3 6 $. B INTRODUCTORY. In order to afford the public the earliest information possible in relation to the financial condition of all the Fire, Marine, and Fire- Marine Insurance Companies authorized to transact business in Massachusetts on the first day of January, 1877, the following Summary has been prepared by the Insurance Commissioner, in advance of the Annual Report. The Statements rendered by the Companies having been subjected to a careful scrutiny, it is believed that the amounts here given will not vary essentially from those hereafter to be published in full detail. The custom of the Department in excluding assets of questionable insurance value, office furniture, supplies, etc., has been continued in this instance. Members of the Legislature, and the public generally, will be supplied with copies of this Tabulation upon application at the Insurance Department, No, 33 Pemberton Square. 4 MASSACHUSETTS INSURANCE CO’S. [Dee. 31 Massachusetts Mutual Fire Insurance Companies. NAME OF COMPANY. Cash Assets. Premium Notes. Liabilities, in¬ cluding Un¬ earned Pre¬ miums. Surplus as regards Policy¬ holders. Abington, .... . #32,080 #80,110 #22,886 #9,194 Annisquam, 5,841 24,713 - _i Arkwright, .... 163,962 905,574 90,900 73,062 Ashfield, .... - - . - - Attleborough, 10,504 33,492 4,213 6,291 Barnstable County, . 78,046 136,498 34,308 43,738 Berkshire, .... 52,829 133,815 33,615 19,214 Boot Manufacturers’^ 3,452 9,993 2,785 . 667 Boston Manufacturers’, 341,180 1,772,479 177,432 163,748 Bristol County, . 1,171 721,852 6,009 - 1 Cambridge,.... 83,788 74,012 38,393 45,395 Citizens’, .... 260,335 309,059 158,858 101,477 City,. 16,825 4,679 2,339 . 14,486 Cohasset, .... 4,933 29,543 5,268 —335 Conway, .... 27,696 114,663 40,963 —13,267 Cotton and Woolen Manuf., 7,379 4,333 6,390 989 Dedham, .... 48,058 34,731 11,187 36,871 Dorchester,.... 175,081 164,000 100,058 75,023 Essex,. 31,408 23,971 12,350 19,058 Factory, 3 .... 5,899 16,756 4,719 1,180 Fall River Manufacturers’, 90,722 383,405 43,320 47,402 Fitchburg (1st class), 143,583 224,697 116,644 26,939 Fitchburg (2d class),. 79,918 17,225 11,723 68,195 Franklin, .... 40,496 141,185 45,690 —5,194 Groveland, .... 64 67,735 2,415 _ 4 Hampshire, 54,706 92,128 23,315 31,391 Hingham, .... 310,164 672,840 169,616 140,548 Holyoke, 8 .... 422,553 322,163 163,071 259,482 1 This company charges a cash premium adequate for expenses only, and relies on assess¬ ments on deposit notes to pay losses. 1 Commenced business September 1, 1876. 8 Commenced business August 1, 1876. # This company charges no cash premium. 6 Guarantee capital, $100,000. 1876.] MASSACHUSETTS INSURANCE CO’S 5 Massachusetts Mutual Fire Insurance Cofnpanies —Continued. NAME OF COMPANY. Cash Assets. Premium Notes. Liabilities, in¬ cluding Un¬ earned Pre¬ miums. Surplus as regards Policy¬ holders. Home, 1 . $8,691 - $10,788 —$2,097 Lowell,. 43,162 $67,981 11,330 31,832 Lynn,. 44,771 96,774 18,699 26,072 Massachusetts, 2 .... 291,845 - 58,205 233,640 Mechanics’, 2 . . . 229,871 - 31,678 198,193 Merchants and Farmers’, . 213,248 236,401 125,997 87,251 Merrimack, .... 164,327 179,817 96,726 67,601 Middlesex,. 327,480 269,763 136,052 191,428 Milford,. 7,330 16,490 4,205 3,125 Mill Owners’, .... 50,819 307,339 30,734 20,085 Mutual Fire Assurance, 98,665 123,024 31,261 67,404 Mutual Protection, 27,394 19,236 13,768 13,626 Newburyport, .... 21,745 17,724 4,631 17,114 Norfolk,. 265,214 509,637 139,646 125,568 Quincy,. 356,747 426,088 202,705 154,042 Salem,. 28,723 19,721 12,612 16,111 Salisbury and Amesbury, . 3,870 24,619 1,369 2,501 Saugus,. 893 308,016 1,802 -i South Danvers, .... 46,555 43,274 11,552 35,003 Suffolk, 24 . 227,446 - 23,493 203,953 Traders and Mechanics’, . 222,063 280,022 118,382 103,681 Westfield,. 7,734 22,901 5,786 . 1,948 Westford,. 450 12,358 3,090 —2,640 West Newbury, .... - ’96,909 972 .3 Weymouth and Braintree, 11,379 76,350 20,561 —9,182 Whately,. 166 21,230 - - Worcester Manufacturers’, 166,574 732,265 83,847 82,727 Worcester Mutual, 459,059 948,651 243,663 215,396 1 Commenced business May 6, 1876. 8 Guarantee capital, $200,000. 8 This company charges a cash premium adequate for expenses only, and relies on assess, ments on deposit notes to pay losses. * Re-insured and closing up. 6 MASSACHUSETTS INSURANCE CO’S [Dec. 31 Massachusetts Mutual-Marine and Fire-Marine Insurance Com¬ panies. NAME OF COMPANY. Guarantee Fund. Gross Assets. Liabilities, in¬ cluding Un¬ earned Pre¬ miums.* Surplus as regards Policy¬ holders. Atlantic Mut. Fire and Marine, #100,000 #257,474! #40,308 2 #217,166 Boylston Mutual, 1,000,000 1,465,9463 314,801 * 4 * 6 1,151,145 China Mutual (Marine), . - 1,353,491 348,130® 1,005,361 Commercial Mutual (Marine),. 200,000 256,971 s 41,086 7 215,885 Gloucester Mutual Fishing, - - - - India Mutual (Fire and Marine), 144,500 361,721 8 * * 135,581® 226,140 New England Mutual (Fire and Marine),. 350,000 547,138 19 173,698 373,440 Union Mutual Marine, 11 . 2,400 409,505 12 66,604 13 342,901 * Scrip outstanding is not computed a liability, I Including $100,000 subscription notes. 8 Including $442,800 subscription notes. 6 Scrip outstanding, $686,500. 7 Scrip outstanding, $13,637. 9 Scrip outstanding, $61,364. II Closing up. 18 Scrip outstanding,;$434,374, as regards policy-holders, in this statement. 2 Scrip outstanding, $82,104. 4 Scrip outstanding, $63,840. 6 Including $200,000 subscription notes. 8 Including $144,500 subscription notes. 10 Including $142,000 subscription notes. 12 Including $2,400 subscription notes. 1876.] MASSACHUSETTS INSURANCE CO’S 7 Massachusetts Joint-Stock Insurance Companies. NAME OF COMPANY. Cash Capital. Gross Assets. Liabilities, in¬ cluding Un¬ earned Pre¬ miums. Surplus as regards Policy¬ holders. Alliance,. $200,000 $278,167 $86,940 $191,227 American,. 300,000 558,115 130,371 427,744 Beverly,. 50,000 51,963 2,172 49,791 Boston Marine, .... 500,000 ; 1,374,561 647,311 727,250 Commonwealth. 300,000 435,834 80,604 355,230 Dwelling-House, 300,000 375,552 44,560 330,992 Eliot,. 200,000 399,510 68,512 330,998 Equitable Marine, 17,000 47,111 19,661 27,450 Faneuil Hall, .... 400,000 519,902 123,430 396,472 Firemen’s Fire. 300,000 669,407 146,189 523,218 First National Fire, . 100,000 242,540 69,154 173,386 Franklin of Boston, . 200,000 288,125 65,200 222,925 Globe,. 200,000 225,881 28,412 197,469 Gloucester Fire, .... 100,000 189,990 55,554 134,436 Manufacturers’ Fire and Marine, 500,000 1,229,032 431,224 797,808 Mercantile Marine, . 300,000 706,284 103,350 602,934 Neptune Fire and Marine, 300,000 638,771 210,483 428,288 North American, 200,000 329,655 45,532 284,123 Prescott,. 200,000 385,804 100,811 284,993 Revere Fire, .... 200,000 268,375 48,671 219,704 Salem Marine, .... 100,000 287,193 71,207' 215,986 Shawmut,. 500,000 580,150 97,349 482,801 Shoe and Leather, 300,000 642,033 210,696 431,337 Springfield Fire and Marine, . 750,000 1,515,672 513,538 1,002,134 Traders and Mechanics’, . 100,000 168,766 31,063 137,703 Washington Fire and Marine, . 400,000 879,604 | 267,147 612,457 8 COMPANIES OF OTHER STATES, [Dec. 31 Insurance Companies of other States. NAME OF COMPANY. Cash Capital. Gross Assets. Liabilities, in¬ cluding Un¬ earned Pre¬ miums.* Surplus as regards Policy¬ holders. iEtna, Connecticut, . $3,000,000 $7,115,624 1 $2,170,388 $4,945,236 JEtna, New York, 200,000 293,050 36,943 256,107 Amazon, Ohio, .... 500,000 930,163 416,551 513,612 American, Newark, . 632,435i 1,303,245 134,848 1,168,397 American Central, St. Louis, . 300,000 741,272 238,427 502,845 American Fire, Philadelphia, . 400,000 1,280,976 509,916 771,060 Amity, New York, . . . 200,000 231,717 26,472 205,245 Arctic, New York, 200,000 244,667 32,883 211,784 Atlantic, Brooklyn, . 200,000 457,966 148,780 309,186 Atlantic Fire and Marine, Provi¬ dence, 200,000 267,247 50,064 217,183 Atlantic Mutual, New York, . - 15,694,867 4,565,7542 11,129,113 Atlas, Connecticut, . 200,000 435,172 232,634 202,538 Bangor, Maine, .... 201,520 375,395 155,687 219,708 Buffalo, New York, . 200,000 320,188 53,070 267,118 Buffalo German, New York, 200,000 684,799 146,730 538,069 Citizens’, Newark, 200,000 501,807 337,352 164,4553 Citizens’, New York, 300,000 922,957 132,454 790,503 Citizens’, St. Louis, . . . 200,000 433,146 111,043 322,103 City, New York, 210,000 433,959 31.799 402,160 Clinton, New York, . 250,000 473,149 50,830 422,319 Columbia, New York, 300,000 359,050 46,843 312,207 Commerce, Albany, . 200,000 421,239 54,735 366,504 Commerce Fire, New York, 200,000 240,161 26,785 213,376 Commercial, New York, . 200,000 528,074 167,430 360,644 Connecticut, Connecticut, . 1,000,000 1,362,844 178,870 1,183,974 Continental, New York, . 1,000,000 3,040,085 1,196,070 4 1,844,015 * Scrip outstanding is not computed a liability, as regards policy-holders, in this statement, i Represented by scrip pledged to meet losses. 2 Scrip outstanding, $8,827,340. » Capital restored since January 1, 1877. 4 Scrip outstanding, $58,725. me.] COMPANIES OE OTHER STATES. 0 Insurance Companies of other States —Continued. NAME OF COMPANY. Cash Capital. Gross Assets. Liabilities, in¬ cluding Un¬ earned Pre¬ miums.* Surplus as regards Policy¬ holders. Delaware Mutual Safety, Phila¬ delphia, . $360,000 $2,374,497 $478,4761 $1,896,021 Enterprise, Ohio, 300,000 435,427 92,278 343,149 Equitable, Nashville, 220,000 314,724 88,222 226,502 Equitable Fire and Marine, Providence, .... 200,000 344,909 71,883 273,026 Exchange, New York, 200,010 398,547 65,078 333,469 Fairfield Fire, Connecticut, 200,000 305,314 70,391 234,923 Farragut, New York, 200,000 436,921 81,689 355,232 Fire Association, Pennsylvania, 500,000 3,621,151 2,273,672 1,347,479 Firemen’s, Newark, . . 400,000 977,438 148,385 829,053 Firemen’s, New York, 204,000 350,721 38,257 312,464 Firemen’s, Dayton, . 250,000 423,252 95,465 327,787 Fireman’s Fund, California, 300,000 703,622 301,430 402,192 Franklin Fire, New York, 200,000 248,320 46,761 201,559 Franklin Fire, Philadelphia, 400,000 3,352,865 2,186,135 1,166,730 Germania, Newark, . 225,000 299,254 71,249 228,005 Germania, New York, 500,000 1,717,849 523,049 1,194,800 German American, New York, 1,000,000 2,226,553 574,715 1,651,838 Girard, Pennsylvania, 300,000 1,112,277 391,789 720,488 Glen’s Falls, New York, . 200,000 819,175 313,575 505,600 Great Western, New York, 662,080 1,100,023 217,906 £82,117 Guaranty, New York, 200,000 280,939 69,455 211,484 Guardian, New York, 200,000 302,940 45,277 257,663 Hanover, New York, 500,000 1,642,883 633,489 1,009,394 Hartford, Connecticut, 1,000,000 3,273,869 1,173,319 • 2,100,550 Hoffman, New York, 200,000 387,992 82,307 305,685 Home, Ohio, .... , 250,000 481,645 120,852 360,793 Home, Newark, .... 200,000 255,836 41,564 214,272 Home, New York, 3,000,000 6,104,651 2,101,867 4,002,784 Howard, New York, . 500,000 793,913 103,290 690,623 * Scrip outstanding is not computed a liability, as regards policy-holders, in this statement, 1 Scrip outstanding $1,099,720. 2 10 COMPANIES OE OTttEft STAGES. [Dee. 31, Insurance Companies of other States —Continued. NAME OF COMPANY. Cash Capital. Gross Assets. Liabilities, in¬ cluding Un¬ earned Pre¬ miums.* Surplus as regards Policy¬ holders. Humboldt, New Jersey, . $200,000 $294,697 $82,544 $212,153 Insurance Company of North America, Pennsylvania,. 2,000,000 6,601,884 2,235,511 4,366,373 Insurance Company of State of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, 200,000 621,974 240,388 381,586 Irving, New York, . 200,000 310,333 49,234 261,099 Lamar, New York, . 200,000 411,269 78,497 332,772 Lorillard, New York, 300,000 476,287 65,959 410,328 Manayunk, Pennsylvania, 200,000 246,252 35,721 210,531 Manhattan, New York, . 250,000 850,658 293,517 557,141 Manufacturers’, New Jersey, . 200,000 308,988 88,387 220,601 Mercantile, Cleveland, 200,000 377,880 67,056 310,824 Mercantile, New York, 200,000 297,553 31,837 265,716 Mercantile Mutual, New York, 500,000 949,979 271,756 678,223 Merchants’, Newark,. 200,000 1,003,084 302,187 1 700,897 Merchants’, New York, . 200,000 511,704 122,850 388,854 Merchants’, Providence, . 200,000 398,829 115,613 283,216 Meriden, Connecticut, 200,000 318,689 91,533 227,156 National, Hartford, . 500,000 1,040,524 215,247 825,277 National, New York, 200,000 425,685 93,777 331,908 Newark City, New Jersey, 200,000 326,215 84,316 241,899 New Hampshire Fire, New Hampshire, .... 250,000 453,195 123,325 329,870 New York City, New York, 200,000 265,767 43,137 222,630 New York and Boston, New York,. 200,000 213,003 12,991 200,012 Niagara, New York, . 500,000 1,442,445 435,508 1,006,937 Northern, New York, 250,000 366,469 72,901 293,568 Northwestern National, Wis¬ consin, . . . . 600,000 8&9,406 198,893 670,513 Orient, Connecticut, . 500,000 776,179 172,642 603,537 Orient Mutual, New York, - ' 1,296,3562 352,3383 944,018 * Scrip outstanding is not computed a liability, as regards policy-holders, in this statement. 1 Scrip outstanding, $98,539. 2 Not including $180,661.42 subscription notes in advance of premiums. 2 Scrip outstanding, not held by Company, $931,420. 1876.] COMPANIES OF OTHER STATES 11 Insurance Companies of other States —Continued. NAME OF COMPANY. Cash Capital. Gross Assets. Liabilities, in¬ cluding Un¬ earned Pre¬ miums.* Surplus as regards Policy¬ holders. Pacific, New York, . $200,000 $703,792 $93,715 $610,077 Pacific Mutual, New York, - 901,727 277,21H 624,516 Park Fire, New York, 200,000 372,722 33,637 339,085 Paterson, New Jersey, 202,700 373,020 155,008 218,012 Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, . 400,000 1,675,694 762,911 912,783 People’s, Newark, 200,000 430,774 135,3862 295,388 People’s, Trenton, 300,000 632,265 154,837 477,428 Phenix, Brooklyn, 1,000,000 2.792,903 906,557 1,886,346 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 200,000 272,422 64,731 207,691 Phoenix, Hartford, . 1,000,000 2,407,531 875,280 1,532,251 Providence Washington, . 400,000 601,556 161,639 439,917 Reading, Pennsylvania, 200,000 303,905 62,222 241,683 Relief, New York, . . % . 200,000 347,574 63,986 283,588 Resolute, New York, 200,000 248,341 45,071 203,270 Richmond Fire, Virginia, . 200,000 231,281 35,588 195,693 Ridgewood, New York, 200,000 331,199 50,218 280,981 Rochester German, New York, 200,000 367,185 110,118 257,067 Roger Williams, Rhode Island, 200,000 393,226 188,109 205,117 Safeguard, New York, 200,000 411,660 61,110 350,550 Security, Connecticut, 200,000 384,059 133,265 250,794 Standard, New York, 200,000 427,132 58,882 368,250 Standard, Trenton, 200,000 324,902 122,241 202,661 Star, New York, 200,000 450,713 92,715 357,998 St. Joseph, Missouri,. 220,000 420,245 93,465 326,780 St. Louis, Missouri, . 240,000 347,001 105,853 241,148 St. Nicholas, New York, . 200,000 329,537 69,977 259,560 St. Paul F. & M., Minnesota, . 400,000 943,661 325,665 617,996 Sun, Philadelphia, 200,000 280,301 61,254 219,047 Toledo, Ohio, .... 200,000 252,392 44,131 208,261 Trade, New Jersey, . 200,000 316,231 87,637 228,594 * Scrip outstanding is not computed a liability, as regards policy-holders, in this statement. 1 Scrip outstanding, not held by Company, $584,923. 2 Scrip outstanding, $1,979, redeemable only in payment of renewals. 12 COMPANIES OF OTHER STATES. [Dec. 31, Insurance Companies of other States —Concluded. NAME OF COMPANY. Cash Capital. Gross Assets. Liabilities, in¬ cluding Un¬ earned Pre¬ miums. Surplus as regards Policy¬ holders. Traders’, Illinois, $500,000 $824,329 $145,409 $678,920 Union Marine and Fire, Texas, 200,000 252,699 38,273 214,426 Virginia, Virginia, 250,000 584,697 198,160 386,537 Watertown, New York, . : 200,000 725,819 461,064 264,755 Westchester, New York, . 300,000 861,409 359,909 501,500 Williamsburgh City, New York, 250,000 848,511 191,687 656,824 United States Branches , Foreign Companies. NAME OF COMPANY. Assets. Liabilities. Surplus. British America,. $666,070 $242,107 $423,963 Commercial Union,. 813,390 389,494 423,896 Guardian Assurance,. 773,305 60,681 712,624 Hamburg Bremen, . . . . 667,787 184,938 482,849 Imperial Fire,. 908,529 267,972 640,557 Lancashire,. 495,109 282,162 212,947 Liverpool and London and Globe,. 3,652,063 1,837,396 1,814,667 London Assurance,. 905,878 227,394 678,484 Northern Assurance,. 561,308 161,354 399,954 North British and Mercantile, 1,767,277 780,518 986,759 Queen,. 1,422,571 527,198 895,373 Royal,. 2,552,304 1,371,142 1,181,162 Royal Canadian,. 833,629 464,142 369,487 Scottish Commercial,-. 659,433 251,881 407,552 Western Assurance,. 671,684 237,302 434,382 1876,] COMPANIES OF OTHER STATES 13 Casualty Companies. NAME OF COMPANY. Cash Capital. Assets. Liabilities. Surplus. Hartford Steam-Boiler, $200,000 $265,594 $61,888 $203,706 Knickerbocker Casualty, . 100,000 114,923 6,338 108,585 Metropolitan Plate Glass,. 100,000 121,647 20,402 101,245 United States Plate Glass, 100,000 138,438 18,919 119,519