c e^U4 EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Offered by the South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts I. Ten Regular Four-year College Courses in 1. Animal Husbandry 2. Dairy Husbandry 3. Agronomy (iSoils and Crops) 4. Horticulture and Forestry 5. Home Economics 6. Mechanical Engineering 7. Civil Engineering 8. Electrical Engineering 9. Pharmacy 10. General Science The General Science Course includes work in not only the regular scientific departments—but also courses in the de¬ partments of English, Mathematics, Agricultural Journal¬ ism, Modern Languages, History, Education, etc. II. Three Regular Three-Year College Courses in Music: Voice, Pi¬ ano, Violin. III. One Regular Two-year College Course in Pharmacy . IV. One Regular Four-year Course in the School of Agriculture. V. A Number of Special Courses in Practical Business Training, Secretarial Work, Creamery Management, Cream Testing, Trac¬ tion Engineering and Farm and Home Management. For further information concerning the college in general, or con¬ cerning any particular course, address Ellwood Chappell Perisho, President SOUTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE Brookings, S. Dak. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE 1 Annual Inspection of State College Cadets, Old Armory and College Creamery in Background. This pictorial bulletin gives a few photographic impressions of student life around the campus of the South Dakota State College. From it you will see that the varied interests and enterprises of the students, together with excellent facilities for practical laboratory work, combine to make college life exceedingly attractive and 'profitable. State College gradu¬ ates make good because their training is practical and interesting. Pro¬ spective students are invited to write for special information relative to courses and the opportunities offered for training in their State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. 2 AROUND THE CAMPUS -T Old Station, Agricultural Hall and Administration Building. Building in the Distance Engineering Ladies Dormitories, President’s Home and Deaconess Hospital. College Cadets and Band in Foreground SOUTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE 3 Looking from Gymnasium Toward Agricultural Hall—Old Station is Being Removed for the Completion of the Agricultural Building The New Armory m m 4 AROUND THE CAMPUS School of Agriculture—Corn Judgin or O • Agronomy—Juniors in Soils Laboratory SOUTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE 5 Farm and Home Course—Corn Judging Agronomy—A Student at Work 6 AROUND THE CAMPUS Animal Husbandry Views One of the Stock Barns. Veterinary Laboratory. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE 7 Veterinary—Examining Diseased Blood. Veterinary Lecture, Farm and Home Course Veterinary—Hyper House 8 AROUND THE CAMPUS Dairy Husbandry Building * Pride of the Dairy Herd. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE 9 Entomology Laboratory Botany Laboratory 10 AROUND THE CAMPUS f Engineering Building and Group of Students. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE 11 Experimental Engineering—Crushing Test. Electrical Engineers Testing A Motor. 12 AROUND THE CAMPUS Several Engineers Measuring Stream Current. A Corner of the Machine Shop Woodworking Shop SOUTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE 1 3 A Corner in the Kitchen Cookery Dressmaking 14 AROUND THE CAMPUS 215 Boys from Nine Counties Camp at State College. Pharmacy Laboratory SOUTH DAKOTA STATE COLLEGE 15 General View of Athletic Field, Showing Game Between University of North Dakota and State College On Hobo Day. High School Track Meet THE STATE COLLEGE AS A PUBLIC SERVANT. The South Dakota State College is the college of the State. The name is no misnomer. It is what it claims to be. It belongs to no party or no section. It is the college of all the people and of all the parts of South Dakota. The legislature has given it a duty to perform. It has a certain mission to fill. To do what the people want—the State and the Na¬ tion have provided a faculty of about one hundred splendid men and women, all enthusiastic in their work and all anxious to do their part in helping accomplish the purpose of the State College. The College has three distinct lines of work: 1. Original research and special investigations. 2. Scholastic teaching and general instruction. 3. Agricultural extension and farm and stock demonstrations. The first of these important lines, research and. investigation, is largely done at the college in our laboratories, horticultural rooms, green houses, orchards, experimental plots, dairy, breeding pens and stock barns. The work with soil and crops on the college farm is supplemented by scientific farming at the sub-stations at Highmore, Eureka, Cottonwood and Vivian. All the collegiate, agricultural and special courses are given at the college. The other important feature of the college is the general exten¬ sion work. This is a variable field including explanations, illustra¬ tions, and demonstration for both the farm and home. Some of the special features of this department are meetings for farmers, home economic demonstration courses, dairy testing, stock examination, boys’ and girls’ clubs, women’s clubs, soil examinations and analy¬ ses, seed collecting and testing, hog cholera treatment and general help for community centers. The college is sparing neither time nor effort to help the people, especially in rural communities to make their farms more productive and their homes more attractive. The institution will gladly go to any community and help to give more efficiency to the farm and the home. ELL WOOD CHAPPELL PERISHO, President. 3 01121 5932914 ATTENDANCE FIGURES South Dakota State College has been open to students for thirty- three years. In 1884 the attendance was. 61 students In 1894 the attendance was. 276 students In 1904 the attendance w r as. 488 students In 1914-15 the attendance was more than .1000 students In 1916-17 the attendance was.1121 students The total attendance during the past twelve years has increased more than 100 percent. The attendance of agricultural students has increased nearly 400 per cent. Supplement To Yol. X July, 1917. No. 1. South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts Bulletin Published Quarterly by South Dakota State College, Brookings, S. D. Entered as second class matter Aug¬ ust 10, 1908, at the Post Office at Brookings, S. D., under Act of July 16, 1904.