If Hiisi^HiSi , . iTinimiifflw ilffllWi 8« mam m i a * ■...>:■■;■■,, SI ' ! - Fra Sffi ss £R9J3 i$ r V LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN H8564hl cop. 2 I.H.S. THE DIARY OKA CIRCUIT Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/diaryofcircuitriOOhowe Henry Howe (From an old tintype. Very likely the picture he mentions having had taken on September JO, 1867.) The DIARY of a CIRCUIT RIDER Excerpts from the Notes of Henry Hoive, Made While Travel- ing in Southern Wisconsin Between the years 1864 and 1868 as a Missionary of the Disciples of Christ Edited by JESSIE HOWE NEBELTHAU Illustrated by DOROTHY KURTZMAN PHELPS The Voyageur Press Minneapolis 1933 Copyright, 1933, by Fred T. Phelps Printed in the United States \ J DEDICATED To the Memory of My Father John Wycliffe Howe Introduction 7\r the death of my father, I came into posses- /-\ sion of the diaries of my grandfather, ■^ -^ Henry Howe. They were yellow and dim with age, but still quite legible and they form a record of great human interest. Henry Howe, son of James and Catherine, was born April 11, 1811, in Ohio. He later moved, with his parents, to Missouri and finally, to Wisconsin, where, until his death in 1868, he was a traveling missionary. He was married, in 1833, to Henrietta Nicker- son who lived but a short time. In 1837, he married Eliza Lieurance, who, also, soon went the way of all flesh. Again, in 1840, he was married, this time to Camelia Ann Davidson, who was my paternal grandmother. Their son, my father, was named John Wycliffe, for the great English reformer. Soon after his marriage to Camelia Davidson in 1840, he settled in Illinois, near the Wisconsin viii THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER line. He had a farm of 200 acres and, being a good manager, could have accumulated some money had his duty not called him to leave his farm to the care of his family and be away from home most of the time. Prior to 1868, there were no organized churches of his faith (Disciples of Christ, or Campbellites) in Wisconsin and northern Illinois. Henry Howe traveled by horse and buggy from town to town, preaching in town halls, school houses, barns and even clearings in the groves for his services and all of the Christian churches in Wisconsin at the time of his death had been organized by him. He started preaching when eighteen years of age. He was away from home much of the time and would ' * lodge " at night wherever the close of day might find him. As he had no salary, save for a short time when he was paid a small amount by the State Missionary Board, he and his family lived almost entirely on donations, as was the custom of the times. I presume that there are still living, many to whom the names in these records will be familiar. In an old history of Wisconsin I find many of them. One, in particular, whom my grandfather mentions very often, is Henry Exley. He was also a preacher and came from England. There seems to have been a keen rivalry and a constant differ- ence of opinion between them and on one occasion THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER ix Henry Howe recorded "Brother Exley preached today, a very poor effort." A few days later he confided to his diary "I preached at the morning service. Very good interest and attention appar- ent." My grandfather had a good education for his day and was possessed of a really remarkable library. There were many volumes of history, both secular and sacred, Greek and Hebrew Lexi- cons and one volume which is still remembered by older members of the family is an old Lindley Murray Grammar. It was as large as the family Bible and while it was considered authority in those days, it would not be so considered today. It was published in 1790. He was forever struggling to get more and more of his beloved books, which he would read aloud to my grandmother, who was a student of Bible literature. There are many entries in his diaries which show his love of good reading and his efforts to obtain books and periodicals. On several occasions he says, rather pathetically, "I got hold of a rather recent paper today. ' ' Recently, in the spring of the year, I traveled for the first time through the section of south- western Wisconsin where he lived and labored so long and so faithfully. From the windows of the train I saw the beautiful rolling country over which his old gray mare carried him, and, in x THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER fancy, I could almost see them jogging along over the pleasant road, he perhaps, deep in the thought of what he would say to the "Brethren" at the evening service. The rivers and streams were swollen with the early thaws, and the heavy rains, which so often prevented him from traveling, were falling on the ground which he had cultivated with his own hands and where his mortal remains now lie. Just across the state line, in Illinois, I saw a weather beaten hotel, sadly in need of paint, and across the front was painted the name, Hotel Noble. I could not help but wonder if it might not have belonged, originally, to one of the numerous Nobles who were Henry Howe's neighbors and friends. Among my grandfather's papers I found some notes on a sermon. I wish that I could reproduce these notes in his quaint hand writing, but they were done in pencil and are very dim and scarcely legible. The subject of the sermon is "Christ the Great Teacher." He has written, "Notice man's natural wants, physically, spiritually and intellec- tually. Physically and intellectually he does not need a teacher coming from God, but spiritually he does. He (man) is filled with unsatisfied long- ings and anxieties. His ability to believe testimony or exercise faith is the only means or facility in himself meeting the case. Hence, the need of a THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER xi teacher who possesses knowledge of man's origin, wants and destiny. He must not reason or philoso- phize on the subject, but present facts known to himself to enlighten man and give him faith that he may walk by it every day. Now, such a teacher is Christ. He was foretold many hundred years before His birth. Note His wonderful character, His power over nature, His teaching of a reliable and perfect standard of right and truth. He formed a school to educate teachers. He author- ized them and qualified them to be His mouth piece to all mankind. ' ' The last five years of the life of Henry Howe, the only ones of which the records remain, were in the Civil War period and the period of reconstruc- tion which followed. An entry on April 15, 1865, contains this news: "Went to town to get my mare shod and received intelligence of the death of the President and Sec. Seward." This news was not entirely correct, as Secretary Seward did not die at that time, although his death was re- ported after an attempt had been made on his life. The last entry, in May, 1868, is very brief : ' ' I am very unwell, having strong indications of Lung Fever." He died two weeks later of Pneumonia and it is not surprising as he baptized people in the lakes and rivers at all seasons of the year. Henry Howe was only fifty-seven years old at the time of his death, but he had endured hard- xii THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER ships and privations which make our lives appear easy and comfortable by comparison. John T. Brown, writing of him in a book called i ' Churches of Christ" (John T. Morton Co., Louisville, Ken- tucky, 1904), says: "He traveled on foot and on horseback, through winter's cold and sleet and the heat of the summer, through poverty and hard- ship and died a poor man. Thanks be to God he is only awaiting the general resurrection to take his seat in Heaven at God's right hand. He left his family a wonderful heritage, a noble example of Christian fortitude. ' ' I trust that the following excerpts from his diaries will not be too personal to be of general interest. To me they are an eloquent commentary on the times in which he lived. As such, I offer them in the hope that in these days of economic stress the financial transactions in them may in- terest and possibly amuse my readers. It was evidently as hard to get money in those days as it is now. I was immensely amused at my grand- father's account of his efforts in that direction on one particular occasion. He says: "I ascer- tained that I could get $100. of Bro. S. so I hitched my mare and drove to his place. Got nothing but a tirade of abuse. ' ' In closing, may I express the hope that you who read the diaries of this pioneer may be impressed as I have been, with the realization that we of THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER xiii today in America came from good, hardy stock. We may have, in a measure, outgrown the primi- tive gospel which Henry Howe preached, but we are sadly in need of the faith and courage which the men of his day displayed. Jessie Howe Nebelthau. Minneapolis, Minnesota The Diary of a Circuit Rider The Diary of a Circuit Rider 1864 January 1. Preached at Bethel. January 8. Settled Westley Fessenden 's busi- ness with E. S. Fessenden. January 11. Gave my wife $3. January 15. I am to go to Skinner. Preached there at night. January 17. Preached at 11 and at seven. January 19. Returned from Skinner and found my wife much better. Sylvanus Fessenden was a visitor at my house. Heard from Ellen Sturgess, by post. January 22. Just tolerable turn out at Bethel. I preached there at night. 4 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER January 23. Paid to Brother Young $2. Paid to Mary Olney $3. for work up to this date. Preached at night. An English Episcopalian was in the audi- ence. An interested and respectful hearer. January 24. I preached at the morning service, the Episcopalian, at night. January 25. Eeceived of D. J. Howe, $10. of threshing money. January 26. Very raw and cold. My Catarrhal difficulty is very troublesome. February 4. Started on the cars for Janesville and Eichland Center to hold meetings. Stayed at Warren over night and lodged with Br. Arnold. February 5. Started from Warren. Detained at Freeport until 2. Lodged at old Br. Coryell's, there being no previous appointment for meeting. February 6. Preached at Richland Center to small turn out. Text 1 of Acts. February 7. Preached at 11. The heavy storm and the fact that there was no heat in the meeting house, prevented meeting. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 5 February 8. Made arrangements with some of the Brethren to have Ed's goods hauled. Ffbruary 9. Sold some pork for $7.90. Sold an old stove for $12. Paid to Br. Coryell $4. for haul- ing goods to Monroe. Paid $2. for crates and pack- ing boxes. February 14. Preached at night and James Parks and wife and Mary Parks confessed their faith. February 16. Compelled to close the meeting on account of the cold. February 17. Spent some time at Brother John Ely's. February 18. At home all day reading and re- flecting. March 1. Received by the hand of Peter Noble, $8. for the church. March 3. Accommodated D. J. Howe to the amount of $3. Saw H. Olney in town and he identi- fied the lost prayer book, so I gave it to him. My brother James came on a visit and rode to town with me. 6 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER March 13. At home. Could not get to the meet- ing house on account of impassable roads. March 20. Morning subject (5 th of Romans). "Justification." Evening subject (2 nd of Ephe- sians) "Salvation." March 21. Went to see my mother. Preached at night and lodged at Brother Perham's. March 22. Left Br. Perham's and started to Wiota. March 23. Started for home but did not get to go. Was asked to preach at night. Lodged at Br. Griswold's. March 25. Received of Br. Lemont, $2. to spend as he directs. March 26. Visited Sister Burrett in forenoon and Br. Gilmore 's f amily in the afternoon. Lodged there. March 28. Received $5., donation from Geo. Schellinger. Arrived home and found all well. March 29. Went to James Noble's to ascertain if he would go to Wiota. THE DIARY OP A CIRCUIT RIDER 7 April 6. Received of John Beardsley, 30 bu. of wheat. April 8. I start for Skinner. Visited and lodged with Dr. Monroe. April 9. Received of Wm. Monroe $2. Preached at the Parker School House. April 12. Borrowed of James Noble, $40. for two weeks. April 15. I am to go to Wayne. Took the cars at Mineral Point for Warren at y 2 after 2. Walked all the way to Prairey School at Wayne. Lodged with Br. Perham. April 16. Visited with Br. Perham all day. Preached at night, suffering greatly as I am af- flicted with the Rheumatism. April 17. Went home with my brother James. Saw Father, mother Sister Ann and Brother Ralph. April 18. Had dinner at Bro. Perham 's thence home. April 19. Commenced drilling wheat. 8 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER April 28. Got 20 bu. wheat of Peter Noble. April 29. Finished drilling oats. May 1. Preached at Bethel, morning and even- ing to good crowds. May 3. Paid to John Beardsley $27. to be re- ported to Peter Noble, making all for 30 bu. of wheat, received of him. May 5. Made a deed of 40 acres of land to E. J. Evans. Received of him, $300 and his note for $300, with use. May 7. Went to Monroe and paid Chenoweth $200.66. Meeting prevented by rain. May 8. Preached funeral of E. Ely and the Ri- ley's. May 9. Received of H. Ely $6. Dined with Bro. Dr. Monroe. June 6. Borrowed of Bro. Chilton, $150. to be paid on demand, with use. June 12. Gave funeral address for Bro. Wm. Noble at 11. Preached at Bethel. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 9 June 13. Meeting at Wiota. Received of Bro. Griswold, $2. June 23. Paid to Mary Olney, for work, in full up to this date, $5.22y 2 . June 26. At home all day on account of the paint not being dry on the seats of the meeting house. June 29. Settled with Mary Olney in full up to this date. Square. July 6. Received of Samuel Barstow a letter with $5., part of what is due me for services last fall. July 16. Went to the School House — but nine came. A heavy rain fell. July 18. Received of Bro. Watkins $2.50, Sis- ter Graham .50, Sister Watkins .25, Bro. S. Bar- stow 5.00. July 19. Visited Br. Rand and family, all day. August 3. I. Riggs and Minerva Lieurance were this day united in holy matrimony. 10 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER August 5. I preached at the School House at 5 o 'clock. August 18. Borrowed of John Beardsley, $55. and paid the same to well-diggers. August 27. Instructions for taking pills. Alter- nate 1 to 3 for ten days, then 2 to 3 for ten days, then 1 to 2 for same period. Every 4 hrs. August 28. Baptized several candidates at y 2 after 5. August 29. Eeceived of Bro. James Noble, 8 bu. of winter wheat. September 3. Received intelligence that Sher- man is occupying Atlanta. September 17. No meeting at Bethel. Heavy rains and bad roads. Bought a buggy of John Mil- ton. Gave him no cash, but my note for $160. for sixty days. September 20. Received by the hand of Peter Noble, $9.25 due me from last year from the church. This leaves $6.35 still owing. September 24. Baptized 3 in the River. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 11 September 30. Came home and found all well. October 1. Went to the Post office and received a letter from Bro. Gaston from Des Moines. Dis- appointed in that he can not come to hold a meet- ing. October 8. At Wiota. Received of Bro. Griswold $2. for my buggy. $10 from Bro. McAfee, for the same purpose. October 11. Received of Bro. Lemont $2. on buggy. October 20. Borrowed of John Beardsley, $200. October 29. Was employed as Missionary for the State. Time commencing today. October 30. Hard storm; the meeting disap- pointed. October 31. Visited around with the brethren making an effort for missionary funds and for a place to hold meetings. November 3. Paid John Milton $50. on the bug- gy. 12 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER November 6. The appointment for meeting at 11 failed on account of continued hard rain. More out at night and a good hearing. November 9. Still a heavy down pour. I remain in doors and pass the time reading Mc. Garvey's "Commentaries on the Acts." November 14. Delivered a funeral discourse, the occasion being the death of Peter Noble's daugh- ter. Very few out at the night meeting, but good interest manifest. November 24. Thanksgiving Day. Just tolerable turn out ; a meeting of praise. November 26. All roads impassable so I remain at home reading. November 28. Still boggy and very muddy but I am compelled to start to Hazel Green, with my mare and buggy to be gone until after the meeting at Lima. November 29. Arrived at Hazel Green and lodged with Bro. Richards; with him, I attended the funeral of Bro. Babcock. November 30. Found 15 female and 4 male mem- THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 13 bers at Hazel Green. Received donation of $1. of Sister Margaret Kilgore and $1. of Sister M. No- land. December 1. Visited at the home of Bro. Shook's family. He was not at home. December 3. Donation by Bro. Beazley 50 cts. Lodged with Bro. Asa Cole. December 8. Saw some newspapers from a dis- tance at Bro. Baltzell's. Learned that the fighting is terrific at Atlanta and Mobile. Peace still seems far away. December 18. Funeral of Bro. Thomas Powell. A goodly number of the citizens were out. December 25. Preached a funeral discourse for the child of Wm. Parks. 1865 January 1. Agreed to solicit houses to hold meetings in. Object is to unite the brethren east and west of Grove. Lodged for the night at Bro. Starr's. January 5. Went to see a sick man. Expected to see Bro. Laramore there but had a disappoint- ment. In the afternoon, I read and examined Anderson's translation of the New Testament. Lodged at S. Starr's. January 9. I start for home. Stopt at Bro. Fow- ler's and took dinner. Arrived home after dark and found that my daughter had been very sick and my son Wycliffe threatened with the fever. January 11. Went to Mineral Point and paid my tax. 16 THE; DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER January 12. I go to Georgetown. Find the minds of the community greatly excited over the matter of draft taxes. January 14. Visited Bro. Wineman. Had an in- troduction to a Mr. Lord (teacher from Platte- ville). Had a most agreeable visit with him and a Miss Welter (teacher at Georgetown). When I preached at night, the above named persons were interested and respectful hearers. Went, for lodg- ing to Bro. Carnes\ January 15. Went to hear the Congregational preacher at 3. but none came to hear him. A fail- ure. January 17. Visited at Mr. Mc. Cullougfrs with his wife and sister-in-law. Found them very much interested in the meetings. Went on foot to the Post office to get the news. Got none. Preached at night. Subject, "The Union." January 18. Went to the election at George- town. Dined with Bro. Wineman. Had religious conversation with him and Mr. Pretts. After the meeting at night 9 persons covenanted to be con- stituted into a church and to take the Bible as their only faith and practice. Prospect is good that many more will unite. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 17 January 20. Visited Mr. Densley and had very agreeable time. He and his good wife seem quite in favor of an effort in the state for the establish- ment of a true and primitive gospel of truth and living. January 22. Attended the meeting but did not preach as the Methodist preacher came to his ap- pointment and occupied the time very agreeably to me. January 23. Having promised Bro. Watson last night, I visited Sister Watson this morning and found her deeply concerned about her condition in sin and disobedience. She is very anxious to be immersed but in great dread on account of her heart trouble. I talked with her at length and left her feeling much better. January 24. I start for home. Visited around some at Mineral Point. Got a small bottle of gin of Dr. Moffett. (for medicinal purposes). January 25. Silas Howe came to my house to stay. If we can agree, I will do as well by him as I am able. January 26. Had the severest storm of the win- ter, thus far. 18 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER January 28. Went to Monroe. Saw Bro. Bridges and others and we agreed to defer preachment at the School house for the present. January 29. Bro. Mullis preached in the morn- ing and I at night. He being a stranger, should have preached at night, also, for I felt that the brethren came to hear him. He insisted that I give the discourse which I had prepared. February 3. At Bro. Bridges all day and it still rains very hard. Shall, most likely lose all the snow. Can hear of no suitable place to buy or to rent, as yet. I continue at Bro. Bridges to lodge. February 6. Came home today and found all well. Children went to the singing school at night. February 7. Went to town and got the mare shod and a forequarter of beef. (7 cts per lb.) Got the news at the store. There are numerous reports of peace. February 8. Went to W. Wilson's visiting. Found Bro. Noble and several others there. Had a turkey roast and a very good visit. Camelia was with me. Got a hind quarter of beef of Wilson for $6. $5. I am to settle with Levi Noble and $1. I am to pay him. Paid. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 19 February 9. Went to Mineral Point to get the sleigh mended. Stopt at David James's coming- home. He expects to move as soon as he can make arrangements. Got the news. The Army of the Po- tomac is moving again. The peace movement amounted to but little. Peace most likely will have to be fought out. February 10. Started for Georgetown, arriving at three. Preached at night. Text, 12 & 13 of 1st. Cor. Excellent interest and attention. I then pub- lished an appointment for preaching tomorrow at 7. February 11. Sister Nichols united with the church, and M. J. Carnes and Bro. Nichols desire to be immersed. February 12. Heard the Presbyterian preacher, today. A fairly good effort, in the main. February 13. Assisted in the forenoon to fix a place for baptism. Interest still continues. Sister Nash is to be immersed. Lodged at Bro. Carnes 's. February 14. At ten in the morning, I baptized Sister Watson, M. J. Carnes, Belle Nichols, Mary Jewell and Susannah Nash. 20 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER February 15. Very stormy and cold, so I con- tinue at Bro. Wineman's. February 16. Visited the school and made a few remarks, at the request of the teacher. February 18. Eemained at Wm. Patterson's, visiting and got my dinner, there. His son, the married one, is, in my opinion, in the last stages of consumption. February 19. Went to the Methodist class meet- ing and took part with them. Preached, myself, at 3 and attended to the Lord's Supper. February 20. Met at the water, and immersed David Patterson, Sarah and Eliza Grubb and Meta Wellers. February 21. Collected $14. for school chairs. Lodged with Bro. Carnes. Received of the church, at Georgetown, by the hand of Bro. A. Carnes, $75. I got home too late to be at David James's sale. Found quite a few of the brethren at my house. February 25. This is the date of the release of lands for roads. It rained hard and I got very wet coming home. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 21 February 28. I went to A. Hayes to make a deed to L. Noble. Sever commenced work for me, today. I will do as well by him as I am able. March 4. Received the news first, then engaged in reading Walker's "God Revealed in Nature and in Christ." Lodged at Bro. Bennet's. March 6. Went to visit Bro. J. Bridges. He is threatened with fever, so I lodged at John Ely's. March 8. Paid to Sever for work, $2. But few in attendance at night meeting. Bro. Mullis did not come so I kept his appointment. March 9. Quarterly meeting at Bethel. Stormy and small turn out at night. Saw C. Anthony, to- day. An old acquaintance and a scholar of mine in 1832. March 10. Meeting disappointed on account of the storm. Dickered with painters about painting my buggy. Went to see Peter Noble's little son. He has been very sick, but is convalescent. This is as hard a storm as any for the winter. March 14. Found one whole swarm of my bees dead. Got quite a quantity of honey but there was 22 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER very little " bee-bread." The reason they died, most likely. Maech 15. Drove to town to take Bro. Mullis to board the cars. March 17. At Georgetown. Could not go on, on account of having very bad sore throat. A very uncommon thing with me. It approaches Diph- theria. Maech 20. Had to go to town to see Doctor for Sever. Paid out 50cts for medicine for him. Maech 21. Visiting at Peter Noble's. Very high water and narrow roads. Maech 22. Went to town on business and for the news. Found the cars stopt by the destruction of bridges. Got no mail as the Galena mail hack with the mail bags was washed down stream. Was on foot and found the going very hard. Maech 23. Visited in the vicinity of home and attended to some business. Got $4. of Bro. Noble to be paid back next Wednesday. Maech 24. Went to Georgetown and commenced at night. Had a good commencement. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 23 March 27. Received $15. of Bro. Nichols to buy timothy and clover seed. Borrowed of D. L. Nich- ols $100. to be paid when I finish seeding. March 28. Received of Bro. Geo. Wineman $50. borrowed money, to be paid when called for, with use. Went home through Mineral Point and paid Col. Cobb $600. for Bro. Carnes. March 29. Went to town in the forenoon but was forced to return. Very sick with my chronic bowel affliction. March 30. Started to Fairfield. Stopt at Bro. Monroe's and found him sick so went to Bro. Schellingers to lodge. March 31. Went to Bro. Chilton's and paid him $150. thence to my father's at Lattice Bridge. Took dinner with Mother as Father had gone to my brother James's, his youngest child, being dead. Shall try to get to the funeral tomorrow, at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. Went to David Starr's. He lives where S. Starr formerly did. Fed my mare and rested a while then preached at night to only a tolerable turn out. April 1. Attended the funeral of my brother James' child, thence to Bro. J. H. Bridges where 24 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER I put out my mare. Went on to the school house and preached from the 11. of Hebrews, to a small gathering. Suffered severely with the tooth-ache all the time. April 2. Still at Br. Bridges. Tooth ache is very bad. Mostly brethren at the meeting, few sisters. Received of Bro. Bridges $10. He is quite sick. Lodged at Bro. S. Berry's. April 4. Went to Monroe and got clover and timothy seeds, then went on to Wiota. April 5. Gave funeral discourse on the occasion of the death of Mr. Gilmore, then went home. It rained and blew all night. April 7. Suffered full as much in coming to Georgetown, today as on any day in the past win- ter. Took cold and the tooth-ache returned. April 8. Tried to get my teeth extracted but the man did not have any suitable instruments, so he could not draw them. Preached at night with great difficulty. April 10. Heard, distinctly, the large guns at Galena. Ascertained that they were in celebration of Lee's surrender to Grant. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 25 April 12. Discovered today, some wire-pulling, commencing, as usual; the result of prejudice. Stayed the night at Bro. Nichols. April 13. Came home through the Point and got the news, there. Found all well at home. April 14. Brother Monroe is quite sick but sup- posed to be convalescent. Harry commenced threshing wheat. April 15. Went to town to get the mare shod and received intelligence of the death of the President and Sec. Seward. This is a great calamity. I am 54 years old today. Paid Bro. Beardsley $5. borrowed money. April 17. Took Camelia to Bro. James Noble's. Got early potatoes for planting. April 18. Preached at Bethel on the solemn oc- casion of the death of the President. Had a very large audience and good interest. April 21. Expected to go to Green County but was prevented by the storm. A fall of from two to three inches in depth. April 22. Still snowing this morning. I am quite 26 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER unwell. Prevented from going to Green County. Have no previous appointment, till next Friday so shall remain at home over Sunday. A good oppor- tunity for reading. Apeil 24. Consulted with Bro. Noble and others on the necessity of exercising discipline in a few cases in the Bethel congregation. April 25. Went to Skinner via. Fayette and Ar- gyle. Saw several of the brethren on the way and consulted with them on missionary matters. Lodged with Bro. Ely. April 26. Started to Richland Center. Saw my brother in law, Major Stephenson, who is home from the army on a leave of absence. He must re- turn next Saturday. April 28. Bro. Blount is quite sick. He and the others on his side of the timber are very anxious to constitute and keep up the meetings and to at- tend to the ordinances of our Lord. Went to Bro. D. Clark's in the evening and it rained on me all the way. April 29. Very bad Catarrhal head ache. Sent the "Proclamation" to Daniel Clark, Stephenson THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 27 Co. 111. Paid in Wisconsin money, to be sent back if not correct. Apkil 30. It is still raining but a few of the faith- ful attended meeting. I made a good impression on all. Had an unanimous agreement and covenant to meet every Lord 's Day to keep the ordinance and for mutual improvement and usefullness in the Di- vine life and system of government. May 1. Started to the west side of Grove to see brethren and to have them unite with the church on next Lord's Day. Brother Blount, S. Starr, D. Starr, Bro. Eaton, H. Ely and wife and son and the wives of three of the others all promised to unite. Went on to Monroe to see Major Stephen- son, but he had gone to Madison. May 2. Made a speech, at night, on the assassi- nation of President Lincoln and on prospects fa- vorable to a speedy return to peace and complete union. In this lies our only hope. May 3. Returned home and found my family all well, but my neighbor's child dead. Child of C. Noble. Gave them Divine comfort and promised funeral discourse for tomorrow. May 4. Preached funeral of the Noble child. 28 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER May 7. Attended a funeral preached by D. Stod- dard at 3. May 9. Consulted with J. Noble at Peter Noble's on the subject of the Bethel church donating to the State Society for my labor at Bethel. May 11. Started to Viroqua and suffered severe- ly with the cold. Crossed the river at Mineota. Lodged with Bro. Basye then went on to Sugar Grove. Ascertained that Jefferson Davis was cap- tured in Georgia. May 12. At Bro. Smith's at Sugar Grove. Good turn out at the meeting at night but Copperhead- ism 1 obstructs the truth here very much. May 13. Arrived at Viroqua. Dined at Br. Pur- dy's. Visited some on the street with the citizens. Only tolerable hearing at night. May 14. Attended the funeral of a young soldier. Preached by a Methodist. 32 members organized at Viroqua. May 15. Immersed Nancy Davis at 10. Received donations : $5. of John Dawson. $3 of B. W. Pur- dv. and $3. of Bro. S. Davis and wife. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 29 May 16. Donation of Bro. Williams 35 cts. Ar- rived at Sugar Grove at 4. Very tired but preached at night. May 18. 68 members in all at Sugar Grove. May 19. Richland Center School House occupied, so no meeting. Appointment for 7 tomorrow. May 20. But few attended the meeting. There was a concert in the Court House. May 21. On my way home. Stayed at Otter Creek with an acquaintance. May 22. Got to Mineral Point at 11. Detained there for repairs on my buggy, but got home at dusk. All well. May 27. Was this day employed as Missionary for the state. May 28-30. At annual meeting at Richland Cen- ter. June 5. Continued at Georgetown for a mission- ary effort at 5. Spent the day visiting with the citi- zens. Received by the hand of Bro. Patterson $10. donation for labor at Georgetown. 30 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER June 6. Eeceived of Bro. Wineman $10. As I passed through Mineral Point, I paid Lathrop $3.50. Also bought of Moffet, a book for daily records. Paid $1. for same. June 8. Got two books at Mineral Point. Also one linen duster, $3.50. Postage stamps, 50 cts. Got home by 1 o 'clock. June 9. Hauled Mr. Felt the United Brethren preacher, to Fayette. Found Brother Parks just home from the army. June 10. Remained at Brother Parks reading the Scriptures, also Padon's papers on the " Prophesies.' ' June 11. Gave funeral address. Dined with James Ely and family between meetings. June 12. Left for the Fairfield School House and the Blount School House via. Monroe. Bro. Eaton left for Monroe to attend a trial. I spent the day reading Campbell's "Philosophy of Rheto- June 13. It rained all day so I spent the time, very profitably, reading Anderson's "Transla- tions." THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 31 June 14. Lodged at Bro. Narramore's. Had most agreeable time. He is favorable to a mission- ary effort in the state and especially in his vicin- ity. June 15. Very hard rain. Meeting prevented. June 16. Remained at Bro. D. Starr's. Visited some and read the news in some papers that he had from a distance. Preached at night at the Blount School House. Mistake on account of not obtaining the key to the school in time. June 18. Took my father with me and remained all night at S. Starr's. Succeeded in getting a pledge of $300. for use in the vicinity of Fairfield and Blount Schools. June 19. Very sick with chronic diarrhea. Re- ceived a letter from my son David James. He and family are well. June 20. Got copies of Proclamation and Har- binger. Got medicine of Dr. Moffett for my ail- ment. June 21. At home all day. No better, in fact not nearly so well. 32 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER June 22. Went to see Dr. Monroe about my Di- arrhea. Paid him $1. and shall give his medicine a fair trial. June 24. It is raining and I have Neuralgia. June 25. Had unsatisfactory talk with Schel- linger about the road. Was very sick in town so came home. June 26. Some better. Preached at 6 to just tol- erably full house. A manifest interest in the effort by all present. June 27. I am desirous of purchasing a work called "Primitive Piety Revived." Shall do so as soon as I can spare the cash. June 28. Lodged at Parmley's Tavern. June 30. Arrived at Viroqua and found the citi- zens in great distress on account of the storm. Many homes and much property entirely de- stroyed and the citizens injured and bruised and some killed outright. Bro. Barstow and his good wife, her mother, father and brother and several others. Held no meeting but visited the distressed. July 1. Spent the clay ministering to the THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 33 wounded and distressed. Two more died today. No preaching but shall try to hold a meeting, tomor- row for prayer. July 3. Held meeting at 4. Few in attendance. July 4. Visited in Viroqua with the grief strick- en citizens. Two more must surely die soon. Fed and watered my horse at Bro. Wright's and lodged there. Got little if any sleep. July 5. At Bro. Lewis Sterling's all day. Took some dandelion pills and they seemed to help some so I shall continue their use. July 6. The following were constituted into a church: Lewis Sterling, Delilah Sterling, L. G. Sterling, Margaret Sterling, Calvin Clark, Sarah Clark, John Butter and wife, Mary Latshaw (Bro. Butter's daughter), Elizabeth Rolph, Maria But- ter and old Sister Sterling. July 8. The Victory brethren were in attend- ance at the meeting and they brought with them a strange preacher from Illinois, R. J. Usher ; but I preached myself. Bro. Usher lodged with me at Bro. Sterling's. My health continues to improve. July 10. Went to meeting from Bro. Latshaw 's. 34 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER Preaching was by Bro. Usher and a mighty poor effort. Sister Adeline Wilford appointed tomor- row to be immersed. July 11. Immersed Sister Wilford and at the same time James Latshaw. July 12. Called to Victory to preach the funeral of three soldiers. July 13. Proceeded to Viroqua and got a tooth drawn. The man made hard work of it and I was hurt very much. Paid $4. for a small trunk. July 15. Bros. Drake, Powell and myself went trouting. We got 20 pretty good ones. July 16. Preached a funeral discourse for three soldier boys who died or were killed in the army. They were all members of Sugar Grove congrega- tion and the sons of Bro. Z. Smith and Bro. L. Drake. July 17. Went squirrelling in the forenoon and gathered golden seal with the children in the af- ternoon. Text at night was 3rd of Col. Spent the night at Br. Spurrier's. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 35 July 18. Examined the place for baptism and baptized 10 persons at 4. July 20. Stopt at Bro. Taylor's to get a shirt washed, thence to Bro. R. Drake's who had just returned from the army. He got down to the water in time to see three of his children baptized. It was raining a steady down pour. July 23. Received $13.35 of the church. Sugar Grove, Vernon Co. donation. I immersed Susan and Margaret Babb. July 25. Started home via Orion. Came by Min- eral Point and got home by 11. Found my father at my house. July 26. The book "Primitive Piety" came to- day. Cost $1.25. July 27. Went to town and sent off some letters and got 1 lb. of tea, some catarrhal snuff and some beef. July 29. Went to Mineral Point to trade. Bought for myself ; 2 shirts. Camelia got goods to the amount of $9. Got 14 lbs. of beef. 36 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER July 30. Preached at Bethel. Was very hoarse ; a very uncommon thing with me. The turn out was fairly good; considering that there was no pre- vious notice of meeting. July 31 Went to see if I could, if possible, get the difficulties between George Lieurance and H. Schellinger, straightened out. August 1. Went to town for sugar and vinegar. Visited considerable at the store. August 2. Took Ed. Fessenden to town to board the cars for Louisville. Saw some fine cod-fish so bought 10 lbs. August 3. Went to Beardsley's to help start the reapers to cut his oats on Smith's place. Beards- ley gave me $3. for the old harness. Received a re- quest to preach a funeral discourse for Wm. Bur- rett. August 4. Bought 15 lbs. of pork at 15cts. a lb. August 7. Let Harvey take my mare and buggy to take my Father home. August 8. Sent to town by A. Powell for $1. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 37 worth of coffee. Stayed at home, myself, to inter- view the reapers. August 10. At home all day. Helped to cut my wheat. August 11. Shocked wheat part of the day. John Howe came to work for me. August 12. Officiated at the marriage of H. M. Howe. Received $5. August 15. Went to see about getting a mower to cut my oats. Failed. Got the mare shod. August 16. Went to Beaumont's to get mower but he would not let it go, so I had to hire him to cut the oats. His son came in the evening and proved it could be mowed. August 17. Stacked wheat today. August 23. Went to Sextonville. Bought a bottle of Seeley's Catarrhal liquid. Preached at night. A small turn out. Universalists and Spiritualists could stand plain Bible truths no better than Methodists and Presbyterians. August 25. Went to Bro, Snyder's, hoping to 38 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER find some of the brethren, I had not seen for some time, helping him thresh. None were there. Pro- cured of him, some white wheat, of which he has a fine quality. Spent the afternoon reading Good- win's sermons. Some things in them pleased me. Others, seemed to me to be erroneous. August 27. Preached in the morning and at night. Received a donation of $20. from the breth- ren. Lodged at Bro. Ross's. August 29. Had a long interview with Elder Walworth, he riding with me as I proceeded to Woodstock. August 30. Stayed in the house all day on ac- count of my eye. Could read but little for the same reason. Am better, on the whole of the Catarrhal condition. September 2. Visited Bro. Mc. Taggart and Bro. Pugh. The Good Templars had a lodge at night, reducing the attendance at meeting. September 3. Preached to a large number in Bro. Nick's barn. Collection $6.73. September 4. Started home. Took Sister Si- mon's deaf and dumb daughter to Richland Con- THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 39 ter. Crossed the river and lodged at Parmley's tavern. September 12. John Howe went to Amos Hays to work after having lost 4 days. September 13. Went to Mineral Point. Bought spices, sugar and vinegar for Camelia's pickling. Learned the district overpaid Bro. Mullis. Bro. Noble complained some for himself and others be- cause the Georgetown brethren had not paid some- thing for district labor. September 15. I am at home all day. The chil- dren were permitted to go to Darlington to the Fair. September 16. "Went to town and posted some letters. D. J. Hays came home, today from the army. Henrietta did not come on the cars so I came home without her. September 17. Henrietta came today and she brought copies of the Proclamation and some pa- pers for me to read. The children went to singing school at the meeting house at night. September 18. Went to Davis's place to see the threshers. They can not thresh for me until they 40 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER finish for Smith and Marcy. Got a copy of the Louisville Journal to read. September 22. Ascertained that Bro. Mullis is distressed that others have the ground here and that it is, apparently useless for us to make an effort. September 23. Made calls on Bros. Watson, Carnes and Nichols. Got a good dinner at the last named. Agreed to go to the funeral of Bro. Beas- ley's sons, tomorrow. September 24. Attended the funeral of Bro. Beasley's sons, who died in the army. Bro. Jones failed to be present at the appointed hour, but after I had opened with prayer and Scripture reading, he came and delivered the discourse to a very large audience. September 25. Arrived home and found the threshers at my house. Went up to town for some beef and tobacco. September 26. Went up to the Post office for the news. Have had no definite news from my boys in the army. Finished threshing. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 41 September 27. Hauled a load of oats to town in a heavy rain. September 28. At home all day. My boys came home from the army, today. September 29. Went to Fairfield. There was no appointment for a meeting so I had to get up one by my own efforts. Lodged at Bro. Bridges. September 30. At Bro. Ely's. Paid him $67. on note. Received the note. October 4. Received of D. D. Clark $1. Visited with Bro. N. Peak most of the day and had a gen- eral overhauling of his difficulties. Some things looked favorable and some, not. October 6. A session was appointed to organize the district. Received payment for four months. October 11. Visited at Bro. Judson Beardsley's where there were a great number of the sisters sewing for Sister Beardsley. October 12. Went to Sister Loof borrow 's sale. Saw a number of the citizens. Bought a set of Church Histories. Paid $10. (not paid.) 42 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER October 13. Went to town to trade. Bought, Postage stamps $1.00 Coat $1.90 Beef $1.00 Tobacco $1.00 October 14. Camelia bought at Barrington's, goods $13.45. At Dellers, $6. and at Lathrop's, $1. October 16. Went to see Evans about buying my farm. He can not make such payments as would suit me. Went to see Bro. Schellinger; he was away from home, thence to John Beardsley's and he was also away. St opt in to see E. Evans and he was in town. Saw Levi Noble and made him an of- fer to buy my farm. October 17. Saw Samuel Smith and settled with him up to this day. Square. October 18. Saw John and the boys at Bro. James Noble 's. Approached them about my farm. No sale. E. Evans promises to be read}^ with his indebtedness, soon. He does not care about buy- ing my farm. October 19. Saw Walter and E. Evans. They were to let me know, in the evening what they would do about the farm. Rode to town with old THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 43 man Evans and home with Harry, who hauled a load of goods for A. Babcock. October 20. Employed A. Cobb to attend to my mortgage business. Saw E. Noble and Amos Hays. October 21. Bought shoes for Camelia and Ann Eliza. L ir> October 22. Preached at 11 and at y 2 after 3. Good hearing, both times. L t=>i October 23. Went to see plasterer. Visited Bro. Baxter and others. Received a letter from Bro. Hurd, concerning Bro. Exley. October 25. Went to town to post letters and to trade. Bought 400 laths $2.10 66 ft. flooring 3.17 Nails & door latch 1.91 October 26. At home all day. Raining hard; should have gone to Georgetown, but for the down pour. October 27. Could not have a meeting at George- town! on account of the Methodists occupying the meeting house. 44 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER October 30. Paid Bro. Nichols $25. in full of all demands up to this date. Visited a number of the brethren during the day and lodged at Bro. Wine- man's. October 31. Started home in the early morning and arrived late at night. Saw Col. Cobb in town. He had a letter from Guernsey stating he had the bond and mortgage. Found Camelia quite sick. November 5. Visited the sick folks at Parmley's and at old Bro. Dean's. I preached at night. It was Bro. Mullis's appointment but I filled it. Lodged at Bro. Coryell's. November 6. Engaged Bro. Mullis as Missionary in district No. 2. It is not definitely settled but have hope of success if the brethren use their in- fluence properly. Settled matters in regard to Bro. Wagner. Satisfactory to me. November 9. Visited Bro. Hurd and wife all day and went with them to prayer meeting at night. Ascertained that a bad state of affairs exists at Waupun. November 10. Went to see Bro. Exley and re- ceived some encouragement that he would come to THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 45 labor in Dist. No. 2. Bro. Exley appears well to me as a Christian and as a gentleman. November 12. Attended a temperance lecture at 7. Given by Dr. Miller, a Methodist. The Waupun congregation contributed $5. for Missionary work. November 13. Started home. Boarded the cars at Chester and arrived at Janesville at 5. Searched for some one who would haul me to Center. Was unsuccessful so lodged with Sister Johnson. November 14. Sought all forenoon for an oppor- tunity to ride to Center. Rode with Curtis Parm- ley. Paid I. Parmley $1. borrowed money. November 15. Took the cars at Footeville and arrived at Mineral Point at 7%. Met Harry and rode out home with him. All are well. My wife ap- pears much improved. November 16. Stayed home all day and husked corn. Got 4 loads (120 bu.). Completely worked myself down. , - November 17. Went all over the country and neighborhood circulating an appointment for Bro. Exlev. Got a letter from Bro. Rains, Green Castle, Ind/ 46 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER November 19. Brother Exley preached. A good effort and well received. He came home with me to lodge. November 20-21. Bro. Exley is still lodging at my house. November 24. Levi Noble paid to George Noble for A Powell, $50. to be credited on my note to him for $60. by John Beardsley and me. It was to draw interest at 7%. November 27. I baptized Silas Howe. Bro. Ex- ley preached on the Text, "The Judgment to Come." November 28. Had a hard snow storm so the meeting disappointed. November 29. Went to Georgetown and suffered with the cold all the way. November 30. Arose this morning feeling rested and refreshed. Read Campbell and Owen's De- bates. Got some lard and camphor and made a camphoratum for my Catarrh. December 1. Run around in the village. Saw THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 47 some of the Methodist brethren who have a trial with Mr. Haines. December 2. District No. 1 employed Bro. Exley for the sum of $600. a year, traveling expenses, added. December 5. Went to Bro. Carnes and got from him a change of clothing to go into the water with. I immersed A. Nichols and Ellen Harney. December 7. Bun around quite a bit visiting. Got me a warm cap and gloves and had the mare shod. Attended a meeting of thanksgiving and praise. Prayer by Elder Lawson and a talk by a stranger. Pretty good thing in the main. December 8. I continue at Sister Young's all day reading Scott's "Great Demonstration." December 9. Preaching by Bro. Exley. Subject "Christ, a Necessity on Account of Man's Condi- tion in Sin." Quite a full house but a few were evil disposed. Lodged at Bro. Barstow's. December 10. House would not hold the congre- gation today. I preached although suffering acute- ly with Catarrh. Went to Carley's to dine. 48 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER December 12. Stormed and blew a gale all day. But little snow fell. Read the Scriptures on the second coming. Urged Bro. Woodruff to unite with the church. He promises to give it considera- tion. Lodged with him. December 13. Remained at Bro. Woodruff's then went to Sister Young's. Examined a place for baptism. Found it very difficult and think it best to prepare a place at a spring near some house. Lodged at Sister Young's. The room was too cold for comfort. December 14. Mercury stands at 20° below zero. December 15. Still 20 below this morning. "Went to Samuel Barstow's to see if we could prepare for immersion, but decided to prepare at Sister Young's. Worked some at making a dam but did not finish it. December 16. Completed the dam, in the morn- ing. Bro. Walker was present and did most of the work on account of my being afflicted with the Rheumatism in my hip and ankle. Bro. Exley at- tended to the immersion ! December 17. Very early in the morning, I had THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 49 to get up with Bro. Exley, he having the Neural- gia. I had very little sleep. December 20. I immersed young Bro. Parks at 9. Started home and stopt at Dr. Baltzell's for dinner, thence to Mineral Point. Went to S. War- ren's for Bro. Exley to warm his feet and hands. Found all well on my arrival home. Also found a letter from Br. Wagner concerning my further employment as Missionary, at $100. a year. December 21. Saw C. Noble concerning his note. Went to see E. Evans, also. Both promised to get the money as soon as they were able. December 23. Saw Wilson at Mineral Point and had him write to Guernsey concerning my mort- gage, informing him that the money is deposited at Cobb and Wilson to be paid whenever the pa- pers are tendered. Deposited $350. on Clinton No- ble's note calling for $650. ($20 credited.) This is interest. It is with Cobb and Wilson to be applied on bond and mortgage on my farm. Paid to Jud- son Beardsley, $5. in advance on pork. December 26. John Beardsley informed me that he had paid to A. Powell the amount of my note, principle and interest, at the request of A. Powell in September. 50 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER December 27. At home all day. Borrowed of E. Lieurance, 19 pounds of pork and 11 pounds of salt. December 28. Saw John Beardsley at the sale. He had not settled the matter with A. Powell, yet, but promises to do so or to try to do so very soon. He wished to know if I would have to pay him what he paid Powell. December 29. Compelled to go to town to see Wilson, whether he had heard from Guernsey and to see W. Henry, to have him release mortgage on land sold to E. Evans. Got my rubber pants and boots for immersion. Paid $18. and express charges. If I labor for $100. per year, the Breth- ren should be willing to help with this expense. December 30. Paid to Peter Lieurance $2.25 for work on house. Saw a letter from Guernsey and he denies having my interest on mortgage. Saw E. Evans and he promises to pay soon. Saw Win. Henry and he agrees to release E. Evans. December 31 Preached at Bethel. Brother Carnes wants me to get a bushel of clover seed for him in Green Co. Did get it. Paid, from Waupun to Janesville, $2.75. From Janesville to Footeville, 60cts. and for a poor dinner, 50cts. 1866 January 1. Visited Sister Fosgate and family. Read, while there some excellent things in the writings of Channing, on "Creeds." Also his let- ters to a young preacher in the west. January 2. Went to John Beardsley's and bor- rowed $100. to be paid when called for, with use. January 4. Eeceived from Evans the amount of his note with interest to this date. Received of C. Noble, $580. on his note. Paid $88.66 back on C. Noble note. January 5. C. Noble appears to be somewhat better. I spent a great part of the day reading, "The Life of Luther." January 6. Received of C. Noble all the prin- ciple and interest on D. J. Howe's note $688.66. 52 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER Bought a draft of Wm. Henry ($1357.22.) to be sent to Guernsey to be tendered by T. Allen. Got a copy of a quite recent agricultural report, which I am examining with interest. January 7. After preaching, had an interview with A. Powell. Not very satisfactory, but if he settles with J. B., I will let it pass with out action on my part, unless it becomes necessary to ex- plain. January 8. Ed and I spent the greater part of the morning fixing the windlass on the well. January 9. Went to Wiota to Solemnize the marriage of Lucy Schellinger and J. F. Beardsley. Eeceived $5. January 11. A letter from Guernsey states that he received $104.24, for interest and that if I would send the balance of interest and principle, he would send me the papers. January 15. A storm raged all day. My brother, George came to my house for a visit. January 16. We went up to town. Heard of the tender of the mortgage money. Guernsey refused THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 53 to take it. He says that if I will send $20 more, he will send the papers. I refused to do so. January 17. Helped to kill my hogs, today. Preached at night. January 18. Started to Green Co. via. Wiota. Lodged with Bro. George Schellinger. January 19. Started for Skinner. Called on Bro. Chilton and borrowed $5. to be paid Feb. 15. Heard that Bro. Mullis had just passed on his way home via. Monroe. Bro. Griswold and wife were with him. Very small turn out at the meeting at night on account of hard snow storm. January 20. Went to the singing school at night. The singing teacher did not come but as a few were assembled, I preached to them. January 22. At Bro. Park's all day. Preached to a full house at night. Many had come, again ex- pecting singing school. January 25. Visited Bro. Blount and family. We went to meeting together. A full house but not a good feeling amongst the brethren. Will hold the meeting at the Cliff School house tomorrow. 54 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER Januaey 27. Bros. McKahan and Parks took my mare and cutter to town. Paid Bro. H. Ely $20.78. January 29. Went to a funeral at the Junction preached by Mr. Eolph. A very poor effort. Januaey 30. Found Bro. J. Parks much better than I expected. At the meeting at night, Mrs. Ainsworth, her son and daughter came forward seeking salvation. February 1. Visited at the Ains worth home. Her son and daughter were at school but had a very interesting visit with the old lady. February 2. Lodging at Bro. Lewis McKahan 's Very cold weather and many stayed away from meeting with whom I could have gone home to lodge so I returned to Bro. McKahan 's. February 4. Having no appointment, myself, I attended the Methodist meeting at eleven. Heard Mr. Walker preach rather an ordinary discourse. At his request, I followed with a few remarks which were will received. February 5. The Ainsworth children confessed their faith and intention to serve the Lord. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 55 February 7. Meeting of the brethren at James Parks 's to reconcile and overhaul certain matters. They covenanted to serve the Lord in all things. February 8. Conversed at length with Bro. Wm. Ely. He promises to renew his covenant with the Lord and the brethren. The prayer meeting at night was disappointed for the Argus meeting. February 12. Attended to the immersion of Kez- iah and Mary McKahan. Received a donation of $1.50 (personal). February 13. Received a donation of $5.35 from the Skinner congregation. Started home and ar- rived at 5. Bro. Exley did not keep his appoint- ment so I had to preach, though very unwell, with a sore throat. February 15. At home today, the weather is as severe as any for the winter. I am reading Bax- ter's "Reformed Pastor," I think with much profit. February 16. At home today as it is too cold to travel. I am reading "Primitive Piety." A very good work. Deserves to be read often and studied very carefully. 56 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER February 17. Paid my Tax, today $28.72. Bor- rowed $20. of the treasurer. Paid $13 to Wheeler, $3. to Lathrop and $2. for Seeley's Catarrhal snuff. February 21. Was at home until 3 then went to Bro. J. Beardsley's to select a suitable place for baptism. Immersed Sister N. Fessenden at 4. Preached at night on ' ' Christian Warfare. ' ' February 23. Arose, this morning finding a depth of snow of 3 or 4 inches. Continued falling all day producing the heaviest fall of the winter. February 28. The snow is leaving today and the streams are rising very rapidly. March 1. Eemained at Bro. Schellingers. The streams are still rising. Preached at seven. March 2. Visited Mr. Halm and lady. Found them quite interested in the meetings. Had very interesting interview and some encouragement that they may embrace the truth. March 4. Went to the meeting house at 11. Bro. Exley read a part of Col. 3. commenting and para- phrasing very profitably. I lodged at Bro. Gris- wold's, he, at Bro. LemomVs. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 57 March 5. Received of Bro. McAfee, $10. to be applied on my buggy. March 6. Learned that my wife is sick. Also that I can not cross the Pecatonica on account of the ice on the bottom. Got home late at night and found Camelia some better. Found a letter from David James, importuning me for money. March 8. Subject of sermon, " Christ Has a Kingdom Now that When He Comes There Will Be No More Conversions, but Judgment or Re- paying." March 10. Paid J. L. Beardsley $10. on Pork. March 15. Wm. Martin came to my house to see about buying my farm. March 16. Sold my farm to Wm. Martin for $20. per acre. March 19. Made a deed of my farm. Received $1600. Paid for threshing machine, drill and tim- ber land. March 20. I am considering moving my family to Platteville. 58 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER March 21. Went to town to have bills of notice of sale struck. March 26. Bro. Narramore came to Bro. Bridges where I was lodged and brought a request for me to give a funeral discourse for Bro. Trot- ter's son who had died at Orangeville. March 27. Went to Orangeville and preached the funeral of Bro. Trotter's son, a soldier. A very large turnout. Bro. Narramore gave me $5 to put in my pocket. March 28. Four or five inches of snow fell in the night. Ascertained that I can obtain $300. for preaching at Fairfield. April 2. My sale of personal property trans- pired. Gave Benjamin $144. Gave David James $160. 2 April 3. Mr. Parkinson lectured at night but the meeting did not understand one another or the subject, very well. April 4. I, this day solemnized the marriage of D. J. Hays and M. A. Olney. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 59 Apeil 5. Was at home settling with men on sale matters. Apeil 7. Sylvanus Fessenden, debtor, for wheat and goods bought at sale, $21.25. William Noble borrowed of me $100. U. S. note due on it when he got it making $102. Apeil 9. Measured corn in the morning and preached at night. Apeil 11. Went to the Post Office and got three letters. Paid out $80.80 in debts. Apeil 12. Measured corn and oats. Pratt got 97 bu. of oats. Apeil 14. Eeceived cash of Pratt and settled with Judson Beardsley every thing up to this date. Square. Apeil 16. Went to Mineral Point to board the cars for Waupun. Ed Noble went along to ride the mare back as I left the buggy with Coterell to be painted. Eeceived a letter from my wife. Lodged at Bro. Arnold's at Warren. Left Will's note with him. Paid, $1.50, fare to Warren. 60 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER April, 17. Took the cars from Freeport to Wau- pun, ($1.20). Paid Shutz $25. Paid from Freeport to Minn. Junction, $4.60. Arrived at Waupun late at night and went to Bro. Wagner 's to lodge. April 18. Met with a number of the brethren at a meeting to hear charges against Bro. Wagner. Few brethren came, mostly sisters. Meeting ad- journed for two weeks as there were no officers present. April 19. Went to Bro. Johnson's and had con- sultation with him concerning the Waupun diffi- culties. Got some encouragement that we might have an unbiased committee from a distance. April 21. Visited Sister Brown and found her very bitter against Bro. Wagner. She consents to a committee but offers no system by which to pro- cure one. I lodged with Bro. Wagner. April 22. Visited Bro. and Sister Hilyer in the forenoon. Found them much disappointed with the state of affairs at Waupun. Willing to refer to a committee but Wagner must not be allowed to preach, at present, at Waupun. Saw Bro. and Sis- ter Stanton. No more prospect that Bro. Wagner, in any event, should be allowed to preach. Got no THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 61 encouragement that a committee could produce harmony. April 24. Being very tired and upset over the Waupun matter, I continued at Bro. Wagner's to rest and reflect. April 26. Bro. Johnson took me to Sister Lin- sey's, one of the first members of the Waupun church. She would confirm no facts against Br. Wagner but did admit that she thought he was not forebearing enough. Brother Johnson kept me for the night. April 28. Learned nothing further and received no letters from any point. April 29. Preached and broke the loaf. Had the most disorderly conduct, in most warring and fac- tious spirit, that I have ever witnessed from pro- fessing Christians. Dismissed the meeting to stop the discord, not being willing to be a party to such conduct. Preached to a few, at the school at night. April 30. Determined to remain on the ground until after the contemplated meeting to try Bro. Wagner, though remonstrated against by about half of the church. I changed my purpose and boarded the cars for home. 62 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER May 1. Lent to Bro. Arnold my Mc. Garvey's Commentaries on the Acts. May 2. Still at the Point. Heard by letter, from my wife. May 4. John Beardsley paid me in full, all obli- gations to this date. Heard by post from my broth- er, D. R. Howe. His wife is dead. May 6. Preached at Bethel at 11. Had a very good hearing with good interest. A few young per- sons showed some disrespect. May 8. Took the cars to go to Illinois. Bought a white-wash brush $1.25. Stopt at Warren at Bro. Arnold's. Had a very good time. May 9. Started on the cars. Paid out $4.70. Took a freight car accommodation to the Junction. Ar- rived at David James's late at night. Found my family there and all well. Lodged with them. May 11. Preached at 7. Tolerable audience for the place. Saw Sister Mary Ann Sunderland and A. Avcrill. May 15. My brother Daniel came to my son's. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 63 Had a visit with him but he would not preach. His wife died recently. I immersed Hattie Howe. May 17. I immersed six females and 4 males. May 20. 17 were received into the church. Re- ceived $10. donation and lodged at my son's. May 21. Went to Princeton to take the cars for home. May 28. I was employed by the board for the year as general missionary for the sum of $400.50 (at that rate per year). May 29. Visited at James Noble's with old ac- quaintances among whom were my mother, my brother James and wife. May 31. Arrived at Platteville at 3. Run around, considerable, visiting. Ascertained, I can rent a house of Mr. Lord. June 1. Saw Patterson and bargained with him for his house and land. At Mr. Lord's house until I can get possession of the Patterson property. June 2. Lodged at VanMatre's with Camelia. Paid Wilson $20. on wagon for D. J. Howe. 64 THE- DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER June 3. W. Olney confessed his faith and will be baptised next Sunday. Possibly two of his daughters with him. June 4. Started home. Got medicine for my Neuralgia. With my wife I visited Sister Van- Matre. She is very poorly. June 5. Continued at John VanMatres. A large number of friends called to see his wife, who is nearing the end. Lodged with him but got no rest. June 6. Went to the grave yard to select a lot for Bro. VanMatre. His wife died early this morn- ing. Have a request to officiate at the grave with religious ceremonies. June 7. Quite the largest audience and proces- sion, I have ever witnessed in the neighborhood. It rained very hard during the services which were of necessity, short. Bro. VanMatre bears up with Christian fortitude. June 9. Gave Harry $5. Paid Robinson for re- pair job, $4.15. Got Wycliffc a hat for $1.25. June 11. On this day I moved to Platteville. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 65 June 12. Bought a stove and dishes (Queens- ware). Paid $70. June 13. Worked at filling in ground. Bought bureau stand and chair for $25. June 14. Visited some sick folks. June 18. W. Olney paid his note. W. Fosgate paid $19. on his note. $1. still due from Fosgate. June 19. Bro. Carnes could only take one horse to Waupun if that could be taken on the cars. June 20. Paid to Bro. Wineman $30. on note given in 1865. June 24. Subject of discourse today, "The Orthodoxy and Catholicity of Our Teaching." June 25. Went to Wiota via Dr. Monroes and stopt there to settle his bill. June 26. With Bro. Griswold, I went to George Hawley's to a barn raising. June 27. Broke my buggy shaft. Stopt at three 66 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER places before I found one where it was convenient for me to dine. Dined at Bro. Schellingers. June 30. Visited with Mr. Sargent. He is in very poor health. Doubtful if he survives unless there is a change for the better, soon. July 1. Subject, "Superiority of Divine Disci- pline over Human." Good attention and interest. July 2. Eeceived of Sister Lemont $2, donation. It rained on me all the way to McKahan's. July 3. Bro. L. McKahan took me to Monroe to the cars. My mare and buggy are to be sent to Bro. Parks ' until I return from Waupun. Found the difficulty at Waupun still unsettled. July 5. Got my shoes mended. July 6. Three of the committee on Waupun mat- ters came. Bros. Noble Parks and Carnes. Bro. Hays did not arrive. Could not ascertain if Bro. Dean would come. July 8. Preached at the Baptist house on the in- vitation of the regular preacher. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 67 July 9. I am at Bro. Wagner's sick. Can not attend the meeting of the committee. The Da- monde party refuses to recognize the committee as having any authority at Waupun. Quite sick in the night. Got some medicine of Dr. Randall. July 10. A little better today. The committee dined at Bro. Wagner's, thence to their adjourned meeting. I have not attended any of their sessions as yet. July 11. I am called to Brandon to officiate at the funeral of Bro. W. Irwin. Very large turn out and good attention. Returned at night to find the committee had succeeded very well in obtaining testimony in the Waupun matter. July 12. Went to the meeting house to be quali- fied as to my testimony concerning the Waupun trial. The testimony all received, the committee spent the evening in examining and consulting on it. They wrote out their decision and also added a recommendation to the brethren at large. July 13. Received $3.35 donation from the church. They also gave me my expenses to Wau- pun and back. Boarded the cars at 12, for home. Went from Monroe to Bro. Parks 's. Lodged there. 68 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER July 14. Got my mare and buggy and rode home. Hauled B. Noble. July 16. Arrived at home at y 2 after 4. Found no one at home. They had gone to Bro. Jones 's. Remained at home all night, alone. July 17. Still at home all alone until noon when Bro. Jones brought Camelia and the children. My health is improved. July 18. Sold to Bro. Smelker, a copy of bound sermons for only 60cts, because they were torn. July 20. Left for Bethel in the afternoon. George Martin rode out with me. Arrived at 7 and found Wm. Irwin there. I had not seen him in 32 years, but was well acquainted with him when young in Ohio. He is acting as agent for Eureka College. July 21. Went to Mr. Crane's with carpet fill- ing. Bro. Irwin rode with me and we had a good visit all the way. July 22. I invited Bro. Irwin to speak. Met at 5 to consider taking a scholarship in Eureka college. Did nothing. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 69 July 23. Sold Martin and Joseph VanMatre's note to A. Weber. July 24. Went home by Washburn and took daughter Henrietta and her children home with me. Arrived in the evening suffering acutely with the Lumbago. All were well but very uncomfort- able as the house has very poor ventilation. July 25. Still unable to stand on account of my back. Paid Patterson $200 on my place. July 26. Back still lame. Henrietta and the chil- dren went to the show. I went at night. July- 28. Consulted with Bros. Irwin and Noble on writing to all congregations in the state con- cerning Benedict's operation against the commit- tee on Waupun trouble. They advised me not to write but if he came in my way, to expose him. 3 July 30. Went to Mineral Point via. Richland Center. Continued to travel via. Dodgeville, 7 miles to Bro. Lutto's where I dined, thence to Hearst's Ferry. Paid 50cts for crossing, thence to Bank's on Pike River. Lodged there at a widow's. August 1. Preached twice at the Bovee School House, 70 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER August 4. Paid $1. for a horse collar and $1.50 for a breeching. Visited most of the day and preached at night. Five confessed their faith. August 5. Immersed Bros. Jones, Davis and Lester and Sisters S. E. Snyder and Priscilla Cooper. Also Elizabeth Pritchett and Elizabeth Mark. Lodged at Bro. Snyder's. I am very tired and my back continues very lame. August 8. Preached the funeral of Bro. Breeses child at 11. Preached at the Bovee school at night. August 10. Eegistered all collections, sermons and additions up to this date. Lodged at Bro. and Sister Mark's with old Bro. Eoss. August 13. Received of L. Snyder $1. of Kate Snyder $1. of old sister Jones .50. Lodged at Hezi- kiah Jones. August 14. Mended my harness, myself then went to Wm. Shambaugh's. He was at work on his hay. August 15. Dined at John Higginbothan's and preached at % after 5. Mostly brethren present. Some, I had known since I was a child. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 71 August 19. Preached at 11 to a large audience. The Sugar Grove brethren drove over. Text 1 of Timothy. Subject, " Conscience and Use of It Lodged at Brother Coulter's. ? i August 21. I have not written to any one on any subject on account of threatened opposition to Missionary Society. Nor have I yet ascertained its extent or form. August 22. Brother Mullis came early to meet- ing. He seemed glum and made no inquiries as to my health or on any other subject. August 23. Only one half dozen in attendance. Bro. Mullis officiated and made known his object in appointing a meeting. It is to, if possible, awak- en interest in the brethren, get accessions and finally to obtain a preacher to settle in their lo- cality. I made a few timely remarks. August 25. Have had no special interview with Bro. Mullis on Missionary matters, yet can see that the brethren, for some reason, are suspicious of the Missionary Society. August 26. Arrived at Bro. Boss's at 11. My mare kicked me on the hip hurting me very much. 72 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER Borrowed of Bro. Eoss $25. to be paid when I come this way again. Crossed the river and lodged at Bro. Lemont's. August 29. Arrived at home. All well. My son Ben and his wife were at my house. Ed. Fessen- den and family have moved to Platteville. Paid to Patterson on my place, $100. August 30. At home all day sorely affilicted with Diarrhea. Could not possibly get to the meeting house at Georgetown. August 31. After dinner, went to Georgetown to annual meeting. Still have trouble with my bow- el difficulty. Preaching was appointed for Bro. Sweeney for 7 but he did not come to his appoint- ment so I had to fill it, notwithstanding my ill health. September 2. Had a large collection at meeting, $12.88. September 3. Conversed at length with Bro. Ex- ley on Waupun matters. I can not agree with him at all on the subject. September 7. Got $20 at the bank. Paid 0. Math- ew in full of all demands. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 73 September 8. Bro. Exley came on the stage. He was not well and insisted that I preach. Small audience. September 11. Bro. Exley still unwell and I filled his appointment. I drove back. It was very dark. September 12. I am very tired so will stay over night at Parmley's tavern. September 13. Start to Sugar Grove. Ferried the river and dined at T. Snyder's. Got no letters from any point. September 16. Preached to a large number. Text 1 of Acts. Presided at the Lord's Table. Preached again at y 2 after 3. Text 1 of 1st Timothy. Dined at Bro. Spurrier's. Alexander Smith confessed his faith. Lodged at Bro. Hopkin's. September 17. Called at Bros. Drake and Smith's on my way to Bro. H. Davis's. After din- ner went squirrelling ; got but one. Preached at 7. Very good turn out. Text, "Paul's Charge to Tim- othy." September 18. Got $10. of Bro. Drake to send home. Went up to the P.O. to send a letter and the money. Did so. Preached at 3. Text 3 of Col. Mary 74 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER Kendall and Mary Osborn confessed their faith. Immersed three after preaching. Lodged at Bro. Taylor's. Septembee 19. Went to Bro. C. Bussel's and found he had gone from home. Went to Bro. Z. Smith's. Had some difficulty in explaining to him what I meant by what I said about his manner of expressing himself in conversation. September 20. Conversed with Bro. Spurrier's wife and mother in law on the difficulties in the church. Went to Bro. Drake's. No one at home. Went to Bro. Hopkin's till meeting. Lodged at Bro. Hopkin's. September 21. Preached on the text 5 of Ro- mans. Too sick to make a long discourse. Lodged at Bro. Drakes. September 22. Suffering acutely with head ache. Dined with Bro. Enlow and preached to a few in his home. September 23. One addition, today, from the United Brethren and two from the Methodists, (Bro. and Sister Wynn). September 24. Went to Mr. Alexander's visit- THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 75 ing. Found M. Churchill there with severe tooth- ache. She left to have tooth extracted but returned before I left. Bro. G. W. Akins was there and I had conversation with him. Went to meeting at 8. Preached on the text 8 of Romans. A Norwegian Methodist was present. September 25. Talked with Bro. Akins but got little satisfaction that a settlement could be ef- fected and harmony restored. September 27. Visited at T. H. Fairfield's in the morning. Conversed on matters of difficulty in the church and on what might be done to correct them. September 28. Visited Bro. Enlow. Saw Bro. Z. Smith on my way. Had an interview with him and Bro. Enlow on the difficulties in the church; preached at 7 to a good turnout. Text, 4th verse of the 1st chapter of Peter. September 29. Went up to Bro. L. C. Drake's and mended my rubber boots for immersion. Preached at 3 then immersed M. Churchill. Sister Mary Churchill was received into the fellowship of the church. Lodged with Bro. L. C. Drake. September 30. The greatest number at the meet- ing that we have had, thus far. We had three ad- 76 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER ditions, 2 from the Baptists and one by relation. Bro. Henthorn and wife and Sister Schell were re- ceived into the fellowship of the church. Lodged at Bro. Henthorn 's with Bro. Babb. October 1. Lodged at Bro. Harry Hopkins's suffering acutely with Catarrh and toothache all the time. October 2. Eeceived of Bro. Drake donation from the Sugar Grove church. Visited at Bro. Martin's after dinner and heard him and his wife on their grievances. All they said showed jealousy. He admitted that he might be mistaken as to the intention of those he faulted. October 3. Bro. Hopkins brought me two letters from Bro. Wagner, remailed at Platteville on the 14th and 20th of Sept. I lodged at Bro. Merrill's. October 4. Spent the morning writing letters; one to Bro. Wagner, one to Bro. Noble and one to Camelia, to be mailed tomorrow. Subject of dis- course at 7, "The Setting Up of the Kingdom" Text 1st of Acts. October 5. Went to Bro. Iligginbothan's and stayed until meeting time. Returned to Bro. Mer- rill's for my books and notes. Text 2nd of 2nd THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 77 Timothy. Endeavored to show what was commis- sioned to be preached by the Apostles and there- fore by all preachers, until the Lord comes. October 6. Sprinkled rain and threatened con- siderably. Preached to a very large number de- spite the weather. Lodged at old Bro. Merrill's with Bro. J. Snyder and wife and three other wo- men. October 7. Quite a number out side of the house as there were a goodly number at the service. Dined at Bro. Twaddle's. Still a large hearing at night. Elder Mark was present and took part in the service. Took up a collection for missionary purposes $9.43. October 8. Still continue at Bro. Merrill's. With him and Bro. Higginbothan, I consulted about the difficulties and the coldness apparent with all. Subject at night, "Kegeneration." Good interest. October 9. Went to Dr. Sabin's and had quite an interview with him on his aggrievances. He thought I meant him by many things in my dis- course, but said he was well pleased by my efforts, in the main. To me, he seems to be selfish, arbi- trary and bigoted. No prospect of union with him. 78 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER October 10. Went to Bro. Babb's till after din- ner and talked with him about an effort to restore order at M. Creek. He is most anxious for it. An- nounced the intention of appointing a meeting of the brethren for consultation and orders. Lodged at Bro. Merrill's. October 11. Started to Bro. Coulter's. Met him coming to Bro. Higginbothan's. Returned with him and had consultation with them both about the meeting for reconciliation. We concluded to have the meeting tomorrow and published the ap- pointment accordingly. October 12. Went to the meeting at 2. All the brethren but a few were present. Preached on the subject, "The Letters to the 7 Churches in Asia." After this, we succeeded in settling the difficulties with Bro. Babb. Felowship was fully restored and a certificate to that effect was given him, not one opposed. I went home with him to lodge. October 14. Several new hearers at the meet- ing. Had a severe headache all day. Hoped to see Bro. Merrill's son but he had gone before I arrived. October 15. Started for Richland Center and ar- rived at 12. Learned that the United Brethren THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 79 were to hold their conference at the Bovee School on Thursday and over Sunday so I concluded to go home. Paid Bro. Snyder $20. ($5 still due). Got me a bottle of Seeley's Catarrh Eemedy for $2. October 16. Started home. Ferried the river and dined at Parmley's. Arrived at home at 9 and found my family all well. I was very tired. Paid out $1. expenses. October 18. I am at home. Bro. Exley came to my house on the occasion of some letters between himself and my wife concerning alleged hard feel- ings he professes to have toward her and my fam- ily. He would neither tell what he had heard or who had told him and we had some very sharp words and parted without reconciliation. October 19. Went to Bro. Shaw's to see about sheep skins. Took 2 more to be fixed. Paid him $2. Saw a copy of a Chicago Paper and read B. F. Butler's speech at Chicago. A very good thing. October 20. Started to Mineral Point. Arrived at Noble's late in the evening and lodged there. Saw Walter Evans and dunned him but got no en- couragement that he would pay me soon. October 22. Gave W. Fessenden's and Turk's 80 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER notes to Wilson for collection. Gave Levi Noble Beaumont's note that he might get me a cow. Went by E. Hall's and sold his son my timber land, for $10. per acre. Stayed at Sylvanus Fessenden's all night. October 23. Stopt a few minutes at Bro. Le- mont's and got to James Howe's before 8. It snowed on me all the way, sometimes a perfect storm of wind and snow. Lodged there. October 24. Visited Ealph Hildebrant and Ab- ner Howe for a few minutes. Took supper at Doc. Stephenson's and lodged at James Howe's. October 25. Snowed all night, a very wet snow. I determined not to travel in it on account of my ill health. October 29. Came home from Bethel and found my family as usual. Had a very hard spell of Pleurisy all night. October 30. Made a deed to E. J. Hall for tim- ber land. Got $40 of Hodges. October 31. Bro. Hall went with me to Darling- ton. Could not find out certainly how the taxes stood against my timberland. I gave him a deed THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 81 and he paid me $85. I gave him back $5 to pay taxes. I traveled on and lodged at Bro. Lemont's. November 1. After supper I went up to the School House and found a few collected so I preached a short discourse. November 4. Started home to be at the election. Paid McAfee $15. on note. November 6. Started home via. Darlington and arrived after 3. Voted the Republican ticket, straight. Saw Turk on my way and asked him if he had seen Fessenden and when he thought he could pay me himself. Got little or no satisfaction. November 7. Paid Hodges and Co. $40. and 50 cts for use. Bought goods at Washburn's to the amount of $20. Bought a new parlor stove of Lane and Co. for $16. November 8. At home all day reading and re- flecting. Read some in Scott 's ' ' Great Demonstra- tion." November 10. Went to Amos Hay's and left the Turk and Fessenden notes with him to collect if possible but not to sue. Lodged at Harry's with my wife. 82 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER November 12. Started to Richland Center via. Monroe. My wife rode that far with me and then she and my son Harry went home and I went on via. Linden to E. Robinson's for snpper and I lodged at Parmley's tavern. November 13. Paid $1.25 for lodging and also a former bill of $1. Started on via Avoka and paid 50cts. for ferriage at R. City. Saw a goodly num- ber of the friends on the road and notified them of the meeting. November 14. At Bro. Ross's busy copying from my diary the number of sermons, number of ad- ditions and the collections. November 16. At Bro. Davis's all day reading. Text at night 1. Peter 1. Subject "The Church the Temple of God." November 17. At Brother Snyder's all day read- ing the Holy Scriptures and studying the city sought by Abraham whose builder and maker is God. Lodged at Bro. Davis's. November 19. Wrote several letters and went to Richland Center and mailed them. Got my mail ; a demonstration paper from Waupun. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 83 Novembee 21. Eeceived of Sister Jones $1. of Bro. J. B. Jones $5. Commenced snowing about noon and snowed hard the balance of day. November 25. Preached in the morning to a large and interested group. Broke the loaf and im- mersed Bro. J. Miller. Received a donation at the meeting house of $22.50. November 27. Started to Woodstock and arrived at Bro. Nick's at % after 12. Took my dinner there and continued until meeting time. Bro. Stew- art came and we consulted about meeting as there was no house at Woodstock suitable. Concluded to meet at Spring Valley and commence Thursday evening. Lodged at Bro. Nick's. November 28. At Spring Valley. Saw Bro. T. Gray and he promised to give notice of the meet- ing and to help to prepare the house. Continued at Bro. D. Householder's over night. November 29. Considering the limited notice of the meeting and the stormy weather, there was a pretty good turn out at meeting. I am still at Dan- iel Householder's. November 30. Continued at Daniel Household- 84 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER er's. Eead the Scriptures all day, concerning An- gels and their work. The evidence that they are the spirits of dead men is very strong. Tolerable attendance and good interest, at night. Still lodg- ing at Householder's. December 2. Preached morning and night. Good hearing both times. It rained going home at night and was so dark that we could keep the road with great difficulty. December 3. Text 5th of Acts. Subject, "Paul's Conversion, a Model Conversion!" Contrasted it with the conversion of the Eunuch. But little in- terest in the discourse. December 5. Went to Bro. Coulter's on Mill Creek. Received of his wife $3. to buy a shuttle (must be with wheels). December 7. Started to Pine River on foot. Dined at Bro. Pinick's and then took supper at Bro. Dillon's. Very good meeting, at night. Bro. Householder lodged with me at Bro. Dillon's. December 8. Brother Housholder visited with friends until meeting time but I found him at the school house when I arrived for meeting. I lodged with a Methodist friend, Mr. Forster. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 85 December 9. I went to hear the Methodist preacher, but he insisted that I speak. I spoke on "The Offices of the Spirit. " December 11. At Bro. Rennick's until after din- ner. Had a very good hearing at the meeting and a collection of $2.25. Lodged at Bro. Ayer's, class leader. December 12. Returned to Spring Valley and dined at Bro. Gray's. Got no letters from any point or person and but little information concern- ing the prospect of uniting the Woodstock and Spring Valley brethren into one church. I think it should be done, at any rate, it should be if the cause here is to prosper. December 13. Quite cold but light to travel. Preached twice. December 14. Appointed meeting for tomorrow at Bro. Householder's as there is school in the school house. December 15. Preached at 11 at Bro. H's. The brethren present, of which there were eleven, agreed to constitute for the purpose of effecting a union of the congregations. 8 confessed their faith. 86 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER December 16. After service, I immersed Sister Elanor Banta. Sister E. Banta was formally re- ceived into the church. December 17. Borrowed of T. Gray $25. to be repaid when I return some time in January. Re- ceived of B. D. Householder two Government bonds, one for $100. and one for $50., both due in next August and one coupon on each, yet. Got no letters and no word from home. December 18. Read McGarvey's Commentaries on the Acts most of the day. December 19. Found E. S. Fessenden at the P. 0. at Center. We visited at the tavern and he gave me the news from home since I left. He had left two weeks since yesterday. Preached at the Bovee School, very few were out. I lodged with Bro. Ross. December 20. Saw Ed. at the tavern at Center. Made arrangements to ascertain if I could take my mare and buggy on the cars and the cost. Preached to small number and lodged at Sister Marks 's with old Bro. Ross. December 21. Visited in forenoon at Cooper's and in the afternoon at Mr. Krumbakcr's till meet- THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 87 ing. Returned to Bro. Coopers for my shawl. Went to the school house and found the teacher there determined to have a spelling school and acting very ungentle-manly about it. I did not contend with him but left after leaving an appointment for tomorrow evening. December 22. Went to the P. 0. Got nothing. Learned that I can cross the river at the north of Otter Creek. Received $5. donation for preaching. December 25. Started from Bro. Glazier's at Sextonville via. Lone Rock for home. Crossed the river on the ice. The second team to cross on the ice. Lodged at Dodgeville at the tavern. December 26. Went home from Dodgeville via. Mineral Point. Saw George Mathews in passing and learned that he was in the old neighborhood and that my brother James is dead. I concluded to go out to Bethel and get Harry to go home with me. December 27. Brother Peter Noble promised to go to see Harry and get him to go home with me. In the evening he backed out and it was too late to get him so I went back to Peter Noble's to lodge. Harry came there, late and stayed with me. 88 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER December 28. Left notes on Hays, Smith, Hut- son and Fesseiidon with Peter Noble for collec- tion. Received of him $10. Got a piece of beef of Levi Noble. Started home via. Mineral Point and arrived late. Found all well but little Will. He is pretty sick. I am about worn out. Have the worst cold, I have had for years. December 29. At home reflecting and trying to determine what is best for me to do in view of all the facts before me. Paid Patterson on my place $250. $5. to the butcher and deposited $5. to buy pork. Little Will is very sick. Can not determine positively what ails him but it approaches Diph- theria, very much. December 30. Little Will continues about the same and I shall stay at home from meeting, with him. However, if things were as they should be I should certainly go to the Lord's house on his day. No one came into the house but the doctor. December 31. Will appears a little better. I went up to town to get some things to surprise the chil- dren with. Got a turkey roast (15 lbs) and had three hogs dressed. 1867 January 1. At home expecting to enjoy the tur- key roast and rest. My catarrhal difficulty is very bad for a few days. Doctor Welsh and wife came and helped us to eat our turkey. Saw Mr. Lord. He wants the balance of the rent on his house, ($18). I promised to pay it next week to Dr. Welsh for him. January 2. Got my Sheep skins made into a robe. Cost $1.25. The whole cost $5.75. Paid $3. for 1 dz. chickens. Had a great plenty of turkey left from yesterday, for today. Heard that the small- pox is spreading over town and that Mathews will be on hand at the festival to prevent dancing. January 3. Got a horse blanket to line my sheep- skin robe. Cost $2.25. Saw Vernon about the inter- est due me from Patterson. If Patterson does not pay it, I must retain it out of the money due from 90 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER me to Wm. Patterson. Saw about getting my mare shod. It can be done tomorrow. January 4. Promised Bro. Carries to come to Georgetown before I go over the river again, as soon as I return from the Point. He will get the money from Bro. Prett 's if he must have it before I can get it, but I will borrow it if I can. If not, I will secure Bro. Carnes. Januaey 5. Went to Bethel via. Mineral Point. Ann Eliza went with me. Saw A. Weber and he could not promise me money for the reason that he had promised others. Saw W. Fessenden and got small encouragement that he would be able to pay his note soon. January 7. Went to Levi Noble's and thence to Peter Noble's. He had collected $5. on Smith's note, but got nothing of Hays or Fessenden. Went to W. Wilson's via W. Noble's. Got no encourage- ment from W. Fosgate as to money. January 8. Went to Marzolf 's. He was not pre- pared to meet his note. It costs as much to collect as to earn money. January 9. Marzolf paid $148. on his note let- ting Tory and Allen have it. They furnished him THE: DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 91 the money to pay me. Bro. Levi Noble promised me $100. until the middle of Feb. January 11. Paid $150. into the bank for Eobins to be applied on the Patterson contract. Paid Washburn $9.75 for pork. Let my son Harry have $9.25 to pay for his books. January 12. L. Patterson promises to see his brother about a shuttle for weaving. Started to Georgetown and traveled with great difficulty. The greatest storm of the winter up to this time. Lodged at Bro. Carnes. January 15. Went home from Georgetown and found all well. Sleighing is only middling and will last but a short time unless more snow falls. January 16. Received of Dr. J. J. Basye $25. to give to his brother Seth to pay his taxes in Rich- land County. A very cold day. Not ready to go over the Wisconsin, yet. January 17. Went to see Lawson's sleigh. Math- er thought that he would not take $15. for it so I gave up the idea of getting it. January 20. After visiting around went to lodge with Bro. N He is in great trouble about his 92 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER wife Saniantlia. She seems determined to run after M. L January 22. Went afoot up to Center. Saw Bro. James Snyder and he promises to see the citizens about using the school house tomorrow. Saw Ed. in town and told him about his family's coming Thursday. He has no money. January 23. Went to Bro. Jones's for my Bible and hymn book. A large majority of the citizens gave their consent in writing to holding meetings in the school. I held a small meeting and preached from Luke 16. Spoke on the rich man and Lazarus. January 24. Finally found the key to my trunk so I could get into it. Went to the tavern and waited for the team fetching my daughter and her children. It was night before they came. I went to the meeting house and saw Bro. Parker. He did not know anything of where the other team with the family might be. January 25. Snowed 6 inches last night and is still snowing. Went back up to the tavern and found W. Fessenden and Ed's family, all there and well. The teams have to stay over today on ac- count of the heavv roads. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 93 January 27. After preaching, received a dona- tion of Mr. Frieze of $2. of J. Moore $2.50 and of Sister Snyder 50cts. Read for several hours "The Eclipse of Faith." January 28. Lodged at Bro. Jones. It was a very cold night and I did not have sufficient covering. Slept very little. January 30. My mare got out of the lot at Bro. Brent's and she gave me quite a chase before Bro. Jones got her at Bro. Miller's. January 31. Bought a cutter at Richland Center for $6. Well satisfied that I did not take the one for $15. Went back to Bro. J. B. Jones's and got my trunk, robe and overcoat. Took them to Ed's and left them until I return from Fondulac. He will take his family to meeting tonight in the cut- ter and tomorrow he will take me to Lone Rock. February 2. Rode with the expressman at Cen- ter, to Lone Rock. Paid $1.50. Took supper at Min- nesota Junction, having had no dinner. Charges 75 cts. Paid 45cts for apples in the cars. Walked all the way out to Bro. Grave's. February 3. Went back to Waupun and stopt at Sister Walker's. Found Bro. Wagner there and 94 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER after having conversation with him, we went into town to consumate a compromise of the Waupun difficulties. Continued at Sister "Walker's until the cars came in. February 4. Left Sister Walker's after break- fast for the cars at 8. Took a freight train accom- modation car for Madison. Paid $4. fare and lOcts for crackers. Left at 11 o'clock at night and ar- rived at Lone Rock at three in the morning. Paid 45cts for supper. February 5. Paid $1.50 for riding on the stage. Got no letters from home or any other point. February 6. Went to Jonas Shambach's and found him somewhat better. Had a good visit with him but when I came to leave, I was very much an- noyed in that his hogs had got my nice new sheep shin robe out of my cutter and torn it consider- ably. February^ 8. At Bro. Nick's all day. Learned that Mr. Clark had got the district board to sign an order forbidding the use of the school for preaching. Went after meeting to Bro. Stewart's and lodged with him. February 9. Started to Spring Valley. Bro. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 95 Stewart rode with me. Got my mare and buggy and arrived at Bro. Gray's at 11. Preached to a small number. House was very cold and uncom- fortable. While at Br. Gray's I read Doolittle's speech on Reconstruction. Lodged at Bro. House- holder's. February 10. Very full house, today. Text 5 of Isaiah. Broke the loaf and returned to Bro. House- holder's. Appointed to preach the funeral of old Sister Pizer tomorrow. February 11. Got $12. of Bro. F. Householder for Br. Gray. Must get it back for Bro. House- holder before I leave here. Three confessions of faith, Mary and Ellen Nix and one name for- gotten. February 12. Agreed to preach at the Presby- terian Meeting House on Fancy Creek Thursday atl. February 13. Earning considerable. Prospect of losing the snow. I continue at Bro. D. H. While there I read a book written by a soldier of the 2nd Ohio. Name is Pettinger. It tells about his im- prisonment. 24 of them were detailed to burn R. R. bridges but were captured. 96 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER February 14. Went to Fancy Creek to preach at the Pres. House. Spoke on "The Eight Division of the Word. " Good interest. Bros. Benton, Long and Gilling from the United Brethren were there. Had quite a conversation with them. They were very much prejudiced against the Disciples and very ignorant of their views. February 16. Snowing and very blustery; very slippery roads. Walked up to John Clark's and took dinner with him. His father and Mr. Button were there. Returned to Bro. Householder's. Roads excessively bad. Appointed preaching at Woodstock at 2, when the candidates would be immersed. February 17. Preached at the Spring Valley S. H. then went to Woodstock and attended to the immersion of Mary and Ellen Nix, Rachael Pack, Emma Clark, Sister Spring, John Totten and D. S. Householder. February 18. Went to Bro. Merrill's to see his brother Joseph who is very low with the consump- tion. His father and mother and several others were there and we had prayer together with them. February 19. Went to prayer meeting with the THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 97 family of D. Householder. We had social, worship, prayer and exhortation until meeting time. February 20. Closed the meeting at the valley but shall remain over tomorrow to immerse 7 can- didates. One confession, S. Copenhafer. February 23. Went to Willis Breeses. He got my mare shod for me and paid $1. for it. After dinner took the cutter to Bro. Jones 's and got my buggy. February 24. Preached at the Bovee School. The church resolved to pay $200 for one year for preaching. February 25. Bro. T. Snyder thought that I could get $100. of Shambach so we went to see him. Got nothing but a tirade of abuse. February 26. Started home and got to the river but could not cross at R. City but heard that I could cross at Orion. So I returned to Bro. Glaz- ier's. He thought that he could get me some money of Dr. McCollum. We went to see the doctor but he was short of money. We then went to see Mr. Hardenburgh and he let me have $100. to be paid April 15 unless he does not want it, then. February 27. Started home the second time and 98 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER went to Hearst's ferry and crossed on the ice. Came by Avoca and Franklin and arrived at home at about sun-down. Found all well and a letter from Bro. Exley. February 28. At home all day attending* to busi- ness and reading*. Paid into the bank $100. This makes $1000 paid on my place. Settled with the Washburn boys and owe $135.40. March 1. Saw Bro. Smelker and conversed with him, on the trouble in the Platteville church. He seems to wish all things made right and to have the cause to prosper in Platteville. I certainly do not wish to prevent it but to aid in having the cause built up here as well as every where. March 4. Heard by Bro. Barstow that Bro. Carnes wished me to come to Georgetown, so I went in the afternoon. He proposes to have a board meeting and to have Bro. Exley to account for his complaints against me and others, also to settle with him for last and to employ him again for this year, if it can be done. I also received in- telligence that I can get enough money for my im- mediate needs of a man at Jamestown. March 5. After dinner I went to the P. O. for THE, DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 99 the news. Read President Johnson's Veto mes- sage, in my opinion, very sophistical and absnrd. 4 March 6. Started for Bethel via. Mineral Point. Got $100. at the Platteville bank. My mare took the colic at the Pecatonica so I drove through the Point without stopping. Got to Levi Noble's at 4. She seemed some better but would not eat so I stayed there over night. March 7. My mare is improving slowly. Bro. Smith paid $100. on his note but Levi agreed to let me keep the $100. 1 borrowed of him until the first of May. March 8. My mare appears better and took some oats. I went to Bro. A. Hays to see about the C. Noble note. He had gone for a load of wood. Samantha Noble was there. I paid to Amos Hayes $89. as administrator of C. Noble estate. March 9. Did not start home but remained at James Noble's all day. Advised with the Elders in the William and Samantha case. March 10. Advised Samantha in her dif- ficulty with her husband. March 11. Saw Bros. James Noble, Powell and 100 THE, DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER Wm. Noble and offered them council and advice as to the investigation and trial of the "Wm. and Samantha case. After dinner I went to Bro. George Lieurance 's and f onnd that Aunt Priscilla is very sick. March 12. Called a few minutes at Bro. Henry Schellinger 's and found Levi Noble there. Got a subpoena for Harry. Arrived home at 8 and served it. March 14. Learned that Bro. Clark failed to get the money for me at Georgetown. Stayed over night with him. Camelia was with me. March 16. Saw a letter from Bro. Exley to Bro. Noble in which he charges me with slandering him where and when I choose. In what it consists he does not say but he refuses to recognize me as a fellow laborer or as a Christian. Went to the board meeting and after finishing the business, I got Bro. Exley to make a statement of his troubles before the brethren and succeeded in getting a reconcilia- tion to the gratification of all present. March 17. Preached at 2, to a good turnout. I invited Bro. Exley to participate and preside at the Lord's table. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 101 March 19. At home. Arranged business with Washburn. I must make an effort to send them the money next week, if possible. Saw Bro. Smelker and did all I could with reference to matters in which he has connection. March 20. Paid Gear $1. for mare. Wrote a let- ter to Goodspeed in Chicago and attended to other pressing business. Received a circular from How- ard Chatten in Philadelphia. Determined to start to Richland Center tomorrow. Went to prayer meeting and Bro. Parker united with the church. But few were in attendance but a good spirit pre- vailed. March 21. Started to Richland Center. Mr. Pot- ter w r ent with me and took a load of plows. I called at John Lemon's and stayed over night. Sold him a copy of HartzelPs Sermons on the covenants for only 20cts because it was torn. March 22. Continued on my journey to R. C. Crossed the river on the ice most of the distance. The channel was open so I got off the ice into a boat and crossed. Arrived at Ed's in good season. Roads north of the river very muddy with plenty of snow. Sleighs used mostly on the prairy. Lodged at my daughter's. 102 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER Maech 23. Read Campbell and Owen's debate. Saw Bro. James Snyder but learned nothing in particular. March 24. Snow fell in the night to a depth of four inches. Mud and snow make awful roads. Preached at the Bovee schoolhouse. Text 4 of 11 Cor. Small congregation but larger than I ex- pected as the roads were nearly impassable. Re- ceived of Eliza Snyder $1., of Wm. Starkey 50cts and of Catherine Snyder $1. Maech 26. Continued at Bro. Ross 's on account of the stormy weather. Snowed hard all day and continued into the night ; perhaps a fall of 8 to 10 inches. Read Dr. T. Dick, some, also some of Dr. Gunn's writings, the S.S. Papers and the news. Sent J. B. Snyder to town for some tobacco and snuff. Maech 27. Still snowing. Arrived at Ed.'s be- fore breakfast and found all well. He put up my mare and I concluded to stay until tomorrow, then go to Mill Creek. Borrowed $50. of Bro. H. Jones and sent it to Washburn in a draft on Milwaukee. Went Ed's security to Bro. W. D. S. Ross for one year. I got $18. of it from Ed. for what I paid to move his family to R. C. Sent $15 of it, in a letter to Camelia and put the rest in my pocket. the: diary of a CIRCUIT RIDER 103 March 31. Attended the social meeting at 10. A number of the brethren participated. Went to Bro. Merrill's for dinner and to see his sick son. April 1. Went to Sugar Grove arriving at 10. Dr. Sabin came along to Bro. Enlow's. Bro. Smith 's boy rode with me and we found plenty of snow on the ridge. Bro. Enlow is thought to be mending slowly. Went on to Bro. Drake's and found him recovering slowly from a hard spell of sickness. April 2. Preached at 7 to a tolerable audience, mostly young persons. Many kept away by sick- ness and to nurse those who were sick. April 3. Worked most of the morning helping Bro. Hopkin's doctor his sick horse. It got well. After dinner, I intended to go to Bro. Enlow's but it set in to rain. Continued to rain until in the night so the meeting disappointed. Went over to Bro. Z. Smith's and stayed over night. April 4. Snowing this morning and had snowed all night. Very disagreeable weather and bad roads, water snow and mud. Started the meeting. The church had appointed (if possible) to effect a reconciliation of the difficulties, when together. The brethren called me to the chair and I sue- 104 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER ceeded in getting the brethren to covenant to- gether to drop the past differences and begin anew. The Elders to resign and all, in the future, to strive in love for each others welfare and use- fullness, and to forgive the past. Had a good order and a fine spirit, throughout. April 5. Bro. Enlow is in some respects, much worse and has sent for a new doctor. I went, after breakfast to see Sister Aikens and found her, in my opinion, in the last stages of Consumption and not long for this world. Went to Bro. Spurrier's. He came in for dinner but had to return to work in the sugar camp. Heard Bro. Enlow was better after the new doctor got there and operated. April 6. Went to see Bro. H. Davis's sugar works. He was just preparing to commence opera- tions. Middling turnout at meeting. April 8. Clear, but has snowed at least 8 inches. The deeds executed by the Governor were not valid and may have to be changed. April 9. Determined to go to New Brookville and Viroqua, so started and got to the Kickapoo. Found the planks taken off the old bridge and the new one not completed, but by scaffolding, got the mare on and off the new one. Lifted the buggy on THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 105 and off so I could travel on. Arrived at Bro. Wil- liam's late in the evening, completely spent. April 10. Finally learned the name of the flying- shuttle maker. J. W. Jackson and Co., Philadelphia, Penn. April 11. Continued at Bro. William's reading all I could find to read. He had some papers, re- ligious and political. Also read some in the Holy Scriptures. Immersed Sister Williams, Dr. Sa- bin's daughter. April 12. Went to look for a place for immer- sion with several others. Found a place by mak- ing a small dam. At 10 we concluded to attend to the immersion before preaching as the water was rising and very muddy. April 15. At Bro. Joshua Lieurance's. Have con- siderable headache. Found the roads very bad; rained all forenoon. Has grown somewhat cooler and appears more like clearing off. Received $13.50 at the meeting. Lodged at Bro. Stiles. April 16. Went to Bro. Philip Biddison's and found his wife some better. Had considerable con- versation concerning difficulties and think a recon- 106 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER ciliation might be effected. Started to Viroqua via. Bro. Williams and got my hand trunk. Put out my mare and went to meeting. A very respectable audience. Had an introduction to Mr. Radcliff, who appeared quite friendly. April 17. At Bro. Dawson's. Read Beecher's "Royal Truths," and Hartzell's sermons on the covenants. The Methodist preacher was present at the meeting and I had an introduction to him. Ar-RiL 18. Called at Bro. Priest's. He was not in and his wife was not well so I determined to visit others until it was convenient for her to have com- pany. Went to call on Bro. Addy but he had gone out to his farm. I then called on several of the brethren in their offices. Lodged at Bro. Rusk's. April 21. Preached on the subject, "Salvation" Towit, the Gospel the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth. Elder Radclifr was present and participated in prayer and the Lord's table. He made some very appropriate remarks and expressed gratification in participating with us and hearing my discourse. In the evening it rained so hard that the house was not lighted up. April 22. Borrowed $50. of Bro. Davis and gave THEi DIARY OP A CIRCUIT RIDER 107 him my note. Got my mare and buggy and left for N. Brookeville. Arrived at Bro. Stiles in time for supper. It snowed hard on me all the way. I lodged with him. April 23. I gave up starting to Sugar Grove on account of the weather. Went to the funeral of a little child thence back to Bro. Stiles. He had to go to Viroqua, but I lodged at his house. April 24. Still quite an amount of snow on the ground but prospect that it will be gone in a few hours, but threatens to rain or snow some more. Oiled my buggy springs to be in readiness for starting out. Catarrh worse than usual. Started at y 2 after 8 for Sugar Grove. Crossed the Kickapoo at Reedstown, on the bridge ; no trouble. Brother Smith's women folks were not at home so I dined at Bro. Drake's, and continued until evening, my mare being quite lame. April 25. My mare is no better but I must travel her if I can. Got 16 lbs. of maple sugar of R. Drake ($3.20). Got 3 yards of cloth of Z. Smith ($5.70). Arrived at Bro. Merrill's and found two letters one from Camelia and one from Goodspeed. Trav- eled on to Richland Center, my mare getting worse all the way. Could scarcely travel her. Got another 108 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER letter from home, written before the first one. Bonght a bottle of Gargling Oil for my mare. Apeil 26. Received of Bro. Priest $5. for ser- vices at Viroqna. Attended court in order to see men with whom I had business. Saw none of them. Heard the speech of Judge Cothren in the assault and battery case. April 27. Ground frozen sufficient to bear team. Attended the court. Heard the court charge the jury in the Hazeltine and Kronskop case and also heard the verdict of the jury. They found for the plaintiff. $10. Had a lengthy interview with Col. Cobb and had an introduction to Judge Mills and Judge Noggle. Heard Elder Walworth request Col Cobb to sign a paper concerning the action of the Co. Commissioners in which he and Hazeltine are at loggerheads. I believe he -will surely destroy himself in K. County. April 28. Received a donation at the service from the children, present, $2.05. The church elected Bros. Basye and Ross, elders. April 29. Paid H. Johnson, in Center $31. on a $50 note. Started home and had to go to Orion to cross the river, the wind was so high. Paid for THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 109 ferriage 35cts. My mare improved some in travel- ing. Lodged at Parmley's tavern. May 1. Looked around some and attended to business some. Gave Harry $10. to buy vest and pants. Engaged a man to plow my lot. Eead most of the afternoon in "The Handwriting of God." May 2. Ground still will bear team. Paid and settled with Hodges in full, up to this date, then borrowed $50. of him. May 3. Plowed the garden and spaded between the currant bushes. Burned the grass on part of the ground to be plowed. Picked the brush and stumps off of it. The man who is to plow it came, but could not use the plow he had. He went off for another and it rained so he did not come back. Bro. Nichols came after his children who were visiting at my place and I got $5. of him. Angeline Schellinger came to go to the other district to teach. Got a letter from Bro. Trimble requesting me to go to Princeton to take the oversight of the church there. May 4. Bought 50 pound sack of flour, $3.50. Levi and Bro. Nichols advise me to go to Prince- ton. 110 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER May 5. Preached at Platteville, but without pre- vious appointment so but few were in attendance. May 7. The man who was to plow my ground came with his son just as I was leaving home. I promised to give him his pay as soon as I return. The ground was frozen hard and white with frost. May 8. I was at the court this morning listening to the lawyers pleading the Hill trespass case. Hill lost his case getting only $9. for the breaking of his door. May 9. Went to Sextonville to see Bro. Glazier and Thomas Snyder about the money they bor- rowed of me. Made arrangements to have it paid after annual meeting. Got some little encourage- ment that I could get $50. from J. Starkey to send in a draft home. Bro. J. B. Jones gave me the en- couragement. May 10. Went to Bro. J. B. Jones for my mare and buggy but was disappointed in the money matter. Saw Bro. J. Moore and his sister just from Indianna. Crossed John at Bowen's mill. Saw him on a load of hay. May 11. Ground frozen and white with frost. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 111 Shall go to a funeral at the United Brethren house, maybe. Did go. Mabbie preached the discourse; rather a poor thing. Preached myself at the school house on the ridge. May 13. Rained some this morning. Concluded to go trouting. Got but few. Got of Bro. Totten $1., of D. Householder $1. and of the church $3. by the hand of Franklin Householder. May 14. My daughter Henrietta Fessenden gave birth to a daughter this morning. 5 May 16. Quite sick last night and had but little inclination for food this morning. Greased my buggy in readiness for starting out. May 17. Quite a heavy frost last night but clear this morning. Prospect of pleasant weather. Bro. J. B. Jones promised to do what he could to pro- cure some money for me at Richland Center. May 18. Was in town until after dinner looking after brethren to collect money but got none. Went to Bro. W. D. S. Ross and made arrangements to get $50 until after the annual meeting. Will send it to him in a draft. Lodged for the night with him. 112 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER May 19. Preached at the Bovee School and re- ceived a donation of $8.25. May 20. Started home via. Orion and called in at Bro. Jones's. He gave me $5. Took dinner at Parmley 's tavern and it rained on me all the way to Bro. Lemon's. Stayed there all night. May 21. Kaining this morning and very cold with high wind so I can not travel. Rain ceased at 7 so I started home. Got there in good season and found all well. May 22. Went to the annual meeting in after- noon but could not have a meeting on account of no Quorum. May 23. The president Bro. Wagner arrived but still no Quorum. Bro. Exley assumed the authority and appointed a meeting for preaching for himself for tomorrow. May 25. Met at 9. No quorum. Did no business but adjourned leaving the officers to hold over and settle up the business of the society and to appoint a place for the next annual meeting. Bro. Exley called up the difficulties at Waupun, proposing to have the decision of a committee but the brethren THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 113 resolved to have nothing further to do with the matter. May 27. Bro. Challen and Bro. Alwort got the Waupun members together and induced them to settle their difficulties amicably to the great grati- fication of all present. May 30. Took the cars for Princeton. Took a bus for Bro. Eadcliff's but he was in the act of mov- ing so I went to Bro. Elliot's. Saw a Mr. TafTe whom I had not seen since 1834. Knew him at a distance, on sight. His manner is very much the same as when I was formerly acquainted with him. May 31. Visited all forenoon with Bro. Taffe at Bro. Trimble's where I lodged. June 1. Eained all day. Went to the Meeting house in Princeton and talked some to the few who came. June 3. Talked further with Bro. Wm. Trimble on the possibility of my locating in Princeton. Lodged there with a traveling Peddler. June 4. Visited at Bro. McElwain 's all day with his wife and daughter. They planted corn with a 114 THE DIARY OP A CIRCUIT RIDER new planter. Went to my son David Jame's. He does not like the prospect of farming where he is, so he has not planted his corn yet. June 5. After conversation with me last night, David James marked out his corn, this morning. He and his family took me to Lupertown to meet- ing. June 7. Spoke to Mr. Radcliffe about his house in Princeton, if I should decide to locate there. It is a pretty good place and he wants $10. per month. Only ten were at the meeting at night. June 10. Ran around to several places before dinner which I took with Bro. Trimble. Preached a funeral discourse. Did not have previous ac- quaintance with the man. June 12. Went to Bro. Elliot's after my hand trunk and shawl. Consulted further on my locat- ing at Princeton. Concluded to call a meeting on the subject. Lodged at Bro. Crossley's. Bros. El- liot, Crossley and Taylor agreed to be responsible for the whole sum and to get what they could from other churches to be credited to them. Paid 90cts to Mendota. $3.40 to Lena. Stopt and visited Br. Dr. Narramore and remained over night. Had a most enjoyable visit. THE DIARY OP A CIRCUIT RIDER 115 June 13. Dr. Narramore took me over to see my mother. We started before sunrise in order to re- turn in time to take the cars in the evening. Gave Mother $7. Collected $10. of Ed. on his note so set- tled a doctor bill, of Mother's with Dr. Narra- more, ($6.50). June 15. Boarded the cars for Mineral Point. Paid 85cts fare and 35cts for dinner. Saw Levi No- ble in town and rode out to his house with him and lodged. Paid him $15, borrowed money. June 16. Preached at Bethel at 11 and in the evening. June 17. Saw Bro. Wm. Noble at Levi's and spoke to him about his installment of membership in the society. He replied quite curtly that he could settle it one way as well as another, if he wanted to. I said no more to him about it. Gave Levi No- ble $5. which makes $30. I have paid him on his note. Received $1 each from H. and M. Cox. June 18. Went to Wm. Martin's to see him about damages to road. He pretends to have un- derstood he was to have the damages awarded to me but I know I never sold him the damages. I told him that when we had told our stories to some able lawyer, and if he should decide it was justly 116 THE DIARY OP A CIRCUIT RIDER his, I would pay him. Saw John Beardsley and he promised me some money, soon. Saw Bro. Wm. Noble but could get no money from him. Saw Bro. VanMatre but got no encouragement of money. Finally got $15. of John Beardsley, for two weeks. June 19. Started home via. the Point. Got $30. of Curry, to be paid in two weeks. Got home after dinner and paid Hodges $50. I then borrowed $10. of him. Got a lengthy letter from Princeton and determined not to go there to locate. June 26. Bro. Parks went with me to Center and we arrived at Parmley's late in the evening. Took dinner at C. Minert's. Saw and witnessed his daughter Statira, read in the Bible, after the deaf and dumb system, with her fingers. June 27. Settled with the board at Bro. Dean's $244.71% due me for which I received an order on the treasurer. June 28. Started to Fairfield to see Bro. Berry and borrowed of him $10. Stopt at W. J. Brought- on's and paid him $30. Lifted my old note and gave him a new one. July 1. Went to Bro. J. H. Bridges'. After find- ing a suitable place for the immersion of two can- THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 117 didates, Bro. Berry and I went to Bro. Miller's and dined. Helped to catch a swarm of bees. At the evening meeting, two who had been Method- ists, came forward and requested immersion. July 4. Could not get my mare shod at Monroe. Got no money of Bro. Parks but he promises to send it soon. July 5. Rained so hard I did not get away from Bro. Parks. Disappointed in that he did not pay me. July 6. Published an appointment to preach at the School House tomorrow. July 7. Saw Bro. McAfee and learned that Bro. Mullis had gone off without paying him. He is not at all satisfied about it. He owes him $125. and in- terest on $200. for 2 years. July 9. Stopt at Bro. Geo. Lieurances but his wife said they were expecting his brothers E. and Robert, so she could not keep me. July 10. Learned Geo. Lieurances brothers did not arrive so I went back there to lodge. July 14. Preached a funeral discourse on the 118 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER occasion of the death of old Bro. Evans. Borrowed $10 of John VanMatre. July 16. Started home. Sister Nancy Wilson went with me for a visit. July 18. At home all day searching the Scrip- tures and reading the news. I let Sister Nancy Wil- son take the Mare and buggy to go gooseberrying. July 19. Borrowed of the bank of Hodges $100. for sixty days. July 20. Went to Bethel and took Sister Wilson home after a most enjoyable visit. July 22. Went to Eichland Center via. Mineral Point, Hearst's Ferry and Sextonville. Arrived after sundown. Paid to Sister Glazier, $50 on the $100 I got of Bro. Glazier. July 31. At Bro. D. Householder's all day. In the evening, his daughter A. H. was united in Holy matrimony to J. Norman. August 3. Preached on the subject, "Christ as a Teacher, a Necessity on Account of Man's Con- dition in Sin and Ignorance. ' ' THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 119 August 5. Went up to the store and visited with quite a number of the citizens. Preached at 6. Lodged with Bro. Ammerman. August 6. Still at Bro. Ammerman 's. I am of the opinion that a number quite sufficient to con- stitute a church, will come together for that pur- pose. August 7. Appointed a meeting for tomorrow when I promise to give an opportunity for all to come together, who wish for the purpose of or- ganizing to keep the ordinances as delivered by the Apostles. August 10. Worked at clearing a place in the grove for preaching and preached there at 5. August 11. Delivered a funeral discourse for J. Merrill which v Higginbothan's. Merrill which was well received. Lodged at Bro. August 12. Preached to a middling turnout. Re- ceived of the church $2.35. Received of Sister Babb 50cts donation for labor at the above meet- ing. August 13. Started for R. Center. Arrived at Bro. Joseph Householder's. He is very poorly. In 120 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER my estimation, in an advanced stage of Consump- tion. David Householder had been in my neigh- borhood but had not seen or heard of my family. August 14. Forgot my shawl at Bro. Stewart's. Saw Bro. Basye and learned that Bro. J. Snyder is circulating what is not true concerning Mill Creek, detrimental to employing an evangelist. Must correct him sharply. August 15. Went to the tavern to get my mare and buggy to go to Bro. Ross's, but feeling very unwell, I gave it up and went to Ed's to lodge. Saw Bro. Basye. His folks and self have to sit up with the sick every night so they could not attend meetings if they were appointed. August 16. Went to old Sister Boss's intending to go on but I was detained to deliver a funeral discourse, on the account of the death of Mr. Hay's child. The leading Spiritualists were all there. August 18. Elder Tuttle preached and I fol- lowed with remarks endeavoring to correct or sup- ply arguments confirming his positions. Attended to the Lord's Supper. August 20. Started home via. R. City, Avoca THE, DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 121 and Eichland, taking Henrietta and the children with me. Paid 50cts ferriage and rested a while at Parmley's. Got some tea, there, to use with our cake and pie. Got to Ellsworth's but they would not keep us so I was obliged to pay $1.50 at the tavern. August 23. Got two sacks of flour of Washburn, $4.50. Got the mare shod 40cts and got a sack of oats of S. Barstow. Sister Young rode with me. August 24. Went to Bro. A. P. Jones. I took his mail to him which spoiled our visit. However, he started home with me, but his wagon tire came off which detained us a while. He lodged over night with me and we finished our interrupted visit. August 25. At Georgetown. The Methodists are having a meeting. Bros. Patterson and Prett's both deny that they had agreed to take life mem- berships in the society so did not pay me anything. Learned but little as all seemed very glum and reserved. We shall see what we shall see. August 27. Continued at home all day inquiring for money for a month to give me time to collect what is due me and to meet my promises. Harry took Hershey Jones home, sick. 122 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER August 28. Preparing to go to the annual meet- ing. Dist. No. 1. Borrowed of Mr. Dagget $75. for sixty days at 10%. Paid Washburn $40. and kept $35 for Curry at the Point. August 29. Started to the Point. Camelia, my wife wants me to get itch ointment of Dr. Mofr* ett. Prusigo Lotion. Got the above medicine and payed for it, 50cts per bottle. Saw a letter from Exley of the most bitter and slanderous nature against the church at Bethel and myself. He, having no mem- bership, any where, I shall have to let it pass and consider him an irresponsible man and not recog- nize him as a brother. August 31. Went to the meeting house. None came but Bro. Barstow and Sister Young. Bro. Noble was with me and we left and went to his house. Eeturned to the meeting house again at 4. A few were there but none from a distance. I preached a short discourse and had prayer with them. September 1. Preached at 11 there being no other preacher, and still no brethren from a dis- tance. Had, however, an auditory. George Lieur- ance with others, decided that Exley ought to be required to give satisfaction for his letter. THE DIARY OP A CIRCUIT RIDER 123 September 2. E. Noble and several girls who are to go to school in the other district, rode home with me. George also hauled a load out. We got home at y 2 after 3. September 3. Agreed to let Silas and Mary lodge at my house until they can make other ar- rangements. September 5. Went on via. Avoca and crossed the river at E. City, Ferriage 40cts. Saw Bro. Basye on the way to Lone Eock. He had not got the draft from Coates but I found it in the P. 0. It had got there in time. Ascertained that the church at Eichland Center would pay $200, for preaching. September 6. Took Ed's buggy as mine was be- ing fixed and went to West Lima. Saw Bro. Gray and took dinner and fed my mare with him. Learned from him that the brethren would only pay $150. for preaching. September 7. Saw a large number of the citizens at the store. Circulated an appointment for preaching this evening. Tolerable turnout. September 8. Appointed to preach again tomor- row, at candle lighting. 124 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER Septembee 9. Eeceived of Bro. Marshall $1., of Bro. Poorman $1., of Bro. Jourdan $1., of Sister Jourdan a nice pair of stockings for my wife and bought a pair for myself, $1. Lodged at Bro. De- Hart's. September 10. Stopt at Viroqua for getting my picture taken. Bro. Nichols is to start on the stage for the cars for Chicago, tomorrow. I went to Busk's and found them uneasy, thinking I was not coming and prepared to be very disappointed if I did not come. Lodged there. September 11. I solemnized the marriage of Mr. M. Nichols and Miss Hettie Rusk at y 2 after 6. Eeceived of Mr. Nichols $15. and of the brides father, $5. September 12. Stayed in Viroqua all day. De- termined not to have meeting until Saturday on account of concert singing and secret society meet- ing. September 15. Went to Brookeville. There was one confession at the meeting, Sister Williamson. Br. Anderson immersed her as I was indisposed. I returned to Viroqua and preached again. Had only tolerable hearing. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 125 September 17. Saw and conversed with Bros. Priest, Dawson and others in Viroqua on the sub- ject of the proper effort to save the cause in Viro- qua. I got hold of some of Spurgeon's sermons and read four of them before bed time. Some pretty good things in them. September 18. Raining a perfect down pour. I occupy my time reading more of Spurgeon. A few came to the meeting and I spoke on general Chris- tian principles. September 19. Eoads very bad and nights very dark. Went to the school house and Bro. Anderson spoke. I was considerably embarrased. I followed with additional remarks. September 21. Constituted a church of ten mem- bers. Six sisters and four brethren. September 23. Bro. Anderson will ride out with me to Cherry Grove School House for meeting to- night. September 25. Arrived at Bro. Drake's in good season for meeting but have strong indication of the return of my old trouble. September 26. Remained in bed all day at Bro. 126 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER Drake's with the Flux. Could not leave the house to go to meeting. Got somewhat better by night. September 27. Still at Bro. Drake's. I will keep still and quiet and may be able to go to meeting at night. Did go. September 28. Not so well today. Bros. Russell and Hopkins came to see me and we had a consul- tation on the discipline necessary in the congrega- tion at Sugar Grove. September 30. Called at Bro. Smith's on my way to Mill Creek and his children gave me a do- nation of 75cts. October 3. This was the first day of the Fair at Richland Center. Saw a large number of the citi- zens and learned that the Bovee School can not be used for meetings any more. Got a letter from Camelia written the 12 ult. All were well as when I left. October 7. Wrote home and sent $10. to my wife. The weather turned very cold and I was obliged to lay out $1.25 for some warm drawers for my- self. October 12. After reading until 10, went to the THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 127 meeting house and but four persons came. Did not speak but returned to Bro. DeHart's and read a book entitled "The Titles of Christ. " Pretty good style but much erroneous matter. October 15. Arranged to have a picture sent to Viroqua. Went to the P. 0. but got no letters from any person or any point. October 17. Home via. Sextonville. Crossed the river at E. City and got to Fessenden's in good season. Took supper at W. Fessenden's and lodged at his father's. He promised to pay me week after next. October 19. Went to Georgetown and saw Bro. Carnes about renting my place and moving to Richland Center. October 20. Saw Bro. Barstow at Lima. He is married again. October 24. Called at Bro. Glazier's to inquire about a school for my son Harry to teach. October 25. Saw John Brown about a school. Got some encouragement that he could get one at tolerable pay, $40 per month. This would be for three months. 128 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER October 27. Preached at Sextonville and was solicited to return and preach by quite a number. October 28. Got the offer of the Bovee School for Harry. October 30. Heard Cobb speak at night. Pretty good thing as to matter, but poor manner, as usual. November 3. Suffering very much with my back so sent for Bro. Babb to immerse the two candi- dates. Received of Sister Passmore $2. for preach- ing and $1 to get a book. Got the certain promise of $100 of Bro. Marshall until about Christmas. November 6. Started home to move my family. Isaac Snyder and James Basye went with me with their teams. Took dinner at Parmley's tavern. Paid $1.40 ferriage at the river. November 7. Sold my place to 0. Jones for $1300. Settled with most of those my family had dealt with and gave Harry $20. Paid to J. Jones $10. for the use of his cow. November 8. Moving to Richland Center. All lodged at the tavern. Paid $5., $1., and $2.25. November 9. Started on. Ferried at R. City. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 129 Paid $2.50. Arrived at Ed's and found all things brought safe. Concluded to winter in the house with my son-in-law Dr. Fessenden. Got 66 lbs of pork of James Snyder. November 11. Fixed up some and attended the S. S. Institute at all sessions. Found considerable jealousy against me but some effort to conceal it. November 12. Attended the sessions and had proof of the fears against me. Spoken of by sev- eral and noticed by many. Shall say nothing but shall expose the whole thing at the proper time and place. November 13. Still at Center, fixing to return to my old home and settle all business with all par- ties. November 15. Started to Platteville and took dinner at Parmley's. Fed my mare and then stopt at the German Methodist's. He was not at home but his wife lodged me for the night. November 16. In Platteville. Went to Bro. Carnes to get a bond for deed to 0. C. Jones. Will have to stay over until Monday to get bond. November 18. Got a bond for deed to Bro. Jones. 130 THE DIARY OP A CIRCUIT RIDE] Keceived of him $230. down on my propertv h Platteyxlle and his note for $300. and he ifto na Bro. carnes $770. the first of April next Lodge with Harry at Mrs. Moffett's. ^oagec Harry fSef'to ^l m mis ™derstanding, iiarry tailed to obtain his certificate to teach. 1ZTT S" Harry Sti11 Ilas n «t got his certi fieate. Dr. Fessenden did not get home Quite * few were after his services. Quite a kss. Q November 30. Read a new paper < ' The Pulpit ' > ooo k C s a I £lir. SUbSCriberS f ° r « * « * — December 2. Went up to the store with Mr Gregory Saw quite a number who had come to trade and remained to visit. Bro. H. Delia', me for my wife, a nice dress pattern ~ THE DIARY OP A CIRCUIT RIDER 131 December 5. Think arrangements can be made to hold meetings in the court house. December 6. Saw Mr. Wright. He seems to want to saddle all the apparent opposition to me in re- ligious matters onto Mr. Reed. Mrs. Wright gave me a donation party in the evening. December 7. My reading today, is not as profit- able as usual on account of pain. December 8. Went to hear Mr. Wright in the court house. His effort was rather a singular one. He invited me into the stand with him. December 9. Got 10 bu. of corn, 60cts per bu. Bro. Snyder and wife visited with us until bed time. He will fetch me pork next Wednesday. December 10. Went to see Mr. Laws about the lamps in the court house. Found Mr. D. Pease there. Had a conversation with him. He is a zeal- ous fanatic. Learned the lamps belonged to the Baptists and they had taken them away so there are no lights for meeting. December 11. R. Norman and M. C. Stewart were joined in holy wed-lock by me at 1 o'clock. 132 THE, DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER December 12. At home reading on the subject of the Christian evidences. Quite a number of authors were examined. December 15. Preached in the court house at 11. Small audience on account of snow storm. Went, in the evening to hear Mr. Walker. Was disap- pointed as Mr. Reed did the preaching. A very poor effort. December 18. The house was too cold for com- fort at the service. Lodged at Bro. Coulter's. December 19. Found the shoes on my cutter were almost off. Bro. Merrill cut his ankle very bad. They sent for me before meeting. I had Dr. Sabin sent for, who came and dressed the cut, with sticking plaster and putting on sugar and camphor. December 20. Bro. Merrill's neighbors all came with their teams and hauled him a fine lot of wood. December 21. Greatest snow storm up to this date. December 22. The brethren took up a collection for me at meeting, $5.10. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 133 December 23. The friends talked some about em- ploying some one to preach. I agreed to come, to- morrow night with a paper that all who wished might subscribe for that purpose. December 24. Stopt at Bro. Merrill's for my Bible. Sister Pamelia rode with me. A few pres- ent, subscribed $40 for preaching. December 26. Preached at 7 to a good turnout. $50. more was pledged for preaching and but few friends have been seen as yet. They will continue the effort to raise funds. December 29. Concluded to have no meetings for two weeks on account of the bad roads. December 30. Spent most of the day reading "Primitive Piety,' ' by Fisk. Mr. A. Eastlancc and his wife visited at my house until bed time. Bad from him a great amount of humbuggery. 1868 January 1. Preached at the Garfield School house. January 4. Went up to the store visiting. Preached at night. Bro. Gregory and wife and Newton B. Boldon from Mt. Tabor were in the audience. January 5. Audience could not all get into the house this morning. Lodged at Br. Poorman's. January 7. Went to Bro. Marshall and paid him $101.33y 2 . Received of him $6.33y 2 for preaching. Borrowed of Henry DeHart $20. January 10. Went to the court house to hear a lecture by what proved to be a professional Spir- itualist. 136 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER January 11. Went to hear the Phrenologist and Spiritualist. Got nothing new from him. All, I had either heard or read before, and seen refuted many times, but most of the audience seemed to drink it down as truth and a sweet morsel. When will the people learn to reason for themselves? Januaky 12. Very cold. The strange lecturer oc- cupies the house tonight. Subject, "Religion, Not Christian Religion." I intend going. Went to the lecture and the house was full. It proved to be just what I expected, an infidel thing and rather a poor thing even of that kind. January 13. Saw quite a number of the citizens on the street from whom I learned the general impression made by the lecture. January 17. Went to a majic performance and paid for Harry, Ed, Henrietta and myself, $1. January 18. Eeceived of Mr. Teaddle. 12 lbs. of butter, 25cts a lb. Got 200 lbs. of meal and a peck of beans of James Mark. January 20. Moved into the Lewis Jones house. I hauled quite a portion of the goods myself, in the cutter. Bro. Jones hauled some of my goods after first fetching me a nice load of wood. THEI DIARY OP A CIRCUIT RIDER 137 January 21. Confined to the house with a lame back. Ed. gave me a plaster which Camelia ap- plied. January 23. Got out of the house with great dif- ficulty. Got $10. of Downs until next Thursday. January 24. Bro. E. Davis brought me a sack of white flour. January 25. J. Brown brought me some butter oats, turnips and some fine cabbages. January 29. Brother Miner t lodged with me and I took him 3 miles beyond Ithaca on the road to Loyd. January 30. Borrowed $25. of Mr. Laws to be paid next Sat. two weeks. Stayed over night with D. Householder. I did not pay him anything on the debt in favor of Sister Jane Marshall, as they did not demand it. I think that an effort to unite the brethren on Fancy Creek with the Spring Valley friends is the only show of promise in this section. Shall try it. January 31. Am not well. Have indications of Eresipelus on hip and ankle. Preached at night despite my ill health. 138 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER February 4. Saw Elder Marks at the store but he seemed disinclined to talk so I did not press him. February 7. Learned that there is to be a show tonight by Mr. Sands, the renowned Magician and Ventriloquist. Did not go myself but Harry did and I may go tomorrow night. February 8. At home all day trying to collect some money. Went to the show at night, where they promised to give the same physical mani- festations obtained in Spiritual circles. vYas hum- bugged, in that they made no effort in that direc- tion. February 9. Very cold and side walks not broke so ladies could not get to meeting house on foot. February 10. Appears to me to be the coldest morning of the year. Going up to town I ascer- tained that the mercury was frozen in all the thermometers and no spirit thermometers in town, so we could not tell how cold it is. February 11. Preached the funeral of old Mr. Sandlin and went to hear a temperance lecture by Mr. Goss. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 139 February 12. Saw the temperance lecturer on the street, who was on his way to Ithaca. February 18. Saw Sister Babb at the Twaddles and learned that my remarks on "The Mourner's Bench" did not please some of the hearers. February 20. Saw James Jourdan at Bro. Coul- ter's. He says Mr. Gault filled Marks appointment at Lima, denouncing baptism until after the can- didate gets religion and that there was no water used on the day of Pentecost. The brethren in- formed me that they only wanted me to preach out half of what they had subscribed, $71 or $72. February 21. Home via Horse Creek. Very rough roads and snow gone in many places. February 26. Again, I was disgusted with many things at Mr. Wright's meeting. Little children arose at the invitation and having received no in- struction, were left to strive for abstract power to make them feel and believe. I was called upon after the meeting ought to have closed, for an exhortation. Made a few general remarks but would have liked to have told them what to do. Went to the P. 0. and to the Artists but got noth- ing at either place. Bought a box of throat Troches. 140 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER March 1. Solemnized matrimony in the case of W. Heal and Miss Burt. $3. March 4-7. At home reading. March 12. Went into town and saw and had conversation with W. Eeed. He seemed to be re- lenting on account of what he has done against me. March 13. Started to Spring Valley and Fancy Creek to hold meetings. Camelia was with me. Good turn out at the meeting, considering the bad roads and that there was no moon. March 17. Sent around word for preaching at the school near J. Clarke's. Had dinner at House- holder's. They had some sugar so they sugared off some. Larger turnout at the meeting than we ex- pected, but some boys were very ill behaved. Shall have to make an example of them if they persist. March 18. One addition, today, who had be- longed to the United Brethren. Stormed all night. A great fall of snow. March 19. Snow wet and full a foot deep and sugar water running. THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 141 March 23. Called at several places inquiring about the strife between the Baptists and Method- ists. Found it gratifying to some in the commun- ity, but tending to strengthen infidelity. March 25. Saw Bro. Snyder. He wants the mon- ey for his daughter, next week. Mr. Reed preached at 8. It was a very dry and weak effort. March 26. Attended Mr. Walker's meeting at night with my wife. Rather tame and mild in its effects. March 27. Ascertained Mr. McKee's little girl is dead. Promised funeral for tomorrow. March 28. McKee child's funeral at 10. Went to Mr. Walker's meeting at night, Tuttle and Wright were there. I was invited into the stand, but only out of courtesy. No liberties granted. March 29. I preached at the Ross School House. A Dunkard or German American Baptist was there and I heard that he expected to preach him- self. Wm. Tuttle and wife called at my house in the evening and we had conversation on the design of baptism. He thinks he was born again before he was baptized ; pardoned and saved, before. 142 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER March 30. Borrowed of D. J. Brimer, $25, as an accommodation. Paid to Thomas Snyder, for his daughter Martha, $26. in full for services. March 31. Got 5% lbs of white sugar 86%cts. Saw Martha Davis and she said her father said to credit him with $4 and he would pay her. April, 6. Preached at the Kidd School House. April 7. Got home in good time to vote. Bor- rowed of H. Breese $15. for four weeks. Saw Mr. French who wants me to buy his house. He asks $250. but I declined buying for the present. April 8. Learned how the election went. Elder Tuttle was only elected by the narrow margin of 5 votes. April 12. Went to the Court House to Mr. Wright's meeting. Only a tolerable audience. His effort was quite a dry thing; no point to it and very poorly read. His Melodeon was the most pleasing thing with the hearers. April 13. Court did not set. The Judge did not come. April 14. The Judge came and court com- THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER 143 menced. The Mineral Point murder case started. Saw Drs. Vivian and Dalton and quite a few other acquaintances from Mineral Point. Learned from Dr. Dalton that Levi Noble is still dangerously sick, but better. April 15. Verdict in the murder case. Not guilty. April 16. In court listening to the election case in the town of Bloom. Thrown out of court on ac- count of defects in bill. ArRiL 17. Still attending the court with interest. Gave my wif e $2, today. April 18. Quite unwell. Overdid, yesterday. April 21. The book Campbell's " Lectures and Addresses'' came today. April 23. Went to see the new steam mill. It works well. April 26. Large crowd at meeting. None but ladies could get into the S. H. There were more men out side than there were ladies inside. April 28. Went to W. T. Armstrongs via. S. Turnispeed's and visited until after dinner. 144 THE DIARY OF A CIRCUIT RIDER Learning that there were several log-rollings, con- cluded to go no further to look after a place to baptize. April 30. Got my mare and buggy and went to Joseph Householder's. Saw quite a number there as they were having a log-rolling and quilting -bee. May 1. Went up to J. W. Clarke's for my over- alls and boots to baptize in. Immersed Lester Turnispeed at 3. Received into fellowship, Sister Lizzie Springs and Samuel Turnispeed and Avife. They took up a collection and I received $1.75. May 2. Bro. W. D. S. Eoss wants his money as soon as I can get it. I must make the effort. May 5. Borrowed of Bowen till the first of June, $25. Paid to W. D. S. Eoss $25. May 7. I go to the Kidd schoolhouse at 3. At- tendance kept down on account of fears of whoop- ing cough. May 11. Went to Moses Marshall's. He gave me $5 for preaching, 19 lbs of sugar and some yarn. I lodged at Bro. D. Householder's. Am very un- well, having strong indication of lung fever. 6 Notes 1. Page 28. "Copperheads" was a name applied to Democrats in the northern states who violently opposed the prosecution of the war. They were not in sympathy with the South but held that the attempt to coerce the seceding states was hope- less and illegal. 2. Page 58. Benjamin Howe and David James Howe were two sons of Henry Howe. 3. Page 69. Nothing can be found which will explain the "Waupun trouble" so frequently mentioned in these diaries. 4. Page 99. The tenure of office bill and the bill to arrange the southern states into military districts were passed over the veto of the president. 5. Page 111. Henry Howe's third wife, the editor's paternal grandmother, must have been a generous soul as her two daughters were named Henrietta and Eliza, for the first and second wives of Henry Howe. 6. Page 144. This is the last entry ever made in a diary by Henry Howe. He died of Pneumonia two weeks following this date. Thus endeth the second work of The Voyageur Press of Minneapolis, whose ideals include the combination of fine printing ivith the publishing of historical material relating to Minnesota and environs. However, because of present economic stress, no fine, limited edition of The Diary of a Circuit Rider has been produced. Five hundred copies of this trade edition have been com- pleted and placed on sale this month of August, nineteen hundred thirty-three.