19O7 Just to mark a passing year Rhymes and faces greet you here. Scan each page, salute your pal Every good Industrial. A. S. H. THE REASON WHY Now all ye good Industrials Raise up your voice with me And In this meeting: of your pals Explain just why are we. If anybody asks you why The reason's always clear, For brotherhood and destiny We're here because we're here. CHORUS We're here because we're here. JOHN H. WOOD We have a new member named Wood Who said he would come If he could; If he isn't here yet I'm sure we can bet We are all missing something that is good. JAMES R. BAKER If you get Baker started He can sing us many tunes, But don't let him talk shop tonight Or he'll fill us up with prunes. HENRY I. MILLER Are we Industrials or are we not? Shall railways run or shall rail- ways not? Mr. President, who's at the tiller? Let's put the question to Henry Miller. RICHARD SCHMIDT We shall expect our architect Tonight to make a hit. When we want castles in the air We'll call for Richard Schmidt. JAMES KEELEY ( With apologies to the Stein Song ) We "arouse then in the May time" Sometimes when we toast in fizz, But here is a man Who makes it a plan To ' 'turn night time into day time, ' ' As a regular matter of biz. DARIUS MILLER If you want to go somewhere The very worst way, And a very odd joke says you do, Never mind where you go Or where you shall stay, See Miller and ride on the Q. DAVID A. NOTES Davy Noyes is one of the Boys Who bucks the Board of Trade. He looks like a Swede But no, indeed I He's Indiana made. W. H. REHM If everybody spelled like Rehm, How funny It would sehm, His eyes would behm, The girls would screhm, You'd never drehtn such things of Rehm. ROBERT J. THORNE When looking out for baby boys If you would see one born, Remember our male order house And telephone Bob Thorne. E. F. CARRY Now Carry swings in many clubs, Our own among the rest, But caddies out at Exmoor say He loves his Niblick best. THEO. C. KELLER Down in the coal mine with Keller With pick, drill, shovel and blast, That's where the Dagos raise Heller And Keller hopes each time's the last. W. V. KELLEY Kelley's a founder But what has he found ? That's easy to see By looking around. He finds you Industrials, Joins with you, And you find Kelley, A good find, too. C. . ROLLINS, JR. In any kind of fire Rollins Saves you from the worst. He's the best of underwriters, When you have a burning; thirst. F. G. HARTWELL When members join in with us It's good that they should start well, So greet the very littlest cus You know his name is Hartwell. R. R. HAMMOND A collier lad is Hammond Bringing coals in from afar, Is he the man who makes the smoke? Just look at his cigar. RICHARD C. HALL. Who is this new Club baby, So big and fat and tall; He's got the duck brand on him And they say his name is Hall. E. M. SKINNER Says she "He is a man to win." Says I "He is a winner." Says he "I think it's time to skin," Says I "Why don't you Skinner?" W. R. MICHAELIS If I found a rhyme for Mlchaelis I'd send it to him in a frame For a word that is pat with a twister like that Would make him good friends with his name. GEORGE M. REYNOLDS If Reynolds is elected, he lias just himself to thank. He's on the square, so we don't care A Continental Bank. GUSTAVE F. FISCHER Fischer says the Industrial Club Is simply out of sight. So what's the matter with Fischer We all know he's all right I GEORGE P. RINN. I take my plank from George P. Rinn, And on it write the sonnet, As officer he's the one to win Tonight's the time he will begin With V. P. in his bonnet. EDWARD R. HEISSLER One a penny, two a penny, Hot Cross Bun, Eat 'em up, Industrials, For Heissler's got the mon. RUDOLPH ORTMANN Now Ortm aim's not consistent, Not many of us are, A Griffin wheel runs in his head, A in his car. GEORGE E. MARCY Marcy is a golfer, That's what Marcy thinks. Marcy comes to my Club And beats me on the links. I went to Marcy's Club, Left him feeling sore. I really think I beat him But Marcy kept the score. HUGH Me BIRNEY JOHNSTON Hello! is that you, Johnston? Say, what's the stock to try ? Good buy ? Is that so, Johnston ? Good buy ? All right, good bye. MASON B. STARRING Sins: a song of Starring, Ain't he feeling jolly? See the smile that won't come off As he steer* the trolley. Have you noticed Starring? Seen him sing and dance, Ever since election, when They got the Ordinance? W. A. GARDNER Rah! Rah! Rah! Northwestern! is that a college yell? Not nuch, it means the railway And Gardner knows it well. CARL SCHUTTLER "Then bring the wagon home," Carl, The kind you understand. "We used to ride round in it" We like the Schuttler brand. ERNEST W. HEATH A painter here of great renown May hide his modest head, But when you go to paint the town See Heath and paint it red. CrfMMf A v/oRt(f OF NMLS ." HENRY BENEKE The boy called out for Beneke "He's top heavy," he said, "He carries nails and bails and pails And hardware in his head." GEORGE H. HIGH Here's the Secretary, Do you recognize him ? Try. Looks contented, very, How is this for High? F. H. RAWSON Now Rawson's a Union man, The kind that will not bust ; He works a very conservative plan Around the Union Trust. LOUIS MOHR In Industrials we greet as such With fellow feelings, for We surely like all members much But love our Louis Mohr. ROBERT R. Me CORMICK Little drops of water From Lake Michigan Keep Me Cormick busy With the drainage plan. Take your coat off, Robert, Go for all the Powers, Tip the lake the other way And give us what is ours. PHILIP W. SEIPP Phil Seipp, he came of a fighting clan, Fame says he's always fought her; How could he be a peaceful man, When hand in hand with Slaugh- ter? W. F. JUERGENS I lost my rhyme on Juergens, And this is in its place ; But he's not missing anything I see it by his face. ANGUS S. HIBBARD Here is a line to me, You will note I am trying to see If the deal will be fair Or up in the air For the Telephone Companee. HARRY B. CLOW Harry Clow t Well what do you think ? Anything from a kitchen sink To the last High Art of the water cure Harry can put the pipes on, sure! EDGAR J. UIHLEIN If we drink a glass to Uihlein, Can anybody blame us ? He blows the foam from the what- you-may call-it That made some place or other famous. EDWARD J. BRUNDAGE Is Brundage playing one big joke Or is he playing fair When the people see him building Public buildings on the square ? JOHN F. GILCHRIST Qilchrist says the price of light Is going against nature. If you think that he is right Just ask the Legislature. GUY V. DICKINSON If you're kicking about our finance, If Industrials do not advance, Make Dickinson pay, For the fiddler today, He's treasurer, let's make him dance. ALBERT F. MADLENER Albert P. Madiener beats me this time, Somehow I can't fit his name to this rhyme, But surely it's clear To every one here, That Madiener fits in this Club any time. HOWARD G. HETZLER Why is Hetzler's railway like a lot of the rest of them just now? Because it's up in the air. JOHN GEORGE GRAUE Born in the last century, Wanted to go to Heaven, So he entered into the Industrial Club, In Nineteen hundred and seven. WILLIAM A. BIRK A glass to Birk in his own brew, Drain every sparkling drop, From the bulge beneath the bottom To the bubbles on the top. JOHN T. Me CUTCHEON How can a cartoonist Cartoon to this rot ? The face is Me Cutcheon's The rhyme, it is not. W. W. WILLITS When baby members get a roast We try them out in skillets; But all the same we drink a toast For our new member Willits. HF ?fe 055 RftKE