No. 1904 625 . U Un5p PRICE LIST OF MOBILE ARTILLERY MATERIAL COMMON TO TWO OR MORE CALIBERS OR CLASSES OF MOBILE GUNS, SUCH AS TOOLS, FUZE SETTERS, PACK EQUIPMENT, TARGETS, HARNESS, RANGE-FINDING MATERIAL, ETC, JANUARY 21, 1915 REVISED JUNE 26, 1917 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 W • Iastl' 3 ^ War Department, Office of the Chief of Ordnance, Washington , June 26, 1917. 1. In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 1541, Army Regulations, 1913, the following price list of ordnance stores is published for the information of all concerned, and will, unless otherwise ordered, govern in all cases of charges on pay rolls, sales, transfers, invoices, inventories, and on all other official papers which require to have prices affixed, except in the following cases, when 18 per cent will be added to the price herein given for articles manufactured by this department and 3.6 per cent for articles purchased by it, viz: 1 Sales to — Other executive departments. American designers. Cuba. Exploring and surveying expeditions authorized by law. Articles purchased are indicated by placing the capital letter “P” before the item; all other articles are manufactured by this department. 2. The nomenclature and classification used in the price list describing the various articles will be used in making requisitions for them, transfers and inventories of them, and for all other accounting purposes. When the component of an article is missing it will be described as without the component, unless another description is given herein. 3. The articles which are subject to being dropped as expended on the property papers are indicated by an asterisk (*) on the price list. These articles will not be dropped unless they have been actually expended or consumed for the purpose authorized. When allowances of these articles are prescribed, quantities in excess thereof will not be dropped without a full explanation of the reason. “Officers responsible for ordnance property are informed that only such articles as are indicated as expendable in ordnance price lists can be dropped from the property returns as expended for the purposes named on those lists.” (Extract from par. 4, Circular No. 31, War Department, 1906.) 4. The various articles appearing in this price list have been arranged in accord- ance with the classification prescribed, but when blank forms with printed headings are not furnished to account for an article and its accessories, etc., headings will be written in on the return in accordance with the arrangement and nomenclature herein prescribed. 5. When sale of the stores is authorized, application therefor should be made in the case of officers or enlisted men to the post ordnance officer where he keeps the articles desired on hand for issue, but otherwise application should be made by them and others to the nearest arsenal. 2 Should an application for ordnance stores be received by an arsenal not regularly furnishing what is called for, the application will be forwarded to the nearest arsenal furnishing the stores and the applicant notified. 1 In adding the above percentages the price-list prices will be increased by the percentages in each case, so that the total shown for each item will include the proper percentage, which is not to be added in one sum as a total per cent to complete the bill. 2 For additional instructions covering the places from which made and additional charges for transpor- , tation in the case of sales to States, rifle clubs, the Philippine Government, and transfers to executive departments, see current ordnance orders. ( 3 ) 4 6. A remittance in payment for ordnance property sho.uld be by post-office money order or draft made payable to the order of the selling officer and drawn on a post office or national bank located conveniently for collection. If other methods of remitting funds are employed, delay may result in shipment of the articles purchased. 7. The order should state how the shipment is to be made, whether by parcel post, express, or freight, and give the shipping address. If the method of shipment requires the prepayment of shipping charges, the additional amount required should be included in the remittance. Any overpayment will be promptly returned as soon as the sale is completed. William Crozier, Brigadier General , Chief of Ordnance. CONTENTS. Page. Hand-fuze setter for 21-second combination fuzes, model of 1905 M 7 Hand-fuze setter for 21 and 30 second combination fuzes, model of 1912 7-8 Hand-fuze setter for 31 and 45 second combination fuzes, model of 1913 8 Panoramic sight, model of 1904, complete 9 Range quadrant, complete 9-10 Front sight, complete 10 Rear sight, complete 10-11 Pack equipment 11 Pack reel, complete, with frame 11-13 Pack frame, model of 1910 13 Pack frame, model of 1912 13 Dummy pack : 14 Tools and accessories for packs 14 Chest for fire-control equipment, complete 14-15 Battery commander’s rulers 15 Artillery harness and its components 15-20 Sextant telemeter 20 Battery commander’s telescopes, models of 1904 and 1905 21 Testing level 22 Observation telescope .. 22 Field Artillery plotter 23 Fixed or appearing target 24 Moving target 24 Range finder, Field Artillery 24 Mobile artillery flash target outfit 25 Smoke-bomb outfit, pole type, complete 25 Smoke-bomb outfit, rifle grenade type 26 Mobile artillery target material 26 Miniature targets for subcaliber work 28 Miscellaneous components used in ammunition for mobile artillery 28 ( 5 ) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates PRICE LIST OF ORDNANCE AND ORDNANCE STORES. CLASS IV, SECTION 2. Tools and accessories, hand fuze setters, quadrants, sights, pack equipment, etc., for the mobile artillery. P *File 6-inch, 3-square, dead-smooth $0. 18 P *File, 8-inch, hand-smooth .14 Gunner’s quadrant 23. 10 Gunner’s quadrant pouch 1. 91 Gunner’s quadrant chest 1. 98 P *Hammer .30 Hand fuze setter for 21 -second combination fuzes, model of 1905M 30.00 Parts: *Clamping shoe $0. 20 *Clamp screw 13 *Corrector scale 1. 65 *Corrector-scale screw 05 Handle 1. 45 *Handle screw 05 *Index 92 *P1 unger 05 *Plunger spring 04 *Plug 11 Range ring 4. 62 *Range-ring screw 07 *Range-ring carrier handle screw 05 *Stop pin 59 *Stop screw 05 *Wing nut 20 Hand fuze setter for 21 and 30 second combination fuzes, model of 1912 55. 16 Parts : *Clamp plug $0. 12 *Corrector scale 4. 29 *Corrector-scale screw 07 *Index bar screw • 07 *Index plunger 04 *Index spring 04 *Oil-hole screw 07 *Guide-plate lock screw 07 *Range index 79 *Range-ring screw 07 *Stop pin 53 *Stop-pin screw 07 Range ring 3. 96 ( 7 ) 8 Parts — Continued . *Taper pin $0. 05 *Washer (fiber) 04 Worm • 2.77 *Worm knob 20 *Worm adjusting-screw clamp screw 07 Hand fuze setter for 31 and 45 second combination fuzes, model of 1913 $63. 82 Parts : *Clamp plug $0. 12 Corrector scale 4. 29 *Corrector-scale screw 07 Guide plate 1. 12 *Guide-plate screw 07 *Index bar screw 07 *Index plunger 04 *Index spring 04 *Oil-hole screw 07 *Range index 79 Range ring 3. 96 *Range-ring screw 07 *Stop pin 53 *Stop-pin screw 07 *Taper pin 05 *Washer (fiber) 04 Worm 2. 77 *Worm adjusting-screw clamp screw 07 *Worm knob 20 Note. — The hand fuze setter for 21-second combination fuze, model of 1905M, is common to the 2.95-inch mountain gun, 3-inch field gun, and 3-inch mountain howitzer with the exception of the graduations on the range rings, which are special for each caliber. The hand fuze setter for 21 and 30 second combination fuze, model of 1912, is common to the 2.95-inch mountain gun, 3-inch field gun, 3-inch mountain howitzer, and 3.2-inch field gun, with the exception of the graduations on the range rings Avhich are special for each caliber. The graduations on the corrector scales are similar for the 2.95-inch mountain gun, 3-inch field gun and 3.2-inch field gun, but they are special for the 3-inch mountain howitzer. The hand fuze setter for 31 and 45 second combination fuze, model of 1913, is common to the 3.6-inch mortar, 3.8-inch gun, 3.8-inch howitzer, 4.7-inch gun, 4.7-inch howitzer, 5-inch siege gun, 6-inch howitzer, 7-inch howitzer, and 7-inch mortar, with the exception of the guide plates and the graduations on the range rings which are special for each caliber. The graduations on the corrector scales for the different calibers of guns also differ from that for the different calibers of howitzers and mortars. Hand fuze setter case, model of 1911, for hand fuze setter, model of ' 1905M $3.60 Hand fuze setter case, model of 1915, for hand fuze setter, model of 1912 3. 45 *Shoulder strap (for hand fuze setter) .45 Horizontal oiler, model of 1913 1. 64 9 Panoramic sight, model of 1904, complete $204. 24 Parts : Cover for rotating head $0. 83 ♦Dowel for worm box pin .08 ♦Dowel pin for worm knob .07 ♦Eccentric lever stop screw .08 Eyepiece elbow cover .83 Field lens retaining spring .55 Glass for azimuth circle window .55 Movable index cover 1. 24 ♦Nut for worm shaft .32 Pinion shaft .41 Rotating head prism 9. 66 Rotating head window 2. 76 Reticule 3. 24 ♦Screw, adjusting block for reticule cell to reticule cell .07 ♦Screw, cover to rotating head and cover to separating bar. . . .07 ♦Screw, eyepiece elbow to shank .06 ♦Screw, eyelens cell to field lens cell .06 *Screw, field lens cell to eyepiece elbow .06 ♦Screw, hood for azimuth circle and azimuth circle support.. . 06 ♦Screw, movable index cover to hood for azimuth circle .06 ♦Screw, reference line block to hood for azimuth circle .06 ♦Screw, rotating head to azimuth circle hub and gear .06 ♦Shutter stop screw .07 Spring box for worm 1. 72 ♦Spring box pin for worm box .06 Spring for rotating head prism .69 ♦Spring for spring box .14 ♦Spring for thrust of worm .21 Spring plate for azimuth circle 1. 66 Teat wrench and screw driver, combined .90 ♦Thrust washer on worm shaft .17 Worm 2. 07 ♦Washer for movable index cover screw .03 Worm box eccentric lever 1. 52 ♦Worm box pin .11 Worm index 1. 31 Worm knob .55 Panoramic sight, model of 1915, complete 255. 30 Pliers .63 Range quadrant, complete 90. 33 Parts: ♦Bracket fulcrum (0.64 long) $0. 53 ♦Bracket fulcrum (0.45 long) .53 ♦Cross level vial tube .53 ♦Cross level vial adjusting screw .05 ♦Cross level vial .33 ♦Disk spring .40 ♦Level micrometer disk 1. 65 ♦Leveling screw head .37 ♦Leveling screw nut .33 106526—17 2 10 Parts — Continued . *Leveling screw nut clamping screw $0. 07 *Lock screw .24 *Micrometer disk screw .08 *Microme ter screw head .26 *Inner friction disk 2. 64 *Outer friction disk 2. 64 *Nut for pinion shaft .13 Fulcrum pin .24 Pinion and shaft with nut and lock nut 5. 28 Range disk 5.21 *Range level vial .33 Range quadrant wrench .58 *Scroll gear bearing .53 *Scroll gear spring .11 *Set screw for scroll-gear bearing .05 Spring case with catches assembled 2. 84 *Spring case screw .07 *Taper pin, small, 0.092 diameter .05 *Taper pin, large, 0.125 diameter .05 Note. — T he range quadrant complete is common to 3-inch, 3.8-inch, and 4.7-inch field gun carriage with excep- tion of range scales. P *Screw driver, 5-inch blade $0. 16 Front sight, complete 31. 61 Parts: *Cross wire retainer (or ring B) $0. 99 Front sight holder 5. 28 Front sight bracket sleeve 1. 19 *Ring A with cross wires assembled 2. 05 *Spring catch with rivet 1.65 *Split pin .03 Note. — T he front sight, complete, is common to 3-inch, 3.8-inch, and 4.7-inch field gun carriage. Kear sight, complete 217. 80 Parts : *Adjusting screw $0. 07 *Clamp screw .13 *Collar for peep sight screw .32 Deflection scale 1. 72 *Deflection scale screw .07 *Detent .46 *Detent cap * .28 *Detent spring .07 *Level cap .18 *Level vial .33 *Level vial tube .66 *Leveling screw with knob and taper pin 2. 44 *Lock nut .53 *Nut .40 Peep sight 5. 28 11 Parts — Continued . *Peep sight screw $3. 30 Range strip 8.58 * Range strip screw with nut, washer, and split pin .46 * Ratchet, complete, with clamp screw and taper pin 2. 64 *Scroll gear 3. 10 *Scroll gear bearing .92 *Scroll gear handle .46 *Scroll gear spring .18 *Scroll gear spring washer .26 *Set screw for scroll gear bearing .07 *Shank socket cover screw .08 *Shank socket cover with springs, studs, and sleeves 5. 94 *Split pin .03 *Spring cover .21 *Taper pin .05 Note. — T he rear sight, complete, is common to 3-inch, 3.8-inch, and 4.7-inch field gun carriage with exception of range scales. Sight case $14. 20 Tubular oil can 3.85 Note. — T he head of the tubular oil can is marked to indi- cate the kind of oil carried therein, as follows: “Hydro, ” “Lub, ” or ‘ 1 Coal . ’ ’ Price is the same in each case . Requisitions should state which marking is required. Tubular oil can carrier, assembled 2. 51 P *Wrench, nut, £ inch by ^ inch .15 Wrench, teat, for panoramic sight .86 PACK EQUIPMENT. Cargo cincha, long 3. 82 Cargo cincha, short 4. 37 *Cargo cincha straps, 6 feet long .73 *Lair rope .31 Lash cincha, model of 1910 1. 84 Lash cincha hook .24 Lash cincha lacing (latigo), ^ inch by 87^ inches .21 *Lash rope .57 *Load strap 1.08 Pack cover 2. 72 *Pack cincha rope .19 *Pack cincha strap .36 Pack reel, complete, with frame 335. 52 Parts : *Angle strap shoe, 1-inch $0. 40 *Brake segment clamp .37 Brake band 3. 00 *Brake band spring .32 *Brake band stud .12 Brake clamp bolt, complete 1. 24 Brake lever 4. 39 12 Parts — Coutinued . *Brake lever stud $0. 13 *Brake lever washer 11 *Cap hinge pin 04 Cap latch 2. 64 *Cap latch bolt : 18 *Cap latch lug 54 *Cap latch link 40 *Cap latch spring 18 Chain ring and chain 11 Collar (with steel pin) 80 *Corner reinforce (one right, one left) 36 Crank, right (with key) 3. 05 Crank, left 4.40 Crank bearing 2. 15 *Crank fastening, right 66 Crank rest 1.28 Crank retainer s. 4. 56 Crank retainer nut 1.77 *Crank retainer spring 14 "*Crank ring 23 Crank shaft 14. 75 Crank shaft bearing 5. 73 Crank shaft bearing bushing 1. 70 Crank shaft collar 1. 77 Guide 3. 56 Guide base 6.67 "*Guide bolt 07 ~*Guide clamp 27 *Guide stud 19 ^Handle 45 ^Handle washer 11 Hanger eye 2. 47 *Hasp 55 ■*Hasp hinge 51 "*Hasp hinge pin 09 Hinge 2. 38 ■*Hinge pin 14 *Holding-down strap 26 *Holding-down strap clip 12 Lock ring 71 Pin bracket, chest 72 % Pin bracket, frame 1.09 Pin plate, chest 38 Pin plate, frame 1. 33 Pinion 4. 86 Pinion washer, inner 2. 85 Pinion washer, outer 1. 01 ^Reinforce washers, 0.6 inch diameter by y§- inch thick 08 Shaft bearing, right . 6. 24 Shaft bearing, left 6. 24 Shaft bearing cap 2. 64 *Spindle 18 ^Spindle washer 11 13 Parts — Continued . *Stop pin $0. 11 Stop pin retainer 2. 10 *Stop pin spring 18 *Strap fastener, style 8, 1-inch 05 *Strap fastener, style 15, 1.25-inch 05 *Strap loop, 1 inch by 1.5 inch 02 *Strap loop, 1.5 inch by 1.5 inch 02 *Wing nut 17 *Wing nut pin 32 *Wing nut pin washer 02 Note. — T he pack cincha rope, length 28 inches; rendering ring, 2 inches; strap fastener, 1.625 inches; D-ring, 1.875 inches; and tie strap, which are parts of above pack reel, are listed with the parts for the chest for fire-control equipment, under “Tools and Accessories for Packs.” Pack frame, model of 1910 $15. 00 Components: - 2 pack frame sides, at $2.35 each $4. 70 1 pack frame pommel 3. 90 1 pack frame cantle . 3. 90 1 pack frame tie brace, left 1. 15 1 pack frame tie brace, right 1. 15 *4 pack frame pins, at 4 cents each 16 *4 split pins, T2 - inch by § inch, at 1 cent each 04 Spare parts for pack frame sides, model of 1910: *Brace bar .08 *Brace bar board .14 *Hook hinge, right or left .60 *Side bar .10 *Side bar board .20 *Side brace .10 Pack frame, model of 1912 6. 24 Components : 1 pack frame body $4. 68 Components — 2 pack frame sides, at $1.51 each 3. 02 2 arches, at 57 cents each.. $1. 14 *4 strap loop clevises, at 8 cents each 32 *4 pack frame pins, at 4 cents each 16 *4 split pins, inch by § inch, at 1 centeach. . . 04 *4 pack frame top straps, at 39 cents each 1. 56 Spare pack frame sides, model of 1912: *Brace bar .08 *Brace bar board .14 *Hook hinge .17 *Rivets, steel. 1 inch by f inch, round head; } inch by inch, round head; inch by ^ inch, 60° countersunk; inch by f inch, flat head; ^ inch by inch, flat head; or -fa inch by £ inch, flat head, per 100 .10* *Side bar . 10 *Side bar board .20* *Side brace .09- 14 DUMMY PACK. Dummy pack $8. 54 Parts : 2 bodies (2 hanger eyes included in each body), each $3.37 $6. 74 *2 straps, each 43 cents 86 *2 keepers, each 12 cents 24 *2 ropes, each 16 cents 32 *4 rings, each 3 cent3 12 *2 hooks, each 13 cents 26 Tools and accessories for packs. P Ax 0.75 P *Ax helve .19 *Bag for coal (cotton duck) .24 Bag for waste (cotton duck) .. 1. 13 *Bag for borax (white cotton drill) .04 *Bag for hardware (cotton duck) .20 *Bag for horseshoe nails (cotton duck) .13 *Bag for rivets (cotton duck) .11 *Bag for sponges (cotton duck) .31 Bag for tacks, large (white cotton drill) .04 *Bag for tacks, small (white cotton drill) .04 *Bag for thread (cotton duck) .15 *Bag for wax (white cotton drill) * .08 P *Ball peen hammer .42 P Bench ax 1. 20 *Blacksmith’s aprons (for saddler) 1. 81 *Canvas sacks for square sticks and ribs 1. 02 ^ Canvas watering bucket 1. 27 Chest for fire-control equipment, complete 18. 59 Parts : *Chain plate $0. 12 *Fid 04 *Hanger eye, right 42 *Hanger eye, left 42 *Hasp 14 *Hasp staple 02 *Hinge pin 01 *Pack cincha rope, length, 28 inches 27 *Rendering ring, 2-inch 05 *D-ring, 1.875-inch 05 *Staple 02 *Strap fastener, 1.625-inch 09 *Tie strap 37 * Washer 02 P *Cross peen hammer .44 P Crowbar (no longer issued) .80 Field desk, complete 14.14 Parts: *Chest handle $0. 09 Note.— W ith the exception of “Washer, 2 cents,” the parts for the field desk are the same as those listed above for the chest for fire control equipment. 15 Lantern chest . $9. 68 *Lantern chest bucket strap .25 *Lantern chest hasp and staple .15 *Lantern-chest strap fastener .02 Oil can, rectangular 7. 89 Lifting bar, long 2. 67 Lifting bar, short 2. 62 P *Pickax .43 P *Pickax handle .14 Picket rope, model of 1910 (4 50-foot sections to 1 complete rope) 5. 68 Pioneer roll, left 24. 15 Pionesr roll, right 23. 92 P Pliers .60 Ration crate 12.12 *Rope, 0.25-inch diameter, 50 feet .36 P Shovel, long- handled .59 P *Shovel handle, long .27 *Sling rope .33 Supply chest, blacksmith’s 14. 59 Supply chest, miscellaneous 14. 59 Supply che3t. saddler’s 14. 59 Supply chest, tools 15. 33 *3upply chest hanger bar .16 *Thong. f inch by 36 inches latigo 09 CLASS IV, SECTION 8. Harness and its components. Artillery harness and its components. Set of Artillery harness for two wheel horses, complete 206. 00 Consisting of: 1 Artillery harness for near wheel horse, complete $100. 00 1 Artillery harness for off wheel horse, complete 106. 00 Set of Artillery harness for two lead horses, complete 175. 00 Consisting of: 1 Artillery harness for near lead horse, complete 85. 00 1 Artillery harness for off lead horse, complete 90. 00 Artillery harness for near wheel horse, complete 100. 00 Components: 1 breast strap, complete $2.25 1 breeching, complete 15.50 1 bridle for near horse, complete 4. 50 1 collar, complete 13.00 1 collar strap .64 1 halter, complete 3.10 1 martingale with cincha strap 3. 65 2 mogul springs, 320 pound pull, at $0.75 each 1. 50 P 1 saddle blanket 6.00 1 saddle for near wheel horse, complete 36. 50 2 traces, wheel, model of 1908, leather covered, including quir-k- release device, at $5.30 each 10. 60 PI whip... 2.76 16 Artillery harness for off wheel horse, complete $107. 06 Components: 1 breast strap, complete $2. 25 1 breeching, complete 15. 50 1 bridle for off horse, complete 5. 80 2 coat straps, 60-inch, at $0.53 each 1. 06 1 collar, complete 13. 00 1 collar strap .64 1 halter, complete 3. 10 1 martingale with cincha strap 3. 65 2 mogul springs, 320-pound pull, at $0.75 each 1. 50 1 saddle for off wheel horse, complete 33. 50 P 1 saddle blanket 6. 00 1 saddlebags, pair. 10. 40 2 traces, wheel, model of 1908, leather covered, including quick-release device, at $5.30 each 10. 60 Artillery harness for near lead horse, complete 84. 70 Components: 1 back strap and crupper, complete $7. 10 1 bridle for near horse, complete 4. 50 1 collar, complete 13. 00 1 collar strap .64 1 halter, complete 3. 10 1 saddle for near lead horse, complete 36. 00 P 1 saddle blanket 6. 00 2 traces, lead, model of 1908, leather covered, at $5.80 each. . . 11. 60 P 1 whip 2.76 Artillery harness for off lead horse, complete 91. 76 Components: 1 back strap and crupper, complete $7. 10 1 bridle for off horse, complete 5. 80 2 coat straps, 60-inch, at $0.53 each 1. 06 1 collar, complete 13. 00 1 collar strap .64 1 halter, complete 3. 10 1 saddle for off lead horse, complete 33. 00 P 1 saddle blanket 6. 00 1 saddlebags, pair 10. 40 2 traces, lead, model of 1908, leather covered, at $5.80 each. . 11. 60 Breast strap, complete 2. 25 Components: 1 breast strap body $1.75 ’ *2 breast strap hooks, at $0.25 each .50 Breeching, complete t 15. 56 Components: 1 back strap and (4) hip straps $3. 55 *1 back strap hook .15 1 breeching body 5. 80 1 crupper dock 1. 00 17 Components — Continued . 1 loin strap $0.90 2 side straps, at $1.40 each 2. 80 *2 side strap hooks, at $0.15 each ' .30 2. trace loops, at $0.50 each 1. 00 Back strap and crupper, complete $7. 10 -Components: 1 back strap, crupper body and hip straps, assembled $3. 05 1 crupper dock 1. 00 l # loin strap .90 *1 back strap hook .15 4 trace loops, at $0.50 each 2. 00 Bridle, for near horse, complete, new model 4. 50 Components: 1 bridle reins, near $1. 20 *1 brow band .20 *2 brow-band ornaments, at $0.05 each .10 1 crownpiece 1. 30 1 snaffle bit, model of 1911 1. 70 Bridle, for off horse, complete, new model 5. 80 Components : 1 bridle’reins, off $1. 40 *1 brow band .20 *2 brow-band ornaments, at $0.05 each .10 1 crownpiece 1. 30 1 snaffle bit, model of 1911 1. 70 1 coupling strap, new design 1. 10 Bridle, for near horse, complete, old model 6. 00 Components: 1 bridle reins $1. 65 1 brow band .50 *2 brow-band ornaments, at $0.05 each .10 2 cheek pieces, at $0.65 1. 30 1 crownpiece .45 1 snaffle bit, model of 1911 1. 70 1 throat latch .30 Bridle, for off horse, complete, old model 8. 00 Components : 1 coupling strap, old model $1. 30 1 connecting strap .70 Note. — T he remaining components are those of the bridle , for the near horse, complete. Coat strap, 60-inch .55 Collar, complete 13.00 Components: P 1 collar $9. 90 2 hame tugs, with trace plates, plate loops, and double-eye loops, at $1.55 3. 10 18 Collar strap $0. 65 Collar pad, canvas 3. 50 Curb bit, model of 1909 2. 10 P *Curb chain, without hooks, noncorrosive metal .47 *Curb chain hook, model of 1904, steel, right or left .04 Halter, complete. 2.83 Components: 1 halter headstall $2. 45 *1 halter tie rope, model of 1912 .38 *Halter strap 1. 15 Hame tug, with trace plate, plate loop, and double-eye loops 2. 55 Harness sack 4. 00 Martingale, with cincha strap 3. 60 P *Mogul spring, 750 pounds 2. 60 Saddle, for near wheel horse, complete 36. 50 Components: 1 cincha, artillery, wheel $2. 75 3 coat straps, pommel, at $0.35 each 1. 05 1 coat strap, cantle .40 1 quarter strap 5. 10 1 saddletree, leather covered 19. 60 2 stirrups, model of 1910, at $1.50 each 3. 00 *2 stirrup straps, at $1 each 2. 00 2 sweat leathers, at $1.30 each 2. 60 Saddle, for off wheel horse, complete 33. 50 Components : 1 cincha, artillery, wheel $2. 75 2 coat straps, pommel, at $0.35 each .70 1 coat strap, cantle .40 *1 lead rein roller with strap and snap .50 1 quarter strap 5. 10 1 saddletree, leather covered 19. 05 2 stirrups, model of 1910, at $1.50 each 3. 00 *2 stirrup straps, at $1 2. 00 Saddle, for near lead horse, complete 36. 00 Components: 1 cincha, lead $2. 15 3 coat straps, pommel, at $0.35 1. 05 1 coat strap, cantle .40 1 quarter strap 5. 10 1 saddletree, leather covered 19. 70 2 stirrups, model of 1910, at $1.50 each 3. 00 *2 stirrup straps, at $1 each 2. 00 2 sweat leathers, at $1.30 each 2. 60 Saddle, for off lead horse, complete 33. 10 Components: 1 cincha, lead $2. 15 2 coat straps, pommel, at $0.35 .70 1 coat strap, cantle .40 19 Components — Continued . *1 lead rein roller with strap and snap $0. 50 1 quarter strap 5. 00 1 saddletree, leather covered 19. 35 2 stirrups, model of 1910, at $1.50 each 3. 00 *2 stirrup straps, at $1 each 2. 00 Note. — T he above saddles have the saddletree and the quarter strap safes lined with sheepskin. *Trace chain, lead, includes two links and one toggle $0. 34 *Trace chain, wheel, includes one ring, two links and two toggles .54 « PARTS OF ARTILLERY HARNESS. *3addle shields, 11, 11£, and 12 inches .02 PARTS OF COLLAR. P *Back strap connection .04 P *Bolt and nut for extension .04 P *Bolt and nut for bottom of collar .04 P *Bolt and nut for top connection .04 P *Bolt and nut for trace plate .04 P *Buckle latch .09 P *Buckle spring .01 P *Draft spring. . , .42 P *Nut for bottom bolt .01 P *Nut for extension bolt .01 P *Nut for pad bolt .01 P *Nut for top connection bolt .01 P *Nut for trace plate bolt .01 P *Pad bolt and nut .04 P *Pad hook .22 P Trace plate and loop .65 P Collar pad, steel .84 P Top connection .57 P *Wrench for steel collar .18 CLASS V, SECTION 1. Range-finding material. Articles for the fire control of mobile artillery. Sextant telemeter, complete, exclusive of leather carrying case 171. 53 Parts: Clamp plate $1.41 Micrometer head 2. 73 Micrometer scale 5. 52 Optical square spring catch .72 Pendulum lock 1.12 Pendulum lock spring .17 Pendulum spring stop .33 Pendulum weight, complete, with prism 5. 16 Pentagonal prism, with mounting, complete 12. 36 Retaining nut .37 20 Parts — Continued . Screws — C ompass cover $0 . 04 Cover i .04 Fixed mirror adjusting .06 Fixed mirror .04 Index dial ... .04 Index .04 Micrometer head .04 Needle lock .06 Optical square catch .04 Optical square .04 Pendulum spring stop .04 Scale .04 Stop retaining .06 Telescope lock .06 Worm-box cap .04 Worm plunger .11 Worm locking .11 Screw driver .37 Stadia, complete .77 Telescope, complete 13.59 Carrying case, leather $6.00 P steel tape, 100 feet 4. 33 Battery commander’s telescope, complete, model of 1904 291. 36 Components : Telescope $143. 52 Mount 99.65 Tripod 16.56 Carrying case for telescope and mount 22. 08 Accessories carried in case— *1 teat wrench - .56 *1 pin wrench .10 *1 screw driver .15 *1 camel ’s-hair brush .10 Carrying case for tripod 6. 22 Battery commander’s telescope, complete, model of 1905 230. 42 Components : Telescope $143.52 Mount 99.65 Tripod 31.65 - Carrying case for telescope and mount 22.08 Accessories carried in case — *1 teat wrench .56 *1 pin wrench .10 *1 screw driver .15 *1 camel’s hair brush .10 Carrying case for tripod 8. 15 Parts: Amber glass holder with disk 1. 84 Axis prism holder spring .14 Axis prism spring .15 21 Parts — Continued. Azimuth dial $2. 11 *Azimuth dial screw .07 Azimuth level vial .39 *Azimuth scale index screw .06 Azimuth worm-adjusting screw .21 Azimuth worm-box spring .26 Azimuth worm-box stud .21 *Dial nut .14 *Dial nut screw .07 *Dial screw washer .03 Dust cap 1.35 *Dust cap screw .07 *Dust cap screw washer .04 Elevation dial 1. 89 *Elevation scale screw .06 *Elevation scale screw washer .04 *Elevation worm-box screw .18 Eye lens..- 2.94 Field lens 2. 25 Focusing pinion nut screw .06 *Leg clamp gib .06 *Leg clamp screw .07 *Leg clamp wing nut .06 *Level screw .21 *Leveling screw .33 Objective prism box cover .75 Objective lens 11. 54 Objective prism base 1. 79 Objective prism base screws .06 Objective prism box cover screw .06 Pin wrench No. 45 .15 Platen cover screw .06 * Prism holder screw .06 *Prism cover screw .06 *Plumb bob hook .14 Retaining ring screw .06 *Reticule holder screw .08 *Reticule holder screw washer .10 Reticule 1. 92 Site level box cap .11 Site level vial .39 *Slow-motion screw .26 *Slow-motion screw head pin .11 *Slow-motion plunger spring .08 Slow-motion clamp screw .44 *Swivel wing nut and rivet .12 Teat wrench .77 Tripod leg (upper section) ; .70 Tripod leg (lower section) .70 Tripod level support and cap 2. 18 *Window (celluloid) .22 *Worm-box spring screw .22 22 Testing level, complete , $21.42 Components : Testing level $19.02 Chest 2. 41 Observation telescope, field, model of 1908, without carrying case 264.27 Components : Telescope $205. 62 Support 34. 91 Tripod 23.74 Carrying case for telescope 22. 34 Carrying case for support and tripod 10. 83 Parts : Cradle $9. 34 Cover screw .06 Eyepiece, high power, complete 16. 88 Eyepiece, low power, complete 16. 88 Erecting prism 11. 74 Field lens, high power 7. 18 Field lens, low power 3. 86 Hinge pin .12 Leg clamp .58 Leg clamp gib .12 Leg clamp nut pin .01 Leg clamp screw .04 Leg clamp wing nut .12 Locking screw .15 Objective lens 60.76 Objective lens shade 3.09 Prism holder screw .12 Prism retaining spring .24 Split pin for hinge pin .03 Split pin for trunnion screw .03 Telescope clamp (front) 1. 55 Telescope clamp (rear) 1. 55 Telescope clamp thumbscrew .22 Tripod leg, complete 1. 55 Tripod leg, upper section 1. 08 Tripod leg, lower section .46 Tripod level, complete 1.55 Trunnion cap 2. 30 Trunnion cap screw .06 Wing nut .12 Field artillery plotter, model of 1907, complete 209. 76 Parts : Aiming arm $16.19 Aiming point-arm locking lever 2. 40 Aiming and target arm support stop, screw .07 Center stud nut set screw .08 Dowel pin .14 Parts — Continued. Gun arm $17.26 Gun arm stop screw (front) .07 Gun arm stop screw (rear) .07 Leg latch (right-hand) 3.60 Leg latch (left-hand) 3. 60 Latch plunger spring .08 Leg-latch plunger .22 Leg-latch cover screw .06 Protractor retaining ring screw .06 Support slide gib .52 Swivel stud screw .22 Target arm 10. 10 Target arm locking lever 2. 40 Target arm support 14.32 Target arm vernier 1. 03 Target arm block .43 Tripod leg joint 1. 14 Tripod swivel stud .28 Case for field artillery plotter 24. 38 Aiming circle $211. 20 Aiming circle tripod 52. 80 Base range finder, 1 meter 628. 30 Case for base range finder, 1 meter 28. 24 Battery commander’s ruler, metal (without case) 16. 56 Case for battery commander’s ruler .71 *Battery commander’s ruler, wooden .41 Time-interval recorder 13. 35 Note. — T he leather chain for time-interval recorder, the price of which is 35 cents, is hereby designated as expendable. Range finder, field artillery (Goerz, 1-meter base) 566. 50 Flashlight, electric. 2.26 Accessories — Hood for flashlight $0. 58 Battery for flashlight .24 Bulb for flashlight .13 CLASS V, SECTION 3. Mobile artillery targets and target material. Targets. Fixed or appearing target 1 6. 80 Components : *1 base, pipe $3. 25 *3 uprights, pipe, 50 cents each 1. 50 *1 lever, pipe 52 *1 eyebolt for lever 23 *1 eyebolt for upright 20 *2 split pins, 1 cent each 02 *4 bent pins, 2 cents each 08 *2 stakes, wood, 50 cents each 1. 00 1 This type of target obsolete. No more will be issued after exhaustion of present supply. 24 Accessories: *2 pulleys, metal, f-inch, at 3 cents $0. 06 *Sash cord, 1,500 feet, at $0,006 per foot 9. 00 Moving target 1 $6. 00 Components : *1 moving- target sled $4. 00 *4 uprights, pipe, 50 cents each 2. 00 Accessories: Wire rope, 0.25-inch, 1,500 feet, at 4 cents 60. 00 Wire rope, 0.5-inch, 1,500 feet, at 5 cents 75. 00 Snatch blocks, each 7. 45 Target materials: 2 Brush, paste 1. 50 *Cover, unbleached cotton, for kneeling silhouettes., 1. 35 *Cover, unbleached cotton, for standing silhouettes 2. 00 *Cover, unbleached cotton, for gun and caisson silhouettes 2. 00 *Cover, unbleached cotton, for mounted silhouettes 2. 40 *Covers, olive drab, with stenciled figures, for standing silhouettes, each 2.70 *Covers, olive drab, with stenciled figures, for gun and caisson sil- houettes, each 2. 70 *Covers, olive drab, with stenciled figures, for mounted silhouettes, each 3. 30 *Silhouettes, paper, “D,” each .01 *Silhouettes, paper, “II,” each .02 *Silhouettes, paper, “N,” each .02 *Silhouettes, paper, “N^” each .04 ^Silhouettes, paper, “ O , ” each .04 *Silhouettes, paper. “ P,” each . .04 *Pasters, box (500 in pasteboard box) .10 *Pasters, box (1,000 in tin box) .24 fReel for towing cables 11. 30 t Stand for reel 12. 00 Mobile artillery^flash target outfit, complete 114. 05 Components : 1 magneto exploder $33. 81 P 1*3,500 feet insulated copper wire, No. 16 32. 94 P ft barrow reel 8.62 1 mortar ,. 4.37 1*10 flash supports 6. 25 10 switches, with wood screws 20. 37 *1*1 switch stake 69 Telegraph relay 7. 00 The annual allowance of expendable components comprises : *27 powder charges packed in zinc-lined container 10. 12 *30 electric primers for axial and radial vent 3. 81 P *150 sets of flash charges 51. 51 P *1 pound double-pointed tacks .12 P *3 spools of thread, linen, No. 30 .31 P *700 feet insulated copper wire, No. 16 6. 50 1 This type of target obsolete. No more will be issued after exhaustion of present supply. 2 These supplie ; are obsolete. No more will be issued after exhaustion of present supply. t When these pirts have been damaged beyond repair by fair wear and tear in service or have been expended in repairs to other similar parts, they may be dropped from the return of the accountable officer with a certificate to that effect. For mobile artillery flash target outfit, complete $7. 00 Smoke bomb outfit, pole type, complete 16. 83 Components: 1 staff $1. 19 1 fulcrum 2.51 1 firing arm 2.11 *1 cartridge ejector 26 1 cup 3. 43 *1 bail 26 *1 powder measure 1. 12 1 powder can 1. 32 1 staff connection 2. 44 P *1 lanyard, curtain cord, 0.187 (iV inch) diameter, 40 feet long 48 P *1 lanyard, curtain cord, 0.187 (re inch) diameter, 100 feet long 1. 23 P *2 awning pulleys, gal'/anized iron, for 0.187 (yw inch) cur- tarn cord 28 P *1 bag snap, with chain 13 P *1 45° standard malleable-iron elbow (1 inch), commercial. . . 07 Annual allowance of expendable components: *500 caliber 0.38 primed cartridge cases 2. 95 *62^ pounds saluting powder 1 6. 25 Smoke bomb outfit, rifle grenade type 1 Components: P *2 grenade lanyards $1. 10 .48 3. 50 4. 80 2 . 20 2. 60 1. 60 .80 4. 00 *4 locking levers.' 2 casings 4 caps 2 plunger guides. For 2 gre nades (100 shots). 2 bases 2 plungers *2 springs *20 stems 1 wrench 1. 25 2 plunger holders 3. 50 P *1 pair 6-inch gas pliers 20 *1 powder can ...*. 70 1 sled complete with rope and trigger lanyard 5. 00 1 caliber .30 rifle, model of 1898 14. 27 Annual allowances of expendable components: *100 full-charge cartridges *100 caliber .38 primed cartridges *100 charge container ends *100 charge containers *31.25 pounds saluting powder 2 46. 00 1. 31 .59 .02 .02 3. 13 1 This type of gre lade will be issued only under special conditions which justify the increased expense involved in its use as compared with that of the pole type. 2 On account of expense cf small shipment of explosives, this should be taken from general supply on hand at posts. 26 Mobile Artillery target material ( issued from R. I. Arsenal). P * Annealed fence wire, No. 12, galvanized per C feet. . P Blocks, snatch, for £-inch cable P Cable, wire, 1-inch diameter (3,000-foot lengths) per foot. . Clutch, automatic, complete *Stake (for automatic clutch) .... *Wedge, long (for automatic clutch). *Wedge, short (for automatic clutch) Double-drum cable cart Consisting of : Cable cart reel $152. 25 Limber, 3.2-inch (modification only) 27. 00 Flank target sled. Parts: P *Bolts, countersunk heads, with nuts, % by 11 inches per C P *Bolts, machine, with nut and 1 washer, 1 by 5 inches do. . P *Bolts, machine, with nut and 1 washer, \ by 9 inches do . . P *Bolts, machine, with nut and 2 washers, 1 by 81 inches do. . *Brace *Eyebolts, with nuts and washers Nuts, 1-inch (for eyebolts) per C P *Washers, 1-inch (for eyebolts) do.. *Runner P *Lampblack 1-pound package *Paint, black 1-gallon cans *Paint, brown 1-gallon cans *Paint, flesh color 1-quart cans *Paint, olive-drab, gallons (in 5-gallon cans) *Release, automatic (2 cable clamps, 1 11-inch ring with each release) *Releasing loop P *Rings, 1 inch diameter, malleable iron per C P *Sash cord, 1-inch per C feet P *Sheeting, cotton, 60 inches wide per yard P *Sheeting, cotton, 80 inches wide do. . *Stake, iron, for snatch block P *Steel, round, inch diameter (for hooks) per C feet P *Steel, round, -f inch diameter (for stakes with hooks) do. . P *Steel, round, § inch diameter (for stakes for guys) do. . Target frame, advancing Infantry or Cavalry. Parts: *P *Hinge, strap, with screws, 6-inch *Lever, right or left P *Bolts, machine, with nut, f by 4 inch per C. . P *Bolts, machine, with nut and washer, § by 3 inch do *Runner, end *Nuts, f-inch (for end runner) per C. . P *Washers, f-inch (for end runner) do P ^Staples, fence, 1^-inch do P *Wire, fence, No. 12 per C feet. . 1 This price does nst include the cost of the 3.2-inch limber which is $300. $ 0 . 11 6. 85 .07 12.04 3. 10 .95 .86 179 . 25 $1. 70 1. 44 1. 80 1. 90 1. 74 .25 .93 . 14 1. 65 .08 1. 14 1. 12 .39 . 75 4. 50 4. 25 .78- .81 .19' .24 - 2. 13 .45 .81 2. 27 $0. 05 1. 41 .85 .80 .62 1. 18 .22 .06 .11 27 Target sled , advancing Infantry or Cavalry. Parts: P *Bolts, machine, with nuts and washers, f by 3 inch per C. . $1. 05-1. 08 P *Bolts, machine, with nuts and washers, f by 5 inch do 1. 44 P *Bolts, machine, with nuts and washers, f by 6 inch do 1. 60 P *Bolts, countersunk head, with nuts, f by If inch do 1. 70 *Brace, steel 1. 74 *Brake, complete 4. 52 *Brake, brace .73 *Brake chain .42 *Brake-chain eye, with nut and washer .24 *Nuts, f-inch (for brake-chain eyes) per C. . .88 P *Washers, f-inch (for brake-chain eyes) do .08 *Eyebolts, with nuts and washers .25 *Nuts, f-inch (for eyebolts) per C. . .93 P *Washers, f-inch (for eyebolts) do .14 * Runner 1. 63 * Spring .91 * Spring chain .51 * Spring-chain eye .24 * Nuts, f-inch (for spring-chain eyes) per C. . .73 P * Washers, f-inch (for spring-chain eyes) do .08 Miniature targets for subcaliber work. * Miniature target representing gun carriage and limber .09 * Miniature target representing caisson and limber .09 * Miniature target representing Artillery horses (6-horse battery) .10 * Miniature target representing gun carriage and caisson, shielded .03 * Miniature targets representing machine guns perC.. 1.20 * Miniature targets representing standing figures do 1. 03 * Miniature targets representing kneeling figures do .90 * Miniature targets representing prone figures do .69 * Sled with wedges .53 P *Twine, cotton seine, white, No. 48 (600 feet) per spool.. .50 CLASS VI, SECTION 7. Miscellaneous components used in ammunition for mobile artillery. P Bursting charge, black powder, per pound $0. 30 Fuze, base percussion, medium and major caliber 1. 33 Fuze, 21-second combination 2. 35 Percussion primer, 110-grain .11 ^ubcaliber ball cartridges, caliber .30, per M 41. 09 January 21, 1915. Revised June 26, 1917, Form No. 1904. Ed. June 26-17—2,000. C)