SUBSTITUTIONS AND TRANSFERS TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1914, INCLUSIVE AUTOMOBILES 9 — Munier, W. S., Twenty-fifth st. and I) ave., National City, t Oakland.) Substitution. 9 — Munier, W. S., Twenty-fifth and D sts., National City. Mercer ; touring ; fac. No. 1504 ; hp. 32§ $7 00 37 — Keyston. James Woods Jr., 912 Clayton st., San Francisco. (Velie.) Substitution. 37 — Keyston. James W., Jr., 130 Second st., San Francisco. Hudson ; touring ; fac. No. 70468 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 38 — Keyston, Samuel Albert, 6432 Colby st., Oakland. (E-M-F. ) Substitution. 38 — Keyston, Samuel Albert, 6432 Colby st., Oakland. Hudson 40 ; touring ; fac. No. 65922 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 43 — Jones, Chris R., 1006 McCollough ave., Sacramento. (Buick.) Substitution. 43 — Jones, Chris R., 1006 McCullough ave., Sacramento. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 8679 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 46 — Lillie, Augustus S., 127 Fourteenth ave., San Francisco. (Regal.) Substitution. 46 — Lillie, A. S., 127 Fourteenth ave., San Francisco. Haynes ; touring ; fac. No. 5992 : hp. 28 9-10 2 00 359 — Tasker, Dr. Dain L., 1275 Bellevere ave., Los Angeles. (Reo. ) Substitution. 359 — Tasker, Dr. Dain L., 1275 Bellevere ave., Los Angeles. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 51287 ; hp. 25§ 7 00 375 — Archibald, Robert A., 2434 Webster st., Oakland. (Buick.) Substitution. 375 — Archibald, R. A., 2434 Webster st., Oakland. Overland; roadster; fac. No. 35546; hp. 27? 2 00 396 — Roebling’s Sons Co., John A., 624 Folsom st., San Francisco. (Mercer.) Substitution. 396 — Roebling's Sons Co., John A., Folsom and Hawthorne sts., San Francisco. Mercer ; touring ; fac. No. 1783 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 410 — Reed, Dr. C. E., Yuba st., Redding. (Oakland.) Substitution. 410 — Reed, C. E., Redding. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 606602 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 413 — Ehmann, El. W.. 420 Lincoln st., Oroville. (Studebaker E-M-F.) Substitution. 114013 — Ehmann, E. W., 420 Lincoln st., Oroville. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 35115 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 417 — Hand, Frank E.. 818 W. Eighteenth st., Los Angeles. (Durocar.) Substitution. 417 — Hand, Frank E., 818 W. Eighteenth st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 b 93S1 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 434 — Eva, Sam J., 402 Lee st., Oakland. (Rambler.) Substitution. 434 — Eva, Sam J., 402 Lee st., Oakland. Pierce-Arrow; touring; fac. No. 11562; hp. 48§ 2 00 430 — Gibson, John J., 1826 Morgan place, Los Angeles. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 436 — Gibson, John J., 1826 Morgan place, Hollywood. Chandler Six; touring; fac. No. 1408; hp. 27§ 2 00 487 — McAndrew, Aeneas, Nordhoff. (Michigan.) Substitution. 487 — McAndrew, Aeneas, 933 Gramercy drive, Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 370293 ; hp. 22i 2 00 495 — Farnam, A. H., 617 Cedar ave., Long Beach. (Little Six Mitchell.) Substitution. 495 — Farnam, Artherton H., 617 Cedar ave., Long Beach. Mitchell ; touring ; fac. No. 45401 ; hp. 43-J $2 00 607 — Stimson, Willard H., 257 S. Spring st., Los Angeles. (Thomas.) Substitution. 607 — Stimson, Willard H., 543 Douglas Bldg., Los Angeles. Packard ; limousine ; fac. No. 2-38 ; hp. 38§ 7 00 641 — Mathis, John Andrew, 336 W. Thirty- first st., Los Angeles. (Franklin.) Substitution. 641 — Mathis, J. A., 336 W. Thirty-first st., Los Angeles. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 19667 ; hp. 31§ 2 00 717 — Struble, J. B., 841 Pacific Bldg., San Francisco. (Pierce-Arrow.) Substitution. 717 — Struble, J. B., Pacific Bldg., San Francisco. Pierce- Arrow ; touring; fac. No. 67068; hp. 60 2 00 883 — Berres, Benjamin, 1823 S. Hoover st., Los Angeles. (Chase.) Substitution. 883 — Berres, Benjamin, 1823 S. Hoover st., Los Angeles. Autocar ; truck ; fac. No. 11872 ; hp. 18 2 00 933 — Denny, Milo. San Marcos. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 933 — Denny, Milo, San Marcos. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 17765 ; hp. 25§_ 2 00 934 — Chapman, Ralph A., N. E. cor. N. Marengo and Cencha sts., Altadena. (Elmore.) Substitution. 934 — Chapman, Ralph A., P. O. Box 304, Pasadena. Winton Six ; touring ; fac. No. 1733S ; hp. 48f : 2 00 939 — Carr, James T., 82 Ilarkness st., Pasadena. (Brush.) Substitution. 939 — Carr, James T., 82 Harkness ave., Pasadena. Brush; runabout; fac. No. ; hp. 6§ 2 00 1035 — Poling, Reuben D., Vernalis. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 1035 — Poling, Reuben D.. Superior Garage, Stockton. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 3862 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 1061 — Blackwood, Harry T., 2002 Pacific ave., San Francisco. ( Stude- baker.) Substitution. 1061 — Blackwood, Harry T., 2002 Pacific ave., San Francisco. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 13146-500059 ; hp. 29 f 2 00 1062 — Winant, Mrs. Effie C., 349 E. Ocean ave., Long Beach. (Pope- Waverley.) Substitution. 1062 — Winant, Mrs. Effie C., 1014 Lime ave., Long Beach. Baker Victoria ; fac. No. 7698 2 00 1065 — Norman, Edwin Henry, 1952 Fell st., San Francisco. (Ford.) Substitution. 1065 — Norman. Edwin H., 1952 Fell st., San Francisco. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 613306; hp. 29§ 2 00 1077 — Dunlap, Samuel C., 514 S. Ardmore ave., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 1077 — Dunlap, Samuel C., 529 Central Bldg., Los Angeles. * Moline-Knight ; touring; fac. No. 4132; hp. 25§ 2 00 1226 — Wood, Jess IL, 540 S. Gramercy st.. Los Angeles. (Regal.) Substitution. 1226 — Wood, Jess H., Roberts. Regal; touring; fac. No. 9525; hp. 221 2 00 1265 — Independent Oil Producers Agencv, R.F.D. No. 5, B akersfield. (Cole.) Substitution. 1265 — Independent Oil Producers Agency, Bakersfield. Cole ; roadster ; fac. No. 169914 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 (4) ]273 — McKee, Sylvester. 7314 E. Fourteenth st., Oakland. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 1273 — McKee, Sylvester, 7314 E. Fourteenth st., Oakland. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 60113b; hp. 29§ $2 00 1315 — Boaz, 0. D., 1037 W. Forty-eighth st., Los Angeles. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 1315 — Boaz, C. D., 2306 San Pedro st.. Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 346983 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 1404 — Armes, George Arthur, 1331 Fourth ave., San Francisco. (Winton Six.) Substitution. 1404 — Armes, George Arthur, 1331 Fourth ave., San Francisco. Packard ; phaeton ; fac. No. 51245 ; hp. 4Sf 2 00 1454 — Eldridge, Oscar, Arroyo Grande. (Ford.) Substitution. 1454 — Eldridge, Oscar, Arroyo Grande. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 102348 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 1458 — Tobin, James H., 519 E. Washington st., Los Angeles. (Regal.) Substitution. 1458 — Tobin, James H., 519 E. Washington st., Los Angeles. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 9378 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 1480 — Whitney, Grant U., 216 W. Thirtieth st., Los Angeles. (Firestone Columbus. ) Substitution. 1480 — Whitney, Grant U., 216 W. Thirtieth st., Los Angeles. Paterson ; runabout ; fac. No. 9026 ; hp. 19f 2 00 1486 — Graves, John R., 742 E. Washington st., Stockton. (Hudson.) Substitution. 1486 — Graves, John R., care of Holt Manufacturing Co., Stockton. Franklin ; roadster ; fac. No. 18262 ; hp. 31f 2 00 1488 — Baumeister, Edward Emery, 336 Broadway, Chico. (Buick.) Substitution. 1488 — Baumeister, Edward Emery, Chico. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. 100269 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 1495 — Jones, Edward B.. 1820 Washington st., San Francisco. (Haynes.) Substitution. 1495 — Jones. Edward B., 1820 Washington st., San Francisco. Marmon ; touring ; fac. No. 114055 ; hp. 43| 2 00 1547 — Avery, Ralph W., Oxnard. (Pope-Hartford.) Substitution. 1547 — Avery, Ralph Washburn, Oxnard. Pope-Hartford ; roadster ; fac. No. 8958 ; hp. 44§ 2 00 1562 — Bank of Italy, cor. Market and Mason sts., San Francisco. (Franklin.) Substitution. 1562 — B ink of Italy, San Francisco. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 11623 ; hp. 22| 7 00 1579 — Zimmermann, Albert F., 112 S. Townsend st., Belvedere. (Buick.) Substitution. 1579 — Zimmermann, A. F., 112 S. Townsend st., Belvedere. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 16405 ; hp. 21 2 00 1589 — Schwabacher, Frank, 1900 Jackson st., San Francisco. (Pierce- Arrow. ) Substitution. 1589 — Schwabacher, Frank. Alaska Commercial Bldg., San Francisco. Pierce-Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 34829 ; hp. 3Sf 2 00 1593 — Lent, George II.. 2229 Washington st., San Francisco. (Packard.) Substitution. 1593 — Lent, George IL, 2229 Washington st., San Francisco. Stevens-Duryea ; chassis; fac. No. 32210; hp. 47* 2 00 1607 — Deutsch, August, 3538 Grove st., Oakland. (Regal.) Substitution. 1607 — Deutsch, August, 3538 Grove st., Oakland. Commerce ; motor truck ; fac. No. 390 ; hp. 14§ 2 00 1677 — Meier, Frank, 7136 Compton ave., Los Angeles. (Peerless.) Substitution . 1677 — Meier, Frank, R.F.I). No. 4, Box 66. Anaheim. Oldsmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 84799 ; hp. 19f 2 06 1078 — Holt, George Frederick, 1110 Lemon st., Riverside. (Ford.) Substitution. 1678 — Holt, G. F., 1110 Lemon st., Riverside. Ford; touring; fac. No. 340959; hp. 22\ $2 00 1800 — Abbot. Samuel Leonard, 316 Montgomery st., San Francisco. (Locomobile.) Substitution. 1800 — Abbott, S. L., 2118 Vallejo st., San Francisco. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 9103 ; hp. 48f 2 00 1810 — Sadler, W. T.. 2800 Woolsey st., Berkeley. (Ford.) Substitution. 1810 — Sadler, W. T., 2800 Woolsey st.. Berkeley. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 349979 ; hp. 22| 2 00 1817 — Traverse, Robert, Vine st., Paso Robles. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 1817 — Traverse, Robert, Paso Robles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 414253 ; hp. 19f 2 00 1824 — Pfaffinger, Frank X., 221 N. Hope st., Los Angeles. (Locomobile.) Substitution. 1824 — Pfaffinger, Frank X., 221 N. Hope st., Los Angeles. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 9076 ; hp. 43f 2 00 1831 — Perry, Floyd L., 3939 W. Seventh st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 1831 — Perry, Floyd L., 3939 W. Seventh st., Los Angeles. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 41717 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 1845 — General Electric Co., Rialto Bldg., San Francisco. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 1845 — General Electric Co., Rialto Bldg., San Francisco. Overland ; roadster ; fac. No. 41483 ; hp. 271 2 00 1862 — Hunter, Edgar, 243 N. Butte st., Willows. (Reo. ) Substitution. 1862 — Hunter, Edgar, Willows. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 60341 ; hp. 271 2 00 1995 — Addison, Thomas, 2425 Channing way, Berkeley. (Oldsmobile.) Substitution. 1995 — Addison, Thomas, 2425 Channing way, Berkeley. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 63135 ; hp. 48§ 2 00 2008 — Culberson, Mrs. W. F., 30 W. Clay Park, San Francisco. (Pierce- Arrow. ) Substitution. 2008 — Culberson. Mrs. W. F., 30 W. Clay Park. San Francisco. Pierce-Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 34795 ; hp. 38§ 2 00 2026 — Wilson, Geo. F., 119 Central ave., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 2026 — Wilson, Geo. F„ 119 Central ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker Six ; touring ; fac. No. 6 a 2369 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 2043 — Montgomery, Wm. F., 310 N. New Hampshire ave., Los Angeles. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 2043 — Montgomery, Wm. F., 310 N. New Hampshire ave., Los Angeles. Jeffery; touring; fac. No. 42228; hp. 221 2 00 2574 — Kingman, Fred W., Orange st., Rialto. (Ford.) Substitution. 2574 — Kingman, Fred W., Orange st,., Rialto. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 347269 ; hp. 221 2 00 2681 — Noble, Willis Craig, 1701 S. Kingsley drive, Los Angeles. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 2681 — Noble. Willis Craig, 1701 S. Kingsley drive, Los Angeles. Paige ; roadster ; fac. No. 12983 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 2730 — Oyster, Albert Edward, 223 N. Avenue 66, Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 2730 — Oyster, Albert Edward, 663 E. California st.. Pasadena. Hudson ; touring ; fac. No. 80269 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 2789 — Dickie, Renwick Z., 112 Market st., San Francisco. (Regal.) Substitution. 2789 — Dickie, Renwick Z., 112 Market st., San Francisco. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 9584 ; hp. 224 2 00 ( 6 ) 2808 — Thacher, Sherman D., Thaeher School, Nordhoff. (Buick.) Substitution. 2808 — Thacher, Sherman I)., Thacher School. Nordhoff. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 4901 ; hp. 22£ $2 00 2833 — Park, D. Frank, La Mesa, San Diego county. (Overland.) Substitution. 2833 — Park, D. Frank, La Mesa, San Diego County. Hupmobile ; 4 pass. ; fac. No. 47126 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 2865 — Postle. Kenneth Fountain, 2019 Fletcher ave., South Pasadena. (Wayne.) Substitution. 2865 — Postle, Kenneth Fountain, 2019 Fletcher ave., South Pasadena. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 305259 ; hp. 19f 2 00 2875 — Hillman, R. P., care of German-American Trust and Savings Bank, Los Angeles. (Packard.) Substitution. 2875 — Hillman, Ii. I\, care of German-American Trust and Savings Bank, Los Angeles. Packard ; phaeton ; fac. No. 63200 ; hp. 48f 2 00 2903 — Parker, Mary L., 726 S. Bonnie Brae st., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 2903 — Parker, Mary L., 726 S. Bonnie Brae st., Los Angeles. Lozier ; touring ; fac. No. a 464 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 2927 — M. M. Cobb Co., 208 Stimson Bldg., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 2927 — M. M. Cobb Co., 208 Stimson Bldg., Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 347174 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 2954 — Jones, Albert J., 3641 Fourth st., San Diego. (Overland.) Substitution. 2954 — Jones, Albert J., La Jolla. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 174954 ; hp. 22| 2 00 3005 — Long Beach Brick Co., 215 E. First st., Long Beach. (Overland.) Substitution. 3005 — Long Beach Brick Co., 215 E. First st., Long Beach. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 347141 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 3033 — Dusel, Wm. John, 363 Sixty-third st., Oakland. (Pathfinder.) Substitution. 3033 — Dusel, Wm. John, 363 Sixty-third st., Oakland. Pathfinder ; touring ; fac. No. 2139 ; hp. 33 f 7 00 3073 — Whyte, Geo. Hebenton, Paloma st., Pasadena. (Overland.) Substitution. 3073 — Whyte, Geo. Hebenton, Paloma st., Pasadena. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 15203 ; hp. 27* 2 00 3077 — Green, Frank D., 115 W. Pasadena ave., Pomona. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 3077 — Green, Frank D., Pomona. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 b 10304 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 3187 — Lewelling, Harvy J.. St. Helena. (Little Four.) Substitution. 3187 — Lewelling, Harvy J., St. Helena. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 424242 ; hp. 19| 2 00 3235 — Schmidt, Carsten E., 1121 Fourteenth st., Oakland. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 3235 — Schmidt, Carsten E., 1121 Fourteenth st., Oakland. Chandler Light Six ; touring ; fac. No. 1001 ; hp. 27f 2 00 3289 — Deshon, Thomas C., Corcoran. (Ford.) Substitution. 3289 — Deshon, Thomas C., Corcoran. E-M-F ; 5 pass. ; fac. No. 37803 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 3325 — Wootan, John T., 2216 Fifth ave., Los Angeles. (Regal.) V-1/ h Of/t / ■/■/! 041 3325— Wootan, John T., 2216 Fifth ave., Los Angeles. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 9368 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 3353 — Cowell, Harrison. 948 Fourth st., Santa Monica. (Premier.) Substitution. 3353 — Cowell, Harrison, 948 Fourth st., Santa Monica. Premier ; touring ; fac. No. 10118 ; hp. 38§ 2 00 (7) 3418 — R. H. Herron Co., Main ancl Alameda sts., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 3418 — R. H. Herron Co., Main and Alameda sts., Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352428 : hp. 22£ $2 00 3435 — Jessen, Benj., and Christian, Redlands, care of Oak Glen Mail. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 3435 — Jessen, Benj., and Christian, Redlands, care of Oak Glen Mail. Ford ; runabout ; fac. No. 361301 ; hp. 22 ^ 2 00 3492 — Kavanagh, M., R.F.D. No. 6, Fresno. (Michigan.) Substitution. 3492 — Kavanagh, M., R.F.D. No. 6, Box 37, Fresno. Hudson Six ; touring ; fac. No. 64747 ; hp. 29f 2 00 3613 — Holt, Wm. Armfield, 1231 W. Thirty-seventh st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 3613 — Holt, Wm. Armfield, 1231 W. Thirty-seventh st., Los Angeles. Chalmebrs ; 6 pass. ; fac. No. 42284 ; hp. 29f 2 00 3676 — Taylor, Fred Ward, 2052 Lincoln ave., San Diego. (Franklin.) Substitution. 3676 — Taylor, Fred Ward, 1669 Torrence st., San Diego. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 19429 ; hp. 31| 2 00 3712 — H. A. Marckres Co., 191 S. Tenth st., San Jose. (Franklin.) Substitution. 3712 — Marckres, H. A., 191 S. Tenth st., San Jose. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 19336 ; hp. 31§ 12 00 3758 — Pelton, Hazlitt L., 1497 Masonic ave., San Francisco. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 3758 — Pelton, Hazlitt L., 1497 Masonic ave., San Francisco. Pope-Hartford ; coupe ; fac. No. 221 ; hp. 29f 2 00 3785 — Nichols, Mrs. Levyne, 320 S. Hobart blvd., Los Angeles. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 3785 — Nichols, Mrs. Levyne, 320 S. Hobart blvd., Los Angeles. Pathfinder ; touring ; fac. No. 2265 ; hp. 33f 2 00 3790 — Pioneer Paper Co.. 247-251 S. Los Angeles st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 3790 — Pioneer Paper Co., 247-251 S. Los Angeles st., Los Angeles. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 372250 ; hp. 22^ 7 00 3813 — Savage, O. Henry, 1270 Twenty-fifth st., San Diego. (Reo.) Substitution. 3813 — Savage, O. Henry, 1270 Twenty-fifth st., San Diego. Reo the Fifth ; touring ; fac. No. 60248 ; hp. 27* 2 00 3865 — Lambert, Mrs. W. D., 44 Sumner st., San Francisco. (Metz.) Substitution 3865 — Lambert, Mrs. W. D., 1353 Corbett road, San Francisco. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 22^ 2 00 3905 — Clark, T. A., 672 Seventh ave., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 3905 — Clark, T. A., 672 Seventh ave., San Francisco. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 14115 ; hp. 27* 2 00 3922 — Yager, Philip, 129 Carl st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 3922 — Yager, Philip, 129 Carl st., San Francisco. Overland ; roadster ; fac. No. 36109 ; hp. 27i 2 00 3965 — Pacific Hardware and Steel Co., 700-768 Seventh st., San Francisco. (Oakland.) Substitution. 3965 — Pacific Hardware and Steel Co., 700-768 Seventh st., San Francisco. Overland; roadster; fac. No. 42899; hp. 27* 2 00 3972 — Pacific Hardware and Steel Co., 700-768 Seventh st., San Francisco. (Ford.) Substitution. 3972 — Pacific Hardware and Steel Co.. 700-768 Seventh st., San Francisco. Lippard- Stewart truck ; It. del. ; fac. No. 567 ; hp. 224 2 00 4006 — Eubank, Clarence H., 244 Canal st., Wilmington. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 4006 — Eubank. Clarence IL, 244 Canal st., Wilmington. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 b 5103 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 (8) 40G5 — Drake, Fred H., 1153 Bella Vista ave., Oakland. (Briggs-Detroiter.) Substitution. 40G5 — Drake, Fred H., 3G3 Perkins st., Oakland. Monarch : touring ; fac. No. 51 : hp. 29§ $2 00 4147 — Shettler, Reuben, 3100 Wilshire blvd., Los Angeles. (Pierce-Arrow.) 4147 — Shettler, Reuben, 3100 Wilshire blvd., Los Angeles. Pierce- Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 34875 ; hp. 38§ 2 00 4225 — Morrison, M. A., Fowler. (Ford.) Substitution. 4225 — Morrison, M. A., Fowler. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 369134 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 4252 — Yager, A. L., P. O. Box 187, San Leandro. (Sunset.) Substitution. 4252 — Vager, A. L., San Leandro. Haynes ; touring ; fac. No. 6829 ; hp. 43f 12 00 4253 — Cole, F. W., 1041 Gramercy drive, Los Angeles. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 4253 — Cole, F. W., 1041 Gramercy drive, Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 ; hp. 29§ 7 00 4257 — Eells, Charles P., 2415 Pierce st., San Francisco. (Cadillac.) ■V 11 o/i //}/ /'j /j/w 4257 — Eells, Charles P., 2415 Pierce st., San Francisco. Pierce-Arrow ; landaulet ; fac. No. 34447 ; hp. 38 2 00 4351 — Crump, Ernest Clarence. 1700 1 Third ave., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 4351 — Crump. Ernest Clarence, 1700 Third ave., Los Angeles. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 60637 ; hp. 27i 2 00 4419 — McLane, Charles L.. 417 Nielsen ave., Fresno. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 4419 — McLane, C. L.. 471 Nielsen ave., Fresno. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 60350 ; hp. 25§ — 2 00 4467 — Union Oil Company of California, Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles. (Velie.) Substitution. 4467 — Union Oil Company of California, Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles. Velie ; truck ; fac. No. 1213 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 4497 — Union Oil Company of California, Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 4497 — Union Oil Company of California, Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 347095 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 4547 — Hansen, N. Meyland, 2637 Clay st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Su bstitution. 4547 — Hansen, N. M., 581 Valencia st. San Francisco. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 2093 ; hp. 25f 2 00 4613 — Hook, William S., Jr., 2673 Menlo ave., Los Angeles. (Packard.) Substitution. 4613 — Hook, William S., Jr., 2673 Menlo ave., Los Angeles. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 63100 ; hp. 48§ 2 00 4668 — Johnston, William R., 85 Plaza drive, Berkeley. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 4668 — Johnston, William R., 85 Plaza drive, Berkeley. Franklin ; roadster ; fac. No. 18348 ; hp. 31f 2 00 4676 — Roath, Clinton, Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 4676 — Roath, Dr. Clinton, 1109 Central ave., Los Angeles. Overland; touring; fac. No. 17411; hp. 27* . 2 00 4677 — Wadsworth, Lyde R., 136 W. Fifty-seventh st., Los Angeles. (Everitt) Substitution. 4677 — Wadsworth, L. R., 136 W. Fifty-seventh st., Los Angeles. Pierce-Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 8229 ; hp. 48f 2 00 4687 — Barkema, II. , Oleander. (Buick.) Substitution. 4687 — Barkema, Henry, Oleander. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 25§. (*>) 2 00 4712 — Alderson, Dr. Harry E., 937 Ashbury st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 4712 — Alderson, Dr. H. E., 937 Ashbury st., San Francisco. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 4995 ; hp. 271 - $2 4736 — Robert L. Garret & Co., 1237 S. Flower st., Los Angeles. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 4736 — Robt. L. Garret & Co.. 1237 S. Flower st.. Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 b 5268 ; hp. 29§ 2 5063 — Hutchins, Alvin G., 352 Edgeware road, Los Angeles. (Regal.) Substitution. 5063 — Hutchins, A. G.. 352 Edgeware road, Los Angeles. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 6044 ; hp. 43 3-10 2 5090 — Milligan, George R. E., 901 Edgeware road, Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 5090 — Milligan, Geo. R. E., 541 E. Fifth st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 109838 ; hp. 271 2 5108 — Adams, William M., 5425 Russel ave., Hollywood. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 5108 — Adams, Wm. M., 5425 Russell ave., Hollywood. Studebaker ; touring : fac. No. 411139 ; hp. 19§ 2 5126 — Cooper, John T., 1316 Arden ave., North Glendale. (Oakland.) Substitution. 5126 — Cooper, John T., 389 S. Hoover st., Los Angeles. Apperson ; touring ; fac. No. 3248 ; hp. 36 1-10 ^ 2 5171 — Goodrich, L. B., Rampart Aprts., Los Angeles. (Franklin.) Substitution . 5171 — Goodrich, L. B., Rampart Apts., Los Angeles. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 19159 ; hp. 31§ 2 5192 — Brandt, Henry Charles, 924 Park View st., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 5192 — Brandt, Henry C., 924 Park View st., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 5949 ; hp. 25 § 2 5259 — Faust, Mahlon E., 4525 Orchard ave., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 5259 — Faust. Mahlon E., 4525 Orchard ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 a 915 ; hp. 29§ 2 5266 — McNair, David, 625 Kingsley drive, Los Angeles. ( Pierce- Arrow. ) Substitution. 5266 — McNair, David, 625 Kingsley drive, Los Angeles. Pierce-Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 12369 ; hp. 48§ 2 5290 — Humiston, John, R.F.D. No. 3, Box 102, Tulare. (Michigan.) Substitution. 5290 — Humiston, J., R.F.D. No. 3, Box 102. Tulare. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 41910 ; hp. 29§ 2 5292 — Dobbs, Ralph E., 806 Trust and Savings Bldg., Los Angeles. ( Oakland. ) Substitution. 5292 — Dobbs, Ralph Edwin, 806 Trust and Savings Bldg., Los Angeles. Moon ; roadster ; fac. No. 61404 ; hp. 29f 2 5317 — Holabird, William H., 1921 Ocean View ave., Los Angeles. (Oakland.) Substitution. 5317 — Holabird, William H., 1921 Ocean View ave., Los Angeles. Beardsley Electric ; brougham ; fac. No. 40 2 5369 — Hawkinson, Elmer Victor. 2702 W. Ninth st., Los Angeles. (Hudson.) Substitution. 5269 — Hawkinson, Elmer V., 632 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Hudson; touring; fac. No. 7854; hp. 25§ 2 5376 — Leuzinger, Adolph, R.F.D. No. 1, Inglewood. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 5376 — Leuzinger, Adolph, R.F.D. No. 1. Inglewood. Chandler; touring; fac. No. 2215; hp. 27§ 2 5591 — DeGarmo, Ellwood, 1671 S. Kingsley drive, Los Angeles. (Apperson.) Substitu tion. 5591 — DeGarmo, Ellwood, 501 E. Seventh st., Los Angeles. Apperson ; touring ; fac. No. 6700 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ( 10 ) 5643 — Robison, Harry R., Lindsay. (Ford.) Substitution. 5643 — Robison, Harry R., Orange Cove. Ford ; runabout ; fac. No. 261439 ; hp. 22£ $2 00 5714 — Masters, J. H., 2107 Thompson st., Los Angeles. (Apperson.) Substitution. 5714 — Masters, J. FI., 305 E. Fourth st., Los Angeles. Chalmers; touring; fac. No. 42270; hp. 29| 2 00 5801 — Ffoulkes, Dr. Bruce, 146 Grant ave., San Francisco. (Pullman.) Substitution. 5801 — Ffoulkes, Dr. Bruce, 146 Grant ave., San Francisco. Kissel ; roadster ; fac. No. 15305 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 5827 — Croker, John H., 210 W. Santa Barbara st., Los Angeles. ( Studebaker.) Substitution. 5827 — Croker, John H., 2014 E. Fifteenth st., P. O. Box 303, Station C, Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 1032 ; hp. 19f 2 00 5885 — Coon, William Reynolds, R.F.D. No. 1, Pomona. (Buick.) Substitution. 5885 — Coon, Wm. R., R.F.D. No. 1. Pomona. Paige ; touring ; fac. No. 16971 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 5940 — Downs, Edgar R., cor Third and Olive sts., Rialto. (Ford.) Substitution. 5940 — Downs, Edgar R., Third and Olive sts., Rialto. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 378112 ; hp. 22i 2 00 6012 — Frank, Ralph, 1132 W. Forty-first st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 6012 — Frank, Ralph, 1132 W. Forty-first st., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 15611 ; hp. 27^ 2 00 6026 — Cannon, Albert Byron, 781 N. Garey st., Pomona. (Overland.) Substitution. 6026 — Cannon, Albert Byron, 781 N. Garey st., Pomona. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 1882 ; hp. 271 2 00 6067 — Robbins, Archie R., 1907 Arctic st., San Diego. (Stanley Steamer.) Substitution. 6067 — Robbins, Archie R., 1697 Atlantic st., San Diego. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 942 ; hp. 271 2 00 60S5 — Gamble, Edward Lee, 1123 C st., San Diego. (Buick.) Substitution. 6085 — Gamble, Edward Lee, 1123 C st., San Diego. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 24961 ; hp. 25f 2 00 6146 — Austin, M. E., 2530 W. Eighteenth st., Los Angeles. (Franklin.) Substitution. 6146 — Austin, M. E.. 2530 W. Eighteenth st., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 44346 ; hp. 271 2 00 6161 — Restine, James, 2610 C st., San Diego. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 6161 — Restine, Jas., 3645 Sixth st., San Diego. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 a 581 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 6169 — Rosenberge, H. G., First National Bank Bldg., Whittier. (Overland.) Substitution. 6169 — Rosenberge, H. G., First National Bank Bldg.. Whittier. Apperson ; roadster ; fac. No. 6628 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 6191 — Briggs, Lindley FI., 485 Orange st., Riverside. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 6191 — Briggs, L. FI., 485 Orange st., Riverside. Cadillac ; touring ; fac. No. 98897 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 6261 — Perris Garage, D. st., Perris. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 6261 — Perris Garage, Perris. Studebaker Six ; touring ; fac. No. 610013 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 6263 — White, Fred E., 1744 W. Twenty-fifth st., Los Angeles. (Regal.) Substitution. 6263 — White, Fred E., 1744 W. Twenty-fifth st., Los Angeles. Regal : touring ; fac. No. 506 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 (ID 6294 — Stanley, H. W., 2917 Dorchester st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 6294 — Stanley, H. W„ 1240 E. Sixth st.. Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 a 1SS0 ; hp. 29f $2 6338 — Newell. John J.. 1179 W. Thirty-eighth place, Los Angeles. (Paige-Detroit.) Substitution. 6338 — Newell. J. J.. 1179 W. Thirty-eighth place, Los Angeles. Paige ; touring ; fac. No. 16946 ; hp. 25§ 2 6374 — Miller, Thomas Morris, 627 E. Main st., Alhambra. (Reo. ) Substitution. 6374 — Miller, Thomas Morris. 627 E. Main st., Alhambra. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 55415 ; hp. 25§ 2 6478 — Darling, George K., 1944 Primrose ave.. South Pasadena. (Buick.) Substitution. 6478 — Darling, Geo. Iv., 1944 Primrose ave., South Pasadena. Buick; touring; fac. No. 101482 : hp. 22£ 2 6551 — Varney, Thos. H. B., 534 Twentieth st., Oakland. (Oakland.) Substitution. 6551 — Varney, Thos H. B., 540 Twentieth st., Oakland. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 261773 ; hp. 19f 2 6552 — Clough, Grace E., 1532 Ramona ave., South Pasadena. (Howard Six.) Substitution. 6552 — Clough, Grace E., 1532 Ramona ave.. South Pasadena. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 9424 ; hp. 43f 2 6554 — Woods, John C., 1722 Crenshaw blvd., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 6554 — Woods, John C., 1722 Crenshaw blvd., Los Angeles. Premier ; touring ; fac. No. 10646 ; hp. 38§ 2 6609 — Reardon, P. H., Ecker and Stevenson sts., San Francisco. (Autocar.) Substitution. 6609 — Reardon, P. H., 415 Fillmore st., San Francisco. Mercer ; touring ; fac. No. 915 ; hp. 32§ 7 6677 — Jennings, George D., 228 Badillo ave., Covina. (Reo.) Substitution. 6677 — Jennings, George D., Covina. Reo; roadster; fac. No. 57541; hp. 27| 2 6694 — MacKnight, Geo. W., 253 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 6694 — MacKnight, Geo. W., 1652 Gramercy place, Los Angeles. Ford; touring; fac. No. 352540; hp. 22£ 2 6701 — Noel, James A., 180 W. Forty-second st., Los Angeles. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. 6701 — Noel, James A., 1024 W. Twenty-fourth st., Los Angeles. Hupmobile ; toy tonneau ; fac. No. 42558 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 6721 — Sinclair, F. R., 221 Sinclair ave., Glendale. (Buick.) Substitution. 6721 — Sinclair, Fred R., 221 Sinclair ave., Glendale. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 13233 ; hp. 22% 2 6783 — Stahl, Charles N.. Brawley. (Ford.) Substitution. 6783 — Stahl, Charles N., Beaumont. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 46681 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 6821— Richards, William E., 604 Franklin st., Whittier. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 6821 — Richards, W. E., 604 Franklin st., Whittier. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 b 7652 ; hp. 29§ 2 6822 — McIntosh, William A., 261 Mariposa ave., Los Angeles. (Oldsmobile. ) Substitution. 6822 — McIntosh, W. A., 261 S. Mariposa ave., Los Angeles. Chandler Six; touring; fac. No. 719; hp. 27§ 2 6904 — Stocks, Thomas J., 1621 N. Los Robles ave., Pasadena. (E-M-F. ) Substitution. 6904 — Stocks. T. J.. 1621 N. Los Robles ave., Pasadena. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 107865 ; bp. 22% 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 00 : 00 ( 12 ) 6960 — Franke, Rudolph Charles, Jr., 717 Thirty -second st., Oakland. (Buick. ) Substitution. G960 — Franke, Rudolph Charles, Jr., 717 Thirty-second st., Oakland. Overland; touring; fac. No. 44588; hp. 271 $2 7014 — California Hardware Co., 500 E. First st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 7014 — California Hardware Co., 500 E. First st., Los Angeles. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 347257 ; hp. 221 2 7080 — Larned, Julia, Lookout drive, La Jolla. (Ford.) Substitution. 7080 — Larned, Julia, 2072 Lookout drive. La Jolla. Overland; touring; fac. No. 34005; hp. 271 2 7141 — Hineman, J. M., R.F.D. No. G, Box 313, Los Angeles. (Duro.) Substitution. 7141 — Hineman. John Maxwell. R.F.D. No. G, Box 504, Los Angeles. Regal; touring; fac. No. 1410; hp. 271 2 7180 — Roberts, Thos. P., 108 Vista place, Venice. (Ford.) Substitution. 7180 — Roberts, Thomas P., 108 Vista place, Venice. Paige ; touring ; fac. No. 16255 ; hp. 25f 2 7266 — Strange, Warren W., Minnehaha ave., Glendora. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 7266 — Strange, Warren W., 1430 Sylvan way, Sacramento. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 8121 ; hp. 201 2 7286 — Towne, Arthur E., 1423 Tenth st., Santa Monica. (Ford.) Substitution. 7286 — Towne, Arthur E., 1423 Tenth st., Santa Monica. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 168688 ; hp. 221 2 72S9 — Anderson, Carl, 2106 Bonita ave., Los Angeles. (Brush.) Substitution. 7289 — Anderson, Carl, 2106 Bonita ave., Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 361576 ; hp. 221 2 7334 — Nattkemper, Leonard G., 3563 McClintock, Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 7334 — Nattkemper, 1253 W. Twenty-seventh drive, Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 381475 ; hp. 221 2 7341 — Amick, Jas. M., lone. (Regal.) Substitution. 7341 — Amick, James M., lone. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 221 2 7451 — Meyers, May, 419 Michigan st., Santa Monica. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 7451 — Meyers, Mrs. May, 419 Michigan st., Santa Monica. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 602180 ; hp. 29§ 2 7525 — Boos, Mrs. Horace, 436 S. Hill st., Los Angeles. (Locomobile.) Substitution. 7525 — Boos, Elizabeth D., 436 S. Hill st., Los Angeles. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 9426 ; hp. 43 3-10 2 7529 — Darling, Freeman Everts, 304 N. Sixteenth st., Sawtelle. (Ford.) Substitution. 7529 — Darling, Freeman Earl, 304 N. Sixteenth st., Sawtelle. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 361672 ; hp. 221 7542 — Wise. Walter 1)., 1407 S. Bonnie Brae st., Los Angeles. (National.) Substitution. 7542 — Wise, W. D., 1407 S. Bonnie Brae st., Los Angeles. Stevens-Duryea ; roadster ; fac. No. 30206 ; hp. 45 15-16 7567 — Morgan & Newark, 342 N. Main st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 7567 — Morgan & Newark, 342 N. Main st., Los Angeles. Ford; roadster; fac. No. 376536; hp. 221 7609 — Ammon, August, 1530 Dale st., San Diego. (Franklin.) Substitution. 7609 — Ammon, August, 1530 Dale st., San Diego. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 19516 ; hp. 31§ 7655 — Tillinghast, Alan R., 506 Raymond ave., Pasadena. (Overland.) Substitution. 7655 — Tillinghast, Alan R., 1404 N. Los Robles ave.. Pasadena. Overland ; roadster ; fac. No. 6913131 ; hp. 25f ( 13 ) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 7660 — Kern, W. B., M.D., 605 Exchange Bldg., Los Angeles. (Franklin.) Substitution. 7660 — Kern. Dr. W. B., 605 Exchange Bldg.. Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4c21952 ; hp. 19$ $2 7694 — Hecht, Elias M., 2518 Fillmore st., San Francisco. (Packard.) Substitution. 7694 — Hecht, E. M., 2518 Fillmore st., San Francisco. Jeffery ; touring ; fac. No. 41148 ; hp. 22^ 2 7772 — Carr, Mrs. Edna, 529 N. Hollistan aye., Pasadena. (Overland.) Substitution. 772 — Carr, Mrs. Edna, 529 N. Hollistan ave., Pasadena. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 29$ 2 7820 — Ivezar, Mary A., 2000 Laguna st., San Francisco. (Packard.) Substitution. 7820 — Kezar, Mary A., 2000 Laguna st., San Francisco. Stevens-Duryear ; limousine ; fac. No. 32036 ; hp. 45 15-16 2 7830 — F. M. Umphred & Son, Seventh and Olive sts., Los Angeles. (Reo.) Substitution. 7830 — F. M. Umphred & Co., Los Angeles Athletic Club, Los Angeles. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 55889 ; hp. 27i 2 7853 — Wilson, J. Stitt, Head Ridge road, Berkeley. (Regal.) Substitution. 7853 — Wilson, Jackson Stitt, Head Ridge road, Berkeley. Chandler ; touring ; fac. No. 416 hp. 27$ 2 7900 — Nason, Chas. A., 3986 La Salle ave., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 7900 — Nason, Charles A., 3986 La Salle st., Los Angeles. Apperson ; roadster ; fac. No. 6652 ; hp. 32$ 7 7946 — Carpenter, E. H., 715 N st., Sacramento. (Ford.) Substitution. 7946 — Carpenter, E. H., 715 N st., Sacramento. Ford; touring; fac. No. 372820; hp. 22$ 2 7985 — Duncklee, Francis P., 916 N. Wilton place, Los Angeles. (Peerless.) Substitution. 7985 — Duncklee, Francis P., 916 N. Wilton place, Los Angeles. Jeffery ; touring ; fac. No. 42684 ; hp. 22$ 2 7987 — Smitten, Howard M., 1629 Josephine st., Berkeley. (Regal.) Substitution. 7987 — -Smitten, Howard M., 1629 Josephine st., Berkeley. Paige ; touring ; fac. No. 16945 ; hp. 25$ 8017 — Bryant, Wm. F., 1713 W. Twenty-second st., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 8017 — Bryant, AVm. F., 1650 Compton ave., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 1631 ; hp. 22$ 2 8088 — Hueter, Ernest C., 816 Mission st.. San Francisco. ( Abbott-Detroit.) Substitution. 8088 — Hueter, Ernest C., 816 Mission st., San Francisco. Lozier ; touring ; fac. No. 513 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 8103 — United Light, Fuel and Power Co., 312 Union Bldg., San Diego. (Ford.) Substitution. 8103— United Light. Fuel and Power Co., 211 Union Bldg., San Diego. Ford; touring; fac. No. 152082; hp. 22$ 2 8190 — Daiber. Charles Philip, 116 Avenue 29, Los Angeles. (Krit.) Substitution. 8190 — Daiber. Charles Philip. 116 W. Avenue 29, Los Angeles. Reo : touring ; fac. No. 60969 ; hp. 27$ 2 8212 — Dillin, Francis W.. 1727 Cherokee ave., Los Angeles. (Premier.) Substitution. 8212 — Dillin. Francis W., 1727 Cherokee ave., Los Angeles. Premier ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 32 § 2 8238 — Thompson, W. P., R.F.D, No. 1, Box 157, Burbank. (Studebaker.) Substitution. ,8238 — Thompson. AY. P.. R.F.D.. Burbank. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 606223 ; hp. 29* 2 8282 — Orr, James AA T illiam. R.F.D. No. 1, Ventura. (Regal.) Substitution. 8282 — Orr. John AA T ., R.F.D. No. 1, Aventura. Maxwell; touring; fac. No. 3939-3936; hp. 25$ ( 14 ) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 8287 — Hall, Harry, 820 W. Thirty-sixth st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 8287 — Hall, Harry, 820 W. Thirty-sixth st., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 31822 ; hp. 27* $2 8359 — Delmar, D. H., Compton. (Oakland.) Substitution. 8359 — Delmar, D. H., Compton. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. 107312 ; hp. 22\ 2 8370 — Crocker, W. I)., 999 N. Madison, Pasadena. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 8370 — Crocker, W. D., 999 N. Madison st., Pasadena. Stevens-Duryea ; touring ; fac. No. 32095 ; hp. 45 15-16 2 8451 — Scott, A. L.. Hillside and Magnolia aves., Piedmont. (Packard.) Substitution. 8451 — Scott, A. L., 365 Hillside ave., Piedmont. Packard-Salon ; touring ; fac. No. 53175 ; hp. 38§ 8514 — Girard, Wilfrid J., 131 Fourteenth ave., San Francisco. (Elmore.) Substitution. 8514 — Girard, W. J., 131 Fourteenth ave., San Francisco. National ; touring ; fac. No. 9145 ; hp. 33| 7 8545 — Dearing, Milton M., 2875 Fresno st., Fresno. (Buick.) Substitution. 8545 — Dearing, Milton M., 2875 Fresno st., Fresno. Buick; touring; fac. No. 101326; hp. 22\ 2 8598 — Taylor, Arthur, 931 W. Thirty-second st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 8598 — Taylor, Arthur, 931 W. Thirty-second st., Los Angeles. Cartercar ; touring ; fac. No. 8162 ; hp. 27i 2 8607 — Crocker Estate Co., Room 525 Crocker Bldg., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 8607 — Crocker Estate Co., Room 525 Crocker Bldg., San Francisco. Oakland; touring; fac. No. 36200; hp. 19| 2 8693 — Associated Oil Co., Coalinga. (Locomobile.) Substitution. 8693 — Associated Oil Co., 55 Montgomery st.. San Francisco. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 5453 ; hp. 32 § 2 8743 — Paine, K. L., 207 W. Vernon ave., Los Angeles. (Franklin.) Substitution. 8743 — Paine, K. L ., 207 W. Vernon ave.. Los Angeles. Franklin : touring ; fac. No. 19536 ; hp. 31§ 2 8750 — Woodward, Ray R., R.F.D. No. 1, Whittier. (Cutting.) Substitution. 8750 — Woodward, Ray Ralph, Whittier. Apperson ; touring ; fac. No. 6793 ; hp. 32§ 2 8830 — Weiss. Della, 1701 Anita place, Florencita Park, Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 8830 — Weiss, Della, 1701 Oneta place, Florencita Park, Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 b 9567 ; hp. 29§ 2 8916 — Parnin, Louis J.. 331 Stoneman ave., N. Alhambra. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 8916 — Parnin, Louis J., 331 N. Stoneman ave., Alhambra. Reo ; truck ; fac. No. ; hp. 9 2 8951 — Cruickshank, F. G., 1071 S. Orange Grove ave., Pasadena. (Packard.) Substitution. 8951 — Cruickshank, F. G., 1071 S. Orange Grove ave., Pasadena. Pierce-Arrow; touring; fac. No. 12438; hp. 48| 2 9036 — Rees, W. H., 1532 Orange st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 9036 — Rees, W. H., 1523 Orange st., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 2746 ; hp. 27£ 2 9054 — Doe. Frank P., 2120 Washington st., San Francisco. (Pope- Hartford. ) Substitution. 9054 — Doe, Frank P., 2126 Washington st., San Francisco. Stevens-Duryea ; limousine ; fac. No. 32245 ; hp. 47* 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ( 15 ) 9071 — Potter, Noah U., Orange. (Regal.) Substitution. 9071 — Potter, Noah Ulysses, Orange. Regal; touring; fac. No. 9386; hp. 22\ $2 OO 9205 — Stringer, Harry N., 533 W. Fourth st., Long Beach. (Metz.) Substitution. 9205 — Stringer, Harry N., 533 W. Fourth st., Long Beach. Reo ; roadster ; fac. No. 47911 ; hp. 25§. 2 00 9240 — Dillinger, John L., 1746 Orange drive, Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 9240 — Dillinger, John L., 1746 Orange drive, Hollywood. Premier; touring; fac. No. 10538; hp. 38§ 2 00 9253 — Vath, Chas. J., Fourth and Virginia sts., San Jose. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 9253 — Vath. Chas. J., Fourth and Virginia sts., San Jose. Overland; roadster; fac. No. 29058; hp. 27| 2 00 9294 — Schliem, Albert, 180 Bandini ave.. Riverside. (Studebaker. ) Substitution. 9294— Schliem, Albert, 394 Palm ave.. Riverside. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 303154 ; hp. 25f 2 00 9357 — Bradley, Charles II., care of Crown City National Bank, Pasadena. (Buick. ) Substitution. 9357 — Bradley, Charles H., care of Crown City National Bank, Pasadena. Buick ; runabout ; fac. No. 6726 ; hp. 22i 2 00 9374 — Tustin, Chas. C., 925 S. Alvarado st., Los Angeles. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 9374 — Tustin, Chas. C., 2517 Eighth ave., Los Angeles. Mercer ; touring ; fac. No. 1779 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 9382 — Ferc-h, W. T.. 1023 N. Avenue 57, Highland Park. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 9382 — Ferch, W. T., 1023 N. Avenue 57, Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 a 1248 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 9415 — Boeseke, E. A., 1820 Laguna st., Santa Barbara. (Buick.) Substitution. 9415 — Boeseke, Edgar A., 1820 Laguna st., Santa Barbara. Franklin ; roadster ; fac. No. 1S205 ; hp. 31§ 7 00 9485 — Montelone & Bonura, 1248 Produce st., Los Angeles. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 9485 — Monteleone & Bonura Fruit Co., 1248 Produce st., Los Angeles. Chalmers; touring; fac. No. 35896; hp. 38f 2 00 9496 — Sussman, Wormser & Co., 140 Spear st., San Francisco. (Haynes.) Substitution. 9496 — Sussman, Wormser & Co., 140 Spear st., San Francisco. Lozier ; roadster ; fac. No. a 742 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 9537 — Sandison, Edwin Wallace, Franklin ave., Hollywood. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 9537 — Sandison, E. W., 6525 Franklin ave., Hollywood. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 a 7549 ; hp. 19f 2 00 9711 — Paddock, Charles Heerd. Madison ave., Pasadena. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 9711 — Paddock, C. H.. 746 S. Madison ave., Pasadena. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 a 2314 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 9747 — Strasburg, Edward, 701 Huntington drive, San Marino. (Locomobile.) Substitution. 9747 — Strasburg. Edward, 819 Story Bldg., Los Angeles. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 6290 ; hp. 43 3-10 2 00 9837 — Stone, Harris G.. Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 9837 — Stone, Harris G., 5963 Yucca st.. Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352494 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 9868 — Casey, McKendree Ames, 4222 W. Second st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 9868 — Casey, M. A., 4222 W. Second st.. Los Angeles. Overland; touring; fac. No. 4472; hp. 27i 2 00 9889 — Cross Lumber Co., Coalinga. (Locomobile.) Substitution. 9889 — Cross Lumber Co., Coalinga. Buick; touring; fac. No. 107033; hp. 22£_ ( 10 ) 2 00 10016 — Veghte, Edwin, 1148 Constance st., Pasadena. (Overland.) Substitution. 10016 — Veghte, Edwin, 1148 Constance st,, Pasadena. Jeffery ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 22^ $2 00 10136 — Fredericks, J. D., 258 N. Union st, Los Angeles. (Locomobile.) Substitution. 10136 — Fredericks, J. D., 258 Monrovia st., Los Angeles. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 8855 ; hp. 48f 2 00 10188 — Bell, Lizzie M., Perris. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 1018§ — Bell, Lizzie M., Perris. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 608581 ; hp. 29f 2 00 10280 — Union Ice Co., 354 Pine st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 10280 — Union Ice Co., 660 Alameda. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 34651 ; hp. 271 2 00 10339 — Yeager, Matthias S., 335 N. Serrano st., Los Angeles. (Auburn.) Substitution. 10339 — Yeager, Matthias S., 335 N. Serrano st., Los Angeles. Auburn ; touring ; fac. No. 9834 ; hp. 33f 2 00 10358 — Bauer, John Andy, 1203 S. Fair Oaks st., South Pasadena. ( Cartercar. ) Substitution. 10358 — Bauer, John Andy, 1330 S. Flower st., Los Angeles. Cartercar ; touring ; fac. No. 4522 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 10359 — Bauer, John Andy, 415 Avenue 33, Los Angeles. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 10359 — Bauer, John Andy, 1203 S. Fair Oaks st., South Pasadena. Ford ; runabout. ; fac. No. 339218 ; hp. 221 2 00 10402 — Meisterheim, C. L., 189 S. First st., San Jose. (Sunset.) V/j/ T\ Q't'i ■/■}/ i rkw 10402— Meisterheim, C. L., 365 S. First st., San Jose. Commerce ; truck ; fac. No. 788 ; hp. 14§ 2 00 10448— The Grange Co., 912 Ninth st., Modesto. (Ford.) Substitution. 10448 — The Grange Co., 912 Ninth st., Modesto. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 362101 ; hp. 19f 2 00 10502 — Costello, J. W., Jr., 1346 E. Washington st., Los Angeles. (Continental) Substitution. 10502 — Costello, James Wm„ 1346 E. Washington st., Los Angeles. Velie; touring; fac. No. 31232; hp. 25f 2 00 10576 — Bontadelli, Jos. L., King City. (Duro Car.) Substitution. 10576 — Bontadelli, Jos. L., King City. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 11844; hp. 25§ 7 00 10763 — Bliss. Dr. Asa Potter, 428 Grosse Bldg., Los Angeles. (Franklin.) Substitution. 10763 — Bliss, Dr. Asa Potter, 428 Grosse Bldg., Los Angeles. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 14018 ; hp. 32§ 7 00 10927 — Thorpe, Harvey L., M.D., 747 W. Eighteenth st., Los Angeles. (Oakland.) Substitution. 10927 — Thorpe, Harvey L., 920 Marsh-Strong Bldg., Los Angeles. Apperson ; roadster ; fac. No. 6771 ; hp. 32f 2 00 10933 — Verbeck, Eugene A., 1916 N. Wilton place, Los Angeles. (Maxwell Mascotte.) Substitution. 10933 — Verbeck, Eugene A., 745 S. Figueroa st., Los Angeles. Chandler; roadster; fac. No. 1396; hp. 27§ 2 00 10958 — Price, Jonathan E., 545 Prescott st., Pasadena. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 10958 — Price, J. E., 545 Prescott st., Pasadena. Pilot ; touring ; fac. No. 1546 ; hp. 38§ 2 00 11205 — Waterhouse & Lester Co., 540 Howard st., San Francisco. (Stoddard- Dayton.) Substitution. 11205 — Waterhouse & Lester Co., 540 Howard st., San Francisco. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 457820 ; hp. 22| 2 00 2—13163 (17) 11226 — Palmer, Mrs. S. H., 1802 Washington st., San Francisco. (Buick.) Substitution. 11226 — Palmer. Mrs. S. H., 1901 Van Ness ave., San Francisco. S.G.V. ; touring ; fac. No. 1723 ; lip. 22^ $2 00 11269 — Lodge, James F.. 606 North st., Yreka. (Ford.) Substitution. 11269 — Lodge, James F., 606 North st., Yreka. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 15405; hp. 19§ 2 00 11314 — Green, Frank Edward, 2622 Central ave., Alameda. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 11314 — Green, Frank Edward, 2622 Central ave., Alameda. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 602270 ; hp. 29f 2 00 11395 — Waldheimer, J. Arthur, 1220 Bissell ave., Richmond. (Studebaker.) S ul) si/ / it / n1/ / ioTb 11395 — Waldheimer. J. Arthur, 1220 Bissell ave., Richmond. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 8908 ; hp. 25| 2 00 11520 — Scribner, M. L., Monticello. (American.) Substitution. 11520 — Scribner, M. L., Monticello. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. C11631 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 11531 — Lombard, John A., 1800 Fruitvale ave., Oakland. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 11531 — Lombard, John A., 1800 Fruitvale ave., Oakland. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 36548 ; hp. 38§ 7 00 11593 — Wilkinson, Edward William, 5337 Compton ave., Los Angeles. (Metz.) Substitution. 11593 — Wilkinson. Edward W., 5337 Compton ave., Los Angeles. Metz ; roadster ; fac. No. 24747 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 11600— Maze, Nellie S., 824 Twelfth st., Modesto. (Hudson.) Substitution. 11600 — Maze, Nellie S., 824 Twelfth st.. Modesto. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 108958 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 11676 — Welch, Robert A.. Covina. (Moline.) Substitution. 11676 — Welch, R. A., Covina. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 15753 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 11795 — Haese, John P., 323 E. Victoria st., Santa Barbara. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 11795 — Haese, John P., 323 E. Victoria st., Santa Barbara. Franklin ; roadster ; fac. No. 18342 m ; hp. 31f 2 00 11902 — Welcome, Virgil J., Brawley. (Mitchell.) S 'll 1) S t 'll/ lit 1071 11902 — Welcome, V. J., 930 Bushnell ave., Los Angeles. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 23584 ; hp. 16 9-10 ; 2 00 11937 — Chidester, Wm. C., Edgehill road, Hillsborough. (Franklin.) Substitution. 11937 — Chidester, W. C., San Mateo. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 19514 ; hp. 31§ 2 00 11968 — Smith, W. H. and L. J., 742 Rampart st, Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 11968 — Smith, William II. and L. J., 742 Rampart st., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 100751 ; hp. 22i 2 00 11974 — Downs, Samuel, 6071 Salem place, Los Angeles. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 11974 — Downs, Samuel, 6071 Salem place, Los Angeles. Detroiter; touring; fac. No. 448; hp. 181 2 00 12100 — Comer, E. Clarke. 1705 Cahunga ave., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 12100 — Comer. E. Clarke. 1705 Cahuenga ave., Hollywood. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4414607 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 12160 — Eastman, Charles A., 910 Grand View st., Los Angeles. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 12160 — Eastman, C. A., 843 S. Vermont ave., Los Angeles. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 53797 ; hp. 38 f 2 00 12219 — Vines, William E., 1211 E. Sixth st., Los Angeles. (Regal.) Substitution. 12219 — Vines, W. E., 1211 E. Sixth st., Los Angeles. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 7864 ; hp. 22\ ( 18 ) 2 00 12235 — Zander, Herman, 514 Sixth st., Santa Paula. (Overland.) Substitution. 12235— Zander, H. 514 Sixth st, Santa Paula. Jeffery ; touring ; fac. No. 41264 ; hp. 22^ $2 00 12240 — Riggle, Opal Lester, Mesa ave., Pomona. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 12240 — Riggle, O. L ., Pomona. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 28 9-10 7 00 12296 — Gage, Lyman J., San Diego. (Velie.) Substitution. 12296 — Gage, Lyman J., Point Loma. Jeffery; touring; fac. No. 41992; hp. 22| 2 00 12411 — Pettengill, Mrs. Abby Louise, 1134 Fair Oaks ave., South Pasadena. ( Packard. ) Substitution. 12411— Pettengill, Mrs. Abby Louise, 1134 Fair Oaks ave., South Pasadena. Marmon ; touring ; fac. No. 115018 ; hp. 48f* 2 00 12433 — Bent & Pennebaker; 518 Central Bldg., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 12433 — Bent & Pennebaker, Central Bldg., Los Angeles. Overland; touring; fac. No. 44142; hp. 27i 2 00 12452 — Tobey, S. H., Shandon. (Overland.) Substitution. 12452 — Tobey, Stephen H., Shandon. Overland; touring; fac. No. 28110; hp. 25§ 2 00 12529 — Palmer, Leroy H., 3565 E. Sixth st., Los Angeles. (Reo. ) Substitution. 12529 — Palmer, Leroy H., 3565 E. Sixth st., Los Angeles. Reo ; roadster ; fac. No. 57248 ; hp. 27* 2 00 12574 — Mewbourn, T. S., 3336 Loosmore st., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 12574t—- M ewbourn, T. S.,' 3336 Loosmore st., Los Angeles. Hupmobile; touring; fac. No. 49671; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 12620 — Smith, Sidney, 436 W. Fifty-third st., Los Angeles. (Oakland.) Substitution. 12620 — Smith, Sidney,- 436 W. Fifty-third st., Los Angeles. National ; touring ; fac. No. 6219 ; hp. 40 2 00 12635 — Western Meat Co., Sixth and Townsend sts., San Francisco. (Ford.) Substitution. 12635— Western Meat Co., Sixth and Townsend sts., San Francisco. Ford; roadster; fac. No. 379555; hp. 221 2 00 12652 — Sherman, W. H. A.. 1763 W. Fiftieth st., Los Angeles. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 12652 — Sherman, W. H. A., 1763 W. Fiftieth st., Los Angeles. Mitchell ; touring ; fac. No. 45322 ; hp. 43 3-10 2 00 12722 — Arnold, Ray H., 830 McGarry st., Los Angeles. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 12722 — Arnold, R. H., 830 McGarry st., Los Angeles. Hupmobile ; roadster ; fac. No. 49152 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 12729 — Spence, Dr. Chas. H., Da Manda Park. (Ford.) Substitution. 12729 — Spence, Chas. H., 1120 Hollingsworth Bldg., Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 368358 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 12761 — Puente Oil Co., 829 Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles. (Michigan.) Substitution. 12761 — Puente Oil Co., 829 Title Insurance Bldg.. Los Angeles. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. b 2466 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 12781 — Walker, G. S., 4910 Hooper ave., Los Angeles. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 127S1 — Walker, G. S., 4910 Hooper ave., Los Angeles. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 42197 ; hp. 29f 2 00 12808 — Rose, H. J., Upland. (International Harvester.) Substitution. 12808— Rose, H. J., Upland. Marion ; touring ; fac. No. 35198 ; hp. 25f 2 00 12941 — Guernsey, Dr. A. H.. 140 Cedar st., Glendale. (Overland.) Substitution. 12941 — Guernsey, Dr. A. H., 140 Cedar st., Glendale. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 591194 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 (19) 12951 — Gibson, Leo L., 3586 Budlong ave., Los Angeles. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 12951 — Gibson, Leo L., 3586 Budlong ave., Los Angeles. Stearns ; runabout ; fac. No. 121363 ; bp. 32§ $7 00 12972 — Dary, Thomas J., 334 E. State st, Long Beach. (Ford.) Substitution. 12972 — Dary, Thomas J., 334 E. State st., Long Beach. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 370420 ; hp. 22J 2 00 13042 — Bay City Machine Works, 2375 Broadway, San Diego. (Jackson.) Substitution. 13042 — Bay City Machine Works, 1475 Broadway, San Diego. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 108113 ; hp. 221 2 00 13115 — Staples, F. N., M.D., 626 East 52 place, Los Angeles. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 13115— Staples. Dr. F. N., 626 East 52 place, Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 3277 ; hp. 271 2 00 13165 — Eversole, H. O., 900 Auditorium Bldg., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 13165 — Eversole, Dr. H. O., 698 S. Ardmore ave., Los Angeles. Cadillac ; convertible body ; fac. No. 94676 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 13176 — Adams, Alfred Eben, 3845 Denker ave., Los Angeles. (Maxwell.) & xtl) si/'it / U/i/ / hOYi 13176 — Adams, Alfred E., 3845 Denker ave., Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 377 ; hp. 221 2 00 13178 — Unmack, Inlins, 3865 Woodlawn st., Los Angeles. (Jackson.) Substitution. 13178 — Unmack, Inlins, 4003 Moneta ave., Los Angeles. Ford ; delivery ; fac. No. 2746 ; hp. 221— 2 00 13341 — Teague, C. C., Santa Paula. (Franklin.) Substitution. 13341 — Teague, C. C., Santa Paula. Stearns-Knight ; touring ; fac. No. 8724 ; hp. 43 3-10 2 00 13350— Shepherd, E. R., R.F.D. No. 2, Box 180, Whittier. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. 13350— Shepherd, E. R., R.F.D. No. 2, Box 180, Whittier. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 49272 ; hp. 16 9-10. 13417 — San Pedro Lumber Co., 1518 Central ave., Los Angeles. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 13417— San Pedro Lumber Co., 1518 Central ave., Los Angeles. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 41778 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 13480 — Lindsay, Dr. Wm. K., 1716 N st., Sacramento. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. 13480 — Lindsay, William Kinkade, 1716 N st., Sacramento. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 362138 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 13518 — The Fred Johns Co., 1023 Ninth st., Sacramento. (Haynes.) Substitution. 13518 — The Fred J. Johns Co., 1023 Ninth st., Sacramento. Haynes ; touring ; fac. No. 7912 ; hp. 2S 9-10 2 00 13550 — Nicholls-Loomis Co., 1128 San Pedro st., Los Angeles. (Jackson.) Substitution. 13550 — Nicholls-Loomis Co., 1128 San Pedro st., Los Angeles. Buick ; roadster; fac. No. 103811; hp. 221 2 00 13608 — General Pipe Line Co. of California, Box 69, Taft. (Ford.) Substitution. 13608 — General Pipe Line Co. of California, Box 69, Taft. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 347054 ; hp. 221_ — 2 00 13690 — Kier, George Paul, Fourth and Oliver sts., San Diego. (Ford.) Substitution. 13690 — Kier, Geo. P., 648 E st., San Diego. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352621 ; hp. 221 2 00 13692 — Hoskins, Leander M., 365 Lincoln ave., Palo Alto. (Overland.) Substitution. 13692 — Hoskins, L. M., 365 Lincoln ave., Palo Alto. Overland; touring; fac. No. 16229; hp. 271 2 00 13758 — Griffin. Frank A., 1146 W. Thirty-seventh st., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 13758 — Griffin, F. A., 1146 W. Thirty-seventh st., Los Angeles. Cadillac ; touring ; fac. No. a4451 ; hp. 32 § ( 20 ) 2 00 13834 — Squires, Mrs. Etta B., 128 S. Hoover st., Los Angeles. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 13834 — Squires, Mrs. Etta B., 128 S. Hoover st., Los Angeles. National ; tonneau ; fac. No. 8308 ; hp. 38 $7 00 13894 — Purington, Elizabeth S., 5G02 Ocean View drive, Oakland. (Knox.) Substitution. 13894 — Purington, Elizabeth S., Key Route Inn. Oakland. Pierce- Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 12372 ; hp. 48§ 2 00 13922 — Garcia & Maggini Co., 302 Drumm st., San Francisco. (Marion.) Substitution. 13922 — Garcia & Maggini Co., Drumm and Washington sts., San Francisco. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 349372 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 13950— Peck, Charles W., Fair Oaks. (E-M-F.). Substitution. 13950 — Peck, Charles W., Fair Oaks. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 609522 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 14038 — Collins, Oddie O., 466 W. Eighth st., Riverside. (Hupmobile. ) .O/j/ T~i Q’fn -f/ti ■/■/} 14038— Collins, O. O., 466 W.‘ Eighth st., Riverside. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 49510 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 14081 — Burnham, Frank A., Temecula. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. 14081 — Burnham, Frank A., Temecula. Regal ; roadster ; fac. No. 4589 ; hp. 22^ 7 00 14135 — Newmark, Maurice H., 905 Beacon st., Los Angeles. (Peerless.) Substitution. 14135 — Newmark, Maurice H., 905 Beacon st., Los Angeles. White ; touring ; fac. No. 20108 ; hp. 43 3-10 2 00 14145— Chapman, Richard A., 1634 E st., San Diego. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 14145 — Chapman, R. A., 4105 Eagle st., San Diego. Studebaker “35” ; touring ; fac. No. 35 a 2083 ; hp. 27* 2 00 14150 — Gas Range and Heater Co., 915 El Centro st., South Pasadena. (Baby Reo.) Substitution. 14150 — Gas Range and Heater Co., 915 El Centro st., South Pasadena. Overland; delivery; fac. No. 27234 ; hp. 27| 7 00 14163 — Abbott, Clyde A., 31 W. Main st., Alhambra. (Overland.) Substitution. 14163— Abbott, Clyde A., 31 W. Main st., Alhambra. Studebaker ; roadster ; fac. No. 2283 ; hp. 25§_. 2 00 14209 — Macklin, Robert Kirkpatrick, 1147 N. Mentor ave., Pasadena. (Courier.) Substitution. 14209 — Macklin, Dr. R. K., 1147 N. Mentor ave., Pasadena. Hupmobile; touring; fac. No. 49194; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 14237 — Bird, Robert J., 1762 W. Forty-first drive, Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 14237 — Bird, R. J., 2018 E. Seventh st., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 44524 ; hp. 27* 2 00 14262 — Krueger, John E., 1510 Third ave., Los Angeles. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 14262 — Krueger, J. E., 1510 Third ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker “Four” ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 6569 ; hp. 19| 2 00 14270 — Stirdivant, Washburn B., Santa Rosa and Palm sts., Altadena. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 14270 — Stirdivant, W. B., Altadena. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. Gb 6496 ; hp. 29| 2 00 14297 — Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co., 140 Kansas st., San Francisco. (Locomobile.) Substitution. 14297 — Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co., 140 Kansas st., San Francisco., Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 26111 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 14352 — Hamlin, William E., 150 S. Orange Grove ave., Pasadena. (Hudson.) Substitution. 14352 — Hamlin, W. E., 150 S. Orange Grove ave., Pasadena. Hudson ; touring ; fac. No. 80366 ; hp. 29f 2 00 (21) 144(39 — Richards. Ulysses Grant. 128 S. Commonwealth ave., Los Angeles. (Franklin. ) Substitution. 14469 — Richards. Ulysses Grant. 128 S. Commonwealth ave., Los Angeles. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 9410 ; hp. 43f $7 00 14480 — Rusco, C. A., Twenty-second and Euclid st., Upland. (Cartercar.) ( Substitution. 14480— Rusco. Charles A., Twenty-second and Euclid ave., Upland. Studebaker Six ; touring ; fac. No. 608568 ; hp. 29§ ’ 2 00 14509 — Schneider. Edwin H.. M.D., 806 Los Angeles Investment Bldg., Eighth and Broadway, Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 14509 — Schneider, Dr. Edwin H.. 233 Ridgewood place, Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 116 ; hp. 33f 2 00 14513 — Andersen Bros., 1314 Florida st., San Francisco. (Franklin.) Substitution . 14513 — Andersen Bros., 1314 Florida st., San Francisco. Oldsmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 58353 ; hp. 36 1-10 4 50 14586 — Sheelan, 939 E. Tenth st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 14586 — Sheelan, 939 E. Tenth st., Los Angeles. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 35 a 7223 ; hp. 271 2 00 14613 — Yon Krassow, A.. 4253 S. Flower st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 14613 — Von Krassow, Carl A., 4253 S. Flower st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; roadster ; fac. No. 10265 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 14747— Sawday, George, Witch Creek. (Ford.) Substitution. 14747 — Sawday, George, Witch Creek. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 346888 ; hp. 22% 2 00 14930 — Nelson, Franz Otto, 223 W. Eleventh st., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 14930 — Nelson, Franz Otto, 223 W. Eleventh st., Los Angeles. Cole ; touring ; fac. No. 16975 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 15008 — Grant, Elsie, 828 Fifth st., Santa Monica. (Apperson.) Substitution. 15008 — Grant, Miss E., 828 Fifth st., Santa Monica. Apperson ; touring ; fac. No. 6764 ; hp. 32 1 15079 — Nelson, Arthur Vincent, 1035 Gramercy drive, Los Angeles. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 15079 — Nelson. Arthur Vincent, 1035 Gramercy drive, Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 29§ 15080 — McNamara, Thomas A., 5907 Hollywood blvd., Los Angeles. (Winton.) Substitution. 15080 — McNamara, Thomas A., 5907 Hollywood blvd.. Los Angeles. Winton Six; Sedan; fac. No. 17266: hp. 48f 15110 — Radford, Jos. D., 1124 W. Adams st., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 15H0 — Radford. Jos. D., 1124 W. Adams st., Los Angeles. Cadillac ; touring ; fac. No. 97183 ; hp. 32f 15185 — Snyder, Theo. F., 4807 Valle Vista st., San Diego. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 15185 — Snvder, Theo. F., 4347 Valle Vista st., San Diego. Chalmers “30” ; roadster ; fac. No. 18505 ; hp. 25§ 15187 — Earl Fruit Co., 1014. Second st., Sacramento. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 15187 — Earl Fruit Co., 1014 Second st., Sacramento. Reo ; touring; fac. No. 55765; hp. 271 15194 — Earl Fruit Co., Sacramento. (Elmore.) Substitution. 15194 — Earl Fruit Co., Fresno. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 58711 ; hp. 271 15238 — Waddingliam. Albert Bascom, 1616 Reid st., Los Angeles. (Franklin.) Substitution. 1523S — Waddingham, A. B., 307 Tulare Bldg.. Los Angeles. Franklin : touring ; fac. No. 19098 ; hp. 31$ 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 7 00 (22) 15282 — Reynolds, Charles Harold, 1G24 Grover st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 15282 — Reynolds, Charles Harold, 1624 Grover st., Los Angeles. Studebaker “35” ; touring ; fac. No. 35 a 7036 ; hp. 27* $2 15307 — Bradley, Alfred, 1411 Harvard blvd., Los Angeles. (Buick.) iQl/ihc /■/!/ 15307— Bradley, Alfred, 1411 Harvard blvd., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 108404 ; hp. 22\ 2 15558 — Godfrey, Mary C., 831 S. Gramercy place, Los Angeles. (Flanders Electric.) Substitution. 15558 — Godfrey, Mary C., 839 Gramercy place, Los Angeles. Cole ; touring ; fac. No. 16334 ; hp. 28 9-10 7 15592 — Oswald, Frank, 107 E. Fifth st., Los Angeles. ( Pope-Hartford. ) Substitution. 15592 — Oswald, Frank, 405 O. T. Johnson Bldg., Los Angeles. Marmon ; touring ; fac. No. 2313030 ; hp. 32§ 7 15594 — Cameron, Hugh Neil, 152 W. Twenty-ninth st., Los Angeles. ( Overland. ) Substitution. 15594 — Cameron, Hugh N., 152 W. Twenty-ninth st., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 12074 ; hp. 25§ 2 15607 — Geo. Haas & Sons, 770 Market st., San Francisco. (S.G.V.) Substitution. 15607 — Geo. Haas & Sons, 770 Market st., San Francisco. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 19367 ; hp. 31 f 7 15668 — Corona Rock Co., Corona. (Duro.) Substitution. 15668 — Corona Rock Co., Corona. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 375557 ; hp. 22\ 2 15696 — Dupes, J. H., 2429 H st., Bakersfield. (Ford.) Substitution. 15696— Dupes, J. H., 2429 H st., Bakersfield. Cadillac ; touring ; fac. No. 25686 ; hp. 32§ 7 15697 — Smith, Hubert E., 1500a S. Harvard blvd., Los Angeles. (Continental.) Substitution. 15697 — Smith, H. E., 2115 Seventh ave., Los Angeles. Lexington ; touring ; fac. No. 11422 ; hp. 32 § 2 15780 — Niebaum, Mrs. Gustave, 2440 Pacific ave., San Francisco. (Packard.) Substitution. 15780 — Niebaum, Mrs. G., 2440 Pacific ave., San Francisco. Locomobile ; limousine ; fac. No. 9306 ; hp. 48f 2 15813 — Wilson, David L., 151 Cayuga st., Santa Cruz. (Buick.) Substitution. 15813 — Wilson, David L., 175 Cayuga st., Santa Cruz. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 108458 ; hp. 221 2 15875 — Ross, John Walter, 909 Fifteenth st., Modesto. (Buick.) Substitution. 15875 — Ross, J. W., 903 Eleventh st., Modesto. American Scout ; touring ; fac. No. n 958 ; hp. 32§ 12 15878 — Mills, Dr. William Harvey, 725 New Hampshire ave., Los Angeles. (Locomobile “30.”) Substitution. 15878 — Mills, William Harvey, 725 New Hampshire st., Los Angeles. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 8060 ; hp. 43 3-10 2 15952 — Zackerman, Herbert G., 900 Mendocino ave., Berkeley. (Ford.) Substitution. 15952 — Zackerman, Herbert G. and F. W., 137 Drumm st., San Francisco. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 22\ 2 16118 — Sarrasin, Hyacinthe, Grand View st., Los Angeles. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 16118 — Sarrasin, Hyacinthe, 1024 Grand View st., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 3572 ; hp. 22\— : 2 16119 — Palfrey, Alfred C., Los Angeles Athletic Club, Los Angeles. (Packard.) Substitution. 104461 — Palfrey, Alfred C., Los Angeles Athletic Club, Los Angeles. Packard ; phaeton ; fac. No. 35475 ; hp. 48f 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ( 23 ) 16151 — Pasadena Transfer and Storage Co., 65 S. Broadway st., Pasadena (Mitchell.) Substitution. 16151 — Pasadena Transfer and Storage Co., 65 S. Broadway, Pasadena. Moreland; truck; fac. No. ; kp. 27i $2 16198 — Westfall, Geo. F., Fallbrook. (Overland.) Substitution. 16198— Westfall, Fallbrook. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 43331 ; hp. 27 i 2 16166 — Atterbury, Mrs. Lizzie J., 241 S. Norton ave., Los Angeles. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 16166 — Atterbury, Mrs. Lizzie J., 241 S. Norton st., Los Angeles. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 39746 ; hp. 29§ 2 16208 — McClure, John, 3425 N. Broadway, Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 16208 — McClure, John, 3425 N. Broadway, Los Angeles. Cole ; touring ; fac. No. 18005 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 16339 — Plank, Walter E., 2212 L st., Sacramento. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 16229 — Plank, Walter E., 2212 L st., Sacramento. Cross Country ; touring ; fac. No. 35855 ; hp. 32§ 2 16352 — Ellis, Fred G.. 1107 W. Eighteenth st., Los Angeles. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 16352 — Ellis, Fred G., 1107 W. Eighteenth st., Los Angeles. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 60222 ; hp. 27J 2 16364 — Frazer, Ida M., 1605 P st., Sacramento. (Haynes.) Substitution. 16364 — Frazer. Ida M., 1605 P st., Sacramento. National ; touring ; fac. No. 6092 ; hp. 33f 2 16368 — Ward, Mrs. Agnes D., 1423 D st., Sacramento. (Overland.) Substitution. 16368 — Ward, Mrs. Agnes D.. 1423 D st., Sacramento. Overland; touring; fac. No. 2735; hp. 27| 2 16524 — Campbell. Edward, 1529 Alameda ave., San Jose. (Lozier.) Substitution. 16524 — Campbell, Edward, 1529 Alameda ave., San Jose. Lozier ; touring ; fac. No. 8432 ; hp. 36 1-16 2 16581 — Chaffee, F. B., 575 E. Ninth st., Upland. (Regal.) Substitution. 16581 — Chaffee, F. B., 575 E. Ninth st.. Upland. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 339518 ; hp. 22^ 2 16631 — The Mickelson & Jensen Co., 1928 E. Third st., Los Angeles. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 16631 — The Mickelson & Jensen Co.. 1928 E. Third st., Los Angeles. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 361547 ; hp. 22^ 2 16650 — Grant, Everett D., 132 S. Serrano ave., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 16650 — Grant. Everett I)., 132 S. Serrano ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 410248 ; hp. 19f . 2 16662 — Billings, Charles A., Arcadia. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 16662 — Billings, Charles A., Arcadia. Studebaker ; touring : fac. No. 424090 ; hp. 19§ 2 16696 — Driver, Bert O.. W. Third st., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 10696 — Driver, B. O.. Huntley Apts., 1207 AY. Third st., Los Angeles. Buick; roadster; fac. No. 107125; hp. 224 2 16815 — Winterer, Edward, 1728 Orange drive, Los Angeles. (Stoddard- Dayton.) Substitution. 16815 — Winterer. Edward, 1728 Orange drive. Los Angeles. Premier ; touring ; fac. No. 10762 ; hp. 38g 2 16808 — Buchanan. AVilliam. 173S Larkin st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 16808 — Buchanan, AA'm.. 1738 Larkin st.. San Francisco. Hudson ; touring ; fac. No. 64254 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 (24) 16915— Campbell, Mrs. C. E., 7234 Hillside ave., Hollywood. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 16915— Campbell, Mrs. C. E., 7234 Hillside ave., Hollywood. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. b 13108 ; hp. 22^ $2 00 16928 — Biasing, T. W., 730 N. Chester ave., Pasadena. (Buick.) Substitu txoYt 16928 — Biasing ; Theodore W., 730 N. Chester ave., Pasadena. Paige ; touring ; fac. No. 15884 ; hp. 25f 2 00 17010 — Stephens, B. F., Duarte. (Reo.) Substitution. 17010 — Stephens, B. F., Duarte. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 31469 ; hp. 25f 2 00 17011 — Hershey, Archibald C., 714 Canyon drive, Beverly Hills. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 17011 — Hershey, Archibald C., 714 Canyon drive, Beverly Hills. Cadillac; touring; fac. No. 81746; hp. 32f 2 00 17022 — Grant, J. D., 114 Sansome st., San Francisco. (Peerless.) Substitution. 17022 — Grant, J. D., 114 Sansome st., San Francisco. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 54384 ; hp. 38 f 2 00 17030 — Locke, Franklin H., 1083 Fifty-third st., Oakland. (Ford.) Sf/tt h Q / i /i/ am 17030 — Locke, Franklin H., 10*81 Fifty-third st., Oakland. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 608570 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 17129 — Carron, William George, 1817 Sunset blvd., Los Angeles. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 17129 — Carron, W. G., Cumberland Hotel, Los Angeles. Hupmobile ; roadster ; fac. No. 49179 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 17137 — Parker, Edmund Henry, Fairlie ranch, San Gabriel. (Stutz.) Substitution. 17137 — Parker, Edmund H., San Gabriel. Stutz ; roadster ; fac. No. 4 f 2341 ; hp. 36 1-10 2 00 17182 — Fritz, Godfrey, 1539 Ingraham st., Los Angeles. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 17182 — Fritz, Godfrey, 1539 Ingraham st., Los Angeles. Paterson ; touring ; fac. No. 9582 ; hp. 19f 2 00 17248 — Evans, Chas. W., 104| S. Cummings st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 17248 — Evans, Chas. W., 138 N. Soto st., Los Angeles. Ford; touring; fac. No. 346942; hp. 22| 2 00 17250 — Hunter. Harmon J., 233 W. Washington st., San Diego. (Metz.) Substitution. 17250 — Hunter, Harmon J.. 1444 I st., San Diego. Metz ; roadster ; fac. No. 28619 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 17251 — Brawner, Harry C., 4404 Ibis st., San Diego. (Metz.) Substitution. 17251 — Brawner, Harry C., 1444 I st.. San Diego. Metz ; roadster ; fac. No. 28717 ; hp. 22i 2 00 17252 — Weaver, Walter G., 1449 Sunset ave., Pasadena. (Ford.) Substitution. 17252 — Weaver, Walter G., 1449 Sunset ave., Pasadena. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352923 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 17302 — Trussell, Joseph Daniel, 121 W. First st., Long Beach. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 17302 — Trussell, J. D., 121 W. First st., Long Beach. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4b 12002 ; hp. 19f 2 00 17340 — Felton, Geo. R., Grant ave., Redwood City. (Ford.) Substitution. 17340 — Felton, George R., Redwood City. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 3586 ; hp. 25| - 2 00 17362 — McCleave, Thos. C.. 2844 Garber st., Berkeley. (Franklin.) Substitution. 17362 — McCleave, T. C., 2844 Garber st., Berkeley. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 16223 ; hp. 31f 2 00 17422 — Walberg, A. E., San Jacinto. (Buick.) Substitution. 17422 — Walberg, A. E., San Jacinto. Hupmobile ; roadster ; fac. No. h 46236 ; hp. 16 9-10. ( 25 ) 2 00 17479 — Thompson, T. B., 212 E. Olive ave., Monrovia. (Ford.) Substitution. 17479 — Thompson, T. B., 212 E. Olive ave., Monrovia. Ford; touring; fac. No. 346751; hp. 22\ $2 00 17587 — Cypher, Harry T., R.F.D. No. 2, Box 121, Fullerton. (Ford.) Substitution. 17587 — Cypher, Harry T., Brea. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 2251 ; hp. 22| 2 00 17597 — Fly, E. M., Seventh st. and National ave., National City. (Franklin.) Substitution. 17597 — Fly, E. M., 704 National ave.. National City. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 9270 ; hp. 43f 17 00 17613 — Crake, James Calhoun, 2715 S. Hoover st., Los Angeles. (Stoddard- Dayton. ) Substitution. 17613 — Drake, James Calhoun, 2715 S. Hoover st.. Los Angeles. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 8834 ; hp. 48f 2 00 17630 — Burbulis, Gust., 1432 Third st., Santa Monica. (Ford.) , Substitution. ' ' 17630 — Burbulis, Gust., 1432 Third st., Santa Monica. Studebaker ; delivery ; fac. No. 420440 ; hp. 19J 2 00 17659 — Phillips, Lucius A.. 2524 Eighth ave., Los Angeles. (Regal.) Substitution. 17659 — Phillips, L. A., 2524 Tenth ave., Los Angeles. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 261812 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 17668 — Bouscaren, William S., 1808 Lenox ave., Los Angeles. (E-M-F. ) Substitution. 17668 — Bouscaren, Wm. S., 2928 Budlong ave., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 2593 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 17688 — Galbraith, John A., San Fernando. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 17688 — Galbraith, John A., San Fernando. Hupmobile; touring; fac. No. 43135; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 17749 — Sleddon, William T., P. O. Box 251, Burbank. (Stutz.) Substitution. 17749 — Sleddon, W. T., 965 W. Forty-third place, Los Angeles. Stutz; touring; fac. No. 1090; hp. 43§ 7 00 17777 — Okell. Charles J., Dayton ave. and Sherman st., Alameda. (Pierce- Arrow. ) Substitution. 17777 — Okell, Charles J., Royal Insurance Bldg., San Francisco. Pierce- Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 12508 ; hp. 48-| 2 00 17780 — Spycher, Chas. R., R.F.D., Box 75, Rialto. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 17780 — Spycher, Chas., 186 I st., San Bernardino. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 4266 ; hp. 19f 2 00 17855 — Swigart, Robert F., 1237 Van Ness ave., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 17855 — Swigart. Robert F., 1237 Van Ness ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 2986 ; hp. 19| 2 00 17862 — Herlihy, D. W., 56 W. Colorado st., Pasadena. (Lozier.) Substitution. 17862 — Herlihy, 75 N. Orange Grove ave., Pasadena Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 75382 ; hp. 38f 2 00 17873 — Beck, Fred D., Highland st., Pasadena. (Overland.) Substitution. 17873 — Beck, F. D., R.F.D. No. 2, Pasadena. Overland; touring; fac. No. 79-44319; hp. 21\ 2 00 17875 — Hefton, Nettie L., 149 W. C st., Coalinga. (Reo Fifth.) Substitution. 17875 — Hefton, Nettie L.. 149 W. C st., Coalinga. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 55761 ; hp. 27{ 2 00 178S6 — Ford, Harry A., 2630 La Salle ave., Los Angeles. (Winton.) Substitution. 17886 — Ford, Harry A., 2630 La Salle ave.. Los Angeles. Premier ; touring ; fac. No. 10060zl ; hp. 38§ 2 00 ( 26 ) 17914 — E. O. Nay Co., 186 E. Union st., Pasadena. (Ford.) Substitution. 17914 — E. O. Nay Co., 186 E. Union st., Pasadena. Ford; truck; fac. No. 347225; hp. 22\ $2 00 17916 — E. O. Nay Co., 186 E. Union st., Pasadena. (Ford.) Substitution. 17916 — E. O. Nay Co., 186 E. Union st.. Pasadena. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 346806 ; kp. 22| 2 00 17931 — Wilhite, Henry C., 103 S. Hudson ave., Pasadena. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 17931 — Wilhite. Henry E., 103 S. Hudson ave.. Pasadena. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6a2339 ; hp. 29f 2 00 17947— Dreyfus Bros., 339 Montgomery st., San Francisco. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 17947 — Dreyfus Bros., 324 California st., San Francisco. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 405822 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 18015 — Natomas Consolidated of California, 310 Sansome st., San Francisco. ( Pierce-Arrow. ) Substitution. 18015 — Natomas Consolidated of California, Box 1160, Sacramento. Packard ; truck ; fac. No. 14921 : hp. 40 2 00 18017 — Natomas Consolidated of California, 310 Sansome st., San Francisco. (Ford.) Substitution. 18017 — Natomas Consolidated of California, Forum Bldg., Sacramento. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 349831 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 18040 — Noble, Jay Preston, cor. Fifteenth and J sts., Maydestone Apts., Sacramento. ( Michigan. ) Substitution. 18040 — Noble, J. P., 1413 J st., Sacramento. Haynes ; touring : fac. No. 8424 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 18151 — Baldinger, Albert H., Fowler. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 18151 — Baldinger, Rev. A. H., Fowler. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 14997; hp. *19.f 2 00 18202— Jones, Marion Dailey, 427 E. Fifty-second st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 18202 — Jones, Marion Dailey, 427 E. Fifty-second st., Los Angeles. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 48691 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 18257 — Koch. Otto J., 2226 Fourth ave.. Sacramento. (Oakland.) Substitution. 18257 — Koch, Otto J., 2226 Fourth ave.. West Curtis Oaks, Sacramento. Auburn ; touring ; fac. No. 11485 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 18261 — Silva, Michael J.. 3500 Sacramento ave., Sacramento. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 18261 — Silva. M. J., 3500 Sacramento ave., Sacramento. Oakland; touring; fac. No. 24284; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 18413 — A. F. Johnston Co., 1412 Third st., Santa Monica. (Ford.) Substitution. 18413 — A. F. Johnston Co., 1412 Third st., Santa Monica. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 361721 ; hp. 22| 2 00 18419 — Graves, Fred, 107 W. Philadelphia st., Whittier. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 18419 — Graves, Fred, 107 W. Philadelphia st., Whittier. Republic ; truck ; fac. No. cl69 ; hp. 224 2 00 18486 — Davis, J. F.. 625 Franklin ave., Pasadena. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 18486 — Davis. J. F., 625 Franklin st., Pasadena. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 12067 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 18487 — Murphy, Allen Green, 405 S. Madison st., Pasadena. (Mercer.) Substitution. 18487 — Murphy, Allen G., 405 S. Madison st., Pasadena. Packard ; phaeton ; fac. No. 95061 ; hp. 48f 7 00 18489 — Tinkham, Don Carlos Hawes, 1060 Topeka st., Pasadena. (Ford.) Substitution. 184S9 — Tinkham, Don Carlos Hawes, 1060 Topeka st., Pasadena. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 69x ; hp. 25§ 2 00 ( 27 ) 18507 — Hungerford, Fred Iv., 1845 N. New Hampshire st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 18507 — Hungerford, A. L., 1600 d Golden Gate ave., Los Angeles. Pierce-Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 7414 ; hp. 48§ $12 00 18549 — Finley, Geo. W., Brawley. (Ford.) Substitution. 18549 — Finley, Geo. W., Brawley. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 1653 ; hp. 32§ 7 00 18558 — Manatt, Scott E. and Clifford, 1039 S. Union st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker. ) Substitution. 18558 — Manatt, Scott E. and Clifford. 2684 W. Pico st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 b 5945 ; hp. 29f 2 00 18563 — Smith, G. M„ 2847 W. Pico st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 18563 — Smith. G. M., 2847 W. Pico st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 8286 ; hp. 19f 2 00 18565 — Clarke, Chauncey D., R.F.D. No. 1, Box 110, Rivera. (Packard.) Substitution. 18565 — Clarke, Chauncey I)., R.F.D. No. 1, Box 110: Rivera. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 63169 ; hp. 48§ 2 00 18567 — Smith & Anderson. 1821 Canyon drive, Los Angeles. (Marquette.) Substitution. 18567 — Smith & Anderson, 1821 Canyon drive, Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 3382 ; hp. 22% 2 00 18578 — Babcock, Ralph L. Sherman, 1519 Twenty-ninth st., San Diego. (Overland. ) Substitution. 18578 — Babcock, Ralph L. Sherman, 625 C st., San Diego. Ford; touring; fac. No. 278541; hp. 22£ 2 00 18596 — Brack, Bismarck. St. Helena. (Stoddard-Dayton.) Substitution. 18596 — Brack, Bismarck, St. Helena. Cadillac ; torpedo* ; fac. No. 36991 ; hp. 32§ 7 00 18601 — Workman Pkg. Co., 180 Erie st., San Francisco. (Ford.) Substitution. 18601 — Workman Packing Co., 180 Erie st.. San Francisco. Ford ; runaobut ; fac. No. B448922 ; hp. 224 2 00 18665 — Miller, J. Russell, 1241 W. Fortieth place, Los Angeles. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 18665 — Miller, J. Russell, 1241 W. Fortieth place, Los Angeles. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. 103961 ; hp. 224 2 00 18667 — Boss, Edwin E., 228 N. Seville ave., Huntington Park. (Ford.) Substitution. 18667 — Boss, Edwin E.. 250 S. Broadwav, Los Anceles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 347173 ; hp. 224 2 00 18702 — Barnett, Edwin Z., 502 W. Ninth st., Glendale. (Maxwell.) Substitution . 18702 — Barnett, Edwin Z., 502 W. Ninth st.. Glendale. Mawell ; touring ; fac. No. 12953 ; hp. 21 2 00 18714 — Mahon, W. S.. Santa Paula. (Overland.) Substitution. 18714 — Mahon. W. S., Santa Paula. Overland; touring; fac. No. 16627; hp. 274 2 00 18754 — Roseberry, Robert C., 1222 Elden ave., Los Angeles. (Regal.) Substitution. 18754 — Roseberry. Robert C., 1222 Elden ave.. Los Angeles. Century Electric ; coupe ; fac. No. 303 2 00 18838 — Barnard, Chester Curtis, 959 N. Madison st., Pasadena. (Ford.) Substitution. 18838 — Barnard, Chester Curtis, 959 N. Madison ave., Pasadena. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 379928 ; hp. 224 2 00 18917 — Conklin, Geo. C.. R.F.D. No. 1, Perris. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 18917 — Conklin, George C.. Perris. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 411510; hp. 19§ 2 00 (28) 18961 — Serr, J. H., 1102 El Molino st., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 18961 — Serr, J. H., 1102 El Molino st., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. c2862 ; lip. 22£ $2 00 18968 — Bouck, Clifford Leroy, 1936 W. Forty-third st., Los Angeles. (Regal.) Substitution. 18968 — Bouck, Clifford L., 1936 W. Forty-third st., Los Angeles. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 9675 ; hp. 221 2 00 19033 — Doty, William E., 114 Fifth aye., San Rafael. (Reo. ) Substitution. 19033 — Doty, William E., Sierraville. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 84538 ; hp. 221 7 00 19181 — Ellis, Melvin, 1710 W. Sixth st., Los Angeles. (Oakland.) Substitution. 19181 — Ellis, Melvin, 945 Orange st., Los Angeles. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 363022 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 19214 — Getz, Theodore, 618 Stanyan st., San Francisco. (Cartercar. ) Substitution. 19214 — Getz, Theodore, 774 Cole st., San Francisco. Reo; touring; fac. No. 60594; hp. 271 2 00 19223 — de Laveaga, Edward I., 2 West Clay Park, San Francisco. (Pierce- Arrow. ) Substitution. 19223 — de Laveaga, E. I., 2 W. Clay st., San Francisco. Pierce-Arrow; touring; fac. No. 12357; hp. 48| ' 7 00 19239 — Sachs, Mrs. Mary, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco. (Pierce-Arrow.) Substitution. 19239 — Sachs, Mrs. Mary, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco. Pierce-Arrow ; brougham ; fac. No. 34828 ; hp. 38§ 2 00 19273 — Mattison, R. E., 1040 Manhattan ave., Hermosa Beach. (Overland.) Substitution. 19273 — Mattison, R. F., Redondo Beach. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 2747 ; hp. 271 2 00 19387 — Post, Arthur H., D st., Chula Vista. (Ford.) Substitution. 19387— Post, A. LI., Chula Vista, D st. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 43038 ; hp. 271 2 00 19359 — Schneider, J. M., 515 Andrews blvd., Los Angeles. (Winton Six.) Substitution. 19359 — Schneider, J. M., 515 Andrews blvd., Los Angeles. Winton ; touring ; fac. No. 17256 ; hp. 48f 2 00 19390 — Corey, Martha Dunn, Girard st., La Jolla. (Ford.) Substitution. 19390 — Corey. Martha Dunn, 7816 Girard st., La Jolla. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 177203 ; hp. 221 2 00 19618 — Stewart Fruit Co., 625 Central Bldg., Los Angeles. (Oakland.) Substitution. 19618 — Stewart Fruit Co., 424 Wells Fargo Bldg., San Francisco. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 359078 ; hp. 221 2 00 19631 — Glowner, Lee, 1513 Girard st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 19631 — Glowner, Lee, 1513 Girard st., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 43810 ; hp. 271 2 00 19681 — Higginson, Robert, 2110 Brooklyn ave., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 19681 — Higginson, Robert, 2110 Brooklyn ave., Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352499 ; hp. 221 2 00 19741 — Penny, Mrs. Clara F., Beverly Hills Hotel. Los Angeles. (Stearns- Knight.) Substitution. 19741 — Penny, Clara F., Beverly Hills Hotel, Beverly Hills. Pierce-Arrow; touring; fac. No. 124] 8; hp. 48f 2 00 19775 — Worcester, Harris Cross, Third and Santa Clara sts., San Jose. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 19775 — Worcester, Harris C., Alliance Bldg.. San Jose. Maxwell ; touring : fac. No. ; hp. 21 2 00 ( 29 ) 19S96 — Barron, Evelyn, Mayfield. (Reo.) Substitution. 19890 — Barron, Evelyn, Mayfield. American ; touring ; fac. No. 1546 ; hp. 32 3-10 $2 00 19900 — Dunlap, A. II., Sorrensen ave., Whittier. (Hudson 33.) Substitution. 19900 — Dunlap, Albert H., Sorrensen ave., Whittier. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4b 14O03 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 19930 — Fox, Samuel I., 1004 Twenty-fourth st., San Diego. (Franklin.) Substitution. 19930 — Fox, Samuel I., 1004 Twenty-fourth st., San Diego. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 19418 ; hp. 31g 7 00 19983 — Rea, Frank Wheeler, 1326J W. Thirtieth st., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 19983 — Rea, Frank Wheeler, 1326^ W. Thirtieth st., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 102355 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 20038 — Lambert, Leslie O., R.F.D. No. 3, Box 10a, San Diego. (Stevens- Duryea. ) 20038 — Lambert, Leslie O., 3520 Webster st., San Diego. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 64975 ; hp. 21 2 00 20214- — Silverthorn. John Russell, 429 W. Third st., Long Beach. (Ford.) Substitution. 20214 — Silverthorn, John E., 1089 Summit ave., Pasadena. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 102970 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 20258 — Deutsch, Walter E., 307 S. Gramercy place, Los Angeles. (Chalmers- Detroit. ) 20258 — Deutsch. Walter E., 307 S. Gramercy place, Los Angeles. Overland; touring; fac. No. 15119; hp. 27* ■; 2 00 20357 — Dewey, Harry, R.F.D. No. 1, Fair Oaks. (Flanders 20.) Substitution. 20357 — Dewey, Harry, Fair Oaks. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 606395; hp. 29f 2 00 20555 — Reid, William Wallace, 1390 Allison ave., Los Angeles. (Mercer.) Substitution. 20555 — Reid, William Wallace, Hollywood Hotel, Hollywood. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. 106077 ; hp. 22% 2 00 20561 — Heineman, Arthur S., Fourth and Main sts., Los Angeles. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. 20561 — Heineman, Arthur S., 503 Detroit ave., Hollywood. Chandler; touring; fac. No. 953; hp. 27f 2 00 20575 — Hamburg, Charles H., 803 W. Philadelphia st., Whittier. (Cole.) Substitution. 20575 — Hamburg, Chas. H., 803 W. Philadelphia st.. Whittier. Cole; touring; fac. No. 16534; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 20635 — Wilson, Fred L.. Pickering ave., Whittier. (Overland.) Substitution. 20635 — Wilson, Fred L., 629 N. Pickering ave., Whittier. Hudson ; roadster ; fac. No. 23025 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 20708 — Jewett, Charles A., 616 Shatto place, Los Angeles. (Winton.) Substitution. 20708 — Jewett, Charles A., 6161 Shatto place, Los Angeles. Peerless ; touring ; fac. No. 142469 ; hp. 48f 2 00 20736 — Elliott, Geneva L., 1324 Arden ave., Glendale. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 20736 — Elliott, Geneva L., 1324 Arden ave., Glendale. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 600808 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 20831 — Basore, Charles Harold, 832 Merritt drive, Pasadena. (Metz.) Substitution. 20831 — Basore, C. H., 832 Merritt drive, Pasadena. Metz ; roadster ; fac. No. 28763 ; hp. 221 2 00 20867 — Wise, Frank Sherwood, Bryson Apts., Los Angeles. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 20867 — Wise. Frank S., 2701 Wiishire blvd., Los Angeles. Oldsmobile ; Autocrat ; fac. No. 70841 ; hp. 40 2 00 (30) 20SGS — Silva, Netherland & Co., 1513 Front st., Sacramento. (Ford.) Substitution. 20868 — Silva, Netherland & Co.. 1513 Front st., Sacramento. Overland ; runabout ; fac. No. 6594 ; hp. 271 $2 20927 — Marin Water and Power Co., San Rafael. (Overland.) Substitution. 20927 — Marin Water and Power Co., room 1210 Flood Bldg., San Francisco. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 2S332 ; hp. 271 2 20937 — Walnut Grove Creamery Co., Forty-first and Market sts., Oakland. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 20937 — Walnut Grove Creamery Co., Forty-first and Market sts., Oakland. Commerce ; delivery ; fac. No. 786 ; hp. 14§ 2 20988 — Reid, H. T.. 355 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 20988 — Reid, H. T., 705 Grant Bldg., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 a 2363 ; hp. 29§ 2 21006 — Moyer, Mrs. Chas. H., 881 N. Hamilton, Pomona. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 21006 — Moyer, Mrs. Chas. H., 881 N. Hamilton ave., Pomona. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4b11937 ; hp. 19§ 2 21011 — Black, Reginald, 51 Esther st., Pasadena. (Chalmers-Detroit.) Substitution. 21011 — Black, Reginald, 1487 Loma Vista st., Pasadena. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 42352 ; hp. 29§ 2 21128 — Hill, Albert H., 1234 W. Fourth st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 21128— Hill, Albert II.. 706 a W. Third st., Los Angeles. Crow ; touring : fac. No. ; hp. 25§ 2 21218 — Lorenz, George W., 1007 I st., Sacramento. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 21218 — Lorenz, Geo. W., 1007 I st., Sacramento. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 424535 ; hp. 19§ 2 21270 — Benedict, H. E., K st.. Needles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 21270 — Benedict, H. E., Needles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4b13095 ; hp. 19§ 2 21306 — Lane, Moses S., 28 Daisy ave., Long Beach. (Apperson.) Substitution. 21306 — Lane, Moses S., 28 Daisy ave.. Long Beach. Pathfinder ; roadster ; fac. No. 2245 ; hp. 33| 2 21456 — Starnes, J. Eckle, 909 Wilshire blvd., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 21456 — Starnes, J. E., 115 Hart ave., Santa Monica. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352550 ; hp. 221 2 21679 — Bickford & Wilson, 1310 San Julian st., Los Angeles. (Maxwell.) Substitution 21679 — Bickford & Wilson, 191.6 Compton ave., Los Angeles. Detroiter ; touring ; fac. No. 4775 ; hp. 19f 2 21685 — Shoaf, George Henry, 864 N. Hoover st., Los Angeles. (Franklin.) Substitution. 21685 — Shoaf, Geo. Henry, 864 N. Ploover st., Los Angeles. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 19582 m ; hp. 31f 21769 — Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 423 E. Third st., Los Angeles. (Moreland.) Substitu tion 21769 — Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 423 E. Third st., Los Angeles. Moreland; truck; fac. No. 1250; hp. 271 2 21815 — Kunz, Louis, 243 S. Spring st., Los Angeles. (Abbott-Detroit.) Substitution. 21815 — Kunz, Louis, 430 N. Beaudry st., Los Angeles. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 35809 ; hp. 48f 2 21825 — Mullen & Bluett Clothing Co., 600 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 21825 — Mullen & Bluett Clothing Co.. 600 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Hupmobile ; roadster ; fac. No. 48534 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ( 31 ) 21860 — Berry, Benjamin, 210 Main st., Stockton. (Flanders.) Substitution. 21860 — Berry, Ben, 321 N. American st., Stockton. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 11198 ; lip. 201 $2 00 21959 — Hayes, Chauncey Lester, Patton. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 21959 — Hayes, C. L., 5552 Cajon st., Redlands. Cadillac ; touring ; f jc. No. 43878 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 22010 — Salisbury,, W. D., Lorna Linda. (Ivrit. ) Substitution. 22010— Salisbury, W. D., Loma Linda. Maxwell; roadster; fac. No. 8452; hp. 201 2 00 22025 — Anderson, J. C., Rampart Apts., Los Angeles. (Locomobile.) Substitution. 22025 — Anderson, J. C., 1015 Security Bldg., Los Angeles. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 63295 ; hp. 48f 2 00 22034 — McLaughlin Bros. Drayage Co., 100 Kansas st., San Francisco. (Locomobile.) Substitution. 22034 — McLaughlin Bros. Drayage Co., 140 Kansas st., San Francisco. Willys Utility; truck; fac. No. 1575: hp. 271 2 00 22043 — Saylin, Dr. Isaac, Lexington st., El Monte. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 22043 — Saylin, Dr. I., Pine st., Exeter. Cadillac ; touring ; fac. No. 96756 ; hp. 32f 7 00 22228 — Spencer, Dr. J. F., Gardena. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 22228 — Spencer, J. F., Gardena. Cadillac ; touring ; fac. No. 66417 ; hp. 32 § 7 00 22230 — Gwaltney, J. S., 1617 Beacon st., San Pedro. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 22230 — Gwaltney, J. C., 5301 Beacon st.. San Pedro. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 361813 ; hp. 221 2 00 22294 — Bacon, Edward E., 1134 Magnolia ave., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 22294 — Bacon, Edward E., 1134 Magnolia ave., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 43981 ; hp. 271 2 00 22407 — Dent, George C., Davenport. (Oldsmobile.) Substitution. 22407 — Dent, G. C., Davenport. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 9065 ; hp. 221 2 00 22428 — Beusch, William. 4187 Florida st., San Diego. (Flanders.) Substitution. 22428 — Beusch, Wm. E„ 4187 Florida st., San Diego. Hudson ; touring ; fac. No. 79236 ; hp. 29# 2 00 22430 — Knecht, G., 584 Mission st., San Francisco. (Oakland.) Substitution. 22430 — Knecht, G., 584 Mission st., San Francisco. Marmon ; touring ; fac. No. 2113317 ; hp. 32# 7 00 22455 — Gwinn, William M., 167 Twenty-second ave., San Francisco. Substitution. 22455 — Gwinn, Wm. M., 3275 Sacramento st., San Francisco. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 15643 ; hp. 31§ 2 00 22527 — Greeson, Sylvester D., 5624 Denker ave., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 22527 — Greeson, Sylvester D., 5624 Denker ave., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 2716 ; hp. 271 2 00 22591 — Wolcott, Charles Francis, 198 N. Mintor ave., Pasadena. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 22591 — Wolcott, Charles Francis, 198 N. Mentor ave., Pasadena. Mitchell ; touring ; fac. No. 20002 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 22604 — Harris, Ralph, 275 Palmetto drive, Pasadena. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 22604 — Harris, Ralph, 275 Palmetto drive, Pasadena. Lozier ; touring ; fac. No. a 830 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 22636 — Robinson, Thos W., 270 S. Harvard blvd., Los Angeles. (Velie.) Substitution. 22636 — Robinson, Thomas W., 270 S. Harvard blvd., Los Angeles. American ; touring ; fac. No. 1,550 ; hp. 43$ 7 00 ( 32 ) 22787 — Chadwick, C. T., 1146 Twelfth st., San Diego. (Premier.) Substitution. 22787— Chadwick, C. T., 1146 Twelfth st., San Diego. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 383428 ; hp. 22£ $2 00 22909 — Dean, Thomas Webster, Courtland. (Rambler.) Substitution. 22909 — Dean, Thomas Webster, Courtland. Jeffery ; touring ; fac. No. 42044 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 22934 — Albrecht, Albert Waldo, 282 Center st., Taft. (Ford.) Substitution. 22934 — Albrecht, A. W., 705 Mutual Bank Bldg., San Francisco. Lozier ; touring ; fac. No. a8 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 23161 — Beatty, Henry 'Oscar, Powell and California st., San Francisco. ( Stevens-Duryea. ) $11 1) S tztii tt 0 71 . 23161 — Beatty, H. O., Nevada Bank Bldg., San Francisco. Stevens-Duryea ; roadster ; fac. No. 30172 ; hp. 45 15-16 2 00 23284 — Logan, Charles C., 1257 Crenshaw blvd., Los Angeles. (Apperson.) Substitution. 23284 — Logan, Charles C., 1257 Crenshaw blvd., Los Angeles. American ; roadster ; fac. No. 1889 ; hp. 46 2 00 23362 — Kirkpatrick, J. W., 117 W. Broadway, Long Beach. (Winton.) Substitution. 23362 — Kirkpatrick, J. W., 117 W. Broadway, Long Beach. Winton ; touring ; fac. No. 17069 ; hp. 48§ 2 00 23600 — Topp, Roger, 1041 Beacon st., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 23600 — Topp, Roger, 1041 Beacon st., Los Angeles. Chandler Six ; touring ; fac. No. 1407 ; hp. 27f 2 00 23670 — McKee, John Dempster, 3456 Washington st., San Francisco. (Leon Bollee.) Substitution. 23670 — McKee, John D., 464 California st., San Francisco. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 349982 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 23679 — Hoffman, Martha, 1133 Lake st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 23679 — Hoffman, Mrs. Martha, 425 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 29121 ; hp. 27^ 23739 — Coburn, Elwyn S., National ave. and Seventh st., National City. (Buick.) Substitution. 23739 — Coburn, Dr. E. S., National City. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 4330 ; hp. 25§ 23779 — Thomas, Chester, Perris ave., R.F.D. No. 2, San Bernardino. E-M-F. Substitution. 23779 — Thomas, Chester, R.F.D. No. 2, Box 16, San Bernardino. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 102643 ; hp. 22f 2 00 2 00 2 00 23876 — Sperry Flour Co., Sansome st., San Francisco. (Alco.) Substitution. 23876 — Sperry Flour Co., 332 Pine st., San Francisco. Packard ; truck ; fac. No. 32703 ; hp. 32§ 7 00 23890 — Sperry Flour Co., 22 N. Third st., San Jose.' (Ford.) Substitution. 23890 — Sperry Flour Co., San Jose. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 349680 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 23891 — Sperry Flour Co., Laurel st., Santa Cruz. (Ford.) Substitution. 23891 — Sperry Flour Co., Laurel st., Santa Cruz. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 347629 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 23894 — Sperry Flour Co., 22 N. Third st., San Jose. (Hudson.) Substitution. 23894 — Sperry Flour Co., San Jose. Maxwell ; roadster ; fac. No. 3951 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 23910 — Sperry Flour Company, N and Fresno sts., Fresno. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 23910 — Sperry Flour Company, Fresno. Buick; roadster; fac. No. 106483; hp. 22^ 2 00 3—13163 ( 33 ) 23938 — Fitzmaurice. J.. Hay and Norton aves., Hollywood. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 23938 — Fitzmaurice, J., 1648 Norton ave.. Hollywood. Oldsmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 81872 ; hp. 40 9-10 $12 00 24002 — Werner, Bernhard, Box 121, R.F.D. No. 2, San Bernardino. (Cole.) Substitution. 24002 — Werner, Bernhard, R.F.D. No. 2. Box 121, San Bernardino. Hudson ; touring ; fac. No. 27667 ; hp. 25f 2 00 24032 — Weihe, R. B., Fourth st., Lankershim. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 24032 — Weihe, R. B., Fourth st., Lankershim. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 34447 ; hp. 27£ 2 00 24045 — Davidor, Arthur, 3675 Seventh st., San Diego. (Franklin.) Substitution. 24045 — Davidor, Arthur, 3675 Seventh st., San Diego. Lozier ; touring ; fac. No. 1175 ; hp. 51§ 12 00 24114 — Hudson, Lynn C., 460 W. Third st., Long Beach. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 115520 — Hudson, Lynn C., 934 E. Ocean ave., Long Beach. Ford; touring; fac. No. 368584; hp. 224 2 00 24119 — Schmidt Lithograph Company, Second and Bryant sts., San Francisco. ( Abbott-Detroit. ) Substitution. 24119 — Schmidt Lithograph Company, Second and Bryant sts., San Francisco. Abbott-Detroit; touring; fac. No. 0095; hp. 32§ 2 00 24165— Gray, Fred W., R.F.D. 1, Box 113, Whittier. (Buick.) Substitution. 24165— Gray. F. W., R.F.D. 1, Box 113, Whittier. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 3504 ; hp. 224 2 00 24224 — McDonnell, Chas. J., 39 Isis st., San Francisco. (Metz.) Substitution. 24224 — McDonnell, Chas. J., 610 Fourth ave., San Francisco. Ford; runabout; fac. No. 359131; hp. 224 2 00' 24237 — Johnson, H. F.. Ramona. (Regal.) Substitution.- 24237 — Johnson, H. F., Ramona. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352952 ; hp. 224 2 00 24255 — DeWoody, P. E.. Box 507, Corona. (Regal.) Substitution. 24255— DeWoody, P. E.. 1853 W, Fiftieth st., Los Angeles. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 7778 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 24306 — Frost, Lowell C.. head of Vista st., Hollywood. (Marion.) Substitution. 24306 — Frost, Lowell C., Vista st., Hollywood. Franklin ; roadster ; fac. No. 18258 ; hp. 31§ 2 00 24338 — Darling, Lockart C., Fowler. (Buick.) Substitution. 24338 — Darling, Lockhart C., Fowler. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 108866 ; hp. 224 2 00 24423 — Tanner, George Clinton, 417 S. Cummings st., Los Angeles. ( Overland. ) Substitution. 24423 — Tanner, George Clinton. 3470 Percy st.. Los Angeles. Studebaker ; roadster ; fac. No. 25 a 11380 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 24504 — Belfield, Herbert, Norwalk. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 24504 — Belfield. Herbert E., Norwalk. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. b 6171 ; hp. 224 7 00 24508 — Travis, II. P.. 2915 Pasadena ave., Los Angeles. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 24508 — Travis. II. P.. 2404 N. Broadway. Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 44629 ; hp. 274 2 00 24527 — Landreth, C. A., Whittier. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 24527 — Landreth. C. A., Whittier. Hupmobile ; touring; fac. No. 4S474 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 24506 — Richardson, Win, W., 377 S. Occidental blvd., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 24566 — Richardson, Dr. W. W., 601 Brockman Bldg., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 2745 ; hp. 271 24570 — Gutzler, A. J., 5357 Aldama st., Los Angeles. ( Studebaker.) Substitution. 24570 — Gutzler, A. J., 5357 Aldama st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring, fac. No. 6b5268 ; hp. 29§ 24616 — Jackson, Frank Kennedy, 204 Pala ave., Piedmont. (Buick. ) Substitution. 24616 — Jackson, Frank Kennedy. 235 Hillside ave., Piedmont. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. 106174 ; hp. 221 24736 — Western Water Company, Bakersfield. (Little Giant.) Substitution. 24736 — Western Water Company, Bakersfield. Packard ; truck ; fac. No. 30670 ; hp. 26§ 24737 — Western Water Company, Bakersfield. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 24737 — Western Water Company, Bakersfield. Mitchell ; touring ; fac. No. 49007 ; hp. 43f 24910— Coughran, Douglas D., R.F.D., San Gabriel. (Overland.) Substitution. 24910 — Coughran, Douglas D., R.F.D., San Gabriel. Overland; touring; fac. No. 4360; hp. 271 24931 — Kramer, Ira Earl, 1205 Castillo, Santa Barbara. (Ford.) Substitution. 24931 — Kramer, Ira Earl, 1205 Castillo st., Santa Barbara. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 347028 ; hp. 221 24958 — Mercereau, L. D., Santa Ana. (Ford.) Substitution. 24958 — Mercereau, L. D., Santa Ana. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. b6336 ; hp. 221 $2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 12 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 24976 — Morgan, John, Twenty-first st., Upland. (Ford.) Substitution. 24976 — Morgan, John. Twenty-first st., Upland. Ford: touring*; fac. No. 347287 : hp. 221 24995 — Craig, T. J. & Harry Shoemaker, 1138 Eleventh st., Santa Monica. (Ford.) Substitution. 24995 — Craig & Shoemaker, 3005 Trolly Way, Santa Monica. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 361784 ; hp. 221 25036 — Brown, Alfred Hatch, La Mont st., Pacific Beach. Substitution. 25036 — Brown, Alfred H., Lamonte st.. Pacific Beach. Glide; touring; fac. No. 7013; hp. 19§ 2 00 2 00 2 00 25075 — Jacobson. Leon E., 312 E. Orange ave., Monrovia. (Overland.) Substitution. 25075 — Jacobson, Leon E.. 312 E. Orange ave.. Monrovia. Overland; touring; fac. No. 19154; hp. 271 2 00 25135 — Walsworth, Dr. C. B., Orange. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 25135 — Walsworth. C. B., 308 Lankershim Bldg., Los Angeles. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 60298 ; hp. 271 2 00 25177 — Hardy, J. A., 1235 Powell st., San Francisco. (Pierce-Arrow.) Substitution. 25177 — Hardy, J. Arthur. 1235 Powell st.. San Francisco. Kissel Kar ; touring ; fac. No. 20424 ; hp. 33f 2 00 25210— Pickett, Fred S., R.F.D. No. 1, Fullerton. (Ford.) Substitution. 25210 — Pickett, Fred S., R.F.D. No. 1, Fullerton. Metz ; speedster ; fac. No. 27071 ; hp. 221 2 00 25277 — -Morris, Margaret M., 608 Hollingsworth Bldg., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution . 25277 — Morris, Margaret M„ 608 Hollingsworth Bldg., Los Angeles. Buick; touring: fac. No. 106426; hp. 221 ( 35 ) 2 00 25338 — Pacific Mercantile Co., Monterey. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 25338 — Pacific Mercantile Co., Monterey. Brockway ; truck ; fac. No. g 108 ; lip. 19§ $2 25392 — Habener, Christ, Glasell st., Orange. ( Stoddarcl-Day ton. ) Substitution. 25392 — Habner, Christ, Orange. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 22£ 2 25424 — Hicks, Geo. W., E. A st., Ontario. (Henderson.) Substitution. 25424— Hicks, Geo. W., E. A st.. Ontario. Henderson ; touring ; fac. No. 1543 ; hp. 33| 7 25487 — Pedley, Frank, 751 Magnolia ave., Arlington sts. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 25487 — Pedley, Frank, Arlington. Jackson ; touring ; fac. No. 16647 ; hp. 27^ 2 25664 — Connell, H. D., 121 W. Fourth st., Santa Ana. (Buick. ) Substitution. 25664— Connell, H. D., 802 E. Fourth. Santa Ana. Buick; touring; fac. No. 108511; hp. 221 2 25691 — DeRoy, Samuel Hunt, 1533 Arlington st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 25691 — DeRoy, Samuel H., 1533 Arlington st., Los Angeles. Cadillac ; touring ; fac. No. 49308 ; hp. 32f 7 25709 — Barraclough, G. A., 209 S. Rampart blvd., Los Angeles. (Marmon.) Substitution. 25709 — Barraclough, G. A., 638 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Pierce-Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 34788 ; hp. 38f 2 25783 — Mott, Charles A., 272 N. El Molino ave., Pasadena. (Oakland.) Substitution. 25783 — Mott, C. A., 272 N. El Molino ave.. Pasadena. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 363021 ; hp. 19f 2 25802 — Chapman, Chas. H., 102 Bush st., Santa Ana. (Ford.) Substitution. 25802 — Chapman. Chas. H., 102 Bush st., Santa Ana. Maxwell; touring; fac. No. 4481; hp. 21 2 25819 — Ernst, J. C., 3943 Denker ave., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 25819 — Ernst, Jacob C., 3943 Denker ave., Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352300 ; hp. 22i 2 25847 — Hunt, A. A., 345 Chestnut ave.. Long Beach. (Stevens-Duryea.) Substitution. 25847 — Hunt, A. A., 351 S. Serrano ave., Los Angeles. Stevens-Duryea ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 36 1-10 2 25939 — Bean, Stephen Liford, 2744 Kenwood ave.. Los Angeles. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 25939 — Bean, Stephen L., 2744 Kenwood ave., Los Angeles. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 35232 ; hp. 38§ 2 26016— Smith, T. M., 3212 J st., San Diego. (Overland.) Substitution. 26016— Smith. Thos. M., 3212 J st., San Diego. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 306570 ; hp. 22\ 2 26021 — Long, H. C., 1457 Masonic ave., San Francisco. (White.) Substitution. 26021— Long, H. C., Sixteenth and Division sts.. Sin Francisco. Locomobile ; torpedo ; fac. No. 9162 : hp. 48 2 26054 — Cottrell, Leonard G., 1207 W. Third st.. Los Angeles. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 26054 — Cottrell, Leonard G., 307 Federal Bldg., Los Angeles. Oldsmobile ; touring; fac. No. 84961; hp. 19§ 2 26175 — Renton, D. M., 118 S. Vernon st., Pasadena. (Flanders No. 2) Substitution. 26175 — Renton, D. M.. 1038 Elizabeth st.. Pasadena. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 13240 ; hp. 19§ 2 26177 — Walters, Frank E., 155 Millard ave., Pasadena. (Overland.) Substitution. 20177 — W r alters, F. Ervin. 643 N. Catalina. JPasadena^ Overland; touring; fac. No. 792951; hp. 27J 2 ( 36 ) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 26220 — Coulston, John B., 1090 New York ave., Los Angeles. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 26220 — Coulston, J. B., 1090 New Y T ork ave., Pasadena. Mitchell ; touring ; fac. No. 14771 ; hp. 43 3-10 $2 00 26245 — Campbell, John A., 509 Ottowa ave., Riverside. (Tourist.) Substitution. 26245 — Campbell, John A., 509 Ottowa ave.. Riverside. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 6800 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 26271 — Cote, George J., 735 H. W. Heilman Bldg., Los Angeles. (Cote.) Substitution. 26271 — Cote, George J., 735 H. W. Heilman Bldg., Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 347127 : hp. 22£ 2 00 26463 — Pearson, Benjamin, 2403 Grant si., Berkeley. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 26463 — Pearson, Benjamin, 2403 Grant st., Berkeley. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 417532 ; hp. lof 2 00 26628— Terry, R. A., 525 W. Tenth st., Long Beach. (Cutting 40.) Substitution. 26628 — Terry, R. A.. 301 First National Bank Bldg., Long Beach. Hudson 40-6 ; touring ; fac. No. 65052 ; hp. 29f 2 00 26722 — Bray ton, Edward L., Clifton ave., Oakland. (Overland.) Substitution. 26722 — Bray ton, Edward L., Nineteenth and Harrison sts., San Francisco. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 43883 ; hp. 211 2 00 26723 — Bradner, Geo. H., 494 Third ave., San Francisco. (Kline Kar. ) Substitution. 26723 — Bradner, Geo. H., 494 Third ave., San Francisco. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 359071 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 26856 — Huff, Harry S., 158 N. Center st., Orange. (Buick.) Substitution. 26856 — Huff, Harry S., 158 N. Center st., Orange. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 2821 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 26921 — Eberle, Herman D., 775 Towne ave., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 26921 — Eberle, Herman D., 775 Towne ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 601919 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 26927 — Eberle, Herman D., 775 Towne ave., Los Angeles. (Packard 38.) Substitution. 26927 — Eberle, Herman D., 775 Towne ave., Los Angeles. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 50826 ; hp. 48f 7 00 26947 — Todd, Terry T., 429 W. Sixty-fifth st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 26947 — Todd. Terry T., 835 Marsh-Strong Bldg., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; hp. 19f . 2 00 26992 — Russell, A. J.. 1647 E. First st., Long Beach. (Oakland.) Substitution. 26992— Russell, A. J., 1117 Cherry st.. Long Beach. Jeffery; touring; fac. No. 42099; hp. 22 J 2 00 27028 — De Ryana, Joseph V., 4429 California st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 27028 — De Ryana, Mrs. Joseph, 4429 California st., San Francisco. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 16249 ; hp. 27| 2 00 27069 — Sweet, Edward E.. 1832 W. Forty-eighth st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) $ XL 1) S t % t 'll t'l 0 ft 2 <069 — Sweet, Edward E., 401 Black Bldg., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 44360 ; hp. 27| 2 00 27195 — Anderson, Stanley S., Beverly Hill Hotel, Beverly Hills. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 27195 — Anderson, Stanley S., Beverly Hills Hotel, Beverly Hills. Cadillac, touring ; fac. No. 95503 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 27349— Gamer, Charles H., 2024 E. First st., Los Angeles. (Lauth-Jergens.) Substitution. 27349 — Garner, Charles H., 2024 E. First st., Los Angeles. Pierce-Arrow ; truck ; fac. No. 756 ; hp. 38 2 00 27412 — Pyle, John B., 731 E. Walnut st., Pasadena. (Ford.) Substitution. 27412 — Pyle, John B., 731 E. Walnut st., Pasadena. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 177806 ; hp. 224 ( 37 ) 2 00 27579 — Haworth, Morris Wells, 824 J st., Sacramento. (Ford.) Substitution. 27579 — Haworth. Morris Wells, 271S Second ave., Sacramento. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 14419 ; hp. 21 $2 00 27685 — Gurdy, Cyrus R.. Porterville. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 27685 — Gurdy, Cyrus R., 304 G st., Porterville. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 486781 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 27712 — Henderson, Harry D., 526 S. Flower st., Los Angeles. (Abbott- Detroit. ) Substitution. 27712 — Henderson, H. D., 542 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 35827 ; hp. 48f 2 00 27757 — Bachman, Llewellyn T., 61 Third st., Santa Cruz. (Winton.) Substitution. 27757 — -Bachman, Llewellyn T., 65 Third st., Santa Cruz. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. 106095 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 27878 — Chas. B. Ingram Co., Sixth and Main sts., 828-9 Central Bldg., Los Angeles. (Oakland.) Substitution. 27878 — Chas. B. Ingram Co., 828 Central Bldg., Los Angeles. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 362961 ; hp. 19| 2 00 27975 — Stewart, G. Grant, 109 S. Marengo ave., Alhambra. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 27975 — Stewart, G. Grant, 109 S. Marengo ave.. Alhambra. Maxwell Special ; touring ; hp. 28 9-10 7 00 28005 — Mead-Gilliland Realty Co., 27 N. Baldwin ave., Sierra Madre. (Metz.) Substitution. 28005 — Mead-Gilliland Realty Co., 27 N. Baldwin ave., Sierra Madre. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 39290 ; hp. 25f 2 00 28085 — Johnson, F. A., 1216-32 Central ave., Los Angeles. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 28085 — Johnson, F. A., 474 E. Forty-ninth st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 7173 ; hp. 19f 2 00 28098 — De Hollander, James, 446 S. East Lake ave., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 28098 — De Hollander, James, 446 S. East Lake ave., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 100417 ; hp. 22| 2 00 28183 — Dunn, John Edward, 637 N. Bunker Hill ave., Los Angeles. (Packard.) Substitution. 28183 — Dunn, John Edward, 1117 Angelina st., Los Angeles. Packard ; touring : fac. No. 24083 ; hp. 48| 2 00 28226 — Bishop, John Lewis, Highgrove. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 28226 — Bishop, John Lewis, Highgrove. Chalmers ; touring ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 28265 — Worster, Wm. W., Alhambra National Bank Bldg., Alhambra. (Ford.) Substitution. 28265 — Worster, Wm. W., Alhambra National Bank Bldg., Alhambra. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 332268 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 28349 — Newman Bros., Elk Grove. (Willys Utility.) Substitution. 28349 — Newman Bros., Elk Grove. Willys Utility; truck; fac. No. 65 a 13 ; hp. 27J 2 00 28606 — Nordlinger, Louis, 605 Wilton place, Los Angeles. (Stoddard- Dayton. ) Substitution. 28606 — Nordlinger, Louis, 605 Wilton place, Los Angeles. Pathfinder ; touring ; fac. No. 2190 ; hp. 33g 2 00 28607 — Klein, Henry, 601 S. Vermont ave., Los Angeles. (Stoddard-Dayton.) Substitution. 28607 — Klein, Henry, 601 S. Vermont ave.. Los Angeles. Pathfinder ; touring ; fac. No. 2253 ; hp. 33f 2 00 28611 — Scott, Mrs. Harry K., 136 N. Serrano ave., Los Angeles. (Firestone- Columbus. ) Substitution. 2S611 — Scott, Mrs. Harry Iv., 136 N. Serrano ave., Los Angeles. Pathfinder ; touring ; fac. No. 2156 ; hp. 33f ( 38 ) 2 00 28735 — Adams, Russell D., 201 W. White Oak ave., Monrovia. (Buick White Streak.) Substitution. 28735 — Adams, Russell 1)., 201 W. White Oak ave., Monrovia. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 4680 ; hp. 224 $2 28822 — Uhger, Eliza E.. Lark Ellen, Covina. (Ford.) Substitution. 28822 — Unger, Eliza E., Covina. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 361560 ; hp. 22£ 2 28825 — Fish, Charles W.. 2120 S. Union ave., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 28825 — Fish. Charles W., 406 Laughlin Bldg., Los Angeles. Michigan ; touring ; fac. No. 8166 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 28927 — Kings County Raisin and Fruit Co., Armona. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 28927 — Kings County Raisin and Fruit Co., Armona. Studebaker Four ; touring ; fac. No. 424489 ; hp. 19§ 2 29034 — Sears, Stephen G., 210 California st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 29034 — Sears, Stephen G., 210 California st., San Francisco. Overland; touring; fac. No. 43398; hp. 271 2 29117 — Gottschalk & Co., Inc., E. J and Tulare sts., Fresno. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 29117 — Gottschalk & Co., Inc., E. J and Tulare sts., Fresno. Studebaker ; delivery ; fac. No. 1786 ; hp. 19f 2 29180 — Jarvis, Thomas Joshua, 802 W. Washington st., Los Angeles. ( Auburn. ) Substitution. 29180 — Jarvis, Thomas Joshua, Bonsallo and Washington sts., Los Angeles. Chandler Six ; touring ; fac. No. 1293 ; hp. 27§ 2 29219 — Dull, Lester M., 1910 W. Twenty-fifth st., Los Angeles. (Oldsmobile.) Substitution. 29219 — Dull, Lester M., 1910 W. Twenty-fifth st., Los Angeles. Stutz ; roadster ; fac. No. 142635 ; hp. 43 3-10 2 29221 — Simms, John A., 511 Orange st.. Riverside. (Premier.) Substitution. 29221 — Simms, John A., 511 Orange st.. Riverside. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 608222 ; hp. 29f 2 29427 — Smith, Wellington T., 2780 Broadway, San Francisco. (Packard.) Substitution. 29427 — Smith, Wellington T., 27S0 Broadway, San Francisco. Packard ; phaeton ; fac. No. 53971 ; hp. 38§ 2 29500 — Hindman, S. .T., 117 S. Market st., Inglewood. (Buick.) Substitution. 29500 — Hindman, S. J., 117 S. Market st.. Inglewood. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 10178 ; hp. 21 2 29544 — Howard, Horace E., San Dimas. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 29544 — Howard, Horace E., San Dimas. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 39238 ; hp. 29f 2 29549 — Clifton, William M.. 3407 San Pedro st., Los Angeles. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 29549 — Clifton, William M., 3407 San Pedro st., Los Angeles. Ford ; runabout ; fac. No. 375665 ; hp. 221 2 29583 — Dunnington, R. H., Philadelphia st., Whittier. (Ford.) Substitution. 29583 — Dunnington, R. H., E. A st., Ontario. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 102613 ; hp. 221 2 29606 — Brown, Minnie E., Arnez st. and National blvd., Ivywild. (Hupmobile. ) Substitution. 29606 — Brown, Minnie E., R.F.D. No. 7, Box 848, Los Angeles. Hupmobile; touring; fac. No. 49742 ; hp. 18 9-10 2 29671 — Freitas, Ernest Leslie, 1581 W. Twenty-ninth st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 29671 — Freitas, E. L., 1581 W. Twenty-ninth st., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 32033 ; hp. 271 2 (39) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 29736 — Etter, David M., 843 LaureJ st., Alameda. (Overland.) Substitution. 29736 — Etter, David M., 843 Laurel st., Alameda. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 13804 ; hp. 27£ .$2 00 30023 — Boyce, Park Breuster, 833 S. Spring st., Los Angeles. (Croxton.) Substitution. 30023 — Boyce, Park Brewster, 833 S. Spring! st., Los Angeles. Croxton ; taxi cab ; fac. No. 434 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 30045 — Geo. W. Walker Cigar Co., 212 S. Los Angeles st., Los Angeles. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 30045 — Geo. W. Walmer Cigar Co., 212 S. Los Angeles st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; delivery ; fac. No. 4 b 13703 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 30125 — Arnesen, Einar B.. 950 Denver ave., Los Angeles. (Metz.) Substitution. 30125 — Arnesen, Einar B.. 950 Denver ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 70559; hp. 20J 2 00 30419 — Maack, W. H.. 2984 Folsom st., San Francisco. (Haynes.) Substitution. 30419 — Maack. W. H., 611 Washington st., San Francisco. Haynes ; touring ; fac. No. 6969 ; hp. 43 3-10 2 00 30496 — Los Angeles Creamery Co., 1120 Towne ave., Los Angeles. (Sampson.) Substitution. 30496 — L. A. Creamery Co., 1120 Towne ave., Los Angeles. Moreland ; truck ; fac. No. 1241 ; hp. 27J 2 00 30498 — Los Angeles Creamery Co., 1120 Towne ave., Los Angeles. ( Sampson.) Substitution. 30498 — L. A. Creamery Co., 1120 Towne ave., Los Angeles. Moreland ; truck ; fac. No. 1242 ; hp. 27£ 2 00 30539 — Neubert, A. H.. 313 W. Ninth st., Corona. (Overland.) Substitution. 30539 — Neubert, A. H., 313 W. Ninth st.. Corona. Overland; touring; fac. No. 152; hp. 27| 2 00 30545 — Bernstein, Lenore G., 324 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. (Flanders 20.) Substitution. 30545 — Bernstein, Lenore G., 324 S. Broadway. Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. c2954 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 30593 — Murdock, Raymond. 229 Royal dr., Eagle Rock. (Thomas Flyer.) Substitution. 30593 — Murdock, Raymond, 229 Royal dr., Eagle Rock. Regal ; touring; fac. No. 9265 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 30594 — Gates, Morris J., 220 Mission st., Santa Cruz. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 30594 — Gates, M. J., 220 Mission st., Santa Cruz. Jeffers ; roadster ; fac. No. 41405 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 30611 — Stewart, J. S.. R.F.D. No. 2, Fullerton. (Duro.) & itl) sti/’t'U/ti'Ovi 30611 — Stewart, John S., R.F.D. No. 2, Box 275. Fullerton. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 178648 ; hp. 22^ 7 00 30617 — Gans, George, Anderson pi. and Sixth st., San Diego. (Ford.) Substitution. 30617 — Gans, George, 3677 Fourth st., San Diego. Overland ; roadster ; fac. No. 592029 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 30662 — Hill, Everett D., 18 N. Marengo ave., Pasadena. Substitution. 30662 — Hill, Everett D., 18 N. Marengo ave.. Pasadena. Studebaker ; fac. No. 423498 ; hp. 19f 2 00 30836 — Henzler, George William, Spencer st., Gardena. (Flanders 20.) Substitution. 30836 — Henzler, George W., Spencer st.. Gardena. Cadillac ; touring ; fac. No. 46490 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 30895 — Hogan, Dorothy G., 1901 Pacific ave., San Francisco. (Pathfinder.) Substitution. 30895 — Hogan, Dorothy G., Baywood ave., San Mateo. Mercer ; touring ; fac. No. 1672 ; hp. 32_,. 7 00 ( 40 ) 30935 — Burtt, Geo. L.. 1259 Eighth ave., San Francisco. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 30935 — Burtt, Geo. L., 101 Washington st.. San Francisco. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 19705 ; hp. 31§ 31004 — Rubin. I. R., 401 Citizens National Bank Bldg., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 31004 — Rubin, I. R., 401 Citizens National Bank Bldg., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 103455 ; hp. 22% 31047 — Denault, J., 146 E. Thirty-fifth st., Los Angeles. (Reo.) Substitution. 31047 — Denault, John, 302 E. Thirty-fifth st., Los Angeles. Buick; touring; fac. No. 168; hp. 28 9-10 31160 — McCann & Leech, 828 Story Bldg., Los Angeles. (Buick.) & ii/1) si/'itwti/OTi/ 31160 — McCann & Leech, Hollywood Hotel, Hollywood. Buick; roadster; fac. No. 7187 ; hp. 221 31170 — The Holly Sugar Company, Huntington Beach. (Buick.) Substitution. 31170 — The Holly Sugar Company, Huntington Beach. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 10323 ; hp. 221 31210 — Goldsmith, Joseph G., 409 W. Twenty-first st., Los Angeles. (Hupmobile. ) Substitution. 31210 — Goldsmith, Joseph G., 409 W. Twenty-first st., Los Angeles. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 48746 ; hp. 16 9-10 31417 — Williams, J. P.. 430 W. Holt ave., Pomona. (Overland.) Substitution. 31417 — Williams, J. P., 430 W. Holt ave., Pomona. Kissel Kar ; touring ; fac. No. 6375 ; hp. 38 $2 00 2 00 7 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 31608 — McCartney, Glenn N., Box 324, Maricopa. (Buick.) Substitution. 31608 — McCartney, G. W., Box 324, Maricopa. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 488108 ; hp. 221 2 00 31616 — Union Home Tel. & Tel. Corporation, 527 Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles. (Oakland.) Substitution. 31616 — Union Home Tel. & Tel. Corporation, 527 Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. a60764, hp. 40 9-10 2 00 31617 — Union Home Tel. & Tel. Corporation, 649 Ninth st., Riverside. ( Parry. ) Substitution. 31617 — Union Home Tel. & Tel. Corporation. Riverside. Chase ; truck ; fac. No. 1625 ; hp. 20 7-16 2 00 31618 — Union Home Tel. & Tel. Corporation, Fourth and French sts., Santa Ana. (Oakland 40.) Substitution. 31618 — Union Home Tel. & Tel. Corporation, Santa Ana. Chase ; truck ; fac. No. 1611 ; hp. 20 7-16 2 00 31619 — Union Home Tel. & Tel. Corporation, Fourth and E sts., San Ber- nardino. (Velie.) Substitution. 31619 — Union Home Tel. & Tel. Corporation. San Bernardino. Chase ; truck ; fac. No. 1651 ; hp. 20 7-16 2 00 31620 — Union Home Tel. & Tel. Corporation. 229 E. First st., Long Beach. (Elmore.) Substitution. 31620 — Union Home Tel. & Tel. Corporation, Long Beach. Chase ; truck ; fac. No. d1484, hp. 20 7-16 2 00 31641 — Brennan, Bernard. 365 Golden Gate ave., San Francisco. (Federal,) Substitution. 31641 — Brennan, Bernard, 365 Golden Gate ave., San Francisco. Federal ; truck ; fac. No. 2146 ; hp. 271 2 00 31656 — Phipps, W. T., Bryte Bldg., Sacramento. (Buick.) Substitution. 31656 — Phipps. W. T., Park View, Haggin Grant. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 221 2 00 (41) 31660 — Palmer, Chas. E., Encanto. (Halladay. ) Substitution. 31660 — Palmer, Chas. E., Encanto. Velie ; touring; fac. No. 17473; hp. 341 . $2 00 31717 — May, J. W., Cedar and Plymouth sts., Inglewood. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 31717 — May, J. W., Inglewood, Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 313446 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 31753 — Day, Clarence P., Ell wood Ranch, P.O. Box .T. Santa Barbara. (Franklin. ) Substitution. 31753 — Day, Clarence P., Box J. Santa Barbara. Franklin ; roadster ; fac. No. 18242 ; hp. 31§ 2 00 31881 — Spence, Gilbert J., Latham ave., Hemet. (Buick.) Substitution. 31881 — Spence. Gilbert J., 419 E. Latham ave., Hemet. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 8337 ; hp. 271 7 00 31969 — Brown, Benjamin C.. 120 N. El Molino ave., Pasadena. (Hudson.) Substitution. 31969 — Brown, Benjamin C., 120 N. El Molino st., Pasadena. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 9269 ; hp. 221 2 00 32048 — Brown, George D., R.F.D. No. 2, Box 112, Pasadena. (Ford.) Substitution. 32048 — Brown, George D., R.F.D. No. 2. Pasadena. Overland; touring; fac. No. 17388; hp. 271 2 00 32051 — Giddings, Lawson H.. R.F.D. No. 2, Box 112, Pasadena. (Ford.) Substitution. 32051 — Giddings, Lawson H., Montana and Fair Oaks, Pasadena. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352463 ; hp. 221 2 00 32087— Webb, Albert E., 1831 W. Moreland blvd., Los Angeles. (Packard.) Substitution. 32087 — Webb, Albert E., 1831 W. Moreland blvd.. Los Angeles. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 39011 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 32257 — Koesel, Fred E., Broadway, Anaheim. (Overland.) Substitution. 32257 — Koesel, Fred, Anaheim. Jackson ; touring ; fac. No. 17124 ; hp. 271 2 00 32318 — Connell, David, 326 Fourth st., San Rafael. (Hudson.) Substitution. 32318 — Connell, David, 328 Fourth st., San Rafael. Hudson ; touring ; fac. No. 66054 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 32496— Spence, Geo. E., 2311 W. Tenth st., Los Angeles. (Jackson.) Substitution. 32496— Spence, Geo. E.. 2311 W. Tenth st., Los Angeles. Overland; touring; fac. No. 44484; hp. 271 2 00 32573 — Jones, Walter L.. 201 N. Michigan ave., Pasadena. (Marathon.) Substitution. 32573 — Jones, Walter L., 201 N. Michigan ave.. Pasadena. Studebaker ; runabout ; fac. No. 74721 ; hp. 201 2 00 32627 — Bechtold, Harry, 3606 E. Sixth st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 32627 — Bechtold, Harry, 1511 Union st., Oakland. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 44430 ; hp. 271 2 00 32669 — Sjoquist, Theor C., 309 Zander ave., Turlock. (Ford.) Substitution. 32669 — Sjoquist, Theor C., Turlock. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 32669 ; hp. 221 2 00 32685 — Smith, George Russell, 1217 W. Fifty-fourth st., Los Angeles. (Regal.) Substitution. 32685 — Smith, Mrs. G. R„ 1217 W. Fifty-fourth st., Los Angeles. Stutz ; roadster ; fac. No. 4 e 1843 ; hp. 36 1-10 7 00 32695 — Jones. Theodore E., 217 Ww Forty-second Place, Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 32695 — Jones, Theodore Edward. 217 W. Forty-second Place, Los Angeles. Brush ; roadster ; fac. No. 32695 ; hp. 6g__ — 2 00 ( 42 ) 32723 — Peitzke, William, 820 Dawson ave., Long Beach. (Regal.) Substitution. 32723 — Peitzke, William, 820 Dawson ave., Long Beach. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 16 9-10 $2 00 32829 — Garat, Peter, 35 Commonwealth ave., San Francisco. (Pope- Hartford.) Substitution. 32829 — Garat, Peter, 35 Commonwealth ave., San Francisco. Pierce-Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 12008 ; hp. 48f 2 00 32886 — Brent, Edwin J., 712 S. Main st., Los Angeles. (Little Giant.) Substitution. 32886 — Brent. Edwin J., 712 S. Main st., Los Angeles. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 352602 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 32919 — Davis, Emanuel, 1450 Constance st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker. ) Substitution. 32919 — Davis, E., 1450 Constance st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 35 a 9414 ; hp. 27i 2 00 33037 — Modesto Irrigation District, 823 Eleventh st., Modesto. (Ford.) Substitution. 33037 — Modesto Irrigation District, 823 Eleventh st., Modesto. Ford ; runabout ; fac. No. 358755 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 33051— Strong, F. L. and W. A., R.F.D. No. 4, Lodi. (Regal.) Substitution. 33051— Strong, F. L. and W. A., R.F.D. No. 4, Lodi. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 9301 ; hp. 22^ 2 CK) 33112 — Wisser, L ., 124 S. Lemon st., Anaheim. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 33112 — Wisser. L., 125 S. Lemon st., Anaheim. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 106306 ; hp. 221 2 00 33158 — Gartz, Adolph Frederic, Mariposa st., Altadena. (Packard.) Substitution. 33158 — Gartz, A. F., Altadena. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 54332 ; hp. 38§ 2 00 33303 — Martz, August, 369 S. Virgil st., Los Angeles. (Pope-Hartford.) Substitution. 33303 — Martz, August, 369 S. Virgil st., Los Angeles. Pope-Hartford ; touring ; fac. No. 20085 ; hp. 29f 2 00 33324 — McClure, George W., 4167 Woodlawn ave., Los Angeles. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 33324 — McClure, G. W., 4167 Woodlawn ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 4 ; hp. 19f 2 00 33471 — Mason, Annie E., 5682 Hub st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 33471 — Mason, Annie E., 5682 Hub st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 b 6865 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 33484 — Blake, Moffitt & Towne, 242 S. Los Angeles st., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 33484 — Blake, Moffitt & Towne, 242 S. Los Angeles st., Los Angeles. Pope-Hartford ; roadster ; fac. No. 20153 ; hp. 29J 2 00 33513 — Newcomb, Arthur T.. 44 S. Marengo ave., Pasadena. (Locomobile.) Substitution. 33513 — Newcomb, Arthur T., 44 S. Marengo ave., Pasadena. Chandler ; touring ; fac. No. 1827 ; hp. 27f 2 00 33551 — Douglass, Mary Woods, Hotel Stockton, Stockton. (Pierce- Arrow.) Substitution. 33551 — Douglass, Mary Wood, Stockton Hotel, Stockton. Pierce-Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 34787 ; hp. 38§ 2 00 33749 — French, S. Webster, 675 Oakland st., Pasadena. (Buick.) Substitution. 33749 — French, S. Webster, 675 Oakland ave., Pasadena. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. C101012 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 33832 — O. H. Churchill Co., 2201 S. Figueroa st., Los Angeles. (Pierce- Arrow. ) Substitution. 33832 — Churchill, O. H., 2201 S. Figueroa st., Los Angeles. Pierce-Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 34789 ; hp. 38§ 2 00 (43) 33854 — Kern. Harold C., 1036 W. Twenty-third st., Los Angeles. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 33854 — Kern. Harold C., 1454 W. Twenty-second st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 2412 ; hp. 19| $2 00 33895 — Rives, Judson C., 1130 Westchester place, Los Angeles. (Packard.) Substitution. 33895 — Rives, Judson C., Westchester place, Los Angeles. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 63441 ; hp. 48f 2 00 33981 — Ranous, Roy Edward, P. O. Box 127, Taft. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 33981 — Ranous, Roy Edward, P. O. Box 127, Taft. Maxwell ; tonring ; fac. No. 3641 ; hp. 25f 2 00 34003 — Fowler, W. R., 419 E. Twenty-seventh st., Los Angeles. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 34003 — Fowler. W. R., 419 E. Twenty-seventh st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; stripped ; fac. No. 202220 ; hp. 21 2 00 34068 — Hookway, Alfred W., 45 N. Bonnie ave., Pasadena. (Overland.) Substitution. 34068 — Hookway. Alfred W., 45 N. Bonnie ave., Pasadena. Overland; touring; fac. No. 35869; hp. 27| 2 00 34073 — Ward, Geo. F., 640 Orange st., Riverside. (Flanders.) Substitution. 34073 — Ward. Geo. F., 640 Orange st.. Riverside. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 13194 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 34102 — Hoffman, James Boorse, Calexico. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 34102 — Hoffman, James Boorse, Calexico. Chalmers 36 ; touring ; fac. No. 13650 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 34143 — Bergey, Earl M.. 3121 S. Main st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) i s!/ii h o4/j //|/ ■#■/» nw 34143— Bergey, E. M., 3121 S.' Main st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 8194 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 34198 — Cheever, E. A., 716 E. Adams st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 34198 — Cheever, E. A., 716 E. Adams st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 7433 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 34293 — Monteith, Andrew Ector, 820 Story Bldg., Los Angeles. (Kissel Kar. ) Substitution. 34293 — Monteith, A. E., Ingraham Hotel, Los Angeles. Kissel Kar ; touring ; fac. No. 20144 ; lip. 33J 2 00 34451 — Gore, G. A., 149 Clifton ave., Redlands. (Ford.) Substitution. 34451 — Gore, G. A., 149 Clifton ave., Redlands. Cadillac ; touring ; fac. No. 96773 ; hp. 32§ 7 00 34475 — Hotel Chirk Auto and Taxi Co., 426 S. Hill st., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution 34475 — Hotel Clark Auto and Taxi Co., 426 S. Hill st., Los Angeles. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 48 9-10 2 00 34641 — Bigelow^, N. IL, Parkhurst Apts., Twentieth and Northrup sts., Portland, Oregon. (Stutz.) Substitution. 34641 — Bigelow, N. H., 1074 Ocean ave.. Long Beach. Stutz ; touring ; fac. No. 4 e 1879 ; hp. 36 1-10 2 00 34642 — The Barber Asphalt Paving Co., 717 Brockman Bldg., Los Angeles. (Oakland.) Substitution. 34642 — The Barber Asphalt Paving Co.. 716 Brockman Bldg., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 106572 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 34647 — The Barber Asphalt Paving Co., 717 Brockman Bldg., Los Angeles. ( Pierce-Arrow. ) Substitution. 34647 — The Barber Asphalt Paving Co., 716 Brockman Bldg., Los Angeles. Oldsmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 83350 ; hp. 43f 2 00 34723 — Collins, John M.. N. Second ave., Upland. (Hupmobile.) Substitu tion. 34723 — Collins. John M.. Upland. Ford ; touring : fac. No. 368499 ; hp. 224 ( 44 ) 2 00 3473G — Perkins Bros., 1158 S. Olive st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 34736 — Perkins Brothers, 228 S. Marengo ave., Alhambra. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352686 ; hp. 22$ $2 00 34745 — Maxwell, A. W., 138 Cedar st., Glendale. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 34745— Maxwell, A. W., 138 Cedar st., Glendale. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 46624 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 35019 — Shirey, Frank M., 1147 Santee st., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 35019 — Shirey, Frank M., 1147 Santee st., Los Angeles. Overland; touring; fac. No. 20516; hp. 27$ 2 00 35042 — Smith, Arthur H., 623 Franklin st., Napa. (Reo.) Substitution. 35042 — Smith, Arthur Hamilton, 623 Franklin st., Napa. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 60171 ; hp. 25$ 2 00 35052 — Fleischauer, John. R.F.D. No. 1, Oxnard. (Glide.) Substitution. 35052— Fleischauer, John, R.F.D. , Oxnard. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 2622 ; ho. 221 2 00 35165 — Carhart, James Ralph, Fullerton. (Jackson.) Substitution. 35165 — Carhart, J. R., Fullerton. Jackson; touring; fac. No. 16193; hp. 27$ 2 00 35211 — Zellerbach Paper Company, 113 N. Los Angeles st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker. ) Substitution. 35211 — Zellerbach Paper Company, 113 N. Los Angeles st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 416789 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 35247 — Fullmer, B. E., 419 Ferguson Bldg., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 35247 — Fullmer, B. E., 419 Ferguson Bldg., Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 277425 ; hp. 22$ 2 00 35281 — The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, Room 617, Black Bldg., Fourth and Hill sts., Los Angeles. (Modern.) Substitution. 35281 — The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, Room 617, Black Bldg., Los Angeles. Chase; truck; fac. No. 711; hp. 20 7-10 2 00 35292 — The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, 20 S. First st., Alhambra. ( Reo. ) Substitution. 35292 — The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, Room 617, Black Bldg., Los Angeles. Chase ; truck ; fac. No. 712 ; hp. 20 2 00 35460 — Cornad, Andrew O., 300 Glendale ave., Tropico. (Ford.) Substitution. 35460 — Cornad, Andrew O.. 628 Marsh-Strong Bldg., Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 377599 ; hp. 22$ 2 00 35507 — Mullen, Marie Rose, 3189 Wilshire blvd., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 35507 — Mullen, Marie Rose, Wilshire and Vermont sts., Los Angeles. Stevens-Duryea ; limousine ; fac. No. 32248 ; hp. 47$ 2 00 35661 — Hearst, P. A., Pleasanton. (Seldon.) Substitution. 35661 — Hearst, Mrs. Phoebe, Pleasanton. Seldon ; truck ; fac. No. 248 ; lip. 22$ 2 00 35675 — Edward D. Silent & Company, 733 S. Hill st., Los Angeles. (Hudson.) Substitution. 35675 — Edward D. Silent Company, 733 S. Hill st.. Los Angeles. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 39609 ; hp. 29f 2 00 35677 — Latimer, Harold, Van Buren st., Riverside. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 35677 — Latimer, Harold, Riverside. Hupmobile ; roadster ; fac. No. 48442 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 35827 — Boggs, James H., Dawson and Eleventh sts., Long Beach. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 35827 — Boggs, James H., Burnett, Long Beach. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 1504 ; hp. 29§ . (45) 2 00 35832 — Beed, G. F., 2565 Brant st., San Diego. (Chalmers-Detroit.) Substitution. 35832 — Beed, G. F., 2565 Brandt st., San Diego. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. il731 ; hp. 22J $2 00 35S66 — Campbell, Thomas Donald, 625 S. Hill st., Los Angeles. (Stutz.) Substitution. 35866 — Campbell, Thos. D., 207 Washington Bldg.. Los Angeles. Stutz ; roadster ; fac. No. 4 b 985 ; hp. 36 1-10 2 00 35890 — Gledhill, Fred, 1600 N. Alvarado st., Los Angeles. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 35S90 — Gledhill, Fred, 1600 N. Alvarado st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 25 a 9589 ; hp. 27* 2 00 35956 — Bullard, Rose T.. 1241 W. Eighth st., Los Angeles. (Velie.) Substitution. 35956 — Bullard, Rose T., 1241 W. Eighth st., Los Angeles. Lozier ; touring ; fac. No. a 815 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 35974 — Bucey, H. C., 1067 Myrtle st., Long Beach. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 35974 — Bucey, H. C., 1067 Myrtle st., Long Beach. Overland; touring; fac. No. 20854; hp. 271 2 00 36038 — Mark, Harger S.. 304 Muscatel ave., Ontario. (Ford.) Substitution. 36038 — Mark, Harger S., 304 Muscatel ave., Ontario. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 368319 ; hp. 221 2 00 36048 — Advance Truck Co., 1641 N. Main st., Los Angeles. (Little Giant.) Substitution. 36048 — Advance Truck Co.. 1626 N. Main st.. Los Angeles. Moore ; truck ; fac. No. 375 ; hp. 271 2 00 36158 — Windheim, Wm. R., 1110 S. Hoover st., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 36158 — Windheim, Wm. R. 1110 S. Hoover st., Los Angeles. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 48207 : hp. 16 9-10 2 00 36210 — Wilson, E. C.. 731 Berendo st., Los Angeles. (Pierce-Arrow.) Substitution. 3G210 — Wilson, E. C., 734 Berendo st., Los Angeles. Pierce-Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 10392 ; hp. 48§ 7 00 36245 — Maxwell, Will B., 886 N. Chester ave., Pasadena. (Buick.) Substitution. 36245 — Maxwell, IV. B., 167 E. Colorado st., Pasadena. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 101056 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 36314 — Messner & Michel. 3831 Q st., Sacramento. (Overland.) Substitution. 36314 — Messner & Michel. 1831 Q st., Sacramento. Oakland ; fac. No. 361696 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 36389 — Ivreiter, Martin, 4103 Normandie ave., Los Angeles. (Corbin.) Substitution. 36389 — Ivreiter, Martin. 1275 W. Twenty-fourth st.. Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 4248 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 36399 — Tally, Thomas L.. 833 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 36399 — Tally. T. L., 833 S. Broadway. Los Angeles. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 7403 ; hp. 4S§ 2 00 36414 — Suggett, Allen H., 850 Francisco st., San Francisco. (Pope- Hartford. ) Substitution. 36414 — Suggett. Dr. A. H.. 850 Francisco st., San Francisco. Locomobile; touring; fac. No. 9651; hp. 43 3-10 2 00 36462 — Andrews, Mrs. A. W., 712 Locust st., Pasadena. (Ford.) Substitution. 36462 — Andrews. A. W.. 712 Locust st.. Pasadena. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 81059 ; hp. 221 2 00 36497 — Morse, Douglass H.. Harvard st., Hemet. (Buick.) Substitution. 36497 — Morse, Douglass H.. Hemet. Ford ; runabout : fac. No. 339578 ; hp. 221 2 00 36526 — Younglove, A. N.. 943 Tenth st., Riverside. (Buick.) Substitution. 36526 — Younglove. A. N.. 541 Eighth st.. Riverside. Buick; touring; fac. No. 107900; hp. 221_. (46) 2 00 36552 — Maupin, J. L., 2823 Fresno st., Fresno. (Olclsmobile.) Substitution. 36552 — Maupin, Dr. J. L., Fresno. Lozier, touring ; fac. No. 8402 ; hp. 36 1-16 $2 00 36558 — Baumgartner, F., 1015 W. Eighth st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 36558 — Baumgartner, F., 1015 W. Eighth st., Los Angeles. Overland; touring; fac. No. 44379; hp. 274 2 00 36651 — Forve, Philip, 427 S. West Lake ave., Los Angeles. (Packard.) Substitution. 36651 — Forve, Phillip, 427 Westlake ave.. Los Angeles. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 63173 ; hp. 48§ 2 00 36654 — Citizens Truck Co., 207 S. San Pedro st., Los Angeles. (Oldsmobile.) Substitution. 36654 — Citizens Truck Co., 207 S. San Pedro st., Los Angeles. Lozier ; touring ; fac. No. a 606 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 36705 — Bristol, F. O., 1528 Ramona ave., S. Pasadena. (Buick.) Substitution. 36705 — Bristol, Frank O., 1528 Ramona ave., S. Pasadena. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 3915 ; hp. 35 § 2 00 36818 — The Orosi Farms, Orosi. (Overland.) Substitution. 36818 — The Orosi Farms, Orosi. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 9637 ; hp. 274 2 00 36869 — Beckelhymer, Ed. P., El Centro. (Ford.) Substitution. 36869 — Beckelhymer, Ed. P., 983 Main st.. Riverside. Premier ; touring ; fac. No. 2172 ; hp. 48§ 12 00 36946 — Bancroft, Irving R., 2314 Raymond st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 36946 — Bancroft, Irving R., 2314 Raymond ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 35686 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 37000 — Schwarzkopf, Rudolph H., San Gabriel. (Overland.) Substitution. 37000 — Schwarzkopf, R. H., R.F.D. No. 1. San Gabriel. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 9816 ; hp. 274 2 00 37126 — Batte, Edward L., R.F.D. No. 2, Box 59, Fullerton. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 37126 — Batte, E. L., R.F.D., Fullerton. Studebaker, touring ; fac. No. 4 b 15528 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 37312 — Kathan, D. H.. 2 N. Sheridan st., Corona. (Tourist.) Substitution. 37312 — Kathan, D. H., Railroad st.. R.F.D. No. 1, box 1, Corona. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 460877 ; hp. 224 2 00 37346 — Harris, Harrold A., 1448 Folsom st., San Francisco. (Carreja.) Substitution. 37346 — Harris, H. A., 1448 Folsom st., San Francisco. Overland; touring; fac. No. 44198; hp. 274- 2 00 37393 — Hall, Luhrst & Company, 908 Second st.. Sacramento. (Ford.) Substitution. 37393 — Hall, Luhrst & Company, Front and M sts., Sacramento. Reo ; roadster ; fac. No. 60497 ; hp. 274 2 00 37432 — Wylie, Fred. Imperial. (Ford.) Substitution. 37432 — Wylie, Fred, Imperial. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 12363 ; hp. 224 2 00 37456 — D. & B. Pump & Supply Co., 2625 Humboldt st., Los Angeles. ( Knox. ) Substitution. 37456 — D. & B. Pump & Supply Co., 2625 Humboldt st., Los Angeles. Chandler ; roadster ; fac. No. 1270 ; hp. 27# 2 00 37489 — The Cudahy Packing Co., Macy and Center sts., Los Angeles. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 37489 — The Cudahy Packing Co., Macy and Center sts., Los Angeles. Jackson; roadster; fac. No. 17081; hp. 25f 7 00 (47) 37490 — The Cudahy Packing Co., Macy and Center sts., Los Angeles. (Cole.) Substitution. 37490 — The Cudahy Packing Co., Macy and Center sts., Los Angeles. Jackson ; roadster ; fac. No. 17243 ; hp. 25 § $2 00 37493 — The Cudahy Packing Co., Macy and Center sts., Los Angeles. (Jackson.) Substitution. 37493 — The Cudahy Packing Co.. Macy and Center sts., Los Angeles. Jackson ; runabout ; fac. No. 17233 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 37495 — The Cudahy Packingi Co., Macy and Center sts., Los Angeles. (Jackson.) Substitution. 37495 — The Cudahy Packingi Co., Macy and Center sts., Los Angeles. Jackson ; runabout ; fac. No. 10784 ; hp. 25f-_ 2 00 37522 — Benbough Furniture Co., Fifth and B sts., San Diego. (Ford.) Substitution. 37522 — Benbough Furniture Co., 1177 Fifth st., San Diego. Ford ; touring ; fac. No, 352497 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 37581 — Magee, William A„ 5 Montgomery st., San Francisco. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 37581 — Magee, William A.. 5 Montgomery st., San Francisco. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 8869 ; hp. 48§ 2 00 37651 — Patterson, Searles W., 1719 N, Gower st., Hollywood. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 37651 — Patterson, S. W„ 1719 N. Gower st., Hollywood. Jackson ; touring ; fac. No. 16198 ; hp. 40 9-10 12 00 37747 — Wilson, Thomas -T., 310 S. Alvarado, Los Angeles. (Pratt-Elkhart.) Substitution. 37747 — Wilson, T. J., 534 Hovenhurst Drive, Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 346675 ; hp. 22| 2 00 37887 — Flagler, A. D., Orange. (Ford.) Substitution. 37887 — Flagler, Albert Daniel, Orange. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 29908 ; hp. 27i 2 00 37906 — Ivimber, W. J. & Walter C. Atkinson, 919 Story Bldg., Los Angeles. (Stutz.) Substitution. 37906 — Kimber, W. J. & W. C. Atkinson, 919 Story Bldg., Los Angeles. McFarlin Six ; touring ; fac. No. 4021 ; hp. 38§ 2 00 37972 — Black, Morris. 439 Haight st., San Francisco. (Buick.) Substitution. 37972 — Black, Morris, 22 Montgomery st., San Francisco. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 370784 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 38064 — North Cucamonga Winery, 845 N. Alameda st., Los Angeles. (Little Giant.) Substitution. 38064 — North Cucamonga Winery, 845 N. Alameda st., Los Angeles. Jeffery ; truck ; fac. No. 35896 ; hp. 32§ 7 00 38254 — Ernst, Jule H.. 1018 S. Main st., Los Angeles. (Pennsylvania.) Substitution. 38254 — Ernst, J. H., 1018 S. Main st., Los Angeles. Rambler ; roadster ; fac. No. ; hp. 40 2 00 38417 — Conservative Inv. Co., 503 Citizens Natl. Bk. Bldg., Los Angeles. (Palmer-Singer.) Substitution. 38417 — Conservative Inv. Co.. 503 Citizens Natl. Bk. Bldg., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; fac. No. 21251 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 3S532 — Fujioka, Fred Jiro, 309 N. San Pedro st., Los Angeles. (Selden.) Substitution. 38532 — Fujioka, Fred J.. 309 N. San Pedro St.. Los Angeles. Oldsmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 55845 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 38558 — Tennant, J. K., 430 Consolidated Realty Bldg., Los Angeles. (Kissel Kar. ) Substitution. 38558 — Tennant. J. K., 2952 Brighton ave., Los Angeles. Chandler Six ; touring ; fac. No. 1392 ; hp. 27§ 2 00 38642 — Getz, Chas. J.. 1829 Morgan Place, Hollywood. (Oldsmobile.) Substitution. 38642— Getz, Chas. J.. 1829 Morgan Place, Hollywood. Cadillac, touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 32* 2 00 (4S) 38672 — Sherman, M. H., 344 S. Main st., Los Angieles. (Cole.) Substitution. 38672 — Sherman, M. H.. Westminister Hotel, Los Angeles. Cole ; touring ; fac. No. 15014 ; hp. 43f $2 38682 — Woodward-Bennett Co., Vernon ave. and Santa Fe R. R. tracks. P.O. Box 3, Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 38682 — Woodward-Bennett Co., P.O. Box 3, Los Angeles. Ford ; runabout ; fac. No. 347116 ; hp. 22| 2 38780 — Neal, Mrs. Maud, 2310 S. Flower st., Los Angeles. ( Studebaker.) Substitution. 38780 — Neal, Mrs. Maud, 2310 S. Flower st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 36a694 ; hp. 29§ 2 38794 — Layne & Bowler Corp., 900 Santa Fe ave., Los Angeles. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 38794 — Layne & Bowler Corp., 910 Santa Fe ave., Los Angeles. Huff ; touring ; fac. No. 45557 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 38798 — Gilbert, J. R., 480 Cypress st., Pasadena. (Ford.) Substitution. 38798 — Gilbert, J. R., 900 Santa Fe ave., Los Angeles. Ford ; touring, fac. No. 348376 ; hp. 22| 2 38803 — Smith, C. F. W., Serria court, Ontario. (Ford.) Substitution. 38803- — Smith, Charles F. W., Ontario. Ford; roadster; fac. No. 352371; hp. 22£ 2 38965 — Arnold, John, Riverside. (Ford.) Substitution. 38965 — Arnold, John, West Riverside. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 27018 ; hp. 25§ 2 39090 — Morse, Herbert L., Compton. (Overland.) Substitution. 39090 — Morse, Herbert L ., Compton. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 15722 ; hp. 25f 1 2 39188 — Goodrich, R. S., 330 Tenth st., San Pedro. (Regal.) Substitution. 39188 — Goodrich, Roland S., 116 Fifth st., San Pedro. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 7751 ; hp. 22£ 7 39280 — Flynn, Henry, McFarland st., San Fernando. (Ford.) Substitution. 39280 — Flynn, Henry, San Fernando. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 372394 ; hp. 22| 2 39297— Wylie, Clinton Wilson, R.F.D., Calexico. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 39297— Wylie, Clinton Wilson, R.F.D., Calexico. Cadillac; touring; fac. No. 97634; hp. 32§ 2 39513 — Green, Harry L., 316 W'. Fifty-first st., Los Angeles. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 39513 — Green, Harry L., 2016 Rimpan ave., Los Angeles. Chandler; touring; fac. No. 1823; hp. 27§ 2 39690 — McClimans, J. J., Fullerton. (Ford.) Substitution. 39690 — McClimans, J. J., Box 127, Fullerton. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 49088 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 39742 — Brazier, Edward G., 2507 Budlong st., Los Angeles. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 39742 — Brazier, E. G., 2507 Budlong ave., Los Angeles. Premier ; touring ; fac. No. 10647 ; hp. 38 f 2 39759 — Moffat, Mrs. J. P., 2439 Adams st., Los Angeles. (Hudson.) Substitution. 39759 — Moffatt, Mrs. J. P., 2439 W. Adams st., Los Angeles. Hudson ; touring ; fac. No. 57715 ; hp. 40 9-10 2 39848 — Washington Iron Works, 1924 Sacramento st., Los Angeles. (Duro Car.) Substitution. 39848 — Washington Iron Works, 1924 Sacramento st.. Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. b9239 ; hp. 29§ 2 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4—13163 (49) 39911 — Crumrine, C. L., R.F.D. No. 1, Box 110, Whittier. (Stoddard- Dayton.) Substitution. 39911 — Crumrine, Charles L., R.F.D. No. 1, Box 110, Whittier. Cole ; touring ; fac. No. 18499 ; hp. 28 9-10 $2 00 39953 — Logan, Harry G., 3355 Front st., San Diego. ( Warren-Detroit. ) Substitution. 39953 — Logan, Harry G.. 3355 Front st., San Diego. Studebaker ; roadster ; fac. No. 4c24223 ; hp. 19f 2 00 40014 — Whitmarsh, Forrest L., 2801 India st., San Diego. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 40014 — Whitmarsh, Forrest, 2801 India st., San Diego. Stevens-Duryea ; touring ; fac. No. 28083 ; hp. 46 " 7 00 40078 — San Diego Consolidated Gas and Electric Co., 935 Sixth st., San Diego. ( Stevens-Duryea. ) Sii bstitution 40078 — San Diego Consolidated Gas and Electric Co., 935 Sixth st., San Diego. Stevens-Duryea; touring; fac. No. 30112; hp. 4515-16 2 00 40099 — Patten. Dr. E. E., Van Nuys. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 40099 — Patten, Dr. E. E., Van Nuys. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 13508 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 40105 — Chambers, Geo. D., 556 Oxford ave., Los Angeles. (Michigan 40.) Substitution. 40105 — Chambers, Geo. D., 556 S. Oxford st., Los Angeles. Benham Six ; touring ; fac. No. 14027 ; hp. 33| 2 00 40114 — Byars, William R., 931 Seventeenth st., San Diego. (Moon.) Substitution. 40114 — Byars. Dr. W. R., 931 Seventeenth st.. San Diego. Hudson ; touring ; fac. No. 66776 ; hp. 29 1 2 00 40157 — Pierce, Ruel S., 99 N. Chester ave., Pasadena. (Ford.) $%i\) s~t i/~t- wt i/O yt 40157 — Pierce, R. S., 1226 E. Colorado st., Pasadena. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 3525 ; hp. 19 1 2 00 40159 — Sommers, John F., 1668 E. Vernon ave., Los Angeles. (Croxton- Keeton.) Substitution. 40159 — Sommers, J. F., 1668 E. Vernon ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 4 a 1367 ; hp. 29f 2 00 40215 — Preble, Geo. E., 1704 N. Main st., Santa Ana. (Duro.) Substitution. 40215 — Preble, Geo. E., N. Main st., Santa Ana. Studebaker ; demi-tonneau ; fac. No. 23199 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 40219 — Schiffman, A. F., Jonathan Club, Sixth and Main sts., Los Angeles. ( Stoddard-Day ton. ) $i 1 1) s t/i/ 1 it o y\/ 40219 — Schiffman, A. F., Jonathan Club, Los Angeles. Lozier ; touring ; fac. No. 8445 ; hp. 36 1-16 2 00 40231 — Pollard, William, cor. Mission st. and Los Robles ave., South Pasadena. (Kissel Kar.) Substitution. 40231 — Pollard, William, Mission st. and Los Robles ave., South Pasadena. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 373830 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 40272 — Beery, Cora L., 2116 Twenty-eighth st., Sacramento. (Ford.) Substitution. 40272 — Beery, Cora L., El Centro. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 27041 ; hp. 27^ 2 00 402S0 — Fields, Dolor, 309 Rudolph ave., Watts. (Kissel Kar.) Substitution. 40280 — Fields, Dolor, Watts. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 49290 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 40323 — Gustafson, C. E., Field’s Landing. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 40323 — Gustafson. Charles E.. Field’s Landing. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 4029 ; hp. 25§__. 2 00 40339 — Mather, Geo.. 3829 Eighth st., San Diego. (Overland.) Substitution. 40229 — Mather, Geo., 3829 Eighth st., San Diego. Overland; touring; fac. No. 3497; hp. 27* .$2 00 40351 — Bowen, J. Frank, 420 Stimson Bank, Los Angeles. (Jackson.) Substitution. 40351 — Bowen, .T. Frank, 4069 Figueroa st., Los Angeles Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 8866 ; hp. 29g 2 00 40371 — Robins, John H.. 2739 Webster st., Berkeley. (Regal.) Substitution. 40371— Robins, John H., 2739 Webster st.. Berkeley. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 14424 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 40374 — Bell, William, 3630 N. Broadway, Los Angeles. (Chalmers.) & %i bstitution 40374 — Bell, William, 215 W. Thirty-third ave., Los Angeles. Jackson ; roadster ; fac. No. 2127 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 40423 — Piatt, Frederick B., 922 S. Harvard blvd., Los Angeles. ( Oklsmobile. ) Substitution. 40423 — Piatt, Frederick B., 922 S. Harvard blvd., Los Angeles. Chandler Six; touring; fac. No. 2213; hp. 27§ 2 00 40474 — Schmiedeberg, Charles W., 1208 Van Ness ave., Santa Ana. (Reo.) Substitution. 40474 — Schmiedeberg, Chas., 1208 Van Ness ave., Santa Ana. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 56332 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 40624 — Severson, Olaf F., Fair Oaks, Sacramento County. (Ford.) Substitution. 40624 — Seferson, O. F., Fairoaks, Sacramento County. Lozier; touring; fac. No. 1106; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 40653 — Galbraith, Joseph A., 2812 La Salle ave., Los Angeles. (Stutz.) Su bstitution. 40653 — Galbraith, Joseph A., 226 Byrne Bldg., Los Angeles. Mercer; hp. 30f 2 OO 40877 — Ley Bros., 124 S. Gramercy place, Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 40877— Ley Bros., 843 S. Vermont ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 5979 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 40898 — White, Mark, Box 11, Mojave. (Reo.) Substitution. 40898 — White, Mark, 441 N. Euclid ave., Pasadena. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 60949 ; hp. 271 2 00 41186 — Lawless, W. J., 429 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. (Thomas.) Substitution. 41186 — Lawless, W. J., 429 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Stevens-Duryea ; touring ; fac. No. 32215 ; hp. 471 2 00 41201 — Western States Gas and Electric Co., 48 N. Sutter st., Stockton. ( Stoddard-Dayton.) Substitution. 41201— Western States Gas and Electric Co.. 48 N. Sutter st., Stockton. National Six ; touring ; fac. No. 9108 ; hp. 33f 2 00 41432 — Rochelt, John R., 803 Commercial st., El Centro. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 41432 — Rochelt, John R., Niland, Imperial Valley. Cadillac; touring; fac. No. 96712; hp. 32§ 2 00 41505 — Matters, Richard, 2176 W. Twenty-seventh st., Los Angeles. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 41505 — Matters, Richard, 2176 W. Twenty-seventh st., Los Angeles. Ford; touring ; fac. No. 377274; hp. 224 * 2 00 41561 — Oatman, Homer C.. 2437 Second st., San Diego. (Reo.) .Qfl/ Jl Q •f'i f/t! ‘/■'J ft W 41561— Oatman, H. C., 913 Watts Bldg., San Diego. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 59544 ; hp. 27* 2 00 41562 — Burhans, Robert Jr., P. O. Box 204, Calexico. (Ford.) Substitution. 41562 — Burhans. Robert .Tr., 3734 Front st., San Diego. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 8978 ; hp. 27* ( 51 ) 2 00 41583 — Thorkildsen, Thos., Beverly Hills. (Franklin.) Substitution. 41583 — Thorkildsen, Thos., Beverly Hills. Franklin ; fac. No. 19570 ; hp. 31f $2 41648 — Beguhl, J. P., 1161 Dolores st., San Francisco. (Pope-Hartford.) Substitution. 4164S — Beguhl, J. P., 3756 Twenty-second st., San Francisco. Ford ; runabout ; fac. No. 448845 ; hp. 22^ 2 41681 — Hook, Barbee S., Fourth and Main sts., Van Nuys Hotel, Los Angeles. (National.) 7i o ■/■-I /'i/ i 41681— Hook. B. S., Van Nuys Hotel, Los Angeles. Stutz ; touring ; fac. No. 4 e 1976 ; hp. 36 1-10 2 41802 — Ardenyi, Dr. Jos., 41 Greenbank ave., Piedmont. (Regal.) Substitution. 41802 — Ardenyi, Dr. Jos., 51 Greenbank ave., Piedmont. Overland; coupe; fac. No. 14381; hp. 27£ 2 41828 — Rogers, Geo. A., 350 Merrick st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 41828 — Rogers, Geo. A., 350 Merrick st., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 44236 ; hp. 27£ 2 41850 — Hopping, Fred Shotwell, 53 E. Walnut st., Pasadena. (Ford.) Substitution. 41850 — Hopping, Fred Shotwell, 47 E. Walnut st., Pasadena. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 168608 ; hp. 22£ 2 41859 — Donogh, Andrew O., 2925 Regent st., Berkeley. (Marion.) Substitution. 41859 — Donogh, A. O., 2738 Regent st., Berkeley. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 51237 ; hp. 38f 2 41945 — Jacks, Albert R., 2231 K st., Sacramento. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 41945 — Jacks, A. R., 2231 Iv st., Sacramento. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 107258 ; hp. 22^ 2 42103 — Beatty, J. David, M.D., 2224 Crenshaw blvd., Los Angeles. (E-M-F.) 42103 — Beatty, J. David, 2224 Crenshaw blvd., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 997 ; hp. 29§ 2 42142 — Edwards, Francis W., N. Campus ave., Upland. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 42142 — Edwards, F. W., Campus ave.. Upland. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 415200 ; hp. 19f 2 42166 — Livingston & Lee, Inc., 403 E. Third st., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 42166 — Livingston & Lee, 403 E. Third st., Los Angeles. Crescent ; touring ; fac. No. 7305 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 42172 — Mann, Emma, 1548 W. Sixth st., Los Angeles. (Reo.) Substitution. 42172 — Mann, Mrs. Emma, 1548 W. Sixth st., Los Angeles. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 61646 ; hp. 27* 2 42222 — Bryan, Frank, 4421 Arlington st., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 42222 — Bryan, Frank, 4421 Van Ness ave., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 107616 ; hp. 221 2 42305 — Brown, E. L.. 1610 Sunset blvd., Los Angeles. (Buick.) n © "til 42305— Brown, E. L., 1610 Sunset blvd., Los Angeles. Great Western; delivery; fac. No. 1082; hp. 28 9-10 2 42356 — Stanton, E. .T., 1144 Crocker st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 42356 — Stanton. E. .T., 1144 Crocker st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 9892 ; hp. 27* 2 42375 — Cook, Daniel Owen. 1632 State st., San Diego. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 42375 — Cook, D. O., 1632 State st., San Diego. Chevrolet ; touring ; fac. No. 4281 ; hp. 21f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ( 52 ) 42376 — Allen, Charles R., 3942 Louisiana st., San Diego. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 42376 — Allen, Charles R., 3942 Louisiana st., San Diego. Studebaker ; toy tonneau ; fac. No. 43517 ; hp. 25f $2 42439 — Dodsworth, Charles W., San Gabriel. (Ford. ) Substitution. 42439 — Dodsworth, Charles W., San Gabriel. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 339885 ; hp. 22J 2 42441 — Roethlisberger & Co.. 323 Front st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 42441 — Roethlishberger & Co., 323 Front st., San Francisco. Utility ; delivery ; fac. No. 1233 ; hp. 27$ 2 42478 — Anderson, John, 1129 W. Kensington road. (Franklin.) Substitution. 42478 — Anderson, John, 1129 W. Kensington road. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 7283 ; hp. 22£ 2 42656 — Myers, Harry P., Downey. (Ford.) Substitution. 42656 — Myers, Harry P., Downey. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 376712 ; hp. 22^ 2 42715— Brown, W. G., 5211 Market st., Oakland. (Ford.) Substitution. 42715 — Brown, Walter G., 5211 Market st., Oakland. Oakland; touring; fac. No. 34952; hp. 27* 42790 — Hutchinson, Frank, 2301 Huron st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 42790 — Hutchinson, Frank. 2301 Huron st.. Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352907 ; hp. 22£ 2 42856 — Freeman, Valerie S., 1214 Chapola st., Santa Barbara. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 42856 — Freeman, Valerie S., 1214 Chapola st., Santa Barbara. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 4b 479 ; hp. 19§ 2 42880 — Hill, M. D., 419 N. Bright st., Whittier. (Ford.) Substitution. 42880 — Hill, M. D., 419 N. Bright st., Whittier. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 339521 ; hp. 22^ 2 42884 — Redhouse, Fred W., 3422 Sixth ave., Los Angeles. (Perfex.) Substitution. 42884 — Redhouse, Fred W., 3422 Sixth ave., Los Angeles. Autocar ; sightseeing ; fac. No. 12050 ; hp. 18 : 2 42885 — Heacox, Charlie Cyrus, 1130 S. Main st., Los Angeles. (Oldsmobile.) Substitution. 42885 — Heacox, Charlie Cyrus, 1015 Lincoln st., Los Angeles. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 706 ; hp. 22\ 43040 — Whitsell, George W., 493 S. Orange st., Orange. (Buick.) Substitution. 43040— Whitsell, George W., Orange. Buick; touring; fac. No. 108512; hp. 22^ 43053 — Miller, Will Clyde, Leodora ave., Glendora. (Reo. ) Substitution. 43053— Miller, W, C., Glendora. Mitchell ; touring ; fac. No. 26153 ; hp. 33 f 43161 — The Holt Manufacturing Co., Aurora st., Stockton. (Overland.) Substitution. 43161 — The Holt Manufacturing Co., Stockton. Moon ; touring ; fac. No. 6267 ; hp. 32§ 2 43185 — Burke, Orion II.. R.F.D. No. 7, Santa Ana. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 43185 — Burke. O. H., R.F.D. . Santa Ana. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 10751 ; hp. 29f 2 43241 — Watkins, William D., 460 Twenty-second st., San Diego. (Parry- Arrow.) Substitution 43241 — Watkins, W. P., 460 Twenty-second st.. San Diego. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. 6943 ; hp. 224 2 43259 — Christie, Alfred E.. 5051 Hollywood blvd., Los Angieles. (Stutz. ) Substitution. 43259 — Christie. Al. E., 5051 Sunset blvd.. Hollywood. Stutz ; touring ; fac. No. 4e 1778 : hp. 36 1-10. ( 53 ) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 43308 — Stewart, Oscar, 1123 W. Forty-second st., Los Angeles. (Regal.) Substitution. 43308 — Stewart. Oscar. 1123 W. Forty-second st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 423948 ; hp. 19f $2 00 433G2 — Hahn, Charles August, 516 Twenty-first st., Sacramento. (Paige.) Substitution. 43362 — Hahn, Chas. A., 516 Twenty-first st., Sacramento. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 362132 ; hp. 19f 2 00 43414 — Howe, Chas. B., Coast Highway, Carpinteria. (Ford.) Substitution. 43414 — Howe, Charles Bryan, Carpinteria. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 175605 ; hp. 224 2 00 43463 — McFeron, Gus., 2032 Columbia st., San Diego. (Case.) Substitution. 43463 — McFeron. Gus, Poway. Federal ; truck ; fac. No. 1745 ; hp. 274 2 00 43509 — Ferguson, John S., 1526 Los Palmos ave., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 43509— Ferguson, J. S., 1526 Los Palmos aye., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Buick ; touring ; fac. No. c9384 ; hp. 224 2 00 43598 — King, L. E., 718 N. Madison st., Pasadena. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 43598 — King, Lloyd E., 1689 Walworth ave., Pasadena. Marathon ; touring ; fac. No. 1013 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 43631 — Garner, Newton, George st., Banning. (Hupmobile. ) Substitution. 43631 — Garner, Newton, Banning. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 46473 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 43636 — Moore, Luther R.. M.D., Eighth and Imperial ave., Imperial. (Ford.) Substitution. 43636 — Moore, Dr., Luther R., Imperial. Overland; roadster; fac. No. 14392; hp. 274 2 00 43654 — Knights, George D., 519 Cedar ave., Long Beach. (Ford.) Substitution. 43654 — Knights, George D., 1009 American ave., Long Beach. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 361745 ; hp. 224 2 00 43691 — Darvill, Fred T., 431 S. Grand ave., Los Angeles. (Jackson.) Substitution. 43691 — Darvill, Fred T., 32 Florence Court, Venice. Jackson ; touring ; fac. No. 16407 ; hp. 32§ 7 00 43712 — Rickard, Henry B., Nina st., La Manda. (Overland.) Substitution. 43712 — Rickard, H. B., La Manda Park. Overland ; delivery ; fac. No. 7936408 ; hp. 274 2 00 43715 — Russ Lumber & Mill Co., 225 W. Sixth st., Corona. (Ford.) Substitution. 43715 — Russ Lumber & Mill Co., Corona. Ford ; fac. No. 370647 ; hp. 224 2 00 43800 — West, Dr. C. H., 140 N. Flower st., Los Angeles. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. 114942 — West, Dr. C. H., 140 N. Flow'er st., Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 332972 ; hp. 224 2 00 43817 — Robinson, Harry Winchester, Beverly Hills. (Mercer.) Substitution. 43817 — Robinson, Harry Winchester, Beverly Hills. Mercer; runabout; fac. No. 1085; hp. 30§ 2 00 43840 — Neff, D. B., 3968 Center st., San Diego. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 43840— Neff, D. B., 3960 Center st., San Diego. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 46899 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 43882 — Vodden, Walter Grant, 1015 Cole st., San Francisco. (Haynes.) Substitution. 43882 — Vodden. W. G., 1015 Cole st.. San Francisco. Kissel ; touring ; fac. No. 15354 ; hp. 32 § 7 00 43958 — Martin, C. A., & Ora D. Martin, Perris. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 43958 — Martin, C. A. & Ora D.. Perris. Studebaker, touring ; fac. No. 105523 ; hp. 274 ( 54 ) 2 00 44019 — Katz, Sam., 1538 E. Adams st., Los Angeles. (Auto-Car.) Substitution. 44019 — Katz, Sam, 1105 Clanton st., Los Angeles. Gleason ; roadster ; fac. No. ; hp. Ill $2 00 44049 — Rumpf, Frank J., 1827 Twenty-first st., Sacramento. (Marion.) Substitution 44049 — Rumpf, Frank J., 1829 Twenty-first st., Sacramento. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 480568 ; hp. 29f 2 00 44072 — Hammond, W. E., 3340 Sixth st., San Diego. (Cole 30.) ,vf/ii i'll (Wi 44072— Hammond, Will E., 3340 Sixth st., San Diego. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 42231 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 44115 — Gray, Geoge Alexander, Spadra South, Fullerton. (Overland.) Substitution. 44115 — Gray, Geo. A., Fullerton. Ford, touring ; fac. No. 361890 ; hp. 221 2 00 44147 — DeHetre, Mrs. Ozilda, Huntington Beach. (Jackson.) Substitution. 44147 — DeHetre, Mrs. Ozilda, Huntington Beach. Tourist ; detachable ; fac. No. 1099 ; hp. 22 2 00 44159 — Davidson, James L., Lancaster. (Ford.) Substitution. 44159 — Davidson, J. L., 100 W. Grand ave., Alhambra. Stutz ; touring ; fac. No. a 378 ; hp. 36 1-10 2 00 44177 — Peachy, Archie Dixon, 626 S. Johnson st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 44177 — Peachy, A. D., 626 S. Johnson st., Los Angeles. Detroiter ; touring ; fac. No. 3748 ; hp. 19f 2 00 44180 — Eby, John Albert, 1177 W. Twenty-eighth st., Los Angeles. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 44180 — Ebv. John A., 1177 W. Twenty-eighth st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 12101 ; hp. 19f 2 00 44199 — Venable, Thomas Eldriche, Redondo. (Overland.) Substitution. 44199 — Venable, Thomas E., Redondo Beach. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 5224 ; hp. 221 2 00 44244 — Whomes, Arthur, 2130 Sixth ave., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 44244 — Whomes, Dr. Arthur, 601 Broadway, Central Bldg., Los Angeles. Overland, touring ; fac. No. 2351 ; hp. 271 2 00 44380 — Foster, Arnold. 527 Primrose road, Burlingame. (Regal.) Substitution. 44380 — Foster, Arnold, 527 Primrose road, Burlingame. Kissel Kar ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 32§ 2 00 44430 — Levi, Edgar B., 3542 Sixth st., San Diego. (Overland.) Substitution. 44430 — Levi, Edgar Bernard, Owl Drug Bldg., San Diego. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 43246 ; hp. 271 2 00 44528 — Uyemura, Katsuji, 112 Rose st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 44528 — Uyemurs, K., 112 Rose st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 b 5344 ; hp. 29f 2 00 44570 — Maloche, Maurice, 347 E. Nineteenth st., Long Beach. (Buick.) Substitution. 44570 — Maloche, Maurice, 347 E. 19th st., Long Beach. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 361632 ; hp. 20 2 00 44617 — Wilkinson, Thos. Harvey, Brawley. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 44617 — Wilkinson, Thos. Harvey, Brawley. Moon; touring; fac. No. 8045; hp. 271 2 00 44672 — Harrison, Reuben E., 1241 Brooks st., San Diego. (Abbott-Detroit.) Substitution. 44672 — Harrison, Reuben E., 1241 Brooks st., San Diego. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 221 2 00 44707 — Bleecker, John J., 182 S. Hill ave., Pasadena. (Packard 18.) Substitution. 44707 — Bleecker, Dr. J. J., 115 N. Marengo ave., Pasadena. Packard ; phaeton ; fac. No. 53711 ; hp. 38§ ( 55 ) 7 00 44S09 — Robinson, Spencer, 234 E. Ninth st., Glenclale. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 44S09 — Robinson, Spencer, 234 E. Ninth st., Glendale. Jeffery ; touring ; fac. No. 41324 ; hp. 22\ $2 00 44S34 — Baker, Wm. D.. G18 French st., Santa Ana. (Kissel Kar.) Substitution. 44834 — Baker, W. I)., 618 French st., Santa Ana. Chandler; touring; fac. No. 238; hp. 27§ 2 00 44S91 — Martin. Edgar A.. 725 Golden st., Los Angeles. (Special.) Substitution. 44891 — Martin, E. A., 725 Golden st., Los Angeles. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 49201 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 44923 — Wershing, Rose E., E. Sixth st., Ontario. (Ford.) Substitution. 44923 — Wershing, Rose E., Ontario. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 361318 ; hp. 22-J 2 00 44955 — Remmert, Henry H., San Diego. (Franklin.) Substitution. 44955 — Remmert, Henry H., 1837 Third st., San Diego. Franklin; touring; hp. 43|__ 12 00 44982 — Smith, Clarence B., E. Kingsley ave., Pomona. (Paige.) Substitution. 44982 — Smith. Clarence B., Kingsley ave. and Washington st., Pomona. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 4219 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 45294 — Smith, Robt. L., 642 Columbia st., Pomona. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 45294 — Smith, Dr. Robert L., Pomona. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 12905 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 45337 — Howe, Dr. L. P.. 350 Post st., San Francisco. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 45337 — Howe, Dr. L. P., 350 Post st., San Francisco. Locomobile : roadster ; fac. No. 9751 ; hp. 43 3-10 2 00 45389 — Allen, E. L., 719 E st., San Diego. (Buick.) Substitution. 45389— Allen, E. L., 329 W. E st., San Diego. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 43617 ; hp. 25| 7 00 45416 — Gaddes, Dr. W. H.. 741 Walnut st., San Diego. (Hudson.) Substitution. 45416 — Gaddes, W. H., care of Tioga Garage, cor. Third and B sts., San Diego. Hudson : touring ; fac. No. 58728 ; hp. 40 9-10 2 00 45443 — Brewer. W. H.. 1433 S. Union ave., Los Angeles. (Oldsmobile. ) Substitution. 45443 — Brewer. W. H.. 1433 S. Union ave., Los Angeles. Pathfinder; touring; fac. No. 2217; hp. 33f 2 00 45692 — Gambill, Nannie A.. R.F.D. No. 3, Box 114, San Diego. (Buick.) Substitution. 45692 — Gambill, Nannie A.. R.F.D. No. 3. Box 114. San Diego. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 52870 : hp. 27i — 1 2 00 45843 — Leys, John A.. 3010 E. Broadway, Long Beach. (Overland.) Substitution. 45843 — Leys, John A., 3010 E. Broadway. Long Beach. Kissel Kar ; touring ; fac. No. 20407 ; hp. 33f 2 00 45926 — Meese & Gottfried Company, 660 Mission st.. San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 45926 — Meese & Gottfried Comoany, 662 Mission st.. San Francisco. Overland; touring: fac. No. 35411; hp. 27£ 2 00 46066 — Wright, Sydney Augustus, Alpine. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 46066 — Wright, Sydney Augustus, Alpine. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 4u9669 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 46114 — Frowein, S. H., 1830 I st., San Diego. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 46114 — Frowein, Spargur II., 1830 I st.. San Die°o. Maxwell; touring; fac. No. 8087: hp. 21 2 00 4G343 — Parker, Win. N., Eighth and A sts.. National City. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 46343 — Parker, W. N., Box 1210, San Diego. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 3784 ; hp. 25§ $2 00 46452 — Hirschfeld, Max., 248 S. Olive st., Cumberland Hotel, Los Angeles. (Patterson.) 46452 — Hirschfeld, Max, 401 Broadway, Central Bldg., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 306418 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 46465 — Hahn, George Henry Michael, 1583 W. Fiftieth st., Los Angeles. (Tourist. ) Substitution. 46465 — Hahn, George Henry Michael, 1583 W. Fiftieth st., Los Angeles. Cadillac ; touring ; fac. No. 2517 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 46475 — City and County of San Francisco, 55 Fulton st., San Francisco. (Brush.) Substitution. 46475 — Department of Electricity, City and County of San Francisco, 55 Fulton st., San Francisco. Ford; fac. No. 358799; hp. 22^ 7 00 46476 — Department of Electricity, 55 Fulton st., San Francisco. (Brush.) Substitution. 46476 — Department of Electricity, 55 Fulton st., San Francisco. Ford; fac. No. 349859; hp. 224 7 00 46477 — Department of Electricity, 55 Fulton st., San Francisco. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 46477 — Department' of Electricity, 55 Fulton st., San Francisco. Ford ; fac. No. 349682 ; hp. 224 2 00 46478 — Department of Electricity, 55 Fulton st., San Francisco. ( Studebaker.) Substitution. 46478 — Department of Electricity, 55 Fulton st., San Francisco. Ford; fac. No. 358796; hp. 224 2 00 46525 — Kuykendall, J. PI., 1830 Lime st., Long Beach. (Ford.) Substitution. 46525 — Kuykendall, J. H., 1037 E. Fourth st., Long Beach. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 36830 ; hp. 224 2 00 46615 — Adams, Robert, 4327 Bernice ave., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 46615 — Adams, R. N.. 4522 Griffin ave., Los Angeles. Chandler Six ; roadster ; fac. No. 1427 ; hp. 27§ 2 00 46653 — Union Iron Works Co., Twentieth and Michigan sts., San Francisco. ( Pope-Hartford. ) Substitution. 46653 — Union Iron Works Co., Twentieth and Michigan sts., San Francisco. Kissel Kar ; touring ; fac. No. 15323 : hp. 32§ 7 00 46682 — Evans, Harry M., Huntington Hotel, Pasadena. (Winton Six.) Substitution. 46682 — Evans, Harry M., 785 S. Orange Grove ave., Pasadena. Winton ; touring ; fac. No. 15462 ; hp. 48f 2 00 46733 — Brainard, II. F., 2668 W. Pico st., Los Angeles. (Babcock.) Substitution. 46733 — Brainard, Plarry F., 961 Arapahoe st., Los Angeles. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. g 3251 ; hp. 25f 2 00 46780 — Shimmin, H. T., 100 N. Greenwood st., Pasadena. (Buick.) Substitution. 46780 — Shimmin, Hugh T., 100 N. Greenwood ave.. Pasadena. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 352604 ; hp. 224 2 00 46927 — Wensthoff, Wm. D.. 935 S. Vermont st.. Los Angeles. (Ford. ) Substitution. 46927 — Wensthoff. Wm. D., 935 S. Vermont ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4c21823 ; hp. 19| 2 00 47006 — Smith, John S., 2707 Twenty-first st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 47006 — Smith. J. S., 2707 Twenty-first st., San Francisco. Utility ; truck ; fac. No. 1295 ; hp. 271 2 00 47090 — Colyer, Henry I., 2920 Pasadena ave., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 47090 — Colyer, Robert Grant, 2920 Pasadena ave.. Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 16651 ; hp. 27|_1 2 00 (57) 47184 — Bresson, Auguste and Frank, Magnolia ave., Riverside. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 47184 — Bresson. Auguste and Frank. Arlington. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. 2894 ; hp. 22£ $2 00 47243 — Ricketts, Thos., Edgerly court, Santa Barbara. ( Studebaker.) Substitution. 47243 — Ricketts, Thomas, Edgerly court, Santa Barbara. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 414779 ; hp. 19f 2 00 47270 — Henck, Henry, 4523 Wesley ave., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 47270 — Henck, Henry, 4523 Wesley ave., Los Angeles. Moreland ; truck ; fac. No. 512 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 47277 — Kriebel, S. D., 2080 W. Thirty-first st., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 47277 — Kriebel, S. D.. 2080 W. Thirty-first st., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. e902 ; hp. 33f 7 00 472S1 — Lloyd, Jesse K., 1553 Hudson ave., Hollywood. (Ford.) Substitution. 47281 — Lloyd, Jesse K„ 1523 Hudson ave., Hollywood. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352526 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 47311 — Brubaker, Mrs. Emma F., Glendora. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 47311 — Brubaker, Mrs. E. F., Glendora. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 33309 ; hp. 27i 2 00 47373 — Paradise Valley Sanitarium, Eighth st.. National City. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 47373 — Paradise Valley Sanitarium, Eighth st., National City. Maxwell; touring; fac. No. : hp. 25| 2 00 47402 — Siebke, Edwird, 321 Ellenwood drive. Eagle Rock. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 47402 — Siebke, Edward, 321 Ellenwood drive, Eagle Rock. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. — — ; hp. 19§ 2 00 47436 — Veysey, Clias. F., 210 Linden way. Eagle Rock. (Overland.) Substitution. 47436 — Veysey, Charles F., 210 Linden way. Eagle Rock. Winton Six ; touring ; fac. No. 17046 ; hp. 48§ 2 00 47471 — Abrams, William, Holtville. (Ford.) Substitution . 47471 — Abrams, William, Holtville. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 361696 ; hp. 22i 2 00 47495 — Kingsbury, Fred C., 631 S. Spring st., Los Angeles. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 47495 — Kingsbury, Fred C., 631 S. Spring st., Los Angeles. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 39444 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 47527 — Dutcher, Merton V., F and Twelfth sts., Imperial. (Buick.) Substitution. 47527 — Dutcher, M. V., Imperial. Jackson; touring; fac. No. 13637; hp. 27J 2 00 47611 — Fairchild, E. W'., Oceanside. (Moore.) Substitution. 47611 — Fairchild, Edward W., Oceanside. Ford; touring; fac. No. 318606; hp. 22| 2 00 47675 — Herbold, James Edward, 1935 N. Marengo st., Pasadena. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 47675 — Herbold, James Edward, 1935 N. Marengo ave., Pasadena. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 2524 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 47732 — White, Thomas, Ontario. (Buick.) Substitution. 47732 — White, Thomas, 135 N. Euclid ave.. Ontario. Overland ; delivery ; fac. No. 42189 ; hp. 27£ 2 00 47747 — Post, George C., 205 S. Broadway, Santa Ana. (Ford.) Substitution . 47747 — Post. Geo. C., 205 S. Broadway, Santa Ana. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 3316 ; hp. 27i 2 00 47797 — Gould, Ira E., 611 S. Central ave., Glendale. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 47797 — Gould, Ira E.. 611 S. Central ave., Glendale. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. C6035 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 47855 — Brandon, L. R., 710 California st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 111171 — Brandon, L. R., Union League Club, Los Angeles. Warren-Detroit ; roadster ; fac. No. d 1286 ; hp. 25| $2 00 47909 — Adams, Thornton G., Alpaugh. (Reo.) Substitution. 47909 — Adams, Thornton G., Alpaugh. Overland; touring; fac. No. 7936453; hp. 27J 2 00 47955 — Caswell, Josephine, Sangus. (White Steamer.) Substitution. 47955 — Caswell, Josephine, Surrey. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 14278 ; hp. 38§ 7 00 47974 — Lyster, George A., 3102£ Brighton ave., Los Angeles. (Velie.) Substitution. 47974 — Lyster, Geo. A., 3102^ Brighton ave., Los Angeles. Paterson; touring; fac. No. 9598; hp. 19f 2 00 48114 — Edgar. William Lowery, 5861 S. Olive st., Los Angeles. ( Studebaker.) Substitution. 48114 — Edgar, W. L., 5861 S. Olive st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 19f 2 00 48224 — Abramson. Dr. Max J., 1165 E. Twenty-first st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 48224 — Abramson, Max J., M. D., 422 Lissner Bldg., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; roadster ; fac. No. 36353 ; hp. 25f 2 00 48327 — Culver, John Vincent, 344 S. Thirty-eighth st., San Diego. (Reo.) Substitution. 48327 — Culver, John V., 344 S. Thirty-eighth st., San Diego. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 4765 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 48347 — Reilly. George W., Jr., 1289 W. Twenty-fifth st., Los Angeles. (Regal.) Substitution. 4S347 — Reilly, George W., Jr., 1289 W. Twenty-fifth st., Los Angeles. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 351 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 48445 — Mulford, Arthur E., 2311 W. Thirtieth st., Los Angeles. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 48445 — Mulford, A. E., 2311 W. Thirtieth st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 608754 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 48566 — Jones, Howard T., Holtville. (Overland.) Substitution. 48566 — Jones, Howard T., Holtville. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 14908 ; hp. 27J 2 00 48567— Boyd, Ed. E., Holtville. (Ford.) Substitution. 48567— Boyd, Ed. E., Holtville. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 272068 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 48571 — Starns, Charley, R.F.D. No. 1, Box 42, W. Riverside. (Hudson.) Substitution. 48571 — Starnes, C., R.F.D. No. 1, Box 42, Riverside. Overland ; roadster, fac. No. 46223 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 48710 — Hogan. Howard H., Olympic Club, Post st., San Francisco. (Hudson.) Substitution. 48710 — Hogan. Howard Henry, 785 Market st., San Francisco. Chalmers, touring ; fac. No. 42233 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 48781 — Woolsey, Herbert Alfred, Exeter. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 48781 — Woolsey, H. A., Exeter. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 610244 ; hp. 29§ 7 00 48788 — Edwards, Eliphalet E., R.F.D. No. 1, Box 122, Fullerton. (Elmore.) Substitution. 48788 — Edwards, Eliphalet E., R.F.D No. 1, Box 122, Fullerton. Stutz ; touring ; fac. No. 4e1954 ; hp. 36 1-10 2 00 48803 — Parson, Houston, 1537 W. Forty-seventh st., Los Angeles. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 48803 — Parson, Houston, 1537 W. Forty-seventh st., Los Angeles. Apperson ; roadster ; fac. No. 4801 ; hp. 32 f 7 00 (59) 48830 — Diggs, Jackson, 409 Forum Bldg., Sacramento. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 48830 — Diggs, Jackson, 409 Forum Bldg.. Sacramento. Stevens-Duryea ; touring; fac. No. 371; hp. 44f $2 00 48853 — Fay, Franklin G., 1729 G. st., Sacramento. (American.) Substitution. 48853 — Fay, Franklin G., 1729 G. st., Sacramento. Oakland ; roadster ; hp. 29f 2 00 48875— Beal, Wm. H., 459 Hamilton ave., Palo Alto. (Overland.) Substitution. 48875 — Beal, Wm. H., 459 Hamilton ave., Palo Alto. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 10579 : hp. 27* 2 00 48991 — Smallfield, A. A.. 727 N. Hunter st., Stockton. (Regal.) Substitution. 48991 — Smallfield, A. A., 737 N. Hunter st., Stockton. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 9340 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 48997 — Marcucci, F., Riverside road, Sacramento. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 48997 — Marcucci, Fortunate, Riverside road, Sacramento. Buick, touring ; fac. No. 6628 ; hp. 22| 2 00 48998 — Christensen, J.. 2601 Twenty-fourth st., Sacramento. (Ford.) Substitution. 48998 — Christensen, Jurgen. 2601 Twenty-fourth st., Sacramento. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 448816; hp. 224 2 00 49015 — Saunders, Joseph W., 1016 Maple ave., Sacramento. (Regal.) Substitution. 49015 — Saunders. Joseph W., 1016 Maple ave., Sacramento. Haynes ; touring ; fac. No. 1252 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 49016 — Miller, Mrs. Oscar H., 2001 I st., Sacramento. (Mitchell.) & xx t) stx~txL tion 49106 — Miller, Mrs. O. H., Twentieth and I sts., Sacramento. Pope-Hartford ; touring ; fac. No. 20065 ; hp. 29-J 2 00 49020 — Rust, C. B.. 1701 Thirteenth st., Sacramento. (Marion.) Substitution. 49020 — Rust, Chas. B.. 1701 Thirteenth st., Sacramento. Overland ; roadster ; fac. No. 41478 ; hp. 27* 2 00 49116 — Harter, George Henry, 604 M st., Sacramento. (Cartercar.) Substitution. 49116 — Harter. Geo. H., 409 N. School st., Lodi. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6080 ; hp. 29f _ 2 00 49138 — Grant, Hugh. 2430 L st., Saci’amento. (Flanders.) Substitution. 4913S — Grant, Hugh, 817 J st., Sacramento. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 15758 ; hp. 224 2 00 49154 — Becker, Philip Frank, 1715 M st., Sacramento. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 49154 — Becker. Philip Frank. 1715 M st., Sacramento. Pope-Hartford; touring; fac. No. 20067; hp. 29f 2 00 49200 — Morrison, G. W. 2426 F st., Sacramento. (Ford.) Substitution. 49200 — Morrison, G. W., 2426 F. st., Sacramento. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 359236 ; hp. 224 2 00 49210 — Daley, Henry, Fourteenth and M sts., San Diego. (Ford.) Substitution. 49210 — Daley, Henry. 14th and M sts., San Diego. Premier ; roadster ; fac. No. 30sl500 : hp. 32§ 7 00 49253 — Russi, John A.. Folsom. (Haynes.) Substitution. 49253 — Russi, John A., Folsom. Haynes ; touring ; fac. No. 8387 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 49309 — Branagan, Andrew J., 901 Scott st., San Francisco. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 49309 — Branagan. Andrew J.. 901 Scott st., San Francisco. Jeffery ; roadster ; fac. No. 41448 ; hp. 224 . 7 00 49438 — Crosby, Francis H.. 3970 Clay st., San Francisco. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 49438 — Crosby. F. II., 1105 Merchants Exchange Bldg., San Francisco. Pierce-Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 33460 ; hp. 38§ 2 00 (GO) 49474 — Haley, John W., 2022 Twenty-second st., Sacramento. (Everitt.) Substitution. 110007 — Murcell & Haley, Ochsner Bldg., Sacramento. Pope-IIartford ; touring ; fac. No. 15032 ; hp. 29f $2 00 49493 — Morris, H. C., 205 Perry st., Oakland. (Selden.) Substitution. 49493 — Morris. H. C., 205 Perry st., Oakland. Franklin; touring; fac. No. 19012; hp. 31§ : 2 00 49508 — Fatjo, Paula M., 1805 Franklin st., San Francisco. (Winton Six.) Substitution. 49508 — Fatjo, Paula M., 1805 Franklin st.. San Francisco. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 8917 ; hp. 48§ 2 00 49721 — Edner, John T., Hayward. (Ford.) Substitution. 49721 — Edner. John T., Hayward. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 449130 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 49794 — Pringle, E. J., 512 Sharon Bldg., San Francisco. (Oakland.) Substitution. 49794 — Pringle, E. J., 512 Sharon Bldg.. San Francisco. Simplex ; touring ; fac. No. 1152 ; hp. 38 2 00 49817 — Vlier, Benjamin, Heber. (Ford.) Substitution. 49817 — Vlier, Benjamin, 165 S. Marengo ave., Pasadena. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 55887 ; hp. 27| 2 00 49853 — Thurman. Nellie P., 4436 Abbott st., Ocean Beach. (Stoddard- Dayton.) Substitution. 49853 — Thurman, Nellie P., Ocean Beach. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 71798 ; hp. 29f 2 00 49893 — Drysdale, George Nelson, 228 Twenty-eighth st., Sacramento. ( Overland. ) Substitution. 49893 — Drysdale, S. N., 2228 Twenty-eighth st., Sacramento. Buick ; touring; fac. No. 108369; hp. 22J 2 00 49895 — Schulze, W. A., 622| Fourteenth st., Sacramento. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 49895 — Schulze, William A., 1621 K st., Sacramento. Overland; touring; fac. No. 44152; hp. 271 2 00 50036— West, T. W., 220 W. Florida st., Hanford. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 50036— West. T. W., 220 W. Florida st., Hanford. Paige ; touring ; fac. No. 11032 ; hp. 25f 2 00 50040 — Kullman, Mrs. Jean McGregor, 2330 Green st., San Francisco. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 50040 — Kullman, Mrs. Jean McGregor, 2330 Green st., San Francisco. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 611309 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 50047 — Moller, William. 426 Twenty-ninth st., Oakland. (Packard.) Substitution. 50047 — Moller. William, 426 Twenty-ninth st., Oakland. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 63455 ; hp. 48f 2 00 50064— Burks, Dr. W. T., 1633 J st., Fresno. (Chalmers.) 50064— Burks. W. T., M.D., Land Co. Bldg., Fresno. Pope-Hartford ; roadster ; fac. No. m 2591 ; hp. 36 1-10 2 00 50088 — Dollar, A. M., 230 California st., San Francisco. (Thomas.) Substitution. 50038 — Dollar, A. M., 230 California st., San Francisco. Stearns ; touring ; fac. No. 8534 ; hp. 43f 2 00 50151 — Brundage, Mrs. Mary, 697 E. Miles st., Los Angeles. (Garford.) Substitution. 50151 — Brundage, Mary M., 5417 S. Figueroa st., Los Angeles. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 6 a 2374 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 50162 — Simon, W. W., 512 Orange ave., Santa Ana. (Halliday.) Substitution. 50162 — Simon, W. W., 512 Orange ave., Santa Ana. Kissel; touring; fac. No. 15293; hp. 32§ 2 00 ( 61 ) 50262 — Chisholm, 847 Castro st., San Francisco. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 50262 — Chisholm, R. A.. 847 Castro st., San Francisco. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 35531 ; hp. 38§ $7 50384 — Lovett, W. E., Washington and Pine aves., San Jose. (Flanders.) Substitution. 106860 — Lovett, W. E.. Washington and Pine aves., San Jose. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 969 ; hp. 19§ 2 50386 — Swaney, Robert Roy, 920 Thirteenth st., Sacramento. (Flanders.) Substitution. 50386 — Swaney, Robert Roy, 920 Thirteenth st., Sacramento. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. ; hp. 221 2 50447 — Claybaugh, W. C., Roeding Park, Fresno. (Ford.) Substitution. 50447 — Claybaugh, W. C., R.F.D. No. 7. Fresno. Hudson ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 25 f 2 50464 — The Woodward Company, J and Kern sts., Fresno. (Buick.) Substitution. 50464 — The Woodward Company, Fresno. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 546 ; hp. 25 § 2 50476 — Rankin, C. Allen, 2525 Regent st., Berkeley. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 50476 — Rankin. Charles Allen, 2525 Regent st., Berkeley. Chandler; touring; fac. No. 772; hp. 27§ 2 50498 — Lion, Gus, 296 N. Third st., San Jose. (Winton. ) Substitution. 50498 — Lion, Gus, 296 N. Third st., San Jose. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 54408 ; hp. 38f 2 50529 — Ellwood, W. A., Arbuckle. (Regal.) Substitution. 50529 — Ellwood, William A., Arbuckle. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 31617 ; hp. 25§ 2 50562 — Dias, Edward X., 327 O st., Sacramento. (Overland.) Substitution. 50562 — Dias, Edward X., 327 O st., Sacramento. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 21147 ; hp. 25§ 2 50589 — Boyce, Mrs. Emma Woodbridge. (Kissel Kar.) Substitution. 50589 — Boyce, Mrs. Emma, Woodbridge. Kissel ; touring ; fac. No. 60-4698 ; hp. 48f 7 50691 — Aulenbrock, Joseph, 1935 San Pedro st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 50691 — Aulenbrock, Joseph. 1935 San Pedro st., Los Angeles. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 10215 ; hp. 21 50828 — Thompson, A. J., 155 W. Fifty-first st., Los Angeles. (Regal.) Substitution. 50828 — Thompson, Arthur J., 1312^ Third ave., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No 43869 ; hp. 27^ 50878 — Anton, Thomas M.. 342 Lester ave., Oakland. (Overland.) Substitution. 50878 — Anton, T. M., 342 Lester ave., Oakland. Overland; touring; fac. No. 14939; hp. 27| 51079 — Fortin, Octave Victor, Twenty-fourth and Waverly sts., Oakland. (Overland.) Substitution. 51079 — Fortin. Octave Victor. 2359 Waverly st., Oakland. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 3911 ; hp. 27* 51180 — Hoque. William Francis, 281 Minnesota ave., San Jose. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 51180 — Hoque. William Francis, 281 Minnesota ave., San Jose. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 15681 ; hp. 19f 51199 — Stevens, Chas. W., White road, San Jose. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 51199 — Stevens, Chas. W., Evergreen. E-M-F ; touring ; fac. No. a29917 ; hp. 25§ 51237 — Coe, Chas. H.. 416 N. Harris st., Hanford. ( Pope-Hartford. ) Substitution. 51237— Coe, Chas. II.. Hanford. Buick; roadster; fac. No. 10790; hp. 224 (62) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 51296— Kelly, J. W., 1011 I st., Bakersfield. (Ford.) Substitution. 51296 — Kelly, J. W.. 1011 I st.. Bakersfield. Ford; roadster; fac. No. 483962; hp. 22* $2 00 51305 — Thiesen, Philip E., R.F.D. No. 1, Box 27 a, Reedley. (Oakland 30.) Substitution. 51305 — Thiesen. Philip E., R.F.D. No. 1, Box 27 a. Reedley. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 1222 ; hp. 20* 2 00 51328 — Hussey, Elsie E.. 743 Fifty-third st., Oakland. ( Stoddard-Dayton.) Substitution. 51328 — Hussey, Elsie E.. 743 Fifty-third st., Oakland. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 21736 ; hp. 27i 2 00 51676 — Woodhull, Ben M., 23 W. Vine st., Stockton. (Overland.) Substitution. 51676 — Woodhull, B. M., Stockton. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 80 t 2762 ; hp. 27| 2 00 51778 — Marcum, Leo, San Benito st., Hollister. (Buick.) Substitution. 51778 — Marcum, Leo, Hollister. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 101293 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 51803 — Rogers, Greg., Chula Vista. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 51803 — Rogers, Greg., Chula Vista. Cadillac ; touring ; fac. No. a 1990 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 51822 — Horn, John William, 170 Main st., Petaluma. (Oakland.) Substitution. 51822 — Horn, J. W., 170 Main st., Petaluma. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 430345 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 51905 — Dunn, Richard Henry, 233 Judah st., San Francisco. (Ford.) Substitution. 51905 — Dunn, Richard Henry, 233 Judah st., San Francisco. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 448899 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 52077 — Gould, C. B., 115 Moss ave., Oakland. (Kissel.) Substitution. 52077 — Gould, C. B., 115 Moss ave.. Oakland. Franklin; touring; fac. No. 19700; hp. 31f 2 00 52092 — McLaughlin, Emma R., 122 E. Eleventh st., Oakland. (Woods- Electric. ) Substitution 52092 — McLaughlin, Emma R., 122 E. Eleventh st., Oakland. Jeffery ; coupe ; fac. No. 43204 ; hp. 22* 2 00 52109 — Daingerfield, Lee, Forest ave., Pacific Grove. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 52109 — Daingerfield, Lee. 419 Forest ave.. Pacific Grove. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 610496 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 52130 — Brichetto, Joseph C., Banta. (Pierce-Arrow.) Substitution. 52130 — Brichetto, J. C., Banta. Pierce-Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 34804 ; hp. 38§ 2 00 52188 — Fass, Abraham Solomon, 510 Battery st., San Francisco. (Detroiter.) Substitution. 52188 — Fass, A. S., 510 Battery st., San Francisco. Detroiter ; touring ; fac. No. 4141 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 52205 — Dixon, Willie Lancaster, 2824 College ave., Berkeley. (Flanders 20.) S ub stitution 52205 — Dixon, Willie Lancaster, 3009 Hillegas st., Berkeley. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 418196 ; hp. 19f 2 00 52287 — Miller & Lux, Incorporated, 1314 Merchants Exchange, San Fran- cisco. (Peerless.) Substitution. 52287 — Miller & Lux, Incorporated, 1314 Merchants Exchange, San Francisco. Pierce-Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 34506 ; hp. 38§ 2 00 52291 — Sykes, Will L., 616 Main st., Santa Clara. (Auburn.) I V'l/ Q M // 1 /I'M 52291— Sykes, Will L., 616 Main st., Santa Clara. Overland ; roadster ; hp. 19§ 2 00 52438 — Stoker, Geo. W., 2733 Alcatraz ave., Berkeley. (Winton.) Substitution. 52438 — Stoker. Geo. E.. 2733 Alcatraz ave., Berkeley. Winton ; touring ; fac. No. 17079 ; hp. 48 § $2 00 52462 — Marquand, Alfred W., 858 Fifty-sixth st., Oakland. (Kissel.) Substitution. 52462 — Marquand, Alfred W., 858 Fifty-sixth st., Oakland. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 22306 ; hp. 271 2 00 52592 — Gilbert, Ethan Allen, 1059 Bella Yista ave., Oakland. (Ford.) Substitution. 52592 — Gilbert, Ethan Allen, 1059 Bella Vista ave., Oakland. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 60751 ; hp. 271 2 00 52669— Camp, Edgar J., Florin. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 52669— Camp, E. J., Florin. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 405416 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 52678 — Crofton, Edward William, Vorden. (Overland.) Substitution. 52678 — Crofton, Edward William, Vorden. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 43119 ; hp. 271 2 00 52771 — Farm & Forest Realty Co., 220 Palm ave., Watsonville. (Parry Car.) Substitution. 52771 — Farm & Forest Realty Co., 220 Palm ave., Watsonville. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 31592 ; hp. 271 2 00 52803— Baker, Wood C., 19 B st., San Mateo. (Ford.) Substitution. 52803— Baker, Wood C., 18 P. st., San Mateo. Kissel; touring; fac. No. 15378; hp. 32§ 7 00 52816 — Selenger, Walter T., Mountain View. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 52816 — Selenger, Walter T., Mountain View. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 22358 ; hp. 19f_ 2 00 52885 — Carter, Walter, Hardwick. (Flanders 20.) Substitution. 52885 — Carter, Walter M., Hardwick. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 41821 ; hp. 19f 2 00 52935 — Lee, Dr. Carl M., 2259 Green st., San Francisco. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 52935 — Lee, Dr. Carl M., 2259 Green st., San Francisco. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 611303 ; hp. 29f 2 00 52967 — McKibbon, Fred W., Oakdale. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 52967 — McKibbon, Fred W., Oakdale. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 359331 ; hp. 221 2 00 53068 — Wright, Henry E., 2832 Ben venue ave., Berkeley. (Ford.) Substitution 53058 — Wright, Henry E., 2832 Benvenue ave., Berkeley. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 14656 ; hp. 271 2 00 53082 — Traster, William H., 1525 Fifth ave., Los Angeles. (White Steamer.) Substitution. 53082— Traster, W. H., 1525 Fifth ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 b 5033 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 53119 — Cohnreich, Arthur, 40 Sansome st., San Francisco. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 53119 — Cohnreich, Arthur, 40 Sansome st., San Francisco. Cadillac ; touring ; fac. No. 59940 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 53128 — Geller, J. E., 492 Twenty-third st., Oakland. (Flanders.) Substitution. 53128 — Geller, J. E., 492 Twenty-third st., Oakland. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 22325 ; hp. 271 2 00 53249 — Loomis, Frank C., 809 Fourth st., Santa Rosa. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. 53249 — Loomis, Frank C.. 809 Fourth st., Santa Rosa. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 58430 ; hp. 271 7 00 (04) 53271 — Brilliant, Margaret, 270 Thirty-second ave., San Francisco. ( Haynes. ) Substitution. 53271 — Brilliant, Margaret and Lillian Weil, 120 Twenty-fifth ave., San Francisco. Haynes ; touring ; fac. No. 8401 ; hp. 28 9-10 $2 53314 — Dingman, Waldo H., Ventura. (Overland.) Substitution. 53314 — Dingman, W. H.. Ventura. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 44331 ; hp. 271 2 53655— Harkins, James J., Salinas. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 53655 — Harkins, James J., Salinas. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 40135 ; hp. 29§ 2 53679 — Statler, E. H., Bungalow Terrace, Los Gatos. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 53679 — Statler, E. H., Los Gatos. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 21 2 53848 — Beattie, Dr. William G., Mission road, Colma. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 53848 — Beattie, Dr. William G., Colma. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 14444 ; hp. 271 2 54067 — Johnson, Win. M., M. D., 27 W. Olive ave., Redlands. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 54067 — Johnson, Wm. M., 27 W. Olive st., Redlands. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 352416 ; hp. 221 2 54071 — Rea, Geo. E., Gilroy. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 54071 — Rea, Geo. E., Gilroy. Lozier ; touring ; fac. No. a 582 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 54081 — Sledge, Levin Lane, Madera. (Buick.) Substitution. 54081 — Sledge, L. L., Madera. Buick; touring; fac. No. 108714; hp. 221 2 54085 — O’Brien, Daniel S., 1518 Eighth ave., San Francisco. (Ford.) V/j/ Ti ©■/■'j 4/i/ 4^ /I'M 54085— O’Brien, Daniel S.. 1518 Eighth ave., San Francisco. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 380357 ; hp. 221 2 54155 — Wulbern, O. B., LeGrande. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 54155 — Wulbern. 1436 Benton st.. Alameda. Paige-Detroit ; stream line ; fac. No. 16862 ; hp. 25f 2 54199 — Phillips, Matthew C., Madera. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 54199 — Phillips, Matthew C., Madera. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 601892 ; hp. 29§ 2 54244 — Dalrymple, Harry F., Fullerton. (Thomas.) Substitution. 54244 — Dalrymple, Harry F., Fullerton. Jackson ; touring ; fac. No. 11759 ; hp. 36 1-10 2 54297 — Gilbert, Earl B.. 1931 Pine st., Bakersfield. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 54297 — Gilbert, Earl B., 1931 Pine st., Bakersfield. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 602182 ; hp. 29f 2 54339 — Gregory, A. Martin, 1639 Forty-seventh ave., Oakland. (Ford.) Substitution. 54339 — Gregory, A. M., 1639 Forty-seventh ave.. Oakland. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 349598 ; hp. 221 2 54551 — McDonald, Luke, Butte st., Redding. (Buick.) Substitution. 54551 — McDonald, Luke, Redding. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 37 ; hp. 224 2 54573 — Whitaker, Walter L., 857 Sonoma ave., Santa Rosa. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 54573 — Whitaker, Walter L., 857 Sonoma ave.. Santa Rosa. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 423146 ; hp. 19§ 2 (65) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5—13163 54822 — Smith, Kirby Barnitz, 4704 E. Fourteenth st., Alameda. (Regal.) Substitution. 54822 — Smith, Kirby Barnitz, 4704 E. Fourteenth st., Alameda. Regal ; runabout ; fac. No. ; hp. 224 $2 54853 — Thornton, Mrs. A. L., 845 W. Tenth st., Los Angeles. (Amplex.) Substitution. 54853 — Thornton, Mrs. A. L., Tenth and Francisco sts., Los Angeles. Chandler ; touring ; fac. No. 410 ; hp. 27f 2 54926 — Ursher, John, 1300 Nineteenth st., Bakersfield. (Ford.) Substitution. 54926 — Ursher, John, 1300 Nineteenth st., Bakersfield. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 40244 ; hp. 25f- 2 54940 — Silva, Lister, 1269 W. Thirty-sixth st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 54940 — Silva, Lister, 1269 W. Thirty-sixth st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 b 5107 ; hp. 29§ 2 55060- — Wahl, Albert, Chino. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 55060 — Wahl, A., 734 Forthcamp ave., Fresno. Cadillac ; phaeton ; fac. No. 93656 ; hp. 32| 2 55066 — Perrin, Chauncey C., 198 E. Jefferson st., Pomona. (Overland.) Substitution. 55066 — Perrin, Chauncey C., 198 E. Jefferson st., Pomona. Cadillac ; touring ; fac. No. 6035 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 55207 — Bowen, William Edward, Third ave. and First st., Chula Vista. (Buick.) Substitution. 55207— Bowen, William E., Chula Vista. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 346768 ; hp. 224 2 55326 — Perry, Charles Bell, 506 S. Broadway st., Santa Ana. (Metz.) Substitution. 55326 — Perry, Charles Bell, 506 S. Broadway, Santa Ana. Metz ; roadster ; fac. No. 284399 ; hp. 224 2 55397 — Scott, Magner & Miller, 40 California st., San Francisco. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 55397 — Scott, Magner & Miller, Fifth and Adeline sts., Oakland. Ford ; runabout ; fac. No. 448760 ; hp. 224 2 55398 — Scott, Magner & Miller, 40 California st., San Francisco. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 55398 — Scott, Magner & Miller, Fifth and Adeline sts., Oakland. Ford ; runabout ; fac. No. 448757 ; hp. 224 2 55455 — Whitley, Chas. IL, 12 Geary st., San Francisco. (Ohio.) Substitution. 55455 — Whitley, C. H., M.D., 12 Geary st.. San Frnncisco. Pathfinder; touring; fac. No. 1120; hp. 271 2 55483 — Passalacqua. A. D„ Healdsburg. (Maxwell. Substitution. 55483 — Passalacqua, A*. I)., Healdsburg. Lozier; touring; fac. No. 445; hp. 28 9-10 — 2 55555 — Dalton, Edward F., 2131 F st., Sacramento. (Pope-Hartford.) Substitution. 55555 — Dalton, Edward Foster, 2131 F st., Sacramento. Franklin ; roadster ; fac. No. 18232 ; hp. 31| 2 55586 — Bonetti, Henry, cor. Alameda and Emery sts., San Jose. (Apperson.) Substitution. 55586 — Bonetti, Henry. 1470 The Alameda. San Jose. Apperson ; touring ; fac. No. 6373 ; hp. 33f 2 55609— Chamberlain. R. IL, 1309 Franklin st., Oakland. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 55609 — Chamberlain. R. H., 1309 Franklin st., Oakland. Stoddard-Dayton ; touring ; fac. No. 299 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 55654 — Barker. Frederick Pollard, 2954 Hillegas ave., Berkeley. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. 55654 — Barker. Frederick Pollard, 2954 Hillegas ave.. Berkeley. Flanders "20*’ ; roadster ; fac. No. 54536 ; hp. 21 ( 66 ) : oo ! 00 ! 00 : oo : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 55831 — Burke, Ivan C., 212 W. Myrtle st., Hanford. (Buick.) Substitution. 55831 — Burke, Ivan C., Hanford. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 8606 ; lip. 22^ $2 00 55947 — Clayton, Sherman, 1897 National ave., San Diego. (Overland.) Substitution. 55947 — Clayton, Sherman, 1S97 National ave., San Diego. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 6809 ; hp. 40 2 00 55981 — Judy, D. O.. Winters. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 55981 — Judy, D. O., Winters. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 15792 ; hp. 221 2 00 56316 — Crystal, Edward C., Vacaville. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 56316 — Crystal, Edward C., Vacaville. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 349851 ; hp. 221 2 00 56326 — Barnett, Hal A., 347 E. Poplar st., Stockton. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 56326 — Barnett, Hal A., 347 E. Poplar st.. Stockton. Oakland 36 ; touring ; fac. No. 362172 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 56341 — Snell, Mrs. Geo. P., 5702 Alum Rock ave., San Jose. (Hupmobile. ) Substitution. 56341 — Snell, Mrs. Geo. P., 5702 Alum Rock ave., San Jose. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 3359 ; hp. 25§ 7 00 56382— Morrell, J. B., Wright. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 56382 — Morrell, J. B., Wrights. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 21066 ; hp. 19f 2 00 56503 — Howe, E. H., Guernsey. (Ford.) Substitution. 56503— Howe, E. H., R.F.D. No. 2, Hanford. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 423172 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 56535 — Wismer, George C., 625 W. Center st., Pomona. (Flanders.) Su 1) s i/itu tio't'i 56535 — Wismer, George Clark, 625 W. Center st., Pomona. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 81013 ; hp. 201 2 00 56642 — Bisbee, George S., R.F.D. No. 1, Box 76, Lordsburg. (Stoddard- Dayton. ) Substitution. 56642 — Bisbee, George S., Foothill blvd., Lordsburg. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. b 12579 ; hp. 221 2 00 56649 — Newman, Axel A., 393 Tenth st., Oakland. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 56649 — Newman, A., 393 Tenth st., Oakland. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 16519; hp. 19 § 2 00 56699 — Osborne, H. L., 731 State st., Santa Barbara. (Elmore.) h Q tl til tl 56699 — Osborne, H. L., 731 State st., Santa Barbara. Hudson ; touring ; fac. No. 16419 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 56705 — Gavin-Williams Co., 1318 Fifth st., San Diego. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 56705 — Gavin-Williams Co., 1318 Fifth st., San Diego. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 221 2 00 57141 — Rettig, Henry, 507 Citrus ave., Redlands. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 57141 — Rettig, Henry, 403 E. Citrus ave., Redlands. Cadillac ; roadster ; fac. No. ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 57218 — Phillips, Maxwell E., 447 S. Fifteenth st., San Jose. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 57218 — Phillips, Maxwell E., 447 S. Fifteenth st., San Jose. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4c21190 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 57274 — Marlette, Geo. H.. 321 N. Aurora st., Stockton. (Flanders.) Hi I h Q tit II t‘ 1 Ci'Vl 57274 — Marlette, Geo. H., 321 N. Aurora st., Stockton. Reo ; roadster ; fac. No. 33775 ; hp. 25f 2 00 57702 — Stoll, John P., 2510 Maple ave., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 57702 — Stoll, John P., 2502 Maple ave., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 101007 ; hp. 221 2 00 (67) 57708 — Holman, Mrs. Sarah, North Monterey. (Buick.) Substitution. 57708 — Holman, Mrs. Sarah, Gilroy. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 13390 ; hp. 221 $2 00 57734 — Downing, George W., Maricopa. (Ford.) Substitution. 57734 — Downing, Geo. W., Maricopa. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352630 ; hp. 221 2 00 57753 — Tiffany, Willis N., Union League Club, Los Angeles. (Inter-State) Substitution. 57753 — Tiffany, Willis N., 1110 W. Washington st., Los Angeles. Chandler; touring; fac. No. 478; hp. 27§ 2 00 57936 — Bambauer, Charles Daniel, Volta. (Cole.) Substitution. 57936 — Bambauer, Charley D., Volta. Overland ; roadster ; fac. No. 31781 ; hp. 271 2 00 57980 — Shaffer, Willie A., 450 W. Center st., Pomona. (R.C.H. ) Substitution. 57980 — Shaffer, Willie A., 450 W. Center st., Pomona. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 174403 ; hp. 221 7 00 58028 — Feeley, James, 946 Jefferson st., Red Bluff. (Overland.) Substitution . 58028 — Feeley, James, 946 Jefferson st.. Red Bluff. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 15871 ; hp. 271 2 00 58091 — Lusardi, J. F., and Long, R. R., 1133 Charro st., San Luis Obispo. (Studebaker. ) Substitution. 58091 — Lusardi, John Fred, 664 Pacific st., San Luis Obispo. Studebaker ; roadster ; fac. No. 73484 ; hp. 201 2 00 58129— Boles, Merl Lee, Oil Fields. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 58129— Boles, Merl L., Oil Fields. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 608873 ; hp. 29f 2 00 58156 — Orton, Chas. Newell. C st., Lemoore. (Ford.) Substitution. 58156 — Orton, Chas. N., Lemoore. Kelley ; truck ; fac. No. 5156 ; hp. 32§ 7 00 58161— Smith, Harry, Tulare. (Ford.) Substitution. 58161 — Smith, Harry, P. O. Box 7, Tulare. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 306549 ; hp. 19| 2 00 58179 — Hansen, R. A., Livermore. (Stutz.) Substitution. 58179 — Hansen, R. A., Livermore. Buick; roadster; fac. No. 851; hp. 221 2 00 58185 — Giovanessi, John, 9 Laurel place, San Rafael. (Cole.) Substitution. 58185 — Giovanessi; 9 Laurel place, San Rafael. Overland; touring; fac. No. 6940; hp. 271 2 00 58333 — Meier, Martin, 207 Cole st., San Francisco. (Buick.) Substitution. 58333 — Meier, Martin, 207 Cole st., San Francisco. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 2664 ; hp. 221 2 00 58353 — Schwarz, Fred Nicholas, 642 Twentieth st., San Diego. (Cole.) Substitution. 58353 — Schwarz, Fred N., 642 Twentieth st., San Diego. Velie ; touring ; fac. No. 11884 ; hp. 341 2 00 58386 — Jones, Sewell R., Main st., Lockeford. (Reo. ) Substitution. 58386 — Jones, Sewell R., Lockeford. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 53437 ; hp. 25 § 2 00 58391 — High, Frederick A., 41 S. Raymond ave., Pasadena. (Buick.) Substitution. 58391 — High, Frederick A., 41 S. Raymond ave., Pasadena. Hudson ; roadster; fac. No. 23008; hp. 25$ ( 68 ) 2 00 58501 — Fratessa, Paul F. and Mario, 899 Berlin st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 58501 — Fratessa, Paul F., 899 Berlin st., San Francisco. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 13794 ; hp. 27^ $2 58521 — Mayfield, Mrs. L. A., 419 French st., Santa Ana. (Studebaker. ) Substitution. 58521 — Mayfield, Mrs. L. A., 419 French st., Santa Ana. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 11287 ; hp. 29f 2 58532 — Smith, Charles Earle, 1400 Jones st., San Francisco. (Locomobile.) Substitution. 58532 — Smith, C. E., 1400 Jones st., San Francisco. Stevens-Duryea ; touring ; fac. No. 32027 ; hp. 45 15-16 7 58534 — Giacometti, William J., 449 Forty-ninth st., Oakland. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 58534 — Giacometti, Wm. J., 449 Forty-ninth st., Oakland. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 44228 ; hp. 271 2 58559 — Cunningham, James Charles, Le Grand. (Hudson.) Substitution. 58559 — Cunningham, James Charles, Le Grand. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 613357 ; hp. 29§ 2 58646 — Reid, Caroline A., 401 S. Coronado st., Los Angeles. (Detroit.) Substitution. 58646 — Reid, Caroline A., 401 S. Coronado st., Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 330001 ; hp. 221 2 58715 — Walls, James A., R.F.D. No. 5, Box 98, Petaluma. (Ford.) Substitution. 58715 — Walls, Jas. A., R.F.D. No. 5, Box 98, Petaluma. Buiek ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 221 2 58752 — Ivreling, Martin and Wm. J., 3073 Sixteenth st., San Francisco. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 58752 — Ivreling, Martin and Wm. J., 3073 Sixteenth st., San Francisco. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 3573 ; hp. 25f 2 58866 — Haven, Edward, 50 N. Morrison ave., San Jose. (Ford.) Substitution. 58866 — Haven, Edward, 50 N. Morrison ave., San Jose. Ford; touring; fac. No. 385400; hp. 221 2 58918 — Greenquist, Elmer, 516 W. San Carlos st., San Jose. (Flanders.) Substitution. 58918 — Greenquist, E. A., 516 W. San Carlos st.. San Jose. Paige ; touring ; fac. No. 16027 ; hp. 25 f 2 58923 — Rich, Clarence Lester, Homestead road, Cupertino. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 58923 — Rich, Clarence Lester, Cupertino. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 1894 ; hp. 29§ 2 58939 — Diddle, Dr. J. F., 2719 San Pablo ave., Berkeley. (Overland.) Substitution. 58939 — Diddle, Dr. J. F., 2719 San Pablo ave., Berkeley. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. a 3756 ; hp. 271 2 59010 — Hart-Wood Lumber Co., S.W. cor. Berry and Fifth sts., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 59010 — Hart-Wood Lumber Co., 304 Berry st., San Francisco. Overland ; roadster ; fac. No. 24265 ; hp. 271 2 59078 — Barnhart, William H., Third ave., Chula Vista. (Ford.) Substitution. 59078 — Barnhart, William H., Chula Vista. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 305333 ; hp. 19§ 2 59131 — Clark, E. M., Corcoran. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 59131 — Clark, E. M., 1303 W. Thirty-sixth st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 9388 ; hp. 29§ 2 59150 — Stephens, Simons A., 2062 Cleveland ave., San Diego. (Flanders “20.”) Substitution. 59150 — Stephens, S. A., 1262 Cleveland ave., San Diego. Saxon ; roadster ; fac. No. ; hp. 11 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (69) 59461 — Brix, Herman H.. Brix Apts., Fresno. (Hudson.) Substitution. 59461 — Brix, Herman H., Brix Apts., Fresno. Hudson ; roadster ; fac. No. 73799 ; hp. 29f $2 59468 — Smith, George, Cutler. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 59468 — Smith, George, Cutler. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 10805 ; hp. 29§ 2 59544 — Wheeler, F. D., 3512 Arnold st., San Diego. (Ford.) Substitution. 59544 — Wheeler, F. D., 3512 Arnold st., San Diego. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 157990 ; hp. 22J 2 59640 — Grosh, M. D., 465 Page st., San Francisco. (Buick.) Substitution. 59640 — Grosh, M. D., 1034 Merchants Exchange Bldg., San Francisco. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. 106031 ; hp. 22J 2 59661 — Jobe, Charles S., First st.. Corning. (Ford.) Substitution. 59661 — Jobe, C. S., Corning. Ford; touring; fac. No. 491685; hp. 22^ 2 59703 — Wingerter, Ynez A., 2706 Sacramento st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 59703 — Wingerter, Ynez A., 2706 Sacramento st., San Francisco. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 2734 ; hp. 27^ 2 59841 — Smith, John T., Milpitas. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 59841 — Smith, John F., Milpitas. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 7720 ; hp. 29§ 7 59879 — Hensel, Otto, 232 Eagle Rock ave., Los Angeles. (Ford.) $ / ui\) st ti/Ofi 59879 — Hensel, Otto, 1844 S. Figueroa st.. Los Angeles. Ford; touring; fac. No. 175961; hp. 224 2 59890 — Bennett, U. R., Nestor. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 59890 — Bennette, U. R., Nestor. Metz; runabout; fac. No. 28105; hp. 224 7 60019 — Robson, Andrew. Marysville. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 60019 — Robson. A. A., Marysville. Studebaker ; touring : fac. No. 16214 ; hp. 19f 2 60041 — Barnett, T. C., 33 S. Fifteenth st., San Jose. (Ford.) Substitution. 60041 — Barnett, T. C., San Jose. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 390447 ; hp. 224 2 60045— McMasters, W. A., R.F.D. No. 1, Box 94, San Jose. (Reo.) Substitution. 60045 — McMasters, W. A., care of Pigeon Farm, Oakland road, San Jose. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 25§ 7 60111 — Weilbye, W. H., 510 Eighteenth st., Oakland. (Stevens-Duryea.) Substitution. 60111 — Weilbye, W. H., Oakland. Stevens-Duryea ; touring ; fac. No. 30146 ; hp. 45 15-16 2 60151— Bowman, H. R., R.F.D. No. 1, Winters. (E-M-F.) Substitution . 60151 — Bowman, Henry R., Winters. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 610258 ; hp. 29§ 2 60518— Hatfield, Guy, R.F.D. No. 4, Fullerton. (Hudson.) Substitution. 60518 — Hatfield, Guy, Lompoc. Franklin ; tourihg ; fac. No. 14033 ; hp. 38 7 60611 — Palmer, R. C. M., 328 Church st., Grass Valley. (Ford.) Substitution. 60611— Palmer, R. C. M., Grass Valley. Ford : touring ; fac. No. 359137 ; hp. 224 2 60809 — Wilcoxson, John G., 236 Center st., Redlands. (Ford.) Substitution . 60809 — Wilcoxson, John G., Redlands. Buick; touring; fac. No. 101983; hp. 224 2 (70) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60942 — Willis, Arthur V., P. O. Box 796, Fresno. (Buick.) Substitution. 60942 — Willis, Arthur V., Fresno. Cadillac ; roadster ; fac. No. a663 ; hp. 32§ $2 61376 — Downs, Harry M., 940 E. Third st., Pomona. (Northern.) Substitution. 61376 — Downs, H. M., 774 E. Fifth st., Pomona. Lambert; touring; fac. No. 11091; hp. 271 2 61447 — Boyd. Ada Pillsbury, 952 Sutter st., San Francisco. (Detroit- Electric.) Substitution. 61447 — Boyd, Ada Pillsbury, San Francisco. Velie ; touring ; fac. No. 17090 ; hp. 33f 12 61453 — Bird, Burney, 948 S. Figueroa st., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 61453 — Bird, Burney B., 1103 S. Hope st., Los Angeles. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 15223 ; hp. 21 2 61461 — Vance, James, 305 Euclid ave., Oakland. (Pope-Hartford.) Substitution. 61461 — Vance, James, Oakland. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 53073 ; hp. 38§ 61601 — Schwartz, Milton H., 4206 Terrace, Oakland. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 61601 — Schwartz, Milton H., Oakland. Chandler ; touring ; fac. No. 961 .; hp. 27-f 61637 — Mayfield, Orle, 1635 Chorro st., San Luis Obispo. (Case.) .Qf/jy T\ /'I'M 61637— Mayfield, Orle N., San Luis Obispo. Case ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 32§ 2 61692 — Wormer, Fremont S., Lindsay. (Buick.) Substitution. 61692 — Wormer, F. S., Lindsay. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 100335 ; hp. 221 2 61814 — Peters, Wm., M.D., 1402 Eighteenth st., San Francisco. (Regal.) Substitution. 61814 — Peters, Dr. Wm., San Francisco. Regal; touring; fac. No. 7912; hp. 221 2 61816 — Northrope, Earl D., Wasco. (Ford.) Substitution. 61816 — Northrop, Earl, Wasco. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 3 ; hp. 221 2 62013 — Lee, Elinor C., 13291 J st., Sacramento. (Overland.) Substitution. 62013 — Lee. Elinor C., Sacramento. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 449388 ; hp. 221 2 62218 — McVay, I. N., Princeton. (Overland.) Substitution. 62218 — McVay, I. N., Princeton. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 611379 ; hp. 29f 2 62278 — Hill, M. W., No. 14 Clifton ave., Redlands. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. 62278— Hill, M. W., Redlands. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 43143 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 62327 — Waechter, Geo. H., 226 West Sixth st., Hanford. (Stoddard- Day ton. ) Substitution. 62327 — Waechter, Geo. H., Hanford. American ; touring ; fac. No. 751 ; hp. 32f 7 62379 — Davison, J. M., Myers st., Arlington. (Rambler.) Substitution. 62379 — Davison, J. M., Arlington. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 1783 ; hp. 29§ 2 62512— Watts, H. D., Exeter. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 62512— Watts, H. D., P. O. Box 447, Exeter. Jeffery; touring; fac. No. 40626; hp. 221 ! 00 ! 00 : oo : oo : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 02584 — McBean, Atholl, 3742 Washington st,, San Francisco. (Pope-Hart- f ord. ) Substitution. 62584 — McBean, Atholl, San Francisco. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 19523 ; hp. 31§ $2 00 62630 — Keating, J. P., 1723 Eleventh st., Sacramento. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 62630 — Keating, Jas. P., Sacramento. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 11721 ; hp. 21 2 00 62679 — Nicolas, Claire, Fullerton. (Colby.) Substitution. 62679 — Nicolas, Claire, Fullerton. Cadillac ; roadster ; fac. No. 99143 ; hp. 32§ 7 00 .62741 — Frasse, Mrs. Maud A., 705 S. Eighth st., San Jose. (Stutz. ) Substitution. 62741 — Frasse, Mrs. Maud A., San Jose. Jeffery ; touring ; fac. No. 38231 ; hp. 33f 2 00 62798— Schneider, C. C., R.F.D. No. 15, Los Gatos. (Overland.) Substitution. 62798 — Schneider, C. C., San Jose. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 4480 ; hp. 271 2 00 62834 — Garner, Wm. O., Grand ave., Covina. (Franklin.) Substitution. 62834— Garner, W. O., Covina. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 19468 ; hp. 31f 7 00 62979 — Foster, Dr. R. DeL., 905 Watts Bldg., San Diego. (Buick.) Substitution. 62979 — Foster, Dr. R. DeL., 908 Watts Bldg., San Diego. Chandler; touring; fac. No. 2211; hp. 27f 63056 — Colby, H. P., 145 Washington st., San Diego. ( Studebaker. ) VJ/ T\ O ■/-/} •/•4/fy) 1 63056— Colby, H. P., 245 Washington st., San Diego. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4 b 17268 ; hp. 19§ 63068 — Laack, Arthur H., 209 S. Kingsley drive, Los Angeles. (Overland.) .V / '/''I A'l'I 63068— Laack, Arthur H., 403 S. Hill st., Los Angeles. Mercer ; touring ; fac. No. 1416 ; hp. 32§ 63150 — Lund, Dr. E. S., Tehama st., Willows. ( Studebaker-Electric. ) Substitution. 63150 — Lund, Dr. Etta S., Willows. Studebaker-Electric ; pheaton ; fac. No. 3355 63161 — Falla; James, 71 Monterey st., Gilroy. (Buick.) Substitution. 63161 — Falla ; James, Gilroy. Buick ; fac. No. 10 ; hp. 221 63283— Adams, Glenn C., Waterford. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 63283 — Adams, G., Waterford. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 390783 ; hp. 221 63454 — Campodonico, Frank J., R.F.D. No. 1, Box 12, Stockton. (Buick.) Substitution. 63454 — Campodonico, F. J., Stockton. Overland ; roadster ; fac. No. 79 r 41079 ; hp. 271 63476- — Christmas & Orvis Co., 118 Yosemite ave., Madera. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 63476 — Christmas & Orvis Co., Madera. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 100941 ; hp. 221 63563 — Benton, R. H., care of Hotel Brewster, San Diego. (Reo.) Substitution. 63563 — Benton, Robt. H., San Diego. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 16786 ; hp. 31§ 63593 — Yates, J. E., Lemoore. (Overland.) Substitution. 63593 — Yates, John E., Lemoore. Overland; touring; fac. No. 16961; hp. 271 63683— Lesser, Sol., 1163 Pine st., San Francisco. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 63683 — Lesser, Sol., San Francisco. Garford ; truck ; fac. No. 413 : hp. 2S 9-10 (72) 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 7 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 7 00 2 00 2 00 63709 — Barker, Chas. H.. 307 Sixth ave., San Francisco. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 63709 — Barker, C. H., San Francisco. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 10555 ; hp. 19§ $2 00 63788 — Tabor, Edwin, Main st, Upper Lake. (Ford.) Substitution. 63788 — Tabor, Edwin, Upper Lake. Ford; touring; fac. No. 357151; hp. 224 2 00 63860 — Comfort, A. B., Guernsey. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 63860 — Comfort, A. B., Guernsey. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 109152 ; hp. 224 2 00 63861 — Clark, Mrs. J. M., R.F.D., Hanford. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 63861 — Clark, Mrs. J. M., Hanford. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 613296 ; hp. 29f 2 00 64032 — Scott, Leland Stanford, 1723 Central ave., Alameda. (Comet.) Substitution. 64032 — Scott, Leland, 978 Rose ave., Piedmont. Haynes ; runabout ; fac. No. ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 64035 — Scott, Cannie D., 1723 Central ave., Alameda. (Lozier.) Q'f'i ■/■'i/ nw 64035— Scott, Cannie D., 1723 Central ave., Alameda. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 53294 ; hp. 38§ 2 00 64290 — Woodall, Lena, 600 Geary st., San Francisco. (Regal.) Substitution. 64290 — Johnson, Mrs. Floyd Alexander, nee Lena Woodall, 600 Geary st., San Francisco. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 448927 ; hp. 224 2 00 64333 — Dreyer, Walter W., 1281 One Hundred and Seventh ave., Oakland. ( Studebaker. ) & u b s ti t u ti o n 64333 — Dreyer, Walter William, 1281 One Hundred and Seventh ave., Oakland. Overland; touring; fac. No. 43683; hp. 274 ■ 2 00 64395 — Otis Elevator Company, 2300 Stockton st., San Francisco. ( Stoddard.) Substitution 64395 — Otis Elevator Company, 2300 Stockton st., San Francisco. Stevens-Duryea ; touring ; fac. No. 32096 ; hp. 47 7 00 64425 — Auto Service Co., of Berkeley, 2144 University ave., Berkeley. (Ford.) Substitution. 64425 — Auto Service Co., of Berkeley, 2144 University ave., Berkeley. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 430366 ; hp. 28 9-iO 2 00 64451 — Townsend, Richard, 736 Grand ave., Oakland. (Haynes.) Substitution. 64451 — Townsend, Richard, 736 Grand ave., Oakland. Haynes; touring; fac. No. 7870; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 64479 — Dewey, W. T., Champion st., Lemoore. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 64479 — Dewey, W. T., Lemoore. • Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 25f 2 00 64552 — Carrington, Henry E., 107 Second st., Napa. (Marion.) Substitution. 64552 — Carrington, H. E., 107 Second st., Napa. American ; touring ; fac. No. 3844 ; hp. 32§ 2 00 64579 — Pressley, W. B., 1003 Mariposa ave., Berkeley. (Overland.) Substitution. 64579 — Pressley. W. B., 1008 Mariposa ave.. Berkeley. Chandler; touring; fac. No. 875; hp. 27§ 2 00 64684 — Coats Brothers, 511 E. Main st., Visalia. (Studebaker.) ,\/i/ n o 4-a ■/■/»/ -in Ci'Vl 64684 — Coasts Brothers, 511 E. Main st., Visalia. Studebaker 30 ; roadster ; fac. No. 26288 ; hp. 25§ 7 00 64759 — Connors, William J., 750 Grand ave., Oakland. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 64759 — Connors, William J., 750 Grand ave., Oakland. E-M-F ; touring ; fac. No. a33161 ; hp. 25§ ( 73 ) 2 00 64834 — Lezinsky, Edward S., 3267 Jackson st., San Francisco. (Pope- Hartford.) Substitution. 64834 — Lezinsky, Edward S., 3267 Jackson st., San Francisco. Pierce- Arrow ; touring ; fac. No. 10696 ; hp. 48f $2 00 64867— Ward, Mary A., 478 N. Third st., San Jose. (Buick.) Si'll 7) o t'u f'l nw 64867— Ward, Mrs. Mary A., 478 N. Third st., San Jose. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 13097; hp. 29§ 2 00 64880 — Fulton, C. C., 492 Magnolia ave., Riverside. (Empire.) Substitution. 64880 — Fulton, Charles C., Riverside. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 48423 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 ‘65059 — Gossling, A. H., 931 Van Ness ave., Fresno. (Ford.) Substitution. 65059 — Gossling, A. H., 821 Van Ness ave.. Fresno. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 45677 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 65183 — Gerlach, Dr. F. C., Letitia Bldg., San Jose. (Stutz.) Substitution. 65183— Gerlach, Fred’k C., 223 S. Third st., San Jose. Jeffery ; runabout ; fac. No. 42285 ; hp. 22i 2 00 65223 — Brice, Thomas H., Artesia. (Flanders 20.) Substitution. 65223 — Brice, Thomas H., Artesia. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 4 b 14282 ; hp 19f 2 00 65261 — Fisher-Glassford Hardware Co., 1932 Tulare st., Fresno. (Ford.) Substitution. 65261 — Fisher-Glassford Hardware Co., 1932 Tulare st., Fresno. Studebaker ; truck ; fac. No. 20578 ; hp. 25f 2 00 65274 — Cobb, Samuel W., Box 120, Edenvale. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 65274 — Cobb, S. W., Edenvale. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 21167 ; hp. 19f 2 00 65293 — Corpstein, J. T., Saratoga. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 65293 — Corpstein, J. T., Saratoga. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 7612 ; hp. 29f 7 00 65298 — Eberhart, Frederick, 601 S. Sixth st., San Jose. (Studebaker.) . x 4/ L Q 'fa /’'I/ ’t'1 CiYi 65298— Eberhart, F., 601 S. Sixth st., San Jose. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 7053 ; hp. 29f 7 00 65388 — Warren, Walter Graham, Carmel. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 65388 — Warren, Walter Graham, Carmel. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 30028 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 65496 — Whitson, Sam C.. Sixth and Heilman ave., Cucamonga. (Hudson.) Substitution. 65496 — Whitson, Sam C., Cucamonga. Overland; roadster; fac. No. 43095; hp. 27i 2 00 65611 — Kesner, Wilfred Clark, Ryde. (Oakland.) Substitution. 65611 — Kesner, Wilfred Clark, Ryde. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 1060 ; hp. 33 f 2 00 65623 — Mastin, Walter, 815 Twenty-seventh st., Sacramento. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 65623 — Mastin, Walter, 815 Twenty-seventh st., Sacramento. Baker Electric ; electric stanhope ; fac. No. 3794 2 00 65739 — Monarch Iron Works, 1161 Howard st., San Francisco. (Oakland.) Substitution. 65739 — Monarch Iron Works, 1159 Howard st., San Francisco. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 7907 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 66015 — Meyers, Lawrence, Sebastopol. (Overland.) Substitution. 66015 — Meyers. Lawrence, R.F.D., Sebastopol. Overland; touring; fac. No. 44722; hp. 27i 2 00 66058 — Smith, Geo. M., 516 W. Penn st., Whittier. (Brush.) Substitution. 66058 — Smith, Geo. M., 516 W. Penn st., Wlhittier. Maxwell ; runabout ; fac. No. 6278 ; hp. 12f 2 00 (74) G6138 — Ludlow, G. B., 121 Second ave., San Francisco. (Studebaker.) V/)/ Q't'i 66138-^LudIow, G. B., 121 Second ave., San Francisco. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 7668; hp. 29f $2 00 66149 — Moore, T. F., R.F.D. No. 94 A., Santa Fe ave., Los Angeles. (Reo. ) Substitution. 66149 — Moore. Thomas F., 445 Marbresa st., Huntington Park. Reo; touring; fac. No. 62310; hp. 27i 2 00 66255 — Arata, George F., 113 Sixth st., Antioch. (Overland.) Substitution. 66255 — Arata. Geo. F., Antioch. Hudson ; touring ; fac. No. 63589 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 66346 — Adams, Fred E., 1329 Jackson st., Oakland. (Ford.) Substitution. 66346 — Adams. Fred E., care of Hayward Review, Hayward. Rambler ; touring ; fac. No. 32736 ; hp. 32f 2 00 66351 — Edwards, Ed., 1503 Poplar st., Oakland. (Overland.) Substitution. 66351 — Edwards, Ed., 1503 Poplar st., Oakland. Jeffery ; touring ; fac. No. 41186 ; hp. 22i 2 00 66393 — Blackford, Price, Wheatland. (Overland.) Substitution. 66393 — Blackford, Price, Wheatland. Overland; touring; fac. No. 29174; hp. 271 2 00 66394 — Lillard, Wm. A., Winters. (Overland.) Substitution. 66394 — Lillard, W. A., Winters. Hudson; touring; fac. No. 65076; hp. 29f 2 00 66416— Hill, J. A., Roseville. (Oakland.) Substitution. 66416— Hill, J. A., Roseville. Lozier ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 29 2 00 66498 — Wise, John F., 327 S. Seventeenth st., San Jose. (Overland.) Substitution. 66498 — Wise, John F., 90 S. Eleventh st., San Jose. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 599371 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 66555 — Herrick, R. H., 1031 Grand View st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 66555 — Herrick, R. H., 1031 Grand View ave., Los Angeles. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 48635 ; hp. 19f 2 00 66563 — Searles, H. S., 395 Pleasant st., Coalinga. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 66563 — Searles, H. S., 395 Pleasant st., Coalinga. Hudson Six ; touring ; fac. No. 58151 ; hp. 40 9-10 12 00 66772 — Grohl, John Henry, Jamestown. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 66772 — Grohl, John H., Jamestown. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 66772 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 66860 — Burr, Lew Frank, R.F.D. No. 6, Box 81; Hanford. (Buick. ) .X4/ fl o/l /‘-I/ /!')') 66860— Burr, Lew Frank, R.f'.D. No. 6 ; Box 81 ; Hanford. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 419547 ; hp. 19f 2 00 66928 — Parkman, Wallace E., M.D., 73 S. Fifteenth st., San Jose. (Marion.) S ‘it'bsi/'i i/Ttt'ioTi 66928 — Parkman, Wallace E., M.D., First National Bank Bldg., San Jose. Marion ; roadster ; fac. No. 7040 ; hp. 25f 2 00 66953 — Tychsen, A. P., Merced. (Overland.) Substitution. 66953 — Tychsen, A. P., Merced, R.F.D. No. 2. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 44530 ; hp. 27£ . 2 00 66980 — Osborn, D. A., 856 Ross st., Santa Ana. (Cartercar.) •X4/ n fi/ ■/■'i nvi 66980— Osborn, D. A., 856 Ross st., Santa Ana. Lozier ; touring ; fac. No. a 510 ; hp. 28 9-10 7 00 67032 — Toy, Harvey M., Inc., 833 Market st., San E i Qftf/ Tk 0/4 ^4/ i'in'n 67032— Toy, Harvey M., 833 Market st., San Francisc Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 38640 ; hp. 38f . ( 75 ) 2 00 67052 — Button, A. P. and F, Elizabeth, 45 Jersey st., San Francisco. (Midland.) Substitution. 67052 — Button, A. P. and F. Elizabeth, 45 Jersey st.. San Francisco. Overland; touring; fac. No. 13955; hp. 271 67118 — Weihe, Harry A., 176 Twelfth st., Oakland. ( Moline-Knight. ) Substitution. 67118 — Weihe, Harry A., 176 Twelfth st.. Oakland. Pope-Hartford ; roadster ; fac. No. 6004 ; hp. 29f 67343 — Moss Hardware Co., Inc., Pine st., Exeter. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 67343 — Moss Hardware Co., Exeter. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 25f 67406 — Spaulding, L. W., 829 Spring st., Santa Rosa. (Buick.) fl/ fa 67406— Spaulding, L. W., 829 'Spring st, Santa Rosa. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 5506 ; hp. 221 67407 — Rickman, J. L., Windsor. (Overland.) Substitution. 67407 — Rickman, J. L., Healdsburg. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 43330 ; hp. 271 67470 — Garcia, J. V., Box 634, Visalia. (Overland.) Substitution. 67470 — Garcia. J. V., Box 634, Visalia. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 40142 ; hp. 29§ 67479 — Miller, John Fred, 4153 Twentieth st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 67479 — Miller, John F., 4153 Twentieth st., San Francisco. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 16239 ; hp. 271 67490 — Patten, David R., 2220 Geary st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 67490 — Patten. D. R., 2922 Octavia st, San Francisco. Overland ; roadster ; fac. No. 43091 ; hp. 271 67927 — Dennis, Harry G., Garden Grove. (International.) Substitution. 67927 — Dennis, H. G., Garden Grove. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 221 67956 — Young, Clarence H., Geyserville. (Overland.) Substitution. 67956 — Young, C. H., Geyserville. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 79 te 43347 ; hp. 271 67993 — Wilton, G. R., 630 Shatto place, Los Angeles. (Locomobile.) ,\/l/ h Q/'J ~fal "fa /I'M 67993— Wilton, G. R., 630 Shatto place, Los Angeles. Locomobile ; 6 pass. ; fac. No. 9156 ; hp. 48f 68115 — Grace, Robert Edward, 5701 Normandie ave., Los Angeles. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 68115 — Grace, R. E., 5701 S. Normandie ave., Los Angeles. Maxwell ; roadster ; fac. No. 4052 ; hp. 25f 68183 — Dean, Walter E., 351 E. F st., Coalinga. (Overland.) Substitution. 68183 — Dean, W. E., 351 E. F st., Coalinga. Overland; touring; fac. No. 21926; hp. 271 68250 — Roberts, J. M., 1150 Mendocino, Santa Rosa. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 68250 — Roberts, J. M., Santa Rosa. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 606870 ; hp. 29§ 68281 — Rice, John F., E. First st., Downey. (Ford.) Substitution. 68281 — Rice, John F., Downey. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352705 ; hp. 221 68309 — Zirker, Dr. D. W., 229 Twenty-first st., Merced. (Overland.) Substitution. 68309 — Zirker, Daniel W., Merced. Overland; roadster; fac. No. 41476; hp. 271 68446 — Everett, Wallace W., 311 California st., San Francisco. (Stutz.) Substitution. 6S446 — Everett, Wallace W.. San Francisco. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 19840 ; hp. 31§ (76) $2 00 2 00 7 00 2*00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 68577 — Duncan, E. B., 829 D st., Bakersfield. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 68577 — Duncan, E. B., 829 D st., Bakersfield. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 419184 ; hp. 19| $2 00 68700 — Outland, Edgar, 705 E. Holt ave., Pomona. (Brush.) Substitution. 68700 — Outland, Edgar, Pomona. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 25f — . 2 00 68782 — Suniski, Louis, 902 Third st., Modesto. (Overland.) Substitution. 68782 — Suniski, L., Modesto. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 15898 ; hp. 271 2 00 68962 — Millar, Percy Archibald, 527 Irving st., San Francisco. (Ivrit.) Substitution. 68962 — Millar, Percy Archibald, M.D., 527 Irving st., San Francisco. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 12807 ; hp. 25f 2 00 69046 — Blaisdell, Henry W., 958 Yal Verde st., Los Angeles. (Stutz.) Substitution. 69046 — Blaisdell, H. W., 1657 W. Twenty-fourth st., Los Angeles. Win ton ; touring ; fac. No. 14070 ; hp. 48§ 2 00 69172 — Robbins, Samuel E., Dry town. (Overland.) Substitution. 69172 — Robbins, Samuel E., Drytown. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 6771 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 69312 — Galet, A., 1121 Mission st., San Francisco. (Buick.) Substitution. 69312 — Galet, A., 1121 Mission st., San Francisco. Studebaker ; delivery ; fac. No. 1016 ; hp. 36 1-10 7 00 69394 — Fields, Robert E., Biggs. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. 69394 — Fields, Robert Edgar, Biggs. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 609258 ; hp. 29§ 7 00 69421 — Coppin, Geo. E.. Pleasant Grove. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 69421 — Coppin, Geo. E., Pleasant Grove. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 8534 ; hp. 201 7 00 69425 — Beck, Oscar F., R.F.D. No. 6, Bakersfield. (Ford.) Substitution. 69425 — Beck, Oscar F., 2208 San Emidio st., Bakersfield. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 272760 ; hp. 221 2 00 69488 — Lendrum, Dr. B. A., 662 Harrison st., Fort Bragg. (E-M-F. ) Substitution. 69488 — Lendrum. Birney Alexander, Fort Bragg. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 610900 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 69552 — McAllister, Thomas Daggett, 839 W. Eleventh st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 69552 — McAllister, Thomas Daggett, 839 W. Eleventh st., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 29133 ; hp. 271 2 00 69669 — Nichols, Clias. L., 156 Market st., Los Gatos. (Buick.) Substitution. 69669 — Nichols, Chas. L., Los Gatos. Buick ; runabout ; fac. No. 100504 ; hp. 22-J 2 00 69875 — Robb Brothers, 847 Valencia st., San Francisco. (Federal.) Substitution. 69875 — Robb Bros., 847 Valencia st., San Francisco. Federal ; truck ; fac. No. 1923 ; hp. 271 2 00 69973 — Brown, Alfred Fredric, 3273 Grove st., Oakland. (Overland.) Substitution. 69973 — Brown. A. F., 3273 Grove st., Oakland. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. aa582 ; hp. 271 2 00 70034 — Anderson, C. V., 920 Oleander ave., Bakersfield. (Yelie.) Substitution. 70034 — Anderson, C. V., 920 D st., Bakersfield. Velie ; touring; fac. No. 17101; hp. 33f 2 00 ( 77 ) 70121 — Full, Charles D., R.F.D. No. 5, Box 112, Howe ave., Santa Rosa. ( Overland. ) S'ti'bst'it'U/t'ioTi/ 70121 — Full, Geo. D., 503 Wells Fargo Co. Bldg., San Francisco. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 362139 ; hp. 19f $2 70205 — Rossi, Edw. F., 324 Main st., Salinas. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 70205 — Rossi, Edw. F., 320 Main st., Salinas. Ford; touring; fac. No. 87749; hp. 22| 2 70304 — Langley, Benton H., Sunnyvale. (Ford.) Substitution. 70304 — Langley, Benton Harry, Sunnyvale. E-M-F ; touring; fac. No. 18851; hp. 27i 70348 — Fewel, J. W., 513 N. Court st., Visalia. (Hudson.) Substitution. 70348— Fewel, J. W., 513 N. Court st., Visalia. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 11655 ; hp. 20| 70451 — Crane, Mrs. A. T., 165 S. Sixteenth st., San Jose. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 70451 — Crane, Mrs. Alvena M., 165 S. Sixteenth st., San Jose. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 8131 : hp. 29-| . 70464 — Rosser, Mrs. L. A., Sonoma. (Overland.) Substitution. 70464 — Rosser, Mrs. L. A., Sonoma. Overland; touring; fac. No. 33509; hp. 21 i 70640 — Beilby, Chester Ray, Wheatland. (Ford.) Substitution. 70640 — Beilby, Chester Ray, Wheatland. Ford; touring; fac. No. ; hp. 22^ . 71254 — Schlesinger, B. F., 1718 Vallejo st., San Francisco. (Pope-Hartford.) Substitution. 71254 — Schlesinger, Bert F., 1718 Vallejo st., San Francisco. Overland; coupe; fac. No. 15633; hp. 27i 71490 — Hotchkiss, C. R.. R.F.D. No. 2, Box 70, Watsonville. (Hudson.) Substitution. 71490 — Hotchkiss, Charles R., 507 Monadnock Bldg., San Francisco. Chevrolet ; touring ; fac. No. 744 ; hp. 21f 71533 — Brown, Arthur B., 524 Birch ave., San Francisco. (Regal.) Substitution. 71533 — Brown, Arthur, 524 Birch ave., San Francisco. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 9348 ; hp. 22^ 2 71636 — Brown, P. J., 305 M st., Eureka. (Buick.) Substitution. 71636 — Brown. Percy J., 305 M st., Eureka. Hudson; touring; fac. No. 79182; hp. 29§ 2 71836 — Reichardt, Otto H., Colma. (Thomas.) Substitution. 71836 — Reichardt, Otto H., Colma. Mitchell ; touring ; fac. No. 49150 : hp. 43 3-10 71855 — Howe, Willia L., 396 N. Thirteenth st., San Jose. (Cartercar.) Substitution. 71S55 — Howe, Willia L., 396 N. Thirteenth st., San Jose. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 101251 ; hp. 221 71902 — Darsie, William P., Melville ave., Palo Alto. (Buick.) Substitution. 71902 — Darsie. Wm. P., 567 Melville ave., Palo Alto. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. 2994 ; hp. 22£ 72034 — Davenport, Richard H., Jr., 3641 Second ave., Los Angeles. (R.C.H.) Substitution. 72034 — Davenport, Richard H., Jr., 316 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 2439 ; hp. 29§ 72045 — Randolph. Leona Ethelyn, 1020 Sycamore st., San Luis Obispo. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 72045 — Randolph, Leona E., 1020 Sycamore st., San Luis Obispo. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 12509 ; hp. 221 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ( 78 ) 72059 — Freeman, William A., 5120 Hollywood blvd., Los Angeles. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 72059 — Freeman, William A., 514 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6076 ; • hp. 29f $2 00 72240 — Williams, Eugene Bloom, R.F.D. No. 2, Stockton. (Overland.) Substitution. 72240 — Williams, E. B., Lodi. Overland ; roadster ; fac. No. 89 r ; hp. 25§ 2 00 72378 — Meyer, Jacob F., Vernalis. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 72378 — Meyers, J., Vernalis. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 9128 ; hp. 224 2 00 72408 — Bashline, Samuel Thomas, 334 Lincoln ave., Salinas. (Stoddard 20.) Substitution. 72408 — Bashline, Samuel T., 334 Lincoln ave., Salinas. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 2413 ; hp. 274 2 00 72441 — Dennis, W. S., Jenny Lind. (White Steamer.) Substitution. 72441 — Dennis, William S., Jenny Lind. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 19595 m ; hp. 31f 2 00 72491 — Welch, Mrs. John, 2903 Shattuck ave., Berkeley. (Krit.) Substitution. 72491 — Welch, Mrs. Jno., 2703 Shattuck ave., Berkeley. Jeffery ; touring ; fac. No. 38547 ; hp. 224 2 00 72497 — Tweitmann, Nicholaus, Jr., 1623 Castro st., San Francisco. (Metz.) Substitution. 72497 — Tweitmann, N., 1623 Castro st., San Francisco. Regal ; roadster ; fac. No. ; hp. 224 2 00 72731 — Enderson, Geo. W., Sunnyvale. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 72731 — Enderson, G. W., Sunnyvale. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 5415 ; hp. 224 2 00 72798 — Litchfield, W. H., 1840 Tulare st., Fresno. (Overland.) V/j/ J-i q -/-/ji f/j n / y) 72798 — Litchfield, W. H., 1924' Fresno st., Fresno. Stearns-Knight ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 29 2 00 72883 — Wintermark, George, 221 Mason st., San Francisco. (Oldsmobile. ) Substitution. 112072 — Wintermark, Geo., 221 Mason st., San Francisco. Ford ; taxi ; fac. No. ; hp. 224 2 00 73099 — Weseloh, John H., 4070 Cleveland ave., San Diego. (Krit.) Substitution. 73099 — Weseloh, John H., 4160 Cleveland ave., San Diego. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 15792 ; hp. 25f 2 00 73326 — Davis, Henry LI., 1101 Masonic ave., San Francisco. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 73326 — Davis, Henry H., 1101 Masonic ave., San Francisco. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 537 ; hp. 38§ 2 00 73394 — Maxwell Llardware Co., 481 Fourteenth st., Oakland. (Jeffery.) Substitution. 73394 — Maxwell Hardware Co., Fourteenth and Washington sts., Oakland. Jeffery; truck ; fac. No. 29025; hp. 32f 2 00 73624 — Harris, Albert A., S. Grand st., Orange. (Ford.) ? I 7 i O 1 / ) / /v y) 73624 — Harris, A. A., 113 N. Glassell st., Orange. Studebaker ; roadster ; fac. No. 20326 ; hp. 25f 2 00 73815 — Wood, William, Delano. (Ford.) Substitution. 73815— Wood, Wm„ Delano. Ford; touring; fac. No. 347070; hp. 224 2 00 73940 — Sharpstein, Mrs. Mabel C., Calistoga. (Ford.) Substitution. 73940 — Sharpstein, Mrs. Mabel C., three miles from Calistoga. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 449197 ; hp. 224 2 00 74023 — Carlson, Alfred, 387 Wilde ave., San Francisco. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 74023 — Carlson. Albeil. 4573 Eighteenth st.. San Francisco. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 44613 ; hp. 274 2 00 (79) 74044 — Holthe, Oscar A., Oil Center. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 74044 — Holthe, Oscar A., Oil Center. Ford; touring; fac. No. 177246; hp. 221 $2 74161 — Hall, George Washington, 29 Baywood aye., San Mateo. (E-M-F. ) Substitution. 74161 — Hall, Geo. W., 29 Baywood st., San Mateo. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6930 ; hp. 29§ 2 74383 — Drake Catering Co., 3536 Telegraph ave., Oakland. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. 74383 — Drake Catering Co., 3536 Telegraph ave., Oakland. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 15532 ; hp. 19f 2 74414 — Wilson, John R., 57 Post st., San Francisco. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 74414 — Wilson, John Ralph, 1712 Everett st., Alameda. Cole ; coupe ; fac. No. 5410 ; hp. 32§ 2 74428 — Flanders, A. P., 2227 McGee ave., Berkeley. (Overland.) Substitution. 74428 — Flanders, A. P., 2229 McGee ave., Berkeley. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 8171 ; hp. 29§ : 2 74441 — Dye, Sperry W., Walnut Grove. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 74441 — Dye, Sperry W., Walnut Grove. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 60274 ; hp. 271 2 74655 — Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Sutter st. and Van Ness ave,, San Francisco. ( Moreland. ) Substitution. 74655 — Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Van Ness ave. and Sutter st., San Francisco. Overland ; delivery ; fac. No. 41985 ; hp. 271 2 74751— De Witt, Mabel H., 3033 Harper st., Berkeley. (Ford.) Substitution. 74751 — De Witt, Mabel H., Polasky st., Clovis. Ford; touring; fac. No. 428423; hp. 221 2 74992 — Hall, Clinton, 2369 Washington st., San Francisco. ( Pope-Hartford. ) tit ut ion 74992 — Hall, Clinton, 2369 Washington st, San Francisco. Stevens-Duryea ; phaeton ; fac. No. 26431 ; hp. 44§ 2 75015 — Hopkins, Wm. W., 1938 Forty-ninth st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 75015 — Hopkins, W. W., 1938 Forty-ninth st., San Francisco. Overland; touring; fac. No. 44548; hp. 271 2 75021 — Rialto Grocery Co., Sixteenth and Broadwky sts., Oakland. (Ford.) Substitution. 75021 — Rialto Grocery Co.. Sixteenth st. and Broadway. Oakland. Lippard-Stewart ; delivery ; fac. No. 314 ; hp. 221 2 75195 — Cook, Francis Marion, Stratford. Substitution. 75195 — Cook. Francis Marion, Stratford. Ford; touring; fac. No. 457785; hp. 224 2 75255 — Duncan, Y. R., 376 Ellis st., San Francisco. (Stevens-Duryea.) Substitution. 75255 — Duncan Yerne R., 376 Ellis st., San Francisco. Locomobile ; limousine ; fac. No. ; hp. 221 75344— Wright, Paul E., 602 Parton st., Santa Ana. (R.C.H.) Substitution . 75344 — Wright, Paul E., 602 Parton st., Santa Ana. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 12030 ; hp. 271 75446 — Bowman, Arthur E.. 1007 Fell st., San Francisco. (Oakland.) Substitution. 75446 — Bowman, A. E., 50 First st., San Francisco. Oakland ; roadster ; fac. No. 361723 ; hp. 19§ 75591 — Saunders, J. N., Atwater. (Flanders.) Substitution . 75591 — Saunders, J. N., Atwater. Overland; touring; fac. No. 36516; hp. 271 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 o c o) 75734 — Baranov, Max., 955 Fifth st., San Diego. (Overland.) Substitution. 75734 — Baranov, Max, 955 Fifth st., San Diego. Partin-Palmer ; touring ; fac. No. 1505 ; hp. 22\ $2 00 75805 — Noflfsinger, W. A., 567 Fourteenth st., Oakland. (Overland.) Substitution. 75805 — Noflfsinger, 2841 Thirteenth ave., Oakland. Overland; touring; fac. No. 17037; hp. 27i 2 00 75954 — Patterson, Edie James, 946 S. Aurora st., Stockton. (Overland.) Substitution. 75954 — Patterson, E. J., 946 S. Aurora st., Stockton. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 10039 ; hp. 27* 2 00 76002— Herold, Robt., Box 147 a, R.F.D. No. 2, Redlands. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 76002 — Herold, Robt., East Newport Beach. White ; touring ; fac. No. 21026 ; hp. 22i 2 00 76417 — Williams, Ben T., 223 W. Fifth st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) ,\/j/ h /'j.' 76417— Williams, Ben F.. 223 'w. Fifth st., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 43462 ; hp. 27i 2 00 76428 — Kempton, Felix S., 899 N. Michigan ave., Pasadena. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 76428 — Kempton, F. S., 899 N. Michigan ave.. Pasadena. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 35 a 5726 ; hp. 27* 2 00 76513 — Rector, Chas., 1144 First st., San Diego. (Studebaker.) iSf 4 / n q/'? /i/ /'i d 11 76513— Rector, Charles J., 1144 First st., San Diego. Mason ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 20 2 00 76566 — Christian, James Newton, 911 G st., Antioch. (Franklin.) Substitution. 76566 — Christian, Jas. N., Antioch. Warren Detroit; touring; fac. No. 1211; hp. 25§ 7 00 76605— Munding, Chas. M., Box 714; Maricopa. (Overland.) Substitution. 76605 — Munding, Chas. M., Box 714, Maricopa. Car-Nation ; touring ; fac. No. 1041 ; hp. 18£ 2 00 76810 — Duncan, Clifford James, R.F.D. No. 4, Anaheim. (Mitchell.) V /it n g+/i -h/ii ■/■/) a/m 76810— Duncan ; Clifford James, R.F.D. No. 4. Anaheim. Oldsmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 68427 ; hp. 36 1-10 7 00 76862 — Walton, Georgina F., 315 Seventh st., Santa Monica. (Hudson.) Substitution 76862 — Walton, Georgina F., 315 Seventh st., Santa Monica. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 9432 ; hp. 43f 12 00 76903 — Ketchum, Henry C., Gold Run. (Stoddard-Dayton.) Substitution. 76903 — Ketchum, Henry C., Gold Run. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 175458 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 76930 — Gregory, Herbert, 1970 Thirty-eighth ave., Oakland. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 76930 — Gregory. Herbert, 1970 Thirty-eighth ave., Oakland. Overland; touring; fac. No. 15748; hp. 27| 2 00 76980 — Payne, Harry Mansfield, 2925 Howard st., San Francisco. (Rambler.) 76980— Payne, H. M., 2910 Howard st., San Francisco. Packard ; taxi ; fac. No. sl270 ; hp. 32f 2 00 77015 — Becker, Frank DeRoy ; 2070 Harrison ave., San Diego. (E-M-F.) Sf/ii h ofi ■/■'j/ "fa twi 77015— Becker, F. D.,'2070 Harrison ave., San Diego. Reo ; truck; fac. No. J3529 ; hp. 25) 2 00 77125 — Mosesian, Paul A., Parlier. (Marion.) Substitution. 77125 — Mosesian, Paul A., Parlier. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 44684 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 6—13163 ( 81 ) 77282 — Fuller, Henry M., 1444 Seventy-ninth ave., Oakland. (Oakland.) ■v 'j / hQ+'i+'ii 't'l f\v\ 77282— Fuller, H. M., 2912 Delaware st. Oakland. Overland; touring; fac. No. 16936; hp. 27# $2 00 77300 — Jones, Louis N., 353 Twelfth ave., San Francisco. (Studebaker.) ,\1/ 7i o//i ■/•/!/ 4/j r\ 01 77300— Jones, L. N.. 353 Twelfth ave., San Francisco. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 12853 ; hp. 19# 2 00 77433 — Lowry, R. L., 3128 Fourth ave., Sacramento. (Overland.) Substitution. 77433 — Lowry, R. L., 2128 Fourth ave., Sacramento. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 14627 ; hp. 27# 2 00 77437 — Cox, Carrie A., R.F.D. No. 3, box 79, Chico. (Oakland.) Substitution. 77437 — Cox, Carrie A., Chico. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 36693 ; hp. 19# 2 00 77485 — Stanton, William Martin, 428 B st., San Mateo. (Peerless.) Substitution. 77485 — Stanton, William, 428 B st., San Mateo. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 15635 ; hp. 19# 2 00 77515 — Anderson, Calvin H., 413 Third st., Woodland. (Overland.) Substitution. 77515 — Anderson, Calvin H., 413 Third st., Woodland. Auburn ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 32§ 2 00 77540 — Gordon, Grant, 311 California st., San Francisco. (Everitt.) Substitution. 77540 — Gordon, Grant, 311 California st., San Francisco. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 60288 ; hp. 43 3-10 2 00 77689 — Zellerbach Paper Company, Jackson and Battery sts., San Francisco. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 77689 — Zellerbach Paner Co.. Battery and Jackson sts., San Francisco. Ford ; runabout ; fac. No. 448902 ; hp. 22# 2 00 77708— Galbreath. Jas T., Live Oak. (I.H.C.) Substitution. 77708 — Galbreath, J. T., Live Oak. Studebaker ; truck ; fac. No. 413705 ; hp. 19# 2 00 77791 — Cannon, William M.. 42 Castro st., San Francisco. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 77791 — Cannon, William M., 42 Castro st., San Francisco. Chalmers ; coupelet ; fac. No. 38912 ; hp. 29# — 2 00 78037 — Grisez, E. F., Willows. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 78037— Grisez, E. F., Willows. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 1655 ; hp. 20# 2 00 78041 — Reichman, Ernest F., Main st., Fort Jones. (Carter Car.) Substitution. 78041 — Reichman, Ernest Frederick, 420 S. Fourteenth st., San Jose. Jeffery ; touring ; fac. No. 38424 ; hp. 33f 2 00 78177 — Meek, William Harold, Hayward. (Locomobile.) Substitution. 78177— Meek, W. H., Hayward. Stevens-Duryea ; touring ; fac. No. 26396 ; hp. 44# 2 00 78305 — Taylor, George William, 1827 Carlton st., Berkeley. (Overland.) Substitution. 78305 — Taylor. George W.. 1827 Carlton st.. Berkeley. Overland; touring; fac. No. 16059; hp. 27# 2 00 78439 — Keefe, Thomas, 1004 W. Fourth st., Santa Ana. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 78439 — Keefe. Thomas, 333 E. Locust st.. Lodi. Hudson ; fac. No. 16033 ; touring ; hp. 25# 2 00 78459 — Villinger, Fred Harrison, 323 W. Oak st., Lodi. (Flanders.) Substitution. 78459 — Villinger, Fred Harrison, 323 W. Oak st.. Lodi. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 4336 ; hp. 32# 2 00 78460 — Prouty, J. L., Waterford. (Oldsmobile.) Substitution. 78460 — Prouty, J. L., Waterford. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 488887 ; hp. 22# ( 82 ) 2 00 78094— Lamb, S. G., Bakersfield. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 7SG94 — Lamb, Samuel G., 1229 I st., Bakersfield. Ford ; roadster : fac. No. 346998 ; hp. 224 $2 78801— Ward, Edward, 305 E. Palmyra st., Orange. (Stutz.) Substitution. 78801 — Ward, Edward, 305 E. Palmyra st., Orange. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 10769 ; hp. 29§ 2 78894 — Adams, Cbas. L., Burrel. (Locomobile.) Substitution. 78894 — Adams, C. L., Burrel. Stevens-Duryea ; touring ; fac. No. 30057 ; hp. 45 15-16 2 79192— Cooper, F. W., Box 296, Yuba City. (Ford.) Substitution. 79192 — Cooper, F. W., Yuba City. Ford; touring; fac. No. 347920; hp. 224 2 79223— Hull, John S., R.F.D. No. 1, Box 67, Nestor. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 79223— Hull, John S., R.F.D. No. 1, Box 67, Nestor. Cadillac ; phaeton ; fac. No. 97641 ; hp. 32§ 7 79304 — Palm Fruit Co., Wasco. (Little Giant Truck.) Substitution. 79304 — Palm Fruit Co., Wasco. Republic ; truck ; fac. No. 330 ; hp. 224 2 79306 — McGovern, J. A., Wasco. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 79306 — McGovern, J. A., Wasco. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 404171 ; hp. 19| 2 79542 — Sledge, S., 1115 Yosemite st., Madera. (Buick.) Substitution. 79542 — Sledge, Strudwick, Madera. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 103807 ; hp. 224 2 79760 — Sequoia Hotel Co., Fresno. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 79760 — Sequoia Hotel, Fresno. Buick ; truck ; fac. No. 1256 ; hp. 14§ 2 79770 — Hughes, Edward LeRoy, P.O.Box 656, Fresno. (Hudson.) Substitution. 79770 — Hughes, Edward LeRoy, Fresno. Hudson ; roadster ; fac. No. 73829 ; hp. 29f 79844 — Winther, C. W., R.F.D. No. 1, Bowles. (Jackson.) Substitution. 79844— Winther, C. W., R.F.D. No. 1, Bowles. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 13091 ; hp. 25| 79902 — Seller Bros. & Co., 14 Spear st., San Francisco. (Ford.) Substitution. 79902 — Seller Bros. & Co., 14 Spear st., San Francisco. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 359325 ; hp. 224 79978 — Beede, H. T., Antioch. ( Warren-Detroit.) Substitution. 79978— Beede, H. T., Antioch. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 12583; hp. 19f 79994 — Anderson, Charles William, Park and Fifteenth sts., Paso Robles. (Overland.) Substitution. 79994 — Anderson, C. E., Paso Robles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 44805 ; hp. 274 80191 — Drake, Edmund B., 458 S. Catalina st., Los Angeles. (Lexington.) Substitution. 80191 — Drake, Edmund B., 458 S. Catalina st., Los Angeles. Premier ; roadster ; fac. No. 10028 ; hp. 38§ 80445 — Ritter, Clyde E., Buena Park. (Reo.) Substitution. 80445 — Ritter, Clyde E., Buena Park. Ford ; touring ; hp. 224 80590 — Sumner, Holloway G., Second st., Chula Vista. (Ford.) Substitution. 80590 — Sumner, Holloway G., Second st., Chula Vista. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 143426 ; hp. 224 ( 83 ) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 80596 — Herrick, H. C., 404 Market st., San Francisco. (Buick.) Substitution. 80596 — Herrick, H. C., 23 Montgomery st., San Francisco. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 9014 ; hp. 221 $2 00 80602 — Ziegler’s Garage, 611 N. Western ave., Los Angeles. (Tourist.) Substitution. 80602 — Ziegler, George J.. 611 N. Western ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 601351; hp. 29§ 2 00 81187 — Dolen, D. E., Yucaipa. (I.H.C. ) Substitution. 81187 — Dolen, D. E., Yucaipa. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 16294 ; hp. 271 2 00 81199 — Quilici, Arthur, Halfmoon Bay. (Overland.) Substitution. 81199 — Quillici, Arthur, Halfmoon Bay. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 14486 ; hp. 271 2 OO 81249 — Crawford, Albert H., Rosella st., Watts. (Reo.) Substitution. 81249 — Crawford, Albert H., Rosella st.. Watts. Ford; touring; fac. No. 352770; hp. 221 2 00 81253 — Kendall, George H., 536 Second st., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 81253 — Kendall, G. H.,' 536 Second ave., San Francisco. Willys Utility; truck; fac. No. 65-938; hp. 271 2 00 81279 — Dalrymple, R. E., Pine st., Paso Robles. (Overland.) Substitution. 81279 — Dalrymple, Robert E., Pine st., Paso Robles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 20779 ; hp. 25f 2 00 81339— Kennon, Dr. L. C., Merced. (Rebuilt Metz.) Substitution. 81339 — Kennon. Dr. Lewis C., Merced. Detroiter ; speedster ; fac. No. 4084 ; hp. 19f 2 00 81400— Meador, J. W.. R.F.D. No. 3, Box 53, Orange. (Buick.) Substitution. 81400 — Meador, .T. W., R.F.D. No. 3, Box 53, Orange. Maxwell ; roadster ; hp. 124 2 00 81426 — Samson, William Herbert, Corning. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 81426 — Samson, William H., Corning. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 8449 ; hp. 221 2 00 81483— Gillespie, John M., R.F.D. No. 3, Fowler. (Reo.) Substitution. 81483— Gillespie, John M., R.F.D. No. 3, Fowler. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 207263 ; hp. 21 2 00 81894 — Waggoner, Jason, Areata. (Flanders.) Substitution. 81894 — Waggoner, J., Areata. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 3776 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 81971 — Gordon, Virgil, Madera. (Buick.) Substitution. 116083 — Gordon, Virgil. Madera. Ford; touring; hp. 221 2 00 82088 — Woodward, Fred, Orcutt. (Flanders.) Substitution. 82088 — Woodward, Fred Monroe, Orcutt. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 6821 ; hp. 20? 2 00 82246 — Morris, Charles C., 207 Linden st., Modesto. (Ford.) Substitution. 82246— Morris, C. C., Modesto. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 349333 ; hp. 221 ; 2 00 82345 — Titus, James A., 121 Rugby ave., Huntington Park. (Flanders.) Substitution. 82345 — Titus, J. A., 121 Rugby ave., Huntington Park. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 1852 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 82380 — Menge, John, 21 Euclid ave., Upland. (Ford.) Substitution. 82380 — Menge. John E., R.F.D. No. 1. Box 90, Upland. Ford; touring; fac. No. 339554; hp. 221 ( 84 ) 2 00 S2854 — Weill, A., 1627 Seventeenth st., Bakersfield. (Garford.) Substitution. 82854— Weill, A., Bakersfield. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 602155 ; hp. 29f $2 00 83015 — Hughes, Ellsworth L., cor. Nineteenth and K sts., Bakersfield. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. S3015 — Hughes, E. L., care of Turf Saloon, Bakersfield. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 419174 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 S3080 — Rydberg, John L., 1164 Fifth st., San Diego. (Ford.) Substitution. S30S0 — Rydberg, John L.. 1164 Fifth st., San Diego. Flanders ; touring ; fac. No. 80714 ; hp. 21 2 00 83286 — Wharton, Chas. G., 723 N. Main st., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 83286 — Wharton, Chas. G., 602 Lissner Bldg., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; roadster ; fac. No. 25 a 11615 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 83299 — Garibaldi, Mrs. M., 6119 Dover st., Oakland. (Stevens-Duryea.) Substitution. 83299 — Garibaldi, Mrs. M., 6119 Dover st., Oakland. Stevens-Duryea ; touring ; fac. No. 26363 ; hp. 44§ 2 00 83433 — Beaton, W. D., 739 Cypress ave., Pasadena. (Overland.) Substitution. 83433 — Beaton, W. D., 739 Cypress ave., Pasadena. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 43989 ; hp. 27^ 2 00 S3789 — Van Ness, Mrs. W. H., R.F.D. No. 10, Box 75, Fresno. (Elmore.) 83789— Van Ness, W. II., R.F.D. No. 10, Box 75, Fresno. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 51301 ; hp. 25f 2 00 S4078 — Thompson, Archibald Dyer, Dry Town. (Overland.) Substitution. 84078 — Thompson, Archibald Dyer, Dry Town. , Overland; touring; fac. No. 10238; hp. 27j 2 00 84136 — Schattgen & Son, Corcoran. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 84136 — Schattgen & Son, Corcoran. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 10933 ; hp. 221 2 00 84199 — Burns, F. J., McKittrick. (Glide.) Substitution. 84199 — Burns, F. J., McKittrick. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352805 ; hp. 22£_ 2 00 84388 — Lockhart, Fannie M.. 3648 Third ave., Los Angeles. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. 84388 — Lockhart, Fannie M., 3648 Third ave., Los Angeles. Columbus ; coupe ; fac. No. 2202 2 00 84514 — Estrem, Geo. A., Corning. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 84514 — Estrem, G. A., Corning. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 168369 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 84516 — Routt, E., 820 Chapman st., San Jose. (Stevens-Duryea.) Substitution. 84516 — Routt, Edward, care H. P. Smith’s Garage, San Jose. Mitchell ; touring ; fac. No. 1759 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 84571 — Munger, Geo. M„ Jr., 3942 Fourth st., San Diego. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 84571 — Munger, Geo. M., 929 S. Sixteenth st., San Diego. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 4 b 17249 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 84651 — Royer, D. F., 307 E. Chapman ave., Orange. (Buick.) Substitution. 84651 — Royer, D. F., E. Chapman ave. and Grand st., Orange. Hudson; touring; fac. No. 79244; hp. 29| 2 00 84859 — Jones, Ralph T., St. John. (Chalmers Six.) Substitution. 84859 — Jones, Ralph T., St. John. Locomobile ; touring ; fac. No. 9105 ; hp. 48§ 2 00 85000 — Ruttan, C. D., 908 Sixth st., Sacramento. (Ford.) Substitution. 85000 — Ruttan, C. D., 1117 U st., Sacramento. Buick ; runabout ; fac. No. 100664 ; hp. 221 ( 85 ) 2 00 85266 — Arguello, Mrs. A.. 1322 Taylor st., San Francisco. (Buick.) $ ub s tit u tioiv 85266 — Arguello, Mrs. A. R., 1322 Taylor st., San Francisco. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. 104300 ; hp. 22^ $2 00 85274 — Culverm, John F., 445 S. Comstock ave., Whittier. (Maxwell.) S U 1) S t X t U t 10 U 85274 — Culver, John F., 4458 Comstock ave., Whittier. Reo ; runabout ; fac. No. 4969 ; hp. 9 2 00 85380 — Bruin, William II., 556 Thirteenth st., San Pedro. (Ford.) Substitution. 85380 — Bruin, William Henry, 556 Thirteenth st., San Pedro. Ford; touring; fac. No. 361803; hp. 22£ 2 00 85483— Pickett, E. S., Goleta. (Regal.) Substitution. 85483 — Pickett. Edward, Goleta. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 601964 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 85576 — Work, T. A., Pacific Grove. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 85576— Work, T. A., Pacific Grove. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 606721 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 85695 — Bartlett, Wm., Chico. (Reo.) Substitution. 85695— Bartlett, W. S., Chico. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 425986; hp. 19f 2 00 86063 — Evans, I. N., Fort Jones. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 86063 — Evans, I. N., Fort Jones. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 a- 2420 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 86085 — Morgan, Frank A., 725 Orange st., Redlands. (Duro.) Substitution. 86085 — Morgan, Frank A., 725 Orange st., Redlands. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6A-2538 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 86113 — Christensen, A. C., 5213 E. Fourteenth st., Oakland. (Reo.) Substitu tion. 86113 — Christensen, Alfred C.. 5213 E. Fourteenth st., Oakland. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 57579 ; hp. 25f 2 00 86143 — Harlan, W. F., Arbuckle. (Ford.) Substitution. 86143— Harland, Dr. W. F., Arbuckle. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 20992 ; hp. 27^ 2 00 86249 — Wilkens, Adolf, 1630 Center st., Oakland. (Krit.) Substitu tiou 86249 — Wilkens, Adolf, 1630 Center st., Oakland. Marion ; touring ; fac. No. 4087 ; hp. 25f 2 00 86346 — Kemp, John Ethelbert, Ferndale. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 86346 — Kemp, John Ethelbert, Ferndale. Flanders ; runabout ; fac. No. 53801 ; hp. 21 2 00 86450 — May, Charles, Main st., Long Beach. (Ford.) Substitution. 86450 — May, Charles. 136 Maine st.. Long Beach. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 352974 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 86618 — Bouford, J. D., 411 E. Santa Clara st., San Jose. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 86618 — Bouford, J. D„ 406 S. Seventh st., San Jose. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 41795 ; hp. 29 1 2 00 86720 — Thoits, Willis C., 483 Hawthorne ave., Palo Alto. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 86720 — Thoits. Willis C., 483 Hawthorne ave., Palo Alto. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 613 ; hp. 21 2 00 86746 — Sultner, Clarence Clyde, 470 Eleventh st., Oakland. (Buick.) Substitution. 86746 — Sultner, Clarence C., Hotel Clayton. Oakland. Henderson; roadster; fac. No. 219; hp. 27i 2 00 86756 — Cothran, Dr. William F., 481 N. Eleventh st., San Jose. (Flanders.) Substitution. 86756 — Cothran, William F.. Box 310, Tracy. Ford ; fac. No. 376273 ; hp. 22£ ( 86 ) 2 00 86864 — Guyon, Paul Allen, Jackson st., Stockton. (Ford.) Substitution. 86864 — Guyon, Paul Allen, 415 S. California st.. Stockton. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 449291 ; hp. 22 1 $2 00 86963 — Brown, George Edward, 2105 Pine st., San Francisco. (Lozier.) Substitution. 86963 — Brown, George Edward, 2105 Pine st., San Francisco. Winton ; touring ; fac. No. 9511 ; hp. 48f 2 00 87147 — Atchison, Garret Piene, 230 W. Carillo st., Santa Barbara. (Ford.) Si'll h Qii in it nw 87147 — Atchison, G. P., 418 Stutt st., Santa Barbara. Chalmers ; touring ; fac. No. 1512 ; hp. 25f 2 00 87303 — Hall, Cora May, Susanville. (Buick. ) Substitution. 87303— Hall, Cora M., Susanville. Buick; touring; fac. No. 9019; hp. 22$ 2 00 87445 — Strock, Carl G., 1606 Bush st., Santa Ana. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 87445 — Strock, Carl G., 1606 Bush st., Santa Ana. Buick ; touring ; fac No. ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 87795 — O’Neil, John, Bakersfield. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 87795 — O’Neil, John, 707 Chester a ve., Bakersfield. Studebaker Six ; touring ; fac. No. 602353 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 88070 — Conklin, Glendon H.. Bostonia. (Flanders.) Substitution. 88070 — Conklin, Glendon H., Bostonia. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 25 a 2408; hp. 19§ 2 00 88123 — Vaccaio, F. B., 531 Fifteenth st., Modesto. (Regal.) Shi h Qiii ii iinw 88123— Vaccaio, F. B.,' 531 Thirteenth st., Modesto. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 7845 ; hp. 22^ , 2 00 88136 — Russell, William Henry, Fourth and Main sts., Van Nuys Hotel, Los Angeles. (Packard.) Si'll h q /'? in ii el'll 88136— Russell, W. H., Van Nuys Hotel, Los Angeles. Packard ; touring ; fac. No. 63047 ; hp. 48f 2 00 88171 — Swithenbank, Charles J., Garberville. (Overland.) Substitution. 88171— Swithenbank, C. J., Garberville. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 31799 ; hp. 27$ 2 00 88183 — Nordyke, R. E., Box No. 44, R.F.D. No. 17, Mountain View. (Overland.) \ Substitution. 88183 — Nordyke, Ralph E., Mountain View. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 105177 ; hp. 27$ 2 00 88432 — Miller, Harry L., 405 Sunset blvd., San Diego. (Chalmers.) Substitution. 88432— Miller, H. L., 435 Sunset blvd., San Diego. Cadillac ; roadster ; fac. No. 97989 ; hp. 32f 7 00 88441 — Smith, Daniel Dennis, Truckee. (Ford.) Substitution. 88441 — Smith, Daniel D., Truckee. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 103279 ; hp. 22$ . 2 00 88741 — Gerlach, George W., Tracy. (Buick.) Substitution. 88741 — Gerlach, George William, Tracy. Buick; touring; fac. No. 101986; hp. 221 2 00 88954 — Dolan, John Francies, Nevada City. (Ford.) Substitution. 88954 — Dolan, John Frances, Nevada City. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 349536 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 88979 — Thomas, William E., 601 I st., Modesto. (Marathon.) Substitution. 88979— Thomas, William E., 601 I st.. Modesto. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 50888 ; hp. 25§ 7 00 ( 87 ) 89686 — Zibeck, Clias.. Elk Grove. (Overland.) Substitution. 89686 — Sibeck, Charles A., Elk Grove. Pope Hartford ; touring ; fac. No. 20047 ; hp. 29f $2 00 89771— Brown, J. M., Holtville. (Reo.) Substitution. 89771 — Brown. Joseph Miller, Holtville. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 79001 ; hp. 271 2 00 89863 — Carroll, James D.. 1625 P st., Sacramento. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 89863 — Carroll, J. D., 1625 P st., Sacramento. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 33J 2 00 S9953 — Tucker, Emmet, Cassel. (Tourist.) Substitution. 89953 — Tucker, Emmett, 2426 F st., Sacramento. Ford ; fac. No. 483225 ; hp. 221 2 00 90226 — Carrington, P. B.. Eureka. (Warren.) Substitution. 90226 — Carrington, P. B., 1606 D st., Eureka. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. 106101 ; hp. 221 2 00 90335 — Trowbridge. Harry W., Sullivan’s Hotel, Coalinga. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 90335 — Trowbridge, Harry W., 1122 Market st.. San Francisco. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 3S4317 ; hp. 224 2 00 90881 — Schlosberg, A. L., 20 Baker Block, Los Angeles. (Metz.) Substitution. 90881 — Schlosberg, A. L., 380 Third st., San Bernardino. Metz ; roadster ; fac. No. 29499 ; hp. 224 2 00 91041 — American Vineyard Co., 224 Holland bldg., Fresno. (Haynes.) Substitution. 91041 — American Vineyard Company, 224 Holland bldg., Fresno. Haynes; touring; fac. No. 7979; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 91193 — Imperial Soda Water Co., 3135 Filbert st., Oakland. (Krit.) Substitution. 91193 — Imperial Soda Water Co., 3135 Filbert st.. Oakland. Willy s Utility ; delivery ; fac. No. 631366 : hp. 271 2 00 91211 — Jones, Tebe Bruce. 2123 Telegraph ave., Oakland. (Ford.) Substitution. 91211 — Jones, Tebe Bruce, 2123 Telegraph ave., Oakland. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 1399 ; hp. 271 2 00 91258 — Whitehead. Vivian, 1042 Del Mar st., Pasadena. (Buick.) Substitution. 91258 — Whitehead, Vivian, 1042 Del Mar st., Pasadena. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 60176 ; hp. 271 2 00 91321 — McWilliams 2d. Edward. R.F.D. No. 1, Santa Ana. (Ford.) Substitution. 91321 — McWilliams 2d, Edward, R.F.D. No. 1, Santa Ana. Oldsmobile ; touring; fac. No. 84962; hp. 19f 2 00 91447 — Hamilton. Kinter. 1707 Eleventh ave., Los Angeles. (Studebaker. ) Substitution. 91447 — Hamilton. Kinter, 1707 Eleventh ave.. Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 4-B-3700 ; hp. 19§ 2 00 91494— Heil, G. C., El Centro. (Ford.) Substitution. 91494— Heil, G. C.. El Centro. Tope Hartford ; touring ; fac. No. : hp. 36 1-10 2 00 91522 — Martin, Dr. D. L., Orland. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 91522 — Martin. Dr. D. L.. Orland. Buick; roadster; fac. No. 106580; hp. 224 2 00 91966 — Foon. Ong. 1 Brenham place, San Francisco. (Overland.) - Substitution. 91966 — Foon. Ong. 1 Brenham place, San Francisco. Overland; touring; fac. No. 22322; hp. 271 2 00 92145 — Highway Maintenance Dept. San Joaquin Co.. Stockton. (Gramm.) Substitution. 92145 — Highway Maintenance Dept. San Joaquin Co.. Stockton. White; truck; fac. No. 122232: hp. 224 (S8) __No fee 92168 — Edwards, Frederick J., 624 Sycamore st., Oakland. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 92168 — Edwards, F. J., 624 Sycamore st., Oakland. R.C.H. ; roadster ; fac. No. 4630 ; hp. 16 9-10 $2 00 92346 — Murray, Albert H., Bruceville. (Oakland.) Substitution. 92346 — Murray, A. H., care Stockton Garage, Stockton. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 11208 ; hp. 21 2 00 92404 — Thompson, Adam F., 4021 Idaho st., San Diego. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 92404 — Thompson, Adam F., 4021 Idaho st.. San Diego. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 104532; hp. 271 2 00 92506 — Williams, Richard, Nineteenth and Cypress sts., Oakland. (Stude- baker.) Substitution. 92506 — Williams, Richard, Eighteenth and Cypress sts., Oakland. Kissel Kar ; delivery ; fac. No. 1250 ; hp. 38 2 00 92745 — Lowitzky, Z., 659 Fulton st., San Francisco. (Alco.) Substitution. 92745 — Lowitzky, Z., 659 Fulton st., San Francisco. Winton ; touring ; fac. No. 17028 ; hp. 48|f 2 00 92872 — Talbert, Chaille Trimble, 1109 S. Ardmore st., Los Angeles. (Over- land.) Substitution. 92872 — Talbert, Chaille Trimble, 1109 S. Ardmore st., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 8089 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 93029 — Cole, Chester; Sequoia Hotel, Chico. (Buick.) Substitution. 93029— Cole, Chester, P. O. Box 435, Chico. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 2603-; hp. 22\ 2 00 93092 — Bowman, Abram B., Ida st., San Diego. (Rambler.) Substitution. 93092 — Bowman, Abram B., 1035 Ida st., San Diego. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 361540 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 93144 — Wilcox, Mrs. Inez C., 450 E. Twenty-seventh st., Los Angeles. (Oldsmobile.) Substitution. 93144 — Wilcox, C. Inez, 450 E. Twenty-seventh st., Los Angeles. Moon ; touring ; fac. No. 41297 ; hp. 33f 2 00 93223— Brodsky, Harry, 215 W. D st., San Mateo. (Buick.) Substitution. 93223— Brodsky, Harry, 215 W. D st., San Mateo. Studebaker ; runabout ; fac. No. 51266 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 93262 — Wood, W. D., 1577 W. Forty-fifth st., Los Angeles. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 93262 — Wood, W. D., 1577 W. Forty-fifth st., Los Angeles. Chandler Six ; touring ; fac. No. 1365 ; hp. 27§ 2 00 93275 — Meyer, J. F., 129 E. Channel st., Stockton. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 93275— Meyer, J. F., 129 E. Channel st., Stockton. Oldsmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 84571 ; hp. 19f 2 00 93347 — Johnston, Daniel Lawson, Chowchilla. (E-M-F.) Substitution. 93347 — Johnston, D. L., Chowchilla. Overland; touring; fac. No. 34063; hp. 271 2 00 93352 — Wierda, Lambert. Richmond. (Auburn.) Substitution. 93352 — Wierda, L., 412 Bissell st., Richmond. Haynes ; roadster ; fac. No. 3036 ; hp, 28 9-10 2 00 93391 — Sexton, Jay C., 4722 E. Panorama st., San Diego. (Overland.) Substitution. 93391 — Sexton, Jay C., 4722 E. Panorama st., San Diego. Overland; touring; fac. No. 43634; hp. 271 2 00 935191 — Brelsford, Plomer D., General Delivery, Ontario. (Ford.) Substitution. 93519 — Brelsford, Homer D., General Delivery, Ontario. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 346989 ; hp. 224 2 00 (89) 93560 — DeArman, T. S., 125 E. Sonora st., Stockton. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 93560 — DeArman, T. S., 27 E. Washington st., Stockton. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 2170 ; hp. 25| $2 00 93636 — Hollar, Chas., 2321 Waverly st., Oakland. (Regal.) Substitution. 93636 — Rollar, Chas., 485 Fourteenth st., Oakland. Overland; touring; fac. No. 4481; hp. 271 2 00 94019 — Union Oil Company of California, Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles. (Sternberg.) Substitution. 94019 — Union Oil Company of California, 1114 Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles. Moore ; truck ; fac. No. 403 ; hp. 36 1-10 2 00 94094 — Clement, Mary, Charter Oak ave., St. Helena. (Everitt.) Substitution. 94094 — Clement, Mary, St. Helena. Overland; touring; fac. No. 14094; hp. 271 2 00 94291 — Craviotto, Dr. J. V.. 1434 N. Monroe st., Stockton. ( Warren-Detroit.) Substitution. 94291 — Craviotto, J. V., 1434 N. Monroe st., Stockton. White ; touring ; fac. No. 21166 ; hp. 221 2 00 94416 — Kleiser, Mrs. J. A., 1421 Nineteenth st., Bakersfield. (Ford.) Substitution. 94416 — Kleiser, Mrs. J. A., 1421 Nineteenth st., Bakersfield. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 375737 ; hp. 221 2 00 94617 — California Well Drilling Co., Supply Row, Taft. (Rambler.) Substitution. 94617 — California Well Drilling Co., Supply Row, Taft. Jeffery; touring; fac. No. 38178; hp. 33f 2 00 94635 — Dennis, J. H., Colma. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 94635 — Dennis, J. H., Colma. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 19f 2 00 95080 — Sullivan, William A., 321 Bush st., San Francisco. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 95080 — Sullivan, William A., 321 Bush st.. San Francisco. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 109889 ; hp. 271 2 00 95150 — McPherson, J. A., 505 Fife Bldg., San Francisco. (Michigan.) Substitution. 95150 — McPherson, J. A., 505 Fife Bldg.. San Francisco. Rambler ; sedan ; fac. No. 32032 ; hp. 40 2 00 95255 — Steam Vulcanizing Works, 311 D st. Santa Rosa. (Overland.) Substitution. 95255 — Steam Vulcanizing Works, 311 D st., Santa Rosa. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. 15500 ; hp. 221 2 00 95313 — Hansen, Louie E., 616 Van Ness ave., San Francisco. (Regal.) Substitution. 95313 — Hansen, Louie E., 925 Geary st., San Francisco. Reo ; touring; fac. No. 55644; hp. 271 2 00 95695 — Hoberg, Max, Cobb. (Royal Tourist.) Substitution. 95695— Hoberg, Max, Cobb. Lozier ; touring ; fac. No. 2025 ; hp. 46 2 00 95889 — Moore, Joseph, Knob. (Rambler.) Substitution. 95889 — Moore, Joseph, Knob. Overland ; roadster ; fac. No. 50168 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 95966 — Powell, Sherman J.. Union ave., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 95966 — Powell, S. J., 838 W. Fourth st.. Riverside. Hupmobile ; touring; fac. No. 46476; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 95982 — Hall, Frank Spencer, 216 Autumn st., San Jose. (National.) Substitution. 95982 — Hall, Spencer, 216 Autumn st., San Jose. Buick; runabout; fac. No. 100255; hp. 221 2 00 (90) 96290 — Krayenbuhl, James, 163 E. Union st., Pasadena. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 96290 — Krayenbuhl, James, 1937 Las Lunas st., Pasadena, R.F.D. No. 1. Box 152a. Ford touring ; fac. No. 19474 ; hp. 22£ $2 00 96677 — Van Buren, John, Dixon. (E-M-F “30.”) Substitution. 116084 — Van Buren, John, Dixon. Overland ; to.uring ; fac. No. 27053 ; hp. 25f 2 00 96702 — Green, Maurice A., 211 Ellsworth st., San Mateo. (Cartercar. ) Substitution. 96702 — Green, M. A., 2ll Ellsworth st., San Mateo. Regal ; roadster ; fac. No. 1711 ; hp. 22J 2 00 96734 — MacKinlay, Mrs. J. G., 535 Powell st., San Francisco. (Ford.) Substitution. 96734 — MacKinlay, Mrs. Jennie G., 135 Hayes st., San Francisco. Paige ; touring ; fac. No. 16033 ; hp. 35 § 2 00 96844 — Fowler, Herbert E., 343 Main st., Petaluma. (Buick.) Substitution. 96844 — Fowler, 320 Fourth st., Petaluma. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 254149 ; hp. 22 ^ 2 00 96941 — Wood, A. B., 432 S. Comstock st., Whittier. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 96941 — Wood, A. B., 230 S. Comstock ave.. Whittier. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 1518 ; hp. 21 2 00 97149 — Musante, Frank, Sixth and Alameda sts., Los Angeles. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. 97149 — Musante, Frank, 107 Los Angeles Public Market. Los Angeles. Hupmobile; touring; fac. No. 49116; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 97173 — Tompkins, Charles D., 1353 Bond st., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 97173 — Tompkins, C. D., 716 Brockman Bldg., Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 106709 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 97262 — Bear, D. C., 194 N. Walnut st., Riverside. (Overland.) Substitution. 97262 — -Bear, DeLana C., 194 N. Walnut st.. Riverside. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 346716 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 97341 — Strother, Mrs. C. H., 562 Forty-second ave., San Francisco. (Buick.) Substitution. 97341 — Strother, Mrs. C. H., 562 Forty-second ave., San Francisco. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. c25 ; hp. 224 2 00 97678 — Anderson, Lawrence D., 2568 N st., San Diego. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 97678 — Anderson, L. D., 2568 N st., San Diego. Studebaker 35; touring; fac. No. 35a2500; hp. 27* 2 00 97698 — Rees, W. E., Loyalton. (Reo.) Substitution. 97698 — Rees, W. E., Loyalton. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 113671 ; hp. 22^ 7 00 97752 — Dunlap-Morgan Co., 529 Central Bldg., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 97752 — Dunlap-Morgan Co., 529 Central Bldg., Los Angeles. Ford ; runabout ; fac. No. 347093 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 97822 — Thompson, Hiram S., 220 S. Bright st., Whittier. (Ford.) Substitution. 97822 — Thompson, Hiram, 222 S. Bright st., Whittier. Ford; roadster; fac. No. 346876; hp. 224 . 2 00 98066 — Dean, Sprott, Tracy. (Flanders 20.) Substitution. 98066 — Dean, Sprott, Tracy. Overland; touring; fac. No. 79e43816; hp. 27| 2 00 98266 — Crawford, Fred J., 17314 W. First st., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 98266— Crawford, F. .T., 1731 W. First st.. Los Angeles. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 9546 ; hp. 224 2 00 ( 91 ) 9S574 — Meyers, Joseph William, 1743 S. Vermont ave., Los Angeles, (Royal Tourist.) Substitution. 98574 — Meyers, Joseph William, 1743 S. Vermont ave., Los Angeles. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 381595 ; hp. 22£ $2 00 98624 — Bentley, Edith E., R.F.D. No. 1, Ontario. (Buick.) Substitution. 98624 — Bentley, Edith E., R.F.D. No. 1, Ontario. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. b 7195 ; hp. 22% 2 00 98712 — Mattos, John, General Delivery, Stockton. (Reo.) Substitution. 9S712 — Mattos, John, Stockton. Crawford ; touring ; fac. No. 1910 ; hp. 28 9-10 2 00 98716 — Rueff, Herman, Ben Lomond. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 9S716 — Rueff, Herman, Ben Lomond. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 1626 ; hp. 28 9-10 7 00 99193 — Sutherland, R. W., 1215 S. Hope st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 99193— Sutherland, R. W., 1215 S. Hope st., Los Angeles. Overland ; touring ; fac. No. 3854 ; hp. 27i 2 00 99572 — Bouvet, Lucien, 1145 University ave., San Diego. (Waverley.) Substitution. 99572 — Bouvet, Lucien. 1145 University ave., San Diego. Jeffrey ; touring ; fac. No. 40153 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 99643 — Searles, Carrie L., 3060 McKenzie ave., Fresno. (Overland.) Substitution. 99643 — Searles, Carrie L.. Raymond. Ford; roadster; fac. No. 223654; hp. 221 2 00 99653 — Dolan, Daniel J.. 1042 Noe st., San Francisco. (Autocar.) Substitution. 99653 — Dolan, P. J-., 1042 Noe st., San Francisco. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 419033; hp. 19| 2 00 99718— Park, E. L.. 1743 Cedar st., Berkeley. (Ford.) Substitution. 99718 — Park, Ed. L., 1743 Cedar st., Berkeley. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 602320 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 99764 — Reyburn, A. E. B., 2878 Fir st., San Diego. (Overland.) Substitution. 99764 — Reyburn, A. E. B., 2878 Fir st., San Diego. Kissel Kar ; touring ; fac. No. 15363 ; hp. 32§ 7 00 99765— Wagner, B. A., R.F.D. No. 2, Gardena. (Grant.) Substitution. 99765 — Wagner, B. A.. R.F.D. No. 2, Gardena. Jeffrey; roadster; fac. No. 40182; hp. 22^- 2 00 99904 — Palmer, Wm. A.. 132 Mill st., Grass Valley. (Buick.) Substitution. 99904 — Palmer, William A., 132 Mill st.. Grass Valley. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 103966 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 100330 — Crocker-Cutting Co., 1232 Ingraham st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 100330 — Crocker-Cutting Co., 1232 Ingraham st., Los Angeles. Overland ; delivery ; fac. No. 7081 ; hp. 27J 2 00 100355 — Siorwright, Allan. 336 Thirtieth st., San Diego. (American.) Substitution. 100355 — Siorwright. Allan. 3336 Thirtieth st., San Diego. Overland; roadster; fac. No. 29059; hp. 27% 2 00 100365 — Johnson, Olive M., 1723 Fourth st., San Diego. (Everitt.) Substitution. 100365 — Johnson. Olive M., 1436 Thirtieth st.. San Diego. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 b 7300 ; hp. 29f 2 00 100626 — Thurston, Fred Wallace, 2505 Gough st., San Francisco. ( Pope- 14 a rtf ord.) Substitution. 100626 — Thurston, Fred Wallace, 2505 Gough st., San Francisco. Jeffery, touring ; fac. No. 41956 ; hp. 221 2 00 100735 — Farrell, John H., Fillmore. (Ford.) Substitution. 100735 — Farrell, John H., Fillmore. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 380666 ; hp. 22i $2 00 100905 — Goud, Wm. F., 806 Crescent Drive, Beverly Hills. (Buick.) Substitution. 100905— Gould, Wm. T., Beverly Hills. Franklin ; touring ; fac. No. 1959 ; hp. 31f 2 00 101020 — Wilson, Morris H., Pomona. (Overland.) Substitution. 101020 — Wilson, Morris H., Pomona. Overland; touring; fac. No. 53542; hp. 27 i 2 00 101398 — Teeters, Roy, 4020 Oregon st., San Diego. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 101398 — Teeters, Roy, 4020 Oregon st., San Diego. Ford ; runabout ; fac. No. 144330 ; hp. 22\ 7 OO 101703 — Merman, Lester E., R.F.D. No. 4, Turlock. (Overland.) Substitution. 101703 — Merman, Lester E., Turlock. Overland; touring; fac. No. 34250; hp. 27| 2 00 101925 — Burke, A. L., 909 Seventh st., San Diego. (Schacht.) Substitution. 101925 — Burke, A. L., 909 Seventh st., San Diego. Buick ; roadster ; fac. No. 10092 ; hp. 25f 2 00 102034 — Herrin, Wm. F., 2580 Broadway, San Francisco. (Matheson.) Substitution. 102034 — Herrin, Wm. F., 2580 Broadway, San Francisco. Buick ; touring; fac. No. 13482 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 102037 — Loud, Charles L., 250 E. Holt ave., Pomona. (Buick.) Substitution. 102037 — Loud, Charles L., 250 E. Holt ave., Pomona. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. c6968 ; hp. 22|_ 2 00 102626 — Philp, N. L., 1018 W. Twenty-fifth st., Los Angeles. (McFarlan.) Substitution. 102626 — Philp, N. L., 1018 W. Twenty-fifth st., Los Angeles. American ; touring ; fac. No. l559 ; hp. 43f 7 00 102695 — Whale, E. A., 327 E. Miner ave., Stockton. (Studebaker “6.”) Substitution. 102695 — Whale, E. A., 327 E. Miner ave., Stockton. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 12451 ; hp. 29f 2 00 102838 — Yerdugo, Felizardo, 1940 Magnolia st., Los Angeles. (Overland.) Substitution. 102838 — Yerdugo, Felizardo, 1940 Magnolia ave., Los Angeles. Cadillac ; touring ; fac. No. a2087 ; hp. 32f 2 00 102868 — Parmeter, A. F., 1725 Talmage st., Los Angeles. (Regal.) .V/i# n q/i 'f/ii /-i CiYl 102868 — Parmeter, A. F., 1725 Talmage st., Los Angeles. Regal ; touring ; fac. No. 8074 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 102935 — Los Angeles Tuna Canning Co., Fifth and Water st., Long Beach. (Cutting.) Substitution. 102935 — Los Angeles Tuna Canning Co., Fifth and Water sts., Long Beach. Ford ; roadster ; fac. No. 352338 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 103003 — Guzman, Chas., 4911 Maplewood ave., Los Angeles. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 103003 — Guzman, Charles, 4911 Maplewood ave., Los Angeles. Studebaker; touring; fac. No. 4b2882 ; hp. 19f 2 00 103009 — Coronado Beach Co., 211 Union Bldg., San Diego. (Ford.) Substitution. 103009 — Coronado Beach Co., 211 Union Bldg., San Diego. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 69732 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 103056 — Truman, Albert Ceymour, 159 Lake st., Oakland. (Hudson.) 103056 — Truman, Albert Ceymour, 159 Lake st., Oakland. Jeffery ; touring ; fac. No. 42078 ; hp. 22£ 2 00 103262 — George, Frank P., 501 Keyes st., San Jose. (Mitchell.) Substitution. 103262 — George, Frank P., 501 Keyes st., San Jose. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 15428 ; hp. 19f. ( 93 ) 2 00 103391 — Shattuck, P. W., 638 Mission st., San Francisco. ( Studebaker. ) Substitution. 103391 — Shattuck, Paul W., 638 Mission st., San Francisco. Reo; roadster; fac. No. 46022; hp. 25f $2 00 103721 — Carroll, Victor. Wasco. (Ford.) Substitution. 103721 — Carroll, Victor, Wasco. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. ; hp. 221 2 00 103845 — Brayer, Alexander H., Roseville. (Metz Speedster.) Substitution. 103845 — Brayer, Alexander H., Roseville. Maxwell ; touring ; fac. No. 15714 ; hp. 21 2 00 103868 — Goodson, Earl L.. 176 E. Union st., Pasadena. (Ford.) jsf ut)St xt Ut i/OTl 103868 — Goodson, Earl L., 176 E. Union st., Pasadena. E-M-F ; touring ; fac. No. 10491 ; hp. 25f 2 00 103923 — Ellis, Robert J., 638 Long Beach ave., Los Angeles. (Overland.) V/ii 7) o •f-n //ii 103923— Ellis, Robert J., 407 W.’ Fifty-first st., Los Angeles. Overland; touring; fac. No. 5503; hp. 25f 2 00 104052 — McChesney, Virginia May, 1151 Arapahoe st., Los Angeles. (Hup- mobile.) Substitution. 104052 — McChesney, Virginia, 1151 Arapahoe st., Los Angeles. Hupmobile ; touring ; fac. No. 46445 ; hp. 16 9-10 2 00 104176 — Allen, W. I., Highland Springs. (Thomas.) Substitution. 104176 — Allen, W. I., Highland Springs. Brockway ; truck ; fac. No. 107 ; hp. 25§ 2 00 104292 — Barr, Victor E., 456 Twenty-fifth ave., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 104292 — Barr, V. E., 456 Twenty-fifth ave., San Francisco. Overland; touring; fac. No. 80-4245; hp. 271 2 00 104577 — Kelly, W. S., Oxford st. and Allston way, Berkeley. (Rambler.) Substitution 104577 — Kelly, W. S., Oxford st. and Allston way, Berkeley. Overland ; delivery ; fac. No. 43376 ; hp. 271 2 00 19780 — Palfrey, Alfred C., Los Angeles Athletic Club, Los Angeles. (Packard.) Substitution. 104461 — Palfrey, Alfred C., Los Angeles Athletic Club, Los Angeles. Packard ; phaeton ; fac. No. 35475 ; hp. 48§ 2 00 31042 — Briggs, Chas. T., 1400 1 Kellam ave., Los Angeles. (Ford.) Substitution. 104462 — Briggs, Charles T., 1400 Kellam ave., Los Angeles. Ford; touring; fac. No. 339363; hp. 221 2 00 104644 — Reddy, J. J., 221 Mason st., San Francisco. (Stutz.) Substitution. 104644 — Reddy, J. J., Hotel Berg, San Francisco. Stutz; roadster; fac. No. 763; hp. 43 3-10 2 00 104655 — Olshausen, O. L.. 4253 S. Flower st., Los Angeles. (Buick.) Substitution. 104655 — Olshausen, Oswald L., Security National Bank, Los Angeles. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 11456 ; hp. 221 2 00 104689 — Kurlander, Frank Bruce, 809 Third st., Santa Rosa. (Maxwell.) Substitution. 104689 — Kurlander, Frank B., 809 Third st., Santa Rosa. Buick ; touring ; fac. No. 8254 ; hp. 221 2 00 104833 — Kasviner, Abe, 1468 E. Twenty-third st., Los Angeles. (Flanders.) Substitution. 104833 — Kasviner, Abe. 970 S. San Pedro st., Los Angeles. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 6 a 2309 ; hp. 29§ 2 00 105141 — DeCamp, Clarence Austin, 2971 Pacific ave., San Francisco. (Regal.) . Substitution. 105141 — DeCamp, Clarence Austin, 2973 Pacific ave., San Francisco. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 7184 ; hp. 25f 2 00 105288 — Conlan, F. J. S.. 553 Tenth ave., San Francisco. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 105288 — Conlan. F. J. S., 553 Tenth ave.. San Francisco. Borland Electric ; coupe ; fac. No. 2 00 ( 94 ) 105413 — Aselio, John, Dry town. (Overland.) Substitution. 105413 — Aselio, John, Dry town. Oakland ; touring ; fac. No. 8256 ; hp. 27| $2 00 105481 — Cabot, F. R., R.F.D. No. 2, Box 54, Fresno. (Ford.) Substitution. 105481 — Cabot, F. R., R.F.D. No. 2, Box 54, Fresno. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 349882 ; hp. 22* . 2 00 20044 — McKinnon, John Murdoc, Brawley. (Reo 30.) Substitution. 105859' — McKinnon, J. M., I st. and Imperial ave., Brawley. Reo ; touring ; fac. No. 56055 ; hp. 25f 2 00 106032 — Hutt, Thos. G., 1255 Hawthorne st., Alameda. (Reo.) Substitution. 106032 — Hutt, Thos. G., Citizens’ Bank, Alameda. Pope-Hartford ; touring ; fac. No. 15068 ; hp. 29f 2 00 106408— Stultz, M. H., 136 B st., San Diego. (Metz.) Substitution. 106408— Stultz, M. H., 136 B st., San Diego. American; roadster; fac. No. 441; hp. 22^ 2 00 106435 — McClintock, Cecil W., 890 Wright st., Pasadena. (Ford.) Substitution. 106435 — McClintock, C. W., 890 Wright ave., Pasadena. Ford; touring; fac. No. 352726; hp. 22\ 2 00 106442 — Gordon, Frank N., 164 Seventh st., Richmond. (Rambler.) Substitution. 106442 — Gordon, Frank Newton, Richmond. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 7896 ; hp. 29f 2 00 107211 — Zatinsky, Sam, 1773 Lime ave., Long Beach. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 107211 — Zatinsky, Sam, 1773 Lime ave., Long Beach. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 137379 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 108355 — Gantner, Henry J., 62 Dorland st., San Francisco. (Haynes.) Substitution. 108355 — Gantner, H. J., 424 Guerrero st., San Francisco. Haynes ; limousine ; fac. No. 6691 ; hp. 43 3-10 2 00 108645 — Griffin, Mrs. Ann, Thirty-first and P sts., Sacramento. (Pullman.) Substitution. 108645 — Griffin. Mrs. A., Thirty-first and P sts., Sacramento. Garford ; touring ; fac. No. 3704 ; hp. 36 1-10 2 00 109149 — Cochran, Charles K., Stanton. (Ford.) Substitution. 109149 — Cochran, Charles K., Stanton. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 368328 ; hp. 22^ 2 00 109635 — Badge, Pennant and Novelty Co., 731 Market st., San Francisco. (Hupmobile.) Substitution. 109635 — Badge, Pennant and Novelty Co., 510 Bancroft Bldg., San Francisco. Carter Car ; runabout ; fac. No. 915 ; hp. 25f 2 00 109783 — Moulton, Hubert H., Colusa. (Oldsmobile.) Substitution. 109783— Moulton, H. H., Colusa. Overland; touring; fac. No. 34448; hp. 27i 2 00 110115 — Gewirtz, M., 1086 Potrero ave., San Francisco. (Overland.) Substitution. 110115 — Gewirtz, M., 1086 Potrero ave., San Francisco. Overland; touring; fac. No. 32291; hp. 27| 2 00 110130 — Cadwallader, 361 Orizaba ave., Long Beach. (Brush.) Substitution. 110130 — Cadwallader, R., 361 Orizaba ave., Long Beach. Ford ; touring ; fac. No. 271656 ; hp. 22\ 2 00 111415 — Higgins, A. P., Brawley. (Studebaker.) Substitution. 111415 — Higgins, A. P., Brawley. Winton ; touring ; fac. No. 17254 ; hp. 48f 2 00 114012 — Vogt, Albert L., R.F.D. No. 1, San Diego. (Cadillac.) Substitution. 114012— Vogt, Albert L., R.F.D. No. 1, San Diego. Studebaker ; touring ; fac. No. 414198 ; hp. 19§. ( 95 ) 2 00 MOTORCYCLES 1 — Pixley, Clarence S., 2723 N st., Sacramento. (Pope.) Substitution. 1 — Pixley. Clarence S., 2723 N st., Sacramento. Harley-Davidson ; fac. No. 10169 h ; hp. 8 $1 00 207 — Blaisdell, Ray M., 237 Ohio st., Pasadena. (Flying Merkel.) Substitution. 207 — Blaisdell, Ray M., 241 Ohio st., Pasadena. Flying Merkel; fac. No. 11305; hp. 7 1 00 228 — Mitchell, Paul F., 3127 K st., San Diego. (Indian.) Substitution. 228— Mitchell, Paul F., 2227 K st., San Diego. Indian ; fac. No. 88 f 130 ; hp. 7 1 00 232 — McConnell, Thaddeus C., Jr., Elk Grove. (Harley-Davidson.) Substitution. 232 — McConnell. Thaddeus C-., Jr., Elk Grove. Harley-Davidson ; fac. No. 11148 1 00 245 — Garlick, Edward A., East ave., Sacramento. (Jefferson.) Substitution. 245 — Garlick, Edward A., R.F.D. No. 3, Box 870, Sacramento. Jefferson ; fac. No. 735 ; hp. 7 1 00 254 — Rogers, J. E., Jr., Martinez. (De Luxe.) Substitution. 254 — Rogers, J. E., Jr., Martinez. Pope ; fac. No. 67 r 8 ; hp. 7 to 8 1 00 335— Shell, Earl L., 1041 S. Hope st., Los Angeles. (Thor.) /i/ 7l O '/'I/ n w 335— Sheel, Earl L., 1247 S. Hope st., Los Angeles. Excelsior ; fac. No. 57564 ; hp. 7 1 00 343 — Hawman, Fred W., 720 Julian ave., San Diego. (Indian.) /}/ n Q't/t //j rk'll 343— Hawman, Fred W., 2020' Julian ave., San Diego. Indian ; fac. No. 85 e 469 ; hp. 7 1 00 481 — Mautz, John, 1268 E. Sixtieth st., Los Angeles. (Indian.) .V >9/ //} 481— Mautz, John, 1268 E. Sixtieth st., Los Angeles. Indian ; fac. No. 43c378 ; hp. 4 1 00 541 — Long, O. E., 3829 Center st., San Diego. (Harley-Davidson.) Substitution . 541 — Long, O. E., 3779 Center st., San Diego. Indian ; fac. No. 72 f 427 ; lip. 7 1 00 619 — Kremer, Henry John, R.F.D. No. 1, Santa Barbara. (Indian.) Substitution. 619 — Kremer, Henry John, R.F.D. No. 1, Santa Barbara. Indian ; fac. No. 85 f 669 ; hp. 7 1 00 767 — Thorup, Jacob Henry, 281 Twenty-sixth ave., San Francisco. (Thor.) Substitution. 767 — Thorup, Jacob Henry, 281 Twenty-sixth ave., San Francisco. Thor ; fac. No. 14 a 570 ; hp. 9 1 00 970 — Meyer, Herman J., P. O. Box 93, Vallejo. (Flying Merkel.) Substitution. 970 — Meyer, Herman, P. O. Box 93. Vallejo. Harley-Davidson ; fac. No. 9809 h ; hp. 8 1 00 1108 — McCarty, Leo, 1528 G st., Sacramento. (Indian.) Substitution. 1108 — McCarty, Leo, 701 Nineteenth st., Sacramento. Indian ; fac. No. 76 f 930 ; hp. 7 1 00 1236 — Oestreich, F. W., 723 E st., San Diego. (Indian.) Substitution. 1236 — Oestreich, F. W., 321 E st., San Diego. Indian ; fac. No. 77 e 404 ; hp. 7 1 00 ( 96 )