Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/addressesatmeetiOOamer IMPORTANT. Z o Vtt\3 The New Register of the Institute is now in Press. TITLE-PAGE AND NAMES OF COUNCILORS WILL BE AS SHOWN ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES, WITH THE EXCEP- TION THAT NAMES WILL BE ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY. THE NAME OF EVERY COUNCILOR SHOULD APPEAR IN THIS PUBLICATION. COUNCILORS WHO HAVE NOT FURNISHED THE NECESSARY INFORMATION ARE REQUESTED TO DO SO AT ONCE. A blank form will be furnished for the purpose, upon application, addressed to AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CIVICS, 177 Broadway, New York. NATIONAL CORPS OF LECTURERS AND FACULTY ASSOCIATES IN HIGHER INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING. Councilors of the Institute who are willing to accept invitations to deliver occasional addresses on subjects related to Civics (affairs of government, citizenship, etc.), and who are not now enrolled as members of its Corps of Lecturers, and members of faculties in higher institu- tions of learning who are willing to co-operate with the Institute in its general activities, are invited to send information to this effect at once, in order that their names may be properly presented in the new Register. Address AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CIVICS, 177 Broadway, New York. [SPECIMEN PAGE, NEW REGISTER.] AMERICAN INSTITUTE OE CIVICS. REGISTER OF ITS NATIONAL BODY OF COUNCILORS, INCLUDING FACULTY ASSOCIATES IN HIGHER INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING NATIONAL CORPS OF LECTURERS. A. D. 1900. PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CIVICS. NEW YORK. [over.] [SPECIMEN PAGE, NEW REGISTER.] COUNCILORS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CIVICS. Foster, Capt. Herbert Sidney. U. S. In- fantry. Manila, P. I.; Prof. Milit. Sc., etc., Univ. Vt., 1890-8. Commander Vt. Div. S. of V., 1891-2; Memb. S. A. R., S. V., M. O. L. L., Soc. Army of Santiago de Cuba. B. Calais, Vt., Aug. 8, 1858. Sanford, Fernando. Prof. Physics, Leland Stanford Univ., Cal. Memb. Soc. Am. Wars. B. Taylor, 111., 1854. Thompson, Hon. Hugh Smith. Comptrol- ler N. Y. Life Ins. Co., 346 B’way, N. Y. City. Capt. C. S. A., Civ. War; late Supt. Educ. and Governor S. C.; Ass. Sec. U. S. Treas.; Civ. Serv. Com. U. S.; Memb. S. R.; Confed. Vet. Camp; South. Soc.; Ref. C.; Century Ass., N. Y., and St. Andrew’s Soc., Charleston, S. C., where b. 1836. Beaver, Gen. James Addams, LL.D. Law, Belief onte. Pa. U. S. Civ. War, Lt. 2d Pa.. Lt.-Col. 45th Pa., Col. 148th Pa. and Bvt. Brig.- Gen. U. S. V.; Gov. Pa. 1887-91.; Judge Super. Ct. Pa. 1895; Memb. U. S. Com. on Conduct Spanish War; Trust. Wash. & Jeff. Coll., Pa. State Coll., Lincoln Univ.; Memb. S. R.; Milit. Ord. L. L.; U. V. Leg.; G. A. R.; Soc. Army Potomac and West Va.; Pa. German Soc.; U. L. Club, Philad.; B