Brown University The Gorthell Library IN The John Hay Library Building Providence, Rhode Island 1912 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates 0 7- 'K'R VS# \\ j \ General Statement of the contents of “THE CORTHELL LIBRARY” in John Hay Library Building- Brown University, Providence, R. I. T HIS Library is a collection made during forty-five years (1867-1911) of professional work as a Civil and Consulting Engineer, interested also in Geography, Science and Engineering Education, with a membership — exclusive of military and patriotic socie- ties and clubs, etc.— in 18 societies in the United States and 17 in other countries. Of late years the founder of the Library has arranged for making it, as it will be at Brown University, not only truly a research and reference library, but a growing one, to increase continually for all time, thus making the chain complete from the earliest, or at least earlier, publications of societies, etc., to the latest of this and the coming centuries. Its principal features are those of Civil Engineering, but Geography and Science have an important place in the Library. There is a card index in the Library which, up to the present time, contains about 8,000 cards and 20,000 references, and comprises most of the contents of the Library. Following is a list of the Societies and Institutions of which the Founder is a member, life member or honorary member. The current Proceedings and Transactions will be found on the reading table and the bound volumes on the shelves. Foreign Societies 1. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. Member. Entire collection bound, about 40 volumes. 2. Institution of Civil Engineers, London. Member. Entire collection bound, about HO volumes. 3. Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France. Membre d’Honneur. Entire collection bound, about 170 volumes. 4. Institution of Engineers of the River Plate. Member. 5. Sociedad dos Engenheiros de Portugal. Membro honorario. 5 volumes, unbound. 6. La Asociacion de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de Mexico. Member. 5 volumes, unbound. 7. Le Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, Buenos Aire&. Contributing Member. 4 volumes, bound; 5 volumes, unbound. 8. Royal Society of Arts, London. Fellow. Com- plete collection. 9. Royal Geographical Society, London. Fellow. Complete collection. 10. International Association of Navigation Con- gresses, Brussels. Life Member. 30 volumes, 1890-1908. Believed to be the most complete collection in the United States. 11. International Association of Road Congresses (Congres de la Route), Paris. Life Member. 5 volumes, Congress of 1910 at Brussels. [ 2 ] 12. International Maritime Association, Paris. Mem- ber. 2 volumes, unbound. 13. Club dos Engeneiros, Rio de Janeiro. Life Mem- ber. 1 volume, unbound. 14. International Association of Tests of Materials. Member. 1 volume, bound. 15. Centro de Navigacion Transatlantica, Buenos Aires. Honorary Member. 16. International Congres du Froid, Paris. Member. 4 volumes, unbound, and large number of Bul- letins. 17. Geographic and Scientific Society of Mexico. Miembro Honorario. United States Societies 18. American Society of Civil Engineers. Member Emeritus. Collection complete, 71 volumes, bound, 1867-1911. 19. Boston Society of Civil Engineers. Member. (Journal of the Association), 45 volumes, bound, 1882-1911. 20. Western Society of Engineers, Chicago, 111. Member. Complete collection, 1879-1911. Bound volumes. 21. Engineering Association of Michigan. Honorary Member. (The Technic), 5 volumes, un- bound. 22. Society for the Promotion of Engineering Educa- tion. Member. Complete collection, 19 vol- umes, bound, 1893-1911. 23. American Society for Testing Materials. Member. Complete collection, 12 volumes, bound, 1899- 1912. [ 3 ] 24. National Association of Cement Users. Member. 3 volumes, bound, 1909-1911. 25. National Geographic Society, Washington. Mem- ber. 11 volumes, bound, Vols. 12-22. 26. American Geographical Society, New York. Fellow. 23 volumes, bound, 1888-1911. 27. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Fellow. 35 volumes, bound, 1876- 1911; also “Science,” 18 volumes, bound, Vols. 15-32. 28. American Railway Engineering Association. Mem- ber. Complete collection, 13 volumes, bound. 29. American Association of Highway Improvement, Washington. Member. 30. National Highways Association. Member . 31. American Institute of Consulting Engineers. Member. 32. Pan American Chamber of Commerce. Founder. 33. Geographical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco. Life Member. 34. Society of the Phi Beta Kappa, Brown Chapter. Member. 35. Society of the Sigma Xi. Member. Periodicals, Books and Reports 1. Engineering, London. Complete set, 1866-1911, 92 volumes, bound. 2. Annales des Ponts et Chaussees. Complete set, bound. 3. Le Genie Civil. Vols. 47-59, bound, 1905-1911. 4. Engineering Magazine. Vols. 9-41, 1895-1911, bound. 5. Engineering News. Vols. 17-66, 1887-1911, bound. [ 4 ] 6. Engineering Record. Vols. 49-64, 1897-1911, bound. 7. Railroad Gazette and Railway Age Gazette. 1870-1911 (some missing), bound. 8. Poor’s Manual of Railroads. 1888-1911, 24 volumes. 9. Annual Reports Chief of Engineers, U. S. A., Rivers and Harbors. Complete collection from 1870 to 1911. 10. Cement Age. Vols. 1-10 and 11. 10 volumes, bound. 11. American Institute Mining Engineers. Vols. 19- 26, bound. 12. British Association Advancement of Science. 1881- 1885. 13. Proceedings International Engineering and Water Commerce Congress, Chicago, 1893. Civil, Mechanical, Mining, Naval and Military En- gineering. 10 volumes, bound. 14. Transactions American Society Mechanical Engi- neers. 17 volumes, 1880-1896, bound. 15. N. Y. & Conn. Railroad Comm. Annual Reports. 16 volumes, bound. 16. Reports and Records, Isthmian Canal Commission. 17. Boston Rapid Transit Commission, Annual Re- ports. 15 volumes, bound. 18. Books on Roads and Electric Transmission. 20 volumes, bound. 19. Books on Railroads and Highways. 13 volumes, bound. 20. Spons Dictionary of Engineering. 8 volumes. 21. Appleton’s Cyclopedia of Drawing. 22. Cyclopedia of Engineering, Cresy. 2 volumes. 23. Mississippi River Annual Reports, 1881-1903. [5] 24. Commerce and Navigation, U. S. Government Re- ports. 9 volumes. 25. Harbors and Ports, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Transcontinental Triangulations. 18 volumes. 26. Traite des Eaux, Picard. 7 volumes. 27. Concurso of Rosario Port Works. 12 volumes, 1900. 28. Report of U. S. Commerce and Navigation. 6 volumes. 29. Transports et Tariffs, Colson. 1898. 30. Rivers, Harbors and Ports, Miscellaneous. 36 volumes. 32. Inland Navigation, Germany. 12 volumes. 33. Barge Canals, New York, Reports. Bound, 8 volumes. 34. Reports Royal Commission Canals and Water- ways, Great Britain. 15 volumes, 1906-1911. 35. Naval, Mahan. 2 volumes (Influence of Sea Power) . 36. Naval Annual, Brassey. 8 volumes. 37. International Engineering Congress, Glasgow, 1901. 9 volumes, bound. 38. Merchant Vessels, U. S. 6 volumes. 39. Blue Book American Shipping. 8 volumes. 40. Reports Commissioner of Navigation, U. S. 4 volumes. 41. Port of Bilbao, Annual Reports, 1889-1911, and 111. History. 1 volume. 42. Commercial Relations, U. S. 8 volumes. 43. International Marine Conference, Washington. 44. Der Wasserbau, by Keehn. 2 volumes, German. 45. Cour des Travaux Maritimes, Rochemont. 2 volumes text, 1 volume plates. 46. Lloyd’s and Bureau Veritas. 7 volumes. [ 6 ] 47. Brazilian Yearbook, 1908. 48. Books on Cement, Concrete and Reinforced Con- crete. 14 volumes. 49. Eclairage des Cotes de France. 6 volumes, 1900-10. 50. Instruction et fonctionnement et Dessins sur le Balisage. 3 volumes. French. 51. Eads Bridge, St. Louis. History, 111. 1868-1875. 52. Egyptian Irrigation, Wilcox. 2 volumes. 53. Dictionary Electrical Terms. 54. Panama Canal. 71 books and pamphlets. 55. Nicaragua Canal. 8 books. 56. Tehuantepec Ship Railway. 8 books. 57. General Interoceanic. 5 books. 58. Isthmian Treaties. 1 volume. 59. Suez Canal, Voisin Bey. 10 books. 60. Statistique de la Navigation Interieure. 12 volumes. 61. La Navigation des E. U., Vetillart. 2 volumes. 62. Jetties, South Pass, Mississippi River. 8 books. 63. Mississippi River. 7 books. 64. General River Engineering, American and For- eign. 24 books. 65. Rapid Transit. Large package. 66. Pan American Railway Surveys. 8 volumes. 67. Water Supply, Humber. Large volume. 68. Sewerage, Latham. Large volume. 69. Sewerage, Rawlinson. Large volume. 70. British and Foreign Harbors, Rennie. 2 large volumes. Very valuable. 71. The Forth Bridge, illustrated. 2 volumes. 72. Geological Survey. 6 volumes. 73. Jungfrau Bahn. 2 volumes, illustrated. 74. Harbor Construction, Shield. [7] 75. Dock Construction, Colson. 76. International Scientific Congress, Buenos Aires, 1910. 77. Ports of the Kingdom of Italy. 5 volumes, 1910. (Italian.) 78. Mississippi River Charts. 3 portfolios. 79. Pennsylvania Railroad Station, N. Y. 2 sets plans and 3 volumes. 80. Engineering Index. 2 volumes, 1896-1905-6, annual. 81. Engineering Index. Volumes 1906-11. 82. Dock and Harbor Engineering, Cunningham. 2 volumes. 83. The Seacoast, by Wheeler. 84. Lives of the Engineers, Smiles. 5 volumes. 85. Large scrapbooks. 10 volumes. 86. The Engineer. 3 volumes, 1 868-69. — Precedes “Engineering.” 87. Hydraulics of Great Rivers, Revy. 88. Record of Modern Engineering, Humber. 89. Life of Robert Stephenson. 2 volumes. 90. Letters and Addresses, James B. Eads. 91. Harbors and Docks, Rivers and Canals, Harcourt. 4 volumes. 92. Rankine’s Works. 4 volumes., 93. Materials of Engineering, Thurston. 3 volumes. 94. Harbors, Canals, Rivers, Stevenson. 95. Bridge Laws of the U. S. Several volumes. 96. Theory of Strains, Stoney. 97. Several Reports by Eads. 98. Reports on New York and New Jersey Bridge over North River. 3 volumes. 99. Monetary Reports. Casasus. 100. Irrigation in India, Wilson. 3 volumes. [ 8 ] 1 101. Irrigation, Mead and Newell. Also an extensive bibliography, same subject. 102. Tunneling, Drinker. 103. Washington Bridge, illustrated, New York City. 104. Advisory Board Consulting Engineers Barge Canals. 1908-10. 105. American Dredging Operations. 1890-1900. 106. Ure’s Dictionary Arts, Manufactures and Mines. 3 volumes. 107. Tests, University of Illinois. 17 reports. 108. Port of Montevideo. 7 volumes, 2 portfolios. 109. Argentine. Miscellaneous books, papers, charts, reports. 110. Brazil. Miscellaneous books, papers, charts, reports. 111. Report, 111. Central Railroad, Corthell. 112. International Asscn. Testing Materials. Reports. 113. Marine Review (unbound), 1904-1911 114. Scientific American (unbound), 1904-1911. 115. Reports on Bridges, illustrated folios, Morison, Omaha, Rulo, Blair, Sioux City, Bellefontaine, Bismarck, Nebraska City, Plattsmouth, Cairo, Memphis. 116. Thames River Bridge, Boiler. 117. Elbe Bridge, Gleim. 118. Engineering Organizations of the World. 2 large packages. 119. Engineering Education. Large package. The above two subjects are the result of a long investigation and comprise data of very considerable value to Engineers and Profes- sors of Engineering. 120. U. S. Canals and Locks. 6 sheets. 121. Passenger Terminals of the World. Pamphlet Case. 2 large packages, same subject. [ 9 ] 4 122. 13 packages containing following: (a) New Orleans Bridge project, (b) Reports on Rail- roads. (c) Specifications, Railroads, Bridges, etc. (d) General Specifications, (e) Mouth Mississippi River, (f) Reports, Harbors and Ports, Ship Railways, Nicaragua Canal, Large Bridges, (g) Literary Productions of E. L. Corthell, 2 packages. 123. Package, La Ingenieria, three years, unbound. 124. Package, Bulletin, Pan American Union. 125. The 103 large pamphlet cases contain reports and data on a large variety of subjects — 11 on Bridges, 6 on Canals, 19 on Harbors and Ports, 2 on Waterways, 2 on Navigation, others on Cement, Concrete, Dredges, Electricity, Re- frigeration, Hydrographic, Mexico, Nicaragua Canal, Panama Canal, Metric System, Rail- roads and Appliances, Highways, Terminals, Waterways, etc. In pigeonhole cases are rolled charts and plans on many of the above subjects. The above are some of the important contents, but as there are about 7,000 volumes and reports and pamphlets, the card catalogue must be referred to for further in- formation. One of the most important features of the Library, outside of its use as a research and reference library, is the literature on the Reading Table , consisting of current Proceedings and Transactions of Institutions, Societies, Congresses, etc., as per list at the beginning of this state- ment ; also current issues of the following Papers, Reports and Periodicals, regularly published : [ 10 ] (1) (2) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) (6) ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 10 ) (ID ( 12 ) ( 13 ) ( 14 ) ( 15 ) ( 16 ) ( 17 ) ( 18 ) ( 19 ) ( 20 ) Annales des Ponts et Chaussees, Partie Technique. Isthmian Canal Commission. Professional Memoirs, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. Annual Reports, Chief of Engineers, U. S. A. Poor’s Manual of Railroads. Le Genie Civil. Engineering News. Engineering Record. Railway Age Gazette. Engineering Magazine. Engineering, London. Scientific American. Cement Age. Engineering Index. La Ingeneiria (Buenos Aires). U. S. Daily Consular Reports and Bound Volumes with Indexes. Bulletin Pan American Union. Marine Review. Barge Canals, Current and Annual Reports. 1 tr [ 11 ] 4 Copies of this statement will be placed on file with the following, viz. — The Librarian of the Corthell Library, the Librarian of the Brown University Library, the Providence Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Providence Chapter of the American So- ciety of Mechanical Engineers, the Boston Society of Civil Engineers, the Dean of the Scientific School of Harvard University, the Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and the Engineering Departments of Brown University. Elmer Lawrence Corthell, Dr. Sc., Civil and Consulting Engineer. North Egremont, Mass., and 149 Broadway, New York City, May 18th, 1912. [ 12 ]