URBANA a A ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00000 1481 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/waterresourcesof05bowm ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. BULLETIN No. 5. Water Resources of the East St. Louis District BY ISAIAH BOWMAN ASSISTED BY CHESTER ALBERT REEDS Urbana University of Illinois 1907 SPRINGFIELD: Phillips Bros., State Printers. 1 907 we ST / RECEIVED ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY V. STATE GEOLOGICAL COMMISSION. Governor C. S. Deneen, Chairman. Professor T. C. Chamberlin, Vice Chairman. President Edmund J. James, Secretary. H. Foster Bain, Director. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. List of illustrations VIII Letter of transmittal IX Introduction (By Isaiah Bowman) 1 Nature of hydrologic investigations 1 Location and extent of the East St. Louis district 2 Manufacturing interests '. 3 Acknowledgements 3 Plan of report 3 Economic features (By Isaiah Bowman) 4 East St. Louis as a manufacturing site 4 Determination of sites 4 Basic points in railroad transportation 4 Bridge monopoly 5 Transportation rates across the Mississippi 5 Land values and business facilities '. . 6 Topographic features (By Isaiah Bowman) 6 Topographic subdivisions 6 Mississippi flood-plain 7 Origin and development 7 Upland district 9 Characteristic features 9 General effect on ground water 9 Valley development on margin of upland in relation to reservoir sites 9 Features of the Karst : . 10 Sink holes and caves '...'... 10 Combinations of normal and Karst topography 11 Hydrographic features (by Chester A. Reeds 13 General 13 Streams in arid and humid climates compared. . . . 4 13 Classification of drainage systems ; ' 13 Description of drainage systems 13 Wood river ■. 13 Upland section : 13 Flood plain section 14 Cahokia creek 14 Upland section . 14 Flood plain section 14 Prairie du Pont creek 16 Upland section 16 Flood plain section . . . 4 16 Mississippi river 17 Silver and Richland creeks 18 Geologic features (by Chester A. Reeds) 18 Introductory note 18 Geologic formations 19 General statement 19 Ordovician 19 St. Peters sandstone 19 Stones river limestone 20 Trenton limestone 20 Richmond limestone and shales : 20 Silurian 21 Niagara limestone 21 Devonian 21 Mississippian 22 Kinderhook shales and sandstones • 22 Osage limestones 22 Meramec limestones 22 VI Table of Contents — Continued. Tage. Pennsylvania]! 23 Coal measures ' 23 . Pleistocene 25 Till 25 Loess . 26 Recent alluvial deposits 27 Mississippi river 27 Tributary streams 28 Surface sources of water supply (by Isaiah Bowman) 29 Use of rainwater 29 Cisterns 29 Construction -. 29 Use and advantages 29 Recommendations 29 Water supply from springs and streams 30 Springs 30 Distribution 30 Utilization of spring water . .■ 30 Streams , 31 General statement 31 Mississippi river water 31 Difficulties in utilizing 31 Popular view of availability 31 Pipe line to the river 31 Problems of system, as illustrated by City Water Co 32 Granite City pumping station 32 Location '„ . . . : . 32 Difficulties of maintenance, shifting sands 32 East St. Louis pumping station 33 Location 33 River connections 33 Difficulties of maintenance 34 Cleansing processes 35 Conclusion 37 Water supply from tributary streams 37 General statement 37 Sources of pollution 38 Varying turbidity 38 Water supply from lakes and reservoirs 39 Lakes 39 Position and characteristics 39 Present use 39 Character 39 Future use 40 Conclusion 40 Reservoirs 40 * Present use 40 Waterloo system , 41 Recommendations 41 Contamination through pond water 42 Conclusion . , 42 Underground sources of water supply (by Isaiah Bowman) 43 Water resources of the Mississippi flood plain 43 Special features of location 43 Underground drainage 43 Direction of movement 43 Level of the water table 44 Relation to the Mississippi 44 Effect of innundations 46 Effect of rainfall 47 Accretions from the upland ground water 47 Conclusion 48 Occurrence and recovery of the ground water 48 Occurrence 49 Recovery 49 Conclusion 50 Water resources of the karst 50 Difference between ground water and karst waters, in relation to success of wells 50 Uncertainty of supplies in karsted regions 51 Springs of karsted regions 52 Falling spring 52 Location and relations 52 Improvements 53 Turbidity of water after rain 53 Travertine deposits at exit 53 Varying quality of water 53 VII Table of Contents — Continued. Page. Wells of karstcd regions 54 Turbidity of well water in the karst 54 Contamination of karst water 54 Conclusion 55 Water resources of deeper horigons 55 Artesian conditions 55 Flowing wells 55 Non-flowing wells 56 Catchment area , . 56 Quality : 56 Deep artesian wells as a source of pollution 56 General statement 56 Illustrations of unfavorable conditions 56 Relations of different water horizons 57 Defective casing 57 Longevity of casing 57 State law regarding the problem 58 Specific cases of pollution 58 Saginaw, Michigan • 58 Dallas, Texas 59 Recommendations 60 The loess and drift waters. 60 • Source 60 Disposition in response to structure 60 City and village water suppplies and systems (by Chester A. Reeds) 62 Belleville 62 Edwardsville 65 Plant 65 Mains . . 66 Water tower 66 Cost 67 Water 67 Sources of supply 67 Collinsville 68 Caseyville -....- 69 Alton 69 East Alton 70 Glen Carbon 71 East Carondolet 72 O'Fallon 72 Mitchell i 72 Nameoki 73 East St. Louis 73 Granite City 73 Analyses and well sections 73 Analyses 73 Mineral analyses 74 Sanitary analyses 78 Well sections and miscellaneous 1 00 Summary of conclusions 118 Conclusions regarding surface sources of water supply 118 Conclusions regarding underground sources of water supply 11'9 VJ1I LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Plates. Page. 1. (a) Impounded headwater drainage, showing dam and reservoir one and one- half miles south of Sparta. Conditions similar to those U ascribed on page 10. (b) General view of Karst topography, four miles south of Stolle, showing numerous sink holes and absence of trunk drainage at the surface 10 2. Artificial drainage of higher obstructed sink hole into lower, having good underground connection. Locality, one mile east of Falling Spring 12 3. (a.) Upper reservoir of the Waterloo public water system. (b) Failing Spring, showing exit of underground stream at a point half way up the Missis- sippi bluffs and improvements for the use of the water 42 4. Map of the East St. Louis district, showing topography, drainage, culture and well locations 120 Figures. 1. Expressing combination of karst and normal topography, two miles south of Burksville station. The stream runs on a small tract of Chester sand- stone and disappears in a sink hole as soon as it reaches the karsted St. Louis limestone 12 2. Geological section across the southern part of the East St. Louis district, from east to west through Mascoutah, 111., to Jefferson Barracks, Mo. ... 24 3. Geological section from east to west across the central part of the East St. Louis district, twelve miles east of Collinsville, 111., to eight miles west of the Mississippi river, through the northern part of St. Louis, Mo. 25 4. Diagram to show the heterogeneous character of the alluvial deposits, after Todd (Bull. 158, U. S. Geol. Surv.) 27 5. Cabaret Island and Granite City pumping station of the City Water Co ... . 32 6. Cone strainer of fine mesh in suction main ; City Water Co. of East St. Louis 34 7. Sand filter employed by the City Water Co. of East St. Louis and Granite City in purifying river water 36 8. Section in East St. Louis, showing slope of ground water toward the Mis- sissippi river 45 9. Profile across upland bluffs one mile south of Peters, showing surface of ground water in relation to topography 41 10. Edwardsville pumping station, at Poag. 66 11 . Pumping station at Alton 70 IX State Geological Survey, University of Illinois, Urban a, March i, 1907. Governor C. S. Deneen, Chairman, and Members of the Geological Commission: Gentlemen — I submit herewith a report upon the water resources of the East St. Iibuis district, prepared by Mr. Isaiah Bowman of Yale University, assisted by Mr. Chester A. Reeds. This report is one of the results of the cooperative studies of the .water resources of the State now being carried on by the State Geological Survey, the State Water Survey, the Engineering Experiment Station, and the United States Geological Survey. Originally it was planned that this particu- lar work should be undertaken jointly by the State Geological Survey and the United States Geological Survey. It was accordingly begun by Mr. t Bowman as assistant hydrologist, acting under orders of Mr. M. L. Fuller, chief of the eastern section, Division of Hydrology. Later it was found better to treat the work as a portion of the general cooper- ative work on the waters of Illinois, and the direction of the work was accordingly transferred to the State Geological Survey. Dr. Edward Bartow, consulting chemist to the survey, and director of the State Water Survey, has furnished a large number of the analyses used in this report, and has read and criticised portions of the manuscript. It is not generally appreciated to what an extent the plants which con- tribute to the industrial importance of St. Louis are located east of the Mississippi in Illinois. For reasons, partly natural and partly artificial, which Mr. Bowman indicates, a very large number of the most import- ant industries are located on the great level plain which forms the larger part of the East St. Louis district. In any manufacturing com- munity an adequate supply of water for municipal and industrial pur- pises is of first importance. The rapid growth of this particular area and the great variety of industries present has seemed to warrant this special study. In the report an attempt is made to throw such light as the hydrologist may on the general water problems of the district. The specific problems of each vil f ,ge and city and of the individual indus- tries are not here considered. These necessarily demand more detailed study than an officer acting for the State can be expected to give. Further studies of the boiler waters of this and other areas in the State —E.G. are now under way as a portion of the general cooperative work already mentioned. Their results will probably be published in the bulletins of the Engineering Experiment Station and the State Water Survey. In the prosecution of this investigation assistance has been received from many sources which are in the main acknowledged in the text. To those mentioned and to the many others who gave time and effort to the work I beg to express the thanks of the survey. Very respectfully, H. Foster Bain, Director. WATER RESOURCES OF THE EAST ST. LOUIS DISTRICT. By Isaiah Bowman, Assisted by Chester Albert Reeds. INTRODUCTION. By Isaiah Bowman. Nature of hydrologic investigation. It seems necessary in this place to indicate briefly the nature of hydrologic investigations and the importance in a study of water supply of physiographic and geologic data. The point of first importance is the occurrence of potable water, whether in the form of' springs, streams, lakes, artificial and natural ponds, wells, etc. The person desiring water wishes to know where he can find it and in what amount. He wishes to know the chemistry of the water, whether it is pure and safe ; and, if it is desired for boiler purposes, whether it will scale a boiler or whether it must be treated with a compound before it can be so used. The best manner of obtain- ing the water must also be known, the style of well drilling rig best suited to the given depth and the geologic conditions of the region. Data as to cost are also desirable, but are most difficult to obtain. If the water supply is from streams it will be necessary to study the regime of the streams in question, the rise and fall of the waters, the permanence of sites for water works and reservoirs, and the liability to embarrassment from overflow. On page 31 is begun a discussion of the Mississippi as a source of water supply, and some of the most inter- esting as well as most difficult of the water problems in this district are encountered in the attempt to secure, purify and deliver river water. If the supply is from ponds or lakes the protection of the watershed is of paramount interest, and of great interest also is the effect on the quality of the water of the rank vegetation sometimes found in ponds where the water is too stagnant to be kept free from grasses and weeds. The importance of geologic and physiographic data in determination of water supply must be recognized. The occurrence, quanity and quality of underground water supplies depend primarily upon geologic conditions. The texture of the rock will determine in part the amount of the water, and the mineral composition of the rock will affect the quality of the supplies. Since the structural interpretations are some- times dependent upon paleontologic data this branch of science is also serviceable at times. Facts of this kind have been used to good advant- Z WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST.. LOUIS. [bull. 5 age in several places' in this report. Physiographic studies are fre- quently of vital importance in this field, as the topography determines to such a large extent the head of the water and the extent of the catchment area. This is particularly true of shallow supplies where the form and ever-changing position of the water table reflect the surface features, including the drainage. In the discussion and interpretation of data of the kind commonly considered in this report it should be constantly borne in mind that whatever other qualities they possess, such discussions or conclusions are based upon evidence with which there must always be associated a certain degree of error. This is inevitable. The physicist or chemist dealing .with precise measurements and accurately determined condi- tions may state with assurance the result of experiment or calculation. Likewise the field geologist in mapping outcrops and sketching sections deals directly with his subject; acquires information first hand. The hydrologist, on the other hand, acquires much of his information through a class of men, oftentimes unscientific, and these, standing be- tween the fact and its interpreter, lend a certain inaccuracy to a state- ment of fact in a report. This is by no means usually intentional or even conscious, but the natural consequence of defective memory often slightly reinforced by preference for a familiar interpretation. Thus a well driller or well owner without a written record of a well section gives from memory an approximate section, and both the suc- cession of beds constituting the section and the depths at which they occur may vary somewhat from the fact. Further than this, there is no possible way to determine the precise depths of formations in a bore hole other than by cleaning out the hole thoroughly and getting a sample from the bottom. In ordinary drilling this is not practiced and the drillings from one formation are mixed with the next lower one. It will be observed that for the usual purposes of the hydrologist no such refined measurements as the above criticism implies are necessary, but errors arising from lapses in memory are oftentimes serious. There is also considerable variations among drillers in the use of such words as sand rock, shale, lime rock, etc. Where records are supplied from memory they must be carefully checked, both as to depths and rock quality, by more trustworthy records. The point of the whole matter is the necessity for a conservative estimate of the worth of each contributor's testimony and for diligent inquiry for reliable and conclusive evidence in which there is the mini- mum of error. It is this point of view that the author has steadfastly maintained in the collection of the facts set forth in the following pages. Many of the conclusions are based on direct evidence ; those based on less reliable evidence are stated in conservative form. It is hoped that this method will prevent error in the practical application of the results. Location and extent of the East St. Louis district. The East St. Louis district of Illinois, as the term is used in this report, includes the city of East St. Louis and that part of the surrounding territory that lies within what is known locally as the terminal limit, or the yard limits of the Terminal Railroad Association. As thus defined the dis- bowman.] ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 6 trict is limited on the west by the Mississippi river and on the east by the towns, Belleville and Edwardsville. Among the 'arger towns lying within the area may be mentioned Alton, Granite City, Madison, Collinsville, O'Fallon and East Carondelet. The boundaries of the district do not conform to county or town boundaries, but follow an irregular course. Manufacturing interests. In this district there has been a rapid growth in manufactures in recent years and a corresponding growth of interest in the problems of water supply. Today the problem which confronts the manufacturer is of most serious proportions, and every- where; the writers found the keenest interest in the activities of the State Survey in this direction, and an earnest desire to assist the work in every possible manner. Acknowledgements. It is, therefore, with great pleasure that acknowledgment is here made of assistance given by well owners in this vicinity. Competition in industrial life is of such a character that any data obtained from experiments are carefully guarded by the ex- perimenter, and a rival company is obliged to go to the expense and trouble of repeating the experiment if it desires the information. The East St. Louis district offers many examples of this kind in connec- tion with the development of untried sources of water supply. It was with unusual satisfaction that these men saw the problem undertaken by the State Survey, and information which had been jealously guarded for years was cordially placed at our disposal. It was recog- nized that our recommendations would be valuable in strict proportion to the completeness with which the data were gathered. The State is an impartial collector and adviser, and in a problem of such vital and practical interest can offer a reasonable solution only when all the witnesses in the case are impartial and helpful. Acknowledgement is made on different pages of special assistance, the complete list being too long to include here. It is desired especially to acknowledge the cooperation of the U. S. Geological Survey in this work. As originally planned the study was to be conducted by both the State and the national surveys, the results to be published in a water supply and irrigation paper. The funds available for hydrographic work by the U. S. Geological Survey were not sufficient to allow further cooperation with the State Geological Survey of Illinois, and on June 20th, 1906, the former arrangement was terminated, the U. S. Geological Survey, acting through Mr. M. L. Fuller, chief of the eastern section of the Division of Hydrology, generously placing all data acquired up to that date in the hands of the State. No change was made in the personnel of the field party in charge of Mr. Bowman, the work being continued uniformly until July 25th. Plan of report. Attention is called to the two-fold character of this report. In the first place it deals with the present hvdrographic condi- tions in the district, each source of water supplv being described in details as to quality, amount, availability, etc., and in the second place, it makes certain recommendations based on the facts in the case and the lessons of former experience in water problems. It is believed 4 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. Lbull. 5 that the former will be of practical interest in the actual tapping of a given source; and it is believed that the latter will be useful to any well owner who finds himself confronted by any one of the several difficult situations noted in the following pages. ECONOMIC FEATURES. (By Isiah Bowman.) East St. Louis as a manufacturing site. Many physical conditions lead to the embarrassment of the East St. Louis manufacturer. Foun- dation sites are always poor, the grounds and buildings are often inun- dated at high water, and the securing of an adequate and cheap supply of water is oftentimes rendered exceedingly difficult. The layman is, therefore, led to inquire why the site is not abandoned and manufac- turing plants located nearer the center of the city and the homes of the workmen. The answer to this query is found in an economic situation, unique in that it transcends every other condition, physical or political, in this section of the country. Determination of sites. To understand the situation it is necessary to turn to a problem in transportation, and if this does not seem to be germane to the question of water supply, it is only necessary to recall that manufacturing sites are located in given places, usually not for one but for several reasons among which there may be a certain in- compatibility requiring adjustment. If a sufficient number of condi- tions are favorable a site is selected accordingly, the manufacturer seeking to amend the less favorable conditions to the point of tolera- tion. One cannot in the present instance adequately understand the seriousness of the water problems without recognizing how serious are the conditions which demand that the sites for these great plants shall be located on the east and not the west side of the Mississippi. Basic points in railroad transportation. In the organization of any railway system the problem of freight charges is commonly solved by referring the shipments to what are known as basic points. That is to say, suppose a railroad runs from Minneapolis to New York md passes through Chicago and Pittsburg. These four cities might then become basic points, with the result that three separate shipments of flour from Minneapolis to each of the other three cities would be charged separate rates, and these rates and not proportionate rates would be charged on all freight to intermediate points. Consequently the cost of a shipment of flour to any point east of Chicago and west of Pittsburg would equal the cost of shipments to the latter city, although the distance might be several hundred miles shorter. Rail- road men contend that the enormous expenses attendant on the pur- chase of land in the large cities and the erection of terminal stations, freight sheds, main tracks, switches, etc., must be paid for either by the excess noted above or by the introduction of considerably higher rates over their entire lines. The former is certainly the easier way from the standpoint of the railroad ; and as the largest shipments and bowman.] ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. 5 therefore the keenest competition occurs between the large cities, it is clear that the latter expedient would involve the management in one of the gravest difficulties of transportation. It is not our purpose to discuss this question from either the legal or the equitable standpoint; we shall merely describe the practice and its application to the district under consideration. In the early development of the railway system in the St. Louis district East St. Louis and not St. Louis was made the basic point for shipments and has remained the reference point up to the present. In making shipments to St. Louis from eastern points a certain rate is charged to East St. Louis, and transhipment to St. Louis involves the shipper in the same expense he would incur by shipment to the next western basic point. Bridge Monoply. The above condition is coupled in the minds of residents of this district with the alleged fact that the St. Louis and East St. Louis terminals are managed by a monopoly or combination of the thirteen or more leading railroads which enter the city. As these railroads under the name of the Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis own and control the Eads bridge and are being asked by the U. S. Government to disprove ownership of the Merchant's bridge, and further, as these are the only two bridges across the Mississippi river at this point, it will be seen that the conditions seem to operate to a certain extent to restrain trade from crossing the river. Public opinion in regard to the situation has been adverse to the railroads, and the St. Louis representatives in Congress secured the passage in June, 1905, of the Hunt bill, which authorizes the city of St. Louis to construct a so-called free bridge across the Mississippi, which can be used without the payment of a toll, as at present, or the payment of an additional fare on street cars. Transportation rates across the Mississippi. The actual working of the transportation system as at present organized means* that every loaded car crossing either the Ead or the Merchants' bridge into St. Louis pays a to-1 of $5.00, for every ton of coal burned in St. Louis costs the user 30 cents more than on the east side of the river, this amount being the toll on every ton of coal passing over the bridges. The word "toll" as used above is the designation of the citizens of this city ; the railroad people call it freight — the ordinary cost of ship- ment beyond a basic point. Coming still closer to the problem of the manufacturer it is seen that where, as in one instance, 400 to 450 tons of coal are consumed daily by a single manufacturing firm, the extra cost per day, were the plant located in St. Louis, would be $120.00 or more, or an excess of $30,000 per annum on coal alone. The iron and steel works get their raw materials from the eastern side of the river, and coal .is mined almost within sight of these works. Furthermore, a part of the manufactured product, sometimes the larger part, is marketed in the eastern or middle states, and a location in St. Louis would mean the payment of large sums on both the raw and the refined products. Fven when, as in one or two instances, the greater part of the manu- factured product is shipped to western points, the saving on the D WATER EESOUECES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 difference in weight of the crude and the refined product, plus the saving on coal, tends to keep the manufacturer on the east side of the river. Land values and business facilities. Manufacturing interests assert that it is this condition relative to transportation that has resulted in their centralization at East St. Louis. The lower cost of land on the more thinly populated flood-plain of the Mississippi has been a favor- able but not a determining condition. Location near a great city has resulted in the easy acquisition of ordinary business facilities — the telephone, telegraph, newspapers, etc. Through the enterprise of manufacturers and other citizens, well built towns have grown up rapidly, so that, for the most part, workmen live near their work. As previously pointed out, the site is not ideal, involving as it does, damage from flood and insecure foundations. It is not, therefore, ordinary business growth that is exemplified in East St. Louis. It' is distinctly a growth dependent on a combination of economic and physi- cal conditions, operating in such a manner as to make the Mississippi a barrier to. manufacturing interests, holding them on the east side, which, economically considered, is the better, but, physically consid- ered, is decidedly the poorer. Finding himself in this location, the manufacturer turns to the less favorable conditions and seeks to ameliorate them. One of the first of these is that of water supply, to which this report is devoted. The hydrographic features of the region will be more readily under- stood from a brief study of the physiographic and geologic features. The manufacturer is not the only one to whom the subject of water supply is of interest. Towns and villages, oftentimes quarrymen, farmers and bottling concerns are affected by water conditions, and some of our recommendations may be of service to municipal authori- ties seeking to improve either the amount or quality of municipal sup- plies. TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES. (By Isaiah Bowman.) Topographic subdivisions. The control which topographic fea- tures exercise over the disposition of both surface and ground water is often immediate and dominating. In the East St. Louis district the influence of topography is emphasized by the sharp topographic contrasts displayed between the eastern and the western sections of the area. That part of the district which adjoins the Mississippi river and which lies at an altitude above mean sea level of about 400-420 feet, is known as the flood plain of the Mississippi and is referred to in the reports and on maps of the Mississippi River Commisson as a part of the "Upper Alluvial Valley of the Mississippi." The eastern part of our district will be referred to as the upland portion in contrast to the low- land portion or the flood plain. The boundary between the two por- tions is constituted by what are known as the upland bluffs — the west- ward-facing escarpment which runs irregularly across the area, roughly from north to south, as shown in Plate 4. bowman.] TOPOGEAPHIC FEATURES. The Mississippi Flood Plain. Origin and development. . The topographic and drainage features of the lowland portion of this district may be best described in terms of the origin or genesis of the flood plain. Any meandering stream is at once a constructive and a destructive agent. In swinging from side to side the current of the stream increases the size of the curves and these impinging on the valley sides increase the width of the valley. As a consequence the valley grows constantly, and the marks by which such growth is attained are often very clearly shown in the form of sharp notches in the upland bluff, as viewed in plan, the notches repre- senting meander embayments exactly similar in mode of origin to meander embayments now actively occupied by the river. Such notches may be seen one mile southwest of French Village, one mile south of Centerville and one miles north of Imbs. The last named one is the largest and produces a jog of several miles in the upland bluffs between Stolle and Centerville. In the East St. Louis district the Mississippi is nowhere, except at Alton, actively working on the upland bluffs of Ilinois, its activities in this direction being confined almost exclusively to the western bluffs above and below St. Louis. The broader outlines of the upland bluffs which limit the flood plain on the east, and which play so important a role in the acquisition of water in this region, are therefore to be considered as a function of river action plus the resistance of the rock to stream erosion. As will be shown in later paragraphs, the details of form exhibited by this bluff enter very significantly into certain problems of water supply. These details may be understood from the fact that other agents than the river are at work to modify the outlines of the escarpment. The wash of the rains, the tiny streams which drain the edge of the upland, changes in temperature, the roots of grasses and trees, all combined with that insistent force called gravity tend to the reduction of such steep forms as a river-cut bluff. No sooner then has the river ceased to trim and steepen the sides of its valley, than the sharp outlines of the bluff become fainter, more rapidly where the material is friable, as sand, gravel or loess, less rapidly where it is hard, as compact sandstone or limestone, etc. Thus from Alton southeastward and southwafd as far as Prairie du Pont the upland bluff has been well dissected because the material slumps down quickly, tons of the loess and sand and clay being transported toward the flood plain during every rain storm. The effect of this dissection is seen further in the alternation of the sprawl- ing spurs and the huge a'luvial fans which terminate the upland valleys along the line of the bluff. Since the river has withdrawn itself from the eastern bluffs to its present position, the tributaries on this side have all been lengthened accordingly. The abrupt change in grade from the steepened upland portion to the almost flat lowland portioia has resulted in the deposition of the long and flat alluvial fans which the streams overflow in high water during the wet season or after heavy rains in any season ; or dissect during low water, the streams in some cases running in narrow and deep trenches through the fans they themselves have built. A corresponding diversity in the occurrence and amount of ground supplies is noted on later pages. 8 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 In places where harder rock constitutes the bluff its form as a pro- duct of river trimming has suffered slight changes since abandonment by the river. From Stolle south to the limit of the district a line of almost vertical bluffs exhibit, as shown in Plate 4, a sharp contrast to the part just described. A talus from 30 to 50 feet in height borders the foot of the bluff, but above this the bluff is sheer with outcropping ledges of limestone capped by a sheet of loess varying in thickness from several inches to 15 or 20 feet. At intervals where tiny catchment areas occur in the upland back of the bluff, hills have cut true gorges in the loess, which frequently erodes with vertical face. In the development of curves in a river with an irregular course, the radius of curvature in a given instance decreases steadily as the curve becomes sharper, until a point is reached where a true meander is developed, and from then on any further change is marked by an increase in the radius of curvature * until a cut-off occurs and the meander is abandoned by the river. The process of meander development as described has the further accompaniment of a bodily movement of the curve down stream. In this way the meander exercises a planing action when it is developed in contact with a bluff and trims off the bluff continuously until a cut-off intervenes. It is this feature of planing by downstream movement of the meander, as well as the lateral increase of the meander, that give such notches as occur north of Stolle, and elsewhere, their distinctive character. The material disloged by the outward and downward development of the meander is in part carried to the sea and in part temporarily re- deposited on the flood plain. This process of excavation and redeposi- tion is known as "cut and fill," and to its present activity in this section may be ascribed one of the most serious difficulties encountered in the attempt to utilize river water. It follows from the behavior of a river that no flood plain will be perfectly smooth, but that there will be slight irregularities in cuts and fills due to the varying regime of the river. Here and there will occur bayous or cut-off lakes whose outlines, although partly modified since formation, will still reflect the curve of the meander of which they were once a part. Inborne sediments will accumulate, the bayou will be par- tially silted up and marshy tracts with curved outlines may take the place of standing water. The minor irregularities of the flood plain are very clearly exhibited in many of the maps published by the Mis- sissippi River Commission. (See sheets Nos. 115, 116, 117,, detail map of the upper Mississippi river. Scale, 1 :20,00c Contour interval 3 ft.) The larger features of the bluff and bayou appear in Plate 4. The ir- regular action of the river are treated in the discussion of the geological features of the district. *Isaiah Bowman, Deflection of the Mississippi, Science, N. S., Vol. XX, No. 504, August 26 1904; pp. 273-277. tChamberlin and Salisbury, Geology, Vol I, 1904; p. 183, bowman.] TOPOGEAPHIO FEATURES. V UPLAND DISTRICT. Characteristic features. That part of the upland included in the East St. Louis district lies so near the lowland bordering the Missis- sippi that it is much more fully dissected and therefore uneven than more central portions of the State. The process of dissection has, however, not been carried to the point of maturity — that is to the point where the maximum of slope has been produced — as is shown by the flat and still undissected patches of upland which occur two miles south of Caseyville, one mile northeast of Belleville, and in the vicinity of 'O'Fallon and elsewhere. The last named example well illustrates the encroachment on still undissected portions of the upland of active and steep-sided ravines tributary to the . larger drainage lines. The quality of steepness in minor slopes is quite commonly emphasized in this district by the weathering habit of the loess; and to this quality may be attributed the conservation of a larger portion of the rainfall as ground water than where the material consists of ordinary loose sand and gravel. For while the run-off is more rapid on the steeper slope, this effect is more than counteracted by the larger proportion of level land, both on the undissected portions and in the flat bottomed valleys. As a consequence successful wells may be located nearer the edge of the ravine bluffs and the streams than otherwise. General effect on ground water. This may appear more clearly from the consideration that the surface of the ground water or the water table, follows the trend and direction of the surface drainage; that the slope of the water table is essentially similar to the slope of the surface of the ground, differing from the latter principally in being less steep. The similarity of the contours of the water table to those of the land surface enables one to sketch approximately the lines of under- ground seepage from a contour map of the surface. No fact points more clearly than this to the necessity of a thorough understanding of topographic conditions in arriving at an understand- ing of the occurrence, movement, etc., of ground water supplies. Valley development on margin in relation to reservoir sites. A fea- ture of slope arrangement in the East St. Louis district which lends considerable interest to this view of the case is displayed along the upland bluff. In the process of valley widening as dependent upon the development of the meanders of the Mississippi, many minor tributaries were gradually shortened in an up-stream direction until at last the stream was in some cases betrunked, and the little individual headwater tributaries are now almost, if not quite, isolated. Such a case is ex- hibited east of Centerville at the point where the Illinois Central R. R. ascends the upland bluff. The same feature is recognized at Casey- ville and above Alton Junction. In such cases the grades of these headwater sections are of course steepened to correspond to the lower level enforced by the master stream. This is accomplished by the excavation of large amounts of *Chas. S. Slictiter, ' 'The Motions of Underground Waters." Water Supply nnd Irr. P;iper No. 67. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1902; p. 32. tlbid, p. 33. 10 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 material near the point where the tributary debouches on the flood- plain ; such material being in part accumulated in the form of an alluvial fan stretching forward from the bluff. To the eye of the engineer the mouth of the deepened tributary, with its converging drainage lines, offers a most desirable focus for a dam site and reser- voir (as shown in Fig. A, Plate 2.), and if the water shed can be ade- quately protected from impurities and no legal difficulties are interposed by residents, these localities, or similar ones, are frequently chosen. The advantages of such a location include easy delivery of the, water to towns on the floodplain at much lower elevation and a head great enough to guarantee one of the most vital elements in fire protection. It is not believed that this resource is generally appreciated, and inas- much as conditions identical to the above are exhibited in many sec- tions of the State (As along the Illinois river for example. See the topographic sheets, U. S. Geol. Survey, Desplaines, Dunlap, Hennepin and Lacon) it seems desirable to emphasize it at this point. Further consequences of the quick descent of the upland to the low- land and the pattern of the drainage are discussed on later pages. The matter assumes a high value in this district because wagon roads and railroads seek the drainage lines as the easiest means of descent to the floodplain, and this confluence of routes at the debouchure of the principal valleys has determined the sites of many villages just under the bluff. Peters, Caseyville and French Village may be cited as ex- amples. Whenever population is concentrated, even if only to a limited extent, as in the small towns named, problems of sewage disposal and water supply have at once a more or less vital interest. FEATURES OF THE KARST. Sink holes and caves. A section of the upland which is of more special interest than any other part lies on the southern margin of the district and includes the area between the upland bluff south of Stolle and the westermost tributary of Hickman's creek, in turn a tributary of Prairie du Pont. The St. Louis limestone appears here at a higher level than further south, and has been extensively dissolved out by the action of ground water. This action, for limestone regions in general, and the evolution of the topographic forms to which it gives rise, have been well described by Penck.* The phrase "karst topography" is com- monly used to designate it, following the usage in the Adriatic pro- vinces of Austria, where the feature is well developed — the name being derived from the Karst mountains of that vicinity. The most striking characteristics of the district are the entire absence of trunk drainage at the surface, and the extensive development of sink holes. The general appearance of the surface is shown in Fig. B, Plate 1. Rainfall is concentrated in tiny channels which converge toward the center of the sink where the waters escape through cracks *Albrecht Penck* Uber das Kartsphanomen. Vortrage des Vereines zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaf tlicher Kenntnisse in Wein XLIV, Jahrgang, Heft 1, 1903. ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL, SURVEY. Bull. No. 5, Plate 1. A. Imponded headwater drainage showing dam and reservoir one and one-half miles south of Sparta. B. General view of Karst topography four miles south of Stolle, showing numerous sink holes and absence of trunk drainage at the surface. ' Received v ILLINOIS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY BOWMANl TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES. 11 and funnels in the limestone below Occasions "Iv rt,» r . crops on the side of the sink hut W ,,y ccasl ° na ' I y the hmstone out- posed of the loess which overlies the rnrk T, Part * e skles are c ° m " down to the exits I theTame rate oft' ^f W ' th a " even g™ d * ' exceeds the rate of supply Z bottom of Ttf ° f ^ accumula ted water sink may be without bottom slnnin ^ ^ Small > indee d the continuation; but if the rate of unnl? gradua "y dow « t° the funnel water accumulates ^ToUo^A^ »o^%? ^T' ^ dependence of adioinine- sink fi^w "> lu , P ' The surface m- slopes is quite cZSdt shown bv It^T t infe ^ io " of level in two adjacent sink holef n£ I eons.derable difference of lateral distance of i« to L feet ** "^ "* 2 ° feet in a diffelronSl^rs^et7mTte e k ^ "** ab ° Ve with that of draining a sink hole L^end™ mg tSSSffi"^2 * ?* ^ * holes, the one in the foreground Lw 1 /u ate2 shows two sink The outlet of the one bfth mid e^ °t ^ ^'"^ a ^ 0od outlet - standing water results . B con tructinf^fi has J^me choked and the common rim of the two the un^ ™f ^ ' ^? P trench throu g h the feature of stan&wSaXi 18 S^ m , t0 the lower and too steep to be cultiyallHnd m surf, ral hre f m ^ the slopes are the sink, and trees and bushes ar 1 ? "° effort ls made to drain to», giving the l*n&£?£&$^^*^ a « d bat- An occurrence of stoppage in a sink fnnntl *.? P T a PPearance. suggestiyeness in this connexion toolnJ? ' ^ U - nUS , UaI lnterest and of Florida, near the city o ' Orlan^ ^S^ y '" ^ ^ distriCt ranean outlet of a sink hole became ^n3 ™ y6 ? rS a ^° the subt er- boring lakes had discharged iSSte^f " a dozen " e >^- now overflowed, forming a ere a f V£ u- I d thelr pent " u P wat ers acres of the surrounding lower land dv^ 1 * eventua "y eovered 250 homes and covering g^deT Ind" cu£tef S ^f ^ ** which the outlet passage became cloo-3 I ; , I 7 he man "er in may have been from a cavern of thf In "^ ° f c ° n J ec t«re. It of water hyacinths which formerty fi5 d"he sink Ma"" aCCUmulati °« made to open the na^ov* k i • , snk * Man y attempts were Pfoding dyLmite^^gVc'o&Ibri: "f °? ° f ^ ^ ex! At last the idea occurred of m^wfn.' ^^ but ^.thout relief, of a well. A two inch hole was first 7-1°^"!,^ by the instruction escaped easily and rapidly then an ei^^^^ 11 wWch the wat er from these two all the c^lL eight-inch hole was drilled, and Combinations of nor^Z^KaZTl ^^ 6SCa P ed * topography which' oceTs „7h e fnt re ZTgfll^ ^ -^"^ on the borders of the cint T^i f , bt Louis dl stnct, is found feature, of both ol, sse »?a„d tS £ , tkJ? oofS" 8 "" ch "'M«*» l 47-l« heScientiflc A ™™-. «™ted b v the Literary Digest, vol.83. No. 5, Aug. 4, 1906: pp. 12 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. Lbtjll 6 tendency toward the formation of sinks, the stream valleys have an abnormal profile. The val'ey sides steepen continuously to a maximum at the valley bottom instead of having the smooth outline of the reversed curve. The general appearance of such a valley strongly suggests the idea that the valley bottom has sunk somewhat, in readjustment to the changes taking place in the dissolving limestone, but that the sinking has not been sufficiently rapid to break up the continuity of the surface drainage. Examples of this feature may be seen in several places, particularly about one mile north of Wartburg beyond the southern margin of the map, Plate 4. In, some cases the two tendencies are more evenly balanced, and while the country is distinctly broken up into sinks in response to sub-surface changes, the sinks drain into each other, the lip of each higher one being cut slightly by water spill- ing over into the next lower one. There is thus established a certain interdependence between neighboring sinks in spite of the strong ex- pression of the Karst. • The combination of normal and Karst topography is sometimes ex- pressed in the form shown in Plate 2. A stream valley or ordinary appearance may be formed in sandstone or in limestone not subject to the d : ssolving action of water. But if its course is toward a limestone district in which the sirk fea- ture is developed the valley may terminate sharply in a sink. Figure I shows a case several miles south of Burksville Station, 111. The four openings by which the water escaped to underground passages are shown in the sketch. These openings are from one to two and a half feet across and are about seven feet below the floodplain. One fea- ture of the openings shown in the figure is of especial interest. They do not lead ver- tically downard, but, developed along the . ' . joint and bedding planes, drop by short Pig. 1 Expressing combination J , , 1 j 1 1 i ,m ,i of Karst and normal topography steps to lower and lower levels until the ^^^SSS^55^S£S level of the ground water is reached, when tract of Chester sandstone and dis- the inflowing: water partakes of the general appears in a sink-hole as soon asit , ■ & f t , ° reaches the karsted St. Louis lime- lateral movement of the ground water in stone ' underground passages in the limestone. Perhaps nowhere else in Illinois are the surface drainage and water conditions so peculiar as in this section, and certain recommendations on pages 54-55 can be understood only if the special nature of the con- ditions are kept in the foreground. ILLINOIS GFOLOGICAL SURVEY. Bull. No. 5, Plate 2. Artificial drainage of higher obstructed sink-hole into lower, having good underground connection. One mile east of Falling Springs. bowman.] DRAINAGE CONDITIONS. IB HYDROGRAPHIC FEATURES. (By Chester A. Reeds.) (Compiled from various sources, chiefly from the paper hy Helm, noted below.) General. Streams in arid and humid climates compared. As any accurate map of the truly arid sections of the west wilt show, the streams in desert climates do not run to the sea in surface channels. And if the ground water of such a region reaches the sea it is by seepage far below the surface. In such cases the streams end abruptly in long waste fans slopes built of loose and highly porous materials. On the other hand, regions such as the one in which the East St. Louis district lies are generally thought to be of quite different habit, i. e. as reaching some master stream, like the Mississippi, by means of well-defined channels on the surface. It is therefore with some surprise that one views the drainage re- lations of the streams tributary to the Mississippi river in this district, and sees that in some respects the streams of the region imitate those of an arid section. This fact and its fundamental relation to the water resources of a floodplain, together with other facts, are of the greatest importance, and the details of the drainage problem, therefore, will be first considered. Classification of drainage system. Following Helm's* classification, the hydrographic features of the upland and the floodplain of the Mississippi will be decribed under the Wood river, Cahokia and Priaries du Pont drainage systems. In addition to these three drain- age systems there is the Mississippi itself as well as two creeks in the southern part of the district known as Silver creek and Richland creek, both tributaries of the Kaskaskia. Description of Drainage Systems, wood RIVF^ This system drains the extreme northern portion of the district. It is formed by the confluence of two branches, the East and West Fork, which unite to form Wood river, at the western margin of the upland, then flow southward about three miles to the Mississippi river. The two forks have their sources in the southern part of Macoupin county, about sixteen miles above its mouth. The stream has a drain- age area in the upland of approximately 117 square miles and in the floodplain of 3 square miles, and has a maximum discharge of about 2,900 cubic feet per second. Upland section. The datum plane used in the following descriptions will be the low water mark or zero of the Mississippi river guage in the city of St. Louis, and all elevations given are in accordance with that datum. The streams in the upland have comparatively steep gradients, being 200 to 250 , feet above the level floodplain of the Mississippi. *E. G. Helm, "The Levee and Drainage Prohlems of the American Bottoms." Jour. Assoc. Eng. Soc, Vol. XXXV, No 3, Reptemher, 1905, pp. 99-116. 14 WATEE EESOUECES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 They derive their water from the ground water and from rainfall. In the rainy seasons the floods gash the slopes, tearing away many cubic feet of earth. When these immense volumes of water reach the level floodplain their velocity is checked, for here the same streams have no steep grad- ients or broad channels to carry off the surplus. As a consequence, much of the sediment in these streams is deposited in delta or fanlike forms at the foot of the bluffs, and the water gradually inundates the surrounding country. Flood-plain section. That part of the channel of Wood river which lies in the flood-plain is entirely west of the Big Four railroad, and in freshets its flood waters are here confined. On June 29, 1902, the water from this stream was six to eight feet deep in the streets of East Alton, having washed out the tracks of the Big Four railroad, and overflowed that part of the flood-plain just to the east as far south as Edwardsville Crossing, where it was stopped by the embankments of the Illinois Terminal railway (except what passed through a T2-inch or 15-inch pipe). This happened a few times before, but with less extreme height. Generally speaking, Wood river may be considered as having no effect on the flood-plain, except on that portion contained in its own- drainage area west of the Big Four, about three miles of terri- tory. The water in the lower course of the stream is always muddy. Through the first mile after entering the flood-plain it flows over, a limestone bottom which holds up the grade nearly ten feet higher than that of other streams having earth bottoms. When the rock bottom is passed, however, the water rapidly falls the distance of ten feet and enters the Mississippi river at the level of low-water mark at that point. Thus, since the waters of this stream are not checked by a low gradient and a long tortous course across the flood-plain, they run off readily and are not so troublesome as the other streams. CAHOKIA CREEK. Upland section. The Cahokia creek system drains over half the area of the flood-plain, or, as has been said, all that portion north of the Vandalia railroad and east of the Big Four railroad. The stream has its source in the vicinity of Litchfield, Montgomery county, flows in a general southwesterly direction, entering the flood-plain about twelve miles north of the south line of Madison county, nearly 35 miles south of its source. On the upland it drains an area of 228 square miles ; at the point of entering the bottoms it is joined by Indian creek, a tributary with a drainage area of about 38 square miles ; hence it may be said that Cahokia creek enters the bottoms with a drainage area behind it of 226 square miles and a discharge of about 5,040 cubic feet per second. This area is more than double that of the entire flood- plain section drained by this system. Flood-plain section. After entering the flood-plain, Cahokia creek flows nearly south to about Madison-St. Clair county line, then nearly west, passing through the city of East St. Louis and emptying into the river near the southern limits of that city. In a straight line the bowman] HYDEOGEAPHIO FEATUEES. 15 length of the creek in the flood-plain is approximately 20 miles, but owing to its meandering course, the actual length is probably 40 or 50 per cent greater. Along Cahokia creek where its enters the flood-plain the average height of the surface is about 50. In the course of two and a half mile the bottoms have a fall of three feet to the mile, while the creek itself has a uniform fall of 1.5 feet to the mile, or three times that of the Mississippi. The bottom lands down to the Madison-St. Clair county line have practically the same average fall, their elevation being 26 near the county line. Southward from Cahokia creek, how- ever, near this line, the entire bottoms from the bluffs to East St. Louis rise rapidly. Within the first mile they have an average elevation of 38, or fully 18 feet higher than the bottom of Horseshoe lake, which lies to the north. Horseshoe lake acts as a storage reservoir for the flood waters of Cahokia creek, and thus protects East St. Louis and the country west of it. The effects of a heavy rainfall in this watershed would be to cause the stream to overflow its banks from the point where it enters the bottoms down to East St. Louis. As it is, however, the flood waters are intercepted at Horseshoe lake, spread out over it, raising its level, and then gradually flow off through the creek to the river. Notable examples of this were the high floods of June, 1902, and June, 1904. The first of these was caused by a heavy rainfall of 4.7 inches during 24 hours; the latter, by a local cloudburst in the upper water- shed of the creek. The height of these two floods was nearly the same ; that of 1904 being two inches higher than that of 1902. Along the creek the waters were confined within narrow bounds of the naturally high ground and a few small local levees, till about due east of Mitchell, where they passed the confines that had thus far held them in. They were poured out over the entire bottoms, and flowed west, north and south, augmented somewhat by a part of the water which had broken through a small levee near Poag, and also by the overflow from Indian creek. They practically covered about two-fifths of the entire drainage area of Cahokia creek in the flood-plain, or about 38 square miles. When it is understood that a large portion of this overflowed land was comparatively high and had not been covered by the water from the river since 1844, the seriousness of the situation may be appreciated. Land owners are endeavoring to fix the blame for this disaster on the various railroads crossing the floded area, and thus law suits aggregat- ing several thousand dollars have been filed, with a prospect of many more. All this water flowed into Horseshoe lake and the bottom lands adjoining, with the result that its level was raised about six feet, or to elevation 32, as the lake already contained about six feet of water on account of the height of the river. This was the highest point ever reached by Horseshoe lake. From this increased height it has been calculated that the amount of water entering this lake was 2,000,000,000 cubic feet, or a little less than half that falling in the entire watershed, showing that about half became run-off. Horseshoe lake is a basin comprising about 3.5 square miles. Its bottom is practically the same as that of Cahokia creek at the southern end of the lake, or elevation 20. It is never dry, having 18 inches to 16 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 two feet of water in the dryest seasons. This is because its bottom is below ground water level, which is described later. This lake bed is the lowest body of land in the flood-plain. The flood water reaches it not only through Cahokia creek, but also through Elm slough. In addition to the water of Cahokia creek proper and of Indian creek, this system receives the water of the Madison county ditch which drains Grassy lake, also Judy's branch, School House branch, Canteen creek, Little Caseyville creek, and a few other minor drains flowing off the bluff. Canteen and Caseyville creeks issued from the bluffs just about at the summit of the divide between the Cahokia and Priarie du Pont drainage systems. Owing to the extreme flatness of the country in this vicinity and the peculiar locations of the streams, these creeks often flow in either or both directions, and as they are heavy silt carriers, their deposits have changed their course more than once. At one time both flowed north, but now all of Little Canteen creek, with much of its overflow, is going south. As both come from the bluffs be- tween the Vandalia and Baltimore & Ohio railroads and have filled up the land between these two roads, and at the bridges crossing the streams to a depth of from two to eight feet, they have furnished the occasion for no end of law suits and contentions between the land- owners and these railroads. Although the creeks flow south under the Baltimore & Ohio, they pass into Spring Lake and then back under the same railway again near East St. Louis into Cahokia creek, hence there is no question as to their classification with the Cahokia system. PRAIRIE DU PONT CREEK. Upland section. Prairie du Pont creek has its source in the upland, or rather it is formed by the confluence of several smaller streams which drain about 42 square miles in the southwestern part of St. Clair county. The longest of these tributaries rises ten miles from the foot of the bluff. In addition to Prairie du Pont and its small branches, Schoenberger and Brouilette creeks, respectively, drain a considerable portion of the upland above French Village and Centerville. The total discharge of these streams, as they debouch upon the flood-plain is 2,350 cubic feet per second. Flood-plain section. The point where Prairie du Pont creek enters the flood-plain is eight miles south of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, which is the northern boundary of the area that drains south into this creek. From this point the creek flows westward, approximately three miles, to the village of Prairie du Pont, thence southward a distance of six miles, paralleling to the Mississippi before entering the latter. On reaching the flood-plain Brouilette creek runs into Pittsburg lake, which in high stages drains southward into Prairie du Pont creek. In times of heavy rains Schoenberger creek fills up the lowlands and issues in both directions — south into Pittsburg Lake and north into Spring Lake. The dry weather flow, however, is mostly northward. In the bottom it has no well-defined channel and changes its course frequently. The surface elevations of the Prairie du Pont drainage basin are not so pronounced as those of Wood river and Cahokia. From the ridge bowman.] HYDR0GRAPH1C FEATURES. 17 or divide near the Madison-St. Clair county line mentioned above the land has a fairly uniform fall of one foot in 6,000 feet, or about one- half that in the Cahokia bottoms of Madison county. This fall con- tinues southward to Prairie du Pont creek, when the land rises in less than half a mile to an elevation nearly as great as that just south of Cahokia creek. It then falls gradually to the south as far as Fish Lake in the southern end of St. Clair county. The Cahokia district has a natural drainage channel, the creek run- ning practically through its entire length, while the Prairie du Pont district lacks this feature. The grade of the creek and the land in the Cahokia district is 1.5 feet to the mile, or three times that of the Mississippi river. The grade in he Prairie du Pont district includes a series of lakes of various sizes, formed in part by the water issuing from the bluffs and being unable to flow away. On account of the slight fall of the land and the absence of any well-defined drainage channel this water gradually spreads over what is relatively high ground and forms lakes. Generally speaking, the low lands in St. Clair county, while they actually represent the same elevations as in Madison county, are relatively five to eight feet higher when compared with the grade of the river directly to the west. For example, Horseshoe Lake is at elevation 20, but is 16 feet above the low water of the river directly opposite, whereas Pittsburg Lake in St. Clair county is at elevation 22, but is 24 feet above low water of the river opposite, or relatively eight feet higher than Horseshoe Lake. In the Prairie du Pont area the effect of heavy rainfall is much less serious than in the Cahokia district, since (1) there is much less volume of water to deal with, (2) numerous lakes act as reservoirs and thus retard the flow, and (3) Prairie du Pont creek seldom overflows its banks. THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. At low-water mark the Mississippi river receives the drainage of Wood river, Cahokia and Prairie du Pont creeks. The mouth of Wocd river is at low-water level, while those of Cahokia and Prairie du Pont creeks are respectively seven feet higher. Consequently, when the water of the Mississippi river is more than seven feet above low-water mark it backs up the tributary streams until it is offset by the water of these branches. When the water of the Mississippi river rises 30 feet above low-water mark, the flood-plain is subject to overflow. In such cases the flood gates at the mouth of Cahokia creek are closed in order that East St. Louis and other riparian cities may be protected. When the river rises to 35 feet it is considered dangerous, for there is approximately only 10 per cent of the land of the flood-plain above this elevation. At the present time the lowlands are protected from overflow by strong levees near the river bank. Notwithstanding these precautions, the river at times of heavy storm inundates the city. During the last sixty years the stage of the Missis- —2 G 18 WATER EESOUECES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. ' [bull. 5 sippi river has been above elevation 30 on sixteen occasions, and during the same period has been at or above elevation 35 in seven instances. The dates and heights of the latter stages are as follows: 1844, 41.4 feet; 1851, 36.6 feet; 1855, 37-1 feet; 1858, 37.2 feet; 1883, 39.8 feet; 1892, 36 feet; 1903, 38 feet. Of these, the elevations of 1844 and 1903 stand out prominently; that of 1844 covered the entire flood-plain, while in 1903 the water was held in check by various railroad embank- ments which have been constructed since 1844. The greater portion of the land between the Southern and the Baltimore & Ohio railroads in St. Clair county, and all the land east of the Chicago & Alton and north of the Litchfield & Madison railroads and Long Lake were pro- tected from overflow in 1903. It sometimes takes months for the flood water to escape after an overflow. SILVER AND RICHLAND GREEKS. The eastern part of the district drains southward through Silver and Richland creeks into the Kaskaskia river which covers the southeast corner of St. Clair county. The drainage is generally sufficiently well developed to carry off the superfluous rainfall rapidly. A porous loess, which easily absorbs water, covers the western half of Madison county and the western part of St. Clair county as far east as the meridian of Belleville. The eastern part of these counties is overspread by a white clay which does not absorb the rainfall. The area of this southeastward drainage within the district has not been computed, neither has the dis- carge in cubic feet per second been tested. It is thought, however, that these will compare favorably with the several drainage systems of the district given above, since the rainfall and other determining conditions are about the same. GEOLOGIC FEATURES.* (By Chester A. Reeds.) Introductory Note by Isaiah Bowman. It may be said that the chief difference between the present day hydrologic engineer and that type of so-called water artist whose sole source of reputation is a divining rod lies in the fact that the former bases his conclusions upon carefully collected facts of climate, geology and topography, while the latter bases his conclusions upon a supersti- tion. The one makes a scientific, the other an unscientific and even childish use of the imagination. If this fact is once thoroughly appre- ciated it will logically follow that no one will begin the perusal of hydrologic data, even from a standpoint so critically brief as the eco- nomic, without having first of all acquainted himself with at least the elementary and fundamental geological relations. There is no escape from this conviction. Hydrology is today a sci- ence, and its field and office methods rest upon a few well-determined * A detailed report on the geology of the St. Louis special quadrangle is now in prep- aration by Professor N. M. Fenneman. As this covers the greater part of the East St. Louis district, only those geological features which have to do with the water resources are con- sidered here. reeds.] GEOLOGIC FEATURES. 19 principles. The chief ultimate source of all ground water is rainfall. The amount of water absorbed by the earth will depend on many fac- tors, among which are the slope of the land, the character of the soil, the amount and duration of sunshine, etc. The occurrence of the ab- sorbed water within the earth, that is to say, the depth at which it may be recovered and the head in response to which it will rise, etc., de- pends upon the structure, texture and attitude of the absorbing rock. These well-determined principles lead inevitably to but one conclusion. We must study those geologic factors which function water supplies before we can appreciate the meaning of hydrologic data or arrive at a conclusion in any degree scientific. In the following chapter the reader will therefore find described such geological facts as will help him to grasp the salient features of the geology of the East St. Louis district. In writing this chapter Mr. Reeds has kept constantly before him the idea of the control which these facts have upon water conditions and resources. It is hoped that the value of the report has been enhanced by constant but brief references to these conditions, even in the chapter devoted more exclusively to geology than water supplies. Geologic Formations. •general statement. Although the only rocks which outcrop along the east bluff of the Mississippi are thick beds- of the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian (coal measures) series, it is necessary to consider some of the lower formations, since in drilling deep wells older rocks are encountered. The data, concerning these older rocks, however, are meagre, and come from the logs of the few wells reaching down 2,000 to 3,000 feet and from exposures outside the district. ordovician. Si Peters sandstone. The lowest formation which has been en- countered within the district is the St. Peters sandstone at the bottom of a 3,069 foot, well at the Postel Milling Co's. plant, Mascoutah, 111. This sandstone is of Ordovician age and is the source of supply for a large number of artesian wells in the northern and western parts of the State.* The quality of the water obtained in those regions is usually good, and is adequate for the needs of the small cities and towns. The water in the Mascoutah well, however, which flows at the surface, is brackish and unsuitable for domestic use. The sand and shale in which the deep water is found reach from the 2,898 foot to the 3,069 foot level. The sand is round, fine-grained and has the appear- ance of the St. Peters sand found in the northern part of State. Many well owners and some drillers misuse the term in applying to the sandstone members which occur higher up in the geologic section, par- ticularly those at the base of the Mississippian series and the coal *Leverett, Water Supply and Irr. Paper No. 144, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1905, p. 250. 20 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 measures. In this part of the state the St. Peters sandstone is deep seated and is usually not found higher than 3,000 foot level, or 2,500 feet below tide. For further data see a list of deep wells tabulated on later pages of this report, and a hypsographic map of the St. Peters sandstone of Illinois and western Indiana, by Frank Leverett* Stones River limestone. In the geological column this formation occurs just above the St. Peters sandstone. Whether it extends across the district above the St. Peters is not definitely known. It outcrops, however, on the west side of the Mississippi river at Sulphur Springs, Mo., where it is exposed at the foot of a talus-covered slope, a stone's throw from the base of the Trenton limestone. The section shows a poorly preserved, thin-bedded limestone, about ten feet in thickness, with Stone's river fossils. Two sulphur springs and one containing magnesia, sulphur, and a noticeable amount of salt issue from the base of the exposure. Trenton limestone. Like the Stones river, the limestone does not outcrop within the district, but reaches under the Mississippi river and appears in the rugged hills along the west bank from Kimmswick, to Glen Park, Mo., and southward. Some exposures have been noted in a small area on the east side of the river, west of Columbia, 111., where the limestone has been uncovered for a long time, many small cavities ranging from the size of a pea to that of an egg are scattered over its surface. In the cuts along the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railroad the cavities in this limestone are not prominent; still they undoubtedly facilitate the passage of water through the stone. One large spring with a fine quality of water was found issuing from this rock between the Glen Park station and the Mississippi river. Another was found two miles up stream in the same horizon, four feet above low water mark on the Missippi river. This limestone is widely dis- tributed in northern Illinois, and in the region of outcrops is a good water bearer. The drill has shown that parts of it in Western Illinois, buried deeply beneath later formations will yield strong artesian wells, so that at such points it is unnecessary to sink to the St. Peters or lower formations.* In the region mentioned above, that is between Kimswick and Glen Park, Mo., and southward, the upper surface of the Trenton, locally called the Kimmswick limestone, presents a tangential unconformity, that is between the Trenton limestone on the lower side and the Rich- mond formation on the upper there is a marked unconformity devel- oped parallel to the bedding planes, and therefore not determinable from the structural relations. It is known only from paleontological evidence, the receptaculities, Rhynchonella and bryazoan beds, re- spectively, appearing in contact with the Richmond formation in the course of two miles. Richmond limestones and shales. This formation is the youngest representative of the Ordovician. It does not outcrop in the district but is found about twenty to twenty-five miles south of St. Louis on the west bank of the Mississippi river, in the vicinity of Kimmsvvick ♦Leverett, Water Sup. and Irr. Paper No. 114. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1905, p. 250. reeds.] GEOLOGIC FEATURES. 21 and Glen Park, Mo. Below it is in marked unconformity to the Tren- ton limestone, as the Lorraine, Frankfort and Utica formation are wanting. Above them is an even greater unconformity with the Kin- derhook of the Mississippian, all rocks of both the Silurian and Devon- ian periods being absent. Notwithstanding these unconformities the formation is thin, being only from four to twenty feet in thickness. It is composed of a limestone at the base, twelve to twenty-four inches thick, with a yellow shale above. The shale is a variable quantity and is known as the Maquoketa shale. At the Goerz quarry and kiln at Glen Park, the Richmond is not more than four feet thick, being half limestone and half shale. At places in the shale outcrop it shows signs of having been worked over after deposition. This was prob- ably done by the Kinderhook sea, since the Bushburg sandstone, the lowest member of the Kinderhook formation, lies immediately above. Two miles above Glen Park on the Iron Mountain & Southern Rail- road, the Bushburg sandstone is wanting, and the next higher forma- tion in the Mississippian series, the Fern Glen, rests on the Maquoketa shales of the Richmond. Typical Richmond fossils are found in the limestone member, and while in the shale these remains are not so numerous, various forms of graptolites and fish teeth' are found. Since the formation is quite thin in this locality it probably has little to do with the water supply. In Iowa, Minnesota and northern Illinois it is exposed over a broad sur- face and is more important. Its chief role in relation to water supply is as an impervious layer separating the different aquieiers. SILURIAN. Niagara limestone. There is no definite evidence in the deep well logs that Silurian rocks are present in this district. The Niagara limestone occurs on the slopes of the Ozarks in Missouri and Arkansas, and outcrops to the north of the area a short distance above the mouth of the Illinois river. In the last instance the region is separated, how- ever, from the East St. Louis district by an immense fault, which ex- tends across the Mississippi river into Missouri. On the Illinois side the fault line is covered with glacial material, yet for a short distance on either side rocks are exposed on the surface; Niagara limestone on the north and St. Louis limestone on the south side. DEVONIAN. Devonian limestone.. .The Devonian limestones are ordinarily poor water bearers compared with the Niagara, yet in certain localities they afford sufficient water to supply local needs. Their outcrop is also much more restricted than that of the Niagara, being confined to small areas in the western and southern parts of the State.* *Leverett, Water Sup. and Irr. Paper No. 114, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1905, p. 251. 22 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 MISSISSIPPIAN. The classification proposed by Ulrich* is followed in this report. Only the two upper formations of the Meremec group of the Missis- sippian series are exposed within the district. They occur in the bluffs at Alton and at Stolle, Falling Springs, and one mile east of Columbia. The rocks of the Osage and Kinderhook groups are exposed to the north and west along the Mississippi river, and in sinking wells are encountered within the area. The Chester group does not occur within the district, but to the southeast, on the east, side of the Mississippi river ; hence, it will not be considered in this report. Kinderhook shale and sandstone. The Kinderhook group is com- posed chiefly of sandstones with the shales and limestones. It lies un- conformably upon the rocks below and differs widely in its texture and in the arrangement of its sediments. During the time the latter were being deposited the sea varied in different places at different times ; con- sequently the sandstone, shale and limestone formations are local in their distribution, producing a corresponding complexity in the occur- rence of the water they bear. In the few wells reaching to these rocks an abundance of water is usually found, but it is brackish and un- suitable for domestic use. Osage limestones. This group is composed almost entirely of coarse' bedded limestones, Burlington and Keokuk, with minor amounts of shale. These rocks are replete with fossils and are wide spread, being well exposed near Hannibal and Louisiana, Mo. The average thick- ness of the formation in the southern part of the state is 200 feet. Within the area it is thought that they range in the thickness from 225 to 250 feet. Although they are wide spread and form a notice- able part of the geological column, they are poor water bearers by reason of their compactness. Meramec limestones. The Meramec has been subdivided by Ulrich* into the Warsaw, Spergen Hill and St. Louis limestone. The first of these occurs in Missouri along the Meramec river near Valley Park, and again in the type locality at Warsaw. The Spergen Hill and St. Louis limestones are exposed within the district forming the high bluffs at Alton, Stolle and Falling Springs. They again appear in quarries one mile and one and one-half miles east of Columbia, on the road to Millstadt. About half way between Columbia and Millstadt, near the Monroe-St. Clair county line, the fourth line of deformation* occurs, the low arch representing this being completely covered over with the mantle of drift. From well sections, however, the dip of the northeast limb, in the direction of Millstadt, Belleville and Mascoutah, has been determined. The matter is discussed further in connection with notes on city and village water supplies. These formations are distinguished by their fossils. They have cer- tain lithologic fades, however, which aid in their determination. The Warsaw is composed of yellow shales and limestones ; the latter being *Ulrich, Prof., Paper No. 36, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1904, p. 24. X Weller, Bulletin No. 2, 111. State Geol. Survey, 1906, p. 22. reeds.] GEOLOGIC FEATURES. Z6 thin bedded and predominating over the shales. The Spergen Hill iormation is composed almost entirely of heavy massive gray to dark brown limestone, and is characterized particularly by the great abund- ance of small foraminiferal shells which have been mistaken for "oolite." This is the same as the Spergen Hill or Bedford limestone of Indiana, widely known as building stone. The St. Louis limestone is massive and quite flinty in the upper part. Wherever it outcrops or comes near the surface, sink-holes and caves are formed. Many of the great limestone caves of Kentucky and southern Indiana occur in this formation. In the vicinity of Burkville, 111., Eckert's cave, sup- posed to be six or eight miles -long, has been explored for some three miles. It abounds in funnels, rifts, waterfalls, underground streams and other features associated with limestone caves as stalactites and stalagmites. Between Stolle and Columbia there is a sink-hole and cave district from two to four miles wide. The Warsaw and Spergen Hill formations are not as good water bearers as the St. Louis, since they do not develop the cave features. In the vicinity of Belleville and Mascoutah the upper part of the St. Louis limestone is the first horizon in which salt water occurs. In the southern portion of the state these three formations attain a combined thickness of 200 to 245 feet. They are distinguished from the limestones below by their fossils and their finer texture. In the following table is given a section of the lime- stone in the Anderson quarry one mile above Alton on the Mississippi river: Feet Thickness. Depth. Loess 35 35 Limestone 14 49 Limestone, thin bedded (fossils) 5 54 Limestone 26 80 Limestone with shaly partings 2 82 Brecciated limestone (fossils in upper part) 27 109 Limestone with magnesian bands (fossils) 44- 153 Talus slope (base of quarry to river) 30 183 PENNSYLVANIAN. Coal Measures. The Pennsylvanian or coal measures formation occurs immediately beneath the mantle of drift, and extends over all the district except the western part of the Mississippi river flood-plain, locally known as the American bottoms, and the Karsted region men- tioned above. In the American Bottoms the river sediments, which are from 100 to 150 feet thick, rest at Granite City on the massive bed of -Mississippian limestone (see section of the Niederinghaus deep well at Granite City, No. 45), while at Monks Mound and near Peters they rest respectively on a shale and a sandstone which are undoubt- edly Coal Measures strata. ( See section of the deep well near Monks Mound, No. 37.) The line of contact between the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian formations in the American Bottoms is not known, but is probably somewhere between the eastern edge of East St. Louis and Monks Mound. It is reasonable to believe that at some for- mer time in geological history the Pennsylvania formation once ex- 24 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 tended clear across the flood-plain of the Mississippi river, since Coal Measures rocks are found not only in the bluffs from Centerville around to North Alton and in sections of deep wells near Monks Mound and Peters, but beyond the Mississippi in the City of St. Louis and districts to the west and northwest. This was probably the con- dition in pre-glacial times, since geologists are agreed that the river trimmed the present bluff line previous to the glacial epoch.* The ice, however, may have materially aided the river to carve the present contour of its cliffs, since on the high bluff just above Alton one can see the former valley of three small streams along the line of uncon- formity between the massive Mississippian limestone and the loess. One of these is perhaps one-fourth mile across and twenty-five feet deep. These may have been carved out by the ice before the drift was deposited, since they are not large, have gentle slopes and occur in contact with one another. Loe$$ and Drift. t-l/770&tor70 >SH $/7cr/e i Coat deosT/ l&35frl Sandstone (2323 /V/,*s/$3 ,pp, r/ood-P/o//? V&rt/ca/ $co/e ~ ■ iwft. /fpr/*-o/7fo/ ■Scate^- P/etsrocene (Coosa <">a Drift.) . Coo/ Measure's Stan* end ■son^to/re) Mi*si$9ippiort C/L/'/neetone, $hah Qrid Sandstone) Fig. 2.— Geological section across the southern part of the East St. Louis district from east to west through Mascoutah, 111., to Jefferson Barracks, Mo. The formation is composed of alternating beds of sandstone, shale and limestone, in addition to a few grits and conglomerates and thick beds of coal. In conforming to the western slope of the eastern in- terior coal field these strata dip gently to the eastward. From the logs of the deep wells at Belleville, Mascoutah and those at Granite City, Monks Mound and Collinsville, two hypothetical sections have been made which cross respectively the district from west to east, all of the massive strata which were encountered in sinking the deep wells being represented. (See figures 2 and 3.) From these sections it will be *Leverett, Mon. XXX VIII, U. S. Geol. Surv.. p. 89. REEDS.] GEOLOGIC FEATUKES. 25 noticed that the Coal Measures do not extend to the Mississippi river, and that the strata dip more sharply in the western than in the eastern part of the district. It will be noticed, also, that at the base of the Coal Measures a sandstone conglomerate is persistent throughout. This is. the chief source of supply of the artesian wells at Belleville. 4 P/a/trfecena v Cocrl /~7e>c*§urov (,Coal,ssho/e. //ma- re/ •sondetvnt) (Limegto/re, shale and ■Sandstone) Lot>$$ end Drtft. 1 i ' i I L/m&i Fig. 3.— Geological section from east to west across the central part of the East St. Louis district, from 12 miles east of Collinsville. Ill - , to 8 miles west of the Mississippi River, through the northern part of St. Louis, Mo. PLEISTOCENE. Till. The till, which is exposed chiefly in the southern part of the district is usually of a yellowish brown color to a depth of fifteen feet or more, beneath which it assumes a gray or blue-gray hue. In many places there is a transition from the brown to the gray in which gray streaks remain in the brown till, or cracks stained brown extend some distance into the gray till. In such places it is probable that the brown is simply an altered gray till, the oxidation of the air having produced the change of color. In places a thin bed of sand or gravel, which supplies water to shallow wells, occurs at the junction of the brown and gray till and gives them the appearance of being originally dis- tinct. In such places, however, it is not certain that the brown till was not originally gray in color, this point being still unsettled. In Madison county typical til) is found along the east bluff of the Miss- issippi river throughout the entire width of the county, as well as at points farther east. The till is usually twenty-five to fifty feet in depth, and where thickest is of a blue color near the bottom. On the east bluff, below East St. Louis, only a small amount of glacial drift has been found beneath the loess deposits which there cap the bluff to a 26 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS, [bull. 5 depth of thirty to fifty feet or more The drift usually consists of a thin bed of stony material, but in some of the recesses of the bluffs and in ravines, exposures of nearly pebbless clay or seen. Some of these ex- posures near Columbia, just south of the district, reach a depth of from forty to fifty feet. An occasional bowlder a foot or more in diameter is found in these deposits, but stones are very rare compared with their number in typical till, such as is exposed in the east bluff above East St. Louis. It is probable that the ice sheet extended as far west as the east bluff of the Mississippi in St. Clair, Monroe and Randolph counties, but the deposits there are. very much thinner than in the drift ridges which traverse the eastern portion of these counties, and which perhaps mark an ice margin at a somewhat later period than that of the maximum extension. Loess. The loess is not uniform in structure. A very porous de- posit found on the borders of the large valleys has been called bluff loess, while over the plains between the streams a surface silt is found. The structure of the loess varies in vertical sections as well as from place to place. The leading variations in the vertical sections are such as to support a three-fold division: ( i ) The surface portion, two to four feet in depth, which has an earthy structure, due probably in part to the breaking down of many of the grains under atmospheric action. This phase characterizes not only the deposits on interfluvial tracts, but also those on the borders of the main valleys, as is natural if the earthy appearance is due to atmospheric action. (2) The main body of the loess is a silt, usually without definite bedding planes or stratification. It is some- what more porus on the borders of the main valleys than beneath the interfluvial tracts. The variation in texture is apparently due to the removal of the finer material on the border of the valleys rather than to the presence of coarser material on the interfluves. (3) The basal portion, which comonly shows a more distinct bedding than the body of the loess, is in places sandy and pebbly. As a rule the pebbles are con- fined to the lower two or three feet, but in the thicker portions of the loess the well-defined bedding may occupy a depth of several feet. The pebbles often occur in places where the bedding is obscure ; indeed the most distinctly bedded portions are usually free from pebbles. In the following the loess from place to place across the interfluves, it is found to undergo gradual changes in texture and color, for which a cause is not in all cases manifest ; but, as a rule, the more porous por- tions of the loess are found in proximity to a large valley. On passing back from the valleys the open texture becomes less pronounced and there is a gradual change to a loam of varying composition. The entire surface of the Illinoian drift sheet appears to have re- ceived a capping of loess-like silt at about the time of the Iowan ice invasion, the deposit being found midway between the streams, as well as along their borders where it was first recognized. It is much thicker on the bluffs of the Illinois and Mississippi than on the divide between these streams, or in the region east from the Illinois. In much of southern Illinois the thickness is only from three feet to five, REEDS.] GEOLOGIC FEATUBES. 27 and the average depths in districts east of the Illinois and Mississippi is probably less than ten feet. On the borders of these streams its thickness is frequently from thirty to fifty feet. At the immediate edge of the Mississippi Valley above East St. Louis, there is a deposit from thirty to fifty feet in depth, but within ten miles back from the bluff the thickness decreases to ten feet or less. Below East St. Louis the loess caps the bluffs to a depth of from thirty to fifty feet or more. The till and loess are the source of the shallow well supply of water. Recent Alluvial Deposits. The alluvial deposits within the district are confined to the flood- plain of the Mississippi river. In this plain the sediments increase in thickness in going from west to east. At Granite City they are thick, 113 feet; at Monks Mound, 140 feet; near Peters, 150 feet. This material is composed of a heterogeneous mass of sand, clay, gumbo, shells, gravel, etc. In some places the sand is very fine, while in others it is coarse with grains of various rock as if glacial. The pebbles are of different sizes, and are often .brown and yellow quartzite, green- stone, etc. Throughout the flood-plain the sediments are arranged in no definite order, but in sinking wells the larger materials, such as gravel and pebbles, are usually found near the bottom, while the smaller sediments, such as fine sand, clay, gumbo, etc., occur near the surface. In the geological section across the center portion of the dis- trict, Fig. 3, the arrangement of these sediments with reference to the other geological formations is shown in profile. The possible arrangement of the sediments is shown in Fig. 4, which was made for the Missouri river, but which will serve to illustrate the Mississippi on the mar- gin of the district. Mississippi river. These sediments have been depos- ited as a heterogenous mass by the action of the Missis- sippi river and its tributary streams. The ice may have filled in a portion of the ma- terial, yet from the informa- tion at hand it is more ra- tional to believe that the river and tributaries brought in the material from the thick glacial deposits which cross the river higher up and from the bluffs nearby. From sections of 25 shallow Fig. 4. Diagram to show the heterogeneous char- we " s m ±Last ot. EOUIS it acter of alluvial deposits. [After Todd. Republished r o n h<=» cppn thaf tlif> ornnnrl by the courtesy of the U. S. Geological Survey.] ^ [bull. 5 Non-flowing wells. The non-flowing wells seldom reach below 700 feet. The line of demarkation, however, between the flowing and non- flowing wells is not constant, since the artesian conditions are depend- ent upon the geological structure which varies locally, as well as in its general dip from west to east. Most of the wells of this class reach down to the sandstone member at the base of the coal measures. The wells at Belleville are representative wells of this type. Catchment area. The catchment area for the flowing wells is be- yond the Mississippi river along the flanks of the Ozark mountains, While that of the larger part of the non-flowing wells occurs in the western part of the district, the catchment area for the Belleville wells which is the largest region of the non-flowing wells occurs only 10 or 12 miles west of the city of Belleville. Quality. Unfortunately the water in the deep wells below 515 feet on the upland, and 370-420 feet on the flood-plain, are brackish and unfit for factory, city or private use. In some cases as at Mascoutah, a good quality of water was found below this depth, and the salt water cased off, but in the course of 4 or 5 years the salt ate through the casing and came up with the pure water. The water found in the St. Peters sandstone is brackish in all cases when reached in this area, consequently in future drilling for deep city or factory supply, it will be unprofitable to go below the first salt water horizon. Deep Artesian Waters as a Source of Pollution. General statement. One of the points of chief concern in the pene- tration of deep-lying strata that are water-bearing is the possibility of pollution of sweet water near the surface by infiltration of mineralized water from a greater depth. Illustrations of unfavorable conditions. The conditions leading to such pollution may best be understood from an examination of several specific cases of deep wells of this kind. ' (1) Well No. 45, belonging to the Niedringhaus Steel Mills Com- pany of East St. Louis, is 2,590 feet deep. The surface of the ground at the well is 94 feet above datum of Granite City, which is 313.84 feet above sea level. The water has been piped to an elevation of 54 feet above the surface where it overflows in a full 8-inch stream. The pressure exerted by the artesian water at the surface is very great, 45 pounds per square inch. This means that the head is approximately 100 feet above the surface. On emerging from the pipe the water is quite clear and sparkling, but soon becomes dark in color and leaves a black and a yellow deposit on everything with which it comes in con- tact. It is strongly charged with mineral substances, as the partial analysis quoted later shows. (2) Well No. 28, belonging to Ferdinand Keller, is located two miles south of Peters. It 1,506 feet deep. It yields a strong stream of salt water and a small quantity of oil at the present time which runs ofT at the surface into a nearby creek. The well was drilled for oil, but salt water came in so strongly as to prevent the making of tight joint between casing and rock, and after several attempts the well was left to yield practically nothing but salt water as at present. bowman.] UNDEEGEOUND WATEES. 57 (3) Well No. 193. When the deep well was sunk at Mascoutah, Illinois, salt water was encountered at 6,239 feet. It was cased off and the well sunk to 3,069 feet. The water obtained at the lower level was sweet and came to the surface through the lower uncased bore hole and a 3-inch pipe which reached down to 1,500 feet. In four to five years, however, the salt water at 3,069 level has eaten through the 3-inch casing and the sweet and salt water now mingle and flow out at the top. For the chemical analysis of the water before the salty and sweet water flowed together see page 76. Relations of different water horizons. In all the above cases it will be noticed that the head of the deep-lying water is far greater than that of the upper waters. In fact, in the majority of cases no flows exist .except from the deeper horizons, the head of the water increasing with depth below the surface. The possibility of pollution by the escape of this undesirable water into the upper horizons is commonly known in oil regions where the most stringent laws exist as to the care of wells, either actually in operation or abandoned. The care, it is true, is exercised not from the standpoint of preserval of drinking water, but from the standpoint of the maintenance of oil and gas fields. The matter of contamination from this source has been fully dis- cussed in a Water Supply and Irrigation* paper on "Well Drilling Methods : Their Geological and Engineering Aspects," by the present writer, and the following discussion is adapted from that report. Defective casing. In the case of water wells, which, as a class, are of much wider distribution than either oil or gas wells, the same care in packing, plugging and casing wells is not exercised, though the results are sometimes as pernicious as in the preceding cases, if not of as great economic importance. In many states, as, for example, Michigan, Wisconsin, Washington, etc., it has been made unlawful for a well owner to allow water from an artesian well to escape in needless amounts through the opening in the pipe near the surface. Oftentimes, however, it can be shown that even where such precautions are taken large amounts of water are being lost continually through defective casing. If iron piping is put into the ground in the form of a sewer, it would not be expected to last more than perhaps ten or fifteen years at the longest, but if it is put into the earth in the form of well-casing, there is usually no consideration of its longevity. It is tacitly assumed to last forever, while observation on casing withdrawn after having been in the earth both short and long periods, shows conclusively that it suffers deterioration and decay, and should be examined at short intervals for resulting defects. Longevity of casing. The rate of decay of casing will depend en- tirely upon the conditions as they exist in individual cases. Casing withdrawn from wells 15 to 20 years old has been found to be in reasonably good condition except at the joints, though the usual exp ^ri- ence is that casing of this age is too badly decomposed to be withdrawn at all. except in sections, and even this is not always possible. If the waters which come into contact with the casing are heav : ly charged with minerals their reaction on the pipe usually results in their *U. S. Geological Survey. 58 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. & more rapid decay. In one locality, Dallas, Texas, the writer observed holes the size of a penny in casing which had been withdrawn after having been in the earth but one year. The strong mineral waters in one of the formations of that state, the Glen Rose, had damaged the casing so that it was little better than a sieve in a round hole. State laws regarding the problem. The only way by which water supply interests could be protected in the event of the above conditions obtaining would be by making a thorough examination of the well hole and exploration of jthe amount and quality of water contributing to the yield of the well. This would be very greatly facilitated by having at hand a log of the well, that is, a record of the character and extent of each of the formations through which the bore hole had been drilled. This has been recognized by one state at least, South Dakota, in the following statute : "It is hereby made the duty of the township board to embody in the con- tract for the sinking of said public artesian well a proviso that the person sinking said wells shall make a record of the depth of each well and the formation entered or passed through in the construction of the same, and such provision is hereby made an essence of the contract and a violation thereof shall be construed to be a violation of the contract." (L., 1891, chap. 80, sec. 35.) It is interesting to note that this same state also requires that every person sinking an artesian well "provide for such well a proper casing, in order to prevent the well from caving in, and to prevent the escape of the water when it is desirable that such water be confined." It is not clear, however, under the terms of the law, precisely what is meant by a proper casing, inasmuch as through the decay of the casing it may fulfill its function of confining strata or water for several months only, while, again, it may last over a period of years. It is not possibel at this time to take up in greater detail the means by which the bore hole in various conditions may be explored. It is sufficient here to state that such exploration can in every case be accomplished along scientific lines, and that more and more is actually being done. SPECIFIC ILLUSTRATION OF POLLUTION. Two specific illustrations of some of the above mentioned conditions have been supplied to the writer by Mr. J. E. Bacon, and are a result of experiments conducted by him looking toward the improvement of the water supply in the cities of Saginaw, Michigan, and Dallas, Texas. Mr. Bacon's kind assistance in putting this data at the disposal of the writer are hereby gratefully acknowledged. Saginaw, Michigan. At Saginaw, Michigan, are located a large number of salt wells, many of which have been abandoned for one cause or another. In the case of the abandoned wells the bore hole allows salt or brackish water to reach the surface under the influence of the natural head of the water together with convection currents and diffusion. A part of the city supply had, previous to 1902, been drawn from a deep well system consisting of about 20 bored wells, having an internal diameter of 4 inches and a depth ranging from 89 to 230 feet. Most of these wells are in the bed rock and draw their supply from BOWMAN. UNDERGROUND WATERS. 59 sources which have been contaminated by the infiltration of brine from the salt wells. Up to the time that Mr. Bacon began his investigations almost no attention had been paid at Saginaw to the protection of sur- face water from contamination of this kind. The seriousness of the situ- ation may be appreciated from the fact that possible sources of ground water supply at Saginaw are limited to the loose sands and gravels which overlie the rock and the top of the rock itself. Manifestly, the only way in which this water can be conserved in its original purity is by plugging abandoned salt wells at a suitable distance below the sur- face, and exercising great care in mainaining the casing in others in- tact. The condition has been partly remedied by the above means and water obtained for municipal purposes from the glacial sands and gravels overlying the sandstone. Dallas, Texas. The second case is the one illustrated by condition at Dallas, Texas, where Mr. Bacon, in January, 1906, investigated the source and yield of potable waters for city use. Water is yielded by four formations which are named in the order of their occurrence downward, the Woodbine, the Paluxey, the Glen Rose and the Trinity. While these are locally separated as indicated here, the Glen Rose is really a part of the Trinity division.* The lower Trinity sands have never been explored in the Dallas region and their value as water pro- ducers, therefore, is unknown; but both the Paluxey and Woodbine formations contain sweet water. Most of the city wells derive water at the present time from the Woodbine and it is the inadequacy of supply from these sands which has led to the present investigation. The peculiar conditions which are to be recognized here are those arising from the fact that one of the city wells penetrates the Glen Rose formation; and the water supplied from these sands is under greater head than that from the overlying Paluxey. Moreover, the Glen Rose water is strongly mineral. Its exact composition has not been determined for this locality, but west of Austinf the upper Glen Rose beds contain strontium, magnesium and sodium. Many residents of Dallas use the water for its real or supposed medicinal value. This mineral water strongly attacks the well casing so that casing which had been in the well but one year was so seriously damaged as to exhibit breaks and checks in great number, and several of these were observed to be the size of a penny. The threads at the joints were completely decayed and unserviceable so that when an attempt was made to pull the casing each length was lifted out as it had no connection wih the next lower length. Its value, therefore, as a tight casing was practically zero. Add to this the fact that the Glen Rose water is under greater head than the Paluxey and it is seen that gradu- ally the Paluxey sands Were becoming impregnated with the mineral substances in the Glen Rose water. While the water is used for medi- cinal purposes by a number of the citizens of Dallas, it is unpalatable as city water and attempts to use it as such have proved unsuccessful. Its temperature is high and the contained salts give it a most unpleas- ant taste. *R. T Hill, U. S. Geol. Surv.. 18th annual report, 1896-97, part II, p. 279. tHill, Ibid, p. 300. 60 WATEE RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 By inserting a packer, with piping, to the surface, between the Glen Rose and Paluxey sands, the two waters were separated, the mineral water with high temperature coming up inside the pipe, and the Paluxey between the pipe so inserted and the well casing. Differences in head and quality and temperature of water were at once noticeable, although the Paluxey waters were to some degree mineralized, this degree steadily decreasing as the experiment continued. RECOMMENDATIONS. These two examples with the preceding general discussion are suffi- cient to show the vital character of the problems which they involve and ought to lead to the following definite results : 1. An accurate log should be kept of every well drilled. 2. Every water-bearing formation should be carefully examined as to its thickness and the quality of the water yielded. ' 3. The head of each separate water should be accurately determined and its relation established with respect to other waters encountered. 4. The casing should be intact when the well is completed and should be kept so, its condition being determined from time to time by suitable experi- ments. 5. A change in the head or quality of the water should be interpreted only when the possible effects of defective casing are taken into account. 6. In those states in which the geological conditions are known to be such as to favor contamination through the operation of one or the other of the causes noted herein, laws should be framed making the examination of the well casing and the determination of the exact relations of separate water- bearing strata the duty of each well owner or well driller.* THE LOESS AND DRIFT WATERS. Source. All the water found in the loess and drift is ultimately de- rived from rainfall. When the rain fa'ls upon the surface of the loess part of it runs off and part sinks into it. In both cases a portion of it is returned to the atmosphere by evaporation. The water which drains from the surface is called run off and is described on later pages. The water which sinks into the ground through the interstices of the loess and drift and furnishes the supply for springs and wells, and in some cases for ponds and lakes, is called the ground water. At first this water moves vertically downward for a few feet until it reaches a zone where the material is saturated. The upper surface of this sat- urated zone is called the ground water table. In rainy or wet seasons it is found nearer the surface than in rainless or dry seasons. Disposition in response to structure. The geological arrangement of the material is such that the more porous loess occurs on top and the compact till below, with an occasional thin bed of sand intercalated. The loess absorbs water readily and transmits it downward until it * In view of the development of coal deposits in the East St. "Louis district there would seem to be a further reason why casing: should he maintained intact or the well plugged. The deeper waters under great head, if ever allowed to enter the Coal Measures, would do incalcu- lable damage, not only by actually flooding the mines but by saturating the strata so as to yield water loner after the mines have been pumped dry. The state of Pennsylvania has enacted stringent lnws providing specifically for the avoidance of this sort of a calamity, inasmuch as the deep wells of the state are frequently in the same districts as the coal mines and accidents of the above description were formerly not of uncommon occurrence. bowman.] " UNDERGEOUND WATERS. 61 reaches the ground water table, which in some cases is the lower part of the loess and in others a lentil of sand, while in still others the top of the till. The geological arrangement of the porous loess near the bluffs facilitates the passage of the upland ground waters in seeking a lower water table on the flood-plain below. Throughout the upland the loess ranges from 50 feet along the brow of the bluffs to 10 feet 10 miles back from the edge of the escarpment. Beyond ten miles it rapidly drops to 2 to 3 feet thick and continues thus over a large part of the State. The till varies in thickness but has the general average of 20 feet. In some places the loess has been removed and the till occurs on top, e. g. at the shallow well of the Belleville Water Works in the valley of Richland creek. SECTION ON EICHLAND CREEK. Feet. Yellow till 25 Black muck, resembling soil 2 Yellow clay 6 Blue clay 9 Total drift 42 At this point the well entered rock. Other typical wells are as follows : SECTION OF COAL SHAFT OF THE SOUTHERN COAL MINING COMPANY, SHAFT NO. 5, BELLEVILLE, ILL. Feet. Soil, black 12 Clay, yellow '. 30 Clay, blue (had to use pick) 66 "Soapstone" 9 117 SHAFT OF EDWARDSVILLE COAL COMPANY (MADISON MINE), EDWARDSVILLE, ILL. Feet. Soil, black 3 Clay, (red brick color) till 26 Clay, blue, sandy 9 Hard pan and gravel 30 Soft clay 1 "Slate metal" 16 Sandstone 15 100 In the last example water was found 25 feet below the surface. No. other water was encountered in sinking the shaft down to 222 feet, which is the depth to coal bed No. 6. This depth to surface water is the general average throughout that part of the upland within the district. In this region fifteen coal shafts and a representative number of the shallow wells and all of the deep wells visited, and 25 feet was found to be the general average depth to water. More than that it is the only water-bearing horizon of importance above the 400 feet level. The latter level is considered under deeper horizons. 62 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. Tbull. 5 CITY AND VILLAGE WATER SUPPLIES AND SYSTEMS. [By Chester A. Reeds.] The discussions of the preceding pages are based on facts, many of which pertain to the water conditions and resources of cities and vil- lages. Not all the facts relating to the water systems of towns were relevant to the discussions, however, and such were therefore omitted. They are included here, for the convenience of well owners and com- munities who have an interest in these systems beyond that part in- cluded in the preceding discussion. Some of the systems are very simple indeed and require a short paragraph only, while others, es- pecially those of the larger towns, Belleville, Alton, etc., require ex- tended discussion. Occasional recommendations are made for the improvement of the water system. Belleville. The city of Belleville is a railroad center, and the county seat of St. Clair county, Illinois. It is located on high ground on the Louis- ville & Nashville, Southern Illinois Central and East St. Louis & Suburban electric railroads, 14 miles southeast of St. Louis, Missouri. It contains several breweries and distilleries and extensive manufac- turers of 'stoves, nails, flour, steam engines, threshing machines, pumps, drills, glass, shoes, powder, vinegar, etc. The city is underlain by workable bituminous coal of a good quality. Along the railroads numerous shafts have been sunk which supply an immense amount of coal used in St. Louis and East St. Louis. These mines support the large mining population residing in Belleville, which in 1890 was 15,360; in 1900, 17,484; in 1906, 20,000 reported. The city water is furnished in part from artesian wells drilled in the valley of Richland creek and in part by impounded water from Rich- land creek and its tributaries. The impounded water, used to sprinkle the streets and in some cases for the locomotives on the railroads, is brought into the pity through an old system ten miles in length, and was the principal source of supply preceding the advent of the deep well system. The present system pumps water from 18 of the 30 wells which the Belleville Deep Well Company has sunk, and distributes it over the city through the ten miles of old and 30 miles of new mains. The water is raised from the wells to a nearby reservoir by means of electrical driven pumps. The stored water is then forced to all taps of the system by the pressure in the reservoir. In addition to the 30 wells of the Belleville Deep Well Water Com- pany, 16 other deep wells have been sunk in and near Belleville. These are operated by the manufacturing plants which consume an enormous amount of water in making their products. A list of the well owners with the number owned by each is given in die following table : bowman.] UNDERGROUND WATERS. 68 WELLS AT BELLEVILLE, ILL. Belleville Deep Well Water Co 30 Belleville Distillery 2 Western Brewery 3 Star Brewery 3 Harrison-Switzer Mill , . 1 Gas and Electric Company 1 Citizens' Ice Company 1 St. Clair Vinegar Company 2 St. Clair County Farm and Hospital. . . : 1 American Bottle Company 1 Belleville Stove and Range Company. . . . 1 46 Of the foregoing number 15 have been abandoned chiefly because they furnished an insufficient supply of water; 12 of these belong to the Belleville Deep Well Water Company and three to the Star Brewery.* The depth of these deep wells varies from 400 to 700 feet, depending (1) upon the unevenness of the surface, (2) the dip of the water-bear- ing stratum to the east, and (3) the will of the owner and driller at the time the well was sunk. Along Richland creek in the southwestern and southern parts of the city the mouth of the wells is approximately 480 feet above tide ; while in the western part in the vicinity of the plants, the elevation is slightly above 540 feet; in the northeastern part in the neighborhood of the Star Brewery, the elevation above sea is a little more than 540 feet. It can be seen, then, that between the lowest and highest points there is a difference i nelevation of approximately 60 feet. From the logs of wells secured at Belleville and adjoining towns, it is plain that the water-bearing stratum dips to the east ; and comes near the surface some 12 miles west of Belleville just east of the Karsted district which extends from Falling Springs south past Waterloo to Thebes, Illinois. Where this outcrop of water-bearing sandstone ap- pears the whole country is covered with porous glacial material, loess, add probably with brown loam or till, so that it is somewhat difficult to determine whether it discontinues. This geological fact is important, however, since it enters largely into the problem of locating the source and amount that can be furnished to Belleville through the water- bearing sand stratum. This water-bearing. horizon dips to the east in conforming to the gentle slope of the western rim of the Eastern Interior Coal Field. From an incomplete section of the deep wells at Millstadt, Illinois, it was ascertained that the 70-80 feet of sandstone overlying the 300 feet of hard limestone was 230 feet below the surface of the ground and that the bed just above it was composed of shale. In the wells of the Belleville Deep Well Water Company in the valley of Richland creek in the southwest part of the city, a sandstone stratum occupying the same relative position with reference to the adjacent beds at Millstadt was struck 400 feet below the surface. In a deep well on the Muren farm, one and a half miles northeast of the wells, near the pumping station, 87 feet of sandstone was found at a depth *For detailed information of each well, see well statistics, page 73 et seq. 64 WATEE RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5- of 514 feet, immediately overlying the 986 feet of solid limestcne be- low. At lVlascoutah, Illinois, ten and a quarter miles east of Be leville, 20 feet of sandstone was encountered at a depth of 730 feet in contact with the 500 feet of massive limestone below. In this well, however, salt water was present in a 45 foot stratum of sand, 545 feet below the surface of the ground. The 140 feet of intercalated material is com- posed of limestone and shale as in the other we'ls cited above. This evidence goes to show that there is a decided dip of the water-bearing stratum from the west toward the east. This is shown in Fig. 2. In sinking wells to this stratum of sand the owners and drillers were oftentimes unmindful of the above mentioned geological features. Hence, when a reasonable supply of good water was found, they de- cided that a test was needless, for, by going deeper, an amount large enough to meet all demands could be obtained. As they went deeper, however, the good supply was cased off and salt water took its place. In some case, too, the driller was aware of an abundant supply of good water, but cased it off for the rig having once been set up, the deeper the well the greater the profit to the driller. Water is found in some of the sandstone strata that occur higher up, but usua'ly not in paying quantities. For this reason, most of the wells are sunk to the water bearing-stratum of sandstone which oc- curs immediately above the thick massive limestone previously men- tioned. This heavy limestone is probably Mississippian, while the over- lying sandstone is probably the ''Millstone grit" found immediately below the coal measures. The water obtained from this sandstone > in Belleville is of a fine quality. For the chemical analysis of repre- sentative samples, see table. The amount of water in the Belleville wells is decreasing. Mr. Slocum, superintendent of the Belleville Deep Well Water Company, states that in 1898 there were but two deep wells drawing water from this horizon, and that the head was 300. In 1905 there were 31 wells in Belleville drawing water from this depth with a head of only 150 feet. This loss of head is probably due to two causes : ( 1 ) the increased number of wells, (2) the pulling of casings from abandoned wells. The fact that there is a head of water to consider is due to the existing artesian conditions. In its dip to the eastward, the porous water-bearing stratum, from which the water is pumped, is overlain throughout by an impervious layer of shale which keeps the water confined. Hence, when the deep wells at Belleville tap this stratum the water rises until the column of water in the wells balances the pressure of the water in the water-bearing stratum. In sinking many wells to such a stratum the tendency is to draw off great quantities of water in a short time; on the other hand, the water which feeds these wells travels very slowly through the porous sand, not less than 200 feet and not more than one mile during the year. Under such conditions it is not surprising that the head of water is decreasing, and after steady pumping the sand "feels dry." *For complete section of the wells see well statistics, pa^e 73 et seq. rbbds.] CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. 65 The pulling of casing from abandoned wells permits the water in an artesian district to rise in the holes to the next pervious stratum and escape. In the several logs of abandoned wells belonging to the Belle- ville Deep' Well Water Company, furnished to this survey by Mr. Slocum, the height of the impervious stratum above the water-bearing ones varies. In well No. 21 there is 134 feet of shales between the water-bearing sandstone and the next overlying sandstone or pervious stratum in which the water might escape. In this case the water-bear- ing stratum is 34 feet thick and produced only 9,000 gallons per day, an amount insufficient for economical equipment and operation. In well No. 22, which has been abandoned, there is 195 feet of shale between the water-bearing sandstone and the one overlying. Here, too, the depth of the water-bearing stratum is thin (23 feet), affording only .9,000 gallons per day. This well was sunk near we'd No. 19 46 days after well No. 19 was completed. The logs of the two we'ls are almost identical, the thickness of the strata being the same. No. 19, however, afforded only 4 gallons, per minute or 5,760 gallons per day, while No. 22 afforded 9,000 per day. Although the yield of each abandoned we'l is not great, the combined yield of 12 js sufficient to as- sist greatly in lowering the head of the water in the productive wells. Edwardsville. Edwardsville, Illinois, with its good water, excellent sewer, and transportation facilities should make a choice resident site for the busy nerchant of St. Louis or East St. Louis. The water forced through the mains in the city is supplied by a private company, which obtained its franchise April 5, 1898. On January 26, 1899, the present system was in working order and ready for a trial test. That test consisted of throwing water from four lines of hose, simultaneously, to a height of 130 feet, or 40 feet more than required by ordinance. Plant. The five wells and pumping station are located at Poag in the "American Bottoms/' six miles west of Edwardsville. The water is drawn from five 8-inch casings, which reach through sand to a depth of 54 feet. The water runs into the w r ells through a 20-foot Cook strainer placed at the bottom of each well. Water is not pumped continuously from, any one or two of the wells, as it has been found in various tests that the water flows into them very slowly. This may be due to the smallness of the screen openings, but more probably to the slow transmission of the water through the sand ridge constituting the water-bearing stratum. The first 18 feet of this ridge is composed of fine sand and silt. That below 18 feet is gritty and would make a good plastering sand. It is this gritty sand which is the water-bearing med- ium, for the water table is about 18 feet below the surface at this place. The wells, pumping, station, and reservoir are arranged with reference to one another as shown in the accompanying diagram. Fig. 10. 5 G WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 RESERVOIR o 1 l G b IE o 13 14 o 15 STATION ^ % % Fig 10. Edwardsville pumping' station at Poag. In constructing the pumping station the engineers endeavored to make it as nearly as it is possible like a model station. The building is of pressed brick with facings of cut stone. It is 30 feet wide, 56 long, and 25 feet high. In the center of the pump room, which is 30 feet square, is the pump pit, a concrete well 21 feet in diamater. Here are two duplex Gardner pumps, each with a capacity of 1,000,00 gallons a day.* The boiler house adjoining is supplied with a double bank of powerful boilers, which sup- ply the force for carrying an immense amount of water to Edwardsville. A tele- phone line from the station to the local ex- change furnishes a complete fire alarm and enables the engineer to know when to pump water out of the reservoir used only in the case of fire. Mains. The pumping station at Poag is distant nearly six miles from the water tower in Edwardsville. A 12-inch main connects the principal points of the system. For the greater part of this distance the main follows the right-of-way of the Wabash railroad, as it could not be laid in the embankment used by the road. The pipe went through hills, along the bottom of swamps and sloughs, and up the heavy grades, which constituted lesser obstacles, to the water tower. From thepumping station to the base of the water tower there is a rise of 182 feet. From the water tower smaller pipes lead out over the city to supply the fountains, fire plugs, and taps. When the plant was installed the following amounts and sizes of pipes were used : PIPE USED AT EDWARDSVILLE. Length. Size. 21,997 feet 12-inch 8,000 feet 10-inch' 400 feet - 8-inch 24,000 feet : . 6 inch 12,000 feet 4-inch Water tower. The water tower that occupies the lots immediately adjoining the city building on Main and High streets is neatly fash- ioned. The foundation walls are 8 feet 6 inches across at the base ; 3 feet 4 inches at the top, and are of hard brick laid in concrete. The tower itself is octagonal in form and an even hundred feet in height. It is built of pressed brick with bands of ornamental, brick one-third and two-thirds the height, with a cap of the same. The walls at the bottom are 36 inches thick, tapering to 25 inches at the base of the cap. The tank which has a capacity of over 1,000,000 gallons is 36 feet high, by 22 in diameter, and is formed of plates varying from 7-16 to 5-16 of an inch in thickness. The over all dimensions of the tower are: Brick work, 100 feet; tank, 36 feet; roof, 12 feet, final, 4 feet; total. 162 feet. Small windows in each section afrord light to the reeds. I CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. 67 stairway, which ascends on each side of the io-inch feed pipe up the center of the tower. Around the outside of the tower at the base of the tank runs a balcony from which an iron ladder leads to the top of the tank. Cost. One year after the company had obtained its franchise, "it had expended, April 14, 1899, $65,000. This amount does not include any expenditure for right-of-way or a single item for salary or work of any officer or stockholder. The plant was built at a time when ma- terial of all kinds was at the lowest point it had been for years. Iron pipe was worth only $14.50 a ton." As the city grows larger the plant is increased to meet its needs. During the last few years one additional well has been put down at the pumping station and some of the city mains extended. There are, however, many people in the city still using cisterns and shallow wells. In a town as old and as large as Edwardsville there is much danger in using shallow water, since it is subject to contamination by surface drainage and percolating waters. Water. The water supplied by the Edwardsville water works is a good potable water at the present time. When the 'wells were first sunk the water was found to have the right proportions of salts for good drinking water, except that it had too large an amount of nitrites. This amount has since decreased and the chemists now consider it a good drinking water. For analysis see p. 78-80. At this writing there are only a few buildings on the long sand ridge at Poag from which Edwardsville draws her water supply. This is favorable for if the number of houses is allowed to increase the water is liable to be contaminated by surface infiltration. Source of supply. The source of the water that flows into the wells at Poag has puzzled many investigators. In the light of present knowledge of undeground water this point has been somewhat cleared up. For detailed discussion as to its source see Water Resources of the Mississippi Flood-plain in this report. In this connection the question arises — why can not Edwardsville secure as good a water supply from deep wells as Belleville? Wells have been sunk in Edwardsville as deep as 1,500 feet, but the water in every case is reported saline. From the topography, it is evident that the district about Edwards- ville is not suitable for artesian wells as at Belleville. In the case of Belleville the western edge of the water-bearing stratum is from 10 to 12 miles distant and at least 300 feet higher than where the water enters the wells. At Edwardsville wells of the same depth have water under less pressure since the massive limestone escarpment (200 feet high at Falling Springs and Alton) and a large part of the coal meas- ures have been cut away from in front of Edwardsvnle by the action of the Mississippi river. Although this same sandstone member does appear under Edwardsville, its water is under less pressure and is somewhat saline. 68 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. ' [bult,. 5 Collinsville. Collinsville, like Edwardsville, is situated on high ground overlook- ing theu "American Bottoms." It is a town of 5,000 inhabitants and has zinc works, coal mines, and manufacturers of brick, etc. It is lo- cated near the southern line of Madison county, Illinois, on the Van- dalia railroad, and East St. Louis & Suburban electric line, 12 miles E. N. E. of St. Louis, Missouri. Throughout this district the city is noted for its saloons, .49 in number. Although there are said to be more than 5,000 people living there, it is stated that not a single foot of sewer exists within the town. With reference to the water supply, however, more heed has been paid. In 1889, a well 602 feet deep was sunk. . Water was obtained from a 64- foot stratum of sandstone,* the top of which was 509 feet below the surface. The water was not of the best quality for it was slightly saline. The supply being small and the quality poor, a second well, 571 feet in depth, was put down in 1895, to the east of the former well. The water obtained was similar to that found in the first well. The combined capacity of the two being not more than 20,000 gallons a day, they were abandoned. The pumping apparatus is still kept in act, however, and the water used in case of fire. Another deep well has been sunk northeast of the town at the St. Louis Smelting Company's plant. This reaches a depth of 716 feet and affords a poor quality as well as a scant supply of water. The fact that the three wells yield an insufficient quantity and are saline tends to prove the assertion that there can be no successful artesian wells here at this depth. Following the lead of Edwardsville, the Water Company of Collins- ville sunk wells in 1901, in the "American Bottoms," near the Madison- St. Clair county 'line, about one- fourth of a mile from the bluffs. Four 10-inch wells- were sunk to a depth of 90 feet by the same method used at Poag, and are arranged with reference to one another as shown on the map, Plate 4. The first 15 feet of earth taken out of the casing represents a soil white in color. It appears to be reworked material deposited by the small streams coming out of the bluffs. The remain- ing 75 feet showed a reddish sand, without doubt part of the alluvial deposits of the Mississippi. A number of tests as to the capacity of these wells has been made and it has been found that any one of the four wells will yield 1,000,000 gallons in 24 hours. The water leaves a red deposit on the porcelain bath tubs and wash bowls and a soft red scale in the boilers. This scale seems to be due to an overabund- ance of iron in the water. For analysis of the Avater see p. 97. The cost of the old plant was approximately $20,000 This included two deep wells, pumping station, mains and water tower. The new plant with the four wells, pumping station, mains to city, and addi- tional mains in the city, cost $33,000. The water tower and mains of the old plant are being used as a part of the new system. . Collinsville has made its chief growth during the last 20 years. Taking into account the age of the town, 100 years, and the fact that it has never had a sewer system, and it is surprinsing that approxi- mately one-half of the population still use water from, shallow wells. bbbds.1 CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. 69 Caseyville. Caseyville has 500 inhabitants and is located at the foot of the bluff, nine miles east of St. Louis, on the Baltimore & Ohio and Vandalia railroads, and the East St. Louis & Suburban electric railroad. It supports largely a coal mining population.- There is no water or sewer system. Shallow wells from 25 to 40 feet deep afford an abundarxe of water. Alton. Alton, with approximately 20,000 people, lies in the northern part of the district, on the Mississippi river, three miles above the mouth of the Missouri and 25 miles above St. Louis. It is on the Chicago & Al- ton, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy and the Cleveland, Cinc'nnati. Chicago & St Louis, the Alton-East St. Louis electric and other rail- roads. It is situated on a high limestone bluff which rises about 200 feet above the river and is built on hilly uneven ground It has a public library, parks and a collegiate institution. It has flouring mi Is, glass factories, packing houses, and. manufactures of machinery, car- riages, farming implements, lead, lime, cement, tobacco, paving brick, etc. A number of valuable quarries of limestone are located alcng the river above Alton. It is the market and shipping point of several counties from which lime, coal, building stone, and fruits are exported. The city gets its water supply from the Mississippi river through a system similar to the ones in use at East St. Louis and Granite City. The pumping station and filtering basins are located on the north b :nk of the river a mile above the city. From here the water is forced through a 16-inch pipe for one-half a mile over the high bluffs to two large galvanized iron tanks where it is stored. These in turn give out the water to the various mains leading over the* city. At the present time there is not a sufficient number of filtering basins to fi'ter ell of the water needed. To supply this deficiency, unfiltered water is pumped directly into the mains, tending to make the water muddy and necessi- tating frequent flushing. At. the time the plant was installed it was sufficiently large to supply the city's wants, but the filtering capacity has not been increased with the growth of the city.. In the near future, however, four additional filters are to be added, thus insuring Alton good, wholesome water. 'TO WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [BuLt/. 5 The position of the pumping station with reference to the river, and the relation of its various parts, are shown in the diagram, Fig. n. The intake pipe rests on a rock foundation 3^2 feet below low water mark. By a nice arrangement of dikes in the Mississippi river, above the plant, a strong current is thrown past the station which keeps the intake pipe free from sediment. The water is pumped from the Mississippi river into a well 20 feet in diameter through a 24-inch pipe 1 00 feet long. From the well the river water is raised into the settling basin where it is treated with solutions of lime and sul- phate of iron, which reacting with each other and with substances in solution form a precipitate which carries down the matter held in suspension. The amount used varies with the condition of the water. On May 31, 1906, 1,102 pounds of lime and 334 pounds of sulphate of iron were used to pre- cipitate the suspended matter carried in 2,500,000 gallons of river water. The lime and sulphate of iron run constantly into the settling basin through iron pipes leading off from separate dissolving vats located above, and at the east end of the basin. From the settling basin the water runs over into the filtering room, where six of the New York gravity type of filters are. These filters are each 15 feet in diameter. 8 feet deep, and are filled with sand to a depth of 5 feet. The sand is taken from the river, but is cleaned before being put to use in the filter. When the water has percolated through the filters, it is raised 240 feet into the reservoir situated on the hi'l northwest of the city. The plant was completed nine years ago at a cost of $220,000. N y^ \ j 7 \ 7 l/n SUCTION MAIN 1 \pi MriNO STATION i Mississippi Biver 1 Fig. 11. Pumping suit ion at Alton. East Alton. East Alton is a village of approximately 550 people in the northern part of the district, four and one-half miles east of Alton. It is a rail- road junction and manufacturing town. The Union Cap and Chemical Company, The Equitab'e Powder Manufacturing Company and Beal Brothers' Tool Shops located along Wood river in the northern part of the town give employment to a large portion of the population. The water supply is obtained from private wells scattered over the village. In most cases these are driven to a depth from 18 to 25 feet through the sandy loam and quicksand which have been deposited near the junction of the east and west forks of Wood river. The manufac- turing plants obtain their water supply from wells, although some is taken from Wood river. reeds.] CITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. II In 1894 the Big Four railroad sank a well at its station in East Alton to a depth of 54 feet. In drilling this well the following strata were encountered. Sand 30-35 feet Quicksand 12-18 feet Sand 12-18 feet Clay (blue fire clay) 4 inches The drill hole was 8 inches in diameter and afforded p'enty of water for the use of the road at that time. In 1906, however, another 8-inch well was sunk to the same depth, 100 feet north of the former one. In 1906 the Equitable Powder Manufacturing Company put down a well to 900 feet on their property just across Wood river north of town. After the first 80 feet drift rock or varying texture was en- countered to 900 feet. Some of the rock was soft, but the greater part of it was a hard limestone. A salty water was obtained somewhere below 625 feet which ruined the supply for boiler and condensing pur- poses. In sinking the well an 18-inch crevice was encountered at the 625- foot level. In endeavoring to sink the well deeper, the drill hole was deflected, necessitating a "shot" to straighten out the diffiucutly. As a result of this shot a large quantity of good water was obained. The company did not put in a test pump at this time but continued drilling until the 900-foot level was reached. Then in a trial test 27^ gallons were pumped every minute for 24 successive hours. During this time the water was not lowered. On account of its salinity, however, it is of little use. Glen Carbon. The water supply of the village is dependent upon shallow wells located on the hills as well as in the valley of Judy's branch. Water for the boilers at the coal mines and for the washer is obtained from the branch and from ponds which have retained flood waters. The wells on the hills are the deeper while those in the valley, although not so deep, have more water in. them. The wells on the hills average 56 feet in depth, with four feet of water, while those in the valley are 30 feet deep with 25 feet of water. Most of the wells are owned by the Madison Coal Company and are one of two sizes, either walled with 18-inch tile or with brick. With the brick walled ones, the diameter is usually 3^ feet. Water has not always been plentiful in Glen Carbon and on various occasions the coal company has been compelled to haul water from East St. Louis. To insure a constant supply for the coal washer, dams are being built across Judy's branch. After a few years, however, it is prob- able that the lake thus formed above the dam will be filled with sedi- ment ancl no flood water can be caught. The coal company will then be forced either to build additional dams or put in a system similar to that furnishing water to Edwardsville and Collinsville. 72 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOF1S. [bull. 5* East Carondelet. East Carondelet is a small village in the "American Bottoms" in the southern part of the district, on the Mobile & Ohio and Illinois Central railroads. Its water supply is obtained from shallow wells driven into the alluvial deposits to a depth of from 25 to 30 feet. O'Fallon. O'Fallon has approximately 2,000 people, in the southern part of the district on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern, Louisville & Nash- ville and East St. Louis & Suburban electric railroads. It is on level ground with an elevation of approximately 570 feet above tide. It has manufactures of stoves, ranges, flour, etc. The coal mines in the immediate vicinity support a large part of the population. The water supply of the town is obtained from shallow wells in the glacial drift. The O'Fallon Electric Light and Water Company have put in a small plant which supplies the business and part of the residence portion of the town with water. The pumping station and wells are located in the extreme western part of the town near the crossing of the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern and Louisville & Nashville railroads. In 1894 the company put down three 8-inch wells to a depth of 40 feet. At- the bottom of each there is an 8-inch strainer of the Cook type. This was a necessity as quicksand was found at this depth. See section of well given below : Thickness. Depth. Brown loam 35 35 Black clay, hard, tough • 1 36 Quicksand 3 39 The capacity of each of the wells is approximately 22,000 gallons per day.* Not far distant from the wells of the Water Company is a single well belonging to the Charles Tiedman Milling Company which sup- plies water to the flour mill. This is a dug well 40 feet deep, 4 feet in diameter, and has an approximate capacity of 2,500 galons per day. The chemical analysis of the water of the wells at the pumping station and of the mill are given on a later page. Mitchell. Mitchell is a small village on the "American Bottoms," seven miles north of East St. Louis. The Wabash, Chicago '& Alton, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago &St. Louis, and East St. Louis & Suburban ra ; l- roads pass through it. The few inhabitants obtain their water supply from wells driven into the alluvial deposits to a depth of from 25 to 40 feet. One mile north of Mitchell on the Big Four railroad a 3-inch well sunk to a depth of 56 feet supples water for the engines on that railroad. These wells are on a sand ridge which runs south from Wood river to Mitchell and then east along the north side of Long lake. *For further data see table of well statistics, p. bbbds.] OITY AND VILLAGE SUPPLIES. 73 Nameoki. Nameoki is a small village half way between Granite City and Mitche'l on the flood-plain of the Mississippi river. Its water supply is derived from wells driven into the flood-plain deposits to a depth of from 25 to 60 feet. The water is not of the best quality. East St. Louis. In the section on surface sources of water supply will be found a discussion of the principal features of the East St. Louis, Granite City and Madison water supply. The following data were not pertinent to the discussion in that chapter and are therefore included here. The present system was established in 1885 by a private company which has ever since retained control. L. S. vertical direct-acting pumps are used with a combined capacity of 22,000,000 gallons in 24 hours; 8,000,000 gallons of water are consumed daily. Weekly analyses are made by the chemist steadily employed by the company. There are 7,600 consumers of the water thus supplied.* Granite City. The system supplying water to Granite City has already been re- ferred to in the description of the water supply of East St. Louis. The City Water Company of East St. Louis and Granite City maintains two pumping stations, one at East St. Louis and one at Granite City. The former supplies water to East St. Louis alone, the latter to Granite City, Madison and Venice. The pumping systems and filtration rneth-. ods are so nearly alike as not to warrant repeated description here. . • Oher Towns and Villages. The water resources of the other smaller towns in the area, Peters, Stallings, Dupo, and the like, are so exceedingly simple as not to re- quire separate discussion. In all cases the supply is from relatively shallow wells owned by individuals. There is no approach to a public system. The sanitary arrangements, while in most cases primitive, do not demand special condemnation, because of the relatively scat- tered population. Any further growth of population in the small towns, however, will call for a public system of water supp'y, ade- quately protected and complemented by a suitable drainage system. ANALYSES AND WELL SECTIONS. Analyses. In the pages and tables following are given such sanitary ?nd mineral analyses of the waters of the district as are available. The larger portion were made in the laboratory of the State Water Survey, the samples being in part collected by officers of the Geological Survey and in part sent in by private citizens. The first thirteen analyses given *Fromdata supplied by Dr. E. Bartow, the director of the State Water Survey, Urbana, 111. 74 WATEK RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. Lbull. 5 were furnished by the well owners, and are given here as supplied to the survey. For purposes of comparison they have been recalculated in the ionic form, and in this form appear in the table of mineral analyses. Following them are analyses made in the laboratory of the State Water Survey. MISCELLANEOUS MINERAL ANALYSES. Well No. 41. Corn Products Company, Granite City. Grains per Gal. Silica 6.76 Oxides of iron and aluminum 1.8© Lime (calcium oxide) 8.75 Sodium oxide . . 3.148 Analysis by St. Louis Testing and Sampling Co. Parts per 1,000,000. Total solids 532.8 Volatile solids 52.2 Fixed solids 480.6 Silica 26.4 Oxides of iron and aluminum , 11.6 Lime : 157.5 Magnesia .' 48.3 Alkalies 15.8 Sulphuric anyhdride 84.6 Chlorine 18.0 Carbonic acid 139.3 501.5 Well No. 42. American Steel Foundry Company's Well Water. From Dearborn Labora- tories, Dec. 19, 1904. Grains per Gal. Silica 1.495 Oxides of iron and aluminum .543 Carbonates of lime 6.155 Sulphate of lime 17 680 Carbonate of magnesia 6.423 Sodium and potassium suplhate .788 Sodium and potassium chlorides 2.970 Loss on ignition probably 514 36.558 Well No. 45. Rolling Mills, Granite City. Grains per Gal. Sodium chloride ' 96 Calcium sulphate 6.85 Sodium carbonate 4.63 Calcium carbonate 9.14 Magnesia (carbonate?) 4.60 Silica 1.72 Oxides or iron and aluminum 1.72 29.62 BOWMAN.] ANALYSES. 75 Well No. 46. American Car & Foundry Company, Madison. Grains per Gal. Sodium chloride • 1-69 Calcium sulphate • 4 -5° Calcium carbonate • • • • 10.49 Magnesia (carbonate?) '. 6.81 Silica 2 - 33 Oxides of iron and aluminum 1.57 27.39 American Car and Foundry Co. Cold Water, Deep Well. Grains per Gal. Sodium chloride 1-92 Calcium sulphate • • • 5-48 Calcium carbonate 10.90 Magnesia carbonate • 5.59 Silica 1.86 Oxides of iron and aluminum 87 Pond Water, Madison. American Car and Foundry Company. Sodium chloride 1.34 Calcium sulphate 10.25 Sodium carbonate ' 1.75 Calcium carbonate i.86 Magnesia (carbonate?) 6.00 Silica : 1.46 Iron oxides and aluminum 76 23.42 Well No. 44. Analysis of water from 250 foot well by the chemist of the Commonwealth Steel Company of Madison. Well, the property of the Hoyt Metal Company of that city. Below limestone. Taken in platinum dish so that there would be dissolving of glassware. 500 g. gave .0109 grams per litre. S0 3 = .6358 gr. per gal. 1,000 grams + evap. to dryness = .3086 gr. Total solids, 18.0022. 1,000 grams organic matter + water == .0423 gr., dried, 102° = 2,4676. g. per g. per litre. gallon. 0.3080 .0237 .0235 = = 1.3709 .0002 = = 0.0116 . 1028 = = 5.9968 .0274 = = 1.5983 .0059 = .3381 .0182 = = 1.0616 .1700 = = 9.9169 .0503 = = 2.9342 .0078 = .4549 1, 000 grams solids, etc. 1, 000 grams insol. residue 1, 000 grams silica Iron oxide and aluminum 1, 000 grams lime 1. 000 gram s magnesia 500 errams of water clorine 1,000 grams calcium sulphate... 1,000 grams calcium, carbonate. 1,000 magnesium (carbonate) 1, 000 grams magnesium cloride. . 76 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. . [bull, i Well No. 28. Sample of water from 380 feet analyzed by R. W. Starke, as follows: Urbana, September 25, 1902. Sanitary chemical analysis. (Amounts stated in parts per million.) Total residue by evap 18,592.4 Fixed residue (mineral water) ': # .' 17,820.8 Volatile matter (loss on ignition) 1,131.6 Chlorine in chlorides . . . ■ 8,400.0 Oxygen consumed '. 48.1 Nitrogen as free ammonia 5.8 Nitrogen as albuminoid . . . . .08 Nitrogen as nitrites .001 Nitrogen as nitrates .079 Much sulphate. Excessive amount of mineral water makes it unfit for boiler or for ordinary drinking purposes. Upon surface of water was notice- able a film of what appeared to be oil. Wells No. 102, 103. Belleville, June 10, 1901. St. Clair Vinegar Co. Parts per million. Carbonate of sodium 811.5 Carbonate of lime . 22.7 Carbonate of magnesia . . ,. Traces Chloride of sodium 42.6 Sulphate of sodium 14.3 Silica 21.4 Volatile matter : 53.2 Ammonia None Nitrites None 965.7 Analyzed by Zymotechnic Institute, Chicago. Some difficulty with water for vinegar purposes. Carbonate of soda must be neutralized by acid. To neutralize carbonate of soda it requires 1.36 pounds of muriatic acid, (i. e. H CI. of 33% strength) for every 100 gallons of H 2 O. Well No. 193. Ph. H. Postel Milling Co.: Gentlemen — We have made a complete analysis of the sample of water sent us, including a quantitative determination of the amount of solid residue per gallon, and beg leave to report as follows: Total mineral matter, 1,706.5 grains per gallon. This residue is composed chiefly of chloride of sodium or common salt, which would probably amount to 1,500 grains per gallon. The residue also contains: Sulphate of lime, sulphate of magnesia, oxides of iron, slight. This is a brine carrying all of its salt in solution. On long standing a portion of the iron is deposited as oxide. The water is unfit for drinking purposes, wholly useless as a water for steam purposes and therefore value- less as a source of water supply. Respectfully, Regis Chauvenet and Bros. bowman.] ANALYSES. 77 Analysis by C. Leudeking. The following are the results of my examination of the sample of artesian water you forwarded me. Grains per U. S. gallon. Chloride of sodium 1,041.21 Chloride of potassium 15.33 Bromide of sodium 2.74 Iodide of sodium -46 Bicarbonate of lithium Trace Bicarbonate of iron -29 Bicarbonate of sodium < 3.55 Bicarbonate of magnesium 96.97 Bicarbonate of calcium 184.28 Sulphate of sodium : 71.09 1,415.92 Total solids, direct determination 1,409.06 Sulphuretted hydrogen gas, per gal 3.1 cu. in. Free carbonic acid gas, per gal 14.9 cu. in. (?) Density of water ' 1.017 Reaction slightly alkaline. Respectfully, . C. Luedeking. Stanford, Conn., Aug. 12, 1895. Second Analysis of "Water from Depth of 3,000 Feet. By Regis Chauvenet and Bros. April 27, 1895, 709 Pine St., St. Louis. Grains of solid residue per gal. Sodium chloride 694.49 Calcium chloride 391.80 Magnesium sulphate 130.50 Calcium sulphate .' 76.05 Oxide of iron 0.76 1,293.60 Hydrogen sulphide gas strong on first drawing from well. Organic matter of either vegetable or animal origin wholly absent. This is a strongly satur- ated magnesium water. It is chiefly characterized by the common salt in solution which makes it a brine to the taste, wholly unpalatable and likely to prove purgative in its action. It is perfectly wholesome water as far as its constitutents are concerned and free from organic contamination of any kind. It may be compared with the famous Saratoga wells, being not unlike the Congress or Empire spring. It must remain for the medical profession to indicate how freely such extremely salt water may be safely used. As a water for boiler use it is wholly unfit, but as a source of common salt it may find a use, though the per cent of lime and magnesia interfere with the purity of the product first obtained. The sulphuretted hydrogen gives to the water a characteristic smell and ©olor, and to such a strongly impregnated sulphur water the name "Blue Lick" water is commonly given. We suggest that you call it "Magnesium Sulphur "Water" as the best name to indicate its nature. Respectfully, Regis Chauvenet and Bros... 78 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. Lbull. 5 Sanitary Analyses from State Water Survey. The following analysis from the Department of Chemistry, Uni- versity of Illinois, and the discussions accompanying them are included here because the samples are from various places in the district, and are, therefore, fairly representative of water qualities for the shallow depth from which most of the samples were taken. Chemical Analysis. University of Illinois, Uebana, III., Feb. 16, 1898. Laboratory No. 3261. Report of the sanitary chemical analysis of water sent by Chas. Boeschen- stein, Edwardsville, Illinois. Sourse of water 55-foot driven wells at Poag, Illinois. Samples No. 3261 taken Feb. 14, 8:00 a. m., after 213 hours con- tinuous pumping. Amounts stated in parts per million: No. 2973 No. 3045 No. 3044 [No. 3064 160. 157.6 154. 152. 136.8 141.2 138. 134. 23.2 16.4 16. 18. 3.2 2.9 2.9 2.9 1.0 1.2 1.1 .9 .001 .002 .002 .001 .014 .024 .024 .014 .033 .014 .023 .014 3.0 3.6 3.6 3.6 Nov. 21 Dec. 6 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 'No. 3261 Total residue by evaporation Fixed residue (mineral matter) ..-..-. Volatile matter (loss on ignition) . Chlorine in chlorides . : Oxygen consumed. Nitrogen as free ammonia Nitrogen as albumenoid ammonia, Nitrogen as nitrates Nitiogen as nitrates Date of collection 154. 136. 18. 2.7 1.1 ' " ' .003 .003 3.4 Feb. 14 The last sample, No. 3261, shows great improvement over the earlier samples with respect to nitrites, and from consideration of all the circum- stances, it is my opinion that the nitrites have been in the main developed in the water after drawing from the well and while in transit to the laboratory here. Sample No. 3261 arrived and the test for nitrites was made here within nine hours of the time of collection, while in the other cases the time between collection and arrival here was from 24 to 96 hours. Aethub W. Palmee, Sc. D. Professor Chemistry. Sanitaey Chemical Analysis. Water sent by Charles Boeschenstein, Edwardsville, Illinois. . Univeesity of Illinois, Uebana, III., Feb. 5, 1898. Laboratory No. 3224. Source of water 35-foot, open well, on north side of court house square, Edwardsville, Illinois. Amounts are stated in parts per million: Total residue by evaporation : 593.2 Fixed residue (mineral matter) 477.2 Volatile matter (loss or ignition) 116.0 Chlorine in chlorides 99.0 Oxygen consumed 1.5 Nitrogen as free ammonia : 002 Nitrogen as albumenoid ammonia 024 Nitrogen as nitrites 003 Nitrogen as nitrates 22.0 Considerable sulphate. bowman.] ANALYSES. 79 The very high chlorine and the excessive nitrates in this water show that the supply comes originally from a surface area which is near by, and which is contaminated by animal refuse matters. Inasmuch as the albumenoid is low, however, it appears that the organic matters are quite fully oxidized before they reach the well. The water may be regarded as usable condition, at the present moment, but such waters as this are a source of danger inas- much as at any time organic matters are likely to reach the well before becoming completely oxidized and consequently causing pollution and convey- ing disease. A. W. Palmee, Professor of Chemistry. Sanitary Chemical Analysis. Water sent by Chas. Boeschenstein, Edwardsville, Illinois. November 6, 1897. Source of water 55-foot driven well near Bdwrdsville, Illinois. Amounts are stated in parts per million. Laboratory No. 2891. Filtered. Total residue by evaporation 138. Fixed residue (mineral matter) . . . . 120.4 Volatile matter (loss or ignition) 17.6 Chlorine in chlorides . . 2.1 Oxygen consumed '. 4.6 Nitrogen as free ammonia 004 Nitrogen as albumenoid ammonia 056 Nitrogen as nitrites 2.200 Nitrogen as nitrates ..'...■ 1.600 Little sulphates. The high "oxygen consumed" and "albumenoid ammonia" show that much organic matter is present while the excessive nitrites show that putrefactive changes are going on actively. In its present condition this water could not be considered suitable for domestic use, but undoubtedly the present con- dition is not at all normal. You must not expect to gain knowledge of the true condition of the water from wells of this class until the wells have been thoroughly pumped for a day or two. A. W. Palmer. Sanitary Chemical Analysis. Water sent by C. Boeschenstein, Edwardsville, Illinois. No. 2973. Nov. 30, 1897. Source of water, 50-foot driven well at Poag, Illinois. Amounts are stated in parts of millions. Total residue by evaporation 160. Fixed residue (mineral matter) 136.8 Volatile matter (loss or ignition) 23.2 Chlorine in chlorides 3.2 Oxygen consumed 1.0 Nitrogen as free ammonia 001 Nitrogen as albumenoid 004 Nitrogen as nitrites 033 Nitrogen as nitrates 3.0 This water contains a very small quantity of mineral matter and conse- quently would probably be well suited for use for mechanical purposes. The low proportion of free and albumenoid ammonia, also of chlorine, indicates that the water is comparatively free from organic impurities, but the presence 80 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. Lbull. 5 of so much nitrites is unfavorable, as it indicates that the organic matters present are undergoing oxidation. It is quite likely that this condition of affairs may be improved after long continued pumping. The water appears to be derived from a shallow source and doubtless is collected from a surface area which is not very far distant from the well itself. It is, I should say, essentially a land water, that is, it is unlikely that the water manifesting these characteristics comes from the river underground, but rather is derived from a land stream flowing toward the river. A. W. Palmer. Sanitary Chemical Analysis. Water sent by Chas. Boeschenstein. No. 2974. Nov. 30, 1897. Source of water, 90-foot shaft, abandoned coal mine, Wanda, Illinois, after continuous pumping for three weeks. Amounts are stated in parts of millions: No. 2974 No. 2731 Total residue bv evaporation 979.2 928.4 50.8 19.0 2.1 .56 .034 None .35 1264.8 Fixed residue (mineral matter) 1182.0 Volatile matter (loss or ignition). Chlorine in chlorides 82.8 18.0 Oxygen consumed Nitrogen as free ammonia 8.0 .094 Nitrogen as albuiuennoid .454 Nitrogen as nitrites Nore Nitrogen as nitrates .' .4 Considerable iron and sulphates. The water drawn from the shaft on the date of November 22 shows con- siderable improvement over the sample drawn from the same source about two months previously. The analysis of the number 2731 (which I have placed on this same sheet for purposes of comparison and which was the sample drawn from the same coal shaft September 30, and sent to us by Tuxhorn Brothers of Edwardsville) shows by inspection of the figures that there is a marked improvement in the character of the water at present, and it is quite likely that this improvement may continue. However, the large quantity of iron and sulphate in the water at present would be objectionable in a water that is intended for domestic use, and would also probably cause considerable difficulty if the water is used in boilers, because of . formation of scale. Arthur W. Palmer, Professor of Chemistry, University of Illinois. Sanitary Chemical Analysis. Water sent by C. Boeschenstein, Edwardsville, Illinois. Laboratory No. 3236. Feb. 10, 1898. Source of water, 70-foot driven well on farm of Fred Whittig, near Edwards- ville, Illinois. Total residue by evaporation 194.0 Fixed residue (mineral matter) 184.0 ' Volatile matter (loss or ignition) 10.0 Chlorine in chlorides . 3.0 Oxygen consumed : 1.1 Nitrogen as free ammonia 002 Nitrogen as albumenoid 026 Nitrogen as nitrites '.'•. 105 Nitrogen as nitrates 110 BOWMAN.] ANALYSES OF WATERS. SI This water is very similar in character to the water drawn from the well at Poag. The excessive quantity of nitrites contained is a very objectionable feature of this water, inasmuch as the water was three days on the way, that is, collected February 4 at 10:00 a. m., and arrived at our laboratory February 7 at 8:30 a. m., it is likely that these nitrites either developed or at least were considerably increased in amount during transit. Conse- quently the significance of this datum can not be regarded as altogether satisfactory. Arthur Palmer. Sanitary Chemical Analysis. Water sent by C. Boeschenstein, Bdwardsville. Laboratory No. 1454 and 1455. October 10, 1896. Source of water, 35-foot test well, driven in sand and gravel at foot of bluffs (Gouthards). Amounts in parts per million: Oct. 5. Oct. 6. 139.2 133.6 5 6 1.6 .8 None .004 .009 4.00 140.8 132 8 Volatile matter (loss on ignition) 8.5 1.7 .6 .006 .008 Nitrogen as nitrates 4.00 This is comparatively soft water and is remarkably free from organic matters. If the water drawn from the well continues to exhibit such charac- teristics as it does at present it will make an admirable supply for your city. It seems to me that it will be well, however, in order to make sure that the supply continues of good quality, to send some more samples of the water collected at a later period. Yours very truly, Arthur W. Palmer, Professor of Chemistry. Well No. 55. Analysis of Well Water, Armour & Company, Bast St. Louis, 111., July 7, 1906. Grains per U. S. gallon. Sodium nitrate .11 Sodium chloride 2.89 Sodium sulphate 2.02 Ammonium sulphate 17 Magnesium sulphate 2.82 Magnesium carbonate 4.1 Calcium carbonate 25.72 Iron and aluminum oxides 1.35 Silica (Si 2 ) 1.42 C. F. Hagedorn, —6 G 82 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 Well No. 63. Missouri Malleable Iron Co., Shallow Well, 72 Feet. City water, Well Water, *2. Parts per 1, 000, 000. Grains per gallon. Total residue 610.0 350.0 260.0 266.667 82.325 184.32 10.0 75.92 33.50 33.50 .11 150.50 40.75 35.584 Ignition residue 20.147 Loss on ignition 15.168 Total hardness •. 15.556 Permanent hardness 4.804 Temperature .' 10.752 Chlorine , .583 4.428 1.954 Iron / .642 Al ) 8.779 M g O 2.377 Well No. 39. Otto Burget, 602 N. 10th St., East St. Louis. Altoona, Pa., Feb. 25, 1905. Water sample from Rose Lake, Illinois. We have examined the sample of water taken from a 95-foot well at Rose Lake, Illinois. Find as follows as a boiler water: Grains per gallon. Total solid residue .23.35 Probable scale making material in the above 21.14 Chlorine 0.11 Soda ash required per 1,000 gallons None Lime required per 1,000 gallons. 1.95 lbs. The residue consists principally of carbonates and sulphates of lime and magnesia, with a little free soda ash in the water, and a little bit of chlorides. We would not regard this as a very bad water for boiler use. Indeed, the small amount of free soda ash in it would assist in keeping the boilers clean, and in removing scale from other boilers. There is nothing corrosive to boilers in this water in its present condition. As a drinking water this water contains as follows: Nitrogen as nitrates (parts per million) 0.15 Nitrogen as nitrites (parts per million) Trace Free ammonia 0.36 Albumenoid ammonia 0.07 Chlorine (grains per gallon) 0.11 Bacteria (per cu. cm.) .3940. Bacteria characteristic of bowel discharge not present. There is nothing in these figures to cause any special uneasiness in regard to this water. It is noticeable that the free ammonia is high which is not at all rare in well waters in the coal region. Chas. B. Dudley, Chemist. bowman ] ANALYSES OF WATEES. 83 Table of Mineral Analyses. The following table shows the results of analyses of the mine al content of waters from the East St. Louis district. These include 23 waters that were collected and sent to the State Water Survey by Messrs. Reeds and Bowman ; 1 1 analyses made by other parties and re- calculated according to the method used by the S':ate Water Survey; and 17 analyses of waters that have been sent to the Water Survey by citizens of the district. An inspection of these results show that wells over 500 feet deep con- tain an amount of mineral matter that would prohibit their u : e for boiler and manufacturing purposes ; one exception to be noted, that of a 172-foot drilled well at Edgmont, which contains practically no in- crustants, and while containing a considerable quantity of salts of the alkalies could be used in boilers. Wells from 300 feet to 500 feet deep contain a considerable residue on evaporation, consisting for the most part of salts of the alkalies, but containing also considerable quantities of calcium and magnesium. The most satisfactory water is obtained from the Mississippi river. The water obtained from many of the driven wells, especially those in the American bottoms at Poag, is of good quality. Of the 51 waters analyzed, 14 would be condemned for excessive residue ; 19 would be benefited by treatment with soda ash and passing them through a feed water heater, or by treatment with soda ash and lime and allowing the sediment to settle before the water is added to the boilers; 15 would be benefited by treatment with lime alone, and allowing the sediment to settle ; and three are of sufficient purity to give very satisfactory water without treatment. 84 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 The Mineral Content of Waters- Alton Madison 2211 May 12. 1897. . . L. P.Schussler 80 feet. Belleville St. Clair 10805 Belleville. . County Madison 14649 July 18. 1906. . . i,' 400 ft drilled St. Clair 10983. Dec. 17, 1902. . . W. Renshaw.. Surface April 4. 1903 .. Depth . Spring IONS. Milligrams per 1.000 c. c. Milligrams per 1,000 c. c. Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. 1.6 15.4 1.0 Sodium Na 5756.4 8.2 190.4 335.2 1.4 4.4 14.0 1.2 .4 9591.4 436.0 228.7 28.4 3.6 Magnesium Mg 35.7 108.6 5.6 2 1 12.3 16.7 32.4 39.7 110.8 .9 3.6 Silica Si. 5.0 10.2 Nitrate N0 3 .2 4. 12.4 .9 8.8 41.0 .3 Chloride CI 3.2 Sulphate SO* 7.3 Hypothetical ■ ^ ** P >-* P Q • p ?8 ** P 9 • p 7200 C.co p Q dS. • p ' *p g.5 Potassium Nitrate .3 3.0 .02 .11 .6 6.7 .6 .04 .55 .04 Sodium Nitrate .5 .03 1.3 99.4 14.5 • 51.8 .08 5. SO .85 5.05 Suspended matter 198.8 11.60 Sodium Chloride 4.2 18.6 18.1 .24 1.08 1.06 114609.7 852.18 10.7 57.5 .62 3.36 24.3 1.42 9.6 .56 744.6 43.43 7.5 53.1 .44 3.10 117.4 6.85 138.2 8.06 262.1 618.0 146.5 ,15.29 36.05 8.55 272.0 15.86 96.1 2.2 5.61 .13 276.8 16.15 11.6 4. 26.1 .61 .23 1.52 2.9 4.4 14.0 .11 .26 .82 1.9 6.8 21.8 .11 .40 Silica 10.6 .62 1.28 Sodium Nitrite Bases 1.2 .01 Totals 475.3 21.10 16428.2 958.21 336.5 19.66 bowman.] ANALYSES OF WATERS. From the East St. Louis District. 85 Belleville St. Clair 10250.. Belleville St. Clair 15017. Belleville.. St. Clair... Caseyville ... St. Clair 14626 (88) July 14. 1906. . Caseyville . St. Clair.. . . 14629(176)... July 14, 1906 Caseyville . St. Clair . . . 14993 Sept. 15, 1906 J.W.Mosier 25 ft Feb. 8, 1902 Sept. 17, 1906. E. J. DuPont. 425 ft 450 ft Well 102.... 25 ft dug 40 ft. dug. . . Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. Milligrams per 1000 c. c. Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. Milligrams per 1000 c. c. Milligrams per 1000 c. c. 139,1 217.0 .4 3.8 6.1 374.0 207.6 .1 340.4 646.9 151.7 92.2 .1 115.1 254.5 .1 2.2 66.0 3.5 .232.1 500.7 3.8 9.1 4.2 21.0 .3 .8 80.0 9.8 21.4 13.0 5.0 441.9 700.0 1237.3 16.0 5.0 265.1 250.0 1255.8 .3 56.5 188.0 489.0 9.0 5.5 25.8 9.7 \£Mjti*k Combinations. ►d g gS Ecd p as. ■ a P4 gH Ecd p O as. -i g£ P. CD o ^ p Q i-i • C/3W hd g cc &■« f CD as. • a urn hd p g w J3*. CD o l " 1 p as. • a is ■n g w P. CD O ""* Q as. ' d K N 3 K'Cl. . K 2 S0 4 .. .5 .03 1.0 .06 606.1 35.35 363.6 21.2 77.5 4.52 NaN0 3 .. NaNOa 15.0 .87 .49 16.71 132.0 14.5 365.9 7.70 .85 21.34 22.6 14.3 811.5 2.48 .83 47.33 100.1 6.42 135.0 7.87 180.7 10.53 NaCl 8.2 Na 2 S0 4 .. . 286.6 Na 2 COt .3 .02 .3 .02 (NH 4 ) 2 C1 (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 Mg Cl 2 1.1 .06 850.6 607.5 49.62 35.44 226.0 861.6 13.18 50.26 105.1 436.5 6.13 25.45 .71 "id.2 .77 MgS0 4 .. 12.2 MgCOa 1 CaCl 2 . . ! 1066.9 830.6 15.0 62.23 48.45 .87 805.8 657.5 11.0 47.0 38.35 .64 199.6 488.5 11.63 28.49 CaSO* 8.9 .6 .52 .03 15.2 6.0 .89 .35 22.7 1.32 CaOo 3 ... Fe 2 Cs + Al 2 3 .2 .01 Fe S0 4 FeC0 3 2.2 66.0 .13 3.84 Al 2 3 . 9.0 .52 21.0 .5 7.8 1.22 .03 .45 21.4 1.25 13.0 .76 16.0 .93 SiO. Si0 2 + . 5.0 .29 5.0 .29 8.2 .49 341.0 19.81 578.2 33.72 912.5 53.21 4105 :i 239.45 3081.5 179.73 1564.9 91.21 86 WATEE EESOUECES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 The Mineral Content of Waters Collinsville Madison 4271 Collinsville Madison 4280 Oct. 26, 1898... J.R. Wadsw'th 706 ' Collinsville Madison 10753. 14529 Date Oct. 26, 1898... J.R. Wadsw'th 601' Nov. 10, 1902.. S. E. Simpson. 90' June 22, 1906 Depth 90 ' IONS. Milligrams per 1,000 c. c. Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. • Milligrams per 1,000 c. c. Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. 27.9 830.4 i7.9 38.8 2.5 4.3 24.1 18.9 833.8 1.3 19.7 31.7 1.5 .6 2.2 38.2 .1 27.9 74.2 1.2 1.0 95 1 7 Sodium Na 9 Magnesium Mg , .3 43.7 82.8 6 1.6 19 2 Nitrate N0 3 1.7 865.0 450.4 ,.6 " 680.0 505.4 .7 10.3 16.9 2 5 Sulphate S0 4 41.1 Hypothetical . ►■* 5" a P ^ 5" <"? 'Sl- ag CD 3 00 Q B" £.8 3 «2 Q cJp. XJlw p ct> Potassium Nitrate 3.8 1.1 48.6 .22 .06 2.83 2.8 1.1 33.1 .16 .06 1.92 1.1 .06 .3 .02 Potassium Nitrite Potassium Chloride 3.3 .19 3.0 .17 Sodium Chloride 1387.3 666.3 158.2 80.92 38.87 9.23 1094.7 747.6 485.8 63.85 43.60 28.34 14.4 25.0 56.2 .86 1.46 3.28 5.9 20.7 .34 1.21 1.1 .06 Ammonium Chloride Ammonium Carbonate 3.4 .20 .3 .02 Magnesium Chloride Magnesium Sulphate 41.7 91.1 2.43 Magnesium Carbonate 62.2 3.62 68.5 3.99 97.2 5.67 5.31 Calcium Carbonate 97.1 5.1 8.2 51.4 5.65 .30 .48 3.00 79.7 3.2 1.2 7.1 4.64 .18 .01 .40 185.4 2.6 1.9 20.3 10.82 .15 .11 1.19 206.7 1.2 1.6 19.2 2.5 12.06 .07 .09 1.12 Bases .15 Total 2489.3 145.18 2528.1 147.41 407.7 23.81 395.0 23.03 bowman.] ANALYSES OF WATERS. » from the East St. Louis District. 87- Collinsville. . Madison 14530 June 22, 1906 Collinsville. . Madison 14570 June 29, 1906 Dupo St. Clair . . 14675 (110).. July24,1906 East Alton.. Madison 14650 (189«).. July 18, 1906. East Alton Madison .. 14650 (6,7). Julyl8, 1906 East Alton. Madison 14652 (5) . . . . Julv 18, 1906 70ft Shallow .' 70ft driven. 37ft driven. . . 54ft drilled 35ft driven. Milligrams per 1,000 c. c. Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. Milligrams per 1000 c. c. Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. Milligrams per 1000 c. c. Milligrams per 1000 c. c. 2.2 12.6 77.1 .05 212.5 424.6 4.2 3.2 27.6 2.0 88.4 220.0 931.9 11.3 .6 21.2 81.6 10.1 2.9 34.0 .6 .9 2.0 .7 10. .1 15.2 52.8 .8 1.8 26. .6 .7 8.5 86.5 17.5 .1 18.9 66.3 .6 1.9 24.3 .6 .8 22.5 161.6 12. .4 14,4 75.9 9.5 23.4 22.1 .8 .4 16.5 115. 41.8 65.2 • 2.8 1.6 19.0 3.9 5.5 51.2 Combinations. 3*8 O Cjg a Bob IN O cjg 3' J/JOB 3 » By 5' 8 P Q OS'S fL>-i hd 1 3 w P Q 3' p CO 3 00 ■p* Q cjg 5" ELS p 00 O XJlvi p CD ■ 5.7 .33 K N0 3 K N0 3 K CI .5 9.1 27.4 .03 .53 1.60 121.2 112 .4 7.07 6.56 1.2 3.3 1.0 . 21.6 .07 .19 .06 1.26 1.0 14.0 13.0 .06 .82 .76 11.0 36.8 .64 2.15 .5 27.2 3.7 .03 1.59 .22 Na N0 3 Na CI . Na^SO* Na 3 C0 3 (NH 4 ) 3 SO*.... (NH 4 ) 2 C1, (NHi) s CO s MgCL* MgS0 4 MgC0 3 Ca S0 4 CaC0 3 FeC0 3 Alo O3 .4 .02 .3 "".02 1.5 .09 .1 .01 1.6 .09 204.0 792.4 424 ."i 749.6 8.7 3.2 27.6 2.0 11.90 46.22 "24.74 43.71 .51 .19 1.61 .12 41.0 2.39 6.77 75.1 4.38 93.4 5.45 71.2 4.15 116.0 73.4 4.28 24.8 113.6 1.7 1.8 26. .6 1.45 6.63 .10 .10 1.52 .03 123.4 74.9 1.2 1.9 24.3 .6 7.20 4.37 .07 .11 1.42 .03 77.4 132.6 19.7 23.4 22.1 .8 4.53 7.73 1.15 1.36 1.29 .05 162.7 5.8 1.6 9.49 .34 .09 1.11 .04 203.7 20.9 2.9 34.0 .6 11.88 1.22 .17 1.98 .03 19.0 ^i 0~. . .7 Si 3 + 389.5 22.72 2445.3 142.64 364.2 21.23 272.0 15.87 367.8 21.46 380.1 22.19 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull, 5 The Mineral Content of Waters E. St. Louis . . St.iClair 11666 Dec. 9, 1902... C Hagedorn. . . 80 ft.. E. St. Louis . . St. Clair 11800. .. E. St. Louis .. St. Clair 11801. E St Louis St Clair 13939 Feb. 9, 1904.... M. R. Thayer . 90 ft... Feb. 9. 1904.... M. R. Thayer . Jan 23 1906 OwDer Depth . . Miss. River;. . , Strata Gravel Sand IONS. Milligrams per 1/000 c. c. Milligrams per 1, 000 c, c. Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. 2.4 30.7 .8 29.9 176.1 59.2 .8 42.1 138.4 23.2 .448 13.0 35.9 12.2 .2 21.0 52*2 .2 1.2 11.5 16.9 6.2 8.2 Nitrite 1.4 28.8 64.1 .8 5.8 45.6 3.1 Chloride CI 43.5 102.7 7.0 35.5 Hypothetical -t B » OS'S A CD El 1 -* B CO D a Ww m ct> *4 P CO P Q w<*> as ct> |8 Q Op 5' TJc/j Potassium Nitrate 5.1 .8 .30 Potassium Chloride .05 Sodium Nitrate 1.9 49.5 34.6 .11 2.89 2.02 l.i 9.6 59.1 .06 .56 3.44 Sodium Chloride 7i.8 95.7 4.19 5.58 10.9 24.4 .64 Sodium Sulphate .- 2.42 2.9 .11 2.9 .11 1.6 .09 Magnesium Sulphate 48.3 70.4 2.82 4.10 45.0 114.7 2.62 6.69 5.5 41.3 .32 2.41 23.7 56.1 1.38 Magnesium Carbonate 3.28 Calcium Carbonate 441.0 28.2 25.72 1.35 345.9 43.1 20.01 2.51 89.8 11.7 5.24 .68 130.3 1.60 .4 1.1 8.2 .02 .01 Silica 24.4 1.42 28.8 1.68 13.2 .77 .48 Total 696.2 40.60 747.9 43.51 232.9 13.51 261.1 15.24 BOWMAN. 1 ANALYSES OF WATERS. from the East St. Louis District. E. St. Louis E. St. Louis.. E.St. Louis E. St. Louis. E. St.Louis E.St. Louis St. Clair St. Clair St. Clair.... St. Clair St. Clair.... St. Clair 14619 (69) 14620 (70) .... 14621 (74)... 14622 (71) 14623 (60) .. 14624 (75)... July 12, 1906.. July 12, 1906.. July 11, 1906 July 11, 1906.. July 11, 1906 July 11, 1906 360 ft. ....... . 450ft drilled.. 140ft driven 57ft driven. .. 80ft driven. 120ft drilled Rock. Milligrams Milligrams Milligrams Milligrams Milligrams Milligrams per 1. 000 c. c. per 1,000 c.c. per 1000 c. c. per 1,000 c.c. per 1000 c. c. per 1000 c. c. 149.4"" io.i"" i7.5 2m"' ii*2* '* '"hs.h"' .7 .4 19.3 .5 31.1 .5 7.7 .3 22.4 34.7 42.3 95.9 89.9 100.7 172.7 105.3 84.4 6.9 23.2 10.1 10.8 11.2 6.4 5.0 11.3 3.3 7.6 36.6 3.6 2.0 .7 .9 .6 1.0 1.2 1.4 .5 .5 .5 1.1 .7 220. 32.5 5.5 13.0 15.0 5.5 86. Combinations: 93 -t 3 CO o'2 a 5' | B c» o'C0 3 . . . . 1.1 .06 1.3 .08 .8 .05 90.0 5.25 209.1 12.20 38.1 2.22 MgSO* Mg CO s Ca S0 4 57.1 3.33 66.8 3.90 107.7 6.28 77.6 4.53 225.1 265.6 13.13 15.49 15.7 251.4 .92 14.66 239.4 13.96 224.4 13.09 25L4 14.66 210.7 12.29 CaC0 3 PesOs + AlsOs. FeC0 3 Al . 3 . Si 2 14.3 5. 27. .83 .29 1.57 .12 48.1 11.3 32.2 .7 2.81 .66 1.88 .04 20.9 3.3 37.7 .9 1.22 .19 2.20 .05 22.4 7.6 29.4 .6 1.31 .44 1.71 .03 23.2 36.6 35.7 1.0 1.35 2.13 2.08 .06 13.3 3.6 35.3 1.2 .78 .21 2.06 .07 2. Si0 2 +.' 820.5 47.84 485.9 28.35 471.7 27.51 830.4 48.42 442.1 25.78 480.0 28.01 90 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. , [bull. 5 The Mineral Content of Waters Town E. St. Louis. . St. Clair 14677 (63).....: July 23, 1906. .. E. St. Louis. .. St. Clair 55 Edgemont St. Clair 14569 June 28, 1906.. Eddwardville.. 15372 Nov. 21, 1906 Depth 450ft drilled... 782ft drilled.... IONS. Milligrams per 1.000 c. c. Milligrams per 1,000 c. c. Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. Milligrams per 1,000 c.c 5.2 246.4 Sodium Na 72.0 .6 29.1 83.1 1.1 2.8 30.3 1.4 66.0 17.9 31.2 .8 29.9 176.3 12.4 1 2.4 12.7 4.2 2.9 11.2 .4 91.5 38.6 28.5 41.2 .4 1.8 24.3 14.3 Nitrate N0 3 1.4 30.0 64.0 11.5 Chloride CI Sulphate S0 4 7.0 45.3 Hypothetical s 3 03 3 ►d B vj £& Q go CD ►0 S3 3 vi Q 3g. B XJlvi C3 O c-}g, D Win gj CD Potassium Nitrate .7 9.3 .04 .54 1.9 108.9 26.5 46.0 .11 6.35 1.55 2.68 1.9 49.5 34.5 .11 2.89 2.02 15.8 11.6 10.8 .92 Sodium Chloride 143.7 57.1 394.3 8.38 3.33 23.00 .68 .63 2.9 .17 .4 .02 1.6 .09 48.3 70.2 2.82 4.10 47.2 65.8 2.75 100.8 5.88 8.3 .48 3.84 207.4 12.10 440.2 23.1 25.72 1.32 31.7 1.85 102.8 6.00 2.3 2.8 30.3 .3 .13 .16 1.77 .02 8.7 2.9 11.2 .5 .51 .11 .65 .03 .8 1.8 14.3 2.3 .05 .10 24.3 1.42 .83 .13 Total. 528.8 30.84 694.9 40.60 668.4 38.98 273.6 15.95 bowman] ANALYSES OF WATER. from the. East St. Louis District. 91 Falling Sprg St. Clair 14571 Falling Sprg St. Clair 14676 July 23, 1906. Granite Cy Madison .. 41 Granite City Madison 41 Granite Cy Madison. .. 41 Granite Cy' Madison — 42. June 25, 1906 Spring Milligrams per 1,000 c. c. Milligrams per 1. 000 c. c. Milligrams per 1000 c. c Milligrams per 1,000 c. c. Milligrams per 1000 c. c Milligrams per 1000 c. c. 10.2 .1 20.5 .2 24.5 90.8 1.7 5.7 57.1 5.1 .4 10.0 14.8 40.1 11.7 11.7 24.3 11.0 29.2 112.6 29.1 112.6 31.7 131.4 35.7 .8 142.2 1.6 12.4 115.7 26.4 26.4 25.6 .7 7.5 101.4 101.5 222.4 11.5 84.6 Combinations. ©2. B ce o2 B ag. w 5 g3 B $ ~B O B" Cflai £.2 ►d & i-S OB p O p OS'S el® h3 p bI o'2 a Q Cjp 5" p CO 5 2 B 52 ft) K NO-3 KCI 1.0 .06 .12 .90 .5 16.5 21.9 15.7 .03 .96 1.28 .92 NaNO-3 12.4 29.7 1.13 29.7 1.13 50.8 13.3 2.96 .78 Na CI Na 2 S0 4 ... Na 3 C0 3 ... (NH 4 ) 3 S0 4 (NH 4 ) 3 CO s MgSO* 15.4 123.7 7.21 .4 .02 .5 .03 1.0 .06 2.18 127.1 12.1 7.41 .11 127.2 11.8 7.42 .69 156.7 9.14 37.4 ; 84.8 4.95 MgCOs 1.4 354.0 30.8 .08 20.65 1.80 125.3 235.9 9.3 7.31 13.76 .54 Ca S0 4 89.1 5.20 226.7 13.22 281.1 11.6 16.40 .68 28i.i 11.6 16.40 .68 Ca C0 3 Fe 3 3 +Al 2 Fe C0 3 3 1.7 .10 .09 .12 3.5 5.7 57.1 5.1 .20 .33 3.33 .30 1.6 A1 2 3 Si 3 12.4 115.7 6.16 26.4 1.54 26.4 1.54 25.6 1.49 gi o 2 + . . . 172.4 10.05 538.0 25.55 625.6 36.50 488.0 28.41 487.8 28.46 616.9 35.98 D2 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 The Mineral Content of Waters Town County Granite City.. Madison 45 Madison Madison Deep well Madison Madison Pond water. .. Madison 46 Date Owner Depth IONS. Milligrams per 1,000 c. c. Milligrams per 1,000 c. c. Milligrams per 1,000 c. c. Milligrams per l,000e. c. 41.0 13.0 22.0 11 4 Magnesium Mg 22.7 97.2 26.6 102.3 29.6 64.4 33.6 94.6 Ferrous Fe 29.4 31.8 25.0 39 8 Nitrate N0 3 82.7 66.2 123.8 Sulphate S0 4 Iodine I 54.3 Hypothetical B 05 p Q a ^^ p CD P b£ £*» 0*8 P Q B ■ jp CD bS a™ O a WW OS'S g3 CD 3 CO 5" 8 P ag. 13 sa cd Potassium Sulphate Potassium Carbonate Sodium B romide Sodium Iodine Sodium Chloride 16.4 106.4 .96 6.21 32.9 1.92 22.9 40.1 1.34 2.34 28.9 1.69 Magnesium Sulphate 13.5 69.3 242.6 29.4 .19 4.04 14.15 1.11 . 83.0 37.4 255.4 14.9 4.84 2.18 14.90 .87 121.2 17.7 160.8 13.0 7.07 1.03 9.38 .16 68.1 68.8 236.1 26.9 3.97 4.00 13.17 Oxide of Iron and Aluminium. . . 1.57 V Silica 29.4 1.11 31.8 1.85 25.0 1.46 39.8 2.32 Total 507.0 29.57 455.4 26.56 400.7 23.38 468.4 27,32 BOWMAN.] ANALYSES OF WATEKS. 93 from the East St. Louis District. Mascoutah St. Clair 193 . O'Fallon .... St. Clair 14627 (129a-c) July 13, 1906. O'Fallon .. St. Clair... 14628 (130). July 13, 1906 Poag Madison 3280 Poag Madison. .. 15373 (9)... Nov.19.1906 Stolle St. Clair..., 14674 (108).. Feb. 18, 1898. C.Boeschst'n 55' Post'INul'gCo Spring 40' driven.... 40' dug Wells Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. Milligrams per 1000 c. c Milligrams per 1,000 c. c. Milligrams per 1000 c. c Milligrams per 1000 c. c 137.6 1.6 5.9 11.1 11.1 17^9 52.9 .6 2.6 8.5 ...._„... 7445.6 13.0 .4 35.2 135.7 1.1 2.1 22.7 13.0 .2 39.0 93.9 1.9 1.9 21.1 .3 1.2 6.0 22.0 276.6 778.9 1.5 6.6 29.7 .8 .14 29.4 98.4 1.6 29.5 48.4 36.5 1.2 3.5 193 15.9 2.8 14.1 11.5 7.0 49.1 2.5 6.0 18.7 10,925.4 822.4 6.7 Combinations. *0 ■ p ►d -t 3_w 8* © 5' p CD 8S >s 3_» B^ © Cjp D crq "S £L3 ►d n 3 5T © B" W<*> crq "g P >-* 3 & B^ ^ © Cjga B' 3 » B^ a® © Cjp 5' W v g.8 4.3 .25 K N0 3 . • • K 3 S0 4 K 2 C0 3 NaBr Na I Na NO s Na. CI Na 2 S0 4 Na 2 C0 3 (NH 4 ) 3 S0 4 ... (NH 4 ) 3 CO s . .. MgCl 2 MgSO* MgC0 3 CaC0 3 Fe 3 3 +Al 3 3 . FeC0 3 Al a 8 Si 3 243.9 14.23 2.89 2.14 .46 49.6 46.9 7.9 i.6 5.8 28.6 2.3 .09 .34 1.67 .13 1.6 9.9 26.8 .09 .58 1.56 18.3 2.5 1.06 .14 15.8 11.6 6.8 .92 .67 .40 3.4 9.9 27.7 4.1 .20 .58 1.62 .24 18029.2 1018.2 1051.64 59.39 .7 .04 .4 .02 1.1 .06 3.5 25.7 1.8 74.3 .20 1.50 .10 4.33 4.3 131.9 2h4.4 .25 7.69 13.67 55.4 23.2 131.1 3.21 1.35 7.69 957.9 1944.3 55.87 113.41 121.9 338.7 7.11 19.76 101.8 245.6 5.94 14.34 3.1 .18 2.3 2.1 22.7 .13 .12 1.32 3.9 1.9 21.1 .3 .23 .11 1.23 .02 .2 .3 30.0 .01 .02 1.75 1.2 " 2.6 8.5 3.3 .07 .15 .50 .19 3.3 29.5 48.4 8.1 .19 1.72 2.82 .47 Si 3 + 22301.0 1300.81 527.1 30.73 436.8 25.47 160.6 9.36 259.9 15.17 481.8 28.12 94 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS, [bull. 5 The Mineral Content of Waters from the East St. Louis District. Town County TONS. Sodium Na Magnesium Mg Calcium Ca... . . Ferrous Pe Silica Si Chloride CI Mascoutah St. Clair.... Milligrams per 1, 000 c. c. 4,684.3 450.6 2,805.6 9.1 2.704.9 11,489.0 Hypothetical Combinations. 3 a) O "S Q C^85 11888.6 1762.0 4653.2 3820.7 13.0 693.46 102.18 271.42 222.86 .76 NaCl MgCl 2 CaCl 2 .. Ca SO* Fe C0 3 Total 22137.5 1291.28 bowman.] ANALYSES OF WATERS. 95 Sanitary Analyses. The following table shows the sanitary analyses of waters from the East St. Louis district that have been sent to the State Water Survey for analysis. The greater number of these waters have been sent to the survey because of suspected contamination and therefore are hardly representative of the normal waters of the district. A number of analyses of municipal supplies have been made. Some of these were for the purpose of determining the best available source of supply, as for example, when the location of the wells of the Edwardsville Water Company were being considered, many analyses were made of proposed sources of supply. 96 WATER RESOURCES OP EAST ST. LOUIS. I bull. 5 •A^uiresnv •sa^j^ijsi; OJOOO NNWN CO CO CO CO ooooooooooooooooo oo CO-rH-sJ<'S<©'t*©©©C~T-lCOini— COCM-*C\lff\l-rHC\l- ooo ooo sa^u^ijsL t-OH^O»Ol ooooooo< >NOOO00NHOHt.t.WOO»O0)OOO-! >CO©©©COe-^H©©©^H©©©i-l©©©©©©< i O O.O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt •pioaiinnqiY OONOOWOWONOOOOOO^OO' ©■^©iMCOtM^HCvlTH^COCOGOin©©' MNHHOnOHrH^NOOOOO' i'«*0[)00'*'#NCOO(CN >«o©©©^00'*(Me\i'-n-i >oooooaiMrHooorH •aaj^ ©©N"*"*"*©©< NHMNXOO'*! ©©©©CM©-*© ■ >© •* -* ©©©©• I CO CM © © OS H • ' ' i©©00©©© ^ •aas^xo paninsuoo in in m in in in in in in r-ic-oo©C\1C0©©! i 00 OS © © 00 00 <3t-tOtDtOJ0050505 ©©©©©©©©©©©©©© 0000© ©OOOOOC© ©0000000000 d(»'*lOOJNNt>l>tON10'*d CM 5M rtHH t-ICO 4J • • • ^ K^ ►- .H © CJ O^^Qgg^bOO a> fn c3 g§ ^. w w w £T ^ • ^(O t/3 w I w v (/! 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In the following pages will be found well sections and other data which it was not possible to include in the well tabulations, or in the body of the text. Some of these facts are likely to be of interest to readers and of value to future investigators. It seems advisable, there- fore, to include them here as they will be much more serviceable in printed form than in the note books of the survey. Where no addi- tional data were obtained the well number is omitted. Numbers which appear on the map (plate 4) are also omitted where they stand for a location referred to in the text, and not for a well as commonly. BOWMAN.] LOCATION OF WELLS. 101 .-. c3-rH bio c3 §°o d o ^5 odd ;Po :mo :pcco " CO £ 7 1 ° 3E . v NnW.. §S I I 1+ :| •jg^aui'BTa >0!OHOO'00wt3'm« CDCA to 4-3 . OCA £ O O CD 0_CD bn'S s 3 flflO 05 +J ■ssS *§e§ c3 o a >o^ ^2o ^ c O CD cd'o enK cfl 3 0^ ^OcDg ^§ "7 J •9 .2ls 2 sab 'S a"cD'i! So, o OO CD CD hi bx ir ,o r r 2 2o|| Q CD CDQ^ &B OOh oo'S 66-1111 22§ab£ C| co o o b Jdd £ : : :Q d'a s-i : :p a? : O o o P o Cd :§§ OOOOOSC ' OS OS OS OS OS OS 00 OS OS OS OS OS qq : :q : :qq :qqq ooowcoifl(oto»!ONiflifl»inin(owort ooooooo©©r~-oc~t~c-«oosioooao OSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO500O500000000000DOSOS00 OOS ZZ : : :fc o o 86 dd .d u .S S a ft ,£ O O t» -H x <3 Co o £ o 5H +3 *= d J2 .Q < c3 c3 Co c3 rs, . CO"" So3gg o o v . a o Q O s5 += CD 03 5 £££ Add o o o . .£££doo ODD d d d a d fl ddfl©a3a3"J3+;+3 srs^aaa WD5p5 co 73 en 3 fl p .t3 .S •'S hri .S .3 -S 03 03 03 O" 'P S P ^ +i +i P p P . o o DO S-i 03 P CD 03 03 W ^ s- co o P O '5PJ5^0hOh :s^a>a.sa£sgs dgdd^D r ^^oc ilOLOLOCOCDCOCOtO=0< CSP ICSOHMNMT*lO< )00OSOSOSOSOSOSOS< LOCATION OF WELLS. 103 &«2 faEPP 13 H d s So asacsd ii cs'd o"cJ 5 o cs ofltifl c/2fa :p :mQ!xq - il§a i dSa , sa>»s*=0 o a£ O-O-S 0,3 o^2 OO PfafaP :gPt/)Pofa!z; ■* 2 gBddd+add o s-a^'d o-ccd £p : : :5z » o >? a 5 « § o fa o P£P ■<* 00 co t- -*< >eboci'd 00 ib 'CO 100 no wo cooco 1000 (MMMO ooobiosoimo 'd'CJ'CJ 3*0 fn'O Sfl : • :p :.Q :Q bi ■^ bu d o d d MP :P : : PPP : :p :PPP : bUOOOO^OO p'O'd'O'0 f-t'O'O P : : : :p : : o -6 : -3 ■Pfl CM 05 CO CO 8§S 05 O5 00 Zd-r-iddddr-idddddddd r& T^ T3 'O T3 'O ^ ^ 'UJ "^ "^ ^ T3 ^ :H : : : :h cm< GO OS OS OS 00 GO GO OOOJOS 05 05 00 00 05000500 -*005COC5 t^OSGO • C~ IO «* lO *# GO t CO 05 05 CO 05 05 GO 05 GO GO CO GO GO GO • 00 GO CO GO GO GO C OCO lOCOCOlO -CO C-O tf ££ -z £ .fc .fc .fc mh On r' o* 6 6 d N d M d H o'rt o 6 6 6 '"O *0 r K^ *& ""O T3 ^ *0 ^ ^3 ^ 'O r C3' p O 'O ^ 'O 'O 'UJ ^ HP :H :::::: :H :H :^ :B 000 HH O a '3. i 1° o^ *2 .2 S3 CD +0 P. 3 3 O ►sj CD 05 05 fl d o o 00 c3 c3 c3 3 3 05 sac bf) bl 5SS :§3^^"Sgbig ij>> bc.SgS d 2 3*= 3S.o6od-gp,p, fl CQte^ •1—1 +-3 ^ -□ >- J X CO >T r* /-1 Zr 3 bn3 bj^ be a; 'Jj d ,§ d '3 d 2 ^ p. 3 3 3 3^* C/3 i ;^3 ! 3S > o p > CO 1—5 _d CD CD CD k ,_ a^o^PW m ^o3. j|fa'^|||il CD ^- Q =3 3MS« CD CD CD .S CD O^. 3 ^ooaortN! ■ oooooo< ISVJMSMMCMIM^ICNIJOOOCOJOCOCOCXICOCOCOCOCO'*'*- M CO rHSCIO 10 10 c- c- c- 104 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. -a g o U 0.8^91111310 CO P CI S3 O 5 : CuQ O'O'O o^ ^^ O cS'O'O CO^S O ^ O'O'd o £fa ZCOQ HOQ fflMHN •qirtgQ •SST3I0 ■0139^ ICO ^ © ©< )NHO00< ©©COONN >OS OS OS OS ©< ■ © OS lO t— OS © © < >ooaooooo©©©©aooooooooo©< >* "* lO©© ©©©©© OS © OS © OS ££££ 00©00© (MCOCO(M r 00© P3P3 vHCO . "cs 'o' "O "ci ©lO©© C-© © © oooooooo PP ©© SOOOOOOOtB d be bx bt bD bit bSi bl p. ^ ^ . 3333333 o ? oo r 9 a'jjOOOOOO oO o ±3 .2^££a> SSp=Q fe ^.h'O'CJ, >M O CJ 03 P-( s^QlPl, OiPliPuO.Pl,. ■ ^ m x k « tc to tc ^ .^ t, il, t, ^ ?_ p s-lJ a - k oooooooo •■° •Sffl' fl 3. g o a) -Q * r/- © O 3^f^ W 9 o r ■SW; Sfc> p*^ « a 3 ^ffli-sHi-s BOWMAN.] WELL KECOKDS. 105 Notes on Individual Wells. 1A— HARRY L. MEYER, NORTH ALTON, ILL. Feet. Section. Yellow clay Sand and gravel (dry) Blue clay, hard Sand (water) 2A — LUER BROS., ALTON, ILL. Reaches limestone. The water is used for cooling purposes. 2B ALTON PACKING CO., ALTON, ILL. A flowing well; the water, however, is bad since it has a large quantity of mineral salts, and is used for condensing purposes only. Analysis No. 14,649. 4 EQUITABLE POWDER CO., EAST ALTON, ILL. This well is lined with a 36-inch sewer piper. The water is used for drinking purposes. 6, 7 BIG FOUR RAILROAD, EAST ALTON, ILL. Section. Feet. Thickness. Depth. Sand Quicksand .... Sand Blue clay (fire) 12 42 12 54 .25+ 54.25+ 9 HUNTER BROS., EDWARDSVILLE, ILL. This well was not finished when visited by the writer. Although the well had been sunk to 365 feet, water came into it only at the 25-foot level. In this respect it is similar to the shallow wells in the neighborhood. No log of the well was kept. Analysis No. 14,657. 18 BIG FOUR RAILROAD, MITCHELL, ILL. Section consists of alluvial deposits, "blue sandy dirt," mixed with sand at various depths. Water found in abundance at 25 feet and in coarse blue sand 56 feet below the surface. 31 — COLLINSVILLE WATER CO., COLLINSVILLE, ILL. This number covers four wells which are located at the foot of the bluff, beside the East St. Louis and Suburban Electric Railroad, via Monks Mound. They are arranged in the form of a square, 200 yards apart. (See plate 4.) Before the water is used in the boiler at the pumping station it is run through a heater that takes out a large part of the matter which would otherwise collect as a red scale on the side of the boilers. 36 HENRY SEEBODE, NEAR MONK'S MOUND. This well is situated on a low mound. 106 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. Lbull. 5 37 — NEAR MONK'S MOUND. Section taken from the field notes of N. M. Fenneman. Samples kept by S. L. Schellenberger, 1121 St. Clair avenue, Bast St. Louis. The well is located a quarter of a mile southwest of well 165, Monk's Mound, in St. Clair county. All samples marked C. D. Co. O. G. Wilson was the driller. Section. Feet. Thickness. Depth. Dirt Gray sand Very course sand, grains of various rock as if glacial material Coarse sand and gravel pebbles of brown and yellow quartzite, greenstone, etc., shells, fragments Black clay, almost non-calcareous Limestone fragments, may be mixed shale and clay Gray, non-calcareous shale Light black, clay or shale, non-calcareous Same laminated, gray and white Gray limestone churned to a yery fine sand Gray, very siliceous limestone, possibly chert, but looks like sand grains ; comes in large fragments Very fine white to gray sandstone, almost non-calcareous Light colored limestone, churned to very fine sand Light sandstone, very fine Dense white limestone Darker limestone Light limestone, dense Very ferruginous limestone Very ferruginous limestone, cherty Dense gray limestone Dense gray limestone Lighter limestone Gray limestone Darker limestone Limestone and chert, very ferruginous Limestone less ferruginous Limestone less ferruginous Limestone less ferruginous Limestone less ferruginous. . . " Limestone less ferruginous, finely powdered Limestone less ferruginous, some chert Limestone, largely chert, crinoid stems Dark gray limestone Mostly white chert Light colored limestone, often stuck together with light colored clay which may have been largely washed out Blue calcareous clay Gray cherty limestone Nearly all white chert, finely powdered but angular Limestone and white chert Largely white chert, finely powdered but angular Largely white chert, finely powdered but angular Largely white chert, as fine as glass sand Limestone and white chert Largely white chert fragments White limestone and white chert Largely white chert fragments Greenish gray limestone Greenish gray limestone, much chert of similar color Pink calcareous clay Pink calcareous clay Limestone white to green and red, crinoid stems Light green calcareous plastic clay Light colored dense limestone Light colored dense limestone, finely churned Mainly limestone but has Fern Glen fragments, grains Finely powdered pink limestone like Fern Glen, large silica grains, round Finely powered but more gray limestone fragments Dark blue clay, slightly calcareous Blue shale fragments, calcareous Blue shale fragments, more gritty, non-calcareous Gray limestone chips Gray to brownish pink gritty limestone, fragments are almost all pink Greenish gray limestone fragments 40 20 10 80 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 65 5 10 45 20 30 10 20 20 30 15 10 10 10 15 10 10 10 10 35 25 20 10 38 62 10 10 10 30 10 20 10 15 55 15 30 20 15 15 5 2 18 5 3 3 14 10 20 10 35 25 10 WELL RECORDS. Monk' s Mound Well — Concluded. 107 Section. Feet. Thickness. Depth. Gray and pink gritty Gray and pink gritty Gray and pink gritty, but churned to very fine sand Gray limestone chips Gray limestone chips, pink fragments still intermixed Gray limestone chips, mostly pinkish Light gray limestone, in sharp chips Light gray limestone Light gray limestone, finer sand more rounded Light gray limestone Light gray limestone,pyrite noted Light gray limestone, except pyrite White limestone ground to coarse sand . White limestone ground to coarse sand White limestone fragments ■ White limestone in rounded grains, some gray and appear very siliceous White limestone, but none of the gray siliceous grains Greenish gray shale, almost non-calcareous Greenish gray shale, almost non-calcareous Dark gray or greenish gray limestone, soft enough to be a calcar- eou s shale Pinkish white, probably siliceous limestone Probably siliceous limestone, milk-white Probably siliceous limestone, milk-white Probably siliceous limestone, milk-white Probably siliceous limestone, milk-white Siliceous chips, large admixture of dark gray slaty grains, non- calcareous Siliceous chips, large admixture of dark gray slaty grains, non- calcareous Siliceous chips, the gray disappearing Gray limestone Lighter, yellow limestone Lighter, yellow limestone Lighter, yellow limestone Brown gray limestone, churned to fine sand Brown gray limestone, churned to fine sand Brown gray limestone, churned to fine sand Siliceous sand, round grains, plainly St. Peters Siliceous sand, round grains, plainly St. Peters 10 5 10 10 10 20 25 110 120 10 10 10 40 20 50 20 20 30 25 20 5 35 160 100 75 1,210 1,213 1,225 1,230 1,250 1,255 1,260 1,265 1,270 1,275 1,280 1.285 1,255 1.300 1,315 1,325 1,335 1,355 1,380 1,490 1,510 1,520 1,530 1.540 1, 580 1,600 1,650 1,680 1,700 1,730 1,755 1.775 1,780 1,815 1,975 2,075 2,100 38 NEAE MONK'S MOUND. (SEE NOTE NO. 37.) Located in Madison county, Illinois, just across the county line, perhaps 2,000 feet northwest of 37. It is also on top of a mound probably 12 feet high. 39 VANDALIA RAILROAD SHOPS, EAST ST. LOUIS. Lime and soda ash is used to soften the water and to throw down a soft scale which may be discarded easily. 41 — CORN PRODUCTS REFINING CO., GRANITE CITY. This number covers a series of seven wells from 70 to 90 feet deep and arranged in an east-west line on the property of the Corn Products Company. Water is obtained from clean well-rounded gravel. The quality of the water is not first-class and the supply is limited. As located at present, the wells interfere with each other. The water table is depressed to the point where the pumps 'begin to pound if driven to their full capacity. New wells are to be sunk and the distance between wells increased to 225 feet. The 20-foot Cook well strainer is used in all the wells. A slow movement of sand through the gravel clogs the screen so that back flushing is resorted to at a pressure of 180 to 200 pounds. This relieves the wells for a week or so. The original size of the screen opens were No. 8, but these clogged so quickly they were redrawn and enlarged. The enlargement resulted in the collection of sand in the bottom of the well. The bucketing out of this seems more effective 108 WATER RESOURCES OF ' EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 than the almost continual back-flushing demanded by the smaller meshed screens. The degree of interference may be determined from the fact that 1,000,000 gallons may be pumped from one well in 24 mours, while from the seven but 3,500,000 or 4,000,000 gallons may be pumped in the same time. 42 AMERICAN STEEL FOUNDRIES CO., GRANITE CITY. Surface of ground at well 38 feet above low water mark. A 20-foot Cook strainer is employed. If the water is allowed to stand a few hours a large amount of iron is precipitated. The company buys 4,500,000 gallons of water from the city per month. Section. Feet. Thickness, i Depth. 10 60 10 10 70 Gravel 80 43 — "MY" LAUNDRY, GRANITE CITY. Water from this well is used in a laundry which uses in addition 800 gallons of city water daily. The city water costs the laundry $0.30 per 1,000 gallons. The screen originally put down was rusted through in three years. Well located in Madison on C street between 18th and 19th avenues. 44 HOYT METAL CO.. GRANITE CITY. Water from this well cannot be used in boilers as it scales badly. The company uses 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 gallons of city water per month. Water is obtained from limestone from a depth of 150 to 250 feet, with 100 feet of bleeding surface. Both the 80-foot water in the gravel and the 150 and 250- foot water could be used if a screen were inserted at 80 feet. This is not done at present because of the fear that sand may enter and clog rock. Sand would undoubtedly enter, but could be bucketed out frequently. 45 NIEDRINGHAUS STEEL MILLS CO., GRANITE CITY. Water is salty and used only for cooling purposes in the stamp mills. 46 AMERICAN CAR AND FOUNDRY CO., MADISON. This number covers three wells from 64 to 68 feet deep. Sand occurs above the gravel from which water is drawn. Sixteen-foot Cook strainers are used. Three wells yield 500 gallons per minute. Wells are 6 inches in diameter. A 4-inch well previously used clogged with sand, was dynamited, with no success, the screen being torn to pieces and sand filling the bottom. It should be noted that dynamiting is only successful in rock and where casing is not employed. To dynamite inside the casing and in gravel or sand is worse than useless. The water is pumped into ponds for aeration and precipitating the iron and to allow sand to settle. It would be more beneficial to put gravel in bottom of pond and aerate with risers. 47 HELMBACHER FORGE AND ROLLING MILLS CO., MADISON. Use 100,000 to 150,000 gallons monthly of city water for drinking purposes. The water is pumped into ponds for aeration and precipitation of iron as above. The well is supplied with a 16-foot screen. BOWMAN.] WELL RECORDS. 109 Section. Feet. Thickness. Depth. Sand , 50 Gravel 4 Coarse sane! . . . 5- 50 54 60— 48 TRI-CITY ICE AND REFRIGERATING CO., MADISON. Well yields water so chalybeate that it cannot be used. Scales refrigerating pipes so rapidly as to clog them in a short time. Use 6,000 gallons of city water daily for ice. City water incrusts pipes, but not so rapidly as well water. 53, 54 — EMPIRE CARBON WORKS, EAST ST. LOUIS. * Section. Feet. Thickness. Depth. 1 70 29+ 1 71 Coarse sand and gravel 100 55 ARMOUR PACKING CO., EAST ST. LOUIS. The water from these wells is used only for condensing and cleaning. The water is raised by means of cold air and spilled out on a platform located between the power-house and the lard and cooperage buildings. By spilling the water on this platform it is aerated to such an extent that a large portion of the iron contained in the water runs down to the ground into a granitoid reservoir. From this reservoir the water is pumped up through a large pipe to the condensing stacks on the top of the power-house. The water is then delivered to the large reservoir, from which it is distributed through pipes to all parts of the plant for cleaning purposes. A yellow scale is deposited on the platform, inside and outside of the pipes, and on the sides of all the reservoirs through which it passes. The larger portion of the water used at the plant comes directly through a 12-inch main from the city pumping station. 56 SWIFT & CO., EAST ST. LOUIS. Ten wells have been put down, but only three are used. The water ob- tained comes from the gravel, 85 feet below the surface. The ground water level varies from 10 to 30 feet. The water is used for cleansing purposes. 57, 58 EAST SIDE PACKING CO., EAST ST. LOUIS. The water from these wells is used for condensing purposes. Section. Feet. Thickness. Depth. Gumbo 6 16 10 20 28 20 6 22 32 Sand Quicksand Coa rse sand 52 Loam 80 Coarse gravel 100 110 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 60 RAILWAY STEEL SPRING CO., EAST ST. LOUIS. This water scales the boilers. Various compounds have been used in - the boilers, but none of them seem to be satisfactory. The Rubra oil compound is used at present. At first the company used city water, but since the plant is located approximately four miles from the pumping station, the well water has been found to be more profitable. Analysis No. 14,623. 61 CARBONIC DIOXIDE CO., EAST ST. LOUIS. Section. Gumbo Quicksand Coarse and gravel The water is used for condensing purposes only. It forms a red scale % to % of an inch thick, which is deposited on the condensing pipes. 62 MERCHANT ICE & FUEL CO., EAST ST. LOUIS. Trendlay avenue and the levee. This well when tested furnished 425 gallons per minute. It is lined with an 8-inch pipe cut off 58 feet from surface. Length of strainers over all 27 feet 10 inches. Length of opening, 26 feet. Suction pipe from surface 99.5 feet. Section. Filled earth and sand . , Blue clay, hard Coarse sand (water) . . Fine sand Coarse sand (water) . Blue clay Gravel and coarse sand Very fine sand , 63 — REPUBLIC IRON WORKS, EAST ST. LOUISI. Use water for wetting sand, conduit, etc. It is also put on ice and used for drinking purposes. The employes, however, dislike it. It is not good for boiler use, since it contains too much iron and organic matter. Analysis No. 14,677. 64 HEZEL MILLING CO., EAST ST. LOUIS. The water from this well has not been used for more than a year on ac- count of a scale which forms with its use. City water is used at the present time. 66, 67 EAST ST. LOUIS & SUBURBAN RAILWAY SHOPS, EAST ST. LOUIS. Water from this well is used in the boilers although it scales badly. A mechanical process for boring out the scale is used effectively. 68 AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE CO., EAST ST. LOUIS. The water in this well has been impregnated with waste from sulphuric acid vats and consequently is ruined for factory purposes. 69 — CENTRAL BREWING CO., EAST ST. LOUIS. The water is used for cooling purposes only. Analysis No. 14,619. bowman.] WELL KECORDS. Ill 70 AMERICAN STEEL CO., EAST ST. LOUIS. Water not used. Scale in the boilers is an objectionable feature. Analysis No. 14,620. 71 ILLINOIS MINERAL MILLING CO., EAST ST. LOUIS. The water is used for boiler purposes. It forms a scale, but not in excess of the city water. Analysis No. 14,622. 72 — ST. LOUIS STEAM FORGE & IRON WORKS, EAST ST. LOUIS. Used for cooling purposes. It is also used as a drinking water, but is seri- ously objected to by the workmen. 73-75 THE PITTSBURG REDUCTION CO., EAST ST. LOUIS. . In 1905 well 73, which was sunk in 1903, had decreased in cipacity from 1,100 to 300 gallons per minutes. The amount needed for the plant is 1,100 gallons per minute for 12 hours, or 792,000 gallons a day. Since the well did not yield this amount a new well was sunk, No. 75. All of the casing from the 1903 well was drawn except the lower part, which broke away. It is supposed that iron carbonate coated the screen and clogged the holes of it to such an extent that the capacity was decreased as mentioned above. The new well was finished and strainers put into it December, 1905. Bottom of strainer 128 feet below 100-foot elevation and is 21.5 feet long over all. It was made by the Cook Well Company of St. Louis, Mo. It is a No. 20 strainer. 1.5 feet lapping inside of boring. The strainer is surrounded by a coarse sand and gravel 20 feet thick. The well was sunk 7 feet lower into a blue shale, but it was thought best to pull the pipe above this and to leave the strainer in the coarse sand and gravel. This company has devised a filtering process which purifies the well water before it is used in the boilers of the plant. The city water is used only for drinking purposes. Analyses No. 14,621 and 16,624. 88 J. W. MOSER, CASEYVILLE, ILL. This well had as good water as any other well in the village until the spring of 1906, when with the heavy rains the water suddenly turned salty after the well had been pumped dry. The well was pumped dry at various times in less than one hour with a 2-inch double action pump, one-half gallon each stroke. The well holds 25 barrels and 30 gallons with the ground water level 10 feet from the top. The morning following the day when the well was pumped dry the water returned to its former level. AnaTys's No. 14,626. 89 VICTOR MOSER, FRENCH VILLAGE, ILL. Blue clay, 40 feet; no sand. 90 JESSIE SCHULTZ, FRENCH VILLAGE. This well is located beside the county road at French Village. It is used for drinking, stock and other purposes. The well is very old. Section. Feet. Thickness." Depth. Loess 15 .25 2 18+ 15 15.25 17 25 Gravel Blue shale White sand 35.25+ 112 WATEK EESOUROES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 92a EDWARD FRANCOIS, FRENCH VILLAGE, ILL. Pumping two full hours through a 1%-inch pipe will empty this well. Section. Feet. Thickness. Depth. Loess 5 2 9+ 5 Blue clay 7 Sand 16+ Oftentimes Schoenberger creek overflows and the flood water flows into the wells and cellars in the vicinity of the well. When the creek is normal water often stands 2 feet, 3 inches deep in the cellars which are approxi- mately 4 feet, 5 inches deep. Not only is this true of cellars in the valley of the creek, but in the hill side as well. 92 — J. L. BOISSEAU, FRENCH VILLAGE, ILL.. This well is located 90 yards from the bank of Schoenberger creek. flood times water flows into the top of the well. At 94 — P. H. TRAHAND, EDGEMONT, ILL. This well is located at the foot of the bluffs at Edgemont, 440 feet above tide. The well is lined with a 12-inch casing projecting 6 feet above the sur- face. If the casing were not so high the well would flow; instead, water is pumped out of it to supply a large bottling trade. 97 — SUPERIOR COAL & MINING CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Salt water was encountered approximately 450 feet below the surface. It was cased off and the well put down to its present depth, 585 feet. 99— priester's park, BELLEVILLE, ill. Well supplies water to the St. Clair County Club and to the park. It is bottled and sold on the market. Pumps with ,4-inch working barrel, estimated production 25,000 gallons per day. 100 PETER VOELLINGER, BELLEVILLE, ILL. Section. Feet. Thickness. Depth. Soil 10 4 16+ 10 14 Shale, blue 30 Water comes into the well through gravel. 102, 103 ST. CLAIR VINEGAR CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Former head of water 493 feet; present head 39a feet. Water does not scale boilers. 109 — CASPAR STOLLE QUARRY & CONSTRUCTION CO., STOLLE, ILL. The water in this well is from gravel below 42 feet of fine sand. Like the water in the springs in the limestone bluff nearby the water in this well be- comes oily after a rain. jOWMAN.] WELL RECORDS. 113-J. N. CABLETON, EAST CARONDELET, ILL. 113 Sand and loam Gumbo . . Quicksand Gravel (water) 116— JOE A. KUBBTJS, CAHOKIA, ILL. This wen was put down by the Mississippi Valley Trust Co. J^^*^™«£*» ** ^ fittin§S ' 12 9-0^LL0N ELECTBIC LIGHT t M»«^«^ Section Feet. Brown loam • • • • Black clay, hard, tough Quicksand Each well has 8-foot strainer. Analysis No. 14,627. 139—SIAB BBEWEBY, BELLEVILLE, ILL. The three wells of the Star Brewery were ahandonedb^ause^ they ^ nJhed anTnsufficient supply. Water could ^ tod tor °£| a^ ^ pumping only after ^^^ptagged n 1904. At present Impounded ^ZVXtZ^ZoA ofthe plant Is used. Soil and clay Sand and gravel. Clay • Hard limestone Close grained Coal T^lTG Cl&Y •••** Shale and soft sandstone Sandstone Black shale White sand Soft shale Sandstone White sand... ••••• Gray sand and shale White shale Red shale . Soft sandstone Hard sandstone Gray sandstone Limestone — 8G 114 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 At 298 feet there was considerable water but no casing was needed to shut it out. At 325 feet there was an abundance of water. Fresh water to 514- foot level. Salt water was encountered in the massive limestone. 143 — HAERISON SWITZER MILLING CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Feet. Section. Thickness . Depth. Soil 8 4 46 38 6 2 142 40 32 6 15 66 8 Limestone 12 Clay 58 Limestone 96 Coal 102 Fire clay 109 "Hard rock," limestone and shale 246 286 318 Shale 324 340 White sand 406 145 BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Well equipped with 4-inch working barrel nd has an estimated capacity of 30,000 gallons a day. 149 BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Well not being operated but equipped with pump, pipe, cylinder and rods; capacity estimated at 12,000 gallons a day. Value of well supposed to have been impaired by sinking a 6-inch casing below sand rock; said casing be- came fast in well; part of it drilled out. Section. Feet. Thickness . Depth Clay Gravel Limestone Shale White sandstone Shale White sandstone Shale Sandstone Gray shale Sandstone 25 28 42 167 205 305 312 337 405 411 641 150 — BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Well abandoned because of the small amount of water delivered — 9,000 gallons a day. Section. Feet. Thickness. Depth. Clay 34 10 7 18 5^ 25 34 195 23 20 34 Limestone 44 Coal 51 69 76 Shale 135 160 194 Shale 389 412 432 BOWMAN.] WELL RECORDS. 115 151 BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Section. Feet. Thickness Depth. Soil and drift 30 15 5 15 5 30 50 10 40 40 60 10 19 71 27 5 23 30 Limestone 45 Shale 50 Limestone 65 Coal - 70 Shale 100 Limestone 150 Sandstone 160 Gray shale 200 Limestone 240 Shale 300 310 Red shale 329 Sandstone 400 427 432 455 Equipped with Gould head; capacity, 27,000 gallons a day. 153 BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Nine and five-eighths-inch casing; 6-inch water pipe; equipped with deep well pump; Gould head; estimated production, 65,000 gallons a day; 50,000 gallons capacity electric pumps ; trouble with sand ; after cleaning expect production to be 75,000 gallons a day. 154 BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Equipped with Dowie head; -35,000 gallons a day. 155 BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Well abandoned and casing removed on account of insufficient water; capacity, four gallons per minutes. Section. Feet. Thickness. Depth. Ciay 34 10 6 18 7 59 25 34 195 23 158 34 44 Limestone Coal 50 Shale 68 B5 Limestone Sandstone 134 Limestone 159 193 388 411 569 Sandstone Shale Sandstone Limestone and shale 116 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. [bull. 5 156 — BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATEE CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Well is not in use. Section. Feet. Thickness. Depth. Clay 9 19 105 46 53 134 34 25 9 Pine sand 28 Clay and shale 133 Limestone 179 Sandstone 232 Shale 366 Sandstone 400 Limestone 425 157 BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. This well supposed to have crevice in the rock; has never heen successfully operated with air; 7% casing; 5-inch air pipe; 2%-inch water pipe. 158 BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Seven and five-eighths-inch casing; 5-inch air pipe; 2%-inch water pipe. Estimated production 22,000 gallons a day; 30,000 gallons capacity electric pumps. 159 BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Well reaches rock. To get rid of the excess of iron the water is passed through a filter before using it. 159 BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Not considered a good well; 7%-inch casing; casing removed March, 1900. 160 — BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Seven and five-eighths-inch casing; 5-inch air pipe; 2%-inch water pipe; estimated production, 22,000 gallons a day. 161 BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Seven and five-eighths-inch casing; 5-inch air pipe; 2%-inch water pipe; estimated production, 30,000 gallons a day. 162 — BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Seven and five-eighths-inch casing; 5-inch air pipe; 2%-inch water pipe; estimated production, 28,000 gallons a day. 163 BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WATER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Well abandoned; 7%-inch casing. Casing removed in March, 1900. 164 BELLEVILLE DEEP WELL WA1ER CO., BELLEVILLE, ILL. Seven and five-eighths-inch casing; 5-inch air pipe; 3-inch water pipe; esti- mated production, 32,000 gallons a day; depth, 575 feet. 176 — GEORGE HAIG, CASEYVILLE, ILL. Water found in a sand bed 7 feet thick, 38 feet below the surface. This sand disappears a short distance to the east, rock and. coal taking its place. Two hundred yards east of the well a bluff appears in which coal and rock are found in place 30 feet below the surface of the flood-plain. Analysis No. 14,629. 178 — DONK BROS.' COAL CO., MARYSVILLE, ILL. This well was put down by the Donk Bros.' Coal & Coke Company, Marys- ville, 111., about a quarter of a mile northeast of the mine. Rock was struck at 75 feet. The well was dug this far and then drilled to 120 feet. The water contains sulphur and was unfit for drinking purposes. BOWMAN.] WELL RECORDS. ir 179 MORRIS PACKING CO., EAST ST. LOUIS. Water used for condensing, cleaning and fire purposes. 208 JOE G. KURRUS, EAST ST. LOUIS. This well is located on 101 North, Third street, East St. Louis. The v/ell was put down for laundry purposes. The water appeared to have no bad effect until the clothes were put in the drying house, when they turned yellow on account of the large amount of iron. The water is used at present for stock purposes. 182 JOHN SCHMIDT, NEAR MONK'S MOUND. Well located on level ground at the foot of Schmidt's mound. 18.4 — MILLSTADT ELECTRIC LIGHT CO., MILLSTADT, ILL. Section. Feet. Thickness. Depth Clay Coal Fire clay, Limestone Shale . . . 50 139 Sandstone Limestone, hard, flinty. 75 300 230 530 The above is an oral statement by Mr. Jacobus. It is not complete, but since no log was kept, it is the best that can be offered. 188 EQUITABLE POWDER CO., EAST ALTON, ILL. Limestone of varying texture from 80 feet to 900 feet. The water is salty. 191 — JOHN DALMER, MASCOUTAH, ILL. This well is within the sink hole district. When it was first dug no water was found, but after it had been filled with dirt and rock and reopened there was plenty of water. A clogged sink-hole filled with water stands 100 feet to the south. 192 HENRY MILLER, MASCOUTAH, ILL. Well in limestone; sunk in a crevice of the rock. Nearby wells unsuccessful. 193 P. H. POSTEL MILLING CO., MASCOUTAH, ILL. Feet. Section. Thickness. Depth. To first sand 30 5 5 30 Quicksand 35 White sand 40 Gravel at 57' Through glacial deposits 104 Limestone 8 30 3 6 15 10 25 5 50 40 45 45 35 112 Ha rd shale 142 Limestone 145 Coal 151 Shale 166 Limestone 176 Shale 201 Coal 206 White shale 256 Blue sha le 296 White shale 341 Red rock 386 Shale 421 118 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS. Lbull. 5 Postel Milling Co — Concluded. Feet. Section. Thickness. Depth. Well caved in and had to clean up hole Shale 119 5 45 25 20 55 20 20 470 420 390 70 129 127 449 58 7 51 171 540 Limestone 545 Sandstone 590 Shale 615 Limestone 635 Well caved in and had to clean up hole Red rock 690 White shale , 710 Sandstone 730 Limestone 1,200 1,620 2,010 2,080 Shale Marl 2 206 Shale 2,333 2,782 2,840 2,847 2,898 3 069 Limestone »; Shale . Limestone Shaly limestone Amount of 12-inch casing used, 108 feet. Amount of 7%-inch casing used, 519.9 feet. Amount of 5%-inch casing used, 91 feet. Amount of 3-inch casing used, feet. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS. (By Isaiah Bowman.) Although a general conclusion accompanies each section of that part of the report relating directly to water supply, a brief and general sum- mary of these conclusions will serve in this place to emphasize the more important results of the present study. Conclusions Regarding Surface Sources of Water Supply. (i) In those sections of the district where limestone lies above the surface of the ground water and is extensively dissolved out by perco- lating waters, the available water is karst water. Its recovery is much more difficult than is the recovery of the ground water be'ow it, which it feeds. In this district underground water occurs in the manner in which ground water is popularly but erroneously supposed to occur — that is to say, in definite underground channels. By reason of the quick descent of rain water to these underground passages karst water is often dangerous for drinking purposes, and the population is driven to the use of rain water conserved in cisterns. (2) The supply of water from streams is not used to the fullest extent today because of the ease with which ground water may be ob- tained. The Mississippi river is drawn on for city supply in East St. Louis and a few adjacent towns. The water is extremely roily when first drawn, but by the processes of filtering, aerating, sedimenta- bowman. J WELL EECOED. 119 tion, baffling and by chemical treatment, it is made clean and pure and wholesome. It scales boilers to some extent, but not so much as the ground water, whose use is supersedes. Use can likewise be made of tributaries of the Mississippi. (3) A number of ox-bow lakes and artificial reservoirs are utilized, but the extent to which this is done is and always will be quite limited. The lakes are roily in spite of some degree of natural sedimentation, and the rank growth of vegetation and the large amount of city wastes dumped into them would lead to deleterious effects were the water used for drinking purposes. The reservoirs are favorable means for secur- ing a puvlic supply, except to the extent to which the watershed is con- taminated by wastes. The growth of vegetation on their botoms and shores may easily be prevened by deepening and graveling the bottom and paving the sides. Conclusions Regarding Underground Sources of Water Supply. (4) For drinking and other ordinary domestic purposes the ground water of the flood-plain deposits must always constitute the chief source of supply to the flood plain population. By virtue of the fact that fine sands overlie the coarser sand and gravel from which the water is derived, the purity of these waters under ordinary conditions, must always be assured. Not that the fine sands prevent the downward movement of the rain water into the gravels and coarse sands, but that they enforce a movement sufficiently slow to insure pretty thorough filtration. The gravel and coarse sand are not more thoroughly sat- urated with water than the fiend sand above them, but their water is more available and wells are not regarded as successful which do not reach lenses of coarser material. For boiler purposes the flood-plain water is not desirable in its natural state, being too heavily charged with calcium and magnesium carbonates. The use of compounds is re- quired with it. Several companies are considering the erection of purifying plants which will enable the use of this water, but at present city water is used in the boilers. (5) The greater part of the upland wil lalways be supplied with water from shallow wells in favorable localities in the loess and drift, the bottom of the well lying a few feet below the level of the water tabe. No special features of water quality or means of acquisition need be summarized here as the problem is wholly one of the simple dug or driven well of the ordinary type. (6) The deeper waters are all highly mineralized and occur under much greater head than the shallow supplies. They are not valuable except for their medicinal properties, either real or supposed, and can never enter directly into the problem of water supply in a serious way except by possible pollution of sweet surface waters. Occuring with such a great head and with strong mineral substances in solution, they must sooner or later, with the decay of the casings, enter upper hori- zons to the exclusion of desirable waters. These upper waters are even 120 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS.- [bull. at present too hard for boiler use; and will be totally unfit for such use if re-enforced by the water from deep sources. It would be calamitous, indeed, should such a displacement ever occur, and it cannot be toe strongly urged that the State adopt measures which will give the upper horizons adequate protection. INDEX. 121 Page. 47 3 27 55 22-23 9 105 69 113 23.. 108 75 102 111 108 74 110 94 73 96 23 65 67 13 109 55 20 31 58 103 73 4 39 104 23 116 22 103 76 40 62 61 116 101 105 103 112 25 UJlUtlgiuum 1 8 18 118 29 6 43 120 WATER RESOURCES OF EAST ST. LOUIS.- [bull. 5 INDEX. 121 INDEX. A. Page. Accretions to ground water 47 Acknowledgements 3 Alluvial deposits 27 Alton, depth of well 55 Exposure near " 22-23 Junction, betrunked streams, near , 9 Packing Co. well 101, ; 105 Water system - 69 American Bottle Co., well 103, 113 Bottoms 23 . . Car & Foundry Co., well 101, 108 Car & Foundry Co., analysis 75 Carbon & Battery Co., well 102 Steel Co., well 102, 111 Steel Foundries Co.. wells 101, 108 Steel Foundries well, analysis 74 Steel & Wire Co., well 102, 110 Analysis, mineral, tables of 83, 94 Of waters 73 Sanitary, table of 95, 96 Anderson quarry section 23 Aquifer at Belleville 65 At Edwardsville 67 Arid climate streams 13 Armour & Co., well analysis 81, 101, 109 Artesian wells 55 Of Western Illinois 20 Availabilities of Mississippi river water . 31 B. Bacon, J. E., Acknowledgement to 58 Badgly, Austin, well • 103 Bartow, E., Acknowledgement 73 Basic points in railway transportation 4 Bayou water 39 Beal Bros., well 104 Bedford limestone 23 Belleville, Deep Well Water Co., wells 103, 114, 115, 116 Exposure near 22 Stove and Range Works, wells . . 103 Water, analysis 76 Water supply 40 Water system 62 Water works wells 61 Wells at 113, 114, 116 Benbow, A. E. } well 101 Big Four Railroad wells 101, 1 05 Boisenne, N., well 1 03 Boisseau, J. L., well 102, 11 2 Bowlder clay 25 Bowman, Isaiah, and Chester Albert Reeds — Water Resources of the East St. Louis District 1 Bowman, I., cited 8 Nature of hydrological investigations 18 Summary of conclusions 118 Surface waters of district 29 Topographical features of district 6 Underground sources of water supply 43 122 INDEX. Page. Bridges at East St. Louis 5 Brouilette creek ' 16 Burg, John, well 103 Burget, Otto, water analysis 82 Burkville, exposure near * ' 22 Sink holes near 12 Wells near 51 Burlington limestone 22 Bushberg sandstone 21 Business facilities in East St. Louis District 6 Butterwich, Frank, well 104 C. Cabaret Island pumping plant ;......... 32 Cahokia creek 14, 34, 44 Flood plain changes at 28 Well at 113 Carbonic Dioxide Co., wells 102, 110 Carlton, J. N., well 103, 113 Casey ville, analysis 97 Betrunked streams near 9 Site of 10 Well at 116 Casey ville wells 69 Casing, defective 57 Longevity 57 Caspar Stone Quarry Co., spring 52 Well 103, 112 Catchment area of artesian basins 56 Caves 10, 23 Centerville, betrunked streams near 9 Drainage of , 16 Central Brewing Co., well 102, 110 Chamberlin and Salisbury cited 8 Chauvenet, Regis, analysis by 76, 77 Chenot, Augustus, well 103 Chester, group 22 Sandstone near Burkesville 12 Citizens' Ice Co., well 103 Cisterns 29 City, supplies and systems 62 Water Co 32, 33, 37 Clark, W. A., well 104 Classifications of drainage systems 13 Cleaning river water 35 Coal measures • • 23 Collinsville, analysis 97 Water Co., wells 101, 103, 105 Water system 68 Columbia, exposures near . . .20, 22 Conclusions regarding underground water level 48 Conclusions, summary of 118 Construction of cisterns 29 Contamination of, karst water 54 Pond waters 42 Corn Products Co., well, analysis 74 Refining Co., wells 101, 1 07 Cost of Alton water system 70 Collinsville water system 68 Edwardsville water system 67 D Dahmer, John, well 104 Dallas, Texas, pollution by artesian water 59 Dalmer, John, well . 117 Datum at St. Louis 13 Daughin, Lewis, well 103 Dearborn Laboratory, analysis 74 Decrease of head at Belleville 64 Deep wells- • , . . 55 Deep well at Monks Mound 106 Defective casing 57 DeLorme, Joe, well 102 Depth of alluvium 27 Devonian 21 Difficulties in using Mississippi river water 31 Directions of underground water movement 43 Donk Bros. Coal Co.. well 104, 116 INDEX. 123 Page. Drainage of district 13 Drift 25 Waters of • 60 Droit, C. W. } well 103 Druitt creek 28 Dudley, Chas. B., water analysis by 82 Dupo, analysis of water 97 Dupont, E. I. Co., well ■. 102 E Basley, H. L., well 104 East Alton, analysis 97 High water at . . 14 Wells 70, 117 East Carondclet, wells 72, 113 East St. Louis, analysis 97 District, water resources of 1 Pumping station 32 Water analysis 81, 82 Water system 73 And Suburban Ry., well 102, 110 Wells at. . 117 Eastside Packing Co.,' wells'.'. ... 7.7. .7.7.7 102, 109 Eckerts' cave 23, 52, 53 Economic Features of East St. Louis district 4 Edgemont, analysis 98 Depth of well 55 Edwardsville, analysis „ 98 Coal Co., shaft log 61 Water, analysis 78, 79, 180 Water Co., wells 101 Water supply . 40 Water system 65 Empire Carbon Works, well. 101, 109 Equitable Powder Mfg. Co., well 71, 101, 104, 105, 117 Ernst, Ringring, well 101 Excelsior Tool and Machine Co., supply 39 Extent of East St. Louis District 2 Falling Spring 52 Analysis 99 Exposure near 22 Fenneman, N. M.. work of ' 18 Ferdinand and Kellar, well 101 Filtration at East St. Louis and Granite City 36 Flood heights 14, 15, 18 Flood Plain, of Mississippi 7 Wood river 14 Wells 49 Flood waters 43 Flooding of mines by artesian water 60 Flowing wells 55 Francois, Edward, well . . 102, 112 Freeburg Water Co., well 104 French Village, cite of 10 Drainage of 16 Fuller, M. L. acknowledgement to 3 G Geologic Section, Collinsville to St. Louis 25 Mascoutah to Jefferson Barracks 24 Geology of District by C. A. Reeds 18 Glacial deposits 25 Glen Carbon water supply 40 Wells 71 Glen Park, Mo., exposure near 20, 21 Goerz quarry exposure 21 Goundlach, J. P., well 103 Granite City, deep well 56 Depth of filling 27 Depth of well 55 Pumping plant 32 Water system 73 Well, analysis 74 Ground water 9, 48 Of the Karst 50 GrOves, H. M., well '. 101 124 INDEX. Page. Hagedorn, C. F., analysis by 81 Haig, George, well 104, 116 Hammer Bros. Lead Works, well 102 Hare, J. L., well 103 Harold, John, well . 104 Harrison Switzer Milling Co., well 103, 114 Helm, cited. 13 Helm, E. G., well 102, 104 Helmbacher Forge & Rolling Mills Co., well 101, 108 Hezel Milling Co., well 102, 110 Hill, R. T., cited 59 Hoiser, Louis, well 103 Horse Shoe Lake 15 Hoyt Metal Co., well, analysis. 75 Wells 101, 108 Humid climate streams 13 Hunter Bros., well 101, 105 Hydrographic Features of District, C. A. Reeds 13 Hydrologic investigations, nature of 1 I Illinois Mineral Milling Co., well 102, 111 Indian Creek . . 16 International Leather Co., well 102 Interstate Cooperage Co., well -. 101 Inundations and underground water level 46 Iron Mountain Railway, well 103 J Johnson, V. G., well 103 Judys branch 40 Wells along 71 K Karst, features of 10 Water 50 Wells of 54 Kasina, Louis, well 103 Keefaber, W. P., analysis by r 40 Keesterer, John, well 104 Keller, well 56 Keokuk Limestone 22 Kimmswick, Mo., exposure near 20, 21 Kinderhook 22 Knobelock, Julius, well 103 Kurrus wells 103, 104, 113, 117 L Lakes as sources of water supply 39 Land values in East St. Louis District '. 6 Leivy , P. B., cited 44 Levees 17 Level of underground water 44 Leverett, F., citPd 19, 20, 21, 24 Little Canteen Creek . 16 Location of East St. Louis District 2 Of wells 101 Loess ..-. 26 Waters of 60 Luedeking, analysis by 77 Luer Bros., well 101, 105 M Madison Coal Co., water supply 71 Mine log 61 Well, analysis 75 Maintenance of pumping stations 34 Manufacturing in East St. Louis District 3, 4 Martin, E., well 101 Marysville, well at 116 Mascoutah, deep sand at 64 Deep well at 19, 57 Mascoutah, depth of well 55 Exposures near 22, 24 Wells at 117 INDEX. 125 Page. Mason, cited*. 42 Meander development. . . . ■ i 7 Meramec limestones 22 Merchants' Ice & Fuel Co., well 110, 102 Meyer, Harry L., well 101, 105 Meyer Packing Co., well 101 Miller, Henry, wells 104, 117 Millstadt Brewery Co,, well 104 City well 104 Deep well at • • . . 63 Electric Light Co., well . 104, 117 Exposures near 22 Millstone grit 64 Mineral analyses, tables of 83, 94 Mississippian 19, 22 Mississippi flood plain 7 Underground waters of 43 River 17 Deposits , 27 Commission, hydrographs 46 Commission, maps 8 Water 31 Missouri Malleable Iron Co., well analysis 82 River deposits 27 Mitchell, analysis 99 Wells at 72 Monks Mound, depth of well 55 Depth to rock 27 Well near 117 Well section 106 Morris Packing Co., wells 104, 117 Moser, J. W., well 102, 111 Victor, well 102, 111 Mowe, William, well 102 Mud line 34 "My" Laundry wells 101, 108 N Nameoki, wells at 73 Natural Gas Co., well 103, 113 Niedringhaus Steel Mills Co., wells 101, 108, 56 Non-flowing wells 56 O Occurrence of ground water ' 48 Underground water ' 49 O'Falion, analysis 99 Electric Light & Water Co., wells 103, 113 Water system \ . . . .• 72 Oil in deep wells 56 Ordovician in district 19 Origin of Missfppi flood plain 7 Osage limestones 22 P Palmer, A. W., analysis by 78, 79, 80, 81 Penck, A., cited 10, 53 Pennsylvania 19, 23 Peters, deep well at 56 Depth to rock 27 Depth of well . 55 Site of 10 Underground water level near 47 Wells 73 Pipe lines to the river . 31, 33 Pittsburg, lake , 16, 39 Mining Co., well 103 Reduction Co., well 102, 111 Pleistocene deposits 25 Poag, analysis 99 Water plant at 65 Pollution by artesian waters 56, 58, 59 In minor streams ; 38 Of Karst water 54 Of pond waters 42 Postel, Julius, well '. 104 Milling Co., deep well. 19 Well 104, 117 Well, analysis 76 126 INDEX. Page. Potable water, concurrence of 1 Powell, William, well 102 Prairie du Pont creek 16, 37 Preisters Park, well 103, 112 Pumping plant at Alton 70 East St. Louis 33 Poag 65 Purification of river water 35 Q Quality of artesian waters 56 R Railway, rates 4, 5 Steel Spring Co., wells 102, 110 Rainfall and underground water level 47 Water, uses 29 Ramey, T. T., well ■ 104 Rates, railway 4 Reck, Curton, well 101 Recommendations regarding, cisterns 29 Flood plain wells 50 Karst well water 54 Lakes • • 40 Pollution by artesian water 60 Reservoir waters 41, 42 Recovery of ground water 48 Underground water 49 Reeds, Cbester Albert, Bowman, Isaiah and, water resources of the East St. Louis Disrict 1 City and village water supplies and systems 62 Geology of district 18 HydrographJc features of district 13 Republic Iron Works, well 102, 110 Reservoir sites 9 As sources of supplies 40 Richardson, J. EL, well 104 Richland creek 18, 40 Section on 61 Richmond limestones 20 Rolling Mill well at Granite City, analysis 74 Rose Lake, water analysis • 8k: Run off of district 47 Saginaw, Michigan, pollution by artesian waters 58 Salisbury, Chamberlain and, cited. 8 Salt water in deep wells 56, 57 Sanitary analysis ' 78, 81 Table of 95, 96 Scale from reservoir water * 40 Schlicter, C. S. } cited 9, 46 Schmidt, John, well 104, 117 Schultz, Jessie, well 102, 111 Schwenberger, creek 16 Seebode, Henry, well 101, 105 Seepage rate 45 Shifting sand in Mississippi River. 32 Silurian 21 Silver Creek 18 Simon, Harry, well 101 Sink holes 10, 23 Smith, C. W., well 101 Snell,, quoted 37 Southern Coal Co., well 103 Mining Co., shaft log 61 Spergen Hill limestone • 22 Spring Creek 16 Springs as sources of supply 30 Springs of Karst region 52 St. Clair County Farm, well 103 Vinegar Co., water analysis 76, 103, 112 St. Louis Compress Co., well 104 Limestone 22 Near Burksville 12 Near Stolle 10 Sampling & Testing Co., analysis by 74 Smelting Co.'s well 68 Steam Forge & Iron Works, well 102, 111 INDEX. 127 Page. St. Peters in Monks Mound well 107 In wells JN 19 Stallings, wells 73 Star Brewery well ; 103, 113 Starke, R. W., analysis by 76 State legislation regarding the waste of water 58 State Water Survey, acknowledgement 73 Analysis by 78, 79, 80 Staub, Nicholas, well 104 Stewart, Bob, well . 101 Stolle, analysis • • 99 Exposures near 22 Karst near 10 Spring near • • 52 Water resources near 50 Stones River limestone 20 Stookey, analysis 99 Strainers in pipe lines 34 Streams as sources of supplies 31 Strube, Eliza, well 102 Sulphur Springs, Mo., exposures near 20 Summit Coal Mining Co., well 103 Superior Coal & Mining Co., well 103, 112 Surface sources, conclusions regarding 118 Waters of district. . . 29 Swartz well 103 Swift & Company, wells .• 102. 109 T Terminal Railway Association 2, 5 Tiedman Milling Co., wells 72, 103 Title 25 Todd. J. E., cited 27 Topographic features of district 6 Traband, P. H., well .102, 112 Travertine at Falling Spring 52 Trenton limestone in wells 20 Tri-City Ice and Refrigerating Co., well 101, 109 Turbidity of Palling Spring water 53 Karst well water 54 Stream water 38. U Ulrich, cited 22 Underground drainage 43 Waters . 43 Conclusions regarding 119 Union Cap and Chemical Co., well 101 Union Place well 103 United States Geological Survey, acknowledgement to. 3 United States Geological Survey, cited 57 Maps of 10 Upland district topography 9 Upper Alton, analysis 99 Village well 101 Use of cisterns 29 V Valley developments 9 Vandalia Railroad wells 101, 107 Veach, A. C, cited 52 Voellinger, Peter, well 103, 112 Voigt, John, well 101 Village suplies and systems 62 W Warsaw group 22 Wartburg, sink holes near 12 Waste of aresian water 58 Water from minor streams 37 Waterloo water supply 41 Water resources of deeper horizon 55 Of loess and drift 60 Of the East St. Louis district by I. Bowman and C. A. Reeds 1 Of the Karst 50 Water supplies from springs and streams 30 Supply from lades and reservoirs. 39 Tower at Edwardsville , 65 128 INDEX. Page. Webb, E., well 1 g^ Weller, S. t cued • j.% Wells at Belleville 2c Wells at Coliinsville £» Of the Karst £4 Western Brewery Co., well *U| Western Nail Works, well • • L v* Wood River 13, 37 LIBRARY CATALOGUE SLIPS. [Mount each slip upon a separate card, placing the subject at the top of the second slip. The name of the series should not he repeated on the Series card, but the additional numbers should be added, as received, to the first entry.] Bowman, Isaiah and Chester Albert Reeds. author. Water Resources of the East St. Louis District. Urbana, University of Illinois. (II fig-. 4 pi. 130 pp. ) State Geological Survey. Bulletin No. 5. Bowman, I. and C. A. Reeds. subject. Water Resources of the East St. Louis District. Urbana, University of Illinois, 1907. (II fig. 4 pi. 130 pp.) State Geological Surve. . Bulletin No. 5. State Geological Survey. Series. Bulletins. No. 5. Isaiah Bowman and Chester Albert Reeds. Water Resources of the East St. Louis District. -9G NOTICE. A portion of each edition of the Bulletin of the State Geological Survey is set aside for gratuitous distribution. To meet the wants of libraries and in- dividuals not reached in this first distribution, 500 copies are in each case reserved for sale at cost, including postage. The reports may be obtained upon application to the State Geological Survey, Urbana, Illinois, and checks and money orders should be made payable to H. Foster Bain, Urbana. The list of publications is as follows: Bulletin 1. The Geological Map of Illinois; by Stuart "Weller. Including a folded, colored geological map of the State on the scale of 12 miles to the inch, with descriptive text of 26 pages. Gratuitous edition exhausted. Sale price 45 cents. Bulletin 2. The Petroleum Industry of Southeastern Illinois;' by W. S. Blatchley. Preliminary report descriptive of condition up to May 10th, 1906. 109 pages. Gratuitous edition exhausted. Sale price 25 cents. Bulletin 8. Composition and Character of Illinois Coals; by S. W. Parr; with chapters on the Distribution of the Coal Beds of the State, by A. Bement, and Tests of Illinois Coals under Steam Boilers, by L. P. Breckenridge. A preliminary report of 86 pages. Gratuitous edition exhausted. Sale price 25 cents. Bulletin 4. Year Book for 1906, by H. Foster Bain, director, and others. In- cludes papers on the topographic survey, on Illinois fire clays, on limestones for fertilizers, on silica deposits, on coal, and on regions near East St. Louis, Springfield and in southern Calhoun county. 260 pages. Postage 9 cents. Circular No. 1. The Mineral Production of Illinois in 1905. Pamphlet, 14 pages, postage 2 cents. Circular No. 2. The Mineral Production of Illinois in 1906. Pamphlet, 16 pages, postage 2 cents.