IZa-sTf Amended Curriculum Four Year Course in Physical Education and At h le t i c 3o e c h i n g .Approved by loard of Trustees, Dec. 4, 1929 The present requirements for graduation froji bhe Dollege of Education itli bhe degree of Eacnelor of Science in physical education ?re, First, one hundred and thirty-six semester hours. Second, forty— seyen semester hours in the subject of specialization (Physical Education and Athletic Oo aching) Third, twenty semester hours in Education including cer- tain re Quired courses. Fourth, sixteen hours in a second subject of specialization, (a hirh school teaching subject) The experience of the College has been that it is desirable in work of this sort to have a ior° prescribed curriculu.il. It is, therefore, the recommendation of the College of Education that in place of V.:e present recuire .lent s for graduation with the degree of Bachelor el Science in physical Education the following requirements be substituted: First: One hundred and thirty-six hours of credit. Second: Twenty-five hours of Education as follows; Education 6, Principles of Secondary Education 3 Education 7, School program in phys.Educ. 5 Education 8, History, System and Theories of pnysical Education Education 10, Technic of Teaching Education 25, Educational Psychology Education 33,* Psychology of Athletics Educational Practice 1, 2, 3, 4 •Psychology 1 (-1) .isj oe substituted for Education 28 2 3 5 3 8 25" Third: Thirty-three hours of recuired work in various de- partment s as i ollows : Rhet. 1 Hhetoric and Composition 3 Rnet e 12 Rhetoric and Literature 5 military 4 Jour, 7 Sports '"riting 3 Puolic 3?eai:ing 1 principles of Effective Soeakin.g 3 Physiol. 1 Slemente of physiol 2 Physiol<2 Physiol, of physical Exercise 4 Anatomy 1 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 3 Anatomy 2 Outline 01 Human Anatomy 3 Hygiene 10 General Hygiene 3 33 * •' » : Fourth: Forty-one semester hours to be required in technical training as follows: A. C.2, A..C.4, A. C.7, A. C.15 A. C. 16 A.C.17 A. C.20 A.C.30 A. C.31 A. C.32 A. C.40 A. C.41 A. G.50 A. C.60 A. C. 70 Calisthenics Gymnastic stunts Boxing and "rest ling Recreational Activities Training and Organization Track and Fie Football Football Football Basketball Basketball Baseball Shimming Health Education and Gymnastics First Aid and Administration Id Athletics Corrective 4 4 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 41 Fifth: The requirement of sixteen hours in a. second subject of specialization (a high school subject other than physical education) must be met Sixth: The remaining hours necessary to complete the requirements for graduation shall oe selected from courses other than Athletic Coaching. The chief changes in the requirements for graduation are; First: A decrease of required Athletic Coaching Courses from forty-seven to forty-one hours. Second: An lincrease in reouired education courses from twenty hours to twenty-five hours, the five additional hours, however, being hours which formerly were included in the Athletic Coaching Courses. Third: The requirement of thirty-three hours of specific courses other than courses in Education or Athletic Coaching, and the definite requirement of specific courses in Athletic Coaching. It is felt that oy these changes there will be a greater definite- ness of work on the part of students registered in the curriculum and greater assurance that the graduates have the necessary tech- nical and professional training for their work as specialists in Athletic Coaching and Physical Education. ' ' ?'te