& 14GS . C3UM SuJU)tU STATE OF ILLINOIS ADLAI E. STEVENSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION NOBLE J. PUFFER, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR NO. 150 PROSPECTS FOR OIL DISCOVERIES IN ILLINOIS BEYOND PROVEN AREAS AND FROM DEEPER HORIZONS By ALFRED H. BELL and M. M. LEIGHTON Preprint of paper presented at the Spring Meeting of the Eastern District, Division of Production, American Petroleum Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa., April 29, 1949 ^ ',° PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1949 ■ ".: I ' '!<".!< l:\ -.IIIIVI ,' 3 3051 00004 6163 Paper 82o-20-G (1) PROSPECTS FOR OIL DISCOVERIES IN ILLINOIS BEYOND PROVEN AREAS AND FROM DEEPER HORIZONS Alfred H. Bell 1 M. M. Leighton 2 Introduction In this discussion of prospects for oil discoveries beyond proven areas we have reference mainly to new pools that are five miles or more f rom l previous productive areas. Therefore it omits a large area in the Illinois basin where oil pools are already closely spaced, except for considering the possibility of deeper production. Based on developments in recent years, it is believed that the best possibilities for important new discoveries in Illinois are as follows: (1) Silurian coral reef production, like that in the Marine pool in Madison County, in a belt extending northeastward from Marine to the LaSalle anticlinal belt in Champaign and Douglas counties. (2) Rosiclare sandstone production on favorable structures in the general region around the newly discovered Assumption and Assumption North pools, Christian County. This includes Christian, Shelby, and parts of Moul- trie, Macon, Sangamon, and Montgomery counties. (3) Devonian limestone production on favorable structures in the north- ern part of the Illinois basin (encouraged by the recent discovery of Devonian production in Assumption and Assumption North pools, Christian County, Illinois and the Wilfred pool, Sullivan County, and Springhill pool, Vigo County, in Indiana) „ (4) Fault zone production, like that in the Slaughters pool, Kentucky, in an east-west belt along the Cottage Grove Shawneet own-Rough Creek fault system across parts of Gallatin, Saline, Williamson and Jackson counties. (5) Strati graphic traps on the west flank of the LaSalle anticlinal belt in Coles, Cumberland, Jasper, Crawford, and Lawrence counties. (6) Pre-St. Peter formations in the basin. These are almost wholly untested and their possibilities are unknown. They will be more expensive to test but might contain large oil accumulations. Historical Illinois has had two noteworthy periods of oil development, the first, beginning in I905, resulted in a production peak of 33>^86,000 barrels in the year 1908. The second, beginning in 1937* resulted in a production peak of (1) Geologist and Head, Oil and Gas Division, Illinois State Geol. Survey, Urbana, 111. (2) Chief, Illinois State Geol. Survey Urbana, Illinois Page 2 Paper 826-20-G (l) 147,647*000 barrels in 1940 (see fig. 1). Since 1940* annual production has declined to 64,639,000 barrels in 194^ ov approximately 45 percent of the 1940 rate. The present production rate may be maintained or raised by two means: (l) secondary recovery, and (2) new discoveries. It is with the second of these that this paper is concerned. Except for methane gas produced from the Pleistocene glacial deposits, Illinois oil and gas comes from Paleozoic rocks. Of the six Paleozoic sys- tems present in the area, one - the Mississippian - has produced about three fourths of the total oil. The Pennsylvanian system has produced about one- fifth of the total, and nearly all of this was from the old Southeastern Illinois field, mainly in Clark, Crawford, and Lawrence counties. The De- vonian system has produced about five percent of the total, the Silurian 3/l0 percent and the Orodvician 6/l0 percent. Up to 1949> tiie Cambrian has pro- duced no oil in Illinois. A geologic column for the southern Illinois oil producing region is shown in figure 2, on which oil producing formations are shown by symbols. A simplified geologic map of the Eastern Interior basin and surround- ing region is shown in figure 3 which also shows the location of the Marine pool and major structural features. Marine pool Madison County and its significance The Marine pool, Madison County, Illinois, located on the west side of the basin about 25 miles northeast of St. Louis, was discovered in July 1943 following seismograph and gravity surveys. The oil reservoir is a Silurian coral reef and is the first one of its kind to produce oil in Illinois. Figure 4 is a diagrammatic cross-section of the Marine pool reef. '3) Up to the end of 194^> "the Marine pool had produced 4,683,000 barrels of oil. During December 194$ it produced at the average daily rate of 2899 barrels from 142 wells, an average of yQ barrels per well per day. Published reports describe the geology and development of the Marine pool.* 3 > '4' In the earlier report (1946), Lowenstam and DuBois stated, "The dis- covery of a Niagaran reef at Marine, far removed from the reef belt which fringes the Michigan basin and the reef cluster in northwestern Illinois and Iowa, appears to be significant. The size of the Marine reef, at least as large as that of any other known Niagaran reef, suggests that the Niagaran deposits adjacent to the Ozark upland are potentially sites of other reefs, and as such have additional oil potentialities. It is not known at present whether the Marine reef is isolated or is part of a reef belt. It seems at least possible that it may be connected by a series of reefs to the known area of reef development in the north." (3) Lowenstam, H. A., and DuBois, E. P., Marine Pool, Madison County; Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv, 114, fig. 10, p. 23, 1946. (4) Lowenstam, H. A., Marine Pool, Madison County, Illinois, Silurian Reef Producer: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept, Inv. 131, 1948. Page 3 Paper 826-20-G (1) In the report published in 194^ Lowenstam said, "Niagaran reef rock has been cored near Arthur, Moultrie County, Illinois, and near Covington, Fountain County, Indiana. These previously unknown reef occurrences suggest a reef belt lying south of the Michigan basin belt or linking that belt to the Ozark border." Since the publication of Report of Investigations 131, in 1948, a new oil producing Silurian coral reef has been discovered in the McKinley pool in Washington County, Illinois, which formerly produced only from the Benoist sandstone in the Chester series. There is also evidence that the Sandoval oil pool, Marion County, Illinois, overlies a Silurian coral reef which was responsible for the oil accumulation in the Devonian limestone and perhaps also in the Benoist sand through upward migration. The area considered to have the best possibilities for oil in Niagaran reefs is shown in figure 5. A regional study of the occurrence of Silurian coral reefs with special reference to oil prospecting has been made by Dr. Lowenstam and a report is being prepared for early publication. Assumption and Assumption North pools, Christian County, and their significance As one goes north from the deep basin area, the oil producing sands become fewer and thinner. Thus in the Mattoon pool in Coles County there are good pay sands in the Cypress (15 feet average thickness) and Rosiclare (10 feet average thickness), but 10 miles north in the Cooks Mills pool the sands have become thin and tight, and although some oil is present there is only small production. The discovery of excellent Rosiclare sandstone pro- duction in the Assumption North pool about 35 miles west of Cooks Mills makes the prospects for additional Rosiclare production on favorable structures in the general region seem much better than it did. There is also some production from the Bethel sandstone and Devonian limestone in the Assumption area. The area considered to have good prospects for Rosiclare sandstone production on favorable structures is outlined in figure 6. The discovery of oil production from Devonian limestone in the Assump- tion and Assumption North pools, Christian County, is a northward extension of the region in which Devonian limestone oil has been produced commercially in Illinois. Some oil was found in about G or 8 wells that were drilled be- tween 1922 and I924 just north of Decatur in Macon County, but it was not commercial. The recent discoveries suggest the possibility of other oil pools in the Devonian limestone in the vicinity (western stippled area in figure r f). Two oil discoveries in Devonian limestone in western Indiana in 194^ - Springhill in Vigo County and Wilfred in Sullivan County - have revived in- terest in Devonian possibilities in an area extending into Illinois (eastern stippled area in figure 7). Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/prospectsforoild150bell Page 4 Paper 82o-20-G (l) Fault zone possibilities along Shawneetown and Cottage Grove faulted belt A major fault zone called the Shawnee town-Rough Creek fault zone ex- tends about l^O miles in an approximate east-west direction in the southern part of the Eastern Interior basin in southern Illinois and Kentucky. West- ward from the end of the Shawneetown fault in Illinois, tht Cottage Grove fault and related faults constitute a fault zone which approximately lines up with the Shawnee town- Rough Creek fault zone and extends west as far as Duquoin. The northern edge of the highly faulted zone has in the past been considered the approximate southern boundary of the area of best oil possi- bilities in Illinois, and up to date all of the oil pools in Illinois are north of it. The discovery in 1%7 of the Slaughters oil pool in Webster County, Kentucky, located just south of the Shawnee town- Rough Creek fault zone and about 30 miles from the Illinois-Kentucky boundary, suggests that oil pools similarly located with respect to structure should be sought in Illinois. The territory considered to have possibilities for this type of oil occur- rence is shown in figure 8. West flank of LaSalle anticlinal belt On the steeply dipping west flank of the LaSalle anticlinal belt in a strip about five miles wide and 100 miles long (see figure 9)> there are possibilities for oil production from porous lenses of sandstone or limestone wedging out eastward against the anticline. Some small areas of production from Ste. Genevieve limestone in Lawrence County, for example, the Ruark and Sumner pools are of this type. Some exploratory drilling has been done but much more will be necessary to determine whether or not such stratigraphic traps are present. Oil possibilities of strata below St. Peter sandstone The sedimentary strata from the St. Peter sandstone down to the pre- Cambrian, which are estimated to have a maximum thickness of 4- 000 to 5 000 feet, have not yet been tested in the greater part of the Illinois basin. A line on the map in figure 10 divides Illinois into two parts ; in the northern part pre-St. Peter oil prospects are considered improbable, the southern part they are considered possible. In northeastern Illinois hundreds of wells - mostly water wells but also some oil tests - have been drilled into the Lower Ordovician and Cambrian strata without finding oil except for rare oil shows reported by drillers. Many porous strata in this area contain fresh or slight- ly brackish waters. Although fewer wells have been drilled in northwestern and west central Illinois the same results have been obtained. In the southern area only about 25 wells have been drilled as deep as the St. Peter sandstone, and only l6 go below the St. Peter. The fact that oil is produced from strata of equivalent age both to the west (Arbuckle limestone production in Oklahoma) and to the east (Knox dolomite production in Kentucky) suggests that the pre-St. Peter strata have oil possibilities in Illinois. However the greater expense of drilling to test the whole of the Page 5 Paper 82o-20-G (1) sedimentary series in the Illinois basin, resulting from depths of as much as if oSo or I 2 ,000 feet, has deterred such prospecting up to date, especially while new discoveries 'continue to be made at depths of less than 4 000 feet. List of Illustrations Fig. 1. Bar chart of annual oil production in Illinois 1936-I948 incl. FiS 2. Generalized geologic column for southern Illinois oil region showing principal oil producing formations. Fig. 3. Simplified geologic map of Eastern Interior basin and surround- ing region (Illinois State Geol. Survey, R. I. I3I, fl S- x » P. 154). Fig A. Diagrammatic cross-section of Marine pool reef (Illinois State Geol. Survey, R. I. 114. fi e- 10 » *• 2 3 ] '• Fig. 5. Area of best possibilities for oil in Niagaran reefs. Fig. 6. Prospective area for Rosiclare sandstone production on fav-' orable structure. Fig 7 Prospective areas for Devonian limestone production on fav- orable structures as suggested by recent discoveries. Fig 8 Area of possible fault-zone pools along Cottage Grove and ' Shawneetown fault zones, based on recent discovery of Slaughters pool, Webster County, Kentucky, in Rough Creek fault zone. Fig. 3. Area of possible stratigraphic-trap pools on west flank of LaSalle anticlinal belt. Fig. 10. Area having oil possibilities in OrdovIciMf J^f^f ' Peter and Cambrian system The northern part of the State has many wells (not shown) that penetrate pre-St Peter strata, but all known pre-St. Peter wells that are in and near the possible oil area are included. MILLIONS OF BBLS. 160,— ILLINOIS OIL PRODUCTION 1936-1948 in.. 1936 1938 1940 1942 1944 1946 1948 FIGURE-I 2 O °=- CC n3iho na 3IUIVdd NVIXIOdO IS Nviuawvo e> en w°°o if) cc . (/) O^JZ (/) o_G < ±0 UJ , UJ3 > zquq: t-x< |u _ UJCC-I CL ?h2 X -J < W <^ < _| < O >- h- OXOO Q.QDCC < • 1 * *, * • • n dnOH9 dO S3I&3S ! 0H09SNV31 3W 3TVaN09dV0 d3±VM30Vdl -3T1IAA3SVD NVINVAlASNN3d NVIddlSSISSIVM FIGURE-2 □ p< □ pi E3p, FIGURE-3 I LU (Z ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FIGURE-5 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FIGURE-6 SPRINGHILL lO°° CONTOUR ON TOP OF DEVONIAN-SILURIAN LIMESTONE DATUM SEA LEVEL 20 40 60 MILES ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FIGURE — 7 SLAUGHTERS POOL 20 40 60 MILES ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FIGURE — 8 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FIGURE-9 KEY WELLS TO LOWER ORDOVICIAN AND CAMBRIAN ®TO PRE-CAMBRIAN •BELOW ST. PETER LOWEST FORMATIONS TESTED ORDOVICIAN SYSTEM S SHAKOPEE N NEW RICHMOND ONEOTA CAMBRIAN SYSTEM T TREMPEALEAU F FRANCONIA E EAU CLAIRE M MT SIMON 20 40 60 MILES ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FIGURE-IO