m^M-^^ ■V^4i^^.lR^\ f L.viX tA>J5tion., . "X \\ ^t2,2 ' -• I'l B R_AR.Y OF THE UNIVERSITY or ILLINOIS 823 K^19cL Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witin funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/circassianchiefr01king THE CIRCASSIAN CHIEF, VOL. I. THE CIRCASSIAN CHIEF. ROMANCE OF RUSSIA. BY WILLIAM H. G. KINGSTON, ESQ. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: RICHARD BENTLEY, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. 1843. LONDON PRINTKD BY SCHULZK AND CO, 13, POLAND STKKET. 823 PREFACE. Every person who writes, ought to have an aim ; mine I leave to my readers to discover, trusting that it will not be considered a bad one. Although a work of fiction, many of the cha- racters in the following Romance are no mere creations of the brain, but real personages who were, and probably are, still playing their part on the stage of life, as the heroic Arslan Gher- ,1^ rei, the brave and sagacious Hadji Guz Beg, Selem, and many others whom I have intro- 5 duced among the Circassians. The names of , the Russian officers are, however, purely ficti- tious. The recurrence of conspiracies, similar to "that described in the following pages will be found in nearly every work relating to Russia. I have enjoyed the best means of gaining correct information with respect to Circassia, VI PREFACE. and have not failed, I hope, to profit by it. As to my own political sentiments I have re- frained from giving expression to them, leaving such topics to those who delight in contro- versy ; and for the opinions expressed by any of the characters, I must not therefore be consi- dered responsible. London, June 1, 1843. THE CIRCASSIAN CHIEF. CHAPTER I. Avean, cercando abbreviar cammino, Lasciato pel sentir la maggior via, Quando un gTan pianto udir sonar vicino, Che la foresta d'ogn' intorno empia. Bajardo spinse I'un, I'altro il ronzino [ " Verso una valle, onde quel grido uscia ; E fra due mascalzoni una donzella Videa, che di lontan parea assai beUa. ORLANDO FURIOSO. Between the ancient and modern capitals of Russia, a fine broad road now aifords an easy communication, although, but a few years ago, the traveller who would journey from one city to the other, was compelled to proceed at a slow pace, along a wild track, over rough stony ground, through swamps, under dark forests, and across bleak and unsheltered plains. VOL, I. B 2 THE CIRCASSIAN CHIEF. The sun had already begun his downward course towards the more happy, and free lands of the far West, shedding forth his summer rays on the heads of two horsemen, who pur- sued their way in a southerly direction, along the yet unimproved part of the road, to which we have alluded. Their pace, as the nature of the ground over which they travelled required, was slow — their attention being chiefly occupied in guiding their steeds between the many deep ruts and cavities, which lay in their path. The tone of their voices, their noble bearing, and general appearance, bespoke them at a glance, to belong to a station far above the common rank of life. They were dressed alike, in a half military uniform ; their arms consisting solely of pistols, and heavy riding whips the latter even no despicable weapon when wielded by a strong arm. The travellers might have been taken for brothers, but that the dark flashing eye, black hair, clear olive-complexion, and regular Grecian features of the one, off'ered too great a contrast to the laughing blue eye, light complexion and hair of the other, whose features, though inferior to those of his companion, were not deficient in THE CIRCASSIAN CHIEF. 3 manly beauty. There appeared to be scarcely any difference in their ages, both having emerged from boyhood, into that joyous time of life, when the man has completely shaken off what he then considers the irksome trammels of his childish days ; happily, unconscious how soon in their stead, advancing years may too probably bring around him the many cares, and disap- pointments that flesh is doomed to bear, from manhood to the grave. The last mentioned of the two way-farers, was in reality, however, the elder; although the light laugh he occasionally indulged in, and his debonair manner, gave him a younger look, than his more serious companion. They were fol- lowed at a short distance by a most primitive looking, low, square vehicle, containing their baggage ; drawn by a shaggy little pony, and driven by a man almost as rough looking and unpolished as the animal itself. A low crowned, broad-brimmed hat of felt, covered a head of sandy hair, while a huge long beard of the same hue hung down upon his breast : the twinkle of his light grey eye, and a smile on his lips, giving a good humoured expression to his flat, and otherwise unmeaning features. B 2 4 THE CIRCASSIAN CHIEF. His dress consisted of a long coat of coarse cloth, buckled round the waist by a leathern belt, and boots of the latter material, untanned, reaching just above his ancles. He urged on his little animal, as fast as it could travel, over the rugged road, whistling, as he lashed his whip, and whii'led it round his head — his thoughts e\ddently not extending beyond his immediate occupation. The scenery through which the road led, was probably as dreary and uninteresting as any to be found in Russia ; a country, which can boast of but few natural beauties, throughout its widely extended territory. It ranged over a landscape, as far as the eye could reach, consisting of a dry uncultivated plain, with here and there, a few clumps of stunted trees stiniggling into existence upon the arid and ungrateful soil — fit emblems of the miserable, and enslaved peasantry of the country. The travellers had continued on their course through scenery equally unpicturesque for some distance, when gradually it began to improve, exhibiting a greater number of trees, and a brighter verdure. A proposal was then made by one of them, to which the other readily assented ; THE CIRCASSIAN CHIEF. 5 this was to urge forward the driver of their bag- gage cart, with his charge to Tver, a town they purposed resting at for the night, while they fol- lowed at their leisure, through the forest they were approaching. The servant was summoned by the name of Karl, and ordered to proceed with as much speed as his weary beast was capable of, in order to secure a lodging and to prepare supper, the materials for which he carried, together with their bedding for the night — a necessary precau- tion, the inns at the small towns in Russia, affording very miserable accommodation. Karl signified his comprehension of the order and willingness to obey it, by a few guttural sounds, and several low bends of the neck ; when fioiu-ishing his long whip, he bestowed a few additional lashes on the flanks of the pony, who reluctantly started into a trot, dragging the rude little vehicle over ruts and stones after a most uncomfortable fashion. The cavaliers then followed quietly on, at the slow pace which the heat of a warm spring day made most agreeable, each occupied with his own thoughts ; those of the younger of the two appearing to be rather of a sombre hue, as occa- sionally a shade of melancholy would pass across 6 THE CIRCASSIAN CHIEF. his expressive features ; while, at other times, his bright eye would kindle with animation, and his lip would curl, as if some strong feelings were working within his bosom. His friend, however, endeavoured to amuse himself, and to enhven the journey with snatches of gay French songs, which he carolled forth in a rich, clear, and cheerful voice ; and he now and then broke into a merry laugh. At length, weary apparently of his own thoughts, he exclaimed, "Thank Heaven, Ivan, my friend, that we are for ever free from dull and laborious studies, and those odious college drills. Bah 1 I have so w^orn out my eyes and the small portion of brains I was ever endowed with, by reading, I will not look into a book for a year to come. We shall have no more of those sham fights, but henceforth may expect every day to be called upon to engage in the honour and glory of real warfare. What say you, Ivan, does not your pulse beat with quicker throbs in anticipation of the glorious scenes of battle and conquest, which we may soon find ourselves engaged in ? What say you, shall we flesh our maiden swords in the carcases of the turbaned infidels of Turkey ? They are said to be no despicable enemies to contend THE CIRCASSIAN CHIEF. 7 with ; or if perchance our regiment should be out of favour at head-quarters, we may be sent to try our mettle against the mountain barbarians of the Caucasus. I hear that there is enough of hard fighting with them ; more perhaps than is at all times agreeable. It is said, indeed, that the Emperor considers a campaign in the Cau- casus an excellent field for the display of the military talents of those, whose ideas of that phantom called " Liberty" do not exactly coin- cide with his own. If such be the case, I shall not be much surprised if we some day receive an intimation that our valuable services are required to strengthen his armies in that distant and savage part of the globe. What say you, Ivan, to this notion? Do you not eagerly long to be wielding your sword against the savage hordes of those unchristianised barbarians of Cir- cassia ?" The brow of Ivan had contracted during these observations, which were uttered in a light, care- less tone, and he had several times attempted to interrupt his friend ; now, that the latter had concluded, he indignantly exclaimed : " I thought you knew me better, Thaddeus, than to make a proposition of that nature to me. 8 THE CIRCASSIAN CHIEF. Never will I unsheathe my sword to aid the cause of tyranny and injustice — such vile work I leave to slaves and hirelings. Should Russia herself be assailed, most willingly would I shed my blood for her defence, as in such a glorious struggle as that when she so gallantly beat back the aspiring conqueror of Europe from her ter- litories ; but never will I lend my arm to assist in subjugating a free and independent people, over whom she has not even the shadow of a right to claim command. Rather would I break my weapon into fragments, and forswear all hope of advancement in the world." A smile was rising on the lips of Thaddeus at this sudden declaration of principles, so un- usual in Russia ; but it was quickly checked on his perceiving the stern expression of his friend's countenance. " Can you yourself, Thaddeus, not feel for the oppressed ?" Ivan went on to say ; " you, whose native land has so grievously suffered from the power of Russia ; you, who have such deep cause to rue the tyranny of her iron sway ! Then, as you love me, never again give utterance to the subject you have so thoughtlessly touched upon, for it is one on which I cannot trust my feelings." THE CIRCASSIAN CHIEF. \) " I spoke but in jest," answered the other, " and most sincerely do I applaud your senti- ments ; but alas ! I fear the principles you pro- fess, when put in practice, will answer but badly in this country, and are such as it is more pru- dent to suppress. For my own part, I confess that, though I have a high respect for the liberty of all men — especially for my own, I have such an innate love of fighting, that, provided an op- portunity offer of exercising my propensity, I care little in what cause I draw my sword." " For shame, Thaddeus !" cried Ivan, indig- nantly. " I blush to hear one, whom I call my friend, and who I trusted was formed for nobler pui'poses, confess himself ready to become the willing tool of a despot ; for to this does your declaration amount." Thaddeus laughed, and gave a shrug of his shoulders, as he replied, "Your emancipation from college, my dear Ivan, has, in truth, wonderfully expanded the liberality of your sentiments ; and it is indeed for- tunate that the idea had not there occurred to you of giving lectures on the rights and inde- pendence of man ; they would have wonderfully B 3 10 THE CIRCASSIAN CHIEF. edified your hearers among the cadets, and made most admirable subjects and soldiers of them for the Emperor ; but your exertions in the cause of liberty would not have gained you much credit in higher quarters." " Your foolish bantering," answered the excited Ivan, " is but a poor apology for your want of liberal principles. Nor am I the madman you wish to make me appear. You well know how much I detested the thraldom in which we were kept at college, and that I pursued my studies with redoubled efforts and perseverance, in order to emancipate myself as soon as possible from that irksome and hated state. To you, as a tried and only fiiend, I have now opened my mind, trusting to have had a hearer who would cordially agree in my sentiments ; but it appears that I have been grievously mistaken, and I have learned a bitter lesson — to trust in no li^dng soul !" The tones of the speaker's voice shewed that his anger had risen to such a degree, that a reply in the former bantering strain would probably have caused a breach in the friendship of the two young men. Thaddeus, therefore, wisely endeavoured to calm his friend's anger by ac- THE CIRCASSIAN CHIEF. 1 1 knowledging the justness of his sentiments, and by promising to adopt them himself if possible, when suddenly their attention was roused by a sound, which seemed like a human voice shriek- ing for help, as from a distance the breeze con- veyed it faintly to their ears. They had now entered an extensive tract of open forest, the trees generally scattered over the ground at some distance from each other, yet in many places clustering together, surrounded by dense masses of thick and tangled underwood. The young men seemed mutually to have banished the feelings raised by their late warm discussion, and instantly urged their horses at full speed in the direction whence they fancied the sound had proceeded, when a second faint cry, though appearing to come from a greater distance, assured them that they were following the right course. Their horses were greatly impeded by the rough and uncertain nature of the ground, and often they were obliged to make them leap over the furze and straggling underwood, at the risk of descending into some unseen cavity, or of plunging into a morass. Notwithstanding the numerous obstacles, they hurried on at increased 1'2 Till;: CIRCASSIAN ClllKF. spood, ongrr to render th(nr asslstanee ; for they were eonlident that the piiM'einu; ery they had hi\ird must hjive heen uttered h\ a woman in distress. Thev wiM'e just emerLi:inL!; tVom a ehnnp ot' trees among which ihcy had heen en- tangled, wh(Mi again tlie ery was heard, lond and distinct, and at that instant th(*y canght sight of two horsemen galloj^ing among the tnu's, one of whom hore a femali^ in his arms ; these were t'ollowtni hy two men on foot running at fidl speed. It was the work ol' some few minutes hefore they could disengage thcmsc^lves from tht* thickets and hrnshwood, a (lela\ which atVorded the part\ alicad oi' i\\v\u an opportiinitN oi' in- creasing thtMr (hstancc ; l)ut, urging (heir hors(>s with wliip and spur ov(M* evcrv ohstack', and gaining the more clear ground, lh(\v ere long overtook the men on tool, who, siMMUg their rapid approach, shouted loudly to tluMr com- panions to return to their supj)ort. The latter, howt^iM', in lieu o\' tiu'ning to nMuha' assistance, redouhled tluMr speed, intent upon escaj)e, and regardless of the loud criis of tluMr ovia-laken followers. These, fuuling escape^ iinpossihle, nislied forward to seize tlu^ hridkvs of their ])ur- sucrs' horses, hut were so etieetually attacked hy THE CIRCASSIAN CHIEF. 13 tho heavy whips of the two cavali(3rs, that they were fain, not only to loose their liold, hut were completely disa])le(l from following. Havin