ECONOMIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT REGARDING R82-3: A SITE SPECIFIC EXEMPTION FOR THE ALTON WATER COMPANY Document No. 83/03 GSR Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources James R. Thompson, Governor Michael B. Witte, Director Printed by the Authority of the State of Illinois ^^^ 81984 OAi: ST "^'^P UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN STACKS Doc. No. 83/03 January, 1983 ECONOMIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT REGARDING R82-3, A SITE SPECIFIC EXEMPTION FOR THE ALTON WATER COMPANY Submitted by Linda L. Huff Thomas D. Straits HUFF & HUFF, INC. Project SO. 280 James R. Thompson, Governor Michael B, Witte, Director State of Illinois Illinois Department of Energy end Natural .Resources Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources 325 W. Adams, Suite 300 Springfield, Illinois 62706 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 NOTE This report has been reviewed by the Department of Energy and Natural Resources and approved for publication. Views expressed are those of the contractor and do not necessarily reflect the position of DENR. Printed by the Authority of the State of Illinois Date Printed: March, 1984 Quantity Printed: 120 One of a series of research publications published since 1975. This series includes the following categories and are color coded as follows Prior to After July. 1982 July, 1982 Air Quality - Green Green Water - Blue Blue Environmental Health - White Grey Solid and Hazardous Waste - White Olive Economic Impact Study - Buff Brown Noise Management - Buff Orange Energy - Cherry Red Information Services - Canary Yellow Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources 325 West Adams Street Springfield, Illinois 62706 (217) 785-2800 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES €CONOMIC TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Opinion The Economic Technical Advisory Committee (ETAC) of the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources (IDENR) has reviewed and approved a study entitled: Economic Impact Assessment of Proposed Regulation R82-3: A Site Specific Exemption for the Alton Water Company . The committee finds that this study is responsive to the provisions of Section 4 of Public Act 80-1218. Proposed regulation R82-3 was filed by the Alton Water Company (AWC) for an exemption from the 15mg/l suspended solids effluent limitation of Rule 408, of Chapter 3, Illinois Pollution Board Water Pollution Regulations. In order to determine the cost and benefits of this regulation, the IDENR consultant evaluated three scenarios: 1) Existing conditions; 2) Partial treatment of the discharges and 3) full treatment of the discharges. The benefits and costs of option (1) are 0. The cost of option (2) is estimated at a low of $116,000 to a high of $242,000. The benefits range from to $3,500 per annum. The annual cost of option (3) is estimated at $517,000. The benefits lie within a range of to $5,200, The partial or total cost to the Alton Water Co. exceeds the corresponding benefits. The benefits of enforcing the suspended solids and iron limitations accrue to the downstream water users. The consultant found four user categories for the benefit analysis. There are:l)Environmental impact on benefits communities, fish and other aquatic organisms; 2) Recreational users and others who reside near the stream; 3)Downstream public water supplies who use the Mississippi River; 4) Effects on navigational cost, such as dredging. Each of these benefit categories are reviewed in detail in Chapter 4. These benefits are associated with the total elimination of the Alton Water Company discharge. The consultant generally concludes that there is no deleterious effect on habitat. In reviewing the foregoing benefit categories, the reduced cost to public water supplies range from $0 to $1,200 per year, while the beneficial savings to dredging operations varied between $0 to $4,000 per year. Thus, the quantifiable benefits, as referenced above, range between $0 and $5,200 per year. The actual benefits would fall into this range. Unfortunately, dollar values could not be assigned to aesthetic improvements. CONTENTS Figures iii Tables iv Executive Summary 1 1. Introduction 2 2. Background to the Problem 4 Description of Wastewater Discharge 4 Available Water Quality Information 8 Stream Use 10 3. Costs of Regulation 13 Disposal Practices of Water Treatment Plants .... 13 Alternatives for Disposal of Water Treatment Residue 17 Treatment Costs 20 Environmental Costs of Regulation 25 4. Benefits of Regulation 37 Environmental Impacts 37 Public Water Supplies 47 Benefits to Navigation 50 Aesthetics 52 Summary of Benefits 53 5. Comparison of Costs and Benefits 54 Elimination of Alton Water Company Discharge .... 54 Alternative Treatment Level Benefits 54 Alternative Treatment Level Costs ' . . . 59 Incremental Treatment Level Costs 59 6. Economic Impact Upon Alton Water Company 62 Financial Characteristics of Company 62 Economic Effects on Pollution Control Investment ... 67 References 69 FIGURES Number Page 2-1 Water Treatment Units at Alton 5 3-1 Sampling Stations 26 3-2 Average Sediment Composition 29 3-3 Tolerance .Status of Total Individuals and by Percentage Basis Per Stream Station 35 TABLES Number Page 2-1 Daily and Annual Estimated Mass Balance of Solids to the Alton Water Treatment Plant by Treatment Unit 7 2-2 Comparison of Iron and Aluminum Concentrations in Sludge, Soil, and Sediments 9 2-3 Historical Sulfate Water Quality Values on the Mississippi River 11 2-4 Historical Water Quality Values for Iron and Specific Conductance on Mississippi River 12 3-1 Disposal Techniques for Basin Sludge in 1970 in Illinois. . 15 3-2 Disposal Techniques for Filter Backwash in Illinois in 1970 16 3-3 Economic Analysis of Dewatering Equipment 19 3-4 Capital Investment for Treatment Alternatives 21 3-5 Annual Costs of Treatment Options for Alton Water Company . 24 3-6 Mississippi River Sediment Sampling Stations Near Alton Water Company Discharge 27 3-7 Comparison of Average Values Obtained from Chemical and Physical Testing On Sediment Samples In and Out of the Zone of Influence 30 4-1 Chemical Characteristics of Water Treatment Sludge .... 39 4-2 Summary of Inlake Pumpage for Public Water Supplies Utilizing the Mississippi River Water 48 5-1 Comparison of Environmental Costs and Benefits of the Alton Water Company Complying with the Illinois Effluent Limitations 55 5-2 Comparison of Environmental Costs and Benefits of the Alton Water Company Treating Only the Clarifier Blowdown Stream 60 6-1 1981 Statement of Income for Alton Water Company 64 6-2 Long-Term Debt of Alton Water Company 65 V EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Alton Water Company petitioned for exemption from the 15 mg/£ suspended solids effluent limitation of Rule 408, Chapter 3 Water Pollution Regulations, This petition was based upon the high costs of the control alternatives and the minimal environmental impacts. The Illinois State Water Survey conducted a site study to evaluate environmental changes attributed to the discharge. To determine the costs and benefits of regulation, three scenarios were evaluated. Existing conditions, partial treatment of the discharge, and full treatment of the discharge described the potential alternatives available. In assessing benefits to downstream uses the environmental biota, public water supplies, navigation, and aesthetics were the four areas of concern. Small quantifiable benefits were estimated for downstream water supplies and dredging operations. The aesthetic values for users and non- users could not be quantified because of lack of information regarding attitudes toward water quality. The environment effects appeared to be negligible or zero based upon the State Water Survey analysis. The benefits and costs of regulation can be summarized as follows: Annual Costs to Annual Benefits to Scenario Alton Water Company, Downstream Uses $/year $/year Existing Conditions Partial Compliance 116,000-242,000 - 3,500 Complete Compliance 517,000 - 5,200 It is evident that the costs to the Alton Water Company on a total cost or incremental cost basis far exceed the corresponding benefits which have been quantified. Chapter I INTRODUCTION The Alton Water Company has requested a site specific rule change (R82-3) to the effluent standards for total suspended solids and iron. This site specific exemption is deemed necessary by the public utility because the waste from the water purification process is discharged to the Mississippi River, and this waste contains high concentrations of iron and suspended solids. The analysis of incremental benefits and costs depends upon the magnitude of the treatment costs versus the environmental effects of water treatment plant discharges. There are three regulatory- alternatives which are used to evaluate the relative costs and benefits: (1.) Full compliance with Rule 408(a) regarding suspended solids and total iron limitations. There are several on-site treatment options as well as off-site disposal. (2.) Partial compliance with Rule 408(a). Alton has four waste streams contributing suspended solids. The treatment of one or a combina- tion of these streams would reduce the potential load. (3.) Exemption of the Alton Water Company from Rule 408(a) for suspended solids and iron would allow continuation of existing practices with no additional treatment. This range of options provides an indication of the tradeoffs between water qualitj and treatment costs. Also, the economic burden upon the utility and its customers is described. Chapter II presents the background information concerning Alton Water Company, pollutant loading discharged, and water quality.. Chapter III describes the treatment options, their relative cost, and reduction in pollutant loading to the river. The environmental study evaluating existing water quality impacts is summarized in Chapter IV. Chapter IV also contains the projected effects of the regulatory alternatives upon water quality. In Chapter V the incremental benefits and costs of each regulatory alternative are compared. The final Chapter, VI, considers the economic impact upon the Alton Water Company, of the various levels of treatment control strategies and their associated costs. Chapter II BACKGROUND TO THE PROBLEM The Alton Water Company presently discharges to the Mississippi River wastewater from its 13.3 MGD water treatment facility. Since this practice has been the only method of disposal at the site, existing environmental conditions provide some indication of the impact of these wastewater effluents. The quantity and quality of the pollutants discharged is first described. Then, historical water quality data are reviewed for the pollutants of concern. Description of Wastewater Discharge The Alton Water Company provides public water supplies for Alton, Godfrey, Elsah, and other water districts. The residential population served is approxi- mately 16,900 including industrial and commercial customers. The water treatment plant presently has a rated filter capacity of 13.3 MGD. Water drawn from the Mississippi River is treated by coagulation, settling, and filtration. Figure 2-1 depicts the treatment sequence prior to transmission to water customers. The raw water is dosed with alum and polymer at the pump intake. The water then flows to two mixers followed by a clarifier. Some lime may be added in the clarifier for pH adjustment. After an average detention time of 75 minutes in the clarifier, the water proceeds to two sedimentation basins followed by 14 filters. The units which produce wastes include the mixers, clarifiers, sedimentation basins, and filters. The Illinois State Water Survey conducted a detailed study of the quantities and chemical characteristics of the wastewater, an analysis of bottom sediments in the river, and an analysis of benthic organisms in the river sedi- ment. Evans, Hill, Schnepper, and Hullinger^ estimated the total pollutant II » f Sifuctur* Filter Housing WATER TREATMENT UNITS AT ALTON o Sedimentation tsasin Sedimentation basin Clear Well Figure 2-1. Water Treatment Units at Alton SOURCE: Evans, R., Hill, T., Schnepper, D., and Hullinger, D., Waste from the Water Treatment Plant at Alton and Its Impact On the Mississippi River , Illinois State Water Survey, Contract Report 275, July 1981 loading from the process units for two periods of the year. The different process units discharge waste material at varying frequencies throughout the year. To determine a "daily volume" of waste produced, the following flushing schedule was utilized: (1.) Mixers and sedimentation basins dewatered twice a year (2.) Discharging blowdown from clarifiers at 200 gpm for 60 minutes once every three days (3.) Flushing the mixers and sedimentation basins at 200 gpm for 4 hours, twice a year (4.) Assuming filter backwash for 24 filters per day at daily volumes observed Evans et aU estimated the average generation of wastewater was 602,000 gpd or 4.8% of the raw water volume pumped daily. Because the amount of solids discharged to the river is a function of the river quality, Evans et al divided the year into two intervals. During the winter months the river turbidity is significantly lower than during the spring and summer months. In Period 1 (April 1980 through November 1980), the suspended solids in the raw intake water averaged 128 mg/£, and this resulted in 13,214 pounds per day of solids plus 126 pounds of alum being removed. The suspended solids concentration in the Mississippi River only averaged 23 mg/s, during Period 2. Thus, daily solids generation in Period 2 was 2,679 pounds (221 pounds of alum plus 2,458 pounds of solids). Table 2-1 summarizes the sources of solids generation according to Period 1 and Period 2 contribution. Period 1 represents 88% of the annual solids generation because of the quality of intake water. Although the values in Table 2-1 are based upon measured conditions, Evans et al did not consider the clarifier blowdown data reliable. Consequently, blowdown quantities represent the difference] I/) c ■o => •^ p— ■«-> o c UO (U c ^- ■•-> o «o 01 (U ^ u h- c (O >> !-■• ^ « CO -«-> c (/> (T3 3 TS C 3 C <: c o -a •M c ^- ITS cC CJ3 o o l>0 >^ 0) a o I (U to CM ■o O s- O) a. o s- •^ t—t fO ■^ i (O I— O ~^ -t-> 3 -f- tn O E 4- J3 1— 3 (U r— U O. U o c o fl 1 — J/) ■*-> 3 J3 O E .— )— 3 U U >> C (TJ f— -r- T3 •r- -a -^ (O ro (/) O O X3 o •r- i- O) O- C o •^ 4-> 1— fO « ■«-> 3 ^ ^ ^" •P" A 4J c S- a; o Q. ■P 0) TS q: Ol U 4.J 1— o TJ ;- S_ OJ 4-) ■M c la o 3 C_3 > ■M OJ > E s- o 3 i- on <*~ S- O) CO (/I M S- (/) 0) • (-> ai o c c 3 >-• o o o LO CO o o o ICi o o o CM ID CO O CM O o o "a- CM CSJ CM O o o Lf) 00 CM O cn •a s_ c OJ (T3 > -r— • cc Q .,- a. m a. S- • r* cu in Q. (U t/l O i- O i^ CO C ■l-> L. ■t-» C i- OJ S_ -r- ^. ►— * « 0) fO -f- tf- -M ^- L. CO ►— c (T3 "O > C UJ n3 c .. o UJ •)-> o >— ce < o oo 03 CO cr> 3 between daily loads and measured solids from the mixers, basins, and filters. Still in Period 1 the clarifiers accounted for 78.5% of the solids removal while in Period 2 there was essentially no removal by this unit. In Period 2 the filter backwash was the most efficient unit removing 49.2% of the solids. The 3.27 million pounds per year of solids flushed to the river consist primarily of concentrated materials already present in the river with additional chemicals from water treatment. Evans et al measured the iron and aluminum concentrations in the water treatment sludges since these two parameters have historically occurred in other water treatment discharges.^ The measured iron and aluminum concentrations in the Alton waste is compared to other sediments in Table 2-2. The iron concentration of 32,300 ppm to 44,000 ppm in the water treatment plant sludges is higher than is normally found in the sediments of the streams or soils in Southern Illinois. The aluminum values of 20,000 ppm to 55,000 ppm are similar to the lake sediments and dry soil analysis. The value reported for the Mississippi River sediments was 27,000 ppm, which is comparable to the mixer sludge but less than the basin sludge concentration. In previous work, Evans et al reported increases in sulfate, turbidity, and aluminum immediately downstream of the Pontiac water treatment pi ant. ^ No changes were detected in suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, silica, or other chemical characteristics. In reviewing the existing water quality data base, as described in the following section, these parameters were all considered. Available Water Quality Information The present discharge of the Alton Water Company occurs at Mississippi River mile 204.2, just 1.32 miles upstream of Lock and Dam No. 26. There are Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (lEPA) monitoring stations located at Table 2-2. Comparison of Iron and Aluminum Concentrations in Sludge., Soil, and Sediments Iron Aluminum Source Concentration, Concentration, ppm ppm Alton mixers 32,300 - 44,000 20,000 - 26,300 Alton basins 32,950 - 41,000 39,250 - 55,000 Soils in So. Illinois 9,000 - 20,000 Stream sediments 10,500 - 15,000 Lake sediments 9,300 - 36,000 Lake Michigan Sediments 4,200 - 40,000 Dry Soil 10,000 -300,000 Great Lakes sediments 50,000 - 81,000 Horseshoe Lake sediments 48,900 - 52,100 Mississippi River sediments^/ 27,400 Note: a/ References for Mississippi River sediments are 1,2,3,4,5, and 6, as contained within the Evans report. Source: Evans, R. , Hill, T., Schnepper, D., and Hul linger, D., Waste from the Water Treatment Plant at Alton and Its Impact on the Mississi- ppi River , SWS Report 275, July, 1981 10 the Alton water intake (J 03) and at the East St. Louis water intake (J 02), which is 20 miles downstream. There are no monitoring points located immediately downstream of the Alton Water Company. Tables 2-3 and 2-4 summarize the available sulfate, iron, and specific conductance information for these two water quality stations. The concentra- tions do not demonstrate any consistent trend or pattern historically between stations. The two stations are separated by the Lock and Dam No 26 and approximately 20 miles. Thus, any effects of the Alton discharge would be dissipated before the East St. Louis sampling point. The iron concentration in the Mississippi River actually exceed the water quality standard in several samples both upstream and downstream of Alton. This is a natural phenomenon attributed to geologic conditions in Illinois. Stream Use The Mississippi River is a general use river which accommodates many uses, such as navigation, commerce, recreation, and drinking water supplies. The actual shoreline use downstream of the Alton Water Company is important not only for depicting immediate downstream uses but also land availability. Next to the Alton Water Company are two commercial /industrial facilities. A grain dock, petroleum dock, and sand operation are all immediately downstream and adjacent to the shoreline. These facilities are located within 3000 feet of the Alton Water Company discharge. 11 Table 2-3. Historical Sulfate Water Quality Values on the Mississippi River East St. Louis Water Intake (J02) Alton Water Intake (J03) Year No. of Min. Ave. Max. Samples Value Value Value No. of Min. Avg. Max. Samples Value Value Value Sulfate 1 Concentrat ions, mg/i 1968 4 9 15 23 4 8 17 25 1969 10 9 . 24 48 12 20 39 1970 10 31 91 85 11 16 57 86 1971 12 30 . 63 104 11 24 63 140 1972 6 55 66 76 2 75 78 80 1973 3 35 43 48 5 35 53 62 1974 1 70 70 70 3 25 52 79 1975 2 45 50 55 3 50 53 60 1976 — — — — 1 80 80 80 1977 — — — — 2 40 53 65 1978 — — — — 10 32 41 54 1979 — — — — 11 32 53 78 1980 Avg. 35.5 53 64 11 31 34.5 49 73 Total 51.5 71 SOURCE: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and USGS, Water Resources Data for Illinois, 1968-1980. 12 Table 2-4. Historical Water Quality Values for Iron and Specific Conductance on Mississippi River Year East St. Louis Water Intake (J02) (river mile - 180) Alton Water Intake (J03) (river mile - 200) No. of Samples Min. Value Avg. Value Max. Value No. of Samples Min. Value Avg. Value Max. Value Total Iron Concentration, mg/J, 1972 5 0.5 2.4 4.4 1973 3 ■2.0 4.5 8.0 1974 1 0.7 0.7 0.7 1975 2 1.0 3.4 4.7 1976 - - - - 1977 - - - - 1978 3 0.5 3.2 7.5 1979 3 0.5 1.9 4.0 1980 5 Avg. 0.004 6.0 3.16 27.0 Total 0.74 8.0- 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 5 0.4 5.1 9.5 3 5.5 6.8 9.2 3 0.3 1.5 3.5 1. 3.1 3.1 3.1 2 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.92 3.2 9.68 Specific Conductance, uMhos/cm 1972 11 1973 9 1974 5 1975 3 1976 1 1977 — 1978 — 1979 — 1980 — Total Avg. 433 480 617 383 443 500 350 480 550 517 545 567 950 950 950 527 580 637 12 437 547 633 11 417 502 600 7 333 481 617 10 417 559 767 10 467 553 650 3 383 489 583 10 360 438 580 11 336 499 630 11 330 387 473 660 504.5 635.5 SOURCE: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and USGS, Water Resources Data for Illinois, 1968-1980 13 Chapter III COSTS OF REGULATION The costs of enforcing pollution regulations generally accrue to the discharger who must pay for additional wastewater treatment facilities. Typically the environment and water users benefit from the reduced pollu- tant loadings resulting from regulatory enforcement. There are instances, however, where some beneficial environmental effects may accrue because of the uncontrolled discharge. In the case of the Alton Water Company the costs of regulation may include not only treatment expenses but some environ- mental losses with the cessation of the discharge. Both are considered within this chapter. The magnitude of treatment costs for Alton Water Company varies with the regulatory scenario considered. Three regulatory scenarios were evalu- ated for the Alton Water Company. These three scenarios consisted of: 1.) complete treatment of discharge 2.) partial treatment of discharge 3.) no treatment of the discharge Before describing the specific costs for Alton Water Company, some general information regarding disposal practices of water treatment plants is first presented. Disposal Practices of Water Treatment Plants Water treatment plants remove suspended and dissolved materials in raw water supplies to purify the water for public consumption. The disposal practices for the residues or sludges accumulated through the removal processes 14 was surveyed in 1953 and 1968 on a national level and in 1970 in Illinois. The 1953 survey results indicated 92.5% of water treatment plants dis- charged to streams or lakes; only 0.3% to sanitary sewers; 4.3% to storm sewers, ditches, city reservoirs, and impounding basins; and, 3.1% to 3 sludge beds. By 1968 the percentage of plants discharging to sanitary sewers increased to 8.3% nationally. In Illinois the responses from 114 water treatment plants were 5 tabulated in 1970. Tables 3-1 and 3-2 summarize the disposal techniques for basin sludge and filter backwash in Illinois for 114 plants. Direct discharge to streams and lakes accounted for 43% of plants disposing of basin sludge. This compared to the 92.5% value nationwide. In Table 3-2, however, only one plant reported a discharge to sanitary sewers. The percent discharging basin sludge to impounding basins, storm sewers, dry creeks, and reservoirs was 32% of the plants. Fifteen plants re- ported treatment via sludge drying beds for this sludge. Disposal techniques for filter backwash, described in Table 3-2, showed similar usage as for basin sludge disposal. Backwash streams were discharged directly to lakes and streams, in 53% of the Illinois plants in 1970. The aggregation of sewers and ditches accounted for 31% of the discharge sites for backwash. Treatment of filter backwash for 17 plants consisted of recycling (5 plants), lagooning (9 plants), and sanitary sewer discharge (3 plants) . This Illinois survey represented 1970 practices, and there probably has been an increase in treatment techniques for the two waste streams, filter backwash and basin sludge. The predominant disposal technique of 15 Table 3-1. Disposal Techniques for Basin Sludge in 1970 in Illinois Discharge to Number of Surface Water Plants Number of Ground Water Plants Total Number Per Cent of Total Stream 41 1 42 36.84 Lake 7 - 7 6.14 Storm Sewer 7 3 10 8.77 Sanitary Sewer 1 - 1 0.88 Reservoir - 1 1 0.88 Dry Creek 16 2 18 15.79 Sludge Beds 11 4 15 13.16 Low Ground 6 6 12 10.53 Impounding Basins 2 6 8 7.01 TOTAL 91 23 114 100.00 Source: Water Resources Quality Control Committee, Illinois AWWA, "Wastes from Water Treatment Plants," March 10, 1970 16 Table 3-2. Disposal Techniques for Filter Backwash in Illinois in 1970 Discharge to Number of Surface Water Plants Number of Ground Water Plants Total Number Per Cent . of Total Stream 47 5 52 45.61 Lake 8 - 8 7.02 Storm Sewer 6 4 10 8.77 Surface Drain - • 1 1 0.88 Sanitary Sewer 1 2 . 3 2.64 Lagoons 5 4 9 7.89 Recycle 2 ■ 3 5 4.39 Reservoir - - 0.00 Roadside Ditch 4 2 6 5.26 Dry Creek 17 1 18 15.79 Other 1 91 1 23 2 114 1.75 TOTAL 100.00 Source: Water Resources Quality Control Committee, Illinois AWWA, "Wastes from Water Treatment Plants," March 10, 1970 17 discharge to streams and lakes may be replaced by treatment options, such as lagooning, sanitary sewer discharges, or mechanical dewatering and solids disposal. In Illinois the 15 mg/£ suspended solids limitation is applicable to discharges from water treatment plants and has been in- cluded as a NPDES permit limitation. Thus, the number of direct discharge plants without treatment is assumed to have decreased since 1970. Alternatives for Disposal of Water Treatment Residues There exist several alternative treatment methods for basins sludge and filter backwash. These options are described briefly in terms of equip- ment requirements, land needs, and existing operations. Sanitary Sewer Discharge Discharge to a sanitary system of sludges would require adequate hydraulic and solids handling capacity at the sanitary wastewater treatment plant. There could be surges from the filter backwash operation which could affect the WWTP's clarifier performance. If sanitary sewer discharge is used, there are no additional land requirements or equipment needs except for sewer connection lines. A user charge for the high solids loading, however, would be paid by the water treatment plant. Lagoons A common method for sludge disposal is lagooning, according to Gulp and h Gulp. Although this technique has a low operating cost, land requirements 1+ are substantial. Lagoon depths are usually 3 to 10 feet. The Ten State Standards recommend a minimum lagoon depth of four to five feet and a capacity of three to five years solids storage. 18 Sand Drying Beds According to Gulp and Gulp, the use of sand beds has the disadvantages of requiring extensive space, long dewatering times, poor performance in cold/ wet weather, and high labor costs for removal of sludge. With these operating deficiencies the use of sand drying beds was only reported in California. Mechanical dewatering devices were considered a more practical method of dewatering sludges. Mechanical Dewatering Devices There are several processes which can provide dewatering sludges. Vacuum filtration, centrifugation, and filter presses all can increase the amount of solids in the sludge so that the material can be handled for ultimate disposal. Vacuum filtration of alum sludges, however, appeared to have difficulties, according to Gulp and Gulp. The three methods were pilot tested for a 40 MGD plant, and cost estimates prepared for these processes. Table 3-3 summarizes the cost data for the 40 MGD plant example. The values in Table 3-3 are in 1974 dollars, and if updated using the PPI index,* the annual costs increase to approximately $100 per ton of solids removed. The costs of the various devices are similar on an annual basis. One of the largest components of the annual cost is disposal of the solids after dewater- ing. For these examples, the solids were assumed to be disposed of in a sani- tary landfill. Disposal costs represented 41% to 66% of the total annual costs which include capital recovery. The interest rate used for equipment invest- ment was 5%, and in today's economic climate a 12% interest rate would be appropriate. However, disposal of solids is still an important problem. * PPI - Producers (Finished Goods) Price Index 19 Table 3-3. Economic Analysis of Dewatering Equipment Parameters Scroll Centrifuge Pressure Filter Basket Centrifuge Vacuum Filter 19,000 Solids Loading, lb/day Solids Output Weight % 16 Machine Cost,$ 80,000 Annual Cost (for 1,700 T/yr) Machine Capital Recovery, $ 6,420 & M, $ 4,800 Power, $ 3,850 Polyelectrolyte,$ 6,840 Disposal, $ ($5/cu.yd.) 56,100 Labor, $ 9,450 Total Annual Cost 87,460 1974 Unit Cost,$/Ton 51 1981 Unit Cost,$/Tond/ 98 19,000 30 400,000 26,020 4,000 1,190 9,100 34,400 9,450 84,160 50 94 19,000 19,000 15 15 135,000 104,000 10,830 7,380 1,500 3,000 3,210 10,900 10,300 3,420 68,700 68,700 9,450 9,450 103,990 102,850 61 60 116 115 * Updated with the Producer (Finished Goods) Price Index, 1974 - 143, 1981 = 272. Source: Culp, R. and Culp, G. New Concepts in Water Purification, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1974, P. 164 20 Treatment Costs for Alton Water Company Alton Water Company evaluated numerous alternatives for the disposal of its water treatment sludges. One alternative, discharge to the sanitary sewer, was not feasible. The City of Alton refused to handle this waste stream, as this stream would have used up all of the remaining capacity of the sewage treatment plant. Available land on site is insufficient for on-site disposal; however, it is presumably adequate for mechanical dewatering facilities. Five alternatives were evaluated economically, all included off-site disposal. The capital cost estimates submitted by the Alton Water Company are presented in Table 3-4. The lowest capital cost was $3,000,000, for pumping to a lagoon. Three other alternatives: filter press plus disposal, centrifuge plus disposal, and barging to a disposal site in Missouri, were all within 10% of the lowest capital cost. The capital costs prepared by the Petitioner can be compared to the Capital Costs presented in Table 3-3, as shown below: Capital Cost Comparison Table 3-3 Table 3-4 Alton's Estimate Culp & Culp Pressure Filters Capacity, lb/day 19,000 Capital Cost, 1981 dollars 760,000 Basket Centrifuge Capacity, lb/day 19,000 Capital Cost, 1981 dollars 260,000 Average during period 1 - 13,340 $3,300,000 Average during period 1 - 13,340 $3,120,000 21 Table 3-4. Capital Investment for Treatment Alternatives Alternative Capital Investment, $ Complete Treatment Pump to Lagoon Site Filter Press + Disposal Centrifuge + Disposal Barge to Disposal - Illinois Barge to Disposal - Missouri 3,000,000 3,300,000 3,120,000 4,140,000 3,270,000 Partial Treatment - Clarifier Slowdown Filter Press + Disposal Centrifuge + Disposal 260,000-1,000,000 760,000-1,500,000 Note: Complete treatment costs provided by Petitioner. Partial Treatment costs estimated by Huff & Huff, Inc. 22 The Petitioner's capital costs are significantly higher than anticipated, based upon the comparisons shown. This difference is attributed to several site specific considera- tions and assumptions for Alton. The company assumed a separate land site would be purchased at a cost of $1.1 million. This land cost did not vary for any scenario whether dewatering or pumping a slurry and lagooning. This implies 1" of dewatered solids are applied annually to the land.* Additional capital costs for the pipeline and trucks would also account for higher investment. Another reason for the disparity in costs may be in the sizing of the dewatering units. The mixing basins and sedimentation basins are currently cleaned out only twice per year. Thus, if the dewatering facilities were sized to handle these streams over a short interval of time, the required size of the facilities would be substantially larger than one sized based upon the "average load." No information was presented re- garding the basis behind the cost estimates by the Petitioner. Information regarding the cost estimates was formally requested from the Petitioner; however, only incomplete information was received in time for inclusion in this report. One approach not evaluated by the Petitioner is to provide dewater- ing and disposal for only the clarifier blowdown stream. This stream repre- sents 2,241,000 lb/year, or 68% of the total solids discharged, based on Table 2-1. During period 1, this stream generates 10,472 lb/day of solids, on average. * Solids Accumulation Rate if Applied to = 11 Acres 3,272,000 lb 1 inch/year ft' 80 lb acre 43,560 ft' 12 in ft 11 acres 23 According to the Company, the clarifier blowdown amounts to 12,000 gallons every three days, or 4,000 gal/day.* Based upon the disparity in capital costs presented above, it is difficult to estimate the capital cost for this alternative without more detailed information. A range in values from $260,000 to $1,000,000 was assumed for a centrifuge, and $760,000 to $1,500,000 was assumed for the pressure filter. These values are also included in Table 3-4. Table 3-5 summarizes the operating and maintenance costs, the annualized capital costs, and the total annual costs for each alternative. For Alton to fully comply with the Illinois regulations will cost $517,000 per year assuming the least cost alternative is selected and based upon the Company's cost estimates. Partial treatment, which will remove 2,241,000 lb/year of solids, or 68% of all of the solids, based on Table 2-1, will have an annual cost associated with it of between $116,000 to $242,000 per year. * The blowdown rate is 200 gpm for 60 minutes, once ewery three days. The average solids content in the clarifier blowdown is 6,140 lb/day, based upon Table 2-1 and 365 days/year, or 18,420 lb every three days. Based upon the pumping rate, the percent solids in the clarifier blowdown is 18%. This value appears high and suggests either the pumping rate is higher than the 200 gpm, or that the material balance in the Evans Report overstates the solids cap- tured in the clarifier. 24 Table 3-5. Annual Costs of Treatment Options for Alton Water Company Alternative Operating Maintenance, & Hauling Cost, $/year Amortized Capital , $/year Total Cost, $/year Complete Treatment Pump to Lagoon 16,850 500,000 517,000 Filter Press + Disposal 116,950 550,000 667,000 Centrifuge + Disposal 172,200 520,000 692,000 Barge to Disposal - Illinois 25,850 700,000 725,000 Barge to Disposal - Missouri 23,150 550,000 573,000 Partial Treatment - Clarifier Slowdown Filter Press + Disposal^/ 73,000 43,000-169,000 116,000-242,000 Centrifuge + Disposal ^^ 110,000 126,000-250,000 265,000-390,000 a/ Assumed X^t interest and 20 year life. b/ Based on Table 3-3, subtracting out the annualized capital costs. I 25 Environmental Costs of Regulation The Illinois State Water Survey examined the sediment and the benthic communities near the Alton Water Company discharge to determine any environmental effects.^ This study included analysis of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of bottom sediment at sampling stations both upstream and downstream of the discharge point. These analyses indicate that changes to the bottom sediments have occurred as a result of the waste stream from the Alton Water Company. These changes and the impact on the aquatic community are described in the sections that follow. Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Bottom Sediments Twelve sampling stations were selected for physical and chemical testing of sediments. Station locations, the water treatment plant discharge, and other structures residing along the rivers edge are depicted in Figure 3-1, Table 3-6 pinpoints the location of each station in terms of distance from discharge, distance from shore, and water depth. The station numbers, as they originally appeared in the Illinois State Water Survey report, have been changed to facilitate an easier understanding of their relative location on the river. Table 3-6 presents these new station numbers and the corresponding station numbers from the ISWS report. Figure 3-1 and all references to sta- tion numbers made in this report make use of the new identification numbers. The composition of dredged bottom samples were analyzed for sand, silt, and clay content. The results obtained from stations 7, 8, and 12 were significantly different from data obtained at all other stations. Stations 7, 8, and 12 are all within 130 feet of shore and are 250, 500, and 1000 feet 26 o o o o' .J (/» (U c O o c •f— (U •M 13 «o r— +-> ^- on c •r" a> c •+- •r— o r— a O) E c IT3 o OO N CO c o 4-> lO -M en a. E ^01 X urid 27 Table 3-6. Mississippi River Sediment Sampling Stations Near Alton Water Company Discharge Revised Station No. for this report Station No. ISWS Report Water Depth, ft Distance from Shore, ft Distance Upstream from Alton Water, ft Distance Downstream from Alton Water, ft 1 • 9 28 125 1500 2 10 28 250 1500 3 11 33 500 1500 4 12 36 900 1500 "5 13 17 50 500 i 6 14 15 50 250 Upstream Downstream 7 5 12 130 T 250 8 4 14 125 500. 9 3 21 250 500 10 2 23 500 500 11 1 21 900 500 12 6 20 125 1000 13 7 24 500 1000 14 8 22 150 2000 28 downstream of the plant's outfall, respectively. The average values from samples taken at stations 7, 8, and 12, in terms of percent sand, silt and clay content, are graphically compared to the average values obtained at all other stations in Figure 3-2. The samples, on an average, contained twelve times more silt, nine times more clay and had approximately a third of the sand content as the bottom samples collected at other stations. The change in composition is the result of the reintroduction of river silt that had been captured during the treatment process.^ Thus the discharge has pro- duced a shift from the natural bottom consisting primarily of sand to a sandy silt bottom. The high percentages of clay and silt found at stations 7, 8, and 12 demonstrate that the waste discharged from the Alton Water plant are detectable. However, Evans, et al . , points out that the extent of the plant's influence is limited: "Based upon the locations of the stations and the analysis of the characteristics of the sediments, the areal influence is confined to .200 feet offshore and within 2000 feet downstream of the waste outfall."^ This impacted area is referred to as the "zone of influence." Data obtained from the chemical analyses further support the find- ings of the physical examination of river sediments. Results from tests for iron, aluminum, percent moisture and percent volatile matter were all higher within the zone of influence than in the outlying areas. Table 3-7 and Figure 3-1 shows the averages of the values obtained from each of the three stations • ■ (No.'s 7, 8, and 12) included within the zone and compares them to results obtained from stations outside.* The ratio of values obtained from * As the values obtained from sediment samples collected upstream of the discharge did not differ, and in some instances were higher than samples collected outside the zone of influence, all values obtained outside the zone were used to estimate the average background levels. 29 100. 90.. 80.. c o Z 70. . O £ 60_|. o 50-. 4J u I 40J. 30-. 20-- 10-. X \ N N S\\ S VSXS VNS\ NN SS \S \N WSS V V\ S WSN VSV\ \ NX V VSV \ S\SS NNSN N NN \ X\NN >NS \ \NNN WSS N SNV NWV \ NVV SN \N SVNS SSSS \S\X VSS V SSNV NSNS . l ^ltVi^^ ' V ' \N \\N \SNSN NWS \ NWNS N N S N \ NS SS \ NNSNX \ \ \ SS N N X\ \ \ NNSS \N \ \ \ S S. \\\ VN \N\ NVSNX S\\\\ \ \ NX \ \\SN\ •wvvs \\S\ N WNVN V \N\S N \ NSN NNNNN > \ \ \ \ \ \ \N \ I ■ . . , ...J. ;^ ...J NS\SN\\NS\S SWWSNWSN VWVWNNNW SVNWSWWS t- :::.M Sand Silt Clay "M'^iWWW Stations 7,8, and 12 All Other Stations Figure 3-2 Average Sediment Composition 30 Table 3-7. Comparison of Average Values Obtained from Chemical and Physical Testing On Sediment Samples In and Out of the Zone of Influence t Percent Iron, Aluminum, Percent Volatile ppm ppm Moisture Solids (1.) Inside Zone of Influence (Stations 7, 8, and 12) 31,358 16,393 41.1 5.8 (2.) Outside Zone of Influence 8,542 2,903 16.3 1.0 Ratio of Average Values (1) : (2) 3.7:1 5.6:1 2.5:1 5.8:1 Source: Evans, R., Hill, T., Schnepper, D., and Hullinger, D., Wastes from the Water Treatment Plant at Alton and Its Impact on the Mississippi River, SWS Report 275, July, 1981. 31 stations 7, 8, and 12 to background levels are also presented. Within the zone of influence iron and aluminum concentrations were nearly 4 and 6 times higher than background levels, respectively. Evans et al., observed that the concentrations of iron within the impacted area were not unlike those levels found in the plant's sludges, and attributed the elevated concen- trations of iron to the silt and clay removed during treatment and discharged back to the river in waste flows.-"- Sediment concentrations of aluminum within the zone, however, were considerably less than the concentrations occurring in the plant's sludges. It was suggested that the flocculent nature of the alum sludge permits it to be easily scoured or dispersed by streamflow, thereby lessening the accumula- tion of alum in the bottom sediments. ■'■ Similarly, the percent moisture and volatile content of the bottom sediment followed the same distribution patterns as the analyses for iron and aluminum; i.e., higher percentages of both constituents were found at stations 7, 8, and 12. Percent moisture was 2.5 times higher inside the affected area and percent volatile material was 5.8 times higher within the impacted area as was outside. From the chemical and physical evaluation performed at Alton, it is apparent that the water treatment plant has changed the character of the bottom sediments below the outfall. The affected area amounts to 9.2 acres, which is less than the maximum mixing zone area of 26 acres allowed under Chapter 3 regulations.* * The allowable mixing zone shall not exceed the area of a circle having a radius of 600 feet, or 26 acres. 32 Biological Evaluation of Bottom Sediments The biological characterization of the river sediments was accomplished by identifying types and computing population densities of macroinvertebrates. Different species have varying tolerances to environ- mental contaminants and once bottom dwelling or benthic invertebrates are identified and quantified, the information obtained can be used to assess the quality of the aquatic environment. Evans et al., used the same classi fi cation system employed by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (lEPA) to assess stream conditions. The classification system is based on the abundance of organisms found in streams which are intolerant to pollu- tion. The four tolerance categories for aquatic macroinvertebrates found in Illinois waters are defined as: Intolerant: Organisms whose life cycle is dependent upon a narrow range of environmental conditions. They are rarely found in areas of organic enrichment and are replaced by more tolerant species upon degradation of their environment. Moderate: Organisms which lack the extreme sensitivity to environ- mental stress displayed by intolerant species but which cannot adapt to severe environmental degradation. Such organisms normally increase in abundance with slight to moderate levels of organic enrichment. Facultative: Organisms which display the ability to survive over a wide range of environmental conditions and which possess a greater degree of tolerance to adverse conditions than either intolerant or moderate species. The facultative tolerance status also includes all organisms which depend upon surface air for respiration. Tolerant: Organisms which not only have the ability to survive over a wide range of environmental extremes but which are generally capable of thriving in water of extremely poor quality and even anaerobic conditions. Such organisms are often found in great abundance in areas of organic pollution. Depending on the types, i.e., intolerant, moderate, facultative or tolerant, and quantity of benthic organisms collected, the stream can be further cate- gorized as follows: * 33 Balanced: The number and specie of pollution intolerant organ- isms are greater than or equal to 50% of the total organism collected. Unbalanced: Intolerant organisms are fewer in number than other forms combined, but combined with moderate forms, they usually outnumber tolerant forms. Semi -polluted: Intolerant organisms are few or may not be present. Moderate, facultative and pollution tolerant organ- isms usually make up 90% or more of the organisms collected. Polluted: Pollution intolerant organisms are absent. Only pollution tolerant organisms or no organisms are present. Natural or artificial No organisms present. bare area: The predominant organisms from bottom sediments, their classification, and the percent of the total population is shown for all sampling stations below. The organisms listed account for 96% of all organisms collected; of these, 83% are described as being pollution tolerant. Predominant Organisms Recovered from River Sediments At All Sampling Stations Organism aquatic worms (Tubificidae) midge fly larvae (Chironomidae) burrowing mayflies (Hexagenia) caddisflies (Cheumatopsyche) fingernail clams (Sphaerium) Population densities were significantly different between stations that were closer than 130 feet from shore and those stations which were greater than 250 feet from shore. As a group, densities for macroinvertebrates collected close to shore ranged from 378 individuals per square meter (ind/m^) Total Population, % CI assification 69 Tolerant 14 Tolerant 5 Facultative 4 Moderate 4 Moderate 34 to 3036 (ind/m^). The group of stations found 250 feet or greater from shore ranged from 25 to 880 ind/m^. (Refer to Figure 3-1 for the location of the sampling stations. The pollution tolerance status for all stations were determined in accordance with lEPA guidelines. All stations except 2 and 10 were classi- fied as semi -polluted. Stations 2 and 10 were classified as polluted and were both located greater than 250 feet from shore. Station 2, however, was upstream of the outfall, whereas station 10 was downstream. The only station capable of sustaining a pollution intolerant species was found in the zone of influence at station 8. The condition at station 8 - was believed due more to the characteristics of the bottom sediment than to the overlying v/ater quality.^ The bottom at this location consisted mainly of silt with exposed rock and gravel. The favorable habitat found at station 8 is presented graphically in Figure 3-3, which shows a comparison of the pollution tolerance status between the near-shore, upstream (No.'s 13 and 14), and downstream stations (No.'s 7. 8. and 12). The only station not dominated by pollution tolerant organisms was number 8. The abundance and diversity of benthic macroinverteb rates which are found nearer the shore in bottom sediments composed of higher silt and clay fractions, support the contention that organism abundance is related to the stability of the habitat. The shifting nature of the river's natural sand bottom is caused by changing flow velocities and navigation traffic. This does not encourage colonization by burrowing or clinging organisms. 35 i_ o Ol ■*-> fO Ol U c Ol _ __170ZI/-C 902T ■«-> (U c > IT3 d) •^« +J S- ■M •t-J c Ol (O IT3 re s_ r— S- o Ol •J O) 4-> T3 o r— c O fO o «/) (/I r— , 4-J 3 s_ (TJ ■o o O •r— CD •r— > 0) TD 'f— -t-> C T3 ns ••" C O s- (U re <+- O ^ O OJ 1. i_ > OJ OJ o ^ ^ j3 E o IT3 3 -M s. c O) ^— • ^ XJ fO .c E -t-> 4J 3 o • f* Z -M 2 MMlMaiMMMHhiMa 9frl - c o OJ (N 09^ z 68ZZ I #fiBKHni»'^'«wft# »* ■« %»■'«»>»■»•*«;•». i#«r ^ 0- LoZc l~|^^„|^,„t,^,Mgiaa,aHajjaaMMiiHiaa fi- l - " 201 -- i c*«o oiP O O O 00 i o lD 0* OP afi O O O VX) ^ fN O to C o Q. C > o cn sxpnpTATpui x^oj, JO t^uaojBd 36 1 A Sediments composed of higher percentages of silt, clay and organic matter, however, are more resistant to fluctuating currents and thus form a more stable benthic habitat. Evans et al., summarized his findings on the environmental impact of Alton's Water Treatment Plant's discharge as follows:^ The main point is that the impact of waste flows on the benthic macro- J invertebrates of the river at Alton is not an adverse one. Nor can it be considered solely beneficial. The waste' flow contribution appears to maintain an aquatic habitat more desirable from the standpoint of macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity than found in those stations more offshore. The maintenance of silty-sand bottom sediments in the Mississippi River, in contrast to a natural sandy bottom, is conducive to increasing the benthic population. The waste flows fromtiie water treatment plant at Alton contribute to that maintenance scheme. Lastly, in the absence of unnatural sludge deposits and without evidence that the iron and aluminum concentrations observed in the bottom sedi- ments are toxic to aquatic organisms, it would not appear that the types of changes in the chemical and physical composition of the sediments in the limited impacted area are a mark of environmental degradation. Based on the report by Evans et al., the Alton discharge appears bene- ficial to the maintenance of benthic macroinvertebrate communities by forming diverse, more stable downstream habitat. Thus, it appears that the impact f of the waste stream, as measured by benthic macroinvertebrates, is a positive one. Other possible environmental effects of the discharge, which may or may not act to lessen this positive impact, are discussed in the following chapter. I 37 Chapter IV BENEFITS OF REGULATION The benefits of enforcing the suspended solids and iron limitations for Alton Water Company accrue primarily to downstream water uses. There are four distinct user categories which are considered in the benefit analysis. The environmental impacts upon benthic communities, fish, and other aquatic organisms represent an important area of concern. The recrea- tional users and others who reside near the stream represent a second category, and they could be adversely affected by aesthetic changes in the river due to periodic discharges. The third category of users who could potentially benefit from reduced solids discharges are the downstream public water supplies who also use the Mississippi River. Since the Mississippi River is a major navigation channel, any effects on navigational costs such as dredging should also be considered. Each of these uses represents areas of potential impact, and each is described within this chapter as to the magnitude of the expected benefit. Environmental Impacts There are several potential aspects of the aquatic environment which could be altered by the Alton Water Company discharge. The infor- mation provided by Alton Water Company is utilized with general information in the literature to delineate the probable magnitude of the four impacts. The particular areas of concern consist of four generally identified by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) as well as several additional poten- tial impacts: (a) buildup of deposits forming sludge banks^ (b) aesthetic effects due to turbidity and color or receiving water^ 38 (c) oxygen demand of residues^ (d) bacterial contamination^ (e) toxicity of sludges to benthic organisms (f) adverse effects of iron concentrations and high turbidity in water to fish populations The actual magnitude of the Alton Water Company environmental impact was based upon the Evans et al., study. Using existing information each type of environmental change was reviewed. Sediment Deposits The buildup of deposits was a concern to AWWA "because the deposits could cover over and thereby retard growth of benthic organisms. Spawning and breeding of fish may be impaired by such deposits."^ In Chapter 3, the environmental study conducted by Evans et al . , indicated there was no degra- dation of the benthic community. Thus, the buildup of deposits did not occur to any substantial level and the change in sediment quality did appear to be beneficial. The change from a sandy bottom to a silty sand bottom provided an improved habitat for benthic organisms. There was no analysis regarding fish or spawning provided in the Evans et al . , study. This ommission may be attributed to the following possibilities: (1.) The general area is not considered appropriate for spawning or breeding. (2.) The river environment is too large to monitor for fish activity in a meaningful way, e.g., fish are mobile and the avoidance of an area could only be determined after long term studies - if at all. Oxygen Demand of Residue The oxygen demand of water treatmen-t plant sludges was considered to be small and exerted at a low rate, according to AWWA.^ The nature of the water treatment plant sludges was reviewed to determine the potential 39 range of oxygen demand of water treatment sludges. Table 4-1 presents pH, BOD, COD, total solids, and volatile suspended solids for an aluminum coagulation sludge. Table 4-1. Chemical Characteristics of Water Treatment Sludge BOD, mg/ji COD, mg/£ pH Total Solids, mg/£ Volatile Solids. mg/£ Plant A 5 -day 7-day 27-day 41 72 144 540 7.1 1,159 571 Plant B 5-day 90 2,100 7.1 10,015 3,656 Plant C 5 -day 44 --- 6.0 — — Source: American Water Works Association, Water Quality and Treatment 1971, p. 635. ^ ^ !^-HJJi' The BOD 5 of the sludges does not adequately indicate the low rate of biodegradability or stability of the sludge. However, the BOD5 value for a 5-day, 7-day, and 27-day sample show the low rate of oxidation of materials in the sludge.^ The volatile solids, although representing 56% of the total solids, do not reflect the fraction of organic matter as much as the loss on igni- tion of water bound to hydrated aluminum oxide, according to AWWA.^ Thus, the impact on sediment oxygen demand could not be measured by the volatile suspended solids component. 40 The effects of water treatment sludges upon the dissolved oxygen levels of a stream were investigated in Pontiac, Illinois. Evans, Schnepper, and Hill monitored dissolved oxygen levels upstream and downstream of Pontiac over a 20 week period.^ The mean concentrations of dissolved oxygen did not statistically vary. The upstream value of 9.2 did decrease 3,720 feet down- stream to 8.5 mg/i, but the decrease was attributed to "deoxygenation of supersaturated dissolved oxygen water during turbulence at the foot of the dam." Thus, in the smaller study stream, the Vermilion River, no dissolved oxygen changes were observed. No data were provided regarding this parameter in the Mississippi River analysis. Bacterial Composition In Water Treatment Plant Wastewater The wastes accumulated in various treatment processes within water treatment plants have been observed to support growth of micro-organisms." Some processes apparently provide a more favorable environment than others. For example, wastewater from aluminum coagulation and filter backwash are reported to contain high bacteria counts, whereas, wastewater from lime- soda softening processes contain low bacteria populations. Sediment from settling tanks have been found to have bacteria counts in excess of 1,000 colonies per mill igram of solid. Filter backwash from a municipal water treatment plant which utilizes aluminum sulfate as their coagulant, revealed bacteria counts of 230 colonies per milliliter (ml). Converting this number to the more commonly reported form of colonies per 100 mis, the value becomes 23,000 colonies per 100 mis. Microbiological analyses are not routinely made on wastes from clarifier blowdown, mixing tanks, sedimentation basins or filters as it is generally assumed that the prechlorination of the raw water will improve the quality of the plant's waste stream. 41 Little information was available regarding the general importance of bacterial growth or bacterial types associated with water treatment plant , discharges. Since this factor was considered by the AWWA in their publica- tion, bacterial growth was included for completeness. The possible environ- mental effects of the discharge cannot even be discussed. It should be noted that the previous Evans study of the Pontiac water treatment plant did not survey or analyze for bacteria in the discharges or the stream. Toxicity of Aluminum to Aquatic Life There is a limited amount of data available on the toxic effects of aluminum. Aluminum concentrations are of concern in irrigation waters and have been reported to be toxic to plants under both acid and alkaline conditions, but is probably of little consequence at near-neutral pH. One milligram per liter is taken as the tolerance limit, even though several reports of toxic effects have been observed at 0.5 mg/z, for plants. In the aquatic environment the water flea, Daphnia magna , was immobilized after 64 hours of exposure to aluminum chloride at a concentra- tion of <6.7 mg/2,.^ Aluminum chloride proved lethal to half of the mosquito- fish, Gambusia affinis , tested at concentrations of 135 mg/z and under condi- tions of high turbidity.^ The highest concentration which would just fail to immobilize Daphnia magna under prolonged exposure to aluminum sulfate was reported to be 136 mg/iJ Bluegills, Lepomis macrochirus , are reported to be able to survive indefinitely at aluminum sulfate levels of 100 mg/z.^ The effects of elevated aluminum levels was described by Evans et al., in a 1979 Illinois State Water Report entitled Impact of Wastes from a Water Treatment Plant: Evaluative Procedures and Results. ^ Evans et al., found 42 that the average number of organisms on artificial substrates as well as from the bottom sediments was less in the area of elevated aluminum than at other stations. Aluminum levels were seven times higher than background levels, averaging 1465 ppm.^ The effects on macroinvertebrates of high aluminum levels in bottom sediments are not thoroughly understood or defined. However, the use of macroinvertebrates as monitoring indicators suggest that they may be intolerant to elevated aluminum concentrations;^ Toxicity of Iron to Aquatic Life The toxicity of iron is dependent upon the form of iron under consideration and other environmental conditions, such as pH. The two primary forms of iron are the ferrous, or bivalent (Fe"*"^), and the ferric, or trivalent (Fe"*"^) iron. The solubility of the ferrous and ferric forms are indicative of the factors which must be considered in assessing toxic levels. In a 1978 study, Muchmore presented the following conclusions concerning the significance of the ferrous and ferric forms of iron in water. ^ Iron in the ferric form is extremely insoluble. Only the pH values below 3.7 should result in dissolved iron concentra- tions in excess of 0.5 mg/z. Iron in the ferrous form is more soluble. Dissolved iron values above 0.5 mg/j, could exist at pH values below 9.6. • Soluble ferrous iron at neutral pH and in the presence of oxygen is rapidly oxidized to the insoluble ferric form. Iron in the ferric form at neutral pH, which is the most common occurrence, does not appear to be deleterious to aquatic life. However, under conditions of low pH and in the presence of dissolved oxygen, iron can precipi- tate as a hydroxide and form floes or gels. These floes eventially settle to the stream bottom, smothering bottom dwelling invertebrates, plants, and incubating fish eggs. Ferric hydroxide floes have been observed to coat the gills of white perch, minnows, and silversides.^ 43 There is much variability in the data concerning toxic levels of iron in aquatic systems. Oftentimes results are given and the form in which iron . is introduced is unclear. Failure to report pH also accounts for the varia- tion in the literature. Iron in test systems is normally added as the chloride, sulfate or nitrate salt. If the system is not strongly buffered, the precipitation of the iron as ferrous or ferric hydroxide can reduce the pH to low levels which, by itself, has demonstrated toxic effects toward fish. ^ Brandt found iron toxic to carp at concentrations of 0.9 mg/ i when the pH was 5.5. Pike and trout died at concentrations of 1 to 2 mg/ 4 iron? Other investigators report a killing dose to be a week of exposure at 10,000 parts per million.® Many investigators indicate toxicity effects in the 1.0 mg/J, range, and this level is the recomended criteria in the U.S. EPA Water Quality Criteria document.' The acute toxicity of iron to different species of aquatic insects were studied by Warnick and Bell.^ Three species of insects were used— a stonefly, Acroneuria lycorias , a mayfly, Ephemerella subraria , and a caddisfly, Hydropsyche letteni . These were chosen because they are wide- spread, easily collected and maintained in the laboratory, and important fish food organisms. The bioassays technique was performed at 18.5" C and dissolved oxygen was maintained at 8.0 mg/2, throughout the test. The dilu- tion water had a pH of 7.25, alkalinity of 40.0 mg/n and hardness of 44.0 mq/i. Ephamerella proved to be the most sensitive to iron with a 96 hr TL of 0.32 mg/z.^ The tests for iron utilizing Acroneuria and m Hydropsyche gave 50% survival at 16.0 mg/i after 9 days and 7 days, respec- tively. 44 Given that iron in the ferric form is extremely insoluble, and that ferrous iron at neutral pH and in the presence of dissolved oxygen is rapidly oxidized to the insoluble ferric form, only limited amounts of soluble iron are expected to occur in the Mississippi River. Volume 1 of Water Resources Data for Illinois - Water Year 1980 included data on dissolved iron tests performed on Mississippi River water below Alton. ^° The average of the four values obtained was less than 0.02 mg/£. No dissolved iron would be expected in the Alton Water Company's discharge. Therefore, dissolved iron concentrations are not considered as a factor in the impact. The total iron concentrations in the sediment did not appear to affect benthic organisms to any measurable extent. This statement is based upon Evans' analysis of the number and type of benthic organisms down- stream of the discharge compared to upstream of the discharge, since there was no decline in species or number of organisms. Effects of Turbidity on Fish Communities Turbidity is an optical property that causes light to be scattered and absorbed rather than transmitted in straight lines. It is well known that increases in suspended solids will result in greater turbidity. High turbidity reduces the photosynthetic zone within a body of water by de- creasing the depth of light penetration. A reduction of the photosynthetic zone will in turn reduce the amount of primary production. Primary produc- tivity is defined as the rate at which energy from light is absorbed and utilized in the production of organic matter in photosynthesis. The organic matter produced becomes an important food source for aquatic organisms. 45 particularly in lake systems. In river systems, however, primary production plays a lesser role as principle energy inputs are in the form of deposited ■ organic material, such as leaf litter. The effect on fisheries of varying concentrations of inert solids concentrations were reviewed by the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Cormiission in 1965. •'■^ Their conclusions regarding suspended solids concentra- tions and satisfactory water quality for fish are presented below: ^^ There is no evidence that concentrations of suspended solids less than 25 mg/2, have any harmful effects on fisheries. It should usually be possible to maintain good or moderate fisheries in waters which normally contain 25 to 80 mg/i suspended solids. Waters normally containing 80-400 mg/i suspended solids are unlikely to support good freshwater fisheries, although fisheries may some- times be found at the lower concentrations within this range. At best, only poor fisheries are likely to be found at the higher concentrations within this range. The Commission report also stated that exposure to several thousand mg/x, of suspended solids for several hours or days may not kill fish and that other inert or organic solids may be substantially more toxic. The Evans et al . , study elected to omit measurements of instream water quality due to the fact th^t chemical analysis performed in an earlier study at the water treatment plant in Pontiac, Illinois failed to detect any difference between stream and downstream measurements for suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, and silica in a smaller river. Increases in sulfate, turbidity, and aluminum concentrations were perceptible but were considered transitory. ^ To provide a measure of the possible impact, Evans et al.,^ estimated the change in suspended solids concentration for the Mississippi River under 46 worse case conditions. The waste load applied to the river was that quantity released by 1) decanting and flushing of mixer and basin sludge residue representative of six months accumulation, 2) the daily discharge of the clarifier at a solids capture rate of 78% of the solids applied, and 3) the backwashing of 24 filters - all to occur within 24 hours. Utilizing this scenario determining solids loading would clearly represent a worst case event, as it assumes that the filters which are backwashed once every 16 hours, the clarifiers which are blown down every three days, and the decanting and flushing of the mixers and sedimentation which occur twice a year (and require 2 to 3 days to complete) are all contributing their accumulated wastes to the river in a 24 hour period. The seven-day, 10 year low flow of the Mississippi River at Alton is 21,740 cubic feet per second (cfs).^ Evans et al . , assumed a 10% mixing of the waste stream with the stream flow. In other words, the calculated suspended solids in the stream are based upon the dispersion of the waste load through only 10% of the stream flow. During the low flow period utilized in the computation it was considered probable that the instream suspended solids levels were minimal, for this reason a concentration of 10 mg/£ was assumed for comparative purposes. Utilizing these conditions for waste discharge and streamflow, in which about 278,200 pounds of solids will be applied in a volume of about 5.4 cfs to a streamflow of 2174 cfs (10% mixing at low flow conditions) at a background suspended solids concentration of 10 mg/£ , the resultant sus- pended solids in the river are estimated to be 34 mg/g, . In effect, the increase in suspended solids levels above background levels and under worst conditions would be 24 mg/2, . The probable frequency of occurrence of all 47 water treatment units contributing their accumulated wastes within the same 24 hour period would be two days in 365 days. To obtain an estimate of the increase in suspended solids above background levels that are likely to occur on a daily basis, a solids loading of 12,500 pound per day and the average annual flow of the Mississippi River at Alton (97,338 cfs) was utilized. The increase in suspended solids concentrations above background levels was calculated to be 0.24 mg/£.* The associated increase in turbidity for this incremental change in suspended solids is thus considered minimal and the benefits associated with reduction are negligible. Public Water Supplies Another important water use relates to the impact upon downstream water supplies. Several Illinois communities on the Mississippi River utilize the river as their major potable water source. Table 4-2 depicts the location of major water supplies as well as their waste disposal method. According to Table 4-2, there are three communities, Moline, Rock Island, and Quincy, who provide treatment for their wastes. The remainder discharge directly to the river. Since the operating costs of water treatment are affected to some extent by the water quality, there may be potential benefits to those downstream of the water company (if the Alton Water Company is required to comply with the Illinois effluent standards. As was mentioned in the Evans study, the Assuming the same 10% of the stream for a mixing zone 48 Table 4-2. Summary of Intake Pumpage for Public Water Supplies Utilizing the Mississippi River Water Da' Average ily Pumpage, MGD Waste Treatment Provided Wastes Discharged To River X Year of Pumpage Data Alton 12.7 1981 Chester 0.561 X 1981 Dallas City 0.01 X 1980 East Moline 4.2 X 1979 Hamilton 0.30 X 1980 Illinois State Pen. 0.825 ,, X 1982 Moline 7.5 X 1979 Nauvoo 0.145 X 1980 Rock Island 7.3 X 1982 Quincy 7.0 X 1980 Warsaw 0.15 X 1981 East St. Louis X Source: lEPA Communication, Roger Selberg, August 17, 1982 49 quantity of suspended solids has a direct affect upon the interval between filter backwashing and flushing of solids in other basins. Evans et al . , estimated that Alton Water Company removed on average 12,500 pounds per day of solids. This represents 4.56 million pounds per year of material removed from the river. If this material was not reintroduced, it could be assumed that the ultimate pounds of river solids would be reduced. This reduction could be translated into a decrease in suspended solids concentration, which ultimately benefitted downstream water supplies. Evans et al.,^ calculated the relative magnitude of the water treatment plant solids removal to the average load carried in the Missi- ssippi River. The solids discharged represent .018% of the average load in the Mississippi River. Thus, to downstream water users the expected change in suspended solids concentration and loading would not be greater than 0.018%. In fact, as additional sources, such as tribu- taries and land runoff, are accumulated, the percent removal associated with the dischargers will decrease. 50 The downstream users of East St. Louis, Chester, and Menard Correctional Center withdraw 41.5 MGD from the Mississippi River. Assuming Alton's operating cost of $0.44 per 1000 gallons* is represen- tative, then the total annual cost of downstream water treatment is $6.7 million. The maximum benefit expected from reduced solids loadings would be 0.018% or $1,200 per year. Benefits to Navigation Navigation is an important use of the Mississippi River, and the St. Louis District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) maintains the navigability of the Mississippi River. One important factor in main- taining the navigation channels is the deposition of sediment above Lock and Dam No. 26. According to the St. Louis COE, there are dredging opera- tions scheduled annually for the center area (between the lock and dam) of the river. -"-^ Also, every four years there is maintenance dredging in the upper reach above the locks to improve the maneuverability of barges in their approach to the locks. ^^ The U.S. COE dredges approximately 30,000 to 40,000 cubic yards of material annually at a cost of $0.90 to $1.00 per cubic yard. Ultimate disposal of this dredged material is the river since the Corps of Engineers practice "open water disposal." The dredged material is released above the dam but at a proximity which should insure that the material goes over the dam. Considering the need for constant dredging of the Mississippi River, the solids disposal practice at Alton Water Company can be evaluated. If the Alton Water Company treats and disposes of the river solids on land, * $2.0 million per year is operating and maintenance costs for treating flow rates of 12.5 MGD. Cost per 1000 gal = $2,000,000/[(12.5)(365){1000)] = $0.44. 51 then the total amount of solids in the river has been reduced by 12,500 pounds per day. The important question becomes how much of the material removed by the company would have deposited in the upper reach or center of Lock and Dam No. 26 or the next dredging point in the river. Evans et al.,^ did not find large depositions immediately downstream of the plant, although the character of the bottom sediment was obviously modified. Any material which would have deposited would increase the incremental costs of dredging. Therefore, a potential benefit of the Alton Water Company disposing of solids on land is reduced dredging cost. The maximum benefit which could be obtained can be calculated, assuming 100% of the solids settle and must be dredged. The following calculations summarize the maximum possible annual benefit: Maximum Annual _ rc^i,-^^ w-:..^w^v.r,«^/>,v If- o iA to •<— 4-> O •r- C «4- •!- (U r- C r— 0) « CO (U "O ^ c •»-> (O ^ v> -t-> 4-> -i- 00 S O o en c ^■^ •(-• (T3 >, -M .— C Q. , •1- c > (O C Q. LU E O ^- CJ o s- «/) C 0) c O 4J o «/) lO •r— •1- 3 4-> s- fO rtS c -M Q. O • r- E -M E O r- 'f~ o «a: —J I 0} c o o to o to 4-> to o o (T3 3 C >> o o to o 0) +-> r— O to to O) C O ••— to 3 -a s- -a to 1 •^ «/» +-> E to •M •1— IB 0) >1 U C -M •r— cz (O 3 C r» (O Q. o Q. Q- E E o Q. E 1— t o to 3 o C_3 r^ u t/) (_3 r— fO •^ fC O • ^- ■M S- i. -(-> • r— 'S- O) o; O) to c -C O) .E 4J •M o CD .C +-> -»-> 4-> (T3 to > J3 ,^ O) C 3 < < LU Q. C r— o (O ^» 4-> 4J o IT3 1— CT ^ > na 56 clarifier blowdown appeared to be the only alternative to analyze based upon the relative loading and volume of the waste stream. The waste stream originating from clarifier blowdown is a seasonal phenomenon, occurring from April to November. This is attributed to the poor solids removals across the clarifier in cold weather. Evans et al.,^ estimated that from April through November the solids accumulated at a rate of 13,340 lb/day in the plant. The clarifiers were effective in removing an estimated 79% or 10,472 pounds of solids each day during this seven month period. The remaining waste streams, consisting of the filter backwash and basin/mixer blowdown, would continue to discharge to the river. From April through November the discharge would be greatly reduced; however, from December through March, the present discharge volume would continue. Re- moving and treating this seasonal discharge would reduce the total annual solids loading to the Mississippi River by 68%. The incremental environmental benefits of removing and treating the clarifier blowdown are based upon the analyses of Chapter IV and are summarized in the following sections. Sediment Deposition The Evans et al . , study indicated that there was no degradation of the benthic community with the existing discharge.^ For the area within the zone of influence, the Alton discharge produced a change from the natural sandy bottom to a silty sand bottom, which in turn provided an improved habitat for benthic macroinvertebrates. The importance of the clarifier blowdown in maintaining the silty sand bottom downstream of the Alton Water plant cannot be determined with existing information. It is possible that spring flow velocities are high enough to scour the improved 57 habitat, in which case the loadings associated with clarifier blowdown may help to some extent in re-establishing the favorable habitat. Little is known concerning the dynamics of the improved habitat within the zone of influence; however, the expected benefits of a possible reduction in sediment deposition are considered to be "zero" based upon the results of Chapter III and Chapter IV. Oxygen Demand of Residue As discussed in Chapter IV, the oxygen demand of water treatment plant sludges are considered small and exerted at a low rate.^ An investi- gation into the dissolved oxygen levels above and below a water treatment plant located on the Vermilion River failed to show statistically signifi- cant differences between average dissolved oxygen levels between up and downstream locations.^ Reducing the daily load of solids from the Alton Water plant by 79% from April to November would not provide any additional environmental benefit in terms of increased downstream dissolved oxygen levels. This conclusion is based upon available information regarding the oxygen- demanding characteristics of the sludges. Reduction of Bacterial Contamination Reducing the solids loading to the river by 68% via treatment of clarifier blowdown would similarly reduce the amount of bacteria which enters the river in the discharge. The previous Evans study of the Pontiac Water Treatment Plant did not analyze for bacteria in the discharge, nor was it considered in the environmental impact assessment at Alton. As a result, the importance of bacterial growth associated with the plants' discharge and the possible environmental effects of reducing the bacteria contribution to 58 the river cannot be quantified. Changes in Aluminum and Iron Concentrations Evans et al . , failed to find evidence that aluminum and iron concentrations in the bottom sediments below the Alton discharge were present at levels toxic to aquatic organisms. ■'■ Aluminum and iron accumulation rates were not determined in the Evans et al., study nor is the data based on sediment aluminum and iron toxicity levels adequate to predict lethal limits. Since existing conditions cannot be ascribed as toxic, a reduction in aluminum and iron loadings does not have any estimated incremental benefit. Turbidity Impacts Since the expected effect of the present discharge upon suspended solids was only 24 mg/a under worst case conditions and this had no quanti- fiable impact, incremental reductions had "zero" benefits. Public Water Supply Benefits The incremental changes in public water supply costs are a direct function of the solids loading to the river. If the clarifier blowdown is removed, then approximately 2800 pounds per day or 1 million pounds per year of solids would be discharged to the Mississippi River. Thus, the total pounds to the river are reduced from 4.56 million to 1.0 million per year. If the Chapter IV methodology is used for estimating reduced costs to water supplies, the following calculation is appropriate: PWS Savings = |^ x $6.7 x 10' x 0.00018* = $940/year * where $6.7 million is the annual cost of downstream water treatment and 0.018% is reduction in cost for complete elimination of discharge. 59 Thus, the benefits associated with treatment of the clarifier blowdown are between $0 and $940 per year for water supplies. Navigational Benefits The change in dredging costs is also a direct function of the solids deposited in the river. If the clarifier blowdown is removed, then the 58% reduction in solids to the river occurs. If the unit cost of disposing of solids is $0.00087/1 b solids (as calculated in Chapter IV), then the following calculations summarize the maximum possible benefit: Maximum Annual = Present Cost - Future Cost of Solids Savings in Dredging ^ 2800 lb I 365 days I $0.00087 day I year I lb solids ,= $4000 - $900 = $3100/yr Aesthetic Benefits The aesthetic benefits of a reduced discharge cannot be properly addressed without a projection of visual changes and knowledge regarding the intrinsic values of the user and non-user population. Therefore, aesthetic benefits are not measurable at the incremental level. Alternative Treatment Level Costs The treatment costs associated with control of only the clarifier blowdown were described in Chapter III as ranging between $116,000 and $242,000 per year. Table 5-2 compares the magnitude of costs and benefits of partial compliance for the Alton Water Company. There are benefits which have not been quantified; however, there remains two orders of magnitude between the expected costs and benefits of this alternative. Incremental Costs and Benefits If the relative change in costs and benefits is examined between Tables 5-1 and 5-2, the partial level of compliance appears to be a more 60 E (T5 c OJ o i- •M •M r^ C/1 . (T3 r^ -)-> C C o dJ E cn c c o •r— s- ■M •r- TJ > > O c (O C a. o E (/) o • r- o S- (O S- Q. O) E 4J O > 00 CM m U) *^ ^^=>- ■«><^ ■!-> ■be- O O C^- o 1 1 1 •^ o o o »4- O) 1 C 0) to "O OJ ■*-> to "3 CO (0 O) u -1- O E 1— ra CD ^— •^^ E O r- OJ C (O C (»- 0) ro ja to s_ »1— 3 o •i~ O) > 3 T3 ■»-> cn C •f— 4J ■— O O) Q. •r- to T3 to C 4J C J2 %. C 1— C OJ 4J i- E C .— O (U o E «!3- '::f &. > r-t -t/^- 1 in 1—1 o ■M •(>«>■ ■b«>- o to - o O 0t O 'o ' T-l r— 1. VI t— 1 (O +J 0) ■- 3 c: C i. C o O 3 C •r— O 4-) Q. o m o Pollution Expendi c o 'r* ■M > *:: to 4-> E «/> 4-> •I- (TJ > O C +J •r- c (O 3 C r-^ >, n3 Q. E O Q. s- Q. E E C_3 Q. o E 1— ^ O to 3 cn O O .— O cn (V o ^— ' (O -1- ■M s- (O i- ■M •.- S_ OJ (U to C_3 (U to C ^ o 0) .C 4-> ■«-> -M fO o (O +J fO E to c o to 3 •I— 4-> u 3 ■M c •r- OJ fT3 O) +-> O rt3 O) o U_ CQ CO cI u nj 1— Q. E C o i_ ••- C71 •r~* +J to > J3 > ^— CU c 3 fO < < UJ Q- z: 61 efficient solution. The annual costs and benefits of regulation can be summarized as follows: Condition Annual Cost, $/year Annual Benefits to to Alton Water Company Environment, $/year Baseline (Existing Con- ^ ^ ditions) Partial Compliance $116,000-$242,000 ' 0-$3,500 Complete Compliance - $517,000 0-$5,200 The incremental costs increase associated with the change between partial and complete compliance is $275,000 to $401,000 per year. The corresponding incremental increase in benefits is $0 to $1,700 per year. Thus, the costs increase by 100% while the benefits rise by only 49°^ be- tween the two levels of control. The incremental benefits and costs in- dicate that the net costs far exceed net benefits for the Alton Water Company. There appears to be no other possible level of control which would have lower costs and still yield positive benefits to the environment. 62 Chapter VI ECONOMIC IMPACT UPON ALTON WATER COMPANY Enforcement of the suspended solids and iron limitation would result in Alton Water Company incurring additional capital investment and operating expenses for pollution control equipment. These incremental costs would be passed on to customers of the company. Alton Water Company serves 16,968 residential, commercial, industrial, and miscellaneous water users. Thus, increased costs are passed on to the commercial, industrial, and residential sectors of the communities served. Financial Characteristics of Company Alton Water Company is an Illinois corporation, and the primary business of the company is operation of a water purification plant. The following classification of water users and their associated usage volume indicates that although residential users are the greatest in number, the industrial customers require the greatest water volume: Number of Customers 1981 Usage in 1,000 gallons Percent of Total, % Residential 15,140 875,502 28.93 Commercial 1,625 448,631 14,83 Industrial 45 1,106,796 38.36 Fire Service 70 — — Other 88 541,209 17.88 Total . . . 16,968 3,026,138 100.00 Over 3 billion gallons of water are treated and sold on an annual basis by Alton Water Company. 63 Revenue is generated primarily from water sales. A typical residential customer would pay $188 per year if the December 4, 1981 proposed rate increase occurs. This increase is needed to cover the higher costs of operation and expansion. Table 6-1 summarizes the 1981 income statement for Alton Water Company. The 1981 revenue totalled $3,436,600; however, after operating expenses, taxes and interest charges the net income was $338,943 or 9.9% of -total revenue. Net income has- fluctuated over the last four years from $275,379 in 1978 to $338,945 in 1981 as shown below: 1978 1979 1980 1981 Net Income $275,379 $355,110 $413,554 $338,945 Current long-term debt outstanding consists of six series of bonds issued at various intervals over the last 23 years. Table 6-2 presents the existing long-term debt commitments issued through 1980. Presently the company has $5.01 million in debt outstanding, and the payments extend through the year 2003. To eliminate the discharge of solids would require an additional $3 million in capital investment. This increase would be funded through a combination of long-term debt and equity. In estimating the cost of compliance, Alton Water Company assumed $1.9 million of long-term debt and $1.1 million of common stock would provide the necessary funds. Utilizing an interest rate of 16% for the debt portion, Alton Water Company estimated annual interest costs of $710,000. In addition to interest charges, $17,000 in operating and maintenance cost increases would also be expected. 64 Table 6-1. 1981 Statement of Income for Alton Water Company Account Value for 1981, $ Operating Revenue 3 ,436,600 Operating Expenses 2 ,602,789 Operation 1,747,521 Maintenance 272,168 Depreciation 237,542 Amortization of Limited-Term Utility Plant 247 Amortization of Investment Credit (7,108) Taxes other than Income Taxes 189,647 Income Taxes Federal - Net of Investment Credit (3,534) State Income Tax 17.630 Provision for Deferred Income Tax 45,646 Income Taxes Deferred 103,030 Net Operating Revenue 833,811 Other Income 71,973 Total Income 905,784 Total Interest Charges 566,652 Net Income 338,943 65 Table 6-2. Long-Term Debt of Alton Water Company Date of Outstanding Interest Bond Description Date of Issue Maturity Amount, $ Rate, % Series D 1959 1984 1,200,000 5.25 Series E 1966 1991 1,200,000 5.10 Series Commission Auth. #4572 1968 1993 800,000 7.38 Series Commission Auth. #56310 1971 1996 200,000 9.25 Series F 1973 2003 700,000 7.75 Series Commission Auth. #5220 Total 1980 1995 910,000 8.00 Long-Term Debt Outstanding . 5,010,000 Source: Correspondence with Alton Water Company, August 25, 1982 66 The current rates of the Alton Water Company can be compared to those of other water suppliers on the Mississippi River. Alton's existing rate charges occur on a sliding scale as shown below: 1000 gallons 1000 gallons Rate per 1000 per month per quarter gallons For the first 24.75 74.25 $2,040 For the next 225.00 575.00 1.520 For the next 11,250.00 33,750.00 0.489 For all over 11,499.75 34,499.25 0.400 The average residential user is charged $188 per year or $47 per quarter. The average residential bill on a quarterly basis for three other cities Rate is listed below: ■ ^iq^q g^i Quincy 2.44 Rock Island 1.37 East St. Louis 1.66 The Alton Water Company rates are lower than Quincy (which does have a sliding scale charge structure); however, the cities of Rock Island and East St. Louis appear to have lower rates. There are service charges which also are added V. to quarterly bills of customers. Pollution costs would increase Alton's rates as compared to East St. Louis and Rock Island. These costs when passed on affect the water users, and this is discussed in the following section. 67 Economic Effects of Pollution Control Investment The increased pollution control cost of $727,000 per year would represent approximately 21% of the total revenue generated by the company through water sales. To maintain an economically viable operation, Alton Water Company would request a rate hike to pass on the higher costs to their customers. To generate the necessary revenue a rate increase of 12% is expected, according to the Company.^ This implied that an additional $23 per year would be paid by a residential user compared to the $188 per year now paid. Higher costs are also anticipated for the industrial and commercial water users as well. If the 15,140 residential customers pay an additional $23 per year, this accounts for $348,220. The remainder, or $378,780, would be generated from the commercial, industrial, and other customers. If the industrial component accounts for 75% of the remaining water use and revenue generated (after the residential sector is deleted), then industry is ex- pected to pay approximately $284,000 of the pollution control cost per year, and the commercial and other establishments would contribute $95,000 in higher water payments. Thus, in considering the economic impact by sector, the 1,625 com- mercial businesses of the Alton area would incur an additional $95,000 in costs. The 45 industrial facilities would be expected to incur approximately $284,000 per year. The average increase per facility is estimated at $6,300 per year. 68 The residential component of the Alton area would, in effect, have reduced incomes or purchasing power by $23 per year. This implies that con- sumers would buy $23 less of goods and services in the Alton area because of increased payments for water. If a multiplier is used to predict the indirect effect on business activity in the Alton area, then the total effect of $348,220 in lost income is $752,160 per year.* I I * Secondary income multiplier of 2.16 for St. Clair County obtained from "Assessment of Future Economic Tradeoffs Between Coal Mining and Agriculture," Illinois Dept. of Energy and Natural Resources, Project No. 80.214, July, 1982. 69 REFERENCES 1. Evans, R., Hill, T., Schnepper, D., and Hullinger, D., "Waste from the Water Treatment Plant at Alton and Its Impact On the Mississippi River," Illinois State Water Survey, Contract Report 275, July 1981. 2. Evans, R., Schepper, D., and Hill, T.E., "Impact of Wastes from a Water Treatment Plant: Evaluative Procedures and Results." Illinois State Water Survey Circular 135, P. 39. 3. American Water Works Association, Inc., "Water Quality and Treatment," McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1971, P. 633. 4. Culp, G.L. and Culp, R.L., New Concepts in Water Purification , Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1974. 5. Water Resources Quality Control Committee, Illinois Section, AWWA, "Wastes from Water Treatment Plants." March 10, 1970. 6. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Report of the Committee On Water Quality Criteria , 1972 p. 152. 7. Water Quality Criteria Data Book - Vol 3 Effects of Chemical On Aquatic Life , EPA Contract No. 68-01-0007, May 1971, p. A-7. 8. Muchmore, Charles B., "Economic Impact of a Proposed Regulation Deleting the Dissolved Iron Standard," R76-21 IIEQ DOC. No. 78/02, June, 1978. 9. U.S. EPA, 1976. Quality Criteria for Water , Washington, D.C. p. 79. 10. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report 11-80-1, Water Resources Data for Illinois , Volume 1 . Illinois Except Illinois River Basin , USGS/WRD/ HD-81/049, p. 374. 11. Personal Communication, Don Huston, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, August 30, 1982. 12. U.S. EPA, "1978 Needs Survey — Cost Methodology for Control of Combined Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Discharges," EPA Report No. 430/9-79-003, February 10, 1979. o;7? -101 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE l._REPORT NO. IL ENR RE 83/03 «. Till* and Subtltl* Economic Impact Assessment Regarding R82-3, A Site Specific Exemption for the Alton Water Company r. Aufhor(t) Linda Huff, Thomas Straits 3. RscipUnft Acccttlon No. 5. Report Date March 1984 &. Performing Orsanlzatlon Rapt. No. 9. Performing Oixanlzation Name and Address Huff and Huff, Inc. 140 N. LaGrange Rd, Suite 18 LaGrange, IL 60527 10. Pro(ect/Ta»k/Work Unit No. 80.280 U. ContracttC) or Grant(C) No. (O (G) 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address IL Dept of Energy and Natural Resources 325 W. Adams Springfield, IL 62706 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Final 14. IS. Supplementary Notes 18. Ab«tract (Limit 200 words) The study examines the potential costs and benefits associated with proposed regulation R82-3 which concerns a site specific exemption for the Alton Water Company from the suspended solids effluent standard. To determine the costs and benefits, three scenarios were evaluated: 1) existing conditions; 2) partial treatment of discharge; and 3) full treatment. Costs ranged from $0 to $517,000 and benefits ranged from $0 to $5,200. 17. Document Analysis a. Descriptors Regulations Water pollution b. Identlfieri/OpenEnded Terms Benefit/ cost analysis Illinois c. COSATI rield/Greup 05-C IS. Availability statement ^q feStriCtiOn and distribution. | is. security. a..sCThi. Report) Available from the IL Depository Libraries or fvnrti Unclassified National Technical Information Services (NTIS) 1 20. security a.ssfThis Page) ^ ' ! Unclassified 21. No. of Pages 81 • 22. Price iee ANSl-239.18) Se:' Inslructioni on Reverse OPTIONAL FORM 272 C*- (Formerly NTIS-35) Department of Commerce 77) 'JN.VEfiS.TyoF,u,N0.8