UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY At urbanA'Champaign Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 Hip /, Report No. UIUCDCS-R-77-890 ^iati i UILU-ENG 77 17^6 BLOCK SUM REGISTER AND BURST ARITHMETIC BY James Hsioh-Cheng Ma August, 1977 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS The Library of the NOV 2 1977 University of Illinois at lirhana-Chamr UIUCDCS-R-77-890 BLOCK SUM REGISTER AND BURST ARITHMETIC BY JAMES HSIOH-CHENG MA August, 1977 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1977 Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to thank his advisor, Professor W. J. Poppelbaum, for his advice and guidance on the project. He also wishes to thank the members of the Information Engineering Laboratory for their advice and friendship. Special thanks are due to Ehud Bracha for his invaluable aid in the final phase of this project. Finally, the encouragement and support of the author's family has been indispensable and is deeply appreciated. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 . INTRODUCTION 1 2. THE BLOCK SUM REGISTER 3 2.1 Current Summing Register 3 2.2 Charge Summing Register 3 2.3 Load Current Register 6 3. A BURST ARITHMETIC UNIT 9 3.1 Burst Addition 9 3.2 Burst Subtraction H 3.3 Burst Multiplication H 3.4 Reciprocal 14 3.5 Burst Division 14 4. PHYSICAL LAYOUT AND OPERATION OF THE AU 17 5. CONCLUSIONS 18 LIST OF REFERENCES 19 APPENDIX Signetics 8273 Specifications 20 Photograph of the AU 24 1 . INTRODUCTION The purpose of this thesis is to develop a simple Block Sum Register and to construct an arithmetic unit capable of addition, subtraction, multipli- cation, reciprocal, and division using the Block Sum Register. Burst processing is a method of information representation and process- ing developed by Dr. W. J. Poppelbaum (1). Burst processing has been shown to be useful fo^ video and audio signal processing. The main idea of burst pro- cessing is to represent information by blocks or bursts of unweighed binary digits and to perform simple, low precision processing on these blocks. Figure 1 shows the representation of numbers by a block of length ten. Note that only the number of ones in the block determine the value represented, not the position within the block. Higher precision can be obtained, as shown in Figure 1, if the average of the successive blocks are taken. There- fore, to represent a number to 1% precision, ten bursts of length 10 each will suffice and .1% precision will then require one hundred bursts of length 10 each. Bursts of length 10 are convenient for decimal arithmetic and will be assumed for the rest of the paper. It is obvious that a single burst can represent eleven numbers from to 1.0 in increments of .1 and thus is capable of approximating a value between and 1.0 to 10% precision. This inherent coarseness of the burst representation results in greatly simplied arithmetic circuitry. The trade off for this simplicity is that burst encoding has lower information capacity than weighed binary: a single burst can represent 11 values, whereas 10 bits of weighed binary can represent 2 values. in • II UJ o < in ro X • # UJ ii it > < c 1 ■> o o I— < *- •r- 4-> <3 +■> C o •—1 in- S- CD •r- 'o. •r* 3 S- 3 en in — ^V^ - ^ — ^ — | CM O o > m. «2- > ■AAA/ — 1| ■£> — 'N^A/"""* — M*A/ — I ■AAA, — 1| 14 error comes from the exponential relationship between the base voltage and the collector current. However, by dividing V. by the 10K - 10 ohm divider network, the actual base voltage is reduced to 6mV for the maximum V. of 6 volts. This is much less than the junction constant kt/q = 25.69 mV at 25°c. Experimental results show the precision is better than 5%. 3.4 Reciprocal The reciprocal function is performed by multiplying the operand by an internally generated burst and comparing the product to the analog level corresponding to a burst of .1. This scaling is used to prevent overflow and allow for encoding into burst format. Figure 7 shows the eleven burst values and their reciprocal. The reciprocal of a burst of zero is defined to be a burst of 1.0 since 1.0 is the maximum value possible. Figure 7 also shows the reciprocal representable in a single burst. The method used automatically generates the sequence of bursts with the exact average analog level corresponding to the reciprocal. In practice the precision is limited by the comparator and the multiplier. The comparator used has a precision of 1.2% and the multiplier contributes 5%. Experimental results show actual precision of 5%. 3.5 Burst Division Given the reciprocal and a multiplier, the division function can be realized. Figure 8 shows the addition of a multiplier to the reciprocal generator. The numerator is not multiplied by the analog level of the single burst, which corresponds to the 10% approximation of the reciprocal, but is multiplied by the exact sequence of bursts which is the reciprocal of the denominator. Maintaining the multiplier and the at 5% precision allows quotients to be of 10% precision. 15 in — wv— ^ — ^a- — | o £ — ^A/— 1 — M*A^ — ||l -AAA, — 1|< I +^ £ *Vv— i— MAr— ||i O O ■AAA, — 1|< O ri -H CM ro in to in m ro ro ro ro 10 -> oj ro CVJ OJ h- ^> U) ro go OJ u o s- Q. ~H •r— o OJ OH in OJ r-J OJ p-H 3 ^H C7> oo 2 -. < <-• CO tr < m — ' o rr o 16 i- -o •r™ > Q 00 Q) S- Z3 CD 17 4. PHYSICAL LAYOUT AND OPERATION OF THE AU The arithmetic unit contains six banana plugs for +5 volts, +15 volts, ground and clock, two sets of ten switches and a banana plug for the output. The arithmetic circuitry has been described and will not be considered here. Since the load current variation of the Signetics 8273 shift register depends not only on the number of ones in the shift register, but also on whether the clock is high or low, the duty cycle should be 5% or less to minimize the variations in the outputs of the arithmetic circuitry. The two sets of input switches provide constant bursts to the arithmetic unit. Each switch corresponds to a time slot in the bursts. The switches are inputs to a Signetics 8274 ten bit parallel input shift register. On e^ery tenth clock pulse, the logic levels corresponding to the switch positions are loaded into the Signetics 8274 shift register and shifted out serially during the next ten clock pulses. The internal outputs of the arithmetic circuits are in analog form. These outputs are encoded into burst format and are available at the output banana plug. The encoding is performed by comparing the analog output with the voltage level corresponding to each burst value. The output of the ten comparators are loaded into a Signetics 8274 shift register on every tenth clock pulse and shifted out during the next ten clock pulses. The photograph at the end of the Appendix shows the arithmetic unit. 18 5. CONCLUSIONS A Block Sum Register composed of one shift register and one resistor has been developed. The BSR developed offers good linearity and ease of use. Depending on the application some form of buffering may be necessary. The buffering amplifier would also provide any needed level shifting or amplification. The BSR is rated at 25 MHz minimum. A low precision arithmetic unit has also been constructed using the Signetics 8273 shift register as the BSR. The clock frequency of the shift register is 600 KHz, due to the limitation of the 741 op-amp used. The arithmetic unit uses 4 shift registers, 4 transistors, and 7 op-amps. Negative numbers could be allowed since the analog circuitry can yield bipolar voltages. Higher speeds can be obtained by using a faster op-amp or by using a fixed gain discrete amplifier. Burst representation lends itself to applications where precision is not critical or when it can be obtained through averaging. The simplifi- cations result in low cost precessing elements operating on line. The BSR is a semianalog device performing processing in analog and storage and transmission in digital format. 19 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Poppelbaum, W. J., "Statistical Processors," "Advances in Computers," Vol. 14, pp. 182-230, 1976. 2. Bracha, E., "Burstcalc, A Burst Calculator," Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, UIUCDCS-R-75-769, October 1975. 3. Sheingold, D., ed., " Nonlinear Circuits Handbook" , Analog Devices, Norwood, Massachusetts, 1974. PIN CONFIGURATION 20 GND 8 B,F,W Package %l 1 Q 7 2 *8 3 % 4 o ■ (_y O r- 1 Cr O 1 in i in cr Q < > c ** i ^t cr o < CO > CO o* o CSJ » CM cr o f I » /* / r- o* Q » u > < > \o CO II II o o o z > o L at E c •r- Ql to ai o c a> ■a »— I o o I— « CD O o% KO CSJ r— UJ or: o o o o 23 cc LO LU 1- II co M O o <_> LU > q; ■1 i- O u_ o t— 1 LO n: CM co o r- —J co LU o _l •T" _J +-> 2 co •r— «c s_ D_ 0) +-> 2: o i— i re i s- _j (O < -C i— i o en LU CD co c •r- \- .c •— i u CO +-> 1 •r— o s r— CO J— N CO CO CO CO CO i— i 3= c c c c c ■z. s: => X OOOOOLOOLOOLOO <£> CM i— i >- CO CO CM CO CM i — i — i— s: 1— •— i _j Z LO i— i CM s: CO >>>>>> z: • •>>LO>LO>LO>LO>LO o 5> LO LO • O • O • O • O • I— « O • • "S3- ^ «3" "* *3" 1— «!*- «3" II II II II 1— 1 II II II II II II Q II II CM CM CM CM Z CM i — • — i — i — ■ — o I — | — JxC -^ -^ JxZ. o ucocoooooooooo 1— OLULU Oi — Oi — Oi — Oi — O CO i— oc a: r— Oi— or— Or- o r— LU c_> c_> o o o c_> h- r— ZD O O- 1— h- 33 O r — CM r— CM i — CMi — CM r— CM 4-> s: h- jx: ^qj^jx:^-xijx:-x:^x:-±£ O ID O OC0OUOOOOOO err o_ o ocuoooooooo u_ z r™ - r"" ** v * r— r- - r" - r-~ r— r - r^ f - 1— 1 O (-3 OOOOOOOO >> >> ••- O Or— 4-> i i a +-> a. CD C C 3 3 TO -»-> S- S_ 4- Q-4-> r— PJ 3 3 O C cu -o 4- *r m (/) 3 on C ^^^ LU A3 .&£ J— s- U Q. LU h- O 3 s i— i -a <: i— D£ +-> c «+- — ' +-> +J — ■ - ' - .— ■ i —.— — .. -——.,- — 24 Photograph of the AU. ECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whon Dmtm Bnlormd) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE I. REPORT NUMBER I UIUCDCS-R-77-890 | I TITLE (mnd Subtitle) BLOCK SUM REGISTER AND BURST ARITHMETIC 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO 7. AUTHORr*; James Hsioh-Cheng Ma 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL 61801 READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER S. TYPE OF REPORT ft PERIOD COVERED M.S. Thesis /August, 1977 S. PERFORMING ORO. REPORT NUMBER UIUCDCS-R-7 7-871 • . CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERfaJ N00014-75-C-0982 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA ft WORK UNIT NUMBERS II. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS Office of Naval Research Code 437 Arlington, Virginia 22217 12. REPORT DATE August, 1977 IS. NUMBER OF PAGES U MONITORING AGENCY NAME ft ADDRESSf*/ dlttormnt /ram Controlling Of lie*) IS. SECURITY CLASS, (of thlt Opoti) Release Unlimited ISa. DECLASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 16- DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ot thlt Roport) Distribution unlimited 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ol tho •btlrmcl entered In Block 30, It different from Report) IB. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (Contlnum on revere* aide II neeeeeory arid Identity by block number) Burst Processing Block Sum Register 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on rmvoreo tide II neceeemry "><* Identity by block number) The Block Sum Register (BSR) is a basic building block used in Burst Processin The main difficulty with it has been the large number of discrete components required for the current sources. The paper introduces various BSR designs with considerably smaller numbers of discrete components using the electrical characteristics of the BSR's shift register. The best design is then used in an arithmetic unit which performs DD I JAN 73 1^73 EDITION OF 1 NOV 6S IS OBSOLETE S/N 0102-014-6601 | SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAOE (When Dmlm Knterod) LLUWTY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEr*h.n D.t. B n f~d) 20. the basic arithmetic operations, i.e., addition subtraction, multiplicatic and division. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEf***. Dmf Snt.r~« 3GRAPHIC DATA r 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-77-89Q 3. Recipient's Accession No. -3tio e and Subtitle SLOCK SUM REGISTER AND BURST ARITHMETIC 5. Report Date August, 1977 6. fior(s) James Hsioh-Cheng Ma 8* Performing Organization Rept. No. UIUCDCS-R-77- 890 forming Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL 61801 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. N00014-75-C-0982 onsoring Organization Name and Address Office of Naval Research Code 437 Arlington, Virginia 22217 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Master's Thesis 14. pplementary Notes The Block Sum Register (BSR) is a basic building block used in Burst Processing. The main difficulty with it has been the large number of discrete components required for the current sources. The paper introduces various BSR designs with considerably smaller numbers of discrete components using the electrical characteristics of the BSR's shift register. The best design is then used in an arithmetic unit which performs the basic arithmetic operations, i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. ey Words and Document Analysis. 17o. Descriptors Burst Processing Block Sum Register I Identifiers /Open-Ended Terms COSATI Field/Group vailability Statement Release Unlimited 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 22. Price ■l NTIS-35 ( 10-70) USCOMM-DC 40329-P71 »"*• OCT 2'NM V>u> UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 510 84 IL6R no COO? no 886 893(1977 Generating binary trees lexicogrephlcall 3 0112 088403594 SB m I H *-* . H HI ■ 1 Rj BH ■ IS RSti 9BT ■