L I B RAR Y OF THL UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 617 3 (Jn3IOc mi Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library m. - w: 1 n [e: 0EC2 9 DEC 9' HARU15 MM 2 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTEEIOR, CENSUS OE'FICE. FEANCIS A. WALKER, Superintendent. kAppointod April 1, 1879; ugned November 3, 1881. CHAS. W. SEATON, Superintendent. Appointed November 4, 1881. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS (JUNE 1, 1880), COMPILED PURSUANT TO AN ACT OF CONGRESS APPROVED AUGUST 7, 1882. I>^RT II. WASHI^TGTOJ^": GOVERNMENT PRINTINa OFFICE. 1883. TABLE OF CONTENTS. [See Alphabetical Index at end of Part II.] PART II. MANUFACTURES, tble. p Statistics of manufactures 925-1211 Remarks on the statistics of manufactures 926 927 L.— Manufactures, by totals, of states and territories for "the censuses of 1880, 1870, 18(50, and 1850 928-931 LL— The United States by specified industries: 1880 932-943 Lll.— Manufactures in each state and territory : 1880 W 944-1029 LIU.— Manufactures of 20 principal cities : 1880 1030-1097 ^^Iti^^ore 1030-1033 '^^^^^^ 1034-1039 1038-1043 1042-1045 1046-1051 --^ ^^"^^^"'^ti 1050-1055 Cleveland 1054-1057 1058,1059 Jersey City ; 1060,1061 1060-1063 Milwaukee 1064,1065 ^^^^^^ 1066-1069 New Orleans 1068-1071 ^^^York 1070-1077 Philadelphia 1076-1083 Pittsburgh 1082-1085 Providence 1084-1087 Samt Louis ^ 1088-1091 San Francisco 1092-1095 TT.. o . , ^^'^"^Ston 1096,1097 IjIV.— bpecial statistics for principal industries: 1880 1098-1211 Agricultural implements 1098-1103 Boots and shoes (factory industry) 1104, 1105 Brick and tile 2^Qg' ^^q^ 1108,' 1109 Cheese and butter 1110-1113 Chemical products 1114-1123 1208,1209 Cotton manufactures: specific products of cotton . 1124-1127 other mills 1124 Dyeing and finishing textiles 1128 1129 Zf^ "".".* 1128,' 1129 Flouring- and grist-mill products 1130, 1131 ^}^^^ 1208-1211 Hosiery and knit goods 1132-1135 iii 214508 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Table. Page. LIV.— Special statistics for principal industries: 1880 — continued. Iron and steel 1136-1157 A — Af^gre<;ate of manufacture, by states 1130, 1137 B— Blast furnaces 1138-1141 0 — Bloomaries and forges 1142,1143 D — Iron rolling-mills 1144-1151 E — Bessemer and open-hearth steel works ... 1152-1155 F — Crucible and miscellaneous steel works 1156, 1157 Leather, curried 1158, 1150 tanned 1160, 1161 Lumber, sawed 1162, 1163 Mixed textiles 1164, 1165 Paper (not including wood pulp, leather board, etc. ) . 1166-1169 Petroleum (see Mining). Salt 1170,1171 ground 1170,1171 Shipbuilding 1172-1183 A— Aggregate 1172, 1173 B— New vessels 1174,1175 C — Repairing of vessels 1176, 1177 D— Boats 1178,1179 E — Ocean, coast, and river vessels 1180, 1181 F— Northern lakes 1182,1183 G— Western rivers 1182, 1183 H— Canal boats 1182, 1183 1— Iron vessels 1182,1183 Silk and silk goods 1184, 1185 Slaughtering and meat-packing 1186-1189 Woolen goods 1190-1201 Wool hats 1202, 1203 Worsted goods 1204-1207 POWER USED IN MANUFACTURES. Statistics of power used in manufactures 1213-1226 Letter of transmittal 1215-1218 LV. — Power used in manufactures in the United States : 1880 1219 LVI.— Power used in manufactures in the United States in certain industries: 1880 1220-1226 MINING. Precious metals LVII. — Gold and silver product of the United States for the year end- ing May 31, 1880 LVIII. — Production of precious metals by geographical divisions LIX. — Percentage of placer gold and gold from deep mines in total gold product LX. — Relative production of precious metals in the states and terri- tories LXI. — Average product of gold and silver, per capita and per square mile LXII. — Rank of the states and territories in production of the precious metals 1235 LXIII. — Production of precious metals unaccounted for in preceding tables 1236 iv 1229-1236 1230, 1231 1232 1233 12.33 1234 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Table. Page. NON-PUECIOUS MINERALS 1237-1243 LXIV. — Condensed statement of mineral prodnction of regular mining establishments of non-precious minerals, by substances.. 1237 LXV. — Averages ai)plicablo to mineral products from regular estab- lislnnents from censuses of 1870 and 1880 in the United States 1239 LXVI.— Percentage of gain per ton in mineral products in the United States since the census of 1870 1240 LXVII. — Product of the non-precious minerals, by substances and by states: 1880 1242,1243 LXVIII.— The mineral products, by certain industrial fields : 1880 1242, 1243 Quarries 1244-1247 LXIX. — General statistics of the quarrying industries of the United States: 1880 1244,1245 LXX.— Statistics of the quarrying industries of the United States, showing number of quarries and production, by kinds of rock and by states and territories : 1880 1246, 1247 Petroleum 1248-1253 LXXI. — Statistics of the investment of cajjital and the employment of labor in the i)roduction of petroleum during the year end- ing May 31, 1880 1251, 1252 LXXIL— Statistics of petroleum refining: 1880 1252,1253 RAILROADS, STEAM CRAFT, CANALS, TELEGRAPHS, AND TELEPHONES. Railroads 1257-1267 LXXIIL— Physical characteristics — miles of railroad up to June 30, 1880. 1257 LXXIV. — Averages (cost, value, and amounts), per mile of road com- pleted and operated, of assets and liabilities ; earnings, income, expenses, profit, dividends, and balance retained- 1258 LXXV. — Aggregate income 125& LXXVI. — Income by groups 1259 LXXVII. — Aggregate assets and liabilities 1259, 1260 LXXVIII. — Aggregate transportation earnings 1260 LXXIX. — Aggregate transportation expenses 1260, 1261 LXXX. — Results of traffic operations, by groups 1261 LXXXI. — Per cent, of profit upon capital stock (paid in) of companies which report net income available to the payments of dividends 1262, 1263 LXXXII. — Condensed statement of per cent, of profit upon capital stock. 1263 LXXXIIL— Capital stock paid in 1263 LXXXIV. — Net income available to dividends upon capital stock 1264 LXXXV. — Tonnage: Classification of articles carried 1265 LXXXVI. — Accidents on railroads 1267 Steam craft 1268-1301 LXXXVII. — Statement of the total number, tonnage, value, capital in- vested, service, and traffic of the steam craft of the United States for 1880 1268-1271 -jXXXVIII. — Statement of the number, tonnage, value, capital invested, service, and traffic of the steam craft on United States waters, by groups: 1880 , 1270-1275 LXXXIX.— Statement of the. number, tonnage, value, capital invested, service, and traffic of the steam craft, by states: 1880 1276-1297 V TABLE OF CONTENTS. Table. Page. XC. — Statement of the approximate number, tonnage, and value of the steamers, sailing vessels, canal-boats, barges, flats, and wharf-boats of the United States for 1880 1298-1300 XCI. — Statement of the number and tonnage of steam vessels of the United States navy, revenue marine, light-house board, etc 1301 Canals 1302-1309 XCII. — Sta,tement of the canals operated by states and corporations • in the United States: 1880 1302-1307 XCIII.— Statement of the length and recorded cost of construction of all the important abandoned canals in the United States. 1308, 1309 Telegraphs 1310-1325 XCIV.— General financial exhibit for the year : 1880 1310-1315 XCV.— Balance sheet: 1880 1316-1319 XCVI.—Capital stock: 1880 1320,1321 XCVII.— Service account: 1880 1322-1325 Telephones 1327-1340 XCVIII.— General financial exhibit: 1880 1328-1333 XCIX.— Balance sheet, etc. : 1880 1332-1337 C— Service account: 1880 , 1338-1340 OCCUPATIONS. Statistics of occupations 1341-1399 CI. — Number and sex of persons engaged in each class, by states and territories : 1880 1356, 1357 CII. — Persons engaged in all classes of occupations, by states and territories, with age, sex, and nativity: 1880 1358-13)7 Persons engaged in agriculture 1360, 1331 Persons engaged in professional and personal services 1362, 13 33 Persons engaged in trade and transportation 1364, 1335 Persons engaged in manufactures, mechanical, and mining industries 1366, ISfJJ CIII. — The United States by classes and severally, with the age, sex, and nativity of persons occupied : 1880 1368-1377 CIV. — Number of persons engaged in the principal (selected) occu- pations, by states and territories : 1880 1378-1389 CV.— Fifty cities: 1880 1390-131^9 Persons engaged in all classes of occupations, with age, sex, and nativity 1390, 1391 Persons engaged in agriculture, with age, sex, and nativity. . . 1392, 139J Persons engaged in professional and personal services, with age, sex, and nativity 1394, 139£ Persons engaged in trade and transportation, with age, sex, and nativity 1396, 139: Persons engaged in manufacturing, mechanical, and mining industries, with age, sex, and nativity 1398,1391 FISHERIES. CVI.— Statistics of the fisheries of the United States : 1880 1402, 140: FOREIGN PARENTAGE. Statistics of foreign parentage 1405-1401 CVII. — Parentage of the total number of persons in the United States ha ving one or both i)arents foreign born ; also, number of foreign-born persons having both parents native born. .. 1408, 1401 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. AREAS, DWELLINGS, AND FAMILIES. Table, Page. Statistics of areas, dwellings, and families 1411-1417 CVIIl.— Areas, dwellings, and families: 1880 1413-1415 A — Areas, land surface 1413 B— Dwellings 1414 C — Families 1415 CIX. — Dwellings, families, and population in 100 i^rincipal cities: 1880 1416. 1417 ALASKA. Statistics of Alaska 1419-1429 Letter of transmittal 1421, 1422 ex. — Statistics of the population of Alaska 1422-1429 Arctic division 1422,1423 Yukon division 1423, 1424 Kuskokvim division 1425, 1420 Aleutian division 142G Kadiak division - 1427 Southeastern division 1428, 1429 Recapitulation 1429 LIFE INSURANCE. Statistics of life insurance 1431-1454 CXI.— Statement of the capital stock of all life insurance companies ill the United States 1432, 1433 CXII. — Exhibit of the financial condition of life insurance companies during the year ending December 31, 1879 — Income 1434-1437 CXIII. — Exhibit of the financial transactions of life insurance com- panies during the year ending December 31, 1879 — Dis- bursements , 1438-1443 CXIV. — Exhibit of the financial condition of life insurance companies during the year ending December 31, 1879 — Assets 1444-1449 CXV. — Exhibit of the financial condition of life insurance companies during the year ending December 31, 1879 — Liabilities. 1450-1453 CXVI. — Number of policies and amount of insurance written and terminated in 1879, and number of policies and amount of insurance in force December 31, 1879 1454 FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Statistics of fire and marine insurance 1455-1505 Letter of transmittal 1456,1457 CXVII. — Classification and capital stock of fire, fire-marine, and ma- rine insurance companies 1458-1463 CXVIII. — Assets of fire, fire-marine, and marine insurance companies. December 31, 1879 1464-1469 CXIX. — Liabilities of fire, fire-marine, and marine insurance compa- nies, December 31, 1879 1470-1475 CXX. — Income and . expenditure of fire, fire-marine, and marine insurance companies during the year 1379 1476-1481 CXXI. — Surpluses and deficiencies of fire, fire-marine, and marine insurance companies, December 31, 1879 1482-1487 CXXII. — Risks written, and risks in force, of fire, fire-marine, and marine insurance companies 1488-1493 CXXIIl. — Ratios of the business of fire, fire-)nariue, and marine insur- ance companies for the year 1879 1494-1505 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS. VALUATION AND TAXATION. Table. Pa^e. Statistics of valuation and taxation 1507-15G5 CXXIV. — Summary of the assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by states and goograpliical groTix)H: 1880.. 1508, 1501i CXXV.— Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties 1510-1565 PUBLIC INDEBTEDNESS. Statistics of public indebtedness 1567-1626 Debt of the United States 1569 CXXVI. — Exhibit showing the number of holders of United States reg- istered bonds in the various states 1569 CXXVIL — ^Exhibit showing the amounts of United States registered bonds held by individuals in the various states, and by banks, etc'. * 1569 CXXVIII. — Analysis of the combined bonded debts of states and territo- ries, counties, townships, towns, cities, boroughs, vil- lages, and school districts 1570 CXXIX. — Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, towns, etc 1571, 1572 CXXX. — Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, towns, etc., with local debt, by counties 1572-1626 NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. Statistics of newspapers and periodicals 1627-1631 CXXXI. — Statement showing the total number of newspapers and pe- riodicals published in the United States during the census year, by periods of issue 1628 CXXXII. — Statement showing the classification of newspapers and pe- riodicals published in the United States during the census year 1629 CXXXIII. — Statement showing the number and language of all news- papers and periodicals published in the United States during the census year 1630 CXXXIV. — Statement showing the total number of newspapers and pe- riodicals devoted to religion, by denominations, pub- lished in the United States 1631 PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Statistics of public schools 1633-1641 Letter of transmittal 1635-1637 CXXXV. — Public schools, elementary and high, by states and territories, showing whole number ; number of separate schools for colored children; number reported as high schools, or having high-school departments ; number of school build- ings and sittings; value of school property; receipts and expenditures : 1880 1638, 1639 CXXXVI. — Public schools, elementary and high, by states and territo- ries, showing number of teachers employed at one time, by color and sex ; average amount paid monthly for teachers' services and aggregate months of same ; aggre- gate months of schools, number of pupils by color and sex, and average daily attendance: 1880 1640, 1641 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS. ILLITERACY. Table. Page. Statistics of illiteracy 1643-1656 CXXXVII. — Illiteracy, by states and territories, at the censuses of 1880, 1870, and 1860 1645-1656 DEFECTIVE, DEPENDENT, AND DE LINQ UENT CLASSES. Statistics of oefectivk, dependent, and delinquent CLASSES 1657-1701 Letter of transmittal 1659-1670 The afflicted 1659 Pauperism 1666 Prisoners 1667 CXXXVIIL— The insane, by sex, nativity, and race: 18^0 1671 CXXXIX.— The idiotic, by sex, nativity, and race: ISSO 1672 CXL. — The blind, by sex, nativity, and race: 1880 1673 CXLI. — The deaf-mutes, by sex, nativity, and race: 1880 1674 CXLII. — Paupers, by sex, nativity, and race: 1880 1675 CXLIIL — Prisoners, by sex, nativity, and race: 1880 1676 CXLIV. — The number of insane, idiotic, blind, and deaf-mutes, by sex, nativity, and race, reported at each census since 1850 . . . 1677 CXLV. — ^The insane classified according to places where found: 1880. 1678 CXLVI. — Insane in hospitals and asylums for the same, by sex, nativity, and race: 1880 1679-1682 CXLVII. — Idiots in hospitals and asylums for the insane, by sex, nativ- ity, and race: 1880 1683-1685 CXLVIII. — Idiots in training schools for the feeble-minded, by sex, na- tivity and race : 1880 1686 CXLIX. — Idiots classified according to places where found: 1880 1687 CL. — The blind in institutions for the same, by sex, nativity, and race: 1880 ! 1688,1689 CLI. — The deaf-mutes in institutions for the same, by sex, nativity, and race: 1880 1690-1692 CLII. — Prisoners classified according to places where found: 1880 ... 1693 CLIII. — Prisoners in penitentiaries, by sex, nativity, and race: 1880. 1694-1696 CLIV. — Inmates of reformatories, by sex, nativity, and race: 1880... 1697-1699 CLV. — Prisoners in workhouses and houses of correction, by sex, nativity, and race: 1880 1700,1701 CLVI. — Summary, showing the number and location of the defective, dependent, and delinquent classes, on June 1, 1880 (Ex- clusive of homeless children) 1702 MORTALITY. Statistics of mortality 1703-1731 Remarks on mortality statistics 1705-1725 CLVI I. — Deaths in the United States, by states and state groups, with distinction of sex and certain specified ages 1726-1728 CLVIII. — Deaths in the United States, by states and state groups, from ten principal causes 1729-1731 INDEX. Alphabetical index to volume 1733 ix MANUFACTURES. EEMAEKS ON THE STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURES. These tables include every establish ment of mechanical or manufac- turing industry which was returned at the Tenth Census as having had during the census year a product of five hundred dollars or more in value. The following exceptions should be noted, viz: 1. The manufacture of fishery products is exhibited under Fisheries. 2. Quartz milling and petroleum refining are exhibited under Mining and Quarrying. 3. The manufacture of gas, and manufacturing by steam railroad companies, will be made the subjects of separate reports. Establishments, wherever practicable, have been referred to the locality where the worlis were situated. The statistics of cotton goods include : (1) specific mills, i. e., mills which manufacture cotton into a fabric known and sold under that name ; and (2) special mills, working raw cotton, waste, or cotton yarn into hose, webbing, tapes, fancy fabrics, or mixed goods, or other fabrics which are not sold as specific manufactures of either cotton or wool. Dyeing and finishing textiles do not include the statistics of estab- lishments connected with potton, woolen, or silk factories, but only the operations of independent dye-works, bleacheries, and print-works, the values of the products reported being merely the values added to the fabrics by the processes of these establishments. The statistics of iron and steel manufacture embrace blast furnaces^ bloomaries, and forges, rolling mills, and steel works of all kinds. Shipbuilding includes the building and repairing of iron and wooden vessels of all classes, boats and canal-boats, and the manufacture of blocks and spars, marine engines, oakum, oars, and sails. The opera- tions of the various navy-yards of the United States are not included. In all comparisons between values reported in 1870 and in 1880 it should be borne in mind that the values of 1870 icere expressed in a currency ivhich was at a great discount in gold. The average premium on gold during the twelve months (June 1, 1869, to May 31, 1870) which constituted the census year was almost exactly one-fourth (25.3) per cent. A premium on gold of one- fourth is equal to a discount on cur- rency of one-fifth. For purposes of comparison, therefore, the values of 1870 should be reduced in that ratio. The fact that, in the face of a large iu crease in the number of hands employed in manufactures, of the amount of material consumed, and of the values of the products, the number of establishments shows hardly an appreciable gain from 1870 to 1880, notwithstanding an increase of 30 per cent, in x>opulation, is amply accounted for by the well-known tendency to the concentration of labor and capital in large shops and factories. The establishments of 1870 showed 8 as the aver- age number of hands and $8,400 as the average amount of capital y those of 1880 showed 10.7 as the average number of hands and $10,992 as the average amount of capital. A very good example of the ef- fect of this cause is found in the coopers' trade, where, with a reduc- 926 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 927 tion in the niimber of establishments from 4,961 to 3,898 (or 22 i)er i cent, nearly), the hands employed have increased 11 i)er cent. This ; cause has not, however, operated equally to produce a proportional re- ; duction in all branches of industry. Thus, in the carpenters' trade (a) j we have the average number of hands employed 5.9 in 1880, against j 3.9 in 1870. But this increase in the average number of hands does not alone explain the decrease in the number of establishments. We ; have also, to take into account the effect of the growth of the sash, door, ■ and blind factories, doing on a large scale and by the aid of machinery | what was formerly done slowly on the spot by the individual carpenter. We have, then, to take into account the growth of the wheelwright trade. In 1870 there were 3,613 establishments, employing an aggregate of ' 6,989 hands j in 1880 there were 10,701, employing 16,108 hands. We j have next to take into account the introduction of machinery into the '< furniture and cabinet-making industry, replacing much of the former work of the local carpenter in rural districts and small towns. We ! have then to consider the immense extension of the contract system of i erecting buildings, the effect of which is to disconnect an increasing | proportion of the working carpenters of every city or large town from actual shops and constitute them a movable, readily disposable force, j to be hired now by this contractor and now by that, {^cording as jobs arise. We have, last, to consider the rapid substitution of brick and I stone for wood in building, evidenced by the fact that the number of ; persons employed in the manufacture of brick in the United States has ! increased more than 50 per cent, in ten years. In the same way, while ' the cross-roads blacksmith-shop is still a necessity of tens of thousands i of localities, very much of the work formerly done by blacksmiths is \ now done on a larger scale by wheelwrights, locksmiths, or machinists, . or in hardware factories or establishments producing numerous special- | ties in iron and steel. ; Space will not allow us to take up trade after trade to indicate the | conditions which have affected its rate of growth during the decade just : past ; but the above will serve to show the variety and the nicety of the , considerations which require to be taken into account in this connection. « The statistics of manufactures in a census of the United States have never em- i braced the full production of the hand-trades of mason, carpenter, blacksmith, cooper, | painter, plumber, and perhaps some others of less importance. The reason for this | is stated in the remarks which preface the tables of occupations. In the text above = we assume that the tendency to omit the productions of artisans working singly at these trades, having perhaps no distinct shops, and working perhaps (in rural dis- \ tricts) but a part of the year, operated with approximately equal force in 1870 and • 1880. j 928 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUa Table L. — Manvfacturcs h\) totals of States avd Territories for the censuses of 1880, 1870, 1800, and 1850. 1880. States and Terri- toriea. The United States. Alabama Aiizona Arlcmaas Calilbrnia. Colorado Connocticnt Dakota Delaware Di.st. ol" Columbia rioiida Georgia Idaho lUinoia Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Mfiine Maryland Maaaacliusotts. . . Miilii;;an -•- Minnesota Mi.-siasippi Miasoiiri Montana IJebraska Nevada New llanipsliire . New Jersey New Mexico .. New York North Carolina .. Ohio Oregon , Pennsylvania Rhode lahmd ... South Carolina. . . Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Vii-ginia . . . Wisconsin Wyoming AVKUAGE KUMBEn OP HANDS EMl'LOYED. No. Dollars. No. No. No. Dollars. DoUars. Dollurs. 253, 852 2, 700, 272, 600 2, 019, 035 531, 639,181, 921 947, 953, 795 3, 390, 823, 549 5, 309, 579, 191 If C -I 2, 070 66 1,202 5,885 599 4, 488 ,251 74G 971 42G 3, 593 1G2 14, 549 11, 198 6,921 2, 803 5, 328 1, 553 4, 481 6,787 14, 352 8, 873 3, 4!)3 1, 479 8, 592 196 1,403 1H4 3,181 7,128 144 42, 739 3, 802, 20, C99: 1, 080 31, 232 2, 205' 2. 078 4, 326 2,996 640 2, 874 6,710 261 2,375 7, 674 57 9, 668, 008 272, m) 2, 9:)3, 130 61, 24:{, 784 4,311,714 120, 480, 275 771,428 15, 655, 822 5, 552, 520 3, 210, 680 20, 672, 410 677, 2! 5 140, 052, OCO 05, 74-2, 902 33, 987, 886 11, 192,315 45, 813, o:J9 11,402, 408 49, 988, 171 58, 742, 384 303, 806, 185 92, 930, 9 9 31,004,811 4, 727, 000 72, 5U7, 814 899, 390 4, 881, 150 1, 323, 300 51,112,2(53 106, 226, 593 403, 275 514. 246, 575 13, 045, 6:^,9 18s, 939,6141 6. 312, 0561 474, 510, 993! 7.5. 575, 943 11, 205, 894| 20, 092, 845 9, 245, 561; 2, 656, 057 23. 265, 224 26, 968, 990, 3, 2i)2. 4971 13, 883. 300| 73, 821, 8O2I 364, C73I 8, 368 216 4, 307 38,3!1 4, 652 842 2 9(1 3, 922 260 75,619 28,851 8:4 8 10, 250, 1, 426 5, 490' 1, 389 4, 564j 558 18,937| 3,619 374' 8 120,558' 15,2')3 62, 072 3, 615 25, 352| 1, 431 11. 139, 392 3a, 949, 3, .529 10,171 1,3:55 3>,4:]l! 13,777, 46,698^ 21,700. 228, 834 105, 976 68, 445 4, 784 18. 937! 1,636 4,8^7 413' 54,200 5.474i 809! 2,500,504 2| 111,180 100' 925, 358 1,460 21,0a">,905 15(ij 2,314,427 8,445' 43,501,518 6 339. 375j 962' 4.267,349 26l! 3,924 6121 382) 1,270,8751 2,319 5,266,1.521 6 136, 326 8, 936 57, 4-;9, ()85| 3, 821. 21, 960, 888* 1. 559, 9, 725, 962 .5311 3, 99\010 2,913, 11.6.-7,844 6G1I 4. 36!), 37) 3,746 13, 623, 3 U 6, .547| 18,904,96.' 17, 445 128, 3 15, .36*2 4,362 2.5,313,68: 674' 8,6(3,094 527- 1. 192, 645 4,321j 24, .309, 7 16 574 3 Ij 318,7.5: 4,464 120 209: 1.742.311 556' 5 16; 461.807 29,3.'56 16,184 3,291' 14,814,79:: 86,787 27,099 12,152 46, 083, 04:i 5.53' I 4I 218,731 364, ,5<19 137, 455 29, 529 198, 634, 02!) 12,818 2,939 2. :r)2 2,740.768 152,217 18,563' 12, 829l 62. lo:). 800, 3,280 96 • 97 1,667,046' 284. 359 73. 046 29. 607 134, 05->, 904 37,060. 18.270 7.518; 21,3.^.5,619 13,687! 1,023] 1.118 2, 8:j«. 28J 19,575 1,196 l,674i 5. 2-)4. 775 11,645 I16 398| 3,343,087 2, 042 14, 438 28, 779 1, 110 12, 900 48, 25.' 221 2, 271 6,144 25 346 6,241 232 8.311 5, 261 12! 1, 065j 2, 613' 11 8.58, 863 5, 164. 479 7, 425, 26 .532, 226 4, 3i:<, 965 18, 814. 917 187. 798 8, 545, 520 380. 023 4. 392, OHO 72. 607. 709 8, 806, 762 102, 183, 341 1,523,761 12, 828, 461 5, 30.5, 400 3, 040, 119 24, 143, 939 844, 874 289. 843, 907 100, 202, 917 48, 704, 311 21. 453, 141 47, 461,8:t0i 14.442, 506 51, 120, 708 66, 937, 846 386, 972. 655' 92, 900, 269| 55, 6611. 0811 4. 667, 183! 110, 798, 392 1, 006, 442 8. 2U8. 478 1, 049. 794 43. 552, 462 165, 285, 779 871.3.52 13, 56.5, 504 618, :{65 6. 7.'.6, 159 116.218,973 14, 260, 159 185, 697, 211 2, 37:5. 970 20. 514. 438 11, «82,310 5, 546, 448 36, 440, 948 1. 271,317 414, 804. 673 148, 0JH,41l 71, 045, 926 30, 843. 777 7.1, 483. 377 24, 205. 183 79, 829. 7i)3 106, 780, 563 631,13.5,284 150.71.5, 025 76,00.5, 198 7, 518, 302 165, 386, 205 1, '835. 867 12, 627i 336 2. 179, 626 73, 978, 028 254, 380, 236 .1. 284. 846 679.612,5451,080, 696,596 13, 090. 937 1 2 1 5. 334.2.58; 6, 954, 436 46.5, 020, 5631 58, 10 {,413; 9,8-5,538 23,8^14, 262 12, 956, 209 2. 561. 737 18, 330, 677 32. 88:5, 933 1, 907. 169 14, 027, 388' 85, 796, 178 6U1, 214 20. O.J.5. 037 348. 2!)8. 390 10, 931.232 744.818, 445 104, 16 5. 621 10. 7:!8, 008 37, 074. 886 20, 719, 928 4, 324. 992 31. .351, 366 51. 7S0, 992 3,2.50, i:J4 22, 8ii7, 126 128, 2,5.5. 480 898,494 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 929 Table L. — Manufactures hy totals of States and Territories — Continued. 1870. States and Teni- torios. No. Dollars. No United States. . 252, 148 2, 118, 208, 769 1, 615, 598 AVERAGE NUMllER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Alabama . Arizona . . Arkansas . California Colorado.. Connecticut I>akota Delaware Dist. of Columbia. Florida Georgia. Maho . . . Uiinois . Indiana . Iowa ... Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Xevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Ehodo" Island . . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia \Va8hinsz;ton ... "West Virginia . Wisconsin , Wyoming.. 2, 188 18 1,0 3, 984 5,128 17 800 952 659 3, 836 101 12, 597 11,847 6, 5G6 1,477 5, 890 2, 557 5, 550 5, 812 13, 212 9,4*5 2, 270 1, 731 11, 871 201 670 330 3, 342 6, 636 182 36, 2(16 3, 642 22, 773 969 37, 200 1, 850 1,584 5, 317 2, 399 533 270 2, 4441 5, 714, 052 150, 700 1,782, 91 :< 39, 728, 202 2, 835, 605 95, 281, 27 79, 200 10, 839, 093 5, 021, 925 1, 679, 930 13, 930, 125 742, 300 94, 368, 057 52, 052, 425 22, 420, 183 4, 319, 060 29, 277, 809 18, 313, 974 39, 796, 190 36, 438, 729 231, 677, 862 71, 712, 2831 11, 993, 729 4, 501,714 80, 257, 244 1, 794, 300 2, 109, 9G3 5, 127, 790 36, 023, 743 79, 606, 719 1,450, 695 366, 994, 3J0 8, 140, 473 141, 923, 964 4, 370, 849 406, 821, 845 66, 557, 322 5, 400,418 15, 595, 295 5, 284, 110 1, 391, 898 20, 329, 637 18, 455, 400 1, 893, 674 11. 084. 520 No. No. Dollars. Dollars 323, 770 114, 628 775, 584, 343 2, 488, 427, 242 013 41, 981, 872 32| 889, 4O0 7, 191 84 3, 0 24, 040 874 61, 684 89 7, 705 4, 333 2, 670 15, 078 264 73, 045 54, 412 23, 395 6, 599 27, 687 23, 637 34, 310 34, 061 1 CO OJ 5 II II 664 47! 873 2 . 20,810; 82 2, 227, 968 45, 580 673, 903 479 13,130,722 .... 528,221 1, 1991 216 20 1, 498 6, 7171 2, 272^ 9511 J 1, 159 4,210 13, 448 8, 278 I I 179,032 86,229 58, 347! 2, 941| 10, 892! 259 5, 500, 191 55,9041 3.884 697 2, 558 2, 856 25, 829 2 81 3 12, 77 58,115i 11,198 423 1 267, 378 63, 795 11,339! 1,422 119,686 11,575 2, 753| 67 256,543 43,712 28,804 14,752 7, 029, 38, 987, 187 2 21, 106 806 3, 692, 195 136 2, 007, 600 59 989, 592 1, 295 4, 844, 508 11 112,372 3,217i 31, 100,1^4 2,168 18,366,780 686| 6. 893, 292 127 1 2, 377, 511 1, 790 9, 444, 524 2,224 4,593,470 l,42i\ 14,282,205 2,521, 12,682,817 14, 119118, 051,886 2,406 21,205,355! 139 4,052,837 250 1, 547, 428, 5,566 31,055,445 2 370, 843 26 1,429,913 2, 498, 473 2,179 13,823,091 6, 2391 32, 648, 409 3 167, 281 20, 627,142, 466, 758 861 5, 941 64 2, 195, 711 49, 066, 488 1, 120, 173 7, 099 17, 663 7, 450 1, 465' 16, 301' 22, 175 1, 025' 10, 728! 578 19, 232 127, 976, 594 5,861 19,354,256 464 1, 543, 715 6G0 5, 390, 030 320! 1, 787, 835 Dollars. 4, 232, 325, 442 7, 592, 837 110, 090 2, .536, 998 35, 351, 193 1, 593, 280 86, 419, 579 105, 997 10, 206, 397 4, 754, 883 2, 330, 873 18, 583, 73l' 691,785 127, 600. 077 63, 135, 492 27, 682, 096 6,112, 163' 29, 497, 535 12, 412, 023 49, .379, 7.-)7 40, 897, 032 334, 413, 982 68, 142, 515 13, 842, 902 j 4, 364, 206 115, 533, 269 1, 316, 331 2, 902, 074 10, 315, 984 44, 577, 9G7, 103, 415, 245 880, 957 i 452, 065, 452 12, 824, 693 157, 131, 697 3, 419, 756 I 421, 197, 673 73, 154, 109 5, 855, 736 19, 6.57. 027, 6, 273, 193 1, 238, 2.52I 17, 007, 7G9 23, 832, 384 1, 435, 128; 14, 503, 701 45, 851, 266 280, 156 13, 040, 644 185,410 4, 629, 2:14 6G, 594, 556 2, 852, 820 161, 065, 474 178, 570 16, 791,382 9,292,173 4, 685, 403 31,196,115 1,047, 624 205, 620, 672 108, 617, 278 46, 534, 322 11, 775, 833 54, 625, 809 24, 161,905 79, 497, 521 76, 593, G13 553, 912, 568 118,394, 676 2.3,110, 700 8, 154, 758 206, 213, 429 2, 494, 511 5, 738, 512 15, 870, 539 71, 038, 249 169, 237, 732 1, 489, 868 78.5, 194, 651 19, 021, 327 2GD, 71-3, 610 G, 877, 387 711, 894, 344 111,418, 354 9, 838, 981 34, 3G2, 636 11, 517, 302 2, 343, 019 32, 184, 606 38, 364, 322 2, 851, 052 24, 102, 201 77, 214, 326 705, 424 59 C 0 930 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table h.— Manufactures by totals of States and Territories — Continued. 1860. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EM- PLOYED No. Dollars. No. No. JDollCtT8» Dollwrs. Dollars. 140, 433 1, 009, 855, 715 1, 040,' 349 270, 897 378, 878, 966 1, 031, 605, 092 1 QGf^ t\1R 1, 000, ool, u/b Alabama 1, 459 9, 098, 181 6, 792 1, 097 2, 132, 940 5, 489, 963 10, 588, 566 518 1, 316, 610 1, 831 46 554, 240 1, 280, 503 /, ooO, 0.), llo 3, 019 45, 590, 430 U, 002 20, 467 19, 026, 196 40, 909, 090 til Q >A (^f.K G15 5, 452, 887 5, 465 956 1, 905, 754 6, 028, 918 (k coo O/lO V, ode, District of Columbia . . - 429 2, 905, 865 2, 653 495 1, 139, 154 2, 884,185 5, 412, 102 185 1, 874, 125 2, 297 157 619, 840 874, 506 44/, yby Oeorgidi ................ 1, 890 10, 890, 875 9 492 2 083 yoO, OiiJ ii), y^i), ou* 4, 268 27, 548, 563 22; 489 '479 7, 637, 921 35, 558, 782 Oi, OoU, Cioxi 5, 323 18, 451, 121 20, 563 732 6, 318, 335 27, 142, 597 4Z, oUo, 4by Iowa 1, 939 7, 247, 130 6, 142 165 1, 922, 417 8,612, 259 13, 971, 325 ^44 1, 084, 935 1, 700 35 880, 346 1, 444, 975 A t!^7 /ina 3*50 20, 25G, 579 19 587 1 671 22 ''OS 759 0 ( , yt)i, 1,744 7, 151, 172 l\ 873 '9I6 3, 683, C79 6,' 738,' 486 10, 00/, 116 3, 810 22, 044, 020 24, 827 9, 792 8, 368, 691 21, 553, 066 Maryland 3, 083 23, 230, 608 21,630 6, 773 7, 190, 672 25, 494, 007 41, 735, 157 8, 176 132, 792, 327 146, 268 71, 153 56, 960, 913 135, 053, 721 O'";^ KA<^ Q90 £.00, Dto, ysci 3, 448 23, 808, 226 22 144 1, U*D ft "7^?^ f\A'7 D, /OO, V^l 17 ftQci fill 1/, (MO, Oil Oi, Dots, oOD 562 2,388 310 2' 104 19 712,214 1, 904, 070 Q 079 170 976 4, 384, 492 4,572 203 1, 618, 320 3, 146, 636 b, oyu, 00/ Missouri 3, 157 20, 034, 220 18, 628 1, 053 6, 669, 916 23, 849, 941 41, 782, 731 107 206, 575 334 2 105, 332 237, 215 bU (, ozo 2, 592 23, 274, 094 18, 379 13, 96J 8, 110, 561 20, 539, 857 0 1 , Ool), *iOO 4, 173 40, 521, 048 43,198 12, 8-:!it 16, 277, 337 41, 429, 100 7R Qfl« 1 C\A 82 2, 008, 350 1, 044 30 341, 306 367, 892 1 9J 0 1 OQ 1, <^y, Ji^j New York 22, 624 172, 895, 652 176, 885 53, 227 65, 446, 759 214, 813, 061 378, 870, 939 3, 689 9, 693, 703 12, 102 2, 115 2, 689, 441 10, 203, 228 xo, 0/0, oyo 11, 123 57, 295, 303 65, 749 9,853 22, 302, 989 69, 800, 270 101 Roi 1/fa 1^1, oyi, i4o 309 1, 337, 238 968 10 635, 256 1, 431, 952 9 07 7^il Pennsylvania 22, 363 190, 055, 904 182, 593 39, 539 60, 369, 165 153, 477, 698 290, 121, 188 Rhode Island 1, 191 24, 278, 295 20, 795 11, 695 8, 760, 125 19, 858, 515 40, 711, 298 South Carolina 1,230 6, 931, 756 6, 096 898 1, 380, 027 5, 198, 881 8, 615, 195 2, 572 14, 426, 261 11, 582 946 3, 370, 687 9, 416, 514 17, 987, 225 Texas 983 3, 272, 450 3, 338 111 1, 162, 756 3, 367, 372 6, 577, 202 Utah 148 443, 356 380 9 231, 701 439, 512 900, 153 Vermont 1, 883 9, 498, 617 8, 563 1,934 3, 004, 986 7, 608, 858 14, 637, 807 Virginia- 5,385 26, 935, 560 32, 606 3,568 8, 544, 117 30, 840, 531 50, 652, 124 "Washinprton 52 1, 296, 200 866 4 453, 601 502, 021 1, 406, 921 3, 064 15, 831, 581 14, 641 773 4, 268, 708 17, 137, 334 27, 849, 467 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Taiile L. — Manufaoiures hy totals of States and Territories — Continued. 1850. 931 K'OTE. — This table is an exact reproduction of Table 4 of the Abstract of Manufactures at the Seventh Census. [Senate Ex. Doc. No. 39, 2d session 35tb Congress.] The table is arithmetically impeifect, and it is not known whether the errors are in the items or total of the table, or in both. The true total line of the items as printed is: Establishments, 123,029; capital, $533,24.'i,553 ; hands employed, male, 732,157; female, 225,922; wages, $230, 759, 4t)4 ; materials, $555,174,320; products, $1,019, 109, «16" States and Territories. AVERAGE NUMBRU OF HANDS EM- PLOYED. 1^ The United States. Alabama Arkansas California Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia . . . Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachiisetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tenne Texas Utah Vei-mont . Virginia Wisconsin No. 123, 025 Dollars. 533, 245, 351 No. 731, 137 No. 225, 922 Dollars. 236, 755, 464 Dollars. Dollars. 555, 123, 822 1, 019, 106, 616 1, 026 261 1, 003 3, 737 531 403 103 1, 522 3, 162 4, 392 522 3, 609 1, 008 3, 974 3, 725 8, 852 2, 033 5 947 2, 923 3, 211 4, 207 23 23, 553 2, 663 10, 622, 52 21, 605 864 1,430 2, 887 309 14 1,849 4,740 1, 262 3, 450, 606 305, 015 1, 006, 197 25, 876, 648 2, 978, 945 1, 001, 575 547, OGO 5, 456, 483 6, 217, 765 7, 750, 402 1,292,875 11, 810, 402 5, 032, 424 14, 699, 152 14, 934, 450 88, 940, 292 6. 563, 660 94, 000 1,815, 820 8, 576, 607| 18, 242,114 22, 293, 258 68, 300 99, 904, 405 7, 456, 860 29, 019, 538 843, 600 94, 473, 810 12, 935, 676 6, 053, 265 6, 527, 729 539, 290 44, 400 5, 001, 377 18, 109, 143 3, 382, 148 4, 397 812 3, 904 34, 248 3, 237 2, 034 876 6, 650 11, 066 13,748 1,687 19, 576 5, 458 21, 853 22, 729 107, 784 8, 990 63 3, 046 14, 880 14, 103 29, 068 81 147, 737 12, 473 11, 080 1,042 51 6, 894 25, 790 5. 798 539 30 16, 483 651 536 115 1,718 493 692 20 1, 900 759 6, 167 7, 483 69, 677 354 108 928 12,1 8, 762 51, 612 2, 128 47, 054! 4, 437 285! 124, 688 22, 078 12, 923 8, 044 5, 992 1, 074 959 24 1,551 3, 320 291 1. 105, 824 159, 876 3, 717, 180 12, 435, 984 936, 924 757, 584 199, 452 1, 709, 664 3, 204, 326 3, 728, 844 473, 016 5. 106, 048 2, 033, 928 7, 485, 588 7, 403, 832 41, 954, 736 2, 717, 124 18, 540 771, 528 4, 692, 648 6, 123, 876 9, 364, 740 20, 772 49, 131, 000| 2, 383, 456 13, 467, 156 388, 620 37, 163, 232 5, 047, 080 1, 127, 712 2, 247, 492 322, 368 9, 984 2, 202, 348 5, 434, 476 1, 712, 496 2, 224, 960 215, 789 1,201,154 23, 608, 971 2, 864, 607 1, 405, 871 220, 611 3, 404, 917 8, 959, 327 10, 309, 700 2, 356, 12, 165, 2, 459, 13, 553, 17, 690, 85, 856, 6, 136, 24, 1, 275, 12, 798, 881 075 508 144j 830| 77ll 328| 300 771 351 12, 745, 466 22, Oil, 871j 110, 2201 134, 655, 6741 4, 602, 501 34, 678, 019 809, 560 87, 200, 377 13, 186, 703 2, 787, 534 5, 166, 886 394, 642 337, 381 4, 172, 5.52 18, 101, 131 5, 414, 931 4, 528, 87G 537, 908 12, 862, 522 47, 114, 585 4, 049, 296 2, 090, 258 068, 335 7, 082, 075 16, 534, 272 18, 725, 423 3, 551, 783 21,710,212 0, 779, 417 24, CGI, 057 33, 043. 892 157, 743, 994 11, 169, 002 58, 390 2, 912, 008 24, 324, 418 23, 164 503 39, 851, 256 249, 010 237, 597, 249 9, 111, 050 62, 692, 279 2, 236, 640 155, 044, 910 22, 117, 688 7, 045, 477 9, 72.5, 608 1, 168, 538 291, 220 8, 570, 920 29, 602, 507 9, 293, 068 932 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LI. — The United States hy specified industries: 1880. Mechanical and manufacturing industries. Number of establish- ments. All industries . Agricultural iraploraents Ammunition Artificial feathers and flowers (a). Artificial limbs (6) Awnings and tents Axle-grease Babbitt metal and solder Bagging, tlax, hemp, and jute Bags, other than paper Bags, paper Baking and yeast powders (c) Baskets, rattan and willow ware Bellows Bells Belting and hose, leather Belting and hose, linen Belting and hose, rubber Billiard tables and materials. Blacking Blacksmithing {d) Bluing Bone-, ivory-, and lamp-black Bookbinding and blank-book making. Boot and shoe cut stock Boot and shoe findings Boot and shoe uppers Boots and shoes, including custom work and repairing Boots and shoes, rubber Boxes, cigar Boxes, fancy and paper Boxes, wooden, packing Brass and copper, roUed Brass castings (e) Brass ware Bread and other bakery products. Brick and tile (/)... Bridges Bronze castings (7) . . Brooms and brushes . Buttons 41 Calcium lights. 42 Cardboard 43 Card cutting and designing. 44 Carpentering 45 Carpets, rag Carpets, other than rag (h) Carpets, wood Cariiage and wagon materials . Carriages and sleds, children's. Carriages and wagons {d) Cars, railroad, street, and repairs, not including statistics of es- tablishments operated by steam railroad companies. Celluloid and celluloid goods e Charcoal Cheese and butter (factory) Chocolate Cigar -molds Cleansing and polishing preparations Clock cases and materials {%) Clocks Cloth finishing 253. 852 1, 943 4 174 33 151 62, 109, 6«8 824, 000 1, 2.5:5, 050 82, GOO 522, 700 16 9 27 37 80 372, 600 73, 100 2, 491, 500 2, 42.5, 900 1, 304, 700 110 304 3 20 96 1, 350, 600 1, 852, 917 8, 750 793, 120 2, 748, 799 1 2 46 48 28, 101 10, 000 26.5, 000 1, 078, IG9 494, 625 19, 618, 852 23 18 588 172 135 178, 650 627, 350 5. 798, 671 1, 210, 300 770, 800 81 17, 972 9 221 369 209, 264 54, 858, 301 2, 425, OCO 1, 023, 777 2, 496, 496 602 26 396 20 6,396 5, 304, 212 9, 057, 000 5, 740, 237 594, 582 19, 155, 286 5, 631 75 7 980 124 27, 673, 616 4, 058, 649 186, 500 4, 186, 897 2, 013, 350 4 8 9 9, 184 396 19,500 443, 000 13, 793 19, .54 1,358 252, 604 195 5 412 67 3,841 21, 468, 587 41, 600 7, 034,718 770, 000 37, 973, 493 130 9, 272, 680 6 175 3, 932 7 1,214, 000 4.57, 484 9, 604, 803 530, 500 3 21 2 22 20 69, 800 412, 325 6-, 000 2,474, 900 137, 350 a See also Millinery and lace goods. b See also Surgical appliances. c See also Drugs and chemicals. d See also "Wheelwrighting. e See also Bronze castings. h See also "Woolen goods. / See adso Drain and sewer pipe ; i See also "Watch and clock ma- Terra-cotta ware. teriala. g See also Brass castiaga. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 933 Table LI. — The United States hy specified industries : 1880. AVERAGE NUMBEK OF EMPLOYED. HAKDS Total amonnt Males above 16 years. Females above 15 years. Children auil youths. paid in wages dur- ing tke year. Materials. Products. 2, 019, 035 531, 639 161, 921 $947, 953, 795 $3, 396, 823, 549 $5, 369, 579, 191 38, 313 498 550 71 73 553 3, 577 1,194 15 215 1 15, 359, 610 301, 778 1,081,040 43, 833 334, 463 31, 531, 170 1, 223. 452 2, 444, 418 31, 370 68, 640, 486 1, 904, 906 4, 879, 324 137, 024 526 699 43 1, 230, 558 1, 968, 942 67 44 3 41, 407 18, 745 209, 152 214, 193 2, 058. 017 8, 027, 770 3, 037, 319 365, 048 262, 950 3, 511, 653 9, 726, 600 4, 112, 566 1, 330 1, 175 546 1, 226 903 883 653 164 140 827, 759 776, 026 439, 620 660 1, 976 15 326 552 56 591 466, 252 657, 405 6, 875 280, 169 606, 087 3, 333, 868 867, 031 13, 500 525, 175 5, 019, 853 4, 760, 598 1, 992, 851 26, 900 1, 065, 824 6, 525, 737 570 1, 138 14 39 189 50 10 4, 500 131, 721 400, 779 168, 183 11, 126, 001 12, 000 863, 000 1, 080, 466 710, 629 14, 572, 363 23, 000 1, 085, 000 2, 289, 758 1, 491, 474 43, 774, 271 342 849 2 20 8 251 33, 992 174 18 11 516 88 198 5, 127 1, 235 758 53 2 4, 831 1, 422 652 5 24 654 228 88 50, 245 80, 249 3, 927, 349 735, 482 451, 075 197, 463 440, 068 5, 195, 771 5, 939, 249 1, 188, 817 344, 824 661, 370 11, 970, 704 7, 531, 6,35 2, 144, 945 245 104, 021 2, 514 1, 274 2,194 174 25, 946 1, 984 718 6, 836 18 3, 852 104 373 648 170, 425 50, 905, 144 1, 469, 038 748, 657 2, 373, 948 448, 104 114, 906, 575 6, 023, 053 1, 389, 700 3, 578, 827 790, 842 196, 920, 481 9, 70.5, 724 2, 903,465 7, 665, 553 6, 611 4, 105 5, 573 662 18, 925 40j 673 263 336 2, 210 706 304 401 144 1, oOo 2, 769, 135 2, 524, 169 2, 729, 794 411,329 9, 411, 328 7, 674, 921 9, .523, 157 5, 894, 452 948, 118 42, 612, 027 12, 687, 06S 14, 329, 731 10, 808, 742 1, 523, 098 OO, 0^4, o Jo 59, 032 4, 153 140 5, 798 2, 128 268 7, 055 140 13, 443, 532 1, 882, 179 64, 072 2, 424, 040 1, 645, 130 9, 774, 834 5, 669, 793 498, 470 5, 694, 855 1, 792, 891 32, 833, 587 8, 978, 122 670, 912 10, 500, 855 4, 449, 542 6 1,715 3, 052 7 1, 260 645 20 10, 912 116. 410 18, 215 24, 582, 077 190, 792 25, 031 637, 971 15, 610 51, 621, 120 424, 943 51,443 166 42 53, 547 573 126 12 74 83 53 10 517 63 959, 145 51, 670 94, 152, 139 861, 710 10, 104 108'- 8, 570 1, 697 11 6, 835, 218 23, 750 18, 984, 877 23, 500 4, 781, 095 868, 054 30, 597, 086 31, 792, 802 102, 170 7, 237 1, 152 43, 630 35 70 273 230 88 1, 491 2, 733, 004 462, 852 18, 988, 615 10, 114, 352 1, 677, 776 64, 951, 617 13, 885 13 334 5, 507, 753 19, 780, 271 27, 997, 591 452 1, 393 6,419 110 175 2 1, 330 113 109 6 154 242, 798i 390, 697 1, 546, 495 82, 258 32, 020 91, 455 15, 000 1, 622, 693 62, 790 389, 262 320, 735 18, 363, 579 812, 403 1, 201, 540 975, 540 25, 742, 510 1, 302, 153 111,820 500, 280 50, 500 4, 110, 207 222, 560 64 12 55, 210 237, 070 19, 000 1, 908, 411 71,960 181 44 15 2 13 2,807 135 630 18 503 23 934 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LI. — The United States hy specified industries : 1880 — Continued. Mechanical and manufacturing industries. Cloth in PC, horse Clothing, men's Clothing, women's Coal tar Coffee and spices, roasted and ground Coffins, burial cases, and undertakers' goods Coke Collars and cuffs, paper Combs Confectionery Cooperage Coppersmithing (a) . Coiflago and twine.. Cordials and sirups . Cork cutting Corsets Cotton compressing Cotton goods (&) Cotton-ties Crucibles Cutlery and edge tools, (c) . Dentistry, mechanical Dentists' materials Drain and sewer pipe (d) . . Drugs and chemicals (e) . . Dyeing and cleaning Dyeing and finishing textiles (see Remarks) Dyestuffs and extracts Electric lights Electrical apparatus and supplies (/) Electroplating Emery wheels Enameled goods Enameling Engi-avers' materials Engraving and die-sinking Engraving, steel Engraving, wood Envelopes Explosives and fireworks Fancy articles Felt goods (g) Fertilizers .' Files (h) Fire-arms Fire extinguishers, chemical Flags and banners Flavoring extracts '. Flax, dressed Flouring- and grist-mill products Food preparations Foundery and machine-shop products Foundery supplies . Fruit-jar trimmings Fruits and vegetables, canned and preserved Fuel, artificial Furnishing goofls, men's Furniture {ij Furniture, chairs Furs, dressed Number of establish- ments. 6, 166 562 3 300 149 13 1, 450 165 16 113 29 1, 005 6 11 429 753 20 51 592 303 191 41 221 11 3 19 11 246 55 167 12 151 26 364 179 3 11 58 79 24, 338 109 4, 958 15 1 411 1 161 4, 843 384 192 Capital. $410, 000 79, 861,6!)6 8, 207, 273 385, 000 6, 366, 392 5, 735, 392 5, 545, 058 901, 233 .533, 390 8, 486, 874 12, 178, 726 915, 102 7, 140, 475 128, 400 872, 384 1, 611, 695 3, 243, 800 219, 504, 794 70, 500 1, 450, 250 9, 859, 885 773, 670 840, 800 489, 163 28, 598, 4.58 851, 110 26, 223, 981 2, 363, 700 425, 000 873, 300 865, 893 397, 900 150, 000 145, 200 54, 500 416, 840 2, 387, 050 183, 733 923, 800 579, 750 1, 359, 450 1, 958, 254 17, 91.3, 660 1, 666, 550 8, 115, 489 400, 000 54, 300 404, 01 5 620, 455 177, 361, 878 1, 293, 905 154, 519. 484 126, 500 150, 000 8, 247, 488 100, 000 3, 724. 604 38, 669, 704 6, 276, 3C4 3, 598, 887 a See also Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. I) See also l^Tixod textiks. c See altM) Tools. d See also Briek and tile : Terra-cotta ware. e See also Baking and yeast powders. / See also Telegraph and telephone apparatus. g See also AYoolen goods. h See also Saws. i See also Upholstering. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 935 Table LI. — The United States by specified industries : 1880 — Continued. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Females above 15 years. Children and youths. 73 492 77, 255 80, 994 2, 564 2, 594 22, 253 345 174 5 2, 125 438 153 3, 762 481 172 3, 068 3 71 151 284 743 250 33 6, 157 2, 827 817 24, 435 42 1,496 852 2 14 2, 926 1, 480 1, 029 81 382 270 140 776 7, 487 539 1, 008 64, 1 07 91, 148 30, 217 100 31 691 3 9,458 380 681 469 35 37 405 70 15 270 5 8, 144 1, 138 263 893 499 75 12, 788 2, 038 1, 872 976 10 6 01/4 15 OOO 35 8 1, 257 89 95 111 1 113 54 9 66 3 1 698 62 92 JL, llO 661 137 468 20 21 233 948 23 OXo 217 205 1,676 054 463 1, 203 233 88 8, 377 75 146 2, 191 49 268 4, 578 87 197 117 2 15 50 3 238 104 32 786 57 176 58, 239 42 126 863 312 158 140, 459 675 4, 217 72 2 230 93 25 10, 638 15, 463 5, 804 70 1,274 45, 186 7, 832 1,453 9, 565 917 1, 301 2,604 335 2,626 1, 442 77 Total amount paid in wages dur- ing the year. $137, 400 45, 940, 353 6, 601,005 65, 500 1, 370, 699 1,895, 805 1,198, 654 151, 576 374, 785 3, 242, 852 8, 992, 603 5-JO, 302 1, 558, 676 42, 928 232, 846 1, 745, 969 573, 005 45, 614, 419 38, 069 284, 169 4, 447, 349 2G9, 044 237, 729 114, 542 4, 157, 163 511,886 6, 474, ;i64 512, 0S)7 117, 500 224, 758 620, 848 58, 253 41, 926 56, 836 39, 840 419, 646 1, 951, 745 333, 590 344, 143 216, 069 1, 036, 672 439, 760 2, 648, 422 957, 412 2, 700, 281 84, 750 27, 375 129, 343 268, 420 17, 422, 316 318, 253 65, 982, 133 27, 303 104, 501 2, 679, 960 10, 000 2, 644, 155 20, 383, 794 3, 311, 286 1, 389, 284 Materials. $453, 700 131, 363, 282 19, 559, 227 285, 200 18, 201, 302 3, 770, 222 2, 995, 441 1, 166, 000 341,719 17, 125, 775 18, 441, 064 1, 227, 947 9, 330, 261 210, 506 976, 274 3, 686, 821 326, 808 113, 765, 537 170, 198 955, 841 4, 682, 222 455, 037 247, 824 176, 143 24, 380, 566 581, 886 13,694,295 3,91S, 741 150, 650 360, 579 663, 588 109, 952 236, 817 69, 562 26, 464 262. 828 648, !)94 68, 605 2, 346, 500 840, 877 1, 065, 335 2, 530, 710 15, 595. 078 787, 569 1, 859, 026 81, 840 48, 200 796, 049 818, 243 441, 545, 225 1, 604, 660 103, 345, 0b3 132, 220 318, 708 12, 051, 293 55, 000 6,503,164 31,416, 768 4, 443, 438 5, 338, 242 Products. $695, 000 209, 548, 460 32, 004. 794 466, 800 22, 924, 894 8,157,760 5, 359, 489 1, 582, 571 951, 395 25, 637, 033 33, 714, 770 2, 087, 773 12, 492, 171 331,233 1, 566, 555 6, 494, 705 1,271,700 210, 950, 383 262, 351 1, 445, 641 11, 661, 370 1, 860, 647 860, 758 480, 261 38, 173, 058 1, 613, 943 32, 297, 420 5, 253, 038 458,400 1, 074, 388 1, 975, 700 322, 022 321, 511 182, 758 85, 764 1, 180, 165 2, 998, 616 734, 728 3, 000, 617 1, 391, 132 2, 817, 230 3, 619, 652 23^ 650, 795 2, 486, 533 5, 736, 936 204, 693 119, 600 1, 195, 637 1, 310, 231 505, 185, 712 2, 493, 224 214, 378, 408 215. 650 485, 503 17, 599, 576 102, 000 11, 506,857 68, 037, 902 9. 807. 823 8, 238, 712 936 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LI. — The United States by specified industries : 1880 — Continued. Mechanical and manufacturing industries. Number of establish- ments. Galvanizing Gas and lamp fixtures Gas machines and meters Glass Glass, cut, stained, and ornamented Gloves and mittens (a) Glucose Glue . Gold and silver leaf and foil Gold and silver, reduced and refined (not from the ore) . Graphite Grease and tallow Grindstones Gunpowder (6) Hairwork Hammocts Hand-knit goods. Hand-stamps ... Handles, wooden . Hardware Hardware, saddlerjr Hat and cap materials Hats and caps, not including wool hats High explosives (c) Hones and whetstones Hooks and eyes Hosiery and Icnit goods (d) , Housefurnishing goods . . . Ice, artificial Ink Instruments, professional and scientific Iron and steel (see Remarks) Iron bolts, nuts, washers, and rivets — Iron doors and shutters Iron forgings Iron nails and spikes, cut and wrought. . Iron pipe, wrought Iron railing, wrought lion work, architectural and ornamental Ivory and bone work Japanning Jewelry Jewelry and instrument Jute aiid jute goods Kaolin and ground earths Kindling wood Labels and tags Lamps and reflectors Lapidary work Lard, refined Lasts Lead, bar, pipe, sheet, and shot. Leather, board (e) Leather, curried (see Remarks) . Leather, dressed skins Leather goods Leather, morocco (see Leather, dressed skins) Leather, patent and enameled Leather, tanned (see Remarks) Liglitning rods 21 35 34 211 170 300 7 4 156 14 33 299 5 39 46 206 492 64 64 489 21 25 5 359 48 35 63 171 1, 005 100 6 91 62 35 131 89 55 30 739 17 4 213 ]9 74 55 26 32 24 2.319 202 57 a See also Hosiery and knit goods. b See also High explosives. c See also Gunpowder. d Sec also Cotton goods j Woolen goods. 2 3, 105 20 e See also Paper (not specified). COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 937 Table LI. — The United States Jyy specified industries : 1880 — Continued. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HAXD8 EMPLOYED. Males above 16 years. above 15 years. Children and youths. Total amount paid in wapes dur ing the year. Materials. Products. 501 2, 660 807 17, 778 1, 281 2, 102 1, 167 1, 486 542 1, 075 231 988 205 28 50 151 1, 504 14, 481 2,167 819 11, 373 328 186 139 7, 517 405 389 339 1,011 133, 203 4, 264 211 2, 977 2, Oil 4, 909 728 1, 152 843 135 10, 050 102 205 1,187 191 1, 478 207 1,030 497 551 342 10, 808 4,966 864 243 12 741 139 5,249 5 186 383 20 937 1, 378 8 11 814 321 355 5, 337 1 83 63 17, 707 137 50 79 37 45 182 95 519 13 137 24 ,998 31 302 3 14 81 81 17 46 18 5 27 77 208 131 "'2 17 166 34 5, 658 166 346 20 129 30 5 3 13 5 386 4 60 1, 506 327 41 530 26 ,661 50 8 62 51 ,730 618 12 138 2^S 38 16 125 24 649 5 18 29 242 56 171 28 105 22 15 10 168 221 41 $244, 799 1, 469, 287 397, 108 9, 144, 100 706, 768 1, 655, 695 605, ii02 600, 018 410, C47 178, 696 35, 225 556, 015 57, 040 510, 550 323, 315 17, 576 137, 720 82, 895 436, 664 6, 846, 913 960, 432 463, 854 6, 635, 522 164, 864 52, 961 88, 321 6, 701, 475 216, 890 140, 885 230. 284 588, 751 55, 476, 785 1, 981, 300 103, 269 1, 329, 151 1, 255, 171 1, 788, 258 369, 903 474, 711 414, 701 65, 562 6, 441, 688 51, 000 141, 979 310, 909 526, 861 149, 268 742, 423 142, 075 546, 258 308, 975 310, 363 121, 015 4, 845, 413 2, 441, 372 459, 318 $1,103,180 1, 075, 875 636, 676 8, 028, 621 1, 156, 866 4, 351,469 3, 044, 450 2, 786, 342 1, Oil, 792 9, 128, 811 144, 100 11, 779, 482 85, 366 2, 053, 488 667, 132 61, 830 239, 040 103, 648 697, 320 10, 097, 577 1, 851, 436 1, 325, 231 9, 341, 352 1, 218, 061 92, 461 214, 986 15, 210, 951 812, 361 158, 112 864, 765 444, 425 191, 271, 150 6, 097, Oil 296, 600 3, 900, 780 3, 312, 602 9, 480, 049 615, 648 1, 083, 817 754, 654 63, 743 10, 324, 990 48, 550 447, 094 697, 006 1, 403, 010 492, 655 1, 852, 906 226, 277 21, 948, 826 221,905 4, 303, 209 400, 975 59, 306, 509 11, 063, 205 1, 097, 373 $1,884, 695 4, 329, 656 1, 334, 091 21, 154, 571 2, 535, 009 7, 379, 605 4, 551,212 4, 324, 072 1,614, 040 9, 548, 188 210, 000 13, 730, 013 184, 555 3, 348, 941 1, 467, 723 110, 352 446, 354 318,618 1, 656, 69^ 22, 653, 693 3, 651, 021 2, 217, 250 21, 303, 107 2, 453, 088 224, 130 370, 078 29, 167, 227 1, 332, 188 544, 763 1, 629, 413 1, 639, 094 296, 557, 685 10, 073, 330 405, 060 6, 492, 028 5, 629, 240 13, 292, 162 1. 300, 549 2, 109, 537 1, 454, 901 190, 080 22, 201, 021 131, 670 690, 982 1, 455. 757 2, 480, 953 805, 825 3, 357, 829 544, 089 23, 195, 702 765,296 17x 5, 600, 671 172 689, 300 71,351. 297 15, 399, 311 2, 020, 343 20 23, 287 12, 800 9, 204, 243 73, 718 65, 136 85, 949, 207 526, 691 166, 000 113, 348, 336 801, 192 938 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LI. — The United States hy specified industries : 1880 — Continued. Mechanical and manufacturing industries. Number of estiiblisb- meulB. Lime and cement Linen goods Liquors, distilled Liquors, malt Liquors, vinous (a) Lithographing (6) Lock- and gun-smithing Ivookin.u-iila.ss and picture frames. Luinbor, ])laued (c) Luiubur, .sawed Malt Mantels, slate, mar ble, andraarbleized. Marble and stone work Masonry, brick and stone Matches Mats and matting Mattresses and spring beds Millinery and kice goods (d). Millsfon'cs Mineral and soda waters Mirrors Mixed textiles (e) Models and patterns Mucilage and paste Musical instruments and materials (not specified) Musical instruments, organs, and materials. Musical instruments, pianos, and materials. iSTeedles and pins Nets and seines Oil, castor Oil, cottonseed and cake Oil, essential Oil, illuminating, not including petroleum refining Oil, lard Oil, linseed Oil. lubricating Oil, neat's-foot Oil, resin Oilcloth, enameled Oilcloth, floor Oleomargarine Paintiuji and paperhanging Paints (/) l*aper (not specified) (g) Paperhangings Paper patterns Pat^mt medicines and compounds Paving materials Pencils, lead Pens, gold Pens, st-eel Pevt^imery and cosmetics PliOtoofrapLuc apparatus PbotitifiViphing Pbotogiaphing materials Pickles, preserves, and sauces Pipes, tobacco Plated and britannia ware (h) Plumbing and gasfltting Pocket-books 61.5 5 844 2, 191 117 167 607 C4.5 1, 203 25, 708 216 46 2,846 1, 591 37 12 357 247 16 512 7 470 230 4 171 174 40 13 45 124 7 28 81 51 15 3 4 25 15 3, 908 244 692 25 4 563 46 4 16 3 67 10 1, 287 5 109 37 55 2,161 53 a See also Liquors, distilled. i> See also Printin? and publishing. e See also !^ash, doors, and blinds ; "Wood, turned and carved. d See also Artificial feathers and flowers. e See also Cotton goods ; Silk ; "Woolen goods. / See also Varnish. g See also Collars and cuffs, paper; Envelopes; Leather, board; Wood pulp.' h See also Silverware. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH jCENSUS. 939 Table LI. — The United States by specified industries : 1880— Continued. AVERAGE NUMHER OF HANDS Males above 16 years. Females above 15 years. Children and youths. Total amount paid in wages dur- ing the year. Materials. Products. 5,493 211 6, 452 26, 001 781 3,641 818 5, 224 14, 614 141, 564 2, 320 690 21, 112 15, 877 868 199 1, 770 971 170 2, 480 74 17, 471 528 3, 948 6, 449 604 79 107 3, 114 273 50 424 1, 378 399 50 23 215 1, 690 , 561 17, 271 4, 192 16, 133 1, 666 13 2, 504 755 116 226 34 352 89 2, 860 31 592 500 3,742 9, 217 7 200 10 29 57 308 6 316 23 425 23 1 1, 120 12 466 5, 248 1 27 20, 520 21 29 89 57 380 114 73 40 190 129 373 63 643 652 5, 967 4 35 336 142 231 74 158 336 3 219 3 5, 382 19 1 16 165 69 93 17 1 172 4 $1, 579, 313 124, 046 2, 663, 967 12, ]98, 053 216, 559 2, 307, 302 368, C67 2, 471, 105 5, 890, 724 31, 845, 974 1, 004, 548 313, 009 10, 238, 885 6, 880, 866 535, 911 125, 129 868, 325 1, 661, 044 96, 534 1, 065, 633 42, 900 13, 316, 753 389, 837 3, 090 293, 062 2, 142, 539 4, 663, 193 392, 214 54,112 44, 714 880, 836 24, 030 20, 950 161, 672 681, 67? 208, 145 16, 554 14, 590 116, 627 733, 235 212, 052 7, 920, 806 2, 132, 255 8, 525, 355 874, 921 40, 538 1, 651, 596 244, 3 9 x02, 233 172, 207 88, 500 238, 259 41, 314 1, 751,118 25, 310 259, 454 220, 306 2, 453, 361 4, 770, 389 484, 947 $2, 649, 189 381, 875 27, 744, 245 56, 830. 500 1, 340, 629 2, 755, 264 398, 642 4, 831, 248 24, 477, 543 146, 155, 385 14, 321, 423 476, 431 12, 743, 345 10, 123, 478 3, 298, 562 233, 707 3. 116, 471 6, 142, 091 172. 725 2. 117, 764 212, 500 37, 227, 741 168, 690 8,770 385, 776 2, C92, 332 5, 283, 119 591, 013 180, 215 384, 890 5, 091,251 125, 167 fl4, 600 4, 184, 4.50 12, 874, 294 2, 129, 589 210,-524 189, 622 864, 200 3. 118, 708 5, 486, 141 8, 762, 780 17, 062, 552 33, 951, 297 3, 629, 222 44, 000 6, 704, 729 576, 301 97, 3 54 190, 906 38, 950 1, 201, 409 40, 0.58 1, 671, 455 89, 900 1, 472, 639 209, 518 4, 100, 116 9, 095, 308 930, 0C3 $5, 772, 318 602, 451 41, 003, f.03 101, 0.-)8, 385 2, 169, 193 6, 912, 338 1, 317, 810 9, 596,219 36, 803, 3.50 233, 268, 729 18, 273, 102 1, 030, 660 31.415, 150 20, 586, 553 4, 668, 446 439, 370 5, 288, 234 9, 577, 840 35.5,519 4, 741, 709 304, 000 GO, 221,703 908, 830 16, 700 853. 746 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 6,136,472 206 12,204, .521 207 1,378,023 208 291,765 209 653,900 210 7, 690, 921 248,8.58 510. 000 4, 721, 006 15, 393, 812 2, 925, .501 259, 086 238, 471 1, 062, 000 4, 752, 587 6, 892, 939 22, 457, 5G0 23, 390, 767 55, 100, 914 6, 267, 303 512, 550 14, 682, 404 1, 024, 243 279, 427 533, 061 164, 000 2, 203, 004 104, 305 5, 93.5, 311 142, 000 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 227 228 229 230 231 232 2;{3 284 235 2,407,342 I 236 628, 688 237 8,596,181 f238 18, 183, 250 i 239 1, 769, 036 1 240 940 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LI. — The United States hy specified industries : 1880 — Continued. Mechanical and manufacturing industries. Postal cards Printing and publishing (a) Printing materials Pumps, not including steam pumps. Racking-hose Kefrigei'ators ? Regalia and society banners and emblems llegisters, car-fare Rice cleaning and polishing Roofing and roofing materials , Rubber and elastic goods Rubber, vulcanized Rules, ivory and wood Saddlery and harness Safes, doors, and vaults, fire-proof. Salt Salt, ground Sand and emery paper and cloth . Sash, doors, and blinds (b) Scales and balances Screws Sewing-machine cases Sewing machines and attachments. Shingles, split Shipbuilding (see Remarks) . Shirts Shoddy (c) Show-cases Silk and silk goods Silversmithing Silverware (d) Slaughtering and meat-packing, not including retail butchering establishments. Smelting and refining (base scrap metal, not from the ore) Soap and candles Soda-water apparatus Spectacles and eyeglasses Sporting goods ." Sj»rings, steel, car, and carriage Stamped ware (e) Starch Stationery goods Steam fittings and heating apparatus Stencils and brands Stereotyping and electrotyping (/) ... Stone- and earthen- ware Straw goods Sugar and molasses, beet ... Sugar and molasses, refilled Surgical appliances (g) Tar and turpentine, not including farm products Taxidermy , Telegraph and telephone apparatus (h) Terra-cotta ware (i) Thread, linen Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware (j) . Tujfoil Tobacco, chewing, smoking, and snuff (k) Tobacco, cigars, and cigarettes Tobacco stemming Number of establish- ments. 1 3,467 27 411 1 71 47 1 22 493 268 1. 288 20 .18 106 45 549 73 382 872 4 629 a See also Lithographing. b See also Lumber, planed. c See also Mixed textiles. d See also Plated and britan- nia ware. e See also Tinware, copper- ware, and sheet-iron ware. / See also Type founding. g See also Artificial limbs. h See also Electrical apparatus and supplies. 139 159 95 104 45 77 4 49 71 508 16 40 15 1 7, 595 22, 252, 290 4 686, 000 477 17, 207, 401 7,145 21,698,549 52 1,089,342 i See also Brick and tUe; Drain and sewer pipe. j See also Coppersmithing; Stamped ware. k See also Tobacco, cigars, and cigarettes. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 941 Table LI. — The United States by specified industries : 1880 — Continued. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Males above 16 years. 10 45, 880 164 1, 692 2 975 175 7 376 3, 019 3, 693 335 52 20, 024 2, 173 4, 125 149 52 20, 544 2, 288 1, 527 943 1, 536 8, 032 162 21, 338 2, 878 695 640 9, 375 123 882 26, 113 872 565 1, 487 1, 831 2, 710 1, 871 2, 425 201 562 7, 205 3, 278 350 5, 832 308 9, 955 27 797 407 200 23, 903 101 14, 886 40, 099 567 Females above 15 years. 18 6, 759 7 3 14 376 22 2, 281 150 1 561 378 248 11 22,186 496 4 16, 396 8 34 17 113 734 1 331 301 1, 028 948 7, 501 338 102 37 730 853 70 10, 776 9, 108 596 Children and youths. 5, 839 20 64 46 41 294 10 3 861 33 144 255 26 264 286 673 20 623 91 48 5, 566 113 1, 184 2 533 7 103 102 42 220 . 108 218 49 33 36 1, 341 25 15 242 21 59 45 1, 492 15 7, 094 4, 090 371 Total amount paid in wages dur ing the year. Materials. $10, 000 30, 531, 657 98, 878 652, 749 1, 200 423, 680 174, 097 4, 876 110, 467 1,411, 133 2, 295, 972 154, 700 19, 974 7, 997, 752 1, 0&6, 504 1, 260, 023 44, 997 30, 970 8, 540, 930 1, 226, 370 783, 019 456, 542 683, 338 4, 036, 099 11, 394 12,713,813 i 5, 403, 696 400, 326 329, 230 9, 146, 705 76, 640 675, M3 10, 508, 530 158, 300 2, 219, 513 1C9, 235 450, 897 411, 854 699,412 8G8, 043 919,197 1, 159, 893 1, 305, 739 139, 639 312, 208 3, 279, 535 2, 556, 197 62, 271 2, 875, 032 265, 372 1, 623, 061 22, 000 458, 406 206, 6.50 260, 000 10, 722, 974 100, 673 6,419, 024 18, 464, 562 170, 871 $200, 000 32, 400, 395 190, 353 2, 038, 634 1, 350 881, 842 429, 227 870 2, 666, 497 3, 382, 354 9, 249, 967 391,200 16, 075 19, 908, 716 1, 431, 083 2, 074, 049 280, 693 148, 477 20, 790,919 1, 744, 083 654, 711 935, 800 1, 239, 400 4, 829, 106 20, 470 19, 736, 358 11, 306. 444 3, 366, 650 519, 585 22, 467, 701 102, 058 1, 028, 502 267, 738, 902 8, 171, 900 19, 907, 444 565, 538 417, 472 692, 616 2, 346, 818 2, 104, 141 4, 911, 060 3, 501, 426 2, 857, 000 144, 554 200, 491 2, 564, 359 5, 455, 559 186, 128 144, 698, 499 286, 720 2, 324, 637 21, 850 755, 891 168, 561 750, 000 25, 232, 281 198, 942 34, 397, 072 29, 577, 833 1, 409, 502 Products. $190,000 90, 789,341 421,316 3, 644, 631 5, 512 1, 739, 731 815, 6'i8 6, 000 3, 13.!, 324 6, 227, 284 13, 751,724 767, 200 66, 200 38, 081,043 3, 352, 396 4, 829, 566 361, 6.56 262,3:4 36, 621, 325 3, 943, 105 3, 252, 460 2, 18 K 532 2, 004, 887 13, 863, 188 47, 952 36, 800, 327 20, 130, 031 4, 989, 015 1, 172, 172 41, 033, 045 263, 931 2, 253, 630 303, 562, 413 8,411, 100 26, 552, 627 1,075,569 276 1, 182, 142 277 1,550,258 1278 3, 6.54, 802 i 279 3,512,423 I 280 7,477,742 '281 5,808,322 '282 5, 127, 842 i 283 472, 514 ' 284 724, 689 j 285 7, 942, 729 ' 286 9, 345, 759 i 287 282, 572 i 288 155,484,915 ! 289 906,303 I 290 5, 876, 983 j 291 82, 500 1 292 1, 580, 648 i 293 554,343 294 1,200,000 295 48, 096, 038 416, 849 52, 793, 056 63, 979, 575 1, 897, 535 942 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LI. — The United States by specified industries : 1880 — Contmued. Mechanical and manufacturing industries. Number of establish- ments. Capital. 301 «02 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 Tools (a) Toys and games Trunks and valises Type fouudirJg (b) Umbrellas and canes Upholstering (c) Upholstering materials Varnish (d) Vault lights and ventilators Veneering Vinegar Washing-machines and clothes-wringers Watch and clock materials (e) Watch and clock repairing Watch cases Watches Wlialebone and rattan Wheelbarrows Wheelwrighting (/) Whips Windmills Window blinds and shades Wire : Wirework Wood-preserving Wood pulp Wood, turned and carved {g) Wooden ware Wool hats (h).. Woolen goods (i) Worsted goods (j) ' Zinc 145 $4 384, 109 106 ' 915^ 575 265 2, 792! 256 48 2, 772, 69(1 172 2, 658, 72f» 781 2 885, 401 79 1 690, 200 81 3' 778! 100 12 ' 138^ 450 5 261, 500 306 2 151, 766 61 ' 6.52' 549 20 1 17' 550 1, 202 1, 704i 571 27 1, 584, 740 11 4, 144, 327 12 1(56, 450 22 266, 200 10, 701 88 10, 641, 080 1, 078, 070 69 697, 100 131 1, 385, 515 40 4, 230, 071 305 3, 681, 893 2 120, 000 50 1, 898, 450 710 3, 450, 710 287 3, 606, 704 43 3, 615, 830 1, 990 96, 095, 564 76 20. 374, 043 16 2, 022, 600 a See also Cutlery and edge tools. b See also Stereotyping and electrotyping. c See also Furniture. d See also Paints. e See also Clock cases and materials. g See also Lumber, planed. h See also Woolen goods. i See also Carpets ; Felt goods; G-loves and mit- tens ; Hosiery and knit goods ; Mixed text- iles ; Wool hats ; Worsted goods. / See also Blacksmi thing; Carriages and wagons, j See also Woolen goods. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 943 Table LI. — The United States by specified industries : 1880 — Continued. A%'ERAGE NUMRKR OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Males above 16 years. Females above 15 years. Children and youths. Total amount paid inwagesdur- ing the year. Materials. Products. 3, 042 1, 153 3, 805 1, 327 1, 504 2, 456 961 550 115 105 1, 160 398 184 1, 547 1,418 2,127 123 220 15, 821 742 585 1, 015 5,544 3, 595 36 1, 184 4, 933 4, 268 3, 222 46, 978 6, 435 1,286 29 618 254 406 1, 859 306 44 18 45 32 139 219 42 17 3 143 172 300 8 131 144 1, 459 29, 372 9.473 425 475 253 245 212 210 23 30 53 60 49 78 201 10 19 270 48 8 121 453 504 17 601 621 789 10, 154 2,895 12 $1, 489, 531 512, 786 1, 786, 586 958, 693 1, 158, 682 1, 353, 334 523, 417 366, 716 66, 204 35, 730 413, 451 176, 287 86, 050 866, 996 976, 041 1, 712, 276 7.5, 003 72, 489 5, 074, 799 415, 007 244, 197 479, 133 1, 982, 731 1, 708, 165 14, 717 444, 778 2, 148, 914 1, 539, 571 1, 893, 215 25, 836, 392 5, 683, 027 666, &70 n, 532, 556 595, 833 3, 910, 133 COO, 748 4, 502, 777 4, 150, 884 1, 023, 154 3, 699, 684 108, 981 137, 082 1, 888, 173 587, 643 130, 315 763, 249 2, 812, 922 982, 224 371, 450 101, 853 6, 703, 677 701, 225 523, 594 1, 635, 700 7, 034, 065 5, 410, 084 62, 700 910, 835 2, 940, 630 2, 635, 720 4, 785, 774 100, 845, 611 22, 013, 628 1, 771, 055 $4, 236, 568 1, 562, 513 7, 252, 470 2, 330, 298 6, 917, 463 7, 158, 893 1, 837, 705 5, 721,174 273, 395 292, 205 3, 418, 038 1,182, 714 300, 195 2, 712, 819 4, 589, 314 3, 271. 244 526, 777 227, 392 18, 892, 858 1, 698, 633 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 1,010,542 321 2,826,518 322 10, 836, 605 i 323 9,127,818 324 101,110 325 2, 256, 946 6, 770, 119 5, 235, 474 8, 516, 569 160, 606, 721 33, 549, 942 2, 725, 165 326 327 328 329 330 331 I 944 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LII. — Mannfactures in each State and Territory : 1880. Note. — In tlio conatmcfion of Table LIT (T?), to save space, two classes of industries lave laecn grouj)0(l as "all other industries" : (1) Those which may be called "neighborhood industries", i. e., when the pi oduction is presumably for local use and consumption ; tliese industries are blacksraithing ; custom boot and shoe makin{^ and repairing; carpenteiiug ; dentistry, mechanical; lock- and ^^un-smithing; masonry, brick and stone; painting and paperhauging; photographing; plumbing and gasfitting; watch and clock repairing, and wheelwrighting. (li) All iudustriea whose aggregate annual product in any state or territory does not equal $250,000 in value. A. — ALABAMA, by totals of counties. Counties. The State. Autauga . Baldwin . Barbour . Bibb Blount . . . Bullock... Butler'..... Calhoun . . Chambers Cherokee . Chilton . . Choctaw . Clarke... Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert . . . Conecuh . . Coosa Covington Crensbaw , Cullman Dale Dallas De Kalb Elmore ... Escambia. Etowah . . . Fayette . . Eranklin. . Geneva . Greene . . Hale .... Henry . . Jackson . Jefferson . . . Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence.. Lee Limestone Lowndes . . Macon Madison . . Marengo . . Marion Marshall Mobile Monroe Montgomery. No, 2, 070 Dollars. 9, 6G8, Ot AVEUAGK Nt'MDER OF HANDS EiMl'LOVEl). No. 8, 368 330, 675 198, 205 227, 822 175, 500 45, 500 35, 600 116, 700 682, 741 65, 240 614. 370 58, 800 31, 982 32, 500 36, 450 23, 250 20, 700 107, 700 19,300 59, 900: 8, 120 20, 8251 31,950! 35, 850, 270, 860| 57, 220| 502, 750| . 37, 000 15.5, 340 8, 700 4, 850 10, 300 17, 350 32, 690 44, 3:)5 54, 900 1, 420, 125 40, 450 107, 720 39, 220 101, 800j 75, 575 32, 050 37, 425 310, 550^ 56, 700: 41, 85o! 14, 075 960, 058 17, 800l 392, 650 "rt o No. 842 217 50 449; 45 233 1 147.... 57;.... 611 IOC , 640 71 570 97 26 39; 28; 18: 30 59 40 2G3 31 203 45 170 5 7 24 23 56 64 63 301 40 108 34 103 93 55 39 194 73 21 10 950 32 601 No. 200 1| P.? 37 xo, 24 25' 4 51 5 2 5 I 58 40 150 1 5 15 Dollars. 2, 500, 504 77 Dollars. 8, 545, 520 96, 460 131, 660 61, 378 "39,812 6, 420 10, 006 25, 245 215, 279 13,610 121, 728 36, 500 4,505 5, 170 4, 089 3, 601 4, 051 16, 624 2, 775 5, 790 1,200 4, 555 12, 755 7, 799 82, 779 3, 905 91, 550 13, 850 48, 790 595 601 6, 915 4, 139 8, 063 6, 765 11, 271 96, 314' 5, 580: 23, 172 5, 865 23, 010 13, 185 8, 479 5, 113 61, 726 17, 557 9,979 1, 340 343, 413 6, 371 187, 091 352, 517 109, 250: 372, 824 59, 678 78, 602! 46, 345 164, i3o; 283, 424! 126, 547 i 182, 7581 167, .500: 29, 184; 58,4071 83, 281 42, 002 64, 0961 60, 307, 24, 071 40, 963 17, 993i 38,812' 20, 17l| 71, 520. 309, 085; 38. 879i 64, 5001 239, 943: 19, 115; 2, OoOj 25, 950; 35, 650 ; 64, 718 24. 399: 89, 171 361, 879' 72, 035 123, 068; 63, 430 114, 112; 85, 758' 56, 335 62. 143 271,004 81, 505; 43, 320' 50, j[»55; 987, 502 21, es» 720, 089i COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 945 Table LII. — Manufactures : 1880— A. — ALABAMA— Continued. Coanties. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. 12. cs tD 2P Morgan Peny , Pickona Piko Randolph Eussell Saint Clair Shelby Sumter Talladega Tallapoosa . . . ? Tuscaloosa Walker "Washington . . , Wilcox Winston No. Dollars. 34 62, 950 16 30, 350 19 27, 675 35 45, 195 48 111, 625 27 49, 900 28 26, 385 45 801, 505 27 32, 975 41 234, 500 17 36, 445 34 255, 310 24 34, 650 10 24, 300 37 58, 775 8 10, 825 No. No. 76 73 41 71 97 130 39 3951. 47. 254!. No. 23 27 160i 32 176 61| 200 Dollars 13, 365 10, 187 9,211 15, 555 30, 469 25, 209! 10, 86, 7, 100, 4, 40, 11, 1,144 DoUars. 119, 885 48, 673 39, 099 120, 749 132, 0U8 48, 196 29, 987 269, 782 65, 545 223, 134 54, 266 193, 683 33, 842 92, 127 69, 081 13, 778 B. — ALABAMA, BY selected industries. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries Cotton goods Flouring- and grist-mill products. Foundory and machine-shop products. Iron and steel Lunaber, sawed Tar and turpentine All other industries 2, 070 , 668, 008 368 1,386,500 444 1,803,514 1,337 297, 358 241 3,309,196 1,581 1, 545, 655 1, 611 100, 300 622 1, 225, 485 2, 532 842 731 4 809| 2, 500, 504 467 25 14 45 36 28 194 283, 198 211, 243 101, 869 571, 713 424, 156 160, 500 747, 825 8, 545, 520 13, 565, 504 I 848, .511 3, 787, 711 107, 605 601, 073! 1, 608, 635 85, 225! 1, 506, 760 A.— AEIZONA TEREITOEY, by totals of counties. The Territory . COUNTIES. Apache Maricopa . . Mohave (a) Pima Pinal Yavapai . Yuma (a) 272, 600 4, 600 60, OCO 216 89, 650; 110 19 61,700 49 I 11 56. 6501 27 111,180 380, 023! 978i 10, 8301 7, 805 93, 252 62, 970 1 25, 787 10, 615 149, 886 70, 615 58, a Returned as having no manufactures. B.— AEIZOKA TEEEITOEY, by selected industries. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All indusli 216, 111, 1801 380, 023 618, 365 60 C G 946 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LII. — Manvfactures : 1880 — Continued. A. — ARKANSAS, BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. Counties. AVEHAOE NUMBEU OF HANDS EMPLOYED. ^53 'a kft i| _ (U to 2^ The State. Arkansas . Ashley ... Baxter — Benton . . . Boone Bradley. Calhoun Carroll.. Chicot. . . Clark . . - Clay Columbia . Conway .. Craighead Crawford . Crittenden Cross Dallas Desha Dorsey — Drew Faulkner Franklin. Fulton... Garland . Grant Greene — Hempstead Hot Sprina; Howard Independence Izard Jackson Jeflferson J ehnson La Fayette . Lawrence. -- Lee Lincoln Little Kiver Logan . . Lonoke . Madison Marion . Miller .. Mississippi .. Monroe Montgomery. Nevada Newton Ouachita. Perry Philiips.. Pike Poinsett . No 1. 202 Dollars. 2, 953, 130 No 4, 307 No. 90 No. 160 Dollars. 925, 358 Dollars. 4, 392, 080 20 10, 050 31, 125 15, 325 56, 150 36, 805 9, 555 2, 600 12, 995 15. 000 35, 875 16, 850 25, 300 16, 000 27, 900 7, 100 7, 200 10, 150 3,000 9, 300 42, 600 12, 700 19, 050 17, 350 53, 300 5, 800 26, 525 53, 275 32, 950 19, 450 62, 606 17, 325 23, 100 84, 350 32, 525 6, 950 66, 100 47, 550 8, 750 9, 500 25, 300 20, 400 27, 925 20, 39, 650 14, 325 62, 490 17, 000 23, 100 9, 525 11,500 21,800 151, 035 58, 130 2, OQO 52 1, 280 4, 365; 3, 005 11, 179 9,623 2,224 500 1,200 4, 675 12, 006 14, 590 1,404 7, 931 1, 725 2, 771 1, 750 5l5 545 100 2, 105 7,1 2,300 3, 292 550 450 4, 260 16, 298 5,461 8, 807 10, 085 5, 759 4, 610 46, 680 10, 865 1,132 9, 611 4,135 1, 1, 550 5, 612 3, 015 6, 020 2,627 17, 002 1, 350 9, 225 825 13, 346 272 6, 025 4, 932 C-1, 125j 5, 451i lOOl 5, 540 60, 005 13, 915: 205,409! 204, 908; i 24, 962 2, 000 n,785i 18, 500 90, 759 68, 345 10, 991 29, 535 12, 925 28, 025 5, 215 7, 600 11, 995 550 19,845 21,464 62, 250 28,535 29, 700 39, 387 2,575 21, 685| 79, 055 32, 3951 54, 625! 74, 041 ■ 34, 164 12, 100 96, 755' 46, 382j 7, 044 43, 486! 33, 121) 7, 619! 7, 150, 53, 722^ 18, 130j 105, 892 22, 120 121, 790| 7, 175' 38, 830: 4, 686, 33, 513! 4, 227j 28, 600' 28, 300; 196, 9j0 26, 826 750i COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIL— Manufactures : 1880— A.— ARKANSAS— Continued. 947 Counties. No. 15 38 11 98 16 12 17 9 4 45 6 13 5 17 16 103 40 1 43 AVERAGE NUMBEIl OF HANDS ElVIPLOYED. O 00 Dollars 13, 800 60, 975 23, 300 602, 499 39, 300 11, 600| 75, 850 15, 425 4, lOO! 95, 3251 6,300 21, 700 3, 750 18, 100 54, 650 197, 990 79, 950 5, 000 78, 680 No. 51 94 38 958 177 c3 05 MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries . Agricultural implements . . . Bags, other than paper Bookbinding and blank- book making. Boots and shoes Boxes, wooden packing Brass castings Bread and other bakery products. T.rick and tile Bridges Carriages and wagons Cheese and butter Clothing, men's Clothing, women's CoflFee and spices, roasted and ground. Confectionery Cooperage Cordage and twine Drugs and chemicals Flouring- and grist-mill products. Foundery and machine- «hop products. 61, 243, 784 87 216 146 29 28 48 49 3 39j 150 38, 311 922 1,460 21,065,905 72,607,709: 116,218,973 389, 500 600, 000 111, 000 1, 001, 183 206, 250 155, 200 534, 655 378, 650 99, 000 594, 523 1, 039, 365 1, 177, 604 425, 270 504, 896 241, 400 485, 375 500, 700 399, 625 4, 363, 285 105! 3,040, 672 1221 2, 2461 29l! 191' 529j 838: 34*4 600 357 1, 155 35 230 130 316 145 150 87 2. 346 50 14 233', 585 55 33 112, 578 165 88 1, 064, 938 30 42 137, 100 2 6 121, 400 16 49 372, 171 1 210, 035 172, 970 1 2 379, 629 20 14 70, 434 623 21 959, 534 633 7 221, 267 6 10 113, 032 38 18 83, 723 20 213, 656 18 57, 215 1 2 3 91, 630 4 7 514, 602 334, 035 1, 715, 000 173, 730 2, 022, 487 315, 300: 235, 520 1,611,080. 157, 625 374, 000: 460, 095 339, 934 2, 318, 655| 660, 232 1, 123, 153 472, 876 354, 170 402, 115' 21?.G, 601 38 1,528,5231 2,403,2291 4,797,; COMPENDIUM OV TftK TENTtt CE^^SUS. 94^ Table IjU.— Manufactures : 1880— B.—CALI FORNIA— Continued. Mechanical and manufac- turing industries. A VERA GE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED S 5 ^5 3 a IS 00 « bC Fruits and vegetables, canned and preserved. Furnishing goods, men's . . - Furniture Gloves and mittens Grease and tallow Gunpowder High explosives Iron and steel Jewelry Lead, bar, pipe, sheet, and shot. Leather, cuixied Leather, dressed skins Leather, tanned Liquors, distilled Liquors, malt Liquors, vinous Looliiug-glass and picture frames. Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Marble and stone work Millinery and lace goods . . . Oil, ?inseed Paints Paper, not specified Printing and publishing . . . Roofing and roofing ma- terials. Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Shipbuilding Shirts Slaughtering and meat- packing. Soap and candles Sugar and molasses, refined . Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- ettes. Upholstering Wirework "Woolen goods All other industries No. 12 12 3 1 7 1 12 2 63 2 77 37 185 45 23 26 251 67 19 1 0 6 171 17 191 33 62 26 51 32 2 186 176 7 9 2. 633 Dollars 1, 152, 000 362, 350 1, 266, 800 132, 800 107, 000 1, 000, 000 1, 434, 000 1, 000, 000 283, 500 100, 000 427, 350 78, 000 1, 746, 750 1, 223, 024 2, 800, 515 639, 600 231, 200 352, 385 6, 454, 718 332, 650 137, 600 400, 000 320, 300 610, 000 1, 838, 255 69, 650 627, 350 944, 050 1, 806, 923 88, 300 2, 130, 200 547, 600 1, 600, 000 797, 675 1, 831, 503 211,177 275, 308 1, 676, 500 7, 959, 081 No 585 121 956 85 19 76 190 284 128 130 229 52 615 104 1, 201 383 268 3, 423 339 13 60 92 156 1,408 151 621 862 534 182 467 226 2801 632 3, 238 141 72 708 7, 340 No 507 189 21 185 198 1 5 107 12 173 llOi No. 22 114 Dollars. ' Dollars. 291, 413 1 832, 952 126, 265 505, 089 77, 250 14, 2401 37, 200| 86, 506! 177, 722 100, 597 87, 952 132, 629 21, 248 344, 017 51, 653 570, 624 72, 307 59, 150 164, 848 1, 095, 736 231,817 78, 932 30, 000 41, 576 87, 622 1, 272, 412 91, 521 305, 575 442, 560 589, 564 85, 338 341, 488 129, 780 190. 000 402, 996 956, 639 96, 037 42, 665 334, 318 4, 490, 593 509, 540 1, 003, 555 134, 225 364, 400 137, 800 780, 416 535, 500 159, 753 826, 500 1, 683, 021 401, 500 2, 746, 263 424, 252 2, 144, 119 292, 075 137, 553 530, 228 2, 242, 503 319, 904 305, 900 400. 000 300, 239 241, 015 1, 054, 355 121, 320 «- 587, 623 831,466 959, 349 154, 990 6, 149, 623 886, 706 5, 517, 000 852, 051 2, 060, 275 256, 507 196, 910 997, 539 A.—OOLORADO, BY totals of counties. The State 599 4,311,714 4,652 266 156 2,314,427 Arapahoe... Bent Boulder...'.. Chaflfee Clear Creek. Costilla . Custer . . Douglas Elbert . . El Paso . . . Fremont . , Gapin ... Grand Gunnison 259 1 31 6 23 2 2 22 4 5 22 10 12 1 8 2, 301, 850 1, 000 171, 050 23, 800 63, 875 21, 000 4, 800 71, 300 48 400 6, 200 152, 700 85, 000 61, 950 2, 000 26, 500 2,550 1 116 21 72 17 18 135 51 7 161 145 48 2 77 264 574, 438 650 58, 243 4, 340 30, 600 5, 200 885 32, 617 6, 200 750 32, 483 36, 568 43, Oil 80 3,210 8, 806, 762 5, 715, 215 950 532, 320 23, 450 138, 762 41, 920 22, 800 212, 538 35,210 4, 150 134, 908 140, 300 94, 262 575 23, 115 950 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. Table lAl.—Manvfactures : 1880— A.— COLORADO— Continned. Counties. Hinsdale . . . Huerfano ... Jeffer-;on Lake La Plata (a) Larimer Las Animas. Oiirav Park' Pueblo Rio Grande . Routt (a) ... Saguache . . . San J uan . . . Summit Weld (a) No. Dollars. 22, 000 26, 650 395, 950 AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. No. 57 366 439 87, 250 234, 000 9, 350 57, 600 41, 300 26. 000 70 156 23 35 17 05 ® No. 15, 000 5, 500 21, 000 -I O re o •a >> 3 2^ No. Dollars. 10, 308 4, 300 151, ] 18 227, 814 Dollars. 27, 473 42, 285 430, 480 481, 361 17, 314 48, 756 3, 300 5, 626 8, 488 1,593 Dollars. 52; 450 62. 540 744, 600 1. 015. 648 350, 015 154, 237 11, 425 29, 444' 92, 566| 20, 140! 443, 495 293, 395 23, 450 42, 995 115, 190 27. 075 2, 725 600 3, 150 22, 120 3, 031 15, 650 28, 550 4,280 22, 450 a Returned as having no manufactures. B. — COLORADO, by selected industries. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries . .T Bread and other bakery products. Brick and tile Carriaees and wagons Flouring- and grist-mill products. Founderyandmachine-shop products. Liquors, malt Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Printing and publishing .. . Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Slaughtering and meat- packing. All other industries 4, 311, 714 97, 200 362, 600 281, 000 496. 500 171 242, 000 527, 100 168, 500 481, 200 181,450 119, 870 90, 000 106, 000 312; 1, 098, 294 100 797 133 332 134 178 870 157 94 135 82 1, 447 156 2,314,427! 8,806,762 14,200,159 10 i i 5 12 7! 19i 2^ 12 246! 1 5 52 800 355, 900 267, 410 112, 000 94,3511 226, 020 62, 096 124, 500 112, 931 135, 570 67, 745 67, 000 51, 190 910, 814 194, 003 209, 000, 2, 126, 522 i 230, 695 997, 000 700, 294j 95, 750 1 149, OOOi 350, ooo: 926, 065 574, 552 605, 028 475, 000 2, 534, 644 564, 330| 1, 037, 522 418. 902 1, 276, 000 1, 051, 295 307, 500 320, 850 580, 000 1, 082, 690 1,908,2031 3,996,176 A. — CONNECTICUT, by totals of counties. The State 4,488 120, 480, 275 75, 619 28, 851 8, 445 43, 501, 518 102, 183, 341 185, 697, 211 COUNTIES. Fairfield 745 17, 702, 544 13, 198 4, 547 645 7, 627, 224 14, 532, 142 28, 426, 883 Hartford 880 27, 690, 534 14, 286 4, 978 1,687 8, 456, 684 18, 501, 403 M, 608, 90!> Litchfield 413 5, 988, 254 4, 126 829 542 2, 190, 516 5, 363, 539 9, 433, 075 267 5, 871, 711 3, 490 787 400 1, 750, 072 3, 589, 772 6, 979, 847 1,174 30, 275, 692 24, 703 9, 511 1, 508 15, 074, 297 33, 416,*360 59, 530, 504 508 13, 330, 800 7, 621 2, 885 1,287 3, 969, 101 10, 627, 184 782, 130 Tolland 213 5, 593, 765 3, 406 2, 018 733 1, 826, 206 8, 201, 538 13, 907, 573 "Windham 288 1*. 026, 975 4, 789 3, 296 1, 643 2, 607, 418 7, 951, 403 14, 022, 290 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 951 Taklk IjU.— Manufactures : 1880— CONNECTICUT— ContiDued. B. — CONNECTICUT, by selected industries. Mechanical and manufac- turing industries. All industries Agricultural implements. . . Ammunition Bells Belting and hose, leather . . Belting and hose, rubber. ..j Billiard tables and materials! Boots and shoes Boots and shoes, rubber . . . Boxes, fancy and paper Brass and copper, rolled . . . Brass castings Brass ware Bread and other bakery products. Brick and tile Buttons , Carpets, other than rag Cairiage and wagon mate- rials Carriages and wagons Clocks Clothing, men's Coffee and spices, roasted and ground. Cof&ns, burial cases, and undertakers' goods. Cotton goods Confectionery Corsets '. Cutlery and edge tools Drugs and chemicals Dyeing and finishing text- iles. Dye-stuffs and extracts Electroplating Envelopes Felt goods Fertilizers Eire-arms Elouring- and grist-mill products. Eoundery and machine-shop products. Eui-niture Gas and lamp fixtures Gunpowder Hardware Hardware, saddlery Hat and cap materials Hats and caps Hooks and eyes Hosiery and knit goods Iron and steel Iron bolts, nuts, washers, and rivets. Iron forgings Ivory and bone work Leathei-, dressed skinS Liquors, malt Lumber, sawed Marble and stone work .... Matches Mixed textiles No. Dollars 4, 488120, 480, 275 AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. O 05 No. 75. 619 21| 31 6i I % 34; 15 17 .10 91 48 26 2 32 124 15 121 17 832, 724, 115, 548, 200, 100, 631, 1, 000, 224, 6, 712, 337, 479, 327, 328, 350 512, 500 3, 085, 000 G67, 099 1, 367, 900 1, 816, 400 763, 002 145, 000 243. 017 971 21,104,200 75, 150 22 906, 900 1, 610, 000 227, 400 230, 000 54 2 ■21 17 12 234 146 53 2 2 93 4 10 33 3 14 19 17 12 9 4 19 300 63 5 43 307, 000 183, 200 325, 000 405, 754 365, 000 485, 834 092, 824 4, 878, 826 506, 675 620, 000 635, 000 7, 852, 622 129, 000 262, 500 842, 400 170, 000 1, 966, 431 2, 682, 000 1, 225, 350 445, 000 3C5, 800 75, 000 461, 600 657, 300 522, 850 152, 000 3,203, 234 2 ^ No. No. 28,851 8,445 552 418 137 178 240 200 1,012 1, 060 206 3, 302 484 501 526 511 471 695 1,621 1, 994 803 45 150 6, 363 81 394! 2, 3621 115! 242 232 167 65 135 179 2, 202 361 4, 620 486 745 102 7, 073 152 325 806 266 219 64 114 699 322 77 1, 721 2 453 14 15 2 383 965 734 673 172 301 9 651 703 14 301 735 12 42 5,619 32 3, 844 171 1 34 g.9 Dollars. Dollars. 43, 501, 518 102, 183, 341 15 47 14 150 648 103 71 852 32 1, 187 ""'73 32 85 952 17 87 32 251 12 129 34 21 115 256 20 13 281 67 2 2,956 15 136 126 26 102 114 523 15 20 34 18 365 22 82 15 4 '275 218, 514 303, 519 55, 515 84, 200 110, 000 62, 266 529, 058 671, 574 265, 737 2, 137, 674 289, 445 348, 682 298, 741 132, 476 376, 332 565, 054 244, 714 853, 602 1, 206, 073 546, 624 29, 800 317, 644 1, 108, 852 91,765 778, 000 663, 000 100, 000 1, 335, 397 2, 527, 501 389, 788 7, 041, 091 572. 722 684, 475 1, 031, 093 91, 022 498, 451 1, 446, 199 346, 288 1, 191, 016 1, 386, 361 1, 161, 112i 302, 000 82, 199 162, 627 3, 750, 017 45, 737 827, 400 1, 232, 013 53, 340 1 120, 270 144, 900 100, 400 88, 000 53, 535 78, 222 1, 309, 367 117, 722 2, 313, 379 219, 385 407, 500 55, 119 3, 569, 494 116, 600 140, 809 1, 423, 981 61, 583 664, 293 331, 184 427, 013 141, 489 109, 373 35, 250 55, 484 17a, 336 164, 432 51, 817 8, 757, 022 174, 345 1, 919, 159 907, 1471 219, 440 1 364, 490j 1, 294, 140 116, 000' 685, 000 313, 325 306, 225 753, 386 2, 540, 908 2, 812, 902 310, 604 450, 000 300, 815 4, 410, 709 257, 500 501, 403 1, 949, 520 129, 900| 1, 013, 9491 1, 341, 225! 936, 050 282, 225 322, 460 385, 200 315, 702 641, 569 139, 203 354, 454 3, 145, 246 Dollars. 185, 697, 211 719, 627 1, 706, 852 251, 024 944, 000 860, 000 400, 000 2,211,385 4, 175, 997 840, 645 10, 985, 471 1, 077, 700 1, 134, 884 1, 585, 987 299, 194 1, 110, 653 2, 500, 559 824, 611 2, 605, 591 3, 016, 717 2, 210, 159 383, 500 390, 339 17, 050, 126 308, 203 3, 322, 359 2, 704, 708 344, 164 464, 800 1, 560, 900 320, 100 821,000 429, 496 446, 450 2, 470, 398 2, 9U4, 134 6, 339, 599 1, 000, 000 381,625 10, 374, 293 570, 000 753, 551 4, 407, 993 251, 800 2, 432, 271 1, 998, 698 1, 662, 131 512, 620 498, 141 460, 000 533, 7.53 1, 076, 455 419, 948 465. 692 5, 919, 505 952 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIL— Manufactures : 1880— ii.— CONNECTICUT— Continued. Mechanical and ni.innfac- turing indnstries. Musical instruments, or- gans and materials. Musical instruments, pi- anos and materials. Needles and pins Paper, not spocifled Plated and britauuia Avare. Printing and publishing . . Eubber and elastic goods . Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Sewing-machines and at- tachments. Shipbxiilding Shirts Shoddy Silk and silk goods Slaughtering and meat- packing. Soap and candles Springs, steel, car, and car- riage. Stamped ware Steam fittings and heating apparatus. Straw goods Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- ettes. Tools - Washing-machines and clothes-wringers. Wire Wirework , "Wood, turned and carved . Woolen goods Wool hats Worsted goods All other industries iVo. 7 13 65 22 70 12 100 34 5 94 18 8 28 12 3 112 125 25 2 4 10 39 78 3 3 1, 586 Dollars 238, 000 257, 000 636, 500 3, 168. 931 3, 573; 225 1, 445, 900 681, 600 183, 860 578, 700 6, 490, 650 334,300 515, 700 80, 000 4, 436, 500 304, 000 21I 140, 450 91 250, 750 Ij 100, 000 541, 500 230, 000 369, 590 266, 525 1, 217, 500 201, 000 232, 000 268, 400 158, 300 7, 907, 452 625, 000 232, 000 5, 735, 697 AVRRAGB NUM15ER OF HANDS EMl'LOTEI). -2 53 No 419 290 252 1, 173 2, 304 666 328 343 535 2, 055 500 89 93 785 418 75 352 239 420 407 945 62 252 237 227 4, 319 272 267 6, 967 No. 4 12 194 478 519 113 262 43 1 27 982 38 30 371 31 33 211 156 704 No. 8 653 5 OS to "o 5 80 17| 19' 688 56 67 i 222 Dollars. 199, 737 142, 057 183, 903 656, 000 1, 636, 097 449, 83; 233, 445 178, 673 224, 193 1,158, 000 256, 849 276, 054 35, 345 1, 020, 530 206, 959 4! 34, 547 -J 167,116 55, 000 201, 492 137,338 205, 687 218, 148 500, 710 40, 500 142, 664 103, 147 100, 214 2, 342, 935 188, 292 172, 256 3, 239, 104 Dollars. 302, 126 182, 018 389, 585 2, 761, 316 2, 878, 792 341, 670 1, 203, 661 396, 370 577, 392 802, 959 430, 425 330, 677 261, 200 3, 311, 206 4, 189, 151 210, 415 341, 698 200, 000 410, 351 203, 387 438, 839 326, 815 673, 660 100, 640 285, 439 160, 900 97, 974 10, 176, 987. 532, 976 1, 258, 655; 6. 797, 530 Dollars. 604, 937 386, 583 804, 985 4, 337, 550 6, 080, 076 1,111,188 1, 710, 761 727, 352 929, 451 2, 969, 741 767, 660 699, 605 347, 500 5, 881, 000 4, 669, 540 309, 578 622, 841 300, 000 757, 422 419, 270 827, 162 787, 383 1, 631, 295 251, 600 565, 981 324, 500 274, 643 16, 892, 284 1, 003, 892 1, 597, 227 12, 928, 228 A.— DAKOTA TEREITOEY, by totals of counties. The Territory COQNTIES. A\irora (a) 251 771, 428 854 8 6 339, 375 1, 523, 761 2, 373, 970 1 7 7, 725 13 1 1.965 6, 213 13, 588 6 6, 200 9 3, 860 3, 200 14, 280 18 64, 350 86 3 1 32, 480 132, 588 204, 457 Cass 13 40, 050 50 3 26, 009 58, 437 117, 316 a Beturued as having no manufactures. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 953 Table 1,11.— 3Ianvfactnre3 : 1880— A.— DAKOTA TERRITORY— Continued. Establishments. Capital. AVERA HAND . |i ? V "3 3ENUM1 3 EMPLO % 2 OS ^ 1 1 1 7 16 2, 000 18, 450 57, 050 1 7 60 307 962 12, 910 3, 074 45, 061 225, 106 3, 719 53, 660 295, 773 Turner Walworth (a) 35 121, 938 125 2 55, 906 232, 531 369, 585 a Returned as having no mauufactureB. 954 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LlL—AItniufactures: 1880— DAKOTA TERRITORY— Continueti. B.— DAKOTA TEREITORY, by selected industries. Mechanical and manufac- turing industries. All inilustries Flouring- and grist-mill products. Lumber, sawed , AU other industries No. 251 30 182 Dollars. 771, 428 301, 665 113, 750 356, 013 AVERAGE NUMBER OP HANDS EMPLOYED. O 9} -5 b No. 854 to lements .. Bread and other bakery products. 20 26 200, 124 118.450 230 159 14 41 24 77, 585 55, 742 337, 846 343, 280 601, 935 464, 102 959 Table hll.—Manufacturea: 1880— B.— GEORGIA— Contiuued. Mechanical and manufac- turing industries. Brick and tile Carriages and wagons Confectionory Cotton goods Flouiing- and grist-mill producte. Foundery and machine-shop products. Iron and steel Leather, curried Leather, tanned Lumber, planed Lumbei-, sawed Printing and publishing ... Kice cleaning and polishing. Sash, doors, and blinds . Slaughtering and meat- packing. Tar and turpentine (a) Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. All other industries No. 76 59 14 44 1, 132 Dollars. 212, 660 275, 300 130, 700 6, 537, 657 3, 576, 301 39 916, 510 14 79| 94 131 655 2l| 91 141 9 84 56 1. 135 1, 135, 900 60, 009 143, 441 122, 000 3, 101, 452 506, 800 203, 000 160, 500 25, 700 513. 885 155, 350 2, 516, 671 AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. 1, 022 5151 82 1, 86ll 1, 823i 150 319! 3, 298 405 111' 326 35' No. 14 1 24 2.969 2, 622. 204 24: ! 3, 552! 467 No. 192 12 4 1,411 18 37 37 I 15 94 57 24 22! Dollars. 188, 883 184, 159 28, 831 1, 141, 782 327. 602 DoUars 115,747 246, 470 2G3, 165 4, 039, 673 8, 619, 092 Dollars. 409, 025 .582, 581 330, 325 0, 513, 490 9, 793, 898 343, 0721 012, 4831 1. 299, 491 185, 489 18, 040 32, 244' 85, 389 554, 085l 213, 052i 34, 957 79, 274 9, 473 1 506, 842 67, 560 631, 707! 190,753: 197, 943 j 195, 3001 3,197, 155 218, 306; 1, 309, 400| . 158, 000| 269, 077j 490, 355 181, 710 990, 850 296, 150 323, 807 371, 2n0 4, 875,310 579, 054 1, 488, 769 366, COO 309, 093 1, 455, 739 329, 624 213| 1, 132, 091j 2,526,477j 5,054,445 a Not including farm products. A.— IDAHO TERRITORY, by totals of counties. The Territoiy COUNTIES. Ada Alturas Bear Lake Bois6 Cassia Idaho Kootenai Lemhi Nez Perc6 Oneida Owyhee Shoshone Washington 162 677, 215 261, 050 11, 600 43, 650 80, 025 10, 300 38, 850 4, 000 20, 000 102, 640 62, 3C0 27, 300 5, 000 10, 500 374 136. 3261 844, 874' 1, 271, 317 44, 750i 4, 0001 10, 140 10, 194 3, 250 500 1, 850 21, 077 16, 752 12, 057 900 358, 1«0: 13, 250| 38, 641! 54, 763 j 10, 4501 49, 275! 2, 390 22, 050 80, 350! 178, 470 23, 630 6, 600 6, 845 511, 790 30, 150 68, 529 97, 816 19, 350 78, 800 4, 545 32, 161 129, 411 232, 370 55, 095 10, 300 11. 000 B.— IDAHO TERRITORY, by selected industries. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries Flouring and grist-mill products. Lumber, sawed All other industries 677, 215 374 8 ^ 6 136, 326 844, 874 1, 271, 317 287, 000 46 2 16, 155 422, 630 520, 986 392,460 169 4 33, 367 230, 566 349, 635 197, 755 159 6 2 86, 804 191, 678 400, 696 960 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table lAl.— Manufactures : 1880 — Continued. A.—- ILLINOIS, BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. Couutics. The State Adams Alexander Bond 13oone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland . . . De Kalb De Witt Douglas Du Page Edgar , Edwards Effingham Eayette Eord , Eranliliu Fulton Gallatin Grreene , Grundy . Ilamilion Hancock Hardin , Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jctfeison Jersey 'Jo Daviess Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox Lake La Salle Lawrence Lee Livingston Logan McDonough No. 14, 549 425 45 53 76 55 130 31 63 67 210 122 76 37 117 130 3, 775 35 42 154 to: 54 119i 127i 25' 90 58 18 185 27 94 70 38 150 18 23 123 116 81 43 44 51 194 25 328 73 53 197 85 309 17 103 xsi 96 106l AVEUAC15NUMBER0F ' HANDS EMPLOYKU. ! Dollars. No. No. No. 140,652,066,120,558 15,233 8, u o o 4,368,400 3,068' 443, 800 345 77, 105 142, 550 88, 585 2 B c Dollars. Dollars 57, 429, 085 289, 843, 907 151, 315 1, 330, 646 r53. 11 93 . 140 129 . 309, 925 33, 250 185, 650 196, 640 432, 071 219, 150 161, 835 84, 800 435, 800 418,708 72, 401, 453 106, 450 64, 990 948, 283 159, 575 105, 485 359, 294 288, 220 71,700 213, 520 285, 834; 90, 225 69, 200 857, 335 53, 550 373, 540 267, 925 127, 370' 543, 790 40, 225 66, 140 497, 400 225, 302 470, 480 60, 235 107, 125 190, 625 1, 695, 299 88, 900 3, 686, 908 474, 900 253, 840 816, 224 492, 750 3, 097, 840 87, 900 668, 825 189, 325 199, 945| 429, 6651 291 34 107 95 477 272 193 94 319 485i lOi 125,435. l,119,323i 20, 899 48, 385 30, 715 4541 12,232 105 119 748 16 180 90. 239 371 1 69 . 183| 279' 94L 69! 707 78 . 76, 714' 3, 920; 35, 493 i 25, 427 i 139, 941' I 84, 905! 40, 521 1 19, 055 163,491 241, 174| 132, 406, 367, 205 19, 5341 280, 8921 277, 810, 451,909 547. 302; 376, 5771 187, 820 97,9541 1,040,848 156, 568 759, 681 4, 909 35, 603, 567 181, 867, 817 344! 259j 2 120 3 337 27 34! ii 60 . 451 1 262' 268 1 135 . 154 172! 815! 97|. 2, 619 322 527 789 355 2. 960 25 429 225 2?4 405 570 441 41 18! 11 11! 5! 43 1 268 12 24, 095 21, 602' 310, 354j 46, 360, 18, 651 1 82, 128 88, 034| 14, 6571 50, 865 68, 513; 22, 251 20, 805' 210, 4471 14, 680 115, 324' 106, 089, 27, 974i 103, 411 i 8, 792 I 11, 880 165, 177 72, 6171 71, 935; 20, 145 I 36, 547i 54, 516 319, 038' 17, 167 1 1, 423, 229, 140, 389' 216, 129, 263, 096 119, 257 1, 309, 728 21, 330 207, 766, 71, 403 80, 9511 137, 860i 181, 3301 141, 285 1,041,015 125, 468 154,399' 567, 653 471, 834, 66, 762, 372, 897j 421, 789: 75, 661' 187, 422 914, 794 78, 075^ 509, 983 246, 212 245, 6121 779, 613 i 48, 429! 104, 235; 478, 290 292, 603' 484, 040 87, 614| 333, 95l| 404, 7021 1, 149, 933: 168, 421 1 3, 869, 239j 559, 896 467, 420; 714, 320| 646, 0491 3, 056, 339j 288,010; 1, 162, 655; 319, 097 270, 231 523. 8821 Dollar.'!. 414. 864. 673 8, 904, 995 1, 433, 070 230, 575 353, 240 207, 042 560, 395, 307. 505.: 252, ^:,t 1, 328, 78(i 1, 125, 220 253, 910, .518 249, 8^■;{ 213, 9J4 1, 645, 9S(» 238, 221 227, 297 812, !>7(i 725, 765 112, 313 509, 090 587, 261 137, 421 253, 458 1, 429, 975 115, 460 758, 342 470, 006 335, 096 •1, 014, 030 62, 715 135, 850 812, 702 473, 830 660, 837 132, 892 438, 849 589, 410 1, 790, 197 224, 820 0, 531, 913 849, 418 1, 319, 095 9:^2, 367 5, 647, 14 354, 1, 081, 34 473, 2 457, 02 85U.6 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 961 Table 1,11.— Manufactures : 1880— A.— ILLINOIS— Continued. Couuties. No. 214 208 164 153 285 101 80 42 85 23 109 195 55 90 402 48 26 122 51 29 19 98 228 349i 31 238 44 53 109 69 188 158 44 160 19 42 87 51 76 188 224 25 292 94 j AVERAGE NUMBER OF I HANDS EMPLOYED. Dollars. 519, 329 1, 194, 355 1, 125, 195 624, 650 1, 970, 111 300, 700 270, 270 163, 315 305, 180 156, 000 121, 750 205, 702 517, 560 804, 090 74, 900 281, 875 4, 450, 8721 110, 900 91, 250 413, 900 102, 135 391, 800 23, 040 631, 625 161, 775 4, 738, 822 5, 343, 404 94, 675 2, 658, 6311 143, 085 65, 880 222, 280 98, 100 1, 085, 676 1, 248, 400 146, 625I 603, 2 10 1 61, 310 715, 848 451,382 No. 354 906 826 439 1, 651 386 190 131 473 128 166 141 646 850 214 4, 013 162 73 325 123 279 35 342 225 3, 213 4, 973 139 2, 164 115 170, 000 ♦ 195 286, 655 375 1, 527, 471 804 3, 533, 805 2, 620 85, 725 3, 289, 107 243, 775 208 No. 4 322 No. 215 69 71 19 324 6 4 4 30 12 1 7 108 2 ± 18 7 1 12 17 65 330 12 572 214 8 275 27 5 9 17 2 9 25 27 8 14 44 6 39 1 6 3 5 71 28 1 18 48 18 130 110 3 5 301 108 3 "5 -« Dollars. 113, 809 338, 396 368, 486 156, 926 769, 163 116, 583 76, 282 37, 320 139, 640 28, 809 45, 231 56, 375 251, 972 309, 682 22, 979 71,25o' 1, 612, 974 48, 413; 21, 466 113, 369 30, 706 93, 213 7, 173 129, 743 57, 299 1, 609, 717 1, 775, 942 31, 067 932, 398 44, 726 28, 451 71, 882 29, 534 317, 261 320, 348| 63, 1121 189, 232 1 12, 950 199, 804 97, 313 61, 236 87, 213 384, 585; 1, 164, 372 25, 840 959, 245 50, 201 Dollars 1, 062, 788 1, 627, 288 1, 310, 901 1, 717, 619 5, 091, 082 409, 295 289, 874 203, 777 502, 675 191, 322 223, 935 741, 505 1, 587. 608 1, 418, 140 121, 739 517, 701 9, 809, 882 381, 435 123, 330 1, 035, 402 142, 737 366, 925 20, 869 1, 727, 770 464, 778 4, 603, 023 12, 845, 905 184, 515 4, 316, 981 236, 627 116, 968 533, 472 118, 065 1, 221, 189 1, 579, 363 528, 298 815, 792 216, 000 527, 518 1, 235, 874 350, 803 692, 254 1, 881, 370 8, 252, 302 126, 549 2, 533, 344 237, 873 B. — ILLINOIS, BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries 14, 549 140, 652, 066 120, 558 15, 233 8, 936 57, 429, 085 289, 843, 907 414, 864, 673 Agricultural implements. . . 220 11, 306, 955 6, 989 27 284 3, 186, 999 6, 722, 930 13, 498, 575 Bags, paper 3 101, 200 29 37 6 24, 375 532, 300 608, 800 Baking and yeast powders. 9 151, 700 90 45 1 51, 069 519, 750 686, 600 CI c c 062 Table hll.— Manufactures : 1880— B.— ILLINOIS— Continued. Mechanical and manufac- tuiing industries. Belting and hose, leather. . . , Billiard-tables and materials' Bookbinding and blank- j book luakinfi. j Boots and shoos i Boxes, fancy and paper — { Boxes, wooden, packing j Brass castings i Bread and other bakery i products. j Brick and tile ■ Bridges ! Brooms and brushes Carriages and dragons (Jars, railroad, street, and repairs. Cheese and butter Clothing, men's Clothing, women's Coffee and spices, roasted and ground. Coffins, buiial cases, and undertakers' goods. Confectionery Cooperage Drugs and chemicals Electrical apparatus and supplies. Fertilizers Flavoring extracts Flouring- and grist - mill products. Foundery and machine-shop products. Fruits and vegetahles, canned and preserved. Furnishing goods, men's. . . Furniture Furniture, chairs Furs, dressed Glass Gloves and mittens i Glucose 1 Glue ...j Grease and tallow 1 Hardware ! Hosiery and knit goods ' Iron and steel Ii'on bolts, nuts, washers, | and rivets. | Iron forgings j Iron nails and spikes, cut I and wrought. i Iron pipe, wrought j Iron work, architectural j and ornamental. i Lamps and reflectors : Lard, refined ! Leather, curried j Leather, tanned , Lime Liquors, distilled Liquors, malt Lithographing Looking-glass and picture frames. Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed , Malt Maible and stone work Mattrosses and spring beds AVEUAGK NUMBER OP HANDS EMPLOYED. No. Dollars. 21 192, 7^n 4i 263, 200 45i 253, 475 2 ® rt ? 33! 13 231 15j eiej 88 2151 285 330: 19 15 44i 372 j 281 3; 1, 729, 200 68, 700 575, 300 4G1, 500 993, 810: 2, 397, 023, 348, 000 307, 225 3, 466, 8301 771, 500 j 933, 5861 7, 135, 5331 353, 5001 530, 900 i 306, 675| 482, 25o| 865, 720; 513, 8001 271, 200, 61 467, 000" 4i 71, 200! 1,024 13,579,680' 12; 13' 335 31i 16 7; 121 3; 141 22 14 2l| 4i 151, 200: ! 586, 1001 3, .5.54, 130: 270, 000 168, 800 445, 000 130, 000 450, OOOl 465, 000: 694, OOOi 291, 370| 105, 8001 6, 460, 6201 187, 000] 5 145, 800! 5! 448, 000| 2! 735, 000] 13i 68, 000; 4 4 18 34 23 36 111 13 63 65 640 22 188 32 453, 500 1, 012, 700 534, 786 2, 220, 114 313, 150 3, 437, 616 6, 098, 835 494, ] 50 350, 925 971, 808 3, 295, 483 941. 200 799, 125: 223. 350l No. 58 300 284 1, 718 71 1,010 550 St No. 196 180! 18i 65 4, 950 299 7, 568, 3591 7, 377 175 1441 5, 206| 326| 60] 632. 95; 367i. 1991 227'. 3001 160i 4, 887! • 295 . 1, 1191 79| 3i 105i "*191| 11 47ll 144 345 329 247 1, 113 397 2, 114 1,640 307 798 1, 155 3, 652 257 1, 556 298 531 loo! 32| 117 Dollars. \ Dollars. \ 26, 710i 225, OOOl 137, 225j 283, 9001 214. 024 241, 060 1, 103 221 1 69 5, 319 13j 571 642 436 ioe 51 3, 017 37i 177 1, 057 1 29 631 56i 11 4, 842 4, 499! 385 72 1, 488! 23 209 44| 51 179 1 13: 8 373 173 139 2, 297 ll 48 230 66! 16 127 25i. 220 755, 769; 83, 5501 459, 777' 249, 118 577, 065 1, 288, 604, 311, 763! 181, 578; 1, 429, 705| 476, 742! 233, 974! 3, 929, 9C4 334, 885! 159, 996 1, 834, 9991 119, lOOi 1, 328, g32i 385, 085| 2, 648, 972! 955, 584 1, 473, 000 1 3.57, 852: 2, 331,111: 1, 875, 291i 2, 840, 327 12, 809, 297' 1, 017, 720; 2, 477, 021! 99, 4771 251, 295' 470, 985 242, 908' 877, 471 132, 700 100, 603 1, 589, 850i 1, 737, 539! 734, 828 143, 587 110, 760 36, 730 868,124 41. 500, 957 334, 500! 486, 756 6! 251 3,644,339 7,107,553! 13,515,791 1871 335 I .J , 6021 504, 315! 47 410i 61 100' 5' 3 8 1 36 76 366 40i i 78 12 70 12 25 55 75 99 6 12 11 158 2 71 199 i 392, 700! 2, 497, 778 140, 180I 56, 908j 342, 027 71, 191! 116, 700l 9.5, 700! 123, 954| 146, 5831 92, 3851 2, 508, 718' 164, 800 73, 130 192, 528 321, 521 72, 854 159, 250 181, 200 141, 096 599, 028 149, 2121 934, 7511 754, 510 220, 955 361, 675 474, 739 787, 867 117, 710 712, .515 136. 316! 1. 143, 2751 3, 607, 313! 178, 890 241, 600' 297, 842' 211, 200 1, 025, 420 281, 000 1, 454, 775! 296, 795; 290, 895; 14, 977, 145 727, 150: 424, 337! 375, 430 i 881, 027i 177, 800 648, 408 4, 637, 050 1, 967, 255 4, 160, 113 190. 460 10. 066, 860 3, 261, 272 263, 549 619, 090 3, 799, 814 3. 144, 905 1, 703, 169 909, 793 342, 850 730, 843 1, 835, 597 7, 644, 638 307, 572 398, 850 901, 343 325, 200 1, 450, 400 563, 500 1, 764, 300 575, 502 484, 124 20, 545, 289 1, 104, 000 585, 581 804, 270 1, 455, 470 318. 900 1, 051, 346 5, 055, 000 2, 391,380 5, 402, 070 444, 990 14, 600, 760 5, 798, 109 698, 387 1, 304, 903 4,813,290 5, 063, 037 2, 113, 080 2, 102, 387 758. 508 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table hll.— Manufactures : 1880— B.— ILLINOIS— Continued. Mechanical and manufac- turing industries. Millinery and lace goods. . Mineral and soda waters - . Musical instruments, or- gans and materials. Oil, lard Oil, linseed Oleomargarine Paints Paper, not specified Patent medicines and com- pounds. Paving materials Pickles, preserves, and sauces. Printing and publishing . . Pumps Rooting and rooting mate- rials. Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Sewing-machine cases Sewing-machines and at- tachments. Shipbuilding Shirts Show-cases Slaughtering and meat- packing. , Soap and candles Steam fittings and heating apparatus. Straw goods Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, chewing, .smoking, and snufl; Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- ettes. Trunks and valises Type founding Upholstering Varnish Vinegar "Watches Windmills Wirework Woolen goods Zinc All other industries 19 56 17 3 12 3 14 23 22 4 12 243 271 20| 718] 70 7; 17i Dollars. 122, 750 290, 118 261, 000 190, 000 1, 035, 000 208, 800 792, 800 1, 246, 000 322, 050 59, 500 87, 500 3, 625, 400 348, 050 199, 721 1,246,281 1, 589, 313 115, 800 1, 187, 600 AVERAGE KUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. 28! 457, 000 461 32| 162, 150 ll; 141 62, 100 11! 143! 12, 019, 980; 10, 21^ O GO No. I 56 314! 305| 82 . 238; 63 257j 646! 140| 91'. 94| 3, 650| 2251 2421. I 1, 459 2, 185! 429;. 5841 > o 06 «y 35| 13: J. 561 xo| 532| 171 38! 4i 26, 4| 23! 381 53| 5: 1, 407, 750 182, 700| 144, 000; 1, 491, 278! 1, 129, 75o| 1, 050, 8711 168, 30ol 290, 000 8:?, 200 207, 000 230, 920 1, 968, 827 293, 500 572, 722 1, 327, 553 681, 000 2, 38: 238 127 148 3 94 988 196 558! 527 No. 2o ! ll I bO No. Dollars. 65! 90, 360 17! 120, 868 42 201, 007 18i 82i 42, 600 117, 2551 21, 310! 154, 328! 293, 144 81, 040! 39, 037' 38. 165, Dollars. 267, 060 274, 702 323, 978! 928, 000! 2, 520, 380 328, 5001 2, 112, 145i 884, 688] 584, 010: 247, 000! 367, 970| 101 121 '1 I I 531' 53l| 2,401,894 2,807,36l| 3, 10; 85,443' 272,362] ....! I 90,187] 437,877] 163i 17. 172! 212, 589, 250 968, 6211 161,706 332, 776i 1, 645, 270| 1, 904, 089i 134, 685' 379, 534i 5,878! 10,823,403 16,538, 1 458: 0\ 141, 800 427, 957 1 1 9] 65, 276 125, 900 7311 1 4, 077, 617 84, 649, 718 8OI 224, 874 3, 341, 777 143, 390j 462, 780 335' 19' 119, 514! 297, 744 ' 108 172, 870, 807] 2, 071,345 197: 393 355, 135j 2, 955, 741 215^ 232 i 1, 101, 786 1, 702,458 4] 10 111, 345 309, 400 95 96 109, 300 86, 000 26 12> 67, 077: 166, 941 1 24, 646 302, 600 3 9i 44, 4101 202, 630 571 738, 974 223, 8.57] 1 5( 104, 157 205, 694' 421 242, 279] 1, 889, 581] 365' 150 i 296, 225] 1, 332, 798! 1 4] 416, 600 1, 2.57, 228 i 1,536 1, 008! 7,644,4001 13,243,344] Dollars. 471, 400 613, 358 656, 500 1, 107, 000 3, 099, 893 437, 800 2, 799, 700 1, 679, 092 827, 410 313, 000 518, 200 7, 114, 939 470, 729 623, 681 3, 095, 322 3, 500, 993 382, 355 1, 387, 911 892, 093 746, 117 263, 700 97, 891, 517 3, 930, 322 680, 530 484, 609 3, 894, 655 4, 197, 400 3, 764, 990 542, 800 314, 000 307, 535 389, 000 376, 583 1, 238, 621 392, 967 2, 664, 710 1, 896, 4G0 1, 815, 200 28, 240, 454 A.— INDIANA, BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. The State COUNTIES Adams Allen Bartholomew Benton Blackford Boone Brown Carroll , Cass Clark , 11, 198 138 14 127| 276j 187| 65, 742, 153, 250 2, 926, 146 857, 565 13, 000 • 127,450 211, 465 116, 400 41i5, 570 1, 309, 627 1, 051, 590 I 1 62,072] 3,615! 3,821 195 li 10 3, 099] 1651 221 556] 83 32 19! I 161j 2] 8 374! i 25 237i i 3831 7] 7 1, 259i 30! 53 2, 541 32] 51 21, 960, 888 100, 262, 9171 41, 809 1, 182, 448 201, 644 4.575 47, 747 23, 100 94, 760 203, 168] 5, 017,413] 1, 341,996] 14, 4051 301, 350] 522, 518! 102, 740] 52."), 8961 422,642! 1,647,388] 823, 003! 2, 677, 664! 964 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table JjIL— Manufactures : 1880— A.— INDIANA— Continued. CotmtieB. Clay Clinton Crawford — Daviess Dearborn — Decatur De Kalb Delaware Dubois Elkhart Fayette Floyd Fountain Franklin Fulton Gibson Grant Greene Hamilton Hancock Harrison Hendricks . . . Henry , Howard , Huntington . . Jackson Jasper Jay Jefferson — Jennings Johnson Knox Kosciusko . . . Lagrange — Lake La Porte Lawrence Madison Marion Marshall Martin Miami Monroe Montgomery Morgan iNewton Noble Ohio Orange Owen Parke Perry Pike Porter Posey Pulaski Putnam Eandolph — Ripley Hush No. 66 146 61 54 168 109 127 159 111 175 40 200 104 105 106 92 134 84 167 72 158 177 122 153 141 44 88 123 65 133 100 177 79 64 155 87 167 142 113 71 148 106 26 189 29 77 AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. O ao Dollars. 465, 489 327, 700 108, 905 149, 550 3, 370, 859 268, 495 247, 300 701, 575 197, 695 1, 437, 945 495, 255 3, 721, 562 237, 350 255, 800 189, 035 252, 585 657, 765 206, 380 416, 626 185, 640 126, 810 243, 545 724, 785 309, 625 469, 750 398, 884 40, 160 164, 920 1, 033, 020 158, 630 699, 710 618, 960 449, 039 236, 060 699, 130 1, 201, 910 232, 425 525, 250 10, 366, 985 510, 000 230, 540 1, 205, 750 268, 650 569, 919 216, 480 30, 375 527, 070 94, 250 95, 950 122, 800 347, 168 472, 760 69, 795 348, 000 368, 710 67, 800 362, 285 316, 960 314, 440 251, 835 No. 271 465 147 166 1,578 305 277 594 212 1,117 411 2, 408 286 314 262 253 566 226 448 232 190 359 576 468 586 578 68 210 966 183 565 449 574 193 269 1, 496 259 585 9, 118 481 340 767 328 581 412 32 546 89 181 168 304 292 84 324 397 44 502! 436 402 3631 No. 2§ o No. 181 551 254! 71 257 1 9 ii; II. ^8 1 33i 22 1 26 1 201 5 85 77 71 92 54 394 15 2 -! 14 4 23 -i 4 42 1 26 5 101 36 12 5 11 51 15 34 513 12 22 76 25 •9^ II 9,3 I Dollars. 66, 731 115, 422 18, 487 45, 346 657, 525 75, 616 54, 463 183, 500 39, 868 459, 339 189, 398! 1, 151, 690 74, 237 96, 742| 63, 714. 60, 320 159, 162 49, 741 92, 501 51, 378 19, 652 86, 247 116, 046 107, 600 143, 975 141, 624 14, 590 34, 305 372, 396 43, 592 164, 027 132, 878 133, 785 40, 700 93, 410 538, 204 47, 808 176, 733 4, 027, 473 125, 189 32, 879 257, 702 71, 717 173, 963 93, 968 9, 087 165, 619' 23, 850{ 26, 145 23, 714 53, 022 99, 487 10, 389 108, 487 122, 300 7, 370 205, 452 123, 779 113, 253 I I Dollars. 442, 699 482, 036 127, 140 388, 716 2, 792, 351 324, 885 274, 949 836, 363 261, 801 1, 765, 818 566, 931 3, 754, 549 437, 578 567, 624 303, 673 368, 441 818, 765 341, 110 812, 425 285, 580 286, 545 504, 545 921, 0171 403, 455 716, 480 587, 308 54, 078 260, 680 1, 857, 139 191, 870 928, 304 1, 031, 464 563, 283 253, 002 3, 165, 552 2, 332, 471 257,484 774, 472 19, 855, 886 831, 630 164, 136 806, 305 329, 279 729,313! 593, 4421 59, 993,' 688, 840 142, 105: 185, 493j 206, 973 295, 999 370, 940 125, 820 452, 137 1, 125, 810 97, 006 504, 153 674, 912 476, 975 381, 957 965 Table lAl.— Manufactures : 1880— A.— INDIANA— Continued. Counties. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. O OS S3 U 2 ® 5^ Saint Joseph. Scott Shelby Spencer Starke Steuben Sullivan Switzerland . Tippecanoe. - Tipton Union Vanderburgh Vermillion... Vigo "Wabash "Warren "Warrick "Washington . "Wayne "Wells "White "Whitley No. 213 29 137 121 9 100 80 36 238 193 Dollars. 3, 760, 477 54, 070 412, 560 221, 385 27, 575 197, 735 183, 438 107, 945 1, 213, 298 105, 505 123, 025 4, 823, 745 127, 700 2, 757, 775 660, 495 118, 300 160, 635 466, 735 2, 963, 535 294, 360 115, 940 280, 020 No. 3, 467 85 484 267 14 218 1, 473 166 109 3, 060 1051 3, 340 687 113 155 320 2, 720, 343 1071 356 No. 119 1 20 No. 2 10 i 1 94 10 337 381 4 i44 154 12 9 1 122 129 35! Dollars. 1, 471, 983 8, 083 126, 391 65, 737 3, 195 58, 316 53, r ' 34, 572 584, 504 28, 412 33, 124 1, 391, 171 22, 025 1, 492, 932 152, 491 20, 523 35, 158 95, 003 1. 087. 391 25, 814 66, 926 Dollars. 3, 735, 130 63, 295 655, 822 387, 079 62, 352 339, 274 460, 228 169, 132 1, 734, 586 274, 325 , 205, 230 166, 732 , 072, 514 823, 878 166, 286 325, 163 515, 679 , 400, 503 502, 577 228, 862 308, 955 B. — INDIANA, BY SELECTED INDUSTEIES. MECHANICAL AND MANU PACTURING ENDUSTUIES. All industries Agricultuial implements . . Boots and shoes I Bread and other bakery I Ijroducts. Brick and tile Carriage and wagon mate rials. Carriages and wagons Cars, railroad, street, and repairs. Clothing, men's Coffee and spices, roasted and ground. Coifins, burial cases, and undertakers' goods. Confectionery Cooperage Cotton goods Fertilizers Flax, dressed Flouring- and grist-mill products. Foundery and machine-shop products. Furniture Furniture, chairs ! Glass Iron and steel Iron nails and spikes, cut and wrought. Leather, curried Leather, tanned 966 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table 1,11.— Manufactures : 1880— B.— INDIANA— Continued. IA^^CUAGR NUMBEIl OF I HANDS EMl'LOYED. Mechanical and manufac- turing industries. Liquors, distilled Liquors, malt Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Marble and stone work . Mixed textiles i Oil, linseed j Paper, not specified I Printing and publishing . . Pumps Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Saws Sewing-machine cases Shipbuilding Slaughtering and meat- packing. Starch Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- ettes. "Woolen goods All other industries 2io. 22 63 84 2, 022 156 5 8 19 99 55 458 40 3 3 23 25 81 i, 031 P4 a O Dollars. 2, 300, 250 1, 609, 179 655, 546 7, 048, 088 338, 547 685, 000 435, 000 875, COO 1, 126, 320 251, 400 898, 8251 744, 850: 112, 000 514. 000' 194, 250| 3, 974, 000 625, 000 i 634, 418i I 298, 8371 2, 273, 705; 5, 413, 528 o n ea ^ 00 P>» No 415 577 691 9, 920 582 208 103 291 1,222 300 1, 157 583 64 768 312 1,790 310 805 820 846 321 No. 215 1 167 108 5 Si u o o No 161 24 587 946 l| as cC^J Dollars. 177, 767 257, 514 251, 410 1, 571, 740 250, 599 209, 337 44, 715 16<5, 628 689, 590 112, 299 430, 264 236, 304 56, 050 225! 389, 243 .. ! 211,736 494. 622 26 413 12 134 2 26 160 3 30 40 25 85! 145, 880 325, 447 318. 158 308 462, 681 514 3,134,518 Dollars. 2, 000, 523 1, 092, 752 762, 494 9, 627, 097 427, 253 503, 052 1, 125, 000 741, 793 703, 984 247, 925 1, 168, 735 908,133 161, 000 940, 025 529, 840 13, 645, 927 959, 740 798, 079 542, 475 1,823. 390 6, 581, 585 A. — IOWA, BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. The State. COUNTIES. Adair Adams Allamakee. Appanoose Audubon . . Benton Black Hawk. Boone Bremer Buchanan . . . Buena Vista . Butler Calhoun Carroll Cass : Cedar. " Cerro Gordo Cherokee — Chickasaw... Clarke Clay Clayton... Clinton . . Crawford . Dallas . - . . Davis Decatur — Delaware . . Des Moines Dickinson .. 6,921 33,987,886 25, 382| 1,431 51 95 133 80 59 75; 28j SI 14 i 42! I 651 31 311 601 36 I 26] 209 1721 54j C3| ,J 651 155! 1341 32, 560 40, 550 451, 496; 78, 607 i 15, 100, 221, 365i 539, 578j 254, 325 143, 650 297, 830| 58, 850: 139, 915 21,650 42, 350; 127, 630l I 125, 915 187, 800 65, 475 128, 850 79, 150 31, 875 783, 085' 2, 752, 492, 98, 0151 151, 025: 90. 995! 116,' 4801 359. 480; L, 420, 373: 18, 000 25, 64' 228; 100 15' 200! 438! 218 125' 174i 122i 4861 1, 419; 1151 91| 16l| 1231 294; 1, 277! 9' 1, 559 9. 725. 962 68 li 79 1| 1 30 38! I 1741 1! 5 219 25| 90; 4,423 17, 837 79, 919 26, 750 3,525 53, 837 160, 749 87, 417 36, 756 56, 229 20, 166 20, 428 4, 695 10,159 58, 418 24, 381 22, 0481 25, 1991 30, 603' 27, 580: i 12, 385' 153, 173 581, 010 41, 300 18, 510 45, 598| 23, 253 90, 499i 550, 293i 2, 025! 48, 704, 311 32. 590| 174, 827| 348, 408 196, 625 30, 650j 278, 390i 1, 083, 281 399, 938| 175, 483] 265, 640 140, 204I 251, 892! 41, 219 67, 4251 497, 526| 131, 478! 293, 88O; 142, 770 195, 228: 174, 420j 94, 841 i 722, 883; 2, 704, 554' 197, 7121 204, 72a| 159, 778' 156, 388| 390, 614 1. 623, 936 32. 970I 267, 425 234, 544 644, 319 2, 838, 053 38. 140 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 967 Table hll.— Manufactures : 1880— A.— IOWA— Continued. AVERAGE NUMimU OF HANDS KMPLOYED, 1^2 C3 'O No. I No. 2951 96 Dollars, i 1, 399, 9941 1,150! 45, C67i 60, 425 14,214 76, 655 21, 048 1 18,314! 20, 881' 19, 983; 200 10 5 139 1 237 4 12 85 17 31 1 21 3 227 4 23 405 25 152 127 4 7 658; 27 43 272! 47 206! 10 16 66 1,574 94 206 1, 170 98 94 56 130 1 li 8 78 6 296 13 195 'I 424 60 3 183 4 82 1 126 I 4 92 5 2 806 81 123 25 82 1 38 3 37 1 2 1, 396 75 104 685 29 5; 177 58 6i 45 2 3 58 3 5 1,564 85 152 fi3 1 10 1 62 3 156 77 1 8 147 5 228 41 18 943 101 23 67, 8141 32, 466: 62, 501 23, 500| 8, 73l| 6, 375 68, 179 121, 424 35, 784: 35, 973! 191, 478 79, 307] 52, 707, 16, 425 j 600, 910] 464, 5961 26, 695 43, 681 3. 480! 18, 9091 105, 593I 46, 902| 182, 296! 23, 398i 67, 385| 16, 294; 29, 291! S2, 520 341, 404 6, 135 Dollars. 4, 235, 244 11, 350, 445, 400: 366, 869 70, 014 295, 154 116, 443' 71, 879' 155, 888 109, 154, 6, 650; 311. 821' 183, 578 467, 101 186, 569; 56, 010 64, 250 343, 133 1,469,512 292. 290 j 286, 159 887, 633i 547, 679 380, 452! 79, 305i 1, 978, 312' 4, 249, 617i 189, 806! 163, 291; 41, 430! 133, 545! 364, 273i 273, 114; 1. 008, 669 209, 315 478, 793' 128, 940 166, 703 164, 895' 1, 238, 421' 39, 550i Dollars. 6, 885, 289 15,115 590, 666 540, 865 106, 479 4S1, 899 169, 952 116, 075 228, 483 167, 915 7,533 471, 384 207, 056 623, 815 264, 487 82, 070 80, 840 512, 364 1, 788, 664 397, 536 418, 603 1, 332, 549 785, 626 560, 500 122, 400 3,192, 058 5, 205, 859 276, 452 266, 344 49, 170 205, 798 611, 530 395, 311 1, 507, 650 275, 235 025, 559 173, 471 249, 905 247, 320 1, 913, 149 57, 545 26, 908 10, 702 18, 176 1, ooo| 715, 399i 282, 3691 79, 062! 13, 350' 14, 922' 705, 603' lb, 7071 2, 582i 19, 443! 53, 581] 20, 405| 62, 952; 83, 072! 375, 5771 129, 645; 32, 098j 277, 880j 500 3, 023, 659 1, 779, 234 211, 803 60, 650 99, 665 3,105,143; 74, GU: 19, 200 51, 988 357, 141; 143, 467 289,217 449, 722' 2, 706, 528' 197, 503 57, 818 356, 381 3. 172 4, 530, 428 2, 443, 842 411, 010 92, 595 128, 959 4, 667, 511 102, 660 29, 530 96, 126 502, 741 209, 453 423, fi95 655, 084 3, 506, 379 a Eeturned as having uo nianiifiictureH. 968 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table IjII.— Manufactures : 1880— A.— IOWA— Continued. Counties. _ Establishments. Capital. i AVERAGE NUMBEU OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Total amount paid in j wages during the year. | Materials. ; j Products. ! 1 1 to «g 1 o es p m S p o Warren No. 60 70 55 59 Dollars. 110, 735 175, 350 62, 450 171, 525 No. 121 145 129 191 No. No. 3 1 1 4 Dollars. 24, 838 45, 950 27, 677 65, 478 Dollars. 218, 460 388, 183 158, 060 194, 878 Dollars. 314, 418 513, 043 245, 757 341, 190 Wasliington Wayne - . "Webster 12 2 "Winneshiek ,. . "Woodbury Worth 67 91 10 4 393, 786 705, 550 66, 000 13, 300 229 449 33 7 10 16 3 14 66, 982 192, 478 14, 600 1,500 512, 590 846, 095 79, 900 15, 510 689, 125 1, 233, 666 110, 625 20, 086 Wright B. — IOWA, BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries. 6, 921 Agricultural implements . . . Bread and other bakery products. Brick and tile Bridges Carriages and wagons Cheese and butter Clothing, men's Cooperage Flouring- and grist-mill products. Foundery and machine-shop products. Furniture Liquors, distilled Liquors, malt Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Marble and stone work Oil, linseed Printing and publishing . . . Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Slaughtering and meat- packing. Soap and candles Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, cigars Wire Woolen goods All other industries 97 208 244 167 112 713 102 169 3 114 12 328 85 7 146 451 27 38 15 321 133 3 34 3, 046 33, 987, 886 25, 382 1, 185, 530 353, 633 478, 614 685, 600 1, 505, 645 657, 508 665, 3631 194, 539 7, 890, 859 1, 032, 550 744, 670 118, 200 1, 987, 343 94, 600 4, 946, 390 240, 970 432, 000 1, 125, 086! 964, 728 713, 200 1, 955, 500 135, 500 520, 150 263, 675 131, 000 553, 500 4, 411, 533 1, 431 785 271 2, 063 136 1, 372 670 512 515 2,146 1, 076 723 75 526 95 2, 526 3171 941 833 490 46 307 6. 132i 39 132 632 1, 559 9, 725, 962 388 243, 635 134, 662 426, 120 87, 808 610, 017 139, 813 353, 100 207, 573 748, 045 471, 574 314, 752 20, 000 218, 017 42, 633 825, 244 142, 200 46, 330 498, 229 380, 552 238, 592 530, 188 23, 418 256, 266 226, 961 35, 135 117, 792 2, 387, 306 48, 704, 311! 71, 045, 926 601, 096 541, 629 270, 963 242, 858 1, 042, 758| 1, 261, 316i 830, 510! 312, 066 16. 488, 480 i 626, 453; 192, 338 928,1351 161, 500 4, 141, 885 1 186, 1191 570, 812 514, 380 1 1, 173, 862 847, 002 i 9. 996, 845i 195, 800 ! 583, 786; 376, 621 ' 319, 350 435, 747 , 114, 441 1, 271, 872 839, 712 944, 497 351. 476 2, 212, 197 1, 736, 400 1, 508, 398 660, 213 19, 089, 401 747, 5591 1, 594, 349 1, 293, 504 288, 000 1, 653, 851 256, 800 6, 185, 628 499, 744 766, 800 1,399, 289 2, 068, 486 1, 286, 072 11, 285, 032 259, 960 1, 198, 804 830, 097 447, 500 679, 904 10, 437, 940 A.— KANSAS, BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. The State COUNTIES. Allen Anderson 1 2,8031 11,192,315 1 11, 139 392 531 3, 995, 010 46, 449 15, 450 21, 453, 141 196, 564 126, 177 30, 843, 777 299, 398 178, 354 1 55 95, 000 33! 44, 450 135 48 7 2 4 Barbour 696, 725 10! 13, 200 784 25 109 25 3 455, 438 2, 755 1, 451, 466 6, 433 2, 332, 205 15, 305 a Keturned as having no manufactures. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table lill— Manufactures : 1880— A.— KANSAS— Continued. 969 Counties. AVERAGE NUMBER 0F| HANDS EMPLOYED. I O 09 S pi S o II Barton Bourbon . . Brown Buffalo (a) Butler Chase Chautauqua . Cherokee Cheyenne (a) Clark (a) Clay.. Cloud. Coffey Comanche (a) . Cowley Crawford . Davis Decatur . . Dickinson Doniphan . Douglas . . Edwards. . Elk Ellis Ellsworth. Eoote (a) . . Ford Franklin. . Gove (a) . . Graham... Grant (a) — Greeley (a) .. Greenwood .. Hamilton (a) . Harper Harvey Hodgeman (a) Jackson Jefferson Jewell Johnson Kansas (a) . . Kearney (a) , Kingman ... Labette Lane (a) Leavenworth Lincoln Linn Lyon McPherson Marion Marshall . . . Meade (a).,. Miami ..... Mitchell Montgomery. Morris ... Nemaha . Neosho No. Dollars. 55, 850 249, 470 38. 240 No. No. No. 13 94, 475 42, 850 52, 866 128, 750 25 69 171 85, 250 29, 500 93, 600 50 119, 245 126, 335 49, 175 500 99, 178 i 160, 750 j 548, 035 15, 000 45, 680 13, 900 42, 050 41, 150 149. 840 61, 690 ""i,985 81, 475 11, 000 87, 865 24, 128 118, 450 21, 560 235. 650 1, 808, 530 42, 400 67, 475 247, 024 52, 400 64, 845 310, 637 95, 695 130, 500 108, 625 63, 850: 84, 930l 104, 665' 126 260 44 1 79 144 455 3l 57 5 31 Dollars. 10, 428 116, 010 31, 170 Dollars. 45, 834 630, 869 118, 127 Dollars. 62, 260 897, 890 204, 228 31, 240 5, 650 17, 635 74. 298 171, 404 60, 016 104, 207 152, 912 17, 170 17, 333 11. 795 207, 535 138, 505 277. 034 32 37, 125 100, 891 15, 740 40 21, 058 29, 409 179, 523 2, 000 10. 733 1,479 10, 860 196, 194 257, 783 146, 746 510 267, 294 302, 506 766, 212 44, 200 82, 977 6, 070 61, 760 18, 750 71, 789 41, 746 214, 492 300 16,644 177. 884 175! 62'. 5l!. 140 11 297 2, 123 16 86 231 48 62 193 154 119 104 63 85 84 29 58, 186 2, 306 386, 944 1, 840 18, 200 10, 107 42, 502 15, 750 270, 868 30, 809 231, 030 3, 530 79, 581 13, 350 544. 190 869, 387 5, 603 22, 310 69, 204 12, 643 18, 252 69, 142 2, 613, 590 71,750 179, 877 305, 010 72, 425 158, 858 467, 831 40, 214 45, 033 27, 436 20, 102 29, 808 17. 092 209, 622! 257, 689 221, 573 108, 380 110, 976| 180. 2301 238, 692 79, 081 151, 547 311, 526 243, 160 178, 275 318, 704 276, 803 467, 121 195, 400 750 315, 480 395, 209 1, 150, 116 47, 750 120, 121 10, 857 83, 406 74, 440 376. 768 500 230, 129 '"4,' 500 530, 126 19, 770 333, 123 58, 380 327, 328 21, 888 747. 463 4, 221, 922 96, 850 243, 461 435, 000 104, 222 223, 191 668, Oil 318, 287 352, 951 289, 822 154, 640 198, 165 237, 123 a Ileturned as having no manufactures. 970 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table lull.— Manufactures : 1880— A— KANSAS— Continued. Counties. Establishments. Capital. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Total amount paid in j wages during tho year. | Materials. 0 1 131, 700 15, 725 45, 234 47, 609 14, 023 1, 915, 132 22, 757 11, 141 52, 712 1,701, 867 270, 708 6, 700 1,491.589 201, 150 49. OO."" 130, 231 288, 243 299, 220 117, 770 50, 918 287, 069 55, 865 972 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table 1,11.— Manufactures : 1880— A.— KENTUCKY— Continued. Counties. AVRRAOE NUMBKR OF HANDS EMPLOYED. 05 0) -a o '^5 a !=" c3 tao It Hardin Harlan (a) . Harrison . . . Hart Henderson . Henry Hickman .. Hopkins .. Jackson (a) Jefferson. .. Jessamine Johnson . . . Kenton ... Knox La Rue — Laurel Lawrence.. Lee (a) Leslie (a) . . Letcher (a) No. 82 Dollars. 126. 299 637, 015 85, 530 174, 280 No. 173 No. No. Dollars 33, 475 Dollars 245, 187 166 97 131 167, 431 1 134 51, 6681 92 76, 125 96 1, 155 213 11 23 21,918,138; 13,651 176, 380 8, 9001 3, 223, 391 7, 750 ' 61, 900 8, 000 15, 762 146 4 ,271 16 2, 829 223 54, 217 11, 017 38, 125 33, 130 22, 760 17, 782 445, 946 99, 199 254, 377 157, 790 147, 9G0 52, 342 1, 157 22 "453 5, 879, 999 52, 354 370 1, 038, 823 1, 632 10, 851 1, 666 7, 080 21, 399, 470 407, 166j 3, 235 3, 960, 427 8, 000 68, 944| 23, 466' 26, 531 Lewis Lincoln Livingston. Logan Lyon McCracken , McLean — Madison — Magoffin — Marion Marshall Martin .. Mason . . . Meade . . . Menifee . Mercer Metcalfe Monroe Montgomery Morgan Muhlenburgh. l^elson Nicholas Ohio Oldham Owen Owsley ... Pendleton Perry (a) . Pike Powell Pulaski Robertson . Rockcastle Rowan (a) . Russell . Scott . . - Shelby.. Simpson Spencer. 127, 905 110, 285 24, 225 255, 400 586, 700 666, 375 28, 250 427, 980 12, 200 298, 337 10, 300 800 865, 600 245, 130 6, 775 205, 400 21, 650 57, 315 80, 145 12, 700 53, 875 913, 915 56, 090 53, 680 1 56, 875 61,035! 7, 700, 106, 530 242 113| 40 195! 330i 271 247i 11! 9 4 499 103 16 129! 29, 36' 1071 11! 107! 279 70 58' 50 1 67, 14 101! 17 43 23 11, 050, 10, 300! 91, 570! 14, 350i 39, 875! 7, 700 133, 200 134, 225! 74, 685 27, 100! 121^ 116, 711 25, 947 10, 308 53, 368 107, 550 288, 750 6, 910 74, 361 1,375 58, 735 1, 075 400 196, 630 33, 465 2, 815 41, 425 5,910 6,862 30, 354 3, 400 18, 111 96, 846 18, 164 11, 421 9,869 15, 255 1, 245 26, 388 1, 610 5, 365 28, 363 1, 265 20, 630 195, 734 116, 166 59, 100| 514, 025 79, 808 805, 158 33, 720 588, 300 10, 650 551, 596 9, 355 800 707, 007 186, 848 13, 740j 243, 197! 24, 0961 52, 815i 64, 2071 8, 223 54, 122! 839, 9411 163, 462 53, 565 79, 620 94, 269 43, 480 173, 158 23, 170 21, 260 140, 698 30, 180 123, 570! 1, 475| 36, 123; 31, 442 13, 1151 3, 024 15. 110; 166, 699' 265, 785, 198, 9331 73. 675! 145, 390 55, 877 255, 075 30, 452 31, 670 212, 532 39, 305 185, 248 20. 230 267, 588 363, 295 249, 752 89, 361 a Returned as having no manufactures. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tablk JAl.— Manufactures : 1880— A.— KENTUCKY— Contiuued. 1)73 Counties. No. 39 40 AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. O 00 Dollars 34, 800 63, 725 249, 800 113, OOOj 41, 550 412, 580 103, 225 40, 750 20, 660 22, 000 21, 605 215, 725 No. 207 90 21 36 16 18 177 No. 62 No. ^3 11 -2 56 Dollars. \ 10, 9461 17, 355! 14, 755 11, 930 13, 522 96, 282 16, 795 4, 358 6, 2351 3, 283 2, 425 56, 275; Dollar,<}. 99, 045 235, 299| 102, 790 133, 124 44, 640 281, 9121 179, 597 54, 977 47, 647 29, 472 22, 795 282. 134 B. — KEOTUCKY, BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries Agricultural implements . Boots and shoes Broad and other bakery products. Brick and tile Bridges Carriages and wagons Clothing, men's Clothing, women's Cofiee and spices, roasted and ground. Confectionery Cooperage Cordage and twine Cotton goods Flax, dressed Flouring- and grist-mill products. Foundery and machin e- shop products. Furniture Furniture, chairs Glass Handles, wooden Iron and steel Leather, curried Leather, tanned Liquors, distilled Liquors, malt Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Malt Marble and stone work Mixed textiles Oleomargarine Paper, not specified Patent medicines and com- pounds. Printing and publishing . . . Saddlery and harness Slaughtering and meat- packing. Soap and candles Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. 5, 328 215 30 21 670 45 5 1 2 12 48 164 31 5 127 45, 813, 039 30, 949 2, 296, 037 197, 100 287, 325| 302, 175! 250, 000 726, 950| 767, 700 45, 000 59, 500 188, 925 410, 815 137, 900 365, 000 163, 000 3, 685, 759 2, 283, 350 542, 950 136, 100 795, 000 72, 100 5, 493, 035 169, 400 1, 741, 430 6, 345, 922 1, 260, 944 444, 268 2, 290, 558 89, 000 186, 775 615, 000 400, 000 600, 000 144, 850 1, 401, 700 582, 865 2, 229, 500 333, 740 320, 965 315 274 1, 162 110 898 876 2 25 110 947 155 128 130 1, 478 1, 992 687 197 364 215 3, 831 112 516 1, 414 435 432 2, 506 26 281 137 75 172 740 660 389 72 344 3,529 2 825 220 106 20 2,913 11,657,844 241 28' 14i 216 15 24 40 25 13 62 133, 70 39 49| 147 13 264 47, 461, 890 364, 385 159, 587 101, 088 233, 702 70, 000 376, 4221 351, 616 53, 300 22, 8921 46, 414! 394, 796 72, 923 64, 550 61,700[ 336, 419! 823, 392 339, 433 495, 144 145, 503 180, 000 716, 940 820, 6111 275, 600 217, 500 181, 999 573, 496 213, 120' 259, 818: 419, 000! 8, 406, 432 763, 392! 1, 690, 171 261, 550 89, 236 150, 322 68, 845 344, 400 33, 263 204, 345 560, 121 209, 143 184, 187 671, 939 19, 000 132, 469 135, 948 10, 000 82, 460 15, 320 452, 113 261, 543 150, 576 29, 700 149, 656 430, 605 123, 585 134, 1041 139, 148| 3, 223, 799i 554, 247! 1, 799, 047 j 5, 453, 575: 897, 9221 540, 197 2, 410, 743 350, 000 200, 306 579, 176 200, 000 363, 070 168, 650 476, 214 753, 346 3, 644, 059 I 324, 881i 402, 866 393, 325 772, 488 974 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table IjII.— Manufactures : 1880— B.— KENTUCKY— Continued. AVERAGE NUMI5RU OF a HANDS EMPLOYED. 'a ^ MecJianical and manufac- 03 q to lOVO and 1 turing induatries. £> 1 is 1 ital. es abov( years. •52 Id ren youths. ci bO erials. « o rS p. a O Mai e Chi es Mat Pro( No. Dollars. No. No. No. Dollars. Dollars, i Dollars Tobacco, chewing, smok- 28 1, 069, 800 1, 059 530 382 344, 219 2, 232, 3, 734, 835 inff, and snulf. 030| Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- 107 356, 964 560 69 160 220, 949 389, 007 982, 514 ettes. Tobacco stemming 20 541, 158 138 81 116 67, 656 495. 529! 629, 530 1 500, 000 200 20 55 150, 000 500, 000, 800, 000 Woolen goods 98 890, 750 353 253 217 106, 189 852, 405 1, 264, 988 All other industries 2, 100 4, 091, 729 5, 397 720 296 2, 019, 509 4, 065, 220l 1 8, 625, 026 A.— LOUISIANA, BY TOTALS OF PARISHES. The State 1,553 PARISHES. Ascension . . Assumption Avoyelles . . Bienville ... Bossier Caddo Calcasieu . . . Caldwell.... Cameron (a) Catahoula Claiborne Concordia Do Soto East Baton B,ouge . East Carroll ....... East Feliciana Franklin Grant (a) Iberia Iberville Jackson (a) . Jefferson ... La Fayette . Lafourche . . Lmcoln Livingston . . Madison Morehouse. . . Natchitoches Orleans Ouachita Plaquemines . Point Couple . Rapides Ked River — Richland Sabine Saint Bernard . . . Saint Charles (a) . Saint Helena Saint James Saint John Baptist Saint Landry Saint Maitin Saint Mary 11,462,4681 10,171 21,000 13, 400 30, 450 1, 500 22, 600 201,810 122, 800 2, 350 39 46 34 1 27 223 160| 1, 335 371 14,442,506 10, 150 10, 870 6, 350 200 3, 055 57, 405 52, 540 375 24, 205, 183 21, 060; 9, 1921 12, 650 875i 20, 806i 198, 217! 283, 4301 2, 156 7, 400! 52, 431! 500; 12, 500 45, 850 4, 000 24, 000 3, 000 321, 450 54, 375 10 1, 875j 10, 143| 400 1, 520 24, 400! 1, 005| 5, 110! 300 11,500 1,000 9, 650 43, 250 1,900 17, 825 1, 000 665, 550 9,550 78, 950 21, 705 5 22, 500 1 8, 000 16 32, 800 51 10, 000 915 8,565,303 439! 171 .. 81 ... 37 ... 0' 33, 700 500 15, 220 24, 599 32, 650 9, 000 2, 500 548, 500 16, 400 11, 700 3, 900 65, 200 12, 500 62, 950 51 17 7, 666! 1, 286i 552 37, 142! 17, 9951 60, 095 63. 810 126, 365 3, 670 21,450 3, 476 4, 300 1,500 7, 385 2, 950 3, 717, 557 9, 850 280 5, 580 7, 870 ..j 2,680 1,250 300 2I 25, 684 530, 7101 8, 921! 38, 2051 32, 544 27, 150 14, 000 22, 056 8, 130 10, 771, 892 35, 225 200 22, 9051 38, 7851 20, 5501 6, 350' 1,100 1, 430, 740 34 12| 106i 10; 95; 2, 675 6,394i 2, 800; 21. 379; 4, 925: 20, 860 36, 515 5, 075 1,725| 65, 680j 39, 3501 138, 645' 45, 250 31, 075 30, 050 1,500 30, 608 328, 623 401, 825 3, 500 16, 000 92, 321 2, 000 15, 970 91, 800 4, 100 36, 300 2,000 183, 574 122, 350 821, 441 22, 170 90, 150 45, 063 41, 760 18, 000 42, 850 15, 800 18, 808, 096 56, 375 620 43, 490 57, 405 29, 673 10, 000 2, 000 1, 648, 300 51, 332 17, 800 6, 386 1.32, 948 50, 800 206, 845 a Eetomed as having no manufactures. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 975 Table JAl.—Manvfactures : 1880— A.— LOUISIANA— Continued, Parishes. Saint Tammany Tangipahoa Tensas (a) Terrebonne Union No. 12 Dollars. 12,450 174, 100 Vermillion "Veruon Washington (a) Webster West Baton Eouge 34, 225 14. 350 5, 100 4. 100 AVERAGE NUMBER OF| is HANDS EMPLOYED, j ^ ^ No. 53 156 West Carroll West Feliciana (a) . Winn G, 600 9, 950 2, 000 o cs in a"" §0 S o No. 30 No. Dollars. \ Dollars. 3 12, 5301 33, 500 21 69,870i 208,211 Dollars. 55, 100 334, 800 12, 837 6. 3741 35, 065, 9, 261 3, 4871 4, 597 1 3, 69, 290 27. 190 10, 728 6. 000 1, 752 3, 159! 1, 000, 750 ,382 ,500! I , 500i ....!. ,430!' 11, 929 18. 300 10, 000 "3,690 a lletumed as having no manufactures. B. — LOUISIANA, BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES, All industries | 1,553 Bread and other bakery products. Clothing, men's Confectionery Cooperage Cotton compressing Flouring- and grist-mill products. Foundery and machine-shop products. Liquors, malt Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Oil, cottonseed and cake . .. Printing and publishing . .. Eice cleaning and polishing. Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Shipbuilding Slaughtering and meat- packing. Sugar and molasses, refined . Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- ettes. Tobacco, chewing, smok- ing, and snuff. All other industries ,371! 14,442,506' 24,205,183 121, 060 542, 150; 175, 971; 33, 754 i 151, 830: 399, 780 ; 22, 245 55, 092 44, 973 200, 063 422. 165 407, 946 56, 040 76, 549 87, 200 113, 526 13, 830 50, 000 179, 999 743, 9071 274, 571 155, 480 105, 788: 397, 440' 1, 079, 559 893, 040 419, 074 747, 500 489, 848 777, OOOi 1, 554, 485 295, 778, 163, 710 1, 187, 059 2, 280, 910 226, 600' 1, 328, 387 1 207, 800i 254, 250 i 162, 405 1, 375, 000, 1, 340, OOoj 152, 156 70, 540 246! 1, 187, 912 242, lOOj 2, 230, 009| 458, 459 270, 480 1, 764, 640 3, 739, 466 764, 036 1, 573, 281 377, 380 451, 000 343, 525 1, 500, 000 1, 483, 000 506, 612 424, 085 4. 881. 753 A. — MAINE, BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. The State 1 4, 481 49, 988, 171 35, 431 13, 777 3,746 13, 623, 318 51, 120, 708 79, 829, 793 COUNTIES. ! Androscoggin 1 253 12, 009, 562 5, 065 4, 394 745 3, 033, 897 8, 714, 373 14, 789, 963 270 941, 460 1, 001 22 3 190, 615 1, 100, 175 1, 744, 052 Cumberland 569l 8, 542, 710 7, 650 2, 853 1, 052 2, 584, 808 11,266,063 16, 540, 198 207 622, 434 577 156 58 139, 205 536, 657 892, 937 2791 898, 285 943 3.'^2 234 252, 030 955, 222 1, 584, 238 976 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table hll.— Manufactures : 1880— A.— MAINE— Continued. Connties. Kennebec... Knox Lincoln Oxford Penobscot . . Piscataquis . Sagadaboc . . Somerset . . . Waldo "Washington York AVEKAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. s OD No. 356 197 126 260 574 136 336 Dollars. 5, 764, 547 1, 662, 584 297, 575 1, 695, 030 4, 024, 680 1, 000, 795 931, 350 1, 464, 973 496, 388 2, 212, 235 7, 423, 563 O 00 No. 2, 985 1, 171 457 1, 247 3, 485 917 1, 175 1, 519 602 2, 095 03 j a"" ■5^ 0 Soap and candles Soda-water apparatus Spectacles and eyeglasses. . Sporting goods Stamped ware Steam fittings and heating apparatus. Straw goods Sugar and molasses.refined. Telegraph and telephone apparatus. Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- Tools Toys and games Trunks and valises Upholstering Varnish Watch cases "Watches Whips Window blinds and shades . Wire Wi rework Wooden ware Wood, turned and carved . . Wool hats Woolen goods Worsted goods All other industries 119 3 13 13 2| 18 33 5 2 I 375 ! 271 14 25 83 7 5 5 47 19 8 26 26 118 6 167 23 4, 759 Dollars 2, 005, 325 95, 000 96, 200 303, 000 185, 000 1, 068, 000 2, 361, 960 1, 979, 500 112, 000 1, 323, 253 675,111 614, 527 136, 500 111, 500 172, 857 85, 500 65, 000 1, 880, 500 630, 410 171, 750 1, 742, 000 328, 375 342, 550 666, 360 430, 325 24, 680, 782 6, 195, 247 11, 737, 541 No 655 189 237 41 262 717 2, 531 525 185 1, 559 1, 000 484 232 177 271 24 103 1, 029 333 161 2,442 299 385 969 578 13, 146 1, 813 21, 359 No. 29 5 18 245 73i No. 5, 185 84 408 57 16 575 153 45 22 130 13 21 214 8, 210 3, 340 1, 911 8 lil 19; 39 37 101 2, 265 630 271 Dollars. 306, 539 73, 335 124, 675 69, 125 141, 000 369, 556 1, 968, 232 288, 860 Dollars. 3, 492, 604 279, 638 147, 778 268, 552 193, 000 536, 984 4, 117, 162 21, 482, 764 239, 625 731,6471 l,426,392i ! I 595,3551 1,111,1351 252, 244, 105, 613' 92, 163! 153, 757 14, 239 80, 142 912, 845 226, 784 66, 650 961,400 172, 928 156, 541i 413, 236| 313, 935' 7, 457,115 1, 870, 030 10, 029, 287 204, 936 73, 485 251, 511 324, 807 230, 350 274. 480 730, 081 381, 293 209, 377 2, 987, 900 452. 4.54 269, 937 037, 795 829, 100 27, 839, 583 6, 465, 476 17, 044, 650 Dollars. 4,489. 555 487, 306 330, 859 398, 890 378, 000 1, 196, 544 6, 898, 628 22, 880, 439 409, 930 2, 901, 133 2, 074, 219 625, 709 256, 172 430, 391 611, 968 306, 500 427, 371 1, 915, 913 962, 892 335, 932 4, 539, 399 761, 881 524, 680 1, 350, 018 1. 438, 041 45, 099, 203 10, 466, 016 35, 257, 961 A. — MICHIGAI^ir, BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. The State 8,873 92,930,959 68,445 COUNTIES. Alcona.. Allegan . Alpena . Antrim . Baraga . Barry , . Bay .. Benzie . Berrien Branch Calhoun . . . Cass Charlevoix Cheboygan Chippewa . . Clare .... Clinton . . Crawford Delta . : . . Eaton Emmet Genesee Gladwin Grand. Traverse Gratiot 6 222 41 14 8 146, 000 1, 007, 960 812, 950 571, 750 91, 500 272, 000 5, 659, 644 360, 700 1, 245, 116 489, 665 2, 166, 050 445, 770 66, 300 807, 000 314, 500 25, 277 390, 310 15, 200 924, 600 431, 240 215, 300 1, 456, 906 2, 300 684, 550 289, 925 4,784 4,362 25,313,682 92,900 97 754 679 276 53 296 3, 081 236 1,566 399 451 34 608 569 125 923 11 351 358 u I 6 11 22 193 10 176 96 51 38 112 20 57 13 1 3 5 9 13 I 2J 2 9 55 32 1 4 7 4 5' 461 431 31, 325 255,314 206, 152 105, 458 17, 500 76, 953 1, 113, 393 67, 603 497, 727 221, 374 456, 934 129, 223 10, 705 40, 122 34, 600 32, 820 144, 306 7, 175 204, 747 142, 964 39, 437 323, 823 915 117, 210 106, 505 152, 192 1, 609, 306 930, 135 230, 943 170, 071 404, 158 5, 633, 431 400, 607 1, 696, 117 644, 156 1. 987, 101 592, 448 48, 595 395, 855 84,950 89, 972 563, 220 31, 750 501, 501 463, 581 134, 219 1, 527, 951 3, 285 345, 610 312, 799 150, 715, 025 982 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIL— Manufactures : 1880— A.— MICHIGAN— Continued. Counties. Hillsdale . . Houghton Huron Ingham. .. Ionia Iosco Isabella Isle Royale (a) . Jackson Kalamazoo Kalkaska . . Kent Keweenaw". Lake Lapeer Leelanaw . . Lenawee.. . Livingston. Mackinac . . Macomb . . . Manistee . . Manitou .. Marquette . Mason Mecosta . . . Menominee . Midland . . . Missaukee . Monroe Montcalm . . Muskegon Newaygo . Oakland . . Oceana Ogemaw . . Ontonagon . Osceola Oscoda (a) . Otsego Ottawa — Presque Isle . Roscommon . . Saginaw Saint Clair... Saint Joseph . Sanilac Schoolci-aft .. Shiawassee .. Tuscola Van Buren . . No. 221 28 89 249 148 37 AVEIIAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Dollars. G58, 812 256, 937 572, 800, 957, 210 805, 350 1, 365, 900 291, 540 No 661 162 774 1, 135 844 738 142 273 219 11 542 3 24 165 24 348 86 3! 194^ i 74| 5I 76! 44 47I I 19 30 5 130 253 1811 65i 332- 521 2 2 52 Washtenaw. "Wayne Wexford 1 428 209 222 3 140 128 175 277 1, 987, 057 1, 658, 176 26, 100 6, 132, 904 15, 300I 129, 200! 997, 702! 130, 000| 1, 683, 5881 291, 760| 495, 000 573, 677 j 2, 694, 900 6, 1501 1, 272, 425! 3, 722, 200i 680, 700 1, 556, 900 186, 700 12, 500 503, 710| 1, 905, 400j 5, 755, 360 802, 800 829, 302 641, 200 22, 000 41, 000 456. 325 1,494 1, 242 51 5, 758 20 229 931 221 1,260 248 125 1, 301 28 827 740 420 592 212 26 575 2. 548 ,1 13 c? bX) No. No. Dollars. , 199, 6551 58, 453 1 188, 352 328, 034| 228, 2441 I 246, 920 31, 205! Dollars. 1, 161,051 205, 872 526, 019[ 1, 177, 374j 987, 919| 1, 395, 995, 144, 317, 2651 172 358 489 3 13 620 549] 7 23 306 11 34 27 4 235 3 373, 000 2, 173, 650 29, 300i 100. 000 5, 155. 235 1, 229; 615 1, 049, 171 193, 575 671, 000 552, 398 320, 737 941, 455 1, 693, 614 18, 791, 561 745, 550 110 . 1, 255j 3li. 25 . 4, 0361 950i 8041 I 285! 40 588 380 1, 255 1. 283 14, 598 409 129 15{ '127 592, 845| 481, 495; I 19, 300 i 2, 257, 035' 4, 625| 69, 338! 286, 390 I 14, 909 394, 299; 62, 0811 33, 750 227, 926| 467, 546 3, 7501 261, 617' 236, 469 149, 803| 240, 567! 66, 469; 2, 250] 149. 5111 915, 988| 1, 080, 810 232, 2211 209, 1281 159, 961! 2, 170 6, OOo| 98, 116 2, 173, 136 1, 548, 982' 78, 805 5, 294, 673 8, 525 135, 132 1, 398, 667 63, 213 1, 603, 886 372, 972 72, 667 716, 752 1, 468, 843 3, 741 790, 531; 1, 293, 584 516, 480 1, 461, 516 248, 880 6, 200 527, 284 3, 280, 979 5, 408, 600 1, 106, 814 1, 248, 878 383, 294 Y, 100' 1 31, 000| 373, 195! 6i 9; 1461 2, 540! .1 25 41 1,487 4 32, 725 409, 090j 3. 057 12, 000 1, 478, 131 323, 565 222, 652 69, 900 15, 000 172, 051' 90, 873 308, 509! I ! 124, 700i 2, 629, 587j 8, 321: 45, 000 5, 905, 209 1,483, 573! 1, 171, 019| 335, 808' 75. 800i 027, 516 451, 945 1, 173, 567 456, 6411 - 2, 026, 095 ,178,196 19,984,231! 149, 175 681, 069 Dollars. 1, 648, 411 354, 588 899, 1.59 1, 9G7, 820 1, 544, 296 2, 197, 530 233, 206 3, 620, 731 2, 703, 375 149, 403 9, 578, 779 16, 400 270, 003 2, 177, 553 111, 374 2, 636, 748 546, 907 163, 574 1, 265, 419 2, 937, 501 8, 960 1, 246, 975 2, 120, 749 876, 314 2, 233, 543 434, 352 14, 905 868, 703 5, 440, 109 9, 027, 241 1,704, ]32 1, 916, 152 696, 986 11, 900 57. 500 583. 454 218, 500 3, 865, 754 18,166 70, 000 9, 312, 465 2, 194, 342 1,811, 489 555, 966 154, 000 1, 037, 354 722, 162 1, 818, 740 3, 018, 568 33, 469, 759 1, 137, 042 a Returned as having no manufactures. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LlL—MannfacUires : 1880— MICHIGAN— Continued. B. — MIOHIGrAN, BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES. 1)83 Mechanical and manufac- turing industries. All industries 8,873 Agricultural implements . . Boots and shoes Boxes, wooden, packing Bread and other bakery- products. Brick and tile Bridges Brooms and brushes Carriages and wagons Cars, railroad, street, and repairs . Charcoal Cheese and butter Clothing, men's Confectionery Cooperage Corsets Drugs and chemicals Flouring- and grist-mill products. Foundery and machine-shop products. Furniture Furniture, chairs Hats and caps Hosiery and knit goods Iron and steel Iron bolts, nuts, washers, and rivets. Leather, curried Leather, tanned Liquors, malt Looking-glass and picture frames. Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Marble and stone work } Paper, not specified 1 Printing and publishing ... I Saddlery and harness j Salt Sash, doors, and blinds Shipbuilding Slaughtering and meat- packing. Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, chewing, smok- ing, and snuff. Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- ettes. "Varnish "Wooden ware "Woolen goods All other industries AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. No 68, 445 No. 4, 784 No 4, 362 Dollars. 25, 313, 682 Dollars. 92, 900, 269 650, 192 1, 337, 945 340, 172 736, 184 141, 259 301, 592 223, 095 1, 065, 907 304, 500 398, 250 356, 614 6, 590, 1661 1, 114, 874 1, 519, 146 2, 146, 089 452, 000 869, 993 481, 517 14, 031, 754 984 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table ItlL— Manufactures : 1880 — Continued. A.—MINIi^^ESOTA, by totals of counties. Counties. The State Aitkin (a) . . Anoka Becker Beltrami (a) Benton Big Stone . . Blue Earth Brown Carlton Carver Cass Chippewa. Chisago. .. Clay Cook (a) . . Cottonwood. Crow Wing . Dakota Dodge Douglas Faribault . Fillmore . . ' Freeborn . Goodhue. . Grant Hennepin Houston . . Isanti Itasca (a) . Jackson . . Kanabec Kandiyohi Kittson Lac-qui-parle (a) . Lake Le Sueur . . . Lincoln (a) . Lyon McLeod Marshall (a) Martin Meeker . . . . . Mille Lacs . . Morrison Mower Murray.. - Nicollet... Nobles Olmsted . . Otter Tail Pine Pipe Stone (a) Polk Pope Bamsey No. 3,493 Dollars. 31, 004, 811 612, 400 124, 800 AVERAGE NUMRRU OF UANDS EMrLOYEU J2 No. 18, 937 323 35 > No. 1, 636 6i 122| 27 i 521 li 36i 13 63, 200 4, 650 774, 235 182, 005 148, 000 215, 475 115, 000 33, 850 137, 050 88, 175 1241 1411 4! 4421 56; 50, 000 39, 950 467, 725 91, 690 63, 675 152, 475 777, 875 55, 200 , 105, 260 24, 600 , 853, 166 299, 400 16, 900 15 2 465 106 113 236 40 9 71 64 38 49 282j 421 73 119 311 54 707 9 u o No. 674 if •73 bC Dollars. 8, 613, 094 18, 530 7, 700 375 168, 015 41, 995 42, 5001 60, 482| Dollars. 55, 660, 681 1, 353, 531 159, 600 10, 0001 1, 948 25, 431 24, 738 5, 119 86 18 33, 300^ 4, OOOI 54, 550! 2, 5001 457! 7, 186 9, 493 14, 310 94, 143 10, 686 20, 295 45, 632 123, 229 18, 345 286, 082 2, 835 2, 732, 799 28, 809! 3, 245; 13, 100| 2, 475' 819, 918 380, 263; 169, 2OO1 260, 275 75, 000 35, 716 161, 648i 138, 766: 82, 5301 48, 505! 766, 771! 135, 480' 138, 282| 403, 14li 1, 139, 091 1 130, 790i 1, 869, 051 i 28, 490j 25, 431, 152I 656, 824[ 37, 250; 2, 374j 35, 500 I 551 6,775 520 2, 130' 76, 150! 2. 020; 11, 5001 167, 100! 341 52, 200| 58! 109, 159I 2 11,000 3 36 194, 725 76 7 27, 450 30 25 89, 270 44 30 170, 200 73 5 13, 050 6 77 147, 315 124 2 24, 500 11 97 475, 031 333 41 302, 562 121 8 56, 700 78 12 66, 300 21, 000 54 12 16 597 4, 392, 391 4, 094 2, 642| 7, 725 34, 549' 362, 075 15, 345 24, 717 108, 640 137. 940 450 29, 433 9, 2401 12, 794 26, 938 1, 39, 3, 112, 41, 600' 050' 609 18, 900! 21, 522 325, 429 68, 180 85, 168 252, 651 30, 050 246, 075 32, 722 548^ 477 355, 205 88, 450 15, 947; 2, 770 2, 329, 920 117, 4001 39, 400 5, 826, 867i Dollars. 76, 065, 198 1, 740, 331 202. 374 22, 500 6, 900 188, 679 493, 486 271, 500 409, 787 108, 300 45, 223 237, 946 215, 668 113, 204 97, 080 982, 199 168, 472 202, 122 522, 891 1, 380, 489 174, 292 2, 448, 278 41, 047 31, 601, 970 807, 352 52, 940 45, 529 3, 532 94, 712 3, 875 14, 008 491, 617 153, 324 215, 821 24, 141 403, 413 89, 334 134, 048 324, 812 36, 080 365, 639 37, 400 790, 973 483, 268 144. 250 153, 008 50, 102 10. 853. 863 a Returned as having no manufactures. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 985 Table JAl.— Manufactures : 1880— A.— MINNESOTA— Continued. Counties. Wadena Waseca Wasliingion Watonwan Wilkin Winona Wright Yellow Medicine 1, 903, 239: 378, 772 1 110, 880 B. — MINNESOTA, BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES. Agricultural implements . . Boots and shoes Bread and other bakery I)roducts. Brick and tile Carriages and wagons Clothing, men's Cooperage Flouring- and grist-mill products. Foundery and machine-shop pioduc'ts. Furnishing goods, men's. .. Furniture Fur, dressed House-furnishing goods Liquors, malt Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Oil, linseed Printing and publishing . . . Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Slaughtering and meat- packing. Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- \ ettes. j Woolen goods ; All other industries 986 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LII. — Manufactures : 1880 — Continued. A.— MISSISSIPPI, BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. Counties. Adams . Alcorn . Amite . Attala . Benton. Bolivar Calhoun ... Carroll Chickasaw Choctaw. . . Claiborne . Clarke . . . . Claj Coahoma . Copiah Covington De Soto . . . Franklin . . Oreene Grenada . . Hancock.. Harrison. . Hinds Holmes . . . Issaquena Itawamba Jackson .. Jasper Jefferson. . Jones Kemper La Fayette Lauderdale Lawrence.. Leake Lee Le Flore . Lincoln . . Lowndes. Madison . Marion (a) ... Marshall Monroe Montgomery . Xeshoba . . . . . ^Tewton Noxubee . . . Oktibbeha Panola Perrv Pike Pontotoc ... Prentiss Quitman (a) Itankin j AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. No. The State 1,479 Dollars 4, 727, 600 •2 ^ No. 4. 887 427, 325 66, 910 40, 700 70, 440 24, 250 24, 475 33, 240 38, 300 35, 150 23, 150 3, 000 120, 240 34, 800 38, 700 1, 006, 510 15, 000 30, 980 5, 970 4, 880 27, 800 93, 600 78, 450 218, 000 31, 100 1, 000 15, 880 116, 000 13, 500 18, 150 3, 200 23, 600 48, 900 186, 600 17, 300 15, 550 30, 925: 8, 700 140, 600 162, 300 57, 250 No 413 ^ 3 No. 527 317 130 56 131 43 51 38 46 42 53 5 81 59 56 252 18 52 10 11 44 69 87 206 451 3[ 12 96 22 45 54 46 19 47 11 i.9 Dolla/rs. 1, 192, 645 Dollars. 4, 667, 183 27 ! "i 41 175: 41 344 15 19 57 11 132 198i 25 18 130, 975j 84, 270 21, 380 21, 600! 31,075! 99, 7751 88, 000 49, 590 1 5, 150j 53, 200 1 28, 260i 17. 275i 139 100 55 23 59 113| 116 70 100, 868 28, 410 5, 478 17, 573 5, 160 5, 728 4, 507 14, 840 6, 517 5,946 500 23, 071 10, 559 16, 500 134, 880 3, 177 5, 003 1, 154 1, 295 7, 107 21, 585] 20, 200! 48, 278| 6, 310! 150j 2, 268! 40, 215 1,260 6, 1501 4331 i 4, 800; 5, 795j 59, 663! 1, 340' 1, 950! 4, 844I 750i 22, 910l 36, 0191 4,482 I I Dollars. 7, 518, 302 274, 801 99, 056 41, 373 90, 718 34, 264 24, 4fi2: 47, 0951 23, 533: 86, 640' 47, 800 2, OOOi 120, 551 67, 375! 46, 700 403, 264 21,444 28, 320 3, 964 12, 0081 22, 528j 66, 3461 123, 910 94, 461! 36, 7611 1, 400 20, 048j 258, 722 16, 541 8, 775 7. 202 54, 090: 69, 078! 300, 658 19, 359! 38, 200 I 54, 080i 5, 925! 122, 870 177, 423 31,389 18 42, 528 21, 685 9, 610 2, 801 1 5, 810 17, 141 25, 002| 12, 405 2951 13, 345 2, 738 7, 062 108, 657 121, 160 29, 170 37, 064, 42, 2681 139, 7061 43, OlOi 51, 520l 4, 225^ 83, 498! 30, 904j 53. 715! 504, 765 167, 441 56, 785 131,614 51, 969 43, 950 60, 380 44, 638 103, 512 6.5, 440 3, 000 173, 526 91, 033 70, 600 787, 844 29, 263 47, 696 7, 350 16, 320 38, 718 98, 550 200, 650 196, 450 53, 458 2, 750 27, 694 363, 760 20, 955 23, 675 9, 3or 72, 180 86, 033 431, 461 25, 270 44, 960 71, 283 8, 700 200, 015 264, 5.36 39, 747 204, 305 184, 580 51, 568 44,613 63, 450 199, 142 81, 929 83, 517 5,540 124, 489 39, 885 68.005 27 19, 000 52 4 a Returned as having no m.annfactures. 30, 907; 44,669 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 987 Table L,I1.— Manufactures : 1880— A.— MISSISSIPPI— Continued. Coanties. Scott Sharkey (a) . Simpson Smith....... Sumner Sunflower (a) Tallahatchie . Tate Tippah Tishomingo. . Tunica Union Warren "Washington "Wayne Wilkinson . Winston . . . Yalobusha . Yazoo No. Dollars 9,400 8, 600 15, 800 15, 100 AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. No. 23, 075 34, 450 28, 010 51, 1501 4, 000 41, 100 196, 475, 143, 200' 39, 7501 4, 2251 11, 900 22, 250 77. 140 35 70 52 51 3 49 315 122 102 6 21 44 129 cs o No. |5 si 2 M si No. Dollars. 2, 264 1, 425 1,911 2, 222 DoUars. 6, 780 DoUars. 11, 497 13, 8501 20, 588 6, 580 i 13' li ..! 17 3, 62 6' i 2, 369 16, 597 5,191 300 3, 375 185, 968 40, 600 28, 110 1, 522 1, 808 10, 602 26, 481 18, 765 39, 061 46, 156 1, 150 44, 996, 266, 36l! 102, 340 136, 805! 3, 25o' 23. 221 22,400 73, 003 19, 800 25, 400 11. 625 25, 774 71, 363 70, 936 85, 074 2, 850 56, 741 598, 274 188, 563 206, 583 9, 150 28, 024 51, 443 122. 237 a Returned as having no manufactures. B. — MISSISSIPPI, BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES, All industries 1, 479 Cotton goods Flouring- and grist-mill 525 products. Lumber, sawed 295 Oil, cottonseed and cake. . . 8 Woolen goods 8 All other industries 1 634 4, 727. 600 1, 130, 640 889, 950 922, 595 450, 000 331, 500 1, 002, 915 4.887 183 848 1,123 440 111 2, 182 413 324 527 215 l,192,645j 4,667,183 136, 304 345, 649 96,423; 1.535.602 47 i 197. 867; 1, 219, 116 661 94, 860: 371, 080 46l 53, lOO! 211, 646 153j 614, 091| 984, 090 7. 518. 302 691, 415 1, 762, 523 1, 920, 335 560, 363 299, 605 2. 284, 061 A. — MISSOUEI, BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. Adair Andrew . Atchison Audrain . Barry Barton... Bates Benton .. Bollinger Boone ... Buchanan Butler.... Caldwell. . Callaway . Camden . . 8,592 72, 507, 844 47 77, 685 64 137, 755 27 53, 050 22 100, 600 18 39, 510 21 30, 950 69 90, 940 33 49, 975 33 83, 845 72 237, 281 283 1, 812, 450 14 44, 100 49 95, 975 64 120, 500 9 18, 350 131 158 56 86 23 52 148 40 116 238 2, 687 106 102 119 14 5, 474 4,321 17 3 1 4 9 1 3 6 100 170 1 2 309, 716 110, 798, 392 31, 974 25, 360 11, 145 26, 070 2, 936 14, 395 38, 587 7, 230 23, 471 59,831 1, 111, 692 24, 159 22, 783 27, 900 1. 420 165, 386, 205 157, OOCi 312, 3971 88, 434' 215, 645! 57, 427 89, 038 259, 814 112, 135 129, 546 563, 418 , 433, 896 145, 040 172, 124 219, 013 24, 893 988 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table lAl.— Manufactures : 1880— A.— MISSOURI— Continued. Counties. Cape Girardeau. Carroll Carter Cass Cedar Chariton. Christian Clark Clay Clinton . . Cole Cooper . . , Crawford , Dade Dallas Daviess. De Kalb Dent ... Douglas Dunklin Franklin . . , Gasconade Gentry Greene Grundy Harrison. Henry . . . Hickoiy . Holt Howard . Howell -. Iron Jackson . Jasper . - . Jefferson Johnson . . . Knox Laclede La Fayette Lawrence. . Lewis Lincoln Linn Livingston. McDonald . Macon ... Madison Maries. . Marion . Mercer . Miller Mississippi .. Moniteau Monroe Montgomery. Morgan New Madrid. Ifewton !N"odaway Oregon AVE a AGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. No. 168 43 3 36 20 51 16 11 49 72 72 75 19 22 8 73i 28 22 29 15 103 59 91 80 47 51 82 22 38 44 14 40 292 118 Dollars 518, 412 123, 480 23, 000 154, 210 28, 200 111, 400 18, 650 23, 900 129, 125 98, 625 435, 147 283, 865 419,200 34, 500 16, 300 114, 832 27, 700 133, 622 46, OOOj 33, 600| 490, 575 164, 475! 91, 060| 311, 270 90. 425 90, 190, 17, 109, 19, 1, 568, 2, 401, 460, 1, 444. Is No. 416 103 40 120 44 1 I 121 23 15 142 164 3,034 275 3651 680! 375 415 950j 575| 650! 805 430 500 225, 360 87, 995 53, 950 251, 850 130, 410 131, 500 70, 3501 121, 560 214, 925| 30, 200 144, 140 54, 500 14, 200! 940, 625 76, 170| 22. 300! 49, 690, 78, 675 141, 1751 146, 7401 i 81, 640l 39, 870 1 108, 7651 197, 185! 15, 400 No. 29! 12! 154 49 47 48 46 227 116 135 243 No. 1-9 go u fl CO 219 28 ' 17 110 5 100 24 2 75 4 2, 337 238 218 429 19 15 557 41 15 148 5 1 61 7 53 6 1 207 77 190 73 180 4 12 263 13 28 28 247 1 82 2 12 4 820 1 58 109 2 1 19 100^ 87i 3 ? 177 3 135 52 ■: 52 i 193 207 6 14! Dollars. 113, 356 26, 353 8, 500 35, 755 5, 6421 24, 803| 3, 205' 3, 855' 32, 513 45, 489. 223, 9351 75, 382| 56, 5501 4, 921 2, 625 37, 140 9, 371 9, 995 8, 738 5, 658 63, 471 18, 372 27, 885 102, 984! 24, 742| 24, 492, 92, 030 3, 941 24, 316 25, 980! I 3, 948| 22, 290 1, 482, 614 161, 1621 209, 390i I 46, 186i 11, 678| 13, 116: 61, 110 18, 843j 37, 825i 14, 410 35, 391 1 85, 185! 3, 613! 70, 004 1 15, 255! 1, 8351 287, 414| 26, 039i I 4, 897 1 16, 024 18, 6I3I 37, 730 26, 860 I 9, 946 10, 676: 59, 633 1 59, 569i 1, 895' Dollars. I 866, 161! 210, 4831 31, 250| 353, 326| 32, 010| 130, 9651 33, 2151 22, 875: 282, 171 157, 767| 1, 260, 138 410, 980| 335, 957 70, 864l 77. 558, 265, 6861 48, 683 i 39, 396' 49, 249| 36, 361 672, 719' 215, 918! 181, 435i 346, 718 175, 728 112, 157 296, 601 46, 313 192, 311 165, 730 135, 930 4, 166, 643 756, 162 443, 036 554, 570 79, C06 81, 573! 339, 800 88,580: 253, ooei 97, 809| 237, 330i' 420, ]52i 41, 769' 220, 244 92, 3321 9, 925 1, 905, 550! 103, 595| 43, 163 ! 108, 8OO: 46, 738; 193, 468i 231, 32ui 118, 364| 51, 925 218, 795 308, 6511 16, 550! Dollars. 1, 103, 174 285, 923 63, 500 • 464, 958 47, 567 210,713 46, 644 39, 900 378, 915 287, 878 1,721,384 624, 788 580, 712 91,311 90, 624 403, 653 78, 797 67, 140 81,304 50, 992 846, 999 285, 090 275, 021 571, 555 252, 472 182, 233 484, 192 63, 811 250, 493 234, 431 54, 190 201,544 6, 983, 505 1, 081, 371 782, 078 684, 944 ] 37, 137 111, 207 496, 195 143. 354 360, 125 142, 287 380, 204 637, 869 55, 409 373, 392 135.305 14, 870 2, 697, 403 174, 880 56, 864 168, 540 91, 236 299, 685 313, 363 146, 961 89, 362 351, 042 483, 982 23. 071 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 989 Table LIL— Manufactures : 1880— A.— MISSOURI— Continued. Counties. Osage Ozark ... Pemiscot Perry Pettis ... Phelps. . Pike . . . . Platte . . Polk.... Pulaski. Putnam... Kails Randolph Ray Reynolds . No. lAVEKAGE KUMBER OF ; HANDS EMPLOYED. Ripley Saint'Charles Saint Clair Saint Francois — Sainte Genevieve , 43 5 8' 571 57! I 32! 137 401 33; "i 32| 281 67! 601 17 Saint Louis | 47 Saint Louis city 2, 9241 Saline | 72i Schuyler | 47 Scotland i 36 Scott . . . - Shannon . Shelby... Stoddard. Stone Sullivan Taney . . Texas .. Vernon . Warren. "Washington Wayne Webster Worth Wrisht J2 Dollars. 47, 300 6, 800 10, 275| 197, 2201 169, 275: o r 703, 451, 153, 47, 33, 63, 36, 131, 144, 52, 8, 615, 30, 350, 151, 112, 50, 832, 174, 100, 74, 100; 555' 390, 175i 885! 305; 350! 775; No. 67 9 26 133 200 81 421 144 87j. 108! . 46 164L lie;. 70'. No. No. "3 fcC 3.9 4! 62 108 i; .--I 6i 16 565 26 114 122i 1011 1 33,9801 4,7611 3,084 i6i| : 119 8^ 6 92 , 4 Dollars. 15, 184 1,()00| 3, 63l| 41,6401 71, 047 27, 136; 164. 685! 35, 130 12, 555 6, 529| 26, 056| 9 298 36, 75l| 25, 949 13. 875 183, 492 4, 959 36, 472 43. 546 Dollars. 67, 285 16, 361 21, 250 411,906 295, 187 247, 883 761, 999 319, 211 162, 127 81, 206| 71,537| 73, 955, 295, 345 168, 503; 80, 713| 14, 940i 1, 352, 8191 40, 7001 Dollars. 112, 235 21, 038 31, 725 521, 823 448, 591 322, 893 1, 138, 179 398, 893 201, 557 104, 276 144, 399 108, 026 425, 159 250, 680 123, 725 251 122, 950; 8, 350 64, 455 69, 500 20, 100 1 139, 050 13, 000 31, 800 76, 650 84, 475 I 205, 590i 124, 525i 50, 600! 44, 220 1 8, 850 242, 041 33, 668 82, 513 290, 200 249, 524 182, 423 460, 747 140, 033 85, 304 20, 816 B. — MISSOUEl, BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries. Agricultural implenaents Awnings and tents Eagging, flax, hemp, andjute Bags, olboi-thau paper Baking and yeast i^owders. Bookbinding and blank- book making. Boots and shoes Boxes, wooden i)acking Brass castings Bread and other l)akery | products. ' ! Brick and tile ; Brooms and brushes | 8, 592 72, 507, 844 54, 200i 5, 474 T4l ii! 3 ^\ 12i 15i I 26 161 14| 227 1 23o| 481 645, 772 129, 400 370, 000 57.5, 000, 170, OOOi 145, 5001 642, 800 66, 100 186, 100 864, 520 989, 415 113, 200 713 . 50| 149j 90 159! 8641 128 . 149!. 773i 2, 271 199| 4, 321 90 24, 309, 716 110, 798, 392 165, 386, 205 13 5 70! 81 18| 193! 73 276, 536] 57, 200; 150, 216 82, 000 56, 9J4 87, 800 447, (163 58, 420; 70. 087, 405, 0C4l I 705, 9751 102, 1.59' 599, 015i 259, 8851 545, 9001 1, 46G, 000 288, 400| 114, lOOj 1, 224, 796l 141,730| 395, 275| 2, 159, 908; I 388, 3641 178, 515i 1, 141, 822 403, 740 807, 395 1, 730, 000 408, 500 282, 087 1, 982, 993 251,400 570, 450 3. 250, 192 1, 602, 522 350, 165 990 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table hll— Manufactures : 1880— B.— MISSOURI— Continued. Meclianical aud mauufac- turing industries. ■wagon ma- Carriage and terials. Carriages and wagons Cars, railroad, street, and repairs. Clothing, men's Clothing, women's Cotfee and .si)ices, roasted and ground. Confectionery Cooperage Cotton goods Drugs and chemicals rertilizcrs Flouring- and grist-mill products. Foundery and machine-shop products. Furniture Furniture, chairs Glass Gold and silver, reduced and refined. Iron and steel ! Iron bolts, nuts, washers, | and rivets. Lamps and reflectors I Lead', bar, pipe, sheet, and \ shot. ! Leather, curried \ Leather, tanned i Liquors, distilled ! Liquors, malt ' Looking-glass and picture \ frames. Lumber, planed j Lumber, sawed I Marble and stone work } Mineral and soda waters. . . I Oil, castor Oil, lard Paints Patent medicines and com pounds. Printing and publishing . . Pumps Kefrigerators Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds , Saws I Shipbuilding j Shirts Slaughtering and meat- packing. Soap and candles 1 Stamped ware ! Sugar and molasses, refined. Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, chewing, smoking, and snuif. Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- ettes. Trunks and valises "Vinegar "Watch cases Wire "Wirework "Wooden ware Woolen goods All other industries Xo. ] 119 8' 17o| 15i 7! 46[ 182! 4; 211 872 97| 157! 12! 6! 1! 22 4I 7 2 15 26 20 64 22 881 115 27 2 3 16 27 131 11 4 355 15 2 14 20] 65| 19i 1 297! I 43! 2841 I 20! i aveua(;e numheu of hands emi'i.oyed. Dolla/rs. 138, 000 1, 0.54, 050 424, 200 1, 450, 254 172, 111 240, 000 319, 260 609, 2(i0l 890, 500! 722, 450 108, 000 7, 883, 675 4, 027, 163 1,178, 682 332, 003 1, 430, 000 350, 000 9, 152, 472 235, 000 291, 600 205, 000 72, 500 137, 850 230, 100 4, 942, 700 327, 400 409, 350 2, 867, 970 376, 800 152, 000 185, 000 96, 000 1, 808, 350 1, 402, 700 2, 949, 660 530, 600 4.3, 700 1, 898, 723 600, 795 245, 000 247, 900 130, 700 2, 327, 500 766, 927 800, 000 840, 000 656, 8G0 1, 440, 200 443, 5G2 123, 600 307, 150 4, 000 378, 600 153, 700 187, 100 726, 150 7, 578, 250 No. 217 1,557 926: 3, 902!. i 1, 3871 324! 709' 125 . 1231 107 54. 1, 394! 135' I 546: 3, 408 . 697|. 128' 56 25 563 207 886 i No. S o -3 >^ l,368l 1,681 75i 514! 95! '-^ 234' i9o! l,227i...... . 123j 207! 236 64 64! 3. 375! ; 2, 380 112 lOCl I 1, 9541 12 677! I 80! 293! I 56 1, 743!- 357! 273 2: 403 87, 250! I 772' 18! 231 15 21 No. 661 50 i 13| 30; 4: 25! 97 182 32 42 76 118 220 20 5 108 22I 41 95 21 28! ■g fee 3.S o C •as, It Dollars. \ 97, 768 699, 892 411, 5911 Dollars, i 139. 690 1, 18;{, 478 1, 405, 460 882, 726' 2, 104, 997 141,1741 310,143 44, 0901 416. 500 174, 574 510, 654 99, 080 130, 475 30, 720 1, 200, 493 835, 540 1, 017, 017: 377, 13li 680, 545 210, 000 28, 202, 782 Dollars. 2, 483, 738 1,931,009 3, 822, 477 586, 899 598, 000 1, 247, 235 1, 904, 822 524, 580 1,220, 211 380, 000 32, 438, 831 2,093,224" 3,147,187 6,798,832 642, 476 146, 247 381. 0981 67, 747j 734, 575i 60, 493| 74, 139 13, OOOj 22, 804 43, 817 35, 338 699, 616 83, 351j 245, 963! 669, 644! 330,0111 57, 076! 25, 404| 13, 050| 270, 532 139, 996 250 101 1,538,564; 1 103 515: 136l 54, 9501 793, 536' 279, 911 1 56, 000 196, 005! 110, 136; 657, 918 1 104, 061! 170, 000; 112, 270; 338, 597 1 1, 219, 1C5 179, 167 1 351, 871 4, 038, 925 3, 249, 558 301, 937 376, 54o! 460, 000 276, 034 321, 805 354, 973 2, 852, 236 107, 825 774, 442 3, 215, 292! 354, 958 102, 390 158, 000; 505, 750 2, 186, 480 502, 735 1, 515. 048 703, 670, 203, 300 485 ■ 696, 671, 130, OOO! 313. 392 146, 700 12, 352, 907j I 1, 336, 376 550, 000 4, 173, 100 864, 643 2. 34S 2, 380, 56» 449, 812 919, 827 4, 158, 606 4, 660, 530 493, 560 519, 300 548, GOO 336, 623 435, 072 527, 530 5, 048. 077 282, 682 1, 267, 636 \ 265, 617 1, 003, 544 274. 100 312, 000 539, 000 2, 825, 860 1, 197, 090 4, 452, 962 932, 550 344, 500 3, 976, 175. 1, 232, 670 281, 000 565, 187 332, 852 14, 628, 030 1, 704, 941 850, 000 4, 47."), 740 1.G87, 320 178; 145 15! I i 494 ' 51! 134 4! 38 211 ! 53 412 144 133^ 9, 392 658' 416 493, 559| 4, 243, 614 5, 286, 338 424, 363! 612, 393! 1. 524, 3dl I i 87, 2051 225, 575 383, CGO 86, 420i 344, 500: 675, 400 12, 000; 200, 000 300, COO 229, 480 651. 000 973, 000 60, 890! 112, G20 371, 600 85, 300l 227, 100 336, 600 109,877! 681,711; 930,961 4,463,1111 8,479,546 18,575,609 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 991 Table LII. — Manufactures: 1880 — Continued. A.— MONTANA TERRITORY, by totals of counties. CouBties. The Territory Beaver Head Choteau Custer Dawson (a) . . Deer Lodge . . No 196 Gallatin Jefferson Lewis and Clarke. Madison Meagher Missoula. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMl'LOYED. Dollars. No. 899, 390| 574 I — 15, 400 18, 700 3, 500 41 No. 254, 025 I 129, 900i 58, 000 j 236, cool 78, 6751 18, 540 86. 050 158l 68;. 31 . 1351 23!. 321. 3 3 o No. .a. ; paid the yej 11 Total wagef i Mater Dollars. Dollars. 318,759; 1.006,442-, Dollars. 1, 8X5, 867 4, 8011 27, 233 97, 431! 28, 454! 13, r)29, 86, 031 j 39, 580 j 6,645i 12, 895i 11, 296 24, 196 2, 600 25, 604 61, 902 7, 289 235, 816 489, 731 195, 320 152, 770 134, 158 150, 655 24,475 296, 530 247, 765 289, 585 259, 476 42, 960 75, 156 115, 025 B.— MONTANA TERRITORY, by selected industries. 196 899, 390 i j 574 3 318, 759 1, 006,442 1, 835, 867 1 j i 15' 159, 500 i 36 208, 200 145 531, 090 "1 142; 380 3 1 25,765 47, 945 245, 049 357, 365 278, 098 370, 979 475, 467 527, 695 832, 705 MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries. Flouring- and grist-mill products. Lumber, sawed . # All other industries A. — NEBRASKA, by totals of counties. The state 1,403 4,881,150 4,464 120; 209 1,742,311 COUNTIES. Adams ... Antelope . Blackbird Boone Buffalo ... Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chase (a) . Cheyenne. Clay Colifax.... Cuming... Custer (a) 30 181 I 37; 26i 63, 500 39, 100 1, 000 20, 300 60, 900 45, 550i 50, 000 110, 6OO1 4, 400) 111 23 49; . 7lj. 49i 154| i 8, 208, 478j 12, 627, 336 33, 797 8, 516 700 4, 220 IG. 340 i 18, 590! 13, 01 5: 61, 579 1, 8201 80, 967: 65, 125 2, 600; 41, 350; 124, 550i 73, 843; 60, 365| 246, 577 i 3, 130 1 200 1 39 55, 445 113 1 17 80, 125 47i. 33 179, 800 1061 151 Dakota Dawson (a) Dixon I 10| Dodge 26 Douglas I 187! 33, 100 500 27, 796 19, 767 27, 059 40 8, 850 12, 800j 97, 650 1, 978, 575i 13' 76; 565; 661 162 2, 215 29, 030 757. 156 2001 78, 142: 161, 229 59, 725 4, 975 121, 955 2. 910, 529 170, 564 88, 865 4, 200 55, 250 168, 625 127, 334 102, 114 393, 386 6. 615 975 137, 605 221,721 124, 841 85, 834 13, 700 193, 839 4, 754, 672 a Returned as having no manufactures. 902 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table hlL— Manufactures : 1880—A.— NEBRASKA— Continued. Counties. Dundy (a) .. Fillmore Franklin Frontier (a) . Furnas Gajre Gosper (a) .. Greeley Hall Hamilton . . . Harlan — Hayes (a) . Hitchcock Holt Howard ... Jefferson ... Johnson Kearney (a) Keith (a) ... Knox Lancaster. Lincoln. . . Madison . . Merrick . . Nance (a) . Xemaha .. Kuckolls . Otoe Pawnee. . . Phelps (a) Pierce (a) Platte Polk Red Willow (a) Richardson Saline ... Sarpy Saunders Seward . . Sherman. Sioux (a) ... Stanton Thayer Valley (a) . . Washini^ton No. AVERAGE NI;MJ$KU OF [ I HANDS EMl'LOYED. i I -lb -a Dollars. No. No. 30, 130 33, 030 31, 450 89. 200 S P 2 t^. 11 11 No. 3, 125 9a 050 1291 9,900! 18'. 27, 90o! 67i 2,100i 2i. 6,000 l!. 21. 750l 36 . Dollars, i Dollars. 13, 055! 5, 287! 130, 772 109, 464 Dollars. 12, 934; 19,612! 55, 405| 143, 048 65, 851 i 5, 420 13, 080 55, 100 40. 3001 107 26 31 15 29, 4001 253, 125 74, 200! 78, 025j 51, 700 18 365 20' 250 250 7, 219 10, 165 5, 344 202, 040 20,217 16, 465 5, 781 5, 700 218, 364! 8, 767| 78, 67l' 1, 675| 2, 350' 62, 953l 75, 902! 139, 3141 53, 3C0, 94! 34, 500 1 16 169, 610 188 1 32, 950 43! 36, 350 25, 350 24, 555 5, 679 67, 603 11, 330 41, 688! 673, 716| 65, 114! 234, 678; 46, 352; 133, 850 70, 219; 424, 675; 48, 705, 22, 553: 10, 050: 57, 248' 67, 042 : 133, 025! 88, 200 62, 425 86, 575 115, 600 450 1471 91| 25|, 60 65| 6' 350! 5' 37, lOOl 17 37, 234 23, 270 7, 075 16, 768 18,615 250 225 "Wayne Wehster Wheeler (a) York Unox-ganized territory (a) . 1, 200 2' 88, 750 56, 44, 550 39! 18, 759 550 13, 895 'i3,"7i5 218, 128 143, 191 101, 941 170, 300 175, 014 250 190 137, 417 96, 740 400 93, 530 68, 550 173, 828 134, 813 82, 209 205, 238 7,540 309, 127 19, 624 109, 840 5, 700 3, 200 85, 057 102,746 170. 455 58, 453 1, 112, 079 120, 020 285, 925 64, 302 204, 546 92, 500 611, 319 79, 987 113, 750 95, 943 329, 551 207, 396 124, 261 221,403 242, 232 1, 100 500 161, 078 147, 100 2, 100 139, 100 93, 114 a Returned as having no manufactures. COMPENinUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 993 Table LIl.—ManKfacturcs : 1880— NEBRASKA— Continued, B. — NEBKASKA, by selected industries. Mechanical and manufac- turing industries. All industries. Brick and tile Flouring- and grist-mill products. Lumber, sawed Paints Printing and publishing . . Saddlery and harness Slaughtering and meat- packing. Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Liquors, malt All other industries Xo. 1, 403 AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Dollars. 4, 881, 150 23 865 No. 4, 464 130, 740 1, 615, 070 93, 375 100, 000 191, 250! 2)4, 230: 330, 700] 132, 675; 427, 2001 1, 645, 910 No. 120 u o No. 209 585 506 136;. 40'. 2171 215 74 Dollars. 1, 742, 311 Dollars. 8. 208.478 151 143 282 84 73 150, 189 165, 085 29, 313 17, OOol 167, 438 83, 039 64, 717 64, 228 56, 663 944, 639 Dollars. 12, 627, 336 102, 078 3, 532, 942 104, 878 200, 000 107, 860 276, 474' 1, 097, 839^ 165, 05ol 1 210, lOOi 2, 291, 248 349, 478 4, 193, 086 265, 062 350. 000 419, 461 477, 364 1, 359, 397 320, 680 393, 870 4, 498, 9o8 A. — NEVADA, BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. The State COUNTIES. Churchill Douglas Elko Esmeralda Eureka Humboldt Lander Lincoln Lyon Nye Ormsby Roop Storey TVaslioe White Pine 184 1, 323, 300 556 28, 000 121,775 41, 400 132, 500 7o, 100 91, 000 23, 200 27, 250l 26, OOOt 11, lOOi 5, 000; 12, 3001 576, 675! 132, 800, 19. 200' 234 461, 8071 1, 049, 794 2, 179, 626 3, 000 10, 365 5, 517 32, 676 41, 207 8, 584 904 5, 482 10, 025 3,1 2, 675 1, 600 276, 956 57, 110; 2, 005 1 2, 800 144, 377 1 47, 115 80, 096 73, 315! i 114, 728 3, 909; 21, 709 22, 569; 3, 077, I 9, 950 ' 3,000 251, 3901 248, 009 23, 750 15, 000 220, 607 CO, 735 328, 231 135, 970 131, HO 6, 650 40, 996 43, 885 14, 319 18, 009 8, 580 736, 056 375, 028 38, 450 B. — ^SiEVADA, BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES. -MECHANICAL AND JIANU- FACTUKING INDUSTRIES. All industries. Flouring- and grist-mill products. Fonndory and machine-shop Broducts. other industries 184' 1, 323, 300 556 163. 000 31 5| 237, 225i 109 172 923. 075! 410 16; 461,807! 1,049,794 9, 975| 369, 117 129, 309| 109, 922 322, 5231 570, 755 2, 179, 626 405, 089 320, 955 1, 453, 582 63 c c 994 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Taule lAl.— Manufactures : 1880— Coutinuod. A. — NEW HAMPSHIKK, by totals of counties. Counties. The State Belknap Carroll Cheshire Coos Grafton Hillsborough . Merrimack . . . Eockingham . Strafford Sullivan No. 3, 181 112 148 317 194 4^5 517 449 612 186 181 Dollars. 51, 112, 263 AVERAGE NUMUER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. > . li 00 >i No. 29, 356 1, 400, 750 860, 475 3, 758, 815 2, 107, 250; 2, 155, 956 20, 814, 729 6, 089, 215! 4, 369, 858' 8, 134, 5151 1, 420, 7001 1, 309 833 3, 438 1, 218 1,912 8,247 3, 580 3, 328 4, 648 843 No 16, 184 129 833 17 542 7,577 1, 477 1, 127 2, 965 522 1% No 3, 291 194 29 252 27 H o u §5 Dollars. 14, 814, 793 653, 559 265, 826 ],299, 427 336, 010 633. 869 Dollars. 43, 552. 462 1, 600, 245 1, 240, 367 4, 502, 889 1, 397, 362 2, 595, 146 5,130,178 13,789,849 1,875,042 4,974,2741 1,503,3711 4,013,922 2, 730, 542' 8, 029, 025! 386, 9691 1, 409, 383 I I B.— NEW HAMPSHIRE, by selected industries. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries Belting and hose, leather . . Boots and shoes Bread and other bakery Ijroducts. Brick and tile Carriages and wagons Clothing, men's Cotton goods Cutlery and edge tools Dyeing and finishing text- iles. Flouring- and grist-mill products. Foundery and machine-shop products. Furniture G-loves and mittens Hosiery and knit goods Iron and steel Leather, curried Leather, tanned Liquors, malt Lumber, sawed Marble and stone work Mixed textiles Paper, not specified Printing and publishing . . . Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Stationery goods Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Wood pulp "Wooden ware "Wood, turned and carved.. Woolen goods Worsted goods All other industries 3.181' 51.112,263 5] 286, 094 59 1,696,200 26 49. 935 25 24 2 37 53 5 680 55 20 25 29 82 28 4 58 2 1,278 120, 845 618, 85' 183, 750 19, 993, 584 255, 600 2, 987, 085 712, 555 .1, 260, 635 333, 235 187, 300 1, 224, 000 650, 000 351, 850 603, 450 845, 000 3, 745, 790 153, 331 1, 321, 400 1, 197, 000 270, 050 203, 350 263, 700 204, 800 220, 050 298, 600 322, 950 255, 625 4, 510, 271 2, 628, 584 3, 156, 29. 356 16, 184 127 3,390 76 I 642, 436, 125' 5, 138 257' 637j 2531 1, 416 573 171 540 289 260 445 304 3, 056 351 653 497 1.51 202 366 62 251 .338 421 484 2, 288 505 4, 652 985 2 456 ,631 6 111 3,291 1 581] 202 42 5 2 2 1, 361 390 14. 814. 793 1,749 6| 106i 48 284 3 5 1 7 60, 974 1, 792, 832 118, 408 196, 337 132, 081 4, 322, 622 100, 492 372, 873 78, 284 567, 825 202, 064 92, 574 536, 117 127, 690 114, 769 199, 146| 138, 719' 548, 556 1 157, 887 1 494, 945 249, 612 88, 088 83, 786 141, 530 37, 050 108, 873 188, 350 132, 260 167, 055 1, 181, 738' 512, 881 1, 581, 683 43, 552, 462 433, 185 4, 751, 968 180, 086 90, 251 253, 275, 494, 6811 10, 329, 1841 108, 364 795, 553j 2, 259, 718! 1, 010, 495 314, 650 302, 142 1, 249, 600 523, 355 1, 824, 797 1, 732, 564 701, 523 2, 272, 991 91, 119 1, 456, 647 1, 131, 425 91, 076 211, 267 237, 402 266, 897 225, 924 256, 900 206, 163 189, 464 4, 993, 709 1, 582. 226 2, 983, 861 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 995 Table LII. — Manufactures: 1880 — Continued. A. — NEW JERSEY, by totals of counties. AVERAGE N[ MBEU OF HANDS EMrLOYED. Counties. 1 © O Is abo> =3 Si 1081 450, 130 366, 426 426, 2801 1, 819, 742 146, 352! 70, 820 3, 912, 798 33, 650 828, 615 670, 780 1, 356, 491 2,162, 972 513, 229! 3. 496, 242! 809, 912! 183, OOOj 640, 699; 214, 913 184, 647 i I 217, 8451 2, 765, 347 415, 788! 363, 885! 128, 682! 14, 317, 826 1, 250, 492j 2, 061, 4381 5, 210, 852 i 952, 073; 18, 014, 6831 276, 743; 673, 4721 19, 823, 853 254, 0561 842, 379 1, 550, 915 5, 271, 184I 9, 119, 263! 7, 781, 359, 4, 055, 445I 7, 322, 970 567, 843 679, 629 3, 396, 633 720, 128 1, 179, 609 6, 464, 058 9, 899, 540 505, 010 716, 922 22, 219, 219 929, 111 1,314, 274 856, 000 924, 745 529, 067 293, 131 401, 674 5, 340, 806 650, 560 857, 467 313, 230 14, 758, 718 1, 701, 717 3, 095, 302 6, 192, 002 1, 764, 778 23, 652, 366 560, 953 1, 012, 550 35, 392, 677 375, 150 2, 270, 854 2, 828, 757 8, 073, 766 14, 350, 910 9, 874, 098 10, 189, 267 COMPENDIUM OF TIIK TENTH CENSUS. 1001 Table 1.11.— Manufactures : 1880— B.— NEW YORK— Continued. Mechanical .and manufuc- tuiiug iudustiies. Matchea Mats and matting. Mat ti esseg and spring beds . Millinery and lace goods. . . Mineral and soda waters . . . Mixed textiles Models and patterns Musical instruments, or- gans and materials. Musical instruments.pianos and materials. Oil, lard Oil, linseed Oil, lubricating Oilcloth, enameled Oilcloth, lloor Olcomargatine Paints Paperhanginga Paper, not specified Paper patterns Patent medicines and com- pounds. Pens, gold Perfumery and cosmetics . . Pickles, ' preserves, and sauces. Pipes, tobacco Plated and britannia ware . Pocket-books Printing and publishing . . . Pumps Eefrigerators Roofing and roofiing mate- rials Rubber and elastic goods . . Saddlery and harness Safes, doors, and vaults, fire -proof. Salt Salt, ground Sash, doors, and blinds Saws Scales and balances Sewing-machines and at- tachments. "Shipbuilding Shirts Shoddy Silk and silk goods Silverwaie Slaughtering and meat- packing. Soap and candles Soda-water apparatus Spectacles and eyeglasses . . Sporting goods Springs, steel, car, and car- riage. Stamped ware Starch Stationery goods ilteam fittings and heating apparatus. Stone- and earthen- ware . . . Straw goods Sugar and molasses, refined Telegraph and telephone apparatus. 1, 945, 009 3, 328, 102 4. 281. 877 488, 678 788, 694 264, 692 71, 237, 051 798, 939 1002 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table Lll— Manufactures : 1880— B.— NEW YORK— Coutiuued. Mechanical and manufiic- tnrin{!; industries. Tinware, copper ware, and sheet-iron ware. Tinfoil Tobacco, chewing, smok- ing, and snuflf. Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- ettes. Tools Toys and games Trunks and valises Type founding Umbrellas and canes Upholstering Varnish Vinegar Watch cases Whalebone and rattan Whips Window blinds and shades Wire Wirework Wood, turned and carved. Wooden ware Wool hats Woolen goods Worsted goods All other industries No. 1. 190 Dollars. 4, 756, 079 21 580, 000 45 3, 236, 830 1. 683 8, 274. 917 270, 650 418, 225 433. 950 798, 500 1, 021, 450 1, 380, 072 1, 395, 800 699, 181 156, 565 141, 950 192, 500 611, 800 325, 000 968, 303 982, 170 380, 700 1, 723, 005 8, 266, 878 1, 679, 157 12,913! 23,210,551 5 31 51 22 75 226 17 107 4 8, 281 4| 73 182 68 10 159 Average numbekof hands employed No 4, 707 75 1,343 13, 098 256 388 458 426 551 876 137 406 261 92 96 348 383 912 1, 323 595 1, 593 3,311 477 37, 511 No. 280 50 1, 519 405 52 111 796 392 ^ 9 76 29 7 724 2, 128 874 1. 571 No. 13 232 15 125! 39 56 19 .9h o 10 11 248 95 18 477 691 356 1.148 Dollm-8. 2, 151, 397 90, 694 1, 103, 435 7, 671,831 114, 870 207, 24' 255, 730 336, 056 528, 505 542, 931 91, 638 85, 280 249, 816 55, : " 71, 223 201,933 176, 666 553, 441 671, 906! 159, 800 1, 041, 405 1, 774, 143 385, 952 18, 337. 158 Dollars. 5, 217, 864 167, 867 5, 337, 075j 11, 942, 043 j i 99, 520 259, 552 j 599, 830 232, 950: 2, 450, 455' 2, 025, 055 1, 028, 705' 552, 026 717, 1771 330, 406, 113, 632 760, 772 485, 038, 924, 923 1, 000, 380 248, 729 2, 308, 221 6, 212, 835, 1, 348, 376 29, 039,9311 A. — NOKTH OAEOLIJ^A, BY totals of counties. The State COUNTIES. Alamance . Alexander . Alleghany . Anson Ashe Beaufort. Bertie Bladen Brunswick Buncombe . Burke ... Cabarrus Caldwell. Camden . Carteret . Caswell . . Catawba . Chatham Cherokee Chowan . . Clay Cleavcland.. Columbus . . Craven Cumberland Currituck (a) Dare , Davidson Davie Duplin , 3,802 21 13.045,639i 12.818 724, 766 69, 072 7, 000 82, 160 49, 810 99, 550 54, 565 74, 445 36, 500 156, 035 61, 485 155, 579 98, 025 15, 000 24, 550 96, 675 168, 865 576, 885 29, 420 22, 300 4, 500 133, 200 48, 815 186, 000 460, 750 500 161, 230 80, 552 70, 150 2,939 2,352 197! 384 29l 15 7 131 65 2 146 91 109 51 119 84 193 147 46 21 4 127 194 225 494 204 98 101 31 2, 740, 768 93, 622 5, 371 750 17, 750 9, 801 22, 697 10, 609 21, 285 12, 160 24, 615| 14, 232 44, 009 16, 072i 13, 090, 9371 20, 095, 037 2, 340, 16, 5881 34, 510j 22, 8531 4, 705 3, 950 625 25, 700 27, 950 66,864 120.348 2, 500 42, 937 14, 937 11, 868 422, 489 62, 139 8, 930 ' 126, 095i 82, 5761 i 63, 862! 60, 085- 85, 435' 23, 590 127, 897 84,214 213, 561 89, 055 25, 380 25. 570 125, 186 193, 2511 227, 993 23, 722 13, 611 I 15, 297 1 172, 5751 103, 4671 200, 110 353, 701 3, 000 336, 878 108, 188 99. 003 709, 196 81, 715 11,243 169, 353 109, 231 6, 000 452, 668 150, fiC5 149, 61 «i a Ketnmed aa having no manufactureH. COMPfiNDIUM OF THK TENTH CKNsL'S. 1003^ Table lAL— Manufactures : 1880— A.— NORTH CAROLINA— Ctfntiniied. Counties Wake Warren Washington Watauga Wayne .. a Returned as having no manufactures. 1004 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tablk lull.— Manufactures : 1880— A.— NORTH CAROLINA— Continued. Counties. Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Yancey No. 32 AVERAGE NUMBER OP I I HANDS EMPLOYED. Dollars. 35, 500 77, 100 51,640 18, 940 -a No. 20 119 39 18 No. "3 No. 3, fcc Dollars. 3, 462 22, 450 5, 674 2, 176 Dollars. 48, 922 70, 429 55, 727 27. 155 Dollars. 58, 926 120, 039 77, 262 35, 642 B.— NOETH CAROLINA, by selected industries. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries Can iages and wagons Cotton'goods Fertilizers Flouiing- and grist-mill products. Leather, tanned Liquors, distilled Lumber, sawed Tar and turpentine Tobacco, chewing, smoking and snuff. Woolen goods . All other industries 3, 802 13,045,639 12.818 47 49 li 1, 313 1331 174' 776 184 118 958 202, 6.50 2, 855, 800 350, 000 3, 218, 053 183. 659' 176, 049 1, 743, 217j 473, 915 1, 512, 900| 203, 100; 2, 126, 296! 2.939 376 764 100 1,844 219 110 2, 938 1, 610, 1, 544' I20I 3, 193! 1, 727 130 949 2. 352 2,740,768, 13,090,937 91 58 1, 090 15 3271 107, 73i: 439, 659 40, 000 237, 777 37, 846 20, 045 447, 431 255, 849 362. 859 1, 463, 645 150, 000; 5, 722, 603 222, 068 167, 223i 1, 577, 139 916, 228 1, 252, 830 23,195 25.5,707 768, 376 1, 224, 194 A. — OHIO, BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. The State 20, 699 188, 939, 614152, 217 18, 563 12, 829 62, 103, 800 215, 334, 258 348, 298, 390 Adams ... Allen Ashland . . Ashtabula Athens Auglaize Belmont . Brown . . . Butler... Carroll .. Champaign . Clarke Clermont ... Clinton Columbiana Coshocton Crawford . Cuyahoga. DaVke Defiance . Delaware Erie Fairfield . Fayette . . Franklin. Fulton ... Gallia Geauga . . . Greene . . . Guernsey. 104 194 146 363 92 238 193 368 47 148! 2181 179 1 147| 401 216 150 1, 270! 173 144 163 144 150 74 433 151 101 141 197 85 178, 675 929, 675 467, 340 1, 174, 305 544, 292 797, 351 2, 356, 125 531, 170 4, 785, 225 118, 075j 630, 635, 7, 348, 153 405, 5301 263, 7811 3, 219, 397 1 444, 975 700, 6II! 20, 699, 299 354, 835; 1, 025, 300, 593, 600i 2, 312, 050 j 671, 860! 124, 625; 5. 874. 115! 199 1,046 359 1, 167 477 654 2,017 541 2, 281 763 3, 847 494 317 3, 321 414 539; 18, 880 584! 30, 106! 10 574 340, 860 544, 364 298, 900 946, 910 224, 360 I 506 1, 757 629 229 5, 547 3971 378' 266| 628 216| 14 501 68 3I 236| 15' 64' 366, 2! 17: Hi 96 5 301 14 li 23 i 19 417 27 276 1 12 200 25 16 339, 44, 035 318, 887, 112, 696 293, 097, 197, 7&7| 213, 517 1, 061, 006 131, 1151 1,050, 267 1 15, 258 219, 480 1, 654, 300 138, 374 69, 016 1, 343, 291 236, 695 809, 197! 917, 862 1, 463, 573 408, 358| 920, 586; 2, 658, 936 665, 993 4, 705, 100 182, 682 2, 115, 827 8! 190, 207 1,450; 8,826,542 35 147, 709 66 324, 109 35 101 12 13 289 10 37 2 19 3 166,810 610, 928 210,125 51. 071 2, 103, 333 98, 404 99, 234 61, 758 202, 133 48, 849 833, 4, 682, 528, 385, 3, 042, 663, 785, 33, 070, 660, 797, 727 692 5771 0571 005: 406! 299i 644; 950; 780 667, 336 1. 545, 649 782, 953 200, 469 6, 164, 482 502, 043 730, 370 458, 326 1, 638, 971 362, 551 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. Table lull.—Nanvfactures : 1880— A.— OHIO— Continued. 1005 Counties. Hamilton Hancock . Hardin . . Harrison Henry ... Highland Hocking Holmes . . Huron . . . Jackson . Jefiferson . Knox Lake Lawrence. Licking . . . Logan .... Lorain Lucas Madison . . Mahoning Marion Medina Meigs . Mercer Miami . Monroe Montgomery . Morgan Morrow Muskmgum . Noble Oitawa . - . Paulding . Perry Pickaway Pike Portage. . Preble . . . Putnnm . Eichland Ross Sandusky. Scioto .'. . Seneca Shelby.... Stark Summit Trambull... Tuscarawas Union Van Wert . . Vinton WarTcn Washington Wayne Williams Wood.... Wyandot No. 3. 494 163 140 130 113 143 54 130 169 65 229 175 94 81 205 163 224 510 87 320 118 191 149 90 190 162 656 101 133 377 105 78 51 120 148 4G 225 185 110 297 196 189 230 240 104 462 365 299 302 82 92 51 160 181 254 173 2821 163! Dollars 52, 689, 910 554, 445 683, 885 225, «50 441, 195 404, 392 2, 040, 415 287, 255 634, 558 1, 982, 975 2, 079, 016 861, 15U 379, 150 4, 236, 050 441, 510 908, 425 6, 045, 280 111, 553 4, 871, 691 381, 060 485, 000 1, 122, 010 213, 237 1, 363, 666 316, 125 6, 902, 989 339. 943 248, 610 2, 943. 057 149, 185 783, 640 317, 200 1, 095, 620 594, 475 634, 264 808,175 357, 855 350, 050 2, 794, 321 810, .529 1,0C8, 985 2, 408, 005 1, 006, 857 497, 5041 5, 621, 960 6, 317, 621 2, 294, 760 1, 545, 984 220, 160 599, 463 793, 660 684, 744 811, 573 1, 002, 170 583, 635 6<)3, 375 452, 450 AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED, 05 >» w

j I No 152. 217 7,281 67 314 2, 255 257 356 1, 225 5,527 955 514 6,387 1,' 1, 512 701 6,026 52 208 738 150 339 2, 768 165 538 366 150 71 214 3, 874 11, 857 283 4,929 782 1, 170 113 479 1, 105 338 53 571 263 18, 885 291 225 2.57 563 912 386 422 976 2, 692 133 590 1, 5;i2; 8, 769! No. No. 18, 563 12, 829 u o o 104 7, 659 1, 153 41 141 118 2 320 8 242 28 46 278 23 35 121 14 232 601 72 27 14 733 49 11 107 3 40 341 71 23 101 28 631 176 219 81 8 11 12 574 25 •a >> Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 62, 103, 800 215, 334, 2.58 348, 298, 390 155 437 1, 186! 1| 49' 30 4 14 19 44 11 12 2, 981, 065 60, 445 238, 305 1, 089, 116 76, 434 164, 919 526, 678 1, 114, 133 364, 233 161, 729 2, 610, 268 730, 565 675, 806 7, 243, 326j .573, 872: 333, 1071 I 2, 498, 178! 129, 785, 430, 162 2, 440, 001 1 1, 185, 794i 8.59, 748 277, 0211 5, 416, 656; 1, 039, 737| 2. 133. 288 162, 985 1, 98.5, 050 4, 136, 382 12, 043, 020i 275,875 756,902 135. 292 1, 118, 3271 376, 843 51, 977 156, 449 969, 610 130, 897 246, 487 119, 219 80, OOOi 42, 100' 67, 530 667, 880! ] 233, 831 882, 802 1, 852, 9G7 432, 592 321, 759 618, 145 100, 000 463, 341 325, 120 1 1,221,494 34,157,024 5, 105, 596 102, 935 2, 080, 243' 321, 918, 644, 520; 5.5, 000: 156, 681 1 407, 894 93, 120 94, 858; 260, 423, 8, 407, 972 651, 662I 2, 694, 602 274, 472 459, 333 280, 000 243, 606 744, 963 275, 000 241,583 727, 926 106, 500 363, 000 8,265,070 23,997,915 102, 087 305, 115 149, 836 100, 247 234, 209 373, 595, 121, 251 255, 663! 406, 197 , 184, 825 54, 990 239. 403 158, 735 261, 400 3, 141, 024 3, 247, .592 171, 633, 407, 617 4, 533, 049; 5, 110, 587, 583, 700; 408, 573! 605, 926 1, 773, 590; 1,, 708,3UO: 8,896,106; 590, 000 34, 918, 360 549, 567 470,500 432,000 3, 886, 627 4, 357, 273 431, 328 856, 744 6, 692, 736 9, 12.5, 014 773, 1 10 788, 010 2, 961, r.(i7 13, 864, 4r.(i COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table Lll.—Manvfactures : 1880— B.— OHIO— Continued. 1007 Mechanical and manufac- tui-iag industries. Malt Mantels, slate, marble, and marbleized. Marble and stone work Matches Millinery and lace goods . . . Oil, cottonseed and cake . . . Oil, lard Oil, linseed Oil, lubricating Oleomargarine Paints Paper, not specified Patent medicines and com- pounds. Printing and publishing . . . Pumps Regalia and society banners and emblems. Roofing and roofing mate- rials. Rubber and elastic goods . . Saddlery and harness Safes, doors, and vaults, fiire-proof. Salt Sash, doors, and blinds Saws Screws ■ Sewing-machines and at- tachments. Sewing-machine cases Shipbuilding Shirts Shoddy Slaughtering and meat- packing. Soap and candles Sprmgs, steel, car, and car- riage. Starch Stone- and earthen- ware . . . Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, chewing, smoking, and snuff. Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- ettes. Tools Trunks and valises TJpholstering Varnish Wire Wirework "Wooden ware Wood, turned and carved.. "W oolen goods All other industries No. ■29 246 1 22 1 9 211 '?! 15i Dollars. 1, 402, 931 241, 000 1, 127, 930 300, 000 81, 450 150, 000 472, 500 1, 123, 550 786, 925 300, 000 447, 000 4, 804, 274 570, 600 237 4, 661 6i 25 102 11 2 12! 10 26 38 12 3 22 28 51 122 959 688, 535 313, 875 118, 200 461 333, 300 4 107, 600 743 1, 271, 869 5 964, 000 AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. 832, 600 2, 147, 537 272, 750 550, 000 358, 100 36, 000 423, 050 220, 300 250, 000 5, 487, 682 422, 650 240, 000 1, 400, 000 1, 675, 055 1, 456, 313 1, 332, 345 297, 250 180, 500 211, 125 635, 000 527, 471 235, 725 353, 364 148, 120 1, 316, 340 10, 775, 535 -I No. 247 210 1, 564 102 25 45 166 299 164 20 232 1, 684 157 3, 461 300 37 336 59 1,877 1, 125 449 2, 146 190 140 640 275 773 84 30 1, 950 285 505! 2, 042 1, 826! 652 1, 341, 070 3, 734' 273 357 1,298 295 434 250 722 16, 735 No. No. 70 46: 80 259 11 ...J 10 2 15 97 14 976 3 27 3 2 65 12 2 164 14 60 40 226 391 10 87 456 367 552 571 3 8 25 28 26 55 257 3 62 16 129 23 19 413 189 1, 339 1, 051 ll 3© Dollars. 125, 287 96, 722 633, 312 68, 686 77, 486 7, 450 42, 772 143, 454 78, 692 8, 000 123, 164 839, 231 78, 005 2, 067. 593 114, 326 70, .550 133, 276 30, 867 671, 124 587, 428 105, 261 883, 910 75, 118 72, 124 389, 805 108, 600 414, 360 139, 224 40, 000 633, 044 78, 245 128, 784 179, 030 894, 322 699, 108 Dollars. 1, 391, 584 137, 740 904, 069 600, 000 162, 852 400, 000 1, 035, 636 1, 903, 103 1, 031, 112 108, 000 835, 734 3, 024, 068 406, 804 2, 382, 305 184, 650 150, 031 592, 944 233, 232 1, 487, 019 580, 000 202, 543 2. 4^9, 480 129, 573 202, 441 774, 281 126, 000 985, 960 335, 6371 575, 000 17, 173, 446 852, 483 269, 325 1, 099, 292 628, 273 1,626, 346 393, 083 3, 198, 926 1, 495, 859 2, 004, 439 115, 804 110, 513 76, 480 54, 770 60, 230 83, 035 179, 890 100, 357| 256, 214 87, 500 221, 535 278, 338 779, 247 1, 251, 000 339, 380 379, 623 138, 185 1, 084, 323 6,141,082 11,730, A. — OEEGON, BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. The State COUNTIES. ilaker lienton Clackamas .Clatsop tJoluijjbia.... 6, 312, 056 83, 150 174, 100 787, 475 Kil, !J1»() 72, 800 3, 280 33 4821" 20 97| 1,667,046 15, 450 25, 983 156, 927 38, 780 11,540; 6. 954, 436 67, 917 124, 340 816, 625 106, 151 90, 2;;q 1008 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table hlL— Manufactures : 1880— A.— OREGON— Continued. Counties Coos Curry Douglas Grant Jackson "Wasco Wasliinstou Yam Hill , 867, 271 288, 231 10, 300 374, 465 251, 973 (557, 398 223, 845 363, 642 B. — OEEGON, BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries Flouriug- and grivst-mill | 106 products. I Fouuderyandmachine-sliopl 16 products. j Lumber, sawed j 228 Saddlery and harness | 46 Sash, doors, and blinds j 20 Slaughtering and meat- i packing. 1 Tinware, copperware, and sheet-irou ware. Woolen goods lOj All other industries : 599 6, 312, 056 1, 286, 200 260, 500 1, 577, 875; 190, 050j 230, 400; 56, 800; 233, 15o| 1, 910, 281! 307 173 97 566! . Ill . 166i 732^ 1. 667. 046 6. 954, 436 139, 882 2, 978, 714 139,0221 121,911 I 242, 154| 1, 331, 342 63, 767: 222, 350 71, 0311 143, 980 17, 120' 205, 517! 64, OOej 151, 4751 86, 088; 227, 486^ 843. 976 1, 571. 661' 10, 931, 232 3, 475, 531 352, 300 2, 030, 463 385, 350 253, 692 264, 712 311, 650 549, 030 3, 308, 504 A. — PENNSYLVANIA, by totals of counties. The State 31, 232 474, 510, 993 284, 359 1 COUNTIES. Adams I 2761 Allegheny 1,895 Armstrong 200 Beaver | 180 Bedford I 254j Berks i l,044i Blair 254j Bradford i 406] Bucks I 591 ! Butler i 2621 Cambria . Cameron. Carbon . Centic . .. Chester . 73, 046 29, 667 134, 055, 904465, 020, 563 272i 24j 89| 345! 7371 486, 770 70, 641,426 1, 918, 656 2, 872, 565 1, 369, 993i 12, 522, 14o! 3, 017, 5631 1, 910, 434i 3, 039, 0141 744, 580! 9, 964, 245i 594, 5001 980, 805 3, 165, 470| 6, 411, 8531 42, 394 815' 975 32ll 587; 307; 068| 585 334' 5211 4, 242; 191'. 665; 1, 6551 4, 141| 44 361 60| 162; 28; 261 926 24i 139! 19 3, 995 76 398 20 811! 59. 329! 621. 937 96 63 349 111 26o| 101 25' 106 331| 22, 371, 9511 61, 739, 293' 436,9511 1,348,5641 962, 7501 2, 325, 797! 155, 868| 1, 213, 992' 3,077,919! 13, 026,33ll 677,3711 2,7.")2,243 527, 421 2, 506, 503^ 904,915 4,033,627 148.794 695.930 1, 860. 860 60, 331 183. .502 563, .569; 1, 749, 3501 9, 056, 377 G^.i, 880 8(il, 7.>8 2, 337, 6841 6, 674, 9781 744, 818, 445 876, 130 105, 272, 739 2, 328, 557 4, 054, 638 1,747, 617 20, 143, 104 4, 253. 552 3, 700, 801 (i, 208, 209 1, 080, 290 10,1.50, 80'. 1,017, 7^.1 ],.100, S70 3,591,327 JO, 404, 331 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1009 Tahlk I AL— Manufactures : 1880— A.— PENNSYLVANIA— Coutinued. Counties. Clarion Clearfield Clinton Columbia Crawford Cumbeilaud Dauphin Delaware Elk Erie Fayette Forest Franklin Fulton Greene Huntingdon Indiana Jefferson Juniata Lackawanna Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon Lehigti Luzerne Lycoming McKeau Mercer Mifflin Monroe Montgomery — Montour . . Northampton . . . Northumberland Perry Philadelphia Pike Potter Schuylkill Snyder Somerset Sullivan Susquehanna . . . Tioga Union Venango Warren Washington Wayne Westmoreland . . Wyoujing York No. 228 2C1 18G 221 474 614 416 92 559 274 25 403 68 127 245 279 189 93 352 1,437 167 275 473 400 612 241 349 1G9 131 840 113 531 226 204 8, 567 46 94 480 115 348 60 332 285 130 186 267 314 282 124 859 Dollars. 1, 168, 807 2, 778, 227 1, 405, 183 1, 219, 505 2, 852, 041 2, 266, 400 9, 817, 959 14, 256, 720 2, 362, 310 6, 424, 413 4, 157, 207 1, 102, 150 2, 003, 679 239, 868 428, 105 3, 267, 613 890, 409 1, 282, 650 224, 170 5, 616, 017 10, 481, 798 2, 192, 765 2, 617, 950 12, 850, 472 3, 706, 963 6, 968, 462 1, 470, 575 3, 796, 641 1, 378, 080 1, 604, 625 13, 789, 461 2, 387, 902 9, 955, 966 2, 023, 575 1, 358, 835 187, 148, 857 311, 900 206, 107 4, 854, 058 355, 068 839, 071 858, 420 2, 026, 983 1, 818, 085 678, 984 782, 856 2, 785, 055 985, 364 2, 830, 037 3, 714, 462 AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. > . O 00 730, 725 362 3, 537, 375 2, 821 I 632 1, 230 856 842 2, 222 1,658 5, 777 6, 569 1, 102 4, 584 2, 920 322 1,489 104 324 917 655 557 153 3, 653 6,848 1,586 \,r- 4, 790 1, 963 4, lie 1, 567 2, 854 886 707 7, 459 1, 575 5, 264 1, 600 850 113, 075 239 343 3, 028 187 628 342 1,161 1, 308 385 830 1, 829 699 1,576 2, 277 o "I o o No. No. 1 18 11 39 5 40 37 18 26 71 189 45 294 260 2, 885 1,788 257 397 21 77 3 2 48 46 7 13 17 30 16 53 4 19 1 3 472 203 1, 334 658 37 88| 24 441 576 377 239 79 149 251 12 10 30 200 16 36 57 61 I 3, 073 1, 107 1 151 318 302 16 96 7 35 56, 818 15, 634 7 4 251 123 1 10 15 47 1 33 10 11 14 32 10 17 17 27 43 13 16 64 97 60 166 1 4 453 281 Dollars. 143, 616 306, 147 239, 897 260, 024 742, 834 535, 068 Dollars. 628, 484 1, 661, 850 1, 164, 089 1, 147, 040 2, 797, 941 1. 727. 681 2,044,189 10,443,042 3, 839, 838 11, 262, 964 252, 384 1, 517, 559 1, 869, 466 6, 640, 427 1, 221, 785 91, 672 391,161 17, 170 70, 855 230, 245 169, 741 113,412 25, 578 1, 558, 374 2, 250, 226 717, 914 551, 010 1, 690, 776 687, 458 1, 221, 510 585, 241 1, 170, 915 298, 472 252, 836 3, 596, 208 573,196 1, 922, 027 540, 791 274, 250 2, 857, 608 416, 897 1, 872, 975 223, 107 433, 127 1, 871, 761 825, 474 679, 684 243, 023 8, 105, 150 9, 573. 262 2, 801, 664 2, 857, 277 9, 352, 199 2, 733, 317 1, 729, 466 5, 377, 565 1, 527, 681 1, 662, 199 13, 189, 707 2, 493, 840 9, 272, 417 2, 341, 762 1, 571, 432 64, 265, 966 199, 155, 477 75, 862 48, 016 1, 016, 641 38, 623 113, 483 95,010 309, 163 321, 257 93, 11? 268, 795 510, 221 257, 163 506, 864 885, 162 94.444 893, 920 267, 884 320, 006 4, 169, 130 465, 280 719, 314 744, 342 2, 484, 482 2, 294, 697 519, 996 841, 166 2, 894, 313 1,227, 144 2, 127, 343 2, 810, 875 1, 278, 277 3. 922. 183 64 C 0 1010 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Taule lAL—Manufactaim : 18H0— PENNSYLVANIA-Contiiiuen. B. — PENNSYLVANIA, BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES. Mechanical and manufac- turint; induBtries. All industries. No. 31, 232 Agricultural implements . . Bags, other than paper Bags, paper Belling and hose, leath<;r . . Blacking Bone-,ivory-,andlamp-l)lacki o Bookbinding and blank- | 74 book making. Boot and shoe findings. . . . Boots and shoes Boxes, cigar Boxes, fancy and paper Boxes, wooiieu, packing Brass castings Brass and copper, rolled . . . Bread and other bakery products. Brick and tile Bridges Bronze castings Brooms and brushes Buttons Cardboard Carpets, other than rag Carpets, rag Carriage and wagon mate- rials. Carriages and wagons Cars, railroad, street, and repairs. Cheese and butter Clothing, horse Clothing, men's Clothing, women's Coffee and spices, roasted and ground. Coffins, burial cases, and undertakers' goods. Coke Confectionery Cooperage Coppersmithing - Cordage and twine Cork cutting Cotton goods Crucibles Cutlery and edge tools Dentists' materials Drugs and chemicals Dyeing and finishing text- iles. Dyestufi's and extracts Fancy articles Felt goods Iglertilizers Files ;.. Flouring- and grist-mill products. Food preparations Foundery andmachine-shop products. Fruits and vegetables, j 14| canned and preserved. | Furnishing goods, men's . . - i 22! 146i 105 2, 873 3, 452, 923 202, 000 358, GOO 280, 500 225, 000 428, 350 890, 775 121,950 3, 627, 840 ]34, 522 438, 450 480, 270 1, 578, 901 600, 000 3, 919, 053 5, 028, 524 720, 400 126, 250 626, 215 159, 000 250, 000 7, 210, 483 142, 542 485, 616 3, 627, 023 2, 946, 912 395, 020 407, 000 10, 816, 742 941, 950 885, 000 681, 425 4, 262, 525 1, 718, 690 1, 385, 335 148, 950 1, 289, 250 479, 550 15, 490, 735 440. 250 2, 585; 610 715, 000 11, 680, 812 3, 884, 846 432, 000 1.54, 700 150, 000 831, 515 488, 500 20, 238, 601 AVKKAGE NUMiJER OF HANU8 EMPLOYKIJ. No. No. 284,359 73,046 10 376, 500 748 28, 982, 140 267, 925 124, 740i 2, 923 253 547, 2, 379, 61 166 106 2, 384 22 Dollars. 134, 055, 904 43, 8 482 13, 328 91 2, 878 99 12li 5 240| 1461 65 Dollars. 465, 020. 563 898, 608 43, 215 107, 376 42, 4651 48, 618: 30, 700l 585, 78Gj 62, 088 2, 820, 976 63, 743 281, 445 220, 550 45G, 748 80, OOO! 1, 315, 677 2, 077, 168 425, 290 27, 072 292, 556! 167, 613 i 50, OOOj 3, 035, 971 102, 054 159, 453 1, 584, 035! 1, 352, 299: 51, 943 133, 800 1, 788, 420 482, 820 618,027! 367, 571; 221, 061! 214, 075 727, 166 I 140, 072', 5, 425, 844! 172, 916 401, 378 605, 455 1, 344, 931 432, 000 5, 263,591! 1, 332, 758 1. 071,936; ■ 423, 170' 678, 753; 146, 585 300, 000 8, 992, 385 243, 444 325, 916 2, 059, 819 6, 032, 114 •655, 368' 443, 200 5,127,082! 15,332,253 • 618,603 1.776,610 118,383j 2,240,080 36] 229, 036 983, 431 512, 141 671, 464 51, 654 274, 282 97, 764 4, 683, 617 57, 560 882, 612 156, 175 1, 300, 238 1, 041, 309 50, 185 76, 305 80, 000 137, 955 223, 593 1, 105, 939 61, 127 10, 293, 821 67, 202 88, 260 425, 267: i 2, 241, 154' 2, 358, 774 2, 126, 784! 148, 849i 1, 437, 026, 473, 260 12, 500, 217 434. 271 1, 148, 138, 159, 000! 8, 245, 297: 2, 398, 396| 269, 090, 130, 012 250, 000 981, 987 216, 545] 36, 291, 933; 226, 722 17, 636, 353 469, 326 318, 730 Dollars. 744, 818, 445 3, 686,212 560, 500 852, 478 476, r>45 485, 706 286, 750 1, 703, 206 253, 668 9, 590, 002 332, 124 894, 505 977, 725 2, 294, 684 640, 000 8, 448, 474 4,81.3,153 ],757, 932 545, 876 1, 293, 881 387, 554 450, 000 14, 304, 660 449, 825 634, 777 4, 760, 723 8, 0S2, 272 915, 468 680, 000 23, 821,887 2, 977, 810 2, 652, 830 903, 074 4, 190, 136 3, 564, 934 3, 256, 552 255, 423 2, U39, 721 708, 500 21, 640, 397 577, 189 2, 614, 239 564, 000 13, 092, 863 6, 259, 852 452, 979 255, 406 450, 000 1, 433, 245 580, 443 41, 522, 662 371,003 35, 029, 673 606, 000 501, GOT COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1011 Table LII. — Manufactures : 1880— B.— PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. Mechanical and manufac- turing industries. Furniture Furniture, chairs Furs, dressed Galvanizing Gas and lamp fixtures Gas machines and meters . . Glass Glue Gold and silver leaf and foil . Gold and silver, reduced and refined. Grease and tallow Gimpowder Hardware Hats and caps High explosives Hosiery and knit goods . . . Ink Instruments, professional and scit'ntific. Iron and steel Iron holts, nuts, washers, and rivets. Iron forgings Iron nails and spikes, cut and wrought. Iron liipe, wrought Ivory and bone work Jewelry Lard, refined Lead, bar, pipe, sheet, and shot. Leather, curried Leather, dressed skins Leather, tanned Lightning-rods Lime Liquors, distilled Liquors, malt Lithographing Looking-glass and picture frames. Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Malt Mantels, slate, marble, and marbleized. Marble and stone work Matches Mattresses and spring beds . Millinery and lace goods . . . Mineral "and soda waters. .. Mixed textiles Oilcloth, floor Oil, linseed Oil, lubricating Oleomargarine Paints Paperhangings Paper, not specified Patent medicines and com- pounds. Pickles, preserves, and sauces. Pocket-books Printing and publishing . . Roofing and roofing mate- rials. Saddlory j>nd harness Safes, doors, and vaults, fire- proof. No. Dollars. 718 5, 445, 940 45 111, 700 16 238, 000 7l 370, 000 5 251, 500 111 471,500 78; 7, 639, 706 13; 1, 810, 400 237, 000 20, 500 322, 075 858, 900 980, 729 820, 553 76, 025 743, 790 398, 800 347, 086 AVERAGE NUMBEli OF HANDS EMPLOYED. O 03 No 4, 928 273 50 241 283 361 6, 999 498 li>7 13 110 1.57 2,184 1, 255 78 2, 337 81 224 366 107, 304, 782 54, 637j 17i 1, 444, 500 1, 306; 19! 455 56 642 3 120 j 70, 558, 5001 192, 450 3, 864, .565 209, 750 485, 256 350, 000 665, 000 2, 570, ! 2, 589, 347 15, 608, 635 255, 000 471, 610 2, 198, 753 29li 12,073,068 24| 659, 550 74 799, 793 200 3, 250, 225 2,8271 21,418,588 26, 2,522,000 15 145, 800 321 5 27 40 33 126 2 2, 476, 752 237, 800 123, 850 593, 300 192, 800 11, 536, 818 938, 550; 409, 200 85, 500 100, 000 3, 128, 192i 820, OOOl 4, 099, 000 2, 076, 100 84, 248 5 250, 00,0 371 ! 8,962,320 110 451, 055 827 2, 071 5, 541 58 579 334 i. 2, 439, . 483' 698 2, 142 14, 443 309 17l|. 2, 185i 39 119; 85' 206 , 5, 3611 374! 45 791| 263 1, 481 259 55 271 5, 897| 513 No. 92 14 153 43 7 294 90 157 11 o 11 No 179 47 5 15 2, 4911 51| 1\ 8 3. 4ll 359! 561 52 ---•I 570 1,365 8 111 7i 14' Dollar.'!. 2, 090, 088 143, 0.37 59, 2:^3! 112, 132, 133, 759: 154, 1031 3, 897, 3001 184, 950 135, SOOj 9, 130 56, 223' 73, 871i 893, 032 711, 159 39, 837 2, 175, 913 62, 608 137, 798 Dollars 3, 725, 989 186, 071 292, 800 720, 295 93, 085' 227, 498 3, 350, 66O! 1, 376, 82ll 344, loOi 200, 800! 12 3,303 25,095,8.50 278! 521, 6251 I 594 1 3S; 264,743, 83i 14l 7 37,849j 3,151 1 183' 996,567 253 29 64! 112,888 394 24' 32| 220,902 65| 6 1 29, 631 ...I 2| 49,076 4 15, 334, 950 103; 89! 1,158,898 12; 39' 1, 967, 946 ! 25,475 10| 141,887 ...| j 138,745 ...| 13| 1,200,289 65l 59. 269,011 19| 75! 330, 600 6! 61 ' 758,281 8, 463 2,918,459 1;. 108,892 4! 77,792 46 1, 139 6, 971 2 5 2: 26 1 555 15 11; 111 15 54! 22 936' 10 1,416,614' 4--'0, 834: 1, 701, 8841 1, 082, 079 190, 783| 4, 924, 138! 169, 375 87, 307 92, 267, 03o! 1, 571, 456 667, 125 206, 410 6, 141, 797 152, 599 437, 416 1, 135, 000 820, 500j 6, 639, 432 4, 896, 982! 19, 716, 236 358, 500 174, 979 1, 216, 120 5, 765, 837 259, 627 610, 641 3 7i 137, 471 7 970, 026 29, 931 51, 263 205, 942! 83, 044 4, 223, 662 169, 084! 29, 846| 41, 5931 26. 000] 394, 437! 161, 120I 752, 151 194, 524 25, 173 209 481 120, 000 625 1,180 3,274,909 3 6 219, 958 781 1, 301, 402 1, 542 7 176, 000! 159 54; 540. 772 93, 850 2, 749, 840; 13, 955, 430 1, 794. 7611 127, 513 1 1 1, 467, 475| 106, 5921 252, 990 1, 003, 779 181, 095 12, 202, 028! 646, 785! 596, 5001 .508, 411 1 192, 946 2, 657, 857 384, 252; 3, 18.5, 168 734, 262 I 167, 096' Dollars. 7, 588, 229 437, 010 496, 700 970, 875 355, 228 475, 804 8, 720, 584 1, 903, 470 525, 344 251, 560 1, 671, 265 693, 854 3, 725, 526 2, 342, 324 309, 220 8, 935, 147 362, 550 349, 126 145, 576, 268 2, 636, 366 1, 110, 166 291, 927 8, 418. 975 358, 019 846, 736 1, 221, 000 1, 008, 000 7, 852, 177 . 6,745,044 27, 042, 068 481, 000 466, 532 1, 856, 484 10, 124, 348 765, 003 1, 276, 471 4, 602, 753 22, 457, 359 2, 333, 348 263, 106 3, 135, 651 311, 500 362, 599 1, 518, 578 340, 433 20, 882, 764 1, 219, 571 697, 205 642, 370 298, 386 3, 674, 043 708, 979 5, 355, 912 2, 006, 058 268, 812 219, 500 412, 000 4, 157, 045! 10, 229, 893 394, 4421 798. 999 1, 265, 482' 106, 015! 2, 505, 850 259, 505 1012 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Ta ble hU.—Manvfactares : 1880— B.— PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. Mechanical and manufac- turing industries. Sash, doors, and blinds — Saws Sewing machines and at- tachments. Shipbuilding Shirts Shoddy Silk and silk goods Slaughtering and meat- packing. Soap and candles Springs, steel, car, and caiTiage. Stationery goods . Steam fittings and heating No. 109 7 7 125 61 11 49 35 78 12 apparatus. I Stone- and earthen-ware . . Sugar and molasses, refined Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, chewing, smoking and snufl". Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- ettes. Tools Toys and games Trunks and valises Type founding Umbrellas and canes Upholstering Varnish Watch cases Wire i Wirework Wooden ware 1 Wood pulp I Wood, turned and carved . . i Woolen goods i Wool hats Worsted goods Zinc All other industries . 97 11 1, 010 11 j 1,377 22 14 24 28 2 ,373 AVEKAGE XUMBEH OF HANDS EMPUii'ED. 331 1 107 11 11 5 35 22 2 55 324 Dollars 1, 989, 198 1,518, 000 1, 175, 800 5, 797, 731 785, 094 186, 000 1, 379, 900 2, 938, 625 1, 873, 971 600, 100 203, 500 251, 300! 670, 545 6, 072, 000 3, 223, 836 398, 676 2, 934, 819 1, 657, 182 172, 100 114, 900 810, 000 379, 050 266, 900 241, 800 553, 175 560, 500 246, 650 358, 500 510, 000 324, 650 780, 604 797, 500 959, 639 065, 000 565, 106 No. 1,601 1, 115 440 3, 298 242 90 1, 000 531 490 361 324 259 634 1,073 3, 093 136 5, 064 752 270 148 279 621 294 69 433 106 302 268: 205 449i 8, 3911 726 1, 673 184 23, 9211 to c Dollars. \ 26, 378 95, 021; 423, 7171 5, 623, 933! 142, 099 1,093, 727, 206, 220: 264, 248i 46, 870 Dollars. 172, 130, ],];J8, 13, 300, 584, 2, 315, 550, 644 2601 144 1491 436| 062 525 785 861 2,072, 143| 2.687,484 208, 509, 18, 627 101, 82, 130, ,688, 55, 39, 155. 488, 14, 189, 280. 313, 59, 239, 194, 97, 059 412: 969| 616, 694' 410! Oil 008 899 609 i 200j 900 715j 057: 1571 662! 362 i 501, 401 1, 366, 471 93, 484 172, 375' 375, 3471 2, 590, 61l| 509, 370; 236, 944 1 110, 299 1, 520, 099! 415, 820: 330, 8641 611, 30ol 218, 120 1, 617, OOOl 184, 080 504, 684 266, 858 3, 449, 816 153, 674| 261, 473 2,480,907! 9,138,429 1, 222, 350' 3, 941, 383 2, 690, 982: 0, 007, 388 Dollars. 271, 441 301,259 1, 980, 330 24, 609, 461 847, 378 6, 874, 254 059, 178 991, 111 1, 137, 990 6, 281, 707 840, 437 1, 421, 100 254, 243 275, 222 488, 040 5, 650, 133 638, 000 398, 743 374, 900 2, 718, 822 458, 085 772, 942 972, 000 674, 025 2, 217, 000 296, 44'J 1, 367, 672 517, 041 3, 876, 740 561, 515 15, 410, 450 6, 177, 754 11, 523, 591 A. — SOUTH OAEOLINA, by totals of counties. The State COUNTERS. Abbeville Aiken Anderson . Barnwell Beaufort Charleston Chester Chesterfield i Clarendon Colleton •- ... Darlington Edgefield Fairfield Georgetown Greenville 2.078 81 68 106 92 23 259 53 341 33 1 341 11,205,8941 19,987 53 1 79 30 21 130| 132, 555 1,993, 170 196, 570 116, 250 550, 250 4, 631, 450 62, 835 68, 100 72, 000 149, 890 88, 200 121, 860 51, 100 230, 875 812, 365 152 592 204 241 951 10, 848 92 441 345 255 173 124 282: 525 1, 023 1, 118 4 437 301 26 16 2 1 1 181 374 2 1 6 2 37 11 26 196 20 208 2, 836, 289' 24, 288 260, 146 44, 1.54 22, 347 145, 772 17. 792 6 . 50, 552 i 104, 521! 41, 569 23, 899 19, 603 60. 227 169. 433 9, 885, 538 16, 738, 008 302, 104 1, 144, 673 261, 714 145. 747 343, 496 388, 963 1, 812, 551 378, 303 214, 673 666, 411 2, 538, 273 154, 157 67, 900 64, 581 133, 395 5, 158, 112 203, 126 192, 436 168, 948 304, 380 192, 167 259, 909 75, 322 265, 495 897, 249 290, 965 338, 165 116, 791 431, 891 1, 413, 556 1014 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. TAJiLK lAL-Manufacturea: 1880— A. -SOUTPI CAROLINA— Continued. Counties. ^Hampton . Horry Kershaw Lancaster , Laurens Lexinston Marion Marlborough .. Newberry Oconee Orangeburgh .. Pickens Hichland Spartanburgli.. Sumter Union "Williamsburgh York No. AVERAGE NUMJJKH OF HAKDS EMPLOYED. li Dollars 95, 350 67, 895 99, 800 57, 590 74,68 140, 945 142, 440 59, 5501 73, 925 89, 400 75, 450 37, 230 165, 765 307, 775 113, 469 95, 8201 93, 860i 137, 4751 No. 263 158 517 43 93 156 450 85 145 129 275 278 505 96 313 135 00 r No. (- p No. Dollars. 41, 433 35, 474 33, 603 5, 25B 10, 300 21,285 44, 080 10, 650 21, 067 17, 000 28, 614 6, 190 102, 625 71, 414 61, 915 13, 525 39. 640 22, 981 Dollars. 137, 645 94, 508 143, 395 143, 789 167, 718 152, 813 174, 615 124, 206 172, 012 112, 057 83, 871 98, 65S 201, 739 409, 554 190,496 153, 571 150, 433 328. 221 B. — SOUTH CAROLINA, by selected industries. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries . Cotton goods Fertilizers Flouring- and grist-mill products. Fouudery and macbine-shop products. Lumber, sawed Printing and publishing . . . Tar and turpentine All other industries ,078 11, 205, 894 19, 987 1,023 1, 118 2, 836, 289 9, 885, 538 16, 738, 008 14 2, 776, 100 661 772 585 380, 844 1, 808, 300 2, 895, 769 28 3, 493, 300 8, 979 10 70 576, 580 1, 297, 204 2, 691, 053 720 1, 339, 269 1, 048 1 3 139, 352 3, 265, 485 3, 779, 470 18 179, 850 283 31 90, 449 137, 389 289, 502 420 1, 056, 265 1, 431 37 221, 963 1, 237, 361 2, 031, .507 14 132, 700 194 35 13 11.5, 947 89, 450 299, 520 192 505, 290 4, 512 .52 55 555, 460 666, 179 1, 893, 206 672 1, 063, 120 2, 879 153 324 755, 694 1, 384, 170 2, 857, 981 A. — TENNESSEE, by totals of counties. The State 4, 326 20, 092, 845 19, 575 Anderson . Bedford... Benton . . . Bledsoe . . . Blount Bradley . . . Campbell . Cannon . . - Carroll Carter Cheatham. Claiborne . Clay Cocke Coffee COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LU.—Manvfactures: 1880— A.— TENNESSEE— Continued. 1015 Counties. Crockett Cumberland I^avidson . . . Decatur De Kalb .... Dickson . Dyer .... Tayette.. Fentress . Franklin Gibson .. Giles Grainger Greene . . Grundy.. Hamblen . . ITnrailton . Hancock - . Hardeman Hardin ... HuTvkins .. Haywood . . Henderson. Henry Hickman .. Houston Humphreys. Jackson James Jefferson ... Johnson Knox Lake Lauderdale Lawrence . . Lewis Lincoln .. Loudon . . McMinn . McNairy. Macon . . . Mfidison . Marion . . Marshall . Maury . . . Meigs Monroe Montgomery. Moore ....... Morgan Obion . . . Overton Perry . . . Polk.... Putnam Rhea Koane Robertson . Rutherford Scott No. 36 6 .352 5 59 16 23 30 31 51 71 140 31 123| 16 58, 18 91 25 29 61 30 11 35 23 11 25 27 136 4 33 27 2 97 55 58 15 36 73 25 30 134 42 59 Dollars. 60, 435 7, 200 4, 110, 345 100, 000 02, 735 184, 600 51,100 49, 065 5, 000 111, 400 190, 415 207, 15G 35, 875 277, 470 157, 700 2, 045, 000 12, 005 72, 120 65, 400 93, 745 68, 400 41, 735 326, 525 147, 335 51, 595 86, 728 32, 980 17, 950 45, 440 88. 550 957, 440 20, 000 45, 450 211, 136 3, 300 212, 000 177, 665 165, 175 28, 700 57, 165 246, 700 400, 165 67, 700 277, 896 44, 280^ 70, 050 376, 250 78, 430 5, 400 280, 600 18, 100 66, 030 10, 850 25. 425 10, 000 787, 268 344, 885 181, 755 6, 500 .WERAOK NUMBER OF HANU8 EMPLOYED. O 00 Xo. 91 8 4, 133 73 95 173 83 61 12 126 92 1. 958 21 70 123 109 39 208 63 122[ 39 16j 43 1 183 786 52 . 92 . 2161 231i 116 1 95 1 43|. 69 272 309 77 296 50 82 458 61 7 369 25 60 8 38 3 461 227 285 4 No. 538 No. 3! 2681 3 243; 12 38l I 161' 9 1471 168 I Dollars. \ 14, 480, 4651 1, 388, 601 10, 9301 11,8G3| 4.5, 070 13, 250 8, 982 1,625 20, 109 63, 289 44, 874 3, 607 25, 985 49, 443 18, 864 568, 508 3, 520 12, 600 8, 335 18, 371 30, 294 3, 934 51, 9411 18, 025 18, 225 1 15, 810| 5, 080 2, 500i 23, 132 320, 121 7, 720: 9, 889| 61, 734j 975! 44, 1271 33, 270 ' 24, 745 4, 638 8, 807 70, 762 101, 715| 10, 1711 59, lie; 7, 332I 12, 2241 136,410 12, 141 1, 100 125, 350 2, 695 11, 031 1, 460 5, 050 1, 000 88, 452 48, 577, 73, 488| 900 Dollars. I 96, 880, 1,870 5, 841, 841' 16, 042, 122, 760 i 66, 544 148, 075 51, 216 14, 575 159, 229 336, 148 283, 400| 44, 172' 223, 518; 98, 437! 165, 538, 2, 056, 438 31,84l| 99, 988} 65, 070, I 203,463' 207, 097' 75, 394 1 427, 504! 133, 135j 56, 321 1 105, 086 33, 562 30, 074 144, 742 39, 002 1, 066, 061 27, 250, 66,471 132, 792 2, 100 334, 803 185, 091: 168, 042 ( 52, 059 j 83, 976; 333,9471 303, 764! 112, 326| 387, 012 85, 132 73, 543 544, 308 83, 029 7, 350 380, 387 20, 870 161, 334 21, 450 33, 097 24, 000 221, 456 388, 210 419, 149 11, 740 Dollars. 141, 153 4, 470 9, 385, 211 30, 947 175,277 134, 388 198, 980 83, 714 19, 630 219, 974 500, 072 426, 640 60, 544 335, 541 194, 350 218, 700 3, 230, 006 43, 475 141, 597 97, 904 271,385 316, 766 100, 873 602, 220 185, 525 95, 958 162, 195 49, 147 40, 164 186. 465 77, 328 1, 629, 045 42, 500 93, 293 197, 851 4, 200 464, 950 298, 255 242, 149 65, 900 131, 546 567, 100 513, 968 144, 906 571, 549 116, 289 107, 564 812, 841 134, 835 12, 100 644, 542 33, 526 221, 173 25, 811 50, 550 27, 500 348, 426 558, 580 614, 292 14, 089 1016 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENStTS. Table hU.—Mannfactnrea : 1680— A.— TENNESSEE- Continued. Counties. Sequatchie . . Sevier Shelby Smith Stewart Sullivan Sumner Tipton Trousdale... Unicoi Union Van Buren. . "Warren Washington "Wayne Weakley White Williamson . Wilson No Dollars 7, 900 34' 50, 540 186 2, 452, 425 59 86, 140 221 597, 465 125 C7i 25 17 1 20 5 56 93 244, 177 198, 646 38, 325 23, 378 1,000 30, 120 5, 900 200, 803 162, 598 129, 220 89, 050 49, 585 124, 575 206, 595 AVKUAGE NUMUKK OV 1IANU8 EMl'LOYKI). > o . ^ 05 No. 4 57 2, 278 96 310 No. ^ I o No. 194! 67,. 12 . 26 . 7 - 142 1531 «j. 194 . 69 . 185 308 . 69 Dollars. 490 5, 262 876, 566 11, 153, 31, 288 57, 863! 48, 3481 11, 3311 1, 592 Dollars. 14, 550 38, 945 2,640,910 155, 955 85, 767| 296, 513 212, 856: 71, 500; 24, 005| Dollars. 19, 150 55, 364 4, 759, 091 207, 753 111, 642 466, 680 342, 387 104, 989 33, 065 4,157 960 38, 620 28, 389 6, 350 23, 197 11, 634 24, 035 54. 936 71, 825 8, 108 209 752 263, 930 48, 274 140, 743; 80, 579I 302, 071 341, 149 91, 145 12, 122 308, 204 376, 167 67, 398 205, 079 118, 768 413, 785 525, 389 B. — TENNESSEE, by selected industries. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTUEING INDUSTRIES. All industries . 4,326 20,092,845 Bread and other bakery products. Brick and tile Carriages and wagons Cars, railroad, street, and repairs. Clothing, men's (Jonfectionery Cotton compressing Cotton goods Flouiiug- and grist-mill products. Foundory and machine-shop products. Furniture Iron and steel Leather, curried Leather, tanned Liqiiors, distilled Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Oil, cottonseed and cake . . . Printing and publishing . . . Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Slaughtering and meat- j packing. Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. ! Woolen goods All other industries 85 43 113 147 631 15j 755 30 106i 1, 542| 19, 575 1, 196 120, 100 343, 354 715, 050 175, 000 49, 200 89, 500 530, 000' 1, 184, 6OO: 3, 595, 585' 551, 950 511, 250 3, 681, 776 154, 185 470, 075 373, 573 117, 700 2. 004, 503 ' 935, 000 625, 550 180, 166 183, 500 105, 000 365, 750 418, 664 2, 611, 814 116 1, 224 942; 190 111 87 173 296 1, 847 738 643 2, 758 118 333 136 169 3, 577 644 368 382 103 227 374 249 3, 770 242 543 1, 674 322 11 239 2 5, 254, 775 23, 834, 262| 37, 074, 886 24 141 18 53 31 3 45, 390; 214, 374 247, 227 219, 998 69, 500 87, 600 35, 450 102, 825 170, 507 376, 399 269, 272 231,772 659, 773 27, 700 80, 988 43, 344 63, 275 549, 222 163, 340 248, 356 123, 912 80. lOOl 139, 568 580, 300 161, 500 123, 300 266, 500 152, 670 586, 609 9, 070, 421 I 427, 637 1, 376, 059; 452, 7741 1, 041, 605 353, 776' 150, 570! 2, 142, 885' 812. 000, 213, 026 308, 295 132, 930 , 019, 692 47, 600| 1 134, 367 i 346, 290 67, 063 i 103, 795 423, 054 2. 727. 603 335,917 523, 113 1, 25.3, 721 251, 000 277, 275 361, 225 311, 750 934,014 10, 784, 804 610, 824! 1, 191, 531 9.54, 100 2, 274, 203 546, 427 1, 504, 660 540, 729 270, 405 3, 744, 905 1, 235, 000 ■ 653, 645 595, 135 268, 930 1, 376, 476 710, 813 mo, 724 5, o54, 384 I COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1017 Table LII. — Manufactures: 1880— Contiimod. A. — TEXAS, BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. Counties. Establishments. . Capital. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMrLOYED. Total amount paid in wages during the year. Materials. cc "S a 'C o o O 03 tt • o -2 « oo » "3 in . o m a * o .;! «P I!" § P 03 05 .a ^ ? o Eastland Ao. 11, 200 No. 20 No. No. DollOiTS. 2, 416 Dollars. 28, 161 Dollars. 35, 343 Ellis 30 4 44, 250 2.5, 500 i63 19 23, 688 5, 200 Ufi .511 201 23ft 81, 630 10.5, 363 Erath 14 12 40 74 31, 900 16, 750 120, 800 113, 448 49 29 144 150 6, 955 5, 565 30, 709 23, 882 53 813 111 425 148, 644 120i 048 72, 158 22! 300 223, 229 181, 844 Falls 11 Fayette Fisher (o) Fort Bend 18 15 21 28, 450 61 62 57 10, 365 6 638 23, 109 29, 990 58, 240 43, 200 56, 550 76, 878 Franklin Freestone 1 79 871 750 634 15 36 500, 255 1,283, 846 2, 377, 065 Gillespie 22 Q oX. 37, 500 7 200 fii. son 26 10 66 4, 594 3, 134 9, 790 si, ii'i 5,225 55, 406 67, 248 12, 547 77, 063 Goliad Gonzales 3 Gray (a) 77 15 33 16 345, 900 117, 900 127, 450 29, 350 330 186 185 19 5 8 1 105, 899 34, 901 32, 533 3, 023 393, 399 99^ 183 116, 625 39, 341 612, 024 174! 788 19j|g01 51,244 Gregg Grimes 1 Guadalupe Hamilton 13 32, 850 41 4, 140 28, 545 38, 207 85 31) 683, 625 93, 275 688 264 7 5 4.7 99fi. 369 687, 204 149 419 1, 303, 293 281 111 Harrison Q 71 3>J8 Haskeli (a) Hayes 10 51, 300 28 6, 235 33,645 47, 931 Henderson 14 15, 775 53 4, 650 22, 950 32, 344 Hill 36 5 18 26 36, 760 2.5, 125 57, 450 55, 600 86 3 11,074 2, 980 13, 575 5, 971 101, 604 48, 104 100, 015 67, 777 154, 685 55, 641 127, 910 85, 934 Hood 12 67 72 Hopkins Q 3 Houston Hunt 21 42, 450 56 1 9,943 96, 033 127, 955 Jack 12 3 4 10 49 20, 675 750 2, 500 271 , COO fil 337 30 2 4 292 117 4, 709 1,000 300 118, 400 24, 402 24, 967 1, 175 2, 215 286, 710 105, 072 37,199 3, 500 3, 002 483, 000 162, OGG Jackson Jasper Jefferson 27 5 38 2 4, OOOi 2 85, 950l 124 1 .'">no :{ 375 29, 006 654 5,590 293, 070 1, 341 8, 300 390, 262 2, 657 9 KendaU 4 15, 500 5 1, 306 17, 317 21,819 1 Kinney i 500 1 ' 1 500 8,225 11, 100 a Retumrd as liaving no tnanul'acturea. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tahle hll.— Manufactures : 18b0— A.— TEXAS— Continued. 1019 Counties. No. Dollars. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. No. No. No. 37| 74, 970 13 28, 700 54, 900 42, 960 8, 350 56, 600 45, 000 3, 961 2, 250 40,718 30, 562 55, 114, 41,452' 11.530 134, 578 89, 193 615 750 183, 000 203 10 27 61, 536 265. 861 10 78, 240 63, 870 765 6, 000 1,000 27, 175 830 300 2, 680 3801 3, 080 400 i 62, 309^ 40 53, 335 134 9, 828 50,119; 45, 243 168, 020 20, 000 48 418 38 4, 715 108, 224 8, 123 50, 4111 278, 7551 15, 794' 31, 900 42, 385 12, 600 4,309 9,487 1, 505 28, 166 70, 897 20, 084 29, 500 2, 430 1,040 16 212, 500: 15, 350 26, 584! 68, 025 12, 850 311 . 20!. G8l. 53; . 29 123, 600 8, 976 17, 155 5,952 307, 200 1 11, 315 78, 202! 207, 865 "17,175 3, 000 4, 225 41 2,150 4,150j 9, 55o| I 150, iiej 73 127. 705 221 42, 627 17, 300 2, 000 i 26, 455 1, 538 825 850 11,1001 38 30, 500 33 7, 881 2, 052 4, 200 11, 580 35, 677 10, 970 12, 680 40, 230 7 32, lOOj 20 a Returned as having no manufactures. 1,720 33, 575 1020 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. TaSLe LIL— Manufactures : 1880— A.— TEXAS— Continued. Counties. Shackelford. Shelby Smith Somervell . . . Starr {a) .... Stephens Stonewall (a) Swisher (a) . Tai'rant Taylor (a) . . . Throckmorton (a) Titus Tom Green Travis Trinity Tyler Upshur Uvalde Van Zandt. "Victoria . . . Walker Waller Washington . Webb (a) Wharton (a) . Wheeler (a) . . Wichita (a) . . Wilbarger (a) Williamson . . . Wilson Wise Wood Young Zapata ZavaUa (a) . No. Dollars. 13, 950 22, 481 23, 275 33, 700 ?, 350 58 152. 741 8, 750 1, 100 485, 775 16, 850 9, 200 45, 699 7, 000 131, 200 9, 900 62, 600 92, 350 65, 125 AVERAGK NUMBER OK HANDS KMPLOYEU. O 05 No. No: 158| 33j l^j 13! 136 3 62 4 191 43, 200 17, 250 54, 030 121, 475 25, 700 300 43 24 52 247 15 2 gl O No. Dollars, 4, 044 6, 135 7, 600 2, 770 3, 150 56, 832 3, 807 450 201, 808 7, 005 800 28, 888 600 17, 352 661 22, 821 10, 930 12, 860 Dollars. 8, 487 22, 408 20, 533 33, 200 3, 675 338, 825 3, 481 2, 557 7, 440 45, 160 3, 565 380 13, 645 2, 094 418, 905 44, 209 3, 995 104, 572 12, 750 105, 706 9, 851 103, 145 73, 895 58, 234 9, 630 63, 288 178, 397 83, 600 1,000 a Returned as having no manufactures. B.— TEXAS, BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES. 9, 245, 561 11, 645 183,530 150, 700 3, 082, 952 1,042 205 2.602 365, 350 349 143, 000 1, 660, 952 202, 000 447, 900 286, 925 106, 400 202, 200 187 3, 136 151 307 260 81 132 236, 730 211 31, 300 104 2, 145, 622 2, 878 MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries. 2, 996 Brick and tile Carriages and wagons . . . Flouring- and grist-mill products. Poundery and machine-shop products. Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Oil, cottonseed and cake . . . Printing and publishing . . . j Saddlery and harness : Sash, dooi s, and blinds j Slaughtering and meat- j packing. Tinware, copper ware, and sheet-iron ware. | Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- j ettes. I All other industries I 113 341 921 j 30| 17) 324j 39 126 §1 1. 260! 116 135 3, 343, 087 204, 499 92, 014 368, 683 11 149, 212 73, 775 732, 914 36, 272 232, 924 110, 576 12, 956, 269 105, 074 139, 000 6, 371, 606 228, 151 I 295, 640 i 2, 096, 775 192, 441 207, 438 325, 579 305, 200 280. 220 tit, OUUi 49, 800| 105, 174 259, 300 67, 556 99, 20(1 2, 050, 645 491, 420 263, 810 4, 562, 253 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LII. — Manufaotures : 1880 — Continued. A.— UTAH TERRITOEY, by totals of counties. 1021 Counties. The Territory Beaver ... Bos Elder Cache Davis Emery (a). Iron — Juab — Kane ... Millard . Morgan . Pi Ute Rich Salt Lake — San Juan (a) . Sanpete Sevier Summit . . . Tooele Uintah (a) Utah Wasatch Washington Weber No 640 Dollars. 2. 656. 657 103, 900 108, 325 131, 800 64. 150 42, 000 14, 150 15, 387 23, 580 27, 300 2, 000 12, 450 1, 089, 015 AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. o oi No. 2, 042 121 116 114 56 I. es in iVo. 221 u o o No 232 §•3 Dollars. 858, 863 Dollars. 2, 561, 737 49, 775 108, 958 35, 090| 94, 102 41, 287 162, 215 14, 931 98, 454 63, lOOj 20, 500| 31,700 39, 450 395, 350 35, 500 69, 000 368, 000 123 2351 63 60 179 45 8, 780 2, 415 4, 867 5, 650 3,630 260 477, 791 15, 085 6, 650 4, 120 9, 390 80, 094 16, 191 28, 340 28, 800 19, 583 3, 30(» 3,6520 1, 005, 518 Dollars. 4, 324, 992 195, 245 103, 501 243, 989 131, 116 152, 490 48,100 26, 615 34. 105 32! 86, 095 10, 190 13, 749 68, 508 337, 489 59, 692 27, 304 226, 767 99, 410 21, 831 41, 142 45, 090 27. 387 4, 500 5,485 1, 933, 221 195, 365 63, 066 37, 122 55, 805 549, 971 86, 286 55, 350 370, 110 a Returned as having no manufactures. B.— UTAH TERRITORY, BY selected industries. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries Elouring- and grist-mill products. Lumber, sawed Woolen goods All other industries 640 85 107 11 437 2, 656, 657 595, 950 272, 750 382, 000 1, 405, 957 2, 042 221 157 i 375; 150 1, 360: 232 858, 863 56, 557 65, 175 68, 108 669, 023 2, 561, 737 1, 136, 176 238, 274 147, 226 1, 040, 061 4, 324, 1, 364, 619 375, 164 279, 424 2, 305, 785 A. — VERMONT, by totals of counties. The State COUNTIES. Addison Bennington , Caledonia... Chittenden . Franklin .. Grand Isle. Lamoille . . . Orange Orleans — 2. 874 167 195 174 246 44 198 8 126 190 207 23, 265, 224 14, 438 706, 950 3, 263, 796 3, 691, 234 3, 265, 156 307, 400 976, 650 6, 900 404, 850 694, 720 906, 486 536 1, 835 1,296 2, 466 185 639 11 319 550 710 2, 271 21 831 17 298 26 202 30 17 "4 9 35 5,164,479 18,330,677 135, 951 761, 986 516, 542 918, 400 50, 876 191, 495 773 60, 567 135, 717 163, 640 647, 005 2, 380, 615 1, 013, 671 4, 513, 870 319, 419 883, 320 3, 588 309, 16^ 604, 789 688, 915 31, 354, 366 006, 921 009, 222 224, 139 244, 391 456, 467 393, 002 7, 240 500, 081 059, 635 118, 795 1022 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. TABI.E hlL— Manufactures : 1880— A.— VERMONT— Continued. Counties. Rutland ."Washington "Windham . . Windsor No. 358 271 310 380 AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Dollars. 2, 500, 045 1, 245, 997 2, 288, 135 2, 886, 905 > . No. 1, 874 798 1, 34G; 1. 873 No. 74 175 585 No. 59 7 18 109 Dollars. 678, 349 271, 217 603, 596 675, 370 Dollars. 1. 505, 014 1, 243, 992 1,610,264 2, 601, 047 B. — ^VEEMONT, by selected industries. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries Agricultural implements . . Cheese and butter Cotton goods Flouring- and grist-mill products. Foundeiy and machine-shop products. Furniture Hosiery and knit goods Iron and steel Leather, curried Leather, tanned Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Marble and stone work Mixed textiles Musical instruments, or- gans and materials. Paper, not specified Sash, doors, and blinds Scales and balances Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. "Woolen goods All other industries 2, 874 23, 265, 224 35 85 8 227 45 56 .6 4 24 51} 18 688 69 7 2 13 35 3 95 44 1, 357 640, 900 202, 300 956, 096 1, 152, 461 1, 137, 675 296, 150 492, 000 410, 000 113, 950 433, 300 854, 800 3, 274, 250 904, 575 776, 000 803, 000 785, 500 263, 050 3, 051, 481 291, 300 2, 320, 161 4, 106, 275 14, 438 2,271 462 126 219 331 578 288 138 190 63 184 .528 2, 411 1, 032 361 367 283 282 783 253 1, 171 4, 388 2 28 354 227 92 783 485 831 2 181 1 19 100 4 82 1301 219| 5,164,479 18,330,677 165, 894 22, 535 173, 748 81, 589 243, 426 91, 617 101, 037 50, 0351 22, 245 62, 46l! 170. 948 426, 953 394, 400 190, 775 206, 200 189, 889 98, 44' 410, 786 94, 966 544, 138 1. 422. 392 357, 639 284, 422; 555, 297[ 2, 602, 6411 326, 770 155, 452 359, 938 240, 900; 457, 632 838, 426 2, 371, 512 2, 021, 868 535, 837 845, 910 304, 500 556, 667 278, 835 215, 215 216, 690 2, 012, 490 2, 792, 036 A. — VIEGINIA^ BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. The State 5, 710 26, 968, 990 28, 779 6, 144 5,261 7, 425, 261 1 32, 883, 933 51, 780, 992 COUNTIKS. i Accomac 47 60, 750 134 16 1 21, 735 58, 090' 112, 291 Albemarle 112 278, 200 315 34 22 69, 908 310,2ili 486, 990 Alexandria 120 659, 390 683 12 32 189, 475 494, 747 914, 289 Alleghany 19 1, 065, 800 167 1 6 67, 688 121,4951 229, 603 Amelia 33 80, 600 75 9, 908 82, 552j 114, 394 134, 990 126 1 13, 602 116, 465* 146, 368 11 45, 400 47 4 6, 527 52, 346, 71, 427 208 973, 276 499 9 97, 864 668, 833' 932, 612 8 83, 300 5 716 19, 505 22, 584 Bedford , 120 244, 716 358 101 220 63, 263 389, 696: 559, 228 Bland 6 16, 750 4 1,250 18, 020 21, 964 Botetourt 106 390, 330 235 28 6 64, 2G6 216, 855 307, 484 33 50, 700 66 2 5, 608 83, 595 105, 250 44 75, 250 3 io, i22 95, 804! 125, 012 a Returned as having no manufactures. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1023 Table hlL— Manufactures : 1880— A.— VIRGINIA— Continued. Counties. Campbell Caroline Carroll Charles City Charlotte Chesterfield Clarke Craig Culpeper Cumberland Dinwiddie Elizabeth City . . Essex Fairfax Eauquier Floyd Fluvanna Franlilin Frederick Giles Glonoestcx Goochland Grayson Greene Greensville Halifax Hanover Henrico Henry Highland Isle of Wight..-. James City King and Queen King George King William . . Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Madison Mathews Mecklenburg . . . Middlesex Montgomery Nansemond Nelson New Kent . , Norfolk Northampton , . . Notihumberland Nottoway Orange Page Patrick Pittsylvania Powhatan Prince Edward . Prince George. . Princess Aune.. No 1G4 43 63 16 40 50 41 17 67 45 146 43 37 47 105 37 73 105 41 16 29 46 19 27 101 49 626 56 8 30 14 33 9 22 12 48 171 50 15 62 15 47 23 48 20 40 22 145 12 156 24 30 10 20 Dollars. 1, 020, 720 114,300 51, 800 26, 400 66, 275 475, 680 55, 200 19, i 93, 62, 825 1, 863, 740 79, 735 91, 150 239, 500 77, 040 75, 360 44, 380 97, 766 790, 034 93, 705 46, 550 77,810 57, 825 34, 000 68, 975 156, 270 02, 355 6, 991, 316 251. 825 13, 200 143, 450 28, 000 44, 975 16, 350 47, 125 33, 200 60, 563 265, 425 117, 450 20, 750 85, 950 23, 050 81, 475 26, 750 83, " 58, 050 81, 940 57, 435 929, 051 21, 200 33, 050 52, 400 56, 150 660, 750 32, 500 1, 006, 282 44, 450 50, 200 39, 400 32,460 AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. O n c8 S No. 1, 623 129 83 52 90 469 91 14 140 71 2, 282 196 161 114 97 84 141 477 177 48 69 41 31 92 248 154 386 320 12 154 58 62 20 104 279 104 29 114 26; 90 63 79 87 57 79 1, 400 56 82 76 42 34o 31 1, 457 49 87 64 41 No. I No. 530 715 34 1, 245 113 25 161 "5y 05'^ 742 37 16 20i 2, 878 61 65 2 2 351 566 Dollars. 478, 264 18, 349 10, 361 6,612 8, 675 154, 427 12, 485 1, 592 22, 175 9, 000 609, 043 39, 145 21, 265 24, 745 11, 602 16, 943 9, 955 12, 862 149, 880 12, 638 7, 816 7, .599 6, 978 4, 100 10, 416 18, 740 3, 038, 624 44, 994 2, 335 25, 134 7, 222 6, 390 2, 959 16, 965 4, 712 6, 466 45, 737 12, 670 2, 496 15, 635 4, 922 9, 275 10, 175 14, 054 18, 189 11, 604 10, 224 481, 986 6,550 18, 490 9,459 6,441 94, 236 3, 657 391, 649 4, 291 12, 45r5 7, 976 6, 615 Dollars. 1, 622, 071 83, 343 77, 934 32, 275 99, 666 470, 605 95, 175 32, 599 167, 090 139, 385 3, 320, 453 87, 814 105, 465 195, 765 96, 768 130, 341 69, 3201 149, 552 774, 282, 54, 978 54, 590 100, 522 83, 918 51, 758 57, 248 272, 403 91, 620 12, 279, 415 256, 186 31, 876 87, 590 42, 186 54, 975 28, 910 89, 106 25. 660 76, 304 295, 700 136, 026 34, 310 126, 484 33, 533 184, 065 48, 703 92, 265 59, 995 96, 167 57, 920 1 1, 298, 225 19, 071 38, 579 69, 758 87, 545 234, 978 45, 531 1, 330. 628 51, ^^85 79; 020 80, 930 42, 1001 1024 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table hll.— Manufactures : 1880— A.— VIKGINIA— Continued. Counties. Prince William Pulaski Eappalianuock . Richmond Eoanoke Rockbridge . . Rockingham. Rassell Scott Shenandoah . Smyth Southampton Spotsylvania Stafford Surry Sussex... Tazewell Warren Warwick (a) .. Washington . . . Westmoreland . Wise Wythe York No. 18 34 47 7 105 98 169 23 47 197 74 44 81 4 16 22 54 53 112 12 Dollars. 44, 675 203, 985 90, 025 23, 100 264, 250 491, 760 557, 261 45, 600 36, 552 628, 165 1, 272, 750 58, 525 423, 650 6, 700 82, 850 46, 100 98, 150 317, 150 AVEUAGE NUMUEU OP HANDS EMPLOYED. 219, 020 17, 400 6, 220 382, 530 30, 200 No. 48 212 106 15 295 137 348 34 51 462 352 130 345 6 130 No. 206 32 §1 No. 83 .2 •• ^ bo DoUars. 7,012 15, 284 17, 659 2, 307 67, 060 28, 654 64, 482 5, 470 6,811 95, 122 61, 187 16, 937 90, 497 473 15, 210 13, 10, 835 38, 625 35 44, 922 4,150 113, 652 9, 4751 DoUars 51,319 95, 129 151, 327 20, 930 317, 445 227, 510 605, 054 33, 801 110, 170 506, 447 246, 428 81,190 664, 784 10, 725 64, 785 53, 238 no, 280 260, 868 234, 182 23, 776 27, 240 242, 425 34,100 a Returned as having no manufactures. B. — VIRGINIA, BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. All industries. Agricultural implements . Boxes, wooden, packing. . . Bread and other bakery yiroducts. Brick and tile Carriages and wagons Clothing, men's Cooperage Cotton goods Drugs and chemicals Fertilizers Flouring- and grist-mill products. Foundery and machine-shop products. Furniture Iron and steel Leather, tanned Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Paper, not specified Prin tin 1^ and publishing .. Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Slaughtering and meat- packing. Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, chewing, smoking, and snuff. 5, 710 56 118 44 163 9 907 3 45 84 15 4 104 i 14s! 26. 968. 990 536, 030 134, 300 131,700 290, 085 258, 700 221, 202 77, 751 1, 190, 100 281, 000 415, 400 5, 791, 137 767, 400 225, 700 4, 329, 713 658, 973 67, 200 2, 122, 925 170, 000 344, 900 107, 710 130, 000 89, 000 223, 215 3, 551, 100 28, 779 6, 144 519 180 222 31 1, 180 . 404;. 258 463 . 2741 3441 293 2, 200 1, 401 317 2, 399 328 120 3,922 87 486 184 183 53 370 I 6, 729i 481 530 2 3 5, 261 11 18 20 245 11 2 15 281 5 7,425,2611 32,883,933 I 162, 634 66, 570 81, 661 j 188, 072 128, 769 147, 149 73, 430 169, 789 63, 535 46, 970 1 3, 671 33 244. 377 155, 235 442, 190; 80,4201 243, 400! 272,710' 146, 021! 640, 391 i 280, 740! 424, 000 409,639 10,574,211 396, 997! 663, 167 102, 564 665, 432 80, 251 i 37, 420 540, 231 i 40, 000 237, 918 72, 1831 67, 909 13, 750 134, 078 157, 770 1, 496, 151 706, 333 189, 950 1, 983, 777 128, 014 211, 854 171, 655 249, 667 967, 900 315, 598 514 1,859,447 7,705,717 I i COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1025 Table Lll.—Manuf act urea : 1880— B.— VIRGINIA— Continued. Mechanical and manufac- turing industries. AVERAGE NUMIiEK OP HANDS EMPLOYED. s- o Tobacco, cigars, and cigar ettes. Tobacco, stemming "Woolen g(»ods All other industries No. 56 27 48 2, 078 Dollars. 182, 080 435, 184 450, 750 3, 779, 735 No. 385 No. No. 21 369 470 25l| 95 4, 858 781 83 202 19 475 Dollars. 115, 230 Dollars. 210. 468 81, 215 767, 973 71, 720 383, 080 1, 370, 698 3, 071, 158 I A.— WASHINGTON TERRITORY, by totals of counties. The Territory COUNTIES. Chehalis 261 3, 202, 497 1, 110 25 12 532, 226 1,967, 469 3, 250, 134 5 1 12 10 5 11 6 29 14 25 9 15, 200 500 15, 000 60, ]00 18, 800 112, 800 223, 967 402, 970 1, 482, 900 49, 325 37, 500 8 1 14 39 5 60 57 174 276 29 22 2, 424 1, 580 6, 195 12, 625 1, 200 17, 950 32. 956 109 KOI 12, 250 1,800 12, 988 69, 326 9, 700 176, 300 169, 957 18, 892 3, 500 29, 006 108, 650 15, 100 273, 430 223, 084 469, 235 814, 600 77, 050 67, 247 Clarke 8 3 Jefferson King 119, 275 400 12, 360 41, 175 5, 980 46, 578 Klikitat 1 Pacific 3 6 2 60, 300 243, 300 25, 000 21 126 22 3 4 S 350 34 400 54, 000 288, 720 28, 000 Pierce 53, 411 10, 000 192, 051 8, 350 2 3 9 4 30 1,800 9, 225 6, 300 140, 150 250 7. 250 1,700 39, 100 6, 005 144, 460 7 4 66 2. 300 Stevens. 1,0141 3,113 34, 890 66, 085 "Wahkiakum (a) 15 1 Walla Walla 42 1 15 13 249, 400 4, 000 30, 000 13, 960 145 88, 607j 251, 058 1, 650 11, 000 8, 943! 34, 825 7, 625 11, 977 496, 760 16, 000 63, 000 31, 695 4 18 12 Yakima a Heturned as having no manufactures. B.—WASHINGTON TERRITORY, by selected industries. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTRIES. Lumber, sawed 261 3, 202, 497 1, 110 25 12 532, 226 1, 967, 469 3, 250, 134 37 224 2, 458, 450 746, 047 495 615 4 8 200, 539 331, 687 1, 188, 075 779, 394 1, 734, 742 1, 515, 392 All other industries 25 65 C C 102G COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LII. — Manufactures: 1880 — Continued. A. — WEST VIRGINIA, by totals of counties. Counties. The State. Barbour . Berlteley Boone ... Braxton . Brooke .. Cabell Calhoun ... Clay (a) ... Doddridge , Fayette Gilmer Grant Greenbrier. Hampshire Hancock. .. Hardy Harrison . Jackson .. Jefferson . Kanawha . Lewis Lincoln (a) — Lopan McDowell (a) Marion Marshall ... Mason Mercer Mineral Monongalia . Monroe . . . Morgan... Nicholas. . Ohio Pendleton Pleasants . . . Pocahontas Preston Putnam Ealeigh Randolph . Kitchie . . . Koane Summers Taylor Tucker . . Tyler ... Upshur . . "Wayne .. Webster . TVetzel Wirt "Wood Wyoming (a). No 2. 375 Dollars, 13, 883, 390 67, 405 530, 945 5, 400 84, 240 20G, 775 163, 275 8, 500 65, 786 554, 300 28, 010 39, 625 186, 385 150, 957 25G, 475 114, 612 221, 626 101, 780 449, 335 327, 480 111, 430 '"'?, 000 93 87 36 73 32 16 24 250 26 39 24 108 8 7 20 48 23 21 75 5 47 38 22 1 52 17 81 330, 175 1, 085, 526 1, 081, 575 300 98, 668 157, 850 103, 400 118, 320 26, 650 4, 897, 483 45, 050 64, 77 24, 875 409, 5.')5 20, 500 15, 300 27, 650 146, 647 28, 415 54, 320 496, 150 7, 000 135, 410 75, 225 32, 000 1, 500 198, 575 58, 600 510, 555 AVERAGE XUMJ5EU OF HAKDB EMl'LOVED. No 12, 900 72 22' 75 221 214 142 248 23 202 136 348 436 150 3 ""313 1, 105 92 161 77 122 37 4, 697 33 72 19 697 39 17 22 129 47 76 193 10 174 63 224 79 395 No 346 18 196 4 No 1, 065 24 105 57 Dollars 4, 313, 965 10, 037 54, 939 875 8,214 49, 158 60, 242 1, 550 32. 706 91, 130 3, 878 4, 784 1.5, 765 13, 133 87, 794 8, 513 46, 337 35, 485 85, 615 102, 871 35, 342 578 '79,'3i4 372, 938 207, 812 31, 461 30, 877 18, 597 46, 600 2, 484 2, 202, 550 5, 405 17, 504 3, 335 150, 6.57 9, 050 3, 350 2, 860 33, 118 7, 249 13, 029 50, 093 23, 345 10, 309 13, 774 400 63, 092 17, 999 146, 927 Dollars 14, 027, 388 435, 500 14, 200 31, 180 184, 479 225, 140 4, 605 167, 729 308, 861 42, 50, ino, 149, 106, 45, 29!, 238, 490, 312, 160, 005| 36t)| 678i 6581 725j 750 i 949 349 614' 030i 10, 6-80 432, 906| 1, 146, 821: 478, 862! 2, 000 107, 045 108, 134 129, 933 451,098 18,112 5, 254, 6 121,391 34, 240 386, 341 31, 345 24, 695 36, 395 150, 752 56, 460 55, 248 256, 716 172, 301 42, 3011 96,112| 1, 025 275, 508| 112, 647! 466, 739 a Eeturned as having no manutactures. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1027 Table -LIL— Manufactures : 1880— WEST VIRGINIA— Contiimed. B. — WEST VIRGINIA, by selected industries. Mechanical and manufac- turing industries. AVERAGE NUMBER OP HANDS EMPLOYED. I?. •2^ All industries Carriages and wagons Clothing, men's Cooperage Flouring- and giist-mill pioducts. Fouudery and machine-shop products. Glass Iron and steel Leather, curried Leather, tanned Liquors, malt Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Salt Slaughtering and meat- packing. Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- ettes. Woolen goods All other industries No. Dollars 2,375 13,883,390 No. 12. 900 No. 346 No 1. 065 Dollars 4, 313, 965 Dollars. 14, 027, 388 8 47 49 472 35 4 20 80 93! 15 472, 15' 67 55 928, 251. 000 119, 1.^0 66, 876 1, 777, 297 388, 300 550, 522 3, 913, 616 229, 535 515, 855 221, 017 284, 100 1, 6G8, 920 910, 500 100, 101 167, 815 293, 170 217 218! 278! 742 405 33 615 3, 780! . 112|. 2961 95 . 149 . 2, 0571 . 702 1. 100 2 126 34 300 226 2,425,556, 2, 678i 110 199 69, 160 71, 790 100, 767 140, 508 158, 474 311,650 1,541,816 45, 810 99, 338 36, 434 58, 566 459, 945 160, 227 13, 050 111, 739 44,161 890, 530 160, 486 153, 950 152, 800 3, 384, 797 168, 921 208, 064 3, 484, 625 586, 755 1, 089, 620 j 168, 741 2r,7, 800 1, 375, 372' 192,113 273, 840 258, 830 245, 843 1, 878, 825 A. — WISCONSIN, BY TOTALS OF COUNTIES. The State 7,674 73,821,802 48,255 COUNTIES. Adams Ashland Barron Baytitid Brown Buffalo Burnett Calumet Chippewa — Clark Columbia Crawford Dane Dodge Door Douglas Dunn Eau Claire ... Fond du Lac. Grant Green Green Lake. . Iowa Jackson Jefferson Juneau Kenosha Kewaunee ... La Crosse La Fayette .. 1028 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIL—Mamifacturea : 1880— A.— WISCONSIN— Continued. Counties. Langlade — Lincoln Manitowoc. .. Marathon Marinette ... Marquette ... Milwaukee .. Mom oe Ocouto Outagamie . . . Ozaukee Pepin Pierce Polk Portage Price Eacine. Eichland Eock Saint Croix . . Sauk Shawano Sheboygan .. Taylor Trempealeau Vernon "Walworth ... Washington . "Waukesha ... "Waupaca — "Waushara ... "Winnebago . . "^.'ood No. 268 127 23 55 886 76 52 157 137 25 96 26 92 4 224 111 255 112 157 40 354 10 65 61 155 235 181 147 54 321 60 AVKUAGE NUMBER OF HAXDb EMPLOYED. Dollars. 5,000 89, 700 1,138, 565 1, 404, 865 4, 576, 750 249, 550 19, 847, 664 385, 750 1, 5G(i, 850 1, 644, 428 555, 875 61, 375 522, 850 180, 750 815, 740 33, 100 4, 728, G08 237, 975 2, 129, 831 740, 197 540, 164 125, 200 1, 460, 757 152, 850 211, 525 149, 736 954, 519 618, 130 618, 150 505, 191 124, 600 3, 9G3, 441 892, 073 No. 92 .183 861 502 C3 lO 3 '"' No. No. 15 105 16,416 3, 244! 502' ... 934 100 306 30! 230: 130 533 21 3, 157 182 1,698 293 375 107 1, 467 95 108 103 612 377 369 356 74 2, 652 438 195 8 388 5 24 'i45 16 16 38 5 15 624 1 36 21 5 956 10 7 105 15 209 3 121 9 8 1 93 5 Dollars. 700 28, 436 385, 574 283, 081 269, 612 31, 657 7, 083, 520 73, 395 142, 801 424, 147 103, 719 8,306 63, 835 36, 600 163, 221 8, 406 1, 438, 836 43, 830 793, 715 107, 469 110, 232 22, 636 508, 9071 31, 450 29, 478 28, 370 237, 945 97, £09 135, 753 94, 585 18, 554 1, 066, 121 129, 755 Dollars. 5, 500 196. 000 1, 664, 237 1, 260, 926 1, 431, 750 206, 235 29, 543, 456 488. 223 896, 813 1, 851, 355 866, 803 89, 635 705, 576 206, 225 1, 014, 351 54, 325 3, 901, 619 348, 844 2, 690, 761 1, 105, 203 809, 330 147, 432 2, 749, 605 207, 015 369, 723 223, 656 829, 872 669, 470 760, 863 693, 449 220,313 5, 735, 595 797, 456 B. — WISCONSIN, BY SELECTED INDUSTRIES. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTUKING INDUSTRIES. All industries . Agricultural implements . . Boots and shoes Bread and other bakery products. Brick and tile Carriage and wagon mate- rials. Carriages and wagons Cheese and butter Clothing, men's Coffee and spices, roasted and ground. Confectionery Cooperage Cotton goods Flouring- and grist-mill products. products, rumiture.. 7, 674 73, 821, 802 48, 255 6,241 2, 613 18, 814, 917 85, 796, 178 128, 255, 480 108 3, 747, 095 548, 800 223, 401 1, 999 970 219 68 874, 667 881, 732 87, 040 1, 373, 547 1, 147, 140 471, 177 3, 742, 089 1, 736, 773 697,289 20 82 138 30 69 36 119 13 560, 872 285, 000 1, 205 366 8 1 182 31 231, 351 132, 260 161, 400 207, 800 607, 609 418, 020 156 414 212 10 2, 771,212 613, 643 2, 380, 403 258, 621 2, 481 497 2, 475 127 20 62 2, 637 19 86 2 56 15 1, 135, 443 98, 920 1, 208, 752 90, 550 2, 403, 6?8 1, 036, 357 2, 847, 660 695, 042 4, 350, 454 1, 5!)1, 087 4, 883, 797 935, 640 9 198 149, 254 429, 160 200, 000 9, 199, 735 2, 502, 252 117 1, 292 61 2,418 2, 542 32 21 88 45, 798 518, 008 67, 209 861, 302 1, 168, 257 386, 162 757, 266 194, 556 24, 306, 982 1, 910, 106 488, 446 1, 563, 208 328, 389 27, 639, 430 3, 965, 652 1 705 i49 56 3 129 6 61 177 815, 424 1, 005 15 44 409, 209 500,462 1, 225, 933 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1029 Table hll— Manufactures : 1880— B.— WISCONSIN— Continued. Mechai)ical and manufae taring industries. Furniture, chairs Hardware Iron and steel Leather, curried Leather, tanned Liquors, distilled Liquors, malt Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Malt Marble and stone work Matches Oil, linaoed Paper, not specified Printing anil publishing... Saddhny and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Shipbuilding Slaughtering and meat- packing. Soap and candles Straw goods Tinwaie, coppcrware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, chewing, smok- ing, and snuff. Tobacco, cigars, and cigar- ettes. Ti unks and valises Woohm goods All other industries A.— WYOMIjSra TEREITORY, BY TOTALS OF counties. The Territory 57 364, 673 380 11 187, 798 601, 214 898, 494 1 COUNTIES. Albany 14 9 251, 203 19, GOO 223 29 10 101, 430 8, 600 459, 912 24, 492 591, 880 41, 955 Johnson (a) Laramie 28 6 77, 870 16, 000 117 11 1 76, 787 981 109, 457 7,353 253, 356 11, 303 Uinta {a) a Keturned as having no manufactures. B.— WYOMING TERRITORY, by selected industries. MECHANICAL AND MANU- FACTURING INDUSTUIES. All industries 57 364, 673 380 11 187, 798 601, 214 898, 494 Iron and steel 1 56 212, 603 152, 070 174 206 10 1 79, 650 108, 148 4C3, 5G8 197, 646 491,345 407,149 All other industries I AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. § =5 St3 No. 10 10 9 61 73 6 203 27: 704' 3l 72 1 3 13 82 344 83 24 13 15 1 279 3 152 48 3. 074 Dollars. 596, 080 128, 150 2, 843, 218 1, 299, 425 1, 097, 825 394, 000 7, 253, 2U5 256, 350 19, 824, 059 140, 000 297, 710 325, 000 IGG, 000 943, 000 729, 800 494, 085 1, 616, 700 208, 700 959, 000 331, 000 424, 750 249, 500 1, 349, 954 5, 817, 844 No. 933 199 2, 088 657 815 44 1, 680 258 7, 748 31 366 50 30 401 827 573 1, 837 474 1. 003 173, 500 89 85, 000 125 533, 075 556 200 1,074 371 426 7, 626 No. 187 1 4 250 320 44 3' 1. 375 No. 136 37 65 1 14 467 20 50 128 Dollars. 381, 856 79,110 1, 004, 931 281, 412 337, 211 18, 400 823, 124 75, 873 2, 257, 218 15, 070 155, 803 50, 200 14, 480 235, 955 429, 777 197, 249 636, 281 223, 573 203, 805 38, 905 . . i 50, 000 12 226, 628 20 95 60 43 514 78, 500 445, 504 139, 220 214, 993 2, 883. 281 Dollars. 367, 368 112, 760 3, 830, 667 3, 769, 914 3, 367, 360 205, 296 3, 536, 438 322, 6.50 12, 471, 473 278, 500 207, 879 454, 800 253, 400 773, L50 337, 290 574, 384 1, 715, 145 268, 303 5, 898, 483 272, 100 125, 000 498, 195 786, 645 575, 377 231, 100 892, 793 5, 270, 363 Dollars. 951, 240 270, 445 6, 580, 391 4, 496, 729 4, 324, 433 302,213 6, 312, 173 519, 378 17, 952, 347 316, 000 504, 713 532, 932 320, 400 1, 277, 736 1, 093, 510 1, 064, 235 2, 975, 687 576, 305 6, 533, 926 396, 740 250, 000 996, 608 978, 281 1, 346, 925 463, 600 1, 480, 069 11, 354, 668 1030 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIII. — Manufactures of 20 prindjyal cities: 1880. [See remarks on papes 926 and 927.] CITY OF BALTIMORE. Mechanical and manufacturing industries. No. of establish- meuts. All industries . Ajrricultural implements Awnings and tents Bags, paper Baking and yeast powders Baskets, lattan and willow ware . Blacksmitliing Bookbinding and blank-book making Boot and shoe uppei s Boots and shoes, including custom work and repairing . Boxes, cigar Boxes, fancy and paper Boxes, wooden, packing Brass castings Bread and other bakery products . Brick and tile Brooms and brushes Carpentering Carpets, rag Carriages and sleds, children' Carriages and wagons Clothing, men's Clothing, "women's Coffee and spices, roasted and ground Coffins, burial cases, and undertakers' goods Confectionery Cooperage Coppersmithing Cotton goods Cutlery and edge tools . Dentistry, mechanical . Drugs and chemicals Dyeing and cleaning Electroplating Engraving and die-sinking. Engraving, wood Fertilizers Files Flavoring extracts Flouring- and grist-mill products Food preparations , Foundery and machine-shop products Fruits and vegetables, canned and preserved Furniture Furniture, chairs Furs, dressed Gas machines and meters . . . Glass Gold and silver leaf and foil Grease and tallow Hairwork Hardware Hats and caps, not including wool hats . . Instruments, professional and scientific . Iron and steel Iron railing, wrought Jewelry Kindling wood . . Leather,' curried - Leather, tanned . Liquors, malt 5 3 3 4 IG 116 17 11 623 13 8 13 10 316 28 28 114 17 3 37 188 27 13 52 53 43 8 3 10 14 17 26 5 7 4 18 4 5 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1031 Table LIII. — Manufactures of 20 principal citieB : 1880. [See remarks on pages 926 and 927.] CITY OF BALTIMORE. AVERAGE NUMBER OP HANDS EMPLOYED. A.\j\jcbl. cXiXiU Lliiu P^id in Materials. Products. !]^ales above 16 Females al)Ove Children and years. 15 years. J'OUtllS. the year. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 34, 086 18, 137 4, 115 15, 117, 489 47, 974, 297 78, 417, 304 118 15 49, 250 101, 000 229, 550 1 11 30 7, 900 16, 800 30, 100 2 24 22 4 17. 704 152, 270 230, 700 3 12 14 16, 000 111, 040 107, 808 4 16 2 5, 168 5, 335 18, 826 5 270 6 123, 894 98, 225 348, 835 6 99 83 25 01, 593 59, 304 163, 988 7 27 18 1 11, 755 17, 375 37, 075 8 2, 117 507 70 939, 861 1, 632, 493 I. 5, .000 52, 060 8, 388 323, 480 260, 889 4, 442 35, 896 II, 293 33, 753 4, 000 2, 050 1, 395 8, 000 200, 988 144, 861 39, 941 68, 467 7, 902 25, 005 5, 532 20, 780 82, 042 409, 251 8, 460 7, 099 16, 769 223, 187 190, 111 2, 321 4, 181 11, 620 5G4, 873 307, 867 15, 785 11, 000 26, 979 85, 300 43, 145 3, .526 115, 004 57, 761 31, 000 17, 000 569, 642 165, 107 402, 099 19, 228 2, 080 16, 820 7,012 14, 883 54, 057 13, 936 3, 200 24, 000 8, 203 766, 948 Materials. Dollars. 12, 143 160, 492 33, 000 547, 000 10, 784 447, 030 399, 777 32, 443 148. 240 14, 242 108, 035 7, b50 1, 700 1,975 24, 810 157, 699 168, 898 192, 185 438, 027 15, 251 22, 426 48, 250 18, 500 176, 186 560, 657 14, 550 13, 040 30, 450 388, 092 334, 113 2,744 2,819 9.450 707, 026 425, 947 27, 389 15, 760 49, 542 2, 559, 062 215, 238 2, 200 74, 923 264, 507 756, 703 15, 600 2, 250, 500 1, 152, 906 617, 585 36. 810 8, 500 51, 781 58, 112 6,454 54, 013 25, 800 11, 500 26, 000 9, 020 4. 945. 900 Products. Dollars. 42, 286 402, 423 60, 700 752, 000 30, 205 954, 285 767, 946 44, 125 2.''9, 400 38, 319 199, 607 20, 240 8, 100 7, 400 41, 000 534, 099 458, 943 338, 6.38 646, 493 42, 499 95, 228 71, 300 52, 000 412, 886 1, 374, 168 39, 050 27, 990 78, 917 857, 810 681, 755 10, 281 11. 077 35, 595 1, 445. 080 949, 524 74, 320 35, 415 112, 061 2, 742, 645 323, 350 9, 500 254, 594 362, 982 840, 986 61, 500 3, 371, 081 1, 531,424 1, 551, 014 75, 466 17, 400 98, 539 87, 012 41,415 166, 325 52, 925 18, 900 77, 000 26, 436 6, 655, 810 spilrcs. cut and wrought ; iron work, architectural and ornamental ; ivory and bone work ; japanning kaolin and ground earths ; lamps and reflectors ; lard, refined ; lasts ; lead, bar, pipe, sheet, and shot leather, dressed skins; lightning-rods; lime; liquors, distilled ; lithographing; lumber, sawed; oil.illu minatiug, not includinii petroleum refiuing ; oil, lai d ; oleomargarine ; pipes, tobacco ; printing materials regalia and society banners and emblems ; rubber and elastic goods ; safes, doors, and vaults, fire-proof shoddy ; spectacles and eyeglasses ; sporting goods ; stationeiy goods ; telegraph and telephone appa- ratus; toys and games ; type founding ; upholstering materials ; and wooden ware. 1034 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIII. — Manufactures of 20 principal cities : 1880 — Continued. CITY OF BOSTON. Mechanical and manufacturins industries. No. of establish- ments. All industries Artificial feathers and flowers Awnings and tents BakiIl<^ and yeast ])0wder3 Beltirp: and hose, leather . , Billiard tables and materials Blaclvina Blacksmithing Bookbinding and blank -book making Boot and shoe cut stock Boot and shoe findings Boots and shoes, including custom work and repairing Boxes, fancy and paper Boxes, wooden, packing Brass castings Bread and other bakery products Bridges Brooms and brushes Carpentering Carriage and wagon materials Carriages and wagons Cars, railroad, street, and repairs Clothing, men's Clothing, women's Cofieo and spices, roasted and ground Coffins, burial cases, and undertakers' goods Confectionery Cooperage Coppersmithing Cordage and twine. Cork cutting Corsets , Cotton goods , Cutlery and edge tools Drugs and chemicals Dyeing and cleaning Electrical apparatus and supplies Electroplating Engraving and die-sinking Engraving, steel Engraving, wood Eancy articles Fertilizers Files Flavoring extracts Flouring- and grist-mill products Foundery and machine-shop products Fruits and vegetables, canned and preserved Furnishing goods, men's Furniture. Furniture, chairs ^ Furs, dressed Glass, cut, stained, and ornamented Gold and silver leaf and foil Grease and tallow Hairwork Hand-stamps Hai'dware Hardware, saddlery Hats and caps, not including wool h.ats Housefurnishing goods 3. 665 155 46 13 11 83 18 5 26 113 16 305 3 23 3 222 24 12 134 8 15 123 7 13 10 5 4 13 5 11 3 27 5 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1035 Table LIII. — Manufactures of 20 principal cities : 1880 — Continued. CITY OF BOSTON. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMTLOYED. Males above 16 years. 39, 810 ]6 12 40 28 43 38 576 423 57 104 1, 015 80 46 244 484 138 246 2,419 23 419 100 2, 246 229 88 33 275 119 141 343 34 19 33 41 104 71 91 137 11 Females above 15 years. 254 64 22 3, 813 97 25 2, 2t)9 102 42 77 31 98 9 12 46 39 222 25 18, 150 Children and youths. Total amount paid in ■wapcs dui-ing the year. 209 71 306 442 128 167 6, 844 1, 740 33 255 108 16 242 81 10 141 1 4 33 3 18 13 181 152 70 2 73 12 16 65 4 1 167 10 1.253 190 17 Dollars. 24. 924, 009 25, 540 21,180 25, 530 10. 3-83 20, 000 28, 080 278, 741 402, 082 61, 075 63, 012 514, 356 115, 4.32 16, 507 121, 532 265, 927 61, 620 168, .'521 1, 10.3, 648 15, 363 222, 567 45, 329 3, 418, 126 423, 573 70, 0r^9 18, 956 193, 436 51,532 85, 350 134. 995 15, 749 59, 240 54, 200 19, 198 51, 5e4 55, 782 48, 308 41, 241 83, 850 6, 950 40, 125 11, 580 136, 427 23, 448 19, 960 40, 792 2, 068, 609 83, 997 47, 300 1, 078, 199 49, 261 31,016 48, 511 2U, 085 54, 880 20, 441 4, 867 22, 575 17, 7J0 146, 252 11, 575 Materials, Dollars. 81, 688, 160 21, 350 43, 840 160, 2^0 160, 000 42, 700 204, 000 192, 544 359, 790 243, 600 258, 975 1, 158, 366 176, 937 50, 998 198, 203 946, 803 206, 300 491, 392 1, 841,71'! 70, 000 259, 891 61, 399 9, 844. 108 1, 028. 135 1, 243, 971 18, 625 1, 059, 225 86, 374 115, 800 774, 925 62, 467 105, 000 161, 000 17, 670 321, 132 27, 360 44, 506 53, 990 68, 302 3, 040 4, 250 23, 100 805, 490 11, 700 172, 400 1, 009, 010 2, 739, 690 496, 250 219, 250 2, Oil, ^07 170, 279 179, 177 34.*630 65, 900 436, 210 33, 360 8, 750 22, 430 9, 500 196, 592 22, 750 Products. Dollars. 130, 531, 993 124, 900 77, 150 305, 230 204, 000 88, 300 324, 400 665, .525 9S6, 416 352, 200 389, 883 1, 928, 740 380, 062 80, 900 410, 553 1, 471. 582 325, 500 828, 290 3, 748, 358 110, 770 632, 085 127, 225 16,157, 892 1. ^{)>^, 520 1, 448, 869 52. 950 1,606,214 188,560 I 27 249. 100 1, 124, 400 106, 125 226. 600 275, 000 58, 500 450, 961 135, 371 119, 289 147, 550 224, 031 18, 700 83, 975 48, 200 1, 231,170 57, 133 266, 500 1, 101, 000 , 234, 775 6>'l, 188 377, 925 , 867, 917 257, 238 263, 250 114, 340 96, 175 564. 8(^8 73, 400 20, 356 79, 900 36, 300 441,276 46, 200 1036 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table 1,111.— Manufactures of 20 principal cities: 1880— BOSTON— Continued. Mechanical and manufacturing industries. No. of establish- ments. Hosiery and knit goods lustrumeuta, professional and scientific Iron and steel Iron bolts, nuts, washers, and rivets Iron forgings Japanning Jewelry Kin 27 277 52 74 33 14 534 200 75 1, 014 576 50 267 233 1, 033 1, 178 169 15 90 106 84 39 512 1, 107 11 1, 091 69 67 23 121 568 5 2, 342 12 64 238 407 390 86 39 41 841 34 17 81 11 211 Females above 15 years. 1S9 18 8 13 73 186 28 9G 72 33 395 1,370 7 94 123 109 462 2 1 8 11 2 2 56 17 59 10 3 1 436 1 506 21 3 262 2 Children and youtlis. 3 2 6 125 Total amount paid in wafres during the year. Dollars. II 1,275 53, 446 444, 093 21,060 107, 779 12, 890 133, 382 ]9,085 52, 210 19, 700 7, 820 240, 250 82, 753 35, 000 486, 448 336, 327 21,019 147, 775 109, 754 387, 113 515, 208 124, 063 33, 300 51,340 176, 010 39, 564 19, 550 319, 804 693, 867 6, 500 490, 361 38, 830 49, 647 12, 690 92, 581 6,530 291, 156 1, 650 1, 783, 913 8, 460 22, 450 109, 142 362, 106 164, 357 39, 625 23, 770 29, 358 536, 458 44, 626 8, 900 106, 845 5, 811 153, 203 33, 739 73, 335 11, 500 5, 920 2, 750 41, 635 97, 989 16, 6G0 59, 021 33, 450 51,227 202, 061 Materials. Dollars. 291, 825 20, 400 1, 552, 002 17, OUO 250, 947 4, 290 228, 815 24, 223 338, 725 56, 575 3, 600 2, 035, 3,-^2 439, 840 415, .500 2, 461, 159 437, 360 22, 865 268, 895 261, 500 674, 141 612, 351 460, 722 224, 900 137, 084 581, 472 13, 640 7, 307 414, 090 943, 069 300, 000 391, 689 281, 400 345, 850 69, 550 66, 047 34, 500 467, 607 2, 550 1, 955, 608 12, 000 44, 400 249, 705 1, 304, 347 248, 052 124, 480 11, 440 36, 870 724, 422 206, 800 10, 460 222, 815 4, 176 6, 509,139 124, 600 279, 638 4, 630 2, 950 9, 500 103, 870 228, 918 14, 525 34, 908 23, 735 122, 974 15, 544, 084 1038 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table IjIII.— Manufactures of 20 principal cities: 1880— BOSTON— Continued. Meclianical and manufacturing industries. No. of establish- ments. Surpical appliances Taxidermy Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware Tobacco, cigars, and cigarettes Trunks and valises Type founding Umbrellas and canes Upholstering Varnish ... "Watch and clock repairing Watch cases "Whalebone and rattan Wheolwrighting Window blinds and shades Wirework Wooden ware Wood, tuined and carved Miscellaneous industries (a) 5 30, 500 3 1,800 94 322, 280 88 135, 556 20 104, 500 3 72, 200 3 17, 000 41 122, 757 3 65, 000 6 6,700 5 65, 000 4 24, 500 56 90, 225 12 19, 250 15 69, 400 3 6. 000 44 327, 960 116 4, 142, 030 a The 116 establishments classed as "miscellaneous industries" are grouped in order that the busi- ness of individual establishments may not be disclosed to the public. In this group are embraced : agri- cultural implements ; artificial limbs ; bags, other than paper ; bags, paper ; baskets, rattan and willow ware; belting and hose, linen; boot and shoe uppers; boxes, cigar; brick and tile; buttons; carpets, other than rag ; carpets, rag ; carpets, wood ; carriages and sleds, children's ; cement ; cheese and butter; chocolate; cleansing and polishing preparations; clocks; cloth-tinishing; collars and cuffs, paper; cordials and sirups; cottou-ties ; drain and sewer pipe; dyeing and finishing textiles; dyestuffs and extracts ; engravers' materials ; explosives and fireworks; fire-arms; food preparations; foundery supplies; gas and lamp fixtures ; gas machines and meters; glass; glue; graphite; giind- CITY OF BROOKLYN. All industries Artificial feathers and flowers Awnings and tents , Bags, paper ' Baskets, rattan and willow ware Blacksmithing Bookbinding and blank-book making Boots and shoes, including custom work and repairing Boxes, cigar Boxes, fancy and paper Boxes, wooden, packing Brass castings Brass ware Bread and other bakery products Brick and tile ' Brooms and brushes Buttons Carpentering Carpets, rag Carriages and wagons Cars, railroad, street, and repairs Cleansing and polishing preparations Clothing, men's Clothing, women's Cofi"ee and spices, roasted and ground Coffins, burial cases, and undertakers' goods Confectionery Cooperage Coppersmithing Cordage and twine Cork cutting 5.201 12 3 12 222 4 546 3 12 7 18 7 532 6 33 5 300 13 90 7 328 25 5 3 104 42 10 12 8 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1039 Table LIII. — Manufactures of 20 principal cities: 1880 — BOSTON — Continued. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Males above 16 years. 7 520 333 158 75 7 179 16 12 103 31 218 46 107 21 441 2.265 Females above Children and 15 years. youths. 19 2 23 103 1 1, 103 11 8 100 Total amount paid in wages during the year. Dollars. 28, 300 2, 900 258, 033 190, 976 82, 665 65, 500 8, 811 105, 103 9, 600 5, 504 86, 142 ]9.n5 98, 735 18, 140 55. 106 8, 950 208. 829 1, 399, 393 Materials. Dollars. 43, 000 5, 100 531, 861 253,413 235, 503 55, 500 28, 425 210, 207 176, 000 1,102 274,480 41,044 73, 477 40, 700 104, 771 13, 800 433, 855 4, 990, 581 Products. Dollars. 100, 000 14, 000 1, 055, 472 524, 283 400. 708 162, 000 50, 046 390, 848 235, 000 12, 000 427, 371 69, 417 232, 965 70, 345 214, 567 33, 500 791, 355 8, 041, 397 stones ; hat and cap materials ; hones and whetstones ; ink ; iron doors and shutters ; iron nails and spikes, cut and wrought; ironwork, architectural and ornamental; jewelry and instrument cases; lamps and reflectors; lard, refined; lead, bar, pipe, sheet, and shot; leather goods; lime; lumber, sawed; malt; matches; millstones; mirrors; needles and pins; nets and seines; oilcloth, floor; oleomargarine; pens, gold; photographic apparatus; plated and btitaunia ware ; regalias and society banners and emblems; rules, ivory and wood; safes, doors, and vaults, fire-proof; saws; shoddy; silverware: smelting and refining; starch; telegraph and teleplione apparatus; tena-cotta ware; tobacco, chewing, smoking, and snulf ; toys and games ; tools; veneering; vinegar; washing-machines and clothes- wringers ; watches ; and woolen goods. CITY OF BROOKLYN. 37, 105 7, 020 3, 462 22, 487. 457 15 '""24' 371 10 944 49 50 540 117 62 1, 017 134 134 23 1, 896 14 484 92 44 973 44 42 41 165 1,111 27 665 50 106 7 5 3 3 216 47 120 1 274 561 503 31 4 242 361 16 16, 170 9, 319 1,420 11, 033 232, 262 7, 008 502, 834 27, 083 45, 0S9 243, 812 59, 540 33, 122 596, 660 72, 774 59, 372 30, 537 1, 325, 540 4, 543 289, 155 65, 329 24, 935 680, 311 189, 480 28, 998 22, 362 79, 477 595, 010 11, 305 380, 223 31, 220 129, 085, 091 177, 223, 142 16, 321 14, 559 8, 390 14, 2C6 190, 655 45, 240 35,843 12, 765 35, 238 622, 780 3, 030 852, 108 42, 100 79, 000 1, 286, 630 17, 691 1, 819, 993 77, 700 158, 826 1, 767, 040 244, 747 57, 843 3, 695, 720 69, 326 90, 074 364, 875 112,759 5, 594, 975 201,084 207, 792 16, 303 2, 967, 855 11,333 328, 425 59, 206 54, 813 5, 124, 407 21, 741 829, 492 137, 055 36, 919 1, 571, 974 390, 223 183, 342 24, 503 114, 750 2, 9:57, 262 711,249 280, 874 03, 209 501, 766 1, 583, 987 24,^55 3, 206, 319 100, 443 822, 843 2, 512, 741 47, 029 3, 915, 566 161, 853 1040 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table lulll.— Manufactures of 20 principal cities : 1880 — BROOKLYN— Continued. Mechanical and manufacturinf; industries. Cutlery and edge tools Dentistry, niccuanical Druf;s aiid chemicals Dyeinfi- and cleaning Eiectroplatiug Fancy articles Fettiiizers Files Flouring- and grist-mill products , Food preparations Foundery and machine-shop products Fuiuiture Furniture, chairs Furs, dressed , Glass , Glass, cut, stained, and ornamented Gold and silver leaf and foil Grease and tallow Hair work , Hardware Hats and caps, not including -wool hats Ink Instruments, professional and scientific Iron bolts, nuts, washers, aiul rivets Iron railing, wrought Ivory and hone work Jute and jute goods Kindling wood Leather, dressed skins Lime and cement Liquors, malt Lock- and gun-smithing Looking-glass and picture frames Lumber, planed , Malt Marble and stone work Masonry, brick and stone Mats aiid matting Mattresses and spring beds Millinery and lace goods Mineral and soda waters , Mixed textiles Models and patterns Musical iustruments and materials (not specified) Musical instruments, organs, and materials Musical instruments, pianos, and materials Oil, lubricating Oil, resin Painting and paperhanging Paints Paperhangings Paper patterns , Patent medicines and compounds Photographing Pickles, preserves, and sauces Plumbing and gasfitting Printing and publishing Pumps, not including steam pumps Hooting and roofing materials Eubber and elastic goods Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Sewing machines and attachments Shipbuilding Shii ts No. of establish- Capital. ments. Dollars. 5 2, 600 C7 59, 200 38 3, 449, 650 20 23, 250 6 10, 650 14 81, 400 3 545, 000 12 25, 750 9 dfio Finn 00 uxJy) 9 155, 250 121 4, 079. 2.50 88 405, 080 11 41, 110 22 416, 2G5 12 930, 600 8 22, 150 3 4, .500 3 51, 070 34 432, 550 32 533, 915 3 220, 000 12 116, 200 12 tIA CQQ 15 73, 147 8 10, 842 3 390, 000 28 211. 900 20 oyi, oou 7 77, 000 41 3, 838, 500 28 27, 100 17 32, 050 12 b/t), oUO 4 262, 000 92 738, 300 75 123, 295 7 1P3, 650 7 91 1 nn Dl, lUU 13 140, 700 21 107, 800 11 338, 300 9 11, 250 9 J.O, ouu 4 7,700 11 195, 775 3 22, 000 3 82, 523 271 995; ylOK 26 2, 602, 800 3 285, 000 4 105, 100 6 550, 000 35 88, 950 7 34, 409 216 352, 890 64 889, 284 6 10, 150 29 82, 975 6 298, 837 88 105. 877 24 368, 350 15 10, 725 58 768, 050 25 97, 300 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. lO-il Table JjIU.— Manufactures of 20 pnncipal cities : 1880— BROOKLYN— Continued. AVERAGE KUMBHR OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Males above 16 Females above i^t.2Y ^..^l Cniiaren and years. 15 years. youths. 6 2 808 129 24 40 8 11 4 15 63 3 14 84 5 58 3 15 139 5 63 12 4 3,750 140 608 Q 18 88 2 251 199 23 1, 158 36 660 14 6 5 11 17 82 1 391 28 22 905 378 109 23 108 2 10 91 12 79 1 54 14 197 282 235 2 53 511 21 31 49 1,082 26 3 39 7 492 38 37 730 1 551 1 183 12 70 24 33 84 10 63 5 98 122 39 25 39 8 1 6 115 1 8 7 23 938 14 22 856 80 5 230 50 92 13 84 57 59 1 64 18 2 17 1 668 23 693 257 72 17 196 3 185 60 28 128 42 15 393 40 24 10 5 957 57 240 7 Total amount paid in wages during the year. Dollars. 3,626 17, 741 473, 353 22, 349 9, 371 34,827 51, 000 29, 11>2 98,655 33,853 2, 283, 934 315,439 I 50,658 ; 137,374 630,857 9, 614 ! 2,434 i (i,869 i 23,683 1 193, 186 j 626, 504 18, 750 65, 515 43,456 53, 468 23, 949 132, 621 116, 932 248, 932 20, 914 538, 594 10, 793 28, 866 230, 827 24, 375 521,858 874, 569 116, 029 13, 268 48,710 29,475 99, 430 18, 530 20,543 6, 139 68,984 3,941 14, 590 553, 040 478, 376 175, 733 40, 538 56, 411 37, 455 5, 908 377, 195 522, 075 9, 708 98, 443 120, 885 73, 437 190, 509 16, 780 746, 856 105, 723 Materials. Products. Dollars. 1, 705 28, 521 3, 446, 549 178, 667 3,630 27. 535 1, 063, 8<>7 21, 978 2, 615, 270 192,882 3, 148, 992 439,135 49, 195 565, IM 489, 593 15, 698 28, 174 304, 740 44, 043 401, 251 999, 218 124, 000 35, 018 103, 552 56, 748 22, 571 415, 788 276,907 1, 258, 407 45, 192 2, 729, 792 11, 867 56, 725 1, 271, 317 323, 915 554,084 594, 426 203, 427 67,640 339, 634 63, 196 263, 097 5, 643 56, 4&^ 4, 237 122, 810 31, 221 189, 622 496, 527 4, 023, 500 783,753 44,000 274, 474 26, 685 38,830 701. 530 452, 610 8,156 160, 974 064, 335 151, 848 398, 679 6,244 1, 044, 724 260, 511 Dollars. 10, 450 137, 271 4, 900, 338 236^ 007 21,632 90, 739 1, 252, 756 68, 509 2. 896. 503 6, 984, 832 952, 472 121, 703 830, 804 1, 318, 081 33, 4a 43, 178 338, 215 101, 395 750,297 1, 978, 145 189, 410 144.611 186. 245 141,897 61,355 650, 560 483, 368 1, 755, 144 98,606 4, 871, 772 43,984 106,056 1, 707, 821 433,290 1,329,234 1, 079, 809 385, 340 137, 670 476, 262 155, 177 423, 239 37, 530 102, 724 18, 076 252, 983 4:^, 645 238, 471 1, 389, 719 5, 284, 201 1, 382, 862 512, 550 730, 046 141,947 69,500 1, 399. 092 1, 549. 743 24, 190 447, 259 922, 857 300, 425 738, 722 34, 158 1, 999, 788 439,060 66 c 0 1042 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tahlk LUI.—Manufactures of 20 principal cities: 1880— BROOKLYN— Continoed. Moclianical and manufacturing industries. 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 i 105 106 107 108 ! 109 j 110 I Silk and fiilk poods SlauplitfiiH;tors ; lead, bar, pipe, .sheet, and shot; leather, tanned; liciTKirs. distilled; litho-raiihiug; oilcloth, lioor; oil, essential; oil, linseed; oleomargarine; paper (not specified); paving matt^iials; pencils, lead ; ])eiis, gold; ph(itogra]ofing and roofing materials. Saddlery and harness Shipbuilding Sliirts. Blaufjhtering and meat-packing, not including retail butchering estal)- lishmonts. Soap and caudles « Starch Stereotyping and electrotyping Stone- and earthen- ware Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, cicjars, and cigarettes Trunks and valises Upholstering Vmegar Watch and clock repairing "Wheelwrighting Wire work \7ood, turned and carved. Miscellaneous industries (a) a The 81 establishments classed as "miscellaneous industries" are grouped in order that the busi ness of individual establishments may not be disclosed to the public. In this group ai e embraced! artiliq^: limbs; awnings and tents; baskets, rattan and willow ware; bluing; boot and shoe find, iugs; '^K)ot and shoe uppers; boxes, cigar; bridges; carriage and wagon materials; cars, railroad, street, and repairs; coffins, burial cases, ~and undertakers' eoods; cordao;e and tmne ; dentLste' mate- ric Is ; ilrainand sewer pijjc; electrical apparatus and supplies; electroplating; envelopes ; fertUixers; liavuring exuTu ts ; fruits and vogetabks, canned and preserved; furniture, chairs; glass, outs, stained, and onianic'uted ; gloves and mittens ; glue ; gold and silver leaf and foil ; gold and silver, reduced ana COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1045 Table LIII. — Manufactures of 2(i principal cities: I60O — BUFFALO — Coulinued. AVKllAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Males above 16 83 6 54 12 4 10 32 120 2,011 371 19 775 223 12 688 180 64 375 3G0 128 7 40 561 275 477 123 10 44 175 78 28 152 424 19 212 38 93 709 10 289 153 184 30 10 213 250 43 5 18 25 72 93 86 1, 490 Females above 15 years. 15 47 10 6 214 Children and youths. 152 52 3 17 41 2 25 25 Total amount jiaid iu ■waL;oH during the year. 4 42 19 175 Dollars. 46, 039 3, 635 25, 000 •4, 090 2, 850 16, 100 Va, 625 58, 984 936, .543 218, 549 14, 378 485, 000 106, 025 6, 1.50 212, 278 69, 000 26, 233 140, 442 179, 962 99, 400 4. 050 13, 205 243, 820 91, 840 189, 649 47, 700 6, 074 22, 450 98, 070 60, 471 15, 388 77, 890 261, 803 9,875 88, 700 13, 951 41,483 328, 390 21, 760 170,433 81, 095 77, 691 20. 400 4,675 115,417 114, 470 16, 596 1,900 9, 842 14, 538 31, 795 55, 305 35, 910 643,535 i Materials. Dollars, 50, 900 6,800 137. 635 3, 230 1, 100 1,825 6, 000 2, 081, 532 1, 9.15, 038 370, 003 86, 500 2, 000. 000 174. 844 17, 050 635, 353 225, 000 439, 2.50 1, 446, 800 916, 171 185, 910 10, 850 45, 780 784, 541 1, 512, 752 182,829 50, 250 31, 945 13. 114 110, 185 261, 345 13, 275 151,500 372,318 7,850 113,500 36, 791 80, 498 455, 252 24,300 3, 023, 924 881. 114 378, 176 9, 600 2, 275 209, 470 241, 758 43, 500 8, 200 53,406 10,493 38, 8.-4 114, 614 56, 630 2, 663, 781 Products. Dollars. 115. 100 22, 500 204, 900 12, 500 7. 500 I 30, 550 26 29, 500 251. 848 577,029 773, 091 136, 750 3, 075, 000 382. 003 30, 200 887, 012 400, 000 510, 500 1, 7.57, 600 1, 636, 020 381, 800 20, 500 86, 700 1, 219, 406 2, 002, 893 433, 023 144, 350 64, 032 42. 679 258, 488 654, 027 64, 800 288, 200 975, U22 25, 200 264, 500 62, 728 16.5, 844 859, 756 66, 500 3, 441, 280 1, 176, 840 625, 390 58, 000 17,800 492, 317 464. 946 79, 800 15,600 84, 200 42, 099 107, 603 203, 500 115, 526 4, 028, 591 74 refined; grease and talloAV; hairwort; bousefarnisbiiif; goods ; inlc ; iron bolts, nuts, wa.sliers, and rivets; iron pipe, WTOualit; iron railinjr. wrought; iron work, architectural and ornaniental; jiiv.olry; ln<^ts ; l«fld, bar, pipe, sh> et, and shot ; liquors, distilled ; lumber, sawed ; mantels, slate, marble, aiid niarbloized ; masonry, brick aud stone; millinery and lace goods; models and patterns; musical instruments, orfrans, aud materials; oil, linseed; oil, lubricating; paints ; paperhangings ; paviugmate- ri.ils; p(n-fumery aud cosmetics ; scales and balances; show cases; silversmithing ; springs, steel, car and can-iape; stamped ware; stenciLs and brands; toys and gamea; type founding ; umbrellas and canea ; whips and window blinds and shades. 1040 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. Taulk LI II. — Ma nvfact urea of 20 principal citi en : 1880— Continuod. CITY OF CIIIGAGO. Mecliauioal and inauufuctiuiug industi ies. No. of establitth- meutB. All indii8t) i«s 3,519 ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 « 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 i I 21 i 22 ! 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 I 35 i 36 ! 37 38 39 ! 40 I Ajirirulturiil inijileuionts , Awninjis and tents BakinfT and yeast powders , Basket;}, rattan and willow ware liilliaid tabloa and materials Blacksmithing Bookbiudiua; and blank-book making , Touts and Hhoes, including custom work and repairing Boxes, cigar Boxes, fancy and paper Boxes, wooden, packing l^rass castings Brt-ad and otlier bakery products. Brick and tile Bridges Brooms and bnisbea Carpentering Carpets, rag Carriages and wagons Cars, railroad, street, and repairs . Clotbijig, men's Clothing, women's Coffee and spices, roasted and ground Coffins, burial cases, and undertakers' goods. Confectionery Cooperage Coppersmithing Coi k onttiug Ciitlery and edge tools Dentistry, mechanical Dentists' materials Drugs and chemicals Dyeinji and cleaning Dyein-j and finishing textiles Electrical apparatus and supplies. Electroplating Engrav ing and die-sinking Engraving, wood Fhivoiing extracts Fluuiing- and grist-mill products . 41 Food preparations 42 I Foundery and machine-shop products 43 j Fruits and vegetables, canned and preserved 44 I Fujnishiug goods, men's 45 Furniture 46 I Furniture, chairs 47 I I'urs, dressed 48 : CJasaud lam]) fixtures 49 (ias maeliiiies and meters 50 Glass, cut, stained, and ornamented Gloves and mittens Gold and silver leaf and foil (i7e:!se and tallow , Hairwork Hand-knit goods , 56 I Handles, wooden 57 1 Hand-stflmps „. 68 ' Hardware 59 ; Hardwaie, saddlery 60 1 Hats and caps, not iiicludiug wool hats . 3 8 3 U 4 146 26 133 6 J2 14 11 118 35 3 41 171 5 40 5 102 19 10 5 5 16 4 12 5 133 5 13 149 10 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1047 Table LIII. — Manufactin es of 20 principal cities : 1880— Continued. CITY OF CHICAGO. Materials. Products. Dollars. Dollarg. m, 'jo'j, 610 249, 022, 948 1, 6i2, 74« 2, 699, 480 1 4t) 872 72 031 2 48')! (»()0 635! 000 3 j r.4. 225 120, 400 4 283, yoo 663, 400 5 123, C"9 482. 029 6 20 { 725 *oi, 10 1 1 1, 355! 208 2, 479, 805 8 114, 000 179,411 9 116. 400 254, 792 10 1,271.682 1, 883, 073 11 3(il 700 737 500 12 1,817! 078 2,613! 186 13 128. .'i73 800, 400 14 1, 473. 000 1, 974, 000 15 i 271 337 517, 324 16 1 'I'M HQll 17 2, 843 6, 450 18 70i. 532 1. 8<.9, 7.S9 19 675, 291 1, 043, 682 20 11.031.764 17, 342, 207 21 1 017 720 1 .585 990 22 2! 342! 021 2! 80s! 879 23 It4..'-i00 29.'. 600 24 1, 424. 830 1, 953, 558 25 644, 380 1,]37. 694 26 4 ^20 14 200 27 i 12o! 038 217! 220 28 4;t, 070 177. OnO 29 25. OUO 144, 000 30 1 12, 000 46, 000 =31 1 617 800 32 j 4(), S15 14n, 461 33 1 4.', 505 ] 35. 521 34 143, 587 543, 000 35 9. 820 59, 000 36 13 550 49 000 01 12! 070 no! 775 38 334. .500 461, .5(!0 39 1, 9;!9, 709 2, 217, 564 40 58, 500 119. 000 41 5 088, 619 8 9 (4 629 A<) '417! 415 ' 587! 1^23 43 1. 143. 275 1, Ki\ 597 44 2, 996, 088 6, 177, 114 45 130.440 334, 072 46 227 000 ^7(1 linn AT 41! 225 96, OCO 48 28, 884 64, 800 49 38, 564 113, 612 50 110,150 170, 800 51 41 , f M!0 8.5, 000 52 1, 123, (t25 1, 327, 000 .53 65, 300 13,->, 915 54 43, 470 64, 072 55 4. 485 9. 000 56 11,600 26, 050 57 89, 3!i5 244.018 58 48, 200 87, 0 0 59 30, 500 88, 200 60 AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOVED. Males above 16 Females above years. 62, 431 981 20 75 119 300 335 208 1, 387 40 68 892 1317 680 1, 176 15 years. Cbildron and youths. 12,185 43 178 4,798 Total amount paid iu ■wagfS during the year. 159 I 37 13 i 1 61 Dollars. 34. 653. ■ 559. .532 13, 540 44, 134 48, 750 137, 225 199. 089 165, 102 770,191 36. 268 81, 550 414, 9.53 232, 125 398, 08 1 454, .5.57 255 106 46 1.32, 830 1 733 1 58 893, 642 3 1 1, 700 1, 152 35 123 .590, lfi6 562 20 280, 742 4 101 4, 001 374 3, 530, 109 1 72 1,488 23 334! 885 185 40 45 137, 4'JH 107 12 67, 020 310 163 132 211, 604 686 20 313.977 ! 10 4,400 , 24 15 17 22, 1U3 135 27 69, 28 2 14,000 1 18 5 11, 300 ! 105 45 11 93,440 1 74 13 7 47, 023 1 72 13 7 40 5 19 127 25 100,603 31 2 6 18, 645 22 3 17, 31)7 66 3 8 51,785 65 40 5 36, 730 176 103, 542 27 12 8 15, 940 4, 736 6 145 2, 371..i6i 113 40 27 58, 700 144 1, 119 47 39l', 700 4.160 57 847 2, 028. 371 278 57 121,200 49 88 2 51,0.58 46 1 2 18, O.JO 42 19, 723 76 1 8 47, 545 36 109 5 40, 075 34 45 2 2.1, 7-0 111 64. 04 4 1 8 110 26, 7i^2 1 4 ! 106 9 14, 065 4 1... 2 1,950 11 1 7, 140 136 i \. 31 7(1, 203 32 20 18, 200 34 1 27 7 28, 226 1048 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tadlk LIU.— Manufactures of 20 principal cities: 1880— CHICAGO— Continued. Mechanical and mannfticturin;; industriea. No. of establish- ments. Hosiery and knit goods . Ink li-on Rud steel li on dooi s and shutters Iron forgings Iron railing, wronscht Iron work, architectural and ornamental .Jnpuiiniug Jewelry Lamps and reflectors Lasts \ . . Lt?ather, cnrried . Leather, tanned ., Liqnoin, dijstilled Liquors, malt Lithographing Lock- and gnn-smithiog L*K)kiiig-glas8 and picture frames. Lumber, planed Malt Marble and stone work Masonry, brick ami atone .. Matiresses and spring beds Millinery and lace goods ... Mineral and sinla waters Models and pnttems Musical instruments, organs, and materials. Musical instruments, pianos, and mateiiols . Oil, lard Oil, linseed Oleomargarine , Painting and paperhanging Paints Patent medicines and compounds Paving mateiials Photographing Pickles, pnesfirves, and sauces . Pipes, tobacco Plumbing and gaafitting Pocket-books Printing and publishing Printing mnttirials Eooflngand roofing materials. Rubi>er and elastic goods SadaCRAGE NUMBBB OP HANDS EMPLOYED. Males above 16 Females abov< years. 15 yeai-s. 121 18 ,871 18 115 27 133 26 67 345 34 225 9ri>l 750 802 307 12 11 20 1 787 31 150 686 56 230 1 891 14 1,613 10 281 63 48 48 289 65 196 6 57 1 177 22 27 82 3 143 4 9 63 7 963 1 33 251 18 7 94 32 2 £1 115 49 4 302 61 2, 750 24 221 8 329 74 339 147 111 347 107 07 7,180 402 6 220 64 45 85 16 81 919 142 341 2 25 453 10 100 16 417 135 335 12 97 Children and youths. 63 12 125 29 31G 7 190 57 298 19 33 154 15 Total amormt paid in wajica during the year. Dollars. 60, 9G6 11, 450 1, 477, 563 11,720 56, 130 15, 590 68, 294 6, 3U0 45, 396 150, 250 19, 988 12!J, 196 541, 184 330, 000 445, 891 220, 955 10, 481 357, 625 297, 730 108,71)9 456. 014 759, 843 131, 286 85, 280 84, 380 31, 380 105, 307 16, 9*)2 42, 600 85,005 21,310 519, 973 153, 128 45, 878 36, 787 100, 738 25, 400 3, 050 190, 114 31,890 1, 930, 881 17, 452 82, 331 4,540 179, 574 805. 233 IS, 283 40, 500 106, 700 59, 906 132, 020 181.675 59, 9'/G 72, 195 3, 392, 748 199, 292 4, 100 115, 590 36, 740 23, 672 119, 514 10, 700 26, 500 51S, 329 77, 060 Materials. Dollars. 184, 831 15, 000 8, 006, 970 19, 8nO 349, 337 17, 400 170, 900 5,000 73, 380 648, 408 34. 075 1, 762, 756 3, 790, 522 2, 961, 281 1, 886, 165 263. 549 7, 155 600, 540 3,441,100 1,583, 019 583, 915 1, 6I6,,845 333, 900 244, 060 182, 810 8, 251 195, 028 11. 800 928, 000 1, ^90, 500 328, 500 549,015 2, no, 845 516, 500 244, 500 81, 885 216, 470 3, 025 253, 938 95, 840 2, 451, 360 26, 300 422, 827 25, 750 403, 625 1, 049. 555 12, 300 111,250 79, 685 130, 800 420, 677 358, 820 111. 500 125. 895 74, 546, 319 3, 135, 047 17, 050 411, 780 151, 000 18, 300 297, 744 17, 200 22, 576 1, 157, 831 1, 206, 187 1050 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. Table 1,111.— Manufaciures of 20 principal cities : 1880— CHICAGO—Continued. Mechanical and manufacturing industries. No. of establish ments. Capital. 126 Tobacco, cigars, and cifrarettes 127 i Tools 128 129 130 Tniuks nnd valises . . 'I\vp(( founding Umbrellas and canes. 131 TTpholstering 132 Vaiiiish 133 j Viu< gar 134 j WHtt'li and clock repairing. 135 136 137 138 139 140 Wheel wriiihting , Wliipa Window blinds and shades. Win'work Wood, turned and carved. . Miscellaneous industries (a) 287 5 12 4 6 19 4 13 28 118 4 4 24 14 74 Dollars. 538, 350 15.300 155, 000 290, 000 2, 775 43, 900 207, 000 190, 300 26. 950 184, 205 2, 300 11, 500 311, 122 86, 010 4, 114, 271 a Thf' 74 establishments classed as "miscrllaneous industries" are grouped in order that the business of individual estiiblishiut^nts may not be disclosed to tin* public. In this group aro embraced: axle- grease; bags, other than paper; bugs, paper; belting and hose, leather; cleansing and polishing prep- arations; cordace and twine; corsets; cottim goods; envelopes; explosives nnd fireworks; fancy articles; ftlrs; fire extinguishers, chemical; glass; glue; gold and silver, reduced and refined; iron bolts, nuts, w^ishcra, and rivets; iron nails :in(f spikes, cut and wrought; iron pipe, wrought; ivoiy and bone work; jewelry and instrument cases; labels and tags ; lapidary work; hird, refined; lead, bar, pipe, CITY OF CINCINNATI. 3, 276 50, 533, 100 3 3. 3.>0 9 7,450 3 85, 000 6 28,000 9 9,000 3 57,000 128 115, 745 18 157, 910 5 28,000 3 5,400 333 1, 066, 656 8 23, 750 7 38, 5.'>0 5 43, 100 14 220, 777 232 391. 860 35 90. 6«0 18 101, 3<7 119 290,305 21 4, 775 5 3fi8. 440 50 1. 252, 131 237 6, 279, 783 19 194, 8()2 10 86, 400 8 636. 500 3 14, 000 20 177, 075 58 359, 950 5 34, 000 3 2,900 3 71. \ 000 12 4i», mo 18. .5.^ i 8 102, 200 All industries 1 Artificial limbs 2 j Awnings and tents 3 Bag.-<. paper 4 I Baking and yeast powdnrs 5 i Baskets, rattan and wUlow ware 6 Belting and hose, leather 7 i BlacksmfthiniT 8 ; Bookbin ii ' .; iind blank-book making , 9 I Boot and shot> tiudings ...» 10 Boot and shoe uppers Boots and shoes, including custom work and repairing Boxes, cigar Boxes, fancy and paper Boxes, wooden. ijacUing Brass castings. 16 ; Bread and other bakery products 17 I Brick anM tile 18 j Bi-noms and bni.shes 19 Caiptmtering 20 Carpets, rag 21 Carriage and wagon materials 22 Cai liaiips ;iud wagons Clotiiiug, men's Clotliiiig, women's Colliie and spices, roasted and ground 26 : Coffins, burial cases, and undertakers' goods. 27 Coke 28 Confectionery 29 Coopeia^e. 30 I Coppersmithing 31 Cor.^ets 32 ("otron goods 83 Cutlery and cdje tocds. 34 De.ii i.str\ . nicciiitnieal 35 i Diu^s and chemicals . . COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1051 Table hUl.—Mamtfactures of 20 principal dties: 1880— CHICAGO— Continued. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Mnles above 16 years. 15 212 127 8 110 32 63 49 426 8 12 213 106 2. 207 Females above 15 years. Children and youths. 134 I Total araount paid in wages during the year. 95 21 10 461 101 "io" 96 2 9 1 4 1 21 318 i Dollars. 701, 573 6, 200 102, 170 1(;9, 300 2, 516 51, 383 24, 616 36, 189 31, 174 213. 500 ( 3, 325 6. 550 108, 294 54, 767 1, 258, 133 Materials. Dollars. 1, 058. 916 4, >^50 29.-., 700 86, 000 2, 100 121.691 302, G()0 179, 900 «, .=^37 165, 049 3. 950 32, 600 7.i3, 786 79, 587 8, 060, 254 Products. Dollars. 2, 3 J 5. 174 19, 224 508. 300 314, 000 7, 600 226, 195 389. 000 328, 338 63, 194 532, 734 11,369 51, 2.50 1, 0G5. 860 181. 840 126 127 128 129 1 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 10, 787, 109 140 sheet, ond .shot; lif; screws; shoddy; soi; sienci s and brands: stone- and earllien-ware; stamped rvare; tt lejiraph and teleplione apparatus and supplies; toys and games; vault lights; washing- machines and clothes- wringers; watth cases; an 4!;7, 820 600, 260 28 [>.n 11 205, ri59 258. 428 587. 083 29 50 2 25, 054 57, 740 102, 536 30 97 .A 1 1,395 3, 800 10, 000 31 26 99, 147 \ 298, 4(i5 684, 1.58 32 31 1 10.452 I 1 ., 500 48, 900 33 14 1 6, 7.i3 12, 1 79 72. 495 34 1 49 16,814 1 159, 225 225, 025 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 02 63 (>4 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH C' LTII. — Manufactures of 20 pnncipal cities : 1880 — < Mechanical and mannfacturing industries. Dyeing and cleaning , Dvein^ and finishing textilf»8 Electiical a^>paratu3 and sui)plio8 Electroplating , Engraving and die-sinking Engraving, steol Engraving, wood Fancy articles Flavoring extracts Flouring- and grirtt-mill products Food preparations Foiinaery and macbine-vShop products Fruits and vegetables, canned and preserved F^ixdture , Furniture, chaii-s Gas raaohines and meters Glaj^8, cut, stained, and omainentod Gloves and mittens. Glue Grease and tallow Hairwork Hardware Hats and caps, not including wool hats Hosiery and knit goods Ink Instruments, profesaional and scientific Iron and steel Iron railing, wrought .' Iron work, architectural and ornamental Jewelry Leather, curried Leather, tanned Lightning rods , Li(iuor8, distilled Liquors, malt Lithographing Lock- and gun-smithing L( oliing-glass and picture frames LumlKH', planed Lumber, sawed Malt Mantels, slate, marble, and marbleized Mai ble and atone work Mftsonry, brick and stone Mattresses and spring beds Millinery and lace goods Mineral and soda waters Models and patterns ^ Musical instruments and materials (not specified) Oil, lard Oil, lubricating Painting and paperhanging Patent medicines and compounds Photogi'aphing Piciiles, preserves, and sauces Plumbing and gasfitting Printing and publiehing Refrigerators Regalia and soci^'ty banners and emblems Rooliug and l oohng materials Saddlery and harness Safes, doors, and vaults, fire-proof Sash, doors, and blinds Saw.^ Sewing machines and attachments COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CE^^SUS. 1053 Table JAIL—Manufaoturea of 20 principal citiee : 1880— CINCINNATI— Continued. AVEUAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Moles aliove 16 Females above years. 15 years. 5 10 101 0 3,503 179 2,853 167 76 14 4 46 34 11 671 25 32 13 37 305 58 84 179 184 341 13 750 1,373 9 462 341 295 107 199 628 138 48 25 50 26 17 35 29 368 102 66 58 235 1,910 41 17 234 543 865 391 96 13 4 6 577 138 17 31 3 19 213 25 20 14 259 349 Children and youths. 126 150 470 14 22 830 2 7 3 35 10 12 Total amotint paid ia °wa£08 daring uie year. DoUars. IB, 731 20, 401 15,260 30,637 16, 838 1,600 4, 150 2,502 3,980 36, 913 2,000 1, 749, 584 79, 173 1, 335, 213 73, 775 41, 998 8, 700 1, 400 21,180 18, 486 9, 988 249, 533 14, 205 55, 425 7,360 17,557 163, 590 22. 183 39, 025 131, 886 86, 175 168, 393 6,950 312, 500 595, 363. 185,063 4, 328 187, 120 168, 000 110, 979 57, 316 93, 362 262, 647 58, 591 22, 239 77, 486 18,192 10, 243 6,875 14, 272 18, 404 133, 939 56, 360 37, 434 16, 800 95, 767 1, 108, 592 11,303 18, 550 91, 764 236, 473 502. 428 187, 949 37,518 8,035 Materials. DoUar8. 10, 080 78, 400 80, 700 23. 065 1,100 825 4,04S 9.300 544, 226 5, 860 2, 59^ 096 565, 234 1,641, 141 50, 222 77, 100 3, 525 3,500 34, 700 187, 200 16, OflO 507, 852 37, 870 147, 300 45, 200 11. 998 338, 479 32, '969 152, 124 142, 385 1, 425, 505 1, 594, 137 90, 000 3, 604, 120 2, 566, 000 2^, 517 3, 035 249, 500 400, 959 974, 097 736, 613 136, 540 287, 502 85, 628 74, 150 162, 852 29, 991 6, 140 4, 925 357, 916 169, 100 148, 174 361, 163 33, 780 95, 000 237, 101 1, 397, ' 80 13, 425 45, 800 409, 244 511,749 425, 000 S55,'100 66, 410 152, 104 Products. Dollars. 52, 475 144, 295 173, 580 83,440 38. 021 5, 600 9,500 9,600 17, 800 634, 964 13, 910 5, 723, 508 743, 928 4, 372, 330 208, 635 139, 670 23, 600 7, 000 143, 000 229, 600 42, 680 1, 051.193 66, 770 235, 825 78, 800 47, 549 596. 160 £9, 386 2:i5, 847 418, 900 1,700, 426 2, 090, 672 144, 500 5, 293, 466 4, 580, 579 633, 744 14, 410 524, 000 656, 824 1, 247, 191 884. 310 304, 330 836. 863 183, 509 135, 350 320, 091 82, 742 29, .346 19, 625 395, 145 238,000 414, 469 540, 120 122, 747 130, 000 423, 113 4, 0O6, 450 42. 040 80, 500 612, 491 1, 155. 564 1, 335, 000 73% 200 145, 550 168. 800 1054 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table hill— Manufactures of 20 principal cities: 1880— CINCIKNATI— Continued. Mechanical and inanufactnrmg industries. JTo.of establish- lueuts. Capital 101 Shipbuilding? 102 Shirts - - lOH SliowcjiHes 104 Silk and silk goods 105 Slnugliterjuo 1 9 7i;o i 25 165, 400 4 144. 500 ! 1 1, 086, 600 138, 000 198, OiiO 61, 500 42, 575 ■ 97, 000 9, (too 6 563. OiiO 1, 200 1 6 120, 000 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1055 Tablb hill.— Manufactures of 20 principal cities: 1880— CINCINNATI— Continued. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOTED. Total amount paid in wacGs during the year. Materials. Products. 101 AlcllcS £ll)OVG 16 years. 15 years. youths. 231 69 Dollars. 134, 995 Dollars. 305, 100 Dollars. 500, 700 418 2 107, 271 253, 325 410, 027 102 92 3 41. 616 53, 019 116, (i37 103 19 68 30 10, 700 18, .^55 40, 140 104 1, 107 86 338, 302 10, 454, 991 11, 614, 810 105 2. 460 500 2, 500 106 19 7 12, 924 3, 450 22, 620 107 20 W, 495 7, COO 28, 348 108 275 41 ?! 139, 508 93, 730 350, 900 109 g 2 6, 452 8, 060 26, 000 110 399 3 19 168, 933 406, 303 790, 333 111 431 85 60 10 1 , 986 1, 13H, 489 1, 50'<, 4>-6 112 2, 009 372 384 901, 628 1, 043, UG6 2, 707,401 113 28 1 19, 100 14,700 45, 800 114 199 20 14 61, 200 100, 935 226, 706 115 12 11 3 9, 600 31, 525 55, 600 116 113 16 45 48, 88H 108, 495 265, 825 117 23 14, 355 13 1 , 958 18'5, 090 118 49 68 16, ^48 79, 600 167, 728 119 4 8 3o, 0S6 15, 040 100, 151 120 206 4 84, 345 65, 945 218, 304 121 17 4 1 9, 484 6] , 000 100. 424 122 170 36 36^ 157 97, 200 198. vegetables, canned- and preserved; furs, dressed; gas and lamp fixtures; hand-stamps; nik uments, professional and scientific; iron nails and spikes, cut and wrought; iron pipe, wrought COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1057 Tablb LIII. — Manufactures of 20 prijicipdl cities : 1880— CLEVELAND — Continued. AVERAGE NUMBER OP HANDS EJIPLOYED. Males above 16 years. 2, 426 302 304 206 37 20 19 32 45 328 136 24 40 161 108 25 n 122 130 207 33 fir, 392 10 ^1 77 480 275 282 7 388 Females above 15 years. 20 0 215 16 53 I 10 39 78 30 140 ,052 Children and youths. 192 18 19 428 108 23 Total amount I)aid in wages during the year. 16 28 25 58 488 Dollars. 946, 877 167,251 4. 335 28, 550 6, 200 21,960 I 1,960,237 I 153, 923 86, 500 I 8, 885 ■ 18, 844 10, 500 8, 200 14, 850 10, 100 162,345 |l 70,600 li 11,200 20,603 i; 100,290 !l 63, 000 9, 230 6. 800 56, 123 58, 267 113,214 2, 400 18, 171 ■M,00\ 25b. .590 I 4,300 19,292 ! 28,951 202, 703 108, 600 144,200 14.589 192, 892 8, 420 2, 825 3, 400 100, 080 119, 315 12, 200 550 5, 820 32, 695 3,450 16, 235 3, 175 17, 000 52, 550 1, 007, 679 Materials. Dollars. 1, 786, 420 183, 199 10,230 59, 875 4, 100 42, 100 6, 491, 506 482, 926 323, 000 23, 800 47,274 1 11,600 I 159, 608 143,700 I 35,750 I 690,666 ; 124, 100 ■ 40,050 ' 259, 673 I 219,364 I 93, 750 I 12,950 I 1, .500 850,102 .59, 590 801,334 9, 006 18,411 (U>, 600 236, 947 7, 900 113, 000 60, 900 533, 035 126, 000 301,250 51, 812 4, 886, 771 47, 715 2. 100 1,900 227, 019 166, 320 29, 100 3, 045 21, 500 562. 939 5, 600 15, 800 200, 500 20, 895 158, 000 5, 052, 410 Products. Dollars. 3, 820, 685 470, 835 21,140 142, 500 17, 800 97, 550 9, 435, 432 800, 7il 523, 000 45, 500 84, 354 30, 000 178, 500 181,800 63, 500 1.249,502 ' 223,000 I 61,850 333, 4.52 412, 850 187, 000 46 43,000 ! 47 12,200 1 48 1,163,714 ; 49 160, 366 1 50 1,202,480 j" 51 14,311 I .'•.2 68,400 I 53 14:;, 411 , 54 66(), 509 I 55 1.3,200 ! 56 169,000 : .57 118,300 .58 857,687 I 50 255,600 f 60 510,550 I 61 87, 295 . (i-J 5, 427, 938 i 03 68, 700 9, 300 S, 500 447, 81 1 366, 412 49, 000 7, 500 33, 350 691,245 12, 500 48, 000 287, 000 232^500 I 77 7,316,707 I 78 lamps and reflectors; lead, bar, pipe, sheet and shot; leather, dressed skins; liquors, distilled: lumber, planed; lumber, sawed; mantels, slate, marble, and marbleized ; mattresses and spring beds; millstones; nnisical inslruments. organs, and materials; oil, lard; oil. linseed; paper (not specified); rubber and elastic goods: rules, ivory and wood: s;vws; screws; sewing machines and attachments; shoddy; sLowca.ses; silk au(i silk goods; springs, steel, car and cairiage; surgical appliances; taxidermy; telegraph and tele]dioue ai)paratus; tobacco, chewing, smoking, and snuff; tools; vinegar; wheel- barrows; wire; and woolen goods. 67 C C 1058 COMPENDIT/M OF THE TENTF! CENSUS. Table lAil. — Manufaclures of '■ZO i)rincii)al cities: 1880 — Coutiiiued. CITY OF DETROIT. MocLaiiical and nianufacturiug iiulusiries. All industries. Baking and yeaat powders - Baskets, rattan and willow ware Blacksmitbing Boot and shoe uppers Boots and shoes, including custom work and repairing. Boxes, cigar Boxes, fancy and paper Boxes, wooden, packing Bread and other bakery products Brooms and brushes Carpentering Carriages and wagons Clothing, men's Clothing, women's Coffee and spices, roasted and gTound. Confectionery Cooperage Corsets Cutlery and edge tools Dentistry, mechanical Dyeing and cleaning Floui'ing- and grist-miil products Foundery and machine-shop products . Furniture Hairwork Kg. of establish ments. Hardware Hats and caps, not including wool hats . Instruments, professional and scientific Iron and steel Jewelry Leather, curried Leather, tanned Lime Liquors, malt Lock- and gun-smithing Looking-glass and picture frames Marble aiid stone work Models and patterns Painting and paperhanging Patent medicines and compounds Perfumery and cosmetics Photographing Plumbing and gasfitting Printing and publishing Eoofing and roofing materials Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Shipbuilding Shirts Slaughtering and meat-packing, not including retail butchering estab- lishments. Spectacles and eyeglasses Stencils and brands , Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware Tobacco, chewing, smoking, and snuff Tobacco, cigai-s, and cigarettes , Trunks and valises , Upholstering Wheelwrighting Wirework "Wooden ware , - "Wood, turned and carved Miscellaneous industries (a) 919 a The 59 establishments classed as ' ' miscellaneous industries " are grouped in order that thebusiness of individual establishments may not be disclosed to thei)ublie. In this gioup are embraced : artificial limbs ; billiard tables and materials; boot and shoe findings; biass castings; brick and tile ; bridges; carpets, rag; carriages and sleds, children's; cars, railroad, street, and repairs; combs: drugs and chemicals; files; fruits and vegetables, canned and preserved; furniture, chairs; furs, dressed; gas macliines and meters; gloves and mittens; hosiery and knit goods ; ink; lasts; lumber, saTred; masoiuy, COMPENDIU^^t OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1059 Table LIII. — Manufactures of 20 2)rincipal cities. CITY OF DETROIT. 1880— Con Linucd. Malci iais. Prod 11 eta. Dollars. Dvllars. J 0, 150, yjo JO, iol, 41d : : 1 84, 800 141, 600 1 5), 325 29, 900 2 ;;:{, ;!oo 109, 350 3 20, 500 42, 200 A W:^, 401) 1, 000, OwO c u 58, OOO 103, 000 6 ;54, 500 58, 000 7 145, 500 226, 800 8 ()5(), 1(89 930, 157 9 72, 069 OOO iV 580, 495 955, 195 11 174, 000 400, 220 12 j i,:jgj, OIG 2, 056, 182 13 ! 8, 1500 24, 100 1 A 1 100, 000 145, 000 15 ; 467, 400 584, 200 16 i 146, 650 266, 400 17 111, 100 208, 500 18 5, 270 20, 500 I J 11, 000 27, 500 20 5, 700 22, 100 21 1, 438, 752 1,649, 627 22 915,955 1, f;'08, 355 23 438, 801 9,1 5, 000 15, 800 9^; 20, 300 49,000 26 129, 400 293, 500 27 4,470 14, 540 28 1 079 An7 X, Ot Wl 9<> 58, 251 135, 600 ol> 233. 975 284, 118 31 465, 526 629, 696 32 18, 733 37, 555 33 Rin 7(!a i, 140, DUX 3J ol 1, 850 13, 300 OO 217, 797 462, 669 36 160, 300 348, 200 37 1, 475 6, 400 38 ofS4, you 9Q Olt 25, 000 87, 000 40 42, 000 94, 000 41 24, 860 74, 600 42 173, 897 359, 954 43 30], 359 986, 098 44 60, 500 1 AQ 9AA lots, ZOO 45 51, 100 120, 700 46 278, 850 553, 000 47 364, 262 738, 975 48 15, 800 36, 420 49 1 AOR 1, 4i0, 4ii0 1, 721, 231 50 24, 500 71, 000 51 10, 500 34, 100 52 100, 725 232, 700 53 719, 554 1, 212, 146 54 572, 080 li 196,' 870 55 82, 758 145, 900 56 112, 400 172. 400 57 10,150 36, 300 58 97, 500 192, 500 59 131, 500 226, 950 60 13, 850 49, 849 61 2, 222, 470 3, 971, 730 62 AVEKAP.K NUMBKli OK HANDS KMl'LOYKD. Males above 16 veara. 12, 477 33 18 80 22 529 30 6 149 229 55 669 285 273 27 93 183 20 14 7 10 123 960 264 55 100 10 1, 088 56 34 139 30 299 10 266 173 4 315 23 20 35 183 677 65 756 18 137 53 18 142 138 723 78 67 32 135 243 31 1,837 Females above 15 years. 2, 430 767 44 6 Children and youths. 115 133 74 30 125 102 550 1,203 327 Total amount paid in wapes during the year. Dollars. 6, 306, 460 17, 596 12, 570 37, 064 12, 150 317, 100 23, 450 10, 160 54, 600 146, 580 32, 409 254, 236 127, 945 389, 926 9, 280 16, 950 63, 800 69, 500 41,450 7, 920 4, 700 9, 228 62, 795 431, 065 119, 620 5, 120 18, 142 73, 069 4, 880 436, 986 40, 499 16,088 56, 493 10, 440 149, 677 4, 200 126, 472 109, 446 2, 130 130, 235 16, 920 12, 900 19, 892 93, 861 373, 262 25, 700 33, 415 148, 525 310, 605 12, 860 79, 067 23, 400 10, 750 68, 781 100, 725 310, 828 44, 142 28, 115 13, 670 69, 900 67, 680 14, 306 971, 185 brick and stone; matches; musical inatrumeuts, organs, and materials; musicalinstrumeuts, pianos, ami materials; needles and pins; oil, lubricating; pens, gold; pickles, preserves, and sauces; pipes, tobacco; refrigei-ators ; regalia and society banners and emblems; safes, doors, and vanlrs, tire-proof; saws; scales and balances; show-cases ; stone- and eartheu-worc; telegraiJh and telephone apparatus; umbrcllaa aud canes; yaruish; whips; and window blinds and eluulaa. lOGO r;oMPKNi)iu:yr or the 'rKvriT ckn.si'.s. Talsli: LIU. — ManvfactureH of 20 principal cities: 1880— Coutinued, JERSEY CITY. Mechanical and manufacturing iudusti ies. No. of establish- ments. All induslxies. Blacksmitbiufi Boots and .shoes, iucliidiuo custom work and repairing Brat's castings Bread and otheii bakery' products Carpentering Can-iages and wagons . Clothing, men's Confectionery (cooperage . .' Dentistry, mechanical Drugs and chemicals I'ouudery and machine-shop products. J'lirniture Iron and steel Iron railing, wrought Kindling wood Liquors, malt Lock- and gnn-smithing . . Marble and stone work . . . Masonry, brick and stone. Mattresses and spring beds. Painting and paperhanging. Photographing Plumbing and gasfitting Printing and publishing Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Shipbuilding Shirts Slaughtering and meat-packing, not including retail butchering estab- lishments. Sugar and molasses, retined Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware Tobacco, cigars, and cigarettes Upholstering Wheel wrighting Wood, turned and carved Miscellaneous industries (a) 584 Capital. Dollars. 11, 899,91- 82, 500 29, 415 180, 600 7.3, l.-iO 41,800 22, COO 50, 000 24, .'•00 1«7, 70(» 9, 500 560. 000 768, :;oo co'i 850, 000 2, 200 28, 400 356, 500 550 35, 850 23, 400 25, 000 40. ?,:>{) 39, 800 46, 6.">0 66, 200 .5,159 28, 000 263, 500 8, 600 1, 272, 200 2, 100, 000 62, 400 80, 1^5 4,450 15, 7( 13, 500 4, 556, 725 a The 62 establishments classed as "miscellaneous industries" are grouped in order that the business (tf individual establishments may not be disclosed t-o the public. In this group are embraced : awnings and tents; baskets, rattan and willow ware ; billiard tables and niatenals; boxes, wooden, packing; bridges; cothns, bupal-cases, and undertakers' goods; coppersmithing ; cor.set.s: crucibles; dyeinjr, and cleaning; explosives and fireworks; fancy articles ; flouring- and grist-mill products; hanhvaio; hosiery and knit goods ; ink; iron bolts, nuts, washers, and rivets; iron forgings; iron pipe, wrought; CITY OF LOUISVILLE. AU industries. Agricultural implements Baskets, rattan and Avillow ware Blacksmi thing Bookbinding and blink-book making Boots and shoes, including custom work and repairi Boot and slioe uppers Boxes, wooden, packing Brass castings Bread and other bakery products Brick and tile \ 1,108 21,767, 013 1 ^ 1, 91.5, 100 2. 80(» 1 49 4.5, no 49, 401) 115 2!S4, 000 14, 050 ! 4 58. 672 i ()9. 600 69 192, 000 .1 16 127, 350 COMPENDIUM OF TllK TENTH CENSUS. lOGl Taiu.i-: 1.111. — Mdintfu/lnrc^ of 20 principal cities: ISSO — Continued. JERSEY CITV. AVEUAGK NUMUER OF HANDS EMl'LOYED. Males above 16 years. 7, 962 :!9 111 109 18!) 41 91 12 281 7 243 604 17 403 4 29 101 1 87 110 41 1.51 37 85 4 32 260 4 423 C80 79 127 11 40 34 3, 235 Females above 15 years. 2, 426 30 2, 327 Children iiiul youths. Total amount paid iu wages durius the yeai'. I Materifila. ! Products. 4 ! 1 ! 10 ' 8 I Dollars. 4, 622, 655 38, 013 16, 451 47, 729 (il, 238 94, 420 22, 100 51,723 11,592 103, 748 4, 825 124, 045 303, 847 4, 700 210, 000 1,910 11, 250 45, 399 225 38. 150 50,500 !j 12,878 69, 890 20, 870 32, 5G5 42, 337 2, 100 15,024 i 237, .542 ! .5,500 I 303,800 ' 473, 310 37,910 56,507 i 5,237 11 20,0.50 II 14,500 030,164 I; BoUarft. 49. 738. 985 29, 285 I 34, 138 89, 781 322, 104 170, 382 28, 000 179, 425 41, 340 377, 546 10, 500 1, 266, 202 510, 514 6, 700 771, 340 1,975 i 18,600 ' 235, 874 1,450 48, 000 30, 900 46, 476 60. 400 25, 750 79, 283 28, 466 5, 550 .52, 508 217, 712 26, 400 17, 404, 689 Dollars. 60, 473, 905 108, 420 79, 200 1.57, 886 459. 888 330, 521 69, 000 294, 000 70, 790 630, .529 24, 850 1, 517, 214 1 , 041, 471 19, 300 1, 464, 500 5, 900 36, 500 416, 886 4, 200 120, 200 112, 750 75, 000 165. 970 75. 9.50 146, 762 100, 174 13, 400 85, 372 541, 766 38, 225 18, .551, 783 20, 759, 901 22, 799, 614 31 63, 500 133, 814 32 83, 454 185, 703 33 11, 476 23, 150 34 19, 650 60, 100 35 27, 700 52, 000 36 6, 045, 954 10, 461, 117 37 iron doors and shutters; ivory and bone work; lamps and reflectors; lard, refined; leather, cnrried ; leather, tanned; ]ooking-j>:lass and picture frames; mineral and soda waters; models and patterns: oil, castor; ]>aiu1s; ]>aper (not specified) ; patent medicines and compovinds: pencils, lead: pumps; rubber and e.la.stic goods; silk and silk goods; .soap and candles; sporting goods; st«am fittings and he;\ting apparatus; stone- and earthen-ware; tobacco, chewing, smoking, and suuft"; trunks and valises; umbrellas and canes ; watch and clock repairing; wheelbarrows; window blinds and sh;ides ; wirework; and zinc. CITY OF LOUISVILLE. 13, 480 678 6 80 32 405 .56 i. »-'99 2. 829 22 127 1, Ic 25 5, 835, 545 1 1 21, 207, 110 35, 423, 203 201. 661 ! 1 040, 600 1, 220, 700 1 1, 910 1 1, 755 7, 820 38, 528 36, 875 129, 315 3 20, 140 53, 150 95, 800 4 218, 019 393, 225 774, 262 18, 8.57 i R9, GOO 102, 980 G 27, 400. i 55. 400 107, 000 211, ('■_'(> SO, 020 114, 276 8 (iO, 4:;i 377, 311 592,925 !) t;8, 140 45, 080 1.51,175 10 1062 COMPENDIUM OF TITE TENTH CENSUS. Table lulll.—Mtmufactures of 20 principal cities : 1880— LOUISVILLE— Continued. Mecljani<;al and inanufacturinjj indiistiios. Brooms aiid brushes .. Caii)enterin the public. In this gioup are embraced: artifl cial limbs; awnings and tents ; axle-CTease; bagging, flax, hemp, and jute; baking and .veast ])ow TTA litZ, 4 <4 7.5 15 10, 800 14, 500 52, 830 7(5 40 7 25, 791 i 28, 135 75, 660 27 7 16, 090 i 30,716 52, 800 78 1,538 271 297 910, 789 10, 070, 327 12, 239, 934 79 aud scientific; iron railing, wrought ; ivory and bone work; lasts; lime; lock- and gun-sraithing; lumber, sawed; mixed textiles; niueihige and paste; musical instruments, pianos, and materials ; oil- cloth, enameled ; oilcloth, floor; oil, lubricaTing; paints; pickles, preserves, and sauces; refrigerators; roctting nnd roofing niatcirials : rubber and elastic goods ; sand and emery paper and cloth ; saws; shi]»- building: Hilversmif liing: silverware; smelting and refining; sporting goods; sugar and molasses, refined: surgical appliiinies ; toys and games; watch and clock materials ; wirework"; and wooden ware. CITY OF NEW ORLEANS. 7, 600 1,280 552 147 1 8 16 3 40 2 6 269 41 12 15 12 6 317 8 63 262 4 92 6 270 628 30 273 i 86 11 17 256 30 560 6 3 13 13 3 1 31 12 1 3 718 9 02 1 6 1 6 6 10 113 3, 717, 557 10, 771, 892 71, 905 10,"211 20, 270 IIG, 809 29. 4S3 120, 766 22, 614 138, 595 51, 196 175, 971 43, 875 1,524 2, 911 33, 754 109, 839 11, 966 399, 780 5, 350 4, 190 5, 080 13, 823 5, 328 405, 745 30, 281 300 3, 592 1, 260 3, 477 54, 992 53, 975 5, 520 98, 932 174, 745 59, 400 10, 220 540, "450 89, 381 220,400 46, 500 743. 407 11.3, 3:13 9, 510 4, 122 274,571 105, 704 43, 000 105, 788 8, 250 8, 850 3, 890 248, 480 19, 600 590, 800 35, 429 700 6, 900 1, 700 4, 200 295, 353 185, 673 1. 24, 369 171, 080 .3 367, 531 4 125, 928 5 25, 200 0 981, 100 7 1.34, 619 8 439, 850 9 135, 600 10 1,078, 559 11 189, 278 12 11, 876 13 13, 866 14 393, 040 15 276, 618 16 82, 000 17 747, 500 18 20, 150 19 22, 750 20 22, 850 21 317, 000 47. 880 2.3 1, 228, 300 24 104, 593 25 3, 050 20 17, 600 27 5, 400 28 14, 500 29 457, 744 30 1070 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table lAlL—ManuJ'actures of 20 jyrincipal cities: 1880 — NEW ORLEANS— Cont'd. Mechanical ami luauuliicturiu"; iiulustries. No. of establish ments. Capital. Lil/hographing Lock- aLicl s'uii-f^iiiithing Lookin Sugar and molasses, refined Surgical ai)xjliances Telegraph and telephone apparatus Tinwaie, eopperware, and slu^et-iion wai"e. Tobacco, chewing, smoking, and snutt 151 I Tobacco, cigars, and cigarettes . 152 j Toys and ganies 153 j Trunks and valises JS4 ; ''"ypo founding Iu5 i Umbrellas and cauea — 45 9 48 79 70 I 1 81 43 15 146 21 88 27 74 21 34 48 4 4 293 26 11 44 8 16 110 13 10 401 33 412 5 14 18 12 88 14 174 29 79 64 14 126 16 58 30 23 14 8 73 16 8 5 11 21 177 17 761 15 34 20 CI 5, 858, 448 143, 5.50 22(!. <'''0 77!j. 500 989. 550 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1075 Table hUL— Manufactures of 20 principal cities: 1880— NEW YORK— Continued. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Males above 16 Females al)Ove 7 - ChMren and years. 15'ycars. youths. 781 129 37 375 17 008 54 117 4 245 96 i 2 23 923 7 64 730 26 399 2, 850 99 1,161 20 206 83 9 678 2, 665 128 384 41 1, 372 64 2, 834 1 49.'j 3 216 1 8 20 1 3.213 3. 17 248 1, 794 19 39 439 22 24 825 84 420 176 133 22 121 5 IC 135 162 4 583 162 23 102 65 30 152 13 11 1, 889 1 1 18 489 76 54 8, 015 979 584 43 '* 51 23U 1 8 50 16 •» 499 16 242 149 14 .520 13 30 302 15 401 9 81 1 180 3 13 941 574 2, 814 ID 94 1 A 1.975 4, 531 1, 435 682 28 95 876 19 496 85 53 83 7 120 257 17 44 33 925 664 92 481 g 189 11 D 554 16 i 12 1 379 31 6 1,419 22 164 820 750 46 9, 423 4, 575 478 . 2J8 195 57 270 18 22 413 100 54 540 78G 19 Total amount paid in wages during the year. Dollars. 425, 280 171,418 667, 762 2,115, 067 63, 143 485, 935 425, 983 223, 678 2, 080, 503 708, 777 150, 215 996, 480 242, 582 1, 285, 649 44, 621 146, 893 2, 821,687 7, 300 1 !3, 676 1, 099, 719 250, 865 415, 120 146,773 116, 279 92, 237 363, 158 47, 660 87, 258 1, 128, 260 284,173 5, 876, 808 28,^^50 35, 323 116, 067 30, 471 294, 540 189,425 314, 444 I 109, 598 258, 017 55, 304 110, 900 778, 728 1, 195, 581 55, 123 2, 079, 535 556, 903 575, 521 275, 804 46,662 j 127, 643 28, 180 676, 547 305, 198 90, 828 255, 783 9. 668 263, 444 748, 208 645, 237 6, 006, 455 83, 689 171, 716 3--:n, 8."n 620, 739 Materials. Dollars. 951, 573 909, 219 602, 900 10,717. 421 67, 547 1, 177, 407 1, 152, 860 2, 6,34, 413 2, 193, 983 1, 133, 852 671. 066 3, 237, 908 302, 387 2, 336, 577 18, 169 114, 581 2, 972, 765 58, 600. 4, 322, 695 1, 186, 478 Products. 2, 144, 321 2, 054, 104 570, 332 142, 366 625, 900 343, 177 272, 250 102. 788 1, 869, 728 530, 373 7, 359, 559 79, 100 70, 896 270, 224 59, 701 483, .561 495, 338 405, 032 248, 410 481, 458 71, 950 915, 110 3, 574, 215 70, 300 3, 8.57, 330 688, 402 27, 763, 577 2, 790, 545 32, 493 199, .582 41.-941 1, 840, 317 848, 268 70, 020 10, 677, 746 11. 243 305, 566 1, 611, 389 2, 687, 697 8, 805, 147 96, 783 360, 5HI 224, 850 2, 424, 070 Dollars. 1, 762, 278 1, 161, 177 1, 738, 452 19, 137, 882 214, 110 2, 071, 565 2, 220, 919 3, 350, 731 5, 771, 069 2, 334, 659 1, 023, 494 5, 1.53. 080 784, 373 4, 825, 424 100, 760 371, 421 6, 913, 691 78, 750 5, 215, 393 3, 058, 487 2, 932, 049 3, 499, 143 1, 302, 313 365, 782 1, 094, 700 1, 140, 427 .527, 856 262, 188 3, 900, 414 1, 028, 352 21,696, 354 1.51,000 151,994 503, 869 142, 363 993, 110 859, 262 1,037, 768 518,516 867, 995 168, 234 269, 100 2, 071,005 5, 608, 015 168, 980 7, 800, 250 1, 5i!7, 600 29, 297, 527 3, 697, 964 120, 808 486, 417 97, 280 3, 179, 734 1. 295, 259 209, 600 11, 330, 883 146 00,448 I 147 753, 439 3, 063, 501 4, 320, 972 18, 347, 108 257, 113 606,766 793, 257 3, 450, 144 1076 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table JAII.—Mmufactures of 20 principal cities : 1880— NEW YORK— Continued. 156 157 158 159 161 162 16:j 164 165 Mechanical an- gr(!nse'; babbitt metnl nnd solder; baking and yeast powders; bluing; bridges; brick and tile; bron/e ia.sliugs: calcium liglits ; carpets, other than rag ; cigar molds; cleansing and polishing preparatJou.s; cordage and twine; electrical apparatus; felt goods; files; gas machines and meters; iron and ated • CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. All indii.otries. Agricultural implements Artificial feathers and flowers. Artificial limbs Awnings and, tents Bags, other than paper Bags, paper Baking and yeast powders Baskets, rattan and willow ware Belting .ind hose, leather Billiard tables and materials Blacking Black.smi thing ^ Bluing Bone-, ivory-, and lamp-black Bookbinding and blank-book making Boot and shoe findings Boot and slioe uppers Boots and shoes, including custom work and repairing. Boxes, cigar Boxes, fancy and paper Boxes, wooden, packing Brass castings Bread and other bakery products . Brick and tile Bronze castings - Brooms and brushes Buttons Card cutting and designing Carpeutering Cai pets, other than rag . . . Carpets, rag Carriage and wagon materials Carriages and sleds, children's...'. Carriages and Avagous Cars, railroad, street, and repairs. Cleansing and polishing preparations. Cloth-finishing Clothing, men's Clothing, women's Cofiee and spices, roasted and ground 8,567 187, 148, 8 454, 000 6 81, 500 5 : 10, rjoo 14 42, 900 5 198, 000 11 305, 200 3 9, 000 11 26,900 8 279,750 3 25, 000 4 175, 000 258 397, 730 4 50, 200 :} 418, 000 51 853, 250 15 9.5, 450 4 7,800 581 2, 970, 190 12 .59, 150 33 417, 000 46 329, 870 38 782, 001 849 2, 633, 908 78 2, 342, 453 4 110, 150 60 447, 884 16 156, 400 8,993 326 1, 556, 630 170 7, 194, 483 58 61, 375 7.5. 600 4 8 44, 800 110 1,921,300 19 1,397,793 4 176,300 5 107,000 426 8,726,276 49 792. 950 16 509, 500 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1077 'CkBLE LiUL— Manufactures of 20 princijpal citieth 18^0— NEW YORK^Continued. AVERAGE NUMBBU OP HANDS EMPLOYED. Males above 16 years. 452 89 32 149 47 430 109 r)61 784 1,581 Females above 15 years. 232 Childreu'and youths. 38 19 4 IGO, 38 2C6 Total ^mount paid in wa^es during tne year. Dollars. 294, 840 50, 285 17, IIG 89,^)90 24, 997 251, 290 81, 6()4 373, G6t) 441, 547 1, 479, 670 Materials. Products. Dollars. 1, 255, 276 75, 140 143, 50(r 207, 515 223, Oltf 263, 093 101, 850 540,618 673,ll4 5, 693, 964 Dollars. 1, 952, 289. 210, 216' 205, 050 361, 641'* 277; 000 756, 406 282, 000 1, 250, 306 1, 351; 789 8, 968; 184 iron forgings ; iron work, architectural and ornamental ; jewelry and instrument cases ; labels and tags ; matcliefl; mirrors; musical instruments and materials (not specified)*; noodles and pins; oil, lard- saws; shoddy; soda-water apx»aiatu8; springs, steel, cnr'and (Tiirriage; stereotyping and electro typing; "tjtaaw goods- taxidermyj tinfoH; wooden' wate; worsted goods. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. 113, 075 336 34 16 79 42 7 16 74 16 43v 611 17 76 812 53 C 4, 931 51 208 369 541 2, 014 2, 646 41 455 317 15 2, 695 5,686 146 48 80 1, 562 1,192 31 64 6,716 121 56, 818 264 50 110 261 97 19 2 795 57 14 2, 337 25 1, 172 11 19 221 56 166 12 2, 378 1 15, 634 3 11 10,'849 2, 300 64 84 23 1 16 138 267 13 47 65 113 311 1 199 112 6 6 759 12 64, 265, 966 179, 547 65, 330 5, 324 25, 964 40, 215 94, 543 3, 548 7, 154 41, 165 10, 300 44, 488 209, 259 12, .500 28, 900 557, 419 40, 821 5, 370 2, 788, 409 28, 145 263, 216 169, 990 246, 812 918, 666 836, 1*08 21, 583 190, 105 164, 113 8, 665 1,338, 545 3, 029, 331 47, 254 20, 200 37, 751 767, 834 567, 852 16, 100 32, 702 4, 085, 239 479, 436 75, 753 199, 155, 477 392, 875 91, 070 2, 000 85, 989 478, 820 510, 327 26, 000 20, 291 361, 871 26, 300 220, 061 347, 786 25, 438 213, 500 709, 317 100, 230 13, 893 4, 819, 017 70, 480 376, 762 443, 531 832, 830 3, 613, 201 444, 591 394, 589 416, 276 141, 339 10, 920 3, 014, 6i8 8, 964, 581 97, 419 65, 200 99, 651 823, 643 2, 321, 956 37, 175 36, 236 11, 853, 139 1, 503, 610 1, 068, 586 57 58 59 60^ 61 i 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH C LIII. — Manufaciurea of 20 principal cities: 1880 — ; Mechanical and manufacturing indnstriea. CoflBna, 'burial cases, and undertakers'^oods. Combs Confectionery Cooperage .i Coppersmithing Cordage and twine ,Cork cutting.... .Corsets '. Cotton goods Crucibles Cutlery and edge tools Dentists' materials Dings and chemicals Dyeing and cleaning Dyeing and finishing textiles Electrical apparatus and supplies , Electroplating Engravers' materials , 'Engraving and die-sinking Engraving, steel , . . . Engraving, wood Fancy articles , Fertilizers Files * Fire-arms Flouring- and grist mill products Food preparations Fouuuery and niaohiue-shop products Fi'uits and vegetables, canned and preserved Furnishing goods, men's Furniture Furniture, chairs Furs, dressed XJalvanizing Gas and lamp fixtures Gas machines and met«rs Glass Glass, cut, stained, and ornamented Glue Gold and silver leaf and foil Grease and tallow Hair work * Hand-knit goods Hardware Hat and cap materials Hats and caps, not including wool hats Hosiery and knit goods Ink...' Instrupients, professional and scientific D'on and steel Iron bolls, nuts, washers, and rivets Iron forgin^fs Iron nails and spikes, cut and wrought Iron pipe, wrought Iron railing, wrought Ivory and bone work Japanning Jewelry . , J ewelry and instrument cases Kindling wood Lamps and reflectors Lasts Lead, bar, pipe, sheet, sfad shot Leather, curried Leather, dressed skills COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1079 Table lAlI.— Manufactures of 20 imncipal cities: 1880— PHILADELPHIA— Cont'd. AVERAGE NUMBEB OF HANDS EMI'LOYED. Males abo'' e 16 Females above Chiltlren and years. 15 years. youtha. 119 12 2 62 2 3 742 412 163 643 17 87 2 1 301 178 158 33 12 20 171 - 3, 784 5, 099 1, !I10 f)0 784 6 68 2r)5 60 11 1, 856 337 44 48 1 2 1, 4(i2 188 202 16 1 71 4 11 7 1 52 1 4 41 10 18 72 3 2 127 39 13 259 1 266 4 69 53 82 3 100 83 10 9, 305 68 563 72 138 32 61 331 36 2, 821 60 108 237 12 45 50 151 5 210 5 283 43 11 354 7 15 1, 358 128 751 102 12 10 438 7Ji 47 156 157 10 68 1 23 57 6 16 566 315 496' 9 73 21 2 0 i;237 549 50 2, 103 4, 935 1, 268 79 4 11 224 7 14 1,897 171 801 60 218 325 20 11 1 5 574 1 12 108 1 29 63 33 8 4 378 24 27 37 13 103 14 86 12 6 29 8 16 29 2 123 1 2 2,068 102 88 Total amouut paid in waRoa during the year. Dollars. •; 0,147 906 35.1, 339 258, 270 47, 104 220, 033 19, 264 44. 018 3, 073, 791 26, GOO 349, 017 156,175 I, 0(33, oo6 10, 747 789, 709 7, 472 34, 102 6, 920 28, 288 30, 630 46, 088 76,155 1J4, 101 115,2-75 25, 500 37, 947 61.127 4, 635, 977 59, 442 87, 540 1, 337, 419 132, 058 58, 900 103, 632 133, 759 151, 653 655, 023 49, 545 157, 000 134, 800 39, 379 2,), 677 82, 700 246, 017 11, 430 702, 889 2, 009, 528 60, 508 137, 798 1, 045, 570 307,581 128, 422 5, 383 92, 000 35, 845 111, 638 8, 765 210, 309 11,300 34, 162 47, 958 18, 295 23,076 72, 950 1, 158, 148 Materials. Products. Dollars. 131,720 39, 200 1,834, 108 586, 245 139, 749 1, 090. 500 20,810 129, 061 8, 422, 633 144, 271 305, 873 159, 000 7,481,307 I 23, 540 I 1, 773, 696 7, 149 3:^ 175 3, 700 18. 421 24, 095 12, 965 129, 512 608, 281 145, 628 18, 500 1, 693, 531 226, 722 6, 179, 841 454, 000 317, 736 2, 461,654 164, 16^ 290, 8U0 678, 320 93, 085 223, 498 690, 393 47, 333 1,190,700 339, 750 933, 943 40, 260 107, 335 423, 770 79, 600 1, 058, 091 4, 530, 480 168, 175 87, 307 2, 580, 512 767, 388 323, 893 17, 735 319, 000 99, 648 151, 499 8,2^8 410, 160 13, 600 102, 698 51,326 10, 890 620, 500 701, 037 4, 895. 342 Dollars. 309, 000 81, 420 2, 653, 074 997, 601 238, 923 1, 541, 748 59, 000 205, 505 14, 268, 696 212, 189 942,522 51 564, 000 I 52 11,804,793 I 53 49, 600 54 4, 316, 405 55 20, 770 100, .594 11,764 74, 546 89, 433 95, 559 254, 506 977, 750 318, 513 64, 500 1, 954, 715 371, 003 13, 455,238 553, 700 498, 507 4, 839, 853 389, 194 493, 700 912, 875 355, 228 464, 804 1,621,959 134, 962 1, 626, 000 519, 344 1, 120, 198 83, 737 215, 000 853, 588 132, 100 2, 300, 786 8, 173, 415 358, 050 349, 126 4, 257, 179 1, 395, 606 561, 487 30, 518 510, 000 180, 032 3.53, 019 26, 625 789, 886 35, 000 177, 620 137, 036 44, 234 75:!, 000 907, 552 6, 741, 796. 1080 Table LIII. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. .—Manufactures of 20 2frinci2)al cities : 1880— PHILADELPHIA— Cont'd. 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 323 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 339 140 141 142 143 344 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 354 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 167 368 170 Mechanical and manufacturing industries. Leather, tanned Liquors, malt Lithognipliin<; JjOck- and <;uii-sinithing Louking-<^lass and picture frames. Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed Malt Mantels, slate, marble, and niarbleized. Marble and stone work Masonry, brick and stone. . . Matches ^Mattresses and spring beds. Millinery and lace goods Mineral and soda waters 3Iixed textilesv Models and patterns Musical instruments and materials (not si>ecified) Musical instruments, organs, and materials Musical instruments, pianos, and>jnatcrials Oil, lubricating ^ Painting and paperhanging ^ Paints . , Paperhangings Paper (not specified) Patent medicines and conipounda. Perfumery and ccsinetios Photographing . Photographing materials « . . Pickles, ;^reserves, and sauces Pipes, tobacco Plated and britaniii:! wai- Plumbing and ga.slitliug Pocket-books Printing and publisiiing Printing materials . - Pumps, not inchidini: st .rim pm ips Eefrigerators Kegaiia and souiety banners fiiid emblems Roofing and roofing materials Saddlery and harness Safes, doors, au'l vaults, fir( Sasli, doors, and blinds Saws Scales and balances _ Sewing machines and attafiiraei ts. SliipbuiWing Shirts ' ^. ... Shoddy Show-cases .„ ... No. of establish ments. Silk and silk goods . s i 1 vo I'Av aT'c . . r - , _ Sla M filtering and meat-packing., ; not including retail butchering estab- lishments. Soap and candles , Sporting goods Springs, steel, <;ar and carriagie- Station ci y «;ooiis Steam fittings and heatin.^,' appcl atus Stencils iiiid brands '.. . . Stereotyping and electrotyping Stone- and earthen-ware Straw goods , Sugar and molasses, ro/ined # , Surgical appliances , Telegraph and telep>.oue appa; ;a ous... 5 9 18 8 110 78 3 25 40 13 3 349 21 4 7 35 8 47 G 5 9 241 5 181 3 6 11 105 116 4 25. 6 ! 51 I 49 7 I I 47 ! 6 19 32 3 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1081 Table hUL— Manufactures of 20 princij>al cities: 1880— PHILADELPHIA— Cont'd. AVEKAGE NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Males above 16 years. Females above 15 years. Children and youths. Total amount paid in wages during the year. Materials. 47 1, 311 472 48 GG3 112 151 225 124 1,418 55(r 18 112 85 155 4, 009 94 21 40 153 40 1,986 375 263 141 M 169 11 23 219 140 954 271 3,707 38 10 39 46 439 434 no 54;! , 051 151 434 ,706 171 56 30 953 68 359 345 158 41 239 42 172 195 46 1, 073 63 33 64 18 32 46 1, 139 5,394 10 112 53 209 470 123 3 2, 169 33 1, 708 3 11 15 17 20 187 44 1 11 13 54 1 1, 212 4 42 10 28 48 909 8 134 9 51 .')2 Dollars. 28, 717 720, 069 259, 978 23, 922 312, 889 47, 366 89, 386 79, 902 47, 812 683, 818 246, 727 14, 393 46, 463 205, 942 61, 338 3,120, 014 52, 132 13, 222 14, 254 87, 044 16, 480 792, 067 219, 450 161, 120 201, 850 130, 995 32, 515 109, '203 13, 510 7, 312 89, 565 52, 474 402, 186 120, 000 2, 141,415 22, 470 ,3, 890 20, 595 34, 273 185, 748 178, 725 67, 500 265, 263 587, 750 77, .511 223, 500 1,273, 322 531, 994 28, 997 15, 416 620, 620 44, 131 165, 353 26G, 085 19, 500 77, 662 18, 557 104, 906 19, 592. 104, 982 76, 700 40, 000 474, 017 43, 314 9, 643 Dollars. 231, 725 3, 409, 205 255, 692 27, 330 558, 094 184, 371 444, 635 1, 441, 230 86, 851 1, 026, 589 328, 641 69, 455 250, 090 1, 063, 779 135, 570 8, 759, 101 27, 151 7, IBO 8,340 81, 145 267, 311 784, 484 1, 546, 326 384, 252 871, 000 366, 934 148,488 86, 381 50, 400 55, 662 66,800 70, .542 7,58, 213 219, 500 2, 849, 913 18, 298 20, 355 68, 180 75, 085 283, 982 369, 038 81,015 426, 866 566, 780 56, 350 221, 650 1, 529, 504 1, 028, 104 400, 977 22, 540 1, C15, 485 75, 283 7, 042, 781 1, 412, 038 20, 000 437, 770 205, 600 220, 342 36, 432 51, 050 40, 410 105, 704 21, 343, 943 69, 821 21, 344 1082 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIIL—Manufaeiures of 20 prindjMl cities: 1880— PHILADELPHIA— Confd. 171 372 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 Mechanical and manufacturing industries. Terra-cotta ware Tinware, cojjperware, and sheet-iron ware. Tobacco, ch(nving, sniol', and snufF Tobacco, cij^ars, and cigarettes Tools Toys and frames Trunks and valises .. Type founding TTnibrellaa and canes . Upholstering Upholstering materials Varnish Vinegar Wasliing-machines and clothes- wringers. Watch and clock repairing "Watch cases . . . Wheel wrightin: Whi] 189 j Window blinds and shades 190 Wire 191 I Wirework 192 Wood, txirned and carved 193 Wooden ware 194 Woolen goods Worsted goods No. of establish- meuts. 4 272 4 473 8 21 i 4 I 28 I 71 Capital. Dollars. 71,000 1, 334, 322 274, 000 1, 2C8, 4V,:> 1, 541. 2.^2 i 79,100 i 113, 100 I 810. 000 I 1, 36X, 900 189, 000 ' 9.0,000 I 228,000 i 50, 28.^, 2, 500 46, 0G5 530,17;-. 140, 275 23, .^>(i0 9.5, Ono 60, .'.i;0 I 14 97, 2.^.0 3] 170, 9.')0 8 190,000 89 11, 7n;.', 900 24 4, 459, «:!9 55 4, 974, 144 a The 55 establishments classed as "miscellaneous industries " are grouped in order that the busi- ness of individual establishments may not be disclosed to the public. In this group are embraced; cardboard; carpets, wood; cheese and butter; clothing, horse; coal tar; collars and cutfs, paper; dentistry, mechanical; Ibundery supplies; gloves and mittens; gold and silver, reduced and refinod: grindstones; hand-stamps ; houscturnishing goods; iron work, architectural and ornamental; laid. CITY OF PITTSBURGH. 1 2 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 Boots and vshoes, including custom work and repairing 7 j Boxes, fan< y and paper. 8 I Brass ca.stin; Bread and ntlier bakery products 10 I Brick and tile 11 ! Bridges 12 I Btoouis and brusht 13 Cari)entering 14 Carp.^s, rag 15 I Carriages and wagons 16 I Cars, lailroad, street, and repairs 17 i Clothing, men's. 18 ; Clotliing, women's 19 I CottV e and spires, roasted and ground 20 I Collins, burial cases, and undertakeis' goods. 21 Coke 22 I Confectitmery 23 Cooperage .' 24 Cutlery and ed-ie tools. 25 1 Drugs and chemicals. . . 590. ' 77,;!':0 6(1, 389 2, 424 241,300' 102, .-)00 750. OOO 29, 000 330, 000 53, 500-^ 262, 650 > 85, 200', 494, 735 355, 000 251, 448j COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1083 Table IjUL— Manufactures of 20 principal cities : 1880— PHIL ADELPHIA— Cont'd. AVEEAGB NUMBBR OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Males above 16 years. 65 1, 480 79 1, 742 661 139 279 616 218 15 53 26 5 16 363 188 23 104 24 302 86 5,316 1,477 1, 506 Females above 15 years. 48 54 253 77 2 996 60 49 ..... 4, 543 2, 071 804 Cliiklren and youths. 118 15 143 149 3 25 165 18 1, 385 789 107 Total amount paid in wafjes during the year. Dollars. 16, 150 698, 297 40, 400 802, 546 279, 214 50, 278 62, 485 146, 694 478, 847 114, 503 24, 100 29, 140 19, 280 1,700 9, 184 208, 722 86, 568 8, 250 40, 133 13, 300 .58, 816 113,383 35, 950 3, 506, 951 1, 295, 168 858, 368 Matei'ials. Dollars. 18,1.50 1, .30.1, 687 288, 351 1, 085, 525 216,458 51, 525 160, 022 89. 400 1, 777, 364 292, 9r0 71,000 ir.9, 275 81, 644 850 9, 995 492,480 86, 932 13, 200 133, 767 77,810 142, 441 108, 743 49, 560 14,211,518 6, 000, 940 4. 796, 307 Products. Dollars. 57, 000 2, 660, 969 500, 570 2,617, 725 695, 160 122, 000 307, 910 120. 960 4, 050 30, 772 908, 180 252, 997 44, OUO 230, 616 100, 950 268, 382 280, 652 1 12, 315 21, 349, 810 8, 327, 282 7. 080, 594 171 172 173 174 175 138, 886 176 280, 742 177 417,132 178 2, 804, 874 179 554,230 180 181 182 183 184 185 187 188 191 192 193 194 195 196 refined; lightning-rods; liquors, distilled; millstones; mucilage and pastij; oil, lard; oil, linseed; oil- cloth, floor; oleomargarine; paving materials; pens, stwl; registers, ctir fare; rubber and elastic goods ; sand and emery paper and cloth ; sewing-machine cases ; soda-wiiter apparatus ; spectacles and eyeglasses; stamped ware; taxidermy; tinfoil; wood pulp; and zinc. CITY OF PITTSBURGH. 32, Oil 1, 681 3. 238 17. 17 498 10 84 168 291 692 102 150 10 182 67 775 25 34 154 57 414 326 53 81 475 147 57 43 132, 769 7, 776 47, 278 10, 195 12, 160 128, 376 12, 145 37, 429 103, 594 122, 604 339, 164 39, 570 76, 195 4, 355 102, 550 37, 400 314, 325 16, 500 85, 380 8, 720 54, 284 50, 550 154, 596 175, 184 28, 010 42, 109, 777 75, 915, 033 239, 710 27, 747 30, 354 5, 350 21, 600 382, 826 13. 040 91,440 411,174 127, 084 648, 836 111, 909 156, 024 .5, 773 146, 140 74, 500 1,.10.5, 200 80, 000 1, 108, 390 34, 400 114, 3.52 147, 965 868, 555 259, 793 62, 240 555, 150 57, 100 136, 963 19, 545 40, 500 611, 378 31, 865 17.5, 125 695, 906 385, 477 1, 214, 932 200, 4.50 287, 981 13, 245 346, 413 134, 925 1, 708, 560 130, 000 1, 276, 420 63, 600 208, 535 250, 775 1, 152, 892 499, 000 158, 646 1084 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LUl.— Manufactures of 20 princ'qyal cities: 1880— PITTSBURGH— Continued. Mechanical and manufacturing industries. Dyeing and cleandng Flouring, and grist-niill products , Foundery and macliine-sliop product»i ■^Furniture Furniture, chairs Glass Grease and talloTV — , Hardware Iron and steel ^ Iron bolts, nuts, wasuersi and rivets 36 Iron forgisigs :!7 Iron pipe, wrought ;{8 ! Leather, curried ... 39 Leather, tanned 40 Liquors, malt Looking-glass and picture frames , Liimber, planed , Lumber, vsawed , Marble and stone work Masonry, brick and stone Models and patterns . Oil, lard Oil, lubricating Painting and paperhanging . Paints Patent medicines and compounds. Photographing Plumbing smd gasfitting Printing and publishing Eoofing and roofing nftiterials Saddlery and harness Safes, doors, and vaults, fire-proof Shipbuilding Show-cases Slaughtering and meat-packing, not including retail butchering establishments. Soap and candles Stencils and brands Stone- and earthen- ware : Tinware, copperwai-e, and sheet-iron ware Tobacco^ cigars, aud cigarettes Upholstering Watch and clock repairing ,Wheelwrighting Wirework Wood, turned and carved Miscellaneous Ludustriea {a) No. of ostablish- ments. Capital, 4 .3 66 15 3 46 3 6 39 4 3 3 3 23 4 18 6 11 16 4 4 () DollarH. II, 500 213, .'iOO 4, 102, 13:{ 440,9.'50 I 2,900 1 5, 268, 000 I 17,000 I 576. 566 I 25,190,000 ' 380? 000 . 130,500 809,/150 92,500 ; 92,500 I 1,27.5,108 ; 76,000 .5fil, CAl 279,000 84,200 ; 21,82.> I 8,200 65, (too 42,500 ! 92,9:;o I 237,- 000 346, 000 21, 050 124, 686 1, 567, 600 48, 300 96, 690 59, 000 93, 000 35, 000 693, 000 III, 056 8, 100 85, 500 337. 000 8:^910 43, 250 47. 900 22, .300 7, 300 21, 800 2, 903, 898 a The 82 establishments classed as ' ' miscellaneous industries " are grouped in order that the business of iudivldual establishments may not be disclosed to the public. In this group are embfaced : artificial limbs; awnings and tents : axle-'giease ; bags, paper ; b«-.ilows : bells; boxes, cigar; boxes, wooden, packing; brass and copper, rolled; bronze castings; coppersmithing ; cordage and twine ; cork cutliiig; crucibles; dentistry, mechanical ; electroplating; engraving, steel; files; fire-arms; fruits and vege- tables, canned and preserved; furs, dressed; galvauiziug; glass, cut, stained, and ornamented ; gold aud silver leaf and foil; hairwork; hardware, saddlery; hats and caps ; hosiery and knit goods ; ink; CITY OF PROVIDENCE. All industries . 1 ^'Blackamithing 2 Bookbinding and blank-book making Boots and shoes, including custom work and repairing . 4 I Boxes, wooden, packing 6 1 Brass castings 1;205 27, 177, C06 62 70, 425 5 50, 300 81 27, 290 4 19, 300 9 103, 900 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1085 Table Llll.—Manufacturefi of ^0 principal citiefi : 1880— PITTSBURGH— Coutiuued. AVERAGE NUMBER OP HANDS EMPLOYED. Males above 16 Females above veurs. 15 years. 4 47 693 329 4, 185 11 495 14, 559 358 • 84 585 25 30 284 10 281 96 70 107 13 11 42 128 i?0 76 13 106 654 50 94 49 2)0 23 12 69 183 211 33 15 55 10 945 12 2 138 Children find youths. 48 46 310 33 11 2 1.473 90 1, 063 52 13 60 Total amount paid in waf^es during the year. Dollars. 4, 550 21,942 1, 390, 224- 164, 61^ 4, 664 2, 501, 431 5, 050 203, 969 8, 072,110 148, 709 52, 410 196, 582 13, 500 17, 000 136, 483 12, 400 154, 643 20, 945 36, 021 53, 577 6, 389 6, 280 25, 113 66, 438 33, 232 47, 283 10, 809 49, 864 465, 041 22, 860 54, 832 26, 350 102, 080 20, 200 41, 379 14, 212 6, 797 49, 450 121, 775 83, 814 30,150 10, 190 26. 045 6. 099 16, 143 558, 229 Materials. Products. DoUars. 2, 550 581, 701 2, 664, 749 269, 848 5, 700 DoUars. 13, 375 691,127 5, 530, 309 543, 838 13, 650 1, 997, 303 196, 201 413, 164 19, 288, 063 571, 943 5, 231, 971 222, 091 741, 794 35, 490, 634 867, 760 86, 419 1,187, 025 217, 010 145, 850 655, 373 194, 387 1, 558, 250 282, 406 200, 000 1, 150, 787 33, 500 615, 325 259, 900 32, 096 64, 430 62, 336 1, 054, 395 383, 420 86, 769 156, 586 3, 050 118, 464 241, 100 72, 461 281, 706 16, 980 141, 831 311, 500 188, 730 360, 390 322, 508 3, 093 97, 837 465, 977 46, 500 740, 164 33, 075 197, 755 1, 422, 481 93, 912 98, 946 25, 000 144, 333 72, 000 1, 302, 167 191, 475 63, 575 295, 288 115, 500 1, 451, 816 83, 825 1,725 67, 744 312, 956 97, 690 121, 248 14, 740 137, 181 .561, 106 274, 692 64, 608 7, 650 24,412 12, 900 20, 279 139, 708 - 27, 050 82, 088 27, 200 50, 048 2, 549, 294 4, 024, 232 iron nails and spikes, cut and wrought ; iron railing, wrought ; iron worlc, architectural and ornamental ; .iewftlrj ; kaolin and ground earths; lamps and reflectors; lead, bar, pipo, sheet, and shot; liquors, distilled; lithograplung; lock- andgun-^mithiug ; mult; mantels, slate^ marble, and luarbleized ; mineral and soda waters ; pickles, preserves, and sauces; plated and britaunia wftre ; legalia and society ban- ners and emblems; saws; springs, steel, car and carriage; steam fittings and heating apparatus; tobacco, chewing, smoking, and snuff; trunks and valises ; umbrellas and canes ; upholstering mate- rials; varnish; wasking-machines and clothes- wringers; whips; and wooden ware. ' CITY OF PR0VIDENC15. 16, 050 5, 125 1,716 9, 464, 110 104 41 58 36 60 1 1 1 54, 428 26, 835 18, 463 14, 4H4 32, 269 25 6 22, 794, 227 42, 597, 512 54, 423 176, 463 1 28, 100 83, 000 2 38, 321 103, 298 36, 396 64, 000 4 115, 000 172, 921 5 1086 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table Llll.^Manufactures of 20 principal cities: 1880— PROVIDENCE— ContiHued. Mochaniciil and manufacturing industries. No. of eKtabllHh- ments. Bread and othor bakery products - Brooms and bniHlies Carpentering Cnrriajjes and wagons - Clothing, men's Clothing, women's Coffee and spices, roasted and ground Coffins, burial cases, and undertakers' goods Coiilectionery , Cooperage Cotton goods Cutlery and edge tools Dentistry, mechanical Druiis and chemicals , Dyeing and cleaning .' Dyeing and finishing textiles Dyestnffs and extracts , Electroplating Enameling Engraving and die-sinking Engraving, wood Fancy articles Files Flouring- and grist-mill products ^ Foundery and machine-shop j^roducts Furniture Gas and lamp fixtures Gold and silver, reduced and refined Hairwork , Hardware Ivory and bone work , Jewelry Lapidary work Leather goods , Liquors, malt Lock- and gun-smithing Looking-glass and picture frames Lumber, planed Marble and stone work Masonry, brick and stone , Mattresses and spring beds Mineral and soda waters Models and patterns .- Painting and paperhanging . , Patent medicines and compounds Photographing Plumbin* and gasfitting , Printing and publisbing Pumps, not including steam pumps Saddlery and harness Sbipbuilding Shoddy Slaiightering and meat-packing, not including retail butchering estab lishmenfs. Soap and candles Stationery goods Stencils and brands Straw goods Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware Tobacco, cigars, and cigarettes Trunks and valises Umbrellas and canes Wood, turned and carved "Woolen good.s "Worsted goods Miscellaneous industries (a) 4 142 7 3 3 5 7 6 23 29 4 H 3 65 22 19 21 17 a The 68 establishments classed as "miscellaneous industries " are grouped in order that the busi- ness of individual establishments may not be disclosed to the public. In this group are embraced : ;i i. ^i- cultural implenuMits; belting and ho.se, le.ither; boots and shoes, rubber; boxes, ci;;ar; boxes, fum y : i paper: biidges; buttons; collars and cuffs, })a])er ; corsets; cotton-tics; drain and sewer piue . arms; foundery supplies ; funiiture, chairs; tur.s, dressed ; glass, cut, stained, and ornamenttHl; h-.uul- stamps; hats and caps; hooks and eyes; iron and steel; iron forgings ; iron pipe, wiought; lead, bar. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1087 Tablk hllL— Manufactures of 20 principal cities : 1880— PROVIDENCE— Continued. AVERAGE NUMBER OF HANDS E&fPLOTBD. Males above 16 years. 124 14 688 164 417 6 19 32 13 27 609 45 9 22 6 853 40 58 93 52 2 25 321 36 3, 237 310 46 142 2, 411 39 5 17 63 276 221 21 14 7 279 92 289 6 75 83 35 85 10 21 7 5 197 52 11 2 10 815 851 2, 045 Females above 15 years. 535 1, 129 8 148 18 675 2 Children and youths. 26 568 912 667 274 130 2 1 2 178 381 203 296 Totfll amount paid in wages during the year. Dollars. 62, 577 7, 245 341, 125 85, 371 393, 939 18, 555 10, 676 18, 958 10, 501 14, 884 487, 393 15, 889 8, 046 10, 924 6, 708 412, 608 19, 195 36, 162 44, 816 34, 941 2, 146 11, 367 129, 944 21, 106 1, 552, 842 162, 150 26, 500 18. 627 5, 300 63, 743 35, 230 1,614, 836 16, 682 19, 420 38, 785 3,702 10, 103 28, 309 130, 823 94, 064 9, 356 6, 149 4, 'm 133, 185 63, 209 26, 156 42, 641 219, 429 2, 663 36, 024 51, 077 14, 290 44, 362 2, 598 16, 898 2, 665 5, 5">3 106,811 28, 774 6, 958 660 5, 413 641, 391 661, 588 1, 159, 250 pijie, shegt, and shot; leather, dressed skins ; lime; lithoornT. ' ' nais; oil, cottouseed and rake: paints; pavjiij m > i ritaunia ware; rubber and elastio jioods: sat, saws; screws; sewing macliines arid attaciiui ; 1 ting goods; starch; stone- and efttheu-ware ; taxidonay 'scs; window blinds and shades : wire; and wirework. Materials. Dollars. 305, 022 14, 085 692, 060 114.910 1, 090, 566 94, 825 121,. 536 45, 923 30. 188 27, 150 1, 323, 024 16, 660 9,892 78, 800 1, 788 834, 807 162. 500 130, 372 59, 263 6,423 2, 660 35,084 140, 095 392, 875 1, 912, 589 41.5, 584 34, 600 1, 366, 471 18, 930 37, 484 17, 375 2, 495, 824 11, 200 63, 950 233, 052 2, 762 31,860 23, 910 82, 740 1 21*, 296 80, 260 15, 240 1, m 111, 178 285, 864 15, 101 87, 796 173, 200 7, 902 46, 274 57, 883 131, 1.54 1, 318, 116 22, 925 2:^, 910 8, 730 547 196, 292 56,-J6l 14, 805 1, 050 12. 500 1, 973. 001 2, 002, 630 3, 203, 693 Products. liiiff; mnsical instruments, organ-s, and 1'it'kios. preserves and sauces; plated ' ; vaults, fire-])roof; sash, doois and s; silk and silk aoods; sil vei'WM rc^ ; toys and games; upholstering; watch K 1 ') . 3 4 5 6 7 H 9 10 U 12 rs 14 1;3 1(5 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 4 'J 44 45 4(> 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Taju.i; lA]L~Manufactnres of 20 principal cities : 1880— Cc CITY OF SAINT LOUIS. Mechauical and manufacturing industries. All industries . Agricultural implements Artificial feathers and flowers Awnings and tents Bagging, flax, hemp, and jute. Bags, paper Baking and yeast powders , Baskets, rattan and willow ware .Blacksmfthing , Bookbinding and blank-book making . Boot and shoe uppers Boots and slices, including custom work and repairing. Boxes, cigar '. Boxes, fancy and paper Boxes, wooden, packing Brass castings Bread and other bakery pi oducts Brick and tile Brooms and brushes Carpentering Cai-pets, rag Carriage and wagon materials — Carriages and wagons Cars, railroad, street, and repairs . Clothing, men's Clothing, women's Coffee and spices, roasted and ground Cofiius, burial cases, and undertakers' goods. Confectionery Cooperage C oppersmithin g Cordage and twine Corsets Cotton goods (Cutlery and edao tools Dentistiy, mechanical Drugs and chemicals Dyeing and cleaning Dyeing and finishing textiles Electroplating Engraving and die-sinking. . . Engraving, steel . Engraving, wood File.s. Flouring- and giist-mill products Food preparations Foundery and machine-shop products Fruits and vogetahles, canned and preserved Fuinituro (ilass Glass, cut, stained, and ornamented Gloves and mittens Glue Grease and tallow. . Hairwork Hardware Hats and caps, not including wool liats . Ink Instruments, professional and scientific Iron and steel Iron bolts, nuts, washers, andri\ ets.-. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1089 Table LIII. — Manvfactures of 20 princqml cities : 1880 — Continued. CITY OF SAINT LOUIS. AVEKAGE NUMBEU OP HAJJD8 EMPLOYED. I\f3>l6S &1)0V6 16 Feiua>l68 <)ov© years. 15 years. youths. 33, 980 4, 761 3, 084 — ■ ^ 443 5 9 50 15 47 165 5 149 161 76 12 30 42 48 26 10 13 343 6 148 56 7 13 638 217 197 51 22 11 27 44 19 80 2 149 8 614 57 68 787 153 117 110 1, 108 9 2 189 3 1, 012 8 51 60J. 1,191 1, 652 12 75 451 30 90 2 4 23 4 207 185 21 860 88 9 1 37 40 3 163 106 171 30 5 3 1 57 28 17 6 1 34 5 4 29 1 1< 14 1 47 2 3 22 2 35 668 13 3,433 33 38 8 1 1, 044 11 68 395 220 16 29 35 4 24 4 20 6 23 111 1 49 8 82 4 22 2, 158 110 123 14 Total amount paid in wages (luring the year. Dollars. 17, 743, 532 190,179 25, 450 54, 850 150, 210 29, 700 39, 714 6, 140 188, 954 80, 700 7, 052 425, 664 34, 100 23, 300 33, 601 70, 087 312,913 307, 581 83, 349 667, 900 450 91, 638 447, 831 293, 384 779, 908 I 119,775 j 41,840 12, 530 1.59, 649 I 377, 056 6, 200 16, 423 1,450 86, 325 9,596 4, 184 123, 940 6, 950 7, 500 12, 725 7, 165 25, 050 11, 350 17, 142 488, 879 4, 800 1, 834, 046 11,614 5U, 915 2t;l, 098 9, 450 18, 000 13, 220 9, 150 7, 375 51, 321 42, 865 3, 508 12, 700 616, 575 60, 498 Materials, Dollars. 75, 379, 867 478, 140 66, 000 249, 185 545, 900 174, 800 182, 900 3, 960 201, 598 10.5, 600 17, 400 874, 812 47, 700 45, 800 75, 430 395, 275 1, 672, 84;{ 197, 588 149. 770 1, 585, 094 900 134, 440 811, 865 732, 4Q0 1, 895, 342 238, 700 391. 500 109, 200 774, 790 798, 262 12, 000 33, 250 2, 410 335, 381 8, 450 6, 400 665, 365 2, 650 5, 500 9, 420 10, 750 62, 500 1,370 7, 870 12, 031, 364 11, 375 2, 700, 844 .54, 902 1, 082, 825 238, 946 7, 100 19, 000 41,.'->75 66, 220 19, 350 102, 256 77, 740 7, 290 35, 725 2, 823, 058 301, 937 Products. Dollar.3. 114, 333, 375 856, 430 147, 250 388, 940 867, 395 231, 500 323, 500 18, 020 616, 909 257, 087 29, 200 1, 634, 594 105, 600 91,200 140, 400 570, 450 2, 575, 350 701, 032 281,280 3, 005, 411 5,100 264, 600 1,614, 236 1,100,809 3, 425, 167 483, 000 568, 000' 157, 396 1, 158, 185 1, 431, 405 24, 000 67, 664 6, 460 4.53, 295 24, 400 32, 400 1,166,743 23, 900 22, 200 43, 200 30, 000 120, 900 21, 070 34, 300 13, 783, 178 30, 840 5, 9.52, 770 123, 250 1, 979, 683 597, 277 27, GOO 46, 000 73, 800 107, 300 40, 700 188, 862 177, 531 16, 234 81, 450 3, 950, 530 493, 560 69 C C 1090 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table 1,111.— Manufactures of 20 principal cities : 1880— SAINT LOUIS— Continued. Mechanical and manufacturing industries. Iron railing, wrought Iron work, architectural and ornamental Jewelry Labela and tags , Lamps and reflectors Leather, curried Leatlier, tanned Lightning-rods Lime Liquors, malt Liquors, vinous Lithographing , Lock- and gun-smithing Looking-glass and picture frames Lumber, planed Lumber, sawed , Marble and stone work , Mattresses and spring beds Masonry, brick and stone , Mineral and soda watei-s Models and patterns Musical instruments and materials (not specified) Musical instruments, organs, and materials Musical instruments, pianos, and materials Oil, lard Paints Painting and paperhanging ^ Patent medicines and compounds Photographing Pickles, preserves, and sauces Plumbing and gasfitting Printing and publishing Pumps Kefrigerators Roofing and roofing materials Saddlery and harness Sash, doors, and blinds Shipbuilding Shirts Show-cases Slaughtering and meat-packing, not including retail butcheriiii lishments. Soap and candles Stencils and brands Stone- and earthen-ware Tinware, copperware, and sheet-iron ware Tobacco, chewing, smoking, and snuff Tobacco, cigars, and cigarettes Trunks and valises Umbrellas and canes Upholstering Varnish Vinegar. VTatch and clock repairing "Wlieclwriiihting Whips. -.1 Wire work Wood, turned and carved Miscellaneous industries (a) No, of establish- ments. 3 8 3 7 3 13 119 24 25 3 61 101 9 3 5 92 12 7 17 4 32 15 6 5 120 21 201 14 4 18 3 14 17 52 4 8 18 85 (a) The 85 establi;-hnients classed as "miscellaneous industries " are grouped in order that the busi- ness of individual establishments may not be disclosed to the public. In this group are embraced: arti- ficial limbs ; babbitt metal and solder'; bags, other than paper : belting and hose, leather; billiard tables and mateJ'ials ; bluing; bone-, ivory-, and lamp-black; bridges; carriages and sleds, children's: cordials and simps; cork cutting : deutists' materials; explosives and fireworks ; fertilizers; flavoring extracts; furniture, chairs: furs, dressed; gold and silver, reduced and refined; hosiery and knit goods; iraa forgings; ice. artificial; jewelry aiid instrument cases: lard, refined; lead, bar, pipe, sheet, and sh^ liquors, distilled; malt; mantels, slate, marble, and marbleized ; oil, neat's-foot ; oil, castor; oil, cottating apparatus; stereotyping and electrotyping; slone- and earthen-ware; sntiar and molasses, refined ; taxidermy; tobacco, chewing, smoking, and snuff; toys and games ; type founding; varnish; vinegar; wLips; wooden ware; woolen goods; and zinc. 1096 COMPENDLUM OF THE TI:NTH CENSUS. Table LHI. — Manufactures of 20 ^principal cilies : 1880— Coutinucd, CITY OF WASHINGTON. Me(;lianiciil and maniifactnring industries. All industries. Awnings and tents lilacksinitliing Bookbindinc: and blank-book making ...^^ j Boots and shoes, including <;uMtom work and repairing. Brass castings Bread and other bakery products. Brick and tile Carpentering Carriages and wagons Clothing, men's Coffee and spices, roasted and ground Cotiius, burial cases, and undertakers' goods. Confectionery Cooperage Dentistry, mechanical Drugs and chemicals Engraving and die-sinking Fertilizers Flouring- and grist mill products Foundeiy and machine-shop products. 21 j Furniture 22 I G-rease and tallow 23 Hair-.vorlc Instruiiieuts, professional and scientific Iron railings, wrought 26 Jewelry 27 ICindling wood. 28 j Lime 29 i Li([uors, malt.. Lithographing 31 Lock- nnd gun-smithing 32 I Looking-glass and picture frames. 33 I Lumber, ])laned. 34 Marble and st( tone work . . . i5 j Masonry, brick and stone- Mattresses and spring beds Mineral and soda waters Models and patterns Psiinting and papcrhanging Patent medicines and compounds. Paving ranterials Photograpliing Plnmhing iiiid gasfitting , Priutinii' ^iid j)ublishing. Saddlery and biu ness Soap and c audles _ Tinv, ai e, copperware, and sheert-iron ware . Tobacco, cigars, and cigarettes) Li^nibrellas and canes. . ! Upholstering „ ' "Watch and clock repairing Wheelwrightinff Miscellaneous industries ^a) No. of establish- ments. 971 a The 60 establishments classed as "miscellaneous indt4fitries" are grouped in orderthat the businww of individual establishments may wot be disclosed to the piiblic. Tn this group are embraced : artificial limbs; bags, papei'; baskets, rattati and willow Avare: biiAug; boxes, cigar; boxes, fancy and papei; brooms and brushes; carpets, rag:; cars, railroad, street, and repairs: cheese and butter: elothiiip, women's: cordage and twine; dyemg and cleaning ; electroplating; engraving, steel ; engraving, wood; files; fruits and vegetables, cmnediind presej-ved; furniture^ chairs; glass; glass, cut, stained, audorua- COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1097 Table LIII. — Manufactures of 20 ;principal cities: 1880 — Continued. CITY OF WASHINGTON. AVERAC.E NUMKKR OP HANDS EMI'LOYED. Males above 16 years. 4 m 9 Gl 104 57e 245 149 157 80 28 6 25 87 40 198 14 11 21 28 24 60 40 10 32 86 137 190 24- 12 101 259 34 129 1,026 45 795 Females above 15 years. 24 Children and youths. 27 688 550 261 8 120 28 Toticil Hmoiint pRid in wages during Materials. Products. the year. Dollars. Dollarn. Dollars. J, yJ4, blJ 5, oo5, 400 11, 882, 310 ___ — . _ ., — ■ — 3, 581 - ' ' 4,643 13, 924 1 45, 408 39, 474 146, 219 2 4, 332 2, 280 1 0, 731 •' 31, 111 42, 225 127, 107 4 22, 087 67, 152 90, 769 5 73, 148 400, 608 606, 236 6 123,161 62, 575 314, 298 7 loo, bZv /4/, 000 486, 702 8 69, 496 53, 277 183, 205 9 no nnQ Uo, 77o 178, oOZ 376, 065 10 6, 356 84, 680 100, 020 11 19, 631 41,440 92, 640 12 40, 131 122, 263 lil, 902 1!5 11, 300 10, 770 2.5, 770 14 2, 632 5, 600 19, 200 15 10, 190 31,836 63, 025 16 1, 965 3, 900 12, 375 17 JM, dOO 156, 250 18 21, 508 h; U / 1, OUU 1, 172, 375 19 75, 102 155, 098 358, 166 20 39, 385 39, 005 113, 375 21 3, 422 47, 918 69, 400 22 3, 276 6, 500 14, 800 23 iO, IlLi 7, 750 37, .561 24 3, 912 4, 685 13, 403 25 12, 444 11, 310 37, 533 26 11, 114 21, 969 40, 050 27 11, 959 17, 424 51, 648 28 30, 186 162, 739 Zib, 161 29 23, 164 16, 860 52, 334 30 5, 595 3, 745 13, 546 31 16, 308 28, 706 65, 227 32 40, 920 124, 925 192, 792 33 60, 490 91, 806 TOO CClCi iy8, 099 34 68, 750 90, 050 JOO, 970 35 2, 000 12, 640 17, 440 36 13, 432 10,100 33, 700 37 6, 838 2, 605 16, 440 38 50, 044 49, 387 143, 471 39 7, 098 7, 200 20, 454 40 99, 500 171, 250 316, 500 41 16, 291 10, 515 55, 551 42 66, 194 102, 799 225, 193 43 1,478, 880 827, 519 2, 896, 312 44 19, 471 33, 157 80, 349 45 7, 735 41, 678 66, 563 46 44, 857 96, 472 102! 081 47 31, 628 45, 692 118, 318 48 785 2, 070 6,218 49 12, 341 27, 016 50, 1 91 50 24, 361 6, 345 42, 360 51 2, 252 3, 230 11, 323 52 871, 113 459, 354 1, 572, 703 53 mentod ; gjloves and mittens; ink; iron and steel; iron wort, architectural and ornamental; leather, curried; leather, dx'e8scd skins; leather, tanned; lumber, sawed; mantels, .slate, marble, and marble- ized; mu.sical instruments and materials (not specifit^d) ; oil, neat's-foot; paints; paper (not specified); perfumery and cosmetics; shiits; .spectacles and eyeglasses; stationery goods: stereotyping .and electrotyping ; stone- aud earthen-ware ; taxidermy; terra-cotta ware ; type founding; vinegar; wire- work; and wood, turned and carved. 1098 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special statiatica 1.— AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. States aud Tcrritorius. The United States.. Alabama Arkannas ... California .. (yonnecticat Delaware ... GeoTfria . Illinois . Indiana . Iowa Kansas . Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massac liusetts. Miehi{2;an .. Minnesota . Mississippi Missouri . . . Nebraska . . 21 New Ham psbire 22 I New Jersey 23 [ New ToTk 24 I North Carolina . 25 j Ohio 26 ! Oregon 27 i Pennsylvania . . 28 Khode Island .. 29 South Carolina. •60 Tennessee 31 Texas 32 TJtah ! "Vermont 34 j Virginia "West Virginia . "Wisconsin No. Dollars. 1,943 62,: 20 11 21 21 12 20 220 96 58 14 1 28 36 29 143 32j 12 74 13 17 40 265 34 156 4 220 4; 7i 33 i 13! 1 35 51 108 13, 075 9, 985 389, 500 832, 500 67, 400 1 200, 124' 11,306, 955; 3, 231, 818 1, 185, 530 72, 450 2, 296, 037 3, 000 726, 300 395, 400 910, 000 2, 488, 287 2, 315, 222 31, 900 645, 772| 37, 550 1 196, 700' 20s, 300i 9. 580, 009 132, 800i 16, 111, 576 35, 000 3. 452, 923 18,500 18, 150 161, 0301 j 33, m 5, 000 640, 900 536, 030 73, 050 3, 747, 095 AVERAGE NUMBEE OF HAN' 1)8 EM- VLOYKI). 38. 313 35 24 286 552 230' 6, 989 2, 357 785 102 999 5 440 338 956 1,958 1, 196 61 713 54 178 2(-4| 6, 335 199 7,281 17 2, 540 16| 33i 1721 73 1.194 133 16! 462 2 519 44 284 1J3 23 1 24 a if a u Dollars. 15, 359, 610! 7, 510 5, 541 149, 995 218, 514 20, 524 77, 585' 3, 186, 999 1, 010, 644 243, 635 27, 962 364, 385 600 174, 075 117, 791 365, 896 650,192 507, 085 16,025 276. 536 15, 050 MATEBIALS. Dollart 5, 669, 516 75, 068 i 61, 972 I , 513, 875 I 48, 550 , 981, 065 , 9, TOO 898, 608 5,219 7, 050 43, 277^ 46, 750 11, '232 16.5, 894 162, 634 18, 105^ 874, 667 1, 750 1, 690 137, 325 100, 041 7, 0361 40, 320 1, 332, 201 ! 340, 855' 130, 663 6, 737 91, 922 100 19, 730 56, 4951 133, 850 I 252, 336 256, 762 6, 2('3 311, 235 9, 580. 10, 186j 20,925 757, 041 1 11,4201 778, 003! I 2, 200! 433,881 1, 875 1,6.50 13, 7501 10, 300 400 96, 038 51, 976 2, 004 241, 030 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1099 for principal industries : 1880. 1.— AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. MATKKIALS— cont'd. Dollars. 7, 778, 152 Dollars. 31, 531,170 1, 938 2, 70, 160 54, 137 4, 3.'>5 78, 833 1,89], 315 546, 509 131, 828 3, 815 257, 415 50 77, 840 30, 54:) 51, 82G| 501, 508} 268, 027 4, 550 37, 512 1, 500| 21, 096 24,212 1, 047,419 13, 882 1, 784, 738i ■ l,250j 330, 08G 1, 110! 1, 300 ; 11, 230 10, 500 672 108, 152 34, 354 3, 440 368. 479 8,806 8, 414 334, 035 317, 644 19, 621 Seeders and planters. No. 68,691 337, 846 6,722,930 43,180, 2, 182, 137 1, 584' 601, 096; 25, 063 No 19,288 185 1, 662 150 823, 392 650 329, 675 227, 190 634, 752 1,337, 945 975, 890 32, 120 599, 015 30, 030 91,476 95, 437 4, 580, 010 62, 380 7, 243, 326 7, 1, 788, 6. 5, 59, 46, 3, 357, 244, 17, 073 567 No. No. 8,155 43,222 218 No. No. 15,563 20,289 12 20 50 1 4,182 150 14,065 20 850 252 Implements of coltiva- tiou. No. I No. No 4, 245 i 684, 138 2, 4801 550 500 161 195 930 , 200' 28 318 500 ! 855 4or 49 250 356 300 12 i; 172' 1,373 I 1,394 2 14,736' 13,10l! 3,224 420 967 1, 6001 1, 822 710 1 1 2501 15; 18| 21 40 700 759'! 639} 400 3771! 362 5351 1, 373, 547 3. 800 106 93 20 200 200 10 2, 276' 108 19, 252 5, 120 1, 280 118 900 7. 325 25 9301 958 151 21 200 4, 240 14, 050 2,000 12 I 55.. 3:. 348!. 1: 10 12 22 No. No. 318,057 127,997 82 118 265 5, 358 9ti0 33,612 132, 51H ti,002 8, 543 21,462 1, 396; 2, 218; 1, 9171 454! 140 27 1: 154, 480 6, 074 1.5, 6651 727| 16, 248 13 7, 684 300 4 1, 099 12, 049 6611 1, 136 11, 885 204 286; 1,399| 2,091 547. 216 37, 732 3, 618 3, 636 1. 028 10 13,993 11 12 376 13 501 14 3,375 15 26,362 16 510 17 200 18 1,628 19 1,833 20 418 21 1,700 22 10,118 23 453 24 3,207 25 51' 26 1,367 27 125 28 11 29 557 1 30 I 48 31 I 32 435 33 930 34 22 35 9,020 30 I 1100 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures: Special statistics 1.— AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS— Continued. States and Tcmtori Tlje United States , 1 Alabama 2 Arkansas . j (California. 4 I Connecticut T) I Delaware . . . ! Georgia. 7 Illinois . 8 Indiana, y Iowa. ... 10 Kansas . n j Kentucky 1*2 ; Louisiana 13 Maine 14 j ]\Iiiryland IT) j Massachusetts. 16 ! Michigan .. 1" i Minnesota . 1 8 Mississippi 19 t Missouri 20 1 ^^"ebraska.. 21 j J^few Hampshire . 22 ]N^ew Jersey 23 I ^^ew York'. 24 i North Carolina . . 2r) i Ohio 26 Oregon 28 29 Pennsylvania.. Khode Island . . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Utah "Vermont Virginia West Virginia . 36 "Wisconsin PRODUCTS— continued. Implements of cultivation — cont'd. Dozen. Ko. 1, 326, 123 ! ? P4 Dozen 212, 147 17 80 1, 803 20, 760 33 10, 047 164 2, 342 9, 289 540 ! 2, 061 61 20, 100 18, 390 101 52 1,660 47 67, 8891 15l 29. 954 , 918( 275 ,700 121 23 410 70, 269, 177, 30, 753| 1071 175 855! 462; 343 9801 6i;)| 197' 97, 410 1 130, 791 t 200 504 809 134 684! 782 490l 611| 160l 1, 360! 97, 815 15, 619 63, 962 176 84, 898 500 680 24, 007 40, 192 34 170 10 1,713 182 677 i 57 No 3. 002 2,346 2, 475 126,006 20 83 46 6. 762 66, 054 415| 200 133 35I 30 4 211 26 3 283 32 51 81 100 Harvesting implements. No. 315 61 ll 8[ 138 3, 0841 816, 585 1 7, 008 198; 226 20 1 12 154 15 Ko. No. 167,492 25,737 33! Dozen. ,310 17 ! 032i 11, 806 46, 035 13, 410 200 127 625 2, 000 37, 713 111 30 106 135 056 19| 179,' 281| 3, 054; 3, 417 5 10: 10, 923 26, 685 1.720 3, 750 I 300l 7,766 220,819] 18, 928: 3, 440 18, 6,591 600 100 2,400 152 1,150 160 225 508 4, 318 175| 20| li 8, 8801 44 3, 600 COMPflNDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1101 for principal industries: 1880 — Continued. 1.— AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS— Continued. PRODUCTS— continued. Harvesting implements. Hay-forks. Hay-loaders. Hay-tedders. Horse-rakes. Lawn-mowers. Mowers. Potato-diggers. M Reapers and laow- ers combined. Scythes. Scythe-snaths. Sickles. Dozen. 206, 727 Xo. 8,957 No. 2, 334 No. 95, 625 Xo. 47, 661 Xo. T2, 090 Xo. 33, 453 Xo. 35, 327 No. 54, 920 No. 1, 244, 264 No. 437, 178 No. 95, 613 3 1 150 50 716 342 30 2 10 fifiy 36 1 3,396 7, 500 9,760 292, 000 i.90o! u ann 12 10 20 1 2 9, 537 310 250 3 220 ; 4, 866 227 200 6 1.747 3, 310 1,806 150 62' GM 30 1. 500 1,110: 37,867 1,428 60,531 10, 962 1 1,326 50 35 29 23 9 305 610 1,050 253 878 2, .340 15, 417 600 20 1, 200 20 10 12, 224 4^8, 800 20, 400 600 15, 000 56, 590 2, 212 24, 000 35 630 30, 855 2 700 200 1, 567 55 1, 200 2 i 8 300 3, 500 112 .-1 2 1, 230 . 15 10 ! 63 1 200 50 27, 410 10 35 8,663 204, 800 7 201, 452 157 20, 796 fil * 15 16, 028 2 32, 300 .1 1, 000 3, 650 1,007 11, 401 1 9, 592 669 27, 261 1 44,i59 13,000 29, 267 8, 274 14, 179 36, 346 51, 850 61, 000 62, 218 5,036 28 4,414 25 17, 363 1, 550 30 1 604 268 255 19, 732 300 4 1 1 6 1 1 44, 500 450 60 6 541 370 74, 400 150, 000 4 45 1, 143 375 251 420 364 34 135 25 119: lan 1 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 :22 23 24 i5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1102 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Taijlk LIV. — Manufactures: Special statistics ■ 1.— AGRICULTURAL. IMPLEMENTS— Continued. States and Territories. The Uuitecl States Alabama Arkansas ... California. .. Connecticut Delaware... Georp,ia Illinois . Indiana. Iowa Kansas . Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massacliusetts. Michigan . . Minnesota . Mississippi Missouri Nebraska . . ruoDUCTS — continued. Seed separators. No. 1. 412 New Hanipsbire . New Jersey New York*^ North Carolina . . Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Ehode Island .. South Carolina Te^uilessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia West Virginia . Wisconsin 532 No. 44, 370 25 44, 136 24 300 436 52 129 No. 59, 157 11, 687 75 100 11, 935 30 85 No. 45. 412 1,500 92 1, 500 """29 603 2,105 225 200 3, 125 858 2, 331 378 180 327 210 160 12, 325 1, 399 No. 675 140 4, 616 125 20, 300 1,567 46 1, 512 2,865 2, 743j i 9,103 612 873 800 15 1, 256 146 732 100, 810 23 408 200 132 201 17, 418! 250 1,670 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. for principal industries: 1880 — Continued. 1.— AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS— Continued. 1103 PRODUCTB — continued. Miscellaneous. Cane-mills. Cider- and wiae- mills. Feed steamers and boilers. Hay- and straw- cutters. m IB © a w Horae-powera. Stalk-pullers. Stone-gatherers. Stump-pullers. o « o e3 % M No. 2, 356 No. 10, 202 No. 1, 482 No. 33, 883 No. 791 No. 11, 161 No: 93 No. 9, 068 No. 703 No. 1,460 1 50 20 22 74 50 7 200 333 1, 902 2,993 3 100 6 250 11 50 2 581 301 1, 230 10 14 204 591 580 3 i, 507 143 111 45 1 126 150 173 70 6,379 932 12 435 6 409 25 3, 846 3 276 233 5 95 200 200 8 195 1,905 5,350 3, 167 1 71 139 20 680 1, 000 100 10 1 80 125 3 650 50 290 400 33 50 ^ 70 634 1, 800 452 5 600 250 12 18 306 46 557 5 3, 660 75 22 76 205 807 62 1, 881 25 1,407 401 65 11 4, 766 200 2, 990 15 100 97 34 40 37 1 5 1 386 163 1,857 81 1 1 206 1 1 150 30 40 24 100 2 281 189 24 318 135 2, 590 65 12 350 15 108 43 1 95 90 422 1,834 240 221 75 H © O C5h Dollars. 10,493,432 7,i 8, 906 132, 865 80, 278 25, 347 117, 525 1, 390, 761 694, 107 262, 259 24, 506 457, 402 1, 400 79, 596 68, 855 33, 475 639, 558 25, 978 13, 305 293, 795 9, 085 4,250 62, 411 1, 288, 873 49, 710 3, 069, 574 10, 800 707, 593 1, 750 2, 715 24, 800 52, 811 12, 000 156, 605 162, 732 11, 000 508, 915 1104 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special statistics 2.— BOOTS AND SHOES (FACTORY INDUSTRY), (a) States and Terri- tories. United States (J;iliibriua. . . Colorado Connecticut. Georgia Idaho Illinois ... Indiana... Iowa Kansas . . . Kentucky. Louisiana Maine Maryland Massacliuaetts. Michigan Minnesota l^ississippi Missouri New Hampshire New Jersey , New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Tennessee Utah , Vermont Virginfa West Virginia . 31 Wisconsin iVo. 1, 95 Dollars. 42, 994, 028 AVERACSE NUMBER OF HANDS EM- PLOYEU. 82. 547 25, 122 81 1,001,183 1 60, 000 26! 031,000 4| 41, 800: li 4,000 .33 1,729,200' 12! 226, 500l 3| 61, 040| 3| 16, 000 15 197, 100 2, 246 75 1, 012 35 1,7181 304 135 62 315 165 4 17, OOOj 115 521 1,369,000' 2,634 34' 590,600l( 1,271 982 21, 098,133146,988 10 343, 500; 090 272 5 51 1 145 463, 000 14, 500 642, 800 696, 200 964, 245 6, 227, 537 34, 000 1, 154, 200 10, 000 3. 627. 840 6, 000 60, 050 88, 000 60, 800 10, 000 20 548, 1 9, 072 97 2, 255 15 5, 085 23 117 93 172 10 970 129 3, m 1, ISO 105 450 75 13,374 1,289 67 26 357 • 24 21 27 1 864 225! 193 3,390 .985! 59 2, 392 8091 117 fcC Dollar 43, 001, 438 1, 064, 938 17, .500 529, 058 11,445 3,750 755, 769 111, 465 32, 950 13,800 159, 587 MATERIALS. Number. 6, 831, 661 151, 637 5, 000 83, 797 7, 250 200 126, 182 20, 472 10, 580 o, .290 48,355 Number. Pounds. 21, 147, 656 32, 960, 614 285, 209 134, 700 ! 9, OOO' I 274, 6001 360, 5351 10, .582 500 290, 752i .58, 039; 28, 710' 5, 570i 141, 8421 3, 4001 2001 319, 187 76, 700 22, 000 6, 000 19, 300 53, 618' 5, 375 1, 335, 168 288, 761 595,60311 75,363' 128,188 416,913 24, 875, lOG, 3, 852, 455 11, 754, 766 22, 632, 639 8, 9001 804, 252' 1, 540; 332, 900 340. 172 57, 64c a This table includes the products of boot and shoe factories only. In addition, there -woie re- turned in the census 16,013 custom and repair shops. The aggregate of all production of boots and 8hoe.s appears in Table LI. h Including morocco, calf, and other skins u^ed in the manufacture of uppers. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1105 for principal industries: 1880 — Continned. 2.— BOOTS AND SHOES (FACTORY INDUSTRY). MATEUIALS — Continued. Value of all other mar terials. IC, 100 177, 813 2, 933 250 2, 022, 487 78, lOOj 1, 335, 397 64, 241 2, 100 221 395 39,' (J92 20, 220 / 3,560 48, 046 1, 834, 999 29fi, 448 166, 090 34, 350' 339, 433 19 618 620| 571 274, 666 14, 128, 780 132, 210 85, 000 3, 8R0, 446 1.216,118 59, 906, 773 736, 1841 46, 511 1, 200 196, 486 391, 747 293, 530 571, 644 12, 162 1, 224, 796| 4, 751, 968; 2, 837, 861 j • 2,177,328 5, 050 352, 770 8,000 937, 828 11, 502, 251 65, OOOi 2, 498, 178 27, 500, 5,425, 844j 683 18,171 9, 923 10, 352 1, 457 17, 19i: 108, 160 126, 688 116, 893 11, 000; 175, 947 1, 147, 140 Pairs. 30. 590, 896 247, 119 25, 000 209, 500 400 1, 000 DoUars 53. 228, 265 1, 006, 993 100, 000 479, 300 2, 000 5, 000 Pairs. 94, 887, 615 1,603, 186 12, 500 1, 119, 400 65, 930 2, 000 Dollars. 112, 109, 343 2, 627, 941 25, OOO) 1, 722, 775 87, 325 4,000 Dollars 111, 746 14, 617 9,310 400 1,500 13, 936 200 1, 000 500 1,500 327, 700 DoUars. 166,050. 354 3, 649, 551 125, 000 2, 211, 385{ 89, 725 10, 600 3, 183, 026 476, 845 243, 040 55, 8141 578, 732, 10 164,090! 11 5,823,541 12 2,212,963 13 95,900.510 14 1,216,255; 15 930,192 1 6 21,775 17 1,982,993 18 7, 230, 804 4, 689. 286 19 18,979,259 21 107,600^ 22 4,167,476 23 45,000 24 9, 590, 002 25 85,826 26 189.669 27 198,200 28 187,520 29 17,002 30 1,736,773 31 c Includes ladies', misses', and children's lace boots. 70 0 0 1106 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. I Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special statisticf 3.— BRICK AND TILE. States nnrl Territo- ries. I No. The United States 5, 631 Dollars. 27, 673, 616 Alabama . Arizona .. ArkaiiHas. Calktbruia Coloi ado . . Connecticut Dakota Delaware Dint. ofColnmbla Florida 11 Georjjia 12 Idaho... 13 I Illiui.is . Indiana. Iowa ... Kanaag . . . Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland . Massn ch uaetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana NebrHska Nevada 29 New Hampshire do New Jersey New Mexico . New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Rhode Island . . South Carolina. 39 Tennessee 40 Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington ... "West V&ginia . Wisconsin . Wyoming , 76 2 616 735 280 103 115 31 96 79 114 179 87 54 230 5 87 2 67 107 1 321 (if) 825 23 521 1 29 90 113 28 25 84 2 47 119 2 78, 5?5 2,500 38, 7(i0 378, 650 362, 600 328. 350 25, 600 102, 400 330, 600 7, 850 212, 660 2. 500 2, 397, 023 1, 408, 264 478, 614 125, 825 302, 175 87, 425 280, 549 1, 168, 158 1, 668. 200 710, 259 2HI. 705 106, 125 989, 415 17, 500 130, 740 1, 200 120, 845 1, 731, 300 800 3, 923, 405 54. 390 2, 723, 528 55, 496 5, 028, 524 100, 000 31, 100 343, 354 183, 530 121, 575 133, 250 290. 085 3, 000 242, 950 580, 872 1,500 AVKHAr.E NUMIJER OF HANDS KM- PLOVKO. 59, 032 428 10 339 838 797 511 108 230 576 104 1, 022 11 5,319 3, 908 2, 063 948 1,162 305 621 2, 049 2, 370 1.730 928 593 2,271 68 585 13 642 2, 575 6,715 433 5, 527 184 7, 135 195 2 ■wood. 0 go 1 .6 ? 0 0 i Dollars. Dolls. To?!*. Dollars. a 3 1, 369, 439] Dollars. Dollars. 43, 050 350 40, 500 300 24, 300 250 1,510,076 1, 89,300 21,707 222, 450| 132,268 8. 747, 862.; 2, 532, 075 2, 287, 789 1, 604, 515 127,283! 253! 1,275 7, 1501 3l 15 251, 473 10. 300 321, 044 638, 589 202 15 1, 24112. 269 57 820 737 18, 191 574 21, 554 i 37, 022! 250, 2431 1, 446, 199 20' I 785 I 11,600, .32,000 68, 128l 687, 930j 3, 950, 673 3,280j 22,100 109,425, 74, ISe-' 1, 145, 486 4, 453, 410 76,945j 974,889, 8,992,385 Yards. Yards. Yards. Ydi;. Yards. No. ' No. Lbs. ' Yards. Yds. ' Pomids. 157,629 303,366 241,22012,000 157,005 40,000 47,530 288.614167,452 55,7481,134,143 CS CD c3 -^1 6r= S Pounds. 1, 265, 240 DolUt. 3H 181 67, 845 50,' 784 18. 921 10, 000 1 288, 614'167, 452 55, 748 40, 000,27. 000 586, 220 30, 000 196. 725 87, 720 241, 220 38, 500 .. 12,000 108,505.. 3,130 17, 400 327, 057 220. 866 158. 080 1, 09 1, 265, 240 175, 000 a Including 6,559,550 pounds of shoddy yaa-n, valued at $559,133. 1110 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures: Special staUstica 5.— CHEESE AND BUTTER, (a) States and Terri- tories. United States Arizona- 2 ! California.. - 3 Coloiad Connecticut Dakota Delaware , DistrictColumbia. Idaho lllirioia Indiana Iowa , Kansas . . . Kentucky Maine Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan Minm-sota Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire . New Jersey New York North Carolina . Ohio Or<-g()n . Pennsylvania-. , Tennessee TTtah Vermont ViT'iiuia Washiiifrton . .. West Virginia. Wisconsin No. 3,932 ALL FACT0UIE8. 1|- O DoUara. 9. 6M. 803 216 2 16 4 3 1 6 285 244 48 8 41 14 22 74 27 30 3 21 2 2 11 1, 652 452 24 146 11 85 4 2 7 414 2, 100 1, 039, 365 11, 000 36, 775 10, 200 18, 200 1(), 000 15. 250 933, 586 82, 345 657, 508 81, 765 20, 100 82, 512 22, 950 97,550 129, 925 71, 149 123, 990 10,250 81, 165 3, 200 10, 400 42. 170 3, 576, 214 Average number of bands employed. 6, 419 4 357 6 29 3 031 104 670 70 11 48 18 46 28 1 30 2,526 900 1 948, 702 1 701 192. 650 i 32 395, 020 253 1,800 4 22, 402 14 202. 300 126 33, 700 1 8 16,<167 i 8 7, 550 8 613, 643 497 "So 1, 330 <« . fa 154 14 3 5 56 11 16 2 91 34 12 6 2 1 9 1 5 I 23 5 2 12 7 7 2 3 1 i 808 34 104 14 6 1 43 8 1 6 28 2 3 62 2 '2 "» if Dollars. : Pounds. 1,646,495 2,747,427,449 600 70,434 1, 050 11,360 210 610 3,300 2. 100 233. 974 20,587 13^813 10, 420 1, 201) 8,213 3,471 14, 277 21, 103 7, 680 8, 464 470 5,921 130 7J'0 8, 395 623. 391 1G2, 9P5 6, 170 51, 943 300 2. 035 22, 535 950 1, 6i)0 1, 104 98, 920 a Not including farm products. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1111 /or principal industries : 1880 — Continued. 5.— CHEESE AND BUTTER. CU£B6E FACTORIES. Pounds. 171, 760, 495 17, 700 1, 164, 121 64,500 201, 820 700 97.000 4, &77, 286 1, 153, 714 2, 302, 936 791, 3a4 777, 365 1, 093, 943 3, 291,738 452. 191 550, 265 24, 500 273, 508 36, 400 108, 722, 852 17, 808, 191 146,534 6, 087, S\)'> 9, 000 140, 022 4, 575, 341 26, 000 70, 000 96,687 16, 806, 994 Dollars. 10. 003. 670 2, 640 70, 567 5,400 12, 479 70 6,010 336, 278 75, 192 138, 400 42, 308 46, 852 65, 117 200, 152 25, 062 38, 934 2, 450 15, 332 3, 276 6, 375, 556 1, 012, 663 9, 809 340,001 540 10, 059 282, 535 1,691) 4,480 6,378 932, 380 Dollars. 13, 991, 2: 6, 195 122, 907 8,385 19, 762 140 BUTTBE FACTORIES. 12, 535 402, 178 111, 060 215, 729 70. 247 73, 942 99,297 292 971 41.618 54,219 4, 600 26, 077 10, 920 8, 720, 490 1, 361, 124 18, 548 487, 629 900 18, 974 389, 956 2, 600 7, 000 10, 238 1, 340, 860 Pounds. 16, 471, 163 400 2, 074, 344 2, 100 93, 365 5, 800 25, 800 3, 600 2,414, 668 281, 232 5, 458, 595 11,482 49, lUO 6, 000 190, 525 62, 150 9, 850 62, 450 126, 884 9, 000 20, 672 3, 5u0 99, 068 15, TiOO 4, 197, 424 1, 000 235, 341 84, 500 453, 020 3,600 12, 020 5, 000 29, 100 47, 963 386, 010 II o I ® .9 r DoUars. 41, 393 5,990 "l,'i40 2, 300 2,567 8,245 25 150 4, 741 8,200 "275 25 2,700 45 1, 853 515 100 2,520 Dollars. 2, 732, 333 120 269, 367 502 17, 962 932 4, 620 .=;8o 439, 009 64, 125 965, 304 1, 551 7,h54 840 47, 710 18,142 1, 114 9,735 23, 030 2, 250 2,782 875 20, 683 3, 510 626, 669 152 30, 138 H». 364 82, 728 648 2, 036 6 0 5,090 7, 314 63. 401 Dollars. 3, 86H, 235 200 407, 407 840 28, 127 2, 120 7,710 704 591, 604 87, 059 1, 304. 763 2,536 14, 178 1, 6.10 69,616 28, 737 1,994 14. 426 32, 989 3, 240 4, 456 1,587 27, 887 3, 900 870, 383 250 39, 933 24. 068 110, 563 1, 080 2,954 '31 1,100 32 8, Oil 33 11,820 34 135 3,673 30 1112 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CP^NSUS. Tarle LIV. — Manufactures : Special aiaiUtics 5.— CHEESE AND BUTTER— Continued. States and Terri- tories. COMUINED BUTTKU AND 8K1M CIIKE8B FACTOUIES. if CS 03 United States. Arizona California .. Ci>U»r;ido Connecticut Dakota Delaware District Columbia. Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas . . . Kentucky Maine Maryland. Massachusetts . Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio , Oreifon Pennsylvania. . Tennessee Ut!»h Vermont Virginia Washincton ... West Viiginia. ■Wisconsin Pounds. 12, 950, 621 Pounds. 44, 134, 1 Dollars. 32, Dollars. 4, 540,718 126, 546 23, 662 19,203 32,456 67, 600 155, 460 4, 136, 361 53, 287 724, 518 15, 240, 839 155, 550 473. 877 2,535 '5. 802 36,500 875 1, 803, 606 18, 289 157, 612 38, 800 92, 067 33, 300 21. 000 13, 980 62, 000 277, 922 221. 3(>7 10, 000 39, 800 75 12, 480 34. 596 17. 213 3. 46.> 3, 996 50, 447 9.677 342, 802 4, 758, 354 466, 818 12, 078, 272 3.314 78, 705 1, 110. 372 1, 852, 902 "'533,' 820 12, 553, 247 "i,' 870,' 246 941, 249 120 6, 837 ?, 500 1, 287 103, 281 446, 919 636 40, 576 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. fw pHnoipal industries : 1880 — Continued. 5.— CHEESE AND BUTTER— Continued. 1113 CONDENSED MILK FACT0U1E8. Dollart. 1, 026, 858 34, 923 260, 834 10, 990 Pmmds. 13, 033,^267 453, 156 8, C45, 408 108, 371 730, 111 8, 826. 332 DollavH. 1, 547, 588 28, 867 447, 741 18, 589 ALL FACTORms. 2-C 1. 052. 391 Dollars. 18. 363, 579 2, 760 339, 9.54 5. 902 87, 820 1,002 4,620 36, 500 0, 500 2, 840, 327 157,006 1, 2G1.316 43, 859 7,854 47, 692 60, 190 128, 845 218. 479 38, k'62 65, 950 4,700 27, 791 875 20, 683 85, 491 8, 848, 708 152 1, 985, 050 20, 233 655, 368 1, 188 12, 095 284, 422 6, 7S6 11, 794 6,378 1. 036. 357 1114 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENRUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures: Special staiistia 6.— CHEMICAL PRODUCTS. States aud Territories. Tbo I'liitetl States California Colorado Coinu'Clicut Dt^laware District of Columbia. 6 1 Florida 7 I G(^ir;;ia 8 Illinois 9 Indiana 10 j Iowa 11 ' Kansas 12 Kentucky 13 Louisiana 14 Maine 15 1 Maryland 16 Maasacliu setts. 17 Micliigaii 18 Minnesota 19 Mirtsouri 20 Nebraska 21 1 Nevada . 22 New Hamyisliire 23 24 25 N ew Jersey New York* North Caroliua 26 Ohio 27 Oregon 28 1 Vniiavlvania. . 29 Rhode Isliind .. 30 ; Soulh Caroliua. 31 ! Tennessee 32 . T«'XHS .... 3 5 1 Utah 34 Vermont.. 35 Virgiuia . . 36 "West Virginia Washiuiitou .. "Wisconsin 1,349 42 2 41 23 12 1 4 52 16 17 12 15 7 24 60 179 38 G 39 7 7 20 C2 217 1 92 2 181 41 29 368, 300 7. 000 285, 050 177, 200 73, 500 400 65, COO 784, 429 27, 400 63, 456 37, ^90 172, 988 61. dOO 113,6x0 959, 350 1, 530, 233 6.5. 500 35, i'3.> 767, 154 35, 800 31,800 31, 175 1, 712, 9J0 5, 508, 07S 40, 000 1,134, 100 3, 050 3, 932, r-'5 284. 250 396, 550 41.206 7. 000 4. 700 50, 8!.0 133, 250 23, 650 500 72, 200 Dollars. 15, 6:6, 476 409, 725 1, 250 30.5, 250 219, !)00 41, 900 150 28. 000 747. 849 30, 550 54, 221 15, »35 137,7(10 63, .SOI 72, 800 570, 839 1, 067, 998 66, 200 19. 000 691. 912 35, 175 24, 800 12, 025 1, 37-'. S44 3,619, 314 30, 000 938, 579 8, 200 3, 821,( 31 353, O'.O 592, 730 45. 471 5, J-33 7. 700 28, 550 105, 800 50, 300 200 52, 784 AVERAGE NL'MHER OP HANU8 EMl'LOYED. Dollars. 85, 394, 211 2, 406, 350 36, 000 1, 434, 2.-0 9:n..379 205, 967 700 24 ^ 000 3, 348. .'iSO 102, 700 219, 600 68, 000 712.440 218, 701 . 398. 480 5, 578, 302 6, 828, 473 25M, 692 113, 500 3,41.-), 300 119, 300 274, 500 80, 600 7, 371,400 20, 141,586 350, 000 5, 961,003 22, 000 18, 349, 9:50 1. 291, 136 3, 496, 300 127. 600 3.). 000 20. ')('0 19'>, 900 645, 700 140. 900 2, 000 251, 972 548 18 506 370 132 2 82 1,293 73 108 43 157 87 161 2,016 198 30 1,114 65 53 49 2, 345 5, 552 100 1,541 8 4, 273 6u5 2, 680 16 4 95 795 93 3 136 3,776 I 1,493 16 2 30 142 1 78 429 140 336 74 10 14 I COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1115 for principal vidustries : 1880 — Continued. C— CHEMICAL PRODUCTS. 2 5.9 Dollars. 11, 840, 704 282. CU 18, 200 270. 75* 100, 026 46, 875 313 28, 377 571.417 23,116 34, 020 12, 992 63, 475 45,943 53,461 535, 125 953. 784 65, 158 1{>, 024 542, 769 24, 936 33, 670 19, 849 1, 172, 654 2,901. iiOO 40, COO 706,434 H, 700 2, l.')!, 799 274. 657 577, 100 14, 406 9, 4S8 2. 778 23 422 125, 010 32. 909 1. dOO 57, 397 MATERIALS. Tons. 273, 161 1.793 17, 497 2,011 302 2. 993 45 2, 656 1, 950 17, 065 668 76. !>09 75, 308 100 60. 034 3, 2(K) 9, 525 36 109 Dollars. 908. 432 Tons. 319. 398 Dollars. 913, 885 Dollars. 75, 5i<9, 519 14, 987 54, 124 14, 004 1,260 9.28 130 13. 333 8, 442 75, 028 4, 321 215. 945 306. 563 105 193, 393 15, 999 40, 725 155 625 6,718 288 1,015 920 19, 821 802 995 320 6, 060 400 350 31, 788 14. 886 3, 270 30, 644 1, 127 5, 492 17. 419 49, 353 106. 734 7, 000 4, 541 704 12 'i,'l60 5,387 "2, 192 43, 404 1,162 5.145 3,536 71, 878 3. 084 3,405 1,679 12, 610 2. 000 2, 100 127, 185 76, 748 6, 627 74, 976 4, 122 23, 981 61.380 101, 158 205, 203 34,712 23, 250 2, 324 78 4, 000" 8, 543 '8,995 2, 060. 687 47, 838 1,763, lti6 795, 070 212, 123 SCO 209, 000 5, 8.'>4. 259 86,460 175, 175 126. 421 455, 363 154, ()u7 313. 108 4, 490, 010 7, 238, 927 171.3.58 115, 100 3, 976, 977 206, 198 37. 075 48, 660 5, 8-} 8, 370 20, O.Mt, 075 150, 000 4, 974, 132 10, 000 12, 687, 296 1, 118,491 1,211, 140 36, 790 12, h25 23. 5(>4 27, !S5 524, 075 f 4, 463 2, 000 311, 031 Dollars. 77, 471, 8i 2, 119. 078 49. 000 1, 82-', 435 809. 074 216, 919 500 209. 600 6, 935. 430 89. 544 17a, 710 128, 100 4(57. 973 156. 007 3_'8. .04 1 4, 625, 637 7, 800. 703 177, m 115. 100 4, 056, 274 210, 320 37. 075 48. 660 6, 0H8. 296 20,418, 018 150, 000 5, 075, 395 10. 000 13, 085, 892 1, 16^^,2(i2 1,275, 115 39,114 12, >«25 23. 642 27, 340 528, 675 73, 006 2, 000 320, 651 1116 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufaclares : Special siatisiica 6.— CHEMICAL PRODUCTS— Continued. States and Territorioa. PnODUCTS. AnOine colors. Anthracene. Sulpbato of ammonia. The trnitei8trict of Columbia . . 62, 084 8, 875 530, OOO 21, 200 1, 148, 000 43, 000 1 400, 666 287, 000 10, 000 10, 045 4, CG4 717 950. 000 35. COO .1 250, 000 10, 500 1,100,000 3, 872, 000 41.2r>rt 149, 160 Now York .' 80, 518 107, 292 265, 516 73, 050 2, 500, 000 ! 80, 250 11, 250 16, 000 4, 909, 738 142, 350 185, 290 5, 000 1 21,000 790 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. for principal industries: 1880— Continued. 6.— CHEMICAL PRODUCTS— Couti uned. 1117 PRODUCTS — continued. Alnm. Borax. Bromine. PhosphoiTis. 39, 2] 7, 725 Dollars. 808, 165 Pounds. 3, t92, 443 Dollara. 277, 233 Pounds. 404, 090 Dollars. 114, 752 _ - Pounds. 56, 292 JJollars. 29, 271 7-, = : 1, 422, 443 107, 333 _ 1 2, 270, 000 1G9, 900 1 6, 378, 5r>0 3, 750, (iOO 91, 961 70, 000 56,292 29, 271 1 1 150,850 j 40,462 29, 089, 175 64G, 204 no. n«n i 25 i2o 163, &10 49, 170 29 1118 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures: Special statiBtics 6.— CHEMICAL PRODUCTS— Contiuued. States and Territories. PU0DUCT8— continued. Castor oil. Stearic acid candles. Soaps. Oleic acid soap. The United States - Gallovs. 81h3, 802 Dollars. 790, 741 Pounds. 18, 303, OCG Dollars. 2,281,600 Pounds. 33, 058, 411 Dollars. 1, 707, 9C9 50,000 45, 000 2, 596, 000 375, 000 2, 135, 000 94, 300 1, 800 108 District of Columbia . Florida 192, 000 140, 350 1, 000, 000 130, 000 1, 818, 000 190, 720 13. 000 10, 100 1, 811, 920 206, 263 461, 880 15, 386 140, 000 10, 000 G, 890 600 436, 302 394, 041 2, 200, 000 284, 000 8, MO, 000 312, 400 200, 000 '""946,006' """i50,0CO 1, y04, 946 36 600 99, 224 2,500 1,250 9, 815, 146 1,136, 337 14, 689, 619 ' 2,.35». 9f)6 270, 000 710, 356 225. 482 lb,' 800 97, 200 6, 103 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1119 for principal industries : 1880 — Coutinued. 6.— CHEMICAL PRODUCTS— Continued. PRODUCTS— continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2P 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 fji ox 82 33 34 35 36 37 38 Soaps— continued. Glycerine. Nitro-glycerine. Other hard soaps. Soft soaps. Pounds. 378, 743, 627 Dollars. 18, 299, 350 Pounds. 34, 494, 100 Dollars. 358, 280 Pounds. 7, 117, 825 Dollars. 961, 477 Pounds. 3, 0,J9, 722 Dollars. 1, 830, 417 8, 927, 500 1, 860, 000 2, 626. 534 742. MOO 1, 400, 679 16, 000 429, 860 6(», 000 188.041 34, 000 55, 024 600 394, 800 38, 736 1, 242, 424 655, 680 949, 408 11, 327 68, 204, 500 1, H08, 500 3, 574, 025 3, 698, 000 2, 907. 000 3, 970, 000 ],0O4, 000 8, 178, 000 32, 991. 877 2, 028, 500 2, 6 JO, (lOO 16, 537, 869 522, 000 413, 200 8'»0, 225 95, 927, 871 3,183. 520 61,587 177, 609 159, 268 112, HOO 164. 000 59, 162 350,310 1, 545. 125 8.^ 157 116, 9(10 562, 563 26, 160 24, 792 33.012 1 <^'>S 74.1 4, 833, 497 3,519. m [ 36,600 6 OiiO 1 100 122, 71u 2, 711 220, 964 24, 625 ! 1, 758, 760 22, 017 15, 505. 880 145, 520 163, 479 1,552 90, 000 80, 000 54. 000 44,000 250, 000 2, 750 400, 000 38, 000 2, 777, 256 1, 579, 000 4, 804, 510 37, 846 6. 430 50, 686 ' '2,'i96,'ooo 72, 000 54, 312, 000 85, 709, 464 420. 000 39. 433. 197 8, 367, 540 40, 000 1, 222, 930 610, 0(10 608, 000 350, 700 1, 123, OOO 64. 785 80, 000 6, 903, 411 1, 495, 505 24, 000 2, 219, 580 440, 270 1,400 48. 000 28, 375 38, 360 20, 750 52, 785 4, 530 4. 800 329, 267 46, 000 575 3, 912, 061 548, 116 677, 473 259,863 1, 217. 232 736, 360 8, 076 7, 242 522, 835 424, 837 24. 000 27, 400 300 290 89, 600 1, 225 832, 000 20. 000 84, 320 3, 120 3t)0 1, 054 1120 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures: Special statiatica 6.— CHEMICAL PRODUCTS— Continued. States and Territories. PKODUCTS — continued. Mannfacturod mauaros. Dry colors. White lead. The UAited States California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia. Florida . Geor^fia . Illinois . Indiana. Iowa Kansas . . . Kentucky Louisiana. Miiine Maryland . Massachusetts . Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire . New Jersey New York North Carolina . , Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Rhode Island . . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont . Virginia . . Tons. 727, 453 1, OOD 7, 475 37, 917 6. 300 ]l,'287 27, 015 1,574 960 1, (jQ5 1,823 5, 850 191, 571 69, 387 900 COO 5,905 470 80, 859 88, 336 12,000 13, 3G5 53, 507 11,979 OJ, 794 314 Dollars. 19, 921, 400 Pounds. 67, 482. 415 20, 000 Dollars. 4. 086. 821 Pounds. 123. 477, 890 4, 000, 000 248, 050 998, 165 199,000 6, 490, 000 341,500 633, 990 44, 877 13, 000 203, 000 42, 000 68, 106 175, 000 5, 457, 258 1,920,623 27,000 12, 000 146, 932 '4, 700 832, 000 2,599,541 7, 432, 442 156, 000 2, 290, 202 2, 636, 159 300, 000 377, 025 4, 362. 000 14, 643, 968 1, 775, 000 638,000 12, 125 7, 889,079 12,480 2, 365, 000 Dollars. 8,770,099 260,000 489, 181 176,550 52, 922 590, 389 3, 240, 000 4, 758, 521 17,680 26, 400, 324 3, 000. 000 405, 200 1, 409, 734 28, 144. 009 154, 600 13, 140, 458 1,432, 345 150, 427 1, 537, 230 12, 670 26, 325, 464 249, 000 360,073 1,813,600 350, 000 1, 951,507 967, 321 759, 551 30,540,499 ; 2,153,467 "West Virginia . Washington ... Wisconsin •3, 662, 000 ,840 28, 921 G29 791, 341 16, 300 1.050 19, 500 1, 000 300 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1121 for 'prinoipal industries : 1880 — CoDtiuuod. 6.— CHEMICAL PRODUCTS— Continued. p RODUCTS— continued. Other salts of lead. Ground barytes. Zinc oxide. Acetate of lime. Founds. 11,375, 466 Dollars. 758,680 Tons. 19,165 Dollars. 371, 829 Pounds. 20,121, 761 Dollars. 766,337 Pounds. 6, 593, 009 Dollars. 156, 892 100, 000 65, 000 6, 000 150, 000 1 150,000 9,000 2, 200 50, 000 224, 000 135, 000 1, 500, 000 6,720 3, 500 30, 000 627, 474 40, 000 1,082, 000 71, 100 4, 425 100, 094 660,000 29, 700 i 16, 774, 756 654, 051 80, 000 3, 171, 544 1,800 78, 086 5 234 300 292, 400 345, 000 21, 500 30,405 2,888 3, 831, 632 259, 205 1,500 20, 000 2,656,600 79, 698 1,260,000 45, 000 30, 650 •2, 250 465 10, 685 177, 465 3, 886 4, 575 41, 050 5, 000 475 71 C 0 1122 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special statistics 6.— CHEMICAL PRODUCTS— Continued. PRODUCTS— continued. States and Territories. Potash and pearlash. Soda. Sulphur. The United States. Tminds. 4, 571, 671 Dollars. 232, 643 Pounds. 40, 259, 938 Dollars. 866, 560 Pounds. 1, 200, 000 Dollars. 21, 000 1 District of Columbia. . 1 232, 500 11, 625 279, 299 14, 010 I Michigan 1 393, 962 ' 146* 000 62, 542 5, 84t» 1, 800, oo6 16, 560 1, 200, 000 21, 000 1 515, 500 23,442 Ohio 493, 229 20, 761 38,459, 938 850, 000 Utah Wisconsin 1, 511, 181 94, 423 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. for principal industries: 1880— Continued. 6.— CHEMICAL PRODUCTS— Continued. 1123 PiiODUCTs— continued. Sulphuric acid. Glucose. Value of all other products. Total value of all products. Pounds. 308, 765, 432 Dollars. 3, 661, 876 PoU7ld>8» 151, 740, 400 JDolltirs. 4, 551, 212 Dollars. 44, 927, 101 Dollars. 117, 377, 324 5, 105, 995 129, 195 959, 596 3, 179, 700 95, 000 2, 419, 743 1,140, 086 322, 439 1, 120 • 353, 500 7, 681,325 156, 470 287, 743 186, 233 726, 255 329, 659 563, 517 7, 243, 122 10, 604, 662 363, 104 220, 540 5, 827, 498 387, 000 283, 532 108, 911 9, 499, .577 29, 805, 614 300, 000 7, 678, 374 24, 000 20, 884, 991 1, 968, 041 2, 693, 053 121, 520 37, 675 38, 360 101, 496 1, 007, 166 209, 310 5, 600 521, 388 35, 000 5, 163, 669 53, 500 1,115,717 107, 921 33, 340 520 12, 000 1, 309, 439 38, 281 68, 611 10, 865 111, 151 71, 758 207, 728 778, 465 5, 565, 207 107, 937 85, 8»0 1, 986, 538 6, 140 84, 740 38, 053 3, 382, 921 14, 001, 054 400, 000 5, 000 4, 140, 000 62, 000 48, 380, 000 1, 450, 400 800, 400 25, 812 1, 050, 000 2, 00(t, 000 43^ 920, 000 23, 016, 381 980, 000 15, 750 .35, 000 340, 840 326, 666 4, 916 2, 880, 000 57, 600 1, 440, 000 16, 540 71, P04, 625 41, 363, 543 693, 113 438, 723 102, 500, 000 3, 075, 000 24, 200, 000 386, 000 1, 469, 565 66, .346, 819 9, 500, 000 937, 522 130, 000 10, 611, 964 1, 216, 052 1, 154, 423 49, 865 9, 010 41, 795 112, 200 115, 204 500 71,741 897, 000 1, 367, 400 9, 000 20, 511 1124 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LTV. — Maiuifaoiarcs : Special statisticg COKE (see page 1208). 7.— SPECIFIC COTTON MANUFACTURES. p a a: —1 Cotton con- sumed. Cost. Total value of all prod- ucts. The United States. No. 249 Dollars. 11, 224, 448 j No. ! 60, 242 No. 4, 025 No. \ 12, 928 ! Dollars. 3, 573, 909 Bales. 40, 597 Dollars. 2, 338, 385 1 Dollars. ! j 0 18,860,273 a Tbe excess of value of product above ordinary manulactures of cotton is to be attributed ii]aiuly to the fact that the cotton used forms but a sm.all part of tlie material jij many cases. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1125 for jmndpal bi(lustrics : 1880 — Cotitimied. COKE (see page 1209). 7.— SPECIFIC COTTON MANUFACTURES. AVKRAGE NUMBEtt OF HANDS EirPLOiTED. a 174, 659 1, 490 64 14, 739 797 33 6,349 237 720 352 108 11, 804 4, 086 61, 844 722 515 16. 529 4,222 9, 305 3,343 484 9,957 21, 474 2,053 1, 044 71 29 735 1,112 271 Operatives. Male. 49, 748 299 12 ,303 210 15 ,437 51 151 104 3, 149 1, 035 18, 700 29 132 95 3,. 917 1 , 006 2,414 657 106 2, 918 6, 690 503 214 33 12 176 235 53 15, 042 198 13 1, 678 109 10 655 44 60 72 14 820 476 4, 346 8 85 93 858 374 937 304 26 1, 104 2, 244 148 94 7 1 84 146 Female. 84, 539 631 17 5, 434 362 2, 951 88 391 91 41 • 6, 481 1, 877 31, 496 38 12 313 207 9, 594 2, 291 4,201 1, 727 320 4, 454 9,199 772 502 10 8 350 530 149 13, 213 235 14 1, 231 83 748 38 64 61 10 600 463 3, 213 120 88 839 329 1, 148 429 11 971 1, 683 437 ]29 9 4 87 135 Mechanics, watchmen, and Inborera. Male. 85 .4 771 27 4 416 9 42 20 9 709 191 3, 480 5 2 44 25 1,187 174 523 107 18 421 1, 355 158 69 7 4 24 39 65 Officers and clerks. Male. 2, 075 42 4 234 6 2 134 0 12 4 4 104 44 594 2 27 7 131 43 75 111 2 74 299 35 28 17 Female. 19 11 239, 998 1 7,339 2 3, 632. 639 3 192, 727 4 5,000 5 1, 135, 184 6 47, 885 7 162, 829 8 63, 850 9 12, 572 10 2, 936, 640 11 766, 129 12 15, 828, 571 13 16, 800 14 6,400 15 133, 214 16 97, 680 17 4, 290, 960 18 1, 156, 961 19 1, 994, 755 20 439, 659 21 104, 500 22 2, 502, 688 23 5, 320, 303 24 380, 844 25 161, 071 26 2, 466 27 2, 100 28 161, 748 29 169, 789 30 67,209 31 a From this number deduct 2,115 officers nnd clei ks whose salaries are not oorapntod in wages. This leaves a total oi" 172,544 operatives, of which 59,685 aie men, 15,107 boja, 84,539 women, and tl3,213 girls. 1126 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special atatiaiics 7.— SPECIFIC COTTON MANUFACTURES— Continued. States and Tcnitories. The United States. Alabama ... Arkansas ... Connecticut. Delaware . . . Florida Goor> *5 H 2>oKar«. 17, 422, 316 No. 59. 612 Bushels. 4, 730, 106 211, 243 9,615 97, 614 514, 002 94, 351 1,188 13 529 455 116 78, 902 1,120 52, 453 58,671 11, 982 117, 722 37, 372 72, 231 21, 508 22,257 483 79 221 45 102 43, 037 7, 482 11, 963 4, 650 8, 860 327, 602 16, 155 1, 868, 124 989, 087 748, 045 1, 993 34 3, 192 2, 910 2, 121 118, 067 5,895 358, 858 222, 827 194,914 520, 300 336, 419 22, 245 109, 882 219, 705 900 1,386 100 643 1, 407 99,907 127, 171 11,042 59, 342 68, 87a 290, 070 726, 289 1, 371, 646 9b, 423 1, 200, 493 649 2, 002 1, 924 643 2, 183 103, 526 204, 450 206, 496 64, 208 242, 276 25, 765 165, 085 9,975 78, 284 285, 626 31 457 15 400 1, 332 2, 945 41, 751 1, 315 41, 818 80, 046 35, 416 1, 587, 899 237, 777 1, 221, 494 139, 882 87 5,299 2,421 4, 142 263 5. 019 536; 762 104, 110 292, 672 31, 505 1, 105, 939 4fi, 870 139, 352 368, 683 8.294 76 1,119 1 924 1, ill 376, 717 11. 706 58, 616 138 426 146| 629 56, 557 81, 589 409, 639 7, 125 140, 508 158 587 2,969 15 989 9, 622 60, 618 • 144, 780 1, 005 51,512 861, 302 150 2,292 1 225, 405 150 States and Territories. The United States. Alabama.. Arizona. . . Arkansas . California. Colorado . . Connecticut Dakota , Delaware District of Columbia. Florida Georgia. Idiilio . . . Illinois . Indiana . Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missomi Montana Nebraska , Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico... New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania.. Khode Island . . South Carolina - Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington ... 45 We.st Virginia . "Wisconsin . Wyoming.. No. 24. 338 807 8 350 150 34 234 30 81 9 94 ,132 16 ,024 996 713 320 652 84 261 540 350 706 436 525 872 15 170 7 181 481 51 ,768 ,313 ,380 lOG Dollars. Ill, 361, 878 2, 873 48 720 !i90 921 227 1, 385 AVKUAGE NUMBEB OF HANDS EM- PLOYED. O 05 58, 239 1, 803, 514 94, 000 810, 915 4, 363, 285 496, 500 1, 092, 824 301, 665 761, 015 230, 400 224, 655 3, 576, 301 287, 000 13, 579, 080 9, 484, 023 7, 890, 859 3, 935, 828 3, 685, 759 176, 380 993, 500 3, 145, 520 2, 880, 365 7, 704, 464 10, 510, 362 889, 950 7, 883, 675 159, 500 1, 615, 070 1C3, COO 712, 555 3, 879, 083 249, 250 19. 54.^, mi 20,238,601 || TfiKmi) !. i,3:;;i.2c;) i; 3, r.'SK r>8r) i 3, 0s2, 952 595. 950 1, 152, 4G1 5, 791, 137 42,300 i 1,777,297 I 9,199,735 7.000 1, 337 27 740 877 193 361 86 219 40 140 1, 823 46 4, 950 3, 146 2,146 1, 329 1, 478 107 385 898 •683 2, 254 2, 634 848 3, 375 52 506 31 253 934 134 4, 284 1, S44 3,874 307 4, 422 10.-. 1, 048 1,847 2, 602 157 331 2, 200 23 742 2, 418 3 42 e3 . 10 126 25 18 If I COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1131 for principal indmtnea : 1880 — Continued. 10.— FLOURING- AND GRIST-MILL PRODUCTS. MATERIALS. PRODUCTS. Wheat. Otlier grain. "3 Eusliela. Value. Bushels. Value. 'S © >^ H ^2 > 1 "o H 304,775,737 Dollars. 315, 394, 386 234, 907, 220 Dollars. 112, 372, 071 Dollars. 13, 778, 768 Dollars. 441, 545, 225 Dollars. 505,185, 712 1, 112, 122 1U«, 532 1, 128, 3G9 8, 208, 105 1, 744, 3(54 1, 212, 248 130, 900 1, 088, 017 8, 371, 776 1, 945, 912 3, 654, 487 4, 407 1, 602, 956 3, 469, 142 169, 499 2, 505, 322 3, 740 842,711 2, 088, 858 142, 300 70,141 6, 463 48, .589 607, 213 38,310 3, 787,711 141, 103 1,979, 317 11, 067, 847 2, 126, 522 4, 315, 174 165. 357 2, 249, 289 12, 701, 477 2, 534, 644 1 2 3 4 5 163, 035 876, 608 546, 080 799, 150 300 208, 821 721, 050 645, 582 950, 825 300 4, 109, 482 281, 344 936, 458 185, .500 382, 922 2, 292, 408 9::, 725 480, 564 93, 175 278, 877 39, 679 27, 523 38, 957 27. 600 8, 782 2, 540, 908 842, 298 1, 165, 103 1, 071, 600 287, 959 2, 964, 134 1, 040, 958 1, 341. 026 1 1, 172, 375 337, 780 6 8 9 10 3, 528, 215 296, 020 34, 287, 427 21, 682, 123 14, 604, 382 4, ] 22, 954 259, 480 34, 614, 746 22, 308, 309 12, 607, 080 5, 971, 300 201, 450 15, 721, 729 7, 570, 206 11, 509, 181 4, 301, 620 153, 150 5, 109, 933 2, 906, 588 3, 436, 929 194, 518 10, 000 1, 762, 077 889, 740 444, 471 8, 619, 092 422, (530 41. 486, 7.56 26, 104, 637 16, 488, 480 9, 793, 898 520. .086 47, 471, 558 29, 591,397 19, 089, 401 11 12 13 14 15 9, 891, 531 6, 356, 514 215, 600 669, 617 4, 255, 921 8, 590, 065 6, 269, 600 212, 150 870, 838 5, 198, 379 5, 373, 765 4, 206, 974 204, 391 4, 387, 538 2, 945, 673 1, 319, 813 1, 834, 724 1.53, 434 2, 664, 907 1, 513, 604 376, 243 302, 108 31, 856 25, 181 253, 315 10. 286, 121 8, 406, 432 397, 440 3, 560, 926 6, 965, 298 11, 858, 022 9, 604, 147 489, 848 3, 966, 023 7, 954, 004 16 17 18 19 20 618, 333 15, 442, 842 35, 264, 005 145, 923 24, 402, 229 786, 944 16, 382, 293 34, 550, 237 178, 863 24, 038, 988 12, 355. 730 8, 985, 989 2, 040, 064 2, 044, 260 9, 471, 767 6, 896, 911 3, 761, 843 668, 067 1, 312, 233 3, 070, 259 130,728 524, 479 1, 937, 125 44, 506 1, 093, 535 7, 814, 583 20, 668, 615 37, 15.5, 429 1, 535, 602 28, 202, 782 8, 774, 049 23, 546, 875 41, 519, 004 1,762. .523 32, 438, 831 21 22 23 24 25 414, 395 3, 583, 005 146, 105 334. 034 2, 564, 869 32.5, 450 2, 811, 399 210, 861 459, 342 3, 225, 191 14, 800 2, 439, 180 192. 085 3, 184, h36 7, 309, 175 11, 613 599, 388 146, 483 1, 771, 163 3, 955, 026 20, 302 122, 155 11, 773 29, 213 123, 027 3.57, 365 3, 532, 942 369, 117 2, 259, 718 7, 303, 244 475, 467 4, 193, 086 405, 089 2, 542, 784 8, 459, 944 20 27 28 29 30 344, 689 19, 904, 896 2, 348, 065 26, 691,762 3, 180, 565 363, 159 24, 364, 319 2, 653, 587 28, 538, 412 2, 696, 040 64, 161 34, 814, 643 4, 750. 362 11, 4U9, 117 380, 241 61, 960 18, 000, 051 2, 972, 563 4, 583, 455 201, 518 10, 331 861. 824 96, 453 1, 035, 157 81, 156 435, 450 43, 226, 194 5, 722, 603 34, 157. 024 2, 978, 714 529, 171 49. 331, 984 6, 462, 806 38, 950, 264 3, 475, 531 31 32 33 34 35 19, 081, 580 9. 054 771. 841 5. 948, 104 3, 427, 102 22, 564. 040 13, 583 1, 045, 317 6, 095, 972 3, 392, 281 25, 860, 256 1, 595, 465 2, 640, 971 6. 061, 841 4, 244, 691 13, 054, 853 933, 691 2,151,038 2, 768, 391 2, 722, 797 673, 034 34, 587 68. .530 2u6. 058 256, 528 36, 291, 933 981,861 3, 205. 485 9, 070, 421 6, 371, 606 41, 522, 662 1,1.37, 990 3, 779, 470 10, 784, 804 7, 617, 177 36 37 OO 39 40 1, 189, 879 373, 563 6, 158, 490 57, 168 2, 279, 319 1, 029, 639 500, 8G7 6,866,313 57, 465 2, 374, 582 119, 344 4, 012,316 6, 360, 783 44, 468 1, 923, 985 90, 570 2, 066, 572 3, 402, 738 27, 040 945, 411 15, 967 35. 202 305,160 .3, 305 64, 804 1, 136, 176 2, 602, 641 10, 574,211 87.810 3, 384, 797 1,364,619 3, 038, 688 12, 210, 272 114, 086 3, 942, 818 41 42 43 44 45 19, 616, 905 3, 000 19, .536, 604 3,600 9, 098, 086 200 3, 979, 315 140 791, 063 24, 306, 982 3, 740 27, 639, 430 4, 790 40 47 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 If) IG 17 18 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special statistici GLASS (see pa^ro 1208). 11.— HOSIERY AND KNIT GOODS. States. Establishments. Capital. IIANL t ^ to o s 'a yxFj j.\KJ if I It 111 S EMi'LOY lf5 u « H J ^ a <» bO OS paid in Lhe year. ill materi ' products all produc amount during 1 value of i o % value of i -2 d H O H "o H Tinllfirs 55, 476, 785 1 Dollars. j 191, 271, 150 Tons, JDolUtTS . 7, 265, 140 296, 557, 685 571, 713 601, 073 62, 986 1, 452, 856 1 177, 722 535, 500 14, 000 780, 000 7, 000 131, 700 4, 500 225, 000 3 331, 184 1, 341, 225 38, 061 1, 998, 698 4 344, 476 1, 214, 050 33, 918 2, 347, 177 5 7,528 2,264 264 10,970 6 185, 489 631, 707 35, 152 990, 850 7 2, 508, 718 14, 977, 145 417, 967 20, 545, 289 8 864, 921 3, 293, 073 96, 117 4, 551, 403 9 16^ 500 734, 245 19, 055 1, 004, 100 10 1, 344, 400 3, 223, 799 123, 751 5, 090, 029 11 141, 494 380, 511 10, 866 583, 328 12 905, 090 2, 888, 574 110, 934 4, 470, 050 13 2, 576, 539 6, 657, 232 141, 321 10,288,921 14 922, 597 3, 279, 420 142, 716 • 4, 5j^l, 613 15 25, 275 734, 575 16 17 3, 249, 558 125, 758 4, 660, 530 50, 000 114, 500 2, 000 82, 000 18 127, 690 523, 355 7,978 807, 340 19 1, 808,448 6, 556, 283 243 860 10, 341, 896 20 4, 099, 451 13, 395, 229 598, 300 22, 219, 219 21 7, 907 11, 792 439 41, 085 22 8, 265, 070 23, 997, 915 930, 141 34, 918, 360 23 46, 822 33, 073 3, 200 78, 393 24 25, 095, 850 92, 267, 030 3, 610, 668 145, 576, 268 25 130, 969 375, 347 8,134 488, 040 26 659, 773 1, 376, 059 77, 100 2, 274, 203 27, 720 23, 580 1, 400 36, 000 28 29 50,035 240, 900 6, 620 392, 300 30 665, 432 1, 496, 151 55, 722 2, 585, 999 31 1, 541, 816 3, 484, 625 147, 487 6, 054, 032 32 1, 004, 931 3, 830, 667 178, 935 6, 580, 391 33 79,650 403, 568 9, 790 491, 345 34 72 C 0 1138 Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special statintics 12.— IRON AND STEEL : B— BLAST FURNACES. States and Territories. The United States . No 490 Alab.aiDa Couuecticut Illinois . Indiana . Kentucky Maine Mav.vland Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota Missouri New Jcrvsey Kew York' North Carolina (a) . Ohio Oreaoii Pennsylvania . T< nuessee Texas Utah (a) A^ei^iont 2:i I Virjiinia 24 I West Virginia 25 Wisconsin Dollars. 105, 151, 170 AVE U AGE NUM- IJEU OF HANDS EMPLOIED. 40, 683 3, 106, 196 1, 297, 000 819, 100 1, 515, OOOj 455, 000 2, 681,035; 150, 000' 2,707, 125 682, 000 3, 504, 386, 150, 000 5, 053, 872 3, 694, 500 10, 128, 221 470, 000 82j 14,606,919; 8,548 ll 100, 000' 247 167| 44,596, 853: ,13, 164 18 2, 204, 3261 1 1,464 1,183 1,531 139 742 497 293 1,810 300 1, 401 390 2, 136 180 1, 160 1, 150 2. 481 35 40, 000 140 90, 000! i... 20, 000'! 3,413,000! 1, 153 1,523,425; 879 2,143,218' 853 42 396 3 296 108 Dollarn. No. 9; 12, 680, 703 681 553, 713 65,574 77,415 185, 054 54, 840 429, 44, 339, 176, 561, 25, 227, 365, 902, 2, 725, 157 46, 822 4, 752, 838 261, 897 27,720 2, 035 255,986 240, 158 857, 354 MATERIALS. Tons. I Tons. Dollar: 19, 248|i7, 256, 684,33, 205, 278 339 91 144 603 73 392 18 281 81 844 40 749 691 1,6541 39 142, 2861 46, 1471 61, 1941 150, .5401 31, 744 102, 667| 4,2.o8| 136, 7961 21,564' 201, 179 1, 162, 961 ! 138,046; 242, .''48| 97, 997| 924, 750 218, 4S 373, 474 6, 387 465, 911 88. 326 103 3,201i 1 269 21; II i 2 1 31 11 .14 169,9821 772, 01 J 314,199 1,511,942 609,642 2,315, 953. 008 5, 147, 69; 12 7, 84 6 8, 3, 490, i3, 838, 4-55 17, 720, 388 lOj 18' 11 287 319 473 102, 656 3, 240 212, 6, 1, 0.50 40,759' 81, 134, 538! 626, 182,934| 1,074, 5og 780 480 m 204 75li 12i The furnaces in Noith Carolina and Utah were not in operation in the census year. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1139 for principal industries: 1880 — Continued. 12.— IRON AND STEEL: B— BLAST FURNACES. t MATERIALS — continued. Tons. I Dollars. I Bunhels. | Dollars 3, 169, 149 2, 547, 336 53, 909, 828; 3. 679, 120 29. 902! 7, 573 .'■>, 863 58. 725 14, 600 40, 194 591; 51, 670[ 4,3J0 9, 263 27. 087 4, 349, 338| 244, 989 3,927 2,134,162: 222,992 4,2U; 764, 34 01 33,838 61, 900 13,205 68, 000 ! 450 36, .553! 3, 058, 20t)| 8, .546! 211, 6fi5 30, 933 3, 793, 420! 3, 460 540, OOOj 15, 231 11,876.221 141, 472 12, 700 242, 356 54, 000 912, 882 Tons. 2, 615. 182 Dollars. Tons. 8, 012, 755 1, 051, 753 000 Dollars. Tons. Dollars. 2, 095, 887 2, 128, 255 8, 129, 240 10,500 42,035' 154,431 I I 11, 205; 05. 249; 32, 6001 5. 900 1, 000 27, 715 54, lOO! i 58, 2m 2. 000! 86, 220 93. 450 139, 000 23, 240' 33,650: 103,750 101,440! 624,490 1. 418 6 143 37, 275 17, 600 121, 690 "78,'68i 42, 519 115, 592 185, 950 24, 764 88, 774 j 157, 092' 2, 160, 500! 150, 000 2, 702," 667 "256,' 467 1,0.50 6, 1.50| 21,576 225,713 779,676' 396,8641 1,252,009 120 59, 028 720 110, 730 17, 000 34, 237 C73, 170 108,278 182,694 446, 811 518 1, 970, 931 35, 412 540 450, 987 2, 766 1, 460, 928 20,940 2, 700 7, 879, 959 371, 009 4, 993, 919! 1, 084,749 240, 000' 2, 210 484, 947 21, 519 324, 757jl, 921, 588 6i, 229 14,400 11. 710' 638, 711 1, 170, 089 418,6241, 601,300 5,631,922 215,729 9, 000 519, 768 11, 250 1, 0J>4, 452 3, 563, 566 74, 408 182, 241 19 100 6, 827 89,156 52, 072 100 4, 248 81, 442 52, 542 70, 000: 1, 457,390j 214, 500! 5,939, 7891 1 5, 600 74, 143 11,415 407,964 18, 052 103, 799 4 04. 540 4, 907 47, 450 8. 753 120, 737! 45,953 348, 047 55, 89& 335. 386! 25 1140 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table JjIY —Manvfactures : Special staiis lies 12.— IRON AND STEEL : B— BLAST FURNACES— Continued. States and Territories. The United States. Alabama Connecticut Georgia Illinois Indiana Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan MATEiiiALS— continued. Tons. Dollars 354, 048 ' 910, 667 80i 2, 000 2, 000 29, 594 52 150 Minnesota Missouri New Jersey — New York , North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia West Virginia . Wisconsin 3,900| .37, 722' 936: 525! i. Dollars. 2, 393, 175 575, 673! j 21,057| 471,467- 084; 241,790;! 6,799! 1,762,609 , 335.606 , 2 g " 2 Tons. 355, 405 521, 608 14, 067 32, 148 18, 095! 146, 340! 1 Dollars. \ 10, 080, 581j 329, 38G; 612, 7631 194 156, 223 30, 389 35, 697 2, 026 282, 258 175 634 415, 132 38, 500 86, 042 80, 126 801,410 23, 569i 956, 806' 169, 026 2,091, 224! 1,G85, 124 2, 488, 870 4, 166, 622 9, 149, 620 3.3, 073 29,675,075 489,440 23, 580 13, 800 205, 548 1, 158, 611 2, 101, 393 2, 015 1,250 27, 952 50, 375 53,500 4,470 11, 816 21, 941 1, 825, 200 203, 500 345, 753 6,541 116 760, 099 53, 075 6,000 187, 025 5. 800 10, 0001 422. GOO j. I 875, 9141 168, 7501 119,500; 3,119,835 500i I 17. 876! 26, 304! 5,140! 19, 114 'n'oo? 510, 000 599, 344 41, 158; 3, 200, 12, 2041 4,650 1,200 620 2, 918 1,200 60.652 1, 033, 5611 78, 393 418, 685, 134, 100; 30, 000; 24,800| 72, 9501 38, 400: 1,601, 300 a This is principally mill cinder. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1141 for principal industries : 1880 — Continued. 12.— IRON AND STEEL : B— BLAST FURNACES— Continued. riiODUCTs— continued. Tons 1, 112, 735 Dollars. Tons. Dollars. 23, 545, 002 1, 515, 107 35, 431, 031 2, 500 4, 403 o ■ Tons. 79, 610 Dollars. 531, 540 Tons. 38, 113 Dollars. 945, 375 Tons. 8, 933 Dollars. 215, 576 Bushels. 13, 014, 361 Dollars. 812, 615 260 1, 040 3,313 65, 072 675 1, 080 57 12,150 18, 500 1,234 67, 800 210, 000 7, 000 800, 000 264, 703 8, 736, 679 248, 734 3, 445 14, 254 600 70, 000 23, 476 531, 202 8, 282 8, 000 1, 040 65, 304 1, 355 80, 000 9, 600 428, 439 S, 510 78 20 1,850 650 4, 488 163 116, 438 4, 130 772 2, 318 3. 083 4, 941 3i, 265 377 802, 663 8, 640 2,436 1 62, 319 10 1, 850, 520 429, 100 125, 810 12, 963 561 927 3, 060 66, 600 33 795 399, 825 22, 583 PUODUCTS. Blooms and bar iron made from ore. a «c 1 u S as s ^ (£ > =14:1 > Total quantity of all products. Total value of all products. Tons. 37, 633 Dollars. 1, 812, 380 Tons. 34,924 Dollars. 2, 129, 933 Dollars. 25, 761 Tons. 72, 557 Dollars. 3, 968, 074 102 10, 200 450 27, 000 219, 680 2,200 552 37, 200 1 2 3, 661 44 3,661 44 219, 660 2, 200 200, 000 209, 095 3 4, 000 523 200, 000 4, 000 3, 829 4 29, 650 3, 306 177, 945 1,500 5 31, 580 439 1, 462, 456 41, 010 138 8,320 7, 580 75 31, 718 439 1,478, 356 41, 085 6 7 8 9 10 175 756 16, 258 46, 786 24, 398 345 1, 527, 008 16,800 13, 543 1, 195 24,573 1, 101 1, 556, 809 04,781 n 58 6, 020 2, 582 151, 000 1, 868 2, 640 158, 888 1144 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special statistics 12.— IRON AND STEEL : D— IRON ROLLING-MILLS. Disti ict of Columbia Geor^ Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts . . . Micliigan Missouri Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania Ehode Island Tennessee Utah Vermont (e) Virginia "West Virginia "Wisconsin "Wyoming a Excluding puddling machines, and counting each double puddling furnace aa two furnaces. b And 1 Sellers rotary puddling machine. e And 9 Dauks puddling machines. d And 10 Danks puddling iiiacliines. e The rolling-mill in Vermout is iJiopyrly an open-hearth steel works, and its statistics are include(l in the statistics of open-heart li steel works. It made a quantity of iron rails in the census year, how* ever, whicli must be classed here. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1145 for jyrineipal industries: 1880 — Continued. 12.— IRON AND STEEL : D— IRON ROLLING-MILLS. MACHINES — continued. No. 239 Ko. 1,206 No. 3, 775 7 25 88 10 16 1 3 44 81 183 515 91 12 22 337 45 420 1,259 66 74 Tons. 16, 430 100 40 94 141 4 114 701| 471 Ij 255jl 446 67 285 800 180 1761 15 20 511 950 2, 4931 7, 189; 561 170 MATEKIALS. Tons. 863, 959 150 Dollars. 2, 700, 1671 Tons. 1. 574, ( Dollars. 35, 898, 506 600 3321 3, 235j 2, 690i 20. 090' 118 12, 948 Tons. 708, 534 15, OOOl 3, 540 299, 795 10, 000 5, 000 750 9, 500 Dollars. 20, 701, 0! 250, 000 110, 000! 22, 680: 285. OOO! 780 13, 105 5. 532 2, 8371 63, 4701 57, 227 i 2, 9G3 41,414 28, 251 6, 970 1, 097 3, 82o 18, 035 3, 000 873 15, 455 43, 962 50, 791 178. 074 3, 820 51, 671 8, 973 22, 930 125, 131 15, 000 9,900 89, 843 160, 248 1, 469, 246 8, 750 26, 635 3, 22' 26, 755 48, 623 8, 960 2,775 43,446 102, 494 237, 23i 881, 008 63, 787! 946, C07 599, 950' 553, 076| 86, 763 (5S0. 536 1, 099, 950! 204, 000! 922, 561 1, 980, 665 6, 043, 085 19, 818, 759 13, 100 273, 500 9,128 95. 869 49, 221 20, 700 217, 943 3, 011,040 1, 672, 398 633,000 20, 800 4,592 10, 350 24, 855 9, 119 589, 400 127, 150 360, 350 690, 584 309, 165 1, 200 400 3, 800 17, 389 49, 899 49, 200 18. 000 138, 000 480, 905 1, 374, 338 85, 713 182, 229 2,450, 640 5, 213, 258 11, 960 303, 526 2, 500 27, 541 9,124 35, 840 11, 049 75,..000 738, 146 265, 128 967, 680 353, 568 249 382 450 65 1,690 13, 233 11, 671 119, 682 11, 485 64, 740 17, 920 261, 031 1, 657. 571 358, 400 1146 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special statiatm 12.— IRON AND STEEL : D— IRON ROLLING-MILLS— Continued. States aud Territories. MATEUIAL8— continued. The Uuited States. Alabama ... California .. Colorado Connecticut Delaware . . . District of Columbia. Geori'ia Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Mnine Maryland Massacbusetts. Michigan Missouri ^Nebraska New Hampshire . New Jersey New York 21 Ohio 22 I Pennsylvania. Rhode Island . Tennessee Utah Vermont Vii giuia West Virginia . 29 i Wisconsin 30 1 Wyoming Tons. 422, 282 Dollars. Tons. Dollars. 11,180,028 14,147 757,704 200 6, 300i 100, 18, 669! 11, 432j a 313; 1, 355; 6, 930; 12, 900! 1, OOOj 24, 2, 7391 12, 855! 44, 649 15, 507 15, 935 2, 400 2, 100 21, 696! 21, 581j 48, 0021 128, 404; 9, 405! 1,700 5, ooo! 157, 000 1, 700 469, 412 301, 322! 1, 986 31,346; 169. 840 324, 0.50 28, 000 685, 067 72, 656 277, 815 1, 177, 617 517. 745 454, 84, 5S. 596, 525, 1,109, 3, 464, SOX, 41, 84, 240 o P-o o •S3 Tons. 46. 861 416 Dollars. \ Tons. 2,382,329, 53,754 1. 000 387 Dollars 2, 369, 544 14, 5231 1, OOO 65. 000 13, 545 45.543 60 2. 200 1, 550 167 2, 665 I 40 15, ooo; 6, 686 38, 700 2. 186 75, 000 3, 029' 142, 3751. urn- 283, 960| 87, 490! ""ieJ 6,203 3, 500| 250, 000 200 5, 192; 301, 9211 8, 5071 470, 735| 83li 28, 845^ 21, 802 1, 528, 738. 3, 075, 1, 030! 7. 850 84, 431 37, 475 196, 250 2, 800 191 3,530 40, 218 761 ,000 112, 000 6, 306 153,600 , 703, 691 22, 256 1.200 a No value attached. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS- 1147 J'or principal industries: 1H80 — Continued. 12.— IRON AND STEEL : D— IRON ROLLING-MILLS— Continued. JiATEiUALS— continue q 2 o 0 > 2 a. 1 Dollars. 179, 154 Tons, 21, 884 Dollars. 1, OOO, 104 Tom. 466, 917 DoUurs. ^0, 978, 69/ T07)8. 64, 469 Dollars. 2, 440, 941 Tons. 94, 992 8, 473, 642 — 6, 000 4, 500 300, 000 tf)')r. i\t\(\ £,i,0, UUl) 5,243 481, 924 8, 673 72. 802 38, 600 13, 500 18, 000 1 . 3, 192, 178 1, 946, .500 709, 700 800, 000 1 6, 383 427, 320 4,784 OUT, i 00 9,280 5, 600 431, 814 308, 000 3,178 317 800 50 4, 600 6, 675 4, 000 322:000 521, 110 1, 300 92 718 1, 320 88, 440 1, 150 101, 200 511 1, 803 6,925 41,000 91, 377 532, 177 34, 805 41, 838 157, 213 1, 508, 839 1, 907, 244 6, 559, 920 3, 51Q 5, 954 53, 014 175, 500 224, 890 1, 984, 755 14, 440 .54, 174 1, 137, 935 5, 249, 950 3,330 158, 154 12, 800 640, 000 100 2, 900 .... 1,500 • 60, 000 300 2i, 000 3, 333 29, 552 9, 421 147, 332 1, 418, 496 471, 050 1, 891 52, 896 4 ^xh - t 1 ' ■ i c Tins column only includes the car-axles hammered in forges attached to rolling-mills, and does not profess to give the total ])roduction of hammered axles in the country, a considerable quantity beiii»' made by forging establishments, the statistics of which do not belong to iioa rolling-mill statistics. 1160 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSHft. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special etatisticfi 12.— IRON AND STEEL : D— IRON ROLLING-MILLS— Contiuued. PRODUCTS — continued. States and Temtories. The United States. Tons 89, 560 Alabama ... California .. Colorado ( Connecticut Delaware . . . District of Columbia. Georgia Illinois Indiana Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan Missouri Nebraska i^ew Hampshire . New Jersey New York Ohio Penusylvauia. Rhode Island . Tennessee Utah Vermont Virginia , West Virginia . Wisconsin Wyoming 1, 241 5, 375 6, 612 1, 879 4, 600 9, 180 60, 519 Dollars. 6,501,298 111, 690 Tons. Dollars. 94, 749 5, 688, 863 2, 482 38 3. 270 507, 500 426, 236 165, 846 357, 158 584, 100 4, 338, 798 3, 155 3, 702 23, 410 2, 750 186, 130 1, 950 Tons. Dollars. 1 Tons 96,843' 6,069,484 48,345 500 197, 350 241,403 1, 333, 915 117, 692 7,050 • 479,000 52, 162! 3, 131, 423 785 375 12 3. 077 23, 149 64, 722 240 37, 500 52, 800 22, 500 555 229. 562 239, 218 1, 397, 375 4, 077, 974 12,000 1,000 Dollars. 2, 867, 872 118, m' 3,350 100 2,000 1, 947 100 13, 049 21, 310 123 263, 908! 160, 800 7, 000. 81, 808' ,05ol 183 693, 2S(! i,'347,"488 4,920 a I'isb-plates, eto. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1151 for principal industries : 1880 — Continued. 12.— IRON AND STEEL : D— IRON ROLLING-MILLS— Continued. PRODUCTS — continued. Tons. 3, 703 Dollars. 2'j4, 010 Tons. 252, 830 Dollars. IG, 295, 300 11, 1271 14, 038; 30! 2, 5001. 823, 452 794, 036 250: 25: 30, 000 2, 500 421! 45, 871 Bool " '67, 666 2, 477 Tons 82, 358 3. 21 f; Dollars. Dollars. 5, 974, 4051 1, 398, 112 225, 800 112 1, 710 11, 242 103. 800 10, 500i 2241 525, 000 16,000 24, 544 2, 000 1, 773, 929 30| 4741 1,500 29, 440 82, 000 146. 139 14, 803| 611i 36, 697! 75, 200i 954, 123 40, 840 2, 334, 490 4. 842, 470 5,209 3, 922i 374. 479 197, 4581 6, 2391 4, 018j 3,798 34. 132 8, 134 250 789, 693 253, 955 14, 500 933 I'ons. 2, 353, 248 1, 000, 10, 500 24, 000 6, 500 505, 166 18. 000 3, 000 17, 219 115, 125 318, 600i 24, 500 2, 387, 746 586, 101 488, 040' j 9, 692 11, 000 14, 000 4, 500 16, 203 33, 918 264 11, 501 117, 051 77, 880 19, 055 65, 293 8, 851 47, 609 109,252 23, 130 16, 508 2, 000 4, 752 66, 030 163, 538 272, 094 , 071, 098 8, 134 25. 381 Dollars. 136. 798. 574 47, 500 780, 000 225, 000 952, 457 2, 347, 177 10, 970 486, 760 5, 944, 059 4, 090, 868 1, 004, 100 3, 807, 627 522, 953 2, 550, 051 7, 773, 058 1. 446, 551 1,278,513 16 82,000 17 337, 140| 18 4,556,765i 19 8,697.446 20 15, 247, 770 62, 644, 366 488, 040 1, 232, 150 5, 082 52, 795 324, 320 15, 815 3, 587, 182 509 949, 500 30, 918 60, 568 1, 500 35, 176 67, 437 60, 653 9, 790 60, 000 1, 986, 416 4, 422, 936 3, 284, 556 491, 345 6 This column only includes the quantity of iron hammered in forges connected -with rolling-mills, there being a considerable quantity of iron hammered in forcing establishments the statistics of which do not belong to iron rolling-mill statistics. c The quantity of cut nails here given can be reduced to kegs (which are always 100 pounds in ■weight) by multiplying by 20. d Horseshoes, raikoad spikes, wire etc. 1152 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. LI v. — Manufactures: Special statiatics 1^2.— IRON AND STEEL: E— BESSEMER AND OPEN-HEARTH STEEL WORKS I States. United States. Counocticut (a) , Illinois Iventaclcy Maa.sachiisetts. . Missouri New Hampshire . New iTeraey (b) . . New York CWuo Pennsylvania Rhode laland (c) . . TenuQSsee Vermont Dollars. 20, 975, 999 AVEEAGE NUM- BElt Of HANDS EMPLOYED. 000 000, 000] 000 i 10, 213 2, 187 13 105 ll 250,0001 Ij II 2 2,250, 51 1,254, 1511, 616, ^ IJ 3? fal, PI 5? 621 49 000 105] 8941 Dollars. 4, 930, 349 1, 230, ( 1, 500' 51, 000 57, 618; 27, 690! l,521i 129 .---i 692,218 7251 96.... II 503,421 4, .513' 2401 lil 2,278,266: 4, 467 1! 80,000 1 200, 000 1 300, 000! 165 40, 000 48. ooo; if r is?? 1,201 300 No. 37 827 2 240 42 1 4 52! 3 2 O fl 'S H No 50 '5 5 C5 I iVo.l 5, 223 4;)' 121,302 V.'. 1 47 7| 2i 250 11 10 2,202 14 10 930i 5| 5 45 7i 18 2,549' 22; 100! States. United States. Connecticut ... Illinois Kentucky Massachusetts. Missotiri New Hampshire . New Jersey New York Ohio. 10 Pennsylvania . Rhode Island . Tennessee — Vermont MATE RIALS— continu ed. a; o Tons. 17, 713 1,020 2, 420 Dollars. 1, 129, 662 72, 600 Tons. 13, 91] Dollars. J Tons 295,0741 90,645 2, 570 193, 600; 540 5, 511| 324, 482 506, 000 57,1 12, 140 2, 5.50; Gl, 200 8, 181 ; 162, 164 20, 490 2.000 i; 617 1. 300i 6,745 1, 968 55. 875 50; 1, 250! 20i 5oor 50 Dollars. a© Tons. I Dollars. 2. 257, 053 16, 053 I I '584," 732!! i 50 ""66," 566' 5,250 53.925 3, 000 236, 200 39, 0001 126, 000 122, 000 58, 883 1,330,013 2,000 6,216 2.737 341,606 192, 330 a A cmcihle steelworks in Connecticut manipulates open-hearth steel. & The only open-hearth steel works in New Jersey is so interwoven with a crucible steel works that j it is not possible to separate all the details. c This estabUshment was not in operation in the census year. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1153 (yr principal industries: 1880 — Continued. 2.— IRON AND STEEL: E— BESSEMER AND OPEN HEARTH STEEL WORKS. MATERIALS. Iron ore. Value. Spiegeleisen and ferro-manganese. Value. Other i)ig iron. I Value. Old steel rails and steel-rail ends. 6 n Purchased Besse- mer steel ingots and blooms. Value. Tons. . 7,327 Dollars. 59, 997 Tons. 86, 138 Dollars. 2, 868, 519 Tons. 966, 603 Dollars. 22, 521, 098 Tons. 85, 653 Dollars. 2, 435,263 Tons. 42, 939 Dollars. 2, 300, 988 8G 70 10 1, 290 1,050 80 21, -444 20 906 480 15 7, 625 7,629 47, 554 764, 786 1, 500 6, 700 31,710 4, POO 600 192, 000 317, 133 1, 531, 290 242, 382 125 1,900 7, 910 1,800 140 83, 555 91,010 532, 0?1 5. 965, 896 3, 700 52, 800 237, 300 72, 000 5, 600 1,950, 000 1,945, 132 12, 161, 170 25, 192 50 1,400 4,500 eio, osi 1, 500 35, 000 196, 000 15, 000 700 -900, 000 56, 000 18 5 180 50 300 9, 091 11, 334 33, 586 10, .500 194, 000 449, 422 932, 790 146 7, 000 2, 097 4, 141 16, 346 36, 001 25, 493 1, 273, 988 200 700 1, 000 *;ooo 90 8, 000 300; 10, 000 1 4, 500 1, 250 90, 000 37, 500 200 6, 000 1, 600 64, 000 1 MATERIALS— continued. Cug a 2 92 Cm Bessemer steel bars. 6 t United States.. Tons. 741, 475 Dollars. 37, 408, 625 ■-—= ■■ ' Tons. 9, 105 Dollars. 483, 450 Tons. 76, 710 Dollars. 4, 718, 354 Illinois 201, 186 ii, 961, 130 1,807 90, 000 5, 100 357, 000 'New Hampsliire . . 1..... 57, 870 66, 480 409, 339 2, 480. 000 3, 324, 000 19, 173, 995 27, 037 3, 000 44, 866 ■ 1, 981, 000 182, 3?*5 2, 404, 959 3, 360 151, 200 2, 745 3, 000 137, 250 195, 000 1, 500 112, 500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 States. PRODUCTS — continued. Open-hearth steel structural shapes. i >- Open-hearth steel sheets. > Bessemer steel plates. Open-bearth steel plates. United States . . Tons. 80 Dollars. 8, 800 Tons. 1, 700 Dollars. 191, 955 Tons. 1, 475 Dollars. 148, 144 Tons. 11, 034 Dollars. 1,428, 300 2, 302 284, 6.— IRON AND STEEL: E. -BESSEMER AND OPEN-HEARTH STEEL WORKS— Continued. TRODUCTS— continued. Open-beartb steel Value. Bessemer steel rods. Value. Open-hearth steel rods. Value. Bessemer steel structural shapes. Value. Tons. 43, 296 Dollars. 3, 454, 321 Tons. 49, 064 Dollars. 3, 795, 240 Tons. 1, 134 Dollars. 123, 200 . Tons. 557 Dollars. 63, 060 1,014 101,400 2, 200 176, 000 14, 906 1, 500, 000 234 29, 200 490 8, 700, 49, 000 345, 000 22G 18, .532 15, 400 18, 000 1, 297, 240 980, 000 400 44, 000 ii,647 24, 245 810, 602 1, &72, 319 500 50, 000 557 63, 060 PRODUCTS— continued. Other Bessemer steel. Other open -hearth steel. © a Is > Value of all other products, includ- ing jobbing and repairing. Total tons of all 1 products. Total value of all ju-oducts. Tons. 20, 615 Dollars. 1, 362, 162 Tom. 26, 794 Dollars. 2, 476, 059 Dollars. 142, 940 Tons. 983, 039 Dollars. 55, 80.5, 210 1,014 20.5, 318 275 101, 400 12, 197, 380 24, 750 2, 178, 860 907, 000 470, 200 534, 439 4, 802, 036 6, 596, 797 27, 547, 598 1 1,400 100, 000 925 46. 250 •2 275 24, 7.50 189, 000 3 2, 700 22, 342 10, 200 3, 226 5, 398 87, 165 108, 975 5Sl, 881 4 5,100 550, 000 5 1,4^0 1, 698 233, 600 189, 439 6 7 1, 202 139, 000 95, 036 3, 747 44, 157 8 3,410 16, 326 242, 218 1, 551, 402 9 12, 913 573, 162 10 11 12 13 2, 745 4, 500 137, 250 307, 500 1156 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tabi>e LIV. — Manufactures: Special statistics 12.— IRON AND STEEL: F— CRUCIBLE AND MISCELLANEOUS STEEL WORKS. States. The United States . Connecticut ... Illinois Kentucky Mra-j'laTid (a) . . Massachusetts . New Jersey. -- New York Ohio Pennsylvania . Dollars. 10. 665, 547 500, 000 50, 000 17, 000 50, 000 50, 000 1, 290, 000 ! 825,000 I 40,000 I 7,843,547 AVEKAGR NUMBER OP HANDS EMl'I.OYED. Is 5. 010 25 675 240 40 ,913 I 185 15 o . -22 —t tXes ej 06 u Dollars. 2, 945, 539 54, 747 .'!, 000 0, 000 5, 584 326, 247 95, or,4 5, 940 2, 448, 307 States. The United States. MATE HI ALS— continued. Tons. 19, 728 Dollars. 746, 661 S 5; Connecticut ... Illinois Kentucky Maryland Massachusetts . New Jersey . . New York Ohio Pennsylvania . 1, 008 48, 020 100 3, 500 25 750 100 3, 239 3, 262 147, 319 1, 062 43, 420 474 11, 830 13, 695 488, 583 Tons. 13. 211 400 Dollars. 931, 300 30,000 50 1.201 4,250 72, 050 11. 560 825,000 ill Tons. 2, 400 1. 500 900 MATEKIAL8— continued. States. ® o Q 6 zl 1 Other material. Yalue. Value of all other mate- rials. Total value of all materials. Tons. 22, 791 Dollars. 62, 694 Tons. 30 Dollars. 3, 100 DoUars. 108, 715 Dollars. 5, 000, 332 1 184,850 4,500 5, 825 Illinois 150 500 1,000 3, 000 11,203 793, 964 232, 425 20,435 3,747,13i 360 150 1,507 900 1 200 11, 381 20 2, 400 21, 631 j 56, 287 10 700 97, 134 a This establishment was not in operation in the census year. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1157 for principal industries : 1880 — Continued. 12.— IRON AND STEEL : F— CRUCIBLE AND MISCELLANEOUS STEEL WORKS, MACfflNES. o d No. No. 174 15 10 24 28 672 104 56 No. 340 1 4 54 17 4 253 o3 No. 57 No. No. 170 -^9 S * ^.9 w;^ Ton*. 445 2 1 31 16 3 107 14.0 J.5 2.0 4.0 46.0 16.0 5.0 354.0 MATERIALS. Tons. 2, 128 240 'i,'868' Dollars. 19, 715 100 Tons. 17, 226 Dollars. 580, 653 Tons. 1. 952 1.050 145 "'25' Dollars. 77, 596 9,500 '""750' 1,600 I 2,000 90,*000 1 295 8,100 ' I 100 4,000 ...I ! 20 ! 1.50 18,015 15,1911 489,603 1 I, .367 1 55, 096 MATEBIALS— continued. 1 , Swedish billet-v and bars. ■ Value. Other billets and bars. j Charcoal. j a 0. 0 .a P < Tons. 40, 392 ! Value. Bituminous j coal. Value. ■ Tons. 10, 410 Ddllars. 855, 176 Tons. 16, 496 Dollars. 908, 407 BiisltcU. 60, 5!)4 Dollars. 5,612 Dollars. 168, 233 Tons. 224, 657 Dollars. 375, 470 565 39, 280 250 12, 500 1, 050 110 C, 920 32, 600 2, 390 12, 740 140 275 430 18, 600 3, 512 2, 514 71, 875 15, 304 200 10, 510 7, 100 1, 100 ' 203, 217 1,200 48, 499 24, 340 2, 000 286, 416 965 1,257 80 79, 057 119, 000 6, 400 611, 439 2, 355 185 181, 740 11, 525 6, 412 1, 000 600 51, 532 1,017 155 55 4,275 7,543 13, 706 702, 642 10, 930 45, 940 rilODUCTS. '0 11 : S Value. Otherproducts. Value. Value of other products (in- cluding job- bing and re- pairing). Total tons of all products. Total value of all i)roduots. Tons. 70, 319 Dollars. 10, 015, 511 Tens. 4,956 Dollars. 628, 954 Dollars. 25, 793 Tons. 75, 275 Dollars. 10, 670, 258 1,981 130 75 284, 330 12, 000 9,000 84 12, 600 3, 000 2, 065 130 75 299, 930 12,000 9, 000 140 10, 189 2, 511 360 54, 933 21, 993 1, m, 350 425, 140 35, 600 7, 719, 098 148 11, 189 2, 511 360 58, 805 21, 993 1, 612, 850 425,140 35, GOO 8, 253, 745 1, 000 100, 000 4, 500 3, 872 516, 354 18, 293 1158 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special Btatistics 13.— LEATHER, CUllRIED. States aud Territories. The United States . 1 I Alabama 2 ! Ai kaii.sa8 . . . 3 i California... 4 ! Colorado i) Coimecticut Delaware District of Columbia Georgia Ida'ho Illinois Indiana .. . Iowa I Kansas... 14 [ Kentucky. 15 I Louisiaaa 16 Maine 17 Maryland 18 Massachusetts 19 Micbi^ian 20 Minnesota 1 Missisfiippi Missouri New Hampshire New Jersey Kew York" North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Khode Island . . South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah..-.. Vermont.'. Vlrffinia "Washintjton . . . West Virginia Wisconsin Xo. 2, 319 34 48 194 44 26 15 37 56 185 97 251 n 455 3 22 113 21 12 24 123 2 80 61 Dollars. 16, 878, 520 AVRUAGE NUMBKE OF HAXU8 EMX'LOYED. 32, 354 2, 417 427, 350 16, 700 29, 300 14, 800 500 60, 009 1,850 534, 786 381, 552 12, 455 333 169, 400 3, 050 510, 900 .169,127 4, 308, 169 256, 31 1 25, 650 26, 300 72, 500 351, 850 I 1, 9H3. 746 1 1,720,356 I 66,731 I 1,089,075 j 19, 135 I 2, 570, 969 71,400 8, 400 154, 185 22, 150 26, 300 113, 950 89, 750 5. 750 229, 535 1, 299, 425 10. 808 48 3 229 13 16 12 1 89 1 247 181 12 1) 112 3 103 4, 209 U3 23 29 66 260 1,283 85 I 563 12 827 29 21 118 14 14 63 0 S . OS OS p 91 2 112 657 77 10 168 2 '2 15 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1159 for principal induatrks : 1880 — Goutinued. 13.— LEATHER, CURRIED. MATERIALS. ■ ■ — PRODUCTB. ^ 1 O 05 087j 00.1 20, 366 11 12 13 14 15 518, 850 78, 220 4, 951,562 161,308 33, 432 232, 558 59, 372 5, 178, 609 63, 851 7, 046 105, 961 18, 394 1,310, 491 33, 226 7, 975 2, 290, 310 388.608 19, 547, 978 ' 812, 065 116, 925 518, 850 78, 220 4, 951, 562 161, 308 33, 432 232, 558 .59, 372 5, 178, 609 63, 351 7, 046 2, 612, 350 508, 458 23, 282, 775 990, 932 141, 685 16 37 38 39 20 27, 515 64.4'28 435, 450 818, 8i;4 1, 048, 581 7, 770 13, 794 339, 406 1, /Uo, 6 It) 039, 772 4, 500 15, 616 162, 6!>9 zoJ, OO.J 304, 087 74, 103 276 034 1,824! 797 7, 000, 270 5, 210, 852 27, 515 64, 428 435, 450 818, 804 1, 048, 581 7, 770 13. 794 339. 466 1, 703, 316 639, 772 102, 430 330, 023 2, 161, 734 8, 727, 128 6, 192, 002 21 22 23 24 25 64, 078 032, 615 17, 372 1, 272, 931 60, 154 12, 606 250, 0.54 4, 616 16, 200 9, 854 183, 724 3, 0 J5 319, (107 12, 440 ! 132,817 3, 141. 024 m, 815 6,639,432 186,250 64. 078 032,635 17, 372 1, 272, 931 66, 154 12, 006 256, 054 4, 618 404, 874 16, 200 196, 302 3, 886, 027 89, 577 7, 8.52, 177 227,325 26 27 28 29 30 17, 809 119,311 14, 344 7, 118 129, 425 3, 245 17, 271 4, 301 4. 352 13, 890 2. 340 21, 434 2, 355 1, 886 44, 127 3;^,6!)2 452, 774 46i 017 40, 171 ; 457, 632 17, 809 119, 311 14, 344 7,318 129, 425 3, 245 17, 271 4, 301 4. 352 13, 890 43, 520 546, 427 62, 535 # 59, 088 530, 337 31 32 33 34 35 59, 420 4, 100 103, 340 784, 800 15, 797 900 48, 995 582, 451 10, 497 1, 400 21, 198 249, 982 173, 051 24, .500 580, 755 3, 769, 914 59,420 4, 300 103, 340 734, 800 15, 797 900 48, 995 582, 451 232, 989 29. 500 72.5, 010 4, 420, 729 36 37 38 1160 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tabt^ 'LlV.--Mam(facture8 : Special statistics 14.-LEATHER. TANNED. States and Territories. The United States . Alabama Arkansas Califoinia ... Colorado Connectient Delaware District of Colnmbia. Q-eorgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas ... Kentncky liOnisiana . Maine Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota Mississippi , Missouri New Hampshire New .Tersey New Tork. — 26 i North Carolijaa 27 I Ohio 28 i Oregon , 29 ; Pennsylvania., 30 ! Rhode' Island .. South Caroli'ua Tennessee Texas ..^ Utah ....T Vermont Virginia Washington ... "West Virginia Wisconsin No. 3, 105 10.5 10 10 83 63 1.33 34 26 53 55 386 133 302 16 642 4 28 147 28 13 53 163 2 93 73 Dollars. 50, 222, 054 86, 876 7, 683 1,746. 750 16, 700 50, 600 2,800 U, 500 143, 441 1,850 2, 220, 114 653, 349 14, 575 1, 167 1,741,430 9, 300 2, 459, 700 802, 343 2, 712, 130 1, 081, 489 32, 450 37, 690 137, 850 603, 4.50 1,810, 050 11, 710, 415 183, 659 2, 022, 990 36, 465 15, 608, 635 368, 600 42, 675 470, 075 31, 850 43, 200 433, 300 658, 973 14, 250 51.5, 855 1, 697, 825 AVERAQB NUMHER OF HAXI>8 EMl'LOYKD. I 23, 287 129 8 6!5 13 49 150 1 1,113 296 12 3 516 13 1,387 378 2, 408 4.58 26 54 107 445 1, 227 4, 991 219 912 16 5, 541 113 61 333 38 22 184 328 4 296 815 es »0 188 337 29 ■3 o £3 3 1-5 Dollare. 9, 204, 243 32 \.. 1 1 1 4 24,658 2, 097 344, 017 9,000 16, 062 650 400 32,#t4 500 599, 028 108, 761 4,327 1,126 204, 345 2,941 464, 904 1^7, 164 1,09.'3, 973 222, 228 13, 010 12,688 43, 817 199, 146 716, 599 1, 819, 742 37,846 373, 595 9,212 1, 967, 946 55,694 9,120 86,988 7, 411 9, 768 62,461 80, 251 3,075 99,338 337, 211 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS, for pnnci^al industries : 1880 — Continued. 14.~LEATHER, TANNED. 1161 MATEniALS. Tons. 1, 101, 526 11 "472 Tons. 353, 245 3, 591 222 22, 066 14 35 50,762 1,856 20' 919 130 30 6,034 93, 406 75 107, 324 21, 139 1, 724 22 1, 639 34, 908 11,332 334, 084 5, 775 573 379, 069 7.375 15 322 12, 264 210 33 36, BOG 137 18, 633 108 70 31, 107 270 24, 733 74 1,205 1,650 3. 190 14, 675 6, 624 6, 154 42, 274 240 122, 550 1, 605 15, 085 825 81 11, 662 16, 987 134 C3 u 00 o Dollars. 707, 465 6,050 4, 700 "2," 375' 15, 7:55 9, 191 408, 956 1, 474 595 14, 705 1,600 60, 923 157, 901 8, 050 "8,566' Ntimber. 11, 773, 171 Number. 19, 936, G58 50 120 750 3, 000 395 44, 308 2, 450 254, 624 4, 100 11, 950 1,400 115 74, 649 400 395, 030 152, 375 2, 470 980 211, 097 3, 412 879, 160 137, 667 1, 625, 344 184, Oil 16, 716 21, 020 41,419 ^81, 490 369, 667 2, 503, 855 456, 015' 8, 961 2, 970, 680 106, 777 20, 967 159, 524 10, 920 5, 046 125, 232 125, 438 2, 400 150, 317 327, 524 15, 073 330 1, 314, 215 15, 100 Dollars. 85, 949, 207 127, 742 5, 797 ^,746,203 38,300 ! Number. 23, 546, 342 24, 625 I 107, 005 195 1, 561 21, 325 475 1,486,670 57, 602 12, 02^ 150 213, 840 13,280 2, 202, 158 286, 25(. 5, 724, 897 341, 793 7, 046 9, 225 152, 313 404, 341 1, 783, 647 4, 171, 290 20, 750 434, 732 5, 916 635, 280 4, 705 4, 700 3, 365 197, 943 1,816 4, 160, 113 971. 201 24, 099 5,175 1, 799, 047 14, 984 5, 535, 427 1, 039, 586 11, 320, 288 1, 450, 559 86, 853 321, 805 1, 732, 564 5, 262, 747 18, 014, 683 222, 068 3, 247, 592 38, 694 19, 716, 236 509, 370 47,225 1, 041, 605 6, 016 39, 030 4,952 I 27,331 176,250 838,426 30, 628 900 50, 713 239, 581 706, 333 19, 260 1, 089, 620 3, 367,300 88, 616 4,900 509, 248 8, 200 23, 900 2, 800 230 149, 298 800 Number. Dollars. 19,917,653 113,348,336 15, 073 330 1,314.215 15, 100 24, 625 190 1,561 21, 325 475 790,060 j 1,483, .570 304, 750 4,940 1, 960 422, 194 6, 824 1, 758, 320 275, 334 3, 250, 688 368, 022 33, 432 42, 040 82, 838 562; 980 739, 334 5, 007, 710 167, 322 912, 030 17, 922 5, 941, .360 213, 554 41, 934 319, 048 21, 840 10, 092 250, 464 250, 876 4, 800 300; 634 6,55, 048 57, 602 12, 025 150 213, 840 13, 280 2, 202, 158 286, 250 5, 724, 897 331, 793 7, 046 9,225 150, 313 404, 341 l,-783, 647 4, 169, 690 20, 750«i 432, 707 5,916 635, 155 4,705 66, 909 5, 791 4, 952. 176, 250 30, 603 900 50, 713 239, 581 1162 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special atatisUcs 15.— LUMBER, SAWED. States and Terri- tories. AVERAGE NUM. BEU OF HANDS EMPLOYED. Ko. Dollarg. United States.. 25, 708 181, 186, 122ijl41, 564' J ii KATBBIAL8. ■si Alabama . Ai izuna . . Arkiiiisas. Cahforuia. Colorado. . Connocticut Dakota Delaware Dist.^f Columbia. FiDriJa Georgia. Idaho . . . Illinois . Indiana . Iowa Kansas Kentucky LoiiiBiana Maine Maiyland , 21 22 ! 23 I 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Dollars. Dollars. \ Dollnrst. ' Dollara. 425 5, 967j!31, 845, 974M39, 836, 869 6, 318, 516,146, 155, 385 3541 13 3)9 251 96; 300 39| 861 1| 135! 655! 481 640 1 ,0221 328, 146! 670 175 848 369 1, 545. 655 102, 450 1, 067, 840 6,454,718 481, 200| 657, 300 113,750! 2o;-^, 250! 25. OOO] 2, 219. 550 3. 101, 452' 192, 460 3, 2!).-), 483 7, 048, 088 4, 946, 390 262, 975' 2, 290.- .558; 903, 950 6, 339, 396, 1, 237, 694! Masaachnaetts... Micbigau Minnesota 234 Mississippi 295 Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshirt New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina ... Ohio Oregon 36 I Pennsvlvania . . 37 I Khode Island.. 38 1 South Carolina. 39 ' Tennessee 40 Texas Utah Vermont Virginia "Wasbiugton "West Virginia Wisconsin , Wyoming., 2, 480, 340 1, 649; 39, 2G0, 428 6,771,145 922, 595 2. 867, 970 2841 208, 200 93, 375 132, 000 3, 745, 790 1, 657, 395 26! 74. 675 2,822 13,230,934 776 1,743,217 2,352 7,941.412 228, 1, 577, 875 2, 827! 21, 418, 588 144, 250 1. 056, 265 2, 004, 503 1, 660, 952 107 272, 75O1I 6881 3, 274, 2.^0 1 907] 2,122,9251' 37i 2, 456, 450j! 472' 1,668,92011 I ; 704' 19, 824, 0.59 7i 26, 700 1, 6111. 771. 1,690!. 3, 423'. 870.. 2m' 378. 25 1,945| 3,298' 169' 3, 6521. 9, 926 2, 526 507 2, 506 943I 6, 480! 1, 216 1, 940! 22, 7321 2, 7321 1, 1231 3, 403 142 136 35 3, 056 760L. i 172.. 11, 056 . . 2, 938 . . 8, 769 .. 506 .. i 14, 4431 139 .. 1, 431.. 3,577;.. 3, 1361 375!.. 2. 4111.. 3, 922 - . 495i.. 2, 0571.. 85^ 94 199,1 413; 463 424, 156' 33, 875 237, 594 1, 095, 736 112, 931| 178, 3.36:! 54„974:f 40, 694 I 6,000 I 562,249.1 •I 554, 085H 33, 367 I 787. 867 1, 571, 740 825,244 143 1, 22 66, 671, 200, 1,161, 223, 431, 6, 967, 924, 197, 94 33! 183 I 23|| 3olj 3601 i lOOlj 951 669. 1, 517, 986; laS, 488 1, 009, !T54: 2, 055, 635; 654, 500 609, 024! 260, 2351 229, 763 32, (lOO; 1, 763,' 617; 3, 049, 435] 21§,6!)l; 2, 859, 537, 9, 290, 428; 4f 023, 6611 063 I 142' I 786 I J\ 905; 473! mil 644:1 7381 8881 280' 613! 836j 4971 0031, 468; 902: 7,748i 250 91 548^ 13j 463i 13 37 141! -|, 10 100' 891 4j: 126 467 47, 945; 29, 313! 9, 892 548, 556 179, 693 24, 240 2, 162. 972 447, 431 1, 708, 300 242, 154 2,918, 459:' 33, 143' i 221, 963 ' 549, 222; I 732, 9141 65, 175^ 426, 953; 540,2.31 1 200,5391 459,945 l| 2, 257,218; 6, 380i| 421, 3, 238, 1, 106, 4, 754, 1, 041, 1, 827, 30, 8l9. 4, 408, 1, 190, 3. 113. 257. 320! 153, 823' 151, 790: 2, 159, 461 942, 752 100, 145i 8, 628, 8741 1, 490, 616 8, 603, 1271 1, 294, 703i 90, 649 5, 300 60, 441 1^, 868 45, 794 i 32, 545 12, 640 13, 612 2, 000 103, 586 147. 720 16, 875 185, 3C8' 336, 669 118, 224, I 25,711 171, 855 80. 779 197,344 64, 959; .76. COsi , 432, 309' 120, 587! 28, 214^ 102, 243' 20, Tys! 11, OTk> 11,020 113, 530 47, 227j 16. 910 490, 389 86, 023 292, 979 36, 639 1, 608. 635 131, 786 1^070, 3!)5 2, 242, 503 700,294 64J., 569 281,'g75 2^43, 375 34, 000 1, 867, 213 3, 197, 155 230, 566 3,0 44, 905 9, 627, 097 4,141, 885 447, 449 2,410,743 1, 187, 059 4, 551, 9.57 1, ld6, 795 1. 904, 105 32, 251,3' 4, 529, 055 1, 219, 116 3, 215, 292 278, 098 164, 878 162, 810 2, 272, tt91 989; 979 117, 0.55 9,119, 263 1, 577, 139 8, 896, 106 1,331, 342 13, 378, 589! 116, 085' 1, 170, 0881 2, 006. 124 1, 909. 794! 576,841 13,9.1.5,430 4,803 120,: ' 67,273 1,2.37,361 136,761. 2,142. , 186, 981! 2, 0§6; 775 216, 619 1, 939, 775 1. 864, 288 1, 174, 005 1, 30% 843 12, 219, 097 24,725 21, 65.^ 82, 093 119, 489i 14, 0701 67, 529j 238, 274 2, 021, h68 1, 983, 777 1,188,075 1, 375, 2,1 252,376' 12,471,4 2,625; 27^ COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS, for 2>rinc)pal iuduslrks : 1880— Coutinued. 15.— LUMBER, SAWED. 1163 5> 5 Feet. Number. | Number. 091, 356. 0001, 761, 788, 000 5, 555, 046, 000 251, 851, 000 10, 715, 000 1X2, 503, 000 304, 795, 000 63, 792, 000 64, 427, 29, 280, 31, 572, 4, 000, 247, 627, 451, 788, 18, 204, 334, 244, 915, 943, 412, 578, 45, 281. 000 305, 684, 000 133, 472, 000 .566, 656, 000 123, 336, 000 205, 244, 000 4, 172, 572, 000 563. 974, 000 168, 747, 000 399, 744, 000 21, 420, 000 13, 585, 000 21, 545, 000|. 292, 267, 0001 109,679,000 11, 195, OOo' 1, 184, 220, 000 241, 822, 000 910, 832, 000 177, 171, 000 1,733,844, 000 8, 469, OOO; I 185, 772, OOOj 302. 673, OOO; 328, 968, 000 25, 709, 000 322, 942. 000 315, 9:)9, 000 160, 176, OOOi 180, 112, 000 1, 542, 021, 010 2, 9G0, 000 17, 438, 000 750, 000 25, 977, 000 28, 031,000 79, 924, 000 25, 000 26, 856, 000 7, 745, 000 184, 820, OOOl 7, 955, OOOl 16, 947. OOOl 19, 667, 000 401, 805, 000|2, 584,717, 000 88, 088, 000 194, 566, 000 7, 908, 000 5, 355, 000 20. 839.000 8, 832, 000 2, 620, 000 9, 627, 000 §-2 Number. Number. Feet. ' Dollarg. | Dollars. 1, 248, 22d, 000, 146, 523, 000,34, 076, 000, 2, 682, 668 233, 268, 729 2, 357. OOOj 300, OuO 1, 640, 000 2. 063, 000 437, 000 270, 000 4, 510. 000 350. 000 1, 203. 000 12, 000 33, 000 550, 000 791, 000 110, 000, I 2, 014, 000' 964, OOOj 4, 000 24, 443, 000! 1, 385, OOOl 30, 000 283,071,000! 26,389,0U0l 1; 957, 000 5, 335, 000! 650, OOOl 49, 454, 000 8, 948, 000 107, 000 79, 399, 000, 13, 340, OOOl 50, 625, OOOj 18, 245, 000 183, 740, 000 10, 000 23. 13;5. 000 21,275, 000 14, 131, 000 1, 583. COO; 19, 745, 000' 14, 402, 000| (5, 550, OaO 12, 071,0;)0l 23, 148, 000 220, 000 62, 376, 000 16, 227, 000 21,062, 000 199, 821, 000 7, 8l'5, 000 60, 000 21, 426, 000 485, 000 67, 080, 000 10, 717, 000 722, 000 305,711. 000 8,7u7. 000 24, 871), 000 5, 040, 000 288, 5G1, OOoi 1, m\ 000 10, 036, OOOi 14, 205, 000; 112, 523, OOOj . 9, 203, OOOj. 55, 711, 000! 8, 223, 000 3, GIO, 000 3, 695, 000 150,000 8, 174, 000 383, 000 33, OOOl 1 3, 312, 000 13, 426, 000 1.860,000' 572.000 21,897.000 6,038,000 .547, 000 3, 363, 000 31, 354. 000 40, 000 I 20, 000 62, 654. 000 45, 000 214, 245, 000, 3,491,0001 3,072,000! 155, 000; 883, 000 22,136,000! 1,003,000 571.000: 1,25,3,000 25. 779, 000; 25. OOo! 80, 062, 000| 36.'>, 000! 385, (tool 4, 342, 000 : 10, 401, 000 326. 000] I 3,700.0001 9.3. 00ft' 570, 000 140, oooL 6, 000 21.5, 132, 000 862, 922, 000 300, 000 865, 000 i:{, 210, OOOl 14, 33:i, OOOj 23, 6GG, OOOi. 41, 992, OOOj 1, 572. OOOj 41.5. ( 929, 000 8U0, 000 1, 952, 000 82, 545, 000 7, 498, 000' 1, 010 3, 000 700 12, 930 500 2, OOo! 13, 999 3, 975 60, 200 16, 807 145, 7.50 38, 343 3,400 75, 655 1.5, 470 182, 618 149, 894 44. 395 531, 400 21, 100 5,349 7, 097 1, 900 1,100 58, 612 40, 385 285, 263 7,^195 190, 7881 10, 500| 393,0t4| 174i 41,700) 72, 998 10, 350 1, 765 2, 575; 30,355 40, 195 152, 171 173, 930 31 14, 356, 910 32 2. 672,796 33 13, 864, 460 34 2. 030. 463 35 22, 457, 359 36 240, 579 37 2,031, 507 38 3, 744, 905 39 3, 673, 449 40 375, 164' 41 3, 258, 816 42 3, 434, 163 43 1, 734, 742 44 2, 431, 857; 45 I 17, 952, 347 46 40, 990, 47 1164 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufacture*; Special staiis lies 16.— MIXED TEXTILES. States. The TJuited Stntes 470 California... Connecticut Delaware . . . Illinois Ifidiana Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts . . 10 New Hampshire. 11 i New Jersey 12 1 New York.. 13 Ohio. 14 Pennsylvania. If) Ehode Island . Tennessee . Vermont... Virginia . . . Wisconsin . !.'"> ;{ G9 20 10 134 5 126 16 Dollars. 37, 996, 057 9, 500 3, 203, 234 20, 000 .'■)7, 000 C85, 000 615, 000 1, 290, 380 4, 900 7,166, 800 J, 321,400 1,577,870 7, 902, 150 20, 200 11, 536, 818 1, 591, 000 35, 000 776, 000 83, 000 100. 805 AVEKAOE NUMKEB OP HAJ}DS EMI'LOYED. 17,471 20,520 11 1,721 27 36 208 137 487 6 3, 668 653 521 3, 369 20 5, 361 817 15 361 28 25 14 952 11 122 215 210 451 11 3, 345 581 906 5, 722 45 6, 971 663 253 17 23 5,382 10 275 4 17 134 161 133 485 !i 284 : 343 j 1,326 I .0 h ^ Dolla/rg. 13,316,753 9,700 j 988,848 i 12,476 i 39,650 I 209,337 135,948 1 357,595 I 4,000 2,528,476 494,945 I 526,770 i 3, 049, 305 14,650 \ 4,223.662 488,068 i 7,500 I 190, 775 16, 000 19, 048 MATERIALS. Dollars. 1, 495, 84r 135, 764 290 2, 000 6, 780 12, 156 47, 709 409. 322 42. 904 3, 720 180, 370 542, 674 81, 636 1,200 23, 820 3, 000 2, 500> COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1165 for 2)i^incipal industries: 1880— Continued. 16.— MIXED TEXTILES. MATEiiiALS — continued. Textiles. Dollarg. 17, 636, 639 2, 000 2, 002, 140 5,400 67, 520 306, 181 343, 273 858, 547 2, 180 4. 18<), 749 941, 972 88, 302 , 1,902,864 700 5, 292, 128 892, 252 38, 250 626, 200 45, 000 31. 981 Dollars. 10. 571, 60C 1, 500 653, 162 8, 600 58, 100 94, 234 151, 599 245, 824 800 1, 607, 095 233, 517 138, 925 2, 300, 994 1, 250 4, 585, 429 344, 645 11, 580 114, 890 5,800 13,662 Dollars. 3, 178, 128 7, 645 4, 600 25, 185 4, 870 348, 482 25, 054 554, 995 1, 581, 222 1, 165 624, 910 Cord.a P. O is •^^ 7, 640 649 5 1 478 67 41 82 167 29 3 113 314 121 3,523 3,563 428 132 61 13 497 670 2,929 47 1,684 18 1, 481 4 283 87 74 401 22 202 139 751 29 527 555 5 2 92 26 1 165 10 Dollars. 8, 525, 355 87, 622 6, 000 656, 000 112, 666 7, 497 31, 668 29.3, 144 166, 628 59, 235 584 82, 4C0 325, 691 119, 876 2, 467, 359 214, 812 34, 000 1, 561 249, 612 272, 936 1, 217, 580 20, 860 839. 231 8. 888 752, 151 3, 250 3. 000 189, 8>«-9 40. 000 2.1, 200 235, 955 MATEBIALS. Tons. 187, 917 100 15, 580 4, 405 700 1, 667 4, 622 75 20 3,266 10, 383 1,842 62, 922 6, 568 4, 435 3, 303 19, 083 1,125 20, 012 116 15, 678 30 120 770 1, 050 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. for principal industries : 1880 — Continued. 17.— PAPER, NOT SPECIFIED. 1167 MATKRIALS— continued. Tons. 12, OS 625 75 20 40 445 195 822 325 2, 688 57 1,387 58-^ 1, 402 6 588 1, 324 4 1,500 Tons. 84, 78 Tons. 245, 838 512 35 9, 698 40 200 1,051 1, 025 541 5 1 280 1,712 2,204 13, 861 359 200 4, 125 300 2, 304 3, 372 11, 393 ]5, 400 5 10, 554 110 4, 841 2 15 4,130 250 990 2,000 42, 237 8, 325 7, 171 40 2, 630 100 7, 577 5,312 15, 285 1, 200 250 2, 905 1,210 76, 191 8 36, 129 200 15, 133 Tons. 954 675 2, 600 4, 400 9.525 Tons. 264 150 Dollars. 3, 628, 798 72 23 266" 1 240 514 18 56, 085 1, 000 26:., 387 38. 482 3, 120 13, 636 103, 395 108, 525 5, 360 150 68, 455 93, 554 82,168 640, 280 106, 514 15, 800 150 104. 252 120, 526 726, 483 9, 200 345, 840 3. 400 518, 364 35 640 65, 129 22, 014 19, 900 90, 954 Dollars. 7, 039, 497 61, 738 1, 000 446, 487 89. 890 9, 400 5, 257 261, 850 174,410 33, 070 150 19, 000 355, 925 183, 125 1, 970, 334 93, 376 27, 350 200 245, 635 173, 283 1, 115, 920 15, 200 558, 970 I 6, 000 892, Ml G, 125 350 97, 302 29, 300 15, 000 150, 703 '3 . (D Dollars. Dollars. 1, 6fel, 762 ! 33, 951, 297 6,000 125, 950 231, 692 500 29, 025 28, 250 20, 647 109. 126 14, 350 316, 881 62, 325 15. 600 15,100 48, 666 266, 219 129, 937 i98,i69 31, 725 'si'eoo" 1168 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTU CENSUS. Table hlY.—Mamifactures : Special statistics 17.--PAPEK, NOT SPECIFIED— Continuod. States and Territories. The TTnitod States California Colorjwlo Connpcticnt Delaware District of Columbia Georgia niitioivs . Indiana . Iowa ... Kansas . Kentucky ..... Maine . Maryland Massachusetts . Michigan Tons. 149, 177 Minnesota , Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New. York North Carolina Ohio.-..'. Oregon Pennsylvania .. Tennessee TJUh Vermont Vftgiuia "West Virginia. Wisconsin 1, 284 30 8, 213 6,775 320 441 2, 398 5, 525 3, 775 10, 619 2, 977 27, 638 5, 521 885 5, 480 I, 089 23, 077 13, 113 100 20, 234 82 2, 620 780 5,780 Tons. 32, 937 2, 218 COO 24, 746 450 511 2, 780 25 384 1, 223 Tons. 134. 294 2, 588 285 6, 491 160 895 18,374 2, 819 1,695 26 500 5,525 COMPENDTIBI OF THE TENTH CENSUS, 1169 for principal Industries : 1880 — Contiuued. 17.— PArEK, NOT SPECIFIED— Continued. i'lfODUCTS— continued. Tons. 11, 737 10 4o0 480 524 8,929 1, 101 Pounds. 14, 756, 268 Pounds. 296, 000 Pounds. 8, 125, 957 10, 000 2, 838, 040 500, 000 1,459.148 50, 000 80, 000 100 i 420, 000 1 510 j 945 3, 706, 010 ! 408,000 360, 000 5, 000 1, 180, 000 536, 000 595, 381 15, COO 2, 995, 000 872, 837 600, 000 255, 000 878, 000 31.000 , 10, 000 470, 000 955, 776 1, 2ii4. 137 8, 000 465, 896 1, 850, 000 400. 000 Pounds. 178, 719, 831 300, 695 "i6,"i63,'i37' 12, 168, 000 3. 327. 228 5.570.000 1, 170, 000 27, 607, 706 4, 331, 216 600, 000 7, 604, 000 1, 887, 262 32, 365, 518 580, 000 27, 619, 719 160, 000 20, 240, 850 202, 500 6, 922, 000 3, 400, 000 5, 100, 000 7, 400, 000 Dollars. 55, 109, 914 386, 197 27, 300 4. 337, 550 737. 905 70, 400 221, 572 1, 679, 692 1, 112, 660 193, 075 3, 050 619, 422 2,170, 321 1, 028, 591 15, 188, 196 1, 204, 664 183, 900 5, 000 1,731, 170 2, 015, 569 8, 524, 279 145, 000 5, 108. 194 43, 100 5, 355, 912 17, 9?5 12,000 '26 1.237,484 j27 261,000 28 211, 000 29 1, 277, 736 I 30 74 c c 1170 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special statistios PETROLEUM (see Mining). 18.— SALT. States and Territories. The United States California (6) Kansas Kentucky Louisiana (c) Massachusetts {b) ... Michigan Nevada Now York Ohio.. Pennsylvania Texas Utah Virginia West Virginia "Wyoming No. Dollars. 268 8.225,740 4,125 AVKRAOE NUM- BER OP HANDS EMPLOYED. 20 3 144 375, 650 6, 000 500 000 000 20, 250, 147, 45, 286, 832, 234, 500 92, 000 13, 400 1, 000, 000 910, 500 3, 000 188 34 45 8 1, 416 31 9G2 449 131 17 62 76 702 2 34 .9 • ll JDollars. 1, 260, 023 50, 620 700 8, 750 11, 000 1, 030 541, 852 9, 688 274, 087 105, 261 52, 047 8,150 20, 932 14, 219 160, 227 1, 460 SUBTERRANEAN BKIKEU. 01 — i>l « 0 " T0718. 1, 746 Dollars. 5, 743 Cords. 200 Dollars. 500 Dollars. 274, 450 Dollars. 280,693 40, 000 2, 750 16, 000 215, 700 500 1, 246 2, 500 3,243 200 500 TO, UOO 1 218, 943 Bushels. 1, 044. 600 50, UUO 920. 000 Dollars. 3(ii, «56 ao 1)00 266, 906 1172 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special statistici 20 -SHIPBUILDING : A— AGGREGATIC. [See remarks on page 926.] States and Teni- No. Fnited States, .i 8, 026 8 n 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 r,2j 33, 34' 35 36 37 Alabama Arkansas California Connecticut Delaware Florida . Georgia. Illinois . Indiana. Iowa. - . . 200 280 100 I 45; No. 16,507 No 2,415498,878 840 Xansas. ... Kentucky . Louisiana. Maine Maryland. Massachusetts . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri 80 970! 1,687 133I 712 210 30O 7, 361 11,473 31, 123 No. 2,188 881 41, 396' 131 7, JiTebraska New Hampshire . . 44j Xew Jersey | 134j 2,680' New York |l,22l| 6,469 North Carolina ... I I 391 5,605 go' 15,909 3! 33j 17i 3,45]! i I 1 521 Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Ehode Island . . South Carolina. 318; 681 840 Tennessee . . Texas Vermont Yirgiuia Washington West Virginia . Wisconsin 53j 7,455! 635: 76,418i 8 487j 55' 25, 132i 19; 2,162 802 204, 5071 17 27^ 48' 77i. 16,727| 3. 079; 21, 345 217 2' 539 llj 1,397 64} 26, 524 2l 860 l| 178^ 23' 2,130! 86| 1,2311 38 62 1 94 18i I 481 2! 28j 23| 1 1 11 379 166 25, 000 2, 500' 806, 923, 334, 300'; 935, 200^ I 30, 750, 3, 000' 457, 000! 194, 25ol 25, 000' 1, 000' 88,450' 152, 100! 811, 750] 1, 606, 5o5i 276 1.765,450 ,775 ,000 500 476, 10, 2, 247, •9-1 09 2 S-a PEINCIPAL MA- TERIALS. . Dollars. I Feet. \ Feet. [12, 713, 813i 39, 327, 37247, 506, 048 900 25| 534' 500j 1, 576| 46| 4' 465; 312^ 75; 11' 157; 218! 1, 9671 1, 1781 1,328| 1, 537! 4'! 293 1 300 330- 07o! 45?! 3, 944, 100; 400' 15, 943, 379^ 1, 615, -I 758i 550: m.4 1,769; 11 11! ^1 14i 125| 22 161 i l| >16! 3' 15, 423, 050; 63, 300; 797, 731i 227, 700! 46j 300| 500; 23, 350j 20, 700; 185, 960i 33, 000! i 55,000|j 99 208, 700! 474 22,500 3, 600 589, 564 256, 849; 900, 322 33,580 2,250 247, 395 211, 736 37, 000 30, 000 32, 000 24, 000 2, 777, 000 1. 966, 500; 95, 100 95, 000 604, 080 1, 88G, 500 ' 8, 000 1, 234, 500' 1,569. 100 ; 160, 000; l,-900j .30,000' 92, 17l| 2, 500'| 1, 352, 500: 113,52^1 233,10o| 838, 559l|13, 882, 112' 3, 064, 20« 657, 789, 4, 59C, 700, 3, 430, 200 930! 4, 66l| 38; 773' I 85!! 3, 298;! 318; I 94! 43 12; 146j 62 804, 571| 745, 9331 8,000 2, 86O1 196, 005| i 1, 400| 12, 243^ 548, 807i , 907, 129 19, 256 2, 197, 7601 2, 065, 860 i 2,482,600' 9, 000' .! 978,000 I 10, 000' 1, 827, 800; 1, 7, 652, 80010 232, 000! 1.'., 000 39, 000 66.^, 300; 4f.l, 000 13, 000 40,000; 1,937,000 414, 360 77,150, ..| 2, 279, 629 ' 2, 099, 300 10, 560, 800j 194,662;; 185,000 55,990 1 584,600 600 8,000: 278, 100! 178, 300j 10, 400| 30, 170 4,400|| 75,526'! 493,000 51,298| 51,5101. 223,573|j. 8,: 120, 400 30, 300 , 093, 000 , 081, V COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS, 117.^ for priiwiml indmtHes: 1880 — Continued. 20.— SHH^BUILDING : A—AGGREGATE. [See remarks on page 920.] PRrNCiTAL MATERIALS— continued BoUars. 36, 800, 327 60, 000 1 28, 000 2 1, 797, 639 3 2,162,503 5 85, 050 6 17, 000 892, 093 8 810, 655 ,811 3,429, 900 2, 280, 460 90, 000 36.3, 900 2, 971, 100 115, 000 72, 000 329, 699 360, 030 8, 806, 343 1, 252, 448 1, 206, 986 8,321,570 19,000! 11,600 028, 500 i 1, 871, 260 18,000 1, 568, 794 38, 000 2, 862, 400 26, 431, 820 270, 000, 9, 594, 500, 836, 000 9,919, 842 124, 400 6, 682, 800' 420, 700 22, 516,000 36, 721,231 375, OOO! 535, lOOj 29, 000 i 429, 500j 184, 200 28 1, 000 856, 000 3, 303, 000 1 3. 058, 100 448, 000 103, ( 28, 000 113, 500 52, 000 133, 900 509, 100 367, 300 1, 941, 700 3,100 51. 650 28, 300 135, 806 800 3, 700 4, 300 cs 2 Pounds. Pounds. Dollars. ' Dollars. 1, 374, 6181 736, 931 11, 944, 2121 19, 225, 714 321, 202 228, 738 3, 7001 25, 240; 19, 291; 31, 345j 46. 500 51. 9961 2, 600 3, 080 200 8,180 900 33, .540| 26, 331 67. 097 2, 350 750 2, 580 35, 300 1, 250 380 ]6, 880 38, 142 74, 804: 200i 2, 350 6, 320 680 413,962 335,512 37, 660 31, 609 38, 750| 43, 000 83, 940i 430| 4,1501. 3ii0 . 42, 267| 150, 9311 1, 560'. 98, 730j 8, 500 258, 040 3, 400 2, 810 300 13, 840 1, 420 6, 360 6, 700 6, 400 16. 020 19, 650 150 21, 700 548, 618 •276, 550 758, 289 17, 450 13, 700 100, 890 5U0, 290 53, 000 23, ooo; 62, 1.50 73, 080 1, 532, 346 201, 545 255, 361^ 842,115 1, 4.50 231,392 7, 000 248, 561 1, 921, 523 14, 875 821, ^,50 114, 300 2, 706, 107| 65, 50o' 37, 550, 4, 100 34, 940 9,200 4, 350i 31, 500 3.800 114,100 ! 159,600 l,000j 140,880 58,316 34, 477 16, 300 2, 080! 37.400 18, 5901 28, ooo! 770, 6961 413, 009 1,614,969 25, 000 17, ooo' 137, 300 726, 680 70, 000 26, OOOl 86,215 11 105,525 12 2,174,650 13 320,260 14 391,655 15 1, 390, 050 3, 500 358,4871 18 9,000, 19 409,714 20 3, 145, o'id 22, 650 1, 127, 600 176, 600 4, 676, 258 129,000 26 92,900! 27 5, 000 55, 780 17, 800 62, 050 161, 600 221, 2; 254, 000 1176 Table LIV. — Manufactures: Special ataiisiks 20.— SHIPBUILDING: C-llEPAIRING OF VESSELS. States and Ten i lories. The United States Alabama California Connecticut ... Delaware Florida Illinois Indiana Iowa Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri New Hampshii' New .Jersey . . . New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Rhode Island . . South Carolina. Texas Virginia Washington . . . "West Virginia . Wisconsin No. 812 100 70 140 17 1 1 4 7 48 192 5 28 2 48 8 Dollars. 11, 882, 059 25, 000 1, 754, 423 279, 900 25, 800 25, 700 435, 450 47, 000 20, 000 73, 000 139, 700 346, 775 1, 497, 125 1, 586, 925 290, 700 10, 000 1, 000 188, 000 11, 930 621, 700 3, 126, 550 11, 000 202, 600 16, 300 599, 281 172, 000 32, 600 5, 300 175, 800 8, 000 7,000 145, 500 5g 4/ rr} 10, 671 25 326 2.55 465 25 63 55 127 173 520 931 974 603 16 2 125 22 679 2. 750 333 21 1, 044 234 40 19 297 '© o3 Dollars. 6, 730, 136 rRINClPAL. MATICltlALS. 22, .500 368, 746 13ti, .'-,20 272, 713 18, 600 218, 635 37, 'm 26, 000 75, 000 85, 176 238, 380 542, .529 610, 917 307, 943 8, 000 1, .500 92, 300 li. 10, 048 \\ 419,992 ! 1, 908, 892 jj 14,200 ii- 174,142 L 19,200 ll. 733,795 li 144, 927 1 1 23.460 ii 14,200 i 49,648 11 12. 400 6, 160 135, 663 Feet. 9, 279, 340 30, 000 330, 000 85, 000 41. 000 716, 040 3, 834, 000 1, 130, 000 Feet. 13, 048, 370 409, 000 30, 000 1,010, 000 135, 000 840, 000 519, 870 2, 097, 000 1, 048, 700 i 866,000 ; 700,000 I 10,000 ' 23,000 I 705,300 1,210,100 I 1, 758. 000 , 2. 431, 700 ' . I 108, 000 178, 000 12.5, 000 115, 000 20, 000 202, 000 820, 00() 77, 000 14, 000 SO, 000 679, 000 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1177 }or prbwxpal industries : 18b0 — Continued. 20.— SHIPBUILDING: C—REPAIRING OF VESSELS. PBINCIPAL MATKRIALS— continued. 89, 000 258, 500 180, 000 4,000 , 000, 000 300, 000 20, 000 1, 190, 000^ 423, 520 787, 000 871, 800 870, 000 361, 000 505, 000 112, 000 24, 000 10, 000 91. 000 No. 23, 527 Feet. 45,355.100 I 30, 000 . 12^654,000 1, 135 ill, 233, 500 550 |1 295,000 l! 68,000 Pounds. 26,016.654 40. 000 277, 700 200, 800 1, 617, 000 m, 000 Pounds, i, 355, 383 20, 000 1, OOTfO80 32, 500 Yards. 3, 965; 105 Pounds. 586. 800 .^4,240, 000 .If 435,000 20, 000 . 2, 310, 000 4, 497 1, 750 3, 405 1, 610 2, 220, 100 0, 832, 000 3, 539, 300 1, 761, 000 12, 708, 000 50 I 49,000 2,199 3,331,300 6, OGO I 8, 822, 900 II 270 II 497,000 I! 775 ! l, 683, 000 763, 202, 24, 240, 1, 130 2, 041, 1, t)20, 1, 150, 443 I 146, 354 150 I 510, 374 450 11,024,620 000 1, 800 550, 879, 6, 255, 933, 000 290 i 145, 000 1 30. 000 I 307,000 18, 000 60, 000 1, 752, COO 7, 081, 498, 57. 16, 47, 9, 22, 130, 000 56, 165 19,000 13,000 700, 000 15, 000 76, 000 371, 740 380, 000 380, 300 95, 000 185,' 3, 007, ' ... 10,900 73 60,000 18 I 762, 000 i 16, 000 120, 000 381, 964 I 578, 000 13,000 I ,500 288, 000 13, 000 125. 000 Pounds. Dollars. 388, 200 17, 422, 914 Dollars. 16,697,614 40. 000 i 20, 000 I 2. 000 3, 000 25, 000 393, 992 136, 789 195, 325 18, 000 32, 200 38, 200 80,000 1120.000 46. 100 82, 000 5, 000 114. 500 267, 000 388, 28, 9, 64, 376, 836, 243, I 82, I 12, ■ 384, 2, 02 J, 840 050 000 300 325 917 296 478 I 347 I 500 I I 500 i 000 I 284 I 058 964 60, 000 9(i9, 398 317,451 I 529, 097 ! 44, 000 I 125, 000 17, 200 155, 760 10, 100 8S3, 895 189, 183 17, 700 5, 400 40, 538 6, 800 2, 700 123, 673 745, 80, 42, 161, 222 681, 423, 703, 631, 15, 2, 206, 25, 940, 575, 743 875 000 800 400 378 370 284 469 000 000 700 630 455 551 34, 569 406, 210 29, 900 , 9(35, 324 360,431 51, 100 22, 000 109, 174 21, 000 9, 900 310, 405 1178 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures: Special statiati 20.— SHIPBUILDING: D— BOATS. States and Territories. 1'lie Uuited States . 1 Califoinia... 2 ConiH'cticvit Delaware . . . Florida Illinois Indiana.. . Keutncky Louisiana. Mttiu« . . . . Maryland Massachnsetts. .. Micliiiian New Hampaliire. New J ersey New York" Ohio , Penns.ylvnnia Riiode Island Virginia Washington . . "Wisconsin No. 8, 026 200 280 100 45 85 52 25 80 970 133 3, 765 210 44 134 1, 221 91 318 68 48 77 iVo. 736 64 1 29 3 2 1 2 228 59 110 8 8 15 123 5 19 12 32 1 Dollars. 320,1 7, 450 19, 700 5, 000 2, 900 1,300 150 2, 500 31, 775 9,110 95, 325 7, 475 3, 400 12, 370 81, 300 6, 100 14, 250 15, 200 1, 660 1, OCO 1,900 fl 3 C35 137 14 4 24 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1179 for pvincipal industries : 1880— Continued. 20.— SHIRBUILDING: D— BOATS. ruiXCIPAL MATEUIALS. 1 Total value of all prod- ucts. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 19 6 p w .id o -S F CD « M R f- a ~ d O XjiX l/OOt of ne "S s i 10 69 15, 909 72 470, 775; 3 New York 160 35 3, 957 59 59i, 500' 4 Ohio 91 18 8, 057 2G 246, 050: 5 0 1 10, 000| 6 77 18 2, 779 22 187, 70o' ! 20.— SHIPBUILDING: G— WESTERN RIVERS. The United States . Aikausaa... Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky . Ijouisiana.. Minnesota. Missouri . . . Nebraska. Ohio Pennsylvania. - Tennessee West Virginia. Wisconsin 899' 242,094 155; 1,227,500 25 80 3 300 3 8 1, 259 64; 26, 524 23 800 1 li 178 1 23! 2, 13o! ]l' «, 367, 7 ] 3, 451 14 1 52 1 36 17, 061 14 647' 172, 834 50 li 48 1 85 16, 727 19 3' 300 2 40,000 1,346, 7,592, 8, 000 3, i 2,093, ; 80. 20.— SHIPBUILDING : H— CANAL-BOATS. The United States . 643i 66, 707: 1, 080, 450 i 1, 713 I 773, 286!i 641, 600 9, 111, Illinois I V Maryland ; | 60 New Jersey ' i 10 New York I 441 5 I Ohio 1 i 122 6 I Pennsylvania. 7 1 Vermont 8 I Virginia 88 4, 270 1. 010 49, 887 IJ 10, 711i 550! 180, 19 123 14 19 3: 2, 700 ■ 19, 000 121,900 : 749. 750 : 22, 000;: 143, 100 20,700; 1, 300 i 143 1, 211 68 ^ 182 12 14 4. 700 33, 2.50 79, 045 544, OGO 29, 035; 74,396 4, 400 4,400 3, 000 51,000 504, GOO 8, 000 75.000 10, ''243:1* 6, 290, ^ o,r 1, 185, » 120, 20.— SHIPBUILDING: I-IRON VESSELS. The United States..! D; 'la ware Maryland Massachusetts . Michigan Missouri New .Jersey New York' Pennsylvania 6?! 31, 347 16 7, 497, OOo'l 4, 262 2, 732, 599 22 8, 925 2 800, 000' ^1 55; 2 1, 000, 000 500, 000 3! 1, 533; i 100, 000 7: 1 2, 740: 1 30, 000' 4' 382! 1 200. 000' 6 679| 2 62, 000 24 17, 033; 5 4, 805, 000: 240 120 i 753, 953, 134, 000! 35, 500 155, 600 78, 412 i 43, 600' 46, OOOj , 485, 534; 2,254,000 3,353, 723,000 1,264, 3, OOOj i,' 528, 060 285,00 122, 1 34,00 50, 1. 587, 0(1 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1183 ^or principal industries : 1880 — Continued. 20.— SHIPBUILDING : F— NORTHERN LAKES. PRINCIPAL MATERIALS— continued. Feet. L8, 907, 700 1, 777, 300 6, 122, 600 3, 145, 500 4, 365, 500 1,200 o — < H iVrt. Feet. 13, 733! 25, 172, 27 6, 383 3, 186 2, 502 i4J, 800 200 4, 764, 200 4, 958, 500 3. 700 Pounds. 19, 175, 755 -a . 1* Pounds. 86, 000 Yards. \Pound8. Pounds 1,398,1761 155,956i 41,697 o H Dollars. 2, 642, 455 Dollars. 4, 870, 645 506, 500 9, 479, 730l 2, 906, 82')! 4, 211, 020 280 . 650 48, 300, 8, 250, 23, 800 760, 000 147,' 776 215, 960 140, 600 540 3,555,600 1,6351 4,508,200 2,071,400 5, 000' 133,300 15,120 1,000 2G0,943;| I I I' 150 8i, 320 16, 74t) 39, 470 150 19, 650 4, 747 16, 300 356,220 1,089, 985 455, 307! 476, 400; I 3, 6001' 650, 833 2, 034, 636 848, 321 796, 650 9, 500 530, 705 20.— SHIPBUILDING: G— WESTERN RIVERS. 50, 619, ooo;. 115, 000 1, 830, 500 4, 878, 300 300, OGOi 60, 000 1, 451, ooo! 33, ooo; ■■•I 2, 165, 500 23, 000 3, 408, 000 4, 908, 700 ]8, 000 1, 228, 000 200, 000 41,684,100 15,141,519 170,950! 102,150 171, 000 2, 861, 500 7, 046, 400 460, 000 90, 000 3, 291, 000 183. 000 176, 000 622, 400 3, 173, ( 139, 000 72, 000 569, 699 260. 000 ,336,5001 2,421,260 38, ooo! 18. 000 5, 182, 000 15,352, 700 29, 000 i 3, 363, 000 1 280, 000 3, 419, 600 3, 692, 660 28, 000 389, 300 160, 000 3, loo; 6, 4001 47, 900 4, 000 1, 000 3, 700 3. 700 8, 000 400 51, 100 36, 650 300 3, 200 1, 500 700 1,350 28, 800 1, 600 400 2, 250 1. 400 322, 310 4, 600 200 17, 150 38, 400 200 3, 900 1. 200 900 2, 430 36, 300 1, 250 380 2, 350 2, 250 4, 150 300 60, 700 203, 700 300 6, 400 900 2, 856, 745 1 4, 450, 587 21, 700! i 133, 190] 529,840 62, 000 23, 000 126, 550 46, 500 2, 500 313, 392 7, 000 494, 20o' 923, 113 4, lOO' 162, 300; 7, 360 28, 000 1 232, 9601 2 810, 655 3 112,000 4 26,000 5 249, 015; 64, OOOl 15, 000 565, 187i 9, 000 1 701, 700: , 355, 340 5, 000 2;jl, 130 45, 600 20.-SII1PBUILDING : 11— CANAL-BOATS. 0,115,400 24, 000 922, 000 :!;;5. ooo 6, 843, 100 20, 000 1, 906, 600 03, 800 8,366 21,437,20011 5,508,071 9. 350 18 1 34.000! 1,500' 18 1 2,180,000' 655,000^ 455 1 630, 600 I 135,505 152 15, 118, 400 4,051,074 16 1 26, 000 I 4. 40(J 200 200 000 , 115,655, 1,225,374; I 605 j 3, 189,000 102 I 184, 200 I 73,000 12, 580! 950! 84, 0851 180'. 584, 532 yi, 000' 24. 000 1 950 15,840 .... 1, 420 1... . 600l.-.. i 2, 329, 345; 2, 600 ' 8, 300 1 69, 500 1 114, 500 65, 930 ' 169, 800 3 900,184 1,695, 135 4 15, 360 53, 860 159, 000 ' 260, 950 6 9, 2001 17, 800. 7 3, 600 9, OOOi 8 20.— SHIPBUILDING: I-IRON VESSELS. 639, 100 ; 207, ooo! 1. OOOl 41, 500 2, ooo! . 17, ooo' . 330, 600!. I 6,663,100 54,326,737; 501,332' 2, 425, 000 6. 000 47, OOOj 51,450j 31,400 2,851,073;' 6,394,838 325, 000 163, 500 11,981,186' 118,945! 468,0001 400!. 196, OOOi |. 4, 502, 000| 16, 000| 1, 585, 000! 4. OOOl 39,000 1,220,000 15, 600 j 76. 000 ' 875, 1)00 5, 000| 3, 028, 600 33, 499, 551., 341, 387 i ! . I I 17,800 15,700i 8,000 I 250: i i 2,4001 1,500. 2,500 1,500. 800 1. 100 22, 400 1, 800i 900 29,800 23,400 1, I I 602, 28, 35. 187, 153, 435 ooo; 000 000 000 1 200 1 1 000'! 438 1, 703, 345 177, 500 80, 000 387, 500 241, 000 104, 875 6 116,000 7 584, 018 8 1184 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. TAJiLK LIV. — Manufactures: iSjjecial statislicsi 21.— SILK AND SILK GOODS. States. The United States . 1 California.. - Connecticut 3 ' Illinois 4 \ Kansas 5; Maine Ohio Pennsylvania. Rhode lsland . Vermont No. y82 Dollars. 19, 125, 300 Maryland 4 Mas'sachasetts j 22 MisHonri 1 New Hampshire 1 New Jersey 106 New York l.'d 164, 300 4, 436, 500 82, 000 9, 500 30, 000 20, 900 1, 306, 900 4, 000 8, 000 6, 952, 325 Dollars. 3, 836, 600 i5, 227, 500 3,500 I 194, 100 i 500 i 1,000 ! 984. 100 Dollar X. ;l 16, 400 I 62, 000 746, 000 :i, 247, 550 I 25,000 I 30,000 I 2, 500 1, 000 : 3, 000 9, 000 : 4, 696, 775 II, 433, 000 24,700 I 4,000 1,379,900 I 422,000 7,500 ! 1,000 2,000 500 10, 000 303, 950 1, 000 2, 000 290, 000 906, 000 12, 000 287, 000 5, 000 1,000 Hand. No. 1, 629 No. 1.524 Power. No. 3, 103 448 2,2)8 i,"444 i.'>3' '2, 017 85 22 226 543 88 MATERIALS. States. Tlie United States . DoUars. 19, 208, 683 California Connecticut Illinois Kansas -.. Maine Maryland Massachusetts Missouri New Hampshire New Jersey 8, 664, 835 New York Ohio Pennsylvania . Rhode' Island . Vermont 66, 418 3, 025, 325 73, 820 1.50 59, 290 11,630 1, 730, 870 580 ]],000 4. 333, 485 14,845 1, 207, 795 7,500 1.140 Dollars. 1, 400, 480 Dollars. Dollars. \ Dollars. 828, 314 173, 283 856, 941 3, .500 • .3,552 12,000 I 11.5,040 9,500 j Dollars. 22,467,701. 2, 355 41. 693 620 2,980 1,150 161, 815 C4, 725 83, 400 rao, 530 2. 075 394,680 300 482, 472 235 5,170 117, 148 42, 575 1.250 15, 775 225 78, 548 109, 430 24, 167 "so," 97.5* "'io,'265' 50 20 17, 330 50 100 369, 281 134, 192 2, 575 167, 270 80,995 3, 311, 20« 125,896 150 61, 395 15, 700 1, 990, 515 630 11,625 9, 678, 53f 5, 331, 804 19, 495 1, 830, 985 7, 500 1, 210 a Silk material is "twice included" when, for instance, it appears first as "raw silk" in the retnnii of a throwster, and secondly as "'thrown silk" or "fringe silii", being again reported as raw mateM in the return of a weaver or fringe maker. The number of pounds of raw silk accounted for m t returns is 2,690,482. which agrees very fairly with the import of the fiscal year, 2,562,236, the stock ( haud being somewhat lighter at the close than at the beginning of the year. , . , , h Silk products twice included are deductei.s . 8 Indiana 9 Iowa 10 Kansas . Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts . 16 Michifran Minnesota . . Missouri Nebraska. New Jersey. 21 New York. 22 Ohio. 23 ; Oregon 24 Pennsylvania. 25 Khode Island . Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia . Wisconsin No. Dollars. 872 49, 419.213 2 4, 500 oli 2, 130, 200 1(36. 000 304, 000 160, 0001 AVERAGR NUMBER OF HANDS EMl'LOYED. 26, 113 1, 184 10 467 82 418 25, 700! 35 143 12,019,980' 10,217 25 3,974,0001 1,790 38 1, 955,500!! 14 1,669,400 1, 488 1. 017 771 12! 12 60 12 31 128 03 9 35 9 2, 229, 500; 500,000' 194, 500 865, 000 2, 904, 440 573, 000 230, 000 2, 327, 500 330, 700 1, 775, 200 4, 543, 625 5, 487, 682 56, 800 2, 938, 625, 598, 000 1 10.5, 000 202, 200 89, 000 100, 161 959, 000 18 83 228 1, 258 162 92 1, 743 189 572 1,688 1, 950 37 531 178 227 132 53 30 1, 003 20 731 25 44 53 at Dollars. Number. 10,508,530 1,755,533 MATEBIALS. 3, 800; I 341, 488; I 51. 190i 206, 959!! 11,200|! 9. 473li 4, 077, 617' 1 494, 022 530,188 263, 600j' 150, 576 13, 830 34, 300 100, 000 653, 149 89, 527 41,700 657, 918 64.717 374, 278| 1, 020. 790 633, 044 17, -120 242, 077 97, 362i 47. 600 49, 800 13, 750 13, 050 203, 805, 2, 500 111, 668l 21,018 11, 293 •s of beeT tered. Averag< •3 0 H Pounds. Dollars. a 1, 100 71, 333, 182 900 i 46, 000 1,061! 2,966,270 9911 675,390 1, 136| 033, 088 4, 304 695, 274 59, 190 4, 885! ll,958i 3, 727 38, OOOi 8, 400; 889| 122,916 990 18, 391. 1,202 1, 104 1,004 3, 546, 250 161,419 332, 490 970 109, 815i 1,000 1,140 957, 620, OOOI 133, 4841 1, 196, 8, 012, 553 5, 442| 6, 265| 37, 6271 6, 252 70, 521 437, 743: 40, 373 5, 809 70, 61fll 29, 000 12. 335' 16, 688 1, 100 800 9, 261: 911 179, 1,113 231.720 923; 855, 407 1, 081 ; 177, 420 1,2521 4,486, " 1,271 21, 1,014 1, 1,196 1,316 3 1,200 1, 965 819 1, 000 938 1, 074 213,703 303. 506; 126, 102 4.54, 020 480, 000 443, 10« 213.600 39, 000 27.000 343, 66d a The average is based upon the omission in computation of— 55,199 beeves in Illinois, bouiiht dressed, the average weight of which was 500 poxmds. 3,733 beeves in New York, bought dressed, the average weight of which was 600 pounds. 25, 186 beeves in Pennsylvania, bought dressed, the average weight of which was 600 poondtj And— 131,059 calves in New York, the average weight of which was 139 pounds. 8,120 calves in Pennsylvania, the average weight of which was 200 pounds. r COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1187 for principal industries : 1880 — Continued, 22.— SLAUGHTERING AND MEAT-PACKING. [Note.— The statistics of retail slaughtering establishments are not included in this statement.] MATEUiALS— continued. Xumber. 2, 233, 701 1,: 414, 185 37, 166 21,667 bH to Poundit 92 5, 530 47, 783 5, 200i 4, 137] 5, 023| 14, 050| 22, OOOl 500! 358, 6891 2, 039 9, 300 10, Oil 10, 859 324, 750 766, 141 12, 318 9,840 117, 940 12, 500 14, 890 300 800 4.7: 100 90 104 ^ to I Dollars. 8, 957, 72^ 11 Number. Pounds. 16, 098, 428 248 72 94I 67l 102! 97 91 100 94 91 93 94 95 84 93 9G 115 93 lOOj 921 92 6,000 1, 009, 946 107, 415 107, 470 11.627 196, 010 18, 200 13, 980 16, 405 41, 240 55, 000 2, 000 1, 653, 249 6, 353! 37, 031 1 33, 128 34, 410 1,193, 460 3, 664, 355 48, 080 18, 510 555, 740 62, 500 46, 110 700 1,600 17, 178 1,600 235, 777 9, 590 247, 480 11,511 13, 252 5, 745, 263 963, 482 972, 965 384, 502 348, 416 22,000 19, 030 346, 590 761, 827 137, 087 10, 160 1, 138, 068 86, 142 1, 426, 560 913, 245 1, 434,179 5, 225 152, 266 116, 096 56, 770 375 16, 700 2.5, 691 496, 579 223 211 340 266 284 256 259 247 262 256 256 225 283 217 251 306 247 280 198 202 246 281 9701 277 112 215 213 243 Dollars. 158, 680, 844 « 93 00 ^ o s Number. \Pounds. Dollars 1, 748, 979j 209 17, 767, 152 7,200 2,805,482 106, 410 2, 799, 642 164, 368 132, 248 58, 231,953 9, 493, 621 8, 959, 921 S, 495, 566 3, 387, 467 165, 000 351, 440 3, 104, 587 10, 524, 853 1, 375. 346 123, 850 10, 003, 184 850, 213 12, 354, 848 8. 539, 980 13, 484, 758 49,450 1, 796, 731 1, 604, 089 500, 582 1. 020 123. 600 228, 900 4, 914, 535 14. 400 40, 045 259, 207 2, 735 6,786 9, 200 3,311 24, 000 136, 064 115, 088 718, 630 143, 250 196,608 11, 835 50,000 16, 170 188: 234 178 102 200 215 250 219 215 163 201 200 200 176 141,250, 2 3 481,500 4 5 2,859,746 7 34,267| 40, 800 19, 800 135, 000 38, 000' 281. 000 978, 208! 1, 168, 352j 6, 061, 509' 1, fr44, 049| 2, 763, 881 160, 000 rso.ooo! 28 i79, 700' 1188 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Taiu.e LIV. — Mavufactures : Special statiatics 22.— SLAUGHTERING AND MEAT-PACKING— Continued. States. The United States.. Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut ... Delaware Georfria Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentncky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Mitineaota Missouri Nebraska New Jersey ... iJow York Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania. Rhode Island . Tennessee Texas Virginia "West Virginia "Wisconsin MATERIALS — Continued. Dollars. 256, 738, 905 59, 200 5, 922, 948 889, 215 4, 021, 700 104, 308 266, 791 79. 679, 478 13. 058, 071 9, 169, 587 3, 885, 201 3, 538, 522 1, 360, 000 993, 240 3, 104, 587 20, 325, 655 1, 599, 684 673, 601 11, 870, 017 1, 062, 043 19, 203, 652 39. 479, 547 16. 480, 392 194, 092 8, 570, 372 3, 306, 589 989, 792 215, 320 942, 600 257, 500 5, 455, 081 d rt 3 n sr. 10, 999, 997 1,975 226, 675 36, 850 167, 451 15, 000 2, 286 4, 970, 240 587, 856 827, 258 435, 541 105, 537 15, 000 15, 365 59, 215 331, 675 112, 795 42, 552 482, 890 35, 796 145, 783 670, 303 693, 054 11, 425 284, 406 143, 227 29, 900 64, 900 25. 300 16; 340 443, 403 . a Dollars. 267, 738, 902 61, 175 6, 149, 623 926. 065 4, 189, 151 179, 368 269, 077 84, 649, 718 13, 645, 927 9, 996, 845 4, 320, 802 3, 644, 059 1, 375, 000 1, 008, 605 3, 163, 802 20, 657, 330 1, 712, 479 716,153 12, .352, 907 1, 097, 839 19, 349, 435 40, 149, 850 17, 173, 446 205, 517 8, 854, 778 3, 449, 816 1, 019, 692 280, 220 967, 900 273, 840 5, 898, 483 PRODUCTS. Pounds. 759, 142, 875 1, 560, 000 54, 530, 907 10, 371, 750 7, 623, 997 1, 881, 900 144, 379, 073 I 35, 159, 000 ! 2, 649, 125 I 3, 368, 430 i 1,55.3,400 I 19, 000, 000 5, 230, 000 90, 025, 843 2, 528, 620 3, 374, 387 12, 930, 495 3, 717, 267 48, 766, 546 227,119, 576 18, 579, 810 3, 206, 067 30, 367, 367 19, 460, 000 5, 819. 500 1, 036, 600 550, 000 313, 475 4, 039, 080 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1189 for jprindpal induairies : 1880 — Continued. 22.— SLAUGHTERING AND MEAT-PACKING— Continued. 1190 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table JjIY. —Manufactures^ 23.— WOOLEN GOODS. states and Territories. Tho UDite 8, 448, 700 7, 900 418, 664 97, 500 382, 000 2, 320,161 456, 750 40, 000 293, 170 1, 349, 954 4,312 13 249 28 150 1, 171 251 18 226 426 6 21 108 1,949 59 45 365 587 132 40 253 1, 109 100 8,210 114 73 61 144 1,361 997 2, 128 50 413 33 6,809 2,648 111 783 95 8 96 378 7 19 688 31 25 150 308 60 18 217 270 42 2,265 30 I 50 i 46 133 378 539 17 m 17, 1, 161 8, 121 I 13 42 1 402 I 30 48 ! 277 130 19 3 31 43 2, 084 365 29 353 847 10, 154 I 88, 504 18 90 835 6,950 281 142 1,042 1, 741 499 124 823 3,095 313 28,621 347 229 218 689 4,027 3,363 6,130 185 1, 324 216 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS, 1191 far jprincipal industries: 1880 — Continued. 23.— WOOLEN GOODS. MACHINES. LOOM.S. Sets of cards. Daily capacity of same, in pounds of scoured wool. Combing machines of for- eign manufacture. Daily capacity of same, in pounds of scoured wool. Combing machines of American manufacture. Daily capacity of same, in pounds of scoured wool. Broad looms on woolen goods. Broad looms on worsted goods. Narrow looms on woolen goods. Narrow looma on worsted goods. Hand looms. Brussels power looms. Ingrain power looms. Knitting looms. No. 5,961 Pounds. 764, 006 No. 48 Pounds. 13, 500 No. 24 Lbs. 6, 175 No. 15, 046 No. 629 No. 17, 579 No. 1, 767 No. 528 No. 2 ___ No. 49 No. 34 15 29 60 435 13 42 106 160 56 9 154 261 30 1, 356 51 21 15 126 293 136 483 57 182 21 938 432 11 98 2 21 145 54 2 72 75 1,200 2, 860 7, 240 59, 055 10 34 26 1, 228 99 88 193 660 108 15 493 58 91 2, 377 126 13 116 149 320 444 591 23 412 7, 895 1,313 7 201 1,384 26 3 50 1, 700 3, 713 10, 678 18, 445 4, 420 892 14, 737 30, 530 2, 870 175, 859 4, 680 2,236 1, 635 13, 275 37, 304 27, 065 50, 735 5, 320 14, 000 2 2*^ 5 ...... 1 181 150 51 24 15 1, 045 20 5, 202 41 46 5 42 1,186 609 1, 158 126 53 1, 485 1, 100 1 75 4 7 2 13 20 6,600 20 5,500 162 1,765 2 28 98 39 2 600 3 600 68 2 26 34 172, 468 54, 028 790 10 I 4,300 16 1 2,000 88 261 265 2 22 34 8, 450 250 1,560 16, 798 5, 035 2r;0 5,313 6, 390 1 17 10 22 583 69 8 150 2 91 163 73 4 1 11 1 30 143 134 77 15 1192 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special etatisticB 23.— WOOLEN GOODS— Continued. States and Territories. The United States. Alabama Arkansas . . . California... Connecticut. Delaware . . . Georgia. Illinois . Indiana. Iowa Ejinsas . Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetti Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri New Hampshire . New Jersey New Tork North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Rhode Island . . South Carolina . Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia , Washington . . . "West Virginia . "Wisconsin KNITl'INO AND SEWING MACHINK8. No. 379 10 No. 110 Number. 1, 720, 820 1, 18, 152, 4, 2, 20, .S6, 11, 2, 160 ,360 740 004 306 224 992 886 025 636 110 192 461,' 10,1 3,1 3, ' 12,1 126, ( 31," 141,1 2,: 33,! 4, : 295, ( 160, 524 No. 35, 9 11. 696 7, 142 15, 120 422 8,486 400 8. 081 MATERIALS. o a as a.|l '%B 3 Pounds. 20, 482, 667 20, 000 2, 069, 609 203. 206 10, 000 1, 040, 498| 7, 391, 993 20,000' 838, 875 269, 761 1, 003, 324 80, 000 165, 000 5, 005, 271! 2, 198, 726 161, 404 5.000 M o w s; P-i P Poundx. 177, 042, 288| 135, 366 189,(100 3. 554, 8r>0 14, 370,710 633, 677 366, 274! 3, 003, 740 4, 350, 4.'6 1, 407, 5101 364, OOOj 1, 688, 663 7, 907, 848 794, 050 48, 748, 041 869, 025 537, 580 494, 033 1, 811, 635 10, 980, 301 5, 394, 377 11, 068, 899 496, 145 2, 380. 424 985, 2j0 28, 556, 097i 17, 151. 957 48, 950i 883, 338 175, 000 566, 900 3, 441, 787 857, 812 160, 000 602, 39'J 2, 066. 188 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1193 for piineipal industries: 1880 — Continued. 23.— WOOLEN GOODS— Continued. MATERIALS— continued. Scoured wool (not in- cluding waate pur- chasea aud shoddy) consumed during the year. Value at mill of for- eign and domestic wool consumed. Camel's hair and noils consumed. Value. Mohair and noila consumed. Value. Butfalo hair and noils consumed. Value. Hair of other ani- mals consumed. Value. Pounds. 109, 724, 213 Dollars. 67, 380, 250 Ponndfi. 1, 234, 064 Dollars. 332, 419 Pounds. 84,080 Dollars. 50, 837 Pounds. 556, 601 Dollars. 25, 284 Potmds. 3, 940, 923 Dollars. 212, 762 112, 866 174,000 1, 384, 750 8, 501, 546 488, 278 310, 074 1. 888, 989 2, 904, 856 801, 360 188, 000 1, 230, 075 5, 026, 144 505, 650 28, 034, 931 556, 617 350, 000 313, 881 1, 327, 100 5, 638, 583 3, 262, 450 7, 035, 683 466, 424 1, 680, 473 472, 200 22, Oil, 974 9, 520, 553 46, 950 805,836 70, 000 313, 000 1, 719, 580 649, 175 100, 000 509,403 1,322, 812 46, 246 748, 750 6, 383, 081 291, 138 129,990 1, 143, 210 1, 381, 545 5, 000 30, 017 20, 084 2, 000 13, 654 ' 11, 822 20, 000 600 32, 700 2,770 384, 829 89, 720 562, 662 3, 113, 028 270, 652 18, 968, 327 307, 703 1 i 3, 500 1, 600 17,304 5,191| 5,161 338 373,742 33,484 250 ! 20 273,140, 18,610 678, 706 148, 251 29, 279 14, 2G0 966 81 131, 695 157, 612 589, 080 3, 690, 522 2, 008, 063 4, 634, 876 216, 650 845, 992 197, 785 11,099, 912 6, 886, 833 19, 120 330, 761 1,500 24, 749 140, 695 300 11, 175 59, 308 32, 297 29, 220 110, 000 836, 065 3, 700 43, 237 4, 700 1, 410 40, 300 2, 748 75, 000 11, 250 163, 476 160, 337 30, 917 52, 039 487,526' 2i,i52 1 556, 67 2, 241. 526 99,591 500 750 37, 500 120, 715 1, 170, 939 320, 602 40, 000 213, 019 771, 643 1 5, 500 1,203 2, 098 298 500 300 500 150 II 1194 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures: Special atatistics 2a.— WOOLEN GOODS— Continued. States and Territories. The United States. Alabama ... Arkansas . . . California... Cannectlcut Delaware ... Georgia. IlliBois . Indiana . Iowa Kansas . Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota . Mississippi M>s«onri. New Hampshire . New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Rhode Island . . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia "Washington ... "West Virginia . Wisconsin M ATRRI A LS — continued. Pounds. 24, 744, 964 53.3 «+5 S S o Bis 8,400 218, 526 1, 516,515 30, 100 27, 918 39, 341 294, 629 100 30, 000 288, 263 569, 331 6, 000 4, 776, 690 2,100 72, 148 4, 100 833,104 557, 106 1, 439, 289 11 108, 000 5,000 691, 450 1, 809, 078 Dollars. , 3, 395. 569 Pounds. 46. 583. 983 820 31, 222 209, 199 3,620 2, 278 4, 851 37, 121 25 1, 100 32, 820 84, 447 700 505, 731 Dollars 7, 014. 100 300 45 94, 150 12, 310 6,385.103 1,013,757 ^46, 778j 77, 915 7, 811 418 97,150 51, 894 176, 649 83,007 346, 656 865 2,000 117, 151 1, 153, 144 255, 200 11, 197, 285 37, 183 18.000 ie-3 II Pounds. ' Dollars 17. 550. 212 4, 374. 985 24, 697! 76, 421i 1541 300j 32, 4301 296, 792I 46, 200i 1, 975, 536 13,760 5, 400 15, 190i 1, 000 1, 846, 156 228, 268 44, 000 '"2," 300 4, 440 310, 261 57, 000 496 38, 958 8,784 4,000 3, 105, 8d0 2, 375, 856 1, 556, 767 12,444 134, 063 1,000 14, 926, 242 1, 959, 782 252, 673 1,804 37,588 400 1, 538, 070 437, 679 55, 433, 18, ai5 1, 000 2, 286, 150 60.500! 140 416,324 14, 230 3,000 21. 215! 480= 3,572, 33, 819 35, 235 8,931 10, OOOi 22, 2OO1 9,500 I, 423, 992 25, 000| 100, 500' 75, 1901 537, 147! 18, 497 13, 2OOI 379, 181 995, 1311 11, 5891 3,144, 565 3, 117 6,385 133, 748 111, 127 831, 410 655, 396j 523, 497! 118, 464 162, 824 1,000 6, 522, 579 1.135,061 136, 416 2, 000 7, 835 2, 950 403, 995 5, 000 24, 950 25,703 101, 410 4,844 3,225 124,996 240, 564 2, 418 809, 995 747 2,008 32, 150 28,180 222, 478 146,499 53, 411 25,63a 44,651 500 1, 575, 747 "29,3971" 330, 209i 47, 1701 316, 38S "37,' ""7,' 3681 97, 055 10,972 l.< 29, 740i 4O0 12,87C COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1195 for principal industries : 1880— Continued. 23.—WOOLEN GOODS— Continued. MATERIALS— continued. o c 2 c.3o Fonnds. 3, 517, 580 1, 424, 371 Dollars. 897, 211 S.S Poundn. Dollarg. | Pounds 1, 485, !>99' 872, 0231 2, 495, 050 10,000 714, 860 3, 02G 5, 250 375, 763| 24 200; i82^461i 200 iso.oss p 2 Dollars. \ Dollars. 3, 139, 7461 4, 758, 498 Number. 142, 250 947, 245 4, 270 33, 000 1 39, 422 32, 100 10, 101 2,092,116! 521,124, 1,155,916 636, 389^ I 1, 000 65,000 52, 000 626, 272 21, 220 70, 000 102, 575 964, 043 92,445 686.421 21, 387 89, 000 179, 403 1, 094, 330 117, 100 500 2, 8301 72, 975 457, 65ti 13, 139| 3, loo; 59. 329 60, 442 23, 677 15, 736 237, 701 15. 455 1, 737, 744 14,823 5.195 8,660 22,800 200, 470 180, 165 299, 482 3, 639 52, 704 19, 426 717, 715 354, 331 11, 904 2.475 8,206 75,192 11, 366 5.500 13. 628 41, 053! Dollars. 371, 236 110 1,196 2, 3121 15, 7211 360| 800' 3, 049 5. 855 1,349 330 6.343 15,531 242 20, 523 8, 931 1, 055 2. 202 4, 097 16,178 351 4, 331 1,035 4, 425 1,515 2,384 10, 373 300 3,279 653 4.897 1, 456 100 750 4,830 115 1, 965 11, 273 5U.619 864 1, 350 5.952 12.404 3,766 1,280, 4,439- 11 41,854 12 610 13 60,007; 14 6^246 15 2,202' 16 3,015 17 8,325 18 49^028 19 817j 20 9, 528' 21 1,873 22 8,805: 23 3, 675' 24 4,576 25 35,093 300 5,436 1,960 2, 371 15,369 3,351 350 29 1,276 34 11, 082| 35 1196 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactured: iSjpecial titaUb1i(:s\ 23.— WOOLEN GOODS— Continued. States and Teii itovics. The United States , Alabama Arkausas... California... Connecticut Delaware... 6 Georgia. 7 Illinois . 8 Indiana . 9 Iowa 10 j Kansas . 1] I Kentucky 12 ! Maine 13 i Maryland 14 i Massachusetts . 15 Michigan Minnesota . Mississippi Missouri . . . New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio , Oregon Pennsylvania . . MATERIALS — Continued. Tons. 359, 7GQ 0. 470 2G, 540 1, 033 10, 608 10, 865 2, 861 5, 143 3, 556 736 92, 789 800 Rhode Island . . South Carolina. Tennessee 29 Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington ... "West Virginia . "Wisconsin 2, 591 7, 048 20, 753 26, 241 "'7,' 703 '9i,'766 30, 510 ,280 "174 6, 357 154 20 2, 259 2, 138 Dollars- 1,461, 467 37, 100 139, 720 4, 553 es 0) o C > Dollars. Dollars. 6.559.224! 100,845.611 14, 19, 3, 465, 2, 9,561 39, 193 64, 071 90, 405 "2i,"4i3 '3i6,"i36 140, 05 1 ""2,' 046 '"i.'soo 27, 120 688 150 3,188 7, 715 5001 2, 427 78, 359; 555, 2911 35, 964! 3, 397 47, 387 123, 014 9, 6771 995! ] 65, 227 i 219. 3681 942, 881 10. 263 2 i 22! 453! 304, 601 213, 503 6, 102: 46, 730! 4, 700 517, 530; 35! 12,170! 2, 509: 169, 442 6, 987 6,000 4,921 34, 727 49, 3C1 i 85, 972 1 997, 539! 10, 176, 9871 448, 285j 165, 0651 1, 332, 798 1, 823, 390 435, 747 107, 251 852, 405 4, 294, 042 349, 724 27, 839, 583 356, 614 155, 867 211, 646 681, 711 4, 993. 709 3, 162, 955 6, 212, 835 255, 707 1, 084, 323 227, 486 21, 185, 804 9, 138, 429' 19, 455 423, 054 44, 435 147, 226, 2, 012, 490' 383, 080 52, 000 245, 843 892, 793 2 © Dollars. 160, 606, 721 Pairs. 1, 083, 071! 63,745! , 127, 430j 1, 125 1,034,858! 77,500, 16, 892, 284) 4, 344, 665,253! j 239,390! 1, 896, 4601 18, 794 2, 729, 3471 6, 650| 679, 904l 12, 403| 211, 525! 8, 800: 1, 264, 988; 6, 686, 0731 488, 308! 45, 099, 203 481, 517j 253, 378 1 299, 605| 930, 961i 8, 113, 839 4, 984, 007 9, 874, 973 303,160 1, 678, 189 549, 030 32, 341, 291 15, 410, 450 24, .075 620, 724 80, 500 279, 424 3, 217, 8071 577, 968! 70, 000 356, 986! 146, 810 905 185, 436 227 28,647 2, 000 17, 936 310, 544! 43, 10, 818| 12, 992 121, 120 2, 387: 6511 4, 057 393 ! i COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. for princij)al industriea: 1880 — Continued. 23.— WOOLEN GOODS— Continued. 1197 PKODUCTS — continued. Horse blankets. Carriage robes. Cloths, cassimeres, doeskins, diagonal, and suitings. Beavers and over- coating. Horse clothing. Blanketing. Cloaking. Felted cloth. Coverlets. Number. 1, 114, 827 Number 58 485 Yards. 73, 440, 525 Yards. 7, 095, 924 Yards. 616, 157 Yards. 22 393 Yards. 1, 359, 296 Yards. 129, 9C4 7, 500 558, 719 9, 013, 909 835, 140 45 000 681, 013 166 505 149! 687 18, 000 4, 225 2, 828, 379 157, 275 20, 989, 486 323, 566 2; 132 647, 036 39, 234 3, 156, 686 8, 414, 478 4, 526, 721 48, 000 85, 509 134, 239 11, 869, 332 10, 965, 523 4 300 52 792 1, 530^ 087 1. 300, 300 36, 715 17, 323 260, 259 70, 633 225 000 800 496, 000 29, 214 2, 052, 181 432, 000 705, 199 60 000 3,808 2, 000 1,030 97, 000 71, 552 305,500 363, 962 319, 668 163, 743 61, 833 314, 126 14, 000 2, 000 51, 691 12, 104 50, 000 612 55, 000 22, 393 100,600 1, 468, 219 545, 579 45, 000 29, 766 8, 440 86. 000 26. 095! 300 5, 110 1, 516, 401 412. 370 337, 504 359 5,000 60 1. 430 ' .1 ' 46, 668 677. 257 100 200 1 1 1198 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special statistics 23.— WOOLEN GOODS—Continued, States and Territories. The "United States. Alabama Arkansas ... California. . . Connecticut Delaware . . . Geor^a. Blinois . Indiana. Iowa Kansas . Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri New Hampshire . liTew Jersey New York , North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . , Rhode Island . . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Utah "Vermont ... Virginia "Washington ... "West Virginia . "Wisconsin rnoD UCT&— con ti n ued. Yards. 70. 923. 196 Yards. 29, 538, 959 21,500 452, 767 007, 571 40, 000 113. 500 342, 050 081, 3:{1 681, 108 224, 000 11, 000 139, 730 25. 703 749, J!92 160, 054 64, 321 850, 000 YareU). Yards Yards. 2,579,374 4,781,007 3,838,297 o "3 Is 157, 007 8,121 50, 000 260, OOOi 602, 571 454, 588 163, 857 2, 092, 568 75, 134 46,400 2, 456, 484 138, 208 8, 564, 625 1, 178, 910 7, 256, 837 1, 500 462, 670 162,6841 7, 453, 896i 1. 678. 506! 1,200 12, 400 63. 606 352, 283! 8.2191 125,000 1 12,000 106, OOOi 3, 429 1.0001 4, 500 659, 407 120, 000 12, 000 625, 673 19, 143, 606 2, 013, 320 18. 450 203. 128 065, 269 18, 979; 644, 036 "56," 998 15, 200 1,587 1,000 1,200 Yards. 16, 629, 110 2, 409, 06: 5, 249 34, 817 13. 600 5,000 1, 681, 568 376, 948; 11,874 1 64, 980! 400 375,267! I 275,084! 80,000! t 76,387| 208, OOO! 8, OOO: 10, 000 700 1, 243, 847 3, 491, 253 4, 013 530,000! 04, 493 3,817] 71,609 21,790 141,317 617. 200 81, 050 " 10.3,' 2061" 17. 050 . 93, 856 17, 350 25,062 400 12, 449, 844 4, 335 1,500 2,500 1.400 32, 000: 710 6,60Ci 46,'63 28, 976 200. "23,"; l,335,i 4,10 5, 6OO1 22, 3321 8, 2431 1,200| 99,826: 3, 71 1,1 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1199 for principal industries : 1880 — Contimied. 23.— WOOLEN GOODS— Continued. rRODUCTS— continued. 1 H CO © a 00 C3 O o a o a _2 "o O s a 1 .2 "p a a- "o o s ct 5 "o Q i 1 P Yards. 2, 035, 015 1, 242, 979 Yards. 1, 557, 537 144, 900 Pounds. 1, 420, 968 25, 581, 217 Pounds. 3, 541, 429 Yards. 1, 821, 600 Y(ird4f. 4, 771, 140 90,990 1 6,000 22, 086 81?; 663 100 13, 900 5, 000 1, 000 233, 947 500 82, 000 2 3 11, 211 4 8, 000 96,900 101, 787 5 20 000 28! 490 n', 700 13, 267 36, 000 377, 068 6 34, 842 7 884,001 353, 629 15, 500 179, 092 28, 975 9, 200 A(\(\ 0<%0 4-l)0, ioZ 162, 899 35, 000 41, 085 510. 055 8. 350 55, 513 30,' 772 8 9 1, 390 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 ID 20 21 22 23 396, 073 30, 000 299, 928 1, 913 10, 900 1, 000 544, 935 222, 534 87, 250 70, 914 19, 700 14, 724 500 2, 000 310, 933 46,300 182, 521 1, 301, 426 348, 562 384, 219 58. 650 696, 166 871 379, 318 224, 747 214! 010 5, 427 952 200 89, 230 22. 000 527, 996 2, 648 392, 875 6. 738 19, 421, 516 24 25 ^91, orr' flj « b ft 55. 105 22 2, 700 901 22, 764 2:3 3, 400 No. 269 86, 761 JV^o. No. No, 19 5,650 47 1, i1 n S o o bti ® P 6f 3 I o o o tc £ 5 u if No. 1, 500: 700! 1 67,000i ......j : 2«! 4, 959, 63911 44| 11, 316 111 4,567,41611 63| 12,725 I .li I I 1, 275: 31, 8501 7, 000' 1, 200! 6; 130! 5001 24, 406| 14. 400 11' 2,550 41 1,800 400 200 700 30| 12 1,296|. 24! 486| 157 i MATEUIAL8. 11, o ^ « « ;3 a 2 O ® 'Si' a Pounds. 15, 687, 815 Pounds. 25. 461. 511 Pounds. 26, 334, 635 Dollars. Pounds. ^5, 235, 878 1 207, 0«5 Dollars. 40. 34 li 200, 000 9, 376, 043 1, 520, 700 30, 000 875, 000 1, 415, 710 2, 270, 362 1, 180, 0001 4,811,217; 1, 792, 9611 35, 000' ],862, 000; 150, OOoi 10, 109, 404| 5, 520, 929j 690, OOOi 9, 758, 253 2, 193, 861 : 45, OOOI 1, 788, OOC 120, 000, 7, 134, 876] 4. 604, 645j 602, OOC 4, 143, 522: 941, 349 30, 000; 979, 899^ 45, 000! 5, 456, 104 .3, 038, 004 190,-000 16, 565 30. 000 4, 141 500 200 MATKEIALB— contiiitied. 2 0 ^-2 Pounds. 5, 080, 952 2, 508, 549 1, 207, 430 299, 900 40, 000 495, 365 535, 708 Dollars. I Pounds.' 1. 505. 989: 416, 574 56. 000 18. 000 17lrJ 121, 090 . 16, 000!. 197, 6891 138, 7871 312, 574 30, 000 DoUart. 271,255 5,000 10,000 236, 255 20, 000 2S ^ Pounds. 2, 100, 532 Dollars. 2,418,q^fi 368, 000 904, 887 2,721 25, 000 50,044 604, 880 145,000 925, 258 4,536 40,000 55. 555 676,'fe37 155, 5001 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1205 for immyipal mcluatrles: 1880 — Contiuued. 25.— WORSTED GOODS. LOOMS— continued . 7, 231 it, 103 ],350 962 650 1,100 No. 180 30 159 No. 4,905 1,200 No. 18 150: 550 3, 005 No. 57 No. 20, C64 2, 600 4, 044 672 7, 268 No. 219,454 5, 000 76, 647 10, 880 2, 000 20, ,092 1, 250! 58, 2351 45, 350 AVKRAGK NUMBEIi OF IIANUS ExMPLOYKD. 6, 435 267 1,813 505 90 477 51 1,673 1, 559 I 9, 473 2, 895 156 3, 340 919 35 874 32 2, 378 1,739 ,67 630 107 55 356 25; i 949j 7061 18, 803 <3 a ll 'I Dollars. 5, 683, 027 490 172, 256 1 5, 783 1, 870, 030 2 1,531 512, 881 3 180 22, 200 4 1,707 385, 952 5 108 23, 400 6 5,000 1,473, 958 7 4,004 1, 222, 350 8 ALA.TEEIALS — continued. 11 rounds. 31, 598 Dollars 19, 458 11, 598| 6, 958 5 a A 13 •38 Pounds. 519 Dollars.] Pounds. 237 1, 757, 842 §3 -J} Dollars. I Pounds. 211, 293: 190, 800 519 237 5, 400! i 100,000 1, 000! 22, 800 o n OCX? ate -S ^ Dollars. Pounds. \Dollars. 31,300 262, OOOj 80,062 2,000 6, 300 20, 000 6, 000 2, 000 5, 000 H, 000 5. 000 1, 000 2, 500 6, 000 3, 000 500, OOO! 1. 252, 442i 60, OOOi 150, 293l 68, 000 23, 000 192, 000^ 50, ooo; 60, 062 14,000 M ATEUi ALS— contin aed . a 3 Dollars. 565. Number. 2, 132 Dollars. 497 Tons. 72, 779 Dollars. 308, 421 15 Dollars. 1.319. 151 733 X>ollars. 22, 013, 62J 25, 080 81, 528 214, 322 900 168 791 30, 547 2, 100 101,441 110> 642 150 2, 475 713 2, 430! 375! 498 1, 500 14, 520 4,979 95 8, 778 486 21. 649 20, 772 9, 480 75, 285 25,-781 417 29, 348 1,506 70; 706 95, 898 52, 020 311, 851 218, 068 130, 562 2, 500 412, 589 191, 561 1, 258, 655 6, 465, 476 1, 582, 226 70,4L7 1, 348, 376 69,6a6 6 7, 277, 489 7 3, 94^ 383 8 a Including 5,600 pounds silk yarn, value $23,500,- 20,005 poniids shoddy yarn, value $10,000. 1206 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special atatiatica 25.— WORSTED GOODS-Continued. States. The United States Connecticut Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New Yoi'k Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island Dollars. 33, 549, 942 1, 597, 227 10, 466, 016 2, 694, 232 119, 000 2, 321, 990 101, 250 10, 072, 473 6, 177, 754 Yards. 2, 875, 672 997, 600 281. 940 Yards. 63, 833, 341 37, 333, 459 15, 093, 805 Yards. 205, 000 65G, 132 855, 400 450, 000 4, 072, 850 G, 027, 827 205, 000 PUODUCTS— continued. States. Italian cloths. Braiding or braids. a >> an si Elastic frUls. The United States . . Yards. 1, 357, 444 Dozen. 2, 612, 091 Yards. 9, 000 Yards. 329, 000 Yards. 105, 000 1 2 881, 188 3 4 1 :::::::::::::: 5 835, 500 6 7 9,000 329, 000 105, 000 8 521, 944 1, 731, 503 i a See, also, Woolen goods, Table LIV (23), page 1200. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1207 for principal industries : 1880 — Continued. 25.— WORSTED GOODS-Continued. PH0DUCT8— continued. Sergea Picture cord. Terry. 1 Bunting. Suitings. 1 o Yards. 530, 741 Pieces. 250, 000 Yards. 214, 000 Yards. 2, 230, 221 Yards. 362, 168 Number. 574, 257 250, 000 336, 000 368, 524 962, 520 25, 000 135, 324 1, 263, 318 j 214,000 4, 383 1. 168 574, 257 PEODUCTS— continued. "Worsted yarn made and sold, not used at mill. "Woolen yarn made and sold, not used at milL Lastings. Cloaking. "Woolen cloths, cassimeres, &c. Noils, shorts, &c. Value of all prod- jucts not here- tofore named. Pounds. 9, 650, 000 Pounds. 1, 540, 493 Yards. 910, 553 Yards. 16, 107 Yards. 200, 000 Pounds. 4, 238, 295 Dollars. 965, 512 360, 000 3, 057, 9£9 363, 135 30, 000 251, 571 300, 000 1, 388, 863 503, 079 9,000 416, 06o 594, 177 233, 210 63, 86> 445, 356 4, 577, 846 1.009, 449 654, 106 16,107 200, 000 899.767 721, 520 8,750 892, 895 59, 000 465, 197 1208 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. 26.— COKE. 'Manufactures : /Special siatiatica States. The United States , Alabama. Colorado . Georgia . . Illinois . . Indiana.. No. 149 « Ohio 7 I Pennsylvania.. 8 Toiinesaee , 9 VirgLuia (a) 10 "West Virginia , 4 1 1 4 2 15 104 4 o 12 Capital. Dollars. 5. 545. 058 135, 500 150, 000 80, 000 205, 000 8, 000 144, 012 4, 262. 525 200, 021 :50, 000 330, 000 NUMBEIt OF HANDS EMPLOYED. 3. 142 3,068 fi4 75 107 18 4 153 2, 444 114 64 75 107 16 4 150 2, 379 114 c . p IP H Dollars. 1, 198, 654 38,500 i 13,500 i 13,8.'!7 1 9,347 300 ' .^^1,977 ; 9H3,431 ! 38,820 ' a Not in operation during census year. 27.— GLASS : A— AGGREGATE, ALL CLASSES. 48, 942 States. The United States . . . California Connecticut , District of Columbia (a) Illinois , Indiana 7 8 9 10 11! 13 i 141 ]5l- I 36 37} 18 Iowa 4tentucky Maryland Massachusetts , Michigan No. 211 Mississippi (&) ... Missouri , New Hampshire New Jersey New York" Ohio Pennsylvania . . West Virginia . Capital. FURNACES. Dollars. 19, 844, ( 75, 000 130, 000 25, 000 445, 000 1, 442, 000 57, 000 795, 000 436, 000 82.3, 000 65, 000 25, 000 1, 430, 000 50, 000 2, 728, 021 1, 933, 600 1, 194, 850 7, 63[), 706 550, 522 No. 348 No. 21 2 56 48 29 127 No. No, 322 1 I 1 1 12 10 2 6 10 21 1 1 8 2 55 46 24 115 6 No. 2,982 7 10 6 110 55 76 206 8 8 75 8 377 373 277 1, 168 82 a Not in operation during census year. h Buildini 27.~GLASS: B— GLASSWARE. The United States . . . Connecticat District of Columbia (a) Illinois (a) Iowa Kentucky Maryland Massachusetts , Missouri. New elersey New York Ohio Pennavlvania , West Virginia 91 7, 409, 278 162 130, 25, 20, 32, 250, 55. 603, 100, 310, 775, 579, ,978, 550, 000 11 000 i 000 1 1 000 ! 000 !! 000 11 000 li 000 000 600 750 406 522 17 143 10 6 16 20 22 17 143 21 89 215 191. o Not in operation during censu.s year. COMPENDIUM Or THE TENTH CENSUS. 1209 for principal industries : 1880 — Continued. 26.— COKE. MATERIALS. Coal. Number. 4, 360. 110 67,376 2i), 500 117, 000 15, 000 1, 500 193, 848 608, 095 179, 311 Dollars. 2, 761, 657 75, 314 29, 500 120, 000 15, 000 2,025 228, 432 2, 031, 305 124, 137 DoUars. 233, 784 1,304 600 4, 900 420 200 5, 399 209, 849 8. 092 © « c2l Dollars. 2, 995, 441 76, 618 30, 100 124, 900 15, 420 2, 225 233, 831 2, 241,154 132, 229 Number. 2, 752, 475 42, 035 18,000 . 70,000 7,600 1 1,000 I 109,296 I 2, 317, 149 91, 675 Dollars, 5, 359, 489 148, 026 90, 000 140, 000 24, 700 3, 000 334, 546 4, 190, 136 212, 493 148, 480 135, 944 ,020 138, 964 95, 720 216, 588 27.— GLASS : A— AGGREGATE, ALL CLASSES. NUMBER OF HANDS EMPLOYED. 24, 177 113 160 O m 17. 778 130 Is 741 It '.3 5, 658 Dollars. 9, 144, 100 45, 924 65, 000 I - o . 3 _« Dollars. 8, 028, 621 48, 070 70, 000 Dollars. 21. 154, 571 140, 000 160,000 732 862 35 522 612 946 .54 632 695 24 304 524 828 50 100 114 147 88 58 342, 027 284, 207 2, 000 150, 322 234, 254 383, 342 30, 000 297, 842 433, 733 3, 248 134, 104 239, 682 329, 864 35, 113 901,343 790, 781 3, 500 388, 405 587, 000 854, 345 90, 000 965 102 3, .578 3,078 1,688 9,784 946 709 80 2, 762 2, 116 1, 170 6, 999 615 46 50 81 294 100 220 14 770 912 437 2, 491 231 25, 600 1, 300, 038 1, 046, 812 644, 520 3, 897, 306 311, 650 351, 871 34, 000 1, 088, 346 944, 691 459, 333 3, 350. 660 208, 064 919, 827 70, 000 2, 810, 170 2, 420, 796 1, .549, 320 8, 720, .584 748, 500 27.— GLASS : B— GLASSWARE. 12, 640 8,253 513 3, 874 4, 452, 417 3, 292, 380 9, 568, 520 1 2 3 160 130 2 28 65, 000 70, 000 160, 000 35 24 i) 2, 000 3, 248 3, 500 4 209 106 10 93 105, 292 60, 466 215,330 5 85 60 25 22, 000 20. 000 85,.000 6 789 673 56 60 328, 000 266, .570 704, 500 7 217 120 97 61, 339 43, 035 136^487 8 900 525 25 350 250, 000 100, 000 400,000 9 1, 847 1, 157 30 660 591, 576 426, 826 1, 157, 571 10 1,225 781 81 363 452, 659 309, 270 1, 076, 320 11 6, 22T 4, 002 207 1, 958 2, 262, 901 1, 778, 901 4, 881, 312 12 946 615 100 231 311, 650 208,064 74^, 500 13 1210 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LIV. — Manufactures : Special statistics 27.— GLASS: C— GREEN GLASS. States. The United States . California Illinois Indiana Kentucky Maryland Massachusetts (a) Mississippi (b) Missouii New HatnpsUire .. New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania No. 56 DoUars. 4, «95, 266 75, 000 190, 000 125, 000 295, 000 76, 000 100, 000 25, 000 140, 000 50, 000 1, 694, 066 583, 000 160, 100 1, 381, 900 FUUNACK8. No. No. No. No. 83 No, 540 7 36 14 17 17 11 8 24 8 172 (;2 :!() 134 a Not in qpqj-ation during the census year. 6 Euilding. 27.— GLASS: D— PLATE GLASS. States. The United States , Indiana Kentucky Massachusetts. Missoui-i No. Dollars. 2, 587, 000 1, 142, 000 250, 000 45, 000 1, 150, 000 FUEXACES. No. No. H No. No. No. 116 This does not include value of cast plate in process of manufacture, nor of rough plate broken up ami 27.— GLASS: E— WINDOW GLASS. ^ States. The United States . Illinois Indiana Iowa (a) Maryland Massachusetts . G Michigan 7 Missouri 8 j New Jersey . . 9 I New York 10 j Ohio 11 Pennsylvania, No. 20 Dollars. 4, 953, 155 235, 000 175, 000 25, 000 305, 000 75, 000 65, 000 40, 000 723, 355 575, 000 455, 000 2, 279, 800 FURNACES. 1 1 i i i n rs S o o H o o P^ No. 88 No. No. No. 88 No. 767 6 3 6. 3 68 30 1 1 8 5 5 42 32 4 4 1 1 8 2 2 14 15 11 6 15. lie 11 6 gfi 5C 34 34 dm a Not in operation during the census year. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1211 for principal induatriea: 1880 — Continued. 27.—GLASS: C— GREEN GLASS. NUMHEK OP HANDS EMPLOYED. 1 Total amount paid in wages during the year. Total value of ma- terials. Total value of products. 1 TotaL Males above 16 yeara. Females above 15 years. Children and youths. 6, 691 4,948 136 1, 607 Dollars. 2, 259, 894 Dollars. 2, 448, 254 Dollars. 5,670,433 113 80 33 45, 924 48, 070 140, 000 X 507 410 97 196, 324 196, 368 528, 000 2 180 107 73 20, 357 30, 000 64,984 3 278 226 52 44, 022 80, 800 70, 888 169, 563 4 305 242 63 66, 405 170, 000 5 6 7 350 227 123 167, 759 168, 205 392, 790 8 102 80 8 14 25, 600 34, 000 70, 000 9 1, 979 1,615 21 343 783, 744 698, 543 1, 681, 015 10 821 550 20 251 259, 660 293, 297 722, 322 11 190 120 70 45, 000 43, 553 115, 000 12 1, 866 1, 291 87 488 590, 704 798, 925 1, 616, 759 13 27.- GLASS: D— PLATE GLASS. NUMBEU OF HANDS EM- PLOYED. 956 O r. 822 Ml 513 35 419 32 58 I 57 350 ! 314 91 43 a 2 * - O v a Dollars, Dollars. 292,253 I 438,457 160. 850 1,008 10, 395 120, 000 298, 733 2, 750 24, 049 112. 925 Square feet Square feet. Square feet. 1, 700, 227 1, 042, 000 377, 227 970, 000 20, 684 209, 543 500, aoo 642, 000 400, 000 130, 000 20, 684 209, 543 17, 000 Dollars, a 868, 305 496, 400 3, 512 45, 843 322, 550 sed as cullet, but iucludes only the value of polished plate, and that part of the rough plate that was sold. 27.— GLASS: E— WINDOW GLASS. NUMIJER OF HANDS EMl'LOYED. Total amount paid , iu wages duriug ; the year. i Total value of ma- terials. PU0DUCT8. 1 Total value of products. Total. c a years. Females above 15 years. Children and youths. Boxes of 50 square feefc each. 3, 890 3, 755 1 134 Dollars. 2, 139, 536 Dollars. 1, 849, 530 Number. 1, 864, 734 Dollars. 5, 047, 313 225 169 222 169 3 145, 703 103, 000 101,474 105, 000 i 115, 271 91, 759 373, 343 229, 397 222 99 54 48 699 410 273 1,691, 222 98 50 48 622 409 269 1,646 1 4 77 1 4 45 131,454 i 44, 947 30, 000 32, 000 266, 294 195, 576 146, 861 1, 043, 701 j i47, 277 39,245 35, 113 27, 706 289, 803 224, 568 106, 510 772, 834 141, oao 41, 866 30, 000 24, 000 296, 685 216, 748 127, 122 780. 283 332, 000 104, 002 90, 000 68,000 729, 155 540, 903 358, 000 2, 222, 513 > POWER USED IN MANUFACTURES. 1213 ;1l Department of the Interior, Census Office, Washington^ D. (7., January 2, 1883. Hon. C. W. Sea TON, Superintendent of Census, Sir: In compliance with your instructions, I have the honor to submit tables giving in condensed form the statistics of steam- and water- power used in manufactures, as returned at the census of 1880. These statistics have been compiled under the direction of Professor W. P. Trowbridge, special agent in charge of the statistics of power and machinery used in manufactures, from the returns made upon the sched- ules used in collecting statistics of manufactures, and include the power used in all industries embraced in the manufacturing statistics, with the following exceptions : Coke, Dyeing and finishing textiles. Glass, Liquors, distilled; Liquors, malt; Mixed textiles; Shipbuilding. The classification by industries is the same as that adoj^ted by the division of manufactures. These tables show : (1) The number of establishments which used either steam- or water-power, or both, during the whole or apart of the census year from June 1, 1879, to May 31, 1880. The number of establishments here reported is generally less than reported as engaged in manufacture for any district or industry, the difference being due to such establish- ments as do not use either steam- or water-power, or to such as were not in operation during any part of the census year. Thus, in the state of Massachusetts there are reported 350 flouring- and grist-mills, but only 344 of these are returned as using either steam- or water-power, the remaining 6 being driven by wind; (2) th£ number of water-wheels used ; (3) the total power of these wheels ; (4) tlfe number of steam-boilers, not including such boilers as are used for generating steam exclusively for heating pui-poses; (5) the total number of steam-engines used; (6) the total power of these steam-engines; (7) the total power of all the steam-engines and water-wheels reported as used in manufacture during the census year. In Table LYare presented the statistics of power used in manufactures, first, by totals for states and territories, and second, by totals for some of the leading industries. In many cases the same steam-engine or water- wheel was reported as being used in two or more industries. Where no satisfactory division of power could be made, it was included in each industry and a deduction made from the total of all industries for such dui)1ication, as is shown in the table. Table LYI gives the statistics by state totals of the following selected industries, viz: Carpets, cotton goods, felt goods, flouring- and grist-mill : products, hosiery and knit goods, iron and steel, lumber (sawed), paper, i salt, silk and silk goods, woolen goods, wool hats, worsted goods, the [ statistics for all other industries being grouped. 1215 1216 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. The-following table shows tlie total amount of power available in some of the more important industries and the percentage of increase, the total number of hands emi)lo.yed in these industries, as reported in the statistics of manufactures, and tlie amount of power available per hand employed, according to the census of 1870 and that of 1880 : 1 Industries. ('otton goods Flouring- and grist-mill products Irou and st^icl Lumber, sawed l^aper Silk and silk goods Woolen goods Woisted goods 1870. il 0/ C« •S o 2 H Total mim berof hands employed. Power per hand em- ployed. H.P. H.P. 146, 040 135, 519 1.08 576, 686 58, 448 9. 87 170, 675 77, 555 2. 20 641, 665 149, 997 4. 28 53, 218 17, 910 2. 97 1, 911 6, 699 0. 29 85, 101 77, 870 1. 09 8, 016 12, 920 0.62 45 PI K. P. 275, 504 771, 201 397, 247 821, 928 123, 912 8,810 106, 507 16, 437 1880. C C3 « 185, 472 58, 407 140, 978 147, 956 24, 422 31, 337 86, 504 18, 803 H. P. 1. 49 13. 20 2. 82 5.56 5.07 0. 28 L23 0.87 .95 8><. C.) ;.'.:!. 73 132. 75 28. 09 132. 84 361. 02 25. 13 105. 05 The total amount of power used in manufactures, as returned at the census of 1870 and that of 1880, is given in the following table, which also shows the percentage of increase in each state and territory, however, must be regarded as an approximate comparison only : This,! states and Tem- tories. The United States . Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Dakota Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana (a) Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri mo. 1880. H il ® c3 • w P © a c3 ^ =5 3 o ^.c4 ft H Total and poT b:.p. t H.P. 2, 346, 142 |3, 410, 837 45. i 18, 751 90 7, 646 25, 370 2, 225 80, 374 324 8, 533 1, 889 3, 700 38, 243 606 86, 044 100, 369 39, 547 8, 149 39,568 25, 066 79, 573 32, 422 184, 356 105, 851 20, 139 12, 472 55. 062 27, 576 530 15, 733 32, 921 . 5, 802 118, 232 2, 224 15. 428 .3, 143 7, 147 51, 169 1,682 144, 288 131, 770 54, 221 21, 079 54, 929 11, 346 100, 476 SI, 259 309, 759 164, 747 53, 880 18, 450 80, 749 47. 06 488. 89 105. 77 29.76 160. 70 47.10 586. 42 80.80 68. 38 93. 16 33. 80 177. 56 67. 69 3L 29 37.11 158. 67 38. 82 26. 27 58. 10. 68. 02 .55.64 167. 54 47. 93 40. 65 states and Terri- tories. Montana (a) Nebraska Nevada (a) New Hampshire New Mexico . . . New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania.. Khode Islaml . . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington . . . West Virginia. Wisconsin Wyoming.. 1870. 1880. il as P a> OB t> O H O «3 P* H H. p. 1, 617 3, 311 8, 545 77,078 58, 139 H. P. 1, 498 8,494 716 87, 750 99, 858 911 334, 363 33, 1.52 174, 323 8,277 1, 359 4.54, 143 45, 088 261, 143 13, 589 363, 918 42,027 14, 932 37, 981 13, 044 512, 408 63, 575 25, 868 51, 952 30, 534 2, 500 51, 322 49, 612 2, 823 27, 381 4, 689 63, 314 57, 174 4, 395 37, 910 64, 223 344 106, 085 755 'i56.'5j 13. 71. 49.1 35.1 36.1 49.) 64.: , 40.1 5Li 73.1 36.' 134.1 87. SI 23. 15.3 55. g 38.7 65.1 f 119. Decrease. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1217 In making this comparison, it must be noted that the classification adopted in the census of 1870 and that used in 1880 are not exactly alike. Thus it would appear that there was a falling off in the amount of power used in manufacture in the state of Louisiana from 25,066 horse-power in 1870 to 11,346 horse-power in 1880. This is due to the fact that in the census of 1870 the sugar made on the plantations direct from the raT ERRATA TO PART II, COMPENDIUM OF CENSUS. On page 928, in column ''Males above 16 years", total, for "2,025,335", rornl 2,019,035; same page and column, in South Carolina, for "19,987" read 13,687. On page 933, in column "Males above 16 y ears", total, for "2,025,335", re;nl 2,019,035. On page 935, in column "Males above 16 years", line 103, for "14,677", read 8,877. On page 1013, in South Carolina, column "Males above 16 years", total, for " 19,967 ", read 13,687; same page and column, in Charleston, for "10,848", read 4,548. On page 1014, in South Carolina by selected industries, column "Males above 16 years", for "19,987", read 13,687; same page and column, in Fertilizers, for "8,979", read 2,679. On page 1115, in column "Value of all other materials", total, for "75,589,519", read 75,612,108; same column, line 30, for "1,211,140", read 1,233,729; same page, in column "Total value of all materials", total, for "77,471,836", read 77,494,425; same column, line 30, for "1,275,115", read 1^297,704. On page 1127, in heading of industry, for "Special cotton manufactures", read Specific cotton manufactures. On page 1252, Table LXXII, in column "Amount of capital invested", fur «|27,395,746", read $27,325,746. On page 1261, in column "Per cent, of earnings", for "33.63", read 33.64. On page 1349, in text, 3d line from bottom, for "42", read 41. On page 1359, in column "Scandinavia", strike out reference letter (a) and note at bottom of page, Scandinavia including only Sweden and Norway. On page 1483, in 4th column, total of class 2, for "755,902", read 1,174,228; same jolumn, 3d line from bottom, for "27,232", read 445,558. On page 1487, in 4th column, in total, for "65,160,675", iGixd 6 5, 57 9,001; samecolumn, ID© 27, for "13,720,597", read 14,138,923. Cotton goods Flouring- and grist-mill products Iron i\m\ steel Lumber, sawed Paper Silk and silk goods "Woolon gooils Worated goods Water-power. Steana-power. Water-power. Steam-power. Per cent. Per cent Per cent. Per cent. 67. 84 32. 16 53. 99 4«. 01 70. 74 29. 26 60. 94 39. 06 9. 72 90. 28 4. 16 95. 84 50.93 49. 07 33. 91 66.09 78.25 21. 75 70. 70 29.30 41.29 58. 71 17. 73 82.27 62. 17 37. 83 50.33 49.67 57.81 42. 19 38.34 61. 66 77 0 G 1216 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. The^following table shows the total amount of power available in some of the more important industries and the percentage of increase, the total number of hands emi)lo.yed in these industries, as reported in the statistics of manufactures, and the amount of power available per hand employed, according to the census of 1870 and that of 1880 : 1870. 1880. Indnstries. il If d .' "te b s 'T'^ if ■S « 2 o ca ft S'§ . S cs o 3^1 Power per hand em- ployed. 'otal steam- aud water, power. c « « Cm O 121 c |.S ^ « ;^ a 03 4> § Is « g s s <^ ^ 4 Michigan Minnesota . . . Mississippi . . Missouri J-Ot, O'OX) 105, 851 20, 139 12, 472 55, 062 dUif, YDS 164, 747 53, 880 18, 450 80, 749 ^8.02 .55.64 167. 54 47. 93 46. 65 27' 381 37! 910 64, 223 106, 085 Wyoming 344 755 a Decrease. COMPEISTDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1217 In making this comparison, it must be noted that the classification adopted in the census of 1870 and that used in 1880 are not exactly alike. Thus it would appear that there was a falling off in the a mount of power used in manufacture in the state of Louisiana from 25,066 horse-power in 1870 to 11,346 horse-power in 1880. This is due to the fact that in the census of 1870 the sugar made on the plantations direct from the raw cane was included as a product of manufacture, while in 1880 it is included with the products of agriculture. Thus, in order to make a comparison, we must deduct 18,296 horse-power used on the sugar plan- tations from the total 25,066 horse-power, and we would then have for the industries in the census of 1880 an increase of from 6,770 horse-power in 1870 to 11,346 in 1880. In the state of Nevada it would appear that there was a falling off from 8,545 horse-power in 1870 to 716 horse-power in 1880. In the census of 1870 we find that the following industries are included in sta- tistics of manufactures : " Quartz milled, " 7,174 horse-power, and " Lead, pig", 215 horse-power. These industries are included in the statistics, not of manufacture, but of mining, in the census of 1880; therefore, in order to make a comparison, we must deduct 7,389 horse-i>ower from the total for 1870. This would still leave the amount of power reported in 1870 slightly in excess of that reported in 1880, owiog probably to the very rapid development of mining in 1870 and the consequent demand for sawed lumber and other products of manufacture. This table shows a decrease for Montana in the total amount of power reported as used in manufactures. If we deduct 780 horse-power for "Quartz milled" from the total for 1870, we would then have an increase from 837 horse-power in 1870 to 1,498 horse-power in 1880. In the census of 1870 we find that the industry, "Quartz milled," is reported in California with 2,739 horse-power. This ought also strictly to be deducted before making a comparison. With these exceptions, the classification of industries in the census of 1870 and that used in • 1880 are so nearly alike that a comi^arison can safely be made. The following table shows the relative amount of steam- and of wat^r-power used in some of the more important industries, as returned at the census of 1870 and that of 1880: 1S70. 1880. Water-power. steam-power. Water-power. Steam-power. Iron :siul steel Per cent. 67. 84 70. 74 9. 72 50.93 78. 25 41. 29 62. 17 57. 81 Per cent. 32. 16 29. 26 90. 28 49. 07 21.75 58. 71 37. 83 42. 19 Per cent. 53. 99 60. 94 4. 16 33. 91 70. 70 17. 73 50. 33 38. 34 Per cent. 4(j.01 39. 06 95. 84 66.09 29.30 82.27 49.67 61. 66 77 OG 1218 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. The proportional a mounts of steam- and of water-power used in manufactures in the different states and territories according to the census of 1870 and that of 1880 are shown in the following table: tm. 18S0. Water- po w©r. W ater-pow^r. Stc&m -power* Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent 4i6. 18 51. 82 35. 98 W. 07 58. 72 41. 28 42. 78 : 67. 22 11.11 88.89 30. 19 69 81 20. 21 79. 79 12.86 87. 14 27. 11 1 A l-l 14. /•> 85. 27 35. 60 64. 40 91 til 68. 13 67. 68 32. 32 K1 It 01. / / 48. 23 23. 46 76.54 36. 11 03. K9 49, 46 50.54 31. 03 68.09 58. 23 41. 77 ciS. 00 72. 00 14- '^7 85. 73 13. 14 86. 86 7i. 69 28. 31 •JO. 76 41, 24 48.68 51. 32 67. .54 32.46 l.\ 0.5 84.95 12 00 87. 91 2 X 43 76. .57 1 6. .55 83. 45 36. 03 63. 97 37. 56 62. 44 21. 95 78. 05 36 11 63. 89 19.31 8i». 69 10. 41 83. 59 0..57 99 43 0. 79 99.21 88. 11 11. ^9 79 34 20. 66 56. 94 43. 06 35. 20 64. SP 57. 42 42. 58 44. 67 5.5. 33 32. 97 67. 03 20.88 79. 12 64. K2 35. 18 53. 25 46. 75 19. 67 80. 33 18. 69 81. 31 12. 07 87. 93 10. 11 89. S9 49. 17 50. 83 63. 68 38. 32 43. 67 50.33 64.69 35.31 29. 70 70.30 15. 08 84. 92 88. KG 11. 40 78. 81 21. 19 44. 43 55. 57 27. 10 72. 90 72. 34 27. €6 68. 58 31. 42 62. J8 37.72 48. 30 51.70 79. m 20. 94 66. 68 33.32 25. 67 74. 33 14. 80 85. 20 70. 15 29. 85 68. 11 3L89 39. 01 60. 99 21. .52 78. 48 43. 97 56.03 34.98 65. 02 6;». 62 3u. ;^8 5<. 63 46. 37 51. 38 48 62 35.73 64.27 14. 03 85.97 &21 91.79 8fi. 76 13. 24 75 39 24. 61 87. 48 12. .52 82. 49 17. .51 88. 05 16. 95 65. 53 34. 47 5t». 02 49 98 26. {16 73 04 37.30 62. 70 24.94 75.06 5'> 50 47. 50 42. 75 57.25 9. 88 90. 12 5.03 94. 97 The United States. Alabama . Arizona .. Ark ins«8 . California Colorado . , Connecticut Dakota Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georpla Idaho ... Illinois . Indiana . Iowa . . . Kanss.8 . . . Kejitiicky L'liisiana Maine Mari laud . M;»S3achu''etts Miihiaan Minnesota MiHsisrtippi Missouri Montana lf«>,bij)slJow Hampshire. Kow Jersey New Ifexico . . . New Vork North Carolina Ohio Oregon Penn.sylvania .. Khude" Island .. South Carolina . Tennessee Texas Utah "Vermont Tirjiinia Washineton ... West Virginia. Wisconsin . Wyoming . In conclusion, I desire to acknowledge my obligations to many of th© officers and clerks of the Census Office for their valuable assistance iu the compilation of these statistics. I wish especially to acknowledge my indebtedness to Mr. F. R. Williams, chief of the division of manufactures, and to my assistant, Mr. G. W. Clapp. I am, sir, very respectfully, yonr obedient servant, HEEMAX HOLLEKITH, ISjyecial Agent COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1219 Table LV. — Power imed in manufactures in the United States: 1880. BY STATES AND TERRITORIES. States and Territories- The United States Alabaraa ^lizoua , AikHnHas California Culuiudo Connecticut Dakota Dt'laware District of Columbia ... Florida Georgia Idalio Illinois ludiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Loiiisiaua Maine Maryland Masaai'husetts Michi/ran Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebiaska Nevada !Kew Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Khoiie Lsliind South Carolina Tt^nntissee Texas Utah , Vemiont Virginia "VVashington West Virj-inia Wiseonsiii Wyoming No. of estab- lish- ments. 85, 923 WATER-POWEB. No. of wheels. 55, 404 931 8 149 205 52 1,784 36 232 15 70 1, 917 48 751 1, 143 1, 093 299 653 13 2, 887 1,004 3, 046 1, 746 65;) 301 537 39 245 6 2. 122 1, 213 9, 752 2, 370 2, 080 373 7, 075 386 1, 0.57 1, 3K2 174 214 2, 138 2, 399 46 670 2, 022 2 Horse- power. 1.225,379 11, 797 160 2, 024 4. 850 1,849 61, 205 8u3 4, 785 880 939 30, 067 1, 136 17, 445 21,810 20, 363 7, 611 9, 012 90 79,717 18, 043 138, 362 34. 395 28, 689 3, 449 8,162 5, 495 108 69, 155 27, 066 932 219. 3i8 30, 063 38, 641 9, 255 110, 276 22, 240 13, 873 lt<, 564 2, 508 3.535 52, 226 37, 464 1,185 9, 454 45, 356 38 6TEAM-P0WBE. No. of I No. of boilers, engines, 72,304 616 15 555 990 158 1, 670 56 365 127 291 948 23 4, 143 3, 889 1, 229 426 1, 636 491 747 1, 202 5,105 4,109 760 676 2, 448 31 128 27 59S 2, 253 19 8,101 6<9 7, 081 196 12, 095# 1, 164 592 1, 074 1, 229 55 378 9H2 96 934 1,879 18 Horse- power. 56,483 2,185,458 551 14 545 779 152 1, 124 55 254 118 193 799 22 3,445 3. 634 1, 068 396 1,494 430 511 914 3, 096 3, 085 569 635 2. 128 31 126 23 456 1, 619 19 6, 672 616 6,215 176 7, 913 476 509 967 1, 167 55 272 899 61 816 1,3C6 18 15, 779 370 13. 709 28, 071 3. 953 57. 027 1. 421 10, 643 2, 263 6, 208 21, 102 546 126. 843 109, 960 33, 858 13. 468 45,917 11, 2.56 20. 759 33, 216 171.397 130. 3.52 25, 191 15, 001 72, 587 544 2, i)99 608 18, 595 72, 792 427 234, 795 I. 5, 025 222. 502 4, 334 402, 132 41, 335 II, 995 33. .388 28, 026 1.154 11, 088 19.710 3, 210 28 456 60, 729 717 BY INDUSTRIES. 59 16 2,151 244 81 8.340 10, 491 956 1, 265 148, 754 2,584 786 126. 750 275, .504 26 18 1, 141 52 29 1,490 2, 631 Flouring- and grist-mill products .. 24, 258 29, 026 469, 987 9,448 8,445 301, 214 771, 201 Hosiery and knit goods 226 118 5, 492 224 163 6,069 11, 561 781 3fi0 16, 506 7,237 S, 205 880, 741 397, 247 25, 6f<0 14, 639 278, 686 20,418 17, 268 643, 242 821. 928 Paper 692 1, 856 87, 611 I, 018 673 36. 301 123. 912 202 7 108 267 412 8, 368 8,476 197 54 1, 562 219 156 7,248 8, 810 1, 984 1, 505 53, 610 1,676 986 52, 897 106, 507 43 7 672 102 47 3, 320 8,992 16, 437 76 52 6, 3(i2 203 100 10. 135 30, 743 6, 800 161, 288 29, 624 25, 070 726, 958 888,246 85, 923 55, 783 1, 233, 870 73, 316 57, 421 938 2,213, 073 3. 446, 943 379 8, 491 1,012 27, 615 36. IOC Total 85, 923 55, 404 1, 225, 379 72, 304 56,483 2, 185, 458 3, 410, 837 a The manufacture of salt in Michijian is conducted largely in connection with the manufacture of lumber. In manv such cases the stean> used in the salt works is supnlied from the builem of the saw- odils, which aie therefore not included with the stalitilius ui salt worka. 1220 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LVI. — Power used in manufactures in the United States in certain industries : 1880. CARPETS. States and Territories. No. of estab- liHh- mente. WATER-POWEB. BTBAM-POWEE. Total steam and water horse- power. No. of ■wheela. Horse- power. No. Of boilers. No. of engines. Horse- power. 59 16 2,151 244 81 8, 340 10, 491 2 1 7 1 9 39 28 1 81 8 1 10 960 4 1, 420 960 4 2, 125 260 4,594 2, 548 4 2 10 705 260 1,186 44 90 15 47 408 2, 548 COTTON GOODS. 956 1, 265 1 148, 754 2, 584 786 126, 750 275, 504 — ~ ■ ■ 16 9 1, 307 19 9 510 1, 817 2 1 48 2 1 80 128 90 170 17, 631 117 51 6, 616 24,247 10 9 445 27 7 959 1,404 1 1 1 35 35 41 59 7,300 33 18 1,457 8,757 4 3 80 4 2 290 370 4 80 29 10 1, 370 1,450 4 1 53 8 4 448 501 2 5 3 250 250 23 91 13,586 30 9 1,875 15,161 20 25 2, 538 65 19 4,717 7,256 194 i 338 48,452 1,006 22^5 55, 458 103,910 2 2 1 140 140 1 i 28 2S 7 4 172 14 12 7 5 763 680 935 680 36 i 105 20, 140 78 21 4,569 24, 709 23 i 19 1, 485 77 28 3,404 4, 880 52 ! 74 9,189 81 30 3,991 13, 180 1 48 \ 51 3, 046 17 10 582 3, 628 6 i 3 90 13 6 360 450 185 ' 35 1,783 434 182 14, 408 16. 191 129 1 200 15, 969 483 114 21, 433 37, 402 14 23 2, 398 6 3 425 2,823 19 i 462 17 7 810 1, 272 4 2 205 205 Utah 1 i 1 26 2C 8 ! 11 1,076 14 5 570 1,646 7 1 13 1,190 3 2 165 1, 355 1 j * 180 1 ^ 1 180 360 FELT GOODS. 26 18 1,141 52 29 1, 490 2, 631 2 3 261 7 • 1 275 53G 1 65 3 65 130 11 8 480 23 14 670 1, 150 1 60 GO 6 I 110 10 4 170 280 4 1 1 2 165 3 3 210 375 1 6 3 100 100 i COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1221 Table LVI. — Power used in mcmufactiires in certain indueiries — Continued. FLOURING- AND GRIST-MILL PRODUCTS. States and Territories. No. of lis'h- meuts. WATER-POWER. STEAM-POWER. Total steam and water horse- power. No. of wheels. Horse- power. No. of No. of boilers, jengines. Horse- power. The United States 24, 258 29,026 469, 987 9, 448 8, 445 301, 214 771, 201 807 759 7 992 256 252 5 670 13, 662 8 ' 134 3 3 90 224 350 118 1, 535 261 261 5, 671 7, 206 149 69 1, 672 145 97 5,769 7, 441 34 37 1 475 7 7 440 1, 915 233 318 5, 821 32 30 874 6, 695 30 33 ' 717 12 11 404 1, 121 81 121 2, 046 18 12 421 2, 467 District of Columbia 9 12 758 758 94 49 530 50 50 704 1,294 1 1Q0 X, io^ 1, 481 17, 622 156 149 3 733 21, 355 16 17 ' 408 1 1 ' 30 438 1, 012 524 10, 298 1, 002 832 38, 292 48, 590 996 837 13, 547 713 606 25, 251 38, 798 713 1 U 1 J^i 10, J.'iO 320 287 11, 654 29, 799 269 6, 846 182 169 6 858 13, 704 Kentucky ......... 651 508 i, 101 424 39.0 12', 905 20, 006 79 6 39 73 72 l!346 1! 385 261 516 8, 497 29 20 962 9, 459 546 673 XVf o'i'i : 93 72 2, 446 12, 790 344 444 9, 688 95 74 3 352 13, 040 Michigan 706 1, 11«5 is! 570 362 327 14! 461 33, 031 434 535 22! 4H2 180 144 si 979 31^461 525 242 2, 50(i 309 306 5, 814 8,410 872 1 456 6, 807 ' 701 617 25, 087 31, 894 15 169 18 502 502 i 233 5, 276 31 31 1 157 6, 433 7 ! 6 '108 2 61 169 181 1 432 7, 052 1 on 660 7,712 479 660 12, 183 : 61* 55 1 852 14,035 51 i 56 698 4 4 78 776 1, 76G 3 593 66 491 370 357 15 998 82, 4S9 1, 294 1,776 18, 842 170 152 3; 515 22, 357 1, 380 1,461 25, G34 858 777 31,648 57, 282 iOG 135 4, 072 14 14 415 4,487 4, 251 59, 963 773 593 19, 345 79, 311 46 38 970 29 12 1, 001 1, 971 South Carolina 719 803 8, 457 175 170 2, 721 11, 178 989 933 12, 899 288 273 8, 741 21', 440 900 146 2, 210 799 783 16, 392 18, 602 Utah 85 94 1,674 3 3 90 1, 764 227 587 9, 686 10 8 323 10, 009 1, 385 1, 786 25, 765 55 51 1,335 27, 100 9 7 131 2 2 24 15.-, 472 491 6, 996 168 150 4,642 11,638 703 1, 372 24,875 192 146 9,943 34,818 1 1 SO 30 HOSIERY AND KNIT GOODS. 226 118 5,492 224 163 6,069 11, 561 14 13 479 22 12 795 1,274 6 1 50 3 3 30 80 2 2 2 13 681 13 22 7 380 25 18 1, 061 C 1 30 3 3 83 113 1222 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LVI. — Power used in manufactures in certain indueiries — Continued. HOSIERY AND KNIT GOODS— Continued. States and Territoi io.s. Missoori Ifew Hampshire New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsjlvania... Rhode Island ... Yermont No. of estab- lish- ments. WATKB-POWEB. No. of wheels. Horse- power. 2 949 12 ,372 10 "208 STEAM POWEB. No. of i No. of boilers, engines. Horse- power. 2 50 494 1, 839 27 5 220 IRON AND STEEL. The United States Alal)araa California Coloiado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia — Geor^a Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Maine Maryland Mik.s'sachusetts Michigan Missouri Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Ehode Island Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia "West Virginia "Wisconsin "Wyoming , 781 103 1 321 1 360 16,506 14 2 918 189 4 53 6 11 39 2 785 670 1, eiiO 45 26 82 13 1 1 101 1,196 4,709 253 11)0 147 3,713 22 293 i 29 25 1,596 6 164 7. 237 3,205 3 34 I 198 : 77 1 21 146 ! 33 I 145 328 92 118 5 30 331 626 3, 689 14 75 1 10 18 103 10 2 15 127 60 U 76 10 69 112 5 11 133 241 380. 741 439 1,506 5 50 216 2.145 2,370 135 1,546 17, 852 4,495 1,900 6,400 1.100 5,276 13, 821 6,195 5,915 8U0 755 13, 739 25,138 50. 870 197, 569 420 6,045 60 350 375 8,600 455 LUMBER, SAWED. 25, 680 14, 639 278, 686 20, 418 17, 268 543, 242 821,928 354 157 2, 354 277 249 6, 880 280 9,234 13 2 26 12 11 306 319 27 445 317 310 8,586 9,031 251 90 2, 229 285 211 8, 763 10,992 96 13 279 94 92 2,214 2,493 300 328 5,880 41 38 1,105 6,985 38 2 66 37 37 928 994 86 46 689 78 60 1,558 2,247 1 2 1 2U0 2tK) 135 25" 482 235 140 5,393 5,8T5 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1223 Tablb LVI. — Power used in manufactures in certain industries — Continued. LUMBER, SAWED—Continued. States and Territories. No. of eHtab- lirth- meuts. WATER-POWER. 6TEAM-P0WER. Total steam and water horse- power. ■ ^0. 01 wheels. _ Horse- power. JNO. ot boilers. XSO. 01 engines. _. liorso* power. 655 308 4, 345 557 455 10, 955 15 300 48 31 748 19 19 490 i;238 640 18 190 724 67;< 17, 891 18, 081 2 018 171 2,6^ 2,012 1, 988 51, 638 54 326 ' Wit 48 837 412 320 13, 635 14* 492 145 21 463 129 126 3, 352 3 815 6(38 104 1, 148 600 650 16, 439 17, 587 174 6 212 1«7 5, 076 5, 128 848 1, 609 35, 127 196 115 7, 484 42 611 809 216 2, 380 257 208 5,078 7 464 606 707 14. ncG ir)0 115 4, 573 18, 939 1, 649 4i8 9, 149 2, 584 1, 584 81, 297 90i44fi 2U 94 5, 194 326 199 10. 109 15, 3u3 295 54 6f)8 314 202 7. 008 8 266 881 63 1, 139 895 853 22, 143 23^ 282 -vr * SO 18 430 20 20 420 860 88 7 154 33 35 821 975 9 14 11 4li9 1 409 920 19, 584 161 142 5, 526 25, 110 284 249 8, 9o3 96 83 2,405 6, 308 •vt -xjr !■ 26 13 234 14 14 319 2, 8J 2 8, 380 62, 569 1,131 1, 007 31. 213 93, 782 774 401 6, 828 451 895 10, 007 10,895 Ohio 2 847 818 4, K72 2,244 2,216 67, 419 62, 291 ' 227 187 8,959 119 99 2, 675 G, 834 •D *. 1 X 2 820 1,875 30, 724 2,036 1, 630 48, 922 79 646 49 50 915 9 10 2o0 1, 145 420 216 2, 035 300 25 i 6 181 9,116 7") 5 349 4, 105 518 494 13, 734 17 899 817 28 386 351 313 9,830 10i222 107 80 1,303 33 33 703 2,006 6,-8 871 21. 799 99 87 3, 821 25, 620 907 465 6, 877 562 517 11,214 18. 091 37 27 804 82 44 2. 9()7 3, 771 409 lid 1, 921 394 374 9, 560 11, 481 704 424 13, 376 919 552 30, 013 43, 989 7 1 8 7 7 232 240 : . PAPER. The Uuited States 692 1,856 87, 611 1. 018 673 36, 301 123, 912 6 5 225 17 11 610 835 1 1 70 1 1 15 85 65 154 6, 221 60 41 2, 250 8,471 4 9 689 26 10 1, 098 1,687 1 2 95 2 1 20 115 7 10 367 8 8 350 717 23 73 2, 383 29 16 8;59 3, 222 19 42 2, 4si9 19 17 593 3, 002 4 8 532 12 8 470 1, 002 1 2 45 45 2 18 9 925 925 12 84 4, 958 14 6 435 5, 393 25 45 1, 235 29 21 7b6 2, 021 96 368 21, 045 175 123 6, 3 65 25 80 4,981 9 7 308 5, 239 32 57 2, 321 57 82 2, 18'J 4. 501 168 409 21,831 111 90 4,474 20,305 1224 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table UVL— rower used in manufactm'es in certain industries — Continued. PAPER— Continued. I States and Territories. North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Tennessee Utah Vermont Virginia West Virginia . Wisconsin No. of e8*al> lish- meuts. WATER-POWER. No. of wheels. n 99 6 108 1 1 53 4 1 68 Horse- power. 4, 228 80 2, 766 40 35 4, 613 195 10 2, 551 BTEAM-POWER. No. of I No. of boilers, engines. 1 181 202 2 1 5 4 15 1 1 111 134 1 1 4 2 Horse- power. 15 6,868 6,668 15 50 82 100 255 45 Total steam and water horse- power. 713 11,096 80 9,434 55 4, 695 295 2,596 SALT. The United States Califoraia Kansas Sjentacky Louisiana Maine Michigan (a) Nevada New York Ohio Pennsylvania Utah Virginia West Virginia 202 108 17 75 16 267 412 202 2 8,368 10 22 30 25 5,000 18 1, 813 812 40 797 8,476 10 22 30 25 000 18 388 812 16 40 797 a The manufacture of salt in Michigan is conducted largely in connection with the manufacture of lumber. In many such cases the steam used in the salt works is supplied from the boilwn of th* saw- mills, whicti are therefore not included with the statistics of salt works. SILK AND SILK GOODS. The United States California Connecticut Hlinois Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Khode Island Vermont 197 54 17 1,562 310 30 362 10 61^ 223 219 24 92 156 16 7, 248 52 357 3, 628 1, 352 810 52 1,478 17 30 719 10 4,247 1,575 668 WOOLEN GOODS. The United States Alabama Arkansas.. California Connecticut Delaware 1,984 1,505 53,610 1,676 986 62,897 106, 507 14 7 183 4 4 86 269 23 4 31 11 10 268 290 9 3 115 17 9 610 725 78 98 5,224 99 52 3, 780 60 9,0W 5 C 224 : 2 2 284 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS, 1225 Table LVI. — Foiver used in manufactures in certain industries — Continued. WOOLEN GOODS— Continued. Stcitos and TciTitorics. J^o. of estab- lish- ments. WATER-POWER. STEAM-POWER. Total steam and water horse- power. ^O. 01 wheels. Horse- power. jSO. Ot boilers. IN O. 01 engines. Horse- power. Oii 33 356 2 2 31 53 8 191 54 43 1,407 1,598 81 27 577 69 59 2, 171 ^, 4'iO 34 22 550 18 16 377 927 3 153 3 2 65 218 ifO 35 564 69 63 1,527 93 86 3,4u6 12 8 404 3,810 14 16 322 5 3 120 442 167 262 16, 845 349 150 11,880 28, 725 39 26 460 13 10 295 755 13 7 302 5 61 363 8 2 66 6 5 154 220 97 18 225 64 61 1, 680 1 905 58 86 4, 179 27 17 767 4^946 27 24 1, 114 53 25 2, 541 3 655 159 172 4, 917 84 42 2, 795 7,712 49 39 516 9 8 205 721 122 48 851 91 84 2, 043 2.894 10 10 384 384 324 155 2,749 422 204 12,437 50 69 3, 291 114 45 4,702 6 7,993 11 10 104 1 1 110 106 38 640 18 18 470 1,110 1 1 1 45 45 11 11 49 815 315 44 2, 636 21 8 1,008 3,644 48 43 687 1 1 50 717 1 1 35 35 55 48 43 44 376 842 21 11 19 9 591 261 1,167 1,108 WOOL HATS. The TJnited States 43 7 672 102 47 3,320 3, 992 3 1 6 10 23 9 o 13 39 39 4 1 5 14 23 350 100 490 1,660 720 350 100 490 2,260 792 3 4 600 72 WORSTED GOODS. The United States Connecticut Massachusetts Jfew Hampshire New JeiTsey New York" Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode" Island 76 52 331 3, Oil 1, 065 20 1, 360 70 365 51 100 10, m 165 2, 365 182 60 521 3, 657 3, 185 1226 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LVI. — Powei' used in manufactures in certain induatriea — Contiuned. ALL OTHER INDUSTRIES. States and Tenitoricfl. No. of eRtab- liHh- nieuts. WATER-POWER. BTEAM-POWBB. Total Bteam and water horse- power. No. of wheels. Horse- power. No. of Loilers. No. of engiues. Horse- power. 30, 743 6, 860 161, 288 29,624 25, 070 726, 958 888,246 09 — 17 302 48 48 1, 052 1, 864 85 1 20 42 39 1, 124 1, 144 57(5 86 657 484 435 11, 780 12, 443 4i) 1 25 50 49 1. (44 1,069 1, 194 678 18, 488 1, 167 839 36, 669 55, 057 n I 20 g 0 149 169 124 39 6(.'3 155 133 4, 242 4,843 Wi 1 27 120 114 \ 908 1,933 14 3 17 14 11 249 266 19ri 41 389 183 175 3, 546 3,935 1 10 3 2 26 OA in 1,968 \iA 9 1 Oft it, lov 51, 054 65,907 6.-) 2, 4in 1, 047 923 26, 780 29,244 407 22 6 520 484 453 98 8. 234 ^7«J li;5 159 lt5 386 1,733 1, 892 7 180 372 9. 390 Q K^ft y, oiO 146 2 7 223 190 5, no 5.117 073 499 J.O, .'■•y 4.'"t4 of-* o, -jW 22, 099 540 36 864 638 642 l.\ 3.57 16, 321 3, 658 865 22, 177 2,800 2, 223 70, 5'j4 92,681 1,062 132 3, 846 1, 004 911 24, 386 28, 232 280 14 ' 289 258 230 % 299 6, 5i;g ^8 4 32 58 l!426 1, 458 562 5 7^6 615 19, G48 19, 6.^5 12 3 22 11 11 l.;4 146 Oo 1 20 59 55 721 i'il. 8 9 g 120 120 644 477 11, 382 268 231 5, 938 17, 320 New Jersey , 1, 253 157 3. 915 1, 470 1,192 42, 449 , 46,364 1 1 1 30 30 6, 543 1 878 43 345 5 480 4 762 142, 426 1 OS lo.o, < / 1 148 ' 53 546 ' I'-'O 109 2! lol 2,617 2, &40 155 2,900 2,8'8 2,565 73; 631 76. 5 <4 98 39 821 64 64 1.084 1,905 3, 574 575 9, 048 4, 226 3, 468 93, 691 102, 739 27 780 478 271 10, 351 ji, J .11 Soiitli Oui'olixiii 95 21 259 157 123 3, 708 3, 967 2(r9 43 552 209 184 5, 052 5.()04 113 6 23 122 116 2,695 1 2, 718 36 21 186 18 18 311 497 593 565 12,441 216 155 4, 904 17, 345 398 121 2, 480 355 3S2 6, 867 \ 9, 347 23 12 240 12 15 219 4,>9 161 5 26 191 169 4, 349 4. .375" 677 106 3, 403 695 611 15, 378 18, 781 1 1 1 30 30 MINING. \ i i FREOIOUS META.LS. The output of tlie precious metals for tlie year ending May 31, 1880, was $33,379,663 gold and $41,110,957 silver— a total of $74,490,620 (coining value). Although these figures are somewhat less than those reached in three or four exceptional years, they represent a yield con- siderably higher than the average annual product. From the beginning of mining operations, in 1804, up to the above date over a billion and a half of gold and nearly half a billion of silver were produced, and the vast importance of this element of the national resources is shown by the fact that one-third of the gold and one-half of the silver yearly produficd in the world are mined within our borders. . While the Gomstock lode, the former great producer of the country, has- a greatly decreased output, this loss is compensated by a corre- sponding increase in other regions, notably the Leadville district, Colo- rado. As a whole, the mining industry of the country is in a healthy state, and the product of the precious metals in the future promises to show a regular and permanent increase. The bullion product of the deep mines of the United States for the year under review amounted to 35 tons 900 pounds avoirdupois (1 ,033,97 4.(5 ounces troy) of fine gold and 1,087 tonsOOO pounds avoirdupois (31,717,297 ounces troy) of fine silver. That of the placer mines weighed 19 tons 1,824 pounds avoirdupois (580,766.6 ounces troy) in fine gold, with which were alloyed 2 tons 1,498 pounds avoirdupois (80,177.3 ounces troy) of silver. The total weight of fine bullion was no less than 55 tons 724 pounds avoirdupois (1,614,741.2 ounces troy) of gold and 1,090 tons 398 pounds avoirdupois (31,797,474.3 ounces troy) of silver. These huge figures may be better grasped, perhaps, by considering that the gold represents five ordinary car-loads, while a train of 109 freight cars of the usual capacity would be required to transport the silver. Historians have stated that during the early Spanish occupation whole galleons were freighted exclusively with silver from the mines of Mexico and Peru. This would hardly seem to be an exaggeration, in view of the fact that the present annual product of the United States would suflOice to form the full cargo of a large modern vessel. H The total product of each state and territory, including the silver contents of jjlacer gold, appears in Table LYII, which shows the aggre- y gate bullion output of the United States for the census year. 1229 1230 . COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LVII.— PRECIOUS MET Ah^— Gold and silver product of the State or Territory. Total Alabama - Alaska- ... Arizona . - California. Colorado . . Dakota . Georgia. Idaho . . . Micbigan . 11 Montana . 12 Nevada . . , IJ'ew Hampshire . New Mexico North Carolina .. Oregon South Carolina. Tennessee Utah Virginia 21 1 Washington 22, "Wyoming. .. DEEP MINER. Gold. Ounces. 1, 03:j, 974. 6 62.9 a 8, 802. 6 414, 571.7 125, G85. 7 157, 450. 8 685. 3 29, 025. 4' 145.1 J>oKar«. 21,374,152 1, 301 Silver. Oiincet. 31.717. 297 DoUara. 41, 007, 296 a 181 . 906 a 1, 798, 722 a 2, 325, 568 8, bm, 959 837, 854i 1, 082, 616 2. 598, 1 53; 12, 799, 067 16, 547, 913 ai, 098. 4 234, 050. 0 532.1 2, 387. 5 5, 527. 7 314.4 96.7 13, 138. 0 450.9 812.7 837.9 3, 254, 984, 14, 166 600, 009 2, 999 5J, 577 642, 861 4, 838, 243 10, 999I 49, 3.>l| 114, 267j 171, 365 6, 499 1, 998 271 587 9, 321 16, 800 17, 321 347, 676 5, 569 a 20, 000 2, 240, 597 9, 614, 230 12, 375 303, 455 77 15. 165 70,563 449, 510 7, 200 a 25, 858 2, 896, 869 12, 430, 239 16, 000 392, 387 100 19.607 Total. Dollars. 62, 381, 44=" 1, 301 3, 668, 433 4, 742, 916j a 2, 507, 534 9, 652, 575 19, 146, 068 a, 325, 547 14, 166 1, 049, 519 10, 199 a 25, 858 3, 539. 730 17, 268, 482 2R,999 441, 691 114,367 190, 972 6, 499 1,998 5,014, 50? 9,331 16,860 17, 321 a Estimated. It appears tliat of the ore mined during the census year 91.39 per cent, in tonnage was treated at the reduction works and 8.61 per cent, was left on the dumps. The average result of working treatment, aa compared with assay value, was 81.86 per cent, of the gold contents, 79.68 per cent, of the silver, and 80.40 per cent, in all. Notwithstanding the large number of estimated amounts entering into the calculation, these results are probably a very close approximation to the truth. The highest average yield was from the Arizona ores, amounting to $7 01 gold, $86 24 silver, and $93 25 total per ton. Of the localitief* produc- ing any considerable amount of bullion Dakota, with an average of $6 33 gold, $0 14 silver, and $6 47 total per ton, appears as the region where low-grade gold oies are worked to the best advantage, the per- COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. United Staiet for fh« year ending May 31, 1880. 1231 Ounces. 580, 766. 6 PLACER MINES. Gold. SUver. Total. DoUars, Ounces. 12, 005, 51180, 177.3 287. 9! 5, 951 a 39. 4 a 1, 451. 2| a 29, 999 a 198. 8 415,105.0 8, 580, 982 52, 8W. 2 4,921.9 101,745 1,052.8 2, 460. 3 3, 234. 5 42, 552. 8 50, 859 193. ] 256. 6 879, 644 11, 633. 1 66,255.6 1,162,906 a 2, 418. 7 a 49, 1 a 226. 7 44, 811. 5 816.4 a 967. 5 a 4, 1 926, 336 a 6, 541 a 20, 000 a 5, 756. 6 a 119, 000 6, 841. 4 a 331. 3 a 31.0 6, 331. 2 a 43. 3 a 132. 5 ALL PRECIOUS-METAL MINES. Gold. Dolls. I Dollars. Ounces. | Dollars. Ounces. | Dollars. Dollars. 103, 661 12, 109, 172 1,614,741.2 33, 379, 663 31,797,474.3 41, 110, 957 74, 490, 620 Silver. Total. a 51 a 257 6,002 a 30, 256 68,271 8,649.253 1,361 103,106 250 832 15, 040 51, 109 67, 195 894, 684 8,199 1,171,105 a 428 a 50, 427 a 40 8,186 a 56 a 171 a 788. 6 a 1,019 « 4, 726 934. .522 a 6. 597 20. 171 a 120, 019 62.9 287.o' 1, 301 5,951 89.4 51 1, 301 6, 002 a 10,253.8 a211.965,f the sih^er, and 37,3 1 per cent, of the total. The product of the Eastern livision represents 0.72 per cent, of the gold, 0.12 per cent, of the silver, tnd 0.39 per cent, of the total. 1232 COMPENDIUxM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LVIII.— PRECIOUS l^rETALS— Production hy geographical division. PACIFIC DIVISION. State or Territory. Trod act. Gold. Silver. Total. Dollars. 25,261,840 jyollara. 21, ] 43, 879 DoUa/TB. 46, 405, 719 5, 951 211,965 17,150, 941 1,479,653 4, 888, 242 1, 097, 701 291,587 135, 800 51 2, 325, 825 1,150,887 464, 550 12, 430, 667 27, 793 4, 743, 087 1, 019 6, 002 2, 537, 790 18, 301,828 1,944,203 17, 318, 909 1, 125, 494 5, 034, 674 130, 819 DIVISION OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. 7, 878, 183 19, 917, 492 27, 795, 675 2, 699, 898 3, 305, 843 i, 805, 767 49, 354 17, 321 18, 549. 274 70, 813 2, 905, 068 392, 337 19, 249,172 3, 376, 656 4, 710, 835 441,691 17,^21 EASTERN DIVISION. 239, 640 49, 586 289, 226 1,301 81, 029 2, 909 1. 301 81,361 10, 109 25, 858 20, 999 119. 093 13. 096 1, 008 9,321 332 7, 200 25,858 16, 000 140 56 10, 999 118, 953 13, 040 1,098 9,321 SUMMARY. 33, 379, 663 41, 110, 957 74, 490, 620 25, 261, 840 7, 878, 183 239, 640 21, 143, 879 19, 917, 492 49, 586 46, 405, 719 27, 795, 075 289, 226 An examination of the tenor of placer gold lias resulted in fixing tlie average fineness for the United States at 0.876, and it is found that the placers produce over $100,000 of silver annually, in alloy with the gold an item hitherto disregarded by statisticians. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1233 Table LIX.— PRECIOUS METALS— Pert'enfa^e of placer (jold and gold from deep mines in total gold product. Stato or Territory. Hydraulic, placer, drift, and river mines. Deep mines. State or Tenitory. Hvdraulic, placer, drift, and river mines. 1 Deep mines. I 1 1 100. 00 100. 00 96.06 15.61 49.84 100. 00 9.3. 14 100.00 " 100. 00 14.1.5 50. 03 3. 77 1.54 82. .52 59. 45 3.94 84. 39 50. 16 85. 85 49. 97 96. 23 98. 46 17. 48 40. 55 100. 00 35. 00 98.98 100.00 6.86 64. 40 1. 02 United States (including Alaska). 1 87. 63 36. 06 12.37 100. 00 64. 03 The leading mining states are Colorado, California, and Nevada, I followed by the territories of Utah, Montana, Dakota, Arizona, and I Idaho, in the order named. The proportionate amounts of gold and of silver furnished by each vary greatly. Thus, while Colorado pro- duces 40 per cent, of all the silver in the United States, she yields but 8 per cent, of the gold. California, on the other hand, the source of over half of the gold, yields less than 3 per cent, of the silver. A similar divergence is observed in other portions of the mining region, the two precious metals occurring side by side, but often in widely disproportionate quantities. Table LX.— PKECIOUS METKL^— Relative produciion of the States and Territories. State or Territory. GOLD. Silver. Total. Placer mines. Deep mines. Total gold. Per cent. Per cent. 0. 01 Per cent. 0. 01 0. 02 0.63 5L 38 8. 09 9. 90 0. 24 4, 43 0. 01 Per cent. Per cent. 0. 05 0. 25 71.47 0.85 0. 42 0. 56 7. S3 0.85 40.09 12. 16 15.23 0.07 2. 81 0. 01 5. 66 2.80 40.25 0.17 3.40 24.57 25.84 4.53 0.11 2.61 0.01 0. 03 6.34 23. 27 0.04 0.59 0. 16 1. 51 0. 02 1.13 0. 02 «. 06 7.07 30. 24 0.04 0.95 9.69 e.42 3. 01 22.64 0. 05 0. 23 0.53 0. 80 0. 03 0. 01 1. 27 0. 04 0.08 0. 08 5.41 14.64 0. 03 0.15 0. 36 3. 29 0. 04 0. 01 0. 87 0.03 0. 41 0. 05 0. 04 7. 71 0. 05 0. 07 Utat 0. 17 11. 54 6. 76 0. 01 0.18 0. 02 0.99 100. 00 100. 00 100.00 100. 00 100.00 78 c 0 1234 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. The study of the relation of x)roduction to population develops some curious figures, ranging from an average of one mill per capita in Alal)ama to $278 14 i)er capita in Nevada, the intervening series indicating with great precision to what extent mining is a factor of wealth in the several localities. The product per square mile varies from 1 cent in the case of Alaska to $185 20 in tliat of Colorado, the intermediate averages forming another standard of developed mineral resources, so far as tlie precious metals are concerned, from a different point of view, but rouglily corresponding to that of the relation of i)roduction to i)opulation. Table LXI.— PRECIOUS METALS — Average product of gold md silver per capita and per square mile. States and Territories. Alabama . . Alaska Arizitna ... California. Colorado . . Dakota . . . Georj;ia.., Idaho Maine Michigan Montana ^Nevada New Hampshire . New Mexico North Carolina . . Oregon South Carolina . Tennessee Utiih Virginia AVERAGE PRODUCT. Per capita. Gold. Silver. Total. Dollars. 0. 001 0. 200 5. 240 19. 8 JO 13. 890 24. 460 0. 050 45. 370 0. 005 Washington Wyoming United f)iat(-M (including Alaslca) United States (not iuclvuliuK Alaska) ... United States {incindinK only tlie states and territories producing gold and silver, with Alaska). United States (including only the states and tei ritdvies profluciug gold and silver, and not including Ahivska). Average for Colorado, California, Ne- vada, Utah, Montana, Dakota, Ari- zona, and Idaho. 46. 110 78. 510 0. 030 0.410 0. 080 6. 280 0. 010 0. oOl 2. 030 0. 006 1. 810 0. 830 0. 6()0 0. 660 2. 600 2. 010 21. 040 Dollars. 57. 510 1. 330 85. 160 0. 520 0. 0002 14. 250 0.011 0. 020 74. 190 199. 630 0. 050 3. 280 0. 0001 0. 160 32. 940 0. 820 0. 820 3.200 3. 210 Dollars. O.OOl 0. 200 62. 750 21. 160 99. 050 24. 980 0. 050 69. 620 0. 016 0. 020 120. 300 278. 140 0. 080 3. C90 0. 080 6. 440 0, 010 0. OOl 34. 970 6.006 1. 810 0. 830 1. 480 1. 460 5. 800 5. 820 26.870 47.910 Per square mile. Gold. Silver. Total DoUarM. 0. 02 0. 01 1. 87 108. 30 25.98 22. 17 1.36 17. 45 0.09 12.38 44.16 1. 18 0. 40 2.28 11.43 0. 43 0. 05 3.43 0. 22 Dollars. 1. 96 0.18 9.31 i 11.440 11. 03 I 14. 68 I 33. 47 13. 500 18. 020 23. 940 42. 740 20. 580 7. 270 159. 240 0.480 0. 010 5.480 0. 220 0. 440 19. 890 112. 290 1. 720 3. 200 0.003 0. 290 55. 820 0. 015 Dollars. 0. 02 (I. 01 22. 45 11.5. 57 185. 22 22.65 1.37 22.^ 0.31 0.44 82. 25 156. 45 2. 90 3. 60 2. 28 11. 72 0. 43 0.05 59. 25 0. 22 1. 98 0. 18 20. 75 24.62, 32. 70 ^ 43. 38 76. 21 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1235 1 :i Total. Colorado. Nevada. California. ITtah. Montana. Idaho. Dakota. Arizona. Oregon. New Mexico. N. Haiupshir*. N. Carolina. Waahinglon. Georgia. Michigan. S. Carolina. Maine. Virginia. Wyoming. Tennesseo. Alabama. Alaska. I ^ i 9 ! s 1 1 ! 5 Silver. 1. Colorado. 2. Nevada. 3. Utah. 4. Arizona. 6. Montana. 6. California. 7. Idaho. 8. NewMexica 9. Dakota, lo! Miohigan. 11. Maine. 12. Oregon. 13. N.cfaroUna. i « "o C 1. CaMfoi-nia. 2. Nevada. 3^ Colorada 4. Dakotiw 5. Idalio. 6. Montana. 7. Oregon. 8. Utah. 9. J\. Carolina. 10. Washington. 11. Arizona. 12. Georgia. 13. N. Hampshire. 14. S.Carolina. 15. New Mexico. 16. Virginia. 17. Wyoming. 18. Miiine. 19. Tennessee. 20. Alabama. 21. Alaska. TotaL Nevada. Montana. Colorado. A rizona. Idaho. Utah. Dakota. Califoi-nia. Oregon. New Mexico. Washington. Wyoming. Alaska. N. Carolina. N. Hampshire. Greorgia. Michigan. Maine S.Cai-olinft. Tennessee. Virginia. Alabama. redact per capit Silver. Nevada. Colorado. Montana. Arizona. Utah. Idaho. New Mexico. California^ Dakota. Oregon. N. Hampshire. Michigan. Maine. a. d M Gold. 1. Nevada, 2. Montana. 3. Idaho. 4. Dakota. 5. Caliloruia. 6. Colorado. 7. Oregon. 8. Arizona. 9. Utah. 10. Washington. 11. Wyoming. 12. New Mexico. 13. Alaska. 14. N.Carolina. 1.5. Georgia. 18. N.Harnpshire. 17. S. Carolina. 18. Virginia. 19. Maine. 20. Tennessee. 21. Alabama. Total. 1. Colorado. 2. California. 3. Nevada. 4. Utah. 5. Montana. 6. Dakota. 7. Arizona. 8. Id aha 9. Oregon. 10. New Mexico. 11. Washington. 12. N. Carolina. 13. Georgia. 14. N. Harnpshire. 15. Michigan. 16. Wyoming. 17. S. Carolina. 18. Mame. 19. Virginia. 20. Alaska. 21. Tennessee. 22. Alabama. actual product. Silver. Colorado. Nevada. Ut>ah. Montana. Arizona. California. Idaho. New Mexico. Dakota. ■ Michig-tn. Oregon. N. Hampshire. Maine. In Gold. 1. California. 2. Nevada. 8. Dakota. 4. C No. No. No. Dollars. DoUars. Dollars. Total 195, 968 24, 507 220,475 71, 992, 502 3,732 182, 051 22,916,274 364f909,324 Bituminous coal 93, 957 6, 159 100, 116 32, 601, 460 855 26, 168 2, 668, 861 103, 109, 807 54, 616 16, 132 70,-^48 22, 693, 407 1, 667 105, 807 13, 915, 915 154, 504, 336 30, 080 1,588 31, 608 9, 538, 117 821 24,838 3, 211, 558 61, 782, 287 Copper ore 5,966 292 6, 258 3. 214, 031 136 13, 541 2, G34, 600 31, 807, 596 7, 323 160 7, 483 2, 640, 265 167 6,739 484, 340 7, 442, 983 4, 026 176* 4, 202 1, 30.7, 222 86 4, 9.58 6, 262, 315 a Anthracite irregular, 28,441 tons, valued at $56,938. The above table was compiled with a view to the comparison of the economic features of the industries in 1880 and 1870, and consequently it covers the production of tlie regular mining establishments only, ex- cluding the "farmers' mines". From these last, 5,368 returns were received, aggregating 909,877 tons of iron ore and 916,569 tons of bitu- minous coal. The statistics of the copper-mining industry, as given in the table, are restricted to the production of the country east of the 100th merid- ian. The copper mining in Arizona, California, etc., results not in the production of copper alone, but in that of "copper matte", a mixture of copper and other metals, which is sold in the East to be refined. The c6pper ore east of the 100th meridian is, however, valuable for the copper 1237 1238 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. alone, with few exceptions. The amount of copper produced from both sources, as taken from the statistics of smelting establishments, is 54,172,017 pounds metallic copper, of which 1),041,884 pounds were re- fined in eastern works and 45,130,133 pounds smelted in western works (all lake Superior). The statistics of lead and zinc, which are given together, for the reason that in the northwestern districts— Illinois, Iowa, and Wiscon- sin—they are generall^^ produced from the same mine, cover all the miniug returns where either of these metals was the main product. The mining returns of the northwestern districts, where it was out of the question to gather the full statistics from the miners themselves, for various reasons, especially on account of the irregular and constantly shirting character of the local industry, have been increased to make them correspond to the amounts of lead and zinc ore which the smelters' returns showed were produced there during the census year. The total annual yield of these metals, taken Irom the statistics of the smelt- ing establishments, is as follows: LEAD. PonndB. Smelted from ores 66, 970, 838 Eefined from base bullion, the principal value of which was silver 9o, yt)7, Zbl Total yield of metallic lead, census year 162, 938, 105 ZINC. Metallic zinc or spelter ----- 46, 477, 999 Zinc oxide (produced in chemical works from ore, 20,213,631 pounds), equivalent to metallic zinc 16, 203, 460 Total yield of metallic zinc, census year 62,681, 459 RECAPITULATION. The grand total of the production of the non-precious minerals em- braced in this report would therefore be, bringing together the regular industrial production, the irregular production, and the production a« a by-product in precious-metal mining, as follows: Tons. Dollars. Anthracite coal fa) 28, (549, 812 42, 196. 678 Bituminous coal, regular product (&) ^^'^ol'Snf Bituminous coal, irregular product 91b, o69 1,0^2 , Mi> Total coal ~71, 426.436 95.716,851 Iron ore, regular product 7,064, 829 20 470, 756 Iron ore, irregular product 909,877 ^. bPO, ^ui Total iron ore 7,974,706 23,156,957 Pounds. Dollars. Metallic copper ,5?' i^^' ?iZ 2' oS?' 1 m Metallic len, 140 Metallic zinc - 62,681,459 i^^^^^f.^ Minor minerals ^, , 444 Total value of all non-precious mineral pro duct 143,894,832 b luSuL^i^f^^l^lugui^ mined west of the 100th meridian. With this exception the product i from east of that line. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1239 Table LXV.— NON-PRECIOUS MTSERAL^— Averages appUcahle to mineral products from regular establishments from census of 1870 and 1880 in the United States. « 1 3d s . go u • d o " 00 o o 1^ li 00 oo d KJnd of mineral product. t4 in 3 ll yearly p engines, luced pe engines ® of Pd s if p © S S p. 2« o o 0 s , S EH 0.49 0. 33 271.0 320.0 398.0 786.0 0. 24 0.23 0. 06 0. 05 1, COO. 0 1, 287. 0 2, 004. 0 2, 622. 0 0. 12 0.12 0. 45 0. 16 2b4.0 306. U 824.0 1, 540. 0 0 41 0. 38 2. 62 0. 30 74.0 111.0 656. 0 823. 0 1.38 0.84 Lead and zinc Total mineral product, in- cluding minor miueials. 2. 74 0. 12 26.0 621.0 1, 600. 0 1.88- 0. 29 0. 17 432.0 472. 0 725.0 1, 186. 0 0. 21 0.21 u u u 9. 0 890.0 24.0 353.0 350. 489. 0 Total mineral product, in- 0. 91 1. 47 596.0 833.0 357.0 332.0 327.0 0 cluding minor minerals. 6 p< >f produc- er 1870. »f produc- ial, 1880. 6 . PO Is P..-r for dollar ;ly, 1880. iS per ton, per ton, to one 1880. to one 1870. ^-a ."^ t| -•a o a « ^ bP b« Elind of mineral product. of vain id for h of valu lid for 1; of valu i for ma of vain 1 formal es 1.1 11 |§ S| O 00 P* rS d 22 p. a •3 o © ^ « p » p ^2 cent, ion pj cent. unai( g P4 ital 1 2 .t: A o © P o ® p i P P 0) P^VH «o P-'-w o I p p a p > Anthracite coal 53.9 .59.8 15.9 9.4 3.67 1.33 1. 47 2.46 29.5 20. 6 62.2 60.8 9.3 5.9 1.97 1. 68 1.25 2. 04 6.6 2. 7 46.6 51.8 14.1 9.7 3. 02 1.35 2. 90 3. 89 5.3 2. 4 36.2 52.0 15. 7 11.3 3. 58 1.50 8. 82 7. 37 4.9 3. 3 Lead and zinc 63. 1 39.4 7.9 5.2 1. 78 1.99 23.63 2.2 Total mineral product, in- cluding minor minei als. 54.6 59.0 12.8 8.0 2. 78 L50 1. 67 2. 51 12.5 10. 0 1240 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LXVI.— NON-PRECIOUS MmilRMuS—Fercentafje of gain jier ton in mineral products in the United States since the census of 1870. Kind of product. Anthracite coal , Bituminous coal Iron ore , Copper ore Lead and zinc , Total mineral products, in eluding minor minerals. •S a ^0 24.1 131.7 105.9 14.0 340.9 84.1 2^ o S 77. 455. 347. 70. 201. 12C. a .9 2 33. 140. 110. 15. 336. 9.5 49.7 55. 0- 70. « 174.3 41.0 o to o/. 82.7 143.4 108.1 43.0 "ii3.2 87.0 135.0 126. 3 137.2 321. 9 85.6 * q S f .32 a 25. 9 a 36. 2 a 33. 8 2.6 0.9 a 29. 3 a Li 53. 1 39. 5 18.8 339.6 31.6 cs © <» . f-i m o « t. of .uct o o per fcal c 2 « *Sc alue uct P ceni prod cent prod eiiali rice luct. Kind of product. in to tal. .9 S o a « "H >, n per of rlabo n per of rmat B ^ :{ 720. 000 1, 5J8. 2,597 19, 948 14,510 io:!. 31 A 922 ISO.JUOO 120, 135 j 472,w432 772 30. 200 3. 000 39, 000 102, 324 22, 291 8, 911, 279 2, 165, 384 2, 4i»2, 327 2, 430,841 1,211, 976 29, 040 328, 100 14, 279, 437 4, 828, 845 800 750 '1 7,599 384 10, 681 10, 172 *ou, you L- ........ 7 9ia 1, 6iO 477, 693 102, 500 30, 910 18, 040 1 2, 000 159,303 101, 970 41, 057 13, 196 672 7, 200 7, 979, 232 25, 730 28, 315 1,478, 571 31,344 599, 373 230,717 1, 212. 500 1 734, 730 34, 050 50 5, 993 112, 550 40, 270 118. 543 3, 391, 782 39, 381 451, 070 33, 828 4,055 1,623. Oil 79,855 5. 122. 143 435, 357 8, 077. 4? 8 102. 479 65, 559, 576 15,440 27, 709 783, 550 1, 640, 000 350, 000 20, 459 394, 568 214, 736 30, 256 420, 102 7,427 27, 709 60 2, 500 3, 699 22, 145 153, 880 5, 0rt4 2, 647, 894 678 409, 495 48, 788 179, 125 521, 033 721,219 389, 046 2, 061, 942 317, 636 1, 080, 451 11, 200 33, 000 10, 448 24, 126 4, 500 100, 000 1,728 78, 525 4,017 64, 562 18, 087 i, 549 coal, 28,441 tons; value, $56,938. Table LXVIIl. — The mineral products by certain industrial fields : 1830. ANTHRACITE COAL. Horso-power. "Wages. Material. Value per ton. Hoi'se-power of eu.:iinespor ton yearly product. "Wages paid per ton. Mat(*rials consumed per ton. 105, 752 Dollars. 22, 6U4, 055 Dollars. 6, 729, 477 Dollars. 1 47 0. 00369 Dollars. 0 79 Dollars. 0 24 1 BITUMT:wgS COAL. 4,516 4, 239 557 2, 083 8,294 7. 803, 572 6, 308, 8i ,3 665. 553 2, 95o, 448 6, 035, 919 1. 240, 868 1, 18 J, 344 95. 906 353, (:61 796, 149 0 96 1 24 1 35 1 82 1 44 0. 00035 0. 00055 0. 00008 0. 00078 0.00136 0 61 0 83 0 81 1 08 0 99 0 10 0 15 0 12 0 13 0 13 1 2 3 4 5 1,717 860 205 1, 405, 164 1, 370, 079 1, 836, 444 158. 604 194, 942 316, 471 1 48 1 16 1 21 0.00118 0. 00039 0. 00007 0 97 0 61 0 58 0 11 0 09 0 10 6 7 8 lEON ORE. 6, 574 3, 039 4,486 10, 739 2, 573, 857 1, .507, 3Ji5 1, 606. 257 3, 850, 608 941,711 534, 395 584, 229 835, 676 3 29 2 82 3 84 2 49 0. Of'358 0. 00245 0. 00594 0. 00332 1 40 1 22 2 13 1 19 0 51 0 43 0 77 0 26 1 2 3 4 QUARRIES. Table "LXIX.— General statistics of tJie quarrying indmtriea of the United States : 1880. States and Territoi ies. Total for TInited States. TOTALS BY KIIJDS OF ROCKS. Marble and limestone (a) . . Sandstone Crystalline silicious rocka. . Slate , TOTALS BY STATES AND TERBITOUIES. ■ California— Colorado Connecticut Dakota ..... Delaware ... Grooi'gia Illinois Iowa Indiana Kansas Kentncky i.,-. Maine Maryland Mas'8a<5hu86tt8. Michigan Minnesota : Missouri Nebrat-ka New Hampshire.. New Jersey 21 New York 22 I Ohio Pennsylvania Ehode" Island..... Tennosi^ee Vermont Virginia "Washington . "West Virginia. Wisconsin 1,525 Dollars. 25, 414. 497 Ciibic feet. 115, 380, 133 616 502 313 94 10, 565, 497 I 65, 523, 965 6, 229, 600 24, 776, 930 5, 291, 250 20, 506, 568 3,328,150 4,572,670 1 3 3 43 131 70 19 19 74 17 113 41 34 1 39 25 251 245 1C4 17 13 61 14 2 10 60 3 «4 Dollars. 18, 356, 055 6, 856, 681 4, 780, 391 5, 188,998 1. 529. 985 NumlKsrofma- J chines emplo.\ ed. ■ y, 100, 000 13, 500 1,730,560 3, 500 4, 800 60, 600 2, 120, 000 556, 775 613, 560 73, 700 143, 250 2, 285, 500 307, 935 1, 616, 850 74, 700 284, 225 328, 550 5,000 128, 800 231, 900 1, 080, 445 4, 166, 802 3, 077, 885 476. 000 131,700 4, 732, 040 721, 250 2, 500 55, 350 \ 286,820 413, 000 662, 790 3,527,400 38,400 45, 900 13, 321, 199 10, 929, 783 8,413,827 : 1, 406, 346 ! 1, 724, 675 2, 465, 670 1, 375, 917 5, 468, 030 648, 060 3, 169,113 4, 699, 600 330, 000 1. 920, 340 3, 251, 621 6, 057, 278 19, 673, 309 15, 310, 184 1, 352, 900 792, 621 2. 468, 150 1, 316, 556 32, 500 294, 700 3. 981, 304 172, 450 50,'400 1, 087, 425 12, 000 12, 600 1, 342, 572 670. 754 6:^3. 775 142,570 j 92, 216 j 1, 259, 086 ( 340,629 i 1, 711, 104 i 79, 165 255, 818 613, 171 I 15,000 j 303, 066 1 514,420 I 1, 2{?1, 495 ! 2, 541, 647 1,944,208 623,000 I 192,695 j 1, 752, 333 j 410. 678 ! 3, 044 \ 16. 689 227, 065 ^1 339 190 40 64 45 2,290 27 709 634 763 184 116 1 3 107 34 18 178 31 265 13 67 29 4 109 29 152 447 173 43 30 183 30 1 13 21 1, 308 a With "Marble and limestone " is included one quarrj- of serpentine rocks. 1244 Tablk LXIX. — General statistics of the quarrying industries of the United States : 1880.. Number of months in opera- tion in census year. 341 G 30 314 914 579 158 160 #006 316 8 325 083 458 166 124 627 144 17 85 481 22 126 653 112 23 I 31 17 48 13 12 15 G 4 16 4 13 Number of laborers employed (luring census year. a . 2a 39, 723 38,945 15, 646 9, 567 11, 477 3, 033 15, 363 9, 428 11, 340 2,814 195 134 1, 902 35 30 146 2,315 2, 091 1, 788 434 701 2, 951 200 1, 175 783 55 595 812 3, 302 4, 902 4, 284 982 443 2,762 919 16 154 820 194 134 1, 883 35 30 143 2,287 2, 075 1, 701 422 791 3, 936 682 2, 907 190 1, 173 764 55 595 812 440 908 16 154 817 778 283 1J19 137 219 ©•3 25,726 9,840 19 3, 220 82 4, 856 I 46 4, 078 206 953 9 11, 269 6,623 6,139 1. 695 50 129 26 84 1, 987 1,819 1,121 273 1, 793 480 1, 795 187 865 437 40 323 615 2, 426 2, 913 2, 904 342 377 1,487 554 10 75 729 100 "466 Number of ani- mals employed. 8. 059 4, 439 2,091 1, 258 271 50 298 198 142 104 140 2, 058 211 957 13 253 122 15 190 130- 656 329 1, 212 418^ 30 1, 230* 365 6 42 91 17 112 18 7 380 824 545 199 241 34 371 56 333 71 22 204 85 281 44 489 23 774 1, 853 819 134 18. 65 851 586 140 105 20 Means of transporta- tion. 1,096 I 3, 685 163 277 652 4 44 39 343 16 266 1,571 1, 023 981 110 16 57 14 218 12 131 14 3 9 455 9 13 177 160 153 31 57 181 37 214 15 151 114 429 516 451 75 26 130 34 265 111 73 81 46 41 20 I 1245 1246 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LXX. — QUARKIES — Statisticn of the quarrying industries of the United States, showiiKf nnmher of qiiarriea and production, by kinds of rock and by states and tvrri- toru'M :'1S80. States and Teixitorles. tz — . ,; ■ Capital in- vested- Product in census year. Value of prod- uct in cen- sus year. Total United States lUULE AMD LIMESTONE (d) ... .......... 1, 525 Dollars. 25 414 497 Oubie feH. 116 380 133 Dollars. 18 350 055 616 10, 565, 497 65, 523, 905 6, 856, 681 38 2,101,200 13, 013, 139 1, 320, 742 i5 539, 600 8, 102, 115 593, 375 128 552, 775 10, 772, 283 666, 554 17 59, 700 1, 340, 346 131, 570 19 143, 250 1, 724, 675 92, 216 3 142, 435 70, 617 85, 929 4 284, 600 99, 425 230, 496 4 61, 050 97, 800 26, 085 33 159, 575 2, 816, 298 201, 593 27 242, 350 4, 419, 300 421, 211 1 5,000 330, 000 15,000 55 608, 620 2, 836, 025 431, 439 119 872, 102 11, 098, 583 669, 723 j 24 692, 160 3, 339, 722 240, 9341 13 131, 700 792, 621 192, 695] 18 3, 886, 000 1, 192, 100 1, 340, 05o| 2 35, 000 20, 000 27, 750] 46 248, 420 3, 458, 916 189, 320 j 602 - 6, 229, 600 24, 776, 930 4, 780, 391 * 3 2, 000 108, 750 9,00tt 1, 167, 500 988, 200 680, 2|0 1 3, 500 38, 400 12,009 5 18, 800 308, 060, 21,830 5 73, 900 311, 712 An AM 3 4,000 157, 500 4,201 2 14, 000 66, 000 11, eoo 15 95, SOO 729, 980 144, 294 5 13, 6.)0 550, 260 53, 088 5 113, GOO 62A, UOU At 1 RA 5 51, 200 194, 000 81, 96t. 20 210, 100 2, 384, 791 400, 42lt 181 1 510. 775 2, 980, 353 724,65(1 126 3, 294, 700 8, 574, 726 1, 871, 95 1 560, 825 6, 229, no 627, 94t 1 1 1,500 14, 000 2,00| 10 1 65, 350 294, 700 16, 689 14 1 38, 400 522, 388 37,74f a With "Marble and limestone" is included one quarry of serpentine rocks. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1247 Table LXX.— QUARRIES — Staiiatica of the quarrying industriea of the United StateSf ^c. — Continued. ■ states and Territories. Capital in- vested. Product in oensos year. Value of prod* 11 ct in cen- sus year. I)ollar8. 5f 201, 250 Chihic feet. 20, 506, 568 Dollare. 5, 188, 998 2 ■ 100, 000 413, 000 172, 450 3 11 500 »)I>4, U4U 41, 400 32 uo»>, uou 3 4 800 45 900 1 0 RArt 1^, DvU 2 278 960 DJ, 4oU C8 1, 625, 500 2, 203, 670 1, 175, 286 7 106, 000 1 182, 500 224 OOO 92 1, 317, 160 1 900 Qi c: 3 ir 050 13,' 075 35 000 ^ ou, o\f\j lift non 39 128, 800 1, 920, 340 803, 066 9 10 500 o«^v, uuu QQ C\l\(\ Va, UUU 16 000'" 42 400 10 000 15, 243, 500 3, 028, 222 211, 454 476, 000 1, 352, 900 623,000 50, 140 187 140 59 675 10 631,250 1, 181. 556 331, 928 1 1, 000 18, 500 1,044 Squares. 94 3, 328, 150 457, 267 1, 529, 985 1 600 1, 000 4, 500 Q OuU, uuu *' 26 200 83 800 q oy, ouu 12 280 56 700 2 19 400 1 550 7 000 3 11, 300 4, 683 15, 000 12 45, 050 19, 850 95, 500 30 1, 681, 400 271,813 863, 877 31 795, 900 108, 891 352,^608 55, 000 11, 500 51, OOC nPETROLEUM IPRODXJCTION. The tictual production of petroleum in the United States cannot be accurately given for any definite period of time, but an approximate estimate has been made up from all available sources of information, which is believed to be i)ractically correct. The receipts of the incorporated pipe-lines liave been reported in ac- cordance with the requirements of a law of the state of Pennsylvania, and estimates of the oil handled by private lines and ^'djimp oil'^ have been received from well-informed and reliable parties. The estimation of the amount of oil held in tanks at wells, while presenting many difficulties,, has been made with great care and based on actual returns of stocks from a large proportion of the wells. The amount estimated as run to waste is based on actual returns, and .the amount' burned from current reports at the time the fires occurred. From these several sources of information the production of oil out of the. ground during the census year is estimated as follows: Third sand ail. Barrels. 1. Pipe-line receipts.. 22,628,286 2. Gain in well stocks 327, &52 X Qil run to waste 275, 000 4. Oil burned outside of well stocks and pipe-lines ...... 60, 000 5. Dump oil'' and oil run in private lines 578,670 23,869, 808 This oil was produced in — Barrels. Northwestern Pennsylvania 23,722, 989 Greene county, Pennsylvania 3,118 West Virginia and Washington county, Ohio 138, 325 Glasgow, Kentucky 5,376 23, 869, 808 Second sand oil. The second sand oil is i>roduced near Franklin, Pennsylvania, and embraces also the B, 0, D, and E grades of West Yirginia oils. Of this oil there were produced iu — • Barrels. West Virginia 68, 392. 88 Near Franklin, Pennsylvania 105, 600. 00 Grafton, Ohio 2, 773. 00 176, 765. 88 1248 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CBNSU.S. 1249 First sand oil. Four-fifths of the first sand oil (ionies from the first "Oil Sand" of the A'eiiaDgo group, near Frauklin, Peuusylvauia. The oils of this class were produced in — Barrels. Franklin, Pennsylvania 86, 857 West Virginia (F and G grades) 12, 536 Grafton, Ohio 1,386 Mecca, Ohio 900 Erie, Pennsylvania 25 101,704 The production of the peculiar amber oil in Beaver county, Pennsyl- vania,known as "Smithes Ferry oiP', has been placed by competent per- sons at 86,803 barrels. The following is a summary of these amounts: Barrels. First sand oil 101,704 Second sand oil 176, 766 Third sand oil 23, 869, 808 Beaver county, Pennsylvania 86, 803 24, 235, 081 The following is a summary of the total production of the different localities : Barrels. Northwestern Pennsylvania 23, 915, 446 West Virginia and Washington county, Ohio 219,254 Beaver county, Pennsylvania 86,803 Glasgow, Kentucky 5, 376 Grafton, Ohio 4, 159 Greene county, Pennsylvania , 3, 118 Mpcca, Ohio 900 Erie, Pennsylvania 25 24, 235, 081 For some time antecedent to the census year, and during that year, the production of petroleum, and especially of third sand oil, had been in excess of any .demand for it on the market, and consequently there had been a gradual accumulation of stocks in excess of the amount required in handling the oil. This accumulation did not take place proportionally in all the districts producing petroleum, but was confined mainly to the Bradford district of northwestern Pennsylvania. In the Grafton and Mecca districts of Ohio and in the Glasgow (Kentucky) district the stock of oil in tanks at wells would not at any time exceed 150 barrels. The constant demand for the entire production of the Smith's Ferry district, including Slippery Eock creek, in Beaver county, Penn- sylvania, prevents any accumulation of stocks, and, in consequence, the well stocks there are always low. These stocks, together with that in the hands of the Smith's Ferry Transportation Company, have been estimated at 3,200 barrels on June 1, 1879. On May 31, 1880, the same stocks were estimated at 3,000 barrels. In West Virginia and Wash - iugton county, Ohio, the well and tank stocks, together with the stock held by the West Virginia Transportation Company, on June 1, 1879, 79 c C 1250 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. were 79,60G barrels. Tbe same stocks on M ay 31, 1880, were estimate at 50,848 barrels. In Greene county, Pennsylvania, the stocks were practi- cally nothing. In the heavy-oil district near Franklin, Pennsylvania, the heavy oil accuuiiilated during the census year. Tlie stock of Franklin oil at the beginning of the census year was, allowing an estimated well stock of 3,000 barrels, 19,898 barrels, and at the end of the census year, 27,10G barrels. In northwestern Pennsylvania, exclusive of the Frank- lin district, the net stocks in the custody of the pipe-lines, June 1, 1879, and May 31, 1880, are represented in the following table: June 1, 1879. May .^1, 1880. Bamjls. jiarrels. United piim-liues 5,8f)4,8r)0 9, &")!, 8':« of the investment of capital and the employmevt of labour in the production, of petroleum during the year ending May 31, 1880. IName of district. s O m o Bradford, Pennsylvauia , Lower Country, Pejiusylvania... Franklin. Pennsylvania Beaver connty, Pennsylvania (iraflon, Ohio 335 120 15 Mecca, Ohio Went Virginia and southern Ohio .. Glasj^ow, Kentucky 20 120 DoUurs. Dollars. \Dollars.\Dollars.\ Dpllarft. 3,51611,274,550 G49, COO 462, 900i 648, 060; 925,800 335j 121,4371 100,500 50,2501 70,360! 67,000 1201 1 15! , 120 30, 000 15, 000 1252 COMPENDIUM OF THK 'J^ENTH CENSUS. Taiji.k LXXI. — I'Ji^TROLEUM — Stalistim of the invesbtient of ca2)ital, ^c. — Continued. Muiut of district. Cost of torpedoes. Cost of labor. Total cost of wells. Estimated number of skilled workmen. o Estimated number of ordinary laborers. o ti. Bradford, Pcnnsvlvania Lower ( Juan try, Pennsylvania Franklin, Pennsylvania Dollars. 925, 800 Dollars. 2, 166, 000 252, 000 Dollars. 8, 280, 100 690, 947 48, 000 10, 500 1,851 208 15 12 2 50—4 00 2 50—4 00 2 50—4 00 2 50—4 00 3, 017 4, GHO Diillary. ] .">0— 2 00 1 50—2 00 1 r>0—/ 00 1 50—2 00 800 West Virginia and southern Ohio , , 54, 000 120, 000 25 2 00—2 50 263 1 00—1 50 1 1 Name of diatrict. Bradford, Pennsylvania Lower Country, Pennsylvania. Eranklin, Pennsylvania .... Beaver county, Pennsylvania.. Grafton, Oliio * Mecca, Ohio West Virginia and southern Ohio . Glasgow, Kentucky Greeiue county, Pennsylvania Erie, Pennsylvania DoUs. 0 90 5,968 4,944 170 75 10 15 288 7 Dollars. 4, 212, 120 3, 012, 300 102, 000 45, 000 6, 000 7, 500 173, 160 2, 940 O bD S Pi a . (S OS .SI" 3, 000 2, 000 350 4, 500 120 25 10 a- 59, 772, 000 5, 695, 000 600, 000 225, 000 1. 440. 000 8^ a-s 302,400 33,500 Cost of raising oil : Flowing wells in the Bradford district, 6 to 8 cents per barrel ; pumping wells iu the lower country, 60 to 80 cents ; pumping wells in Franklin district, $3 per barrel. Table LXXIl.—SiatisUcs of petroleum refining : 1880. Establishments : Number of firms and corporations 8fi Capital : Amount of capital invested - $27, 325, 746 Hands employed : Average number of men - 9, 498 Average number of women 25 Average number of children - 346 Total ; r' 9,869! COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1253 Taulk LXXIL— PETROLEUM— *S/a//si{C6' of pelroleum rejining : 1880— Contiaued. Wages : Totol amount paid $4, 381, 572 Mateiuals : Oils. Quautities. Value. Criule oil used (a) gaUoiis . . 731, 533, 127 $16, 340, 561 1^ Fuel. AutLracite coal tons . . 179, 997 446, 922 Bi tuminous coal do ... . 504, 067 580, 98:^ Wood cords.. 1,471 6,355 Coke buHliels-. 303,596 13,218 ^ Naphtha gallons.. 2,892,164 42,315 P Residuum do.... 11,765,705 229,215 Chemicals. \ Sulphur tons.. 3.0 180 Sulphuric acid do ... . 45, 813. 5 1 , 206, 052 Hydrochloric acid pounds. . 3, 424. 0 68 Soda-ash tons. . 410. 9 10, 427 Caustic soda do ... . 772. 3 85, 064 Sal-soda pounds. . 96, 643. 0 1, 423 Aqua ammonia do 160,160.0 8,697 Lime bushels.. 797.0 159 Bone-black tons . . 1 , 990. 0 62, 815 Packages. Barrels number.. 9,717,306 11,618,307 Tin cans do.... 23,841,089 2,793,997 Cases do.... 6,452,801 906,9-11 Bungs, paint, glue, etc 645, 412 Total value of raw material 34, 999, 101 Products : Rhigoline barrels. Gasoline do... Naphtha do... Illuminating oil do... Mineral sperm do... Reduced petroleum for cylinders do... Reduced petroleum for journals do... Deodorized lubricating oils do... Paraflfine oil do . . . Residuum do... Paraffine wax - poimds. Petroleum ointment, harness oil, etc — Total value of manufactured ijroducts 5, 868 289, 555 1,212, 626 11,002,249 16, 544 26, 018 204,841 70, 415 79, 465 229, 133 7, 889, 626 Miscellaneous statistics : Boilers in use , Horse-power of same _ Engines in use Pumps in use Number of buildings , , — Value of same Value of machinery >_ -. Loss during the census year from fire and other accident $29, 117 1, 128, 166 1, 833, 395 36, 839, 613 202,725 371, 020 1, 024, 017 611, 572 408, 023 297, 529 631,944 328, 097 43, 705, 218 374 12, 74 1 200 866 $1, 899, 288 $3, 737, 998 $104,631 a The 731,533,127 gallons of crude oil used are eqnal to 17,417,455 bar rels of 42 gallons each. RAILROADS, STEAM CRAFT, CANALS, TELEGRAPHS, AND TELEPHONES. 1255 RAII.ROA.DS. I Composition of the geographical groups. Group I.— Maine, Kew Hanipshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Eliode Fsland, and Connecticut. Group II.— New York, Pennsj^lvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Mary- land, Delaware, New Jersey, and District of Cokimbia. Group III.— Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missis- sippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, 'and South Carolina. Group IV.— Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Minnesota. Group V. — Louisiana, Arkansas, and Indian Territory. Group VI.— Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, New Mexico, Colo- -ado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, California, Nevada, >egon, and Washington Territory. Table LXXllL—Fhyaical characteristics— Afiles of railroad up to June 30, 1880. [Note.— Miles under construction are included in miloa projected.] Greographical groups. The United States roup I roup II roup III , roup IV roup V roup VI KSTABUSHED AND OPERATED ROADS. Eoad completed. Extensions. Compa. nies. 1, 146 149 524 153 178 13 129 Miles. 87, 891 5, 948 28, 401 U, 592 23, 134 921 14, 895 Projected. Compa- 170 19, 722 319 3, 156 2,486 2, 754 245 10, 762 Under construe tion. Miles. 5,155 106 858 876 871 112 332 KEW KOADS. Projected. Under con- struction. Compa- nies. 336 Miles. Miles. 21, 307 108 i 37 j 48 7 ! 37 i 289 8, 910 2,869 3. 432 l,37i 4,436 4, 861 163 1, 790 937 797 514 jieographical groups. AGGREGATE. Eoads completed, extensions, and new lines. Compa- nies. Miles com- pleted. Projected miles. Miles under construction. The United States . roup I roup II roup III roup IV roup V roup VI 1, 482 87, 891 41, 029 10, 016 1 158 722 190 226 20 166 5, 948 28, 401 14, 592 23, 134 921 14, 895 608 12, 066 5, 355 6, 186 1, 616 15, 198 269 2, 6 J8 1, 813 1, 668 620 2, 992 Total miles completed and projected. Total miles completed and under construe- tion. 128, 920 6, 556 40, 467 19, 947 29, 320 2, 537 30, 093 >7, 907 6,217 31, 049 16, 405 24, 802 1, 547 17, 887 1257 1258 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LXXIV.—RAILROADS— Jweraflfe (cost, value, and amounts), per mile of roac completed and operated, of assets and liabilities; earnings, income, expenses, profit, divi- dends, and balance retained. Item. Cost of construction of roads Coat of equipment Value of lands owned (including buildings) Value of telegraph lines and nii«cellaneou8 Stock and bonds owned (issued by other companies) . Total permanent in vestments. Cash assets Profit and loss to credit. Total permanent and cash assets. Capital stock paid in. Funded debt Total stock and funded debt Unfiinded debt Total capital paid in and borrowed Gross transportation earnings . Total income (all sciurces) Transportation expenses Total expenditures (all classes) Net transportation earnings .... Net income or profit Dividends declared Amount retained Amount. Dollars. a 4, 112.367, 176 418,045, 458 103,319, 845 'J04, 913, 196 343. 800. 132 Average per mile of road com- pleted and operated. Dollars, b 47, 38', 4, Hr ].i9: 2, 36 5, 182, 445, 807 353, 973, 981 110, 697, 228 5, 536,419, 788 2, 613, 608, 264 2, 390, 915,402 59, 71 1,27 63,79 30, 11 27.55 5, 004, 521, 666 421, 200, 894 57,66 4,85 5, 425, 722, 560 62,1 580, 450, 594 661, 295, 391 352, 800, 120 541, 950, 795 227, 650, 474 119, 344, .596 70. 550, 342 48, 794,254 6,( 4 ( 6!24 2,82 1,37 81 a This amount includes funds expetded upon partly completed miles of road under oonstmctioi It was impossible to obtain from railroad companies the respective amounts paid out lor an ey number of miles entirely completed; , , , • *• 4„„„,„^»-„f5«« & Average taken upon 86,782 miles of road operated by the companies reporting transportatio earnings. Table LXXV. — Aggregate income. Item. Gross transportation earnings Income from all other sources— rents .......... Income from all other sources— interest and dividends Less — Transportation expenses - - - - General expenses of lessor companies Interest on funded debt Interest on unfunded debt Rentals Deduct expenses over earnings Deduct expenses over other income Ket income or profit repotted by companies having no deficits Dividends declared— On preferred stock • On common stock Amount. Dollars. Dednctdividends declared by companies having no netincome Balance retained 53, 543,710 27, 301, 087 Total. AggregatOb Dollars. \ 580,450,594 j i 80,844,797 352, 800, 120 1, 879. 848 126, 442,310 9, 037, 798 51, 790, 719 1, 427, 581 13, 286, 921 63, 657, 079 541, 950, 795 14. 714, 502 70, 550, 342 529, 974 Dollwri. 661,295,1 527, 288,1 134, 039, ( 70,02(1^ a 64, 03#f Against this balance stand the deficits of other companies, $15,244,476. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1259 Table LXXVI.— RAILROADS— Income hy groupn. Groups. Income. Expendi- tures. Net inrorae applicable to (iivideuds. Dividends declared. Surplus. Deficits. Group I Group ir Group IV Dollars. 661, 295, 391 Dollars. 541, 950, 795 Dollars, a 134, 059, 098 Dollars, b 70, 550, 342 Dollars. 64, 038, 730 Dollars. 15, 244, 476 51, 545, 127 333, 726, 090 53,211. 501 137, 081, 135 4, 529, 896 81, 2<.ll, 582 41,828, 920 276, 324,211 46, 774, 219 109,217,207 3, 838, 783 63, 967, 455 10, 631,175 65, 169, 787 8, 526, 416 30, 036, 982 762, 706 18, 932, 032 7, 946,197 37, 070, 429 3, 510, 426 15, 105,365 2, 689, 571 28,316, 187 5, 241,511 14,978,371 7G2, 706 12, 050, 384 919, 560 7, 984, 788 2, 314, 595 2, 219, 808 71, 592 1, 734, 183 6, 917, 925 a This amount is reported by companies liavin<; earned a profit, the difference of $14,714,502 between such iir«»tit and the amount obtainQ^ fl-*- ei «S xpress Mails. a> "o Ph H Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Total 632 80, 782 144, 101, 709 8, 828, 259 10, 472, 813 416, 145, 758 a580,450, 594 76 5,887 19, 497, 998 1, 115, 864 780, 237 25, 548, 331 46, 942, 430 259 27, 693 67, 319, 822 3, 892, 061 4, 030, 913 207, 9.30, 125 28.3, 172, 921 Group in il3 14, 243 11, 577, 384 768, 379 1, 327, 131 35, 499, 536 49, 172, 430 Group IV 101 25, 037 27, 338, 124 1, 881, 921 2, 479, 241 94, 725, 530 126, 424, 816 Group V 12 877 801, 364 19, 010 102, 161 3, 261, 043 4, 183, 578 Group VI 71 13, 045 17, 567, 017 1,151, 024 1,753, 130 49, 181, 193 69, 652, 364 EXPENSES. a intaining r id real estal pairs of roll stock. a iratingj eral O "o H Dollars. 102, 583, 043 Dollars. 54, 985, 340 Dollars. 194, 610, 660 Dollars. 6352, 800,120 9, 447, 693 45. 232, 311 lo; 838, 173 23, 822, 798 912, 268 12, 329, 800 4, 848, 548 30, 298, 714 5, 003, 907 10, 138, 337 106, 027 4, 589, 807 17, 885, 690 100, 010, C46 16, 423, 954 38, 630, 957 2, 072, 590 19, 586, 823 32, 181, 931 175, 541, 671 32, 26<5, 0S4 72, 592, 092 3, 090, 885 36, 506, 430 Dollars. c229, 078, 055 14, 786, 277 108, 452, 930 16, 973, 340 54, 140, 962 1, 098, 230 33, 345, 338 Dollars. 1, 427, 581 25. 778 821, 680 66. 944 308, 238 5, 537 199,404 a This amount includes $902,055 of earnings which were not specified by the companies reporting same. b This amount includes $621,077 of expenses which were not specilied bvtlie companies reporting same, c This amount includes $280,978 of net earnings which were not apeciied by the companies reporting 1262 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Disposition of net earnings. Net earnings $229, 078, 055 Less expenses over earnings 1, 427, 581 Net earnings of whole Hystera $227, 650, 474 Paid: Fixed cliarges, leas income from other sources than earnings 187, 270, 827 80, 844,797 General expenses of lessor companies 108, 305, 878 Dividends declared 70, 550, 342 Total expended 178, 856, 220 Balance held, Avhole system 48, 794, 254 227, 650, 474 Actual balance reported >)y some companies as snrplua 64,038,730 Deficits reported by others 15, 244, 476 Net balance for system 48, 794, 254 PROFITS EARNED UPON CAPITAL STOCK (PAID IN). Tables LXXXI and LXXXII, following, exhibit tbe amount of capi- tal stock (preferred and common combined) paid in of those companies which have reported a net income available for dividends after having ])aid the interest u])on their funded and other debts ; also the per cent, of such net income or profit upon the respective amount of stock. Tables LXXXIII and LXXXIV give the necessary explanations as regards the stock and net income referred to. Tablk LXXXI. — RAILROADS — Per cent, of profit upon capital stock (paid in) of com- panies ivJtich report net income available to the payments of dividends. Per ceut. of profit. Group I. Group II. Group III. Group IV. C « V li 2 >^ 3 Amount of stock. if Amount of stock. o n u"a ^1 §a Amount of stock. o m V |1 1' Amonnt of stock. 2 to 8 3 to 4 4 to 5 5 to 6 9 to }« 10 to 15 15 t(»20 7 13 11 11 9 14 ? 9 Dollars. 6, 5(j!,4f*2 22, 779, 47« 15, 657, 782 13, 208, 195 10, 086, 82.5 r., 685, 000 15, 805, 300 W, 703, 966 7, 300, 000 33, 280, 775 28, 018, 980 35 19 18 21 4 19 37 26 20 6 38 6 13 Dollars. 120, 321. 476 87, 797, 771 93, 667, 049 19, 219, 350 .3,629, 113 33, 673, 065 91,740, 832 74, 236, 917 79, 273, 344' 31, 757, 263 278, 429, 392 22, 062, 460 4,336,115 19 ^5 3 4 ^ 9 3 6 i 7 4 Dollars. 29, 767, 109 19, 107, 915 35, 231, 900 7, 567, 500 9, 688, 605 10, 342, 262 16, 451, 857 15, 081, 797 3, 954. 103 3, 918, 818 15, 190, 911 3, 012, 073 3, 301, 203 14 21 7 8 4 I 9 5 4 Dollars. 68, 406, 086 78, 106, 080 16, 905,443 15, 934, 841 3, 254, .300 8, 182, 600 13, 370, 000 24, 088, 400 58, 374, 730 112," 551,' 638 22, 908, 000 240, 000 Total net income avail- able to dividends upon stock of companies herein inchxded. Average per cent, piofit Net income of companies ' Iiaving uo stock. 1 j « 1 92 101169, 087, 791 262 938,144,147 1 172, 616, 053 92 422, .'$22, llf $10. 410, 097 $64, 966, 211 $8, 356. 418 1 $29, 645. 636 6.16 6.92 4.84 =Si 7.02 $221, 078 $203, 576 $169, 998 ^91, 346 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1263 'abli! LXXXI-— RAILROADS— Per cent, of profit upon capital stock (paid in) of com- panies, 4 c- — Continned. Ver ceut. of J)^■p^it. Jp to 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to o 5 to 6 6 io 7 7 to 8 8 to 9 9 to 10 10 to IS 15 to 20 JO »nd upward Aggregate Group V. 9 Amonnt Total net income avail- able to divirtenda upon stock of companies herein included. Average per cent, profit. X»^t income of companies haviug no stock. of stock. X)olUr^. 4, 991 ^487 3pa,ooo 1, 500, 000 II 749, 990 Group VI. 21 2U, 000 li 5,000,000i 10 12; 752, 477 $754^' 066 5.91 $8,640 ^ P. II Amount of stotsk. Aggregate for the United States. o ti li J)olhr$. 164, 714, 974 6, 924, 72P 31, 902, 240 6, 897, 950 26, 233, 220 62, 248, 500 130,000 12, 950. 000 C; 805, 700; 1, 459, OOOj 46, 955, 100 14, 391, 254 6, 533, 004 Amonnt of stock. 66 388,145,062 623 2,103,068,246 $18, 856, 908 $75, 124 394, 762,624, 215, 015, 9631 193, 364, 414 64, 327, 836 52, 892, 003 120, 131, 427 137, 497, 9891 137, OGl, 080 156, 457,867 70, 415, 856 479, 357, 019 67, 373, 787 14, 410, 322 18. 77 10. 2.1 9.19 3.06 2. 52 5.711 6.541 6. 62 7. 44 3.35 22. 79 3. 20 0.68 $132, 089, 336 6. 82 $1,069,762 Per cent, of profit. Up to 1. 1 to 2. 2 to 3. 8 to 4. 4 to 5. 5 to 6. 6 to 7. 7 to 8. 8 to 9. 9 to 10. 10 to 15. Id to 20. 20 and upward. Table LXXXIX. — Condensed statement of per cent, of profit upon capital stock. Stock. Up to 1. and from ItoS. 5 to 10. 10 to 15. 15 to 20. 20 and up- waud. No profit. Aggregate. Amouni Per cent Dollars. 920, 362, 899 35. 20 DvUars. 621, 564, 219 23.78 Dollars. 479, 357, 019 18. 35 Dollars. 67, 373, 787 2. 58 Dollars. 14, 410, 322 0. 56 Dollars. 510, 538, 018 19.53 Dollars. 2, 613, 606, 264 100 Table hXXXlll.— Capital stock paid in. [No IK. —Of all tlie companies which have reported a-ssete ami liabilities 118 have issued no stock.] Description. No. of compa- nies. Amount. Total. Per cent Stock of companies which report net income available to dividends. Stock of companies which report deficits, or income bal- Huced by expenditures. Stock of compaiiifs whose roads are under constniction and have no earnings. Total stock of companies which have no net income. Total stock paid in Dollars. 623 373 1, 165 449, 905, 903 60, 632, 115 DoUars. 2, 103, 068, 246 80.47 510, 538, 018 2, 613, 606, 264 19.53 100. 00 1264 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CEN8US. Table LXXXIV — RAILROADS — Net income available to dividends upon capital stock. [NOTU.— Of tlie 1,01G €oiiij»anies which report an income (whether operating, lessor, or otherwise) 66( )i;ive obtained a net income, and 350 none what<;ver.] No. of Description. compa- Amount. nies. Dollars. 623 132, 989, Sn 43 1, 069, 7() 666 134, 059, 09 There are 1,165 companies which report an aggregate capital stocli (paid in) amounting to $2,613,606,264, of which 623 have earned a net income or a profit upon their stock. The balance of 542 companies earned no profit whatever ; 373 of the latter created deficits or had theii income balanced by expenditures, and 169 companies had not yet com menced operations, their roads being un der construction. The net income or profit available for dividends upon stock of these 623 companies ($2,103,068,^6, or 80 per cent, of the aggregate for tlw United States) amounts to $132,989,336, and is an average per cent. oJ profit upon such stock of 6.32. The balance of stock is that which bears no profit, and amounts tc $510,538,018, or nearly 20 per cent, of the aggTegate report for th€ country. Of this amount $449,905,903 is stock of companies having deficits or having their income balanced by expenses, and $60,632,1K is stock of companies whose roads are yet under construction. Average per cent, profit upon hoth capital stock paid in and funded debt. Capital stock and funded debt $5, 004, 5'^1, 666 Total Income 661, 295, 391 Total expenditures, less interest on funded debt 415, SO^i, 48J; Net income or profit 245, 786, 90t Income is 13.21 per cent, of stock and funded debt. Expenditures, less interest on funded debt, 8.30 per cent, of stock and funded debt. Net income or prolit, 4.91 per cent, of stock and funded debt. If tbose companies are only taken which report net income and those which report deficits are excluded, then the net profit upon the stock and funded debt of such com- panies in the United States will average 5.2 per cent. Financial results. Gross earnings $580, 450, 59'1 Transportation expenses 352, 800, 121 Net earnings 227, 650. 47^ Less fixed charges 9.nd general expenses of lessor companies, reduced by income from all other sources than earnings 108, 305, 87c Amount available for dividends 119, 344, .596 Stock (preferred and common), $2,613,606,264. Per cent, earned upon stock, 4.566. Per cent, declared upon stock, 2.699. Per cent, held, 1.867. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1265 RAILROAD SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES. Deficits. 120 companies have operating expenses over gross earnings $1, 427, 581 17G companies have fixed charges over gross income 13, 286, 921 31 companies declare dividends and have no net income 529, 974 Total 15,244,470 Revenue train mileage slatistics. Total miles of joad operated 86, 782 Earnings per liiile |6, 688 Expenses per mile 4, 065 Net earnings per mile 2, 623 . Freight trains: Mileage 251, 022, 710 Earnings per mile $1 65 Expenses per mile 98 Profit per mile 67 Passenger trains : Mileage 138,'225,621 Earnings per mile (including express and mails) $l' 18 Expenses per mile 76 Profit per mile 43 Table LXXXV. — RAILROADS — Tonnage: Classification of articles carried. [Note.— The same articles often carried by several, perhaps many, companies, even in diflFerent groups. The aggregates, therefore, exhibit, not quantities, but proportions.] Articles. Group Group II. Group IIL Group lY. Grotip V. Group VI. Aggregate forJ7mt6d States. 2, 767, 334 23, 993, 678 1, 097, 200 12, 273, 096 5, 646 1, 866, 550 42. 003, 504 1, 223, 495 3, 864, 557 352. 462 1, 787. 172 8, 541 213, 490 7, 449, 717 Provisions 1, 004. 247 4, 373, 741 649i 814, 753 22, 987 245, 143 7, 099, 525 Cotton .■502, 708 957, 453 1, G79, 715 362, 003 9f), 496 360, 020 3, 958, 395 Live-stock 706, 271 5, 073, 225 543, 055 3, 711, 344 16, 617 708, 707 10, 814, 219 Stone, lime, cement, clay, 987, 709 6, 292, 027 336, 364 1, 095, 176 6, 128 282, 918 9, 000, 322 and sand. Lumber and other forest 2, 395, 090 13, 019, 552 1, 757, 231 6, 447, 585 29, 265 1, 825, 626 25, 474,r349 products. 2, 673, 998 76, 470, 439 2, 479, 305 6, 692, 437 4, 664 1, 302, 056 89, 622, 899 207, 431 7, -342, 843 52, 336 72, 656 1, 165 38, 461 7, 714, 892 Pig, bloom, and railroad iron. Manufactures 545, 794 8, 133, 842 529, 044 2, 153, 325 871 300, 496 11, 663, 372 3, 6.W, 515 11, 398, 882 452, 942 1, 919, 194 41,646 267, 387 17, 733, 566 Merchandise and miscel- 8, 251. 069 31, 526, 40G 5, 948, 249 8. 079, 029 516, 575 3, 974, 590 58, 295, 91 8 laneous. 66, 717 66, 717 24, 978, 661 192, 446, 645 15, 866, 552 45, 407, 775 750, 601 11, 447, 161 290. 897. 395 Tonnage and passengers. Freight tonnage : Number tons carried 290, 897, 395 Average miles hauled Ill Tons, one mile 32, 348, 846, 693 Revenue $416, 145. 758 Receipts per ton per mile 1. 29 cents. Cost per ton per mile 0. 76 cents. Profit per ton per mile 0, 53 cents. 80 C C 1266 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Passengers: Numher carried • ^^\fmUes^ Average distance - 6 189 240 914 Passengers carried one mile ^J^' R(>. ven lie -V " ; " : o 'V^ rent s Receipts per passenger per mile (a) ^"'-^ Cost per passenger per mile A- ^^n js. Proiit per passenger per milo ^-^^ Freight traffic : Tons carried, local r?7 ' r^rl' 992 ^ Tons can-ied, through 167, oU, JJ^ canied,total(&) ^^^Q> Tons Passenger traffic : Passengers, season (c) ^^y' Passengers, local . » ^ ' Passengers, through ^ o,4U4,90J Passengers, total — ' 269,583,340 ^ 1 14,252,169,774 Freight tonnage : (rf) l^-^ocai ^^j^ g^.^ ^^^g -i-^^ough J^.^33;688;202 Revenue: Local - _ 182,457,556 Through _ _ 1 64 ^ents. Average rate per mile : Local ^ Through . - ^ 29 cents Local and through 1- c^'i^^- Passengers carried one mile are not separately specified for local and through. Eqidmnent. ^ Number. 17,412 Locomotives 12, 330 Passenger cars 4, 475 Mail, express, and haggage cars " 375,312 Freight cars 80, 138 All other kinds of cars ■ $418,045,459 Cost of equipment : Employes . Number. Aggregate. 3, 375 General offlcers _ 8, 655 General office clerks , 63, 380 Stationmen ^ 18, 977 Trainmen: Engineers 419 Conductors 48254 All others * ' 79, 650 22 766 Shopmen: Machinists 23,' 202 Carpenters 43 74g ^UoOiers ; gg 122, 489 Trackmen ' 51,694 All other employes __ — 418,957 Aggregate ===: $195,350,013 Amount of yearly pay-rolls ' I ^^"^^^S^^ of companies which omitted to specify thorn as through or locaL I 'of Sgh^^^^^ tons were left unspecified. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1267 f Table LXXXYL—UMTuUO ADS— Accidents on railroads. A— CONDENSED SUMMARY. To whom happened. Through causes he- yond their cou- trol. Thronph their own carelessness. Aggregate. Total accidents. Killed. Injured. Killed. Injured. KiUed. Injured. 61 2t50 43 331 1, 004 103 82 663 1, 429 213 2, 613 1,348 143 923 1,472 3 544 3,617 1, 451 62 687 4, 510 2,9i3 65 Total 364 1, 438 2, 174 4, 174 2, 541 5, 674 8, 215 B— SUMMARY OF ACCIDENTS BY GEOORAPIIICAL GROUPS. Geographical groups. From causes heyond their control. From their own careless- ness. Total kUled. Total injured. j2 Total accidents. Passen- gers. Em- ployes. Others. Passen- gers. Em- ployfis. Others. s 4J M M 5 a B M '6 o u a l_ M i H 1 p 3. The United States. Group III Group IV 61 24 "is 3 16 331 11 157 12 70 "si 260 1, 004 43 1 28 2 6 1 5 103 12 54 1 31 1, 4 82 15 37 1^ 213 663 3GI) 41 108 2, 613 138 1,.546 165 501 1 262 1, 429 l;348 a 2, .541 _ a 5, 674 19 119 30 73 1 18 49 480 109 219 5 142 17 no 20 38 151 844 83 274 75 91 850' 83i 221 250 1,412 161 547 7 164 318 3, 197 390 1, 078: 7i 568 4, 609 551 1, 625 U 12 30 '35 103| 6841 848 II a These amounts include 3 killed and 62 injured on ro.ids in Group VI, whose companies did not specify such accidents separately, but only rcpoited them in the aggregate. STEA-M Table LXXXVII. — Statement of the total number, tonnage, value, capxiul UNITED STATES INTERESTS—MERCHANT STEAM CRAFT. 1 2 i Interests. Number of steamers. Tonnage. Value of steamers. Capital invested. 5,139 1, 221, 206.93 Dollars. 80, 192, 495- DoUai's. 112,005,600 4, 778 218 il43 1, 194, 888. 98 9, 33& 89 16, 979. 06 78, 848, 325 680, 07Q 664,100 110, 478, 080 782,320 745,^00 a In addition to the above there were 7,032 roustabouts employed on the "western rivers. h Gross earnings equal 75.9 per cent, on- capital invested. c Average wages, $406 97 y>er annum, including officers, crews, and ronstabonts. d Passengers lost, 197 ; employes, 106; rundown, &c., 17"; total, 320. c Includes 867,120 tons freight reported towed by the barge lines of Saint Louis. UNITED STATES WATERS— MERCHANT STEAM TONNAGE AND TRAFFIC. [Waters with a navigable outlet and subject to customs and inspection laws.] aA, 778 1, 194, 888. 98 78, 848, 325 110,478,080 Group L 1 463 118,553.74 7, 890, 550 13, 743, 200 Grolt II. 2 947 222, 290. 45 13, 918, 925 16, 978, 108 Group m. 3 Tipper Mississippi river 366 83, 918. 09 3, 004, 050 6, 086, 760 Group IV. 4 473 107, 472. 48 5, 661, 500 6, 051, 522 Group V. 5 1,459 432, 803.26 32,763,850 48, 091, 084 Group VI. 6 315 48, 303. 06 2, 851, 550 3, 260, 450 Group VII. 7 126 41, 610. 67 3, 272, 800 3, 713, 466- Group VHI. 8 266 30, 833. 13 2, 515, 300 3, 135, 100 Group IX. 9 319 97, 004. 88 6, 477, 500 8, 854, 490 Grolt X. 10 44 12, 099. 22 492, 300 563, 900 a Exclusive of canal interests of New York (city), New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. See Group V. b In addition to the above there were 7,032 roustabouts employed on the western riveis. c Average wages, $409 19 per annum, including officers, crews, and roustabouts. 1268 invested f sernice, and traffic of ilie steam craft of the United States for 1880. UisriTED STATES INTERESTS'— MERCHANT STEAM> CRAFT. Crews (per- sons) . EARNINGS. Paid for services. Passenger traffic. Freight traffic, in tons. FUEL USED. Gross earn- ings. Percentage on capitaL Coal, in tons. "Wood, in cords. a56r811 Dollars. '' m, 091, 067 75.9 Dollars. c25, 982, 803 Number. dl68,463, 001 e25,451,404 /3, 827, 993 / 794, 775 55, 453 636 722 83, 903, 537. 387, 356 800^204 75,9 49.5 107. 3, 25, 568, 296 132, 790 281, 717 167, 683, 106 774, 395 5, 500 24, 819, 523 54, 035 577, 846 3, 782, 852 11,427 33, 714 784, 785 9,771 219 1 3 / Average of coal used» per ton of custom-house'ineasurement, 3.13 tons; wood, 0.65 cord. g Waters with ^navigable outlet and subject to customs and inspection laws of. the United States. h "Waters within states, with no navigable outlet and not subject to customs and inspection laws of the tJnited States. i i Including 18 cable-boats, measuring 1,800 tons, on the Erie canal. " UNITED STATES WATERS-MERCHANT STEAM TONNAGE AND TRAFFIC. [.■yraters with a navigable outlet and subject to customs and inspection laws.] & 55, 453 83, 903, 537 75.9 c25,^568, 296 dl67,-683, 106 24, 819, 523 e 3, 782, 852 e 784, 785 5,645 7, 849, 828 57.1 2, 687, 135 15, 474, 710 2, 610, 416 375,080 8,568 1 9, 143 12, 136, 228 71.4 3, 293, 964 1, 356, 010 4, 368, 171 488, 610 255, 629 o • 4,874 7, C68, 864 125.9 2, 204, 644 1, 299, 553 /3, 500, 035 525, 331 93,318 3 7,090 7, 628, 924 126.0 2, 847, 085 3, 961, 798 2, 446, 353 676, 347 16,474 4 17, 268 31, 856, 519 66.2 8, 812, 469 135, 653, 282 7, 217, 415 1, 272, 857 12, 642 3, 959 4, 168, 989 127.8 1, 626, 029 1, 385, 357 1, 276, 972 184, 951 ■ 112,254 1,919 2, 806, 310 75.5 1, 016, 800 79, 260 694, 343 41, 993 62, 556 1, 88G 2, 598, 709 82.8 845, 251 1, 787, 065 553, 222 64, 995 66, 835 8 3, 008 6, 362, 770 7L8 1,953,451 6,604, 712 2, 087, 293 146, 407 103, 446 9 661 826, 396 146.5 301,468 81, 359 65, 303 6, 281 53, 063 10 d Passengers lost, 197; employes, 106; rundown, &c., 17; total, 320. c Avera^*^ of coal. used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 3.16 t(ons; wood, 0.G5 cord. /Includes 867,120 tons freight reported towed by the barge lines of Saint Louis. 1:>C9 1270 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LXXX VII,— STEAM CRAFT— Statement of the total number, tonnage, value, 8TATE WATERS— STEAM TONNAGE AND TRAFFIC. (Watora witliin states with no uavigaljle outlet, and not subject to customs laws.l 11 States. Total Maine Ni'W Uampsliire Vermont MassiU'lmsetts.. New York Pennsjv'lvanift... jVIichiiian Wi»<;onsin Minnesota Iowa California Number of steamers. Tonnage. 218 9, 338. 89 Value of steamers. Dollars. (WO, 070 25 647. 30 37, 400 87, 150 18 9;! 1.79 92, 300 92. 400 2 13. CO 9, 000 9, 000 7 32. 00 8, 900 11,600 80 5, 2()4. 00 265,600 294, 300 12 209.19 32, 500 52,500 25 6;55. 57 42, 000 42, 000 24 6)3.40 81, 700 81,700 12 743. 00 76, 770 77, 770 4 48. 00 4, 300 4, 300 201. 64 30,600 29, 600 Capital invested. Dollars. 782, 320 a Average wages, $208 78 per annum. CANAL INTERESTS— STEAM CRAFT ON CANALS. Total New Yoik, west (a) . . Illinoi.H (a) New York, city New Jer.sey (b) Pennsylvania, east (£>) Maryland (c) 143 16, 979. 664, 100 11 4. 042; 73 2, 567. 24 3, 828. 35 1, 878. 93 3, 533. 81 1, 130. 00 121, 800 122, ' 500 206, 000 59, 000 139, 000 15, 800 745, 200 124, 800 134, 700 206, 000 65. 000 198, 900 16,800 a The canal interests of Illtuois and New York (west) cannot be properly classed in Group IL b The canal iiiterei-ts of New York (city), New Jersey, and Feimsylvania (east) can properly bo classed in Group Y. Table LXXXVIII. — Statement of the number, tonnage, value, capital invested, Group L— NEW ENGLAND STATES. States. Number of steamers. Tonnage. Value of steamers. Capital invested- Total Massachusetts 463 118, 553. 74 Dollars. 7, 890, 550 Dollars. 13, 743, 200 87 7 10 173 70 116 16, 344. 36 207. 79 2, 24S. 26 48, 8e5. 68 21, 486. 52 29, 323, 13 1, 098, 300 30. mo 212, 300 3, 257. 500 1, 539, 650 1, 752, 200 1, 903, 100 35, 200 217,2.50 5.217, 250 3, 245, 100 3, 125, 300 a Average wages, $472 47 per annum. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1271 capital invested, service and traffic of the steam craft of the United States, ■ 1 cl78 i 58,828.80 89 j 31, 370. 94 52 j 6, 805. 14 1 3, 763, 200 2, 177, 000 537, 300 5, 916, m d 2, 394, 754 542, 900 a Average wages, $649 41 per annum. Including oflScers and crews. b Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 1.50 tons; wood, 1.06 cords. Group X.— UPPER MISSOURI RIVER. 44 ■ 12, 099. 22 492, 300 563, 900 1 34 1,193.52 64,300 87, 900 2 19 7, 591. 67 328,000' .'82, 000 3 11 3, 314. 03 100, 000 / 94, 000 a In addition to the above there were 386 roustabouts employed. b Average wages, $287 93 per annum, including officers, crews, an^ roustabouts. c Average of coal used, per tnn of custora-hoiwe measurement, O.ul ton; wood, 4.38 corda. d Exclusive of "railroad transfers, 20,300 passengers. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1275 value, capital invested, service, and traffic of the steam craft, ^c. : 1880 — Continued. Group VIL— GULF OF MEXICO. Crews {per- sons). Gross earn- ings. Paitl for ser- vices. Pas»songer traffic. traffic, in tons. FUEL USED. 1 2 3 4 Coal, in tons. Wood, in cords. 1, 919 Dollars. 2, 806, 310 Dollars. 1 al, 010,800 Number. 79, 260 C94, 343 6 41, 993 662,556 514 702 353 336, 456 1, 6H H-13 437, 405' 377, 546 m, 951 506, 405 251, 220 94, 224 4,803 13, 533 51. 237 9,087 108, 422 278, 469 184, 187 63, 265 3, 697 28, 144 240 9,912 11, 112 38, 528 12, 916 e Ocean Bteamshlp interests of Xew Orloaas. I' Guoup Vin.-SOUTH ATLANTIC COAST. 1, 886 2,598, 709 a 845, 251 1,787,065 - . .. 553, 222 h 64, 995 6 66, 835 1 2 3 4 5 491 335 332 404 234 567, 793 419, 904 386,200 1, 091, 430 133, 262 187, 601 110, 335 l.'0, 9^6 325, 157 71, 162 ■ 1, 556, 609 29, 421 135, 604 iA, 701 30.730 1.39, 048 189, 219 97, 2"64 114, 030 13, 661 29, 904 5, 030 7, 889 22, 045 127 3, 621.' 14, 569 19, 657 15, 831 13, 157 6 Average of coal used,' per ton of custom-liouse measurement, 2.10 tons; wood, 2.16 cords. Group IX.— PACIFIC COAST. 3, 008 6, 362, 770 a 1, 953, 451 6, 604, 712 2, 087, 293 6 146, 407 6103,446 1,970 4, Oil, 084 1, T58, 200 6, 309, 502 1,'561. 2.56 187, 349 14, 123 1 '788 1, 983, 703 602, 576 159, 903 476, 8^8 8. 233 22, 889 2 250 367, 983 192, 675 185, 307 49, 139 825 60, 434 3 c Exclusive of Paeifi^ Mail interests owned in l^ew York. d Exclusive of dock, railroad, telejjrapli, and lauded property of the Oregou Railway and Navigation Company. Group X.— UPPER MISSOURI RIVER. a 661 826, 396 6 301, 468 81, 359 65, 303 c6, 281 j c 53, 063 1 63 392 206 55, 304 4. VI, 955' 320, 137 29, 775 152, 979 118, 714 d 68, 000 8, 114 fir 5, 245 e8,520 38, 686 g 18, 097 3, 986 295 2, 000 1,.3G5 I 1 31, 304 1 2 20,304 i 3 e Exclusive of 311,660 tons railroad transfer freijrlit. / Original investiiu'ui ; boats built between 1>^70 and 1878. wVicn labor iind material were clieap. g Exclusive of raili-oad trausfors, 7,178 passeu^cis and 102,414 ton«j of IrcigLt. 1276' COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LXXXIX.— STEAM CRAYT— Statement of the number, tovnage, MAINE. 1 3 4 6 Class. Number of steamers. Tonnage. Value of steamers. Capital invested. UNITKI) STATES WATEIIS. Total STATE WATEK8. 112 1«, 991. 66 Dollars. 1, 135, 700 DollaTs. a 1„990, 250 40 G 28 6 7 14, 079. 51 555. 28 l,3lo!49 326. 15 72. 93 888, 500 31 100 l.')0| 200 20, 000 8, 500 1, 468, 500 35- 200 363^ 600 22, 000 13, 800 87 16, 344. 36 1, 098, 300 1, 903, 100 25 647. 30 37, 400 87,150 Total 25 647. 30 37, 400 87,150 1 a In 19 leatling lines: amount invested, $1,555,000; number of boats, 41; tonnage, 13,195.24; lefigth of routes, 1,644 miles. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1 2 3 4 5 UNITED STATES WATERS. 25 1, 199. 58 122, 900 1 a 127, 600 2 2 3 179. 20 77. 59 11.00 22,000 6,500 2, 100 22,000 9,000 4,200 Towing STATE WATBKS. 7 267. 79 30,600 35,200 9 9 90L 79 30. 00 85, 200 7,100 85, 200 7^2004 Yachts 18 931. 79 S2, 300 92, 400 a lu 3 leading lines : amount Invested, $76,000; number of boats, 5; tonnage, 647.15 ; length of routes, 70 miles. VERMONT. 1 2 3 i UNITED STATES WATERS. 12 2, 259. 26 221, 300 a 226, 250 5 5 2, 172. 39 73. 87 201, 000 11, 300 206,000 11, 250 Total STATE WATERS. Total 10 2, 246. 26 212, 300 217,250 2 13.00 9,000 9,000 ' 2 13.00 9, 000 9,000 ; a In 4 leading lines : amount invested, $811,000; number of boats, 6; tonnage, 2,156.77; length of routes, 188 miles. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1277 value, capital invested, service, and traffic of the steam craft, hy states : 1880. MAINE. Crewa (per- sons). Gross earn- ings. Paid for ser- vices. Passenger traltic. t Fi-eiglit traffic, iu tons. FUEL Coal, in tons. USED. "Wood, in cords. 1 1 4. 5 6 824 Dollars. 920, 293 Dollars, b 348, 572 Number. 548, 548 308, 574 c42, 014 c 3, 944 556 14 118 22 14 833, 458 13, 914 34, 786 6 545 3; 975 / 305, 802 9, 5f)0 18, 652 3 630 2! 030 319, 918 209, 704 660 239, 498 62, 364 32, .-)57 695 8, 070 583 104 723 44 1, 000 4 5 724 892, 678 339, 674 530, 282 301, 802 42, 009 .. 3,776 100 27, 615 8,898 18, 2C6 G, 712 5 2, 168 100 27, 615 8, 898 18, 266 6, 712 5 2, 168 b Arerase -wages, $423 02 per annum. e Average of coal used, per ton of custom house raoasuremout, 2.47 tons ; wood, 0.23 cord. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 85 51,572 6 19, 604 55, 220 7, 908 c frl2 j c 1, 798 1 2 3 4 9 8 7 9,480 9, 800 1, 700 2, 800 3, 700 860 7, 600 3, 900 280 j 7 310 5 40 j 3 24 20, 980 7,360 11, 500 030 1 15 44 17 29, 092 1, 500 11, 159 1, 085 37, 729 6, 000 6,708 1, 200 1 9 ] 1,655 3 j 128 61 30, 592 12, 244 43, 729 7, 908 32 j 1,783 6 Average wages, $230 63 per anmim. c Average of coal used, per ton of custom house measurement, 0.53 ton ; wood, 1 .49 cords. VERMONT. ^ 110 107, 714 b 32, 805 96, 492 6, 030 c 4, 150 cl, 903 1 2 3 89 13 95, 544 7,670 28, 962 3, 083 86, 266 6, 226 2, 200 330 3, 730 420 1, 200 3 102 103, 214 32, 045 92, 492 2, 530 4, 150 1, 20s 8 4,500 760 4,000 3, 500 700 8 4,500 760 4, 000 3, 500 700 & Average wages, .$298 22 per annum. e Average of coal ;iaed, per ton of custom-house measurement, 1.83 tons ; wood, 0.84 cord. 1278 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. TAiiLE LXXXIX.— STEAM CRAFT— Statement of Hie number, Jonnage, value, MASSACHUSETTS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Class. Number of steamers. Tonnage. Value of stoauiers. Capital invested. UNITKD STATES WATERS. 180 48, 917. 68 Dollcf.ra. 3, 206, 400 DoUarg. a 5, 228, 850 11 47 13 9 48 30 11 4 12, 017. 10 26, srm. 73 .5, 046. 55 1, 2f)2. 28 2,]!J2.29 315. 02 1, 458. 25 55.46 583, 000 1, 857, 500 268, 000 41, 700 249! 100 03, 600 187, 500 7, 100 931. 000 2, 725, 500 772, 000 63, 200 453! 200 71, 450 190, 000 10, 900 8TATB WATERS. 173 48, 885. 68 3, 257, 500 5, 217, 250 7 32.00 8, 900 11,600 7 32. 00 8, 900 11, 600 a In 11 leading lines: amount invested, $3,475,872; nnmber of boats, 35; tonnage, 24,118.12; length of routes, 2,513 miles. b Average wages, $412 87 per annum. EHODE ISLAND. 1 2 3 4 5 6 70 21, 486. 52 1, 539, 650 « 3, 245, 100 21 1 5 7 19 el7 14, 777. 11 115. 06 185. 04 4, 784. 94 1, 440. 13 184. 24 1, 207, 800 12, 000 19, 500 111, 500 146, 500 42, 350 2, 802, 300 13,000 19, 500 190, 500 175, 500 44, 300- a In 6 leading lines: amount invested, $2,942,100; number of boats, 21; tonnage, 19,696.37; length of routes, 300 miles. b Average wages, $556 17 per annum. CONNECTICUT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 116 29, 323. 13 1, 752, 200 o3,125, 300 36 11 21 12 26 «10 17, 994. 77 4, 140. 14 838. 55 4, 487. 65 1, 746. 14 115.88 1, 004, 200 241, 600 99, .500 217, 000 176, 0!)0 13, 300 2,0.57,900 305, 900 194,500 1 332,500 220, 000 14, 500 a In 17 leading lines: amount invested, $2^79,841 ; number of boats, 41 ; tonnage, 21,629.58; length 5> routes, 1,308 miles. b Average wages, $519 13 per annum. MICHIGAN. 1 2 3 4 5 < yei 1 rot UNITED STATES WATERS. 1 Freitiht 1 Total ( Two stearaoxs, measurinri 7ir<.47 ten \r 1680, and 8 stc^amers laid up, nieasui In 30 leading lines :*amouut invested, ites, 10,874 miles. a 422 67, 093. 42 4, 550, 725 66,014,903 64 - 18 68 176 23, 110. 80 2, 962. 43 27, m. 13 11,194. 72 1, 291. 75 1, 419, 900 299, 7O0 1, 712, 000 966, 200 110, 925 1, 644, 697 347. 300 2, 388. 565 1, 436, 366 155, 975 397 66, 457. 85 4, 508, 725 5, 972, 903 s. not included in the abovt inji 464 li'J tons, incUidcd in t $2,480,637; number of boats, , werK in exiate he above. 71 ; tonnage, 27, nee a part of tlu 451.24; length Q COMPENDIUM OT TIIE TENTH CENSUS. 1279 capital invedted, service, and traffic of the steam craft, by states : 1880 — Coutinued. MASSACHUSETTS. Crews (per- 80I1S). Gross earnings. Paid for ser- vices. Passenger tra.1iic. Freight traffic, in tons. FUEL USED. Ooal, in tons. "Wood, in cords. a, 311 Dollars. 3, 246, 902 Dollars, b 954, 158 Number. 13, 073, 365 694, 079 c 131, 494 c823 344 1,188 81 142 284 89 156 14 732,698 1, 703, 782 281, 026 188, 380 206, 562 el, 540 105, 600 15, 064 221,444 406, 675 122. 450 43,487 9fi, (!67 9, 094 1,764, 761 11, 261, 935 329, 844 271, 062 id) 93, 173 24 874 69! 574 8, 552 8, 676 16, 686 632 1 on lot) 342 41 22 108 73 70 16 1 2 3 4 5 11,480 6 43, 300 7, 800 1, 960 460 7 8 2, 298 3, 240, 652 952, 703 13, 035, 790 094, 079 131,414 811 13 6, 250 1,455 37, 575 80 12 9 13 6,250 1; 455 37, 575 80 12 c Average of coal used, per ton of custom-honse naeasureniont. 2.68 tons ; wood, 0.02 cord. d Team.s, carriages, carts, and horses repoiled by the ferries of Bv.stou, 852,367. e Earned by towing. RHODE ISLAND. 1, 055 1, 485, 952 , 6586, 760 c831, 078 419, 939 617 4 22 168 229 15 790, 531 5, 854 67, 467 429, 544 192,556 315, 165 2, 280 19, 786 179, 892 65, 287 4, 350 796, 078 35, 000 250, 080 3, 000 166, 859 d 53. 195 28, 231 365 2, 109 16, 409 5, 962 d2,564 989 1 2 2 4^ 3 595 4 932 5 3 6 e Twenty-seven ■nassengers and 1 employfi lost. d Average of t;bal used, per ton of 'custom-house measuremeait, 2.47 tons; wood, 0.12 cord. e Five only in service. CONNECTICUT. 1, 442 804 88 141 191 187 31 2, 106, 352 , 245, 450 176, 565 109, 289 426, 346 88, 502 20O b 748, 593 424, 586 40. 234 5(), 904 171, 9:^9 54, 235 695 c 973. 568 450, 018 523, 260- .300 1,192, 006 559, 352 337, 390 296, 258 d 143, 682 65. 520 7, 657 47. 396 10, 7.51 6, 240 118 d2,m 1, 859 34 82 69 145 10 C One employ^ lost. d Average of coal used, per ton of onstom-iionse measurement, 4.89 tons ; wood, &.07 cord. e Four onlv in service. MICHIGAN. 3, 299 4, 353, 961 e 1, 295, 747 d 817, 764 940, 170 e 198, 029 e 174, 041 1, 102 88 892 961 2'iO 1, 242, 183 72, 412 1,621,769 1,234, 306 145, 758 373, 717 41, 308 431,776 471, 384 280, 728 374, 916 3, 850 544, 343 54, 071 6, 881 66, 881 67, 505 2, 548 71, 109 4, 568 25, 496 61,923 9, 080 62, 911 52. 342 6, Oil 3, 263 4, 316, 428 1, 281, 2.5G 804, 454 929, 120 197,886 172, 176 . e Average M-ages, $.'592 76 per annum. d Eighty-six passengers and 5 emplf>y6s lost. e Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 2.95 tons ; wood, 2.59 cords. 1280 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LXXXIX. — STEAM CKAFT — Statement of the number, townage, value, MICHIGAN— Contmued. Class, STATE WATERS. Passenger Yachts ... Towiii''. . . Total Number of steamers. 25 Touna{^©. 451. 00 25. 00 159. 57 635. 57 Value of steamers. Dollars. 24, 900 4, 200 12. 900 42, 000 Capital investeil. JDollarx. j 24, 900 ! 4, 200 12,900 42, 000 WISCONSIN. Grand total , UNITED STATES WATEKS. Lake. Passenger P'en y . - — Freiglit... Towing Yachts ... Total Passenger Ferry Towinsc - .. River. Total STATE WATEBS. Passenger Yachts . . . Total . a 177 21 2 2.3 .35 13 19, 249, 04 1, 020, 400 h 1. 379, 8.-.0 1, 329. 64 40. 93 9,009.51 ! 2, 803. 38 227. 54 I 84, 900 I 4,000 ; 42(5,300 223,000 i 30,400 1 82. fioO 4, (/')() 545, 425. r.5<* 35, 7_,:Ai 114 39 24 77. 00 769, 500 1. 093, 050 2, 763. 34 147. 61 2, 747. 69 5, 658. 04 459. 00 154. 40 613. 40 75, 700 5, 600 I 87,900 I 169, 200 46, 500 35,200 81, 700 97, 786 15. HOO 90, 914 204, .oOO 46, 500 35, 201) 81. 700 a Four steamers, measuring 229.32 tons, laid up, included in the above. b In 10 leading lines : amo ant iuAxsted, $u4 4,500 ; number of steamers, 27 ; tonnage, 11,084.02; lengtlc' of routes, 3,240 miles. ILLINOIS. Grand total (Passenger Ffeight- Towing-. - Yachts ... Canal Total Passenger Ferry Towing - . . Total a 171 115 56 22. 546. 12 9, 180. 50 2, 486. 05 1, 559. 89 241. 67 2, 567. 24 16, 035. 35 2, 203. 81 2, 925. 99 1, 380, 97 6, 510. 77 1, 226, 800 457, 000 111, 500 244, 400 34, 900 122, 500 970. 300 59, 600 122, 500 74, 400 256, 500 1) 1, 882, 185 800, 000 122, 500 245, 400 39, 535 134, 700 1, 342, 135i a Three steamers laid up, measuring 95.10 tons, inclhded in tlvo above. i) In 7 leading lines: amount invested, $9.32,000; nura'oer of boats, 21; tODuage, 12,869.29; length routes, 2,449 miles, c Average wages, -$393 ySiper annum. 106.600 344, 700 88,7 540, 0 (69.29; length i COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1281 €aj[>ital invetited, service, and traffic of the steam craft, by states: 1880— Continued. MICHIGAN— Continued. Ci-ews (per- Gross earn- Paid for ser- vices. Passenger tralUc. Freight traffic, in tons. FUEL 1 Coal, in tons. USED. "Wood, in cords. 6 7 8 25 Dollars. 18, 181 Dollars. 7, 984 Number. 13, 310 11, 050 1,535 11 19, 352 6, 507 143 330 36 37, 533 14, 491 13, 310 11, 050 143 1, 865 WISCONSIN. 1, 260 1, 203, 491 e 488, 001 254, 904 436, 418 d 43, 308 d 56, 304 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 113 8 226 272 46 72, 505 12, 000 350, 844 242, 004 37, 531 21, 608 3, 000 120, 029 107, 754 18, 350 53, 071 02, 812 1, 100 28, 991 216 600 15, 027 8, 778 3, 362 9,504 352, 959 150 6, 084 18, 860 355 665 723,884 270, 741 116, 983 382, 100 27, 983 34, 803 245 13 278 144, 989 6, 210 302, 608 50, 672 4, 300 150, 413 26, 021 22, 900 54, 318 3, 805 11, 070 4,132 1, 480 15, 284 e536 453, 807 205, 385 48, 921 54, 318 14, 875 20, 896 39 20 22, 800 3, 000 6, 555 5, 320 89, 000 365 85 325 280 59 25, 800 11, 875 89, 000 450 605 c Average -wafres, $327 29 per annum. d Avera^ie of coal used, per ton of custom-bouse measurement, 2.24 tons; wood, 2.92 cords. e In addition to the above tbore were 231 roustabout.s employed ou tbe rivers. ILLINOIS. 1,347 1,831,935 c 555, 752 570, 428 1, 130, 581 d 102, 388 d 39, 145 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 405 125 228 29 121 369, 855 196, 638 371, 158 12, 498 293, 826 lis, 936 61,683 133, 506 5, 990 61, 414 74, 371 92, 372 212, 666 38, 096 7, 878 3, ()31 22, 934 530 10, 230 23, 927 7, 940 2, 400 310, 420 908 1, 243, 975 376, 529 166, 743 561, 182 45, 203 34, 267 167 110 162 183, 442 270, 294 134, 224 60, 428 55, 317 63, 478 49; 450 354, 235 114, 734 454, G65 16, 328 27, 807 13, 050 1,466 1, 581 1,831 e439 587, 960 179, 223 / 403, 685 569, 399 57, 185 4, 878 d Averag;e of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 4.54 tons; wood, 1.73 cords. e In addition to the above there were 65 roustabouts. / Three persons burned. 81 c c 1282 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LXXXIX.— STEAM CRAFT— Statement of the number, tonnage, value, OHIO. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 Class. Number of steamers. Tonnage. Value of steamers. Capital invested. UIVER. a 236 73, 521. 60 DoUars. 3, 612, 700 Dollars. 4, 594, 822 61 20 32 6 29, 254. 00 1,293. 30 4, 580. 79 43. 24 1, 238, 000 50, 100 191,900 8, 000 1, 230, 235 64, 062 202, 825 8, 300 LAKE. Passenger Total ell9 35, 171. 33 1, 488, 000 1, 505, 422 6 47 55 9 1, 067. 76 35, 179. 15 2, 004. 80 101. 56 63, 000 1, 791, 000 253, 700 17, 000 - 115,000 2, 654, 800 300, 900 1-8, 700 .9117 38, 353. 27 2, 124, 700 3, 089, 400 a In 24 leaditig passenger and freight linos: capital invested, $2,875,247; number of boats, 60; totinafie, 44,080 73; len. a 61 7, 497. 34 5, 291. 69 480. 11 1,725.54 312,600 426, 600 206, 600 19, 100 86, 900 258, 900 22, 200 145, 500 a One steamer, measuring 146.96 tons, laid up, included in the above. h In addition to the above there were 256 roustabouts. c Average wages, $188 34 per annum, including officers, crews, and roustabouts. KENTUCKY. Total 1 Passenger 2 Ferry 3 I Towing... I a 91 23, 256. 89 1, 300, 500 1, 415, 950 43 13 35 18, 556. 59 1, 446. 19 3, 254. 11 1, 074, 100 49, 900 176, 500 1. 092, 050 62, 200 261, 700 a One steamer, mea snring 246.49 tons, not included in the above, was in existence a part of the j'car 1880. Five steamers, measuring 1,413.20 tons, included in the above, laid up. & In addition to the above there were 517 roustabouts employed. INDIANA. a 51 7, 744. 80 399, 000 445, 500 24 9 4 14 6, 044. 94 817. 23 196. 32 680. 31 27.5, 600 64, 900 3, 300 55, 200 311, 300 65. 700 7, 300 61 200 a Three steamers, measuring 97.37 tons, incladed in the above, were laid np. h In addition to the above there were 64 ronstabouts. c Average wages, $314 77 per annum, including officers, crews, and roustabouts. NEW YORK. a 1,230 358,444.50 25, 708, 650 37, 818, 801 61 97 77 49 287 121,060. 33 49, 676. 97 39, 291. 52 21. 924. 07 14, 176. 25 11, 041,000 3, 094, 000 1,701,000 8^7, 500 1, 579,'90O . 18,105,450 5, 471. 900 i 2, IW, 500 1, 27o, 900 2, 252, 381 Grand total . UNITED STATES WATEIIS. New York city. Ocean passenger. Inland passenger Ferry Freight Towing a Laid up, 43 steamers, measuring 16,138.30 tons, value* at $795,800, included in the above. b Average wages, $499 14 per annum. c Sixty-seven passengers and forty-six employ6s lost. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1285 capital invested, service, and traffic of the steam craft, by states : 1S^30 — Coutimied. MISSOURI. Ci on s (per- sons). Gross earn- ings. Paid for ser- vices. Passenger traffic. • Freight traflfic, in tons. FUEL USED. 1 2 4 5 Coal, in tons. "Wood, in cords. c 2, 733 5, 5o0, 949 d 1, 423, 375 e 642, 303 /2, 556, 815 g 399, 659 g 25, 085 l,-760 218 116 625 19 2, 928, 415 582, 159 141,908 1, 907, 81? 650 919, 609 147, 479 50, 227 299, 224 836 181,500 461, 003 1, 003, 793 618, 152 67, 750 867, 120 197, 644 39, 141 6, 245 156, 582 47 20, 082 2, 249 1, 390 1, 328 30 d Average."v\ ag08, $281 13 per annum, the short season accounting for the low average, e One employe lost. / Including 867,120 tons reported by the barge line of Saint Louis. g Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 6.56 tons; wood, 0.45 cord. WEST VIRGINIA. 6 613 376, 877 c 163, 671 d 179, 785 121, 308 c 39, 401 e495 1 2 3 430 23 160 m, 166 18, 700 115, on 99, 771 9, 515 54, 385 124, 215 55, 570 119, 580 1, 728 21, 211 2,168 16, 022 190 300 1 d Two employ6s lost. e Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 5.25; wood, 0.06 cord. KENTUCKY. 61, 448 1, 472, 772 c 561, 261 d 2, 626, 686 676, 428 e 161, 731 e 7, 633 1, 060 76 312 1, 101, 975 88, 500 282, 297 418, 782 31, 165 111,314 275, 925 2, 350, 701 552, 428 124, 000 124, 896 8, 469 28, 366 6, 018 652 963 1 2 c Average wages, $285 62 per annum, including officers, crews, and roustabouts. d Five passengers and two employes lost. e Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 6.95 tons ; wood, 0.32 cord. INDIANA. 65^ 664, 892 c 205, 233 d 205, 594 796, 572 e 27, 686 e 2, 797 1 2 3 4 465 42 14 67 560. 763 45, 607 10, Oil 48, 511 169, 004 12, 582 3,115 20, 532 45, 709 159, 885 790, 635 20, 203 3, 056 2, 237 5, 937 552 3, 275 50 510 d Four employ68 lost. e Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 3.57 tons ; wood, 0.36 cord. NEW YORK. 13, 480 25, 953, 106 6 6, 728, 500 c 93, 889, 144 4, 903, 927 d 930, 135 d 19,495 3, 428 10, 720, 321 2, 439, 699 85, 069 1, 331, 988 262, 718 516 1 1, 853 2, 636, 695 648, 042 3, 304, 923 636, 433 97, 006 4, 380 2 1, 135 660 2, 909, 902 834, 809 87, 972, 881 109, 030 70 3 956, 520 373, 167 773, 200 36, 920 173 4 1,747 2, 504, 186 837, 784 155, 240 752 5 d Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 2.61 tons; wood, 0.05 cord on operat- ing steamers. 1286 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LXXXIX.— STEAM CRAFT — Statement of the number, tonnage, vahie, NEW YORK— Continued. States. Nnmher of bteauiei-H. Tonnage. Value of steamers. UNITED STATES WATERS — Continued. New York city — continued. Fiflhing Canal Yacthts Miscellanooua Total Western lakes. Paaaenger F(!rfy Freight ... Towing. .., Canal 15 Yachts Total Hudson river. 16 Inland passenger 17 1 Feiry 18 Towmg 19 Yachts Total STATE WATEH8. Passenger Yachts ... Total • 32 71 736 240 19 15 109 31 174 2, 467. 15 3, 828. 35 1, t;09. G3 3, 830. 93 DoUarg. 2H5, 000 206. 000 260, 100 239, 000 257. 865. 20 13, 074. 90 614.90 48,419. 62 3, 127. 07 4, 042. 73 828. 40 19, 243, 500 870, 000 36, 800 2, 707, 700 281,000 121, 800 142, COO 70, 107. 62 4, 159, 900 11. 344. 65 2, 486. 39 11, 097. 34 279 30 1, 022, 000 142, 000 825, 400 50, 250 25, 207. 68 2, 039, 650 4, 673. 50 590. 50 177. 000 88,600 5. 264. 00 265, 600 a Including 18 cable-boats on the Erie canal, measuring 1,800 tons. NEW JERSEY. Total a 175 43, 688. 10 2, 461, 150 3, 008, 450 1 24 9. 214. 82 380, 000 461. 700 2 36 2:i, Am. 46 1, 274. 000 1, l:i8, 700 3 18 3, 210. 11 169, 000 228, 500 4 65 5, 7.">J. 03 551, 400 1, 087, 200 5 12 1, 876. 93 59, 000 65, 000 6 20 1G8. 70 27, 750 27, 350 a Four steamers. nie;isunn£: 396.23 tons, laid up, included in the above. h Avera;;e wages, $041 24 pur annum. PENNSYLVANIA. 416 116, 601. 11 8, 479, 300 10, 137, 393 UNHEU STATES WATERS. Atlantic coast. 1 10 17, 538. 84 1, 17.5, 000 1, 406, 400 2 19 7,71'). 84 656, 500 77H, .500 3 8 1. 049. 48 229. 000 130, OiiO 4 Freight 25 18, 4:i5. 17 l,12:i..5'!0 1, Cl'J, 606 5 115 8, 230. 32 1, 240, 500 1, 629, 937 a Averiige wages, $404 20 per annum, including ofilcers, ,crews, and roustabouts. h One employ6 and one passenger lost. ^ COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1287 capital invested, service, and traffic of the steam craft, ly slates : 1880 — Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. Crews (per sons). Gross earn- ings. Paid for ser- vices. Passenger traffic. Freight traffic, in tons. FUEL USED. Coal, in tons. 418 167 177 251 9,836 Dollars. 89, 094 131, 161 21, 697 439, 503 Dollars. 47, 378 109, 150 28, 972 193, 400 Number. 33, 125 20, 300 20, 409, 139 6, 512, 401 91, 395, 998 2, 761, 921 9, 330 9, 923 3, 266 7.196 690, 629 429 29 971 397 139 796, 566 37, 852 1, 910, 890 514, 875 68, 130 17, 172 149, 446 9, 007 388, 676 128, 264 23, 595 18, 895 109, 115 86, 220 374, 739 15, 050 1, 156, 438 5, 500 4, 500 56, 946 300 26, 914 1,530 59, 307 25, 931 2, 399 2, 108 2, 053 3, 345, 485 717, 883 205, 335 1, 603, 473 118, 189 873 68 860 58 1, 359 662, 501 171, 830 1, 230, 438 15, 007 142, 927 47, 317 257, 868 7, 328 572, 958 1, 362, 228 529. 218 2, 079, 776 455, 440 1, 974, 486 529. 218 26,115 6, 472 85, 445 815 118, 847 142 232 94, 278 24. 428 32, 122 10.654 242, 885 70, 440 8, 164 1, 151 118, 706 42. 776 313, 325 9.315 7, 366 1, 104 8, 470 Original capital ; reinvestment of profits not given. NEW JERSEY. 1,375 2, 776, 719 b 881, 716 39, 991, 653 1, 780, 431 c 113, 685 c 1, 936 260 401 137 445 104 28 356, 987 1, 247, 477 67, 548 939, 036 160, 926 4, 745 101, 387 383. 293 56, 628 2, 356, 535 37, 628, 278 257, 983 1, 149, 548 261, 680 20, 180 42, 571 7, 032 39, 021 4, 655 226 1,682 5 136 55 52 6 43, 715 4, 110 111, 200 20 6, 840 c Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 2.60 tons; wood, 0.04 cord. PENNSYLVANIA. 6,030 7, 555, 525 a 2, 437, 335 6 1, 623, 115 1, 921, 347 e 529, 241 e 1, 197 512 1, 419, 884 388, 184 14, 376 234. 915 65, 576 1 207 261, 945 59, 437 695, 238 97, 040 27, 772 874 2 123 78, 262 23, 985 601, 250 2, 100 4, 109 23 3 364 936, 237 165, 377 729, 877 55, 292 270 4 691 666, 635 260, 489 55, 101 146 5 e Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 4. 53 tons ; wood, 0. 01 cord. 1288 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LXXXIX.— STEAM CRAFT— Statement of the nmiher, tonnage, value, PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. Class. Number of steamers. Tonnage. Value of steamers. Capital invested. UNITED STATES WATEUS— Continued. AUajiHc coast — continued. Yachts Total Western rivers. 26 24 522. Oi 3, 533. 81 BoUars. 85, 800 139, 000 Dollars. 105, 800 198, 900 227 97, 620. 47 4, 655, 300 5, 870, 143 24 7 120 7, 010. 67 624. 69 26, 166. 76 361,-100 20, 000 1, 780, 300 428, 000 40, 000 1, 790, 0.50 Forry Towing Northern lakes. Passenger Freight Total State waters. 151 z, lol, 400 Z, JOB, 050 10 12 3 1 o, 707. 66 16, 101. 68 85. 09 74. 90 664, 700 945, 800 9, 600 10, 000 957, 000 982,500 7, 200 10, 000 26 24, 969. 33 1, 630, 100 1, 956, 700 12 209. 19 32, 500 52,500 12 209. 19 32, 500 52, 500 DELAWAKE. UNITED STATES WATEES. a 25 5, 877. 97 302, 300 497, 800 1 7 3, 736. 13 170, 000 329, 000 2 4 1, 740. 48 65, 000 75, 000 3 9 353. 81 59, 500 86, 000 4 5 47. 55 7, 800 7, 800 a Two steamers included that are sailing under a foreign flag ; capital held in this state and com- pany organized under the laws of Delaware. b Average wages, $241 43 per annum. MARYLAND. Total a 169 45, 967. 16 3, 886, 750 4, 625,750 1 7 9, 615. 06 728, 500 1,283, 100 2 40 20, 184. 91 1,871, 000 1,670,400 3 4 1, 854. 07 97, 750 88, 750 4 21 9, 678. 31 528, 000 872, 450 5 75 3, 304. 92 576, 800 625, 450 6 11 1, 130. 00 15, 800 15,800 7 11 199. 89 68, 900 €9, 800 a Eleven canal steamers, measuring 1,130 tons, value $15,600, and one steamer, measuring 1,045.32 tons, Laid up, included in the above. 6 Average wages, $406 74 per annum. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1289 ca2}ital inveaied, service, and traffic of the steam craft, ly states: 1880— Continued. PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. Cre-W8 (pei;- 80D8). Gross earn- ings. Paid for ser- vices. Passenger traffic. Freight traffic, in tons. FUEL USED. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Coal, in tons. Wood, in cordis. F5 158 Dollars. 8,800 146, 161 Dollars, 41, 091 43, 843 Number. 16, 850 1, 800 78, 980 2, 507 6, 507 7 119 2, 140 3, 512, 924 982- 406 1, 227, 714 1, 144, 712 216, 864 939 415 20 1, 774 578. 199 28, 020 2, 158, 226 152, 437 11, 477 928, 681 100, 442 84, 300 299, 855 40, 809 2, 598 250 229, 339 a 2, 209 2, 764, 445 1, 092, 595 184, 742 299, 855 278 746 250 630 992 17 7 466, 564 740, 977 12 275 132, 077 208, 505 10 631 1^750 32, 169 174, 685 302, 095 12, 270 19, 787 410 100 1, 646 1, 219, 816 352, 963 32, 109 476, 780 32, 567 35 58, 340 9, 371 178, 490 1, 064 8 35 58, 340« 9, 371 178, 490 1, 064 8 a In addition to the above there were 696 roustabouts employed on the Ohio river. DELAWARE. 229 139, 993 & 55, 289 e 67, 590 152, 760 d 8, 461 d 1, 749 1 2 3 4 137 24 58 10 80, 762 21,429 36, 102 1,700 35, 948 6, 270 11, 961 1, 110 67, 000 119. 760 33, 000 4, 490 1, 017 2, 850 98 1, 700 21 28 590 c One employ^ lost. d Average oi' coal used, per ton of custom-house measuroment, 1. 44 tons ; wood, 0.29 cord. MARYLAND. 2, 554 3, 075, 640 - h 1, 038, 825 c 908, 832 995, 353 d 124, 717 dSTO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 862 740 28 454 405 33 32 695, 954 1, 166, 900 33, .'•)00 723, 719 451, 607 (e) 3, 900 318, 500 297, 453 10, 710 , 238, 035 167, 437 4, 3S« 326, 106 576, 000 347, n.'O 329, {m ],4U0 31 G, 904 23, 338 45,916 1, 625 23, 827 28, 926 539 6 174 141 6, 690 2, 280 1, 085 10 c One passenger and one employ^ lost. d Average of coal used, per tou of custom-house measurement, 2.71 tons; wood, 0.02 cord, e Incomplete reports. 1290 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LXXXIX.— STEAM CRAFT— Statement of the nmiher, tonnage, value, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 1 2 3 4 Class. Number of steamers. Tonnage. Valne of steamers. Capital invested. 34 6, 945. 77 Dollars. 595, 000 Dollars. 832, 960 11 5 15 3 5, 122. 70 1, oha 12 561. 36 203. 59 45 ?, 000 46, 000 60, 300 35, 700 573, 900 153, 360 70, 000 35,700 a Average wages, $350 63 per annum. 6 One passenger and one employd lost. TENNESSEE. 1 2 3 Total a 61 11, 348. 40 589, 000 6 708, 500 44 5 12 10, 303, 35 2.%. 79 791. 26 533, 800 9, -200 46, 000 622, 800 16, 200 69,500 a In addition to the above there were 2 8t(>aiuers, measuring 918.93 tons, in existence a part of the year 1880. Two steamers, measuring 111.06 tons, laid np, included in th i above. 6 In 15 leading lines: amount invested, $466,800; number of bouts, 30; tonnage, 7,702.17; length of routes, 4,252 miles. ARKANSAS. 1 2 3 Total 37 5, 046. 75 227, 400 270, 300 23 8 4 2 3, 8:^5. 37 1,.015. 87 104.48 31. 03 174, 000 41,600 6, 000 5, 800 218, 300 38, 500 7,500 6,000 a In addition to the above there were 173 roustabouts employed. 6 Average wages, $224 12 per annum, including officei's, crew, and roustabouts. MISSISSIPPI. a 40 3, 657. 20 204,450 242,150 1 16 2, 527. 93 119. 800 151, 300 2 Ferry 3 208. 80 33, 200 33,200 3 Preiuht 6 432. 34 12, 200 14, 700 4 16 488. 13 39, 250 42, 950 a In addition to the above there was one steamer, measuring 22.29 tons, in existence a part of the year 1880. 6 In addition to the above there were 73 roustabouts employed. LOUISIANA. Total a 195 63, 672. 39 4, 385, 700 4, 639, 500 1 18 25, 421. 68 2, 555, 000 2, 600, 000 2 52 18, lfi6. 99 1, 120, 900 1, 273, 200 3 15 2, 791.36 14.0, 200 154. 000 4 Fieiiht 18 1, 847. 27* 49, 100 65, 600 6 75 4, 710. 64 404,900 436, 100 6 17 734. 45 110, 600 110, 600 a Twelve steamers, measurina 1,204.74 tons, included in the above, were laid up; six steamerfl, mea.suriug 1,163. OH tons, not included in the aliove, were in existence a pail of the year 1880. b In addition to the above there were 1,271 roustabouts employed. COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1291 capital invested, and traffic of the steam. craft, hy states : 1880— Contiuued. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Crews (per- sous). Gross earn- ings. Paid for ser- vices. Passenger traffic. Freight tiaftic, in tons. FUEL USED. 1 2 3 4 Coal, in tons. "Wood, in cords. 237 Dollars. 300, 576 Dollars, a 83, 100 Nurnher. b 87, 009 63, 500 C.20, 739 cl25 128 50 52 7 186, 031 61.415 53, 100 45, 910 13, 140 23, 000 1, 050 87, 009 39, 000 24, 500 12, r64 4, 125 3, 745 305 72 26 19 8 e Average of coal used, per ton of custom -boiiBe measurement, 2.98 tons; wood, 0,02 cord. TENNESSEE. c976 1, 035, 196 d 329, 329 e 76, 203 399, 565 /75, no /27, 573 1 2 3 884 31 61 . . .■: ■■ x-. ... -. 922, 1$)6 60, 000 53, 000 284, 229 20, 000 25, 100 76, 203 382, 925 16, 640 68, 360 1, 600 5, 150 20, 443 840 290 c In addition to tlie above there were 179 roustabonts employed. d Average Wiij^cs, $j85 13 per annum, inoludiu>; otiii'ers, crew, and roustabouts. e One pjissengi'i- lost. / Average of coal uned, per ton of custom-bouse measurement, 6.61 tons; wood, 2.43 cords. ARKANSAS. a 480 389, 671 6 146, 356 c57, 979 82, 635 d 2, 835 (231, 096 1 2 o 4 304 116 9 304, 756 74, liOO 6,415 4, 500 117, 433 23, 623 4, 000 1, 3o0 22, 879 35, 100 % 67, 790 VZ, 500 2,345 78 2, 757 28, 917 1, 129 50O 550 c One employ^ lost. d Aveiaije of coal used, per ton of oustom-honse measurement, 0.56 ton; wood, 6.16 cords. MISSISSIPPI. b443 300, 149 c238, 931 33, 131 93, 364 d5, 764 dlO, 813 1 2 3 4 314 16 47 66 238, 4a9 7, 000 22, 160 32, 550 213, 'J41 3, 400 10, 1.-5 12, 105 13, 891 19, 240 90, 064 3,306' 2, 732 300 412 2,320 10, 254 8 232 319 C Average wages, $463 04 per annum, iticluding officers, crews, .-ind roustabouts. d Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 1.57 tons; wood, 2.95 cords. LOUISIANA. 6 2. 574 514 1,817 114 142 411 ,816 cl, 417, 818 d 1,231, 577 1, 654, 843 l,7r:6. 1!)5 174. 970 136,110 309, 398 7. 300 506, 405 651,421 62. 950 47, 870 133, 812 15, 360 13, 538 99, 444 1, 118, GOO 979, 877 278, 409 642, 273 59. 135 el29, 386 28, 144 65, 7!>7 7, 613 4, 420 21, 9o0 1, 512 e Average wages, $368 74 per annum, including officers, crew, and roustabouts. d One iiasseiiger ami 22 (jiUj loyes lost. e Average of coal us^d, per tou of cualom-house measurement, 2.41 tons; wood, 0.79 cord. 1292 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LXXXIX.— STEAM CRAFT— Statement of the number^ tonnage, value, TEXAS. 1 2 3 4 Class. Number of steamers. Tonnage. Value of steamers. Cai)ital invested. Total Froighc Yachts a 35 4, 351. 91 Dollars. 196, 900 Dollars. 345,466 14 0 12 3 2, 765. 60 1, 123. 45 441. 60 21.26 76, 500 79, 000 39, 900 1, 500 154, 000 86. 500 lO-ii 4T;6 1, 500 a One steamer, measuring 301.84 tons, not included in the above, w.is in existence a part of the yeai h Seven employes lost. [1880. ALABAMA. 1 2 3 4 Total a 43 7, 168. 17 257, 600 421,700 21 2 7 13 5, 283. 56 39. 30 1, 278. 50 506. 81 178, 500 1, 500 38, 200 39, 400 316, 000 5,000 38, 200 62, 500 Pieight a Six steamers, mee>3uring 1,972.48 tons, included in the above, were laid up; two steamers, measuring 46.62 tons, not included in tlio above, were in existence a part of the year 1880. h Average wages, $357 86 per annum, including oliicers, crews, and roustabouts. FLORIDA. Total a 70 6, 826. 60 448, 500 638, 800 1 Ocean passenger 6 2, 698. 41 156, 000 182, 000 2 24 2, 624 70 140, 400 283, 800 3 24 1, 405. 05 133, 000 152, 700 4 16 98.44 19, 100 20, 300 a Two steamers, measuring 115.15 tons, not included in the above, were in existence a part of the h Average wages, $281 74 per annum, including officers, crews, and roustabouts. [year 1880: VIRGINIA. Total a 89 6, 251. 02 494,400 520, 350 1 15 2, 146. 09 135, 000 155, 000 2 5 1,078.84 67, 500 67, 500 3 15 1,113. 29 .54, 500 66, 750 4 48 1,871.10 232, 800 232,200 5 6 41. 70 4, 600 4, 900 a Three steamer.s, measuring 178.65 tons, inclnded in the above, laid up and no business reported. h Average wages, $382 20 per annum, including officers, crews, and roustabouts. NORTH CAROLINA. Total a 52 3, 850. 86 205, 700 231, 900 1 30 3, 171. 76 158, 200 188, 800 2 ri-eight 3 458. 04 16, 500 16, 000 3 4 90. 36 11, 100 12, 200 4 15 130. 70 19,900 14, 900 a Five steamers, measuring 151.01 tons, laid up and business reported included in the above. b Avecage wages, $329 35 per annum, including officers, crews, and roustabouts. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1293 capital invested, service, and traffic of tlie steam craft, by states : 1880 — Continued. TEXAS. Crews (per- sons). Gross earn- ings. Paid for ser- vices. Passenger traffic. Freight traffic, in tons. FUEL USED. 1 2 3 4 Coal, in tons. "Wood, in cords. 6350 Dollars. 336, 456 Dollars, c 164, 951 Number. 4, 803 188, 422 d3, 697 dll, 112 196 68 60 6 177, 471 65, 250 93, 035 700 78, 959 24, 500 59, .')92 1,900 4, 603 124, 362 44, 010 680 1, 460 1,557 7, 261 1, 390 2,191 270 200 50 c Average wages, $471 28 per annum, including officers, crew, and roustabouts. d Average of coal used, per ton of cuatoin-house measurement, 0.85 ton; wood, 2.55 cords. ALABAMA. 702 437, 465 b 251, 220 c51, 237 184, 187 d240 d 38, 528 1 2 3 4 589 6 42 65 338, 730 12, 000 8, 300 78, 435 210, 328 1, 300 2,644 36, 948 36, 237 15, 000 151, 062 1, 200 8,600 23, 325 50 100 28, 203 200 2, 050 8,075 90 c Two passengers lost. d Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 0.03 ton; wood, 5.37 cords. FLORIDA. b587 510, 808 6 165, 386 c40, 417 76, 926 dlO, 039 d 26, 073 1 2 3 4 92 332 124 39 205, 800 176, 304 121, 984 6, 720 35, 160 76, 865 46, 791 6,570 6, 900 32, 320 48, 900 27, 828 8,220 1,370 322 127 3,498 11, 741 10, 331 503 1,197 198 e Qne passenger and one employ^ lost. d Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 1.47 tons; wood, 3.81 cords. VIRGINIA. 491 567, 793 b 187, 661 1, 55G, 609 139, 048j c 29, 904 c 3, 621 1 2 3 4 5 155 24 65 235 12 162, 276 55, 200 94, 768 254, 949 600 43, 101 10, 700 37, 335 94, 315 2, 210 53, 509 1, 502, 400 72, 988 3,695 5, 350 5, 368 15, 419 72 2,766 66, 060 578 274 3 700 c Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 4.78 tons; wood, 0.57 cord. NORTH CAROLINA. 335 419, 964 b 110, 335 29, 421 189, 219 c5,030 c 14, 569^ 1 2 3 4 233 20 15 67 375, 364 20, 000 9, 500 15, 100 92, 755 '6, 180 6,020 5,380 29, 421 179, 919 9, 300 4,184 650 60 136' 12, 131 175 1, 975 288 c Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 1.30 tons; wood, 3.78 cords. 1294 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LXXXIX.— STEAM CUAFT—Statement of the numler, tonnage, value, SOUTH CAROLINA. 1 2 3 4 5 ClasB. Nnmberof steamers. Tonnage. Value of steamers. Capital invested. Freight a 41 5, 242. 10 DoXlart. 242, 700 397, 850 13 3 5 18 2 3, 268. 50 495. 87 712. 36 750. 27 15.10 141, 800 14, 500 17, 300 67, 800 1, 300 225, 400 30, 000 40, 150 101, 000 1,300 a Two steamers inclnded in the above, measuring 48.16 tons, were laid up and no business reported. b Average of wagea, $454 62 per annum, including officers, crews, and rooatabouts. GEORGIA. 1 2 3 4 Towing Yachts a44 13, 331. 46 1, 387, 300 1, 686, 500 5 21 12 6 9, 055. 31 8, 338. 06 897. 98 40. 11 1, 075, 000 202, 500 46, 200 3, 600 1, 350, 000 2§3, 500 47, 200 5, 800 a Three steamers, measuring 506.43 tons, laid up, included in the above. 6 Average wages, $658 21 per annum, including officers, crews, and roustabouts. CALIFORNIA. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Grand total UNITED STATES WATERS. Freight Towing Yachts Total STATE WATERS. 187 59, 030. 44 3, 792, 800 5,946,436 a 21 71 22 21 32 11 18, 398. 86 14, 5:^3. 25 20, 308. 25 3, 301. 29 2, 237. 18 59. 97 1, 230, 000 611, 400 1, 3.93, 000 180, 300 36:3, 600 18, 900 1, 300,485 1, 614, 268 2„0r)l, .500 391, 085 540, 298 19, 200 178 58, 828. 80 3, 763, 200 5, 916, 836 9 201.64 29,600 29, 600 Total 9 201. 64 29, 600 29, 600 a Nino RtP8m.«hips, one tug. and one launch, measuiing 26.323.45 tons, and valued at $2,442,000, prcpui tv «r Pacitic Mail Steamship Company, credited to New Yorii. 6 Three employes lost. DAKOTA TERRITORY. 1 2 Total 19 7, 591. 67 328,000 382,000 17 2 7, 525. 86 65. 81 321,000 1 36;], 000 7,000 ! 19,000 a Tn addition to the above there were 243 roustaboats employed. b Average wages, $240 91 per aiisuum, including officers, ciow s, and roustabouts, COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1295 capital invested, service, and traffic of the steam craft, by states : 1880 — Continued. SOUTH CAROLINA. ! Cre-ws (per- sons). i 1 Gross earn- ings. Paid for ser- vices. Passenger traffic. Freight FUEL U8RD. traffic, in tons. Coal, in tons. Wood, in cords. 332 Dollars. 386, 260 1 • Dollars, b 150, 936 Number. 135, 604 97, 264 el, 889 c 19, 657 1 169 39 181, 065 43, 830 36, 898 79, 020 16, 144 15, 850 39, 272 650 17, 168 118,-436 71, 298 9, 046 4, 549 11, 729 1, 850 3, 974 2, 050 54 1 2 3 43 16, 920 77 123, 761 706 3, 336 4 4 4 5 c Average of coal used, per ton of custom-honse measurement, 1.50 tons; wood, 3.74 cords. GEORGIA. 494 1, 091, 430 b 325, 157 34, 701 114, 030 c 22, 045 e 15, 831 190 243 48 819, 890 186, 890 77, 650 7, 000 217, 655 79, 540 23, 532 4,430 8, 8re 14, 520 68, 630 45, 400 18, 435 1, 420 2, 190 13,' 959 1, 508 364 1 2 3 13 ii, 366 4 e Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measuiement, 1.65 tons; wood, 1.18 cords. CALIFORNIA. 6 1, 987 4, 020, 024 e 1, 164, 200 6,317, 452 1, 570, 056 d 137, 349 d 14, 323 649 680 262 210 1, 018, 833 911, 221 1, 102, 363 625, 621 353, 040 291, 326 328, 452 207, 146 182. 838 8, 289 132, 361 6, 168, 852 249, 583 350, 257 724, 711 236, 705 22, 757 33, 144 52, 304 16, 272 12, 872 12 10, 009 755 1, 465 1, 882 1 2 3 4 146 148, 438 5 23 6 1, 970 4, Oil, 084 1, 158, 200 6, 309, 502 1, 561, 256 137, 349 14, 123 17 8,940 6, 000 7,950 8, 800 200 7 17 8, 940 6, 000 7, 950 8, 800 200 c Average wa^es, $585 90 per annum, including officers, crews, and roustabouts. d Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 2.32 tons ; wood, 0.24 cord. D.yK:OTA TERRITORY. a 392 450, 955 -rr-. r-r- — ti— ^ 6 152, 979 8, 114 38, 686 c295 c 31, 394 380 12 4*2, 155 18, 800 144, 269 8, 710 8, 114 38, 686 275 20 30, 094 1,300 1 2 c Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 0.03 ton ; wood, 4.13 cords. 1296 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table LXXXIX — STEAM CRAFT — Statement of the numher, tonnage, value, OREGON. 1 3 4 Class. Number of steamers. Tonnage. Value of steamers. Capital invested. Total 89 31, 370. 94 Dollars. 2, 177, 000 DoUars. 2, 394, 754 73 5 2 9 28, 759. 59 1, 343. 40 200. 81 1, 067. 14 2, 031, 700 52, 500 7,000 95, 800 2, 230, 704 73, 000 6, 250 84,800 a Two employes lost. b Average wages, $764 69 per annum, including officers, crews, and roustabouts. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. 1 2 3 4 52 6, 805. 14 537, 300 542, 900 31 5 5 11 5, 093. 51 342. 34 11.5. 12 1, 254. 17 351. 100 23, COO 7, 400 15.5, 200 368, 300 24, 600 7, 400 142, 600 a Average wages, $770 70 per annum, including officers and crews. & One employe lost. NEBRASKA. 1 2 14 1, 193. 52 64, 300 87, 900 12 2 1, 171. 52 22. 00 63, 800 500 83, 500 4; 400 a Average wages, $472 61 per annum, including officers, crews, and roustabouts. b Includes 20,306 railroad transfers. Eemarks. — In the foregoing tables this steamboat property has been assigned to the states where it was owned in 1880. In cases where the ownership was observed or divided the legal headquarters or the address of the managing owner was taken as authority for assigning the craft to a state, but very few of these perplexing cases were found. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company, owned in New York but operating lines from San Francisco, under this ruling was assigned to the state of l^ew York. I COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1297 cajyiial invested^ service, and traffic of the steam craft, hy states : 1880 — Coatiuued. OREGON. Crews (per- sons). Gross earn- ings. Paid for ser- vices. Passenger traffic. Freight traffic, in tons. FUEL USED. 1 •> Coal, in tons. "Wood, in cords. a 788 Dollars. 1, 983, 703 Dollars, b 602, 576 Number. 159, 903 476, 898 c8, 233 c22, 889 720 13 8 47 1, 893, 907 23, 546 7, 500 58, 750 554, 554 14, 582 3, 780 29, 660 66, 615 93, 288 447, 801 28, 372 725 8,157 13, 585 485 1 3 7,031 4 76 c Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 0.26 ton; wood, 0.73 cord. WASHINGTON TERRITORY. 250 367, 983 a 192, 675 6 $135, 307 49, 139 c825 c 66, 434 2 3 4 167 9 10 64 239, 860 26, 133 4,150 97, 840 132, 870 8, 345 1,800 49, 660 93, 487 41, 820 39, 961 6, 310 2, 868 300 42. 984 1,430 280 21, 740 75 450 c Average of coal used, per ton of custom-house measurement, 0.12 ton; wood, 9.76 cords. NEBRASKA. 63 55, 304 a 29, 775 6 88, 306 -■-••-•-- 1 7 1, 000. 00 5, 400. 00 5,000 15, 000 6 1, 7.50. 16 37, 000 KGntucky 26 14, 600. 00 67, 850 10 2, 000. 00 3, 000 79 51,'020. 00 263, 750 8 1, 564. 00 13, 125 Ohio 25 22 13 12, 550. 00 12, 000. 00 7, 720. 00 99, 200 53, 150 38, 500 2 300.00 200 A'f \ iVt* Tl 6 1, 284. 00 12, 925 3 1,500.00 3, 900 Missouri 16 17, 250. 00 69, 000 Total 9 2, 700. 00 4,100 Oreson 9 2, 700. 00 4, 100 i 1 2 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1301 Table XCI. — STEAM CKAFT — Siaicment of the nnmher and tonnage of steam vessels of the United States navy, revenue ma/rine, Uyht-house hoard, quartermaster's department, ^c. (Official Record, 1881.) Number. Tonnage. United States Navy, naval steamers CG 83,958.00 iron-clad steamers 24 24, 254. 00 torpedo rams 2 749. 00 tugs 25 4,129.00 113, 090. 00 Revenue marine ......i 31 0,765.00 Engineer department 58 7, 558. 96 Light-house board 23 7, 076. 00 Quartermaster's department 15 1, 025. 23 United States coast and geodetic survey (a) 10 1, 218. 00 Mississippi river commission 2 90. 00 United States commission of fish and fisheries (a) Z> 7 1, 204. 00 Marine hospital service (a) 1 88. 33 Total 264 138,115.52 a Kot reported in Official Record. b Three steamers and four launches. Remarks. — Adding to the above 264 steamers, measuring 138,115.52 tons, the 5,139 steamers of the steam merchant marine, measuring 1,221,206.93 tons, and we have a grand total of 5,403 steamers, meas- uring 1,359,322.45 tons, representing the entire steam navigation inter- i ests of the United States. i Adding to the total merchant tonnage of the United States, as shown I in Table XO, amounting to 38,656 crafts, measuring 6,487,309.63 tons, 1 312 crafts, measuring 167,687.52 tons, owned by the United States gov- j; ernment, and we have of marine property in this country a grand total I approximating 38,968 crafts, measuring 6)654,997,15 tons. Table XCII. — Statement of the canals operated hy [Canals in italics operated by states. See notes to italic reference marks on pages 1306-1307.] Canals. UNITED STATEiS. Grand total NEW YORK. Total , JSrie canal, branches and feeders. Oswego canal Cayuga and Seneca canal Champlain canal, feeder and dam. Black River canal and im- provement. Oneida River improvement Delaware and Hudson Canal Company. NEW JERSEY. Total When built. Delaware and Earitan Canal Company (ship). Delaware and Karitan feeder. Morris Canal and Bank- ing Company. Penn's Neck canal (ship)/ PENNSYLVANIA. Total PennsylvaniaCanal Com- pany, east division. Penns\vlvania Canal Com- pany, Susquehanna di- vision. PeniisilvaniaCanalCom- pany, north div-ision. Penn.sylvaniaCanal Com- pany, Juniata division. Pennsylvaii ia Canal Com- pany, west branch. Pennsylvania Canal Com- pany, Wicouisco branch. Susquehanna and Tide- wiiter Canal Companies. Union Canal (Company .. Schuylkill Haviijation Company. 1302 1817-1862 182&-1862 1825 1817-1837 1836-1861 1839-1850 182(3-1828 1834-1838 1838 1825-1845 1800-1872 1826- 1834 1828-1833 1830 1827- 1834 1828- 1833 1838-1839 1827-1830 1819-1827 1816-182C Miles. Miles 2, 515. 04 411. 14 607. 75 115, 09 365.48, 29.59 18. Oo! 20. 00 24.771 81. OOi 35.50 V83."6o 171. 02 44.00 22.00 103. 00 2. 02 628. 57 46. 00 41. 00 g 64. 00 90. 00 68. 00| 13.00 h 30. 00 84.64 68.18 42. 50 20. 00 3. 00 146. 05 00 4. 00 4. 00 50. 05 Ft. Ft. Ft. 70l 52i 70' 56 701 56 58 44 42 48 28 45 25 100 75 50-100 flO-lOO 50-100 32 40-60 25 40-60 28 40-60 50 25 28 Ft. ,2 no, 18 llOj 111 iiol 33 110 iidl 9o' 4i;l Z 120 6 clOr 100 14 220 1 100 e46 88 180 180 17 85! 14-17 9o! 17 90 170 90 110 §Uite8 and corporations in the United States: 1880. [Canals to italica operated by states. See notes to italic reference marks on pages 1306-1307.] Cost of con- stiuction. Freight traffic. Gross income. Total expendi- tures. Points connected. Dollan. a 170, 028, 63 1 Tmis. J 21, 044, 291 Dollars. I 4,538,620 1 Dollars, y 2,954,15( 5 68, 229, 4U 5 7,766,96£ I, 239, 448 1 1,099,97'! 1 OUo, 00. i, IJO, 69] 678, 124 Albany— BuflEalo 3, 077, 42S 3, 520, 542 2, 378, 9in 427, 863 125,331 1, 200, 50!: 14, 388 1,532 51 267 37, 877 11, 788 136, 520 SjTacuse — Oswego Monteznmar-Cayuga and Seneca lakes Whitehall— Waterlord 3, 224, 779 75, 308 11, 800 51, 393 Rome— Carthage 79, 346 270 Three River Point— Brewerton 6, 339, 210 1, 329, 313 d39, 500 J 84, 272 Honesdale, Pa.— Rondout, N. Y 10, 776, 353 1, 857, 568 635, 108 491, 762 4, 735, 353 1, 348, 082 419, 431 j 331, 344| New Bniuswick— Bordentown .. 6, 000, 000 503, 486 215, 677 160, 418^ Easton, Pa.— Jersey City 41, 000 6,000 Salem creek— Delaware river 37, 706, 645 6, 057, 935 1, 562, 018 588, 024 r Columbia— Duncan's island . . Clark's Ferry— Northumberland 1 7, 731, 7.10 1 861, 798 368, 770 1 177, 826 i North um berland— Wilkesbarre J unction— Huntingdon . . . Nort h umberland— Flem ington i Clark's Ferry— Millersburg Columbia^Marvland state liae . , 4, 930, 705 362, 295 i55, 2C0 35, 979 1 5, 907, 85o! 12, 580,4tjj! 1 29, 8.53 630, 416 26, 997 ^573, 133 22, 496 169, 952 Middletown— Reading 1303 1304 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table XCH. — CANALS — Statement of the canals operated by states 10 11 12 13 14 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 Canals. When built. LENGTH. WIDTH. Depth. LOCKS. •a U o Slack water. o (-1 cn S o n u 8 o PENNSYLVANIA— cont'd. Lehigh Coal and Naviga- tion Company. Delaware Division canal. MonongabelaNavigation Company. Muncy Canal Company.. 1819-1821 1830 1844 Miles. 48. 00 60. 00 Miles. 85. 00 Ft. 60 44 Ft. 45 26 Ft. 6 6 5-6 4i 57 33 8 Ft. 100 90 190 Ft. 22 11-22 56 Ft. 375. 00 165. 00 61. CO 0. 75 25. 00 40 25 Delaware and Hudson Canal Company— see New York. DELAWARE. Total 1826-1828 14. 00 Chesapeake and Dela- ware Canal Company (ship). MAUYLAND. 14. 00 66 ... 9 t 3 220 24 32. 00 194. 50 5.00 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company. Susquehanna and Tide- water Canal Company- see Pennsylvania. VIRGINIA. Total 75 1 1 QOr; 1 0KA 1839 179. 50 15. 00 5. 00 50-60 40 6 100 16 609. 00 31.00 Albemarle and Chesa- peake Canal Company (ship). Dismal Swamp Canal Company (ship). Alexandria .md George- town canal. NORTH CAROLINA. Total 1 185.'>-1861 1794 1830 18. U 28. 00 7. 12 30. 00 1. 00 80 40-60 60 60 42 6 6 1 7 4 220 100 100 40 16^ 16 2. 00 35. 00 66.00 ol3. 00 Albemarle and Chesa- peake (North Caroli- na cut) — see Virginia (ship). Fairfield Canal and Turn- pike Company, New Berne and Beaufort Camd Company (ship). GEORGIA. Total 1868 1880-1882 5. 50 4. 50 3. 00 80 40 80 '2 6 10 25. 00 Augusta canal (ship) (q) . Ogeechee Canal Company FLORIDA. Total 1847 1829-1840 9. 00 16. 00 150 120 11 3 5 10. 50 1 877_1 ««n in 5 1 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. and corporations in the. United States: 1880— Continued. 1305 Cost of con- struction. Freight traffic. Gross income. Total expendi- tures. Points connected. Dollars. 3, 000, 000 2, 433, 350 1,115, 452 Tons, i 719,338 3, 450, 400 Dollars, i 187,520 \ 113,334 236, 929 Dollars. 78, 854 43, 313 59, 585 7, 077 3, 835 75 19 3, 730, 230 959, 146 201, 783 62, 245 3, 730, 230 959, 146 201, 783 62,245 11, 290, 327 655, 423 372, 616 227, 277 11, 290, 327 655, 423 372, 616 227, 277 coo fif!0 104 048 71 632 1, 641, 363 400, 000 86, 138 56, 432 1, 151, 000 m 6, 731 13, 524 6, 000 1, 250, 000 125, 931 4, 386 n 9, 200 300, 000 40, 000 8, 000 3, 000 - 100,000 40, OOO 8, 000 3, 000 200, 000 (P) 1, 907, 818 23, 602 8, 209 14, 362 1, 500, 000 407, 818 2, 697 20, 905 r909 7, 300 7. 882 6, 980 70, 000 • 70, 000 ip) 1306 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table XCII. — CANALS — Statement of the canals operated hy states Canals. LOUISIANA. Total Carondelet Canal and Navigation Company (old canal) (ship). Orleans bank canal (new •anal) (ship). Harvey's canal (ship) Company's canal (ship) .. Tagliaferro canal (ship) . . TEXAS. Total Galveston and Brazoa Kavigation Company (ship). ILLINOIS. Total Illinois and Michigan canal (ship). MICUIGAN. Total Saint Mary's Falls canal (ship). Lake Superior Ship Canal, Railway and Iron Com- pany. OHIO. Total Ohio canal and feeders Walhondincj branch Hocking canal Miami and Eri^ canal, branch, and feeders. Muskingum improvement. OREGON. Total When built. 1794 1832-1835 1830 1847 1880-1881 1850-1851 1836-1848 1853-1855 1868-18T3 1835 1843 1843 1835 1840 Miles. 19.00 2. 00 6.50 5. 75 3. 00 1.75 8. 00 Miles. 9.00 9. 00 30.00 8.00 30.00 102. 00 102.00 3. 14 1. 02 1 2. 12I. 674. 25 Ft. 50 60 Ft. 75. 00 323. 00 25. 00! 42. 00 284. 25 75. 00 0. 751 "Willamette Transporta- tion and Locks Com- I pany (ship). | 1873 0. 75 40 40 50-60 Ft. 3i LOCKS. Ft. 200 'iio 15 110 515 Ft. 35 20 Ft. 18 14L 00 18. 00 150 Hi 90 28; 87 93 87-90 i 12 . 5 210 15 1, 207. 00 PO.OO 203. eo 907.00 126. 00 40; 39. 75 a Cost per mile of operating canals and siark water in the United States, $58,756, exclusive Galvest caajil is used iu transporting coal for the company. e Consisting of 23 inclined planes and 23 lift locks. / "Salem Creek Cousolidatt-d Meadow Company." g Now extending from Northumberland to Nauticoke, 60 miles. h Exclusive of 15 miles in Marylacd. i Amount paid for rent of canal, $243,860. j Amount paid for rent of canal, $ll7,64.'i. k Jericho canal, a lumber canaMO miles in length, not included. I Exclusive of 5.50 miles in North Carcdina. m Seven mouths under repairs in 1880; freight movement in 1881, 105,000 tons. oi COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. and corporations in the United States: 1880 — Continued. 1307 Cost of con- stxaction. traffic. Gross income. Total expendi- tures. Foints oonnected. Dollars Tons. 2, 030, 000 318, 1 « 750, 000 1, 000, 000 150, 000 90, 000 40, 000 340. 000 340, 000 6, 557. 681 tQ, 557, 681 Dollars 27, 840 Dollars. 13, 650 140, 988 177, 108 751, 360 751, 360 7,425,300! 1,244,279 52,519 20, 340 13. 650 New Orleans— Bayou Saint John . New Orleans — Pontchartrain lake . 7, 500 Mississippi river— Lake Salvador... Mississippi river— Bayou Barataria. 4,536 3, 454 4, 535 3. 454: Galveston— Brazos river. 107, 605 125. 601 107, 605 125, 601 3, 500, 000 3, 925, 300 Vl5, 022, 503 4, 695, 202 607, 369 947, 670 7, 144, 234 1, 628, 028 ul,244, 279 w 837, 252 429, 626 3, 309 35, 290 323, 737 45, 290 44, 743 7, 776 214, 891 ,000: OOOi {y) 77, 545 X 380 X 6, 470 111, 260 X 19, 236 29, 532 Chicago— La Salle 23, 437 Saint Mary's falls— Saint Mary's river. 6, 095 Keweenaw bay— Portage lake 223. 643 223, 643 ( Cleveland— Portsmouth. . Kochester, Ohio— Koscoe J Carroll — Nelsonville I Cincinnati— Toledo [ Zanesville — Marietta Oregon City. n Includes repairs to aqnednct, $6,200. 0 The following; (haiuaji; aud lumber canals notineluded: Riddick, Orapeak, Collins Pun^-o and Mattamuskeet — total length, 40 miles. ° ' p Not completed ond no traffic reported. q Ownet in ] 794, with the aid of a larjje force of slaves contributed by residents. , t Cost up to 1870, the date of last r eport. u In Addition to above, 45,590,000 feet of lumber, 5.3«9,000 shinales, 1,139,000 lath, and 185 ^00 cubic feet of timber, approximating 14:^,000 tons, and also 2^).76o passengers, passed through the canal in 1880. V A statement made to the legislature in 1846 increases this amount $348 404. w Includes movement of forest products and stone, amounting to 350, 274 tons. X Cleaiflnces only. y FreighTi traffic "in 1874. 32^640 tons, and 6,383 passengers. 1308 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tablk XCIII. — CANALS — Statement of the length and recorded cost of conntr action of all the imjyortant abandoned canals in the United States. Names of canalfj. a a an8ville. ( Olean — Millgrove. Elmira— Pennsylvania state line. Oneida lake— South bay. Wilkesbarre — Athens. Huntingdon— Hollidaysburgh. Johnstown- Pittsburgh. Coalport — StoddardsviUe. Union Forge— Pine Grove. Bridgewater — Erie. Bald Eagle creek— Bellefoute. Bolivar, Ohio — Smith's Ferry. Akron— Pennsylvania state line. Nelsonville — Athens. Middletown — Lebanon. Evansville, Ind.— Ohio state line. Lawrenoeburg— Cambridge City. Roanoke river. Charleston harbor — Santee river. Winyaw bay— Kinlock creek. Jone-s' mills— Ellicott's ijailLs. Head of Saluda shoals — Granby Ferry (Congaree river). A-round falls of Saluda river. Broad river. Broad river. 25, 978 Potomac— Eastern Branch. a Virtually abandoned. b Original cost, $420,000. c Sbook|} chargeable to "WabavSh-and Erie canal to 1851. (History of State Debts, fDenth Census.) d The Digtricc iastfed stock to the amount of $50,000 in ISSlfor the purchase of the canal, and later iissned stock to the amount of $137,050 for completing and enlarging the canal. Table XCIV. — General financial exhibit for the year : 1880. Name of company. Date of close of fiscal year. From roea- sages sent. From other sources. Total. Alabama and Great Southern . Altamaha American Rapid (a) Atlantic and Pacific , Ajshtabula and Pittsburgh — May Apr. June Dec. May 51, 1880 1, 1880 1, 1880 31, 1879 31, 1880 American Baltimore and Ohio Burlinfjtdii aud Missouri River Bryant's Pond and Andover ... Bar Harbor and Mount Desert. Bayou Sara and Woodville..., Columbia and Greenville Central District aud Printing . Cincinnati and Eastern Chester and Derry Dec. 31, 1879 Sept. 30. 1*80 31, 1879 18, 1880 Dec. Oct. Sept. Dec. Apr. June Aug. 1, 1880 31, 1879 30, 1880 1, 1880 1, 1880 Connecticp.t "River Colusa Lake and Mendocino Camden Deseret Ellsworth and Deer Island. . May Jan. 31, 1880 31, 1880 June 30, 1880 Dec. 31, 1879 June 30, 1880 Ellsworth and Fremont Fayetteville and Lumberton.. Fountain City and Alma Frontier (i>) Georgetown and Kingston (c) . Dec. 1879 Oct. 31, 1880 — , 1880 Huntingdon and Broad Top Mount'n. Dec Han-inoton and Jonesport July Homer and Miuden Ju; International Ocean June Little Rock and Fort Smith Dec. Lehigh Lake Mohonk Lake Superior and Mineral Range . . M ontezuma Middletown itlneral Point and Dodgeville Montana Central Marine Mill bridge and Cherryfield Northwestern Northwestern Ohio Paduf-ah and Elizabeth town Providt'uce aud Pascoag Peusacola Philadelphia Local 1879 1880 18H0 1880 1880 Dec. 31, 1880 Dec. 31, 1879 Doc. 31, 1880 ;0, 1880 1^ 1880 Apr. Jan. May Julv Aug. Dec. Dec 31, 1880 10, 1880 1, 1880 31, 1879 31. 1879 May 31, 1880 July 31, 1880 June 30. 18^0 July 31, 1880 ~ ■■ 1880 Feb. Philadelphia, Reading and PottsviHe Nov. P«e Dee Sept. 48 ] Ponphkeepsie. Hartford and Boston.; Oct. 49 Rjimford h'ails and Buckfitld | May 50 Vermont Interi^tional :i Dec. a Lines not in operation. b Six months. 1310 36, 1880 30, 1880 1, l-igO 31, 1S80 31, 1879 Dollars. 13, 512, ll(j 17 Dollars. 3,184,507 21 3, 0.59 79 1. 860 00 432,900 54 541 08 1, 582 02 "ii,'i58'35 79 67 2, 262 66 973 66 998, 702 52 90, 173 15 1, 081 41 70 00 5, 000 00 4, 564 00 '900 00 28. S49 43 2, 446 09 36« 78 1, 386 02 900 00 3, 109 98 1, 144 53 1, 459 42 58, 697 48 7 77 130 00 1, 293 88 120 00 90 00 3.59 77 255 75 843 (K) 318, 309 92 6, 1C5 23 2, 774 00. 429 00 4, 657 01 1, 296 77 95 35 195 00 6, 233 48 258 67 267 16 359, 806 39 918 47 1, 765 74 645 00 4, m 98 161. 012 28 60, 9.^ 35 1, 047 37 85 23 228' 51 l,2i:o 85 6, 787 55 8, 013 69 "'637'76 1, 055 00 62, 761 51 16. 381 34 1, 450 61 359 77 255 75 843 00 324, 097 47 6, 165 23 10, 787 69 429 00 5. 294 77 1,296 77 95 35 269 00 7, 133 4g 258 67 267 16 873, 629 15 9.18 47 1, 765 74 1, 700 00 4. 233 98 223. 773 79 77,315 69 1, 047 37 85 23 228 51 2,671 46 « Coiinpany does not make any financial report. Table XCIV.— General financial exhibit for the year : 1880. Salaries. 1,320 00 General ox- peuses. Dollars. 2, 800, 158 81 773 83 60 00 Eepairs. Dollars. 1, 015, 880 11 1, 800 47 60 00 All other ex- penses. Dollars. 1. 486. 113 94 236 08 TotaL Dollars, d 10, 218, 281 00 5, 870 38 1. 440 00 Net receipts. 232; 705 99 3. 109 28. 786 15 125, 080 24 451 00 1, 200 00 2, 850 00 60 00 10 00 3, 500 00 1,688 00 25 00. 17, 3?0 67 416 50 220 00 701 20 600 00 1. 429 2'3 593, 318 55 188 20 10, OSi 08 790 61 79 67 31 26 124 00 705 86 723 35 89 83 5 00 500 00 687 00 2.1 00 694 83 509 52 25 00 70, 170 89 267 00 244 57 27, 387 91 8, 740 50 143 73 50 84 150 00 132 36 4. 500 50 7, 208 93- 475 71 5 00 300 00 682 00 150 00 4^975 04 700 00 '965 80* 12 00 72 25 482 57 50 00 175 18 105 45 904, 935 93 3, 564 48 1,174 45 161, .'i57 23 10, 790 61 79 67 665 46 1, 474 00 6, 705 86 49, 282 78 625 54 20 00 4, 300 00 3,717 00 200 00 27, 956 33 1, 926 02 257 00 1, 2.^6 02 600 ('0 1, 709 86 2,482 68 127 87 120 QO 38, 758 12 4,721 50^ 642 20 100 1)0 1, 940 00 763 98 36 00 250 00 2, fOO 00 84 67 146 94 6^6 23 2, 933 54 900 00 2, 880 00 52, 083 40 27, 695 .37 548 63 39 31 485-99 119 72 48 18 12, 401 « 645 51 94 00 547 42 126 64 19 37 5 00 429 QO 5 00 33 47 5 75 57 00 17, 089 91 605 09 48 25 85 00 36,683 07 281 98 497 59 466 80 60 15 16 98 8 00 250 00 2 55 6 00 20U 00 129 34 133, 760 28 261 11 266 06 232 00 540 02 145, 590 18 6, 424 53 46 13 47 57 15, 956 82 540 00 1,229 37 105 50 250 09 6, 875 45 18, 946 85 128 17 1, 239 45 4, 281 3, 088 29 50 40 2, 635 87 181 80 262 00 104, 932 74 5, 608 57 1, 833 55 194 00 2,.9.54 22 953 32 72 35 269 00 2, 970 00 199 01 1P4 51 237, 932 63 7, 047 34 4, 428 97 1,237 50 3, 670 11 208, 830 85 56, 165 04 773 33 406 49 36 50 616 24 590 44 666 25 , 508 72 d Includes $219 80 of some companies whose expenses are greater than receipts. X311 1312 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table XCIV.—TEhEQRAFliS— General financial exhibit for the year: 1880— Cont'd. Name of company. Date of close of fiscal year. From mes- sages sent. From other sources. Waterville Western Union Worcester and Nashua (a). Pacific and Atlantic (b) Michigan (a) Apr. 1, 1880 June 30, 1880 Sept. 30, 1880 Dollars. 12,' o66" 606*00 Dollars. 97 50 782, 894 53 Delaware liiver (a) Central Pacific (a) Northern New Hampshire (a). Rodney and Fayette (c) Gold and Stock June 30. 1880 Dec. 31, 1880 Dec. 31, 1879 Dec. 31, 1879 June 30, 1880 June 30, 1880 Attakapas (c) Wilkesbarre and Harvey's Lake (c) Union Springs and Troy (c) , Rising Sun (c) , Taylorville and Susauville (c) Sept. 30, 1880 July 1, 1880 — . 1880 30, 1880 1, 1880 Glen's Falls and Lake George (c)... Oregon Steatn Navigation (c) Continental, Columuia, S. C. (d) Richmond, York River & Ches. (d) . . . Cairo and Saint Louis (d) Sept. July July 1, 1880 Mar. 31, 18rt0 Dec. ni, 1879 Sept. 30, 1880 Dec. 31. 1879 Cumherland and Pennsylvania (d) . . McKean and Buffalo (d) Rhinebeck and Connecticut River (d) Detroit and Lansing (d) Northern New York (e) Dec. June Sept. Dec. Sept. 31, 1880 1, 1880 30, 1880 31, 1879 30, 1880 Black Diamond (e) Cheyenne and Black Hills (e) . May 31, 1880 Nov. 30, 1880 12. 137 43 80, 000 00 441 40 3, 000 00 1, 000 00 1, 203 70 1, 055, 379 81 4, 689 90 150 00 2, 104 08 346 31 200 48 44 00 14, 522 65 4, 431 38 484 97 1, 964 14 1, 724 28 268 87 159 55 10,020 90 478 18 36 00 16, 342 57 a Leased and operated by the Western Union. b Entire property leased to, and entire expense of maintenance paid by, the Western Union Com- pany. Line merged in and included in the report of Westom Union Company. Table XCIV. — General financial exhibit for the year : 1880 — Continued. Name of company. Interest paid on debt. Sinking-fund ap- propriation. Total. Total Dollars. 564. 341 07 Dollars. 40, 000 20 Dollars. 604,341 27 Alabama and Great Southern. Altaniaha American Rapid (a) Atlantic and Pacific Ashtabula and Pittsburgh American Baltimore and Ohio Burlington and Missouri River . Bryant s Pond ajid Andovor — Bar Harbor and Mount Desert.. Bayou Sara and Woodville Columbia and Greenville Central District and Printing Cincinnati and Eastern Chester and Dcrry Connecticut River Colu.sa Lake and Mendocino Camden Deseret Ellsworth and Deer Island a Leased and operated by the Western Union. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1313 Table XCIV.— TELEGRAPHS— G^ewem? financial exhibit for the year : 1880— Cont^d. Salaries. Dollars. 4," 666,' 660" 65' General ex- penses. Dollars. 5 48 1, 802, 466 35 Kepairs. Dollars. 22 11 817, 364 60 All other ex- penses. Dollars. 13 89 1, 016, 424 13 Total. Dollars. 41 48 7, 636, 255 08 Net receipts. Dollars. 56 02 5, 146, 639 45 500 00 1, 066 21 863 54 242 33 1, 066 21 1, 605 87 80, 000 00 11, 512 62 1, 394 13 20 00 780 00 238, 406 40 3, 099 09 967 50 60 00 70 00 9, 750 00 4, 736 45 1, 100 00 68 47 '148*46' 4 96 39 44 12, 149 46 158 75 100 00 126 95 86 00 47, 623 07 130 50 25 00 94 35 25 00 100 00 10 32 402, 893 86 108 00 25 00 2, 527 m 1, 969 41 1, 252 00 114 80 1, 589 90 211 63 319 80 188 00 99 79 "ii'ieg'Si' 140 48 '152" 65' 24 96 915 76 701, 072 79 3,496 34 150 00 1, 188 80 85 00 100 00 70 00 12, 277 66 6, 705 86 2, 466 80 1, 589 90 211 63 319 80 328 48 975 04 288 00 354, 307 02 1, 193 56 9i5'28' 261 31 100 48 2, 244 99 374 24 1, 512 65 320 31 12, 317 97 10, 020 90 157 87 30 00 4, 024 60 c Owned and operated by private individuals. d Owned or operated by railroads, e Not incorporated. Table XCIV. — General financial exhibit for the year : 1880— Continued. Net income. Dollars. 5, 969, 501 77 420 00 DIVIDENDS DECLARED. Amount. Dollars. 4, 136, 749 75 Per cent. BALANCE FOR THE YEAR. Sui-plus. Dollars. 1, 832, 971 82 420 00 Deficit. Dollars. 95, 720 46 2, 810 59 526, 667 13 407 57 '367'74' 455, 000 00 421 50 3i 71, 667 13 367 74 3, 023 40 13 93 71, 384 08 1, 597 20 644 19 9, 414 70 4G3 64 50 00 700 00 977 00 700 00 1, 886 98 640 07 83 0 0 8, 500 00 297 00 45 00 9 10 ! 1, 597 20 644 19 914 70 166 64 5 00 700 00 977 00 700 00 1, 886 98 6-10 07 274 48 1314 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table XCIV.— TELEGRAPHS— Gencm? financial exhibit for the year : 1880— Cont'd. Name of company. CHARGES. Interest paid on debt. Sinking-fund ap- propriation. Total. X)oll(lV8. JJoUO/TS, Dollars. *y .JO 49 50 Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain 4o2 00 Lake Superior and Mineral Range. . . Philadelpliia, Reading and Pottaville 12, 000 00 12, 000 00 Poughkeepsie, Hartford and Boston. bi 14 AOQ t\Ki OQ An nnn on 0/1 OOO AA 04, vJii UU 34, 993 00 i 1 Taylorville and Susanville Ehinebeck and Connecticut River , j COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1315 Table XCIV.— TELEGRAPHS— G^CMcraZ financial exhibit for the year : 1880— Cont'd. Net income. DIVIDENDS DECLAIIEU. BALANCE FOR THE YEAR. Amount. Per cent. Surplus. Deficit. Dollars. 195 78 130 00 250 00 1, 350 62 Dollars. 160 00 130 00 5 10 Dollars. 35 78 Dollars. 250 00 1, 350 62 2, 276 10 73 95 581 00 218, 702 73 000 DO 8, 954 14 235 00 2, 340 55 343 45 iO \)\} 73 05 581 00 106, 486 73 550 66 7, 954 14 235 00 940 55 59 45 23 00 112, 216 00 8 1, 000 00 5 1, 400 00 284 00 6 4, 163 48 59 66 72 65 47, 444 02 4, 163 48 59 66 72 65 16, 194 02 31,250 00 2i 6, 128 87 2, 663 23 462 50 563 87 14, 942 94 a 1 HA RK y, luu DO 274 04 85 23 150 00 3 S12 50 563 87 942 94 9,160 65 274 04 85 23 14, 000 00 3J 437 74 1, 095 60 56 02 4, 678, 122 32 1, 095 60 36 02 1, 397, 846 07 20 00 3, 280, 276 25 20 8 80, 000 00 11, 512 62 1, 394 13 80, 000 00 4 11, 512 62 1,600 00 4 205 87 975 04 288 00 61y, ol4 OJ 1, xao 00 975 04 288 00 169, 314 02 1, 193 56 150, 000 00 6 915 28 261 31 100 48 915 28 261 31 100 48 26 00 2, 244 99 2, 244 99 2, 274 48 1, 981 83 374 24 ^ 1,512 65 374 24 1, 512 65 50 93 168 93 10, 020 90 157 87 36 00 1 4, 024 60 10, 020 90 157 87 36 00 4, 024 60 1316 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tablk XCy.—TEhEGRAFKS— Balance 8h£et: 1880. "NTiTw —The railroad companies owning telegraph lines have reported their receipts, expenses, and their railroad accounts, do not therefore appear, Name of company. Total Alabama and Great Southern (a) Altamaha (b) American Rapid Atlantic and Pacific Ashtabula and Pittsburgh (a) American - Baltimore and Ohio (a) BurUngtou & Missouri River (a) Bryant's Pond and Audover (c) Bar Harbor and Mt. Desert (d) Bayou Sara and WoodviUe (&) Columbia and Greenville (a) . . Central District and Printing. Cincinnati and Easteni Choster and Derry (6) Franchise. 3.091,194 32 15', 062, 012 07 14, 050 00 Connecticut River Colusa Lake and Mendocino. Camden (h) Deseret ■■"••"^W ' i " Ellsworth and Deer Island. . . Ellsworth and Fremont (d) . Fayettoville and Lumberton. Fountain City and Alma {b) Frontier (e) 24 J? rentier (e) t; : " • ■ 1' ' " %; " 25 1 Georgetown and Kingston (d). 37 40 Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain, (a) Harrington and Jonesport Homer and Minden (b) International Ocean Little Rocli and Fort Smith (a) . Cash. Bills receivable. 15, 040 97 76, 504 58 Dollars. 179. 269 78 1,954 91 500, 000 00 16, 000 00 25, 056 00 914 70| 218 57 Accounts receivable. Total. Dollars. Dollars. 2, 902, 652 19 97, 232, 039 GO 265, 635 26 290, 360 46 6. 000 00 13, 037 15 Lehigh Lake Mohonk - - - - Lake Superior and Mineral Range. Montezuma Middletown Mineral Point and Dodgeville Montana Central (b) Marine Millbridge and Cherryfield . .. Northwestern 2, 240 00 2, 137, 117 88 16, 879 00 700 00 302 00 2, 646 59 1, 300 00 75 35 3, 241 11 / 10, 558 38 4, 603 30 1, 000 00 500 00 h 300 00 1, 000 00 1, 500, 000 00 41 Northwestern Ohio (a) 42 Paducah and Elizabethtown (a) 43 Providence and Pascoag 44 Pensacola - 45 Philadelphia Local a Owned and operated by railroad company, b No report. 5, 000 00 8, 000 00 409, 881 21 1,100 17 2,350 00 .... 625 78 .... 957 89 4,490 65 898 00 1, 077 14 3, 106, 235 29 15, 406, 100 82 14, 050 00 500, 914 70' 4, 709 22 16, 700 00 26,256 00 43 23 312 50 179 37 g 50 50 251, 057 04 8, 938 36 92 04 i949, 000 00 12, 231 35 295, 042 08 6, 000 00 1,300 00 13, 112 50 2,240 00 2, 391, 416 03 17, 979 17 2, 350 00 20, 122 52 4, 789 07 1, 000 OC 500 OC 359 6f 1, 000 0( 2, 449, 000 0( 5, 312 5( 8, 000 0( 422, 291 9; c Not incoriiorated. d Report incomplete. e Six months. f Cost of line. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table XCY.~TELEGRAFm~lialance sheet : 1880. 1317 general financial statements ; but the assets, liabilities, (fee, of such companies, beinu included with nor are they included in this report. LIAUIUTIES. xunaea debt. Other debt. Profit and loss. Total. Dollars. 67, 901, 255 1 Dollars. 0 8, 107, 492 7 Dollars. 8 1, 201, 671 7 Dollars. 2 19, 962, 220 0 Dollars. i 97, 232, 639 6 3 1 3, 000, 000 0 1, 235 2 42, 602 9 ) 105, 000 0( i 3G3, 503 8^ ) 3, 106, 235 2[ t 15, 406, 106 8i 2 15, 000, 000 0( ) 3 J 4 5 1*, UOO 01 14, 050 OC 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 4, 500 00 914 70 209 22 500, 914 70 13 16, 000 00 700 00 16, 700 00 20, 256 00 10 16 25, 056 00 1, 200 00 17 17, 153 88 295, 042 08 18 19 20 6, 000 00 6, 000 00 i, 366 66 21 22 10, UOU 00 1, 275 27 1, 837 23 13, 112 50 23 24 25 2, 240 00 2, 240 00 26 27 1, OVV, UUU l/U 5, 117 15 84, 994 10| 801, 304 78 2, 391, 416 03 28 29 15, 980 00 994 69 1, 004 48 17, 979 17 2, 350 00 20, 122 52 30 31 9, 564 14 58 65 32 4, 700 00 30 42 33 1 000 no 4, 789 07 1, 000 00 34 35 500 00 *3oo'o6 59'66 500 00 36 37 1,000 00 359 66 1, 000 00 2, 449, 000 00 38 1, 250, 000 00 j i, 199, 666 66 39 40 '"'"5,'66o"6o • 5, 000 00! 400, 000 00| 312*50 ' 5," 312' 50 41 42 43 7, 348 99| 3, 000 00 14, 942 941 i "Value. Bonds. 8, 000 00 422,291 93 44 g Supplies, ft Value of line. 45 1318 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tajble XCV— TELEGRAPHS— iJaZance sheet : 1880— Continued. Name of company. Francliise. Cash. Bills receivable. Accounts receivable. Philadelpliia, Beading and Pottsville. Pee Dee Poughkeepsie, Hartford and Boston, (b) Rumford Falls and Buckfleld (6) Vermont International Dollars. 235, 152 68 2, 177 18 Dollars. 9, 917 08 23 Dollars, a 5. 098 16 Dollars. 9, 172 77 Waterville Western Union , Worcester and Nashua (d) Pacific and Atlantic , Michigan , 14, 859 99 ICQ 00 63, 520, 538 50 1, 395 90 c482 61 133 13 36 02 959, 770 91 158, 078 36 Delaware River Central Pacific (d) Northern New Hampshire. Rodney and Fayette Gold and Stock 2, 000, 000 00 150. 000 00 40, 000 00 2, 134 54 1, 008, 204 49 2, 586 78 20, 900 00 1, 500 001 288 OO; 338, 203 62 8, 618 26 416 00 Attakapas Wilkes barre and Harvey's Lake Union Springs and Troy (e) . Rising Sun (/) Taylorville andSusanville (/) 3, 000 00 1. 000 00 Glen's Falls and Lake George. . Oregon Steam Navigation (/) . . Continental, Columbia, S. C. (b) . Richmond, Tork River and Chesapeake, (b) Cairo and Saint Louis (&) g 1, 250 00 Cumberland & Pennsylvania McKean and Buffalo (b) Rhinebeck and Connecticut River. (&) Detroit and Lansing (b) Northern New York (h) Black Diamond (7i) Cheyenne and Black Hills 19, 450 00 15 37 401, 304 76 61 77 a Material, & Owned and operated by railroad company, c Stock. d Leased to the Western Union Telegraph Company. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1319 Table XCV.— TELEGRAPHS— i?aia«ce s/iee^ ; 1880— Continued. LIABILITIES. Capital stock. Funded debt. Other debt. Profit and loss. Total. Dollars. 20, 000 00 1, 640 00 Dollars. 200, 000 00 208 37 Dollars. 39, 340 Dollars. 274 04 Dollars. 259, 340 69 2. 182 41 46 16, 000 00 100 00 41, 073, 410 00 6, 254, 308 00 259 72 5 05 783. 788 37 611 91 30 97 17. 535, 085 89 16, 871 63 136 02 65, 646, 592 26 51 52 53 2, 000, 000 00' 54 150, 000 00 55 44, 721 32 56 57 20, 900 OOl 58 1, 788 OO; 59 4, 348, 542 64 . 60 2, 000, 000 00 150. 000 00 40, 000 00 175 00 352 00 4, 194 32 20, 900 00 1, 500 00 2, 500, 000 00 3, 000 00 1. 000 00 500, 000 00 227, 382 68 288 00 1, 121, 159 96 3, 000 00 1, 000 00 67 1, 250 00 1. 250 00 70 19, 032 52 . I 494 62 76 19, 527 14i 77 e Report incomplete. / Owned and operated by private individuals. g Value h Not incorporated. 1320 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table XCVI.— TELEGRAPHS— Cai)itoZ siock: 1880. Name of company. AUTHORIZED «Y LAW OK CIIARTRE. Number of shares. Amount. ISSUED FOR CASH. Number of shares. Total 968, G21 Dollars. 75, 907, 250 839, 143 Alabama and Great Southern (a) Altamaha (b) American Ra])id Atlantic and Pacific Ashtabula and Pittsburgh (a) ... 100, 000 150, 000 10, 000, 000 15. 000, 000 30, 000 140, 000 American Baltimore and Ohio (a) Burliugton and Missouri E.iver (a) . Bryant's Pond and Audover (c) Bar Harbor and Mount Desert (d) . . 25, 000 5G2 28 1, 400 Bayou Sara and Woodville (h) Columbia and Greenville (a) . . Centj-al District and Printing. Cincinnati and Eastern Chester and Derry (b) 5,000 100 500, 000 10, 000 5, 000 45 Connecticut River , Colusa Lake and Mendocino Camden (b) Deseret Ellsworth and Deer Island. ., 640 1, 000 16, 000 25, 000 640 5,000 240 500, 000 6, 000 218 Ellsworth and Fremont (d) ... Eayetteville and Lumberton . . Eoiintain City and Alma {b) . . Frontier (e) Georgetown and Kingston (d). 1, 300 26 100 4, 000 10, 000 4, 000 100 110 Huntingdon and Broad To\> Mountain (a) Harrington and Joiiesport Homer and Miuden (b) International Ocean Little Kock and Fort Smith (a) 28 2, 240 15, 000 1,500, 000 15, 000 Lehigh LakeMohonk Lake Superior and Mineral Range Montezuma Middletowu Mineral Point and Dodgeville Montana Central (b) Marine Millbridge and Cherryfield Northwestern _ . . 30 20, 000 50 100 50 3, 000 20, 000 5, 000 1,000 500 23 7, 000 47 100 29 CO 200 30, 000 300 1,000 1, 500, 000 25, 000 Northwestern Ohio (a) Paducah and Elizabetlitown (a) . Providence and Pascoag Pensacola Philadelphia Local 500 50 16, 000 50, 000 5, 000 400, 000 50 50 16, 000 a Owned and operated, by railroad company. b No report. c Not incorporated. d Report incomplete. e Six months. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table XCYl.—TEluJLGRAVm— Capital stocic : 1880— Continued. 1321 Name of company. AUTHORIZED BY LAW OR CIIARTER. Number of shares. Amount. ISSUBD FOR CASH. Number of shares, Amount. Philadelphia, Eeading and Pottsville . . Pee Dee Pouglilceepsie, Hartfoid and Boston (a) Runiford Falls and Buckfield (a) Vermont International , 1, 000 500 Dollars. 50, 000 5, 000 400 1G4 Dollars. 20, 000 1. 640 "Waterville Western Union Worcester and Nashua (b) Pacitic and Atlantic Michigan 160 410, 734 16, 000 100 41, 073, 410 160 5 410, 734 10, 000 100 41, 073, 410 Delaware River Central Pacific (h) Northern New Hampshire. Rodney and Fayette Gold and Stock 80, 000 6, 000 21, 000 2, 000, 000 150, 000 525, 000 80, 000 C, 000 1, 600 2, 000, 000 150, 000 40, 000 100, 000 2, 500, 000 100. 000 2, 500, 000 Attakapas Wilkesbarre and Harvey's Lake Union Springs and Troy (c) Riiiing Sun (d) '. Taylorville and Susanville (d) 20 1, 000 20 1, 000 Glen's Falls and Lake George Orejron Steam Navigation (d) Continental, Columbia, S. C. (a) Richmond, York River and Chesapeake (a) Cairo and Saint Louis (a) Cumberland and Pennsylvania (a) McKean and Buffalo (a) Rhinebeck and Connecticut River (a) . Detroit and Lansmg («) Northern New York (c) Black Diamond (e) Cheyenne and Black Hills a Owned and operated by railroad company. b Leased to the Western Union Telegraph Company. c Report incomplete. d <#A-ned and operated by private individuala. e Not incorporated. 1322 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table XCVII.— TELEGRAPHS— Venice accoM7j«; 1880. Note. — Twonty-sovon of the sevjjnty-seveu coin])aiiieH make no report of tlie mimber of messagca no leport, the Baltimore and Ohio is operated by tiie railroad company, and the Gold and Stock does $410,737 54 receipts from messages, have kept no* record of the number of messages sent. The receipts Name of company. MESSAGES TltAKSMITTED. Total 8, 154, 28, 548, 783 Alabama and Great Soiitliern. Altamaha American Kapid (ft) Atlantic and Pacilic Ashtabula and Pittsburgh 20 11,472 3, 660 137, 593 American Baltimore and Ohio Burlington and Missouri River , Bryant's Pond and Andover Bar Harbor and Mount Desert . Bayou Sara and Woodville . . . Columbia and Greenville Central District and Printing Cincinnati and Eastern Chester and Derry 48 Connecticut Eiver Colusa Lake and Mendocino. Camden Deseret Ellsworth and Deer Island . . Ellsworth and Fremont Fayetteville and Lumberton . . Fountain City and Alma Frontier Georgetown and Kingston (a) 213 Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Harrington and Jonesport Homer and Miuden International Ocean - Little Eock and Fort Smith 28 2, 500 Lebigh Lake Mobonk , Lake Supeiior and Mineral Range Monte/Aima Middletown , 250 64 Mineral Point and Dodgeville Montana Central Marine Millbridge and Cberrylield Northwestern , . Northwestern Ohio Paducah and Elizabethtown. Providence and Pascoag Pensacola 63 45 1 Philadelphia Local 50 13. 000 1, 040, 126 4, 915 40, 000 6,897 ' 4, 132 15, 000 1, 850 33, 352 1, 042 3, 536 2,000 4, 923 1,053 779 . 920 114, 462 13, 100 1,715 17, 094 3, 974 270 900 5, 650 1, 232 7, 716 3,405 6, 800 7, 450 685, 000 a Not in operation. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1323 Table XCVII.— TELEGRAPHS— /Semce accownf ; 1880. sent. Of those, four are operated by the AVestein Union Company, two are not in operation, two make not have a message business. The l emaining seventeen companies, reporting an aggregate amouut of from these companies are only a little more than 2 per cent, of the total receipts irom messages sent. DESCUIPTION OF LINES. 1 Total length of lines. Total miles of wire. Number of stations or offices. 1 1 Principal terminus stations. j Miles. 110, 726|g 291, 212y% 12, 510 205 305 34 256 6, 6:}4 63^ 80 2, 058 562 21 17 30 34 635 19, 191 C3i- 85 11, 553 822 21 17 32 25 2 5 2 317 14 13 415 57 3 2 3 6 2 2 13 2 2 2 300 300 620 62 65 9 4 7 7 4 2 65 80 20 2 180 180 20 3 58 2 2 955 1,130 69 9 30 30 4 2 21 21 3 2 33 33 2 2 30 30 4 2 248 250 13 3 4^ 45 2 2 52 52 10 2 17 17 3 2 20 20 2 2 742J 1, 080 34 2 165 165 12 2 135 199 64 6 32i 32^ 5 5 45 58 12 5 35 35 6 6 8 8 2 2 8 8 3 3 83 83 3 2 5i 5§ 2 2 5 5 2 2 6, 849 11, 616 657 7 • 831 83§ 186 12 2 186 19 2 29 37 9 2 100 100 9 3 425 425 110 2 AVERAGE NUMBEK TERSOXS EMi'LOYED. 172 165 9, 661 232 14 13 330 88 3 2 2, 469 117 57 ■Js a 2, 461 100 138 2 1 125 14, 928 32 5 103 504 16 21 518 94 3 248, 348 25 60 100 25, 327 600 50 50 2 2 750 125 20 41 7 4 8 4 909 21 20 11 13 110 1,107 GOO 50 40 55 1,200 25 1, 250 1,600 350 2 20 30, 000 4, 120 ""32" ""113' 1324 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table XCYIl.—TELEGRA.FH^— Service account : 1880— Continued. Name of company. MESSAGES TRANSMITTED. Philadelphia, Eeading and Pottsville , Pee Dee Ponglikeepsic, Hartford and Boston . . Rmnford I'alls and Bucklield Vei mont International 20 221, 620 952 221, 020 972 1,200 1, 200 Waterville "Western Union "Worcester and Nashua Pacific and Atlantic . . . Michigan rt 3, 000, 000 a2G, 215, 29, 215, 509 Delaware Eiver Central Pacific Northern New Hampshire. Kodney and Fayette Gold and Stock 105 Attakapas Wilkesbarre and Harvey's Lake. Union Springs and Troy Rising Sun Taylorville and Susan ville 185 115 19 Glen's Falls and Lake George Oregon Steam Navigation 68 ! Continental, Columbia, S. C Richmond, York River and Chesapeake 70 Cairo and Saint Louis 2, 914 3, 019 14, 115 400 7, 050 14, 300 400 7, 050 1, 113 G57 3, 040 Cumberland and Pennsylvania McKean and Bufialo Rhinebeck and Connecticut River Detroit and Lansing Northern New York Black; Diamond , Cheyenne and Black Hills 72 1, 200 25 5, 663 11,718 1,200 25 '5, GG3 3, 860 11, 790 a Estimated. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1325 Table XCVII— TELEGRAPHS— /Sen-ice account: 1880— Continued. DESCKIPTION OF LINES. Miles. 45 45 120 25 85, 645 4G 2, 366 45 46 37^ 250 2^ 233, 534 91 319 4 10 4 22 25 9, 077 10 AVERAGE NUMBER PERSONS EMPLOYED. 13 a 100 531 4 10 4 22 al, 000 'cs Q a2. 000 al, 487 535 10 10 4 27 al0,600 592 25 350 168, 056 967 104 199 20i 280" 196 146 221 4d 200 30 6 255 930 222 2, 947 18 439 32 20i 280 196 38 i 146 25 43 205 38 6 255 165 3 2 2 2 Y, 27 65 664 50 10 3, 113 400 1, 100 50 971 a EstimatecL TELEPHONIES. EEMAEKS. The tables which exhibit the telephone system of the IJnited States (as it existed in the censns year) contain 148 companies and private concerns, which aggregate 34,305 miles of wire, 54,319 receiving tele- phones, and 3,338 employes. Of this aggregate number of companies 74 make a complete set of reports, as required by the Census Bureau, including assets, receipts, or financial exhibit, and equipment and service account and employes. The 74 companies, &c., reporting assets have 26,764 miles of wire and 2,630 employes, while the 74 companies which omitted to give their assets have only 7,541 miles of wire and 708 employes. There are 132 companies, with 32,734 miles of wire and 3,104 employes, which report receipts from messages sent, &c., leaving 16 companies, &c., with 1,571 miles of wire and 234 employes, which omitted to report receipts or finances. All the companies, &c., which made reports, namely 148, show equii)ment and service account, and nearly all report employes, the few exceptiojis being those which attend to their telephone machinery and wire in person and do not hire attendants. Besides those 148 companies, &c., which made reports some com- panies and parties known to own telephone machinery and wire had been requested to send in statements of their business, &c., but none could be obtained, as those companies had either not fully organized or commenced operations j therefore the aggregates, as exhibited in general financial exhibit, balance sheet, and service account, can only be taken as an approximation to the telephone business in the United States in 1880. At the time when these statistics of the telephone business were col- lected some concerns were just in process of organization and had as yet, although chartered, not opened business and regular accounts, and therefore no satisfactory data could be obtained from such. The tables following, therefore, only exhibit such companies and concerns as made reports of either their capital invested (assets) or general business. The collections made have been with a view to exhibit the telephone business in 1880 as completely as circumstances allowed, and for the purpose of establishing a basis for the future taking of such statistics. 1327 1328 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table XCVIII.— TELEPHONES— 6?enemZ/tnawcia2 exUUt: 1880. Name of company. Total . Allontown Telephone Exchange American Bell Telephone Company American Bell Telefjiaph Company of Fulton American Bell Telegraph Exchange of Jamestown. American District Telegraph Co. of Erie (limited) . American District Telegraph Company American District Telegraph Company of Utica. . . American District Telegraph and Telephone Co . . . Ames and Nevada Telephone Company Amsterdam Telegraph and Telephone Company... Anderson, T. B., Sedalia Telephone Exchange Atchison Telephone Exchange Company Aj'er Telephone Company Balch & Root Batavia Telephone Exchange Beatrice Electric Company Bell Telephone Company of Bnifalo . . Bell Telephone Company of Illinois . . Bell Telephone Company of Madison . BeU Telephone Company of Missouri. Bell Telephone Company of Philadelphia... Black Hills Telephone Exchange Company. Bloomington Telephone Company Boston and Northern Telephone Company. . Bradford Telephone Company Brockton Telephone Company Brookline Telephone Exchange Burlington District Telephone Company Catskill Telegraph and Telephone Company Central District and Printing Telegraph Company. Central District and Printing Telegraph Company. Central District and Printing Telegraph Company. Central Massachusetts Telephone Company Central Pennsylvania Telephone and Supply Co. .. Central Telephone Company City and Suburban Telegraph Association Cheshire County Telephone Company Chippewa VaUey Telegraph and Telephone Co Cleveland Telephone Company , Clinton and Lyons Bell Telephone Company... Colorado Telephone Company Columbia Telephone Exchange Columbus (Ind.) Telephone Exchange Commercial Telephone Company Concord Telephone Exchange City. Connecticut Telephone Company Connersville Bell Telephone Company.. Corry Telephone Exchange Council Bluffs Telephone Company Danburv Telephone Dispatch. Company Doboy and Union Island Telegraph Company. Domestic Telegraph and Telephone Company Dunkirk Telephone Exchange Eastern Pennsylvania Telephone Exchange . . Easton Telephone Exchange 60 East Tennessee Telephone Company . ... Elmira Bell Telephone Exchange Evansville Telephone Exchange Eishkill Telephone Company JTreeport Telephone Exchange Company. Allontown. Boston Eulton Jamestown Erie Syracuse Utica San Jos6 Nevada Amsterdam Sedalia . . Atchison Ayer Morrison Batavia. . Beatrice — Buffalo Chicago Madison Saint Louis Philadelphia. Deadwood . . . Bloomington. Salem Bradford..... Brockton . . Brookline. . Burlington Catskill.... Bellaire Pittsburgh Wheeling South Eramingham . . . Williamspoit Alton Cincinnati . Keene Eau Claire. Cleveland.. Clinton Denver . . . Columbia . Columbus Albany . . . Concord . . New Haven. .. Connersville . . Corry Council Bluffs Danbiiry Darien . . . Newark . Dunkirk . Heading . Easton... Chattanooga . Elmira Evansville... Eishkill Ereeport State. Pa 50 Mass . . . 1, 250 8 N. Y.... N. Y.... 48 20 N. Y.... 206 N. Y.... 160 Cal 15 N. Y . . . . 25 Mo 40 Kans . . . 45 Ill 106 N. Y 30 Nebr 4 N. Y . . . . 1,211 Ill 1, 000 "Wis .... 80 Mo 785 Pa ] 442 Dak 40 III lliO Mass ... 107 Pa 100 Mass 50 45 Vt. 35 N.Y.... 60 Ohio 19 Pa 459 W. Va 87 Mass 200 Pa 463 267 Ohio 2, 100 N H Wis 140 456 Ohio..'.'.' Iowa ... 207 Colo 700 Pa Ind N. Y 1 000 n'.h"1! 43 Conn ... 1, 500 Ind 20 Pa 8 Iowa 18 Conn ... 35 Ga. ,.. 10 N.J .... 470 N. Y.... 25 Penn ... 526 Penn . . . 20 Tenn . . . 185 N. Y.... 55 Ind 120 N. Y.... 22 30 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1329 Table XCYlll.—TEljEFllOl^ES—Genei'al financial exhiUt: 1880. Receipts. Expenditures. Net income. Dividends. Surplus. Dollars. 3,098,081 Dollars, a 2, 373, 703 Dollars. 770, 516 Dollars. 302, 780 Dollars. 4«7, 786 4, 749 605, 184 597 1, 972 5, 574 13, 000 17, 770 3, 900 4, 350 339, 420 445 1, 353 4, 244 13, 945 11, 974 1, 800 393 265, 758 152 619 1,330 178. 500 5,796 2, 100 393 87, 258 152 619 1,330 .'>,796 , 2,100 479 3, 600 4, 000 402 2, 300 3, 453 77 1,300 547 77 !. 1, 300 547 4, 911 1, 126 646 70, 048 63, 516 3, 510 97, 488 168, 516 4, 236 6, 050 3, 254 5, 629 3, 709 3, 362 4, 541 469 1, 545 95, 303 9, 098 5, 408 22, 818 10, 375 128, 221 4, sm 1, 086 69, 302 62, 925 3, 510 63, 368 103, 024 2, 923 4, 950 1, 638 6, 865 2, 910 3, 362 2, 600 54, 213 3, 828 5,108 11, 140 14, 553 113, 077 12 40 77 9,746 591 34, 120 65, 492 1,313 1, 700 1,616 859 1, 941 163 853 41, 090 5, 270 300 11, 678 15, 144 6, 000 63, 840 15, 000 8, 000 12 40 77 9,746 591 28, 120 1, 652 1, 313 1, 700 1, 616 1, 941 163 853 26, 000 5, 270 300 11, 678 7,144 6, 246 22, 168 6, 250 75, 925 685 5, 637 21, 047 6,927 57, 747 442 609 1, 12J 18, 178 243 18, 000 609 1, 121 178 243 48, 173 2, 000 60, 500 1,262 739 3, .593 2, 812 94 25, 652 1, 374 10, 533 1, 200 18, 956 3, 965 10, 523 1, 494 2, 481 47, 478 2, 040 365 663 659 912 628 35 16, 186 1,299 6, 808 4, 600 6, 232 3, 965 24, 679 1, 214 4, 142 54, 135 599 80 681 184 59 9,466 75 3, 725 12, 724 1,240 280 695 54,135 599 80 681 184 59 9,466 75 3, 725 11, 484 280 a Amount of expen.ses over receipts by some companies aggregates $46,138 (see deficits). 84 CO 1330 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table XCVIIL— TELEPHONES— Genera? ^^wancial exhibit: 1880— Continued. Kame of company. Fulton County Tolophone Company (Jalcaburiu: Telepbono Exchange Galiou Telephouts Exchange Glenwood Telephone Exchange Company Greenville Telephone Excliauge Hannibal Telephone Company Harrisburg Telephonic Exchange Henderson Telephone Exchange. . Hope Valley Telephone Company Hot Springs Telephone Exchange Hudson Telegraph and Telephone Company. Inter-State Telephone Company Ithaca Telephone Exchange Janesville Telephone Exchange Johnson, L Joliet Telephone Company Lambertville Telephone Exchange Lancaster BeU Telephone Exchange Leadville Telephone Company - - - Leavenworth Telephone Exchange Company. Litchfield Telephone Company Little Rock Telephone Exchange Lowell District Telephone Company. Louisiana Telephone Company Manchester Telephone Exchange Mansfield Telephone Exchange Marshalltown Telephone Company. Mai-yland Telephone Company Mayfleld.E. W Memphis Telephone Exchange Merchants' Telephone and Telegraph Company.. . Metropolitan Telephone and Telegraph Company. Middle town Telephone Exchange Milwaukee Telephone Exchange Company !|Montana Agency Montpelier Telephone Exchange Muncie Bell Telephone Company Narragansett Pier T»>legraph Exchange Nashua Telephone Exchange IsTashviUe Telephone Exchange National Bell Telephone Company of Maine. National Capital Telephone Company Neenah Telephone Company Newburgh Telephone Comi)any New London Telephone Company New Milford Bell Telephone Company Northwestern Telephone Exchange (Jompany Ogden Telephone Exchange '. . Omaha Electric Compjiny Owensboro' Telephone Exchange Pacific Bell Telephone Company Park City Telephone Exchange Company Parmeuter & Co Peoria Bell Telephone Exchange Portland Teleph., Telegr. and Electric Light Co. 116 Providence Telephone Company (117 Home Telephone Exchange • 118 Eushville Bell Telephone Company. 1119 j Rutland Telephone Exchange '.. 120 Scranton BeU Telephone Company.. Shelby Telephone Company Sidney BeU Telephone Company Sioux City Telephone Exchange Company. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegrnph Company. Southern Massachusetts Telegr. and Teleph. Co ... City. Gloversville Galesburg .. Galiou Glenwood... GreenviUe . . Hannibal Harrisburg . . Henderson... Hope Valley . Hot Springs . Hudson Providence Ithaca JanesviUe Vincennes Joliet LambertviUe Lancaster ... Leadville Leavenworth Litchfield... - Little Rock.. Lowell New Orleans. Manchester. . Mansfield MarshaUtown Baltimore Jacksonville . . Memphis Emporia New York . . , Middletown , Milwaukee . . Fort Benton Montpelier Muncie Narragansett Pier . . Nashua NashvUle Portland Washington Neenah Newburgh - . San Francisco Park City "Wooeter Peoria Portland Providence Rome RushviUe.. Shelby Sidney Sioux City ... Danville . New Bedford State. New London Conn New Milford . Minneapolis . Ogden City . . Omaha...!.. . Owensboro' . . Length of wire. Miles. N.T.... 20 ni 10 Ohio .... 12 Iowa ... 10 Ohio .... 15 Mo 80 32 y Ark N.T.... 41 R. I 400 m. X. .... 30 VV 18 .... 17 Ind HI 85 "V .T *_/OiO .... ton Kans ... no Conn . . . 8 Ark 65 1 Kf\fi 1, OWJ La 4/f5 iM. XL. ... 100 Ohio.... 25 AO Md Rt\(\ DUU 111 AO Tenu ... ion Mo ]\f Y A. VTi 80 Ohio >V 18 .... 537 M^ontana Tnrl ID T? T 15 "NT TT iM . XX.... 15 Me 230 Jj. Li . ... 211 Wis .... 10 N. Y 125 Conn ... 60 Conn ... 35 Utah — 38 Nebr 179 58 Cal .565 Utah.... 12 Ohio.... 11 lU 100 Oreg 100 RT 300 N. Y.... 60 Ind ..... Vt 20 Ohio.... 2 Ohio.... 22 Iowa 75 Va 740 Mass. .. 500 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1331 Table XCVIII.— TELEPHONES— Genera? yEnancmZ exhibit: 1880— Continued. Receipts. Expenditures. Net Income. Dividends. Surplas. Deficits. Dollars. 3, 656 8, 000 520 1,520 1, 420 5, 564 Dollars. 3, 656 7, 000 189 1, 445 1, 837 4, 351 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. DoUars. 1,000 331 75 1, 000 331 75 417 1, 213 1, 213 555 230 2, 495 5, 779 699 2, 661 1, 105 226 206 2, 928 4, 050 1, 155 1, 716 1,825 329 24 329 24 433 1, 729 250 1,479 456 945 945 720 5,439 2,636 2, 803 2, 803 16, 733 5, 000 756 7, 786 57, 899 99, 437 9, 060 2,124 2, 735 59, 635 2, 880 14, 841 16, 180 3, 697 611 7, 245 52, 801 82, 794 6, 050 3, 070 2, 135 34. 378 1, 816 15, 945 553 1,303 145 541 5, 098 16, 643 3, 010 553 1, 303 145 541 5,098 10, 643 3, 010 6, 000 946 600 25, 257 1, 064 600 25, 257 1, 064 1,104 540, 292 4, 600 44, 979 400 518, 845 1,200 35, 927 300 21, 447 3, 400 9, 052 100 21, 447 3, 400 9, 052 100 2, 385 945 2,854 1, 765 590 2, 788 620 355 66 620 55 66 300 28, 555 24, 000 1, 225 5, 328 5, 511 2, 715 20, 938 28, 000 625 5, 041 5,947 2,660 7,617 7, 617 4, 000 600 287 600 287 436 55 55 2, 717 12,133 3, 557 36, 354 360 600 10, 000 8,127 18, 492 4, 186 5,012 7, 988 1,690 29, 196 290 450 7, 300 6,765 13, 092 1, 709 2, 295 4, 145 1, 867 7, 158 70 150 2, 700 1,362 5,400 2,477 1, 500 2, 645 1, 867 7, 158 70 150 2, 700 1, 362 5, 400 2,477 1, 200 240 960 960 216 1,364 4, 558 93, 177 40, 000 110 1, 335 4, 237 67, 964 35, 700 106 29 321 25, 213 4,300 106 29 321 25, 213 2, 950 i, 350 1332 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table XCYIIL— TEhEFRO^ES— General financial exhibit : 1880~Contimied. Name of company. City. State. Length of wire. Southern New York Bell Telephone Company Southeni Ohio Telephone Exchaniije Company Southera Worcester Teleplione Company Springfield Telex)hone Company Stamford and Norwalk Telegraph Company Saint Joseph Telephone Exchange Company Saint Johnshury Telephone Exchange Stafford Telephone Company Steuben Ecll Telephone Company Telephone Dispatch Company ^ Telephone and Telegraph Construction Company. .. Topeka Telephone Company Union Telepnone Exchange Vergennes Telephone Exchange "Warren Telephone Exchange Watertown Telephone Company Waterbury Automatic Signal Telegraph Company.. Western Telephone Company Western Massachusetts Telephone Company Wilkesbarre Telephone Exchange Wilmington Bell Telephone Exchange Winsted Telephone Exchange Winter Brothers' Telephone Exchange Binghamton .... Ironton Southbridge Springfield Stamford Saint Joseph Saint Johusbury Stafford Springs Corning Haverhill Detroit Topeka NoiTvalk Vergennes Warren Watertown Waterbury Chicago Pittsfleld Wilkesbarre Wilmington . Winsted Kingston Miles. Y 35 Ohio lii Mass . . . 25 Mass . . . 125 Conn . . . 85 Mo 225 Vt . . . . 7 Conn . 13 N.Y.... 50 Mass. .. 1, 250 Mich. .. 711 Kans ... 80 Ohio.... 25 Vt , , , 2 Pa 25 N.T.... 15 Conn . .. 117 Pa , 98 Del 108 Conn . . . 10 N.T.... lii Table XCIX.— Balance sheet, 4'C. : 1880. Name of company. Total Allento-wn Telephone Exchange American Bell Telephone Com pany American Bell Telegraph (Jonip^ny of Fulton American Eell Telegraph Exchange of Jamestown. American District Telegraph Co. of Erie (limitne Exchange Coiincil Bluffs Telephone Company.. Danbury Telephone Dispatch Co 43 1, 039 23 70 72 430 340 5 130 15 950 1, 200 94 1, 017 1,139 65 175 85 242 61 326 140 30 101 518 132 900 50 1, 250 8 48 20j 200 160 15 18 25 40 45 37 106 30 4 1, 211 1, 000 80 785 1, 442 40 100 107 100 50 45 35 6o; 19 459 87 200 463 207 2, 100 40 140 456 20 452 l,500l 45i 20! 10! 8! 34i 18j 25j 35L 348 48, 414 54, 319 700 25 53i 1 1, OOOl 1 43; 78 1, 214 31 123 173 52, 198 48,098 15,572 1 79 1, 300 31 117 152 79! 79 1,300; 1,500 24 24 112| 124 1511 119 619 358 619 355 100 41 41 61 62 605i 355I 75 1351 108 108 34 135 42 100 108 128 421 33; 34 l,605i 1,650 1,200 1,350 94! 94 981 1.067 42 341 34 1,550 1,800 1,350| 1,350 70 70 70 180 'ieo 1,023 1,109 3, 0751 3, 014 3, 000 701 70 180 180 8 8 162 162 140 161 106 70 72 72 1701 172, 117 42! 42 27 671 938 1,350 1,321 1,400 261 265 265 261 169< 257 225 718! 359 359j 350 672* 673 673 502 70 250 1,600 1,600 65! 70 109; 126 522 543 237 237 964! 29 76 1, 05 !| 95; 1. 528 45' 31! 671 1031 964 80 84 1, 486 98 1,600! 1,600 70; 701 1241 124i 538j 5221 208 960 ! 3e; 29 61i 3 , 365: 1, 500; 96 95 1; .58! 100 4 1,600; 1,600 45 32 70 1061 45'. 45 23| 30 . 70; 67] ""l 66 3i 244 4 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1339 Table C— TELEPHONES— Service account : 1880— Continued. Name of company. Doboy nnd UDion Islanfl Telefrr. Co Domestic Telo^rraph and Telephone Co Dunkirk Telephone Exeh:^U}:o Eastern Pennsylvania Teleph. Exch Easton I'elephone Exchan{i;e East Tennessee Telephone Company. Elmira Bell Telephone Exchange Evansville Telephone Exchange Eishkill Telephone Company Preepoi t Telephone Exchange Co Fulton County Telephone Company Galesburfi Telephone Exchange Gallon Telephone Exchange Glenwood Teleplione Exchange Co Greenville Telephone Exchange Hannibal Telephone Company Harrisburs Telephonic Exchange Henderson Telephone Exchange. Hope Valley Telephone Company Hot Springs Telephone Exchange . Hudson Telegraph and Telephone Co Inter State Telephone Company Ithaca Telcjdaone Exchano;e Jcinesville Telephone Exchange Johnson, L Joliet Telephone Company Lambertville Telephone Exchange . . Lancaster Eell Teh phone Exchange. Leadville Telephone Company Leavenworth Telei)houe Exchange Co Litchfield Telephone Company Little Kock Telephone Exchange Lowell District Telephone Company LSermce accojme ; 1880— Continued. Name of company. National Bell Tclephono Co. of Maine. National Capital Telephone Company. Neenah Telephone Company Newbnrg Telephone Coinpany New London Telephone Company NewMilford Bell Telephone Company. Northweatern Telephone Exch. Co . - . Offden Telephone Exchange Omaha Electi ic Company On'enaboro' Telephone Exchange Pacific Bell Telephone Company Park City Telephone Exchange Co . . . Parmenter & Co , Peoria Bell Telephone Exchange Portland Teleph., Telegr. & Elec.Lt. Co Providence Telephone Company Kome Telephone Exchange Eushville Bell Telephone Company. .. Rutland Telephone Exchange , Scranton BeU Telephone Company . . . Shelby Telephone Company Sidney Bell Telephone Company Sionx City Telephone Exchange Co. .. Southern 'Bell Teleph. and Telegr. Co. . Southern Mass. Telegr. and Teleph. Co Southern New York Bell Teleph. Co.. Southern Ohio Telephone Exch. Co.. Southern Worcester Telephone Co Springfield Telephone Company Stamford and Norwalk Telegraph Co Saint Joseph Telephone Exchange Co. Saint iTohnshury Telephone Exchange. Stalford Telephone Company Steuben Bell Telephone Company Telephone Dispatch Company Teleph. and Telegr. Constnrction Co . . Topeka Telephone Company Union Telephone Exchange Vergennes Telephone Exchange "Warren Telephone Exchange Watertown Telephone Company Waterbury Autom. Signal Telegr. Co. . Western Telephone Company Western Massachusetts Telephone Co. Wilkesbarre Telephone Exchange Wilmington Bell Telephone Exchange. Winst^d Telephone Exchange Winter Bros. Telephone Exchange . . . 540 230 190 211 2.5 10 134 125 50 60 9 35 657 40 38 245 179 115 58 831 565 14 12 40 11 200 100 4 100 375 77 41 24 100 2 25 100 1, 472 320 18 165 75 40 40 1,250 2 22 75 740 500 225 7 13 50 1, 1281 135i 87 52 2, 482! 200' iioi 1 m\ 171 42! 711 80 25 2 25i 15 117 827 17 2401 5 OCCUPATIONS I 1 5 re occui>j^Tio]srs. The following list shows the total number of persons reported in the census of 1880 as pursuing gainful avocations, their division into cer- tain classes as to age and sex, and also their distribution among the four great classes of occupations, viz : " Agriculture," Professional and personal services," "Trade and transportation," and " Manufactures," in- cluding the mechanical and mining industries : Classes. Persons occupied. I AGB AND 6KX. All ages. 10 to 15. 16 to 59. 60 and over. 6 1 a ID 6 6 1 6 1 All occupations Professional aud per- sonal services. Tradfo and transporta- tion. Manufacturinj;, me- chanical and mining. 17, 392, 099 14, 744, 942 1 2, 647, 157i 825, 187 293, 169 12, 986, 111 2, 283, 115 933, 644 70, 873 7, 670, 493 4, 074, 238 1, 810, 256 3,837, 112 7, 075, 983 2, 712, 943 1, 750, 892 3, 205, 124 594, 510 1, 361, 295 59, 364' 631, 988i 1 584, 867 127, 565 26, 078 86,677 135, 862 107, 830 2, 547 46, 930 5, 888, 133 2, 446, 962 1, 672, 171 2,978,845 435, 920 1,215, 189 54, 849 577, 157 602, 983 138, 416 52, 643 139, 602 22, 728 38, 276 1, 968 7,901 It appears from the foregoing table that the aggregate number of persons returned as having gainful avocations was 17,392,099, being 34.f38 per cent, of the entire population of 1880 and 47.31 per cent, of the T)opulation 10 years of age and upward. In 1870 the total number of persons borne on the lists of occupations was 12,505,923, being 32.43 per cent, of the population of that date and 44.3 per cent, of the population 10 years of age and upward. It thus appears that the tables of occupations in the present volume embrace a larger share of the total population than those contained in the publications of the last census. The number of persons 10 years of age and upward was in 1870 28,228,945 j in 1880, 36,761,607 ; an increase of 30.23 per cent. Applying this ratio of increase to the reported occupations of 1870, and by turns ; to the number in each of the four great classes, we should have results as \ follows, against which we have set the actual numbers returned in 1880: Classes. All occupations... ............. •....■•>. — Agiiculture Professional and personal services Trade and transportation Ill isnufacturiug, mechanical, and mining industries M g o 9 S fl 12, 505, 923 16. 286, 463 17, 392, 099 I 1, 105, 6 5,922,471 7,712,8341 7,670,493 2, 684, 793' 3, 496, 406 4, 074, 238 1,191,238' 1,5.51,349, 1,810,256 2,707,421 3,525,874 3,837,112 577, 832 258, 907 311, 2381 1343 13 4 4 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. We see thus that if we compare the number of occupations returned in 1870, increased by the rate of increase which took Place during the deJade in the popnhition over 10 years of age with the number of oc^upXns actually returned in 1880, we find a deficiency in the agn- cSal class to the extent of 42,341; an excess m the class rendering profess onafand personal serviced of 577,832, in that engaged m trade and transportation of 258,907, and in that engaged in manufactures or mechS and mining industries of 311,238, making a net excess in all classes of occupations of 1,105,636. . , , There is reason to believe that the deficiency m the agricultural class and the marked increase in the class rendering professional and personal sei^ices is due, in some measure, to the reporting of persons as "labor- er^ ^mplv who should have been returned as " agricultural laborers". Tn%ome mrts of the country, where agriculture is m a high degree pre- doZaTthere if doubtless a certain tendency to drop the qualifying adSfve and speak of " laborers" simjily. Wherever it has been within the power of the Census Office to apply a correction to this error it has been done, yet there probably remains a certain amount of fallacious classification resulting from the failure of enumerators duly to charac- *1t1s'SLtrralK class of "laborers" embraces considerable numbers of persons who are employed in connection with manufacturing eSshments with sufRcient regularity to justify their inclusion in the manufacturing class, were the facts known. If we ask how the relative excess of occupations m 1880 over 18<0 is distributed according to sex, we shall find that of the tot^l excess, viz flOS 6? as stated,learly 'one-quarter is of females, the number ot ffl'es reported as pursuing gainful occupations having increased from 1870 to 1880 in a higher ratio than the number of males, ihus— NtmTjer of females in gainful occupations in 1870 1.836,288 Increased M the ratio of increase m the female population since 1870, viz, 29.03 per cent 2 647 157 Actual number returned in 1880 ^,m/,ioi 277 795 Relative excess - ' Of this excess about two-tMrds appears in the last of the four classe^ indicated, showing the effect upon the employment of women produced bv the extension of the factory system. . ^ ^ , If we inquire how the same excess is distributed according to age, we shall find that a disproportionate share falls in the class between 10 and I5 years of age, showing a further effect of the extension of the factory system in the increased employment of young children. Thus- Numberof persons of both sexes between 10 and 15 years of age reported in 1870 as in gainful occupations - - - - - 'rfy , n>4 Increased by 18.65 per cent the ra^o of increase m the population of this age from 1870 to 1880 877,018 Actual number reported ^> Relative excess 241, 338 Although the tables of Occupations, as we have seen, embraanized, more attract- ive, and are supported by a stronger public sentiment than in others. In the former class of cases we shouhl look to see the intluence of the schools acting in diminution of the number of young persons of either sex engaged in gainful occupations. REMARKS UPON THE LIST OF OCCUPATIONS AND UPON THE NUMBERS RETURNED UNDER THE SEVERAL TITLES. The CLASSIFICATION ADOPTED. — On this point Ave quote the lan- guage of the reports of the census of 1870 : The plan pursued in the compilation of these tables has been to refer every s])ecilication of occupation to some grand division of indus- try ; and within each of such grand divisions to constitute as many distinct subdivisions as the nature of the material furnished by the enumerators would allow to be formed with a reasonable approach to completeness, subject, however, to certain conditions wliich will be pre- sented in the furtiier course of these remarks. The Superintendent is familiar with the reasons which have induced many European statisticians to abandon the grouping of occupations according to such assumed grand divisions of industry as agriculture, manufactures, trade, etc., and to resort instead to a system of expressing the employments of the people through a large number of minute and pre- cise specihcations, susceptible of being combined and recombined succes- sively, according to different ideas or theories of classitication ; but he is convinced that the conditions and limitations of industrial statistics, at least within the United States, will not allow of such nicety in the treatment of material, and, moreover, that the highest purposes and the largest uses of such statistics require something closely approaching the plan of treatment adopted in the following tables. It is perhaps not necessary to pursue the subject, but it may be Interesting to note two things in this connection. First. That the subdivision of labor and the organization of industry in the United States really correspond rather to the classification of occupations adopted in these tables than to the nicer distinctions of the foreign statisticians. Indeed, instead of throwing away valuable dis- criminations, the difficulty is so to treat the returns as reasonably to fill the classes here given. Whoever will consider the al uiost utter want of apprenticeship in this country, the facility with which pursuits are taken up and abandoned, and the variety, and, indeed, seeming incon- gruity of the numerous industrial offices that are frequently united in one person, will appreciate the force of this argument. For example, the distinctions in the profession of the law, which are known and recog- nized decisively in England and on the continent, are not maintained m this country except in a few great cities, and there only in exceptional cases. The same person with us is law-scrivener, collector of debts, prosecutor of claims, counselor, attorney, ])0ssibly, also, judge. Again, the organization of domestic service in the United States is so crude that no distinction whatever can be successfully maintained. A censu^s of occupations, in which the attempt should be made to reach anything like European completeness in this matter, would result in the return of tens of thousands of "housekeepers" and hundreds of thousands of "cooks" who were simplv "maids of all work", being the single ser- vants of the families in which they were employed. Again, the British distinction between the merchant and the shopkeeper is impossible in COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1351 this country. If anything whatever could be predicated of the two classes in this respect, it would be that the smaller dealers cliug more pertinaciously to the larger title. Still, again, the British "farmer" is wholly unknown with us. The American farmer is, at least in the vast proportion of instances, the owner of the land he cultivates. Second. It is not deemed practicable in the United States that tlie average enumerator shall, in the course of a canvass necessarily hur- ried, fill a very large number of subdivisions with appropriate entries without much loss and coniusion. Of course accuracy of definition is of no value if the content be inadequate. It may even be doubted whether the enumerators of any country are capable of carrying out thoroughly any body of instructions respecting the returns of occupa- tions which require more than the plain and simple characterization of each main employment in the common plirase of the working people themselves. The employments reported in the census have been, for the purposes of this publication, brought under four general titles, viz. Agriculture, Manufactures and Mining, Trade and Transportation, Personal and Professional Services, the latter having somewhat of a residual relation to the others, and yet in the main a substantial character, and with limits not hard to define. The reason for making a common title for Trade and Transportation must be sufficiently evident without explanation. Mining, which stands in idea between agriculture and manufactures, in that, like agriculture, it obtains the raw material of subsequent in- dustrial processes, while, like manufactures, its agencies and forces are chiefly mechanical, not chemical, has, for convenience mainly, been assigned to the group of Manufactures. A still stronger consideration of convenience, though with somewhat less clear considerations of propriety, induced the Superintendent to place the fishing industry in the category of Manufactures. The num- ber of persons engaged in the fisheries will always and inevitably be below the fact, for the reasons, first, that this industry is usually i)ur- sued for a season only, while, for the remainder of the year, the fisher- man follows some other gainful avocation, under which he will preferably be reported; second, that no inconsiderable proportion of the ])ersons actually engaged on the water in this pursuit at the time of the enu- meration, having no families to report them, are entirelj' omitted from the census under the American system; third, that where fisheries aie carried on in vessels larger than the ordinary row or sail boat the hands employed are generally known, not as fishermen, but as sailors. The last statement holds true of the vast majority of all persons who are engaged in the whale, cod, and mackerel fisheries. It is true that, according to the theory of a census of occupations taken in the interest of industrial science mainly, vessels so employed should, with all their hands, be excluded from the class of trausx)ortation and be returned as engaged in the fisheries; but this distinction is one which it appears hopeless to make. We are compelled, therefore, to accept the result that the great majority of persons engaged in the fisheries are returned as sailors merely. The residue are not worth constituting into a sepa- rate grand division of industry, and have, therefore, been carried into the manufacturing class. The completeness of these tables. — Comparison of the numbers reported in the tables of Occupations with the numbers found under corresponding titles in the tables of Manufactures, will discover dis- crepancies of very important extent which require to be here accounted 1352 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. for, not only in justification of these tables, but for the additional light which such an investigation throws upon the industrial capacity of the country. Not only do important discrepancies exist, but they are found to be of two kinds, of diametrically opposite direction. In one class of cases the numbers reported in the tables of Occupations appear to be too large ; in the other, too small. First, however, it needs to be stated just what constitutes a discrep- ancy. A failure in the numbers reported in the one place and in the other to balance exactly is not a discrepancy ; on the contrary, this is to be expected j and if the numbers are found to be in excess in the l)roper set of tables, and to be in excess to only the proper extent, this furnishes statistical ])roof of a high character. Tlie tables in which the numbers should thus be generally found in excess are the Occupa- tion tables. The reason for the excess being found in these tables and not in the others is, that the schedule of manufactures gives an average return of the number of " hands employed", while the statistics of occu- pations are taken from a count of individuals upon the population schedule, and present, therefore, a maximum return, embracing, as they do, artisans of every class out of employment, temporarily disabled, or for some, other reason not included in the actual return of any estab- lishment. The degree to which such excess should extend will depend, within certain limits, upon the nature of the special occupation, as well as upon the general condition of manufacturing industry throughout the country at the time. First Those cases where the numbers in the tables of Occupations do not exceed those in the tables of Manufactures, but even fall below them. Instances of this kind are principally confined to the returns of factory operatives. A portion of these omissions, undoubtedly, may be accounted for by the large number returned under the head of "Mill and factory opera- tives not specified", as well as by the number of "Employes of manu- facturing establishnuents not specified"; but, in the main, the explana- tion of the discrepancies is found in the fact that women and children employed in factories are omitted in large numbers. Thus, omissions may take place either through the failure of the enumerators to ask the questions relating to occupation concerning such persons, assuming that they have no avoeation outside their homes, or from the indisposition of the persons thesraselves or the heads of the families to speak of them as in employment. Especially in the case of children, who are part of the time in school and part of the time in the mill, would the mother or father be likely to give a preference to the former over the latter mode of statement, i)articularly when, as in tens of thousands of cases the country over, the child comes within the period of life respecting which there is a legal requirement of school attendance. When we come, however, to occupations i)ursued mainly by adults, and, indeed, almost exclusively by adult males, like the trades of car- penter, blacksmith, mason, or printer, or the professions of lawj^er, physician, or clergyman, the force of this cause is no longer felt. Second. Those instances w^here the numbers appearing in the tables of Occupations exceed those in the tables of Manufactures by more than the probable or possible difterence between a maximum and an average return. Unlike the class first noted, these discrepancies affect mainly the statistics of those occupations which are pursued singly, or by twos COMBENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1353 Hud threes, out of large mills and factories, and even, in a considerable degree, out of shops. Discrepancies of this character in no degree dis- credit the statistics of occupations. They arise from the fact that the return of " productive industry" is not, as indeed it is not expected to be, a complete return of the mechanical produclnon of the country. The census attempts the enumeration of mechanical industry only as it is carried on in shops, and thus fails to embrace that large body of individual labor which is not attached to distinct "establishments of productive industry Moreover, the census law establishes a minimum (namely, the value of $500 annually), below which the production of shops shall not be returned. Thus the trades of blacksmith, carpenter, mason, painter, and, in a somewhat smaller degree, of plumber, locksmith, harness-maker, are largely pursued by persons working singly and not occupying for the purpose of their respective trades what would be popularly recognized as "an establishment of productive industry", perhaps having only a chest of tools in some room of the house, and perhaps also engaged in their trades for only one season of the year and producing to less than the value of $500. The census has never obtained a full report of the production of these trades so far as they are jjursued out of slioi:>s or factories. Again, in making such comparisons between the tables of Occupa- tions and those of Manufactures great care must be taken to ascertain whether the titles taken for the purpose really correspond. In some cases, where the apparent correspondence is greatest, the quantities are, in fact, not commensurable. An example may be found in the brick and tile manufacture. It would, at first, seem that the "hands em- ployed" should answer to the " brick- and tile-makers" in the tables of Occupations ; but, on the contrary, a considerable i^ortion of the hands employed in large brick -yards, not infrequently exceeding indeed the number of craftsmen, are classed and known as common laborers, and are so returned in the census. In the same way a factory producing fine furniture may report 100 hands employed, but of these only 80 may be cabinet-makers in the usual, and indeed proper, sense of that term, while the others may be simply unskilled laborers, or painters, varnishers, and locksmiths. In a currier's shop not all the hands are necessarily curriers, in the crafts- man's sense of that term. All textile factories employ persons who are not "operatives" — yard hands, watchmen, millwrights, or mechanics, and simple laborers, it may be, in considerable numbers. There are, in addition, certain industries respecting which peculiar diffi- culties arise, from the distinct nature of the several avocations pursued under one roof in the same establishment. Thus, it might be supposed that the manufacture of "agricultural implements" is sufficiently dis- tinct to secure a reasonably close comparison between the number of "hands employed" and the number of "agricultural implement makers" borne on the tables of Occupations. But this is not so. A large estab- lishment i)roducing agricultural implements is really divided into a number of shops or factories, where perfectly distinct trades are carried on. There is the foundery, where the iron parts of the machine are cast, and the men working herein will report their occupation as that of founderymen. There are carpenters' shops, where the wooden parts are made and shaped by carpenters, who call themselves by this term, and no other. There are also machine shops, paint shops, etc., where the artisans employed know themselves as machinists or mechanics, or as painters and varnishers, and not as makers of agricultural implements. As a result of the peculiarities of this branch of industry, the "hands 1354 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. employed'^ in the statistics of Manufactures will exceed many times over the number of i)erso..s reporting themselves as "agricultural imi)lement mnkers". An (examination of the schedules froi© those towns where tliis industry is pursued will reveal the operation of this cause. On tlie other haijd, the very success with which specific statements of occui)ati()n are, in most cases, obtained serves to deplete some gen- eral title so far that the figures, if not interpreted in view of the specific titles, would be simply grotesque. Thus, the census reports but 7,858 "mech;inics". As a matter of fact, there are many hundreds of thou- sands of mechanics in the United States, but all but the small residue mentioned have been rej)orted in connection with individual mechanical trades. The small number of mechanics, therefore, instead of showing a failure of the enumeration in this respect, shows a rather striking- degree of success in securing specific descriptions of the avocations of the people. We have already adverted to the probable inclusion of a considerable number of laborers who are mainly engaged in agriculture among the class performing "personal and profiessional services" through the failure of the returns to indicate their avocations more precisely. In much the same way doubtless no small luimber of "messengers", "laborers," "watchmen," and "clerks", who are really employed in those capacities in connection with manufacturing establishments, have been transferred to other classes through the lack of more precise information regarding the field of their work. Incomplete subdivision of employments. — In addition to the apparent deficiencies or discrepancies which have been noted, one gen- eral remark will suffice in explanation of many of the entries in the tables in respect to the accuracy of which question may naturally arise. It must be borne in mind that the number of persons who are reported under a certain specified occupation does not necessarily embrace all the persons who perform the duties usually associated with that title, but only those who discharge such duties to the exclusion of other gainful occupations, or, at least, as their principal or sole professed means of support. The organization of labor and the subdivision of industry vary in respect to completeness and minuteness with each successive community. As communities advance in industrial character functions become separated and distinct occupations become recognized, and this country, from its peculiar conditions, i)resents almost every degree between the two extremes of industrial development in this particular. It is common to find on the returns from the present territories, and even some of the present states of the Union, such entries as these: "Carpenter and miner," "Blacksmith and carpenter," "Blacksmith and miner," and in many of the communities of the land it is difficult to draw distinctions much finer than those between the agricultural, the mining, the mechanical, and the commercial pursuit or profession. Indeecl, even this is not always practicable, since it is matter of notoriety that in many of tlie states of the Union, and those not among the newest, the occupations of carpenter and farmer, or blacksmith and farmer, or farmer and fisherman, are frequently united in one person. In large and more x>rosperous communities a clear separation between such occupations takes place ; yet the carpenter, for instance, in nine out of ten counties in the United States, performs half a dozen functions which in cities are recognized as belonging to distinct trades. COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1355 The same general process occurs in agricultural, commercial, and professional employments. Thus the tables show 112,840 traders and dealers whose branch of trade is not specilied. The want of specifications here is not due to the neglect of enumerators, but to the fact that these persons so characterized are actually selling agricultural implements, books and stationery, boots and shoes, etc., through pretty much the entire line of articles sold by those other dealers whose departnients are defined because the communities in which they dwell and deal are sufficiently large to allow of the minute subdivision of trade. If, therefore, Ave look at those occupations which emerge as distinct employments only in communities where the organization of industry and the subdivision of labor are carried to a high degree, the number of persons engaged will appear to be impossibly small unless the above considerations are borne carefully in mind. Anomalous entries. — Other seeming discrepancies, which demand at least an allusion here, occur where persons are returned as of certain special occupations in states where it is notorious that the industries represented are not carried on ; or, again, where persons, iK)t more than one, two, or five in number, are returned in a state under a description which implies a large body of workmen. An adequate explanation of all cases of this general nature is found in the consideration that the census takes account of persons where they are actually residing, and assigns them to their habitual occupation, whether it is being at the time pursued or not. In the enumeration of hundreds of thousands of persons out of health, or out of employment, traveling, or visiting friends in other states, it is inevitable that such apparent anomalies should arise. iT. B. — Each employment specified in the following tables must be understood in connection with the class or grand division of industry under which it is placed. To many, and indeed most, of the specifica- tions of occupation this warning, in the nature of the case, does not apply. Others, however, will be misinterpreted without a reference to the more general title. Thus, " clerks and copyists " appear under the head "Personal and professional services". These are clerks to lawyers, clerks to civil engineers, coi)yists not attached to commercial houses or manufacturing establishments, etc. "Clerks" also appear under the head of "Manufactures and mining", so far as i)ersons are employed in a purely clerical capacity in those branches of industry 5 while under the title of "Trade and transportation" "clerks" appear several times as "clerks in stores", "clerks in banks," "clerks in railroad offices," etc. In publishing these tables of the occupations of the people too great credit cannot be awarded to Mr. Edwin B. Smith, of Massachusetts, who has from the first had charge of the compilations relating to occupation, and on whom has rested the responsibility of all the details of classifi- cation and arrangement. It would be difficult to convey an adequate impression of the care and labor involved in this work. 1356 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table C [.--OCCUPATIONS— JVmw&6t and sex of persons States and Territories. The U. S. Alabama Arizona .... Arkansas . . . California. . . Colorado.... Connecticut Dakota Delaware . . . Dist. Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi . . . Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada N.Hampshire. New Jersey... New Mexico . . New York North Carolina Oliio Oregon Pennsylvania . Khode Island . South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia W.ishington . . West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming rOPULATlOX, 10 YKAltS AND OVEK. Total. Male. Female. J, 761, 607 18, 735, 980 18, 025, 62^ 851, 780 ;{'2, 922 .■331, 876 681, 062 158, 220 497, 303 99, *19 110, 856 136, 907 i 184, 650j 1, 043, mi 25, 005' 2, 269, 315| 1, 468, 095j 1, 181, 6411 I 704, 297 1, 163, 498 649, 070; 519. 669i 1, 432,1831 1, 236, 686j 559, 977 753, 693! 1, 557, 631 j 31,989; 318, 27l| 50, 666: 286, 188 865, 591 414, 095i 437, 685 24, 2(57| 8, 655 278, 185 253, 691 425, 170 255, 892 110, 896 47, 324 242, 392 64, 343; 56, 003 63, 429 93, 475| 509, 830j 17, 910! ,178, 13 ij 752, 405i 623, 675 388, 148 586, 424 322, 004 258, 587 341, 621 681, 786 659, 101 307, 449 375, 561 816, 962 24, 558 181, 022 36, 211 139, 807 426, 451 87, 966 48, 266 3,981,428 1,950,059; 254, 911 35, 506 54, 853 73, 478 91, 175 534, 010 7, 095 1,091,184 715, 690 557, 966 316, 149 577. 074 327, 066 261, 082 353, 743 750, 397 577, 585 252, 528 378, 132 740, 669 7, 431 137, 249 14, 455 146, 381 439, 140 ENGAGKD IN AIX CLASSEfi OF OCCLTATIOXtJ. Total. 17, 392, 099 Male. 14, 744, 942 959, 951 2, 399, 367 130, 565 465, 268 1, 209, 435 492, 790 22, 271 260, 692 376, 505 101, 251 241, 333 57, 844 54, 580 66, 624 91, 536 597, 862 15, 578 999, 780 635, 080 528, 302 322, 285 519, 854 363, 228 231, S93 324, 432 720, 774 569, 204 255,125 415,506 22, 255; 152, 614 32, 233 1 142, 468| 396, 8791 39, 700 40, 8?2 2, 031, 369; 1, 884, 645 494, 683' 480, 187; 1,189,932 994,475 81, 031 1 49,534 67.3-13 3,203,215 1,591,056 220, 461| 104, 986 667, 456; 324, 364 1, 062, 130 . .524, 559 1, 064, 196j 568, 928 97, 194 i 50, 580 264, 0.-)2 132, 036 1, 059, 0:i4 516, 395 55, 720 36, 085 428, 587| 217, 650 I 965, 7121 503, 434 16, 479i 11, 950 I 1,612,159 1,456,067 115, 475 116, 979 343, 092 392, 102, 537, 571 447, 970 ! 495, 268 522, 133 1 46, 614 132, 016 542, 639 19, 635 210, 937 462, 2781 4, 529 40, 055 118, 5841 494, 240 30, 122 176, 199 417, 455 8, 884 Female. 2, 647, 157 368, 734 124, 056 21, 800i 471 230,076 30,616 348, 303 28, 202 96, 472 4, 779 192, 663 .54, 993 46, 6521 46, 966 73, 752 445, 530 15, 287 893, 679 583, 658 483, 457 302, 934 465, 432 268, 176 198, 465 265, 632 546, 591 514, 191 230, 048 305, 089 630, 016 21,748 142, 159 30, 730 112,340 330, 103 38, 560 1, 524, 2641 393. 2111 881, 8361 64, 564' 1 1, 239, 0.84; 87, 120! 272, 015 391,5621 463, 190 37, 168; 102, 417 411, 043; 29, 0.59 164, 691 1 371, 062 8, 420, ENGAGED IN AGRICUL- TUKK. Total. 7, 670. 493 Male. 7, 075, 983 Fe- male. 594,510 48, 670 2, 851 7, 928 19, 658 17, 784 152, 332 291 106, 101 51, 422 44, 845 19,351 54, 422 95, 052 33, 528 58, 800| 174, 183 55, 013 25, 077 110, 417 62, 943 5071 10, 455 1, 503 30, 128 66, 776 2,262 360, 381 86, 976 112, 639, 2, 7791 216, 983; 29, 859, 120, 087 56, 408 58, 943 2, 887 16, 167 83, 197 1, 063 11, 508 46, 393 464 380, 630 3, 435 216, 655 79, 396 13, 539 44, 0261 28, 508 17, 849; 1, 464 58, 731 432, 204, 3, 858 436, 371 1 331, 240| 303, 557i 200, 080 ' .320,5711 20.5, 300, 82, 1301 90, 927 64,973 240, 319 131, 535 339, 938 355, 297 4, 513 90, 507 4, 180 44, 490 59, 214 14, 139 377, 460: 360, 937 397, 495 27, 091 301, 112 10, 945 294, 602 294, 153 359, 317 14, 550 55, 251 254. 099 12, 781 107, 578 195, 901 1, 639 291, 477 3, 423 195, 002 78, 785 13, 462 43, 936 28, 368 17. 609 89,15:; 12 21, 653 611 77 90 140 240 19 1, 4451 47,465j 11,260 329, 856 102, 348 3, 847 433, 796 329, 614, 302, 17l' J n 2, 575 1, 620 1, 3861 846: 5, 1261 205, 234* 315, 44 147, .038 57,768| 81, 8871 2431 89,1761 1,751 64, 746 227 239, 346! 973 130, 817i 718 252, 324 87, 614 351, 6811 3, 616 4, 504, 89,881; 4, 146; 34 44, 299j 191 58, 819j 14. 025' 114 37.5,213! 2,247 314, 228! 46, 709 396,1201 1,375 27, OOOj 91 299,809 1,303 10, 910' 35 208, 672; 85, 930 275, 6201 18, 533 330, 125; 29, 192 14, 470; 80 55, 037: 214 238, 951! 15,148 12, 709; 72 106, 980; 598 194, 38o! 1,521 1, 635| 4 r()MrL:NDiUM of the tenth census. 1357 engaged in each class, by states and ttrriiories : 1880. ENGAGED IN TROFESSIONAL AND I'EltSONAL SERVICES. ENGAGED IN TRADE AND TRANS- PORTATION. ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURES AND MECHANICAL AND MINING INDUSTRIES. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. 4, 074, 238 2, 712, 943 1, 361, 295 1, 810, 256 1, 750, 892 59, 364 3, 837, 112 3, 205, 124 631, 988 72, 211 8,210 23. 466 121, 435 24, 813 41, 187 7, 870 15, 284 103, 207 21, 233 31, 024 340 8, 182 18, 228 3, 580 16, 953 3, 252 9, 233 57, 392 15, 491 16, 609 3, 235 9, 158 56, 621 15 338 344 17 75 771 353 22, 996 7, 374 11, 338 118, 282 47, 408 19, 461 7, 272 10, 632 109, 690 46 439 3, 535 102 706 8, 592 969 51, 296 14, 016 17, 616 39, 975 17, 923 30, 647 n, 655 12, 055 23, 604 12 098 20, 649 2, 301 5, 561 16, 311 5, 825 29, 920 6, 219 4, 967 9, 848 6, 446 28, 888 6, 180 4, 704 9, 176 6, 386 1,032 39 263 672 60 116, 091 9, 101 14, 148 15, 337 8 436 89, 192 8, 790 12, 284 12, 681 7 803 26, 899 311 1,864 2,656 633 104, 269 3, 861 229, 467 137, 281 103 932 62, 027 3, 651 157, 084 100, 056 69 575 42, 242 210 72, 383 37, 225 34 357 25, 222 1,327 128, 372 56, 432 50, 872 24, 693 1, 321 125, 328 55, 292 50 212 529 6 3,044 1,140 660 36, 167 6, 532 205, 570 llO, 127 69 941 28, 954 6, 468 177, 471 98, 696 61 499 7, 213 64 28, 099 11, 431 8 442 53, 507 104, 239 98, 111 47, 411 98, 934 38, 289 63, 438 66,138 31, 604 59, 057 15, 218 40, 801 31, 973 15, 807 39, 877 26, 379 33, 563 29, 130 29, 790 49, 234 26, 119 32, 761 28, 041 29, 090 46 785 260 802 1, 089 700 2, 449 36," 3 19 61,481 30, 681 72, 662 85, 337 33, 292 53, 788 26, 459 55, 884 70 614 3, 027 7,693 4' 222 16, 778 14 723 170, 160 143, 249 59, 452 49, 448 148, 588 100, 445 103, 244 39,741 28, 563 102, 403 69, 715 40, 005 19, 711 20, 885 46, 185 115, 376 54, 723 24, 349 12, 975 79, 300 109, 154 53, 317 23, 979 12, 849 77 721 6, 222 1, 406 370 126 1 579 370, 265 130, 913 39, 789 13, 145 109 774 272, 246 118, 284 35, 511 11, 353 98 211 98, 019 12, 629 4, 278 1, 792 11 563 6, 954 28, 746 10, 373 28, 206 110, 722 6, 539 20, 766 9, 275 16, 158 75, 763 415 7, 980 1, 098 12, 048 34 959 2, 766 15, 106 4, 449 11, 735 66, 382 2, 759 14, 983 4, 431 11, 208 63 874 123 18 527 2 508 8, 022 18, 255 13, 231 58, 037 160 561 • 7, 946 16, 529 12, 878 40, 675 131 647 76 1, 726 353 17, 362 28 914 19, 042 537. 897 69, 321 250, 371 16, 645 17, 241 332, 068 34, 774 173, 909 14, 688 1, 801 205, 829 34, 547 76, 462 1, 957 • 3,264 339, 419 15, 966 104, 315 6, 149 3, 252 324, 304 15, 793 101, 445 6, 106 12 15, 115 173 2, 870 43 4, 377 629, 869 33, 963 242, 294 17 458 4,042 492, 679 210, 362 16, 770 335 137, 190 5,547 31, 932 688 446, 713 24, 657 64, 246 94', 107 97, 561 318, 194 35, 497 34, 309 60, 304 70, 178 128, 519 9, 160 29 937 • 33! 803 27, 383 179, 965 15,217 13, 556 23, 628 34, 909 169, 664 14, 641 18 147 23] 196 34, 649 10, 301 576 409 432 260 528, 277 66, 160 19 698 36' 082 30, 346 451, 417 46, 072 15, 887 32, 442 28, 238 76, 860 20, 088 0, oil 3, 640 2, 108 11, 144 28, 174 146, 664 6, 640 SI, 680 9, 271 16, 022 87, 681 5, 829 22, 361 ■ 1, 873 12, 152 58, 983 811 9, 319 4, 149 8, 945 30, 418 3,405 10, 653 4, 026 8, 772 29, 804 3, 389 10, 510 123 173 614 16 143 10, 212 26, 214 63, 059 7, 296 26, 288 9, 401 22, 586 54, 607 7, 132 24, 840 811 3, 628 8, 452 164 1,448 97, 494 4, Oil 64, 259 3, 642 33, 235 369 37, 550 1, 545 36, 454 1, 528 3,096 17 86, 510 1, 689 75, 969 1, 615 10, 541 74 1358 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table ClI.— OCCUPATIONS— Persons engaged in all classes of States and Territo- ries. The Unitod States Alabama.. Arizona. Arkansas . California. Colorado.. Connecticut Dakota Delaware Dist. of Columbia. Florida Georgia. Idabo ... Illinois . Indiana . Iowa 492, 790 22, 271 260, 692 37C, 505 101, 251 241, 333 57, 844 54, 580 66, 624 91,536 597, 862 15, 578 999, 780 635, 080 528, 302 322, 285 519, 854 363, 228 231, 993 324, 432 720, 774 569, 204 255, 125 41o, 506 692, 959 22. 255 152, 614 32, 233 142, 468 396, 879 Kew Mexico 40, 822 New York 1,884,645 North Carolina 480, 187 Kansas . . . Kentucky , Louisiana. Maine Maryland . Massachusetts . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana *.. Nebraska Nevada , New Hampshire . . New Jersey , AOB AND BEX. Persons occupied. 17, 392, 099 Ohio ... Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia , "Washington . . . West Virginia . "Wisconsin Wyoming 994, 475 67, 343 1, 456, 067 116, 979 892, 102 447, 970 522, 133 40, 055 118, 584 494, 240 30, 122 17C, 199 417, 455 8, 884 All ages. Male. 14, 744, 942 308, 734 21, 800 230, 076 348, 303 96, 472 192, 663 54, 993 46, 6.52 46, 966 73, 752 44.5, 530 15, 287 893, 679 583, 658 483, 457 302, 934 465, 432 268, 176 198, 465 265, 632 546, 591 514, 191 230, 048 305, 089 630, 016 21. 748 142, 159 30, 730 112, 340 330, 103 38, 500 1, 524, 264 393, 211 881, 836 64,564 1, 239, 084 87, 120 272, 015 391, 562 463, 190 37, 168 102, 417 411, 043 29, 059 104, 691 371, 062 8, 420 Female. 2, 647, 157 124, 056 471 30,616 28, 202 4, 779 48, 670 2, 851 7, 928 19, 058 17, 784 152, 332 291 106, 101 51, 422 44, 845 19, 351 54, 422 95, 052 33, 528 58, 800 174, 183 55, 013 25, 077 110, 417 62, 043 507 10, 455 1, 503 30, 128 66, 776 2, 262 360, 381 86, 976 112, 639 2, 779 216, 983 29, 859 120, 087 56, 408 58, 943 2,887 16, 167 83, 197 1, 063 11, 508 46. 393 Population (10 years 36, 761, 607 18, 735, 980 il8, 025, 627 and over). ! 1 I 10 to 15. Male. 825, 187 64, 918 205 28, 300 3, 430 815 5,803 714 2, 704 617 6, 532 65, 329 101 37, 100 32, 628 17, 832 13, 225 36, 643 24, 682 4, 087 11, 121 12, 306 11, 610 4, 961 32, 330 31, 662 100 3, 816 109 2,593 6,957 1, 945 38, 534 55, 623 31. 282 53, 895 3, 604 31, 765 44, 292 36, 934 2,292 2, 598 34, 741 337 9,842 10, 240 67 Female. 293, 169 3, 376, 114 25, 490 20 7, 41G 1, 043 171 4,010 179 840 594 3, 312 31, 704 17 7, 096 3, 550 2, 462 1, 222 5, 387 20, 041 1,647 4, 706 9, 062 3, 479 1,504 17, 562 4, 763 25 730 42 1,709 4, 338 22, 162 18, 979 7, 251 103 18, 546 2, 804 20, 113 10,. 056 10, 790 311 1, 054 11, 8.58 54 1, 242 3, 448 25 16 to 59. Male. I 12, 986, 111 2, 283, 115 275, 222 21,302 391,612 331,801 94, 080 170, 897 53, 001 40, 539 44, 084 62,39;} 3.50, 298 14, 876 813, 162 517, 055 439, 119 277, 935 401, 297 220, 890 171, 395 238, 180 494, 878 470, 903 213, 678 252, 112 567, 953 21, 375 133, 420 30, 129 96, 485 300, 656 34, 621 1, 382, 481 305, 495 786, 815 60, 865 1,308, 079 78, 039 238, 698 320, 814 404, 959 33, 55i 87, 386 341, 673 27, 875 143, 437 332, 471 8, 262 3,273,369 13,907,444 I 13, 377, 002 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1359 (pation, by states and territories, with age, sex, and nativity : 1880. ACE AND SEX — cont'd. NATIVITY. 60 and over. United Ireland. Germany. Great Scandi- British Amer- ica. Other coun- tries. Male. Female. States. Britain. navia. 1)33, 644 — i 70, 873 13, 897, 452 978, 854 1, 033, 190 466, 505 205, 525 351, 103 459, 470 28, 594 2H3 10, 164 13, 072 1, 577 4,508 9 946 567 45 487, 376 ll,64i 254, 142 175, 406 72, 127 1,190 1, 156 1, 350 35, 939 6, 206 1, 691 999 1,785 27, 430 4, 805 622 867 676 20, 094 7, 739 96 120 153 4, 743 1, 877 92 403 250 11, 441 3, 941 1, 723 7, 085 2, 336 101,452 4, 556 1 2 3 4 5 ] 5, 903 1, 278 3, 409 2, 265 5, 027 982 40 331 546 784 171,798 30, 264 49, 470 58, 664 86, 410 37, 697 2, 883 3,188 3, 615 329 8, 327 4,710 660 2, 4r>6 459 10, 366 2, 618 912 980 532 1,468 9, 262 47 44 186 8, 746 4, 859 77 152 215 2, 931 3, 248 226 713 3,405 6 7 8 g 10 29, 903 310 43, 417 33, 975 26, 506 5, 143 5 1, OJO 900 593 592, 956 8, 168 7(12, 599 506, 774 397, 531 1, 770 768 60, 901 12, 421 22, 970 1,.581 602 122, 636 38, 746 49, 087 729 1,441 39, 734 7, 193 16, 850 137 376 32, 222 1, 728 20, 242 134 392 14, 500 2, 146 8, 438 555 3, 831 27, 128 6,072 13, 184 11 12 13 14 15 11, 774 27, 492 Z^, out 22, 983 16, 331 340 1,990 A R7Q 4, O/O 689 2, 153 2G8, 846 491, 361 334, 840 204, 987 282,954 8, 023 8, 280 6, 652 .5, 993 11, 297 15, 803 14, 444 8, 847 369 23, 067 10, 365 2, 423 1,814 3,714 3, 945 6, 256 71 260 519 212 4, 889 489 434 15, 551 471 8, 043 2, 786 • 10,381 860 2,486 16 17 18 19 20 39, 407 31, 678 11 A(\Q 11, tuy 20, 647 30, 401 2, 922 809 3, 815 1, 526 478, 368 373, 376 118, 509 410, 798 580, 133 122, 604 22, 480 14, 366 1,358 27, 487 9, 637 47, 621 36, 236 1,410 56, 810 34, 449 29, 700 7, 524 619 10, 879 3, 471 8, 172 52, 356 194 2, 041 63, 441 70, 912 14, 427 158 4, 213 8, 804 16, 943 11, 707 969 11, 396 21 22 23 24 25 273 4, 923 13, 262 19, 490 5 152 oU 599 1, 446 13, 400 104, 900 13, 764 117, 547 283,613 1, 942 5, 742 2, 688 6.544 47, 563 1, 262 17, 212 1, 623 455 34, 612 1, 303 5, 785 3, 484 2, 495 18, 986 382 6, 296 377 153 1,249 1, 744 3, 567 2,317 14, 979 1,607 2, 222 9, 112 7,980 295 9, 189 26 27 28 29 30 1, 994 103, 249 QO AQQ . 63,739 2,733 99 6, 722 o, loo 2, 107 51 36, 373 1, 240, 850 477, 836 806, 730 44, 788 612 266, 744 591 36, 996 2, 393 569 192, 932 461 92, 885 3, 146 360 76, 471 427 30, 273 2, 688 53 8, 434 23 1,005 1, 178 216 40, 272 94 7, 297 1, 499 2. 639 58, 942 755 19, 289 11, 651 31 32 33 34 35 77, 110 5,477 21, 552 26, 456 21, 297 4, 621 526 5. 316 2, 281 1, 700 1, 162, 426 75, 404 388, 487 438, 738 464, 371 123, 428 19, 107 1, 186 2, 899 5, 503 86, 523 1, 116 1, 428 1,980 18, 448 55, 262 8, 913 437 1,282 4, 332 4, 756 587 38 1, 039 1, 228 5, 363 10, 496 55 192 1, 308 18, 309 1, 356 471 1, 840 26, 943 36 I37 |38 39 40 1,322 12, 433 34, 629 847 11, 412 160 464 3, 743 19 363 20, 903 99, 121 487, 986 18, 694 167, 821 .515 5, 577 2. 067 1,578 2, 915 544 21! 1 1,839 1, r>34 3, 376 11, 915 1, 895 1, 471 1, 705 1,349 2, 137 49 838 10 857 11,474 176 1, 476 155 3,184 237 6G4 4, 297 573 '41 42 43 44 :45 28, 351 91 780 5 218, 716 5, 486 20, 611 730 90, 214 522 18, 082 805 29, 221 182 14, 785 283 25, 826 876 i46 47 1, 452, 422 1,375,256 30, 270, 306 1, 802, 200 1, 911, 200 891, 630 365, 460 696,860 823. 951 [ 1360 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tadlk ClI. — OCCUPATIONS — Persons engaged in agriculta'ie, AGK AND SEX. States and Territo- Persons occupied. The United States. Aljibama.. Arizona . . Arkansas- California. Colorado . . Connecticut .... Dakota Delaware District of Columbia Florida U i Georgia. 1'2 ! Idaho... Illinois.. Indiana . Iowa 16 I Kansas Kentucky . Louisiana. Maine Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri 26 I Montana. Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico . . . New York North Carolina. Ohio 35 Oregon 37 Ehode" Island .. 38 South Carolina. 39 Tennessee 40 Texas 7, 670, 493 Utah Verruont "Virginia AVashington . . West Virginia . Wisconsin Wyoming All ages. Male, Female. 7, 075, 983 380, G30 3, 435 216, 655 79, 396 13, 539 44, 026 28, 508 17, 849 1,464 58, 731 432, 204 3, 858 436, 371 331, 240 303, 557 206, 080 320, 571 205, 306 82,130 90, 927 64, 973 240, 319 131,535 339, 938 355, 297 4, 513 90, 507 4, 180 44. 490 59, 214 14, 139 377, 460 300, 937 397, 495 27, 091 301, 112 10, 945 294, 602 294,153 359, 317 14, 550 55, 251 254. 099 12; 781 107, 578 195 901 639 291,477 3, 423 195, 002 78, 785 13, 462 43, 936 28, 308 17, 609 1,445 47, 405 329, 856 3, 847 433, 796 329, 614 302, 171 205, 234 315, 445 147, 538 81, 887 89, 176 64, 748 239, 346 130, 817 252, 324 351, 681 4, 504 89, 881 4, 146 44, 299 58, 819 14, 025 375,213 i 314,228 I 396, 120 i 27,000 299, 809 10. 910 I 208,672 I 275,620 I 330,125 ! 14,470 j 55. 037 i 238,951 i 12,709 I 106,980 I 194,380 j 1,635 594, 510 89, 1.53 12 21, 653 611 77 140 240 19 11, 266 102, 348 11 2, 575 1,626 1, 386 846 5,126 57, 768 243 1,751 227 973 718 87, 614 3. 616 626 34 191 395 114 2, 247 46, 709 1, 375 91 1, 303 35 85. 9.50 18, .533 29, 192 214 15, 148 72 598 1, 521 4 10 to 15. Male. Female. 584, 867 53, 854 89 26, 118 1, 128 335 1,214 570 1,634 11 5,649 56, 695 50 27, 998 25, 413 15, 210 11, 781 30, 141 20, 045 1, 968 5, 510 1, 229 7, 185 3, 609 29, 300 24, 043 51 3, 233 37 1, 012 1,873 926 9, 027 47, 329 17, 729 637 16, 041 192 27, 453 36, 338 31, 592 1, 351 1,670 22, 601 225 7, 944 6,743 19 135. 862 6, 138 2, 680 25, 908 310 253 885 16,416 10 256 10 76 48 15, 449 255 2 81 I 9 78 12, 227 90 16 to 59. Male. Female. 105 I 1 ! 16,602 ! .5,728 I 7, 485 I 17 I 10 I 3, 370 5 195 200 5, 888, 133 213, 143 3, 257 160, 546 72, 762 12, 569 34, 632 26, 786 14, 308 I, 312 38, 108 248, 513 3, 667 378, 360 280, 370 267, 172 184, 294 263. 684 110, 917 64,473 i 75,245 I 50,163 I 210,264 I 118, 254 204, 993 305, 431 4, 356 82, 658 3, 960 34,187 49, 539 12, 135 314, 145 239, 690 338, 313 24, 530 249, 391 8, 789 162, 992 218, 316 281, 519 12, 617 44, 356 192,101 II, 933 90, 343 167, 464 1,576 65, 872 11. 952 58 160 10, 895 I 63 I 32SI 1, 099 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1361 ly states and territories, ivith age, sex, and nativity : 1880 — Continued. AGE AND SEX— cont'd. NATIVITY. 60 and over. United Ireland. Gennany. Great Scandi- British Amer- ica. Other coun- tries. Male. Female. States. Britain. navia, 602, 983 22, 728 6, 857, 664 140, 307 293, 722 104, 314 91, 836 73, 435 109, 215 24, 480 77 8, 338 4, 895 558 2, 549 5 564 63 5 379, 780 2, 339 214, 002 48, 662 10, 963 170 59 242 5, 220 288 447 69 593 4,231 584 75 82 215 3, 465 660 10 14 45 738 160 11 58 74 2, 291 304 137 814 1,484 14, 789 580 1 2 3 4 5 8, 090 1.012 1, C67 122 3, 708 25 17 44 4 465 37, 737 ■ 12,531 17, 321 1,163 57, 813 3, 908 1, 025 288 100 51 859 2, 743 65 126 94 773 1,129 132 58 150 217 6, 525 6 1 73 264 2, 518 19 3 49 268 2, 037 18 13 501 6 7 8 9 10 24, 648 130 27, 438 23 831 19| 789 2, 956 2 312 232 188 431, 643 2, 711 347, 727 306, 868 228, 819 150 102 15, 191 2, 971 12, 586 178 105 42, 356 15, 539 29, 073 92 512 12, 360 1,906 9, 295 60 108 8, 776 804 11, 986 9 60 3, 342 639 4, 340 72 260 6, 619 2, 513 7, 458 11 12 13 14 15 9, 159 21, 620 16, 576 15, 446 8, 421 115 512 1, 996 53 172 172, 013 315, 656 201, 930 77, 743 86, 641 4, 393 1, 366 285 760 1,577 10, 380 2,173 547 39 2, 130 6, 212 297 168 336 390 4, 217 18 25 206 14 3, 034 36 49 2,966 33 5, 831 1, 025 2, 302 80 142 16 17 18 19 20 13, 354 21, 897 8, 894 18, 031 22, 207 49 147 77 2, 510 465 54, 090 174. 239 53, 693 338, 808 327, 116 6, 491 7, 711 7, 990 440 3, 854 429 18, 735 21, 749 240 16, 616 1,237 11, 414 3,941 195 2, 927 165 1, 224 31, 336 39 666 2,200 22, 120 6, 102 53 1, 080 361 4, 876 6, 724 163 3, 038 21 22 23 24 25 97 3, 214 60, 728 2, 474 42, 551 51,572 296 199 11, 459 218 55 2,841 264 3, 433 232 254 1,118 60 340 2,030 260 1, 030 64 140 5, 829 783 37 663 26 27 28 29 30 3, 990 I'ly 9, 100 7, 402 60 39 79 2, 886 150 550 2, 855 4,142 63 13 101 964 52, 041 40, 078 1, 833 22 493 1, 762 209 3 13, 242 312, 607 360, 230 356, 312 23, 085 50 24, 046 331 5, 621 644 69 17, 800 38 23, 733 1, 023 60 12, 197 158 6, 162 895 2 739 4 170 197 27 6,171 52 859 518 689 3, 900 124 4, 638 729 31 32 33 34 35 34, 377 1,929 18, 227 20, 966 17, 014 230 12 3, 456 853 749 278, 745 9, 483 294, 0G9 291 417 333^ 325 7, 728 693 185 429 996 9, 086 54 181 348 10, 453 3, 092 253 81 215 1, 469 608 64 4 455 357 197 11 An 460 1, 496 201 71 807 12, 159 36 37 38 39 40 502 9,011 24, 249 551 8, 693 5 44 883 4 74 8, 469 49,198 252, 588 9, 613 105, 700 75 1,905 412 622 631 84 35 401 631 750 4, 459 609 527 609 210 723 6 3 344 2 168 3, 457 55 498 17 572 41 113 464 268 41 42 43 44 45 20, 173 40 222 95, 815 1,219 11, 915 69 44, 079 85 9, 856 140 15,782 24 5,118 52 13, 336 50 46 47 86 C 0 1362 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table ClI. — OCCUPATIONS — Persona engaged in professional and persona- States and Terri- tories. The United States Alabama . Arizona . . Arkansas. Calitbmia. Colorado.. Connecticut Dakota Delaware Dist. of Columbia. Florida Georgia. Idabo... Illinois . Indiana. Iowa Kansas . . . Kentucky. Louisiana. Maino Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska , Nevada New Hampshire . New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon , Pennsylvania .. llhode" Island . . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas 41 Utah 42 Vermont Virginia Washington . . . AVest Virginia . "Wisconsin . Wyoming. , Persons occupied. 4, 074, 238 72, 211 8, 210 2.'{, 406 121, 435 24, 813 51, 296 14, 016 17, 616 39, 975 17, 923 104, 269 3, 861 229, 467 137, 281 103, 932 53, 507 104, 239 98. Ill 47, 411 98, 934 170,160 143, 249 59, 452 49, 448 148, 588 6, 954 28, 746 10, 373 28, 206 110, 722 19, 042 537, 897 69, 321 250, 371 16, 645 446, 713 24, 657 64, 246 94, 107 97, 561 11, 144 28. 174 146, 664 6, 640 31, 680 97, 494 4,011 AGE AXD SEX. All ages. Male. 2, 712, 943 41, 187 7, 870 15, 284 103, 207 21, 233 30, 647 11, 655 12, 055 23, (U)4 12, 098 62, 027 3, 651 157, 084 100, 058 69, 575 38, 289 63, 438 66, 138 31, 604 59, 057 100, 445 103, 244 39, 741 28, .563 102, 403 6, 539 20, 766 9, 275 16, 158 75, 763 17, 241 332, 068 34, 774 173, 909 14, 688 318, 194 15, 497 34,309 I 60, 304 70, 178 9, 271 16, 022 87, 681 5, 829 22, 361 64, 259 3, 642 Female. 1, 361, 295 31, 024 340 8, 182 18, 228 3, 580 20,649 2, 361 5, 561 16, 311 5, 825 42, 242 210 72, 383 37, 225 34, 357 15, 218 40, 801 31, 973 15, 807 39, 877 69, 715 40, 005 19,711 20, 885 46, 185 415 7, "980 1, 098 12, 048 34, 959 1,801 205, 829 34, 547 76, 462 1, 957 128, 519 9, 160 29, 937 33, 803 27, 383 1,873 12, 152 58, 983 811 9,319 33, 235 10 to 15. Male. 127. 565 9, 913 102 1, 963 1, 252 240 443 107 610 288 7, 298 33 4,310 4,717 1,667 996 4, 649 3, 637 620 2, 893 1, 293 2, 160 775 2, 688 4,302 40 404 53 253 971 8, 932 6, 757 5,662 182 15, 110 241 3, 704 6,950 4, 612 697 406 9,997 59 1, 249 1, 706 33 Female. 107. 830 4, 477 17 1, 2.38 793 155 854 164 629 544 582 5, 123 17 5, 050 2, 954 2, 197 1,112 4, 069 3,450 580 3, 358 1,605 2, 914 1, 353 1, 990 3, 755 22 634 38 345 823 208 10, 254 5, 962 5, 220 93 11, .509 212 3, 220 4, 125 3, 264 247 875 7, 898 47 1,006 2, 763 25 16 to 59. Male. 2, 446, 962 29, 261 7, 708 12, 192 98, 833 20, 642 27, 726 11, 423 10, 579 22, 006 10, 801 51, 813 3, 559 145, 587 91, 133 65, 014 56, 407 .59, 654 28, 287 53, 259 90, 627 97, 020 37, 801 24, 372 94,352 6,448 19,964 9, 085 14, 458 69, 131 15, 376 303, 176 25, 997 159 325 14, 117 284, 711 14, 166 28, 945 50, 441 62, 976 8,314 14, 180 72, 024 5, 649 19, 908 58, 866 3, 584 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1363 ■rs, by states and territories, ivilh age, sex, and nativity: 1880 — Continued. AGE AND SEX— cont'd. NATIVITY. 60 and over. XJuitcd i Ireland. Germany. Great Scandi- British Amer- ica. Otlier Male. Female. Hritain. navia. coun- tries. 138. 416 38, 276 3, 076, 768 415, 854 218, 867 79, 963 52, 860 90, 614 139, 312 2,013 CO 1, 12!) 3, 122 351 1, 859 4 347 399 33 71, 100 3, 440 22, 043 50, 993 18, 012 340 465 559 15, 041 1, 829 188 332 265 6, 389 1,030 113 199 152 4, 360 1,075 29 26 40 1,301 526 17 92 61 2,453 849 424 3, 656 346 40, 898 1,492 1 2 3 4 5 2, 478 12.') 8()G 1, 370 k, 604 719 22 246 484 292 32, 095 8, 273 15, 282 36, 178 16, 945 14, 335 982 1, 838 2, 157 110 1,380 1, 022 159 745 68 1, 306 547 230 454 106 424 1,599 15 17 31 1, 054 947 18 83 58 702 646 74 341 605 C 7 8 9 10 It 2,916 59 m 7, 187 m 4, 206 m 2, 894 2,058 3 764 453 281 103, 004 2, 231 152, 935 122, 324 79, 085 640 198 23, 054 4,910 5,453 263 158 27, 076 0, 910 7, 886 157 336 6, 604 1, 194 2, 260 27 104 9, 601 377 4, 845 35 91 3, 296 496 1,714 143 743 6, 901 1,070 2, 689 11 12 13 14 15 * 1, 228 2, 382 2, 847 2, 697 2,905 177 1,333 2, 439 406 1, 520 40, 380 97, 087 88, 522 39, 949 87, 203 1,466 3, 393 3, 574 2, 627 5, 012 1, 822 2, 752 2, 495 46 5, 009 1, 321 372 558 656 756 916 17 • 84 97 53 637 115 145 3, 779 113 959 503 2, 733 257 788 16 17 18 19 20 W 8, 525 4, 064 1, 165 1, 503 3, 749 1, 941 423 157 1, 267 862 93, 160 87, 677 29, 635 48, 562 118, 760 52, 684 7, 059 3, 496 357 12, 274 1, 763 10, 998 6, 300 175 11, 483 5, 304 5, 850 1,138 98 1, 922 1,061 3, 217 12, 863 37 555 13, 605 23, 600 3, 585 24 861 2, 583 4, 848 2,435 195 2, 733 21 22 23 24 25 51 398 137 1, 447 4, 644 5 72 22 357 991 4, 231 20, 376 4, 089 22, 382 72, 337 649 1,393 625 2, 220 24, 232 474 2,601 404 67 7,418 280 867 585 369 3, 257 92 1, 089 106 65 500 515 605 731 3, 019 384 713 1, 815 3, 833 84 2,594 26 27 28 29 30 894 19, 960 2, 020 1^ 389 66 4,326 1 1,740 1,280 38 ; 17, 396 317, 201 68, 941 200, 364 9, 627 198 128, 527 95 17, 217 827 133 42, 844 67 20, 678 640 80 16, 844 50 5, 261 510 11 2, 899 3 313 246 55 13, 359 10 2, 128 335 1, 169 16, 223 155 4,410 4,460 31 32 33 34 35 18, 373 1,090 1, 600 2, 913 2, 590 3,003 ■ 362 i 1,693 i 1,303 904 351, 332 13, 669 63,429 92, 331 82, 160 56, 410 7, 582 413 991 1, 814 23, 532 206 210 292 2, 478 6, 189 936 88 173 958 1,534 217 15 34 369 1, 746 1, 613 14 29 279 5,970 434 77 257 9,503 36 37 38 39 40 260 1, 436 5, 660 121 1, 204 76 316 2,572 12 244 6, 024 22, 629 145, 267 V 3,737 29, 809 221 1,642 686 491 851 186 39 269 358 667 2, 675 284 242 315 153 635 17 8 141 1 83 3, 486 36 312 40 1. 320 77 156 1, 286 99 41 42 43 44 45 3, 687 25 400 5 56, 145 2, 351 4, 490 427 18, 327 263 2,515 264 6, 634 69 3,999 ; 108 : i 5. 384 529 j 46 47 1364 Table CII.— OCCUPATIONS — Personn engaged in trade and transportation, States and Terri- tories. The TJuited States . Alabama.. Arizona... Arkau.sas . Calit'oniia. Colorado . . Coniiocticut Dakota Delaware Dist. of Columbia . Florida Georgia. Idaho... Illinois . Indiana . Iowa Kansas ... Kentucky Louisiana . Maine Maryland . Massachusetts . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana. ...^ Nebraska ^Tevada New Hampshire . 30 New Jersey. New Mexico — New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Ilhode Island . . South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington ... West Virginia. Wisconsin , Wyoming. Persons occupied. 1,810,250 1(5, 9.^3 :j, 252 9, 'm 57, ;!92 491 29, 920 6, 219 4,967 9, M8 0,446 25, 222 1,327 128, ;i72 50, 432 50, 872 26, 379 33, .503 29,130 29, 790 49, 234 115, 376 54, 723 24, 349 12, 975 79, 300 2, 766 15, 106 4,449 11, 735 66, 382 3,264 339,419 15, 966 104, 315 0. 149 179, 965 15, 217 13, 550 23, 628 34, 909 4, 149 8, 945 30, 418 3, 405 10, 653 37, 550 1, 545 AGE AND 8KX. All ages. Male. Female. 1, 750, 892 10,609 3, 235 9, 1.58 .50, 021 15, 338 28, 888 6,180 4.704 9, 170 0, 386 24, 693 1,.321 125, 328 5.5, 292 50, 212 20, 119 32, 701 28, 041 29, 090 46, 785 109, 1.54 53, 317 23, 979 12, 849 77, 721 2, 759 14, 983 4, 431 11,208 63, 874 3, 252 324, 304 15, 793 101, 445 6, 106 109, 004 14, 041 ].3, 147 23, 196 34, 649 4, 020 8, 772 29, 804 3, 389 10, 510 30, 454 L528 59. 364 344 17 75 771 153 1, 032 39 203 072 529 3, 044 3, 140 200 802 1,089 700 2, 449 0. 222 1, 400 370 126 1, 579 7 123 18 527 2, 508 12 15, 115 173 2, 870 43 10, 301 570 409 432 200 123 173 614 30 143 17 Male. Female. 26, 078 378 5 81 429 100 391 30 59 197 . 80 441 7 1, .504 048 330 176 499 522 179 797 1,193 500 208 15t 1, 137 3 87 11 71 978 30 6, 850 306 1, 785 52 3, 418 214 183 361 405 374 15 122 403 13 2, 547 18 179 19 16 8 18 21 12 75 175 56 6 2 59 7 132 1 931 11 146 1 15 16 to 59. Male. Female. 1,672, 171 60 15, 592 3, 209 8, 881 54, 843 15, 088 27, 354 6, 111 4,400 8, 729 0. 115 23, 608 1, 299 121,123 53, o;',!» 48, 777 25, 602 31, 303 20, 301 27, 514 44, 554 103, 580 51, 308 23, 422 12, 343 75, 277 2,741 14, 751 4, 370 10. 618 3, 172 307, 563 14, 910 95, 415 5, 930 160, 049 13, 800 12, 577 22, 172 33, 537 3, 850 8,285 28, 412 3, 338 10, 006 34, 866 1, 505 « COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS, y states and territories, with aye, sex, and nativity : 1880 — Continued, 1365 1366 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CII.— OCCUPATIONS— Persons engaged in manufactures and mechanical an 20 New Jersey- Sin les aiifl Tfirrito- lies. The United States Alabama. . Aiizoua... Arkansas . California. Colorado.. Connecticut Dakota Delaware Dist. of Columbia. Florida Georgia. Idaho . Illinois . Indiana . Iowa Kansas ... Kentucky- Louisiana. Maine Maryland . Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire . New Mexico - .. New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Rhode Island . . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington . . AYest Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming. Persons occupied. 3, 837, 112 22, 996 7, 374 11, 338 118, 282 47, 408 116, 091 9, 101 14, 148 15, 337 8, 436 36, 167 6,532 205, 570 110, 127 69, 941 36, 319 61, 481 30, 681 72, 662 85, 337 370, 265 130. 913 39, 789 13, 145 109, 774 8, 022 18, 255 13, 231 58, 037 160, 561 4, 377 629, 869 33, 963 242, 294 17, 458 528, 277 66, 160 19, 698 36, 082 30, 346 10, 212 26, 214 G:i, 059 7, 296 26, 288 86, 510 1,689 AGE AND SEX. All ages. Male. Female. 3, 205, 124 19, 461 7, 272 10, 632 109, 690 46, 439 89, 192 8, 790 12, 284 12, 681 7, 803 28, 954 6, 468 177, 471 98, 696 61,499 33, 292 53, 788 26, 459 55, 884 70, 614 272, 246 118, 284 35, 511 11, 353 98, 211 7,946 16, 529 12, 878 40, 675 131, 647 4, 042 492, 679 28, 416 210, 362 16, 770 451, 417 46, 072 15, 887 32, 442 28, 238 9,401 22, 586 54. 607 7, 132 24,840 i 1, 615 631, 988 3, 535 102 706 8, 592 26, 899 311 1,864 2, 656 633 7, 213 64 28, 099 11, 431 8,442 3, 027 7, 693 4,222 16, 778 14, 723 98, 019 12,629 4, 278 1,792 11, 563 1, 726 353 17, 362 28, 914 335 137, 190 5, 547 31, 932 688 76,860 I 20, 088 I 3,811 I 3,640 I 2, 108 : 811 3, 628 8,452 1 164 i 1,448 j 10,541 i 74 I 10 to 15. .Male. 86, 677 773 9 138 621 140 3, 755 7 401 121 200 11 3, 228 1,850 625 272 1, 354 478 1, 320 1,921 8, 591 1, 765 309 188 2, 180 92 8 1,257 5, 113 18 13, 719 1, 231 6, 106 95 19, 326 2, 957 425 643 265 158 442 1, 769 38 527 1.328 Female. 46. 930 394 3 39 193 3, 083 17;{ 50 1, 557 324 80 19 415 154 1, 045 1, 017 7, 272 433 97 121 1 13 3 1, 353 3, 377 34 10, 899 779 1, 795 4 6,486 2, 576 283 196 34 32 160 577 2 32 16 to 59. Male. 2, 978, 845 425 17, 226 7,188 9, 993 105, 363 45, 781 81, 185 8,681 11,2.72 12, 037 7, 169 26, 364 6,351 168, 092 92, 513 58, 156 31, 974 49, 903 24, 018 51, 121 65, 122 250, 508 ■ 112, 251 34, 201 10, 404 92, 893 7,830 16, 047 12, 714 37, 222 121, 180 3, 938 457, .597 24, 898 193, 762 16, 288 413, 928 41, 278 14.184 29, 885 26, 927 8, 773 20, 565 49, 136 6, 955 23, 120 71,275 1,597 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1367 mining industries, hy states and teiritories, with age, sex, and nativity : 1880 — Continued. AGE AND SEX— cont'd. NATIVIXr. CO and over. United Ireland. Germany. Great Scandi- British Amer- ica. Other coun- tries. Male. Female. States 139, 602 7,901 2, 611, 325 284, 175 368, 110 225, 730 44, 615 153, 935 149, 222 1,462 75 74 21, 139 4 328 lo! 002 48, 084 31,694 311 553 418 429 296 516 27 71 38 211 767 1,266 1 2 501 3, 706 518 28 5 201 9, 669 3,030 439 9, 337 2, 334 212 8, 869 5, 309 46 1, .561 1, 027 78 5, 199 2, 303 270 35, 563 1, 711 3 4 4, 252 102 631 523 434 227 1 34 40 16 78. 465 ."), 417 12, 327 12, 950 6, 449 15, 940 470 858 728 79 5, 007 5I>3 .342 1,068 131 7,469 726 473 339 155 770 573 19 19 42 7, 043 963 34 41 60 1, 307 359 95 192 1, 520 6 7 8 9 10 1,695 106 98 34, 910 2, 397 401 431 365 267 273 459 31 148 38 195 149 2, 635 9, 449 1, 745 1,985 11 12 6, 151 4, 333 2, 718 243 181 110 116, 492 89, 974 50, 180 12, 297 2,419 2, 067 36, 391 11, 646 8, 169 15, 454 3, 299 3, 807 10, 475 391 2, 237 5, 012 6.53 1, 496 13 14 15 1, 046 2, 531 1,963 3, 443 3,571 45 116 146 215 317 28, 560 50, 245 22, 826 59, 723 67, 743 993 2, 103 1, 245 2, 016 2, 686 2 340 6^ 665 3,200 206 11,446 2 077 1, ' 391 .546 2, 401 2, 189 802 26 67 159 50 727 237 144 7, 826 230 820 814 2, 653 331 993 16 17 18 19 20 13, 147 4, 268 1, 001 761 3, 138 826 222 32 24 163 238. 255 74, 058 20, 807 11.914 74, 703 52, 358 5, 226 1, 359 290 5, 882 6, 144 13, 559 5, 460 363 19, 376 24, 649 9, 598 1, 587 217 4. 209 1, 958 3, 246 5,485 80 582 43,191 19, 685 3, 394 56 1, 300 3, 710 .5,541 1, 637 225 3, 722 21 22 23 24 25 110 3, 994 12, 712 4,912 42, 200 109, 696 855 415 646 191 649 172 67 507 663 1, 258 864 2, 296 143 4, 509 26 390 356 2, 196 5,354 19 6 201 285 555 1, 688 3, 282 14, 532 1,966 643 281 18, 334 962 2, 429 1,736 12, 087 547 1, 091 10, 328 896 27 28 2(> 30 86 21, 363 2, 287 10, 494 387 11 1,493 205 517 8 3, 219 385, 693 ;i3, 271 172, 097 8, 245 189 70, 487 97 8, 209 622 182 93, 118 102 35, 673 964 1.54 3t,024 156 15, 649 967 30 3, 448 11 376 656 87 15, 8.34 3, 145 486 # 516 27, 265 303 7,145 5, 518 31 32 33 34 35 18, 163 1,837 1,278 1, 914 1,046 042 140 i^? 388, 836 40, 278 18, 819 3a, 546 22, 460 4;'., 246 y, 108 260 642 951 42, 600 685 :{32 729 2, 885 40. 635 7, 060 153 6C6 1,066 2, 247 2*^2 "ll 80 195 2, 552 8, 238 19 76 311 8,161 509 104 M'.i 2,478 36 37 38 39 40 470 1,579 3,702 1, 193 cs 101 'J41 3 j 38 ' 4, 249 1!), 7:!.S (il, 191 7S)() 22, 8GI 126 1, 532 4:^8 :{02 870 196 ii:{ 6:n 377 1,457 3, .513 904 506 575 K84 686 2(1 262 540 3, 804 5.'0 76 902 98 216 1,434 133 41 42 43 44 45 3, 366 16 i:;8 ' 44, 879 j 841 2, 454 118 20, 535 107 4, 152 28G 4, 760 41 4,388 70 5, 342 226 46 47 ! I 1368 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CHI.— 0CCUPATI0NS~T/t6 United States hy classes and Occupations. All occupations Agriculture Agricultural laborers (a) Apiarists Dairymen and dairy women...., Farm and plantation overseers Farmers and planters , Florists Gardeners, nurserymen, and vine-growers Stock-drovers Stock*herders , Stock-raisers Turpentine farmers and laborers Others in agriculture , Professional and personal services . Actors Architects Artists and teachers of art Auctioneers Authors, lecturers, and literary persons Barbers and hairdressers Billiard- and bowling-saloon keepers and employ6s (6), Boarding- and lodging-house keepers AGE AND SEX. All ages. 17, 392, 099 14, 744, 942 2, 047, 157 7, 670, 493 3, 323, 876 1, 016 8,948 3, 106 4, 225, 945 4, 550 51, 482 3, 449 24, 098 16, 528 7,460 45 4, 074, 238 7, 075, 983 2, 788, 976 999 8,238 2, 913 4, 169, 136 4, 320 50.173 3,449 24, 004 16, 406 7, 325 44 594, 510 2,712,943 Chemists, assayers, and metallurgists Clergymen ajerks and copyists (not otherwise described) . - Clerks in government offices (c) , Clerks in hotels and restaurants Collectors and claim agents Dentists Designers, draughtsmen, and inventors Domestic servants Employes of charitable institutions Employes of government (c) Employes of hotels and restamants (not clerks) Engineers (civil) Hostlers Hotel keepers Hunters, trappers, guides, and scouts Janitors Journalists - Laborers (not specified) (a) Launderers and laundresses Lawyers Livery-stable keepers Messengers Midwivcs .' Musicians (professional) and teachers of music. Jfurses , Officers of the army and navy (United States) Officials of government (c) , Physicians and surgeons Restaurant keepers 4, 812 3, 375 9,104 2, 331 1, 131 44, 851 1 1, ,'■.431 19, 058 i 1, 969 64, 698 25, 467 16, 849 10, 916 4, 213 12, 314 2, 820 1, 075, 655 2, 396 31, 601 77, 413 8, 261 31, 697 32, 453 1, 9121 6, 7631 12, 3081 1, 8.59, 223! 121, 942 64, 1371 14, 213 13, 985 2, 118 30, 477 13, 483 2, (JOG 67, 081 85, 671 13, 074 534, 900 17 710 193 56, 809 230 122 1, 361, 295 2, 992 3,358 7, 043 2, 328 811 41, 949 1, 499 6, 745 1,921 64, 533 23, 820 14, 873 10, 670 4, 187 12, 253 2, 764 136, 745 781, 28, 433' 46, 348 8, 261'. 31,697i. 30, 317 1,912 . 6, 064 1 12, 020 , 796, 575 13, 744 64, 062 14, 180! 13, .585' 1, 820 17 2,061 320; 2, 902 44 12, 313 I 48' 165 1, 647 1, 976 246 61 56 938, 910 1,615 31. 065 1 10 to 15. Male. Female. 825, 187 293, 169 584, 867 135, 862 580, 576 3 136 1 135, 591 54 72 110 2, 755 10 1.55 38 178 14 127, 565 107, 830 18 45 29 8 ] 102 471 10 24 2, 136 17, 295 1,189 2, 600 . 64, 909 83, 239 12, 2281 690 288 62, 648 108, 198 75 33; 400 2, lis: 13, 182j 12, 294; 7 23, 949 1 179 1. 189 r 93, 211; 10, 12' 685' 625 . 14 2, 172: 2, 432 846! 91, 599 180 11, 370 1,062 8, 064: ""iii " 26 351; ... I 79, a In agricultural districts many enumerators have reported "agi-icnltural laborers" simply as 'laborers". 6 To ajn-eat eitont confused with "hotel", "restaurant," and "saloon" keepers, c Including national, state, county, city, and town governments. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. severally J with the age, sex, and nativity of persons occupied : 1880. 1369 AGE AXD SEX — continued. 16 to 59. 12, 986, 111 5, 888, 133 2, 126, 811 904 7, 816 2, 736| 3, 657, 557 4, 063 41, 317 3, 220 20, 717 15, 877 7, 074 4] 2, 283, 115 435, 920 2, 446, 962 2,939 3,204 6, 677 2, 113 703 41, 034 1,452 5,689 I 1, 824 55, 639 22, 804 14, 283 10, 446 . 3, 832 11, 821 2, 637 108, 552 741 26, 763 44, 542 7, 708 30, 344 27, 670 1, 769 5, 507 11, 700 1. 616, 504 13, 112 60, 177 13, 632 5, 453 386, 664 17 622 152 47, 042 203 954 1, 215, 189 16, 452 1.061 2, 491 75, 006 11, 707 1, 764 17 2, 022 3 303 2, 772 42 11, 175 47 140 1, 595 1, 958 232 54 821, 341 1, 519} 3, 089 30, 133 and over. 933, 644 602, 983 81, 589 92 176 511, 579 70, 8731 22, 728 12, 645 34 41 9,767 1851 17 7, 820| 200 119 532 4 529 20 73 138, 416 1, 948 629 284 48, C87| 102, 342 1 64! 31| 471 1, 253 12, 998 9, 485 35 154 337 215 108 .444 37 1, 056 95 8, 894 272 564 124 331 432 120 4, 244 39 1,491 617 551 728 2, 647 143 543 320 38, 472 452 3, F85 548 68 38, 276 31 16 28 2 l,138j 11 25; 4 1 2 1 24, 358 67 247 2, 088 2, 268 817 732 102 109 5, 200 8, 233 52li 4 2, 585 4, 794 11 2 2 865 105 2, 494 13, 897, 452 1G4I 29i 6, 857, 664 3, 162, 474 5, 2, 3, 615, 2, 26, 2, 18, 12. 053 780 765 512 887 923 245 662 ,430 42 3, 076, 768 3, .531 2, 38? 6, 727 1, 921 31, 945 1, 232 12, 294 1,303 51, 967 22, 742 15, 299 3, 271 11, 459 2, 003 ■ 819,651 1,462 25, 604 52, 652 7, 097 23, 488 22, 592 1, 583 4, 214 10, 426 1, 336, 845 87, 815 60, 342 12, 055 12, 739 1, 234 21, 595 9, 397 2, 238 55, 772 77, 092| 7, 764| 978, 8541, 033, 190 140, 307 293, 722 24, 236 10 575 95 107, 708 337 6, 298 149 440 4.53 48, 210 37 1,' 73 233, 390 753 8,588 150 624 424 415, 854 218, 867 92 73 21 488 63 2, 439 76 2, 516 545 439 296 267 68; 43 122, 194 470 2,659 11, 107 170 4, 230 2, 609 13 1, 171 324 225, 122 14, 788 305 52 536 1, 595 135 5, 133 1,021 7911 219 395 902 91 32 7, 814 111 1,549 225 4, 301 632 450 449 324 204 217 43, 444 190 1,242 4, 707 296 1, 820 4,006 28 565 541 114, 641 4, 870 791 462 253 560 4, 163 855 7G 2,677 2, 640 2, 488 466, 505 104, 314 15, 216 42 258 51 82, 867 595 3, 888 71 7041 620i I 1 1 205, 525 351, .! ! 103 91,836 73,435 22,624: 21,214 2| 28 301 26 87 7 68, 431 26 2451 48: 50, 63? 53'] 289 268 79, 963 52, 860 445 255 541 101 83 . 690 45 934 171 2, 589 7G0| 344 256 186 193 314 19, 477 112 1, 0.53 1,830 3.57 787 1,243 33 441 535 31, 383 1, 625 948 346 311 69 1, 221 62 1, 696 1, 748 575 90, 614 17 27 51 5 5 118 10 278 12! 598| 7Gi 40 i 62| 13; 14i 30 19, 0771 e; ! 147| 970 53 199' 228 13 71 43 28, 031 658 51 49 20 125 89 12 274j 176 120 116 90 187 34 19 1, 050 41 784 32 930 341 127 252 45 237 53 22, 050 2, 120 120 695 853 81 99 188 50, 342 559 306 146 11 475 379 17 ■745 1,520 302 1370 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CIII.— OCCUPATIONS— TAe United States by claasea and severally, Occupations. rnoFESsiONAT. AND I'EKSoxAi^ sEUvicEs — contmuetl. Sextons Showmen and employes of shows Soldiers, sailors, and marines (TJ. S. anny and navy) (a) Teachers and scientific persons Veterinary surgeons Watchmen (private) and detectives Whitewashers Others in i)rofessioual and personal services. Trade and TRANSPOiTATioN . Agents (not specified) Bankers and brokers of money and stocks Boatmen and watermen Bookkeepers and accountants in stores Brokers (commercial) Canalmen Clerks in stores Clerks and bookkeepers in banks Clerks and bookkeepers in express companies. Clerks and bookkeepers in insurance onicea.-. Clerks and bookkeepers in railroad ofl&ces Commercial travelers Draymen, hackmen, teamsters, etc Employes in warehouses i Employ6s of banks (not clerks) Employes of insurance companies (not clerks) Employ68 of railroad companies (not clerks) . . . Hucksters and peddlers . . Milkmen and milkwomen Newspaper criers and carriers Officials and employes of express companies (not clerks). Officials and employ6s of street railroad companies... Officials and employes of telegraph cornpanies Officials and employes of telephone companies Officials and employes of trading and transportation companies (not specified). Officials of banks Officials of insurance companies , Officials of railroad companies Packers Pilots Porters and laborers in stores and warehouses Sailors (a) AGE AND SEX. All ages. 2, 449 2,604 24, 161 227, 710 2, 130 13, 384 3, 316 4, 570 1, 810, 256 2, 435 2, 421 24, 161 73, .335 2, 130 13, 370 3, 301 3. 860 1,750,892 59,364 18, 523 15, 180 20, 368 59, 790 4, 193 4, 329 353, 444 10, 257 1,856 2, 830 12, 331 28, 158 177, 586 5, 0221 1, 070 13, 146 236, 058 53, 491 9, 242i 3, 374' 13, 004 18, 152 15, 112 14 183. 154, 375 14 15 710 371 20, 357 11 57,425 2,365 4, 128i 65 4, 2811 48 329,722 23,722 10, 183 1, 848 2, 777 12, 274 27 886 177, 586 . 4, 816 1, 049 13, 041 1 235, 611 74 8 53 .57 272 206 21 105 447 50,999 2,492 8, 916[ 326 3, 298, 76 12. 993 11 11, 925| 11. 921 91 1 Salesmen and saleswomen Saloon keepers and bartenders Shippers and freighters Steamboat men and women Stewards and stewar desses Toll-gate and bridge keepers Traders and d«>alers (not specified) Traders and dealers in agricultural implements Traders and dealers in books and .stationery Traders and dealers in b«)ots and shoes ". 1041 105 22, 809: 1,1971 9, 702 4, 421 1, 774 2, 069 4,176 ,-5, 770 32, 192 1 60, 070| 32, 279! 68. 4011 '>, 1661 12, 3051 2, 283 2, 3031 112, 840 1,999 4. 982 9. 993 21, 678 1, 050 1, 774 1, 885 109, 094 1, 997 4. 783 Traders and dealers in cabinet ware , Traders and dealers in cigars and tobacico Traders and dealers in clothiug and men's furnishin goods. Traders and dealers in coal and wood Traders and dealers in cotton and wool ! a In a census of the United States " sailors " at sea, when the enumeration is taken, are liable to be omitted unless they are actual members of families which are enumerated. 7, 419 11, 860 10,073! 10, 87l! 2, 494: 7, 335 11, 332 9, 874 10, 781 2, 484 1, 131 147 16 1,450 95 25 48 3 526 97 1 2, 254 2, 762 1 350 397 7, 744 133 282 1,308 262 2 6 lo! 183 84 298 6 418 9 1 3,746 2 199 186 84 sai l 199 90 10 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. with the age, sex, and nativity of persons occujned: 1880 — Continued. 1371 24, 023 65, 486 5, 015 11, 812 1,916 1,469 102, 866 1,945 4, 531 9, 246 6,942 10, 865 9, 481 10, 057 2, 318 370 3,410 189 173' I 80 j 51 3! 178i J 86i 10; 393 487 393 724 166 10 3, 826 13 6, 454 4 5, 032 21 7, 412 21 5, 112 4 8, 058 2, 023 279; 104 58, 105 1372 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. Tablic CHI.— occupations— T/jc United States hj classes and sereralhj, Occupations. TRADE AND TRANSPOIITATION— Continued. Tiaders and dealers in crockery, cliiua, glass, and stone ware. Traders and dealers in drugs and medicines Traders and dealers in dry goods, fancy goods, and no- tions. Traders and dealers in gold and silverware and jewelry Traders and detilers in groceries AGE AND SEX. All ages. Traders and dealers in hats, caps, and furs Traders and dealers in ice Traders and dealers in iron, tin, and copper ware Traders and dealers in junk Traders and dealers in leather, hides, and skins Traders and dealers in liquors and wines , Traders and dealers in live-stock , Traders and dealers in hunbcr , Traders and dealers in marlde, stone, and sl.ate Traders and dealers in music and musical instruments Traders and dealers in newspapers and periodicals. .. Traders and dealers in oils, paints, and turpentine ... Traders and dealers in paper and paper stock Traders and dealers in produce and provisions Traders and dealers in real estate , Traders and dealers in sewing machines. Undertakers Weighers, gangers, and measurers Others in trade and transportation Manufactuking, dustkies. MECHANICAL, AND MINING IN- Agricultnral implement makers (a) Artiftcial-flower makers . . Apprentices to trades (b) Bag makers Bakers Basket makers Blacksmiths , Bleachers, dyers, and scourers Blind, door, and sash makers.. Boat makers Bone and ivory workers Bookbinders and finishers Boot and shoe makers Bottlers and mineral-water makers Box-factory operatives Brass founders and workers Brewers and maltsters Brick and tile makers (c) , Bridge builders and contractors (d) .. Britannia and japanned ware makers Broom and brush makers Builders and contractors (d) . Butchers Button- factory operatives . Cabinet makers 2, 373 27, 700 45, 831 2, 305 101, 849 4, 809 2, 854 15, 076 3, 574 2, 382 I. 3, .500 12,5f)G II, 203 1, 405 1,906 2, 729 1,940 1, 862 35, 129 11, 253 6,577 5,113 3, 302 177 3, 837, 112 2, 249, 27, 580' 41,771 4, 2,264 98, 055j 4, 7221 2, 842 15, 014 3, 503 2, 380 13, 368 12, 582 11, 255 1,398 1, 861 2, 6221 1, 9261 1, 815 34, 599 11, 214 6,478; 5, 058 3, 291 i 177! 41 ,794 87 12 62 71 2 132 14 8 7 45 107 14 47 530 11 3, 205, 124 631, 988; 80, 677 3, 399; 44, 170! 1, 4081 41, 309 5, 654! 172, 7261 8, 222' 4, 946l 2, 063 1, 888 13, 833 194, 079 2, 081 15, 762 11. 568' 4, 679i 512, 40, 313! 669 40, 246 5, 058 172, 726 7,573 4,946 2, Of)3 1, 717 12 2, 887 3, 857 739 1, 063 596 171 16, 278 86. 052[ 2, 587 1, 375 8, 479 10, 804 76, 241 4, 872 50, 054 2, 923 machinists 7, 130 737 8, 342 5, 491 173,072 21,0071 2, 012 8, 632 10, 831 10, 217 35, 984 2, 587 1, 261 7, 837 10, 793 76,241 2, 480 50, 174 2, 718 11 480; 205 341 painters and varnishers, " etc. Candle, soap, and tallow makers a Generally reported as "iron founders," "carpenters, , ^ b In 1870 "apprentices" were, as far as possible, included in the account of their respective tratles Only those whose avocations could not be separately determined were reported under the title "ap prentices (not specified)". e The unskilled workmen employed in brick yards are generally reported as common "laborers", "builders and contractors'(not speciheii) " and " railroad" builders and contractors ". d See COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. with the age, sex, and nallvity of persons occupied: 1880 — Continued. 1373 AGE AKD SEX— continued. 16 to 59. 2, 091 26, 784 od, 693 2, 143 92, 256 4, 399 2, 74;! 14, 201 3, 287 2, 196 13, 013 12, 068 10, 573 1,307 1,76C 2, 481 1,810 1. 667 32, 940 9, 987 6, 350 4, 581 3, 097 169 2, 978, 845 4, 626 456 33, 052 576 38, 554 4, 048 161, 033 7, 028 4, 658 1, 846 1, 558 7, 695 156, 579 1, 861 7, 738 10, 224 15, 770 33, 719 2, 508 1,192 7, 027 73, 701 2, 096 45, 521 2, 433 112 114 3, 741 40 3, 502 82 11 59 63 120 12 7 7 44 100 13 45 454 36 97 45 11 60 and over. 158 796 2, 078 577, 157 11 2,148 2, 618 021 965 525 599 160 5, 065 19, 755 62 6, 095 641 57 61 11 2, 065 374 107 121 323 99 753 216 184 355 514 682 91 95 141 116 148 1, 659 1, 2: 128 473 139, 602 9 1, 087 775 10, 537 344 144 202 118 292 14, 017 48 186 211 319 664 74 37 346 836 1,972 50 3, 128 119 7,901 1,321 23, 521 33, 101 1, 286 64, 331 2, 974 2,112 12, 177 1,367 1,609 4, 945 10, 542 9, 808 1, 057 1, 512 2,007 1, 478 943 26, 197 9,210 5,619 4, 056 2, 504 108 2, 611, 325 3, 255 2, 530 40, 088 996 18, 108 3, ( 125, 596 4,154 3, 885 1, 685 1, 258 10, 770 124, 691 1,182 12, 893 7, 111 4,057 24, 577 1, 922 899 6, 258 7, 250 47, Oil 3, 793 29, 498 1, 670 330 2, 299 54 11, 668 374 213 441 1, 267 111* 3, 642 544 198 123 20 202 84 238 2, 075 553 138 360 322 12 284. 175 227 176 594 151 2, 675 231 12, 742 1,226 120 113 265 773 17, 438 171 651 2, 015 752 2, 327 253 153 381 1,665 3,484 448 1, 1321 3791 483 1,842 6. 058 550 17, 212 900 269 1,274 395 460 3, 283 722 439 57 243 176 385 3, 029 610 287 401 133 8 368, 110 551 226 1,310 149 15, 238 1, 070 15, 129 985 475 77 206 1, 073 27, 815 513 1, 325 1, 015 9, 925 3, 122 89 100 979 612 18, 166 177 13, 328 520 193 791 1, 704 162 3,292 251 93 593 202 74 449 392 327 111 95 176 117 110 1,279 434 212 135 151 9 225, 730 141 71 736 58 1, 821 202 100 210 520 19 1 30 ' 791 11 8 63 27 581 ^1 11 4 147 48 tl 26 2 44, 615 7, 508 1, 171 121 89 93 640 6, 701 58 300 843 358 888 112 174 282 740 3, 119 .261 1, 461 120 446 5 163 1 286 73 2, 254 72 68 12 4 2, 513 19 38 88 63 464 45 1 54 53 289 8 1, 267 28 443 528 23 1, 379 65 ().'. 235 59 18 186 192 310 28 31 30 16 6 569 191 175 69 117 153, 935 6, 096 156 171 67 20 216 7, 581 25 307 278 178' 3, 447 129 17| 276 333 1,1241 136! 1, 420{ 431 149, 222' 1374 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CIII.— OCCUPATIONS— T/jc United Stales by classes and severally, Occui)atioii3. MANIIFACTUIIING, MECHANICAL, KTC. — Continued, C.ir niakors Carpenters and joiners Carpet makers (a) Carriage and wagon makers Charcoal and lime l^airuers Cheese makers Chemical-works employes , Cigar makers (i') Clerks and bookkeepers in manuf'g establishments . Clock and watcli makers and repairers Confectioners Coopers Coi>per workers Corset makers Cotton-mill operatives (c) Distillers and rectifiers Employes in manuf'g establishments (not specified). Engineers and firemen Engravers fertilizer establishment operatives File makers, cutters, and grinders Fishermen and oystermen (d) Flax dressers Fnr workers Galoon, gimp, and tassel makers Gas-works em ploy 63 Gilders Glass-works operatives , Glove makers Gold and silver workers and jewelers , Gun- and lock-smiths Hair cleaners, dressers, and workers Harness and saddle makers Hat and cap makers Hosiery and knitting-mil'l operatives (a) Iron and steel works and shops operatives (e) Lace makers Lead and zinc works operatives Leather case and pocket-book, makers Leather curriers, dressers, finishers, and tanners. Lumbermen and raftsmen . Machinists Manufacturers Marble and stone cutters. . Masons, brick and stone... Meat and fruit preserving establishment employes Meat packers, curers, and picklers Mechanics (not specified) Mill and factory operatives (not specified) Millers 285, 401 234, 228 2, 503 5, 803 8, 198 Milliners, dressmakers, and seamstresses (/) Miners Mirror and picture-frame makers Nail makers ig) Oflicials of manufacturing and mining companies . . . a See "woolen-mill operatives" and "mill and factory operatives (not specified)". b See "tobacco workers". c See "print-works operatives " and "mill and factory operatives (not specified)". d Largely reported as " sailors while many who follow the avocation of fishermen for only a portion of the year are reported under some other branch of industry. e Including fouuderies, furnaces, and rolling-mills. Large numbers employed in these establishments are retumed as "operatives" or "laborers", without designation of trade — see "nail makers" and "stove, fumace, and giate makers". / In 1870 "seamstresses" were included Tfith "tailors and tailoresses^-Hsee "shirt, collar, and cuff makers" and "tailors and tailoresses ". y See " iron «ad tteel works operatiyet COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. with the age, sex, and nativity of persons occupied : 1880 — Coutinued. 1375 AGK AND SEX— continued. 16 to 59. 4,510 345, 656 8, 223 46, 102 5, 593 4, 113 2, 342 48, 92." 9, 670 11, 112 11, 317 44, 509 2, 172 709 63, 717 3,107 23, 855 78, 087 4, 305 1,332 1,680 38, 514 596 4, ' 1, 618 14, 836 2, 44" 25, 143 9, 512 801 36, 182 12, 116 3, 526 109, 648 222 1, 990 907 28, 101 29, 889 97, 064 40, 605 31, 789 94, 584 1, 869 2, 924 7, 255 19, 682 49, 069 2, 982 218, 695 2, 121 5, 0.56 7, 733 6,044 129 324 371 4, 665 180 1, 730 1. 568 16 3, 480 76, 207 7,671 101 7 17 54 800 563 1, 347 15 57 467 1, 819 1,810 178 897 1,510 3, 506 6,600 364 1, 271 275 193 378 725 238 5 6,725 65 273,455 63 76 361 18 and over. 129 27, 027 1, 085 3, 229 192 92 131 604 406 3,943 122 5 1, 460 105 ( 1, 450 106 24 27 1, 954 25 51 27 155 53 221 64 832 685 38 1,919 450 142 1, 894 14 57 17 1,144 3, 494 3,007 898 7, 729 13 20 11 2' 109 65 29 3, 816 2 ]J^TIVITY. 3, 191 287, 452 9, 634 37, 634 3, 369 3, 863 1, 657 31, 371 8, 834 9, 584 8, 1.54 32, 906 1. 191 3,877 94, 010 2, 443 24, 715; 57, 984| 3, 179' 1, 101 1, 144 30, 324 1, 056 807 1, 683 2, 393 1, 069 13, 479 3, 667 20, 711 6, 863 1, 345 29, 769 12, 217 9, 774 72, 931 1, 2981 933 893 16, 193 20, 175 70, 672 32, 454 18, 197 66, 22" 2, 06 1, 520 6, 741 22, 882 45, 228 239, 583 107, 993 1,546 5, 126 6.759 351 14, 268 3, 234 1,391 332 34 397 852 678 3, 274 350 358 19, 732 199 2, 649 6, 988 137 117 158 1, 036 441 204 57 1, 560 103 1, 152 162 924 550 130 1,966 1, 987 610 16, 730 138 405 38 6, 027 6, 306 1,447 6, 173 12. 611 210 2, 127 16, 200 25, 462 568 30, 388 1,514 6, 193 355 179 560 11, 979 366 1,580 2, 696 8, 861 374 81 1, 998 393 3, 305 4,315 512 87 137 765 20 330 332 291 320 1,474 195 3, 252 1, 947 227 4, 393 1, 363 387 9, 307 97 441 377 4, 112 8, 206 5, 072 2, 894 11, 857 199 523! 313 1, 686 3, 373 9, 300 10, 027 417 1.35 245 13, 209 1,918 1,418 143 138 153 1, 416 364 757 819 814 200 164 16, 237 57 1, 656 6, 552: 425! 19 291 581 275 84 56 282 142 1, 039; 288 1, 552| 564! 79 1, 129 628 871 10, 174 101 103 33 945 747 9, 826 2, 684 3, 208 5, 737 116 286 1,871 1,948 7, 109, 47, 436l 83 i 162 6281 84 5, 309 110 544 135 10 5 208 26 200 41 379 55 1 279 7 196 521 31 21 6 913 16 9 G 35 9 50 9 249 97 8 243 36 17 1, 046! 4' 16 2i 4371 l,316j 972! 1.53 2.56, 1, 322 6 221 61 243 B62 1, 659 4, 829 24 9 22 171 15, 036 377 1, 591 251 38 524 131 309 220 1, 323 72 137j 36, 385 26' 869! 1, 980! 52 43 2,816 70 21 30 56 29 16: 79 441 104 so; 1, 214! 1401 428| 2, 219; 13' 1, 165j 5, 6341 2, 752! 702, 1, 088 2, 228 12! j 39 132! 1. 28i: 2, 132! 191 57; 192 125! 193 48! 194 963 195 917j 196 2, 396' 197 1,507! 198 1, 026 199 2, 491 200 203 201 748' 202 115! 203 746! 204 733 205 7, 05l! 4, 499 5, 6761 32, 805 45 294 94' 50 140| 127 206 207 208 209 210 1376 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. TAiiLE Clll.— OCCUPATIONS— TAe United States by classes and severally, Occuptationa. MANUKACTUlUNfi, MECHANICAL, ETC.— Continued. Oil-iuill and rctinery operatives Oil-well operat ors and laborers Orjjan makers Painters and varnish ers Paperhanfters Paper-mill operatives Pattera makers Photo^iraphers PianofoT te makers and tuners Plasterers - Plumbers and gasfitters Potters...: Printers, litho^;rai)her8, and stereotypers Print-works operatives (a) Publishers of books, maps, and newspapers Pump makers Quarrymen Quartz- and stamp-mill operatives and laborers Kag pickers ■» EaSroad builders and contractors (b) Koofers and slaters Rope and cordage makers Rubber- factory operatives Sail and awning makers Salt makers Saw- and planing-mill operatives , Sawyers Scale and rule makers Screw makers Sewing-machine factory operatives Sewing-machine operators Shingle and lath makers Ship carpenters, calkers, riggers, and smiths Shirt, cuff, and collar makers (c) Silk-mill operatives Starch makers Stave, shook, and heading makers Steam-boiler makers Stove, furnace, and grate makers (d) Straw workers Sugar makers and refiners Tailors and tailoresses (c) Thread-mill operatives Tinners and tinware makers Tool and cutlery makers Trunk, valise, and carpet-bag makers Tobacco-factory operatives (e) Umbrella and parasol makers Upholsterers "Wheelwrights "Wire makers and workers Woodchoppers "Wood turners, carvers, and woodenware makers Woolen-mill operatives (/) Others in manufacturing, mechanical, and mining in dustries. 3, 929 7, 340 2, 437 128, 55G 5, 013 21, 430 5, 822 9, 990 5, 413 22, 083 19, 383 7, 233 72, 726 5, 419 2, 781 1, 366 15, 169 1,449 2, 206 1, 206 4, 026 3, 514 6, 350 2, 950 1, 431 77, 050 5, 195 1, 027 ],361 2, 725 7, 505 5,166 17, '452 11, 823 18, 071 1, 385 4, 061 12, 771 3, 341 4, 229 2, 327 133, 756 3, 259 42, 818 13, 749 3, 013 20, 446 1, 9C7 10, 443 15, 592 7,170 12, 731 12, 964 88, 010 13, 542 AGE AND SEX. All ages. 3, 897| 7, 340] 2, 373 128, 290 4, 859 14,711 5, 822 9, 539 5, 376 22, 083 19, 383 6,644 69, 270 4, 318 2, 745 1,366 15, 169 1, 449 1, 430 1, 206 4, 026 3, 040 4, 292 2, 843 1, 390 77, 050 5, 195! 1, 027l 796 2, 664 32 10 to 15. 64; 266 i 6, 7191 71 131 44 8591 33| 451 371 589, 3, 456' 1, 101' 36 141 581 1, 922 776 10 1, 330; 19: 474 2, 058 107 41 565 61 1,700 5,805. 5, 1^1 41 17. 45^1 3, 103 8, 860 9, 211 1, 218 4, 061 12, 771 3, 341 1,531 23 311 185 85 38 2,116 33 391 68: 120 167 2, 698 2, 313 14 81, 6581 52, 098 1, 148 2, 111! 41, 781 13, 214 2,958 14, 910 1, 094 9, 901 15, 592 6,925 12, 731 12, 771 52, 504 10. 511 1, 03' 535j 55 5, 536 873 542 245 193 35, 506 3. 031 14 1, 169 199 689 526 176 2,691 78 115 216 305 146 278 5, 146 635 506 34' 58i 5 100 2 28 131 I 100 632! 159! 3 66 276 259 6 29| 135; 569 1,2811 1,986 18 62 1 3, 768 239l 781 76l 30 20 4, 782 3101 a See "cotton-mill operatives" and "mill and factory operatives (not specified)". 6 See "builders and contractors (not specified) " and'" bridge builders and contractors". c See "milliners, dressmakers, and seamstresses". d See "iron and steel works operatives". c See " cigar makers". / See "carpet makers", "hosiery and knitting mill operatives," and "mill and factory operatives (not specified)". COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. with the age, sex, and nativity of pet'sons occupied : 1880— Continued. 1377 AGE AND BEX— continued. 16 to 59. 1, 230 13, 358 1, 424 1, 163 1, 1571 1,615 4, 736 15, 879 .2, 96" 7, 381 2, 219 73, 738 935 40, 040 12, 322 6, 514 12, 104 12, 040 45, 304 9, 744 26 6, 124 60 and over. 610 8, 006 7, 195! 149 2,605 13 47, 238 1, 871 955 458! 215i 54 84 2, 498 6, 164 1, 838 97, 767 4, 038 14, 315 4, 104 8, 261 2, 773 15, 998 13, 980 4, 763 60, 365 3, 302 2, 326 1, 174 8, 226 805 643 875 2, 534 2, 339 4, 143 2, 168 710 56, 408 4, 214 720 990 2, 024 5,345 4, 082 11, 847 9, 098 ll,397j I 823l ,3, 5111 6, 943 2, 302 3, 857| 653! 62, 175! 2, 120 j 32, 482i 8, 380 1, 18, 670 1,392 6, 497 12, 350 4,041 8, 578 8, 584 53, 442 9, 537 420 426 80 6, 177 176 3, 753 196 110 182 2, 627 2,547 461 2, 838 985 93 23 3, 068 128 255 143 602 367 1, 230 21: 243 1,714 160 48 187 209 795 81 1, 493 1,219 1, 365 263 72 2, 683 323 122 268 10, 297 405 1, 833 937 161 402 252 603 681 1, 051 235 438 12, 737 1, 120 650 101 178 10, 260 328 703 456 520 1, 220 735 670 3, 3381 170| 104 80' 742. 92 2911 28i I 255! 456' 486; 111' 212 4, 967 366 93 39; 230 3861 153; 632 511 1, 421 157 ISO 841 427 35 1, 078 37, 684 31 4, 609 1, 506 629 663 168 2, 043 1,453 782 251 2, 284 3, 762 1,248 1581 232 113 6, 334 290 1, 135 638 465 201 1 222 1,485 1, 056 3,138 780 1, 624 142 33 67 475 161 298 167 24 1, 118 151 44 85 126 257 73 1,192 280 1, 875 58 43 1,668 128 92 54 5, 016 403 1, 594 1, 574 81 141 515! 333 556 10, 494 620 26 22 771 1, 758! 12j 80| 68 110; 153. 163: 50' 43 370i 30, »1 546 511 3 39 12 19 15 92 12 2, 956 31 26 15| 86 364 34 13 38! 76i 521 17 24 ,057 2 313 118 5 30 1 201 45 276 175 163 482 111 67 279 98 3,138 62 1, 081 164 299 139 487 396 71 1, 657 95 64 24 567 101 8 40 55 192 91 37 71 103 514 1,417 175 39 174 348 41 81 23 2,314 290 929 759 55 82 11 209 425 189 1, 658 376 6, 093 297 110 211 56 212 53 213 3, 122 214 107 215 363 216 196 217 2251 218 256 219 306 220 190 221 169 222 1, 020 223 57 224 46 225 is! 226 396; 227 130: 228 973; 229 14 230 60 231 117 232 69 233 107i 234 89 235 87 0 0 1378 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CIV.— OCCUPATIONS— iS^Mwifter of persona engaged in the Occupatioiis. All occupations 17, 892, Agriculture . A erioultnral laborers (a) Fanners and planters , Gardeners, nurserymen, and vine-growers Stock raisers, drovers, and herders Turpentine farmers and laborers Others in aftriculture riiOFESSlONAL AXD PERSONAL 8KRVICE8 4, 074 Artists and teachers of art Barbers and hairdressers Boardin sr- and lodging-house keepers Clergymen Clerks and copyists (not specified). Dentists Domestic servants Engineers (civil) Joumalists Laborers Laundei'ers and laundresses Lawyers Livery-stable keepers and hostlers Musicians and teachers of music Officers, 8^ Idiers, and sailoi's (United States army and navy) (b) Officials and employes (civil) of government (c) Physicians and surgeons Teacheis Watchmen (private) and detectives Others in professional and personal service Trade and transportation. Trade. Agents (not specified) Clerks, salesmen, and accountants in stores Commercial travelers, hucksters, and peddlers.. In banking and brokerage of money and stocks . In insurance Saloon keepers and bartenders Traders and dealers Transportation. Draymen, hack men, teamsters, etc ... Officials and employes of express companies Officials and employes of railroad comi)anie8 Officials and emplo\ 6s of street railroad companies Officials and employes of telegraph companies Officials and employes of trading and transportation companies Sailors, steamboatmen, canalraen, pilots, and watermen (6) .. Others in trade and transportatioa Manufacturing, mechanical, and mining Apprentices to trades (d) Bakers Black.^iniiths United States. Ala, Ariz. Ark. 17, »92, 099 402, 790 1 22,271 260,692 7, 670, 493 1 380, 630 1 3, 435 216, 655 4, 225, 945 51. 482 4i, 075 7, 450 17,665 2i 93 94 95 I 90 I 97 98 I 99 I 1001 _J a b tion mig be s spec rept c 84 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Ta»lk CIV.—OCCUPATIONS— iV^ttwi&er of persons engaged in the Occupations. MANUKACTUIUNO, MKCHANICAL, AND MINING — Continued. Rleachors. dyers, and sconrors Bookbinders and finisliers lioot and shoo makers Erass founders and workers ... Brewers and maltsters Brick and stone masons, marble and stone cutters . Brick and tile makers (a) Broom and brush makers Butchers Cabinet makers and upholsterers Carpenters and joiners , Carriage, car, and wai^on makeis Cifiar makers and tobacco workei's Clerks and bookkeepers in mauufocturing establishments Clock and Avatch makers and repairers Confectioners Coopers Cotton, silk, and woolen mill operatives (&) Curriers, tanners, dressers, and finishers of leather. Engineers and firemen Fishermen and oystermen (rlass-woi ks operatives Gold and silver workers and jewelers . Gun- and lock-smiths Harness, saddle, and trunk makers. . . Hat and cap makers Iron and steel works and sliops operatives (c) Lumbermen, raftsmen, and woodchoppers Machinists T Manufacturers and otficials in manufacturing companies Millers Miners I Painters and varnishers Paper-mill operatives Photographers Piano and organ makers and tuners . Plasterers Plumbers and gastitter s Potters Printers Quarrymen Kubber factoi'y operatives Saw-mill operatives Ship carpenters, calkers, riggerrs, and amiths. Shirt, collar, and cuff makers _ Steam-boiler makers Tailors, tailoressos, milliners, ajcd dressmakers. Tinners , I'ool and cutlery makers _ Wheelwrights Wire makers and workers - Wood turners, carvers, and wofkers... Employes of manufacturing companies (not spooified) Mill and factory operative (not specifit^d) Others in mauufacturin 80 101 45 4 318 258 38 89 8 8 4 1 299 88 59 yii 411 •JO 197 10 120 36 5 2 837 381 193 91 9, 516 1, 108 6 044 n;« 1 237 2 827 505 3 958 79 30 207 11,420 9, 12 s 92 l',14l ' 246 1, 009 '230 '' 274 50 '271 2' 9H5 1, 300 1,018 93 111 11 3, 304 11 232 8 7 6 291 89 72 94 317 21 421 12 84 73 315 11 248 749 82 95 53 1 450 1 1 3 304 7 112 96 250 23 445 9 36 23 \ 35 1 813 364 45 97 627 40 3, 025 1 2:54 39 107 1,593 441 25-^. 98 675 70 994 12 131 220 975 1 1,746 768 264 99 4, 780 1,053 10, 389 177 503 761 440 1,271 60 10. 490 ■ 5, 684 2, 633 100 1386 OOMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CIV.— OCCUPATIONS— iVM»i&er of personB engaged in the Occupations. MANUFACTUIMNG, MECHANICAL, AND MIXING— Continued. BU'iu licrs, dyers, and a(;itt 36 176 2, 354 100 256 2, .533 795 119 947 1, 199 6,730 1, 331 2,717 111 128 1,464 738 3.>7 1, 293 175 300 475 170 1,141 21 2,183 238 i 972 i 557 I 1,533 ' 2,580 2, 237 18(5 157 627 215 79 1, 208 86 Quarrymen 87 , Ivubber factory operatives 88 Saw-mill operatives 89 Ship caipenters, calkers, riggers, and smiths 90 i Shii t, collar, and culf makers 97 99 100 Steam-boiler makers Tailors, tailoresses, milliners, and dressmakers Tinners Tool and cutlery makers Wheelwrights "Wire makers and workers - - - Wood turners, carvers, and workers Employes of manufacturing companies (not specified) Mill and factory oper atives (not specified) Others iu manufacturing and mining 137 129 267 3 22 79 3, 250 538 10 53 I 86 1,051 1, 574 120 75 145 8, 205 780 73 126 262 598 957 3,258 La. 30 61 1, 476 37 48 1, 0.56 1.52 61 1, 148 386 4, 773 118 1, 082 42 106 163 1, 720 122 47 1, 159 726 1 172 129 325 17 299 708 468 167 128 12 1, 054 93 231 114 9 701 503 310 14 108 4, 663 404 40 141 I 153 1 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. pri»olpal (selected) occupations, by states and terriioriea: 1880 — Continued. 1387 Mich. Minn. Miss. Mo. Mont. Nebr. Nev. N. H. N. J. N. Mex. 70 21 7 104 15 6 127 659 3 46 218 117 10 426 3 60 3 73 517 1 47 3, 764 1, 467 408 3, 845 66 591 143 6, 371 6, 832 131 48 88 12 1 123 3 35 607 A(\ 518 458 1, 208 48 131 ""'77' 82 534 10 50 4, 412 2, 224 372 5, 074 138 1,129 178 1, 680 4, 720 175 51 774 403 170 1, 475 15 363 28 580 1, 470 20 52 323 65 429 26 3 22 314 53 2, 390 971 297 2, 854 174 oyy 313 430 t>, 00 1 79 04 2, 920 452 105 2,199 27 189 51 727 1, 510 14 55 16, 541 6,676 2, 352 12, 594 546 4, 125 753 3, 968 12, 354 617 56 2, 479 750 1U6 2, 556 36 387 38 501 1, 013 18 57 1,907 399 8 2, i-69 2 180 30 92 2, 187 31 58 251 91 Q1 Ol 443 n i 1 A 10 615 2 oy 223 92 54 330 14 46 26 76 517 8 60 322 120 55 717 4 55 19 44 698 3 61 2, 753 1,106 55 2, 307 15 113 14 424 918 1 f2 1, 053 301 857 1,062 1 52 8 21,406 599 18, 940 21 63 ' 438 50 9<) 302 2 7 1 A^a 64 3, 783 1, 146 372 3, 302 139 380 491 432 3, 702 106 65 1, 398 74 190 187 5 41 12 226 2, 529 3 66 33 14 493 1 4 25 2, 751 1 67 640 22S 83 619 26 150 33 164 2, 880 48 68 1 QR loD 1 1 52 oo 1 a xo Oi; yo fj 69 1,547 760 124 2, 404 54 519 70 428 2, 490 35 70 32 38 2 46 2 2 30 4, 198 71 2, 868 394 64 3, 397 137 182 116 801 4,842 35 72 8, 907 2, 155 358 1, 118 390 103 416 632 174 185 73 2, 870 1, 329 306 fin ol) /lot; 291 1, 676 5, 397 AR 74 1, 904 454 65 1, 329 22 211 112 849 2, 658 11 75 1,924 1,871 624 2, 556 33 514 42 273 1,076 76 76 6,978 27 2 4, 532 4,813 93 79 6,647 98 3, 696 1, 496 77 4, 896 1, 525 319 4, 223 936 146 1, 519 5, 058 72 78 456 64 'to 0 826 747 79 80 452 124 56 438 12 97 22 115 265 16 66 11 2 59 5 38 472 1 81 82 491 276 59 1, 387 44 404 20 26 410 38 334 37 10 706 2 56 28 103 977 4 83 59 37 19 212 1 10 1 30 2, 401 84 1,919 863 275 3, 134 79 686 151 513 2, 460 87 85 96 92 1 466 1 68 176 441 11 86 1 2 1, 219 87 88 13, 826 1, 942 891 2, 485 111 155 17 1, 156 394 85 you 58 222 Q O A to ooy 89 31 28 68 296 1 12 26 1, 284 90 465 25 434 5 65 41 62 694 3 91 12, 432 4, 733 1,308 11, 725 111 1, 999 434 4,446 14, 843 359 92 1, 233 534 141 1,758 37 316 70 270 1, 748 36 93 222 12 84 94 1 11 3 274 739 94 128 47 73 118 13 38 20 276 1,237 8 95 121 3 455 4 2 2 989 96 6n5 32 22 357 2 9 10 306 523 3 97 599 119 35 685 3 20 10 454 2, 805 4 98 972 12!) 149 1, 257 3 28 104 366 1, 105 4 99 7, 704 1, 362 839 5, 450 340 626 1, 564 1, 960 13, 677 93 100 Md. Mass. 9, 700 2, 330 G81 2, 500 6, 100 20, 632 2, 532 1,077 808 2, 112 737 1, 407 90, 044 7, 356 4, 272 6,103 792 3, 928 830 1, 711 1,040 6, 846 242 12, 455 6,144 720 459 10, 133 6,828 643 1, 792 657 1,884 194 5, 397 819 1, 060 924 1,618 320 667 26, 462 2, 105 2, 277 1, 071 2,008 1,614 5, 815 3, 545 24, 107 1388 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CIV.— OCCUPATIONS— 2^4 7, ir>4 20, 578 1, 977 1, 783 2,924 8, 576 29, 039 5, 193 12, 607 3, 788 3, 132 5, 594 1, 926 5, 329 5,147 16, 261 1, 718 16, 234 II, 602 4, 298 2, 633 25, 5G6 4, 457 1,6G9 3, 188 2, 221 6, 188 764 16, 928 1, 801 1,100 4,710 4,444 6, 328 2, 322 104, 379 N. C. 8G3 231 037 483 60, 961 1, 042 360 31*6 441 4, 641 574 2, 088 49 45 998 3, 229 216 418 1, 382 1 35 55 300 3 204 512 621 316 40 "i,'i74 84 3 Ohio. 16 2, 707 393 1 59 39 1, 029 2, 158 230 801 10, 964 452 1,744 10,713 3, 355 779 5,713 5, 615 29, 770 7, 020 5, 297 665 201 647 5, 357 1,818 683 5, 860 357 906 1,2' 526 3, 661 112 13,419 693 7,498 3, 811 3, 919 5, .575 11, 4.58 546 238 161 705 758 584 4,658 438 134 4,148 405 70 781 33, 212 3, 331 387 1, 028 951 720 1, 982 527 14, 520 COMPENDIUM OF THK TENTH CENSUS. 1389 principal (ael^ted) occupations, by states and ieiritories : 1880 — Continued. Pa. R. I. S. C. Tenn. Tex. Utah. Vt. Va. "Wash. W. Va. Wis. "Wyo. 1 aiK 1, HLO OJO Q 21 1 15 31 \ 17 64 46 2, 055 65 9(1 64 13 24 64 4 169 47 20, 634 568 (\AT 1 n9K 561 749 2 850 104 1 097 4 082 42 48 1,088 90 9 10 3 6 5 1 7 58 1 49 1, 504 47 8 23 35 49 7 18 •40 45 1, 221 10 50 10, ^L'J 1 TOT 1,101 735 1 766 1 668 553 1 901 2 143 88 1 059 3 554 35 51 4, 504 1 Q J.0<) 477 486 146 125 559 44 339 690 52 1, 110 K4 o* rj 49 9() 14 19 32 32 142 53 9, 200 443 283 459 1,096 194 280 606 122 314 1, 732 56 54 6, 866 358 177 768 312 115 537 794 09 358 1, 288 6 55 An 1700 o, OoO O, 11 1 5 207 5 693 1 253 3 053 8 273 852 3 295 10 777 210 56 6, 026 I/O 813 468 42 '345 801 19 331 2 141 g 8, 970 13 56 10, 121 8 310 1 759 a 0 1,668 214 57 164 108 16 53 228 7 63 '229 2 59 1, 183 99 44 59 104 34 49 100 11 32 162 1 60 2, 347 158 141 13 38 20 232 70 177 fil »)i 3, 852 74 618 525 103 453 1, 155 86 875 1 908 44, 746 30, 531 2 304 1 518 99 323 2 628 'I86 1, 441 10 209 1' 192 12 63 6, 020 123 58 '292 59 36 3;>4 1 18 252 1,' 133 64 11,452 789 352 761 846 290 377 765 169 756 1, 817 147 65 598 879 479 199 140 14 16 3, 625 3 613 g 402 66 6, 226 46 3 9 3 725 12 1 0/ 2, 204 2, 944 60 180 225 17 140 202 17 102 395 Do 839 67 41 85 153 18 20 102 n 59 142 69 3, 729 244 119 584 792 124 346 703 76 326 1, 487 43 70 2, 127 15 4 12 4 11 3 121 71 33, 628 1, 128 74 1 117 155 41 319 1, 254 28 1 517 1 796 145 72 4, 085 41 420 314 944 175 394 552 998 ' 212 3 810 59 73 14, 601 3, 101 413 842 709 132 656 1, 144 111 537 \, 908 141 74 6, 740 1,170 174 315 325 .83 667 470 79 283 1, 059 14 75 5, 902 66 690 1 746 1 096 177 376 2, 519 97 973 1 943 /O 69, 415 47 114 1 168 64 2 592 596 1, 260 985 3 701 1 113 77 13, 008 1, 611 478 965 986 220 969 1,114 121 514 3 096 7fi (O 2, 176 74 7 39 2 "6 385 69 1 53 '414 79 1, 029 106 50 106 199 34 90 117 24 52 350 6 80 282 14 13 91 21 1 405 2 1 3 41 81 3, 733 79 342 160 125 16 593 14 226 295 2,621 372 39 113 56 16 30 138 10 49 197 0 OQ 00 973 7 11 47 56 17 27 82 1 69 57 84 7, 877 497 309 667 940 125 298 831 111 348 1, 612 38 85 4, 341 172 27 226 53 42 1 061 189 77 150 oO 39 1, 104 07 o< 88 4,619 59 202 1, 557 2, 182 181 1, 359 2,227 689 778 7, 745 1, 624 102 ! 98 27 79 2 7 409 138 37 327 89 1, 184 18 2 17 i 9 I 0 41 16 5 16 1 90 2, 921 183 45 66 i 59 i 22 19 118 12 188 OQft Zo 91 49, 851 3, 871 2 544 2 973 1 2 493 i 819 2 240 4, 917 190 1, OOi xif, yoo 959 79 1 92 5, 264 322 210 407 i 508 ! 77 331 506 57 93 2, 392 331 8 1 ^15 1 63 8 7 56 '1 94 2, 381 148 isi 165 j 282 1 28 351 1, 002 16 57 395 7 55 554 28 4! 3 1 1 1 1 3 41 1 96 1, 510 133 ^1 70 j 27 27 353 40 7 23 187 97 3, 995 614 24 139 103 1 13 75 130 9 05 480 8 1 98 6, 701 449 IGl 371 1 143 i 57 75 568 20 186 428 99 31, 768 4,165 1, 511 1,811 1, 346 526 1, 922 1,949 864 1, 585 3, 576 :8j 100 1390 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Taijle CV.— occupations— iV^i/ ci«ie« : 1880. PERSONS ENGAGED IN ALL CLASSES OF Cities. ! Personf* occupied. Total Albany, N. Y Allegheny, Pa Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass 6 Brooklyn, K Y ~ Buffalo, N. Y Cambridge, Mass Camden, N. J Charleston, S. C Chicao:o, 111 Cincinnati, Ohio . Cleveland, Ohio . Columbus, Ohio. . Dayton, Ohio .... Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich Fall Kiver, Mass . Hartford, Conn . . Indianapolis, Ind Jersey City, N. J . Kansas City, Mo., Lawrence, Mass . . Louisville, Ky Lowell, Mass . . . . . Lynn, Mass Milwaukee, "Wis Minneapolis, Minn Nashville, Tenn Newark, N. J New Haven, Conn . New Orleans, La... New York, N. Y... Paterson, N. J Philadelphia, Pa... Pittsburgh, Pa . , Providence, R. I. Reading, Pa Richmond, Va ... Rochester, N. Y . Saint Louis, Mo Saint Paul, Minn . . San Francisco, Cal. Scran ton, Pa Si racuse, N. Y Toledo, Ohio Trov, N. Y Washington, D. C Wilmington, Del . Worcester, Mass . 3. 083. 172 AGE AND SEX. All ages. Male. Female 2, 369, 761 713,411 32. IW 2o, 1,58 17, 078 130, 3G4 i 149, 194 ; 209, 065 54, 647 I 20,021 ! 15, 085 j 20,325 j 191, 760 100. 454 56, 919 18, 737 14, 184 15, 737 39, 245 22, 685 17, 212 27, 966 42, 356 25, 081 19, 153 45, 244 29, 781 16, 728 40, 900 21,302 I 16, 738 I 49, 066 I 24, 155 78,336 513, 377 i 22, 570 i 348,900 ! 52. 173 43, 878 15, 623 24, 550 34, 276 139, 985 17, 809 104, 650 16, 829 20, 409 17, 691 23, 745 57, 262 19, 281 22, 535 25, 564 21, 254 11, 118 97, 561 110, 313 163, 934 44, 6 J0 15, 137 12, 249 13, 280 156, 158 78, 170 46, 769 15, 338 11, 716 14, 056 31, 220 14, 919 12, 786 22, 927 35, 617 21, 436 11,552 34, 987 17, 795 12, 171 32, 924 17, 579 11, 591 38, 262 18, 634 59, 173 378, 159 16, 859 257, 694 44, 794 32, 521 12, 877 17, 007 25, 243 113, 917 14, 728 90. 508 14, 450 15, 495 14, 675 16, 881 39, 703 15, 699 17, 741 6, 589 4, 704 5, 960 32, 803 38, 881 45, 1.31 10, 027 4, 884 2, 836 7, 045 35, 602 22, 284 10, 150 3,399 2,468 1, 681 8, 025 7, 766 4, 426 5,039 3, 645 7,601 10, 257 11, 986 4, 557 7, 976 3, 723 5, 147 10, 804 5,521 19, 163 135, 218 5, 711 91, 206 7, 379 n, 357 2,746 7, 543 9, 033 3, 081 14, 142 2, 379 4, 914 3, 016 6, 864 17, 559 3, 582 4, 794 10 to 15. 16 to 59. Male. Female. Male. Female. 64, 331 40, 755 2, 222, 059 659, 044 581 632 511 2, 276 1, 429 290 I 300 861 1, 514 808 23, 692 19, 924 10, 224 91, 182 104, 421 6,193 4,348 5, 444 30, 196 37, 410 4, 380 1, 123 295 300 228 2,518 608 124 147 132 156, 442 41, 678 13, 965 11,555 12, 354 42, 272 9, 291 4,667 2,636 6, 492 1 3,358 1 3,240 1 1,049 ; 348 ! 359 2, 315 1, 883 561 116 164 149, 624 71, 993 44, 275 14, 393 10,844 33, 056 20, 070 9,493 3, 225 2,266 104 661 1, 072 245 553 47 492 937 179 183 13, 765 29, 435 13, 257 11,922 21, 643 1, 619 7, 478 6, 780 4, 161 4, 811 840 443 580 800 642 545 241 627 411 718 33, 741 20, 696 10, 504 33, 046 16, 332 6,098 3, 378 6,907 9, 614 11, 131 209 822 258 337 1,276 110 607 140 270 932 11, 349 30, 800 16, 929 10, 753 35, 171 4,385 7,283 3, 562 4, 751 9,655 346 1, 342 10, 994 1, 131 9,415 282 902 7.471 1,189 5, 825 17, 420 54, 039 356. 156 15, 075 236, 636 5, 131 16,964 125, 403 4, 455 83, 150 1 308 1, 102 633 237 808 405 797 273 291 676 42 086 29^948 11, 473 1.5, 933 22, 996 6 879 10| 349 2,430 6, 939 8, 205 3, 059 148 980 1, 234 570 1,660 106 509 212 375 107, 888 14, 327 87, 360 12, 790 14, 014 23,972 2, 953 13, 376 2,146 4,477 265 577 495 496 240 158 437 502 252 153 13,964 15. 609 37, 379 ! 14.296 i 16,711 2, 821 6.313 16. 611 3, 217 4,581 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1391 Table CV.— OCCUPATIONS— Z'V^y cities : 1880. OCCUPATIONS, WITH AGE, SEX, AND NATIVITY. AGE AND SEX — Con- tinued. NATIVITY. 60 and over. United Ireland. Germany. Great Scandi- British Other Male. Female. States. Britain. navia. America. countries. 83, 371 13, 612 1, 826, 210 461, 855 415, 710 140, 736 30, 955 67, 510 140, 196 1, 291 698 383 4, 103 4, 463 106 56 155 1, 0D3 663 20, 330 16, 941 16, 339 101.484 88, 244 6, 261 2, 468 237 7, 306 34, 745 3,289 4, 482 280 17, 769 3, 990 1,205 1,130 108 1, 442 6, 650 65 71 16 109 1,121 576 86 26 258 11, 237 427 780 72 1, 936 3, 207 3,112 1,819 877 3M 698 341 128 93 53 -421 115, 111 29, 928 11, 706 12, 994 18, 379 41, 487 5, 149 4,415 730 758 30, 177 12, 279 372 631 796 12, 311 2, 801 965 582 138 2, 293 187 135 12 14 2, 162 2, 688 2, 092 41 12 5, 524 1, 555 336 05 228 3,176 2, 937 1,445 597 513 231 331 9(> 58 38 84, 767 62, 826 26, 730 34, 164 10, 524 10, 490 17, 938 8, 495 11, 183 21, 584 23, 918 7, 843 6, 570 1, 237 656 40, 847 21,117 12, S06 2, 164 2, 399 1, 242 8, 545 144 847 3, 087 10, 018 2, 106 4, 911 696 239 12, 506 67 182 25 6, 322 585 2,017 121 81 648 4, 922 4,118 270 183 13, 382 2,910 4, 003 330 285 796 2, 040 126 191 632 187 1,124 590 619 731 15 55 49 86 45 1, 226 2, 963 4, 686 3, 887 1, 886 1,081 2, 776 5, 075 767 647 354 61 41 67 47 1,036 297 468 1, 141 821 96 26 67 232 137 22, 091 19, 461 8, 729 34, 012 15, 621 10, 451 2, 208 4, 799 3. 099 6, 612 5, 519 1, 375 637 6, 412 65 2,819 708 2, 805 578 2, 009 157 362 14 21 69 829 512 2, 044 205 5,234 990 395 125 917 171 613 1,302 392 501 1, 815 62 80 21 126 217 13, 029 18, 041 12, 009 15, 232 29, 228 1, 969 1, 811 1, 057 643 6, 461 29 15, 984 1,566 356 9, 104 354 1,224 570 206 2, 541 26 670 3, 700 35 67 1, 232 467 1,856 18 156 89 2, 703 638 248 1,509 868 • 3, 792 11, 009 653 11, 593 108 1, 297 2, 34-J 67 2,231 15, 776 58, 771 240, 076 12, 459 237, 639 5, 242 5, 543 114, 581 3, 386 55, 783 1,478 6, 968 92, 657 1,334 30, 429 933 1, 218 21,230 3, 261 17, 137 64 137 2, 567 51 567 300 210 3, 752 108 1, 037 362 5, 489 38, 514 1, 971 6. 308 1, 400 1,471 771 837 1, 439 95 211 43 313 152 30, 454 28, 720 13, 802 23, 013 20, 904 8, 680 9, 134 314 454 3, 079 7, 884 608 1, 199 620 5, 356 3, 499 3, 496 178 220 1, 761 70 143 8 9 39 232 1, 146 11 31 2, 040 1, 354 631 111 203 1, 097 2,970 253 2, 168 426 911 436 22 257 21 62 82, 735 8, 929 37, 469 8, 727 13, 612 15, 985 1,812 17, 012 3, 462 2, 308 29, 674 2, 873 12, 394 1, 541 2, 544 4, 061 560 6, 076 2, 720 784 420 1, 758 1, 868 42 6 1, 230 858 1, 940 66 622 5, 880 1,019 27, 885 271 533 446 695 1,829 907 790 37 114 446 113 60 10, 478 14, 310 50, 309 15, 880 14, 537 1, 490 5, 993 3, 146 2, 184 4, 729 3, 523 892 2,100 438 188 546 1, 265 865 . 564 780 37 fiO 42 34 473 716 945 141 36 1,685 901 280 659 145 143 1392 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table C V.— OCGUPATIGNS—i'yfj/ ciiiea : 1880— Coutinued. PEPtSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE, Cities. Total Albany, N. Y Allegheny, Pa — Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Brooklyn, N. Y... Buffalo, N. Y Cambridge, Mass . Camden, N. J Charleston, S. C . . . Chicago, 111 Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio. Columbus, Ohio . Dayton, Ohio — Denver, Colo . .... Detroit, Mich Fall River, Mass. Hartford, Conn ... Indianapolis, Ind Jersey City, N. J Kansas City, Mo., Lawrence, Mass . Louisville, Ky — Lowell, Mass . Lynn, Mass Idiilwaukee, Wis . . . Minneapolis, Minn. Nashville, Tenn ... Newark, N. J Few Haven, Conn . New Orleans, La... New York, N. Y... Paterson, N. J Philadelphia, Pa... Pittsburgh, Pa . , Providence, E. I , Pteading, Pa Kichmond, Va . . Rochester, N. Y 41 Saint Louis, Mo 42 Saint Paul, Minn ... 43 San Francisco, CaL . 44 1 Scranton, Pa 45 Syracuse, N. Y Toledo, Ohio Troy, N. Y Washington, D. C. Wilmington, Del.. Worcester, Mass. . Persons occupied. 33, 134 345 253 •m 867 1, 042 1, 091 249 191 492 1,190 1,196 694 192 157 424 394 274 408 315 504 252 142 459 296 143 334 432 172 550 338 2, 032 2, 229 113 4, 810 466 490 148 132 518 2, 089 222 1, 965 107 250 334 128 463 1, 207 734 AGE AND BEX. All ages. Male. 32, 202 345 251 300 827 1, 023 956 1, 072 245 190 1, 123 1,169 669 192 156 421 378 272 408 334 501 251 141 451 296 143 309 431 163 533 335 1, 817 2, 164 111 4,774 460 489 148 131 516 2, 012 221 1,940 99 246 331 128 458 1,165 733 Femiale. 932 10 to 15. Male. 913 Female. 25 1 9 23 3 215 65 1 I £> 26 25 11 16 34 8 13 2 20 79 30 1 12 11 9 2 11 6 4 9 i 12 16 17 8 80 30 4 108 5 24 4 2 21 72 2 70 16 to 59. Male. 28, 140 11 293 216 228 723 940 210 162 335 1, Oil 1, 012 567 164 131 402 317 218 364 285 462 232 117 402 233 Female. 102 112 462 282 1, 458 1, 998 83 4,243 415 401 127 106 410 1, 790 204 195 276 100 414 927 610 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1393 Table CV.— OCCUPATIONS— Fi/i^/ dties : 1880— Continued. WITH AGE, SEX, AND NATIVITY. AGE AND SEX— con- tinued. 60 and over. Male. Female. 3,149 43 30 46 79 126 31 98 27 15 57 92 78 72 27 18 13 53 49 41 17 10 22 38 57 37 28 26 35 54 45 279 136 24 423 40 64 17 23 85 150 15 71 19 39 45 23 38 157 109 United States. 71 18, 278 157 106 299 628 518 418 478 114 168 458 380 726 260 125 96 323 143 174 247 231 217 206 176 97 89 203 157 215 171 1. 411 698 63 3, 334 207 290 127 108 256 927 87 418 74 132 169 79 335 1, 057 529 Ireland. 4, 555 Germany. 5,647 64 87 30 18 96 n 5 3 2 71 124 19 358 33 52 215 221 81 208 260 91 96 6 12 7 9 5 14 15 3 163 443 61 45 374 23 66 208 107 13 39 12 3 47 1 16 26 20 35 124 44 47 1 18 123 12 21 9 50 12 123 90 56 15 11 10 25 1 12 27 100 8 52 1 31 31 1 5 16 153 14 23 27 11 6 2 1 70 199 37 101 29 29 43 250 16 507 681 131 19 8 11 811 374 210 72 135 21 140 6 37 4 13 4 4 12 7 63 103 57 104 861 78 23 66 10 357 169 85 13 7 8 32 32 43 18 78 27 27 6 11 46 33 37 96 15 32 111 6 22 Great Britain. Scandi- navia. 323 1 139 1 2 5 1 21 British. America. 466 10 88 0 0 1394 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. TABLE CV.— OCCUPATIONS— cities : 1880— Continued. PERSONS ENGAGED IN PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL Cities. Total Albany, N. Y Allegheny, Pa Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass BrooMyn, N. Y... Buffalo, N. Y Cambridge, Mass . Camden, N. J . Charleston, S. C Chicago, HI . . . Cincinnati, Ohio .. Cleveland, Ohio . . . Columbus, Ohio. .. Dayton, Ohio Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich Fall Hiver, Mass . Hartford, Conn — Indianapolis, Ind . J ersey City, N. J . Kansas City, Mo.. Lawrence, Mass ... Louisville, Ky Lovpell, Mass Lynn, Mass Milwaukee, "Wis. . Minneapolis, Minn Nashville, Tenn .. Newark, N. J New Haven, Conn New Orleans. La. . New York, N. Y.. Paterson, N. J . , . . P'hiladelphia, Pa.., Pittsburgh, Pa . . . Pro%'idence, H. I . . Beading, Pa llichiTiond, Va Bochester, N. Y ... Saint Lonis, Mo . . , Saint Paul, Minn . San Francisco, Cal Scranton, Pa Syracuse, N. Y — Toledo. Ohio Troy, N. T Washington, D. C Wilmington, Del . Worcester, Mass. . Persons occupied. 984, 694 AGE AND BEX. All ages. Male. 600, 500 10, 432 8, 655 8, 614 46, 879 53, 465 6, 647 5, 946 3, 762 26, 653 30, 851 55, 546 17, 880 6, 180 4, 128 10, 060 32, 628 11, 744 3, 334 2, 764 4, 632 58, 645 29, 068 17, 021 6, 691 4, 109 39, 966 17, 929 10, 984 4, 471 2, 641 5,127 12, 518 3, 364 5,384 10, 217 3, 992 7, 872 2, 575 2, 891 6, 849 12, 327 9, 811 2, 425 17, 339 4,855 8, 950 7, 104 1, 578 9, 877 3, 381 2,547 12, 979 7, 345 7,701 9, 118 1, 267 8, 561 4, 858 3, 506 5,177 6 871 36^ 686 160, 109 3, 996 97, 036 4 152 2l! 880 89, 324 3, 052 55, 941 20, 792 11, 105 5,169 10, 745 8, 624 15, 609 6, 371 3, 972 4, 863 5,016 48, 229 6, 709 35, 060 6, 224 6, 112 30, 402 4, 623 26, 601 4, 746 3, 779 6, 065 7, 310 34, 931 7, 287 5, 204 4, 174 4, 078 20, 363 5, 088 3, 016 Female. 384. 194 785 2, 709 4, 852 20, 226 22, 614 22, 918 6, 136 2, 846 1, 364 5, 428 18, 679 11, 139 6, 037 2, 220 1, 468 1, 135 4, 646 789 2, 493 8, 368 3, 377 2, 707 847 7, 462 1, 474 1, 280 4, 418 2, 487 4, 195 3,941 2, 719 14, 806 70, 785 944 41, 095 5, 183 4, 734 1, 197 5, 882 3, 608 17, 827 2, 086 8, 399 1,478 2, 333 1, 891 3, 232 14, 568 2, 199 2, 188 10 to 15. 16 to 59. Male. Female. Male. Female. 1 ^ Atin IK 11 R 10, 110 KK7 K1Q 00/, 019 ooy, OM 131 187 6, 066 3,529 14') O, tn 2 535 071 284 ^ OQft o, zyo 4 423 7QQ ( 00 905 OA RQ*> AO, 00/ OLo 426 OQ AAQ Q1 AQ1 291, OUl 670 834 31, 406 21, 885 297 10 744 5 696 66 »17 2 995 2, 718 71 2 569 1 2.58 1 nK lUO 4 984 824 828 37, 918 17, 686 710 648 16 276 10 292 220 249 10 285 5 717 96 99 4 161 2 074 CM o» 9 Al\A l', 351 34 38 3, 904 1, 085 151 7 Qnu /, ova 4 392 21 2 356 737 A'y 11 Z, 0 / D 9 Q7Q £i, OlO 219 139 6 335 3 192 204 231 8, 415 3, 065 200 ft 77e; V, 1 ID 2 481 800 7 1 Q XO 1 AKT 91 Q Q 991 6 961 97 1 1 XI 9 1 at; 0, XoO 1 AC\Q 1, 9 30 1, 148 1, 201 lOQ 301 7 C9Q /, OOO A ni^R 1, UOD an 94 4, 658 O 077 159 219 3, 152 O, 00/ 3, 629 104 182 4, 708 49 57 3, 827 2, 581 568 759 19, 748 12, 969 3, 050 2, 140 66, 978 42 12 2, 821 893 2, 060 1, 416 50, 955 38, 305 375 321 14, 602 4, 796 165 80 5, 809 4, 495 141 89 3, 515 1, 090 91 238 4, 427 5, 370 149 129 4, 397 3, 376 859 993 28, 389 16, 496 48 78 4, 452 1. 990 209 331 25, 628 7, 873 197 124 4, 381 1, 340 141 114 3, 286 2, 178 90 89 3, 895 1,776 104 188 3, 753 2, 976 206 464 19, 017 13, 707 138 119 4, 625 1, 990 11 38 2, 832 2, 098 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1395 Table CV.— OCCUPATIONS— cities : 1880— Continued. SERVICES, WITH AGE, SEX, AND NATIVITY. AGE AND SEX— con- tinued. NATIVITY. 60 and over. United Germany. Great Scandi- 1 British Other Male. Female. States. Ireland. Britain. navia. America. countries. 27, 522 9,751 548, 812 231, 763 101, 842 30, 114 11, 022 17, 822 43, 319 450 255 195 1, 288 1, 600 69 32 145 734 497 5, 773 5. 143 8, 375 87, 810 24, 438 3, 150 1, 259 90 3, 911 20, 505 945 1, 534 ol 4,114 1, 031 279 378 356 2, 030 4 13 4 44 415 147 36 8 59 3, 947 134 292 9g 585 1, 099 1 2 3 4 5 552 703 273 111 2G7 199 85 71 35 339 24, 696 8, 778 2, 964 3, 413 9, 521 20, 600 2, i-35 2, 273 454 329 5, 346 3, 925 58 157 140 2, 279 758 201 78 35 761 67 29 2 7 423 957 554 4 3 1, 441 560 101 20 25 6 7 8 9 10 1, 224 934 479 214 153 165 199 71 47 28 23, 277 17, 861 7, 258 4, 993 3, 071 3, 272 5,018 1, 202 2, 783 7, 974 11, 725 4, 196 3, 351 699 333 11,782 5, 628 3, 443 655 556 2, 301 531 1, 207 190 57 3, 958 20 58 10 1, 527' 164 617 40 28 4, 075 668 1, 087 104 64 11 12 13 14 15 54 413 208 169 295 12 38 31 73 37 626 1, 454 1,471 2, 159 1,074 327 2, 889 8 162 815 255 672 317 133 160 161 18 7 28 18 141 1, 766 327 55 48 345 701 32 64 128 16 17 18 19 20 331 129 114 437 219 81 19 34 193 54 4, 700 7, 593 984 13, 986 2, 145 5, 661 1,238 970 1, 652 1, 725 1, 119 359 24 1, 334 6 508 206 130 114 220 53 160 4 5 11 71 114 284 47 705 215 141 29 201 43 21 22 83 24 25 ' 110 530 120 195 365 49 61 16 109 130 1,403 5, 339 3, 553 7, 353 4,626 790 840 533 198 2, 550 1 5, 320 451 57 1, 278 58 244 121 39 344 8 150 1, 831 4 20 265 116 644 3 32 22 970 212 47 268 26 27 28 29 30 ■ 276 1, 564 3,351 189 2, 926 81 1,078 1, 667 39 1, 374 3, 668 29, 366 63, 882 1, 595 59, 195 2, 568 3, 046 58, 859 1, 257 26, 843 278 2, 104 19, 494 221 6, 024 181 400 5,460 331 2, 820 26 48 992 9 162 57 76 1, 034 16 292 93 1, 646 10, 388 567 1,700 31 32 33 34 35 632 397 31^ 345 470 66 159 18 274 103 11, 004 5, 839 4, 431 10, 417 4, 434 4, 882 4, 165 185 158 1, 467 3, 083 91 456 95 1, 412 1,192 389 40 39 404 39 52 5 1 12 67 380 4 4 636 525 189 48 31 259 36 37 38 39 40 1,154 123 734 168 352 338 18 195 14 41 28, 479 2, 874 10, 575 3, 064 3, 719 8, 737 1,016 7, 989 1, 725 1,293 7,840 918 2, 906 608 648 1,002 127 1, 589 703 180 151 1, 075 420 24 2 318 279 4G9 20 186 1,702 420 11, 112 80 84 41 42 43 44 45 189 221 1, 140 325 173 26 68 397 90 52 3, 396 3, 631 31, 579 5, 647 2,715 839 2, 866 1, 879 1,337 2,001 1,111 2i9 654 88 37 143 253 408 142 82 12 6 16 15 85 245 207 76 11 253 319 j 46 58 1 47 319 48 47 40 31 j 50 1396 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CY.—OCCVFATlOm— Fifty cities : 18B0— Continued. PERSaNS ENGAGED IN TRADE AND TRAJSTSPORTATION, Cities. Total Albany, N. Y Allegliouy, Pa , Atlanta, (xa Baltimore, Md Bostou, Mass Brooklyn, N. Y Buiralo, N. Y Cambridge, Mass Camden, N. J Charleston, S. C Chicago, 111 Cincinnati, Ohio ... (Cleveland, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Dayton, Ohio Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich Fall Kiver, Mass. . - Hartford, Conn Indianapolis, Ind . . Jersey City, K". J . . Kansas City, Mo — Lawrence, Mass Louisville, Ky LoweU, Mass , Lvnn,Mass IVfilwaukee, Wis . . . Minneapolis, Minn, Nashville, Tenn Newark, N. J New Haven, Conn . New Orleans, La... NewTork,N.Y... Patersou, N.J Philadelphia, Pa ... Pittsburgh, Pa , Providence, H. I ... Reading. Pa Richmond, Ta Rochester, N. Y Saint Louis, Mo Saint Paul, Minn . . San Francisco, Cal. Scran ton. Pa Syracuse, N. Y Toledo, Ohio Troy, N. Y Washington, D. C. Wilmington, Del. .. Worcester, Mass . . . Persona occupied. 743, 734 7, 818 5,487 3, 952 32, 669 40, 787 59, 869 12, 387 4, 519 3, 766 4, 639 55, 013 22, 904 12, 974 4, 613 2, 964 3,764 9, 588 2, 294 3, 912 7, 166 12, 113 7, 625 1.746 10, 847 2, 811 2, 344 9, 322 4, 604 4, 248 9, 409 5,317 20, 510 138, 036 2,542 75, 528 9, 711 8, 509 2, 456 5, 225 7, 224 36, 802 5, 100 30, 150 2, 321 4, 617 .5, 081 4, 352 8, 596 2, 221 3, 282 AGE AKD SEX. All ages. Male. 703, 405 7, 453 5,119 3,863 30, 502 37, 745 57, 366 11, 929 4, 209 3, 585 4, 349 53, 056 21, 500 12, 474 4, 483 2, 870 3,689 9, 065 2, 222 3, 739 11, 586 7, 464 1, 607 10, 498 2, 617 2, 191 8, 805 4, 467 4, 140 8, 682 4, 985 19, 688 129, 252 2, 386 68, 270 9, 272 8, 098 2, 324 5, 020 6, 713 35, 727 5, 046 29, 654 2,231 4, 306 4,953 4,137 7,973 2, 035 3, 091 Female. 40, 329 365 368 89 2, 167 3, 042 2, 503 458 310 181 290 1, 957 1, 404 500 130 94 75 523 72 173 197 527 161 139 349 194 153 517 137 108 727 332 822 8, 784 156 7, 258 439 411 132 205 511 1, 075 54 49G 90 311 128 215 623 186 191 10 to 15. Male. 14. 417 207 119 115 575 550 1, 345 208 74 58 63 952 649 226 88 65 149 33 69 118 215 128 29 191 19 16 162 206 89 370 3, 239 55 1, 642 144 157 86 40 150 674 48 280 72 134 54 181 172 25 33 Female 2,065 16 14 2 72 110 115 17 11 1 24 5 17 2 35 8 5 8 2 1 48 1 3 65 33 13- 669 4 300 8 11 10 10 43 16 to 59. Male. 6, 963 4, 860 3, 708 28, 961 38, 134 54, 797 11, 390 3, 919 3,444 4, 150 51, 301 20, 167 11, 929 4, 260 2, 697 3, 610 8,720 2, 124 3, 510 6,697 11, 122 7, 267 1, 524 10, 069 2,460 2, 094 8, 392 4, 335 3, 967 8, 135 4, 731 18,400 122, 913 2, 234 63, 984 8. 868 7, 610 2, 093 4, 776 6, 274 34, 491 4, 965 28. 751 2,120 4,029 4, 814 3, 796 7, 594 1, 902 2, 934 Female. ! COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1397 Table CV.— OCCUPATIONS— i^i/^y diics: 1880— Contiuued. WITH AGE, &EX, AND NATIVITY. I AGB ANj) SEX— eon- I tinued. 60 and over. United Great Scandi- British, Other States. Ireland. Germany. Britain. navia. America. counii'ies. Mai e. 19, 003 1, 229 488, 487 82,504 94, 725 28, 862 5,753 12, 049 31, 354 283 -rr. : at;- 15 5 724 A, Uot 566 255 90 98 ]_ 140 7 4 117 624 177 10 23 84 2 40 1 3 687 Ql 01 36 3 966 121 25,' 975 1, 588 4, 007 427 88 75 509 4 1, 061 3G 30, 608 5,024 851 1, 360 . 183 1, 896 865 5 lf224: 55 OO, 'ifl L C QftO 0, oUo /, .>*0 3 210 526 654 1 420 g 331 14 1, 1^0 yo8 0 Ml 666 62 615 330 216 2 3 433 618 40 159 15 214 40 83 4 3! 409 98 99 120 8 9 • 23 9 136 36 3, 754 240 • 445 56 4 6 134 10 803 20 29 882 5 580 9 837 2 874 2 025 1 835 2 980 684 53 14 720 1 353 5 455 463 14 101 798 12 319 7 7 53S 1 072 2 351 829 31 OVii 764 13 135 1 3! 784 '211 '369 140 1 29 79 14 108 2 2, 269 137 418 41 14 85 15 43 2 839 193 188 39 103 142 16 19& 2 5 479 647 1 309 691 1 047 404 17 65 1 1 379 363 19 341 4 165 23 18 160 1 3,' 029 487 174 126 2 53 41 19 154 5,711 318 786 119 6 62 164 20 249 4 7 788 1 920 1 371 738 31 78 187 91 71 6 210 446 404 199 56 196 114 99 54 3 1 101 343 38 148 OQ Zt> 238 13 S, 097 564 1, 731 119 6 "^50 280 24 138 4 2, 120 364 11 89 4 208 15 25 81 3 2 047 -loo 1ft 111 46 i[ 9Q 9A 251 8 4 718 0 oca 358 238 J. DO 27 83 2 3' 271 154 304 104 393 971 107 9Q 113 6 3, 655 277 124 60 11 2 119 29 341 34 6,274 903 1, 530 347 11 29 315 30 165 6 3 923 792 314 157 5 42 Q/l Ol 918 75 1 390 1 950 437 46 0* 1, 916 00 o<2 3, 100 214 76 209 22 962 23 574 5 721 528 1 nna J., UUo 8, 034 33 97 7 1, 570 '319 'l98 '278 "4 13 160 34 2, 644 335 56, 042 9, 466 5, 691 2, 510 156 221 1, 442 35 2G0 13 6 474 1 ^34 355 Q do oo3 Oft 331 8 6 657 1 118 HQ a 0 89 146 37 145 8 2 241 23 100 .14 1 11 38 204 14 i, 700 137 251 46 3 9 79 39 289 3 4, 992 508 829 368 5 353 169 40 562 19 23, 915 3, 137 6, 934 1, 007 63 363 1, 383 41 33 3, 132 383 751 201 216 200 217 42 623 20 11, 801 3, 954 4, 916 2, 009 906 556 6, 008 69 4;i 39 2 1,645 233 158 199 4 13 44 143 7 3, 488 315 363 157 1 89 204 45 85 1 3, 326 294 910 150 8 160 233 46 160 17 3, 005 824 178 164 104 77 47 207 16 7, 250 575 463 119 7 25 157 48 108 6 1, 913 155 63 56 3 4 27 49 124 2, 716 313 30 56 2 141 24 50 1398 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Taule CV.— occupations— i'V'y ciiiea : 1880— Continued. PERSONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTUEING, MECHANICAL, Cities. Total Albany, N. T Allpfjlifmy, Pa Atlanta, Ga Baltimore, Md Eoston, Mass Brooldvn, K Y BuffAo, K Y Cambridge, Mass Camden, N. J Charleston, S. C Chicago, 111. Cincinnati. Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Columbua, Ohio Dayton, Ohio Denver, Colo Detroit, Mich Fall Eiver, Mass H.-irtiord, Conn ; Indianapolis, Ind J ersey City, IT. J Kansas City, Mo Lawrence, Mass Louisville, Ky LoweU, Mass Lynn, Mass Milwankee, "Wis Minneapolis, Minn NashviUe, Tenn Newark, N.J New Haven, Conn New Orleans, La New York, N.Y Paterson, N.J Philadelphia, Pa. — Pittsburgh, Pa Providence, E.. I Pteading, Pa Kichmond, Va , Rochester, N. Y Saint Louis, Mo Saint Paul. Minn San Francisco, Cal Scrauton, Pa Syracuse, N. Y Toledo. Ohio Troy, N. Y Waflhiugton, D. C Wilaiiugton, Del "Worcester, Mass Persona occupied. 1, 321, GIO 13, 11, 563 4, 198 49, 949 53, 900 92, 669 23, 289 9, 073 7, 000 5, 134 76, 912 47, 280 26, 230 7. 241 6, 954 6, 422 16, 745 16, 753 7, 508 10, 268 17, 412 7, 393 14, 840 16, 599 21, 819 11, 604 18, 265 8, 921 4, 617 29, 983 11, 629 19, 108 213, 003 15, 919 171, 526 21, 204 23, 774 7, 850 8, 448 17, 910 52, 865 5, 778 37. 475 8,177 9, 430 6, 211 11, 955 13, 272 8, 56G 13, 315 AGE AND SEX. All ages. Male. Female. 1, 033, 654 11,119 9, 938 3, 193 39, 579 40, 694 72, 984 19, 875 7, 349 5, 710 3, 905 62, 013 37, 572 22. 042 6, 192 6, 049 5, 954 13, 905 9, 850 5, 748 8, 795 14, 580 6,617 8,226 14, 161 11, 501 8, 570 15, 249 7, 823 3, 782 23, 870 9, 162 15, 788 157, 419 11,310 128, 709 19, 453 17, 563 6.433 6, 993 12, 998 45, 776 4, 8:^8 32, 253 7, 374 7, 164 5, 217 8, 538 10, 909 7, 411 10, 901 287, 956 2,439 ],(J25 1, (105 10, 370 18, 206 19, 685 3,414 1, 724 1, 290 1, 229 14, 899 9,714 3, 588 1, 049 905 468 2,840 6, 003 1, 760 1, 473 2, 832 776 6, 614 2, 438 10, 318 3, 124 3,016 1, 098 835 6, 113 2, 467 3, 320 55, 584 4, 609 42, 817 1, 751 6,211 1,417 1, 455 4, 912 7, 089 940 5, 222 803 2, 266 994 3,417 2, 363 1, 1.55 2, 414 10 to 15. 16 to 59. Male. Male. Female. 33, 542 23, 505 261 890 234 311 99 943 356 87 144 73 532 272 10, 370 9, 354 2, 992 36 866 38i 752 2, 330 1,404 925 9 601 12i 805 2. 349 584 147 145 54 1, 566 234 56 73 20 69, 330 18, 604 0, 841 5, 380 3, 613 18, 0.12 3, 1.53 1,648 1, 203 1,' 166 1, 562 1, 793 573 163 203 1, 336 1, J43 292 17 71 59, 394 34, 538 21, 494 5 808 5i 612 13, 522 8, 492 3, 282 1 022 '828 28 353 1, 023 127 204 8 252 911 115 42 5, 849 13, 090 8, 559 5 372 8, 326 4.57 2, 574 5, 976 1, 633 i,' 423 410 108 542 379 590 278 26 609 95 705 13, 742 6, 422 7, 406 13, 354 loi 504 2, 543 746 5, 975 2, 317 9, 534 180 458 117 102 949 79 255 45 47 683 8, 005 14, 298 7, 543 3 522 2li 806 3, 035 2, 746 1, 0.50 778 5, 381 200 324 4, 075 1, 030 5, G05 192 108 4, 659 1, 173 4, 107 8, 580 14, 433 148, 322 9 937 117', 504 2, 2.54 3,093 50, 468 3, 415 38i 193 784 756 402 104 488 76 706 174 43 504 18, 201 16, 128 5, 738 6, 624 11, 915 1, 659 5,461 1, 226 i, 387 4, 362 1, 454 50 393 1 9f!5 283 022 28 155 86 255 43, 218 4,706 31. 120 6, 209 6, 504 6, 393 908 5, 025 712 1, 998 111 287 111 i 2.-2 ^ 182 58 240 22 120 111 4, 979 7, 900 10, 3.54 6, 842 10, 335 926 3, 148 2, 308 1, 020 2, 295 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1399 Table CV.— OCCUPATIONS— jPi/i.?/ cities : 1880— Continued. i^D MINING INDUSTRIES, WITH AGE, SEX, AND NATIVITY. AGE AND SEX — con- tinued. NATIVITY. 60 and over. United Ireland. Germany. Great Scandi- British Other Male. Female. States. Britain. navia. America. countries. 33, 697 2, 561 770, 633 j 143, 033 213, 496 80, 074 13, 857 37, 173 63, 344 515 273 102 1,770 1, 586 22 17 7 237 129 8, 676 7, 575 3, 978 37, 071 32, 680 1, 963 739 55 1, 736 8, 858 1,691 2, 228 76 9, 524 2, 075 641 504 42 640 3, 208 59 45 8 37 519 338 27 10 123 5, 338 i 190 385 29 818 1, 222 1 2 3 4 5 1, 305 687 361 185 238 87 27 20 14 43 51,586 12, 927 5, 195 6, 004 4, 646 12, 370 1, 148 1, 428 171 175 17, 264 6, 083 268 366 196 6, 741 1, 346 593 379 44 1, 002 56 90 2 3 1,075 1, 087 1, 304 27 •J 2, 031 642 195 51 67 6 7 8 9 10 1, 057 1,241 575 221 234 41 79 14 10 8 31, 228 29, 519 11, 677 5, 262 5, 088 6, 450 2, 249 2, 081 314 183 18, 785 12, 660 6, 504 1, 101 1, 378 629 4, 223 116 499 1, 436 4, 782 1, 089 2, 768 354 140 6, 467 32 93 14 2, 953 316 998 50 39 6, 247 1,421 2, 109 146 126 292 911 68 85 229 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 77 46? 268 249 265 3 14 16 12 8 4, 056 7, 298 5,740 5,124 7, 668 391 827 2, 805 1, 118 485 618 1,369 4, 399 487 356 148 32 30 37 22 288 2, 085 3, 595 158 72 428 87 278 428 407 11 4 30 26 79 9, 386 5, 452 6, 555 11, 621 11, 180 2, 747 509 3, 461 856 4, 471 2, 939 601 574 3, 247 47 1, 517 353 2,515 337 1, 669 73 141 10 10 51 177 197 1, 639 106 4, 291 573 140 86 422 110 21 22 23 24 25 385 493 163 158 1, 055 10 15 3 10 49 9, 482 7, 895 4, 982 4, 067 18, 113 1, 010 504 347 162 2, 938 17 7,528 784 173 6,097 245 608 334 106 1,813 17 281 1, 343 19 34 887 184 919 13 95 30 1, 265 212 77 893 26 27 28 29 30 382 1, 031 4, 422 343 5, 600 21 119 457 21 517 8, 014 13, 277 99, 287 9, 231 119, 068 1, 781 1, 01)4 32, 253 1, 791 18, 663 857 2, 664 48, 908 907 18, 340 566 365 9, 918 2, 641 11, 597 28 42 1,026 38 240 199 79 1, 704 79 517 184 1, 617 19, 907 1, 232 3,101 31 32 33 34 35 468 679 293 265 595 16 44 17 25 46 12, 769 15, 934 7, 003 7, 788 11, 222 2, 492 3, 711 102 155 1,041 3, 392 392 5G4 262 3, 012 1, 931 2, 698 120 128 932 27 79 3 5 22 123 668 6 18 1, 039 470 292 52 92 642 36 37 38 39 40 1,104 82 740 200 377 74 4 42 5 13 29, 414 2, 836 14, 675 3, 944 6,273 4, 007 390 4, 712 1, 491 668 14, 039 1, 138 4, 403 768 1, 501 1, 974 222 2, 393 1,810 404 203 445 529 12 3 544 370 886 33 345 2, 684 377 9,877 119 236 41 42 43 44 45 127 291 444 317 384 10 29 33 15 8 3, 587 7,595 11, J 45 7, 263 8, 577 339 2, 276 646 596 2, 304 1, 424 479 950 272 115 226 837 301 334 620 16 53 18 16 377 304 573 37 19 1, 236 315 142 175 66 86 46 47 48 49 50 FISHERIES. 1402 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CYI.—Staiisiics of the fi^iieries of the United Stales: 1880. States and Tenitories. The United States GRAND TOTAL. No. Dollars. .Dollarfi. No. No. 131, 420 37, 955, 349 43, 046, 033 101, 684 29. 742 PE1180XS EM- PLOYED. 37, 043 14, 981 Ifew England states — Middle states, exc-lusive of Great Lake fisheries. Southera Atlantic states | 52,418 Gulf states | 5, 131 Pacific states and territories . Great lakes Alabama Alaska California... Connecticut , Delaware . . . Florida . . . Georgia... Illinois . . . Indiana... Louisiana . Maine Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota Mississippi , New Hampshire New Jersey , Now York" , North Carolina . Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania .. Rhode Island . . South Carolina. Texas Virginia "Washington Wisconsin.. 19, 937, 60714,270, 393! 4,426,078 8,676,579! 8, 9r>l, 722 9, 602, 737 545,584; 1,227,544' 16, 803 2, 748, 383! 7, 484, 750 5,05t)j 1,345,975. 1,784,050 635! 38, 200' 6,1301 447,0001 2, 3,094| 1,139,675; 1, 3,1311 1,421,020 1, 1, 9791 268, 231 I 29, 838' 7, 20- 12,584: 2,39( APPARATUS AND CAPI- TAL. Vessels. Dollars. 6,605 208, 297. 82 9,357, 282 2, 066.113, 602. 59 4,562,131 1,210 23,566.931,382,000 38, 774 13, 64t 3, 014: 60, 886. 15 2, 375, 450 4, 382i 749 I 197; 3, 009. 80 308,051 11, 6131 5,1 90i 5U! 5,463.42 546,450 4,493, 557j 62 1,768.87; 183,200 2, 480! 899 3U0 52 1, 597 406, 117 78, 770 83, 400 29, 360 93, 621 11,071 3,375,994 26,008 6, .342, 443 20, 117 14, 334,,450 1, 781 442, 663 35 10, 160 186 414 6, 220 7, 266 5. 274 119, 275 66l, 640 860,714 456, 866 997, 695 643, 227; 119, 993 60, lOOi 32, 740 392, 6101 3, 614, 178 5, 221, 715( 8, 141, 750' 716. 170 5, 200 8, 800 22, 540 209, 465 176, 684 1, 492, 202 3, 176, 589 2,629,585 4,380,565 500, 561 845, 695 1, 046 473, 800 6,835 1,131,350 552 2, 310 1,005 601 18, 864 744 800 119, 810 596, 678 66, 275 42, 400 1, 914, 119 30, 358 222, 840 518,420 2, 781, 024 320, 050 880, 915 212, 482 128, 300 3, 124, 444 181, 372 253, 100 545, 90 6, 000' 130 2,089 1,005 2, 585 546 1, 662 317 24 196 99 35 7 2971 2, 284 809 265! ^5! 1, 300^ 8,110! 2, 9611 15, 873 10, 135 17, 165| 2, 952. 1, 600 181i 30 5^ 110 876| 5, 659! 5, 650! 4, 729 925 2, 795 511 1, 602 964 491 16, 051 729 730 76! 38| 561 1, 616 545 121 4, 040 41 7d8 41 110 2, 813 15 70 291 317. 20 14, 585 5, 246. 80 .53,5, 350 9,215.95; 514,050 1, 226. OOi 51, 600 2, 152. 97 12. 00 209. 73 2L 90 539. 69 272, 645 450 8, 500 2, 500 20, 821 17, 632. 65 633, 542 43, 500. 00:1, 7.50, 000 83, 232. 17 .3, 171,189 914. 42l 98, 500 33. 59i 5. 000 1, 019. 05; 51, 500 10, 445. 90! 545, 900 11,582.51! 777,600 1, 457. 90! 39, 000 359. 51*1 38, 400 I 321. 99; 10, 500 2.502.771 191,850 337. 32 1,446 15,578.93 71 216. 62 11 220. 25 15, 000 571, 000 11, 100 26,700 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1403 Table CYl.—SlatisiiGs of the fisheries of the United States : 1880. APPARATUS AND CAPITAL— COUt'd. Boats. to 'SI 2 t- 03 > Dollars. Dollars^ Dollars 44. 804 2, 465, 393 8, 145, 261 17, 987, 413 'Si t*a u g 3 lis 14, 787 8, 293 13, 331 1, 252 5, 547 1, 594 119 3, 000 853 1, 173 839 1, 058 3.58 101 15 165 5,920 2, 825 6, 749 454 10 58 211 4, 065 3, 441 2, 714 487 1, 360 156 734 501, I 167i 6, 618 334 319 739, 970 5, 038, 171 540, 647| 674, 951 640, 508 1, 145, 878 50, 173 52, 823 404, 695 4G7, 238 83, 406 766, 200 10, 215 60, 000 91,485 73, 58.T 33, 227j 28, 508 15, 425 2, 000 1, 650 4, 800 245, 624 186, 448' 351. 736 3, 10, 345 900 4.600 7, 780 223, 9031 289, 885| 123, 175- 29, 830 246, 600 13, 272! 61. 245 9, 790 15. 000 292, 720 6,010 24, 975 7, 000 7, 000 205, 840 375, 535 70, 324 39, 927 18, 445 11, 900 20, 210 18, 000 934, 593 297,145 528, 925 272, 920 3, 7d0 1, 600 60, 3.85 2;{2, 339 390, 200 225, 436 253, 795 245, 750 40, 538 138, 73n 25, 985j 4, 400 560, 763 8,048 145, 165 9, 597, 336 1, 822, 480j 4, 789, 8SG, 134, .537 1, 330, 000, 313, 175 VALUE OP PKODUCTS BY FISHKBIE8. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. DoUars. 22, 405, 018 2, 323, 943 2, 289, 813,2, 116, 787 10, 014, 645 2. 882, 294 6, 400 380, 000 307, 000 457, 850 113, 080 65, 037 44, 450 61, OOOj 5, 000 j 50, OOOj 1, 562, 235i 4, 1U8, 8501 7, 282, 600 00, 900 ' 500 I 2, 60o' 89, 800' 49l», 000 1, 171, 900 118, 950 151, 775 639, 000, 55, 500i 204, 850: 15, 500! 23, OOo! 489, 636! 4, 000! 26, OOoi 2, 217, 797 713, 594 4, 792, 638 1, 784, 050 74,325 504, 640 1, 341,314 383, 887 309, 029 426, 527 84, 993 60, lOOj. 32, 7401 . 192, 610 2,121,3S5 111,851 202, 150 2, 177, 962 500 201, 650 32, 048 539, 722 1, ^01, 385 315. 680 3, 576, 678 47P, 388 5, 581,204 2, 089,337 716. 170 5, 200 12, 540 170, 634 949, 678 1, 689, 357 785, 287 518, 420 2, 776, 724 132, 550 302, 242 192, 482 81, 000 602, 239 109, 960 253, 100 408 2, 096, 500 15, 750 111, 851 256, 205 941 4, 300 61, 412 11, 851 61, 769 Dollars. Dolls. DoUs 13, 403, 852 200, 750 305, 800 1, 478. 900 4. 532. 900 7, 0G8, 852 313, 200 200, 750 10, 000 44, 950' 302, OOOj 672, 875 687, 725 5 15, 950 200, 750 35, 000; 200, 000 37, 500 4, 730, 476! 405, 550 10, 000 I 6, 050 146, 286 2, 080, 625 1,114,158 l,577,0.-)0 ' 60, 000 221, 748 303, 829 187. 500 356, 925 20, 000 47, 300 2, 218, 376 10. 000 302, 000, 3, 890 .26 .127 .j28 .'29 FOREIGN PARENTAGE. Since 1850 the number of persons of foreign birtli has been ascertained at each census of the United States. In 1870 the number of persons, whether themselves born abroad oi in the United States, one or both of whose parents were foreigners, was sought to be ascertained. The results showed that, while there were in that year 5,567,229 persons resident in the United States who were born in other countries, there were 10,521,233 residents who had a foreign father, 10,105,627 who had a foreign mother, 9,734,845 who had both parents foreign, and 1 0,892,015 who had one or both parents foreign. It will, of course, be understood that the last four sums are not to be added together for any statistical purpose. For example, the third sum, 9,734,845, is repeated four times, constituting a part of each of the other three sums given. The outside limit of foreign parentage is the last sum, 10,892,015, which comprises all persons either of whose parents were of foreign birth, and this number, it will be observed. Includes all, or very nearly all, the 5,567,229 persons who were themselves born in other countries. If we say all, then there were 5,324,786 persons resident in the United States in 1870, and themselves born in the United States, who had a foreign father and a native mother or a foreign mother and a native father, or had both parents foreign. The statistics of foreign parentage for 1870, however, gave no clew to the contribution made to this total by the several foreign countries appearing in the tables of foreign birth ; i. e., there was nothing to show how many persons had German fathers or German mothers, how many Irish fathers or Irish mothers, etc. In comi)iling the census of 1880 a very elaborate tabulation was undertaken, in order to secure the ratios of contribution to the popu- lation foreign in the second degree made by each princii^al foreign country. For this purpose the populations of 28 states, 7 territories, and the District of Columbia were tallied according to a highly com- plicated form in order to secure the ratios desired. The results appear in the following table. A proper analysis and discussion of these fig- ures would demand a space not consistent with the limits of the present publication, and the details will therefore be incorporated in the quarto volume on i)opulatiou. The main facts are that in the body of population embraced in this table, comprising, as it does, 26,354,124 of the 50,155,783 inhabitants of the United States, there were 5,529,331 persons who had a foreign father, 5,223,497 who had a foreign mother, 4,994,017 who had both parents foreign, and 5,758,811 who had one or both parents foreign. The entire foreign element having been included in this tabulation, there appear 13,307 persons of foreign birth residents of the United States who had i)arents both native born. It appears that for every 1,000 persons born in Ireland there were 2,442 who had an Irish father and 2,387 who had an Irish mother j of 1406 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1407 every 1,000 persons born in Germany there were 2,483 who had a German father and 2,306 who had a Gerjnan mother; of every 1,000 X)erson8 born in Great Britain there were 2,223 who had a British father and 1,941 who had a British mother; of every 1,000 persons born in Scandinavia there were 1,090 who had a Scandinavian father and 1,671 who had a Scandinavian mother; of every 1,000 persons born in British America there were 1,310 who had a British American father and 1,292 who had a British American mother; and of every 1,000 persons born in all other foreign countries there were 1,559 who had a father and 1,439 who had a mother born in countries other than those designated. The application of these ratios to the total number of persons residing within the United States who were born in each of the specified foreign countries, according to the table of nativity (Table XXX), would indiciite that throughout the United States there were, at the date of the census of 1880, persons having one or both parents foreign born, or foreign- born persons having parents both native born, as follows: Total number of persons having Irish fathers 4, 529, 523 Total number of persons having German fathers 4, 883, 842 Total number of persons having British fathers 2, 039, 808 Total number of persons having Scandinavian fathers 635, 405 Total number of persons having British American fathers 939, 247 Total number of persons having fathers born in countries other than those specified 1, 321, 485 Total number of persons having native fathers and foreign mothers 573, 434 Total number of foreign persons having both parents native. 33, 252 Total 14,955,996 Total number of persons having Irish mothers 4, 448, 421 Total number of persons having German mothers 4, 557, 629 Total number of persons having British mothers 1, 790, 200 Total number of persons having Scandinavian mothers 631, 309 Total number of persons having British American mothers .. 931, 408 Total number of persons having mothers born in countries other than those specified 1^ 226, 113 Total number of persons having native mothers and foreign fathers 1,337,664 Total number of foreign persons having both parents native. 33, 252 Total 14,955,996 The following table contains the results of the compilation of the statistics of foreign parentage in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Oahfornia, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Ken- tucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Xevada, ISTew Hampshire, North Carolina, Oregon, Ehode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin j in the territories of Arizona, Dakota, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Washington, and Wyoming, and in the District of Columbia, embracing an aggregate population of 20,351,124, and a total foreign population of 2,673,'^217, distributed among the sev- eral principal foreign nationalities as follows: Irish, 686,322- Germans, 661,369; British, 302,484; Scandinavians, 218,165; British Americans, 340,656; and persons born in other countries, 464,221. 1408 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CVII. — Farentagc of the total number of persons in the United States having one or , horn, with summaries for 3^ states and ten'itories States and Territories. Total for the United States Total for States not tallied.. Total for States tallied Alabama . Arkansas. Arizona . . California. Colorado.. Connecticut Dakota - Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia... Idaho Kentucky- Louisiana. Maryland. Massachusetts. Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada Ne-w Hampshire. Ne-w Mexico North Carolina . . 26 Oregon Rhode Island .. South Carolina Tennessee ..... Texas Vermont Virginia Washington ... "West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming. Native fathers, for- eign mothers. .o m m Foreign bom, with both parents na- tive born. 1 IRELAND. u * a; ® to 1 s w 3 1 573, 434 1, 337, 6G4 33, 252 13, Oil, 646 4, 529, 523 4, 448, 421 9/10 CkKA 802, 350 19, 945 8, 017, 629 2, 853, 280 2, 810, 195 229, 480 535, 314 13, 307 4, 994, 017 1 676 243 1, 797 1, 147 959 23, 231 3, 351 8, 230 6, 928 848 40, 287 6, 900 53 55 53 1, 119 266 20, 268 ] 7, 250 20, 501 453, 495 61, 194 9,050 6, 429 2, 310 137, 475 17, 872 7, 728 4,807 2, 228 143, r27 16, 029 9, 490 3, 203 1, 234 2, 633 948 15, 126 5, 570 2, 876 6, 635 3, 253 318 294 38 134 69 252, 212 80, 879 19, 815 35, 405 15, 019 162, 116 11, 870 13, 957 19, 041 1, 881 163, 549 11,160 13, 710 18, 602 1, 631 1,638 1, 073 5, 981 6, 419 9, 377 7, 421 1, 482 22,' 753 24, 445 28, 109 47 27 122 196 198 20, 071 14, 770 140, 661 115, 136 181, 150 11, 379 1, 892 49, 296 34, 080 55, 759 9,742 1, 767 45, 613 34, 888 52, 360 35, Oil 16, 272 1, 365 21, 244 775 47, 068 34 362 (i, 979 72, 558 1, 966 2, 101 1, 267 48 607 39 798, 652 507 670 17, 231 460, 145 16, 365 514, 327 80, 217 7, 804 125,748 4,821 515, 785 77, 065 6, 426 116, 976 4, 556 9,147 1, 576 4, 427 323 741 18, 794 2 279 5^ 813 1,447 3, 598 537 149 743 84 40 168, 538 35, 450 69, 828 11, 663 6,373 28, 780 10, 465 29, 227 1, 414 2, 038 27,018 10, 683 29, 511 1, 322 1, 422 2, 951 5, 885 1,099 2, 164 8, 263 7, 503 7 521 si 246 9, 722 26, 635 193 193 45 105 394 43, 669 129, 893 15, 321 33,284 8, 188 79,063 7,448 16,854 20,462 7, 750 79, 692 6, 331 14, 464 17, 470 8, 140 1, 763 1,667 3, 744 29, 906 13, 513 8,344 3, 889 11,776 64, 415 1, 642 87 131 24 1, 850 74, 239 26, 615 23, 045 42, 770 856, 828 31, 928 12, 520 5, 201 20. 916 131, 898 31,140 10, 514 5, 023 17, 959 126, 251 536 1, 023 33 8, 907 2,517 2,427 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1409 I>oth parents foreign b&rn; also number of foreign-lorn persons having both parents haiive and' the District of Columbia : 1880. GERMAVT. I GUEAT BRITAIN. SCANDINAVIA. . , BBITIBH AMEBICA. OTHER CX)UlSTBrBB, Fathers. i i m f-i O to ■s o i 1 e a 1 Pm i 1 4,883,842 4, 557, 629 ,2,039,808 1, 790,200 635, 405 631, 309 939, 247 931,408 1,321,4^ 1,228,113 3, 241, 521 3, 032, 457 1, 367. 390 1,202, 934 206, 791 266, 851 493, 096 491,132 597,^1 558,014 1,«42,321 1, 525, 172 672,418 587,266 368, 614 384, 458 446,151 440,276 723,584 668,099 8, 611 8,469 1, 680 90, 759 14, 006 7, 178 7, 079 1, 567 83, 403 13, 022 5,130 4,356 1, 935 72,192 20, 565 3, 296 2, 879 1, 997 65, 821 19, 299 312 344 208 8,8^66 3 210 193 250 216 7, 660 3 276 451 920 500 20, 333 5 517 301 644 533 19,275 5 614 4,944 3, 660 14,716 1C4, 157 6 924 3, 369 2,738 14, 919 157, 340 6 405 33, 780 13, 520 ^, 5.5b n, 309 2. 454 31, 203 12, 859 2, 852 n, 898 2, 089 37, 533 9,424 4, 130 5, 966 ' 2, 886 34, 871 8, 751 3, 629 4, 666 2, 054 f 2,894 ! 27,090 I 115 137 508 2, 802 27, 059 103 92 401 22, 887 1 10, 145 ! 241 538 561 22, 436 10, 230 231 519 433 8, 128 14. 400 712 3, 049 9 982 6,841 14,023 524 2,261 9 359 6,978 1,439 e7, Ills 48, 375 120, 575 ^,m 1, 318 79, 619 45, 060 110, 230 33, 247 155, 381 5, 594. 266, 315 2, 937 i 4,856 5, 874 14,886 9,723 21, 156 107,772 35, 324 3,^65 53, X26 3, 752 3, 255 5, 762 11,950 7,134 18, 000 283 972 230 ' 871 515 224 1, 033 187 500 353 .'S22 682 1, 205 1,350 1, 053 .'J27 614 1,003 878 1, 063 3, 474 393 10, 079 45,182 10, 201 2,471 5, 349 8,270 33, 095 8 37,289 162,303- 6, 717 292. 944 3,184 98, 342 30, 096 2, 560 44,040 3, 565 8,007 174, 457 532 5, 672 654 7,154 174, 991 449 5, 263 600 152, 350 40, 311 460 10, 855 2, 772 157, 248 38, 628 302 9,847 2, 509 25, 915 49,421 4,842 44, 358 3 148 21, 887 47, 781 3,265 38, 948 2 973 ^ 67,819 4, 322 1, 610 1, 345 •J, 519 63, 280 4,053 1, 351 1, 102 1,954 27, 311 9, 053 9,301 911 4, 177 24,051 8, 528 8, 348 745 2, 815 18, 698 571 341 75 77 18, 692 576 345 67 40 9, 383 2, 793 34f302 344 262 9,867 2,784 34, 11? 230 290 35,341 10,525 860 9,023 898 34, 777 10,402 587 8,520 593 11,291 4,218 6,773 11, 355 87,794 10, 039 3, 487 5,757 9,341 81,543 9, 890 26, 042 3, 207 7, 376 18,755 8, 489 24, 039 2, 176 5. 534 14, 530 2, 154 1, 254 145 438 3, 657 2,000 1, 164 97 355 3, 356 4, 328 23, 533 179 825 3,111 3,560 24, 158 141 576 2,468 15. 321 3, 304 2, 815 6,158 92,561 14,,782 2,658 Ir^S 5,178 88, 601 1,187 10, 245 4, 341 2?, 690 4^, 638 853 8, 412 3,960 1%462 431, 712 9, 968 8,549 .5, 684 8,421 96,097 8, 131 6, 739 4, 789 7, 057 86,191 217 191 1,962 50 102, 407 98' 86 1, 757 32 102, 519 43,253 685 3,612 412 44, 939 41,560 588 3, 429 848 43, 015 1,199 2, 769 6, 134 3, 057 99,264 597 2,039 5,7.\4 2, 656 97,046 1, 531 1,345 3,235 3,037 440 468 537 524 1.670 1,642 89 0 0 « § AREAS, DWELLINGS, AND FAMILIES. i un COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENiSUS. 1413 Table CYUI.— Areas, dmllinga, and families : 1880. A— AREAS, MND SUEFACE. Note. — The discrepancies between the following table and a similar table at the Ninth Census as to areas and the number of persons to a square .mile are due to the fact that reccus^ted areas of the states and of the Tfhitod States hare been used at the Tenth Census. States itud Territories, The United States Alkbama Ari^iona territory- Arkansas CalifoiTjia Coloi-ado Connecticut Dakota t^irritory Delaware District of Columbia, . . Florida Georgia Idaho territory Dlinois Indiana Indian territory and un organisS'ed territory'. Irtwa Kansas..': Kentucky Louisiana ... Maine.... Maryland I Ma.sRachusetts j Michigan I Minnesota Minnesota territory Mississippi Missoui'i .. Missouri territory ' Mlina. Ohio Oi'eson , Pennsylvania .. Khode Island... South Carolina . Tennessee Texas Utah territory. , Vermont Virginia "\^:a.Ahiniliea : 1380— CJontiunetl. C— FAMILIES. States and Torrltoiioa. The United States.., Alabama Arizona territory Arkat)8a8 California Colurado Connecticut .......... pakota territory I)elaware Dist rict of Columbia . Florida , Georgia Idaho territ-ory Illinois India ua Indian territory and un- organized territory. Iowa Kaunas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Ma.s'flachusetta Michigan Minnesota Miune.sota territoiy . Misfiisstppi MissDuri Mi.s8ourl territory. Montana territory Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico territory. New York" North Carolina. Ohio Orcjjon Pt-nnsvlvania .. Khode Island . . South Carolina . Teniipssee T(^\!'8 , TJtnh territory . Vermont Vireinia ^Va^^hin"ton tturitory "West Vn-^iuia Wisconsin Wyoniinji' territory .. 18S0. 9, 945, 916 248. 961 9. 530 lf)4, 272 177, 508 41, 200 136, 885 81,202 28, 253 84, 896 54,G91 ga 6.04 5.07 4. 24 5.20 4.87 4.71 4. 55 4. 3:i 5. 19 5. 09 4.93 1870. 7, 679, 803 803. 060 5. 09 • 7. 774 I 4. 19 591, 9;J4 '■ 5.20 391,203 1 5.06 310,8.94 197, 679 302. ti;n 192, 833 141,843 175, 318 879,710 33G. 973 143,374 215, 055 403, 186 9. 931 89, 135 15, 1.58 80, 286 232. 809 2H, 255 1, 078, 905 5.23 5.04 5.45 4. 87 4.58 5.33 4. 70 4. 86 5.45 5.26 5. .38 3. 94 5.08 4.11 4 32 4. 87 4.23 4.71 20'i 704 SS.29l> 96. 135 128. 752 9.358 114, 981 3, (MW 22, 900 25. 276 6.09 4.92 4. 22 6.04 4.35 4. 26 4. 67 4. 59 5. 46 5. 21 4.77 237, 850 4. 98 4, m 3. 65 474, .533 ; 5.35 320, 160 j 6. 25 228,430 ! 5.37 72,493 5.03 232, 797 I 5. 67 158, 099 ! 4. 60 131, 017 4.78 140, 078 5. 57 305, 534 4. 77 241.006 4.91 82, 471 6. 33 166. 828 316, 917 270, P94 I 5. 17 641, 9i)7 ' 4. 98 33, 4r>8 i 5. 2 84il,4.'')2 5.10 60. 259 4. 59 202. 062 2S6, 539 297. 259 28. 373 73, Olft 282, 355 16, 380 lll,c732 251,5:^0 4,604 4.93 5.:i8 5. 35 5.117 i 4.55 5.36 i 4.59 5. .54 ! 5.23 4.52 i 7. 058 25,075 72, 144 183, 043 21,449 898, 772 205, 970 521, 981 18, 504 675, 408 46, 133 151, 105 ?3!,365 154, 483 17,210 70, 462 231,574 5. 573 78, 474 200, 15.'> 2i 248 4.96 5.43 'a.' 92' 4.91 4.30 4.41 4.95 4. 28 4.88 5.20 5> 11 4.91 5, 21 4. 71 4.67 5.44 5. 30 6.04 4.69 5. 29 4.22 5.63 5. 27 4.06 1860. (fl) 6, 210, 934 96.603 57. 244 ©8,T67 94,831 13, 966 IS. 888 15, 090 109, 919 81$, 539 248,664 124, 098 31,9.57 166, 321 74, 725 120, 863 110. 278 251,287 144, 761 37,819 1,241 63, 015 192, 073 5.28 5.48 5.67 3.65 4.85 5.82 5.58 5.21 5.41 5.43 5.48 5.931 5.44 4.43 5.59 5. 04 5.20 5.44 4.90 5l17 56 4.86 1850. (a) 69,018 4.72 130, 348 ! 5. 16 20, 8.'^ 1 I 4.4« 758, 420 5. 12 125. 090 434, 134 11,063 524, 5r)8 35, 209 58,642 149, 335 76, 781 9, 500 63, 781 201, 523 2. 798 147. 473 5.29 5.39 4. 74 5.54 4.9J 5.14 .5.59 5. 49 4.96 4.94 5.49 4.14 5. 28^ a Tilt' compnt.itinn.s for 18(i0 and ixru resp' <**iii;: pernons to a dwe'Iinsr or to a farnily have bijen made on tlie bn.sis uf tlie frre j)Oj)iilatiou only, a.s at thoao censuses the dwc-niugs and families of the slave population were not returned. 1416 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CIX. — Dwellings, families, and populatuyn in 100 princi])al cities : 1880. Cities. Albany, N. Y... AJlrglieny, Pa.. Atlanta, Ga .... Attbum, N. Y— . AuguHta, Ga — Baltimore, Md..., Bay City, Mich'... Boston, "Mass Bridgeport, Conn , Brooklyn, N. Y... Bufliao, N. Y Cambi'id^e, Mass . OaSaden, K. J Charleston, S.C... Chelsea, liiass Chicago, HI Cincinnati, Ohio . Cleveland, Chip . Columbua, Oflio . Covington, Ky... I)aveni>ort, Iowa . . Dayton, Ohio Denver^ Colo Dos'Moinea, Iowa . Detroit, MioK Dnbuque, Iowa . Elizabeth, N. J. Elhiira,N.Y.... Erie, Pa Evansville, Ind . Pali River, Mass Fort Wayne. Ind Galveston, Tex Grand iiapids, Midi Havrisburg, Pa Harttbrd, Conn ... Hoboken, N. J — Holj^oke, Mass — JndLinapolis. Ind Jersey City, N, J , KaJisas City, Mo. .. Lancaster, Pa XaT\Tence, Mass ... lA)uisville, Ky Lowell, Mass , Lynn. Mass Manthe-ster, K. H.. Memphis, Tenn Milwaiikef.. Wis ... Minneapolis, Mian. Mobile, Ala !Na8h%-ille, Tenn . Newark, N. J New Bedford, Mass New iiuven. Conn . New Orleans, La. Newport. Kv New York, S". Y . Norfolk, Va...:.. Oakland, Cal 2 pi Hi 38{ G5 I 8?: 47: 50 ml, 18^ 81 m 97 70' m 37! 74 I 5ft; 1 CO,j i 17:! 46 1<3 27 48i 56 541 19! 38| 681! DWULUNOfl. "A 13, 259 11,943 C, 4»4 3,879 3, 938 50, 833 3, 244 43, 944 3. 735 62,233 9.11 23, 680 8, 200 8, 246 6, 552 3, 725 61, 069 28,017 27, 181 8, 527 4, 792 4,342 6, 990 5, 279 4, 170 20,-493 3, 874 4,308 3,810 4, 903 5, 29G ,2 tt 6. 85 6. 59 5. 5.65 5. 56 6.54 6.38 8.28 7.40 6. 55 6.38; 5.05; 7. 63; 5.85; 8.24j 6. 00 6.20 5.03lj 4,544 4.80 5.5:i| 8,106|4.77 6.75 ! 5,915!5. 99 5.37'j 4,35i>;5.14 5,68;! 23,29015.00, 5.741 6,55 5.39! 5. 66, 5.53i 5,594 8.75 4,866 5.52 4, 221 5. 27: 5, J52 5. 57 5.967' 5.16i I i 5,736 7. 32 2, 695 11. 50| 2,084 10.52: 13,727 5.47 14,049 8.59 I I 8,609' 6.48 5, 133 5. 02 4, 608 8. 50 18,898 6.55 8,245 7.211 I 6, 315; 6. a6' 3. 5891 9. ,09; 7, 174 4. 68: 18,748 6.17; 6, 932 e. 76. 4, 281 5. 20' 5, 3^215. 29 4,43114.64; 5, 29i;5.24' 5, 803 5. 05| 9, 70015. 04! 5, 4.55j4. 93, 4, 67014. 76! 6, 8] 714. 701 6, 429:4. 78 1 I 9, 137 j4. 60; 6,7174. 62) 3, 881 ;5. 65! 15, 6504. so: 23, 957 5, 04i 9, .347 Is. 97 5, 379,4. 79, 7, 48815. 23 POPULATION. 24, 34;; 11,439 5. 08 5, 20 5, 276 7, 072 IS, 798 .5, 038 9, 961 5.52 6. 13 7. 26 5.33 6.31 8, 209 4. 66, 6, v538i5. 15; 7, 94h!4. 23 23, 02415. 02 8, 584 5. 46 6,13- 8, 52c 2.S, 38( 6, 147i4. 37 13, 63814. 61 4. 75 5. 09^ 4. 8i: 5.95! 45,31614.77 6.34' 4, 1U]4.97 16. 37 243, 1.57*4. 96^ 6.70 5 0^)^4,3! 5.39i 7,0i».4.02 90, 758 78^ 682 37,409 21,924 21,891 332, 313 20, 693 362, 839 27,64 566,663 23, 765 19, 437 1, 416 4, 943 1, 108 56,136 9,304 114, 796 7, 439 177, m 155, 134. 103, 8661 "51, 268 68,993 59, 245 35,99:? 16, 981 20, 693 276,177 11,389 248, 043 20, 204 388, 52,669; 37,001 41, 659: 37, 164 49, 9841 46, 0^4 21, 782! 17, 187 15,668 4,495 3,950 4, 595 503. 185 298, 326204, 859 255, 13!) 183,480] 71,659 160,146:100,737 59,409 51, 6471 42, 576 9, 071 29,720l 23,233j 6,487 21, 83l! 14. 9361 6, 895 38, 678 3^ 4321 7, 246 35, 629 26, 9241 8, 705 22,408 18,205J 4,203 116, 3401 70, 695 45, 6i5 22, 254 16, 107 28,2291 20,644 20,541; 16,967 27,737; 20,031 29, 2801 23, 177 6, 147 7^585 3, 574 7,706 6,103! 48, 961 25, 386 23,.575 26,8S0' 21,0281 5,852 22,2481 17, 202 1 5,046 32,016 22,016! 10,000 30,762 28, 44a' 2,316 42, 015 30, 999 21,91 31, 4201 10, 595 18,004 1«, 995 75, 0561 62, 446 120,722 81,464 5.>, 785 25, 769 39, 1.51 123, 758 46,484 22, 390 21, 88.^ 100, 602 59,475 36,421 38,274! 31,234 32,630 20,151 3:5, 592: 29, 621 115, 5S7, 69,514 46, 887j 31, 874 29, 132: 26, ia5 43,350 40,325 136,508 90,178 26,845 20,'922 62,882 47,214 10, 915 12, 010 39, 258 9, 301 3, 379 17, 266 156 23, 054 7, WO 12, 479 3, 971 46, 073 15, 013 2, 937 3, 025 40, 330 5, 923 15, COS 216,090 174,9.33 41,157 20,433 15,4221 5,011 , 2;i6, 299 727, 829i478,'670 2l,0iiG 5l,13lj 836 34, 555 23, i'l4i 11, 021 21, 079 21, 514 11 1,056 2, 16,330 403 77110, -m 278,584 20,541 356,826 27, IW 558,427 154,268 51. 151 38.065 22,699 21, 250 496, -^95 246, 912 158,084 48, 628 27,928 21, 600 37. 68;i 34,344 21, 787 113, 475 22, 106 27.477 19, 835 27, 513i 26, 565 i 48, 80l| 26, 753: 16,8841 31, .5^^ 27. 8551 111 53,716 151 5,873] 443; 8^0a6| 857| 1,504' 3, 579; 27,-276 519 6, 4*0i 8,179, 2,058, 3, 010; 1. 790; 231;. 991; 1,046, 612: 2,8211 145! 7501 702 .222' 2,712| 144! 124i 5, 348; 429 2. 903 40, 6821 1, 280i 30, 9151 741 21, 880; 3li 68, 538' 6, 5041 119, 351 i 1,340; 47, 6131 8, 143 25, 248; 518 38,^996' 150 102, 847 20,005' 59, 292! 1" 37, 710 32, 576 18, 677 115,280; 46. 509: 564 49 5 896 19 304 362 i 16, 885112, 240 27, OOo^lS, 337 133, 181 3, 311 2.5,290 l,o41 60, 648 2, 192 158, 367:57, Qil' 20,116 315' 1, 185*843 19, 663' 11, 8J8 10,068 31, 973, 593! COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1417 Table CIX. — Dwellings, families, andpopiilation in 100 principal cities: 1880 — Continued. Cities. to 11 M ft I Omaha, Nobr Oswego, T^.Y Paterson, n: J .S Peoria, HI Petersbuig, Va Philadelphia, Pa.... Pittabnrgh, Pa Portland, Me Poaghkeepsio, N. Y. Pwvidence, R. I Quincy, 111 Keading, Pa EichuK)fld, Va Rochester, N, Y Saciumento, Cal Saint Joseph, Mo ... Saiut Louis, Mo Saint Paul, Miirn .Sak>ni, Mass Salt Lake City, Utah San Antonio, Tex . . . San Francisco, Cal . . Savannah, Ga Soranton, Pa Somerville, Mass Sprinsfleld, HI Spnngftield, Maas ... Sprin^eld, Ohio ... . S.yra7 19,513; 691 ]01,211j 3.582 25,760j 1,508 42, 9261 350 35. 832 88, 859 497 19, 180 455 29,201 3,227 328, 191 22, 2.'')6 40.9711 408 27, 352| 20, 5891 208 17, 5141 3, 8.36 210,498! 1,628 15, 041! 15, 654 45, 706) i42 24, 852 7 18,4141 1,328 3-J, 5Gl! 775 m 368! 2, 360 51, 199 590 21, 102 110 51 18 22 12 5 109 20 9 3 fr4 3 It) 1,785 3 71 34 3 93 25. 276 49, 206 28, 534 56, 185 33,664 98, S95 29, 998 ,22, 729 37, O04 57. 524 763 928 1, 374 5,57 2501 21,835 14 2 4 1 4 3 1 3 3 2 48, 377 21 729 10 609 1 5. 468 6 763 4 J i ALASKA. ► I. Department of the Interior, Census Office, Washington^ D. C, December 28, 1882. Col. Chas. W. Seaton, Superintendent of Census, Washington^ D, C. Sir: In conformity with your suggestion, I have the honor to trans- mit herewith, for incori)oration in the Compendium about to be pub- lished, such tables as I have been enabled to compile from the material collected during my personal investigations in Alaska, showing the population of that district by races and tribes. The Caucasian popu- lation of southeastern Alaska appears in these tables as it stood in 1880, previous to the more recent influx of miners and prospectors. For the purposes of my report, now p your hands, it has been found most conveiiient to divide Alaska into six geographical divisions, as follows: 1. The Arctic division, containing 125,245 square miles, and comi^ris- ing all that portion of the Korth American continent between the 141st meridian in the east and cape Prince of Wales, or Bering strait, in the west, the Arctic ocean in the north, and having for its southern bound- ary the water-shed between the Yukon river system and the streams emptying into the Arctic. 2. The Yukon division, containing 170,715 square miles, and com- prising the valley of the Yukon river as far as it lies within our bound- iries and its tributaries from the north and south. It is bounded by the Arctic division in the north, the 141st meridian in the east, and jBering sea in the west. The southern boundary of this division lies ilong a line indicating the water-shed between the Yukon and the iKuskokvim, Sushetno, and Copper rivers, and running from the above- nentioned meridian in the east to the coast of Bering sea, in the vicinity )f Hazen bay in the west. The island of Saint Lawrence, in Bering sea, s included in this division. 3. The Kuskokvim division, containing 114,975 square miles, bounded m the north by the Yukon division, and comprising the valleys of the iuskokvim, the Togiak, and the Nushegak rivers, and the intervening tystem of lakes. The eastern boundary of this division is a line ran- ting along the main Alaskan range of mountains from the divide be- tween the Kuskokvim and Tennanah rivers down to the low, narrow sthmus dividing MoUer bay from Zakharof bay on the Aliaska penin- ula. Bering sea washes the whole west and south coast of this division, v^hich also includes Nunivak island. 4. The Aleutian division, containing 14,610 square miles, and com- )ri8ing the Aliaska peninsula westward of the isthmus between MoUer 1421 1422 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. and Zakharof bays and the whole chain of islands from the Shnmagin f^roup in the east to Attoo in the west, 'including also the Pribylof or Fnr-Seal islands. 5. The Kadiak division, containing 70,884 square miles, the south coast of the Aliaska peninsula down to Zakharof bay, with adjacent islands, the Kadiak group of islands, the islands and coasts of Cook's inlet, the Kenai peninsula and of Prince William sound, with the rivers rannin'g into thera. The main Alaskan range bounds this division in the north and west. Its eastern limit is the 141st meridian, which in- tersects the coast line in the vicinity of Mount Saint Elias, while the south shores of the division are washed by that section of the North Pacific named the gulf of Alaska. 6. The Southeastern division, containing 28,980 square miles, and comprising the coast from Mount Saint Elias in the north to Portland canal, in lat. 54^ 40', in the south, together with the islands of the Alexander archipelago between Cross sound and cape Fox. The east- ern boundary of this division is the rather indefinite line established by the Anglo-Russian and Russian-American treaties of 1824 and 1825 respectively, following the summits of a chain of mountains supposed to run parallel with the coast at a distance not greater than three marine leagues from the sea between the head of Portland canal and Mount Saint Elias. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, IV AK PETROFF, Special Agent. Table CX. — Statistics of the population of Alaslca : 1880. 1.— ARCTIC DIVISION. Area, 125,245 square miles ; ratio of population, 1 inhabitant to 40| square miles. Settlements. Location. Itinnit. ' Total Kinffigamnte Inalit ..i Villagre opposite on mainland Ta-aj)kiik Kugalukmute "Kongigauiute . . . Selawisamnte — Kikiktagamute . Sheshaleganiute Tikizat Cape Prince of Wales, Bering strait Eiist Diomede island. Bering sti-ait.. Arctic ocean Cape Espcnburg, Kotzebue sound . . Kotzobue sound Backhand river, Kotzebue sonnd. S«-lawik lake-, Kotzebue sound ... Kotzebue sound K()t7A'bue sound Arctic ocean An-iyakh ' Arctic ocean , Cape Sepping I A rct ic ocean Tp-Not I Arctic ocean Tikirak Arctic ocean Cape Dyer Arctic ocean Cape Lisburne ' Arctic ocean , Point Lay Arctic ocean Otdk-koli I Icy cape, Arctic ocean Kolauiatourok ' Arctic ocean Noona agaraute 1 Arctic ocean COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1423 Table Cyi.—Statifiiics of the population of Alaska: 1880--Contlnaed. 1.— ARCTIC DIVISION— Continued. Bettlements. Location. luniiit. OotkiUowik Ai-ctlo ocean Piiioshumglu Arctio ocean Cot akh Arctic ocean R^'luue ihlet - -..I Arctic ocean Kokuuillit i. Point Barrow, Arctic ocean. (Johille liver 7n th* interior. Koo apramiiie villa f^es . Noata^'auiutk Nook Cape Douglas, Bering eea. Ookivaganiute | King's island, Bering sea . Aziak j Sledge island, Bering sea . Small village opposite on main- Bering sea land. Oo-innakhtagowik. Ayacheruk Chilnaihuak Imok h tfl goksbnk Okpiktolik. Tnp-ka-ak Chirtokak Iguituk Atnuk Nnhviakhchugaluk . Kvikh Ogowin»pak Scattered villages . . . North coast of Norton soxind. North coast of Norton sound. North coast of Norton sound. North coast of Norton sound. North coast of Norton sound. North coast of Norton sound. North coast of Norton sound. North coast of Norton sound. North coast of Norton sound . North coast of Norton souud. Noith coa.st of Norton sound . North coast of Noi ton sound. Head of Norton bay White, i Creole. Tinneh. Innnit 18 19 Oonakhtolik East coast of Norton sound. Shaktolik East coast of Norton sound. Tup-haniikva East coitst of Norton sound. Oonalakleet j East coast of Norton sound . Igawik East coast of Norton sound. East coast of Norton sound . Ea.<»t coast of Norton sound. East coa.st of Norton sound. East, coa.st of Nitrtou souijd. East coa.st of Norton sound. Kegokhtowik Ketcliuuiville Sr. M-chnel and Tachik village Pikmiktnlik Pastoliakh Kotlik I Yukon delta retkina I Yukon dt Ua Tillage (name unknown) Yukon delta , lngenia rogoreehapka Single house J"'aimute Askhomute Ignokhatskamute . Makeymute Yukon river. Yukon river. Yukon river. Yukon river. Yukon river. Yukon river. Yukon river. Yukon river. Yukon river. Yukon river. Yukon river - Yukon river. Yukon river. Yukon river. Yukon rtver. Yukon river. Yukon river. Yukou river. Yukon river. Yukon river. Anvik station and village Yukou river Single house Yukon river Single house.- Yukon river Single house Yukon river Tanakhotkhaiak Yukon river Single house | Yukon river Chageluk settlemeiitH | Cbageluk slougli andlnnok river. Khatnotontze Yukon river Kaiakak . Kaltag... liTnlato, station and village - Koyukuk settlenients Terentief 's station Big Mountain Single house Yukon river. Yukou river. Yukon river 2 j Koyukuk river ' , Yukon rivev ! i. Yukou riA'er I {. Yukon river ! '. Sakatalan Yiikon river. Ynkokakat Yukou river. Helojikakat j Yukon river. Mentokakat I Yukon river. Soonkakat Yukon river. IStedvodnaia IN'oyokakat Kormas 2s uklukaiet Rampart village Yukon river, yukou river. Yukon river. Yukou river. Yukon liver. Fort Yukon Yukon nver. Fort^fciance Yukon rivBr. Geus oe Larae ' Yukon river Fetoutlin (David's people).-. Yukon river Tennanah river. Tennauah villages . Saint Lawrence Lsland . Bering sea. 15 150 135 124 45 163 1.50 15 100 , 10 I 25 6 30 20 12 15 106 11 27 110 107 82 120 106 700 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1425 Table CX. — S la Unties of the ijopulalion of Alaslxa: 1880— Coutmued. 3.— KUSKOKVIM DIVISION. Area, 114,975 square miles; ratio of population, 1 inliabitaut to 13 square miles. Settlements. Location. Total Nunivak island Taiiunak Ivalioolvlilnsamute. Ivasliisaloaaniute . . Nulakhtolagamuto A (riukchu|xarauto . Cbiohiuaganiute .. Chalitnnito Anogogmuto Kongiganagamute Koolvaga vigamute Kinagamute . - Village at lieadwatera Napalm vitft Koaming Koltcliane . . . Kalmakovsky Eedoute. . . Kokhlokhtokhpagamute Toolooka-anahamate Okhogamxite Kaltkhagauiute Oogovigamute . . Single house Tookhlagamute. Single house Kwigalogamute . Tolnksak Akkiagmute Paimute Kik-khtagamnto . Kuljkhlugamute . Kooigamnte Mumtrekhlagamute sta- tion. Mumtrekhlaganiute vil- lage. Napaskiagamnte Napahaiagamute Lomawiganinte Taghiaratzorianiute . ISTaghaikhlavigamute Akooli^amute Kakhuiyaganiute Shovenagamute Kik-khuigagamute Apokagamute Chimiagamute Iliutagamute Knskokvagmuto . Shineyaganmte . . Quineliahamute . . Agaligamute Takiketagamute. Kl-changamute . Mumtrahaniiite . Tzahavagamute Aziavigamute . . Togiagamuto ... Ikaliukha Tunniakhpuk. Kassianmute . Xulatok Kissaiakh Bering soa Nelson island . Nelson island . Nelson ishuid . Yukon delta .. Yukon d(*lta . Yukon delta . Yukon delta , Yukon di'lta . Yukon dt'ita . Yukon delta Kuakokvini river Knskokvira river Kuakokvini river Kuskokvim river Kuskokvini rivor Kuskokvim riA'er , Kuskokvim river Kuskokvim liver . Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river , Kuskokvim river , Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river , Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river , Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river . Kxiskokvim river . Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim l iver . Kuskokvim river , Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river , Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river . Kuskokvim river . Knskokvira river . Kuskokvim river , Kuskokvim bay .. Kuskokvim bay . . Kuskokvim bay . , Kuskokvim bay Good News bay. Bering sea bay . . Azivigiak river . Togiak river Togiak river . Togiak river . Togiak river . Togiak riA-er. Togiak river . Total. 8, 911 White. 3 400 35 (3 60 175 10 60 .00 00 130 lUG 206 10 92 10 314 150 175 30 232 215 29 41 196 98 81 52 193 162 58 9 94 71 40 24 40 83 120 21 18 I 102 I 48 I 132 I 27C, 192 ! 137 I 211 i 181 1 Creole). llJi 2 ! Aleut. 255 Tinnela-I Innuit. I 506 8, 036 90 c G 1426 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CX. — Statistics of the j^ojmlation of Alaska : 1880 — Continued. 3.— KUSKOKVIM DIVISION— Continued. Sottlemeote. Annugannok -- Topiak etationw Ooallikh - KuUuk - Igushek — Anagnak Nushepak ( Alexandrovsk) Kanulik Kakuak - Akulvikchuk Agivivak Kalignak Molchatna villages Akuliakhpuk Ekuk Koggiung Kaskinakh CMkak , Ilyamna KicMk Pangwik (two villages) . Ik-khagmute Igagik OogasMk OonaugasMk HasMkh.*. Location. Togiak river leering sea Bei iu'g sea^h Kullukba^rV Igushek rivdit Nnsliegak river Nushegak river Nuahegak river Nushegak river. . Nushegak river. . . . Nusliegak river Nushegak river Molchatna river . . . Lake of same name Bristol bay Kvichak river . . - . . Kvichak river Ilyamna lake Ilyamna lake . . . Kichik lake Naknek river Lake "Walker Aliaska peninsula . Aliaska peninsula . Aliaska peninsula . Aliaska peninsula . TotaL 214 24 G8 65 74 87 178 142 104 72 52 91 180 83 112 29 119 51 49 91 192 162 129 177 37 40 White. Creole. 13 Aleut. Tinneh, 176 37 40 180 51 36 1/ 91 Innuit 87 01 142 104 83 112 29 119 192 162 118 4.— ALEUTIAN DIVISION. Area, 14,610 square miles; ratio of population, 1 inhabitant to 6 square miles. Settlements. Total Attoo Kazan Nikolsky . Iliuliukl^ - . Makushin Kosliigin . . . Chetnovsky Borka Akutan Akoon Avatanok Saint Paul Saint George . Belkovsky Nikolaievsky . Protassof Vosnessensky Ounga Korovinsky . . Pirate cove . . . Location. Attoo island Atkha island Oumnak island . . . Oonalashka island Oonalashka island Oonalashka island Oonalashka island Oonalashka island Akutan island Akoon island Avatanok island . . . Pribylof islands Pribylo-t islands — Aliaska peninsula . Aliaska peninsula . Aliaska peninsula . . . Vosnessensky island. OuDga island Korovin island Popof island Total. 2, 451 107 236 127 406 62 74 101 140 65 55 19 298 92 268 43 100 22 185 44 7 White. 82 Creole. 162 30 89 21 Aleut. 1, 890 74 220 117 230 31 73 94 133 63 54 19 284 88 77 21 101 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1427 Table CX. — Siatistics of the population of Alaska : 1880— Continued. 5.— KADIAK DIVISION. Area, 70,884 square miles; ratio of population, 1 inhabitant to 16^ square miles. Settlements. Total Mitrofania. Kaluiak . .. Sutkhooii .. Kuyukak . . Katmai — Kulcak Ashivak . Saint Paul . Lcsiiova . . . Tclovoi Ooziiikie Afognak (two villages) . Ooganok (two villages) Ooiak Karluk Aldiiok Ayaklitalik Kaguiak Three Saints bay Oldliarbor Orlova Chiniak village Killuda Alexandrovsk . Talik Seldovia and Ostrovki Laida Ninilcliik Kassilof Chkituk and Cbernila. Skilakh...-. Kenai R6doute Titukilsk and Mkishka Kultiik Kuakatnuk Zdluiat Nitakh Kinik Suslietno (1st village) . . Suslietno (2d village) Toyonok station village. Kustatan Chenega Kanikhluk Tatikhlek and Location. ITuchek Ikliiak and Alaganu . . Cape Martin Atnali villages Chilkhaat villages Yaktag villages. Aliaska peninsula Aliaska peninsula — Aliaska peninsula Aliaska peninsula Aliaska peninsula Aliaska peninsula Cape Douglas Kadiak island Wood island Spruce island Kadiak island. . . Afognak island . Kadiak ivsl and... Kadiak island... Kadiak island. ., Kadiak island. Kadiak island. Kadiak island. Kadiak island Kadiak island. Kadiak island Kadiak island Kadiak island Kenai peninsula E. coast Kenai peninsula Kenai peninsula . Kenai peninsula . Kenai peninsula , Kenai peninsula , Kenai peninsula , Kenai peninsula Kenai peninsula Kenai peninsula Kenai peninsula Kinik river, Cook's inlet Kinik river, Cook's inlet. Kinikriver, Cook'sinlet. Kinik river, Cook'sinlet. Cook's inlet Cook's inlet Cook's inlet. Cook's inlet Prince William sound Prince William sound . . Prince William sound . . Prince William sound . Mouth of Copper river. Mouth of Copper river. Copper I'iver Comptroller bay Foot of Mount St. Elias range. Total. 4, 352 22 30 25 18 218 37 46 288 157 45 339 73 7G 302 114 101 109 7 IGO 147 24 36 88 32 117 65 80 54 73 74 117 7 250 170 150 White. 34 Creole. 917 37 G 253 56 78 45 195 12 42 11 Innuit. Tinneh, 2,211 29 25 18 181 144 73 76 277 114 97 102 3 155 139 24 36 75 32 36 117 8G4 29 44 109 65 250 Thlinket. 326 6 "170 150 1428 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CX. — Statistics of the population of Alaska : 1880 — Continned. C— SOUTHEASTERN DIVISION. Area, 28,980 square miles ; ratio of population, 1 inliaLitant to 3J square miles. Settlements. Grand total . NATIVES. CMlkhat tribe. Tondestuk Kutkwutlu — Kluckquan Chilcoot JSoonyah tribe. Kondekan . . . Klughuggue Khootznahoo tribe. Augoon.. Scutskon Kehk tribe. Klakwan Village .. Village . - Village ,- Village .. Auk tribe. Village Village Village TaJcoo tribe. Tokeatl's village Chitkliu's village ... Katlany's village ... Potsliou's village ... Stakhin tribe. Location. Chilkliat river and bay , ( -'liilkliat river and bay Cbilkbnt river and bay Chilcoot river , Cliicliagof island Uhicbagof island A dmiralty island, ITood'vSbay Admiralty island, Hood's bay "White. 293 Kuprianof island . . Kupriauoi island.. Ivoo island Port lloimhtou Seymour's channel Stephens passage Adniiralry island. Doui2,LiH island ... Tnkoo river and inlet Takoo river and inlet Takoo j iver and inlet Takoo river and inlet Etho] in island. Etholin island. Etholiii isi.nad. Etholin inland. .St:!k],iiiriv,a'.. I Stak-hin river. . Sbustak's village Kash's village Shakes' village Towayat's village Kohltiene's village.. . . Hinauhan's village Kadishan's village { iSt.iklwii river Shallyany's village | Stakhin nvcr Prince of Wales island tribe. \ Konyou ! Prince of Wales island, west . j coast. Hanega I Prince of Wales i-iland, west j coast. Klawak ! Prince of Wales island, west coast. Tongas tribe. Village ... Cape Fox Sitka tribe. Sitka, Indian village. Silver Bay Hot Springs Indian Kiver Old Sitka Island montli Portland canal . Prince of Wales island Baranof island Creole. 230 Thlinket. 6.437 171 12.5 5C.5 127 108 420 240 261 82 100 50 75 290 300 50 60 500 27 173 100 540 .39 26 43 73 Hyda. 788 COMPENDimi OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1429 Table CX. — Statistics of the po2}alation of Alaska: 1880 — Continued. C— SOUTHEASTERN DIVISION— Continued. Settlements. Location. White. Creole. Thlinket. Hyda. Total. NATIVKS— continued. Yakutat tribe. Scattered villages between cape Spencer and Boring liay. 200 300 \ 500 J 1 788 Hyda tribe. 173 125 (J2 287 141 Prince of Wales island Prince of Wales island C, 437 788 7, 225 WHITES AND CKEOLES. 10 10 5 G 157 1 106 10 10 8 6 376 7 ITolkhan bay Shakan OldSitka 3 Sitka Kassau Total white and Creole. Baranof island 210 Prince of Wales island 7 293 230 523 RECAPITULATION OF THE POPULATION OF ALASKA. Divisions. Total. White. Creole. Innuit. Aleut. Tinneh. Thlinket. Hyda. Total 33,426 430 1, 756 17, 617 2, 145 3, 927 6, 763 788 Arctic 3, 094 (i, 870 1 8, 911 2, 451 4, 352 7, 748 18 82 3t 293 19 111 479 917 230 4, 276 8, 036 2, 557 506 255 1, 890 2, 211 864 326 6, 437 788 LIFE INSURANCE. Table CXI. — Statement of the capital stoch of all Aliibainn Cold Life Insurance Company i ]Vlol)ilc LilV, Insnraiioe Company - ■ Pacific Mutual Life Insiivaiice Company •- iEtna Life Insurance Company .' Charter Oak Life Insurance Company Ciiniicc.Lioit (Joneral Life Insurance Comx)any (\MiiL"( ii( lit Mutual Life Insurance Compiiny (^ontiiient-tl Life Insurance Com])any of Hartford Hartford Life and Annuity Insuianco Comijany PluBnix Mutual Life Insurance Company ". Travelers' Insurance Company IS^'ational Lile Insurance Conjjiany of the TJjiited States of America Cotton States Life Insui'ancc Conipauy , Franklin Life Insurance Company Equitable Life Insurance Company of Iowa Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Kentucky Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company | Louisiana Equitable Life Insurance Company w j Union Mutual Life Insurance Company. '. I Mai-yland Life Insurance Company of Baltimore | Mutual Life Insurance Company of Baltimore j Berkshire Life Insurance Company j John Hancock Mutual Life Insuiance Company | Massachusetts MTitual Life Insurance Company New England Mutual Life Insurance Company j State Mutual Life Assurance Company j The Michigan Mutiial Life insurance Company CoTeuant Mutual Life Insurance Company qf Saint Louis ! German Mutual Life Insurance Company of ' Saint Louis j Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company i Prudentiallnsurance Company of 'Araerica .1 Brooklyn Life Insurance Company : I Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States [ Germania Life Insuiance Company Home Life Insurance Company ..J Mobile, Ala . Mobile, A la , Sacramento, Cal Hartford, Conn , Harttoi d, Couu , Hartford, Conn Hartford, (Jonn , JIartford, Conn Hartford, Conn HartfoJ'd, Conn Hartford, Conn AVashuifiton.D.C... Macon. , Indiana])olis, Ind l)es Moines, Iowa Louisville, Ky , LeaA'enworth, Kans . New Or leans. La Augusta, ile..., Baltimo) e, Md Baltimoi e, Md — Pittslield. Mass... Boston, Mass Spriugfi'dd, Mass . Boston, Mass Homoeopathic Mutual Life Insurance Company. Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company Manhattan Life Insurance Coinpany Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Mutual Life Insurance Company of Xew Tork . jSTew York Life Insurance Company Provident Savings Life Assurance Society United States Life Insurance Company in tlie city of New Tork "W;tsbington Life Insurance Company Universal Life Insurance Company Western New York Life Insurance Company North Carolina State Life Insurance Company Toledo Mutual Life Insurance Company Union Central Life Insurance Company American Life Insurance Company Girard Life Insurance, Annuity, and Trust Company of Philadelphia . Peuu Mutual Life lusurance Company of Philadelphia Prc.sb3"tcriau Annuity and Life Insurance Company Provident Li-fe and Trust Company of Philaderphia National Life Insurance Company" Vermont Life Insurance Company Life Insurance Company of Virginia I'it'dinont and Arlington Life Insurance Company (/) Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company Worcester, Mass.. Detroit, Mich Saint Louis, Mo . . Saint Louis, Mo .. Newark, N.J Newark. N.J..... New York, N. Y.. New Tork, N. Y.. New York. N. Y.. lirooklyn, N. Y ... New York. N. Y.. New Yral Life Insurance Company Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Com])aiiy Continental Life Insurance Company of Hartford. Hartford Life and Ainiuity Insurance Company . . Phoenii: Mutual Life Insurance Company Interest on mortgage loans. Dollars. 14, 045, 978 71 13, 492 85 Travelers' Insurance ('oin])any National Insurance Company of the U. S. of America Cotton States Life Insuiaiice Company Frantlin Life Insurance Company Equitable Life Insurance Company of Iowa Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Ky... Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company , Louisiana Equitable Life Insurance Company , Union Mutual Life Insurance C(»mpany Maryland Life Insurance Company of Baltimore Mutual Life Insurance Company of Baltimore Berkshire Life Insurance Company John Hancock Mutual Lifw Insurance Company Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company New England Mutual Life Insurance Company State Mutual Life Assurance Company The Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Comiiany Covenant Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Saint Louis. German Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Saint Louis. . Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company Prudential Insurance Company of America Brooklyn Life Insuraurr Cf>mpany Equitable Life Assurance Soc. of the United States. Germania Life Insurance Company Home Life Insurance Comiiany. Homoeopathic Mutual Life Insurance Company Kjiickerbocker Life Insurance Con^.pauy Manhattan Life Insurance (Company Metropolitan Life Insurance Comi)any Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York New York Life Insurance Company , Provident Savings Life Assiimuce "Society United States Life Ins. Co. in the city of Now York., Washington Life Insurance Company Universal Life Insurance Comiiany Western New York Life Insurance Company North Carolina State Life Insurance Company Toledo Mutual Life In.surance Company Union Central Life Insurance Company American Life In.surance Comp'any 51 i Girard Life Insurance, An., and Trust Co., of Phila.. 52 I Peun Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Philadelpbia 53 I Presbyterian Annuity and Life Insuian< e Company. 54! Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia . 55 j National Life Insurance Company 56 j Vermont Life Insurance Company 57 1 Life Insurance Company of Virginia 58 Piedmont and Arlington Life Insurance Company.. 59 1 Northwestern Mutual Life In.>^urance Company 69, 39.') 81 1, 141, 0;J2 70 89, 778 87 39,011 03 2, 304, 982 84 70, K93 83 40, 830 01 435, 047 80 150, 485 80 90,013 05 50 00 Interest and dividends on bonds and stocks owned. Dollars. 6, 728, 355 96 3, 079 50 19,214 43 444 00 489, 511 48 19, 0.52 46 408, 550 40 11, 100 00 2, 917 50 44, 039 90 100,822 32 47, 925 45 10, 302 35 33, 032 71 37, 659 83 177, 064 46 4, 938 40 122, 212 41 80, 016 77 190, 556 93 132, 830 84 19, 439 26 12, 902 09 33, 551 00 37,419 59 416 25 43, 960 09 40, 004 38 61, 688 09 527, 725 U3 65, 215 79 17, 992 09 23. 719 91 644, 352 90 980 01 57, 840 57 706, 649 40 292, 284 89 122, 002 91 3, 000 00 2, 396 69 1, 440 00 970, 754 07 1, 100 00 37. 321 70 597, 492 35 132, 175 96 18. 802 29 133, 70r, 64 275, 792 33 51, 412 32 , 765, 037 42 924, 560 06 125, 707 10 137, 341 69 30, 102 09 10, 045 77 6, 217 77 .5. 800 10 81,214 19 83, 855 38 42, 078 17 151, 657 34 2, 607 00 72, 190 84 43, 002 44 226, 712 67 14, 130 90 2,017 27 62, 808 05 29.597 50 951, 667 04 886, 150 02 6, 000 00 131, 147 69 141, 025 00 13, 852 00 1, 724 00 03, 401 71 3, 199 75 143, 483 91 5, 869 37 86, 434 76 61, 008 17 6, 279 75 I 1, 791 50 12, 874 35 X 019, 381 51 12, 589 33 4, 625 80 58, 920 90 20, 194 31 192, 865 05 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1437 ance comjmnies during the year ending Decemher 31, 1879 — INCOME — Continued. Interest on other debts. Dollars. 775, 704 85 5, 022 36 ],526 60 24, 220 93 o:n 50 .■-,.097 29 450 00 6, 846 45 2, 916 87 34, 307 52 135 28 Discount on claims paid in ad- vance. Dollars. 79, 230 85 148 72 523 56 Eent of company's property. Dollars. 1, 564, 043 47 2, 570 18 1. 347 90 588 39 895 23 2, 001 48 5. 419 37 569 60 1, 097 17 5, 822 90 7, 530 48 13, 312 50 4, 691 39 1, 520 99 88 00 68 34 311, 608 65 1,207 68, 877 07 49, 952 56 4, 615 72 7,529 16 2, 286 84 148 04 565 19 15, 923 88 2, 570 21 10, 310 91 100 59 16, 369 84 5, 904 08 7, 292 50 39, 551 65 85 00 5. 447 87 37 41 280 10 3, 694 75 2, 839 76 225 85 4. 583 25 814 05 22 53 6, 318 22 5, 753 17 1, 663 50 11, 104 54 17 18 40 00 17, 738 34 732 93 178 62 581 37 4-12 05 259, 722 31 18.5, 111 97 3, 595 34 5, 157 05 35, 088 42 9, 038 60 42, 542 51 140 00 444 84 2,819 21 5, 491 90 33, 310 59 1, 995 83 238 50 13, 921 10 13, 838 21 32,485 45 59, 516 18 3, 849 48 2, 438 95 2,881 25 5, 199 87 334, 930 30 34, 361 33 1, 487 45 03, 708 90 37, 234 49 31, 678 97 156, 630 17 94, 628 69 3, 218 80 3, 038 90 Profit on bonds, stocks, and real estate sold. 7, 785 17 17, 455 24 27, 483 33 13,134 54 487 50 4, 106 63 268 75 818 31 276 36 3, G81 02 6, 571 G5 Dollars. 82, 341 81 56 00 '277'i7 Total interest, etc., receipts. Dollars. 25, 322, 092 87 478 00 534 93 1, 842 74 35, 67ft 00 1, 935 24 832 84 2, 675 00 8, 940 07 4, 319 02 24, 780 74 ^ 28, 986 77 19, 214 43 77, 715 89 1,830,695 13 435, 110 00 69, 640 79 3, 203, 848 99 127, 696 57 55, S54 56 654, 413 78 263, 851 98 218, 312 37 16, 329 63 16, 457 25 33, 477 55 70, 919 39 18, 453 09 3,430 82 3U, 593 85 47, 931 55 2, 153 19 197,828 02 159, 957 71 333, 727 68 845, 879 09 123, 851 21 73, 609 02 35,816 19 27, 912 71 1, 916, 253 28 Miscella- neous receipts. Dollars. 618. 412 47 31 00 a 76, 954 56 6 26, 109 74 19, 708 08 13, 077 00 23 24 147 48 Tot»I income. Dollars. 83, 388, 857 79 19, 746 68 I c 125, 311 19 I 58 56 4, 493 36 14, 445 73 45 00 2, 086 01 j d 4, 149, 546 32 1,950,680 70 458, 902 89 83 283, 811 38 36, 897 37 346, 751 38 554, 147 16 135, 038 69 4, 942, 211 70 293 55 2, 02i. 6, 274, 299, 72, 11. 6, 5, 122 soe, 886 82 000 00 793 97 535 63 451 85 351 65 257 77 987 19 368 25 505 54 449 14 e 23, 000 00 86, 014 52 369, 624 20 9, 064 46 205, 519 33 117, 014 86 10, 517 04 12, 589 33 53, 486 29 1, 317, 557 18 / 203, 328 86 5, 588 22 1, 246 71 21, 348 59 4, 924 24 8, 037 14 45, 053 57 135, 325 01 236,308 10 394.490 15 4, 318, 301 93 809, 425 75 228, 966 03 8, 954, 290 66 466, 380 47 135, 620 22 1, 708, 939 92 1, 690, 502 34 614, 947 10 67, 298 31 59, 062 19 89, 100 79 223, 330 21 35, 769 66 84, 709 43 1, 366, 931 47 140, 162 80 39, 432 03 588, 314 43 454, 000 91 1, 108, 336 81 2, 419, 169 51 399, 370 99 299, 602 66 77, 185 10 39, 556 08 5, 709, 957 35 128, 626 83 378, 420 54 8, 347, 080 85 1, 636, 441 41 748, 916 98 170, 333 92 1, 015, 696 18 1, 548. 268 10 567, 598 51 17, 630, 093 42 7,887,126 10 68, 898 45 914, 312 60 1, 264, 918 38 474, 392 48 33, 577 31 41,412 47 12, 844 01 520, 046 49 524, 211 31 162, 449 60 1, 413 590 39 42, 188 29 1, 031, 017 18 355, 764 85 33, 967 34 73, 530 35 57 289, 799 88 I 58 3, 178, 545 16 \ 59 a $75,000 of which is borrowed money. 6 Premium notes and liens on policies. c Net appreciation of assets. d Note discounted. e Donations from stockholders. f Bills payable and borrowed money. 1438 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Taule CXIII.— life INSURANCE.— Mhihit of tlie financial transactions of life Name. Gross ledger assets at close of year. Cash paid for losses. Total Alabama Gold Life Insurance Company . ilobile Life Insiirauf e Company '. .. Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. ^tna Life Insurance Company Charter Oak Life Insurance Company. .. Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company . ... Continental Life Insurance (Jom])any of Hariforfl. Hartford Life and Annuity Insurance Company. . Phrenix Mutual Life Insurance Company Travelers' Insurance Company National Life Insurance Co. of tbe U. S. of America. Cotton States Life Insurance Company Franlclin Life Insurance C'3 85 6, 518, 205 59 3, 681, 898 96 216, 720 32 283, 683 17 131, 281 01 1, 853, 529 42 4,275,149 21 3, 010, 984 37 7, 723, 170 85 201,971 32 5, 208, 692 10 2, 403, 279 51 229, 523 43 508, 330 46 1, 840, 398 09 20, 483, 811 03 11, 287 05 104, 564 37 I 2, 156, 354 85 i 5, 786 28 401,156 92 I 12,766 54 770, 263 12 35, 226 88 99, 604 52 82, 794 32 24, 330 33 20, 547 25 1, 917, 836 98 71, 250 00 370, 603 71 15, 500 00 222, 521 00 88, 966 07 1, 000 00 38, 108 35 135, 772 41 777, 451 39 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1439 insurance companies during the year ending Dccemhcr 31, 1879— DISBURSEMENTS. Cash paid for matured cnduwiuents. Prcminm notps and liens used , , . , in settlement of P*^"- ^''^^^s matured endowments. Gross amount and matured endowments. Less amount received on reinsurances. Total policy payments, less reinsurance. Cash paid to ann>uitauts. Dollars. 8, 959, 859 30 120, 003 53 721, 004 20 209, 735 29 37, 846 00 917, 271 49 148, 253 88 7, 284 98 165, 712 78 14, 366 66 50, 724 30 3, 299 9« 2, 856 22 19, 144 56 '27i,'956'66' 55,501 12 11.5, 805 72 124, 004 61 392, 282 26 14, 400 00 21, 001 83 15, 116 66 2, 936 35 466, 258 98 164, 373 63 318,738 10 116, 541 72 126, 548 35 22, 509 00 111,445 42 103, 644 72 55, 294 32 1, 869, 161 05 1, 013, 327 05 61, 049 28 172, 588 01 113. 505 93 6, 948 49 29, 888 11 70, 5C6 08 53,912 48 12, 583 46 1, 400 (Jo 31,441 03 007, 031 67 Dollars. 1, 005, 968 92 Dollars. 33, 707, 252 22 12, 774 89 58, 181 37 129, 787 00 53, 609 93 57, 361 35 33, 840 22 484 70 8, 435 76 70, 319 00 1, 474 88 15, 988 01 19, 495 39 66, 094 74 7, 526 64 'ii6.*798'25 28, 723 37 80, 128 65 48, 753 72 25,291 28 17, 883 68 1, 929 17 21, 748 11 1,242 51 9, 948 89 7, 152 92 340 54 a 27, .326 68 133, 327 27 8fi, 382 89 107, 605 83 2u3, 5G6 81 2,1.55.713 00 682, 490 56 116, 213 40 3, 745, 205 54 302, 887 74 37, 978 98 685, 228 10 534, 425 02 289, 194 01 51, 530 22 18, 300 00 7, 534 17 33, 755 30 33, 271 55 57, 180 00 707, 135 03 29, 243 00 11, 287 05 164, 137 21 293, 934 86 557, 423 46 1, 269, 867 00 114, 004 52 104, 217 41 47, 900 30 23, 483 60 2, 626, 402 18 23, 012 61 302, 640 14 2, 567, 202 03 639, 708 29 345,450 00 55, 489 00 642, 423 22 811, 973 00 217, 598 68 5, 993, 999 89 2, 620, 110 44 11. 919 20 290, 735 77 500, 645 11 311, 456 33 14, 650 00 18, 000 00 2, 028 80 90, 845 73 350, 496 60 71, 250 00 463, 691 79 15, 500 00 276, 433 48 102, 688 76 2, 400 00 38, 108 35 208, 392 66 1, 500, 784 10 Dollars. 97, 540 00 Dollars. 33, 609. 712 22 695 00 23. 095 00 10, 750 00 3, 500 00 35, 000 00 , 500 00 15, 000 00 85, 687 89 107, 005 83 203, 506 81 2,132, 018 00 682, 490 56 116, 213 40 3, 745, 205 54 302, 887 74 37, 978 98 685, 228 10 534, 425 02 272, 444 01 51, 530 22 18,300 00 7, 534 17 33, 755 30 33, 271 55 57, 180 00 767, 135 03 29,243 00 11, 287 05 104, 137 21 293, 934 86 553, 923 46 1, 209, 867 00 114, 004 52 104, 217 41 47, 900 30 23, 483 60 2, 626, 402 18 23, 012 61 302,640 14 2, 567, 202 03 639, 708 29 345, 450 00 55, 489 00 642, 423 22 811, 973 00 217, 598 68 5, 993, 999 89 2, 585, 110 44 11, 919 20 287, 235 77 500, 645 11 311, 456 33 14, 650 00 18, 000 00 2, 028 30 90, 845 73 350, 496 60 71, 250 00 448, 691 79 1'). .')0() 00 276,433 48 102, 688 76 2, 400 00 38, 108 35 208, 392 06 I, 500, 784 10 a Of which $19,980 is an error in footings in the company's statement. 1440 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXIIL—LIFE INSURANCE— JSJa;^i6i« of the financial transactions of life insur Name. Total Alabnma Gold Life Insurance Company . Mobile Life Insurance Company - I'aciGc Mutual Life Insurance Company. iEtna Life Insurance, Corai)any Charter Oak Life Insummce Company ... Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company Contiufutal Life Insurance Company of Hartford .. Hartford Life and Annuity Insurance Company Phamix Mutual Life Insurance Company Travelers' Insufance Company National Life Insurance Co. of the TJ. S. of America . Cotton States Life Insurance Company Franklin I>ife Insurance Company Equitable Life Insurance Company of Iowa Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Kentucky Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company Louisiana Equitable Life Insurance Company Union Mutual Life Insurance Company Maryland Life Insurance Company of Baltimore Mutual Life Insurance Company of Baltimore , . Berkshire Life Insurance Company John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Comiiauy New England Mutual Life Insurance Company State Mutual Life Assuranoe Company The Michigan M utual Life Insurance Company Covenant Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Saint Louis. German Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Saint Louis... Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company Prudential Insurance Company of America Brooklyn Life Insurance Company Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United State8 Germania Ijife Insurance Company Home Life Insurance Company Homoeopathic Mutual Life Insurance Company. 37 j Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company 38 i Manhattan Life Insurance Company 39 j Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 40 Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. . 41 1 New Tork Life Insurance Company 42 [ Provident Savings Life Assurance Society i.. 43 U. S. Life Insurance Company in the city of New York. 44 ! Washington Life lusurance Company 45 I Universal Life Insurance Company - 46 "Western New York Life Insurance Company . . 47 North Carolina State Life Insurance Company. 48 Toledo Mutual Life Insurance Company 49 Union Central Life Insurance Company 50 i American Life Insurance Comiiany 51 Girard Life Insurance, Annuity, and Trust Co. of Phila 52 i Pemi Mutual Life lusurance Company of Philadelphia. 53 I Presbyterian Annuity and Life lusurance Company . . . 54 Provident Life and Tru.st Company of Philadelphia 55 National Life Insurance Company Vermont Life Insurance Company , Life Insurance Company of Virginia Piedmont and Arlington Lif-' In.suTance Company , 69 j Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company. Cash paid for surrendered insurance. Premium notes or liens on surren- ders and lapses. Dollars. 9, 906, 333 96 10,441 29 1 17, 168 11 ' 43, 784 27 25, 575 38 109, 675 27 29, 875 42 210, 386 27 55, fjOl 04 8, 380 80 236, 261 30 34, 594 98 76, 854 02 13, 907 39 a 13, 141 48 12, 510 01 32, 663 46 110, 962 83 2, 561 57 4,741 59 35, 402 10 12, 704 46 20, 279 86 229, 785 22 14,915 38 1, 497 37 14, 817 91 1, 725 85 366,327 95 70,421 06 61, 002. 185 33 213; 497 94 22, 650 33 67, 984 80 297, 090 23 94, 508 91 90,612 15 , 508, 995 81 494, 255 65 1, 882 62 257, 551 22 272, 932 15 21, 114 78 18, 381 42 3, 103 05 56, 957 77 244, 782 76 15, 783 00 139, 393 22 2, 309 03 54, 015 34 32, 848 46 8, r^i 47 12, .524 45 109,-412 87 11, 417 28 60, 979 44 192, 258 22 3, 859 48 259, 484 93 180, 853 78 Premiums paid by sur- render of other in- surance. Dollars. 2, 450, 999 03 198, 539 33 2, 346 68 33, 531 79 1, 036, 584 68 58, 905 77 20, 602 80 124, 152 99 1, 926 GO 18, 504 73 17, 795 99 58, 981 36 38, 140 21 177 61 21, 849 67 187, 227 83 11, 491 24 86, 585 35 242, 102 71 90, 854 75 79, 563 41 22, 024 96 279, 200 25 13, 751 51 3, 300 00 28, 023 30 55, 295 68 42, 6i7 2, 138 93 1,216 31 453 19 94, 083 39 127,899 48 a By issue of paid-up policies. b And discounted endowments. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1441 anoe companies during the year ending December 31, 1879 — DISBURSEMENTS— Cont'd. Cash dividends to policy holders. Dividends to policy holders by cancellation of their notes or liens. Total returned to policy holders in cash and by can- cellation 01 their indebtedness. To stockholders for interest or dividends. For agents' com- missions. Dollars. 12, 229, 587 98 Dollars. 1, 340. 039 18 Dollars. C2, 439, 310 63 Dollars. 468, 393 77 7, 687 14 2, 584 35 8, 519 86 320, 166 60 2, 346 42 1, 681, 618 29 12, 281 86 9, 018 73 178, 285 85 1, 689 67 8,901 56 7, 507 31 21,463 33 172 39 1, 889 40 14. 770 14 77, 984 95 43, 863 87 90, 052 19 410, 006 80 79, 430 43 22, 040 74 3, 664 52 33 11 335. 177 75 i 14, 985 20 1, 410, 399 26 155, 460 95 29, 947 96 280 09 83, 205 94 234, 825 81 2, 059 70 3, 427, 479 00 1, 514, 551 33 405 44 39, 901 58 197, 067 00 89 70 702 13 14, 307 55 476 25 171, 942 16 135, 629 60 53, 027 95 2, 613 10 5, 590 71 14, 901 82 578. 580 49 1, 328 2, 328 21 192, 901 28 2, 909 75 203, 646 68 2, 261 29 24.487 74 3. 671 06 29, 992 85 3, 825 15 2, 627 64 16, 169 98 71, 807 28 86, 834 05 2, 03t) 15 '82,' 095* 46 7, 468 08 76, 182 22 471 00 15, 730 95 10, 788 51 8,731 93 1, 460 31 62, 877 07 9, 582 19 1. 694 89 2, 532 18 413, 603 20 119, 673 78 127, 358 29 291, 326 03 3, Oil, 838 38 984, 424 05 155, 204 47 7, 136, 986 39 612, 691 48 5,'), 378 51 1, 401, 713 87 570, 170 00 443, 569 60 86, 751 68 35, 295 72 28, 182 91 121, 278 03 66, 107 40 57, 180 00 1, 214, 039 13 54, 664 96 23, 895 01 332, 996 92 418, 830 02 841, 468 14 2, 034, 633 28 208, 350 33 158, 947 21 91, 768 75 25, 242 56 4, 843, 957 09 23, 012 61 410, 665 66 4, 988, 871 09 1, 023, 512 84 561, 983 03 160, 097 89 1,265,470 10 1, 253, 601 79 389, 833 94 14, 015, 555 48 4, 821, 490 41 14, 207 26 584, 688 57 974, 506 75 612, 601 27 18, 654 61 9, 133 48 321, 442 64 673, 695 97 90, 255 68 865,531 27 21, 599 54 490, 600 56 193, 353 47 5, 486 50 52, 243 53 332, 636 53 2, 663, 745 69 20, 000 00 75, 000 00 15, 000 00 17, 976 00 6, 000 00 72, 000 00 25, 000 00 3, 146 25 5, 600 00 8, 542 50 8, 000 00 648 99 1, 785 00 25, 000 00 9, 000 00 12, 500 00 7, 000 00 24, 000 00 15, 000 00 12 50 40, 000 00 28, 927 50 8, 636 25 5, 777 70 18, 089 50 1, 435 58 6, 000 00 8, 316 00 4, 309 97 15, 021 00 40, 958 91 213, 585 59 48, 463 88 7, 917 46 308, 145 59 26, 378 81 4, 457 09 63, 559 84 267, 321 39 20, 856 88 685 49 535 38 91 C C 1442 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXIII.— LIFE INSURANCE— ^aj/iiftit of the financial transactions of life insur Kame. Total Alabama Gold Life Insurance Company . Mobile Life Insurance Company Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company , ^tna Life Insurance Company , Charter Oak Life Insurance Company . .. Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company Continental Life Insurance Company of Hartford. Hartford Life and Annuity Insurance Company .. Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company Travelers' Insurance Company National Life Insurance Co. of the U. S, of America. Cotton States Life Insurance Company Franklin Life Insurance Company Equitable Life Insurance Company of Iowa Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Kentucky Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company Louisiana Equitable Life Insurance Company Union Mutual Life Insurance Company Maryland Life Insurance Company of Baltimore Mutual Life Insurance Company of Baltimore Berkshire Life Insurance Company John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company New England Mutual Life Insurance Company State Mutual Life Assurance Company The Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company Covenant Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Saint Louis German Mutual Life Insurance Company of Saint Louis Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company Prudential Insurance Company of America Brooklyn Life Insurance Company Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. Germania Life Insurance Company Home Life Insurance Company Homoeopathic Mutual Life Insurance Company , Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company Manhattan Life Insurance Company Metropolitan Life Insurance Company , Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York . . New York Life Insurance Company Provident Savings Life Assurance Society U. S. Life Insurance Company in the city of New York Washington Life Insurance Company Universal Life Insurance Company "Western New York Life Insurance Company . . North Carolina State Life Insurance Company. Toledo Mutual Life Insurance Company Union Central Life Insurance Company American Life Insurance Company Girard Life Ins., An., and Trust Co. of Philadelphia. .. Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia. Presbyterian Annuity and Life Insurance Company . . . Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia National Life Insurance Company Vermont Life Insurance Company Life Insur>»nce Company of Virginia Piedmont and Arlington Life Insurance Company Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company . . For salaries, eliug ex- sea, etc., managers ' agents. traveling < and Dollars. 912, 688 12 2, 100 00 5, 361 95 13, 665 74 15, 465 15 18, 783 35 12, 919 97 10, 105 58 35,922 05 8, 166 13 44, 571 32 116, 368 98 8, 305 10 7, 353 74 10, 329 84 16, 196 64 3, 175 81 3, 595 44 4, 311 80 1, 716 00 18,832 13 28, 580 75 40, 239 13 2, 048 74 26,892 54 7, 695 74 10, 265 14 16, 825 32 53, 179 79 38, 584 51 26, 064 08 6. 717 67 9, 702 93 15, 736 73 3, 089 02 59, 108 26 47, 000 00 4, 318 37 10, 882 67 15, 061 61 8, 380 54 2, 015 25 1, 678 52 171 40 12, 479 30 23, 146 67 17, 362 42 6, 313 76 1, 304 19 5, 043 64 1, 370 00 54, 182 71 For medical examination fees. Dollars. 397. 833 88 226 50 2, 148 10 3, 618 48 12, 995 39 1, 889 80 1, 173 65 12, 544 25 6, 376 00 429 00 3, 890 72 17, 040 07 2, 095 30 45 00 528 00 654 00 1, 960 55 "'2,"4i4"o6' 9, 859 25 1, 062 00 1,122 34 2, 825 00 7, 786 36 3, 572 00 5, 233 00 1, 335 00 2, 014 94 1, 800 00 66 00 24, 927 28 8, 026 45 4, 529 63 47, 336 78 9, 783 98 2, 364 00 378 00 1, 768 32 7, 776 00 7, 941 64 90, 953 23 40, 894 30 1, 909 77 8, 635 29 6, 705 20 134 50 310 00 68 50 1,130 03 191 00 18 00 8, 630 50 61 00 5, 345 78 1, 721 50 314 50 297 00 773 00 8, 214 00 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1443 ance comjpanies during the year ending December 31, 1879— DISBURSEMENTS— Cont'd. For taxes and liceuses. Tor rent. For coramu- tation of commissions. For advertis- Miscellaneons disbursements. Total disburse- ments. Dollars. 1, 467, 370 68 Dollars. 321, 476 03 Dollars. 405, 749 44 Dollars. 416, 142 42 Dollars. 3, 194. 893 62 3. 086 40 1, .519 20 1,020 87 llf), fiOa 26 60, 720 17 !S, 196 45 340, 533 89 8, 145 88 7, 638 51 60, 123 76 17, 384 29 38, 764 33 582 81 1, 568 97 1, 630 90 1,839 15 3, 540 98 1, 655 00 8, 824 02 3, 614 32 594 58 4, 047 02 7, 096 33 11, 127 93 14, 413 07 1, 236 97 5, 768 06 1, 129 72 3, 171 45 56, 482 55 159 00 2, 795 96 81,266 98 8, 004 14 3, 885 62 1, 341 36 7, 482 23 8, 639 82 4, 152 08 350, 324 26 88, 752 17 937 12 7, 522 93 7, 115 12 747 27 222 17 221 04 3, 810 84 18, 328 00 2, 712 06 24, 281 61 233 22 14, 847 91 5, 514 21 371 11 1, 928 32 3, 973 46 c 29, 727 53 1, 107 00 1, 050 00 4, 503 50 8, 284 45 17, 831 24 706 16 13, 818 44 12, 344 00 5, 507 47 900 00 1, 500 00 1, 312 50 1. 373 32 60 00 407 00 4, 013 11 7,371 51 8, 312 59 2, 000 00 1, 678 25 1, 240 00 216 70 1, 377 34 8, 512 88 99, 886 11 11, 435 20 8, 180 11 2, 000 00 12, 000 00 13, 250 00 7, 053 71 6, 000 00 2,341 56 10, 648 87 6,750 00 437 50 413 25 250 00 541 66 5, 530 54 825 00 6, 266 03 350 00 2, 779 49 1, 978 89 749 00 695 00 914 27 8, 872 70 1,120 00 'i4,'636'29 "i,'292'39 2, 789 89 1, 736 37 109 45 28, 132 36 3, 666 88 1, 390 04 6 302, 908 08 4, 000 00 '25, 716' ii" 5, 504 72 13, 346 83 102 00 1,761 76 3, 462 85 6, 271 22 1, 826 24 4, 888 74 39, 296 97 3, 092 34 803 75 3, 910 91 37, 258 15 4, 854 82 40 00 471 10 986 84 2, 062 94 546 97 1.710 89 873 30 140 90 3, 904 64 2, 616 82 5, 523 52 13,412 66 256 71 310 80 206 50 45, 618 42 1, 100 03 2, 418 98 43,791 69 7. 523 81 2, 783 00 882 30 6. 515 62 10, 808 45 16, 993 08 32, 085 12 45, 994 11 904 81 13, 310 43 6, 509 30 990 26 101 15 562 36 68 39, 5, 844 91 3, 032 31 1, 511 30 12, 632 66 687 63 4,437 16 545 70 479 92 1, 160 43 732 05 5, 522 70 13, 526 74 5, 600 94 23,343 64 69, 869 24 343, 038 67 4, 377 48 118, 041 77 24,451 12 10, 620 40 132, 302 28 55, 633 82 47, 904 18 1, 244 74 2, 744 49 1. 189 70 7, 340 50 5, 255 30 2. 190 70 94, 673 52 2, 530 53 3, 863 67 11, 170 14 21, 526 11 87, 782 73 116, 610 28 6, 000 09 5, 034 60 2, 728 14 126, 387 74 10, 840 43 30, 017 06 288, 372 57 23, 367 24 10, 812 27 9, 355 25 32, 690 06 147, 366 85 18, 425 97 274, 407 83 226, 231 29 3, 378 32 45,405 09 47, 022 74 393, 671 92 5, 218 99 917 83 912 69 15, 163 00 16, 520 52 43, 535 04 40, 439 51 2, 621 77 17, 591 43 8, 793 28 1, 561 59 1, 211 81 20,049 50 112, 008 51 Dollars. 76, 089, 138 57 182, 502 39 170, 228 89 419, 362 31 3, 580, 316 11 1, 522, 658 18 221,010 24 8, 003, 228 73 756, 342 69 112,400 49 1, 767, 697 72 1, 240, 377 16 11 644, 026 76 12 100, 185 86 54, 985 55 62, 089 11 181, 982 92 82, 671 19 85, 686 17 1, 525, 732 16 89, 244 35 34, 813 25 426, 139 08 541. 060 06 1, 082, 288 44 2, 343, 434 69 251, 895 63 250, 194 02 122, 283 51 35, 186 40 5, 462, 342 00 107, 235 66 522, 505 58 6, 264, 905 97 1,318, .583 21 695, 582 48 196, 012 47 1, 377, Oil 00 1, 641, 272 73 501, 126 55 16, 038, 654 16 5, 843, 888 69 46, 434 54 827,260 22 1, 189. 980 87 1, 064, 757 18 59, 058 02 30, 645 43 47 18, 720 90 ' 48 411, 580 36 49 753, 545 66 50 157, 041 58 51 1, 080, 708 61 53 28, 387 64 , 53 645, 135 11 ■ 54 245, 859 . 23, 853 68 80, 627 93 377,458 63 3, 128, 937 82 a Of which $2.52,314 46 -was expended in repairs, improvements, etc., to the company's property. b Contingent guaranty account. e Notiuciuding ta^es on property held under foreclosure. 1444 ^ \ COMPENDITO OF THE.^ TENTH CENSUS Taulk CXIV.— LKFE imVRiWCE—ExhihU of the financial condition of Kame. Total Alabama Gold Life Insnranco Company . Mobile Life Insurance Company Pacific Mutual Life Insurauce Company. ^Ctna Life Insurance Company Charter Oak Life Insurance Company . .. Connecticut General Life Insnrance Company Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company Continental Life Insurance Comj»any of Hartford. Hartford Life and Annuity Insui ance Company . . Phoinix Mutual Life Insurance Company Travelers' Insurance Company - National Life Insurance Company of the TJ. S. of America. Cotton States Life Insurance Company Franklin Life Insurance Company Equitable Life Insurance Company of Iowa 'Net ledger assets at close of year. Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Kentucky Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company , Louisiana Equitable Life Insurance Company , Union Mutual Life Insurance Company , Maryland Life Insurance Company of Baltimore Mutual Life Insurance Company of Baltimore Berkshire Life Insurance Company , J ohn Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company , New England Mutual Life Insurance Company -« State Mutual Life Assurance Company ~. The Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company Covenant Mutual Life Insurance Company of St. Louis . German Mutual Life Insurance Company of Saint Louis Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company , Prudential Insurance Company of America Brooklyn Life Insurance Company Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States Germania Life Insurance Company Home Life Insurance Company HomcEopathic Mutual Life Insurance Company. Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company Manhattan Life Insurance Company Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Mutual Life Insurance Company of Ifew York . New York Life Insurance Company Provident Savings Life Assurance Society U. S. Life Insurance Company in the city of New York , Washington Life Insurance 'Company , Universal Life Insurance Company 46 "Western New York Life Insurance Company. . 47 North Carolina State Life Insurance Company. 48 I Toledo Mutual Life Insurance Company Uuio)i Central Life Insurance Company 50 American Life Insurance Company Girard Life Ins., An., and Trust Co. of Philadelphia... Penn Mutxial Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia Presbyterian Aunuitj' and Life Insurance Company . . . Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia ... National Life Insurance Company 56 Vermont Life Insurance Company ^„ , , 57 I Life Insurance Company of Virginia , 58 i Piedmont and Arlington Life Insurance Company , 59 j Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company .. Dollars. 426, 584, 115 87 490, 963 87 042, 904 83 1, 160, 80G 49 24, 499, 327 91 10, 041, 951 72 1, 349, 415 01 47, 1 16, 244 37 2, 404, 148 43 978, 295 51 10,475,354 80 5, 065, 957 24 3, 809, 475 79 410. 726 87 372, 481 64 440, 268 91 921, 030 04 304, 028 84 133, 993 01 6, 578, 170 72 990, 142 65 77, 993 15 3, 369, 407 55 2, 544, 446 11 6, 117, 727 43 13, 964, 397 97 2, 428, 272 06 862, 511 43 477, 028 17 369, 760 65 32, 784, 307 70 136. 670 46 1, 692, 453 11 35,980,997 62 8, 428, 353 69 4, 728, 298 20 606, 424 33 5, 144, 017 86 9, 706, 101 68 1, 786, 109 00 85, 765, 515 68 37, 287, 828 32 151,251 83 4, 714, 223 63 5, 328, 224 72 2, 617, 141 78 157, 662 30 253, 037 74 112, 560 11 1, 441, 949 06 3, 521, 603 55 2, 853, 942 79 6, 642, 462 24 173,583 68 4, 563, 556 99 2, 157, 419 68 205, 669 75 427,702 53 1, 462, 939 46 17, 354, 873 21 Cost value of real estate. Dollars. 63, 820, 691 60 96, 774 63 27, 427 .34 87, 912 39 644, 901 77 5, 848, 358 53 318, 816 02 11, 089, 472 47 474, 873 05 300, 337 84 1, 031, 088 22 941, 556 38 a 925, 887 46 21, 691 12 108, 194 25 22, 350 50 71, 887 45 113, 321 15 2, 268, 828 52 87, 003 06 3, 050 33 434, 179 24 249, 169 26 1, 113, 428 36 1, 295, 900 00 50, 000 00 82, 299 58 96, 808 26 i 50, 378 95 2, 294, 135 25 151, 731 68 8, 204, 796 02 1, 184, 117 34 282, 407 02 47, 330 00 2,013,034 12 1, 250, 418 69 331, 770 50 7,811,805 18 4, 974, 573 68 167, 138 04 450, 786 11 1, 391, 772 74 8,728 .j9 147, 456 92 774, 849 14 1, 230, 659 08 554. 990 06 6, 362 83 502, 051 07 234, 422 83 13. 550 00 12, 030 79 169, 858 75 6 1, 742, 018 44 a Not the cost value, but the value " as per the company's books ". b After making deduction of $67,752 87 for depreciation charged to profit and loss in 1879. t COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 14.4.5 li/e inaurance conqyanies during the year ending December 31, 1879 — ASSETS. Loans on real es- tate aociuity. Dollars. 184, 753, 300 09 Loans ou bonds, stocks, CIO. Dollars. 14, 107, 157 132, 182 78 28, 213 54 589, 986 40 9, 779, 581 56 2, 007, 144 59 522, 146 34 22, 217, 403 37 619, 543 89 561, 925 00 5, 979, 658 95 2, 015, 522 91 1, 862, 466 80 4,470 87 34, 255 39 275, 880 44 523, 417 99 99, 508 91 2, 361, 228 32 92, 793 69 10,400 00 1, 714, 836 82 1, 305, 927 67 2,821,174 30 2, 149, 869 68 152, 200 00 602, 143 61 192, 112 81 280, 670 00 8, 706, 233 84 47, 000 00 687, 990 00 10, 475, 062 90 4, 372, 154 06 1. 148, 700 00 243, 850 83 1. 149, 675 71 3, 836, 094 26 614, 400 00 54, 895, 134 77 15, 313, 278 95 7, 000 00 1. 923, 874 54 2, 548, 772 02 709, 590 55 115, 498 95 194, 741 88 106, 035 00 1,027,454 43 1, 596, 225 67 847, 162 86 2, 442, 594 53 49, 183 36 1, 231, 316 47 623, 636 96 110, 112 61 94, 056 45 268, 817 23 10, 430, 984 63 23, 643 62 45, 234 60 34,276 60 468, 866 91 42. 169 93 5, 790 00 27, 953 28 136, 485 36 10, 054 88 36, 835 61 1,500 00 339, 246 00 83, 500 00 4, 240 62 400 00 2. 935 21 950 00 8, 000 00 115, no 00 36,050 00 281, 200 00 108, 200 00 50, 000 00 10,750 00 72, 000 00 3, 673, 700 00 350, 000 00 572, 2U0 00 9, 770 00 1, 000 00 1, 696, 465 14 2, 950 00 2, 100, 000 00 850, 000 00 460, 000 00 "* 47," 500 00 6, 024 19 314, 080 95 465, 115 70 159, 126 36 200 00 1, 104, 502 93 129, 000 00 22, 400 00 247, 730 00 Loans on company's own policies. Dollars. 563, 067 52 11, 503 90 '12," 872* 59' '76,' 679' 70 750 00 20, 421 00 1,700 00 3, 296 40 1, 050 00 28, 565 94 1, 600 00 8, 543 88 1, 119 89 8, 201 30 6, 069 47 7, 660 00 59, 030 00 5, 500 00 32, 275 67 14, 350 00 1. 100 00 45, 387 05 19, 209 39 300 31 27, 583 37 1. 082 35 583 15 2, 300 08 3,700 CO 4, 500 00 34, 301 56 106,853 00 13, 942 46 375 00 Premium notes or liens. Dollars. 30, 527, 151 43 43,933 35 27, 098 ]9 68, 316 27 2, 970, 882 26 1, 842, 770 20 117, 845 46 4, 109, 717 91 693, 663 16 2, 150, 440 48 32, 620 95 128, 020 40 126, 632 39 211, 408 24 ""76,' 386 "06 1, 148, 488 29 47,747 38 9, 838 68 192, 603 86 222, 250 30 704, 241 92 1, 583, 688 80 17, 066 87 1, 454 93 115, 975 42 4, 398, 843 89 185, 131 52 814, 338 43 1, 750, 998 64 1, 588, 497 88 293, 095 31 621, 403 02 1, 116 55 101, 908 97 175, 135 59 29, 677 61 147, 260 10 346, 756 40 670, 158 51 73, 798 96 22, 958 00 5, 914 50 502, 854 63 2, 154, 211 21 Cost value of bonds and stocks owned. Dollars. 115, 285, 074 56 53, 063 16 274, 645 70 6, 120 00 8, 044, 910 62 164, 837 50 320, 775 57 8,184, 676 14 133, 534 72 51, 220 75 704, 703 00 1, 724, 379 64 450, 677 62 179, 871 25 67, 415 00 87, 500 00 32, 516 00 605, 264 86 718, 336 76 7, 437 50 831, 372 25 689, 700 00 1, 036, 160 46 8, 682, 428 08 2, 022, 800 45 57, 018 79 43, 063 55 22, 899 30 16, 573, 527 83 80, 837 50 510, 921 88 12, 185, 018 42 2,434,123 17 1, 853, 888 72 268, 745 32 186, 375 31 1, 296, 814 97 507, 000 00 18, 526, 880 38 13, 544, 671 96 124, 718 75 1, 976, 559 14 2, 039, 266 30 95, 164 50 10, 936 25 42, 634 00 411,915 72 205, 350 00 2, 413, 901 70 113, 099 02 1, 615, 773 13 1, 028, 500 00 3G, 451 50 5, 950 00 111, 879 27 1,881,441 15 1446 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tablk CXIV.— life INSURANCE— ifx/ii&i* of the financial condition of life Naino. Total Alabama Gold Life Insurance Company Mobile Life Insurance Company Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company ^tna Life Insurance Company Charter Oak Life Insurance Company Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company Continental Life Insurance Company of Hartford Hartford Life and Annuity Insurance Company Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company Travelers' Insurance Company National Life Insurance Co. of the TJ. S. of America.-.. Cotton States Life Insurance Company Franklin Life Insurance Company Equitable Life Insurance Company of Iowa Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Kentucky Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company Louisiana Equitable Life Insurance Company Union Mutual Life Insurance Company Maryland Life Insurance Company of Baltimore Mutual Life Insurance Company of Baltimore Berkshire Life Insurance Company John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company Massachusetts Mutual Life Instirance Company New England Mutual Life Insurance Company State Mutual Life Assurance Company The Michigan Mutual Life Insurance'Company Covenant Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Saint Louia.."... German Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Saint Louis Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company Prudential Insurance Company of America Brooklyn Life Insurance Company Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States . Germania Life Insurance Company Home Life Insurance Company , Homoeopathic Mutual Life Insurance Company Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company Manhattan Life Insurance Company Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York New York Life Insurance Company Provident Savings Life Assurance Society U. S. Life Insurance Company in the city of New York. Washington Life Insurance Company Universal Life Insurance Company Western New York Life Insurance Company North Carolina State Life Insurance Company Toledo Mutual Life Insurance Company Union Central Life Insurance Company American Life Insurance Company" Girard Life Insurance, Annuity, and Trust Co. of Phila. Penu Mutual Life Insurance Company of 3'hiladelphia. Pi esbvterian Annuity and Life Insurance Company Provident Life and Trust Company of Philsidelphia National Life Insurance Company Vermont Life Insurance Company Life Insurance Company of Virginia Piedmont and Arlington Life Insurance Carapany Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Com pany Cash on hand and in bank. Dollarg. 14, 792, 121 73 9, 959 45 5, 8.')8 99 64, (505 40 2, 535, 927 07 38, 100 70 55, 639 63 1,418, 332 03 95, 356 09 6, 209 86 520, 590 81 353, 8.55 01 119, 643 80 23, 410 24 67, 694 28 19, 045 35 4, 085 49 3, 567 85 5, 494 51 161, 978 33 28, 479 22 22, 715 91 50, 825 47 23, 025 20 100, 147 80 138, 811 41 135, 804 74 57, 747 21 13, 898 32 8, 712 40 782, 702 08 8, 832 96 24,126 72 1, 21.5, 194 58 87, 959 12 45, 134 04 17, 164 64 42, 934 08 37, 810 74 2.5, 332 86 2, 363, 337 28 1,961,701 48 14, 138 65 54, 854 78 242, 430 55 3, 977 41 2, 009 06 20, 014 74 2, 246 79 48, 149 83 70, 578 94 71, 353 59 275, 067 39 4, 738 47 36, 114 43 70, 885 46 16, 723 61 32, 007 83 22, 134 29 1, 096, 822 76 Bills receivable. a " Stock bonds". 1) Due by other companies for reinsuring the'ir risks, $60,931 11. c Of which amount guaranty notes constitut e $225,000. d Of which claims against the receivers of other companies under their policies constitute $53,453 05 and commuted commissions $11,540. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1447 insurance companies during the year ending December 31, 1879 — ASSETS — Contiuued. Due from agents, and miscellaneous. Total ledger assets, by inventory. Depreciation of assets from cost valuo to market value. Total ledger assets, less depreciation. Accrued interest on bonds, mort- gages, etc. Dollars. 1, 893, 173 37 Dollars. 426, 584, 115 87 Dollars. 3, 483, 266 99 Dollars. 423, 100, 848 88 Dollars. 7. 262, 811 94 71, 919 40 b 84, 426 47 c 278, 494 76 8, 973 34 10, 656 85 640 67 52, 882 71 51, 821 68 24, 307 37 15, 500 56 7, 554 95 d 68, 449 77 8, 070 40 3, 978 95 27, Oil 68 e 20, 730 87 20, 664 89 36, 330 80 23, 922 51 6, 631 24 3,230 10 30, 479 91 8, 735 70 6, 396 36 379 68 28, 864 81 15, 164 26 227, 225 70 11, 629 39 189 12 11, 560 33 68, 358 07 22, 109 23 3, 977 57 13, 641 90 13, 3S6 37 / 176, 521 16 1, 164 94 10, 497 15 1, 509 99 17, 854 32 2, 696 73 17, 770 69 "34, 073 '97' 7, 972 37 g 291, 580 27 43, 143 41 490, 963 87 642, 904 83 1, 160, 806 49 24, 499, 327 91 10, 041, 951 72 1, 349, 415 01 47, 116, 244 37 2, 404, 148 43 978, 295 51 10, 475, 354 80 5, 065, 957 24 3, 809, 475 79 410, 726 87 372, 481 64 440, 268 91 921, 030 04 304, 028 84 133, 993 01 6, 578, 170 72 990, 142 65 77, 993 15 3, 369, 407 55 2, 544, 446 11 6, 117, 727 43 13, 964, 397 97 2, 428, 272 06 862, 511 43 477, 028 17 369, 760 65 32, 784, 307 70 136, 670 46 1, 692, 453 11 35, 980, 997 62 8, 428, 353 69 4, 728, 298 20 606, 424 33 5, 144, 017 86 9, 706, 101 68 1, 786, 109 00 85, 765, 515 68 37, 287, 828 32 151, 251 83 4, 714, 223 63 5,328,224 72 2, 017, 141 78 157, 662 30 253, 037 74 112, 560 11 1, 441, 949 06 3, 521, 603 55 2, 853, 942 79 6, 642, 462 24 173, 583 68 4, 563, 556 99 2, 157, 419 68 205, 669 75 427, 702 53 1, 462, 939 46 17, 354, 873 21 2, 180, 491 76 39, 736 02 5, 570 75 216, 981 65 26, 969 60 24. 663 88 8, 478 06 400 00 17, 860 16 11, 569, 26 14, 824 42 3, 093 75 345 63 147, 056 51 20, 218 75 12, 788 04 622. 025 03 3, 811 92 4, 086 00 122, 295 490, 903 87 642, 904 83 1, 160, 800 49 24, 499, 327 91 7, 861, 459 96 1,309, 678 99 47, 116, 244 37 2, 404, 148 43 972, 724 76 10, 475, 354 80 4, 848, 975 59 3, 809, 475 79 410, 726 87 345, 512 04 440, 268 91 921, 030 04 279, 364 96 133, 993 01 6, 578, 170 72 981, 664 59 77, 593 15 3,351,547 39 2, 532. 876 85 6, 102, 903 01 13, 964, 397 97 2, 428, 272 06 862, 511 43 477, 028 17 369, 760 65 32, 784, 307 70 133, 576 71 1. 692, 107 48 35, 980, 997 62 8, 281, 297 18 4, 728, 298 20 606, 424 33 5, 144, 017 86 9, 706, 101 68 1, 786, 109 00 85, 765, 515 68 37, 287, 828 32 131, 033 08 4, 701, 435 59 5, 328, 224 72 1, 995, 116 75 157, 662 30 253, 037 74 112, 560 11 1,438,137 14 3, 521, 603 55 2, 853, 942 79 6, 642, 462 24 173, 583 68 4,559,470 99 2, 157, 419 68 205, 669 75 427,702 53 1, 462, 939 46 17, 232, 577 41 47, 810 64 34, 789 94 507, 483 23 165, 451 41 18, 324 64 1, 205, 856 20 96,391 64 27, 822 92 153, 691 24 51, 015 37 64, 191 84 13, 615 12 12, 810 79 36, 132 31 22, 501 82 163, 404 91 3, 310 76 744 15 46, 915 48 38, 679 48 199, 834 66 145, 140 06 34, 287 82 7, 221 55 6, 992 25 693, 994 26 851 01 9, 048 93 284, 434 86 64, 250 46 17, 807 27 5, 177 53 273, 695 86 167, 053 77 9. 086 31 1, 397, 061 07 294, 384 95 65 00 41, 375 35 46, 402 00 2,673 79 3, 138 63 12, 994 80 69, 023 37 25, 457 69 16,943 25 103,112 34 2, 609 92 29, 381 62 58, 158 06 1, 638 24 6, 297 63 23, 226 84 498, 440 90 e Of which $16,200 is the company's own stock, / Consists in part of cash at iuteiest with state treasurer of Virginia, $10,000 ; due from North Amer- ica Life Insurance Company, $89,567 21; dnefrom Guardian Mutual Lite Insurance Company, $62,875 67. g Consisting of agents' balances, $123,622 52; property account, $i0,0C5 12: commuted commissions. $91,285 47; specialloaus, $23,615 86. ' 1448 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXIV.— LIFE mSVRANCE—Exhihii of the financial condition of life Name, Accrued interest on premium notes and liens. Accrued rents. Total. Alabama Gold Life Insurance Company.. Mobile Life Insurance Company Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company . ^tna Life Insurance Company Charter Oak Life Insurance Company.... Connecticut General Life Insurance Company . ... Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company Continental Life Insurance Company of Hartford. Hartford Life and Annuity Insurance Company . . Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company Travelers' Insurance Company National Life Insurance Co. of the TJ. S. of America. Cotton States Life Insurance Company Franklin Life Insurance Company Equitable Life Insurance Company of Iowa Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Kentucky. Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company Louisiana Equitable Life Insurance Company Union Mutual Life Insurance Company Maryland Life Insurance Company of Baltimore Mutual Life Insurance Company of Baltimore Berkshire Life Insurance Company John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company New Ensfland Mutual Life Insurance Company State Mutual Life Assurance Company , The Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company Covenant Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Saint Louis 29 I German Mutual Life Insurance Company of Saint Louis. 30 Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company , Prudential Insurance Company of America Brooklyn Life Insurance Company Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States Germania Life Insurance Company Home Life Insurance Company Homoeopathic Mutual Life Insurance Company. Knickerbocker Life Insurance Company Manhattan Life Insurance Company. . .1 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York . New York Life Insurance Company . Provident Savings Life Assurance Society United States Life Insurance Co. in the city of New York. Washington Life Insurance Company ! Universal Life Insurance Company "Western New York Life Insurance Company. . North Carolina State Life Insurance Company Toledo Mutual Life Insurance Company Union Central Life Insurance Company American Life Insurance Company Girard Life Insurance, Annuity, and Trust Co. of Phila Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia.. Presbyterian Annuity and Life Insurance Company Provident Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia , National Life Insurance Company , Vermont Life lusitrance Company Life Insurance Company of Virginia Piedmont and Arlingtrtii Life Insurance Company . Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company . . . Dollars. 1, 232, 170 68 3, 194 18 4, 139 13 104, 649 96 130, 904 81 4, 528 24 247, 632 32 134, 814 66 678 24 341 73 30, 000 00 24, 259 40 2, 752 35 36, 304 28 235 82 757 54 7, 838 91 9, 082 60 23, 405 33 44, 490 00 12, 000 00 1, 191 34 'iio,"o66"66' 2, 050 00 6, 757 78 458 59 28, 195 69 7, 713 67 17, 348 16 71, 266 72 ""924'54' 489 71 325 16 784 33 19, 100 27 2, 058 09 2, 023 53 501 36 51. 494 51 87. 477 73 a Commuted commissions' account constitutes $23,437 29 of this amount. 6 Being the amount by which an appraisement of the state auditor of Illinois stated under "cost value'," etc. exceeds the amount COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1449 insurance companies daring the year ending December 31, 1879 — ASSETS— Coutinuecl. Market value of real estate over cost. Dollars. 386, 038 31 600 00 126, 030 88 h 75, 866 54 87, 181 64 19, 600 84 1,400 50 9, 706 65 5, 535 88 '32," 979' 50 1, 137 17 450 00 *25,*548"7i' Market value of bonds and stocks over cost. Dollars. 5,447,084 71 17, 026 84 30, 625 00 305, 575 68 2, 435 68 165, 982 86 6,951 25 30. 440 00 5, 180 50 22, 000 00 17, 002 75 "69," 693* 74 998 00 10, 070 00 54, 653 50 99, 936 29 795, 683 42 93, 484 55 7, 511 21 1, 256 45 2, 060 70 1, 507, 365 54 348, 006 17 31, 971 28 2, 862 68 2, 941 69 39, 855 22 59, 060 00 390, 737 74 811, 520 98 97, 773 36 125, 908 70 4, 715 50 86 00 33,401 28 191, 273 80 4, 743 98 32, 826 87 32, 135 00 1, 330 50 Deducted by company on account of loading. Dollars. 1,059,447 57 521 88 11, 079 64 43, 831 72 4, 234 69 13, 279 90 7, 246 60 4, 127 77 9, 932 35 18, 964 26 5, 511 82 799 53 1,831 63 549 88 11, 324 72 2, 934 08 2, 608 82 4, 669 86 9, 136 40 21, 991 50 18,899 00 9, 879 79 1, 700 26 43, 191 83 43, 609 24 7, 264 37 138, 699 00 51, 832 37 15, 652 36 3, 449 99 4, 002 15 31, 680 61 40, 757 55 181, 936 C6 115, 922 85 6, 347 05 12, 527 90 27,441 64 1, 700 12 1, 244 00 356 29 634 97 4, 689 20 15, 725 27 755 52 37, 884 98 4, 801 04 1.199 46 Uncollected and deferred premiums, less deduction on account of loading. Dollars. 4, 406, 278 61 9, 915 80 7, 751 42 44, 318 50 175, 326 91 31, 657 90 16, 938 81 39, 839 68 28, 986 42 16, 511 07 39, 729 29 75, 857 06 49, C06 43 3, 706 29 3, 926 80 6, 340 34 5, 494 88 2. 199 52 101, 922 46 11,736 33 10, 435 28 42, 028 77 36, 545 61 115, 455 37 170, 090 35 39, 519 18 6,801 05 2, 085 50 172, 767 34 65,413 88 29, 057 49 554, 796 00 207, 329 47 62, 609 48 13, 799 96 16, 008 60 126, 722 46 140, 874 88 727, 744 26 463, 691 40 18, 320 16 112, 751 14 109, 766 59 6, 800 50 4, 976 01 3, 445 71 1, 425 19 11, 123 73 18, 756 81 61, 085 65 89, 109 91 3, 022 07 151,539 91 19, 204 17 5, 882 65 7, 982 46 43, 372 32 183, 256 98 MiscoUaneoCB. Dollars. 166, 153 90 a 31, 955 81 ""3,'66o "66 1, 452 23 36, 943 18 """560" 00' 1, 223 28 c 6, 245 23 d 36, 567 80 2, 116 87 162 00 3, 820 04 148 73 12, 693 82 e 7, 334 15 1, 500 00 5, 000 00 15, 490 76 Total assets. Dollars. 442, 272, 471 19 601, 028 96 685, 399 13 1, 247, 054 12 25, 592, 363 69 8, 243, 732 42 1, 351, 906 36 48, 792, 334 48 2, 797, 323 28 1, 017, 736 99 10, 699, 215 33 4, 975, 848 02 4, 014, 428 25 459, 500 51 355, 483 10 459, 420 04 1, 009, 093 63 310, 673 65 170, 936 19 6, 901, 801 01 1, 057, 512 07 91, 763 40 3, 458, 400 55 2, 672, 785 11 6, 639, 727 39 15, 131, 240 65 2, 533,756 61 980, 397 44 515, 747 27 382,461 60 35, 268, 434 84 205,711 64 1, 746, 678 33 37, 228, 142 75 8, 552, 877 11 4, 840, 686 23 628, 748 09 5, 474, 899 70 10, 049, 156 52 2, 034, 042 78 88, 281, 058 75 38,881,029 81 149, 418 24 4, 983, 226 81 5, 605, 275 36 2, 074, 592 65 165, 801 81 259, 622 08 134, 639 41 1, 519, 284 57 3, 618, 861 52 2, 872, 944 13 7, 031, 318 84 185, 196 82 4, 773, 219 39 2, 268, 940 44 217, 053 75 446, 982 62 1, 623, 412 60 18, 002, 142 35 c Of "whicli $3,245 23 is cash in hand of agents secured. d Commuted commissions constitute $33,604 63 of this amount. e Of which $3,934 14 is commuted commissions. 1450 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. H Table CXV.— LIFE mSVRAlifCE— Exhibit of the financial cotidition of life American 4J per cent, re- serve, December 31, 1879. Reserve for reinaur- ances. Eeserve after deduction of preceding. Total Alahiima Gold Life Insuvarxce Company Mobile Life Insuranee Company Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company ^tna Life Insurance Company Cbarter Oak Life Insurance Company Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company . Continental Life Insurance Co. of Hartford.'. . Hart ford Life and Annuity Insurance Company Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company Travelers' Insurance Company National Life Ins. (Jo. of tlie U. S. of America. Cotton States Life Insurance Company Franklin Life Insurance Company. Equitable Life Insurance Company of Iowa . . SoTithern Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Ky. Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company Loixisiana Equitable Life Insurance Company Union Mutual Life Insurance Company Maryland Life Insurance Co. of Baltimore Mutual Life Insurance Company of Baltimore Berkshire Life Insurance Company John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co New England Mutual Life Insurance Company State Mutual Life Assiirance Company The Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company Covenant Slutual Life Ins. Co. of St. Louis . . German Mutual Life Insurance Co. of St. Louis Mutual Benefit Life insurance Company Prudential Insurance Company of America. .. Brooklyn Life Insurance Company Equitable Life Assuiance Society of the TI. S. Germania Life Insurance Company Home Life Insurance Comijany Homoeopathic Mutual Life InsuranceCompany Knickerbocker Life Insurance ('ompany Manhattan Life Insurance Company Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York New York Life Insurance Company Provident Savings Life Assurance Society. . U. S. Life Insurance Co. in the city of New York Washington Life Insurance Company Universal Life Insurance Company.'. Western New York Life Insurance Company. North Carolina State Life Insurance Couipaiiy Toledo Mutual Life InsuranceCompany , Union Central Life Insurance Company American Life Insurance Company Girard Life Ins., An., and Trust Co. of Phila. Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Phila..... Presbyterian Annuity and Life Iiisuiance Co. Provident Life and iVust Co. of Philadelphia. National Life Insurance Company Vermont Life Insurance Company Life Insurance Company of Virginia Piedmont and Arlington Life Insurance Co... Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co Dollars. 355, 517, 437 40 Dollars. 527, 411 01 303, G18 00 433, 820 00 856, 898 00 20, 068, 965 00 7, 029, 441 00 936, 400 00 40, 956, 953 00 2, 329, 654 00 605, 152 00 9, 245, 724 00 2, 893, 153 00 3, 074, 231 00 Si-yi, 469 74 314, 668 00 a 269, 518 30 819, 755 00 240, 202 00 h 144, 183 76 5, 969, 865 00 775, 750 37 67, 634 21 2, 898, 359 00 2, 254, 994 00 5, 409, 501 00 12, 023, 213 18 1, 935, 991 00 652, 094 00 478. 535 00 303, 623 00 28, 411, 784 00 92, 353 71 1, 391, 480 00 29, 296, 571 00 7, 254, 814 44 3, 470, 051 00 516, 088 00 4,751,537 00 7,821,248 00 1, 505, 309 00 76, 232, 224 00 30, 890, 340 00 38, 268 00 4, Oi l, 8.37 00 4, .562, 431 00 c 1, 210, 116 00 95, 765 00 d no, 500 13 22, 9U8 00 1, 179, 734 00 2, 699, 408 00 636, 888 00 5, 400, 563 00 124,407 00 3, 62.5, 527 00 1, 322, 232 78 a 109, 598 00 158, 057 26 h 1, 227, 563 52 13. 660. 468 00 6, 475 00 6, 000 00 14, 350 00 83, 083 00 5, 679 00 1, 445 00 4, 331 00 5, 273 00 21,479 00 56, 254 00 2,016 00 2, 330 00 627 01 852 00 25, 123 00 146 00 710 00 8, 428 00 208, 315 00 1. 641 00 71, 746 00 62 00 Dollars. 354, 990, 026 39 357, 143 00 427, 820 00 842, 548 00 19, 985, 882 00 7, 029, 441 00 930,721 00 40, 956, 953 00 2, 328, 209 00 600, 821 00 9, 240, 451 00 2,871,674 00 3, 017, 977 00 3.52, 46a, 74 314, 668 00 269, 518 30 817, 739 00 240, 202 00 144, 183 76 5, 967, 535 00 775, 750 37 67, 007 20 2, 898. 359 00 2, 2.54, 142 00 5, 384, 378 00 12, 023, 213 18 1, 935, 991 00 651, 948 00 478, 535 00 303, 623 00 28, 411, 784 00 92, 353 71 1, 390, 770 00 29, 296, 571 00 7, 2.54, 814 44 3, 470, 051 00 507, 660 00 4, 751, 537 00 7, 821, 248 00 1, 505, 309 00 76, 232, 224 00 30, 682, 025 00 36, 627 00 4, 014, 837 00 4, 562, 431 00 1, 209, 572 00 95, 263 00 90, .500 13 22. 908 00 1, 179, 734 00 2, 699, 408 00 636, 888 00 5, 328, 817 00 124, 345 00 3, 62.5, 527 00 1, 322, 232 78 109,598 00 158, 057 26 1,227,563 52 13, 660. 468 00 a Actuaries, 4 per cent. b With interest at 6 per cent. c Estimated. d Partly with interest at 0 per cent. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1451 insurance companies during the year ending December 31, 1879 — LIABILITIES. Premium obliuations in excess of net reserves. TJnpaid claims lor deatli losses due. Unpaid claims for matured endowments. Claims for death losses not due or in process of adjustment. Policy clainae resisted. Total policy claims. Dollars. 33 927 05 Dollars. 734, 211 42 Dollars. 339, 769 82 Dollars. 4, 501, 570 29 Dollars. 1, 200, 223 06 Dollars. 6, 809, 701 64 19, 241 80 3,000 00 10, 7GG 00 242, 050 00 61, 583 05 20, 450 00 482, 889 00 41, 121 00 6, 626 00 152, 577 00 158, 616 00 59! 308 65 16,3^8 00 14, 217 00 2, 000 00 10, 144 70 36, 100 00 7 500 00 5 000 00 27i 000 00 62, 299 59 55, 341 80 20, 500 00 22, 466 00 358, 507 74 267, 550 85 20, 450 00 717, 323 00 41, 121 00 10, 009 76 231, 576 08 188 406 00 79! 508 65 16, 338 00 14, 217 00 2, 000 00 10, 964 70 1, 589 75 10, 000 00 6, 700 00 15. 424 74 74. 033 00 143, 668 21 41,587 00 192 847 00 383 76 3, 000 00 38, 272 79 790 00 500 00 40, 226 29 29, 000 00 is! 000 00 2, 200 00 220 00 600 00 1, 589 75 875 00 4, 100 00 8, 050 00 122, 159 80 14, 183 02 3, 525 13 22, 850 00 37I 425 00 88, 871 00 96, 634 18 231,818 98 14, 183 02 5, 343 13 42 850 on 38, 106 76 137, 485 00 14.7 on 22, 000 00 11, 858 74 1, 055 62 1 818 00 20' 000 00 44 92 636 84 4, 245 00 96, 755 00 44, 369 00 51, 028 00 12, 000 00 6, 475 74 902 00 10 000 00 5, 383 00 153 62 617, 301 00 30, 000 00 647, 301 00 138 92 82, 484 00 313, 730 00 75, 531 56 7, 322 00 4. nnn no 84, 080 00 307, 876 00 50, 389 00 524, 681 00 364 433 95 3! 000 00 82, 622 92 376,331 00 116, 182 25 2C, 322 00 9, 840 77 266, 613 00 359, 739 89 84,611 00 720, 879 00 471 714. 3, 000 00 83, 695 00 85, 247 44 120, 120 41 13, 000 84 2, 000 00 58, 770 00 18, 055 55 3, 831 00 22, 595 14 12, 000 00 5 840 77 13l| 500 00 51, 500 00 10, 750 00 100, 984 00 74 500 on 1, 000 00 1 250 00 40, 033 00 363 89 0 750 on 23, 472 00 98, 214 00 32, 780 98 8.'{, 695 00 21, 313 44 50, 147 00 2, 461 90 19, 412 91 40, 306 01 20, 747 50 1 537 00 21, 166 09 5, 500 00 1 9/13 nn J., ijto UU K qeo OA 2, 000 00 6, 459 00 4, 000 00 10, 389 00 28 766 48 96, 493 00 10,800 00 7, 000 00 27, 648 00 39, 766 48 19, 000 00 122, 534 99 3,240 00 59, 953 24 32, 500 00 2, 000 00 2, 000 00 110, 250 00 217, 232 90 401 99 25, 640 00 3, 000 00 240 00 278 24 5, 125 00 3, 000 00 54, 550 00 17, 500 00 12, 000 00 2, 000 00 2, 000 00 110, 250 00 169, 132 90 48, 100 00 1452 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXV.— LIFE INSURANCE— jEa;7. II p.© B.S c % ^ « u a 3 "A 253 135 7 I. 4 14 1 1 1 20 60 2 19 I 33 i 6 i 4 ! 22 I t 10 1 I 11 S FLANS OF RIKKCTINQ. INSURANCE, AND THK NUMnEU OF CU&II' Allies UNDBIt KACII FLAK. 36 424 . 10 L 8 2 12 24 I iilll It i u -i I ex I - « « I* ma' % I III: 10 i COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1459 THE YEAR 1879 BY THE FIRE, FIRE-MARINE, AND MARINE INSURANCE AND THE UNITED STATES BRANCHES OF qOMPANIES OF CONDITION ON THE 31st OF DECEMBER, 1879. Class 3.— Those doing a general bnsiness on the mutnal plan. Class 4. — Those doiug a farm or local business on the mataal plan* fire, fire-marinej and viarine insurance companies, (See notes to Table OX VII on pages 1462 and' 1468.) PLANS OF RFFKCTINO IXMJKANCR, AND THE NUMBER OP COJU'ANIES UNDEU EACH PLAN — Continued. Si i! P.ao H |i ft® lis lis - «2 I? O OB llii 22 CAI'ITAL STOCK AND OUAHAMTBX WXSXD, DoUarg. 143,217,000 2, 100, 000 2, 250. 000 200,000 17, 300^000 250, 000 1, 350, 000 500, 000 a, 300, 000 1, 100, coo ftiO, 000 2, OQO, 000 10, OoX), 000 1,200,000 ' 45 728,000 ' 7,460,000 ; 500.000 ! 2, 000, 000 i 50(1, 000- i 950,000 II V 4 Dollars. 97, 5C0, 588 1.U2.115 2, 250. 000 20, 000 8, 301, 500 150, 000 800,500 2^*0, 000 1, 376, 500 510, 900 167, 500 1, 200, 000 5, 445, 6r>6 440, 000 2,710,555' 7, 329, 000 400. 000 400, 000 200, 000 m, 000 I o O St II ?l ll a Dollars. 2, 44!>, 051 54,600 148, 500 a 182, 745 200, 000 20, WijP 38,900 472, 500 ' 126,544' 18 500,000 7, ](;0, 000 36, ."^04. 000 O'x 000 5, 5lOj 000 17. 520, 000 2, 100, 0(.H) 3, 7C(», 000 1, 000, 000 250, 000 445, 8;]0 109, 100 45, 060 289, 431 645, 206 100. 000 44;^, 977 400, OUO 158, 490 60, 569 d 67, 178 i 26 i 27 e 300, 023 i 28 i 29 I 30 6, 475, 000 I 1, 858, 718 1, 300. CK)0 ' 2, 000, 000 460, 000 835, 730 12, 673. 310 209, 332 I 31 90, 000 32 d 43, 670 I 33 , 34 1,722,200,1 1, .530.200 ],42'i.200 I 1,380,200 50,000 t 50,000 242. 000 250, 000 100. 000 242, 000 ! 1 .1 2 I 3 ...... ...I 4 1 Ib'O COMPfOXDItJM OF THE TENTH CENSCS. 'J'AiiLK CXVIL — Clans} fication and capital utork offirr. CLABHIKI CATION 01' COMPAXCEB. Class 3. Total . . - . ] ("oiinccticut Delaware - Dist of Columbia . . ! Georgia j Illinois I 5 « G Indiana — Iowa S ! Kentucky 9 I Maine 10 I Maryland . Massacihnsetts. Minpesota Missouri New Jersey 'l!^ew YoBk North Carolina 1 Ohio Pennsylvania ! Khode IslaTid i South Carolina ! 235 12 4 21 12 1 IG Vermont . Virginia ... "Wisconsin Class 4. Total... - 1 ' Connecticut 2 ' Dela ware — Illinois . Indiana . Iowa Kentuclry Maine Maryland Massachusetts . Michigan 11 Minnesota 121 Missouri 13! Nebraska 14 f New Hampshire . 15 1 New Jersey 16 1 New York 17 I Ohio 18' Pennsylvania. 191 Rhode Island . 20! Vermont 21 1 Virginia 22 { West Virginia . 23 Wisconsin . — 978 7.2 il64 i 56 i78 H 5 S r28 t25 1 12 ^ i82 ! i67 il53 I ill t ill 1 2 ' tl56 ! o S 978 164 56 78 4 33 67 153 1 3 11 156 PIANS OF EFKfcCTINT, IXSITIJ.VA'CE. AND TUM NUMBEK OF OOMI-ANIKS UHDEB EACH FLAN. 1 H 175 I. 5 ci a 18 1 • 2i. 2 2 i 12 I 38 j 1 !• 27 ! 18 I I't. 542 106 42 15 i it; 1 I 12 I I 95 46 COMPENDIUM Ol' THE TENTH CENSUS. I4(jr fire-ma li lie, and iiuninc iueuraiUM: comjjatutH — Cui»( iniu-xl. I.AXS OF KFFECTIIs'G INSURASCK, AND THE NTMBER OF COSftASlES UKDKU EACH PLAN— COUtinyetl. CAPITAL STOCK AJXD C.UAKAXTF.K PI SU _2 5 i * r: %i _ o .2 o _ "^^ a 1 3 § ^ rt ^ 1 f C ^ a CO 5 V o s s III c £^ = 7 i W.luro a voluntary assessment i,s m^ade upon the face of the policy. 0 tes not canie«l as assets bv company. / In each of the states of 'I'ennessee and Vermont one company began business after December 31, 1879; fijrures ai-e not included in these tobies. g in each of the states of Minnesota, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, one company bPL'.an business after December 31, 1879; flirures are not included in those tables. In the state of Illinois two comi)auie8 be»an business after December 31, 1879: ftjrures ai^ not included in Uiese tables. A The Ii<>:ure8 for one comi>an.v of Greenfield, Masj-achusetts, were taken from the report of the Insurance department of MassachuBetts. owing to the fact of the company's refusal to make a report to the ('ensiis Ortice. t lu each of the 8tat4^ of Kentucky and Del i ware one company beffan business after December 31, 1679; fii(ure8 are not iiMiloded in theae tables. In each of tho states of lilinoia, Pennsylvania, Veimout, COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1463 fire-marine, and marine insurance companies — Continued. PLANS OF KFKKCTrNQ IN8UUANCE, AND THE NUSIIIKU OP co>U'ANU<:8 UNDEK KAOH FLAJs— coutiuued. 15 500, 000 250, 000 ! 7, 1 no. Olio 4,445.830 i 36, 394. 000 25, 160, 100 ' 630,000 45,000 5, 510, 000 17, 570, 000 2, 100, 000 4. 289, 481 10, 695, 2i)6 1, 100, 000 3, 700, 000 1, 000, 000 1, 443, 977 400, 000 31 I 32 "'2fln.'332" 33 90,000 34 d 43, 670 35 6, 47;"). 000 1, 300, 000 2, 250, 000 1, 858, 718 460, 000 935, 730 12, 673, 310 and Virginia one company was not included ; fignrps will be given in final report. In eacb of the states of Miuuesuta. Misflouri, and New York two coinpanies weie not iucliidt'd ; figinea will he given in final report. In each of the Btates of Indiana and Missouri three companit a began biiainegs after December 31, 1879; figures are not im^lude*! in these tables. In the state of Iowa three companies were not included; figures will be given in final report. In the state of Illinois four companies be au business after December 31, 1879; figurrs are not iiuiluded in these t^ibles. In each of the states of Indiana and Wisconsin fonr companies were not included; figures will be given in final report. In each of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin five comitanies began business after December 31, 1879; figurt-s are not included in these tables. In the state of Minnesota six companies besran business after December 81, 1879; figures are not included in these tables. In the st:ite of Pennsylvania seven companies began business after December 31. 1879; figures are not included in these tables. In the states of Iowa and New York eight companies began business after December 31, 1879; figures are not included in these tables. In the state of Ohio nine companies began business after December 31, 1879 ; figures are not included in these tables. k Includes 19 companies having no deposit capital or availalde assets iu thia country. They do principail^ a maiiiie busiuess throa^fU agencies and on the Facifio coast. 1464 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXVlll. — Assets of Jire, fire-marine, and Slates, etc. Class 1. Total Alabama California... Colorado Gonnecticut Delaware . . . CASH OB AVAILABLE ASSETS, S2 5S Dollars. 16, 523, 565 District of Columbia. Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa , Kentucky liooisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts . 87, 850 590,303 Michigan . . Minnesota . Mississippi Missouri . . . Nevada 1, 329, 679 12, 400 187, 326 91,110 84, 323 134, 410 82, 595 126, 612 1, 019, 967 75, 000 700, 486 677, 235 115, 755 115, 275 88, 060 45, 542 O )33 35, 830 m § . aw ft Oi O Dollars. 31, 636, 776 319J65 75r284 194, 925 3, 059, 817 8, 70O 301, 238 35, 139 740, 910 69, 059 1, 318, 982 528, 969 2, 025, 175 330, 027 3S1, 991 2, 655, 180 127, 781 154, 715 11,^95 325,335 CONTINGENT ASSETS. - 00 a sj ^ o 2 t>» S b ® 2 S a Dollars. 204, 141, 800 732 LEDGER ASSETS. 1, 481, 055 3, 782, 53T{ 208, 425 18, 374, 070 196-! 386 1, 601, 233 524. 580 3, 524, 216 671, 030 1, 691, 845 1, 488, 014 6, 784, 597 993. 759 4, 513, 922 13, 723, 843 125. 987 866,^343 857, 681 246,163 ']^'...^ 1; .726, 651 ] -^1 Dollars. 204, 450, 532 1,481,055 3,782,533 i 208, 425 I 18, 374, 070 379, 131 1,601,233 524, 580 3, 650, 203 671,030 1, 691, 845 1, 488, 014 6, 784, 597 993, 759 4, 513, 922 18, 723, 843 866, 343 857, 681 246, 163 1, 726, 651 119, 400 520, 180 3, 970, 550 1,500 1, 400,^683 4, 825, 942 834, 366 204, 475 303, 762 14, 000 212, 298 1,670,244 7, 712 284. 534 i, 122, 534 22, 684 531. 6G2 66, 300 953, ^05 5, 49^-, 702. 375,654 1, 240, 083 4, 390, 153 :!n4-, 714 727, 520 47/419 537, 824' i . 8,737„994 56, 154, 074 iic- 262,901 i . 6,795,419 j. 31,763,588 li 1,791, 703 j! 2, 056, 805 [1 470.413 (■ 537, 824 21 8, 737, 994 22 56, 154, 074 I 23 262, 901 I 24 6, 795, 419 I 25 31, 763, 588 1, 791,763 i 27 2, 056, 805 ' 28 470, 413 29 30 394, 321 73. 542 72, 600 101, 720 720, 089 72, 816 5, 055 110, 843 842, 895 157, 004 274, 966 571, 574 3,930.780 ,!. 644,474 li. 1,386,891 ||. 26,352,528 ;l. 1, 244, 499 1, 244, 324 175 29, 222 3, 260, 134 792, 564 27,900 "i,'322* 853, 167, 29, 162 3,045,519 54, 239 344, 238 448, 328 3,930,780 • 31 644, 474 ' iJ2 l,386,8SJl i 33 26, 352, 528 j 34 4, 052, 6P8 3, 389, 757 502, 565 13, 529 IGO, 376 160, 376 I 1466 COMPENDIUM UF THE TENTH CENSUS. TAiiLE CXVI'II. — Assets of fire, fire-marine, and marine States, etc* CA8I{ OK AVAILABLE ^SbETS. s fi II C.S !l a I. 1^ IS wi- ll ^1 'I li Class 3. Total Dollarg. 1, 842, 756 4, 712, 977 12, 453, 026 Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia. Georgja Illinois Indiana... L>wa Miiiuo Maryland . MasRaohnsetts , Miiiu< fiota Missouri New Jersey — ]S'eW York NoJ th Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania . Rhode Island .. South Carolina. VeTmont... Virjfinia ... Wisconsin . Class 4. Total Connect i(C;ut Delaware ... Illiuoia Indiana Iowa Kentucky Maiipe Maryland MassachusettB . Michigan 11 ! MiniuJS"ta 12 Mi.ssoiiri 13 : Kel)i-a.sl6 86.938 622. 1«2 3,000 22, 803 G4i, 105 1, 900, 601 12, 2^6 12, 740 34, 2:{8 1, 09i>, 519 1.378 123. 735 1, 005, 021 413,437 «. tiOO 84, 163 2, 025 Dollar «. 2, 138, 625 10, 581 46, 1 12 23. 000 10, 188 479, 884 56, 284 1,439,100 2, 727 10, 000 17, 327 22, 300 830 16, 803 fl •si Dollars. 7. 228. 961 117, 204 15. (»54 26, 2.M) 34, 701 151. 574 18. 783 68, 4*i3 34.7:6 13, 7i»5 182, 343 931. eei 108. 414 88, 285 193.289 3, 085, 419 221 527, 001 6»)2, 208 603, 877 6,452 204, 286 124, MO 99, 906 Dollarg. 38,875,813 8(58, 619 429, IW 2l'4, 677 873, 09,1 215, 146 94, 240 76, m:\ 66, 091 59, (i50 1,617, 317 6,172, 835 ISe, 0( 8 361,681 539, 811 16, 363, 296 4. 326 1, 738. 891 5, 855. 739 1, 527. 420 44. 049 268, 9U 6:^7. 164 7iJ3. 77C 856, 461 10, 512 70, :'92 20, 6.->4 14, 047 674 47, 28i< 9. 879 9, 127 110, 473 6, 064 2, 395 25 28. 484 12, 539 25. 718 2I,&45 328,.ii03 5,8;r7 , 9,086 . |l 3, 758 I 1. 051 1 104, 552 ! GONTIN-GKNT AfcSETS. i ce « S 5 £12 ill; 5 ? 3 o § 5 c i ® == S 5 S Dollars. 132, oy»,571 4, or^. 102 1, 533. 480 1, 428, 705 LEUGEK A8SKTS, 814, 350 232, 070 37^, 448 573, 411 ^G, 405 3^ 045, 826 10, 501, 615 W 000, 000 3. 2 -.4, M4 5, 73.\ r.48 I 1, 799, 665 j I 14,000 i 8, Oftl, ")t:6 44, 164,247 14, 729, 275 2,237,975 4. 2.')7, 489 9, 9 '.5, 371 234, 379 511, 941, 481 109, 539 1, 510, 640 27, 004, 11,7/1. 0:!0 17, 421,493 420, ?32 5] 4. 37.^ 2, 672, >f34 1. 148.738 119, 515, 619 2, 038 362 2, 034, 102 31. 023 483, 657 23, 210, 062 35,170, 866 24, 97ii, 224 188, CJt8, 355 61,266 3,j(),-350 4.501,023 4!1. 166 48, 2?>7, S35 1 o H Dollars. 170, 970, 384 4, <>24, 721 I, 902, COO 1. 16:;3. 472 873, 093 1, 029, 496 326, 310 455, 341 64(1, 102 145, 455 4, 6(53, 143 16, 674, 450 15. 13y, 008 '3,616,225 6, 276, 359 18, 162, 961 18, 326 9, 704 4.=17 5(», 01!». 9^6 16, 256, 095 2, 282, 024 4,526,410 ' 21 10, 5K2, 535 22 968, 155 I 23 512, 797, 942 120, 051 1,51", ()40 27, J W. 078 11, 791. 0>4 17, *!G, 140 421, 006 561. 065 2, 6X2,813 1, 5. =.7. 865 lie, 632, 092 2, 044. 426 2, 0.S6, 407 31,'0-18 512, 141 23, 222, 601 35:196, .-84 24. OOi-', 169 188, 927, 218 67, 103 3r)y, 436 4, 50 J. 781 50, 817 48, 302, 487 1468 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXVIIl. — Assets 0/ Jire, fire-marini; and marine States, oto. Total. 1 Alabama 2 I Califoraia 'A \ Colorado i 4 j Cbnnecticat 5 j Del^tfrai-e CASH oil AVAILABLE A8HET8. Dollars. 18, 477, 914 = .2 3 » c; tc q 755 115,-275 88, 060 73, 157 2, 620 1,452, 733 4, 047, 978 6,000 1, 047, 006 3. ^"50, 453 282, 180 3, 000 182. 087 23, 000 47, 952 303, 626' 112, 000 75, 296 1, 002, 487 1, 832, 534 I 157, 228 j 731,057 24, 514 1, 387, 472 71, 187 225, 278 372,068 1, 194, 297 195, 649 777, 825 3, ■^50, 758 532, 104 67,260 131. 360 1, 912, 597 74, 124 146, 693 80, 600 344, 101 22, 575 30, 160 496, 101 'If, 284 485. 472 , 468, 911 31,800 58, 149 53, 000 086, 040 43, 754 4, 136, 644 10, 754, 670 70, 910 1. 743, 369 11, 899,505 66, 400 3, 987 96, 482 155, 100 1, 422, 431 38, 394, 3*') 1,125 1, 611, 433 4, 200, 251 729, 395 136,6r»10, 466 5, 840, 2:i5 ■8y,7ro ■ 21,010 199, 041- 115, 538 83, 232 13,' 000 814,815 88, 242 684, OGO 422, 802 10, 700 743, 261 849, 524 lo-0, 170 291. 50 J 1,361,179 ID, 847, 074 357. tj.:i coMrKNnimr of the tkntm ci:nsi:s. 1469 wattrance companicn, Decemhti- ol, l;?7y— Continued. CASH oil AVAII.AIILH ASSETS— COntlUOed. it u II p1 DoUare. aa, 484, 707 DoUars. 11, 1158, 471 64, 5^1 146', 000 7, 354, 4:i3 127:853 ir.7, 899 82 J, on 114,19;; 89, 350 1,150 112.681 1, 244, 3in 103, 90.V 1, yr>4, oiH 8, 094, 57fi 8, r,oo 117, 908 :j8, 600 336, 144 i * +- *X. o B " 3 a DoU, 506 72, 240 118, a' s 04i);0!H iu;, 789 102, 562 , 126, 713 14, 608 203, 97:; 3, 93;; 39, 830 319, 765 751s 284 194. 925 3,177,111 23, 754 327, 488 69, 840 892, 184 1»7, 842 1, 387, 475 563, 725 2, 02.5, 175 343, 822 5tH,'334 4, 440, 028 127, 781 263, 12i) 11, 295 41:;, 620 CONTIXGBKT A8SETB. 1.EDGEII ASSETS. Si £ S « « 3 c a £ O O f5 Cl.a5 o g Dollara. 247; 134, ; 1,481, 0!'>5 ;. 3,782,5;;3 ,. 208,425 ;. 19, 25{V201 625, 5UG ' 1, 805, 910 l,:i97,673 . ;!,800,6:Vl 785,924 1,783,385 ■ 1 , 555, 379 , 6,784,507 j :. 1,100, W)5 ■; 6, 141, 11 ri ;i 22,951,324 : 982,816 i 1, 002,753 i 246,163 I!. 2,090,727 i] Dollars, a 645, 137, 348 Dollars. 892, 271, 556 4, 165, 641 3,226,8<>5 ; 1,428,795 '28,034,' 723" 12,003,100 1 17,799,941 I 993.743 606.7^4'' .5, 718, im 11, 994, 591 119, 515, 619 17, 038, 362 ""5,'288,'6i6' 31, 023 1,481,055 ; :;,782,533 I 208,425 I i;, 424, 842 ; 3.852,431 I 1-20, 498, 435 18, 041, 115 246, 163 7, 379, 373 31, 048 3, 234, 705 6 1,397,673 1 7 31. 844.:{77 i 8 12,789^024^ 9 19, 583, 326 , 10 2,^9,122-; 11 6,784,597 12 1,700,879 1 13 11,859,878 I 14 34. 945, 915 ! 15 y9,400 i rr54,418 5,070,069 2, 878 ■ 1,.524, j]8 5, 8.^, 738 1,247,803 j 9,600 204, 475 \ 303,762 !. '"'478,'484 73.542 i 101, 720 14, 0(K) 268, 582 3, 109, 344 10, 439 294, 5:}4 1, i:^9, 861 45, 044 '"'531*. "662' 720, 919 72, 816 23, 240 110, 843 66, 300 1, 147, 0!>4 8. 580, 121 175, 875 1. 767, 084 .5, 111, 523 858, 591 6. 452 727, 520 47,419 204, 286 967, 714 157, 004 388, 461 S, 571, 574 .566,308 ! 9.290,344 t; 72,543,088 •* 267*^27 '1 8, 5.50, 255 i! 38, 002,429 3,325,020 44,049 • 2, 056, 805 470,413 277, 997 4, 561, 702 646, 125 2, 385, 595 26, 352, 528 48;J,657 I 28, 94 5, 610 ; :MJ, 970,531 .' 14.000 ; 33,037,790 233,210,928 i 14,790,541 : 2, 237,975 i 4-,"607, 849 14, 4.56, 394 49. 166 48, 492, 314 1, 049, 965 38, 235, 954 109, 513, 619 281, 227 41, 588, 045 271, 213, 3.57 18, 115, 561 2, 282, 024 2, 056, 805 470, 413 4, 885, 846 19, 018, 096 695, 291 50, 877, 909 26,352,528 ' 36 a I'remium and deposit notes, class 1 $308, 732 2 :{44, 2:;8 3 66, 553, 615 4 11. 735, 318 78,941,903 Policy lii'hillt y, class 3 14, 409, 094 Hoiidri. oblijcatioiis. imdertalvin^s, and policies suhjecl to as.sessiiient, c]a.s.s 2. . . 448, 326 Iloutls, oMijjatioiif, nndertakiiiu;s, and policies subject to a.s.sessinent, class 3... 65, 540, 9.56 Bo]id,«i, obliyatious, undertakings, and. policies subject to assessment, class 4.. . 4S5, 797, 069 551. 786, ;^bl Total 635, 137, 348 1470 COMPENDIUM OF TllK TENTH CENSUS. Tablv. CXIX. — IJabiUties of Jlre, Jire-marine, and [See vnim to T«Me CXIX on pagua 1474 aud 1475.] St;it<:»i etc. Clabb I. Total 1 j Alabama.... 2 1 CuHfornia... 3 i Colorado 4 i CoBnecticut 5 Dela.ware ... District of Colnmbia. XJeqrpia , Illinois Indiana Iowa :i Kentuc'^ iKHiigiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts. Michijran. ., Minnesota Mibsfesippi Missouri... iTevada..... 21 Ne"w Hampshire . 22 NewJersej' 23 I New YoT'k 24 1 Iforth Carolina .. 25 ! OMo..-. CAHH LIAKILITIEH. COKTIMOKNT LlABILITUiS. (a) DoHa/rfi. 6, 813, 097 3, 425 79, 068 563, 620 3,368 150 8, op 128, 158 18, 691 19, 293 156,576 65,610 46, 767 629. 391 6,012 34, 927 64,979 26 29#. 30 ! I Eennsvlrania. llhode'j8l,iud . ! Tennessee Texa»s .r Vermont 15, 869 192. 363 1, 978, 637 19,603 153, 415 884, 553 76, 916 16, 424 5, 825 31 I Virjania 32 ; West Virginia , 33 i Wisoonsiu 34 I Insurance companies of foreign j countries in United States. 106, 210* 7, 919 57,416 1, 481, 796 Class 2. Total . 1.1 Maasachusetta. 2 j Pennsylvania.. 3 ! Tennessee 4 i "Wisconsin ...^ 147, 518 Dollars. 8, 932, 495 15, 746, 492 63, 146 10, 403 1.001 98, 279 24, 708 76 541 72,158 545 4,557 249, 128 24, 689 94, 518 67, 068 287 6,371 17,725 206,659 400, 088 4, 044 48, 981 5, 656, 269 16,179 9. 878 22, 786 999, 865 3, 0:^2 5. 575 785, 952 134, 849 6,062 6,477 150 'i,"i76' 66, 571 89, 471 1, 001 661, 899 28,076 226 8^51 200, 316 545 23, 248 68,-281 405, 704 90, 299 141,285 696, 459 6,299 40,298 72,704 1.5,869 399, 022 j 2, 378, 725 ; 23,647 202. 39g 6,540,822 I 92. 095 ! 26,302 I 28.611 1 1, 106, 081 10, 951 62, 991 2,267, 748 155, 321 141,326 5,212 ""8,"783" S.2 O M G ® Bollar$. 39, 582, 507 61, 793 771,731 7, 163 4, 178, 204 14, 969 59,667 eO'j 000 992, 609 40.449 696, 767 130. 594 644, 773 158,908 330, 136 2,835,433 96, 212 251, 008 n 821 281, 297 124, 822 1, 085,619 11, 417, 682 20,715 979, 749 4, 053, 828 168 106, 038 27. 526 344, 887 57, 142 253, 723 9,111, 075 584, 119 557, 653 1,795 24. 071 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1471 hifirivf insHrance companies December 31, 1879. {Seo notes to Table CKIX on page»^474 and 1475.] UABILITIKS A« TO POLltlY U0LUEK8. [ POLICY HOLDERS' ' 8URHLUB, ! ! BTOCKHOLDBHS' NET A8SBT8. 1 a a S 11 ¥' d 1 ^ « ..A 4) » V •sLx i 1 is 11 S3 ep $ « i c ^ * © 9. « 4* C H 0 55, 31'8, 999 Dollars. 149. 121, 533 DttUara. 101, 695, 096 47, 426, 437 Df>aars. 18«, 704, 040 128, 3G4 8« 1,202 8, 1C4 4, 840, 10« 43, 045 1. 352, 691 3,921,331 200, 261 18; 533. 967 336, 086 1,166,715 2, 250, 000 2(»0, 000 8, 450, 000 332, 745 185, ^76 671,331 261 5, 083, 5167 3. m 1.414, 484 3, 693, 062 2ft7, 42l 17, 712, 171 351,055 2 3 4 5 59, 892 1, ]i>2,v025 40. 9i>4 720, 015 1, 541. 34t 456. 029 2, 4 -.7, 278 630, im 971, 830 1, 000, 500 ■300, 000 1,415, 400 510, 900 630,000 540,841 ir>6, 029 1,041,878 119,136 341,830 1, 601, 008 516, 029 3, 449, 887 670, 485 1, 668, 697 6 7, 8 9 10 188, 875 1,050,477 249 207 47l! 431 3, 531, 892 1. 299. 139 5, 734, 120 744, 552 4. 0i2, 501 10, 191, 951 1,200. 000 5, 572, 200 440, 000 2, 710i 555 7, 329, 000 08,139 161,920 30-4, 552 1,331! 946 2, 862, 951 1, 429, 733 6, 378. 893 903. 460 4, 372! 637 13, 027, 384 n 12 13 14 15 102,511 291.306 T2, 821 354, 001 763,832 566, 375 233, 342 1, 372, 650 400, 000 400. 000 200, 000 860, 000' 363, 832 166, ;175 33. 342 512, 650 860.044 817. :m 246, 163 1, 653, 947 16 17 18 19 20 140, 691 1. 484, 641 13 79G 407 44-362 1, 182. 145 397, 133 7. 253, 353 42.357 (}{)7 2I8| 539 5,613,274 250, 000 4. 470.613 26 OSd 739 " ' 20;{! 550 4, 339, 4;}1 147, 133 2, 782, 740 14, 989 1,273, 843 521, 955 8, 33S. 972" 53 775 349 ' 239! 254 6, 593, 023 21 22 03 24 25 10, 634, G50 427, 263 132,340 56, 137 23,128,038 1,364,500 1, 924. 465 HO 11, 561. 26i 1, 100, 006 1, 748, 397 4UU| *Jvv 9, 567, 677 264, 500 176, 068 25, 222, 766 1, 69!>, •i68 2, 030, 503 441, oOii 26 27 28 29 30 1 A !\(\ OAS 68, 093 316,713 11, 378, 823 576, 381 1, 070, 178 14, 97?, 705 0 IRQ f(CA 550. 000 835, 730 1 12, 673, 310 OCX, lOZ 26. 381 234, 448 2, 300, 395 63X, 523 1, 323, 900 24, 084, 780 31 32 33 34 1 739,440 3, 313, 258 2, 084, 891 1,228,367 3, 897, 377 698, 979 7, 007 2, 6P0. 778 40.5, 558 1, 934, 891 5U, 000 755. 887 445, 588 S, 248, 431 497, 353 1 2 3 33,4;-4 1 126, 922 100, 000 26, 922 151,593 4 1472 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXIX. — Liabilities offir€,fire-niariiie, and Stales, etc. CASH LIABILITIBS. CONTINOENT I LIAblLlTlES. (a) C^ASS 3. Total Dollars.' T 3, 110, 029 Connecticut Delaware District of Colombia Georfjia Illinois 19, 310 3, 419 Indiana... Iowa Kentucky Maine Maiyland . 13, 114 4.460 1, 600 1, 336 i Dollars. 3, 374, 870* Dollars. C, 490,.899 1^ bCU- A ^ CO c< oo ® J< DoUarg. 8,130,501 8, r)27 12, 877 27, 837 16, 290 83, 401 750 87 96, 515 5, 210 1,687 1,336 11 i Itla8sachu9ett8- 12 Minnesota 13 Missouii 14 New Jersey ... 15 i New York North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania. . Rhode Island . . Souti Carolina. Vermont.. "Virginia Wisconsin 1, 450 36, 144 124,000 3,354 6, 315 51,088 502, 791 100, 381 206, 503 7, 152 16,515 2,973 14, 124 Class 4. Total Connecticut Delaware T.. Illinois Indiana Iowa 281, 362 400 Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan 11 Minnesota . 12 i Missouri... Nebraska New Hampshire . New Jersey New York — Ohio Pennsylvania , Rhode' Island . Vermont Virginia "West Virginia . "Wisconsin 1, 888 2, 806 1, 368 120 16, 055 2,950 1, 139 47,338 206 8, 731 27, 166 3, 376 442 150, 391 7, 000 2,916 "7,' 070 616, 864 63,084 6, 107 40, 879 141,-908 573, 481 c 298, 841 1, 218, 024 50, 201 39,645 218, 06S ' 1,450 653, 008 187,084 9,461 47,194 192,996 3, 076, 272 399, 222 ,424,527 57,353 39, 645 J 234,578 4,"863 14, 365 210, 100 491,462 52 i 2,382 I 14, 152 ! 2,334 42,691 18, 366 22,009 3,535 67,298 1, 488 450 887 2,721 400 52 4,27a 3, 273" 2, 148 120 46,.283 17,J02 3,473 90,029 206 27,097 49, 175 3,636 3,-«77 217, 689 1, 488 7,000 3, 366 887 9. 791 COilPKNDnnr OF TFfI-: TENTH CENSUS. 1473 marine insurance companies December 31, 1879 — Continued. LIABILITIES AS TO rOUCY HOLDERS. POLICY HOLDERS SURVLUB. fa DnUars. 14, 621, 400 302, 809 17, 908 18, 063 ■J()2, 8:i7 17, UU 1,687 1. 336 33, 916 11,168 737, 053 2, 623. 132 9, 461 26."), 905 .->o7, rm 5, 118, 577 2, 250 3,346, 771 1, 990, 837 735, 772 39, 645 234, 578 99, 237 272, 959 491,462 400 .52 4, 270 3, 273 2, 148 120 46, 283 17, 102 3, 473 90, 029 206 27, 097 49, 175 3, 636 3, 977 217, 689 1, 488 3, 366 887 9,791 Dollart:. 156, 348, 984 4, 621. 912 1, 944, 7.52 1, 61.5, 409 070, 2.56 1, 012, 485 324, 623 454, 005 606, 186 134, 287 3, 925, 190 14, 051,318 15, 129, 547 3, 350, 320 5, 717, 771 13, 044, 384 16, 076 8, 447, 686 48, 029, 149 15, 540, 923 2, 242, 379 4, 291, 832 10, 483, 298 695, 196 512, 306, 480 125, 651 1, 510, .588 27, 160, 408 11, 788, 411 17, 433, 992 420, 886 515, 382 2, 66.5, 711 1, 154, 392 119, 542, 063 2, 044, 426 2, 036, 291 31, 048 485, 044 23, 173, 426 35,192,918 24, 994, 192 188, 709, 529 6.5, 615 352, 436 4, 501, 415 49, 930 48, 352, 696 Dollars. 141,730, 516 BTOCKHOLDEBS' BURPLUB. NET ASSETS. 4, 056, 102 1, 533, 480 1,428. 795 814, 350 232, 070 378, 448 573, 411 86, 405 3, 045, 826 11,204,115 1.5, 000, 000 3, 2.54, .544 .5, 735, 548 10, 733, 110 14, 000 8. 061,. 5C6 44,164,247 14, 729, 275 2, 237, 975 4, 257, 499 9,9.55, 371 234, 379 511, 941, 481 109, 539 1, 510, 640 27, 094, 3S6 11, 771, 030 17, 421, 493 420, 832 514, .379 2, 672, 934 1, 148, 738 119, 515, 619 2, 038, 362 2, 034, 102 31, 023 483, 6.57 23, 210, 062 85, 170, 866 24, 076, 224 188, 598, 355 61, 266 350, 3'50 4, 501, 023 49,166 48, 257, 935 M O— < OOP- Dollars. cl 4, 636, 245 565, 810 411,272 186, 614 670. 2.56 198, 135 92, 553 75, 557 32, 775 47, 882 879, 364 2, 847. 203 129, 547 "95, 776 {d) 2,311,274 2, 076 386, 120 3, 864, 902 811, 648 4, 404 34, 333 527, 927 460, 817 c408, 910 (/) is) (h) 16, 112 66, 022 17, 381 12, 499 554 1, 003 .5, 654 26, 444 6, 064 2, 189 25 1, 387 22^082 17, 968 111, 174 4, 349 764 94, 761 Dollars. 164, 479, 485 4, 896, 884 1,946,364 1, 633, 472 776, 578 1, 024, 286 324, 623 454, 005 640, 102 144, 005 4, 010, 135 16,487, 366 1.5, 129, 547 3, 569, 031 6,082,363 I 14 1.5,086,689 I 15 18,326 I 16 9, 895, 235 17 48,595,459 1 18 16,199,342 ; 19 2,242,379 I 20 4, 291,832 10, 577, 672 953,790 512, 306, 480 125,651 1, 510, 588 27, 160, 408 11, 788, 411 17, 433, 992 420, 886 51.5, 382 2, 665, 711 1, 154, 392 119, 542, 063 2, 044, 426 2, 036, 291 31, 048 485, 044 23, 173, 426 35, 192, 948 24, 994, 192 188, 709, 529 65, 615 352, 436 4, 501,415 49, 930 48, 352, 696 93 C C 1474 Table CXIX. — Liahilitiea of fire, fire-marine, and States, etc. Total Alabama CalilDrnia. .. Colorado.... Connecticut Delaware . . - District of Columbia. Geori from date of policy, and pro rata of gross pKMniimi.s charged on iiro risks in force nmniug wore than one year from date of policy. Mutual fire companies, class 3, fifty per cent, of cash pi'emiiuns charged on ri.sks in force. Fifty per cent, of gro.ss jaemiums charged on inland navigation risks in force. One hundred per cent, of gross pvt-miums chai ged un uiarim^ ri.slis In force. 6 Class I, the amount of paid-up capital stock and outstanding scrip not oidered to be redeemed; class 2, the amount of guarantee fund iiaid up and outsfaudin;: scri]) not ordeicil to be redeemed; classes 3 and 4, the amount of outataudiug scrip not ordeied to bo redeeiued, and premiuuis and de- COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1475 marine insurance companies, Decemher 31, 1879 — Continued, UATUI-ITIES AB TO POLICY HOLDERS' stockholders' NET ASSETS. POUCV MOLDEKS. SUUl'LUS. bUKl'LUS. a © °^ o S',.^ o • >. « I cont ;8. HI asset ities. 4:''" o a> re .2 C « ;ll oi SB'S m "o ^1 W « H JJoiinrs. Dollara. Dollars. 71,181,301 821, 090, 255 Ibl, 451, 984 c e 63, 699, 959 8G9, 387, 382 128, 364 1, 352, 691 1, 166, 715 18.5. 976 1,414, 484 1 861 21)2 2, 921, 3:U 2, 250, 000 671, 331 3, 6!);j, 062 2 8, 164 200, 261 2i O. 01)0 261 207, 424 3 5,143,312 18, 281, 530 19 «1 <^ ('.41 5, 00.), HnS 22, 734, 706 4 61, 005 3, 791, 426 • 3,376,885 414, 613 3, 808, 007 5 77. 955 3, 156, 7.50 2, 429, 295 727, 455 3, 234, 480 6 271, 388 1, 126, 285 300, 000 KL'6. 28.5 1, 292, 607 7 1,214, 206 30.630, 171 29,324, 136 1, 306, 035 31, 6;>4, 581 8 45. 954 12, 743, 070 229, "70 12, 7H3, 519 9 723, 499 18, 859, 827 18, 429, 941 429, 886 19, 556, 594 10 222, 911 2, 326, 211 2,193, 743 132, 468 2, 490, 721 n 1, 050, 477 5, 734,120 5, 572, 200 161. 920 6, 378, 803 12 3('6, 658 1, 394, 221 1, 040. 784 353, 437 1, 562, 847 13 1, 226, 476 8 429 315 .11, 04H. 4«3 14 6, 857, 476 28, 088, 439 2li eiol 744 6, 471, 695 '33, 917, 573 15 192, 540 120, 305, 895 119, 915, 619 390, 276 120, 402, 107 16 300. 767 17, 740. 348 17, 438, 362 301.986 17, 991. 356 17 11'. 821 233, 342 200, 000 33, 342 246. 103 18 620, 112 6, 759, 261 610, 615 7, 2.'.9. 269 19 31, 048 31, 023 25 31, 048 20 21 167, 788 882, 177 733. 6.57 148. .520 1, 006. 999 22 2, 091, 404 36, 144, 550 83.416,223 2, 782, 740 37, 594. 761 23 18,918, 620 71, 94ii, ( 15 18, 6.54, 284 104, 054, 9S6 24 4t, tl2 234,615 217, 550 17, 065 257, 580 25 2, 532, F93 39, 055, 152 37, 377, 221 1. 677, 931 40, 982, 450 26 12, 8.-)0, 183 258, 3G3. 174 244, 373. h63 13, 9^9,311 263. 025, 107 27 1, 144. 523 16, 971, 038 15, 890. .541 1, 080, 497 17, 964, 625 28 3!). 645 2, 242, 379 4, 404 2. 242, 379 29 132, 340 1, 924. 465 1, 748, 397 176,068 2, 030, 5u3 30 56, 137 414, 276 400, 000 14, 276 441, 802 31 241, 578 4, 644, 268 4, 607, 849 36, 419 4, 044, 268 32 1,553. 571 17, 464, .",25 16,614. 444 850, 081 17, 903. 788 33 68, 980 626,311 599. 168 27, 145 683. 453 34 632, 917 50,244,992 49, 428, 044 816, 948 50,781,979 35 11,378, 823 14, 973, 705 il2, 673, 310 2, 300, 395 24, 084, 780 36 posit notes, bonds, niule.rt:il{jnjr8. polioir'S siiliject to assessment, and all other lilve obliaation.s given by the ji.ssnied, which couBtiiiitH the <;apital of the compauiea, and is the policy holUcr's sccuiiLy. c Total (leticifiiev in elasa 3, $17,777. d Deticieney, .$17,777. e Total .letieii ney in class 4, $43,911. / Deficiency, $-.2. g Deticieucv, $7,223. h Deticieney, $36,636. i The gross assets held by trustees or deposited with state departments, less the amount of liabilitios. 1476 COMI'I-XDllIM OF THF. TKXTII CKNSirs Taiu.k ('XX. — rncovif and cr/teudHurcH offire^Jirc-mariue, CABH IN'COMIS. Cash received for premiumft. States, i:tc. II .5 p H ? m is s * - "S eS o 1 E c ^ Sr- -; « fl 06 |2i 05 a c "x; 1 1 o u H 9; 05 eS 4* Class 1. ■ i 1 Dollars. Dollam. Total 157, 781, 748 ,10, 454, 321 ' Dollars. 68, 236, 069 go2 Alabama California Colortnlo Counrcticut . . Delaware 176, 825 1, 233, 288 14. 325 6, 169, 152 29, 233 87, 9.51 304, 529 171, 788 6 Districli of Columbia. 117, 526 7 108,392 8 Illinois 1, 323, 551 9 51, 532 10 129, 994 17, 016 6, 928 Kentucky ! 165,552 Louisiana. ' 2, 047, 285 Maine Maryland 027,609 Massachusetts 2,784,949 Micliigan . . Minnesota . Mississippi Missouri Nevada 111, 624 401,- 196 31, 244 494, 263 56, 697 827,218 21 fi, '.)05 31, ]'J:! 321, 005 21, 352 97, 730 249 28, 873 264, 1, 537, 14, 6, 340, 29, 117, 108, 1, 340, 61, 129, DoUcers. iDoUars. 9,640,033 788,022 776 817 325 940 233 526 J 392 I 507 jl 460 !| 83, 559 230, 773 -/, 4) Dollars. 791. 734 934,-425 4,625 !. I 80,318 L ;i4,914 !. 207,306 20, 000 Dollars. 79, 455, 858 12, 463 360, 798 902 1, 769, 492 34, 325 1,613 I 7,276,978 33,858 21 j New Hampshire 206,516 22 New Jersey ' T, 864, 728 27, 083 2.J ! NcwTork" il7, 077, 9G3 i 1,947,895 L'4 I North Carolina i 28, 686 25 ! Ohio... 1,239,650 265.953 26 ; Pennsylvania . . 27 i Khode Island . 28 , Tennessee 29 ; T.>xiis 30 1 Vermont . 5,542,104 . 428, .540 .! 183,252 . j 60, 390 :J1 Viitiinia 563,463 .32 I West Virginia 80, JM6 33 i Wisconsin 362,646 34 Ins. COS. of forei_<,'u 14,122,324 i countries in TJ. S. 2, 692, 427 192, 472 47, 804 1, 922 222, 249 2, 874, 503 216, 905 658, 732 4, 106, 554 132, 976 498, 926 31, 493 523, 136 21, 160 '25' 606" 72,238 , 25,000 311,197 i 13,538 28,761 i 219. 483 597, 006 23,069 ; 220,9].': 2,381 ; 145,687 26, 880 i 1, .595, 913 1, 210 1 101, 996 6, 750 1 211, 277 5 ' ^ 60,103 60, 999 7. 877 92, 757 206,516 i 1,892,411 !! 19,025,858 i! 28,686 li 1,505,603 i| 27, 408 439, 229 , ffl5. Oil 15, 376 342, 551 8, 234, .'531 I 1,512,898 621,012 i 80,409 231,0.56 84,895 62,312 1 1 16,715 19, 036 582, 499 5, 260 i Hi), 200 78, .577 I 441,223 1,985,328 ; 16, 107,652 i 200, 000 403, 849 203, 966 I 4, 494 20, r>4r 1<), 000 79, 388 3S», 981 886, 446 25. 000 ' 23.3,924 10, 528 ; 2.342,108 101, 725 i22, U2, 594 1, 976 ! 46. 0.38 24, 756 1, 872, 910 99.713 ilO, 2.50, 991 ; 701,421 1.5. 427 j 331, 378 4, .506 ! 8:j, 533 9,243 328, 730 208, 443 3,407, 68!. 245, 666 8, 439 886, 654 4,709,687 _ 6, 127 3, 869 196,948 5.59,925 39, 370 939 616,832 5,200 I 79(i, 1.59 ^ 6, 325 I 123, 072 ' 482 1 501,074; 208,768 117,227,866 |. I M Class 2. Total 1 Massaclmst'tts 2 J^ennaylviUiia 3 Tenneasoe 4 Wisconsin 221 852 10.-. 6^1 1 , ;.".» t 350, 454 350, 454 572, 306 ■)-l6, 135 1. 994 113,197 109.261 2.928 283 1.946 688, 431 655, j;79 3. COMPfiN])lliM or THE TENTH CEXbCS. 1477 ((«-■/ tii'tr'nie insnrauvv cant pan }<•'> (hnli'ij ihc ijMr 1S70. Cash paid for losses. KXPKXriTUIII'.S. li <» J» !■ C fl 5^. .5» DoUam. 33, 038, 400 56, 648 127 IW ;j, 607, 094 :iO, 477 25, 144 55, 934 625, 968 31), 492 ]:!!.♦. 733 a; <- Dollars. 7, 125, 967 II = 1 « CO '5 i 45, 787 189, 938 8, G42 2. 043 I 83,412 I 657,310 301,934 1,938,533 49, 403 287, 350 25, 448 334, 228 20, 499 473, 236 128, 447 10, 856 921, 153 8, 254 85, 945 1,773 16, 425 Dollars. 40, 764,^67 102,435 819, 065 164 3, 772, 182 30, 477 25,144 55,934 |i 634,610 ;, 32,535 ;i 139.733 103, 911 1, 130, 546 128, 447 312, 790 2, 859, 686 57, 657 373, 295 27, 221 350, #53 Dollars. 9, 341, 001 77, 270 328, 722 Dollars. 23, 241, 879 Dollars. 1, 275, 038 Dollars. 74. 022, 285 1, 327, 000 102, 080 . 19.860 I 200;643 I 39,588 47, 844 I 80, 718 502, 208 0, 330 .',031,477 ! 21.421 i 52,662 I. 43, 045 ' . 598, 208 ; 35,652 |. 222,729 1. 19, 560 80, 624 I 357 I 91,520 543, 792 78, 898 302, 516 531.907 37, 000 40. 000 72, 700 81, 822 515, 790 28, 644 231, 779 1, 322, 945 60. 295 143. 980 13, 258 198. 267 31, 973 2, 718 151. 425 285, 983 1, 736, 619 6, 500 7, 130, 659 52, 255 179, 886 118, 839 1,465, 434 107, 775 410, 300 21, 467 1,019 1,688 10, 230 279,977 11 2,341,559 12 23.5,989 13 Ke8.552 1 14 4, 714, 538 15 1.55,971 lie 557,275 117 42, 107 18 631, 850 ilO '20 128, 085 1,10.5, 744 9, 785. 827 17, 143 835, 301 901,432 23 ), 630 12.5, 140 45, 983 26, 346 1, 803, 336 100, 307 2,204,070 I 135,208 ! 0,837 ! 128, 085 1, 192, 090 11. 589, 103 17,143 995, 008 5, 105, 502 370, 844 134, 977 4.5, 983 20, 000 378, 600 2. 798, 537 340, 287 1, 582,318 59, 981 64, 500 05, 227 722, 494 128, 803 14, 314 540, 048 2, 517. 402 203, 112 103, 914 20, 382 45, 478 35, 653 18, 077 40,345 209, 541 4, 061 213,312 1 21 2, 338, 722 ! 22 22, 552, 150 I 23 49, 534 1 24 1,934,288 !25 9, 474, 703 1 26 «.37,998 1 27 303,391 '28 72,365 2il 30 401,212 47, 528 200, ((20 1 , 750, 944 ; 1,977 15, 486 45, 809 (05, 435 403, 189 63, 024 245, 895 9, 456, 379 143, 339 24, 993 81, 040 250, 400 28, 579 148, 301 4, 289, 061 11, 021 1, 700 510, 095 107, 200 275, 839 443,039 1 95, 000 179, 212 311 718, 222 123,490 275, 839 399,335 ' 92, 000 165, 385 300 057, 680 1 4i)9 4u9 948 1, 308 I 4;;, 295 3, 000 12, 879 59, 174 4 867, 949 i 31 118,290 32 475, 230 33 14,262,135 34 1478 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXX. — Income and expenditures of fire, fire-marine, and CASH INCOME. Cash received for premiums. Cl.ABB 3. Total Connectiont Delawate Dihtrict of Columbia. Geoififia lilinoia Dollars. 6;581, 724 Indiana... Iowa Kentucky Maine JSIaryland. Massachusetts. Minnesota Missouri New Jersey.... New York 16 North Carolina 17 Ohio 18 Peun.svlvania.. 19 Ehode Island . . 20 South Carolina Vermont. . , Virginia . .. Wisconsin . 145, 222 07, IM5 30, 07ti 212,045 121, 571 18, 906 55, U20 18, 899 17, 025 157, 620 1, 660, 008 31, 142 228, 380 247, 384 158, 234 2, 988 684, 302 1,160, 604 1, 009, 588 8, 081 223, 542 67, 798 249, 004 Dollars. 5, 232, 388 0, 1) p ai <= ?! Dollars. 11, 814, 112 1, 045 145, 222 07, 045 30, 070 212, G J5 121, 571 18, 906 55, 020 18, 899 18, 070 157,620 289, 961 I 1, 949, 969 31, U2 228, 989 89, 515 336, 899 4, 851, 258 5. 009, 49; 2, 968 684, 302 1, 166, ()04 1, 009, 588 8, 081 Class 4. I Total 1,178,27 Connecticut Dt^laware Illinois Indiana .... Iowa Kentucky Maine Mar\ land Ma.ssacliiisetts . Michigan 11 j Minnesota 12 ; Missouri , 33 I Nebiaska. , 14 i New Haiiipshire . 15 I New Jersey , New York Ohio Pi-nnsNlvauia lihode Island Vermont .... 1, 902 860 42, 594 10, 309 48, 323 142 22, 072 14, 126 22, 315 221, ISO 4, 349 7, 477 1 21 I Virjiinia 22 i Wet-t Virginia. 23 j Wisconsin 32, 622 100, 695 45. 071 31, 789 463, 787 651 5. 525 11, 147 1, 256 84, 084 223, 542 67, 798 249, 004 1, 178, 276 1, 902 860 42, .594 16, 309 48, 323 142 22, 072 14, 126 22,315 221, 180 i 4, 349 7.477 Dollars. 1, 860, 362 46, 414 17,613 8. 1-25 56, 844 1, 020 2, 873 1, 032 2, 936 3, 068 85, 696 332, 659 2, 867 18, 748 18, .^77 780, 375 79, 273 269, 152 66, 547 2, 604 1,036 33, 357 35. 546 32, 622 100, 095 31.7^9 . 403, 787 I 651 |i 5,. 025 11, 147 1, 256 84, 084 Dollars •h '5 CX p i| * 2 A o Z « = a tl a § a Dollars. 327, 672 5, 061 410 212 521 49 1, 740 1,406 53 4, 573 100, 709 "'"3,' 214 7, 832 23,340 1, 412 27, 535 121,371 130 2, 228 25,620 220 256,268 440 14. 905 3, 761 6,534 62 67, 423 9, 921 2,444 48, 159 810 729 24 6, 293 9,921 4, 683 8, 401 56,548 221 386 62 13, 585 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. marine insurance conqmnies during ihe year 1879— Continued. 147!) 10,290 520 68, 361 1480 COMPENDHJM OF 'IHK TKNTJI CJCNSIIS. Table CXX. — Incoim and expenditures of fire, fire-marine, and CASH IN'COMB. Stale.s, etc. Cash received for ])remium8. w a 2.3 a; tu *i C es o 9 S 5 S. n J, 2 Total 65, 703, 600 Alabama California. Coloia o ;-i ?: ce & a Dollars. 14, 283, 118 77, 270 328, 722 1, 327, 80C 9, 297 102, 080 143, 633 200. 043 39, 588 48, 562 91, 526 543, 792 78, 898 314, 923 1, 922, 794 72, 700 37, 000 1 40. 000 I Dollars. 26,321,943 | 86,718 \ 502. 208 6,336 2, 095, 820 37, 677 66, 216 95, 058 r>46, 288 47, 866 257, 199 02, 532 515, 796 49, 760 276, 773 1, 860, 239 143, 191 357, 894 Ti. 258 322, 981 .29 Dollars. 1, 655, 188 ]9, 560 86, 624 14, 362 11, 250 5, 190 "'31,'973 481 190 3, 076 151, 425 42, 404 49, 716 15, 689 1,019 1, 500 1, 688 12,545 Dollars. 90, 699, 234 285, 983 1, 736, 619 6, 500 7, 297, 791 114, 740 208, 719 338, 778 1, 586, 367 . 144, 502 529, 447 298, 435 2, 341, 559 353, 050 1, 072, 699 7, 775, 674 41.5, 911 588, 501 42, 167 868, 825 29 115, 285 4, 662, 634 45. 983 200, 294 507, 704 48, 048 4V9, 782 , 750, 944 100, 307 204. 070 135, 208 9, 837 1,977 15, 496 45, 869 r05, 435 147, 327 1, 539, 696 14, 594. 548 17, 649 I 1, 439, 246 ! 6, 333, 040 i 517,862 i 8, 571 ! 134, 977 I 4.5, 983 I 200, 294 I 509,681 I 63, 544 525, 651 9, 456, 379 20. 000 382, 069 479, 366 357, 7.58 1, 586, 249 761, 570 143,339 24, 993 84,010 70, 524 817,692 8, 935, 869 15, 670 802. 538 8, 031, 324 319. 297 3, 151 103, 914 26, 382 .52, 908 269, 623 29, 050 280, 501 4. 289, G61 10, 236 5S, 373 37, 4f!!7 18, 077 69, 756 463, 861 6. rm 1,288 1,5.52 11,021 1, 700 10,500 516, 093 248, 087 2, 797, 830 29, 047, 270 i 24 51, 396 j 25 2,609,298 26 11, 414, 480 I 27 1, 605, 279 : 28 13, 010 i 29 303,391 130 72, 305 i 31 254,754 i32 ■ 933, 664 1 33 119,287 ]-l4 9(10, 692 I 35 14, 262, 135 i 36 1482 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXI. — Sarplmes and deficiencies of fire, fire-marinej State, etc. Class 1. Total .... SUKl'I.US OU DKKICIKN'CY A« TO FOLIC Y UOLIJEUS. Companies having an excebfl of Icdper HHftfts ovor casb iiiul contiii- geut liabilities. Companifis hav- ing a deficit as helweta k*(lj;er ii«8<)t« and j casli and oonliu- ;eut liabilities. 1 ! Alahatna 2 California. .- 3 Colorado 4i Connecticut 5 1 Delaware... 6 1 Dist. of Columbia . 7 Georgia 8 Illinois 9 Indiana 10 Iowa Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts . Michigan . . Minnesota . Mississippi Missouri Kevada New Hampshire.. New Jersey , New Yorli , 241 North Carolina.., 25 Ohio , Pennsylvania . Rhode Island. Tennessee Texas Vermont o o = 1- a c ."i * a i es BoUars. 387 149,121,533 10 I 1, SoL'. 691 8 1 2, 921, 3;! 1 2 ! 2U0, 2i;i 12 13. b:,:\; !;(i7 2 Klitj, 086 32 Dollars. 479, 951 1,541,341 456, 029 2, 457, 278 &M), o;i6 971, 830 10 1,299,139 15 5, 734, 120 4 744,552 33 4,042,501 27 I 10, 191, 951 2 ! 763,832 1 ! 500, 375 1 I 233,342 5 i 1, 372, OoO 397,133 7, 253, 353 42, 357, 007 t 218, 5, 613, 274 (..-. BUUPLU8 OR DEFICIENCY IN PAID-UP CAViTAL. Companies having an ex(;ess of ledii'ei" asHtttrt over casli, conti«^;ent, and capitiil liabili- ties. o z -s. Companies hav- ing a deficit as between ledgorassetsand cash, contin- gent, and capital liabilities. Dollars. | Dollars. 50,383,965 60 1,158,487 206, 866 671, 331 2til 5, 083, 967 3, 341 540, 841 1.50, 029 1,041,878 120, 500 854.762 208, 579 498, 137 304, 552 1, 331, 946 2, 878, 033 363, 832 106. 375 33, 342 527, 512 Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Ins. COS. of foreign countries in U. S. (a) Class 2. Total..., 1 Ma.ssachu setts. 2 Pennsylvania . 3 Tennessee , 4 "Wisconsin , 21, 128, 938 I 1,36 J, 500 I 1, 924, 405 ! 414,270 I 2, 479, 812 570, 3>-l 3 1,070.178 22 14, 973, 705 3, 245, 503 1 147, 183 22 2, 807, 523 83 I 17,225,714 1 44, 208 28 1. 313, 275 40 10, 497, 766 5 ; 204, 500 , 10 I 177,336 1 10, 818 ! 1 ! 37, 147 1 I 29,219 4 j 39,432 479, 951 2, 623, 083 495, 558 330, 791 43, i.35 234, 448 2, 783, 114 1, 480, 919 5 I 1,014, 439 1 445,558 120,922 i. 1 I 33 j 482,719 i a Sec note on page 1486. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. and marine irisvravce comjianieSf December 31, 1879. 1483 SURl'LUS OR DEiaClENCY IX OUTSTANDING KCKU' NOT OllDEUKD TO BE UEUKEiMBli. SUai'I.US OU KEFrciEN-CV AS HKTWKEN CASH ASSETS AMJ CASH UAWLlTlEl}. (Mutual companies.) to V OS g 53 > si or >— eu cash assets and cash liabilities. 'o 95 o o = F fi^ S «; n 0 9 12 4 13 24 o 1 1 4 206, 860 071, 331 261 5, 083, 967 3,341 510,841 156, u29 1,041, ^78 120, 590 354, 762 208, 579 498. l;^7 304, 552 1, 331. 946 2, 878, 033 363, 832 2 20, 890 1 9,436 , i 1 1 2 I 1,454 , 12,932 109, 440 336, 217 ! ........ '...\ 3 15, 082 r 166, 375 33, 342 527, 542 1 14, 892 1 1 21 ;| 46 5 11 1 22 1 28 46 10 1 ; i 1 6 2, 782, 740 16, 358, (.175 44, 208 1, 313, 273 9,581,711 204, 500 177, 336 16, 818 i 1 4 1 37,147 29,219 3;), 432 1 1 I 1, 2rs 2. 54 ■> 12 10 3 336, 791 4:!, 135 234, 448 2. 7f«3. 114 2 2 33" 16, 754 '"'"482,719 :")-! 21 ■ 3 6 1, 174, 228 2 13,556 3 4 1 701, 748 445, 558 2 , 13, ,556 1 1 1 922 1484 COMPl':XJ)lUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tauli: CXXl. — iSurjjlmes and defieiendes of fire, Jire-marine, and StatCH, fclc. SURPLUS OR DKFICIENCV AK TO I'OLICY JIOLDKKIS. Companies having; an excess of ledger assets over cash and contin- gent liabilities. Class 3. Total 1 Connecticut Delaware ;{ I Diftt. of Columbia . 4 I Georgia 5 I Illinois £3 4* o g « 6 [ Indiana — 7. Iowa 8*1 Kentucky !t I Maine 10 j Maryland . Dollars. 229 153.149,539 1 10,718,593 6 ! 1, 012, 4S5 2 I 4 3 13 Hi Massachusetts. 12 ! Minnesota, 13 I Missouri 14 I Xew Jersey 15 New York" Xorth Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania. . Khode' Island . , South Carolina. 23 Vermont.., Virginia . . . Wisconsin Class 4. Total ..... Connecticut Delaware Dlinois Indiana Iowa .^24, 623 454, 005 (i06, 186 134, 287 3, 925, 190 14, 051, 318 15, 129, 547 3, 350, 320 5, 717, 771 15, 044, 3^;4 ! 16, 076 : 1, 346. 771 ! 48, 029, 149 ' 15,540,923 j 4, 404 3 I 4,291,832 2 i 574,406 3 j 695,196 6 Kentucky 7 Maine 8 ' Maryland 9' Massachusetts. 10 ; Michigan 518, 306, 5 j 125, 651 1 1, .'ilO, 588 159 I 27, 160, 408 49 i 17, 788, 411 67 ] 17,433,992 Companies hav- ing a deficit as between ledger assets and c^sh and contin- gent liabilities. Minnesota Missouii Nebraska New Hampshire . New Jersey 16 I New York 171 Ohio 38 1 Pennsylvania. 19 I Rhodo" lsland . 20 ' Vermont 21 Virginia , j2 West Virginia . .'o Wisconsin 3 I 420,886 33 i 515,382 5 I 2,665,711 8 I 1,154,392 50 1119,542,063 20 t 2,044,426 20 I 2,036, 291 1 I 3i;"048 27 i 485,044 12 I 23, 173, 426 72 ! 35, 192, 948 58 I 24, 994|K)2 145 1188, 70H, 529 1 65, 615 2 J 352,436 10 I 4, 501, 415 2 1 49, 930 147 ; 48, 352, 696 I Dollars. SUIU'LUS OU KEl'ICIKXCr LN rAID-l.l' CAl'JTAL. Companies having an excess of lf>dgei' assets over cash, contingent, and capital Iia])ili- ties. Companies hav I ing a deficit ! as between ledger assetsaud I casb, c. SURPLUS OH DEFK'IEXCV AS BETWEEN CASH ASKE'l'S AND CASH LIABILITIES. (Mutual couipanit'S.) i li" Br ^ i il j s M imiiauifs uot bav- lip liability. Companitr's haviug an excess of ledger assets over cash, coiitiu'rcnt. capital, aud scrip lia- bilities. GoHipauies having j a deficit as between ledger as- j sets and cash, j contingent, capital, j and scrip liabili- ties, j ...... u tc J.2 a §a ^ »^ § X S O 1> eS Number of companies. Amount of ! deficit in assets. 1 G 223 179 Dollars. 15,279, 326 50 Dollars. 660, 857 12 12 565, 810 411, 272 186, 614 670, 256 198, 135 92, 553 4 1 1 (i 6 1 1 1 • 75, 557 ....... 4 3 3 3 44, 731 47, 882 897, 261 1 11, 956 13 10 3 17, 897 2,764 1 3D 1 38 1 2, 849, 967 129, 547 211,120 2 14 6 8 115, 344 164, 718 21 l.'{ 146,941 8 5 7 1 10 1 2, 375, 598 2, 076 2 64, 324 21» 9 598, 704 3, 924, 812 811, 648 4, 404 45, 694 20 212,^584 ! 38 33 5 59,910 j IG 16 1 1 3 o 1 1 11,360 2 527, 927 'i 3 4G0, 817 897 781 549, 959 116 184, 960 . 4 16, 313 1 201 .1 1 52 159 153 66, 802 6 780 49 48 18, 381 13, 651 554 1 1,000 1 67 02 5 1,152 1 3 33 27 29, 974 413 6 28, 971 1 5 2 3 7, 636 884 8 4 6, 538 50 35 42, 519 6, 064 2, 3(51 25 16, 075 20 20 20 18 2 172 1 24 8, 518 2, 542 23, 790 IS, 725 186, 842 4, 349 2, 086 1,308 764 3 7, 131 39, 178 1,708 12 4 8 2 72 70 58 53 757 103 42 75, 668 1 I 10 91C ; i I :::::::: 147 134 97, 440 13 i 2, 079 Companies having an excess of cash assets over cash lia- bilities. 5 a ^3 180 Dollar.^. 24,873,293 3 I -I 38 i 6 ! ll 9 I 33 I 565, 810 411,272 186, 614 670, 256 198, 135 92, 553 75, 557 44, 731 47, 882 897, 261 3, 552, 467 129,547 211, 120 146, 941 11, 267, 065 2, 076 598, 704 3, 924, 812 811,648 4, 404 45, 694 527, 927 460, 817 781 153 48 62 3 27 2 7 35 20 18 1 24 4 70 53 103 1 8 134 549, 959 16, 313 66, 802 18, 381 13, 651 554 29.974 413 6, 538 42, 519 C, 064 2, 361 25 8, 518 2, 542 23, 790 18, 725 186, 842 4, 349 2, 086 1. 3i 8 IGi 97,440 Coiripauies hav- ing a (ie(icit as lietweon cash assets and cash liabilitie.s. 49 1 11, 956 3 17, 897 2 2, 764 8 115, 344, 8 164, 718 1 22, 346 20 116 2 172 3 8 7, 131 39, 178 I 42 1,708 757 75, 668 2 916 13 2, 679 1486 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXI. — Sur^lusea and deficiencies of Jii'e, fire-marimf and States, etc. SUMMARY. Total 1 Alabama 2 California... ',i 1 Coloraiio 4 Couuecticut 5 Delaware... Dist'. of Columbia. Georgia. Illinois Indiana Iowa , 11) Kentucky 12 Louisiana 13 Maine 14 I Maryland 15 Massacbusetta. 16 j Michiffp.n 17 Minnesota ih Mi8sissii)pi 19 Missouri... 20 Nebraska.. Nevada' , 22 ' Ntnv Hampsbire 23 Ntiw Jersey 24 i New York 25 i N ortb Caiolina . SLRI'LUS on DEKICIKXCY AS TO POLICY JIOLDKUS. Companies baving an oxci-sH of ledirer assets over cash and C07itin- gent liabilities. Companies bav- iufj a deticit as between ledger asHets and casb and eoutin- g^ixt liabilities. o as s = 0 £ a cs <5 Dollars. 1,522 823,823,115 1,352, C91 2, 92-1, 331 200, 201 18,281,530 3,791,426 10 3, 156. 750 2 17, 174,«i22 173 i 30, ()3r-. 171 55 I 18, 743,070 74 ! 18, 859, 827 2, 32G, 211 5,734,120 1,394. 221 10, 633, 402 2.S. 020, 744 J' 3 32 479, 951 52 120, 305, 895 22 1 7, 740, 348 1 39 6,759,201 1 31, 048 28 882, 177 55 36. 144, n50 SUUi'LUS OR LEFICIKNCT LN PAID-UP CAPITAL. Companies having an excess of ledger assets over cash, contingent, and capital liabili- ties. Companies bav- in"? a deficit as betwt en ledger assets and casb, contin- gent, and capi- tal liabilities. 1'^ 1^3 1, 327 9. s S £ < Dollars. 77, 294, 136 10 2 167 53 67 206. 806 671, 331 261 , 660, 090 414,613 727, 455 826, 285 1,300,815 231, 524 443, 970 253, 864 498, 137 382, 408 2, 229, G20 7, 451,477 406, 351 3(11,986 33, 342 741, 023 25 168 3 90, 594. 999 2^4, G15 26 Ohio 27 ! Pennsvlvania.. 28! Khode Island .. 29 ; S;>utb Carolina 30 , Tenue.'ssee 31 ! Texas 32 ' VeunoTifc 33: Yii g nia 34 : West V:r;;inia 35 Wiscon.-iu 36 I Ins. COS. of foreign ; t countries in U S. (a) I 119 31. 951.237 231 258, 303, 174 16,971, 0 S "l 4 4(4 11 1, 924, 4C5 2 414, 276 5 4, C44-.2fi8 24 7, 555. 6:;3 7 62Q.311 154 22 \ 14, 973, 705 j 32 i 479, 951 25 I 1.55,651 39 I 2, 957, 1 06 164 ' 28,510,569 2 , 46,284 90 I 1,9:W. 704 183 i 15, 0.54, 978 22 I J,U80.497" 1 4, 404 10 177, 336 O as II 141 21 2, 78.3,114 a The deficiency in foreign companies is can.«se having no afi.sets in the United Stites and doing Uusiucss through agencies and the ageucies'of other companies rex)orling direct to the bom© office. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. marine insurance companies, Dccemher 31, 1879 — Continued. 1487 BUIU'LUS Oil PKKICIENCY IX OUTSTAXDING 8CRIF NOT OKDEUEU TO BE KEDEKMEl). a 17 1.537 173 55 74 119 90 L'3l) 183 i.'2 22 1 1 11 10 2 1 5 4 24 20 7 5 154 141 CompHniea having an ex(M\ss of ledjier asseta over cash, coutinpi nt, capital, ami scrip liabilities. 1,328 c » ® V 5 BollarM. 05, 579, 001 10 2 1G7 5.5 (37 15 ! 12 ! 25 i 74 200, 806 671, 3;si 2lU 5, 600, 090 414, 613 727, 455 8^:0, 2?<5 1, 300, 815 2CU, 524 443, 070 253, 804 4n8. 137 382, 408 2, 22U, 620 6. 436, 286 406, 351 301. 986 33, ;i42 741,023 25 Companies liaving a, (If licit as between led^rer as- sets and cash, coiitiQireiit, caiiital, and scrii) liabili- ties. S3 n 25 1 155,651 39 2, !132, 223 103 18, 757, 4'>3 40, 284 1, 930, 704 I 14, 138, 92.? I 1,080,4 97 4,404 '. 177, 330 I 10, 818 47, 780 86i.i, 026 4:!, 8! ^9 819, 627 2, 783, 114 228 Dollars. 2, 017, 800 20, 890 201 9, 488 780 2, 4.54 14, 084 121, 396 330,217 2.-. 971 25, 533 32, 286 16, 075 SUUin.US OR DEFICIR.VCY AB BETWEEN CAKil AfsRETS AXD CASH LlAmLITIEB. (Mutual companies.) Companies having an excess of cash assets over cash lia- bilities. I'- = a 961 130, 408 7,131 203. 8.9(1 1()3, 179 29,219 2.52, 773 149, 012 1 159 49 04 C.S « Dollars. 25, 423, 252 582, 123 411, 272 186, 614 670, L'56 204, 937 110, 934 89. 208 45, 285 77. 856 897, 674 3, 559, 005 42, 519 135, 611 Companie.s hav- ing a deficit as between cash assets and cash liabilities. § a 33 1, 268 2, 542 n,3fj0 1.5. 945 16, 7.54 2, 679 li 482,719 1|. 62 180 I 17 I 1 213, 481 25 8, .51 8 ; 149,483 ! ll,29u, 8.->5 ; 2,076 . 617, 429 4, 111. 054 815, 997 4. J 04 137 47. 7S0 529, 235 704 I 558,257 I 105 15 i 16, 075 10 ; 11.5, 516 16 1 I 11,300 i 32 2 ■ 916 ' 33 34 13 2, 679 .35 1488 C0M^^:^r)r^^^ of the tenth census. Table CXXII. — BisJcs written and risks in force of RISKS WRITTEN DUKING THE YEAR 1879. -r St Class 1. Total Alabama ... California.. . Colorado Connecticut Delaware . . - Dis( vici of Columbia. (}eor!iiii lUiuois . Indiana . Iowa ... Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts . Michigan . . Minuedota . MissiSvsippi Missouri... Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey New York' North Carolina . . Ohio 20 I Pennsylvania. 27 I llhode Island . Tennessee Texas Vermont... Dollars. 64, 467, 415 ]8, 297, 965 U, 669,582 170, :596, 559 4, 925, 663 22, 315, 825 16, 622, 707 173, 166, 375 253, 021 1, 429, 544 14, 325 6, 648, 431 31,285 113, 394 131, 452 1,429, 227 53, 506 391, 588 180, 403 2, 105, 721 112, 431, 208 319, 462, 287 12.148, 432 34. 230, 234 3, 149, 339 45, 996, 286 583, 713 3, 235. 945 122, SaS 4.57, 489 31, 493 588, 586 Virginia West Virginia ■Wisconsin Insurance companies of foreign countries in ITnited States. 17, 141, 815 234, 082, 778 2, 660, 2.54, 367 1,789,416 118, 498, 696 575, 968, 707 53, 233, 463 16,194, 623 3, 9.58, 786 171, 492 2, 079, 445 18, 881,872 28, 686 1,352,418 845, 976 476, 450 207, 400 62, 259 Per cent. 0.8714 53, 064, 531 7, 261, 393 38, 900, 684 1, 904, 792, 909 Class 2. Total 647, 150 74, 364 384, 804 16, 453, 613 35, 744, 660 Massachusetts . Pennsyh-ania.. 3 1 Tenriessee 4 "Wisconsin 240, 843 23, 555, 536 260, 444 "i,'928.'680 ! 210, 667 j 1,994 I Dollars. . 1,371,992,665 ! 1. 0137 1. 4072 4. 5647 1. 0415 1. 2461 0.6197 . 1.1264 1. 0. 8388 ! 1.0863 1. 7547 L0853 1. 2160 0.5192 i 1.0129 i ! 1.0070 ■ 1.3365 i 0. 9999 L 1. 2796 ; 1.0004 I. 0.8861 ! 0.7098 ' 1.6143 |. 1.1413 ! 0. 9355 16, 958, 195 35, 407, 938 8, 989, 060 179, 384 4, 815,998 167, 176, 327 7, 574, 789 5, 000, 000 112,126, 94 1 3. 74,8, 883 19, 511,827 "'5,056,' 826' 3, 527, 096 331,879, 787 18. 323, 797 1.0150 I 328,935,612 0.8950 -40,'063,396 j 1.2807 ! 5,199,645 1.57*27 I 2:J0,228 1.2199 ' I, 973,989 1.0241 172.207 0.9P92 13,767.679 0.8638 • 238,373,058 21, I8],r,90 0. 8943 i 21, 181, 5^)0 0.76.58 2S, 182 1. 4012 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. fire, fire-marine, and marine insurance comxmnies. 1489 RISKS WRITTEN DUKTNG THE YEAR 1879 — continued. o a CS M C3 n !C Dollars. 13, 339, 078 413, 937 197. 7C4 20, 435 5. 538 76, 810 960, 962 258, 584 42, 281 1, 916, 799 25, 319 107, 392 33, 490 rt 3 o > !i O Per cent. O t, a " Dollars. 10, 115, 140, 522 24, 959, 096 118, 547, 335 313, 820 695, 956, 283 19, 482, 381 18, 895, 915 28, 651, 356 189, 612, 064 9, 290, 437 27, 548, 927 23, 273, 362 340, 342, 702 10, 787, 265 124, 982, 979 656, 749, 073 33, 374, 285 57, 481, 253 3, 149, 339 65, 700, 427 14, 218 Dollars. 48, 128, 564 102, 225 730, 035 164 3, 768, 254 55, 669 35, 339 125, 144 656, 478 34, 510 176, 895 184, 059 1, 176, 524 145, 107 402, 201 4, 202, 695 58, 830 389, 864 27, 221 425, 985 RISKS IN rORCR DECEMBER 31, 1879. Dollars. 10, 000, 828, 643 9, 010. 827 93, 529, 129 313, 820 830, 517, 587 26, 075, 999 32, 367, 105 25, 285, 630 257, 842, 839 22, 351,402 102, 142, 905 31, 481,455 115,752,484 ! 15,335,522 189,402,408 ' 758,498,744 ' 139, 371, 985 55, 779, 574 2, 564, 296 102,312, 881 31, 023 .a ^ Dollars. 283, 824, 213 34, 897 2. 435. 613 502, 171 4, 774, 914 2, 868, 706 100, 000 52, 941, 2.56 23, 500 295, 982 1, 047, 753 Dollars. 10, 284, 652, 856 | 9, 045, 724 95, 964, 742 313, 820 831, 565, 340 26, 075, 999 32, 367, 105 25, 285, 630 257, 842, 839 22, 351, 402 102, 142, 905 31, 983, 626 120, .527, 398 18, 204, 228 189, 502, 408 811, 440, 000 139, 395, 485 50, 075, 556 2, .564, 296 102, 340, 008 31, 023 27, 163 2, 760, 048 301, 106 3, 316, 476 233, 349 49, 473 2, 231 27, 826 3, 944 89, 543 2. 468, 608 19, 202, 491 256, 190, 029 3, 595, 880, 312 1, 989, 416 203, 168, 101 1, 043, 727, 282 211, 808, 210 120, 300 21, .394, 268 4, 189, 014 9, 170, 653 60. 644, 754 7, 732, 477 87, 644, 731 2, 143, 165, 967 120, 457 1, 454, 807 15, 108, 580 16, 199 1, 347, 318 6, 023, 425 443, 585 8, 571 128, 260 25, 807 151, .586 476, 002 59, 911 478, 673 9, 588, 184 32,611,485 323, 700, 224 2, 877, 551, 297 1, 574, 278 418, 010, 789 1, 379, 926, 077 192, 190, 364 2, 237, 975 16,929,557 \ 2, 010, 837 I 47, 853, 328 I . 09,209,243 1 11,317,199 I. 135,430,701 I 1,680,307,614 620, 450 143, 922, 457 1, 739, 058 44, 557, 019 1. 733, 916 25, 000 3, 800 000 250, 000 25, 911, 594 32, 611, 485 324, 320, 674 3, 021, 473, 7.54 1,574, 278 419, 749, 847 1,424, 483, 096 193, 924, 280 2, 237, 975 16, 954, 557 2, 014, 637 47, 853, 328 69, 212, 243 11, 317, 199 135, 680, 701 1, 706, 219, 208 1494 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXIII. — Ratios of the hminesa of fire, fire-marine, [See notes to Table CXXIII on pages 1498 and 1499.] EATIOS OF LOSSES. states, etc. .2 ^ <: o a « m o i: m ■tj a !- cl ^ 05 £ a « o S g '3 . (s 3 a; o « o c.S ^-^ .2 3 I? Class 1. Total c 0. 5793 0. 6816 c 0.5978 c 0,5137 ! 0.5463 0. 0045 Alabama Culifoiuia... Colorado Couiiocticut Plawaic ... District of Columbia. Gforyia Illinois Indiana 0. 3204 0.5101 0.0114 0. 5944 1. 0420 0.2139 0. 51G0 0. 4729 0. 5592 0. 5206 0. 6237 0. 6117 lovrh CO. 3377 Kentucky Louisiana Maine ilaryland Massachusetts . 0. 5079 0. 2949 0. 3809 0. 5326 0. 0114 0. 5949 1. 0426 0. 2139 0. 5100 0. 4734 0. 5294 c 0. 3377 0. 5038 ! 0. 3211 0. 4811 0. 6961 Michigan I 0. 4426 Minnevsota , 0. 7102 Missis.sijipi i 0. 8145 Missouri ' 0.6762 Nevada ! 0.3616 I 0..5721 i 0.5922 ! 0. 3488 i 0. 6970 ; 0. 3866 0.8794 ! 7.1205 ! 0. 5689 4675 3933 5922 4748 6904 4336 7482 8644 0. 0703 IS^ew Hampshire 0. 6202 New Jersey... 23 i New Yoik^ 24 I North Carolina 25 I Ohio 26 ! Pennj^ylvania 27 ; Khode Island . 23 ' Tennessee — 29 Texas 30 Vermont 0.6252 1 0.5730 i 0.5976 ■. 0.6738 I a 52.^5 0.5499 0. 6829 0. 7614 0.9517 0.9258 ! 0. 8186 0. 7025 0. 2058 Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Insurance companies of foreign cotmtriesinU.S. Class 2. Total Massachusetts Pennsylvania ., 3^ Tennessee 4 1 Wisconsin 1 0. 8185 ! 0. 1039 0.5872 2.9460 0.5516 1 0. .')837 0.0197 I 0.3553 0.7537 j 0.7871 0. 6311 0. 2051 0. 7871 0. 6202 0. 6299 0. 6091 0. 5976 0. 6013 0. 62^ 0. 5972 0. 5842 0. 7379 0.2839 I 0.4629 0.0048 0. 5184 0.9001 0. 1138 0. 38.W 0. 3978 0.3190 eO.2823 0. 3161 0.3318 0. 5229 0.3528 0. 6072 0. 2928 0.6867 0. 6914 0.5685 0. 5475 0. 5090 0. 5234 0. 3724 0. 5316 0. 4980 0. 5287 0. 4073 0.5505 0. 3582 0.4710 0. 0252 0. 5290 0.5832 0.1398 I 0.4707 0. 4331 0..3019 0.3406 0. 3711 0. 4828 0. 5443 0. 3601 0. 6066 0.7952 I 0.5818 0.7311 0.5121 0.5573 0.4383 0.5871 ! 0.5489 0. 7741 0. 6435 0. 7312 0. 0. 2051 0. 1038 1.7908 1 1.5030 0. 6169 0. 6072 0. 2090 0. 73i; 0. 0005 0. 0130 0. 0052 0. 0016 0. 0224 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1495 and marine insurance companies for the year 1879. [See uotos to Table CXXIII ou pajjes 1498 aud 1499.] RATIOS OF DIVIDENDS. OC o °3 0. 1071 0. 0GG2 0. 1461 0. 0457 CO. 1132 0. 0522 0. 1)869 0.2142 0. 1858 0. 1252 0. 2702 0. 1893 0. 9247 1. mi 0. 1570 0. 0722 0. 1824 0. 1861 1.4201 0. 1020 0. 0G62 0. 1418 0. 0775 Q. 0759 Q, 0T63 0. 0976 0. 1793 0.1116 0. 0726 0. 0925 Q. 1000 0. 0037 0- 0379 0. 0550 0. 0590 0. 02%!3 0615 0802 0794 0<170 0388 0. 0427 0. 0466 0. 4621 0. 1303 0.1257 0. 3881 c 0. 0966 0. 2784 0. 1596 0. 3212 0. 3412 0. 1129 0. 1879 0. 0714 0.5675 0. 1671 0. 1369 0. 3673 0. 1166 0.3269 0.2322 0. 3343 0. 3483 0. 1128 0. 2372 0.0718 1.2709 6 0. 5688 7 0. 9679 8 1. 0067 9 0.9659 10 1, 2670 1. 7474 2. 7432 1. 3783 0. 8910 0. 6158 0. 6557 0. 0845 0. 0421 0. 1179 0. 1152 0. 7838 0. 08( 0.08.52 I 0. 1112 i 0. 0372 0. 0433 0. 0498 0. 0855 0.0162 0. 1264 0.0938 0. 1619 0. 1241 0. 7297 0. 8621 0, 9941 0. 1486 0. 0545 0. 0369 0. 0510 0. 0498 0. 0^;35 Q. 0314 0. 1849 0. 1544 0. 0855 0. 1946 0. 1790 0. 1670 0. 0940 0. 2126 1. 0109 1. 0459 0. 7459 0. 7598 0. 0fiC4 0. 04r4 0. 09159 0.0.365 i 0. 0388 0. 0584 0. 1800 0.2031 0. 1444 0. 1651 0.2113 0. 1705 0. 7028 1. 2167 1. 0208 0. 0540 0. 0236 0. 1390 0. 1332 0. 8451 0. 0571 0. 0273 6.0387 0. 1413 '6."io4i' 0. 1409 6. 0507 0. 8481 '6." 7622 0.0300 1496 COMPENDIUM OF TILE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXIII. — liatioa of the business of fire, fire-marine, RATIOS OF LOSSES. States, etc. ^5 \i .2 o Class 3. Total 0. 4659 0. 6020 0. 5262 0. 4438 0. 4462 0. 0051 Connecticut Delaware , District of Columbia — OeoTffia nilnois Indiana... Iowa Kentucky Maine Mai-yland . Massachusetts. Minnesota Missouri New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania . . Rhode Island . . South Carolina. Vermont... Virginia . . , "Wisconsin. Class 4. Total , Connecticut. Delaware... Illinois Indiana Iowa... Kentucky Maine Maryland Massachusetts . Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska New Hampshire . New Jersey New York — Ohio Pennsylvania . Rhode Island . Vermont Virginia West Virginia "Wisconsin .... 0. 5967 0.3756 0. 3355 0. 2076 0. 2844 0. 6720 0. 7259 0. 3910 1. 0649 0. 6625 0. 3064 0.4584 0. 4613 0. 6889 0. 6923 0. 1705 0.6113 0. 6857 0. 1456 1. 0606 0. 8767 0. 5339 0. 6749 0.5541 0. 6900 1. 7011 0. 9936 0. 5894 0. 8614 0. 5116 1. 0000 0. 8987 0. 6946 0. 9069 1. 5492 0. 9967 0. 4115 0. 8005 0. 3534 0. 4760 0. 5898 0. 8764 0. 8108 0. 7973 0. 9211 0. 0353 0. 7826 0. 9237 0. 4140 0. 8130 0. 5967 0.3756 0. 3355 0. 2076 0.2844 0.6720 0. 7259 0. 3910 1. 0363 0.6625 0. 3635 0. 4584 0. 4646 0. 7698 0. 5926 0. 1705 0. 6113 0. 6857 0. 1456 1. 0606 0. 8767 0. 5339 0. 6749 0. 4405 0. 2959 0. 2626 0. 1635 0. 2819 0. 5833 0. 6910 0. 3180 0.8879 0.4212 0.2974 0. 4197 0. 4239 0. 7139 0. 5107 0. 1155 0. 5287 0. 5137 0. 1366 0. 8022 0. 8640 0. 2855 0. 5902 0. 5408 0. 4143 0. 3499 0. 2008 0. 5293 0. 5853 0.6096 0.4017 0. 7445 0. 5817 0.2968 0. 5270 0.4«00 0.7566 0.4604 2718 5980 5724 1520 0. 6588 0. 7865 0. 6698 0.6259 0. 0039 0. 0015 0. 0169 0. 0026 0. 0118 0. 0186 0. 0232 0. 0046 0. 0116 0. 0166 0.0032 0.0045 0. 0082 0. 0135 0. 0035 0.0025 0. 0074 0.0076 I 0.0012 I 0.0712 0.0223 0.0260 0.0087 0. 8614 0. 5116 1. 0000 0. 8987 0. 6946 0. 9069 0. 7075 0. 7123 1. 5492 0. 9967 0. 4115 0. 8005 0. 3534 a 4760 0, 5898 0.8764 0. 8108 0. 7973 0. 9211 0. 0353 0. 7826 0. 9237 0, 4140 0. 8130 0. 3484 0. 6585 0. 6650 0. 5644 0. 7989 0. 1408 0. 5050 0.6883 0. 7541 0. 8173 0. 0046 0. 0051 0. 0053 0. 0032 0. 0125 0. 3821 0. 5855 0. 3709 0. 6573 0. 2979 0. 4337 0. 3755 0. 5715 0. 5921 0. 6811 0. 3710 0. 6226 0. 0237 0.0110 0. 0045 0. 0101 0. 0028 0. 0035 0. 4944 0. 7978 0. 5533 0.7586 7345 6307 8210 0353 7525 8927 3945 7737 .7134 0. 0. 0. 7899 0. 0793 0. 7752 0. 8817 0. 5247 0. 6997 0. 0093 0. 0237 0. 0034 0. 0027 0. 0130 0. 0002 0. 0112 0. 0085 0. 0017 0. U049 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. a» « .2 2< p *rt tc * a S "ci Ratios of dividends paid to total cash income. Ratios of dividends paid to total cash expenditures. Ratios of dividends paid to income from investments. V. U-OO 0. 3460 0. 3478 0. 0002 0. 0047 ■" 0. 0041 0. 1093 0. 0050 0. 1.530 0. 0174 0. 52'78 0. ]418 0. 4584 0. 5G28 « 2. 1774 0. 0016 0. 0124 0. 0110 0. 6yo7 0. 0027 0. 0779 0. 0501 0. 5447 0. Obyl 0. 5437 n 1/iAQ 0. yojo 0. 0005 0. 1476 0. 0094 0. 4612 0. 4158 0. looD 0. 10 06 0. 0012 0. 0001 0.0432 0. 0145 0. 0025 0. 6519 0. 0164 0. 0028 0. 7255 0. 1447 0. 0146 10. 5428 - - _ L^^„ :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: 1 9 10 21 22 1498 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tabi,e CXXm. — Jlatios of the huHncss of fire, fire-marine, State, etc. SUMMAUY. Total Alabama California Colorado. Connecticut Delavfare restrict of Columljia. Qeoreia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan . . Minnesota . Mississippi Missouri . . . Nebraska . . Nevada New Hampshire . NcAV Jersey New York North Carolina .. Ohio Pennsylvania . . llhode Island .. South Carolina. Tennessee Texas RATIOS OF LOSSES. c 0. 5736 0. 3204 0.5101 0. 0) 14 0. 5945 0. 5818 0. 2387 0. 3118 0. 4G97 0. C075 c 0. 4322 0. 4919 0. 3211 1. 3342 0. 52G0 0. 5533 0. 6804 0. 6942 0. 8145 0. 6069 i-3 0. G580 0. 5206 0. 6J37 *^ 00 • S » . Pti So to |«« .2 Sis ^ 5 o) « ^ .i^ III CO. 5901 I c 0.5053 0. 6117 0. 5079 0. 2949 0. 3616 0. 5720 0.5919 0. 34*8 0. 7121 0, 3866 0. 8794 7. 1205 0. 5923 0.6161 I. 0.6437 j 0.5747 I 0.5576 j. 0.6.539 i 0. 5755 0.2(i60 1.0606 !- 0. 6829 ! 0. 9837 0. 6858 0. 6028 0. 8186 0. 7025 0. 2058 0. 7614 Vermont ! 0. 874t Virpnia I Wt st Virsinia Wisconsin Insurance companies of foreign countries in TJ. S. 0. 7903 0. 5845 0. 6664 0.10.30 2. 0460 0. 5837 0. 3809 0. 5326 0.0114 0. 5949 0. 5818 0. 2387 0.3118 0. 4702 0. 5851 c 0. 4322 0. 4613 0. 39.33 0. 7063 0. 5194 0. 6003 0. C627 0. 7281 0. 8644 0. 6064 0. 2839 0. 4«29 0. 0048 0. 5163 0.4699 0. 1359 0. 2408 0. 3983 0. 3932 c 0. 3678 0. 3160 0. 8318 0. 5098 0. 3723 0. 6117 0. 5033 0. 6495 0. 6914 0. 5258 i§ 0. 5341 3 'S d 0. 0047 0. 3582 0. 4716 0. 0252 0. 5289 0. 4926 0.1688 0.2954 0.4460 0. 3915 0. 4221 0. 6161 0. 6608 1 0.6061 ' 0. 5576 0.6478 0.6418 0. 3175 1. 0606 0. 5842 0. 7379 0. 8744 0. 7706 0. 72G5 0. 6583 3729 4828 5155 4021 5115 0.5643 0.6612 0. 6456 0. 5301 0.5400 0.5467 0.5211 I 0.3501 ! 0. 5322 0. 5135 0. 2912 0. 8022 0. 4073 d 0. 0041 0. 0062 0. 0005 0. 0057 0. 0029 0. 0019 0. 0035 0. 0039 0. 0060 0. 0081 0. 0040 0. 0038 0. 0173 0. 0035 0. 0051 0. 0076 0. 0080 d 0. 0086 0. 0074 0. 5505 0. 8613 0. 5454 U. 5108 0. 5406 0.6197 I 0.3553 0.5871 j ! 0. 5939 0. .5503 0. 5024 0. 34'-4 0. 5392 0.5548 0. 3226 0. 6588 0.4449 0. 6354 0.7862 i 0. 5459 ; 0.5327 ] 0.5836 I 0.6630 j 0.0077 0. 0057 0. 0037 0. 0089 0. 0069 0. 0058 0. 0022 0. 0712 0. 0077 0. 0116 0. 0218 0. 0091 0. 0064 0. 0065 0. 0004 0. 0900 0. 0033 0. 0030 a The ratios of dividends to capital in the summary by states are for classes 1 and 2, exclusive o^ insurance coiupraiies of foreisn C()unt)i(?s. b The ratios of dividends to ledger iissets, total income, expenditures, and income from investments in the summary by states are for classes 1, 2, and 3, exclusive of iusmauce companies of foreign countries. 1499 and marine insurance companies for the year 1879 — Coutinued. EATIOS OF DIVIDKNDS. o o ^ ■*- rSt '■a ^ 3 31 'S 'U a; o _ ® 11 c3 .11 V A rz » !E « 1.9 rS © ^5 a •-J c a o ^ §^ o o •43 •Ib C! " ci M «^ 0. 1605 0. 0404 1 c 0. 1850 0. 1904 1. 3307 0. 0662 0. 0522 0. 2142 0. 2702 0. 9247 0. 1461 0. (J8C9 0. 1858 0. 1893 1. 4244 0. 1570 0. 0570 6. 1776 0. 1821 1. 3537 0. 0040 0. 0783 0. 0S22 0. 4181 0. 1020 0. 031G 0. 3936 0. 4891 1.1542 0. 0662 0. 1028 0. 34r)5 0. 4240 1. 5653 0. 1418 0. 0429 0. 1168 0. 1311 0. 9031 0. 0775 0. 0397 0. 3198 0. 3057 0. 9381 0. 0759 0. 0226 c 0. 0879 0. 1021 0.9604 0. 0763 0. 0430 0. 2600 0. 3007 L2175 0. 0976 0. 0H02 0. 1596 0 2322 L7474 0. 1793 0. 0fi93 0. 2950 0. 3012 2. 4788 0. 1116 0. (*343 0. 2776 0. 3005 1. 0319 0. 0698 0. 0569 0. 2481 0. 2478 1. 8508 0. 0925 0. 0427 0. 1879 0. 2372 0. 6150 0. 1000 e 0. 0460 0. 0673 0. 0685 0. 6263 0. 0845 0. 0136 0. 0838 0. 0842 0. 6520 6. 0800 0. 0372 0. 0855 0. 0938 0. 7297 0. 0852 0. 02.H 0. 1412 0. 1425 0. 8346 0. 1112 0. 0737 0. 19C0 0. 1889 1. 5240 0. 0798 1 0. 0216 0. 1343 0.13.-8 0. 8481 0. 14?6 0.0193 1 0.1313 0. 1459 0. 8901 0. 0545 0.0422 0. 4284 0. 4745 1 5. 1823 6.0369 0.0314 ; i 0. 194G , 0. 2126 0. 7598 Q. *1664 0.0009 . 0.1553 : 0.1555 0. 6039 0. 04/-4 0. 03S8 : 0.2031 i 0.2113 j 1. 2167 0.0898 : 0.0334 0.0961 , 0. 1047 0. 7070 ! i 1 1 0 When computing: this ratio the notes received for premiums, class 1 state of Iowa, were added to the cash ])r(Mniui;i>i roccivfd. d Includes tbe marine and inland business in tlie istates of Alabama and Missis.sipnL € Class 1 only. 1500 COMPHNDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXIII. — liatios of the business of fire, fire-marliie, states, etc. Class 1. Total Alabama California.... Coloi-ado Coijjiecticut . Delaware District of C(51nmbia. Croorgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kentncky Louisiana Maine Mainland Massachusetts . Michigan ., Minnesota , Missouri. Nevada . New Hampshire . New Jersey New York North Carolina .. Ohio Pennsylvania . Rhode Island . Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia "West Virginia : . . , "Wisconsin Ins. cos. of foreign coun- tries in U. S. Class 2. Total Massachusetts. Pennsylvania.. Tennessee Wisconsin KATIOS OV EXPENSE. S « 9 O CO S a « « G Is «J ^1 eS CO. 3392 0. 327r> 0. 3266 0. 4423 0. 3204 0. 7328 0. 4481 0. 3971 0. 4462 0. 5801 C 0. 5383 0. 3682 0. 1794 0. 1321 0. 3519 0.3222 0. 4534 0. 2886 0. 4210 0. 3790 0. 3158 0. 3818 0. 4273 0. 4990 0. 3627 0. 3057 0. 3271 0. 4497 0. 4234 0.4299 0. 3315 0. 3361 0.2663 0. 3131 0. 3028 0. 4754 0. 5327 go O O « cO. 2915 0. 2404 0. 2838 0. 1840 0. 2792 0. 6327 0. 2384 0. 2955 0. 3748 0. 3495 e 0. 4499 0. 2489 0. 1514 0. 1166 0. 2614 0.2809 0.3061 0.2671 0.3368 0.3214 0.2788 0.3084 0. 3671 0. 3109 0. 2916 0.2456 0. 2896 0. 3136 0.3158 0. 3145 0.2322 0. 2643 0.2490 0.2603 0. 2522 0. 2406 0. 4470 S K 3 o o £ « o o 0. 311S RATIOS TO CASH INCOME. S S S § 8 ^ 1-3 a3 "la 0. 3032 0. 2892 0. 9748 0. 2849 0. 4099 0.2928 0.3622 0. 4082 0. 3308 0. 5428 0. 2922 0.2203 0. 1214 0. 2669 0. 2806 0.3866 0.2584 0. 3144 0. 3138 0. 3058 0. 3089 0, 3004 0. 2890 0.2823 0. 2657 0. 3184 0. 3425 0.3646 0.2885 0. 2416 0. 3121 0.3008 0.2495 0. 2515 0. 6930 0. 2176 c 0. 8593 c 0. 1209 0. 7339 0. 8691 0. 4173 0. 8714 0. 8G34 0. 5320 0.7440 0. 8400 0. 6026 CO. 8358 0. 6761 0. 8435 0. 8829 0.7429 0. 8719 0.6752 0. 8911 0. 7999 0.8481 0.2316 0. 1304 0,8828 0. 8080 0.8592 a 6231 0.8039 0.8033 0.8854 0.6973 0. 7460 0. 7316 0. 7005 0. 7864 0. 9350 0. 8313 0.8329 0. 5061 0. 8391 0. 1284 0. 1366 0. 3636 0. 2397 0. 1299 0, 3856 c 0. 1001 0. 2197 0. 0913 0. 1171 0. 2475 0. 1268 0.3052 0. 1089 0. 2001 0. 1504 0. 1172 0. 1875 0. 1271 0. 3340 0. 1829 0. 1476 0. 1146 0. 2562 0.2001 0. 2562 0. 1669 0. 1415 0. 0515 0.1644 0. 1666 "6." 1366 c "When computing this ratio the notes received for premiums, class 1, state of Iowa, were added to* the cash promiams received. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1501 and marine insurance companies for tlie year 1879— Continued. KATJOS TO l.KDGKK ASSETS. "o . ,^ 'fl RATIOS OF NET ASSKTS AND UISKS IN FOUCE. Eatios of ])aid-np capital stock to ledger assets. d o §1 a « 2 23 25 0. 3351 0. 6139 0. 8500 0. 8503 0. 3348 0. 2385 0. 0643 0. 1193 0, 6699 0. 8524 0. 9144 0. 9097 0. 6988 0. 8524 0. 9144 0. 9897 0. 3348 0. 2385 0. 0643 0. 1193 0. 0285 0. o:j;i5 0.1198 0. 2193 35 11 29 82 8 35 4 56 26 27 28 29 30 0. 5490 0. 8534 0. 6026 0. 4809 0. 3691 0. 1057 0 2284 0. 4318 0. 9181 0. 9591 0. 8310 o! 9127 0. 9181 0. 9591 0 8310 o! 9127 0. 3691 0. 1057 0. 2284 , 0.4318 0. 0574 0. 05S3 V/. \joou 0. 0141 17 44 17 15 30 10 70 84 81 o>> 34 0. 4373 0. 1825 0. 6197 0. 6969 0. 2268 0. 5051 19 80 0. 4786 0. 0995 0. 2062 0. 0139 0. 6848 0. 1134 0. 7770 0.1134 0. 2295 0. 1292 0. 0448 0. 8569 22 33 1 18 1 3 0. 6235 0. 2086 0.8321 1 6. 8321 0. 2086 6. 0374 26 76 4 1502 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXIII. — Jlatios of the busine&s ofjire, Jire-maHne, States, etc. Class 3. Total Connecticut Delaware Diatrict of Columbia. . , Geortria Illinois , RATIOS OF EXPENSE. S3 J 2 ® « § 05 O .S « O a O 2 •I 11^ Indiana... Iowa Kentucky Maine Maryland . Massachusetts. Minnesota Missouri New J ersey . . . New York North Carolina Ohio , Pennsylvania. . Rhode Island . . South Carolina Vermont Virginia . . . Wisconsin . Class 4. Total Connecticut Delaware ... Illinois Indiana Iowa 6 Kentucky 7 j Maine 8 I Maryland 9 Massachusetts... 10 Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska 14 New Hampshire. 15 New Jersey 16 New York.-.. 17 Ohio 18 Pennsylvania. 19 . Khode Island . 20 I Vermont Virginia West Virginia . Wisconsin . . . . . 0. 2171 i ^ a 0. 2299 0. 4."i07 0. 2446 0. 2529 0.4.507 1 0.4480 0. 5635 0.3B91 0. 2185 I 0. 1875 ! 0.4U3 I 0.5:J52 0. 2142 t 0.1590 ! 1 0. 4R69 0. 3599 0. 3423 0. 1148 0. 3899 0. 2311 0.2631 0. 3987 0. 2854 0. 2534 0. 9802 0. 4070 0. 2265 0. 2028 0. 4225 0. 6699 0. 7473 0. 2835 0. 3748 0. 2543. 0. 2880" 0. 1624 0. 2287 0. 2372 0. 3203 0. 2450 0.4101 0. 2270 0. 1240 0. 3750 0. 2381 0. 1831 0. 3247 0.1811 0. 3r)28 0. 1«26 0. 2507 3912 4268 4n82 2905 1389 0.1534 0. 3766 0. 4884 0. 1986 0. 1370 0. 3096 0.3113 0. 2565 0. 1077 0. 2941 0. 2277 0. 1407 0. 3486 0.2344 0. 1726 0. 6455 0. 3012 0. 1841 0. 1786 0. 2941 0.1652 0. 4390 0. 2555 0. 3078 0. 2144 0. 20-.'9 1. 2083 0. 1301 0. 2082 0. 2148 0. 2534 0.2184 0.4101 0. 2182 0. 1198 0. 3574 0. 20:.0 a, X a O 3j 0. 1841 0,3986 I 0.2536 i 0,4701 I 0.2365 ! 0.4707 I 0, 3925 ! 0.3766 ; 0, .5789 i 0. 2436 0. 1913 0. 1.531 0. 4729 0. 5300 0.2105 0. 1235 0.7282 0, 3521 0. 2857 0.1199 0. 2422 0. 2078 0, 3302 0. 3697 0.2360 0. 0698 0. 4950 0. 3117 0. 2459 0. 1827 1. 0000 0. 1623 0. 4285 0, 4079 0. 3189 0. 2670 0. 3774 1. 0000 0. 1523 0, 1979 0; 2263 0, 2i-06 0,2101 0, 9207 0.2248 0.1183 0. 47.53 0. 2U49 EAT108 TO CASH INCOME. It. CP,. 0.8434 0. 7383 0. 7879 0. 7830 0. 7875 0. 9913 0, 8681 0. 9519 0. 8132 0. 8.568 0.6358 0. 8182 0. 9157 0. 9125 0. 9273 0. 8617 0. 6776 0. 8650 0. 7492 0. 9380 0. 7563 0. 9856 0. 5348 0. 8744 0. 8214 0. 6810 0. 6585 0. 7400 0. 8126 0. 8809 0. 6961 0. 2466 0. 5874 0. 9013 0. 8212 0. 8430 0. 9112 *6.*8383 0. 9103 0, 9059 0. 7910 0. 8913 1. 0000 0. 9615 0.r6R5 0. i 530 0. 8609 .9« i2 «sa .2 X ? 0. 1332 0. 2360 0. 2070 0, 2115 0.2105 0. 0083 0. 1319 0, 0179 0. 1263 0, 1408 0. 3457 0. 1396 0. 0843 0. 0747 0. 0511 0.1342 0.1002 0.1729 0. 0618 0. 2437 0. 0046 0. 2631 0.1248 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. and tiiarme insurance corApaniea for the year 1879— Continued. 1503 2 =» p.® -23 0.3761 0. 34F6 0. 0417 0. 0883 0. 2323 0. 07U1 0. 0179 0.0174 0. 5086 0. 1891 0. 4563 0. 4249 0. 0681 0. 7352 1. 0329 0. 3128 0. 5201 0. 7772 0. 3400 0. 4686 0. 9000 0. 8723 0. 1582 0. 3720 0. 5738 0. 0242 0. 0607 0. 15 5 0. 1467 0. 1780 0. 9787 1.7311 0. 0381 0. 7730 0. 0860 0. S513 3. 9218 0. 1414 0. 1812 0. 6(il9 0. 2549 0. 7704 0. 8957 0. 5373 0. 0936 RATIOS OF NET ASSETS AND KISKS IN FOUCE. 2 o « S «*» 5 ^ § 0. 1018 0. 0618 0. 0987 0. 1773 0.0484 0. 1303 0. 1128 0. 0544 0. 0540 0. 0344 0. 0579 0. 0473 1. 0086 0. 0577 0.1058 0. 0879 0. 0490 0. o;i84 0. 2014 0. 1136 1. 0020 0. 0948 0. 6.H77 0. 0252 0. 7311 0. 0737 0. 9999 0.8171 0. 9448 0. 9187 0. 7128 0. 0462 0. 3472 0. lOHO 0. 9874 0. 9610 0. 5959 1. 0008 0. 0411 0. 6844 0. 8115 0. 9161 0. 63H 0. 10.55 0. 1368 0. 9826 0. 1103 0. 8951 Dollars. 9 82 16 19 10 68 5 64 20 67 7 67 8 87 18 38 18 52 29 07 17 26 21 13 99 17 32 9 45 11 50 20 42 26 04 4 07 8 80 10 55 1 45 39 63 1 37 13 57 1 CO 1 22 1 06 1 09 1 40 21 03 2 88 9 71 1 01 1 04 1 68 99 24 32 1 46 1 23 1 09 1 57 9 48 7 31 1 02 9 07 1 12 1504 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXIIL—Eatioa of the husbuss of fire, fire-inar'uie, 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 States, etc. RATIOS OF EXPENSE. RATIOS TO CASH INCOME. a ^ "tS * o w .2 §2^ ^ u e a e6 c« « 9 5 ® a « K a o o-S 2 o w 2 . o 'C .2 i> SUSDIARY. CO. 3990 c 0. 2746 0. 2902 e 0. 8562 CO. 1212 c 0. 9461 0. 3275 0. 3266 0. 4423 0. 3230 0. 3879 0. 4486 0. 2961 0. 4295 0. 4951 ft AQ7A 0. 3835 0. 1794 0. 1931 0. 3333 0. 2808 0. 4043 0. 2955 0. 4210 0. 4252 0. 2404 0. 2838 0. 1846 0. 2803 0. 3133 0. 2553 0, 2287 0. 3639 0. 3328 C U. 4^o J 0. 2627 0. 1514 0. 1394 0. 2389 0. 2393 0. 3071 0. 2636 0. 3368 0. 3687 1. 2083 0. 3032 0, 2892 0. 9748 0. 2872 0. 3284 0. 3172 0. 2806 0. 4074 0.3312 0. 4858 j 0,3101 0. 2203 0. 1409 0. 2580 0. 2392 0. 3443 0. 2683 0. 3144 0. 3717 1. 0000 0. 7339 0. 8691 0. 4173 0. 8G78 0. 8077 0. 5692 0. 7723 0. 8472 0. 6721 0. 6851 0. 8435 0. 7218 0.7167 0. 8523 0. 7595 Ot 8920 0. 7999 0. 8671 0. 2316 0. 1304 0. 7926 0. 9814 0. 1894 0. 9761 0. 9541 0. 8049 0.8150 0. 8932 1. 0046 c 0. 8712 0. 8174 0. 6871 o! 9H91 0. ^250 1. 0003 0. 8920 0. 9823 1. ' 0710 0. 9918 1. 2083 District of Columbia. . . Iowa 0. 1312 0. 1809 0. 3410 0. 2207 0. 1212 0.3409 c 0, 0915 0. 2136 0. 0913 o! 1190 0. 2690 0. 1341 0. 3052 0. 1075 0. 2001 0. 1285 22 0. 2949 0. 2585 0. 2843 0. 8765 0. 1172 0. 9093 23 0. 3509 0. 2904 0.2923 0. 8274 0. 1692 o! 9935 24 0. 3711 0. 3191 0. 3076 0. 8598 0. 1286 1. 0372 25 0. 4950 0. 3108 0. 3049 0. 6278 0. 3050 1. 0194 26 • 0. 3612 0. 2968 0. 3007 0. 8216 0. 1583 0. 9870 27 0. 3072 0. 2458 0. 2656 0.8001 0. 1509 0. 9256 28 Rhode Island 0. 1957 0. 1795 0. 1989 0. 9173 0. C-'27 0. 9027 29 South Carolina 0. 3899 0. 2949 0. 2422 0. 7563 0. 2437 1.2176 30 0. 4497 0. 3136 0. 3425 0.6973 0. 2562 0.9155 31 Texas • ...... .. 0. 4234 0. 3158 0. 3646 0. 7460 0. 2001 0. 8663 32 0. 2310 0. 2275 0. 2077 0.9850 0. 0046 1. 0955 33 Virginia 0. 4076 0. 2885 0. 2888 0.7078 0.2571 0. 9991 34 West Virginia 0. 3321 0. 2335 0. 2435 0. 7031 0. 1669 0. 9590 35 Wisconsin 0. 3513 0. 2885 0. 3114 0. 8212 0. 1359 0. 9263 36 Ins. cos. of foreign coun- 0. 2663 0. 2490 0. 3008 0. 9350 0. 0515 0. 8279 tries in U. S. 1 1 c "When computing this ratio the notes received for premiums, class 1 state of Iowa, were added to the catjh premiums received. / The ratios of income from investments to total cash income in the summary by states are for classes 1, 2, and 3. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. ind marine insurance companies fair the year 1879— Continued. 1505 KATIOS TO LEDGER ASSETS. d S 0. 0798 0. 0867 0-;J277 0/03H2 0. 2196 0. 0158 0. 0241 0. 1942 0. 0381 0. 0036 0. 0369 0. 0874 0.1548 0. 1803 0. 1034 0. 1962 0. 0016 0. pl67 0. 0521 0. 0840 §3 0. 9156 0. 8744 0. 8225 0. 9987 0. 7581 0. 8924 0. 7751 0. 4088 0. 9590 0. 9821 0. 9781 0. 9480 0. 9761 0. 7922 0. 8142 0. 7856 0. 9968 0. 9833 0. 8646 0. 9172 0. 9992 bfri 0. 9287 0. 8744 0. 8225 0. 9! 187 0. 7r^i 0. 8924 0. 7751 0. 4088 0. 9590 0. 9821 0^9781 0. 9480 0. 9761 0. 7922 0. 8142 0. 8148 0. 9968 0. 9833 0. 8646 0. 9172 0. 9992 SI EATIO8 OK NET ASSETS AND RISKS IN FORCE. 0. 2880 0. 0867 0. 2277 0. 0392 0. 2671 0. 0975 0. 0432 0. 1942 0.3187 0. 0585 0. 4057 0. 1433 0. 1548 0. 2788 , 0. 1997 0. 2988 0. 1959 0. 2999 0. 0521 0. 2966 m o ca 0. 0845 .9 , II 5 « H Dollars. 11 83 0. 1564 1 0. 0385 0. (5610 0. 0273 0. 1460 0.0999 I 0. 0511 0. 1227 0. 5719 0. 1915 0. 0779 0. 0529 0.0859 0.0.583 0.0418 0»8637 0. 3208 0. 0960 0. 0709 1. 0008 6 40 25 99 1 51 36 58 6 85 10 01 19 56 8 15 1 75 5 22 12 84 18 89 11 65 17 15 23 92 1 16 3 12 10 42 14 10 0. 1598 0. 0547 0. 17.J8 0. 1657 0.0609 0. 0474 0. 0632 0. 0174 0.0643 0.1193 0. 0494 0. 0817 0. 0992 0. 0124 0. 4318 0.8585 0.9280 0. 7411 0. 9393 0. 9597 0. 9466 0. 9404 0. 9981 0. 9144 0. 9697 0. 9925 0. 9553 0. 9610 0. 9839 0.9127 0. 8585 0. 9286 0. 8297 0. 9393 0. 9,597 0. 9484 0. 9404 0. 9981 0. 9144. 0. 9697 0. 9925 0. 9553 0. 9610 0. 9839 0. 9127 0. 2963 0. 2251 0. 2608 0. 1744 0. 2962 0. : 381 0. 3442 0. 9000 0. 0643 0. 1193 0. 8690 0. 3406 0. 1068 0. 2653 0. 4318 0. 0309 0. 1159 0. o:U4 0. 1636 0. 0976 0. 1847 0. 0926 1.0020 0.1198 0. 2193 0. 0971- 0. 2587 0. 0604 0. 3743 a 0141 32.38 8 63 29 04 6 11 10 24 5 42 10 79 99 8 35 4 56 10 30 3 87 16 5(f 2 67 70 84 g The ratios of capital to ledger assets in the Bommary by states are for classes 1 and 2. 95 0 0 VALUATION AND TAXATION. 1507 Table CXXIV. — Summary of the aaaesaed valuation, and state, States and Territorioa. ASSKSSED VALUATION. Koal estate. Personal property. Total. DoUarg. 173, 856, 242 122, 733, 124 71, 436, 623 1, 111, 160, 072 188, 224, 459 228, 791, 267 Dollars. 62, 122,474 42, 022, 057 15, 370, 152 473, 596, 730 64, 312, 214 98, 386, 118 Dollars. 235, 978, 716 164, 755, 181 86, 806, 775 1, 584, 756, 802 252, 536, 873 327, 177, 385 1, 896, 201, 787 755, 809, 745 2, 652, Oil, 532 2, 329, 282, 359 442, 632, 638 1, 540, 007, 957 50, 302, 739 368, 442, 913 87, 980, 356 322, 657, 647 129, 885, 723 143. 451, 059 9, 048, 904 128, 864, 762 11, 421, 431 2, 651, 940, 006 572, 518,361 1, 683, 459, 016 59, 951, 643 497, 307, 675 99, 401, 787 4, 818, 048, 962 745, 929, 526 5, 564, 578, 488 233, 601, 599 105, 000, 306 101, 709, 326 77, 461, 670 139, 983, 941 18. 885, 151 77, 374, 008 79, 469, 630 122, 362, 297 205, 508, 924 55, 760, 388 265, 085, 908 195, 644, 200 74, 853, 536 34, 622, 399 54, 390, 876 56, 098, 465 99, 488, 658 12, 053, 158 45, 493, 220 31,158,599 37, 800, 142 114, 855, 591 30, 648, 976 85, 478, 063 16, 134, 338 308, 455, 135 J139, 622, 705 156, 100, 202 133, 660, 135 239, 472, 599 30, 938, 309 122, 867, 228 110, 628, 129 160, 162, 430 320, 364, 515 86, 409, 364 350, 563, 971 211, 778, 538 1, 677, 847, 248 693, 076, 021 2, 370, 923, 269 NEW ENGLAND STATES. Maine New Hampshire Vermont MasBachusetta Rhode Island Connecticut Total MIDDLE STATES. New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columhia Total SOUTHERN STATES. Virginia West Virginia North Caroliua South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total. WESTERN STATES. Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Iowa Minnesota Missouri Kansas Nebra.ska Colorado Nevada Oregon California Total TERRITORIES. Arizona Dakota 3j Idaho 4 Montana New Mexicb Utah Washington Wyoming Total Grand total. 1, 093, 677, 705 538, 683, 239 575, 441, 053 432, 861, 884 344, 788, 721 297, 254, 342 203, 446. 781 381, 985,112-' 108, 432, 049 55, 073, 375 35, 604, 197 17, 941, 030 32, 584, 966 466, 275, 585 440, 682, 803 189, 131, 892 211, 175, 341 84, 804, 475 94, 183, 030 101, 416, 909 54,581,906 150, 810, 689 52, 459, 640 35,512,407 38, 867, 496 11. 350, 429 19, 937, 118 118, 304, 451 1, 534, 360, 508 727, 815, 181 786, 616, 394 517, 666, 359 438, 971, 751 398, 671, 251 258, 028, 687 532, 795, 801 160, 891, 689 90, 585, 782 74, 471, 693 29, 291, 459 52, 522. 084 584, 578, 036 4, 584, 048, 039 1, 603, 218, 586 6, 187, 266, 625 3, 922, 961 13, 333,918 2, 297, 526 5, 077, 162 4, 788, 764 14, 779, 344 11, 335, 923 4, 485, 291 5, 347, 253 6, 987, 612 4, 143, 350 13, 532, 640 6, 574, 642 9, 995, 935 12, 474, 770 9, 136, 538 9, 270, 214 20, 321, 530 6, 440, 876 18, 609. 802 11, 363, 406 24, 77.5, 279 23, 810, 693 13, 621, 829 60, 020, 889 68, 192, 740 128, 213, 629 13, 036, 766, 925 3, 866, 226, 618 16, 902, 993, 543 a The taxes of townships are not inchided in this sum. Township officers, in so many case-s, combined the school-district taxes with those of the township i»ix^per that it was found necessary to ignore the reports made by them. The taxes of the township proper thus omitted in the detailed exhibit of states and in the above snmm.arv are 6stimate^ amounts being added to the tJixes of corporations exhibited in the rabies give the following sums a.s ,the total taxation of minor civil divlsion.s for h)cal purposes: Indiana, $5,818,638; Illiuois, $16,112,020; Wisconsin, $5,1§4,882; Iowa, $5,954,229: Minnesota, $2,275,769; Kansas, $2,035,633; and for the group of Western States, ^i69,999,07k The totaZ taxation of the states under connideration is thus increased 1508 county^ cUy, etc.j taxaUo)if hy states and geographical groups : 1880. State. Coxmty. Civil divisions less than counties. Total. Dollars. 1, 063, 510 395, 372 403, 286 1, 501, 182 394, 238 489, 125 Dollarg. 824, 401 483, 978 15,344 1, 125, 901 145, 707 Dollars. 3, 794, 224 1, 818, 290 1, 32C, 4ril 21, C99, 794 2, 298, 477 4, 730, 907 DoUarg. 5, 182, 135 2, 697, 640 1, 745, 111 24. 326, 877 2, 692, 715 5, 365, 739 4, 246, 713 2, 095, 331 35, 608, 173 42,010,217 I 7, 880, 803 1, 283, 711 485, 678 880, 977 1, 469, 254 11, 980, 323 6,^160, 119 1, 938, 318 4, 612,165 248, 275 1, 893, 084 14, 851, 961 42, 352, 053 5, 730, 036 23, 506, 591 355,982 2. 683. 401 74,634,063 I 56, 392, 975 8, 958, 065 28, 604, 334 604, 257 5, 437,"462 1, 469, 254 101, 466, 347 1,918,492 581.202 .706, 903 743,710 1, 075, 099 236, 930 990, 346 553, 370 1,771,084 2, 188, 540 715, 238 1, 595, 067 656, 087 1,170,413 769, 138 986, 956 554, 164 1, 076, 421 266, 306 682, 851 1,595,444 710. 573 1, 685, 907 734. 974 1, 62.3. 118 1, 488, 12« 1,^53, 297 706, 639 222, 273 542, 109 1, 055, 488 101,944 388, 781 235, 061 1/1914, 219 694, 269 388. 878 1, 982, 832 644. 568 4. 842, 2, 056, 1, 916, 1,839, 3, 207^ 605, 2,061, 2,384, 4, 395, 4, 588, 1,839, 5, 201, 2,788, 13, 732, 068 4, 480, 489 2, 493, 963 3, 195, 042 1, 683, 560 457, 453 827, 285 726, 399 2, 125, 278 883, 139 356, 485 372, 359 161, 101 464, 229 3,215,177 21, 440, 939 I 13. 344. 391 6, 131, 502 4, 031, 029 5, 278, 956 1, 804, 512 1, 995, 990 4, 280, 091 1, 251, 888 2, 885, 503 2, 060, 878 J . 522, 229 1, 209, 808 619, 169 454, 699 4, 059, 471 37, 585. 725 10, 430, 95S 1.5, 144, 667 a 4, 318,^638 a 10, 809,415 5, 139, 877 a 3, 384, 882 a 5, 154, 229 a 1, 785, 420 5, 258, 965 a 1,470, 804 1 914,786 I 569,841 ; 91,403 I 195,014 • 5,353,357 j 59, 541, 2S 37, 507, 417 25, 756, 658 a 10, 843, 630 a 19, 283, 413- 8, 627, 949 a 5. 838, 325 a 10, 261, ^05 a 3, 713, 707 10, 269, 736 a 4, 414, 821 2, 792, 480 2, 153,'t)08 871, 673 1, 113, 942 12. 628, 005 118, 567, 952 55, 620 101, 609 48, 456 55, 829 56,223 148, 650 71, 796 81. 729 220, 471 296. 692 139, 088 317,337 70, 719 155, 706 393, 150 136, 000 16, 945 79, 765 8, 343 10, 781 130, 882 40, 471 12,499 I 293, 036 478, 066 195, 887 383,947 126, 942 435, 238 505, 417 230, 228 619, 912 52, 019, 955 1, 729, 163 299, 686 09, 606, 571 180, 574, 168 2, 648, 761 302, 200, 694 TO the following amounts (the total of Minnesota being further enlarged as explained afterward): Indiana, $12,343,630: lUinoia, $24,586,018 » Wisconsin, $7,588,325; Iowa. $11,061,605; Minnesota, $4,346,300; Kansas. $4,979,650 ; and the grand total of the group of Western States to $129,117,979. The total taxation for the United States of minor civil divisions for local purposes is thus increased to $191,031,951, and the giand total of all taxation for the United States to $312,750,721. It is to be noted m regard to Minnesota that p. sjiecial stare tax (not shovm in the tables) laid in the census year upou certain counties, known as the " soed-grj^iu tax, amountins to $92,244, is likewise incMded iu arriving at the total taxation of that state. 1509 1510 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation^ hy counties NEW Ei^GLAND STATES. MAINE. NoTB.— The table exhibits the state valuation of 1880. The taxation is for the year ending March 1, 1882, boiug the first based on this valuation. State and coun- ties. The State. Androscoggin ArooHtook ... Cuuiberlaud . - Fiaukliu Hancock Kennebec Knox Liot'oln O.irford Penobscot' Piscataquis . . . Sagadahoc . . . . Somerset , Waldo Washijigton . . York , ASSBaSED VALUATION. Dollars. 173, 856, 242 Dollars. 62, 122, 474 17, 265, 35H; 6, 2-3, 795! 35, 5f.8, 039i 4, 5!>3. 929 5, 919, 881 17, 672, 767 6, 846, 154 4, 737, 807 7, 7«5, 335 16, 075, 049 4, 440, 671 5, 356, 143 9, 224, 384 6, 83r7, 350 6, 880, 149 18, 429. 436 3, 511, 620 1,341,137 15, 9G2, 471 1, 559, 6H3 2, 355, 085 5, 619, 397 4, 032, 5821 1, 89(5, 886: 2, 293, 219 5, 333, 102{ Dollars. 235, 978, 710 20, 776, 973 7, 564, 932 51, 530, 510 6. 153, 612 8, 274, 966 ' ! 23 292, 1G4 10, 878, 736 6, 634, 693, 10, 058, 554 21, 408, 151 Dollars. DoUars 1, 063, 510 324, 401 835,075i 5,255,7461 23,687 4.941,0721 10,297.215 93, 599 ,3*. 120 232, 103 27, 739, 37, 333! 104, 947! 49, 045: 29, 924| 45, 352, 96, 511; c € u e ^ 111 til Dollars. 3, 7tf4, 224 Dollars. 5, 182, 135 2, 904, 494 2, 720, 484' 2,841, 643 12, 128, 878 I 9, 577, 8341 9, 721, 792 i 46, 38^ 54, 687; 43, 1851 43, 846 28. 000 16, 000' 62, 000; 7, m\ ll,500j 37, 000! 18, OOOj 9s 200, 10, 000| 40, 000, 6, 000! 15, 037' 13, 000 16, 000 13. 000 352, 562 116, rm 813, .^87; 88, 721; 154, 558j 326, 4341 207, 028 1^6, 908 149. 593' 383, 602; t 69, 600 89, 287 185, 622; 247, 048 474, 161 160,719 1,107,490 123, 624 203, 391 468, 381 274, 07:^ 166, 032 2U4,945 520,113 152, 529 192, 4871 170, 107 220, 196 251,072 226, 953 3,994,524j 22,423,960jj 101, 063j 22,500 314, 487j 438,050 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Note. — The table covers the fiscal year endins March 1, 1880. The valuation as equalized by the state board is used. This board, in adjustiuf; the valuation of property throughout the state, apply an increase or decrease, whenever needed, to the local assessment. In doing this they deal with values in the aggregate onl.y (real and personal combined). As it is not known to the Census Office what amount in each county Ls applied to one or the other class, it was thought best to add oue-half to each, or deduct one-half from each, as might be indicated. This plan of procedure had the approval of Hon. A. B. Thonji)son, secretary of state. It will be seen, then, that the total valuation for every county is correct, while the subdivision is only approKiraately correct. The aggregate of state tax is $4,508 less than is reported by the state treasurer. To account for this it should be stated that abatements, in all amounting to $4,660. have been allowe;; 35, 221, 995 33, 034,t)52 j 178, 448, 469 15, 958,732 14, 064: . 21, 016 . 46, 854 . 290, 549 . 21,755i. t Dollars. Dollars. 2,298,477! 2,6fe.7l5 53, 948 58,042 231, 307 1, 874, 755 80, 427 i CONNECTICUT. NOTK.—Tlie table is for the ti.scal year endinjj Xovember 30, 1880. The military' poll tax of $2, paid as (■•oui mutation for exemption from militia service, and amonntme Montgomery. New York... Niagara Oneida.... Onondaga. Ontario . . . Orange ... Orleans . . . Oswego . . . . Otsego Putnam Queens .... Kensaelaer. Richmond Eockland Saint Lawrence. Saratoga Schenelftady Schoharie, Schuyler., Seneca Steuben... Suffolk.*.. 49, 133, 861 12, 51^ 55G 17, 105, 862 18. 359, 710 2«, 722, 462 24, 950, 394 17, 404, 201 16, 800, 9091 8, 485, 950 1 22, U91, 2731 I 8, 301, 1891 11, 135, 106 35, 454. 02.5 108, 98<]51 10, 932, 986 6, 979, .537 3, 379, 950 14,182, 751 4, 551, 327 581, 207 11, 696, 624 27, 209, 451 231, 271, 902 6, 998, 605 20, 794, 145 17, 422, 822 70, 575, 243 10, 669, 213 918, 134, 380 26, 516, 410 44, 253, 069 62, 395,210 30, 625, 935 31, 854, 634 15, 879, 874 24, 528, 168 10, 843, 832 6, 811, 304 35, 985, 710 23, 834, 519 9, 433, 712 9,018, 631 24, 398, 460 20, 041, 148 5, 849, 758 6, 938, 272 6, 633, 736 13, 175, 552 21. 693, 468 11, 718, 337 It: o Dollars. 822, 657, 647 Dollars. 651, 940, 006 4, 597, 342! 1, 167, H2i 1, 290, 360' 1, 623, 377| 3, 307, 243! 3, 114, 73l| 678, 7151 2,837,454 1,217,820 4, 883, 845 1,183, 728 1, 603, 585! 6, 808, 629 9, 470, 470 833, 142 1, 095, 445 2?A, 950 2, 490, 654 548, 88« 1, 650 1, 440, 817 3, 970. 151 13, 285, 075 867, 395 2, 314, 250 2, 608, 400 3, 321, 690 392, 938 175, 334, 955 1, 891, 561 5, 197, 963 8, 205, 326 3, 860. 006 6, 748, 348 1, 642, 115 1, 439, 775 1, 527, 760 1, 494, 075 2, 651, 850 4, 340, 7O0 463, 050 1, 'i25, 562 2, 022, 125 2, 078, 734 629, 364 862, 795 761, 590 1. - 857, 542 2, 297, 253 1, 735, 600 Dollars. Dollars. 7, 880, 803 6, 166, 119 53, 731, 20311 13,682, 668j| 18, 396, 222' J 19,983,087; 30,029, 705jj 28, 065, 125 ' 18, 082, 916 19, 638, 363 9, 703, 778 26, 925, 118 9, 484, 912 12, 738.691 42, 262, 654 118, 454,62li 11, 766,128j 8, 074, 982; 3, 714, 900! 15,673, 40.5! 5, 100, 215! 582, 85?1 13, 137,>tl| 31, 179, 642 244, 556, 977i 7, 866, OOOi 23, 108, 395! 20, 026, 2221 73, 896, 933! 11, 062, 151 1, 094, 069, 335 28, 407,971! 1, 49,451, 032 70, 600, 536^ 34, 485, 94? 38, 602, 982! 17, 521, 989: 25, 967, 943 12, 371, 5921 8, 305, 379! 38, 637, 560 i 28, 175,219| 9, 896, 762; 10, 244, 193; 26, 415, .585' 22, 119, 882! 6, 479, 122' 7, 801, 067! 7, 395. 326' 15, 033, 094; 23, 990, 721 ! 13, 453,9371 198,-'329 32, 648 37, 657 38, 179' 71, 121: I 61, 1141 37. '321 1 45, 365j 24, 385; 80, 236 25, 6391 32, 6111 122, 618 234. 916 25, 533, 19, 308 1.5, 244! 50, 496! 26, 360 ! 2, 291 i 312, U7 50, Oil ^700 38,v500 40, 917 64, 120 62, 283 56.654 46, .516 88,964 42. 760 45, 4001 135, 695 539, 193, 33, 249 45, 692 48, 281 20, 151 67, 479 ll.v^OO 42, 63, 735, 22, .51, 43, 159, 43, ,751, 67. 839! 40, 317 186] 129, 647 0391 1, 170, 115 129, 086 139, 264 68,094 107, 1^ 37,979 59, 169 49, 464 19, 920 11L740 119, 908 32,683 32, 653 59, 575 54, 559 25,016 23, 672 16, 622 35, 297 51, 278 42, 695 32, 223 57, 156 55, 447 222, 187| 44, 472 {a) 86, 161 145,809 146, 1(18 53,834 128, 000 58, 274 135, 505 46, 687 15, 248 272,652 181,788 168, 245 25,062 76, 098 26,809 36, 449 23, 859! 27, 229! 78, 5571 40, 302 1 r3 o Dollars. 42, 352, 053 Dollars. 56, 392, 975 948, 751 62, 263 184, 131 121, 789| 328, 607 213,501; 205,8141 227, 406 114, 043! 186, 408j 86, 589j 157, 7021 373, 5<)0[ 1, 146, 633; 85, 715 i 59, 682 70, 781' 104, 7061 64, 464' 15, 940! 115, 658; 225, 4l7; 4, 353, 025^ 62, 761 1 123, 849j 149, 194! 991, 896i 12l,8f7i 24,475,-«27 185,384 417, 830 690, 527 146, 654 344, 186 73, 396 435, 186! 134, 231 29, 57: 481, 524 730,638 187, 578 83, 467 161, 093 204, 758 98,552 60, 078 41, r 89, 476! 212, 733; 105, 315! L 459, 397 144,922 268, 4B8 198, 468 440,645 338, 735 306,418 329, 424 184, 944 355, 608 154,988 235, 713 631,513 1, 920,742 144,497 124, 682 134, 306 175, 353 158, 303 29.231 418, 117, 232, 24S, 1, 374, 209, 28, 226, 814 250 179 089 039 803 989 692, 725 . 975,899 266, .582 579, 373 169, 649 629, 860 230, 382 64, 740 865, 916 1, 032, 424 141, 182 299, 061 335, 415 150,«377 120, 199 81, 656 152,s002 337, 568 188, 312 a The espouses of the county are paid from the city tax. 1514 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tablk CXXY.— Assessed valuation and taxation— NEW YORK— Continued. AHSK68KD VALUATION. DoUars. 5, 800. 588 12. 0515, 276i 9, 340, 7«2l 18, 307, 0871 2, 212, 05(Jt 15, 866, 649! 18, 820, 3181 52, 095. 1881 11, 840, 917; 7, 695, 927! JDoUarg. 240, 355 860, 680 1,414,20« 3, 195, 136 478, 815 3, 091, 234 1. (i49, 393 3, 579, 658 1, 236, 078 80d, 190 Dollars. 6, 040, 943 , 12, 913, 95(i;^ 10, 754, 990f 2f, 502, 223 2, 690, 871 18, 957, 883 20, 469, 71 1! 55, 674, 846 13, 076, 995 8, 505. U7 Dollars. 12, 986 26, 021 33. 947 52, 885 13,568 57, 577 60, 2051 11)6, 446 30, 510 31, 150 O DoUa/rs. 39, 348 32,564 27, 967 219, 184 29,096 50, 194 37, 203 378, 821 23, 000 29, 427 111 Dollars. 76.557 123, 018 174, 3331 391, 790 62, 292 107, 771 155, 597 831, 359 88,71J 59. 302 NEW JERSEY. JfOTK.— The valuation jjiven is the gross valuation of 1880, The net valuation for taxation Is tlio groHS valuation less an allowi*ice for the dt bts of the persou.s taxed, which amounted in 1880, in round numbers, to $55,000,000. The state taxes given are those levied ou the valuation of 1879. ASSESSED VALUATION. TAXATION. State and conn- £ p. tiea. Pi .1 1 1 'J 1° otal. s a % 3 ! ^ o DoUarg Dollars. Dollars Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. The State 442, 632, 638 129, 885, 723 572, 518, 361 1, 283, 711 1, 938, 318 5, 736, 036 8, 958, 005 3, 923, 132 682, 160 4, 605, 292 10, 316 18, 075 79, 8.59 108,250 Bergen 13, 064, 960 2, 87?, 894 15, 937, 854 i 32, 929 51, 000 131,072 21.5, 001 21, 958, 646 9, 654, 562 31,613, 208 1 64,603 68, 000 89, 781 222, 384 15, 851, 344 3, 968, 217 19, 819, 561 1 47, 975 100, OOO 200, 266 348, 2>l 2, 694, 734 765, 360 3,460, 100 i 8,383 14, 090 40, 327 62, 800 10, 156, 700 4, 388, 071 14, .544, 771 30, 592 .50, 000 94, 406 174, 998 86, 725, 803 20, 659, 672 107, m>, 475 259, 124 535, 939 1, 450, 194 2; 245. 248 11, 180, 903 5, 102, 500 16, 288, 4r.3 i 33, 215 43, 500 45,263 121,978 83, 691, 0.50 6, 680, 919 90, 371, 909 i 231, 251 230,450 1, 871, 087 2, 332, 788 18, 076, 602 11, 113, 510 29, 190, 112 j 53, 559 7U,000 88,306 211, 864 23, 472, 372 10, .588, 108 3-}, 060, 480 i 73, 236 75,000 217, 986 366, 222 15. 974, 111 3, 898, 358 19, 872, 469 i 45, 448 102, 450 223, 270 371, 168 21,282. 000 9,446, 000 30, 728, 000 1 63, 597 60, 008 114. 027 237, 632 ^Morris 17, 797, 384 5, 096, 505 22, 893, 949 ' 52, 961 70, 000 107, 575 230, 5;5e 2,986, 110 933, 401 3, 919, 517 7, 210 20, 000 22, 181 49, 391 22, 963, 966 4, 390, 809 27, 354, 775 1 61, 670 95, 652 429,6^7 580, 9S9 Salem 10, 688, 659 6, 880, 370 17, 569, 029 33, 641 34, 000 48.342 115. 985 14, 406, 097 6, 975, 429 21,381, 526 1 41,140 65, 000 72, 090 178, 230 9,532, 672 4, 659, 711 14, 192, 383 i 24, 272 54, 04^ 46, 956 125,-276 20, 781, 225 3, 422, 690 24, 203, 915 1 61, 495 115, 000 283, 439 459, 934 15, 424, 102 7, 700, 411 23, 130, 513 1 47, 094 1 66, 115 79,943 193, 152 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1515 Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and Uxxation — Continued. PENNSYLVANIA. JfOT^.—Tlie tables exhibit the v.ilnation of all real and personal property that is taxed for 8tat« or county piirposeB. For the purposes of county ami ln< ;il taxation a valuation is made of "salaries, eniolutnents of office, posts of profit, trades, occupations, aud profussious". The total amount of such valuation iu the state is $68,059,580. This is uot included in the tables. ASSESSED VALUATION. y TAXATION'. state and coun- 0 111 ties. cs "« >» eal e f otal. -2 e? a a 0 0 Pi H 0 H Dollar DoWtrs. Dollars. DoUarfi. D4lars. Dollars. The State-.-. 1, 540, 007, 957 - 143, 451, 059 I, 6W. 459; OlS, — I , 485, 578 4, 612, 165 a2.{,«i)6,591 a 28,604 334 10, 493, 444 1, 267, 001 11, 760, 44.5 3,708 35, 092 6 64, 090 ft 102, 896 167, 21^, 295 3, 490, 006 170, 708. 30k 15, 127 586^ 441 6 3. 2.34. 046 ft 3. 83.5 614 8, 2i^, 455 555, 272 8,790 7^7^ 1, 706 66, 341 b 99, 5:J4 6 167, 641 6, 375, 546 1, 453. 512 7, 829. 058 4, 719 59, 5.53 h 97, 205 ft 161, 477 Bedford 7, 414, 767 746 351 8, ICl, 118 1/914 49, 032 h 61 363 ft 112, 809 51,985,402 4, 380, 831 56, 366, 233 12,747 142, 054 b 323, 937 ft 478.t708 Blair 6, G53, 666 301, 796 6, 95.V402i 597 58, 992 ft 134, 130 ft 193, 719 6, 636, 681-, 177 7, 317. 8.59 798 72, 107 ft 122, 799 6 196, 704 IQ, 912, 65 i 4, 067, 20, 979, 980- 12, 13.^ 126, 751 6 242, 929 ft38f, 813 Butler 9, 640, 5^4 895, 618 10, 536, 162 1, 036 53, 090 6 135 421 ft 100, 147 4, 004. 688 219, 256 "j 4, 223, 944 797 44, 049 6 88, 151 6,132, 9d7 713, 845 60, 629 774, 474 159 7, 816 16, KJO 24, 611 2, 780, 865 106, 389 2, 887, 2.54 166 27, 950 ft 84, 572 6U2, 6S8 9' 568, 997 640. 265 W. 209, 2621 1,427 41, 196 6 104, 079 ft 146, 702 0 tester 45, 040, 725 7 275 684 52; 316, 409 23 737 148, 259 ft 278 571 6 450, 567 3,128,201 755, 497 3, 883, 698 2, 454 "3.5, 781 ft 110, 041 6148, 276 5, 569, 973 663, 644 6, 233, 6 17; 1, 568 39. 156 6 100, 255 ft 140, ^79 Clinton 2, 993 874 20.3. 159 3. 197, 033 427 33. 252 91, 237 124, 916 4! Tit 940 451, 542 5.' L73; 482; 1,025 32, 526 ft 76, 698 ft 110, 249 Crawford 17, 206, 521 1 668 949 18, 876, 470 4, 169 131, 172 6 239 791 6 375, 132 12, 223, 355 2, 054. 110 1 14, 277. 465' 6, 748 69, 165 6 109, 567 6185, 480 14, 894, 836 1,382,009 16, 227. 445: 3, 906 149, 670 ft 241, 769 6 395, 345 Delaware 29, 082, 821 4,164,561 33, 24^, 382 14, 171 94, 941 ft 221, 080 6 330, 201 Klk 2, 358, 606 211,559 2, 570, 165^ 644 24, 764 51, 460 76, 863 29, 593, 541 2, 821, 479 32, 215, 020 12 352 62, 993 6 367 942 6 443, 287 15, 520, 778 895, 499 16, 416, 277 2,073 58, 246 6 106, 833 6167, 152 1, 255, 946 66, 899 1, 322, 845 230 11. 970 ft 19, 003 ft 31, 203 16, 090, 257 1, 589, 149 17, (>79, 4061 4, 876 68, 9, 980 ft 108, 869 6 182, 725 850, 657 126, 679 977, 336| 269 667 6 14, 198 6 24, 134 7, 099. 166 485,971- 7, 585, 137 1,000 38, 664 6 63, 130 6102, 794 4, 7.53, C71 664, 975 5, 418.646 1, 588 53. 372 6 74, 883 6129, 843 9, 337, 341 951.435 10, 288, 7761 3, 612 39, 819 6116,549 6 159, 980 1, 893, 630 290. 815 2.184, 445 664 21, 047 ft 62, 739 6 84, 450 2, 330, 875 187, 091 2. 517, 966' 436 20, 112 6 47, 333 6 67, 881 Lackawanaa 9, 341, 089 358, 969 9, 700, 058{ 337 65, 308 294, 320 359, 965 81, 021, 210 13, 424, 996 94, 446, 206| 49, 070 251, 797 6 379, 546 6 680, 413 12, 370, 039 747, 414 13, 117, 4.531 1. 726 47, 016 6 97, 325 6 146, 067 9, 960, 394 1, 762, 973 11, 723, 367 6,005 56, 224 ft 109, 6.S9 6171, 918 Lehish 27, 488, 792 3, 439, 547 30. 928, 339 11,-994 90, 847 ft 174, 062 ft 276, 903 12; 966, 108 651, 760 13, 617, 868 1, 173 90, 592 ft 384, 110 6 475, 875 15, 651, 308 761,413 16, 412, 721 1, 345 57, 722 6 192, 294 6 251, 361 10, 068, 359 319, 364 10, 387, 723 1,.440 105, 789 103, 840 211, 069 20, 461. 723 1, 05.5, 737 21, 517, 4<)0 2,121 65, 256 6 145. 458 6 212, 835 Mifflin 3, 317, 724 424, 132 3, 741, 856i 1,501 36, 099 46. 441 83, 841 1, 256, 735 280, 779 1, 537,6141 807 15, 840 ft 38, 983 6 55, 630 a Exclusive of the local taxes Of 116 townships and one borough, fruin which no reports were received 6 No j-ei>ort was received from one or more towTiahips {and, in the case of Bedford county, from one borouj^h). 1516 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV.— Assessed raluaiio7i and foxafion— PENNSYLVANIA— Continued. State and «oun- | ties. I Montgomery — Montour . . .* Northampton — Northum herland Perry Philadelphia. Pike Potter Schuylkill ... Snyder Somerset .'■>, 637, 170 1, 004, 013' 6, 641, 183 2, 657i 31, 754 591, 132' 02, 941 654, 076 14' 7, 245 Susquehanna 4, 625, 818; 458, 634 5, 084, 452 587' 29, 694i Tioga 6, 473,911 671, 7,145, 444 8821 49, 3671 3, 668, 006 604. 338; 4, 272, 344 1, 968 14, 6531 Veoajigo ! 12, 428, 6351 997, 1 8 Cm 2 and rict. ties. -2 «5 m - >> §« u otaL i ■is ounty. fi 1 CO Q U CO H Dollars Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. DoUars. Dollars. DoUars. 233, GOl, 599 74, 853, 536 308, 455, 135 ! 1, 918, 492 L, 170, 413 1, 553, 297 4 642, 202 2, 938, 675 1, 015, 618 ^ 4, 014, 293 25, 956 .,=: 20, 172 2. 783 48, 911 4, 799, 191 1, 723, 657 6, 522, 848 i 46, 044 45, 753 19, 793 111, 590 3, 698, 932 855, 1H8 4, 554, 120 31, 113 9, 055 82, 046 122,214 925 098 327. 456 1. 252, 554 8, 640 4, 965 1, 068 14, 673 906, 881 28l! 958 1, 188, 839 9, 363 6, 186 1, 356 16)905 Amherst 1, 910, 879 414, 8G6 2, 325, 745 16, 019 16, 141 200 32,360 8B6, 818 862 213, or)7 1,079, 875 7, 997 5,793 13, 790 9, 705, 2, 636. 662 12, 342, 524 74, 862 29,981 49, 707 154, .550 fiat it 738, 616 294. 476 1, 033, 092 6, 426 1, Oil 494 7, 981 3,194, 263 1, 042, 171 4, 236, 434 29, 971 24, 680 547 64, 198 454, 299 154, 352 608, 651 4,094 3, 395 574 8,063 Botetourt 2, 2r>8, 287 573. 186 2, 831, 473 17, 445 22, 500 1. 925 41, 870 Bninswick 937, 278 299, 750 1, 237, 028 11, 437 14. 915 822 27, 174 340, 965 58, 771 330, 736 2, 376 3, 768 76 6,220 l,42li 940 338, 845 1, 760, 785 is', 418 9, 041 958 23, 415 7, 246. 867 3,910, 762 11, 157, 629 52, 147 10, 423 136, 799 199,369 1,698, 324 494, 060 2, 192, 384 15, 236 7,064 1, 782 24. 082 630, 018 268, 877 798, 895 6,602 3, 995 286 10,883 596 907 160, 169 757, 076 5, 205 5, 451 10,656 1, 604i 914 584, 115 2, 189, 029 15, 857 12, 485 972 29,314 4, 179, 321 503, 686 4, 683. 007 29, .506 10, 494 26, 937 66,937 Clarke 2, 618, 471 520, 592 3, 139. 063 16, 692 16. 1,58 1, 653 34, 501 569, 405 146, 697 716, 102 4, 254 3,591 3471 8, 192 2, 168, 476 680. 606 2, 749, 082 17 494 20, 850 3, 167 41.511 Cnmberland ..... 1, 030i 884 237, 307 1, 268. 191 9i615 3,821 2, 880 15, 816 95, 002 21, 742 116, 744 511 a 701 1, 212 6, 997. 808 3, 432, 462 10, 430, 270 67, 016 10, 939 138, 447 216,4t)2 Xiiizaoetn i^ity . . . 947, 736 315, 422 1, 263, 158 7, 277 9,299 639 17, 215 746 208 241, 810 988, 018 7, 285 6, 218 1, 089 14, 592 3, 706i 637 607, 371 4, 314, 008 29! 066 82,430 7, 974 119,470 7,364, 318 1, 662. 994 9.027, 312 63, 071 25, 591 10, 228 88,890 Floyd 823, 888 263, 736 1, 087, 624 9, 189 6,300 1, 502 16, 991 844, 000 331, 467 1, 17.5, 467 10. 329 11, 333 1. 691 ; 23,'353 1, 0X0, 610, 158 2, 426, 396 17 787 13,965 2, 670 1 34,422 4,771, 860 1, 381, 2581 6, 153, 118 35i568 8,280 16, 185 60, 033 958, 949 298, 252 1, 257, 201 8.954 3, 995 993 13, 942 1,082. 097 368, 839 1, 450, 936 10, 401 6,710 1, 080 18,191 1, 342, 799 324. 844 1, 667. 643 10, 797 7, 777 12 18.586 593, 380 283. 025 826, 405 6,817 4,074 227 11, U8 461, 951 175, 606 637, 557 4, 930 3, 899 458 9,307 586, 904 178, 788 765, 692 5, 802 6,229 420 12, 451 2, 832. 208 1, 616, 468 4, 448, 678 28, 917 21, 424 2, 598 62, 939 1. 777, 962 530, 125 2, 308, 087 17, 111 8,560 1, 161 26, 832 Henrico 33,267, 306 11,981,8.58 45, 249, 164 229. -m 18, 229 656, 875 804, 438 1, 046, 104 428, 846 1, 474, 950 10, 197 10, 845 1, 362 22, 404 794. 775 270, 581 1, 065, 356 7,520 9,570 616 17, 700 Isle of Wight ... 1, 172, 607 518, 895 1, 691, 502 10, 982 5, 18H 688 16, 858 James City 521, 815 300. 241 822, 056 .5. 254 3, 054 3, 384 11, 692 Kine and Queen . 812, 6G4 315, 480 1, 128. 144 7, 615 4, 777 12,392 King George 823, 509 217, 806 I, 041, 315 7,227 6,818 1. 185 14,231 o £Btim»ted. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1519 Table CXXV. — Aesessed valuation and toaraitoti— VIRGINIA— Continned. state and coxm- ties. King William Lancaster .... Lee Lonilonn Louisa, i Lunenburg MHdison Mathews M«>cklenburg . . . Middlebex Montgomery Nftnflemond.. Nelson New Kent ... Norfolk Northampton Northumberland Nottoway Orange Page P&trick Pittsylvania .... Powhatan Prince Edward Prince George . , Princess Anne. . Princ« William . Pulaski Eappahannock . Richmond Roanoke Rockbridge Rockingham Russell Scott Shenandoah Smyth Southampton . . . Spot^svlvania ... Stafford Snrry SiiBsft'x: Tazewell WaiTen Warwick Washington Westmoreland . . Wise Wy^e York A88B68ED VALUATION. Dollartt. 1,2] 8, 303 626. 70 1 1,011.615! 8, 943, 5451 1. 742, 1021 687, G71 1, 677, 994 566, 990 1, 505, 492 457, 802 2, 019, 864 1, 591. 741 1, 8ti8, 9:>0 314,298 15, 495, t82 872, 748 848,- 270 780, 764 1, 900, 755 1, 669, 304 787, 256 6,401,625 1, 059, 505 1, 912, 255 955, 927 1, 134, 552 2, 025, 734 1. 720, 255 i; 714, 195 683, 815 2, 733, 871 8, 617. 168^ 6, 747, 419; 969, 99,5 690, 515 8, 531, 114, 1, 6U3, 216 1,6(5, 904J 2, 183, 089 894, 289 739, 572: 848, 435! 1, 020, 840 1, 304, 3.{8i 305. 027; 2, 886, 696: 803, 468 166, 709 2, 634, 327 589, 371 Dollars 175, 910] 153, 0191 515, 586 3, 178, 768 750, 510 217, 044 561, 291 146, 626 548, 842 228, 096 552, 372 638, 428 439, 439 140, 810 2, 221, 799 438, 514 190, 808 268, 216 623, 4(»5 421, 672 320,051 2, 193, 8331 228, 53: 416, 002 310, 988 397, 658 474, 696 538, 403 1, 711,015 251, 746 407, 095 1, 590, 0261 2, 070, 721 500. 000 420, 775 914, 875 435, 801 932, 673 734, i54 287,346 300, 530 54, 500 330, 532 312, 000 36, 518 635, 657 257, 270 95, 000 911, 778 100, 74: DoUarg. 1, 394, 213 779, 780 1, 527, 201 12, 122, 313 2,492, 612 904, 715 2. 239, 285 713,516 2. 054. 334 2, 572, 236 2, 230. 109 2, 308, 359 485, 114 17, 717, 681 1, 311, 262 1, 039, 078 1, 048, 980 2,524, 160 2. 090, 976; 1,107, 307 8,595, 458 1, 288, 037 2, 328, 257 1, 206, 915 1,532, 210 2, 500, 430 2, 2r>S, 658 3, 425, 210 835, soil 3, 140, 966' 5, 207, 194i 8,818, 140 1,469,995 1, 111, 290 4, 445, 989 2, 039,017 2, 548, 577 2, 917, 243 1, 181, 635 1,040,102 902, 935 1,351,372 1, 616, 338 341, 545 3, 522, 353' i 1, 060, 738j 261, 709 3, 546, 105I 696, 113 Dollars. 8,825 5, 487; 10, 871 70, 797 18, 409 8,074 13, .584 5, 534 18, 031 5,347 19, 313 14, 329! 14, 823 3, 768 98, 963 8, 895 6, 815 7, 764 17, 901 12, 066 52, 347 8,660 15, 375 0,068 10,190 16,453 13, 391 17, 970 6,091 22,767 31, 763 51, 319 9,579 0,i 26, 905 12, 823 16, 204 19, 077 8,276 7, 033 8, 188 9,743 9, 746 2, 225; I 22, 243 7, 173 3, 559| 20, 4241 5, 150 Dollars. 5,006 4, 279 6. 665 43, 862 7, 821 10, 180 8,117 4, 282 15,724 4. 156 12, 651 14, 066 6, 2&3 6, 263 10, 047 3, 417 4, 704 6, 159 11,415 4,378 4, 639 38, 435 10, 046 10. 450; 5,068 5,933 7, 147 7, 95! 10, 438 5,051 15,912 50, 443i 20, 997| 9,2651 8,192! DoUars. 1,413 377 772 9,206 1, 131 277 32,4 9,6 6,972 7,392 4,483 6, 997 11, 980 10, 062 11, 253 2.602 28, 0531 4, 5971 a 3, 262| 20, 412 3. 829 1, 134 3,974 7, 728 474 286 252, 51 1, 127 806 700 2,884 2, 295 57, 924 1, 365 4,426 335 2, 422 l,690l 550 859 7,146 12, 278 21,506 794 1,417 7,329 1, 730 1, 336 22,267 219 LOCO 1,319 2.509 2,030 241 3,114 2, 251 250 8, 384 14, 030 21,487 22, 314 23,029 5.068 48,410 14, 021 7,071 40, 220 9,577 a Partially estimated. 1520 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — Continaed. WEST VIRGINIA. NoTE.~Th6 valuation and taxation ai-e for the fiscal year ending Septemher 30, 1880. ASSESSED VALUATION. The State.... Dollars. 105, 000, 306 1,707, 840 4, 295, 945 383, 000 1, 292, 269 2, 152, 603 2, 008. 822 3&G. 515 282, 685 1, 265, 424 1,103, 720 633, 108 1, 449, 002 3, 280,115 1, 881, 033 1, 536, 384 1, 790, 790 6, 012, i 2, 171, 898 4, 669, 708 4, 256, 963 2, 083, 699 680, 470 525, 818 382, 818 3, 031, 956 3, 880, 356 4, 471, 916 470, 669 2, 094, 134 3, 344, 553| 2, 106, 257I 751, 435 466, 628 n, 953,390 1, 157, 540 772, 590 1,310, 351 2, 136, 080 1,416,504 661, OJTD 8(56, 247 1, 272, 826 838, 661 593, 861 2, 316, 915 418, 703 1, 342, 691 1, 782, 260 1,478, 1981 267, 609 1, 317, 469 745,721 4J4n, 855 702, 314 2& Dollars. 34,622, 399 Dollars. 139, 622, 705 541, 163 1, 212, 584 189, 400 347, 393 624, 966 550, 651 141,473 59, m 403, 867 271, 855 253, 182 421, 9771 1, 142, 5581 629, 7951 451, 128j 637, 332 2, 010, 220 413, 970 1, 509, 742 a73, 050 684, 205 214, 269 160, 462 85, 524 1, 209, 685 834, 8OOI 1, 303, 654' 205, 340| 616, 212 1, 212, 299 1 679, 365; 328, 053; 213, 075 5, 245, 780 430, 413 354,203 265, HQ 901, 243 326, 790 193, 837 W5, 575 574. 631 263, 813 228, 091 1, 021, 850 60, 999 503, 285 520, 206 457, 844 70, 304 31 4, 679 '^9, 665 1, 903, 860 76,949 2, 249, 003 5, 508, 529 582, 400 1, 639, 662 2, 777, 569 2, 559, 473 537, 988 342, 108 1,609,291 1, 375, 575 886, 290! 1, 870, 979: 4, 422, 673! 2, 510, 828 1, 987, 512 2, 428, 122 8, 023, 109 2, 585, 868 6, 179, 450 5, 230, 013 2, 767, 904 894,'739 686, 280 418, 342 4, 241, 641 4, 715, 156 5, 775, 570 676, 009 2, 710, 346 4, 556, 852 2, 78.5, 622, 1, 080, 0881 679, 703 17, 199, 17(1 1, 587, 953 1, 126, 793 1,575, 461 3, 037, 323 1, 743, 294 854, 936 1, Odl, 822 1, 847, 457 1, 102, 474 821, 9.58 3, 338, 765 479, 702 1, 845, 97fe 2, 302, 4661 1, 936, 042 337, 913 1, 632, 148 975, 386 6, 651, 715 779, 263 i town, ril- », and school riot. § 3q Q 0 H Dollars. 581, 202 Dollars. 769, 138 Dollars. 706, 639 DoUa/rs. 2. 050, 979 9, 150 21,525 3, 430 7, 002 9,74p 12,004 24, 833 8, Oil 12, 050 25, 415 5,613 26,900 2,915 6,071 7, 565 26, 767 73, 258 14, 356 25, 123 42,720 12, 106 2, 789 1, 607 7, 218 6, 764 17, 301 4, 570 4,213 8, Oil 16, 905 26, 310 VI 85 1, 941 8, 837 7, 705 5.5, 717 8, 544 7, 761 24,066 31, 374 4, 196 6, 811 17, 189 9, 631 7, 015 4, 441 7, 322 13, 268 9, 078 8, 464 4,335 7,204 13, 296 7,799 8,758 12, 972 21, 337 43,753 26,508 24, 237 9,096 30, 311 10, 947 23, 301 26, 702 3, 582 2.5, 111 15, 748 34, 169 44, 312 4,823 29,651 10,560 35, 17» 46,522 17, 501 85, 073 37, 255 92. 648 116,536 11, 799 4, 689 3,487 1, 844 16, 515 13, 844 7, 895 9, 617 2, 375 16, 095 12,647 3,556 2,211 321 13,842 38,290 16, 140 16, 315 4,540 46, 452 17, 587 22, 045 3, 394 11, 111 17, 435 27, 484 29, 373 2, 784 10, 653 23, 174 24, 105 26, 198 2, 679 12, 91§ 11,473 69,478 77, 616 ^^857 34, 682 52, 082 10, 970 4, 923 3, 518 73, 447 6, 466 11,523 8, 004 4, 651 82, 660 18,868 8,620 6,682 4, 321 122, 977 4, 148 31, 113 19, 609 12, 490 279, 084 29, 482 4, 760 5, 921 13, 12a 7, 677 3, 861 6,843 11,646 15,037 14, 772 4,590 6,088 4, 870 16, 063 10,660 3,353 17, 691 22, 437 44, 222 33, 109 11,804 5, 008 8, 037 5,574 5,063 12, 593 (a) 15, 756 8, 818 6,349 5, 695 6,061 10, 555 5,42& 5,043 13,500 U,0C9 34, 348 19, 820 16, 455 31, 788 2, 035 7, 769 9,040 8, 364 1,888 6,903 8,761 11,112 8, 486 3,302 2,297 8,601 5, 130 5, 635 1,362 11, 235 25, 031 25, 282 22, 485 6, 552 8,405 4, 322 28,947 3,056 16,490 16, 68T 34,192 5, 891 16, 634 4, 701 60,343 1,549 41,529 25, 710 123, 482 10, 496 a No report received, -and no data obtainable from which to form an eatiraate. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation— ContiimeiL NORTH CAROLINA. Note.— The valuation is that of 1879, upon which the taxation exhibited is based. 1521 State and conn- ties. The State Alamance . Alexander . Alleghany . Anson Ashe Beaufort . . . Bertie Rladen .... lirunswicfc. Buncombe . Burke ... Oabarrus . Caldwell . Camden.. Carteret . Caswell.. Catawba . Chatham. Cherokee Chowan.. Clay Cleaveland.., Columbus Craven Cumberland Currituck. Dare Davidson . Davie Duplin.... Edfjecombe Forsyth ... Franklin (raston Gates flraham . Granville Greeue . . Guilford . Bali lax.. Harnett ... Haywood . . Henderson. Hertford. .. Hyde ASSESSED VALUATION. Dollars. 101. 709. 326 1, 281, 390 488, 425 293, .^51 947, 903 664. 430 1,277,227 1, 202, 097 499, 963 556, 702 1, 866, 615 639, 4^>8 1, 478, 061 635, 025 363, 439 365, 169 1, 172, 941 1, 384, 161 1, 675, 560 442, 902 579, 101 148, 764 1, 091, 895 397, 911 1, 605, 595 1, 566, 221 327, 592 111, 507 1,556, 109 786, 065 911, 886 2, 614, 947 1, 531, 314 1, 741, 985 1, 349, 483 456, 345 112, 805 2, 155, 377 944, 667 2, 402, 025 2, 087, 189 557, 516 591, 457 766, 358 848, 875 397, 285 Dollars. 51, 390, 876 990, 858 224, 575 309, 050 608, 828 395. 504 512, 811 533, 131 513, 257 278, 109 770, 106 249, 0391 775, 927 328, 089 149, 405 162, 985! 870, 899 668, 770 820, 688 164, 625 238, 809 105,497 517, 466 708, 769 579, 021 814, 181 190, 1131 98, 5771 749, 750i 438, 141! 500, 09G I I 610,3831 361, 938 702, 822| 668, 5221 333, 423 47, 221 1, 288, 408 506, 129 1, 437, 921 1. 024. 610 284, 831 327, 335 259, 908 441,843 288, 620 Dollars. 156, 100, 202 2, 272, 248 713, 000 602, 601 1, 556, 731 1, 059, 934 1, 790, 038 1, 735, 228 1, 013, 220 834, 811 2, 636, 721 888, 497 253, 9881 963, 114 512, 844: 528, 154 2, 043, 840 2, 052, 931 2, 496, 248 607, 527 817, 910 254, 261 1, 609, 361 1, 106, 680 2, 184,616 2, 380, 402 517, 705 210, 084 2, 305, 859 1, 224, 206| 1,411,1 4, 225, 130 2, 893, 252 2, 444, 807 2, 018, 005 789, 768 160, 020 3, 443, 785 1,450, 796 3, 839, 946 3, 111, 799 842, 347 918, 792 1, 026, 266' 1, 290, 718! 685, 905, Dollars 706, 903 9,810 3, 536 2, 854 6, 458 5. 439 Dollars. 986, 956 8, 231 7, 739 5. 153 3,2<^9 10, 881 4, 234 9, 548 4,783 2, 513 2. 611 9,029 8, 562 12, 626 3, 054 .3, 715 1,245 7, 535 5, 925j 8, 895 10, 065.' 2, 192 1, 140 10, 053 6, 576 6, 605 17,644 10, 298 11, 661 8, 663 3. 502 3,058 1(5, 044 6, 583 17, 734 11, 2611 4, 5151 5, 145 5, 631 5, 468 4, 001 8, 324 2, 502 3, lil 19,923 5, 810 8, 622 7, 811 6, 453 4, 419 20, 308 Dollars, 222. 273 10, 455 12, 925! 6, 702i 5, 861 1 5,402 3, 021 13, 767 2,541 5. 550 1,830 18, 543 6, 763 26, 498 21, 053 3, 026 2, 507 12, 826 7, 417 7, 311 19, 513 12, 422 31,101 5, 889 3, 302 2, 788 17, 221 2, 280 11, 188 14, 918 4, 664 6,408 16, 349 8, 440 6, 438 150 Dollars. 1, 916, 132 1, 0281 1, 7181 450 4, 600 713 401 160 6,325 10,000 775 365 440 4, 692j 5, 275! 890 460 ! 6,900 46 5, 850 1, 057 30 96 C C 1522 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXY.— Assessed valuation and taxation— NORTH CAROLINA— Continued. State and coun- tiea. Iredell Jackson Johuaton Jones Lenoir Lincoln McDowell Macon Madison Martin Mecklenburg . . Mitchell Montgomery. .. Moore Iifash New Hanover Northampton Onslow , Orange Pamlico , Pasquotank.., Pender Perquimans .. Person , Pitt , Polk Eandolph Kichmond Kobeson , Eockingham . , Rowan Kutherford ... Sampson , Stanley , Stokes Surry Swain Transylvania , Tyneil Union Wake Wanen Washington . Watauga Wayne , Wilke.s Wilson Yadkin Yancey ASSESSED VALUATION. DoUarH. 1, 689, 989 320, 7C3 1, 888, 427 490, G05 1, 143, 985 P4 o 1, 140, 704 i 444, 0711 435, 021 441, S38' 952. 639 3, 580, 120 173, 968 519, 726, 1, 016, 901 1, 434, 225' 3,513, 134 1, 588. 959 624, 646 2, 007, 025 300, 236 863, 662 922, 659 720, 533 922, 568 1, 706, 293 397, 280 1, 516, 037 1, 119, 311 1,414, ]81 1, 432, 916 2, 014, 529 955, 807 1, 062, 616 619,020 784. 737 969, 327 213, 8.50 389, 231 222, 629 1, 284, 833 5, 857, 054 1, 365, 629 453, 479 472, 581 2, 213, 130 707, 309 1, 548, 449 783, 643 1 213, 958| Dollars, i 966, 061 1 150,715! 984, 393! 160, 820 467. 184 530, 027 133, 906 280, 76j; 236, 089, 478, 554 2, 017, 732! 109, 888 338, 31 4| 548, 8321 711, 146 1, 443, 833 845, 872 313,729 1, 005, 977 126,228 308, 438 255, 948 301, 510 566, 6r)6 945, 516 113, 561 896, 877 766, 557 749, 457 960, 706 1, 043, 641 406, 858 596, 357 395, 537 363, 437 452, 335 72, 805 151, 025 169, 986 824, 328 3, 215, 830 776, 941 210, 393 233, 074 1, 060, 446 343, 647 1, 039, 525 357, 358 111, 188i Dollars. 2, 656, 050 471, 478 2, 872, 820 ' 65],42!>^ 1, 611, 169 ; 1,670. 731 577,977: 716, 782i 677, 727;', 1, 431, 193 I 5, 577, 852 283, 856, 858, 040 1, 565, 7.*!3 2, 145, 371 4, 956. 967 2, 434, 831 938. 375 3, 013, 002 426, 462 1, 172, 100! 1, 178, 607; 1, 022, 043[ 1, 489, 224 2, 651, 809! 510, 841 j 2, 412, 914! 1, 885, 868 2, 163, 638: 2, 393, 622i 3, 058, 170' 1, 362, 665 1, 658, 973 1, 014, 557 1, 148, 174l 1, 421, 662! 286, 745 540, 256 392, 615 2, 109, 161 9, 072, 884 2, 142, 570 663, 872 705, 655 3, 273, 576 1, 050, 956 2, 587, 974 1, 141, 001 325. 148 Dollars. 11, .362 2. 307 12,404 3, 581 7, 651 Dollars. 18, 9?3 3, 974 13, 438 3, 884 13. 1,50 a ® Dollars. 400 6, 7581 2, 8351 3, 980! 4, 2.^7! 7, 194, 5,970 10, 503 5, 545 2, 431 1, 030 8, 664 125 5, 053 5, 467: 6, 784 6, 287: 225 j I 63, 898! 16, 293 4, 970 7, 002 Dollars. 30, 715 6. 341 26, 210 7. 465 21. 831 15, .'i47 7,888 9,447 11, 041 13, 706 103, 7, 10, 18, 15, 155, 22, 9, 29, 10, 655 421 377 948 21,822 12, 093 1.5,480 15, 839 23, 380 4, 487 25, 471 30, 021 20, 880 25. 569 28, 700 22, 920 17, 614 10, 552 16, 961 12, 998 3, 114 9, 014 3, 791 31, 806 109, 387 lU, 256 7, 505 15, .525 19. S21 15, (i^:^ 7, 844 Estimated. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — Continued. SOUTH CAROLINA. Note.— The table is for the year ending October 31, 1879. 1523 state and coun- ties. The State... Abbeville. Aiken Anderson . Barnwt'll . Beaufort . . Charleston . . Chester Chestei field Clarendon .. Colleton . . . . Darlington . Edgefiekl . . . Fairfield. ... Georgetown GreenvUl© . . Hampton . . Horry Kershaw Lancaster . Laurens . . . Lexington Marion . . . Marlborou} Newberry Ooonee Orangeburgh . Pickeua Richland Spartan bur^ih. Sumter Uniot! "Williani.sburgh York ASSESSED VALUATION. TAXATION. Dollars. 7 7, 461. 670 Dollars. 50. OyS. 465 2, 862, 865 2, 248, 09« 2, 622, 113 2, 804, 400 1, 779, 382 16,946, 917 1, 815, 854 757, 023 790, 304 1, 044, 077 1, 949, 867 2, 199, 580 2, 080, 128 1, 205, 257 3, 142. 345 850,131 583, 780! 1, 240, 315 960, ] (JO 1, 932, 975 1,301,611 2. 097, 273 1,461,080 2, 516, 590 929, 055 2, 039, 820 853, 448 3, 380, 610 3, 990, 780 2, 490. 324 2, 039, 0511 2, 938, 465! Dollars. 133. 560. 135 1, 818, 760 3, 487, 304 1, 793, 892 2, 191,825 1, 147, 850 11, 047, 138' 1, 692, 059l 540, 576! 540, 6021 2, 465, 4061 1, 518, 881: 1,358, 4271 1, 732, 105 527, 994t 2, 374, 095; 716, 020 683, 243 608, 393 455, 055 806, 025 1, 339,815 1,451, 72G 548. 710i 1, 539, 0851 901, 512; 1, 178, 520! 081, 467! 2, 048. 273! 2, 048, 7!>0| 1, 252, 9741 1, 087, 900 ! 1, 780, 45S 2. 072. 925! 4 681,6251 735, 460| 4, 4 1 00.5; 5. 050, 225; 2, 927, 182' 27, 994, 055 3, 507. 913! 1-. 297, 599 1, 330, 906! 4, 109, 483! 3, 468, 748! 3, .568, 007 i 8, 812, 2331 1, 733, 25 1! 5, 517, 040i 1, 5C6, 151 1 1, 207, 029! 1,854, 708' 1,41.5, 21.5 2, 739, 000 2, 641,420 3, 548. 999 2, 009, 790 4, 055, 075 1, 890, 567 3.218,340 1, 534, 915 5. 42S, 883 6, 6 } 5, 570 3, 743, 298 3, 120. 951 2, 710.490 5, Oil, 390, Dollarn, 743, 710 Dollars. Dollars. 554. 164 542. 109 27, 339 30, 306' 24, 988; 29, 098! 17, 532' 130, 8.59 18, 898 8, 251 8,537 25, 232 20, 887, 21, 075' 21, 999' 10, 234i 30, 546 9,764 8, 151 9, 398 8, 865 16, 9331 15, 119 20, 415 12, 285 22, 970 10. 764 20, 432 9, 088 27, 996 35, 894 22, 385 550 1 6851 I 19, 891! 31, 545' 13, 248i 30, 338! 8,78; 104, 978 13, 330 7, 780 5. 324 16. 438 20, 812 10,011 11, 437 9, 533 16, 551 7, 831 3,801 9, 274 8, 491 15, 012 7. 924] 17, 745 . 12, .561 18, 251 1 7, 562' I ! 11, 264! 4, (K)5' 21,716! 29, 905' 14, 973 1 9, 381: 12,224' 15. 034 Dollars. 1,839, 983 650 1, 7171 1, 750 1,006 5, 622 453, 595 2, 043 288 250 5, 765 1, 700l 1, 521 8, 571 11. 590 70 4, 250 ' 1,306 362j 1, 4221 934 2, 000 275 26, 000 4,488 2, 509 49li 1, 304 47, 886 63,628 39, 992 60, 442 31, 936 695, 432 34, 271 16, 037 14, 149 41, 920 47, 464 39, 386 34, 957 28, 338 58. 597 17, 665 11, 952 22, 922 17, 356 33, 845 23, 131 38. 160 2.5, 208 42, 643 19. 260 33, 696 13, 908 75, 712 70, 287 39, 927 27, 503 28. 400 43, 913 1524 COMPENDIUM OF THP: TENTH CENSUS. TAiiLE CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — Coutiuued. GEORGIA. Note.— The table is for the iiscal year ending September 30, 1880. The school taK of $] on polls, although known localJy a.s a county tax, since the proceeds are retained in tlie <;ountieH, is here con- sidered a state tax, as the rate i.s uniform, and the levy obligatory throufrhont the stat^. In twelve counties the county tax is jjiven for the year ending lSei>teniber ^{0, 1879, as returns for the year 1880 were not accessible. The following are tlie nan)es of sucJi connties: Appling, Baker, Bryaii, Coflee, Columbia, Dodge, Dooly, Jelierson, Madison, Pickens, Spalding, and White. State and coun- ties. The State.... Apphng Baker ... Baldwin Banks ... Bartow .. ASSESSED VALUATION. Berrien . Bibb.... Brooks . Bryan .. Bulloch . Burke — Butts Calhoun . Camden . Campbell Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chattahoochee. Chattooga Cherokee . Clarke Clay Clayton..., Clinch.... Cobb Coffee Colquitt .. Columbia . Coweta ... Crawford Dade Dawson... Decatur .. De Kalb - . . Dodge Dooly Dougherty. Douglas ... Early Echols Effingham Elbert.... Emanuel. . Fannin Eayotte Ployd Forsyth Franklin. DoUarSi 139, 983, 941 268, 162 393, 012 818, 574 544, 125 2, 014, 814 432, C60 5, 473, 218, 1, 003, 278 224, 887 481, 335 1, 404, 220 541,003 393, 190 326, 690 868, 167 1, 235, 719 556, 825 75, 543 10, 504, 294 319, 153 840, 603 1,103, 253 1, 916, 080 421,532 784, 112 312, 530 2, 042, 647 286, 900 115, 107 627, 185 1, 783, 805 452, 848 419, 361 344, 464 1, 006, 266 1, 666, 522 299, 771 770, 205 1, 539, 819 477, 457 425, 804 111,0991 338, 907 791, 4181 510, 9411 262, 762! 561, 959! 3, 026, 480; 723, 454 802, 0751 s Dollars 99,488, 658 Dollars. 239, 472, 599 544, 154 197, 871 327, 430 298, 615 1, 244, 976 509, 580 3, 286, 244 829, 271 203, 201 509, 063 904, 297 324, 916 283, 620j 211, 782 580, 842; 751, 969 248, 290 141, 650 7, 167, 928 185, 205 611, 642 588, 956 2, 514, 185 338, .589 441, 779 353, 523 1, 295, 832 510, 648 179, 527, 265, 220 1, 179, 21 Oi 259, 4801 272, 031 1 223, 1371 959, 459| 706, 464! 381,473! 558, 024! 858, 095: 220, 005; 379, 504' 133, 797! 301, 888' 553, 131 736, 230j 170, 071 1 301, 809: 2, 167, ll'3 503, 789, 425. 5721 TAXATION. Dollars 1, 075, 099 812, 316 590, 883 1, 146, 004 842, 740 3, 259, 790j 942, 240| 8, 759, 462: 1, 832, 549, 428, 088! 1, 050, 398 2, 308, 517| 865, 9191 676, 810! 538, 4721 1, 449, 009. 1, 987, 688 805, 115, 217, 193i 17, 672. 222^ 504; 418| 1, 452, 245| 1, 692, 209| 4, 430, 265 760, 1211 1, 225, 891 j 666, 053i 3, 338, 479; 797, 548j 294, 634! 892, 405 2, 963, 015 712, 334 691, 392 567, 601 2, 025, 725 2, 372, 986 681, 244 1, 328, 229 2, 398, 514jj 697,462!! 805,308'! 244, 896' 640, 795 : 1, 344, 549 ! 1, 247, mil 432, 833, 863, 768! 5, 193, 583' 1, 227, 243^ 1, 227, 6471 ^ ! SB Dollars. 1, 076, 421 Dollars. 1, 055, 488 4, 158 3, 209 5, 772 4, 048 14, 403 4,451 36, 352 8, 258 2,277 5,051 11,958 4, 389 3, 467 2, 838 6,739 9,912 3, 632 1, 117 69, 012 2, 595 6, 853 8, 199 17, 374 8, 506 5,640 3, 123 14, 352 3, 630 1,437 5, 037 13, 807 3, : 3, 085 2,777 9,811 10, 709 3, 618 6, 526 10, 260 3, 716 4, 133 1,272 3, 229 6, 669 6, 055 2, 497 4, 3GS 21,115 6, 012 y,943l 3, 655I 8, 1.54i 14, 5.54 2,360l. 11, 409l 77, 016 6,414 4, 281 4, 202 8, 080 4, 5031 3, 046i 2, 827 4, 347 6, 9571 2, 818 3, 258 101, 389 2,648 4,357 5, 923 15, 500 6,043 4, 291 1, 748 15, 023 1, 595I 1, 031 5, 801 7, 4081 3, 200!. 1, 728i. 1, 419'. 8,863: 8, 305' 5, 109 3,985 10, 913 1, 395 3, 221 1, 224 2,243 5,109 6, 236 2,164 4,751 20, 774 3, 682! 4, 2971 900 525 3, 515 3,682 62, 220 1, 086 67 625 315 1,438 "321," 058 27,7471 837 3, 877 1,527 5,475| 175i ,139 200 135 19. 865 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1525 Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — GEORGIA — Continued. ASSESSED VALUATION. Dollars. 13, 035, 429 343, COl 260, 536 847, 837i 1, 265, 896 1, 156, 607 1, 452, 892 M6, 116 1,273, 277 1, 319, 401 i 396, 806 1,095, 459 561, 561 COl, 367 1, 006, 479 1, 529, 213 218, 117 1, 028, 041 696, 569 1, 135, 703 278, 789 719, 281 539, 966 650, 750 413, 264 425, 906 716, 891 322, 095 541, 921 511,: 736, 733 545, 18' 507, 508 975, 710 152, ! 476, ( 736, 400 1, 435, 993 313, 223 1, 326, 813 703, 268 3,677,195 1, 104, 585 480, 839 970, 768 762, 597^ 320,117 220, 144 1, 374, 766 1, 042, 963j 836, 153 1, 063, 684 313, 128 181, 250 918, 624 8, 514, 102 723, 850 345, 891 445, 381 1, 256, 340 Dollars. 7, S08, 096 213, 440 154,617 322, 807 561, 028 935, 747 952, 797 318, 823 800, 921 1, 047, 997 233, 443 694, 614 425, 220 332, 173 641, 153 768, 351 298, 398 752, 131 430,<)26 930, 903 252, 413 379, 568 511,905 328, 560 474, 929 245, 827 581, 715 217, 209 263, 532 213, 989 591,074 337, 656 352, 080 527, 952 181, 028 364, 294! 457; 500! 763, 289! 417,408; 763, 798; 371, 297 3, 957, 680 919, 440 297, 096 630, 712 448, 244 208, 352 324, 139 982, 282 630, 842; 730, 074 618, 972 272, 950 134, 927 723, 460 6,814, 350 437, 139 207, 592 636, 341 761, 539 Dollars. 20, 343, 525 557, 0471 415,1531 1,170,644 1, 82ff, 924 2, 092, 354' 2, 405, CS9! 834, 939^ 2, 074, 198' 2, 367, 398 630, 249 1, 790, 073 980, 781 933, 540 1, 647, 632i 2, 297, 564 516,515 1, 780, 1721 1, 133, 4951 2, 066, 606{ 531, 202! 1, 098, 849, 1, 051, 9311 979, 310 888, 193 671, 733 1, 298, 606 539, 304 805, 453 725, 358 1, 327, 807 882, 843 859, 588 1, 503, 662 334, 0271 840,992! 1, 193, 900 2, 199, 282' 730, 03ll 2, 090, 61l| 1, 074, 565; 7, 634, 875 1 2, 024, 025! 777, 9351 1, 601, 480 1, 210,841 528, 469 544, 283! 2, 357, 048! 1, 673, 805! 1,566, 227 1 1, 682, 656 586, 078! 316, 177! 1, 642, 084! 15, 328, 452! 1, 160, 9D5j 553, 483' 1,081, 722i 2, 017, 879i Dollars. 77, 128 3, 137 2, 019 5, 014 8, 283 10, 003 11, 387 4, 341 8,456 10, 583 3, 175 8, 743 4, 914 4, 645 7, 873 11, 296 2. 294 8, 817 5, 869 9,749 2, 652 5, 531 5, 307 5, 006 4,655 3, 301 6, 742 2, 860 4, 005 3, 318 6.421 4,334 4, ^52 7, 819 1, 772 3, 997 5, 719 10, 432! 3, 430| 9, 3871 5, 129 28, 962 9, 027 3, 672 7, 760 6, 003 2,876 2, 7241 10, 5911 7, 809| 7, 724 7,691 2, 836 1,818 8, 236 59, 581 5, 095 2, 767 5, 867 8, 689, Dollars. 91, .546 2, 228' 2, 698i 6, 146| 6,394| 10, 462 9, 021 3, 757 6, 223 11, 837 3, 151 6, 265 1,' 7, 002 6,591 12, 637 1, 550 8, 901 6,461 8, 266 a" ® 2 125 3^ 846 6, 838 7, 198 2, 291 5, 194 2, 697 5, 235 3, 627 6, 506; 3, 090 3, 009 6, 579 1,871 3, 304 8, 775 9, 622 2, 557 5, 227 3, 761 22, 905 7, 970 2, 723 8, 007 4, 238 3, 171 1, 905 7, 071 5, 272 10, 180 8, 413 2, 344 3, 162 7, 389 61, 788 4, 296 2,401 8, 113 10. 089 Dollars. 270. 578 13, 944 700 1 254 354 2, 707 900 45 237 1, 100 650 450 1, 410 632 371 130 250 2,450 2001 43, 222 1, 000 ""'113 4, 023 320 1, 530 2, 859 195, 754 1, 064 10, 053 1526 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — GEORGIA— Continued. State and coun- ties. ASSESSED VALUATION. Stewart Sumter Talbot I Taliaferro .... Tattuail Taylor. . Telfair.. Tenell.. Tbouias. Towns. . Troup .. Twiggs. TJniou .. TJpHon . . AValker . Walton "Ware , "WaiTen "Washington Wayne Webster . . White ... Wliitfleld. Wilcox ... Wilkes ... Wilkinson . Worth Dollars. 879, 822; 1, 640, 088! 827, 4421 421, .550! 3i>6, 121 j 461,450! 342,317 659, 089 1, 521,848! 140, 292i 1, 621, 14l| 400, 826 246, 379 777, 800 1, 128, 505 ! 1, 309, 960| 217, 427! 706, 269! 1, 633, 066' 236, 309; I 369. 303! 285, 118! 1, 225, 746i • 189,314! 1, 337, 902: 685, 629: 294, 873: Dollarg. 575, 074 1, 351,810 4;i(i, 576 262, 530 534, 238 353, 763 316, 365 6t7,316 1, 014, 571 107, 985 1, 362, 710 252, 821 183, 191 666, 851; 625, 326! I 1, 052, 950 333, 189; 508, 001! 1, 173, 185! 434, 669 I 256, 483' 194, 7811 695, 2441 213, 258! 1, 447, 185 I 523, 566; 330, 4721 Dollars. 1, 4.54, 896 2, 991, 898 1, 264,018 684, 080 930, 359j 815, 213 658, 682 1, 276, 405 2,536,41ft 248, 277 2, 983, 851 653, 647 429, 570 1, 444, 657 1, 753, 891 2,362,910 550, 616 1, 214, 270 2, 806, 251 670, 978 625, 786 479, 891) 1, 920, m) 402, 572 2, 785, 087 1, 209. 195 625, 345 Dollars. 7, 395 13, 279j 6, 3,531 3, 511 4.483; 902 137 484 451 383 I 484| 771 i 497 203 928 763 726i 964! 311 295 3, 076 2, 457 8,477; 1, 920 12, 211 6, 492 3, 239 S3 Dollars. 5, 820 9, 4241 5, 688! 1, 915i. 2, 9311. 3, 995 4,018: 6, 382: 8, 877; 621j. 11, 935j 5, 131 . l,289i, 32,280'. 3, 508j Dollars. 10, 372 550 450 200 3, 946 8, 773; 50 8, 2701 1, 325 3, 304! 3, 157 400 21, 047 1, 865 2,348 2, 190 1, 1761 5, 763 3, 332 1,610 6, 406 , 4, 232 476 3, 127 Dollars. 1:5,215 33, 075 12, 591 5, 426 7,414 8, 347 7, 3.55 12, 866 24, 274 2, 004 33, 192 8r902 3,786 19, 483 11, 486 20. 358 6, 030 9, 521 36, 223 5,643 5, 266 3, 633 17, 572 3, 530 18, 617 11, 200 6,366 FLORIDA. KOTE.— The table is for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1879. State and conu- ties. ASSESSED VALUATION. 1 TAXATION. 1 "a Personal prop- j erty. 1 H « ..^ cc c; 0 H The State.... Dollars. 18, 885, 151 Dollars. 12, 053, 158 Dollar.1. 30, 938, 309 DoUars. 236, 930 Dollars. 266, 306 Dollars. 101, 944 DoUars. 605, 180 Baker 1,166,119' 614,671 81.445 96.953 398,5181 297,929 97, 702: 114, 622 54, 3IOI 79, 798 359,314; 114.003 447,011 298,628 23, 990! 7, 023 3,246,5611 2,006,981 1,116,5951 765,404 1, 780, 790 178, 308 69C, 447, 212, 324, 134, 108 473. 3171 745. 639 31, 013 5, 253, 542 1, 882, 059; 13, 914 1, 413 5,213 1, 740 1, 100 3, 552 5,973 248 38, 909 13, 606 16, 614 1, 322 3, 509 1, 483 1. 032 474 31,002 2, 735 9. 922 3; 223 2, 132 7, 3-11 14, 579 481 134. 858 43, 821 Brevard 1,200 Glay DadH i 3, 789| 7, 308, 1, 238 Duval 41, 209 54, 740 16, 487| 13, 608 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1527 Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — FLORIDA — Continued. State and coun- ties. Franklin Oadsilen Hivuiilton HtMuando Hillaboiougli Holmes Jackson Jtfftiison .... Lafajetto Leou Levy LilHTty Madison Manatee Marion ^ilonroe Nassau Orange Polk Putnam Saint John's . Santa Rosa Sumter Suwannee . . . Taylor Volusia Wiikulla Walton "VV ashin^jton . TAXATION. 16,313 14, 271 8, 514 8, 694 1, 945 9, 243 4, 128 3, 362 3, 347 ALABAMA. NoTR. — The valuation of property is given as returned on specially prepared schedules by tlie judges of probata. State and coun- ties. A6.-5ESKKD VALUATIOX. TAXATION. 03 o s u .—1 n © o S 3 o H d a o O a "o H The State.... B;il.hvm Dollars. 77, 374, 008 Dollars. 45, 493, 220 Dollars. 122, 867, 228 Dollars. 990, 346 Dollars. 682, 851 Dollars. 388, 781 Dollars. 2, 061, 978 680, 345 413,415 1, 539, 572 560, 549 702, 581 1,749, 205 1, 030, 770 1,308, 119 1,201,138 1, 012, 607 708, 405 517, 91)8 1, 008, 503 197. 630 392, 732 1,364,154 944, 981 712, 590 6 iO, 1)22 370, 603 1, 388, 810 931, 323 2, 548, 075 758, 179 1, 095, 313 3, 113, 359 1,975, 751 2, 020, 709 1, 8r>l, 060 1, 383, 210 10, 987 6, 960 20, 541 6, 446 9, 309 24, 632 14, 897 16, 595 15. 208 12. 038 6,944 2, 894 26, 471 6, 824 1,247 19, 178 9, 854 52,860 13, 270 14, 917 48, 930 25, 299 24, 567 21,466 21, 719 Bibb 5, 848 Blount Bullock Bntltr C ham bora 5, 000 22,916 5. 927 7, 072 5, 553 9, 683 608 1,382 4, 475 900 705 I 1528 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — ALABAMA — Continued. A8SK8SED VALUATION. Dollars. 361, 588 f)98, 783 (578, 304 495, 358 40(), 022 240, 708 [ 1, 217, 8()l| 329, G70 598, 3291 97, 182| I 385, 582 S 239, 730 480, 910 3, 390, 714 413, 020 788, 74 150, 000 859, 295 398, 004 515, 685 114, 100 1, 350, 250 1, (513, 037 708, GIG 1, 491, 774 2, 469, 990 424, 250 1,173, 670 1,585,003 1, 323, 843 2, ir.6, 841 1, 959. G14 1, 019, 08G 2, 338, 403 1, 602, 493 198, 892' 702, 390 10, 008, 336 547, 755 5, 447, 634 1, 035, 634 1, 774. 262 796, 472 955, 530 464,581 1, 396, 207] 541, 9961 872, 3I4| 1, 683, 001) 1, 677, 872j 1. 100. 862! 1,022, 568i 393, 076; 195, 0231 1, 711, 576 70, 198 1 Dollars. 504, 851 384, 762 367, Oil IGO, 109 122, 091 147, 557 644, m 394, 361 287, 373 89, 379 197, 733 204, 065 241, 3: 2, 420, 628 153, 804 513, 260 480, 000 468, 017 171, 493 176, 872 101, 593 675, 374 874, 559 372, 577 1, 034, 873 956, 925 167, 935 581, 673 669, 307 1, 058, 858 473, 607 1,029, 345 714, 175 1, 283, 756 752, 864 97, 082 266, 993 6, 530, 151 306, 615 3, 433, 603 565, 442 774,251 434, 298 733, 972 130, 996 434, 599 337, 840 995, 798 1, 100, 820 882. 222 510, 758 971, 608 137, 073 463, 481 605, 215 35, 511 Dollars. 869, 439 983, 545 1, 045, 915 655, 467 528, 113 388, 205 1,862,495 724, 040 885, 702 186, 561 583, 315 443, 795^ 722, 293 j 5, 811, 342; 5CC, 824j 1, 302, 005; 630, OOOj 1, 327, 312 569, 4971 692, 557 j 215, 693 2, 025, 624 2, 487, 596; 1, 081, 193! 2, 526, 647 j 3, 426, 915i 592, 185l 1, 755, 343 2, 254, 310 2, 382, 701 2, 630, 448| 2, 988, 959 1, 733, 261! 3, 622, 159; 2, 355, 357! 295, 974 969,383! 16, 538, 487 854, 370! 8, 881, 237! 1, 601, 076^ 2, 548, 513' 1, 230, 770 1, 689, 502 595, 577 1, 830, 806 1 879, 83G' 1, 868, 11 2i 2, 783, 880 2, 560, 094 1, 611, 620' 2, 594, 176, 530, 149I 658. 504I 2, 316, 791 1 105, 709! Dollars 6, 745 8, 085 8, 723 6, 090 4, 801 2, 923 14, 258 6, 036 8, 075 1, 985 5, 632 3, 880 6, 423 44, 514 5, 960 11,599: 4, 817| 10, 965 5, 076 6, ml I 2, 093 i 16. 274! 17, 876| 9, 463 20, 328 25, 746 5, 339 14, 696 17, 768 18, 813 ! 20, 202 23, 921 i 13, 3381 36, 1781 19, 371 2, 849 8, 137 118, 5511 8,038 75, Oil 13, 172 20, 467 10, 763 13, 881 5, 599 14, 667 7, 941 13, 098 21, 886 21, 504 14, 336 19, 368 4, 545 4, 991 18, 720 1, 107 '6 Dollars. Dollars. 4, 347 5, 373 7, 489, 4, 500| 8] 37, 500 769j '2," 534, 300 6, 127; 1, 300 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed vahiation and taxation — Contiuuetl. 1529 MISSISSIPPI. Note.— The table is for the year 1879. State and conn- Adaras Alcoru. Amite . Attala . Benton Bolivar Calhoun . . - Carroll .... Chickasaw - Choctaw... Claiborne. Clarke Clay Coalioma . Copiah Covington De Soto I'rauklin Greene Grenada Hancock.. Harrison . Hinds .... Holmes ... Issaqaena Itawamba Jackson . . Jasper Jefferson . Jones Koraper . . . La Fayette Landerdale Lawrence. . Leake Leo Le Flore . Lincoln.. Lowndes Madison . Marion Marshall Monroe Montgomery. Neshoba Newton.,-, Noxubee.. Olctibbeha . Panola Perry , ASSESSED VALUA'nON. The State Dollars. 79, 469, 530 2, 612, 751 882, H-IS 902, 227 1, 037, G9& 528, 2 1, 906, 642 557, 056 1, 110, 283 1, 190, 363 403, 331, 521 620, 819 160, 967 304, 173 048, 325 203, 866 1, 767, 586 360, 572 77, 177 963, 558 530, 520 710, 379 3, 486, 177 1, 883, 207 1, 158, 3!54 364, 542 433, 702 565, 532 928, 945 90, 846 760, 385 1, 538, 456 1, 323, 746 387, 545 474, 898 1, 207, 224 1,451,007 802, 217 2, 101, 901 2, 115, 909 147, 654 2, 841, 852 1, 941,3371 724, 143! 350, 9481 I 566, 2T4| 2, 170, 713| 885, 754 2, 449, 775 74, 8261 Dollars 31, 158, 509 872, 148 355, 220 378, 485 420, 387 209,4{83 415, 131 553, 24" 534, 983 522, 316 208, 534 628, 974 446, 384 364, 812 356, 800 1, 091, 046 161, 031 648, 437 151, 490 119, 998 420, 027 332, 850 175, 855 1,120, 613 782, 508 255, 840 192, 264 264, 384 285, 654 313, 843 103, 244 361, 902 764, 949 715, 461 224, 657 217, 146 554, 318 349, 666 400, 651 773, 933 732, 904 191, 752 618, 739 825, 690 384, 815 174, 436 273, 967 884, 693 343, 126 1, 034, 966 164, 229 Dollars. 110, 628, 129 3, 484, 899 1, 237, 548' 1, 280, 712 1, 458, 085 737, 659 2, 381, 773 1, 110, 303 1, 645, 266 1,712, 679 612, 133 1, 960, 495 067, 203 525, 779 660, 973 139, 371 364, 897 2, 416, 023 512, 062 197, 175! 1, 383, 585j 863, 370' 886, 234 4, 606, 790 2, 665, 713 1,414, 194 556, 806 698, 086 851, 186 1, 242, 788 194, 090 j 1, 122, 287 2, 303, 405 2, 039, 207 612, 202 692, 044 1, 761, 542 1, 800, 673 1, 202, 868 2, 875, 834 2, 848, 813 339, 406 2, 960, 591 2, 767, 027 1, 108, 958 525, 384 840, 181 3, 055, 406 1, 228, 880, 3,484, 741 ; 239, 0551 Dollars. 553, 370 15, 685 6, 365 6, 442 7,874 4. 1801 11, 195 5,732 8, 403 8, 773 3, 454 9, 536 5, 492 7, 956 8, ' 14, 629 2, 140 12, 091 2, 940 975 6,643 3, 688 3,946 22, 311 13, 303 6, 876 > 3, 486 3, 093 4, 812 6, 358 1,195 Dollars. 1, 595, 444 Dollars. 235, 661 6, 3741 11, 677| 10, 0891 3, 2731 4, 188 9,159 8, 286 6, 056! 14, 333 13, 232 1, 921 14, 566 14. 315 5,838 3, 041 4, 791 16, 124 6, 746 16, 480 1, 302 78, 04o! 17, 375! 24,518! 22, 622! 9, 758j 43, 9131 16, 333 24, 8071. 33, 059i 8, 195 . 38, 425 5,403 372 1,655 620 54 Dollars. 2, 384, 475 4, 325i 2, 550 -920 3,000 14, 956 30, 261 24, 077, 6, 572 11, 554 25.1 22, 580 25, 037 26, 121 41, 261 4,512 32, 544 37, 709 19, 525 8,255 8,781 41, 997 21, 299 29, 692 2, 678 0, 922 1, 789 1, 981 756 6, 029 10, 500 3, 600 307 1,500 2, 909 132, 150 29, 143 31,332 32, 151 14, 558 55, 162 22, 755 33, 2l0 46, 157 31,649 35, 782 18, 261 30, 009 30, 742 55, 562 8, 646 33, 742 12, C82 3, 453 28, 832 19,886 14, 328 89, 248 63, 901 30, 549 11, 446 12, 419 12, 472 • 37, 075 4,427 21, 330 41,938 41, 088 9,8-45 15, 742 36, 116 30, 866 33, 074 41, 210 54, 493 6,463 53, 139 62, 524 28, 903 11, 296 13, 572 58, 428 29, 545 49, 041 3, 980 1530 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — MISSISSIPPI — Continued. A88EB8ED VALUATION. Dollars. 1, 0t)4, 844 724, 779 757, 626 693, 872 780. 631 538, 257 864, 717 244, 231 24!), 036 356, S96 985, 087 692, 894 1, 507, 205 5ti9, 034 495, 603 612, 684 665, 703 3, 972, 559 2, 423, 517 237, 364 at Dollars. 445, 3391 304, 378 288, 635 26, 164; 391, 254 355, 707 164, 031 178, 253 154, 321 200. 037 191, 092 230, 720 441, 629 247, 100 228, 410 147, 477 206, 109 1, 047, 374 725, 100 1 155, 322 1, 046, 687i 448, 909 492,3971 218,9(16 1, 087, 936| 485, 4(51 3, 347, 376i 1, 198, 895 Dollars. 1, 510, 183 1, 029, 157 1, 040, 261 720, 0L<6 1,171,885 893, 964 1, 028, 748 422, 484 403, 357 557, 033 1, 176,179 923, 614 2, 008, tdi 816, 134 724, 013 760, 161 871, 812 5, 019, 933 3, 14H, 617 392, 686j 1, 495. 688 711, 303: 1, 573, 3!)7| 4. 546. 271 Dollars. 7, 495 6, 274 5.574 2, 822| 6, 3351 4, 644 4, 824 1, 479 2, 527 3, 360 5, 016 5, 007 9, 732 4, 611 3, 654! 4, 223 5, 079 22, 402 15, 754 2, 192 7,401 3, 908 8, 004 21, 291 Dollars. 20, 559 14, 539 3 1, 300 9,822 15.653 10, 052 18, 202 11, 526 5, 840 10, 105 1. a * Dollars 5, 148: 17. 643 22, 220 20, 557 8, 678! 9, 019 26, 383'. 12, 107! 15, 60 li 60. 391 . 1, 242 925: 85 2, 0G3 215 1, 093 10,642! 14, 205! 81, 9791 96, 714 56, 2311 8, 6581 T.770i ; Dollars. 33, 202 19, 813 18, 116 12, 644 22, 913 15, 156 23, 576 13, 005 8. 3G7 13, 465 22, 659 27, 312 32, 352 13, 504 13.766 14, 865 19, 284 2(11,095 80, 643 9, 962 350! 9,478; 33, 7R4 16, 325 33, 203 81. 082 LOUISIANA. Note.— The table ia for the year 1879. ASSESSED VALUATION. Dollars. 122, 362, 297 Dollars. 37, 800, 142 Dollars. 160, 162, 439 1, 159, 245, 1, 207, 220i 1,284,2321 306, 659' 806, 481 j I 2, 564, 285j 415, 130! 285, 240! 148, 203 462, 350| 348, 305 443, 540 485, (140 272, 551 349, 0891 647. 435; 627, 490: 103, 020: 160, 301 261, 820i 1, 507, 1, 650, 1, 709, 579, 1, 215, 3, 211, 1, 042, 388, 308, 724, 35, 492 11, 61H 4, 3.58 3, 479 8, 181; 28, 800} 19, 561 15, 039; 4,151 200 8,080! I 34, 006 35. 542 42, ;]:!5 16, 0.59 24. 513 83, 853 27, 257 8, 7(*9 0, 504 16, 871 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1531 Tablk CXXY.— Assessed vahiation and faxafion— LOUISIANA— Continued. Claiborne Concordia Do ISoto... Eastiiatou Rouge East Carroll East Feliciana. . Frauklin Graut Iberia Iberville Jackson Jeflerson La Fayette Lafouiclie Lincoln Livingston Madison Mor»eLouse Natcbitoches ... Orleans ., Ouachita Plaquemines ... Point Coup6e. .. Eapidts E,ed iiiver Kichland Sabine Saint Bernard .. Sniut Charles ... Saint Helena . . Saint James . . SaintJolmBaptist Saint Landry . . Saint Martin. .. Saint Mary Saint Tammany. . Tangipahoa . . Tensas Terrebonne... Union Venn il lion Vernon . Washington Webster W. Baton Kouge "West Carroll West Feliciana . . W^inn 775, 904 641,445 2.jG, 1)90 m, 575 1, 835, 125 183, 891 1,71)2,410 380, 010 1, 4(i0, 755 313, 495 376, 080 1, 504,210 1, 140, lfi3 949, 145 71, 424, 382 1, 668, 870 1, 743, 870 883, 915 1, 486, 245 402, 125 700. lOOi 202, 3571 492, 530 994, 180 296, 595 1, 453, 433 1, 140, 943 1, 953, 140 8.54, 030 2, 287, 790 405, 969 618, 670 1. 147, 430 1, 639, 780 581, 530 429, 727 80, 835^ 99, 9G9i 552. 822i 854, 523] i 246, 391! 701, 334 128, 6951 134, 768 146, 785 159, 425 432, 215 186, S60 148, too 402. 250 300, 028 400, 075 20, 369, 968 1, 068, 5151 166, 275 269, 135! 653, 745 153, 385 277, 035 119, 620 56, 747 124. 135 139, 115 305, 733 267, 557 1, 118, m 158, 970 365, 850 152, 1031 442, 670i 325, 910! 293, 420i 343, 487 340, 608 119, 5fi2! 91, 226' 370, 675! 185, 700i 524, 180' 1, 960, 460 1, 446, 191 1, 349, 220 91, 794, 350 2, 737, 385, 1, 910, 145( 1, I.'')3, Or)Ol 2, 139, 990 555, 510 977, 2251 321, 977' 549, 277! 1,118,315 435, 710: 1, 759, 166 1, 408, 500 3, 071,8>^0 1,01,3, 000 2, 653, 640 558, 162 l,0fil,340 1, 473, 340 1, 933, 200 025, 017 770, 335 199, 897 191, 195 932, 497 1, 040, 223 76, 641 265, 982 124, 185| 323, 032 967,316 252, 880 5,788 21.722 16, 086 15, 048 1, Oil, 113 80, 340 21,094 12,767 23, 667 6,165 10, 848 3, 566 6, 053 12, 366 4, 882 19, 499 15, 613 34, 206! 11, 321 29. 328 6, 814 38, 701 1.5,199 914 10, 119' 2, 4u4 I 1,859,257 16, 938:. 19, 101 9,221, 21,400 8,ooo: 10, 30 J, 3, 128 7,459 11, 183 4. 37 1, 200 6, 189 11, 753 16, 412 21, 462 10, 436 8, 764 2, 252 2, 103 10, 435 11. 549 3, 601 10,817 2, 8«*3 17, 592 12, 677 2.5, 300, 12, 147! 26, 536 5, 582 12, 738 29, 467 2, 009i 9, 250 9,244 1, 999 .. 3, 528i., 9, 325 .. 12,483;.. 2, 134 2, 034! 1, 200 800 368 4, 071; 7, 6731, 2.529; 12, 602 60, 423 32, 199 27, 571 870, 370 47, 278 40, 195 21,991 46, 267 14, 165 21, 156 6, 694 13, 512 23, 549 9, 257 37, 091 28, 290 61, 640 23, 468 57, 898 11,771 24, 491 45, ^79 24, 071 20, 486 18, 376 4, 251 5, 691 19, 760 24, 032 7, 672 18, 490 5, 362 1532 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table t'XXV. — Astenud valuation and taxation — Coutiuued. TEXAS. Note.— Tlie talmlar exhibit is for the year endiufj August 31, 1880. State and coun- ties. The State.-.. Anderson . Angelina . Aransas -. Archer ... Atascosa . Austin. . Ban-lera Bastrop . liaylor . . . Bee , Bell.... Bexar. . Blanco . Bosque Bowie . Brazoria . Brazos . . . lirown . . . Burleson. Burnet Caldwell. Calhoun . Callahan. Cameron. Camp...,. C.iss ...... Cliambers C.Jberokee . (.nay Coleman . . Collin Colorado. . Comal Comanche Concho ... Coolce .. CorvcU , Dallas . , Delta ... DfcutDn De Witt - Duval ... Eastland Ellis El Paso . . Erath Falls Fanuin ... Fayette... Fort Bead Fran! ;1 in.. Frcesione. Frio Calveston Gillespie. . A8SICSKEP VALUATION. Dollars. 205, 508, 924 Dollars. 114, 855, 591 I, 5&*5, 534 512, 7851 306, 094 1, 900 518, 262 1, 813, 991 247, 6251 1, 726, 986' 329, 929 607, 840 2, 771, 320 7, G25, 324 453, 491 1, 245, 688 1, 007, 787 1, 624, 017 1, 279, 596 938, 679 1, 170, 537 953, 204 1, 237, 794! 255, 794i 387, 869' 817, 260! 465, 2221 779, 653! 176, 234 994, 629 715, 846 646, 790! 3, 669, 989] 1, 757, 040l 941, 085! 884, 345! 258, 471! i 1, 724, 654I 1, 375, 696; 5, 600, 320 570, 604 2, 250, 530 1, 327, 738 659, 806 371, 143 4, 034, 733 582, 427 1, 149, 744 2, 302, 052 2, 685, 674 3, 232, 454 1, 797, 319j 353, 030i 1,224,848! 343, 523 II, 299, 108! 687, 870' 966, 9461 183, 660 244, 351 208, 754 274, 767 881, 025 179, 007 1, 086,136 59, 811 485, 233 1, 007, 235 2, 486, 513 297, 270 691, 875 1, 025, 077 720, 829 867, 474 523, 863 319, 820 456, 146 714, 084 572, 40(5 277, 510 983, 690 307, 564 761, 421| 172. 586 .587, 653 695, 201 499, 630 1, 533, 543 1, 198, 780 396, 115 415,315 163, 342 1, 0.53, 644 429, 346 2, 841,0101 214,5:^3] 997, 226 864, 851 703, 661 184, 547 1, 775, 981 214, 649 502, 379 1,101,454! 1, 494, S39! 1, 802, 389, 1, 263, 7031 189, 210' 635, 304 293, 5GG 4,231,670 372, 265 Dollars. 2, 188, 540 2, 550, 480 696, 445 550, 445 210, 660 823, 029 2, 695, 016 426, 632 2,813, 122 889,740 1, 093, 073j 3, 778, 555 10, 111, 837 750, 761 1, 937, 563 2, 032, 864i I 2, 344, 846 2, 147, 070 1, 482, 542 1, 490, 357 1,409, 410 1, 951, 878 828, 200! 665, 379: 1, 800, 9o0i 772, 786 1,541,074! 348, 8-20i 1, 582, 282! 1, 411, 047| 1, 146, 420| 5, 203, 532j 2, 95.5, 820! l,.^, 200! 1,299, 660, 421, 813:1 2, 778, 298^ 1, 805, 042. 8, 441, 3301 785, 137^ 3, 247, 756 2, 192, 539' 1, 363, 467! 555, 690 5,810, 714! 797, 076; 1, 652, 123! 3, 403, 506 4, 180, 513 .5, 034, 84 3 i 3, 061, 022! 542, 240! 1, 860, 152! 6.37, 089; 15, .530, 784! 1, 060, 135j Dollars. 1, 685, 907 18, 812 5,264 3, 081 1, 5, 411 18, 891 2, 826 20, 149 2, 225 6, 360 26, 127 54, 252 5, 044 13, 64S; 13, 5881 15, 991! 1.5, 595| 10, 320I 10, 864! 8,410j 14, 100 i 4, 767! 4, .556! 13, 075: 5, 794; 13, 391 i 2, .524! 13, 566 9, 119 7, 352 36, 511 19, 851 8, 338 9, 096 2, 572 21, 787 12. 877 54, 748 8, 819 22, 966 14, 301 8, 195; 4, 234 34, 4 id 5,146 12, 345 23, 509 29, 587 32, 996 18, 288j 4, 46l! 14, 667! 3, 790: 89, 766 7, 168 SB Dollars. 28, 133 3, 1, 4001 1, 100 1. 4, 9381. 8, 132 . 3,000 . 10. OOOi ■641i. 3, 013!. I 10, 425; 35, 000 5, OOO'. 11, 245!. 5,198 12, 780 8, 000 7, 744 4, 720 6, 776 9. 058 7, 200 2, OOOi 11, 4471 1, 975 18, 000 3, 200 8, 540!. 8, 500;. 6, 531 . 30, 000 10, 4351 10, .545 10, 000| 1,080;. 19, 244! 4, 000 . 65, 000 5, Oil . 16, 000 8, 500! 51, 130i 6, 1001 10, 700 1, 302 9, 065 11, 000 13, 577I 14, 000 1 7, 056 3, 000! 9, 6.32! 2,750 Dollars. 4, 568, 716 250 434 2. 000, 82, 963i 1. 750 i 1, 400 6, 445 5,000 500 1, 507 500 1, 600 02. 744 765 2, 699 1,520 2, 952 114,355| 223,573 3, 594^ COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1533 Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — TEXAS — Coatinued. stale and coun- ties. ASSESSED VALUATION. (JoliiUl.. G ouzalea (ivaysou Grogs . .. (j l imes .. Oiiadolnpe. iriiinilton . . Haidiu Harris ilarriaon .- Hayes Ht'ndcrson. Hidalgo Hill Hood Hopkins . Houston . Hnnt .... Jaek Jackson . Lampasas. Lavaca ... Lee Leon Liberty... Limestone . Live Oak . . Llano McCuUoch. McLennan . McMiillen . Madison . . . Marion Mason Matagorda. Maverick . . Medina Menard Milam , Montague . Montgomery. Morris Nacogdoches. Navari'o Newton Dollars. 86.5, 745 1, 751, 131 4, 352, 986 584, 308 1, 447, 074 1, 684, 037 731, 912 256, 287 5, 549, 262 1, 934, 262 1, 141, 44o! 828, 7171 203, 933 i 2, 161, 835j 705, 691 1, 367, 280 1, 284, 052 1, 749, 792 686, 474 503, 718| 284, 388 453, 778 2, 280, 694 583, 132 2, 125, 028 462, 774 327, 470 244, 675 259, 497 3, 026, 698 794, 184 1, 695, 078 1, 138, 409 783, 190 463, 689 1, 888, 353 317, 296 474, 571 333, 274 4, 694, 397 256, 910 392, 578 759, 303 370, 642 591, 620 306, 673 775, 015 272, 671 1, 927, 1721 951, 025 837, 903 247, 200 622, 510 3, 309, 306 206, 106 Dollars. 635, 319 1, 206, 15 2, 707, 760 538, 008 873, 906, 473 339, 506 90, 696 3, 343, 952 1, 276, 362 509, 720 419, 401 191, 508 923, 435 386, 189 731, 163 898, 236 711, 297 439, 027 459, 237 205, 250 674, 852 986, 774 373, 238 1, 314, 329 187, 795 195, 652 200, 700 291, 847 1, 858, 922i 375, 002 874, 432 559, 367 547, 224 524, 614 1, 235, 271 274, 291 441, 875 276, 589 2, 078, 397 164, 532 248, 208 755, 925 319, 844 617, 409 346, 584 349, 998 196, 704 854, 160 569, 669 639, 102 248, 410 396, 610 1, 618, 674 126, 463 Dollars. 1, 501, 064 2, 957, 283 7, 060, 746 1, 122, 316 2, 320, 701 2, 590, 510 1, 071, 418 346, 983 8, 893, 214 3, 210, 624 1, 651, 160 1, 248,118 395, 441 3, 085, 270 1. 091. 880 2, 098, 443 2, 182, 288 2, 461, 089 1, 125, 501 962, 955 489, 638 1, 128, 630 3, 267, 468 956, 370 3, 439, 357 650, 569 523, 122 445, 375 551,344 4, 885, 620 1, 169, 186 2, 569, 510 1, 697, 776 1, 330, 414 988, 303 3, 123, 624 591, 587 916, 446 609, 863 6, 772, 794 421, 442 640, 780 1, 515, 2281 690, 486] 1, 209, 029' 653, 2571 1, 125, 013 469, 375' 2, 781, 332| 1, 520, 694 1,477, 005! 485, 610| 1, 019, 120 4, 927, 980 332, 569i Dollars. 9, 205 19, 858 49, 370 8, 503 17, 218 16, 166 7, 835 2, 597 51, 071 23, 756 10, 878 9, 952 2, 502 21, 794 7, 746 18, 657 16, 836 18, 690 8, 088 6,702 4, 264 6, 654 23, 517 5, 894 23, 491 4, 297 3, 536 2, 851 4, 421 35, 368 7, 892 17, 817 11, 769 10, 925 6, 589 21, 667! 3, 382! 6, 435' 3, 735 44, 217 2, 369 5, 026 10, 932 4, 472 7, 454: 4, 198 7, 060 2, 783 20, 601 12, 263 10, 461 4, 268 9, 161 31, 656 2. 963 SB Dollars 5, 772 13, 262 48, 247 j 10, 400 12, 000 13,164 6, 000 555 40, 150 50, 077 7,975 4, 375 2,408 15, 650 5,660 12, 000 10, 000 6, 200 8, 000 2, 639 4, 800 2, 827 11, 606 3, 590 9. 587 Dollars. 5, 665 3, 542 3, 000 1,091 5, 348 29, 719 50, 570 1, 500 107, 046 7, 000 3, 862 285: 1. 856 6,531 2, 595 Dollars. 20, 642 33, 120 148; 187 18, 903 30, 718 29, 330 13, 835 3, 152 198, 267 80, 833 18, 853 14, 327 4, 910 37. 444 13, 406 29, 526 30, 698 25, 175 16, 088 • 8,341 9, 064 9, 4hl 36, 979 9, 484 33, 078 7, 839 6, i:3;J 3, 942 0,709 71, 618 16, 787 23, 538 19, 420 16, 348 13, 507 6, 334 13, 308 6, 6'J3 66, 217 12, 151 29, 432 9, 551 14, 054 13. 2.34 16, 767 8, 283 28, 511 29, 070 18, 145 7, 482 14, 135 49, 391 4, 563 1534 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — TEXAS— Continued. Tom Green Travis Trinity Tyler Upsliur Uvokle Van Zandt Victoria Walker Waller Washington Webb Wharton Wheeler Williamson Wilson Wise Wood Young Zapata Unor'd connties 6,967, 7,;590:. . 16, 776! 11, 908| 1, 000 13,104' 10,0(10. 9, 123 8, 000 2, 7] 8 5,620! i 92,026' 92, 026 a Estimated. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1535 Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation— Contiimed.. ARKANSAS. Note.— The valuation is that of 1879. There is a poll tax of $1 devoted to school purposes, which ia retained in each county where collected, but is considered as a state tax in the table, since its levy is obligatory and its rato equal throughout the state. The amount of this poll-tax levy is $153,406. State and coun- ties. ASSE88BD VALUATION. The State....! Arkansas . .Ashley ... Baxter IJentou ... Boone Bradley. (Jalhouu Carroll . Chicot . . Clark . . . Clay Cidiimbia . Conway . . Ci-aighoad Crawford . Ci-ittcnd)»n. Cross Dilias iJesha Dorsey Drew Faulkner . Franklin . Fulton... Garhind . . Grant Greene — Hemp-itead Hot S])ring Howard . . . Independence lzat(l Jackson Jefferson Johnson La Fayett* . Lawrence... Lee Lincoln Little lliver. Logan ... Lonoke .. Madison , Marion .. MUler ... Mississippi .. Monroe Montgomery. Nevada Newton Dollars. 55, 760, ; 776, 080 472, 0811 268, 285 1, 022, 104 501,565| i 414, 938, 228, 3701 316, 6151 1, 490, 126 1, 003, 468, 561,1 589, 565 728,811 535, 611 984, 553] 811, 335! 484, 062i 324, 78BI 719, 1981 412, 986j 716,6661 728, 9251 761, C52i 201, 186 328, 731 271. 251 426, 685 l,311,919i 784, 195] 470, 130; 1, 465, 27l| 584, 303: 1, 029, 4-{ji 3, 579, 743j 683, 1081 981,835! 631, 079i 1, 214, 990| 745, 4321 481, 780j 785, 29o! 995. 732! 267, 877i 214, 210; 754, 419 609, 372 836,]. SO 116, 730 831,587 106, 216 Dollars. 30, 648, 976 Dollars. 86, 409, 364 440, 640 377, 6921 288, 0821 784, 025] 387, II2I 333, 908' 224, 981 326, 431 321, 6S3 443, 722 244, 717 448, 197 419, 254 280, 625 409, 963 202, 175, 217, 2401 247, 139; 234, 8741 297, 34l| 491, 007; 440, 6.52, 594, 974, 205, 836 541, 177 203, 027 2.54, 361 860, 553 224, 768 420, 485| I 865, 869' 411, 715i 366, 091 1 852, 818; 421, 438, 189. 906 442; 577 422, 283 327, 202 208, 530 532, 165 422. 700 318, 707 331, 604 359, 180 292,188' 29.9, 612 ICl, 340 530, 674| 170, 158i 1. 216, 720 ■ 849, 773: 556, 367 1, 806, 129j 888, 677i 748, 906 4.53, 3.51 11 643, 046j! 1, 811, 809|| 1, 507, 018 ! 713,278 1, 037, 732 1, 148, 0G5 816, 236 1, 394, 516| 1, 013, 51 Oj 701, 302' 671, 927: 954, 072 7i0, 32711 1, 207, 673! 1, 169, 5771 1, S50, 020 407, 022 869,9081 474, 273! 681, 046| 2, 172, 472i 1, 008, 963 890, 615 2, 331, 1401 996, OlSi 1, 395, 495 4, 432, 591 1, 104, 546 571, 741 1, 073, 656 1, 637, 273 1, C72, 634 690, 310 1, 817, 455 1, 418, 432 586; 584 545,814 1, 113, 599 901, 560 1, 13.5, 742 268, 070 1, 382, 261 282, 374 ^1 a OS t 11- 0 §^-^ i 0 H Dollars. 715, 238 Dollars. 734, 974 Dollars. 388, 878 Dollars. 1, 839, 090 10, 703 7, 172 4,711 15, 847 7, 712 6, 083 5, 399 2.782 8, 669 8, 161 581 3, 589 63 2,749 1, 863 17, 367 16,' 160 7, 556 27, 265 17, 736 6, 062 3, 98C 5, 718 14, 378 11, 749 3, 745 . 2, 267 1, 074 18,118 549 1, 500 890 10, 356 7, 747 7, 682 32, 496 24, 703 3, 025 39, 477 6, 045 9, 350 9, 690 6, 503 11, 052 3,457 5, 707 17, 099 4, 081 15, 352 520 3, 834 4, 032 866 7, 155 10, 022 18,891 30, 821 11, 450 34, 159 9, 081 6, 614 4, 910 7, 876 6, 355 9,454 7, 042 4, 334 9, 541 0, 570 5, 740 1,156 158 2, 48G 64 24, 275 13, 812 9,402 19, 903 12,989 10, 306 9, 861 11, 425 3, 665 7, 328 6, 038 17, 380 13, 624 2, 040 4,350 6, 100 1, 298 4, 894 1, 303 4,139 22,444 28, 539 29, 943 7, 008 15, 817 4,181 5, 577 17. 928 7, 809 7, 511 2, 592 7, 737 21, 725 9, 837 8,906 1, 294 2', 785 5, 788 1, 091 2,745 8, 067 16^ 099 45, 441 18, 737 19,162 18, 501 8, 69G 10. 880 35, 552 9, 061 9, 324 4, 980 8, 373 13, 778 10, 238 6, 894 i, 749 8, 130 23, 216 3, 717 34, 719 15, 425 27, 389 72, 546 23, 016 4 690 8,' 451 13, 772 9,163 6, 601 5 242 9, 332 10, 838 8, 000 a 3, 452 2, 358 8,184 2, 588 2, 346 20, 141 32, 794 19, 751 11, 399 11, 046 11, 810 5,743 4, 373 9, 138 6.000 10, 638 11, 608 4, 092 5, 568 4, 010 4, 967 201 1, 422 3, 584 21, 056 27,415 17, 552 9,887 18, 290 7,227 9, 317 2, 6.57 11,118 2, 89i 9,016 21, 012 2, 533 6.911 2, 7831 2, 947 5, 673 155 7, 308 304 19, 190 36, 002 .5, 345 25, 337 5,978 a Estimated. 1536 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — ARKANSAS — Contimied. State and coun- ties. Ouachita. ]\'rrv I'liiiiips.. I'ikc Poinsett . Polk Pope Prairie ... Pnlaski... Randolph . Saint Francis . Saline Scott Searcy Sebastian Sevier Shai-p Stone Union Van Buren. ASSESSED VALUATION, AYasliington White Woodi-uff... Tell Dollars. 722, 477 224, 639 2,108,550 196, 295 302, 715! 82, 39 1,034, 209 865, 881 4, 766, 101 384, 141 806, 485 517, 249 283, 889 257, 439 , 245, 372 406, 269 426, 363 191, 603 629, 303 229, 635 1, 235, 123 1,850, 394 898, 316 1, 172, 305 Dollars. 664, 99' 111, 764 675, 785 206, 152 82, 228 168, 034 607, 001 461, 100 1, 826, 576 285, 579 297, 225 258, 648 312, 301' 331, 583 836, 762 330, 312 363, 420 207,719 619, 970 313, 009 858, 505 744, 821 330,121 645, 876 Dollars. 1, 387, 474 336, 403 2, 779, 335 402, 447 384, 943 250, 431 1, 641, 270 1, 326, 981 6, 592, 677 669, 720 1,103,710 775, 897 596, 190! 589, 022! 2, 082, 134 736, 581 1 789,7831 399, 322| 1, 249, 273! 542, 644| 2, 093, 628 2, 595, 215 1, 228, 437: 1, 818, 181; -2 S CO Dollars. 11, 230 2, 806 22, 696 3, 756 2, 933 2,656 13, 408 10, 378 50, 534 6, 377 9, 198 6, 602 5, 600; 5, 260: 16, 989i 5, 745! 6, 654 3, 421' 10, 541' 5, 108 18, 106! 20, 026 10, 184 14, 638; Dollars. 14, 106 3, 364 34, 000 4, 7(!8 1.924 6, 446 10, 500 6, 635| 98, m 18, 218 16, 330 4, 529 5, 200 12, 417 9, 799 6, 261 4, 330 1, 996 12, 493 3. 476 - o J?fcC« 10, 662 2, 600! 15, 355 Dollars. 6, 791 1,674 21,232 2,500 2, 000 150 5, 720 6, 790 109, 930 1, 918 7, 247 1, 433 45 65 14, 674 2, 857 612 431 5,845 3091 7, 304 10, 0071 5, 7391 8, 8711 KENTUCKY. Note.— The exhibit is for the year 1880. State and coun- ties. ASSESSED VALUATION. The State... Dollars. 265, 085. 1 Adair Allen Anderson iallavd Barren Bath. Bell.. Boone .., Bourbon Joyd 0 © Dollars. 85, 478, 063 Dollars. 350, 563, 971 1, 170, 635 974, 193 1, 182, 140 1, 450, 946 2, 328, 585 1, G99, 835! 292, 9511 3, 991, 605! 6, 408,180| 2, 086, 872 i- 547, 425! 404^0891 440, 475; 414, .5381 757, 181 1 i 417, 730i 66. 285' 971, 9421 1, 438, 612' 683, 210i 1,718, 060 I 1, 378, 282 1 1, 622, 615'! 1, 86.5, 4 84 II 3, 085, 766 I 2, 117, 565 359, 236 4, 963, 5471 7, 846, 7921 2, 770, 082 Dollars. '< Dollars. 1,595,0671 1,623,118 7,819 6, 271 7, 383 8, 488 14, 040 9, 635 1,634 22, 584 35, 703 12. 604 Dollars. Dollars. 1, 982, 832 5, 201, 017 C, 601 5. 3.54i 14, 468; 9. 4601 12, 1411 430 296! 790l 749i 4, 193 314 21, 956 31,175 14, 624 175 13, 875 12,559 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1537 Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation— KENTUCKY — Continued. ASSESSED VALUATION. State and coun- ties. Baylo Bracjjen Breathitt . . - . Breckiuridge Bullitt....... Dollars. 3, 117, 3Gi 2,110, 5:<5 483, 7tiO 2, 301, 99i 1, 380, 577 1,012, 466 1, 183, 885 1, 328, 44(: 8, 350, 362 732, 245 1, 083,125 848, 804 3, 902, 327 3, 830, 729 564, 158 548, 349 1, 250, 282 869, 488 4, 715, 648 605, 817 430, 297 805. 461 9, 259, 025 2, 694, 996 692,193 3, 821, 599 1, 056, 650 1, 094, 014 2, 427. 98(5 2, 283; 360 2, 378, 553 990,990 700, 368 1, 607, 069 1, 023, 432 2, 214, 560 380, 410 3, 898, 440 1, 508, 280 4, 099, 343 3, 155, 255 1, 200, 475 1, 483, 741 325. 430 42, 811, 445 2, 706, 873 697,100 12, 087, 68, 555, 298 1, 220, 114 546, 260 1,013,553 330, 871 174, 044 374, 066 Dollars. 1, 347, 340 514,020 112, 658 963, 980 403, 010 395, 054 482, 166 528, 826 758, 428 1, 603, 652 240, 92i 2.55, 759 1, 122, 02( 1,140, 34'i 195, 203 185, 045 517, 093 266. 959 1, 003, 254 199, 470 106, 863 242, 329 2, 658, 350 981, 811 204, 737 1, 067, 428 488, 475 326, 638 004,179 723, 510 879, 496 433, 690 243, 269 500, 575 302, 167 911, 572 97, 199 1, 075, 155 633, 621 972, 077 858, 561 428, 616 481, 77:; 76, 336 18, 234, 846 691, 278 191, 181 2, 723, 441 204, 010 394, 767 199. 463 344; 218 79, 569 38, 84. 93, 608i 97 CC Dollars. 4, 464, 705 2, 624, 555 596, 418 3, 265, 975 1, 783, 587 1, 407, 520 1, 666, 051 1, 857, 272 9, 108, 790 2, 335, 897 1, 324, 050 1. 106, 563 5, 024, 353 1 4,971,0761 759, 361 733, 394: 1, 767, 375i 1, 136, 447i 5, 718, 902 805, 287 537, 160 1, 047, 790 11, 917, 375 3, 676, 8071 896, 930! 4, 889, 027i 1, 545, 125i 1,420, 0371 3, 032,165 3, 006, 870 3, 258, 049 1, 424, 680i 943, 637 2. 107, 644 1, 325, 599 3, 126, 132 477, 609 4, 973, 595 2, 141,901 5, 071, 420 4,013, 816 1, 629, 091 1, 965, 513 401, 766 61, 046, 291 3, 398,151 888, 281 14, 811, I26i 759, 30811 1, 614, 881 1 I 74.5, 729:1 1,357, 771| 410, 440j 212, 889ii 467, 674ll a Estimated. Dollars. 20, 315 11,941 2,714 14, 860 8, 115 6, 404 7, 581 8, 451 41, 445 10, 629 6, 024 5, 034 22,861 22,618 3, 45C 3, 337 8, 042 5, 171 26, 021 3,664 2,444 4,768 5t, 224 16, 730 4, 081 22, 245 7, '031 6, 464 13. 796 13, 681 14, 825 6„483 4, 293 9, 590 6, 032 14, 224 2, 174 22, 630 9, 745 23, 075 18, 263 7, 412 8, 943 1,828 277, 760 15, 462 4, 042 67, 391 3, 454 7, 348 3, 39 6, 178 1, 867 969 2, 129 Dollars. 14, 275 19, 8f34 2, 918 14, 742 5,067 21, 500 9, 872 12, 837 10, 708 3, 956 2, 535 55, 100 21,048 4, 632 2, 461 5,500 6, 070 45, 500 1,611 4, 200 4, 361 86, 112 20, 373 4, 080 19, 556 3,313 9,245 12, 129 8, 050 12, 959 22, 616 2, 500 12, 944 10, 777 10, 959 3, 000 21, 306 5,465 30, 351 20, 000 13, 0411 22, 555 2, 200 61, 146 22, 721 4, 134 47, 584, «4, 000! 10, 623 3, 000 9, 185 1, 522 a 2, 000 4,924 a 00 Dollars. 10, 358 5, 054 64 1,400 2, 156 723 1,750 414 160, 728 2, 707 764 200 12, 927 2, 039 603 1, 014 813 16, 492 112 266 50, 548 2,004 15, 930 1, 321 702 1, 172 818 1,098 849 14; 1, 682! 4, 586 3, 678 11, 055 9021 3, 167 1,874 5, 850 6, 270 1, 203, 214 5,523 17.1 277, 440 26 400 225 630 116 174 1538 COMPENDIUM OF TEE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Jssesaed valuation and taxation — KENTUCKY — Continued. ASSESSBD VALUATION. State and coun- ties. Lewis Lincoln Livingston ... Logan Lyon McCracken ... McLean Madison Magoffin Marion Marshall Martin Mason Meade Menifoe Mercer Metcalfe Monroe Montgomery. . Morgan MnhlenTjurgh. Nelson Nicholas Ohio Oldham Owen Owsley ... Pendleton Perry Piko Powell Pulaski RobeTlson . Eockcastle Rowan Rnssell . , Scott .... Shelby.., Simpson Spencer. Taylor.. Todd ... Trigg... Tnmble Union "Warren "Washington "Wayne "Webster "Whitley "Wolfe ..... "Woodford Dollars. 1,58(5,446 2, BSrj, 762 1, 098, 563 2, CGO, 974 659, 551 3, 092, 585 1, 032, 839 5,317, 0751 534, 276| 2, 215, 0191 903, 287 251, 177 5, 542, 411 1, 414, 508 142. 179 2, 844, 610 801, 434 881, 135j 2, 381, 6.56 659. 954 1, 215, 275 3, 006, 480 2, 120, 110 1, 8?5, 045 1, 773, 273 2, 526, 433 353, 800 2, 102.716 336, 658 1, 045, 203 267, 720, 1, 422, 630 648, 429 553,317 317, 227 601, 920 4, 609, .'.29 5, 517, 845 1, 329, 675 1, 450, 089 715, 227 1, 091,771 1, 387, 705 1.253,' 068 2, 2:i3. 617 4, 200, 645 1, 792, (133 ],11-',4G5 1, 123, 337 743, 441 421, 148 4, 526, 729i Dollars. 401, 322 994, 384 394, 283 702, 127 260, 676 ■ 706, 275 378, 317 1, 776, 460 140, 641 1, 013, 304 312, 218 47, 570 1, 436, 270 366, 671 38, 002 696, 300 336, 040 321, 6.50 492, 492 181, 444 387, 894 1, 686, 460 694, 920 652, 31 597, 583 586, 587 99, 380 5.50,190 74, 108 292. 222 84, 314 496, 580 156, 980 264, 875 76, 981 274, 941 1, 022, 650 1, 583, 000 425, 263 374, 026 2.58, 882 759. 370 546, 286 312, .579 839, 961 1, 468, 294 514, 767 393, 961 403, 2i<8 258, 957 176, 492 1, 295, 125 TAXATIOK. Dollars. 1, 987, 768 3, 828, 140 1, 492, 846 3, 372, 101 920, 227 3, 798, 860 1, 411, 156 7, 093, .535 674, 917 3, 228, 323 1, 215,505' 298, 747 6, 978,-681 1,781, 179 180. 181 3, 540, 970 1, 137, 474 1, 202, 785 2, 8^4, 148 841, 398 1, 603, 169 4, 692, 1 2,815,030 2, 537, 362 2, 370. 856 3, 113, 020 4.53, 1801 2, 652, 906 411, 060 1, 337, 485 3.52, 034 , 919, 210 805, 409 818, 192 394. 208 6R2, 179: 100, 84.5i 7.54, 913 824, 115 974, 089 2, 4.51, 141 1, 93.3, 991 1, 56.5, 647 3. 063, 578 5, 668, 939 2, 306. 800 1,506,426 1, 526, 625 1, 002, 398 597, 640 5. 821. 854 Dollars. 9,044 17, 418 6, 793 15, 343 4, 187 17,284 6, 420 32, 275 3, 0711 14, 689. 5. 5311 1, 3591 31, 754! 8, 105' 819 Dollars. 11, 837 10, 267 7, 420 10, 640 20. 000 16, llli 5, 175- 5, 472 13, 078i 3, 828: 7, 294' 21, 353 12, 809 11, 545 10, 787 14, 164i 2, 062j 12, 071 1, 871 6, 0851 1,602 8, 732 3,664 3, 723 1,794 4,413 2.5, 6261 32, 309i 7, 985; 8, 299 4, 432 11.1.53' 8, 8i)0 7, 124 13, 939 25, 790 10, -196 6, sr' 6,946 4, 561 2, 72G 26, 489 47,000 10, 518 27, 745 2, 680| 35, 000! 5, 835, 2, 0621 31, 4041 8, 473 2,-795i 11, 921 2, 639 10, 489 30, 000 3, 192 400 7, 500 10, 720 12, 177 9,110 1,978 26, 163 6, 507 5,974 996 16, 921 4, 149 4, 100 639 4, 500 25, 999 69, 000 13, 350 4, 100 2, 610 6, 000 10, :;o' 4,712 33, 824 24, ono 10, 909 6,721 6, 607 4, 366 3, 596 18,055 Dollars. 9.54 899 1, 715 3, 291 625 22, 597 3, 288 4, 2(,'0 161 3,653 914 23, 133 1,406 1,580 476 383 4,779 2,084 1, 511 3,100 2,542 1,072 750 2, 693! 28' 679 118 1,467 393 47 55 7,183 2, 274 2,616 335 500! 5, 109; 670 742 3, 356: 5, 785: 1, 5671 427 1, 008 249 4.877 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1539 Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — Continued. TENNESSEE. Note.— Tl)c table is for the year 1880. Anderson IJedford Bcnion Bledsoe Blount Bradley Catnubell Cannon Carroll Carter Cheatham .... Claiborne Clay Cocke Coifee Crockett Cninberland Davidson Decatur De Kalb Dickson Dyer Payette Fentress Franklin Gibson Giles Grainger Greene Grnndy Hamblen Hamilton Hancock Hardt;nian Hardin Hawkins Haywood Henderson Henry Wickinan Houston Humi>hrey8... Jackson James Jefferson Johnson Kpox Lfike Lauderdale ... lAwreuce..... 1540 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — TENNESSEE — Continued. A8BKS8ED VALUATION. State and coun- ties. Lewifi Lincoln Loudon McMinn McNairy Macon Madison Marion Mai-shall Maury Meigs Monroe Montgomery. Moore Morgan Obion Overton Perry ^ Polk Putnam Rhea Roane ....... Robertson ... Rutherford Scott Sequatchie... Sevier Shelby Smith Stewart Sullivan Sumner Tij)ton Trousdale . .. Unicoi Union Van Buren . . "Warren "Washington . "Wayne Weakley White Williamson . . Wilson p s Dollars. 180, 445 3, 285, 945 1, 195, 080 1, 894, 1, 556, 777 784, 571 4,07;j, 130 975, 174 2, 729, 8G5 6, 450, 807 875, 252 1, 784, 225 3, 997, 880 572, 651 471, 410 3, 234, 111 674, 872 691, 945 858, 930 842,825 799, 442 1, 867, 610 2, 626, 400 5, 769, 528 337, 383 224, 074 1, 171, 696 17, 794, 085 2, 525, 930 1. 045, 281 1, 807, 155 3, 190, 359 2, 217, 892 799,191 1.53, 865 658, 794 220, 970 2, 029, 787 1, 520, 270 1, 015, 940 2, 908, 960 937, 669 4, 651, 594 4. 310, 765 Dollars. 55, 585 343, 896 116, 340 100, 131 69,243 55, 886 127, 381 69, 985 246, 485 937, 529 38, 456 97, 190 522, 745 17, 632 5. 450 110, 121 23, 429 50, 565 51, 247 74, 595 32, 280 105, 666 472, 440 571, 394 6, 866 2,939 88, 349 , 074, 370 232, 510 40, 627 157, 255 24.3, 51" 94, 710 4S, 285 19, 405 1, 300 424, 944 56, 270 50, 110 71, 760 47. 807 543, 736 342, 959: Dollars. 236, 030 3, 629, 841 1, 311, 420 1, 994, 590 1, 616, 020 840, 457 4,200,511 1,045,159 2, 976, 3.50 7, 388, 33C 913, 708 1, 881, 415 4, 520, 625 590, 283 476, 860 3, 344, 232 698, 301 742, 510 910, 177 917, 420 831, 722 1, 973, 276 3, 098, 840 6, 340, 922 344, 249 227, 013 1, 260, 045 18. 868, 4!>5 2, 758, 440 1,085,908 1, 964, 410 3, 433, 874 2, 312, 602 847, 476 153, 865 678, 199 222. 270 2, 4.54, 731 1, 576, 540 1,066,050 2, 980, 720 985, 476 5, 195, 330 4, 653, 724 Dollars 727 11, 086 3, 827 6, or 5,944 3, 02. 13, 159 3, 090 8, 822 20, 349 2, 850 5, 754 13, 050 2,032 1, 625 10, 698 3, 012 2, 496 2,1 3, ' 2, 709 5, 846 8, 947 17, 794 1,564 811 4, 646 54, 747 8, 121 4,024 6,581 10, 243 7, 100 2, 594 768 2, < 744 6,945 5,240 3, 763 9, 718 3, 306 14, 232 13, 542 Dollars. 1,805 20, 161 6, 452 10, 010 12, 348 5, 278 30, 800 6,271 23, 705 33, 634 5,335 6, 640 35, 652 4,' 4, 963 27, 419 4,: 4,! 7, 499 7, 248 3, 017 10, 853 19, 617 24, 135 2, 331 PI O '6 Dollars. 1,968 15, 715 35, 938 11, 725 5, 5611 2, 000 4, 723 1, 222 7, 908 10, 503 6,96] 14, 189 5,436 24,623 45, 908 10, 102 17, 820 20, 006 1, 314 7, 123, 151 15, 018 8,750 176, 236 2, 069 1, 575 2. 425 ,000 130 518 5,951 \ COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1541 Takle CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — Continued. WESTERN STATES. OHIO. Note.— The valuation and taxation are shown for the year ending November 15, 1879. State and coun- ties. ASSESSED VALUATION. Dollars. 1, 093, 677, 705 4, 189, 214 6, G43, 354 9, 351, 842 10, 898, 910 5, 465, 509 5, 596, 460 14, 493, 408 8, 146, 870 23, 767, 456 6, 584, 565 14, 081, 110 17, 714, 790 11, 043, 670 10, 046, 852 15, 405, 188 9, 685, 090 10, 282, 770 65, 363, 389 12, 916, 780 4, 183,' 948 11, 647, 085 7, 590, 303 12, 833, 820 10, 010, 685 36, 878, 320 3, 609, 480 5, 179, 615 5, 925, 080 15, 594, 890 7, 758, 186 158, 007, 310 9, 431, 865 6, 553, 380 8, 916, 230 3, 348, 200 10, 872, 473 3, 755, 625 5, 698, 790 12, 051, 570 3, 119, 200 13. 549, 050 12, 044, 519 6, GOO, 152 5, 440, 777 19. 244, 286 Dollars. 440, 682, 803 Dollars. 1, 534, 360, 508 1, 669, 319 3, 556, 147 3, 671, 081 5, 116,420 2, 601, 310 1, 941, 160 6, 242, 547 2, 613, 632 9, 351, 787 2, 342, 903 6, 325, 009 9, 529, 500 2, 939, 633 3, 965, 709 7, 252, 407 3, 456, 530' 5, 005, 910| 22, 989, 750l 5, 594, 310i 1, 693, 289; 4, 643, 063 3, 841, 010 5, 368, 170 3, 313, 480 13, 894, 319 1, 705, 995 2, 212, 951 2, 092, 428 6, 691, 123 2, 925, 387 19, 316, 737 2, 906, 973 2, 643, 730 4, 091, 430 1, 20G, 703 4, 203, 900 1, 839, 433 2, 635, 798 5, 357, 542 1, 614, 485 5, 308, 840 4, 499, 470 3,510, 086 2, 904, 344; 7, 'J 16, 068 Dollars. Dollars. 4,480,489 6, 131, .502 5, 858, 533 10, 199, .501 13, 022, 923 16, 015, 330) 8, 0G6, 8I9I 7, 537, 620 20, 735, 955 10, 760, 502 33, 119, 243 8, 927, 468 20, 406, 119 27,244,290 13, 983, 303i 14, 012. 561' 22, 657, 595' 13, 141, 620' 15, 288, 680! 88, 353, 139j 18, 511, 090! 5, 877, 237: 10, 290, 148: 11, 431, 313 18, 201, 9901 13, 324, 1651 50, 772, 639 5, 315, 475. 7, 392. 5661 8, 017, 508 22, 286, 013 10. 683, 573: 207, 324, 047 12, 338, 838 9, 197, 110 13, 007, 660 4, 554, 903 15, 076, 373| 5, 595, 058 8, 334, 588[ 17, 409, 112 4, 733, 685' 18, 857, 890:! 16, 543, 989,1 10, 116, 238-1 8, 345, 121 1 1 26,4C0, 354:1 I I 16, 990 29, 576 37, 767 1 46, 737 j 20. 475! 21, 859 60, 134 31, 205 92, 730 25, 889 59, 169 78, 892 42, 007 40, 312 65, 707 1 38,]10i 44, 372| 256, 6271 53, 885; 17, 044 p.g aB 2 I ^1 +i -is es-3 Dollars. 15,144,667 2.5,756,658 47, 818! 33, 150 52, 786 38, 640 147. 341 15, 414 21, 436 23, 251 64, 630 30, 983 601, 240 35, 783 26, 672 37, 723 13, 209 43, 721 15, 936 24, 171 50, 485 13, 728| I I 54, 6881 47, 978 29,337 24, 201 76, 648' 43, 601 101, 183 53, 618 99. 049 68, 708 46, 846 82, 661 73, 650 123, 962 33, 316 60, 019 80, 431 74, 558 56, 221 52, 036 59, 494' 50, 368 1 271, 0681 92, 309| 30, 3571 7.% 714 63, 571 58, 247 61, 002 144, 956 43, 051 40, 659 20, 974 73, 938 45. 126 394, 324 62, 652 85, 330 48, 675 49, 416 50, 255 27, 526 46, 805 92, 169 26. 034 49, 167 j 75, 251! 37, 136! 56, 7471 102, 940 40, 690 88, 540 69, 252 80, 764 45, 792 54, 555 106, 752 73, 496 211,563 27, 692 117, 398 205, 811 91, 800 95, 502 127, 110 65, 775 96, 184 1, 839, 136 100, 872 73, 424 87, 44f 176, 079 104, 502 6.5, 199 512, 503 38, 602 51, 442 40, 076 120,412 65, 066 377, 235 91, 059 68, 521 45, 495 67, 245 84, 386 34, 800 '44, 742 97, 061 41, 606 101,158 73, 994 54, 588 79, 761 126, 535 1542 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXY .—Assessed valuation and taxation — OHIO—Continued. State and coun- ties. Logan .... Loiain Lucas Madison .. Mahoning Marion Medina Mi^igs Meicer Monroe MouTgomeiy. Muigan Mon-ow Muskingum . KoMe .... Ottawa ... Paulding . Perry Pickaway. Pilre Portage . . Pr^lde . , . Putnam.. XLichland Sandusky. Scioto Seneca Shelby..-. Stark Summit Trumbull. Tuscarawas ... Union A88EBSED VALUATION. c S Van "Wert Vinton. .- Wijrien Washington Wayne T "Williams "Wooil Wyandot Dollars. 9, 20 1, 330 11, 612, 789i 15, 99:j, 076i 10, 187, 820l 13, 161, 864j I 8, 701, 6381 9,019, 973' 6, 347, 353 3, 268, 9901 15, 225, 286i 4,157. 749 30, 779, 300 5, 489, 743 8, 734.541 17, 672, C90, 4, 694, 622: 3, 242, 984' 1, 739,378 6. 126, 985l 14, 485, 202| 3, 389, 814; 10. 104. 040 12. 783, 684 4; 141,574 14, 658, 470 14, 672, 480 9, 145, 820 6, 8r)8, 850 33, 418,528; 6. 646, 464! 22, 932, 060! 15. 449, 254 13, 435, 249 12, 180, 714j 7, 827, 519 3, 832,115 2, 574, 202 14, 307. 358' 8, 910. 428 15, 601, 928 5, 44(5. .065 6, 772, 050 7. 100, 300, Dollars 4, 284, 190 5, 817, 539; 7, 600, 350' 3, 987, 740 5, 183, 928 4, 376, 236 3, 380. 928' 2, 185, 083^ 1,212, 804! 6, 181, 686: 1, 358, 027: 13, 603. 570: 2, 637. 866 3, 458, 178; 7, 377, 790' 1, 469, 047j 2, 36«, 339, 640, 838; 2, 704, 330 4,694, 351 1, 747, 754 5, 838, (>73 4, 779, 805 1, 483. 796 7, 104, 730 6, 849, 7001 3, 775, 193I 3, 555, 7711 5, 079, 104i 2, 654, 290l 9, 622, 890; 6, 614. 725 5, 634, 096 4, 627. 203] 3, 521, 9701 I I 2, 100. 708; 1, 164, 046, 6, 697, 341 3, 740, 844 7, 281, 133 2, 255, 929 2, 363, 580 3, 868, 885 TAXATION. Dollars. 13, 548, 5?0 17, 430, 328 23, 593, 426 14, 175, 5(30 18, 345, 792 13, 077, 874 12, 400, 901 8, 532, 436 4, 481.794 21, 406, 971 5, !M5, 776 44, 382, 870 8, 327, 609| 12, 192. 719 25, 050, 480i 6, 163, 669 5, 611,323 2, 380, 016 8, 831,315 19, 179, £53 5,137. 568 15, 94JL713 17. 565, 489 5, 62.5, 370 21, 763, 200 21. 522, 180 12, 921, 013 10, 414, 621 18, 497, 632 9, 300, 754 32, 5.'54. 950 22, 063. 979 19, 069. 345 16, 807, 917 11, 349, 489 5, 932, 823 3, 738. 308 21, 064, 699 12, 651,272 22. 883, OCl 7, 702, 494 9,135. 630 10, 959, 185 Dollars. 39, 2911 50. .548 68, 425 41,083; 54, 301! 37. 926| 35, 963 24. 745 13, 026 62, 341 16, 373' 158, 739 23, 570 35, 360 73, 445j I 18, 062 16, 560! 6. 902! 25. 610 65, 62l! 15, 073 46, 2371 51, 509 16, 577 63, 113j 62, 416i 37, 471; 30, 203! 53, 642! 28, 132 j 94, 409* 64, 013 57, 174' 48, 743 30, 013 17, 208; 10, 841, 61,088 36, 6S9 66, 859 22, 476 27, 674 30, 682 Dollars 59, 520 61, 827 120, 790 59, 722 94, 522 46, 800 32, 304 39, 474; 52. 640 79, 716! 29, .574; 174, 457 51, 324 41,754 121, 736; 41, 540} 51, 461 43, 3921 32, 8371 72, 002 27, 121 40, 983 49, 7.''.4 47, 6191 68, 05l' 83, 938 71, 4G7 84, 358 88, 059 41,114 93, 289: 87, 330 77, 566 71, 086 57, 422; 57, 216 33, 6031 69, 8G0 70. 894! SO, 154 27, 127 58. 146 55, 287; Dollars. 86, 249 109, 174' 72.5, 873| 70, 976! 129, 877 67, 500 54, 204 77, 485 40, 205 175, 227 37, 921! 414, 819, 43. 8711 49. 030 179, 409; I 32, 032; 57, 488 34, 563i 63, 7851 90. 5691 37, 916 82, 105 84, 848 63, 105 149, 713 124, 807 88, 753 120, 370 138, 647 83, 823 246. 666 190, 869 108, 983 99, 333 101, 700j 62, 0621 23, 686; 102. 436 99, 941i 117. 436; 66, 028; 81, 294! 68, 219: Dollars. 185, OCO 221,049 915, 094 171,781 278, 700 152, 226 122, 471 141,704 105, 931 317, 284 83, 868 748, 015 118, "65 126, 144 374, 590 91, 634 12.5, 509 84,857 122, 232 218, 182 80, flO 1G9, 325 18f;, 091 127, 301 280, 877 271,161 197, 691 234,931 280, 348 153, 069 434, 364 342, 212 243, 723 219, 162 189, 135 136, 486 68, 190 233, 384 207, 524 264. 449 115, C31 167, 114 154, lfr8 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1543 Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — Continued. INDIANA. Note.— The table is for the fiscal year endiTio: Octoher 31, 1880. The valnation is given as r<^ported by the state board of equalization. 'The [civil] tov.nship taxes for roads and other sti ictly to vuship purposes are not jiiven lor the same reason »s is Mtat.ej o ^ ? ^ J Dollars. Dollars. 1 189, J 3 1,892 727, 815, 131 2. 507, 490 15, 041, 040 7. 220, 078 4,140, 329! 1,499, 915| 6, 641,130; 1,062, 506 .5, 408, C99i 6, 669, 521: 5. CaS, 163 831, 421! 615, 4251 90+, 655 307, 075 6, 553, 371 4,51],962| 6, 391, 907 1, 987, 596 9, 046, 806 4, 744, 750 6, 839, 495 5, 588, 941 5, 075, 460 3, 812, 740 6, 343, 558 5, 657, 040 3, 603, 727 7, 229, 445 5, 625, 225 2, 713, 315 7, 659, 198 8, 000, 153 4, 4-19, 014 5, 405, 197 4, 111, 070 1, 880, 9.- 4, 325, 099 4, 449, 829 2, 079, 184 939, 035 3, 955, 455 2, 559. 544 1. 100, 974 558, 504 2, 244,360[ 482,' 274! 1, 777, 649j 2, 454, 342{ 1, 947, 508j 1, 27.3, 120! 2. 101, 580| 364, 086' 1, 432. 544 2. 839, 965 2, 682, 416 1, 247. d72 2, 151, 392 8^2, 408 3, 343, 861 2, 096, 432 2, 084, 090 1, 694, 166 2, 434, 755 1, U69, 615 2, 867, 293 1, 715, 060 1,486, 906 1, 747, 760 1, 853, 250 1, 218, 461 2, 519, 7i4i 3, 493, 875 1, 612, 527 1. 678. 888 1, .594. 8.^5 797, 861 1,361,436 2, 0!>0, 810 873, 067 3, 446, 525| 18. 996, 495 9, 779, 622 5,241, 303 2, 0.)8, 419; 8, 885, 290 1, 544, 780, 7, 186, 348 9, 123, 863; 7, 640,^71 5, 104, 541 7; 717, 005 1,194,414 5, 387, 199i 8, 147, 040 9, 235, 787 5, 759, 934 8, 543, 299 2, 880, 004! 12, 390, 667, 6, 841, 182! 8, 924, 485! 7,283, I07i 7, 510, 215| 4, 882, 355 9, 210, 851 7, 372, 100 5, 090, 633! 8, 977, 205 7, 478, 475j 3, 931, 776 10, 178,942 11,494, 0118 6, 061, 541 7, 084, 085 .5, 705, 925! 2, 678,8141 5, 686, 535; 6, 540, 6S9; 2, 952, 251 7, 349, 865 2, 515, 145 9, 86.5, 01 0 7, 091. 345 3. 007, 910 10. 099. 2." 7, 167, 821 2, 3.'4, 980 1), rv2_', 80?! 4, 680, 645 1, 658, 040 0, 344, m 3, 742, 375 1, 049, 810 4, 702, 185li a See foot-note "a" to summary table, page 1508. "a City, town, vil- lage, and school district. % 'Jl 0 H Dollars. 2, 493, 963 Dollars. 4, 031, 029 Dollars, a 4, 318, 638 Dollars. 010,843,630 12, 589 64, 795 33, 416 17, 708 7, 555 39, 515 182, 4.53 53, 374 46, 919 12, 500 12, 992 196, 358 44, 982 21, 177 9,878 65, 096 443, 606 131, 772 85, 804 29, 933 30, 951 6,241 24, 571 32, 223 26, 380 29, 0.53 13, 520 37, 303 63, 731 45, 569 30, 338 5, 438 41, 994 lae, 355 74, 983 90, 342 25, 199 103, 868 232. 309 146, 932 19, 395 27, 065 5, 373 19, 462 27,883 47, 763 20, 125 11, 881 37, 364 89, 089 34, 764 55, 674 8, 390 22, 782 43, 724 101, 922 108. 864 25, 644 79, 608 ICO, 696 30. 937 20. 740 29, 270 10, 858 42, 674 34, 181 29, 647 42, 994 21, 073 69, 985 57, 493 19. 761 64, .556 8, 193 70,582 122, 611 70, 148 136, 820 40, 124 183, 241 22, 458 29, 023 25. 377 25, 496 16, 933 20, 631 38 327 39, 069 63, 356 22, 496 26, 751 63, 339 28, 75l 14, 840 13, 429 69,840 130. 689 93, 197 103,692 52, 858 31, 310 26, 070 18, 810 31, 172 25, 340 36, 494 51, 846 23, 594 59. 648 23, 508 21, 712 30, 220 21, 738 36, 465 25, 714 89, 516 108, 136 64, 142 127, 285 74, 562 14, 837 34, 279 87, 322 21, 676 24, 961 25, 287 46, 479 97, 549 35, 033 52, 303 9,172 40, 425 40, 227 34, 765 38, 612 49, 296 121. 183 17-5, 098 91,474 115, 876 20, 811 9, 594 20, 181 23, 022 11, 263 38, 257 18, 591 43, 506 42, 746 20, 761 33, 376 14, 333 21, 251 71, 673 11, 965 92, 444 42, 518 84, 938 137, 441 43, 989 32, 729 34, 522 33. 022 21, 580 16, 494 16, 515 40, 386 49, 469 45, 275 24, 552 35, 895 57. 742 46, 436 23, 975 24, 555 8.5, 139 132, 650 128. 927 90, 836 65, 601 1544 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — INDIANA — Continued. ABSEfJSED VALUATION. a © Dollars. 9, 105, 795 4, 014, 157 7, 400, IGO 52, 7C1, 435 4, 983, 158 1,252,024 4, 877, 273 3,460, 631 10, 068, 580 5, 236, 340 2, 198, 940 5, 048, 933 1, 151, 565 2, 288. 682 3, 421, 620 6, 884, 101 1, 455, 000 2, 196, 785 5, 000, 235 5, 386. 301 1, 966, 867 8, 792, 422 7, 688,815 2, 801, 150 8, 508, 610 9, 915, 282 1, 066, 792 9, 485, 210 3, 352, 738 827, 748 2, 875, 680 4, 537, 940 2, 300, 775 14, 331. 950 2, 235. 076 3, 546, 790 14, 745, 395 3, 600, 589 16, 622, 711 7, 371, 680 4, 265, 915 3, 108, 620 3, 730, 160 16, 817, 380 4, 302, 740 3, 622, 827 4, 513, 801 Dollars. 3, 089, 775 1,729, 073 1, 882, 060 13, 997, 850 1, 496, 613 .581,807 1, 7.57, 464 1 . 678, 334 3, 424, 355 1, 949, 670 6R6, 725 2, 257, 289 5.50, 915 1,148, 4,53 1. 519, 935 2, 304, 366 777, 110 976, 069 1, 348, 715 1, 778, 045 567, 267 2, 895, 237 3, 013, 510 1, 036, 560 3, 384, 220 3, 909, 223 390, 659 2, 586, 150 1, 408, 823 155, 966 864, 465 1, 873, 900 853, 970 5, 505, 585 663, 913 1,478, 620 6, 185, 710 1, 453, 020 5, 327, 959 2, 707, 535 1, 296, 105 1, 387, 055 1, 806, 687 6, 185, 862 1, 453, 405 1, 098, 8921 1, 480, 540i Dollars. 12, 19.5, 570 5, 743, 230 9, 282, 220 66, 759, 285 6, 479, 771 1, 833, 831 6, <)34, 737 5, 138, 965 13, 492, 935 7, 186, 010 2, 885, 665 7, 306, 222 1, 702, 480 3, 437, 135 4, 941, 555 9, 188, 46' 2, 232, 110 3, 172, 8.54 6, 348, 950 7, 164, 346 2, 534, 134 11,687, 6591 10, 702, 325 3, 837, 710 11, 952, 830 13, 824, 505 1, 4.57, 451 1 12, 071, 360j 4, 76t, 561 983, 714! 3, 740, 145 6, 411, 840 3, J, 54, 745 19, 837, 535 2, 898, 989 5, 02.5, 410 20, 931, 105 5, 0.53, 609 21, 950, 670 10, 079, 215 5, 562, 020 4, 495, 675 .5, 536, 847 23, 003, 242 5, 756, 145 4, 721,719 5, 994, 341 Dollars. 41, 241 19, .570 32, .542 217, 786 23. 158 7, 529 23, 873 17, 903 45, 037 24, 604 9,971 25, 615 5,901 12, 571 17,300 31, 128 9, 008 12, 235 21, 2.99 24, 677 38, 727 30, 769 14. 457 39, 317 "46, 593 5,656 40, 282 17, 576 3, 761 13, 806 22, 860 11, 491 65, Oil 10, 925 16, 337 68, 536 17, 219 72, .382 34,604 18, 704 16, 815 19, 427 74, 724 20, 485 16, 579 20, 719 Dollars. 56, 991 66, 000 49, 608 143. 699 5-^ 52, 358: 67, 4871 .•?3, 130 71, 140 31, 625 16, 7291 22, Oil 15, 266 17, 598 20, 213 35, 900 20, 718 26, 669 41, 4.59 48,347 3.5, 441 73, 231 2.5, 641 28, 775 41, 764 32, 731 7,043 59, 664 23, 814 11, 146 23, 360 27, 0681 21, 581 1 105, 517| 45, 732I 11, 7931 188, 704 21, 683| 137, 473! 108, 885 30, 6.561 83, 449 18, 997! 30, 447| 28. 5841 DoUarg. 115, 9861 18, 644! 52, 0081 468, 2.53I 38, 282 9, 397 CO, 171 20, 466 64, 834 33, 565 20, 822 38, 7341 11,825 13, 907' 21. 0831 35, 298 20, 332^ 11, 102, 46. 093 12, 914 45, 736 61, 092 9, 644 34, 795 85, 457j 4, 336i 40, 503 31, 389! 5, 619! 23. 895 11, 703 159, 714i 14. 358! 17, 625 307, 327 16, 902 170,217 58, 784 14, 678 19, 839 24, 536 19, 773 14, 085 163, 186 16, 952 22, 850 22, 727 Dollars. 214, 218 104,214 VU, 158 829, 738 88, 108 69, 234 151, 531 71, 499 181,011 89, 794 47, 522 86, 360 32, 992 44, 076 58, 59G 102. 326 .50, 058 50, 066 108, 851 107, 014 57, 234 157, 094 123, 502 52, 876 115, 870 164, 781 17, 035 140, 449 72, 779 20, 526 76, 998 73, 823 44, 775 330, 242 71,015 45, 755 564, 567 55, 864 380, 072 202, 273 73, 896 120, 037 52, .509 268, 357 66, 021 54, 107 63, 285 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1545 Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — Continued, ILLINOIS. Note.— The valuation is tliat made in thej'ear 1880, and the taxes are based on this, the fiscal year ending September 30, 1881.. The taxes of thl townsydp proper ai o not shown in the table. This is for the reason that the township schedule.^ were so {ionerally misunderstood by local otticers that it was found impossible to use tliem without duplicating othei- taxes to a great extent. See the foot-note on summary table, paf,"e 1.508. The total township taxation for the state is estimated to be $5,302,605. This r.in, added to $19,283,413, given in the table, makes the total taxation for the state $24,586,018. SI ate and coun- ties. The State. ASSESSED VAI.UATION. 4 tc o 1 ao OJ Dollars. Dollars. 441, 053 211, 175, 341 12, 591,818 1, 297, 811 1,9G9, 620 3, 409, 447 ] , 744, 379 8, 918, 002 663, 103 3, 580. 327 3, 220, 892 9, 320, 500 6, 789, 247 j 2, 177, 349i 1, 920, Olo! 2, 862, 7591 4, 829, 934| 115, 214,- 33]! 1, 536, 339{ 1, 161, 693 6, 167, 258 4, 031, 273 3, 555, 975 5, 1.56, 912 5, 437, 528 1, 269. 14] 1, 973, 281 2, 752, 289 2, 911,: 816, 185 8,412, 735 896, 290 4, 308, 683 4, 085, 907 948, 508 7, 358, 869 368, 426 2, 361, 123 8, 451, 426 7, 193, 387 1, 594, 489 1, 608, 640 1, 491, 431 3, 727, 724 3, 033, 517 657, 636 8, 828, 311 Dollars. 786, 616, 394 4, 597, 988 537, 991 876, 550 1, 430, 993 853, 564 3, 514, 212 338, 406' 1, 194, 947! 924, 175i 2, 632, 932 2, 076, 303 925, 549 949, 099 •911, 480 1, 597, 601 33, 768, 062 610, 012 651, 779 2, 602, 1891 1, 348, 486 1, 253, 028 1, 539, 128 1, 948, 704 625,696 985, 111 1, 418, 932 1, 153, 679 634, 771 3, 644, 986 658, 417 1, 701, 304 1, 552, 913 497, 265 2, 865, 1 179, 398 1, 33.5, 101 3, 365, 441 2, 581, 101 867, 772 588,313 834, 611 905, 583 1, 692, 142 362, 416 3, 964, 983 Dollars. 3, 195, 042 4, 809, 003 6, 696, 040 7, 386, 232 1, 894, 837 2, 958, 392 67, 154 6, 950 12, 951 17, 442! 11, 240j 44, 991 3, 7001 17, 190' 15, 913 50, 001 37,716 15, 901 16, 091 20, 040 23. 938 Dollarx. 5, 278, 956 Dollars. Dollars. alO, 809, 415 a!l9, 283, 413 126, 930 26, 789 38, 709 10, 171 21; 013 31,878 7, 825 16, 1391 45, 274] 55, 168| 46, 270 ' 34, 372 16, 474 22, 707 30, 187 264, 441 43, 349 28, 731 21, 777; 21, 002| 99, 459! 7, 760i 45, 413 48, 592! 124, 089! 74, 422: 37, 669l 31, 1821 31, 226i 126, 879: 607,083: 1,430,7671 63,963,771 9, 377| 25, 395i 40, 121 13, 035; 9, 1131 15, 310 32, C62I 24, 557! 79, 246 23, 041 54, 332i 65, 715 18, 562 28, 919 27, 822 7, 733 14, 416 19, 108: 14, 850| 5, 8481 43, 644,1 6, 047} 22, 770 20, 741 6, 640 38, 705 3, 512 25, 199 42, 540 37, 048 15, 712 10, 843 9, 782' 17, 6.54 17, 385 6, 495 47, 087 21, ( 4,< 44, 446 10, 796 18, 581 26, 4521 29, 599| 12, 470 43, 695; 21, 166| 22, 130' 22, 361 32, 212 43, 066 9,054 45, 760 41, 3.59 31, 329 42, 803 21, 993 34, 980 35, 293 34, 445 40, 409 36; 926 44, 478 56, 870 81, 951 14, 667 33, 977 50, 671 36, 802 15, 701 89, 421 25, 740 75, 463 53, 841 14, 107 93, 116 11,: 29, 090 92, 53 90, 232 42, 359 26, 469 30, 569 28, 784 48, 891 23, 713 233;'740 a See foot-note "a" to summary, page 1508. b Given as reported, but probably too small by $200,000. 1546 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tablk CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — ILLINOIS — Continued. State and coun- ties. Kankakee Koudall Kuox Lake La Salle Marion .. Marsliall. Mason . . . Massac . . Menard . . Mercer Monroe' Montgomery. Morgan Moultrie Ogle.., Peoria Perry ., Piatt . Pike.., Pope , Pulaski.., Putnam ., Randolph Riclilaud , Eock Island Saint Clair.. Saline Sangamon .. Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark Stephenson Tazewell .. "Union , Vermilion ... Wahash Warren Washington Wayne White Whiteside ... Will Williamson . . ASSESSED VALUATION. Lawrence... Lee Livingston . Logan MoDonough Mc Henry I McLean Macon ! Macoupin j Madison Winnehago Woodford . Dollars. 4, 102, 406; 3, 30:3, 00.5; 8, 781, 429: 4, 405, 78.0; 13, 859, -m i 1, 40?, 7.51 ! (5, 608, f)88i 8, 109, 048 7, 638, 291 : 6, 219, 398| 5, 497, 8081 14. 98X, OOOi 7, 077, 290| 8, 427, 218{ 10, 605, 172 3,186,762| 3, 560,154^ 3, 447, 797; 653, 429: 3, 287, 554| 4,630,916; 1, 984, 339i 4, 800, 203 7, 084, 645 2, 579, 667 7, 060, 417 10, 440, 432 1, 488, 231 3, 822, 050 6, 249, 251 812, 945 470, 7061 1, 491, 041 3, 140, 794 1, 449, 992 5, .514, 261 12, 147, 201 782, 020 12, 665, 119 2, 606, 223 i 1,960, 437 5, 5.52, 2901 2, 949, 8241 6, 116.007! 7, 221, 326j 1,.043, 2S0| 9, 383, 818' 1,412, 472 5, 87.5, 732 i 3, 310, 149! 1, 840, 772i 1, 540, 123i ,6, 448, 822' '9, 244,9241 886, 238; I 6, 030, 329; 5,416, 3881 I Dollars. ! 1, 0.53, 783 1,42.5,123 4, 271, 962 1, 135,770 6, 211, 498: I 687, 803' 2, 360,313| 3, C44, 742; 2, 396, 462 2, 690, 9211 2, 523, 068 5, 34:^ 103i 2, 359, C88 2, 582, 976i 3, 412, 722; 1, 394,137! 1,411, 4971 1, 008,2l2i 360, 8431 1, 199, 900 ! 1, 947, .596; 580, 1.53 1, 915, 9ftS 2.112,126 1, 009, 490 2, 969, 767 3, 665. 080 704. 238 1, 365, 201 2, 730, 643 378, .585 215, 372 490. 563 1, 329, 390 687, 172| 2, 409, 7771 3, 319, 1661 605, 403; 4, 653, 369 1, 226, 723 917, 195 2, 301, 204 1, 068, 197 1, 932, 638 2, 700, 634 629, 655 2, 928, 987' 507. 5D4 2, 007, 812! 916, 163; 881,739' 3, 166, 4.54; 2, 620, 204' 3, 772, 201! 557, 984j 3.422, 091! 1, 700, Ai?)\ Dollars. 5, 216, 189 4, 729, 028 13, 053, 391 5, .541, 555 20, 070, 861 2, 090, 554 8, 939, 001 11. 844, 390 10, 034, 7.53 8, 910, 319 8, 020, 876 20,331.103, 9, 436, 978 11, 010,194 14, 077, 894 4, 580, 899 4, 971, 651; 4, 456. 009* 1, 014, 272! 4i-487, 454: 6,587, 51 2I 2, 564, 492: 6,716, 191' 9, 196, 771| 3, 589, 157 1 30, 030. 184' 14, 10.5, 512, 2, 192, 469! 5, 187, 251! 8, 979, 8941 1,3 91, .530; 686, 0781 1, 981, 604: 4, 470, 184 2, 137, 164; 7, 924, 038' 15. 406, 3671 1, 387, 423 37, 318. 488 3, 832, 946j 2, 877, 632; 7, 853, 500! 4, 01.3, 0:^l| 8, 048, 645 9, 921, 960 1, 672, 941 1 12, 312, 805!! Dollars. Dollars. 920, 0«K51 883, 544' 226, 312 2, 722,511 2, 700. .577 9, 069. 0-'6 13, 017, 125' 1, 444, 222; 9, 4.52,420! 7, 116, 837; 20, 234 17, 136 47, 044 20, 109 82, 395 10, 346 33,160 45, 330 41,943 32, 053 28, 892 86, 098 38, 279 47, 102 69,713 19, 5.52! 19, 496] 26. 540 3, 892 16, 224 23, 910 12, 82.51 30, 3021 38. 032! 14, 549 38, 516 61, 588 9, 302 21. 140 37, 766 12, 032 11, 203 7,140 21, 070 11, 112 28, 607 69, 999 7, 484 63, 139 14, 179 10, 331 30, 491 35,5.35 28, 944 43, 180 6, 304! 49, 827 9. 834! 28, 397 i 16, 710! 12, 62o! 30.934 32, 908 47, 059; 6, 160; 34, 1.52' 26. 947; n 26, 350 7, 093 132, 259 38, 132 109, 688 14, 678 39, 904 31. 395 47, 382 20, 479 22, 471 56, 571 60, 143 125, 917| 121, 330j I. 5, lll| 32, 4.30 65, 2801 II, 428; 43, 746; 19, 970 83. 2281 17, 549; 88, 4121 20, 712! 32, 175; 148, 7871 30,106; 8, 313, 47, 322: 13, 4911 63, 9.52; 7,042 38, 503 15, 675 59, 608 107, 6.55 33. 627 72, 498 32, 9.S4 20, 096 21, 348! 30, 254| 28. 143 63, 799 17, 9.51 37, 624 31, 837 80, 476 62, 409 38, 284 35, 992 23, 734 37, 706 20, 113 53, 140 21, 737 82, 486' 63, 569 231,835 102, 99 157^ 900 34,338 56, 675 45, 940 15, 512 31, 891 51, 749 30.804 70, 109 lOl, 052 34,871 83, 565 260, 562! 26, 529 38, 459 93, 007 16, 379 23, 395 29. 829 53, 084 37, 758 I 161,3261 242, 813! 26. 309! 126, 610 29, 214 22. 403 72, 766 89,310 85, 674 87, 985 23,360 124, 445 22, 909i 57, 110 40, 781 32, 480: 33, 7651 130, 8.30, 136, 5291 17, 212j 83, 939; 51, 395, DoUars. 76, 997 24. 846^ 97, 279: 52. 490; 248, 530! 18. 4831 83, 2831 88, 457i 101, .558 Dollars. 123, 581 49, 075 270, 582 90, 731 440, 613 43, 307 156, 347 164, 982 190. 883 135, 018 132, 932 374. 504 201, 111 272, 427 348, 941 68, 801 88, 601 137, 760 30,832 91,861 95, 629 76, 857 117. 900 227, 496 70, 132 154, 2.56 460, 937 65. 937 67, 912 178, 095 43, 902 98, 550 44, (HI 112, 657 64,545 249, .541 420, 407 67. 420 262, 247 76, 327 52, 830 124, 605 65, 099 342. 7G1 194, 964 47. 415 233,896 6t, .580 16.5, 983 119, 900 83, 300 80, 691 167, 472 221, 294 46, 185 173,231 300, 079 4 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1647 Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — Continued. MICHIGAN. Note. — The tabular exhibit is for the year 1879. The assessed valnation of the townships in Michi- gan hrtve been compiled from copies kindly furnished this oflice by the anditor-fitneral of the state of official returns made t't his offi< e by the clerks of the several townships. A few townships were not represented ia these returns; a few "others were represented by returns more or lesH defective. These omissions or del'eiits were corrected as far as possible by correspondence with officials, but it became necessary linally to resart, in some instances, to estimat. s based on returns of other years than the census year. Tbere als'» remains a doubt, which it has bn; n found impossible to njsolve, whether, in every instance, the town clerks of townships within which incorporated viilaj^es lie have included in theii' returns the valuations of those villages. The upward limit of possible error from this source is belie\ ed, upon a careful examination, to be $1,000,000, or about one-fifth of one pec cent, of the total valuation of the state. The tax of one mill for the support of corafion schools, though not considered locally a state tax, is tabulated as such, since the rate ia uniform and the levy compulsory in all parts of the state. State and coun- ties. The State. ASSESSED VALUATION. Alcona . AUt'gan. Alpena . Antrim . liaraga . Barry Hay Benr.ie Berrien . . . Branch ... Calhoun . . . Cass Charlevoix. Clieboygan Chippewa. . Clare Clinton . . Crawford , Delta Eaton Emmet Genesee Gladwin Grand Traverse. Gratiot Hillsdale.. Houghton Huron Ingham... Ionia Iosco Isabella Isle Royale Jackson . . . Kalamazoo. Kalkaska . . Kent Keweenaw. Lake Lapeer Leelanaw . - Lenawee. .. Livingston Mackinac. Macomb ... Dollars. 432,861, e 3 Dollars. 84, 804, 475 Dollars. i Dollars. Dollars 517,666,359 1,683,560 1,804,512 2, 281, 162 7, 300, 939 2, 899, 468i 830, 6581 606, 275j 5, 094, 373 9, 848, 769 571, 708 6, 455, G14 3, 886, 758 7, 300, 793 4, 056. 832 473, 7H7 1, 810, 967 1, 068, 100 1, 145. 205 5, 103. 693 727, 313 798, 843 8, 040, 503 421, 264 16, 277.168 600, 512i 1, 4.53. 194; 5, 519, 074| 15, .574. 39n| 1, 944. 681 3, 55-2, 895' 11, 221,536 11, 987, 1921 I 917, 172i 3, 430, 818i 128, 000: 7, 904, 085: 15, 268, 128; 1, 227, C99 15, 533, 247 745 246 1, 383, 7(H) 9, 5'J-i, 8431 545, 519! 14, 477, 343; 11, 948, 495 961,525| 12, 562, 450i 1,2 123, 903' 511} 6(53, 7711 165, 795| 21, 440j I 712, 673 2, 094, 8U8' 70, 893 1 985, 281 ! 702, 9651 I 2, 171, 030' 679, 605; 59, 220; 312, 119 77-, 113i I 106, 998 806, 750i 15, 960 97, 090! 1, 088, 890j 43, 459' 3, 118. 627| 6, 3451 265, 035 810, 977: 2, 789, 048j 1, 073, 305| 593. 229! 2, 346, 770 2, 251, 8401 74, 9081 262, 767 15. OOOi 1, 277, 454 2, 834, 757 52, .5.0O 2, 3C1. 815 146, 570 64, 770 2, 068, 493 2, 93 83, 801 ^33, 297 2, 285, 115 83,247 2, 462, 303 2, 405, 065] 8, 520, 450 3, 563, 239 996, 453, 627, 715' I 5, 807, 046 11, 943, 677 &42, 601 7, 440, 895 4, 589, 723 9,471.823' 4, 736, 437 532, 957 2, 123, 086 1, 145, 213j 1, 252,-203; 5, 910, 443 743, 2731 895, 933! 9, 129, 393: 464, 723l 19, 385, 795 600, 857 1,718, 229 6, 330, 051 18, 363, 438; 3, 017, 985; 4, 146, 1241 13, 568, 306 14, 239, 032i I 992. 080' 3, 693, 5851 143, 000 9, 182, 1391 18, 102, 885! 1, 279, 649! 17, 83.5, 062i 891, 816j 1, 448, 470i 11, 663", 336 629, 38ol 17, 410,6401 14, 233, 61t)i 1, 044, 7.72i 15, 024^753! I 5, 660' 32, 275 6, 397 2,640 1, 978| 23, 698 24. 7.53 1, 6.32 87, 326! 36, 325j 53, 395! 32, .552 1, 372 f,314 2, 840 2, 946, 23, 527 1, 838 2, 2661 30, 039' 1, 039 50, 270 1, 632 4,465 10, 797 54, 999 5, 019 8, 6.53) 37. 363 39, 864j 2. 808! 6,615 183 57. 221 3, C77i 74, 0401 2, 310! 3. 278 23, 105 1, 729 66, 828 39, 234 2,531 40.844 Dollars. 1 Dollars. 5,139,877 8,627,949 14,771 22, 106| 27.189 11, 180 7, 539, 25, 339' 40. lOOj 5, 4.59 36, 751| 19, 309 32, 684 21, 66^4 4, 338 8, 703 1, 929 9, 588 21, 116j 8, 079! 8, 722! 55, 044! i 4, 266: 36, 207i 8. 249' 6, 743 22, 929| 20, 133' 52. 347j 16, 6321 39, 733 21, 300 12, on 14, 989 i "21,'954' 32, 951j 6. 793I 95, 142 11, 186 5, 000 25, 802 3, 646! 45, 198 20, 403 6, 276 26, 123 1- 27, 009 68, 576 48, 289 22, o7o: 10, 701| 44, 809! 166.414; 9, 3061 103, 928' 63r825! 121, 5251 36, 422; 17, 606, 26, 224i 8, 019! 21, .553' 55, 642! 9, 0711 18, 840; 64, 452 11,510 88.645 11, .527 26, 705 57, 605, 57. 719i 74, 025i 39, 019| 108, 703; 64, 495j •27,704 37, 823| 78, 8631 16, 252 393, 453 11, 567 19, 115 54, 960 10, 813 132, 279 42, 203 8, 709 49, 321 47, 440 122, 957 81, 875 35, 890 20, 218 93,846 231, 267 16. 397 178. 005 119, 459 207,604 90,638 23.316 39, 241 12, 788 34; 087 100, 285 18, 988 29,828 149, 5^i5 16, 815 175, 122 21,408 37, 913 91, 331 132, 851 131, 391 64, 304 185, 799 125, 659 42, 523 59, 427 183 210, 927 171, 223 26, 122 563. 235 25, 063 27. 393 103, 867 1.5, 688 244, 305 101,840 17, 516 116, 288 1548 COMPENDIUM OF THE TEJNTII CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Asseeaed mluation and taxation — MICHIGAN — Continued. ASBE88BD VALUATION. Dollars. 1, 082, 458 38, 703 3, 285, 090 1, 083, 753 2, 319, 343 1,165, 867 941, 436 1, 037, 995 4, 289, 760 8, 172, 276 2, 183, 385 1, 959, 624 n, 083, 023 3,506,245 769, 978 1, 030, 730 1, 5S0, 766 633, 955 G, 039, 165 939, 775 1, 181, 653 17, 931, 583 5, 037, 463 12, 721, 163 2, 776, 233 839, 577 6, 524, 065 2, 768, 399 7, 036, 095 9, 353, 379 78, 800, 518 1, 206, 543 Dollars. 317, 149 13, 357 274, 170 233 2 372, 120 117, 923 73, 419 44, 508 732, 6 iO, 1, 500, 851 [ 732, 320j 331,541 2, 495, 258; 150, 5531 35, 6981 57, 275' 211, 590! ■ 44,9l2i 1, 150, 965i 20, 912i 43, 778- 2, 958, 2561 985. 293 2, 688, 937 401, 848j 26, 500 i 1, 378, 9371 496, 396j 1, 138, 8641 1, 748, 255j 21, 406, 3871 199. 227 Dollars. 1, 399, 607 52, 060 3, 559, 260 1, 317, 032 2, 691, 463 1, 283, 790 1, 014, 855i 1, 082, 503 5, 022, 400 9, 673, 127 2, 915, 705 2, 291,1651 13, 578, 281! 1, 656, 798! 805, 6761 1, 088, 0051 1, 792, 356 678, 867 7, 190, 1301 960, 687. 1, 225, 431' 20, 889, 839; 6, 022, 756 15, 410, 100| 3, 178, 081 866, 077 7, 903, 002 3, 264, 795 8, 174, 959 11, 101, 634 100, 206, 905 1, 465, 770 TAXATIOir. WISCONSIN. Note. — Tlie valuation and taxation are for 1879. Town taxes, estimated for the state at $1,750,000, are omitted. For explanation, see foot-note, page 1508. Some cities and villages have included their state and county taxes with their local taxes, thus making a small amount of duplication. State and coun- ties. ASSESSED VALUATION. TAXATION. ® s 1 w 0 •at 'i 1 a 0 1.1 fctro >'o ^.^ g- 0 EH The State--.. J'.avfiftld Dollars. 344, 788, 721 Dollars. 94, 183. 030 Dollars. 438, 971, 751 Dollars. 457, 453 Dollars. 1, 995, 990 Dollars, a 3, 384, 882 Dollars, a 5, 838, 325 1, 691, 848 1, 360, 955 851, 703 605, OOG 4, 847, 976 345, 817 62, 799 205, 284 13, 506 1, 395, 346 2, 037, 665 1,423, 754 1, 056, 987 708, 602 6, 243, 322 2, 116 1,479 1,098 736 6,484 7, 876 17, 925 14, 255 6, 566 96, 431 7, 358 3,700 12,191 2, 325 110, 256 17, 350 23, 104 27, 544 9, 627 213, 171 a See foot-note "a " to summary, page 1508. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1549 Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — WISCONSIN — Continued. ASSESSED VALUATION. State and coun- ties. Buffalo Burnett... Calumet .. Chippewa. Clark Columbia . Crawford . Dane Dodge — Door Douglas Dunn Ean Claire... Fond du Lac. Grant Green Green Lake . Iowa Jackson . . . . Jefferson.... Juneau .... Kenoslia . . - Kewaunee . La Crosse. . La Fayette Lincoln Manitowoc. Marathon . . Marinette.. Marquette . Milwaukee . Monroe Oconto Outagamie . OzauKee ... Pepin... Pierce . . Polk.... Portage. Price ... Eacine Richland — Rock Saint Croix Sauk , Shawano Sheboygan .. Taylor Tremx)ealeau Vemon Walworth .. Washington Waukesha . . Waupaca . . . Waushara . . Winnebago ^YooA Dollars. 2, 213, 624 449, 595 4, 944, 752 5, 015, 877 2, 834, 428 8, 887, 914 2, 167, 867 17, 165, 671 16, 795, 254 1, 081, 249 624, 120 2, 757, 817 4, 063, 827 14, 369, 639 8, 881, 114 7, 282, 259 4, 304, 056 5, 502, 299 1, 784, 849 9, 544, 495 2; 213, 844 5, 230, 587 1, 907, 877 5, 489, 539 7, 615, 473 1, 575, 672 9, 152, 095 2, 690, 255 2, 623, 336 1, 345, 796 39, 591, 236 3, 632, 958 3, 758, 604 6, 632, 009 4, 264, 947 884, 304 3, 209, 696 1, 455. 576 2, 013, 705 1, 295, 493 10, 365, 493 2, 744, 619 15, 401, 117 4, 407, 432 5, 685, 587 2, 159, 431 11, 413, 267 971, 605 3, 370, 995 3, 323, 710 10, 791, 672 7, 827, 203 11, 70X 510 3, 299, 296 2, 065, 359 11, 358, 708 1, 198, 371 Pi 3 Dollars, 899, 590 56, 908 817, 958 438, 344 338, 449 2, 172, 369 732, 480 5, 193, 470 3, 408, 660 240,1 16, 257 1, 155, 667 999, 655 3, 848, 554 2, 793, 73G 2, 422, 065 1, 028, 140 1, 373, 820 630, ; 2, 566, 883 764, 843 1, 652, 493 526, 041 1, 754, 418 1, 626, 981 .31. 404 2, 058, 927 596, 292 559, 556 400, 530 14, 182, 799 1, 088, 848 562,084 1, 177, 005 856, 957 280, 767 811, 734 353, 162 639, 661 34, 764 973, 700 4, 900, 645 878, 774 1, 877, 883 295, 920 3, 028, 985 40,465 950, 224 1, 099, 997 3, 490, 859 1. 768, 478 3, 218, 085 776, 125 589, 856 3, 941, 581 366,457 Dollars. 3, 113, 214 506, 503 5, 762, 710 5, 454, 221 3, 172, 877 11, 060, 283 2, 900. 347 22, 359, 141 20, 203, 920 1, 322, 218 640, 377 3, 913, 484 5, 063, 482 18, 218, 193 11, 674, 850 9, 704, 324 5, 332, 196 6, 876,119 2, 415, 1571 12, 111, 378 2, 978, 687 6, 883, 080 2, 433, 918 7, 243, 957 9, 242, 454 1, 607, 076 11, 211, 022 3, 286, 547 3, 182, 892 1, 746, 326 53, 774, 035: 4, 721, . 4, 3iO, 688 7, 809, 014 5, 121, 904 1, 165,071 4, 021, 430 1, 808, 738 2, 653, 366 1, 330, 257 13, 234, 183 3, 718, 319 20, 301,762 5, 286, 206 7, 563, 470 2, 455, 351 14, 442, 252 1, 012, 130 4, 321, 219 4, 423, 707 14, 282, 531 9, 595, 681 14, 921,595 4,075,-421 2, 655, 215 15, 300, 289 1, 564, 828 TAXATION. Dollars. 3, 233 530 5, 985 5, 604 3,295 11, 486 3,012 23, 230 20, 982 1,373 665 4, 064 5,258 18, 920 12, 124 10, 078 5, 537 7, 141 2, 508 12, 578 3, 093 7, 149 2, 528 7, 523 9,772 1, 605 11, 643 3, 413 3, 305 ■1, 876 55, 844 4, 904 4, 487 8, 110 5,319 1, 210 4, 176 1,879 4, 031 1, 380 13, 744 3, 861 21, 083 5,490 7, 855 2. 550 14, 998 1, 051 4, 488 4, 594 14, 832 9, 965 1.5, 490 4, 233 2, 816 15, 889 1,625 II Dollars 15, 582 11, 94 16, 036 60, i 37, 310 35, 648 26, 876 58, 756 53, 267 13,628 5, 892 27, 700 26,501 64, 867 40, 387 29, 996 14, 717 59, 250 22, 264 49, 323 16, 110, 23, 139 13, 531 31, 162 23, 931 27, 876 59, 532 17,1 21, 555 11, 950 254,622 25,f32 25, 452 29, 208 14, 220 6,022 16, 0' 14, 872 27, 069 15, 619 41, 601 21, 542 57, 218 23, 947 22, 562 19, 728 61, 507 23, 042 19, 510 17, 531 25, 904 19, 812 28, 916 22, 201 10, 835 57, 102 28, 642 Dollars. 27, 793 2,642 4, 519 46, 073 26. 996 21, 020 133, 643 62, 388 17, 089 1, 500 31, 326 73, 883 151, 249 64, 581 41, 967 51, 213 46, 082 18,332 72, 318 29, 147 39, 395 13, 140 92, 316 31, 199 9,731 65, 216 33, 589 12, 889 6, 996 924, 163 32, 497 39, 789 68, 910 14, 021 8,137 30, 367 18, 182 39, 562 2, 587 98, 243 20, 017 118, 829 48, 591 40, 805 14, 563 58, 399 7, 145 23, 618 25, 456 61, 146 21, 048 45, 839 35, 551 13, 059 125, 307 18, 793 i 1550 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxaiion — Continued. IOWA. NoTR.— The table is for tho fiscal year ending Dcccrnbor 31, 1879. Townsliip taxes are omitted. For evpliination. see loot-note, pa'^a ]50«. It i» probable that the amount of such taxes would be about ^800, 000, making the total taxation $11, 061,605. ASSESSED VALUATION. Dollars. 297, 254, 342 P Dollars. 101, 416, 91 3, 21!), 143 2, 013, 166 3, 161, 404 2, 776, 812 1, 625, 127 4. 984, 810' 4, 765, 4i)9 2, 971,9441 2, 218, 736i 3, 773, 730j 1, 437, 542 2,711,498 1, 306, 684 2, 099, 6H4 3, 598, 280 4, 057, 636 2,404,116 1, 5;J4, 680 2, 128, 360 2, 307, 888 833, 533 4, 416 8'.i7 6,175, 894 2, 286, 403 3, 553, 959 2, 435, 648 2, 314, 666 8, 465, 302 5, 498. 234 563, 066 7, 434. 828 659, 580 4,111. 592 2, 657, 387 2, 296, 484 3, 20 1. 147 2, 131,084 2. 165, 283 2, 312, 859 1, 904, 603 1, 391. 764 2, 891. 573 3, 456. 763 3, 764,416; 2, 357, 0G3 855, 344 1, 068, 389 3, 3t58, y31 3, 426. 527 6. 239, 358 612, 394 775, 2 726, 717 1, 302, 094 322, 857 2, 000, 438 1, 639, 889 1, 005, 787 645, 369 1, 314, 809 304, 758 C6I,0;'9 305, 023 525, 329 1, 310, 325 1, 584. 489 693, in>r 389, 314 568. 724 904, 117 210, 700 1, 634, 751 2, 182. 415 720, 069 1, 316, 440 1, 208. 662 758, 620 975, 199 2, 501. 700 71, 620 2, 261. 387 55, 459 1, 176, 8(;8 732, 0! 388, 762 1, 224, 344 764, 462 434, 718 859. 623! 517, 145; 147, 755 886, 994 1, 345. 940 1, 607, 467 521, 301 125, 084 168, 3S0 1, 298, 465 1, 270. 146 2, 041, 4691 a See foot-note Dollars. 398, 671, 251 3, 827, 537 2, 788, 404 3, 888, 121 4, 078. 906 1, 947, 984 6, 985, 248 6, 395, 358 3, 977, 731 2, 864, 105 5, 088, 539 1, 742, 300 3, 372, 557 1, 611,707 2,625, 013 4, 908, 605 5, 642, 125 3, 097, 481 1, 924, 024 2, 697, 090 3, 212, OO i 1, 044, 233 6, 051, 558 8, 358, 309 3, 006, 472 4, 870, 399 3, 644, 310 3, 103. 28 4, 440, 501 7, 999, 934 634, 686 9,696,21 715, 039 5, 288, 460 3, 389. 40; 2, 685, 246 4, 428, 491 2, 895, 546 2,600.001 3, 172, 482 2, 421, 748 1,539. 519 8, 778. 5U7 4, 802, 708 5, 371, 883 2, 878, 964 980, 428 1, 236,775 4, 6n Osceola Pase. Palo Alto Plymouth Ponahontas Polk Pottawattamie. Poweshiek Ringgold Sac Scott .. Shelby. Sioux.. Story.. Tama Taylor Union Van Buren .. "Wapello "Warren Washington "Wavne "Webstt-r Winnebago . Winneshiek Woudbury. . Worth Wrifeht ft Dollars. 3, 302, 169 5, 48:5, 256 3, 798,71 3, 554, 609 1, 430, 211 6, 001, 439 7, 017. 642 2, 523, 850 2,455, 381 883, 836 3, 286, 841 i 385, 397 4, 007, 437 4, 840, em 2, 639, 888 2, 367, 055 1, 757, 532 2, 294, 535 2, 745, 207 4, 291, 882 937, 653 595, 843 3,477, 013 8i)9, 867 2, 243, 365 1, 020, 164 7, 719, 330 6, 306, 928 3, 660, 756 2, 046, 180 1, 700, 095 7, 635, 905 2, 439, 579 1,292. 137 2, 944, 916 4, 615, 647 2, 821,663 2,336,472 3, 328, 446 4, 398, 862 3, 670, 006 3, 900, 074 2,511.409 2, 375, 675 837, 27 3, 932, 570 2, 685, 8t>3 1, 19=>, 632 1. 286. 670 Dollars 1, 885, 220 1, 937, 43; 1, 528, 287 1,423, 016 238, 555 2, 254, 041 2, 211,588 1, 025, 588 1^ 099, 681 31, 298 974, 935 1, 640, 672 1, 431, 782 2, 432, 831 1, 597, 061 485, 2.57 436, 286 1, 168, 483 1, 103, 195 1, 977, 779 142, 750 123. 605 1, 191,218 170, 984 518. 492 128, 917 2, 555, 310 2, 120, 402 1, 600, 503 535, 435 267, 124 2, 387, 890 597, 661 259, 881 1, 170, 296 1, 380, 769 743, 600 901, 950 1, 553, 153 2, 134, 131 1, 118, 009 1, 453, 926 1,166,912 731,690 102, 783 249, 472 603, 707 364, 260 148, 998 Dollars. .5, 187, 389 7, 420, 691 i 5, 327, 0(i2l 4, 977, 625 1, 668, 7C6 8, 2.55, 480 9, 229, 230 3, 549, 438 3, 555, 062 915, 134 4, 261, 776 6, 026, 069 5, 439, 219 7, 279, 492 4, 236, 949, 2, 852, 312 2, 193, 818 3, 463, 018 3, 848, 402 6, 269, 661 1, 080, 403 719, 448 4, 668, 231 1, 070, 851 2, 761, 857 1, 149, 081 10, 274, 640 8. 427, 330 5,261,259 2, 58L 615 1, 967. 219 10, 023. 795 3, 037, 240 1, 5.52, 013 4, 115, 212 5,996, 416 3, 565, 263 3, 298, 422 4, 881,599 6, 532, 993 4, 788,015 5, 354, 000 3, 678, 321 3, 1('>7, 365 940, 060 TAXATION. 182, 042 :U9, .570 55!t, 892 435, 668 Dollars. 11, 031 15, im\ 10, 984 10, 178' 3, 4061 16, 857 19, 211 7, 388 7,111 1,830 8,700 12, 516 11, 124 15, 119 9, 258 5, 841 4, 440 7, 534 8, 217 13, 311 2, 311 1, .527 9,424 2, 271 5,613 2,375 21. 241 18, 070 11, 141 6,164 4, 004 20, 412 6,217 3, 288 8. 375 12. 492 7, 297 7, 144 10, 023 13, 801 9, 689 10. 942 7, 345 6, 540 1, 880 10. 752 6,910 3, 301 2, 713 Dollars. 36, 184 59, 839 52. 283 38, 603 33, 733 78, 676 78, 099 49, Oil 29, 074 26. 603 III 5 48, 257, 50, 514 59, 283 48, 823 38, 741 27, 763 34, 236 48, 080 67, 978 43, 680 15, 607 39, 339 19, 482 30, 909 20, 988 101, 927 108. 184 32. 629 23, 644 49. 423 8.5, 585 37, 121 36, 013 47, 386 48, 257 43, 421 41,432 40, 2J6 80, 223 44, 698 50, 272 26. 328 49, 904 8, 931 56, 754' 58. 2Mi[ 17, 986: 16, 218 Dollars. 28, 4801 66, 010 54, 274 29, 933 28, 668 140, 769 105, r)84 36 608| 26, 350| 18, 536 62, 1.57 58, 007 51,282; 128, 17l! 42, 705 44, 876 26, 78 29. 49 39, 0251 102, 485 25, 437 14, 694 65, 6.36 20, 193 32, 472 14, 733 229, 544 134. 329 53, 302 33, 467 29, 189 186, 0^6 44, 147 25, 287 50, 171 64, 554 41, 560 65, 380 29, 961 85. 262 32, 075 42, 371 34, 887 51, 387 16, 6G7 42, 655| 104, 755! 19, 2-9, 21, 238! 110. 161 16!1, 908 41 •, 576 40, 169 1552 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV .—Assessed value and toxaiiow— Continued. MINNESOTA. TJoTP _Tho tablo is for the Tear ending Noveml)er 30, 1880. The state tax ia inclnsive of the tax of nn«mni7or 1 Lrsupp^^^^^^ schools. This is not co»sifl.ired locally a state ta^ but as the rate ?s ,miA rirtlu oiu. iS^^^^^^^^ state and the levy obligatory, it is here treated as such. , The township tax nofSSed'hl th^ tor the san.e relson as was given in ^'^^^^^^ i^^J^l'^^o^^^^^^ *i540 ^49 There was also a spec al state tax, known as the seed-siain tax , amounting U) whi^li is not included be?ow. ^These two sums added to the total taxation there shown make the grand aggregate $4,340,300. See foot-note to page 1508. State and coun- ties. ASSESSED VALUA'nON. The State. Aitkin... Anoka. .. Becker .. Beltrami. Benton .. Big Stone... Blue Earth , Brown Carlton Carver Cass Chippewa .., Chisago Clay Cottonwood CroTi^ ■Wing.-.. Dakota Dodge Douglas Faribault Fillmore . . Freeborn . Goodliue. . Grant Hennepin. Houston . . Isanti Itasca Jackson .. Kanabec Kandiyohi ... Kittson Lac-qui-parlo Lake Le Sueur Lincoln . . Lyon McLcod . MarHhall. Mai-tin... Meeker — Mille Lacs Morrison ., Mower Murray . - . . KicoUet... Nobles Olmsted .. Otter Tr 51 Pine Dollars. 203, 446, 781 Pi i Dollars. 54, 581, 9 170, 920 1, 344, 920 793, 040; 90, 476 . 751, 883! 174, 496, 6, 205, 135' 2, 429, 698l 248, 1391 2J 591, 9G6I 660, 928 722, 203" 1, 487,113 1,211, 216 752, 689 239, 831 5, 117, 970 3,333, 102 1, 725, 123 3j 429, 113 6, 754, 738 4, 421, 505 8, 836, 734 600, 399 30, 255, 371 3,311,261 756, 925 252, 595 953, 468 564, 633 2, 349, 160 64, 372 610, 439 115, 826 2, 769, 217 176, 469 814, 689 2, 370, 955 53, 216 1, 278, 971 2, 488, 122i 538, 826 1, 450, 531 5, 189, 7241 560, 676! 23, 584 440. 165 267, 747 Dollars. 258, 028, 687 213, 2641 1, 352, 345i 611, 185; 46,655 582, 719 333, 292 336, 010 543, 028 329, 386 67, 756 1, 235, 427 801, 641 447, 487 791, 881 1, 889, 557 806, 629 2, 496, 177 172, 7, 928, 103} 982, 415] 149, 691 237, 452 21, 736 721, 770 49, 7 229, 447 3, 251 554, 746 150, 184 313, 895 559, 484 48,1 361, 188 538, 902 53, 455 185, 980 1, 093, 327 171, 301 2, 758, 254 992, 591 7, 027, 506 2, 786. 948 606, 088 a See foot-note 763, 957 268, 230i 1, 984, 912 888, 4381 28, 5241 194, 504 1, 785, 085 1, 060, 787! 90, 4761 848, 969; 387, 760 ' 7, 557, 480; 3, 040, 883 1 294, 794 3, 174, 685; 660, 928; 1, 055, 495: I, 823, 123 1, 7.54, 244! 1, 082, 075 307, 587 6, 353, 397| 4, 133, 743 2,172, 610 4, 220, 994 8, 644, 295 5, 228, 134 II, 332, 911; 773, 032' 38, 183, 474 4, 293, 676'; 906, 616: 252, 595; 1, 190, 920, 586, 3G9| 3, 070, 930 114, 1291 839, 886! 119, 077; 3, 323, 903' 326, 653 1, 128, 584 2, 830, 439 101, 373 1,640, 159j| 3, 027, 084' 1 592.281'; 1, 636, 511" 6, 283,051'; 731, 977 ' 3, 522,211: 1, 260, 827 : 9, 012, 418 i 3,675, 386 i 634, CI2; Dollars. 726, 399 545 5, 001 2, 970 163 2, 37 15 k O Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1, 251, 888l a 1, 735, 420 a 3, 713, 70"; 1,081, 21, 162 8, 514 1.851 2; 895 5, 105 4, 895 3,031 862 17, 789 11, .579 G, 094 16, 052 24, 213 14, 664 31, 732 2, 164 106, 913 12. 033! 2, 5391 455| 3, 3301 1, 6391 8, 598' 320 2, 363' 333, 9, 318' 917' 3,161 8, 204 285 4, 592 8, 476 1, 658 4, 578 17, 592 2, 054 9, 802' 3, 531 25, 234; 10, 299 3,7771 5, 006 8,845 10, 415 397 15, 605 1, 44, 914 9, 979 5, 367 14, 559 5, 263 5, 747 8, 305 10, 104 4, 961 5, 773 29, 060 16, 226 8, 958 21, 159 22, 3.5J 18, 438 51, 156 5, 397 78, 020 25, 688 8, 986 1, 350 16, 656i 4, 295 11, 001 1, 141, 10, 514 849 30, 896 1, 828 7, 389 23. 893 1,662 8, 775 13, 4.50 8, 940 16, 188 31, 085 5, 331 31,049 19, 047 26, 115 26, 094 6, 658 13, 447 4. 977 3, 517 3, .52; 45, 788 23, 568 1, 153 12, 318 8, 394 10, 074 18, 001 7, 152 1, 761 35, 677 22, 614 11, 658 23, 566 39, 638 24, 27 70, 999 5, 506; 292, 828j 22, 6671 3, 431! 8, 376i 447j 11, 519 844! 3, 134' 202j 17, 779I 2, 125 14, 8401 13, .521 872 12, 560 18, 553 553 8, 706 32, 222 4,123 15, 479 13, 057 46,163 25, 570 2.740 5, 551 27, 293 18, 362 560 21, 499 6,411 111,861 42, 061 7,346 35, 766 7, 114 17, 036 23, 484 33, 000 15, 144 8, 396 82, 526 50, 419 26, 710 60, 777 86, 204 57, 377 153, 887 13, 067 477, 761 60, 388 14, 956 1, 805 28, 362 6, 381 31, lis 2, 3ii.') 16,011 1. 3^■l 57, 99:j 4, 870 25, 39(t 45,018 2, Hi:< 25, L'27 40. no 11, 151 29, 472 80, mi 11, rm 56, .'J90 35. 6:i5 97,512 61, 963 11.175 'a" to stimmary, page 1508. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1553 Table CXXV .—Assessed valuation and toara^fon— MINNESOTA— Continued. State and coun- ties. Pipe Stone. Polk Pope Ramsey Kedwood .. Renville Rice Rock Saint Louis , Scott Sherburne Sihley Stearns Steele , Stevens — Swift...., Todd ..... Traverse "Wabasha , "Wadena . "Waseca "Washington "Watonwan. . Wilkin , "Winona , ASSESSED VALUATION. "Wright , Yellow Medicine. Dollars. 73, 376 1, 289, 848 1, 049, 309 23, 317, 993 1, 471, 250 1, 563, 175 5, 295, 209 886, 883 1, 419, 659 2, 507, 297 602, 449 2, 597, 085 4, 791, 954 3, 264, 967 850, 277 1, 026, 383 1, 056, 397 130, 661 4, 530, 001 265, 180 3, 056, 750 4, 732, 262 825, 376 646, 577 6, 981, 972 3, 109, 887 915, 434 2 Dollars. 94, 863 613, 937 308, 703 7, 229, 271 300, 610 457, 807 1,886, 626 211, 154 143, 873 646, 379 186, 140 640, 785 1, 092, 416 950, 652 341, 525 461, 131 160, 336 63, 066 1, 066, 785 99, 129 606, 093 1, 542, 295 267, 876 156, 452 2, 008, 212 574, 645 297, 123 Dollars. 168, 239 1, 903, 785 1, 358, 012 30, 547, 264 1, 771, 860 2, 020, 7, 181, 835 1, 098, 037 1, 563, 532 3, 153, 676 788, 589 3, 237, 870| 5, 884, 370! 4, 215, 619 1, 191, 802 1, 487, 514 1, 216, 733 193, 727 5, 596, 786 364, 309, 3, 662, 8431 6, 274, 557 1, 093, 252 803, 029 8, 990, 184 3, 684, 532 1, 212, 557 Dollars 470 5, 334 3,802 85, 532 4, 961 5, 659 20, 109 3, 065 4, 378! 8, 830 2, 207 9, 067 16, 476 11. 804 4, 167 3, 407 543 15, 671 1, 022 10, 254 17, 569 3, 061 2, 248 25, 172 10, 317 3, 396 Dollars, 586 10, 466 11, 869 67, 839 13, 475 14, 524 35, 937 12, 697 21, 035 14, 584 4, 32, 249 25, 554 20, 001 10, 131 12, 828 9, 351 1,553 35, 982 2, 612 31, 617 43, 288 6, 185 8, 512 27, 373 22, 603 7, 706 Dollars 1, 023 9,871 8, 853 287, 286 11, 621 15, 470 49, 052 7, 811 20, 368 17, 986 4, 7, 713 42, 362 29, 169 11, 138 10, 045 9, 271 686 39, 981 4, 103 21, 852 65, 756 5, 718 1, 390 60,107 21, Oil 10, 903 MISSOURI. Note.— The valuation is that of 1879, upon which the taxation given is based. TAXATION. City, town, vil- lage, and school district. State. >, a o O "o H Dollars. 2, 125, 278 Dollars, 2, 885, 503 Dollars. 5, 258, 955 Dollars. 10, 269, 736 11, 897 18, 471 20, 394 18, 280 5,731 34, 205 23, 089 25, 493 18, 280 7, 164 10, 099 29, 457 18, 229 29, 517 5, 902 56, 201 71, 017 64, 116 66, 077 18, 797 6,874 21, 624 8, 704 5, 953 24,083 13, 748 21, 624 17, 407 7,441 54, 189 9, 211 24, 381 6, 244 4, 232 32, 970 29, 833 67, 629 32, 355 17, 626 111, 242 State and coun- ties. The State.. Adair Andrew Atcbii^on Audrain Carry Barton Bates Benton BoUinger Boone 98 c ASSESSED VALUATION. Dollars. 381, 985, 112 2, 044, 454 2, 877, 580 3, 555, 595 3, 252, 245 901, J 1, 191, 460 3, 754, 653 1, 278, 006 934, 235 3, 977, 580 2 Dollars. 150, 810, 61 929, 902 1, 740, 198 1, 543, 088 1, 317, 876 531, 034 527, 016 1, 651, 430 897, 910 554, 035 2, 043. 417, Dollars. 5, 098, 683 4, 570, 121 1, 432, 860 1, 718, 476 5, 406, 083 2, 175, 916 1, 488, 270 6, 020, 997 1554 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuatioH and taxation — MISSOURI— Continued. ABSESBEt' VALUATION. Dollars. 8, 809, 690 633, 785 2, 306, 325 2, 988,455 408, 029 2, 265, 160 3, 609, 038 351,381 3, 424, 707 831, 508 3, 287, 080 645, 809 2, 047, 624 2, 819, 184 3, 424, 370 2, 210, 747 3, 524, 570 1, 076, 904, 563 628, 413 2, 455, 131 1, 905, 395 791, 339 194, 615 442, 654 S, 136, 518 1, 533, 578 2, 366, 090 3, 366, 573 1, 889, 700 2, 419, 229 2, 812,310 645, 312 2, 581, 040 2, 780, 957 397, 804 1, 164, 210 12, 473, 810 3, 371, 760 2, 172, 232 4, 653, 1, 602, 438 909, 365 5, 482, 355 1, 610, 695 2, 728, 500| 2, 701, 590| 2, 294. 442! 2, 390, 145; 462, 5111 I 3, 036, 132 986, 145! 6S2, HI 3 5, 149, 664 1, 162, 6481 6 o Dollars 2, 648, 918 180, 937 1, 399, 901 1, 954,120 349, 708 1,443,420 1, 751, 455 70. 956 1, 703. 545 607, 065 1, 297, 606 435, 871 889, 620 1, 552, 580 1, 430, 259 842, 687 1, 690, 302 730, 891 776, 757 437, 335 1, 486, 396 949, 267 338, 018 158, 708 337, 515 1, 740, 075 1, 180, 207 1, 397, 541 1, 720, 628 935, 300 1, 613, 692 1, 807, 710 509, 671 1, 546, 620 1, 897, 419 230, 351, 489 4, 882, 437 1, 643, 768 947, 054 2,101, 243 1, 074, 329 586, 225 2, 307, 530 1, 048, 559 1, 494, 2:54 1, i:-}6, 600 1, 294. 466 1, 290. Qc 296, 270 1, 595, 951 374, 094 340, 815 2, 037. 109 993, 320 DoUarn. 11,458, 608 820, 722 3, 706, 226 4, 942, 575 757, 737| 3, 708, 580' 5, 360, 493 422, 337; 5, 188, 252; 1, 439, 173 4, 584, 746 1, 081. 6801 2, 937, 2441 4, 371, 764! 4, 854, 635j 3, 053, 4341 5, 214, 9321 1, 807, 490i 1,681, 320 1, 0"65, 748 3, 941, 527 2, 854, 662 1, 129, 357 353, 323 780, 169 4, 876, 593 2, 663, 785 3, 763, 631 5, 087, 201 2, 825, 000 4, 032, 921 4, 620, 020 1.154, 983 4, 127, 660 4, 678, 376 628, 764 1, 515, 699 17, 356, 247! 5, 015, 528 3, 119, 286 6, 755, 123 2, 676, 767 1, 495, 590! 7, 789, 885 2, 659, 254 4, 222, 734 3, 838, 190 3, 588, 908 3, 680, 180{ 758, 781 4, 632, 083' 1, 360, 239 1, 028, 828 7,180, 773! 2. 155, 968! TAXATIOS. DoUars. 45, 834 3, 283 14, 825 19, 770 3. 031 Dollars. 140, 941 8, 207 18, 531 53, 627 4. 546 -Sis 14, 834 21,442! 1, 6891 20, 753i 5, 757 18, 339 4, 327 11, 749 17, 487 19, 418 12, 214 20, 859 7, 230 6, 726 4,263 15, 766 11, 418 4, 518 1, 414 3,121 19, 506 10, 655 15, 055 20, 349 11, 301 16, 131 18, 480 4,619 16, 511 18,713 2,515 6, 063 69, 425 20, 062 12, 478i 27, 021 1 10, 707| 5, 983! 31, 160' 10, 637! 16, 89l! 15, 353 i 14, 355! 14, 72 li 3, 035' 18, 528 5, 441 4, 115 28, 7471 8. 624 I 14, 834' 37, 523 2, 1121 44, lOOl 7, 196 32, 093' 12, 980i 26, 435; 48, 089 33, 982 32, 977 62, 579 8, 134 15, 132 5,329 51, 240 14, 273 14, 682 5, 830 15, 213 58, 519 11, 987 28, 227 38, 154 33, 900 20, 165 23, 100 11, 203 20, 638 23, 392 6, 916 6, 063 138, 8501 25, 078' 43, 358! 47, 286| 16, 061 20, 490 77, 899: 22, 6O4I 38, OO5I 15, 353j 19, 7391 31, 282| 12, 140| 25. 476; 14. 283 5, 144 46. 714| 36, 5081 DoUars. 107, 721! 7, 500 1 18, 558 21,100 4, 379! 32, 425! 27, 271 555 18, 698 7, 0431 I 18, 680' 4, 481 12, 713 21, 937 30, 907 30, 918 36, 917 3, 063 7, 048 2, 468 19, Oil 18, 267 3, 351 1, 200 13, 000 22, 044 8, 017 14, 026 29, 500 19, 759 11, 900 29, 080i 3, 279 19, 2601 21, 956 2, 544I 2, 190| 381, 622 45, 370 17. 249 I 45, 710' 7, 401 8, 356 43, 828^ 18, 083| 24. 920! 15, 237; 20, 721' 41, 600 i 1, 523; 33, 346; 7, 663 3. 876 75, 380 1 10, 9961 Dollars. 294, 496 18, 9!K) 51, 914 94, m 11, 956 62, 093 86, 236 4, 356 83, 551 19, 996 69, 112 21,788 50, 897 87, 513 84, 307 78, 109 120, 355 18, 427 28, 906 12, 060 86, 017 43, 958 22, 551 8, 444 31, 334 100, 069 30, 659 57, 308 88, 009 64, 960 48, 196 70, 660 19. 101 56, 409 64, 001 11,975 14, 316 589, 897 90, 510 73, 085 120, 017 34, 169 34, 829 152, 887 51, 324 79, 816 45, 943 54, 815 87, 003 16, 098 77, n.50 27. :]87 13. 135 150, 841 56, 128 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. .1655 Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — MISSOURI— Continued. ASSESSED VALUATION. TAXATION. State and coun- o P. clTol ' ties. 3 ^ >> «"S a EC 03 CO u 1 d s « go -J P5 Ph CO Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Miller 768, 805 462, 386 1, 231, 191 4, 925 6, 156 4. 084 15, 165 847, 952 374, 872 1, 222, 824 4, 891 17, 120 3, 343 25, 354 1, 587, 770 ; 1, 125, 125 2, 662, 805 10, 051 13,314 20, 140 44, 105 2, 676, 700 1, 557, 70( 4, 234, 400 16, 937 46, 57^ 20, 799 84, 314 1, 545, 355 1, 031, 532 2, 576, 887 10, 307 18, 038 9, 862 38, 207 1, 20.3, 905 570, 172 1, 774, 077 7, 096 19, 515 10, 947 37, 558 New Madrid 806, 239 oM, 414 1, 140, 653 4, 562 9, 125 13, 687 1, 682, 875 838, 603 2.521,478 10, 086 3.5, 301 13, 613 59, 000 5, 014, 882 1, 997, 875 7, 012, 757 28, 051 28, 05 J. 35,113 91, 215 426, 065 154, 385 580, 450 2, 322 18, 574 3, 000 23, 896 1, 257, 073 1, 019, 501 2, 276, 574 9, 106 21, 627 3, 701 34, 434 141, 648 160, 686 80fi, 3.34 1, 209 7, 044 813 9, 066 582, 823 192, 311 775, 134 3, 101 6, 201 1, 64 9 10, 951 1, 289, 521 1, 152, 803 2, 442, 324 9, 7(59 6, 106 7, 338 23, 213 4, 412, 105 2, 176, 415 6, 588, 520 26, 354 75, 636 .58, 708 160, 698 1, 122, 802 523, 682 1, 646, 484 6, 586 14, 818 12, 158 33, 562 4, 033, 705 1, 902, 406 5, 996, 111 23, 984 89, 942 42, 743 15G, 669 2, 814, 174 1, 489, 941 4, 304,115' 17 216 47, 345 20, 267 84, 828 Polk 1, 505, 995 856, 739 2, 362, 7.34 9, 451 15, 358 6, 325 31, 134 538, 810 263, 960 802, 770 3, 211 15, 253 2,218 20, 682 1, 247, 994 813, 869 2, 061, 863 8, 248 16, 495 3, 355 28, 098 Kalis 2, 211, 485 1, 117, 785 8, 329, 270 13, 317 33, 293 10, 239 56, 849 Eandolph 2, 807, 509 1,411,286 4, 218, 795 16, 875 18, 985 37, 831 73, 691 Kay 2, 896, 542 1, 919, 470 4, 816, 012 19, 264 19, 264 23, 712 02, 240 587, 240 174, 917 762, 157i 3, 049 6, 478 5, 220 14, 747 Ripley 51.5, 908 146, 096 662, 004 2, 648 7, 282 504 10, 434 Saint Charles 5, 132, 914 1, 900, 679 7, 033, 5'>3 28, 135 3.5, 168 26, 919 90, 222 Saint Clair 1, 434, 435 954, 389 2, 388, 8241 9, 555 11, 944 16, 849 38, 348 Saint Francois . .. 1, 377, 047 627, 315 2, 004, 302 8, 017 10, 022 9, 383 27, 422 Sainte Genevieve 1, 341, 071 807, 660 2, 148, 731i 1 8, 595 10, 744 15, 005 34, 344 Saint Louis 13, 939, 450 2, 537, 882 16, 477, 332! 65, 910 65, 909 51, 438 183, 257 Saint Louis (city) 136, 071, 670 29, 210, 730 165, 288, 400: 655, 256 3, 017, 427 3 672. 683 Saline 5, 659, 314 2, 740, 955 8, 400, 269 33, 601 33, 601 25, 806 93, 008 915, 107 520, 087 1, 435, 194 5, 741 46, 644 4, 866 57, 251 1, 421, 400 1, 062, 085 2, 483, 485 9, 934 31, 954 13, 500 55, 388 1, 165, 081 565, 788 1, 730, 869 6, 923 8, 654 2, 509 18, 086 370, 604 79, 9031 450, 507 1, 802 k 7,208 308 9, 318 ihelby 2, 148, 138 1, 534, 206 3, 6S2, 344 14, 729 '18,412 11, 054 44, 195 902, 240 360, 718 1, 262, 95S 5, 051 12, 630 7, 882 25, 563 197, 411 181, 669 379, 080 j 1,517 3, 791 920 6, 228 JuUivan 1, 408, 301 1, 182, 620 2, 590, 921 10, 363 25, 909 12, 000 48, 272 Caney 182, K90 181, 212 364, lOSi 1, 456 7, 282 875 9 613 627, 955 327, 995 955, 950! 3| 824 11, 471 5, 652 20! 917 2, 120, 0C9 1, 072, 035 3,192,104 12, 768 12, 768 20, 248 45, 784 1, 185, 115 1, 006, 805 2, 191, 920 8, 768 10, 960 8, 139 27, 867 1, 591, 775 566, 902 2, 158, 677 8, 634 19, 163 7,248 35, 045 945, 956 270, 193 1, 216, 149 4. 865 6, 081 4. 290 15, 236 852, 464 644, 218 1, 496, 682 5, 986 13, 470 19, 456 ^orth 1, 048, 779 664, 660 1, 713, 439 6, 854 10, 281 10, 344 27, 479 bright 752, 581 377, 238 1, 129, 819 4, 519 6, 779 2,716 14, 014 1556 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — Continued. KANSAS. NOTB.— The valuation ie that of 1880, upon which the taxes sho-wn were assessed. Th a- township taxes are not included in the table. For explanation, see foot-note, page 1308. The tcftal amount of township taxes, as reported by the state auditor, is $564,829, which, being added to the taxes given in the table, makes the aggregate of taxation $4,979,650. ASSESSED VALUATION. a (S PA 2 P' i o H Dollars. 108, 432, 049 Dollars. 52, 459, 640 Dollars. 160, 891, 689 1, 444, 428 1, 417, 156 3, 411, 420 50, 087 807, 503 546, 144 681, 110 1, 535, 433 202, 243 478, 887 1, 990. 572 2, 098, 266 4, 946, 853 252, 330 1, 286, 390 2, 384, 194 2, 370, 464 2, 121, 447 1, 150, 088 707, 886 1, 166, 910 931, 665 586, 073 565, 358 319, 595 3, 551, 104 3, 302, 12!) 2, 707, 520 1, 715, 446 1, 027, 481 1, 768, 396 1, 248, 168 1, 106, 617 1, 708, 783 1, 873, 227 812, 520 510, 739 910, 183 720, 058 1, 072, 154 2, 580, 916 1, 758, 907 2, 016, 800 2, 488, 841 2, 945, 381 1,458, 682 871, 720 47, 961 2, 279, 271 2, 138, 984 754, 125 590, 356 108, 938 724, 690 1, 101, 121 2, 212, 807 1, 462, 076 156, 899 3, 003, 961 3, 240, 105 2, 804, 372 381, 668 608, 530 416, 317 441, 685 1, 333, 918 225, 885 527, 664 483, 414 502, 175 4, 138, 290 607, 553 1, 136, 203 899, 731 943, 860 276, 740 2, 150, 458 1, 610, 247 232, 706 1, 187, 793 402, 277 1, 085, 549 856, 759 80, 999 708, 593 679, 017 3, 236, 007 2, 467, OOC 313, 705 1, 896, 3861 202, 352 1, 678, 979 2, 308, 701 1, 017, 2, 277, m 45, 511 691, 703 892, 550 721, 171 1, 295, 697 247, 863 2, 370, 682 3, 201, 251 1, 738, 551 3, 573, 143 214, 798 ] , 750, 888 4, 841, 173 475, 596 1, 838, 225 65, 966 959, 155 1, 534, 705 238, 937 989, 517 280, 764 2, 710, 043 6, 375, 878 714, 533 2, 827, 742 2, 841, 286 1, 399, 587 1, 427, 776 2, 185, 812 2, 853, 560 1, 485, 570 656, 930 684, 471 764, 851 1, 309, 386 4, 326, 856 2, 056, 517 2, 112, 247 2. 950, 663 4, 162, 946 1, 072, 726 1, 891, 741 1, 131, 652 2, 072, 247 1, 533, 900 761, 462 683, 968 467, 769 870, 533 727, 184 1, 834, 188 2, 575, 709 1, 599, 421 2, 942, 780 2, 261, 084 TAXATION. State. County. City and school district. TotaL Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 883, 139 10, 948 11, 540 27, 208 1, 388 7, 075 19, 531 18,162 14, 891 9, 490 5,651 14, 195 9,674 11, 092 13, 689 16, 200 12, 170 8, 041 863 16, 522 17, 821 22, 761 3, 342 6, 249 4, 5,191 3, 735 17, 798 13, 569 1, 725 10, 430 995 13, 039 17, 607 9, 562 19, 652 1,544 14, 905 35, 067 3, 930 15, 553 23, 798 11, 311 11, 617 16, 229 22, 896 10, 088 14, 166 8, 797 16, 185 12, 436 , 878 a 1, 470, 804 a 4, 414, 821 24,680 39, 867 70, 6, 104 24, 013 38, 749 28, 162 18, 207 13, 843 19, 008 34, 204 14, 230 24, 604 39, 363 53, 498 17, 994 26, 363 1,548 29, 853 35, 641 66, 778 8, 943 11, 943 14, 754 17, 047 20, 159 35, 730 44, 403 3, 128 22, 481 3, 671 26, 256 22, 394 13, 908 44, 873 2, 812 45, 849 87, 810 13, 509 31, 341 56, 373 23, 043 39, 145 31, 001 51, 986 22, 969 60, 804 23, 584 23, 542 15, 266 20, 854 12, 396 65, 551 762 13, 933 58, 741 22, 269 26, 881 8, 782 7, 232 12, 934 18, 539 12, 196 18, 695 20, 381 24,916 12, 985 30, 821 24, 516 63, 963 2, 885 7,841 7,410 11, 618 3, 927 34, 730 15, 319 320 29, 960 25, 22 28, 150 16, 534 29, 839 37, 891 38, 234 4, 699 22, 558 31, 475 9, 504, 15, 465! 26, 665 30, 492 22, 038 22, 826 9, 988 27, 955 18, 935 a See foot-note "a" to summary, page 1508. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1557 Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — E^ANSAS— Continued. ASSESSED VALUATION. TAXATIOK. St* 1 m <0 2 Si S (S o r4 and istr 'a m ti es "S 1 1 o o H O H .AyfJuVw* if a DoUcLTS. T^dnfiTst 131, 106 193, 816 324, 922 1,608 5,264 415 7, 287 2, 289, 157 1, 181, 746 3, 470, 903 19, 090 41, 814 36, 406 97, 310 550 722 5 867 14 560 7, 304 27 731 900 281 439 976 1 340, 257 7* 371 19 475 11, 368 38 214 684* 632 389 032 1 ' 073* fifU 5* 905 16 523 11, 199 33''627 380, 048 288, 738 668, 784 3, 678 15, 525 8, 913 28, 116 Pottawatomie ... 2, 228, 347 1, 195, 794 3, 424, 141 18, 833 20, 479 22, 284 61, 596 Pratt 32 857 19 397 52 254 287 1 280 21 1 588 1 359* 648 484* 203 1 843* 851 10, 141 3l' 391 21, 026 62^ ^58 387* 247 jL, *x\JO 8 813 24* 015 11, 452 44* 280 685, 420 432, 009 1, 117, 429 6, 146 19, 092 6,624 31, 862 Rooks 1, 392, 439 726, 639 2, 119, 078 11, 655 12, 810 15, 887 40, 352 107 354 142, 960 250 314 1 377 3 307 409 5, 093 194, 971 79, 411 274, 382 1, 509 6, 197 2,112 9, 818 Rnssell .......... 466 553 U^O, GOiJ 5 585 15 203 4, 556 25 344 1, 952, 971 871, 968 2, 824, 939 15, 537 35, 310 36, 306 87, 153 2, 414, 131 771,635 3, 185, 766 17, 522 46, 340 22, 206 86,068 4 83fi 431 35 739 68 486 94, 160 198 385 668, 259 514, 030 1, 082, 289 si 953 15! 092 3, 730 24i 775 Stafford 271, 690 77, 303 348, 993 1,440 4, 173 22 6,635 2, 263, 146 613, 700 2, 876, 846 15, 823 42, 853 16, 334 75, 010 341, 438 377, 494 718, 932 3, 954 6, 783 10, 737 "Wabaunsee 1,415, 062 451, 738 1, 866, 800 10, 267 22, 233 14, 394 46,894 ■Washington 1, 682, 345 657, 865 2, 340, 210' 12, 871 22, 849 21, 871 57, 591 1, 341, 365 575, 392 1, 916, 757 10, 542 23, 980 18, 763 53, 285 Woodson 1, 050, 142 350, 850 1, 400, 992 7, 705 17, 055 11, 055 35, 815 2, 123, 544 761, 736 2, 885, 280 15, 076 63, 227 61, 886 140, 189 TJnorg'd counties . a 1, 375, 967 1, 375, 967 7, 568 7,568 a Value of railroads. NEBEASKA. Note.— The table exhibits the assessment and taxation for 1880. State and coun- ties. ASSESSED VALUATION. TAXATION. q sc O <© 3 o H 1 !3 O O « a" ^ a*' O rt « CP I ^he State.... Adams Antelope Buffalo Butler Cheyenne Clay Dollars. 55, 073, 375 Dollars. 35, 512, 407 Dollars. 90, 585, 782 Dollars. 355, 465 7, 772 2, 056 2, 047 6, 171 7, 282 8, 335 13, 715 3, 842 7, 945 7, 569 Dollars. 1, 522, 229 Dollars. 914, 780 Dollars. 2, 792, 480 1, 218, 238 309, 723 365, 797 657, 971 1, 155, 311 1, .525, 933 1, 971,433 747, 441 113, 768 1, 178, 967 724, 822 204, 410 146, 159 885, 023 665, 268 696, 990 1, 457. 550 212ft 051 1, 872, 763 839, 497 1, 943, 060 514, 133 511, 956 1, 542, 994 1, 820, 579 2, 222, 923 3, 428, 983 960, 492 1, 986, 531 2, 018, 464 32, 284 4,143 10, 000 30, 274 34, 349 27, 154 45, 828 9, 324 39, 635 23, 544 24, 290 6, 079 5, 266 16, 951 17, 077 13, 127 25, 653 5, 957 5,450 34, 790 64, 346 12, 278 17, 313 53, 396 58, 708 48, 616 85, 196 19, 12.')' 53, 030 05, 909 1558 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Asaesaed valuation and taxation — NEBRASKA — Continued. ASSESSED VALUATION. State and coun- ties. (A Dollars. 940,167 1, 348, 161 1, 294 533, 758 174, 117 678, 534 1, 382, 645 5, 344, 234 1, 087, 798 408, 923 13, 236 270, 776 1, 694, 691 7,443 199, 197 1, 098, 983 1, 014, 149 201, 903 11, 467 32, 493 379, 728 894, 477 1, 269, 377 397, 443 6, 650 394, 607 3, 182, 764 264, 322 508, 271 723, 177 99, 649 1, 113, 687 898, 741 2, 352, 147 1,404,919 13, 986 609, 972 1, 341, 076 872, 721 40, 122 1, 805, 768 1, 435, 285 741, 399 1, 363, 686 1, 359, 206 168, 490 457, 932 982, 913 297, 300 1, 047, 363 563, 749 434, 021 1, 959, 876 Dollars. 476, 040 626, 048 228, 100 241, 696 628, 641 253, 457 987, 494 2, 515, 598 675, 200 378, 910 156, 097 333. 333 719, 105 68, 087 59, 446 820, 097 492, 941 292, 364 116, 972 193, 987 235, 224 459, 717 581, 407 264, 719 586, 212 180, 186 1, 746, 619 988, 010 446, 614 760, 876 59, 201 733, 555 247, 568 1, 243, 492 663,352 112, 095 46, 065 842, 325 363, 800 89, 175 1, 025, 769 994, 837 510, 090 730, 220 796, 343 105, 715 153, 342 469, 497 89, 599 611, 416 32, 915 514, 508 1, 058. 798 Dollars. 1, 416, 207 1, 874, 209 229, 394 775, 454 702, 758 931, 991 2, 370,139 7, 859, 832 1, 762, 1 787, 833 169, 333 604, 109 2, 413, 796 75, 530 258, 643 1, 919, 080 1, 507, 090 494, 267 128, 439 614, 952 1, 354, 194 1, 850, 784 662, 162 592, 862 574, 793 4, 929, 383 1, 252, 332 954, 885 1, 484, 053 158, 850 1, 847, 242 1, 146, 309 3, 595, 639 2, 068, 271 126, 081 650, 037 2, 183, 401 1, 236, 521 129, 297 2,831,537 2, 430, 122 1, 251, 489 2, 093, 906 2, 155, 549 274, 205 611, 274 1, 452, 410: 386, 899i 1, 658, 779 596,664 948, 529 3, 018, 674 Dollars 5,664 7, 028 918 2,908 2,811 3, 494 9, 480 31, 438 7, 051 3, 150 676 2, 265 9,655 301 1, 033 7, 677 5, 652 1, 977 513 906 2, 306 5,417 5,552 2, 649 2,371 19, 718 5, 3, 819 5,937 635 7,388 4,584 14, 381 7,756 505 2.624 8, 733 4, 636 517 11, 325 9, 720 6,006 8,374 8, 621 1,096 2, 445 5, 1, 524 6.635 2, 386 3, 793 10. 565 n o 0- Dollars 35, 535 30, 607 1, 15, 914 25,000 10, 263 38, 863 114, 545 27, 707 12, 000 1, 031 6, 250| 53, OOO' 1, 724i 3, 452 15, 539 12, 159 3, 000 1, 162 1,385 16, 393 20, 894 27, 534 19,865 4,743 9, 139, 783 22, 166 8,906 33, 510 5,308 29, 139 21, 034 91, 130 24, 131 1, 887 10, 014 43, 090 28, 000 556 53, 742 31, 982 16, 307 38, 390 30, 347 4, 952 7, 351 16, 717 9, 673 21, 318 7,1 28, 027 Dollars. 9, 164| 15, 690 381 4, : 5. 451 6, 661 28, 837 170, 287 25, 308 13, 128 264 4, 534 19, 342 156 2, 993 25, 717 16, 163 3, 973 375 7, 457 16, 751 11,422 6,128 5, 965 59, 591 3, 611 7,940 18,027 853 23, 662 11, 479 16, 207 10,825 811 4, 105 18, 759 8, 281 850 18, 175 24,546 8, 705 22, 327 SI, 012 1,758 4, 275 14, 125 8,922 18, 275 2,642 11, 937 12, 351 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1659 Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — Continued. COLORADO. Note. — The table is for the fiscal year endiug November 30, 1880. State anil coun- ties. The State. Arapahoe... Bent Boulder Chaffee Clear Creek. Con Pi OS Costilla Custer Douglas Elbert El Paso Fremont Gilpin Grand Gunuiaou... Hinsdale Huerfano . . . J efferson — Lake La Plata.... Larimer Las Animas . Ouraj' Park Pueblo Rio Grande . Koutt Saftuaclie . . . San Juan . . . Summit Weld ASSESSED VALUATION. Dollars. 35, 604, 197 Dollars. 38. 867. 496 14, 052, 913! 178, 7881 2,015, 155' 350, 346] 1, 170, 112j 80, 588 294, 442 644, 522 384, 813 101, 234 2, 252, 620 586, 356 1, 250, 226 19.910 149, 064 362, 062 93, 744 1, 035, 888 3, 875, 510 76, 701 740, 810 416, 8.54 145, 097 330, 572 1, 578, 777 177, 674 19, 455 295. 373 223, 5341 229, 157 1, 871, 900 4, 777, 690 2, 557, 324 1, 385, 830 652, 148 788, 813 392, 163 422, 301 905, 864 740, 074 1, 493, 930 TAXATION. Dollars. Dollar 74, 471, 693; 372, 359 2, 067, 7001 1, 110, 649 700, 644 134, 583 4i7, 489 208, 406 855, 744 1, 138, 819 7, 250, 664 337, 919 1, 338, 995 1, 603, 770 189, 328 1, 019, 415 2, 100, 323 263, 435 66, 409 614, 962 178, 445 307, 238 2, 750. 332 18, 830, 603 2, 736, 112 3, 400, 985 1, 002, 494 1, 958, 925 472, 751 716, 833 1, 550, 386 1, 130, 887 1, 595, 164 4, 320, 320 1, 697, 005 1, 950, 870 154, 493 596, 553 .570, 468 949, 488 2, 774, 707 11, 126, 174 414, 620 2, 079, 805' 2, 080, 624 334, 425 1, 349, 987 3, 679, 100 441, 109 85, 864 910, 335 401, 979 536, 395 4, 622. 232 Dollars 1. 209. 808 94,153 13,681 17, 005 5, 012! 9, 795' 2, 364 3, 584 7, 752 5, 654 7, 976 21, 602 8, 485 9, 7,54 772 2, 983 2, 852 4, 747 13, 874 55, 631 2, 073 10, 399 10, 403 1, 672 6, 750 18, 396 2,206 429 4, 552 2,010 2, 082 23. Ill Dollars. 569. 841 311, 248 27, 297 189, 423 17, 047 20, 264 9, 545 10,867 18, 775 15, 694 22, 035| a 28, 641 27, 145i 47, 225 1, 487 5, 393| 9, 804 12, 722 33, 744 200, 273 6,228 37, 564 17, 634 a 4, 669 a 12, 700 47, 828 7, 441 3, 291 15, 759, 8, 304! 8, 409j 31, 352 236, 181 1,588 20, 496 19, 788 16, 961 673 2,407 1, 428 3, 109 1, 112 31, 732 1, 776 40, 639 2, 000 2, 464 1,849 18, 187 88, 413 440 4, 584 2, 952 4, 267 1, 248 37, 324 7, 907 1, 127 300 10, 935 7.954 Dollars. 2, 152, 008 641, 582 42, 566 226, 924 41, 847 47, 020 12, 582 16, 858 27, 955 24. 457 31, 123 81,975 37, 400 97, 618 2, 259 10, 376 15, 120 19, 318 65, 805 344, 317 8, 741 52, 547 30,989 10, 608 20, 698 103, 548 17, 554 3, 720 21, 438 10, 614 22, 026 62, 417 a Partly estimated. NEVADA. Note.— The table exhibits the valuation of 1879, and the taxation based npon it (for 1880). The statutes provide for a poll tax of $i, cue-half the revenue of wliicU jroes to the state and the other to the coiuitifs. The amonut of thi:^ in 1880 is not known, and, tlierefore, is not included, but in 1879 it was about $62,000, or $31,000 for the state and an equal amount for the counties. State and coun- ties. ASSESSED VALUATION. TAXATION. -2 99 , m Ph H o 1 H 1 O -t-i 5 t H The Territory. Dollars. 4, 788, 764 Dollars. 6, 574, 642 Dollars. 11, 363, 406 Dollars. 56,223 Dolla/rs. 70, 719 Dollars. Dollars. 120, 942 Coltax 759, 775 244, 573 176, 537 937, 978 374, 681 706, 159 1, 687, 751 619, 254 882, 690 8, 205 3, 09G 4, 414 12, 307 20, 512 7,740 11, 035 4,644 6, 621 225, 593 170, 000 647, 286 1, 000, 000 230, 000 100, 000 1, 235, 000 404, 400 225, 000 1, 536, 426 1, 300, 000 150, 000 75, 000 875, 000 629, 993 395, 000 2, 183, 712 2, 300, 000 360, 000 175, 000 2, 110, 000 6 3, 149 b 1, 581 b 10, 919 b 11, 500 b 1, 934 i)875 6 10, 550 b 3, 269 6,418 5, 321 24, 881 23, 000 4, 822 2, 113 21, 100 b 3, 740 b 13, 962 Santa F6 b 11, 500 b 2, 888 b 1, 238 Taos Valencia & 10, 550 a No report received, nor data obtainable for estimates. 6 Estimated. UTAH TERRITORY. Note. — The school-district tax is for 1879, while the other taxes are for a year later. ASSESSED VALUATION. TAXATION. Territory and pro counties. o tori cS.:^ CO l-l '3 -(J o 1 a . - <» ^ 3 (O H H o o H Dollars. Dollars. Dollars Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. The Territory. 14, 779, 344 9, 995, 935 24, 775, 279 148, 650 155, 706 130, 882 435. 238 Beaver 373, 334 186, 6G6 560, 000 3, 360 9, 226 1, 174 13. 760 343, 800 1, 617, 190 1, 960, 990 11, 766 11, 872 1, 785 25, 423 a 852, 382 a 420, 193 1, 278, 575 7, 672 7, 671 15, 736 31, 079 736, 170 242, 020 978, 190, 5, 870 3, 413 3, 567 12, 850 108, Oil 324, 031 432, 042 2, 592 2, 557 3,846 8, 995 Juab a 301, 464 a 150, 733 452, 197; 2, 714 2, 713 227 5,654 Kane 139, 274 208, 912 348, 186. 2, 090 2, 140 1, 457 5. 687 Millard 152, 891 197, 355 350, 246 2, 102 2, 008 824 4, 934 Morgan 140, 151 253, 317 393, 468 2, 360 3, 542 388 6, 290 Pi Ute 20, 595 103, 789 124, 384 746 729 504 1,979 Eich 150, 000 67, 000 217, 000 1, 302 1,092 49 2,443 6, 373, 017 2, 778, 669 9, 151, 686 54, 910 54, 039 47. 714 156, 663 571, 545 285, 773 857, 318 5, 144 5,044 8, 274 18, 462 185, 951 198, 519 384, 470 2, 30G 3, 517 2, 067 7, 890 454, 594 554, 506 1, 009, 100 6,054 9, 615 1, 117 16, 786 Tooele 437, 220 447, 205 884, 425 5, 306 4, 564 3, 315 13, 185 Utah 1, 400, 000 700. 000 2, 100, 000 12, 600 11, 042 13, 129 36, 771 Wasatch 112, 170 181, 663 293, 833i 1, 762 1,882 2, 430 6, 074 Washington 433, 425 325, 717 759, 142 4, 554 5, 600 4, 530 14, 08-4 Weber a 1, 493, 350 a 746, 677 2, 240, 027 13, 440 13, 440 18, 749 45, 629 a The total valuations of the counties of Cache, Juab, and Weber were received from county officials. The subdivision into real and personal property has been estimated in the Census Office. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXV. — Assessed valuation and taxation — Continued. 1565 WASHINGTON TERRITORY. Note.— The tabular exhibit is for 1880. Territory and counties. The Territory Chehalis Clallam Clark© . . Columbia ... Cowlitz Island Jefferson ... King Kitsap Kiikitat Lewis Mason Pacific Pierce San Juan . . . Skamania... Snohomish... Spokane Stevens Thurston — "Wahkiakum "Walla "Walla "Whatcom... Whitman . . . Yakima , ASSESSED VALUATION. Dollars. 11, 335, 923 382, 994 85, 595 596, 410 993, 878 549, 946 281, 384 330, 858 1, 344, 700 527, 298 172, 859 582, 146 186, 251 135, 764 1, 074, 765 55, 968 39, 465 271, 885 89, 337 24, 720 865, 471 99, 842 1, 713, 470 383, 555 263, 306 284, 056 Dollars. 12. 474. 770 48, 084 348, 645 1, 802, 240 326, 408 79, 199 146, 3 642, 775 467,1 808, 726 194, 459 48, 221 137, 997 603, 437 125, 939 117, 061 137, 016 732. 523 154, 074 722, 676 146, 054 2, 160, 140 287, 771 1, 476, 047 662, 597 Dollars. 23, 810, 693 481, 330 133, 679 945, 055 2, 796, 118 876, 414 360, 583 477, 194 1, 987, 475 995, 247 981, 585 776, 605 234, 472 273, 761 1, 678, 202 181, 907 156, 526 408, 901, 821, 8601 178, 794 1, 588, 1471 245, 896' 3, 873, 610 671, 326 1, 739, 353 946, 653 Dollars. 71, 796 1, 444 401 2, 835 8, 388 2, 629 1, 082 1,432 6, 362 2, 986 2, 945 2, 330 703 821 5, 035 546 470 1, 227 2, 466 536 4, 764 738 11, 584 2,014 5, 218 2,840 Dollars. 393, 150 8, 783 3, 001 22, 042 38, 647 14, 984 4,643 8, 424 45, 093 13, 773 19, 727 15, 515 3, 619 5, 923 22, 044 3, 371 2, 348 9,369 12, 327 3, 398 28, 980 4, 426 54, 086 11, 578 23, 942 13, 107 a (o 5^ fl*» Dollars. 40, 471 120 2, 500 ""925 1,200 3, 774 13, 211 3, 051 186 3. 000 129 3, 748 8,627 WYOMING TERRITORY. Note.— The table is for the year 1880, except in regard to school-district taxation, -which is for 1879. The tax known locally as the county school tax is tabulated as a territorial tax since the rate is made uniform by statute throughout the territory and its levy obligatory. Territory and counties. \ ASSESSED VALUATION. TAXATION. Eeal estate. Personal prop- erty. Total. Territorial. County. City, town, vil- lage, and school district. Total. 1 The Territory . Sweetwater Uinta Dollars. 4, 485, 291 Dollars. 9, 136, 538 Dollars. 13, 621, 829 1 Dollars. \ Dollars. 81, 729j 136, 000 Dollars. 12, 499 Dollars. 230, 228 1, 494, 196 109, 745 784, 716 2, 083, 509 13, 125 999, 603 2, 318, 509 2, 964, 037 1, 560, 000 1, 294, 389 2, 493, 799 2, 428, 254 3, 748, 753 3, 643, 509 1, 307, 514 14,962 26, '000 14, 569i 26, 000 22, 492' 38, 000 21, 861 14, 000 7, 845 32, 000 6, 601 615 4, 300 229 754 47, 563 41, 184 64, 702 36, 090 40, 599 PUBLIC INDEBTEDNESS. 1567 • Debt of the United States on June 30, 1880 (not including state and local debt) ^2,ltS0,415,370 63 Table CXXVl. -Exhibit showing the number of holdets of United States registered bonds in the various states. States, etc. Massachusetts New York Ponnsylvania Ohio lUiuoiHi New Hampshue New Jersey Connecticut District of Columbia "Vermont Maine Missouri Maryland Banks Ehode Island Indiana Insurance companies, etc Virginia Mic-nigan , Kentucky - California Tennessee 16, 855 14, 803 10, 408 4, 130 3, 101 2, 939 2, 715 2, 367 2, 357 1, 909 1, 711 933 920 906 838 698 621 458 453 451 411 23. 05 20.24 H. 23 5. 65 4. 24 4. 02 3. 71 3.24 3. 22 2. 61 2. 34 1. 28 1.26 1.24 1. 15 0.95 0. 85 0. 63 0. 62 0. 62 0.56 0.50 3. 56 10. 14 8. 54 6. 38 6.14 0. 69 2.27 1.24 0. 35 0. 66 1. 29 4. 32 1. 86 0.55 3. 94 3. 02 3. 26 3. 29 1. 72 3. 08 States, etc. Wisconsin Kansas Iowa , Louisiana "West Virginia . Mississippi North Carolina Texas South Carolina Alabama Territories Delaware Minnesota Arkansas Florida Colorado Georgia Nebraska Nevada Oregon Total 342 326 283 262 194 157 142 139 137 126 111 100 94 78 64 01 58 55 18 14 73, 114 a5 « PI 0. 47 0. 45 0. 39 0. 36 0.27 0. 21 0. 19 0. 19 0.19 0. 17 0. 15 0. 14 0.13 0.11 0.09 0. 08 0.08 0.08 0. 02 0. 02 2. 62 1.99 3.24 1.87 1.23 2.26 2. 79 3. 17 1. 98 2. 52 1. 21 0. 29 1.56 1.60 0.54 0.39 3. 07 0.90 0.12 0. 35 100. 00 00 Table CXXVII. -Exhibit sTioiving the amounts of United States registered bonds held by individuals in the various states, and by bajiks, etc. States, etc. New York Massachusetts Pennsylvania Ohio.: District of Columbia California niiaois Connecticut New Jersey Maryland Rhode Island New Hampshire Indiana Maine ^lissouri Vermont Louisiana Tennessee Michigan , Colorado Kentucky Virginia ■Wisconsin Dollars. 210, 264, 250 45, 188, 750 40, 223, 050 16, 445, 050 12, 419, 050 11, 601, 100 9, 119, 950 8, 894. 400 8, 104, 150 6, 989, GOO 4, 717, 100 4, 658. 150 3, 980, 800 3, 968, 500 3, 783, 600 3, 595, 150 2, 458, 000 2, 341, 200 1, 941, 200 1, 897, 550 1, 770, 150 1, 749, 750 1, 331, 400 Oh 32. 60 7. 00 6.24 2. 55 1. 93 L 80 L41 L 38 L 26 L 08 0. 73 0.72 0. 62 0. 62 0. 59 0..56 0. 38 0. 36 0. 30 0. 29 0. 27 0. 27 0. 21 o o Ph 10. 14 3.56 8.54 6. 38 0. 35 L 72 6. 14 1.24 2.27 1.86 0. 55 0. 69 3.94 1. 29 4.3i 0. 06 1. 87 3.08 3. 26 0. 39 3. 29 3.02 2.62 States, etc. Iowa Kansas Mississippi Delaware The Territories South Carolina , West Virginia North Carolina Texas Alabama Minnesota , Arkansas , Florida Nebraska Nevada Georgia Oregon Banks, insurance com- panies, trust compa- nies, etc. Total , Dollars. 1,285,450 1, 188, 800 1, 014, 800 1, 008, 150 837, 550 760, 200 661, 500 639, 000 523, 450 474, 100 420, 250 332, 400 253, 850 248,750 211, 000 181,400 126, 300 227, 451, 550 644, 990, 400 §3S So© © C3 Oh 0.20 0. 18 0. 16 0.16 0. 13 0. 12 0.10 0. 10 0. 08 0. 07 0.06 0. 05 0.04 0. 04 0. 03 0. 03 0. 02 35. 26 u Pi o o 3. 24 L99 2.26 0. 29 1. 21 1. 98 L23 2. 79 3. 17 2. 52 L56 1.60 0.54 0. 90 0. 12 3. 07 0. 35 100.00 100.00 99 c c 1569 FXJBLIO INDEBTEDNESS. (NOT IsTATIONAL.) Table CXXVIII. — Analysis of the combined bonded debts of states and territories, coiuilicH, townships, (owns, cities, boroughs, villages, and school districts. PURPOSES FOE WHICH BONDS WERE ISSUED. Bridj^es Ccineteries Fire department Funding floating debt Improvement of harbors, rivers, wharves, canals, andwater-i)OVver, Parks and public pl ices Public buildings Kailroad and other aid Kef unding old debt Dollars. 21, 85;{, 388 283, 816 2, 514, 082 153, 949, 095 3(5, 224, 548 40, 612. 536 48, 493, 952 185, 038, 948 138, 743, 730 Schools and libraries , Sewers Streets Miscellaneous , AVar expenses Water- works Total bonded debt of all states and tcnitories, counties, etc. AMOUNTS DRAWING THE HATES OF INTEREST NAMED. 10 per cent 9i per cent 9 per cent 8^ per cent 8 per cent 7i per cent Dollars. 23, 370, 804 5,000 476, 124 49, 788, 385 464, 844 per cent 7 per cent 6 1 per cent 6 per cent 5J per cent 5 per cent Dollars. 17. 786, 070 242, 604, 036 1, 544, 832 516, 832, 826 589, 100 160, 110, 418 4 J per cent. 4 per cent.. 3^ per cent . 3 per cent.. 2 per cent.. Unspecified Dollars. 6, 277,615 27, 937, 819 13, 504, 900 1, 588, 371 6, 578, 000 48, 126, 342 AMOUNTS ISSUED IN THE YEARS NAMED. Previous to 1860 . 1860 1861 1802 1863 1864 1865 Dollars. 85, 549, 268 6, 9;J7, 279 11, 443. 829 10, 906, 595 12, 509, 034 40, 942, 964 23, 111, 547 18, 679. 609 1807 1858 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 Dollars. 36, 707, 628 38. 486, 479 44, 454. 402 64, 536, 128 67, 434, 132 73, 650, 044 58, 637, 534 67, 803. 682 1875.... 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 Unspecified Dollars. 62, 051, 056 37, 280, 488 49, 318, 27d 30, 454, m 58, 614, 623 15, 284, 408 202, 824, 448 AMOUNTS MATURING IN THE YEARS NAMED. Overdue 1880 1881 1882 .... 1883 1884 .... 1885 Dollars. 2, 794. 217 1887 30, 358, 951 1888 25, 805, 287 ]8«9 21, 467, 390 i 1890 26, 794, 627 1 1891. 28, 975, 514 25, 854, 774 34, 200, 391 1894 Dollars. 34, 106, 586 29, 603, 571 37, 119, 960 41,91 1, 792 42, 2i-,0, 640 63, 578, 056 26, 411, 693 42, 000, 032 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 19*10 Subsequent to 1900 . Unspecified 1570 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1571 Table CXXIX. — Debts of states, territories, counties, ciUes, ioicns, etc. SUMMARY. Total debt of all states and territories. State and territorial debt proper Locol debt- County debt. Township debt School-district debt City and town debt Total Bonded debt. Dollars. 1, 117, 585, 546 246, 974, 476 105, 707, 946 30, 1-20, 048 9, «63, 242 723, 853, 834 870, 611, 070 rioatiu}; debt. Dollars. 84, 217, 631 13, 207. 747 18, 853, 609 1, 789, 597 7, 660, 169 42, 700, 509 71, 009, 884 Gi'oss debt. Dollars. 1, 201, 803, 177 260, 182, 223 125, 621, 555 31, 9(i9, 645 17,53.5,411 760, 554, 343 941, 620, 954 Sinking fund. Dollars. 145. 396. 969 25, 743, 462 1, 593, 869 308. 401 117, 751, 237 119, 053, 507 Net debt. Dollars. 1, 056, 406, 208 234, 438, 761 124, 027, 686 31, 601, 244 17,535, 411 648, 803, 106 821, 967, 447 STATE, TERRITORIAL, AXD LOCAL DEBT BY STATES AND TERRITORIES. Xo'i ii. — Tbe sum set against each state and territory is the total public debt of that state or territory including the debts of the counties, townships, towns, cities, bonuighs, incorporateti viHages, and school districts within it. In certain states doubt existed whether the school-district debt was i>()nded or floating. In such cases it has been tabulated as floating debt in this table and in Table CXXX. States and Territories. NEW ENGLAND STATES. Maine Kew Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total MIDDLE STATES. New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total SOLTHEKN STATES. ViFginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Creorgia Florida 1. Alabama Mivssissippi Louisiana ■ Texas Arkansas , Kentucky Tennessee Total WESTERN STATES. Ohio Indiana - lUiuois Michigan Wisconsin Iowa Bonded debt. Dollars. 22, 299, 503 8, 665, 059 3, 218, 863 109, 933, 948 14, 075, 250 20, 462, 354 Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. 178, 654, 977 250, 483, 231 51, 558, 613 128, 880, 578 2, 297, 300 33,719,369 21, 699, 564 488, 638, 655 42, 177, 1, 473, 7, 201, 13, 419, 19, 670, 2, 566, 14, 517, 1,719, 88, 643, 11,001, 5, 045, 19, 112, 28, 338, 204, 887, 680 Dollars. 2, 329, 062 2,131.375 1, 189, 778 11, 695, 938 1,066, 117 3, 083, 618 21, 495, 888 8,155, 367 3, 699, 538 5, 410, 237 49, 285 214, 679 1, 187, 205 18, 716. 311 383, 814 104, 287 1, 029, 978 655, 161 161, 528 209, 729 211, 100 293, 949 4, 226, 473 653, 165 3, 903, 513 1, 363, 182 9, 051, 275 22, 247, 154 53, 654, 507 16, 794. 078 41,421, 869 9, 802,293 9, 118, 403 7. 862, 302 823, 086 1, 751, 413 4, 228, 303 454, 735 2, 872, 820 536, 242 Dollars. 24, 628, 565 10, 796. 434 4, 408, 641 121, 629, 886 15, 141,367 23. 545. 972 200, 150, 865 258, 638, 598 .55, 258, 151 134, 290, 815 2, 346, 585 33, 934, 048 22. 886. 769 507,354, 966 Dollars. 2, 221, 715 72, 264 56, 473 30, 345, 973 2, 038, 577 1, 544. 311 36, 279, 313 39, 915, 284 5,711,049 20, 256. 056 23, 038, 042 211, 310 89, 131, 741 42, 561, 508 1, 577, 500 8, 231, 801 14, 075, 119 19, 832. 153 2, 776. 609 14, 728, 545 2,013, 190 42, 869, 935 11, 654, 393 8, 949, 129 20, 47.5, 335 37, 389, 557 227, 134, 834 54, 477, 593 18, 54.5, 491 45, 650, 172 10, 257, 028 11,991,223 8, 698, 544 461, 706 64, 076 37, 255 729, 181 150, 250 150, 100 3, 983 49, 480 1, 010, 345 5,497, 454 1,657 5, 721.139 19U, 754 707, 750 1, 453, 884 114,231 435, 777 Net debt. Dollars. 22, 406, 850 10, 724, 170 4, 352, 168 91, 283, 913 13, 102, 790 22, 001, 661 163, 871, 552 2il, 723, 314 49, 547, 102 114, 034, 759 2, 346, 585 10, 896, 006 22, 675, 459 418, 223, 225 42, 099, 802 1, 513, 424 8, 194, 606 13, 345, 938 19, 681, 903 2, 626, 509 14, 728, .545 2, 013, 190 42. 805, 952 11 ; 604, 913 7, 938, 784 14, 977, 881 37, 387, 900 8, 155, 487 218, 979, 347 48, 756, 454 18, 354, 737 44, 942. 422 8, 803, 144 11, 876, 992 7, 962, 767 1572 COMrENDlUM OF THi: TEKTH CENSUS. TAiiJ.K CXXIX. — Debts of slateSf ierritoHett, counUes, cities, towns, etc. — CojitiniHid. States and Teriitorics. Bonded debt. ^'Jjfb^i"^' Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. WKSTEiiN STATres— continued. Minnesota. Missouri . . Kaushs.... Ncbratikii . ( 'olonido . . Ts'ovada ... OiTiron California . Total THE TEUUITOUIES. Ai'izona Dakota Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah "Washington. AYyoming . . . Total. Dollarg. 8, 2!).5, 19f) r-.'i, 446, 001 I.''), 407, 686 6, 114, 8J0 2, 1.50,100 863, 025 459, 008 10, 349. 879 243, 748. 183 188. 200 827, 823 71, 749 400, 100 46, 179 75, 000 47, 000 Dollars. 278, 523 2, 722, 941 717, 9<17 3,573, 553 1, 435,196 230, 894 389, 494 2, 333, 910 Dollars. 573, 719 58, 168, 942 16, 125,683 7, .688, .'589 3, 594, 296 1, 099, 919 848, 502 18, 683, 789 Dollars. 97, 655 681,558 119, 830 262, 632 20. 355. 107 264, 103, 290 7.5, 390 "i,928,"i6i' 11, 788, 707 189, 301 184. 842 163, 570 387, 741 38, 693 116, 251 164, 311 158, 462 377, .501 1, 012, 665 235, 319 787, 841 84, 872 116, 251 239, 311 205, 402 13, 805 27.'9i6 1, 656, 051 1, 403, 171 3, 059, 222 41, 721 DollnrK. 8, 47(;, 00 » 57, 487, 384 16, 00.5, 8:>3 7, 42.5, 757 3, .594, 29(i 1,024.523 848, 502 10, 7.5.5,688 252, 314, 583 377. .501 998, 860 23.5,319 759, 925 84, 872 116, 251 239, 311 205, 462 3, 017, 501 Table CXXX. — Debts of states, ierrUories, counties, cities, towns, etc., with local debt by counties. NEW EKGLAT^D STATES. MAINE. Bonded debt. rioating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Total debt of the State . . . Local debt — Dollars. 22, 299, 503 Dollars. 2, 329, 062 Dollars. 24, 628, 565 Dollars. 2, 221, 715 Dollars. 22, 406, 850 5, 848, 900 5, 848, 900 1, 166, 159 4, 682, 741 397, 800 54, 009 80, 034 2, 195, 019 451, 809 80, 034 18, 247, 822 451, 809 80, 034 17, 192, 266 Total 16, 052, 803 1, 055, 556 16, 4.50, 603 2, 329, 062 18, 779, 065 1, 055, 550 17, 724, 109 LOCA.L DEBT BY COUNTIES. Note.— The snm set against each county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts of the towns, cities, and school districts that lie within it, but not Including any portion of the state debt proper. COUNTIES. Androscoggin . Aroostook C!umberland . . . Franklin Hancock Kennebec . Knox Lincoln Oxford .... Penobscot. riscataquis.. Sagadahoc... Somerset .... Waldo ■Washington . York 1, 620, 440 110, 663 5,487,125 75, 872 237, 926 54, 463 24, 717 229, 527 83, 902 110, 639 1, 674, 903 135, 380 5, 716, 652 159, 774 348, 565 558, 617 1, 343, 225 743, 000 174,028 2, 796, 000 262, 069 72, 133 151,968 1.57, 537 156, 821 820, 686 1, 415, 358 894, 968 331, 565 2,952,821 7, 500 1, 809, 850 272, 400 740, 857 209, 875 1.53, 720 82, 191 279, 050 16.5, 262 133, 414 161, 220 1, 892. 041 .5.51, 450 906, 119 343, 289 263, 225 211, 649 474, 874 136. 412 433 902, 246 3, 293 442 865 11, 805 1, 538, m 1.^4.947. , 4, 814, 40(f 1.59,774 :U8, 505 .'^20, 680 1,415,3-8 891, 675 , 33l,12:-l> 2, 951, 161,22o4 1,880, 17«l' .551,4,50;. 900,119 343, 289 474, m COMrENDiUiM UJ till: TEiNTJi CENJSIJS. 1573 Taklk CXXX. — Dcbt>i of stales, iarvHorks, coiniiks, c'tiits, etc. — Continued. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking lund. Net debt. Total debt of tho State. . . Dollars. 8, 665, 059 Dollars. 2, 131, 375 Dollars. 10, 796, 434 Dollars. 72, 264 - — Dollars. 10, 724, 170 3, 501, 100 60, 100 3, 561, 200 3, 561, 200 Local debt — 547, 800 231, 234 65, 007 1, 774, 434 779, 034 65, 607 6, 390, 593 779, 034 65, 607 6, 318, 329 School-diatiict debt 4, 616, 159 72, 264 5, 163, 959 2, 071, 275 7, 235, 234 72,264 7. 162, 970 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. I^OTE. — The sum set against eacb county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts of tho towns, cities, and school districts that lie within it, but not including any portion of tho state debt proper. COUNTIES. 54, 898 198, 370 272, 725 58, 000 335, 816 1, 078, 700 956, 400 710, 200 588, 950 309, 900 187, 338 269, 019 70, 573 181, 040 306, 668 237, 500 158, 662 345, 425 206, 097 108, 953 242, 236 467, 389 343, 298 239, 040 642, 484 1,916, 200 1, 115, 062 1, 055, 625 795, 047 418, 853 242, 236 467, 389 341, 944 239, 040 583, 263 1,905, Oil 1, 115, 062 1, 055, 12.-. 705, 047 418, 853 1,354 59,221 11, 189 500' VERMONT. Total debt of the State. . . 3, 218, 863 1, 189, 778 4,408, 641 56, 473 4, 352, 168 4, 000 4,000 4,000 Local debt — 23, 421 157, 278 1, 009, 079 23, 421 157, 278 4, 223, 942 23, 421 157, 278 4, 167, 469 Total 3, 214, 863 56, 473 S, 214, 863 1, 189, 778 4, 404, 641 56, 473 4, 348, 168 LOCAL DEBT BY COTTNTIES. Note.— The sum set against eacb county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts of the towns, cities, and school districts that lie within it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. Addison Bennington . Caledonia ... Chittenden. . Essex Franklin Grand Isle . . Lamoille Oi-ango Orleans 'Rutland Washington. "Windham ... Windsor .... 67, 500 282, 200 356,150 499, 900 80, 000 583, 300 203, 900 '.53,'6oo' 276, 510 169, 700 283, 768 358, 935 33, 190 301, 728 81, 784 23, 095 16, 755 43, 973 922 14, 658 144, 130 18, 807 144, 741 01, 330 117, 464 157, 201 100, 690 583, 928 437, 934 522, 995 96, 755 027, 273 922 218, 558 141, 130 71,807 421, 251 261, 030 401,232 516, 136 56, 473 1574 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Taklk CXXX. — DchtH of slates, territories, c(yuniie», cilies, etc. — Continued. MASSACHUSETTS. Bonded debt. Dnllarit. Totiil del)t of the State. . . I 109, 933, 948 Stalo debt proper Local dobt— County debt School-distiict debt City aud town debt Total. 33, 020,464 125, 000 76,'788,"484" 7G. 913,484 Floating debt Dollars. 11, 095, 938 14, 262 1, 246, 213 Gross dobt. Dollars. 121, 029, 886 83, 034, 726 1, 371, 213 10,435,463 87,223,947 11,681,676 88,595,160 Sinking fund. Dollars. 30. 345. 973 12,875,248 17,470,725 17, 470, 725 Net debt Dollars. 91. 283, 913 20,159,478 1, 371, 213 * 69,' 753, 222 71,124,435 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. NoTK.— TliH sum set against each county is tbe total public debt of that county, including the debts oi' the towns and cities that lie within it, but not inclnUinK any portion of th<; state debt proper. Th© bc hool district system prevails in but a few towns, and there is no indebtedness of this character. Barnstable . Berkshiio .. Bristol Dukes Esvsex Franklin ... Hampden .. Hampshire . Middlesex.. Nantucket . Norfolk ... Plymouth . Suffolk.... "Worcester 49, 500 815, 900 4, 946. 461 40, 000 6, 469, 815 104, 000 3, 000, 500 6(33, 200 11, 651, 950 1, 258, 000 224, 000 43, 739, 426 3. 950. 732 62, 058 728, 308 435, 450 141, 954 2, 656, 553 421, 421 9.i8, 079 40 1, 082 2, 701, 758 21, 500 966, 558 432, 974 81, 520 1, 606, 461 111,558 1, 544, 208 5, 381, 911 181, 954 9. 126, 368 525, 421 3, 958, 579 1. 127, 282 14, 353, 708 24,500 2, 224, 558 656, 974 43, 8-.'0, 946 5. 557. 193 17, 772 357, 381 14. 000 618, 793 75, 393 2, 031, 680 205, 529 19,369 13, 912, 777 218, 031 111, 558 1, 526, 436 5, 024, 530 167, 954 8, 507, 575 525, 421 8, 883, 186 1, 127, 282 12, 322, 028 24, 500 2,019, 029 637, 605 29, 908, 189 5, 339, 162 RHODE ISLAND. Total debt of the State. .. 14, 075, 250 1, 066, 117 15, 141, 367 2, 038, 577 13,102, 790 2, 534, 500 2, 534, 500 702, 037 1, 832, 463 Local debt — 181,466 884, 651 181,466 12, 425, 401 181, 466 11,088, 861 Total 11, 540, 750 1, 336, 540 11, 540, 750 1, 066, 117 12, 606, 867 1, 336, 540 11, 270, 327 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. Note. — The sum set against each county is the total public dobt of the towns, cities, and scliool districts that lie within it. It includes no portion of the state debt proj)ev. There is no county ile)>t proper in Khode Island, as the comities exist simply for judicial purposes, and have no power to creni i- a debt. Bristol Kent Newport Providence.. AVashinyton. 164, 500 11, 344, 2.i0 32. 000 51, 625 102, 422 7. 822 823, 652 80, 596 51, 625 102, 422 172, 322 12, 167, 902 112. 596 38, 296 1, 298, 244 51. 625 102, 422 134. , 658 112. 596 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1575 Table CXXX. — Debts of btalcs, territories, tountics, cities, eto, — Continued. CONNECTICUT. Bonded, debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Total debt of tho State... Dollars. 20, 462, 354 Dollars. 3, 083. 618 Dollars. 23, 545, 972 Dollars. 1, 544, 311 Dollars. 22, 001, 661 4, 967, 600 4, 967, 600 4, 967, 600 Local debt — 64, 500 36, 900 683, 910 2, 362, 808 101, 400 683, 910 17, 793, 002 101, 400 683, 910 16, 248, 751 15, 430, 254 1, 544, 311 15, 494, 754 3, 083, 618 1 18, 578, 372 1, 544, 311 17, 034, 061 LOCAL DEBT BY COUlfTIES. Note. — The aura set against each county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts of the towns, cities, boruughs, and school" districts that lie within it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. COUNTIES. Fairfield Hartford Litchtield Tolland 1,966, 290 5, 574, 121 583, 600 2, 119, 900 3, 095, 443 1, 911, 900 234, 800 8, 700 595, 581 667, 258 251, 202 175, 894 539, 578 516, 901 106, 533 230, 671 2, 561, 871 6,241,379 834, 802 2, 295, 794 3, 635, 021 2, 428, 801 341, 333 239, 371 205, 732 1, 088, 631 2,201 i84,'308* 62, 939 500 2, 356, 139 5, 1.52, 748 832, 601 2, 295, 794 3, 450, 713 2, 36.5, 862 340, 833 239, 371 MIDDLE STATES. NEW YORK. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Total debt of the State.. . State debt proper Local debt- Count V debt School-district debt Total Dollars. 250, 483, 231 Dollars. 8, 155, 367 Dollars. 258, 638, 598 Dollars. 39, 915, 284 Dollars. 218, 723, 314 8, 988, 360 8, 988, 360 1, 451, 628 7, 536, 732 11, 019, 674 18, 7.^5, 709 417, 904 210, 721, 584 786, 634 102, 719 162, 529 7, 103, 485 12, 406, 308 18, 838, 428 580, 433 217, 825, 069 7, 000 81, 929 38, 374, 727 12, 399, 308 18, 756, 499 580, 433 179, 450, 342 241,494, 871 8, 155, 367 249, 650, 238 38, 463, 656 211, 186, 582 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. Note.— The sum s^^t naainst each county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts of the towns (towualiips). cities, incorporated village.-*, and school districts that lie within it, but not including any portion (if the state debt proper. counties. Albany Allegany Broome Cattaraugus Cayuga , 029, 500 114, 700 432, 2-20 105, 200 , 007. 000 29, 147 19, 285 6, 524 3,454 5, 226 5, 058, 647 1 353, 521 1.33,985 4:^8,744 ' ]'••«, (;r.i 1,012,226 4, 705, 126 133, 985 438, 744 108, 654 1,012, 226 1576 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX. — Debts of stales, territories, counties, cities, etc. — NEW YORK — Cont'd. Couulies. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Chautauqna . Chemung ... Chenango ... Clinton Columbia ... Cortland . Delaware Duchess . Erie Essex — Eranklin . Eulton ... Genesee Greene . . . Hamilton. Herkimer . Jefferson .., Kings , l^wLs , Livingstoii Madison Monroe Montgomery New York ... Niagara Oneida — Onondaga Ontario Orange Orleans ... Oswego Otsego Putnam Queens Rensselaer Kichmond Eockland Saint Lawrence Saratoga Schenectady ... Schoharie Schuyler . Seneca . . . Steuben . . , Suff^olk... Sullivan... Tioga Tompkins . TJlster "Warren ... "Washington. "WajTie ...... "We^ftchester "Wyoming ... Yates Dollars. 566,900 404, r)00 1, HKi, 450 .069, 276 665, 472 642, 000 1, 054, 800 2,346, 030 8, 594, 089 92, 700 344, 697 149, 500 474, 510 G, 005 58, 125 1, 195, 791 46, 309, 669 lot), 805 353, 816 945, 625 6, 428, 830 76, 846 136, 407, 434 618,401 1,320,200 I 2, 080, 500 : 263, 600 1, 379, 321 175, 250 2, 097, 585 819, 100 8, 500 2, 693, 933 1, 859, 331 17, 500 390, 725 258, 400 1,000 310, 600 290, 278 191, 390 589, 260 422, 600 702, 827 2, 384, 820 187, 546 23, 525 605, 006 2, 957, 536 416, 400 81, 042 Dollars. 2, 885 150 7, 647 8, 148 15, 207 1,251 16, 563 12. 124 813, 742 1, 911 1,650 5,414 1, 769 6, 230 3, 543 18, 833 14, 780 255, 775 2, 042 2, 628 2, 693 3, 923 6, 039, 966 14, 682 13, 094 18, 668 4, 155 78, 097 11, 145 141. 682 6, 647 605 200, 691 122, 951 18, 499 530 4, 069 44, 387 15, 412 18, 546 1,329 3, 173 8, 494 5,000 10, 386 1, 387 9, 627 2.5, 419 2, 306 12, 944 30, 929 14, 221 6, 187 7, 595 Dollars. 569, 785 464, 650 1, 821, 097 577, 424 680, 679 643, 251 1, 071, 363 2, 358, 1.54 9, 407, 831 94, 611 41, 450 3.50, 111 151, 269 480, 740 9, 548 76, 958 1, 210, 571 46, 565, 444 1.58, 847 3.56, 444 948, 318 6, 432, 753 76, 846 142, 447, 400 633. 083 Dollars. 1, 095 81, 488 4, 677, 500 1,000 33, 021, 986 3,333 a Only a part of the bonded debt of Saratoga Springs is included, stvoyed by fire, the balance Avas not ascertainable. The records having been de- 4 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1577 Table CXXX. — Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, eic— Coutiuued, NEW JERSEY. Bonded debt. rioating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Total debt of the State . . . Local debt — Township debt Dollars. 51, 558, 613 Dollars. 3, 699, 538 DoVars. 55, 258, 151 Dollars. 5, 711, 049 Dollars. 49, 547, 102 1, 896, 300 1, 896, 300 1, 082, 625 813, 675 6, 643, 438 876, 744 697, 627 41, 444, 504 649, 006 560, 035 280 2, 490, 217 7, 292, 444 1, 436, 779 697, 907 43, 934, 721 623, 981 8,999 6, 668, 463 1, 427. 780 697, 907 39, 939, 277 3, 995, 444 49, 662, 313 3, 699, 538 53, 361, 851 4, 628, 424 48, 733, 427 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES, Note.— The sum set against each county ia the total public debt of that connty, including the debts of the toTvnfthips, towns, cities, boiouszhs, incorporated villages, and s<'liOol districts tliat lie within it, but not Including any portion of the state debt proper. Atlantic ... Bergen Burlington . ('amden Cape May.. Cumberland Essex Gloucester . Hudson Hunterdon . Mercer , Middlesex.., Monmouth . Morris Ocean , Passaic , Salem Somerset Sussex , Union , "Warren 46, 600 400, 553 351, 797 J, 422, 464 105, 285 193, 900 14, 190, 457 13, 452 19, 982, 625 16, 685 1, 070, 925 2, 014,140 240, 550 67, 267 11, 809 1, 723, 004 49, 890 63, 100 108, 027 7, 259, 066 330, 717 20, 969 52, 388 60,153 182, 609 4, 822 5, 100 1, 162, 247 4, 518 890, 252 109, 434 156, 343 207, 897 1,763 1,812 3, 924 113, 043 7, 644 153, 997 3,839 450, 327 106. 457 67, 569 452, 941 411,950 1, 605, 073 110, 107 48, 550 437, 174 1, 832, 398 57, 534 217, 097 111, 866 7, 660, 843 437, 174 PENNSYLVANIA. Total debt of the State . . . Local debt — 128, 880, 578 5, 410, 237 1.34, 290, 815 20, 256, 056 114, 034, 759 21, 561, 990 21, 561, 990 845, 705 20, 716, 285 6, 512, 747 105, 047 2, 451, 548 98, 249, 246 3, 268, 637 331, 090 4,414 1,80.5, 496 9, 781, 384 436, 737 2, 455, 962 100, 054, 742 9, 781, 384 436. 737 2, 455, 962 £0, 644, 391 School-district debt City and town debt Total : 19, 410, 351 107, 318, 588 5, 410, 237 112, 728, 825 19, 410, 351 93, 318,474 1578 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX.--l>e6ts of states, terriiorieSf counties, cities, 6^c.— PENNSYLVANIA— Cel. LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. Note. — The sum set against each county is the total nublic debt of that county, including the debts of tlu) towiiKhips, citieH, boroughs, and school districts tnat lie within it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. Counties. Adams Allegheny... Armstrong Beaver Bedford Berks , Blair Bradford .... Bucks Butler Cambria Cameron Carbon Centre Chester Clarion Clearti^ld ... Clinton Columbia Crawford Cumberland . Dauphin Delaware Elk Erie Fayette Foiest Franklin Fulton Greene Huntingdon . Indiana JetftTson Juniata Lackawanna Lancaster ... Lawrence ... Lebanon Lehigh Luzerne Lycoming . McKean... Mercer MilHin .... Monroe ... Montgomery Montour Northampton Northuni berland Perry Bonded debt. Philadelphia . Pike Potter Schuylkill.... Snyder Somerset Sullivan Susquehanna. Tioga Union Venango Warren Washington... Wayne Westmoreland WyomUig York Dollars. 8, 368 19, 332, 058 199, 098 171, 688 •25, 175 1, 202, 195 580, 748 GO, J^91 94, 361 22, 306 82, 527 2. 000 82, 498 21f), 401 945, 199 49, 069 78, 183 356, 201 67, 162 769, 833 137, 9.'S8 L 471, 167 1, 028, 009 50, 271 1, 266, 492 59, 287 10, 000 125, 953 Floating debt. 100 70, 991 76, 971 102, 808 61, 890 352, 211 1, 231,063 99, 234 407, 288 997, 001 369, 557 630, 695 84, 901 67, 813 108, 077 49, 316 323, 916 197. 287 456. 2!)6 207. 376 70, 006 70,970.042 ' 26, 512 : 29, 914 I 703, 488 6, 840 ! 16,458 ' 7, 436 53, 226 14, 339 411.581 118. 682 52. 423 88. 304 31, 139 1,349 319. 622 Dollars. 854 3, 136, 8.38 8, 893 5,339 820 182, 240 12, 891 6, 381 L 288 3,515 433 6, 297 4,897 5, 827 9, 622 11, 411 4,711 34, 464 7, 735 6,683 4,148 1,092 30, 608 4, 113 44, 866 ^137 3; 974 10, 500 1,.540 1,924 1,928 2, 587 10, 026 1, 3G8 63, 849 39, 856 17, 356 Gross debt. 17. 018 50, 833 70, 018 31,. 392 17, 895 3, 334 9, 888 229 2. 887 4. 682 m. 114 2, 300 , 294, 554 2,612 28, 429 46, 904 3, 111 8,944 7.138 3, 730 17, 420 11. 548 2,489 472 8, 456 1, 898 2, 869 2, 082 Dollars. 9,222 22, 468, 896 207. 991 177, 025 25, 995 1, 384, 435 593, 639 67, 272 9.5, 649 25, 821 82, 960 8, 297 87, 395 222, 228 954, 821 60, 480 82, 894 390, 665 74,897 776, 516 142, 106 1, 472, 259 1,059,217 .54, 384 1, 311,358 62, 424 13, 974 136, 453 1, 540 2, 024 72,919 79. 558 112, 834 63, 2.58 416, 060 1, 270,919 116, .590 407, 288 1, 014,019 420, 390 700, 713 116, 3.53 85, 708 111. 411 59, 2e4 324, 145 200. l.H 460.978 I 270.4.90 . 78, 966 ! . 72, 264, 596 ' 29.124 . .58,343 750, 392 I 9,951 |. 2.5,402 '. 7,138 11,186 1. 70,646 !. 14,339 j. 423 129 12L171 \. 52. 895 1. 96,760 I. 33,037 4,218 '. 321,704 :. Sinking fund. Dollars. 874, 895 "'2,' 266' 135. 700 3, 728 14, 573 10. 081 51, 696 371 132, 958 3. 267 40, 122 76, 096 6, 190 3, 112 4.502 18. 040. 752 3, 508 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1579 Tablk CXXX. — Dahts of states, ternlories, counties, citm, etc. — Continued. DEL AWAKE. Bonded debt -ITU *• a Joating debt. Gross debt. fcinking fund. Net debt. Total debt of the St;ite. .. Dollars. 2, 297, 300 Dollars. 49, 285 Dollars. 2, 340, 585 Dollars. Dollars. 2, 346, 585 880, 750 880, 750 880, 750 Local debt- 44, 000 4, 222 1,063 44, 000 4, 223 1, 417, 613 44, 000 4, 222 1, 417, 613 Total 1, 416, 550 1, 41 6, 550 49, 285 1, 465, 835 1, 405, 835 LOCAL DEBT BY COUXTIES. Note.— The sum set ajiainst each county is the total j)ublic debt of that county, including the debts of the towns, citioa, and school districts that lie within it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. COUNTIES. 6, 000 1, 401,450 9, 100 34, 358 1. 370 13, 557 40, 358 1, 402, 820 22, 657 40, 358 1,402. 820 22, 657 MARYLAND. Total debt of the State . . . Local debt — Total 33, 719, 369 214, 679 1 33, 934, 048 | 23, 038, 042 10, 896, 006 11, 277, 111 11, 277, 111 3, 649, 443 7, 627, 668 1, 240, 308 21, 201, 950 160, 787 53, 892 1,401,095 21, 255, 842 23, 770 19, 304, 829 1, 377, 325 1, 891, 013 22, 442, 258 214, 679 22, 656, 937 19, 388, 599 3, 268, 338 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. NoiT?. — The sum set ajrainst each county is the total public debt of that county, including; the debts of .the towns and ciiies that lie witiiin it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. COLTNTIES. AJlegany Can-oil 470, 400 17. 400 20, 184, 975 48, 325 22, 900 7, 000 47, 300 730. 2uO 19. 000 12, 000 6, 000 4, 183 18, 989 2, 431 4,310 470, 400 36. 3>s9 20, 184, 97« 50, 756 31,336 2, 984 19, 330, 509 439, 064 33, 405 854, 466 50, 756 27, 210 7,000 41,092 785. 912 19,000 12, 000 6, 000 4, 183 1,000 70, 000 61, 600 40, 500 39, 838 698, 925 33, 000 37, 3S7 Cecil 27, 210 7, 000 Dorchester Frederick 49, 712 47, 300 785, 912 19, 000 12, 000 6,000 4, 183 1, 000 70, 000 61, 600 46, 500 57, 400 6, 20s Garrett Kent 1,000 50, 000 8,000 20, 000 53, 600 46, 500 48, 000 693, 475 Queen Anno Talbot - 0, 400 5, 450 33, 000 'A -, 387 17, 562 3:3, 000 37, 387 Worcester 5, 000 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Total District debt 21, 699, 504 1, 187, 205 22, 886, 769 211, 310 22, 675, 459 1580 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTfl CENSUS. 'r.\iu,); CXXX. — Debts of slates, ieiritories, counties, cities, etc. — Coutinued. SOUTHERISr STATES. VIRGINIA. Bonded debt. Tloating debt. Gross debt. Sinking 3S"et debt. Total (lt>l>t of the State . . . State debt proper Local debt — Scliooi-distect debt Dollars. 42, 177, 694 Dollars. 383, 814 Dollars. 42, 561, 508 Dollars. 461, 706 Dollars. 42, 099, 802 20, 345, 226 29, 345, 228 29, 345, 226 1, 258, 625 26, 449 90, 588 266, 777 1, 285, 074 90, 588 11, 840, 620 1, 500 1, 283, 574 90, 588 11,380,414 City and tbwn debt Total 11, 573, 843 460, 206 12, 832, 468 383, 814 13, 216, 282 461, 706 12, 754, 576 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. Note. — Tbe sum set ngainst eacb county is the total public debt of that count}', including the debt.s of the towns, cities, and school districts that lie -within it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. In counties marked with an asterisk (*) there has been no indebtedness reported. COUNTIES. 1, 835 603 71, 245 1, 431 2, 126 3, 758 118 6, 647 53 3, 143 385 1, 361 4, 824 1,842 1;602 553 162 954 1,835 41, 603 1, 057, 605 1,431 1,835 41, 603 1, 037, 105 1,431 2, 126 30, 758 118 291, 730 .53 3, 143 38.5 91,361 4, 824 1,842 1,002 795, 390 162 41, 000 986, 360 20,500 2, 126 30, 758 118 27, 000 285, 083 291, 730 53 3, 143 385 91,361 4, 824 1,842 1, 602 1, 098, 654 162 954 Bland 90, 000 1, 098, 101 303, 264 9.54 250 36, 240 250 286, 940 100, 000 257 4, 025 460 1, 160, 700 11, 078 2, 692 3, 760 4, 451 2, 789 8, 828 201, 171 47, 261 250 286, 940 100, 000 257 4, 025 460 1, 136,100 11, 078 2, 692 3, 760 4, 451 2, 789 8, 828 201, 171 47, 261 Che.sterfield 250, 700 100, 000 Clarke 257 4, 025 460 1, 160, 700 10, 000 24, 600 1, 078 2, 692 3, 760 151 2, 789 1, 828 ^,171 TL, 261 4, 300 Floyd Fluvanna 7, 000 200, 000 46, 000 FrankUu Frederick 209 209 501 i 501 409 1 469 125 125 209 501 469 325 Goocliland :::::::::::;: a T!u' city of Petersburg, which lies in three counties, has its debt included in Dinwiddie. COMPENDIUM OF TTfE TENTH CENSUS. 1581 Tablk CXXX. — Debis of 8late-'<, ten-iioricH, connHef>, cities, etc. — VIRGINIA — Continued. Counties. fhilifiix .. Ilaiiovei" . 1 Loiirico . . Henry.... I,-o-athampton. v'<].()tsvlriinia . StatVord Surry Missex j'azewell H'arren 'Vniwiok. ... A'ashington. Westmoreland Wise Wythe York Eonded debt. Dollars. 4, 000 4, 469, 345 76, 000 4S,400 5, 000 floating debt. Dollars. 1, 871 1, 198 34, 944 1,550 Gross debt. Dollars. 5, 871 1, 1!)8 4, 504, 289 76, 000 44, 950 117 554 216 606 250 4, 000 100 620 5, 000 2, 449, 671 4, 000 793, 000 11, 200 440 11, 000 243, 703 191, 600 19, OCO 124. 140 45, 000 1, 545 2, 802 368 15, 205 45 2, 033 2, 061 66 695 22, 131 870 24 208 1, 965 204 8, 952 1,208 330 885 120 497 18, 000 10, 280 1,725 1,440 220 454 1, 705 136 95 7,077 1, 089 115 449 142 2,487 2, 926 1, 121 598 91, 982 696 837 1,442 543 117 554 216 606 250 9, 000 1,545 2, 802 368 15, 305 45 • 2, 653 2, 061 5, 066 695 2, 471, 802 870 24 208 1, 965 4, 000 204 801, 952 1, 208 11, 530 885 120 937 1, 440 220 11, 454 243, 703 193, 305 136 95 7, 077 19, 832 1,089 124, 255 449 142 2, 487 2, 926 46, 121 598 109, 982 696 837 11, 722 2, 268 Sinking fund. Net debt. Dollars. 105, 268 Dollars. 5, 871 1,198 4, 399, 021 76, 000 44, 950 1, 500 1,642 4, 932 117 554 216 606 250 9, 000 1582 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Taulk CXXX. — J)€ht>i of (fiales, terrUories, comities, citicH, etc. — Continued. WEST VIRGINIA. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt Totiil debt of the Stiite... Dollars. 1, 473, 213 Dollars. 104, 287 Dollars. 1, 577, 500 Dollars. 64, 076 Dollars. 1,613, 424 Local debt — 544, 606 28, 132 900, 475 48, 174 15, 426 40, 687 592, 780 43, 558 9il, 162 592, 780 43,558 877, 086 64,' 076' 1, 473, 213 104, 287 . 1,577,500 64, 076 1, 513, 424 LOCAL DEBT BY COUlfTIES. KOTic. — The sum set; niiainst each county is the totol public debt of that county, including the debts of the towns, cities, and rcIiooI districts that lie within it. There is no state debt proper. In conu- ties marked with an asterisk (*) there has been no indebtedness reported. COUNTIES. 500 205, 000 156 9,186 656 214, 186 656 214, 186 557 55 77 4f auu 557 128, 801 1, 802 7, 900 557 128, 801 1,802 7,900 128, 746 1,725 ninv* 1 1, 000 13, 535 14, 535 14, 535 490 213 490 12, As 490 12, 313 12, 100 300 10, 000 35 335 10, 000 347 260, 702 64, 775 1.9, 400 3, 776 335 10, 000 347 266, 702 64, 775 13, 400 3, 776 347 26,'775" 266, 702 44, 000 19, 400 800 6,000 2, 976 599 2, 962 1,265 11 2,413 20 880 37 37 162 25, 382 599 2. 962 8, 785 11 18, 378 20 1,&38 37 M 162 538, 5?7 2, 962 8, 785 11 18, 378 20 1,658 37 37 162 538, 587 7, 520 15, 965 McDowell 778 Ohio 513, 205 1, 000 1, 000 125 10, 000 1, 5:j8 95 2, 900 1, 000 125 10, 000 1. 538 95 2, 900 125 10, 000 1, 538 95 Ealeigh . 9 R7.1 1 1 nvd : s fii;'>. 4, 7.S6 16, 530 4, 736 16,530 le' 530 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1583 Table CXXX.— Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, e^c— WEST VIRGINIA — C'd. Counties. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. SinKing I'und. Net debt. Dollars. Dollars. 118 1, 602 6 264 9 Dollars. 118 3, 142 6 264 566 9, 906 20, OOO 185, 536 3, 227 Dollars. Dollars. 118 3,142 6 264 566 9, 906 20, 000 127, 460 3, 227 1,540 557 0, 906 20, 000 181, 590 402 3, 946 2,825 58, 076 NORTH CAROLINA. Total debt of the State... State d^bt proper 7. 201, 883 1, 029, 978 8, 231, 861 37,255 8, 194, 606 5, 006, 616 a 700, 000 5, 706, 616 5, 706, 616 Local debt — Total 1, 248, 711 946, 556 275, 943 54,035 1, 524, 654 1, 000, 591 37," 255" 1, 524, 654 963, 336 2, 195, 267 329, 978 2, 525, 245 37, 255 2, 487, 990 a Estimaded interest on bonds. LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. XOTE. — The sum set ajrainst each county'- is the total public debt of that connty, including the debts of the towns and cities that lie within it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. In counties marked witb an asterisk (*) there has been no indebtedness reported. COUNTIES. 7, 664 7, 664 7, 064 5, 462 5. 462 35, 000 4, 000 8, 000 5, 9:57 24, 000 5,462 35, 000 4, 000 8, 000 5, 937 24, 000 35, 000 4, 000 3, 000 535 24, 000 5, 000 5, 402 97, 000 22, 000 900 3, 000 3, 340 1, 400 600 3,500 97, 900 25, 000 3, 340 1, 400 600 101, 000 10, 000 4, 700 5, 000 8,111 6, 8U0 1, 500 30, 000 5. 000 143, 227 310, 000 48, 000 600 97,900 25,000 3, 340 1, 400 600 101, 000 10, 000 4, 700 5, 000 8, 111 6, 800 1, 500 30, 000 5, 000 143, 227 310, 000 48, 000 600 97, 500 10, 000 4, 700 5, 000 8,111 6, 800 1, 500 30, 000 5, 000 2, 527 140, 700 310, 000 45, 000 3, 000 600 18, 600 25, 000 2, 500 1, 400 5, 000 21,100 20, 400 5, OUO 21, 100 26, 400 5, 000 1584 (TJMPENDIUM OF THK TENTH CEiN.SUS. Ta blk CXXX.— Debts of Hlafes, territories, comities, cities, e^c— NORTH CAKOLINA— C'd. Countios. Eonded debt. i Sinking fund. Net debt. Dollars. Dollars. 3, 000 Dollars. 3, 000 45, 000 4, 000 3, 050 8, 000 18, 750 4, 000 105, 050 Dollars, Dollars. 3, 000 45, 000 4, 000 3, 050 8, 000 18, 750 4, 000 105, 050 45, 000 4, 000 1, 205 8, 000 750 li^^fP*. *i 18 000 4, 000 5, 050 XUU, Uuv JXortit'oi'tl ^ Hyde 445 445 56, 000 1, 500 445 56, 000 1,500 Iredell 56,000 1,500 1, 800 1, 800 1, 800 T • 1 1,500 5, 000 1 ono 1,500 55, 000 1 oon 1, 500 55, 000 1,000 OU, vvU i ' 1 4, 500 1 4, 500 3, 503 1 316, 759 700 700 15,000 15,000 60 60 4, 500 316 750 '706 15, 000 60 TV T « It- 1 A 1 1 1 m T» f r 313 256 XT XT. 560 700 12, 000 572, 700 2, 655 . 570, 045 6, 500 1,200 6, 500 1, 200 6, 500 1 200 4,000 6, 000 4, 000 6,000 4, 000 6,000 8, 666 8, 000 8, 000 8,000 5,000 5, 000 5, 000 2, Oil 2, 400 3,500 8,000 5, 000 45, 000 5, 500 6, Oil 2, 400 26, 500 8, 000 5, 000 5, 500 6, Oil 2, 400 26 500 500 4, 000 2, 000 4,000 991 2, 000 10, 000 991 2, 000 IV, UvU 991 6, 000 4, 486 4, 480 4,48C -rrr 25, 557 192, 957 34, 600 158, 357 3, 500 2, 845 300 10, 000 500 S, 000 2, 000 3, 500 2,845 300 11, 000 500 8,000 2, 000 3, 500 2, 845 300 11, 000 500 8, 000 2, 000 Wayne Willces 1. 000 AVn^nTi COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1585 Table OXXX. — Debts of slates, territories, counties, cities, etc. —Continued. • SOUTH CAROLINA. Bonded debt. Floating aeot. Gross debt. Sinking tund. Net debt. Total debt of the State. .. Dollars. 13, 419, 958 Dollars. 655, 161 Dollars. 14, 075, 119 Dollars. 729, 181 DoUars. 18,345,938 a 6, 639, 171 6, 639, 171 6, 639, 171 Local debt — County debt 1,276, 231 5, 504, 556 297, 628 357, 533 1, 573, 859 6, 862, 089 1, 573, 859 5, 132, 908 Total 729, 181 6, 780, 787 655, 161 7, 435, 948 729, 181 6,700,767 a An approximation by the officials. LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. Note.— The sum set against each county is the total public debt of that country, including the debts >r the towns and cities that lie within it, but not incbuUng any portion of the jjtate debt pioper. In ounties marked with an asterisk (*) there has been no indebtedness reported. Abbeville , Aiken. Anderson* Barnwell.. J^eaufort ... (Charleston . . Chester Chesterfield , Clarendon*.. Colleton*.-... Darlington . - Edgefield.... Fairfield* ,-. Georgetown. Greenville . - Hampton.. Horry*.-.. Kershaw .. Lancaster . Laurens*.. 7, 000 "i'200 4, 938, 451 145, 000 4, 000 4.000 4, MO 11, 000 20, 100 21, 300 32, 668 32, 668 106, 401 5, 044, 852 5, 000 150, 000 8,482 8, 482 729, 181 13, 500 240, 500 13, 145 20, 000 8,000 7,487 1,200 '21,'492' 13, 145 33, 500 8, 000 247, 987 1, 200 4, 000 11, 000 21, 300 32,668 315, 671 150,000 8, 482 13, 145 33, 500 8, 000 247, 987 1, 200 8, 544 98. 500 Lexington.... Marion Marlborough . Newbeixy.... Oconee Orangeburgh.. Pickens Kichland Spartanburgh . Sumter 33. 487 30, 03G 98, 500 9, 326 8, 000 4, 500 Union Williamsburgh. York 100, 000 604, 850 315, 500 38, 920 149. 100 86, 235 1, 600 32, 907 1,970 287, 811 23, 000 8, 784 4, 780 16, 508 4, 000 9, 326 8, 000 4, 500 33, 487 1, 600 32, 907 101, 970 892, 661 338, 500 47, 704 153, 880 16, 508 90, 235 30, 036 98,500 9,326 8, 000 4, 500 33, 487 1,600 32, 907 101, 970 «92, 661 338, 500 47, 704 1.53, 880 16, 50H 90, 235 GEORGIA. 19, 670, 625 101, 528 19, 832, 153 150, 250 19, 681,903 9, 951, 500 9, 951, 500 9, 951, 500 122, 600 9, 596, 525 59, 190 102, 338 181, 790 9, 698, 863 181, 790 9, 548, 618 150, 250 9, 719, 125 161, 528 9, 880, 653 150, 250 9, 730, 403 Total debt of the State . . . State debt proper Local debt — County debt City and town debt Total 100 C 0 1586 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX. — JJehts of .states, lerritorks, counties, oilies, etc. — GEORCJIA — Continued. LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. ]siOT». — Tho sum set ajiainat each couuty is the total piihlio debt of tliat connfy, incliuliiiK the dohti? of the- towDH and citiou that lie >vithin it, "but not inoludiiifr any portion of the state debt piop.'i. In counties marked -witli an asterisk there has been no indebtedness reported. Z^.-- : Counties. Bonded debt. rioating debt. GroHs debt. ~ Dollara. Dollara. Dollars. Dollars. Dollar x. 45, 000 ],600 2,365 1, COO 47, 365 1, (iOO 47, 36.- Bibb 757, 000 7.57, 000 1, 500 1, 600 7 000 75(* 0(iO ], 5(10 1 Ooo : ii; 250 250 954 966 900 60, 000 954 966 900 3, 435, 000 954 906 900 3, 375, 000 10 000 149, 650 149, 650 149 650 200 200 200 6, 000 3, 035 9,035 9 035 ..... 11, 400 11, 400 11, 400 1, 800 2, 000 3, 800 3, 800 11, 300 11, 300 11, 300 1, 054 1,054 1,054 327, 000 327, 000 327, 000 1 2, 200, 000 100 775 2, 200, 100 775 20,000 2,180,100 775 72, 350 19, 420 91,770 91, 770 ::::::::::::::: 2, 300 4, 300 2, 300 25, 300 2, 300 25, 300 Hall 21,000 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1587 Table CXXX. — Debts of states, ierrUoriee, coun ties, cities, etc. — GEORGIA — Continued. Counties. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. JJOUtlTS. JJOLIOLTS* jLJVHtiriSt 3, 600 2,465 6,065 6,065 300 300 i i j 1,000 1,666 1,000 4 000 4, 000 : vrniAr* \f lU^n _ 275 275 275 10 800 2, 300 13,100 13, 100 6 500 6, 793 1 000 13 293 1 000 540i 800 9 000 13,293 1,000 540, 800 9, 000 540, 80f 9 000 3, 500 3, 500 3, 500 7,400 7, 400 7, 400 8,082 1,250 8 082 1 250 8, 082 1, 250 1, 075 2, 062, 000 1 075 f> n7i 7r>Q v/j., iv)y 1,075 1, 959, 519 9, 769 112, 250 1 68, 700 1 3, 000 1 71,700 71, 700 ::: i Taylor 2, 200 1,000 1.200 Trifair* n.'enell 425 425 ]6, 300 350 3, 000 16, 650 3, 000 16, 650 3, 000 Twisrira _ Walker * 1588 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX. — Debts of ataiea, territories^ counties, cities, etc. — GEOKGIA — Continued. Counties. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Tt 77 uJOllClVS* Dollars. Dollarg. Dollars. 1 500 1 500 1 500 800 3, 500 800 21, 500 800 21, .500 ■Whitfield 18, 000 150 150 1.50 FLORIDA. Total debt of the State. . . Local debt — 2, 5C6, 880 209, 729 2, 776, 609 150, 100 2, 626, 509 1, 280, .500 4, 480 1, 284, 980 150, 100 1, 134, 880 259, 097 1, 027, 283 176, 896 28, 353 435, 993 1, 055, 636 435, 993 1, 055, 6.36 City akd town debt Total 1, 286, 380 205, 249 1, 491, 629 1,491,629 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. Note. —The sum set api-ainst each county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts of the towns and cities that lie within it, "but not including any portion of the state debt proper. lu counties marked with an asterisk (*) there has been no indebtedness reported. COUNTIES. 36, 813 2, 700 800 2, 800 1, 000 1,200 2, 809 1, 005 24, 369 18, 954 1, 000 3, 231 1,000 36, 813 2, 700 800 2, 800 1,000 1,200 36, 813 2, 70U 800 2, 800 1, 000 1,200 2, 809 1, 005 200, 86(i 768, O.rt 2, 400 3, 231 1, 000 Clay 2, 809 1, 005 290, 866 768, 954 2, 400 3, 231 1, 000 Dade 266, 497 750, 000 1, 400 180 600 25, 825 4, 000 1, 000 18, 000 • 6, 944 600 5, 050 780 25, 825 106, 000 1, 000 87, 500 6,944 600 75, 050 780 25, 825 106, 000 1, 000 87, 500 6,944 600 75, 050 102, 000 69, 500 70, 000 5, 116 13, 655 « .^^fi 5, 116 13,655 30,222 5,116 13, 6.=>5 30, 222 5,675 2,500 ^1 RSfi 5,675 2,500 Polk 2, 500 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1589 Table CXXX. — Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, etc. — FLORIDA — Continued. Counties. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 1, 317 4, 700 637 4,580 1, 800 6, 017 637 4, 580 1, 800 6,017 637 4, 580 1, 800 Wnkidla 600 800 1,400 1,400 Walton * 750 750 750 ALABAMA. Total debt of the State. .. State debt proper 14, 517, 445 211, 100 14, 728, 545 14, 728, 545 9, 008, 000 63, 765 9, 071, 765 9, 071, 765 Local debt — 1, 591, 245 3, 918, 200 112, 021 35, 314 1, 703, 266 3, 953, 514 1, 703, 266 3, 953, 514 Total 5,509,445 147, 335 5, 656, 780 5, 656, 780 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. Note. — The sum set against each county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts of the towns and cities that lie within it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. In counties marked with an asterisk (*) there has been no indebtedness reported. COUNTIES. 1 4, 000 9, 000 4, 000 183, 400 4, 000 183, 400 174, 400 4, 000 4, 000 4, 000 Butler 4,500 14, 000 300, 000 4, 500 14, 800 300, 000 4, 500 14, 800 300, 000 800 Chilton* Clay 3,000 2, 400 5, 750 390 3, 362 3, 000 2,400 5, 750 1, 790 3, 362 3, 000 2,400 5, 750 1,790 3,362 Coffee , 1, 400 3, 000 3, 600 3,860 3, 000 3, 600 3, 860 3, 000 3, 600 3,860 Dale* Dallas 421, 600 421, 600 3, 000 3, 000 5, 383 7, 500 2, 000 1, 500 3, 847 70. 900 73, 560 421, 600 3, 000 3, COO 5, 383 7,500 2, 000 1,500 3,847 70, 900 73, 560 DoKalb 3, 000 3,000 5, 383 7, 500 2, 000 1, 500 3, 847 10, 000 Escambia Etowah Fi-ankTin 60,900 73, 560 Hftle 2, 985 2, 985 2, 985 1590 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS Table CXXX. — Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, etc. — ALABAMA — Cont'd. Counties. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Dollars. 37, 000 Dollarit. 5, 454 8, 700 Dollars. 42, 454 8, 700 15, 700 DoUars. DoUars. 42, 4.54 8, 700 15, 700 320 296, 830 1,000 1, 000 15, 700 320 1, 200 1, 000 1, 000 320 296, 830 1, 000 1, 000 295, 630 145, 000 800 145, 800 145, 800 672 250 672 2.50 2, 946, 250 7, 000 672 250 2, 946, 2.50 7, 000 607, 200 2, 946, 250 7, 000 8, 250 598, 950 607, 200 3, 000 100, 000 115, 000 100, 000 7, 555 6, 000 6. 000 1, 000 2, 300 9, 000 106, 000 9, 000 106, 000 lie, 000 302, 300 7, 555 4, 000 116, 000 102, 300 7, 555 4, 000 4, 000 7, 912 7, 912 7, 932 91 000 4i 000 91 000 A, 000 91 000 4i 000 850 850 850 2,250 2, 250 2, 250 MISSISSIPPI. Total debt of the State. . . 1,719,241 293, 949 2, 013, 190 2, 013, 190 379, 485 379, 485 379, 485 Local debt — 872, 292 467, 464 262, 471 31, 478 1, 134, 763 498, 942 1, 134, 76.*? 498, 942 1, 339, 756 298, 949 1, 633, 705 1, 633, 705 LOCAi DEBT BT COTTNTIES, Note. — The snm set against each county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts of the towns and cities that lie within it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. In counties marked with an asterisk (*) there has been no indebtedness reported. COUNTmS. 185, 496 11, 238 4,725 1,631 5,000 196, 734 196. 734 4, 725 2, 827 5,000 1,396 2, 827 5,000 50, 600 87, 500 12, 000 50, 000 9, 627 60, 227 87, 500 12, 000 69, 606 60, 227 87, .500 12, 000 69, 606 19, 606 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1591 Table CXXX. — Debts of states, terniories, counties, cities, etc. — MISSISSIPPI — Cont'd. Counties. Cliiiborne-^. Clarkti Coiihonia*.. Copiah. ... Covini'ton.. Clav Be Soto*.. "PVanklin*. Greene ... Grenada .. Hancock *. Harrison*. Hinds Holmes ... Issaquena . Itawamba*. Jackson.... Jasper * Jewrson... Jones Kemper La Fayette. Lauderdale. Lawrence*. Leake Lee Lincoln ... Jjowndes * . Le Flore*. Madison .. Marion , Marshall Monroe , Montgomery , Neshoba Newton*.. Noxubee . . Oktibbeha Panola*... Perry *...- Pike Pontotoc . Prentiss * Quitman" Kankin .. Bonded debt. Dollars. 40, 000 100, 000 15, 000 2, 700 500 21, 000 9, 000 12. 150 150 2,065 75, 000 7.521 1, 000 42, 600 Dollars. 1,598 ""'250 5. 000 2, 286 Dollars. 1, 598 250 3, 666 5,000 Dollars. 2, 286 40. 000 7, 910 100, 000 15, 000 10, 610 2, 000 10, 200 300 5, 000 2. 500 10, 200 300 26, 000 9. 000 12, 150 2, 000 7, 030 19, 275 3, 500 1, 650 22, 676 2, 000 18, 634 2,000 7,180 21, 340 75, 000 3, 500 1, 6S0 30, 197 2, 000 1, 000 18. 634 42, 600 Scott*... Sharkey. Simpson. Smith*. . Sumner . 9, 783 12, 000 9, 783 12, 000 1,500 1, 500 14. 402 2, 000 14, 402 2, 000 Sunflower... Tallabatchie Tippah* Tisbomingo* Tunica 5,060 5, 300 2, 000 10, 360 7, 789 2, 000 Tate* Union "Warren Washington. Wayne Wilkinson . . Winston *... Yalobusha . . Yazoo * 3, 000 3,000 448, 218 146, 000 23, 000 8, 000 35, 000 2, 000 2, 500 12. 000 11, 873 8, 000 483,218 148. 000 2, 500 35, 000 "il,'873 1592 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tablk CXXX. — Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, etc. — Continued. LOUISIANA. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Total debt of the State . . . Dollars. 38, 643, 462 Dollars. 4, 226, 473 Dollars. 42, 869, 935 Dollars. 3,983 Dollars. 42, 805, 952 a 22, 430, 800 1, 006, 840 23, 437, 640 23, 437, 640 Local debt- Total 461, 163 15, 751, 499 646, 788 2, 572, 845 1, 107, 951 18, 324, 344 3,983 1,107, 951 18, 320, 361 16, 212, 662 3, 219, 633 19,432,295 3, 983 19, 428, 312 a Old debt (January 1, 1874), of which $18,034,800 had been refunded January 1, 1880. LOCAL DEBT BY PAHISHES. Note. — The sum set against each parish is the total public debt of that parish, including the debts of the towns and cities that lie within it, but not inclndiiifc any portion of the state debt proper, lu parishes marked with an asterisk (*) there has been no indebtedness reported. PARISHES. 6, 000 25 219 31, 219 31,219 12, 800 3, 500 12, 800 3, 500 12, 800 3,500 397, 000 157 644 150 1, 908 500 5, 068 3, 000 10, 891 102, 733 7,639 . 19,000 14, 433 2, 413 500 14, 719 8, 712 13, 974 6, 323 554, 644 8, 150 1,908 500 5, 068 13, .500 554, 644 8,150 1,908 500 5, 008 13, 560 379, 93S 10,891 188, 750 7, 639 19, 000 14, 433 2, 413 500 14, 719 8, 712 27, 574 6, 323 XU, uOU 356, 993 3v9, ')38 10, 891 192, 733 7, 639 19, 000 De Soto 90, 000 3, 983 14, 433 2, 413 .500 14, 719 8,712 27, 574 6, 323 13, 600 4, 374 8,000 4, 374 8,000 4, 374 8, 000 6, 765 189. 988 2, 42G, 510 9, 000 6, 765 189, 988 17, 736, 509 9, 000 6, 705 189, 988 17, 736, 509 9, 000 15, 309, 999 7, 951 7, 951 19, 030 7, 300 7, 951 19, 630 7, 300 19, 630 7, 300 750 750 5, 757 4, 516 776 9, 761 750 5, 757 4,510 776 9,761 5, 757 4,516 .a 9,,C1 17,787 1. 600 17. 787 5. 600 17, 787 5. 600 5,760 4, 000 5,700 , 5.700 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1593 Table CXXX.—Dehtsof stales, territories, counties, cities, efc— LOUISIANA— Continued. IBonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Xet debt. Dollars. Dollars. 8, 000 Dollars. 8, 000 Dollars. Dollars. 8,000 3, 000 7, 990 2,315 9, 461 2, 190 16, 402 3, 000 22, 448 3, 000 7, 990 2, 315 9, 461 2, 190 16, 402 3, 000 23, 489 3, 000 7, 990 2, 315 9, 461 2, 190 16, 402 3, 000 23, 489 West Can-oil 1, 041 TEXAS. Total debt of the State... 11, 001, 228 653, 165 11, 654, 393 j 49, 480 11,604,013 5, 566, 928 5, 566, 928 5, 566, 928 Local debt- 2, 030, 907 3, 403, 393 468, 380 184, 185 2, 499, 287 3, 588, 178 2, 499, 287 3, 538, 698 City and town debt 49, 480 5, 434, 300 653, 165 6, 087, 465 49, 480 6, 037, 985 LOCAL DEBT BY COTTNTIES. Note. — The sum set against eaoh county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts of the towns and cities that lie within it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. In counties marked with an asterisk (*) there has been no indebtedness repoi-ted. COUKTIES. 107, 750 107, 750 2, 850 1, 500 517 107, 233 2, 850 1,500 2, 850 1, 500 4, 200 3, 252 4,200 3, 252 4, 200 3, 252 Bee 200 1, 250 10, 833 500 4, 618 1, 100 200 1,250 462, 533 500 4, 618 1, 100 69, 000 9, 650 200 1, 250 455, 260 500 4,618 1,100 69, 000 9, 650 Bell 451, 700 7, 267 09. 000 4, 350 5, 300 Brown * 1,400 5, 000 3, 651 7, 000 4, 800 13, 000 1, 400 5, 000 3, 851 8, 927 9, 300 42, 750 1, 400 5,000 3, 651 8, 927 9,300 42, 750 Caldwell 1, 927 4, 500 29, 750 Callahan 6,000 900 4, 000 6, 900 4, 000 6,900 4, 000 Clay 6, 500 1, 1>05 6, 500 0, 8551 6, 500 6, 855 5, C50 1594 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX. — Dchts of states, ierritoriea, counties, cities, etc. — TEXAS — Gpntinued. VyOUIlLlGS. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Dollars. 72,600 Dollars. 5, 900 Dollars. 78, 500 DoUUTS. Dollars. 78,500 18, 400 20, 000 397 18, 797 20, 000 1,000 14, 031 3, 800 370, 354 275 18, 171 5, 000 3, 500 4,999 18, 797 20, 000 1, 000 14, 031 3,800 370, 354 275 18, 171 5, 000 3, 500 4,999 1, 000 500 3, 000 40, 254 275 18, 171 4, 000 3, 500 3, 200 13, 531 800 330, 100 De Witt 1,000 1,799 9, 904 5,480 9,904 13, 824 22, 500 9,904 13,824 22, 500 Erath 8, 344 22, 500 Falls 169 8, 009 600 169 8,000 169 8,000 600 600 9, 500 38, 045 9, 500 1, 489, 424 9,500 1,449,828 1, 451,:}79 39, 596 Grayson 191,000 5, 235 n, m 5, 000 5,000 400 196, 000 10, 235 13, 800 196, 000 10, 235 13, 800 Grimes 10, 500 2,000 2, 000 79, 030 22, 916 12, 500 2, 000 1, 55f), 854 193, 916 12, 500 2, 000 1,556, 854 193, 616 1, 477, 824 171, 000 300 500 2, 196 3,229 500 2, 196 3,229 500 2,196 3,229 700 700 700 1,376 6, 349 300 7, 396 5, 000 7,725 300 7, 396 5, 000 7, 725 300 7, 396 5,000 2, 081 2, 081 2,081 Kendall 5,187 5, 500 3,000 3, 500 2,500 7, 283 5,187 7, 300 3, 000 3, 500 44, 500 7,283 5,187 7, 300 3, 000 3.500 42, 70(1 7, 283 1, 800 LampoPas 42, 000 1, 800 I^avaca* ioo 3, 006 2, 650 100 3,606 5, 250 100 3, 606 5, 250 2, COO 2, 000 3, 408 5,000 2. 000 19, 650 100, 000 2, 000 19, 6.'>0 100, 000 16, 242 95, 000 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1595 CXXX.— Belts of states, ierritm-ies, counties, cities, cfc. —TEXAS— Continued. Counties. Madison... Marion Mason Matagorda Maverick , Medina ... Menard* ., Milam* ... Montague . Montgomery . Moriia Nacogdoches " Jfavurro* .... Newton Kueces...., Orange Palo Pinto Panola*.... Parker Bonded debt. Dollars. 2,500 2, 2U0 204, 000 1, GOO 16, 400 Pleating debt. Dollars. 1, 500 30, 000 3, 100 4,000 4, 439 4, 500 Gross debt. Dollars. 2, 500 3, 700 214, 000 4, 700 4, 000 4, 439 4. 500 Pecos Polk Presidio Rains Red River* Refugio ... Robertson. Rockwall* Runnels* . Rusk , 10, 000 2, 371 4, 010 4, 000 10, 119 2, 000 4, 401 14, 125 4, 500 300 3, 000 50 1, 500 2, 000 2, 419 12, 000 Sinking fund. Dollars. 20, 400 10, 119 2, 000 4, 401 14, 125 4, 500 10, 300 2, 37 50 2, 300 6,010 2, 419 15, 000 Net debt. Dollars. 2, 500 . 3, 700 214, 000 4, 700 4, 000 4,439 4,500 20, 400 10, 119 2, 000 4, 401 14, 125 4,500 10, 300 2, 371 50 2, 300 6,010 2, 419 15,000 Sabine , San Augustine San Jacinto San Patricio* .. San Saba Shackleford Shelby Smith Somervell*.. Starr Stephens . TarranL .. Taylor Throckmorton* Titus Tom Green. Travis Trinity .... Tvler Upsliur* ... 7, 000 1,719 8, 000 400 3, 100 1,757 7,000 2,119 11, 100 1, 757 7, 874 3,700 211, 500 1, 000 1,100 2, 000 12, 820 4, 700 1,100 213, 500 7, 000 '6,'266 220, 900 Uvalde Van Zandt Victoria* Walker Waller Washington. Webb..!.... Wharton Wheeler AVilliamaon* Wilson Wiso Woofl Voung Zapata 25, 000 15, 000 21, 000 2,000 800 2,408 24, 3G5 3, 000 "e.'soo' 3, 004 14, 844 1, 200 5,000 5, 600 12, 508 G, 163 16, 432 2. 000 3, 000 2, 500 6, 000 200 3, 192 1, 500 3. 500 3, 877 24, 365 10, 000 **i2,'566' 3, 004 235, 744 1, 200 5, 000 5,600 6,800 "37,568 6, 163 31, 432 2, 000 3,000 23, 500 6, COO 200 3, 192 3, 500 3, 500 7,000 2,119 11, 100 1,757 12,820 4,700 1, 100 213, 500 3, 877 24, 365 10, 000 "'ii'soo 3,004 235,744 1,200 5,000 5,600 6,800 '37,' 508 6,163 31, 432 2,000 3,000 23. 500 6,000 200 3, 192 3,500 3,500 1596 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX. — Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, etc. — Continued. ARKANSAS. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. J otal (loDt 01 trio state... Local debt — Dollars, i), 04u, (jib Dollars. o, ifOo, Ola Dollars. Q i\An ion Dollars. 1, 010, 345 Dollars. 17 noo ^QA 7, JKjo, 7o4 2, 813, 500 2, 232, 905 5, 046, 405 1, 006, 668 4, 039, 737 1, C91, 689 540, 427 1, 444, 060 226, 548 3, 135, 749 766, 975 3, 135, 749 763, 298 3, 677 2, 232, 116 1, 670, 608 3, 902, 724 3,677 3, 899, 047 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. Note. — The sum set against each joimty ia the total public debt of that county, including the debtq of the towns and citioa that lie within it, but not including any portion of the state debt jn-oper. There are school district debts in Arkansas atuouuting to $45,121 that are not included. In counties marked with an asterisk O there has been no indebtedness reported. COUNTIES. 20, 000 6, 609 3,846 20, 000 6, 609 3,846 20, 000 6,609 3, 846 14, 000 14, 000 14, 000 1, 800 6,735 116, 314 30, 000 2, 000 1,800 6,735 316, 314 2, 000 1, 800 6, 735 316, 314 243, 003 2, 000 200, 000 213, 003 Clay 18, 057 36, 599 54, 656 54, 656 16, 676 5, 151 11, 455 15, 908 25, 326 2, S30 9, 938 9, 000 15, GOO 32, 584 30, 477 14. 391 9, 938 12, 500 15, 000 32, 584 30, 477 14, 391 9,938 12, 500 15, 000 Crittenden Dallas 3, 500 7.200 30. 135 37. 335 32, 458 5, 958 21, 204 3, 985 8, 033 21, 442 32, 000 21,844 37, 335 32, 458 5,958 21, 264 3,985 8,033 21, 442 32, 000 21, 844 Eranklin 18.688 1 13.770 ■FllltOTl 5, 958 21, 264 3, 985 8, 033 10, 000 Hempstead ii, 442 32, 000 21, 844 8, 480 2, 124 50. 000 28; 540 13, 312 4, 434 11,331 23, 779 26,029 12. 000 8, 480 2, 124 317, 304 36, 570 13, 312 4, 434 81, 131 23, 779 38, 129 12. 000 8, 480 2,124 317, 304 36, 570 13, 312 4,434 81,131 23, 779 38, 129 12, 000 33, 176 7, 805 8, 436 19, 494 .TflcVson - . i 267, 304 8, 030 70, 000 12, 100 .3.^.176 33.176 7, 805 6, 836 19, 494 7, 805 8, 436 19, 404 1,600 Miller... COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1597 Tahle CXXX. — Debts of states, terriiones, counties, cities, etc. — ARKANSAS — Continued. Counties. Mississippi. . Momoe Moufjromery Xcva. 100 Sinking fund. Dollars. 4,178 Xet debt. J)oUar». 45, 822 31, 35t; 1,109,704 18, 000 107, 800 9,930 223, 000 108, 600 223, 000 108, 600 6,591 Clinton Crittenden . . Cumberland. Daviess Edmonson .. Estill .... Blliott ... Fayette .. Fleming., Floyd*... Franklin Fulton ... Gallatin . . Garrard . , Grant — 217, 000 17, 500 440 2. 600 6,000 9.816 5. 234 1, 654 421, 000 530 440 2, 000 6, 000 226, 816 17, 500 5 234 li054 421,000 530 75, 000 Graves . . . Grayson. . Green . . . Greennp , Hancock Hardin Harlan Harrison . . Hart Henderson Henry — Hickraan. Hopkins . Jackson.. Jefferson . Jessamine. Johnson* . Kenton Knox* La Hue * . . 120, 000 31, 592 200 7, 800 152, 266 20, 000 .5, 500 170, 000 3. 000 37. 360 6,500 271, 000 3,000 2, 377 35. 000 26, 100 20, 000 13, 000 1.58,700 8, 079, 000 1, 031, 000 432 10 1,500 42, 598 300 8, 000 ' 3, 000 3, 973 24, 000 1,938 1, 033, 560 3, 850 5," 666' 151, 592 200 7, 800 152, 956 20, 000 5,500 170, 000 3, 432 37, H70 6, 500 271. 000 4, 500 44, 975 35, 300 34, 100 23, 000 16, 973 182, 700 1, n38 112, 560 3,850 9,634 1, 036, 000 1,623 4, 255, 625 Laurel* Lawrence^ Lee* Ijcslie Letcher . . Lewis Lincoln . . . Livingston Logan Lyon McCracken . McLean Madison Magoflin Marion 900 2, 000 4, 200 2.^ 000 24, COO 6, 000 398, 400 169,000 638, 000 50, 000 134^000 234. 500 100 857 647 400 3, 100 170 2. 300 2. 900 4. 200 25, 000 24, 100 6, 857 398, 400 169, 647 638,000 50.400 137, 100 170 230,800 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1599 Tablk CXXX. — Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, etc. — KENTUCKY— 'Cont'd. 1 Counties. j Bonded debt. 1 Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Xet debt. Dollars. I}oJXfX vs. 1,050 Dollars. 1, 050 3, 600 166, 900 874 5, 250 10 000 93 80 154, 667 Doliavs, Bulla m. 1,0"0 3, HOO 150, 9(«) 874 .'), 250 10 000 93 h() 1.-.4, 607 3, GOO 166, 900 300 5, 250 16, 000 AO, VUU 574 80 3, 800 150, 867 400, 000 800 400, 800 400, 800 9, 000 10, 000 4, 549 82, 000 9, 000 10 000 lo! 171 82, 500 8, 000 20, 448 318 3 000 6, 000 10 000 10,' 171 82, 500 8, 000 20, 448 318 5,622 500 8, 000 8 448 '318 12, 000 20, 000 20, 000 860 14, 000 1, 300 4,000 21, 900 553, 500 8, 400 245, 500 ^VU, J7VW 20, 000 86(» 14, 000 1, 300 4.000 21,900 553,500 8, 400 245, 500 250, 900 5, 000 5 000 7' 550 GO, 829 235, 000 52, 000 7, 000 860 14, 000 800 4, 000 1 .">, 200 553, 500 2, 400 245, 500 250, 900 500 Scott 6, 700 6, 000 Toild 5 000 5 000 4 950 6i815 5, 000 5 000 7* 5.50 71, 315 272, 000 52, 000 2, 600 64, 500 272, 000 52, 000 7, 000 10,486 37 000 7, 000 10, 666 400 11, 066 11, 066 TENNESSEE. Total debt of the State . , . 28, 338, 282 9, 051, 275 37, 389, 557 1, 657 37, 387, 900 20, 991, 700 6, 448, 731 27, 440, 431 27,440, 431 Local debt — 2, 559, 348 4, 787, 234 501, 197 2, 101, 347 3, 060, 545 6, 888, 581 3, 060, 54.') 6, 886, 924 1, 657 7, 346, 582 2, 602, 544 9, 949, 126 1, 657 9, 947, 469 LOCAL DEBT BY COUifTIES, XoTE. — The snm set against each county is the total public debt of that county, includin.'S the deb' s of the towns and cities that lie within it, but not iuclu»lin£; any portion of the state debt proper. In counties marked with an asterisk (*) there has been no indebtedness reported. (X»UNTIE8, 72, 000 16, 000 72, 000 16, 000 72, 000 16, 000 Bedford 156, 606 5, 500 iei, 500 161, 500 1600 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tablk CXXX. — Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, etc. — TENNESSEE— Cont'd. Counties. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. DoUars. Dollars. 6, 000 Dollars. 6,000 Dollars. Dollars. 6, 000 2, 929 2,929 2,929 3, 000 3,500 3, 000 3,000 1, 6.50 150 1,650 500 2, 313 500 2,313 500 2, 313 2, 789 3, 000 270, 000 1, 000 2, 789 3, 000 2, 789 3, 000 2, 064, 200 1,000 1, 794, 200 2, 064, 200 1, 000 40 4, 000 4, 761 4, 408 40 54, 000 4, 761 4,668 40 54, 000 4,761 4, 668 50, 000 260 46, 300 27, 500 15. 810 6, 000 62, 110 33,500 62,110 33, 500 2, 000 5, 700 95, 264 2, 772 500 2, 000 28, 771 116, 264 5,282 500 2, 000 28, 771 116, 2<)4 5, 282 500 23, 071 21, 000 2, 510 40, 000 90, 700 40, 000 94, 700 40, 000 94, 700 4, 000 4, 750 30, 000 8, 618 5, 000 500 2,000 14, 704 13, 368 35, 000 500 2, 000 14, 704 13, 368 35, 000 500 2, 000 14. 704 16, 000 5, 036 5, 354 107, 496 21, 036 5, 354 567, 376 21, 036 5, 3.-54 567, 376 459, 880 1 6, 050 6, 050 6, 050 1,400 5, 511 6, 911 6, 911 7, 000 600 29, 110 7, 000 600 46, 639 7, 000 600 46, 639 17, 529 121, 900 52, 790 10, 000 34, 268 131, 900 87, 058 131, 900 87, 058 357, 423 8, 443 2, 200 145 2, 500 365, 866 2, 200 1,657 364, 209 2, 2'K) 145 2,500 145 2, 500 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000 900 900 900 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1601 Table CX^X.— Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, efc— TENNESSEE— Cont'd. Counties. Bonded debt. noating debt. Gross debt. ■j 1 Sinking iuud. Net debt. Doliars. DollcLTS. 381 381 Dollars. 381 18,000 300 18, 300 18, 300 a, 6, 6£o, ouQ 1,072 1, 841, 285 1, 072 5, 169, 983 1, 072 5, 169, 983 9, 500 one qrifi 7 500 1, 500 16, 800 878 1, 065 6,428 416 9, 262 2,000 1,500 26, 300 309, 828 8, 565 1,500 26, 300 309, 828 8, 565 6,42S 416 9, 262 2, 000 Snmner . • Tipton 6, 428 416 9, 262 2, 000 Union 3, 000 300 3, 000 13, 200 1,436 3, 000 300 3, 000 13, 200 274, 007 3,000 300 3, 000 13, 200 274, 007 White Wilson 272, 571 a This amount is inclusive of the debt of Memphis city at the time it surrendered its cliarter, January WESTERN STATES. OHIO. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Ket debt. Total debt of the State.. . Local debt — Township debt DoUars. 53, 654, 507 Dolla-rs. 823,086 DoUars. 54, 477, 593 Dollars. 5, 721, 139 Dollars. 48, 756, 454 6, 476, 805 6, 476, 805 741, 805 5, 735, 000 2, 9.57, 871 157, 821 1,452,199 42, 609, 811 4,778 4, 000 2, 962, 649 161, 821 1, 452, 199 43, 424, 119 2, 962, 649 161, 821 1, 452, 199 38, 444, 785 City and town debt Total 814, 308 4, 979, 334 47, 177, 702 823, 086 j 48, 000, 788 4, 979, 334 43, 021, 454 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. Note.— The sum set a^sainst each county is the total public debt of that county, iucludins the debts of the townships, cities, incorporated villages, and school districts that lie within it, but not includin" any portion ot the state debt proper. In counties marked with an asterisk (*) there has been no in"^ dobteduess reported. COUJSTIES. 1, 340 45, 176 18, 100 3, 899 2,400 3, 740 45, ] 76 18, 100 3, 899 3, 740 45, 170 18, 100 3, 899 51, 050 496 157. 922 23, 700 185, 133 Allen 51, 050 84, 496 157, 922 23, 700 185, 133 51, 050 84.496 157, 922 23, 700 185, 133 101 c 0 1602 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX. — Debts of stoftes, territories, counties, cities, etc, — OHIO— Continned. Counties. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Champaign - Clarke Clermont (ylinton Columbiana Coshocton . Crawford., Cuyahoga , Darke Defiance. . Delaware. Erie Fairfield . Fayette . . Franklin . Fulton ... Gallia.... Geauga .. Greene ... Guernsey Hamilton. Hancock . Hardin ... Harrison* Henry Highland. Hocking* Holmes* - Huron Jackson*. Knox*.... Lake Lawrence Lickin;: . . Dollars. 187. 350 239, 007 22, 900 40, 500 72, 880 11,000 93, 222 8, 976, 648 78, 389 28, 684 79, 918 558, 117 37, 910 29, 612 1, 284, 500 12, 300 141, 842 17, 580 64, 736 33, 695 24, 196, 838 52, 107 226, 186 Dollars. ioo" 143, 881 46, 459 2, 567 500, 000 Dollars. 187, 350 239, 107 22, 900 40, 500 72, 880 11, 000 93, 222 9, 120. 529 78, 389 28,684 79, 918 558, 117 .37, 910 29, 612 1, 330, 959 12, 300 141, 842 20, 147 64, 736 33, 695 24, 696, 838 52, 107 226, 186 Dollars. 6,'273' 2, 267, 935 107. 885 2, 411, 000 81, 500 51, 750 81, 500 51,750 39, 930 39, 930 50, 650 50, 650 5,698 Logan Lorain — Lucas Madison... Mahoning . Marion . Medina. Meigs .. Mercer . Miami . . Monroe Montgomery Morgan* Morrow Muakingum . Noble Ottawa ... Paulding . Perry Pickaway Pike Portage .. Preble ... PuiiJiam . . Richland . Sandiisky Scioto Senpca ... Shelby ... 14. 934 325, 658 177, 000 153, 222 36, 500 3, 683, 897 7, 157 215, 450 32, 974 24, 263 165, 450 26, 850 411,790 10, 558 1, 179, 150 6, 902 1, 352 "84,'i97 500 17, 058 676, 577 6, 056 19, 759 76, 500 5, 000 4, 850 8, 000 11, 2.50 29, 624 27, 850 205, 159 90, 300 90, 192 595, 600 99, 435 116, 300 14, 934 325, 658 183, 902 154, 574 36, 500 3, 768, 094 7, 157 215, 450 32, 974 24, 263 165, 450 26, 850 412, 296 10, 558 1, 190, 490 2, 777 141, 586 "9,' 643' 11, 278 17, 058 688, 377 6, 056 19, 759 76, 500 5, 000 4,850 8 000 11, 250 29, 624 27. 8.50 205, 159 90, 300 90, 192 606, 878 99, 435 116, 300 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1603 Table CXXX. — Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, ^-o. — OHIO — Continued. Counties. Bonded debt. rioatmg debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Dollars. 3!)1, 586 56, 784 .53, 473 76, 194 125, 349 122, 000 Dollars. Dollars. 391,586 56, 784 53, 473 76, 194 125, 349 122, 000 Dollars. Dollars. 391, 586 51, 403 53, 473 76, 194 125, 349 122, 000 6,381 28, 887 Oil 4. RAO 140, 682 9,198 137, 894 6,050 28, 887 204 979 140i 682 9, 198 137, 894 6, 050 28,887 204 979 140! 682 9,198 137, 894 6,050 310 INDIANA. Total debt of the State. 16, 794, 078 1, 751, 413 18, 545, 491 190, 754 18, 354, 737 4, 998, 178 4, 998, 178 4,998, 178 Local debt— Cotinty debt 2, 886, 557 79, 214 8, 830, 129 1, 187, 897 147, 226 416, 290 4, 074, 454 226, 440 9, 246, 419 26, 400 4, 048, 054 226, 440 9, 082, 065 Total 164, 354 11, 795, 900 1,751,413 13, 547,313 190, 754 13, 356, 559 LOCAL DEBT BY COTTNTIES. Note. — The sum set against each county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts of the townships, towns, cities, and school districts that lie within it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. In the exhibit of local debt given above the school-district debt is inseparably combined with the township, city, and town debt. C0UKT1E8. Adams Allen Bartholomew Benton Blackford Boone Brown Carroll Cass Clark Clay Clinton Crawford Daviess Dearborn Decatnr De Kalb Delaware Dubois Elkhart Fayette FUiyd youutain Fiaiiklin Fulton Gibson (Jraut Greeno Hamilton Hancock 5, 000 62, 000 54, 825 132, 000 30, 250 58, 392 859. 500 152, 774 55, 989 42, 650 14, 600 13, 500 136, 600 531, 997 339, 100 95, 005 33, 000 24, 786 44, 440 167, 200 42, 500 95, 969 21. 800 8*0, 547 17, 613 390, 698 158, 680 31, 764 20, 500 10, 465 62, 962 58, 175 132, 794 33,750 210 62, 658 1, 600 4, 237 ' *2,"266* 2,513 778 2,781 2. 077 1604 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX. — Dehts of states, territories, counties, cities, etc. — INDIANA — Continued. Connties. Harrison . . . Hendricks. - Henry Howard Huntington Jackson ., Jasper .., Jay J efferson , Jennings Johnson . . . Knox Kosciusko . La^ange. . Lake La Porte . Lawrence Madison.. Mrti ion . . . Marshall . Martin Miami Monroe Montgomery Morgan Newton Nohle ... Ohio.... Orange . Owen .- Parke . PeiTy . Pike . . Porter. Posey . Pulaski .. Putnam . . Eandolph Ripley - Rush^ . . . - Saint Joseph .Scott Slielby Spencer Starke Steuben Sullivan — Switzerland Tippecanoe . Tipton Union Vanderburgh Vermillion . .. Vigo .Wabash Warren Wan-iok . . . . Washington. Wayne Wells White... Whitley. Bonded debt. Dollars. 1,100 20, 500 5, 744 82, 900 22, 000 22, 600 700 71, 400 141, 572 1, 160 97, 500 217, 000 50, 000 15, 000 800 132, 500 12, 710 34, 000 2, 958. 741 36, 300 26, 250 192, 226 34, 000 3, 000 53, 200 30, 000 35, 500 6, 400 16, 500 19, 100 167, 500 2, 370 17, 200 69,400 50, 000 15, 600 19, 000 50, 000 5, 725 351, 600 15, 400 6, 000 1, 500 23, 684 3, 000 357, 650 45, 500 7, 000 , 090, 000 27, 600 279, 500 65, 200 10, 000 53, 500 3, 600 202, 500 54, 450 10, 400 Floating debt. Dollars. 13, 633 21, 455 324 9,661 26, 426 729 120 11, 350 130,803 2, 404 5, 000 1, 795 3, 126 5, 400 1,150 21, 300 3, 471 9, 090 12, 000 200 500 13, 069 500 1,824 14, 575 1,124 3, 996 2, 975 100 67, 630 17, 142 2, 000 1,040 7,863 12, 860 713 160 7,400 6, 250 1, 808 48, 400 22, 500 747 846 950 1, 350 100 78, 714 3, 100 6, 176 31, 089 200 1. 400 2, 700 5, 191 863 Gross debt. Dollars. 14, 733 41, 955 6, 0C8 92, .561 48, 420 23, 329 820 82, 750 272, 375 3, 564 102, 500 218, 795 .53, 126 20, 400 1,950 153, 800 16, 181 43, 090 2, 970, 741 36, 500 26, 750 205, 295 34, 500 4, 824 67, 775 31, 124 39, 496 9, 375 16, 500 19, 186 167, 600 70, 000 34, 342 69. 400 52, 000 16, 640 26, 863 62, 860 6,438 160 359, 000 21, 650 7, 808 48, 400 24, 000 24, 431 3, 846 950 357, 650 46, 850 7, 000 2, 090. 000 27; 700 358, 214 68, 300 16, 176 84, 589 3, 800 203, 900 2, 700 .59, 641 11, 263 Sinking fund. Dollars. 14, 544 656 1, 245 2, 300 5, 343 175 2, 400 4,000 10, 000 24, 625 6,050 24, 265 495 9, 800 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1605 Table CXXX. — Debts of sta tes, territories, counties, cities, efc— Continued. ILLINOIS. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Total debt of the State... Slate debt proper Dollars. 41, 421, 869 Dollars. 4 228 Dollars. ±'\ K'^^l 179 Dollars. IU4, tOi) Dollars. A A OylO >400 44, y4ii, ^11 Local debt— Connty debt TovTiship debt School-district debt 14, 127, 753 6, 489, 184 268, 598 251,827 3, 406, 306 301 , 572 14, 396, 35/ 6, 741, Oil 3, 406, 306 21, 106, 504 215,217 210, 263 14, 181, 134 6, 530, 748 3, 406, 306 20, 824, 234 Total 20, 804, 932 282, 270 41, 421, 869 4, 228, 303 45, 650, 172 707, 750 44, 942, 422 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. Note.— The sum set against each county is the total public debt of that county, includino- the debts ot the townships, towns, cities, incorporated villages, and school districts that lie within it° There is no state debt proper. COUNTUJS. Adams Alexander. Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun-,.. CarroU Cass Champaign. Christian . Clark .... Clay Clinton... Coles Cook Crawford — .Cumberland , De Kalb De Witt Douglas . . . Du Page . . Edgar Edwards . . Effingham. Fayette . Ford Franklin . Fulton ... (xallatin . . Greene... Grundy . . Hamilton. Hancock . Hardin . . . Henderson Henry Iroquois . - . .Jackson . . . Jasper 'Tefferson . . Jersey •I o Daviess . Tolmson Sane , 2, 216, 700 382, 500 41, 000 71, 135 84, 250 1, 500 212, 975 293, 372 191, 600 228, 000 " 212, 411 43, 200 306, 100 18, 624, 300 221, 000 25, 000 33, 200 410, 000 159, 000 6, 200 199, 500 48, 320 230, 255 173, 000 258, 182 375, 000 13, 115 237, 000 373, 800 56, 357 188, 500 144, 873 68,000 168, 169 125, 000 26, 500 155, 776 97, 600 109, 000 52, 414 3, 880 3, 163 747 6, 805 21, 110 3, 484 0, 913 22, 661 95, 501 23, 317 3, 428 21, 308 875 11,700 1, 808, 360 1,886 5, 343 8, 805 4, 778 29, 575 36, 550 15, 930 3, 420 13, 053 11, 337 30, 279 7, 705 13, 843 2, 000 26, 600 37, 660 948 14, 718 3,640 166 6, 258 24, 046 100, 879 1, 927 40, 991 111, 977 7, 900 83, 327 2, 269, 114 386, 380 44, 163 747 77, 940 105, 360 3, 484 8, 413 235, 636 388, 873 214, 917 231, 428 233, 719 44, 075 317, 800 20, 432, 660 222, 886 30, 343 42, 005 414, 778 188, 575 42, 750 215, 430 3, 420 61, 373 11, 337 260, 534 180, 705 272, 025 377, 000 26, 600 50, 775 237, 948 388, 518 3, 640 56, 523 194, 758 168, 919 168, 879 170, 096 131, 668 67, 491 267, 753 105, 500 192, 327 1, 250 185 2, 269, 114 386, 380 44, 163 747 77, 940 104, 110 3,484 8, 413 235, 630 388, 573 213, 417 221,428 233, 719 44, 075 313, 200 19, 880, 91.3 222, 886 30, 343 42, 005 414, 778 188, 575 42, 750 215, 430 3,420 61,188 11, 337 260, 534 180, 705 272, 025 377, 000 26, 600 50, 775 2.37, 948 388, 518 3,640 56, 523 194, 758 168, 919 168, 879 170, 096 131, 668 67, 491 267, 7.53 105,500 192, 327 1606 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX. — Debts of states, teiritories, counties, cities, etc. — ILLINOIS— Continued. Counties. Bonded deLt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Kankakee . Kendall ... Knox Lake La Salle . . . Lawrence . . . Lee Livingston . . Logan McDonougli. McHenry McLean . . Macon ... Macoupin Madison.. Marion . . Marshall Mason . . . Massac . . , Menard . Mercer , Monroe , Montgomery Morgan , Moultrie Ogle... Peoria. Perry . Piatt.. Pike .. Pope Pulaski .. Putnam - . Eanddlpli Richland . Rock Island. Saint Clair . . Saline Sangamon . . . Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark Stephenson. Tazewell ... Union Vermilion ... Wabash "Warren Washington. Wayne White Whiteside.. Will Williamson. Winnebago. Woodford . . Dollars. 402, 802 150, 000 50, 800 500 450, 188 107, 300 237, 240 401,400 1G7. 550 4, 000 613, 400 342, 300 1, 182, 600 543, 850 109, 200 235. 500 97, 500 128, 600 100, 000 155, 000 354, 000 3G0, 000 73, 700 1, 226, 200 200, 500 96, 500 458, 799 28, 000 94. 000 65, 000 221, 850 200, 000 381, 550 557, 100 200, 000 1, 105, 980 101, 588 10, 000 191. 000 199, .500 23, 500 552, 400 53, 000 83, 624 151, 350 403, 600 200, 000 297, 000 280, 440 112,218 54, 000 100, 000 475, 350 147, 000 Dollars. 67, 176 858 9, 829 7,815 30, 743 10, 747 19, 613 35. 493 52, 983 7, 101 59. 778 129. 070 17, 986 16, 860 20, 085 1,948 40, 500 16, 428 16, 615 350 8, 943 13, 217 19, 608 53, 171 11. 913 27, 548 55, 621 10, 709 2, 766 50, 381 5, 350 1, 089 3, 000 12, 250 2, 510 28, 205 179, 182 22, 440 4, 979 3, 740 5, 350 32, 508 18, 825 56, 720 36, 321 19. 569 77, 934 470 1,313 30, 886 14, 009 20, 762 33, 144 15, 757 10, 949 17, 781 19, 530 Dollars. 469, 978 150, 858 66, 629 8,315 480, 931 10, 747 186,913 272, 733 454, 383 174. 651 63, 778 742, 470 1, 199, 460 563, 935 1,948 149. 700 251,928 16. 615 97. 850 137, 543 113,217 174, 608 407, 171 371, 913 101,248 1, 281, 821 211, 209 99, 2(56 509, 180 33, 350 95, 089 08, 000 234, 100 202, 510 409, 755 736, 282 222, 440 1, 110, 959 105, 328 15, 350 223, 508 218, 325 80. 220 588, 721 72, 569 161, 558 151, 820 404. 913 230, 886 311.009 307, 202 145, 362 69, 757 110, 949 493, 131 160, 530 Dollars. 20, 000 "s.'ooo' 1, 500 7,000 4,100 4. 925 62, 859 1. 750 7. 340 9, 429 5, 088 6, 677 2. 000 500 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1607 Table CXXX. — Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, etc. — Continued. MICHIGAN. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Total debt of the State. .. Dollars. 9 802 293 Dollars. 454 735 Dollars. 10 257 028 Dollars. 1 453 884 Dollars. 8, 803, 144 »U0, IDV onsi 1 tin Local debt — 870, 302 349, 848 1, 293, 592 6, 383, 401 26. 398 279, 357 96, 081 52, 899 898, 700 629, 205 1, 389, 073 6, 436, 300 896, 700 029, 205 1, 389, 673 6, 887, 566 Township debt Total 548, 734 8, 897, 143 454, 735 9, 351, 878 548, 734 8, 803, 144 a The amount entered as sinking fund is onlya sufficient portion of it to balance the gross debt. There is over and above this in the sinking fund $303,745. In other words, this fund amounts to $1,208,895. LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. Note.— The sum set ag^ainst each county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts of the townships, cities, incorporated villages, and school districts that lie within it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. In counties marked with an asterisk (*) there has been no in- debtedness reported. Alcona . Allegan Alpena. Antrim Baraga. Barry .., Bay Benzie . Berrien Branch.. Calhoun. Charlevoix Cheboygan Chippewa . Clare Clinton... Crawford. Delta Eaton .... Emmet Genesee Ghidwin Grand Traverse. Gratiot Hillsdale . . Houghton , Huron Ingham . . . Ionia Iosco Isabella Isle Boyale* Jackson Kalamazoo . . Kalkaska .. Kent Keweenaw , Lake Lapeer 7, 900 58, 027 1, 000 6, 026 1, 571 86, 757 608, 759 567 163, 038 20, 600 318, 922 10, 050 7,433 24, 919 38, 870 1, 612 7,418 9,650 500 108, 377 11, 258 181, 911 15, 150 5, 347 23, 432 44, 885 15, 150 5, 024 180, 967 37, 548 39, 145 6, 655 202, 159 33, 605 3, 090 593, 969 5, 920 14, 419 33, 669 8, 646 20, 926 1,626 1, 271 1, 447 7, 599 169 2,912 2,202 1, 560 2,182 2,372 3, 964 84 16, 727 2, 189 1, 520 1, 342 3, 661 4, 659 3,836 11, 946 828 3, 699 4, 227 8, 213 3, 002 1, 838 17, 622 6,584 5, 879 914 3, 036 9,-176 1, 030 4, 229 5, 505 41, 569 61,673 21,926 7, 652 2, 842 88, 204 616, 358 736 165, 950 22, 802 320, 482 12, 232 9, 805 28, 883 38, 954 18, 339 9, 607 11, 170 1,842 112, 038 15, 917 185, 747 27, 096 6, 175 27, 131 49, 112 23, 363 8, 026 182, 805 55, 170 45, 729 12, 534 205, 245 34, 519 6, 126 603, 445 1,C30 10, 149 19, 924 1, 500 41, 569 61, 673 21, 926 7, 652 2, 842 86, 704 616, 358 736 165, 950 22, 802 320, 482 12, 232 9, 805 28, 883 38, 954 18, 339 9, 607 11, 170 1,842 112, 038 15, 917 185, 747 27, 096 6, 175 27, 131 49, 112 23, 363 8, 026 182, 805 55, 170 45, 729 12. 534 205, 245 34, 519 6,126 603, 445 1, om 10, 149 19,92i 1608 COMPENDIUM OF THK TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX. — Debts of etates, Urritories, counties^ cities, etc. — MICHIGAN— Continued. Counties. Leolauaw ., Lonawee ... Ijivingston , Mackinac ., Macomb ... Manistee.. Manitou... Marquette Mason Mecosta... Menominee Midland Missaakee . Monroe Montcalm . . Muskegon. Neway {JO . . Oakland... Oceana Ogemaw Ontonagon .. Osceola Otsego Ottawa Presque Isle Roscommon . Saginaw , Saint Clair . . Saint J oseph , Sanilac Schoolcraft.. Shiawassee.. Tuscola Van Buren . . Washtenaw . "Wayne.. Wexford Bonded debt. Dollars. 1, 437 114, 415 26, 557 6, 486 22, 153 67. 821 212, 546 27, 066 67, 337 2,915 56, 983 341 37, 278 42, 347 237, 826 23, 971 58, 065 3, 714 7, 820 28, 170 8,677 58, 088 8, 431 17, 140 940, 805 428, 899 37, 304 26, 051 6, 000 69, 158 20, 511 58,218 I 80,821 I 3, 186, 254 rioating debt. Dollars. 523 9, 828 6, 872 11,218 1,702 2, 275 44 3, 671 2, 535 8, 327 2, 881 17,013 1, 614 617 3, 712 1,641 2, 565 4, 552 1,648 9, 218 2, 806 3, 679 1,851 8,968 56,830 7, 452 21, 938 2, 166 3, 069 6, 401 1,672 1,737 2. 946 4,178 2,928 15, 756 7, 225 Gross debt. Dollars. 1, 960 124, 243 33, 429 17, 704 23, 855 70, 096 44 216,217 29,601 75, 664 5, 796 73, 996 1, 955 37, 895 46, 059 239, 467 26, 536 62, 617 5, 362 17, 038 2, 806 31, 849 10,528 67, 056 65, 261 24, 592 962, 743 431, 065 40, 373 32, 452 7,672 70, 895 23, 457 62, 396 83, 749 3, 202, 010 11, 133 Sinking fund. Dollars. 6. 500 11. 800 306 528, 628 WISCONSIN. Total debt of the State. State debt proper Local debt — County debt School-district debt City and town debt. Total. 9, 118, 403 11, 000 2, 080, 169 "7,'627,'234' 9, 107, 403 2, 872, 820 2, 241, 057 212, 083 276, 567 143, 111 631, 763 11, 991, 223 2, 252, 057 2, 292, 254 276, 567 7, 170, 345 9.739. 166 114, 231 11, 876, 992 114, 231 114,231 2, 252, 057 2, 292, 254 270, 5C7 7, 058, 114 9, 624, 935 LOCAL DEBT BST COUNTIES. XOTE.— The sum set against each county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts of the towns, cities, incorporated villages, and school districts that lie witliin it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. In counties marked with an asterisk (*) there has been no indebted- ness reported. COUNTIES. 225 225 221, 000 20, 430 221, 000 45, 201 400 221,0(10 45,201 24, 771 401) 476, 281 26, 189 502, 470 602, 470 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1609 Table CXXX.— Debts of states, terntories, countieSf cities, efc— WISCONSIN— Cont'd. Counties. Tniffalo Burnett Calumet Chippewa Clark Columbia. Crawford. Daue Dodge Door Dojiglas Dunn Eau Claire . . Pond du Lac Grant Bonded debt. Dollars. 21,m 75, 000 109, 757 23, 034 36, 909 170, 075 111, 503 12, 000 25, 000 Floating debt. JDoUarg. 2, 392 Gross debt. 146, 000 165, 000 114, 368 636 60, 532 265, GOO S7, 400 682, 027 21, 939 1. 050. 208 135, 000 55, 000 336, 750 8, 650 12, 420 2, 570, 289 1,475 117, 213 12. 453 3, 520 7, 905 3, 454 10, 303 3,333 6, 016 4, 534 7,349 7,399 3,090 1,211 9,345 2, 541 11, 756 6, 307 1,550 1, 100 1, 940 1,200 9,068 24,828 ""566' 23, 990 140, 930 8, 025 3, 284 273, 960 237, 186 8, 112 193, 096 8, 476 91, 745 15, 129 392, 813 6,450 81, 400 42,720 104, 830 154, 549 34, 000 145,500 127, 000 2,562 59, 022 12,911 2, 900 4, G67 11, 535 7,787 2, 662 34, 999 15, 162 12, 877 822 Dollars. 2, 392 21, 400 76, 475 226, 970 35, 487 40. 429 7,905 173, 529 121, 806 15, 333 31, 016 4, 534 153, 349 165, 000 121, 767 3, 726 61,743 274. 945 89, 941 693, 783 28, 246 1, 050, 208 1, 550 136, 100 1,940 56, 200 345, 818 33, 478 Sinking fund. Dollars. 12, 920 2, 570, 289 2, 562 83, 012 153, 841 47,976 22, 009 5, 802 300 1, 500 1, 400 2, 972 1, 001 53, 985 21, 545 2, 900 12, 692 14, 819 281, 747 2,000 237, 186 10, 774 228, 095 23, 638 104. 622 15, 951 392, 813 54, 426 93, 409 48, 522 105, 130 1, 500 1, 400 157, 521 35, 001 199, 485 148, 545 16, 731 90, 000 7,500 Not debt. Dollars. 2, 392 21, 400 7(5, 475 220, 970 35, 487 40, 429 7. 905 156, 798 121, 806 15, 333 31, 016 4, 534 153, 349 165, 000 121, 767 3, 72C 61,743 274, 945 89, 941 693, 783 28, 246 1, 050, 208 1, 550 136, 100 i, 940 56, 200 345, 818 33, 478 12, 920 2, 480, 289 2,562 83, 012 153, 841 2,900 12, 692 14, 819 281, 747 2,0f00 229, 686 10, 774 228, 095 23, 638 104, 622 15, 951 392. 813 54, 426 93, 409 48, 522 105, 130 1, 500 1,400 157, 521 35, 001 199, 485 148. 545 1610 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX.— Debts of states, territories, counties^ cities, et proper .............. Dollars. 8, 295, 196 Dollars. 278, 523 Dollars. 8, 573, 719 Dollars. 97, 655 Dollars. 8, 470, 064 2, 565, 000 2, 565, 000 2, 565, 000 Local debt— School-district debt 798, 727 612, 426 040, 745 3, 678, 298 115, 069 76, 585 50, 727 30, 142 913, 796 689, Oil 691, 472 3, 714, 440 12, 384 7, 210 901,412 681, 801 691, 472 3, 636, 379 Total 78, 081 5, 730, 196 278, 523 6, 008, 719 97, 655 5, 911, 064 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. NOTK.— The sum sot against each county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts of the townships, cities, incorporated villages, and school districts that lie within it, but not including;; any portion of the state debt i)roper. In counties marked with an asterisk {") there has been no indebtedness reported. Aitkin .. Anoka .. Becker . . Beltrami ^ Benton . . Big Stone . . Blue Earth . Brown Carlton Carver Cass Chippewa .. Chisago Clay Cottonwood Crow Wing Dakota Dodg(i Douglas raribault ... Fillmore . . Freeborn . Goodhue . Grant Hennepin Houston. . Isanti Itaska ■■ .. Jackson . . Kanabec . Kandiyohi . . . Kittson Lac-qui-parle. Lake* Le Sueur 46, 557 17, 519 20, 228, 882 9, 137 500 3, 000 13, 000 25, 030 24, 128 47, 700 7, 200 15, 000 110, 600 2, 000 2, 945 112, 200 06, 500 143, 797 124, 992 5, 567 1, 316, 170 75, 300 4,419 12, 761 300 3, 500 "2,' 470 '73,'i50 1, 064 2, 446 5, 318 4, 540 4, 800 1, 288 2,400 3, 444 208 9,500 1, 145 15, 979 875 368 5, 510 10, 532 510 1, 445 793 10, 588 3, 342 337 2, 504 1, 400 134 6, 174 1,705 15, 673 2, 883 2. 103 1, 064 49, 003 22, 837 25, 420 233, 632 10, 425 2, 900 0,444 13, 208 34, 530 25, 273 63, 079 8, 075 15, 368 114,110 12, 532 3, 455 113, 645 67, 293 154, 385 128,334 5, 904 1, 318, 734 76, 700 4,553 18, 935 2, 005 19, 173 2, 883 4,573 1, 225 1, 800 4,000 523 737 133 400 '67,"233 500 "366 1, 064 47, 778 21, 037 21, 420 80 233, 109 9, 688 2, 900 6, 444 13, 208 34, 530 23, 284 61, 089 8, 075 15, 235 114. 110 12, 532 H, 455 113, 045 67, 293 154, 385 127, 934 5, 904 1, 251, 501 76, 700 4,553 18, 935 2, oor. 18, 673 2, 883 4, 273 Lincoln . . Lyon.... McLeod . . Marshall Martin . . . Meeker . . . MilleLacs. Morrison . . Mower Murray ... 15, 351 23, 915 14, 873 5, 000 7, 978 12, 400 2, 500 26,317 9. 175 375 870 115 374 275 500 243 958 717 88, 501 1,560 25, 290 15, 743 10, 115 11, 352 12, 675 1, 500 3, 743 31, 275 9, 892 2,220 88, 501 1,560 25, 290 15, 743 10, 115 11, 352 12, 675 1, 500 3, 7 43 29, 055 9.892 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1613 Table CXXX. — Debts of states, territories, counties , ci/i(?«, e#o.-— MINNESOTA— Cont'd. Counties. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Dollars. 44, 750 38, 117 79, 105 27, 861 18, 956 900 7, 416 13, 169 1, 701,311 63, 200 33, 724 144, 700 60, 983 91,147 41, 700 1, 000 13, 800 75, 793 3, 400 20, 550 38, 830 7, 050 Dollars. 486 6,583 693 2, 522 4, 491 3, 694 21, 208 802 8, 404 815 29 1,792 2, 980 200 752 Dollars. 45, 236 44, 700 79, 798 30,383 23, 447 4, 594 28, 624 13, 971 1, 709, 715 64, 015 33, 753 146, 492 63, 963 DoUars. DoUars. 45, 236 44, 700 79, 098 30, 383 22, 602 4, 594 28, 624 13, 971 1, 709, 715 64, 015 33. 753 146, 492 63, 063 91, 347 42, 452 1, 000 18, 401 85, 259 4, 492 22, 438 41,326 9, 381 700 845 Rock..... 91, 347 42, 452 1, 000 18, 401 85, 259 4,492 22, 438. Sibley 4, 601 9, 466 1, 092 1, 888 2, 496 2, 331 41, 326 9, 381 Todd 79, 000 4, 525 65, 150 151, 900 2, 500 8, 750 208, 500 32, 27^5 32, 822 2 5, 893 30, 634 3, 254 530 79, 002 10, 418 95, 784 155, 154 3, 030 8, 750 214, 125 33, 743 33, 128 79, 002 10,418 95. 784 147, 154 3, 030 4, 290 214, 125 33, 743 33, 128 8,000 4, 460 5,625 1, 468 306 Wright MISSOUKL Total debt of the State... 54, 966, 001 2, 722, 941 57, 688, 942 681, 558 57, 007, 384 16, 259, 000 16, 259, 000 16, 259, 000 Local debt- 11, 760, 493 424. 910 746, 784 1, 551, 247 12, 185, 403 746, 784 28, 497, 755 112, 091 12, 073,312 746, 784 27, 928, 288 City and town debt 26, 946, 508 569, 467 38, 707, 001 2, 722, 941 41, 429, 942 681, 558 40, 748, 384 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. NOTK.— The sum set against each county is the total public debt of that cpunty, including the debts of the towns, cities, incorporated villages, and school tlislTicts that lie ivithm it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. In counties marked with an asterisk C^) there has been no indebted- ness reported. COUNTIES. 199, 000 199, 000 500 109, 000 500 500 Audrain 10, 000 1,000 45,500 10, 000 20,000 1, 000 45, 500 8, 000 165, 000 1, 150 352, 500 20, 000 1,000 45, 000 8, 000 165, 000 1, 150 352, 500 500 8, 000 165, 000 1, 150 2, 000 350, 500 1614 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX. — Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, etc. — MISSOURI— Continued. Counties. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Buchanan Biitlcr . . Caldwell . Callaway . Camden'.. Cape Girardeau CairoU Carter Cass Cedar Chariton . Christian. Clark.... Clay Clinton. .. Cole Cooper . . . Crawford. Dade Dallas.... Daviess , De Kalb. Dent Douplas . Dunklin. Franklin . . Gasconade. Gentry Greene Grundy . . . Harrison Henry... Hickory . Holt* ... Howard . Dollars. 1, 781, 600 105. 550 503, 000 5, 785 137, 800 375, 500 3, 500 161, 100 Dollars. 745, 235 K5, 400 20, 200 1, 4.32 4, 134 27, 454 22, 500 3, 530 29, 046 325, 000 227, 900 110„000 194, 000 285, 800 30; 000 200, 000 235, 000 111, 000 1, 244 47, 100 19, 600 2,538 5, 800 66, 800 1,200 35, 000 50, 000 57, 979 365, 691 10, 000 345, 700 229, 000 1, 000 474, 000 1, 750 300 15,000 5, 631 9, 095 3, 800 21, 500 2, 832 3,265 25, 400 51,526 229 3, 800 18. 600 4, 800 Dollars. 2, 52f), 835 118, 950 26, 200 504, 432 9, 919 16.=;. 254 22, 500 3, 530 404, 546 3, 500 163, 638 5,800 391, 800 229, 100 145, 000 244, 000 343, 779 30, 000 201. 750 235; 300 126, 000 6, 875 56, 195 23, 400 21, 500 368, 523 3, 205 3.-), 400 397, 226 229, 229 4, 800 492, 600 4, 800 Dollars. 3, 000 14, 337 2.500 1,500 4, 000 5, 807 14, 153 8, 000 Howell... Iron Jackson . . Jasper . . . Jefierson , Johnson — Knox Laclede La Fayette . Lawrence .. Lewis Lincoln .... Linn LivinfTston McDonald. Macon . . Madison . Maiies . . Marion . , Mercer . . Miller Mississippi.. Moniteau* .. Monroe Montgomery Morgan Is'ew Madrid. Kfwfoii [Nodaway * . . Oregon 402, 100 15, 200 2, 287. 234 171,000 127, 910 228, 700 80, 000 78, 000 731, 539 5,500 154, 200 257. 000 18, 682 129, 000 3, 600 363, 900 8,250 14, 550 279, 210 163, OOO 2,580 30 33, 978 23,184 13, 219 55, 100 1, 175 33, 000 10, 628 10, 000 1, 2.59 1, 000 22, 119 53, 000 10, 111 9,322 6,532 44,692 153 4,500 10, 000 402, 100 17, 780 30 2, 321,212 194, 184 141, 129 283, 800 81. 175 111, 000 742, 167 15, 500 155, 459 258, 000 40, 801 182, 000 13, 711 363. 900 17, 572 21. 082 823, 902 163, 153 4,500 10, 000 217, 600 11, 000 103, 000 4,700 2, 375 148 20, 000 17, 808 "3 '550 217, 600 11, 148 103, 000 4, 700 20, 183 921 2,310 35, 003 1, 700 353 1,000 500 6,000 1,627 12, 000 410 2. 425 23, 550 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1615 Table CXXK.—^ehta of states, teiritories, counties, cities, etc. — MISSOURI — Continued, Counties. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Dollars. 800 7, 200 5, 300 600 616, 800 24, 500 257, 900 283, 200 33, 500 1, 500 74, 360 266, 500 75, 109 204, 512 Dollars. 1, 835 2, 510 1, 000 1, 590 75 18, 157 3, 375 2, 000 11, 500 6, 165 13, 300 4,. 500 8, 893 489 3, 449 6, 400 Dollars. 2, 635 9, 710 0,300 2, 190 610, 875 42, 6.57 261, 275 285, 200 45, 000 7, 665 87, 660 271, 000 84, 002 205, 001 3, 449 13, 400 61,194 456, 275 493 9, 228 23, 351, 867 13, 500 155, 926 214, 600 Dollars. DoUars. 2, 635 8,710 6, 300 2, 190 616, 875 42, 657 261, 275 285, 200 45, 000 5, 665 87, 660 271, 000 84, 002 205, 001 3, 449 13, 400 40, 289 456, 275 493 9, 228 22, 847, 761 13, 113 155, 926 214, 600 Ozark 1, 000 Perry Pettis Pbelps Pike Platte 2, 000 Ralls Kay Kipley 7, 000 61, 194 450, 000 14, 905 Saint Clair 6, 275 493 3, 228 844, 867 8, 500 5, 926 6, 000 22, 507, 000 5, 000 150, 000 214, 600 504, 106 387 20, 200 5, 3U0 32, 600 2, 817 23, 055 12, 164 8, 4.54 20, 000 7, 375 1,000 16 000 23, 017 28, 355 44, 764 8,454 174, 250 37, 487 1, 800 16, 141 250 11, 224 61, 339 7, 125 23. 017 28, 355 39,210 8, 454 174, 250 37, 487 1, 800 196, 000 16, 141 250 5,664 61,339 7, 125 5,554 154, 250 30, 112 800 210 000 16, 141 Vernon OA AAA oO, 000 250 7,024 19, 536 2, 225 4, 200 41, 803 4, 900 5,560 Wright* KANSAS. Total debt of the State. .. 15, 407, 686 717, 997 16, 125, 683 119, 830 16,005,853 1, 181, 975 1, 181, 975 94, 275 1, 087, 700 Local debt — 7, 364, 277 2, 316, 555 1, 749, 357 2, 795, 522 591, 644 36, 158 29, 151 61, 044 7, 955, 921 2, 352, 713 1, 778, 508 2, 856, 566 5,000 7, 950, 921 2, 3.-)2, 713 1, 778, 508 2, 836, Oil Township debt City and town debt 20, 555 Total 14, 225, 711 717, 997 14, 943, 708 25,555 14, 918, 153 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. Note.— The sum set against each county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts )f the townships, cities, and school districts that lie within it, but not including anv portion of the itate debt proper. In counties marked with an asterisk (*) there has been no indebtedness reported COUNTIES. Ulen 350, 379 284,500 774, 340 10. 700 106, 037 200 4,207 350, 579 284, 500 778, 547 350, 579 284, 500 778, 547 11, 143 110, 165 443 4^128 11, 143 110,165 . 1616 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX. — Debts of states, terntories, counties, cities, cto.— KANSAS — Continued. Counties. Bonded debt. X XUli vlIlK debt. Gross debt. oinmng Net debt. Dollars. 339, 944 118,250 Dollars. Dollars. 339,944 119, 134 Dollars. 4, 046 Dollars. 335, 898 119, 134 884 195. 461 59, 500 56, 496 90, 737 152, 815 198, 383 287, 730 19.5, 461 59, 636 59, 731 98, 076 155, 033 214, 157 287, 730 195, 461 59, 63i> 59, 731 97, 851 155, 03:j 214, 157 287, 730 136 3, 235 7, 339 2, 218 15, 774 225 295, 280 85, 509 139,415 6,908 302, 188 85, 509 139, 415 1, .500 300, 688 85, 509 139, 415 125, 218 408, 050 1, 310, 400 22, 065 117, 120 50, 007 52, 870 125, 218 411, 457 1, 310, 775 39,494 117, 213 50, 276 12.5, 218 411, 457 1, 310, 775 39. 494 117, 213 50, 276 66, 016 3, 407 375 17, 429 93 179 13, 146 66, 016 37, 932 361, 707 24,146 62, 078 361, 707 62, 078 361, 707 256, 840 4, 600 261, 440 261, 440 8, 304 11, 567 1,109 2, 080 8,304 86,256 1. 409 86, 480 110,219 95, 067 272, 118 • 8, 304 86, 2.56 1,409 86, 480 110, 219 95, 067 272, 118 74, 689 300 84, 400 110, 219 Hodpeman 91, 325 272, 118 3,742 ...... 16. 525 438; 357 12, 568 8,934 29, 093 447, 291 29, 093 447,291 1, 290, 749 41, 182 37, 017 381, 329 188, 120 187, 620 74, 355 222, 809 14, 307 12, 000 13, 000 5, 860 8, 740 6, 035 1, 513, 558 55, 489 49, 017 394, 329 193, 980 196, 360 80, 390 1, 513, 558 55, 489 49,017 394, 329 193, 980 195. 890 80; 390 I^yon 470 381, 257 184, 084 426, 600 131, 610 11, 900 162, 069 2, 543 757 15, 610 260 1, 620 4, 855 383, 800 383, 800 184, 841 442, 210 131, 870 13, .520 166, 924 184, 841 442, 210 131,870 13, 520 166,924 ............. 6, 000 327, 540 60 511 153^ 975 45, 293 45, 431 161, 277 10, 119 4, 686 18 110 1, 506 2,294 23, 126 829 13, 0S4 16, 119 332, 226 78 621 155^ 481 47, 587 68, 557 162. 106 13, 054 16,119 331, 242 78 62] 155! 481 47, 587 68, 557 162, 106 13, 054 984 193, 490 35, 983 229, 473 229, 473 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. ' 1617 Ta-BLE CXXX. — Debt8 of states, territories, counties, cities, etc. — KANSAS— Continued. Counties. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Xet debt. Dollars. 67, 254 114, 874 144, 420 33,500 19, 471 23, 300 142, 445 300, 750 Dollars. Dollars. 67, 254 115, 095 144, 420 35, 000 29, 580 146, 925 3G6, 222 Dollars. Dollars. 67, 254 115, 095 144, 420 35, 000 oo uno Zo, o9b 221 1, 500 9, 227 6, 280 4, 480 65, 472 29, 580 145, 740 366, 222 Lit/ 570, 700 570, 700 12, 151 558, 549 34, 903 131 202, 069 10, 522 7, 081 9, 395 C, 570 728 45, 425 7,212 211,464 6, 570 28, 622 45, 425 7, 212 211, 464 6, 570 28, 622 27, 894 144, 355 171,357 29, 100 332, 071 144, 355 175, 887 34, 317 343, 591 144, 355 175, 887 34, 317 838, 591 4, 530 5, 217 11, 520 5, 000 NEBRASKA. Total debt of the State Local debt— 6, 114, 836 1, 573, 553 7, 688,389 262, 632 7, 425, 757 499, 267 499, 267 123, 685 375, 582 4, 576, 069 397, 500 630, 739 5, 206, 808 397, 500 827, 641 757, 173 86, 446 5, 120, 362 397, 500 827, 641 704, 672 827, 641 115, rts 642, 000 52, 501 5, 615, 569 1, 573, 553 7, 189, 122 138, 947 7, 050, 175 LOCAL DEBT BY COTmTIES. ^TOTE. — The sum set against each county is the total public debt of that county, including the debts of the precincts, towns, cities, incorporated villages, and school districts that lie within it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. In counties naarked with an asterisk (*) there has been no indebtedness reported. COUNTIES. Adams ... Antelope. Boone — Buffalo... Burt Butler.... Cass Cedar Choyenne Clay Colfax ... Cuming .. Custer ... Dakota. Dawson-. Dixon — Dodge — Douglas.. Fillmore . Franklin 28, 750 32, 000 35, 600 164, 800 110, 000 212, 000 160, 500 4, 500 128, 500 160, 000 95, 000 81, 000 89, 569 189, 400 687, 950 3, 500 32, 000 129, 231 18, 679 42, 393 40, 916 11, 022 5, 913 31, 050 2, 720 18, 779 22, 473 8, 147 16, 237 236 17, 024 10, 104 10, 614 7, 959 196, 469 20, 144 157, 981 50, 679 77, 993 205, 716 121, 022 217, 913 191, 550 2, 720 18, 779 26, 973 136, 647 176, 237 236 112, 024 91, 104 100, 183 197, 359 884, 419 29, 644 81, 796 f5, 000 6. 064 1, 000 18. 000 1, 565 50, 372 157, 231 50, 679 62, 998 205, 716 121, 022 217, 913 191, 550 2,720 18, 779 26, 973 130, 647 170;173 236 111, 024 73, 104 93, 618 197, 359 834, 047 29,644 81, 796 102 CO 1618 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX.—Dehda of states , territories, counties, cities, etc. — NEBRASKA — Continued. Counties. Bonded debt. Floating debt Gross debt. Net debt. Dollars. Dollars. 400 15, 483 22, 967 5, 910 36, 626 42, 368 7, 804 33, 877 5, 614 5, 850 24, 429 16, 101 18, 467 16, 991 Dollars. 400 28, 383 129, 967 5, 910 36, 626 167. 368 126, 004 40, 627 5,614 5, 850 63, 429 22, 101 120, 407 95, 991 Dollars. Dollars. 400 27, 137 126, 967 5, 910 36, 626 154, 624 126, 004 40, 527 5, 614 5, 850 61,429 22, 101 113, 502 87, 383 12, 900 107, 000 1, 246 3,000 Hall 125, 000 118, 200 6, 650 12, 744 TTnlf ^ 39, 000 6,000 102, 000 /a, OUO 2,000 6, 965 8, 608 9, 081 75, 001 10, 275 24, 043 31,184 51 45, 742 5, 218 9,113 20, 878 36, 334 1, 375 50,562 14, 085 1, OuO 62, 606 25, 112 8, 774 22, 725 45, 405 40,303 9, 081 787, 786 57, 275 50, 243 125, 684 51 262, 107 5, 218 424.113 95, 878 36, 834 1, 375 234, 302 84, 085 9, 081 787, 786 57, 275 49, 243 125, 684 51 262, 107 5, 218 424. 113 95, 878 36, 334 1,375 224,956 84, 085 7, 566 251, 706 31, 162 19, 887 209, 725 179, 405 93, 703 712, 785 47, 000 94, 500 1, 000 216, 365 415, 000 75, 000 Phelps 183, 750 70, 000 9,346 7, 556 251, 706 31,162 20, 374 209, 725 179, 405 93, 703 189, 100 6, 050 11, 600 187, 000 134, 000 53, 40O 487 40, OOO 613 14, 180 17, 294 11,825 2, 263 47, 347 40. 613 14, 180 55, 294 236, 825 19, 263 110, 347 40, 613 14, 180 54, 494 236, 825 19, 263 110, 347 Valley 38, 000 225, 000 17, 000 63, 000 800 15, 815 15,815 15, 815 COLOKADO. Total debt of tlie State-. . 2, 159, 100 1, 435, 196 3, 594, 298 3, 594, 296 212, 814 212, 814 212, 814 Local debt- 1, 800, 950 691, 491 328. 468 202, 423 2, 492, 441 328, 468 560,673 2, 49?, 441 328, 468 560, 573 City and town debt 358,150 Total 2, 159, 100 1,222, 382 3, 381, 482 3, 381, 482 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. l^OTE. — The sTim set against each connty is the total public debt of that county, inclndingthe debts of the towns, cities, and school districts that lie within it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. COUNTIES. 742, 050 257, 500 57, 000 128, 000 32, 078 5, 000 34, 127 46,891 870, 050 289, .578 62, 000 34, 127 49, 891 870, 050 289, 578 62, 000 34,127 49,881 Clear Creek m..^.. 3,666 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1619 Table CXXX.^Dehis of states, territories, counties, cities, efc— COLORADO— Cont'd. Coanties. Bonded debt. Floating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Conejos . Costilla . Custer . . Douglas. Elbert... El Paso .. Eremout . Gilpin — Grand Gunnison Hinsdale . Huerfano Jefferson . Lake La Plata . Larimer Las Animas. Ouray Park Pueblo Eio Grande Routt Saguacbe. .. San Juan. .. Summit Weld. Dollars. 78. 000 116, 650 "'26,006 3, 000 146, 900 26, 750 101, 950 12, 300 572, 000 16, 000 Dollars. 800 7, 000 40, 121 3, 500 104 34, 300 29, 639 17, 435 1,000 2, 000 22, 000 7, 951 79, 889 325, 148 23, 315 13, 300 15, 000 1, 075 1,000 173, 7C0 59, 067 24, 467 8, 765 50, 000 15, 950 19, 700 Dollars. 800 7, 000 40, 121 3, 500 104 112, 300 29, 639 134, 085 1,000 28, 000 22, 000 10, 951 226, 789 351, 898 23, 315 13, 300 116, 950 1,075 13, 300 745, 760 75, 067 24, 467 8, 765 50, 000 15, 950 19. 700 Dollars. Dollars. 7, 000 40, 121 3, 500 104 112, 300 29, 639 134, 085 1,000 28, 000 22, 000 10, 951 226, 789 351, 898 23, 315 13, 300 116, 950 1, 075 13, 300 745, 760 75, 067 24, 467 8, 765 50, 000 15, 950 19, 700 NEVADA. Total debt of tbe State. . . 863, 025 236, 894 1, 099, 919 75, 396 1, 024, 523 56, 400 18, 996 75, 396 a 75, 396 Local debt — 674, 625 216, 892 1,506 891, 017 1, 506 132, 000 891, 017 1, 506 132, 000 132, 000 806, 625 217, 898 1, 024, 523 1, 024, 523 a The state of Nevada has in its treasury $312,372 applicable to the payment of state debt. LOCAL DEBT BY COTJNTrES. Note. — The sum set against each county is the total piiblic debt of that county, including the debts of the cities, incorporated villages, and school districts that lie vdthin it, but not including any portion of the state debt proper. COUNTIES. Churchill.. Douglas ... Elko Esmeralda Eureka Humboldt. Lander Lincoln ... Lyon Nye Ormsby Storey Washoe White Pine 527 67, 000 10, 000 40, 000 52, 000 66, 000 223. 198 19, 000 113, 000 112, 000 31, 000 72, 900 843 1, 015 22, 915 2,581 40, 040 26, 852 7, 383 35, 010 7,584 73, 675 1, 370 1,015 67, 000 32, 915 42, 581 92, 040 66, 000 250, 050 7, 383 54, 010 113, 000 112, 000 38, 584 146, 575 1, 370 1, 015 67, 000 32, 915 42, 581 92, 040 66, 000 250, 050 7, 383 54, 010 113, 000 112, 000 38,584 146, 575 1620 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXX. — Debts of states, territories, counties, cities, etc. — Continued. OREGON. Bonded debt. Pleating debt. Gross debt. Sinking fund. Net debt. Total debt of the State. . . Dollars. 459, 008 DoUa/ra. 389, 494 Dollars. 848, 502 Dollars. Dollars. 848, 502 356, 508 154, 868 511, 376 511, 376 Local debt — 16, 000 195, 767 26, .585 12, 274 211, 767 26, 585 98, 774 211, 767 26, 585 98, 774 86, 500 102, 500 234, 626 337, 126 337, 126 LOCAL DEBT BY COUNTIES. Note. — The smn set against each county is the total public debt of the county, includin2 113 584 59 674 31 69 154 231 8 72 124 23 283 133 73 401,167 160 10 50 282 7 159 3 3 16 14 4 3 20 13 116 21 AGOKEGATE ClltCU- LATION PER ISSUE. 6 3, 566, 395 9, 660 3, 600 5, 030 157, 814 26, 375 47, 490 4,500 15, : 36, 500 2. 600 28, 213, 291 83, 41c 9, 95( 98, 47] 482, 211 69, 36; 190, 17( 32, 44; 18, 62; 177, 42: 24, 731 27, 830 241, 23( i 5,65C 270, 9231 2, 150, 35: 72. 38, 455 21, 396 33, 492 38, 065 18. 940 588, 41: 4, 06( 508, 88 259, 33: 364, 07: 93, 56: , 195, 52« 132, 613! 282, 08( 280.399 1,732,531 62, 839 28, 493 4, 200 122,660 912 18, 630 17, 155 9, 070 50, 776 2, 000 996, 561 7/i'934 216. 336 558, 13{ 193,58 83, 70' 842, 62j 19, 91 135, 10, 591 1' 198, 70! 4, 35i 8, 377, 57: 97, 56' 2, 877, 591 11, 070! 74, 71 578, 227 i 4, 452, 41, 402 7, 750 30, 995 30, 297 7, 950 4,200 32, 172, 1, looj 4, lOOj 33, 400; 1. 986i 55, 71 62, 15 262, 29 28, 22 125,99 224, 29 15, 65 81,85 403, 17 3,70 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1629 Table CXXXII.—Staiement showing the classification of newspapers and periodicals pub- lished in the United States during the census year. States and Territories. The United States. . Alabama . . Arizona Axkanaas . California . Colorado .. Connecticut— Dakota Delaware District of Columbia. Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois , Indiana Indian Teixitory Iowa Kansas — Kentucky , Louisiana . Maine 11, 314 Maryland Massachusetts liichigan Minnesota Mississippi..-. Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New J ersey New Mexico ... New York Nojth Carolina. Ohio Oregon Pennsj lvf\nia .. Rhode Island... South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia "Washington. "West Virginia. "Wisconsin "Wyoming 125 17 117 361 87 139 67 26 44 45 200 10 1,017 467 3 569 347 205 112 123 143 427 464 228 123 530 18 189 37 87 215 18 1, 411 142 774 74 973 44 81 193 280 2-2 82 194 29 109 340 11 CHARACTER OF PUBLICATION. ■■0 O 5S 114 17 106 270 78 110 67 24 20 41 177 10 736 422 519 322 162 96 91 105 281 413 207 115 425 17 178 35 74 194 17 816 118 576 675 39 68 147 254 15 74 135 28 100 301 11 553 173 284 25 12 54 be 2 a 189 -55 Slo 45 ■ a S 12 1 9 18 13 o u .9 o II 149 ' S So 248 ® 2 "I .aw « tc li I" 19 219 47 es CO §.9 11 252 15 105 50 1630 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tablk CXXXIII. — Statement ahowiuff the number and language of all newspapers ana periodicals publislied in the United States during the census year. re "o P5 Catalan. j Chinese. English. j French. German. Holland. Indian. Irish. Italian. Polish. 6 m V a 0 Danish and Scan- j dinavian. Spanish. i 13 1 2 10, 515 41 641 g 8 1 4 2 2 49 26 5 125 16 116 328 84 134 65 25 41 45 199 10 920 435 1 523 334 194 93 123 134 422 439 202 123 494 18 175 37 87 196 14 1, 280 142 683 72 884 42 80 192 261 22 82 189 29 107 287 11 — "5" .... 1 15 3 5 1 1 3 2 3 ... 2 6 .... 1 .... 1 4 1 70 32 2 20 . .. . 2 1 1 .... is' 36 11 11 4 2 6 2 '4' 2 1 9 1 15 13 Q 2 7 1 34 .... 1 11 2 19 4 9 "4 3 1 10 97 1 1 1 4 1 1 .... 89' 2 87 1 1 1 13 1 J \ 5 5 2 47 2 1 3 states and Terri- tories. The United States Alabama Arizona Arkansas... Oaliforiiiii. .. Colorado Connecticut Dakota Delaware Dist. of Columbia. Florida 11, 314 Georjria Idaho Illinois Indiana Indian Territory. Iowa Kansas . . . Kentucky Louisiana. Maine Maryland Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire . New Jersey — New Mexico New Tctrk North Cai olina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania. . Rhode Island . . South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia AVashingtou . . . "West Virginia. Wisconsin Wyoming 125 17 117 361 87 139 67 26 44 45 200 10 1, 017 467 3 569 347 205 112 123 143 427 464 223 123 530 18 189 37 87 215 18 1,411 142 774 74 973 44 81 193 280 22 83 194 29 109 340 11 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1631 Table CXXXIV. — Statement showing the total number of newspapers and periodicals devoted to religion, by denominations, published in the United States. States and Territories. Total. 1 Baptist. 1 t Christian. | 1 Congregational. | 1 Disciples. 1 05 a 1 Episcopal. 1 1 Evangelical. 1 1 Friends. | 1 Lutheran. | s '3 o a a 1 Methodist. 1 1 Moravian. | 1 Mormon. | 1 Presbyterian. 1 1 Primitive Christian. 1 i Eeformed. 1 1 Roman Catholic. 1 1 Second Advent. 1 1 Spiritualist. 1 1 Swedenborgian. 1 1 Unitarian. 1 1 United Brethren in Christ. 1 ? 'S +5 1 a 553 63 4 14 11 4 33 27 5 16 22 975 2 4 42 2 n 70 12 7 3 4 7 9|9G 5 3 1 1 5 12 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 .. 1 1 1 -- 1 2 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 3 3 1 49 13 4 1 1 2 2 'i 1 3 6 5 1 2 1 6 2 1 1 1 1 2 15 3 :: 15 4 13 7 : 30 11 3 4 28 1 1 1 1 2 -- 2 1 2 1 5 1 3 1 1 3 3 1 4 2 2 ] 1 •- 2 1 *" 2 2 1 1 "- 1 •- *" 1 1 1 4 1 5 1 -- •- 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 3 4 4 3 2 1 2 3 2 2 5 1 2 1 6 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 2 ** "* 2 1 1 3 3 1 a 97 12 57 5 75 3 1 1 1 1 9 4 4 2 11 1 1 1 3 2 6 2 9 4 6 1 5 4 2 1 'i 120 1 1 28 1 1 2 1 1 3 8 2 3 3 2 9 1 8 4 1 1 1 8 ii 3 1 7 3 1 7 2 2 9 5 1 1 1 1 10 14 14 4 3 11 1 3 7 1 5 4 1 1 2 4 4 1 1 2 3 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Utah 1 3 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 Wisconsin 2 2 1 a 1 Shaker included in grand total, and omitted in denominational columna. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 103 c c 1633 I>UBT_.IC SOHOOI.S ILLITERACY. Department of the Interior, Census Office, WashiTigtoTiy D. C, December 22, 1882. Hon. G. W. Seaton, Superintendent of Censvfi. Dear Sir; I have tbe honor to submit the foUcfwing tables, present- ing- a suirnuary of the census statistics relaiting to all public schools iiichuled in the classes generally designated as common, or elementary-, and high. A separate report as to these two classes of schools was rendered imju-acticable because of the wide and irreconcilable differences in the various states, and in counties of the same statOj between schools i(^I)orted as Ix-longiug to a given class; those essentially the same in character having been described in one in^ance as liigh, and in another as elementary, and rice ve7'sa. Under the general heading "Public Schools, Elementary and High", will be found, therefore, the totalis of the classes named j and under the lieading "Schools reported as High, or as having High School depart- ments", are enumerated not only high schools proper, but all so reported, including those whose right to the name, under a definition which could be made generally applicable, would be called in question. The absence of definitions, which would secure uniformity in the meaning of results tabulated under a given head, has hitherto detracted very largely from the vahie of school statistics. For example, when several sehoola formerly taught in separate build- ings have been brought together, under a union or graded system, in the sevml rooms of one building, they are henceforth, very generally, regarded as constituting a single school, and so reported. The unity resulting from the co-ortlitiation of various departments may, in many instanees, give apparent reason for this vfew; but it is obvious that to report as a single school, departments which have been substituted for what were formerly enumerated as separate schools, and the equivalents of which elsewhere continue to be so reported, is to present an unfair exhtl>it as to the whole number of schools, in localities or states which have adopted, under any form, the departmental system, aS compared with those which have not. It is also esident tljat dednctions based upon tottiLs thus derived must be misleading. To obviate this difficulty, so far as possible, an flibrt has been made to give a uniform meaning to the word school, by defining it as "a colle<;;tion of children uniformly taught, in a separat^i building or department, by separate teachers". The number of buildings reported, includes only those owned by the ]>ublic, and will be found in many instances to be largely exceeded by the number of schools. In such cases the defici^^nc^' is su])plied by the use of buildings which are ])rivate property. In the rejiort of seats j^rovided, all buihiiiigs are incliuled. School officers, in reporting the number of teachers employed during 163G COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. tlieocliool year, liave been acciistoiiied, in very many instances, through- out the states, to report teachers regarded as officers and as individuals indiscriminately. It has thus happened that a school really employing ;uid paying for the services of but one teacher lias, owing to a change of persons, been credited with two or even three ; and computations as to the average of time employed, and of salaries paid for an entire the detection of wliatever inaccuracies might have escaped the notice of the census examiners. The commendatory letters received from these othcials, en(;ourage the belief that the effort a£ this office, in the direction of a thorough and comprehensive collection of the statis- tics of the public schools in the United States, will be found to have ])resent value (iommensurate with tlie great labor involved, and will pre- l)are the way for the more complete success of similar undertakings in the future. Tlie Statistiroperly began with those who had attained the voting age. As the volume containing this summary will reach the hands of many of the teachers, as well as district, town, county, state, and other officers, who have assisted in the work whose results are here presented, it is fitting that due acjknowledgment be made tor the uniformly cheerful and painstaking manner in which they have responded, without i)ecuniary reward, to the requests of this office. It is a pleasure, and a duty as well, also to acknowledge the invalu- able aid rendered by the immediate assistants of the special agent in charge, including Mr. Charles B. R. Colledge, assistant chief of the edu- cational division, the chiefs of the several sections, the clerks in charge of correspondence, and all of those who have so faithfully and intelli- gently assisted in the work of compilation. HENRY RANDALL WAITE, Special Agent in charge of Statistics of Education^ etc. 1688 COBIPENDIUM OF THE I'ENTH OENfiUS. TaBLK CXXXV.— i*u6f»o 8chool», elenientary and klgh, htj state« and terriktriejtf ah/wtng svhh, or having higlt'schonl deparimmtft ; number of 8cfu)ol'buiUiing9 and Georgia Idaho Ulinoia Indiana Iowa Kaneas Kentucky . Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Misaissipp Missoim Montana Nebraska Nevada New Haninshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carol Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Khode Islanti , South Carolina Tennt?asee Texau TTtah ... Vermont Yirgipia Washingtou . - West Vijginia Wificousin Wyomin, 25, 919. 397 1, 895, 877 407,256 1, 025. bfiB 130, 7tii: 372, 273 1, 427; r>17 1, 346, 2S3 161, .".09 1.6«6,»99 5, 287, 570 40,500 a Repeated eflbrts faUftd to obtain retonis from the counties of Little River and Polk, Arkauww. The statistics for those counties, therefore, are not included in the total for the state. b T"*^^*^" schooL OOICPENDIUM OF THE TENTH OSNSXJfl. 1689 whole uumhef; numbtr of separate tfctmda J'ur colored children; number reported at high aittiftgs; value of school property ; nonpts and expenditures : 1880. Dollars. 96,857, 534 505, 201 103, 028 500, 978 3, 525, 537 526, 120 1, 441, 255 137, 817 177, 658 476, 957 129, 907 659, 560 50,234 9, 850, Oil 7, 267, 700 6, 288, 167 2, 163, 261 1, 132, 202 498, 409 1, 074, 554 1, 452, 557 4, 696, 612 3,792,740 2, 012, 987 742, 765 3, 930, 003 76, 302 1,252, 898 275, 967 559, 133 1,881,103 32, 171 11,035,511 653,464 11,085, 315 340, 982 8,126,827 641,607 405, 551 973, 198 921, 595 176,048 462, 139 1,287,526 120, 549 875, 913 2,701,413 36. 161 1^ 9 Dollars. 75, 757, 3( Dollars. 21, 100, 173 399, 737 103, 028 3^, 152 3, 018, 019 448,-766 1,395,060 120,599 177,653 474, 733 103, 831 481, 522 47, 104 7, 308,513 4, 286, 209 i 3, 846, 893 1,462, 093 1, 132, 202 442, 133 1, 050, 715 1, 343, 707 4, 383, 080 2, 672, 876 1,404,104 571,884 3, 117, 164 63, 545 983,848 212, 304 542, 998 1, 807, 934 31, 861 9, 569, 807 412, 771 6, 784, 02rt 251, 791 8, 126, 131 492, 797 371, 707 790, 030 750, 401 92, 842 430, 608 1,084, 385 115, 031 706, 887 1, 920, 382 34, 504 105,464 "iii,"826 507, 508 77, 360 46, 195 17, 218 2,224 26, 076 178,038 3, 130 2, 541, 498 2, 981, 491 2, 441, 274 701, 168 j| EXPENDITITRES. 56, 276 2H, 839 108,850 313, 532 1, 119, 864 608, 883 170, 881 812, 839 12, 757 269, 050 63,663 16, 185 73, 169 310 1, 465, 704 140, 693 4, 301, 295 89, 141 696 4S, 810 33, 844 183, 168 171, 194 83, 206 31, 531 203, 141 5, 518 169, 026 781, 031 1,657 Dollars. a 79, 339, 814 Dollars. 55, 745, 029 430, 131 61,172 382, (;;{7 3, m, 014 400, 205 1,335,2.'!* 183,257 172,455 438, 567 117, 724 653, 464 38, 411 7, 536, 682 4, 504, 407 4, 347, 119 1, 819,561 1, 162, 944 455, 758 991, 297 1, 395, 284 4, 720, 951 3, 112, 468 1,622, 919 679, 475 3, 092, 332 68, 002 1,079,966 212,164 568, 103 2, 039, 938 28, 973 9, 936, 662 383, 709 7, 707, 630 316, 885 7, 306, 692 530, 167 :{67, 259 786, 088 782, 735 170, 887 452, 693 889, 862 112, 615 720,967 , 2, 163, 845 I 28,504 S3 Dollars. 6.643.313 388, 128 .'i6, 744 331, 750 2,271, 219 190, 839 2, 904 b 23, 515 185, 743 92, 357 t>86, 989 HI, 311 110, 931 287, 872 99, 177 616, 096 33. 421 4, 587, 040 3, 175, 275 2, 907, 440 87, 047 69, 513 45, 598 1,778 572, 801 387, 284 426,520 1,101,211 1, 025, 659 373, 081 777, 692 1, 117, 145 306, 490 15, 622 74, 801 100, 917 3, 906, 516 1, 920, 618 956, 571 or>3, 351 ■2, 261,058 490, 015 b 356, 237 157, 889 i2i,"5i6' 53, 785 565, 661 131,019 415, 777 1, 391, 550 2,928 188, 789 46, 694 14, 924 272, 036 28, 002 7, 438, 277 328, 717 4, 972, 541 212, 34-8 4, 504, 802 401, 738 308, 230 634, 587 713, 908 130,187 361, 039 716, 153 95, 582 527, 099 1, 570, 997 25, 894 500, 905 16, 152 711, 835 67,798 c 855, 169 52, 930 8, 060 64, 926 20, 139 9, 566 43, 167 29, 341 4, 385 65, 057 149, 971 a Exclusive of expenditures connected with state offices of public instruction, schools of tbe grade of normal schools and colleges, and schools for Indian childrun. b Includes lepairs. c Includes rents, «xc«pt in Philadelphia. 1640 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXXYL— Public ach^oh, elemeniary and high, by states and territories, showing for teachers^ services and aggregate montlis of sanie; aggregate numths ofsdiooUy States and TeiTitories. The United States Alabama. . Arizona Arkansas . California. Colorado. . Connecticut Dakota Delaware District of Columbia Floiida Wlute. Georgia. Idaho . Illinois . Indiana . Iowa.... Kansas ... Kentucky. Louisiana. Maine Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Misaoun... Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire . New Jersey New Mexico . . . New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Khode Island . . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas TTtah Vermont Virginia Washington . . . West Virginia . Wisconsin . Wyoming . 23G, 019 4,637 101 2, 823 3, 556 559 2, 719 520 526 425 1, 151 6,146 129 15, 912 11, 906 12, 794 6, 619 7, 706 1, 713 4, 797 3,038 7, 336 8. 608 5; 100 5, 473 10, 802 167 3, 418 195 2,620 3, 422 164 20, 738 6, 266 16, 875 1,141 19, 388 902 3, 204 5, 937 6, 764 434 2, 597 4,933 532 4, 156 7, 000 70 Male. Female. m, 086 1, 873 48 1, 807 1, 173 215 573 212 239 21 546 2, 676 74 6, 148 6, 862 4,380 2, 958 4, 380 .'540 1,344 1,064 922 2, 496 1, 824 1,834 5, 552 62 1,319 52 395 943 128 5, 641 3, 113 7, 913 518 8,993 145 1, 078 3, 464 3, 871 222 731 2, 507 2, 027 31 1, 230 53 563 2, 383 344 2,146 308 280 255 326 1, 742 55 9,718 4,923 8, 414 3, 632 2,507 741 3, 453 1, 587 6, 411 6, 098 3,276 1, 396 4,661 105 2, 099 143 2, 225 2,430 15, 049 1, 178 8, 740 623 10, 359 756 975 1,244 1, 514 212 1, 866 1,630 333 1, 055 4,973 Colored. Male. 10, 520 1, 093 352 1 12 183 983 23 480 287 231 1, 411 340 15 1, 430 126 19 1 787 1, 105 539 441 101 137 ■45 6 339 145 156 832 I 249 i 34 42 545 96 17 364 335 274 257 "27 $36 21 29 96 60 23 o « 1, 539, 303 21 66 76 54 37 62 76 99 57 97 40 36 32 31 27 99 67 74. 25 50 30 26 ,54 73 38 78 11 38 90 ' 30 59 i! 27 56 !l 26 00 II 40 02 :i 28 20 i 4219 ;! 58 49 'I 29 05 ! 33 84 ! 29 10 '1 36 33 :| 63 21 31 38 89 45 28 12 41 42 30 67 40 71 ' 21 27 37 79 33 52 48 25 25 21 28 45 28 01 42 48 21 81 26 63 35 97 27 61 17, 913 7, 413 8, 816 29, 500 3, 292 24, 455 2. 516 3, 962 4,250 3, 888 20, 385 610 118, 276 81, 621 95, 040 39, 956 39, 453 9,322 27, 576 26, 479 66, 780 66, 095 28, 264 22, 458 62, 228 851 18, 023 1, 465 14, 785 33, 594 913 182. 723 15, 452 131, 593 5, 497 134, 399 8, 326 12, 227 22, 307 25, 488 3,065 16,548 26,888 2, 657 19, 090 52, 434 430 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1641 number of teachern employed at oiie time, by color and sex; average amount paid monthly number of pupils, by color and sex, and average daily attendance: 1880. NUMBER OF PUPILS WHO ATTElfDED SCHOOL DUEINQ THE YEAH. AVEEAGE DAILY ATTENDANCE a White. Colored. OF PUPILS. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. White. Colored. 9, 946, 160 9, 090, 24« 4, 687, 530 4, 402, 718 855, 912 433, 329 422, 583 6, 276, 398 5, 715, 914 560,484 187, 550 4,212 108, 236 161, 411 22, 804 111, 889 4, 212 60, 660 2,104 43, 153 82, ^87 11, 363 51, 229 2, 108 75,661 40, 416 35, 245 123, 366 3, '213 65, 619 106. 179 13, 807 70, 5U 3, 213 50, 225 105, 668 13, 780 52, 852 1 2 81, 363 160, 659 22, 760 38,210 77, 972 11, 397 26, 873 818 44 13,426 420 24 13,447 398 20 15, 394 511 27 4 5 118, 589 13, 718 26,412 26, 439 43,304 118, 232 13, 677 *24, 178 18. 472 , 27,672 61, m 7,016 12, 839 9, 200 13, 642 56, 646 6, 661 11, 339 9. 272 14, 030 357 41 2, 234 7,967 15,632 164 16 1,296 3, 599 7, 778 193 a 25 938 4, 368 7, 854 72, 725 8, 530 17, 439 20, 637 31, 477 72, 531 8, 511 16, 066 14, 605 20, 958 194 a 19 1, 373 6, 032 10, 519 6 7 8 9 10 237, 124 5, 834 704, 041 512, 201 425, 665 150, 501 5,830 698, 561 504, 231 425, 160 80, 615 3, 028 300, 087 266, 077 216, 558 69, 886 2 802 338i 474 238, 154 208, 602 86, 623 4 5, 480 7,970 505 43, 301 2 2, 652 4,009 242 43, 322 2 2,828 i 3,961 263 ! 151, 759 3, 863 431, 643 320, 577 260, 813 95, 131 3, 861 428, 374 315, 590 260, 511 56,628 2 3, 269 4, 987 302 11 12 13 14 15 246, 128 292, 427 81, 01^ 150, 811 149,981 239,238 263, 507 46, 370 m, 758 123, 448 124, 542 135, 928 24, 316 73, 522 63, 708 114, 696 127, 579 22, 054 77, 236 59, 740 6,890 28, 920' 34, 642 53 26, 533 3, 429 14, 640 17, 574 25 13, 521 3,461 ! 14,280 : 17,068 1 28 ; 13,012 144, 343 192, 331 55, 808 106, 763 85, 449 140, 362 173, 129 30, 687 106, 731 72, 909 3, 981 19, 202 25, 121 32 12,540 16 17 18 19 20 316, 630 362, 459 1 86, 544 237j 065 486, 002 316, 193 360, 822 186, 515 115, ^63 461, 956 156, 922 180. 286 33, 470 59, 749 240, 565 159, 271 180, 536 93, 045 55, 714 221, 391 437 61, 637 29 121, 602 24,046 211 850 14 60, 515 11, 770 226 787 15 61,087 12,276 ' 235, 664 263, 775 103. 378 156, 824 260, 540 23.5, 3.55 262, 889 103, 356 76, 225 248. 014 309 c886 22 80, 599 12, 526 21 22 23 24 25 4, 667 100,-871 8,918 64, 670 205, 240 4, 621 100, 661 8, 901 64, 660 201,463 2, 386 52, 847 4, 526 33, 517 99, 961 2, 235 47, 814 4, 375 31, 143 101, ,502 46 210 17 3, 777 ^ 19 no 8 4 L895 27 100 6 1,882 2, 986 62, 510 5, 385 48,943 116, 860 2, 963 62, 363 5.374 48, 934 114, 466 23 147 11 9 2,394 26 27 28 29 30 4,755 1, 027, 938 250, 422 752, 442 37, 437 4, 755 1, 02;j, 154 161, 262 740,713 37, 430 2, 484 516, a-{8 87, 051 389, 086 19. 353 2, 271 505, 316 74,211 351, 627 18, 077 3,150 551. 958 164, 570 495, 9'24 26, 563 3.150 549, 083 102, 254 487, 126 26, 559 31 d 5, 784 95, 160 11,'*729 • 7 e2, 9G3 47, 725 5, 907 3 /2, 821 47, 435 5, 822 4 e2, 875 62, 316 8, 798 4 32 33 34 35 950, 300 42. 489 13#, 842 291, 500 176, ^45 938, 275 42, 454 61, 832 230, 130 131, 616 485, 079 21, 465 32, 179 119, 293 68, 627 453, 196 20, 989 29, 653 110, 837 62, 989 12, 025 35 73, 010 61, 370 44, 629 5, 933 16 87, 460 30, 883 23, 697 6, 092 19 35, 550 30, 487 20, 932 622, 351 27, 453 99, 070 205, 081 123, 473 615, 686 27, 438 46, 600 161, 269 91, 893 6,665 15 52, 470 43, 812 31, 580 36 37 38 39 40 25, 792 73, 237 220, 733 14> 780 143, 796 25, 782 73, 159 152. 455 ]4, 644 139, 690 13, 509 37, 255 78, 757 7,210 75, 484 12, 213 35, 904 73, 698 7, 434 64, 206 .9 10 78 68, 278 il36 4, 106 2 45 34, 270 c71 2, 169 ffS 33 34, 008 c65 1,937 17, 513 47, 206 129, 006 10, .540 92, 132 17,506 47, 167 90, 106 10, 457 89, 414 hi 39 38,900 j89 2,718 41 42 43 44 45 299, 514 2, 907 299, 023 2,901 155, 422 1, 518 143, m 1, 383. 491 6 252 3 239 3 185, 276 1,920 184, 995 1,916 281 4 46 47 a Indians. / Includes 12 Indians. b Includes 20 Indians. g Includes 5 Indians. c Inclu^les 15 Indians. h Includes 3 Indians. d Includes 29 Indians. i Includes 30 Indians. « lucludea 17 Indians. i Includes 18 Indians. \ I ILLITERACY. [For Keinaika on Illiteracy, see page 1C'J7.] COMTENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS 1 (^4;" V awlkCXXWU.— llUternc!/ hi/ niaies ami territories at the censuses 0/I88O, lb7U, and I860, 1880. suites and Territoriea. PERSOA'S OF 10 TKARS 01' AGH AND UPWARD. Enumerated. Ketumed as unable Eeturned as unable to read. to write. The United States KumJjer. 761, 607 1 I Alabama.. Anzona... Arkansas . California. Colorado.. Connecticut Dakota Delaware District of Columbia. Florida 11 Georgia. 12 Idaho. 13 ! IJlinoia . 14 1 Indiana. 15 Iowa.... 16 1 Kansas ... 171 Kentucky. 18 j Louisiana. 19 Maine .... 20 Maryland. 21 Massachusetts. '22 1 Michigan 23 1 Minnesota 24 1 Mississippi 25 Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire , New Jersey...;... New Mexico ..... Nt^w York North Carolina . Ohio Oregon Pennsylrania.. Rliode Island . . South Carolioa. Tennessee Texas 41! Utah .... 42 Vermont. 45 Virginia Washington ... West Virginia Wisconsin . Wyoming.. Nuvnher. 4. 923, 451 851, 780 32, 922 531, 876 681^ 062 158, 220 4 97, 303 99, 849 110, 856 136, 907 m, 650 1, 043, 840 25,065 2, 269, 315 1, 468, 095 1, 181, 641 704, 297 1, 163, 498 649, 070 519, 669 695, 364 1,432,182 1, 236, 686! 55&, 977i 753, 693 1, 557, 631 i 31, 989 318. 2711 50, 666; 286, 188 865, 591 87, 966 3, 981,428 959, 951 2, 399, 367 130, 565 3, 203, 215 220, 461 6C7, 456 1, 062, 130 1, 064, 196 97, 194 264, 052 1, 059, 034 .55, 720 428, 587 965,712 16. 479 P; cent I 13.41 Number. 6, 239, 958 370, 279 5,496 153, 229 48, 583 9,321 20, 986 3,094 16, 912 21, 541 70, 219 446, 683 1,384 96,809 70, 008 28, 117 25, 503 258, 186 297, 312 18, 181 111, 387 7.5, 635 47, 1121 20, 551 315, 6121 138, 8181 1, 530' 7, 830 3, 703 11, 982 39, 136 52, 994 166, 625 367,890 86,754 5, 376 146, 138 17, 456 321, 780 294, 385 256, 223 4,851 12, 993 360, 495 3, 191 52, 041 427 43. 5i 16. 7 28 S! 7.1 5.9 4.2 3.1 15.3 15.7 38.0 42.8' 5,51 4.3 4.8 2.4 3.6 22.2 45.8 3.5 16.0 .5.3 3.8 3.7 41.9 8.9 1 4.8 2.5! 7.3 4.2 4.5 60.2 4.2; 38.3 3.6 4.1 4.6 7.9 48. 2i 27.7 24.1 .5. 0 4.9 34.0 .5.7 12.1 4.0 2.6 P. cent 17.0 433, 447 5, 842 202,015 53, 430 10, 4741 28, 424 4, 821 19, 414 25, 778 80,183 520, 416i 1, 778| 145, 3971 110, 761 39,4761 348, 3921 318, 580 22, 170i 134, 488! 92,980 63,723 34, 546 37.3, 201 208, 754 1, 707 11, 528 4, 069 14, 302 53, 249 .57, 156 219, 600 463, 975 131, 847 7,423 228, 014 24,793 369, 8481 410, 7221 316, 432I 8, 826 15, 837 430, 352 3, 889 85, 3761 I 55, 558! 556^ 50.9 17.71 38. 0! 7.8| 6. 6 5.71 6 4.8! 7 17.5 8 18.8; 9 43. 4j 10 49. 91 11 7. 1 12 6.4 13 7.51 14 3.9i 15 • 5.6 16 29.9; 17 49. li 18 4.3: 19 19.3 20 G.5 5.2 6.2 49.5 13.4 .5.3 3.6 8.0 5.0 6.2 65. 0 31 5.5 32 48.3 5.51 34 5.7 7.1 11.2 55.4 38.7 29.7 9.1 41 6.0 42 40. 6! 4:; 7. Oj 44 19.9 45 3.4 1646 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXKX\lh—llliUraoy by stated and AUK ANU UP- WARD. KAllVK WIIITR PERSOX8 OV 10 YEAltS OF AOB AND Ul'WAKD. States and Terri- tories. Enumer- ated. Betumed as imable to write. I; Enttmer- ! ated. Returned as unable to write. The United Stat Alabama -- Arizona Arkansas Califomift Colorado - . J FORKION-BOaN WHITE 'l PERSONS OF J OYEAEUS OF AOB ANU UPWARD. .Enumer- 1 ated. Returned M nnab^e to write. ,1 ri $,374,611 Number" P. ct 763,620j 12.0 Connecticut Dakota Delaware -' pifit. ofUolumbia 10 i Florida 1 Georgia sidabo Dlinois Indiana Iowa....... Kaupafl 4 Kentucky Loimiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi . - - Missouri Montana Nebraska I^evada New Hampshii-e iiew Jersey . . - New Mexico — New York Noi-tb. Carolina . Ohio Oregon 36 Penufiylvania. 37 Rhode Ishmd South Carolina Tennessee .... Texas 41 Utah 42 Vermont Virginia .... "Washiuifton West Virginia "Wi-sronsin. AVvoming . COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1647 Table CXXXVII. — Illiteracy by states and tetritories — Continued. 1880. WHITE PBB80N8 FROM 10 TO 14 YBAB8 OK AGE, BOTH ISCLU- BIVB. Enumerated. Jfwmber. 4, 880, 631 Ketunied un- able to write. WiUTK MALES FBOM 10 tO 14 VKAKB OF AGE, BOTH INCLU- SIVE. Number. 579, 194 77,782 2,321 72, 133 77, 934 13, 026 58, 450 n, 481 13, 178 12, 670 17. 028 96, 13 2, 730 357, 748 238, 068 195, 178 114, 839 173, 312 54, 072! 64, 781) 82, 130! 159, 921 175, 904 87, 386 57, 805 250, 789 2. 060; 49, 7191 3, 728 30, 605 116, 569 12, 479; 505, 144 99, 797' 35s, 269 18, 617 472, 606' 2'^. 587' 45, 200' 142. 267 138,719 17, 7:15 3.3, 449 103, 918. 6, 9.'>5 76, 214 i:.2, 837 1, 218 P.ot. 11.9 31, 788 40. 9! 551 23. 7 31,668: 43,9 l, M7i 1. 9 1,575 12.1 1,<2731 6211 1, 017 231 5.581 5, 441 .'"m, 558 14. 303 2, 182; 5, 548' 1, 949 5, 124 3, 317 16, 860 40, 880 .55 2, 145 37 1, 2:i3 3, 4t<4 7, 774 12, 152 45, 324 12. 466 1,112 19, .-568 2, 122 1.-,. 528 151,316 :«0, 707 2.2 5. 4 7.7 1.8 32. 81 35, 072 37. i 192 7. 0 19, 413i .5. 4 13, 2411 5. & 5, 051i 2. 6 4.7 82. 1 26.6 3. 4 6. 8 2. 9 3. 8 29. Si 16. 3| i 2.7 4.3! 1. 0; 4. 0; 3. 0: 62. 3 2. 4, 4.5.4 3. 5i 6.0 4. r 8. 3 33.9 43. 1 28. 6| 10. 7^ Enumerated. 1,904 1.210 27. OPl -JO. 1: 3:!ii 4. 7\ 10,011 26.1 Number. 2,482,672 Ketnmed as m able to write. Number, rp, ct 322, 303 13. 0 40, 156 1, 297 37, 249 39, 077 6,643 29, .943; 6, 040| 6, 760 6, 848 8,708 49, 475 1,397 180, 9591 121, 245| 99, 409 59, 831 ! 88, 386: 20, 995 33, 153; 41,439 80, 27o| 89,780 44, 228 29, 694; 127, 940 1, 058 25,906 1, 863 15, 477; 58, 614 6, 484 254, 441' 51, 757- 181, 491 9, 460 2;i9, 304 12. 879 22. 984 73, 004 71, 635 9,000; 17, 160 53, 157 8,651 39, 162: 77, 419 654i 17,442 334 17, 229 821 785 715 35.51 .587 129 3, 047 20, 018 108 11, 180 7, 518 3,047 3, 319 30, 524; 7, 5661 1, 294! 3. 1281 3, 028 1, 842 9,624; 2:j, 252 28' 1, 255i 17! 635 1,957 3,fno 6, 691 24, 592 7, 230 687 11, Til^ 1.1.)6 8, 242, XI. 536 22, 762 1, 072 728 15, 196 207 10, 8.V) 2, -250 38 43. 4 25.8 46. 3' 2. 1 n.8 2.4 5.9! 8.7! 2. 0 3.5.1) 40.5 7. 7 6.2 6.2 3.1 5. 5 34.5 28. 0 .3.9 7.5 1.2 3.4 4.2 .32. 4 18. 2 2.6 4.8 0.9 4. 1 3.3 60. W 2.61 47. 5 i 4.0 7.3 \ 4.8 : 9. O i 35. 9 I 45. 9 ! 3L8i :l 11. 9 4. 2 ' 28- ei 5. 7 1 27. 7-; WHITE FEMALES FROM 10 tO 14 YEARS OF AGE, BOTI£ Us'CLU- 81 VK. Enumerated. Nu%nber. i 2, 397, 959 Returned as un- able to write. Number. ,P.ct.\ 256,8921 10.7' 37, 626; 1, 024! 34, 884: 38, 857| 14, 346 217 14, 430 696 790 39.1! 21.2 41.4 t:8; 12. 4^ .5. 8' ; ; 28. 913 i>58 1. 9 5, 441 1 266 4.9 7 0. 4l8: 4:<0 6.7 6, 322: 102 1. 6 9 8, 320: 2,534 30. 5 10 46, 662} 15, 954 34.2 11 1, 3.%i H4 6. 3 12 176, 789| 8, 233 4.7 1:^ 116, 823j .5, 723 4.9 14 95, 769, 2, 004 2.1 15 .55, 008 2, 122 3. 9 16 84, 926 2;'), 084 29. ^ 17 27, 077. 6, 798 25. 1 18 31, 628 888 2.8 19 40, 691 2,420 6.9 20 79, 651 953 1.2 21 86 124 2. 4 22 43', 158 I, 475 3.4 23 28, 111 7, 236 2.). 7 24 122, 849 17, 628 14.3 25 1. 002 2.7 2« 23, 813 890 3.7 27 1, 865 20 1.1 2« 15. 128 598 4.0 29 57, 955 1,527 2.6 30 5, 995 3, 864 64. 5 31 250, 703 b. 461 2. 2 48, 040 20, 7.(2 43! 2 ?,:^ 176, 778 5, 236 3. 1) :u 9, 157 425 4.6 35 233. 302 7. Wl .1.4 3;; 12, 708 7.6 22, 216 7. iiHr, 31. l» 69. 263 27. 7riO 40. 1 :{» 07, 084 10, 945 25.3 40 8. 7;!5 832 9.5 41 If), 299 3.0 42 5i», 791 11, 898 2::. 4 4:! 3,304 12:» 3. 7 u 37, 052 9, 061 24. 0 4.-. 75, 418; 1, 901 20 Ai\ 5G4 X 0 47 1(^48 COMPENDIUM OF THl^ TENTH CENSUS. I'Aiiijo CXXXVll. — lllit^racii by states and territories — Continued. 1880. States and Terri- tories. The United States. Alabama . Arizona . . Arkansas . California. Colorado. . C Connecticut 7 Dakota 8 1 Delaware • 9 I District of Columbia 10 Florida Georgia. Idaho . . - Illinois . .Indiana . lov.'^a Kansas . . . Kentucky . Louisiana. Maine Maryland. Massachusetts . Mi<}higan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Xevatla New Hampshire . New Jersey New Mexico . . . New York North Cajoliua Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania.. Kliode Island . . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia "Washington . - . West Virginia , "Wisconsin "Wyoming. WHITE PKR80N8 FROM 15 TO 20 YEARS OF AGE, BOTU INCLUSIVK. Enumer- ated. Nurnher. 5, 295, 667 Returned as unable to write. Number. 383, 423 79, 999 3, 188 67, 31 1 86, 665 17, 299 70, 04 12. 238' 15, 401; 13, 5211 16, 396i 96, 8.561 2, 728 394, 785 259, 124 210, 208 110, 756 176, .535 53. 673 76. 848 90, 258 205, 162 195, 412 97, 2061 56, 369 261, 7811 2, 615| 49, 669 3; 915 39, 283 131, 080 13, 103 595, eoo 103, 927 392, 752 19, 039 512, 709| 31, 049 44, 988! 141,064! 135, 429| 17, 480 ! 38, 203; 101, 412| 6, 700 72, 246 171, 375 1, 695 19, 805 723 16, 639 1, 948 1,306 2,151 330 867 188, 3. 297 P. ct. 7. 2 21, 269; 82| 13, 6571 10, 081 3,471 2.352 34, 216 9. 775 3, 342 4, 613 5, 517 2,544 8,799 21, 706 51 960 71 2, 281 3,217 8,200 13, 973 30,271 10,409 327 16, 327 2, 8II: 10, 114| 36, 177 19, 0881 I 848, 1, .599! 16, 594j 9,1 31 WHITE MALES FROM 15 TO 20 YK A UH OF AGE, UOTII INCLUHIVE, Enumer- ated. Numher. 2,599,673 24. 81 22. 7i 24! 71 2.21 7.5: 3. 0! 2.7 5.6 1.4 20.1 22.0 3.0 3.5 3.9 1.7 2.] 19.4 18. 2! 4.3i 5.1 3.4 2.8 2.6 15.6 8.3 2.0 1.9 1.8 5.8 2.5 62. 6 2. 31 29. 1 2. 7: 1. 7! 3. 2 9.1 22.5 25.6 14.1 4.9 4.2 16.4 1.3 13.8 2.5 1.8 Eqtumed as unable to write. Number 201, 844 38, 501 1,795 33, 586' 43, 299 10, 285 34, 4361 6, 503: 7, 554 6, 001 7, 951 46, 712 1, 508 195, 115 128,2^ 106, 3V3I 57, 230 87, 312 25,100 37, 898 43,364 97,256 99, 033 49, 317 27,602 129,153, 1, 587 25, 831 2,081 19, 127 63, 206 6,379 281, 106 51, 308i 192, 080' 9, 820 249, 3441 14, 705i 21, 803 1 69, 703 8, 590; 19, 134| 49, 505! 3, 471 1 35, 908j 84,7961 993' P.ct 7.8 10, 117 403 8,524 1, 221 573 1, 051 175, 4481 100 1,755! 10,827' 58! 7. 619i 5, 6501 2, 091! 1, 430' 17, 954i 4, 959| 1, 7891 2, 503 3, 319 3, 459 1, 402 4,828 11, 991 35 536 61 1,127 1, 785 3,324 6, 954 15, 052 5,930 218 8, 901 1,400 .5, 212 18, 468 10, 731 498 943 8, 944 59 5, 152 2,243 25 WniTE FEMALES FROM 15 TO 20 YEARS OF AOK, BOTH INCLUSIVK. Enumer ated. Numbet. 2, 69S, 994 26.3 22.5 25.4 2.8 5.6 3.1 2.7 5.9i 1.71 22.1): I 23. 2' 3. 8' 3. 9; 4.4I' 2..: 2. 5i 20.6! 19.81 4. 7| 5.8 3.4 3.5 2.8 17.5^ 9.3 2. 2ii 2.11 2. 9 5.91 2.8, 52.li| 2.5 29. 3'! 3.11 2. 2j 3.6! 9.5' 23. 9r 26. 5; 15.8! 4. 9 i l&l I 1.7: 14. 3 I 2. 5!! ii Eetumed as unable to write. N umber. \ P. ct. 181, 5791 6. 7 41, 498 1. 393 33, 725 4U,366 7,014 36, 209 5, 735 7, 847 7,520 8, 445 .50, 144 1,220 199, 670 130, 898 103, 835 53, 526 89, 213 28, 573 38, 950 107, 906 96,379 47, 889 28, 767 132, 628 1,028 23, 838 1,834 20, 156 67,874 6,724 314, 494 52, 619 200, 672; 9, 219j 263, 3651 16, 3441 23, 185! 71, 361 67, 343 8,870 19, 069 51, 9071 3, 2291 5.579 702 .320 727 733 I 1, 100 155, 419, 881 1,542| 10, 44a 24i 6, 038: 4,43l! 1, 380 i 922; 16,.262: 4, 8161 1,553| 2,110j 3, 719 2,0^8 1, 142 3,971 9, 715 16 424 10 1, 154 1, 432 4,876 7,019 15,219 4, 479i 109i i 7, 426 1,411 4, 902 17, 709 8t*57j 350 656 7, 6501 29; 4,834! 2, 041 i 23.3 22. 9; 24.1 1 1.7 10. 3.0, 2.7 5.3 1.2 18.3 20. 2.0 3.0 3.4 1.3 1. 18.2; 16.9 4.0 4.5; 3.4 2.1 2,4 13.8 7.3 1.6 1.8 0. 5. 7; 2. r 72. 5 2.2: 28. 2.2 L2 21.1 24.8 12. • 3.! 3.4 14.7 0.9 13.3 2.4 0.9 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1649 Tablk CXXXVII. — IlUtemcy hy states and territories— Continued. J 880. wHm: rKKsoxs of 21 tears OF AGK AKD UPWAUD. Eniinierated. Nitmber. 21,984, 202 Eeturned as unablo to write. Number. 2, 056, 463 294, 941 23, 125 254, 461 424, 636 125, 131 358, 679 74, 629 63, 032 65, 681 65, 713 370, 984 16, 023 1, 481, 945 941, 763 768, 677 447, 526 623, 438 213, 172 376, 382 371, 698 1, 051, 684 848, 590 372, 591 214, 122 940, 668 24, 311 216, 924 34, 952 215, 706 587, 736 54J85 2,826,859 405, 082 1, 588, 507 81, 826 2, 151, 246 158, 522 182, 518 507, 413 534, 783 191, 593 425, 224 35, 614[ 2Gl,G81i 6:57, 22l| 12, 327 60, 174 3, 550 50, 235 22, 625 7, 025 23, 339 3,206 6, 462 3, 569 10, 885 71, 693 510 99, 356 77, 076 35, 815 17, 095 124, 723 34, 813 16, 234 34, 1551 81, 671 48, 291 27, 645 27, 789 89, 924 525 7, 821 1, 807 10,694 37, 348 33, 623 182, 050 116, 437 92, 616 2, 904 174,286 18, 611 34. 335 118, 734 65, 117 5, 385 12, 872 71, 004 1, Oil 45, 340 45, 798 285 P.ct. 9.4 20.4 15.4 19.7 ,5.3 5.6 6,5 4.3 10.3 5. 4 16. 6j 19. 3| 3.2 6.7 8.2 4.7 3.8 20.0 16.3 4.3 7.8 7.4 13.0 2.2 3.6 5.2; 5.0| 6.4 62. li 6.4' 28.71 5.81 3. 5j 8,11 11. 7i 18. 8i 23. 4i 12, 2l 8,9| 6.7 16.7 2.8 17.3 7.2 2.3 WHITE SfALKS OF 21 YICAKS OF AGE AND UrWARD. Enumerated. Number. 11, 343, 005 141, 461 18, 046 136, 1.50 262, 583 92, 088 173, 759 50, 962 31, 901 31, 95: 34, 210 177, 96' 11, 669 783, 161 487, 698 413, 633 254, 949 317, 57 108, 810 186, 659 183, 522 496, 692 461, 557 212, 399 108, 254 508, 165 19, 636 128, 198 25, 633 104, 901 289, 965 30, 9811 1, 388, 692 1 189, 732; 804, 8711 51, 636 1, 070, 392 75, 012 86, 900 250, 055 301, 737 32, 078 95, 307 206, 248 24, 251 132, 777 838, 932! 9, 241 1 Eetumed as unable to wiite. Number 886, 659 24, 450 2,150 21, 349 12, 615 3, 627 9, 501 1,678 2, 955 1, 350 4, 706 28, 571 319 44, 536 33, 757 16, 202 7, 998 54, 956 16, 377 8, 420 15, 152 30, 9.51 26, 330 12, 372 12, 473 40, 655 410 3, 836 1,173 5, 264 15, 902 14, 898 76, 745 44, 420 40, 373 1,669 65, 9S5 7, 157! 13, 924 46. 948 33, 085 2,137 0, 731 31, 474 642 19, 055 21, 221 160 P.ct 7.8 WHITE FR.MALKS OF 21 YEAKS OF AGE AND UrvVARD. Ennmerated. 17 11.9 15.7 4.8 3.9 5. 5, 3. 3; 9.3 4.2 13.8 16.1 2.7 .5.7 6.9 3.9 3.1 17.3 15.1 4.5 8. 3 6.2 5.7 5.8, 11. 5i 8. 0! 2.li 3.0i 4.6 5.0! 5.5 48. l| 5. 5i 23.4 5. 0! 3.2! 6.2I 9.5i 16.0! 18.8 11.0 6.7 7,1 15.3 2.6 14.4 6.3 1.7 Ee turned as unable to write. Number. Number. 10, 641, 197 1, 169. 804 15.'J, 480i .'), 079 118, '.'Ai' 162, 0.53 33, 043 184, 920 23, 667 31, I.JO 33, 726 31, 503 193, 017 4, 354 698, 784 454, 005 355, 044 192, 577 30.5, 859 104, 302 189, 723 1 188, 176 554, 992 387, 033 160, 192, 105, 868 432, 503 1 4, 675I 88, 726| 9, 3191 110, 8051 297, 771! 23, 204' 1, 43«, 167 215, 3.50! 783, 636 30, 190! 1, 080, 8.54! 83, 510l 95, 618 257, 3581 233, 046 28, 603 96, 286 218, 976 11, 363 128, 904 298, 289 35, 724 1,400 28, 886 10, 010 3,:" 13, 838 1,528 3, 507 2,219 6, 179 43. 122 191 54, 820 43, 319 19, 613 69, 767 18, 436 7, 814 19, 003 50, 720 21, 961 15, 273 15, 316 49, 269 115 3, 985 634 5, 430 21, 446 18, 725 105, 305 72, 017 52, 243 1, 235 108, 301 11, 454 20, 41ll 71, 786 32, 032 3, 248 6, 141 39, 530 369 26, 285 24, 577 125 P.ct. 11.0 23. 3 I 27'. 6 24.4 3 U.2 4 10.31 5 7.5' 6 6.5 7 11.3 8 6.6 « 19.6 10 22.31 11 4.41 12 7.8 9.5 5. 5 15 4.7 16 22.8 }l 17.7 18 4.1 19 10,1 20 9.1 21 5.7 22 9.5 23 14.5 24 11.4 25 2.5 26 4.5 27 6.8 28 4.9 29 r.. 30 80.7 31; 7.3 32 33.4 33 6.7 34 4.1 35 10.0 36 13.7 37 21.3 38 27.9 39 13.7 40 11.4 41 6.4 42 18.1 43 3.2 44 20.4 45 8.2 46 4.1 47 104 C 0 1650 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXXVII. — Illiteracy by states and territories — Continued. 1880. States and Territories. The United States.. Alabama.. Arizona .. Arkansas. California Colorado.. Connecticut Dakota Delaware District of Columbia. Florida Georgia. Idaho . . . Illinois . Indiana . Iowa Kansas ... Kentucky- Louisiana. Maine Maryland . Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota Mississippi . Missouii Montana , Nebraska Nevada , 29 1 New Hampshire 30 New Jersey New Mexico . . . New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania.. Rhode Island . . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Utah Tei-mont Virginia Washington . . . West Virginia . 46 Wisconsin . 47 Wyoming . . COLOBBD PERBONS OP 10 YI5AU8 OP AGK AND UPWAUI). Enumerated. Kumher. 4. 601, 207 399, 058 4, 288 137, 971 91, 827 2, 764 9, 52:5 1, 501 19, 245' 45, 035 85, 513 479, 8&3 3, 524 34,837 29, 140 7, 578 31, 176 190, 223 328, 153 1, 658 151, 278 15, 416 16, 780 2, 794 425, 397 104, 393 3,003 1, 959 8,071 594 30, 206 8, 199 53, 825 351, 145 59,1 11, 083 60, 654 5, 303 394, 750 271, 386 255, 265 1, 318 807 428. 450 6,451 18, 446' 4, 279! 1, 239 Returned as un- able to write. Number. 3, 220, 878 P.cf. 70.0 321, 680 ],018 103, 473 27, 340 5681 1, 661 664 11, 068 21, 790 60, 420 391, 482 994 12, 971 10, 363! 2, 272| 14, 588[ 133, 895i 259, 429) 412[ 90, 172 2, 322 4, 791 1, 040 319, 753 56, 244 1,076 602 2,154 94 7, 559 11,425 271, 943 16, 356 3, 080 18, 033! 1,249 310, 071 194, 495 192, 520 156 315, 660 2, 460 10, 139 1, 325 182 80.6 23.7 75.0 29.8 20.5 17.4 44.2 57.5 48.4 70.7 81. 6 28.2 37.2 35.6 30.0 46.8 70.4 79.1 24.8 15.1 28.5 37.2 75.2 53. 9 35.8 30.7 26.7 15.8 30.5 92.2 21.2 77. 41 27.3 27.8 27.1 23.6 78.5 71.7 75.4 52.3 19.3 73.7 38.1 55.0 31.0 14.7 COI-OREU PKRS0N8 FROM 10 TO 14 YKARS OV AGE, BOTH INCLUSIVE. Enomerated. Number. 834, 655 77, 036 457 25, 815 2,875 181 1, 006 203 3,075 5, 735 1.5, 947 94, 522 45 5,203 4, 1,121 5, 625 34, 068 57, 914 190 24, 603 1, 504 2, 454 396 84, 238 18, 030 268 252 322 64 3,855 1,1 5, 464 68, 4S3 9, 164 367 8,094 531 76, 981 52, 817 52, 055 123 134 83, 209 662 3, 195 710 27 Retnrned as un- able to write. Number. 552, 771 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1651 Table CXXXVII. — Illiteracy hy states and territories — Coutinued. 18S0. COLORED MALES .rROM 10 TO 14 YEARS OF A(5K, BOTH INCLUSIVE. Ennmerated. Number. 424, 909 39, 626 238 13, 230 li638 481 94 1,572 2,717 8, 085 48, 496 28 2,651 2, 223 584 2, 883 17, 255 29, 586 96 12,289 765 1,231 197 43,231 0. 101 144 119 187 28 1,921 591 2, 678 34, 775 4,648 229 3, 962 39, 023 26, C17 26, 259 60" 71 42, 2041 365 1, 691 Returned aa unable to write. 378 15 Number. 285, 997 30, 153 66 9,605 613 13 81 49 754 430 5, 426 38, 222 8 736 352 58 889 11, 326 21, 603 11 5,693 18 244 73 30, 366 4, 169 P.et 67.3 26 361 625 273^ ,676, 489 94 6n0| 25' 29, 314 18,280 19, 165 33 6 28, 109 135 76.1 27.7 72.6 37.4 14.6 6.4 52.1 48.0 15.8 67.1 78.8 28.6 27.8 15.8 30.5 65.6 73.0 11.5 46.3 2.4 19.8 37. l! 70.2 45.8 59.7 14.3 42.2 10.7 18.8' 88. 8^ 10.2 76.7 10. 5, 41. m 15. 1! 9.7l 74. 5! 68.71 73.0 5.-. 0! 8. 5' 66.6 37. O! 727 43. 0| 87 23.0 40.0 COLORED FEMALES FROM 10 TO 14 YKAKS OF AGK, BOTU INCLUSIVE. Enumerated. Returned as unable to write. Number. 4 09, 746 Number. 266, 774 P.ct. 65.1 37, 410 219 12, 585 1,237 92 625 109 1, 503 3, 018 46, 026 17 2, 552 2, 246 537 2,742 16, 813 28, 328 94 12, 314 739 1, 223 199 41, 007 8, 929 124 133 135 36 1, 934 565 2, 786 33, 718 4, 516 138 4,132 273 37, 658 26, 200 25, 796 63 63 41,005 297 1,504 332 12 27, 752 83 9, 053! 686 7 I 33 423; 5, 251 35, 708: 6 653 347 65 749 10, 044 20, 316 16 5, 3931 195; 54: 28, 440; 3, 654! 52! 23! 69 li 325 520 _0.J| 25,213 436 4«] 555 24 27, 758 17, 139 18, 219 25 G 25, 734 112 597j 65! 4! 74.2 37.9 71. 9 47. 4 7.6 77. 35.3 25.6 15. 4 12. 1! 3 6 5 7 5 8 0 9 8 10 27.3 59.7 71.7 17.0 43 1.8 21 15. 9I 22 27. 1! 23 69.4 24 40. 9 25 I- 41.9 26 17. 3, 27 51. 1 28 2. 8! 29 16. 8| 30 92.0 31 9.2 32 74.8 33 9.7 34 34.8, 35 13.4' 36 8.8 37 73.7 38 65.4' 39 70. 6j 40 39.7! 41 9.5 42 62.8 43 37. 7| 44 39. 7i 45 19.6' 4G 33.3 47 r I 1652 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXXVU. — IllWracy hij slates and territoriea — Continued. 1880. States and Terri- tories. TheUnited States. . 1 1 Alabama Ari/.ona . Arkausas . California. Colorado . . Coimecticut Dakota Delaware 9 District of Columbia. 10 Florida Georgia. Idabo. Illinois . Indiana Iowa Kansas ... Kentucky Louisiana. Maine Maryland COLORKP PKRSOXS FKOM 15X0 20 YEA118 OK AGE, BOTH INCLUBIVIi. Enumer- ated. Number. 829, 317 21 Massachusetts . 22! Michigan 23 I Minnesota 24 Mississippi 251 Missouri 26 1 Montana. 27 i Nebraska , 281 Nevada 20 i New Hampshire oO New Jersey ni New Mexico. 32 New Tork . . . North Carolina Ohio Oregon 36 ! PennsylTania . 37 Rhode Island . South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia "Washington ... West Virginia . 40 "Wisconsin 47 Wyoming Returned as unable to write. Nwnber 520, 207 75, 947 756 23, 4()(5i 13, 7631 44l| 1, 2781 2131 .3, 512 j 6, 523 15, 069 91, 920 191 5, 307; 4, 837 1, 229j 5, 230! 35, 8061 52, 072 230 26, 568 1,886 2, 909 453 78, 415 20, 042 354 283 1, 096 82 4, 430; 1, 402' 7, 013 67, 003 9, 735 2, 065j 9, 691! 5511 73, 6401 51, 730 48, 141j 237 132 629 236 352 ( P.et. 50, 897 236 16, 371 4, 041 83 100 103 1,680 1,490 9, 991 70, 234 37 1,185 858 1911 1, 452; 21,787 38, 721 50 12, 729 70; 594 I44I 52, 825 8, O64I ic! 661 G08 9 670 1, 305 763 45, 902 1, 279 551 1, 327 61 52, 936 32, 137 33, 309 113 15 47, 477 329 1, 276 712| 192 27. 01 1341 28 20. 9 COLORED MAI,KB VllOM 15 TO 20 YEARS OK AGE, BOTH INCLUSIVE. 74.9 31.2 69.8 29. 41 18. 8 7.8' 48.4 47.8 22.8 63. 8 76.4 19.4 22. 3] 17.71 15. 5j 27.7 60.8 74.4 21.7 47.9 3.7 20.4 31.8 67.4 40.2 45.5 23. 3 33. 6 11. 0 15.1 93.1 10.9 68.5 13.1 26.7 I. 3.7 II. 1 71.9 62.1 69.2 47.7 11.4 61.2 26.6 38.1 Enumer- ated. Numb,er. 398, 477 35, 928 539 11, 143 11, 764 271 041 103 1,819 2, 49vl 7, 032 43, 709 182 2, 559 2, 274 651 2, 490 17, 250 23, 536 117 12, 423 847 1, 370 222 36, 502 9,561 225 124 825 37 2, 075 736 3, 083 32, 678 4, 639 1, 893 4, 102 246 34, 465 24, 930 22, 572 157 60 37, 024 928 1,728 108 Returned as unable to write. Number 247. 468 P.ct. 62.1 26, 673 136 7,596 2, 860 58 45 .'521 863 1 519| 4, 392I 33, 185! 301 5981 4111 112| 728 11, 092! 17, 476! 18 6, 155 37 298 76 24, 167 4, 077 83 27 236, 6! 292! 667; 3871 22, mi 6911 48l| 525! 32 24. 1051 15, 808 15, 635 10 23, 629 191 COLORED FEMALES FROM i 15 TO 20 YEARS OK AGE, | BOTH INCLUSIVE. Enumor- ated. 74.2 25. 2! 68. 2! 24. 31 21.4 7.0 .50.5 47.4 20.8 62.5 7.5.9 16.5 23.4 18.11 17.2] I 29.2 64.3 74.3 15. 4' 49. 5 Number. 430. 840 4.4! 21.8 34. 2j 66. 2| 42. 6! |i 36. 9'! 21.8 28. 6! 16.2 14.1 90.6 11.9 67.9 14. 9' 25. 4' 12.61 13.0 69.9 63.4 38.2 16. 71 63.81 20. 6i 38. 5 29. 5 Number P.et. 272, 739 03. 3 2U 40, 019 217i 12,323, 1, 999 170l 037! 110 1,693' 4, 0331 8, 637! 48,211 9 2,748 2,563 578 2, 7461 18, 5561 28, 536' 113 14, 145 1,039 1, 539 231 41, 913 10, 481 1291 1.591 271 45 2, 355j 666! 3, 930 34, 325 5, 096 172 5, 529 305 39, 175 26. 800 25, 569 80 721 40, 605 308 1, 624 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTPC CENSUS. 1653 Table CXXXVII. — Illitenici/ hy states and territorks — Contiuiied. 1880. COLOUKI) PERSONS OF '21 YRAllS OF AGE AA'D Ul'WARU. COLORED MAf.KS OP 21 VEAKS OK A«E AND Ul'WAKD. COLORED FEMALES OF 21 VEAKS OF AGB AND UrWAUD. Enuraoratod. Eetnrned as un- able to write. Euumerated. Rehirncd as ivn- able to write. Enumerated Eetumed as un- able to write. Number. S, 9a7, 235 Number. 2, 147, 900 P.ct. 73.1 Number. 1, 487, 344 1, 022, 151 P. ct. 68.7 Number. 1, 449, 891 NuTTiher. 1, 125, 749 P. ct. 77.6 240, 075 3, 075 88, 690 75, 189 2, 142 206, 87S 633 68, 444 22, 100 465 84.1 20.6 77.2 29.4 21.7 118, 423 2, 352 46, 827 66, 809 1, 520 96, 408 422 34, 300 lei 857 289 81.4 17.9 73. 2 25^2 19.0 127, 652 723 41,863 8, 380 622 110, 470 211 34, 144 5,' 243 170 86.5 29.2 81, 6 62! 6 28.3 1 3 4 5 7, 239 1,085 12, 658 32, 777 53, 897 1,4971 20.7 458; 42.2 7, 935! 62. 7 19,447 59.3 39,7531 73.8 3, 532 641 6, 396 13,918 27, 489 696 210 3, 787 7^520 19, 110 19.7 32.8 59. 2 54! 0 69.5 3, 707 444 6, 262 18, 859 26, 408 801 248 4, 148 111 927 20, 643 21.6 55.9 66. 2 63! 2 78.2 6 7 8 9 10 293, 421 3, 288 24, 327 19, 834 5,228 247, 318 943 10, 397 8, 800 1,958 84.3 28.7 42.7 44.4 37.5 143,471 3, 126 13, 686 10, 739 3, 025 116, 516 869 .5, 271 4, 345 1, 009 81.2 27.8 38. 5 40.* 0 33.4 149, 950 162 10, 641 9, 095 2,203 130, 802 74 5, 126 4, 461 949 87.2 45.7 48. 2 49.0 43.1 11 12 13 14 15 20, 315 120, 349 218, 167 1,238 100,107 11, 498 90, 738 178, 789 335 66, 357 56.6 7.). 4 82.0 27.1 66.3 10, 765 5H, 642 107, 977 664 48, 584 5, 623 43, 177 80, 555 'l44 30, 873 52.2 73. 6. 80. 2 21! 7 63.5 9, 550 61, 707 110, 190 574 51, 523 5,875 47, 561 92, 234 'l91 35,,484 61.5 77.1 83. 7 33! 3 68.9 16 17 18 19 20 12, 026 11, 417 1,945 262, 744 60, 321 2, 221 3, 758 769 208, 122 40, 357 18.5 32.9 39. 5 79.2 60.9 5, 956 6, 130 1, 086 130, 278 33, 042 941 1, 852 361 99, 068 19, 028 15.8 30.2 33. 5 70! 0| 57.6 6, 070 5, 287 859 132, 466 33, 279 1, 280 1, 900 405 109, 054 21, 329 21.1 36.1 47. 1 82^3 64.1 21 22 23 24 25 2, 381 1,424 6, 653 448 21, 921 777 496 1,638 81 7,844 32.6 34.8 24.6 18.1 35.8 1,908 844 5, 622 237 10, 670 483 2.-)6 1 194 ' 42 3, 560 25.3 30.3 21. 2 17! 7I 33. 4[ 473 580 1, 031 211 11, 251 294 240 444 39 4, 284 62.2 41.4 43. 1 las 38.1 26 27 28 29 30 5, 641 41, 848 215, 649 40, 940 8, C51 5, 209 10, 134 174, 152 14, 152 2, 387 92.3 24.5 80.8 34.6 27.6 3, 095 20, 059 105, 018 21,706 7, 993 9 '77Q 4, 521 80, 282 7, 041 2, 005 QQ &! OS), 0 22. 5' 76.4 32. 4i 25.1 2,546 21, 289 110, 631 19, 234 658 5, 613 93, 870 7,111 382 Qt a. 26.4 84.8 37.0 58.1 31 32 33 34 35 48, 809 4, 221 244, 129 166, 839 155, 069 15, 551 1,139 200, 063 126, 939 121, 827 31.8 27.0 81.9 70.1 78.6 23, 892 1,886 118, 889 80, 250 78, 639 0, 845 467 93, 010 58, 601 59, 669 28.6 24. 8 78. 2| 73.0 75.9 24, 977 2, 335 125, 240 86, 589 76, 430 8,706 672 107, 053 68, 338 62, 158 34.9 28.8 85.5 78.9 81.3 36 37 38 39 40 958 541 267, 612 4, 553 1], 899 518 129 214, 340 1,884 7, 539 54.1 23.8 80.1 41.4 63.4 695 314 128, 257 .3, 419 6, 384 350 82 100, 210 3,126 3, 830 51. 2 20.1 78.1 32. 9! 60.0 263 227 139, 355 1,134 5,515 162 47 114, 130 758 3, 709 61.6 20.7 81.9 66.8 67.3 41 42 43 44 45 2, 857 1, 078 981 144 34.3 13.4 1, 5.50 939 474 84 30.6 8.9 1, 307 139 507 60 38.8 43.2 46 47 1654 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXXXVII. — Illiteracy by states and territories — Continuefl. isro. states and Terri- tories. United States 4, 528, 084-5, 658, 144 Alabama Arizona Arkansas Calit'ornia Colorado Connecticut ... Dakota Delaware Dist. Colambia. Florida Georgia. Idaho . . . Illinois . ludiana. Iowa ... Kansas ... Kentucky Louisiana. Maine Maryland. Massachusetts. Michigan Minnesota Mississippi .... Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey .... 31| New Mexico . New York . North Carolina . Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Ehode* Island . . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont "Virginia "Washington . . . "West Virginia, "Wisconsin Wyoming CANNOT BICAB. o « . CANNOT WBITII— PEES0N8 10 YEAKS OF AGE AND UPWAKU. 349, 771 2, 690 111, 799 24, 877 6, 297 19, 680 1,249 39, 356 22, 845 66, 238 418, 553 3, 293 86, 368 76, 634 24, 115 16, 369 249, 567. 257, 184 13, 486 114, 100 74, 935 34, 613 12, 747 291, 718 146, 771 2, 365 727 7,618 37, 057 48, 836 163, 501 339, 7891 92, 720 2, 609 131, 728 15, 416 265, 892 290, 549 189, 423 2, 515, 15,185: 390, 913' 1, 018; 48, 802, 35, 03ll 468| 4, 880, 271 383, 012 2, 753 133, 339 31,716; 6, 823j 29, 616 1, 563 23, lOO! 28, 719 71, 803 468, 593 3, 3881 133, 584 127, 124: 45, 6711 24, 55o' 332, 176i 276, 158^ 19, 0521 135, 499 97, 742 53, 127 24, 413 313, 310 222, 411 918 4, 861 872 9,926 54, 687 52, 220 239, 271 397, 690 173, 172 4,427 222, 356 21, 92li 290, 379| 364, 697 221, 703 7,363 17, 706 445, 8931 1, 307 81, 490j 55, 441 602 382, 142 262 133, 043 9, 520 6, 568 5, 678 758 20, 631 26, 501 71, 235 467, 503 138 90, 595 113, 185 24, 979 20, 449 324, 945 268, 773 7, 986 126, 907 7, 912 22, 547 5,558 312, 483 206, 827 3, 552 98 1,992 29, 726 777. 873 870 2,491 296 22, 196 255 23, 938 805 2, 469 2,218 568 1,1 3, 250 42, 983 13,- 939 20, 692 4,101 7, 231 7, 385 11, 006 8,592 89, 830 30,1 18, 855 827 15, 584 524 1, 309 774 7, 934 24, 961 49,311| 2, 70, 702:168, 569 397, 573 134, 102 3, 003 126, 803 4, 444 289, 726 362, 955 203, 334 3, 334 3. 902 1 444, 623! 804 78, 3891 White. 10 to 15. 294, 422 245, 690 13, 214 177 7, 985 1, 092 483 1,339 56 1, 045 366 2,691 19,843 17 6, 562 5, 582 3. 401 11, 016 122 6, 814 849 487 1,191 58 833 293 2, 392 16, 654 19 5,303 4, 779 2. 457 1, 491 1, 099 31,752 26,014 117 39, 070 1, 424 95, 553 17, 477 653 1, 742 18, 369 4, 029 13, 804 1, 270 503 3, 101 14,113 41,328 266 336 7,130 1, 782 4, 274 2, 215 4, 728 2, 122 8,174 27, 509 1,167 8 456 2, 987 4, 530 10, 772 20, 240 15, 064 572 5, 7351 1, 289 7, 299 20, 887j 11, 171 1, 5391 1, 0351 18, 745 71 10,704 5, 030 22 6, 395 1, 308 3, 653 2,144 3, 294 1, 6, 555 21, 864 36 809 15 377 2,546 4, 9,127 18, 407 11, 372 388 4, 953 1. 195 6, 375 17, 991 8, 748 1, 815 15, 358 58 9,342 4,244 19 15to2L 207, 578 209, 533 21 and over. 9,642 242 6,703 1,179 498 1, 266 44 718 150 2,146 13, 101 9 7, 208 7, 325 2, 044 1, 311 18, 724 4, 710 1,247 3, 022 3, 013 2, 973 1,014 5,447 14, 755 29 317 20 712 2,113 3, 956 8, 138 15, 384 8,568 161 8,504 Ij 6, 411 15, 962 7,144 523 1,317 11, 095 44 5,808 2, 777 14 748, 970 9,757 17,429 254 1, 167 7,213 13,610 839 12,36i 717 2, 305 1, 444 47 652 311 2, 199 12, 911 19 6, 893 7, 093 1,636 908 18, 036 4, 926 1,186 3, 077 145. 718 8, 990, 403 3, 466 1, 2141 3, 8761 21, 899! 315 40, 801 36, 331 14, 782 5, 43, 826 12, 048 6,516 13, 344 4,394 30,920 2,125: 17,543 975 8, 041 4, 749 12, 731 29 212 10 700 2,309 5, 734 10, 435 16, 527 9,357 34,780 399 956 474 3, 361 14, 515 14, 892 73, 208 33, 111 7,491! 41,439 1091 1,085 9, 655' 61, 350 1,383: 5.922 5,691' 12,490 17,349 37,713 6,4^ 17,505 429 1, 137 1, 105 6, 867 10,343 27,646 34 437 5,913 15,181 2, 487 14 17, 637 326 31, 001 767 21,770 9. 837 2, 074 13, 683 306 4, 566 2,542 5,600 I 40,531 107 56, 857 57, 651 19, 8251 6, 175 62, 725 15,540 6, 775 19, 422 52, 890 17, 986 10, 109 13, 746 50,124 81 1,169 126 4, 225 21, 916 17, 135 116, 744 62, 728 68, 4491 1, 096 i 116, 26l| 10, 1521 17, 90lj 68, 825| 19, 845j 2, 180 6, 445! 40, 35l| 179 24, 545j 22, 670. 86' COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1665 Taklk CXXXYIl.-— Illiteracy hy states and #erri^ori€s— Continued. 1870. CANNOT WRITE— PEUS0N8 10 YEARS OF AGB AND UrWAUI>— Continued. Colored. Cliiuese. (a) Indian. 10 to 15. 15 to 21. 21 and over. 10 to 15. 15 to 21. 21 and over. 10 to 15. 15to2L 21 and over. -€44 8, 514 9,900 25 37 Utah 323 162 161 98 225 8, 916 933 7, 983 4, 467 4, 402 27 23 86, 452 83, 300 3, 152 31, 178 42, 877 5,489 6, 908 Wasliiiifijton 438 207 • 231 295 142 1 IG, 546 2, 663 13, 883 7, 465 8, 983 53 45 a 1,000 added to state by reason of error in tabulation of 1860. b Includes West Virginia. i DEFECTIVE, DEPENDENT, AND DELINQUENT CLASSES. 1657 I 1 THE DEFECTIVE, DEPENDENT, AND DELINQUENT CLASSES. L_- Department of the Inteeior, Census Office, WasMngtonj D. C, December 22, 1882. Hon. 0. W. Seaton, Superintendent of Census. Sir : The most striking result of tlie effort made in the Tenth Census to obtain a complete and accurate enumeration of the defective, de- pendent, and delinquent classes of the population of the United States is the apparently great increase in their number, as compared with the figures given in any previous census. THE AFFLICTED. If we disregard the census of 1830 {in which the insane and idiotic ^ere not enumerated) and that of 1840 (in which they were enumerated, aot separately, but as forming a single class), then the following table exhibits for the four groups included under the term defective the ncrease referred to ; but it must be remembered that this increase is ess real than apparent: Table showing the number of insane, idiotic, blind, and deaf-mutes in the United States, in the years named, respectively, according to the census. Class. 1880. 1870. 1860. 1850. 91, 997 76, 895 48, 928 33, 878 37, 432 24, 527 20, 320 16, 205 2i, 042 18, 930 12, 658 12, 821 15, 610 15, 787 9, 794 9, 803 251, 698 98, 484 68, 451 50, 994 The total i)opulation for each of the years named was as follows: ^n 1850 it was 23,191,876; in 1860, 31,443,321 ; in 1870, 38,558,371; and n 1880, 50,155,783. In other words, although the population has a little nore than doubled in thirty years, the number of defective persons 'eturned is nearly five times as great as it was thirty years ago. During the past decade (or since 1870) the increase in population has )een 30 per cent. ; but the apparent increase in the defective classes las been a little more than 155 per cent. The table on page 1660 shows lie number of each class iii 1,000,000 of the population, as reported in census. 1659 1660 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table showing the number of insane, idiotic, blind, aud deaf-mutes in each million of the population in each of the years named. Class. Tusano JdiuU Blind Utjat-miites Totals. 1880. 18T0. 1860. 1850. 1,834 1,533 976 075 971 C36 527 420 765 602 403 408 673 681 422 423 5, 018 2,554 2, 178 2, 199 It is not possible to believe that there has, in fact, been any such in- crease of the defective classes as is indicated by the figures given in the tables above. The inference is irresistible that either the enumeration in 1880 is excessive, or else it was incomplete in 1870 and in the years X)revious. The accuracy of the census of these special classes has been from the beginning a matter of doubt on the part of those most conversant with them. Mr. F. B. Sanborn, of Massachusetts, is quoted in the census of 1870 (Compendium, page 626) as having expressed the opinion that <'the number reported in the census, be it state or national, rarely embraces more than 60 or 70 per cent, of their respective classes". But if weuccept Mr. Sanborn's estimate, and make it the basis of a calculation; if we increase the number of defectives returned in 1870 by 40 per cent., and make it 137,878, instead of 98,484, even then the in- crease during the past 10 years, as shown by the census, would appear to have been more than 80 per cent. The difficulty of enumerating the defective classes with any approach to accuracy is very great. In the first place, there are no distinct boundary lines between normal and abnormal conditions of the senses or of the nervous system. How often the sanity or insanity of persons occupying the diffused border line between the two is a matter of furious controversy in newspapers and before the courts. It is almost as hard to say who should be classed as an idiot as it would be to determine at what stage of intemperance one becomes a drunkard. Different observers would form different conclusions. Similarly, it is difficult to say at what stage of impaired vision one becomes blind, or of impaired hearing deaf. Yet the determination of these difficult ques- tions is necessarily left to the untrained judgment either of the enu- merator or of the head of the house, or it may be of the servant who comes to the door. But if there were no obstacle in the way of determining who ought to be included in the defective classes, there would be an almost in- surmountable obstacle in the reluctance of friends to publish the in- firmities of those dear to them, and the respect felt for this sentiment by enumerators, who hesitate to put disagreeable and, possibly, need- less questions. The fii'St of these difficulties cannot, in the nature of things, be sur- mounted. To overcome the second, resort was had in the Tenth Cen- sus to a number of expedients, particularly to a system of " special'' COMPENDIUM OF THK TENTH CENSUS. 1661 schedules, one for each separate class which it was intended to enumer- ate separately. Each enumerator was required to transfer to its proper schedule the name of every defective person enumerated by him, and upon that schedule to answer certain definite questions applicable to him as a member of the class to which he was supposed to belong. For this extra service the enumerator was offered additional compensation ; and it was impressed upon him that he should make special effort to find these defective persons and make a full report of each case. He was instructed to counsel with physicians upon this point and to make inqui- ries of neighbors, and to report all defectives, whether the information respecting them should be derived from the families to which they be- longed or from other sources, if in his judgment it was worthy of con- fidence. With respect to the idiotic and the insane, correspondence was had, in addition, with about 100,000 physicians of the United States, who were furnished with blank forms of return, and were requested to report to the Census Office all lunatics and idiots within the sphere of their per- sonal observation and knowledge. Eeplies were received from four- fifths of those addressed — a result creditable in the highest degree to the public spirit and devotion to science of the medical profession in America— and the names reported by the voluntary observers were, after comparing them with the list returned by the enumerators and carefully purging out duplicates, added to the names already reported. By tlie use of the agencies just described it is believed that a much more perfect enumeration of the defective classes, especially of the insane and idiotic, has been secured than ever before in the history of this or perhaps of any other nation. All possible care has been taken to secure accuracy in the enumer- ation of the defectives, but it would be claiming too much to assert that the census lists are, even after all the labor bestowed upon them, absolutely accurate. It is certain that names have not been returned to this office which should have been reported ; it is also certain that other persons have been improperly reported ; but it is thought that these errors must very nearly balance each other. There is, too, a ten- dency to make duplicate returns of the same person, in the one case at his home and in the other at the institution of which he is an inmate, which has imposed much extra work upon the clerical force in the office, in order to prevent swelling the total number of defectives. One of the great arts of this census of the defective classes is the art of purging out duplicates. Possibly some duplications remain undiscovered 5 but the percentage of error from this source has been reduced to a minimum. The figures given in the tables are published in the firm conviction that they are as nearly correct as it is possible to make them at the present time with our present facilities for procuring them. Of these various forms of affliction, the one which causes the most distress, both to the victim and to the circle of his personal friends and acquaintances, is insanity. The interest felt in its ravages leads 1662 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSU8. to the frequent reiteration of an inquiry which is vaguely fonnulated in the common question : Is insanity increasing in ttiis country relatively to tlie population f But before this question can be answered, it is es- sential to know what tiie inquirer means. If he means nothing more than to ask whether the aggregate number of the insane is increasing, but one reply is possible, and that so obvious as to excite wonder that the question should be put at all. For its solution no census is requi- site; it is only necessary to notice the steady growth in the number and capacity of hospitals and asylums for the care of the insane and the utter faihire of the provision made to overtake and keep pace with the demand for such provision. If, on the contrary, the inquirer de- sires to know whether, in the year 1880, the number of new cases— that is, of cases of insanity of less than one yearns duration— is larger in pro- portion to the population than it was in 1870, the reply to this question, so much inore precise and penetrating than the other, is a matter of opinion, rather than of statistics, for the reason that the statistical data at our command are not sufficient to enable us to answer it. Yet this is much the more important inquiry of the twoj for although the in- crease of the mass implies an increase of the aggregate amount of sor- row in the world, it does not involve increased liability to insanity on the part of the same, which is probably the peril in the mind of the questioner. An increase in the ratio of new cases to the total popula- tion would be an alarming social symptom. The insane population grows, as the general population does, through the excess in the number of additions to the mass beyond the number of diminutions or losses. In the case of the population at large, the increase is measured by the number of births and of immigrants, less the number of deaths and of emigrants. The increase in the insane population is measured by the number of new cases, including relapses, less the recoveries and the deaths. I^ow we do not know the number of new cases within the year, nor the number of deaths, nor the num- ber of recoveries. Hence it is very difficult to form any correct, intel- ligible notion of the nature and causes of that growth of the mass, which, regarded alone, lies upon the surface and is palpable to the dull- est observer. Whether the replies to the questions as to the duration of the disease in individual cases contained in the special schedules returned to the Census Office will shed light upon what is now so ob- scure or prove to be an actual contribution to the ultimate solution of the problem remains to be seen. So far as any dependence can be placed upon the information furnished, it would certainly appear that, assuming their general or approximate accuracy, we might deduce fiom them a formula expressive of the ratio between the number of recent cases and the total number of cases, and from that we mi^ht proceed to estimate the number of new cases occurring within the course of twelve months, which would give us the rate of addition to the mass, which is one of the elements of the problem to be solved. On the other hand, a stiiay of the present ages of the insane in relation to thb age at which COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1663 the first attack is said to have occurred in each reported case might enable us to arrive at such conclusions respecting the expectation of insanity in the sane and the expectation of life in the insane as to afford a pripyisional basis for a theory of the rate of diminution or loss, which woukl serve as a working theory until it could be established, amended, or disproved by subsequent researches. What we need is to know, first, whether the rates of gain and loss are fixed or variable; second, what relation exists between the two; and, third, whether the rate of addition is increasing faster than the rate of increase of the population, after deducting the recoveries and deaths. in dealing with the insane and idiotic population as returned to this office it was found to be necessary to adopt some arbitrary rule for discriminating between the two. In the census of 1840 they were not distinguished, but grouped together as a single class. Since then an attempt has been made in the direction of separation of the two classes, but with what imperfect success will be apparent when attention is directed to the fact that in 1850 the number of idiots reported exceeded that of the insane, but in 1860 the number of insane exceeded that of idiots by twenty-seven per cent., and in 1870 by fifty-two per cent. Id the present census the number of iusane exceeds that of idiots by only about nineteen per cent., which is still believed to be too high. Tiie reason for the belief here expressed is that insanity in adults is much more readily and surely recognized than is idiocy in infants and very young children ; but insanity is for the most part, if not altogether, a disease of mature life, while idiocy, true idiocy, as distinguished from the dementia which results from insanity, is in its origin exclusively a disease of childhood, and is often due to pre-natal conditions. The num- ber of idiots must be, in fact, nearly or quite equal to that of the insane; but the fact does not appear in the census, because so many idiots are unreturiied. The distinction between insanity and idiocy is admitted to be subtle ; it necessarily eludes the powers of observation and discrimination of the majority of enumerators, and therefore but slight dependence can be placed upon their classification., So little value was believed to attach to it, in the face of any conflicting testimony or evidence, that it was decided to accept it as final wherever uncontra- dicted, but wherever the answer to the question upon the schedule as to the age at which idiocy or the first attack of insanity occurred was inconsistent with the enumerators theory of the character of the dis- ability there the original return has been amended in the office. That is to say, if any person whose name w^as borne upon the list of the insane was reported to have been insane from birth, he has been transferred to the list of idiots; and if any person whose name was borne upon the list of idiots was reported to have become an idiot at the age of forty, he has been transferred to the list of insane, on the ground that the so-called idiocy was actual dementia. Since it wtis necessary to estab- lish some age as the limit of this rule, the age of puberty was taken ; 1664 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. that is, twelve in girls and fourteen in boys. This rule was not adopted until after consultation with a number of eminent alienists. It is believed that its adoption has secured upon the whole number of cases a very much more nearly correct result than would have been possible if no such corrections had been made. But its application to individual cases is not always correct, and the risk is taken of errors in the returns made as to the age at which the malady, whatever its nature, overtook its victim. What has now been said will explain the fact that from some hospitals for the insane a few idiots are reported, though they are not returned as such by the officers of the institutions. Attention is called to the special tables showing the number of de- fectives in institutions designed especially for their benefit. According to these tables, of 91,997 insane in the United States there were in hospitals and asylums for the insane (not including those in almshouses) 40,942, or over forty -four per cent, of the entire number; of 76,895 idiots, there were in training-schools for the feeble-minded 2,429, or a little over three per cent, j of 48,928 blind, there were in schools and industrial homes for the blind 2,158, or less than four and a half per cent. ; and of 33,878 mutes, there w^ere in schools for the deaf (not counting those under instruction in day schools, and so not enumerated ) 5,267, or nearly sixteen per cent. This statement may serve to give a summary notion of the urgency of the demand for institutions of the several descriptions named, both in the aggregate and in proportion to the number of individuals in each of the four great defective classes. One reason for the small number of institutions for the blind and for the small number of inmates in each institution is that blindness is an infirmity much more likely to overtake the aged than the young. Deaf- ness, on the contrary, attacks the young with great violence. Of the entire number of the deaf, about one-half are between the ages of five and twenty-one; but of the blind, not more than one-sixth. The pro- portion of congenitally deaf is more than one-half, but of congenitally blind less than one-seventh of the total number of the two classes, respectively. The following table is a summary statement of the number in each of the four classes, by sex, nativity, and race : Table showing the numler of insane, idiots, hlind, and deaf-mutes in the United States, hy sex, nativitij, and race. Class. Total. Male. Female. Native. Foreign. White. Colored. 91, 997 76, 895 48, 928 33, 878 44,408 45, 309 26, 748 18, 567 47, 589^ 31, 586 22, 180 15, 311 65, 651 72, 888 40, 599 30, 507 26, 346 4,007 8, 329 3, 371 85, 840 67, 316 41, 278 30, 661 a 6, 157 6 9, 579 c 7, 650 d 3, 217 251, 698 135, 032 116, 666 209, 645 42, 053 225, 095 26, 603 a Including 105 Chinese, 53 Indians, 1 Japanese, and 2 East Indians. b Including 5 Chinese and 84 Indians. c Including 22 Chinese and 244 Indians. d Including 3 Cbiaese and 37 Indians. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1665 The preceding table may be converted into another, as follows, in which the ratios of males to females, of native to foreign, and of white to colored are reduced to a common term, in order to facilitate com- parisons between the several classes. Table shoiving the n umber of individuals in each 100,000 in each of the classes named, who are male or female, native or foreign, white or colored. Class. Total. Male. Female. Native. Foreign. White. Colored. Bliud Totals 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 48, 271 58, 923 54, 668 54, 805 51, 729 41, 077 45, 332 45, 195 71, 362 94, 789 82, 977 90, 050 28, 638 5, 211 17, 023 9, 950 93, 307 87, 543 84, 365 90, 504 6,6.03 12,457 15, 63;'> 9, 49G 100, 000 53, 648 46, 352 83, 292 16, 708 89, 431 10,569 From this table it appears that insanity attacks women more often than It^does men, but that, on the other hand, men are more liable to the other three forms of misfortune than are women. The negro population is much more liable to idiocy than to insanity. Both the negro and the foreign population are singularly more liable to blindness than to deafness. The tendency to insanity among the foreign x>op4ilation is especially worthy of attention. It may be accounted for in many ways : for in- stance, by the change of climate and of habits of life, by the increased anxiety and effort to advance in the scale of social respectability, by homesickness, and in general by the removal of the props which sustain and steady a man who does not emigrate, but remains in the vicinity where he was born. The same increased tendency to insanity may be discovered (but in a less marked degree) in Americans who remove from one section of the country to another, especially from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast. The interest and importance of the inquiry into the number and con- dition of the defective classes, an d of the criminal and pauper popula- tion, arises from the fact that these are burdens to be borne — drains upon the vitality of the community. When we consider the growth of our population and of our material resources, we are in danger of forgetting that there is another side to the picture. It is startling to know that of fifty millions of inhabitants, over four hundred thousand are either insane, idiots, deaf-mutes, or blind, or are inmates of prisons, reformatories, or poorhouses. If to these we add the outdoor poor and the inmates of private charitable institutions, the number will swell to nearly or quite half a million, or one per cent, of the total pop- ulation. We cannot begin too soon or prosecute too vigorously the inquiry into the causes of the prevalence of these evils, which are like a canker at the heart of all our prosperity. Nothing can be more im- portant than for us to ascertain at the earliest possible moment tlie rate at which they are increasing and the means of arresting their growth. The subject is obscure, but in the study of it we may almost be said to have our finger upon the pulse of tlxe natiou. 105 C 0 1666 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. PAUPERISM. It is almost if not quite impossible to obtain the statistics of pauper- ism. The first question to be decided is : Who are paupers? Paupers, in the strict sense of the word, are poor persons supported in Avhole or in part at the expense of some public fund, raised by taxation, whether such fund belongs to a state, county, city, or town. The poor laws recognize the right of every man, who, through infirmity of body or mind, is unable to provide for his own necessities, to receive aid at the hands of the community of which he is a member, and his member- ship in a given community depends ordinarily upon the length of his residence, it being much easier to acquire a settlement in a new than in an older community. But the community has the right to choose for itself the form and measure of relief. It therefore becomes a per- petually recurring question whether to provide for the permanently poor in almshouses or outside. This is a question which is answered in one way by one community and by another in another, and even in the same community it is answered in one way at one time and in another at another. The indoor poor, as the paupers in almshouses are called, can be found and counted with comparative ease, but how are we to know when we have succeeded in finding the outdoor poor? The aid extended outside the almshouse is of great variety, both in kind and in amount. Sometimes it is equivalent to full support ; more often it is temporary and partial. It may assume the form of a direct contribution in money, or of an order upon a store for supplies, or of medical attendance in case of sickness, or of burial in case of death, to say nothing of other expenses sometimes met from the public treasury, such as the cost of the transportation of the pauper as far as the next county ; but whatever it may be, the records kept of it are as incom- plete as can well be imagined. It is ordinarily within the discretion of some supervisor, overseer of the poor, or poormaster, whose disburse- ments are so limited in amount that they are not reported except in gross. He makes no return of names, but possibly gives an order on a store, and the bills for pauper relief are so mixed with items for other uses that they cannot be separated. The pauper fund is not usually separated from the general fund, and in most states the town or county officials have no thought of keeping any statistical record of pauperism. As to finding the outdoor paupers by inquiring for them from door to door, that is impossible. All that has been attempted in the present census, therefore, has been to give as accurate an account as possible of the almshouse population. Even this, however, is not so easy a task as it may seem. What is an almshouse? Where a county or a town owns a farm or a piece of ground and the buildings on it, and these buih lings are set apart for the care of paupers, there can be no dispute as to the character of the establishment, even though, In case 'it contains not more than two or COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1667 three inmates, it may not be apparent from an inspection of the popu- lation schedule that it is an almshouse. But the county may rent a farm, instead of owning one, or it may not rent any farm, but may hire some one who does own a farm to receive and care for such paupers as may be sent him; and it may send all its paupers to a single con- tractor, or it may distribute them over the county, in the care of a number of private persons. The most diligent search has been made for almshouses wherever there has been a possibility of finding one, and it is not possible that any considerable number of them or any indi- vidual establishment of importance has been overlooked. But there remains the difficulty of deciding what institutions other than alms- houses also contain persons who should be counted as paupers. The pauper insane are often sent to hospitals or asylums owned by the state, where they are maintained sometimes at the exi)ense of the state and sometimes at the expense of the county or town to which they belong; or paupers not insane, pauper children, for instance, may be placed in private charitable institutions for care, and an allowance made from the public funds in consideration of the service rendered. It would require an almost unlimited acquaintance with all sorts of local conditions and usages to enable us to say at any stage of our investigation that we have now succeeded in finding and enumerating all known paupers in the United States. The figures here given are the best attainable at the present time ; nothing more is claimed for them. But the form of presenting them will, it is hoped, satisfy the inquirer that the figures given are worthy of implicit trust, so far as they go. Whatever fault attaches to them is incompleteness rather than error. As they are, however, compiled upon a difierent principle from those contained in the census heretofore, comparisons founded upon them wiU be apt to be misleading. The total number of paupers enumerated in almshouses, so far as ascertained, is 67,067, namely: Male paupers, 35,952; female, 31,115; native, 44,106; foreign, 22,961; white, 61,310; colored, 5,757 (including 18 Chinese and 33 Indians). To these may be added, if any one is so disposed, 21,598 outdoor paupers reported to the Census Office, but no reliance whatever can be placed upon this figure. It is very far below the actual number, as will be apparent when it is stated, by way of illustration, that only 13 outdoor poor are returned from the city of Boston. PEISONEES. According to the tables herewith printed the number of prisoners in confinement in the United States, June 1, 1880, was 59,255. But, on the one hand, this total includes a certain number of prison- ers in county jails, not convicted, but awaiting trial. It also includes not only the convict insane, but insane persons not charged with crime, who are in prison for temporary safe-keeping. 1668 compp:ndium of the tenth census. On the other hand, it does not include prisoners held for debt, of whom 48 are repoi-ted, nor of witnesses, of whom there are reported 107. Neither does it include 11,340 inmates of juvenile reformatories, of which a separate list will be found among the printed tables. It is difficult, if not impossible, to say how many of these juvenile delinquents, if any, should be added to the number of prisoners, since the laws under which they are committed are so dissimilar in the sev- eral states. In Illinois the supreme court has held that the state reform school is a prison. In other states the opposite doctrine has been affirmed, namely, that a house of refuge is not a prison, but that the state stands to its inmates in loco parentis. Accordingly, it is the usual prac- tice to commit juvenile ofienders to a house of refuge during their minor- ity, and to give the managers power to bind them out to individuals, or even to grant conditional releases. Some reformatories receive refractory boys and girls at the request of their parents or guardians, and some even charge a weekly rate for the maintenance and tuition of such children, which is paid by their friends. As a general rule, they all receive children committed for no other offense than that of vagrancy or truancy. Hence, they have been separated from prisons properly so called. The prisoners included in the enumeration were found in prisons of different grades and character, as follows: In penitentiaries (prisons for felons, confined for the most part, if not altogether, at hard labor), 30,623; in workhouses and houses of correction (prisons for misdemean- ants, also confined at hard labor), 7,864; in jails (used both as houses of detention and also as places for the confinement, in idleness, of sentenced misdemeanants), 12,815; in city prisons, lockups, calabooses, station- houses, etc. (almost wholly used as i)laces of detention merely, and that for very short periods), 1,572; at work, singly or in gangs, outside of prison walls (under lessees, or under county officials, as the case may be), 4,883; in military prisons (many of them for no more serious offense than some breach of military regulations, and some for crimes and mis- demeanors), 493; in hospitals for the insane (to which they have been transferred from prisons for medical reasons), 350; miscellaneous, 655; total, 59,255. According to this statement, about 16,000 prisoners are maintained in idleness, while about 43,000 contribute in greater or less degree toward the cost of their own support during their incarceration. The item miscellaneous" needs explanation. Eeference has already been made to the tendency to duplication in the enumeration of the population. In the case of prisoners this was especially unlooked for ; but large numbers of persons incarcerated even in penitentiaries were also reported at their homes, as if at home, when they were not. After searching for these duplicates with long and patient industry there remained in the end 655 names apparently reported at their homes who could not be located in any prison returned to this office. Whether they are borne upon the prison schedules under some alias it is impos- COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1669 sible to say j or whether, unknown to tlieir friends, they have received their discharge. Some of them, in the southern states, may be con- victs leased out to private persons upon farms or plantations, and the names of some of them may have been entered as prisoners through misapprehension, or even from a malicious motive. This number (655) represents the doubtful cases, whose true nature has not been resolved. The system of leasing prisoners in vogue through the South (with the exception of the states of Missouri, Kentucky, and West Virginia) is another matter which may not be generally understood elsewhere, and abroad especially. States which have penitentiaries often hire a por- tion of the convicts sentenced to them to lessees, to be worked outside the prison walls, as house servants, farm laborers, miU-hauds, etc., or employed in gangs in the construction of railways, or in mining or in felling timber. A very singular case is reported in one of the southern states, which can, it is believed, be authenticated, in which a man convicted of man- slaughter was leased out to his own wife, and in that capacity iDcrmitted to return to his own home. However improbable this may appear, it is certainly not impossible under the system. Two states, Florida and Georgia, own neither land nor buildings to be occupied as a penitentiary, but lease out M their penitentiary convicts to private parties, not officers of the government, who employ them whenever and at whatever kind of labor they will. In Texas the num- ber of convicts outside the walls of the penitentiary is nearly equal to that confined inside. Not only penitentiary convicts, but those in county iDrisoiivS, may be leased outj and in Virginia, as well as in Geor- gia, the law recognizes and provides for chain gangs", while in Ala- bama the same thing in substance is known as '^hard labor for the county Of the 59,255 prisoners, 54,186 were males and 5,069 females, 46,338 native and 12,917 foreign, 42,294 white and 16,961 colored. Among the colored are included : Chinese, 531 ; Japanese, 1 j Indians, 161. The census of prisoners was first taken in 1850. The number then 1 returned was 13,474. In 1860 it *vas 38,172; in 1870, 32,901 (a falling off). In 1880, as stated, it was 59,255. Unfortunately, the statistics of former years are not to be relied upon. No question can be more important or, rightly considered, of greater interest than whether crime is increasing more rapidly than it should, in comparison with the growth of the population; but it cannot be answered from the census as it has been taken in the past. It has been customary in the census to include a column for the number of persons convicted during the twelve months immediately preceding, but the extraordinary varia- tions in the figures returned from one census to another wholly dis- credit them. The most striking instance of this variation is in the case of the state of New York, in which there are said to have been 10,279 convictions in 1849-^50, but 58,067 convictions in 1859-'60, and only 1670 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 5,473 convictions in 1869-'70. Such results are worse than useless, because they mislead the general reader, who, of necessity, has but a partial view of the field of investigation. We have in this country no criminal statistics to be placed by the side of those of other nations, like, for instance, the judiciary statistics of England, and it is impossible to obtain any correct statement, or even any approximate notion, of the number of convictions within any given period of time in any other way than by consulting the original dockets of magistrates and courts having criminal jurisdiction. A complete study of crime in the United States would include, first, the examination of the criminal codes of the several states, in order to determine to what extent and in what particulars they differ from each other J second, the collection and digestion of the statistics of criminal procedure under the several codes; third, a knowledge of the amount and character of punishment inflicted upon persons convicted of crimes or misdemeanors. To these three particulars may be added a fourth, which is subsidiary to them, namely: information touching the modifi- cation of punishment, through the intervention of the executive, in granting pardons and commutations of sentences. Few men have any adequate conception either of the importance of such an inquiry, the labor involved in it, or the energy, patience, and good sense necessary for its successful accomplishment. The bare statement that there were on a given day so many persons in confinement, standing alone, is of value, but its relative value is very slight. The novice in criminal statistics needs to be warned against confid- ing in any deductions drawn from comparisons which may be made between the number of prisoners in one state and in another. In consequence of the absence of uniformity in their respective crim- inal codes, it may happen that the list of punishable offVnses is greater in this state than in that, or that offenses punishable by imprisonment in one state may be punishable in another merely by fine, without im- prisonment. Even though the codes should prove to be precisely similar, the sentences imposed by the courts might prove, upon inquiry, to be longer, upon the average, her^ than there; and evidently long sentences tend to fill up the prisons, while short sentences tend to empty them. The relation between the number of persons incarcerated and the number of convictions had is a variable relation. But if it were not so, there is no necessary relation between the number of convictions had and the number of crimes perpetrated; since crime may be more vigor- ously prosecuted in one locality than in another, and it may even prove to be least vigorously prosecuted where it is most rampant. EKED. H. WINES, Special Agent. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1671 Table CXXXVIII. — The insane, by sex, nativity, and race: 1880. States and Tenitories. TotaL Male. Female. r Native. Foreign. White. Colored. The United States 91, 9D7 44, 408 47, 589 65,651 26, 346 85, 840 i 6,157 1 521 719 802 1 475 46 1 110 411 ' 21 16 5 ' 9 12 19 a 2 789 375 414 776 13 629 160 2, 503 1, 720 783 885 1, 618 2, 368 &135 99 59 40 66 33 91 c 8 1, 723 745 978 1 214 509 1 691 d32 Dakota 72 42 30 39 69 c 3 198 98 102 169 29 150 48 District of Columbia 938 701 237 492 446 814 124 263 119 134 238 15 168 85 1, 697 817 880 1, 662 35 1 286 cZ411 16 13 3 3 g 16 5,134 2, 542 2, 592 3, 019 2, 115 5,058 76 3,530 1, 695 1, 835 2,912 618 3, 462 e68 ■ ** 2 544 1 336 1 208 1, 716 828 2 536 9 1 000 531 469 759 241 961 d39 Keutxiclcy 2 784 1 492 1, 292 2 482 302 2 439 345 i! «02 '443 559 '834 168 '698 d304 1, 54 i 6t4 848 1, 374 168 1 1, 535 d7 1 857 865 992 1 2 245 259 TVTsi QQfi p1»n Qf^'f'^'Q 5 127 2 253 2 874 3 3411 1 784 5 085 j 1 634 821 813 1 604 30 1 8(51 a 77;; ' 6 4 2 1 1 6 2, 615 1, 562 1, 053 1.978 637 2, 573 42 2, 238 1, 226 1, 012 2, 002 236 2, 181 57 1 310 770 540 997 313 1 1, 298 1v o n CO a 748 436 312 664 84 1 695 d 53 2, 116 1 085 1 031 2 027 89 1 1, 777 a 339 '845 '433 '362 '759 86 ! '366 a 479 797 455 342 703 94 794 c3 jVIaryliiid 946 477 469 818 128 694 252 1, 733 944 789 1 240 493 1, 700 33 1, 289 743 546 903 386 1,' 242 e 47 Miunesota '448 270 178 239 209 '439 1, 071 553 518 1,057 14 468 a 603 i'^soiiri 2, 258 1, 209 1, 049 1 990 202 2, 082 a 176 VTnTif'O'no. 12 7 5 11 l 11 (1 1 i>rol)vask.a 220 134 86 161 59 217 a 3 Nevada 24 14 10 21 3 9 flrl5 412 232 180 373 39 410 2 Now Jersey 829 482 347 1 613 -10 j 765 64 "N'ew IVXexico 358 215 143 338 20 i 309 h 49 York 5, 013 2, 766 2, 247 3 306 1 707 ' 4, 909 1 104 North Carolina 1^873 '903 '970 i, 864 9 1, 161 j712 Ohio 2, 960 1,675 1, 285 2, 340 620 2, 874 86 Oi'c ^^on 87 47 40 78 9 81 k 6 l^BDD SylvUTlifli 3 884 2 225 1 659 2 916 968 3 776 108 300 ' 151 149 ' 210 90 ' 287 13 1,100 503 597 1,070 30 434 666 2, 026 1, 048 978 1 2, 001 25 1, 542 484 Toxaa 1 375 751 624 i 1 228 147 ' 1 017 Utah 126 66 60 49 77 122 11 486 251 235 379 107 484 2 1, 710 859 851 1, 682 28 897 813 47 29 18 40 7 39 i8 625 860 265 581 44 597 « 28 1,075 641 434 524 551 1, 069 cG 4 o 2 2 2 4 a Including 1 Indian. g Including 15 Indians. b Including 21 Chinese and 97 Indians. h Including 47 Indiana. c Including 2 Indians. i Including 1 Chinese and 3 Indiana. d Including 7 Indians. j Including 8 Indians. e Including 30 Indians. k Including 6 Indians. / Including 3 Indians. I Including 4 Indians. The total number of Chinese who are blind la 22 j Indiana, 244, 1674 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CXLI. — The deaf-mutes ^ ly sex, nativity, and race: 1880. Stfttos and Tonitories. Total. Male. Female. Native. Foreign. White. Colored. The United States A 33, 878 18, 567 15, 311 30,507 3, 371 30,661 3, 217 893 383 6 310 Oo4 6 9 1 ■ - - 405 288 489 249 240 483 6 417 72 382 232 150 306 76 305 a 17 85 44 41 74 11 84 1 5Co 318 247 505 60 6 63 37 26 31 6 1 84 39 45 80 4 72 12 District of Columbia 1C9 121 48 362 7 133 36 118 69 49 111 7 55 63 Georgia 819 420 399 812 7 499 320 2 2, 202 1, 239 963 1, 876 326 2, 179 23 1,764 9(i7 797 1, 669 95 1. 7;i9 25 1, 052 582 470 893 159 1, 046 6 651 372 279 583 68 629 22 6G9 OUD 1, 248 27 1 107 524 296 228 505 19 '328 190 455 258 197 428 27 454 1 671 366 305 629 42 515 156 46 102 56 46 87 15 97 /5 3, 079 1, 697 1,382 2, 820 259 3,047 32 150 85 65 114 36 145 5 5&i 297 267 559 5 301 263 1, 108 599 509 1, 098 10 868 240 771 447 324 718 53 614 157 lift 60 58 69 49 118 212 998 24 520 1, 079 11 114 544 15 295 622 8 98 454 9 225 457 3 194 992 22 510 810 10 18 6 2 10 269 1 212 705 24 510 1,074 11 6 293 10 a Tnchiflins 2 Chinpse and 6 Indians. e Inclnding 11 Indians. b Iiu luding 1 Indian. / Including 1 Cbinpse and 4 Indians. c Inchuliug 7 Indians. g Including 3 Indiana, d Including 2 Indians. The total number of Chinese who are deaf-mutes is 3; Indians, 37. COMPENDIITIVI OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1675 Table CXhlL—Fanjiers, by sex, nativity, and race: 1880. INMATES OF ALMSHOUSES. OUTUOOU I'AUl'BUS. States and Territories. a tf) > p (-< to be Total a •ri i u o O Tota; The United States. 88, 665 67, 067 35, 952 31,115 44, 106 22, 981 61, 310 : 5, 757 lU^ . 21,598 793 , ... 514 228 286 402 52 305 209 279 4 4 3 1 4 390 105 45 60 103 2 85 20 85 1,071 1, 594 1, 377 217 607 987 1,528 a 66 47 46 41 5 25 21 43 Q O 1 1, 799 1,418 776 642 961 457 1, oil 381 24 24 3 390 387 190 197 328 59 280 107 District of Columbia. . - 184 184 ! 89 95 142 42 111 73 107 45 1 33 12 44 1 24 oi 62 1, 278 550 222 328 534 16 385 165 728 17 2 5 10 4, 275 3, 684 2,108 1,576 1. 917 1,767 3,628 56 591 3, 9t)5 3, 4)52 1, 586 1,406 2, 428 024 2, 966 6 87 913 2, liiS 1, 105 689 VI D 752 413 1, 147 18 968 _ 579 355 223 132 278 77 308 47 224 2, 0")9 i, ODO 646 Ton 1,183 183 1^C43 oyj 141 141 3, 211 1, 505 786 719 1, 268 237 '1,488 c 17 1,706 3,334 1, 187 664 523 911 276 857 330 147 •\ir V 5, 423 4,469 2, 460 2, 009 2, 971 1,498 4, 392 954 1, 746 1 {\Aa 1, Ulo AOS DifO 1, 074 672 f Ran U DO 554 496 227 156 71 96 131 1 226 C 1 269 547 345 148 197 334 11 i 165 180 202 1,800 1, 477 779 698 1, 012 465 ;,284 C 193 323 luO b7 AR 60 53 106 C I 96 95 84 11 29 66 92 e3 1 New Hampshire 2, 037 1, 198 591 607 1, 002 396 1, 187 11 839 O QC1 J, 001 2, 462 1 VOO 1, oUt> 1, 069 1, 526- 936 2, 291 1 71 519 sr •»*■ • i 37 15, 217 12, 407 6, 174 6, 233 5.685 6,722 1 12, 166 2-tl 2 810 1,943 1 07 land Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota , Mississippi , Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York , North Carolina Ohio Oregon I'ennsylvania ^hode Island , South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia "Washington TVest Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 76, 895 2, 223 11 1, 374 507 77 817 2, 433 23 4, 170 4. 725 2, 314 1,083 3,513 1,053 1, 325 1,319 2, 031 2,181 729 1, 579 3, 372 15 356 18 703 1,056 122 6, 084 3, 142 6, 460 181 6, 497 234 1,588 3, 533 2, 276 148 803 2, 794 47 1, 367 1, 785 •-5.2 2,429 81 306 49 167 331 202 "'i9 602 "549" 323 1, 382 30 43 30 17 179 '46" 21 31 8 86 67 9 46 81 29 34 22 87 163 1 67 21 73 10 25 5.837 411 491 156 41 178 254 16 48 256 1 155 127 537 150 950 25 54 195 18 194 'i23" 126 1688 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CL. — The blind in institutions for the same, by sex, nativity, and race : 1880. [Explanation of sign: * State institutiona.] Institutfons. The United States ALABAMA. 'Alabama Institution for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. AKKAN8A8. Arkansas School for the Blind — CALIFORNIA. ' CaL Inst'n for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. Location. Talladega. Little Keck . Institute for the Education of Mutes and the Blind. GEORGIA. Georgia Academy for the Blind . . . ILLINOIS. Illinois Institution for the Educa- tion of the Blind. ■Indiana Institute for the Educa- tion of the Blind. IOWA. Iowa College for the Blind KANSAS. Berkeley Colorado Springs * Kansas Institution for the Educa- tion of the Blind. * Kentucky Institution for the Edu- cation'of the Blind. LOUISIANA. * La. Inst, for theEdnc'n of theBllnd and Indust. Home for the Blind. MAEYT^AND. * Maryland Institution for the In- struction of the Blind. * Institution for Colored Blind and Deaf-Mutes. MASSACHUSETTS. •••Perkins Institution and Massa- chusetts School for the Blind. MICHIGAN. ' State School for the Blind- MINNESOTA. ♦Minn. Inst'n for the Education of the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. Macon , Jacksonville. Indianapolis . Vinton. "Wyandotte Louisville , Baton Eouge. Baltimore. Baltimore. Boston. Lansing Faribault . 2, 158 15 29 26 (a) 47 116 110 87 46 26 14 1, 175 1, 913 10 13 16 13 15 29 24 31 73 55 41 16 43 55 46 23 35 25, 15 37 11 96 54 46 27. 24 17 42 22 10 47 108 108 82 45 60 24 87 37 21 a No inmates Juno 1, 1880. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1689 Table CL. — Tlie blind in institutions for the same, 4^c. : 1880 — Continued. Institutions. Location. MIBSISSIPl'I. * Mississippi Institution forthe Ed- ucation of the Blind. Missoimi. * Missouri School for the Blind Blind Girls' Industrial Home NEBUASKA. * Xobr. Institution for the Blind . - . NEW YORK. * K Y. State Inst'n for the Blind. N. Y. Institution for the Blind . - Home for the Blind. Indigent Blind Aay. (Blackwell's Is. ) NOKTH CAROLINA. North Carolina Institution for the Deaf, Dtunb, and Blind. * Colored department of the same . . OHIO. ■ Ohio Institution for the Education of the Blind. iPENNSTLVANIA. Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. Pa. Working Home for Blind Men . . Pa.Indust. Home for Blind Women. SOUTH CAROUNA. * S. C. Institution for the Education of the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. TENNESSEE. * Tennessee School for the Blind . . . TEXAS. * Tex.Inst. of Learning for the Blind. VIRGINIA. * Va. Institution for the Education of the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. WEST VIRGINIA. ' "West Virginia Institution for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. WISCONSIN. * Wisconsin Institution for the Edu- cation of the Blind. Jackson Saint Louis ... Saiut Louis . . - Nebraska City Batavia New York New York New York Raleigh Ealeigh Columbus .... Philadelphia.., Philadelphia . . Philadelphia . - Cedar Springs Nashville , Austin Staunton Romney , Janesville ..... 33 22 155 218 37 74 167 172 16 30 75 34 19 IG 51 10 104 31 36 22 17 12 119 22 71 68 31 11 19 39 12 83 94 20 139 195 12 11 158 149 20 64 1 30 30 34 19 56 1690 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH OENSCS. Table CIA. —Deaf -mutea in imtitntions for the same, by 8ex, nativity, and race: 1880. [Explanation of signs: * State institutions; t Catholic institntions; H owned by the United States For notes, see page 1692;] lustitutiona. The United States •Alabama Institntion for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. ARKANSAS. *Arkan8as Deaf-Mute Institute — CALIFOKNIA. * Cal. Inat'n for the Education of the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. * Institute for the Education of Mutes and the Blind. CONNECTICUT. Amer. Asylum for the Educa'n and Instruct'nof the Deaf and Dumb. ■Whfpple's Home School for Deaf- Mutes. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. U Columbialnst'n forthelnstmct'n of the Deaf and Dumb and Na- tional Deaf-Mute College. GEORGIA. * Georgia Institution for the Edu- cation of the Deaf and Dumb. ILLINOIS. * lUinoas Institntion for the Edu- cation of the Deaf and Dumb. Chicat'O Day Schools for Deaf- Mutes: (6) Deaf-Mute High School North Side Mute School South Side Mute School West Side Mute School INDIANA. Indiana Institution for Educating the Deaf and Dumb. Iowa Institution for the Educa- tion of the Deaf and Dumb. * Kansas Institution for the Educa- tion of the Deaf and Dumb. KENTUCKY. * Kentucky Inst'n for Deaf-Mutes. . LOUISIANA. * Louisiana Institution for the Edu- cation of the Deaf and Dumb. MAINE, Portland (Day) School for the Deaf (b) Location. Talladega. Little Rock . Berkeley Colorado Springs Hartford Mystic River . "Washington Care Spring Jacksonville. Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Indianapolis Council Bluffs . . Olathe Danville . Baton Rouge. Portland . 6,267 41 77 101 15 81 63 445 300 3,000 24 45 2,267 X7 32 62 39 74 32 2ei 31 184 174 126 169 95 74 111 42 18 4.981 41 76 94 177 15 418 74 32 45 14 19 i 11 8 19 300 153 71 110 32 12 27 5,172 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1691 Table CLI. — Deaf-mutes in institutiotts for the same, ^c. : 1880 — Continued. Institutions. MARYLAKD. •Maryland School for the Educa- tion of the Deaf and Durah. •Institution forColoi^d Blind and Deaf-Mutes. Balto. Day School for Deaf-Mutes (&) MASSACHUSETTS. • Clarke Institntion for Deaf-Mutes . Industrial School for Deaf-Mutes . . Horace Mann (Day) Sohool for the Deaf. (6) MICHIGAIT. * Mich. In st'n for th e Deaf an d Dumb Deaf and Dumb Asvlum (German Evangelical Lutheran). School of Articulat'n for theDeaf (d) MIMNESOTA. • Minnesota Institntion forthe Edu- cation of the Deaf, Dumb, and BHnd. MISSISSIPPI. •Mississippi Institution for the Education of Deaf-Mutes. MISSOU&I. • Missouri Institution for the Edu- cation of the Deaf and Dumb, t St. Bridget's Inst'n for Deaf-Mutes Saint Louis Day School for Deaf- Mutes. (b) KEBRASKA. ♦ Nebr. Inst, for the Deaf and Dumb . NEW TOKK. * New York Institution for the In- struction of tlie Deaf and Dumb. ♦ New York Institution, Tarrytown branch (for boys only). ♦Institution for the Improved In- struction of Deaf-Mutes. Central N. Y. Inst'n for Deaf-Mutes Western N.Y. Insf n for Deaf- Mutes tSt Joseph's Institute for the Im- proved Instruction of Deaf- Mutes (for girls). ^tSt. Joseph's Institute for the Im- proved Instruction of Deaf- Mutes (for girls). 'tSt. Joseph's Institute for the Im- £ roved Instruction of Deaf- tutes (for boys). tLe Couteulx St. Mary's Inst'n for the Instruct'n of Deaf-Mutes. Home for Aged and lufirm Deaf- Mutes (church mission). NORTH CAROLINA. '■•IT, C. Institution for the Deaf, ' Dumb, and BHnd. (* Colored department of the same . . OHIO. * Ohio Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb. Location. Frederick. Baltimore . Baltimore. Northampton . Beverly Boston Flint.. Norris Marquette . Faribault . Jackson , Fulton. Saint Louis . Saint Louis . Omaha. New York . TaiTy town . New York . Eome Rochester . Fordham . . Brooklj'n Throgg's Neck Buffalo .... New York . Raleigh. Ealeigh. Columbus 203 36 3 102 51 180 63 «452 50 123 150 /108 41 109 63 19 38 259 50 70 85 64 122 All 55 36 gilO 32 82 17 74 6 2, 11 168| 351 31 5 25 193 53 51 220 190 i 1 51 177 34: 102 56 406 47 123 46 140 102: 6 79' 9, 85 120 10 55 36 409 1G92 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Tablk CLl.—JJeaf- mutes in inaiituiiona for the same, ^c: 1880— Continued. Institntions. o n 10— oonttnued . f St. Joseph's Inst, for Deaf-Mtxtes. . Ciucinnati Day School for Deaf- Mutes, {h) OREGON. Orog. Inst'n for the Deaf and Dunfb Salom. Location. Louisville . Cincinnati . VKNNSYLVANIA. Pa. Tu.st'n for the Deaf and Dumb . . . AVeetei-n Pa. Inst'n for the In- strnct'n of the Deaf and Dumb. RHODE ISLAND. R. I. Day School for the Deaf (6) . . . SOUTH CAROLINA. * S. C. Inst'n for the Education of the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. TENNESSEE. * Tennessee School for the Deaf and Dumb. TEXAS. * Texas Deaf and Dumb Asylum . . . VIRGINIA. * Va. Inst'n for the Education of the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. WEST VIRGINIA. * West Virginia Institution for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind. WISCONSIN. * Wis. Inst'n for the Deaf apd Dilmb t Catholic Deaf-Mute Institute Wisconsin Phonological Institute for Deaf -Mutes. Philadelphia . Turtle Creek Providence . Cedar Springs Knoxville Austin . Staunton Romney Delavan St. Francis Station Milwaukee 30 il02 62 i82 136 42 21 172 59 11 19, 61i 41 37 49 40 25 33 22 14 301 30 102!. 82 102i 62; a Includes one who is also an idiot and blind. b The number of inmates of day schools for deaf-mutes, with the exception of the one at Portland, Maine, is not given, as they were enumerated at their homes. c Do< s not include three idiots, inmates of the institution, who are not deaf. d The School of Articulation for the Deaf is a day school, but three of the pupils residing at the institution ; the other scholars were enumerated at their homes. e Includes five who are also blind. / Includes three who are also idiots and one who is also blind. g Includes one who is also an idiot and one who is ftlso blind. h Includes one who is also blind. i Includes two who are also idiots. i Includes one who is also an idiot. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1693 Table Chll.—Frisonera classified according to the places ivheve found: 1880. States and Territories. The United States. Alabama . Arizona .. Arkansas. California. Colorado.. Connecticut Dakota Delaware District of Coliunbia. Florida Georgia. Idaho . . . Dlinois . Indiana. Iowa Kansas. .. Kentucky Louisiana . Maine Maryland. Massachusetts . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana., Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico. New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania . . Rhode Island . . South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Vir^nia , "Wafhington ... "West Virginia , "Wisconsin . "Wyoming., I 59, 255 1,398 67 767 2,655 380 732 60 82 381 275 1,837 32 3,33B 1,635 811 1,297 1, 423 1, 077 408 1,262 3, 659 1, 923 428 1,329 2, 055 77 377 199 273 1, 599 41 8, 808 1,619 2, 568 233 4, 886 320 642 2, 129 3, 153 60 261 1, 554 81 394 74 30, 623 387 31 564 ,495 185 252 22 1,838 1,838 546 68^7 802 547 213 685 1, 085 1,183 248 735 1, 280 53 256 150 154 1, 054 6, 300 811 1,278 180 1, 837 107 259 1, 310 1,302 53 143 706 54 308 19 12, 815 267 23 190 657 S4 431 54 81 190 299 10 686 297 247 203 471 440 185 147 459 218 306 204 466 23 76 49 57 483 40 854 329 466 40 1, 676 47 220 483 814 41 266 27 106 178 34 1, 572 2 119 111 12 250 4 273 187 17 7. 864 261 191 728 14 120 177 2, 027 471 7 248 44 1, 146 25 704 159 142 93 708 175 1. 504 72 353 405 139 154 992 381 493 350 7 *ii5" 14 37 356 12 10 142 "33' i 1694 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table OLIII. — Prisoners in penitentiaries, hy sex, nativity, and race: 1880. (Explanation of sipns: * State or tovritorial prisons; H owned l^y tbe United States (the list of these was furnished by the Department of Jtistico) ; prisons not marked are county prisons. For notes, see page 1096.] Prisons. The United States . ALABAMA. * state Penitentiary — ARIZONA. * Territorial Prison . - . . ARKANSAS. * State Penitentiary .... CALIFORNIA. * state Prison .... ♦State Prison (&). COLORADO. * State Penitentiary CONNECTICUT. ♦State Prison IDAHO. V Territorial Prison , ILLINOIS. Northern Penitentiai^r. Southeni Penitentiary. INDIANA. * State Prison, North * State Prison, South * Refoimatory Institution for "Wo- men and Girls. IOWA. * State Penitentiary * State additional Penitentiary. KANSAS. * State Penitentiary KENTUCKY. * Penitentiary LOniSIANA. * Penitentia»-y MAINB. * State Prison MARYLAND. * Penitentiary MASSACHUSETTS. Location. Wetumpka Yuma , Little Hook. San Quentin , Folsom CafionCity .. Wethersfield Bois6 City . Michigan City Jefffirsonville . Indianapolis . . Fort Madison, Anamosa Lansing Frankfort Baton Rouge Thomaston . . Baltimore. 30,6231,29, 211 387 564 1,495 185 22 Joliet 1,510 Chester..,. 328 * State Prison * Reformatory Prison for Women . . i MICHIGAN. [ * State Prison i * State House of Correction and Reformatory. "Warnervi'le Sherborne Jacksou Ionia . . . 556 6291 53 547 213 371 31 549 184 249 1, 487 325 556 409 407 137! 136 681 1. 412 16 24, 731 15 23 770 515 213 53 32 32 'i 640 749 i 749 45 338 816 815 1, 367| 367i 14 17 548 16 I 816 679 126 194 14 1,199 285 480 76 576 53 49 4 I i I ^ I O 22, 923! 7, 700 I 75 312 31 200 351 108 605 777 515 176 625 531 175 587 1,191 a 304 171 224 18 1, 410 280 50' 542 40 58 29 f= 135 564 14 c4 100 49 13 el23 25 222; 580 32 81 466 37,1 210 ji 60!! 261 424 218 1 715 34 16111 331 5 /229 87 iry.i] g 63 358i dll COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1695 Table ClAlI.-^Prisonera in penitentiarieSf by sex, nativity, and race: 1880 — Continued. Prisons. MINNESOTA. State Prison ^. MISSISSIPPI. state Prison MISSOURI. * State Penitentiary , MONTANA. If Penitentiary NEBRASKA. * Penitentiary NEVADA. * state Prison NEW HAMPSHIRE. * State Prison , NEW JERSEY. * State Prison Essex County Penitentiary Bludson Co. Penitentiary (Snake Hill) NEW YORK. Location. Stillwater JacksoH Jefferson City Deer Dodge Lincoln . Carson City. Concord .... Trenton .... Caldwell.... Jersey City . * Stat« Prison * State Prison (Clinton) * State Prison * State Refonnatory Albany County Penitentiary Erie County Penitentiary , Kings Couuty Penitentiary Monroe County Penitentiary New Tork County Penitentiary (Blackwell's island). Branch of same (Randall's island) .. Onondaga County Penitentiary NORTH CAROLINA. * Penitentiary OHIO. * Penitentiary OREGON. ^ Penitentiary PENNSYLVAr.'IA. Eastern State Penitentiary . AVestern State Penitentiary RHODE ISLAND. State Prison SOUTH CAROLINA. Penitentiary TENNESSEE. * State Penitentiary Nashville 1, 310 1, 275 Auburn Dannemora . Sing Sing . . . Elmira , Albany Buffalo Brooklyn . . . Rochester .. New York.. New York . Syracuse .. Raleigh 811 Columbus Salem. Philadelphia — Allegheny City . Cranston Print Works. Columbia . 248 735 53 256 150 154 851 90 113 500 1, 535 542 753 183 558 247 765 49 200 1,278 180 1, 091 746 107 259 241 714 1. 228 252 150 149 827 85 93 968 500 1, 535 542 602 146 485 195 630 180 764 1, 256 180 1, 068 734 100 245 20 91 37 73 52 135 20 471 22 35 170 727 1, 121 86 128 637 57 51 720 i 360| 1, lOOl 470; 5911 1041 365! 176; 491 30 130 109 78 159 33 d2{ 64 26 214 33 248 140 435 72 162 79 193 71 274 19 70 1. 077: 201 71 883 208 610 /136 87 20 2571 2 1, 2801 30 241 82l 653 9081 d372 47 123 151 723 76 111 925 469 1,444 526 567 183 521 233 743 47; 191 428 1, 130 147 963 128 683 63 22 438 872 169 6 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CLIU.—Prisomrs in penitentiaries, by sex, nativity, and race : 1880— Continued. Prisona. Location. Total. Male. Female. <6 > 1 Foreign. White. Colored. TEXAS. 1, 302 1,275 27 1, 109 193 808 dm UTAH. Salt Lake City.... Jo oo 40 13 52 VEUMONT. "Windsor 138 5 113 30 139 4 VIRGINIA. 700 624 82 688 18 206 500 WASHINGTON. 47 46 7 J. 29 4 1 a 3 c 10 d2 McNeil's island . . . 7 WEST VIRGINIA. 266 262 4 26^ 5 206 GO WISCONSIN. 308 298 10 195 /113 295 n 13 WYOMING. Laramie City 19 15 4 19 a Including 264 Chinese and 32 Indians. h Not opened until July 26, 1880. c Including 3 Chinese and 1 Indian. d Including 1 Indian. e Including 5 Indians. / Including 1 born at sea. g Including 3 Indians. h Including 2 Indians. i Including 3 Chinese and 2 Indians. j Including 1 Chinese and 3 Indians. k Including 24 Chinese and 1 Indian. I Including 4 Indians, m Including 8 Indians. n Including 6 Indians. The total number of Chinese confined in penitentiaries is 298; Indians, 78. COMPEXDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1697 Table CLIV. — Inmates of reformatories, hy sex, nativity, and race: 1880. [Kvplanation of signs: * State rofonn schools; H owned by the TTnitod States; t Catholic, institutions; l et'orraatories not marked aro city or oouaty iustitatiohs or arc the property of private corpora- lions. For notes, see pages lGS8-iGS9.] Eeformatories. The United States CAUFOBNIA. City and County Industrial School (luale department), f Magdalen Asylum .Location. CONtlECTICUT. * StateKefonn School Conn, fiidustrij^l School for Girls {d) San Francisco San Francisco "West Meriden Middletowu ... DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA, IT Beform School of the Dist. of Col. j Washington 1I.LIN0I8. * Illinois State Reform School t Chicago Reform and Indus. School. IKDIANA. * Indiana House of Refuge Indiana Reformatory Institution for Women and Giils. («) Pontiac . Chicago IOWA. * Iowa State Reform School * Girl's Dept. of the State Ref. School KENTUCKY. House of Refuge LOUISIAXA. House of Refuge (for boys) House of Refuge (for girls) Plainfield ... Indianapolis Eldora Mount Pleasant. Louisville New Orleans. Ifew Orleans. MAINE. Maine State Reform School MARYLAND. * House of Refuge ^ St. Mary's ludus. Schaol tor Boys^j House for Reformation aud Instiuc- ! tion of Colored Children, (/) | Female House of Refuge j MASSACHUSETTS, j State Reform School J. " 8tate Indus, School for Girls {g)..\ House of lieformat'n ( Deer isl'd ): (/*) j Department for Boys. . j Department for Girls | Truant School (Deer island) ' Lawrence Industrial School (i) ' Lowell Reform School [j] I Worcester Tiuant lieform School (k)\ Plummcr Farm School of Reform j for Boys. (Z) \ MicmoAX. State Reform School . . MINNESOTA. Slate Reform School 107 c c Cape Elizabeth Baltimore... Carroll Cheltenham Baltimore . Westborough . Lancaster 11, 340 Boston.... Boston . . - ; , Boston ! liawrence Lowell , Worcester Salem Lan.sing Saint Paul. 9. 137 100! G5 282! 1471 223' 102i 421 116i, 237^', 312; 186l il 24 2,203 282' 168 319 192 181 1021 1161 237 312 181 181 77' 152; i 152 90; . 1161 j "'lie •!6l 26 43!' 39 10 ; 10 31 ; i 31 314'! : 112! i 103 {a) 65 147 144 65 42 10,356 24| 16^ 133 65 217 223 297 186; 23! 149; 67i 119| 821 92 00 39 8 30 262 IO3I 91 1 97i I 1 984„10,102i 1,238 161 19, 52!! 280 151 108 1698 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CLIV.— Inmates of reformatories hy sex, nativity, and race: 1880— Continaed. Rofonnatories. MISSOURI. House of Refuge.... NEW HAMPSHIRE, * state Reform School NBW JERSEY. Location. Saint Louis , Manchester. * State Reform School for Boys Jaraesbur« * State Indus School for Girls (m).. Trenton .. !Nowark City Home (ref. school) («) . Verona . . . KEW YORK. New York House of Refuge (Ran- , New York . . . tlall's island), (o) | *Weateni House of Refuge (p) i Rochester ... New York Juvenile Asylum (r) 1 New York ... t New York Catholic Protectoiy: (s) \ Mjile Department I Westchester. Female Department j "Westchester. t House of the Good Shepherd (t). ..\ New York . . . Truant Home of the City of Brook- [ Flatbush lyn. (w) ! OHIO. I * State Reform School for Boys. i Lancaster ... Cincinnati House of Refuge (v).' | Cincinnati . .. House of Refuge and Correcticm (w) House of Refuge and Correction (x) PENNSYLVANIA. House of Refuge : (y) White Department . Colored Department. Cleveland Toledo. * Pennsylvania Reform School ...... i Morgauza RHODE ISI-ANP. I * Providence Reform School (z) ' Providence TENNESSEE. House of Industry (for girls) Nashville . , TEXAS. t Galveston Reformatory Galveston . VERMONT. * Vermont Reform School Vergennes . WISCONSIN. * Wisconsin Indus. School for Boys Waukesha. Wisconsin Indus. School for Girls .. Milwaukee 247 111 272 33 133 677 585 671! 176 96 272 71 15 21! I 5721 105 587 92 2421 33| 122 14 191 108' i 589 .... 84; 4531 5291 1, los'. II 132i 502 142 560 111 ....li 1,009 99 589| 539 50 537 240 103 171 Philadelphia 309 Philadelphia i 168 337 180; 12 149 428! 95I 537 181 95 171 234 123 291 144 78 i i 12 530 171 288 165 7 493 44 163; 17 12 125' 241; 1341 15 372] 56 89 6 149 417 cll 95' a Btith boys and girls are committed to the San Francisco Industrial School, but only boys are retained in tlie institution. By an arrangement with the Sisters of Mercy, girls committed to this school are sent to the Magdalen Asylum, an institution for the reclamation of fallen women, and are there mniiitained and cared tor at the expense of the Industrial School fund. b Including 5 Chinese and 2 Indians. e lucludinj: 1 Indian. d The Conut cti> ut Industrial School for Girls is a privat-e corporation for the custody, guartlianshij). discipline, and instruction of viciously inclined girls between the ages of eight and sixtc,eu rears. Tiie inmates are committed by the courts,"and a fixed stipend per week is paid by the state for their mainte- nance. e The It diana Reformatory Institution for Women and Girls has two departments, of which one is a state prison for women and the other is a iclbrm school lor gii l.s. The latter department only is in- eluded in the statement of the number of inmates. There were 53 additional inmates June 1, i880, in the T>pnitentiary de]>artment. / The House'for Reformation and Instruction of Colored Children is a private corporation for the COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1699 carp of incorrifcitle, criniinal, ami vicious colored boys committed during tlioir ranioi-ity by magistrates aud couits. It is siip|)Oih;d in part by the state of Maryland and city of lialtiiuoie. g Miiintained by tLe state for the custody and care of girlH guilty of petty tdlensea, or committed as vagrants, or i)erversely obstinate, or without proper guardians and exposed to a life of crime and •wretchedness. h x\ ci y institution. It receives children of both sexes committed during minority for petty otienses, while the Truant St;hool, upon the sa^ue premises and under the .s;uue management, is for cliihiri'n of like character and surroundings, but who ace convicited of nothing but truiUicy. and can bo couuuittctl only for a tenn not exceeding two years. From the House of Kefonuaiion there are apparently repoi t«d 27 truants. i An institution maiutained by the city of Lawrence for the reception, instruction, employment, and relbrnuitiou of Juvenile oflteuders. j Established in 1845 by an act of the legislature, and its full title is the House of Employment and Kelbrmation of Juvenile Utfendt^rs. It is maiutained by the city of Lowtll, but cities and towns out- side of Lowell are allowed to send their truants to it. It appears to be a truant school situated upon the almsliouse farm. k Not a chartered institution, but maintained by the overseers of the poor, in tlieir capacity as truant commissioners, at the city almshouse for the suppression of tniancy. I A city school for the lusti iiction, employment, and reformation of juvenile offenders; chartered, and the title vested in a board of trustees .appointed by the mayor. m Supported by appropriations from the state treasury, and designed for the instruction and refonna- tlon of gills between the ages of seven and sixteen years committed to its care. n Maiutained by the city of Newark, under the management of trustees, for the reformation of boys and girls. o The House of Rofiige on Kandall's island is the property of a private corporation, chartered in 1824, and entitled " The Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinoueiits in the city of New York ". Under the aiuended act of incorporation it receives vagrant and disorderly children ot both sexes from the tirst, second, ami third ,iudi<;ial districts of the state of New York. Its income is derived from the labor of the inmates, fi om theater licenses granted by the city of New York, from the school fund, and from annual appropriations by the state legislature. p A slate retorm school for juvenile deiinquenta from the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth judicial districts of the slate of New York. q Including 4 Indians. r The New York Juvenile Asy.lum is a private corporation, chaitered in 1851, and its object, as stated in the charter, is to provide for and reclaim truant, disobedient, and vagrant children. It derives its income from the ra parents and guardians for the support of its inmates. In the statement of the number of inmates present June 1, 1880, as given in this table, all the inmates ai e included of every class, but it is not probable that all of them are delinquelits, or belong propeily to the ci iuiinal class. t The House of the Good Shepherd is an institution for the reformation of female penitents, bnt by the terms of "An act concerning certain vagrants of the city of New York " (see Laws, 1867, chap. 405*) it was api>ointed as a pla(;e to whicli girls between the ages of fourteen and twenty-^me years might be committed, lor reformation, by the courts; and for the maintenance of persons so committed a per capita allowance is paid by the city of New York. But none of the mmates were reported upon the prison schedules, and therefore uo statement can be made of the number present June 1, 1880. u The legal title is the Juvenile House of Industry. It is maintained at the expense of the city of Brooklyn, for the reformation of juvenile delinquents and of children committed for vagrancy, tniancy, disobedience to parents, etc. V Maiutiiiiied by the city of Cincinnati, for the reformation of boys under sixteen years of age and girls under fourteen. w The Cleveland House of Refuge for Boys is upon the same premises with the^workhouse, and under the same management, but ccnstitutes a separate depai-tment of the prison. In the stat^neut, and Reformation, a city institution at Hoimesburg. This is a mixed in.stitution, being a workhouse both for criminals and paupers, and the number incar- cerated upon conviction has not been ascertained. The institution is therefore not included upon any of the census lists of prison.*, but is reported as an almshouse. z A city institution, designed to be a school for the confinement, instruction, and reformation of ■ juvenUe ott'endeis and of ynys a per capita allowance for the boaid of inmates, and any deficiency is made up from the city treasury. The insti- tution also receives pupils not committed, at a fixed charge per week to their parents or guardians, 1700 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CliV. — PrUovers in wm'khouses and houses of correction, hy ser, nntirHi/, and race: IWiK I Krplaiiation of signs : * State institutions ; ownnd by the United States ; t Catholic in»( itationH. For notes, see^paj^e 1701.] Correctional ins'tittitions. The United States CALIiORNlA. Honwe of CoiXGctiou CONNKCTICX^T. Town House , DISTHiCT 01' COLUMBIA. ^ "Workhouse of the ashington A sylura. ILLINOIB. Location. San Fi-ancisco , Waterbnry "Washington "House of Correction I Chicago House of Correction j Peoria City "Woikhoase I Qulnoy . t House of Good Shepherd KENTUCKT. City "Workhouse City Workhouse Boy 1^ County "Workhouse Jessamine County Workhouse Indianapolis . Louisville ... Lexington — DanviUo . N icholaaville Jessup's Cut. MICUIGAX. I Detroit House of Corroctiou i Detroit MISSI^IPFl. City Workliouse \ VicksbuTg. MISSOURI. ( -ity Workhouse ('ity Workhouse City Workhouse riAMTsniEK. Saint Louis Kansas City ,reffei'son City . . . 7,864 MARYLAND. House of Correction MASSACHUSETTS. * State Workhouse j Bridge-vrator Deer .Island House of Industry j Boston and House of Reformation for ! Juvenile Offenders. j Barnstable Co. House of Correctiou. Barnstable Berkshire Co. House of Coirection. . Pittslield Bristol County House of Correction. 'New Bedford Essex County House of Correction. Lawrence Kssex C-onuty Horise Of Con-ection.i Ipswich i'ranklin Co. House of Correction ..j rTi«;nlield Hampden Co. House of Correction.. Springfield Haojpshire Co. House of Coirectioii. Northampton Midd; lesex Co. Hous^i of Correction. East Cambridge Nantucket Co. House of Correotion . j Nantucket Norfolk Co. House of Con-ection ...j Dedhara I'lyrooulh Co. House of Correction.! Plymouth Suffolk Cou uty House of Correction ; j South Boston ATorcestei' Co. House of Correction . ' Fitchburg Worcester Co. House of Correction.; Worcester Cheshire Co. House of CoiTection ..- Jvtjent' llilislwrorigh Co. House of C-orrect'nj Manchester , . . ; Rockingham Co. Honsfi of Corr 7K 127 3 471. 380 »1 343 128; 392 c 79 ^5 a 1 r i 4 3 200! 151 49 130 70' 153 ?.47 45 2 29 18 10 1 1 1 ir. . s 10 1" 19 ir, 1 11 1^ 1 COMPi:.N J)ll .M ul' J liE TENTH CENSU8. 1701 Tablk CLV. — Privouers in ivorkiiouses and /T,RMON'T. State Prison Workhouse . VJRGrS'IA. City Workliouse ■VM8COX8tH. i M il waukee Co. Hoi^^e of Correcticm . I Milwaukee Rutland Alexandria I a rncladiue: oO Chinese and 1 Indian, ft Including 1 Indian. e No innmt'es June 1, 800 a ■ S ^ i; >^ I 1 415 ! 3851 196 m 795 355 ■ 44; 114 '■ «2- 45 16 20 1 3 5 ■I 1 392 274 118 250;| 184 32=1 :{0 i • 2j 30i| 30 ji 817 i 595 .1 222 413: i 342 7l| i 159! i 110 49' i 20 18! 8 9 5o 33 22 27 ••>. 2 1 t eCvi 64 li 1 1 i 1 :i- 1 93'. 87 20 227 127 165!{ 123.1 3: i. 40 d Inclndui;j,' 1 bor n a t si-.i. e Incliidiii.j, J() Iniiianb. / Inebulirii \ Chinese. The total uuniber of Chineije wufined iu worLhonsos is 'il; Lfidiaus, 20. 154 11) 35'l 230 443 374 793 I ; 27.>! 138' 373 49'i 851 74: 157 4 34 81 0 35! 20 2j /28 51' 14 ' 62 1702 COMPENDIUM OF THE TE¥th' CENSU TAJiLir, CLVI. — Sammury, showing the number and location of the defective^ dependent, and dehn<]veni clmses on June ], 1B80 (exclusive of homeless children). Jah'a : Ion. T)i<^ VW\U (\ Stilt* In iusfino boisintuls aiul nsyluins , lu etldcational iiiHlitutioiis, other than day school H. In other heiiovoh'ut iii.stitiifciDiis In almslionHcB * In prisons, workhouses', bouses of correc- tion, and lea sod out. In jails, lookups, ikud atatiou-houscs In reforniatoriftR At home or ia priyate familioft Miscellaneous 410, 958 42,488 10, 06'! 1; 039 85, 277 43, 870 14, 860 11, 341 203,364 '655- 91, 997 40, 942 33, 878 48, 928 235 i I 9, 302 41-; 41, 101 1.141 2, 429 241 5, 837 67, 200 24 j 31 6 5,393 I c 2, 242 | 70, 595 350 88. GC5 79 511 3 27, 867 484 2, SCO 4 1 43, 598 67, 0G7 43, 863 14, 387 11, 340 655 21, 598 a Comprises only inmates of almshouses and persons receiving out-door relief. h Includes 126 teacliera and employes who are deaf-mutes. G I'Dcltides 85 teachers and enjpl<»y63 ^ho are blind. MOHTALITY 1703 MORTALITY STATISTICS Compiled under the direction of Surgeon John S. Billings, U. S. A. The total number of deaths recorded and tabulated as occnning' in (ho United States during the census year is 7r)G,89,'>, being a death-rate of 15.1 to the thousand. This death-rate is decidedly higher than tliat given in the census of 1860, viz, 12.5, and of 1870, viz, 12.8 per thou- sand, but this does not indicate any actual increase in the number of deaths as compared with the living population. It shows, rather, that the efforts made in the census of 1880 to obtain more complete returns of deaths tlmii had been collected in previous enumerations have been to some extent successful. Excluding the states of ]Massachusetts and New Jersey, tlie District of Columbia, and also the following-nained cities: Baltimore, Bangor, Brooklyn, Chicago, Cincinnati, Charleston, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Louisville, Milwaukee, Mobile, Nashville, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Providence, J^ichmond, Saint Louis, San Francisco, Washington, and Wilmington, the number of deatlis actu- ally reported by the enumerators was 520,339. To these returns of deaths furnished by the enumerators there were added from registers furnished by pliysicians throughout the (country 61,020 additional cases of death. For the states of Massachusetts and New Jersey, and the cities above mentioned, the statue and municipal registration records of deaths w^ere copied and used in the tabulations. These records are based on a regular system of registration and on burial permits, and are thereifore probably very nearly accurate. The records give 175,534 deaths. In order to obtain some i)ositive data from which might be calculated the amount of deficiency in the enumerators' returns of deaths, their returns ibr the state,of Massachusetts, excluding the city of Boston, and for the whole state of New Jersey have been tabulated and com])ared with the records furnished from the state registration offices, the total deficiency in which is considered not to exceed 2 i^er cent. The result of this comparison is that for the state of Massachusetts, excluding Boston, the deficiency in the enumerators' returns amounts to 26.42 ])er cent, of the whole number returned by them. For the state of New Jtoey the deficiency is 34!45 per cent. It may be considered certain that in no state is the deficiency in the enumerators' returns less than it is in Massachusetts. The deficiency is greatest in the case of infants, of femfales, and of foreigners, and increases in a tolerably uniform ratio for each month, going backward in time from the date of taking the census. It is also greatest in the more thinly-settled sections of the country. 1706 OOMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Jf we take the euumerators' returns as corrected by the addition of rases obtained, from physicians' registers, viz, 2,286 for Massachusetts and 1,636 for New Jersey, the deficiencies thus corrected amount to b'iot per, cent. .of the corrected returns for Massachusetts and 20.14 per ('<^nt. for ]Srew Jersey. If we suppose that after the addition of the 61,020 cases of deatlis reported by physicians to the returns of the enumerators these last, e.xchuling the states and cifies above mentioned, are still deficient as much as 30 per cent., which is believed to be the maximum, the result will be an average mortality for the whole country of 18.2 per thousand of living population per annum. The actual mortality for the whole country during the census year was not less than 17 nor greater than 19 per thousand. This rate compares favt)rably with that of all other civilized countries. The death-rate in the rural population of England, cominising ten and one-half millions of people in the year 1880, was 18.5 x)er thousand. For the whole of England for the same year, it was 20.5 per thousand. For Scotland, in 1878, it was 21.3 per thousand; in the mainland rural group of Scotland for the same period it was 17.3 per thousand. The low death-rate in this country is considered to be due to the com- parative absence of overcrowding and to the more general and equable distribution of the means of supporting life, including especially the abundant food supply of good quality for all cl^isses of people. The most valuable information furnished by the x)resent census in regard to the health of the country is derived from those tables which show the relations of various causes of death to sex, age, and locality, since the conclusions which may be drawn from these are comparatively slightly affected by the deficiencies above referred to. The form of the Compendium does not admit the giving of these tables, which are exten- sive and elaborate, but a specimen of some of the deductions which may be obtained from them will be given by way of illustration. COLOE. In a population of 43,402,970 whites, there are recorded 640,191 deaths, giving a death-rate of 14.74 per thousand. In a population of 6,752,813 colored, there are recorded 116,702 deaths, giving a death-rate of 17.28 per thousand. Taking those states east of the Mississippi river which have the largest colored population, viz, Alabama, District of Colum- bia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Marylan^d, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and Louisiana (including that part west of tlie river), we -find that the total white population is 8,053,962, and the number of deaths pecordeer thousand. The colored population of the same states is 5,303,267, and the number of deaths among these is reported as 91,328, giving a death-rate of }sl.22 per thousand. It is in this section of country that the deficiencies in the enumerators' returns of deaths are probably COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1707 the greatest, aud tbey are also probably greater among the colored than among the white population. The ditlerence in mortality between the white and colored is especially well marked in the southern states, and is largely due to the relatively great number of deaths among infants in the colored population. SEX. Of the total number of deaths reported, 391,000 were of males and ;»64,933 were of females, the total living population being 25,518,820 males and 24,036,963 females. For every thousand deaths of females there were 1,074 of males. These figures give a male death-rate of 15.35 per thousand and a female death*rate of 14.81 per thousand. It should be borne in mind, however, that the proportion of female to niale deaths is somewhat greater than these figures would indicate. AGE. Of the 390,644 deaths of males in which the ages are recorded, 96,894 occurred under one year of age and 163,880 under five years of age. Of the 363,874 deaths of females of which the ages are recorded, 78,372 were under one year of age and 138,926 under five years of age. The proportion of deaths of males under one year of age to all deaths re- corded was 248.03 per thousand ; of those under five years of age, 419.51 per thousand. The proportion of deaths of females under one year of age to those of all ages recorded was 215.38 per thousand; of those under five years of age, 381.85 per thousand. The proportion to all deaths of which the ages are recorded of deaths of persons from five to fifteen years of age was 87.57 per .thousand j from fifteen to sixty years of age, 299.66 per thousand, and over sixty years of age, 172.40 per thousand. I CAUSES. Of the total number of deaths, the causes of death were either not re- ported at all, or were so reported as to be necessarily classed as unknown in 23,053 cases, leaving a total of 733,840 cases of death in which the causes are distinguished. It is believed that the causes of death have been obtained much more accurately than in any preceding census, owing to the very general aid and co-operation of the physicians of the country in revising and correcting the enumerators' returns with refer- ence to this ])oiut. To iilnstrate some points brought out in the tabu- lations which have been made the following figures are given with re- gard to a few^ special c-nime.« of doath. iJiPIITHE]lIA. The number of cases of deaths reported as due to diphtheria is : Males, 18,849 J females, 19,549; total, 38,398; giving a proportion of 52.32 per 1708 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUB. tbousiiud of nil deatbs in wliicli the causes are reported. Tlie total iHimber ol' deiitlis Iroin roportion of deaths from diphtheria was 12.10 per thousand, being in the city of Kew Orleans 13.74 and in the remainder of the gi'oup 12.27 l>er thousand. In Grand Group YJl (being the lake region, for composition see infra) the proportion of deaths from diphtheria was 81.15 per thousand of all deaths reported, being in the cities (Chicago, :Milwaukee, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Eochester, and Toledo) 78.15 and in the remaiud'er of the group 84.10 per thousand. luNTERlC FEVER. The total number of deaths from enteric (typhoid) fever reported is: Males, 11,852; females, 11,053 ; total, 22,905; being in the proportion of 31.21 per thousand of all deaths having i^]>orted causes. The total number of deaths from this disease under one year of age was 054: under five years, 2,707; from five to fifteen years, 3,952; from fifteen to -sixty years, 13,945 ; over sixty years of age, 2,248. luGrauil Group J (the north Atlantic region) the ]>roportion of deaths from enteric fever to the total number of deaths having recorded causes >vas 18.04 i)er thousand, being in the larger cities (for list of which see above) 16.20 and in the smaller towns and rural districts 19.95 per thousand. In Grand Group IV (the Gulf coast) the proportion of deaths from this disease was 22.01 per lliousand, being in the city of New Orleans 7.07 and in the remaining portion of the group 30.02 per thousand. In Grand Group VII (being the lake region) the proportion of deaths from this disease was 22.28 per thousand of all deaths reported, being in the large cities 17.10 and in the remainder of the group 27.31 per thousand. It will be seen from these figure^s that nt.-ither diphtheria nor enteric fever are especially diseases of the large cities. They a|)pear to be more prevalent in the small towns and mral districts which ha^ e no general water supply or systems of sewerage, but obtain their watei- ffom springs and wells and observe the usual custom of storiiig excreta in cesspooU or vaults. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1709 MALAIMAL FEVEllS. The total iiiunber of deaths rei)orted as due to malarial fevers is: Males, 10,1376; females, 9,985; total, 20,261; giving a proportion of 27.61 l)er tiiousaiid of all deaths from reported causes. The total number of 0.22 per thousand, giving an average of 114.Q8 per thousand. It will be seen fr<}m these figures that in the north Atlantic and lake regions the mortality from eonsum])tion is highest in the small towns and rnral districts, while on the Gulf coast the mortality is greatest in the city of isew Orleans, in which it is higher than in the northern cities. This is probably due to the fact that ]J^ew Orleans is not sewered or drained as are tlie northern cities, and has- the soil water very near the surface. The total, number of deaths reported as due to accidents and injuries is 35,9.'>2, divided as follows: Burns and scalds, 4,786; drowned, 4,320 ; exposure and neglect, 1,299 ; gunshot wounds, 2,289 ; homicide, 1,336; infanticide, 40; injuries by machinery 120; railroad accidents, 2,349; snflbcation, 2,339: suicide by sliooting, 472; suicide by drowning, 155; suicide by poison, 340 ; other suicides, 1,550; sanstroke, 557 ; other accidents and injuries, 13,980. 1710 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Some data relative to other important diseases will be found in Table OLVIII, th^ data from whidli should be used in connectiou with those given in Table OLYII. The state groups referred to in Tables OLVII and OLVni are composed of groups of counties, as follows; Baldwin. Mobile. ALABAMA- GROUP 1. Group 2. BloTint. Calhoun. Clu^rokee. Cleburne. Colbert Cullman. De ^alh. Etowah. Franklin. Jackson. Jclferson. Landerdale. Lawrence. Limestone. Marshall. Madison. Morgan. Shelby. Saint Clair. Walker. Winston. Group 3. Autauga. Barbour. Bibb. Bullock. Butler. Chambers. Chilton. Choctaw. Clarke. Clay. Coffee. Cposa. Conecuh. Covington. Crenshaw. Dale. Dallas. Elmore. Escambia. Fayette. Geneva. Greene. Hale. Henry. Lamar. Lee. Lowndes. Macon. Marengo. Marion. Monroe. Montgomery. Perry. Pickens. Pike. Randolph. Russell. Sumter. Tallapoosa. Talladega. Tuscaloosa. Washington. Wilcox. ARIZONA. The territory forms one gronp. ARI^ANSAS. Group 1. Chioot. Craighead. Crittenden. Qross. Desha. Jefferson. Lee. Lincoln. Mississippi. Phillips. Poinsett. Saint Francis. Group 2. Arkansas. Ashley. Baxter. Benton. Boone. Bradley. Calhoun. Carroll. Clark. Clay. Columbia. Conway. Crawford. Dallas. Dorsey. Drew. Faulkner. P'ranklin. Fulton. Garland, Grant. Greene. Hempstead. Hot Spring. Howard. Independence. Izard. Jackson. Jolmson. La Fayette. Lawrence. Little River. Logan. Lonoke, Madison. Marion. Miller. Monroe. Montgomery. Newton. Nevada. Ouachita. Perry, Pike. Polk. Pope. Prairie. Pulask^. Randolph. Saline. Scott. Searcy. Sevier. Sebastian. Sharp. Stone. Union. Van Buren. Washington. White. Woodruff. YeU. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1711 CALIFOIixXIA. GRULfP 1. Alpino. Aniacjor. Butte. CalaveKis. ColuKa. El Dorado. Fresno. Inyo. Kera. Lajio. Lassen. Manp(i8a. MercetL Modoo. Mpno. Napa. Nevada. Platcer. Piimias. Sacramento. San Bernardino. San Joaquin. Sh(ista. Sierra. Siskiyou. Sutter. Stanislaus. Tohama. Tulare. Tuoluuiue. Yolo. Yuba. Group 2. Alameda. Contra Costa. Del Norte. Humboldt. Los Angeles. Marin. Mendocino. Monterey. San Benitq. San Diego. San Francisco. San Luis Obispo. San Mateo. Santa Barbara. Santa Clara. Santa Cruz. Solano. Sonoma. Trinity. Veuturtk COLORADO. Group 1. Arapahoe. Bent. Douglas. Elbert. El Paso. Las Animas. Pueblo. Weld. Group 2. Boulder. Clear Creek. Chatifee. Conejos. Costilla. Custer. I Fremont. Gilpin. Grand. Gunnison. Hinsdale. Huerfano. .Jefferson. Lake. La Plata. Larimer. Ouray. Park. CONNECTICUT. Group 1. Rio Grande. Routt. ^ Saguache. San Jnan. Summit. Fairfield. Middlesex. New Haven. Group 2. Hartford. Litchfield. Tolland. DAKOTA. Group 1. Aurora. Fort Sissetoji Indian Hand. Barnes. reservation. Hanson. Beadle. De Smet. Hutcbinsoru Bottineau. Deuel. Kidder. Bramble. Douglas. Kingsbury. Brookings. Edmunds. Lake. Brown. Faulk. La Moure. Cass. Foster. Lincoln. Cavileer. French. Logan. Clark. Gingras. Minnehaha. Codington. Grand Forks. Miner. Davison- Grant. Moody. I>ay. Haiinliu. MuCook. New London. Windhajn. McHenry. McPherson. Pcmbinja. Ramsey. Ransom. Renville. Richland. Rolette. SJheridan. Spink. Stutsman. TrpilL Turner. 1712 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. DAKOTA— Continued. Group 2. Boroniaii- I»uiloigli. ( barbs Mix. < Uieyjii lie. (.luster. Delano. Forsyth. AppUng. Bryan. lUilJocli. Camden. Charlton. Banks. Barfow. Catoosa. Chatto9g!J Cherokee. Cobb. Dade. Daw«on. De Kalb. Baker. Bahiwin. Berrien. Bibb. Brooks. linrke. Hutts. < 'alhoun. Campbell. (jarroll. fJhattahoocboe. Clarke. ClayV Clayton. Coffee. Colquitt. Columbia. Coweta. Crawtbvd. Decatur. Dcdse. Clay. Edmundf?. CJregory. Howard. Hughes. layman. Mercer. Lawrence. IiUgeube. ILLINOIS. Group 1. ( ook. T L 1714 COMPENDIUM OF TilE TENTH CEN8US. Allamakee. Clayton. Clinton. Adair. Adams. Api)auoo80. Audubon. Benton. Black Hawk. Boone. Bremer. Buchanan. Buena Vista. Butler. Callioun. Carroll. Cass. Cedar. Cerro Gordo. Cherokee. Chickasaw. Clarke. Clay. Fremont. Harrison. Lyon. Allen. Anderson. Atchison. Bourbon. Brown. Butler. Crawford. Chase. Chautauqua. Cherokee. Cla.Y. Cloud. Coffey. Crowley. Davis. Arapahoe. Barbour. Barton. Buffalo. Cheyenne. Clark. Comanche. Decatur. Edwards, Ellis. Eoote, IOWA. Gkoui' 1. Des Moines. Dubuque. Jackson. Crawford. Dallas. Davis. Decatur. Delaware. Dickinson. Emmet. Fayette. Floyd. Franklin. Greene. Grundy. Guthrie. Hamilton. Hancock. Hardin. Henry. Howard. Humboldt. Ida. Mills. Monona. Lee. Louisa. Group 2. Iowa. Jasper. Jefferson. Johnson. Jones. Keokuk. Kossuth. Linn. Lucas. Madison. Mahaska. Marion. Marshall. Mitchell. Monroe. Montgomery. O'Brien. Osceola. Page. Palo Alto. Group 3. Plymouth. Pottawattamie. Muscatine. Scott. Pocahontas. Polk. Poweshiek. Kinggold. Sac. .Shelby. Slory. Tama. Taylor. Union. Van Buren. Wapello. Warren. Washington. Wayne. Webster. Winnebago. Winneshiek. Worth. Wright. Sioux. Woodbury. KANSAS. Group 1. Dickinson. Doniphan. Douglas. Elk. Ellsworth. Franklin. Greenwood. Harper. Harvey. Jackson. •Jefferson. Jewell. .Johnson. Kingman. Labette. Leavenworth. Lincoln. Linn. Lyon. Marion. Marshall. Miami. Mitchell. Montgomery. Morris. McPherson. Nemaha. Neosho. Osage. Ottawa. Pottawatomie. Reno. Republic. Rice. Riley. Saline. Sedgwick. Shawnee. Sumner. Wabaunsee. Washington. Wilson. Woodson. Wyandotte. Group 2. Gove. Graham. Grant. Greele3\ Hamilton. Hodgeman. Kansas. Kearney. Lane. Meade. Ness. Norton. Osborne. Pawnee. Phillips. Pratt. Rawlins. Rooks. Rush. Russell. Scott. Seward. Sequoyah. Sheridan. Sherman. Smith. Stafford. Stevens. Stanton. Thomas. Trego. W^allace. Wichita. COMPENDIUM OF THE TEiSTH CENSUS. 1715 Boyd. Breathitt. Carter. Clay. Clinton, Elliott. Estill. Boone. Bracken. Breckinridge. Campbell. Carroll. Crittenden. Milliard. Floyd. 'Harlan. Jackson. Johnson. Knox. Laurel. Lawrence. Lee. Daviess. Gallatin. Greenup. Hancock. Henderson. Fulton. KENTUCKY. Group 1. Leslie. Letcher. Magoffin. Martin. Menifee. Morgan. Owsley. Perry. Group 2. Jefferson. Kenton. Lewis. Livingston. Mason. Group 3. Hickman. Pike. Powell. Pulaski. Rockcastle. Wayne. Whitley. Wolfe. Meade. McCracken. Oldham. Trimble. Union. Group 4. Adair. Allen. Anderson. Barren. Bath. Bourbon. Bovle. Bullitt. Butler. Caldwell. Calloway. Casey. Christian. Clark. Cumberland. Ediuonsou. Fayette. Fleming. Franklin. Garrard. Grant. Graves. Grayson. Green. Hardin. Harrison. Hart. Henry. Hopkins. Jessamine. La Kue. Lincoln. Logan. Lyon. Madison. Marion. Marshall. Mercer. Metcalfe. Monroe . Montgomery. Muhlenburgli McLean. Nelson. Nicholas. - Ohio. 0 wen. Pendleton. Roberts6n. Rowan. Russell, Scott. Shelby. Simpson. Spencer. Taylor. Todd. Trigg. Warren. Washington. Webster. Woodford. LOUISIANA. Group 1. Ascension. Assumption. Calcasieu. Cameron. East Baton Rouge. [beria. Iberville. Jefferson. La Fayette. Lafourche. Livingston. Orleans. Plaquemiiiew. Saint Beriuinl. Saint Charles. Saint Helena. Saint James. Saint John Bapti; Saint Landry. Saint Martin, Saint Mary. Saint Tammany. Tangipahoa. Terrebonne. Vermillion. Washington. ^yest Baton Roug Avoyelles. Concordia. East Carroll. Group 2. East Feliciana. Madison. Point Coupee. Tensas. Group 3. West Carroll. West Feliciana. Bienville. Bossier. Caddo. Caldwell. Catahoula. Claiborne. De Soto. Franklin, Grant. Jackson. Lincoli!. Morehtuse. Natchitoches. Ouachita. Rapides. Red River. Richland. Sabine. Union. Vernon. Webster. Winn. 1716 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Androscoggin. Cumberland. Hancock. Aroostook. Franklin. Kennebec. Knox. Lincoln. Oxford. Penobscot. MAINE. Group 1. Sagadahoc. Waldo. Group 2. Pi8cata(iuis. Washington. York. Somerset. Anne Arundel. Baltimore. Calvert. Caroline. Carroll. Allegany. Cecil. Charles. Dorchester. Harford. Howard. Frederick. MARYLAND. Group 1. Kent. Montgomery. Prince George. Queen Anne. Saint Mary's. Group 2. Garrett. Somerset. Talbot. Wicomico. Worcester. Washington. Barnstable. Bristol. Dukes. Berkshire. Franklin. Essex. Middlesex. Hampden. MASSACHUSETTS. Group 1. Nantucket. Norfolk. Group 2. Hampshire. Plymouth. Suffolk. Worcester. MICHIGAN. Group 1. Alcona. Allegan. Alpena. Antrim. Baraga. Bay. Benzie. Berrien. Charlevoix. Cheboygan. Barry. Branch. Calhoun. Cass. Clare. Clinton. Crawford. Eaton. Genesee. Gladwin. Chippewa. Delta. Emmet. Grand Traverse. Houghton. Huron. Iosco. Isle Roy ale. Keweenaw. Leelanaw. Gratiot. Hillsdale. Ingham. Ionia. Isabella. Jackson. Kalamazoo. Kalkaska, Kent. Lake. Mackinac. Macomb. Manistee. Manitou. Marquette. Mason. Menominee. Monroe. Muskegon. Oceana. Group 2. Lapeer. Lenawee. Livingston. Mecosta. Midland. Missaukee. Montcalm. Montmorency. Newaygo. Oakland. Ontonagon. Ottawa. Presque Isle. Sanilac. Saginaw. Schoolcraft. Saint Clair. Tuscola. Van Buren. Wayne. Ogemaw. Osceola. Oscoda. Otsego. Roscommon. Shiawassee. Saint Joseph. Washtenaw. Wexford. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1717 Anoka. Benton. Crow Wing. Dakota. Goodhue. Hennepin. Houston. Morrison. MINNESOTA. Group 1. Ramsey. Stearns. Sherburne. Wabasha. Washington. Winona. Wright. Group 2. Big Stone. Blue Earth. Brown. Carver. Chippewa. Chisago. Cottonwood. Dodge. Douglas. Faribault. Fillmore. Freeborn. Grant. Isanti. .Jackson. Kanabec. Kandiyohi. Lac-qui-parle. Le Sueur. Lincoln. Lyon. Martin. Meeker. Mille Lacs. Mower. Murray. McLeod. Nicollet. Nobles. Olmsted. Pipe Stone. Pope. Redwood. Renville. Rice. Rock. Scott. Sibley. / Steele. Stevens. Swift. Todd. Traverse. Watonwan. Waseca. Yellow Medicine. Group 3. Aitkin. Becker. Beltrami. Carlton. Cass. llnncock. Clay. Cook. Itasca. Kittson. Harrison. Lake. Marshall. Otter Tail. Pine. MISSISSIPPI. Group 1. Jackson. Polk. Saint Louis. Wadena. Wilkin. Group 2. Amite. Alcorn. Attala. Benton. Calhoun. Carroll. Chickasaw. Choctaw. Clarke. Clay. Copiah. Covington. Franklin. Greene. Adams. Bolivar. Claiborne. Coahoma. Dc Soto. Grenada. Hinds. Holmes. Itawamba. Jasper. Jones. Kemper. La Fayette. Lauderdale. Lawrence. Leake. Lee. Lincoln. Lowndes. Issaquena. Jefiersou. Le Flore. Quitman. Madison. Marshall. Marion. Monroe. Montgomery. Neshoba. Newton. Noxubee. Oktibbeha. Panola. Pike. Perry. Pontotoc. Group 3. Sharkey. Sunflower. Tallahatchie. Tunica. MISSOURI. Prentiss. Rankin. Scott. Simpson. Smith. Sumner. Tate. Tippah. Tishomingo. Union. Wayne. Winston. Yalobusha. Warren. Washington. Wilkinson. Yazoo. Group 1. Bollinger. Cape Girardeau. Clark. Dunklin. Jefferson. Lewis. Lincoln. Marion. Mississippi. New Madrid. Pemiscot. Perry. Pike. Scott. Saint Charles. Sainte Genevieve. Saint Louis. Saint Louis city. Stoddard. Ralls. 1718 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. MISSOURI— CoDtimied. Barton. Barry. Bates. Benton, tintler. Camden, Carter. Cass. Cedar. Christian. Crawford. "Dade. Adair. Audrain. CaldweW. Clinton. Daviess. De Kalb. Andrew. Atchison. Boone. Buchanan. Callaway. Carroll. Custer. Beaver Head. Choteau. Deer Lodge. Dallas. Dent. Douglas. Greene. Jlenry. Hickory. Howell. Iron. Jasper. Johnson. Laclede. Lawrence. Gentry. Grundy. Han'ison, Knox. Linn. Livinofston. Chariton. Clay. Cole. Cooper. Franklin. Gasconade. Dawson. Gallatin. JelFersou. Group 2. McDonald. Madison. Maries. Miller. Morgan. Newton. Oregon. Ozark. Pettis. Phelps. Polk. Pulaski. Group 3. Macon. Mercer. Monroe. Nodaway. Putnam. Randolph. Group 4. Holt. Howard. Jackson. La Fayette. Moniteau. Montgomery. MONTANA. Group 1. Group 2. Reynolds. Ripley. Shannon. Stone. Saint Clair. Taney. Texas. Vernon. Washington. "Wayne. Webster. Wright. Scotland. Schuyler. Shelby. §ullivan. Worth. Osage. Platte. Ray. Saline. Saint Frangois. Warren. Lewis and Clarke. Madison: Missoula. ]Meagher. NEBRASKA. Group 1. Adams. Antelope. Blackbird. Boone. Butler. Buffalo. Clay. Colfax. Cuming. Dodge. Fillmore. Franklin. Furnas. Gage. Gosper. Greeley. Hall. Hamilton. Harlan. Howard. Jefferson. Johnson. Kearney. Lancaster, Madison. Merrick. Nance. Nuckolls. Pawnee. Phelps. Pierce. Platte. Polk. Saline. Saunders. Seward. Sherman. Stanton. Thayer. Valley. Wayne. W^ebster, York. Group 2. Bart. jCass. ' ; Cedar. iChase. Cheyenne. Custer. X>awsoa. Dakota. Dixon. Douglas. Dundy. Frontier. Hayes. Hitchcock. Knox. Nemaha. Otoe. Group 3. Holt. Keith. Lincoln. Red Willow. Richardson. Sarpy. Washington. Sioux. Unorganized tory. Wheeler. ten Churchill. Oouglas. Elko. Esmeralda. I Belknap. Hillsborough. Carroll. Cheshire. Atlantic. Bergen. Burlington. Camden. Hunterdon. Mercer, COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. NEVADA. Group 1. 1719 Eureka. Humboldt. Lander. Lincoln. Merrimack. Coos. Lyon. Nye. Ormsby. Koop. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Group 1. Eockingham. Group 2. Grafton. NEW JERSEY. Group 1. Cape May. Cumberland. Essex. Gloucester. Morris. Passaic. Hudson. Middlesex. Monmouth. Group 2. Storey. Washoe. White Pino. Somerset. Sussex. Strafford. Sullivan. Ocean. Salem. Union, Warren. Colfax. Bernalillo. Dona Ana. Grant. Kinoes. New York. Lincoln. Rio Arriba. Santa Ana. Queens. Kichmond. NEW MEXICO. Group 1. Mora. Group 2. Santa Fd. Socorro. NEW YORK. Group 1. Rockland. Sutfolk. San Miguel. Taos. Valencia. Westchester. Group 2. Clinton. Essex. Delaware, Greene. Chautanqua. Erie. Genesee. Franklin. Hamilton. Orange. Jefferson. Monroe. HiH-kiraer. Saint Lawrence. Group 3, Sullivan. Group 4. Niagara. Orleans. WaiTon. Ulster. Oswego. Wayne. 1720 COiVJPENDlUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. NEW YORK— Continued. Group 5. Albany. Allegany. Broome. Cattaraugus. Cayuga. Chemung. Chenango. Columbia. Cortland. Duchess. Fulton. Lewis. Livingston. Madison. Montgomery. Oneida. Onondaga. Ontario. Olsego. Putnam. Rensselaer. Saratoga. Schenectady. Schoharie. Schuyler. Seneca. Steuben. Tioga. Tompkins. Washington. W^yoniing. Yates. NORTH CAROLINA. Group 1. Beaufort. Bertie. Bladen. Brunswick. Camden. Carteret. Chowan. Columbus. Craven. Cumberland. Currituck. Dare. Duplin. Gates. Greene. Hertford. Hyde. .Jones. Lenoir. Martin. New Hanover. Onslow. Pamlico. Pasquotank. Pender. Perquimans. Pitt. Robeson. Sampson. Tyrrell. Washington. Wavne. Group 2. Alamance. Anson. Cabarrus. Caswell. Catawba. Chatham. Cleaveland. Davidson. Davie. Edgecombe. Forsyth . Franklin. Gaston. Granville. Guilford. Halifax. Plarnett. Iredell. Johnston. Lincoln. Mecklenburg. Montgomery. Moore. Nash. Northampton. Orange. Person. Randolph. Richmond. Rockingham. Rowan. Stanley. ■ Stokes. Union. Warren. Wake. Wilson. Yadkin. Group 3. Alexander. Alleghany. Ashe. Buncombe. Burke. Caldwell. Cherokee. Clay. (Jrahaui. M;iyw(U)d, llfMulersou. Jackson. Macon. Madison. Mitchell. McDowell. Polk. Rutherford. Surry. Swain. Transylvania. Watauga. Wilkes. Yancey. OHIO. Group 1. Ashtabula. Cuyahoga. Erie. Geauga. l^ake. Lorain. Lucas. Ottawa. Sandusky. Wood. Group 2. Adams. Athens. Belmont. Brown. Butler. Clermont. Clinton. Fairfield. Favetto. (JnJlia. Greene. Hamilton. Highland. Ifocking. .1 ackson. J elferson . Lawrence. Meigs. Monroe. Montgomery. Morgan. Noble. Perry. I'ickuway. Pike. Preble. Ross. Scioto. Vintoji. Warren. Washinjrton. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1721 Franklin. Fulton. Guernsey. Hancock. Hardin. Harrison. Henry. Holmes. Huron. Knox. Licking. Logan. Lake. Umatilla. OHIO— Continued. Group 3. Madison. Mahoning. Marion. Medina. Mercer. Miami. Morrow. Muskingum. Paulding. Portage. Putnam. Eicliland. OREGON. Group 1. Union. Group 2. Seneca. Shelby. Stark. Summit. Trumbull. Tuscarawas. Union. Van Wert. Wayne, Williams. Wyandot. Wasco. Curry. Douglas. Jackson. Josephine. Lane. Linn. Marion. Multnomah. Polk. Tillamook. Washington. Yam Hill. PENNSYLVANIA. Group 1. Columbia. Cumberland. Dauphin. Fayette. Franklin. Fulton. Huntingdon. Indiana. Juniata. Lackawanna. Lebanon. Luzerne. Lycoming. Mifflin. Monroe. Montour. Northumberland. Perry. Pike. Schuylkill. Somerset. Snyder. Sullivan. Susquehanna. Tioga. Union. Wayne. Westmorel and . Wyoming. Group 2. Clarion; Crawford. Delaware. Elk. Erie. Forest. Greene. Jefferson. Lancaster. Lawrence. Lehigh. Mercer. Montgomery, McKean. Nortliampton. Philadelphia. Potter. Venango. Washington. Warren. Y'ork. RHODE ISLAND. The state forms one group. SOUTH CAROLINA. Group 1. Colleton. Georgetown. Hampton. Horry. Marion. Williamsburgh. Group 2. Oconee. Pickens. 1722 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. SOUTH CAROLINA— Continued. Group 3. Abbeville. Aikeu. Anderson. Barnwell. Chester. Chesterfield. Darlington. Edgefield. Fairfield. Greenville. Kershaw. Lancaster. Laurens. Lexington. Marlborough. Newberry. Orangeburgh. Hichland. Spartanburgh. Sumter. Union. York. TENNESSEE. Group 1. Anderson. Bledsoe. Blount. Bradley. Campbell. Carter. Claiborne. Cocke. Coffee. Cumberland. De Kalb. Fentress. Franklin. Grainger. Greene. Grundy. Hamblen. Hamilton. Hancock. Hawkins. James. Jefferson. Johnson. Knox. Loudon. Marion. Meigs. Monroe. Moore. Morgan. McMinn. Overton. Polk. Putnam. Ehea. Koane. Scott. Sequatchie. Sevier. Sullivan. Unicoi. Union. Van Buren. Warren. Washington. White. Group 2. Benton. Carroll. Crockett, Decatur, Dyer. Lake. Fayette. Gibson. Haywood. Lauderdale. Obion. Hardeman. Henderson. Henry. Group 3. Shelby. Madison. McNairy. Weakley, Tipton. Group 4. Bedford. Cannon. Clay. Cheatham. Davidson. Dickson. Giles. Hardin. Hickman. Houston. Humphreys. Jackson. Lawrence, Lewis. Lincoln, Macon. Marshall. Maury. Montgomery. Perry. Robertson. Rutherford. Smith. Stewart. Sumner. Wayne. Williamson. Wilson. Trousdale. TEXAS. Group 1, Aransas. Bee. Brazoria. Calhoun. Cameron. Chambers. Fort Bend. Galveston. Goliad. Hardin. Harris. Hidalgo. Jackson. Jasper. Jefferson. Liberty. Matagorda. Newton. Nueces. Orange. Refugio. San Patricio. Victoria. Wharton. COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS, 1723 TEXAS— Continued. Group 2. Duval. Eastland. Edwards. Ellis^ Enciual. Erath. Falls.. FannfiSu Fayette, Franklin. Freestone. Frio. Guadalupe. Gillespie. Gonzales, Grayson. Gregg. Grimes. Hamilton. Harrison. Hayes. Henderson. Hill. Hopkins. Hood. Hunt. Houston. Jack. Johnson. Karnes. Kaufman. Kendall. Kerr. Kimble. Lamar. Lampasas. Lavaca. La Salle. Lee. Leon. Llano. Limestone, Live Oak. Madison. Marion. Mason. Maverick. Medina. Menard. Milan. Montague. Montgomery. Morris. McCulloch. McLennan. McMullen. Nacogdoches. Navarro. Palo Pinto. Panola. Parker. Polk. Eains. Ked River. Robertson. Rockwall. Rusk. Sabine. San Augustine, San Jacinto. San Saba. Shelby. Smith. Somervell. Starr. Stephens. Tarrant. Titus. Travis. Trinity. Tyler. Upshur. Uvalde. Van Zandt. Walker. Waller. Washington. Webb. Wilson. Williamson. Wichita. Wise. Wood. Young. Zapata. Zavalla. Group 3. Andrews. Deaf Smith. Hutchinson, Pecos. Armstrong. Dickens. Jones. Potter, Bailey. Donley. Kent. Presidio. Baylor. El Paso. King. Randall, Borden. Fisher. Kinney. Roberts. Briscoe. Floyd. Knox. Runnels. Callahan. Gaines. Lamb. Scurry. Castro. Garza. Lipscomb. Shackelford. Carson. Gray. Lubbock. Sherman. Cliildress, Hale. Lynn. Stonewall. Cockran. Hall. Martin. Swisher. Coleman. Hanford. Mitchell. Taylor. Collingsworth. Hardeman. Moore. Terry. Concho. Hartley. Motley. Throckmorton, Cottle. Haskeil. Nolan. Tom Green. Crockett. Hemphill. Ochiltree. Wheeler. Crosby. Hockley. Oldham. Wilbarger. Dallam. Howard. Parmer, Yoakum. Dawson. UTAH, The territory forms one group. VERMONT. The state forms oue group. 1724 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. VIRGINIA. Group 1. Accoinac. Cliarles City. Eli/abeth City. JOssex. Glon coster. Isle of Wight. James City. KiiijGf George. King William. King aud Queeu. Lancaster. Mathews. Middlesex. Naiisemoud. New Kent. Norfolk. Northampton. Northumberland. Princess Anne. Prince George. Richmond. Southampton. Surry. Sussex. Warwick. Westmoreland. York. Group 2. Alexandria. Amelia. A])pomattox. Brunswick. Buckingham. Campbell. Caroline. Charlotte. Chesterfield. Culpeper. Cumberland. Dinwiddle. Fairfax. Fauquier. Fluvanna. Goochland. Greenville. Halifax, Hanover. Henrico. Henry. Loudoun. Louisa. Lunenburg. Mecklenburj Nottoway. Orange. Pittsylvania. Powhatan. Prince Edward. Prince William. Spotsylvania. Stafford. Group 3. Albemarle. Alleghany. Amherst. Augusta. Bath. Bedford. Bland. Botetourt. Buchanan. Carroll. Clarke. Craig. Floyd. Franklin. Frederick. Grayson. Giles. Greene. Highland. Lee. .Madison. Montgomery. Nelson. Page. Patrick. Pulaski. Rappahannock. Roanoke. Rockbridge. Rockingham. Russell. Scott. Shenandoah. Smyth. Tazewell. W^arren. Washington. AVise. Wythe. Columbia. Klikitat. Spokane. Stevens. W^ASHINGTON. Group 1. Walla Walla. Whitman. Yakima. Group 2. Chehalis. Clallam. Clarke. Cowlitz. Island. .Jefferson. King. Kitsap. Lewis. Mason. Pacific. Pierce. Snohomish. Skamania. Thurston. Wahkiakum. San Juan. Whatcom. WEST VIRGINIA. Group 1 . Barbour. Berkeley, Boone. Braxton. Clay. Fayette. Grant. Greenbrier. Hampshire. Hardy. Harrison. Jefferson. Lewis. Logan. McDowell. Marion. Mercer. Mineral. Monongalia. Morgan. Monroe. Nicholas. Pendleton. Pocahontas. Preston. Raleigh. Randulx)h. Summers. Taylor. Tucker. Upshur. Webster. Wyoming COMPENDIUM 01-' THE TKNTII CENSUS. 1725 Brooke. Cabell. Calhoun. Doddridge. Gilmer. Hancock. WEST VIRGINIA— Continued. Group 2. Jackson. Kauawlni. Lincoln. Marshall. Mason. Ohio. Pleasants. Putnam. Ritchie. Roane. Tyler. Wayne. Wetzel. Wirt. Wood. Brown. Door. Kewaunee. Buflalo. Crawford. Grant. Adams. Calumet. Columbia. Dane. Dodge. Fond du Lac. Ashland. Barron. Bayfield. Burnett. Chippewa. Clark. Kenosha. ManitoAvoc. La Crosse. Pepin. Green. Green Lake. Iowa. Jefferson. Juneau. La Fayette. Douglas. Dunn. Eau Claire. Jackson. Langlade. Lincoln. WISCONSIN. Group L Milwaukee. Ozaukee. Group 2. Pierce. Saint Croix. Group 3. Marquette. Monroe. Richland. Rock. Sauk. Group 4. Marathon. Marinette. Oconto. Outagamie. Polk. Portage. Racine. Sheboygan. Trempealeau. Vernon. Walworth. Washington. Winnebago. Waukesha. Waushara. Price. Shawano. Taylor. Waupaca. Wood. Laramie. Albany. Carbon. WYOMING TERRITORY. Group 1. Crook. Johnson. Group 2. Sweetwater. Uinta. The grand groups to which reference " has beeu made above are com- posed of these state groups. It seems necessary here to give only the composition of Grand Groups I, IV, and YII. Grand Group I includes Connecticut No. 1, Maine Ko. 1, Massachu- setis No. 1, New Hampshire No. 1. Ehode Island No. 1. Grand Group IV includes Alabama No. 1, Florida and Louisiana No. 1, Mississippi No. 1, and Texas No. 1. Grand Group VII includes Illinois No. 1, Indiana No. 1, Michigan No. 1; New York No. 4, Ohio No. 1, and Wisconsin No. 1. 1726 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CLVU. — Deathn in the United States, by states and slate groups, with disfimiion of sex and certain specified ages. States and state groups. The United States Alabama: Total Group 1... Or roup 2... Group 3... Arizona : Total Arkansas: Total. Gioup 1 Group 2 California: Total Group 1 Group 2 Colorado: Total Group 1... Group 2... Connecticut : Total . Group 1 Group 2 Dakota: Total. Group 1.. Group 2 . . Group 3.. Delaware: Total District of Columbia : Total . Florida: Total Georgia: Total Group 1. . Group 2.. Group 3.. Idaho : Total Illinois: Total — Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Indiana : Total . . Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Iowa: Total , Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Kansas: Total.... Group 1 Group 2 Kentucky: Total Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Louisiana: Total Group 1 Group 2..... Group 3...., Maine : Total Group 1 Group 2...., TOTAL DEATHS AT ALL AG£». UNDKH 1 I'EAlt. UNUKIt 5 YEAUB, Males. Females. Males. Females. \ Males. FemaluK. 391, 960 364, 933 96 894 78, 372 1ft3 880 188 926 8, 842 528 2, 641 5,673 9, 087 506 2, 811 5, 770 2, 411 90 754 1, 567 2, 085 100 633 1,352 4, 208 156 1,296 2, 756 3, 736 160 1, 151 2, 425 207 84 30 26 42 ..8 7, 741 1, 361 6, 380 7, 071 1, 157 5 914 1,874 297 1, 577 1,621 249 1 372 3, 449 555 2 894 3, 077 476 2 6Ul 7, 395 2, 500 4, 889 4, 135 1. 269 2,866 1,233 270 963 959 211 748 1,849 455 1, 394 1, 518 409 1,109 1, 610 j 697 i 913 937 465 472 238 124 114 209 98 111 492 253 239 417 209 208 i 4, 629 i 2, 741 1,888 4, 550 2 753 l! 797 898 510 388 691 428 263 1, 416 857 559 1, 167 744 423 743 1 345 264 134 561 304 182 75 1.58 81 67 10 122 63 41 18 303 157 127 19 253 130 92 31 1, 113 1, 099 276 253 433 429 2,110 2, 082 692 591 1, 007 944 1, 619 1 540 1 • 321 301 623 588 10, 782 1, 197 2, 602 0, 983 10, 767 1,102 2, 593 7 072 3,022 312 : 806 1 904 2,532 271 657 1, 604 5, 453 547 I, 300 3 606 4,648 471 1, 092 3 08.J 201 122 25 23 48 55 23, 698 6, 123 4,616 12, ■949 21, 319 5 303 A, 017 11, 999 6, 040 2 122 \, 071 2,847 4, 931 1 620 '889 2,422 10, 635 3 397 1, 855 5, 383 8, 936 2 833 1! 560 4,543 15 971 422 3, 548 12, 001 15 242 'iio 3,210 11, 622 3 861 92 791 2,978 3 1.34 74 611 2,449 6 553 'l67 1, 420 4, 966 5 684 'l40 1, 228 4, 316 10, 187 1 903 7, 526 758 9,190 1 647 6^839 704 2, 228 362 1, 694 172 1, 715 325 1, 236 154 4,257 677 3, 227 353 3, tI8 582 2. 545 291 7, 921 6 958 '963 7,239 6 363 '876 2, 084 1 812 '272 1, 720 1 .511 '209 3, 871 3 384 '487 3, 358 2 942 '4I6 11, 947 J, o/U 3, 870 244 6, 463 11, 771 1, 369 3, 591 203 6, 608 ! 3, 292 43D 1, 057 61 1,735 2,584 359 808 44 1,373 5,342 686 1,706 104 2,847 4, 533 596 1,411 66 2, 460 7, 839 5, 338 759 1, 742 6, 675 4, 419 1 712 : 1, 544 1 1,757 1, 209 149 399 1,491 1, 059 137 295 ' 2,929 1, 969 285 (i75 2, .603 1, 748 294 501 4, 722 3, 207 1,515 4,801 3, 285 1,516 1 565 379 186 1 486 325 161 1 1, 113 730 383 1, 036 693 343 COMPENDIUM OP THE TENTH CENSUS. 1727 Table CLVII. — Deaths in the United States, hy states a/nd state groups, ^c. — Continued. UNDER 1 YEAR. UNDER 5 YEARS. Males. Females. Males. Females. 2, 597 2, 364 233 2, 197 2, 039 * 158 4, 128 3, 776 352 3, 601 3, 334 267 4 087 '6, 227 800 3 201 2, 540 661 6 311 4^938 1, 373 5 305 4i 135 1, 170 2, 442 1 401 1,' 041 1, 904 1. 095 '809 4,093 2 278 1, 815 a, 3.>4 1 925 1, 429 1, 305 501 727 77 961 350 545 66 2, 203 767 1, 300 136 1,744 .585 1, 050 109 1,936 21 1 449 '466 1, 533 ' 11 1, 145 '377 3,318 31 2, 478 '809 2, 667 20 2, 009 '638 5,147 2, 088 1 190 '800 1 069 4, 157 1, 705 974 639 839 8, 554 2, 997 2 122 i, 439 1, 996 7, 257 2, 578 1, 828 l!203 1, 648 31 1 30 21 59 1 41 21 58, 41 810 554 226 30 630 442 164 24 1, 575 1, 119 397 59 1, 338 929 362 47 59 52 97 82 377 267 110 293 203 90 G50 474 176 516 356 160 2, 352 1,813 539 1,984 1,538 446 3, 799 2, 909 890 3, 228 2,467 761 304 101 203 260 90 170 607 206 401 539 168 371 11, 335 8, 097 323 316 893 1. 706 9, 179 6, 812 274 271 677 1,345 18, 127 12, 379 615 614 1 536 2^983 15, 314 10, 471 538 519 1 243 2' .543 2, 948 958 1, 593 397 2, 271 735 1, 270 266 5, 347 1 793 2, 903 651 4, 501 2^ 449 500 5 864 '970 2, 369 2, 025 4 346 '798 1, 936 1, 612 8 510 1, 569 3, 718 3, 223 7 250 1^354 3, 151 2, 745 199 50 149 151 33 118 351 92 259 304 SO 224 7, 094 2, 425 5, 209 6, 048 1, 834 4, 214 13, 294 4, 756 8, 538 10, 976 3, 721 7, 255 488 418 895 819 States and state groups. Maryland: Total Group I , Group 2 Massachusetts: Total., Group 1 Group 2 Michi.!j;an : Total , Group 1 ■ Group 2 Minnesota: Total Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Mississippi: Total Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Missouri : Total Gtoup 1 Group 2 jw Group 3 K Group 4 Montana: Total Group 1 Group 2 Nebraska: Total Group 1 Group 2 , Group 3 Nevada: Total New Hajapshire: Total & Grou^l B Group 3 New Jersey : Total Group 1 Group 2 , New Mexico : Total Group 1 , Group 2 New York: Total Group 1 Group 2 ► Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 , North Carolina: Total. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Ohio: Total Groi.pl , Group 2 Group 3 Oregon: Total Group 1 Group 2 ronnsylvanirt: Total .. Group 1 Grouj) 2 Pvliodc Island : Total TOTAL DEATHS AT ALL AGES. Males. Females. 8, 618 7, 728 16, 416 12, 339 4,077 10, 407 5, 206 5, 201 4, 869 1, 818 2, 785 266 7,527 101 5, 446 1, 980 19, 237 6, 798 4, 5G1 3, 138 4, 740 225 18 207 3, 112 2, 116 864 132 535 2, 769 1,825 944 9, 524 7, 115 2, 409 1, 347 427 920 45, 952 25, 161 1,916 2, 026 5, 067 11, 782 10, 593 3, 570 5, 706 1, 317 22, 079 3, 688 9,455 1,034 248 786 I 33, 613 I 11,831 ; 21,782 j 2,346 i 8, 301 7, 471 830 16, 733 12, 622 4, 111 9, 336 4, 553 4, 783 4, 168 1, 441 2, 498 229 7, 056 70 5, 261 1, 725 17, 378 5, 637 4, 497 2, 883 4, 361 111 111 2, 818 1, 946 782 90 193 2, 815 1,884 931 8, 950 6, 652 2, 298 1, 089 309 780 42, 380 22, 928 1,919 1, 916 4, 5 59 11, 058 10, 954 3, 593 6. 082 1, 279 20, 531 3, 407 8, 564 8, 560 830 196 634 30, 268 10, 285 I'J, 983 2, 356 1728 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table ClJVll. — Deaths in the United States, by states and state groups, ^c. — Continued. States and state groups. South Carolina: Total Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Tennessee: Total Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Texas: Total Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Utah : Total "V'eruiout: Total Virgiuia: Total Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Washington : Total . . . Group 1 Gr9up 2 West Virginia: Total. Group 1 Group 2 Wisconsin: Total Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Wyoming: Total Group 1 Group 2 TOTAL DEATHS AT ALL AGES. Males. 7,609 2, 572 171 4, 8GG 12, 800 3, 660 2, 422 2, 090 4, 628 13, 121 1,124 11, 658 339 1, 270 2, 505 12, 216 2, 776 5, 831 3, 609 467 203 264 3, 781 1,926 1, 855 8, 592 2, 582 1,145 3, 515 1, 350 119 34 85 Females. 8,119 2,685 1 153 I 5,281 i 13, 119 ' 3,960 : 2,5:;3 1,086 I 4, 934 11,614 909 10, 463 242 1, 144 2, 519 12, 465 2, 605 5, 985 3. 875 138 • 150 3, 637 1, 889 1,748 7, 419 2, 248 912 3,133 1, 126 UNDER 1 YEAR. Males. 2, 022 696 50 1, 276 3, 492 1, 141 684 414 1, 253 3, 678 276 3, 336 66 334 416 3,375 746 1,650 979 43 40 947 484 463 2, 047 784 257 676 330 Females. 1, 755 649 26 1, 080 2,821 884 563 347 1,027 2, 931 238 2,623 70 284 312 2,778 633 1, 281 57 32 25 810 404 406 1, 528 624 174 497 233 16 2 14 UNUEU 5 YEABB. Males. 3, 706 1, 232 76 2, 398 5, 753 1, 836 1, 144 697 2, 076 6, 317 432 5,733 152 673 675 5,486 1,195 2, 713 1, 578 160 84 76 1, 695 832 3, 429 1,205 454 1,141 GRAND GKOTJPS. 391, 960 364, 933 96, 894 78, 372 1 163, 880 138, 926 22, 458 46, 003 7, 339 8,710 12, 845 22, 900 42, 837 , 7, 380 ' 7, 444 12, 793 4, 871 13, 988 1,966 1,917 2, 283 3, 914 11, 666 1,655 1.709 1, 761 7, 894 21, 699 3, 572 3, 211 3, 781 6,747 18, 709 3, 192 2, 914 3, 170 17, 156 23, 098 45, 101 17, 296 18, 728 15, 329 20, 480 43, 108 17, 935 17, 113 3, 513 6,262 1 10, 218 \ 5, 050 4,680 2, 709 4, 888 8,110 4, 093 3, 761 G, 612 ' 10, 152 17, 137 8, 255 7, 706 5, 268 8, 49.-. 14, 566 7, 060 6, 509 25, 390 6, 434 10, 280 24, 341 32, 028 25, 917 5, 483 13, 654 22, 418 31, 724 , 6, 880 I 1, 387 4, 279 1 6, 502 7, 991 5, 744 1, 154 3, 443 5, 264 6, 461 12, 382 2, 450 6, 750 11, 424 13, 112 10, 601 2, 059 5,641 9, C34 11, 352 39, 332 6, 026 2. 744 6, 817 7, 295 35, 965 6, 029 2, 077 6,138 4, 559 i 9, 191 ! 1,534 1 610 1, 448 1 1, 172 7, 355 1, 198 511 1,108 977 17,-150 2,873 1,191 2, 580 2, 220 14, 272 2, 393 1, 022 2, 006 1,943 5, 939 3, 650 j 1, 152 891 1, 729 1,373 The United States Grand group 1 Grand group 2 Grand group 3 Grand group 4 Grand group 5 Grand group 6 . Grand group 7 . Grand group 8 . Grand group 9 . Grand group 10 . Grand group 11 . Grand group 12 . Grand group 13 . Grand group 14 . Grand group 15 . Grand group 16 . Grand group 17 . Grand group 18 . Grand group 19 . Grand group 20 , Grand group 21 . COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1729 T^RLB C-L\m.-Deaths in iJie United States, ly states and state grovps, from ten prin- cipal causes. States and State groups. The United States 8, 772 16, 416 Alabama : Total Group 1.— . Group 2.... Group 3 — Arizona: Total . Arkansas: Total Group 1 Group 2 California: Total. Gionp 1 Group 2 403 163 240 398 25 Colorado : Total . . Group 1 Group 2 Connecticut: Total Gioup 1 Group 2 Dakota: Total. Group 1.. Group 2-. Group 3., 277 34 243 33 7 26 70 19 51 Delaware: Total District of Columbia: Total. Florida: Total 16 Georgia: Total Group 1 Group 2 526 26 62 Group 3 438 Idaho: Total... Illinois: Tot'il . Group 1.. Group 2-. Group 3.. Indiana: Total. Group 1.- Group 2.. Group 3.. Iowa: Total ... Group 1 . . Group 2.. Group 3.. Kansas: Total. Group 1.. Group 2.. Kentucky: Total Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 641 153 76 412 524 37 57 430 177 30 120 27 521 470 51 273 4 101 2 166 295 78 217 71 26 45 1, 319 18 474 827 179 409 21 512 428 84 378 7 223 1 147 258 7 128 123 157 20 137 171 249 123 126 11, 202 22, 905 113 216 88 135 25 81 301 lot 164 33 19 27 594 122 83 389 55 2,422 996 320 1, 106 1, 037 70 122 845 2, 326 259 1, 842 225 202 394 35 137 6 216 582 17 289 276 10 446 100 346 135 42 93 34 11 23 82 71 11 7 4 1 2 34 50 654 31 119 504 504 53 106 345 561 10 70 481 144 38 94 12 222 213 551 167 107 4 273 65, 565 91, 551 783 26 322 435 11 437 36 401 125 173 78 25 53 196 93 103 76 101 51 304 638 12 1, 653 191 383 1, 079 1,458 17 351 1, 090 723 101 537 85 571 92 816 111 237 18 450 1, 417 86 427 904 15 1, 341 185 1, 156 527 160 367 146 83 335 264 70 39 25 209 570 216 1, 954 195 574 1, 185 83, 670 © 4> 107, 904 1, 729 160 756 813 18 955 175 780 1, 802 537 1,265 210 146 64 1,389 824 565 116 83 28 5 357 793 263 1, 718 233 518 967 12 4, 630 1, 353 937 2, 340 2, 883 69 753 2, 061 1, 860 285 1, 432 143 1, 801 1, 621 180 1, 952 169 649 52 1, 082 1, 675 180 476 1, 019 19 1,424 244 1, 180 1, 306 399 907 182 87 95 1, 381 821 560 105 50 33 22 291 515 358 1,879 239 465 1, 175 22 4, 653 933 917 2, 803 3, 943 100 983 2, 860 1,925 403 1, 407 115 1,117 988 129 3, 733 390 1, 0!)8 57 2. 188 27 5, 146 1, 561 887 2,698 3, 456 94 738 2, 624 1, 931 398 1, 401 132 1, 306 1, 163 143 2, 612 203 889 35 1, 485 2§ 34, 094 2, 722 79 855 1, 788 33 2, 852 459 2, 393 1, 514 590 924 556 170 1, 225 763 462 188 90 46 52 286 524 846 3,066 273 815 1, 978 7, 400 1, 581 1, 632 4, 187 4, 964 133 1, 056 3, 775 2, 870 538 2, 084 248 2, 566 2, 299 267 3, 415 462 1, 006 90 1, 857 665 43 177 445 16 125 563 567 153 414 92 361 218 143 219 180 1, 327 127 303 897 17 2, 100 536 437 1,127 1, 099 34 122 943 856 152 645 59 644 563 81 958 61 307 16 574 109 C 0 1730 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. Table CLVIII. — Deaths in the Uniied States, hy states and state groups, ^c. — ContinnecT, ases. a . c a !i CO ® 2 0 ^ § w States and State groups. 0 ■♦^ 05 <<-■ m «2 .3 .2 a . s P fi S 128 23 187 104 302" 1, 227 1, 514 1, 761 2,103 867 Group 1 • • 105 22 132 121 185 893 1, 170 1, 271 1 125 631 GrTonp 2 » - 14 9 9 10 32 103 ' 129 ' 165 ' 235 93 Group 3 1 46 33 ^5 231 215 325 743 143 Iklaine* Total 36 286 895 56 193 433 1, 829 1, 136 1 045 342 Group 1 24 253 415 27 160 314 1, 286 ' 820 744 249 12 33 480 29 33 119 '543 310 301 93 jjjjjpyland.' Total 76 583 623 291 475 1, 754 2, 381 2 062 2 040 744 Group 1 75 552 561 267 431 1, 629 2' 153 1' 812 1' 789 677 1 31 62 24 44 125 '228 '250 '251 67 Miassacliusetts ■ Total 84 808 1 GIO 290 620 2, 597 5 207 3 837 4 385 1 296 Group 1 42 537 1 294 237 424 2, 053 3' 953 2' 768 3 281 956 Group 2 .... 42 271 ' 316 53 196 544 1, 254 l| 069 1' 104 340 Micliigan: Total 255 528 2, 002 341 547 1,463 2, 613 1, 902 2,432 829 Group 1 174 343 851 193 240 751 1 182 9C3 1 299 461 81 185 1, 151 148 307 712 1, 431 999 1, 133 368 Minnesota: Total 93 200 1, 562 84 318 857 848 760 990 452 Group 1 , 34 35 286 36 114 326 355 326 431 178 Group 2 52 148 1 246 40 192 470 430 402 509 235 Group 3 7 17 30 s 12 61 63 32 50 41 Mississippi • Total 147 6 212 330 332 981 1, 287 1, 436 2 678 746 3 2 9 2 7 26 19 18 15 118 5 158 257 284 735 955 1, 036 2, 039 516 26 1 52 64 46 23U 306 381 621 215 _ ■mil 770 296 885 486 1, 452 4, 034 3, 604 4, 117 6, 797 1, 636 Group 1 144 61 226 108 323 1, 389 1, 319 1, 655 2, 079 562 Group 2 213 74 146 118 540 1, 105 701 913 1 720 410 Group 3 150 56 145 143 255 629 629 674 1 059 288 Group 4 263 105 368 117 334 911 955 875 1' 939 376 1 25 26 8 19 18 28 44 2 15 2 1 2 1 1 25 26 6 19 17 26 42 14 152 391 1 041 41 210 522 416 442 867 240 Group 1 117 309 '801 20 159 359 264 262 562 168 Group 2 35 72 219 18 48 143 131 164 268 61 10 21 3 3 20 21 16 37 18 17 11 17 46 61 866 55 184 27 37 138 344 15 117 314 751 633 241 Grronp 1 29 113 220 13 73 223 621 511 422 150 8 25 124 2 44 91 245 240 211 91 "NT ATP" .Tatqav • T^r»"Jc»l 52 567 510 99 280 1, 648 2 630 2 941 2 549 822 35 350 406 75 213 1,211 1' 995 2' 204 1 926 602 17 217 104 24 67 437 ' 635 ' 737 623 220 154 119 10 178 59 60 50 72 295 131 45 25 3 56 13 12 6 19 92 61 109 94 7 122 37 48 44 53 203 70 TCf>w "VrtrV • T'n+nl 661 1 985 4 097 748 1 260 7,207 12 858 10, 129 12 715 3 959 345 ' 831 l' 598 458 ' 316 4, 781 Q 765 4' 936 7 618 2' 272 Group 2 41 44 '457 24 77 215 '556 '466 '471 ' 151 Group 3 21 188 281 54 84 232 574 472 539 120 125 293 441 73 213 602 1, 432 1, 269 1,114 399 Group 5 129 629 1, 320 139 570 1, 377 3, 531 2, 986 2, 943 1, Oil ITorth Carolina: Total 425 113 1, Oil 653 966 2, 063 2,130 1,792 2, 599 1, 027 195 14 286 254 253 616 555 672 715 356 Group 2 2t« 76 591 359 614 1,135 1, 324 947 1, 440 578 24 23 lai 40 99 312 251 173 444 93 COMPENDIUM OF THE TENTH CENSUS. 1731 Table CLVIII. — Deaths in the United States, by states and state groups, 4^c. — Continued. States and State groups. Measles. Scarlet fever. ! Diphtheria. Whooping-cough. Enteric fever. Diarrheal diseases. Consumption. Diseases of the nei-v- ous system. Diseases of the respi- ratory system. Diseases of the digest- ive system. 263 1, 335 2,103 502 1, 376 3,715 5, 912 5, 738 5,045 1,974 37 414 468 78 196 596 798 911 830 305 140 630 539 220 564 1,705 2, 860 2, 488 1, 921 853 86 291 1, 096 204 616 1, 414 2, 254 2, 339 2, 294 816 Oregon; Total 16 47 188 28 103 159 226 182 167 73 6 3 90 2 20 23 43 34 48 7 Group 2 10 44 98 26 83 136 183 148 119 65 .... 400 2,241 5, 4S3 470 1,660 4, 666 8, 073 8, 199 8, 072 2, 434 153 1, 236 2, 752 121 473 1. 475 2, 301 2, 530 3, 023 815 247 1, 005 2, 731 349 1, 187 3, 191 5, 772 5, 669 5, 049 1, 619 1 540 230 28 84 317 691 575 511 158 Soutli Carolina: Total . 302 18 551 459 5R5 1, 280 1, 543 1,450 1,949 987 72 3 218 202 129 328 511 551 567 303 1 6 4 36 25 25 21 51 15 Group 3. .......... > . . . . 230 14 327 253 420 927 1, 007 878 1, 331 669 Tennessee: Total 147 80 779 477 952 2, 033 3, 767 2,368 3, 901 1, 237 56 23 170 246 289 658 1, 176 650 1, 085 402 21 19 75 51 174 385 597 453 1, 095 235 Group 3 19 22 21 25 84 290 373 345 487 189 51 10 513 155 405 700 1,621 920 1,234 411 326 90 235 600 1, 087 3, 403 i, 622 2, 450 3, 898 1, 308 Groiip 1 3 5 22 66 30 172 212 304 246 114 322 84 212 524 1, 033 3, 164 1, 382 2, 111 3, 601 1, 179 1 1 1 10 24 67 28 69 35 51 15 Utah: Total 24 25 749 17 55 121 185 457 71 Vermont" Total 49 65 296 4X 118 269 813 608 699 141 Virginia: Total 421 268 568 419 679 2, 281 3, 025 2, 569 3, 190 1, 300 Group 1 122 39 104 56 153 609 608 576 698 271 Group 2 190 104 271 162 259 1, 065 1, 572 1, 272. 1, 384 691 109 125 193 201 267 607 845 721 1, 108 338 11 15 111 8 15 53 100 61 96 31 Group 1 7 8 51 6 10 34 43 26 54 14 4 7 60 2 5 19 57 35 42 17 "West Virginia : Total . . . 112 227 513 125 232 540 969 742 939 320 Group 1 33 137 288 68 84 253 471 374 487 173 79 90 225 57 148 287 498 368 452 147 "Wisconsin: Total 91 470 1, 934 133 395 1,294 1,681 1, 698 2, 028 757 21 133 656 21 99 395 450 633 537 205 17 23 235 14 74 213 189 1G7 310 113 Group 3 34 147 673 67 164 478 794 705 933 337 Group 4 19 167 370 31 58 208 248 193 248 102 WvoTniTiP'! Total . 2 37 18 3 7 5 11 23 6 Group 1 1 1 15 22 ^ 2 16 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 10 6 17 2 4 A. Acres of improved land, number of farms, and fanu values. Summary by states and territories of the. Act to amend the act providing for taking the Tenth and subsequent censuses. Acts to provide for the taking of the Tenth and subsequent censuses. .. Age, sex, and nativity of persons engaged in agriculture, by states and territories. Age, sex, and nativity of persons engaged in all classes of occupations, by states and territories. Age, sex, and nativity of i)ersons engaged ia all classes of occupations in fifty principal cities. Age, sex, and nativity of persons engaged in manufacturing, mechan- ical, and mining industries, by states and territories. Age, sex, and nativity of persons engaged in professional and personal services, by states and territories. Age, sex, and nativity of persons engaged in trade and transportation, by states and teiritories. Age, sex, and nativity of persons occupied in the United States, by classes and severally. Age, sex, and race of persons returned as unable to read and write : 1880, 1870, 1860. Ages, certain specified, and sex, of the dead reported during the census year. Ages of the population of the United States as returned at the Tenth Census, in the aggregate and by race, sex, and general nativity. Ages. School, military, and citizenship Agents. Special investigations conducted by expert Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Aggregate population of the United States at each census (1790-1880)... Aggregate population of the United States, by sex and general nativity. Aggregate, population of the United States in the, and by sex, nativity, and race. Agricultiii-e General statistics of, by states and territories : 1880, 1870, 1860, 1850. Persons engaged in, by states and territories Persons engaged in, by states and territories, with age, sex, and nativity. Persons engaged in, in fifty principal cities, with age, sex, and nativity. Persons engaged in the principal (selected) occupations of, by states and territories. Persons engaged in, with detail of occupation, and with age, sex, and nativitj'. Statistics of special branches of Agricultural implements : Special statistics of manufactures Alabama (see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by coun- ties. Debt, by counties Farm areas and fai;ra values, by counties Live stock and its productions, by counties Manutactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties 110 CC Table. XLIV CII cn cv CII CII CII cm CXXXVII CLVII XLn XL. XLI xvm n XXXIV I XLni CI cn cv CIV crn -LIV xvm cxxv cxxx XLV XLIX LII LH Page. 684, 685 xxiv xvii 1360, 1361 1358, 1359 1390-1399 1366, 1367 1362, 1363 1364, 1365 1368-1377 1645-165C 1726-1728 607-648 560-606 xxvii 14-60 4,5 552, 553 2,3 649- 923 650- 683 1356 1360, 1361 1392, 1393 1378-1383 1368, 1369 xxxi 1098-1103 14,15 1527, 1528 1589, 1590 686, G87 834-837 945 944, 945 1733 1734 INDEX. Table. Page. Alabama— contiuned. Native aud IbrtM^n-born population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birtb, among cei-tain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants aud upward, by race: 1880, 1870. Population of minorcivil divisions Princij)al vegetable ijroductions, by counties School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Statement relative to the steam craft of Alaska Ptcmarks on Statistics of, appointment of Ivan Petroff as special agent on Statistics of population of Almshouses, inmates of. See Defective, dependent, and delinquent classes. Altitude. Distribution of population according to Anthracite coal, mineral products of, by certain industrial fields Appendix A ■ Appendix B Appendix C Appropriations for the Tenth Census XXXI XXV xxin XXVI XXIV XIX XLVII XLI LXXXIX CX VII Lxvin Areas, ]>wellinjj[s, and Families Areas, dwellings, and families of the United States: 1880, 1870, 1860, 1850. Areas, laud-surface : 1880, 1870, 1860, 1850 Areas of farms and farm values, by counties Arizona {see also general and United States tables): Aggregate population, by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties Farm areas aud farm values, by counties Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties Native and foreign-born population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 iuhabitants and upward, by nativity : 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race : 1880, 1870. Principal vegetable productions, by counties , School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for aU ages, by counties. Arkansiias (see also general and United States tables): Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties Fiirm areas aud farm values, by counties - Live stock and its productions, hy counties Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties CVIII cvni XLV xvni cxxv cxxx XLV XLIX LII LII XXXI XXV XXIII XXVI XXIV XLvn XLI xvm cxxv CXXX XLV XLIX Ln LH 488, 489 406, 407 335, 336 452 380, 381 61-67 742-745 561, 562 1292, 1293 1419-1429 1421, 1422 xxxix 1422-1429 10 1242, 1243 xvii xxvi liv xxiii,xxv, xlii, xlv 1411-1417 1413-1415 1413 686-737 15 1562 1622 687 836, 837 945 945 489 407 336 452 380, 381 744,745 562 15, 16 1535, 1536 1596, 1597 687, 688 836-839 947 946, M7 INDEX. 1735 Arkansas — contiDued. Native aritl foreigu boni population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, anions certain specified states of the United States and foreiirn countries. Population, by nativity and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race: 1880, 1870. Population of minor civil divisions Pnncipal vegetable productions, by counties School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Statement relative to the steam craft of Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties.. Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxatiou, by states and territories and geographical groups. Summary of the. Asylums and hospitals for the insane, by sex, nativity, and race. Idiots in . Asylumsand hospitals for the same, by sex, nativity, and race. Insane in. Atkinson, Edward, appointment of, as special agent Average product of gold and silver per capita and per square mile Averages applicable to mineral products from regular miuing establish- ments of non-precious minerals : 1880, 1870. B. Aid Baird, Professor, president of the United States Fish Commission rendered by. Baltimore. Manufactures of Barnitz, R. M., assistant in the re-enumeration of South Carolina Benevolent and beneficent institutions. See Defective, dependent, and delinquent classes. Bessemer and open-hearth steel works: Special statistics of manufac- tures of iron and steel. Birth. Foreign-born population of fifty principal cities, distributed among the various foieign countries, according to place of. Birth. Native and foreign-born population, by counties, distributed among certain specified states of the United. States and for- eign countries, according to place of. Birth. Native colored population of the United States, distributed according to state or territory of. Birth. Native population of fifty principal cities, distributed accord- ing to state or territory of. Birth. Native population of the United States, distributed according to state or territory of. Birth. Native white population of the United States, distributed according to state or territory of. Bituminous coal, mineral products of, by certain industrial fields Blast furnaces : Special statistics of manufactures of iron and steel Blind, by sex, nativity, and race Blind, in institutions for the same, by sex, nativity, and race Blind, insane, idiots, and deaf-mutes, by sex, nativity, and race: 1880, 1870, 18G0, 1850. Bloomaries and forges : Si)ecial statistics of manufactures of iron and steel, Boats, canal: Special statistics of shipbuilding , Boats: Special statistics of shipbuilding , Bond, George WiUiara, appointment of, as special agent , Bonded debts of states and territoiies, counties, townships, towns, cities, boroughs, villages, and school districts. Analysis of the combined. Bondholders. Exhibit showing the number of holders of United States registered bonds. Table. XXXI XXV xxin XXVI XXIV XIX XLvn XLI LXXXIX cxxv CXXIV CXLVII CXLVI LXI LXV Lin LIV XXXTTT XXXI XXIX XXXII XX vn XX vm Lxvm LIV CXL CL CXLIV LVI LIV LIV CXXVIII CXXVI Page. 489-491 407, 408 33G, 337 452 380, 381 68-75 744-747 562, 563 1200. 1291 1510-1565 1508, 1509 1683-1685 1679-1682 xxxi 1234 1239 1030-1033 Ixii 1152-1155 546-551 488-541 476-481 542-545 464-469 470-475 1242, 1243 113S-1141 1673 1688,3689 1677 1142, 1143 1182, 1183 1178, 1179 xxxi 1570 1569 n 1736 INDEX. Table. by Bonds, registered. Exhibit showing the amounts of United States registered bonds held by individuals and by banlcs, etc. Book publishing interests, newspapers, and periodicals. Appointment ' of special agent on. Boots and shoes: Special statistics of manufactures Boston. Manufactures of Brewer, Professor W. H., appointment of, as special agent Brick and tile: Special statistics of manufactures Brooklyn. Manufactures of Buffalo. Manufactures of Building stone of the United States. Professor J. S. Newberry appointed special agent; George W. Hawes appointed as special agent. Butter and cheese: Special statistics of manufactures Butterfield, !F. G., report of, to Superintendent, relative to re-enumera- tion of certain townships in South Carolina. Califorisia (see also general and United States tables): Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, counties. Debt, by counties Farm areas and farm values, by counties Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties Native and foreign-born population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by raopulation of 100 principal cities Farms, acres of improved land, and farm values. Summary by states and teiTitories of the number of. Farm areas and farm values, by counties Farm values and farm areas, by counties Farm values. Summary by states and territories of the number of farms, acres of improved land, and. Feeble-minded, training-schools for the, idiots in, by sex, nativity, and race. Felt goods: Power used in manufacture Felt goods: Special statistics of manufactures Fever, enteric. Deaths caused by Fever, scarlet. Deaths caused by Finishing and dyeing textiles: Special statistics of manufactures Fire and marine insnraiice Assets Classification and capital stock Income and expenditures Liabilities Ratios of the business Remarks on Risks written and risks in force Surplus and deficiencies , Fish Commission. Professor Baird, president of , Fisheries , Discussion on the Fnited States Of the United States. Statistics of the Florida {gee also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 , Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties , FaiTu areas and farm values, by counties Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries _ Manufactures, by totals of counties Native, and foreign-born population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States ana foreign countries. Table. XXVI XXIV XIX XL VII XLI XCIII LXXXIX VI cvm CIX LIV vn CLvm cvm CIX XLIV XLV XLV XLIV cxLvm LVI LIV cLvm CLvm LIV cxvin cxvn cxx CXIX CXXIII cxxn CXXI CVI xvin cxxv cxxx XLV XLIX LII Ln XXXI Page. 453 382, 383 82 754, 755 566 1309 1290, 1291 xxxi 9, 10 1414 1416, 1417 1128, 1129 10 1729-1731 XXXIX 1415 1416, 1417 684, 685 686-737 686-737 684, 685 1220 1128, 1129 1729-1731 1729-1731 1128, 1129 14.55-1505 1464-1469 1458-1463 1476-1481 1470-1475 1494-1505 1456, 1457 1488-1493 1482-1487 xxvii 1401-1403 xxvii 1402, 1403 20, 21 1526, 1527 1588, 1589 693 846, 847 956 955, 956 495, 496 1742 INDEX. Table. Pa age. Part Florida— contimi(5(l. XXV 412 I XXIII 341 I Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, XXVI 453 I by nativity: 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inliabitants and upward. XXIV 382, 383 I by race: 1880, 1870. XIX 82-85 I XLvn 754, 755 I School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the scbool age XLI 567 I and for all ages, by counties. XCII 1304, 1305 II LXXXIX 1292, 1293 II LVl 1221 11 riourins- and grist-mill products : Special statistics of manufactures. .. LIV 1130, U 31 II 1405-1409 11 CVU 1408, 1409 II 1406, 1407 II 332 I Foreign-born and native population, by counties, distributed, accor ding XXXI 48&-541 I to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Foreign-born population in the United States and in each, state and XX?: 482-487 I territory. Nativities of. Foreign-born j^opulation of fifty principal cities, distributed, according xxxin 546-551 I to x)lace of birth, among the various foreign countries. Forestry and the lumbering; industry. Professor C. S. Sargent ap- xxxi I pointed as special agent on. Forges and bloomaries: Special statistics of manufactures of iron and LIV 1142, 1143 II steel. Fruits, orcliard, tobacco, and hops. Appointment of special agent on . . xxxi I Furnaces, blast: Special statistics of manufactures of iron and steel . .. LIV 1138-1141 II O. Gannett, Henry, report of, to Superintendent, relative to taking the Ixiv I census of South Carolina. General statistics of agriculture, by states and territories : 1880, 1870, XLin 650-683 I 1860,1850. General statistics of the quarrying industries of the United States LXIX 1244, 1245 II xxviii Oeorgia. (see also general and United States tables) : Aggi-egate population, by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 xvin 21-23 I Assessed valuation, and state, county, city,etc.,taxation, by counties cxxv 1524-1526 II cxxx 1585-1588 n xtv 693-696 I XLtX 846-851 I LIT 958,959 II LII 956-958 II Native and foreign-born population, by counties, distributed. XXXI 496-498 I according to place of birth, anioug certain sijccificd states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 XXV 413-415 I Population, by race and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 XXIII 341-343 I Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward. XXVI 453 I by nativity: 1880,1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward. XXIV 382, 383 T by race: 1880, 1870. XIX 85-97 I XLVII 754-759 I School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school XLI 567-569 I age and for all ages, by counties. xcni 1308 II XCII 1304, 1305 II LXXXIX 1294, 1295 II INDEX. 1743 Table. Page. Part. Glass and coke. Appointment of J. D. Weeks as special agent on Glass: Special statistics of manufactures Glass, green : Special 8tati8ti(;s of manufactures Glass, plate: Special statistics of manufactures Glass, window: Special statistics of manufactures Glassware: Special statistics of manufactures Gold and silver, average product of, per capita and per square mile Gold and silver product of the United States . Gold, percentage of placer, and gold from deep mines, in total gold product. Goode, Professor G. B. Aid rendered by Gordon, Clarence, appointment of, as special agent Green glass: Special statistics of manufactures Grist- and flouring-mill products: Power used in manufactures Grist- and flouring-mill products: Special statistics of manufactures Ground salt: Special statistics of manufactures LIV LIV LIV LIV LIV LXI LVII LIX LIV LVI LIV LIV M. Hall, Henry, appointment of, as special agent Harrington, George D., chief clerk Hats, "Wool : Power used in manufacture Hats, wool: Special statistics of manufactures Hawes, George W., appointment of, as special agent Hilgard, Professor E. W., appointment of, as special agent Hops, orchard fruits, tobacco. Appointment of special agent on Hosiery and knit goods: Power used in manufacture Hosiery and knit goods: Special statistics of manufactures Hospitals and asylums fortheinsane, by sex, nativity, andrace. Idiotsin Hospitals and asylums for the same, by sex, nativity, and race. Insane in Houses of correction and workhouses, prisoners in, by sex, nativity, and race. Hypsometric groups of population LVI LIV Idaho {see also general and United States tables) : Agg^■egate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties Debt, by counties .... Farm areas and farm values, by counties Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties Native and forcigu-born population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specifled states of the United States and foreiatiou, and witli age, sex, and nativity. Industries, mining Industries. Powerused in manufacture, by states and territories, and by Industries. Power used in manufacture in the United States in certain Industries. Special statistics of manufactures for principal Inmates of reformatories, by sex, nativity, and race Insane, by sex, nativity, and race Insane, classified according to places where found Insane, idiots, blind, and deaf-mutes, by sex, nativity, and race: 1880, 1870, 1860, 1850. Insane in hospitals and asylums for the same, by sex, nativity, and race Insurance, fire and marine Insurance, life Introductory reitiark^f Iowa (see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 , Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties Farm areas and farm values, by counties , Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries , Manufactures, by totals of counties , Native and foreign-born population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population,, by nativity and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,0C0 inhabitants and upward, by nativity : 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race: 1880,1870. PopulatioH of minor civil divisions Principal vegetable productions, by counties School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for tho school age and for all ages, by counties. Statement relative to the steam craft of Iron and steel; Power used in manufacture • Iron and steel : Special statistics of manufactures Iron, manufactures of, James M. Swank appointed as special agent on Iron ore : Mineral products by certain industrial fields Iron ve^els : Special statistics of shipbuilding Islen", Captain J. B., assistant special agent, aid rendered by, in re-enu- nieration of South Carolina. Isohyetal groups of population Isothermal groups of population Table. CIV cm LVI LIV I CLTV iCXXXVIII I CXLV I CXLIV CXLVI Jails, inmates of. See Defective, dependent, and delinquent classes. Japanese and Chinese population of the United States, by sex and gen- eral nativity. Japanese, Chinese, and civilized Indians: 1880, 1870, 1860 Jersey City. Manufactures of Juvenile reformatories, inmates of, by sex, nativity, and race K. Kan.^as (see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. XYIII CXXV CXXX XLV XLIX LU Ln XXXI XXV xxni XXVI XXIV XIX XLVII XLI Page. 137S-1389 1372-1377 xxviii 1219 1220-1226 1098-1211 1697, 1698 1671 1678 1677 1679-1682 1455-1505 1431-1454 XV 27, 28 1550, 1551 1610, 1611 700-702 858-863 968 966-968 503, 504 418-420 347-349 454 384-387 126-140 766-771 573-575 LXXXIX 1 1282, 1283 LVI i 1222 LIV 1136-1157 I xxxi LXVIII 1242,1243 LIV XIV, XV IX-XIII XXXVIl 1182, 1183 Ixxii 12 11. 12 557 XXII 334 LIII i 1060,1061 CLIV .1697.]( XVIII CXXV 29, 30 1556, 1557 Part. II II 1746 INDEX. Kansas— continued. Debt, by counties Farm areas and farm values, by counties Live stock and its pi'oductions, by counties , Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties Native and foreign-born population, by counties, distributed, aecordinji to place of birth, amon<^ certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1800 Population, by race and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880,1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race : 1880, 1870. Population of minor civil divisions , Principal vegetable productions, by counties , School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Kentucky (see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 , Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties , Farm areas and fai-m values, by counties , Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties Native and foreign-born population, by counties, distributed, according to plaoe of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties^ 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880,1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race: 1880,1870. Population of minor civil divisions Principal vegetable productions, by counties School, militai-y, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Statement relative to the steam craft of Killebrew, Colonel J. B., appointment of, as special agent King, Clarence, director of geological survey. Aid rendered by Knit goods and hosiery : Power used in manufacture Knit goods and hosiery : Special statistics of manufactures Table. CXXX XLV XLIX LII LII XXXI XXV XXIII XXVI XXIV XIX XLvn XLI XVIII cxxv CXXX XLV XLIX LII LII XXXI XXV xxm XXVI XXIV XIX XLvn XLI i LXXXIX Land, number of farms, and farm values. Summary by states and ter- ritories of the acres of improved. Land-surface— Areas : 1880, 1870, 1860, 1850 Latitude. Distribution of population in Leather, curried : Special statistics of manufactures - - Leather, tanned: Special statistics of manufactures Libraries, churches, and schools. Appointment of special agent on liife insurance Exhibit of the financial condition : Income Exhibit of the financial condition: Liabilities Exhibit of the financinl transactions: Assets Exhibit of the financial transactions: Disbursements Number of policies and amount of insurance.... Statement of the capital stock of all companies in the United States . Itive stock and its productions, by counties LVI LIV XLIV cvin XVI LIV LIV CXII CXV CXI\'^ CXIII CXVI CXI XLIX Page. 1615-1617 702-704 862-865 970, 971 968-970 505, 506 420-422 349, 350 455 38G, 387 140-149 770-773 575, 576 30-32 1536-1538 1597-1599 704-706 864-869 973, 974 971-973 507. 508 422-424 351, 352 455 386, 387 149-160 772-777 577, 578 1284, 1285 xxxix xxviii 1221, 1222 1132-1135 684, G85 ' 1413 ' 12, 13 1158, 1159 1160,1161 J xxxix 1431-1454 1434-14?>7 ! 1450-14.-.3 j 1444-1449 I 1438- J 443 I l-i:)4 ' 1432, 1483 I 834-923 I INDEX. 1747 Table. Page. Live stock and its productions. Summary, by states and territories, of. . Longitude. Distribution of population in I^oniaiana (aee also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by parishes: 1880, 1870, 18G0 Assessed valuation, and state, parish, city, etc., taxation, by parishes. Debt, by parishes Farm areas and farm values, by parishes Live stock and its productions, by parishes Manufactures, by selected industries., Manufactures, by totals of parishes Native and foreign-born population, by parishes, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by parishes: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by parishes: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race: 1880,1870. Population of minor civil divisions - Principal vegetable productions, by parishes School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by parishes. Statement relative to canals in operation in Statement relative to the steam oraft of Louisville. Manufactures of Lumber, sawed: Power used in manufacture Lumber, sawed : Special statistics of manufactures Lumbering industry and forestry. Appointment of C. S. Sargent as special agent on. Lynch, John, appointment of, as special agent XLYm XVII xvrn cxxv cxxx XLV XLIX LII LII XXXI XXV XXIII XXVI XXIV XIX XLVU XLI XCII LXXXIX LIII LVI LIV Machinery and power used in manufactures niaine {aee also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties Farm areas and farm values, by counties , Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties Native and foreij^-n-bona population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 , Population, by race and by counties: 1880, 1870, 18G0 , Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by of the nativity: 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race: 1880,1870. Population of minor civil divisions Principal vegetable productions, by counties School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Statement relative to abandoned canals in , Statement relative to the steam craft of Male population and males of voting age in the United States Male population (total), and natural militia of the United States Males of voting age and male population in the United States XVIII CXXV CXXX XLV XLIX LII m XXXI XXV xxin XXVI XXIV XIX XLVII XLI XCIII LXXXIX XL XXXIX XL 832, 833 13 32, 33 1530, 1531 1592, 1593 706, 707 868-871 975 974, 975 424, 425 352, 353 455 386, 387 161-165 77&-779 579 1306, 1307 1290, 1291 1060-1063 1222, 1223 1162, 1163 xxxi xxix 33,34 1510 1572 707 870-873 976 975, 976 510 425 353, 354 455 386-389 165-169 778-781 580 1308 1276, 1277 560 559 500 1748 INDEX. Manufacturing industriea, chemical, appointment of special agent on . . Manufacturing, mechanical, and mining industries, persons engaged in, by states and territories. Manufacturing, mechanical, and mining industries, persons engaged in, by states and territories, with age, sex, and nativity. Manufacturing, mechanical, and mining industries, persons engaged in, in fifty principal cities, witli age, sex, and nativity. Manufacturing, mechanical, and mining industries, persons engaged in the principal (selected) occupations of, by states and territories. Manufacturing, mechanical and mining industries, persons engaged in, with detail of occupation, and with age, sex, and nativity. Manufacturer In each state and territory, by totals of counties and by selected industries. Of cotton. Edward Atkinson appointed as special agent on Of glass and of coke. Appointment of J. D. "Weeks a special agent on. Of iron. Appointment of James M. Swank as special agent on . . , Of silk. Appointment of W. C. WyckofF as special agent on Of the IJnited States, by specified industries Of the United States, by totals of states and territories : 1880, 1870, 1860, 1850. Of twenty principal cities Of wool. George "William Bond appointed as special agent on — Power and machinery used in Po\yer used in Power used in, by states and territories and by industries in the United States. Power used in, in the United States in certain industries Kemarks on the statistics of Special statistics for principal industries Statistics of special branches of Marine and fire insurance Marine and fire insurance : Assets Marine and fire insurance : Classification and capital stock Marine and fire insurance : Income and expenditures Marine and fire insurance : Liabilities Ratios of the business Remarks on Risks written and risks in force Surplus and deficiencies ITIaryland {see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties : 19B0, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties Farm areas and farm values, by counties Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties Native and foreign-bom population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by counties: 1880, 1870. 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race : 1880, 1870. Population of minor civil divisions Principal vegetable productions, by counties School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Table. CI CII CV CIV cm LH Marine and fire insurance : Marine and fire insurance : Marine and fire insurance : Marine and fire insurance : LI L LlII LV LVI LIV cxvni cxvn cxx CXIX cxxm CXXII CXXI XYIII cxxv cxxx XLV XLIX LII LH XXXI XXV xxni XXVI XXIV XIX XL VII XLI Part. Page. xxxix 1357 13CC, 13G7 1398-1399 1378-1389 1372-1377 925-1211 944-1020 I xxxi i xxxi I xxxi I xxxi ; I 932-943 I II 928-931 I II i 1030-1097 I xxxi : xxix j 1213-1226 i 1219 1220-1226 ' 926,927 j 1098-1211 I XXX j 1455-1505 i 1464-1469 i 1458-1463 ! 1476-1481 1470-1475 1494-1505 1456, 1457 1488-1493 1482-1487 34 1517 1579 708 872, 873 977, 978 977 0 425 354 455 388, 389 169-172 780, 781 1740 rtta rj'lan*!— continued. Statement relative to canals in operation in -•■ Statement relative to the steam craft of - — ITIasKachut!i«tt!i {see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties — • - ■ Farm areas and farm values, by counties Live stock and its productions, by counties — . -.. Manufactures, by selected industries — ... Manufactures, by totals of counties >■ Native and foreign-bom population, by counties, distribmted, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4.000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity : 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race: 1880, 1870. Population of minor civil divisions » Principal vegetable productions, by counties School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for aU. ages, by counties. Statement relative to abandoned canals in Statement relative to the steam craft of « - Measles. Deaths caused by Meat-packing and .slaughtering: Special statistics of manufactures Meat production. Appointment of Clarence Gordon aa special agent on. Mechanical, mining, and manufacturing industries, persons engaged in, by states and temtories. Mechanical, mining, and msinufacturing industries, persons engaged in, by states and tenitories, with age, sex, and nativity. Mechanical, mining, and manufacturing industries, persons engaged in, in fifty principal cities, with age, sex, and nativity. Mechanical, mining, and manufacturing industries, persons engaged in the priucii)al (selectepreoiou8 LXIV 1237 U minerals. Lxvin 1242,1243 n Mineral products from regular mining establishments of non-precious LXV 1239 II metals. Averages applicable to. Mineral products of non-precious minerals in the United States since the LXVI 1240 II census of 1870. Percentage of gain per ton in. 1237-1243 II xxix I 1327-1253 n Mining establishments of non-precious minerals. Averages applicable LXV 1239 n to mineral products from regular. Mining establishments of non-precious minerals. Mineral production of LXIV 1237 n regular. xxviii I Mining, mechanical, and manufacturing industries, persons engaged CI 1357 n in, by states and territories. Mining, mechanical, and manufacturing industries, persons engaged cn 1366, 1367 n in, by states and territories, with age, sex, and nativity. Mining, mechanical, and manufacturing industries, persons engaged cv 1398, 1899 n in, in fifty principal cities, with age, sex, and nativity. Mining, mechanical, and manufacturing industries, persons engaged CIV 1378-1389 n in the principal (selected) occupations of^ by states and terri- tories. Mining, mechanical, and manufacturing industries, persons engaged cm 1372-1377 n in, witbtletail of occupation, and with age, sex, and nativity. IXIinnesota (see also general and United States tables) : XV Hi 36,37 I Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by cxxv 1552, 1553 n counties. cxxx 1612, 1613 n XLV 710, 711 I XLIX 876-«79l I LII 985 n Ln 984.985 II Native and fore|gn-bom population, by counties, distributed, XXXI 513,514 I according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 XXV 427,428 I xxin 356,357 I Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, XXVI 457 I by nativity: 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, XXIV 392,393 I by race: 1880, 1870. 187-197 I XLvn 784-787 I School, military, and citizenship ages, with, sex for the school age XLI 582,583 I and for aJl ages, by counties. LXXXIX 1282,1283 n xrx 61-331 I niississippi (see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, I860 xvm 87.88 I 1751 ... . ^ ... , : ■• - •' Table. Page. Part ITI ississippi— continued. ! i 1 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by cxxv j 1529, 1530 II counties. 1 cxxx 1590, 1591 It XLV 711-71.3 I XLIX 878-881 1 I LII 987 II Ln 986, 987 II Xative and foreign-born "population, by counties, di.sti ibuted, XXXI 514, 515 I according to place of birtli, among certain specified states of tbe United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 XXV 429, 430 I xxm 357, 358 I Populat ion of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by XXVI 458 I nativity: 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by XXIV 392, 393 I race: 1880, 1870. XIX 197-201 I XL VII 78G-789 I School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age XLI 584, 585 I and for all ages, by counties. LXXXIX 1290, 1291 n iVIitisoni'i {see also general and United States tables) : XVIII 39, 40 I Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by cxxv 1553-1555 n counties. cxxx 1613-1615 n XLV 713-715 I XLIX 880-885 I LII 989, 990 n LII 987-989 n Native and foreign-born population, by counties, distributed. XXXI 516, 517 I according to place of birth, among certain, specified states of the United States and foreign countries. XXV 430-432 I xxm 859, 360 I Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, XXVI 458 I by nativity : 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, XXIY 392, 393 I by race: 1880, 1870. XIX 202-213 I XL VII 788-793 I School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age XLI 685-587 I and for all ages, by counties. 1284, 1285 n LIV 1164, 1165 n Itlontaua {see also general and United States tables): Aggregate population, by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 xvin 40, 41 I Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by cxxv 1563 n counties. cxxx 1623, 1624 n XLV 715 I XLIX 884,885 I Ln 991 n LII 991 n Native and foreign-bom population, by counties, distributed, XXXI 518 I according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. XXV 432 I Population, by race and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 xxm 360 I Principal vegetable i)roductions, by counties XLvn 792, 793 I School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school ago XLI 587 I and for all ages, by counties. 1752 INDEX. lUortality Deaths, by states and state groups, from ten pHncipal causes Deaths, by states and state groups, with distinction of sex and certain specified ages. Statistics, llemarkson Mortuary statistics. Discussion of mode of obtaining , . . , N. National public debt Native and foreign-born, population as: 1880, 1870, 1860 Native and foreign-bora population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birtli, among certain specilied states of the United States and foreign (countries. Native colored population of the United States, distributed according to state or tenitorj' of birth. Native parents with foreign-born children Native population of fifty principal cities, distributed according to states and tenitories of birth. Native population of the United States, distributed according to state or t-erritory of birth. Native white population of the United States, distributed according to statu or territory of birth. Nativities of foreign-bom population in the United States, and in each state and territory. Nativity, age, and sex of persons engaged in agriculture, by states and territories. Nativity, age, and sex of persons tngaged in aU classes of occupations, by states and territories. Nativity, age, and sex of persons engaged in all classes of occupations in fifty piTJicipal cities. Nativity, age, and sex of persons engaged in manufacturing, mechanical, and mining industries, hy states and territories. Nativity, age, and sex of persons engaged in professional and personal services, by states and territories. Nativity, age, and sex of persons engaged in trade and transportation, by states and territories. Nativity, age, and sex of persons occupied in the UniiM States, by classes and severally. Nativity, general, and sex of the aggregate population of the United Statos Nativity, general, and sex of the Chinese and J apanese population of the United States. Nativity, general, and sex of the civilized Indian population of the United States. Nativity, general, and sex of the colored population of the United States. Nativity, general, and sex of the whfte population of the United States. Nativity. Population, by counties and by (1880, 1870, 1860) Nativity. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and up- ward, by (1880 and 1870). Nativity, sex, and race. Aggregate population of the United States, and by. Nativity, sex, and race. Nativity, sex, and race. Nativity, sex, and race. Nativity, sex, and race. Nativity, sex, and race. Nativity, sex, and race. ' ty. Nativity, sex, and race. Nativity, sex, and race. Nativity, sex, and race. Nativity, sex, and race. 1870, 1860, 1850). Nativity, sex, and race. Insane in'iio^itala and asylums for the same, by Table. CLVm CLVII Blind, by Blind in institutions for the same, by Deaf-mutes, by Deaf-mutes in^nstitutions for the same, by . .. Idiots, by , Idiots in hospitals and asylums for the insane, Idiots in training-schools for the feeble-minded, Inmates of reformatories, by - Insane, by Insane, idiots, blind, and deaf-mutes, by (1880, XX XXXI XXIX cvn XXXIE XX vn xxvni XXX cn cii cv cn CIl cn cm xxxrv XXX VII xxxvni XXXVI XXXV XXV XXVI 1703-1731 ir 1729-1731 II 1726-1728 11 1705-1725 J I XXX ii I Part. 1569 ."532 488-541 476-481 1408, 1409 542-^45 464-469 470-475 482-487 1360, 1361 1358, 1359 1390-1399' 1366, 1367 1362, 1363 1364, 1365 1368-1377 552, 553 557 558 556 554,555 406-451 452-463 CXLVI 1679-1682 II INDEX. 1753 Nativity, ses, and race. Paupers, by Nativity, sex, and race. Prisoners, by Nativity, sex, and race. Prisoners in penitentiaries, by •. Nativity, sex, and race. Prisoners in workbouses and houses of correc- tion, by. Natural militia of the United States, with total male population rVebraska {see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and' state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties Fai'm areas and fai-m values, by counties Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by tofcils of counties Native and foreign-bom population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race : 1880, 1870. Population of minor civil divisions Principal vegetable productions, by counties School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Statement relative to the steam craft of Nervous system, diseases of the, deaths caused by Nerada (see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties , „ Farm areas and farm values, by counties , Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties Native and foreign-bom population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. ,; Population, by nativity and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity : 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race: 1880. 1870. Principal vegetable productions, by counties School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Newark. Manufactures of Newberry, J. S., appointment of, as a special agent New Ilampshire (see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. ■ Debt, by counties w Farm arfeas and farm values, by counties Live stock and its produftions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties Table. cxLn CXLIII CLnr OLV XXXIX XVIII cxxv cxxx XLV XLIX LII LII XXV xxni, XXVI XXIV XIX XLVII XLI CLvin XVIII cxxv cxxx XLV XLIX Ln Ln XXXI Page. 1675 1676 1694-1696 1700, 1701 559 41, 42 1557, 1558 1617, 1618 715-717 884-887 998 9dl, 992 518, 519 432,433 361, 362 458 392, 393 213-219 792-795 587, 588 1296, 1297 1729-1731 42 1559, 1560 1619 717 993 520 XXV 433, 434 I XXTTI 362 I XXVI 458 I XXIV 394, 395 I XLvn 796, 797 I XLI 588 I Lm 1066-1069 n xxxi I XVIII 43 I cxxv 1510 II CXXX 1573 n XLV 717 I S88, 889 I LII 994 II LII 994 ri 1754 INDEX. IVew llampiihir«— continned. Native and foreigu born population, by counties, flistributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. ropnlation, by nativity and by counties: 1880, 1870, 18(30 I*opulation, by race and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race: 1880, 1870. Population of minor civil divisions Principal vegetable productions, by counties School, military, and citizenship ages, with sox for the school a ge and for all ages, by counties. Statement relative to abandoned canals in Statement relative to the steam craft of New Jersey (see also general and "(Jnited States tables) t Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties ~ Tann areas and farm values, by counties Live stock and its productions, hy counties i. Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties !N"ative and foreign-bom population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race: 1880, 1870. Population of minor civil divisions...;, Principal vegetable productions, by counties School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Statement relative to canals in operation in Statement relative to the steam craft of Xe w Mexico {see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation^ by counties. Debt, by counties Farm areas and farm values, by counties Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties Native and foreign-bom population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880,1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upwai-d, by race: 1880,1870. Principal vegetable productions, by counties School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. New Orleans. Manufactures of Table. XXXI XXV xxin XXVI XXIV XIX XLvn XLI XCIII LXXXIX xvin cxxv cxxx XLV XLIX LII LU xxxt XXV XXIII XXVI XXIV xrx XLvn XLI xcn LXXXIX XVIII cxxv CXXX XLV XLIX LH LU XXXI XXV XXIII XXVI I XXIV i XLVII XLI LLII Page. 520 434 362 438 394, 395 219-221 796, 797 1276, 1277 43 1514 1677 717, 718 888,889 995-997 995 521 434 363 458, 459 394, 395 221-224 796, 797 1302, 1308 1286, 1287 43 1564 1624 718 890, 891 997 997 521 434,435 363 4.^9 I I 394, 395 : I 798, 799 j I r,i. North as special a^eut on Classification of, according to character of pul)lication Number and language of Number of, devoted to religion, by denominations Published in the United States, by periods of issue New vessels: Special statistics of shipbuilding New York (city). Manufactures of New iTork (see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties: 1&80, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties ■ Farm areas and farm values, by counties Live stock and its productions, by counties , Manufactures, by selected industries Jklanufactures, by totals of counties Native and foreign-bom population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the UniteIV LIII xvm cxxv CXXX XLV XLIX LII Ln XXXI XXV j xxin ; XXVI ; XXIV ; XIX j XLVII I XLI i 1C27-1631 xxxix 1629 1(380 1631 1025 1174, 1175 1070-1077 j 44 I 1513, 1514 I 1575,1576 718,719 890-893 999-1002 997, 998 522 xcm ! xcn ; LXXXIX 1 1308, 1309 1302, 1303 1284-1287 1237-1243 xxix 1239 45, 46 1521, 1522 1583, 1584 719-721 892-895 1004 1002-1004 623, 524 435,436 I 363, 3o4 I I 459,460 i I 394-397 i I 22.5-235 I I 798-801 i I 590 ' I 1240 j n 1242, 1243 I n 1237 ; II xxxix j I XXV 436, 437 I XXIII 364-36.'] T XXVI 400 I XXIV 39G, 397 I XIX 236-244 I XLVII 800-803 I 176^ INDEX. ■ Table. Page. Part. North Carolina — continuerl. Scliool, military, and citizenship ages, •\viUi aex for the scliool age XLI 591, 592 I and for all ages, by counties. xcni 1309 n XCII 1304, 1305 11 LXXXIX 1292, 1293 n Number and location of the dofectiYO, dependent and delinquent classes, CLVI 1702 11 exclusive of homeless children. Number and sex of persons engaged in each* class of occupations, by CI 1356, 1357 II states and territories. Number of larms, acres of improved land, and farm values. Summary, ■VT TIT 054, DoO T by states and territories, of the. O. 1341-1399 II Persons engaged in agriculture, loy states and tenitories, ■with cn 1360, 1361 II age, sex, and nativity. ■ Persons engaged in all classes, by states and territories, with age. CII 1358, 1359 II sex, and nativity. Persons engaged in all classes in fifty principal cities, Tvith age, cv 1390-1399 II sex, and nativity. Persons engaged in each class, by states and territories. Number CI 1356, 1357 and sex of. Persons engaged in manufacturing, mechanical, and mining indus- CII 1366, 13C7 tries, by states and teii-itories, -with age, sex, and nativity. Persons engaged in professional and personal services, by states cn 1362, 1363 II and territories, with age, sex, and nativity. Persons eng.aged in the principal (selected) occupations, by states Civ 1378-1389 n and territories. Persons engaged in trade and transportation, by states and terri- cn 1364, 1365 11 tories, with age, sex, and nativity. 1343-1355 The United States, by classes and severally, with the age, sex, and cm 1368-1377 II nativity of persons occupied. LIV 1180, 1181 n Ohio (see also general and United States tables) : XV III 46, 47 I Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by cxxv 1541, 1542 u counties. cxxx 1601-1603 11 XLV 721-723 1 XLIX 894-899 I LII 1006, 1007 II LII 1004, 1005 II Native and foreicrn-bom population, by counties, distributed. XXXI 524-526 I according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. XXV 437-439 xxm 366, 367 I Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward. XXVI 460, 461 I by nativity: 1880,1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by XXIV 398, 399 I race: 1880, 1870. XIX 244-261 I XLVII 802-807 I School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age XLI 592, 593 I and for all ages, by counties. xoin 1309 IT XCII 1306, 1307 It Statement relative to the steam craft of - I/XXXIX 1282, 1283 II Open-hearth and Bessemer steelworks: Special statistics of manufac- T TV ij± V llOw— no.) 2£ tures of iron and steel. Orchard fruits, tobacco, hops. Appointmeut of J. E. Dodge as .special xxxi I agent on. INDEX. 1757 Oregon isee also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by coantiea: 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties Farm areas and farm values, by counties , Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties Native and foreign-bora population, by counties, distributed, * according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United Stsites and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by counties: 1880, 1870, 18G0 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race: 1880, 1870. Population of minor civil divisions Principal vegetable productions, by counties School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Statement relative to canals in operation in Statement relative to the steam craft of Paper, not specified: Special statistics of niauufactures Paper: Powes used in manufacture Parentage, foreign Parentage of the total number of persons in the United States having one or both parents foreign-born. Also, number of foreign- born persona having both parents native-bora. Parishes of Louisiana, See Louisiana. Paupers, by sex, nativity, and race Peckham, Professor S. F., appointment of, as special agent Penitentiaries, by race, sex, and nativity. Prisoners in Pennsylvania (se* also general and United States tables): Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 18G0 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties Farm areas and farm values, by counties Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties Native and foreign-born population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of .the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1800 Population, by race and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880,1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race: 1880, 1870. Population of minor civil divisions Principal veget^able productions, by counties School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Statement relative to abandoned canals iu Statement relative to oonals in operation in Statement relative to the steam craft of Percentage of gain per ton in produc t of non-precious minerals in the United States since the census of 1870. Table. xvni cxxv cxxx XLV XLIX LII Ln XXXI XXV xxni XXVI XXIV XIX XL VII XLI xcn LXXXIX LIV LVI Page. CVII JXLH CLin xvin cxxv cxxx XLV XLIX LII LII XXXI XXV XXI II XXVI XXTV XTX XLVII XL! 48 1560 1620 723 Part. 1008 1007, 1008 526 439 367, 368 461 398, 399 202-264 806, 807 594 1306, 1307 1296, 1297 1166-1169 n 1223, 1224 11 1405-1409 II 1408, 1409 n 1675 xxxix 1694-1696 48, 49 1510, 1516 1577, 1578 723-725 898-901 1010-1012 1008, 1009 527. 528 439, 440 I 368, 369 I 4G1, 462 1 398-401 264-280 800-809 .-,94, 595 xciir 1309 xcn 1302-1305 Lxxxix r_w,-];.v9 ' II Lxvi iMo n I 1758 INDEX. Percentage of Increase of population ... Percentage of placer gold and gold from deep mines in total gold product. Periodicals and newspapers Periodicals, newspapers, etc. Appointment of special agent on Personal and professional services, i)er8on8 engaged in, by states and territories. Personal and professional services, persons engaged in, by states and territories, with age, sex, and nativity. Personal and professional services, persons engaged in, in fifty principal cities, with age, sex, and nativity. Personal and professional services, persons engaged in the principal (selected) occupations of, by states and territories. Personal and professional services, pei sons occupied in, with detail of occupation, and with age, sex, and nativity. Persons engaged in agriculture, by states and territories, with age, sex, and nativity. Persons engaged in all classes of occupations, by states and territo- ries, with age, sex, and nativity. I'ersous engaged in aU classes of occupations in fifty principal cities, with age, sex, and nativity. Psraans engaged in each class of occupations, by states and territories. Number and sex of. Persons engaged in manufacturing, mechanical, and mining industries, by states and territories, with age, sex. and nativity. Persons engaged in professional and personal services, by states and ter- ritories, with age, sex, and nativity. Persona engaged in the principal ^selected) occupations, by States and territories. Per sons engaged in trade and transportation, by states and ten-itories with age, sex, and nativity. Persons occupied in the United States, by classes and severally, with age, sex, and nativity. Persons returned as unable to read and write: 1880, 1870, 1860 Petrotf, Ivan, appointment of, as special agent on Alaska Petroleum Production. Appointment of Professor S. F. Peckham as special agent on. Production. Statistics of Kefining. Statistics of Statistics of the investment of capital and the employment of labor in the production of. Philadelphia. Manufactures of Pittsburgh. Manufactures of Plate-glass: Special statistics of manufactures Poor-relief. See Paupers. Population As native and foreign-born: 1880, 1870, 18(50 By counties, in the aggregate : 1880, 1870, 1800 By drainage basins. Distribution of By nativity and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 By race and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Center of, in 1880 Chinese and Japanese, of the United States, by sex and general nativity. Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians : 1880, 1870. 1860 Civilized Indian, of the United States, by sex and general nativity. Colored, of the United States, by sex and general nativity Density of * Discussion of methods of enumeration of Dwellings, and families in 100 principal cities Foreign-born, in the United States, and in eacli state and territory. Nativities of. Foreign-born, of fifty principal cities, distributed, according to place of biitb, among the various foreign countries. Table. ni LIX CI cn cv CIV cm cii cii cv ci cn cn CIV cn cm cxxxvu Lxxn LXXI LIII LIII LIV XX XVIII VI XXV XXIII xxxvn XXII XXXVIII XXXVI rv CIX XXX XXXIII Page. 6 1233 1627-1631 xxxix 1357 1362, 1303 1394, 1895 1378-1383 1368-1371 1360, 1361 1358, 1359 1390-1399 1356, 1357 1366, 1367 1362, 1363 137ft-1389 1364, 1365 1368-1377 1645-1656 xxxix 1248^1253 xxxix 1248-1252 1252, 1253 1251, 1252 1076-1083 1082-1085 1210, 1211 U648 332 . 14-60 I I 9,10 406-451 335-379 8 557 334 558 556 7 xxxiil 1416, 1417 482-487 54«-551 1769 Table. XTV XII IX XI X XIII XV vm VII XVI XVII XL XXXI Population— continued. In accordance with the annual rainfall. Distribution of In accordance with the maximum temperature. Distribution of . . In accordance with the mean annual temperature. Distribution of. In accordance with the mean temperature of Januai'y. Distribu- tion ot In accordance with the mean temperature of July. Distribution of. In accordance with the minimum temperature. Di:stribution of. . . In accordance with the rainfall of the spring and summer- Distri- bution of. In accordance with topographical features. Distribution of In elevation above sea-leveL Distribution of In latitude. Distribution of - In longitude. Distribution of Male, and males of voting age in the United States Native and foreign-bom, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specitied states of the United States and foreign countries. Kative colored, of the United States, distributed, according to state or territory of birth. Native, of fifty principal cities, distributed, according to state or territory of birth. Native, of the United States, distributed, accordiog to state or territory of birt h. Native white, of the United States, disti'ibuted, according to state or teiTitory of birth. Of Alaska. Statistics of the Of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880, 1870. Of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race: 1880, 1870. Of minor civil divisions Of the United States, as returned at the Tenth Census, in the ag- gregate, and by race, sex, and general nativity. Ages of the. Of the United States at the Tenth Census Of the United States, in the aggregate, and by sex and general nativity. . Of the United States, in the aggregate, and by sex, nativity, and race. Of the United States, in the aggregate, at each census; 1790-1880. Percentage of increase of 'J'en years of age and over, by states and teiritories Total male, and natural militia of the United States Urban, of the United States: 1790-1880 White and colored (1880, 1870, 1860) "White, of tlie United States, by sex, with general nativity j XXXV Porter, llobort P., appointment of, as special agent j Powell, Major John W., appointment of, as special agent.... Power and machinery used in manufacture Fewer used in manuf actuve By states and territories, and by industries in the United States .. In the United States in certain industries l*i-ecioMS metals Discussion on the Production of, by geographical divisi.ms LVIII Production of, not accounted for in other tables LXIII Kank of the states and territories in production of the L LXII llelative production of, df tiie states and territories LX Kemarks on ...j Press. Statistics of the ■ l»rincipal cities. Manufactures of twenty i LITI Principal industries. Special statistics of manufactures for. j LI V Principal vegetable pi-oductions, by counties ; XLVII Page. 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 10 10 12, 18' 13 560 488-541 XXIX I 476-481 xxxn xxvn XXVIII cx XXVI XXIV XIX XLII XXXIV n III CI XXXIX V XXI LV LVI ! I 642-545 464-469 ) 470-475 1422-1429 452-463 380-405 61-331 j 607-648 ! i xlii 552, 553 2,3 4,5 6 1356, 1357 559 8 333 554, 555 xxxix xxxix xxix 1218-1226 1219 1220-1226 1229-1236 . xxviii 1232 1236 1235 1233 1229-1236 1627-1G31 1030-1097 1098-1211 742-831 Part. 1760 I^rincipal vegetable productions. Summary by states and territories of tbc. Prisouers, by sex, nativity, and race l*risouerfi, classified according to jdaoes where found Prisoners in penitentiaries, by sex, nativity, and race I'risoners in workhouses and houses of correction, by sex, nativity, and race. Product of the non-precious mineral industries (regular establishments only), by substances and by states. Production of precious metals, by geographical divisions Production of precious metals not accounted for in other tables Production of the precious metals. Rank of the states and territories in. Professional and personal services, persons engaged in, by states and territories. Professional and personal services, persons engaged in, by states and territories, with age, sex, and nativity. Professional and personal services, persons engaged in, in fifty principal cities, with age, sex, and nativity. Professional and personal services, persons engaged in the pruicipal (selected) occupations of, by states and territories. Professional and personal services, persons engaged in, with detail of occupation, with age, sex, and nativity. Providence. Manufactures of Public acts toprovide for the taking of the Tenth and subsequent censuses Pablic indebtedness Analysis of the combined bonded debt of states and territories, counties, townships, towns, cities, boroughs, villages, and school districts. Debts of states and territories, counties, cities, towns, etc., by states, territories, aiid geographical groups. Debts of states, counties, cities, and towns, by counties Exhibit showing the amounts of United States registered bonds held by individuals and by banks, etuntie8, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by countieri: 1880, 1870, 1860 Popji^ation of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity : 1880, 1870. Poptdation of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race : 1880, 1870. Population of minor civil divisions , Principal vegetable productions, by counties Re-enumeration of School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Statement relative to abandoned canals in , Statement relative to the steam craft of Special agents, appointment of— Atkinson, Edward Bond, George William ^ Brewer, Professor W. H. Dodge, J. R Gordon, Clarence Hall, Henry Hawesr^eorge "W Hilgard, Professor E. W Killebrew, Colonel J. B . . , Lynch, John !N"ewb6rr3% Piofessor J. S ! North, S. N. I) Peekham, Professor S. F Petroff, Ivan Porter, Robert P Powell, John W Rowland, William L Sargent, Professor C. S Swank, James M Trowbridge, General W. P Waite, Dr. Henry RandaU Waring, Colonel George E., jr , Weeks, J. D Wines, Fred. H Wright, -Carroll D , Wyckoff, W. C Special investigations conducted by expert agents Special statistics of manufactures for principal industries , Specified industries. Manufactures of the United States, by State, county, city, et-c., taxation and assessed valuation, by counties. . State, couuty, city, etc., taxation, by states and territories and geo- graphical ^groups. Summary of the assessed valuation and. Statistics of cities. Social , Steam craft Statement of the approximate number, tonnage, and vabie of steamers, sailing vessels, canal-boats, barges, flat.s, and wharf- boats. Statement of the number and tonnage of steam vessels of United States navy, revenue marine, light-house board, quarter- ' master's department, et<5. Statement of the number, tonnage, valne, capital invested, service, 'LXXXVIII and traffic of the steam craft on United States waters, by groups. I LIV LI CXXV CXXIV XC XCI Page. 72.5 902, 903 1014 1013, 1014 528, 529 441 389 4G2 402, 403 281-285 810, 811 Ixix 59o, 596 i;309 1294, 1295 XXX i xxxi xxxi xxxi xxxi xxxix xxxix xxxi xxxix xxsi xxxi xxxix xxxix xxxix xxxix xxxix xxxix xxxi t xxxi xxix xxxix XXX xxxi xxxi-< xxxi xxvii 1098-1211 932-94:j 1510-1565 1508, 1509 XXX 12C8-1301 1298-;300 Part. 1301 '■■ TT 1270-1275 II INDEX. 1765 Steam craft— continued. Statement of the number, tonnage, value, capital invested, servi* ;e, ajid traffic of the steam craft, by states. Statement of the total number, tonnage, value, capital invested, service, and traffic of the steam craft of the United States. Steel and iron: Power used in manufacture Steel and iron : Special statistics of manufactures — Superintendent of Census. Appointment of Francis A. Walker as Superintendent of Census. Date of appointment of Chas. W. Seatocn as. See title page. Superintendent of Census, report of, November 15, 1879 Superintendent of Census, report of, December 1, 1880 Superintendent of Census, report of, November 1, 1881 - Superintendent of Census, report of the, relative to talcing the censvts of South Carolina. Swank, James M., appointment of, as special agent « T. Tanned leather : Special statistics of manufactures X Taxation and valuation - Taxation, by counties. Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc. Taxation, by states and territories and geographical groups. Summary of assessed valuation, jxnd state, city, county, etc. Taxation, wealth, and. debt. Appointment of special agent on Telegraphs Balance sheet Capital stock - General financial exhibit Service account - Telephones - Balance sheet General financial exhibit Eemarks on - Service account Temperature. Distribution of population in accordance with the maxi- mum. Temperature. Distribution of population in accordance with the mean annual. Temperature. Distribution of population in accordance with the mini- mum. Temperature of January. Distribution of population in accordance with the mean. Temperature of July. Distribution of population in accordance with the mean. Tennessee {see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties , , Farm areas and farm values, by counties , Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries , , Manufactures, by totals of counties , Native and foreign-born population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 , Population, by race and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880,1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race: 1880, 1870. Population of minor civil divisions 112 C O Table. Page. LXXXVU LVl LIV LIV CXXV CXXIV XCV XCVI XCIV xcvn XCIX xcvin c XII IX xni XI X xvin CXXV cxxx XLV XLIX LII LII XXXI XXV XXIII XXVI XXIV XIX 1276-1297 1268-1271 1222 1136-1157 xx:y XXVI xxxviii xli liv 1160, 1161 1507-1565 1510-1565 1508, 1509 xxxix 1310-1325 1316-1319 1320, 1321 1310-1315 1322-1325 1327- 1340 1332-1337 1328- 1333 1327 133&-1340 11 11 12 11 11 50, 51 1539, 1540 1599-1601 726, 727 902-907 1016 1014-1016 529-531 441-443 370, 371 462 402, 403 285-298 1766 INDEX. TciincNMce— continued. Principal vcsotable productions, by counties , School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Statement relative to the steam craft of Tenth Census, disbursements on account of the, to October 31, 1881 Tenth Census. DiscussiDU of laws governinji; it and previous censuses. Tenth Census. Discussion of progi-ess of work on TexaN {see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 , Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties Farm areas and farm values, by counties Live stock and its productions, by counties Manufactures, by selected industries Mamifacturea, by totals of counties Native and ibreign-boru population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1800 Population of cities and towns of 4, 000 inhabitants and upward, by nativity: 1880,1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by race : 1880, 1870. Population of minor civil divisions Principal vegetable productions, by counties School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Statement relative to canals in operation in Statement relative to the steam craft of Textiles, dyeing and finishing: Special statistics of manufactures Textiles, mixed : Special statistics of manufactures Tile and brick : Special statistics of manufactures Tobacco. Appointment of special agent on Tobacco ctilture. Appointment of Colonel J. B. Killebrew as special agent on. Topographical features. Distribution of population in accordance with . Towns and cities of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, population of, by nativity: 1880, 1870. Towns and cities of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, population of, by race : 1880, 1870. Trade and transportation, persons engaged in, by states and territories . Trade and transportation, persons engaged in, by states and territories, with age, sex, and nativit^^ Trade and transportation, persons engaged in, iti fifty principal cities, with age, sex, and nativity. Trade and transportation, persons engaged in the principal (selected) occupations of, by states and territories. Trade and transportation, persons engaged in, with detail of occupation, and with age, sex, and nativity. Training-schools for the feeble-minded, idiots in, by sex, nativity, and race. Transportation and trade, persons engaged in, by states and territories. Transportation and trade, persons engaged in, by states and territories, with age. sex, and nativity. Transportation and trade, persons engaged in, in fifty principal cities, with age, sex, and nativity. Transportation and trade, persons engaged in the principal (selected) occupations of, by states and territories. Transportation and trade, persons engaged in, with detail of occupation, and with age, sex, and nativity. Trowbridge, General "W. P., appointed as special agent on power and machinery. Table. XL VII XLI LXXXIX XVIII cxxv cxxx XLV XLIX LII LII XXXI XXV XXIII XXVI XXIV XIX XL VII XLI XCII LXXXIX LIV LIV LIV Page. 810-81.5 596, 597 1290, 1291 xlvii lix xli 1532-15:}4 159;}-1.595 727-731 906-913 1020 1017-1020 531-534 443-446 371-374 462 402, 403 814-821 598-601 1306, 1307 1292, 1293 1128, 1129 1164, 1165 1106, 1107 xxxi xxxix VIII XXVI 10 452-463 XXIV 380-405 CI ClI 1357 1364, 1365 cv 1396, 1397 CIV 1378-1383 cm 1370-1373 cxLvm 1686 CI CII 1357 1364, 1365 cv 1396, 1397 CIV 1378-1383 cni 1370-1373 INDEX. 176T Table. Page. Part Uuforfunate classes. See Defective, dependent, and delinquent classes. United States, ages of the population of the, as returned at tlie Tenth XLII Census, in the aggregate, and hy race, sex, and general nativity. United States, aggregate population of the. at each census: 1780-18S0 .. II United States: Areas, dwellings, aud fiimilies : 1880, 1870, 18G0, ISoO .... CVIII United States: Blind, by sex, nativitj% and race j CXL United States, Chiu(>8e and Japanese i)opulation of the, by sex and XXXVII general nativity. United States, civilized Indian population of the, by sex and general XXXYIII; nativity. United States : Classification of newspapers and periodicals by charac- CXXXII ter of publication. United States, colored population of the, by sex and general nativity. . . XXXVI United States: Deaf-mutes, by sex, nativity, and race CXLI United States, general statistics of agriculture of the, by states and XLIII territories: 1880, 1870, 1860, 1850. United States. Gold and silver product of the LVII United States: Idiots, by sex, nativity, aud race CXXXIX United States: Idiots, classitied according to places where found CXLIX United States : Illiteracy, by states and territories: 1880, 1870, 1860 CXXXVII United States: Insane, by sex, nativity, aud race CXXXVIIIt United States: Insane, classified according to places where found : CXLV United States. Male population, aud males of voting age in the , XL United States, manufactures of the, by totals of states and territories: L 1880, 1870, 18G0, 1850. United States, native colored population of the, distributed according XXIX to state or territory of birth. United States, native population of the, distributed according to state XXVII or territory of birth. United States, native white population of the, distributed according to XXVlLL state or territory of birth. United States, nativities in the, and in each state and territory, of the XXX fbreign-boru population. United States. Natui al militia, and total male population of the XXXIX Unit«d States : Number and language of newspapers and periodicals CX XXTT I United States : Number aud sex of persons engaged in each class of CI occupations, by states and territories. United States : Number of newspapers and periodicals by periods of issue. CXXXI UnitfcdStates : Number ofnewspapera and periodicals devoted toreligion, CXXXIV by denominations. United States : Number of persons engaged in the principal (selected) CIV occupations, by states and territories. United States : Numberof public schools, with receipts and expenditures. CXXXV United States : Number of teachers and pupils in public schools CXXXVI United States: Paupers, by sex, nativity, aud race CXLU United States : Persons engaged in all classes of occupations, with age, CII sex, and nativity. United States, population of the, in the aggregate, and by sex and gen- XXXIV eral nativity. United States, population of the, in the aggregate, and by sex, nativity, I and race. United States. Power used in manufacture, by states and territories LV and by industries, in the. United States. Power used in manufacture in certain industries in the. LVI United States : Prisoners, by sex, nativity, and race CXLIII United States : Prisoners, classified according to places where found CLII United States : Statistics of foreign parentage C VII United States : Statistics of the fisheries CVI , united States : Summary, by states and territories, of live stock and its XL VIII productions. 607-648 4,5 1413-1415 1073 557 558 1629 556 1674 650-683 1230, 1231 1672 1687 1645-1656 1671 1678 560 928-931 476-481 464-469 470-475 482-487 559 1630 1356, 1357 1628 1631 1378-1389 1638, 1639 1640 1675 1358-1367 552, 553 2,3 1219 1220-1226 1676 1693 1408, 1409 1402, 1403 832, 833 1768 INDEX. Table. Part TJnitod States. Summary, by states and territories, of the number of XLIV 684, 685 I farms, the acres of improved land, and the farm values in the. United States. Summary, by states and territories, of the principal XLVE 738-741 I vegetable productions in the. United States: Summary of the ass(;s.sed valuation, and state, county, CXXIV 1508, 1509 It (;ity, etc., taxation, by states and territories and geographical groui)s. United States. Urban population of the (1790-1880) V 8 I United States, white population of the, by sex and general nativity XXXV 554, 5.05 I V 8 I Utah (see also general and United States tables): XVITI 55, 56 I Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, hy CXXV 15C4 II counties. CXXX 1624, 1625 II XLV 732 I XLIX 912-915 I LII 1021 31 LII 1021 II Native and foreign-born population, by counties, distributed, XXXI 535 I according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. XXV 446, 447 I XXIII 375 I Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and xipward. XXVI 462 I by nativity: 1880,1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward. XXIV 402, 403 I by race: 1880,1870. XIX 308-311 I XL VII 820-823 I School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age XLI 601 I and for all ages, by counties. V. 1507-1565 II Valuation and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by states and ter- CXXIV 1508, 1509 II ritories and geogiaphical groups. Summary of the assessed. Valuation, assessed, and state, county, city, etc., by counties CXXV 1510-1565 II xLvn 742-831 I Vegetable productions. Summary, by states and territories, of the prin- XLVI 738-741 I cipal. Termont (see also general and United States tables) : xvin 56 I Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by CXXV 1511 11 counties. CXXX 1573 II XLV 732 I XLIX 914, 915 I LII 1022 11 LII 1021, 1022 II Native and foreign-bom population, by counties, distributed, XXXI 535 I according to . place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. XXV 447 I Population, by race and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 XXIII 375 I . Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, XXVI 403 I by nativity: 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by XXIV 402, 403 I race: 1880, 1870. XIX 311-313 I xLvn 822, 823 I School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age XLI 601, 602 I and for all ages, by counties. xcm 1308 II LXXXTX 1276, 1277 n 1. INDEX. 1769 mil Table. Page. Part. LIV 1182, 1183 n LIV 1174, 1175 II LIV 1180, 1181 II LIV 1176, 1177 II Virginia (see also general aud United States tables): xvin 56-58 I Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by cxxv 1518, 1519 n counties. cxxx 1580, 1581 n XLV 733, 734 I XLIX 914-919 I Ln 1024, 1025 n LII 1022-1024 n Native and foreign-bom population, by counties, distributed. XXXI 536, 537 I according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. XXV 447-449 I Population by race aud by counties ■ 1880 1870 1860 . XXIII 375-377 I Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, XXVI 463 I by nativity: 1880, 1870. Population of cities and towns of 4,000 inhabitants and upward, by XXIV 404, 405 I race: 1880, 1870. XIX 313-319 I XLVII 822-827 I School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age XLI 602, 603 I and for all ages, by counties. xcmj 1308 n XCII 1304, 1305 II Statement relative to the steam craft of LXXXIX 1292, 1293 II Volunteer force on census work. Report on the advisability of......... xliv 560 I XL I W. xxxix I "Walker, Francis A., appointment of, as Superintendent of Census xxvi I Annual Report of, 1879 xxvi I xxxviii I xU I Resignation of, as Superintendent of Census. See title page. XXX I "Washington (city) . Manufactures of LIII 1096, 1097 II Washington {see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 xvm 58 I Assessed valuation, and state, covinty, city, etc., taxation, by cxxv 1565 II counties. cxxx 1625, 1626 n XLV 735 I Live stock and its productions, by counties XLIX 918, 919 I Manufactures, by selected industries Ln 1025 n Manufactures, by totals of counties LII 1025 n Native and foreign-born population, by counties, distributed. XXXI 538 I according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativitv and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 XXV 449 I Population, by race and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 xxirt 377 I Principal vegetable productions, by counties XLvn S26, 827 I School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age XLI 604 I and for all ages, by counties. Statement relative to the steam craft of LXXXIX 1296, 1297 n "Wealth, debt, and taxation. Appointment of Robert P. Porter as special xxxix I agent on. "Weeks, J, D., appointment of, as special agent xxxi I 1770 INDEX. ■■ Table. Page. Part WW w:im% w p^JIIKmU yoK'O UvtSfJ ^V^Xidcli clXIU. VXllt/t-'tl OLciUCO ItwUlCR/ • A crffY'fi iTa t,Pi TirtTirilji'f.ioTi liv Piinnfipsi' TRfift 1)^70 l^^fiO XVIII 58 59 T X cxxv 1520 TT pmiirf 1 Aft cxxx TT XX. XLV 735 736 J Ijiv© stjock Rnd its productious Ijy couixtiBS XLIX 918-921 J LIT 1027 JJ ]Vlftiiuffin 1981 u LVI 1225 TT m LIV 1202, 1203 n 1 "Wool, manufactures of, George Williain Bond, appointed special agent on. xxxl n 1 LVI 1224 1225 n 1 "Woolen goods : Special statistics of manufactures LIV 1190-1201 Workhouses and liouses of correction, prisoners in, by sex, nativity, and CLV 1700, 1701 1 race. LVI 1225 LIV 1204-1207 INDEX. 1771 Wriclit, Carroll D., appointment of, as special agent Wyckoff, W. C, appointment of. as .special agent Wyoming (see also general and United States tables) : Aggregate population, by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Assessed valuation, and state, county, city, etc., taxation, by counties. Debt, by counties Farm areas and farm values, by counties Live stock and its productions, by counties , Manufactures, by selected industries Manufactures, by totals of counties , Native and foreign-born population, by counties, distributed, according to place of birth, among certain specified states of the United States and foreign countries. Population, by nativity and by counties: 1880, 1870, 1860 Population, by race and by counties : 1880, 1870, 1860 Principal vegetable productions, by count ins School, military, and citizenship ages, with sex for the school age and for all ages, by counties. Table. XVIII CXXV cxxx XLV XLIX LII Lll XXXI XXV XXIII XLvn XLI