1 THE PREPARATION OF ANHYDROUS OXALIC ACID II A NEW METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF FURFURAL BY VANDRRVEER VOORHEES THESIS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1921 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/preparationofanhOOvoor UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ■2 o Jarn^Z X i 4 j i ii‘; ' ^ ^') ' i,- ,.SI.|(LJ|!UA-C.u J . S ' 5.1 r*'^ f-, |; 3HT aOT Pt r UO ljlt>‘i rlW f ji/M I jlY lU''l 2/. 3W Cn ; ■ V. . . . ‘.„ >Tr/ ^ * ' Mi^ >ri4i«^ A* / — . . . * ‘■ jJ- f^- A !>■»'• (•••^'.IwiVlf*'^ . . ■ ■.'• . ■ ■' ? . i I > ..^w»»i m i. „ 'io 3 !uiL>aa^ »kmf f .*• V * "y Tr * -;ariiP - r,f rtt - * ifc> ■ ■■* ■•. ♦» •' ■ 'I 9 S.tMi.> at iofj#t\»-'< V , ‘ \ ■' 1 \f ' ) *0 > i* ' i 4 i 4i ■«tj" 30 I KHMfW. ‘’30 nOUAifH »;r- ' -»»»m(i*>.^i(«r TAPLE OF CONTENT? I Anhydrous Oxalic Acid Introduction Experirr.ental Di scussion Drawings of Apparatus II Furfural Introduction Di scussion Experimental Notes Conclusion Summary Bibliography Drawings of Apparatus Page 1 3 6 Appendix A. 10 12 14 21 22 23 25 Appendix B. 5 ■ 70 i.nt; ' .? -' i !2 ' /T- y-^'>4 r<4 f: ' - ^z '-i-'.'A ,t*^■T* ^ — .-a •■ X-»T5T’= ^ ac i r- « *■- f‘'**T fr.t-B' n: 5.ttL'ic^i AOXSwi«UjtQ in' % ii^sayAit ^ 3 n^'-j ^'r f^, ^4,* ^fi,. ^; ♦ ...iJ ? ^ !^'-;' .' 4^r:f aT€f5:'.|A^‘Jb U '*5^ '^j - *V *i ^ - ■ ^ <>?. Ifc' 1 INTRODUCTION Certain organic reactions, such as the preparation of oxalic esters, require oxalic acid entirely free from water. Since the pure, crystallized acid contains two molecules of water of crystal- lization, this must he removed before the acid may be used for these purposes. Oxalic acid cannot be satisfactorily dried in an ordinary oven, since it sublimes arpreciably at temperatures below 100©, and above (1) (2) this temperature decomposition ensues. Beilstein mentions that the water of crystallization may be removed by standing over cone. HgSO*, but it is obvious that this method would not be applicable to the preparation of any considerable quantity. In order to overcome the above difficulties. Dr. H. T. Clarke, of the Eastman Kodak Co. h&s devised the following process (as yet unpublished) which may be carried out in any laboratory. Finely crystallized oxalic acid is boiled with CCI4, the vapor of which carries out the water according to the law of partial pressures. The vapors are condensed into a gravity separator where the water flows off and the CCI4 is returned to the flask. This is continued until all water has been distilled out, the product being obtained by filtering off the CCI4, the last of which is removed in a current of dry air. (1) Gay Lussac,- Ann. Chera. 1-30, (3) Handbuch - 1 - 639. nA ■ Ll «. rfj *\ \ 1 ■ ‘ r, * w* *• ■i '■ , V- > ' , "tr . i. V' - - >■?, ' r *.• :• s >>'v ,. « ;i, ,i*' 1 4 ^ 0®^! ii ■' ■' »! -> vn 'A- 4. •'.• !■ .. . -■/r'Ts*. :t 1 ^cJ i()t / •jfl;; I .... n..; .■ v.-jf?. n;cj :^c: •'. .17 ':V . *(f^' '.'K. ^ ^ itti ^ • f - , ,| . ■- ■ •■ - ■ - r .'i”’ . - - I ^ ‘ , • •‘i I- • f -;. ». 0 ‘.v. t- * h =Sa ■1)' r - rr'/. luJ^ ' ' ) T!?r hi' I if ^ wmnimi 3 The purpose of this research was to check over the above metho: and determine the most suitable form of apparatus to use; one which would give the least loss of CCI4 and dry the acid in the shortest time. Previous work with this method showed that*^large I loss of CCI4 could not be avoided, thus making the process an expensive one. To determine where this loss occurred, a number of experiments were made with different forms of apparatus, the loss of CCI4 being observed in each case. ETPERIMENTAL Experiment 1. - Two Kg. C. ?. oxalic acid were passed through a 30-mesh seive and placed in a 5-1. round bottom flask with 5 Kg. CCI4. The flask was fitted with a glass stir of the vdng type reaching almost to the bottom and sealed by a column of mercury about 3 inches deep. Connection was made to the top of a vertical condenser by a tube 50 inches long and 1/3 inch diameter, wrapped v;ith asbestos to decrease condensation. The condenser, 30 in. long and 5/8 in. diameter was connected at the Icv/er end tc the water separator. In Dr. Clarke's apparatus this separation was effected by means of a simple trap with a funnel set into it to catch the liquid from the condenser. The objection to this is the large surface offered for evaporation, so a modification of this separator was used in this and follcwing experiments. This device, shown in Fig. 1, consisted of a glass tube 8 in. long and 7/8 in. Ham. with a small tube sealed at the side for a water overllow and a second small tube leading up from the bottom to within 1/4 in. of the water \ \jrr^ •Cl . c < 0 L ^ ' V*. . '.. rori : ‘.'it .ic t^fO •■•;.. ’ ,‘, OJ .-; ■* . . ^ t; "■ J ' »v .^: if '■« I - © I . / .'■- ■ • f t‘Tr; ?;r -.v, c .‘'n« •iVl ' ■ 7 -■; ;*i ? . T • .•^-> Vt.* ,3" V'Ti-' • ; rt, A ' . > - . '.V 1 •, ■ ■ * V r V-7 it -A .V'i it' • J.. « ■ t . ► , «. ?• ■)“ - ^ t ; . ' i.'" 0 t. i •• .T X (■; . f. - V - ' , 6 * J ^ h. q: '.t : ^ i :: ^ .v» . ■• “■ 'i r. i- 4. iff' *i .';- /. • . --Cl'i ,v ^ ^ .,- : . ... V . . ' .•• :.-y . -w . Lr'.'iS ti . ■■ • .' - v1 '•" ' i . • < ■' ”♦ E.rl;’ / C ‘ '' ' i’i .*; :ir>i > ‘4 ' < t; » • • ^ iiti ijifi outlet where it was bent horizontally and connected to the flask. This maintained the level of CCI4 just below that of the water outlet, and the water, being much lighter, collected on the surface until the layer became sufficient to reach the overflow where it ran out and was collected in a covered beaker. The connection between the separator and the conienser was arranged with a capillary open to the air to maintain atmosp'heric pressure and insure the proper adjustment of the liquid levels. For this reason also, the return tube was made 'with an enlargement containing a capillary to prevent siphoning the contents out of the separator into the flask during operation. The returning CCI4 was delivered by a small tube extending well below the surface of the mixture in the flask to prevent vapor rising and escaping through this last mentioned capillary. A small funnel was sealed within the separator just below the condenser to deliver the 00X4 below the surface and prevent its being floated out with the water by surface tension. Corks were used at the condenser connections, but a rubber stopper was used at the flask, owing to the difficulty of making a large cork stopper carrying two tubes and a stir, sufficiently vapor tight. Hovirever, the rubber was abandoned at the end of this run as it was found impossible to prote ct it from the solvent action of the tetrachloride, altho tinfoil and collodion laquer ware both tried. The rubber also showed a tendency to discolor the product. . ‘ : ,’ , .'. i’ H ^ . J AJm . .. tXJ • ^ ' •’’ . * i - tl • t| bttii ■ : ■ - r, M*r -* ■lit*.., . ■ \, ' Q< 0 c: • ■S i . , , ' ■■ 1 i. a! ‘ ;»:* ..< , f.‘Ot I , •. . •••’ ■':> ' ■ • WjuMA ' ; t '- • . Mr* • ^ . 1 ■ .. .- «. ■ ‘s. ■ . 'i , . - ■•> ■ "■ V._ .-: J- l;o t- ^ ci :’ f.- 4 ■ ■*•■'' o.r' '• t - •' - -■S' ^ i * ' > ^ ] :> ,: T, t r X - : ; ; . .? r. ^ . "-i q ,n f . *v- .- . t .f ■ 1 .■ ' •> <• i '.u t .’ , “^ 5 * ■ ■ - ■ .: . ;. -V .:» -rtjvaiq o* x*' ■ - ' - * ;: fisc ' •'"• • . , ' .'?o ?. t-.-ll r ! 7 0 liai tiit • - ' .:- .•:• -U' . ■ V i x^sfe.. c„' . 1 . -r ' .;, ..aX , • .a 4 ^, .'*■ ‘'^ . - r ♦ ; A 4 , :,T; 7 rfir . ' • » .'• ^.. ,.., .< .: • ;:c.-tja:'i; ■' ■'* ‘ .. : . .:. '■ .' •' • '■; i ^ ^'il •Up.'? r*.^ •> ' fV; 5 *.••;■ ^ QT , ’' '•'• '• ivi r ‘ . -^'.fv:^: •* '- i .:' ’..liv. •• '- .* ■- r-I , •’ ■ • c . ' •• ’ ■ • . ■ ; : • i;a. ' :;,■ ii' ‘ c r r i ‘ . - A's . V l i Y-.Tvt'fit ' i* . lii ii'J - 4 ~ Distillation ovsr a direct flame vias carried on for a total period of 30 hrs. At this time the CCI 4 returning to the flask had lost part of its milkiness due to entrained water, but had not become clear. Gome trouble was occasioned by the return tube becoming closed at the end by an agglomeration of oxalic acid which required frequent removal. After cooling, the acid was filtered off by suction until no more CCI 4 could be obtained. The remaining CCI4 w 2 i.s expelled in the oven at lOO , but some sublimation occurred at this temperature, causing the finely powdered acid to sinter together into a mass of delicate needles. 3900 g. of CCI4 was recovered, denoting a loss of 1100 g. 1350 g. of anhydrous acid was obtained, which is 94.5^ of the theory. The loss was most likely due to sublimation in the oven. Titration of the product showed a water content of less than .01 mol. HgO. Experiment 3. - In this escperiment several changes vyere made in the apparatus. The length of the separator was increased from & in. to 14 in., and the diameter from 7/8 in. to 1-3/8 in. This was done to allow the water more time to separate before the CCI4 was returned to the flask. The tube returning the GCI4 was ex- tended just through the stopper in the flask, and a loop was made in it to prevent the reverse passage of vapor. In this way, plugging of the end of the return tube within the flask was effect- ually prevented, A cork stopper was used in the flask and painted with sodium silicate to render it impervious to vapor. The - t ■> r,%tf • ■? • V nii .tjO'i ^ - ■ .^ V.; «>,•• ♦ICTCCX *T • > ^ • i- 5>,^ Kci 1 .-1 i j * c' tiKH 5’« -T,- ■ ^ . ., '- 1' • • . 1 ^ ' :V . L V f -^j ^_ A.' ; ■ -- ,,, .v.oerf'j V ic% i: ' ’.« ■ ' .,»- ‘'A'* • ’( ■* f ■ w * k»*»» W T- % IM»’ A ^ .. »t X' .■^ . juT A.<::?> V . IC . * t-r ts: ^ ; ;ti £ii^ . ' r' ^ aj 4- *•/> X.V^ Awl A ‘ . !: ' ; ? 0 X> ■ ■'■ <.• O . fill'*., j : : . - < f <- . / :. ; .. / rii3 , 'a n ■iir.^ : " : y (..‘j: - . ■‘-■ir,<- . ' - 5 - capillaries previously mentioned as essential to the working of the separator, were replaced by connections to a small vertical condenser as sho'^n in the sketch to prevent any escape of CCI 4 vapor. The small funnel which was selaed vdthin the previous separator, was merely rested on a constriction of the wall in this one. This was done to siiiplify construction. The entire apparatus is shown in F'ig. 2 , and was used in succeeding experi- ments. A water-bath entirely surrounding the flask was used in this experiment in place of direct heat. 2 Kg, oxalic acid graded as before and 5 Kg. CCI4 were placed in the flask. Distillation was carried on for a total period of 18-1 /2 hrs, 2500 g. of CCI 4 was recovered by filtration from the anhydrous acid, showing a loss of 2500 g. Part of this loss was due to clogging of the return tube at starting and overflow of the separator. The product 'Afas freed ffom CCI4 by spreading on a paper placed above a radiator for a few hours. 1450 g. of anhydrous aoid va,s obtained which is a trifle more than the theory (l430 g.). Allowing for .02 mol of water, deter- mined by titration as before, this is practically a quantitative yield. The use of the ;vater bath effectually prevented the formation of a crust of acid about the upper part of the flask, this having been previously observed by Dr. Clarke. Experiment 3 . - The apparatus was used just as in the pre- ceeding experiment with the exception of the water bath. It was felt that the slight advantage of the crust prevention was more ;a^:ov : -U » . V U-^V .... r i:,. -r.- ■ . . . , T 4 ^ in V 10 -.^ r..!%;' j til ‘t.’ L^-< 7 ' :/T^: •■ M. ^ '' „ 'i;V .VI * ' ; X o? t- 'lo ^ r ’ .‘ ■y-'V - .•< • - s x.-^ i- .- ^ •■■•.S','h>’ -c '_.n I*,.; ^‘>0 O' ^v* •fA- 'i 5 »' .:'■( ^v- V u:i. . r . ,• > - - ;.T , X t ... . r ■U o’ i.'.cr • \ ,i. t t .A' ;. . . ... :) < . ; - * t"‘ t , : .■ V ill • . ( t -/* •,c..-f!Mf' ‘'- * 7 ^.; f‘ ^ m *"•11 * . -4 - h >." •. • . • » (U ^ «•» IV 4 I 0 ^ r% it :X.\’-v '■ <- * : V ia,- j > : 4 ^.r n ,?.. ,4, -X . * .. . V 4 r.t^i^ux-virvf^ ^Ci^' *) »/i -cf- M *'TO«il 9 .^ 1 ’’ ?«■ V c_ v'j . 4 *- i * Jtmk i k '.* JU - 6 » than offset by the inconvenience of handling such a cumbersome water bath and continually supplying v^ater to make up for that lost by evaporation. All connections were wrapped with strips of cloth which were wired on and painted heavily with sodium silicate. Very good seals were obtained in this way. The extracted water was collected in a covered beaker and measured at intervals. Distillation was carried on for a total period of 16-1/3 hrs. Water was collected as follows; After 7 hrs. - 360 cc. ” 13 n - 465 " w 18“l/3" “ 545 « The theory requres 570 cc., the discrepancy being undoubtedly due to evaporation from the beaker during operation. The product was dried on the radiator as before and the theory yield was obtained (1430 g.) . Titration showed the presence of .03 mol. water. Loss of CCI4 was not determined in this run because of an accident which occurred during operation. Experiment 4. ~ This run was made largely for the purpose of checking the results of the previous run and determining the loss of CCI 4 . In order to minimize back pressure on the flask, a steam jacket was placed on the vapor tube leading to the con- denser as shown in the sketch. This was advised by Dr. Clarke and entirely prevented condensation in this tube. Apparently the previous losses of CCI 4 were principally due to loss of vapor at the mouth of the flask and around the mercury seal of the stir, j., \ '■/ 1 :i:,!u n.I • ^ - M-*’’ ■.i ,, l;'-> ' r. -dr hcsr&tM hfi;^ ^pt ^c.4^-sW'' '‘-'-5' M . 7 - and consequently any increase in pressure would increase these vapoi losses proportionately* Greater care was taken to inspire a tight joint at the flask, the stopper being painted with sodium silicate both inside and out and the entire joint wrapped with cloth, securely wired and painted with silicate solution. Distillation vvas carried out for a total period of 23-1/2 hrs. during which time 555 cc. of vvater was collected as follows: After 4 -I /2 hrs. - 120 c.c. n 13 n » 375 " w ie-l/2” ~ 520 « « 23-1/3” “ 555 « A decrease in volume in the flask during operation, of about 500 c.c. results from the removal of ’water. The anhydrous acid was filtered off and as much CCI4 removed as possible by pressing and suction. 3950 g. CCI 4 was recovered. The product, which was in a damp condition, was weighed before drying to determine the loss of CCI4. It was then dried on the radiator as before for a period of 3 hrs. after which it was bottled and weighed. Yield - 1420 g., practically theoretical. Wt . before drying - 2350 g. ” after « - 1430 Loss of CC14 due to drying 930 g. 930 3 9 50 « 4880 g. or almost 5 Kg., the amount used. Titration showed the presence of .03 mol of water. Indications are that some of this, at least, was absorbed while expelling the Xf" « 6 - last of the CCI 4 on the radiator, the humidity being fairly high, at the time, and a slight crust being formed oer the surface of the acid after exposure. It is to be noted also that the product from the first run, which was placed in the oven to expel’^CCl 4 , contained the least water (.01 mol.) DI SOU?? ION The success of Dr. Clarke's method for dehydrating oxalic acid is quite evidently dependent on the economy of carbon tetra- chloride consunp tion, for it ^ves unquestionably a pure, dry product. I believe my exr>eriments have shown ;jU3t where the losses of CCI4 occurr, and the manner and extent to which they may be p re vented. The apparatus which I employed is practically 100*^ efficient as shown in the last experiment in regard to CCI4 retention. The loss of CCI4 on drying of the product is, in so far as I can see, unavoidable on a laboratory scale. This loss could, however, be greatly minimized if some form of pressing machine were available. When using the laboratory type of suction filter, I think one may figure on a loss of CCI4 equal to 50 "^ of the weight of the crystal- lized acid used. The most undesirable feature of the apparatus is the impos- sibility of using rubber stopper connections. Sodium silicate, as I used it, adheres to the flasks and tubes, dr^'ing in horrey lumps which can only be removed by prolonged soaking in water. In one experiment the stepper was so securely cemented to the ; J ' ' ■6 . r iiL i - '^,J'C;. to'. V . r»" f ,. : -■■ • »;' • - :.: ■ -.-.. -6 ■ o,.-. 'a: zr. i > 9 A ,r <;,^ ., pfiJ jvVcii A'’ • /«'.■• .T“G« e/f,' r:' i '• , M. r.L' cev Xf • ■ • ' v«.-T cu’ne-.' . ■ 1 \ ■/ % Cl '■ . • ,;J v >’ ^ . ,.Vs , ,. ! .' "-. :- iat tc ■;rct-' 5 . ias / V ;■ ^ I J^err- ^ . ■ ■ J i ■ .i : y' ’’i". 1 / . ■ ■ 4 ' '. o*:-.; : ■ ; • f 'T 1^ ■” * “ e* V'ip: ,-: ■ ‘ ■ ; *:y .. . I t ^ 4 . ^ M / c . •^t .* - V’ a ., r: . U. ^ . - ’"T 'tc '’\*J Xv^ f * " « 2 %- p4-T . 1 ^>' 4 * 1 ;.- Ji 'j {■{->.' . a . i‘ •^ te ' .» i.- CM- . i .4 ,j.^ - 9 - flask that it had to be cut and removed in pieces. I see no solution to this difficulty except in the construction of special flasks and connections of glass arranged for ground joints or mercury seals. It has been suggested by Dr. Clarke that the use of calcim chloride to dry the returning CCI 4 toward the end of the reaction mig^t considerable shorten the time of operation by removing the entrained water. This was considered but abandoned because of the manipulation and loss of CCI 4 which it would entail, esp^e daily as the drying agent could only be of use during the last 3 or 3 hrs. and I felt that this saving in time would be insufficient, particularly as the apparatus which I employed required practically no attention while running. I might add that when the reaction is properly controlled, the second condenser is unnecessary and that the capillary arrange- ment described in the first experiment is quite satisfactory. ■> p * * I .■■ : , • • *■'■. v.H ■ *■ -h:/ *- u - ’ '.t ». *< V' ft' j '*■ .}■" , ’VI •!! ^ .vbb™-, ”s .,p- , (i't}i\.p.m'X .' . 4 eg qr «i «♦?!<>•; bac 4-^ ^ ' av ' ‘ , A 7 .'"1 to 0i>i7tiln^taq^ 94^ t:t #;;eo>5W yill/iiiftit’ «id^"o4.,«Oi:i4/Xee ^ ST' 'M ■• '.^ *■■ Ji. y ^ 10 ^re4J^a Ig |j ,tt .-Q _ iJ; r ff:^' y;;. •>■. . i. mrjLe-JUjg 10 4 {-« >f.? aptvowtsi Y,d tfoi^eioqp? Id diets' vt»t ctt^5St'e% r ’■ •- . ■ •■ .’.** ’ •■ ’« ■ ‘*v B*'v. ."’ j orfi. to ®aiV«o4cf ^oroOiwd^ tfwd P‘ ■■#“ 1.^' ., . V 5 '' '' '- [!' ■•i‘“ i.;i' ., .V 5 ‘^ , ■' ^ ■ Yf :Aigg.-jatf% f Iflifixe t/, „;"0 il5*r •‘- 4L-»« ’V t ••il** '-^1 ■ f, « TD .j^ Sa 94 9 Ji^ »ajt*i/S> 9 a a ^ ad xXa.^ to, 1^ V • ■'> .• • ... . k. ’«’T , 2 »- - :-M SiS. ‘■' ■ •- *if 4 f iOittgsai ed Jt,Xi^«» ^ipi^t^CJirq b6*x Ufpm h Um ‘iA'rtii Btit ^:xHi.i ,f.tdf - ^ ‘ !0 fl ^ ‘ ll ' T f:s)/^A%-^:qK tXi4imUi0^ feiJ ** at*'. -." If' ' ' i ■ *t- ^ Im ’ ''■’" -■ j tpiXgtdaoo ;Y.Xtec5piq' X r-g fcj 0*: tx ^ ?cisX(K T ■ » 5 i}*r 3 J *r^ ^•**W to* « i\i;rv,a!>in>iia to, 40 « 4 i ', 1 , "V* - - • ■ ; ’*'? ' *B ^ ' “' **' ■-' ■■ Yto?.^teX^J 5 i e;fiic sX .tiit v--l? -^4 r- » ' '^ ' ' ■ '. _ I' ■ ■:' jj' I i e *::ii ^ . ,^. • ^.- V.r' ■-'“ ‘ ’'--•1 ■ ', / ,- ltf ., k<^^■ ■J* f. • , •Sti^ 4J 6'ii, A NEW ItETHOD for the P REP j9 RATION OF FURFURAL 10 INTPODUCTTON Furfural (furfuraldehyle, furallehyde, furfurole) when pure is a colorless oil, slightly heavier than water 'with a boiling point of 161® (Esilstein) . It is a cyclic ether aldehyde having the following formula with all the properties of an aldehyde and many of the properties of the aro- matic series. It is soluble in v;ater to the extent of 1 part in 11 at 13® , (Beilstein) and considerably more than this at higher (l) temperatures. It is also quite volatile 'with steam. Cohen gives its formation from pentose by the loss of 3 molecules of water. Occurrence - A glance in the literature will show that furfural occurrs widely scattered among the processes of annlied ( 3 ) chemistry. We find it in vdne, beer and fuseloil and in waste (3) products from sulfite pulp manufacture. It may be obtained by (4) (5) (6) (7) acid hydrolysis of sugar , bran, lignin, cellulose, and oxy- (S) C9) cellulose and also by hydrolysis of bran with zinc chloride. It results fromi the acid hydrolysis of pentoses (arabinose and , ( 10 ) xylose) and pentosans , this reaction being employed in the laboratory for the quantitative estimation of these carbohydrates. In brief, it seems to result from the acid hydrolysis of a great varietv of vegetable products. Preparation - A great many processes have been devised for the production of furfural, a number of which have been patented.. Almost vvithout exception they consist of some form of hydrolysis, - 11 - ( 11 ) this being accomplished in some cases by steam under pressure or by various strengths and kinds of acids. The laboratory method which has been in general use is ( 12 ) essentially that given by Eeilstein as follows; bran is di s- tilled with 30“^ KgSO^, the distillate containing less than 1*^ of the oil in solution. This distillate is concentrated by saturation with salt and redistillation, half the volume being collected. The first of the distillate is most concentrated and the oil will separate at first and later relissolve. In practice it is rem.oved as soon as no more is seen to separate from the water. After each distillation, the water solution is saturated with salt and re- distilled as before, this procedure being continued until all has been obtained as the oil. (13) Stone found in 1691 that a very much larger yield of fur- fural could be obtained from corn cobs than from most other veg- (14) etable substances. Following this, Noyes , gave directions for its preparation from cobs using constant boiling (SO^) HCl as hydrolytic agent. During 1917-16, considerable quantities were made by the latter method at the University (Dept. Chem. Mfrs.) Results from this work show that an average yield of 10-12*^ of the weight of air dry cobs was obtained in this 'way. Also, for each 150 g, of oil, approximately 30 1 . of solution had to be distilled, which required an average of 15 hrs. Use - At present the demand for furfural is rather a limited one. It is used as a reagent for the detection of aromatic primary amines and has been suggested as dyestuff intermediate. Colors -i* ' ..-‘JTw,^ r -1 • , • t ’ ■ i, ' < ' ^ J. jJ .i >fc» ««*A .c X Sf, .■ « ' I' \ .■? L ...f 'iir’ti'^ - , ‘ V. X.^ : . ‘ 3 . '• ' "T ! . f ; ^»r: iJ vxt\^o r:> ^ 4 A" r, ■ W I. J . ■, ) V j' i. ' \>i3 \ ' T. '’^ ■ ■: a i/O^ ;. i/ K , ii ■ -t- - 'M' :. J’ ''■ t r. r.- ;^ii> rXiX|| s?i Liti - ' •‘V # i . *p,‘rr ‘ ■'* *■- P ' i ' r 1 ^ * 1. * ' ‘ -t *»• ♦» t>« ^ A ! . •W- ‘ - :y -t-:.%-: : i- ••’t ; i:c;-' ^ 1 ‘ ^ ,jT 1^. &; ' j| •; ' p ^ c f.;.-- .\'rci* *rf" . :.. i •; :ii3€^X^P :.i4' V . *■ * 1 4r.ixgTq“ . ; , n ~ 4- J ( • ^ /5 ^ - - *i *1 , : itr. t . .1 3 c-.' ../ ^ * V ' n' ■ ta t 'Tl(«' ••' ’^TT" -j,4- yg, 1* .n I'i %t^ " '■ '■ ■ ,. ;'V ■ r J >;,-• ‘ ^ « |i i I # » »f _ . * - * ^ V 1 * * -0 ' -S 9 >t S'-ti f 5 ?-'i^b|j^ wa j Cu; I e;J? ^^;i^*-ia/''K tiguitaigav fftflat: i 4 »t ^4 ;Mi'£«o D • ' ■ . a ■ • -: » ^0 hiA^ di( 4 t 8 ? 0 ? 1 .|S 6 . 4 ‘ l.wf 41 ^ ^ J -»vl ^ • t »'f^J^^a^^^^JI fi»tf tfv ! .P- T I tti . '^X)i iA e.^i^%l.:iC»J» iil ■ . . ' ^: • - . : '^' r ^ ■ ” ' ""m ■ ’ • ^9a- n4,m tfu 4uiuCat A gr^ •*! '.itot'f-rUy Pi iit7Jo%n.i?t o? " ao tA0tvt7-c( » ;©tf? , ' iMiism T -rCoiclw - r . ^ &• gjj ' '' f'ii^X}j‘ . fe' « ^ \ >.r e« " 4 J £ - fvii*-X’.A. •■ t, :*'lr ;o irtf Wt^^-Xio ^c.?^A9gt4* ^ rt- oflX^ --va.X 41 .-.'f /Wt>XY if. c4tc *i •fj0 \no(li * ' ' ^ zimiP fi viA figilxtXaa ;ui564 otfX JfX Xaiw^v'SW/^ 'I'o ftC‘f5«ll090aao '•^ 4i ' ■ ^ ^ ■' ' f;od;»^ ml2 '’el ?ialyoen» 'lo 'IAA T l-o^'irco' A»v.-- ' • T - - I C - 13 - I found th 2 .t this sautne result could be obtained by the addition of a large amount of salt to the acid mixture, for it is well known that furfural is more volatile from a salt solution than from pure water. In this way it is driven off with water vapor at a much lower concentration than when acid is used alone. This "salting out" process, then, explains why, in the past, it has been customary to use relatively high concentrations of acid. Experiment had shown that low acid concentrations gave low yields of furfural. It may now be seen that this condition was not due to the lack of hydrogen ion concentration sc much as to the absence of the "salting out" effect. When salt is used, the acid concentration may be reduced to l/5 or l/‘6 the previous value, and it appears that the results are more satisfactory, the lowerthe concentration. This is just what one would expect, since, by the use of salt, the acid concentration may be lowered as wclll as the furfural concentration, and thus still more decrease the speed of the reaction which destroys the product. With the knowledge of the above principles and by the use of proper condensing arrangements, I have been able to distil the furfural from a corn-cob-acid mixture, separate the oil, and con- tinuously return the water (together with the furfural in solution) to the flask where it is used over, thus making a complete cycle of operations. The process is entirely automiatic, once started, and the crude furfural (oil) m;ay be drawn off from, the condenser directly, thus making it necessary to handle no water whatsoever, and totally eliminating the laborious procedure of concentrating \ 7 IV r'c L ': *c. - i ; . r / f . 5 .' t » il *- * 1 .’^^’ ■(^-v • - rr . { i '.. 3 £ . I i .* A « I"- <■£18 V .,-'£ V ^ I T Cl' X' <1 . 31 ; .•. ■’ .• ■ . T -^ ■ - i ' .■' * ■.. \f ' ot ^.--' -■ ‘ ■■lie ki i ^ ••■-.'.A- >.o- urt^ o- » < 5 Cj V -. vi - ' jL w - ..^ jT ' -*t • ,-v L > 5 V ^T ' i3VJ4/fe2n V'iii* - ■ -^ .'•e ?/ ¥* # . V- S' . r- - >^,<-> - . ?■ •i v . Su *'' T ■ (,. - ■r.^dUl .i X ' 1‘Vi/:.* '1 t' i_ -i '- r *.» , ■L-.\. ■• * £-^ \ - f ) : ’r' ■" ■■’tX^^-^‘1 - *’‘C V I - h , it i, <''’'. +■ - l <--^ ; ■» - C -* s - .Cut- -a'a* >. ! fv. - I ■''■3 ■ ^- ■''*r _ ' ■' ' ■ i' :-VJ ai -.'*■ ■. -V -r .<• i. " ♦ o; X . ■ V* -V - « ,.V ■ *■ '“' . "“; Ji * n , a . xC - - r , _ ^ - S'i ' “Cf7 'I ' ; tV--" r" -■ ^ i *, .1 M 14 - large vol^amea of iilute solution. Following is a "brsif review of the experiments which I have male. A number of others which I had in mind could not be performed for want of time, ETt^FRIWFNTAL, In this work all experiments were condiicted with cobs of the previous year’s crop (1919) of yellow corn. The corn had been shelled only a few months prior to the date of this research (Oct. 1, 1930). The cobs were ground in a coal crusher to approx- imately the size of a pea, there being some pelces considerably larger and also much fine bran-like material. Sulfuric acid used was the ordinary C. 95^ acid. Salt used was the crude barrel product. When weight of cobs is given, it is meant air dry, ground cobs (about 10*^', moisture), and by percent of H^SO^ is meant acid of sp . gr . 1.84, Expe riment 1 ,- To study the effect of hydrolysis of the cobs, previouB to distillation by the ordinarv method, 1200 g. of cobs were placed in a 12-h . flask with 6 L, SSf-* KaSO*, The flask was placed on a steam cone and heated for 36 hrs., intimate mixture of acid and cobs being maintained by occasional shaking. The mixture was distilled with a rapid current of steam, 5 L. of distillate being collected. On concentration with salt this yielded about 10 g. of oil. Experiment 3 ,- This exj^eriment was performed in order to determine if hydrolysis at the boiling temperature would increase the yield of furfural. 1500 g. of cobs were hydrolyzed by boiling 0 -.' •k H ^ y .-I a: ~r^u . 3 l' i/, L. ■: V -. ,. 10 -.' - ,XP‘ « . - j ^ r.'" . .-.v .I'iOt •' ' (Lv. ,; • jr| \-> •♦•»■■ . • ■ > i ' r. : ...'•; ■ ' V ^ ' ' f \ ^ * ' » ' .V ■ , •, 1 '~**J ' , y • ... ■■ iHL ’-'I i ■■■ V ' * 1 ■ ■•' ’■ ' ' r,-- , ■ '0 iM • - ^ ^ i - j ' . *• -< ^ .foO) ij ^6 9 /S i'.cetii : •• ■• r'''.-;ij ill'' Cj .; _r -.»..., r- '- . ., 1 z.ig'i,'- r . > 4 » i '>C > " • '... ,' • , " ■'*1 3 '^*. :- .: vO*'' G r.' c< ' '■-? wiW 1 - ^ i - , Z^::yy V i:% ■ : ■ > ' . ’ . , .V rf -^0 .^r _■' ' • -V. . , j -’* * . 1 ^:^ V-"' *■“ . .'(1 jj i - r SI :. ^ ' :;-yo IC 1 . ' r .3 - J. , ' ■ nl '-Vi if&fc'*' ;■ 1 . 1 ; r! i I ' . ^ ■ - • : , ’ i‘«. i i* r-.. *•■*' .: ■ -C»iq :,ig 'Bir' c. n r 1 ^ •As ..- ■ r i V . ' ’r-. ■ ■■ ' " [ • • - ‘Jt :i ; 'i ’ '■ * ■,dX"'c. ’■■ r •-.:%■ ■ ’* - 1 - • n- ■ • ■ •’ . >vi . ' . . : : j . . oi -. rri i.i'r.! • M •' . r .* ^ i 4* V ' » * A , Li'i ''0..^ ■ : ? - 15 - gently under a reflux condenser v,lth 7 L, HgSO^ for a long period of hours. The mixture was distilled with steam as before and the furfural obtained by concentration. Tbe yield was still less than in the former experiment. Experiment. 3. - Suspecting the decomposition of the product by the acid, I made an attempt in this experiment to effect the hydrolysis with lower acid concentration. 1 Kg. cobs were re~ fluxed gently vTith 5 L. 5^ HgS 04 for a period of 42 hrs. Steam distillation was then used to bring over the furfural which should have been formed, and 2-1 /2 L. of distillate were collected. Very little oil was obtained from this on concentration. Experiment 4. - In Experiments ( 2 ) and (3) it was noted that beads of furfural collected in the reflux condenser during hydroly- sis. It occurred to me that if this oil could be kept from return- ing to the acid, the equilibrium between the reaction of formation and that of decomposition of furfural, might be disturbed in the direction of its production. To accomplish this a small trap, shown in Fig. 1, was placed below the reflux condenser, thru which tdie condensate was required to flow on its return to the flask, 1 Kg. cobs were placed in the 12-L . flask with 5-L. lOio H 3 SO 4 . To this was added 2 K'g. salt for the purpose previously discussed. Heat from a large ring burner was applied to the flask. After 3 hrs of refluxing, 40 g. crude oil had been collected in the trap and was removed. 7 hrs. longer distillation yielded yet more product. mmamtarn ' . ^ si."' * ■■>-rt ItU ti . : ^ ' 1 . ■ .. '■ w ' ^ ■ ■' - ‘ ^ ;'~i .. t- ^ X -U' ( ',‘•1’ Tv ., E.1J tail >w: :,;70 ■•'vX- >:?- r - . ..r-T' ta»H ' .Xj-' '• »’u'. 1 ¥iT' X ^ -V , . V. ..r^ '■•L .: 'i i '■Z i '-• > A, ti i . *■* / -. -•' A^safiooti 3C f* : ' ■ fcVAd n u r->*‘ 16 - These portions were comhlned and distilled and amounted to 93 g. pure, dry furfural. This is a yield of 9.3'^ of the weight of the cobs taken. Experiment 3. - A test showed that furfural is much more soluble in hot water than in cold, and consequently, a>mong the ideal conditions to be fulfilled by an apparatus for its removal from the condensate, is the return of the separated water (satur- ated with furfural) to the flask at as low a temperature as feasible. This condition was not fulfilled by the simple trap (Fig. l) since the returning condensate was kept at the boiling temperature by the ascending vapor. To correct this, the appar- atus sho’ifinri in Fig. 2 was designed. It is essentially like the former but has a short condenser interposed between the trap and the reflux to.-cool the-^returning condensate and thus precipitate m.cre furfural. It is also provided with a stopcock , below the trap, thus making it unnecessary to take down the apparatus to obtain the product. With this apparatus, the following experiment was made : 1 Kg. cobs were distilled with 5 L. 10*^ H 5 SO 4 and 2 Kg. salt for 11 hours. 75 g. of distilled oil were obtained which is a yield of 7.5f^ of the cobs used. Experiment 6 . - The apparatus used in the foregoing experi- ment was seen to be inefficient in its cooling of the condensate, partly because of some steam entering the lower condenser from above, and partly because of the warm atmosphere surrounding the trap which must necessarily be above the flask and burner. To insure i i nu ^ Tk. WmXL i"'* < Q1LS.\^1 . !. J. ■ l‘.i. '?-♦ '■ ; • *J- - *■ . e :;x.7 ■■ t F« 10 . 7 /’ : •:' [{ Ti^il • J. '’.1 :t. . ■ i" ... . ?*■ k *' J** V’’**!' (i- .’ vT) ;«V 1-.. j:'.,-: yc' ■ - ... .♦ . -. .i©J ' Bw - ' "i r, :>H - ! tii4 - ^Ar.i!»trvi> 'ifXdtf'i -M .Ajtd 17 better cooling of the ccnlensate , a water jacket surrounding the trap was seen to be essential. An apparatus including this as well as other features was designed (as shown in Fig. 3). It consists of a vapor tube leading to the top of a vertical conden- ser of large capacity, this resulting from the use of large bore tubing within the condenser thus offering a large cooling surface. This form of condenser was preferred to the ordinary narrow tube type because of the prohibitive length of the latter, cepacities being equal. The lower end of the condenser, v/ithin the water jacket, formed the trap, the water of condensation being led out thru a small tube extending about 5 in. uj: from the end. This tube was bent thru 160® at the inner end to prevent globules of 'furfural from falling into it and being carried back to the flask. It was connected by a small rubber tube to a point on the vapor tube sufficiently high to maintain a liquid level within the condenser about 2 in. above the water outlet tube. This was done to allow the condensate sufficient time to become cold before returning, and also to prevent drawdng off the oil which collected on the surface. In order to insure atmospheric preseure within the apparatus, communication vdth the outside was established by a tube of small bore extending from the top of the condenser down within the water jacket and connecting to the inner condenser tubs at a point slightly above the level of the liquid vdthin. A stop- cock was provided for the removal of furfural from the trap as before . It is to be noted that this form of condenser is very compact, having but one water jacket, and the connection to the flask: is l^i’. ?:■ ? '. »<'-■#» ; .r'j ' '?',. / ^ ti» t c > ''t *- -1 ,j.i ,< '•..:> 7 or: ^v> » r n *Nl. „Uy • ■ :u-' >5-V ' - ^’•' ‘•' • ' ■ Y .^- *’ .', ■-* .,- •• , ~; >» •• ■ i^^0 ».'tsX I ( •> '■■;:> ■ i ,:j jtA I •SIL.:;? . ■ 4; ■•• 1 'i ; i. '. ■• ’■ - 2 '' ,w -*. A * ’s- w .« -^‘iO " :“( ;■■ ( , Y, '.- Vfwr 'I I « ■ - A ^ » . «,» »• f i-’S 1 ■:vt Y ,ii' J -.'"f •- Cl." W ' 'fe' '* X. v-r ■J'yk' ^ ’ "‘•. « ' ■ , . ' .« ■ ' i I 'j .■ <• V 'tv. . .A ',> .. . ^ r'j *:"v' ■t I.'', .r i' r* ^ 1 ' ‘"'v ' '4' ~'l > - ^ ' ■ ,-. . cv ' - - -i'' ■■ '.’•’ .’;•:» : ■ , ,'s; .*o‘ --T ,:. . .V .> '.n.^Jw f.,! •{ t ■ ■ ^A-,y' U‘- ■, - fj l *"v; . ' -. ■ '. ' „ :’a Y '*"■ . i ' i » - - - ' - ) ^ .■ • - »' * - ‘■■ #r«wcv r' A«<-> .tY i *' - 18 - most simple and can be made with the greatest ease and quickness. In operation it was also found to be very efficient for the pur- poses for which it was constructed. It was employed in this and remaining experiments. 1 Kg. cobs were placed in the IS-L, flask with 5 L. 10^ H 2 S 04 and distillation allowed to proceed for 1 hr. No furfural what- ever separated during this time. 2 Kg. salt was added to the mixture and ss distillation was resumed, furfural began to collect at once. Distillation was contained for 7 hrs. luring what time crude furfural was collected as follows: First 3 hrs. - 110 g. Next l-l/2« - 30 g. " 2-1 /2f’ - 5 g. This data affords some idea of the course of hydrolysis. The product was v^ashed with a small amount of lOfb NagCOs solution followed by water (about 15 c.c. of each) from which it was separated and distilled under dimini shed pressure. The dis- solved water with a few c.c. of furfural was distilled off at first, after which the pure, dry, pale yellow oil was brought over at 110® . Yield - 124 g. 12.4 ^ of cobs used. Experiment 7. - This run was a check on Exp. . 6 and was -made essentially the same. 1 Kg, cobs were distilled for 6-1/4 hrs. with 10^ HgS 04 and salt as before. Cru.de furfural was collected as follows: £ -rrX a r ^ i i. ' ' -•;> x'T “ 19 First 2 - 3/4 hrs. 120 Next hour 20 S* « 2 - 1/2 hrs. 10 g* The proluct \ 7 as neutralized and washed as before and dis- tilled at 100 ©, almost colorless. Yield - 133 g. = 13.2^ of cobs. Experiment 8 . - It was desired to learn if the action of the salt 'was merely physical (salting out) or chemical, since it is well knovrai that a boiling solution of HgSO^ and NaCl must con tain HCl also, and it was of interest to know if the presence of the KCl was essential or ad‘'/antageous . In thias exp^sriment, the salt was replaced with NasSO^ and the distillation performed as before. Mo furfural could be obtained. This was later explained by the neutralization of the H 2 SO 4 present to form NaHSC^ which, apparently, did not furnish sufficient acid concentration to effect hydrolysis. Experiment 9. - To eliminate the above difficulty, this run was made with the acid sulfate. 1 Kg. cobs were distilled for 8 hrs. with 5 L. 10^ HgS0 4 and 3 Kg. KHSO4 (MaH 804 was not obtainable) . A larger amount of the acid sulfate was used than when salt was employed, partly because of its greater solubility making it possible, and partly tc make the ' comparison favorable to the acid sulfate. Crude furfural was collected as follows: First 3 hrs. - 55 g. Next 5 ” - 25 g. V V * ’If 'r f t !»1 , .' tJlW ■ &i ' * . . .. • % • ’.*1 . J V ■ '- '••* ^ II I M - 20 - Yield of distilled product - 73 g» * 7,3^^ of cobs. Exceriment 10 . - In order to determine the effect of varying the acid concentration, this and the next experiment were performed using 30v^ and H-SO 4 respectively. 1 Kg, cobs were distilled 4 hrs. v 7 ith 5 L, 20 f 5 H 2 SO 4 and 2 Kg, salt, 75 g, of crude furfural was collected during the first 2-1 /2 hrs. after which no more could be obtained. Much more rapid carbonization of the cobs occurred than when 10 ^^ acid was used, and much foaming ensued which necessitated distilling at a very reduced speed. In spite of this, furfural was evolved quite rapidly, more rapi dly, apparently, than in any previous in;in. Yield - 62 g. = 6.2 Experiment 11, - 1 Kg. cobs were distilled with 5 L, 5^- K 2 S 04 and 2 Kg, salt for a period of 6 hrs. At the end of this time, oil was still being evolved but a break in the condenser caused the discontinuance of the experiment. Crude furfural was collected as follows; \ First 2 hrs. - 52 g. Next 1-1/2” - 43 g, ” 4-1/2” - 55 g. This was neutralized, washed and distilled and gave a yield of 125 g. = 12.5^. .v-5 .. _ -.vv*. •••' * - M ■• * »i ' ■ I ' * VM I. '-i U V> % “3 . j.'C'; W * , J f'' • 'w - U«» ;i .“Oi •■ ir'.v f o fjc ii) i •jx' f •> ■.!- 7 o , :>;■ ; . c . :v CT:' i-o. i:,-' >!v iyir . } .. - V ■' »■ .; t 4 7 a ^ -<• t’’ J 0 ■ " V, \'7 i- “wj ,iiC - i»‘:ji ' ■ .# £9i$ * r. i ;ri^. j;:- ' i-r •Ml* To , - 21 NOTES One remarkable feature of the prepa.ration of furfural by hydrolysis, is the unusual purity of the crude product. Distilled from a heterogeneous mixture of unknown comp.osition, the oil may be almost completrely distilled over a range of 1 or 2 degrees, only a trace of high boiling residues remaining. Another interesting point in connection 'Alth the purity of furfural is, that, altho it may be quits colorless when distilled, it often darkens and becom.es black on standing a few v/seks, or sometim.es even a few hours. This blackening is probably due to decomposition of associated impurities with form;ation of colloidal carbon. The tendency to blacken seems to be largely influenced by the temperature of distillation, consequently vacuum distillation is advised. I discovered that furfural dried over CaCls, bladkened over night and this led m.e to suspect that the presence of acid on distillation was an important factor. And I found that neutral- ization of the oil before distille.tion greatly increased its stability in respect to color. Some so distilled has thus far as3um»ed only a golden color after two weeks standing, altho it was distilled at a relatively hish temperature (ilOo ) . ( 12 ) Beilstein gives a method of purification which consists of treating the crude oil with small amiounts cf chromic acid to oxidize impurity. It would be interesting to learn how this treatment would affect the tendency of the furfural to bla.cken. I ■■ ,'i ■ *q?f» V-V' t"T. C I ■ J .vii ' ^ ,*' ’ A ' -. ^^‘ ‘A ✓ ^ >e‘ >3(^1 I j^t' ' ^! f, t, *; r^v iff t' ■? -Cy : ' t'lp^ K M i n .sj k'- pi i- "' ■' ■'*. I -i . ‘ V'S'j^ ■•*■'* ^w"" > v * 'W^ '*' ’■ 4-1^' i || T. ^ ^'r f If-.{# ^0 ..®a»t^, vi4p I Bei ., " ,mm ■ ' ■ 1 « ^ ^ Ik- ^ilf ',^ ' Jf i ,'. '^.,^f^« .tvcj: >< fr?? 'fc^ 4t^o. ji > * ■•« ' k I" >^ih »4l =rfi»l^;^Ccf ?. .«■ vat i ^»f ^tjaui-ej: ■ -- M a- ' ‘ k.- r% "-^y '"* ,- '' V - ^ . ■• ^ X4>VxI.^;'^'U .ar/Ss-SKti/A 4l|f s 's::^k rui'tv^Z%U \tl‘y'^>: Cti of &stT ^ k ^0 ^ ^*:* ' H ■ I TT . •; ■~,r'' •■ -*--^ A. ^ ?|» X--:i “ik^. . '.r -C ,OjS ijf*, . . .• ^ “" ..- .- :, ‘ • ' :h •*• ' »fii* . ■>, ' •! na 1-^'' ” H-- » IT ' I k •' ' • *' '’r' ' ■' 4 ^ ‘.^ ^ -i1*t j| " ■ * ■ ^ i ? i”, • ^ ^ * * ■ j ■ . .•* r’^O'Vti. *it .» xV^t aV:^*4r-C*:£)0G fl.opXc3J 'OCfUiJ^O. I '•!J3|a 'ocfuij ( . V k J1 6i » ;IM Vi |; 4.^1 mu, Xit> :■ "Xvif vis(< :u,i*.*- '>t ^m..s ri»- ‘'^ A*y*3’*' #.^ . ■ ; a? . ' V ' ^ , ^' A'f :if '»tf 't V* »-■» J* ,r . : ->M . • 'V -r^m V 'VI* ,iS -ja ixneacii ^ ,.P V • lltl - 22 - Another Possible ATp-plicatlon of th e Method. Because of the greater speed of hydrolysis and the probable increase in furfural yield, it seems quite reasonable to expect that this new method fcr furfural production 'will have wide application in the analytical field and appreciably alter the existing methods for determination of ppentoses, pentosans, oxy- cellulose, etc. It has been impossible in this research because of the limited time at disposal, to attempt experiments along this line . COTJCLUSION . A study of the experimental data makes the follovdng points seem essential to the preparation of furfural if the maximum yield is to be obtained. l) The acid concentration should be as low as possible,, economy of acid being balanced against economy of time. I have shown that high acid strengths, altho it may increase the rate of hydrolysis, tends toward a low yield, and I believe that somewhere between sf? and IS'^- lies the optimum concentration. 3) The returning furfural solution should be cold in order to return as little furfural as possible, 3) The returning solution should pass down the tube up which the hot vapors are rising. This has the tendency to steam distil the product from the returning -water and concentrate it in the condenser. The low yield in Exp, 5, indicates this, and I also h-ave observed in the operation of the condenser in Expts, 6- - 23 11 that, aftar drawing off oil from the trap v»rhile the distillatioi| was in progress, the rate of furfural separation was greatly diminished, undoubtedly due to the temporary cessation in the flov/ of returning solution resulting from lowering the level in the trap. 4) The presence of a salt is quite essential to the oper- ation of the method as shewn in Extp . 6. KHSO4 may be used in place of NaCl in the cob-acid mixture, but does not seem to be as satisfactory. This would indicate that HCl is a more satis- factory hydrolytic agent than HgSO^. The use of KCl and NaCl to the total exclusion of would probably give quite satis- factory results. However, the elimination of KCl might be desir- able in the technical manufacture of furfural where copper or other metallic condensers were employed, because of the volatility of this acid. 5) Because of the volatility of KCl and the formation of volatile organic acids, (acetic, etc.) during hydrolysi s, the crude furfural -will always be found acidic. I have shown that it is desirable to neutralize these acids and leave the product slightly alkaline on distillation if the color is to be preserved. SUMMARY 1) A theory has been developed concerning the rats of formation and decomposition of furfural in sulfuric acid solution. 2) A method has been worked out for the preparation of furfural which is practically automatic in regard to labor; 24 - 7/hich is more eoonomical in regard to chemical consumption, re- quires less time, and is capable of giving a larger yield than any previously existing method* 3) Several types of apparatus have been constructed and data obtained from each in operation. From this data, conclusions have been dravm which may serve as a godde in the operation of the method, both on a laboratory” scale and commercially. 4) The effects of varying two important conditions of the process, namely, concentration of acid and kind of salt used, have been studied . 5) One cause of the discoloration of freshly distilled furfural has been determined. -ri ',di^ »p?' .fl,^vti^T«qp a I rifo Afr -coTtt- \ ■.■•=r ■ tb Aipl^sifvqo 04ft irX-'Pi if.ii JB ftii eY*n!« ifc'JU^r i^TprarlJ :qe^■J er4S« '' ■ . ■ •'•• ;^r»; ■• " ■** . YjXB-?:o'?e . >T- ^^4 ■* /'Vi ^ '' ” > w* Jf-: ■^' - • - ‘ ■ V' ;-. YXEfsoat io -^a^tt^’icXobAXft tP ^&x/««or s^O' (^ ■4 '■■ _L ■ : V"-:^ .'. •" . •'C ’ ■" .-SPH - 35 “ BIBLIOaHAPHY l) Organic Chemistry - 1-269 V (C. Nagel - Wochschr. Branw - 30-345 (K. Forster - Ber. - 15-230,323 3) Papierfahr. - 12-1040 4) Dobereiner - Ann. -3-141 5) Fovmes - Ann, 54-52 6) Z. Physiol. Chem . -50-209 7) Cross and Sevan - Papermaking - 21 b) Thorpe - 708 9) Babo - Ann.- 85 - 100 10) Allen - 1-400 11) Zeitsch.- Angsw.Chem. 27-654 12) Handbuch - 3-731 13) Ber. - 34 - 3019 14) Lab, Man. - 190 3«<33Br ' c >* /. ■i Vi I \ .-1 \ani I. >. •. ; 1