PRICE 10 CENTS ~1 vS^P^r/ MARK L STONE, Publisher. *&< tlUSEUM J ft 3b « ^ ' MIDWAY PLAISANCE^ World's Columbian Exposition Q N g o a o cro ffl £° « & c © .» o do" eD ROGRAMME /K 1. Highly Trained Group of Animals . . Consisting of the Elephant Topsy, two Shetland Ponies and two Boarhounds . . . INTRODUCED BY MISS MARCELLA BERG nic. 2. Mr. M. Beketow The original Russian Clown and Trainer, presenting a Won- derful Performance with his Trained Pigs and Wild Boar. 3. The Dwarf Elephant Lily The Smallest Elephant in the World. The most remarkable Zoological Curiosity of the Ninteenth Century .... 4. The Equestrian Lion . . . Performing the Celebrated Equestrian Feats which created such an astounding sensation in the Paris Hippodrome at the Paris Exposition, 1889 .... The Arena is in possession of three equestrian Lions, oueoi which will be introduced at every performance by their world famous trainers, Miss Ella Johnston, Mr. Philadelphia or Mr. Penje. QkxC- LAWRENCE J. GUTTER Collection of Chicogoono THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO The University Library THE EQUESTRIAN LION eD ROGRAMME /K 1. Highly Trained Group of Animals . . . Consisting of the Elephant Topsy, two Shetland Ponies and two Boarhounds . . . INTRODUCED BY MISS MARCELLA BERG me, 2. Mr. M. Beketow The original Russian derful Performance w; 3. The Dwarf Elephant Lily .... The Smallest Elephant in the World. The most remarkable Zoological Curiosity of the Ninteenth Century .... 4. The Equestrian Lion Performing the Celel such an astounding s Paris Exposition, 1889 .... The Arena is in possession of three equestrian Lions, one of which will be introduced at every performance by their world famous trainers, Miss Klla Johnston, Mr. Philadelphia or Mr. Penje. THE EQUESTRIAN LION MISS MARCELLA BERG. WONDERFUL GROUP OF TRAINED ANIMALS. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE FAMOUS TRAINER, MISS MARCELLA BERG. THE ZOOLOGICAL STAIRCASE. ' MR, HEINRICH MEHRMANN, The King of Animal Trainers presenting a constellation of Trained Animals, consisting of Lions, Tigers, Panthers, Leopards, Boar- hounds, Polar, Sloth and Thibet Bears, all in the same arena and going through a performance the possibility of which can only be realized when witnessed. The degree of perfection to which these Wild Animals are trained is almost past belief. This per- formance has been patronized by all the crowned heads of Europe. Tlie Animals will perform tlie following Programme: 1. The Bear on the Barrel 2. Tigers on the Tricycle 3. Lions on the Tricycle 4. The Bear on the Tight Rope .">. The Hurdle Race — Boarhounds leaping over Hurdles which are supported by Lions and Tigers . . . 6. The See Saw- Performed by Lions, Tigers, Panthers and Bears .... 7. The Zoological Staircase — Comprising Lions, Tigers, and Boarhounds . . . 8. The Bengal Tiger on the Rolling Globe a. Q i- o < I o I