CHIC/IBO, TELEGRAPH CODE 1883. PRESTON, KEAN & CO, BANKERS, 100 WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO, ILL INDEX TO CODE, Page. Amounts, - 38 Character of Firms, 28 Chicago Banks, 35 Collections, *- 30 Commercial Paper. 27 Correspondence, 32 Foreign Exchange, 25 Government Bonds and Miscellaneous Securities, 18 Land Warrants and Scrip, 21 Lost or Missing Drafts, 34 Municipal Bonds, 20 Purchase and Sale of Securities, 22 Rates, - 40 Transfers, Remittances, Etc., - 36 INTRODUCTION, We beg to hand you our TELEGRAPHIC GODE to facilitate any transaction that may pass between us; also a brief summary of the various departments of our business. BANKING DEPARTMENT, Established in 1860, we have for twenty-three years transacted business as the custodians and con- servators of the money of others. The Chicago fire, and the various financial panics that resulted disastrously to so many banks, have passed over us without any interruption to the steady growth of our business. In soliciting the accounts of banks, bankers and merchants, we feel warranted in pointing to our record. No safe bank will offer more liberal terms for the accounts of conservative and responsible dealers. COLLECTIONS, We collect on all accessible points in this country and in Europe, having special facilities for making collections in the West. We do not object to pre- senting several times when circum- stances warrant Remittances promptly made or reasons given for non-payment. FOREIGN EXCHANGE, Every kind of financial transaction with foreign countries can be facilitated by us through our long established connections. Bills of Exchange in any amount and on any coun- try, bought and sold. Travellers' Credits issued. Commercial Credits furnished. Cable Transfers made either way. Bankers can draw direct on foreign countries by arrangement through us; proper blanks and instruc- tions furnished on application. GOVERNMENT BONDS, We were connected with the first government loan issued for the prosecution of the civil ivar, and since have had to do with every loan and the changes in such loans. There is no information concerning these loans we cannot furnish, and there is no facility for transfers and changes of these loans which we do not possess. We tender our services to banks and others. We always have Government bonds on hand and will buy in any sums. STATE BONDS, The most attractive State Bond on the market is the Minnesota State four and one-half per cent. Adjust- ment Bond, interest payable semi-annually in New York. Minnesota has grown to great wealth, has an un- usually small debt, and has provided an extra security for this lot of State Bonds by placing an ample Keal Estate Security behind them, which cannot be diverted from the purpose of a sinking fund for this issue. MUNICIPAL BONDS Are next in quality and price to United States Bonds. The carefully guarded investments of Savings Banks and other Trusts governed by statute in the most conservative States, have long included Municipal Bonds and given them great currency. No more conservative class of invest- ments exists. Western Municipal issues arising from the unexampled development of the West creating rapidly every sort of Municipal improvements, has furnished the most natural and largest supply, and when carefully selected and entirely legal have proved of the safest. An experience second to none enables us to advise investors with con- fidence and we have always a considerable supply to present for choice. 10 STOCKS, We do not undertake any specu- lative business, "but we will execute orders for the purchase or sale out- right of any stocks listed on the Hew York or Chicago Stock Exchanges. COUPONS, We will collect coupons for those keeping accounts with us of Government, Chicago City and Cook County bonds, and Chicago Car Trust Certificates^ R. R. bonds and all other Securities that we deal in, free of charge. RAILROAD BONDS, We can furnish any railroad bond that is on the market There has always been a good demand from a class of investors for choice Railroad bonds. There has seldom been any loss in the first mortgage bonds of trunk lines nor on connecting lines where the mortgage is not too large and roads run through good farming districts, coal fields, etc. 12 CAR TRUSTS, 6 PER CENT., FREE OF TAXES. We have for some years dealt in the issues of the Chicago Car Trust and feel some pride in the high credit these issues have sustained. These Certificates draw 6 per cent interest, and are payable quarterly from three months to seven years. Prominent Attorneys say that they are exempt from taxation. They are secured in two ways: 1st. Upon rolling stock, of which the title is absolute in two trustees. 2d. By a lease containing all safeguards that experience has suggested, and made with a road doing a large business and earning dividends upon its stock. This lease adds to these certifi- cates the direct obligation of the Eailroad for their full amount. 13 COMMERCIAL PAPER, Western Commercial Paper, well selected, is as safe as any paper you can buy. The business paper of the merchants and manufacturers of the West represents in many instances capital as large and as surely profitable, and character as conservative and as wisely enterprising 1 as the very best paper that can be made. The growth of the West in accumulated capital, the vast proportions of its varied interests, and the larg-e admixture in its business blood of men educated in the older and most conservative parts of the country, the increase and improve- ment of the means of communication of all sorts, are elements that in a cumulative way place its business inter- ests in the very front rank. We have always on hand for sale Western Commercial paper of a hig-h grade. 14 GOVERNMENT LAND SCRIP, We have always a supply of Bounty Land Warrants, Dodge Scrip, Additional Homestead Claims, Porterfield Warrants, Sioux Half Breed Scrip, Valentine Certificates. Some of these will take any land, of the United States, Non-Mineral, that can be taken. Information furnished. 15 TELEGRAPH CODE, 17 GOYERHMEHT BOHDS MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES, ABATE . U. S. 4^ 1891 Registered ABATIS . . U. S. 4^ 1891 Coupon U. S. 4's 1907 Registered U. S. 4's 1907 Coupon U. S. 3's (Folger's) Dis't Columbia 3-65's due 1924 Registered APBIGOT . " " " " " Coupon ABBOB . . Minnesota State 4^ due 1891-1911 ADDIBLE . Chicago City 7's due AGHAST . . Chicago City 7's water due ALLEGIANCE . Chicago City 4^ per cent due 1900 ALLOY . . Chicago City 4 per cent due 1901 Chicago City 3.65-100 per cent due 1902 ALMANAC . . Cook County 7's due Cook County 5's due 1899 ANKLE . . Cook County 4^ per cent due 1900 ANTERIOB . West Chicago 5's due 1890 APPALL . . West Park 7 per cent due 1895. APPAREL . Lincoln Park 7 per cent due 1895 ABBITEB . . Town of Lake 7's Town of Lake 10 per cent ABMOB . . Hyde Park 7 per cent South Park 6's ABTISAN . . South Park 7 per cent Chicago City Railway 4^'s ASKANCE . . North Chicago Railway 6's West Division Railway 6's ANCHOB . . Mutual Union Telegraph Company 6's Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe 4^s Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe 7's (Sonoras) Chicago & Alton 7's 1st M Chicago & Alton 6's C. B. & Q. 5's due 1919 18 GOVERNMENT BONDS AND MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES. ADIPOSE . . C. B. & Q. 4's due 1919 C. B. & Q. 4's Denvers, due 1922 C. B. & Q. 4's B. & M. in Neb. due 1910 ADJOUBN . C. M. & St. P. 7's H. &. D AHMIBE . . C. M. & St. P. 6's C. & P ADMIBAL c - M - & St. P. 6's Mineral Point ADEMPT . . C- M. & St. P. 6's Dubuque AFFBONT . C. M. & St. P. 6's C. P. & W. AFFBIGHT Chicago North Western 6's due 1929 AFFLICT Chicago North Western 6's due 1929 AFFBAY . . C. R. I. & P. 6's due 1919 C. S. P. M. & O. 6's due 1930 AGBOUND . . Jacksonville & S. E. 6's due 1910 ALABMED . Jacksonville & S. E. 6's due 1912 ALEBT . . N. Y. C. & St. L. 6's due 1921 ALLEGOBY . N. Y. L. E. & W. 6's due 1969 Northern Pacific 6's due 1925 ALMONY Northern Pacific Preferred Wabash St. L. & P. 5's due 1910 (Chicago Div.) 19 MUNICIPAL BONDS. BADE Four per cents BADGES . Four one-half per cents BALK . Five per cents BLISTEB . Six per cents BANANA Seven per cents BASIN Interest payable semi-annually in New York BASSOON Interest payable annually in New York BATON Interest payable semi-annually at home BAUBLE Interest payable annually at home BAZAAB Interest payable semi-annually in Chicago BENUMB Interest payable annually in Chicago BEZANT A A 1 4-* 4-Viy-w -. t 1 Assessed valuation inousanu BEVEL . Total debt thousand BILGE Population thousand BLEND . One year BLESSED . Two years BODICE Three years BLOUSE Four years BOURSE Five years BOULDEB Six years BOWSPBIT Seven years BBAZEN Eight years BBOOCH Nine years BBOOM Ten years BBAND . Twenty years BBUNT Three-Ten years BBIM . Five-Fifteen years BEING Five-Twenty years BBINK . Premium and Interest BUNCH TA 1" 11 "* jjeiiveraoie in BUNDLE Give us full description of BUNG We offer subject to sale CABOOSE CAISSON CALDBON CALASH CALENDAB CALIPH CAMPHOB CANDOB CANNY CANNEL CABBOT . CABBINK CABCASK . CASTOB CHAMOIS CHEVBON CLANGOB . CLAMOB LAND WARRANTS AND SCRIP. Certificates of Deposit for Surveys Valentine Certificates Porterfield Warrants Dodge Scrip Sioux Half -Breed Scrip Bounty Land Warrants War 1812 Bounty Land Warrants other than 1812 Soldiers' Additional Claims Fractional Soldiers' Additional Claim Forty acres Eighty acres One hundred and twenty acres One hundred and sixty acres Assignments imperfect; we hold for instructions Double minimum land Single minimum land Will take any surveyed Government land non- mineral Will take any unsurveyed Government land non- mineral 21 PURCHASE AND SALE OF SECURITIES, ETC. DAMSON . . All right, we take the at DAMASK . All right, we sell you at DANDBUFP . At what will you sell DELF . . At what will you buy DECBEPIT . At what can you buy for us DISTIL At what will you trade, giving for DESEBT . . An advance in rate DEXTEB . Bonds held at Washington as security for circula- tion DISK . . Buy for our account DOCK . . Buy at best rate DISTEND . . Buy all you can DOCTOB . Buy all you can not to exceed DOMICILE . Buying rates to-day are DOTAGE . Cannot name price to hold open DOWBY . . Can you use DOWNFALL . Cannot be bought at less DBAGON . . Cannot be obtained DBIVEL . Cannot be sold at more DBYLY . . Cannot be sold DUCHY Cannot sell DUELLIST . Cannot buy DUNGEON . Deposit at Washington as security for circulation DUBESS . . Did you sell DAKOIT . Did you buy DALLY . . Do not purchase unless DAINTY Do not buy DAISY . Do not sell DAGON Give us your buying rate for DANGEB . . Give us your quotations for DANDLE . How much can you DAPPEB . . How much can we DANGLE How much do you DAMPEB . . How much have you DAMAGE . How does market look DAWDLE . . If bought sell out again 22 PUBCHASE AXD SALE OF SECURITIES, ETC. DAWN . . If s ld buy back DASHER If unsold on receipt of your answer DABKEN If y u can DABTEB . . If we can DABLING . Market fluctuating DEANEBY Market steady DEADEN Market active DEACON . . Market dull DEAFNESS . Market very unsettled DECAY . . Make best bid for DECAMP Name very lowest price net to us DEBASE Name your limit and we will execute order if pos- sible DECEIT . . Not exceeding DECANT Not less than DECABD . . Nothing doing DEBATE Our buying rates are FABLE . . Our selling rates are FABBIC . . Our commissions for buying or selling are FABULOUS Kates good for to-day only FACELESS . Say they will buy FACES . . Say they will sell FACIAL . . Say they will not buy FACING . . Say they will not sell FACTION . Selling rates are FACTOB . . Scarce and in demand FACULTY . Sell for our account FADING . . Sell at best rate Telegraph us an offer and we will do the best we can FAGOT . . Telegraph us to-day's quotations for FAINTLY . Too late to do anything ^ FAIBLY . . The market at present is FAIBY . . The market is such that we cannot name a rate FAITHFUL These quotations are as favorable as can be ob- tained FALCON These quotations hold good for to-day only FALLOW , . Until further instructions from us 23 PURCHASE AND SALE OF SECURITIES, ETC. FANCY . FANATIC FLESHLY FLEXUBE FLIMSY FILTER FLIPPANT FLITTING FLOATING FLOCK FLOBID FLOG FLOBAL FLOSS FLOUNCE FLOTSAM . FLOBIST FLITCH FLUID . FLUTE FLOWN . FLASH FOLIAGE FLYING . FODDEB FATTEB , Until further instructions from you Use your own judgment We accept your offer We are out of We are full of We are unable to draw, please remit We can buy for you We decline your offer We do not wish to sell We do not wish to buy We do not want any at present We have sold for your account We have bought for your account What commission do you charge for buying and selling We will attend to it We will do the best we can We raise limit to We reduce limit to We will sell We will buy We will give We will trade, giving for paying We will trade, giving for charging We forward assigned to you We accept proposition We decline proposition FOREIGN EXCHANGE. GALLEY GALOBE GAMBOGE GAMBOL GAMEY . GAMIN GANG . GANDEB GANNET GABBAGE GABLAND GABGLE GABBEB GABBISON GOUGING GASTBIO GATHEB GAUNTLET GAUZY . GAILY GAIETY GAZELLE . GENDEB GAZING GAZETTE GENERATE GENEBIC Accept for honor of Bill No. At sight At three days' sight At 30 days' sight At 60 days' sight At 90 days' sight At what rate can you sell us Exchange on Deliver documents attached to Bill No on for to for sale with instructions to place proceeds to our credit with Do not send for protest First of Exchange Hold without protest Hold Bill No on for till further instruc- tions Has the acceptance of to draft of for been paid Is Bill of Lading sent pertaining to Bill on for May we receive acceptance of to for on On demand Our Bill No on for Our Draft No for in favor of- Protest for non-payment Protest for non-acceptance Please stop payment of our Draft No in favor of for Present the acceptance of for drawn by to Retire without presentation of for drawn by Second of Exchange Sola of Exchange Shall we protest for non-acceptance Shall we protest for non-payment 25 FOREIGN EXCHANGE. The Bill on for is refused acceptance GENTEEL . . The Bill on for is refused acceptance unless documents are delivered GENTLE . . The Bill on for is unaccepted; drawees have suspended payment The Bill on for has been accepted; may we deliver documents GEBUND . . The Bill of Lading you advise as attached to Bill on for - has not been received GESTUBE . Third of Exchange GIGGLE . . Use your discretion as to delivery of documents GIBLET . Your Bill No on for GIDDY . . You may deliver documents on acceptance GLADDEN . You may not deliver documents on acceptance GLACIS . . You may deliver documents against Banker's guarantee GLADSOME . You may deliver documents against responsible Broker's guarantee GLABING . . You may receive acceptance of to Bill for on GLANCE Your draft No for in favor of GLAD . . We can sell you exchange on at GLIBBEB . We will buy exchange on at rate quoted in your letter (or telegram) GLIMPSE . . We cannot sell exchange on at the rate quoted in your letter (or telegram) M COMMERCIAL PAPER. HACKLE . . Cannot send paper at rate named; demand greater than supply Cannot send to-day paper ordered; will not some- thing else on list suit you HALYABD . . Will you purchase of us 30 days Will you purchase of us 60 days HANDSOME . Will you purchase of us 90 days Will you purchase of us 4 months HABBIEB . . We cannot purchase paper named We cannot purchase paper named at present; will advise when we can HAIBY . . We credit you proceeds of We will take pieces of No in your list of HOBBOB . . We will take No in your list of HOLCHEB . We have remitted to New York for paper sent in yours of We have remitted for paper sent in yours of We can probably use paper offered at HOMELY . . We send per paper ordered Market exceedingly dull and demand for paper very limited HOTTEB . . Send paper and we will place as soon as possible 27 CHARACTER OF FIRMS-RUMORS CURRENT, JABBEB . JACKDAW JACKET . JACOBITE JADED . JAGGED JAILEE . JANGLE JABBING JASPEB JAUNDICE JAUNTY JAWBONE JEALOUS JEEBING JELLY JENNET JEOPABDY JOGGING JOCUND , JOCULAB KEENLY KICKING KIDNAP , KILTED KINDLY KILLEB KlNDBED , KINGLY KNAVISH , A rumor is current Are they (or he) reliable Are (or is) considered good in the way of business to the extent of Are (or is) considered reliable Are (or is) not reliable A No 1 in all respects Are not known in this city Credit good, large means Credit good, small means Capital moderate, credit limited Firm (or party) named in your letter Firm (or party) named in your telegram Firm (or party) named in our letter Firm (or party) named in our telegram Failed some time back, but has started again and is now apparently doing well Firm referred to, is well known to us by name, but we are not acquainted with their charac- ter, or resources Has only recently started in business Has (or have) failed Has (or have) become embarrassed Has (or have) made an assignment for the benefit of his (or their) creditors Have you heard any rumor affecting the credit of Is considered good for hie (or their) engagements Is (or are) in trouble Is (or are) in trouble, but hope to pull through Is there any truth in rumor respecting No means, credit bad No truth in rumor respecting Small means, but considered trustworthy The report is true Telegraph us at once at our expense your opinion as to the means and commercial standing of 28 CHARACTER OF FIRMS. KITCHEN Write us fully your opinion of and do you con- sider reliable to the extent of We would advise caution in dealing with We consider the amount you name too large KNOTTED . . We do not think you run any risk in We know nothing of the party (or firm) re- ferred to in KNUCKLE . . We have been unable to obtain any information regarding KNIFE . . We shall make inquiries and further advise you KNEAD . . Your reply shall be treated as confidential 29 COLLECTIONS. LABEL . LABOB LABIAL, LACKEY LACKING LACQUEB LADLE . LAGGING . LANCE . LANTEBN . LANYABD LEDGE LECTUBE LEECH LEEB . LEEWABD LEEWAY LEGGING . LEGIST LEISUBE . LENGTHY LEPBOUS . LESSON LEVEL LEVEB . LEVITY LIFETIME LIFELESS . LIBEBTY LICENSE , LICHEN LIGAMENT Advise us by wire of the fate of our collection No- Accept only face of draft Not reported upon as yet Payment declined for want of funds Payment declined for want of advice Deliver documents contained in our letter of to for sale with instructions to deposit proceeds with you for our credit Turn over bill of lading to Guarantee correctness of endorsement of Guarantee drawer's signature to We guarantee endorsement of We guarantee signature of Hold for instructions We hold for instructions Endorsement irregular Endorsement wanted Enclosed in your letter of Enclosed in our letter of Has draft on been paid? Has draft on been accepted? Draft on has been paid Draft on has been accepted Draft on has not been accepted Draft on has not been paid Draft on unpaid and goes to protest Draft on has not been paid; we hold under promise of payment Draft on not accepted; goes to protest Deliver bill of lading upon acceptance of draft Hold without protest Hold for arrival of shipment Hold bill of lading for payment of draft Protest for non-payment Protest for non-acceptance 30 COLLECTIONS. Protest and hold for arrival of goods Return without protest Return without presenting No protest for non-acceptance No protest for non-payment Receive part payment and hold for balance Receive part payment and return draft Receive amount offered and deliver bill of lading Receive amount offered and surrender draft Shall we protest for non-payment Shall we protest for non-acceptance Shall we accept partial payment and endorse on draft Shall we guarantee drawer's signature to Shall we surrender bill of lading upon acceptance of Shall we guarantee endorsement of LOZENGE . . What shall we do with documents or bills of lading attached to CORRESPONDENCE. Answer as soon as possible Answer at once by mail Answer at once by telegraph Answer at once by cable Answer by mail MAHOGANY . Answer by telegraph Answer by cable Cable a reply to Enclosures referred to in your letter of the have not been received Have you received our letter dated Have you received our telegram dated In reply to your letter (or telegram) we would say In your letter of the In your telegram of the Mail delayed to-day; will attend to matter re- ferred to to-morrow Our letter dated Our telegram dated Our cable dated Shall we write Shall we telegraph Shall we cable The name of our correspondent in is MEAL Telegraph at once Telegraph at once at our expense Referring to our letter of the Referring to our telegram of the Referring to our cablegram of the Referring to your letter of the Referring to your telegram of the Referring to your cable of the We wrote you on the We telegraphed you on the We cabled you on the We have written to 32 CORRESPONDENCE. MENIAL MEECEB MEBCY MEBCUBY MEBGING MODESTY. MODISH MODOO MODEBN MOLDING MOEOSE MOBBID MOUSE . We have telegraphed to We have this day received We have received your letter We have received your telegram We have received your cable We cannot understand instructions contained in your letter (or telegram) of the ; please rewrite (or wire) more fully We have not received any letter from you to-day We have not received your letter We await a reply to our letter (or wire) of the With enclosures as stated Your telegram has become unintelligible in trans- mission; please repeat Your telegram is received, and we delay replying thereto until Your telegramis received, but too late for us to act upon to-day LOST OR MISSING DRAFTS, CHECKS, ETC, Exercise caution in paying Has our draft No. amount been presented Has our letter of credit No. in favor of amount been presented Our draft No. amount has turned up, please remove "stop." NABCOTIO . Remove "stop" from our draft No. amount NEEDLE Remove "stop" from our letter of credit No. in favor of amount Stop payment of Stop payment of our draft No. amount NEBVOUS . . Stop payment of our letter of credit No. in favor of amount Should draft No. amount be presented NOISY . . Should letter of credit No. in favor of amount be presented The missing draft No. amount has been found NOTION . . The missing letter of credit No. in favor of amount has been found Your draft No. amount has not yet been presented NOZZLE . . Your draft No. amount was paid on the Your missing draft No. amount has been presented and payment refused NUPTIAL . . We have stopped payment of CHICAGO BANKS, POULTBY . . Bank of British North America Bank of Montreal POBPOISE . . Canadian Bank of Commerce Chicago National Bank PALATE . . Commercial National Bank Continental National Bank PABADE . . Corn Exchange National Bank First National Bank PATBIOT . . Hibernian Banking Association POPULACE . Hide and Leather National Bank Home National Bank POPPY . . International Bank PAMPEB . . Merchant's Loan and Trust Co Merchants' National Bank PABASITE . . National Bank of America National Bank of Illinois PAGEANT . . Northwestern National Bank Preston, Kean & Co PABASOL . . Traders' Bank Union National Bank POBOUS . . Union Trust Co Chicago Clearing House POUTING . . Chicago Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade 35 TRANSFERS, REMITTANCES, ETC. Charge onr account Have we credit for has placed to your credit with us Instruct us what to do in the matter of Pay to for account of and charge to our account Pay by wire to for account of and charge to our account Pay upon identification to (amount) and charge to our account, advising us by mail Please remit to cover; checks presented over- draw your account (amount) RAGGED . Remit our balance Remit thousand to for our credit RAILING . . Remit even thousands of our balance RAISIN . . Remit even hundreds of our balance RALLY Remit for our credit REBEL . Send us by express Send us by mail RECANT Send us by registered mail RECEDE Shall we send by express RECESS Shall we send by express or registered mail RECKLESS Send standard silver dollars through ass't treas. U.S. Send silver certificates through ass't treas. U. S. Transfer by telegraph to Transfer by cable to Transfer by telegraph to Bank, New York for our account Transfer by telegraph to Bank, Boston for our account Transfer by telegraph to Bank, Philadelphia for our account Transfer by telegraph to Bank, Cincinnati for our account Transfer by telegraph to Bank, St. Louis for our account TRANSFERS, REMITTANCES, ETC. ROOFEB ROOST ROOFED ROTATE ROTTEN ROTABY RSCBUIT RECTOS REDDISH i RIBBON RICHNESS RIDING RIDICULE RIFLE RIGGING RIGOB RINGLET RIPPEB Transfer by telegraph to Bank, Milwaukee for our account Transfer by telegraph to Bank, San Francisco for our account Transfer by telegraph to Bank, Detroit for our account Transfer by telegraph to Bank, Cleveland for our account Transfer by telegraph to Bank, New Orleans for our account Transfer by telegraph to Bank for our account We send by mail We send by express We send by registered mail We charge your account We have paid as requested We have transferred to as requested What is the correct amount of your check No We are sending amount, protect our drafts We remit you to cover overdraft You have credit for You have not credit for Your account appears overdrawn AMOUNTS. SABRE .... 1 ScATTEB 38 SEDAN 75 SACK . 2 SCENT 39 76 SAD 3 SCEPTBE 40 SEDGE 77 SADDLE SAGE 4 5 SCHEME SCHOLAB 41 42 SEGMENT . . . SEIZE 78 79 SAINT 6 SCHOOL . 43 80 7 SCION 44 81 SALT 8 SCISSOBS .... 45 SEMITONE 82 SALVE 9 SCOFF .... 46 QO SAMPLE 10 SCOLD 47 SENNA 84 SANDAL 11 SCOLLOP 48 SENNET 85 SANDY . . . 12 SCONCE 49 SENSATE 86 SANGUINE 13 SCOOP 50 SENSE 87 SAPPEB 14 SCOBCH 51 SENSUAL. . . . 88 S ABC ASM 15 SoOBN . . 52 SENTINEL 89 SABDINE SALLOW 16 17 SCOBPION . . . SCOTCH 53 54 SENTBY SEPTET 90 91 SATIN 18 SCOUB 55 SEQUENT 92 SATIBE 19 56 SEBAPH . 93 SAUNTEB 20 SCOWL 57 SERENE 94 SAVAGE 21 SCRAG.. 58 SERFDOM 95 SAVOB 22 SCBAMBLE. . . 59 SERIAL 96 SAWDUST 23 SCBAPE 60 SERIOUS . 97 SAWYEB .... SAXON 24 25 SCBATCH SCBAWL 61 62 SERPENT .... SOAK . 98 99 ScABBABD 26 SCBEAM . . . 63 SOAPY 100 SCAFFOLD 27 SCBIBE 64 SOBER 200 SCALD 28 SCBIBBLE . . 65 SOCIAL . 300 SCALY . 29 SCBUB 66 SOCKET 400 SCALLOP .... 30 SCBUPLE .... 67 SODA 500 SCALPED .... 31 SCUFFLE 68 SOFT ... 600 SCAMP 32 SCUM 69 SOIL 700 SCANDAL SCANTY 33 34 SCUPPEB .... SCUBVY . . 70 71 SOLACE SOLDIER . . . 800 900 SCARE ScABF 35 36 SCUTCH SCUTTLE 72 73 SOLEMN .... SOLIDITY 1000 2000 SCABLET 37 SECBET 74 SOLITABY . . . 3000 AMOUNTS. SOLUBLE .... 4000 SOLUTION . . . 5000 SOMBBE 6000 SOMNOLENT. . 7000 SONNET 8000 SOBCEBEB . . 25,000 SOBENESS . 30,000 SOBBOW . . 35,000 SOTTISH 40,000 SOUNDING 45,000 SULPHATE. . . 65,000 SUMPTUOUS.. 70,000 SUNSTBOKE.. 75.000 SUNBISE 80,000 SUNSHINE . 85,000 SOOTHING . . 9000 SOUVENIB . . . 50,000 SUPEBB 90,000 10.000 SOPBANO. . . 20,000 SUFFOCATE .. 55,000 SUICIDE 60,000 SUPINE 95,000 SUCCINCT. ...100,000 ONE. TABBY 1 RATES, .FOt/tf. TATTOO .... 4 SEVEN. TOADY 7 TABLE l/^ TAUNTEB 4^ TOASTEB TACIT. 1*4 TEACHEB 4 \ TOCSIN l l/ \ TACK 1% TEABFUL . 4% TOILET TACTICS l/1j TEASEL 4^ TOILSOME 7V TADPOLE ^-/u TECHNIC. ... 4% TOKEN TAFFBAIL 1% TEDIUM 4% TONGUE 73/ TALLOW 1J% TEDIOUS 4% TONNAGE IV TJFO. TAMPEB 2 FIVE. TEMPEB 5 EIGHT. TONSIL. 8 TANDEM 2j^ TEMPEST 5^ TONTINE TANGENT 2^ TEMPLE 5\ TOOTHLESS .... 8l/ TANKABD 2% TEMPTEB 5% TOPAZ. 8Y TANNEB 2^ TENANT 5^ TOPPING 8V TAPEB 2^ TENDON ^^ TOBCH 8%> TAPSTEB 2% TENDBIL S 3 ^ TOBMENT 83^ TABDY . . 2% TENNIS 5/^ TOBPID THREE. TABGET 3 SIX. TENSION 6 NINE. TOBBENT . . . 9 TABNISH. 3/8 TEBN ATE 6 ^ TOBTUBE TABBIEB. 3/4 TEBBOB ^/^ TOSSING 9V TABTAN 3% TESTEB. 6% TBOTTEB TABTLET . &% TETTEB ^K TOWEB 9V TASSEL 3% TEBSE. . 6% TOWEL TASTY 3% TETTISH. 6^ 93/r TATTEB . . 3J% TEXTILE. 6^g TOZY 9% TUBEB 0^ TUCKET 0^' NOUGHT. TUMULT 0% TUNEB 0% TUBBID TUBGID 1-16 % .OM o 1-32 40 WORDS FOR PRIVATE SIGNATURES, 63, P7f 1223 PRESTON, KEAN & CO., BAHKERS, 100 WASHINGTON ST., CHICAGO. ESTABLISHED 1860. BANKING HOUSE OF DAVID PRESTON & CO, ESTABLISHED MAY 1852. 6AMPAU BUILDM, 6? and 69 SRISWOLD STREET, DETROIT, MICH.