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Mc THE UBRARY OF THE u£C * 4 1967 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS i Report No<, 24 4 •AETA&LE SUCCESSIVE OvER-FELAXAT 1 ' DN by Leland K„ McDowell September 18, 196c Department of Computer Science iversity of .Illinois Jrbana, Cllinois 618OI j in partial fulfillment of the Doctor of 1 Mathematics and was supported 1 n part by al Science Foundation under Grant No. NSF-GP-H6360 Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author acknowledges with pleasure the assistance and encouragement of Professor Donald B, Gillies, in whose researches the problem treated here originated and whose many helpful comments and suggestions contributed greatly to the present work. The author would also like to express his gratitude to the Department of Computer Science of the University of Illinois for providing him with financial support during the preparation of this work and for making available to him the facilities of the ILLLAC II computer system, This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No, jP-U636„ Many thanks are also due to Miss Bonnie J, Malcor for patient and careful typing of the manuscript. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION . . . , . . . . . . „ . . . . . „ . Q . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Relaxation Methods, . . . . . „ „ , „ . . . . „ „ . . . 1 1.2 Variable Extrapolation Factors. ..,...,.„.„„,. 3 2. VARIABLE SUCCESSIVE OVER -RELAXATION FOR LINEAR SYSTEMS WHOSE COEFFICIENT MATRICES ARE CONSISTENTLY ORDERED S-MATRICES . . . . 6 2.1 Basic Concepts. ........ . „ ... ... . . . . . „ 6 2.2 Successive Over-Relaxation (SOR). ............. 10 2.3 VSOR With Two-Extrapolation Factors ............ 12 2.U General VSOR; Extrapolation Matrices ........... 27 2,5 Extrapolation Matrices When the Block Matrices Have a "jnon Basis of Eigenvectors, ..,..„„.„..„... 31 3. SEQUENTIAL EXTRAPOLATED IMPLICIT METHODS ..«'".. . . 36 3.1 A Model Problem ....................... 36 3.2 The Sequential Extrapolated Implicit Method (SEl) ..... 37 3.3 Cyclic Chebyshev SEl. ................... k2 3.U Numerical Results . . . . .......... ...... . ^5 3.5 The Variable Sequential Extrapolated Implicit Method (VSEl) 49 3.6 VSEI with o^ =* p fi =» ................. . DN ........................ o . . 55 1 Summary .......................... 55 2 Extensions. ........................ 56 ST OF REFERENCES ....................... 57 "^A s8 7 •*■ J-* 1 000090000009000000000000000000 V*- / VARIABLE SUCCESSIVE OVER -RELAXATION by Leland Kitchin McDowell Department of Mathematics University of Illinois, 1961 This thesis investigates the solution of linear systems by extrapolated Gauss-Seidel iteration using a multiplicity of extrapolation parameters, Phis is a generalization of the method of successive over- relaxation., which uses a single scalar extrapolation parameter. The linear systems considered are those which arise in the numerical solution of boundary value problems for self-adjoint,, elliptic partial differential equations , In Chapter 2 it is shown that the use of two appropriately chosen scalar extrapolation factors yields an iteration having a higher rate of convergence than SOR, and formulas are derived for choosing the factors optimally,, Also, it is shown that by the use of extrapolation matrices, an iteration can be constructed whose matrix is nilpotent, i„e„ 5 whose rate of convergence is infinite. Chapter 3 considers a more limited class of linear systems for which a certain sort of spectral decomposition is possible. For the solution of such systems the SE" and VSEJ- methods are introduced and shown to be equivalent to several simultaneous extrapolated lauss-Seidel iterations on certain sabspaces^ each with a different extrapolation factor or set of factors o Theoretical and experimental results are presented which show that SEIj which requires less work per iteration than SOR ? has the same asymptotic rate of convergence and. for most starting vectors, an improved actual rate of convergence. Experimental evidence is presented showing that certain versions of VSE7 have a higher asymptotic rate of convergence for the problems considered than 30R„ 1. INTRODUCTION 1 „ 1 Relaxat i on Metho ds The use of relaxation for the solution of linear systems is documented as early as 1823;, when Gauss [3] wrote favorably of his experience with such a procedure,, which he called indirec t elimination The l a cob i Iteration for the solution of a linear system AZ -- K (l.l.l) where A is symmetric was discussed in 1846 by Jacobi [7], who used plane rotations to increase the diagonal dominance of A and hence to improve convergence, In 1862, Seidel [10] considered the method now known as Gauss-Seidel iteration for the case in which A is m x n with m > n„ Seidel proved that his iteration applied to A T A Z = A T K L.1.2) converges to a point which best satisfies (1,1,1) in the sense of least squares and hence to the unique solution if A is square and non-singular, Seidel noted that if there exists a subsystem of k unknowns and k equations in which the unknowns within the subsystem are coupled to only a few outside unknowns, then it is profitable to relax repeatedly the residuals of the subsystem until they become small while treating the outside unknowns as constants, Thus he anticipated modern block relaxation methods^ in which a number of residuals are relaxed simultaneously, * Numbers in square brackets refer to items in the List of Referent 2 Both the Jacobi and the Gauss-Seidel iterations are known to be convergent if, for example,, the coefficient matrix is either strictly or jrreducibly di agonally dominant [ 5 ] .- Experience with hand computation showed that it is often profitable to over-relax, and intuition indicates that the greatest advantage lies in relaxing the largest residual at each stage. If this is done, then the judgment of the relaxer intervenes to alter the algorithm from one iteration to the next, making the iteration non-cyclic . The use of electronic digital computers permits the application of relaxation methods to linear systems of very large order, but such machines are best suited to cyclic iterative methods , in which the algorithm once defined is repeated without alteration at each iteration,, For linear systems arising in the discretization of boundary value problems for self-adjoint, elliptic partial differential equations, Frankel [4] and Young [12] in 1950 described such a cyclic procedure for e xtra p olated Gauss-Seidel iteration , often called successive over- relaxation (SOR) o Young showed that for certain orderings of the unknowns, which he termed consistent orderings, a functional relationship exists between the extrapolation factor w and the rate of convergence of SOR, Using this relationship. Young derived formulas for the optimum value of w and for the rate of convergence of the resulting iteration, which he showed to be substantially faster than Gauss-Seidel iteration, especially when the latter is slow Ybung ; s results, which applied to point iterations, were extended to block iterations in 195& by Arms, Gates, and Zondek [l]. 3 Few results are known concerning the use of extrapolation in case no consistent ordering of the unknowns exists, but Ostrowski [9] proved in 195^ that if A is Hermitian„ then SOR converges if and only if A is positive definite and < w < 2„ In 1959 Golub [6] introduced the Chebyshev semi-iterative method and the modified (or cyclic ) Chebyshev semi-iterative method . The latter is a variation of SOR asing a particular consistent ordering of the unknowns and a sequence of extrapolation factors,, a different pair of factors being used for each iteration. The cyclic Chebyshev semi-iterative method provides an improved average rate of convergence over SOR, although the asymptotic rates of convergence of the two iterations are the same, 1,2 Variable Extrapolation Factors Whereas SOR uses the same scalar extrapolation factor for each unknown of the linear system being solved, this thesis investigates extrapolated Gauss -Seidel iteration using extrapolation factors which vary from one unknown to another or from one block of unknowns to another. The use of matrices as extrapolation parameters is also investigated. We call such iterations variable successive over -relaxation (VSOR) The linear systems considered are those for which the use of a single extrapolation factor is known to be profitable ; e g„_, linear systems arising from the discretization of boundary value problems for self-adjoint elliptic partial differential equations k Chapter 2 begins by introducing 2-factor VSOR, an extrapolated Gauss-Seidel iteration using two scalar extrapolation factors. Formulas for the optimum pair of factors are obtained, and it is shown that the rate of convergence of 2-factor VSOR is greater than that of SOR, In Section 2 of Chapter 2 the concept of extrapolation matrices is introduced, and it is shown that by their use an extrapolated Gauss-Seidel iteration can be constructed whose iteration matrix is nilpotent, Hence, in the absence of rounding errors, the exact solution is obtained after a finite number of iterations. Moreover, it is shown tnat if the non-null blocks of the associated block Jacobi matrix are all square of order r and have a common basis of eigenvectors, then VSOR with extrapolation matrices is equivalent to r simultaneous extrapolated Gauss- Seidel iterations each using a sequence of scalar extrapolation factors , Thus, a decomposition theorem for VSOR is obtained. In Chapter 3 we consider the linear system resulting from the discretization of the Dirichlet problem for Poisson's equation on a rectangle, The resulting rq x rq linear system is the model problem for whose solution the sequential extrapolated implicit method (SET. ) is introduced. This method accelerates Gauss-Seidel iteration by means of a shift of origin, which requires less work per iteration than extrapolation by a scalar, It is shown, however, that SEI is actually equivalent to the use of certain extrapolation matrices, and the decomposition theorem of Chapter 2 is then applied to show that SEI is equivalent to performing SOR simultaneously in each of r subspaces, a different scalar extrapolation factor being used in each subspace. It is then shown that the asymptotic rates of convergence of SEI and SOR are identical when the optimum acceleration parameter is used for each, but that the actual rate of 5 convergence of SEI is always at least as high as that of SOR and for certain starting vectors is substantially higher, In Section 3»3 cyclic Chebyshev SEI is introduced. The relationship of this iteration to SEI is analogous to the relationship of the cyclic Chebyshev semi-iterative method to SOP. : Section 3.^ presents numerical results comparing the actual rates of convergence using various starting vectors of SOR,, SEI , the Chebyshev semi-iterative method., and cyclic Chebyshev SEI , Finally, the variable sequential extrapolated implicit method ( VSEI ) for the solution of the model problem is introduced. Several versions of this iteration are investigated, each of which uses the criteria of Chapter 2 for the construction of nilpotent iteration matrices together with the decomposition theorem to make the VSEI iteration matrix nilpotent on certain q-dimensional subspaces of rq-space Experimental evidence is presented which shows that VSEI is asymptotically faster than SOR for the model problem- VARIABLE SUCCESSIVE OVER -RELAXATION FOR LINEAR SYSTEMS WHOSE COEFFICIENT MATRICES ARE CONSISTENTLY ORDERED S-MATRICES 2,1 Basic Concepts Throughout this thesis we will be concerned with the iterative solution of the linear system AZ ^ K (2.1.1) where A is a matrix usually of large order and sparse; i.e., having only few non-zero entries. A detailed development of the ideas outlined in this section may be found in [11, Chap. 1,3] or [13, Chap. 1] . Our results will apply in particular in case A is an S-matrix; i.e., A satisfies (i) A is real and symmetric 'ill a . . < for i ^ j id - (iii) A is irreducible; i.e., there exists no permutation matrix P such that T PAP = A 11 A 21 A 22 where the diagonal submatrices are square (iv) A is diagonally dominant; i.e., li > £ d# ij (v) The inequality in (iv) is strict for at least one i S-matrices arise, for example, in the discretization of self-adjoint, elliptic partial differential equations. 7 A stationary, linear iteration for the solution of (2„l.l) Ls an aff ine transformation ? m4l .HZ m +F (2.1.2) with the property that Z - HZ + F ['2.1.3) The error in the m-th iterate is E " -- Z - Z , and subtraction of (2.1,3) from (2.1.2) shows that m+1 TT Z*' m rT nn-JJf o E = HE =: H 1 fT° 1.10 Hence ; the convergence properties of the iteration (2,1.2) depend only upon the matrix H„ In particular, lim E = for arbitrary E ' m-»<» m if and only if lim H is the null matrix. This is the case if and only m->°° if all eigenvalues of H have modulus less than one. The spe ctral radius of H, denoted by p(H), is the maximum of the moduli of the eigenvalues of H. and the ( asympto tic) rate of convergence of the iteration (2,1,2) is R = -In p. A partitioning of A in which the i-th diagonal submatrix A is r, X r. induces a partitioning Z ' = [Z . \ Z _ J — |Z of the unknown 11 ^ to 1 1 2 ' ' q' vector Z such that the block Z. contains r, of the unknowns, Tne constant 1 1 vector K is similarly partitioned. If A is an S-matnx, then A is positive definite, Eact: A, . is * 11 therefore also positive definite and hence non-singular. The block Jacobi iteration corresponding to the particular partitioning of A is Z nifl = - Z A" 1 A . Z m + A" 1 K. ; 1< i < q, (2.1.U) J+1 ii lj j il i " " where the partitioning is assumed to be such that A. . is r. x r.. ij 1 J Throughout this thesis M will denote the matrix for the iteration (2*1.^); i e„ 3 M denotes the block Jacobi matrix derived from A, The block Gauss - Seidel iteration differs from the block Jacobi in that as soon as a block Z . of the next vector iterate is calculated, 1 ' it and not Z . is used in the computation of later blocks Z . _ , l l+l Z . ' , etc. Thus, 14-2 Z m+1 = - Z. AT?" A.. Z m+1 - .X. A" 1 A . Z m l ji li ij j (2.1.5) + A _1 K. . 1 < i < q. If P is a permutation matrix, then the coordinate transformation P A P T Z = P K (2.1.6) corresponds to a reordering of the unknowns. The ordering o is T consistent if A = P A P is block tri-diagonal (i.e., A. . is null if ooo ' ij j|>l) with square diagonal blocks, and if so, then A is said to be consistently ordered. The block Jacobi matrix M derived from A is said to be consistently ordered if A is. Throughout this thesis A and M will be assumed consistently ordered already and the subscript o will be omitted, If M is consistently ordered, it is of the form q-lq-1 q-lq a" 1 A _ qq q^q-i o B q-lq so B. . = for ji-j| =f= 1° Kence M = L + U ; where L is strictly lower triangular and U is strictly upper triangular „ Moveover,, if M is consistently ordered and |i is an eigenvalue, then -u is an eigenvalue of the same multiplicity. 10 If D = -1 -1/2 -1/2 then M = I - D A. Hence M is similar to I - D ' AD ' , and it follows that this is symmetric because the square root of a positive definite symmetric matrix is symmetric . Hence all of the eigenvalues of M are real, 2 , 2 Su ccessive Over-Relaxation (SOR) Define the intermediate value _ m+- _ . Z . 2 = B. . _ Z m+ ] + B. . 1 i,i-l l-l 1,1+1 l+l 11 1 z m . + a: 1 k (2.2.1) and extrapolate by a fixed scalar W; 1 Z m+1 = "[Z ^ - Z m ] + Z ?, 1 < i < q i j_ i i (2.2.2) Then Z m+1 - u>[B. - , Z ^ + B. . . Z . 1 i,i-l l-l i,i+l l+l H WAT. K., 1 < i < q< 11 1 — - m ] + (i-«) z m (2.2.3) The iteration (2.2.3) is the successive over-relaxation method with extrapolation factor <£. The matrix for the iteration (2.2.3) is 11 £ =» [I - coL]" 1 [uU + (l - co)l] CO Let < Li < i-t < < Li = (J. be the positive eigenvalues of M, and let p be the multiplicity of zero as an eigenvalue. For 1 < i < l y let CP.(\) = \ - [2(1-W) + CO Li ] X + (l-w) . Then tne characteristic polynomial of £ is CO $;\) ^ [(i - co) - \]* n cp.(\) . isl X The maximum of the moduli of the roots of cp (A.) is minimized as JO a function of lo when the roots are real and equal; that is,, when the discriminant of 9/A) is zero„ This is the case when co = co s b + \|l - |I For co - co the modulus of the roots is b 7 p SOR 1 - 1-L - Li i + \fT7^ If the discriminant of cp (\) is negative or zero for a particular value of co,, then the discriminant of cp.(A,)., 1 < i < l is also negative or zero. It follows that for co ^ co the roots of (A.) a ll lie on a circle of radius p ariD p and hence min pUJ ^ p(j^ ) =p S0R . co b This completes the summary of known results. 12 2.3 VSOR With Two Extrapolation Factors In this section we consider a linear, stationary iteration using two distinct extrapolation factors . It will be shown that for certain consistently ordered S-matrices an optimally chosen pair of factors used in alternation on consecutive blocks yield an iteration having a higher rate of convergence than SOR. For any two non-zero scalars w and w consider the iteration T 1 " 1 = u> [B ,Z^ + B » m 1 l 1,1-1 i-l l (2.3.1) Z. 1+X = u.[B. . , Z n + B. . n Z m I + (1 - U> ) Z m -.,1+1 r+l J s i' l + U). A? 1 K., 1 < i < q, l li i' - - ^ where w is odd CO. 1 w if i is even Let Ju denote the iteration matrix for (2.3. l), and suppose that X 1' 2 _ partitioned like Z is an eigenvector of £ w belonging to the eigenvalue 1' 2 It follows from (2.3. l) that AX. = w.[\B. . n X. n + B. . _ X. J + (1 - w. ) X. , 1 < i < q, l l i,i-l i-l i,i+l l+l l l' - — ' or, after dividing by w. , (l - w . ) - A - [X.B. . X + B. X. 1 + [ —1 ] X. . 1,1-1 i-l 1,1+1 l+l w. i ' ' l — » \^ — " — ■> This linear transformation on X we write as G X = 0. If 7, = (1 - u.) - \ i w. l then 13 G q-i ; q \B . y I q ; q-l 7 q q Here I is the identity matrix of the same order as A..„ 1 11 \s — * — * The equation G X = has a non-trivial solution if and only if det (Gj = 0, and since det (G.) is a polynomial of degree n in A. ; its roots are the eigenvalues of £ „ Assuming A. f (an assumption which V 2 will later be justified;, we premultipy G by V 1 . "2 and postmultiply by A -- r \ * X lit This transformation multiplies each subdiagonal block by A. , each 1 "2 diagonal block by \ } and each superdiagonal block by 1. Hence, 1 ~2 n/ letting 7. = A. 7 . , we have G = A. G A q-i,q B 7 I q,q-l q q But det (A.) det (A ) = X. , and so the following lemma has been proved, Lemma 2,3^1 : X. ./• is an eigenvalue of Jo if and only if it is a 1- 2 zero of det (G). Since A. . is of order r. the vector Z. contains r 11 111 components, and it follows that w is used with r = Z r. components i odd and w is used with r = Z r. components. 2 e . 1 1 even Lemma 2.3 >2 ; Let the matrix G' be obtained by replacing each diagonal \ 1/2 element 7. of G by (7 7 J . Then r - r o e r - r e o det(G) = 7 1 det(G' ) 15 Proof Let 1 y l 1 r = r 1 r 2 2 7 2 I and r i r" 2 I 7 2 1 1 7 _2 I r l 2 1 7 _2 I \ Then G = T G" r - and so det (g) = det (r.) det (G' ) det (r ). But det(r^) det(r r ) - 7 1 r - r r - r o e e o 2 2 7 , -which proves the lemma 16 Lemma 2,3^3 ; Let U , u. , ..,, u be the positive eigenvalues of M, and let p denote the multiplicity of zero as an eigenvalue. For 1 < i < £., define

2 ) + ^uy^] \ + (i _ Wi )(i _ w 2 ) Then the zeroes of det (G* ) are precisely the zeroes of £ E E [(1 - ^) - ^] 2 [(1 - " 2 ) - ^f i=l i Proof : G' = l/2 ]/2 is, except for the diagonal blocks y ' y ' l. } identical to M. Hence 1/2 1/2 det(G ! ) = if and only if 7 7 = \i., where \x. is an eigenvalue of M, l/? l/? Moreover, the multiplicity of (7 7 - u.) as a factor of det (G' ) is equal to the multiplicity of u. as an eigenvalue of M, If |J.. / 0, then / 1/2 1/2 N , N (7, 7„ + M.J is also a factor of det (G' ) and therefore so is 17 2 2 2 17! y k But ^ 7 2 - --— from wh •■■ , s that corresponding to the 21 non- zero eigenvali t of M are 2# zeroes of di I ,^mei> the 21 roots of II The remaining zeroes of det are the ze: 1 1 f, genvalues • 2 2 p r, / - 1 l-w ] I - m[ l-a> 2 ) - M uj a) A. from whicn the conclusion of the lemma follows „ p + (r - r p + (r - r ) o e e o Lemma 2 - 3 and p a — are both non- negative integers. Proof' r - r = n = p + 2£„ Hence, r + r ) has the same parity as o e ' o e ' p, and so, therefore, does r - r Then p + (r - r and o e e - r i are both even, and so p^ and p^ are integers, ■ o e' 12 By lemmas 2 3*2 and 2 „ 3 - 3 - the zeroes of det 5) are precisely P x P 2 I the zeroes of [{l - w ) - Vj [(i - w K] n cp ' \ • , rh< are exactly n such zeroes because each one is an eigenvalue of £ by 2 lemma 2 Hence p < p and p < p„ But p + p p. so both p and p are non-negaiiv- orera_2 The cnaracteristic polynomial of £, is 2 P] ^ $..■ ~ [(l - II cp i f: B;y lemmas 2 2 3 2- and 2 of $>(> ) are :isely the eigenvalues of £. , But by lemma 2-3-' 4 <£(. V 1 is a 2 nomialj which proves the theorem. 18 In practical problems the eigenvalues of M are usually not Known, but an interval can be determined in which the eigenvalues are known to lie. We therefore consider choosing to and to to minimize the maximum of the moduli of the roots of cp (\) = \ 2 - [(1 - u^) + (l - u> 2 ) + ^ 2 [i 2 ]\ + (1 - w i )(l - w ) where it is known only that 0 l, to > i, D(u_) < 0, and D(u) < 0, then D(u) < for \i < |i < \i, P roof : This is evident from the graph of D(u). D(n) J*» H Figure 1 note the maximum of the moduli of the roots of Then max ITS minimal if and only if to and to are such H J 1 2 that D(u/ = D(ff : Proof The equation cp (\) = can be written - U - (1 - u> )][\ - (1 - u) )] = u 2 \ 12 X Completing the square oh the left hand side yields (i - k) - (i - <*> tp CO to 1?L \ (to - to V 2 J 2 l' a U A. + i|CO U) 12 Some algebraic manipulation converts this to \pl i_ (X . 1) + i u \ co \ CO \ 2 N .1 LO 2 1 = u \. + £ =1 2 CO \ CO o \ i It follows that the roots of 9 'M = are the abscissas of the points of intersection in the (a. a) plane of the parabola 2 2, 2.1 to , CO \ Cu cu \| 1 2 to ■ 20 Figure 2 (jj 2 2 77- = I, the vertices of the parabolas a , (p.) are at the origin. For Ui 1 U) 0) 7^ 1, the parabolas intersect on the a-axis, the vertices lie on the 1 negative \-axis, and the abscissas of the vertices increase toward zero 2 as u increases, For fixed — > 1 and ^-.^p sufficiently small, the line 2 ~~ a intersects the parabola a (u) in two distinct points. As w -, w p increases, the slope of the line decreases, and so p— decreases until the line becomes tangent to the parabola. At this point the roots of cp— (\) are real and equal to \| ( 1 - w )(l - w ). If w > 1 and w > 1 (as will be shown to be the case of interest), then further increase of w u 21 causes the roots of cpH\) to become complex and to increase in modulus c u 2 It follows then., tnat for — fixed, the value of ^-.^ which minimizes p— w, ' 12 u. o .— is the value such that the line g is tangent to the parabola a, (n)<> co 2 For — > 1 but sufficiently small, the line a„ does not intersect the parabola a (u_) when- it is tangent to the parabola a,(|^)j and so the CO roots of n). Hence, D(n) = D(^) --■ 0, and the roots of 1, then the pair (oj w ) is 1 optimal if and only if D(u) = D(u_) = 0. This latter condition also 00 2 characterizes an optimal pair such that — < 1, as can be shown by OJ 1 letting — decrease from 1 in the above argument. Indeed, since cp (X.) is tc a symmetric function of w and co it follows that (oo oo ) is an optimal pa ir if and only if (w oo ) is alsc 2 Theorem 2 C 3.3 : Let " - , b 1+ u_u + \J(l-u_ 2 )(l-JI 2 ) w 1 - u u + \|(l-u. 2 )(l-Ti 2 ) , and p W - \ 1-J 2 2S0R \Jl^? + \|l - ? Then p u = P 2S0R ^ max _ p u_ u 2 | li < ^ < I 1 M- 00 = OJ j 00 = 00 1 and only ' either < - > or < , , , ) holds. » OJ = 00 / \ 0J = 00 2 b I 2 -b S0R , ) If w denotes the optimum extrapolation factor for SOR and p(£ ), thenl < to < w < ST and p os „ < p U> b - b - b "2S0R - M S0R' (iii) uo b = oo b = oo b and p^ = p g0R if and only if u_ = 0, Proof: (i) By Theorem 2,3.2, max _ p is minimal if and only if u_ < u < u Dl ,, ) - D(u) = 0. Since D(|i) - CdjUyi [oo^u 2 + 2(1-^) + 2(l-w 2 )] + (oj^oj^ 2 2-2 is quadratic in u- with roots u_ and |i } we have (cu I U) - ) 1 CO to 1 2 (w - to V £ u = 2 p CO CO 1 2 (2.3.3) CO - CO Adding plus and minus the positive square root Li u_ -• — — — — of (2,3 = 3) to [2 3-2' yields CO CO 1 2 (u + u_) co^ - Uco 2 + h and - u_) co^ 2 - to^ + h = 0, whose solutions are and CO ^ CO 1 -b CO = CO 2 b 1 "\ 1 t J J - \|(l - U )(l - ji ) U) fc» f- \J(1 - ^)(1 - M 2 )j (l-<*> )(l-u> )| is smaller for the solution 2h CO = CO 1 -b CO = CO 2 b An analogous development using the negative square root (i (i = of (2.3.3) yields the soluti on co = CO 1 b CO = CO 2 ~b Hence, min / max _ p > = ^(l - w ) (l - cq ) } CO - CO _1 2 CO CO 1 2 ind some algebra shows that ^(l - ^ h )(l - w , ) = p 2S0R (ii) Since < kL < n < 1, ™ e can set u_ = sin a and \x = sin p, re ^ a < p < - Then CO 3 -b "' 1 + sin a sin P + cos a cos P " 1 + cos (p - a) co = b 1 - sin a sin P + cos OL cos P " 1 + cos (p + a) and co = b A 1 - \x c 1 + cos P Sine C a < < £, it follows that cos (p + cc) ;_ cop p < cos (p - a), ■ and so 1 < w < co < co . b - b ~ b If u_ = 0, then J 2S0R i -Ni - H 2 ■N[ ■ ? p S0R But C — p < for u. > 0, and therefore * < p for u > 0. riu_ M iS0R U ^2S0R - p S0R L - 25 (iii) This follows at once from the formulas which define the quantities involved. It is of interest to trace the movement in the complex plane of the roots of

u) satisfying < u^ < u. (l-" 2 ) \J(l-u) i )(l-w 2 ) Figure 3 For u = + c» 5 the roots of cp (k) are zero and + <»„ As j_ decreases., the roots approach each other until for u = u,, they are equal to Yl - u n )(l - ^p^ ^ E ^ decreases from u to u_, the roots move around the circle of radius m«, 1 - w , )(l - °0 in the complex plane, becoming equal to - y'l - w)(l - w ) when u = ji. As u decreased from u_ to zero, the roots move apart on the real axis so that for u ■--. ; one root is (l - u ) and the other is (l - w )„ 26 Theorem 2,3°^ Using the notation of lemmas 2„3ol and 2„3.>3> let tL = u_ if p = r - r 1 ' o e if p > r - r ' o e > Then 0^ ,u> } =P 2 S0R = mln pU co , W } • Proof : If p = | r - r |, then by theorem 2<,3°1 the characteristic polynomial of £ w is 1' 2 P ^ $(\) = [(1 - w ) - M n cp n (M o ^ i=l •*! By theorem 2„3o3? the maximum of the moduli of the roots of II cp (\) i=l **I is minimal for either of the two choices for (u) u ) specified in the theorem, and in fact the roots lie on a circle of radius P oono ° But the 2oUn remaining roots of 0(\) lie inside this circle because |1 " ^ul < Y-l " ->)(-'- " ^v) a P n nR j an ^ the conclusion of the theorem follows „ If p > | r - r I , then both (l - w ) and (l - w ) are roots of 1 o e 1 ' -b b $(X), But these are the roots of cp (.\) if [i = 0, and so it follows that o'£, w ) is minimized by taking ^ = 0„ 1-" 2 27 2 , h Gen e ral VSOR : Extr apo lation Matrices Let A be partitioned so that each diagonal submatrix A . is 11 square of order r. , All of the iterations considered in this thesis for the solution of (2.1.l) are of the form r m+1 = ft.[B. . Z ~ m+l + B m i i,i-l i-1 i.i+1 i+-l ] 4 (I - fi.)Z rn + fl A K , 1 < i < q l li l (2.U.1) where each ft. is a non-singular square matrix of order r. For example, in the case of SOR or of the 2 factor VSOR of Section 2.3, each ft. is simply a scalar multiple of the identity matrix. The iterations to be investigated in Chapter 3 a re also special cases of (2„U,l), although their implementation does not involve explicit multiplication by the ft.'s i If o" o then the iteration matrix for (2.U„l) is r, » [i - nL]" [nu + (i - n) where L + U - M, the block. Jacobi matrix derived from A, If each ft. is ' l non-singular and if Z - Z. the true solution of (2.1.l) 5 then Z also, rm+i a - 28 In case each fi. is a full matrix,, the implementation of (2„4 l) evidently entails considerably more work than extrapolation by a scalar „ Suppose, for example, that r. ~r, lX. - y l i 1,1-1 i-I i,i+l i+1 i i and hence JX --■ 0, where G is -u )-\ ft B 'll' 1 J 1 12 v 2 21 \ft B q q,q-i ft ,B . q-i q-l,q q q' Here I. is the identity matrix of order r , i i 30 There exists a non-trivial solution of GX - if and only if det(G) = 0, and since detiG) is a polynomial of degree n in \, it follows that its roots are precisely the eigenvalues of £ „ We now show that if the ft.'s satisfy (i), ii ; , or (iii), then det(G) ~ +\ If (i) is satisfied,, then the block in the (l, l) position of G is -VI „ We now perform the block elementary row operation of adding Q 13 times the first r n rows of G to the next r rows , That is , we add 2 21 1 2 ' n 2 B 21 (-M 1 ) to Mi 2 B 21 and ^ 21 ^ 12 to [(i - I^) - Xl^]. This operation leaves det' G ; unaltered since it corresponds to premultipli cation of G by I 21 L o whose determinant is obviously 1„ block in the (2,l) position is now null,, while the block in the (2,2) position is [ft B ft B + (i-fl )] - \1 „ The quantity in square brackets vanishes because ft satisfies the recursion relation and so the diagonal block in the .2,2) position is -XI Hence., we repeat the procedure, adding ^B times the second r rows to the next r rows, The sub -diagonal block in the (3,2) position vanishes^ while the diagonal block in the (3,3) position becomes -M since ft satisfies t ■ . P} continuing in this waj. , all sub-diagonal blocks of G are made to vanish (i.e., G is made block upper triangular}, and the i-t'h diagonal block becomes -\I.„ This procedure leaves det(G) unaltered,, and det (j) t \ „ Hence £, is nilpctent. 31 case the ft.'s satisfy (ii), we proceed by block column operations starting from the right to reduce 1 to the same upper triangular form. If (iii) is satisfied, we proceed by block row operations starting from above to eliminate the sub-diagonal blocks in positions (2,lV (3,2), (m,m-l) and by block column operations starting from the right to eliminate the remaining sub-diagonal blocks, Again the i-th diagonal block becomes -XI. . Hence, if one of (1 Li) or ^iii) is satisfied, det(G) - + A. , and so JlL is nilpotent in all cases, QoE D„ If Jo is nilpotent, then the error in the successive iterates eventually becomes zero in the absence of rounding error, and so the exact solution to (2 a l„l) is obtained after a finite number of iterations. By the Cay ley -Hamilton theorem at most n iterations are required, and in fact it can be shown tnat q iterations suffice, Hence, the iteration !2,U,l) with the fi. 's chosen according to the criteria of of theorem 2„U,1 is more properly classed as a direct method than as an iterative one, and direct methods are net the principal concern of this tnesis, In Chapter 3- however, we will use tne criteria of theorem 2, 4,1 not to obtain the ft. 's themselves, but to obtain certain scalar acceleration parameters used in the actual iteration, 2,5 Extra polat ion Matrices_When the_B lock Matrices Have a Common Basis of Eigenv ectors Consider now the linear system (2,1,1, arising from the discretization of the Dirichlet problem on a rectangular domain R for a self -aaj.omt , elliptic partial differential equation of tne special form 32 ^ f x) ^^zl) _ d (f (y) ^lls ox 1 Ox Oy 2 oy - (c, ,x: - a_(y))u(x 5 y) = g^x,y), (2.5.1) where f x f ;. , a (x), o y are continuous in the closure of R and satisfy f [x) > 0, f (y) > ; o (x) > 0, o (y) > 0. Let a uniform mesh be imposed on R, and suppose that the mesh points are numbered either by rows or by columns starting from the upper left. Thus, the mesh points .and hence the unknowns in (2„l.l)) are grouped into q blocks of r elements each. It follows that for I < i < q, the blocks B. , n and - — i,i-l B. . _ of the block Jacobi matrix derived from A are square of order r and i i+l all have a common basis of eigenvectors u„e„, a set of r linearly independent eigenvectors.,, In this case the matrices [ft } can be chosen in various ways so that they share this common basis of eigenvectors, and consequently a useful factorization of the characteristic polynomial of £ is possible o In Chapter 3 we will investigate some iterations which are equivalent to the use of extrapolation matrices having the same eigenvectors as the matrices B. . . and B . . . . The matrices {ft.} will i.i-l i,i+l i then be determined by specifying certain of their eigenvalues. Let t . ., , 6 . . , , and ^ denote the eigenvalues of B. . _, i . i - 1 i.i-l i i,i-l' B. . , and ft. respectively to which the I r-dimensional) eigenvector i 1 5 1+ 1 l belongs, and consider the scalar iteration 1 1,1-11-1 l,lrl i i' 1 < i < q„ 33 Let Ju\ note the iteration matrix for (2.5.2), and let $ (\) denote the characteristic polynomial of £r , We then have the following decomposition theorem, to be used in Chapter 3° Theorem 2„5,,1; If the matrices B. . .. , B. , _. and ft. have a common (\) = n (\) = det (H G is block tridiagonal , and each non-null block of G is square of order r Hence, the effect of 3h a of G by H is to transform each non-null block of G by H, and diagonal! ze it. Thus, H~Vb, 1, l-l H = and H fi.B. n H i i ; 1- 1 [(l-w})-\] H* [(i-fi.)-X" [(l-<)-\] Hence, H is an shown in Figure k, . o be the permutation which selects the first element of the first block first, the first element of the second block second, and so on through the first elements of the various blocks^ then likewise through the second elements of the various blocks, etc. If P is the permutation _T .Tl matrix corresponding to a, then cj>' ,} ■■-- det(P H GHP )„ But E H = £ © G J , and hence d>(\) = IT det(G J i = TT J (\) o j=l j-i Q,E D, 35 0) M •H 36 3 c SEQUENTIAL EXTRAPOLATED IMPLICIT METHODS 3,1 A Model Problem The ususl discretization of the Dirichlet problem for Poisson's equation dx dy (3.1.1) on a rectangle R using a five point star leads to a linear system whose coefficient matrix A is block tri-diagonal with tri-diagonal diagonal blocks. Let a uniform r x q mesh be imposed on the interior of R, and suppose that the mesh points are numbered by columns starting from the upper left „ Then D -I ■I D where I is the identity matrix of order r, D is of order v, and h -1 D ^ 1 k The resulting linear system (2.1.1) will be referred to in what follows as the model problem,, 37 For the model problem, each non-null block of the block Jacobi matrix derived from A is simply^ D , and the block Gauss-Seidel iteration for the solution of (2.1 l) is m+1 ^-IrTT ro+1 ^ m Z ^ x = D" X [Z u+ " , Z " + K.], 1< i < q, (3.1.2) i i-I i+1 i ' - - * w ' or _J7 m+ 1 _ m+ 1 „ m v , / _ .. _ \ DZ. =sZ._+Z._+K.. 1 < l < q. (3.1.3) i i-1 l+l i' - - * The block SOR iteration obtained by extrapolating (3.1.2) is frequently called SLOR (successive line over-relaxation) since it consists of updating simultaneously the unknowns corresponding to an entire vertical line of mesh poin~. 3.2 The Sequential Extrapolated Implicit Method (SEl) ~* m+1 ~* m ~~ If Z - Z = Zj the exact solution of the model problem, then for any scalar s, / • l~ m+1 ^" m+ 1 ^m Zm rT . / \ (D + sI;Z = Z . . + Z . _ + sIZ. + K. . 1 < l < q, (3.2.1) or Z m+1 = CD + si)" 1 [Z ^ + Z m , + sIZ m + K. ]. (3.2.2) i i-I i+I i i ' ' 1 < i < q. The iteration (3.2.2) can be written as z m+1 = qd" 1 [z mtl + z m n h it. ] + (i - n)z m 2.3) i i-l i+l i i J ~" i < i < 0. ; 38 where ft = (D + si)" D. That is, (3=2 2) is the VSOR iteration (2.1+.1) i ■ "I with ft. = (.D + si) D„ 1 < i < q„ We denote the iteration matrix for f3»2.2) by S. UJ The most efficient way to perform SLOR is to use (3.1.2) to compute 1 — m + p Z . " and then to compute 1 2 Z 1 = <4Z. "Zj+Z.^l^i^q, (3=2,4) — . ni -t- — _ m+1 ,, r T 2 "mi "m Hence, the additional work required to perform SLOR over that required for Gauss-Seidel iteration is one multiplication and two additions per unknown, •ation (3°2„2) requires that (D + si) " be computed instead of D , but both of these matrix inversions require the same amount of work since the diagonal of D is non-zero Therefore the only additional work required to perform SET over that for Gauss-Seidel iteration is one multiplication and one addition per unknown in order to compute the vector on the right hand side of (. 3o2„l)„ Hence SEI requires one less addition per unknown per iteration than SLOR„ Any eigenvector of D is also an eigenvector of ft,, and since the eigenvectors of D form a basis, the converse also holds. Hence, the decomposition theorem 2 5»1 applies. Let d be an eigenvalue of D and % an eigenvector belonging to d, If (3 denotes the corresponding eigenvalue of D , then (3 = —, and the eigenvalue of ft = (D +• si) D to which % belongs is - — r~ , which we denote by w(g ;S ) 39 Let JlT denote the matrix for the (scalar) iteration x^ +1 = w h (P); the zeroes of \|r (\) are complex of modulus (w(ft)-i),, For fixed s, let p(S, ,) denote the spectral radius of S, lC If 'CO c CO §_ and ft are the smallest and largest eigenvalues respectively of D } then p(S ) = max __ p , », and we let p = min p(S ). R_ < ft < ft p ' by ox,x s The eigenvalues of D are and so P, - U - 2cos( rJIL^ r+l' \ < & < Pj < P < | 1 < J < r > Let A = 1 be square of order q The eigenvalues of A are CC. = 2cos —r } 1 < i < q_ f 1 since the block Jacob! matrix derived from A is M = A @ D where @ denotes the tensor product^ it follows that the eigenvalues of M are \ a a.B.j 1 < i < q_ s 1 < j < r Moreover,, the theory of SOR applied to the iteration (3o2„5) shows that V- p) ■ — 7— . (3.2.6) 1 + \[i-a a p 2 where OL =a max {CH.} „ Since the largest positive eigenvalue of M is ji = a Pj we have b b VH; + \pV r: VSOR iteration (2.U.1) becomes SOR lif fl. a w I 1 < i < q, Ls case,, theorem 2 5 o l shows that the characteristic polynomial of 8 • B £ is <£>(a) 3 TI O^'.a. 1 j, where cj> (A.) is the characteristic polynomial a b B o of JlT with 1 to The maximum of the moduli of the zeroes of $ (\) B J t is p w , Let s^tO =: - b~7pT - x ? and denote s b (p)by s bD Then for Lemma j_b B < B- u b (p) < w(B,s b ) < w fe (3) a u^, oof s s (6) < since ^.(B) > 1, and so 1 + s J < 1 + s B if < B < P, Hence, w(B ; s ) < w b (B) Substituting (3„2„6) into the formula for s (p) and differentiating shows that -rr s. (b) < 0. and hence s, < s, (b) for dB b ' b b B < B . Then b h s an d so u) (B) < w (B 5 s, ) Q.E.D, Ul Theorem 3.2.1 : If s = s, , then: ' b R R R (i) r (X.) = $ (A.), and hence p^ ^ = p g0R b ' (it) For P S) Proof : (i) By definition, s is that value of s such that — — — 6* R <*>(0,s) = w b (P)» But w b (P) = °* h > and so V (M = $ (^). Since the moduli o of the roots of <$> (\) are equal to p C( ~ D for all B < (3, it follows that B P w (0) - P SOR : b (ii) It follows from lemma 3«2.1 and the theory of SOR that the roots of ty (\) are complex of modulus (a)(f3,s )-l) for < R, and (w (B)-l)) < (w(0,s )-l) < ( w ^P)-l). The assertion (ii) then follows from the definitions of the quantities involved, (iii) lim w(B,s) = 1, and since p , \ = (w(0,s)-l), we have fi->0 \P> S . lim p / „\ = 0, B^O W( ^ S) Q.E.D. Corrollary 3,2,1 : P SEI * P S(}R . Proof ; The theory of SOR applied to J^ shows that P^/q \ is minimal if and only if w(r s ) = w (r) which is the case if and only if s a s. , It b b then follows from part (ii) of theorem 3.2.1 that max Pm(a 1 ^ s R_ < R < R lP ' Sj minimal if and only if s = s , and part (i) of the theorem shows that P SEI ''"' p S0R Q.E,D, 1*2 t | ' normalized to have (Euclidean) length 1 be the -1 ~"* I r eigenvector of D belonging to P.j 1 < J £ r ° ^he vectors { | } form J - 1 - an ortho-normal basis for r-space since D is symmetric., and indeed 'r+1 ' r+1 ' 3 r+1 t e " denote the q-dimensional column vector having 1 in the i-th position and 1 s elsewhere,, The vectors [e } _r form an ortho-normal basis for q-space,, and therefore the vectors [e ' @ £ '\)^-S.^-S. (: lj^- < S.^'S. x 's form an ortho-normal basis for qr-space,, where © denotes the tensor product o eigenvector of D " corresponding to f3 is | , and it follows from part (i) of theorem 3.2,1 that if the initial error E lies in the subspace spanned by {e @ % } then the error E in the m-th iterate for SE. r is identical to the error in the m-th iterate for SLOR,, Vm, Because of part of the same theorem, however,, it is to be expected -* that if E does not lie entirely in this subspace,, then a fixed number of iterations with SEI will produce a greater reduction in the I norm of the error than the same number of iterations with SLOR,, Numerical results which support this expectation are presented in Section 3-^. 3 . 3 Cv clic Chebyshev SEI The cyclic C hebyshev semi -ite rative method [6 j 11, Chap „ 5 ] for the solution of the model problem is z. = u) d [z._+z,_+K.J + (l-w ;z . , (3,3,1a; 1 1-1 1+1 1 1 1 - : t, 3 ,, 2 ,, ' J ><3 Z m+1 = c 2m+2 D 4 [Z m+ ! + Z "*} + K.] + (l-^ m+2 )Z m , (3.3.1b) 1 l-l l+l i l' i = 2, h, 6, --- , r m i where the sequence [u J satisfies 1 , 2 1 W = 1. W = ) -2 1- L 1-g-eJ" (3.3.2) and u = p(M) , In what follows (3»3.l) with the sequence {w } satisfying (3.3.2) will be called cyclic Chebyshev SLOR , while (3.3.l) with m 10 = OJ b' Vm, will be called SLOR with the odd-even ordering . Iteration (2,2.3) with w = to will be called SLOR with the natural ordering,, b — " If the sequence fw } satisfies (3.3.2), then lim w = w and ^ l ' \ -><■-> I? m->°° b it follows that the asymptotic rate of convergence of cyclic Chebyshev SLOR is equal to that of SL0R< However, if E denotes the error in the m-th iterate for cyclic Chebyshev SLOR and if E denotes the error in the m-th iterate for SLOR (with any consistent ordering), then Golub and Varga [6] have shown that max | |E m | | < max| |E m | | , m < 2, ;o - o z z where denotes the I norm. Moreover, the sequence (||E ||) is mi strictly decreasing., whereas the sequence (j|E j} may increase initially. ts m } by Let the sequence {w ) satisfy (3=3=2), and define a sequence S m = I [-i - 1], m> 1 . (3,3,3) For < & < f>. define the sequence {w (f3,s )} by m,„ m N 1 > (p, s m ) - x m , m> l. (3.3.U) 1 + si Then m /o „m\ m v_/ The iteration m- 1 / 2m-l M -l r m _ m 2m+l _ m v -, Z I D + s I J Z , n + Z , , + s Z . + K , J , i l-l l+l i i ' 1 = 13 5— (3 < 3 ' 5a) ~Z m- 1 /_ 2m+2 7 >-l r r" m+1 ^ nul 2m+2 r" m IT 1 Z DtS 1) [Z-t+Z -,+s Z . + K, J i v l-l l+l l i i . 2, k, 6, - (3.3.5b) for the solution of the model problem will be called cyclic Chebyshev SEI , Iteration ( 3 - 3 - 5 ) with s replaced by s,, Vm., will be called SEI with the od d -ev en ordering; while (3,2,2) with s - s will be called SEI with the natural ordering. The remarks in Section 3 2 concerning the convergence properties of SEI relative to those of SLOR apply also to the convergence properties of cyclic Chebysnev SEI relative to those of cyclic Chebyshev SLOR D ^5 3.^4 Leal Results Numerical experiments were performed to compare the actual rates of convergence of SLOR and SEI with both the natural and I odd-even ordering, cyclic Chebyshev SLOR, and cyclic Chebyshev SEI. The test problem selected was the model problem with f(x,y) = (i.e., Laplace's equation) and homogeneous boundary conditions. The rectangle R was taken to be a square containing N mesh points on a side. For N = 10, 20, 30, and Uo the number of iterations with each method needed to reduce the I norm of the error below 1 was determined. Starting vectors were constructed as follows. Let Q, be the N-dimensional vector whose j-th component is (-l) , and let J be _ N _ , the N-dimensional vector whose j-th component is j. Let r\ - ^ £ , ^1^2 -* N -1 ^ =1 where | , £ s , £ are the eigenvectors of D . Experiments were performed using each of the three starting vectors Z - J © Q , Z = 10 Q © Q„ and Z = J © r\. The graphs shown in Figures 5 , 6, and 7 were constructed by interpolating linearly between the data points, It can be seen from these graphs that SEI converges much more rapidly than SLOR for certain starting vectors but that the relative advantage of SEI over SLOR is strongly dependent on the starting vector chosen. ber of Iterations Needed to Reduce ti of Error below 1 for N x N Test, nlem, j ®5 60 to a o ■H p CD -P O X2 50 - SLOR, Natural Ordering SEI„ Natural Ordering SLOR, Odd-Even Ordering SEI, Odd-Even Ordering Chebyshev SLOR o o Chebysnev SEI -> N 10 20 30 ko Figure 5 hi nber of Iterations Needed to Reduce ft Norm of Error Below 1 for N x'N Test blem, Z° -- 10 Q ® Q 2 CO C o -I -p CD S- CD -P Cm - SLOR^ Natural Ordering SEI, Natural Ordering SLOR, Odd-Even Ordering o o SEI, Odd-Even Ordering Chebyshev SLOR o o o Chebyshev SET O- - o ..^ N Figure 6 48 Number of Iterations Needed to Reduce Norm of Error Below 1 for N x N Test Z - J N Figure 7 k 9 3 . 5 The Variable Sequential Extrapolated Implicit Method (VSE l) Consider the following generalization of (3.2 2) for the solution of the model problem. _ m+1 , , ,_ T \-l r _ m+1 _ m T . „ ran Z. u) (D + s.I ) [Z,_+Z J _+K + s.Z . J 1 i l l-l i+l i li + (l - u.) Z . , 1 < i < q ; (3.5.1) where ( w .), and {s.}, are any two sequences of real numbers, The special case of (3.5.l) in which w_ = ]_,, Vi, will be called 1-parameter VSEI whereas the general case will be called 2-parameter VSEI „ Iteration (3.5=l) can be written as I* m+1 n -l r r*m+l I'm -, /_ \^ m Z . u.u IZ._+Z._J+(I-fi.;Z. J 1 1 l-l i+l 1 1 (3.5.2) 1 < i < ,— \ -dp < P < Pj and — p^ ,r\ = + oo for p = P + „ The approximate shape of the graph of p as a function of P is shown in Figure 8, and the graph of bh (3 = P o is shown for compari! b Fj gure 8 For the model problem. § > ?- and (3 < —j Vr„ Moreover lim £ = g- and lim p - Hence P YSEJ max r r -■>«. ft. < P < & u P P p < max p . ~ 1 P - 1 6 - p iteration I s) with u.(3,s. ) = ; ■ — , 1 < l < q. was performed to i ' l 1 + s.P ; ~ - ! Q determine p as a function of P for q = 10, 19, and 33, Formula (3.5.6) with P = ~ W5£- used to determine ( s . } _r and f w .} , For the ^-parameter c. 1 J i J case p was determined by numerical search. The results of these !■■■ r ' m< tit J: • x e ih esented Ln Dab] < 1-U 53 Table 1. 1-Parameter, Uni-Direction VSEI » P VSEI P S0R ^SEI R S0R 10 .55 .56 .60 .58 19 .7»» .73 ,30 ,31 33 -85 = 83 .16 .19 Table 2, 1-Parameter, Bi-Directional VSEI q P VSEI p S0R R SEI R S0R 10 M ,56 .82 = 58 19 ,65 = 73 M = 31 33 o78 ,83 = 25 = 19 Table 3, 2-Psrameter, Uni-Directional VSEI q \b P VSEI P S0R R VSEI R S0R 10 .Ul M .,56 .81< -58 19 A7 ,6k .73 M .31 33 .*9 = 78 = 83 = 25 ,19 54 Table h c 2«Parameter n Bi-Directional VSEI q p ib P VSEI p S0R ^SEI r i SOR i 10 .3^ o32 .56 1.1 ,a 19 .hi s . .... , ,73 o62 •31 1 r > M • ,69 .83 1 .i .... .37 = 19 For bi-directional VSEI,, best results were obtained with m in part 1 i of theorem 2 4ol equal to the greatest integer not exceeding '^r~i and the results presented are for this case. In all cases except that of 1-parameter, uni-directional VSEI, the rate of convergence of VSE] for the model problem exceeds that of SLOR, and in the case of 2-parameter VSE; r , the improvement is substantial. . CONCLUSION Summary Several schemes have been investigated for impn the rate of convergence of extrapolated Gauss-Seidel iteration by the introduction of a multiplicity of extrapolation parameters to replace the single scalar parameter used by SOR. In Chapter 2 it was shown that the use of two optimally chosen extrapolation factors results in an improved rate of convergence for linear systems whose coefficient matrices are consistently ordered S-matrices In the case of linear systems arising in the numerical solution of boundary value problems for elliptic- partial differential equations the improvement is small because u_ for these systems is small. It is evident, however, that there exist linear systems for which u_ and u are more nearly equal, and for such systems the use of two optimally chosen factors offers a substantial advantage. It was also shown in Chapter 2 that by use of matrices rather than scalars as extrapolation parameters, an extrapolated Gauss-Seidel iteration having an infinite rate of convergence can be constructed, although its implementation requires more work per iteration than extrapolation by a scalar. The SEI and VSEI methods of Chapter 3 were analyzed for a more limited class of linear systems, namely those arising from the discretization of the Dirichlet problem for (3.1.].) on a rectangu] domain , In this case SEI was shown to be equivalent to several simultaneous SOR iterations, each on a different sub a different scalar extrapolation factor. Moreover, SEI was shown to have convergence properties superior to those of SOR for the problems considered and to require less work. 56 .- investigation of VSEI was largely experimental, but the results indicate that for the class of problems considered it is superior to SOR not only with respect to average rate of convergence but also with respect to asymptotic rate of convergence. k c 2 Extensions It seems probable that the results of Chapter 3 can be extended to linear systems associated with the more general self-adjoint,, elliptic partial differential equation (2„5.l) since the non-null blocks of the Jacobi matrix in this case still have a common basis of eigenvectors though different eigenvalues. Extensions to boundary value problems for non-rectangular regions appear more difficult, but such extensions would be very desirable. LIST OF REFERENCES Arms. R. 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Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1966, 58 VITA Leland Kitchin McDowell was born on March 15, 19^0? in Tarboro,, North Carolina, From 1958 "to 1962 he attended North Carolina State University } where he received Bachelor of Science degrees in Applied Mathematics and in Electrical Engineering. In 1963 he received a Master of Science degree in Mathematics from the University of Illinois, where he pursued graduate work from 1962 to 19^7= During this period he held appointments as teaching assistant in the Department of Mathematics and as research assistant in the Department of Computer Science „ \