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Great Britain and Ireland, 18 XVIII. Western Europe, . . .19 XIX. Central Europe, . . . 20 XX. Asia, Syria, and The Empire of Japan, . . . . 21 XXI. Africa, Egypt, and Liberia, . . . . . . 22 XXII. Australia, Polynesia, Sandwich Islands, &c., . - . .23 XXIII. Commercial Map of the World, 24 XXIV. statistical Tables, . ■ 25 & 26 V. The British Provinces, VI. The United States, VII. Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, 6&7 5 8 COPVBIGHT 1886, BY COWPERTHWAIT *. CO., PHILADELPHIA. 3 /f ^ ()3608 The United States in Detail. STATES. Alabama Arkansas .... California .... Colorado Connecticut , . . Delaware .... Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky .... Louisiana .... Maine Maryland .... Massachusetts . . Michigan .... Minnesota .... Mississippi, . . . Missouri Nebraska .... Nevada ..... New Hampshire . New Jersey . . . New York North Carolina . . Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania , . Rhode Island . . South Carolina . . Tennessee .... Texas Vermont . . Virpnia West Virginia . . Wisconsin .... TERRITORIES. Alaska Arizona Dakota District of Columbia , Idaho Indian Montana New Mexico Utah Washington Wyoming Capitals. Montgomery . , Little Rock . . Sacramento . . Denver . , . . Hartford .... Dover Tallahassee . . Atlanta . . . . Springfield . . . Indianapolis . . Dcs Moines . . Topeka .... Frankfort . , . New Orleans . . Augusta .... Annapolis . , . Lansing . . . St. Paul . . . Jackson . . . Jefferson City Lincoln . . . Carson City . Concord . . . Trenton . . , Albany , . . Raleigh . . . Columbus . . Salem . Harrisburg Prov. and Newport . Columbia . . . . Nafihville Austin Montpelier Richmond Charleston Madison Public Lands (unattached) . Sitka Prescott . . . . Bismarck . . . Washington . . Bo\s6 City . . . Tahlcquan , . . Helena . . . . Santa F6 . . . . Salt Lake City . Olympia . . , , Cheyenne . , . 53.04S 155,980 "03.645 4,845 1,960 54.240 58,980 56,000 35,910 55.475 81,700 40,000 45.420 29-895 9,860 8,040 57,430 79,205 46.340 68,735 76,185 109.740 9,005 7.455 47.620 48,580 40,760 94.560 44.985 1,085 30,170 41,750 362,290 9,135 40,125 «4.64S S4.450 3,040,785 331.409 112,930 147,700 60 84,290 64,090 i45.3'o 122,460 83,190 66,S8o 97.575 5.740 Total 3,501,409 so.155.783 1,263,505 802,535 864,694 '94.327 623,700 146,608 269,493 1,542,180 3,077,871 1,978,301 1,634,615 996,096 1,648,690 939.946 648.936 934,943 1,783,085 1.636,937 780,773 1. .597 3,168,380 452,402 62,266 346,991 1.I3MI6 5,082,671 1,399.750 3,198,062 174.768 4,282,891 276,531 995.577 1.542,359 1.591,749 332,286 1,512,565 618,457 1.315,497 49/37i>34o 40,440 "35,177 177,624 32,610 39,159 "9.56s 143,963 75,116 20,789 The Largest Producing States of some of the Most I Important Staples. (From the Census of i88o.) I MANUFACTURES. Dollars. COAL. Tons. New York .... Pennsylvania . . . Massachusetts . . Ohio New Jersey .... Connecticut , , Missouri 1,080,696,596 744,818,445 631,135,284 414,864,673 348,298,390 254,380,236 185,697,311 165,386,205 150,715,025 148,006,411 Pennsylvania .... Illinois Ohio Maryland West Virginia , 46,688,143 6.089,514 5,932,853 3,227,844: 1,792,570 1,449.496 1,442,333 935,857 763,597 589.595 COTTON. Bales. WOOL. Pounds Mississippi .... Arkansas South Carolina . . North Carolina , . Tennessee .... 963,111 814,441 805,284 699,654 608,256 522,548 508,569 389.598 330,621 54,997 Ohio California Michigan New York Pennsylvania .... Missouri Wisconsin Texas Indiana Illinois 35,003,756 16,798,036 11,858,497 8,827,195 8,470,273 7,313.924 7,016,491 6,926,019 6,167,498 6,093,066 BUTTER. Pounds. CHEESE. Poundo. HORSES. Number. OXEN AND OTHER CATTLE. Number, SHEEP. Number. SWINE. Number, Pennsylvania .... Ohio Illinois Indiana Wisconsin 111,922,433 79.336.013 67.634,263 55.481,958 53.657.943 38,831.890 37.377.797 33.353.045 28,573,124 25,340,826 New York California Wisconsin Ohio Vermont Maine Iowa Illinois Pennsylvania . . ■ . Massachusetts . . . 8,362,590 2,566,618 3,381,411 2,170,24s 1,545.789 1.167,730 1.075,988 1,035.069 1,088,686 839,528 Illinois Texas Iowa Ohio Missouri New York Indiana Pennsylvania .... Kansas Michigan 1,023,082 805,606 792,322 736.478 667.776 610,358 581,444 533,587 430,907 378,778 Texas Iowa Illinois New York Missouri Ohio Pennsylvania .... Kansas Indiana Wisconsin 4,084,605 2,612,036 2,384.322 2,339,721 2,080,932 1,860,186 1-730.237 1,451.057 1,363,760 1,129,141 Texas Michigan New Mexico .... New York Missouri 4,902,486 4,152,349 2,411,633 3,189,389 2,088,831 1.776. 598 1,715,180 1,411,298 1,336,807 1,100,511 Illinois Ohio Tennessee ..... 6,034,31 5,170,2^ 4.553.13 3.186,41 3.141.33 3,160,4^ 1.950,33 1,787.9^ i,S65,o!| Illinois . . Indiana . . Ohio . . . Michigan . Minnesota Iowa .... California . , Missouri . Wisconsin Pennsylvania . 51,110,502 47,284,853 46,014,869 35.532,513 34,601,030 31,154,205 39,017,707 34,966,627 24,884,689 19,462,40s INDIAN CORN Illinois . . Iowa . , . Missouri Indiana . . Ohio . . . Kansas . . Kentuclcy . Nebraska . Tennessee Wisconsin 325,793,481 275,014,247 202,414,4(3 115,482,300 111,877,124 105,729.325 72,852,263 65.450.135 63,764,429 34,230,579 Illinois . . . . Iowa New York , . Pennsylvania , Wisconsin . . Ohio Minnesota . . Missouri . . . Michigan . . Indiana . . . . 63,r89,300 50,610,591 37,575.506 33.841.43^ 32,905,320 28,664,505 33.382,158 20,670,958 18,190,793 15.599. 518 New York , , , . Iowa J Illinois Pennsylvania . . , Ohio Wisconsin .... Minnesota .... Kansas Michigan California 5,340,563 3.613,941 3.280,319 3,811,654 2,210,923 1,896,969 1,636,913 »,589,987 1,393,888 1,135,180 WHITE POTATOES. New York Pennsylvania . Ohio . , . Slichigan . Illinois . . Iowa . . . Wis Maine . . Indiana . . Minnesota 33,644,807 16,284,819 12,719,215 10,924,111 '0,365,707 9.962,537 8,509,161 7.999.625 6,233,246 5,184,676 Kentucky . . Virginia . . Pennsylvania Ohio .... Tennessee , North Carolin; Maryland . . Connecticut . Missouri . . Wisconsin 171,120,784 79,988,868 36,943.272 34.735.235 29,365.052 26,986,213 26,082,147 14,044,652 12,015.657 10,608,423 7 10 5 Longitude West 4 faom Wasliiufe-ton 3 0 Loiigumle >^ast 1 IroiTi ^Vasl^m ^;^)ll 2 lO 12 THE WEST or MISSISSIPPI RIVER Sai/t no StumcM/cv to an Inch , """r.ik,. ■Jli'tl'.ill ■lV«-B;iv I . K.nir-liiicP J ■-^ r ^^tio'lNE,*^^ — : .riow-aWV\D3venB5»' Longiluilo Wi-st do from Greeaiwitili 12 13 16 15 18 .Cpi.ttinTand, Q ' MiMJP OF I OTM* BEITMlf ;' k H D Scali- "(Iniileslo miiiidi. THE SHETLAND ISLANDS. Scale TOntiicstoaiimch. ^ -'O 1< w I s. I ireaiUpn!;t: l; S L A N 1> [ North iinauR I 1 U Newca tie 2"-'"""* ./ 'lialforc^, , 3a flutiiX, WliSTfil. /: C MAKNgl. ISLAND S . SraleTOnulesioHiiini'lL. 18 ^^^^ 77 Longitude Eitst jTom ^taahingtop 20 20 22 24 Area of the Countries of the Worlds with the Population Calculated* to January 1, 1885. 25 NORTH AMEBICA. British North America i Guatemala . . . Salvador , , , . Nicaragua . . . Honduras .... Costa Rica , . , Balize Danish America |i^e^and"^,' , Mexico . . . ■ (States and Territories United States < U. S. part of Great Lakes (Alaska West Indies Total SOUTH AMEEIOA, Argentine Republic Bolivia Chili Colombia, United States of. Ecuador , Falkland Islands (British ..... Guiana < French { Dutch Paraguay Peru Uruguay Venezuela Total . EUROPE. Austria-Hung.iry Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Novi-bazar Lichtenstein Belgium Denmark France German Empire Great Britain and Ireland Malta, Gibraltar, and Hclignland . , Greece {with Islands and Thessaly) . . . Holland . . Luxemburg 2 Italy Montenegro Monaco, San Marino, and Andorra . . . Portugal (with M.tdeira and Azores) . , Roumania Russia (with Cis-Caucasiaj Servia Spain (with Canaries) Sweden and Norway, (^^^^den ' { Norway . . . . Switzerland Turl;ey I Immediate Possessions) . . . . Ea-^t Ronmelia Bulgaria Total . 3,248,0 46,9 i,66o| J .982' .562, 837.9™ 40.4 3,024,8 6s,i 8.773,742 356,8 438.0 134, ^ 6,5 85.4 46,8 46,0 4.738,000 1.286,000 600,000 280,000 370,000 200,000 28,000 10,000 73,000 9,850,000 55,100,000 5.139.500 77,674,500 3,344,000 2,500,000 12,300,000 2,500,000 3,500,000 1,200,000 1,600 280,000 30,000 75.000 500,000 241.377 39,060,000 23.577 1,350,000 61 9,000 11.372 S, 800, 000 15.3^3 2,038,000 204 ,082 38,130,000 210.164 47,240,000 lal.483 36,350,000 127 172,000 24,976 12,741 4,280,000 999 220,000 >".4oS 29,050,000 3.486 240,000 216 25,000 35.655 4,840,000 50,173 5,500,000 2,215,500 91,760,000 18.757 196,165 173.967 4,620,000 125,646 1,998,000 15,980 3,930,000 63,876 4,700,000 13,861 940,000 24,700 2,306,000 3,915,649 344,683,000 ASIA. Afghanistan* Arabia* Beloochistan* West Turkestan * Chinese Empire* Hindoostan and Ceylon Indo-China* Japan Persia * Russia in Asia Samos, Cyprus. Andamans, Aden, e Turkey (excluding 1 urkish Arabia) . Total , AFRICA. Abyssinia* Algeria British Possessions in Guinea, etc. Cape Colony, etc., and N.ual . . , Egypt . ■ . . ■ ■ Egyptian boudau'^ French Settlements and Islands . Liberia Rl.adagascar'" Marocco Portuguese Possessions Spanish Possessions 'IVansvaal & Orange Free State . Tripoli, with Fcz2aii and Barca* . Tunis* The Sahara'^ Zanzibar Island Central Africa, Soudan (Native)* Congo Basin, Guinea (Native)* Galla and Somali-Land (Native)* South Africa (Native)* Total . OCEANIOA. MALAYSIA. Java and Madura (Holland) Borneo, Sumatra, Celebes (Holland) * Spice Islands, etc. (Holland) North Borneo and Sarawak CEngland) Philippine and Sulu Islands (Spain) . . AUSTRALASIA. Australia New Zealand and Tasmania Papua and Adjacent Islands* . New Caledonia, etc. (France) . POLYNESIA. Fiji Islands, etc. (England) Tahiti, etc. ( France) Ladrone and Caroline Islands (Spain) . Samoa and Tonga Islands Sandwich Islands Other Groups of Islands Total 210,000 1,218,790 106,762 120,000 4.553.270 •.4". 945 835.815 147.663 636,368 6,480,150 7,220 479.248 7.231 50,860 500,000 114,360 2,944,630 130.775 312,000 7.700 1 ,000 1,46: 6.567 4,"8,36: 4.000, 5.300J 3,000, 283,700, 265,670, 40,520, 37.500, 7,800, 14,500, 45J 15,900, KEOAPITOLATIOIT -POPULATION OF THE WOELD. North America South America Europe Asia ; Africa Oceanica South Potar Region and Arctic Archi P'^'ago 128,680 5,000,000 257-553 3,642,000 17.063 954,000 261,484 1,764,000 394.315 6,900,000 825,700 99,020 400,000 14.363 1 ,050,000 228,557 3.500,000 3' 3.64' 6,200,000 697,100 2,500,000 85, 154,100 1 ,080,000 398.976 1 ,000.000 44.922 1.500.000 2,500,000 610 200,000 5,288,736 150,000,000 Total . BRITISH EMPIRE IN DETAIL. IN EUROPE. Great Britain | ^"^^ • ■ ( Scotland Ireland Malta, Gibraltar, etc IN NORTH AMERICA. British Columbia . . . . Manitoba New Brunswick . , . . Nova Scotia Ontario Quebec Prince Edward's Island . Territories Honduras (Balize) Canada. 200,230,000 vfoundland a Indies (British) IN SOUTH AMERICA. British Guiana and Falkland Islands Hindostan. f Immediate Possessions , i Tributary States . . . . Ceylon Cypnis 1 Aden, Andamans, Nicnhnrs, etc . . . 20,965,000 r Straits Settlements and Hongkong . . 9,000,0 5,900,0 560,0 3 ,000 6,000 5.000 2,000 □ ,000 IN AFRICA. Cape Colony, etc Natal , Gold Coast, Lagos Mauritius and other Islands . Sierra Leone and Gambia . Australi: IN OCEANICA. New South Wales . . . . Victoria Queensland South Australia West and North Australia . New Zealand North Borneo, Sarawak, and Papua . . Fiji and other Pacific Islands Tasmania Total . 8,773.7-1: 6.032,324 3.915.649 16,207,231 1.128,365 700,000 1069,311 1,373,884,600 58,492 30,461 32.530 127 355.999 150,000 27,322 21.73' 107,780 »93.355 2. 173 2,346.983 7.562 42,734 13.340 823.855 471.549 3.707 3,300 1,480 242.734 18,750 15,100 893 1,070 309,175 87,884 668,224 379.805 1.499.54" 104,400 120,000 8,400 26.375 6,306,200: WEST INDIA ISL- ANDS IN DETAIL. f H< "»>"' t Oominica . Cuba Porto Rico Antigua and Barbuda Bahamas, etc. . . . Barb a does Bermudas D01 Grenada & Grenadines . Jamaica & Caymans . Moniserrat, Virgin, Rc- donda, and Nevis . , St. Christopher and An- guilla Santa Lucia Saint Viucent . . . . Tobago Trinidad Curagoa, etc Santa Cruz St. Thomas & St.John , Guadeloupe, etc. , . . Martinique, etc. . . . Total To wlioi belongs. Independent, Spain. Great Britain. Holland. Denmark. 20)597 3.596 5,613 166 i6( 4,418 94.465 550,000 350,000 1,650,000 840,000 35.500 175,000 15,000 2q,ooo 45 .two 608,000 29,000 EAST INDIES IN DETAIL. Ajmeer, Berar, and Curg Bengal Bombay Central Provinces North-west Provinces and Oiide Madras Punjab Hyderabad (Native) Rajpulana " Mysore, Travancore, Baroda, et Tributary States French and Portuguese Posses.- Himalayan States Ceylon Hindostan, Total British Burmah Birmah and Independent Tribes . . . Cochin China Cambodia and French Cochin-China . Independent Malacca Siam. with Laos and Slian 'fribes . . Straits Settlements Tonquin (France) 22,005 46,34: 193. '9' 124,122 84.445 106,111 106.632 81,807 129,750 116,463 143.529 1. 49 1 90.350! 24.700! GERMAN EMPIRE IN DETAIL. 3,480,000 5,100,000 72,800, 16,800, 10,300, 45,000, 31,200, 19,400, 13-700, 800, '.4",945 265,670, 87.220 209,600 Indo-China, Total 59.970 3'. 5^ t.445j 631780 835.815' 40,520,000 Kingdom of Prussia . Ba< Wuriemburg " Saxony Grand Duchy uf Baden . " " MecklenburgSchwerin . " " Mecklenburg-Strelitz . , " " Hesse " " Oldenburg " " Saxe-Weimar Duchy of Anhalt " Brunswick " Saxe-Altenburg " Saxe-Ccburg-Goiha " Saxe-Meiningen Principality of Lippe-Deimold " Lippe-Schauinbnrg . . . . Reiiss-Schleitz " Reuss-Greitz Schwart7burg-Rudolsiadt . " Schwarzb'g Sondershausen. Waldeck City of Hamburg Cities of Bremen and Lubcck Province of Alsace and Lorraine Total . '35.778, 29,403] 7.5301 5.779 5.9'o| 5.>89j 1,026 1.425I 764! 914 438 37> 328 432 -58 213 5.602 RUSSIAN EMPIRE IN DETAIL. Russia in Europe Poland Grand Duchy of Finland Cis-Caucasia Nova Zembia, Spiizbergen, etc. . . Trans-Caucasia and Armenia . . . . Siberia Central Asia Trans-Caspian Territory and Merv . Caspian and Aral Seas Total 1.877.534 43.195 126,754 86,570; 8i,447i 95,920^ 4,824,370, 1,162,590 201,740! 195.530 8,695,650! 106,260,000 9,520,000 7,590,000 2,480,000 4,250,000 4,260,000 5,340,000 650,000 CHINESE EMPIEE IN DETAIL, China Proper, with Hainan and Formosa* , Corea Manchuria Mongolia Thibet East Turkestan Soongaria Total . Area in 1 sq. miles. Population. 1,554.000 255,000,000 9i,420| 7,500,000 372,150' 12,000,000 651,700 6,000,000 432 ,000 600,000 148,0001 600,000 4,553.270 283,700,000 1 The population of China is usually given as 350.000,000, but this is certainly an exaggeration. PRINCIPAL EMPIRES, ETC. British Empire . . , Russian Empire . . Chinese Empire . . ice and her colonies . German Empire . . Vustro-Hungarian Em nd and her colonies I and her colonies . igal and her colonies 1 urkish Empire . . United States .... 8,306,2001 8.695,650 4.553.270 888,360 210,164 265,015 6S1. " 361,849 704,692 1.611,583 3,621,466 * Thi- mnrk indicates that mi census has been taken of the countries against which it is placed. The p ipnlati population given by the last census the difference between it and their population according 10 the precedinc census ■ Luxemburg belongs to Holland, but has a separate government. " France and the African Intcrnaiional Associ .n of all countries in which a census is officially taken is here calculated by adding to the I I'hese territories nominally belong to Turkey, bui are occupied by Austria-Hungary iiion have rights on the Congo, and Germany and England havi :ed much of the coast. 26 POPULATION OF SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL CITIES AND TOWNS OF THE WORLD. From the VNITED STATES CEIVSVS of 1880, the ALHAWACH DE GOTHA for 1885, and other late Authorities. [The population of the larger cities is given in nearest Even Thousands, that of the smaller places (under 10,000) in nearest Even Hundreds.] NORTH AMERICA. United States. Maine. Augusta Portland Lewision Bangor Bid de ford.... (1880.) (1670.) 8,700' 7,800 .. 34,000: 31,000 -. 19,000 14,000 .. 17,000 18,000 .. 13,000 10,000 New Hampshire. Concord 14 Manchester 3.1iO^ Nashua 14.000, 11,000 Dover 12,000 9,300 Porlsmonth 9>70o\ y.aoo Keene 6,8' » 6,000 Vermont. MoNTPKLiEK 3,200 Rutland 12 Burlington 11,000 Massachusetts. BostoN 1 Charlestown L,fi, West Roxbury.. P° Brighton J Lowell 59. Hartfokd.. Mulord 9>30o Wcsifield 7,600 Rhode Island. Proviuence 105,000 NawpoKT 16,000 Pawtucket ig.ox) Woonsocket 16,00a Lincoln 14,000 Warwick 12,0: Cumberland 6,41 Westerly 6,100 Bristol " Connecticut. ■ 43.000 . 63,030 Bridgeport 29,000 Norwich 21,000 Watcrbury 20,000 Meriden 18,000 Norwalk 14,000 New Britain i4,oo3| Derby 12,000 Middletown 12,000 Danbiiry 12,000 Stamford New London. New Yor'x. Aldany , New York Brooklyn Buffalo i Rochester Troy Syracuse Utica Auburn Oswego Elmira Poughkeepsic Cohoes Yonkers Newhurg Rondout 1 Kingston J Binghaniton Long island City. Lockport Schenectady Castleton Rome Amsterdam Watertown Saratoga Springs., Ogdensburg , 69,000 4,700 5.300 ,000 10,000 Pennsylvania. (laeO) (1870.) Harrisburu 31,000' 23,000 Philadelphia .847,000 674,000 Pittsburgh 156,000 86,000 Allegheny| 53,000 Scranton 46,000 Reading. Erie 28,000 19,000 Lancaster., Wilkes-Barre 23,000 Altooiia 20,000 Williamsport. Altcntown 18,000 Chester 15,000 9,500 York 14,000 Pottsville 13,000 Norristown 13,000 11,000 Easlon 12,000 11,000 Shenandoah 10,000 3,000 New Jersey. Trenton 30,000 136,000 .. 51.000 ,. 31,000 Newark Jersey City. Paterson Camden Hoboken Kli7abeth New Brunswick.. Orange Delaware, Dover 3,000 Wilmington ..' 42,000 Maryland. Annapolis 6,600 Baltimore 332,000 Frederick 871 Cumberland 4400 District of Columbia. 23,000 105,000 83,000 34,000 20,000 9.300 Hamilton 12,000 Chillicothe 11,000 Canton iz,ooo Stcubenville 12,000 Portsmouth 11,000 Indiana. Indianapolis 75,ooo Evansville 29,000 Fort Wayne 27,000 Terre Haute 26,000 New Albany 16,000 LaTayetie 15,000 Richmond 13,000 South Bend 13,000 Loganspurt 11,000 Illinois, SPBiNGFiiiLD 20,000 Chicago 503,000 Peoria 29,000 Qulncy 27,000] Bloomington i7,ooo| Joliet 16,0001 Hyde Park 16,000; Aurora 12, Kockford 13, Galcsburg 11, JacUouville 11. Helkville n, Rock Island 12, {1870.) 11,000 8,900 8,700 Michigan. LANSlNr. Detroit 116,000 Grand Rapids 32,000 t Bay City 21,000' 5,800 Jackson 16,000 !67,ooo 8,500 Washington 147.000 109,000 Georgetown 13,000 Virginia. 64,000 51,000 Norfolk 22,000 19,000 ,6,000 6,800 14,000 13,600 Portsm.mlh 37, o< 9,900 S,6oo 19,000 19,000 18,000 18,000 17,000 17,000 14,000 14,000 13,000 12, ( 11,000' 9,300 11.000, 7,500 10,000 10,000 West Virginia. Charleston 4.200 Wheeling 31,000 Parkersburg. 6,600 North Carolina.' Raleic.h 9.300 Wilmington 17,000 South Carolina. COLUMIIIA 10 Charleston 50,000 Georgia. Atlanta bavannah August.i Macon 13,000 Florida. Tallahassee Key West Jacksonville Alabama. Montgomery 17, Mobile 31,000 Mississippi. Jackson 5,200 Vickshurg 12, Natchez 7, t Louisiana. Baton Rovir.E 7 New Orleans 21b Shreveport 11, Arkansas. Little Rock 13,000 Tennessee. Nashville Memphis..!.[aniioea Knoxville^ Kentucky. Frankfort L'luisville , Covington Newport , Lexington , Ohio. COLUMDUS , Cincinnati Cleveland Toledo Dayton Springfield Zanesville Akron Sandusky Youngstown 3,200 19,000 5,500 7,800 13.500 2,000 5,000 6,900 4j6oo 6,100 8,700 . 7,000 5,400 [24,000 101,000 . 30,000] 25,000 . 20,000, 15,000 . 17,000 14,800 j . 52,000 31,000 256 000 216,000 .160,000 93,000 . 50,000 32,000 ,. 39,ooO| 30,000 East Sagin; Kahimazoo.., ■agin; British America. (1881.) Montreal, Queb... 141,000 Toronto. Ont 86,000 Suebec, Queb 62,000 alifax, N. S 36.000 Hamilton, Ont.... 36,000 St. John, N. B 30,000 Winnipeg (i88j)... 31,1.100 Ottawa, Ont. ('71) 27.003 St.John-s.N.K.'?! 26,00) London, OnL ('71) 20,000 Mexico. (1878.) Mexico 260,000 Guadalaxara 80,000 Puebla. 75.000 Guanaxuato 56,000 Central America. Guatemala (1880). 59,000 Leon (1874) 25.000 St. Salvador (1878) 13,000 11,000 San Jose (1876 12,000 10,000 Managua (1874J.,. 10,000 8jTO ! West Indies. 7>9oo Havana ( 1S73) 230,000 r Santiago 96,000 5,200 iMatanzas 45.000 80000 , Port-au-Prince 81)35.000 Kingston.J.imaica 31,000 I.St. John, P. R 18.000 St. Domingo 16,000 48,000 16,000 14,000 9-500 9,000 299,000 24,000 15,000 7.300 3,600 11,000 17,000 ; 7,000 I 19,000 ,000 ,000' Muskegon Wisconsin. Madison lo.oool Milwaukee ii6,oooj Oshkosh i6,ooor Racine 16,000 LaCrossc 15,000' Fond du Lac 13,000. Kati Claire 10,000 Janesville| Missouri. 9,200 71,000 13,000 SOUTH AMERICA. Venezuela, Caraccas(i88il.. Valencia {i38i liarqnisimeto " Maracaybo " 71.000 36,000 29,000 u, s, ;ota of Colombia. ;873) 41,000 Jefferson City... St. Louis Kansas City St. Joseph Hannibal 5,300 351, 10, o( |6,ooo ^2,ooo .... 11,000 Iowa. Des Moines 22,000 Davenport 22,< Dubuque 22,000 Burlington Keokuk 12,000 Council Hlnffs. Rapids 10,000 Minnasota. St. Paul 41,0 Minneapolis 47,0 Winona io,r Texas. Austin 11,0 Galveston 22,0 San Antonio 21,000 Houston 19 Dallas 10,000 California, Sacramento San Francisco Oakbnd San Jose Stockton Los Angeles 1 Oregon. Salem,.., 5,000 Portland 17,600 . Kansas. TOPRK^ 15 Leavenworth 17, Atchison 15 Lawrence ^ 8, Nevada. Carson City Virginia City Nebraska. Lincoln 13,000 Omaha 31,000 Colorado. Denver 36, Leadville 15,000 Territories. Olvmpia (Wash.) Boise City (Id.).. 1,930 Helena (Mont).... 3,600 Bismarck (Dak.;., i,Soo Cheyenne (Wy.) 3,500 Salt Lake City.. 2 Prescott (Ariz. I.. Santa F6 6,600 Tahlequah ... Sitka (Alaska. II Panama 4,400 Popayan " 11,000 Aspinwall" 32,000 I Ouito '1873).., Guayaquil '■ Cuenca " 8,500 5,000 Ecuador. 12,000 20,000 18,000; i5,ooo| 10,900 6,000 i3,ooOi 7,200' Peru. ■876) 16,000 134,000 149,000 35,ojol 11,000' 13,000, io,.;oo 9,iJO 5.70 Lima Callao Cuzco " 18,000 Bolivia. La Paz (1880). 20,000 Cochabamba " . 14,700 4(200 2,500 16,000 Chili. Santiago (1883). ...aoo,ooo Valparaiso (1875). 95,000 Concepcion ('75).. 19,000 Argentine Republic. Buenos \yresC84)z84,ooo Ciirdova (i882j 40,000 Rosario... " 32,000 Tucuman " 24,000 Uruguay. Montevideo ('79).. 73,000 Paraguay. .\suncion ('79) 20,000 Brazil. Rio Janeiro i'84)..350,o=o Bahia " .,140,000 Pernambuco " ..130,000 Guiar^a. Gcorgelownfi832). 35,000 Paramaribo,. " . 25,000 Cayenne /' . 8,000 EUROPE. Norway. Christiania (1882). 122,000 Bergen (1880) 39,000 Christiansand,'8o) 12,000 Sweden. Stockholm (1883)194.000 Gottenburg... " .. Carlscrona ... " .. 19,000 Upsal " ■ 18,000 Russia. St.Pelersb'rg(*84)929,ooo Moscow (1882) 751,000 Warsaw (1882) 406,000 Odessa (1882) 217,000 Riga (1881) 169,000 Kichin'jv (1882). ,.130,000 Kiev (1874) 127,000 Saratow ii88o) 110,000 Kharkow (1879). ..128,000 Kazan (1869) 135,000 Wilna 1 18801 90,000 Cro'^ist;idt(i883l... 48,000 Nijni Novgorod, ,, 21,000 England an I Wales. ilBBl.) London . (with SI Liverpool Birmingham Manchester., Leeds Sheffield Bristol Nottingham, Bradford .... Salford Hull Stoke- Newc; Portsmouth Leicester Sunderland Oldham Brighton Bolton Preston Norwich Cardiff. Derby Plymouth Swansea Merthyr-Tydfil .. Yarmouth Greenwich Cambridge Oxford 2»,ooo Dover 26,000 Scotland. (i88i.) Glasgow 512,000 (with suburbs ...675,000 Edinburgh 228,000 Dundee 142,000 Aberdeen 105,000 Greenock 69,000 Paisley 56,000 Ireland. a88i.) Dublin 250,000 (with suburbs;, 350,000 Belfast 208,000 Cork 80,000 Limerick 40,000 Galway 24,000 Londonderry 21,000 Oueenstown 12,000 Denmark. Copenhagen ('8o). 235,000 3315,000 biirbsj4,764 ,000 -553,000 ...401,000 ,..341,000 -309,000 ..285,000 ,..207,000 .187,000 .,183,000 ,..154,000 pon- Trent 152 ,000 • tie 145,000 , 97,000 , 88.000 . 83,000 46,000 44,000 Holland. ( 1883.) Amsterdam ...361.000 Rotterdam 166,000 The Hague .... .,,131,000 Utrecht 74,000 Groningcn ... 50,000 Arnhcm 44,000 Leyden ... 43,000 Haarlem ... 44,000 Schiedam ... 24,000 Belgium. (I882.) Brussels 166,000 (with suburbs ),..390,oou Antwerp 180.000 Ghent 136,000 Liege 129.000 Bruges 45,000 France. (1881.) 'Paris ...2,270,030 Lyons 348,000 Marseilles Bordeaux .... "."""2i8!ooo Lille 145.000 Toulouse 127,000 Nantes 118,000 St. Eiienne... Rouen.. 106,000 Havre 106,000 Rheims 94,000 Roubaix 80,000 Nancy 71.000 Brest 69.000 Amiens Toulon 61.000 Nismcs 6i,ott, Li moges 59,000 Nice .... 55.000 Montpelier... Versailles 5|.ooo Spain. (1884.) Madrid 332,000 Barcelona 249,000 Valencia 144,000 Seville 133,000 Malaga.. ii_;,ooo Murcia 94,000 Saragossa 3i,ooo Granada 73,ooo Cadiz 58,000 Gibraltar (1878;... i8,ooj Portugal, (1878.) Lisbon 246,000 Oporto 106,000 Germany. (I880.} Berlin 1,019,000 (with suburbs). .1,122,000 Hamburg 289,000 Breslau 272 ,ooz> Munich.. 230,0 Dresden Leipsic 149,000 Cologne 145,000 Konigsberg 141 ,uoj Frankfort-on-the Main 138,000 Hanover. i2j,o.>> Stuttgart ii7,oou Bremen 112,000 D.intzic 109,000 Strasburg 104 ,000 Nuremburg 100,000 Magdeburg .. y8,ooo Barmen 95,000 Dusseldorf. 95,000 Elberfeldt 93,ooo Austria-Hungary. (1880.) Vienna 705,000 I with suburbs). 1,103,000 Buda-Pesth 359,000 Prague 162,000 'I'ricste 144,000 Lembi-Tg .■,..110,000 Gralz 98,000 Brunn 83,00-0 Szegcdin 7^.ooo Cracowli869) 66,000 Switzerland. (I880. Geneva 50.000 (n iih suburbsj ... 68,000 Basle 61,000 Berne 44.000 Zurich 25,000 (with suburbs). ,. 76,000 Italy. (1881.) Naples 463,000 Milan 2^5.000 Rome 273,000 Turin 23^,000 Palermo 206.000 Genoa 138,00^ Florence 135,000 Venice 129,000 Bologna 104,000 Turkey, ueei.) Constantinople. ...700,000 Salonica 80,000 Adrianople 62,000 Philippopolis 24,000 Roumania. Bucharest (1879!. ..221,000 Jassy " ... go,ooo Galaiz " ... 80,000 Servia. Bclgrade(i882},.,, 36,000 Greece, Athens (1884) 85,000 I'airas (1879) 25,000 Syra 1.871; 21,000 Zante . " 16,500 Corfu... " 16,500 ASIA. Turkey. Smyrna 150,000 Damascus 150,000 Bcirout 70,000 Aleppo 70,000 Mecca 60,000 Erzcmum 60,000 Bagdad 60,000 Trebi.-!ond 50,000 Jerusalem 28,000 Asiatic Russia. Bokhara (1872). ...150,000 Tiflis (1876) 104,000 Tashkend (1876). ..101,000 Khokan (1876) 3^,000 Irkoutsk (1879).,. 34,000 Tobolsk (1872) — 20,000 Chinese Empire. (1884.) Pekin 1,500,000 Canton 1,600.000 Tien-tsin 950,000 Han-keou 700,000 Foochow 630,000 Shanghai .'..350,000 Hone Kong ( 1881 (156,000 Yarl-and 120,000 Kashgar 80,000 Japan. (I881,) Tokio 824,000 Ozaka 294,000 Kioto , 240,000 Yokohama 63,000 Kagoshima 54,ooo Nagasaki 40,000 Hindoostan. (1881.) Calcutta 766.C00 l!ombay 773,000 Madras 4l,6,ooo Hyderabad .356,000 Lucknow 262,000 Be I! ares 200,000 1 'I'lhi — 173,000 P.itna 170,000 Allaliabiid 150,000 Aniriisir ( i8;6j. ...152,000 Bangalurc (1872 ,..,156,000 Agr:i 160,000 Sirin.igar (1873I,., 133,000 Cawnporc 151,000 Indo^China. Bangkok 600,000 Sing.ipore 150,000 Kesho 150,000 Saigon 120,000 Rangoon 108,000 Mandalay 100,000 Hue 50,000 Afghanistan. Herat (1875) 100,000 Cabul 60,000 Candahar 50,000 Beloochistan. Kelat^ 15,000 Persia. Teheran 200,000 Tabreez 165,000 Ispahan 60,000 Meshid 60,000 Yezd 40,000 Thibet. Lassa 24,000 Arabia. Muscat 60,000 Aden (18811 35,ooo Hayel 22,000 Mocha.. 10,000 Malay Islands. Manilla {1875,1 160,000 Batavia (1881) 93.000 Australasia. (1881.) Melbourne 283.000 Sydney 324,000 Adelaide 68,oon B .llarat 41,000 Auckland 31,000 Hobart Town 27.000 Honolulu 15,000 AFRICA. 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