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(Ltt, coo-ll+69-0226 EVALUATION OF AN INTEGRATION TECHNIQUE FOR THE SOLUTION OF NONLINEAR EQUATIONS "by James Harold Robb August 19 73 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS THE LIBRARY OF THE ^'y.ERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URRAMa <"""mdaigN UIUCDCS-B-73-576 EVALUATION OF AN INTEGRATION TECHNIQUE FOR THE SOLUTION OF NONLINEAR EQUATIONS* by James Harold Robb August 1973 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBAN A- CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS 6l801 * Supported in part by the Atomic Energy Commission under contract US AEC AT(ll-l)lU69 and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Graduate College for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author is grateful for the guidance and suggestions received in a number of helpful discussions with his advisor, Professor C. W. Gear, and expresses his thanks for that help. Thanks are also given to Barbara Armstrong for her very efficient work in typing the thesis. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. SUBROUTINE INTECH 3 2.1 Description of the Method 3 2.2 Strategy 5 2.3 The Calling Program and Other Subroutines 8 3. NUMERICAL RESULTS 10 3.1 Description of the Examples 11 3.2 Discussion of Results 15 k. CONCLUSIONS 22 LIST OF REFERENCES 2.k APPENDIX 26 1. INTRODUCTION The method for solving systems of nonlinear algebraic equations that is the subject of this investigation was developed by van Me lie [l]. His subroutine DIFMF3 was designed to solve the steady-state problem of ordinary differential equations , and for this purpose each component of the vector to be solved for could be either a derivative or an ordinary variable. The development of this method grew out of ideas presented by Gear [2,3] concerning the solution of systems of mixed algebraic and differential equations. In order to evaluate this method simply as a means of solving nonlinear equations , another subroutine called INTECH was prepared by the author. This subroutine is essentially the same as DIFMF3 but is simplified so as to handle only a single vector of variables instead of giving the option of choosing each component from either a vector of variables or a vector of derivatives. Provisions for applying constraints to the variables were also omitted, along with certain variable names that were used in DIFMF3 only to pass data to other subroutines in the differential -equation-solving package of which it was a part. Finally, certain changes were required to convert the subroutine from FORTRAN IV to CALL OS FORTRAN, which the author chose to use because of the convenience of the timesharing system available for this language. Most of the examples used in the investigation were taken from articles by Boggs [U,5] or by Powell [6,7] so that comparisons could be made with their published results. Their results appeared to the author to be good ones to compare with because they both report on recent developments, their methods are different, and both show some improvement . _„__! ■'_.-"* 2. SUBROUTINE INTECH This section presents a description of the "basic method employed, the strategy used in an attempt to economize on the amount of computation required to obtain a solution, and a discussion of some of the details to be considered in using the subroutine. For a listing of the subroutine, along with the main program and subroutines used for one of the examples, refer to the Appendix. 2. 1 Description of the Method The problem that we wish to solve may be written in the form f(y) = (2.1) r 1 2 n i T where y = Ly , y >• • ■ y J 12 _n T and f(y) = [f (y), f (y),... i (y)] are n-component column vectors, and is an n-component column vector of zeros. Also, we will use J(y) to denote the Jacobian matrix J(y) -&&k . y Following Boggs ' approach in Section 2 of his paper [U], we consider the operator homotopy G(s,y) = which imbeds the real parameter s into the original equation so that G(0,y) = has the solution y , and G(s,y) ► f(y) as s ■*- °°. Specifically, we use G(s,y) = f(y) - e" S f(y ) = to achieve these results. Then, since G(s,y) = 0, we may obtain y' dy_ ds rale , in the form (denoting r~- ) by differentiating with respect to s and using the chain y' = -J 1 (y)f(y), y(0) = y Q . (2.2) Euler's method of numerical integration applied to this differential equation gives the iteration y m = y m -i + hy ;-i (2 - 3) We note that this is equivalent, if we make h = 1, to Newton's method applied to the original equation (2.1). Formula (2.3) is used as the predictor step in van Melle's method. For the corrector, he uses y m = y m-l +h(ay m + (l " a) K-l ] {2 - k) with <_ a £ 1. When a = 0, (2.U) is the same as (2.3). If a = and h = 1, the iteration of the predictor and corrector steps is identical to Newton's method applied to (2.1), and if it converges to a solution, will do so relatively quickly. On the other hand, if a = 1 and h << 1, the method is no longer Newton's method and will generally require many steps to converge, but the convergence is more likely to occur. Note that, as it stands, (2.1+) cannot be solved directly for y because y', which is a function of y by (2.2), appears on the right- m m m hand side. Rather than solving (2.k) iteratively each time, thus getting an implicit method, we obtain an approximate solution in an explicit form. To do this, denote the right-hand side of (2.3), which is the result of the predictor operation, by y , then denote the right-hand side of (2.1+) by y = y + Ay . Using a first order Taylor expansion mm m on the right-hand side of (2.2) to represent y' , the following explicit corrector may be obtained so that the method becomes A ■ est t hJ_1 < 0> > + ^-J < 2 - 6 » (O) , V y m =y m - «a (2.7) hy ; = hy ;.i- A (2 ' 8) where (2.5) is the predictor and (2.6) through (2.8) make up the corrector. A single iteration of the corrector is used after each application of the predictor. If the inverse Jacobian were to "be evaluated at every step, we would use J (y ) in (2.6). However, part of the strategy in m applying this method is an attempt to reduce the amount of computation required by evaluating the Jacobian and its inverse infrequently, as discussed in Section 2.2. Therefore, the symbol J is used in (2.6) to denote the inverse Jacobian that is currently being used. 2.2 Strategy One of the major problems that had to be solved empirically was the method of varying a and h in order to find a solution as efficiently as possible. The method used in INTECH is basically the same as that used in van Me lie's subroutine DIFMF3 [l], with any differences being noted in the description that follows. In order to relate the discussion more closely to the listing of the subroutine INTECH in the Appendix, the variable names ALPHA and H will be used to denote, respectively, the symbols a and h used in Section 2.1. Initially, the procedure begins with ALPHA = and H = 1, so that the method is the same as Newton's method. As long as the norm l|f(y)M = * ly 1 ! i=l decreases significantly, ALPHA and H are not changed. The norm is calculated following each predictor step. If the norm fails to decrease by at least five percent from its previous value, the replacements ALPHA = 1 and H = .01 are made and the previous vector y is restored before repeating the step. After this, on each succeeding iteration as long as the norm has decreased by at least two percent from its previous value, ALPHA is decreased by multiplying it by the factor 0.8, and H is increased by multiplying it by the factor R = 1.7 - . 85H + . 15/H which is designed so that the limitation H <_ 1 will be observed. This is one point at which INTECH differs from van Me lie's subroutine DIFMF3. In DIFMF3 the corresponding formula for R is: R = .6 + .k/E. In preliminary tests on INTECH involving just Examples 1 through 9» it was found that when using the latter formula for R, no convergence was obtained for Examples 5 and 9- The indicated formula for R was found to be the best of several that were tried, giving convergence for all nine examples and requiring the same or a smaller number of function evaluations than the original formula for all except Example 3 9 in which case one additional evaluation was required. If on any iteration after the Initially used Newton's method has failed, the norm exceeds the previous norm by a factor of 100 or more, the replacements ALPHA = 1 and H = max(H/2, 0.2) are made, the previous vector y is restored, and the predictor step is repeated. However, if the 7 ratio of the norm to the previous norm remains between O.98 and 100, the replacements ALPHA = 1 and R = min(l.3, . 6/H) are made and the corrector step is performed. Another feature of the program related to strategy is the separation of the vector y of variables into two vectors, given the names Y and YL in the subroutine INTECH. The values of all variables that appear nonlinear ly in one or more of the functions are stored in Y; while those that appear only linearly are stored in YL. This separation makes it convenient to take advantage of the fact, which is discussed by Gear [2,3], that only the correction process and not the prediction process needs to be applied to the linear variables. For systems involving a large number of linear variables , this feature may reduce the amount of computation considerably. Another problem that had to be considered was the frequency of evaluating and inverting the Jacobian. It is not desirable to do this on every step, particularly where n is large, because of the excessive amount of computation required. The strategy that has been developed calls for recomputing the Jacobian every 5NY steps where NY is the number of variables in the vector Y discussed in the preceding paragraph. However, if the Jacobian has not been evaluated recently and, in addition, either the norm increases by a factor of 100 or more from its previous value or else it becomes less than 1.0 (indicating that a solution is being approached) , then the Jacobian is computed and inverted even though this action is not called for by the first rule. 8 2 .3 The Calling Program and Other Subroutines The calling program must define the variables required by the parameter list, which is given in the listing of INTECH in the Appendix. Appropriate input values must be supplied for NSEND, the maximum number of iterations to be performed; DEL, the value used to compare with the norm n * |y x l i=l to determine whether or not satisfactory convergence has been obtained; NY, the number of nonlinear variables (the dimension of Y); NL , the number of linear variables (the dimension of YL); N, the total number of variables, NY + NL ; NY starting values in the array Y, and NL starting values in the array YL. Results are printed by statements within INTECH after each prediction process of the iteration, so no provisions for output are normally needed in the calling program. The formats used in INTECH were designed for use with a terminal taking paper 8 1/2" wide, and should be changed appropriately if a line printer is to be used. In addition to the calling program, the user must supply two subroutines that are tailored to the specific problem, called DIFFUN and MATSET, for which examples are given in the Appendix. The purpose of DIFFUN is to calculate the vector f with the value of f being stored in DY(l). The Jacobian matrix is calculated by MATSET and stored in the array PW. On return from MATSET, the contents of <-) tw ( T \ PW(I,J) are ( — T ) for I from 1 to N and J from 1 to NY, and a I { J ) , 3DY ( I ) N 9YL(J NY) ' f ° r fr ° m 1 t0 N and J from WY+1 to N * Finally, two more subroutines are required that do not depend on the specific problem to be solved. The first of these is MINV, a matrix inversion subroutine that takes as input the Jacobian matrix in the array PW and provides as output the inverse Jacobian in the same array. Since a number of matrix inversion routines that are generally available may be adapted, the particular subroutine used in this investigation is not given in the Appendix. The second of these two is MATMUL, a short subroutine that multiplies the function vector in DY by the inverse Jacobian in PW with the resulting vector being stored in Fl on return. A listing of this subroutine is included in the Appendix. 10 3. NUMERICAL RESULTS In order to have a good basis for comparing the numerical results from INTECH with the results obtained from programs using other methods for the solution of nonlinear equations, it was decided to choose most of the examples from previously published and widely available investigations made by others, and to make comparisons with these published results. This avoids the possibility of imperfectly implementing the various authors' ideas into computer programs, which could lead to invalid conclusions. However, it does not make it possible to have the comparisons as straight- forward as would be desirable, in some cases, because of different approaches and different kinds and amounts of detail being presented by different authors. In addition to making comparisons with the published results of others, it was decided to also run each problem on an already available library subroutine for finding the minimum of a function based on the Fletcher-Powell algorithm [8] as detailed by Wells [9] and later modified by Fletcher [10]. This involved only making modifications to translate the available subroutine from FORTRAN IV to CALL OS FORTRAN so that it could be used in the timesharing mode along with INTECH. This modified Fletcher-Powell subroutine is referred to as FLPMIN in the discussion of results. The function to be minimized by this subroutine was taken to be the sum of the squares of the functions that formed the system to be solved simultaneously in each case. 11 3.1 Description of the Examples Example 1 Function: f(x) = h + x, + x_ - x. + 2x n x + 3x, 1 2 1 + 2x ± - 3x 2 + x ± + x 1 x 2 - 2x, Starting Vector: x = (-2.057, -7-503) Approximate Solution: x= (3-339, -2.98*0 This example is one of those used by van Melle [l] in evaluating the subroutine DIFMF3 upon which INTECH is based. Example 2 Function: same as Example 1 Starting Vector: x = (0,1) Approximate Solution: x = (-1.533U, 0.06ll2l) It was noted that Example 1 had another solution, and this starting vector was tried with the expectation of obtaining the above solution. Example 3 Function: f(x) = 2 X l " *2 + 1 x n - cos (J- x_) 1 _x 2 *2 Starting Vector: x = (1,0) Solution: x = (0,1) This example is discussed in detail by Boggs [U,5]. The solution given is the one which can be located from this starting point without crossing the lines of singularity for the Jacobian. 12 Example k Function: same as Example 3 Starting Vector: x = (-1,1) Solution: (- — , 1.5) This particular starting vector was not discussed by Boggs, but it is representative of the starting region which he states should lead to the given solution [H,5]. Example 5 Function: f(x) = 1 *2 - [sinU^) - — - x 1 ] t 1 " 57> t 2x ± ey^ e - e] + — - 2ex 1 Starting Vector: x = (O.U, 3) Approximate Solution: x = (0.3, 2.8) This is the second of the two examples discussed by Boggs [4,5] and it is also given in an earlier article by Broyden [ll]. Example 6 Fun ct i on : f(x) = 10x l 2 Z^T +2x 2 Starting Vector: x = (3,1) Solution: x = (0,0) This is one of the examples discussed by Powell [6], One of his earlier methods did not converge to the correct solution of this problem, owing to the singularity of the Jacobian matrix at points between the starting 13 point and the solution. Powell indicated that his new algorithm was developed in order to provide convergence for examples such as this, but information on the number of function evaluations required for this particular example is apparently not given in his discussion of numerical results [7]. Example 7 Function: f(x) = IOjOOOx^x^ - 1 -x^ -X 1 "2 e + e ■- 1.0001 ,-5 Starting Vector: x = (0,1) Approximate Solution: x = (1.098 x 10" v 9 9.106) This example is one indicated by Powell [7] as being difficult, primarily because of being badly scaled. Example 8 Function: f(x) = 10( - x. ■*2 "I' 1 -\ Starting Vector: x= (-1.2, 1.0) Solution: x = (l,l) This example was used by Powell [7], and appeared earlier in an article by Rosenbrock. [12]. Reference is also made to it by Broyden [ll] , Branin [13], and Fletcher and Powell [8]. f(x) = Ik Example 9 Function: "x 1 (x 1 (5 - x x ) - 2) + x 2 - 13" x 1 (x 1 (l + x 1 ) - lU) + x 2 - 29 Starting Vector: x = (15, -2) Solution: x = (U,5) This problem is given in the Appendix to Powell's article [7] as an example of one which does not converge "by his method. Examples 10, 10a, 11, 11a, 12, 12a, 13, 13a Function: n £ (A. . sinx. + B. . cosx.) - E. = 0, i=l,2,. . .n. The elements A. . and B. . are calculated by a pseudorandom number generator intended to give uncorrelated numbers from a rectangular distribution between -100 and +100. The numbers E. are calculated to i satisfy the equations for a particular vector x* = (x*, x*, x*,...x*) where each of the components was selected by the pseudorandom number generator from a rectangular distribution between -tt and tt . Starting Vector: x = x* + O.ln, where the components of n = (ru , ru , . . .n ) were selected by the pseudorandom number generator from a rectangular distribution between -tt and tt . Solution: x* = ( x* , x*,...x*) as described previously for this functi For Examples 10 and 10a, n=5; for Examples 11 and 11a, n=10; for Examples 12 and 12a, n=20; for Examples 13 and 13a, n=30. The two examples for each value of n have different coefficients obtained by starting the pseudorandom number generator at different points in the on, 15 two cases. Results of the solution of examples of this nature were reported by Powell [7] and by Fletcher and Powell [8]. 3.2 Discussion of Results The results from computer runs of the seventeen examples using the van Me lie method (IN TECH) and the Fletcher-Powell method ( FLPMIN) are summarized in Table I and Table II. Also shown for comparison are the published results from Boggs [H,5] in Table I, and from Powell [7] in Tables I and II for those of the seventeen examples that were used by them. Table I summarizes the results from the examples having just two equations in two unknowns, while Table II includes those examples having from five to thirty equations and unknowns. In Table I the convergence criterion for INTECH is of the same form as that used in van Me lie ' s subroutine DIFMF3, and the value is chosen so that the criterion will be more stringent than those (each different) used by Boggs and by Powell in their examples. For FLPMIN the criterion was chosen to be of the same form as that used by Powell since the sum of the squared functions is needed for other purposes in both methods, but the value used was designed to make it about as stringent as the criterion used for INTECH, assuming the error is about equally divided between the two variables. For the examples in Table II subroutines INTECH and FLPMIN were both altered to use exactly the same error criterion as that used by Powell. Such changes appeared to be necessary in order to make valid comparisons for these examples, which involve many more variables than the ones in Table I. 16 Table I. Comparison of Results for Examples with Two Unknowns EXAMPLE NO. INTECH FLPMIN BOGGS POWELL I J NFE I NFE I NFE NFE ACC 1 16 1+ 2k 35 105 2 11+ 1+ 22 2U 72 3 21 U 29 27 81 17 36 k T 2 11 F - 5 16 1+ 2U 26 78 18 36 6 31 6 1+3 F • - 7 ll+6 26 198 F - 22 3 10- 10 8 12 3 18 66 198 28 10- 6 9 102 13 12 8 30 90 F ID" 6 I - Number of iterations J - Number of Jacobian evaluations NFE - Number of function evaluations or equivalent; a Jacobian or gradient evaluation is counted as n function evaluations n - Number of unknowns Convergence Criteria INTECH: Z | f X \ < 10 i=l -6 i ? -1? FLPMIN: Z (f ) < .5 x 10 i=l BOGGS : f 1 ! < 10" 5 , i=l,2,...n i ? POWELL: Z (f ) < ACC i=l IT Table II. Comparison of Results for Examples with More than Two Unknowns EXAMPLE INTECH FLPMIN POWELL NO. n I J NFE I NFE NFE 10 5 9 3 2k 33 198 11 10a 5 9 3 2k 39 23U 12 11 10 13 3 1+3 k6 506 19 11a 10 10 2 30 k6 506 23 12 20 13 3 73 79 1659 36 12 a 20 F - - 77 1617 36 13 30 F - - 107 3317 U7 13a 30 19 3 109 113 3503 U3 I - Number of iterations J - Number of Jacobian evaluations NFE - Number of function evaluations or equivalent; a Jacobian or gradient evaluation is counted as n function evaluations n - Number of unknowns Convergence Criterion For all methods in the table : n (f 1 ) 2 < 10" 3 i=l 18 The subroutine INTECH fails to converge for two of the seventeen cases, Examples 12a and 13 as shown in Table II. It does converge, however, for Examples 12 and 13a, which are of the same nature, involving twenty and thirty variables, respectively, but formed from different sets of random numbers. Apparently the method of determining the values of H and ALPHA to be used is not completely satisfactory in these two cases because the error, after decreasing for awhile, increases markedly for several steps then gradually and continues to cycle in this manner. It was possible to obtain convergence for Example 12a by making a change in the method so that slightly smaller values of H were used. This change increased the number of function evaluations required in other cases, however, and no further attempts were made to optimize the strategy because the primary purpose of the investigation was to evaluate the method as it had been developed up to this time. The Fletcher-Powell subroutine, FLPMIN , applied to the function formed by taking the sum of the squares of the original functions, failed to converge to a solution of the original equations for Examples k, 6, and 7- In the case of Example k it converges to a nonzero minimum of the function, which is not a solution of the original equations. In the cases of Examples 6 and 7 it will be necessary for the reader to refer to Fletcher's algorithm [10 ] for the definitions of the names given in quotation marks in the following discussion. In Example 6 the reason for non- convergence was that the variable "gb" as calculated just after the label "search along s:" becomes positive, which means that the matrix "h" is no longer positive definite as it should be if the procedure for updating it were exact [8]. In Example 7 the problem is 19 caused by continuous looping through the section "beginning with the label "interpolate:", without ever satisfying the criteria for leaving that loop. It is possible that the difficulties encountered in these latter two examples could be circumvented by changes in the subroutine, but no attempt was made to do that in this investigation. In the twelve examples in which both INTECH and FLPMIN converge, INTECH requires fewer function evaluations in all except one case. On the average it requires less than one-half of the function evaluations required by FLPMIN in the examples of Table I, which involve only two variables. In the examples of Table II, which involve more than two variables , FLPMIN seems to require on the average about n-times as many function evaluations as INTECH where n is the number of variables in the example. Examples 1 and 2 are the same problem with different starting vectors that were expected to lead to different solutions. The same is true of Examples 3 and k. For Examples 1 and 2 INTECH produced the expected solutions in each case while FLPMIN converged to the same solution (the one expected for Example 2) in both cases. For Example 3 it converged to the solution expected for Example h, and for Example U — as shown in Table I — it found a nonzero minimum which is not a solution of the original equations. Actually, it is not surprising that such differences should occur "between the two methods since the function being minimized in FLPMIN is the sum of the squares of the functions used by INTECH, and such a transformation could be expected to produce different regions of convergence to the various solutions. In the practical application of any method to complex nonlinear equations that have not been previously solved, the problem of determining an appropriate starting vector for that particular method will exist. 20 Results from Example 3 and Example 5 were also given by Boggs [,U,5] Table I indicates that INTECH requires from twenty to thirty percent fewer function evaluations than the Boggs methods. Actually, the table shows the best results obtained by Boggs with each of the two examples out of twelve different implementations of his basic method that were applied to each example. It turns out that his best algorithm for Example 3 did not converge for Example 5 and vice-versa. Considering only those of his algorithms which converged for both of his examples, the best one requires more than twice as many function evaluations as INTECH in each case. Referring to the results reported by Powell [T] for Examples 7, 8, and 9? it can be seen in Table I that INTECH compares favorably, requiring fewer function evaluations for Example 7 and Example 8, and converging where Powell's method does not for Example 9. Powell's method, however, requires consistently fewer function evaluations than INTECH for Examples 10 through 13a as shown in Table II. Comparisons cannot be completely straightforward in these examples, of course, because the coefficients were generated by pseudorandom number generators and were probably entirely different in the two cases. After completing the computer runs on all the examples, it was pointed out to the author that an example from Rosenbrock [12 ] , which was discussed in a recent article by Branin [13], was one for which certain methods did not converge. The reference was found and the example was quickly tried on both INTECH and FLPMIN , requiring twenty-nine function evaluations with the former and 19 8 with the latter. Subsequently, the author realized that this example had previously been done as Example 8, having been found in Powell's article [7] in the first instance. On comparing the number of function evaluations required in the two runs of the same problem, however, it was found that Example 8 only required 21 eighteen function evaluations with INTECH, although with FLPMIN it required the same number, 198, as on the later computer run. The discrepancy was resolved when it was noted that this example is one in which one of the variables, called x in Example 8, appears only linearly. In doing Example 8 this fact had "been properly noted and the special provision in INTECH for linear variables had been utilized in implementing the example. When the same example was inadvertently used the second time, the linearity of x was overlooked and both variables were treated as possibly nonlinear ones in the implementation for INTECH. Thus, the reduction in the number of function evaluations required in van Melle's method when advantage is taken of the special provision for linear variables was documented, although this had not been planned as part of the investigation. Example 9, the one for which Powell's method did not converge although success was obtained with both INTECH and FLPMIN, was given as an example in an earlier article by Freudenstein and Roth [l^]. Convergence was obtained by their method, although the total number of function evaluations required was not given. Using a parameter perturbation technique, ten steps were required, each step involving the solution by Newton's method of a nonlinear system having different parameters 22 k. CONCLUSIONS The primary conclusion is that the integration technique developed by van Melle for the solution of nonlinear equations has considerable merit. As implemented here in the subroutine INTECH , it was tried on a number of different examples. Most of these had been identified in previous publications as examples which were known to be troublesome to solve, at least by some methods. Every example that was tried on INTECH is reported in Section 3. Under these conditions, the fact that convergence was obtained in fifteen of the seventeen cases tried, and that the number of function evaluations was less than for the other methods compared in about half the cases , gives support for this conclusion. Another conclusion, based on thinking about the situation rather than on experimental data, is that it is probably feasible to further improve the implementation of this method. The procedure used to establish the step size H and the parameter ALPHA for the next iteration was determined empirically; and since it works well in many cases , it should be retained in basically the same form unless extensive additional testing proves some different approach to be better. It is suggested that by studying in detail all examples for which the method is found not to converge, or to converge slowly, it may be possible to supply additional logic to recognize in the early stages similar cases and take more intelligent action for each of such specific situations studied. Examples in which these particularly troublesome situations did not develop would be handled by the present procedure. 23 The empirical procedure for deciding when to re-evaluate the Jacobian and its inverse seems to he reasonably effective in reducing the number of function evaluations in INTECH , as indicated particularly by comparing with the results from FLPMIN in Table II, which includes all the examples involving five or more variables. However, it is possible that matrix updating procedures such as those described by Broyden [15] or the one used by Powell [6,7] would prove to be even more economical of computer time, especially for systems with many unknowns. This possibility is supported by the fact that in the examples of Table II, INTECH consistently requires more function evaluations than Powell's method, and the number of these used for the Jacobian was greater than the number used for iterations. It is, therefore, concluded that the use of matrix updating procedures in combination with the basic approach of van Melle may be well worth investigating. 2k LIST OF REFERENCES [l] van Me lie, Bill, "AN OPERATING MANUAL FOR DIFMF3: A Program to Solve Initial Conditions in Simultaneous Differential Equations ," Department of Computer Science File UIUCDCS-F-72-870 , University of Illinois at Urb ana-Champaign , April 1972. [2] Gear, C. W. , "Simultaneous Numerical Solution of Differentials- Algebraic Equations," IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory , 18 #1, 1971, PP. 89-95. [3] Gear, C. W. , NUMERICAL INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS IN ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, Prentice-Hall, Inc.: New Jersey, 1971, PP. 223-227. [h] Boggs , P. T. , "The Solution of Nonlinear Systems of Equations by A-Stable Integration Techniques," SIAM J. Numer. Anal. , _8, #U, 1971, PP. 767-785. [5] Boggs, P. T. , "The Solution of Nonlinear Operator Equations by A-Stable Integration Techniques," Doctoral Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1970. [6] Powell, M. J. D. , "A Hybrid Method for Nonlinear Equations," in NUMERICAL METHODS FOR NONLINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS, ed. P. Rabinowitz, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers: New York, 1970, pp. 87-ll 1 4. [7] Powell, M. J. D. , "A FORTRAN Subroutine for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations," in NUMERICAL METHODS FOR NONLINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS, ed. P. Rabinowitz, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers: New York, 1970, pp. 11 5-1^-9 • [8] Fletcher, R. and Powell, M. J. D. , "A Rapidly Convergent Descent Method for Minimization," Comp. J., 6, 196 3, pp. 163-I68. [9] Wells, M. , "Algorithm 251 Function Minimization [EU]," Comm. ACM , 8, 1965, pp. 169-170. [10] Fletcher, R. , "Certification of Algorithm 2 51 [EU] Function Minimization," Comm. ACM , 9, 1966 , pp. 686-687. [ll] Broyden, C. G. , "A New Method of Solving Nonlinear Simultaneous Equations," Comp. J. , 12, 1969, pp. 9^-99- [12] Rosenbrock, H. H. , "An Automatic Method for Finding the Greatest or Least Value of a Function," Comp . J . , 3, I960 , pp. 175-1 8U. [13] Branin, F. H. , Jr., "Widely Convergent Method for Finding Multiple Solutions of Simultaneous Nonlinear Equations," IBM J. Res . Develop . , 16 , #5, September 1972, pp. 50U-522. 25 [ik] Freudenstein, F. and Roth, B. , "Numerical Solutions of Systems of Nonlinear Equations," J. ACM , 10 , 1963, pp. 550-556. [15] Broyden, C. G. , "Recent Developments in Solving Nonlinear Algebraic Systems," in NUMERICAL METHODS FOR NONLINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS, ed. P. Rabinowitz, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers: New York, 1970, pp. 61-73 . 26 APPENDIX 27 ) , YLSV<2) ,OEL M * EXAM°LE g PFAL*S Y(2),nY(2),Fl( 2),YL(2) ,SAVE(2, PEAL*3 YD<2) ,PWQRK(2) DIMENSION PW (?,?) N C X = 8 Y<1 ) =-1.2 DO YL( I )=1.00 M=2 NL = 1 DEL=1.0-6 NIY = N-NL NSFMD=110 WRITE (6,1 J MEX 1 FOPMAT (i-PX&vp|_c Nn.«,i c ///) CALL INJTFCH{Y,YL,nY,PW,DPL,Pl,YO, S A VE , YL S V , P WOR K , % NtNYfNL tNSEND) END SURROt) T I NF HI F«=UN ( D Y, Y , YL , N, NY t NL ) PEAL*3 DY(M), Y(NY) ,YL(NL) DY(1 )=10.D0*{ YL(1 )-Y Y(MY) , YL ( NL ) DI MENS ION PW(N,N) PW( 1 ,1 ) =-20.D0*Y(l ) pwi ! ,2) = ! PW( 2, 1 )=-l .00 PW( 2,2) =0.00 R E T UP N END 28 SUBPDU T INF INTECHi YtYUDY, PWtDEL t p l tYD,SAVE, YLSV% , PWO°K,N»NY, NL.NSEND) REAL*B DY(N),F1(N),Y(NY),YL(NL),YD(NY),SAVE(2,NY),YLSV(NL)?; , PrfORM N) ,0MAX1,DMIN1 , DEL, ALPHA, H f R,DET,SStS ,HOLD ,DD , D , HH DIMENSION PW(N,N) 11 ************************************************************ •« PARAMETFR LIS T " Y V=rTRR OF M1NLINEAP VARIABLES (INPUT). » YL VECTOR OF LINEAR VARIABLES (INPIJT). ii ny VFC T 0» O c FUNCTION VALUES, CALCULATED " RY TH^ SUBROUTINE DIF^UN. " PW JACOB I AN MATRIX CALCULATED BY SUBROUTINE MATSET " ns th c INVERSE JACORIAN AFTER CALLING M[NV. » DFL FRROP C.p ITE" IOM.SUOPLIEO BY CALLING PROGRAM. •» F! VECTOR EDUAL TO PRODUCT OF PW AND DY . ii yd TH C VECT-^P D^ CHANGES TQ BE APPLIED TO VECTOR Y. " SAVF TWD-POW VECTDD USED TO ST^PF VALUES OF Y AND YD m rc^ORE niexT IT c 5^j^ f j, i nj C4s c RF-S T ART N r = DED. " YLSV V = CTnc? USFD TO STOPE VALUES O c YL BE c OPP " NEX T ITERATION, IN CASE PE-STAPT NEEDED. •• PwnPk USED "INLY c OR STORAGE S p ACE WITHIN SUBROUTINE minv. * N TUP TDTAL NUMBER OF VARIABLES (INPUT). " NY T" c NUMBER OF N1NLIN P AP VA°IABLES (INPUT). " NL TUP NUMB C R O c LINEAR VARIABLES (INPUT). '• NS p ND THE maximum NUMBER DF ITERATIONS DESIRED (INPUT). !•*****************************#-****************************** l» ********** " INITIALISE VARIABLES 11 \JD C AT! =1 JACOR=0 p =1 N 7 - M * N NJ=NY*2 29 I F(MJ.L T .!0) NJ = 10 NJJ=NJ*2/3 ALPHA=0 H=l MS=0 NW=0 i» ******* *** '» PQINT HEADINGS M MRITE(6,1) N,NL,OEL 1 FORMAT(»iN =»,I4,« NL =»,I^,« DEL ='»D10.2) WRI TE(6,2) 2 FOR^ATCO MS NW ALPHA H ', 8X, • ERROR ' t 6X, % » Y( J) AND YL(* ) •// ) II ** ** ****** " INITIAL EVALUATION n F FUNCTION (DY). if NS = NS+! CALL DIFRJN( DY,Y,YL,N, NY, ML ) ii ********** " INITIAL EVALUATION qf JAC06IAN (PW). ii CALL MATSFT(PW,Y t YL, N f NY, NL I ************ »• INITIAL c VAH)ATinN| If INV^S^ JACO^IAN ( PW ) . ii NW=NW+l CALL MTNV( {J W» ! DET,N,NZ,Fl,PWORK) « * * ******** " PRODUCT °W*ny IN V^CTPR Fl. •• C A L 1 M\TMUL(PW,DY»F1, N J •i ******* * ** " NORM STORED IN SS FOP STATING VALUES. 03 ? J = ! t N 3 SS=SS+DARS ( ^Y ( J > ) ii********** •• pcinjt RFSULTS OBTAINED 4ITH STARTING VECTDR. ii WP IT C ( s,i ? ) NS,NW, ALPHA,H,SS,(Y( J) , J=1,NY) I c (Nt. .GT.fl) WRITE! 6 t 1 -^) ( YL( J) , J = 1,ML) II********** ii PREPARE FOR THF INI T IAL PREDICTOR STEP FOR Y; DO THE " INI T IAL CORRECTOR STFP fhr YL . •i DO 4 J=! , NY U Y^( J )=-M*ci ( j ) T c < N L . L r . ) GO TO 6 30 oo 5 J=1,NL 5 YL( J)=YL( J)-F1 ( J+NY) 6 CONTINUE ********** SAVE PRESENT VECTORS Y AND YL. DP 7 J=1,NY SAVEd , J» = Y( J ) 7 SAV C (2, J)=YD( J) I C (NL .L r .O) G^ TO 9 o fl J = ! f N L R YLSVf J) =YL( J) 9 CONTINUE ********** INOIC4 T F NEWTON'S METHOD IS IN USE BY NEWTON = 1. NEWTQN=! ********** BEGIN MAIN ITERATION LOOP BY COMPLETING THE PREDICTION OF Y. 10 DO I 1 J = l ,NY 11 Y( J)=Y( J)+YD< J) ** ******** FVALUATE T HF FUNCTION (DY). N S = N S + 1 CALL DIP-UN(DY,Y f YL,N T NY ,NL ) ********** CALCULATE THE VALUE OF T HP N n <5M (S). S=0 DO 1 -> uu J = 1 ,N 12 S=S*0ABS-(^, !3 ) NS,NW, ALPHA, H, S,(Y(Jl,J=l,NY) 13 FORMAT (14, I3 v F6«2«2fUl«2t2Dl5.5/(5X v 4D15«5)) IF(NL.ST.O) WRITE! 6, 14) ( YL( J) , J--!,NL) ] U F 00 MAT (^X,^D!5.5) IF(S.LF.DFL) RETURN ** ******** CALCULATE PREP (PATIO OF NO p M/ °R c V I OUS NORM). PR ED=S/SS ********** BEGIN PROCESS OF DETERMINING VALUES op ALPHA AND P BY WHICH H WILL BE M UL.TIPLIEO) e ?R N-XT I T c RATION. ( FACTOR 31 GO TO 35 on T l IS GO TO 30 IF ( NEWTON. EO. 1) IF< PREO.LT.100) IF(NOFAIL.Eg.l ) !5 CONTINUE IF (PPE0.LT..9R) GO TO 16 ALPHA=l PaDMiMl ( 1. 300, 0. 600/H ) GO to 17 16 D =1.7DT-.e5D0*H+,! 5D0/H ALPHA=ALPHA*0.8 " SAVF PRESENT VECTORS AND VALUE it 17 DO 19 J=1,NY <^AVE( 1, J)=Y( J) IB SAVE(?, J)=YD( J) IF(NL.LF.O) GO T 2 0^ 19 J=1,NL 19 YLSV( J>=YL( J) 2 CONTINUE HOLD=H •« ********** ri D c T cpMlNr W HETHEP J AC OR IAN SHOULD IF( SS.GF.l.OOJ GO TQ 21 !»=( JACTR.LT.NJJ ) 00 T3 ?-> 21 CONTINUE JAC 3B = JAC0R-1 IF( JAC">B.G T .0) GO TH ?3 ************ " EVALUATE TH C JACOBIAN (OW), OF H BEFORE NEXT ITERATION. BE RE-EVALUATEO. 22 CALL MA T S- T (PW,Y,YL,N,NY,NL) M w=N W+l »♦ * * * * * * * * A * " EVALUATE the INVERSE QF JACORIAN (PW) . CALL MINV(PWfOET,N t N/,Fl,PwnPK) J A C B = N J f D m v e c t o p THE PonrjuCT PW*OYS THEN DO THE CORRECT^ S Tr P ^OP Y. 23 CALL M* T M|jL( ^,nY, c l, N) IF( ALPHA. LT. 0.01 ) GO Tn DD=1 .D0/( ! *H*ALPHA > qo -»4 J = l , NY n=( c l ( I)*H*YD(J) )*D0 Y( I )=Y( J}- ALPHA*D ?4 YD{ J)=P*(YO(J )-Q) GO t n -> 7 32 25 HH=-H*R nn 26 J=l ,NY 26 Y0< J)=HH*FK J) 27 CONTINU c IP(NL.LE.O) GO " DO T HE CORRECTOR TO 2o STEP FDR THF LINEAR VARIABLES IN YL. on 2 8 J = 1 ,NL 2B YL( J) = YL( J )-Fl (J+NY) 29 SS=S NOFAIL-1 I c ( NS.GE.NSENO) " END D c mmm GO TO 3 7 nation LOOP. GO TO 10 30 CONTINUE *• CHANGE AL p HA f R, ALPHA=! .0 IP(JACOB.L T .NJJ Q = r>M AVI ( 0.500, H=HOLD*P " PREVIOUS VFfTPRS " RE-STARTING LAST OP 3 2 J=l ,NY Y< J)=SAVE(1 , J) Y0( J )=9AVF( 2, J) IF(NL-L c .O) GO on ^3 |=t,NL YL( J)=YLSV< J ) FONT I NUE MOFAIL=0 GO TO ! CONTINUE If********** " IF ( N F W TH N s ] A N n " C0PR C CTI0N PROCES IF(P»E0,LT.0.95 ii *# *^ * ** a* * " BUT IP PRED>=.9 5 " NEWTON, J AC 01; TH '• ALTFP VALUE n F NO *1 3-> ^3 3^ •*«; ANO H C 0R THE CASE (PRFDMOO AND NOFAIL=l) ) JACOB=0 . 7 D0/HOL n ) RESTORED AND NOFAIL S r T TO ZERO BPF3RF STcp, BECAUSE n F LARG- INCREASE IN ERROR T 3^ PRFD<. : >E) GO BACK TO 00 THF NORMAL S, REMAINING IN THE NEWTON METHOD. ) GO TO 17 PRIMT A MFSSAG-, CHANGE ALPHA, H, R, EN GO TO tFSTORE PREVIOUS VECTORS AND FAIL BEFORE RE-STARTjsjG LAST ITERATION, WRI T=(6, ->6)S, ( Y< Jl , J = l ,NY) 33 3 6 poo IH H=. ALP R=. JAC MP W GO 37 COM n ****** " IF TH " PRTMT W&I 3 8 39 40 FOR WRI POR WRI FOR RET EMO MAT ( NL.OT 01 HA = 1 01 0R = TOM = m 3i TIMUF **** F MUM THP TE(6, MAT( • TE<5, M \ T ( • TE(6, MAT ( UPM • NEWTON FAILED: • ,9X,011.2, 201 5 . 5 / < 5X ,4015 . 5 ) ) .0) WRITE(6,14) (YL(J) ,J=1 ,NL) BE c? nc FUMC T IOM EVALUATIONS HAS VEC T ORS DY, Y f YL , !\N0 F!' t THEN 3«) (0Y{ J) ,J=1 ,N) -DY: •/( •**• ,4014.6) ) ^ Q ) I Y( J), J=T ,NY) -Y: •/(•** ' ,4016. 9. ) ) 40) ( J,F1( J),J=1,N) »-F! :«/31 I5,«**« ,014.6) ) EXCEEDEO NSFND, 3FTIJ9N. M ***** * H ** **** •f SUBP0UT REAL+3 01 MEMS no SljM on sum FT ( RF T en 40 50 ************************* ********* ********************* * * ***************************************************** rfsJE MATMUL(PW,DY , c l ,N) 0Y( M) ,F1( M) , SUM ION! PW(N,N) *0 J-l ,M = 40 K=l , M = SIIM+PW( J ,K) *0Y( K) J ) = S!JM URN FormAEC-427 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION aecm3201 UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ( See Instructions on Reverse Side ) 1. AEC REPORT NO. C00-li+69-0226 2. TITLE EVALUATION OF AW INTEGRATION TECHNIQUE FOR THE SOLUTION OF NONLINEAR EQUATIONS 3. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): QJ a- Scientific and technical report I I b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference. Sponsoring organization □ c. Other (Specify) 4. RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): [3g a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. | | b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. i J c. Make no announcement or distrubution. 5. REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: 6. SUBMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) C. W. Gear Professor and Principal Investigator Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 Signature ^vfil^^-. Date August 19 73 FOR AEC USE ONLY 7. AEC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION RECOMMENDATION: 8. PATENT CLEARANCE: I I a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. [~~l b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. I I c. Patent clearance not required. JIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA HEET 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-73-576 , Title and Subtitle EVALUATION OF AN INTEGRATION TECHNIQUE FOR THE SOLUTION OF NONLINEAR EQUATIONS 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5- Report Date August 1313 Author(s) James Harold Robb 8- Performing Organization Rept. No. Performing Organization Name and Address I Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 618OI 10, Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract/Grant No. US AEC AT(ll-l)lU69 2. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address US AEC Chicago Operations Office 9800 South Cass Avenue Argonne, Illinois 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Thesis Research 14. 5. Supplementary Notes 6. Abstracts The method for solving systems of nonlinear algebraic equations that is the subject of this investigation was developed by van Me lie [l]. His subroutine DIFMF3 was designed to solve the steady-state problem of ordinary differential equations, and for this purpose each component of the vector to be solved for could be either a derivative or an ordinary variable. The development of this method grew out of ideas presented by Gear [2,3] concerning the solution of systems of mixed algebraic and differential equations. 7. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors nonlinear algebraic equations 7b. Identif iers/Opcn-Ended Terms |7e. COSAT1 Field/Group B. Availability Statement unlimited 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 39 22. Price 3RM N TIS-'JS (10-70) USCOMM-DC 40329-P7 1