest, 6018 Northwest, 6019 Roosevelt vs. Newett, 6020 Winning of West, 6021-6025 Root, C., and co. Mss., 8110 -, M. A. Legal condition of girls and women in Mich., 6026 [Ross, A. H.[ Letter to moderator and members of Stanton, Mich., council in case of W. H. Utley, 6027 -, R. B. [Detroit mechanics society], 6028 Early bench and bar of Detroit, 6029 [Facts relating to alleged portrait of J. Norvell], 6030 Industrial school entertainments, 6031 Landmarks of Wayne co. and Detroit, 6032 Old-time fun, 8528 Patriot war, 6033 Roster of 20th Mich, infantry, 6034 Roth, F. Forest fires, 6035 Forest regulation, 6036 Forestry problem, 1733 Michigan. Forestry commission: Ad¬ vance movement, 3543 -.-: Forest reserve manual, 3546 ■ -.-: Mich. forestry, 3547 What is forestry, 6037 What the state should do, 6038 Rothwell, H. G. Map of Grand Traverse region, 7379 -Mich., 7375 Rotifera Jennings: List of rotatoria of Great Lakes, 2400 •-: Rotatoria of U. S., 2401 ROUECH, A. E. Guide to lawful fees and compensations, 6039, 6040 Rouge River Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 Rowland, O. W. History of Van Buren co., 6041 - T Miscellaneous mss., 8176 Royal and Select Masters, see Freemasons. Michigan -Arcanum Detroit council no. 47 Constitution and by-laws, 6042 Michigan. Grand council Royal Arcanum, 6043 -Arch Masons, see Freemasons Ruger, A. [Bird’s eye view of Ann Arbor], 7612 Grand Rapids, 7709 Rumsey and Works Map of Grand Rapids, 7722 Rupp, I. D. Geographical catechism of Pa. and western states, 6044 Rural letter carriers, see Michigan. State association of rural letter carriers -mail directory co. Directory of rural free mail delivery, Kent co., 6045 -schools Burnham: Rural school efficiency in Kalamazoo co., 500 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Study of school problems, 3442 Supplement to 61st report, 3448 Township rural high schools, 3459 See also Schools -social movements Buell: One woman’s work for farm women, 483 Russell ^ Census bulletin no. 48 of 1891, 6046 Corporations in Mich., 6047 Dissatisfaction with senate, 6048 J. F. Joy, 6049 _ F Q Holbrook: Mss., 8198 -, J- Map of middle states, 7122 -, J. A. Prehistoric discoveries in Wayne co., 6054 -, J. E. U. S. Deep waterways commission: Re¬ port, 6661 -, I. C. Ann Arbor folio, 7760, 7761 Geological reconnaissance along north shore of lakes Huron and Mich., 6050 Portland cement industry in Mich., 6051 Research in state universities, 6052 INDEX v 413 RUSSELL, I. C— Continued Sketch map showing surface geology about north shores of lakes Huron and Mich., 7781 Topographical survey of Mich., 6053 - > R - Agricultural notes in Ohio and Mich., 6055 Russian thistle Wheeler: Russian thistle, 6887 Rust, E. G. Calhoun co. business directory, 550 Ruthven, A. G. Adams: Ecological survey in northern Mich., for paper by, 6 Herpetology of Mich., 6056 Michigan. Geological and biological sur¬ vey: Biological survey, 3578 --> A * Miscellaneous papers on zoology of Mich., 6057 -, A. G. On ameiva bifrontata cope, 6058 Ryan, D. J. From charter to constitution, being col¬ lection of documents pertaining to Northwest Territory and states of Ohio, 6059 -, M. T. French: Grand Rapids directory, 1766 -and Bourke Sales book, 8529 Rynd, C. Michigan. University: Defalcation in chemical laboratory, 5227 Sabin, L. C. Filling and emptying third lock at St. Mary’s Falls canal, 6060 Sacbrood, see Foul brood Sackett, W. G. Some bacterial diseases of plants, 6061 Sadler, H. C. Experimental ship tank of U. of M., 6062 Some points in connection with ship¬ building on Great Lakes, 6063 Sage public library Catalogue, 6064, 6065 Saginaw Board of education Saginaw. Charters: Charter, together with acts incorporating board of education of East. Saginaw and union school district of Saginaw, 6077, 6079, 6081 -high school catalogue, 6066 -, circular of in¬ formation, 6067 *-, west side, public schools, 6068 * -- of public works Annual report, 6069 • -of trade Annual review, 6070 Fiftieth year, 6071 Proceedings, 6072 SAGINAW—Continued Project for Saginaw Bay water for. city of Saginaw, 6073 [Report], 6074 [Spencer]: Saginaw, 6361 -of water commissioners Annual report, 6075 Report of water supply of East; Sagi¬ naw, 6076 Cemeteries Lewis: General information, 2731 Charters Charter, 6077-6083 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on charges against M. H. Dakin: Investigation, 4004 Chief of police Annual report, 6084 City of Saginaw, 681 Common council Manual, 6085 Proceedings, 6086 See also Saginaw. Charters Controller’s office Annual report, 6087 Daily enterprise vStatistics for 1867, 6094 Description Saginaw valley. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce: Saginaw, 6096 [Spencer]: Saginaw, 6361 Directories Bailey’s gazeteer and directory, in¬ cluding sketch and business direc¬ tory, 186 Bards and co’s. classified business di¬ rectory, 226 Polk & co.: East Saginaw and Sagi¬ naw directory, 5766 -.: Directory, 5784 East side public library Catalogue, 6088 Education, board of, see Saginaw. Board of education Elections Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred me¬ morial in relation to Saginaw elec¬ tion, 4055 Germans Funfzig jahre Deutschen strebens, 1778 Government Michigan. Political science associa¬ tion: City government, 4792 High school. Class of 1862 Sketch of life of J. D. Eaton, 6089 History Bates: History, commercial advan¬ tages, and future prospects of Sagi- naws, 243 History of the Saginaws, 2168 Indian and pioneer history of Saginaw valley, 2291 414 INDEX SAGINAW—Continued Hoyt public library Subject list, 2238 Trust deed, 2239 {Leonard]: Industries of Saginaws, 2719 Map, by C. Holmes & H. Cary, 7748 •Ordinances, etc. Compiled volumes of, 6090 Public library of union school district Catalogue, 6091 Public school library Catalogue, 6092 Public schools, see Saginaw. Board of education; Saginaw. High school Police, see Saginaw, Chief of police Public works, see Saginaw. Board of public works Saginaw and Bay salt co. Articles of association, by-laws, and order of business, 6093 Sanitation Crane: Sanitary survey, 855 Schaefer: Coal fields of Saginaw, 6152 Trade, board of, see Saginaw. Board of trade Trades school .Warriner: All-day trades school, 6805 Water commissioners, see Saginaw. Board of water commissioners West side high school Hill: Letter on occasion of establish¬ ing 4 scholarships, 2115 See also East Saginaw -Bay [Map of] vSaginaw Bay, by U. S. War dept., 7913 Michigan. Geological and biological survey: Biological survey, 3578 -canal Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment: Report of R. Robinson, 3208 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report relative to, 4498 --county Fox: History, 1744 History, 2167 History of Saginaws, 2168 Koch: Deutschen colonien in vSaginaw flusses, 2566 [Leeson]: History, 2712 [Loehe]: Etwas fiber Deutsch-Luth- erischen niederlassungen in grafschaft Saginaw, 2757 Map, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7553 - of Saginaw and Tuscola, with part of [other] counties, by D. A. Pettibone, 7555 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7554 Portrait and biographical record, 5847 -Mackinac road Survey of road route, by Lieut. Poole, 8015 SAGINAW RIVER Improvement association Saginaw River improvement, 6095 [Map of] mouth, by U. S. War dept., 7981 Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 Preliminary chart, lower reach, by U. S. War dept., 7979, 7980 River and flood service, by U. S. Weather bureau, 7982 Saginaw. Board of water commissioners: Report on water supply of East Sagi¬ naw, analysis of Saginaw River water, 6076 —-, Treaty of Webber: Indian cession of 1819, 6841 -valley Brown: Annual directory of, 453 Bureau of foreign and domestic com¬ merce Saginaw, 6096 [Clubb]: Mich, legislative excursion [to Saginaw valley], 714 Cooper: Address on dedication of 1st house of worship, 822 Dow: Lumberman’s gazette, 1540 Fox: History, 1745 Headley: Annual statement of business, 2091 History, resources and prospects, 2175 Hoffman: Saginaw valley review, 2181 Indian and pioneer history, 2291 Lewis: Annual statement of business, 2732 Lumbermen Tariff on lumber, 6101 Map, by A. Alberti, 7398 -of lands of Flint and Pere Marquette railway in Saginaw region, 7850 Ream: History of trip to, 5932 Saginaw valley, containing sketch of history, 6097 ■ -, its extent, boundaries, etc., 6098 ■ -, its salt, lumber and other resources, 6099 -land, salt and mineral co. Prospectus, 6100 Smith: Caches of, 6298 -: Saginaw valley collection, 6300 -: Summary of archeology, 6301 Sprague: Saginaw valley and lake shore business gazetteer and directory, 6370 Statement of salt and lumber business for 1863, 6383 Winchell: Salt manufacture of Saginaw valley, 6988 Sagola Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Sailors, see Soldiers’ and Sailors’ association St. Andrew’s society Bay county. St. Andrew’s society: Con¬ stitution, 289 INDEX 415 St. ANDREW’S SOCIETY—Continued Detroit Anniversary of birth of Robert Burns, 6102 Constitution and by-laws, 6103 Saint-Castin Catherwood: Chase of Saint-Castin, 615 St. Charles Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps St. Clair, A. Smith: St. Clair papers, 6318 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on affairs in the Territory of Mich.: Re¬ port, 6658 Varnum: Oration at Marietta July 4, 1788, 6750 St. Clair’s campaign, 1791 Wilson: Peace of Mad Anthony, 6964 -: Treaty of Greenville, 6965 St. Clair Bank Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Minority report on resolution relative to re¬ pealing act exempting stock from taxation, 4113 Common council Corporation manual, 6104, 6105 Directories Meech: Port Huron and St. Clair co. directory, 2935 Wolverine directory co.: St. Clair co. directory, 7008 Map, by W. Hancock, 7749 Mineral spring Birds eye view of rail and water routes to, by Calvert lith. co., 8016 Illustrated circular of Oakland, 6113 Protection fire co. Constitution and by-laws, 6106 St. Clair and Romeo railroad co. Affidavit relative to expenditures, 6107 Proposition for transfer of charter, 6108 Report of expenditures, 6109 [Report of president and directors], 6110 Somerville school for young ladies, see Somerville school for young ladies Thompson’s school Palmer: Mr. Thompson’s school, 5632 —.-county Agricultural society Premium list of 1st annual fair, 6111 Rules, regulations and premiums of 3rd annual fair, 6112 Biographical memoirs, 368 Combination atlas map, by Everts and Stewart, 7556 Dwight: Township plats, 8381 History, 2169 Jenks: St. Clair co., 2398 -: Sources of title, 2399 Map, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7558 -of counties of Macomb and St. Clair, by Geil and Jones, 7520 St. CLAIR COUNTY—Continued Meech: Port Huron and St. Clair co. directory, 2935 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7557, 7559 Polk & co.: Directory, 5783 Tappan: Pioneer history, 6497 Wolverine directory co.: St. Clair co. directory, 7008 —. —:— flats Chart, by U. S. War dept., 8034 . Hamilton: Statement of trade and com¬ merce of Detroit, 2027 Map, by H. D. Bartholomew, 8035 Michigan. State land office: Report of survey, 5004 Spaulding: Opposition to President’s veto of bill to improve, 6359 U. S. War dept.: Report of chief topo¬ graphical engineer, appendix E, annual report on public works at St. Clair flats, 6697 Woolson: Castle Nowhere, 7038 —.-Heights New map of Detroit and suburbs, by S. Farmer & co., 7681, 7685 Sauer: Standard guide and pocket di¬ rectory, 6140 U. S. Bureau of the census: Special census, 6629 — . - , Lake, see Lake St. Clair —.-River Cole: Delta of, 738 Disturnell: Great Lakes, 1523 International joint commission: Pollu¬ tion of boundary waters, 2326 Maps Chart, by U. S. War dept., 7984 Map of delta, by U. S. Corps of topo¬ graphical engineers, 7983 St. Clair River, by U.S. War dept., 7985 South end of Lake Huron and head of St. Clair River, by U. S. War dept., r 7887 Parish Detroit. Ste. Anne’s church. Exterior Parishes: Registre, 8330 U. S. Lake survey: Lake Huron, St. Clair River, 6675 White star line: Daylight trips, 6905 St. Croix River Schoolcraft: Narrative of expedition through Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, 6174 St. Helen development co. Land of opportunity, 6114 St. Ignace City of, 682 Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 St. John, J. E. Industrial enterprise, memorial number,. 2293 Mineral regions of Lake Superior, 7 True description of Lake Superior try, 6115 -.-, see Knights of St. John. cou 416 INDEX St. JOSEPH Alvord: Conquest by Spaniards, 79 Charter and general ordinances, 6116 Directory Polk & co.: Directory, 5762 Map City of St. Joseph, 7750 ;St. Joseph railroad co. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on banks and incorporations: Report, 4002 —.-county Citizens Petition praying legislature to confer on Grand Rapids and Indiana rail¬ road co. portion of public lands granted to aid construction of rail¬ roads, 6117 County commissioners Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report of committee to whom was referred petition on taxes, 4274 (Custard: French settlement in, 886 'Cutler: History of, 897 History, 2170 Lake: Atlas, 7561 Map, by Geil and Jones, 7560 -:, :by Standard map co., 7564 -by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7563 Moll & co.: Property atlas, 7562 Portrait and biographical album, 5848 —. -, Fort, see Fort St. Joseph —.-Harbor [Map of] St. Joseph and Benton Harbor, by U. S. War dept., 7957 Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 —.-Kankakee portage Baker: St. Joseph-Kankakee portage, location and use by Marquette, La Salle and French voyageurs, 191 —.-River Map of drainage basin, 7399 Poe-. Annual report upon improvement of'certain rivers and harbors, 5752 —.-valley Bartlett: LaSalle in, 237 Turner: Gazetteer, 6605 —.-railroad Emmons: Mss., 8052 St. Lawrence River Barrows: Surface water supply of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River drainage, 232 St. Louis Brown: Directory, 456 —.-magnetic spring, 6118 St. Luke’s hospital and church home Annual report, 6119 Rules for internal government, 6120 Saint Lusson, S. F. D., sieur de Winsor: Pageant of Saint Lusson, 6995 St. Mark’s hospital Report, 6121 St. MARY’S ACADEMY Catalogue of pupils, 6122 —.-- canal mineral land co. Reports upon value of co's. lands in iron region, 6125 Statement of plan of co., 6126 —.-college Good form, 6123 —.-Falls ship canal Report of board of control, 6128 -of commissioners, 6127 See also Sault Ste. Marie canal —.-co. 560,000 acres pine lands, 6130 Map showing lands of, 7863-7866 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Select committee: Report upon alleged tres¬ passes upon school section 16, T 46 N, R 2 E, 4739 Report of directors, 6129 —.-hospital, Detroit Mss., 8155 Register of co. patients, 8530 Second annual report of ear and eye dept., 6124 U. S. General hospitals. Detroit: Letter book, 8579 —. —.-. -: Register of discharges, 8580 —. —.-. -: Register of furloughs, 8581 —.-River Chart, by U. S. War dept., 7991-7995 Coast chart no. 1, east end of Lake Su¬ perior, by U. S. War dept., 7926 Disturnell: Great Lakes, embracing full description of lakes and rivers, 1523 Improvement co. Survey of aqueduct at village of St. Mary, 8531 International joint commission: In mat¬ ter of application for approval of methods and plans for diversion of waters of St. Mary’s River, 2322 -: In mat¬ ter of application for obstruction, di¬ version and use of waters of St. Mary’s River, 2323 --: Mich. northern power co., proceedings, 2324 --: Opinion in application of Mich, northern power co. for approval of lease, 2325 Map, by A. L. Magilton, 7990 Sketch of navigation through East Mebish Rapids, by U. S. War dept., 7989 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on rivers and harbors: St. Mary’s River at the falls, 6656, 6657 —. —.-. Senate. Committee on commerce: St. Mary’s River and Hay Lake channel, 6659 —. —. Engineer dept.: St. Mary's River at falls, 6671 INDEX 417 St. MARY’S RIVER—Continued —. —. War dept.: Report of chief topographical engineer, appendix E, annual report upon public works at St. Clair flats and St. Mary’s River, 6697 St. Mary, Straits of Plan of, 7986 St. Pierre, T. Histoire des Canadiens-Frangais du Mich., 6131, 6132 Salem Opinions of judges in People ex rel. De¬ troit and Howell railroad vs. Township board of Salem, 6133 Sales laws Haring: Brief on conditional sale laws, 2041 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Uni¬ form sales act, 3925 Saline Pray: Washtenaw co. directory, 5866 Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Wendell directory co.: Washtenaw co. directory, 6861 Salmon, L. M. Education in Mich, during territorial period, 6134 Salsbury, L. K. People vs. L. K. Salsbury, 6135 Salt Cook: Brine and salt deposits of Mich., 802 Dow: Lumberman’s gazette, 1540 Garrigues: Report on salt manufacture, 1788, 1789 Higgins: Salt industry, 2111 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on salines: Report relative to saline resources of Mich., 4226 --. -. -. Select committee: Report relative to manu¬ facture, 4351 -—————: Report in regard to peti¬ tions for repeal of law to encourage manufacture of, 4352 -. --. -. Special committee: Report on salt interest, 4378 -. -. Senate. Select committee: Report relative to manu¬ facture of, 4740 -. -. -. Special committee: Majority report on manu¬ facture of, 4758 -: Minority report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to salt interest, 4759 ———. vSalt inspector: Annual re¬ port, 4829 -. ---: Statistics re¬ lating to saline interests, 4830 53 SALT—Continued Saginaw and Bay salt co.: Articles of association, by-laws, and order of busi¬ ness, 6093 -valley, its salt, lumber and other resources, 6099 -land, salt and mineral co.: Prospectus, 6100 vStatement of salt and lumber business of Saginaw valley, 6383 Winchell: On saliferous rocks and salt springs of Mich., 6986 -: Salt manufacture of Saginaw valley, 6988 - inspector, see Michigan. Salt inspector -spring lands Michigan. Board of state auditors on land claims: Annual report, 3220 -. Dept, of state: Report, 3522 -springs Michigan. Geological survey: Report, 3569 -. Governor: Special message concerning, 3622 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the state geologist’s report: Report in relation to improvement of, 4084 -. -. —--. Com¬ mittee on manufactures: Report rela¬ tive to special message concerning, 4178 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on manufactures: Report of committee to whom was referred com¬ munication relative to salt springs and salines, 4597 -. -. -. Select committee: Report relative to, 4741 Salzburg Weeks & Polk: Bay City directory to which is appended directory of, 6848 Sample, C. H. Ventilation, 6136 Samuel Porter Williams, in memoriam, 6137 Sanborn map and publishing co. Grand Rapids, 7714 Sand dunes Cowles: Ecological relations to vegeta¬ tion on sand dunes of Lake Mich., 846 Michigan. Geological and biological sur¬ vey: Biological survey, 3578 Reed: Dune country, 5936 Sanford: Michigan’s shifting sands, 6138 U. S. National park service: Report on proposed Sand dunes national park, 6677 Sanders, G. N. Stockton: Report communicating report of superintendent of mineral lands on Lake Superior, 6415 -, R. Mss., 8150 Sand Lake Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 -, Murphy and co.: Directory, 5790 418 INDEX SAND LUCERNE To war: Sand lucerne, 6556 Sandwich, Ont. Assumption church Livre de comptes de la fabrique, 8532 Registre de la paroisse, 8533 Court Askin: Mss., 8037 Sanford, F. H. Michigan’s shifting sands, 6138 -, Mrs. M. H. In memoriam, 2313 Sanilac Centre [Map of] Sanilac Centre, 7751 -county Cookingham: Atlas, 7566 Dwight: Township plats, 8381 Gordon: Geological report, 1828 -: Wave cutting, 1830 Hubbard and King: Mss. for maps of land, 8121 Map, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7567 Portrait and biographical album, 5849 Topographical map, by F. W. Beers & co., 7565 Sanitation Breakey: Unsanitary methods and re¬ sults of school work, 434 Crane: Sanitary survey of Saginaw, 855 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Contageous diseases, 3371 Romig: Disposal of waste matter, 6011 See also Health; Alichigan. State board of health Sanitary engineering Michigan. State board of health: En¬ gineering bulletin, 4894 San Jose scale [Taft]: New danger to fruit growers, 6464 Sanson, N., d’Abbeville Amerique septentrionale, 7073 Le Canada, ou Nouvelle France, 7074 Saranac Polk & co.: Directory, 5772 Sargent, C. S. Crataegus in southern Mich., 6139 -, W. Proclamation for organization of Wayne co., 8534 Sauble River Craig: Memorial asking swamp lands to aid improvement, 853 Sauer, W. Commerical pocket map of Detroit, 7696 Map of Detroit, 7668, 7697 Standard guide and pocket directory of Detroit and suburbs, 6140 -, W. C. Detailed official atlas of Wayne co., 7592, 7597 General map of Wayne co., 7591 Illustrated atlas of Sault Ste. Marie, 7752 Map of Detroit, 7658 -Wayne co., 7593, 7594 SAUER BROS. Map of Detroit and environs, 7698 Suburban pocket map of Detroit, 7691 -bros. and Frydrych Map of Detroit, 7690 Saugatuck MacDonald: Message from the hills, 2855 -and Ganges pomological society Smith: Notes on disease known as “little peach,” 6294 -Harbor Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 Sault Ste. Marie Atlas Sauer: Illustrated atlas, 7752 Charter and ordinances, 6141, 6142 Childs: Marquette, Mackinac Island and the “Soo, ” 669 Citizens’ semi-centennial canal anniver¬ sary association Semi-centennial celebration of com¬ mencement of Lake Superior ship canal, 6143 Description Osborn: The “Soo,” 5610 Sault Ste. Marie investment co.: Sault Ste. Marie, 6144 The Soo, 6342 Diocese of Rezek: History, 5966 Directory Polk & co.: Directory, 5785 [Gilbert]: Tale of two cities, 1807 Investment co. Sault Ste. Marie, 6144 Lands Howard: Mss., 8055 Romeyn: Mss., 8046 Newton: Mackinac Island and Sault Ste. Marie, 5541 Parish Detroit. Ste. Anne’s church. Exterior parishes: Registre, 8330 Revenue office ^ Mss., 8139, 8140 Seigniory Howard: Mss., 8106 Winsor: Pageant of Saint Lusson, 6995 -.-canal Canada. Parliament: Report, 576 Cass: Speech on construction, 610 Chandler: History, 632-634 Clark: Communication on condition of works, 697 Hamilton: Statement of trade and com¬ merce of Detroit, including business of, 2027 Harvey: Jubilee annals, 2071 -: Semi-centennial reminiscences, 2072 Howell: Protest against appropriating tolls of St. Mary’s canal to payment due counties for taxes on canal lands, 2231 INDEX 419 SAULT STE. MARIE CANAL—Continued International joint commission: In mat¬ ter of application for approval of methods and plans for diversion of waters of St. Mary’s River, 2322 -: In mat¬ ter of application for obstruction, di¬ version and use of waters of St. Mary’s River, 2323 - - -: Mich. northern power c.o., proceedings, 2324 - waterways commission: Report, 2330 Kelton: History, 2514 -: Indian names and history of canal, 2515 Map, by J. Holcroft, 7987 [-of] St. Mary’s Falls ship canal, 7988 Marquette iron ore association: Im¬ provement of St. Mary’s River canal, 2892 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication [in compliance with request for opinion whether recom¬ mendations in governor’s message are in conflict with constitution], 3043 Communication [on constitutionality of recommendations in governor’s special message], 3048 -. Board of internal improve¬ ment: Report, 3188 -: Report in compliance with reso¬ lution of senate, 3201 -. Governor: Communication transmitting annual report of super¬ intendent, 3675 -. -: Special message communicating report of board of con¬ trol, 3671 -. Lake Superior semi-centen¬ nial celebration commission: St. Mary’s Falls canal, 3832 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report relative to tolls, 4237 —— — -— ———: Report relative to claim of, 4238 •———-. -. -. Select committee: Report relative to con¬ struction of ship canal around falls of Ste. Marie, 4348, 4349 -. -. -. Special committee: Report relative to inter¬ ference of U. S. troops with construc¬ tion of, 4374 -—: Report in relation to interruption by U. S. troops of public works, 4379 -. -. Joint com¬ mittee : Report of committee to in¬ vestigate contract for letting work for repairs, 4414 SAULT STE. MARIE CANAL—Continued -. Superintendent and collector of the St. Mary’s Falls ship canal: Annual report, 5120 -. Treasury dept.: Communi¬ cation transmitting reports of superin¬ tendent, 5136, 5137 Sabin: Filling and emptying 3rd lock at St. Mary’s Falls canal, 6060 Sault Ste. Marie. Citizens’ semi-cen¬ tennial canal anniversary association: Semi-centennial celebration of com¬ mencement of canal, 6143 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on rivers and harbors: St. Mary’s Falls canal, 6655 -: St. Mary’s River at the falls, 6656, 6657 —. —. Engineer dept.: General and de¬ tail drawings of Poe lock, 6667 —. —.-.: New locks, 6670 —. —.-.: St. Mary’s River at falls, 6671 Waterways convention: Sault Ste. Marie canal, 6817 Weeks: Affidavits and other documents relative to, 6847 See also St. Mary’s Falls ship canal; St. Mary’s Falls ship canal co. Saw mills, see Lumbering Savage, J. Prehistoric finds of Mich., 6145 Savine, A. Roosevelt: La conquete de l’Ouest, 6018 Savings banks Michigan. Banking dept.: Annual re¬ port, 3165 See also School savings banks -societies Provident building, loan and savings society, 5888 Sawyer, A. L. History of Northern Peninsula, 6146 -, J. E. Oakland summer homes, 6147 Sayres, W. S. Drake’s Mich, digest, 1548 Scarborough co. New census map of Mich., 7358, 7363 -— motor guide co. Official tour book, 6148 Scarlatina Michigan. State board of health: Re¬ striction and prevention, 4928, 4929 -.----: Special reports relative to communicable and preventable diseases, 4930 -.-: State¬ ment of facts concerning cases, 4932 Scarlet fever [Chart illustrating] Isolation and disin¬ fection, restricted scarlet fever and diphtheria in Mich., 8036 420 INDEX SCARLET FEVER—Continued Marshall: Report of scarlet fever at North Lansing, 2905 Michigan. State board of health: Rela¬ tive to, 4922 Scates, C. Pocket cruising book for Lake Mich., 6149 Scenery of Lake Superior, 6150 Scenes on Lake Huron, 6151 Schaefer, C. B. Coal fields of Saginaw, 6152 Schafer, W. A. Michigan. Political science association: Papers and addresses on primary re¬ form, 4794 Schaffer Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Schaffner, M. A. Territorial tax legislation of Mich., 6153 Schedule of village lots in Allegan for sale by M. A. Hubbard, 6154 Schenck, J. S. History of Ionia and Montcalm cos., 6155 Schist Williams: Greenstone schist areas of Menominee and Marquette regions, 6944 Schlesinger, A. M. Ohio. Co-operative topographic survey: Ohio-Michigan boundary, 5585 Schlieben, W. E. A. Gebiet Mich., 7154 Schmalzriedt, F. R. Detroit. Ordinances, etc.: Compiled ordinances, 1264 [Schmidt, C. E.J How truth regarding proposed forestry legislation is distorted, 6156 Schneider, C. F. Leverett : Surface geology, 2727 -, O. H., & co. Blesch: Contract, 8244 Schonberg & co. Map of Mich., 7245, 7262 Schoolcraft, H. R. Algic researches, 6157 American Indians, 6158 Archives of aboriginal knowledge, 6159 Baker: Sources of Mississippi, 200 Bibliographical catalogue of books and other publications in Indian tongues, 6160 Communication relative to geographical names, 6161 Discourse before Historical society of Mich., 6162 History of Indian tribes of U. S., 6163 Incentives to study ancient period of American history, 6164 Indian in his wigwam, 6165 -fairy book, 6166 -tribes of U. S., 6167 Information respecting history, condi¬ tion and prospects of Indian tribes of U. S., 6168, 6169 SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R— Continued Inquiries, respecting the history, present condition and future prospects of Indian tribes, 6170, 6171 Map of northwestern territories, 7140 Michigan. Historical society: Historical and scientific sketches of Mich., 3807 Miscellaneous mss., 8176 Myth of Hiawatha, 6172 Narrative journal of travels through northwestern regions, 6173 - of expedition through Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, 6174 Natural history, 6175 Oneota, 6176 Outlines of life and character of L. Cass, 6177 Personal memoirs of residence of 30 years with Indian tribes on frontiers, 6178 Red race of America, 6179, 6180 Suggestions for travellers visiting ancient sites, 6181 Summary narrative of exploratory ex¬ pedition to sources of Mississippi, 6182 Travels in central portions of Mississippi valley, 6183 U. S. Office of Indian affairs: Circular, 6678 —. —. War dept.: Schoolcraft and Allen — expedition to Northwest Indians, 6698 Western scenes and reminiscences, 6184 Williams: Mss., 8038 Schooley, A. C. Among the Wolverines, 6185 School book legislation Michigan. Legislature. Joint com¬ mittee: Report of hearing, 4413 Unabridged report of Straight-Pattengill debate, 6613 -buildings Lamson: Sanitary condition, 2594 -funds McCoskry: Petition for division, 2803 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: School funds, 3427 Study of primary school interest fund, 3439 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred special message, 4028 -grounds Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Study of school grounds, 3441 See also Schoolhouses -houses Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Manual of schoolroom equipment, 3403 Rural schoolhouses, 3423 School architecture, 3425 INDEX 421 SCHOOL HOUSES—Continued School buildings, 3426 School grounds, school house archi¬ tecture, 3428-3430 Supplement to 61st report, 3448 -lands Knight: History and management of grants, 2558 Michigan. Board of state auditors on land claims: Annual report, 3220 -. Dept, of public instruction: Report in relation to, 3420 —--. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report in regard to reduction of minimum price, 4158 -. . . Select committee: Report in relation to, 4325 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report on resolution authorizing commissioner of land office to issue certificate of purchase, 4585 [-. State land office: Statement of number of university and school lands sold], 5005 Wilkinson and Post: Mss., 8167 See also Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on university and school lands; Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on university, school and state lands; University lands -law Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Annual report, 3356 Digest of school laws, 3380 Explanations of school laws, 3385 Law governing compulsory education, 3397 Law governing graded school dis¬ tricts, 3398 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Bill for government of Detroit schools, 3853 -. -,-,-.: Charter of Muskegon schools, 3915 -. -,-,-.: General school laws, 3927 -. -,-,-.: Statutes relating to primary schools, 3926 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred resolution relative to distribution of school laws, 4029 -: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred bill sup¬ plementary to common school laws, 4030, 4031 SCHOOL LIBRARIES [Michigan. Dept, of public instruction]: Preferred list of books, 3416-3418 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Minority report relative to establishment, 4022 -. State board of library com¬ missioners: Annotated list of reference books, 4940 -: Legislative history of township libraries, 4946 List of books, 4947 -: Statistics of township and district libraries, 4952 -. State library: Graded school libraries, 5038 [Parmenter]: School libraries, 5653 Power: Selected list of children’s books for school libraries, 5860 Walter: Care of, 6795 See also Michigan. Dept, of public in¬ struction -management and organization Hammond: School law, 2032, 2033 Payne: State uniformity in text books, 5685 Schoolmaster, 6186 Schoolmasters’ club, see Michigan. School¬ masters’ club School moneys Michigan. Treasury dept.: Communi¬ cation relative to distribution, 5138 -savings banks Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Thrift teaching, 3458 -superintendents Nevins: Protest against bill to provide for county superintendents of schools, 5537 Payne: State uniformity in text books, 5685 Schools Baker: County school manual [and] history of school districts, Cheboygan co., 188 Breakey: Unsanitary methods and re¬ sults of school work, 434 Brett: School and library, 435 Chadsey: Attitude of education toward mouth hygiene in public schools, 628 [Chart illustrating] free public schools of Mich., [by C. S. Denison], 8032 Fitch: Catalogue of public school ex¬ hibit, 1703 Hinsdale: Our common schools, 2131 Hoyt: J. D. Pierce, 2237 Mayhew: Reports of superintendent of public instruction, 2933 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Consolidation of school districts, 3370 Manual and course of study, 3402 422 INDEX SCHOOLS—Continued Method of consolidating school dis¬ tricts, 3409 System of public instruction, 3451 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on public instruction: Report relative to certain school moneys, 4639 - — - -: Report relative to apportionment of two mill tax, 4641 -- -: Report in relation to proceeds of two mill tax for support of schools, 4642 -. -. -. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred petition relative to school under care of pastor of trinity church, 4715 [-. State teachers’ association. Committee on educational investiga¬ tions]: Study of retardation, accelera¬ tion, elimination and repetition, 5114 Missaukee county. School commissioner: Missaukee schools, 5461 Pattengill: Special day exercises, 5672 See also Agricultural education; Educa¬ tion; Industrial education; Manual training; Michigan. Agricultural col¬ lege. Dept, of agricultural education; Michigan. Dept, of public instruction; Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education; Primary schools; Rural schools; Secondary education; Technical education; name of school, college or university Schuyler, R. Transition in Illinois from British to American government, 6187 Schwarz, E. A. Hubbard: Coleoptera of Fla. and Mich., 2249 Scott, C. [Reformed church in America], 6188 '-, G. New coast pilot for lakes, 6189 -, James Miscellaneous mss., 8126 -, James L. Journey of missionary tour, 6190 -, Joseph Geographical dictionary, 6191 Northwest Territory, 7123 -, William McD. Ledger, 8535 U. S. Marshal. Michigan. Huron and Detroit district: Account, 8589 -, Winfield L. Jaunt along River Rouge, 6192 [Scrap-book of Gov. Bliss campaign], 6193 Scripps, G. W. Memoir, 1801 SCRIPPS, J. E. Detroit. Museum of art: Catalogue of Scripps collection, 1249 Greusel: Story of anti-ripper candidate, 1991 Outline history of Mich., 6194 Seals Ferrey: Old seals and state seals, 1682 Searchlight, 6195 Searl, K. S. Mich, court rules, 6196 Sebewaing River Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 Secondary education Davis: Public secondar}^ education, 926 Putnam: Development, 5898 See also Education; Schools Secretary of state, see Michigan. Dept. of state Securities commission, see Michigan. Se¬ curities commission Seeds Beal: Vitality of seeds buried in soil, 318 Bessey: Seed analyses, 355 Jeffery: Elementary laboratory study in crops, 2392 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Law regulating commerce in certain agri¬ cultural seeds, 3928 Seeley, D. A. Climate of Mich., 6197 -, T. D. History of Oakland co., 6198 [Seeley and Lowrey] Big Rapids, 6199 Sekell, A. C. Grand Rapids. Board of public works: Water works, 1873 Selandria Cerasi Harris Winchell: Notes on, 6981 Semi-centennial celebration Angell: U. of M., commemorative ora¬ tion, 93 See also Michigan. Commission for the semi-centennial celebration Senex, J. North America, 7082 Senior sickle, 6200 Senses and sensation Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Sense training, 3433 Serial digest publishing co. Mich, serial digest, 5410 Services at funeral of L. T. Hemans, 8536 Session laws Michigan. Legislature: Acts, 3945 Sessions, H. C. Manual for county clerks, sheriffs and constables, 6201 -, J- Q- A. Isham: Historical sketch of 7th regi¬ ment Mich, volunteer cavalry, 2345 INDEX 423 SETTLEMENT Baldwin: Conquest of Old Northwest and its settlement by Americans, 205 -: Discovery of Old Northwest and its settlement by French, 206 Barber: Vermontville colony, 217 [Bonner]: History of Adrian and settle¬ ment of Lenawee co., 396 Bulkley: Early French settlements on Great Lakes, 487 Custard: French settlement in St. Joseph co., 886 Drown[e]: Oration at Marietta in com¬ memoration of commencement of set¬ tlement by Ohio co., 1550 Fuller: Economic and social begin¬ nings of Mich., 1774 Hildreth: Pioneer history, 2114 [Michigan. Governor: Communica¬ tion transmitting] documents relative to settlements on Niles reservation, 3591 Miller: Geographical influences in set¬ tlement of Mich., 5447, 5448 See also Detroit. History; Frontier and pioneer life; Michigan. Economic conditions; Michigan. History; Michi¬ gan. Social life and customs; county histories under names of counties Seventh-day Adventists Littlejohn: Constitutional amendment, 2753 See also White, J. [Severance, F. H.] Peace mission to Niagara of E. Douglass, 6202 Seward, W. H. Argument in defence of A. F. Fitch, 6203 Sewage disposal International joint commission: Hear¬ ings in re remedies for pollution of boundary waters, 2321 -: Pollution of boundary waters, 2326 McLaughlin: Sewage pollution of inter¬ state and international waters, 2843 Sewerage Harris: Sanitary drainage and, 2055 Lyster: Sewerage, 2788 Smith: Influence of sewerage and water- supply on death-rate in cities, 6295 -: Sewerage and water-supply, 6296 Sewing Raven: Garment making for girls, 5930 Seymour, E. G. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred petition contesting seat of E. G. Seymour, 4044 -, H. W. Remarks on bill for establishment of prison of infamy, 6204 \ J* Memorial in relation to bill to keep up dam on Flint River, 6205 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com- SEYMOUR, J.—Continued mittee on state affairs: Report rela¬ tive to papers and propositions for location of capitol, 4661 Shafer, S. A. Powell: Historic towns of western states, 5858 Shaffmaster, A. D. Hunting in land of Hiawatha, 6206 Shandean club Burton: Shandean club, 8274 Shannon, P. C. State of Dakota, how it may be formed, 6207 Sharp, J. C. Speech [in favor of bill to change swamp land fund to primary school fund], 6208 Shaw, J. T. Interstate commerce act, 6209 , L. L. Industries of Grand Rapids, 6210 [—, R- S.] Alfalfa, 6211 College farm buildings, 6212 Cull beans as food for swine, 6213 Digester tankage for swine, 6214 Dried beet pulp for fattening sheep, 6215 --—--steers, 6216 Equipment for breeding, feeding, care and management of swine, 6217 Feeding whole grain, 6218 First annual report of grade dairy herd, 6219 Methods of breeding for improvement of Mich, cattle, 6220 Mich, agriculture, 6221 Plan for improvement of Mich, cattle, 6222 Roots supplementary to silage for dairy cows, 6223 Succotash, 6224 Shear, C. L. Grape spraying experiments, 6225 Shearman, F. W. Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: System of public instruction, 3451 Sheep Gibbons: Addresses, 8404 Grange: Foot-rot, 1969 -: Observations on disease affect¬ ing eyes, 1970 Harwood: Roots vs. silage for fattening lambs, 2075 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on agriculture: Report on bill to encourage keeping of sheep, 4433 -. Merino sheep breeders’ asso¬ ciation: Register, 4771 Mumford, F. B.: Fattening lambs, 5500, 5501 -, H. W.: Fattening lambs, com¬ parison of fodders, 5502 Shaw: Dried beet pulp for fattening, 6215 Smith: Fattening lambs, 6272 See also Wool 424 INDEX SHEERAN, W. S. Detroit. Ordinances, etc.: Revised ordinances, 1261 Sheldon, Mrs. E. M. Early history of Mich., 6226, 6227 __ Q 'p Mss., 8043, *8052, 8068, 8073 See also Willcox, Sheldon and Gray -, G. L. M. Boltwood, 6228 -, T. M. Mss., 8048 Shepard’s Mich, citations, 6229 Sheridan, P. H, Alger: Eulogy on, 42 Sheriffs Sessions: Manual, 6201 Sherman, C. E. Ohio. Co-operative topographical sur- vev: Ohio-Michigan boundary, 5585 -J. E. Mich., 7286 -, W. T. Michigan. Legislature: Memorial pro¬ ceedings, 3961 -co. Port Huron and Fort Gratiot directory, 6230 Sherwood, T. C. Bank note circulation, 6231 Sherzer, W. H. Detroit folio, 6232, 7769 Geological report on Monroe co., 6233 -Wayne co., 6234 Grabau: Monroe formation, 1836 vSurface geology of Monroe co., 7794 Shiawassee county Beers & co.: County atlas, 7568 Board of supervisors Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred petition in relation to monies stolen, 4501 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was referred petition for amendment to joint reso¬ lutions no. 18, 4684 Farm journal directory, 1649 History, 2171 Map of counties of Genesee and Shia¬ wassee, by Geil and Jones, 7455 [-], by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7569 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on towns and counties: Report adverse to vacation of county seat, 4244 -: Report on questions relative to vacation of present county seat of Shiawassee co., 4245, 4246 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on towns and counties: Report relative to annexation of certain towns, 4696 SHIAWASSEE COUNTY—Continued ---: Report in relation to removal or vacating county seat, 4697 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7570 Polk & co.: Directory, 5781 Portrait and biographical album, 5829 Treasurer Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred resolution relative to money stolen from, 4145 Shields, E. C. Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Com¬ piled laws, 3844 -, G. O. Rustlings in the rockies, 6235 Shine, J. W. Sault Ste. Marie. Charters: Charter and ordinances, 6142 Shingles Saginaw daily enterprise: Statistics of manufacture for 1867, 6094 Shinkman, W. A. 240 Schachaufgaben in Grand Rapids, 6236 Shinplasters, see Money Shipbuilding Sadler: Some points in connection with shipbuilding on Great Lakes, 6063 Shippers’ guide Rand McNally & co’s. indexed county and township map and shippers’ guide of Mich., 7323, 7324 -.- map and shippers’ guide of Mich., 7335 -.-pocket map and shippers’ guide of Mich., 7370 Shipping Curwood: Great Lakes, 885 Ely: Remarks in opposition to bridge at Detroit, 1598 -: Shall water-way of Great Lakes be obstructed by bridge at Detroit?, 1599 Hall: Marine disasters, 2014 Hamilton: Statement of trade and com¬ merce of Detroit, 2027 Marine history, 2879 Marine review publishing co.: Time and distance tables for.lake ships, 2880 Marshall: Building and voyage of Grif¬ fon, 2906 Mills: Our inland seas, 5453 Ships, see Steamship lines Shipwrecks Law: Heroes of Great Lakes, 2692 Shiras expeditions Hankinson: Results, 2037 Shober, C., & co. Grand Rapids, 7710 Shoemaker, M. Sketch of life, 6252 INDEX 425 SHOEPAC RECOLLECTIONS Willcox: Shoepac recollections, 6934, 6935 Shoesmith, V. M. Alfalfa growing, 6237 Corn growing, 6238 Hairy vetch, 6239 Sweet clover, 6240 Shooting societies Old club: Old club of Detroit, 5591 Shove’s business advertiser and Detroit directory, 6241 Shrubs Sargent: Crataegus in southern Mich., 6139 [Sibbald, J. A.] True history of certain fraudulent land entries within limits of Ontonagon and state line railroad grant, 6242 Sibley, A. H. Detroit and Milwaukee railroad co.: Mortgage, 1411 -, E. S. Mss., 8175, 8178, 8181, 8183, 8185 --, H. H. McCourt: History of old Sibley house, 2804 -, H. S. Letter books, 8537 -, s. Cash book, 8538 Hamtramck: Power of attorney to con¬ fess judgment unto R. & J. Abbott on bond, 8409 Mss., 8173, 8175 Note book, 8539 U. S. President: Commission to, 8591 Sibley Polk & co.: Directory, 5787 Siegel, B. Official illustrated map and guide of Mich, state fair, 8033 Sifferath, N. L. Short compendium of catechism for Indians, 6243 Silk Thelan: Memorial relative to silk cul¬ ture, 6519 Silos Cook: Silo and silage, 797 Jeffery: Cement silos, 2387 Johnson: Silos, 2416 [Smith]: Building silos, 6269 Silsby, see Baldwin & Silsby Silver, A. [Michigan. State land office: Statement of number of university and school lands sold], 5005 -Island Lange: Silver Island of Chippewa, 2615 --mines and mining Disturnell: Lake Superior guide, 1525 History of discovery and workings of mines in Iron River district, 2152 Rominger: Geology of Lower Peninsula, 6013 SILVER MINING Co. of Silver Islet Trowbridge: Mss., 8204 -Springs [Immen]: Silver Springs, 2279 Simon J. Murphy, 6244 Simonds, O. C. Michigan. Forestry commission: Mich, forestry, 3547 Simpson, D. F. Michigan. Political science association: Papers and addresses on primary re¬ form, 4794 [-, N. F.] Souvenir booklet of Mich, state prison, 6245 Sims, Mrs. Ingals: Fearful tragedy in Medina, 2298 [Sinclair, D. D.] Proposition for purchase of Southern railroad, 6246 - » P - Jenks: Patrick Sinclair, 2397 [Singleton, R.] Pleasure parties in the Northwest, 6247 Sinking funds, see Michigan. Board of fund commissioners Skeels, F. C. Wheeler: Sketch of original distribution of white pine in Lower Peninsula, 6888 -, F. E. [Map of] Waverly, 7753 Sketch of life and public services of L. Cass, 6248 -of H. C. Fairbank, 6249 --—- of Mrs. M. A. R. Fairbank, 6250 -of William C. McMillan, 6251 -M. Shoemaker, 6252 -J. J. Strang, 6253 Skinner, H. M. Primary lessons in geography of Mich., 6254 Story of Mich., 6255 Slavery Address to democracy of Ingham county, 15 Banks: Oration at celebration in Detroit of abolition of slaverv in West Indies, 215 Barber: Vermontville colony, 217 Cass: Remarks on presentation of reso¬ lutions of instruction, 609 Freeman’s pamphlet, 1754 MacNaul: Jefferson-Lemon compact, 2859 Matlack: History of American slavery and Methodism, 2921 [Michigan. Governor: Communication transmitting preamble and resolutions of legislature of Mississippi in relation to abolition], 3587 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on federal relations: Report of committee to whom was referred pre¬ amble and resolutions relative to slave trade in district of Columbia, 4061 426 INDEX SLAVERY—Continued -: Report rela¬ tive to slavery in territories, 4064 -: Report rela¬ tive to slavery in territories, 4071 -: Report [on extension of slavery and power of Con¬ gress over same], 4072, 4073 • -. . Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report on reso¬ lution relative to slavery in District of Columbia, 4667 * -. . . Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of gover¬ nor’s message as relates to abolition, 4742 Smart: Political duties of Christian men and ministers, 6261 Treat: Protest against passage of pre¬ amble and resolutions ratifying amend¬ ment abolishing slavery in U. S., 6583 Vermont. Governor: Communication transmitting resolutions of Vermont relative to slavery, 6756 See also Anti-slavery; Fugitive slaves; Texas, annexation Sleeper, A. Michigan. Governor: [Messages], 3787, 3788 Slocum, C. E. History of F. Slocum, 6256 Flistory of Maumee River basin, 6257 Ohio country between 1783 and 1815, 6258 -———, Frances Meginness: Biography of, 2938 Phelps: F. Slocum, 5730 Slocum: History, 6256 Todd: Lost sister of Wyoming, 6552 -, Fred Michigan. State press association: 23d annual conclave and royal outing, 5087 — - - , Mrs. S. T. W. H. T.: In Memoriam, 6772 Smalley, H. R. Management of muck-land farms, 6259 Smallpox Michigan. State board of health: Pre¬ vention and restriction, 4907 -.-: vSpecial reports relative to communicable and preventable diseases, 4930 Smart, J. S. Funeral sermon of Maine law, 6260 Political duties of Christian men and ministers, 6261 Sermon on women’s temperance crusade, 6262 Whisky war in Adrian, 6263 Smit, C. de Naar Amerika?, 6264 SMITH, A. H. Michigan. Constitutional convention: Handbook, 3323 -, A. M. Full and complete description [of] cen¬ tennial celebration in Manistee, 6265 Varsity views, 6266 -, C. D. Alfalfa in Mich., 6267 Brief review of special bulletins nos. 24, 25 and 26, 6268 Building silos, 6269 Dairy records, 6270 Experiments with sugar beets, 6271 Fattening lambs, 6272 Feeding corn smut to dairy cows, 6273 Foul brood, 6274 Grade dairy herd, 6275 Grand Traverse disease, 6276 Legumes other than alfalfa, 6277 Observations on influence of nodules on roots upon composition of soy beans and cow peas, 6278 Pig feeding, 6279 Planting sugar beets, 6280 Rape as forage plant, 6281 Shrinkage of farm products, 6282 Some experiments in corn raising, 6283 -with beet pulp as stock food, 6284 -poultry, 6285 Sugar beet experiments, 6286 Sugar beets, 6287 -in 1897, 6288 -in Upper Peninsula, 6289 Suggestions on farm accounts, 6290 Wheeler: Sketch of original distribution of white pine in Lower Peninsula, 6888 -, C. L. Township map of Alcona co., 7408, 7414 -Montmorency co., 7534 -Ogemaw co., 7546 -, E. B. Biographical sketch of H. C. Wyman, 6291 -, —. —., & co. Peninsula state almanac, 6292 -, E. H. Flistory of Llowell, 6293 -, E. F. Influence of sewerage and water-supply on death-rate in cities, 6295 Notes on disease known as “little peach,” 6294 Sewerage and water-supply, 6296 Wheeler: Catalogue of phaenogamous and vascular cryptogamous plants, 6884 - , G. N. Miscellaneous mss. for letter of, 8201 -, Mrs. G. N. Sprague: History of Grand Traverse and Leelanaw cos., 6369 -, H. H. Michigan. Employers’ liability and workmen’s compensation commission: Report, 3529 INDEX 427 SMITH, H. H.—Continued -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Tax laws, 3933 -. Pan-American exposition com¬ mission: Report, 4784 --, H. I. Archeological survey of Mich., 6297 Caches of Saginaw valley, 6298 Notes on data of Mich, archaeology, 6299 Pearse: Crawfishes, 5686 Ruthven: Herpetology of Mich., 6056 Saginaw r valley collection, 6300 Summary of archeology of Saginaw' val¬ ley,- 6301 ■ -, Henry Petition for appropriation to aid in de¬ veloping plan for Elevated Pacific rail¬ way, 6392 [-, Henry H.] J. C. Burrows, 6303 Why J. C. Burrows should be expelled from U. S. Senate, 6304 -, Mrs. H. H. H. C. Detroit. Charity festival: Illustrated catalogue, 1057 -- r , H. L. Michigan. Political science association: Papers and addresses on primary re¬ form, 4794 -, H. M. Historical sketches of old Vincennes, 6305 -, H. McC. Fisheries of Great Lakes, 6306 -, J. Calvin Guide through Ohio, Mich., Ind., Ill., Mo., Wis. and Iowa, 7193, 7199, 7202, 7230 ■ -, James Cosslett Check stub-book, 8540 ■ -, Joseph M. Memorial of Wilder D. Foster, 6307 ■ -, Joshua T. Journal in America, 8541 ■ -, Mrs. L. A. Behind the scenes, 6308 ■ -, Ralph C., & co. Western land office, Detroit, 6309 --, Richard A. Occurrence of oil and gas in Mich., 6310 -, R. W. Petition relative to New Buffalo and the Central railroad, 6311 -, S. L. Prehistoric and modern copper mines of Lake Superior, 6312 -, S. W. On occasion of acceptance of statue of Z. Chandler, 6313 -- T ) X * Whittlesey: Railway connections with Lake Superior, 6919 [——, W.I Historical account of expedition against Ohio Indians in 1764, 6314, 6315 SMITH, W. A. Eulogy upon life and character of R. A. Alger, 6316 Michigan. Game and fish warden: List of deputy wardens, 3551 Nomination of candidate for U. S. Sena¬ tor, 1907, 5555 -, W. H. Catalogue of reptilia and amphibia, 6317 -, Wm. Henry St. Clair papers, 6318 -, W. L. Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Historical sketches of education, 3391 Saginaw. East side public library: Catalogue, 6088 -, W. L. G. Fifty years of public life, life and times of L. Cass, 6319 Smithe, G. C. Glimpses of places and people and things, 6320 Smoll, A. E. Patten: Commercial feeding stuffs, 5662 Smyth, H. L. Clements: Crystal Falls iron-bearing district, 710 Van Hise: Marquette iron-bearing dis¬ trict, 6745 -: Preliminary report on Mar¬ quette iron-bearing district, 6744 -, W. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on printing: Report of com¬ mittee to whom w'as referred bill for state printing, 4203 Snails, land Walker: Illustrated catalogue of mol- lusca of Mich., 6786 Snow, C. E. Jackson. Ordinances, etc.: Ordinances, 2362 Social conference club, 6321 - directories, see Dau’s blue book; Grand Rapids society blue book -movements, see Rural social move¬ ments Societe de secours mutuels et de bien- faisance La Fayette Acte d’incorporation, constitution, et reglements, 6322 Societies, see name of society Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge North America, Upper Canada, North¬ west and Mich, territories, 7163, 7164 -of the Army of the Tennessee Palmer: “To the soldier-dead,” 5633 Press headquarters register, 8542 -of arts and crafts, Detroit Annual report, 6323 -of colonial w r ars. Michigan Historical paper, 6324, 6325 Journal of Pontiac’s conspiracy, 2425 [Lees]: Journal, 2711 Message of mound builders, 6326 “Paul Revere of the West,” 6327 428 INDEX SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Lawrence, Kansas Society of Mich., 6328 - of New York, see Michigan. Society of New York Soils Bouyoucos: Effect of temperature on soils, 411 -: Freezing point method means of determining acidity and lime re¬ quirements, 412 —-: Freezing point method means of measuring soil solution, 413 -: Further studies on freezing point lowering of soils, 414 -: Investigation of soil tem¬ perature, 415 -: Soil temperature, 416 Drake: Mamagement of sandy-land farms, 1543 Harris: Soil acidity, 2056 Jeffery: Elementary laboratory study, 2393 -: Sandy soils of western and northern Mich., 2394 -: Soil moisture, 2395 Jodidi: Organic nitrogenous compounds in peat soils, 2403 Kedzie: Mich, soils, 2483 Michigan. State agricultural society: Three lectures, 4849 Morgan: Soil solution, 5484 Rahn: Bacterial activity in soil as func¬ tion of grain size, 5905 Towar: Soil tests, 6557 U. vS. Dept, of agriculture: Soil survey of Pontiac area, 6662 Whitney: Field operations of bureau of soils, 6912 See also Agriculture Soldiers’ and sailors’ association, Michigan 9th Annual reunion, 6329 ■- home, see Michigan. Soldiers’ home • -, old Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to old soldiers, 3929 • - relief association, see Michigan. Soldiers’ relief association • -, relief of Michigan. Governor: Messages cf H. S. Pingree, 3756 - suffrage Michigan. Dept, of state: Act authoiiz- ing Mich, soldiers to vote, 3466 See also Elections; Suffrage Solway guild, Detroit Solway guild, year book, 6330 Some funny things, 6331 Somerville school for young ladies Annual circular, 6332 Somerville school, 6333 Sons of the American revolution District of Columbia society Battle fields of Maumee valley, 6334 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLU¬ TION—Continued Michigan society Calendar, 6335 Detroit chapter Year book, 6339 Society of sons of American revolution, 6336 Year book, 6337, 6338 * - of Michigan, Washington, D. C., see Michigan. State association, Washing¬ ton, D. C. * -of temperance Detroit division no. 2 Constitution and by-laws, 6340 Grand Haven division no. 83 Constitution, by-laws and rules, 6341 --of veterans Detroit tribune: Veteran soldiers’ and sailors’ hand-book, 1492 Veteran publishing co.: The veteran, 6761 Soo, The, 6342 Sophie B. Wright day nursery Annual report, 6343 Sorin, S. [Troop]: Blackbird, 6585 Soule, A. M. International boundary line of Mich., 6344, 8029 Southern and western boundaries, 6345 Ohio. Co-operative topographic survey: Ohio-Michigan boundary, 5585 Southard, J. H. Sons of the American revolution. Dis¬ trict of Columbia society: Battle fields of Maumee valley, 6334 South Boardman Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Southern Michigan Map of southern part of Mich., by J. Farmer, 7391 Region tributary to Detroit and Miami- town, 7376 -railroad Michigan. Board of internal improve¬ ment: Communication showing num¬ ber of tons and size of railroad iron purchased for, 3177 -: Communication relative to state of labor on, 3179 -: Report, 3189, 3190 -: Report in compliance with reso¬ lution of senate, 3201 -: Report relative to damages for right of way, 3204 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the Northern and Southern railroad routes: Report on revision of routes, 4219 INDEX 429 ; SOUTHERN RAILROAD—Continued -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on Southern railroad: Report of committee to whom was referred bill to amend act to sell railroad, 4220 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion for lands for construction of, 4276 -: Report cf committee to whom was referred bill to amend act to authorize sale, 4277 -. -. Joint. com¬ mittee: Report on location, 4408, 4409 -: Report on northern and south¬ ern routes, 4410, 4411 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port relative to suspension of opera¬ tions, 4541 • • -: Report on bill to amend act of, 4543 * • -: Report relative to, 4544 -: Reports in relation to suspension of proceedings on, 4534 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on railroad routes: Report of majority of committee to consider propriety of location of route, 4648-4650 -. Treasury dept.: Communica¬ tion [in compliance with resolution relative to payment of money due from], 5139 [Proposition for purchase], 5879 [Sinclair]: Proposition for purchase, 6246 See also Michigan southern railroad co. South Haven Pictures, 5734 - -Harbor Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 -substation, see Michigan. Agricultural college. Experiment station South Lycn Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Souvenir for home coming at Almont, 6346 -of copper country, 6347 ■ - . — album of Catholic churches, schools and institutions in and around Detroit, 6348 -of Cadillac day, 6349 -of Detroit, 6350-6353 -of Grand Pointe summer resort, 6354 -of Grand Rapids, 6355 -of Ludington, 6356 -of Muskegon, 6357 -of Petoskey, 6358 SOY BEANS Smith: Observations on influence of nodules on roots upon composition of,. 6278 Towar: Cow peas, soy beans, 6554 Spalding, V. M. Michigan. Academy of science: Presi¬ dential address, 2971 Spanish-American war Clowes: Detroit light guard, 712 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relative to military affairs, 3910 -. Quartermaster general’s office: Report, war with Spain, 4819 -volunteers of ’98, 5434 See also United Spanish war veterans. Spanish in Michigan Alvord: Conquest of St. Joseph, 79 Sparks, E. E. Old North-west, leaflets, 5594 Society of colonial wars. Michigan: His¬ torical papers, 6325 Sparta Center Polk, Murphy & co.: Directory, 5790 Spaulding, E. G. Opposition to President’s veto of bill to improve St. Clair flats, 6359 Spears, R. S. Trip on Great Lakes, 6360 Special days Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Suggestive programs, 3446 Pattengill: Special day exercises; 5672 Speech Reed: Speech work in Detroit public schools, 5939 Speed, J. J. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report on petition, 4479 [Spencer, F. S.] Saginaw, 6361 -, M. C. Michigan. State board of library com¬ missioners: How to start free public library, 4944, 4945 -. State library: Catalogue, 5028 Women’s clubs and public libraries, 6362 Spies public library Annual report, 6363 Catalogue of Indian and nature studies,. 6364 vSouvenir, 6365 Spragg, F. A. Barley improvement, 6366 Red rock w r heat, 6367 Wheat improvement, 6368 Sprague, E. L. History of Grand Traverse and Leelanaw [Leelanau] counties, 6369 -, R. A. Robinson: History of Cheboygan and Mackinac cos., 5992 Saginaw valley and lake shore business gazetteer and directory, 6370 430 INDEX SPRAGUE, T. S. Visitors’ guide and dictionary of Detroit, 6371 Sprang, G. E. Petoskey and Little Traverse Bay, 6372 Spraying Cook: Spraying with arsenites, 798 Eustace: Spray and practice outline, 1617 Spring Arbor seminary bulletin, 6373 Spring Lake Clubb: Spring Lake, 715 [Map of] harbor at Grand Haven, by U. S. War dept., 7942 Polk, Murphy & co.: Directory, 5790 Springer, D. W. Michigan. State board of accountancy: C. P. A. manual, 4860 Springs, see St. Clair mineral springs co.; St. Louis magnetic spring Springsteen, B. M. Petition relative to tax law, 6374 Springwells Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on roads and bridges: Report on memorial for authority to maintain bridge, 4224 Robinson: Atlas of Detroit and suburbs, 7646 Spurry Clute: Spurry, 718 Squashes Taft:. Potatoes, kale, squashes, 6471 Squire, B. S., jr. Traveller’s map of Mich., Ill., Ind. and ’ Ohio, by H. Phelps and B. S. Squire, jr., 7179 Stallions, see Michigan. State veterinary board. Stallion registration division Stammering Reed: Method for correction, 5938 -: Method for cure, 5940 See also Lewis school for stammerers Standard guide, Mackinac Island, 6375 ——— life and accident insurance co. Maybury: Mss., 8189 ——— map co. Atlas and farm directory of Isabella co., 7478 ---Mason co., 7521 Lake shore detailed survey road map of Ill., Ind., Mich., Wis., 7365 Map of St. Joseph co., 7564 Standish, M. Isham: Frontenac and M. Standish in Northwest, 2346 Stannard Rock Coast chart no. 3, Lake Superior, by U. S. War dept., 7924 Stanton, E. E. U. S. lawyer’s diary and rule book, 6376 Star Lake romance Lacy: Star Lake romance, 2582 Stark, G. L, Letters, 6377 STATE, The, 6378 State affairs, 6379, 6380 - agricultural college, see Michigan. Agricultural college - society, see Michigan. State agricultural society •- auditors, see Michigan. Board of state auditors - board of health, see Michigan. State board of health - bonds Michigan. Treasury dept.: Communi¬ cation relative to amount and kind of funds received for, 5135 -.-.: Communica¬ tion relative to negotiation and sale, 5140 -building lands Michigan. Board of state auditors on land claims: Annual report, 3220 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee for appraisal of university and state building lands: Report, 4174 -. -—-—■ — —■. Senate. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred resolu¬ tion to inquire into expediency of re¬ ducing price, 4590 —- capital, see Michigan. Capital and capitol - constitutions, see Michigan. Con¬ stitutions -day Pattengill: Special day exercises, 5672 -debt [Michigan. Auditor general’s office?]: Table showing rate at which sinking fund will liquidate state debt, 3153 - dept., see Michigan. Dept, of state - fair, see Michigan. State fair ■ - government, see Michigan. Politics and government - house of correction, see Michigan. Building commissioners of the state house of correction; Michigan. Commissioners to locate a state house of correction - institutions, see Michigan. State institutions - land office, see Michigan. State land office -lands Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Re¬ ply to resolution relative to, 3125 -. Governor: Communication in relation to depredations upon, 3665 --. -: Message [return¬ ing without signature act for relief of settlers on], 3607 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to state land office, 3899 -. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred petitions in behalf of settlers, 4326 INDEX 431 STATE LANDS—Continued -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Documents in relation to certain university and state lands, 4676 -. State land office: Communi¬ cation transmitting statement of state lands trespassed upon during 2 years prior to 1861, 4995 See also Michigan. Public domain com¬ mission • -library, see Michigan. State library • -maps Michigan. Geological survey: Report relative to, 3568 See also Maps; Michigan. Maps • -medical society, see Michigan. State medical society Statement of affairs of Bank of Washtenaw, 6381 • -facts relative to troubles in St. Paul’s church, Detroit, 6382 • -salt and lumber business of Saginaw valley, 6383 State military board, see Michigan. State military board ■-— mills, see Frederick mills -- officers, see Michigan. Officers and employees -- press association, see Michigan. State press association - printer, see Michigan. State printer - printing, see Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on printing; Michi¬ gan. State printing • -prison, see Michigan. State prison - psychopathic hospital, see Michigan. State psychopathic hospital - public school, see Michigan. State public school -Republican Legislative souvenir, 6384 - salt inspector, see Michigan. Salt inspector - springs, see Salt springs - seals, see Seals Statesmen’s days Pattengill: Special day exercises, 5672 State taxes, see Taxation - treasury, see Michigan. Treasury dept. - tuberculosis sanatorium, see Michi¬ gan. State sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis - veterinary board, see Michigan. State veterinary board - medical association, see Michigan. State veterinary medical as¬ sociation Statistical sketch of Mich., 6385 Statistics Michigan. Railroad commission: Com¬ munication and comparative statistics, 4821 Statistics of Mich, compiled from census of 1850, 6386 STATISTICS—Continued -of iron ore trade and iron mines of Upper Peninsula, by Mich, geo¬ logical, 7828 See also Michigan. Statistics; Michigan. Statistics, vital Statutes, see Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc. Steamer inspectors’ certificates Campau family: Mss., 8072 Steamship lines Stewart: Memorial asking grant of public lands for “North shore line,”' 6408 Steamships Canada. Custom house: Report out¬ wards, 8283 City of Toledo: Ledger, 8297 Hodge: Papers concerning early navi¬ gation of Great Lakes, 2179 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Law- regulating steam vessels, 3931 Pine Lake: Logbook, 8510 Ploughboy: Account book, 8514 See also Great Lakes and Great Lakes region; Shipping Stearns salt and lumber co. Kalkaska and Antrim cos. and splendid farm lands, 6387 [Stebbins, G. B.] “British free trade” a delusion, 6388 Western farms and factories, 6389 -, H. S. Mast & co’s. new map of Ohio, Ind. and Mich., 7292 Mich., 7300 Plan of Charlevoix summer resort, 8031 Railroad map of Mich, for railroad com¬ missioner, 7305, 7306, 7310, 7311, 7320 Steel, R. G. League of American wheelmen. Michigan division: Bicycle routes, 2701 Steele, Mrs. E. R. Summer journey in West, 6390 -, G. E. Pond & co.: New atlas and directory of Grand Traverse co., 7458 -, J. D. Paine: History of iron rails on Mich- southern and northern Indiana rail¬ way, 5626 Port Huron and Lake Mich, railroad, 6391 -, O. G. Map of Ohio, Ind., Ill. and Mich., 7185 Western guide book, and emigrant’s di¬ rectory, 6392-6394 Steere, J. B. U. of M. and saloons of Ann Arbor, 6395 Steinwehr, A. von Map of Mich, and Wis., 7290 Stephenson, I. Recollections of a long life, 6396 Steuart, W. M. U. S. Bureau of the census: Census of manufactures, 6624 432 INDEX STEVENS, A. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Reports of com¬ mittee to whom was referred memorial of H. Raymond contesting seat, 4054 -, A. T. Prevention of stinking smut on wheat, 6397 -, F. W. City of Grand Rapids, 7715 -, Frederick W. Michigan constitutional convention of 1850, 6398 -. Courts: Revised rules, 3341 “Reciprocal demurrage,” 6399 Revised rules of practice in courts of Mich., 6400 Testimony before committee of legisla¬ ture, 6401 Treatise on practice in actions at law, 6402 Two-cent passenger fare bill, 6403 Wanted: an impartial Mich, tribunal for .trial of special proceedings against railroad cos., 6404 --, G. H. Transcontinental trip in a Ford, 6405 -, T. W. Book of words, 6406 -, W. FI. Geological map of trap range of Kewee¬ naw Point, 7783 Stewart, C. New homes in West, 6407 - Memorial asking grant of lands for “North shore line,” 6408 -and Fry Map of Highland Park, Woodward Heights and vicinity, 7727 Stinchccmb, Mrs. H. History of Ladies’ literary club of Grand Rapids, 6409 Stockbridge, F. B. Michigan. Legislature: Memorial, 3957 U. S. 53d Cong., 3d sess.: Memorial addresses on life and character, 6646 Stock food Smith: Some experiments with beet pulp as stock food, 6284 -inspection Michigan. Live stock sanitary commis¬ sion: Biennial report, 4767 Stocking, W. Detroit evening news: Detroit in 1903, 1439 Mich, farmers, 6410 Michigan’s New Hampshire pathmakers, 6411 Republican party. Michigan: Proceed¬ ings at celebration of 50th anniversary of birth, 5950 Under the oaks, 6412 STOCKMAN, Mrs. D. H. Coming of Happy Valley Grange to Hard Scrabble Hollow, 6413 Farmerkin’s farm rhymes, 6414 Stocks and bonds Johnson: Mss., 8115 Hubbard and King: Mss., 8123 Stockton, J. Report communicating report of super¬ intendent of mineral lands on Lake Superior, 6415 Stone, F. D. Ordinance of 1787, 6416 --5 J- A. B. Michigan. State teachers’ association: Memorial, 5110 R.ecord of addresses delivered, poems read, and other exercises, at reunion of former pupils, 5934 -, J. H. Biographical sketch of Judge B. Harrison, 6417 -, L. H. Perry: L. H. Stone, 5709 Record of addresses delivered, poems read, and other exercises at reunion of former pupils, 5934 -, Col. S. Barry: Memorial of, 235 -, W. L, Historical writings of O. H. Marshall, 2140 Stonington Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Stop laws Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to, 4132, 4133 Storrs, L. C. Correctional work in Mich., 6418 Our county poor-houses, 6419 Penological hints, 6420 Story telling Adrian story tellers’ league: Year book, 26 Stoughton, W. L. Laws of U. S. granting lands to Mich., 6421 Stout, B. G. Democratic association of Detroit: Cele¬ bration of anniversary of Battle of New Orleans,, address by, 945 -, G. S. Story of year in Missaukee co., 6422 Straits of Mackinac, see Mackinac, Straits of Straker, D. A. Circuit court commissioner's guide, 6423 Legal treatise on larceny of dogs, 6424 Strang, C. J. Beaver Island and its Mormon kingdom, 6425 INDEX 433 % STRANG, J. J. Ancient and modern Michilimackinac, 6426-6428 Legler: Moses of Mormons, 2715 [Scrap-book], 6429 Sketch, 6253 Some remarks on natural history of Beaver Islands, 6430 Wright: Lays of lakes, 7047 Stratton, Rev. C. C. Haven: Autobiography, 2087 -, J. F. Map of Ann Arbor, 7606 Straw Kedzie: Composition of wheat and, 2472 Strawberries Taft: Eighty new strawberries, 6455 -: Notes on, 6465 -: Strawberries, 6482 -: Strawberries and raspberries, 6483 -: Strawberry culture, 6484 -: Strawberry notes for 1899, 6485 -: Strawberry notes for 1901, 6486 Street, T. C. Detroit and Milwaukee railroad co.: Mortgage, 1412 Streeter, G. Niles: Military government of district of Lake Mich., 5546 Strickland, W. P. Old Mackinaw 7 , 6431 Pioneers of West, 6432 Striker, D. Historical address at Hastings, 6433 Strikes and lockouts Western federation of miners: Miners’ bulletin, 6868 Strong, E. States of Ohio, Ind., and Ill., and Mich. Territory, 7171 -, H. Wayne and parts of Washtenaw, Oak¬ land and Macomb cos., 7602 Stuart, C. E. Remarks on presentation of resolutions of instructions, 609 -, L. G. Review of “Mich, as a province, terri¬ tory and state, ” 6434 Verdict for Mich., 6435 Stuart’s last fight Harris: Stories of Civil war, 2060 Student life and customs [Cheever]: Stories and amusing inci¬ dents, U. of M., 659 Students’ songs Wagner: Mich, university song book, 6777 Welch: Michigan’s favorite college songs, 6851 Sturgis. Baptist church Trowbridge: Pioneer days, 6594 Sub-treasury Michigan. Legislature. House: Reso¬ lutions, 3971 55 SUBURBAN RAILWAYS Map of in southeastern Mich., by S. Farmer & co., 8019 Subways Parsons, Barclay and Klapp: Report on Detroit street railway traffic, 5656 Succession and descent Union turst co.: Digest of Mich, laws, 6619 See also Inheritance and succession Succotash Shaw: Succotash as soiling crop, 6224 Suffrage Adams: History of in Mich., 10 Arthur: Progress of Mich, women, 156 Chaney: Alien suffrage, 635 Detroit. Committee in behalf of colored citizens: Memorial, 1103 Emerson: Petition that colored people be admitted to all privileges of free wffiites, 1601 Hawkins: Petition to admit colored men to privilege of elective franchise, 2088 May: Equal suffrage, 2926 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report of com¬ mittee [to whom was referred petition for extending elective franchise to women], 4047 -: Report relative to bill to enable qualified electors in mili¬ tary service to vote, 4050 -: Minority report on allowing disqualified electors in mili¬ tary service to vote, 4051 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on Indian affairs: Report [rela¬ tive to permitting Indians in Emmet and Cheboygan cos. to exercise fran¬ chise], 4089 — : . -. -. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on ex¬ tension of suffrage to colored persons, 4118 -: Report in rela¬ tion to striking out word “white” in constitution, 4120 -. -. -. Select committee: Report [of] committee to whom was referred petition for amend¬ ment expunging word “white” from constitution, 4353 -: Report on soldiers’ suf¬ frage, 4354 -.-. -. Special committee: Report relative to right of, 4380 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on amendment to extend elective franchise to all irrespective of color or descent, 4572 INDEX 434 SUFFRAGE—Continued •-. -. -. Com¬ mittee on privileges and elections: Re¬ port relative to extending elective franchise to certain citizens, 4630 - ; Re¬ port in reference to bill to enable qualified electors in military service to vote, 4631 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lution proposing amendment in rela¬ tion to qualification of voters, 4663 -. -. -. Select committee: Report of committee on soldiers’ suffrage, 4745 -. -. Select joint committee: Report of minority of committee on soldiers’ suffrage, 4761 See also Elections; Franchise; Michigan. Equal suffrage association; Michigan. Politics and government; Negroes; Women. Suffrage Sugar Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on agriculture and manufac¬ tures: Report of committee to 'whom was referred resolution relative to manufacture, 3978 See also Beet sugar -beets Kedzie: Sugar beets, 2486 Smith: Experiments, 6271 -: Planting sugar beets, 6280 -: Sugar beet experiments, 6286 -: Sugar beets, 6287 -: Sugar beets in 1897, 6288 -: Sugar beets in Upper Peninsula, 6289 Towar: Experiments with, 6555 -: Sugar beet experiments, 6558 -: Sugar beet investigations, 6559 Summer resort regions Maps Mich, east coast resort region, by Pere Marquette railroad co., 7392-7394 Northern Mich, resort region, by Pere Marquette railroad, 7390 Summer resort section of northern Mich., by G. R. & I. railroad co., 7388 --resorts [Bramhall]: In summer days, 432 [-]: Summer note-book, 433 [Chicago and northwestern railway co.]: Lakes and resorts, 664 Summer holiday, 666 Collection of invitations, programs, and of literature by railroad and steam¬ ship cos. ,8112 [Detroit and Cleveland steam navigation co.]: Omena resort, 1402 SUMMER RESORTS—Continued —.: Where to spend summer, 1403 Detroit, Lansing and northern railroad co.: Detroit and pleasure resorts of northern Mich., 1462 Disturnell: Mackinac, 1524 Foster and Reynolds: Standard guide, ^ 1738 Graham and Morton transportation co.: Graham and Morton line, 1841 Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad co.: Mackinac, 1940 Passenger dept.: Guide to resorts, 1947 [Grand trunk railway co.]: Summer play¬ grounds, 1962 -.: Summer re¬ sorts, 1963 [Ingram]: Three on a tour, 2300 MacDonald: Message from the hills, 2855 Michigan central railroad co.: Mackinac Island, 5378 -. State board of health: Mich., a summer and health resort state, 4900 Milwaukee, lake shore and western rail¬ way co.: Gogebic and other resorts, 5455 Pere Marquette railroad co.: Mich, sum¬ mer resorts, 5701 - - - —.: Ottawa Beach, 5702 -.: Pointe aux Barques resort, 5703 Plan of Charlevoix summer resort, by H. S. vStebbins, 8031 Pointe aux Barques resort association: Pointe aux Barques, 5753 Pointe aux Pins, 5754, 5755 [Reynolds]: Standard guide, 5958 Robinson: History of Cheboygan and Mackinac cos., 5992 Sawyer: Oakland summer homes, 6147 Souvenir of Grand Pointe summer resort, 6354 Standard guide, Mackinac Island and northern lake resorts, 6375 Van Fleet: Summer resorts of Mackinaw region, 6742 Wright: Ottawan, 7050 Sunday Littlejohn: Constitutional amendment, 2753 -laws McCracken: Sunday laws, 2818 Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report on petitions to prevent running cars on Sabbath, 4343 - school association, see Michigan. State union Sunday school association - - convocation and teachers’ institute Proceedings, 6436 INDEX 4 ? 5 SUNDERLAND, J. T. Ministry of 15 years in college town, 6437 Rev. B. Fay Mills and state university, 6438 Superintendent of public instruction, see Michigan. Dept, of public instruction Superior, Lake, see Lake Superior Supervisors Tibbits: Compend on powers and duties, 6537 Supreme court, see Michigan. Supreme court.; Michigan (Ter.) Supreme court Surgical societies, see Michigan. State eclectic medical and surgical society Surplus revenue [Michigan. Governor: Communication transmitting] report and resolutions of legislature of Georgia, 3592 Surveying Diagram of Mich, showing districts sur¬ veyed by U. S. Surveyor general's office, 7209 Sketch of public surveys in Mich., 7203, 7207, 7208 -., by U. S. Surveyor general’s office, 7214, 7218, 7223, 7236 -northern part of Mich., 7395-7397 U. S. General land office: General in¬ structions to deputies by surveyor general of U. S. for Ohio, Ind. and Mich., 6672 —. —. Treasury dept.: Surveys of pub¬ lic lands, 6690 —. —. War dept.: Survey of Grand River, 6699 See also U. S. Surveyor general’s office Sutherland, J. Lee: State of Mich., gazetteer and busi¬ ness directory, 2706 -->J* G * Democratic association of Detroit: Cele¬ bration of anniversary of Battle of New Orleans, speech by, 945 Swain, J. G. Letters to mother, 6439 Swamp land commissioner, see Michigan. State swamp land commissioner -fund Sharp: Speech in favor of bill to change swamp land fund to primary school fund, 6208 -state roads Michigan. Legislature. House. Select committee: Report, 4347 -. State land office: Communi¬ cation relative to, 5000 See also Michigan. Board of control of state swamp land roads -lands Howard: Memorial respecting drainage, reclaiming and sale, 2220 Jackson county. Board of supervisors: Resolution in relation to swamp lands, 2369 SWAMP LANDS—Continued -. Memorialists: Memorial for disposition of swamp lands, 2370 Kedzie: Management of swamps, 2480 Map of original swamp areas of Lower Peninsula, by A. C. Lane, 7857 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication [in compliance with request for opinion on constitutionality of act to provide swamps and low lands], 3042 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Minority re¬ port [relative to], 4159 -: Report on me¬ morial of German American seminary for amendment to act granting, 4155 -: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred bill to provide for draining, 4160 -: Report of com¬ mittee to whom have been referred memorials and petitions relative to sale and drainage, 4161 -: Report in re¬ lation to bill to provide for drainage and settlement, 4162 -: Report relative to state swamp lands, 4163 -: Report of com¬ mittee to wdiom was recommitted bill to amend act to provide for drainage and reclamation of swamp lands, 4164 ---: Report, 4165 ---: Report relative to swamp and overflowed lands, 4166 -: Report, 4167 -. . . Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report rela¬ tive to drainage and reclamation, 4239 -. -. -. Special committee: Report relative to bill granting lands in Upper Peninsula to cos., 4381 -. . Senate. Com¬ mittee on education: Report relative to appropriation in aid of colleges, 4460 -. . . Com¬ mittee on public lands: Minority re¬ port relative to sale and drainage, 4586 -: Report on reso¬ lution to inquire into expediency of granting swamp lands to cos., 4587 • • • -: Report [rela¬ tive to] sale and disposition, 4588 436 INDEX SWAMP LANDS—Continued -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was referred bill for drainage and reclamation of swamp lands by system of state roads, 4675 -. State land office: Communi¬ cation relating to, 4996 -.-: Communi¬ cation transmitting statement of re¬ ceipts from sales, 4997 -.-: Communi¬ cation giving statement of number of descriptions of legal sub-divisions of unsold swamp lands, 4998 Miscellaneous mss., 8117 Webber: State of Mich, swamp lands, 6845 See also Land; Railroad lands Swan, L. B. Journal of trip to Mich, in 1841, 6440 Swarthout, L. F. Souvenir of Ludington, 6356 Swartz Creek Polk & co.: Directory, 5768 [Sweet, H. D.] E. M. Avery, 6441 Sweet clover, see Clover Sweetser, C. H. Tourists’ and invalids’ guide to North¬ west, 6442 Swegles, J., jr. Michigan. Constitutional convention: Journal, 3316 Swift, I. Fagots of cedar, 6443, 6444 [Swigart, G. W.] Tract in Mason, Manistee, Lake and Wexford cos., 6445 Swine, see Hogs Swineford, A. P. Annual review of iron mining and other industries in Upper Peninsula, 6446 Appendix to history of Lake Superior iron district, 6450 History and review of copper, iron, silver, slate and other material interests of south shore of Lake Superior, 6447 History of Lake Superior iron district, its mines and furnaces, 6449 Menominee iron range, 6448 Tablets, see Monuments Tabular statement of copper and iron business of Lake Superior, 6451 Tackabury, G. N. Atlas of Mich., 7312 New sectional map of Upper Peninsula, 7405 -, R. M. Sectional map, 7289 --, —. —. & S. T. Walling: Atlas of Mich., 7278 TAFT, L. R. Apple orchard, 6452, 6453 Bush fruits, 6454 Eighty new strawberries, 6455 Frozen trees, 6456 Fruit list, 6457 -notes, 6458 Fruits at agricultural college, 6459 Insecticides and fungicides, 6460 Legislation relating to insects, 6461 Michigan. Agricultural college. Experi¬ ment station: Report of South Haven substation, 3020 •-fruit list, 6462, 6463 New danger to fruit growers, 6464 Notes on strawberries, 6465 -on vegetables, 6466 [Orchard] spraying, 6467 Peach and plum culture, 6468 Pests of orchard and garden, 6469 Potatoes, 6470 -, kale, 6471 -and potato scab, 6472 -, vegetable tests, 6473 Potato tests, 6474 Raspberries, blackberries and grapes, 6475 Review of special bulletins 27, 28, 30, 31, 6476 Small fruit notes, 6477 -, spraying, 6478 -for 1904, 6479 -trials at college, 6480 Spraying calendar, 6481 Strawberries, 6482 -and raspberries, 6483 Strawberry culture, 6484 -notes for 1899, 6485 - 1901, 6486 Tomatoes and potatoes, 6487 Variety tests of vegetables, 6488 Vegetables and bush fruits, 6489 Vegetable novelties and notions, 6490 -tests, 6491 Vegetables, comparative tests, 6492 -, old and new, 6493 -, varieties and methods, 6494 Talbot, J. A. Table of cases of all Mich, courts, 6495 Tallman, L. D. Handy indexed map of Detroit, 7661 Tanner, H, S. Mich., 7172, 7195 New map of Mich., 7180 Traveller’s pocket map of Mich., 7162 -’ J- Narrative of captivity and adventures, 6496 -, T. R. New and authentic map of Mich, and Wis., 7155 New sectional map of Mich, and Terri¬ tory of Wis., 7205, 7206 Tannery business, see Henry, J. INDEX 437 TAPPAN, H. Pioneer history of St. Clair co., 6497 School law and history and description of educational system, 6498 - r , H. P. Discourse on occasion of inauguration as chancellor of university, 6499 Frieze: Memorial discourse, 1767 President Tappan’s message to law con¬ gress of U. of M., 6501 Public education, 6500 Report in relation to university, 6502 Review of connection with U. of M., 6503 The university, 6504 University question, nature of its gov¬ ernment, 6717 Tarhe, Wyandot chief Taylor: Harrison-Tarhe peace confer¬ ence, 6508 Tariff Brewer: Speeches, 436 Michigan. Governor: Special message with documents, 3626 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on agriculture and manufac¬ tures: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of governor’s message as relates to tariff, 3977 -. -. . Com¬ mittee on manufactures: Report rela¬ tive to, 4179 -. . Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lution relating to protection of Ameri¬ can industry, 4685 -. Lumbermen: Facts and fig¬ ures against passage of Chicago relief bill, 4768 Patton: Wilson bill and Mich., 5676 Saginaw valley. Lumbermen: Tariff on lumber, 6101 [Stebbins]: Western farms and factories, 6389 Stocking: Mich, farmers, effect of Wil- son-Gorman act, 6410 Ward: Protection vs. free trade, 6797 -: Reasons why Northwest should have protective tariff, 6798 Whig party. Michigan. State central committee: To people of Mich., 6892 Wisner: Address to people of 3d con¬ gressional district, 6997 Woodbridge: Mss., 8051 See also Free trade [Tateum, W. A.] “Before the blazing back-log”, 6505 Tatham, W. Rough sketch of part of Wayne co., 7585 Tawas Harbor Preliminary chart, by U. S. War dept., 7958 TAXATION Clapperton: Address, taxation in con¬ stitution, 688 Colt: Payment of taxes under protest, 747 Commercial credit co.: Tax list of Grand Rapids, 758 Dickinson: Railroad property exempt, 1506 Freeman: [Equal taxation], 1753 Genesee county. County commissioners: Petition praying for law for collection of certain tax, 1796 [Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad co.]: Legislation conferring land grant, 1939 Hedrick: History of railroad taxation in Mich., 2095 [Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw railroad co.]: Lands exempt from general taxation, 2374 Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Communication relative to state taxes, 3064 -. Auditor general’s office: Re¬ port in relation to taxes of 1838 being charged back to certain cos., 3135 -.-: Re¬ port relative to specific state taxes, 3140 -.-: State¬ ment of apportionment of state taxes, 3149 -. Board of state tax commis¬ sioners: Cash value assessments, 3229 -: Communication transmitting data relative to operation of tax laws, 3230 -. Commission of inquiry into taxation: Report, 3266, 3267 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report on cer¬ tain resolutions [relative to taxes], 4240 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on ways and means: Report of committee to whom was referred me¬ morials relative to return of taxes to auditor general’s office, 4281 -: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lution in relation to return of delin¬ quent taxes and proceedings in relation thereto, 4282 -: Report on state and county taxes, 4283 -: Report in relation to specific state taxes, 4284 -. -. -. Select committee: Report on causes of un¬ equal taxation, 4356 -.-. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report relative to state taxes, 4504 438 INDEX TAXATION—Continued -.-. -. Com¬ mittee on roads and bridges: Report relative to highway taxes, 4656 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report on petition for extension of time for col¬ lection of taxes for 1839, 4686 -. Political science association: Taxation, 4798 -. State association of super¬ visors: Fifteenth annual session, 4857 -. State board of equalization: Proceedings, 4878 -. State land office: Report on tax homestead lands and collection of delinquent taxes, 5003 -. State tax association: Pro¬ ceedings, 5107 -.-—-: Tax bul¬ letin, 5108 -. State tax statistician: First annual report, 5109 -. Treasury dept.: Communi¬ cation relative to amount of tax paid by banks, 5129 -.-.: Report in relation to taxes, 5154 Prudden: Corporate excess tax plan, ^ 5891 Schaffner: Territorial tax legislation, 6153 Springsteen: Petition relative to, 6374 Van Buren county. Citizens: Proceed¬ ings of meeting at Paw Paw, 6735 Wright: Assessor’s manual, 7043 See also Delinquent taxes; Detroit. Taxation; Equal taxation; Michigan. Board of state tax commissioners; Railroad lands Tax commissioners, see Michigan. Board of state tax commissioners Taxidermy Richter: Secrets of taxidermy revealed, 5977 Tax lands Michigan. Commission of inquiry, tax lands and forestry: Report, 326(3 Wilkinson and Post: Mss., 8167 -laws Backus: Petition asking changes, 168 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: General statutes, 3930 -. -,-,-.: Laws re¬ lating to state land office, 3898 ----• T?cix laws, 3932-3935 -titles Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred bill relative to, 4153 Taylor, B. F. T. Trent, 6506 TAYLOR, C. O. Administration of workmen's compen¬ sation benefits, 6507 -, E. L. Harrison-Tarhe peace conference, 6508 -, F. B. Leverett: Pleistocene of Ind. and Mich., 2725 -, F. H. [Detroit and Cleveland steam navigation co.]: Lake tour to Mackinac, 1399, 1400 -, R. L. A year with bees, 6509 •-, W. W. Grand Rapids. Charters: Revised- char¬ ter, 1883 -. Ordinances, etc.: Ordi¬ nances, 1909 Teachers and teaching Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Arithmetic teaching, 3361 Catalogue of state teachers’ institutes, 3364 Certification of teachers, 3365 County teachers’ examinations, 3374 Manual and course of study, 3401 Teachers’ examinations, 3452 --. Federation of teachers’ clubs: Bulletin, 3539 • -journal of education, 5405 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Act to provide retirement fund, 3936 -. State normal school. Train¬ ing school dept.: Suggestive outlines of courses of study, 5084 -teacher, 5425 -.— -teachers’ directory, 5426 * -. University: List of students who have pursued courses in science and art of teaching, 5193 Washtenaw county. Teachers’ institute: Catalogue, 6813 See also Education; Michigan. School¬ masters’ club; Michigan. State teach¬ ers’ association; Normal schools; Ob¬ ject-teaching; Schools Teachers’ association, see Michigan. State teachers’ association --- institutes Michigan. Christian teachers’ institute: Six lectures, 5384 -, Dept, of public instruction: Teachers’ institutes, 3453 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report relative to act establishing, 4035 Technic, The, 6510 INDEX 439 TECHNICAL EDUCATION Michigan. Commission on industrial and agricultural education: Report, 3259 Warriner: All-day trades school, 6805 ■-: Industrial and vocational training, 6806 See also Education; Manual training Tecumseh, Chief Cook: Six months among Indians, 803 Hatch: Chapter of history of War of 1812, 2085 Law: Colonial history of Vincennes, 2689 -branch railroad [Proposition for purchase], 5879 Tecumseh Charter, 6511 Teeth, see Mouth hygiene Teevin, T. W. Hand book and guide to places of interest in Grand Rapids, 6512 Telephones Burch: Telephone rates in Detroit, 494 Temperance Kitchel: Law of reform, 2554 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Temperance, 3455 Rix: Temperance address, 5985 Smart: Sermon on Women’s temperance crusade, 6262 Withington: Cutting to quick, 6999 Woman’s Christian temperance union of Michigan: Proceedings of annual con¬ vention, 7009 See also Detroit. Young men’s temper¬ ance society; Liquor; Prohibition -, Sons of, see Sons of tem¬ perance Ten Brook, A. American state universities, 6513 Tennessee, see Society of the Army of the Tennessee Tenney, H. A. Michigan. State library: Catalogue, 5021-5027 -- J- E * Michigan. State library: Catalogue, 5016-5020 Territorial roads, see Roads Territory of Michigan, see Michigan (Ter.) Terry, F. T. Aborigines of Northwest, 6514 Texas, annexation Michigan. Governor: Message trans¬ mitting resolutions of Ohio and Ala¬ bama relative to annexation, 3601 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report in re¬ lation to annexation, 4687 Text-books [Guffin]: Report of hearing on school book legislation, 1999 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: 1st supplementary list of books and prices, 3388 TEXT-BOOKS—Continued List of books and prices, 3400 Revised list of books, 3421, 3422 Second supplementary list of books, 3431 Text-book legislation, 3456 Payne: State uniformity, 5685 Unabridged report of Straight-Pattengill debate on school book legislation, 6613 Thanksgiving Pattengill: Special day exercises, 5672 Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography, 6515 -, M. P. Hundred battles in West, 6516 Thayer, G. W. From Vermont to Lake Superior, 6517 -, S. B. Memorial on subject of establishing chair of homoeopathy in U. of M., 6518 Theatre. Little theatre movement Cheney: Art theatre, 660 Thelan, N. Memorial relative to silk culture, 6519 Theophilus Trent Taylor: T. Trent, 6506 [Thoits, A. T.] Souvenir, Grand Rapids board of trade outing, 6520 Thomas, H. F. Twentieth century history of Allegan co., 6521 -,J. M. Jackson city directory, 6522 Kalamazoo co. directory, 6523 -, S. E., & co. Woodmere cemetery, 6524 Thompson, A. B. In memoriam, 2301 --> C * Ruthven: Herpetology of Mich., 6056 -: Miscellaneous papers on zool- ogv, 6057 -—, D. Remarks on maps from St. Regis to Sault Ste. Marie, 6525 Woodbridge: Memorial for relief against taxes and other burthens in 9th ward, Detroit, 7032 -, E. B. The times that were, 6526 -’ H ’ Ruthven: Herpetology of Mich., 6056 -, H. C. Map of Chippewa co., 7442 _ -p g Chart of Eagle Harbor, 7940, 7970 —-Marquette Bay, 7896 Copper Harbor, 7936 Sailing chart of south shore of Lake Superior, 7918 Sketch of Ontonagon Harbor, 7952 440 INDEX THOMPSON, W. B. Detroit. Mayor: Message, 1226, 1227 -, W. G. Detroit. Mayor: Message, 1216, 1217 -home for old ladies Articles of association and by-laws, 6527, 6528 Thompson’s school, St. Clair Palmer: Mr. Thompson’s school, 5632 Thomson, E. H. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report of com¬ mittee to whom were referred accounts and vouchers of, 4456 -, J- Northern provinces of U. S., 7138 Three Rivers Annual reports, 6529 Board of education Course of study of public schools, 6530 -public works Annual report, 6531 Charter and ordinances, 6532 Michigan. Historical commission: Prize essays, 3803 Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Threshing machines Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Act providing for registration and licensing, 3937 Thrift teaching Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Thrift teaching, 3458 Thrilling narratives from sufferers of late Detroit riot, 6533 Thumb Bad Axe, thumb’s best town, 169 Thunder Bay [Map of] Thunder Bav, by U. S. War dept., 7931, 7932 -Harbor Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 -River Map of drainage basin of Thunder Bay River, 7403 [-] Thunder Bay River basin, by J. F. Nellist, 7402 Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 Thwaites, R. G. Boundaries of Wis., 6534 How G. R. Clark won Northwest, 6535 Leeth: Short biography, 2713 Story of Mackinac, 6536 Tibbits, J. S. Compend on powers and duties of super¬ visors, 6537 Compilation of laws in relation to fees and salaries of public officers, 6538 Tides Whiting: Remarks on supposed tides and periodical rise and fall of North American lakes, 6908 TIFFANY, A. R. Treatise on criminal law of Mich., 6539- 6541 -powers and duties of justices of peace in Mich., 6542-6546 Tillage Fulton: Methods and results, 1776 Timber lands, see Lumbering Times that were Thompson: The times that were, 6526 Tinckham, R. Miscellaneous mss., 8201 Tindall, G. P. Michigan. University: Memorial, 5196 Tinker, A. D. Pearse: Crawfishes, 5686 Tipton, J. C. Tourist and investor, 6547 Tisdale, H. Michigan. State library: Catalogue, 5014 Titchworth, A. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred claim, 4457 Titles, see Tax titles Titus, C. O. Atlas of Allegan co., 7410 Hayes: Atlas of Grand Traverse co., 7457 -:-Isabella co., 7476 -:-Leelanau co., 7508 -:-Mecosta co., 7522 -:-Newaygo co., 7538 -:-Osceola co., 7547 Lake: Atlas of Barry co., 7418 -:-Berrien co., 7425 -:-Branch co., 7428 -:-Cass co., 7437 -:-Clinton co., 7443 -:-St. Joseph co., 7561 -:-Van Buren co., 7572 -, J. H. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Re¬ port of committee to whom was re¬ ferred proposition to lease Central railroad, 4546 • Proposition to lease Central railroad, 6548 Tivy, J. A. Souvenir of the 7th, 6549 Tocqueville, A. C. H. M. C. de De Tocqueville’s voyage en Amerique, 6550 Quinze jours au desert, 6551 Todd, J. Lost sister of Wyoming, 6552 -, R. E. Michigan. Housing commission: Re¬ port, 3811 Toledo, Ann Arbor and north Michigan railway Colton’s map, 8020 INDEX 441 TOLEDO AND SAGINAW BAY RAIL¬ ROAD Map, by G. W. & C. B. Colton & co., 8021 Toledo war Michigan. Commissioners to audit the claims for supporting the supremacy of the laws: Report, 3282 [-. Treasury dept.: Statement of moneys paid for maintaining su¬ premacy of laws], 5158 Way: Facts and historical events, 6819 Wadsworth: Mss., 8177 See also Michigan. Boundaries Tollman, J. L. Petition asking laws be amended to allow overseers of highways to be appointed and appropriations for roads and bridges made at noon on election days, 6553 Tolls Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report on project to levy unequal tolls on com¬ merce through Oswego canal, 4688 Tomatoes Coons: Leaf-spot disease, 819 Fletcher: Pollination, 1707 Levin: Leaf-spot disease, 2730 Taft: Potatoes, kale, squashes, tomatoes, 6471 -: Tomatoes and potatoes, 6487 See also Vegetables Tomlinson, S. A. Michigan. State library. Law dept.: Catalogue, 5052 Toms, R. P. Mss., 8041, 8042, 8057, 8058, 8069, 8071, 8079, 8081, 8083, 8085, 8087, 8089, 8091, 8093, 8095, 8097, 8099, 8103, 8120, 8124, 8192 See also Howard and Toms; Toms and Chase; Toms, Cargill and Chase >-and Chase Mss., 8041, 8095, 8097 -, Cargill and Chase Mss., 8041, 8081, 8087 Tonti, H. de Catherwood: Story of Tonty, 618-620 Topographic atlas sheets, see Quadrangle maps; U. S. Geological survey Torch Lake [Map of] Keweenaw waterway, including Torch Lake, by U. S. War dept., 7933 Tote-road and trail Malloch: Tote-road and trail, 2866 Towar, J. D. Cow peas, soy beans and winter vetch, 6554 Experiments with sugar beets, 6555 Sand lucerne, 6556 Soil tests on upland and muck, 6557 Sugar beet experiments, 6558 Sugar beet investigations, 6559 [Tower, L. W.] Builders of greater Grand Rapids, 6560 TOWER, O. Miscellaneous mss., 8182 Tower Polk & co.: Directory, 5765 Town of Huron, at foot of Lake Huron, 6561 Towns Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Opinion on constitutionality of acts authorizing towns and cities to raise money to aid railroads, 3069 See also Cities; Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee on towns and counties; Michigan. Legislature. Sen¬ ate. Committee on towns and counties Township libraries Michigan. State board of education: Memorial, 4876 -officers’ guide, see Local govern¬ ment -unit system Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Township unit system, 3460 Townships Green: Treatise on, 1983, 1984 Laws Michigan (Ter.) Laws, statutes, etc.: Actes relatifs aux, 5339 - ( - .) - , - , — Township laws, 5348 Maps Colton’s county and township maps of Ill., Wis., Minn., Iowa and Mo., with parts of Ind., Mich., Kan. and Nebr., 7252 - railroad and township map, western states, 7221 -township map of Mich., 7281, 7284 Cram’s railroad and towsnhip map of Mich., 7304 - township and railroad map of Mich., 7313 Farmer’s railroad and township map of Mich., 7249, 7255, 7261, 7267, 7270, 7273, 7276 Hubbard and King: Mss., 8123 Official map of Mich., by Railroad commissioner, 7314 Rand, McNally & co’s. indexed county and township map and shippers’ guide of Mich., 7323, 7324 -,-. indexed map of Mich., 7307 -,-. indexed map and shippers’ guide of Mich., 7335 -,-. map of Mich., 7295 Township map of Lake Superior region, 7401 -Mich., by Ensign, Bridgman and Fanning, 7229 See also Local government Towsley, A. W. Appeal to legislature and people for fair treatment to railroads on question of increased fares, 6562 442 INDEX TRAILING ARBUTUS Belknap: Legend, 339 Tramps Michigan. State library. Legislative reference dept.: Laws relating to vagrancy, 5059, 5060 Transeau, E. N. Bogs and bog flora of Huron River valley, 6563 Transportation Beals: Commercial, industrial and trans¬ portation interests of Detroit, 320 Beers & co.: History of Great Lakes, 334 Benton: Wabash trade route, 346 Dickinson: Railroad property exempt from local taxation, 1506 U. S. Deep waterways commission: Re¬ port, 6661 See also Shipping Trask, A. Brief upon insurance laws of Mich., 6564 Briefs and notes on statutes and decis¬ ions of Mich., 6565 Index of Mich, statutes, 6566 Notes on laws of evidence, 6567 Time, in practice, and index to forms and precedents, 6568 Travel, see Michigan. Description and travel; U. S. Description and travel Traveling libraries Michigan. State board of library com¬ missioners: State aid to libraries, 4951 —-. State library: [History of movement], 5039 -.-: Traveling li¬ braries, 5050 Traverse Bay region Ward: Biological examination of Lake Mich., 6799 Traverse City Annual reports, 6569 Board of education Announcement and course of study, 6570 Proceedings, 6571 Board of trade Grand Traverse fruits and agriculture, 6572 Charter, 6573, 6574 City commission Official proceedings, 6575 Common council Proceedings, 6576 Report of special water supply com¬ mittee, 6577 Directories Polk & co.: Directory, 5763, 5786 History Michigan. Historical commission: Prize essays, 3803 Ladies’ library association Catalogue and constitution and by¬ laws, 6578 Public library Annual report, 6579 Traverse City state hospital, see Michi¬ gan. Traverse City state hospital TRAVERSE REGION Grabau: Stratigraphy of the Traverse group, 1837 [Lane]: Limestones, 2604 The Traverse region, historical and descriptive, 6580 Traverse shores Bates: Along Traverse shores, 242 Travis, B. F. Story of 25th Mich., 6581 Treadwell, S. B. Petition for chair of homoeopathy in university, 6582 Treat, L. L. Protest against passage of preamble and resolutions rectifying amendment abol¬ ishing slavery in U. S., 6583 -bros. Pocket atlas of Lenawee co., 7513 Trees Bailey: Notes on, 181 Beal: Branches of sugar maple and beech as seen in winter, 295 -: Lessons on growing forest trees, 302 -: Why not plant a grove?, 319 Otis: Mich, trees, 5617 Sargent: Crataegus in southern Mich., 6319 See also Arbor day Trent, T. Taylor: T. Trent, 6506 Trenton Polk & co.: Directory, 5787 Trials Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on recommending passage of bill to pro¬ vide trial of offences, 4150 See also Evidence; Witnesses Trichiniasis [Baker]: Trichiniasis in Mich., 198 Trimble, G. Lake pilots’ handbook, 6584 Trine, D. W. Taft: Legislation relating to insects, 6461 [Troop, Mrs. E. W. S.] Blackbird, 6585 Trout Metcalf: Success in propagating Cal. trout, 2959 Trowbridge, C. A. Petition for law authorizing business of banking, 6586 -, C. C. Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay rail¬ road co.: Letter book, 8214 Bank of Michigan: Letter book, 8232 Campbell: Biographical sketch, 566 Cash books, 8543 Check stub-books, 8544, 8545 Communication on behalf of Historical society of Mich., 6587 Detroit and Milwaukee railroad co.: Diary, 8344 -, past and present, 6588 INDEX 443 TROWBRIDGE, C. C.—Continued Expense books, 8546 History of Episcopal church in Mich., 6589 Inventory books, 8547 Land book re Allegan adventure, 8548 Ledger, 8549 Letter books, 8550, 8551 Manhattan banking co.: Account [book], 8457 Mss., 8107-8110, 8113, 8158, 8197 Schedule of lots in Allegan for sale by M. A. Hubbard, 6154 Tributes to his memory, 6590 Trowbridge testimonial, 6591 See also Detroit and Milwaukee railroad: Lansing and Howell plank road co. -, —. —estate Check stub-book, 8552 Inventory book, 8553 Investment ledger, 8554 Journal, 8555 _ L s. Mss., 8188, 8204 “Michigan troops in the Battle of Gettysburg”, 6592 -, M. E. D. History of Baptists in Mich., 6593 Pioneer days, 6594 -, R. E. Mich, contested election, 6595 -, W. P. Michigan. University. Museum of natural history: Catalogue, 5309 -testimonial, 6591 True, G. H. Discussion of farm dairy methods, 6596 -, M. A. Official city guide of Grand Rapids, 6597 -, M. C. [Michigan. Dept, of public instruction]: Preferred list of books, 3417, 3418 Truesdail, W. Detroit. Savings bank vs. W. Truesdail et al, 8334, 8335 Journal, 8556 Ledger, 8557 Trumbull, J. Mss., 8051 Trust companies, see Union trust co. Tucker, J. R. Oration, 6598, 6599 -, W. D. Gratiot co., 6600 Tuberculosis Detroit news: White plague’s work, 1465 Grand Rapids. Board of health and poor commissioners: Survey of 5 years at sanatorium, 1867 [Marshall]: Tuberculosis, 2900-2902 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Five lessons on tuberculosis, 3389 -. State board of health: Great white plague, 4897 -.--: Re- TUBERCULOSIS—Continued -. State sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis: Biennial report, 5105 -. University. University hos¬ pital : Clinic for examination and treatment, 5320 See also Michigan. Anti-tuberculosis association -in cattle Grange: Tuberculosis in cattle, 1971 Hallman: Tuberculin tests, 2021 Tuller, W. H. Hartwick: Oceana co. pioneers and business men, 2069 Tunison, H. C. New distance and indexed map of Mich., 7345 Tunneling Godfrey: Detroit River tunnel, 1820 Tupper, W. S. Address before commercial class of U. of M., 6601 Turner, F. J. Outline studies in history of Northwest, 6602 West as field for historical study, 6603 -, G. International joint commission: Opinion in application of Mich, northern power co. for approval of lease, 2325 -, G. H. Michigan. Adjutant general’s office: Record of service of Mich, volunteers, 2976 - > L Statement before committee on public lands, 6604 -, T. G. Gazetteer of St. Joseph valley, 6605 Turrill, J. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report in case of contested seat, 4056 Tuscola county History, 2172 Map, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7571 - of Saginaw and Tuscola with part of [other] cos., by D. A. Pettibone, 7555 Portrait and biographical record, 5830 Topographical map, by C. A. Davis, 7812 Tustin Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Tuttle, A. H. Michigan. Political science association: Papers and addresses on primary re¬ form, 4794 -, Chas. R. Centennial Northwest, 6606 General history of Mich., 6607 History of Grand Rapids, 6608 Christopher Journal, 8558 J. F. Society of colonial wars. Michigan: Paul Revere of West, 6327 port of survey, 4923 444 INDEX [TUTTLE, S.] Conversations on Mackinaw and Green Bay Indian missions, 6609 Twentieth century club of Detroit Home and school gardening committee Annual report, 6611 Twentieth century club, 6610 Twiss, G. H. Bradley: Journal, 426 Two cent fare Michigan. Governor: Message of Gov. Warner relative to proposed law, 3767 Tyler, E. B. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on privileges and elections: Report in contested case, 4632, 4633 Petition contesting seat of E. B. Pond for 7th district, 6612 Typhoid fever Lyster: Report on typhoid fever among school children of Adrian, 2785 -: Report on limitation and pre¬ vention, 2787 McLaughlin: Sewage pollution of inter¬ state and international waters, 2843 Michigan. State board of health: Con¬ tributions to study of cause, 4888 -.-: Pre¬ vention, 4908 -.-: Spe¬ cial reports relative to communicable and preventable diseases, 4930 -.-: State¬ ment of facts concerning cases, 4932 -.-: Ty¬ phoid fever, 4934 Vaughan: Observations on typhoid fever in Detroit, 6752 Tyron, J. E. Detroit. Firemen’s fund association: Souvenir, 1142 Unabridged report of Straight-Pattengil^ debate on school book legislation, 6613 Underground railroad Coffin: Reminiscences, 726 Under the Oaks Republican party. Michigan: Under the oaks, 5951 Stocking: Under the oaks, 6412 Union City Michigan. State board of health: Con¬ tributions to study of spread of diph¬ theria, 4889 -league of America Michigan. Grand council Abstract of proceedings, 6614 Proceedings, 6615 - mission Sunday school of Detroit, its history, 6616 -Pacific railroad Joy: Mss., 8136 -prisoners of the war association Veteran publishing co.: The veteran, 6761 UNION PUBLISHING Co. Business and professional directory of Kent co., 6617 -trust co. Advantages, 6618 Digest of Michigan laws governing descent and distribution of property, 6619 S. J. Murphy, 6244 Twenty-five years of humanities and benefits, 6620 Union trust co., descent and distribution, 6621 -veterans’ union Detroit tribune: Handbook, 1492 United Spanish war veterans. Dept of Mich. Proceedings of annual encampment, 6622 United States Antiquities Schoolcraft: Archives of aboriginal knowledge, 6159 Army Commissary dept. Detroit Bakehouse accounts, 8560 Ledger of contractor’s agent, 8561 Letter book of J. Henry, 8562 Stock account books, 8563 Ledger for supplies in account with J. O’Hara, 8559 Mackinac Inventory of rations, 8564 Quartermaster’s dept. Palmer: Mss., 8200 Siblev: Mss., 8173, 8175, 8178, 8181, 8183 Attorney. Michigan district Docket of cases, 8565 Letter books, 8566, 8567 Board of commissioners of Indian affairs Report, 6623 Bureau of the census Census of manufactures, 6624 [Census rolls of Michigan Territory], 8568 Special census of population of Ham- tramck, 6627 -High¬ land Park, 6628 -St. Clair Heights, 6629 Thirteenth census with supplement for Mich., 6625 -, statistics for Mich., 6626 -labor statistics U. vS. Dept, of labor: Mich, copper district strike, 6664, 6665 Census, see U. S. Bureau of the census Circuit court Eastern district of Michigan J. W. Mackintosh vs. Flint and Pere Marquette railroad co., 6630 Term docket for Judge Wilkins, 8569 INDEX 445 UNITED STATES—Continued Western district of Michigan Powers: Mich, central vs. P. F. Powers, 5863 .-: Numerous railway com¬ panies vs. P. F. Powers, 5864 Southern division in equity Michigan railroad tax cases, 6631 Circuit and district courts District of Michigan Rules, 6632, 6633 Commission of fish and fisheries Jennings: Rotatoria of U. S., 2401 Congress Act to establish boundary of Ohio and for admission of Mich., 6635 -making grant of alternate sections of lands to Mich, to aid construction of railroads, 6636 Committee on plan of government of western territory Report, 8570 Eulogies on Z. Chandler, 6638 House Beakes: Contested-election case, 293 Committee of elections Mich, election, 6651 -on the judiciary Northern boundary of Ohio and admission of Mich., 6652 -alterations in judicial establishment in Northwest Ter¬ ritory Report on alterations in judicial establishment and on division into 2 governments, 6653 -public lands Mineral lands, sale of, 6654 -rivers and harbors St. Mary’s Falls canal, 6655 —.-River at the falls, 6656, 6657 ■-affairs in the Territory of Michigan Report, 6658 -the territories Lyon: Letters, 2780, 2781 Wayne county. Citizens: Petition, 6825 James McMillan, memorial addresses, 6647 Memorial addresses on life and char¬ acter of Z. Chandler, 6639 — J. L. Chipman, 6644, 6645 — M. H. Ford, 6643 — S. C. Moffatt, 6640, 6641 -F. B. Stockbridge, 6646 -A. S. Williams, 6637 Proceedings on admission of Tennessee so far as regards position of Mich., 6634 UNITED STATES—Continued - upon acceptance of statue of L. Cass, 6642 Russell A. Alger, memorial addresses, 6648 Senate Committee on commerce St. Mary’s River and Hay Lake channel, 6659 -the judiciary Report [on bill to settle and estab¬ lish northern boundary of Ohio], 6660 Russell: Dissatisfaction with sen¬ ate, 6048 Statue of Z. Chandler, 6650 William W. Wedemeyer, memorial addresses, 6649 Courts, see U. S. Circuit court Custom house Detroit Cash book, 8571 Day books, 8572 Impost book, 8573 Journal, 8574 Ledger, 8575 Mackinac • • Journals, 8576 Ledgers, 8577 • ’ Deep waterways commission Report, 6661 Dept, of agriculture Soil survey of Pontiac area, 6662 Whitney: Field operations of bureau of soils, 6912 ■-. — commerce and labor Steamboat inspection service Pilot rules for Great Lakes, 6663 -. — interior. General land office Map of Mich., 7263 State of Mich., 7318, 7346 ——. — labor Mich, copper district strike, 6664, 6665 -. — state Rough sketch of part of Wayne co., 7585 Description and travel Colton’s traveler, 754 Scott: Geographical dictionary, 6191 Stevens: Transcontinental trip in a Ford, 6405 Volney: View of climate and soil of U. S., 6770, 6771 Weld: Reise durch Nord Ameri- kanischen freistaaten, 6853 ., -: Travels through states of North America, 6852 District court District of Michigan Abstract showing number of white inhabitants of Mich., 6666 Western district of Michigan Photographic album, 5732 Engineer dept. General and detail drawings of Poe lock, St. Mary’s Falls canal, 6667 446 INDEX UNITED STATES—Continued . .Manistee Harbor, 6668 Map exhibiting position of several lines connected with Ohio boundary question, 8027 Message from President in relation to survey to ascertain and designate . ? .boundary between Mich, and Wis., 6669 New lock at St. Mary's Falls canal, • .... : 6670 . .: St. Mary’s River at the falls, 6671 State boundarv lines in Great Lakes, .. .-7880 Exploring expeditions Schoolcraft: Narrative of expedition • * ;= through Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, 6174 ---: Summary narrative of expedition to sources of Mississippi, 6182 -: Travels in central por¬ tions of Mississippi valley, 6183 U. S. War dept.: Schoolcraft and Allen —expedition to Northwest Indians, 6698 General hospitals, Detroit Letter book, St. Mary’s, 8579 Prescriptions for sick and wounded at Harper hospital, 8578 Register of discharges, St. Mary’s, 8580 -furloughs at St. Mary’s, •8581 —— 1 -land office General instructions to deputies by surveyor general of U. S. for Ohio, . .Ind. and Mich., 6672 [Map of] Mich., 7296 XL S. Treasury dept.: Report with annual report from commissioner of General land office, 6689 . . . —. -—. -.: Surveys of pub¬ lic lands, 6690 Geological survey Ann Arbor quadrangle, 7756-7759 Calumet special map, 7765 Chesaning quadrangle, 7766 * - Crystal Falls quadrangle, 7767 Detroit folio, by W. H. Sherzer, 7769 -quadrangle, 7768 Dexter quadrangle, 7770 Fowlerville quadrangle, 7774 . .Geological survey of Mich., 7792 Grand Rapids quadrangle, 7775 . ,-Grosspoint quadrangle, 7776 Houghton quadrangle, 7777 Howell quadrangle, 7779, 7780 Iron River quadrangle, 7782 *‘..j Lansing quadrangle, 7784 Map - showing geological formations and contours of rock surface of Southern Peninsula, by A. C. Lane, 7786 . : *-t— ; of surface formation of Northern *.- -Peninsula, by F. Leverett, 7818 UNITED STATES—Continued - Southern Peninsula, by F. Leverett, 7787 Marquette quadrangle, 7788 Mason quadrangle, 7789 Menominee special map, 7791 Milford quadrangle, 7793 Ned Lake sheet, 7795 Pench Lake sheet, 7796 Pontiac quadrangle, 7797 Rochester quadrangle, 7802 Romulus quadrangle, 7803 Sagola quadrangle, 7804 St. Charles quadrangle, 7805 Saline quadrangle, 7806 South Lyon quadrangle, 7807 Three Rivers quadrangle, 7811 Van Hise: Description of Menominee quadrangle, 7790 Wayne quadrangle, 7819 Witbeck quadrangle, 7820 Wyandotte quadrangle, 7821 Ypsilanti quadrangle, 7822 History Burton: [Chronological notes], 8258 Industries Western industries of America, 6869 Infantry Walker: Journal of two campaigns of 4th regiment in Mich, and Ind. territories, 6785 Internal revenue officers Photographic album, 5732 Lake survey Annual report upon survey of northern and northwestern lakes, 6673 [Catalogue of charts], 6674 Jacobsville and vicinity, 7732 Lake Huron, St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair and Detroit River, 6675 Lake Michigan and Green Bay, 6676 L’Anse, including Portage Entry, 7734 See also U. S. War dept. Corps of engineers -office, Detroit Patrick: Work of, 5659 Land [Columbus, pseud.]: Cautionary hints to Congress, 755 Hart: Documents illustrating state land claims and cessions, 2063 [Jackson]: Report on geological and mineralogical survey, 2351 See also Land; Public lands Land office, Detroit Records, 8582 Laws, statutes, etc. Michigan. Attorney general’s office: Laws granting lands to Mich, for roads, railroads, harbors and other purposes, 3065 Manufactures Western industries of America, 6869 Marshal. Michigan Account book for U. S. causes in circuit and district courts, 8583 INDEX 447 UNITED STATES—Continued Eastern district Account book for causes in bank¬ ruptcy, 8584 Cash book, 8585 Docket of causes for service of writs, 8586 -com¬ missioners’ warrants, 8587 Letter books, 8588 Huron and Detroit district Account with W. McD. Scott, 8589 Military affairs Rogers: National reserve for exigency of war, 6006 National park service Report on proposed Sand dunes na¬ tional park, 6677 Office of Indian affairs Circular, 6678 Schoolcraft: Archives of aboriginal knowledge, 6159 Politics and government Tappan: Message to law congress of U. of M., 6501 Postoffice dept. Map of Allegan co., 7411 -Barry co.,7420 -Bay co;, 7422 -Berrien co., 7426 -Branch co., 7429 -Calhoun co., 7435 —-Cass co., 7439 -Charlevoix co., 7441 -— Clinton co., 7444 [-] Eaton co., 7451 -Genesee co., 7454 -Gratiot co., 7460 [-] Hillsdale co., 7463 -Huron co., 7466 [-] Ingham co., 7469 -Ionia co., 7474 -Isabella co., 7477 -Jackson co., 7483 -Kalamazoo co., 7488 -Kent co., 7499 [-] Lapeer co., 7507 -Lenawee co., 7514 -Livingston co., 7516 -Macomb co., 7518 f-] Mecosta co., 7523 -Midland co., 7526 -Monroe co., 7531 -Montcalm co., 7533 -Muskegon co., 7537 -Newaygo co., 7540 -Oakland co., 7542 •-Oceana co., 7544 -Saginaw co., 7553 -St. Clair co., 7558 -St. Joseph co., 7563 -Sanilac co., 7567 [--] Shiawassee co., 7569 -Tuscola co., 7571 -Van Buren co., 7573 UNITED STATES—Continued -Washtenaw co., 7582 -Wayne co., 7598 Post route map of Mich, and Wis., 7366, 7272, 7301, 7308, 7336, 7349, 7350, 7356, 7361 -— Ohio and 'Inch, with parts of Pa., Mich., Ill., Ky. and W. Va., by W. L. Nicholson, 7302 vScheme of city distribution for use in Detroit, 6679 -— Grand Rapids, 6680 President Commission to S. Sibley as member of legislative council of Northwest Territory, 8591 Message transmitting report from gov¬ ernor and judge of Mich. Territory relating to state of territory, 6681 - in relation to boundary line between Ohio and Mich., 6682 -- "— admission of Mich., 6683 - — - — removal of Chippewa Indians from mineral lands of Lake Superior, 6684 - to 1st sess., 31st Congress, 6685 Public lands, see U. S. Land Railway mail service Scheme of Mich., 6686 Roads Map of road from Ohio to Detroit, by J. Farmer, 8022 -Detroit to Fort Gratiot as surveyed by H. Parker, 8023 Secretary of state Passport to G. Duffield, 8592 Steamer inspectors’ certificates Campau family: Mss., 8072 Superintendent of Indian affairs. Michi¬ gan Annual report, 6687 Record book of licenses to traders, 8590 Surveyor general’s office Diagram of Mich, showing districts surveyed, 7209 for subdivisions, 7212 Sketch of Mich, showing districts em¬ braced in contracts for township lines, 7213 -of public surveys in Mich., 7214, 7218, 7223, 7236 Treasury dept. Explanations of maps accompanying report from Secretary of treasury Jan. 18, 1841, no. 2, Michigan, 7196 Letter transmitting statement of lands sold northwest of Ohio River, 6688 Report with annual report from com¬ missioner of General land office, 6689 Surveys of public lands, 6690 448 INDEX UNITED STATES—Continued War dept. Boundary, Ohio and Mich., 6691 Corps of engineers Agate Harbor, 7935 Beaver Island group, 7871 Chart of Detroit River, 7964, 7965, 7968 - ;—Grand Island and its ap¬ proaches, 7873 --inland route of. navigation, 7906 — 1 -Lake St. Clair, 7914 -Lake Superior, 7923 -Little Bay de Noc, 7895 -Maumee Bay, 7897 --Marquette and Presque Isle harbors, 7947 — 1 -Menominee Harbor, 7948 ;—-St. Clair flats, 8034 ■---.-River, 7984 -St. Mary’s River, 7991-7995 Cheneaux Islands, 7875 Coast chart no. 1, north end of Green Bay, 7883 -. -, south end of Lake Superior, 7893 --. 2, Lake Huron, 7890 -. 3, Lake Huron, 7892 -. -, Lake Superior, 7924 -. 4, Lake Superior, 7928 -•. 5, Lake Mich., 7904 -. -, Lake Superior, 7930 -. 6, Lake Mich., 7902 -. -, west end of Lake Superior, 7929 -. 8, Lake Mich., 7908 -. -, Lake Superior, 7927 Eagle Harbor, 7941 Entrance to Green Bay, 7884 General chart of Lake Huron, 7888, 7889, 7891 ———-Lake Mich., 7905 -Lake Superior, 7925 Harbor at Grand Haven, 7942 Harbors of refuge, Presq’ile, False Presq’ile and Middle Island, 7954- 7956 Huron Bay and Huron Island, 7885, 7886 Keweenaw Bay, 7894 - waterway, including Torch Lake, 7933 Lake Superior chart no. 2, 7922 Lime kiln crossing, Detroit River, 7966 Lower Detroit River, 7967 Manistee Harbor, 7944 Manistique Harbor, 7945 Mahitou passage, Lake Mich., 7907 UNITED STATES—Continued Mouth of Saginaw River, 7981 Munising Harbor, 7949 Muskegon Harbor, 7950 North east end of Lake Mich., 7899 North end of Green Bay, 7881 -of Lake Mich., 7898, 7900, 7903 Pine Lake, 7910 Preliminary chart of Agate Harbor, 7934 -Copper Har¬ bor, 7937 -Eagle Harbor, 7938, 7939 -Eagle River, 7969 -Marquette Har¬ bor, 7946 -Ontanagon [On¬ tonagon?] Harbor, 7951 -lower reach of Saginaw River, 7979, 7980 -Tawas Harbor, 7958 Portage Lake, 7912 -River, 7978 Saginaw Bay, 7913 St. Clair River, 7985 St. Joseph and Benton Harbor, 7957 South end of Green Bay, 7882 -Lake Huron and head of St. Clair River, 7887 Straits of Mackinac, 7975-7977 Thunder Bay, 7931, 7932 West end of Lake Erie and Detroit River, 7878 Felch: Mss., 8153 Letter transmitting report on prelimi¬ nary examination of Port Huron Harbor, 6692 -information in re¬ lation to superintendency of Indian affairs in Michigan Territory, 6693 -report of survey of La Plaisance Bay Harbor, 6694 Map of part of mineral lands adjacent to Lake Superior, 7859 Mineral lands on Lake Superior, 6695 Report relative to certain fortification for defence of Detroit, 6696 -of chief topographical engineer, 6697 Schoolcraft and Allen—expedition to Northwest Indians, 6698 Sketch of navigation through East Mebish Rapids, River St. Mary, 7989 Survey of Grand River, 6699 Stockton: Report communicating re¬ port of superintendent of mineral lands on Lake Superior, 6415 Weather bureau River and flood service along Grand River, 7972 -Saginaw River, 7982 INDEX 449 UNI VERS ALIST CONVENTION OF MICHIGAN Constitution and by-laws, 6700 University, The, 6705 ■-castalia, 6706 --chronicle, 6707 •-homoeopathic observer, 6708 --lands Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Communication relative to, 3367, 3368 Report in relation to, 3420 -. Governor: Message [return¬ ing without signature act for relief of settlers on], 3607 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report in re¬ gard to reduction of minimum price, 4158 -. - 1 —. -. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred petitions in behalf of settlers, 4326 - > _ Senate. Com¬ mittee on public lands: Report rela¬ tive to sale of university land, 4589 — 1 — -:-: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred resolution to inquire into expediency of reducing price, 4590 -. -. -. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Documents in relation to certain university and state lands, 4676 -. -. -. Select committee: Report on modification and reduction of price, 4725 -: Report of committee to whom was referred memorial for re¬ dress of grievances from location of university lands upon Niles reserve, 4749 -. State land office: Communi¬ cation relative to sales, 4999 [-.-: Statement of number of university and school lands sold], 5005 ■-. University. Board of regents. Executive committee: Communica¬ tion [in accordance with resolution requesting opinion on whether interest of university will be promoted by re¬ duction of price], 5246 See also Land; Michigan. Legislature. House. Committee for appraisal of university and state building lands; Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on university and school lands; Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on university, school and state lands; School lands 57 UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT Axford: Mich, law of conveyancing, 166 Catalogue, 6701 Doran: Brief sketch, 8346 Law school Bulletin, 6704 Magazine, the tamarack, 6702 Prospectus of college of arts and sciences, 6703 -Michigan, see Michigan. Uni¬ versity -athletic annual, 6709 -bulletin of informa¬ tion addressed to legislature and people, 6710, 6711 -club Marx: Address before, 2915 -of Detroit By-laws, 6712 ---, New York U. of M. club, 6713 -gothamite, 6714 -newsletter, 6715 -palladium, 6716 - question, nature of its govern¬ ment, 6717 -record, 6718 -school of Music [Announcement], 6719 Calendar, 6720 Personal sketches of members of faculty, 6721 Uno Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Upper Peninsula Allen: Contributions to Pre-Cambrian geology of northern Mich, and Wis., 55 Asylum for the insane, see Michigan. Newberry state hospital Branch of state prison, see Michigan. State house of correction and branch of state prison in Upper Peninsula Brooks: Iron-bearing rocks of, 449, 450 Campbell: Address on climate, soil, re¬ sources, development, commerce and future of, 561 Development bureau Dairying in Upper Peninsula, 6722 Diversified farming in Upper Penin¬ sula, 6723 Homes and farms, 6724 Llome sweet home, 6725 Manufactures and water-power, 6726 Seven million fertile acres, 6727 Upper Peninsula of Mich, fruit, 6728 Educational association Bureau of research Report, 6729 Library section Program, 6730 Ely: Memorial in relation to railroad interests of, 1600 Geismar: Corn production in, 1792 450 INDEX UPPER PENINSULA—Continued -: Grasshoppers and their con¬ trol, 1793 Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad co.: Mackinac, 1940 History of silver mines in Iron River dis¬ trict, 2152 History, 2173 Hulbert: Calumet conglomerate, 2260, 2261 Maps and atlases Brooks: Atlas accompanying report on iron-bearing rocks, 7814 Colton’s Lake Superior and Upper Peninsula, 7921 Geological map of dist. of township lines, by W. A. Burt, 7813 - survey atlas accompanying reports on, 7817 Map, by Mich, geological survey, 7815 -, — central portion, by Mich. geological survey, 7816 -, — Northern Peninsula, 7404 -, — original vegetation, by Geo¬ logical survey, 7406 -, —■ surface formation, by F. Leverett, 7818 [-showing mail routes in], 8024 Tackabury’s new .sectional map, 7405 Upper Peninsula [showing state lands], • by J. F. Nellist, 7867 Memorial record, 2948 Michigan. Geological survey: Reports, 3573 -. - -: Upper Peninsula, 3576 -. Laws, statutes, etc.: Com¬ pilation in reference to land grant rail¬ roads, 3923 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on mines and minerals: Report relative to specific taxes, 4191 -. -. -. Special committee: Report relative to bill granting swamp lands to counties, 4381 Powers: History of northern Mich., 5862 Pumpelly: Copper district of, 5894 Ralph: Along bowstring or south shore of Lake Superior, 5909, 5910 -: Lake Superior along south shore, 5907, 5908 Rezek: History of Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie and Marquette, 5866 Rominger: Palaeozoic rocks, 6016 St. John: True description of Lake Su¬ perior country, 6115 St. Mary’s canal mineral land co.: Re¬ ports upon value of co’s. lands in iron region, 6125 Sawyer: History of Northern Peninsula, 6146 [Singleton]: Pleasure parties in North¬ west, 6247 Smith: Sugar beets in, 6289 Souvenir of copper country, 6347 Stuart: Verdict for Mich., 6435 UPPER PENINSULA—Continued Substation, see Michigan. Agricultural college. Experiment station Swineford: Annual review of iron mining and other industries, 6446 -: Appendix to history of Lake Superior iron district, 6450 -: History and review of copper, iron, silver, slate and other interests of south shore of Lake Superior, 6447 -: History of Lake Superior iron district, 6449 Tipton: Tourist and investor, 6547 Winchell: Economic geology of region of Cheboygan and old Mackinac, 6992 Usury laws Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on finance: Report relative to usury laws, 4506, 4507 -. -.-. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tions for stringent law, 4576 Utley, H. M. Class of sixty-one, U. of M., 6731 Fur trade in development of Northwest, 6732 Mich, as province, territory, and state, 6733 [Stuart]: Review of Mich, as province, territory and state,- 6434 -, W. H. [Ross]: Letter to moderator and mem¬ bers of Stanton, Mich., council in case of, 6027 Van Arsdale, A. Mss., 8057 Van Buren, A. D. P. Michigan in her pioneer politics, 6734 Van Buren County Citizens Proceedings of meeting at Paw Paw, 6735 Farm journal directory, 1650 History, 2150 Lake: Atlas, 7572 Map, by Geil, Harley & Siverd, 7440 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7574 Portrait and biographical record, 5838 Rowland: History, 6041 Van der Meulen, C. Van Raalte: De toestand der Hol- landsche kolonisatie in Mich., 6748 Vanderpoel, A. [Speech on bill to admit Mich, into union], 6736 Van Dyke, J. A. Argument in railroad conspiracy case, 6737 Detroit. Fire dept.: Memorial, 1137 Memorial asking legislature not to con¬ demn franchise of Mich, central rail¬ road co., 6738 INDEX 451 VAN DYKE, J. A.—Continued See also Van Dyke and Emmons; Van Dyke and Harrington; Van Dyke, Emmons and Sheldon -, P. J. D., see Van Dyke and Mc¬ Neil -and Emmons Claim book, 8593 Journal, 8594 Letter books, 8595 Mss., 8041, 8043, 8057, 8068, 8073, 8078, 8080, 8082, 8084, 8086, 8090, 8094, 8096 -and Harrington Mss., 8041, 8068, 8073, 8078, 8096 -, Emmons and Sheldon Mss., 8068, 8096 -and McNeil Ledger, 8596 Van Fleet, J. A. Old and new Mackinac, 6739-6741 Summer resorts of Mackinaw region, 6742 Van Fossen, J. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on claims: Report in relation to claim, 4458 -. -. -. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred petition and claim, 4747 -: Report on claim, 4748 Van Hise, C. R. Bayley: Menominee iron-bearing dis¬ trict, 290 Description of Menominee quadrangle, 7790 Geology of Lake Superior region, 6743 Irving: Penokee iron-bearing series, 2342-2343 Marquette iron-bearing district, 6745 Menominee special folio, 6746 Preliminary report of Marqqette iron¬ bearing district, 6744 Van Husan, C. Check stub-books, 8597, 8598 Letter book, 8599 -, —., estate Letter book, 8600 Van’s Harbor Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Van Leuven Browne national magazine, 6747 Van Raalte, A. C. De toestand der Hollandsche kolonisatie in Mich., 6748 Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion for aid in construction of harbor in Ottawa co., 4690 Van Schelven, G. “Centennial’', 6749 Van Syckle, R. E. Sons of the American revolution. Michi¬ gan society: Year book, 6338 58 VARNUM, J. M. Oration at Marietta July 4, 1788, 6750 Vattemare, A. [Letters relative to receipt and distribu¬ tion of books, documents, etc.], 6751 [Michigan. Governor: Communication transmitting two communications from], 3642 -. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report relative to plan for international literary ex¬ change, 4019, 4020 Vaudreuil de Cavagnal, P. F. de Rigaud, Marquis de Miskouaki: Indian affairs around De¬ troit in 1706, 5459 Vaughan, C. C. Michigan. Adjutant general’s office: Record of service, index, 2977 -. Constitution: Constitution, 3313 -. Dept, of state: Digest of motor vehicle laws, 3499 --. -.-: Instructions to applicants for motor cycle registra¬ tion, 3502 -. -.-: List of state officers, 3508 -. -.-: Motor vehicle licenses, 3516, 3517 -, H. F. Observations on typhoid fever in Detroit, 6752 -, V. C. Contributions to medical research, 778 Healthy homes and foods for working classes, 6753 Michigan alumnus, vol. VIII, 5362 -. State board of health: Model diet tables, 4901 - 1 -. University: Memorial dis¬ courses on C. L. Ford, 5195 Mouth conditions and their relations to public health, 6754 Vaugondy, Sr. R. de Amerique septentrionale, 7089 Carte des pays sous nom Canada, 7090 Partie de l’Amerique septentrionale, 7096 Vegetables Bailey: Notes, 181 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to sale of fresh fruits and vegetables, 3868 Taft: Notes on, 6466 -: Potatoes, vegetable tests, 6473 -: Variety tests, 6488 -: Vegetables and bush fruits, 6489 -: Vegetable novelties, 6490 -: Vegetable tests, 6491 -: Vegetables, comparative tests, 6492 -: Vegetables, old and new, 6493 -: Vegetables, varieties and methods, 6494 See also names of 452 INDEX VENTILATION Sample: Ventilation, 6136 Vermont Governor [Communication enclosing copy of resolution relating to extending franking privilege to governors of states], 6755 [Communication transmitting] reso¬ lutions of Vermont relative to slavery, &c., 6756 Legislature Michigan. Governor: Special mes¬ sage [transmitting copy of resolu¬ tions], 3617 Vermontville Barber: Vermontville colony, 217 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report upon petition of citizens, 4151 Versteeg, D. De Pelgrim—vaders van het Westen, 6757 Verwyst, C. Life and labors of Rt. Rev. F. Baraga, 6758 Missionary labors of Fathers Marquette, Menard and Allouez, 6759 Very funny, not :oo funny, just funny enough, 6760 Vessels, see Steamships Vetch Towar: Cow peas, soy beans and winter vetch, 6554 See also Hairy vetch Veteran publishing co. The veteran, 6761 Veterans of the war with Mexico. Michigan association Proceedings of annual meeting, 6762 Veterinary board, see Michigan. State veterinary board -dentistry Detroit veterinary dental college: Illus¬ trated lectures, 1497 - medical association, see Michi¬ gan. State veterinary medical association -medicine Michigan. Live stock sanitary com¬ mission: Biennia] report, 4767 Veto Michigan. State library. Legislative reference dept.: Local, special and private legislation, 5065 Vicksburg Ladies’ library Catalogue, 6763 [Viger, H. A.] Quelques notes sur Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, 6764 Vigneau, J. J. Souvenir program, bi-centennary of founding of Detroit, 6765 Village of Wyandotte, 6766 VILLAGES Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Laws relating to incorporation and general powers, 3939 See also Cities; Municipal government; Towns Vincent, S. Norton: Strong Vincent and his brigade at Gettysburg, 5572 Vinegar [Marshall]: Vinegar, 2903 Vineyards, see Orchards and vineyards Vinton, S. F. Lyon: Letters to L. Williams, 2781 Virginia General assembly Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Spe¬ cial committee: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred reso¬ lutions of, 4760 Public lands Jackson: Is Virginia entitled to com¬ pensation for cession of Northwest Territory, 2352 Visit of American institute of mining engi¬ neers to Lake Superior copper mines, 6767 Vital statistics, see Michigan. Statistics, vital Vivian, J. Remonstrance of citizens of Keweenaw county against organization of new townships in county, 6768 [Vliet, Mrs. M. A. W.] * History of early life and business interests of Leslie, 6769 Vocational training Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Industrial and vocational training, 3392 Warriner: Industrial and vocational training, 6806 See also Education; Manual training Volney, C. F. C., Comte de View of climate and soil of U. S., 6770, 6771 Von Hoeffern, Lady A. O’Brien: Two early missionaries to Indians, 5582 Voters, see Suffrage Voyages and travel, see Michigan. De¬ scription and travel; U. S. Description and travel “W. H. T.” In memoriam, Mrs. Sophia Truax Slocum, 6772 Wabash and Erie canal Benton: Wabash trade route in develop¬ ment of Northwest, 346 INDEX 453 WADSWORTH, M. E. Michigan. College of mines: Annual re¬ port of directory, 3248 -.-: Report of president, 3253 -. Geological survey: Report, 3570 On relation of “Keweenawan series” to eastern sandstone in vicinity of Torch Lake, 6773 Origin and mode of occurrence of Lake vSuperior copper-deposits, 6774 Paper on Mich, mining school, 6775 Ralph: Along bowstring or south shore of Lake Superior, 5909, 5910 -: Lake Superior along south shore, 5907 South trap range of Keweenawan series, 6776 -, Wm. and Wedworth Mss., 8177 Wages Michigan. Commission of inquiry on minimum wage legislation for women: Report, 3262 See also Labor and laboring classes Wagner, F. Mich, university song book, 6777 -- & co. Mich, on gridiron, 6778 Waid, C. W. Hints on home gardening, 6779 Home vegetable garden, 6780 Potato growing, 6781 Standardization and group classification of potato varieties, 6782 Suggestions for growing potatoes, 6783 Waldo, D. B. Sketch of origin, establishment and work¬ ings of national banking system, 6784 Walin, C. C. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred memorial for re¬ dress of grievances from location of university lands upon Niles reserve, 4749 Walker, A. Journal of 2 campaigns of 4th regt. U. S. infantry in Mich, and Indiana ter¬ ritories, 6785 - » B * Adams: Ecological survey in northern Mich., for paper by, 6 Illustrated catalogue of mollusca of Mich., 6786 Lane: Geological report on Huron county, 2599 -, C. I. Beard’s directory and history of Mar¬ quette co., 322 Northwest during revolution, 6787, 6788 WALKER, E. C. Michigan. State teachers’ association: Memorial, 5110 Opening lecture before Y. M. C. A. of Detroit, 6789 -, H. N., see Bates, Walker, and Douglass -, James B. Experiences of pioneer life in early settle¬ ments and cities of West, 6790 Remarks on announcement of death of Hon. E. Everett, 6791 -, Jonathan Harford: Short sketch of life and services, 2040 -, Judson E. Campaigns of General Custer in North¬ west, 6792 -, Timothy Two letters addressed to Gen. W. Hull on conduct in surrender of Detroit, 6793 -, Toll Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion for act to authorize W. F. Wolcott to convey land, 4152 -, Watson, F. Vaughan: Observations on typhoid fever in Detroit, 6752 -, William B. McDowell: Farming on cut-over lands, 2828 Walling, H. F. Atlas of Mich., 7278 Tackabury’s atlas of Mich., 7312 Walloon Lake association Picturesque Walloon, 6794 Walnut Lake Hankinson: Biological survey, 2035 Walter, E. L. Bourland: Walter library, 408 Michigan. University: Memorial dis¬ courses, Address on, 5194 -, F. K. Care of school libraries, 6795 Walton, G. M. Michigan. State normal college. Li¬ brary: Public school libraries, 5083 Walton Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Wanty, G. P. In memoriam, 2308 War, see American revolution; Black Hawk war; Civil war; French and Indian war; Great war; Mexican war; Michigan. Adjutant general’s office; Michigan. Militia; Michigan. Quartermaster gen¬ eral’s office; Michigan. Soldiers’ home; Patriotic war; Spanish-American war; Toledo war; War of 1812 454 INDEX WAR OF 1812 Brown: Views on Lake Erie, 471 Campbell: Revolutionary services and civil life of Gen. W. Hull, 572 Canada. Archives: Documents, 575 Cook: Six month among Indians, 803 Crowley: Love thrives in war, 871 Dudley: Battle and massacre of French- town, 1553 Hatch: Chapter of history, 2085 Hull: Memoirs, 2264 Jackson: Life of W. H. Harrison, 2353 [Kaler]: At siege of Detroit, 2462 Life of Gen. L. Cass, 2740 Lossing: Mss., 8195 -: [Papers representing material used], 8445 Lucas: Journal, 2776, 2777 [McAfee]: History of late war, 2791 Maps Correct map of seat of war, by S. Lewis, 7133 Map of seat of war, by J. Melish, 7132 New map of seat of war, by S. Lewis, 7135 New improved map of seat of w T ar, by W. McCarty, 7134 Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Perry memorial, 3412 - (Ter.) Legislative council: Memorial praying claims for property lost or destroyed may be paid, 5354 Miscellaneous mss., 8180, 8182 Richardson: War of 1812, 5973, 5974 Sibley: Mss., 8173 Slocum: Ohio country between 1783 and 1815, 6258 Sons of the American revolution. Dis¬ trict of Columbia society: Battle fields of Maumee valley, 6334 Walker: Journal of two campaigns of 4th regt. U. S. infantry in Mich, and Indiana territories, 6785 Western Reserve historical society: Bat¬ tle of French Town, 6880 Whittlesey: Gen. Wadsworth’s division, War of 1812, 6917 Williams: Two western campaigns in War of 1812-13, 6957 Woodbridge: Mss., 8051 See also Interstate board of Perry’s vic¬ tory centennial commissioners Warblers Wood: Discovery of breeding area of Kirtland’s warbler, 7020 War bounties, see Civil war Ward, C. R. Memorial of, 2942 -, D. Autobiography, 6796 -, E. B. Mss., 8203 Protection vs. free trade, 6797 Reasons why Northwest should have protective tariff, 6798 WARD, H. B. Biological examination of Lake Mich., 6799 -, J- Mss., 8134, 8137, 8144, 8146 See also Ward and Palmer -and Palmer Mss., 8134, 8137, 8145, 8146 See also Ward, J. -bros. Souvenir of Detroit, 6350 -Grand Rapids, 6355 Ware, W. H. Centennial history of Cheboygan co., 6800 Warfield, L. Facts concerning proposed elevated ter¬ minal railroad, 6801 [Warner, C. F.] Picturesque Detroit and environs, 6802, 6803 -, E. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report in con¬ tested election ease of Harvey vs. Warner, 4042, 4043 --, F. M. Michigan. Board of prison industries: Report, 3215 -. Governor: [Messages], 3764- 3771 Nomination of candidates by direct vote, 6804 U. S. Bureau of the census: Census of manufactures, 6624 Warren, F. H. Michigan. Freedmen’s progress com¬ mission: Mich, manual, 3550 J- Michigan. State teachers’ association: Memorial, 5110 Warriner, E. C. All-day trades school, 6805 Industrial and vocational training, 6806 Warthin, A. S. Michigan. University. Pathological labo¬ ratory: Contributions, 5311 Organization of state anti-tuberculosis association, 6807 Peter White gift to medical library, U. of M., 6808 [Washburn, W. S.] Detroit, 6809 Washington. Capitol. Statuary hall U. S. 50th Cong., 2d sess.: Proceedings upon acceptance of statue of L. Cass, 6642 —. —. 63rd Cong., 1st sess.: Statue of Z. Chandler, 6650 Washington mine Map by Mich, geological survey, 7844 Washtenaw, Bank of Statement of affairs, 6381 INDEX 455 WASHTENAW COUNTY Bar association Proceedings at banquet in honor of A. Felch, 6810 Beakes: Past and present of, 294 Board of supervisors Proceedings, 6811 Commissioner of schools Manual, 6812 Dickson & co’s. township and sectional pocket map of Washtenaw co., 1507 Everts & Stewart: Combination atlas map, 7579 History, 2174 Map, by State geologist, 7575 -, by G. R. Bechler and E. Wenig, 7577 7578 -, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7582 -of counties of Washtenaw and Lenawee, by G. R. Bechler & E. Wenig, 7584 Medical society Banquet, 132 Ogle & co.: Standard atlas, 7580, 7583 Polk & co.: Directory, 5759 Portrait and biographical album, 5850 Pray: Washtenaw co. directory, 5866 Teachers’ institute Catalogue, 6813 Washtenaw co., by S. Pettibone, 7576 Wayne and parts of Washtenaw, Oak¬ land and Macomb counties, by H. P. Strong, 7602 Wendell directory co.: Washtenaw co. directory, 6861 Winchell: Geology of Washtenaw co., 6973 Water Kedzie: Influence of sawdust on potable and culinary water, 2477 Waterbury and Emery Map of Lansing, 7737 Waterman, G. A. Hog cholera, 6814 -, J. W. Mss., 8133 Water, Pollution of International joint commission: Hear¬ ings in re remedies for pollution of boundary waters, 2321 -: Polution of boundary waters, 2326 McLaughlin: Sewage pollution of inter¬ state and international waters, 2843 -power Horton: Available water power, 2207 International joint commission: In mat¬ ter of application for approval of methods and plans for diversion of waters of St. Mary’s River, 2322 ■-: In matter of application for obstruction, diver¬ sion and use of waters of St. Mary’s River, 2323 - ; Mich. northern power co., proceedings, 2324 WATER POWER—Continued -waterways commission: Re¬ port, 2330 Michigan. Legislature. House. Special committee: Water power in Mich., 4383 Upper Peninsula development bureau: Manufactures and water power, 6726 Woodruff: Water power bill, 7034 -proofing Godfrey: Detroit river tunnel, 1820 -supply Hazelwood: Water and water-supply in Mich., 2090 Horton: Deforestation, drainage and tillage w r ith special reference to effect on Mich, streams, 2208 Kedzie: Report on water-supply of Mich., 2484 Lane: Water resources of Lower Penin¬ sula, 2610 Leverett: Flowing wells, 2723, 2724 -: Symposium on, 2729 Long: Present and future water-supply of Ionia, 2760 Michigan. Geological survey: Report, 3571 -. State board of health: Water- supply of localities, 4935 Smith: Influence of sewerage and water- supply on death-rate in cities, 6296 -, underground Fuller: Failure of wells along lower Huron River, 1775 Waterways U. S. Deep waterways commission: Re¬ port, 6661 -convention Sault Ste. Marie canal and Hay Lake Channel, 6817 Water-way tales, 6815, 6816 Watkins, L. W. Mich, birds that nest in open meadows, 6818 Watson, E. Life and thrilling incidents, 2738 - 1 G - County, railroad and distance map Mich., 7285 -:> J- c - . . Michigan. University: Memorial dresses at funeral of, 5197 of ad- Watts family DePeyster: Miscellanies, 949 Waubun Kinzie: Waubun, 2539-2541 Waverly [Map], by F. E. Skeels, 7753 Way, W. V. Facts and historical events of Toledo war, 6819 Wayne’s campaign, 1794 Wilson: Peace of Mad Anthony, 6964 -: Treaty of Greenville, 6965 456 INDEX WAYNE COUNTY Antiquities Russell: Prehistoric discoveries, 6054 Asylum Keenan: History of Eloise, 2488 Atlases Belden & co.: Illustrated historical atlas, 7589 Sauer: Detailed official atlas, 7592 -: Detailed atlas, 7597 Bible society Record books, 8601 Biographies Wayne county. Historical and pioneer society: Chronology of notable events, 6830 See also Wayne county. History Board of canvassers Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on elections: Report of com¬ mittee to whom was referred state¬ ment of, 4058 • -county auditors Report, 6820 Wayne co. official directory, 6836 • -road commissioners Annual report, 6821 Road map of Wayne co., 7599 • -supervisors Proceedings of annual meeting, 6822 -special meeting, 6823 Quinquennial meeting, 6824 Circuit court Post: Scrapbook of reports, 8518 Citizens Petition, 6825 Clerk Marriage affidavits, 8602 Coroners Report, 6826 County school commissioner Public schools, 6827 Court Godfroy family: Mss., 8049 Williams: Mss., 8038 -of domestic relations [Lacy]: Observations, 2581 - house Detroit. Bar association: New Wayne co. court house, 977 Detroit. Mayor, recorder and aldermen: Petition against division, 1228 Directories Wayne co. business directory, 6835 -official directory and manual, 6836 Drainage commissioner Annual report, 6828 Elections Johnson: Mss., 8115 Williams: Mss., 8156 See also Wayne county. Politics and government WAYNE COUNTY—Continued Geology [Hubbard]: Geological survey, 2244 Sherzer: Geological report on Wayne co., 6234 Grand jurors Presentment to circuit court, relative to house of refuge, 6829 Hamtramck township Trowbridge: Mss., 8158 Historical and pioneer society Chronology of notable events, 6830 Souvenir of Cadillac day, 6831 History Compendium, 759 Farmer: History of Detroit and Mich., 1662-1664 Ross: Landmarks, 6032 Wayne county. Citizens: Petition, 6825 See also Wayne county. Politics and government Indiana (Ter.) Governor: Proclama¬ tion for organization, 8429 Justice of the peace Docket of causes, 8603, 8604 Maps General map, by W. C. Sauer, 7591 Map, by J. Farmer, 7587 -, by S. Farmer & co., 7590, 7595, 7596' -, by Geil and Jones, 7588 -, by W. Hancock, 7586 -, by W. C. Sauer, 7593, 7594 -, by U. S. Postoffice dept., 7598 -of west half, 7600 Road map, by County road commis¬ sioner, 7599 Rough sketch, by W. Tatham, 7585 Wayne co. and part of Oakland and Macomb, by S. Farmer & co., 7601 -and parts of Washtenaw, Oakland and Macomb counties, by H. P. Strong, 7602 Medical society Record book, 8605 Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on bill and report relative to collection of taxes in, 4148 -: Report re¬ specting publication of tax list for, 4149 ---: Report on petition for increase of masters in chancery, 4577 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report on resolution in relation to constitu¬ tionality of mode of appointing pre¬ siding judge of criminal court, 4578 -. -. -. Select committee: Report of committee to whom was referred so much of auditor general’s report as relates to, 4750, 4751 INDEX 457 WAYNE COUNTY—Continued Northwest Territory County tax, 8606 Docket of causes, 8607 Politics and government Government of Detroit and Wayne co., 1834 McCracken: Laws in force in county of Wayne, 2807, 2808 -: Manual of Wayne co. affairs, embracing county govern¬ ment, finances, courts, etc., 2810 Michigan. Legislature. House. Special committee: Majority report on contested election seats, 4382 Wayne co. Republican club, 6832 -voter’s guide, 6838 Poor house Michigan. Legislature. House. Select • committee: Report relative to change, 4361 Public schools Wayne county. County school com¬ missioner: Public schools, 6827 Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Records Felch: Mss., 8153, 8154 Wayne co. records, 8135 Republican club, an organization with work to perform, 6832 Roads Portland cement association: Con¬ crete roads of Wayne co., 5824 Sargent: Proclamation for organization of, 8534 Savings bank [Report], 6837 Sheriffs Wayne co. records, 8135 Superintendents of poor Annual report, 6833 Taxes Godfroy family: Mss., 8049 Treasurer Report, 6834 Weadock, T. A. E. Catholic priest in Congress, 6839 Weare & Little & co. Maps of mineral region of Lake Superior, 7838 Weather service dept. [Conger]: Report, 765, 766 Webber, W. L. Argument on behalf of Flint and Pere Marquette railroad, 6840 Hoyt public library: Trust deed, 2239 Indian cession of 1819, 6841 Labor in relation to production of wealth, 6842 Michigan. Political science association: City government, 4792 Relations of corporations to state, 6843 State and its railroads, 6844 Swamp lands, 6845 WEBSTER, H. J. History of Democratic party organization in Northwest, 6846 Wedemeyer, W. W. U. S. 62d Cong., 3d sess.: W. W. Wede¬ meyer, memorial addresses, 6649 Weeds Beal: Mich, weeds, 306 -: Seeds of, 311 -: Six worst weeds, 312 Bessey: Yellow rocket, 357 Weeks, A. Affidavits and other documents relative to Sault de Ste. Marie canal, 6847 -, J. W., & co. Detroit city directory, 1421 -and Polk Bay City directory, 6848 Wegwijzer en raadgever voor landver- huizers, 6849 Weights and measures Michigan. Treasury dept.: Communi¬ cation in relation to, 5146, 5147 [-.-.: Report rela¬ tive to], 5155 Weiland, C. F. Geographische-statistische und his- torische charte von Mich., 7152 Weissert, C. A. Indians and trading-posts in northwest of Barry co., 6850 Welch, A. S. Michigan. State agricultural society: Three lectures, 4849 -. State teachers’ association: Memorial, 5110 -, J- M., see Howard and Welch -, R. D. Michigan’s favorite college songs, 6851 Weld, I. Reise durch Nord Amerikanischen frei- staaten, 6853 Travels through states of North America, 6852 Voyage au Canada, 6854 Welfare institutions for laborers Ford motor co.: Helpful hints to em¬ ployes, 1731 Wellings, J. H. Directory of Detroit, and register of Mich., 6855, 6856 Wells, C. E. University as art centre, 6857 - ’ H * . Memorial asking appropriation for agri¬ cultural college, 6858 -, J. M. “With touch of elbow,” 6859 -, W. P. Democratic association of Detroit: Cele¬ bration of anniversary of Battle of New Orleans, address by, 945 Wells Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 458 INDEX WENDELL, E. History of banking and banks and bank¬ ers of Mich., 6860 Mss., 8205 -directory co. Washtenaw co. directory, 6861 Wenig, E. Map of Lenawee co., 7510 -Washtenaw co., 7577, 7578 - of counties of Washtenaw and Lenawee, 7584 Wenley, R. M. Life and work of G. S. Morris, 6862 Wenona Charters, 6863 Directories DeLisle: Directory for 1868-9, 943 Weeks & Polk: Bay City directory to which is appended directory, 6848 Wequetonsing [Detroit and Cleveland steam naviga¬ tion co.]: Where to spend summer, 1403 Wesleyan Methodist church Matlack: History of American slavery and Methodism, 2921 [Wesselius, S.] Mich, day schools for teaching speech to deaf, 6864 West, see Northwest, Old West Bay City Directory Polk & co.: Bay city directory, 5761 Industries Land: Historical and descriptive re¬ view, 2596 Sage public library: Catalogue, 6064, 6065 See also Bay City Westcott, G. C. Plat of survey of land “for military pur¬ poses” around Fort Brady, 7851 Western counties of Mich., 7407 -federation of miners Miners' bulletin, 6868 U. S. Dept, of labor: Mich, copper dis¬ trict strike, 6664, 6665 -fire map publishing co. Rascher’s fire insurance atlas of Muske¬ gon, 7745 -historical co. History of St. Clair co., 2169 -Upper Peninsula, 2173 -industries of America, 6869 -journal of education, 6870 -Michigan Congregational club Constitution and by-laws, 6871 -development bureau Publicity bulletin, 6872 Western Mich., the land of fruit and fortune, 6873, 6874 ---., land of opportunity, 6875, 6876 -lake shore horticultural association Proceedings of convention, 6877 WESTERN RAILWAY ADVERTISING Co. Travelers’ illustrated official railway re¬ porter and guide, 6878 -Reserve historical society Battle of French Town, 6880 Letters from S. Huntington correspond¬ ence, 6879 - union mutual life and accident society of U. S., 6881 West Michigan holstein breeders’ associa¬ tion Catalog of annual consignment sale, 6865 -pike association Maps, routes and tourists’ directory of West Mich, pike, 6867 Road guide and tourist directory of West Mich, pike, 6866 Weston, C. V. Address on street railway question in Detroit, 6882 *-, I. M. Documents and addresses while mayor of Grand Rapids, 6883 Michigan. Board of world's fair managers: Letter, 3234, 3235 Report, 3236 -, W. J. Plat book of Gogebic co., 7456 -Houghton co., 7465 Westwood Polk & co.: Directory, 5763 Wexford county Buckley and Douglas lumber co.: Few facts about farm and fruit lands, 482 Cadillac evening news: Atlas, 7603 [Swigart]: Tract in, 6445 Traverse region, 6580 Wheeler: History of Wexford co., 6889 What-Cheer mine Map, 7845 Wheat Beal: Study of wheat and buckwheat, 316 Cook: Black wheat-stalk isosoma, 782 ■-: Enemies of wheat aphis, 785 Crozier: Forage crops and, 874 Harwood: Smut, 2076 Johnson: Experiments, 2407 -: Wheat, 2417 Kedzie: Chemical composition, 2469 -: Composition, 2472 Spragg: Red rock wheat, 6367 -: Wheat improvement, 6368 Stevens: Prevention of stinking smut on, 6397 To war: Soil tests, wheat experiments, 6557 Wheeler, C. F. Beal: Mich, flora, 304 Catalogue of phaenogamous and vascular cryptogamous plants of Mich., 6884 Insects of clover field, 6885 Prickley lettuce, 6886 INDEX 459 WHEELER, C. F.—Continued Russian thistle, 6887 Sketch of original distribution of white pine in Lower Peninsula, 6888 -, J. H. History of Wexford co., 6886 Whelan, A. F. Water-supply of Hillsdale, 6890 -, D. B. Bean-maggot in 1915, 6891 Where copper was king Wright: Where copper was king, 7045 Whig party. Michigan Howard: Mss., 8044 To people of Mich., 6892 Woodbridge: Mss., 8051 Whip hand Merwin: Whip hand, 2958 Whipple, A. W. U. S. War dept.: Report of chief topo¬ graphical engineer, appendix E, an¬ nual report upon public works at St. Clair flats and St. Mary’s River, 6697 Whist club, Grand Rapids [The members, the contests, memorable outings], 6893 See also Woman’s whist league Whitcomb, C. D. [Detroit and Cleveland steam navigation co.]: Lake tour to Mackinac, 1397, 1398 -, E. B. Detroit and Cleveland steam navigation co.: Lake tour to Mackinac, 1401 ’White, A. S. Grand Rapids, 6894 -, E. E. Grand Traverse county: Officers, 1959 of Elder J. Bates, 6895 Sketches of Christian life and public labors of W. Miller, 6896 -, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brief sketch of life and labors, 440 -- M - J- Bicycle routes in Mich., 6897 -, O. K. Suggestions on planting orchards, 6898 - ’ P * Barbour: P. White as man and citizen, 223 Mining industry of northern Mich., 6899 Williams, G. M.: In memory of, 6945 -, R. D.: Honorable P. White, 6955, 6956 White captive Ford: White captive, 1727 Whitefish Bay Coast chart no. 1, east end of Lake Su¬ perior, by U. S. War dept., 7926 —-Point Ruthven: Miscellaneous papers on zool¬ ogy, 6057 Whitehouse, R. T. Mich, judicature act of 1915, 6900 WHITE ISLANDER Catherwood: White Islander, 621 -Lake Harbor Poe: Annual report upon improvement of certain rivers and harbors, 5752 -Pigeon beet sugar co. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the White Pigeon beet sugar co.: Report of committee to whom was referred petition of stockholders, 4289 -Pigeon [A brief sketch of an interesting old town], 6902 Ordinances, 6901 -pine Wheeler: Sketch of original distribution in Lower Peninsula, 6888 -printing co. • Auto guide for Grand Rapids and western Mich., 6903 Street and railway service directory of Grand Rapids, 6904 -slave traffic Wright: Ella, 7046 -star line Daylight trips on Detroit and St. Clair rivers, 6905 Whitford, H. N. Genetic development of forests of north¬ ern Mich., 6906 Whiting, H. Discourse before Historical society of Mich., 6907 Michigan. Historical society: Histori¬ cal and scientific sketches of Mich., 3807 Remarks on supposed tides, and periodical rise and fall of North American lakes, 6908 Whitney, A. C. Pontiac, a drama of old Detroit, 6909 -, A. S. Education at U. of M., 6910 Status of superintendents, principals and teachers of high schools of Mich., 6911 -, C. Burton: Diary of Detroit, for trial of, 8271 -’J’ D - Foster: Report on Lake Superior land district, 1736, 1737 Geological map of district between Keweenaw Bay and Chocolate River, 7809 -of Lake Superior land district, 7808 Section and diagram illustrating geology of region between north shores of lakes Superior and Michigan, 7810 -, M. Field operations of bureau of soils, 6912 -, W. A. Historical and biographical record of Lenawee co., 6913 460 INDEX WHITTAKER, F. Popular life of Gen. G. A. Custer, 6914 Whittier, C. A. In Mich, lumber camps, 6915 -, J. G. [Harford]: Short sketch of life and services of J. Walker, 2040 Whittlesey, C. Ancient mining on shores of Lake Su¬ perior, 6916 Gen. Wadsworth’s division, War of 1812, 6917 Miskouaki: Indian affairs around De¬ troit in 1706, 5459 Papers relating to expeditions of Col. Bradstreet and Col. Boquet, in Ohio in 1764, 6918 Railway connections with Lake Superior, 6919 Wickes bros. Map of Ann Arbor, 7611 Widdicomb, W. Address in commemoration of semi¬ centennial anniversary of incorporation of Grand Rapids as city, 6920 Early history of furniture industry in Grand Rapids, 6921 The mahogany tree, 6922 wight, j. m: In memoriam, 2310 Wightman, J. New emigrant’s map of Mich., 7166 Wilber, H. Z. American schoolmaster, 83 Western journal of education, 6870 , M. D. Report on Detroit park bill, 6923 Speech advocating construction of Mich, ship canal, 6924 Wilbur, C. L. Collection and registration of vital statistics, 6925 Wilcox, D. F. Municipal government in Mich, and Ohio, 6926 Report on sheriff’s office, Kent co., 6927 Wilder, H. J. U. S. Dept, of agriculture: Soil survey of Pontiac area, 6662 -, O. Plan of Marshall, 7744 Wilderness, Battle of Kidd: Mich, cavalry brigade in Wilder¬ ness, 2527 Wilgus, W. J. Detroit River tunnel, 6928 -co.: Detroit River tunnel, 1499 Wilkeson, D. Hodge: Papers concerning early naviga¬ tion of Great Lakes, 2179 Wilkin, F. A. Small fruit culture, 6929 Wilkins, R. Mss., 8065, 8098, 8101, 8103 WILKINSON, A. H., see Wilkinson and Post -, R. B. Treatise on law of mechanics’ liens on real property, 6930 _ g £ Greetings from U. S. S. Mich., 6931 -and Post Mss., 8159, 8162, 8167, 8168 Willard, G. Counting electoral votes, 6932 Willcox, E. N., see Willcox, Sheldon and Gray -, O. B. Instruction in field artillery, 6933 Shoepac recollections, 6934, 6935 -, Sheldon and Gray Mss., 8043 Williams, A. Prohibition and woman suffrage, 6936 Prohibition reform party, 6937, 6938 , A. L. Memorial relative to examination into affairs of Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay railroad, 6939 -, A. S. Greusel: Gen. A. S. Williams, 1992 Monument association Minutes on death of J. L. Hudson, 1794 U. S. 45th Cong., 3d sess.: Memorial address on life and character, 6637 -, C. D. Second annual address at 74th annual convention, diocese of Mich., 6940 -, C. L. Goldberger: Report of investigation of diphtheria carriers, 1822 -, C. P. Geological map of trap range of Kewee¬ naw Point, 7783 -, C. S. Grand Rapids directory, 6941 -, Gardner S. Reports on valuation and extension of Ann Arbor water works, 6942 Some Detroit hydraulic experiments, 6943 -, George H. Greenstone schist areas of the Menominee and Marquette regions, 6944 -, George P. Campbell: Memorial discourse, 570 -, G. Mott In memory of P. White, 6945 -, J. M. Cargo book, 8608 -, J. R. Account book, 8609 Cash book, 8610 Day books, 8611 Ledgers, 8612 Letter book, 8613 Mss., 8038, 8118, 8125, 8127, 8128, 8148, 8151, 8156 Sales book, 8614 -, —. —estate Check stub-book, 8615 INDEX 461 WILLIAMS, L. Lyon: Letters, 2780, 2/81 [—, L- F.] [Friendlv fellows of furniture town], 6946 - , M. C. Early Mackinac, 6947-6950 Early Protestant mission on Mackinac Island, 6951, 6952 Old mission church of Mackinac Island, 6953 -—, N. H. Mich, first regiment, 6954 -:—, R. D. Hon. P. White, 6955, 6956 -, S. Two western campaigns in War of 1812- 13, 6957 -, S. P. S. P. Williams, in memoriam, 6137 - T Day books, 8616 Ledgers, 8617 Mss., 8147, 8151, 8156 -, William K. Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Mich, farm laws, 3860 -, Wolcott B. Duty of state to meet every educational want, 6958 History of Olivet college, 6959 -, O. E., aeroplane co. Concerning our exhibition machines, 6960 •-and Burnham Pocket guide to Detroit, 6961 Wiilits, E. Inaugural address, 6962 Michigan. University: Memorial, 5196 Willmarth, H. Memorandum books, 8618 Wiilits and Waters City of Coldwater, 7614 Wills' Beecher: Law of wills, 330 Michigan trust co.: Laws relating to descent and distribution of property, 5429 Wilmarth, L. T. Michigan. Housing commission: Re¬ port, 3811 Wilmer Atkinson co., see Farm journal directory Wilson, E. S. History of Grand Rapids fire dept., 6963 -, F. E. Peace of Mad Anthony, 6964 Treaty of Greenville, 6965 -».J- Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on agriculture or horse racing: Report [relative to petition for law to authorize J. Wilson to construct race track], 4438 WILSON, T. Arkansas traveller, 6966 Sons of the American revolution. Dis¬ trict of Columbia society: Battle fields of Maumee valley, 6334 Winans, Edwin B. Michigan. Governor: [Messages and pardons], 3741-3743 -, Eva Burnham vs. Interstate casualty co., 8257 Winchell, A. Description of elephantine molars in museum of university, 6967 -fossils from Marshall and Huron groups, 6968 -new species of fossils from Marshall group, 6969 Diagonal system in phvsical features of Mich., 6970 Douglass Houghton, 6971 Field studies in Archaean rocks of Min¬ nesota, with accessory observations in Ontario, Michigan, and Wisconsin, 6972 Geological map of Mich, and Wis., 7246 Geological society of America: Memorial sketch and eulogium, 1800 Geology of Washtenaw' co., 6973 Grand Traverse region, 6974 Isothermals of lake region, 6975 List of books and papers published by, 6976 Memorial discourse on life and services of Rev. B. F. Cocker, 6977 — Rev. E. O. Haven, 6978 Memorial, 6979 Mich., 6980 Michigan. Geological survey: Climate of Mich., 3560 -. ---: First bi¬ ennial report, 3565 -.-: Outline of proposed final report, 3566 -.-: Report on progress of state survey, 3572 -. State agricultural society: Three lectures, 4849 -. University. Memorial ad¬ dresses at funeral of Prof. Watson, 5197 - # . Museum: Re¬ port on collections in geology, zoology and botany, 5306 ■-. -. : State¬ ment of operations, 5307 Notes on Selandria Cerasi Harris as it occurs at Ann Arbor, 6981 Notice of rocks lying between carbonifer¬ ous limestones of Lower Peninsula, 6982 --—• of small collection of fossils from Potsdam sandstone of Wis. and Lake Superior sandstone of Mich., 6983 Notices and descriptions of fossils from Marshall group of western states, 6984 Oil region of Mich., 6985 462 INDEX WINCHELL, A.—Continued On saliferous rocks and salt springs of Mich., 6986 Rectification of geological map of Mich., 6987 Salt manufacture of Saginaw valley, 6988 Some indications of northward trans¬ portation of drift materials in Lower Peninsula, 6989 [vStatement of operations in museum and in dept, of geology, zoology and botany of U. of M.], 6990 -, N. H. Crucial points in geology of Lake Su¬ perior region, 6991 Economic geology of region of Cheboygan and old Mackinac, 6992 Winder, J. Bank book, 8619 Wing, N. H. Check stub-book, 8620 Diary, 8621 Land books, 8622 Ledgers, 8623 Mss., 8067, 8120, 8124, 8192 Memoranda of demands, 8624 __ _ _ prfp fp Bank book',’8625-8627 Cash books, 8628 Check stub-books, 8629 Inventory book, 8630 -, T. E. History of Monroe co., 6993 Winship, J. O. Miscellaneous mss., 8126 Winsor, J. Joliet, Marquette and LaSalle, 6994 Pageant of Saint Lusson, 6995 Winter, O. B. Durability of concrete drain tile, 6996 Wisconsin valley railroad Joy: Mss., 8136, 8138 Wisner, G. W. Address to people of 3d congressional district, 6997 Protest against adoption of report to investigate official conduct of Judge G. Morell, 6998 -, M. Michigan. Governor: [Messages], 3670- 3672 Wit and humor, see American w T it and humor Witbeck Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Witherell, Mrs. A. Palmer: Mss., 8200 -, J- Palmer: Mss., 8200 -, P- Palmer: Mss., 8200 Withey, S. L. Photographic album, 5732 Withington, W. Cutting to quick, 6999 WITHINGTON, W. H. First call of Civil war, 7000 Mich, in opening of war, 7001 -. Political science association: City government, 4792 Witnesses Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report rela¬ tive to amending compiled laws in re¬ gard to competency of, 4115 -: Report rela¬ tive to fees in criminal cases, 4122 -. --. -. Select committee: Report of committee to whom were referred petitions for law for protection, 4362 See also Evidence; Trials [Wittemann, A.] Grand Rapids, 7002 Wolcott, W. Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on the judiciary: Report of committee to whom was referred peti¬ tion for act to authorize W. F. Wolcott to convey land, 4152 Wolf, G. A. Against revision, reasons advanced for considering present state constitution adequate, 7003 Wolfschlaeger, L., estate Disbursements by M. E. Woodworth, administrator, 8631 Wolverine Polk & co.: Directory, 5765 -, The, 7004 -automobile club By-laws, articles of association, 7005 -brass works Illustrated catalog H., 7006 -directory co. Port Huron city directory, 7007 St. Clair co. directory, 7008 -knitting co., Detroit Record book, 8632 Wolverines we know Michigan. Society of New York: Wol¬ verines we know, 4841 Wolves Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was committed document in regard to act for destruc¬ tion of wolves, 4691 Woman’s Christian temperance union of Michigan Proceedings of annual convention, 7009 • - press association, see Michigan. Woman’s press association - - club, see Michigan. Woman’s press club -progress co. Woman’s progress among the schools and colleges, 7010 INDEX 463 WOMAN’S RELIEF CORPS Dept, of Michigan Corps no. 7 Roster of members, 7013 Journal of annual convention, 7011 Roll of members, 7012 Detroit tribune: Veteran soldiers’ and sailors’ handbook, 1492 Veteran publishing co.: The veteran, 6761 -veteran relief union Detroit tribune: Veteran soldiers’ and sailors’ handbook, 1492 -whist league Woman’s whist league contests and rules, 7014 Women Clubs Club register co.: Annual directory, 713 King: Prose and verse for use on "Forestry day” programs, 2530 Michigan. State federation of women’s clubs: Corresponding secretary’s report, 4960 Directory, 4961 Handbook of outlines, 4962 Manual, 4963 Mich, club bulletin, 4964 -: [Program of] annual con¬ vention, 4965 Report, 4966 -: Year book, 4967 Perry: L. H. Stone, 5709 'Spencer: Women’s clubs and public libraries, 6362 See also Detroit club woman; Grand Rapids. Federation of women’s clubs Criminal Parker: Public-health subjects before American social science association, 5646 Education Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee on education: Report rela¬ tive to higher education, 4018 -. -. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report rela¬ tive to establishment of female dept, in university, 4689 -. University. Medical school: Memorial on female medical educa¬ tion, 5303 Pierce: Memorial relative to estab¬ lishment of female college, 5737 Rogers: Memorial in behalf of Michi¬ gan female college, 6000 W OMEN—Continued Woman’s progress co.: Woman’s progress among schools and colleges, 7010 See also Women. Schools Ellet: Pioneer women of West, 1588 Employment Michigan. Commission of inquiry on minimum wage legislation for women: Report, 3262 -. Dept, of labor: Sections of act relating to employment of females and minors, 3352 -. Laws, statutes, etc/: Act creating dept, of labor, 3896 ‘ ■ Farm Buell: One woman’s work, 483 Improvement association of Grosse Jl.e Treaty tree and memorial tablet, 7015 Legal status •» Arthur: Progress of Mich, women, 156 Hunt: Mich, laws relating to wofhen and girls, 2268 : = Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.:< Laws relating to, 3940 Root: Legal condition of girls • and women in Mich., 6026 Minimum wage ? *• Michigan. Commission of inquiry into • minimum wage- for women: [Re¬ port], 8468 •• -. State library. Legislative reference dept.: Laws relating to minimum wage, 5057 ,1 ‘* ' --. University. Medical school: Memorial, on female medical educa¬ tion, 5303 Political status Rembaugh: Political status .of women in U. S„ 5946 See also Women. Suffrage . Schools Clark’s, Misses, young ladies’ seminary: Prospectus, 702 . . t y . *. Report and catalogue, 703 Michigan female seminary: Fourth annual catalogue, 5398 • • ■ ' ; -—: Circular, 5399 - • Somerville school for young, ladies: Annual circular, 6332 Somerville school, 6333 See also Detroit female semihatry; Education; Schools; Women. Edu¬ cation ''' Suffrage Michigan. Legislature. House/ Com¬ mittee on elections: .Report of com¬ mittee [to whom was referred* peti¬ tion for extending elective franchise to women], 4047 404 INDEX WOMEN—Continued -—:-. -:-. Senate. Com¬ mittee on privileges and elections: Report relative to extending, elective franchise to certain citizens, 4630 *--. -. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report upon memorials of ladies praying legisla- . ture to grant privilege of elective franchise, 4692 Williams: Prohibition and woman .suffrage, 6936 Temperance Smart: . Sermon on women’s tem¬ perance crusade, 6262 Wood, D. Report in reference to establishment of school of technology in U. of M., 7016 -, E. O. Histbry of Genesee co., 7017 —, J. R. Official railway guide of Mich., 7018 ^-, L. H. Physical, industrial and sectional geog¬ raphy of Mich., 7019 -N. A. Adams: Ecological survey in northern Mich., for paper by, 6 Idiscovery of breeding areas of Kirtland’s warbler, 7020 Notes on birds of Au Sable valley, 7021 -occurrence of Yellow rail in Mich., 7022 -—-spring migration (1907) at Ann Arbor, 7023 Some new and rare bird records for r . Mich., 7024 Soule records of fall migration of 1906, 7025 Twenty-five years of bird migration at Ann Arbor, 7026 --, N. B. Lives of famous Indian chiefs, 7027, 7028 -, W. R. Chapman’s sectional map of region around Lake Superior, 7400 Woodard, C. S. City of Ypsilanti, 7755 Woodbridge, Mrs. J. T. Memoir of, 2939 —--, w. Account book, 8633-8635 . Address before Detroit young men’s society, 7029 Bank book, 8636, 8637 Cash books, 8638 Claim books, 8639 Diaries, 8640 Lanman: Life of, 2616 Ledger, 8641 Ledger accounts, 8642 Letter to Hon. A. Edwards, 7030 Mss., 8051, 8066 Memorial on subject of limits of Detroit, 7031 WOODBRIDGE, W— Continued -for relief against taxes and other burthens in 9th ward, Detroit, 7032 Michigan. Governor: [Messages and communications], 3608-3629 -. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Documents in relation to certain university and state lands, 4676 Speech in support of bill to apply certain alternate sections of public lands towards completion of works of internal improvement, 7033 See also U. S. Custom house. Detroit Woodhouse, W. Michigan. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on state affairs: Report of committee to whom was referred reso¬ lution for relief, 4693 Woodlawn Polk & co.: Directory, 5767 Woodlots Baker: Mich, woodlot, 199 Clark: Woodlot forestrv, 698 Frothingham: Selling woodlot products, 1769 Woodmere New map, by S. Farmer & co., 7676 -of Detroit and suburbs, by S. Farmer & co., 7681 Woodruff, R. O. Water power bill, 7034 Wood-using industries Maxwell: Wood-using industries, 2924 Woodward, A. B. Early Detroit documents, 8045 Moore: A. B. Woodward, 5474 [--]: Governor, judge and priest, 5477 Plat of property on turnpike, 7870 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on affairs in the Territory of Mich.: Re¬ port, 6658 -code, see Michigan (Ter.) Laws, statutes, etc. -Heights Map, by Stewart and Fry, 7727 Woodwardville Plat, 7754 Wool McGraw & co.: Mss., 8159, 8160, 8161, 8162, 8167 Mumford: Production and marketing, 5503 See also Sheep; Ypsilanti woolen manufac¬ turing co. Woolsey, T. S., jr. Norway pine in lake states, 7035 Woolson, C. F. Anne, 7036, 7037 Castle Nowhere, 7038 Worcester, W. L. . Diphtheria in Mich, asylum for insane, at Kalamazoo, 7039 Work horses, see Horses INDEX 405 WORKHOUSES, see Almshouses and work- houses Workmen’s compensation laws Detroit. Trust co.: Workmen’s com¬ pensation law, 1356 Michigan. Laws, statutes, etc.: Mich. employers’ liability, 3858 -. -,-,-.: Work¬ men’s compensation law, 3941 Workmen’s compensation law, 7040 World’s Columbian exposition, see Michi¬ gan. Board of World’s fair managers Worsfield, W. Special danger near switches on railroad tracks, 7041 Wrestling Biographical sketches of Col. J. H. Mc¬ Laughlin and H. M. Dufur, 372 Wright, C. E. Lane: Geology of lower Mich., 2601 Michigan. Geological survey: Report, 3570 -, E. J. Assessor’s manual, 7043 Ionia in 1891, 7042 -, James N. Development of copper industry of northern Mich., 7044 Where copper was king, 7045 -, John [Hubbard]: Geological survey, 2244 -, John C. Ella, 7046 Lays of lakes, 7047 Northern breezes, 7048, 7049 Ottawan, 7050 Stories of crooked tree, 7051, 7052 -, J. L., & bros. Balance book, 8643 , L. L. Michigan. Dept, of public instruction: Course of study, 3376 School grounds, 3428 Selected list of children’s books, 3432 Special day programs, 3435 -, Mayor Bay City. Mayor: Message, 280 _ p. p. Mss.’ 8141* 8142 -, S. B. S. B. Wright day nursery: Annual re¬ port, 6343 - T American Sunday school union: Reports, 84 -, W. T. Life and thrilling incidents in history of E. Watson, 2738 Wrinkle, University of Michigan, 7053 WYANDOTTE Dau’s blue book, 913 Map of west half of Wayne co., 7600 Polk & co.: Directory, 5787 Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Village of, 6766 •-Heights Polk & co.: Directory, 5787 -publishing co. Souvenir Wyandotte postal guide, 7054 -rolling mill and Eureka iron co. Lake Superior iron, 2590 Wyer, R. Art museum, 7055 Wykes, R. I. Michigan. Commission of inquiry into taxation: Report, 3266, 3267 Wyman, H. C. The poorhouse, 7056 Smith: Biographical sketch, 6291 Yale Wolverine directory co.: St. Clair co. directory, 7008 Yellow rail Wood: Notes on occurrence in Mich., 7022 Young, J. H. Tourist’s pocket map of Mich., 7173, 7181 -, W. T. Key to revised statutes of 1846, 3895 Sketch of life and public services of Gen. L. Cass, 7057, 7058 -and co. Business and professional directory [of central Mich.l, 7059 - ladies’ seminary and collegiate in¬ stitute, Monroe Annual catalogue, 7060 - men’s Christian association, see Michigan. Young men’s Christian asso¬ ciation Youngstrand, C. O. Newspaper cartoonists’ association of Michigan: Gallery of pen sketches, 5540 Ypsilanti Bank Michigan. Legislature. House. Com¬ mittee to investigate Bank of Ypsilanti: Report, 3984 Board of education Biennial catalogue and circular of Ypsilanti union seminary, 7061 Catalog of Ypsilanti high school, 7062 -underwriters Constitution and by-laws, 7063 -water commissioners First annual report, 7064 Charter, 7065-7068 Dau’s blue book, 913 INDEX YPSILANTI—Continued Description Allgemeiner arbeiter-bund: Souvenir ’ program, 64 Directories 'Mills: Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti directory, 5450 Mills, G. V., directory co.: Directory, 5452 .Polk & co.: Directory, 5759 Pray: Washtenaw co. directory, 5866 Wendell directory co.: Washtenaw co. directory, 6861 Healing waters, 2093 High school, see Ypsilanti. Board of , . education History Foster: Past of Ypsilanti, 1735 Map City of Ypsilanti, by C. S. Woodard, 7755 Quadrangle map, see Quadrangle maps Union seminary, see Ypsilanti. Board of education Vestry of St. Luke’s church In memoriam, W. H. Gardam, 7069 Ypsilanti woolen manufacturing co. Memorial, 7071 .— -— and Tecumseh railroad Michigan. Auditor general’s office: Communication relative to, 3094 - : -. Commissioners for settle¬ ment with Ypsilanti and Tecumseh railroad co.: Report, 3293 : — -—. Legislature. Senate. Com¬ mittee on internal improvement: Report relative to,4548 YPSILANTI—Continued Report, 7070 ■- normal, see Michigan.. State normal college 2/eeland Historical souvenir of celebration of 60th anniversary of colonization of Hol¬ landers, 2139 Zeisberger, D. De Schweinitz: Life and times, 951 Diary, 7072 Mitchener: Ohio annals, 5464 Rice: D. Zeisberger, 5968 Zoology Adams: Ecological survey of Isle Royal e, 7 Michigan. Geological survey: Annual report, 3559 -.-: First bi¬ ennial report, 3565 -. University. Museum of natural history: Catalogue, 5309 Reighard: Ecological reconnoissance of fishes of Douglas Lake, 5945 Ruthven: Miscellaneous papers, 6057 Strang: Some remarks on natural his¬ tory of Beaver Islands, 6430 Zuck, J. Q. Missaukee county. School commissioner: Missaukee schools, 5461 Zug, S. Mss., 8165 WnrERSITT OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY N. ' 4 * rr- . '• •*'/ ,* ' » \ ✓ /