LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN IN MEMORY OF STEWART S. HOWE JOURNALISM CLASS OF 1928 STEWART S. HOWE FOUNDATION 670 V26r 8?2 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873, by VAN ARSDALE & Co., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. IMDERS INTRODUCTION. N the historic annals of the world, Chicago stands pre- eminently forth without a rival as THE marvel of the age, and her rapid growth and magnificence are without precedence. In the year 1837, by an act of the legislature, the town of Chicago, with a population of 4,179 souls, became incorporated, and from that date commenced the eventful record of this wonderful city, which to-day numbers near 400,000 inhab- itants, being an increase of over 395,000 in the short space of 36 years, or an average increase of 11,000 per year. Chicago is recognized as the leadipg mart of the world for grain, pork and lumber, and her immense business houses for all branches of commercial traffic are exceeded by no city in the Union, and equaled by few, if any. The making of this great city is entirely due to her eminent business men, whose close appli- cation and personal supervision of their own affairs, combined with integrity and honesty (not as a policy, but as a principle), has been the superstructure upon which the firms we have the honor to represent in these pages have built their immense trade and for- tunes. To repeat in these pages an account of the great confla- gration would be unnecessary, for all the world to-day knows how, upon the memorable pth of October, 1871, the grandly beautiful city of Chicago was almost entirely obliterated, leaving but ashes where once stood the pride and business center of the city in stately magnificence. Art, in our city, reared her temples fair, But the fire-fiend evil' genius of air Assaulted them with red embracing wing, And smote them to the earth a ruined thing ! O'er their ashes loud laments were uttered, Prophecies of dark import were muttered. Then Enterprise and Art combined an effort made, And Capital lent its mighty aid ! Black was the hour 'til the Aladdin came A fairy prince ENERGY is his modern name. He rubbed a lamp, called " Money " now-a-days, And one named "Taste!" beyond all praise All the results attained ! Behold them here ! Disjointed things his magic made cohere. That called " Impossible," was swift begun ; In less than two-score months the task is done, I Chicago again assumes her peerless stand, Superb, complete, " Star city " of the land ! JP To any others than Chicagoans it would indeed have been fc< impossible " to bring the city out of the chaos that then en- veloped it, but they determined that Chicago should, like the Phoenix, rise from its ashes, and the trade which years of patient toil had centered in the city should be retained. How well that determination was carried out is to-day apparent upon every hand in the risen city. Where before stood -wood and brick, now are reared stately commercial palaces of stone and marble, and in less than two years but few traces can be seen of the ever-to-be- remembered fire. As a further evidence of Chicagoans' indomitable energy, more business by twenty-five per cent, has been transacted during the past year than any previous year of the city's financial record. Every house which is recorded upon the succeeding pages is a " representative " of its class, standing prominently forth a star in the brilliant galaxy it so conspicuously adorns. We doubt not that these pages will be carefully read as a record of those names which have passed through the fiery ordeal, risen from their ashes and "still live." litb'j B .k}*.-.jgt\ I = ~v-i -. : 1 =fij$H : V:.^^W, I^,B ill i ..f?j i';S/; is!s - = 5??v: i'fe I P o fc s -^ w m R. T. CRANE, President. S. W. ADAMS, Secretary. C. S. CRANE, Vice President. GEO. S. REDFIELD, Treasurer. B* os - M ANFG. ESTABLISHED 1855. INCOBPOBATED 1865. MANUFACTURERS OF t .1. BRASS AND IRON GOODS, J^^TJD o-^s ZFITTITSTG-S, MAILILEABILE IKON CASTINGS. CRANE'S PATENT HOISTING ENGINES For Blast Furnaces and Coal, Iron and other Mines. SjEAJVI PU|*pS. EjC. Works on Jefferson, Desplaines, Fulton and Wayman Streets, General Offices and Salesrooms, JO North Jefferson Street, CHICAGO. nd for Descriptive Circulars. Factory for Cutlery is located in Waterbury, Conn., nnder the style of the H. SEARS MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FINE A SPECIALTY. IV e use none but WanUtnv's Steel, made expressly for us, and each knife is thoroughly tested before leaving the factory. Our tttid Are made of the finest steel, and in the best manner possible. All goods bearing the stamp of the H. jSeki# Mk^fg. Co. of S. ARE FULLY WARRANTED. Special attention given to the importation of fine BREECH-LOADING SHOT GUNS. Also Mu/.zi,E-LoADiN(; GUNS in general variety. HENRY SEARS. E. B. SEARS. E. W. BEATTIE. Exchange on England, France, Germany, Switzerland and other European Countries. DRAFTS ON BARING BROTHERS & CO., LONDON, And Letters of Credit available anywhere in America or the Continent of Europe. jjwings jjeyoxifa nnd Jp'tts/ In addition to the actual capital of 35 00 > 00 ) tne Stockholders of the MARINE COMPANY OF CHICAGO are personally liable to the extent of their stock, respectively, for all funds deposited on savings and in trust. SAMUEL S. ROGERS, J. YOUNG SCAMMON : Secretary and Cashier. President. Importers and Jobbers of WOOLENS AND FANCY GOODS, Occupy their entire building, have unequalled facilities for the prompt and satisfactory transaction of busi- ness with a Stock complete in all respects, and at the Lowest Prices, and they invite the special attention of the Trade. MADISON AND FRANKLIN STREETS. H FIELD, LEITER & CO Ini-porters ai|d Jobef of KY WOODS CARPETS, AT BOTTOM PRICES. MADISON AND MARKET STREETS, NEW YORK, PARIS, MANCHESTER, 1O4 Worth Street. 9 Faubourg Poissonniere. 37 Faulkner Street. FIELD. LEITER & Co. RETAILERS OF European Novelties Received as Appear. $05 .ram, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL DEALERS IX DRY GOODS MADISON A FRANKLIN e) Make the Lmuest Prices and keep Large Stocks in every Department RETAIL STORE, MADISON &, PEORIA STREETS. 16 MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN. GO. MANUFACTURERS OF - FOR PRIVATE DWELLINGS, CHURCHES, CONCERT HALLS, LODGES, SCHOOLS, Ac. The greatest variety of these Instruments in the country will be found at their \varerooms, of capacity, excellence and elegance, not yet attained by any other maker. Prices fixed and invariable, and not higher than those of inferior organs. WAREROOMS : Nos. 80 and 82 Adams Street, Chicago. '7 WHOLESALE -Jilts aptf, jH urs ai|d v^traw 272 AND 274 MADISON STREET, (NEAR THE BRIDGE.) A K I NCI the Hat and Cap jobbers next in order, we visited the house of Eddy, Harvey & Carter, 272 and 274 Madison Street, near Market. These gentlemen have won during the past year an enviable reputation among the merchants of the West and Northwest, by attending closely to their business, and always having on hand goods suited to every locality and all classes of trade. Among the many merchants dealing with them, are said to be an unusually large number of A No. i men who buy for cash, and want bottom prices always. It is a matter, of remark among the trade generally, that in some way they sell the largest proportion of their goods to this class of merchants, which certainly is a sure index of low prices. This young firm during their first year greatly outgrew their limited quarters, and rather than pay the excessive rents being asked for a building suited in size to their largely increased business, they have cut arches into the building adjoining, and thus obtained a sufficiency of room and saved the extra expense. They propose during the coming year to exhibit as handsome a line of goods as time, patience and money can gather together, and figure as close a margin as possible. They offer special inducements as agents for certain lines of goods, and will make manufacturers' prices. They include in their stock all varieties of Hats, Caps, Straw Cloods, Umbrellas, Parasols, Gloves, and Ladies' and Misses' Trimmed Hats, the latter of their own manufacture. We can cordially recommend them to all dealers buying in Chicago, and will guarantee them to be low in prices and gentlemanly in their dealings. The Leader, Feb. 21, 187 ,". GLOVES A SPECIALTY Strangers visiting the City -will receive courteous and polite attention. 19 ELY'S BUILDING, Corner Wa&asfa Avenue and Monroe ELY & CO. IMPORTING TAILORS 9 "Wedding Garments a Specialty. idtq kde Jkcket^. SERVANTS' LIVERY MADE TO MEASURE. TE3ST FER. CE3STT. XDISCOTJKTT. W/\BAS!-| CHICAGO, ILL. PRIOR & IMPORTERS OF ELY'S NEW BLOCK, Monroe Street and Wmlbwsfa Avenue. Sail, Kiir^af k & Co. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN IRON, STEEL, NAILS, HEAVY HARDWARE, ANVILS, VISES, BELLOWS, HAMMERS, PICKS, MATTOCKS, MINING TOOLS, &C. SPRINGS, AXLES, BOLTS, NUTS, WASHERS, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, WAGON MATERIAL Generally. CHROME STEEL, 80, 82 & 84 MICHIGAN AVENUE, CHICAGO. GILBERT HUBBARD & Co. iuaiilUT'. rmi f < ^f ^-j DEALERS IN TWINES AND CORDAGE, TENTS, AWNINGS, WAGON COVERS AND PAULINS, STIEIEXj .AJSTID IK,O3Sr "WII^E FOR MINING AND HOISTING PURPOSES. Wire Rope for hoisting purposes and transmission of power is largely used. The best quality of these goods, FINE WIRE, both Roebling's and Imported, constantly on hand. UETS & 226, 228 & 230 S. WATEF^ ST., GILBERT HUBBARD. GEO. B. CARPENTER. 2 3 GEORGE CLAPP, Agent, Formerly "Rubber Clothing Co." DEALERS II* ALL RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, PAOKITO AHB HOSE, Excepting only our New York House, we carry the LARGEST Stock of Rubber Goods of any House in tfie United States. All Goods quoted at New York prices, thus giving the advantage of the freight. NEW YORK. 105 & 107 MADISON ST., CHICAGO. 400 NORTH FOURTH STREET, 607 MARKET STREET, - F. M. SHEPARD, Pres. ST. LOUIS. SAN FRANCISCO. J. A. MINOTT, Sec. DEALERS IN IRON, NAILS, STEEL WAGON AND CARRIAGE MATERIAL. Keep constantly on hand a large Stock of Best Brands Bar and Sheet Iron. WESTERN DEPOT FOR THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED ** SD^ 3UL1TO 13 "ULSTER" IRON, BAR AND SHAPES. For Wagon and Carriage Makers' use, or where the best quality of iron is required, we believe it to be equal to Swedish or Norway Iron. "Ulster" Horse Shoe Iron, the best in market, and parties who have any trouble with Horse Shoe Iron, should try this brand, as we warrant it to give entire satisfaction. WE KEEP A FULL STOCK OF THE CELEBRATED " JEFFERSON" NAILS. Western Headquarters for Burden's Horse and Mule Shoes. ' Northwestern " Horse Nails at Manufacturers' Prices. Western Depot for D. Arthur Brown * ^ 1, X ^ Solid pery Wheels, Emery fetato, Saw puwfc Y^ ^ ! T^ v- * -Inrf Special Machinery connected with Emery Grinding. DEALERS IN DIAMOND TURNING TOOLS. (j/mtrebrook *5 CO sr a O9 M Q f 2 - Oe ? O 5' w M ? 5" U) H CO CQ f ? 2. If Q 3 o H vo g CC o Q P MCVICKER'S THEATRE. Established 1833, at 128 and fjo Lake Street. Burnt out October 9, 1871, at 118 and tzo Monroe Street. Re-Established October /o, / 871, at n, ij, ami 15 North Desplaines Street. Re-Built and Removed to 118 and 120 Monroe Street, July i, 1872. TRADE MARK CULVER, PAGE, HOYNE & Co. BLANK BOOK MAKERS, PRINTERS, PUBLISHERS OF COMMERCIAL AND LAW BLANKS, Pap Sook 12O Monroe Opposite Old Post Office Building. CHICAGO. . Sollitef & Co. ill, 119, 121 & 123 STATE ST. CHICAGO. EG to announce that having leased the four large and splendid floors over JANSEN, McCLURG & Co., adjoining, they have filled the same with a full and complete assortment of 0mm*m t ne And are now prepared to furnish HOUSES, HOTELS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, CHURCHES, LODGES, &c. &c., with everything desired in any quality of CARPETS, FURNITURE, CURTAINS, BEDDINC, LINENS, Ac., On as favorable terms as any house in the country. Our connection with the largest FURNITURE MANUFACTORY in the country enables us to offer special inducements to HOTEL TRADE. An examination of Stock and Prices is solicited. E... F, TEB &' QQ- 117 to 123 State Street. 44 L . HALE & BRo 10, 12, 14 and 16 CANAL STREET, INK AND URNITURE HOTEL AND OFFICE FURNISHING A SPECIALTY. 45 57 State St., Chicago, J^ORTHWESTEF^N ^GENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Fire and Burglar-Proof VAUIJ AND BANK LOCKS The Largest Safe Factory in the United States. We refer to the Leading Bankers of CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. Louis, ST. PAUL, OMAHA, &c., who are using our work. and f rices given on application to D. S. COVERT. 57 State Street. 47 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 48 49 NEW BRK;GS HOUSE. 5 ^ <&4r & *?<&<&& & "* ^c> ^ J- v ^ . rP ^ (^ &4 - , SMITH & Co Manufacturers and Dealers in 7 PROPRIETORS OF HAVING OUE CHICAGO MILL NOW IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION, We have the advantage over all other dealers, of BILLING ODD SIZES AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE 112 Madison. Street, Chicago, 53 THE NATIONAL BANK, OF CHICAGO, S. E. Corner Dearborn and Randolph Streets. CAPITAL. $500,000 SURPLUS. 100,000 The Accounts of Banks, Bankers, Capitalists and Merchants respectfully solicited. IRA HOLMES, President. M. D. BUCHANAN, Vice-President. J. A. HOLMES, Cashier. 54 MANUFACTORY ESTABLISHED 1830. STANDARD SCALES MADE WITH THE LATEST AND MOST VALUABLE IMPROVE- MENTS, AND ADAPTED TO ALL REQUIRED USES. Barrows, Warehouse Trucks, Grain Wagons, Improved Money Drawers, &c. FAIRBANKS, MORSE &, CO. T/^TjTCS fe Jr.KJHU>Jk S LEMON SUGAR, The only kind made from the Fruit. &. *X ** o<^, ^; X^ ^ ^.e* PU ;^ v 201 8f 203 SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. 3 i o NOI\TH SECOND STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. 122 TREET, CINCINNATI, O. From the "Chicago Advance" June ^th, 1873. "HOUSEHOLD WORDS." Prominent among Chicago establishments is the new manufactory of STEEI.E & PRICE, 201 and 203 South Water Street, corner of Fifth Avenue, where articles indis- pensable to all good housewives are prepared. We refer to the celebrated Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and Special Flavoring; Extracts, which have become, truly, household words, and are indispensable articles in every family. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the leading baking powder in this country, and has acquired its extended reputation from its perfect purity and wholesomeness j while Dr. Price's Flavoring Extracts are acknowledged three times the strength of those ordinarily sold, and are true to their names the most delicious, delicate flavors ever made. The United States government indorse the claims of this establishment for purity, strength, and excellence of its productions, by giving the house large orders to meet the wants at the various military posts. The motto of this house is : No adulteration : no deception ; full measure : anj every article of the highest excellence. If reliable articles in this line are wanted, they can be found at Steele & Price's Laboratory, which is, without doubt, the largest of its kind in the world. 61 M T3 S. 25" - v Z -5-0 S o 2 H .SM u 3 n ^ 2 l!] 4) rt E S'5. v x rt i <-> rt 8s rt ti Q "I ^ - u > 1^ o " O 5 ft u W E x U .oo^u _-o n o - 6 i- i ^* ri 8^11^1 - oi ro O Co * S S-S- 62 ESTABLISHED 1854. CHAMBER OF COMM D. W. IRWIN & Co MERCHANT No. 2 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, O. W. IKWIX. H. C. RE\V. A. \V. GREEN. CHICAGO. Grain, Flour and Provisions Bought and Shipped on orders or Carried on Margins in the Chicago Market. 64 OODS ! 69 i] ESTABLISHED 1855. I c-h o o> ENGINE AND CONDUCTING HOSE We represent the oldest and most extensive Manufacturers in the United States, and keep at all times on hand the best and largest Stock of these Goods of any House West of New York. We also have manufactured specially, the best Duality of FIRE ENGINE HOSE, And every variety of RUBBER GOODS, all at Eastern Prices. HALLO CK & WHEELER, 169 Randolph St., Chicago. SHOLES & GLIDDEN'S TYPE-WRITER. WESTERN ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO., Agents. See Page 74. Kxterior View of Telr^ra]ih Col 'atunwl jj/eleqmyh (frotlni c <52) f_5 r^ c?o f T Nos. 157 & 159 La Salle Street, Chicago, 111. READING JELEGF^APH COLLEGE IN THE COUNTRY. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR. E, PAYS ON PQRTER, Proprietor. TYPE WRITER. . (./ PE Steam & Gas Filters JACOB A. WOOLIORF, Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Foreign TRADE XH.A.FIK. No. 123 SOUTH CLARK STREET, CHICAGO. FINEST OF Kentucky Bourbon, Rye & Mononeahela W H 1 S K 1 RITCHIE & DUCK, anuflactiirers of! ^llood anil pH|ICl 154 & 155 MICHIGAN AVENUE. o. eT's 'i'* of Teas 39 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. & oo. (KsTABI.IMIKI. 1770.) Manufacturers, Importers, Paints, Colors, Varnishes, Artists Materials 21 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO. C. H. Cl'TLER, Resident J'nrtner. JTOYES In Tinfoil Air-Tight Packages.