6 so 3 &~ts Technical Division Federal Housing Administration Washington, D. C. PLANK FLOOR AND ROOF CONSTRUCTION Technical Circular No. 8 October 7, 1940 The National Lumber Manufacturers 1 Association is sponsor¬ ing nationally a method of floor and roof construction consisting of 2" nominal thickness plank nailed over wood beams, spaced up to 7 , -0 ,( o.c. Construction of this type has been carried out in several locali¬ ties during the past year and has been investigated by the Technical Division in conjunction with an analysis of typical details prepared by the Association. While the plank and beam system of framing is common in mill construction, heretofore it .has rarely been used for dwellings; conse¬ quently, the builder who is accustomed to stud walls, joist floors, and roof rafters, may find that although the plank and beam system is rela¬ tively simple in principle, in detail it presents several unfamiliar conditions of framing due to the normally greater loads carried by in¬ dividual beams. In a general way, the plank and beam system is not unlike structural steel framing. The walls above first floor are non¬ bearing, the concentrated loads of second floor and roof bays are carried to the foundation through independent column supports, and many of the problems common to structural steel framing are encountered. A full exposition of the method is contained in a booklet published by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association under the title of 11 Plank and Beam Floor and Roof For Residential Construction. 11 This Technical Circular is intended as a guide for determining the acceptability of this type of construction. It applies specifically to plank floor and roof construction and does not modify the provisions contained in the Minimum Construction Requirements or rulings now in effect which apply to other conventional elements of the structure. The paragraphs that follow cover the most important features of the system and should be considered carefully in determining the acceptability of any particular design submitted. 1. Plank Subfloor and Roof : The planks used for subfloor and roof shall be 2 n x 6" or 2" x 8 ,! and shall be thoroughly seasoned No. 2 Dimension (Common) stodk or better, tongue and groove or splined. The planks shall be laid at right angles to the supporting beams and shall be both blind and surfaced nailed. Where practicable, the planks shall be continuous over at least two spans, but where circumstances . / - 2 - require the use of single span planks they shall he distributed so that they do not occur in adjacent positions. Planks which are continuous over two spans or single span planks which are distributed so that they do not occur in adjacent positions may be used on spans not exceeding 7’-0" o.c. Where it is necessary to have single span planks in adjacent positions, the span shall net exceed 6*-0". 2. Finish Floor ; Finish flooring shall be not less than 13/16" thick and shall be laid at right angles to the plank subfloor over building paper or felt. 3. Floor Beams ; The floor beams shall be No. 1 Dimension (Com- mon). Where built-up beam sections are used, their laminations shall be se¬ curely nailed together from both exposed faces. Where the laminations are blocked apart to allow the passage of utilities, each lamination shall be securely nailed to 'the blocking. The size and spacing of beams shall be in accordance with the attached table but the spacing shall in no case exceed 7 , -0" o.c. Single member beams shall not be less than 3" thick. Floor beams shall not be notched unless additional section is provided. Beams should not bear over exterior wall or partition openings; however, where the plans require such framing, a specially designed header shall be provid¬ ed to carry the load to adjacent posts. 4. Exterior Wall Framing ; Studs shall not be spaced more than 24" o.c. In 2-story construction they shall be cut at the second floor and capped with a plate. Solid blocking or fillers whose depth is equa.1 to that of the second floor beams shall be provided between beams and separated laminations. The studs shall bear on a single plate laid on the plank floor¬ ing which extends to the outside walls. Floor, roof and ceiling beams shall be supported at the exterior wall upon pests which are adequate to support the load, and whose dimensions are not less than 4"x4". The solid or built- up posts shall be squared at both ends to provide full bearing. 5. Roof Beams ; The roof beams shall be No. 1 Dimension (Common). Where built-up sections occur, their laminations shall be securely nailed together from both exposed faces. The size and spacing of beams shall be in accordance with the attached table, but the spacing shall in no case exceed 7 , -0" o.c. Single member beams shall not be less than 3" thick. Where flat roofs are used, the allowable spans of roof beams shall be the same as for floor beams. 6. Ceiling Beams : Where 2" plank is used for attic floors, the allowable sizes, spans, and spacings for ceiling beams shall be the same as for floor beams. . ; .* • • s til " 4t (C it ?i , At _ m ^ «* - 3 - 7. Plank Floors with Conventional Roof Framing : Plank and bean floor construction nay be used for the first floor in conjunction with con¬ ventionally framed second floors, roofs or ceilings. Where conventional joist framing is used above first floor, the Minimum Construction Require¬ ments shall apply. 8. Interior Columns ; The interior columns shall be designed to adequately support their loads, and the column ends shall be squared to provide uniform bearing for the beams. Provision shall be made for adequate bearing under the beam by a suitable column dimension, by notching the column, or by spiking 2 ,f bearing blocks 2* —0 M long to the sides of the col¬ umn. Columns shall not be notched unless extra section is provided. Where beams butt over a column an 8 ,f column dimension parallel to the direction of the beams shall be used to provide suitable bearing for the beams. Base¬ ment columns shall have a cross section of at least 6 rr x6 M ; those in other stories shall be at least 4 ,, x4 M . 9. Detail Drawings ; When used for second floor and roof, this method of construction introduces certain unusual conditions of framing; therefore complete details indicating that provisions have been made for all necessary contingencies should be submitted to the local insuring office. Particular attention should be directed to cases where heavy mechanical in¬ stallations are indicated. 10. Workmanship : Careful workmanship is considered essential to the successful utilization of this method of construction. Any evidence of faulty workmanship shall justify non-acceptance unless corrected to the satisfaction of the Chief Architect. 11. Minimum Construction Requirements : All elements of construc¬ tion not specifically described herein shall comply with the Minimum Con¬ struction Requirements for the district in which the house is erected. 12. Hurricanes, Earthquakes, etc. : In districts especially sub¬ ject to hurricanes, earthquakes, or other unusually severe climatic condi¬ tions affecting dwelling structures, the Chief Architect may require addi¬ tional safeguards to the proposed design. When such questions occur the specific case should be submitted to the Technical Division for individual consideration. Howard P. Vermilya Director Technical Division 33929 l . « ,- g .; ' w .... " ■ ■ - ■ / .Uj . t l . :i ■ n • . . : f MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPANS POR BEAMS IN PLANK CONSTRUCTION MAXIMUM SPANS POR FLOOR BEAMS I II III IV Nominal Size Spacing Center to Center Douglas Pir S.Y. Pine West Coast Tamarack, Hemlock Spruce Western Larch Norway Pine Douglas Pir(Rocky Mt. Region) Eastern Hemlock Redwood 4'-0" 121-8" 11*~6" 11»-0" 101-4" 4*-6" lli-ll" 101-11" 10»-4" 9*-9" 5»-0" 11»-4" 10*-5" 91-11" 9*-4»* 1-3x10" 5* -6" 10*-10" 9*-ll" 9i-5" 81—11" 6'~0" 101-5" 91-6" 91-0" 81-6" 61-6" 101-0" 9 *-2" 8*-8" 8 *-2" 7i-0" 9i-8» 8*-10" 8* -4" 7i-ll" 4*-0" 14»-0" 12*-10" 12»-2" 111-6" 4*-6" 13*-3" 121-1" ll*-5" 10*-9" 5»-0" 12*-7" Hi-6" 101-11" 10*-3" 2-2x10" 5«-6" 121-0" lli-O" 10*-5" 91-10" 61-0" ll*-6" 10*-6" 10*-0" 9*-5" 6*-6" lli-l" 10’-2" 9*-8" 9*—1" 71-0" 10*-8" 91-IO" 9i-3" 8*-9" 41-0" 14 * —9*' 131-6" 12'-9" 12*-1" 41-6I' 131-11" 12*-9" 12»-l n 111-5" 5*-0" 131-4" 12*-2" 11'-6" 10*-10" 1-4x10" 5*—6" 12'-9" 11*—7" 11 r -0" 10*-4" 61-0" 121-2" lli-l" 10'-7" 9*-11" 6i —6" 11*—9" 101-9" 101-2" 9i-7" 7 ! -0" 11»-4" 101-4" 9i-10" 9 *-3" 41-0" 15*.-6" 14*-2" 13*-5" 121-8" 4*-6" 141-9" 13*-5" 12i-9" 12*—0" 2-2x10") 5*-0" 14*-0" 12*—9" 12'-I" ll'-S" 1-1x10") 5«-6" 13*-4" 12*-2" 11i-7" 101-11" 6i-0" 12*-10" ll’-8" ll'-l" 10*-5" 6«-6" 12*-4" Hi-3" 10*-8" 10*-0" 7* -0" 11»-10" 10*-10" 10*-4" 9*—8" 41-O" 151-11" 14-1-6" 131-10" 131-0" 41-6" 151-1" 13*-9" 13*-1" 121-3" 1-2x10") 5* -0" 14*-4" 13*-1" 12*-5" 11*-8» 1-3x10") 5*-6" 13*-9" 12*-6" ll'-lO" 111-2" 6»-0" 131-2" 12*t-0" 11»-4" l0*-9" 6i-6" 121-8" ll»-6" 101-11" 10*-4" 71 -0" 12*-2" 11*-2" 101-7" 91-11" ' • >• V ' \ % . g y .« ■ • . .. ► . ■ ■ ' • . ■ • . . . - . ■ ■ •.ro - * ‘ ~ ■ • • , V ■ . 2 MAXIMUM SPANS FOR FLOOR BEAMS I II III IV Nominal Size Spacing Center to Center Douglas Fir S.Y. Pine West Coast Tamarack, Hemlock Spruce We stern Larch Norway Pine Douglas Fir(Rocky Mt. Region) Eastern Hemlock Redwood 2-2x12" 1-4x12" 1-6x10" 3-2x10" 2-2x8" 4>-0" 16"—11" 15*-6" 14*-7" 13*-10" 4*-6" 16*-0" 14*-7" 13*-11" 13*—1" 5*-0" 15’-3" 13*-10” 13*-2" 12*-5" 5*- 6 " 14i_6” 13*-3" 12’-7" 11 *- 10 " 6 «- 0 » 13*-11” 12 *—9" 12 *- 1 " 11*-4" 6 «- 6 " 13»-5" 12*-3" 11*-7” 10 *- 11 " 7*-0” 12 *- 11 " 11 *- 10 " 11 ’- 2 " 10*-7" 4* -0" 17*-10" 16*-3" 15*-4" 14*-6" 4*- 6 " 16*-10" 15*-4" 14*-7" 13*—9" 5*-0" 16*-0" 14*-7" 13*-10" 13*—1" 5*-6" 15*-3" 13*-11” 13*-3" 12 *- 6 " 6 * - 0 " 14*-8" 13*-4" 12*-9” 12 *- 0 " 6 *- 6 " 14*-1" 12 *- 10 " 12’-3" 11 *- 6 " 7'- 6 " 13*-8" 12*-5" 0 1 — 1 1 rH 1 — ! ll'-l" 4 I -0" 17*-11” 16*-5» 15*-7" 141 - 9 ” 4»-6» 17l-O” 15*-6" 14*-9" 13*-11" 5*~0” 16*-3” 14*-9» 14’-0" 13*-3" 5* - 6 " 15*-6" 14*-1" 13’ -5" CO —• 1 CD 6 * - 0 " 14*-10" 13*-7" 12 ’- 10 " 12 *- 2 " 6 *- 6 " 14*-3" 13*-l” 12*-5" 11 *— 8 " 7*-0» 13*-10" 12*-7" 12 *- 0 ” 11 *—3” 4 , ~0" 17*-0" 15*-6" 14’-9" 13*-11" 4«-6» 16* — 1 ** 14*-9" 13*-11" 13*-2" 5* -0" 15*-4" 14*-0" 13*-3" 12 * -6" 5*-6" 14*-7" 13*-4" 12 ’- 8 " 11 *- 11 " 6 »- 0 » 14*-0" 12 *- 10 " 12 *- 2 " 11 * -6" 6 »- 6 " 13*-6" 12*-4" 11 '- 8 " 11 * -0" 7*-0” 13*-0" 11 *- 11 " 11*-3" 10 *- 8 " 4*-0» 11 *- 2 " 10 *- 2 " 9*-8" 9* -1" 4 J - 6 " 10 *- 6 " 91 .- 7 " 9 »-l" 8«-7" 5»-0” 10 * -0" 9*-2" 8 *- 8 " 8 ’- 2 " 5*- 6 " 9*-7" 8 * - 8 " 8*-3" 7*- 10 " 6 «- 0 " 9*-2" 8 * - 3" 7*-ll" 7*-6" 6 *- 6 » 8 *- 10 " 8 * — 0 " 7» -7” 7*—2" 7*-0” 8 *- 6 " 7*-9" 7’-4" 6 *-ll" • ' • - • ■ • ' » I ‘ ‘ •- '■ MAXIMUM SPANS FOR HOOF BEAMS (Span is measured as the horizontal distance from the plate to a point directly Beneath the ridge.) I II III IV Nominal Size Spacing Center to Center Douglas Fir S.Y. Pine West Coast Tamarack, Hemlock Spruce Western Larch Norway Pine Douglas Fir(Rocky Mt. Region) Eastern Hemlock Redwood 4*-0" 10 *- 1 " 9*-3 il 8 *-9" 8 *-3" 4*- 6 " 9*-7" 8 * - 8 " 8»-3" 7*-10" 5*-O'* 9 * —1 1 * 8 *-3" 7*- 10 " 7 1 _ 4.11 2 - 2 x 6 " 5*- 6 " 8 i- 8 " 7*-11" 7*- 6 " 7*~0" 6 *- 0 " 8 *-4" 7* -7" 71-211 6*-9" 6 *- 6 " 8 1 - 0 " 7* -3" 6 *- 11 " 6 * — 6 " 7*-0" 7*-8" 7* -0" 6 * - 8 " 6 *-3" 4 T -0" 13*-4" 12 *- 2 " 11*-7" 10 *- 11 " 4*- 6 " 12 »- 8 " 11 *- 6 " 10 *- 11 " 10*-4" 5*~0" 12 *- 0 " 10 *- 11 " 10*-4" 9*-10" 2 - 2 x 8 " 5*-6" 11 *- 6 " 10 *- 6 " 10 *- 0 " 91-411 6 «- 0 " ll*- 0 " 10 *- 0 » 9*-6" 9*-0" 6 *- 6 " 10 1 -7" 9*-8" 9* -2" 8 *- 8 " 71 -O" 10*-3" 9*-4" 8 *- 10 " 8 *—4" 4* -0" 15*-2" 13*-10" 13*-2" 12*-5" 4»-6" 14*-4" 13*-2" 12*-5" 11 *-9" 5*-0" 13*-8" 12 »- 6 " 11 *- 10 " n 1 -?." 1-3x10" 5*- 6 " 13*-0" 11 *- 11 " 11 *-3" 10 *-3" 6 *- 0 " 12 *- 6 " 11*-5" 10 *- 10 " 10 * - 2 " 6 *- 6 " 12 *- 0 " ll*- 0 " 10*-5" 9*-10" 7*-0" 11*-7" 10*-7" 10 *- 1 " 9*~S" 4*~0" 16*-9" 15*-3" 14*-6" 13*-8" 4*.- 6 " 15*-10" 14*-6" 13*-9" 12 *- 11 " 5*~D" 15*-1" 13*-9" 13*-1" 12 *—4" 2-2x10" 5*~6" 14*-5" 13*-2" 12 *- 6 " 11 *- 10 " 6 ** 0 " 13*~10" 12 *- 8 " 12 *- 0 " 11*-4" 6 *- 6 " 13*-4" 12 *- 2 " 11*-7" 10 *- 10 " 7*-0" 12 *- 10 " 11*-9" 11 *- 2 " 10 *- 6 " 31640 5/8/40 UNIVERSITY OF ILUNOIS-URBANA 01 2 050046603