Newton Free Library —AND— THE SCHOOLS. INSTRUCTIONS TO BE OBSERVED IN THE USE OF THE LIBRARY BY THE SCHOOLS, WHICH EVERY TEACHER IS REQUESTED TO READ CAREFULLY. Borrowing and Renewing. Fifteen cards are allowed each school teacher on which to draw books for the use of pupils, and three more for the use of teachers in school work. These books are charged for two weeks, and will be renewed once for two additional weeks without request ; after that they may be renewed for two weeks more if the teacher sends a request for renewal to the Library before the books fall due. Books need not be returned to the Library for renewal. All requests for renewal must be made in writing, with the date or dates, if more than one, when the books fall due. Renewal is for two weeks only, unless special arrangement is made with the Librarian. Fines. The date after which the book becomes subject to fine, unless renewed at the teacher’s request, will be written on the inside of the front cover, and books kept out without renewal will be subject to a fine of ten cents a day, or two cents each book if fewer than five books. Teachers are requested to send the fine with the overdue books, ten cents for each day if there are five or more books. Returning. The books to be returned must be sent by the teacher to the nearest agency-station. The library will deliver the books at the schools, but cannot send to the schools when they are ready to be returned. If received at the agency on the day they are due no fines will be charged. Selecting. Catalogues of the Library will be found at each school building for consultation and selection. As the books loaned to the schools are for the mental and moral culture of the pupils, those intended for mere amusement will be withheld. Selections of books on given subjects will be made at the Library for any teacher, if desired. The teachers are asked to send the baskets when sending for books, if they are not already at the Library. Care. The teachers are especially urged to see that the books are treated with care by the children. The covers can be kept clean, and the pages need not be torn or soiled. Not only for the sake of the Library, but for the children’s own sakes, they should be taught to treat books with respect. E. P. THURSTON, Librarian.