Univ.of Ill. Litoar^ deed of trust OF DALLAS ELFXTRIC CORPORATION TO CITY TRUST COMPANY TRUSTEE T' ’ * Dated January i, 1902 THE BONDS SECURED HEREBY (1) Are authorized to the amount of $4,000,000 (2) Are to be issued forthwith upon execution hereof to the amount of $3,000,000 (3) Are to be issued hereafter for additional property to the amount of $i 000,000 (4) Are due April i, 1922 (5) Are subject to call as a whole at 105 per cent and accrued interest on October i, 1904 or any interest day thereafter (6) Draw interest at 5 per cent per annum payable April ist and October ist at office of City Trust Company, Boston, Massachusetts (7) Are further secured by sinking fund of one per cent per annum on outstanding bonds; the first payment thereon to be made October ist, 1904; the first two payments are non- cumulative and payable only out of net earnings, but thereafter the payments to the sinking fund become a fixed charge irrespective of net earnings INDEX. TAGZ Acknowledgments, ... . . . Bonds, Salient features of,.. . . Form of,... How numbered,... Execution and delivery oil 4 t * . Denominations of,. Sinatures to,. «... . Certification of, by Trustee,. Additional,. (a) To be certified when,. . ■ (b) Ratio of issue to cost of additional property,. (c) Evidence of cost of, . . . Exchangeable when,... of Underlying Companies, extension or renewal of,. Call and payment of, .. (a) Notice of, . . . . (b) How published,. (c) Interest ceases when,. Payment in, upon sale,. Covenants of Electric Company, . To pledge granted property,. To pay bonds and coupons, etc.,. To comply with provisions of bonds and mortgages of Underlying Com¬ panies, . To pay taxes, assessments, etc., and to preserve franchises,. To acquire or discharge tax titles, etc.,. To record deed of trust,. To insure property of Underlying Companies,. To make confirmatory and renewal deeds, and transfers, . To prevent new or increased issues of bonds, etc., by Underlying Com¬ panies, unless,. To prevent disposition of property by Underlying Companies, unless, . . To pledge after acquired property,. To provide funds to purchase property, when,. Coupons, Form of,. How numbered,. Transfer of,. Default in payment of,.. Payment in, upon sale,. Signatures to,. Declaration of Trust,. Default by Electric Company,. Cumulative remedies for,. Delay or omission after, no waiver of,. Period of grace before,. Effect of,. Notice of,. Restoration to former position after,. Waiver of,. 42 4 9 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 28 29 29 30 30 30 37 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 16 26 7 9 30 30 37 19 12 30 33 35 31 30 31 33 33 IV PAGE Definitions,.. Directors, Qualified with pledged stock,.23 Immunity of, .... .38 Resolutions of,.^ .. Dissolution of Underlying Company,.25 Granting Clause,.-.. Habendum Clause,.. Liability, of officers, directors and stockholders, waived,.38 Merger of Underlying Companies,.27 Notice of Call,.30 of Default,. of Sale, after default,.32 of Resignation of Trustee,.40 Officers, Immunity of,.38 Pledged Property, Description of,. 10 Sales and reorganizations affecting,.24 Pledged Stock, Electric Company to vote before default,.23 Directors to be quahfied with,.23 Sale of,.24 Principal, Precipitation of, wffien,.30 Property of Underlying Companies, Disposition of,.24 Purchase of, by Underlying Company,.25 Purchase of, by Electric Company,.25 Proxies, Revocation of, on default,.31 Receipt by Trustee from reorganizations .27 of Trustee for purchase money, .... 36 Recital of authority,. >7. Redemption waived,.35 Registration clause, form of. ... 8 Reorganizations, Affecting pledged property,.24 of Underlying Companies,.26 Expenditures in, by Trustee, . 27 Receipts from, by Trustee,.27 Resolutions of Directors, recital of,.2 of Stockholders, reference to,.9 Sale, Affecting pledged property,... 24 of Pledged Property,.24 of"Property of Underljdng Companies,.25 Power of, by Trustee after default,.31 Notice of after default,.32 Distribution of proceeds from, after default,.37 Transfer to purchaser, after default,.35 Sinking fund. Provisions of,.17 To begin October i, 1904,.17 ‘ First two payments to, non-cumulative and from net earnings, . . . . 17 Investment of,.17 Default in payment to, .30 Stockholders, Immunity of,.38 Suit, Power to bring by Trustee, after default,.32 None by bondholders,.34 Trustee, Duties of,.19 Before default,.19 To certify bonds forthwith,.19 To certify additional bonds, when, . . 19 To cancel coupons, when,.21 To collect and receive interest, dividends, etc., on pledged property, . 21 V PAGE To retain interest and sinking fund payments and to pay balance to Electric Company,.22 To hold dividends on underlying shares payable other than in money,.23 To permit Electric Company to vote on pledged stock,.23 To qualify Directors with pledged stock,.23 To deposit uninvested money to draw interest, . . .... 39 To release securities of an Underlying Company after disposal of its property,.24 To permit sale of pledged property, when,.24 To purchase property of Underlying Company, when,.26 After default,.32 To retain all sums paid to it,.31 To proceed upon request and indemnity,.'.32 To protect bondholders,.32 To waive default, when,.33 Trustee, Attorney of Electric Company,.35 Appointment of successor to,.40 Compensation and expenses of,.39 May purchase upon sale,.38 May deposit moneys with City Trust Company,.39 Reasonable care and diligence required of,.39 No obligation to keep informed, prior to default,.39 No responsibility as to validity or recording,.40 May resign, when,. 40 No bond required of,.40 Consent of, to merger of Underlying Companies,.28 May revoke proxies, etc., on default,.31 Acceptance of Trust by,.41 Certificate of, form of,.8 Underlying Companies, Dissolution of,.25 Reorganizations of,.26 Merger of, .27 Property of, purchase of by Electric Company,.28 Waiver of appraisement, etc., by Electric Company,.35 Witness clause, .41 t , r ^ Jl : THIS DEED OF TRUST made this first day of January, A.D. 1902, by DALLAS ELECTRIC CORPORATION (a corporation under the Laws of the state of New Jersey with its office at East Orange in said State) to CITY TRUST COMPANY (a corporation under the Laws of the Commonwealth of Massa¬ chusetts with its usual place of business in Boston in said Com¬ monwealth) as Trustee, witnesseth that; DEFINITIONS. Whereas certain terms used herein are defined as follows:— “Electric Company” shall mean Dallas Electric Corpora¬ tion and shall include its successors and assigns wherever the context admits of such construction. “Trustee” shall mean City Trust Company as Trustee, and shall include its successor as Trustee hereunder wherever the context admits of such construction. “Securities” shall mean the bonds or other evidences of in¬ debtedness and the shares of stock or other certificates of inter¬ est pledged hereunder. “Underlying Companies” shall mean the companies issu¬ ing any of the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness or the shares of stock or other certificates of interest pledged here¬ under. ) 2 Recital of authority. RESOLUTIONS BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Whereas, at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Elec¬ tric Company, duly called for the purpose, the following pre¬ amble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:— * Whereas it is necessary and convenient for the attainment of the objects of this company as set forth in its certificate of incorporation to borrow money to the amount ‘of $4,000,000, and to execute the bonds of the company for the amount so borrowed, and Whereas it is desirable to mortgage and pledge the prop¬ erty of the company to secure such bonds: Now, THEREFORE, Resolved, That this corporation borrow the sum of $4,000,000 and issue therefor its bonds, dated April 0 I, 1902 (although in fact executed at a later date), aggregat¬ ing at their face value such amount payable to bearer or to the registered holder in gold coin of the United States of America of or equal in weight and fineness to the present stand¬ ard on the first day of April, 1922, at the office of City Trust Company, in Boston, Massachusetts, with interest thereon from the first day of April, 1902, payable semi-annually in like gold coin at the rate of five (5) per cent, per annum in accordance with coupons evidenced by the facsimile signa¬ ture of the treasurer, to be attached to each of said bonds. Said bonds shall be issued at the option of this company in pieces of $100 or $1,000 each, ten of the $100 bonds to be convertible into one $1,000 bond at the option of the holder 3 upon presentation and surrender to the Trustee with written request for such conversion. Said bonds shall be subject, at the option of this company, to call and payment (provided all other bonds of this series are simultaneously called and paid) on October i, 1904, or on any interest day thereafter at one hundred and five per cent, of the principal thereof and interest then accrued. All said bonds and coupons shall be paid without deduction of any tax or taxes. The president and secretary of this company are hereby authorized to make, execute and dehver such bonds substantially in the form here¬ with presented. Resolved, That this corporation, to secure the payment of all of said bonds and coupons equally and ratably without priority or distinction, make, execute, acknowledge and de¬ liver a deed of trust to said City Trust Company as Trustee dated January i, 1902 (although in fact executed at a later date), and substantially in the form submitted to this meet¬ ing, pledging in trust the bonds or other evidences of in¬ debtedness and the shares of stock or other certificates of interest of or in (a) Metropolitan Street Railway Company, {h) Dallas Electric Light & Po^ver Company, (c) Any other company owning property situated IN OR NEAR Dallas, Texas, which are now owned by this corporation and the treasurer of this corporation is hereby authorized to dehver all such bonds and other evidences of indebtedness ’and shares of stock or other certificates of interest duly indorsed so as to carry title 4 Form of bond. to City Trust Company, Trustee, as collateral security for the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds herein authorized and for the full performance of all the terms and conditions of said deed of trust; and the president and secretary are hereby authorized to make, execute, acknowl¬ edge and deliver such deed of trust and to cause each of said bonds to be certified by the Trustee and without such certification said bonds shall not be obligatory. Whereas the bonds, coupons. Trustee’s certificate and regis¬ tration privilege, and the terms and conditions of said deed of trust authorized and approved at said meeting of the Board of Directors, are substantially in the form following, viz.:— BOND. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. STATE OF NEW JERSEY. Dallas Electric Corporation. No. $ Firk Mortgage Collateral Trust Five Per Cent. Twenty Year Gold Bond. For Value Received, Dallas Electric Corporation, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of New Jersey, promises to pay to the bearer hereof, or in case of registration to the registered holder hereof, the sum of one dollars ($ ) in gold coin of the United States of America equal in weight and fineness to the present standard at 5 the office of City Trust Company in Boston, Massachusetts on April I, 1922 (or earlier at the option of the obligor as herein¬ after provided) with interest on said sum from the date hereof at the rate of five per centum per annum, payable in like gold coin on the first days of April and October in each year at the said office in accordance with and upon the presentation and surrender of the coupons attached hereto. The bonds of this issue are all of the same general tenor except as to distinguishing numbers and as to principal sum, and in the aggregate shall never exceed the sum of [four milhon dol¬ lars ($4,000,000) principal. Such bonds are issued, at the option of the company, in pieces of $1,000 each numbered from one (i) upwards, or $100 each numbered from Ai upwards. Ten of the $100 bonds are convertible into one $1,000 bond be¬ fore call or maturity at the option of the holder upon presenta¬ tion and surrender to Dallas Electric Corporation with written request for such conversion, but Dallas Electric Corporation may charge not exceeding fifty cents for each new bond issued through such conversion. This bond and its coupons and all others of this issue are pay¬ able without deduction of any tax or taxes and are issued under and secured by a deed of trust dated January first, 1902, exe¬ cuted and delivered by Dallas Electric Corporation to City Trust Company, of Boston, Massachusetts, as Trustee, pledging the property mentioned and described in said deed of trust, to which deed of trust the holder of this bond is hereby expressly referred for a statement of the property pledged, the conditions of such pledge, and the rights and remedies of bondholders thereunder. The obligor at its option may call and pay this bond (provided 6 all other outstanding bonds of this series are simultaneously called and paid) on October i, 1904, or on any interest day thereafter, at one hundred and five per centum of the principal thereof with interest then accrued, subject to the conditions governing such call and payment in said deed of trust contained. Said deed of trust provides for the creation of a sinking fund of one per centum of the amount of the outstanding bonds payable to the Trustee annu¬ ally on and after October i, 1904, the first two payments to be made only out of net earnings, in the benefits of which sinking fund the holder of this bond is entitled to participate. The holder of this bond in consideration of its issue hereby expressly waives all right of recourse to or recovery from any stockholder, oificer or director of Dallas Electric Corporation under any existing or future provisions of constitution or statute or upon any principle of law or equity for the payment of all or any part of the debt and interest evidenced by this bond. This bond, but not its coupons, is subject to registration from p time to time in accordance with the registration provisions in¬ dorsed hereon. Registration shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons, which shall continue to be transferable by delivery, and the payment of any coupon to the bearer thereof shall be a discharge of Dallas Electric Corporation in respect of the interest therein mentioned. This bond shall not be obligatory until the certificate indorsed hereon shall have been signed by the Trustee. In Witness Whereof, Dallas Electric Corporation has caused this bond to be duly executed in its behalf by its president and secretary, under its corporate seal, and has caused the coupons 7 hereto attached to be evidenced by the facsimile signature of its treasurer all on this first day of April, a.d. 1902. DALLAS ELECTRIC CORPORATION. Attest: By President. Secretary. COUPON. (Numbers i to s inclusive) No. $ «On , upon surrender hereof, Dallas Electric Corporation will pay to the bearer in gold coin of the United States of America equal in weight and fineness to the present standard without deduction of any tax or taxes, at the office of City Trust Company in Boston, Massachu¬ setts, being six months’ interest then due on its First Mortgage Collateral Trust Five Per Cent. Twenty Year Gold Bond No. T reasurer (Numbers 6 to 40 inclusive) No. $ On , upon surrender hereof, unless the bond to which this coupon is attached has been redeemed on a prior interest day as therein provided, Dallas Electric Cor¬ poration will pay to the bearer in gold coin of the United States of America equal in weight and fine- Forms of coupons. 8 Form of Trustee’s certificate Form of registration clause. ness to the present standard without deduction of any tax or taxes, at the oJSice of City Trust Company in Boston, Massa¬ chusetts, being six months’ interest then due on its First Mortgage Collateral Trust Five Per Cent. Twenty Year Gold Bond No. T reasurer. TRUSTEE’S CERTIFICATE. The undersigned Trustee hereby certifies that this bond is one of the bonds referred to within. CITY TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. By Secretary. REGISTRATION. This bond, but not its coupons, may be registered from time to time, at the option of the holder, on the books of the Trustee, and, if registered, shall pass only by transfer upon such books, unless the last transfer shall have been made and registered to bearer, in which case it shall again pass by dehvery until again registered. Notice: No writing on this Bond, except by an officer of the Company or of the Trustee. 9 Date of Registry. In whose Name Registered. Trustee. RESOLUTIONS OF STOCKHOLDERS. Whereas, at a meeting of the stockholders of the Electric Company duly called for the purpose, all of the stockholders being present and participating, the foregoing preamble and V resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors, authorizing the making, executing, acknowledging and delivering of said deed of trust, the transfer of the bonds or other evidences of indebt¬ edness and the shares of stock or other certificates of interest to the Trustee and the making, executing and dehvering of the bonds and coupons of the Electric Company, were also passed by unanimous vote and duly ratified, confirmed and approved. NUMBERS OF BONDS AND COUPONS. Whereas the bonds to be issued as authorized and directed in denominations of $i,ooo are numbered from i upwards and of $ioo are numbered from Ai upwards and the coupons attached to each of said bonds bear the number of the bond to which they are Description of property. IC attached and are numbered from one (i) to forty (40) both in-' elusive,— Whereas by reason of distance, lapse of time or other circum¬ stances this instrument and the bonds hereby secured may be physically executed on a day different from the day on which they respectively bear date, it is understood, stipulated and agreed that the said bonds and this instrument shall bear date the ist day of April and Januar}^, 1902, respectively, and be vahd and effectual from that date. Whereas, all the conditions necessary to authorize the exe¬ cution of the said bonds and of these presents have been complied with. NoWf Therefore, This Indenture Witnesseth, GRANTING CLAUSE". That the Electric Company, tin consideration of the premises and of one dollar to it in hand paid by the Trustee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and in order to secure the pay¬ ment of the principal and interest of said bonds according to the tenor thereof, has granted, bargained, sold, released, conveyed, assigned, transferred, set over and confirmed, and by these pres¬ ents doth grant, bargain, sell, release, convey, assign, transfer, set over and confirm unto the Trustee, its successors and assigns forever: (a) Dallas Consohdated Electric Street Railway Company. $1,050,000, par value, of its first mortgage bonds, being all of its mortgage bonds now issued and outstanding out of an authorized issue of $2,000,000. c II 14,993 shares of its common capital stock out of an authorized and present issue of 15,000 shares. 2,100 shares of its preferred capital stock, being all of ^ the present issue thereof out of an authorized issue of 5,000 shares. (b) Dallas Electric Light & Power Company. $650,000, par value, of its first mortgage bonds, being ; all its mortgage bonds now issued and outstanding out of an authorized issue of $1,000,000. 6.995 shares of its capital stock out of a present issue of 7,000 shares and an authorized issue of 10,000 shares. (c) Rapid Transit Railway Company. $100,000, par value, first mortgage bonds, being all of its first mortgage bonds now issued and authorized. 473 shares of its capital stock out of a present issue of 480 shares and an authorized issue of 1,000 shares. $207,849.42, face value of its notes. {(i) Metropolitan Street Railway Company. $500,000, par value, of its first mortgage bonds, being all of such bonds now issued and outstanding out of an authorized issue of $4,000,000. 4.995 shares of its capital stock out of a present issue of 5,000 shares and an authorized issue of 45,000 shares. To HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the above described property and all additional property which hereafter shall become subject to this indenture unto the Trustee, its succes¬ sors and assigns forever, but, * i Habendum clause. I j. ILL UB. 12 Declaration of trust. To pledge granted property. To pay bonds and coupons, etc. • I IN TRUST nevertheless for the equal pro rata benefit of all and every person or persons and body or bodies corporate, hold¬ ers of any bonds hereby secured and for the enforcement of the payment of said bonds and interest, when payable, according to the tenor, purport and effect of such bonds and coupons and to secure the performance and observance of and compliance with the covenants and conditions of this indenture, without prefer¬ ence, priority or distinction as to lien or otherwise of one bond over any other bond by reason of priority in, issue, sale or negoti¬ ation thereof, or by reason of the purpose of its issue, so that each and every bond issued or to be issued hereunder shall have the same right, lien and privilege under and by virtue of this indent¬ ure, and so that the principal and interest of every such bond shall, subject to the terms hereof, be equally and proportionately secured hereby, as if all had been duly issued, sold and negotiated simul¬ taneously with the execution and delivery hereof. PARTICULAR COVENANTS OF ELECTRIC COMPANY. The Electric Company shall simultaneously with the execution of these presents pledge, assign, transfer and set over to and deposit with the Trustee the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness and the shares of stock or other certificates of interest hereinbefore specified in the granting clauses hereof. The Electric Company shall pay the bonds and coupons issued hereunder when the same shall become due and payable, without deduction of any tax or taxes as stated in said bonds, 13 and shall make all payments to the sinking fund and perform all other covenants, conditions or provisions of said bonds and cou¬ pons, and of this deed of trust by it to be performed; and, if the company shall do all of the foregoing, then and thereupon all the estate, right, title and interest of the Trustee hereunder shall terminate, and the securities then deposited with the Trus¬ tee shall be retransferred,and returned to the Electric Company: otherwise this deed of trust shall remain in full force and effect. The Electric Company shall comply with and cause the Underlying Companies to comply with each and all of the terms conditions, covenants, and agreements contained in their bonds for the time being pledged hereunder and the respective mort¬ gages or deeds of trust securing the same. The Electric Company shall pay all taxes, government charges, calls and assessments of every kind and nature as sessed or laid upon the property hereby pledged, or upon the income and profits thereof, shall preserve all rights attached to said property and shall use every endeavor to preserve and main¬ tain the corporate existence, franchises, rights and property of the Underlying Companies and shall not suffer any hen, supe¬ rior or equal to the lien hereof, to attach to the property hereby pledged. And if any of the Underlying Companies or any other com¬ pany whose capital in the greater part shall be pledged with the Trustee hereunder shall fail to pay such taxes, assessments, or charges lawfully imposed upon the property of such company, or upon the income and the profits thereof, and any other liens or charges, and the validity of any such tax, assessment, charge or lien shall not be contested in good faith and proceedings therein To comply with provisions of bonds and mortgages of Underlying Companies. To pay taxes, assessments, etc., and to preserve franchises. To acquire or discharge tax, titles, etc. 14 To record this deed. To insure property of Underljdng Companies. To make con¬ firmatory and renewal deeds and transfers. To prevent new or increased issues of bonds, etc., by Under¬ lying Companies unless stayed pending such contest, then the Electric Company shall pay and discharge the same, or acquire and cause the same to be vested in the Trustee. The Electric Company shall cause this deed of trust at all times to be kept properly recorded and filed in such manner and in such places as may be required to establish and maintain the lien hereof and the rights of the Trustee hereunder. The Electric Company shall cause the insurable property of the Underlying Companies to be kept suitably insured in such insurance companies and with policies payable to such persons or corporations as will reasonably protect the interests of the bondholders hereunder in the property of such Underlying Com¬ panies respectively. The Electric Company, whenever and as often as it may be requested by the Trustee, shall make, execute, acknowledge and dehver to the Trustee, and properly record and file a confirma¬ tion of this deed of trust, or a renewal hereof, or a new deed of trust, and such further instruments, transfers and conveyances as, in the opinion of the Trustee, are or may be necessary or de¬ sirable to carry out the intention hereof and to facilitate the exe¬ cution of this trust. Neither the Electric Company nor the Trustee shall authorize or permit any of the Underlying Companies to increase their present outstanding issues of bonds or other evidences of in¬ debtedness or shares of stock or other certificates of interest or to create any new issues thereof nor to create any mortgage or other lien unless deposited with Trustee and {A) Such new issues or a percentage of any increased issue equal to the percentage of that issue theretofore depos¬ ited hereunder, shall be deposited and pledged with 15 the Trustee subject to all the trusts created by this deed of trust to the same effect as if such bonds and shares had been delivered and pledged or assigned to the Trus¬ tee herein and at the time of the making hereof, and all additional shares of stock so received and pledged shall be fully paid and non-assessable, or unless {B) Such new issues or any increased issues are merely temporary issues of evidences of indebtedness in the ordinary course of business, the total of which together with all other temporary evidences of indebtedness of any Underlying Company issued, outstanding and undeposited with the Trustee hereunder shall not ex¬ ceed $50,000 at any one time, or unless (C) Such new issues or any increased issues are made in consideration of and to an amount not greater at their face or par value than the actual cost of further ex¬ tensions, improvements and acquisitions not including therein replacements and repairs made to the property of the company issuing the same, and such new or in¬ creased issues are pledged with the Trustee hereunder subject to the lien of this deed of trust, but additional bonds may be issued thereon as hereinafter provided, but never exceeding the total authorized issue. The Electric Company shall not authorize or permit any of the Underlying Companies to sell or otherwise dispose of or lease (unless such lease is made terminable upon the default of the Electric Company in any of the covenants or provisions of this in ordinary business or for further extensions. To prevent disposition of property by Underlying Companies unless in ordinary course of business or under terms of an imderlying mortgage or other property substituted or disposed of to another Under¬ lying Company. To pledge after acquired property. l6 deed of trust) any property now owned or hereafter acquired by any of such companies unless {a) In the ordinary course of business of the company mak¬ ing such disposal, and not exceeding in value the sum of $10,000 in any given six months, or (b) In accordance with and under the provisions of the mortgage or mortgages of the Underlying Company so selling, relating to release or substitution of property under such mortgage, or (c) Other property of equal value in the opinion of the Trustee hereunder shall have been acquired by the company making such disposal for the purposes of substitution and shall have been substituted for the property disposed of, or (d) The property is disposed of for an adequate consider¬ ation in the opinion of the Trustee hereunder and the whole or the proper proportionate part of such consid¬ eration is pledged and deposited with the Trustee here¬ under. The Trustee may act on the certificate of a dis¬ interested person selected by it to determine the adequacy of such consideration and the proper proportionate part thereof to be deposited hereunder, and so acting the Trustee shall be without hability and the expense in¬ curred in obtaining such certificate shall be paid by the Electric Company. The Electric Company shall pledge and deposit with the Trus¬ tee hereunder, subject to the hen of this deed of trust, any and all claims or indebtedness and all further interest which it may acquire against or in any Underlying Company. 17 SINKING FUND PROVISIONS. The Electric Company shall pay or cause to be paid to the Trustee on or before the first day of October in each year begin¬ ning with the first day of October, 1904, and continuing during the term of the bonds secured hereby, a sum of money, as a sink¬ ing fund, equal to one (i) per centum of the total amount of such bonds issued and outstanding at the time of each of such payments; the first two annual payments of such one per centum shall be non-cumulative and payable only out of the net earnings of the Electric Company, if any, after the payment of all fixed charges, but thereafter such annual payments of one (i) per centum shall be payable absolutely and non-payment thereof shall be a default in the payment to the sinking fund with the consequences hereinafter provided for default. The retention by the Trustee of the payments made to it, of interest and divi¬ dends on the securities, for the purpose of discharging the sink¬ ing fund payments herein provided, shall to the extent of such retention be considered a payment to the sinking fund by the Electric Company. The Trustee shall invest such sinking fund in the outstand¬ ing bonds of the Electric Company secured hereby, at a pur¬ chase price not exceeding one thousand and fifty dollars ($1,050) and accrued interest for each bond so purchased and if after advertisement for bonds at such price once each week for four successive weeks in two newspapers of general circulation, one published in New York, New York, and one in Boston, Massa¬ chusetts, such bonds cannot be purchased at such price or if a To begin Oct. i, igo4. First two pxiyments non- cumulative and from net earnings. Investment of sinking fund. i8 sufficient number of such bonds cannot be purchased at such price to exhaust such sinking fund then such sinking fund or the amount thereof remaining uninvested shall be invested by the Trustee in its discretion in such outstanding bonds at a higher price or in other first mortgage bonds of street railway or electric lighting companies doing business in the United States. Bonds of this issue so purchased by the Trustee shall at once be stamped “not transferable, held for sinking fund,” and shall be held as existing obligations for the security of the outstanding bonds liereby secured, and shall continue to bear interest, which inter¬ est shall become part of the sinking fund, in addition to the sums heretofore provided to be paid therein. The Trustee shall have full powers of sale of, and investment and re-investment in such other securities, and such sinking fund shall always be subject to the lien of this deed of trust and for the benefit of bondholders hereunder. EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF BONDS. Execution and delivery of bonds. Denominations. The Electric Company shall immediately execute all of the bonds to be secured hereby and shall deliver such bonds to the Trustee for certification. All or any part of such bonds may be in denominations either of $ioo or $i,ooo each at the option of the Electric Company and thereafter from time to time in order to carry out the convertible provisions of said bonds, the Electric Company shall execute and deliver such additional $i,ooo bonds as may be requested by the Trustee, provided that simultane¬ ously there be surrendered to the Electric Company by the Trus¬ tee ten $ioo bonds duly cancelled. 19 The interest coupons attached to the bonds secured hereby shall be valid and binding upon the Electric Company if they bear the engraved facsimile signature of a person purporting to be its treasurer, whether he be the one who held that office April I, 1902, or at any subsequent date; and the bonds themselves, at whatever time executed or delivered, shall likewise be valid and binding from and after the certification thereof respectively by the Trustee, regardless of whether the persons signing them were on April i, 1902, or are then the officers of the Electric Com¬ pany. Only such bonds as shall bear thereon indorsed a cer¬ tificate substantially in the form hereinbefore mentioned, exe¬ cuted by the Trustee, shall be secured by this indenture or en¬ titled to any lien, right or benefit hereunder; and such certificate of the Trustee upon any such bond, executed on behalf of the Electric Company, shall be conclusive evidence that the bond so certified has been duly issued hereunder, and that the holder or registered owner is entitled to the benefit of the trusts hereby created. DUTIES OF TRUSTEE BEFORE DEFAULT. The Trustee shall certify and deliver the bonds secured hereby to the Electric Company as follows, namely:— A. The Trustee shall forthwith certify and deliver to the Treasurer of the Electric Company or upon his written order $3,000,000 of said bonds. B. The Trustee shall certify and deliver to the Treasurer of the Electric Company or upon his written order accompanied by a certified copy of a resolution of the Board of Directors of Signatures to bonds and coupons and certification of bonds by Trustee. To certify bonds forthwith. To certify additional bonds, when 20 Ratio of issue to cost of additional property. the Electric Company authorizing such order, the remainder of the authorized issue of said bonds, namely, $1,000,000, or any part thereof, when the Electric Company shall have legally acquired and deposited, with the Trustee, in addition to the secu¬ rities, the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness, or the shares of stock or other certificates of interest of or in an Underlying Company, provided however, that the bonds hereunder shall be certified and delivered only at their face value to the extent of eighty per centum of the actual cost of such additional prop¬ erty acquired by the Electric Company:— The Trustee shall as a condition precedent to the certification and delivery of said $1,000,000 of bonds obtain the following evidence of compliance with the foregoing requirements:— A certificate signed and sworn to by a majority of the direc¬ tors of the Electric Company, stating in substance that the Elec¬ tric Company has legally acquired at an actual cost in cash to it of not less than the amount named in such certificate certain bonds or other evidences of indebtedness or shares of stock or other certificates of interest of or in one of the Underlying Com¬ panies, and that the same were issued for further extensions, ad¬ ditions, improvements or acquisitions (not including replacements and repairs) to the property of the Underlying Company issuing the same; that said actual cost to the Electric Company as named in such certificate of such bonds or other evidences of indebted¬ ness or shares of stock or other certificates of interest is not greater than the actual cost to the Underlying Company of the exten¬ sions, additions, improvements and acquisitions for which the same were issued, and 21 A report of some engineer selected by the Trustee and be¬ lieved by it to be competent and disinterested, certifying that he has examined the property owned by the Underlying Company named in the certificate last before referred to, and that in his opinion such extensions, additions, improvements and acqui¬ sitions do not include replacements and repairs and actually cost and are worth to such Underlying Company not less than the amount named in the certificate last before referred to as the actual cost to the Electric Company of the bonds or other evidences of indebtedness or shares of stock or other certificates of inter¬ est proposed to be deposited hereunder as the basis of an issue of bonds. In no event shall the Trustee be responsible for the certification or delivery of additional bonds hereunder if made upon a certifi¬ cate and report as hereinbefore provided, and all expenses attend¬ ant upon obtaining such certificate and report shall be paid by the Electric Company. The Trustee before delivering any bond hereunder shall cut off and cancel all coupons thereof then matured. The Trustee shall collect and receive any and all interest, dividends, tolls, incomes, issues, revenues and profits accruing and becoming payable on or in respect to the property pledged; and a copy of this deed of trust, filed with an Underlying Com¬ pany shall constitute the full, irrevocable and continuing author¬ ity of such company as against the Electric Company, to pay to the Trustee during the term of this deed of trust aU such in¬ terest, dividends, tolls, incomes, issues, revenues and profits, but until default shall have been made in the payment of the bonds or coupons, or any of them secured hereby or in payments to the sinking fund or in the performance by the Electric Com- To cancel coupons. To collect and receive interest, dividends, etc., on pledged property. 22 To retain interest and sinking fund paj'ments and to pay balance to Electric Company. pany of any of the covenants, conditions or provisions of said bonds or coupons, or of this deed of trust by it to be performed, and such default shall have continued beyond the period of grace hereinafter provided in respect of such default, the Trustee from time to time and without delay shall pay over to the Electric Company all such amounts so received by it except the amounts so received by it after August first and prior to October first and after February first and prior to April first in each year of which amounts the Trustee shall pay over to the Electric Company such part and no more as shall remain after deducting and retaining from such amounts all such sums as shall be necessar}^ to pay and discharge all interest and sinking fund payments then due and payable and the semi-annual interest instalment next there¬ after to become due and payable; and the Trustee shall also retain from such amounts so received by it after August first and prior to October first in each year, all such sums as shall be nec¬ essary to make the annual payment to the sinking fund next there- after to become due, and the sums so deducted and retained by the Trustee shall by it be applied in payment and discharge of all such interest and sinking fund payments due or as the same may become due and payable as provided herein and in said bonds and coupons. Nothing in the foregoing paragraph contained with reference to the collection and retention by the Trustee of interests, divi¬ dends, tolls, incomes, issues, revenues and profits accruing and becoming payable on or in respect of the property pledged shall be taken or deemed in any wise to limit the contract contained in the bonds secured hereby to pay interest thereon at the rate men¬ tioned or to hmit the payment of such interest to the funds so collected or retained by the Trustee. 23 Any and all dividends payable in stock which may be declared and become payable upon any of the shares of stock of any com¬ pany held by the Trustee hereunder shall be transferred and delivered to the Trustee arid be by it held as security for the bene¬ fit of the holders of the bonds secured hereby, with the same effect and subject to all the conditions and provisions hereof as if originally pledged hereunder. Should any company, the shares of stock of which are pledged hereunder, pay dividends in the form of certificates of indebtedness or in any form other than money, the Trustee shall also be entitled to receive and so hold such dividends and certificates of indebtedness and collect and pay over the interest which may be paid upon such certificates of indebtedness, as above provided concerning dividends in money. Unless default shall have been made as aforesaid, in the pay¬ ment of the interest or principal of any of the bonds secured hereby, or part of such principal or interest, or in any of the covenants and provisions in this deed of trust contained, the Electric Company shall have the right to vote on all stock de¬ posited with the Trustee hereunder with the same force and effect as though this deed of trust and the pledge of such stock had not been made. Tor all purposes not inconsistent with the security hereby created and the provisions or purposes of this deed of trust; and from time to time, when the same shall be necessary and requested by the Electric Company, the Trustee forthwith shall execute and deliver to the Electric Company or to its nominee suitable powers of attorney or proxies for all of such purposes. The Trustee also, whenever requested by the Electric Com¬ pany, shall assign and transfer to the persons designated by the To hold divi¬ dends on underlying shares payable other than in money. To permit Electric Company to vote on pledged stock. To qualify directors with pledged stock. 24 To release securities of an Underlying Company after disposal of its property. To permit Sale of Pledged Property when. Electric Company such number of the shares of stock deposited hereunder with the Trustee as may be necessary or desirable to qualify such persons as directors of the Underlying Company issuing such stock. The Trustee also from time to time may release from pledge under this deed of trust the securities of any Underlying Com¬ pany which shall have disposed of all its property in accordance with the provisions herein provided for such disposal. A copy of the instrument making such disposal duly certified as a true copy by a majority of the directors of the Electric Company and filed with the Trustee, shall be sufficient evidence thereof to au¬ thorize the Trustee to release under this paragraph. SALES AND REORGANIZATIONS AFFECTING PLEDGED PROPERTY. 0 The Electric Company may, after fifteen days notice of the proposition to sell and its terms mailed to all of the holders of the bonds secured hereby, whose names and addresses are re¬ corded with the Trustee and with the approval in writing filed with the Trustee of the holders of a majority in interest of outstanding bonds and with the written consent of the Trustee, but not otherwise, sell and dispose of, free from the lien of this instrument, any part or all of the property pledged with the Trustee hereunder, provided the Electric Company substitutes as security hereunder property of equal or greater value or pays over the proceeds of such sale to the Trustee, to be held as hereinafter provided. Before consenting to any such sale or other disposition the Trustee shall have the right to ap- 25 point some disinterested person, to be selected by it, but paid by the Electric Company, to investigate and determine whether the security hereunder will be impaired by such sale or other disposi¬ tion, and as to whether or not the other property so to be substi¬ tuted, in case of substitution, is of equal or greater value than the property so to be sold or disposed of, or whether or not, in case of a sale for cash, the price is a fair and reasonable one for the property so to be sold. The Trustee may rely upon the approval in writing of the holders of a majority in interest of outstanding bonds and upon the written certificate of such person, and it shall be under no liability for consenting to such sale or other dispo¬ sition if it acts in reliance upon such approval and such certifi¬ cate. The Trustee shall do such acts and execute such instru¬ ments in writing as may be necessary to release from the lien of this instrument any property which may, with its consent as afore¬ said, be sold or disposed of. In such case the Trustee shall have the right, but shall not be under obligation unless it elects so to do, to require the bonds held by said majority deposited with it for the purpose of having stamped thereon by the Trustee proper evidence that the holder of said bond has consented to said sale or disposition. In case at any time any Underlying Company shall be dis¬ solved or in case all or any of the property of any such company shall be offered for sale, under any foreclosure proceeding or other sale judicial or otherwise, then and in such case the Electric Company or any other Underlying Company may purchase and the Trustee may, and if requested in writing and furnished with funds therefor either by the Electric Company or the holders of three-fourths in amount of any of the bonds secured hereby then Sale of property of Underlying Companies. 26 Trustee to purchase when. Reorganizations of Underlj'ing Companies. outstanding shall, purchase or shall cause to be purchased such property, and in such case, if payment for such property may be made by crediting on the bonds, claims, indebtedness or shares of stock of such company held by the Trustee hereunder, then such sum, or any part thereof accruing or to be received by the Trustee out of the proceeds of said property, shall be used in pay¬ ment therefor. In case of such purchase such proceedings shall be taken as may be proper to subject such property to the lien hereof, and for that purpose the said property may be vested in the Electric Company, or in any other company organized or to be organized, and whose bonds or other evidences of indebtedness and shares of stock or other certificates of interest are or shall be pledged hereunder. The Trustee, when directed and indemnified by the Electric Company or the holders of three-fourths in amount of the bonds issued hereunder and then outstanding, shall take all proper steps to protect the bondholders’ interest hereunder in respect to the Securities, and for that purpose the Trustee may exercise all of the powers of an absolute owner of the Securities, and is hereby expressly empowered to authorize, institute or join in any suit or suits, whether of foreclosure or otherwise, and to author¬ ize, institute and join in any plan or plans of reorganization in respect to any of such Securities, and may accept and hold here¬ under in exchange for any of the Securities any moneys, prop¬ erty or bonds or other evidences of indebtedness or shares of stock or other certificates of interest which may be issued. The Electric Company shall on demand of the Trustee or of three-fourths in interest of the holders of bonds secured by this deed of trust pay or satisfactorily provide for all sums required 27 to purchase any property of an Underlying Company under any sale last above referred to, together with all necessary expenses and disbursements of the Trustee. And in case the Electric Com¬ pany shall fail so to do, the Trustee, without prejudice to any of its rights hereunder, may or, when so directed and indemnified by the holders of three-fourths in amount of the bonds issued here¬ under and then outstanding, shall advance the payments, ex¬ penditures and expenses incurred or which may be necessary to be incurred in carrying out any of the foregoing provisions, and the Trustee shall have and may assert a lien prior to these pres¬ ents for such payments, expenditures and expenses upon the bonds, obligations, claims, indebtedness or stock in respect to which such advances have been made. In case the Trustee shall not purchase or cause to be purchased the property sold at any such sale, and shall not join in a plan of reorganization as aforesaid in respect to such bonds, obligations or stock, then the Trustee shall receive any portion of the proceeds of the sale accruing on the bonds, or other evidences of indebtedness or on the shares of stock or other certificates of interest held hereunder, and hold the same subject to the lien hereof. Anything in this indenture to the contrary notwithstanding, any Underlying Company may be merged or consolidated with, or all or any part of its property sold to either the Electric Com¬ pany or any other Underlying Company or any other Company formed for the purpose of merging or consolidating two or more of the Underlying Companies; but no such merger, consolida¬ tion or sale to or with any company other than the Electric Com¬ pany shall be made except upon condition (first) that the stock of the consolidated company or the company into which any such company shall be merged shall be received and held, or Expenditures by Trustee. Receipts by Trustee. Merger of Underbdng Companies. 28 Collateral trust bonds exchangeable when. Purchase by Electric Company of properties of Underljing Companies. shall continue to be held, by the Trustee under this deed of trust; (second) that in case of any such merger, consolidation or sale neither of the companies which shall be parties thereto, nor any consohdated or new company formed thereby, shall, in connec¬ tion therewith, create or incur any indebtedness or any lien, charge or encumbrance upon its property except for the purpose of taking up or satisfying underlying Hens, unless the same shall be transferred to and deposited with the Trustee and become subject to the lien of this deed of trust and in case of the merger or consolidation of the property of all the Underlying Companies the bonds issued hereunder may be exchanged for bonds secured by a first mortgage on the property of the Underlying Com¬ panies, authorized and issued to same amount as the bonds here¬ under. Upon the conditions aforesaid any such merger, consoHdation or sale may be made, provided the laws to which such company or companies are subject permk, and upon request of the Elec¬ tric Company the Trustee shall consent to all acts proper to carry into effect the purposes of this section. If the Electric Company at any time in the future having the right so to do shall acquire the property, rights, privileges and franchises of all or any of the Underlying Companies and shall desire to do so, it may do so, provided that the same shall imme¬ diately become subject to the lien of this deed of trust and that it shall upon request make, execute, acknowledge and deliver a vaHd mortgage or deed of trust supplemental hereto, covering said properties, rights, privileges and franchises, to secure the bonds issued or to be issued hereunder; which said mortgage or deed of trust shall be a first mortgage or deed of trust on all of such properties, rights, privileges and franchises, subject only 29 to the underlying mortgages on such properties. Such first mortgage or deed of trust shall be in form satisfactory to the Trus¬ tee, and in the event of all the bonds of such an Underlying Com¬ pany being deposited hereunder, then and in that event such bonds and the mortgage or deed of trust securing the same may be released so that the said first mortgage or deed of trust shall constitute and be in law and in fact a first mortgage on all of such properties, rights, privileges and franchises. If, however, all of such underlying bonds of the Underlying Companies shall not be deposited hereunder, then and in that event such bonds shall not be cancelled, but shall be kept alive as additional secu¬ rity for the bonds issued or to be issued hereunder. The Electric Company may at any time in its discretion con¬ sent to the extension or renewal of any bonds or obligations now held, or which hereafter shall be held by the Trustee hereunder, and the other outstanding bonds of the same issue, and to the extension or renewal of any mortgage or lien securing such bonds or obligations; provided, however, that such renewal or exten¬ sion shall not be for a greater principal amount than the origi¬ nal principal amount of the bonds outstanding under such mort¬ gages, and shall not be at a greater rate of interest than the pres¬ ent rate. And new bonds or obligations shall be deposited and held by the Trustee hereunder. Extension or renewal of bonds of Underlying Companies. . CALL AND PAYMENT OF BONDS. The Electric Company simultaneously, but not otherwise, may call and pay all the bonds secured hereby on October i, 1904, 30 Publication of notice. Interest ceases. Precipitation of principal. or on any interest day thereafter, at $1,050 for each $1,000 face value principal thereof, and interest accrued at the date fixed for such payment, by causing notice of such call and payment to be published once a week for three successive weeks in two news¬ papers, one published in New York, New York, and one in Boston, Massachusetts, the last publication thereof to be not less than thirty (30) days before the date fixed for such payment; and on and after the date fixed for such payment interest on said bonds shall cease, provided the amount required for the payment of all the bonds of this series shall have then been deposited with the Trustee for that purpose. TRANSFER OF COUPONS. The coupons secured hereby are transferable by delivery, and, when paid, shall be cancelled, and, after default in the o payment of any coupon or coupons, such coupon or coupons shall not be secured by, or embraced within, the trusts hereof unless accompanied by the bond or bonds to which the same were originally attached. Nor shall any coupon or coupons in default be assignable separately from the bond or bonds to which the same were originally attached. DEFAULT BY ELECTRIC COMPANY. In case default shall be made in the payment of any coupon on any of said bonds or in the payment to the sinking fund as hereinbefore required or in case ’of default in any other covenant or condition of this deed of trust by the Electric Company, and 31 such default shall continue for a period of sixty days after written notice thereof shall have been given to the Electric Company by the Trustee, then during the continuance of any such default the Trustee may, and upon the written request of the holders of twenty-five per centum in amount of the bonds hereby secured then outstanding, shall, by notice in writing, de¬ livered to the Electric Company, declare the principal of the bonds hereby secured and then outstanding to be due and payable im¬ mediately; and upon such declaration the same shall become and be immediately due and payable, anything herein or in said bonds contained to the contrary notwithstanding. In case default shall be made and continue as aforesaid or in case default shall be made in the payment of any of said bonds, when the same shall become due, and any such default shall continue for a period of sixty days after written notice thereof shall have been given to the Electric Company by the Trustee, then and in every such case during the continuance of any such default, (a) The Trustee may revoke all assignments, orders, proxies, or other instruments by it executed, enabling the Electric Com¬ pany to vote or otherwise receive any benefit from the property hereby pledged. During the continuance of such default the Trustee shall retain all sums paid to it, either as interest or divi¬ dends upon the property pledged, or otherwise, and may vote upon all shares of stock and otherwise act as the absolute owner of all the property pledged, and (b) The Trustee may sell or cause to be sold to the highest and best bidder in one lot and as an entirety all and singular the property then held by the Trustee hereunder, which sale shall be made at public auction, at such place in the City of Boston, Period of grace. Revocation of rights of Electric Company in pledge property. Power of sale. 32 Notice of sale. Power to bring suit. Trustee shall proceed upon request and indemnity. Massachusetts, or the City of New York, New York, and on such day and terms as the Trustee may determine, and as shall be specified in a notice of said sale, which notice shall be given by publication at least twice in each calendar week for three successive calendar weeks next prior to the date of such sale, in a newspaper of general circulation published in said City of Boston, and in a newspaper of general circulation published in said City of New York. The Trustee may adjourn any sale to be made hereunder as often as it may desire by announcement at the time and place appointed for such sale or any adjourned sale; and, without further notice or publication, the Trustee may make such sale at the time and place to which the same shall be so adjourned, and (c) The Trustee may proceed to protect and to enforce its rights and the rights of the bondholders under this deed of trust by a suit or suits in equity or at law, whether for the specific per¬ formance of any covenant or agreement contained herein or in aid of the execution of any power herein granted or for the fore¬ closure of this deed of trust for interest or principal, or both, or for the enforcement of any other appropriate legal or equitable remedy as the Trustee, being advised by counsel, shall deem most effectual to protect and enforce its rights and those of the bond¬ holders hereunder. And, in case default shall be made and continue as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the Trustee, upon the written request of the holders of twenty-five per centum in amount of the bonds hereby secured and then outstanding, and upon being indemni¬ fied, to take such steps as in its opinion are needful or proper for the protection and enforcement of its rights and the rights of the bondholders hereby secured and to exercise the powers herein 33 conferred as the Trustee shall deem most effectual to enforce such rights. The rights of revocation, sale and suit hereunder are cumu¬ lative remedies, additional to all other remedies in law or in equity, and such rights of revocation, sale and suit, or the exercise of any of them, shall not in any manner whatsoever deprive the Trustee or any holder or holders of a bond or bonds secured hereby of any remedy or remedies in law or in equity consistent with the provisions hereof. The foregoing provisions for default, however, are subject to the condition that if, at any time after such default, all arrears of interest, and of payments to the sinking fund, with, interest at the rate of five per centum per annum on overdue instalments of interest and payments to the sinking fund, shall either be paid by the Electric Company or be collected out of the property pledged or be paid before any sale of the pledged property shall have been made, or, if any default in the observance or perform¬ ance of any covenant or condition herein not relating to a pay¬ ment of interest or to the sinking fund shall be cured or adequate satisfaction, in the opinion of the Trustee, made therefor, then the Trustee may, and upon the written request of the holders of a majority in amount of the bonds hereby secured then outstand¬ ing, shall waive such default and its consequences; but no such waiver shall extend to or affect any subsequent default or impair any right consequent thereon. In case the Trustee shall have proceeded to enforce any right under this deed of trust by foreclosure, or otherwise, and such proceeding shall have been discontinued or abandoned because of such waiver, or for any other reason, or shall have been deter¬ mined adversely to the Trustee, then and in every such case the Cumulative remedies. Waiver of default. Restoration to former position. « 34 No suit by bondholders. Electric Company and the Trustee shall be restored to their former position and rights hereunder in respect of the property pledged hereunder, and all rights and powers of the Trustee shall con¬ tinue as though no such proceeding had been taken. No holder of any bond or coupon hereby secured shall have any right to institute any suit, action or proceeding in equity or at law for the foreclosure of this deed of trust, or for the execu¬ tion of any trust hereof, or for the appointment of a receiver, or for any other remedy hereunder, unless the holders of twenty- five per centum in amount of the bonds hereby secured, then out¬ standing, shall have made written request upon the Trustee to take action in respect to the matter complained of, and shall have afforded to it a reasonable opportunity, either to proceed to exercise the powers hereinbefore granted, or to institute such action, suit or proceeding in its own name; and unless, also, they shall have tendered to the Trustee adequate security and indemnity against the costs, expenses and liabilities to be in¬ curred therein or thereby; and such notification, request and tender of indemnity are hereby declared, in every such case, at the option of the Trustee, to be conditions precedent to the ex¬ ecution of the powers and trusts of this deed of trust and to any action or cause of action for foreclosure, or for the appointment of a receiver, or for any other remedy hereunder, it being under¬ stood and intended that no one or more holders of bonds or cou¬ pons shall have any right in any manner whatever to affect, disturb or prejudice the lien of this deed of trust by his or their action, or to enforce any right hereunder, except in the manner herein provided, and that all proceedings at law or in equity shall be instituted, had and maintained in the manner herein provided, and for the equal benefit of all holders of such out¬ standing bonds and coupons. The Trustee shall not be bound to recognize any person or persons, or body or bodies corporate, as a holder or holders of any of said bonds, nor to take any action at his, its or their re¬ quest, unless first furnished with adequate security and indemnity against costs, expenses and liabilities to be incurred, as here¬ inbefore provided, and unless such bond or bonds are submitted to the Trustee for inspection. No delay or omission of the Trustee or of any holder of bonds hereby secured to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default, continuing as aforesaid, shall impair any such right or power, or shall be construed to be a waiver of any such default, or of any subsequent default, or an acquiescence therein; and every power and remedy given hereunder to the Trustee or to the bondholders mav be exercised, from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by the Trustee or by the bond holders. THE SALE AND ITS PROCEEDS. Upon the completion of any sale under this deed of trust the Trustee shall transfer or deliver to the accepted purchaser all the property sold, and the Trustee is hereby appointed the true and lawful attorney irrevocable of the Electric Company in its name and stead, to make all necessary assignments and transfers of the property thus sold and the Trustee may substitute any one or more persons with like power, the Electric Company hereby ratifying and confirming all that its said attorney or such sub¬ stitute or substitutes may do by virtue hereof. Any sale made under or by virtue of this deed of trust, whether under the power of sale hereby granted and conferred, or under or by virtue of judicial proceedings, shall operate to Delay or omis¬ sion after default no waiver. Transfer to purchaser. Waiver of appraisement, exemption and redemption. Receipt of Trustee for purchase money. Precipitation of principal upon sale. divest all right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever^ either at law or in equity of the Electric Company, in and to the property sold, and shall be a perpetual bar both at law and in equity against the Electric Company and its successors and assigns and against any and all persons claiming or to claim the property sold or any part thereof, from, through or under the Electric Company or its successors or assigns, and the Electric Company waives the benefit of any and all stay, valua¬ tion, appraisement and exemption laws and all right of redemp¬ tion, whether by virtue of any present or any future law of the State of New Jersey or of any other state or territory where such laws may affect the property hereby pledged; and the Electric Company agrees that it will forthwith, upon any such sale or sales, upon request of the purchaser or purchasers thereat, make, execute, acknowledge and deliver to such purchaser or purchasers good and sufficient conveyances and transfers to con¬ firm the title in such purchaser or purchasers. The receipt of the Trustee for the purchase money shall be a sufficient discharge to any purchaser of the property or any part thereof, sold as aforesaid; and no such purchaser or his repre- ■ sentatives, grantees or assigns, after paying such purchase money and receiving such receipt shall be bound to see to the appli¬ cation of such purchase money upon or for any trust or pur¬ pose of this deed of trust or in any manner whatsoever be an¬ swerable for any loss, misapplication or non-application of any such purchase money or any part thereof, or be bound to inquire as to the authorization, necessity, expediency or regularity of any such sale. In case of such sale, whether made under the power of sale hereby granted or pursuant to judicial proceedings, the whole of the principal sums of the bonds hereby secured, if not previously 37 due, shall at once become due and payable, anything in said bonds or in this deed of trust to the contrary notwithstanding. The purchase money, proceeds or avails of any such sale, whether under the power of sale hereby granted or pursuant to judicial proceedings, together with any other sums which then may be held by the Trustee under any of the provisions of this deed of trust as part of the trust estate or the proceeds thereof, shall be applied as follows: First. To the payment of the costs and expenses of such sale, including a reasonable compensation to the Trustee, its agents, attorneys and counsel and of all expenses, liabilities and advances made or incurred by the Trustee hereunder. Second. To the payment of the whole amount then owing or unpaid upon the bonds hereby secured for principal and interest, with interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum on the overdue instalments of interest; and, in case such pro¬ ceeds shall be insufficient to pay in full the whole amount so due and unpaid upon the said bonds, then ratably to the pay- ■ ment of such principal and interest without preference or priority of principal over interest or of interest over principal or of any instalment of interest over any other instalment of interest. Third. The surplus remaining shall be paid over to the Electric Company, its successors or assigns or to whomsoever shall be lawfully entitled to receive the same. Upon any sale hereunder by the Trustee or pursuant to judicial proceedings, any purchaser, for or in settlement or pay¬ ment of the purchase price of the property purchased, shall be entitled to use and apply any bonds and any matured and unpaid coupons hereby secured, by presenting such bonds and coupons that there may be credited thereon the sums applicable to the payment thereof out of the net proceeds of such sale, after mak- Distribution of proceeds. Payment in bonds and coupons. 38 ing any deductions which may be made from the proceeds of sale for costs, expenses, compensations and other charges; and such purchaser thereupon shall be credited, on account of such purchase price payable by him, with the sums applicable out of such net proceeds to the payment of and credited on the bonds and coupons so presented. And, at any such sale, the Trustee or any bondholder or bondholders may bid for and purchase such property, or cause such property to be purchased, and may make payment therefor as aforesaid, and, upon compliance with the terms of sale, may hold, retain and dispose of such property with¬ out further accountability. IMMUNITY OF OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND STOCKHOLDERS. No recourse under or upon any obligation, covenant or agree¬ ment contained in this deed of trust, or imphed therefrom, or in any bond or coupon hereby secured, or because of the crea¬ tion of any indebtedness hereby secured, shall be had against any stockholder, officer or director of the Electric Company, by the enforcement of any assessment or by any legal or equi¬ table proceeding by virtue of any constitution, statute or other¬ wise, it being expressly agreed and understood that this deed of trust and the obligations hereby secured are solely corporate obhgations and that no personal liabihty whatever shall attach to or be incurred by the stockholders, officers or directors of the Electric Company whether arising at common law or in equity or created by statute or constitution, the same, if any, being hereby expressly released and waived by the holders of any of the bonds secured hereby as a condition of and as part 39 of the consideration for the execution of this deed of trust and the issue of the bonds and interest coupons secured hereby. CONCERNING THE TRUSTEE. The Trustee shall be entitled to repayment of all proper out¬ lays incurred in or about this trust, and to a reasonable compen¬ sation for any duties that it may at any time perform in the discharge of the same, and the Electric Company shall pay the Trustee such outlays and compensation. All moneys in the hands of the Trustee from time to time, whether the uninvested portion of the sinking fund, revenue from securities, proceeds of securities or other property sold or released, or otherwise derived from the operation of this Trust,' shall draw interest at the current rate paid by the City Trust Company upon funds held by it on deposit. The Trustee, prior to notice of default, shall be under no obligation to keep itself informed or advised as to the per¬ formance of any of the Electric Company’s covenants, or the payment or discharge of any taxes, assessments or liens that may be imposed upon the property hereby pledged, but the Trustee shall have the right, in case of neglect by the Electric Company, to attend to any of these matters. The Trustee shall be held only to the exercise of reasonable care and diligence in relation to holding, controlling, manag¬ ing and selling the property hereby conveyed, or otherwise carrying out the provisions hereof; and where it acts by agents or attorneys it shall not be responsible for their negligence or wrong-doing; but it shall exercise reasonable care in selecting, retaining and discharging them. Compensation and expenses. Interest on uninvested money. No obligation to keep informed when. Reasonable care and diligence. 40 No responsibility as to validity or record hereof. Trustee’s resig¬ nation or removal. Appointment of successor. Bond of Trustee. ' TKe Trustee shall’have no'responsibility. as to th€ validity of this deed of trust, nor as to the rnaliirig, executing, acknowledg¬ ing, recording, re-recording, filing or the renewal hereof, nor as to the amount or adequacy, as security, of the property hereby pledged, nor'as'to the transfer to it of prbpeffy'acquired by-the Electric Company subsequently to' the date hereof, and-the-re¬ citals herein contained are those of the Electric Company, and not of the Trustee. - > The Trustee may at any time resign this trust by written notice delivered to the Electric Company thirty days before the resignation is to take effect, and in case of such resignation, or the removal or incapacity of the Trustee for any reason, the Electric Company shall have the right to nominate and appoint a successor to the Trustee with the consent in writing of the owners of a majority in interest of the bonds hereby secured and then outstanding; but any vacancy of more than thirty days^ standing may be filled by any, court having jurisdiction, on ap¬ plication of any person interested. No bond shall be required of the Trustee unless ordered by a court having jurisdiction and for cause shown. Upon the ap¬ pointment of any successor or successors to the trust, all the title to all the property pledged shall immediately, and-without further evidence of transfer, vest in such successor or successors; the out¬ going Trustee shall deliver the property pledged to such successor or successors and shall, also, at the request of any person inter¬ ested, and at the expense of the trust, execute and deliver to its successor such transfers, conveyances or other instruments in writing as may be appropriate to vest or confirm in the new Trustee the title to such property pledged. The index, divisional headings, and marginal notes are no part of this deed of trust. 41 In Witness Whereof, Dallas Electric Corporation has caused this deed of trust to be executed in its name and be¬ half and under its corporate seal by its president and attested by its secretary, and City Trust Company in token of its accept¬ ance hereof has caused this deed of trust to be executed in its name and behalf and under its corporate seal by its president and attested by its secretary, the day and year first above written. DALLAS ELECTRIC CORPORATION. By ; CHARLES SPRAGUE PresidenL A * FRANK C. MILDRAM Secretary, CITY TRUST COMPANY. By PHILIP STOCKTON President Attest: GEORGE S. MUMFORD Secretary, [Seal] [Seal] Commonwealth of Massachusetts, h .... ' -- ■■■Suffolk, ‘i ■- V- ps. , , ■; - ... , ' V * ‘ ' - - July2 1903. - • 'On this second day of July, 1903,' before nie'', the sub¬ scriber, a notary* public within and for the Cornmonwealth of Massachusetts, personally appeared Charles Sprague and > Frank C. Mildram, to me personally known, who by me being duly and severally sworn did each for himself and upon his oath say, the said Charles Sprague that he is' the president and the said Frank C. Mildram that he is the secretary of Dallas Elec¬ tric Corporation, the company named in and which executed the foregoing deed of trust; that the seal affixed to said deed of trust is the corporate seal of said company, and that said deed of trust was signed and sealed in behalf of said company by authority of its directors and stockholders, and the said Charles Sprague and the said Frank C. Mildram duly acknowledged said deed of trust to be the free act and deed of said company. My commission expires Jany 21, 1910 |M 9 BIRNEY C. PARSONS Notary Public for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Seal] tar 43 Commonwealth of Massachusetts, ) Suffolk, J July 2 1903. On this second day of July, 1903, before me the subscriber, a Notary Public within and for the Commonwealth of Massa¬ chusetts, personally appeared Philip Stockton and George S. Mumford, to me personally known, who by me being duly and severally sworn did each for himself and upon his said oath say, the said Phihp Stockton that he is the president and the said George S. Mumford that he is the Secretary of CITY TRUST COMPANY, the company named in and which executed the foregoing deed of trust, that the seal affixed to said deed of trust is the corporate seal of said company and that said deed of trust was signed and sealed in behalf of said company by authority of its directors and stockholders and the said Philip Stockton and the said George S. Mumford duly ac¬ knowledged the said deed of trust to be the free act and deed of said company. ^ . BIRNEY C. PARSONS [Seal] Notary Public For the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, My commission expires Jan’y 21, 1910 44 GEORGE Commonwealth of Massachusetts, | Suffolk, \ == July 2, 1903 George S. Mumford, of Boston in said County, having been duly sworn, on his oath says that he is the Secretary of City Trust Company, Trustee, and that for the purpose of this affidavit he is the agent of said City Trust Company, Trustee, the holder of the foregoing deed of trust, and that the con¬ sideration of said deed of trust is the amount due and to become due by the terms of said deed of trust from the pledgor there¬ under for and upon $4,000,000 of bonds mentioned in said deed of trust in accordance with the terms thereof, and also the various covenants and agreements therein contained; and that the amount due and to grow due thereon is the sum of $4,000- 000, payable on the first day of April, 1922, together with interest on the same at the rate of five per cent, per annum from the first day of April, 1902, payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October in each year. Sworn to and subscribed this second day of July, 1903, before me S. MUMFORD BIRNEY C. PARSONS Notary Public For the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, My commission expires Jan’y 21, 1910 [Seal] -'il! “i.V .. • * t * ^ ..tv • ■.:>•- LWri. d>. ^ 1 A- . ■.. „ U'- . ■ .■ y ‘ff ''f ' » - gf-.-r’e, - -■?••'■ A;^ r' -"r v-' . .r'iSiC . ^ 'i-A, y" •■* '"^ ' ’ iiii ^ AVm^" x-'’ M ' 4 •/> »t'^ • •? .»■ • 'i. #i ••. i' -'- ■ ' •':4 \ _ 3 ^ ^ .