OF THE U N I VERS ITY Of 1LLI NOIS 02 . 8 .\ £63t£3 THE LIBRARY MANUAL Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/librarymanualgui00slat_0 THE LIBRARY MANUAL: A GUIDE TO THE FORMATION OF A LIBRARY, AND THE VALUATION OF BOOKS. THIRD AND ENLARGED EDITION. BY J. HERBERT SLATER, Editor of “Book Prices Current”; Former Editor of 11 Book Lore”; Author of “A Guide to the Legal Profession,” “ The Law Relating to Copy¬ right and Trade Marks,” “ Engravings and Their Value,” 11 Round and About the Bookstalls,” Ac., Ac. LONDON: L. UPCOTT GILL, 170, STRAND, W.C. LONDON I A, BRADLEY, LONDON AND COUNTY PRINTING WORKS, DRURY LANE, W.C. 6 P) DP 2. I S6 3 | 1 - 3 v • il r- od PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. k _ a. Every amount quoted in the following pages has been actually realised at public auction within the last few years for the book against which it is set, and where two or more prices are appended it must be understood that the book has realised those amounts at auction at different times within the period in question. The valuation of the topographical works mentioned in Chapter XVI. (post p. 317, et seq.) has, however, been based, by permission, partly on the catalogues of Mr. Henry Gray, topographical and antiquarian bookseller, of 47, Leicester Square. The principles upon which books derive their value and the probability of any particular work rising or falling in the market have been carefully considered elsewhere* and as these phases of an important subject are considered to be beset with many difficulties, the reader is referred to the book in question for any information he may require. It is a fact well known to most people that con¬ dition and binding frequently regulate the market value of a book almost as much as any other consideration, c , %“** oand and About the Bookstalls” (L. Upcott Gill, 170, 0vrRi)d| w VI PREFACE. and, in extreme cases, shillings become converted into pounds merely by reason of extra quality in these respects. As a rule, however, the price realised on one occasion for any given work does not vary to any great extent from that obtained on another for the same book, and by the simple process of striking an average, a fair auction value is usually obtained. The plan adopted, therefore, has been to search for this average or normal value by comparing the prices realised at a large number of first-class sales by auction. In most instances I have given particulars of binding and condition, so that the reader will be able to form a tolerably correct estimate of the value of some thousands of works in every department of English Literature. To take the average auction value is, I am persuaded, the only way in which it is possible to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion, since the alternative of comparing booksellers’ price-lists is open to the grave objection that the sums asked by the dealers differ enormously, and frequently depend on a variety of extraneous circumstances which it is impossible to ascertain or classify. In a popular manual, which is necessarily limited in its scope, the great difficulty has been not so much to value the catalogued works as to decide what to reject. As a survey of English Literature this book is of course imperfect, and were it extended to a hundred times its present dimensions it would be im¬ perfect still. All I have been able to do is to make a selection of representative works, and to classify them under the subjects to which they properly belong. The Library Manual will be found useful in the hands of those who are fond of books and take an interest in collecting them, for the priced lists which form the second portion of the volume fore¬ shadow, I think faithfully, that ideal collection which PREFACE. • • Yll would be made, in fact, by the Book-man wbo bad sufficient time and money at bis disposal to enable bim to carry out bis intention of forming a bigb-class, all¬ round English Library. Tbe whole of this work has been re-written and so considerably enlarged that about 10,000 different books and editions are now catalogued. Modern works in print have not, as a rule, been referred to. Whenever tbe size “8vo” is quoted it is used as implying 8vo et infra (12mo, 16mo, 24mo, or less). J. H. S. . . -• CONTENTS. SECTION I.—ON BOOKS GENERALLY. Chapter Page I.—The Rise and Fall in the Yaltje of Books—Why One Book, though of the same Edition, is Sometimes Worth More than Another 1 II.—Cleaning and Repairing Books — A Selection of Common Recipes . . 9 III. —The Sizes of Books—Latin Names of Towns—The System of Roman Nota¬ tion . 15 IY.—List of the Principal Technical Terms used by Booksellers and Printers . 26 Y.—The Colophon and Title Page—The Bibliographers—General and Special Works of Reference .... 33 YI.—Old Printers and Old Presses . . 41 YII.—The Modern Book-Hunter, and what he Seeks 48 X CONTENTS. SECTION II.—THE VALUE OF BOOKS. Chapter Page Till.—W orks on Natural History: The Mammalia and General Zoology . 62 Ornithology ...... 67 Ichthyology.73 Entomology . . . . . .76 Anthropology and Ethnology . . 81 The Beptilia ...... 84 Conchology, The Crustacea and Zoophytes 85 Botany.89 Geology.103 Scientific Voyages and Travels . . 108 IX.—Works on Occult Philosophy . . Ill X,—Works on Law and General Science 118 XI.—General Works on the Fine Arts : The Fine Arts Generally . . . 124 Views in Europe and the East . . 138 British Picture Galleries and Bio¬ graphies of the Painters . . . 144 Portraits ....... 145 Armour, Ancient Dresses and Cos¬ tumes, Sculpture and Marbles . . 148 Pottery, Porcelain, Mosaics, &c. . . 150 XII.—General Works on Antiquities: Archaeology and General Antiquities . 153 Numismatics ...... 160 Ancient Monuments and Brasses . . 163 Heraldry, &c. ...... 165 CONTENTS. XI Chapter XIII. — Greek and Latin Classics: .^Eschylus, iEsop, Anacreon, Aristo¬ phanes, Aristotle, Aulus Gellius, Caesar, Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius, Cicero, Demosthenes, Diodorus Siculus, Diogenes Laertius, Epictetus, Euclid, Euripides, Herodotus, Homer, Horace, Juvenal, Livy, Lucretius, Martial, Nepos, Ovid, Pindar, Plato, Pliny (senior and junior), Plutarch, Quin¬ tilian, Sallust, Seneca, Sophocles, Strabo, Tacitus, Terence, Virgil, Xenophon ...... XIV. — Delicious Works (including “ Titles for Bibles ”). (1) English Bible Versions • • of • the Holy • • (2) English Versions of the New Testament (3) Common Prayer Books (4) Concordances, &c. XV .— General Works (English Literature) XVI.— Topographical Works XVII.— Old English Chronicles XVIII.— Literary Societies XIX.— Private Presses .... Index . Page 168 187 191 199 204 206 208 317 374 392 398 401 LIST OF CONTRACTIONS Frequently used in auctioneers’ and booksellers’ catalogues and in the following pages. a. n. bds.. bd. . c. cf. . cl. . col. . ed. . ex. . fly-1, fol. . front. g- e. Gr. . gt. . g. t. hf. . hf. bd. 1 . . Lat. 11. . l. p. . MS.. MSS. m. e. mor. mot. n. d. . orig. pi. . Absque nota, i.e., without place of publication and date being men¬ tioned on title- page or colo¬ phon. Boards. Bound. Circa (about). Calf. Cloth. Coloured. Edition. Extra. Fly-leaf. Folio. Frontispiece. Gilt edge. Greek. Gilt. Gilt top. Half. Half bound. Leaf. Latin. i Leaves. Large paper. Manuscript. Manuscripts. Marbled edges. Morocco. Mottled. No date. Original. Plate. port. . . pt. . . . pub. . . rox. . . . roy. . . . russ. . . s. a. . . shp. . . sig. . . . s. 1. . . . s. 1. et a. . sm. . s.nom.imp. t. e. g. unbd. v. vel. . vol. . y- w. a. f. y. e. Portrait. Part. Published. Roxburghe (binding). Boyal. • Russia. Sine anno, i.e., without date mentioned. Sheep. Signature. Sine loco, i.e., with¬ out place of pub¬ lication men¬ tioned. Sine loco et anno, i.e., without either place of publication or date being men¬ tioned. Small. Sine nomine im- joressoris, with¬ out printer’s name. Top edge gilt. Unbound. Vers (about). Vellum. Volume. Various years. With all faults. Yellow edges. THE Library Manual. SECTION I. ON BOOKS generally. CHAPTER I. The R ise and Fall in the Value of Boohs—Why one Book , though of the same Edition, is sometimes worth more than another {Bad Condition , “Cropping,” Imperfect and “ Made-up ” Books, Leaves in Facsimile, “ Laying down,” Worm-Holes, Foxed Elates, Reprints, Bound-up Barts). In order to estimate the value of books with any degree of correctness, considerable experience, combined with a thorough knowledge of the market, is required; and as none, except those whose business it is, can be expected to spend the large amount of time necessary to acquire the requisite information, it follows that the booksellers are the people who are chiefly competent to handle this difficult branch of bibliography. It is the booksellers who fix the price at which a book shall be sold, and they base their calculations primarily on the laws of supply and demand. B 2 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. When the public cease to care for the works of any particular author, or when they, sometimes a little capriciously, are disposed to look favoimably upon those of a hitherto unknown man, the market gradually changes in exact accordance with the spirit of the times. Hence, a bookseller’s catalogue of some twenty years ago bears but little resemblance, so far as quoted prices are con¬ cerned, to a similar catalogue of to-day. The market prices, which in process of time have fallen to their natural level, are retained in equilibrium simply by the fact that the dealers are not merely in the habit of buying from the public to sell to the public again at an increased price; they buy from one another, and if any particular dealer is too ignorant to make the most of his stock, it is a matter of certainty that others will transact his business for him, and, of course, to his loss; or, in other words, they will buy the books which he has undervalued, and reap the profit themselves. It thus happens that dealers are able, to a great extent, to keep the market firm, and at prices which do not vary so much as the casual purchaser is apt to suppose. The condition of a book may, of course, materially affect its value, and on this phase of the subject I shall have more to say later on. Assuming that the dealers regulate the prices of books, it must never be forgotten that the public are in reality masters of the situation, and that their tastes and in¬ clinations are accurately reflected in the booksellers’ cata¬ logues. Anyone who can truly read such a document, will be able to gauge very correctly the literary taste of the day, and, by a comparison with older catalogues, follow the waves of thought and opinion through all the changes which time has brought about. We have now two main propositions: First, that popular taste points out what books to buy and what to avoid; and, secondly, that the booksellers regulate their prices RISE AND FALL IN THE VALUE OF BOOKS. 3 according to the demand. How comes it then, it may be asked, that the public do not rule the market them¬ selves, and so save the bookseller’s profit? To which it may be answered that they would do so if they could, but that their want of cohesion and, in many cases, excessive anxiety on the part of individual collectors to buy at almost any price, precludes them from dominating at first hand. Knowledge must be bought, time must be expended, a sound judgment must be exercised in particular cases; and, as in every other business, people who smooth the path for others deserve to be recom¬ pensed. The booksellers certainly complain that the public have grown too wise nowadays, and that the same profits are not made as formerly; but this is an obvious mistake. The real fact seems to be not that the public are more conversant with technical details, but that the market has settled down, through mere lapse of time. The booksellers who succeed the best are those who sell the most books, no matter at what price, so long as a profit on the original outlay is insured. We do not mean by this that anyone should dispose of a book, or any other article, under such circum¬ stances as practically to amount to a gift of it; but there is a wide difference between selling at a fair price and trying to sell at an exorbitant one. Most amateurs at the commencement of their investi¬ gations are surprised to find a book realising, say, £1 one day at auction, and another copy of the very same work bringing five or six times that amount the next. Is it that the popular demand has varied in the same degree overnight ? Clearly not, for no such variation could legitimately occur in such a short space of time. The reason of the difference in price is chiefly based on some external superiority which one volume possesses over the other. This brings us to a branch of the subject which b 2 4 THE LIBRARY MANUAL is fortunately more easy to handle than mere abstract speculations upon the eccentricities of taste and fashion. Book collectors who pride themselves on their culture take especial care not to purchase any volume which is in bad condition. A book answering this description may be perfectly clean; in fact, paradoxical as it may seem, mere surface dirt does not always imply inferiority: it is the least of all the evils, for it can be got rid of. The greatest enemy of books is an ignorant or reckless binder, for he can, with a single movement of his shears, detract enormously from the value of any volume that comes to his hands. It is the rule and not the exception to find that, when a book returns from the binders, it has been cut or planed at the edges : sometimes only to a small extent, at others to the very head-lines. In either case the value is very materially reduced; sometimes, in bad cases, it sinks to zero, and what was a fair volume to gaze upon becomes a mere worthless wreck of its former self. Collectors, no matter of what articles, like the specimens in their possession to be the best of their kind, and above ail things unmutilated. An engraving with its margin cut away is not looked upon with the same regard as one that is entire. A coin, worn out of all recognition, is not of the same value as another specimen from the same die which has its inscription clear and defined; and a book denuded of its margin is a horrible object in the eyes of those who frequently measure proportions to the fraction of an inch. An “ uncut ” book is consequently one that has its edges rough, or is, at any rate, in the same state in which it originally left the binder’s hands—the word “ uncut ” not being synonymous with the expression “not cut open.” To cut the leaves of a book with a paper-knife does no harm so long as the operation is skilfully performed; to have it re-bound and the edges smoothed on each of its DEFECTIVE BOOKS. 5 three sides is a barbarous and fatal, though exceedingly common, practice. We should strongly advise the amateur never to have anything to do with an imperfect book. Suppose, for the sake of example, that he is offered an original edition of any one of Dickens’ numerous works, and on collation it is found to want one or more plates, or the title-page is missing. This, of course, reduces the selling price; but, unless the amateur has plenty of time on his hands, and is given to “ making up ” imperfect editions by supplying the omissions from another copy—itself possibly imperfect in other respects—it is mere waste of money to purchase; for, when the book comes to be resold, the chances are that the difficulties in the way will be very great, for persons who buy imperfect books expect to get them for next to nothing. It is far better to reject the book altogether, and to wait until a more favourable oppor¬ tunity arises. Books may not only be “cut down” and “imperfect,” but they may be “ made up,” or the plates may be “laid down,” or the book itself may be worm-eaten, torn, “ foxed,” or even a forgery. All these defects detract, of course, from the value, and the amateur will probably now begin to see why one copy may sell for £1 and another for more. It is merely the condition of the book that makes the difference. A “ made-up ” book is one which, though at one time imperfect, has been completed by the addition of leaves from another copy of the same edition. If this is well done, and the measurement of the added leaves is the same as that of the others, there is not usually much objection to the process, nor indeed would the defect be at all likely to be discovered; but if any of the pages are in fac-simile—and it must be remembered that there are book restorers who can copy with the pen in a way almost to defy detection—then in this case the value is very 6 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. materially reduced. An experienced workman of tlie name of Harris, who up to tlie time of liis death was employed by the librarian of the British Museum, was one of the best copyists who ever lived, and much of his work is so excellently performed that it is quite impossible in many cases to distinguish the fac-similed leaf from the body of the work. A book containing plates should be examined to see that none of the latter are “laid down” or rebacked; for if this is found to be the case, the value falls on the instant. In old works the “laying down” process is generally applied to the frontispiece, as that being most fingered is likely to fall to pieces the sooner. In extreme cases a “laid-down” plate would, if placed in a basin of warm water, turn out to be a thing of shreds and patches: so torn and mutilated in fact, as to require piecing together again after the manner of a child’s puzzle. For a “ worm-eaten ” book there is practically no cure, though the pulping process is occasionally employed, with indifferent success. Worm holes are caused by grubs, some of which bore through the leaves and bind¬ ing, while others confine their depredations to the “joints,” and consume the bookbinder’s paste. In hot countries mosquitoes also commit extensive ravages. The larvae of these formidable insects are not content with eating their way out of a volume and leaving a small circular hole in their wake, but they ruin entire leaves, frequently leaving nothing but a fragment, which falls to pieces at the touch. The best way to prevent the en¬ croachment of “book-worms” is to avoid beech wood, and to well sprinkle the library shelves with common snuff every few months. While this method is not infallible, it comes as near perfection as many of those complicated recipes which derive their efficacy probably as much from constant watchfulness and a cleanliness BINDING-UP PARTS. 7 which continual applications necessitate as from any intrinsic excellence of their own. Plates are said to be “foxed” when they are marked with more or less extensive patches of a reddish-brown colour. It is possible to remove “ fox marks ” if the injury is taken in time, but not otherwise ; for damp coiTodes the tissue of the paper. When a book has become so scarce as to be practically unattainable, it is frequently reprinted; and as the object of a good reprint is to imitate the original as exactly as possible, care must be taken that a modem copy is not substituted for the original. Reprints are not, as a rule* made for fraudulent purposes, but merely to enable col¬ lectors to have an exact copy of some very rare volume which they can never hope -to possess in the original. Sometimes, however, a reprint is palmed off on the unwary, though never wilfully by anyone, dealer or otherwise, who has a character to lose. We have shortly pointed out the chief reasons which render one book of more value than another, even when they both belong to the same edition of the same work, and will conclude this chapter with a word of caution which seems to be necessary, considering the numerous breaches of a very simple rule which are continually being brought to light. Many original editions of the works of Dickens, Thackeray, Lever, Pierce Egan, and other modern authors, were issued in parts, and at the present time there is great anxiety displayed by collectors to procure as many of them as possible. Why a book in parts should be of greater value than when it is bound, it is not easy to say, but the whims and fancies of collectors have to be humoured, and the fact remains that to bind the parts is to throw so much money away.' Thus, the average auction value of a copy of the 1837 edition of the “Pickwick Papers,” in 'parts, is about £8; 8 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. when bound, it is quite the exception to get a bid of half that amount, while in most cases the value does not exceed £T 10s. If diming the process of binding the edges are cut, then the value will sink still lower, according to the extent of the injury. If parts must be bound up let the edges remain “uncut,” and be careful to preserve the pages of advertisements and even the original covers, for some other occult reason insists that this precaution shall be observed, at the peril of the owner. At the Mackenzie sale at Sotheby’s, in March, 1889, a large number of works originally issued in parts were put up for competition. In nearly every instance the owner had taken especial care to have the parts bound up intact, covers, advertisements, and all, and the binders employed had been the best the country could produce. The prices realised were enormous, though they would have been the reverse had one or two very simple rules been disregarded. CHAPTER II. Cleaning and Repairing Boohs—A Selection of Common Recipes. It was mentioned incidentally in tlie last chapter that there are methods of renovating books which are dirty, or otherwise out of condition. The word “ dirt” must be held to include everything of a foreign nature which discolours the paper; damp, that most difficult of all eyesores to remove, is therefore dirt, so is iron-mould, and so we may, by a stretch of imagination, designate even a worm-hole. Before giving some approved recipes for the removal of defects, it is well to remind the amateur that it is the height of folly to endeavour to clean a valuable work without a thorough and practical knowledge of all the processes, and not only that, but of which one to apply in the particular case, as well. He must be able to diagnose, so to speak, the symptoms of the book, and not imagine that one general cleaning will suffice to obliterate all the marks. Paper of any kind of texture should therefore have the dirt upon it identified before any attempt is made to remove it, and if the book is very much out of condition, it will have to be taken to pieces by removing the cover and cutting the binder’s thread. Needless to say, the leaves must not be torn out, as to do that would effec¬ tually prevent the rebinding. 10 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Grease spots, if there are any, must be removed in the first place, as the presence of fats of any kind may interfere with some of the other processes. For this pur¬ pose lay the leaf to be operated on, on a sheet of glass or other flat substance. Now take some perfectly clean blotting-paper or cotton-wool, and make it into a smooth pad, which having dipped into benzine, apply to the places where the grease spots are. Do not rub the marks, but pat them very gently again and again, until the spirit, thoroughly amalgamating with the fat, carries it off by evaporation. Another process of removing grease marks consists in covering the face of the spots with powdered chalk, and placing over it a piece of paper. If a hot iron is then pressed on the surface of the latter, the grease will speedily disappear. For books, this recipe is much better than the one previously mentioned, which is in practice usually reserved for cleaning prints; these, of course, can be worked upon from the back. When the grease marks are removed, the page must be left to dry, and then given a general cleaning. There are many methods of doing this, but the milder the remedy, the more satisfactory the result. One of the simplest, and at the same time most effectual processes, is to place the leaf in a leaden trough, and to pour upon it a shallow surface of water. If this is exposed to the sun’s rays for a day or two, everything but fixed stains or dyes will come out, and the leaf can then be turned and treated similarly on the other side. It must then be dried again, and as to this, care must be taken that it is not dried in the sun, or it will turn yellow. When the sun is not available, some other method of cleaning will necessarily have to be adopted, and perhaps the least obnoxious chemical mixture is that composed of one part of chloride of lime to about forty of water. The leaf to be operated upon must, in the first instance, be soaked in water, and placed in a shallow china dish. CLEANING AND REPAIRING BOOKS. 11 If the solution is then poured on the face and back of the leaf alternately it will bleach it quite white and remove most, though sometimes not all, of the stains. This process requires to be very carefully carried out, as the tendency of chloride of lime is to rot any material to which it is applied. This general surface-cleaning will, in many cases, be all that is required, but if some of the stains prove obstinate, or in part resist the process, it will be as well to touch the spots with nitro-hydrochloric acid; in fact, in very bad cases first one of these remedies and then the other will have to be tried before success is finally achieved. After this the leaf must be thoroughly washed in clear cold water, and the best way of doing this is to place it on a board, and hold it under a gentle stream until the whole of the chlorine is removed. Some experts use a mixture of chloride of lime, oxalic acid, and water, which is ready to use the moment it is properly pro¬ portioned, that is to say when the liquid turns a magenta colour. In this case, also, a washing in cold water com¬ pletes the process. Another recipe is as follows: Place the leaf on a board, and then thinly cover it with the finest powdered salt. Lemon-juice must then be squeezed upon the surface and the salt dissolved, after which the leaf is washed clean in boiling water. The objections to this process are the diffi¬ culty of evenly impregnating the salt and the use of hot water, which, as may be imagined, is exceedingly dele¬ terious. However, if the experiment is adopted, the paper must be allowed to dry gradually, and on no account be placed in the sun or before a fire. Damp is the great enemy of books as well as of prints, and if it has got a firm hold on the tissue of the paper the case is hopeless. Unlike mere surface dirt, damp attacks the fibre of the paper, rotting it through and practically ruining it. If, however, the injury has not 12 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. gone too far, the part affected may first of all be touched with a light wash of spirits of wine, and, when dry, with a weak solution of oxalic acid. If this remedy fails, it may be taken for granted that the “ fox spots,” as they are termed, have got a firm grip, and the only course remain¬ ing is to prevent them from spreading. The well-known affinity of lime for water may be made use of in pro¬ tecting books, for if saucers of this chemical are placed up and down the library, the damp in the atmosphere will be speedily attracted. It is curious that this obvious remedy should be so little known. There is a method of repairing holes caused by book¬ worms, but it is so tedious and generally so unsatisfactory that an explanation at any length would be superfluous. It consists in filling up the holes with pulped paper (prepared by chewing) which can be done by welding it in with a mallet, the process being somewhat similar to that adopted by gold-beaters, who do not rely so much on the heaviness of their blows as on their number. When quite dry the ’paper which protrudes is cut off with a sharp razor and the edges of the circle touched with fish-size, made by boiling fish-bones in water with a little isinglass. We have heard of a lady who makes a “ handsome income ” by thus dexterously repairing the ravages of the book-worm, though there is reason to fear that a source of income such as this must be un¬ certain in the extreme. Chloride of lime and the-other substances are quite powerless to remove some stains, and consequently it is better to leave the pure surface-cleaning until everything obnoxious has been removed. Thus, as already explained, grease marks ought always to be got rid of at an early stage, in the way pointed out; and if any Indian-ink stains are observable, they should be assisted out with hot water. Pencil marks may be removed with bread, or—better still—by a washing of thin paste. Lead stains can be CLEANING AND REPAIRING BOOKS. 13 got out by means of an application of peroxide of hydrogen, commonly called oxygenated water, which, owing to a chemical process hardly necessary to be ex¬ plained here, is in point of fact a bleacher. Another bleacher is hydrochloric acid, but while it whitens and purifies the paper it rots it to such an extent that sometimes the leaf operated on will snap shortly off: like a piece of paper which has been baked in an oven. The reader may note that sulphuric ether, turpentine, ammonia, benzine, and naphtha will all remove grease stains, and that oxalic acid, citric acid, and tartaric acid in solution will eliminate writing ink without in any way acting on the printer’s ink. This latter is a fact specially worth remembering. Once more let it be said that to satisfactorily clean a printed page requires great patience and a vast amount of experience. The danger lies in the fact that not only will the dirt come out, but the printed matter as well, unless skill be brought to bear in order to prevent such a catastrophe. Worthless books are not worth even cleaning; valuable ones should be placed in the hands of an expert. The above remarks are applicable more or less to the renovation of prints, and in fact to paper of any kind which contains printed matter. Some papers, however, are more fibrous than others, and this fact furnishes another element which has to be taken into consideration in every attempt to make new books out of .old. In many cases the leather binding of old books will be found to be broken, rubbed, or decayed. When this is the case, plaster the part affected with paste to fill up the holes; then take the yolk of an egg, beat it up with a fork, and apply it to the leather with a sponge, having first cleansed it with a dry cloth. To produce a polished surface, a hot iron must be passed over the leather. There is also a varnish made in France, called “French 14 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. varnish for leather,” which costs about 10s. a pound; it may be had at any oil and colour man’s. Many other useful recipes will also be found in Bonnardot’s “ Essai sur l’Art de Hestaurer les Estampes et les Livres ” (Paris, 1858), a work described as being one of the best on the subject, and full of useful hints. To describe the well-known materials, such as morocco, russia, calf, and the rest, would be unnecessary, as they are perfectly well known to most people, whether book collectors or not. Their applicability to any par¬ ticular class of work depends, of course, on the question of price, and also, in a great measure, upon taste. Some collectors have as many of their books bound alike as possible, and taste would seem to require that the binding should be “ neat, not gaudy ”; for nothing looks so much out of place as a row of gilded volumes, and nothing certainly could better describe the habits of their owner. Let books, therefore, be well bound, always remembering that a profusion of gilt is to be deprecated, since it adds greatly to the expense, and does not maintain its bril¬ liancy for any length of time. A half-bound book (a book which has the comers and back only covered with leather, and the sides with paper or cloth), with just sufficient lettering to enable the title to be discovered by inspection, would seem to be the most wearable. In some instances, of course, to rebind a book is simply to spoil it—for many volumes derive their value solely from the curious character of the binding, and this is chiefly observable in specimens of typography issued from the earlier presses. In these instances, the work should be preserved in its original frame as long as it will hold together; and even then it will, in most cases, be more judicious to have the binding repaired than the work re-bound. CHAPTER III. The Sizes of Boohs—Latin Names of Towns—The System of Roman Notation . Paper used in the manufacture of books is made in large sheets, which are afterwards cut to the required size. Not that each piece of paper printed upon consists of two leaves—like a sheet of writing paper—afterwards stitched together with many others of similar dimensions. This would be too primitive a method, and remind us too forcibly of the proverbial triangle to satisfy the requirements of the present century when books are published in such prodigious numbers. In fact it is not probable that such a system was employed even in the earliest days, for a perfectly obvious course, and one that saves immense trouble, is to print the entire sheet and subsequently to fold it as required. The method of doing this will be explained by the aid of a simple illustration, but in the meantime the reader must note the dimensions which sheets of paper commonly assume. The old fashioned paper-makers’ moulds had fixed measurements, but this is not always the case at the present day, so that considerable variety exists in the sizes of papers, even of those bearing the same name. Though confusing in cases where accuracy is rigidly demanded, this disparity is not likely to very greatly 16 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. inconvenience the amateur, for the difference of an inch or two in the measurement of a whole sheet becomes less noticeable when the latter is folded into quires. The following measurements in inches will therefore be found sufficiently correct for our purpose. It must be remem- bered that these dimensions are for the whole sheet as it lies flat on the table and before it is folded: Foolscap . Post Large Post Demy Crown Royal Imperial . Elephant . Atlas in. in. 17 by 13.V 181 by 151 201 by 16.% 20 by 15fr 20 by 30 24 by 19 30 by 22 28 by 23 34 by 26 From the names given to these various papers a system of classification of books has sprung up which, though confusing in the first instance, becomes easy enough to comprehend after a little practice. The question is often heard asked: “ What size is this book P ” and the answer “ Octavo ” (8vo) is equally familiar. The answer may, however, refer to Quarto (4to) or Folio, or have reference to some of the smaller- sized volumes, such as Duodecimo (12mo) or Twenty- fours (24mo). So also we may have Foolscap 8vos, Post 8vos, Demy 8\os, Crown 8vos, or Royal 8vos; or, on the other hand. Crown 4tos or Royal 4tos, and Imperial, Elephant, and Atlas folios, respectively. All these books are different in measurement, and are so commonly quoted in cata¬ logues* that it is necessary to know something of them. It will be seen that a book, whether 24mo, 12mo, 8vo, 4to, or folio, may be made of paper of any size, and that it is the name of the paper which creates the distinction between one kind of 8vo, &c., and another. SIZES OF BOOKS. » 17 For instance, let tlie reader take a sheet of brown paper measuring 17in. by 13Un. This is about the measure¬ ment of a sheet of foolscap, as will be observed from a glance at the foregoing table. Take the sheet of paper, which will be found to be oblong in shape, and place it thus: D C A Fold it at AA, then at BB, and finally at CO, when the paper will be of the size represented by B D C C; that is to say, one-eighth of the whole sheet of foolscap. In this way we arrive at the expression “Foolscap 8vo.” Similarly, 8vos may be made from Post, Large Post, Demy, Crown, Royal, or Imperial papers, and as the whole sheet becomes larger, so also does the book made from it. A 4to book could be made by folding at AA and then at BB, a folio by folding at AA only. The sizes Elephant and Atlas are used exclusively for folio books, which are of the shape of 8vo, only very much larger. Quartos, on the other hand, are always square; while 12mos are again of the shape of 8vos, though smaller. Anyone who is accustomed to handle books can guess at their size with sufficient accuracy to answer every c 18 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. practical purpose, and further than this it is hardly necessary to go. Some theorists, however, have provided themselves with arguments which completely upset the time-worn practice of many generations of booksellers, and according to them it is quite possible for a book which looks of the folio size to be in reality a quarto, or vice versa ; while an 8vo, on the other hand, may be square. We are unable at present to follow the course of reasoning put forward by these specialists, and, under any circumstances, it is quite unnecessary for the amateur to trouble himself with fine-drawn distinctions, which may exist in particular cases, but which are certainly not accepted as a general rule. We are now able to see how books of various sizes are made up, though we have yet to learn of what size a bound book placed before us may be. This fortunately is easy, owing to the presence of what are known as “ signatures”—those little numbers or letters, or both, found at the foot of many pages of almost every book, and which were first introduced as a guide to the binder by Antonio Zorat, of Milan, in the year 1470. As the true size of a volume is determined by the number of leaves into which the paper is folded, and as these “ signatures ” appear at stated intervals, all that is necessary is to count the leaves (not pages) between signature and signature and then to refer to the following table: Folio consists of 2 leaves (that is, four pages) between sig¬ nature and signature. Quarto (4to) consists of 4 leaves; that is, 8 pages. Octavo (8vo) consists of 8 leaves; that is, 16 pages. Duodecimo (12mo) consists of 12 leaves; that is, 24 pages. Sixteenmo (16mo) consists of 16 leaves; that is, 32 pages. Thirty-twxmio (32mo) consists of 32 leaves; that is, 64 pages. Sixty-fourmo (64mo) consists of 64 leaves; that is, 128 pages. Although there are other smaller sizes, such as 72mo, 128mo, and the like, and many variations which are SIZES OF BOOKS. 19 more or less arbitrary, they are very rarely met with. When they occur, the same principle of computation may usually be followed; or, as a further test, the binder’s thread which runs through the middle of every sheet may be observed, and in this case the number of leaves from one thread to the next will give the same result. Occasionally, but very rarely, some old books have no signatures, and when this is the case the size may be obtained from the position of the watermark. Hold one of the pages to the light; then if the watermark is in the middle of the page, the book is folio; if at the bottom and cut in half, it is 4to; if at the top and also cut in half, 8vo; and if on the outer edge, either 12mo or 16mo. Examples being frequently useful to explain a position which at first sight may not appear altogether clear, it may be observed that the Graphic and Illustrated London News are in folio, Punch and most other comic papers in 4to, while Cornhill, the Leisure Hour , Good Words , in fact most of the monthlies, together with the “ Library Manual ” the reader now holds in his hand, are all examples of different sizes of 8vo. Every title-page contains, or should contain, the name of the work, the name of the author, the publisher’s name and address, and the date; and, so far as the actual reading of these is concerned, nothing can be easier. It is far different, however, with some of the books printed in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries, for the name of the town from which the book was issued does not bear, in many instances, the slightest resemblance to its appellation of to-day. For example, there is an edition of Tacitus described as being printed at “ Lugd. Bat.,” in the year 1640. The words “ Lugd. Bat.” would not strike everyone as standing for the University City of Leyden, or Leida as it was anciently called. The words in full are “ Lugdunum Batavorum,” * c 2 20 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. and it was from tliis city of Leyden that so many beautiful specimens of the Elzevir Press proceeded. So, also, the date will frequently be found written in Roman numerals, occasionally inverted, causing the greatest inconvenience to anyone who is not familiar with them. We shall, therefore, in this chapter give a list of towns where printing was anciently carried on, with their English equivalents, and then add a few remarks on numeration, so that the learner may be prepared for further progress. The Latin names of the towns are given in alphabetical order, and the dates, refer to the first establishment of the printing press in the localities referred to. Abbatis Villa. Abbeville, a town of France (1486). Abredonia, or Aberdonia. Aberdeen (1621). JEsernia. Isernia, a town of Naples. Alba Graeca. Belgrade. Alostum. Alost, Flanders (1473). Alta Villa. Elfeld, a small town adjoining Mayence (1467).. Amsteloedamum .) Amstelodamum. - Amsterdam (1523). Amstelredamnm.) Andegavum. Angers, France (1476). Andreapolis. St. Andrews, Scotland. Aneda. Edinburgh. Antverpia. Antwerp (1472). Aquas Sextiae. Aix. Argentina. Strasbnrg (1471). Asculum. Ascoli, Italy (1477). Augusta Perusia. Perugia (1475). Augusta Trinobantum. (See Londinum.) Auracum. Aurach, a small town in Wurtemberg (1481L Aurelia. Orleans (1490). Avenio. Avignon (1497). Bamberga. Bamberg (1462). Barchino. Barcelona. Basilea. Basle (1474). Bisuntia. Besan 9 on (1487). Bononia. Bologna (1471). Brixia. Breschia, a city of Italy (1473). Brugae. Bruges (1473). Bruxellae. Brussels (1474). Burgi, or Bravum Burgi. Burgos (1485). LATIN NAMES OF TOWNS. 21 Burgum Auraceuse. (See Auracum.) Cadomum. Caen (1480). Callium. Cagli, a small town of Italy, in Urbino. Cantabrigia. Cambridge (1521). Carnutum. Chartres (1022). Cassela. Caselle, a town of considerable importance in Piedmont (1475). Chamberium, or Camberiacum. Chambery (1484,. Cobnrgum. Cobnrg (1482). Codania. Copenhagen (1493). Colonia. h Colonia Aflnnrvnrno. Colonia Colonia Ubiorum. ) Colonia Mnnatiana. Basle (1460). Condivincum. Nantes (1493). Cracovia. Cracow (1500). Daventria. Deventer, a town of Holland, the capital of Over Yssel (1475). Delphi. Delft, Holland (1477). Divio. Dijon (1491). Dnacnm. Donay (1564). Eboracum. York (1509). Edemburgum. Edinburgh. Elfield, or Eltville. Elfield, near Mayence (1467). Erfordia. Erfnrt, Germany (1482). E Theatro Sheldoniano. Oxford (1468 ?). Etona. Eton (1607). Enstadinm. Aichstadt, Germany (1478). Firenze. Florence (1471). Florentia. Florence (1471). Forum Livii. Forli, an ancient town of Romagna (1495). Francofurtum ad Moenum. Frankfort-on-the-Maine (1504). Francofurtum ad Oderam. Frankfort-on-the-Oder (1504). Frisinga. Freisgenn, Bavaria. Gaietto. Gaeta (1487). Ganabum. Orleans (1490). Gandavum. Ghent (1483). Geneva, Gehenna, Aurelia Allobrogum, or Colvina Allobrogum. Geneva (1478). Genua. Genoa (1474). Glascua. Glasgow. Granata. Granada, Spain. Gratianopolis. Grenoble (1490). Hafnia. Copenhagen (1493). Hala. Halle, Germany. Hamburgum, or Hammona. Hamburg (1491). Hamnionia. Hamburg (1491). • 22 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Harlemum. Haarlem (1480). Heidelberga. Heidelberg. Herbipolis. Wurtzburg (1479). Hispalis, or Colonia Julia Romana. Seville (1476). Holmia. Stockholm (1483). Ilarda. Lerida, a city of Spain (1479). Ingolstadium. Ingolstadt, Bavaria (1487). Kuttenberga, or Cutna. Kuttenberg. a small town of Bohemia (1489). Lantenacum. Londeac, France (1484). Lauginga. Lauingen, Bavaria (1473). Laus Pompeia. Lodi (1587). Leida, or Lugdunum Batavornm. Leyden (1483). Leiria. Leira, Portugal (1492). Lemovicense Castrum. Limoges (1495). Leodium. Liege (1566). Leucorea. Wittenberg (1503). Lignicium. Lignitz, Germany. Lips ; a. Leipsic (1480). Londinum, Londinia, or Augusta Trinobantum. London (1480). Lovanium. Louvain (1473). Luca. Lucca (1477). Lugdunum. Lyons (1473). Lugdunum Batavorum (Lugd. Bat.). Leyden (1483). Madritum. Madrid (1499). Magdeburgum. Magdeburg (1483). Mancunium. Manchester (1732). Marsipolis. Mersberg, Saxony (1473). Matisco. Ma 9 on (1493). Mediolanum. Milan (1469). Messana. Messina (1473). Moguntia. Mayence, said to be the birthplace of the typo¬ graphic art ( Cir . 1440). Monachium Munich (1500). Monasterium. Munster, Germany (1486). Mutina. Modena (1475). Nanceium. Nancy (1510). Nannetes. Nantes (1493). Neapolis. Naples (1471). Neocomum. Neuchatel (1533). Nordovicum. Norwich (1568). Norimberga. Nuremberg (1470b Noviomagium. Nimeguen, Holland (1479). Offenburgum. Offenburg (1496). Oppenhemium. Oppenheim (1494). Oxonia, or Oxonium. Oxford (1468 ?). Palaeopragu. Prague (1468). LATIN NAMES OF TOWNS. 23 Panormum. Palermo (1477). Papia. Pavia (1471). Parisii. Paris (1470). Patavia, or Passavium. Passau, Bavaria (1482). Patavium. Padua (1472). Perpinianum. Perpignan (1500). Perusia. Perugia (1475). Pictavium. Poitiers (1479). Pompeiopolis. Pampeluna (1489). Praga. Prague (1478). Ratiastum Lemovicum. Limoges (1495). Ratisbona. Ratisbon (1485). Regium. Reggio, Italy (1475). Rhedones. Rennes, capital of Bretagne (1484). Roma. Rome (1467). Rothomagum. Rouen (1483). Rubens Mons. Rougemont, an Abbey of Benedictines Burgundy (1481). S. Albani Villa. St. Albans (1480). Saena. Sienna (1479). Salmantica. Salamanca (1481). Salutive. Saluzzo, Italy (1503). Schedamum. Schiedam (1483). Senae, or Saena. Sienna (1479). Southwark. Southwark (1514). Spira. Spire, Germany (1471). Taraco. Tarragona (1499). Tarrazona, Tirasso, or Turiaso. Tarazona. Tarvisium. Treviso, Italy (1471). Taurinum. Turin (1474). Ticinum. Pavia (1471). Tigurum. Zurich (1521). Toletum. Toledo. Tra-jectum ad Rhenum. ) TT , , , m . , . £ . > Utrecht (1473). Trajectum mfenus. I v ' Trebia. Trevi, Italy (1470). Trecae, or Tricasses. Troyes, France (1483). Triboccorum. Strasburg (1471). Tubinga. Tubingen (1498). Turones. Tours (1496). Ubii. Cologne (1466). Ultrajectum. Utrecht (1473). Ulyssipo. Lisbon. Utinum. Udina, Italy (1484). Vallisoletum, or Pincia. Valladolid (1495). Venetiae. Venice (1469). Vindoliona. Vienna (1482). Viterbium. Viterbo, Italy (1488). in 24 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Westmonasterium. Westminster, where Caxton established his first press (1474). Wirceburgum. Wurtzburg (1479). The foregoing list does not, of course, comprise all the places where printing was anciently carried on; on the contrary, numberless small and unimportant towns possessing one or more presses were scattered all over Europe, from which copies of books were rapidly issued, and are frequently met with. A very complete list of these will be found in Dr. Cotton’s “ Typographical Gazetteer,” to which the reader is referred for any further information he may require. With respect to the dates at the foot of the title- pages of these old works, we have already said that the Roman system of notation was often adopted. As this frequently gives rise to considerable perplexity, it may be observed that when a line is found over a numeral its value is thereby increased a thousand¬ fold, thus: VIII — 8; VIII = 8000. As we have not yet arrived at the year 2000 Anno Domini, the only numeral likely to be affected is I standing for the unit, which is sometimes made to do duty for a thousand in the shape of I, leaving the centuries to be added according to the circumstances of the case. The form 1DXXXI is equal therefore to MDXXXI, or, as we should write it, 1531. There were, however, no less than six different ways of writing a thousand, namely: CIq, CD, 00, J} 1, W, M. The third, fourth, and fifth of these signs are purely arbitrary, and should be made a note of. The ordinary numerals used by the Romans were I for 1, V for 5, X for 10, L for 50, C for 100, D or Iq for 500, M or Cl£) for 1000; and when any character was followed by one of less or equal value, the expression denoted the sum of their simple values, but when preceded by one of less value, the difference. Thus III stood ROMAN NOTATION. 25 for 3, IV for 4, and VI for 6, XL for 40, LXX for 70, and so on. Every Q added to Iq and every 0 and q joined to CIq increased its value tenfold; thus, Iqq = 5000. It is the double form of the D standing for 500 which gives rise to most of the difficulties experienced by amateurs; but when it is remembered that D and Io constitute one and the same symbol, and that CIq is equivalent to 1000, the method of calculating will be seen to be very easy and simple. One or two examples of symbols in common use will illustrate most of the cases likely to be met with: M[0X = 1510; MDX = 1510; CI0I0CX = 1610; MDCX = 1610. In the example CIqIqCX, which appears so complicated, OIq equals, as stated above, 1000, Iq is only another form of D representing 500, 0 stands for 100, and X for ten, and these amounts added together make 1610. CIo Io CCC XC 1000 500 300 90 1890. CHAPTER IV. List of the principal Technical Terms used by Booksellers and Printers. The list of technical terms which follows has been compiled from various sources, but principally from “ Power’s Handy Book about Books,” published in 1870 by the late John Wilson, of 11, King William Street, Strand, London, a work now out of print. Advanre Sheets. —Sometimes called “ Early copies.” Portions of a work supplied elsewhere previous to publication, generally for simultaneous reproduction. Many English authors supply “advance sheets” to American publishers, so that the work can be brought out in England and America simultaneously. Allonym. — A false proper name. A work published to deceive, under the name of some author, but not by him, as “Peter Parley’s Annual.” Almanack Day. —The day on which almanacks are issued by the publishers to the trade, usually November 21st in every year. Anastatic Printing. — A. mode of obtaining fac-simile im¬ pressions of any printed page or engraving without re-setting the types or re-engraving the plate The page to be copied is first saturated with a solution of nitric acid, which does not affect the printer’s ink. A transfer is then taken on a plate of zinc, which is in process of time eaten away by the acid from the non-printed part of the page. This leaves the printed portion in relief. Anonymous. —Without a name. Ajpoconym. —A name deprived of one or more of its initial letters. TECHNICAL TERMS. 27 Author's Proof. —The proof taken after the first proof is cor¬ rected, and sent to the author for correction or amendment. Autonym. —An author’s real name. Bands. — Pieces of leather, cardboard, or other suitable substance glued to the back of a book previous to covering. The space between these is called “ between bands.” The strings whereon the sheets of a volume are sewn. Bastard Fount. —Small-faced type, upon a larger body, adopted for the purpose of making the printed pages look as if the lines had been spaced out, or “leaded,” as it is called. Bazil. —Tanned sheepskin, used for common bindings. Books bound in sheepskin are sometimes described in catalogues by the contraction “ shp.” B ach Letter. —A peculiar kind of type formerly used in this country, generally known elsewhere as “ Flemish or German character.” Specimen of OBlacfi letter. Bloclc Boohs. — Books printed from blocks of wood engraved on one side of the leaf only. Boards. —Books are sometimes described as being in “boards.” This refers to the binding, and they are so described when bound in millboard. Cloth-bound books did not come into vogue until about 1826. • Boohs Uncut. —An uncut book is one that has not been primed by the binder’s knife. It is a mistake to suppose that the term has reference only to those books which have not been cut for reading, for, even if they have, they may be still “uncut” in the technical sense of the term. Bosses. —Plates of metal or other hard substance formerly attached to the corners of books as a preservation against injury. Bourgeois. —A description of type ranking in size immediately after long primer. Specimen of Bourgeois Type. Brace. —A character cut in metal, thus Brevier. —A very common type. Specimen of Brevier Tj r pe. Brilliant. —The smallest sized type in use in this country. Specimen of Brilliant Type. Broadside. — One full page, printed on one side only of a whole sheet of paper. 28 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Canon. —This is the largest type that has a specific name. There are, however, larger descriptions of type, which are frequently termed four, five, six, &c., line pica. The following is an example of canon type : Canon. Catchword. —The last word occurring after the last line of a page, such word being repeated immediately on the top of the following page. Catchwords are still used in Acts of Parlia¬ ment and a few official documents. Chap Book. —A small book or pamphlet carried about for sale by hawkers. “ Last dying speeches and confessions ” are familiar examples of chap books. ' Chronogram. —An inscription sometimes found in old books in which a certain date is expressed by Roman numerals, as, for example: “My Day Closed Is In Immortality,” the result being MUCIII, the year in which Queen Elizabeth died. Cl. — Cloth. Colophon. —The conclusion of a book which contains formal matter only, such as the date or place of publication. Diamond. —One of the smallest sized types in use in Eng¬ land ; there are 2800 letters to a pound weight. Specimen of Diamond Type. Double Book. —A book printed on half sheets. Double Pica. —A type about twice the size of small pica. Double Pica Type. Duodecimo. —Sometimes called twelve-mo, and generally written 12mo. A book printed on paper folded into twelve leaves; that is, twenty-four pages. The signatures are B, B 2, and B 3 on the first, third, and ninth pages. Emerald. — A type of a size between nonpareil and minion, and now but little used. However, for the sake of consistency, we give an example : Specimen of Emerald Type. End Papers. —The blank leaves at the beginning and end of a book. More commonly called fly leaves. TECHNICAL TERMS. 29 English. —A type the next size larger than pica, and gene¬ rally used for large Bibles. Specimen of English Type. Extra. —Sometimes described as “Calf Extra,” or “Morocco Extra.” A term applied to a book which is bound in a superior manner, well “ forwarded,” lined with good marble paper, and has silk “headbands,” and gilt with a narrow roll round the sides and inside the “squares” (for the meaning of which see post). Fac. —Small wooden or metal square blocks, with emblematical figures carved thereon, having a hole in the centre to admit a capital letter. The large and fantastically graven initial letters sometimes seen at the commencement of every chapter are produced by “ Facs.” Folio. —A term referring to the size of a book printed on paper folded into two leaves, or four pages. Forrell. —Bough skins, anciently used for binding purposes. Forwarding. —The art of the bookbinder, comprising all his work up to the time when it is ready for colouring. Great Primer. —A type sometimes called “Bible Text.” Specimen of Great Primer Type. Grooves. —The projections formed on the sides of books in backing, to admit of the boards lying even with the back when laced in. Half Bound. —When the back and corners only of a book are covered with leather and the sides with paper or cloth, it is said to be half bound: “ hf. bd.” in catalogues. Headband .—The overlapping material at the top and bottom of the back of a book. * Imprint. —The name of the place where any particular book was printed. Its Own Paper. —When several sheets of a work are printed on the paper that the whole work is intended to be printed on, it is said to be “pulled on its own paper.” Large Paper. —Paper of an extra size. It often happens that a limited' number of books forming an edition are printed off on larger paper than the rest. Such works are larger in measure¬ ment and have wider margins. The value is also greater. Lithography. —The art of engraving on stone and transfer¬ ring the impression to paper. 30 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Logotype. —A whole word cast in one block is a logotype ; the system never prevailed to any extent, as compositors prefer to spell their words out for themselves rather than have a multiplicity of little boxes in the cases. Long Primer. —A type supposed to bear its name from the fact that it was at one time universally employed in printing primers. Specimen of Long Primer Type. Millboard. —A thick kind of paper, used for the covering of books. Before the employment of pasteboard and millboards, books were either bound in calf or left unbound like modern French novels. Minion. —The name of a type half the size of English, and sometimes used for newspapers. Specimen of Minion Type. Nonpareil. —A type smaller than minion and larger than pearl. Specimen of Nonpareil Type. Octavo. —Contraction, oct., 8vo, already described as the size of a book printed on paper folded into eight leaves, or sixteen pages. The signatures are B, B 2, on pages 1 and 3, C, C 2, on pages 17 and 19, &c. The usual sizes are Imperial 8vo, Royal 8vo, Demy 8vo, Crown 8vo, Post 8vo, and Foolscap 8vo. Out of Print. —A book is said to be out of print when the publisher has no more copies bn hand. Pamphlet. —Any work which does not exceed five sheets octavo ; that is to say, 80 pages. Paragon. —A type one size larger than Great Primer, but which is now very nearly obsolete. Pasteboard. —A substance used in bookbinding, and made of sheets of paper glued together. Pasteboard superseded the old wooden boards, and was itself superseded by millboard, which, in its turn, has been almost entirely superseded by ■cloth. Pearl. —A type used principally for pocket Bibles, dictionaries, .and the like. Specimen of Pearl Type. Pica. —The standard type by which all other sizes of type are classified. Specimen of Pica Type. Quarto. ~ Contraction, 4to. The size of a book printed on paper folded into four leaves, or eight pages. The signatures are B on page 1, C on page 9, D on page 17, &c. TECHNICAL TERMS. 31 Recto. —Used to denominate the page of a book printed on the right-hand side, always the odd page. Register. —A term used in printing when one page is exactly printed on the back of another. Reprint. —Sometimes called Excerpt. The whole or part of a re-issued book. Ruby. —A type one size larger than pearl and smaller than nonpareil; it is half the size of small pica. Specimen of Ruby Type. Script.—' The name of a type made to imitate writing. (zecwitn/ 4 cukl Sexdecimo. —Contraction, 16mo. The size of a book or paper folded into 16 leaves, making 32 pages. Signatures. —The capital letters or figures under the foot line of the first page of each sheet of a book, to indicate their order in binding. The invention of signatures is usually accredited to Antonio Zorat, of Milan, in the year 1470. Small Pica. —A type one size smaller than pica and larger than long primer. Specimen of Small Pica Type. Squares .—The portion of the boards of a volume which project over the edges. i Super-extra. —Has reference, like “extra,” to the binding of a book, which must, in order to earn this title, be “forwarded ” in the best manner, with coloured “endpapers,” double “head- bands,” and broad “registers.” Superiors. —Small letters or figures placed above a word and having reference to a foot-note are called superiors. Tail-Piece. —An ornament placed in a short page to fill up the space. T.e.g. —Top edges gilt. Type. —The letters employed in printing, usually cast in metal. Many of the different kinds of type, principally those in ordinary use have been already described. Besides these, however, there are other types, such as “Trafalgar,” “two-line English,” “two- line double pica,” “ two-line great primer,” and “ two-line pica.” Verso. —The page of a book on the reverse or left-hand side, in contradistinction to the recto , and therefore always the even page. 32 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Vignette .—Formerly any kind of printer’s ornaments, as heads, flowers, and tail-pieces; more recently any kind of woodcut, engraving, &c., not enclosed within a definite border. Water Mark .—An ornamental figure placed upon the wires of the mould, leaving its impression on the paper as it dries. A “water mark” will be found on every Bank of England note and in nearly all books. Y.e .—Yellow edges. In the above list of technical terms it will probably be noticed that no attempt has been made to describe the different kinds of papers. This is owing to the fact of there being a large number of distinct varieties, an enumeration of which would convert any work that dealt with them into a description of the paper trade. It must be remembered that whatever the kind of paper employed, whether toned or white, the sheets are generally of the dimensions given; and the size of the paper, with a view to the determination of the size of the book, is all that need interest the general reader. A special kind known as “ india-paper ” may, however, be referred to, since the term is often used in catalogues. Once seen, there is no mistaking this paper. It is a very superior but very thin toned paper, used chiefly for taking early impressions of engravings. The earlier the impression, the more valuable the print; and con¬ sequently impressions on india-paper are generally re¬ garded as superior to all others. Books are frequently found with plates on india-paper, and the fact of their being thus embellished adds materially to the value of the copy. CHAPTER Y. The Colophon and Title-Page—The Bibliographers — General and Special Works of Reference. The title-page, such as we see it, though a very old method of declaring in a few words the main object of the book and by whom it was written, printed, or published, where, and when, is, comparatively speaking, a modern method of attaining that end. None of the ancient manuscripts had title-pages so far as we are aware, and when printing by means of movable types was introduced the old-fashioned “Colophon” was still adhered to. This colophon, or finishing stroke, is found at the end of a volume, and usually sets forth the printer’s name and the date when the work was finished or published. This system continued until 1491, the year of Caxton’s death, when it began to fall into disrepute, and from that date to the present time the title-page has been almost universally adopted. No books printed by Caxton and none before his time, consequently, contain title-pages; and if the reader should come across any old work printed before 1491, he must turn to the end for the purpose of acquiring any detailed information of the kind mentioned. Books printed in England before 1491 are so excessively rare that it is in the last degree improbable that the amateur will ever possess a specimen, but foreign-printed books are often D 34 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. met with, and the opportunity of consulting a colophon may occasionally arise. These early-printed volumes are, however, becoming scarcer every year; many find their way into public libraries, while others are destroyed by fire or the thousand-and-one accidents to which books are, in common with other destructible articles, peculiarly liable. It is an axiom well understood by all collectors of books that the value of a library depends entirely upon the skill of the collector. A mass of books brought together on no principle, and without any, or with but little, regard to classification, can hardly be called a library, even although the collection may consist of many thousands of volumes. What is required is that the shelves shall contain a sufficient number of works upon some special subject, or upon any subject, and that they shall be selected with a due regard for utility. It is of course impossible for any collector, whether he be a single person or a body corporate, such as the British Museum, to form a complete collection of all the works extant; all that can be attempted is to amass a sufficient number of really useful books, the best of their class, and as cheaply and expeditiously as possible. The trustees of the British Museum have nearly 2,000,000 volumes in their possession; and these probably do not represent one-third of the number that might be collected. In the formation of a private library the only guides that can be laid down are individual tastes and habits. Some may wish to form a collection of works of fiction only; others may be scientifically inclined; others, again, may have a taste for philosophy or the fine arts, and may seek to possess themselves of no other works but such as refer to any of these subjects. By far the greater class of book collectors would, however, THE BIBLIOGRAPHERS. 35 seem to accumulate anything that may happen to come in their way. Bibliography is a science, and the practical impossibility of acquiring a complete grasp of the subject during the compass of a lifetime leads many persons to devote themselves to some particular branch, in which at least they hope to become proficient; but as they proceed they find that there is no such thing as finality, and that even a limited field of investigation contains much that they can never hope to explore. Year by year, however, progress is made, and if we cannot reach the goal, we may at any rate approach nearer to it; and to those who are interested in their journey, much pleasant diversion may be experienced on the way. Guides are in all cases needed, for without them the journey must be commenced afresh, and every foot of soil explored anew. The labours of many generations of bibliographers have amassed a vast store of learning: this has been analysed and digested by their successors, who in their turn have added something to the common stock of knowledge. The result of their researches has often been published, and the road they travelled mapped out, so that at the present time we are in possession of, facts which, had they not been collected and verified, might and most probably would have become entirely lost through lapse of time. Although the study of bibliography is a vastly different thing from the mere collection of a greater or smaller number of books, the two have undoubtedly much in common. Without the efforts of the biblio¬ grapher—who writes about and records the circumstances connected with books—the collector would remain in comparative ignorance. Most large collectors are biblio¬ graphers as well, for he who puts pen to paper with the object of describing a single volume in his possession d 2 36 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. earns tliat title to a greater or less extent. His words may be a guide hereafter, when the opportunity of collecting evidence has gone, and he distinctly adds to the common knowledge and contributes to the advantage of those who come after him. To guide us on our way books are consequently necessary, and the deeper our researches the more numerous and abstruse they become. In a short treatise like this, however,, all that can be done is to point just a little way in advance, and the books requisite for this modest performance are fortunately easily accessible and limited in number. One of the first to confront the reader will be Lowndes’ “ Bibliographer’s Manual,” published by Bell and Sons of York Street, Covent Garden. This work gives a list of English-published books from the earliest times, arranged under the authors’ names, and professedly brought down to the year 1871, although, as a matter of fact, it is somewhat deficient. If by no means reliable, it is nevertheless an indispensable book of reference, since it is referred to in most catalogues; besides which, there is no other work which exactly fills its place. Lowndes’ plan was to collate books of importance and also to give their auction values. The collations are good, but the prices affixed have become so unreliable as to be worse than useless. The only work which gives a list of books sold at auction and the prices realised, bears the title of “ Book Prices Current ”; it is edited by myself, and published by Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster Bow, in quarterly parts. Its object is to afford reliable informa¬ tion about every book sold, with the purchaser’s name and the price paid for it. A very full and compre¬ hensive index at the end of the year enables the person consulting it to turn to some thousands of volumes GENERAL WORKS OF REFERENCE. 37 and to obtain a good idea of their average value. Four annual volumes have already been published, at a charge of £1 7s. 6d. each. Neither Lowndes’ work nor “ Book Prices Current ” contain subject-indexes, and in this dilemma we must consult Watt’s “ Bibliotheca Britannica,” 4 vols., 4to, . 1824, two volumes of which consist entirely of a list of subjects of every conceivable kind, with cross- references to the other two volumes containing the authors’ names. From 1824 to the present date the subject-indexes of the “ English Catalogue ” may be consulted, and so the chain is complete. Another work which can be recommended is Sonnen- schein’s “ The Best Books,” published by Swan Sonnen- schein and Co., at £1 Is.; but, as the title implies, this publication does not profess to contain more than a selection of works made in the discretion of the author. The reader will not find here a general bibliographical dictionary such as that furnished by Watt’s “Bibliotheca Britannica.” Another subject-index, but one which has reference only to works actually in print, and which can be procured at first hand from the booksellers, is the “ Catalogue of Current Literature.” This is the most useful book of the kind published, and is very skilfully compiled from a large number of publishers’ catalogues, which form the body of the work. The above five books may fairly be said to cover the subject so far as general English works of reference are concerned, though there are many others dealing with particular branches of bibliography which may have to be consulted either occasionally or continually according to circumstances. Much depends upon the question whether the collector is a general lover, in which case he should find the works already mentioned sufficient for general purposes, or whether he follows 38 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. some distinct branch of his subject, such for instance as that which embraces original editions of popular modern authors, about which there is at the present time so much inquiry. In the latter event he must be master of his subject, and there is no reason why he should not be, if he will provide himself with the best guides and study them in an intelligent fashion. It is a common complaint, and one that is based on considerable truth, that bibliographical works are expensive. In this respect they rank with all other special treatises, for where the demand is limited the price is necessarily high. Medical works are very expensive, so are law books, simply because the sale is limited. Novels, on the other hand, are cheap, and it is no uncommon thing to find that as the sale increases, editions cheaper still are published to satisfy the popular demand. Even bibliographical works may be obtained at reduced rates by advertising in The Bazaar , Exchange and Mart newspaper, or by waiting until a favourable opportunity of purchase arrives. List of General Works of Reference. Lowndes’ Bibliographer’s Manual, published in parts, but usually found bound in 4 vols., 8vo, 1871; about <£1 10s. Slater’s Book Prices Current, published annually by Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster Row, E.C., at £1 7s. Second¬ hand value of vol. i., <£2; of the remaining volumes, about ,£1 each. Watt’s Bibliotheca Britannica, 4 vols., 4to, 1824; about <£ 3 . The London Catalogue, 8 vols., 1811-39, with its con¬ tinuation, The English Catalogue, 1835-62 ; ditto, 1863-71; ditto to date, with the subject-indexes to the “ London Catalogue,” 1814-46, and to the “ English Cata¬ logue,” 1835 to date. This set of books is scarce, as much as <£2 2s. being asked for the single volume of the “ English Catalogue,” 1835-62, and proportionate amounts for the others. SPECIAL WORKS OF REFERENCE. 39 Sonnenschein’s The Best Books, 1887; published at 2is. Second-hand value, from 12s. 6d. to 15s. The Reference Catalogue of Current Literature, pub¬ lished at intervals, the last issued at the time of going to press being in 1889. This book was out of print almost immediately after publication, and a second-hand copy would be cheap at a guinea. Brunet’s Manuel du Libraire, 5th edition, 1860-80, generally found in 5 vols., 8vo, with a supplement. This work contains extensive lists of foreign as well as English books. The second-hand value of a good copy is over <£10. List of Special Works of Reference. For Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature.— Halkett and Laing’s Dictionary, just completed in 4 vols., impl. 8vo., 1882-88. The best book in which to search for the true names of authors who have either adopted a nom-de-plume or published anonymously. Second-hand value about £3 10s. For Collectors of Works from the Elzevir Press. —M. Willems’ “Les Elzevier, Histoire et Annales Typographiques,” Brussels, 8vo, 1880, from 17s. 6d. to 20s. ; Goldsmid’s “ Bibliotheca Curiosa,” 8vo, 1889 (a valuable work for those who do not read French). For Collectors of Works from the Aldine Press.— Renouard’s “Annales de lTmprimerie des Aide.” Paris, 3 vols., 8vo, 1825. Second-hand value from 20s. to 25s. For Black-Letter Collectors. — Ames’ “Typographical Antiquities, ” with additions by Herbert and Dibdin, 4 vols., 4to, 1810-19. Second-hand value about £2 10s.; good uncut copies, however, cost more. The British Museum “Cata¬ logue of Early-printed Books in English,” carried down to the year 1640. Maitland’s “ Early-printed Books in the Lambeth Library, ” carried down to 1600. For Collectors of Privately-printed Works. — Martin’s “Privately-printed Books,” 2nd edition, 1854, 8vo. Second¬ hand value about 10s. 6d. For Collectors of Broadsides.— Lemon’s “Catalogue of Broadsides in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries, ” 1866, 8vo. For Collectors of American Works.— Stevens’ “Catalogue of American Books in the Library of the British Museum, ” 1886, 8vo. 40 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Por Collectors of Bibles. —Dore’s “ Old Bibles, ” published by Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1889, 8vo, 10s. 6d. Por Collectors of Greek and Latin Classics. — Dibdin’s “Bare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics,” 2 vols., 1827. Second-hand value about ,£1. Por Collectors of Works on Occult Philosophy.— Scribner’s “ Bibliotheca Diabolica, ” New York, 1874, 4to. Bare, but perhaps might be got for 10s. 6d.; see also the catalogues issued by George Bedway (Triibner and Co., Ludgate Hill). Por Dickens Collectors. — C. P. Johnson’s “ Hints to Collectors of Original Editions of Dickens’ Works, ” 1885, 8vo. Por Thackeray Collectors. —C. P. Johnson’s “ Hints to Collectors of Original Editions of the Works of W. M. Thackeray,” 1885, 8vo. The same author’s “ Early Writings of William Makepeace Thackeray,” 1888, 8vo. Por Cruikshank Collectors. —G. W. Beid’s “ Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of George Cruikshank, ” London, 1871, 8vo. Por Collectors of the Works of Carlyle, Swinburne, Ruskin, and Tennyson. —B. H. Shepherd’s Catalogues of the Works of each of these authors. A new and so far very exhaustive Buskin Bibliography is now in process of publica¬ tion in parts (Clay and Sons). Por Collectors of the Works of Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, and Lamb. —Alexander Ireland’s Catalogues of the Works of each of these authors. Por Bewick Collectors. —Hugo’s “ Bewick Collector,” 2 vols., 1866-68, 8vo. Second-hand value about £ 2 . CHAPTER VI. Old Printers and Old Presses. Some twenty or thirty years ago it was the fashion to collect works of sterling merit from famous old Presses; and although popular taste has since become in a great measure diverted into other channels, it still remains necessary to know something about these old printers and the works they published, for in the earliest days of the art the printer was frequently his own author and publisher, and even his own binder. The most famous Press of antiquity was that estab¬ lished by Aldus Manutius at Yenice in 1494, which continued under the superintendence of his son, Paolo Manutius, and his grandson, Aldus, jun., until 1597, a period of exactly 103 years, and during that time many hundreds of classical works, remarkable for their purity of text no less than for excellence of workman¬ ship, made their appearance. The device adopted by Manutius was the well-known Anchor and Dolphin, which first appears on the Dante of 1502, and is supposed to have been borrowed from Benedetto Mantegna’s wood block in Colonna’s “ Reveries of Polyphilus,” which was published in 1499. The famous Yirgil issued from this Press in 1501 was the first book ever printed in italics, a form of type modelled after the neat handwriting of Petrarch, and which of course is familiar to everyone who opens a book. 42 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Many works from the Aldine Press are extremely rare and still command liigli prices, but as a rule they have fallen in value from 30 to 50 per cent, in recent years, sharing the fate of all classical works, which—exceptions apart—have been abandoned by col¬ lectors in favour of less exacting works of modern date, which will be referred to rather fully further on. Aldus Manutius, the founder of the Press bearing his name, was a fine example of the painstaking man of letters. Every moment of his time was occupied; for five years, as he himself confesses, he never passed a peaceful hour, and the result of his labours was a collection of the works of the best G-reek and Latin authors, in many instances rescued from decaying manuscripts, and reproduced with the corrections which generations of slavish copying had rendered necessary. As previously stated, the Aldine collector’s guide is the well-known Benouard’s “ Annales de l’lmprimerie des Aide,” Paris, 3 vols., 8vo, 1825, in which will be found arranged in chronological order an account of every known production of this Press. The little books known as “ Elzevirs ” have been in great demand almost from the time of their publication, and French bibliographers manifest an extraordinary interest in them even at the present time. In England they are not so highly esteemed, but even here good copies of the “ right ” dates sell for high prices. The Elzevir Press was established by Louis Elzevir at Leyden in 1583. He had several sons, among whom were Matthieu, Louis, and Bonaventure; from these were descended the famous printers who carried on business at both Leyden and Amsterdam, and whose names became familiar the world over as producers of cheap, admirably-printed books at a time when paper and print were expensive and technical skill at a discount. The productions of the Elzevir Press are, however, OLD PRINTERS AND OLD PRESSES 43 not to be compared with those of Aldus Manutius from a classical point of view. The former abound in errors, showing that the care and attention bestowed upon them were confined to the choice of paper and the casting of elegant type: the latter are the most splendid classical monuments the world has seen, and serve as models to this day for most of our modern productions of a similar nature. In other words, the Elzevir classics were the work of men skilled in mechanical details: the Aldine classics, of scholars, by whom G-reek and Latin were as easily understood and as deeply studied as their native Italian. Notwith¬ standing this, the productions of the Elzevir Press are at present more in favour with bookworms, and in this instance at least purity of text has had to give way to elegance of workmanship. Elzevir collectors pin their faith to M. Willems’ work, mentioned in the previous chapter, and from this every possible information may be gathered. Of the 1608 different publications of the Press, 1213 of which bear the name or device of the firm which issued them, only one volume is printed in English, the remainder being in Latin, Greek, French, Flemish, German, Italian, and Hebrew. Amateurs who make the Elzevir Press their special study are very careful to see that any volume offered for sale is not “cut down,” and also that the date is a “right” date, or, in other words, that the edition is a good one. To such a nicety has critical inquiry been reduced, that the pecuniary value of any specimen from the Elzevir Press depends on its measurement in millimetres quite as much as on the date of the edition. Anything below 125 millimetres may as a rule be at once thrown in the waste-paper basket, while a book which measures 20 millimetres higher is a joy for ever to its possessor. Considering that there are about 44 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. 25 millimetres to tlie inch, and that a book of good measurement may be worth £100 or more, while if cut down below the fashionable height it would certainly not be worth more than as many shillings, and perhaps not that, it will be seen that an inch of paper may be of the greatest possible importance from a pecuniary point of view, and that poverty sometimes lurks in the binder’s shears. The “ right ” dates of books issued from the Leyden Press begin from 1625, and any work published there between that year and 1655 is capable of turning out a prize. The Amsterdam Press was at its highest repute between the years 1655-80, and these are conse¬ quently the “ right ” dates so far as that Press is concerned. The reader must not, however, run away under the impression that any work bearing a date which seems “ right ” is necessarily so, because it may have passed through several editions, and as a rule it is only the first that has any special value. The marks of the Elzevir Press differed at various periods; the best known—the Sphere—was first used in 1626 by Bonaventure and Abraham Elzevir; but theve are several other devices almost equally well-known, such, for example, as the Hermit, Minerva, and the Eagle on a Cippus, with a sheaf of seven arrows in its claw. One of the most beautiful books issued from this Press was the Caesar of 1635, the first and second editions of which are so much alike that but for certain misprints in the first—the right edition—it is impossible to tell the difference between them. The Yirgil of 1636 is another very fine example, while a copy of the rarest work of all, known as the “ Pastissier Franyois,” once sold in Paris for no less than 10,000 francs. The last-named was entirely “ uncut,” and measured 132 millimetres; had it been the fifth of an inch less, 1000 francs would have been an ample price to pay. OLD PRINTERS AND OLD PRESSES. 45 All this seems very like book-madness, and perhaps it is ; but, while the fever lasts, it is well to be acquainted with its peculiarities. There are many of these little Elzevirs here and there; most are worthless, but out of the heap of rubbish a good example is sometimes rescued. In Willems’ “ Les Elzevier ” the reader will find everything he can possibly require, including important items of measurement and all the learning relating to “ right ” dates, head- and tail-pieces, errors, petits et grands formats , and printer’s marks on the titles. For many years collectors have made the Aldine and Elzevir Presses special branches of study, because it has always been possible to form a good collection of really beautiful works, illustrative of either, without any very great expenditure of money or loss of time. This is far from being the case with most of the other early Presses and their productions. In some cases the workmanship is bad, so bad, in fact, as to constitute an eyesore; in others, it would be next to impossible to collect half-a-dozen examples during a lifetime, even if money were of no account. Some of these early-printed books sell for hundreds of pounds each, and occasionally we meet with special examples which bring thousands; it is only when we come to the Aldine, Elzevir, and a few other Presses, such for example as those founded by Sebastian Grypliius, at Lyons, in 1528, and Henri Estienne, of Paris, that a collection worthy the name becomes a matter of possibility. English collectors, however, prefer examples from the national press to all others, and such a demand has arisen for many of these that the prices have become almost prohibitive. It is seldom, therefore, that any but those who can well afford to undertake the formation of a library illustrative of the history of early typo¬ graphy, care to spend their time and money on what, after all, are mere curiosities. 46 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. For the benefit of the reader, I give a list of the more famous English printers, from Caxton to Est. Full particulars concerning each of them and their works will be found in Ames’ “ Typographical Antiquities.” William Caxton (1474), printer at Westminster. Letton and Machlinia (1480), printers in London. Wynkyn de Worde (1491), printer at Westminster. Richard Pynson (1493), printer at Westminster, and the intro¬ ducer of Roman type into this country. Julian Notary (1498), printer at Westminster. William Faques (1499). Richard Fawkes (1509). Peter Treveris (1514), the first printer at Southwark. Richard Copland (1515), a printer dwelling at the sign of “The Rose Garland ’ ’ in Fleet Street. John Rastell (1520), a printer in London. He married the sister of Sir Thomas More. John Skot (1521). Robert Redman (1523), a printer who took Pynson’s house, “The George,” just outside Temple Bar. Robert Wyer (1527), a printer who carried on business “ in the felde besyde Charynge Crosse.” Thomas Berthelet (1530). John Byddell (1533), a printer who carried on business at “ The Sun ” in Fleet Street. Richard Grafton (1537), the king’s printer, who carried on business in partnership with Edward Whitchurche from 1537-41. Edward Whitchurche (1537), who was living in 1560, and is said to have married the widow of Archbishop Cranmer. John Waylande (1537), a printer who carried on business at the sign of the “ Blue Garland ’ ’ in Fleet Street. William Myddylton (1541) succeeded to the business of Robert Redman, which he continued to carry on at the sign of “ The George.” Reynold Wolfe (1542), the king’s printer John Day (1546), a printer who carried on business near Holborn Conduit, and afterwards at Aldersgate. Day was the first to use Saxon characters. William Seres (1546), at one time (until 1550) in partnership with Day. William Copland (1548). Walter Lynne (1548). Richard Jugge (1548). OLD PRINTERS AND OLD PRESSES. 47 Thomas Marshe (1549). John Cawood (1550). Richard Tottel (1553). Hugh Singleton (1553). John Kyngston (1553). Rowland Hall (1559). John Allde (1561). Robert Redbourne (1576). Thomas Est (1592) During the seventeenth century, Presses became very numerous throughout England, but most of the work which issued from them is valued not so much on account of the prestige attaching to the printers’ names as on other grounds. The value of an English-printed book issued before the year 1600 depends in a great measure on the printer: after that date, it is judged more on its merits. An exception to this rule occurs in the case of the Birmingham printer, John Basker- ville, who started business in 1756. At one time examples from his Press were much sought after, on account of their beauty, but of late years popular favour has become diverted into other channels. It is safe to say that if the reader should happen to come across any old book by a printer mentioned above, he should not allow it to leave his hands until he is thoroughly convinced that the price demanded is excessive. CHAPTER VII. The Modern Book-Hunter , and what he Seeks . To be able to appreciate tbe rarity of a book at a glance, argues the possession of great practical know¬ ledge, but still not to the extent many people suppose. The truth is, books are mainly divided into classes, of various degrees of rarity and value; and although, as in other cases, exceptions may and do occur, the general rules are comparatively easy to follow when once they are understood. Most of the difficulties attending the subject are made up of exceptions, and it is these which take such a long time to digest. It is, I think, the same with most pursuits, and especially so with that of book-collecting. To tell the value of a book is probably more difficult still, for as much depends upon general condition as on the state of the market and the degree of estimation in which books of the kind happen to be held for the time being. Having pointed out that condition may exercise a vast influence on the price of any work, we will try to discover what that price ought to be, and also to see in what direction, and in favour of what class, popular taste is directed. The values of some thousands of books in all departments of literature will be given later on, but at present we will confine ourselves to the present state of the English book market, pointing THE MODERN BOOK-HUNTER. 49 out the different classes of books in the order in which they are principally inquired after. 1.—First Editions of Modern English Authors. It is only by a careful comparison of the prices realised at auction that the actual state of the book market can be gauged with any degree of certainty; and on tabulating the sales which have recently taken place, one cannot help being struck with what may be styled the desperate eagerness evinced by dealers to buy up original illustrated editions of famous modern authors. The works of Charles Dickens are especially in favour—to such an extent, indeed, that only a short time ago £22 was cheerfully paid for a copy of “ Sketches by Boz,” in three volumes, 1836-37. # True, this was an unusually fine specimen with several extra plates, but the amount paid shows to what an extent the mania for collecting works of this class has taken hold of those who really control the market. At the same sale a similar sum was bid for the 1837 edition of the “ Pickwick Papers,” while the “ Snob 55 and its con¬ tinuation the “ Gownsman,” in all twenty-eight numbers of the “ Cambridge Magazine,” edited by Thackeray, brought no less than £125. On another occasion Barham’s “Ingoldsby Legends,” 3 volumes com¬ plete, with plates by Cruikshank, Leech, &c., 1840-47, realised £39; and Grimm’s “ German Popular Stories,” 2 vols., 1823-26, as much as £43. Works illustrated by Blake and Bewick belong to this category, as also do the greater number of the so-called sporting books which treat of cock-fighting and other obsolete amuse¬ ments. At all times first editions have been considered preferable to those which follow, because the text, being * The Mackenzie Sale, March 11th, 1889. Lot 613. E 50 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. under the superintendence of the author himself, may fairly be looked upon as purer. This is the rule, though there are many exceptions to it; as, for instance, where two or more editions are published in the author’s lifetime. Collectors of modern books of this class, however, take no notice of any exceptions, but pin their whole faith to the axiom, alleging the reason as an excuse for a lavish expenditure of money,—a reason which, however appropriate in the case of scholarly treatises, has no application to the lighter kinds of literature. To account for the payment of such extravagant prices as those quoted, it is necessary to recognise the existence of minute distinctions, and then to take each variation as being unique. Dickens’s works in the original parts as issued are nearly always worth more than when bound—an example of the multiplication of shadowy and ephemeral differences, and proof positive that the bibliomaniac who turns the kaleidoscope regards his treasures as so many pieces of bric-a-brac , and not as books to be read. Let it be confessed at once that in the case of such authors as Dickens and Thackeray it is the illustrations which constitute the pecuniary value, and the equally rapid sale of works with coloured plates will then be satisfactorily accounted for. Row¬ landson, Aiken, Hablot Browne, Cruikshank, Buss, and Leech, have many admirers—more by far than Dickens or Thackeray, Ainsworth, Pierce Egan, Apperley, or Surtees. This opinion will doubtless fail to commend itself to those who approve of the payment of £'64 for the first edition of Tennyson’s Poems, in 2 volumes, 1842, # or £16 for Shelley’s “ St. Irvyne,” in the original boards * The Thompson Sale, May 23rd, 1887. Lot 1148. THE MODERN BOOK-HUNTER. 51 as issued in 1811,* and £31 for the “ Adonais ”f; but it must be remembered that these instances are excep¬ tional, the authors being fashionable, the former in his capacity of reigning Poet Laureate, and the latter as the idol of the Shelley Society, which sees merit in such performances as “ A proposal for putting reform to the vote ” and the “ Epipsychidion.” Sir Walter Scott’s works in the original, whether the text be pure or the reverse, are worth only a few shillings each, while Byron goes begging at a slightly higher figure. None of these books are illustrated, and the reason for preferring one author to the other must have its foundation in something more than a desire for textual analysis. 2.—Works Relating to America. Next to the early editions of modern English authors must be placed those relating to the American continent, provided they date from the sixteenth, seventeenth, and occasionally also the eighteenth centuries. The price paid for any stray work of this kind which may be submitted for public competition is sufficiently noteworthy to deserve more than a passing remark. Fortunately, or otherwise, such books have nearly all been absorbed by the public libraries, whence of course they never emerge, and this doubtless is sufficient in itself to account for the desire to obtain the few that remain for the American institutions, regardless of cost. A “ Brief Description of the Province of Carolina,” published in 1666, realised £46 at the Martin Sale, and 35 folio pages of the “ Charters and Laws of the City of New York,” 1817, no less than £79; prices which were subsequently eclipsed by a bid of £555 for 12 small quarto tracts bound in one volume. These * The Harefield Sale, April 22nd, 1887. Lot 244. t The Martin Sale, March 19th, 1888. Lot 147. E 2 LIBRARY 52 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. pieces included Brereton’s “ Relation of the Discoverie of the North Part of Virginia,” 1602; Hamor’s “ True Discourse of the present Estate of Virginia,” 1615; and Captain Smith’s “New England Trials and present Estate,” 1622. # Bare tracts of this nature are looked upon as throwing light on the earliest history of the American nation, and are prized accordingly. Out of place in a private library, they assume a unique position in the archives of a state, and their proper resting- place is undoubtedly the country to which they imme¬ diately refer. 3.—Works Relating to Scotland. Scotland would be a nonentity if unpatriotic, and so deep is the quality of patriotism infused into the national character, that it displays itself more than is usually the case in its literature. A representative Scottish library is the very antithesis of an English one. The latter, if of real importance, comprises books on a variety of subjects and gathered from all quarters of the globe. The former is usually confined to genealogical treatises and books either printed in Scotland or written Scotsmen, as though the owner cared but little for anything save his pedigree and his country. Not being so rare as the early American-printed works, these books are at present within the reach of a moderate purse; but when found, they should be retained, for in a few years the demand will so far exceed the supply that they are almost certain to occupy a position in which money will be of but little account. The first edition of Burns’s Poems, Kilmarnock, 1786, is esteemed because it is a contemporary edition of the works of Scotland’s greatest poet, and not on account of its being an early-printed work. The price * The Wimpole Sale, June 29th, 1888. Lots 42 and 43. THE MODERN BOOK-HUNTER. 53 (£111) paid for a by no means immaculate specimen at a famous sale* must convince the most sceptical that, although the reason of the outlay may be different, it will not be long before other and at present less famous books of a similar description sell for 'large amounts also. 4.—Early-printed Books. Specimens of typography emanating from the presses of Caxton, Wynkyn de Worde, and other early English printers, have always been treated as the aristocracy of the bookshelf, but their extreme rarity and consequent cost places them beyond the reach of all but the few. The ordinary collector is glad to be able to secure a single authentic leaf from the press of Caxton, and stories are told of numerous “ finds,” which on investiga¬ tion have turned out to be such only in the imagination of the discoverer. The passion for collecting needs no more conspicuous example than that of the old and experienced book-hunter seeking a corona for his library, which in all probability he will look for in vain. As in the case of the American books, the public libraries have monopolised nearly all the labours of the old printers, though tales, more or less true, are occasionally narrated in the press of lucky discoveries in out-of- the-way villages, which spur hope and excite cupidity. The records of recent sales show that English fifteenth- century works are rising in the market, and, since they become more difficult to meet with every day, they will doubtless continue to advance in price and be sought after more eagerly still as time goes on. A question is sometimes raised whether Caxton was really the first English printer, and whether Oxford should not take the place of Westminster. * The Gibson Craig Sale, second portion, March, 1888. Lot 893. 54 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. 5.—Early Editions of Seventeenth-century Authors. Next in the list come the early editions of old English authors of the sixteenth and more particularly of the seventeenth centuries. Not long ago it was the fashion to collect the works of such dramatists as Greene, Marlowe, Fletcher, Ben Jonson, Ford, Massinger, and last, though foremost among them all, Shakespeare himself. The works of the great dramatist have been reprinted over and over again, with notes, and occasionally emendations of the text, but none of these versions have maintained either their reputation or pecuniary position, even Boy dell’s sumptuous edition in 9 folio volumes having been reduced in value to some £'6 or £7, while many of the less taking though perhaps more scholarly editions are almost given away daily. On the other hand, the first four folios, published, it may be remembered, in 1623, 1632, 1664, and 1685 respectively, bring large sums,' while the original quartos are so rare as hardly ever to be seen in the market. If we except the Perkins Sale in July, 1889, the Daniel Sale, which took place at Sotheby’s in 1864, was the last occasion on which Shakespeare originals were disposed of in any quantity; and 682 guineas for a splendid copy of the first folio, 330 guineas for the first quarto of the “ Merry Wives,” 1602, and a similar amount for the first quarto of “ Love’s Labour Lost,” 1598, though they were thought extreme amounts at the time, are probably less than the books would bring if they were put up at public auction to-day. Among other old books in this class may be specially mentioned the first edition of Walton’s “Compleat Angler,” 1653, which in company with the second part by Cotton, published in 1676, brought £195 at the Gibson Craig Sale in July, 1887. THE MODERN BOOK-HUNTER. 55 Early editions of these old English authors occupy a most curious position. Some are exceedingly valuable, while others are quite the reverse; a distinction which is by no means due to an occasional frontispiece by Faithorne, Elstracke, or Marshall. If a guess might be hazarded as to the principle of selection, it would be that the value of the original is in exact proportion to the degree of estimation in which the author is held at the present time. A good illustration of this is Burton’s “Anatomy of Melancholy,” which, in spite of its numerous editions, was practically an unknown book until Dr. Johnson rescued it from the grave of oblivion. This work has increased in value as the author’s fame has become universal, and a perfect copy of the original edition of 1621 cannot be got for much less than £25. Yet another example, that of the works of Massinger. His original quartos, among which “ The Emperor of the East ” and the “ Maid of Honour ” take the highest rank, can frequently be procured for thirty shillings each, and some may consider either of them dear even at that price. Massinger’s reputation has distinctly declined all through the century, and the pecuniary value of his works has fallen in exactly the same degree. Experienced amateurs who purchase with some regard to the future are as a rule extremely cautious when dealing with this particular branch of literature. There is none which is liable to so many fluctuations. An author of whom little is known may at any moment be raised from his obscurity, either by a passing reference on the part of some great living authority, or by an accidental circumstance, and as he advances in popular favour we may be sure that a better than he will recede for the time being. For this reason, probably, and also on account of the very extensive nature of the subject, collectors of old English 56 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. "books have for many years past been accustomed to devote their attention to a few authors, and seek to accumulate as complete a set of editions of each as time and opportunity will allow. .6.—Old Bibles. The system just mentioned, which has a probability of ultimate success in its favour, has been extended to other branches, notably to the collection of Bibles, whether English or foreign, where the great prize to be sighed for is of course the so-called “ Mazarin Bible,” printed by Gutenburg and Fust at Mayence, somewhere between the years 1450-55, and a copy of which, at the Crawford Sale in 1887, sold for £2650—a considerably less sum, however, than has been obtained for a perfect copy elsewhere. This Bible is printed in Latin, but without any date—a method of identification which is first observable in Fust and Schoiffer’s Bible of 1462, itself an extremely rare volume, which on one occasion brought more than £1000 by auction. Exceptions such as the above apart, it is not the Latin but the English Bibles which command the most money in this country. At the head of these stands Coverdale’s Translation, issued on October 5th, 1535, and recognised as being the first complete Bible printed in the English language. No perfect copy is known to be in existence, but one with six of the preliminary leaves beautifulty fac-similed was disposed of at the Crawford Sale for £226; while another specimen, or rather a fragment, brought £72 at the Hirst Sale in December, 1887. With this famous Bible is associated the 8vo edition of Tyn- dale’s New Testament of 1525-26, but only two imperfect specimens are known to exist. The Great, or Cranmer’s Bible, of which, during the years 1539, 1540, and 1541, there were seven distinct editions, reprinted throughout, but so closely resembling THE MODERN BOOK-HUNTER. 57 each other that of five of them the leaves of each begin and end alike, is another famous book, and, what is some¬ what extraordinary, there is little difference in the com¬ mercial value and bibliographical interest of the seven volumes. Any one of them, complete, genuine, and in good condition, is an ornament to any library, public or private. Perfect copies, indeed, are much rarer than is generally supposed. Mr. Lea Wilson, a most indefatigable collector of Bibles, was so extremely fortunate as to possess a set, every book being perfect or nearly so. It was a labour of years to complete, but his efforts were crowned with success, and six of these magnificent volumes (all but the edition of 1539, a perfect copy of which was already in the library) Mr. Panizzi added, after Mr. Wilson’s death, to the British Museum collection, at the moderate price of £80 each. The present value would be greatly in excess of that amount. The labours of Mathew (the nom-de-plume of John Rogers, the first martyr under Queen Mary), Tavener, Whittingham, Tyndale, and other pioneer translators, are scanned with the closest attention by those who make a special study of the verbal distinctions which exist in the texts; while it is worthy of mention as proof, if any indeed be needed, of the interest manifested in the old editions and versions of the Holy Scriptures generally, that at the Crawford Sale forty-three different Bibles sold for no less a sum than £6149. On the death of Mr. Francis Fry, the great authority on this branch of bibliography, his mantle aptly fell on the shoulders of Mr. J. R. Dore, of Huddersfield, who recently issued a second edition of his “ Old Bibles ”—a work second to none in painstaking and scholarly research. 7.—Works on Natural History. Natural history is essentially a sectional study, and private libraries in which books on the subject form the 58 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. main feature, will be found to be composed almost entirely of works relating to some distinct branch, outside which the founder has not cared to travel. Many of the plates belonging to these volumes are coloured, and when this is the case competition is always strongly excited, and high prices are the rule, not the exception. Copies with plain plates, on the contrary, seem to be decreasing in value, for reasons that will readily be understood by those who are compelled to consult them for purposes of reference or comparison. In this class Gould’s ornithological works undoubtedly take the lead, though even these are frequently reduced from their original published price. Thus, the “ Birds of Great Britain,” complete in 25 parts, with 367 coloured plates, imperial folio, was published at £78 15s., while the average auction value is but a little over £50. The market is, however, firm at that figure, and, all things considered, it is probable that these splendid monuments of industry and technical skill will ere long take a higher pecuniary position. Similarly, Gray’s “ Genera of Birds,” 3 vols., 1844-49, a very scarce and beautiful work, may be con¬ sidered cheap at £25, while the original edition of Audubon’s “ Birds of America,” in 4 volumes, elephant folio, 1826-38, is perhaps the most expensive work of the class extant, as much as £315 having been paid quite recently for a perfect copy. These prices are paid readily enough by lovers of natural history, who believe that if they purchase judiciously and at current rates they will have no occasion to regret the outlay. Every department of zoology has its representative works, the market values of which are universally known, and fixed within narrow boundaries. Bargains are almost impossible, since the very appearance of these books precludes any material advantage being taken either on the part of the vendor or the purchaser; and, as is well known, the enthusiastic book-hunter frequently boasts of THE MODERN BOOK-HUNTER. 59 his bargains as much as, or more than, he does of the contents of his shelves. 8.—Antiquarian Works. Antiquarian, genealogical, and heraldic works appear to be quite stationary in the market at prices which have not varied to any extent during the past five or six years. The demand for them is limited, except in Scotland, where, as previously stated, genealogical treatises, provided they relate to local families, are among the most favoured productions of the press. 9.—Art Books. We are now brought face to face with the numerous family of “ art books,” by which is meant volumes published within the last decade, and which derive their interest primarily from the plates with which they are embellished. These consist chiefly of reprints, and as an investment are not to be recommended. It is true that the works of Buskin and Hamerton, whether in the original or not, are eagerly purchased, but they hardly coincide with the definition, for the letterpress is autho¬ ritative and the chief inducement held out to the pur¬ chaser. The ordinary commonplace art book has fallen upon evil days, and the device of strictly limiting the issue to a certain number of copies at a high price after obtaining promises of subscriptions, though it may stimulate the sale, cannot preserve the original value; for in ninety-nine cases out of every hundred, a book pub¬ lished under these conditions is placed in a declining market from the first day of its appearance. 10.—Classical Books. But if art books are at a discount, what can be said of the classics ? Most people can remember the second- 60 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. hand classical booksellers of a few years ago, who will now be sought for in vain. Old classics of the first water, those rare specimens of ancient typography of which we have spoken, still have a ready sale, but all else are daily disposed of at lamentable prices, which often do not reach even the cost of binding. The present generation of book- lovers has set an example of self-denial in this respect which would undoubtedly have seemed strange to the generation of twenty or even fifteen years ago. Perhaps Homer and Plato may yet again contend with Yirgil and Ovid for so little as a smile from some appreciative patron yet unborn, but at present they lie neglected by all save the student, and are disposed of in “ parcels ” in company with theological treatises and volumes of sermons, which being, as a rule, unsaleable except as waste-paper, are thus unceremoniously bundled out of sight. On a review of the present state of the English book market, it is satisfactory to find that literary merit is * after all in no danger of being ignored. In every instance in which a book is pronounced valuable, it will also be found that it contains something worth reading. There are exceptions even to this proposition, and other con¬ siderations have to be taken into account, but the rule as it stands may safely be made the basis of every cal¬ culation. Mere rarity is not enough ipso facto to create value; scarcity can never compensate for a lack of material, nor the possession of a “ tall ” copy, with uncut edges or in the original parts, supply the place of in¬ telligence in the text. Every book which aspires to the distinction of emptying a pocket, must be able truthfully to exclaim with Horace: Cumque ego prceponam multos mihi; non minor illis Dicor: et in toto plurimns orbe legor. I am much read throughout the world. SECTION II. tHe value of books. CHAPTEK VIII. Works on Natural History. • The term “Natural History,” in its most extended sense, may be defined as the description of whatever is created; but it is not unfrequently limited to an account of organic life and its immediate connections, thus becoming synonymous with “ Biology,” the main divisions of which are Zoology and Botany. Books which relate to Natural History subjects have to be very carefully examined before their value can be even approximately ascertained. Unless furnished with plates they are practically useless, and unless these plates are accurately and scientifically coloured they are sure to be misleading. The value of any book of this class largely depends, therefore, upon the colouring of the plates. If well coloured the value is rising at the present time, but if altogether uncoloured it is in many cases difficult to dispose of the works at all, and it may be said that such undesirable specimens are losing what little hold they ever had on the market. There are, of course, exceptions even to this rule, but they are far from numerous, and seldom of much importance. Following the restricted definition of the term “ Natural History ” given above, the works catalogued under this heading comprise a selection of those relating to the Mammalia and General Zoology, Ornithology, Ichthyology, Entomology, Anthropology, the Beptilia, Concliology, the 62 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Crustaceae and Zoophytes, Botany, and finally Geology and Scientific Travel. The Mammalia and General Zoology. Aldrovandus (U.), Opera Omnia , 13 vois., folio, Bononiae, 1599-1668; £2 10s. (cf. gt.). Ass (Ignatius de), Introductio in Zoologiam , Arragoniae, 1784, 8vo; 2s. 6d. Audubon and Bachman, Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America , New York, 1846, 3 vols., impl. 8vo, coloured plates; <£21 10s. (mor. ex.). Bell, History of British Quadrupeds , 2 vols., impl. 8vo, Van Yoorst, 1837-39; <£5. These volumes contain a history of British reptiles. Another Edition , 1874, Yan Yoorst; 12s. 6d. Bewick (T.), History of Quadrupeds , 1790, 8vo, First Edition; from <£2 10s. to <£4. If on large paper, with proof impres¬ sions, and well bound, a copy is well worth <£30, and under these circumstances is very scarce. Second Edition , 1791; £2 10s.; if royal, a little more. Third Edition , 1792, 8vo; £1; large paper, £2. Fourth Edition , 1800; £1 10s.; large paper, about £3. Fifth Edition , 8vo, 1807 ; £1; large paper, £4. Sixth Edition , 1811, and Seventh Edition , 1820; demy, £1 2s.; royal, £1 10s.; impl., £3. Eighth Edition, 1824; demy, 15s.; royal, £1 ; impl., £1 5s. Bewick, as is well known, illustrated many other works, and these are referred to under their respective headings. The prices given for the Fifth Edition of 1807, when on large paper, vary considerably from £2 to £4, according to condition and binding. Borellus, De Motu Animalium, Lugd. Bat., 1710 ; 2s. Another Edition, 1686-1743, 2 vols., 4to ; 7s. Brown (Peter), New Elustrations of Zoology, containing 50 coloured plates of new, curious, and nondescript quadrupeds, &c., London, 1776, 4to ; £1 5s., published at £3 3s. Buffon (Count), Natural History, Translated by William Smellie, London, 1812, 8vo, 20 vols., with plates; £3 10s. (cf.). The only complete English translation of Buffon. Carpenter, Zoology , 2 vols.; 6s. This is a very useful work, published by Messrs. Bell and Sons, York Street, Covent Garden. THE MAMMALIA AND GENERAL ZOOLOGY. 63 Chenu, Encyclopaedia, of Natural History, in French, 8 vols., royal 4to, Paris, 1851-58 ; £3. The cheapest modern set of works on Natural History. Another Edition , 4 vols., impl. 8vo, Paris, 1865-67 ; £1 2s. 6d. Church (J.), Cabinet of Quadrupeds , 2 vols., royal 4to, 1805; 20s.; large paper, in folio, proofs, <£4 4s. Clarke (B.), New Arrangement of the Classes of Zoology , 4to, 1880; 3s. A very useful work. Several editions. Clermont, Guide to the Quadrupeds and Reptiles of Europe, post 8vo; 4s. Cuvier (Geo. Leopold, Baron), The Animal Kingdom Described and Arranged, London, 1827-35, 8vo, 16 vols.; <£9 (coloured plates); royal 8vo, coloured plates, c£12 ; 4to, india-paper, published at £52 10s.; auction value, .£9 (cf. ex.). This series of volumes contains references not only to Animals, but also to Birds, Eeptiles, Fish, and other obje ts. The best edition of Cuvier’s works was published in Paris, 1836-49, 20 vols., royal 8vo; £25 (cf. ex.). Another Edition, Paris, n.d., 18 vols., 8vo.; £18 (mor. ex.). Davidson, Animal Kingdom, published by Cassell and Co., 1871, 12mo ; Is. Donovan (E.), Natural History of British Quadrupeds, London, 1820, royal 8vo, 3 vols.; £2 i5s. Another Edition, 8vo, 1845 ; value 12s. 6d. D’Orbigny (C.), Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire Nuturelle, 13 vols. of Text and 3 vols. of Plates, Paris, 1847, royal 8vo.; £4 10s. (hf. mor.). Dumeril, Zoologie Analytique, 8vo, cloth, Paris, 1806; 3s. Shell, Zoology, n.d., 12mo; Is. Classification of the Order of Animals. Sngelmann, Bibliotheca Zoologica, 8vo, 1846 ; 5s. Containing a complete list of works on Natural History published in the years 1700-1846, with their values. Another Edition, 3 vols., royal 8vo, Leipzig, 1861 ; 15s. Carus and Engelmann’s Biblibtheca Zoologica, 2 vols., 8vo, 1861, 20s., comprises all works in the department of Zoology published from 1846-60. Pignier (Louis), Forms and Habits of the Mammalia, London, 8vo, 1875; 3s. 6d., published at 7s. 6d. Fraser, Zoologica Typica, impl. 4to, published by the author in 1849; £2 10s. (mor.). Gessner, Historia Animalium, 3 vols., folio, 1551-58 ; £2. Gould (J .), Mammals of Australia, 13 parts, forming 3 vols., impl. folio, 1845-63; published at £40 19s., present value about £26 (mor.). 64 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Gould (J.), Kangaroos , 2 parts, coloured plates; =£6 63 . Gray (J. E.), Illustrations of Indian Zoology , 2 vols., royal folio, 1830-34, 202 coloured plates ; <£10 (lif. russ.). A very scarce and beautiful work. Hodgson, Catalogue of Mammals, 1863, 12mo; 3s. - Catalogue of Mammalia of New Guinea, 8 vo, 1859; Is. Horsfield (T.), Zoological Researches in Java, royal 4to, coloured plates, 1824 ; <£3 (mor. ex.). Huxley, Physiography ; an Introduction to the Study of Nature, 8 vo, 1878; 3s. 6 d. Jardine, Naturalist’s Library, 1833-34, 40 vols., 12mo ; <£5 (hf. cf.). A New Edition, published by Messrs. Bell and Sons, 1844, 40 vols.; <£2 (cl.). Another Edition, published by Chatto and Windus, 42 vols., 8 vo, coloured plates, n.d. ; <£5 (cl. gt.). Jerdon, The Mammals of India, large 8 vo, 1867; <£1 Is. Jones, (T. R.), Mammalia , 16mo, London, 1873 ; 5s. Popular Introduction to Natural History. The same author also edited Kirby’s “ History of Animals,” published by Bohn, 2 vols., 8 vo, at 10 s. Kerr (Robert), Animal Kingdom, 4to; 6 s. A work founded on the system of Linnseus, 1792. - The Natural History of Quadrupeds, London, 1802, 4 vols., 8 vo; 12 s. 6 d. Kirkmajer (G.), Disputationes Zoologicce, Wittenberg, 1661; 5s. The first work of any note on the science of Zoology. Lamark, Histoire Naturelle des Animaux, 7 vols., Paris, 1815-22; 15s. Another Edition, 11 vols., 8 vo, 1835-45 ; <£1 15s. Iiamzonis, Zoologica Parva, 1689, 12mo; 2s. Leach, The Zoological Miscellany, 1814-17, royal 8 vo, 3 vols.; <£1 5s. (cl.). Linnseus (C.), General System of Nature, translated by Turton, 1802, 8 vo, 7 vols.; .£1 ; coloured plates, about <£1 10s. (cf.). Lowe (David), Domestic Animals of the British Islands, 2 vols. in 1, folio, 1842; <£2 10s., published at 16 guineas. Macalister, Introduction to the Systematic Zoology of Verte¬ brate Animals, Longmans, 8 vo, published at 10s. 6 d. Morse, First Booh of Zoology, new edition, London, post 8 vo, 1880, published at 2s. 6 d. Several editions; one of 1876, 8 vo, 2 s. 6 d. Muller (O. F.), Zoologica Danica , 4 vols. in 2, folio, 1788-1806; <£3 10s. (cf. ex.). THE MAMMALIA AND GENERAL ZOOLOGY. 65 Murray (A.), Geographical Distribution of Mammals, 4to, 1866; 13s. Nicholson (H. A.), A Manual of Zoology , post 8vo, 1880; 5s. Several editions. Owen (Professor), A Description of the Fossil Mammalia collected during the Voyage of “ The Beagle ,” London, 1838, 4to ; 30s. (See post, Waterhouse “A Natural History.”) - On the Classification of the Mammalia , London, 1859, 8 vo; 3s. 6d. - History of British Fossil Mammals and Birds, 1846, 8vo ; <£1. Packard (A. S.), Zoology Illustrated, crown 8vo, New York, 1880; 7s. 6d. Pennant (T.), British Zoology, 1766, impl. folio, published under the inspection of the Cymmrodorian Society, coloured plates; <£2 10s. (cf. ex.). Another Edition, London, 1768, 8vo, 4 vols.; <£2. Another Edition, London, 1812, 8vo, 4 vols., large paper; £3 3s. The small paper edition of the same date, 30s. - Indian Zoology, 1769, issued in 2 Parts and then discon¬ tinued ; a fresh edition was, notwithstanding this, issued in 1793, 4to; <£1. The same author wrote a work on “Arctic Zoology,” 1792, 3 vols., 4to; <£2. If the reader should come across this work, he must take care that he has the Introduc¬ tion, which of itself forms one volume. There is an edition of 1784-85-87, 4to, 3 vols., value about the same as the edition of 1792. Pennant also published a “History of Quadrupeds,” Lon¬ don, 1781, 4to, 2 vols.; 17s. 6d. ; large paper, <£2 2s. (mor. ex.). Another edition, 1793, 4to, 2 vols.; 25s.; large paper, =£3 (mor. ex.). Poutoppidan (Rev. Eric), The Natural History of Norway, London, 1755, folio; about 20s. On page 196 will be found an engraving of the Sea Serpent. Richardson (Sir John), Fauna Boreali Americana, London, 1829, 4 vols., 4to ; published at <£8 6s. 6d., worth about the same amount (mor. ex.). St. Hilaire (Geoffroy), Etudes Zoologiques, 8vo, Paris, 1832; 5s. - Essais de Zoologie Generate, 8vo, 1841; 3s. - Histoire Naturelle des Mammiferes, coloured plates, 4 vols., folio, Paris, 1824-42; .£12 (tree cf. ex.). Scammon (Chas. M.), Marine Mammals of North America, 4to, San Francisco, 1874; £>2 (cf. ex.). Shaw (George), General Zoology, with plates, London, 1800-26, 8 vo, 14 vols. in 28. Published at <£36 15s., or on large paper, with proof impressions, <£53 4s.; value about a tenth of those prices respectively. F 66 THE LIBRARY MANUAL, Shaw (George), Zoological Lectures, London, 1809, 8vo, 2 \ols. Published at =£2 12s. 6d., large paper ; with proof plates, at <£3 16s.; value about a fourth of those prices. - The Naturalists' Miscellany , continued by Dr. Leach under the title of The Zoological Miscellany. The first-named publi¬ cation consists of 24 vols.; about 8 guineas. The Zoological Miscellany, 1814-17, royal 8vo, 3 vols. ; .£2 10s. Siebold (P. F. de), Fauna Japonica , 2 vols., folio, Lugd. Bat., 1835-70; about <£18 (mor. ex.). A very scarce and interesting work. The first volume treats exclusively of the Mammalia, and all the plates (150 in number) should be coloured. Smith (Andrew), Illustrations of the Zoology of South. Africa , 5 vols., impl. 4to, 1838-49; value .£6 (mor. ex.). Swainson (W.), Zoological Illustrations, 1820-33, royal 8vo, 6 vols.; <£6, published at 16 guineas. - Complete Natural History, 12 vols., 12mo; £1 5s. Turton, British Fauna, London, 1810, 8vo; 5s. The edition of 1807 is worth the same amount. Waterhouse (G. R.), A Natural History of the Mammalia, 2 vols., 8vo, 1846-48; 15s. With coloured plates, about double. The same author wrote the chapters on the Mam¬ malia described in the work “ Zoological Voyage ot the Beagle,” 1839-43. White (Gilbert), The Natural History of Selborne, 1789, 4to; £2 10s. (cf. ex.). Another Edition, 1877, 2 vols., 8vo ; «£1 15s. Another Edition , 1833, 8vo; <£2. There are numerous editions. WTiite, History of the Mammalia, London, 8vo ; 2s., published at 7s. 6d. Magazine of Zoology and Botany, commenced in 1837 ; the four series are complete up to 1871 in 70 vols., 8vo; <£30 (cf. ex.). Manuels de Zoologie, 10 vols., 18mo, 1827-43, Paris; 5s. Record of Zoological Literature, edited by Gunther, 1865 to date, 20 vols., 8vo; <£7 10s. The Zoologist, commenced in 1843 ; a set in 32 vols., hf. mor., 1843-74, sold a short time ago for <£4 5s. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 1835 to date. A complete set of these Transactions is worth <£50 at least. Some of the volumes are excessively rare, and this, of course, has an influence on the set of which they form part. The “Transactions ” must not be confounded with the “ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London,” which ORNITHOLOGY. 67 is a separate work altogether. The series of “ Proceedings ” commenced in 1833, and is still being continued. Value of a set, coloured plates, about £25 ; without coloured plates, about 5s. a volume. Zoological Journal, 1825*35, 5 vols., 8vo, coloured plates; <£6 (mor.). Societies. Linnscan Society, instituted 1791. A set of the Linnsean Society’s Transactions, from 1791 to 1841, in 18 vols., 4to (some plates coloured), sold at the Earl of Aylesford’s Sale in March, 1888, for ,£12 (hf. cf.). The Journal of the Society’s Proceedings, commenced in 1857, and a set of 17 vols., 8vo, 1857-84, sold on another recent occasion for £1 12s. by auction. The Ray Society, founded in 1846. A set of the Society’s publications to date sells by auction at sums averaging £25. Zoological Society of Ireland, instituted 1801. Zoological Society of London, instituted 1826. The Great Zoological Artist, Joseph Wolf, illustrated at different times a great number of works, and his drawings are highly prized as monuments of artistic skill. Among other works, he illustrated Siebold’s “Birds of Japan,” and Elliott’s “ Phasianidse,” both of which are subsequently referred to. Wolf also drew for the Zoological Society of London a series of Sketches in imperial folio, published in 1861 , with coloured plates. In the above list, school books and introductions to the science have been omitted, as they can, in most cases, be procured at the published prices, or less. Ornithology. Albin (Eleazer), The Natural History of Birds , 1731-34, 4to, London, 2 vols.; £1 Is. - The Natural History of English Song Birds , London, 1737. Another Edition , 1747. Other Editions , 1759, 1776, and 1779; with plates, all, 3s.; coloured, all, 5s. Aldrovandus (U.), Ornithologies hoc. est de Civibus Histories , Libri 20, Bononise, 1599, 3 vols., folio ; 15s. Another Edition, 3 vols., folio, 1646 ; 15s. This same author wrote a large quantity of works on like subjects, and, as a naturalist, was far in advance of the day in which he lived. F 2 68 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Atkinson (John), A Compendium of the Ornithology of Great Britain, 8vo, 1820; 2s. 6d. Audebert (J. B.), Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux Dores, atlas 4to, coloured plates, Paris, 1802; £7 ; large paper, 2 vols., folio, plates coloured and heightened with gold, £16 (mor. ex.). Audubon (J. J.), Birds of America , 4 vols., elephant folio, 1826-38. An exceedingly scarce and valuable work. A com¬ plete copy is stated as being worth <£200. A fresh edition was published at New York in 1856, 7 vols., impl. 8vo; about £30 (cf. ex.) ; and another at the same place, also in 7 vols., 8vo, 1840-44, £40 (hf. mor.). - Ornithological Biography , 5 vols., impl. 8vo, Edin., 1831-49; £10, scarce. Bewick (T.), A History of British Birds, Newcastle, 1797, 1804, 8 vo, 2 vols. ; large paper, £34 (very fine copy). Second Edition, 1804, 2 vols., demy, £1 Is.; royal, £5 7s. 6d.; impl., £10 15s. Third Edition, 1809 ; £2 16s. Fourth Edition, 1816; £8 8s. (mor. ex., uncut). Fifth Edition , 1821, demy, £1 11s.; royal, £2 ; impl., £2 10s. Sixth Edition , 1826, demy, £1 18s.; royal, £2 10s.; impl., £4. If any of the above editions are on unusually large paper, the value is correspondingly increased. Another Edition, 2 vols., Newcastle, 1832, 8vo; £2 14s. Another Edition, 2 vols., Newcastle, 1847, 8vo ; £2 12s. - Figures of British Land Birds, Newcastle, 1800, royal 8 vo; £1 5s. - Figures of British Land and Water Birds, Newcastle, 1800, demy 4to; £4. A Supplement to the above, Newcastle, 1821; £2 5s. Another Edition, 8vo, 1822; 15s. Bolton (James), Natural History of British Song Birds, London, 1794-96, 4to, 2 vols., coloured plates ; £2. Another Edition, London, 1824, 4to ; £1 5s. Bonaparte (see post, Wilson). Bree (C. B.), History of the Birds of Europe not observed in the British Isles , 4 vols., royal 8vo, 1859-63 ; £1 10s. Another Edition, 5 vols., royal 8vo, 1875-76; about £2, published at £5 5s. Brodrick (W.), Falconers’ Favourites, impl. folio, 1865; £1 5s. Brown (T.), Illustrations of the Genera of British Birds , 1 vol., impl. 4to; 5s. BufFon (G. L. Comte de), Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux, 10 vols., impl. 4to, coloured plates, Paris, 1770-86 ; £13 (cf. gt.). The only complete English translation of the above is by W. Smellie. ORNITHOLOGY. 69 Buller (W. L.), Birds of New Zealand, coloured plates, 1873, 4to ; <£7 15s. (mor. ex.). Daudin (F. M.), A Complete and Elementary Treatise on Ornithology, Strasb., 1800, 2 yoIs., 4to; 7s. 6d. De Kay, Birds of New York, thick 4to, Albany, 1841; value <£4 (mor.). Donovan (E.), The Natural History of British Birds, London, 1794-98, royal 8vo, 10 vols.; <£13 (russ. ex., with clasps and corners). Dresser (H. E.) and Sharpe (R. B.), History of the Birds of Europe, issued in parts at 10s. 6d. each. The work is complete in 100 part 3 , coloured plates, generally found in 8 vols., 4to, 1871-81 ; <£45 (mor. ex., g. e.). Edwards (G.), A Natural History of Birds, in 4 parts; Glean¬ ings of Natural History, in 3 parts, London, 1743-64, 4to, 7 vols.; <£4. This is a much esteemed work, and is rarely found complete, that is to say, with the descriptions both in English and French. Another Edition, 7 vols., large paper, coloured portrait, 1802-6, folio; <£5. Elliott (D. G.), Monograph of the Tetra^nidce, or Grouse Family, 1 vol., impl.* folio, New York, 1864-65; <£15 (mor.). - Monograph of the Pittidce, or Family of Ant Thrushes, impl. folio, New York, 1867. - The Birds of North America, 2 vols., impl. folio, New York, 1869 ; <£40 (mor.). - Monograph of the Phasianidce , 2 vols., impl. folio, New York, 1870-72; <£40 (mor. ex.). Plates by Wolf. - Monoqraph of the Birds of Paradise, impl. folio, 1873; <£18 18s. (mor.). “Erebus and Terror” (Voyage of), London, 1844-75. Part XXII. deals exclusively with Birds, and by itself is worth about 10s. Eyton (T. C.), History of the Rarer British Birds, 8vo, 1836; 4s. 6d. - Osteologia Avium, 4to, 1867; <£4. Another Edition, 3 vols., 4to, 1872 ; about <£4. Gerardin (Sebastian), An Elementary Vieiv of Ornithology, Paris, 1806, 2 vols., 8vo and 4to, atlas; <£1 10s. Gosse (P. H.), Hlustrations of the Birds of Jamaica, 52 coloured plates, 1849, 8vo ; £5 12s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Gould (John), The Birds of Europe, London, 1832-37, impl. folio, 5 vols., 449 coloured plates; published in 22 parts, <£76 8s.; about <£70. 70 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Gould (John), The Birds of Australia, London, 1837-48, impl. folio, coloured plates ; published in 36 parts, 35 at £3 3s., and part 36 at =£4 12s. The Supplement to the above, com¬ plete in 5 parts, 1851-70. Together, about £210 (mor. ex.). - A Handbook to the Birds of Australia, 2 vols.; £2 10s. - The Birds of Asia, in 32 parts, impl. folio, 1850-84; *£80. - Birds of New Guinea, 1875-88 ; published in 25 parts at «£3 3s. each, and worth about <£40. -- Century of Birds from the Himalayan Mountains, impl. folio, London, 1832; <£14 14s. (mor. ex.); £6 10s. (cl.). -- Monograph of the Ramphastidce, or Toucans, London, 1833-35, large folio, 3 parts, 34 coloured plates; £7 7s. Supplement, 1855, 2 parts; £5 5s. - Monograph of the Trogonidce, London, 1835-38, large folio, 3 parts, 36 coloured plates ; £12. - Monograph of the Odontophorina ?, or Partridges of America, .London, 1844-50, large folio, 3 parts, 32 coloured plates : £8 8s. - Monograph of the Trochilidoe, oc Humming Birds, London, 1850-61, 25 parts; £40 to £50. - The Supplement to the Humming Birds , published in 5 parts at £3 3s. each. - leones Avium, London, 1837-38, impl. folio, 2 parts, an' unfinished work, 18 coloured plates; £12 (hf. mor.). - Birds of Great Britain, impl. folio, 1862-73; £100 (mor. ex.), published at £78 15s. All the works of John Gould are splendid specimens of artistic colouring. Mr. Gould died in the year 1881, and the whole of his stock, lithographic drawings, and copyright interests were afterwards purchased by the well-known book¬ sellers, Messrs. Sotheran and Co., of 136, Strand, London. Graves (George), British Ornithology, London, 1821, royal 8vo, 3 vols.; £3. The first edition was published, London, 1811, royal 8vo, 2 vols.; £2. Gray (G. R.), The Genera of Birds , 3 vols., folio, London, 1844-49, 330 coloured plates ; £25 (hf. mor., gt.). Hayes (William), A Natural History of British Birds, coloured, impl. folio, London, 1775; £2 10s. - Portraits of Rare and Curious Birds from the Menagery of Osterly Park, 4to, 1794, 72 coloured plates ; 30s. (cf.). Hewitson (W. C.), British Oology, being Hlustrations of the Eggs of British Birds, 2 vols., royal 8vo, 1831-38; £3. Another Edition , 2 vols., 1858, royal 8vo, Van Voorst ; 10s. Third Edition, 2 vols., 8vo, 1856, Van Voorst ; £2. ORNITHOLOGY. 71 Hewitson (W. C.), Illustrations of the Eggs of British Birds 2 vols., 8vo, 1846 ; £3 3s. (hf. bd.). Hunt (John), British Ornithology, Norwich, 1815-22, 8vo, li parts; =£1 15s. “ Ibis, The,” a Quarterly Journal of General Ornithology ; a complete set is worth about <£20. Jar dine (Sir W.), Contributions to Ornithology , London, 8vo, 2 vols., 1848-53; £5. - Illustrations of Ornithology , Edin., 4to, 3 vols., 1820-35 ; about 5 guineas, published at 10 guineas. The Fourth Volume, Edin., 1837-43 ; £2. Jerdon (T. C.), Illustrations of Indian Ornithology , impl. 4to, large paper, Madras, 1843-47; £7 7s. - Birds of India, 2 vols. in 3, 8vo, Calcutta, 1862-64; £5. Latham (John), A General Synopsis of Birds, 6 vols.; Sup¬ plement, 2 vols.; “Index Ornithologicus,” 2 vols.; together with the “ Supplementum Ornithological * London, 1781-85, 1787-1801 and 1790, 1802, 4to, 10 vols.; £1 5s. Another Edition, Winchester, 1821-28, 4to, 11 vols. ; £8 (cf. gt.), but sells frequently for much less. Layard (E. L.), Birds of South Africa, royal 8vo, 1875-84; £2 2s. (hf. mor.). Lear (Edward), Illustrations of the Psittacidce, or Parrots, impl. folio, 42 coloured plate3, 1832-38; £2. Lefevre (A.), Atlas of the Eggs of the Birds of Europe, in Parts, 1-17, royal 8vo, coloured plates, 1844; £3. Lewin (W.), The Birds of Great Britain, 323 coloured illus¬ trations, 7 vols., 4to, 1789-94; £6 (russ. ex.). Second Edition, 8 vols., 4to, London, 1795-1801; £3 fruss.). - Birds of New South Wales, London, 1822, 4to; £3 (russ.). Second Edition, London, 1838 ; £1. Lord (Thos.), (Ecumenical History of British Birds, 105 coloured plates, 1791, folio ; £2 2s. (russ.), £1 10s. (imperfect). Macgillivray (W.), History of British Birds, 5 vols., 8vo, 1837-52; £2, £5 (hf. mor.). - Descriptions of the Rapacious Birds of Great Britain, post 8 vo, 1836 ; 4s. Meyer (H. L.), Illustrations of British Birds and their Eggs, 4 vols., folio, 1835-41, published at £56 15s.; £19 10s. (mor.). There should be 319 coloured plates, including 2 plates of eggs, which are often wanting. - Coloured Illustrations of British Birds and their Eggs, 10 vols., 8vo, 1842-50, 432 coloured plates ; £12 (mor. ex.). 72 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Montagu (George), Ornithological Dictionary , 2 vols., London, 1802; Supplement, 1 vol., Exeter, 1813, 8vo; together, 3 vols. ; £1. New Edition, 1833; 10s. 6d. Morris (F. O.), Natural History of Nests and Eqqs , 3 vols., royal 8vo, 1863-64 ; £2. Another Edition, 3 vols., 1875, 8vo ; £1 10s. Another Edition, 3 vols., 1853-56, 8vo ; <£3. - History of British Birds, 6 vols., 8vo, 1860-62 ; £5 5s. Second Edition, 6 vols., 8vo, 1870 ; c£l 10s. Mudie (B.), Feathered Tribes of British Islands, 2 vols., 8vo, 1854; 18s. (cl.). Pennant (T.), Genera of Birds, Edin., 1773, 12mo ; 15s. Second Edition, 1781, 4to ; 17s. 6d. - Indexes to Buffon’s Ornithology, London, 1786, 4to ; 5s. Rowley (G. E.), Ornithological Miscellany , 103 coloured plates, 3 vols., 4to, 1875-78; <£3 15s. (hf. mor.). Sclater (P. L.), Monograph of the Jacmars and Puff Birds, 55 coloured plates, n.u., 4to; £23 10s. Another Edition, 55 coloured plates, complete in 7 parts, 1879-82; £3. Sclater (P. L.) and Salvius, Exotic Ornithology, impl. 4to, 1866-69, coloured; about <£5. A large paper copy is worth about double. Seebohm (H.), History of British Birds, 68 coloured plates of eggs, 4 vols., 1883-85, 8vo ; <£6 2s. 6d., .£5 5s. Selby (P. J.), British Ornithology , Edinburgh, 1821-32, elephant folio, 2 vols., and also 2 vols. of descriptive letterpress, together 4 vols.; about £240. Another Edition, London, 1841; about £30 (mor. ex.). Sharpe (R. B.), Monograph of the Kingfisher, royal 4to, 120 coloured plates, 1868-71; £8. Siebold (P. F.), Birds of Japan, 1 vol., impl. 4to, plates by Wolf; £12 12s. (mor. ex.). Stevenson (H.), Birds of Nor foil, 3 vols., 8vo, 1866-70 ; 25s. Swainscn (William), Natural History and Classification of Birds, London, 1836-37, 12mo, 2 vols.; 7s. - Birds of Western Africa, 12mo, 2 vols., 64 coloured plates; 9s. - Birds of Brazil and Mexico, coloured plates, 1841, 8vo; £5 (cf.), £8 (cl. uncut). Thompson (William), Natural History of the Birds of Ireland , 3 vols., 8vo, 1849 ; value 15s. Walcott (J.), Synopsis of British Birds, small 4to, 1789; 10s. ICHTHYOLOGY. 73 Willughby (F.), Ornithology, with additions by J. Fay, 1678, folio; ,£1 8s., <£3 12s. (russ. ex). The third edition, London, 1876, folio; 12s. 6d. Wilson (A.) and Bonaparte, American Ornithology, with a sketch of the life of Wilson, by Ord, 3 vols., 8vo, with atlas of 76 coloured plates, Philadelphia, n.d. ; <£3 10s. Another Edition, 3 vols., 8vo, 1832, coloured plates ; <£4, £1 10s., £4 15s. Another Edition, 3 vols., 4to, 1876 ; £1 ; large paper, <£2. Yarrell (William), History of British Birds, London, 1843-45, 4 vols., large paper, 8vo ; £26 10s., .£12, <£7. The same complete with the 2 supplements, mor. ex,, uncut; ,£16. <£30 (largest paper). Second Edition, 1843, 8vo, 3 vols.; =£2 2s., <£2 15s.; large paper, royal 8vo, <£9 ; largest paper, impl. 8vo, <£12. Third Edition, 1856, 8vo, 3 vols. ; <£3 12s., <£2 10s. Fourth Edition, 1874, 8vo, 4 vols.; <£1 15s. A .Supplement to the First Edition, 1845, 8vo. , A Supplement to both the First and Second Editions, London, 1856, 8vo. Societies. Linnsean Society, instituted 1791. Zoological Society of Ireland, instituted 1801. Zoological Society of London, instituted 1826. Ichthyology. Agassiz (L.), Histoire Naturelle des Poissons d’Eau Douce, text in 8vo, and atlas of coloured and plain plates in folio, Neuchatel, 1842; <£1 2s. - Poissons Fossiles des lies Britanniques et de Russie, with atlas of plates (uncoloured), 2 vols., folio, Neuchatel, T844; <£1 10s. - Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles, 5 vols., 4to; also 5 atlases of plates in folio, Neuchatel, 1834-42; £214 (cf. ex.). - North American Star Fishes, 1877 ; 10s. Aldrovandus (U.), De Piscibus, vol. v., 1613. See the chapter on the Mammalia, where the works of Aldrovandus are described and valued. Artedi (Peter), Opera Omnia de Piscibus, Leyden, 1738. 4to; £1 5s. A more valuable edition of the same work was pub¬ lished by Dr. Walbaum, of Lubeck, Grypeswaldte, 1788-89-92, 3 vols., 4to ; <£4 4s. Beavan, Handbook of the Fresh-Water Fishes of India , demy 8vo, 1877 ; published at 14s. 6d. 74 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Bellonius (Petrus), L'Histoire Naturelle des Etranges Poissons Marins, Paris, 1551, 4to; 7s. 6d. Belon (Peter), Histoire des Poissons, 1551, 4to, plates; 12s. Bloch (Mark Eliezer), The Natural History of Fishes, large 4to. 1781-82. - A Natural History of German Fishes, 1782. - A Natural History of Foreign Fishes, Berlin, 1784. These different works were afterwards united under the title of “Ichthyology; or the Natural History of Fishes,” Berlin, 1785-97, 12 vols., 4to, coloured plates; <£16 (mor.). This is described as being unquestionably one of the most splendid works on Natural History. There is another edition in French, dated 1795, 6 vols., folio; £15 (russ.). Commerson (Philibert), A Complete Ichthyology, 2 vols., 4to ; 15s. Couch (J.), History of the Fishes of the British Islands, 4 vols., impl. 8vo, 1867 ; £4 (cl.). Tt will be observed that a complete set is scarce, the fourth volume being general y wanting. Another Edition, 4 vols., impl. 8vo, 1877; £2 2s. (cl.). Cuvier (Baron), The Animal Kingdom, by Edward Griffith, 1827-35, already described in the chapter on the Mammalia, contains a volume relating to Fishes, which by itself is valued at £1; coloured plates, £1 10s. Cuvier (Baron) and Valenciennes, Histoire Naturelle des Pois¬ sons, 22 vols., 8vo, coloured plates, Paris, 1828-49; £7 7s. Day (F.), Fishes of India, impl. 4to, 1875 ; £5, published by subscription at £12 12s. - Report on the Fresh-Water Fish of India and Burmah, royal 8vo, Calcutta, 1873; 5s. 6d. Donovan (J. E.), The Natural History of British Fishes, London, 1802-8, royal 8vo, 5 vols.; £2 2s. (coloured plates), published at £10 10s. - Hlustrations of Rare and Beautiful Fishes, 120 coloured figures, heightened in silver, n.d. ; £3 (hf. bd.). Gunther (A. C.), Catalogue of Fishes in the British Museum, 9 vols., 1857-70, 8vo; £3 12s. (cl.). - Fishes of Zanzibar, 1866, 4to ; published at £3 3s. The same author, either alone or in conjunction with others, wrote a large number of Zoological works. Hamilton (F. B.), An Account of the Fishes found in the River Ganges and its Branches, Edinburgh, 4to, 1822; 15s. There is also an atlas in folio belonging to this edition. ICHTHYOLOGY. 75 Houghton (W.), British Fresh-Water Fishes, 1879, folio; £2 10s., <£1 4s. Another Edition, Bell and Sons, 1884, 4to; =£1 2s. Jar dine (Sir W.), Naturalists' Library, already referred to, 1833-44, 12mo, 40 vols. ; =£5. A New Edition, H. G. Bohn, 1844-55, 40 vols. The last five volumes refer to fishes. - British Salmonidce , London, 1839-41, folio; <£4 (cf. ex.). Johnston (John), Historia Naturalis de Piscibus et Cetis, Sfc., Franc., 1649, folio; 12s. 6d. Jovius (Paul), Liber de Piscibus Marinis, Borne, 1524, folio, several editions; 15s. Xilbourne (S. A.), Game Fishes of the United States, 1879, folio; <£4 12s. (cf. ex.). Loro (Bev. G.), Fauna Orcadensis; or, the Natural History of the Fishes of the OrTcney and Shetland Islands, Edinburgh, 1813, 4to; 12s. 6d. Lowe (B. T.), Fishes of Madeira, 8vo, 1843-60; value 10s. There is a large paper issue of the same date, which is worth about 30s. Richardson (Sir J.), Fauna Boreali Americana, 1829-37, 4to, 4 vols.; £8 (mor. ex.). Volume III. of the above edition contains an account of fishes only. Russell (A.), On the Salmon, 8vo, 1864; 3s. 6d. Russell (P.), Descriptions and Figures of 200 Fishes collected at Vizagapatam on the Coast of Coromandel, London, 1803, impl. folio; £3 10s. Schmaltz (Sig.), Index to the Ichthyology of Sicily, Messina, 1810 ; 3s. 6d. Scrope (W.), An Account of the Natural History and Habits of the Salmon, 1842. Swainson (Wm.), Natural History of Fishes, London, 1835, 2 vols.; 7s. 6d. Willughby (Francis), Ichthyographia sive Historia Piscium, Oxford, 1686, folio. Also a Supplement to the above, London, 1743, folio ; value together about £1. Yarrell (William), History of British Fishes, 1835-36, 8vo, 2 vols., together with a Supplement, 1839, 8vo; £2 10s.; large paper, royal 8vo, £4; largest paper, impl. 8vo, £15 (mor.). Second Edition, 1841, 8vo, 2 vols.; £2 ; royal 8vo, £3 3s. ; impl. 8vo, £5 10s. Third Fdition, 1859, 8vo, 2 vols.; £1 12». - On the Growth of the Salmon in Fresh Water, London, 1839; 10s. 76 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Entomology. Abbott (John), The Natural History of the Rarer Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia, London, 1797, folio, 2 vols. ; £7 (cf. ex.). This work has been sold for as much as <£20, but some copies are very indifferently coloured, and not worth half this price. Barbut (James), Genera Insectorum of Linnaeus , London, 1781, 4to; plain, 5s.; coloured, 10s. Burmeister (H.), Manual of Entomology, 1836, 8vo; 5s. or 6s. A good translation by Shuckard. Butler (A. G.), Lepidoptera Exotica; or, Descriptions and Illustrations of Exotic Lepidoptera, 1 vol., 4to, 1869-74 ; £2. - Specimens of Lepidoptera Hetorocera, 2 vols., 1877, 4to; <£2 12s. Butler (C.), The Feminine Monarchy; or, a Treatise concerning Bees, Oxford, 1609, 8vo; London, 1623, 4to; Oxford, 1634, 4to, and other editions. The original edition is very rare ; that of 1634 is worth about <£2 (cf. uncut). Catlow (M. E.), The British Entomologist, 1852, 8vo ; 8s. Cramer and Stoll, Papillons Exotiques des Trois Parties du Monde, 1779-91; <£5. - 1779-1813, 9 vols., royal 4to; about <£8. Curtis (John), British Entomology , 8 vols., 8vo, 1823-40; <£13 10s., <£21. Another Edition, London, 1844-30, royal 8vo, 16 vols.; about £15, published at £49 9s. Curtis (William), Fundamenta Entomologies, London, 1772,. 4to; 2s. - A Short History of the Brown-tailed Moth, 1782, 4to; Is. 6d. Cuvier (Baron), The Animal Kingdom, 1827-35, 8vo, 16 vols., contains chapters on insects, 7 parts in 2 vols. Donovan (E.), The Natural History of British Insects, coloured plates, 1792-1813, royal 8vo, 16 vols.; about £8, published at £24 16s. - An Epitome of the Natural History of the Insects of China, London, 1798, royal 4to, 50 coloured plates, with descriptions; about £1 15s., published at £6 6s. Another Edition, London, 1842, 4to, 58 coloured plates; about £2, published at £6 6s ENTOMOLOGY. 77 Donovan (E.), An Epitome of the Natural History of the Insects of India, London, 1800, royal 4to, 58 coloured plates ; about <£2. Another Edition , London, 1842, 4to, 58 coloured plates; £2 t - An Epitome of the Natural History of the Insects of New Holland, §c., London, 1805, 4to, 42 coloured plates; <£2 5s. - A Treatise on the Management of Insects, London, 1794, 8vo; 2s. Donbleday (E.) and Westwood (J. 0.), Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera, 2 vols., folio, 1846-52, plates by Hewitson; <£18 (mor. ex.). Douglas (J. W.), World of Insects, containing’ Shield’s “ Practical Hints concerning Moths,” 2 vols., 12mo, 1856; Is. Drury (D.), Illustrations of Exotic Insects, London, 1770-73 and 1882, 3 vols., 4to; <£3. Copies of this work with plain plates are held in but indifferent estimation. Another Edition, 1837, London, 3 vols., 4to ; <£4 10s. - Illustrations of Natural History, 3 vols., 4to, 1774; <£2 10s. Edwards (W. H.), Butterflies of North America, 4to, 51 coloured plates, Philadelphia, 1868-72 ; <£2. Entomologists’ Monthly Magazine, from the commence¬ ment in 1864 to 1887, 22 vols., 8vo; <£5. Ernst (J. J.)? Papillons d’Europe, 8 vols., impl. 4to, Paris, 1779-92 ; about <£5. Fabricus (Jo. Chr.), Systema Entomologies, Feinsberg, 1777, 8vo ; 5s. Figuier (L.), World of Insects, 1869, 8vo; 10s. Fuessli (John Gaspard), Archives de VHistoire des Insectes, Winterthur, 1794, 4to ; 7s. Gray (G. Ku), Notices of Insects, 4to, 1858; Is. Hagen (H. A.), Bibliotheca Entomologica , 2 vols., royal 8vo, Leipsic, 1862-63; <£1. Harris (Moses), The Aurelian ; or, Natural History of English Insects, London, 1766, folio; <£4; large paper, «£10. Another Edition , 1778, folio; <£1. Another Edition, 1794 ; <£1. Another Edition, London, Bohn, 1840, small folio; <£2. -- An Exposition of English Insects, 51 coloured plates, 1776, 4to; 12s. - The English Lepidoptera; or, the Aurelian y s Pocket Com¬ panion, London, 1775, 8vo; 3s. 78 THE LIBRARY MANUAL Haworth (A. H.), Lepidoptera Britannica . London, 1803-25, 8vo, 4 parts ; <£2 2s. A valuable work, seldom found complete. He wit son (W. C.), Exotic Butterflies, 5 vols., 4to, 1851-76; <£10 (mor. ex.). - Illustrations of Diurnal Lepidoptera, 1863-78, issued in 8 parts; <£3. Hors field (Thos.), Descriptive Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Disects contained in the British Museum of the East India Company, London, 1828-40. Only one part issued; 10s. Humphreys (H. N.) and Westwood (J. O.), British Moths and their Transformations, 2 vols., 4to, 1841-44; <£2 10s. Another Edition, combined with the “ Treatise on British Butterflies,” by the same authors, 3 vols., 4to, 1849; <£3 15s. Jardine (Sir W.), Naturalists’ Library, the Entomology by Duncan, in 7 vols., 12mo, 1840-41. Kirby (W.), An Introduction to Entomology, London, 1826, 8vo, 4 vols.; .£1. Another Edition , 1828 ; value the same. There have been five or six editions of this work. - Monographia Apum Anglioe, Ipswich, 1802, 8vo, 2 vols.; 10s. There are also copies of this work on large paper worth about double. Also, by the same author, a work “ On a New Genus of Insects ”; 3s. - European Butterflies and Moths, 61 coloured plates, 1882, 4to ; £1 5s. Lewin (W.), The Papilios of Great Britain, 1795, 4to; 15s. - Natural History of Lepidopterous Insects of New South Wales, London, 1805, 4to; 10s.; large paper, 15s. Library of Entertaining 1 Knowledge, published by Knight, 1830-38, contains 3 vols. on insects. Linnaeus, Fundamenta Entomologies ; or, an Introduction to the Knowledge of Insects, translated by Wm. Curtis, London, 1776; 3s. - Institutes of Entomology, by T. P. Yeats, London, 1773, 8vo ; 2s. 6d. MacLeary (W. S.), Horce Entomologicce, London, 1819, 8vo, vol. i. in 2 parts (all published), 3 plates; 8s. Marshall (T. A.), Catalogue of British Hymenoptera, 8vo, 1872; 3s. Marsham (Thomas), Entomologia Britannica, London, 1802, 8vo, vol. i. (all printed); 8s. This work was subsequently re-christened in the title “ Coleop- tera Britannica,” 1802, 2 vols., 8vo, 30 coloured plates; 12s. 6d. ENTOMOLOGY. 79 Martyn (Thos.), The English Entomologist, London, 1792, royal 4to; .£1 5s. - Aranei; or, the Natural History of Spiders, London, 1793, royal 4to ; .£1. - Psyche Figures of Nondescript Lepidopterous Insects, London, 1797, royal 4to; 15s. A copy of this work appears to have been printed on vellum. Morris (F. O.), History of British Butterflies, royal 8vo, 1860 ; 12s. Another Edition, 1876 ; 10s. - Natural History of British Moths, 4 vols., 8vo, 1871 ; ,£3, «£1 16s. Booksellers’ prices for good copies of the edition of 1861 average about .£3 10s., and for the edition of 1872, <£5. Newman (Edw.), Introduction to the History of Insects, 8vo, 1841 ; 7s. - Natural History of British Butterflies, royal 8vo, 1874 ; 5s. - Natural History of British Moths, royal 8vo, 1874; 10s. Oliver (G. A .), Entomologie; ou, Histoire Naturelle des Insects , 8 vols., royal 4to, Paris, 1798-1808; ,£8 (cf.). Ormerod, Introduction to Entomology, 12mo, 1881; 3s. Reaumur (R. A. F.), The Natural History of Bees, London, 1744, 8vo; 5s. Rye (E. C.), British Beetles; an Introduction to the Study of Indigenous Coleoptera, crown 8vo, 1866; 5s. Samouelle (George), The Entomologist’s Useful Companion , London, 1819, crown 8vo ; 3s. ; with coloured plates, 10s. - A Nomenclature of British Entomology , London, 1819, small 8vo; 3s. - General Directions for Collecting and Preserving Exotic In¬ sects and Crustacece, London, 1826, 18mo, plates; 5s. - The Entomological Companion, being a Natural History of British Insects, London, 1832-34, 8vo, coloured plates; 12s. 6d. Say (Thos.), American Entomology, 3 vols., 8vo, 1824-28; <£1. Another Edition, 2 vols., 8vo, New York, 1869; £1. - Writings on the Entomology of North America, by John Le Comte, 2 vols., 8vo, New York, 1859 ; ,£1. Shuckard (W. E.), British Bees, crown 8vo, 16 coloured plates, 1866; 5s. - British Coleoptera Delineated, 8vo, 94 plates, 1861; 3s. Stainton (H. T.), Manual of British Butterflies and Moths, 2 vols., 12mo, 1857-59 ; 5s. ' Another Edition , crown 8vo, 1867 ; 5s. 80 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Stainton (H. T.), Natural History of the Tineina, 6 vols., 8vo, 1855-61 ; £1 17s. Staveley (E. F.), British Insects, crown 8vo, 1873; 7s. - British Spiders , crown 8vo, 1866 ; 5s. Stephens (H. F.), A Systematic Catalogue of British Insects, London, 1829, 8vo; 5s. - Nomenclature of British Insects , London, 1829, small 8vo; 3s. - A Manual of British Coleoptera; or, Beetles of Great Britain and Ireland, London, 1839, 8vo ; 5s. - An Abstract of Indigenous Lepidoptera contained in Hubner, London, 1835, 8vo; 2s. 6d. Stephens (J. F.), Illustrations of British Entomology, London, 1828-46, royal 8vo, 12 vols.; <£4 12s. 6d. (hf. bd.). It is said that the author spent twenty years of his life and <£10,000 of his money on this work. Swainson (William), History of Insects, 1841,12mo; 6s. Thor ell (T.), Remarks on Synonyms of European Spiders, royal 8vo, 1870-73; 7s. Trimew (R.), Catalogue of South African Butterflies, Cape Town, 1862-66; 12s. Westwood (J. O.), Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects, 2 vols., 8vo, 1839-40; 27s. 6d., reduced by Bohn, 1840, to 18s. - Arcana Entomologica, 2 vols., large 8vo, 1845; <£2 2s., coloured plates. This is a very fine work, containing many elaborately coloured illustrations of rare and curious insects. Some of the copies, however, are coloured in a very slovenly manner. See Humphreys, ante. - British Butterflies and their Transformations, 1841, 4to; .£1 4s. Wood (W.), Index Entomologicus, London, 1833-38, 8vo, coloured plates; £3 3s. Another Edition, royal 8vo, 1854; <£2 10s. New Edition , Sotheran’s, royal 8vo ; £2. A Supplement separate, royal 8vo ; 7s. Yeats (T. P.), Institutions of Entomology, London, 1773, 8vo ; 2s. Society. Entomological Society of London, Transactions and Pro¬ ceedings, 1834 to date, in three series. The 58th Annual Meeting of the Society was held in January last. 11, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W. ANTHROPOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY. 81 Anthropology and Ethnology. Bartlett, Progress of Ethnology ; or, Recent Researches into the Physical History of Man, New York, 1847, 8vo; 2s. Bastian (H. C.), The Beginnings of Life, 2 vols., small 8vo, 1872; 10s. Blnmenbach (J. F.), Be Generis Humani Varietate Nativa , 12mo, Gottenburg, 1795; 2s. The works of this author were published by the Anthropological Society, 1865; 5s. Bulwer (John), Anthropometamorphosis; or, Man Transformed, London, 1653, 4to. This is the best edition of the work, and a good copy is worth about £5. The first edition is dated 1650, 12mo. Dalton (E. T.), Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal, 4to, Calcutta, 1872; £1 5s.; .£3 3s. (hf. mor.). Darwin (Charles), The Descent of Man, 2 vols., 8vo, 1871; 5s. Second Edition, post 8vo, 1875; 5s. Davis (J. B.), Thesaurus Craniorum, 8vo, 1867-75; 10s. A Supplement to the above, 1875, 8vo; 3s. Davis (J. B.) and Tharam, Crania Britannica, 2 vols., folio, 1865, printed by subscription; <£3. Dawkins (W. B.), Cave Hunting, Researches respecting the Early Inhabita?its of Europe, 8vo, 1874; about 21s. Douglas (James), Nenia Britannica; or, a Sepulchral History of Great Britain, London, 1793, folio; <£1 10s. Large-paper copies of this work are scarce. Coloured copies are still more uncommon. Evans (J.), The Ancient Stone Implements of Great Britain, 1872; 12s. (cf.). Haeckel, On Evolution of Man, 1879, 2 vols., 8vo; 9s. Hartley (David), Observations on Man, London, 1749, 8vo, 2 vols.; 5s. Helvitius (C. A.), A Treatise on Man, 1777, 8vo, 2 vols.; 7s. 6d. Another Edition , London, 1810, 2 vols., 8vo; 7s. 6d. Huxley (T. H.), Methods and Results of Ethnology, 1873, 8vo ; 3s. 6d. There are many other books by the same author, the best known of which is, perhaps, Man's Place in Nature. Jarrold (Thomas), Dissertations on Man, London, 1806, 8vo. - Anthropologia; or, Dissertations on the Form and Coloui of Man, London, 1808, 8vo. Kemble (J. M.), Horce Ferales, 4to, 1863; c£l 5s. Latham, Ethnology of the British Isles, 1852, 12mo; 2s. - Descriptive Ethnology, 2 vols., 8vo, 1859; 10s. G 82 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Lubbock (Sir J.), The Origin of Civilization , 3rd ed., 8yo, 1875; 7s. 6d. The other editions are of about the same value. Lyell (Sir Chas.), Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man, 2nd ed., 8vo, 1863; 5s. 6d. Other editions of about the same value. Lyon, The Descent of Man, 1872, 8vo. McKenny and Halls, History of the Indian Tribes of North America, 3 vols., royal folio, Philadelphia, 1838-44; about <£8 (cf.). Morgan (Lewis), Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family, royal 4to, 1871; <£2. Morton (S. G.), Crania Americana, folio, Philadelphia, 1839; «£2 5s. - Crania AEgyptiaca, royal 4to, Philadelphia, 1844; <£1 5s. Nott and Gliddon, Indigenous Races of the Earth, large 8vo, 1857; 10s. A large paper copy of the above is worth about double. - Types of Mankind, large 8vo, 1857; 12s. Pickering (C.), Races of Man, impl. 4to, Boston, 1848; «£1. Porta (J. B.), Humana Physiognomonia, small 8vo, Bothomagi, J. Berthelin, 1650 ; 10s. 6d. Ponchet, The Plurality of the Human Race, translated and edited by Beavan ; 5s. One of the Anthropological Society’s publications. Powell (J. W.), Contributions to American Ethnology, 4to, 1877, 1 vol.; 12s. Pritchard (J. C.), Researches into the Physical History of Mankind, London, 1813, 8vo ; value £2 (hf. cf. e£.). Second Edition, London, 1826,8vo, 2vols., coloured plates; ,£2. Several editions have since been published with and without date, and without any alteration; they are all worth about the same. - Illustrations to the Researches, London, 1844, royal 8vo; 7s. - The Natural History of Man, London, 1841, royal 8vo; .£1. Another Edition, 1848, royal 8vo; <£1. Another Edition (the fifth), 1855, royal 8vo, 2 vols.; <£1. - Six Ethnological Maps, being a Supplement to the Natural History of Man, London, 1843, folio; <£1. Another Edition, 1860; 10s. Raffles (Sir S.), The History of Java, London, 1817, 4to, 2 vols.; c£l 5s. A large paper copy a little more. Second Edition, London, 1830, 2 vols., 8vo; «£1 5s. This work deals largely with the Ethnology of Java. ANTHROPOLOGY AND ETHNOLOGY. 83 Reid (Thos.), Essays on the Intellectual and Active Powers of Man , Edinburgh, 1785-88, 2 vols., 4to; about <£1. There are many editions of this valuable work, the title of which was in later impressions changed to “ Essays on the Powers of the Human Mind.” Smart, Ethnology of Dorset , 1872, folio ; 5s. Stukeley (W.), Itinerarium Curiosum, London, 1724, folio. The First Edition , which contains but one-half of the work; <£1. Second Edition , London, 1776, folio, 2 vols.; c£2. A rare work, which has been reprinted in facsimile with the date 1776. The paper was made expressly for it, and is so perfect an imitation of the original that an un¬ practised eye could not discern the difference. Both genuine and reprinted editions are now of the same value. - Stonehenge, a Temple restored to the British Druids , London, 1740, folio. With this book is generally found the same author’s Abury Restored , folio, 1743; value of the two, about .£2 5s. (cf. ex.). Voght (Carl), Lectures on Man , translated by Hunt, 1864; 5s. Anthropological Society’s publication. Wanley (Nathaniel), A General History of Man , London, 1678> folio; 17s. - The History of Man; or, the Wonders of Human Nature in Relation to the Sexes , London, 1704, 8vo ; 5s. Waring (J. B.), Stone Monuments of the Remote Ages , 1870, impl. 4to; .£1 5s. Wilson (D.), Archaeology of Scotland, royal 8vo, Edinburgh, 1851 ; 12s. - Prehistoric Man , 2 vols., 8vo, 1862; 17s. 6d. Another Edition , Oxford, 1873, 8vo. Societies. American Ethnological Society, Transactions of, 2 vols., 1845-48. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, in parts, commencing 1871. Anthropological Society of London, The Anthropological Review and Journal of the Society . Ethnological Society of London, Journal of the Society 4 vols., 1848-56. Transactions, 7 vols., 1859-69. Journal , new series, 2 vols., 1869-71. Together, 13 vols., 8vo. G 2 84 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. The Reptilia. Abratius, De Admirabile Viperce, Sfc., 4to, Urbini, 1589; 5s. Bell (Thomas), History of the British Reptiles, 8vo, 1839; 12s. 6d.; large paper, <£1 12s. Several later editions. - The Reptilia of the “ Beagle” Voyage , royal 4to, 1843; .£1 15s. British Museum Publications on this subject comprise: A Catalogue of Shield Reptiles , in 2 parts ; together worth about =£2. A Catalogue of Reptiles, in 2 parts ; together worth 5s. A Catalogue of Snakes, 12mo; 4s. Canton, Catalogue of Reptiles Inhabiting the Malayan Penin¬ sula, Calcutta, 1847; 5s. Cooke (M. C.), Our Reptiles, 12mo, 1865 ; 2s. 6d. Payrer (J.), The Thanatophidia of India, 31 plates, coloured* 1872, folio; <£3 10s. (cf. ex.). Figuier (L.), A Popular Account of Reptiles, 1869, 8vo; 5s. Froschel, Reports on Reptiles, 8vo, 1845, imblished under the auspices of the Ray Society; 7s. 6d. Gray (J. E.), Papers Contributed to the Publications of various Learned Societies, contains “ Papers on Reptiles”; about 3d. each. - Lizards of Australia and New Zealand, 4to, 1867 ; 12s. 6d. Guichenot, Histoire Naturelle des Reptiles (inter alia), impl. 4to, 1850; 15s. ^ Gunther (A.), Reptiles of British India, 1864; ,£1. Published under the auspices of the Ray Society. - The Gigantic Land Tortoises (living and extinct ), 4to* 1877; 15s. Holbrook (J. E.), North American Herpetology, 5 vols., royal 4to, 147 coloured plates drawn from life, Philadelphia, 1842; £7 10s. (mor. ex.). Jerdon (T. C.), Catalogue of Reptiles Inhabiting the Peninsula of India, 8vo, 1853; 7s. - Notes on Indian Herpetology, 8vo, 1870 ; 7s. KrefFt (G.), The Snakes of Australia, 4to, 1869 ; ,£1 (cf.). Low (George), Fauna Orcadensis; or, the Natural History of Quadrupeds, Birds, and Reptiles of Orkney and Shetland , Edinburgh, 1813, 4to; 15s. Mitchell, On the Venom of the Rattlesnake, 1860 Yol. XII. of the “ Contributions to Knowledge/’ published by the Smith¬ sonian Institution; value of the volume by itself, 7s. THE REPTILIA. 85 Owen (C.), Essay towards a Natural History of Serpents, 4to, 1742; 4s. 6d. Owen (Professor), Monograph of the Fossil Reptilia of the London Clay, London, 1849-84, 4to, 4 vols.; <£4 4s. (cf. ex.). - Monograph of the Fossil Reptilia of the Cretaceous Forma¬ tions, London, 1849-57, 4to ; «£2. - Descriptive Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia of South Africa , impl. 4to, 1876; c£2. The same author has written several other works on the subject. Russell (P.), An Account of Indian Serpents, London, 2 vols., 1796-1801, impl. folio; <£1 10s. Siebold (P. F.), Fauna Japonica, 1 vol., impl. 4to, 1838; <£1. Sowerby (J.), On Tortoises, Terrapins, and Turtles, folio, 1872; £1 5s. \ Stephenson, Medical Zoology, royal 8vo, 1832 ; value 10s. A notice of this work is inserted here, because it contains a large number of remedies for the cure of snake bites. Swainson (William), The Natural Histoi'y of Reptiles, 1835, 2 vols.; 7s. 6d. Wagler (J.), Descriptions et leones Amphibiorum, folio, Monachii, 1828-33; £1 5s. Most works which treat on Natural History in a general way contain specific reference to the subject of the Reptilia. The same remark applies to works containing an account of scientific voyages and travels, which are enumerated later on under a division specially reserved for them. Society. The Ray Society, London. Most other Societies formed for the study of Natural History are interested in the subject of the Reptilia. The Ray Society’s publications commenced in 1844, and a set, complete to 1886, recently sold by auction for .£22. It comprised 37 vols., 8vo, and 18 folio volumes of plates (in boards as issued). Conchology, the Crustacea and Zoophytes. Adams (H. and R.), The Genera of Recent Mollusca, 3 vols., 8vo, 1858, published at c£4 10s.; about c£2 5s. A large-paper copy of the above, with coloured plates, same date, is worth about .£4. Agassiz (L.), Monographie d'Echinodermes, 4 vols. in 1, 4to, Neuchatel, 1839-42; 15s. - Catalogue of North American Acalephce, impl. 8vo, 1865; 5s. 86 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Agassiz and Gould, Outlines of Comparative Physiology, post 8vo, cloth; 2s. Other editions about the same value. Alder (J.) and Hancock (A.), Monograph of the History of British Mollusca, complete in 7 parts, forming 2 vols., folio, 82 coloured plates; £2 2s. (hf, russ.). Bate (C. S.) and Westwood (J. O.), History of British Sessile-eyed Crustacea, complete in 24 parts, 1861-68; about <£1 10s.; large paper, £2 14s. Bell (T.), History of the British Stallc-eyed Crustacea, 8vo, 1853 : <£1 5s.; on large paper, <£2. Another Edition, n.d., 8vo ; about <£1. British Museum Publications. —A number of Catalogues on the Molluscous Animals and Shells, and also on the Crus- taceous Animals; from 6d. to 2s. each. Brookes (S.), Introduction to the Study of Conchology, London, 1816, 4to; £1 Is.; large paper, =£1 15s. Brown (T.), Illustrations of the Recent Conchology of Great Britain, royal 4to, 1845; 15s. The same author also wrote a work on Fossil Conchology , which is more referable to the subject of Geology, which see. Burrow (Edward), Elements of Conchology, 28 plates, 8vo ; 6s. Second Edition, 1818; Third Edition, 1825; and Fourth Edition, 1844; all about 6s. each. Catlow, Popular Conchology, post 8vo, 1854 ; 3s. Clark (W.), History of the British Marine Mollusca , 1855, 8vo; 5s. Dalyell (J. G.), Rare and Remarkable Animals of Scotland ( Zoophytes ), 2 vols., 4to, 1847-48 ; <£1 5s. Donovan (E.), The Eatural History of British Shells, London, 1803-4, royal 8vo, 5 vols. ; <£1 10s.; 180 coloured plates. D’Orbigny (A.), Voyage dans VAmerique Meridionale, coloured plates, 9 vols., Paris, 1835-47, 4to; £38 10s. (mor. ex.). Porbes (E.), History of British Star Fishes, Van Voorst, 1841; 10s. 6d.; large paper, 18s. Forbes (E.) and Hanley (S.), History of the British Mollusca, 4 vols., 8vo, 1853; plain, <£1 10s.; coloured, .£4; large paper, <£9 10s. (mor.). This work was the first which adapted the knowledge of British Mollusca to the present state of Natural History science. It is also one of the best treatises on the subject. Gray (J. E.), Synopsis of the Species of Star Fish in the British Museum, impl. 4to, 1866; 5s. CONCHOLOGY, CRUSTACEA AND ZOOPHYTES. 87 Gray (M. E.), Figures of Molluscous Animals, 5 vols., 8vo, 1842-57; 17s. 6d. Another Edition, 5 vols., 1874, 8vo ; <£1 Is. Haldemans, Monograph of the Fresh-JVater Mollusca of the United States, Philadelphia, 1842; 15s. Hanley (S.) and Theobald (W.), Conchologia Indica, Illus¬ trations of the Land and Fresh-Water Shells of British India, 4to, coloured plates, 1876 ; £2. Hincks (T.), History of the British Hydroid Zoophytes, 2 vols.? 8vo, 1868; 15s.; large paper, £2 5s., £1 13s. Jay, Catalogue of Shells , New York; several editions; about 5s. each. Jeffrey, British Conchology, 5 vols., 8vo, 1862, coloured and plain plates; £4. Johnston (G-.), History of the British Zoophytes, 8vo, Edin¬ burgh, 1838; 7s. Another Edition, 1847, 2 vols., 8vo ; £1 5s. (cf. ex.). - History of the British Sponqes and Lithophytes , 8vo. Edinburgh, 1842; 7s. - Introduction to Conchology, 8vo, Van Voorst, 1850; 7s. 6d. Lea (Isaac), Observations of the Genus Unio, 18 vols., 4to, printed for the author in Philadelphia, and very scarce, complete; about £15 or £20. The same author published other works on Conchology. Leach (W. E.), The Mollusca of Great Britain, arranged according to their Natural Affinities, London, 1852, 8vo, plates; 5s. 6d. - Malacostraca Fodophthalmata Britannice ; or, a Monograph of British Crabs, 19 parts, 1815-75; £3 15s.; the same, large paper, coloured, £5. Lesson (M.), Histoire Naturelle des Zoophytes, thick 8vo, Paris, 1843; 7s. Lister (M.), Histories sive Synopsis Methodica Conchyliorum , London, 1685, 1 vol., folio; 18s.; large paper, £2. Another Edition, 1770-1823 ; 15s. to £1. - Conchyliorum Bivalvium utriusque Aquce exercitatio, tfc., London, 1696, 4to; 5s. - Historia Conchyliorum, Oxonii, 1770; 12s. Lovell (M. S.), The Edible Molluscs of Great Britain and Ireland, crown 8vo, 1867 ; 3s. Martyn (Thomas), Universal Conchologist, and also Nondescript Shells, in 2 vols., 4to, coloured plates, 1789 ; £2. Mawe, Linncean System of Conchology 8vo, 1823; 5s. 88 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Miller (J. S.), A Natural History of the Crinoidea, Bristol, 1821, 4to; £1 5s. Montagu (G-.), Testacea Britannica; or, Natural History of British Shells, 3 vols., 1803-8, 4to ; =£1 9s. Perry (George), Conchology; or, a Natural History of Shells, coloured plates, London, 1811, folio; =£2. Reeve (Lovell), Conchologia Iconica; or, Monographs of the Genera of Shells, 20 vols., 4to. This is a splendid work, comprising over 20,000 coloured figures; an incomplete copy (Vols. I.—XVIII.) sold recently by auction for .£87. -- Conchologia Systematica; or, Complete System of Concho- logy, 2 vols., 4to, 1841-42 ; <£3. - Elements of Conchology, 2 vols., royal 8vo, 1860; £1. Stated to be the best practical work on shells. Remnier, The Land and Fresh-Water Shells of the British Isles, crown 8vo ; published by David Bogue at 10s. 6d. Siebold (P. F.), Fauna Japo^ica, contains remarks on the Crustacea, 1 vol., impl. 4to, 1838; =£1. Smith (W.), History of British Diatomacece, 2 vols., impl. 8vo, 1853-56; £4. Sowerby (G. B.), Catalogue of Shells in the Collection of the late Earl of Tankerville, London, 1825, 8vo ; 5s. - Species Conchyliorum, London, 1830, 4to, with 14 plates ; c£l; large paper, india-proofs, =£2. - Manual of Conchology, containing a complete introduction to the science, London, 1839, 8vo; 7s. Second Edition, 1842, 8vo, 8s.; or with coloured plates, 12s. 6d. Another Edition , 1852, 8vo; 8s. There are other editions of small value. - Conchological Illustrations , London, 1841, 8vo, complete in 200 parts; <£2. - Thesaurus Conchyliorum; or, Figures and Descriptions of Shells, London, 1842-62, impl. 8vo ; published in parts at <£1 5s. each, now greatly reduced in value. - Popular British Conchology , London, 1846, square 8vo ; 7s. -- Illustrated Index of British Shells, London, 1859, royal 8vo; plain, 12s.; coloured, £1. Sowerby (James), British Miscellany, containing a series of coloured figures of rare and little known animal subjects, such as Zoophytes and the like, 1804-6, 1 vol., 8vo; <£1 5s. - Genera of Recent Fossil Shells , London, 1822-34, 8vo, 2 vols.; <£1 10s. BOTANY. 89 Sowerby (James), Mineral Conchology of Great Britain, 609 plates, 6 vols., 8vo, 1812-25 ; .£14 (mor. ex.). Swainson (Wm.), Treatise on Shells and Shell Fish, London, 1840, 12mo ; 3s. - Zoological Illustrations, 1820-33 (already referred to under “Mammalia”), contains many original figures and descriptions of shells and the molluscous animals. Tryon (G-. W.), List of American Writers on Recent Conchology, New York, 1862; 4s. 6d. Turton (William), A Conchological Dictionary of the British Islands, London, 1812, 12mo ; 5s. plain, 10s. coloured; or with two sets of plates, £1. -- Conchylia Insularum Britannicarum; or, the Shells of the British Islands, Exeter, 1822; 8s. This volume, which con¬ tains the bivalves only, was re-issued under the following title: Bivalve Shells of the British Islands, London, 1830, 4to; 10s. Reprinted, 1848, 4to; 10s. -- Manual of the Land and Fresh-Water Shells of the British Islands, London, 1831, 12mo; 7s. Another Edition, London, 1840, 8vo; 5s. Wood (William), General Conchology; or, a Description of Shells, London, 1815, royal 8vo; £2; large paper, impl. folio, <£3 10s. A Later Edition, thick royal 8vo, 1835 ; <£1 Is. - Index Testaceologicus; or, a Catalogue of Shells, London, 1818, 8vo ; <£1. Second Edition, London, 1828, 8vo, coloured plates ; ,£1. Another Edition, London, 1856, royal 8vo; £1 10s. The Supplement to the above, London, 1828, 8vo; plain, 7s.; coloured, 15s. A List of the plates, London, 1829, 8vo; 2s. •- A Catalogue of Shells, British and Foreign, crown 8vo, 1848; 2s. Woodward, A Manual of the Mollusca, crown 8vo; three editions, each about 4s. 6d. « Botany. Aldrovandus (XL), Dendrologia, Bon, 1668, folio. The works of this author have already been referred to. Allioni (C.), Flora Pedemontana, Saurinorum, 3 vols., folio, 1785; £1. Alpinus (P.), De Plantis JEgypti, Patavii, 4to, 1640 ; 10s. 6d. Archer (T. C.), Popular Economic Botany , 8vo, 1853; 5s. Aublet (F.), Histoire des Plantes de la Guiane Franroise, 4 vols., impl. 4to, Paris, 1775; £1. 90 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Baillon (H.) , Natural History of Plants, 4 vols., 8vo, 1871-74 ; <£2. - Histoire des Plantes, 8 vols., Paris, 1867-86, 8vo ; <£3 10s. Baker (J. G.), Flora of Mauritius and the Seychelles , 1877, 8vo. This author is credited with several other botanical works, notably the “ Botanical Geography,” 1875, 8vo, and the Catalogue of Ferns at Kew, 1868, 8vo, both of which are of small value; a “Monograph of the Amaryllideae,” &c. Balfour (J. S.), Class Booh of Botany, 8vo, Edinburgh, 1852-59; 5s. Other editions of about the same value. - Manual of Botany, Edinburgh, 8vo, 1863; 3s. 6d. Barton (William), Travels through North and South Carolina, <$fc. London, 1792, 8vo; 5s. Bateman (J.), The Orchidacece of Mexico and Guatemala, coloured plates, 1843, folio ; <£11 10s. (mor. ex.). Bauer, Illustrations of Orchidaceous Plants, notes by Lindley, coloured plates, large paper, 1830-38, 4to ; <£2 (cf. ex.). Beddome (R. H.), The Ferns of Southern India, 1 vol., royal 4to, 1863 ; £1 10s. Another Edition, royal 4to, 1872-73 ; ,£1 5s. - Ferns of British India, royal 4to, Madras, 1866-70 ; <£1 10s. - Flora Sylvatica, 2 vols., royal 4to, Madras, 1869-73; <£3 (cf. ex.). Bentham (G.), Labiatarum Genera et Species, 8vo, 1832-36 ; 5s. - Scrophularinece Indicce, 8vo, 1835. - Handbook of British Flora, 8vo, 2 vols., 1865 ; <£1 10s. Another Edition , 1880 ; 12s. Abridged Edition, 1866, 12mo ; 3s. 6d. - Plantce Hartwegiance, a Catalogue of Mexican Plants, 8vo, 1839-57; 5s. Bentham (G.) and Hooker (J. D.), Genera Plantarum, 3 vols., 8vo, 1862, &c.; from <£1 each vol. (cl.). Bentham (G.) and Mueller (F. Yon), Flora Australiensis, 6 vols., 8vo, 1863-78; £4. Bentley (R.), Manual of Botany, 12mo, 1870 ; 4s. Berkeley (M. J.), Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany, 8vo, 1857; 3s. 6d. -- Handbook of British Mosses, 8vo, 1863; 8s. 6d. Blume (C. L.), Flora Java, 4 vols., large folio, 1827-66; about ,£12 12s. (mor.). - Rumphia, 4 vols., royal folio, 1835-48. The auction value varies from <£7 to <£14, according to colouring of the plates and general condition. Both this and the preceding work are scarce. The author published many other botanical works. BOTANY. 91 Blume (C. L.), Museum Botanicum , 2 vols., royal 8vo, Lugd. Bat., 1849-56 ; 5s. 6d. This work is well known. Bolton (James), Filices Britannicce; a History of the British Proper Ferns, 1785-90, 2 vols., 4to; =£1 5s. - A History of Funguses growing about Halifax , Huddersfield, 1788-91, 4 vols., 4to; plain, <£1; coloured, <£1 15s. Boott (F.), Hlustrations of the genus Carex , 4 vols., folio, 1858-67 ; about <£15 (mor.). This is a valuable and scarce work, containing grasses from all parts of the world, mostly represented of the full size. Botanical Magazine. Bee Curtis. Botanical Register. See Edwards. Brown (R.), Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandice , London, 1810, 8vo; 12s. (cf.). Reprinted at Nuremburg, 1827. The various works of this author were collected by Nees at Esenbeck, and published under the title of Vermischte botanische schriften, Leipsic, 1825-34, 8vo, 5 vols.; <£1 5s. (cf.). - Opuscida Botanica , 8 vols., folio, 4to, and 8vo, 1821-51; =£1. - Miscellaneous Botanical Woi'ks, 2 vols., 8vo, 1866-67 (Ray Society); 15s. Also an Atlas , consisting of 39 plates; 10s. extra. Burmann (J.), Thesaurus Zeylanicus , Amsterdam, 1737, 4to; 4s. 6d. Carpenter (W. B.), Vegetable Physiology and Systematic Botany. Several editions ; a few shillings each. Carrington and Pearson, Hepaticce Britannicce ex Siccatae y 4to, 1778 ; 8s. to 10s. Catlow (A.), Popular Field Botany , 8vo, 1852 ; 4s. The same author also published Popular Garden Botany , 8vo, 1855, and Popidar Greenhouse Botany, 8vo, 1857; each about 4s. Christy (T.), Forage Plants , 8vo, 1877. Cooke (M. C.), Handbook of British Fungi , 1871, 8vo, 2 vols.; .£1 10s. (cf.). - Illustrations of British Fungi, Nos. 1—67, 1881-88, 8vo; <£11 (mor. ex.). - Mildew and Mould , 1872, 12mo ; 2s. 6d. - Fungi , their Nature, Influence, and Uses, 8vo, 1875; 4s. - Mycograpliiae, seu leones Fungorum, 1 vol., 1879, 8vo;<£l 10s. (cf. ex.). - Manual of Botanical Terms, 8vo, 1862 ; 3s. Culpepper (Nicholas), English Herbal, of which a number of editions in 4to and 8vo were published, London, 1653, 1656, 92 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. 1683, 1684, 4to, and 1661, 1695, 1698, 8vo. For this book there seems of late to be considerable inquiry. The 4to editions are the best, and good copies of any of these sell at from £1 to £1 5s. each. The 8vo editions are not worth more than half as much. Curtis (William), Flora Londinensis , London, 1777-98, 3 vols., folio; £5 10s.; coloured plates, <£13 (mor. ex.). New Edition , London, 5 vols., 1817-28, folio; <£75 (mor. ex.). Afterwards re-issued by Bohn, 1835, coloured plates, <£30. - The Botanical Magazine, 1787 to date. Issued in three series. Various sets, more or less complete, have been sold by auction recently, as follows : A set from the commencement, in « 1787 to 1855, coloured plates, 81 vols. in 57, cf. gt., 8vo; <£53. A set complete from 1787 to 1888, with index to Vols. I.—LIII., coloured plates, 116 vols. in 90 (cf. gt.), together with Hooker’s Companion to Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, 2 vols., 1835, 8vo; <£120 (cf. gt.). - Lectures on Botany, London, 1803-4, 3 vols., royal 8vo; <£1. New Edi r ion, London, 1816, 3 vols., 8vo; value about the same. - Practical Observations on the British Grasses, London, 1812, 8vo; 7s. Former editions of this work were published in 1790 and 1804. Darwin (C.). The following works of this scientist have been sold recently : Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, 2 vols., best edition, 1868; 16s. (cl.). Formation of Vegetable Mould, 1881, together 3 vols., 8vo; £1 5s. Insectivorous Plants, Fertilisation of Plants, Forms of Flowers, Movements of Plants and Climbing Plants, together 5 vols., 1875-82, 8vo; <£1 15s. (cf.). Don (George), General Dictionary of the Dichlamydeous Plants, London, 4 vols., 4to, never completed, 1831-38 ; £1. Drury (H.), Handbook to the Indian Flora, 3 vols., royal 8vo, 1864, Madras; £2 (cf. ex.). - Useful Plants of India, 2nd edition, 1873, 8vo. - Ferns of Derbyshire, edited by W. E. Herve, 8vo, 1861. Another Edition, Derby, 8vo, 1877. Edwards (S.), Botanical Register, coloured plates, vols. I. to XV., 1815-31, 8vo ; £5 10s. Another Set of, 33 vols., 1815-47, 8vo, containing 2600 plates ; £35 (cf., plates coloured). rigfuier (L.), The Vegetable World, 1866, 8vo ; published at £1 ; reduced by Chapman and Hall, in 1889, to 16s.; present value much less. BOTANY. 93 Gatty (A.), British Seaweeds, 80 coloured plates, 2 vols., Bell and Sons; 15s. Gerard (John), The Herbal ; or, General History of Plants , London, 1633, folio; about <£4 (cf.). Neiv Edition, enlarged by Johnson, 1636, folio; <£3 15s. An Earlier Edition, 1597, folio, good and perfect copy; <£10 (mor.). Gilpin (W .). The various Picturesque Tours of this author deal largely with the botanical specimens from time to time noticed. The complete series of his Tours, forming 11 vols., 8vo, 1800-9, can often be got by auction for about <£1 10s. Gordon (G.), Pinetum, being a Synopsis of all the Coniferous Plants at present known , with Supplement, 8vo, 1875; 7s. 6d. New Edition , revised by H. G. Bohn, 1880; 10s. 6d. Gray (A.), Plantce Wrightiance, an Account of a Collection of Plants made in Western Texas , 2 vols., royal 4to, Washington, 1852-53; 7s. 6d. - Genera of the Plants of the United States , 2 vols., royal 8vo, New York, 1849; 15s (cl.). - Manual of Botany of the Northern United States , 2 vols., New York, 1879, 8vo; 16s. - Lessons in Botany , New York, 1869; 3s. 6d. Gray (S. F.), A Natural Arrangement of British Plants , London, 1821, 2 vols., 8vo ; 5s. Greville (E. K.), The Scottish Cryptogamic Flora, Edinburgh, 1822-28, 6 vols., royal 8vo; <£2. With coloured plates, about ,£6 (cf. ex.). - Algce Britannicce, Edinburgh, 1830, 8vo, 19 coloured plates; 16s. Griffith (W .), Indian Botanical Works, complete in 6 vols., 8vo, Calcutta, 1847-54. This work was left in manuscript by the author, and bequeathed by him to the East India Company. Complete copies are very rare, and most difficult to meet with; about <£12 12s. (mor. ex.). Grindon- (Leo.), Manchester Walks and Wild Flowers, Man¬ chester, 12mo; 2s.; 1882, 3s. - British and Garden Botany, 1864, 8vo; 3s. - Little Strays of Nature, which has passed through two editions, 12mo; 3s. - Trees of Old England, 8vo, 1869; 4s. - Pathway to Botany, 8vo, 1872; 4s. - The Shakespere Flora, crown 8vo, 1883. Published at 5s.; large-paper copies, of which 350 were printed, published at 12s. 6d. 94 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Harvey (W. H.), Manual of British Marine Alga, 8vo, Van Voorst, 1849; 18s. - Phycologia Britannica; or, History of British Seaweeds, 4 vols., 8yo, 1846-51; £4 ; large paper, ,£8 (mor. ex.). - Phycologia Australica, a History of Australian Seaweeds, 5 vols., royal 8yo, 1858-63, coloured plates ; about =£3 10s. This work is got up in the same style as the “ Phycologia Britannica.” - Thesaurus Capensis, 2 vols., plates, Dublin, 8yo ; £1 16s. (cf. ex.); £1 9s. - Nereis Boreali-Americana; or, History of the Marine Alga of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, royal 4to, Washington, 1851-58; £1 10s. - Nereis Australis, 50 coloured plates, impl. 8vo; <£1 5s. Hassall (A. H.), History of the British Fresh-Water Alga, 2 vols., 8vo, 1845; «£2 15s. Another Edition, 2 vols., 8vo, 1852, rare; <£3 (cf. ex.). Heath (F. G.), The Fern World, 1877, 8vo; 3s. 6d. - Our Woodland Trees, 1878, 8vo; 3s. 6d. Hemsley (W. B.), Handbook of Hardy Trees, Sfc., based on the French work of MM. Decaisne and Naudin, London, 8vo, 1873; 12s. Hibherd (Shirley). This author published a large number of works, chiefly horticultural and botanical, and mostly in the nature of text-books. None are of much pecuniary value. Among the best known occur The Amateur's Greenhouse and Conservatory, 1873, 8vo; The Book of the Aquarium, 1860, 8vo; Familiar Garden Flowers, 5 vols., 8vo, 1879-87 ; Field Flowers, 1870, 8vo ; The Ivy, 1872, 4to; The Town Garden, 1855, 16mo. Hill (J.), The Vegetable Kingdom, London, 1756-76, folio, 26 vols.; <£1 15s. (cf.), published at 38 guineas. A magnificent work, now in little estimation. -- Exotic Botany, London, 1752, folio; plain, 7s. 6d.; coloured, 15s. Second Edition, London, 1772, folio; same value. - The British Herbal, London, 1756, folio; plain, 7s. 6d.; coloured, 16s. -- Flora Britannica, London, 1760, 8vo; 2s. - Herbarium Britannicum, London, 1770, 8vo, 2 vols.; 7s. Hooker (Sir J. D.), Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of the “ Erebus” and “ Terror ,” consisting of: i. Flora Antartica, 2 vols., roj'al 4to, 1847 ; n. Flora of New Zealand, 2 vols., royal 4to; in. The Flora of Tasmania, 2 vols., royal 4to, 1860. The six vols., 1847-60, royal 8vo, have sold by auction for the following sums: «£4 (cf. ex.); ,£21 (coloured plates). BOTANY. 95 Hooker (Sir J. D.), Himalayan Journals, 2 vols., 8vo, 1854; £1 5s. - Rhododendrons of the Sikkim-Himalaya, 30 large coloured plates, 1849, folio; =£1 12s. (cl.). - Students' Flora of the British Islands , London, 8vo, 1870; 5s. (cl.). Third Edition , 1884, 8vo; published at 10s. 6d. Hooker (Sir W. J.). This author wrote a large number of works on Botany and the allied subjects of Mosses, Seaweeds, Grasses, and the like; the following is a list of the better known ones: Journey of a Tour in Iceland in the Summer of 1809, 2 vols., 8vo; 8s. 6d. Second Edition, London, 2 vols., 1813; 8s. 6d. Muscologia Britannica, containing “ The Mosses of Great Britain and Ireland,” London, 8vo, 1818. Another Edition, London, 1827, 8vo. Another Edition, London, 1855. Value of each edition, <£1 5s., plain, and «£3 3s. coloured (cf. ex.). Musci Exotici, London, 1818-20, 2 vols., 8vo, coloured plates ; published at ,£8 8s., now worth £2; large paper about £4. Flora Scotica; or, a Description of Scottish Plants, London, 8vo, 1821; £1 (cf.). British Jungermannice, London, 1816, 4to; £10 (mor. ex.). Exotic Flora, Edinburgh, 1823-27, royal 8vo, 3 vols.; £2, £3 10s., published at 15 guineas. Botanical Illustrations, oblong 4to, 1822, in parts; plain, 5s.; coloured, 7s. 6d. Flora Boreali-Americana; or, the Botany of the Northern Parts of British America, London, 1829-40, 4to; 22 parts at £1 Is., each forming 2 vols., royal 4to, 240 plates; about £5 5s. Botanical Miscellany, London, 1830-33, royal 8vo, 3 vols.; £2. Journal of Botany, being a second series of the “ Bo¬ tanical Miscellany,” London, 1834-42, 4 vols., 8vo; 15s. Hlustrations of the Genera of Ferns, London, 1838-42, 12 parts forming 1 vol., impl. 8vo ; £3 10s. (cf. ex.). Flora of British India, 4 vols., 1875-82, 8vo; £2 12s. Companion to Curtis' Botanical Magazine , London, 1838, 2 vols., royal 8vo, coloured plates ; 15s. British Flora, numerous editions. Fifth Edition, London, 1842, 8vo; 10s.; or with coloured plates, 17s. 6d. 96 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Sixth Edition, London, 1850, 12mo; 13s. 6d. Seventh Edition , London, 1850, 12mo; 10s.; coloured plates, 15s. A Century of Orchidaceous Plants, London, 1848, 4to; £2 (cf. ex.). Notes on the Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of Captain Ross, London, 1843, 8vo; 3s. Victoria Regia, London, 1851, elephant folio, coloured plates ; £1. leones Plantarurn, London, 1837-41, 4 vols., 8vo, second and third series, bringing* the publication down to 1882, together 11 vols., London, 1837-82; £8 (mor.). leones Filicum, Figures and Descriptions of Ferns, London, 1829-31, folio, 2 vols.; £5 5s. (mor. ex.). A Century of Ferns, London, 1854, 4to; 8s.; coloured, =£1. Species Filicum, 5 vols., 1846-64, 8vo; £2 (plain). A Second Century of Ferns, impl. 8vo, 1864; <£1 5s. Synopsis Filicum, 8vo, 1868, coloured plates ; 17s. 6d. British Ferns, royal 8vo, 1861 ; 17s. 6d. Garden Ferns, royal 8vo, 1862; <£1. Horsfield (Thos.), Plantce Javanicce rariores, London, 1838-40, 1 vol., royal 4to, coloured plates; £1. Hussey (T. J.), Illustrations of British Mycology, first series, 1847, .£4 4s. Second series, 1855, =£4. Together, 2 vols., royal 4to, London, 1847-55; <£8 (mor. ex.). Jackson (B. D.), Guide to the Literature of Botany, London, 4to, 1881 ; 10s. 6d. (cl.). This work consists of a classified selection of botanical works, and is the leading book of its kind. Jacquin (N. J.), Stirpium Americanarum Historia, folio, Vin- dobonse, 1763, coloured plates; £22 (mor. ex.). - Flora Austriaca, coloured plates, 5 vols., folio, 1773-78; £23 (mor. ex.). - Hortus Botanicus Vindobonensis, coloured plates, 3 vols., folio, Vienna; £13 10s. (cf. ex.). -- Stapliarum in Hortis Vindobonensibus, Sfc., coloured plates, Vindobonae, 1806, folio; £7 10s. (mor. ex.). - Plantarurn Rariorum Horti Caesarei, Sfc., 1797-1804, coloured plates, folio; £21 10s. (mor. ex.). - leones Plantarurn Rariorum, coloured plates, 3 vols., folio, 1781-93; £26 (mor. ex.). Johnstone (W. G.) and Croall (A.), On Nature-printed British Seaweeds, 4 vols., royal 8vo, 1859; £2. BOTANY. 97 Keith. (P. K.), Botanical Lexicon , 8vo, London, 1837 ; 5s. - A System of Physiological Botany, London, 1816, 8vo, 2 yols.; 5s. 6d. Knapp (J. L.), Gramina Britannica; or, Description of British Grasses, London, 1804, 4to ; <£1. Second Edition , London, 1842, 4to, 118 coloured plates ; 15s. Lambert (A. B.), A Description of the Genus Pinus, London, 1803, elephant folio. There were a few copies very beautifully coloured offered for sale at about forty guineas; present value about =£6. A second volume of this work was published in 1824, and a third in 1837 ; value of the three volumes about <£25 (mor. ex.). The third is especially rare. In 1838 the first volume was reprinted with revised letterpress, and then the whole work was re-issued, enlarged by Professor Don, 3 vols., atlas folio, 1838; published at =£78 10s. A smaller Edition, London, 1832,72 coloured plates; <£3 (cf. ex.). Another Edition, impl. 8vo, London; <£2 (cf. ex.). - A Description of the Genus Cinchona, London, 1797,4to; 7s. 6d. Lawson (P. and C.), Agrostographia: a Treatise on Cultivated Grasses, Edinburgh, 1877, 4to; 6s. Leighton (W. A .), The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland, 12mo, 1872 ; 7s. 6d. Lindley (John), Collectanea Botanica, London, 1821, in 8 parts, folio; <£2 10s. - Digitalium Monographia, London, 1821, folio ; coloured, <£1. - Fossil Flora of Great Britain, 3 vols., 1831-37 ; <£1 Is. (plain). - leones Plantarum, London, 1821, folio, coloured plates; =£1. - Introduction to the Natural System of Botany , London, 8vo, 1830; 5s. Second Edition , London, 8vo, 1836; 7s. 6d. Third Edition, London, 8vo, 1839 ; 7s. 6d. Fourth Edition, London, 8vo, 2 vols., 1848 ; 12s. - Rosarum Monographia; or, a Botanical History of Roses, London, 1820, royal 8vo ; plain, 4s.; coloured, 7s. - Synopsis of the British Flora, London, 12mo, 1829. Another Edition , 12mo, 1835. A Third Edition, 1841 ; about 2s. 6d. each. - Introduction to Botany, London, 1835, 8vo. Another Edition, 8vo, 1839 ; 2s. 6d. each. - Sertum Orchidaceum; or, a Wreath of the most beautiful Orchidaceous Flowers, London, 1838-42, impl. folio ; published in 10 parts at <£1 5s. each, worth less than half that sum at the present date. - Pomologia Britannica, London, 1841, 3 vols., royal 8vo ; .£2. H 98 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Lindley (John), The Vegetable Kingdom, London, 8vo, 1846 ; 9s. Second Edition, 8vo, 1846 ; 9s. Third Edition, London, 1853; 12s. 6d. Linnaeus (Sir Charles), A General System of Nature, trans¬ lated by Turton, London, 1802-4, 7 vols., 8vo; .£1; with coloured plates, <£1 10s. See ante, page 64. There are hosts of translations of the works of this famous Botanist, but the principal English productions are as follow : Fundamenta Botanica, Edinburgh, 1740, 8vo. Termini Botanica, Edinburgh, 1770. Genera Plantarum, Edinburgh, 1771. Institutes of Botany, by Colin Milne, London, 1770-72-78, 4to : 7s. 6d. Elements of Botany, by Bose, London, 1775, 8vo; 2s. A Generic and Specific Description of British Plants, by Jenkinson, Kendal, 1775, 8vo ; 2s. A System of Vegetables, Lichfield, 1782-83, 8vo, 2 vols.; 10s. The Family of Plants, Lichfield, 1787, 2 vols., 8vo; 5s. A Dissertation on the Sexes of Plants, London, 8vo, 1786; Is. 6d. The Animal Kingdom, by Kerr, Edinburgh, 1792, 4to; 5s. 6d. Flora Lapponica, London, 8vo, 1792 ; 3s. 6d. Lachesis Lapponica, London, 2 vols., 8yo, 1811 ; 8s. Loudon (J. C.). The principal works of this author consist of Gardeners’ Manuals and Illustrations of Gardening, but he wrote the following Botanical Essays: Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum; or , the Trees and Shrubs of Britain, London, 8 yoIs., 8vo, 1838 ; £2 15s. (cf. ex.). Second Edition, 8 yoIs., 8vo, 1844; £4. Twenty-five copies were got up with coloured plates at <£25 each. An edition of this useful work was published in 1 vol., 8vo, London, 1842. Hortus Britannicus, a Catalogue of all the plants indige¬ nous, cultivated in, or introduced into Great Britain, London, 1830; subsequent editions of 1837, 1839, 1850, and 1855; less than <£1 each (cf. ex.). Encyclopedia of Plants, with Supplement, London, 1838; <£1. Second Edition , London, 8vo, 1855; <£1. Encyclopedia of Trees and Shrubs, London, 8vo, 1842; .£1. Loudon (Mrs.), The Ladies’ Flower Garden, comprising: (1) Ornamental Annuals, (2) Ornamental Perennials, (3) Orna¬ mental Bulbous Plants, (4) Ornamental Greenhouse Plants. The four volumes (sometimes bound in five), original edition, 1840-48, 8vo; <£3 10s. (cf. ex.). They are often sold separately. BOTANY. 99 London (Mrs.), British Wild Flowers , London, 1846, 4to, 60 coloured plates ; <£1. Lowe (E. J.), Natural History of English Grasses , royal 8vo, 1858; 7s. 6d. - Ferns, British and Exotic , 8 vols., royal 8vo, 1856-60; .£1 5s.; <£4 (coloured). Another Edition , 8 vols., royal 8vo, 1861-64; £2 (cf. ex.). - Natural History of New and Rare Ferns , 1862, 8vo; 12s. 6d. - Our Native Ferns , 8vo, 1865; 8s. Another Edition , 2 vols., royal 8vo ; 18s. Martins (C. F.), Genera et Species Palmarum , 3 vols., impl. folio, Monachii, 1823-50; £3 (cf. ex.). Martyn (John), Historia Plantarum rariorum , London, 1728-37, folio ; 12s. Martyn (Thomas), Flora Rustica , London, 4 vols., 8vo, 1792 ; £1 Is. These four volumes are often bound in one. -- The Language of Botany, being a Dictionary of the Terms made use of in that Science , London, 1793, crown 8vo ; 1795, 8vo; 1807, crown 8vo; 7s. 6d. each. Masters, Vegetable Teratology, London, 1869 (Bay Society); 8s. 6d. Maund (B.), The Botanic Garden , 6 vols., royal 8vo ; ,£3 (cf. ex.). Second Edition , published by Bell and Sons, 6 vols., 8vo, 1878; £2 2s. (cf.). -- The Botanist, 8 vols., 1839, 4to, sometimes found with coloured plates, and on large paper; ,£6 10s. (mor. ex., large paper, coloured plates, fine copy). Meyen, Botanical Geography (Bay Society), London; 5s. n.d. Moore (T.) and Lindley, The Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland, impl. folio, 1859 ; <£1 10s., <£1 Is., .£1 11s. Newman (E.), History of British Ferns, 8vo, 1844; 5s. Second Edition, 8vo, 12s.; or royal 8vo, large paper, £1. Parkinson (J.), Paradisi in Sole Paradisus terrestris, 1629, folio, rare ; <£7 10s. (cf. ex.), <£10 10s. (mor. ex.). - Theatrum Botanicum, the Theatre of Plants, 1640, folio; £2 12s., <£3 10s. (hf. mor.). Paxton (Sir Joseph), Magazine of Botany and Register of Flowering Plants , London, 1834-49, royal 8vo, 16 vols.; <£3 (cf.), published at <£20. -- A Pocket Botanical Dictionary, London, post 8vo, 1840, printed in exceedingly small type (diamond); 5s. Another Edition, 12mo, 1849; 5s. - The Flower Garden, London, 1850-53, 3 vols., royal 8vo; <£1 10s. (cf.). 100 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Pohl (J. M.), Plantarum Brasilia leones, 2 vols., folio, Vindo- bonaB, 1827-31; =£1, published at 45f thalers. Pratt (Anne), Flowering Plants of Great Britain, 6 vols., impl. 8vo; £2 10s. (coloured). Pritzel (G. A.), Thesaurus Literatures Botanicce, Lips., 1851, 4to. A second edition was published between the years 1872-77. This work is practically superseded, at any rate in this country, by Jackson’s “Guide to the Literature of Botany.” See Jackson. Pay (John), Historia Plantarum Generalis, London, 1686, 1704, 3 vols., folio; 15s. 6d. - Flora, Geres et Pomona, London, 1676, folio ; 5s. Reichenbach (H. G. L.), Iconographia Botanica, 12 vols., 4to, Leipsic, 1823-28; <£4 (cf.). - leones Flora Germanica, 22 vols., 4to, Lipsiae, 1834-68 ; £1 7s. (cf. ex.). Roseve (W.), Monandrian Plants of the order Scitaminea Liverpool, 1824-28, atlas folio, 112 coloured plates ; =£3 10s. (cf.), £7 16s. (mor. ex.). Roxburgh (W.), Plants of the Coast of Coromandel, London, atlas folio, 3 vols., 1795-1819; a good coloured copy sold at the Crawford Sale, in June, 1887, for £5 (cheapj. - Flora Indica; or, Description of Indian Plants, 2 vols., 8vo, 1820; 15s. 6d. New Edition, Serampore, 3 vols., 8vo, 1832; c£3. A very rare edition. Royle (J. F.), Illustrations of the Botany and other Branches of Natural History of the Himalayan Mountains, London, impl. 4to, 1833-39; <£2 10s., published at ,£11 11s. - Flora of Cashmere, 2 vols., coloured plates, 1839, folio; £2 8s. (cf. ex.). Rumphius (G. E.), Herbarium Amboinense , 6 vols., folio, Amsterdam, 1741-55; <£1 15s.; large paper, royal folio, about «£3. Seemann (B.), Flora Vitiensis, a Description of the Plants of the Fiji Islands, royal 4to, 1865-73; ,£4 6s. (cf. ex.). - Popular History of the Palms and their Allies, 1856, 8vo. - British Ferns, 1860, 8vo. - Journal of Botany from 1863; a complete set about <£10 (cf. ex.). - Botany of H.M.S. “ Herald ,” 100 plates, 1852-57, 4to; £1 8s. (plain). Selby (P. J.), History of the British Forest Trees, London, 8vo, 1842; 15s.; large paper, £1 Is. BOTANY. 101 Selby (P. J.), English Forests and Forest Trees, 1853, 8vo ; 16s. Siebold (P. F. de), Flora Japonica, 2 vols., impl. 4to, 151 coloured plates, Lugd. Bat., 1835-70; £17 5s., <£14 10s., .£16 (mor. ex.). Smith (Sir J. E.), Plantarum leones hactenus ineditce, London, 1789-90; 10s. - Spicilegium Botanicum, London, 1792, folio; 7s. 6d. - Flora Britannica, London, 1800, 12mo. Second Edition, London, 1816, 8vo. Third Edition, London, 1818, 12mo. Fifth Edition, London, 1828, 12mo; 4s. each. - Compendium of the English Flora, London, 1829, 12mo; the second and third editions of 1836 and 1844 respectively; all editions about 4s. 6d. each. - Exotic Botany, London, 2 vols., 4to, 1804-5 ; <£1. - An Introduction to Physiological and Systematic Botany, London, 1807, 8vo; 7s.; coloured plates, 10s. 6d. Second, third, fourth, and fifth editions of 1809, 1814, 1819,1825 respec¬ tively, of about the same value as the first edition. Seventh Edition, called “ An Introduction to the Study of Botany,” London, 1833, 8vo; published at 16s., or coloured £2 12s. 6d.; present value much less. Another Edition, London, 1836, post 8vo; 5s. Another Edition, London, 1838, post 8vo ; 5s. - A Grammar of Botany, London, 1821, 8vo ; coloured, 10s. Second Edition, London, 1826; 7s. 6d.; coloured, 10s. - The English Flora, First Edition, London, 1823-25, 3 vols., 8vo ; £1. Second Edition, London, 1828, 8vo, 4 vols. ; <£1. To this edition were added two volumes, in 1833 and 1844 respec¬ tively. The second edition will therefore be found to consist of 6 vols. ; <£2 10s. Sowerby (G. B.), The Ferns of Great Britain, and the Fern Allies, a Supplement, London, 1855, 8vo; plain, 15s.; coloured, £1 10s. Another Edition, Bohn, royal 8vo, 1859; plain, 7s. 6d.; coloured, 15s. -- British Wild Flowers, London, 1860, royal 8vo; plain, 17s. 6d. ; coloured, £1 10s. Re-issued with a “Supplement,” containing 180 figures of lately-discovered flowering plants, London, 1863; £1 15s. (cf. ex.). - Grasses of Great Britain, London, royal 8vo, 1860, coloured plates ; 17s. 6d. 102 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Sowerby (James). This author published inter alia the fol¬ lowing* works, the first of which is considered to be the standard work on the subject: English Botany, London, 1790-1840, 36 vols., royal 8vo, together with a Supplement containing 4 vols., royal 8vo. The complete work, with Supplement, ,£21 (hf. russ.). The Sup¬ plement is very scarce. Another Edition, 11 vols., royal 8vo, edited by Syme and Lancaster, 1863-72; about <£8 (cf. ex.). Gleanings of British Algce, London, 1833, royal 8vo; 10s. A Botanical Drawing-Book , London, 1789, 2nd ed., 1833, royal 16mo ; 7s. English Fungi , London, 1797-1809, folio, 32 numbers in 3 vols., and a Supplement and Index; from <£12 to .£17 (russ.). The Supplement is very scarce, and often wanting. Sweet (R.), Geraniacece, the Natural Order of Gerania , London, 1820-30, 5 yoIs., royal 8vo ; <£3 10s. (coloured). - The British Flower Garden, 7 yoIs., royal 8vo, London, 1823-28, coloured plates ; <£8. •- Flora Australasica; or, a Selection of Handsome or Curious Plants, Natives of New Holland, $c., London, 1827-28, 8vo, coloured plates; ,£1. - Cistinece; or, Natural Order of Rock Rose, royal 8vo, 112 coloured plates, 1824-30 ; <£2. - Hortus Britannicus, London, 1827, 8vo; 10s. Second Edition, 1830, royal 8vo, and Third Edition, 1839, royal 8vo; value about the same. Tripp (T. E.), British Mosses, 1868, 4to, 2 vols.; <£1. Turner (Dawson), The Natural History of Fuci, or Sea Weeds , London, 1808-18, royal 4to, 4 vols.; £5 10s. (hf. russ.); large paper and coloured, about <£10. Only twenty-five large-paper copies were printed. - Specimen of a Liclienographia Britannica; or, an Attempt at a History of British Lichens, Yarmouth, 1839, 8vo, privately printed ; 7s. 6d. Tyas (R.), Wild Flowers of England , coloured plates, 8vo, 1866; 10s. Wakefield (P.), Introduction to Botany, many editions ; 5s. each. Wight (Robert), Illustrations of Indian Botany, Glasgow, 1831, 4to, coloured plates ; <£1. Reprinted and continued in Hooker’s Botanical Miscellany. Also published at Madras, 1840-50, 2 vols., 4to ; <£3 10s. - leones Plant arum Indice Orientalis, Madras, 1840-53, 6 vols., 4to; <£3 10s. GEOLOGY. 103 Wiglit (Robert), Specilegium Neilgherrense , Madras, 1845-51, 2 vols., 4to, 202 coloured plates, rare ; <£5 (mor.). - Prodromus Floras Peninsulas Indies , London, 1834, 8vo ; 5s. Wilson (W.), Bryologia Britannica , several editions. The one of 1855 is a good one, 8vo, 61 coloured plates, rare; £4> 15s. Withering (William), A Systematic Arrangement of British Plants, London, 1830, 8vo, 4 vols.; published at £2 16s. Many editions, the fifth being the best; <£1 Is. - British Botany, many editions, all in 12mo; 7s. each. - Flowering Plants and Ferns of Great Britain, London, 1858, fcap. 8vo ; 5s. Wooster (D.), Alpine Plants, London, 2 vols., 8vo, 1872; <£1 10s. Published in two series. Botanical Soc«eties. Botanical Society of Edinburgh, Transactions of, from 1841 to date ; a complete set, <£6 10s. Botanical Society of London, dissolved. Horticultural Society, ' Transactions of, 1820-48 - Series I., 1820-30; Series II., 1831-48, 10 vols., 4to; £A 10s. Linnean Society, A Complete Set of Transactions , from the commencement in 1791, is worth about =£25 (cf. ex.). A Complete Set of the Proceedings, from 1838; <£9 (cf. ex.). - The Journal of Proceedings, from the commencement in 1857 to 1884, 17 vols., 8vo; <£1 12s. Geology. Agassiz (L.), Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles, 5 vols., royal 4to, Neuchatel, 1833-44 ; <£15 (mor. ex.). It is to be observed that sometimes this work is met with in 6 vols., and some¬ times in 10 bound in 5. The value is, however, in each case about the same. The set is made up of 5 vols. of text and 5 folio atlases of plates. -- Description des Echinodermes Fossiles de la Suisse, 4to, Neuchatel, 1839-40 ; ,£1. - Iconographie des Coquilles Tertiares, 4to, 1845 ; 7s. 6d. - Modele de mes Cadres de Fossiles, Paris, 1847; 10s. - Etudes sur les Glaciers, 8vo, 1840 ; 10s. 6d. - Etudes Critiques surlesMollusques Fossiles, 4to, 1840-45; 15s. - Monographie des Poissons Fossiles , Neuchatel, 1844; 5s. 104 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Agassiz (L.), Catalogue of Books on Zoology and Geology, Ray Society, 1848-54; <£1. Anstead (D. T.), Geology, 2 vols., 8vo, 1844 ; 10s., published at £2 2s. Bigsby, Thesaurus Siluricus, The Fauna and Flora of the Silurian Period, 4to, 1868 ; 7s. Brown (T.), Fossil Conchology, royal 4to, 1849; <£1 Is., or with coloured plates, about £2. - Recent Conchology, royal 4to, 1844 ; published at <£3 3s., present value 15s. to <£1 (coloured plates). Bnckland (Rev. William), Reliquice Diluviance, London, 1823, 4to; 7s. 6d. Second Edition, 1824, 4to ; 7s. 6d. Campbell (J. F.), Frost and Fire, Edinburgh, 1865; 10s. Cuvier (Baron), Fossil Remains of the Animal Kingdom, 1 vol., 15s.; royal 8vo, 20s.; coloured plates, <£2 (cf. ex.). Delabecbe (H. T.), Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somersetshire, thick 8vo, 1839 ; 5s. Dixon (F.), Geology and Fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous Formations of Sussex , royal 4to, 1850 ; 12s. Another Edition, ,£1. Falconer (H.) and Cantley (T.), Notice of Fossil Quadrumana, 1837, 4to ; 2s. - Fauna Antiqua Sivalonis, 1846-66 ; <£1 10s. Falconer (H.) and Walker (H.), Catalogue of the Fossil Remains of Vertebrata from the Sewalik Hills, Calcutta, 1859 ; 5s. Falconer (H.), Palaeontological Memoirs and Notes, 2 vols., 8vo, 1868; 12s. 6d., published at <£2 2s. Forbes (J. D.), Travels through the Alps of Savoy, royal 8vo, Edinburgh, 1843; £1 5s. - Norway and its Glaciers, Edinburgh, 1853; <£1 10s. Geological Magazine (The), from the commencement in 1864 to 1887, 24 vols., plates, 8vo; .£3 3s. (cf.). Geologist Magazine (The), 1858 to 1884, 22 vols., 8vo ; £3 8s. (cf.). Griffith and McCoy, Synopsis of the Silurian Fossils of Ireland, royal 4to, Dublin, 1846 ; 5s. Griffiths (Richard), Geological and Mining Surveys, 1814-18, 8vo, 2 vols.; 7s. - Synopsis of the Characters of the Carboniferous Limestone Fossils of Ireland, 1844; 12s. 6d. Hawkins (T.), Memoirs of Ichthyosauri and Plesiosauri. Extinct Monsters, impl. folio, 1834; 10s., published at £1 10s. GEOLOGY. 105 Hibbert (S.), Description of the Shetland Islands, 4to, Edin¬ burgh, 1822; d£l, published at .£3 3s. Jameson (R.), A System of Mineralogy, Edinburgh, 1820, 3 vols., 8vo; 15s. A most excellent work on the Wernerian system. There were two previous editions before the one of 1820, each published at Edinburgh, and consisting of 3 vols., 8vo ; about 8s. 6d. - An Outline of the Mineralogy of the Shetland Isles and the Isles of Arran , Edinburgh, 1798, royal 8vo; 10s. - Mineralogy of the Scottish Isles, Edinburgh, 1800, 2 vols., 4to; 16s. - A Mineralogical Description of the County of Dumfries , Edinburgh, 1805, 8vo; 5s. - A Treatise of the Characters of Minerals , many editions, 8vo; 3s. each. - Theory of the Earth, 8vo, 1827; 4s. Knox (R.), Descriptions, Geological, $c., in Eastern Yorkshire , royal 8vo, 1855 ; 7s. Landseer (J.), Sabcean Researches, 4to, 1823; =£1, published at £2 12s. 6d. Lindley (J.) and Hutton, Fossil Flora of Great Britain, London, 1831-37, 3 vols., 8vo; <£2 5s. (cf. ex.). Another Edition, 1872, 3 vols., 8vo ; ,£2. Lyell (Sir Charles), Principles of Geology, London; 3 vols., 1830-33, 8vo. Second Edition , London, 1832-33, 8vo ; Yol. III., London, 1833, 8vo. Third Edition of the entire work, London, 1834, 4 vols., 12mo. - Elements of Geology, London, 1838, 12mo. Second Edition, London, 1841, 2 vols., 12mo. The most recent editions of these invaluable text-books are as follow: Principles of Geology, 2 vols., 1875; published at <£1 12s. The Elements of Geology, 1890, 8vo; published at 9s. Macarius (J.), Abraxas seu Apistopistus , 4to, 1657-1665; 10s. (cf.). Maccullocb. (John), A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, London, 1819, 2 vols., 8vo, with 4to atlas; ,£1 2s., .£1 5s. 6d. - A Geological Classification of Rocks, London, 1821, 8vo ; 5s. - System of Geology and Theory of the Earth, Edinburgh, 1831, 2 vols., 8vo; 8s. 106 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Mantell (G. A.), The Fossils of the South Downs, London, 1822, 4to, coloured plates; <£2. This author wrote several other works on the subject of Geology. The following is a list of the more important: Geology of the South-East Coast of England, London, 8vo, 1833; 5s. Illustrations of the Geology of Sussex , London, royal 4to, 1827; .£1. Wonders of Geology , of which there are many editions, principally 2 vols., 8vo; about 7s. 6d. each. Medals of Creation, London, 1844, fcap. 8vo, 2 vols. ; 6s. 6d. New Edition, revised, with coloured plates, &c., 2 vols., post 8vo; 9s. Pictorial Atlas of Fossil Remains, London, 1850, 4to, 74 coloured plates ; <£1. Petrifactions and their Teachings, London, post 8vo, 1851 ; 4s. 6d. Murchison (R. J.), Silurian System, founded on Geological Researches, 2 vols., impl. 4to, 1839 ; £1 10s. It should be seen that a 4to map is with the edition, otherwise the value of the volume is much impaired. - The Geology of Russia in Europe, 2 vols., royal 4to, 1845-48 ; £2 (cf. ex.). - Siluria, a History of the Oldest Roclcs in the British Islands, 1867, 8vo; 15s. Owen (Professor), Catalogue of the Palaeontological Series of Fossil Remains, London, 1856, 3 vols., 4to; =£1 5s. (cf. ex.). - A Description of the Fossil Mammalia Collected during the Voyage of the “ Beagle,” London, 1838, 4to; <£1 10s. See “ Scientific Voyages and Travels,” post, page 108. - Description of the Skeleton of an Extinct Gigantic Sloth, London, 1843, 4to; <£1. - History of British Fossil Mammalia, London, 1846, 8vo, «£1; royal 8vo, £2 (mor. ex.). - Monograph of the Fossil Reptilia of the Cretaceous Forma¬ tion, London, 1849-57, 4to ; =£3 10s. (hf. russ.). - On the Classification and Geological Distribution of Mam¬ malia, London, 1859, 8vo; 5s. -- History of British Fossil Reptiles, 4 vols., plates, 1849-84; <£3 15s. (mor. ex.). - Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia of South Africa, 1876, 4to; £2 (mor. ex.). For a list of other works by Owen, see the “ Bibliographia Zoologica” (Pay Society). GEOLOGY. 107 Parkinson (J.), Organic Remains of a former World, London, 1804-8-11, 3 vols., 4to; about ,£5. There is a reprint in facsimile, published by Nattali, 1833, 3 vols., 4to, worth about <£1 (cf.)« Fasserius (J. B.), Novus Thesaurus, Roma, 1779-97 ; £1 4s., £1 8s. 6d. Phillips (John), Geology of Yorkshire, a Description of its Strata and Organic Remains , London, 1829-36, 2 vols., 4to; £2. - Palceozoic Fossils of Cornwall and Devon, London, 1841, 8vo; 7s. - Manual of Geology, London, 1855, post 8vo; 5s. Another Edition, 2 vols., 8vo, 1885; £1 5s. (cf. ex.). - Mining and Metallurgy of Silver , 8vo, 1867; <£2 16s. (cf. ex.). Sedgwick (A.) and McCoy, Synopsis of the Classification of British Palceozoic Rocks, 3 parts, forming 1 thick impl. 4to vol., 1851-55; <£1. Simpson (M.), Fossils of the Yorkshire Lias, 12mo, 1855 ; 4s. Sowerby (G. B.), Popular Mineralogy, comprising a Familiar Account of Minerals, London, 1850, 8vo ; 5s. Other editions of about the same value. Sowerby (James), British Mineralogy, London, 1804-17, 5 vols.; published in 84 numbers at <£17 5s.; present value, £4 10s. (hf. russ.). -- Exotic Mineralogy, London, 1811-17, royal 8vo, 28 numbers, forming 2 vols. The 7 vols. of British and Exotic Mineralogy, which are usually sold together, have recently brought (coloured plates) «£6 15s., £6 7s. 6d., <£12 (mor. ex., g. e.). -- The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain, London, 1812-46, 6 vols., royal 8vo; £13 (cf. ex.). The Supplement to the above, royal 8vo, 1840-46 ; £2. Now out of print and rare. - Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells, London, 1822-34, 2 vols.; about £3 (cf. ex.). Tassie (James), A Descriptive Catalogue of a General Collection of Gems, London, 1791, 4to, 2 vols.; £3 5s., £2 5s. Wilkinson (G.), Practical Geology, royal 8vo, 1845; 6s. Worlidge (T.), Select Collection of Drawings from Curious Antique Gems, London, 2 vols., 8vo, 1768 ; £4 16s., £4 4s., £5 10s. This work will sometimes be found in 1 vol. and sometimes again in 2 or even 3 vols. Young (G.), Geological Survey of the Coast of Yorkshire, 1822, 4to ; 15s. Second Edition, 1828, 4to ; 15s. 108 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Societies. Geological Society of London, Transactions —First Series, 1807-20, 4to, 5 yoIs. ; Second Series, 1824-56, 4to, 7 vols. A very rare set; <£20 (cf. ex.). Proceedings of the same Society, 4 vols., 1826-45; <£5, scarce. - Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society from the com¬ mencement in 1845-85, 8vo; <£10 10s. (hf. russ.). Falaeontographical Society, Monographs of British Fossils from the commencement in 1848-84, 39 vols., 4to, plates; £10 10s. (cf. ex.). Scientific Voyages and Travels. Books of this class deal with many, and in some instances all, of the sciences already enumerated; and under these circumstances we have thought it better to arrange them under a separate heading, rather than under any one of the classes of subjects upon which they treat. There have from time to time been fitted out, either at the public expense or privately, scientific expeditions to different countries, under the charge of scientists of the highest repute, assisted by others of experience in their own departments; and an account of the various expeditions has, in many cases, been embodied in a suitable publication. We conse¬ quently append a list of works describing these scientific voyages, premising that each of the works referred to contains chapters or sections exclusively devoted to one particular branch of scientific study, so that in the compass of a single publication the reader will often find a store of valuable learning relating to a number of subjects which have already been referred to in the preceding pages. Astrolabe, Voyage of the. A perfect set of these Voyages con¬ sists of 12 vols., royal 8vo; 5 vols., impl. folio, and 2 other volumes. The work contains accounts of researches in en¬ tomology, botany, and meteorology, and is worth about <£20 (mor. ex.). Published in Paris, 1830-35. Beagle, Voyage of the , under the command of Captain Fitzroy, consisting of 5 vols., royal 4to, 1839-43. Edited by C. Darwin. SCIENTIFIC VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 109 Contents : Fossil Mammalia, Mammalia, Birds, Fish, Reptiles. £10 (cf. ex.). Beagle, Voyage of the, by Stokes, 2 vols., 8vo, 1846 ; 17s. 6d. Blossom, Voyage of the. Beechey’s Zoology of the Pacific and Behring’s Straits, 4to, 1839 ; £2 (hf. russ.). This work embraces a great quantity of information on most of the subjects already referred to. The same author, Captain F. W. Beechey, pub¬ lished other works, containing frequent references to scientific subjects. Byron (Capt.), Voyage of H.M.S. “ Blonde” to the Sandwich Islands, map and plates, 1826, 4to; =£1 6s. Challenger, Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of the “ Challenger” during the years 1873-76, 20 vols., impl. 4to; £32 10s. (mor. ex.). Coquille, Voyage de la, par J. L. Duperrey, 8 vols., impl. 4to, Paris, 1826-30 ; =£15 (cf. ex.). There are also six Atlases in folio belonging to the set. Cura9oa, Voyage of the, impl. 8vo, London, 1873 ; =£1. u Erebus ” and “ Terror,” Antarctic Voyage of the, complete in 24 parts, royal 4to, edited by J. Richardson and J. E. Gray, coloured, 1844-75; =£20, or thereabouts (mor. ex.). This work includes notes on almost every subject which can fairly be classed under the head of Zoology. Herald, Zoological Voyage of the, Sotheran and Co., royal 4to; published at <£2 2s. Horsefield (T.), Zoological Researches in Java and the Neigh¬ bouring Islands, 8 parts, complete, royal 4to, 1824; £1 15s. (mor. ex.). Humboldt (Baron), Voyages aux Regions Equinoxiales de Nouveau Continent, 8 vols., atlas folio, and 6 vols., colombier folio, Paris, 1805-34. Translated into English by Williams, 7 vols., 8vo, 1818-29; £2 2s. The French edition is rare, and commands prices ranging between £15 and £25, according to condition and colouring. B*echerche, Voyage de la, complete in 8 vols., 8vo; 1 vol., 4to; and 2 vols., impl. folio, Paris, 1838-52 ; £10. A second part of the above, consisting of 16 vols., 8vo, and 3 vols., impl. folio, Paris, 1838-52, is also to be met with; about £15. The first and second parts sold together would be worth £25, or thereabouts (mor.). Hichardson (John), Swainson (William), and Kirby (W.), Fauna Boreali-Americana, or the Zoology of North America , containing Descriptions of the Subjects Collected in the late Northern Expedition under Sir John Franklin, 4 vols., 4to, 1829-37, 110 plates; £7 7s. (cf. ex.). 110 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Samarang, Voyage of the, in the Eastern Seas, 1848-50, com¬ plete in 7 parts, royal 4to, 55 coloured plates ; <£3. Spratt (T. A. B.), Travels and Researches in Crete , 2 vols., 8vo, 1865; 12s. 6d. - Travels in Lycia, 2 vols., 8vo, 1847; 12s. 6d. Sulphur, Voyage of the, in 8 parts, containing references to ichthyology, ornithology, mammalia, and mollusca. Parts 9 and 10 were announced but never published. The parts are worth about 17s. 6d. each. United States Exploring Expedition During the Tears 1838-42, Philadelphia, 1841-58. A complete set of these volumes is very seldom met with; they were published at different times and at different places, and a set does not always consist of the same number of volumes. Uranie et Physicienne, Voyage Autour du Monde, consisting of 2 vols. of the History of the Voyage, 1 vol. on Zoology, 1 vol. on Botany, and others on Meteorology and Magnetism. A complete set is worth <£10, or thereabouts (cf. ex.). Wallace, The Malay Archipelago, the Land of the Ourang-Outang and the Bird of Paradise, 2 vols., post 8vo, 1869; <£1 Is. CHAPTER IX.. Works on Occult Philosophy. Of late years considerable interest seems to have been manifested in works on this subject, which under one title or another is continually being introduced to the public notice. All books, or at least such of them as have the advantage of antiquity in their favour, are eagerly bought up, and are now so difficult to obtain that they very seldom make their appearance in the market at all. When they do, it is usually at a high price, which seems indeed to be steadily increasing as time goes on. A very extensive list of old books upon magic and witchcraft will be found in Scribner’s Biblio¬ theca Diabolica (New York, 1874), and a description of the newly published ones in the catalogues of George Redway, the publisher. To these the reader is referred for any further information he may require. A list of works on spiritualism may be obtained of Mr. Burn, Southampton Row. Agricola (Georgius), Be Animantibus Subterraneis , several editions, the first published in 1549, small 8vo, Frobenius; from £1 to £2. Other Editions, 1561, 1614, and 1621, all of the same value. No English translation. Agrippa (Sir Henry), Works on Occult Philosophy, Opera Omnia, Lugd., 1531, 2 vols., 8vo; £2. Ditto, Leyden, 1550, 2 vols., 8vo ; £2. 112 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Agrippa (Sir Henry), Of the Vanity of Arts and Sciences , London, 4to, 1569 ; <£1 10s. Another Edition , 1676, 8vo; 5s. - Three Boohs of Occult Philosophy, London, 1641, 4to; £2. - A Fourth Booh of Occult Philosophy, translated by Turner, London, 1665, 4to; <£1. This is considered to be spurious. Alchabitius, Libellus Ysagogicus , 4to, n.d. (c. 1500); £2. Arrais, Arbor Vitce , 8vo, 1683; 13s. The only edition extant. Artemidorus on Dreams, Ludg. apud Gryph, 1546, 8vo; £2. An edition of 1755, about 7s. 6d.; other editions also at the same price. This work is without doubt the best work of the kind on the subject. The author spent the whole of his life in the collection of facts, from which he attempted to draw logical deductions. Artephius, De Transmutatione Metallica , Paris, 1612; £2 5s. A work of great utility to the searchers after the Philosopher’s Stone. Barrett (F.), Magus, 4to, London, 1801; £1 10s. (boards). There is a reprint in fac-simile of this edition ; £1. Baxter (A.), An Enquiry into the Nature of the Human Soul, London, 1745, 8vo, 2 vols., Appendix, 1750, 1 vol.; 16s., third and best edition. The Appendix is of rare occurrence. Baxter (R.), Certainty of the World of Spirits, 18mo, 1834; 6s. Many other editions, all of about the same value. Bellmen (I.), Worhs by Law, London, 1764-81, 4 vols., 4to, with explanatory plates ; £5 5s. (cf.). Bequinus and Sandivogius, A New Light of Alchemy, with a Treatise on Sulphur , 8vo, 1674 ; £1 10s. Bodinus, de la Demonomanie des Sorciers , 8vo, Anvers, 1593; 10s. 6d. Other editions same value. Boissardus, De Divinatione et Magicis Prcestigiis, Oppenheim, n.d., folio; £1 10s. Reprints of 1611 and 1615 are worth about £1 each. Boulton, A Compleat History of Magic, London, 1715-16, 2 vols., 12mo; £1. Bovet (R.), Pandemonium, or the DeviVs Cloyster , being a Further Blow to Modern Sadduceism, proving the Existence of Witches and Spirits, 12mo, 1684; £2 2s. Calmet (A.), The Phantojn World; or, the Philosophy of Spirits, 2 vols., 8vo, 1850 ; 10s. Camerarius, De Natura et Effectionibus Dcemonum. There is generally found bound up with this a short treatise on sorcerers, entitled “ De Yeneficis quos olim sortilegos.” Small 8vo, 1575 ; £1 10s OCCULT PHILOSOPHY. 113 Campanella (T.), De sensu rerum et Magia, 4to, Francoforte, 1620 ; <£i. Another Edition , 4to, 1636, Paris; <£1. This is one of the works written by the author while undergoing his twenty-sever years’ imprisonment at Naples, and after being put sever, times on the rack. In it he maintains that the earth is a large animal. Cardan (Jerome), a famous physician and mathematician. All his writings are tinged with astrology and witchcraft. The best edition of his works is in 10 vols., folio, Lugd., 1663; value about <£12. There is no English translation of any of his works. Casaubon (M.), Treatise Proving Spirits and Witches by Pregnant Instances , 8vo, 1672 ; =£1 5s. Christmas (Henry), The Cradle of the Twin Giants , 2 vols., post 8vo, 1849; 15s. - Echoes of the Universe , post 8vo, 1863; 3s. 6d. Cicogma (S.), Magice Omnifarice vel potius Universes Naturae , Cologne, 8vo, 1607 ; 16s. Cohausen, Hermippus Redivivus ; or, the Sage's Triumph over Old Age and the Grave , several editions, 1742, 1749, 1771, and others ; about <£1 each. Collin (De Plancy), The Infernal Dictionary , 4 vol3., 8vo, Paris, 1825-26; <£1 10s. This is the best edition, and is written in French. Dee (John), A True and Faithful Relation of what passed for many years between Dr. Dee and some Spirits, 1659, 4to; £4 10s. (mor.). Defoe (Daniel), The History of the Devil; the first edition, pub¬ lished in 1726, is worth about 25s.; second edition, 1726; other editions, 1734, 1739, 1770; about 10s. 6d. each. Delrio, Disquisitionum Magicarum , many editions in or about the years 1599-1624; about <£1 10s. each. Ennemoser (J.), The History of Magic , translated by Howell, 2 vols., post 8vo, 1854 ; 15s. Perrier (J.), An Essay Towards a Theory of Apparitions , 8vo, 1813; 12s. Pludd (Robert), Opera , Oppenheim, 1617-38, folio, 6 vols. The collection to be complete should consist of 17 parts, and should be accompanied by the “ Tractatus de Rosea Cruce Defendens,” 8vo, 1617; about <£15. Isaac D’lsraeli, in his “ Curiosities of Literature,” states that in his time as much as <£40 had to be given for a single volume. Gadbury (J.), Collectio Geniturarum , small folio, 1662 ; <£1 10s. I 114 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Gaffarel (J.), TJnheard-of Curiosities, 8vo, 1650; £2. A work on Talismans. - Curiositates Inauditce, Hamburg, 1706 ; 20s. Gimma (H.), Dissertationum Academicarum , 4to, Naples, 1714 ; £1. A very curious book. Glanvil (J .), Saducisimus Triumphatus; or, Full and Plain Evidence Concerning Witches. Several editions, of which the best is the fourth, published in-1727; about <£2. The others are worth about £1 10s. each. Godwin (Wm.), Lives of the Necromancers, London, 8vo, 1834 ; 12s. There is a cheaper edition. Grillandus (P .), Be Hereticis et Sortilegiis, Lugd., 1536, 8vo, also Frankfort, 1592, 8vo ; from <£1 to <£1 10s. each. Helvetins (J. F.), Tractatus de Physiognomia, 8vo, 1676; <£1. The same author also wrote a treatise entitled “ The Golden Calf, concerning the Transmutation of Lead into Gold,” London, 1670, 8vo ; <£2 (mor. ex.). Hermes, Mercurius Trismegistus, the Pymander of, in 17 books, and the Asclepius in one, by Everard. London, 1657, 12mo ; £2 10s.; recently reprinted by Robert Fryer, of Bath, 10s. 6d. Hutchinson, An Historical Essay concerning Witcherafr, 8vo, 1718; 15s. Another Edition, 8vo, 1720; 15s. Irhovius (G.), De Palingenesia Veterum, Amst., 4to, 1733 ; £1. A very good work, and perhaps the only one giving a clear account of the Metempsychosis of Pythagoras. Jamhlichns, Be Mysteriis, Yen. ap. Aid. 1497, folio, editio princeps, a rare and interesting specimen of the Aldine Press; £3 10s., £4 5s. Another Aldine Edition, folio, 1510 ; also Lugd., 1549, 1557 ; Oxon, 1678; Amst., 1707 ; from £1 to £2 each. - De Vita Pythagoras , Roma, 1556, 4to ; also Franc., 4to, 1598; Arnh., 4to, 1668 ; from £1 10s. to £2 each. There is a trans¬ lation by Taylor, 1818, 8vo; £1 10s. Jennings (H.), The Rosicrucians, their Rites and Mysteries, crown 8vo, 1880 ; 8s. A very learned and interesting work. Kelly (Sir Edward), De Lapide Philosophorum, 12mo, Ham¬ burgh, 1676 ; £1. Lavater, De Spectris, 12mo, 1659; 15s. Many editions of this work, all worth from 10s. to 15s. each. Le Loyer, Livres des Spectres ou Apparitions, 2 vols., 4to, Angers, 1586 ; £2. OCCULT PHILOSOPHY. 115 Lemnius (L.), Occulta Naturae Miracula, Ant., 1561, 1567, 8vo; Col. Ag., 1573 ; Franc., 1611, 12mo ; Amst.. 12mo ; Lugd. Bat., 1666, 16mo, and an English edition, London, 1658, folio. There are various other editions, the value of which may be stated to range from 15s. to 20s. each. Lilly (William), History of his Life and Times , written by him¬ self, London, 1715, 12mo; 15s. - England's Prophetical Merlin, 1644, 4to ; «£2 5s. - A Collection of the Prophecies , Ancient and Modern, which concern these Times , London, 1645, 4to ; £1 10s. - Christian Astrology , 4to, London, 1659 ; £2. - Introduction to Astrology, a new edition, by Zadkiel, Bohn, 1852, post 8vo; 5s. One of the best Manuals of Astrology. Lully (Baymond). The works of this author are numerous, and treat of Theology, Law, and many other grave subjects, in a style which the author of the “ Bibliotheca Britannica ” calls “truly barbarous.” His works have been published col¬ lectively, Argent., 1598 et 1617, in 8vo ; about £2 10s.; but, as in other cases, any arbitrary price may be fixed, for if the books only get in the market, they are bought up imme¬ diately. As much as <£5 5s. has been demanded and doubtless obtained. Malleus Malificarum, by Sprenger and Institor, a very curious book, advocating the burning and torturing of witches. Many editions, any one of which may sometimes be met with for about «£1. Maury, La Magie et VAstrologie dans V Antiquite et au Moyen Age, Paris, 1864, crown 8vo; 5s. Mengo (H.), Flagellum Dcemonum , small 8vo, 1683-97; <£1. Containing formulae for the casting out and punishment of demons and devils. Middleton (John), Practical Astrology, small 8vo, 1679; 16s. Naude (G.), A History of Magic, an English translation by Daire, 8vo, 1657 ; .£1. Nostradamus (M.) published a number of works on the occult sciences, chiefly Astrology. Owen (B. D.), The Debateable Land between this World and the next, post 8vo, 1871; 12s. Paracelsus. The most complete edition of this author’s works is that of 1658, 3 vols. in 2, folio, Geneva; <£3. His treatise on the “Nature of Things” was translated into English by J. French, and published at London in 1650 ; .£1. There are also other translations of indifferent merit of separate portions of his works, but none of the whole. i 2 116 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Pearce (A. J.), The Text-Book of Astrology, London, 8yo, 1879; 7s. Pereruis (B.), Be Magia, 12mo, 1612; 7s. 6d. Picus (Mirandula), Omnia Opera, Bologne, 1496 ; Venice, 1498 ; £2 10s. Also Strasburg, 1504; Basil, 1557, 1573, 1601, all in folio; from 25s. to 30s. each. Placidus (De Titus), Primum Mobile, by Cooper, London; 10s. Polidorus (V.), Practica Exorcistarum, Patavii, 8vo, 1585; 15s. Porta (J. B.), Natural Magic, London, 1658, folio, an English edition; 18s. Ptolemy’s Quadripartite, by Ashmand, Lond., 1822 ; 15s. to £1. Ramesey (W.), Astrology Restored, London, 1653, folio; =£1 5s. Raphael, A Manual of Astrology ; or, the Book of the Stars, 1828, 8vo ; £1 5s. A very curious book, containing several coloured plates of apparitions and demons. - Guide to Astrology , 2 vols., 12mo, London, 1880; 6s. Reichenbach, Researches on Magnetism, fyc., translated by W. Gregory, 8vo, 1850; value 5s. This is one of the greatest authorities on Mesmerism, and from it the reader will obtain the names of other works on the same subject. Remigius, Doemonolatreioe, Col. Agrip., 1596; 15s. Ripley, The Compound of Alchemy, London, 1591, 4to ; £2 2s.; also a companion work, entitled “ Ripley Revived,” by Phila- lethes, 8vo, 1678; £1 10s. Salverte (Eusebe), The Philosophy of Magic, London, 1846, 8vo, 2 vols.; 7s. 6d. Sandivogius, Novum Lumen Chymicum, Venetiis, 1644, 8vo ; £1 10s. Also an English translation, entitled “New Chirur- gical Light taken out of the Fountain of Nature.” Also nine books on the “Nature of Things,” by Paracelsus, with a Chemical Dictionary, London, 4to, 1650; <£1 10s. Scott (R.), The Discoverie of Witchcraft, 4to, London, 1584; £7 to £10. Another Edition , 1651; £3 10s. Third Edition, 1665; £3. Nicholson’s Reprint of the First Edition of 1584, thick 4to (London: Stock), published at £2 2s., now worth about £1 5s. Shemaya (Ebn), The Star, 8vo, 1839 ; 7s. 6d. Sibly (E.), Astronomy and Elementary Philosophy, London, 1790, 4to ; £1. - Astrology; or, Complete Illustrations of the Occult Sciences, London, 1790, 4to, 2 vols.; £2 2s. OCCULT PHILOSOPHY. 117 Sibly (E.), Astrology; or, Complete Illustrations of the Occult Sciences , new ed., London, 1811, 4to ; <£2. Another Edition , 1826, 4to; M2. There is a fourth part of this work on Astrology, entitled “ Key to Physic and the Occult Science of Astrology,” London, n.d., 4to ; c£l. - Theatrum Chemicum , a collection of works on Alchemy and the Philosophers’ Stone, 4 vols., 8vo, Argent., 1659; M2. Thyrseus (P.), De Dcemoniacis, 1vol., 4to, Col. Agrip., 1594; <£1 10s. Trithemius (J.), Poly graphics, accessit Clavis, 8vo, Cologne, 1671; Ml 10s. Valentine (B.), The Triumphant Chariot of Antimony, London, 1678, 8vo; M2. In this singular work the author boasts of supernatural assistance. Van Helmont, Discourses concerning the Microcosm of Man. Van Helmont’s works, complete, 1 vol., folio, Lugduni, 1667 ; from M2 to .£3. The best edition. Webster (John), The Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft, London, 1677, folio ; ,£2 ; large paper, ,£3 10s. Wierus (J.), De Prestigiis Doemonum, Basil, 1583, 4to; «£1 10s. There are also several 8vo editions of different dates, worth about 15s. each. Wilson (J.), A Complete Dictionary of Astrology, 2 vols., 8vo; =£1. Another Edition, 1 vol., 1819 ; 12s. 6d. CHAPTER X. Works on Law and General Science. To give a list of works upon Law would answer no practical purpose, since few people, save those whose business it is to study the subject, would think of spending their money in the collection of works relating to it. Still, if only for the purpose of making the list as complete as possible, it may be worth while to enumerate some of the standard treatises. It is often said that every man should know something of the law, which he assists in making, and by which he is governed and to which he has to conform; and by way of gaining this knowledge many people purchase and sometimes, read works of general application embracing every phase of the law, and professing to treat it “popularly.” A favourite work is “ Every Man’s own Lawyer,” pub¬ lished at the suggestive price of 6s. 8d., and in the hands of a skilled lawyer the book is not without its merits. To anyone else, however, it might be a source of mischief, for it is impossible to compress into an 8vo volume of whatever thickness even a tithe of the sub¬ jects upon which it is necessary to treat. The consequence is that the information afforded is so meagre that a case exactly, or even nearly, in point is seldom to be met with. The reader will probably find something which he considers to be analogous; but as he knows LAW. 119 nothing of the reasons which prompt any particular assertion, it is not surprising that the analogy should frequently fail when brought to a practical test. Slater’s “ Guide to the Legal Profession ” (London: L. Upcott Gill, price 7s. 6d.) forms a practical treatise on the various methods of entering either of its branches, and gives a course of study for each of the examinations. It is a complete guide to every department of Legal preparation, and is without doubt the best and most comprehensive work on the subject. Anyone who seeks to study Law, or any particular branch of it, must commence at the beginning, and the only available method of doing this is to obtain a firm grasp of the reasons which prompt every assertion made. A man of average intelligence will soon draw fair de¬ ductions from the collected premises, and, if he is possessed of property, will at any rate avoid many difficulties that he might otherwise have become in¬ volved in. The works given below are standard works usually read by beginners, and it must be observed that the latest editions only should be purchased, and for these, of course, the published prices (less discount) will have to be paid. These prices are affixed. Law. The Law of Real Property, that is, the law relating to land, and the different kinds of tenures : Williams on the “ Law of Real Property”; .£1 Is. The Law of Personal Property, that is, the law relating to goods and chattels : Williams on the “ Law of Personal Property”; .£1 Is. The Law of Contracts, or the law which governs agreements respecting property of any kind, popularly called “ Commercial Law” : Indermaur’s “ Principles of the Common Law ” ; <£1. The Law of Torts, or the law relating to private injuries, such as assault, slander, libel, false imprisonment, &c.: Under¬ hill on “ Torts ” ; 9s. See also Indermaur, supra . 120 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Equity, or the law as administered by the Courts of Chancery: Snell’s “ Equity ” ; «£1 5s. Criminal Law : Oke’s “ Magisterial Synopsis ” ; <£3 3s. The Law Relating 1 to Landlord and Tenant: 1. Redman and Lyon on the “ Law of Landlord and Tenant ” ; 10s. 6d. 2. Woodfall’s “ Landlord and Tenant”; <£1 18s. There are, of course, many other branches of law and numberless works on practice continually being pub. lished and re-issued; but, so far as the former are concerned, it will be found for the most part that they are sufficiently treated of in the books already mentioned, while works relating to practice are of no interest, except in the hands of persons engaged in following the regular routine of the Courts. As a rule, old law books are of no value; but this does not apply to the “ Reports,” collections of which form part of every law library. Some of these are both scarce and valuable, though purchasers are few and far between. In conclusion, the best advice that can be given to dabblers in law is to study it as every other difficult science is studied, by a logical drawing of conclusions from premises, and this can only be done after a careful perusal of standard works on the subject. To know how to avoid an error is better than to remedy one, however scientifically the latter process may be accom¬ plished, and the man who has this knowledge is the better lawyer. General Science. Aristotle, The Complete Works of, translated and illus¬ trated by Thomas Taylor, 11 vols., royal 4to, 1801-12. This is a most valuable translation, and the only complete one extant in the English language; only fifty copies were printed. - Metaphysics , published separately by Thomas Taylor, London, 1801, 4to ; 6s. Second Edition, London, 1812, 4to ; 6s. GENERAL SCIENCE. 121 Portions of the works of this ancient philosopher have been translated by different authors, and the following* list will be found useful. Aristotle, The Ethiques , by John Wilkinson, London, 1547, 16mo, printed by Richard Grafton; from <£2 to <£3. - The Politiques , by Lots le Roy, called “ Regius,” London, 1597, folio ; 18s. - Ethics and Politics , by John Gillies, London, 1797, 4to, 2 yoIs. ; 10s. Reprinted, 1804 and 1813, 2 vols. each; edition of 1804, 10s.; of 1813, 8s. Thomas Taylor published an answer to Dr. Gillies’ Supplement to his Analysis of Aristotle’s Works, 1804, 8vo; 2s. 6d. - The Treatise on Government , by W. Ellis, London, 1776, 4to ; 8s. Reprinted, London, 1778, 4to ; 6s. - The Fragment on the Constitution of Athens , recently dis¬ covered by the authorities of the British Museum. Two trans¬ lations have been issued during the present year (1891). The first is scarce, and was sold out within a few days of publication. - The Rhetoric of Aristotle , by Criminia, London, 1812, 8vo; 5s. - The same, by John Gillies, London, 1823, 8vo ; 5s. - The same, by Thomas Hobbes, Oxford, 1823, 8vo; 5s. - The same, by Thomas Taylor, London, 1818, 8vo, 2 vols.; 7s. 6d. - Treatise on Poetry, translated from the original Greek, with Dacier’s “Notes,” no author’s name, London, 1705, 8vo ; 2s. - Another Translation, no author’s name, London, 1775, 8vo ; 2s. A work described as being so literal as to be absolutely unintelligible to any person not acquainted with the original. -- Another Translation, by Twining, Oxford, 1789, 4to ; 10s. - Second Edition, London, 1812, 8vo, 2 vols.; 6s. - Another Translation, by H. J. Pye, London, 1792, 4to; 8s. Brande, Dictionary of Science, London, 1853, royal 4to; 10s. Another Edition, London, 3 vols., 8vo, 1865-67 ; .£1. Comte (Aug.), Cours de t'hilosophie Positive, 6 vols., 8vo, Paris, 1830-42; «£1 10s. Darwin (C.), The Origin of Species, post 8vo, 1860; 5s. Many editions are valued at about the same. - The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, post 8vo, 1873; 5s. - Dictionnaire des Sciences Philosophiques, 6 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1844-49 ; £2. 122 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Lardner (Dr.), Museum of Science and Art , 12 vols., small 8vo, 1854-56; 12s. 6d. - Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects, London, 1853, post 8vo ; 4s. 6d. / Lawson (H.), The Popular Science Review , first published in 1861; about 5s. a volume. - Quarterly Journal of Science , commenced in 1864 ; complete £5 (cf. ex.). - The Natural History Review, a quarterly journal; a complete set from 1854, =£3 10s. (cf. ex.). Spencer (Herbert), System of Synthetic Philosophy , 1864-75. i. First Principles 8vo ; published 16s. ii. Principles of Biology , 8 vols., 8vo; ,£1 14s. iii. Principles of Psychology, 2 vols., 8vo; <£1 l^s. The complete set is now worth about =£2 10s. (cf.). - Education — Intellectual, Moral, and Physical, 8vo, 1861; 2s. Ure (Dr.), Dictionary of Arts , Manufactures, and Mining, edited by Hunt, nearly 2000 illustrations, 4 vols., 8vo, 1872-78; .£1 8s. Wliewell (W.), History of the Inductive Sciences, London, 1837, 3 vols., 8vo ; 6s. Second and Third Editions, 1842 and 1847 respectively, 3 vols.; 6s. - Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences , London, 1840, 8vo, 2 vols.; 5s. Second Edition, London, 1847, 2 vols., 8vo ; 6s. Third Edition, London, 1858, 2 vols., 8vo ; 6s. - The History of Scientific Ideas, London, 1858, post 8vo, 2 vols.; 7s. 6d. - Elements of Morality, London, 1845, 2 vols., 8vo ; 8s. New Edition, 1848, post 8vo, 2 vols.; 10s. - Lectures on Systematic Morality, London, 1846, 8vo ; 3s. - History of Moral Philosophy, London, 1860, post 8vo ; 3s. The edition of 1861, post 8vo; 5s. 6d. Scientific Societies. Ray Society, Publications of, 1845 to date ; complete set, £25 to £30 (hf. cf.). Royal Society of Edinburg*!!., Transactions of the, from the commencement in 1788 to 1864, 4to, 23 vols.; £11 10s. (cf. ex.). Royal Society of London, Philosophical Transactions of, from 1665 to date, about 162 vols., which are worth, complete, £100 or more. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. 123 Smithsonian Institution, Contributions to Knowledge , Wash¬ ington, 1848 to date; a set about ,£10 (cf.). Wernerian Natural History Society, Memoirs of, from 1808 ; a set, £2 (cf. ex). Many general' scientific works, works touching casually on science, and publications respecting Political Economy, will be found in Chapter XY., post , which see. Works relating to Chemistry, Electricity, Telegraphy, Meteoro- logy, Optics, Mathematics, and Mining, are not referred to, unless included under the heading “General Works.” CHAPTER XI. General Works on the Fine Arts. The Pine Arts Generally. An “ Art Book ” is one which depends for its repu¬ tation upon the quality of its plates, combined some¬ times, though not always, with excellence in the text. As a rule there has been a fall in the value of books of this kind, the majority of which are only worth a small proportion of what they would have sold for some few years ago. To this proportion, however, there are many exceptions, chief among which are the works of Blake, Ruskin, and Hamerton, as well as those containing plates of first-rate quality after such masters as Hogarth, Turner, and Stothard. The value of art books depends mainly upon the character and quality of the plates with which they are embellished, and prices rule high or low according to circumstances. A^imourt (Seroux d’), History of Art by its Monuments , 3 vols. in 1, royal folio, London, 1847 ; £1 5s. An English edition of the French work, divided as follows: Architecture, 73 plates; Sculpture, 51 plates; Paintings, 204 plates. The French edition was published in Paris, 1823, in 6 vols., impl. folio; about <£3 (cf. ex.). Arne, Les Carrelages Emailles du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance, Paris, royal 4to, 1859, 93 plates, printed in colours ; <£2. Anderson (W.), Pictorial Arts of Japan, plates in port., n.d., folio; «£4 17s. 6d. (mor. ex.). The same , 150 plates, 4 parts in port., 1886, folio; <£4 15s. (mor. ex.). FINE ART BOOKS. 125 Audsley (G. A.), Ornamental Arts of Japan, nearly 100 plates, artist’s proofs on Japanese paper, 2 vols., 1886, folio ; ,£14 (mor. ex.). Another copy, coloured illustrations, in 4 portfolios; <£10 10s. (mor. ex.). Baillie (Capt.), The Engraved Works of, after Paintings and Drawings by the Greatest Masters, 2 vols. in 1, atlas folio, 1771. This work was published at <£30 11s. As in the case of all other art books, the value depends on the character and quality of the plates. A good copy, some of the 107 plates on india- paper, sold by auction in April, 1889, for <£2 15s. (cf. gt.). Bart sell (C.), Le Peintre Graveur, 21 vols., 8vo, Vienna, 1803-21; ,£13. Large paper, <£18 10s. (cf. ex.). Latest Edition, 21 vols., small 8vo, with 4to vol. of engrav¬ ings ; =£8 10s. (cf. ex.). Bell (C.), Essays on the Anatomy of Expression in Painting. First Edition , 1806, 4to; 15s. Second Edition , London, 1824, 4to ; 15s. Third Edition, London, 1844, royal 8vo ; 7s. 6d. - Anatomy of the Brain Explained in a Series of Engravings, London, 4to, 1802; 8s. Second Edition, London, 1811; 8s. Blake (William). Original works by this visionary artist are exceedingly rare, and becoming more so each year. It is impossible to give the value of any copy without seeing it, as prices vary according to the degree of perfection attained in the printing off or colouring. If this is high class, the price speedily approaches <£50, and very often greatly exceeds it. A number of facsimile reprints were issued by Muir between the years 1884-86. These, for the most part, are worth <£5 each, and, like the originals, are becoming more valuable every day. Only 50 copies were issued of each. - Poetical Sketches, by W. B., 70 pages, 8vo, 1783; <£48 (mor. ex., uncut). - Songs of Experience, 17 plates, small 8vo, 1794; £46 (mor. ex.). - Songs of Innocence, 2 vols., 8vo, 1789; £41 (mor.). Another Edition, in 1 vol., impl. 4to, 54 engraved pages. Another Edition, 12mo, 1868, Pickering. - Book of Thel, 8 engraved pages, 1789, 4to; £29 (mor. ex.). - America, a Prophecy, 18 designs, folio, Lambeth, 1793; £61 (with Blake’s autograph). - Gates of Paradise, 16 engravings, 12mo, Lambeth, 1793. - Book of Ahania, 8 designs, 1795. 126 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Blake (William), Vision of the Daughters of Albion, 6 leaves, 1793, small folio; ,£26 10s. (hf. mor., uncut). - Europe, a Prophecy, Lambeth, 1794, folio, 17 plates; <£59 (mor. ex.). - Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 27 pages, 1800; later im¬ pressions. - AEsop and Gay's Fables, 184 plates, 4 vols., impl. 8vo, large paper, 1793. - Jerusalem, The Emanation of the Giant Albion, 100 engraved pages, folio; large paper, <£166 (heightened in gold and colours by the artist, mor. ex.). - Illustrations to the Book of Job, 21 plates, folio, 1826. - Illustrations to Comus, 8 original designs. - Milton, a Poem, in 12 books, 50 engraved pages, coloured by the artist, 4to, 1804. - Illustrations to Dante, with 7 plates, impl. folio, india- proofs. - Illustrations to Young's Night Thoughts, London, 1797, folio; <£7 5s. (hf. mor., uncut), <£40 10s. (with the rare explana¬ tion of the engravings at the end). - A Frontispiece to Maekin’s Life of a Child, London, 1806, royal 8vo. - Blair's Grave, atlas 4to, containing 12 etchings, executed from original designs by Blake, 1808 ; <£1 5s. (cf. ex.). The same artist illustrated many other works, which are at the present day sought after on this account. We may specially mention: Allen’s Roman History; Enfield’s Speaker, 1799; Baldwin’s Fables ; Virgil’s Pastorals; Shakespeare’s Tales, by Lamb, in 2 vols., 24mo, and several others. Blundell (H.), An Account of the Statues, Bas-Reliefs, and Paint¬ ings at Nice , Liverpool, 1803, 4to; <£2. Another Edition, 2 vols., atlas folio, 1809 ; £5 (mor.). Boissieu, De (J. J.), (Euvres, atlas folio, Paris, 1773-1803; <£7 (cf. ex.). This work contains 100 plates of etchings after Bembrandt, Berghen, and others. Boydell (J .), Collection of Prints after the Most Capital Paint¬ ings in England, 110 engravings by Bartolozzi, Woollet, Byrne, &c., 2 vols., 1769-72, folio; <£15 15s. (mor. ex.). - A Collection of 50 Engravings, tyc., 1799,folio; =£75s. (russ.ex.). Brayley (E. W.) and Brewer, Beauties of England and Wales, 26 vols., plates by Storer and Greg, 1801-23, 8vo, <£3 10s. (mor. ex.); large paper, £6. FINE ART BOOKS. 127 Britton (J.), Picturesque Antiquities of English Cities , 60 engrav¬ ings, 1828-30, 1 vol., 4to, <£1 5s.; large paper, proofs, £2 18s.; largest paper, india-proofs and etchings (12 copies). This work was re-issued in 1836, 4to ; 15s. - The Fine Arts of the English Schools , 24 engravings, London, 1812, impl. 4to; £1. Proofs published at .£11, but worth nothing like that sum. Bryan (M.), Dictionary of Painters and Engravers , published in 7 parts, 1813-16; ,£1. Large paper, .£1 10s. Another Edition, Bohn, 1849, impl. 8vo; .£1 2s. Another Edition, royal 8vo, 1858 ; .£1 2s. Supplement to the above, by Henry Ottley, impl. 8vo, 1877 ; 5s. 6d. Another Edition, issued in parts by G. Bell and Sons, 1884-89, 2 vols., impl. 8vo; £2 5s. (cf. ex.). Buchanan, Memoirs of Painting, London, 1824, 2 vols., 8vo; 7s. Burnet (J.), Practical Hints on Composition, 1822; 10s. - Practical Hints on Light and Shade, 1826 ; 10s. - Practical Hints on Colour, 1827 ; 10s. - Essay on the Education of the Eye, 1837 ; 10s. - Rembrandt and his Works, 1849, 4to ; £2 (mor.). There is also a large paper edition of each of the works on Composition, Shade, and Colour; value about double that of the small paper copies quoted above. Carwitham, Various Kinds of Floor Decorations for Halls, Sfc., London, 1739 ; 6s. Cattermole (George), Portfolio of Gems , containing 25 plates by Brandard, Cousen, and others, folio, india-proofs, 1846; «£2. The same, lithographed, 1850 ; 15s. Claude (or Claude Lorraine), Liber Veritatis; or, a Collection of Prints by Earlom, London, 1777-1819, 3 vols., folio. Proofs, <£45 ; ordinary impressions, large paper, £6 ; second proofs, £6 ; ordinary impressions, small paper, £4 15s. (cf. ex). As in the case of all other art books, the value depends upon the character of the plates. Observe that the proof impressions have the writing in upright letters scratched by the engraver. The title-pages and text of the original copies are printed on a bluish paper, and may be easily distinguished. To detect reprints, of which there are several extant, observe that plate 132 in the original is numbered 182. In Yol. III. of the re¬ printed copies the text of the preface has sixteen lines, in old copies fifteen lines, and in original copies fourteen lines. The entire work has since been republished by Bohn, with printed lists of the plates, showing present possessors of the pictures; 3 vols., folio; £5 10s. (cf. ex.). An Edition by Boydell, 3 vols., folio, n.d. ; £5 10s. (hf. russ.). 128 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Claude (or Claude Lorraine), Liber Studiorum, impl. folio, 100 engravings, in facsimile of the originals in the British Museum by F. C. Lewis, in 4 parts ; <£3 3s. (mor.). Proofs about double. Colling (J. K.), Gothic Ornaments , 2 vols., impl. 4to, London, 1848, coloured plates, £2 10s. Constable (John), English Landscape Scenery, 7 parts, oblong folio. India-proofs, 40 plates, engraved by Lucas, about £7 (russ.). Very few proof impressions were taken. Copies in the ordinary proof state are worth about £4. Another Edition , folio, 1855 ; £1 12s. - Graphic Works , 40 engravings by Lucas, folio, 1855; 21s. Correggio. A series of 24 large engravings by Toschi, after the celebrated frescoes of this artist; <£16 10s. (mor. ex., g. e.), <£9 14s., £21. There is a translation from the German of Meyer by Mrs. Charles Heaton, containing 20 photographs from the paintings of this artist, impl. 8vo, 1876; 15s. Crowe (J. A.) and Cavalcaselle (G. B.), H,story of Painting in North Italy, #c., 2 vols., 8vo, 1871. - History of Painting in Italy from the Second to the Six¬ teenth Century , 1864-66, 3 vols., 8vo. - Early Flemish Painters , 1872, 6 vols., 8vo. This and the two preceding works sold together by auction in August, 1888, for £9 10s. (cf.), and again in July, 1889, for £15 10s. (mor. ex., g. e.). Diirer (Albert). Engraved works, folio, Nuremberg, 1877 ; £3, containing 104 engravings on copper and steel. - The Prayer Book, consisting of 45 designs by, and a por¬ trait of, Diirer, London, 1817, folio ; £1. Eastlake, Contributions to the Literature of the Fine Arts , 2 vols., 8vo, 1870 ; 10s. 6d. - Materials for a History of Oil Painting, 1847, 8vo; £1 (cf. ex.). Finden (W. and E.), Landscape Illustrations of the Bible, with descriptions by Horne, 2 vols., royal 4to, 1842; £1 12s. (cf.). Proof copies, on india-paper, about double the value. - Ports, Harbours, $c., of Great Britain , 2 vols., 4to, n.d. ; £1 12s. (cf. ex.). Flaxman (John), The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer , London, 1793-1805, oblong folio, 64 plates ; £1 10s. - Compositions from the Tragedies of LEschylus , London, 1795; £1 5s. Another Edition, 1831; 15s. - The Theogony, London, 1817, 37 plates; £1 14s. (hf. russ.). Another Edition, London, 1802, oblong 4to. Also London, 1807, oblong 4to; £2. Eoma, 1802, oblong 4to; 30s. FINE ART BOOKS. 129 Flaxman (John), Compositions of the Acts of Mercy, oblong 1 folio, 8 plates, 1831; 7s. 6d. - La Divina Comedia di Dante Alighieri , oblong folio, 1793 ; £1 10s. - Compositions from the Hell, Purgatory , and Paradise of Dante , oblong folio, 1807 ; =£1 Is. -- Classical Compositions, viz., Homer, Hesiod , and JEschylus, 4 vols., oblong folio, 1805-31 ; <£3 (mor. ex.). It should be observed that copies of the above are still occasionally printed from the old plates, but they are not so valuable as those containing older impressions. Forster (E.), British Gallery of Engravings with some account of each picture, <$fc ., 1807, folio; £2 4s., £3 10s. (hf. russ.). Fowler (William), Coloured Engravings of Mosaic Pavements , 2 vols., atlas folio, 54 coloured plates, Winterton, 1804 ; about £5, published at £31 10s. Gedde (W.), A Booh of Sundry Draughtes for Glaziers , with Painting on Glass , London, 4to, 1615; £2 2s. (mor. ex.). This work has been re-edited by H. Shaw. Gilpin (W.), Observations on the River Wye , London, 1782, 8vo. Second Edition , London, 1789, 8vo; large paper in small 4to. Third Edition , London, 1792, 8vo. Fourth Edition , London, 1800, fcap. 8vo. Fifth Edition , London, 1800, 8vo. •- Observations Relative to Picturesque Beauty of the Moun¬ tains and Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland , London, 1786, 2 vols., 8vo. Second Edition , London, 1788, 2 vols., 8vo. Third Edition , London, 1792, 2 vols., 8vo; large paper in small 4to. Fourth Edition , London, 1808, 2 vols., 8vo. - Observations on the Highlands of Scotland, London, 1789, 2 vols., 8vo. Second Edition, London, 1792, 2 vols., 8vo. Third Edition , London, 1808, 2 vols., 8vo. -- Remarks on Forest Scenery, London, 1791, 2 vols., 8vo. Second Edition, London, 1794, 2 vols., 8vo. Third Edition. London, 1808, 2 vols., 8vo. Another Edition of 1834, 2 vols., crown 8vo. - Observations on the Western Parts of England, London, 1798, 8vo. Second Edition , London, 1808. - Observations on the Coasts of Hampshire , Sussex , and Kent , London, 1804, 8vo. K 130 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Gilpin (W.), Observations on Several parts of Cambridge, 'Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex, London, 1809, 8vo. - Essay on Prints, London, 1768, 8vo ; London, 1781, 8vo. Other Editions, 1792, 1802. - Three Essays on Picturesque Travel, London, 1792, 8vo. Third Edition, 1808, 8vo. The whole of G-ilpin’s works, including the first editions, appear to be declining in value. It is no uncommon thing to see parcels of ten or a dozen volumes, well bound, all original editions, knocked down in the auction-room at 3s. or 4s. per volume all round. At the same time, a complete uniform set would doubtless bring proportionately more. Gillray (James), Caricatures, printed from the original plates, 600 engravings, atlas folio, 1849-51; <£5 (hf. mor.). With the above should be found an 8vo volume of letterpress, and also a volume of the suppressed plates in folio. Some early and fine copies of the above are sold at a higher price. Another Edition, by Bohn, n.d., 2 vols., folio; «£4 (hf. mor.). An Edition of 1873, thick 4to; 30s. Gruner (L.), Decorations of the Garden Pavilion in the Grounds of Buckingham Palace, royal folio, 1846; 35s. - Ornamental Art, 1 vol., atlas folio, 1850; ,£4 (hf. cf. ex.). This work is looked upon as one of the best authorities upon classical ornament, and is most beautifully embellished with 80 illuminated plates. - Italian Fresco Paintings , impl. folio, 55 engravings, descriptions by Hittorff, in 4to, 1844; ,£8 15s. (hf. mor.). - The Green Vaults , Dresden, atlas 4to, 28 plates, 1876; .£1 5s. Hamerton (P. G.), Etching and Etchers, royal 8vo, 35 etchings, 1868; -68. Another Edition, 8vo, 1876; <£1 12s. An edition of 1880, Colombier, 8vo; .£3 10s. - Graphic Arts, 1882, 4to; £3 5s., <£2 10s., «£1 9s. - Imagination in Landscape Painting, large paper, proofs, 75 copies printed, 1887, folio; .£1 10s. - Landscape Etchings, 1885, 4to; ,£3 Is. (hf. russ.). •- Landscape in Nature, large paper, 525 copies printed, india-paper, 1885, 4to; «£5 7s. 6d. - Paris in Old and Present Times, large paper, india-proofs, 1885, folio ; £1 8s. - The Portfolio, from the commencement in 1870 to 1887, 15 vols., folio ; <£18 10s. (hf. mor.). FINE ART BOOKS. 131 Hamilton (W.), Campi Phlegrcei; or, Observations on the Volcanoes of the Two Sicilies , Naples, 1776-79, 3 vols., folio, 54 plates and map; <£2. Another Edition) Paris, 1799, plates. A very much inferior edition to the original. - RemarTcs on Several Parts of Turkey, royal 4to, 1810 ; .£1. Harding 1 , Sketches in North Wales, 6 plates, coloured, London, 1810, folio; 7s. 6d. - Sketches at Home and Abroad, 59 plates, impl. folio, London, 1834; .£1. - The Park and Forest, impl. folio, 25 drawings on stone, 1841; .£2. - Principles and Practice of Art, impl. 4to, 23 plates, 1845; «£1 5s. Other editions of inferior merit and value, notably one of 1876, in folio. Hogarth. (William), Works, Boydell’s Edition, port, and 107 plates, N.D., folio; <£6 5s. - Works, from the original plates, restored, by Heath, with an Essay by J. Nichols ; Baldwin and Craddock, atlas folio, 1822; <£4 (hf. mor.). - Hogarth Restored, being the entire works as originally published, re-engraved by T. Cook, London, 1801-8, atlas folio; <£4 15s. It should be accompanied by a descriptive volume in 4to. A later edition of 1822 is worth about .£1 5s. - Hogarth Moralised, by Trusler, London, 1768, 8vo ; £2 5s Another Edition, London, 1833, 2 vols., 4to; <£1 5s. - Hogarth Hlustrated, by John Ireland, London, 3 vols., royal 8vo, 1791-98 ; .£1 10s. Another Edition, 3 vols., 8vo, 1793; <£1 5s. Another Edition, 3 vols., royal 8vo, 1806; 16s. - Graphic Illustrations of, 2 vols., royal 8vo, London, 1794; £2 ; large paper, .£3. - The Genuine Works of, by John Nichols and George Stevens, London, 3 vols., 4to, 1808-17 ; «£1 12s.; large paper, about .£4 4s. - The Works of, by Thos. Clerk, London, royal 8vo, 2 vols., 1810; about 10s.; large paper, 17s. 6d. A bad edition. - Hogarth’s Works, London, 1830; republished by Brain, 1849, 2 vols., 4to; <£1. - The Analysis of Beauty, London, 1753, 4to, with two folding plates ; 15s. Often republished in conjunction with his other works. The atlas folio editions of Hogarth’s works frequently have a secret pocket at the end, for the reception of the suppressed plates. K 2 132 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Holbein (J .), Dance of Death, London, 1790, crown 8yo ; 15s.; large paper, 4to; £1 10s. On vellum, three copies printed. Other Editions as follows: Edinburgh, 1788, 4to, =£1 10s; London, 1804, 4to, <£1 10s.; London, 1£03, 4to, £1 10s.; 1803, 1804, 1811,' 1816, 1824, and 1849, from £1 to £2 each, according to condition. - Images of the Old Testament in Ynglyshe and Frenche, woodcuts, Lyons, 1549, 4to; £8 10s. (hf. cf.). Humphreys (H. N.), Illuminated Illustrations of Froissart, from the MS. in the Bibliotheque Eoyale, 2 vols., plates in gold and colours, 1844-45, 4to; £8 2s. 6d. - Illuminated Boohs of the Middle Ages , folio, 1849 ; £6 10s.; large paper, £13 15s., £12, £12 15s. (hf. mor.). Jackson (J. B.), An Essay on the Art of Engraving in Chiaro Oscuro , London, 1754, 4to; 5s. Jackson (J.) and Chatto (W. A.), Treatise of Wood Engraving , 1839, 8vo; £3 (mor. ex., g. e.). Another Edition , by Bohn, 1861, 8vo; £1 Is. The same author published at Venice, in 1745, his repro¬ ductions of the paintings of Paul Veronese, Titian, and others, and in this work he follows his own original style of engraving in chiaro; £3. Jones (Owen), The Grammar of Ornament , impl. folio. The original folio edition, 101 coloured plates, 1856, a valuable and rare work ; £8 15s. (hf. mor.). Another Edition, 1856, folio; £4 10s., £5 12s. 6d. (hf. mor.). - Examples of Chinese Ornaments, impl. 4to, 1867; £2 16s. This is generally considered to be the com¬ panion volume to the standard work, “ The Grammar of Ornament.” - One Thousand and One Initial Letters, folio, 1864; about £1 5s., published at £3 10s. - Illustrations of the Palace of the Alhambra, see post, “Views in Europe and the East.” Lavater (J. C.), Essays on Physiognomy, translated by Hunter, 5 vols., royal 4to, 1789-98, issued in numbers, with many plates, by Holloway, Blake, and Bartolozzi; £2 15s., £8 15s. (mor. ex.). Another Edition, by Holcroft, London, royal 8vo, 3 vols., 1789-93; £2. Another Edition, by Hunter, 5 vols., 4to, 1792-1810; £6 15s., £6. Another Edition , London, 4 vols., royal 8vo, 1804; £1 7s. £1 Is. FINE ART BOOKS. 133 Iiavater (J. C.), Essays on Physiognomy, another ed., by Moore, London, 1797 ; 17s. 6d. An Abridged Edition in 1 vol., 8vo, London, Tegg, 1850 ; 5s. There is a selection from Lavater’s works entitled “ Essays on Physiognomy,” abridged from Holcroft’s translation, and of this there are nearly thirty editions; value of each, 2s., more or less. The only English translations of much value are those by Hunter and Holcroft. Iiievre (E.), Works of Art in the Collections of England, royal folio, 50 plates, Paris, 1873 ; <£1 2s , 18s. 6d., .£1 Is. Another Edition, London, n.d., impl. folio; £1 4s., 18s. Michael Angelo, A Selection of Twelve Heads from the Last Judgment of Michael Angelo , by B. Duppa, London, 1801, impl. folio, rare; <£1 15s. - Illustrations of the Genius of, by J. S. Harford, impl. folio, 19 plates, 1857 ; 12s. - Fac-similes of the Designs of M. Angelo for the Sistine Chapel, London, 1834; ,£1. Ottley (W. Y.), An Enquiry into the Origin and Early History of Engraving, London, 2 vols.,4to, 1816; <£4 4s.; large paper, of which only sixty copies were printed, <£7 7s., £8 5s. (hf. russ.). - The Italian School of Design , London, 1823, royal folio, 84 plates; about <£3 3s., published at <£12 12s.; large paper copies, with proof engravings, <£4. - Series of Engravings after the Florentine School, London, 1826, impl. folio, 54 engravings; £1 15s.; proofs, <£2 10s. - Facsimiles of Scarce and Curious Prints, folio, 1828 ; 18s.; india-proofs, <£2. Picart (B.), The Religious Ceremonies and Customs of the Several Nations of the Known World, 7 vols., usually bound in 6, folio, 1733-39; <£2 10s. (inferior copy), <£3 3s.; large paper, .£4 10s. Ploos (Van A.), Collection limitations de Dessins d’apres les Principaux Maitres Hollandais et Flamands, 3 vols. in 2, atlas folio, 1821-27 ; about <£10 (mor.). This work is complete when possessing 105 coloured plates. Pugin (A. W.), Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Cos¬ tume, London, royal 4to, 1844; <£3 17s. 6d. Second Edition, 1846 ; 50s. Another Edition, 1 vol., impl. 4to, 1868; <£2. - Gold and Silver Ornaments. Designs in the style of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, London, royal 4to; 12s. Another Edition, 1836, 4to ; 12s. - Floriated Ornaments , 31 plates, royal 4to, 1875; £1. 134 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Pugin (A. W.), Examples of Gothic Architecture in England, 3 vols., 1838, 4to ; £3 12s. 6d. Previous Edition in 2 vols., 4to, large paper, 1821; <£2 2s. - Gothic Furniture and Contrasts, 2 vols., 1835-36, 4to; £1 3s. - Principles of Pointed Architecture, 2 yoIs., 1841-43, 4to <£1 Is. Raphael. There are a large number of works relating to the paintings of Raphael, and most of these seem to have been printed at Rome a hundred years ago or more. The value of these, as in all other examples of a similar nature, depends entirely on the quality of the impressions. The following, which have been offered for sale recently, may be mentioned : Luggie nel Vaticano, 28 coloured plates, Roma, 1771-76, folio ; c£30 (mor. ex., fine copy). English Edition, entitled “ Frescoes of the Vatican,” 28 plates, Roma, 1802, &c., folio ; .£4 15s. The English works under this heading comprise the fol¬ lowing : The Seven Cartoons of Raffael at Hampton Court, and litho- engraved by Nicholas Dorigny, royal folio, 1715; ,£4 4s. When with a large margin, and in good condition, this series is highly prized. Another Set, engraved by Mitchell and Buchanan, Glasgow, 1773, folio; <£2 15s. The Cartoons, with View of the Gallery at Hampton Court, engravings by Gribelin, London, 4to; £1 17s. 6d. The Gallery of Raphael, called his Bible, 52 prints, Glasgow, 1770, folio; .£2. Another Edition, London, 1852 ; £2. The Cartoons at Hampton Court, engravings by Holloway, complete in 7 plates, the present value of which ranges from .£10 to <£20. Other impressions, in their original state, but subsequent to the first issue, plain, £5; proof, ,£6; india- proof, =£10, or thereabouts. A later Edition , published by Day and Hughes at .£3 13s. 6d. An Analysis of the Picture of the Transfiguration , London, folio, 3 numbers, complete, 1817 ; <£1; proofs, £2. Rembrandt, Works of, etched by John Chalon, London, 1822, folio. A scarce work, as only fifty sets were worked off, and the copper plates destroyed ; about £3. Another Edition, by Burnet, London, 1849, 4to; 15s.; large paper, only fifty printed, £2. - Catalogue raisonne de toutes les Estampes du Maitre, 2 vols., 4to, 1873; £3 12s. 6d. (Blanc’s Catalogue.) FINE ART BOOKS. 135 Reynolds (Sir J.), The Graphic Works o f , by S. W. Reynolds, folio, London, 1820-36, contains 357 portraits of eminent persons, and 130 historical subjects; <£16, <£79 (india-paper). The work is complete in 60 numbers. Another Edition, London, 1834, 3 vols., folio; published at <£36, and reduced by Bohn (3 yoIs., folio) to about <£10 or <£15. - Discourses on Art, impl. 4to; 15s.; large paper, <£1. Rogers (C.), Century of Prints from the Drawings by Old Masters, 2 vols., 112 large engravings by Bartolozzi, &c., in fac-simile of the originals, 1778, folio, uncut; <£3 18s. (mor. ex.). Ruskin (John). This famous critic and author has published a large number of works on Art, which, as an exception to the general rule, are rapidly rising in value. The following all being in the original binding as issued, have been sold by auction recently at the prices quoted : Lectures on Architecture and Painting, 1st ed., 1854,8vo; <£16s. Another Edition, 1855, 8vo; <£1 Is. Examples of the Architecture of Venice, large paper, india- proofs, 1887, folio; <£3 17s. 6d. The original edition was issued in 1851, and this is so scarce that a large paper copy, with the 16 plates on india-paper, sold at the Douglas-Stewart sale in March, 1888, for <£54 12s. Arrows of the Chase, 2 vols., 1880, 8vo; <£1; large paper, .£2 18s. Bibliotheca Pastorum, 4 vols., 8vo, 1876-77 ; <£2 10s. Notes on his Collection of Drawings by Turner, 35 photo¬ gravures, uncut, 4to ; <£1 13s. Elements of Drawing, 1st ed., 1857, 8vo; £1 Is. Ethics of the Dust , 1st ed., 1867, 8vo ; <£1 6s. Fors Clavigera, 7 vols., 1871-77, 8vo; <£3 9s.; the set of 14 vols., 8vo, 1871-77 ; <£5 10s. (published in 96 numbers, with Indexes, 1871-84, about <£3, unbound). Giotto and his works in Padua, 1854, 8vo; <£1 6s. King of the Golden River, 1st ed., 1851, 8vo ; <£10. Another Edition, 2 vols., 8vo, n.d. ; <£1 2s. Modern Painters, 1st ed., 1846-56-60, 5 vols., 8vo ; <£29 10s. There are several editions, and so scarce is the first that the majority of sets offered for sale are made up of volumes belonging to various editions. Notes on S. Prout and W. Hunt, 20 autotypes, 1880, 4to; <£1. On the Old Road, 3 vols., 1885, 8vo ; <£1 4s., <£1 Is. Poems and Essays, 4to, n.d. ; <£1 10s. Roadside Songs of Tuscany, translated by F. Alexander, edited by Ruskin, 1884, 4to; <£1 15s. 136 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Seven Lamps of Architecture , 1st ed., 8vo, 1849 ; <£4 17s. 6d., £5 10s. Second Edition , 1855, 8vo ; <£3 10s. Another Edition, 1880, 8vo ; £1 5s. Stones of Venice, 1st ed., 1851-53, 8vo, 3 vols.; £15 10s. £16 15s., £14 17s. Another Edition, 1558-67, 8vo, 3 vols.; £10 10s. Another Edition , 1873, 8vo, 3 vols. ; £5 15s., £5. Fourth Edition , 150 copies issued, 3 vols., 8vo, 1886 ; £4; large paper, £6 15s. The Two Paths , 1859, 8vo ; £1. The above list includes several works which may not, perhaps, be strictly included among “Fine Art Books,” but for facility of reference they are placed together. Shakespeare, Picturesque Beauties of, by Taylor, from designs of Smirke, Stothard, and others, London, 1783, 4to, 40 plates; £2 (mor). - The Shakespeare Gallery, by C. Taylor, 4to, 1792, 50 plates after Singleton ; £1 10s. ■- Shakespeare Illustrated, Harding, royal 8vo, 1793; £2; large-paper proofs, £4. Some copies have a duplicate plate of Jane Shore, bare-necked, which adds £1 5s. to their value. Second Edition, London, 2 vols., 8vo, 1811; 7s.; large paper, 2 vols., royal 4to ; 15s. 6d. — The Seven Ages of Man, by Alken, London, 1823, oblong 4to, 7 coloured plates; £1 5s. - BoydelVs Collections of Prints, London, 1802-3, atlas folio; £17 10s. (mor. ex., fine copy). Sometimes found in 2 vols. The value of this work varies greatly. Shaw (H .). For the works of this artist see Chapter XII., post. Smith (John), Catalogue Raisonne of the Works of the most Eminent Dutch, $c., Painters, London, 1829-42, royal 8vo, 9 vols.; £12 10s. (mor. ex.). Spence (Joseph), Polymetis, London, royal folio, 1747; £3. Another Edition, London, folio, 1755 ; £3. Third Edition, folio, 1774; 15s. Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.). The art books published by this well-known expert include the following : Antwerp Delivered in 1627, folio, 1878 ; £2 10s., £1 2s. Cloister Life of Charles V ., 1853, 8vo ; £1 5s. Don John of Austria, 2 vols., 1883, folio ; £16, £13. Entry of the Emperor Charles V. into Bologna, 1875, folio ; £10 15s. * FINE ART BOOKS. 137 Procession of Pope Clement VII., Edinburgh, 1875, folio; <£2 16s. Solyman the Magnificent going to Mosque, 1877, folio ; £13. The Turks in 1533, folio, 1873 ; <£13 5s. Velasquez and his Works, 1853, 8vo ; £1 18s. Chief Victories of the Emperor Charles V., 1870, folio; £7 10s. The above prices have been realised recently at auction, but, as usual in the case of art books, they vary greatly, according to binding, general condition, and the quality of the plates. The above were all well bound. Strange (Sir R.), The Works of, London, folio, 1750-90. This beautiful work, if complete, should contain, with the printed title, forty-nine proofs, numbered consecutively in Roman letters. The auction value varies considerably, according to the quality of the plates. The average amount reached is about £40. See “ Woodward.” Turner (J. M. W.), Liber Studiorum, a series of 70 plates, London, 1812-19, oblong folio, 14 numbers, containing 5 plates in each and frontispiece. If this work is complete, with proof plates, it will be worth from £150 to £350, according to quality. Nearly all copies, however, have proofs and prints mixed. The reader must also notice that two different sets of modern impressions on very thick paper are in existence ; they are very inferior to.the original work, and are easily detected ; about £10. Another work, entitled “Liber Studiorum,” consisting of a selection of fifteen of the best plates from the original work, London, Day and Son, 1859, folio; 15s. Another Edition, 3 vols., 1875, 4to ; £1 7s. Another Edition, 1871, 8 vols., folio, reproduced in auto¬ type; £1 15s. Tymms (W. R.) and Wyatt (M. D.), Art of Illuminating, royal 8vo, 1860; £1 (printed in colours). Walker (A.), A Classification of Beauty in Woman, London, 1836, royal 8vo, 22 plates; £2 5s. Another Edition, 1846, royal 8vo, 23 plates; £2. Another Edition, royal 8vo, 1852; £1 5s. Waring (J. B.), Art Treasures of the United Kingdom, with Essays by Oiven Jones and Others, 1858, folio; £3 18s., £3 10s. - Masterpieces of Industrial Art, 1863, 3 vols., folio ; £2 15s. Westwood (J. O.), Miniatures and Ornaments of Irish, Sfc., Manuscripts, royal folio, 1868; £7 10s. (mor. ex.). Only 200 copies of this work were struck off. 138 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Wilkie (Sir David), Etchings, London, 1824, 4to, 7 plates; 17s. 6d.; india-proofs, 30s. - The Wilkie Gallery , a selection of his best pictures, London, Virtue and Co., impl. 4to, 67 plates; 27s. 6d.; india-proofs, <£2 10s. Willshire (W. H.), An Introduction to the Study and Collection of Ancient Prints , two editions, the last 1877 ; published 28s.; large paper, 2 vols., 4to, 1877; <£4. Only twenty-five copies printed of this size. Woodward (F.), Masterpieces of Sir Robert Strange , folio, 1874 ; about <£1, published at £2 12s. See “ Strange, Sir R.” Societies. Arundel Society, instituted in 1848, for promoting the know¬ ledge of art. In November, 1888, a series of 146 lithographs, many heightened with gold, and 30 outlined and uncoloured engravings, sold for <£35. Etching 1 Club (The), instituted in London in 1838, issue a series of etchings from time to time. Holbein Society, established in 1869. A set of the Society’s publications, 1869 to 1876, 10 vols., 4to, and 2 vols. oblong folio, sold by auction recently for =£6 10s. (cf. ex.). Views in Europe and the East. Belzoni (G.), Narrative of the Operations and Discoveries within the Pyramids , London, 4to, 1820, with 44 plates; .£2 (cf. ex.). A Third Edition of this narrative was published 1822, 8vo, 2 vols.; 15s. Boydell (J.), Views of Seats, Castles, $c., in North Wales, 1792, folio; 12s. - Picturesque Scenery of Norway, 2 vols., folio, 1820; £2. - Thirty-nine Vieivs in London and its Environs, folio; £1. - History of the River Thames, 2 vol3., coloured plates, 1794-96, folio; £3, £1 16s., £2 14s. - Collection of 100 Views in England and Wales, 1770, folio; £6 15s. (good copy in hf. russ.). Brockedon (W.), Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps, London* 1827-29,12 parts, forming 2 vols., 4to, 109 engravings ; £1 Is.; large paper, india-proof plates; £1 10s. - Italy; Classical, Historical, and Picturesque, 1vol., impl. 4to, 60 engravings, London, 1842-44; £2; proofs, £3 3s. - Excursions in the Alps, with Map, London, 1845, post 8vo; 3s. 6d. VIEWS IN EUROPE AND THE EAST. 139 Buck (S. and N.), Views of Ruins of Castles , 18s., £5 10s. Third Edition , London, 1782, 5 vols., 8vo ; ,£1. Fourth Edition, London, 1786, 5 vols., 8vo; ,£1. Fifth Edition , 5 vols., royal 8vo, 1826-28. Sixth Edition , 1849, 3 vols., 8vo ; <£1 os. Armour, Ancient Dresses and Costumes, Sculpture and Marbles. Agincourt (Seroux d’). See ante, page 124. The second part of Agincourt’s work relates to sculpture. Bruynus (A.), Diversarum Gentium Armatura Equestris, 4to, Ant., 1575. The First Edition of this work, £2. Bulwer (John), Anthropometamorphosis; or, Man Transformed, small 4to, 1653; c£ll (hf. mor., uncut). Ayiother Edition, 1654, 4to ; <£6 5s., <£5. This is a most extraordinary book. In it the author de¬ scribes the vagaries of fashion as they have existed over the world at different times. Canova (A.), The Works of, in Sculpture and Modelling, demy 4 to, 1876; 12s. - The Works of, with Memoir by Cicognara, 3 vols., port., 1824-28, 8vo; <£3. Carter (J.), Specimens of Ancient Sculpture and Painting now remaining in this Kingdom, London, 1780-87, 2 vols., folio ; .£2 2s.; large paper, ,£5. Another Edition, London, 2 vols., folio, 1806; =£2 14s. Chandler (R.), Marmora Oxoniensia , 1763, royal folio; <£1 12s., <£3 3s. Contains engravings of the Arundelian marbles. Grose (F.), A Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, London, 1786, 4to ; <£2; large paper, <£2 18s. -— Military Antiquities, including the Ancient Armour, London, 3 vols., 1786-88, 4to; £1 10s., £5 (mor. ex., g. e.). Another Edition, London, 1812, 2 vols., 4to; £i ; large paper, «£1 18s. ARMOUR, DRESSES, SCULPTURE, MARBLES. 149 Heffner (J. de), Costume du Moyen Age , 4 vols.. impl. 4to, con¬ sisting 1 of 420 coloured plates, Frankfort, 1840-50; <£16 10s., <£18 (mor. ex.). This is said to be the most beautiful, as well as the most authentic work on mediaeval costume. Hewitt (J.), Ancient Armour and Weapons in Europe , 3 vols., 8vo, 1860; 30s. Knight (R. P.), Specimens of Ancient Sculpture, 2 vols., 1809-35; .£6 (hf. mor.). The second volume is scarce. Martin, Civil Costumes of England, London, Bohn, 1842, royal 4to ; 18s. Mason (G. H .), The Costume of China, 60 coloured plates, London, 1800, royal 4to; .£2. Another Edition, royal 4to, 1804 ; £1 10s. Meyrick (S. R.), Engraved Illustrations of Ancient Arms and Armour, a series of 154 etchings, Oxford, 1824, impl. 4to, 3 vols.; «£5 12s. 6d., «£7 10s.; proofs on india-paper, <£13, .£11 (russ.) Second Edition, 1854, 2 vols., impl. 4to; £ 2 18s. Another Edition, Chatto and Windus, 2 vols., impl. 4to; £4 14s. 6d. (published). - A Critical Enquiry into Ancient Armour, London, 3 vols., folio, 1824; sold recently, £6 5s., £7 15s.; published at £21. Second Edition, London, 1844, 3 vols., impl. 4to; £4 16s., £5 10s. Another Edition, Chatto and Windus, 3 vols., impl. 4to ; £1 5s. Moleville (B. De), The Costume of Austria, translated by R. C. Dallas, London, 1804, impl. 4to; £1. Ottley (W. Y.), The Florentine School and The Italian School of Design. Both these works incidentally refer to sculpture, and are mentioned ante, page 133. Perkins (C. C.), Tuscan Sculptors, their Lives, Works, and Times, 2 vols., impl. 8vo, 1864. - Italian Sculptors, impl. 8vo, 1868. The two together, plates on india-paper, £4 5s. (mor. ex., g. e.). Planche (J. R.), History of British Costume from the Earliest Period to the 18th Century, London, 1834, 12mo ; 2s. 6d. Other Editions of the same value. - The Costumes of Shakespeare’s Henry IV., 2 parts, 12mo, 21 coloured plates, 1824 ; £1 Is. - The Cyclopaedia of Costume; or, a Dictionary of Dress, 2 vols., 4to, 1876-79; £2, £2 10s. (hf. cf. ex.). Scott (W. B.), British School of Sculpture, impl. 4to, 20 en¬ gravings, N.D. ; 10s. (published at £1 5&.) 150 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Shaw (H.), Decorations and Dresses of the Middle Ages , London, 1840-43, 2 vols., impl. 8vo; about ,£3; large paper, extra finished in gold and colours; <£14 (mor. ex., g. e.). Second Edition, London, 2 vols., impl. 8vo, 1858; £2 12s.; large paper, impl. 4to, about £10 ; or with the plates extra finished, and the initial letters illuminated in gold (only 12 copies so got up), £15 (mor. ex.). A fresh Edition has been published by Chatto and Windus, 2 vols., impl. 8vo; £3 10s. Smith (C. H.), Ayicient Costume of Great Britain and Ireland , coloured plates, 1815, folio ; £1 12s. Solvigfno (Balt.), The Costume of Hindostan, 60 coloured engravings, London, 1804, royal 4to; £2. (This work was republished in Paris, 1808, with French and English letter- press, 4 vols., royal folio.) Originally published at Calcutta, 1799, folio, at £10 10s. Strutt (J.), Dresses and Habits of the People of England, London, 1796-99, 2 vols., 4to; coloured plates, £4 10s. Another Edition, by Planche, 2 vols., royal 4to, 1842; £2 ; coloured plates, £3 14s. ; illuminated plates up to £10 10s. A fresh Edition, Chatto and Windus, 2 vols., royal 4to, 153 engravings; published at £3 3s.; coloured plates, £6 6s.; illuminated plates, £15 15s. Waring* (J. B.), Masterpieces of Industrial Art and Sculpture , 3 vols., large folio, 1863 ; £2 15s. (hf. mor.). Wyatt (M. D.), Notices of Sculpture in Ivory, 4to, 1856, Arundel Society; 7s. 6d. - Industrial Arts of the Nineteenth Century, plates, 2 vols., folio, 1851; £1 12s. (hf. cf. ex.). Pottery, Porcelain, Mosaics, &c. Audsley (G-. A.) and Bowes, Keramic Art of Japan, 2 vols., small folio, 1875-79 ; sold recently, £10 (mor. ex.), £4 17s. 6d.; published at £7 7s. Another Edition, Sotheran and Co., 1 vol., impl. 8vo ; £1. Binns (R. W.), Century of Pottery in the City of Worcester , 4to, 1877 ; about £1; large paper, £2. Previous Edition, large paper, 1865, 4to ; £1 15s. Birch (S.), History of Ancient Pottery, London, 8vo, 13 plates, 1873; £1. There is a previous edition, 1858, 8vo ; £1. Chaffers (W.), Keramic Gallery, 2 vols., royal 8vo, 468 plates, 1872; £1 15s. POTTERY. 151 Chaffers (W.), Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain of the Renaissance and Modern Periods , royal 8vo, 1874 ; <£1. This work is the best published on the subject of Pottery, and contains 3000 potters’ marks and illustrations. Later Edition, 1888, 8vo; £1 5s. De la Beche, Catalogue of Specimens of British Pottery, 8vo, 1871; 2s. Fowler (Wm.). For this author’s works on Eoman and Mosaic Pavements, see ante, page 129. Hamilton (W.), Collection of Engravings from Ancient Vases , Naples, 1791-95, 4 vols., atlas folio; =£5 10s., <£4 17s. 6d. - Outlines from the Figures and Compositions upon the Greek, Roman, and Etruscan Vases, London, 1804, 4to ; 12s. 6d. - Collection of Etruscan, Greek, and Roman Antiquities (Vases), 2 vols., plates, 1766-67, folio; <£1 13s.; £4 8s. (much better copy, plates coloured). Jacquemart (A.), Histoire de la C6ramique, Paris, 1875, 8vo ; .£2 (hf. mor. ex., uncut). Other editions of about the same value. There is an English translation of this work, by Mrs. Palliser, 1873, 8vo; .£1 3s. (cl.). Jewitt (L.), Ceramic Art of Great Britain, illustrations, 2 vols., 1878, 8vo; £1, £1 16s., £1 14s. Jones (Owen), Designs for Mosaic and Tesselated Pavements , impl. 4to, 10 coloured plates, 1842 ; 10s. lay sons (S.), Figures of Mosaic Pavements Discovered at Horkston, London, 1801, impl. folio; published at £2 2s. - Figures of Mosaic Pavements Discovered near Frampton, London, impl. folio, 1808 ; £1 5s. Marryatt (J.), History of Pottery and Porcelain, 8vo, 1850, 1st ed.; £1 6s. The same on large paper 4to is rare, and worth, perhaps, £5 (mor.). Another Edition, 8vo, 1857; £1 7s. Another Edition , 1868, 8vo; £1 4s., £1 14s. Meteyard (E.), Wedgwood Handbook, post 8vo, 1875; 3s. - Life of Wedgwood, 2 vols., cloth, 1865, 8vo; £1 11s., £1 5s. Murphy (J. C.), The Arabian Antiquities of Spain, representing 100 Remarkable Remains of Architecture, Mosaics, tyc., London, 1816, atlas folio ; £3 15s., £4 5s. Owen (H.), Two Centuries of Ceramic Art in Bristol, by R. Champion, impl. 8vo, 1873; £2 2s. Waring (J. B.), Ceramic Art in Remote Ages , impl. 4to, 55 plates, 300 illustrations, 1874 ; £1 5s. 152 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Warrington (W.), History of Stained Glass, 24 plates, 1848, folio; <£4 11s. (hf. mor., uncut). Wedgwood (J.), Catalogue of Cameos, Sfc., with a General Account of Tablets, Vases, Sfc., 1787. 8vo. This is the sixth edition, the value of which is about 10s. All the other editions are worth about the same. Winston (C.), Ancient Glass Paintings, 2 vols., 1847, 8vo; <£1 6s. (hf. mor.). Wyatt (M. D.j, Specimens of the Geometrical Mosaic of the Middle Ages, folio, 1848 ; £2 (cf. ex.). CHAPTER XII. General Works on Antiquities. Archaeology and General Antiquities. Works relating to antiquarian subjects have sold for some time at prices which seem to vary but little. Books on numismatology, ancient monuments, brasses, heraldry, and similar subjects, are frequently furnished with coloured illustrations. Where the contrary proves to be the case, the value may confidently be expected to decline. When, however, the plates are coloured, it should remain stationary for some time to come. The exceptions to this rule are few, and occur almost entirely in connection with very old works, which are valued primarily as examples of early printing. These are, of course, very highly prized whatever the state of the woodcuts may be, or even if there are no illustrations at all. In heraldic books it is customary to announce the proper armorial colourings in the printed description of the quarterings, and works of this class are not often emblazoned. When they are, however, the value is correspondingly increased. Works on archaeology and general antiquities, referring chiefly to architectural remains, cathedral antiquities, monastic surveys, and the like, are sometimes illustrated and sometimes not. In either event the value appears to be stationary. Antiquarians constitute a limited class, 154 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. and the literature they affect is seldom seen outside their own library walls, the London sale-rooms, or the shops of the large booksellers. Akerman (J. Y.), Remains of Pagan Saxondom, 4to, 1855; £1 5s., £1 17s. Antiquarian Repertory (The). By Grose, Astle, and other eminent antiquaries. The best edition of this work is in 4 vols., 4to, 1807-9; large paper, £2 14s., £4 (hf. cf.). Another Edition , 4 vols., 1775, 4to; £2 2<. Archaeology a Cambrensis, A Record of the Antiquities of Wales and its Marches. First series, 4 yoIs., 1846-49 ; second series, 5 yoIs., 1849-54; third series, Yol. I., all 8vo; £2 16s. Bell (J.), New Pantheon; or. Dictionary of the Gods, Demi-Gods, Sfc., of Antiquity , 2 yoIs., 1790, 4to, numerous plates ; <£1 Is., £1 15s. Bourne (Henry), Antiquitates Vulgares; or, the Antiquities of the Common People, 1725, 8vo ; 7s. 6d. Boutell (C.), Manual of British Archaeology, 8yo, 1858 ; 5s. Brand (John), Popular Antiquities, 1813, 2 yoIs., 4to; <£1 ; large paper, <£2. Republished, with considerable additions, in Bohn’s Antiquarian Library, 8yo, 1848, 3 yoIs. ; 12s. Britton (J.), Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, London, 1805-26, 4to, 5 yoIs. ; £4 10s.; large paper, about double. Second Edition, 1830, 5 vols., 4to, £3 ; large paper, £5. Another Edition , 5 yoIs., 1835, 4to; £4 15s (mor. ex.). - Cathedral Antiquities of Great Britain, London, 1814-36, 16 yoIs., 4to; £6 6s.; large paper, £10 (mor. ex.). The sixteen volumes of Cathedral Antiquities relate to Salis¬ bury, Norwich, Winchester, York, Lichfield, Oxford, Canter¬ bury, Wells, Exeter, Peterborough, Gloucester, Bristol, Hereford, Worcester, Abbey Church of Bath, and St. Mary Redcliffe at Bristol. Separate volumes are frequently offered for sale. - Picturesque Antiquities oj English Cities, London, 1828-30, 4to; £1 5s.; large paper, £2 18s.; largest paper, £10 (mor. ex.). Second Edition, 4to, 1836; 10s. 6d. - Picturesque Views of the English Cities , 4to; 15s.; or large paper, £1. A companion to the jjreceding. Buck (S. and N.), Antiquities or Venerable Remains of above 400 Castles, Sfc., in England and Wales, London, 6 vols., folio, 1774—sold at various auctions for £21, £26, £17 (mor. ex., g. e.). Camden, Britannia. See post , “English Literature.” GENERAL ANTIQUITIES. 155 Cardonnel (A.), Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland , 100 4to plates, 1788-93, 4to; =£1 4s., <£1 18s. Cuitt (G.), Wanderings and Pencillings amongst Ruins of the Olden Time, London, 1848, impl. folio ; <£2 10s. Second Edition, 1855, folio; c£l 12s. Dugdale (Sir W.), Monasticon Anglicanum. Par Rogerum Dodsworth et Gulielmum: Dugdale, London, 1655, 1661, and 1673, 3 vols., folio ; about <£30 (uncut); large paper scarce. Another Edition, 3 vols., 1673-82, folio ; <£9 10s. A New bdition by Caley, London, 1817-30, 6 vols., crown folio ; =£24 (mor. ex., uncut). Two additional volumes to, by J. Stevens, large paper, 1722, folio; c£2 10s. Another Edition, London, 1846, 8 vols., folio; =£13 10s. (mor. ex.). Another Edition, London, 1718-23, 3 vols., folio ; about <£5; large japer, =£10. This is an abridged copy of the original. - The Antiquities of Warwickshire, London, 1656, folio; <£3 10s. (hf. cf. ex.). Second Edition, London, 2 vols., folio, 1730; about the same value ; large paper, double. Another Edition, folio, Coventry, 1765 ; =£1. A bad reprint. - History of Embanking and Draining of Divers Fens and Marshes, 1st ed., 1662, folio; =£13 13s., <£7 10s., =£9 5s., =£11 5s. - Origines Juridicales, ports., by Hollar and Loggan, and plates of arms, large paper, 1666, folio ; =£5 10s. Another Edition, 1680, folio ; =£2 10s. Another Edition, 1671, folio ; <£1 19s. Evans (J.), Ancient Stone Implements of Great Britain, Lcndon, 8vo, 1872; =£1 3s. (cl.). Fosbrooke (T. D.), An Encyclopaedia of Antiquities , London, 2 vols., 4to, 1823-25; <£1. Another Edition, 2 vols., royal 8vo, London, 1843; 12s. Gordon (A.), Itinerarium Septentrionale; or, a Journey Through Scotland, London, folio, 1726; =£1 Is.; with the supplement, <£2 5s.; large paper, <£1 15s. This work refers most minutely to the various monuments encountered on the journey. Graham (H. D.), The Antiquities of Iona, 4to, 1850; 17s. 6d. Greg’s on, Portfolio of Fragments. See post, title, “ English Literature—County Histories ” (Lancashire). Grose (F.), The Antiquities of England and Wales, 4 vols., with supplement, 2 vols., together, 6 vols., royal 8vo, 1773-87; =£1 13s. (hf. cf.). 156 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Grose (F.), The Antiquities of England and Wales , another ed., London, 1784-87, 8 vols., 8vo ; <£1 15s., £2 4s. Another Edition, Hooper, n.d., 8 vols., 4to; £1 14s. - Antiquities of Scotland, London, 1797, 2 vols., impl. 8vo;c£2. - The Antiquities of Ireland, London, 2 vols., impl. 8vo, 1791-95 ; about £2 ; large paper, <£4. - Antiquarian Repertory , 4 vols., 1775, 4to ; £2 2s. New Edition , 4 vols., 1807-9, large paper, 4to; <£2 14s., <£3 10s. - Military Antiquities, 3 vols., 1786-88, 4to; <£1 7s. - New Edition, 2 vols., 1812, large paper, 4to; £1 18s. Hampson (R. T.), Medii JEvi Calendarium, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, n.d. ; 7s. 6d. Horsley (J.), Britannia Romana, London, 1732, folio; c£7; large paper, <£15 (mor. ex., g. e.). Hughes (T.), Horae Britannicce ; or, Studies in Ancient British History and Antiquities, 2 vols., 8vo, 1818-19; 7s. 6d. Jenoway (R. 0.), Selection of Antiquarian and Historical Notes , Edinburgh, 1823, 8vo ; 5s. Second Edition, Edinburgh, 1827, 8vo; 5s. Jones (Owen), The Myvyrian Archaeology of Wales, 3 vols., London, 1801-7; <£3 15s. (mor. ex.). New Edition, 1861-70, royal 8vo; <£1. Kemble (J. M.), Horae Ferales; or, Studies in the Archaeology of the Northern Nations, impl. 4to, 1863; coloured plates, .£1 10s. Leland (John), The Laboryeuse Journey and Serche of Johan Leylande for Englandes Antiquitees , London, 16mo, 1549, black letter; about <£5. A copy is in the Lambeth Library. - De Rebus Britannica Collectanea, 6 vols., large paper, 1715, 8vo; £6 10s., £3 10s. Another Edition of 1774, 6 vols., 8vo ; £2 10s., <£1 5s. - The Itinerary, edited by T. Hearne, 9 vols., 8vo, 1710-12; <£5. Second Edition, Oxford, 9 vols., 8vo, 1744-45; «£5 7s. 6d.; large paper, ,£8 10s., <£7 15s. Third Edition, Oxford, 1768-70, 9 vols., 8vo; <£4 14s.; large paper, <£3. lay sons (S.), Roman Antiquities Discovered at Woodchester , London, 1797, folio, coloured plates ; <£2 5s. - The Remains of Tivo Temples and other Roman Antiquities Discovered at Bath, London, 1802, impl. folio; .£1 5s. GENERAL ANTIQUITIES. 157 hysons (S.), A Collection of Gloucestershire Antiquities, London, 1791-1803, royal folio; <£2 5s. This volume should consist of 15 numbers, which appeared at long intervals; No. 1 appeared in 1791, No. 15 in 1803. Large paper, <£5. A few copies were issued with coloured plates to match the “ Beliquae Britannico Romanae,” to which it forms a sequel. - Reliquce Britannico Romance , London, 1813-17, folio; <£17; published at <£48 6s., coloured plates. Only 200 copies were printed. Maurice (T.), Indian Antiquities , 7 vols., 1809, 8vo, £1 10s. (cf. gt.). Miln (J.), Excavations at Carnac (Brittany), impl. 8vo, Edin¬ burgh, 1877 ; 12s. Neale (J. P.), History and Antiquities of Westminster Abbey, 2 vols., large paper, proof plates; 1818-23, folio; <£3. Another Edition, 1856, 4to ; 15s. Nichols (J.), Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, a List of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 8 vols., 1780-90, with a supplement of 2 vols., together 10 vols., 4to, London, 1780 to 1800 ; <£25 (mor. ex.). The two supplementary volumes are worth more than the previous eight, a large number having been destroyed by fire. - The History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester , London, 1795-1815, 8 vols., folio. An exceedingly scarce and valuable work, especially where “ uncut ”; estimated value, <£75. A copy of the large-paper edition has been sold for as much as <£120. Richardson (C. J.), Studies from Old English Mansions, 4 vols., folio, 1841-48; <£6; large paper, <£10. This work forms a suitable companion to “Nash’s Mansions.” Roy (Major), The Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain, London, 1793, impl. folio ; <£2 10s., <£1 10s. Scott (Sir Walter), The Border Antiquities of England and Scotland, London, 1814-17, 2 vols., 4to; <£2; large paper, royal 4to, <£3 10s. - Provincial Antiquities, with Picturesque Scenery of Scotland, London, 1826, 2 vols.; <£1 5s.; large paper, proofs, impl. 4to, <£2 10s. Scott (W. B.), Antiquarian Gleanings in the North of England, royal 4to, 1860; 7s. Shaw (Henry), History and Antiquities of the Chapel in Luton Park, London, 1829, impl. 8vo; <£1 ; large paper, <£2. The chapel in Luton Park is now destroyed. 158 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Shaw (Henry), Specimens of Ancient Furniture , London, 1836, 4to; 15s.; large paper, with coloured plates, impl. 4to; <£2, £5 5s. (mor. ex.), £3 10s. - Illuminated Ornaments of the Middle Ages, London, 1833, 4to; £3 3s.; large paper, £6. Smith (Dr. W.), Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, large 8vo, 1848, and many other editions £1 (hf. mor., uncut). Storer (James) and Greig (J.), Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet, London, 1806-12, fcap. 8vo, 10 vols.; £1; large paper, £1 18s. Strutt (J.), Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities , 1793, 4to; £2, £1 Is. The best edition. - Complete View of the Manners and Customs of the Inhabi- tanis of England, 3 vols., 156 plates, 1775-76, 4to; £3 10s. - Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, coloured plates, 1801, 4to ; £2 14s. Another Edition, 1810, 4to; £2 5s., £1 15s. Stukeley (Dr. W.), Itinerarium Curiosum, London, 1724, folio, containing only one half of the work ; £1 2s. Second Edition, London, 2 vols., folio, 1776 ; £1 Is., £1 5s., £5 10s. (mor. ex.). - Paleooraphia Britannica, 1743-46, 4to; £3 5s. (fine binding and condition). - Stonehenge, folio, London, 1740; £2. This work is usually bound up with another by the same author, entitled “ Abury.” London, 1743, folio. Value of the two together, £4 (hf. mor.). These works were reprinted in fac-simile in 1837; £2. Tanner (T.), Notitia Monastica ; or, an Account of all the Abbies, tyc , formerly in E7igland and Wales, Cambridge, 1787, folio; £5 10s., £3 8s. This is the best edition of this work; the first was published in folio in 1744, the value of which is about £1 5s. - Bibliotheca Britannico - Hibernica, London, folio, 1748 ; £3 10s. (cf. gt.). Thomas (W.), Antiquitates Prioratus Majoris Malverne, large paper, 1725, 8vo; £1 2s. (mor. ex.). Ugolini (B.), Thesaurus Antiquitatum Sacrarum, Venet., 1744-69, 34 vols., in large folio ; £42 (hf. russ.). The work refers exclu¬ sively to Hebrew Antiquities. Worlidge (T.), Draivings from Antique Gems, 1768, 2 vols., 4to; £4 16s., £4 4s., £5 10s. This work to be complete should contain 181 plates, including the head of Medusa and the large plate of Hercules slaying the Nemaean lion. ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETIES. 159 Wormius (Olaus), Antiquitates Danicce, small folio, Hafniae, 1642-51. This edition comprises the more important works of Wormius, and is worth about <£1 by auction (cf. gt.). Wright (T.), The Antiquities of the Town of Halifax, 12mo, 1738; 5s. - Louthiana; or, an Introduction to the Antiquities of Ireland, London, 1758, 4to; 12s. Societies. Antiquaries, Society of (London), Archceologia; or, Miscel¬ laneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, 1770 to date. A set, 1770-1881, in 47 vols., 4to, recently sold by auction for <£19 10s. - Proceedings of the, from the commencement in 1843 to 1886 ; <£2 10s. (cf.). Archaeologia Cantiana. Transactions of the Kent Archaeo¬ logical Society, 7 vols., plates, 1858-68, 8vo; <£3 12s. Another Set, 1858-72, 8 vols., 8vo; <£2 18s. Another Set , 1858-86, 16 vols., 8vo; <£7 (hf. cf.). Archaeologia Scotica, Transactions of the Society of Anti¬ quaries of Scotland, Vols. I. to V., 1792-1874, 4to; <£9 10s. (mor. ex., fine copy). Another Set, 1792-1874, Yols. I. to V., 4to; <£4 10s. Archaeological Association (British), Journal of the, from the commencement in 1845 to 1883; <£1 12s., <£4 10s. Archaeological Institute, Proceedings of the, 6 vols., plates, 1845-51, 8vo ; <£1 2s. Another Set, 1845-52, 7 vols., 8vo; <£1 14s. Archaeological Society (Irish), Publications from 1841, 20 vols., 4to ; <£5 15s. Ashmolean Society (Oxford), Proceedings and Transactions of, commencing in 1828. Dilettanti Society, instituted in London in 1734. The fol¬ lowing are some of the works issued by this Society: Ionian Antiquities, by Chandlek, 3 vols., 1769-1797-1840, folio ; <£5 (hf. mor.). Specimens of Ancient Sculpture, 75 engravings, 1809, folio; <£6 5s., <£10 (russ. ex.). Unedited Antiquities of Attica, 1817, folio ; <£3 5s., <£1 9s. Principles of Athenian Architecture, by Penrose, 1851, folio; <£4 8s. Surtees Society’s Publications, from the commencement in 1835 to 1883, in all 76 vols., 8vo ; <£24 (as issued). 160 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Sussex Archaeological Collections, from the commencement in 1853 to 1886 inclusive, and index to the first 25 vols., in all 33 vols., 8vo ; £9 15s. Numismatics. Ainslie (Genl.), Illustrations of the Anglo-French Coinage , 2 vols., 4to, 1830; 10s. Akerman (J. Y.), Descriptive Catalogue of Rare and Inedited Roman Coins , 2 vols., 8vo, 1834 ; <£1 5s.; large paper; £1 15s. - Ancient Coins of Cities and Princes , 8vo, 1846, 24 plates; 7s. 6d. - The Numismatic Manual , 8vo, 1840 ; 5s. - Tradesmen’s Tokens in London , 8vo, 1849 ; 5s.; large paper, 7s. 6d. - Coins of the Romans relating to Britain , 8vo, 1844; 5s. Batty’s Catalogue of the Copper Coinage of G.B, 1868-86, 4to; £3 3s. Borghesi (B.), (Euvres Completes , 6 vols., 4to, Paris, 1862-68 ; £3. Boyne (W.), Silver Tokens of Great Britain and Ireland , small 4to, 1866; 5s. - Tokens Issued in the 17tli Century in England , tfc., 8vo, 1858; 103.; large paper, £1 2s. Brenner (E.), Thesaurus Nummorum , 4to, 1731, Stockholm ; 8s.; large paper, 17s. 6d. This is the best edition of this work. Cardonnel (A.), Numismata Scotice , 4to, 1786 ; 15s. Carellius (F.), Nummi Veteris Italics, 200 plates, 1812, folio; £1 Is. Another Edition , 202 plates, 1850, folio ; £2 4s. Combe (C.), Nummorum Yeterum Populorum , 4to, 1782; £1. Another Edition , royal 4to, 1814; 15s. Donaldson (T. L.), Architectura Numismatica , royal 8vo, 1859; 12s. Eckhel (J. H.), Doctrina Nummorum Veterum , 9 vols. in 8, 4to, Vindob., 1792-1826; £3 10s. Bvans (J.), Coins of the Ancient Britons , 8vo, 1864; 10s. Bellows (C.), Coins of Ancient Lycia , impl. 8vo, 1855, 19 plates; published at 21s. Fleetwood (Bishop), Clironicon Preciosum , 8vo, 1745 ; Is. 6d. Polkes (M.), Tables of English Silver and Gold Coins , London, 1763, 4to. This is the best edition published by the Society of Antiquaries; about £1 5s. A previous edition of 1745, 4to, £1 Is. NUMISMATICS. 161 Pox (C. B.), Engravings of Unedited or Rare Greek Coins , 1856, 8yo, 4 yoIs. ; £1. Gardner (P.), Types of Greek Coins , 1883, 4to ; <£1 5s. Gessner (J. J.), Opera Numismatica, 3 yoIs., folio, Tiguri, 1738, 303 plates; £1. Gordon (T.), Description of his Cabinet of Ancient Coins , impl. 8yo, 14 plates, 1833, privately printed; 5s. Hawkins (E.), Silver Coins of England, Arranged and Described, London, 8vo, 1841 ; 12s. 6d. New Edition, 8vo, 1876, 55 plates; <£1. - Medallic Illustrations, 2 vols., 1855, 8vo; =£1 11s. Head (B. V.), Greek Coins in the British Museum, 9 vols., 1876-87, 8vo ; =£5 10s. (hf. mor.). Henfrey (H. W.), Numismata Cromwelliana, 4to, 8 plates, 1877; 17s. Hennin (M.), Manuel de Numismatique Ancienne, 2 vols., 8vo, Paris, 1830 ; 5s. Humphreys (H. N.), Coinage of the British Empire, royal 8vo, 1863; 12s. 6d. - Coin Collector’s Manual, Bohn, 2 vols., post 8vo, 1853; 7s. 6d. Knight’s Nummi Veteres Civitatum, impl. 4to, London, 1830; 5s. 6d. Leake (W. M.), Numismata Hellenica, a Catalogue of Greek Coins, London, 1856, 4to; with the Supplement, 1859, ,£3 (mor. ex.). The Supplement by itself, about 12s. 6d. Lindsay (John). A complete set of his numismatic works, 8 vols., 4to, 1839-68 is worth about c£2 10s. (hf. cf.). - Coinage of Scotland (with two Supplements), plates, 3 vols., 1845-68. Coinage of the Parthians, 1852, together 4 vols.. 4to ; £1 6s. Madden (F. W.), History of the Jewish Coinage, royal 8vo, 245 engravings, 1865 ; 12s. 6d.; large paper, about £1 10s. Only 30 large-paper copies were printed. Magnan (D.), Bruttia Numismatica, folio, Borne, 1775; 8s. Marsden (W.), Numismata Orientala Illustrata, the Oriental coins of his own collection described and historically illustrated, London, 1823-25, 2 vols., 4to, plates; .£3 17s. 6d. Another Edition, 2 vols., royal 4to, 20 plates, 1878; <£4 10s. Musellio (Jac.), Numismata Antigua, 3 vols., folio, 1751, 300 plates; 18s. (bds.). Pinkerton (J.), An Essay on Medals ; or, an Introduction to the Knowledge of Ancient and Modern Coins and Medals, London, 2 vols., 8vo, 1789 ; 8s. 6d. M 162 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Pinkerton (J.), An Essay on Medals ; or, an Introduction to the Knowledge of Ancient and Modern Coins and Medals, London, 1784, crown 8vo; 2s. 6d. Third Edition, London, 1808, 8vo, 2 vols.; 7s. An excellent work, though described as incorrect in several particulars. - Tfie Medallic History of England, London, 1790 ; 15s.; large paper, <£1 2s. Second Edition , 1802, 4to ; £1. Prattent (T.), The Virtuoso's Companion; or, Coin Collector's Manual, London, 12mo, 8 vols., 1795-97 ; £2 5s. (cf.). Pye (C.), Provincial Copper Coins, 1801, 4to; £1 5s. Rasche (J. C.), Lexicon Universes Rei Nummarice Veterum, 9 vols. in 14, 8vo, Lips., 1785-1805; £4; fine paper, same date, up to £5 10s. Ruding (B-.), Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain, London, 1817, 4to, 4 vols.; about £1 12s.; large paper, £2 5s. Another Edition, 1819, 5 vols., 8vo, together with 1 vol. of plates in 4to ; £1 16s. Third Edition, London, 1840, 3 vols., 4to; £6 15s., £4 4s., £6 7s. 6d. The chief value of this last edition consists in its excellent index, whereby the numismatist may at once refer to any coin on the plates. - Plates of British and Saxon Coins, 4to ; 5s. 6d. Sestini (D.), The Works of, 26 vols., 4to, 1796-1829; about £5 (cf.). Sharp (T.), Catalogue of Provincial Copper Coins, Tokens, Sfc., royal 4to, 1834. Printed for private circulation, and scarce. Simon (James), An Essay Towards an Historical Account of Irish Coins, 4to, Dublin, 1810; 10s. Smyth (W. H.), A Descriptive Catalogue of a Cabinet of Roman Imperial Large Brass Medals, Bedford, 1834, 4to ; 7s. - A Descriptive Catalogue of Coins belonging to the Duke of Northumberland, 1856; 10s. Snelling (T.), Coins of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, 80 plates, 1823, 4to ; £2 12s. (hf. cf. ex.). Other coinage works of this author comprise the following, which have been recently sold at the prices quoted: View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of England, 1762 ; Gold Coin, Sfc., 1763; Copper Coins, tyc., 1766; Coins Struck by English Princes, 1769 ; The Origin of Jettons or Counters, 1769 ; Silver Coin and Coinage of Scotland, 1774. All in 1 vol., 4to; £1 17s. (hf. cf.). Thomas (E.), Coins of the Patan Sultans of Hindostan, 8vo, 1847; 3s. ANCIENT MONUMENTS AND BRASSES. 163 Thomas (E.), Coins of the Kings of Ghazni, 8vo, 1848 ; 3s. - The Epoh of the Sale Kings of Surashtra, 8vo, 1848 ; 3s. - The Numismatic History of the Early Mohammedan Arabs, 8vo, 1849 ; 5s. - The Initial Coinage of Bengal, 8vo, 1866 ; 2s. With the Supplement, 1873, 2 parts, 8vo; 7s. 6d. Thomasson (E.), Series of Medals Illustrative of the Holy Scriptures, 60 medals in German silver, with printed remarks, arranged in 5 morocco cases, 1848, 4to; <£3 10s. Wilson (H. H.), Ariana Antigua , London, 1841, 4to; about «£1 17s. 6d. (hf. mor.). Wingate (J.), Illustrations of the Coinage of Scotland, 4to, 1868; <£1 5s. Only 150 copies of this work were printed. Vaughan (R.), Discourse of Coin and Coinage , 12mo, 1675 ; 7s. 6d. Society. Numismatic Society of London. A complete set of the publications of this society, from 1836 to date, all in 8vo. Ancient Monuments and Brasses. Blore (E .), Monumental Remains of Noble and Eminent Persons in Gh'eat Britain, 4to, 18_6; 8s. 6d. ; large paper, proofs, .£2 2s. Boutell (C .), Monumental Brasses and Slabs, royal 8vo, 1847 ; 12s. - Monumental Brasses of England, royal 8vo, 1848-49 ; ,£1; large paper, £1 15s. - Christian Monuments of England and Wales, royal 8vo, 1854; 7s. Bowman (H.), Churches of the Middle Ages, 2 vols., folio, N.D., (1849) ; £3 15s., <£4 2s. 6d. (mor). Another Edition , 2 vols., G. Bell, n.d., folio ; value about the same as above. Brash (R. R.), The Ogam Inscribed Monuments of the British Islands, small 4to, 1879; .£1. Cotman (J. S.), Engravings of the Sepulchral Brasses of Norfolk, Yarmouth, 1813-16, impl. 4to ; <£2. Second Edition, London, 1839, 2 vols., folio ; c£2 16s.; large paper, in impl. folio ; £4. Douglas (James), Nenia Britannica, a Sepulchral History of Great Britain, London, folio, 1793; £2 15s.; large paper, about double. M 2 164 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Haines (H.), Manual for the Study of Monumental Brasses , Oxford, 8vo, 1848; 3s. 6d. - Manual of Monumental Brasses , 2 vols., 8vo, 1861, 10s. Two very useful volumes. There are other and later editions. Hudson (F.), Monumental Brasses of Northamptonshire , impl. folio, 1853; <£1; large paper, =£2. This is a very good work The plates are all executed in bronze, and give facsimiles of the brasses. Layard (A. H.), The Monuments of Nineveh, folio, 1849-53; both series, £5 15s.; the second series by itself, 71 plates, 1873, folio ; <£3 16s. - Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, 8vo, 1853; 12s. - Nineveh and its Remains, 2 vols., 8vo, 1849 ; 15s. Lubbock (Sir J. Ancient), National Monuments , London, 8vo, 1879. Maclagan (C.), Hill Forts, Stone Circles, tyc., of Ancient Scotland, folio, 1875 ; <£1. Richardson (W.), Monastic Ruins of Yorkshire, with descriptions by Churton, 2 vols. in 1, atlas folio, York, 1843-52; «£2 10s. (hf. cf.); published at =£20. Rogers (C.), Monuments and Monumental Inscriptions in Scotland, 2 vols., 8vo, 1871-72; .£1. Rogers (W. H.), Ancient Sepulchral Effigies, $c., of Devon, 1877, 4to; <£1 5s. i Stephens (G.), The Old Northern Runic Monuments of Scandi¬ navia, Parts I. and II. (all published), London, Copenhagen (printed), 1866-68 ; <£2 15s. Stothard (C. A.), Monumental Effigies of Great Britain, small folio, 147 coloured plates, 1817; *£2 10s.; large paper, £4* (hf. cf.). Another .Edition, impl. 4to, 1879; «£1 12s. 6d. Waller (J. G.), Monumental Brassesfrom the 13th to 16th Century, 18 parts, complete, folio, 1864 ; <£2. Waring (J. B.), Stone Monuments, Tumuli and Ornaments of Remote Ages, impl. 4to, 1870 ; =£1 (cl.). Warne (C.), Celtic Tumuli of Dorset, folio, 1866; 12s. 6d. Weever (John), Ancient Funeral Monuments within Great Britain, $c., London, folio, 1631 ; <£1 5s., <£2 2s.; large paper, <£6 to £7 by auction. To be complete this edition should have a portrait of Weever, with an engraved title-page, and 18 woodcuts in the text, pp. 1-871. Second Edition, London, 1661; <£1 5s. Third Edition, London, 4to, 1767 ; <£1. HERALDRY, ETC. 165 Society. Anastatic Society, Delineations of Ancient Ecclesiastical, Military, and Domestic Edifices, Sepulchral Monuments, Brasses, 2 vols., 1778. Frequently reprinted. The Bible, London, T. Kearsley, folio, 1784. - By James Cookson, London, folio, 1784. - By Thos. Wilson, edited by The Rev. Clement Crutwell, Bath, 3 vols., 4to, 1785. - By Thomas Scott, London, 4 vols., 4to, 1788. Frequently reprinted. - London, 12mo, 1790. - (Douay), Dublin, 4to, 1791. This, the fifth edition, is regarded as the standard of the Romanist version, and has been reprinted in various sizes. -By the Rev. Alexander Geddes, London, 1792-1800, 2 vols., 4to, and an extra volume of remarks. - With engravings, London, 2 vols., 8vo, 1795. Large paper in 4to. - London, 1795, royal 4to, with plates. - London, 12mo, 1796. Bowyer’s cabinet edition. Large paper. - 5 vols., 12mo, 1796. -- With Ostervald’s arguments, London, royal 4to, 1799. -- With engraving (Macklin’s edition), 7 vols., folio, 1800-16; <£4 4s. (mor. ex.), <£5, ,£4 19s., <£15 (very fine copy). - London, 32mo, 1800 (Corrall’s edition). - With Notes, by Mason, London, 4to, 1800. - Notes by T. Parsons, Bristol, 32mo, 1802. Edwards* Diamond edition. - London, J. Reeves, crown 8vo, 10 vols., 1802. - With Notes, Liverpool, folio, 1804. - Translated from the Latin Vulgate, Edinburgh, 1805, 5 vols., 8vo. Another Edition, Dublin, 4 vols., 8vo, 1811. - London, 4to, 1806. -- Oxford, 4to, 2 vols., 1807. - 2 vols., 4to, 1809. - By Thos. Coke, London, 6 vols., 4to, 1806. ENGLISH VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE. 197 The Bible, London, 4to, 1810, with maps, tables, and vignette engravings; 4s. - Notes by Adam Clarke, London, 8 vols., 4to, 1810*26. There are a number of large-paper copies to be met with in the market. - Edin., 12mo, 1811. Large-paper copies in small 8vo, 2 vols. ; <£2. The Family Bible, with Notes by Saunders, London, 2 vols., 4to, 1811, complete in thirteen parts. The Devotional Family Bible, by Rev. J. Fawcett, London, 2 vols., 4to, 1811. The Bible, by John Hewlett, London, 3 vols., 4to, 1811; .£1. Large paper, in 6 vols., 8vo, with 120 engravings. - Notes by Haydock, 2 vols., folio, 1811-14. A revised edition in 8vo, Dublin, 1822. - With Notes by Benson, London, 5 vols., 4to, 1811-18. - London, 1813, 4to, 6 vols., <£2 11s. (mor. ex.). - London, 1814, 24mo. A Revised Translation of the Holy Scriptures , Glasgow, 4to, 1815. A former edition appeared in Glasgow, 1799, 8vo. The Bible, illustrated with engravings by Chas. Heath, from the designs of Westall, Oxford, 2 vols., imperial 8vo, 1815; <£1 12s. (large paper) ; =£1 Is. (small paper). - London, 24mo, 1816. -- With Notes, &c., by D’Oyly, D.D., Oxford, 3 vols., 4to, 1817. Reprinted, Cambridge, 3 vols., 4to, 1822, and several times since. This work sells for very small sums, and there appears to be a large number of copies in the market. - By E. Nares, D.D., London, 3 vols., folio, 1818. A New Family Bible, by Boothroyd, 3 vols., 4to, 1818. The Bible, with a centre column of original references, London, 12mo, 1819. - London, 12mo, 1820. The Old and New Testament, by Townsend, London, 4 vols., 8vo, 1821-25. Second Edition , London, 4 vols., 8vo, 1826-27. The Bible, by Thomas Scott, London, 6 vols., 4to, 1822. This is the fifth, and by far the best edition. Reprinted in 3 vols., imperial 8vo, 1850. The Cottage Bible , by Thos. Williams, London, 3 vols., 8vo, 1825-27. 198 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. The Comprehensive Bible. London, crown 4to, 1827. Keprinted in 1846. This Bible is printed on several descriptions of paper, and the better the paper the more valuable the work. Bible, Pictorial, by J. Kitto and others, London, 4 vols., royal 4to. Reprinted in 3 vols., impl. 8vo. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 1st ed., 3 vols., 8vo, 1836-38; <£1 (hf. cf.). Bible, Holy (Wycliffe), edited by the Rev. Josiah Forshall and Sir F. Madden, 4 vols., royal 4to, 1850, Oxford Univer¬ sity Press. Dores Bible, London, 2 vols., 4to, n.d. ; <£1 10s. Henry’s Bible, 5 vols., cl., 1860, 8vo; <£1 2s. Wordsworth’s Bible, 6 vols., cl., 8vo, 1869-72 ; e£3 9s. Cook's Bible, with explanatory commentary by the Bishops, 3 vols., 8vo, London, 1873 ; <£1 12s. (cf. ex.). The first Bible printed in Scotland is dated Edinburgh, 1579, folio, and is known as the “ Bassandyne Bible.” The value of a good copy is about £40, by auction. Other Scotch impressions of this same Genevan version are those of 1601, Edinburgh, 8vo, £9 10s.; and Edinburgh, 1610, folio, £10 (hf. mor.). The first Bible printed in Welsh was issued from London, by the Deputies of 0. Barker, 1588, folio; £60 (perfect). The second edition, Llundain, 1620, folio; £10 10s. (perfect). The first edition of the Bible in Irish is dated London, 1685, and was translated by Dr. W. Bedell, with the New Testament by W. O’Domhnuill. It is in 2 vols., 4to; £8 (perfect); £5 10s. (good copy). The first edition of the Bible in any language was printed in Latin at Mayence, by Gutenberg and Fust, about the year 1450. This is the famous Mazarin Bible, and the earliest book printed with movable metal types by the inventors of printing. Sir John Thorold’s copy sold for £3900, and the Earl of Crawford’s for £2650. The Bible takes its name from the fact that the first copy was accidentally discovered by Debure in the library of Cardinal Mazarin. It is printed in double columns, ENGLISH VERSIONS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 199 without title, pagination, or signature ; and for firmness of paper, brightness of ink, and exact uniformity of impression, has never been surpassed—even if it has been equalled—by any other work, ancient or modern. (2) English. Versions of the New Testament. The Newe Testament , in Englysshe, by Tyndale, 1525, 4to, black letter. Printed at Cologne by Peter Quentel, and most probably never completed. The only fragment known is in the British Museum. The Newe Testament , in Englysshe, by Tyndale, 1525 or 1526, small 8vo; only two copies known. There is a reprint of this edition, published by Bagster, crown 8vo, 1836. There is also a reprint of Bagster’s reprint, published in America in 1837. A facsimile reprint of Tyndale’s Testament, Bristol, 1862, small 8vo; published at <£8. A few copies on vellum, one of which recently sold for <£14 10s. - By W. Tyndale, Antwerp, by Endhoven, 12mo, 1526. The Newe Testament , by Tyndale, 12mo, 1527. - of Our Saviour , Jesus Christ , Zurich, small 16mo, 1550. Only one copy of this edition is known to exist. The Newe Testament, Tyndale (1530), small 8vo; =£30 (wanted title). - Antwerp, August, 1534, 16mo. A copy is in the Greville Collection, British Museum; .£230 (perfect). Tyndale's Second Edition of the New Testament, black letter, November, 1534, small 8vo. The Newe Testament , 12mo, 1534; printed at Antwerp; c£21 (mor. ex.). - By William Tyndale, 1534, 12mo. Also another edition by the same translator in 12mo, published in the same year ; likewise an edition in 4to. Tyndale also published an edition in folio in the following year (1535), and another in 12mo. Cover dal e's Testament , 12mo, 1535. Only one copy known. The Newe Testament, yet ones agayne corrected by W. Tyndale, 1536, long 8vo; <£3 3s. (title and other leaves in facsimile), d£15 10s. (imperfect), =£10 10s. (imperfect). Another Edition, in 4to, same date. Also Another Edition , in small 8vo, black letter, same date. Also Another Edition of this date, in 12mo, and another in 16mo. - Yet Once Agayne corrected (1536 or 1537), 16mo. The first six words of the title are in red. 200 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. The Newe Testament , in Englysche and Latyn, impr. by Rob Redman, 4to, 1538. - By Thomas Mathew, 4to, 1538. Coverdale's Testament , Southwarke, impr. by James Nicholson, 4to, 1538; £4 4s. (imperfect). The Newe Testament , both in Latine and Englyshe, by Hally- btjshe (i.e., Miles Coverdale), 4to, 1538. This is Nicholson’s second edition of Coverdale’s New Testament. Another Edition , Paris, November, 1538, 8vo, printed by Grafton and Whitchurche. This impression was seized and destroyed by the Inquisition. - Printed at Antwerp by Matthew Crom, 1538, 12mo. - By Coverdale, 16mo, 1538. Another Edition , printed by Grafton and Whitchurche, 8vo, 1539. - By Rycharde Taverner, 4to, 1539. Another Edition , London, Thos. Petyt, 1539. The New Testament , Antwerp, by M. Crom, small 8vo, 1539. The New Testament was, about this era (1539-1550), reprinted on many occasions, but perfect copies are in many instances unknown, while in others they are so scarce as to be practically unattainable. We give a short list of the editions published between the dates men¬ tioned : 1540, 4to, printed by Grafton and Whitchurche. 1540, 12mo, printed by Grafton. 1542, 32mo, Tyndale’s edition. 1546, 12mo, printed by Grafton. 1547, small 8vo, printed by Whitchurche. 1547, 4to, printed by William Powell. 1548, 24mo, printed by J. Herford. 1548, 24mo, Tyndale’s version ; <£10 5s. (all faults). 1548, 4to or folio, printed at Worcester. 1548, 16mo, printed by Daye and Seres. 1548, 4to, printed by Daye and Seres. 1548, small 8vo, Tyndale’s version; Matthew’s Annotations. 1548, 24mo, Richard Jugge. 1548, 16mo, Richard Jugge. 1548, small 4to, William Tylle. 1549, 4to, for John Cawood. 1549, 18mo, Tyndale’s version; £1 18s. (imperfect). 1549, folio, Day and Seres. 1549, 8vo, W. Seres. ENGLISH VERSIONS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 201 1549, 12mo, Thomas Matthew. 1549, 12mo. R. Wolfe. 1549, 12mo, Tyndale’s version; ,£8 10s. (mor.). 1549, 4to, W. Powell. 1550, small 8vo, John Daye and William Seres. Tyndale’s ver¬ sion. Only five copies known, and all imperfect; c£6 15s. (wanted title). 1550, 8vo, Thomas Gaultier; <£4 6s. (imperfect). 1550, small 8vo, Wyllyam Copland. 1550, 12mo, Reynolde Wolfe. 1550, 18mo (Zurich), Christopher Froschover. 1550, 4to, John Oswen. 1550, 24mo, Richard Jugge. The New Testament, by W. Tyndale, London, by J. Daye and W. Seres, 12mo, 1551. - London, by Richard Jugge, 4to, 1552. This is a very rare edition, and seldom to be met with in its entirety; <£5 (very imperfect). Another Edition, by Jugge, in 4to, 1553, being the second 4to ed. printed by him; <£4 (imperfect). The Neice Testament, London, 16mo, n.d. (probably 1552). Only three copies known. - Geneva, Conrad Badius, 12mo, 1557, commonly called the first edition of the Genevan version. A perfect copy is worth about <£15. A facsimile reprint of this edition of 1557 was issued, London, Bagster, n.d. (1842), small 8vo; large paper, small 4to, <£1 Is. The New Testament, commonly called the second edition of the Genevan version; very scarce. - London, 12mo, 1561, Richard Jugge. Another Edition, by Richard Jugge, 1566, 4to. This is one of the most common of the three 4to editions by Jugge, and is readily distinguished by the heading of every page being in Roman letters, both the others being in italics. New Testament, Geneva, by John Crespin, 4to, 1568. The Bishops' Version, London, Jugge, 1570, 24mo. The Newe Testament, London, 1575, Christopher Barker, 12mo. Rare. - London, for Christopher Barker, 1575, 8vo. - London, Vantroulier, 1575, 12mo. The Bishops’ Version. The New Testament, Genevan version, 18mo, 1575. -- Lawrence Tomson, London, Chr. Barker, 1576, small 8vo; <£2 12s. (wanted 16 11. at end), <£20 (perfect). Another Edition by Tomson, London, Barker, 1576, 8vo. 202 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. The New Testament, London, by R. Jugge, 1577, 8vo or small 4to. - London, published by C. Barker, 1578, 24mo. Printed in small type. The Newe Testament, London, Ch. Barker, small 8vo, 1580, Beza’s version. Copies are to be found in the British Museum. From this date down to the end of the seventeenth century great numbers of editions of the New Testa¬ ment were published. Many of these are scarce and valuable; others, on the contrary, especially those of later date, are not of much interest. Each book, how¬ ever, has to be judged on its merits, and it is impossible to make a classification in the space at disposal. 1580, 1581, 1581, 1582, 1582, 1583, 1583, 1584, 1586, 1589, 1589, 1589, 1590, 1591, 1593, 1593, 1593, 1594, 1595, 1596, 1596, 1597, 1597, 1598, 1598, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1607, 1610, 55 London, 24mo, Tomson’s version ; <£3 3s. 12mo, Tomson’s version. 12mo, Bishops’ version. Rhemes, 4to ; £2 12s. (perfect), £3 15s. Editio princeps of the English Roman Catholic Testament. London, 8vo, Tomson’s version. 12mo, copy in St. Paul’s Library. 4to, Beza’s version ; £1 5s. (imperfect). 4to. 12mo, Tomson’s version, folio. 55 55 55 55 55 55 12mo. Cantab., 24mo. London, 8vo. 12mo. Scarce. 55 48mo. 4to. 24mo. 4to. 8 vo. 4to; £1 10s., £1 7s. 12mo. 4to, Tomson’s version. 12mo, Tomson’s version. 4to, black letter. 48mo; £4 12s. (perfect). Antwerp, 4to; £3, £1 5s. London, folio. 8vo. 12mo. folio. 8vo; £2 16s. (cf., perfect). 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 ENGLISH VERSIONS OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. 203 1610, 1611, 1612, 1613, 1614, 1614, 1615, 1615, 1616, 1616, 1617, 1617, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1621, 1622, 1628, 1631, 1633, 1633, 1633, 1635, 1642, 1642, 1643, 1643, 1647, 1647, 1648, 1653, 1674, 1676, Edin., small 8vo, Tomson’s version, black letter. London, 12mo, black letter. „ 4to, black letter. ,, 24mo; =£1. „ small 8vo, black letter. Very rare. „ 16mo. „ 12mo. ,, 16mo. ,, 18mo. „ small 8vo. ,, folio, John Bill, consisting* of the New Testament translated out of the Vulgate Latin. It may be said that this edition and the notes upon it embody the old Popish controversy respecting the Scriptures. London, 12mo, black letter. „ 12mo, black letter. „ 12mo, Morton and Bill. „ folio, Cartwright. Antwerp, 18mo. London, 12mo. ,, 24mo. „ R. Barker, 4to; £2 6s. (cropped). Rouen, 4to. London, folio. ,, small 8vo. There are two editions of this date, one “ Printed by Robert Young,” the other by the “ Printers to the King’s most excellent Majestie.” The latter is rare. London, 12mo, with Book of Psalms, 2 vols. in 1. Edin., 8vo. „ 32mo. „ 32mo. „ 8vo, in black letter. „ 16mo. Amsterdam, 12mo. London, 32mo; £1 (cf.). „ 4to, with Psalms. ,, 12mo. ,, 12mo. All issued by Robert Barker, and worth in fair condition from 10s. to 15s. each. Between this date and the year 1718 only about twenty editions were published, two of them being in black letter. These latter are typographically worth a little, but the other editions are not of any note. 1718, Dublin, 8vo. 1719-25, London, 4 vols., 8vo. 204 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. 1722, London, 2 yols., 8vo. Second Edition , 2 vols., 8vo, 1742. 1730, London, 2 yols., 8yo. 1730, ,, 2 yols., 4to. 1731, „ folio. Re-issued, London, 1810, 4to. 1738, Rhemes, folio. The 5th ed., but the first in folio. 1739, London, folio. 1745, ,, 8vo. Called the “Primitive New Testament,” in 4 parts, translated, with notes, by William Whiston. 1749, London, 12mo, edited by Challoner. Subsequent editions of 1752, 1764, and 1772. 1764, London, 2 vols., 8vo. 1768, ,, 2 vols., 8vo. 1769, „ 8vo. Second Edition , 1810, 8vo, 2 vols. This is the better of the two. though of very little pecuniary value. 1770, London, 8vo. 1772, „ 8vo. 1772, „ 8vo. Translated from the Vulgate. The next edition of value is one issued in 8vo, 1792, Darton and Harvey. It is rare, inasmuch as it was sup¬ pressed in consequence of the marginal notes being evasive of the patent. Yalue, from £1 to £1 5s. (cf. uncut). 1808, London, 8vo, a Unitarian version. This work has passed through five editions, the last of which was issued in 1819, and is in 12mo. 1816, London, 48mo, Eyre and Strahan, india-paper. 1817, „ 12mo, Bagster. 1825, „ 2 vols.. 8vo. Fourth Edition , 1838, 2 vols., 8vo. 1848, London, small 4to. This is a reprint of Wycliffe’s New Testament, printed from a contemporary MS. said to be written about the year 1380. Black letter. Two or three copies were printed on vellum at £18 18s. each. 1849-51, London, 2 vols., 4to. (3) Common Prayer Books. 1549, folio, 1st ed. of “ Edward VI.’s Prayer Book.” E. Whit- churche; £155 (mor. ex., containing the rare order for the price). 1552, folio, 2nd ed. of “ Edward VI.’s Prayer Book.” E. Whit- churche ; £100 (mor., g. e.). This edition seems to have been partly printed by R. Grafton “ Mense Augusti, 1552.” A copy bearing his imprint sold recently for £60 (mor. ex.). COMMON PRAYER BOOKS. 205 1561, folio, Jugge and Cawood; £2 5s. (oak, brass corners and clasps). n.d. (1571), 4to, “Queen Elizabeth’s Prayer Book,” R. Jugge and J. Cawood ; also the Psalms in Metre, with music, John Daye, 1571, 2 vols. in 1 ; £140 (original cf. binding). 1578, 4to, J. Daye, 2nd ed. of “ Queen Elizabeth’s Prayer Book”; £6 (imperfect), £30 (mor., perfect). 1578, folio, R. Barker. The first Puritan Prayer Book attached as part of the Genevan Version of the Bible; <£12 (cf.). n.d. (1583), 8vo, Robert Waldegrave; £6 10s. (cf., cropped close). 1590, 4to, John Daye, “ Queen Elizabeth’s Prayer Book,” printed as usual within woodcut borders composed inter alia of Holbein’s “Dance of Death”; £26 10s. (mor. ex). 1591, 4to, “ Queen Elizabeth’s Prayer Book”; £3 12s. 6d. (title missing, portrait of Elizabeth mounted). 1605, 4to, R. Barker, “The Prayer Book of James I.”; £12 5s. (cf. ex., fine copy). 1608, folio, in Irish, by W. Daniell, Archbishop of Tuam, Dublin ; £12 5s. (vellum) ; £11 5s. (russ., g. e.). 1608, 4to, “ Queen Elizabeth’s Prayer Book ”; £2 10s. (very fine binding, but damaged within), £1 12s. (damaged). 1617, 8vo, R. Barker; £1 (original cf.). 1629, folio, T. and J. Buck ; 8s. (mor.). 1636, folio, R. Barker ; £1 12s. (cf. ex., fine copy). A fac-simile of this black-letter Prayer Book, showing the manu¬ script alterations made in 1661, was made by Zinco¬ graphy at the Ordnance Survey Office, in 1870, folio ; £1 12s. (as issued). 1637, folio, Edinburgh, “Laud’s Book”; £1 17s. (cf.), £10 (original binding), £5 5s. (mor.). 1662, folio, black letter; £1 (large paper, cf.). 1662, 8vo, J. Bill and Christ. Barker, engraved title by Loggan. The first edition of the “ Sealed Book ” of Charles II.; £7 10s. (large paper, russ., clasps and corners), £1 10s. (old cf., with clasps). 1669, folio, H. M. Printers, black letter; £2 4s. (large paper, mor., g. e.) ; £1 3s. (cf. ex.). 1706, 8vo, C. Bill, front by Loggan ; £7 (crimson velvet). 1710, folio, Oxford, together with Sternhold and Hopkins’ metrical version of the Psalms ; £3 12s. 6d. (mor. ex., fine copy). 1712, 8vo, Edinburgh. A reprint of “Laud’s Prayer Book” of 1637 ; £1 14s. (mor. ex.). 206 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. 1717, 8vo, “ Sturt’s Prayer Book.” so called because it was engraved by him throughout; £2 2s. (old English mor.), <£3 5s. (mor. ex.). 1730, 4to ; £6 5s. (George I.’s copy). 1736, 8vo, J. Baskett; £1 (mor. gt.). 1737, 62mo, Edinburgh ; £11 5s. (bound in chased silver covers). 1760, 8vo, Camb., Baskerville ; £3 (mor. ex.). 1761, 8vo, Baskerville; £1 14s. (mor. ex.). 1762, 8vo, Camb., Baskerville ; <£1 6s. (mor. gt., from Library of George III., with his cypher). 1765, 8vo, in Manx; £2 10s. (mor. ex.). 1786, 8vo, Philadelphia, U.S., 1st ed. of the Book of Common Prayer as revised for the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church of America ; £3 11s. (mor. ex.). Another Edition , New York, 1798, 8vo ; £2 (cf.). 1787, 8vo, in the Mohawk language, so translanted by Capt. J. Brant, an Indian of the Mohawk tribe, plates; <£6 (mor. gt., good copy). 1812, 8vo, Edinburgh, “for the use of the Church of Scotland”; £1 10s. (mor. ex., g. e.). 1840, 8vo, Oxford; <£1 12s. (mor., edges painted). 1843, 4to, Burns, black letter; <£1 Is. (mor.). 1843-44, 2 vols., 4to, edited by Dyce, printed in red and black within ornamental borders; <£1 3s. (uncut). 1871, folio, title by Loggan; <£3 (mor. ex., by Biviere). Pickering's Reprints (in facsimile) of the Books of Common Prayer of Edward VI., 1549 and 1552 ; Charles I., 1637, and II., 1662; Elizabeth, 1559, and James I. 1604, complete in 6 vols., folio, 1844 ; £12 12s. (parch¬ ment, uncut j. (4) Concordances, &c. The first Concordance to the Bible printed in English was issued from the press of B. Grafton in 1550. It is a small thick folio, in black letter, and was written by Marbek. Perfect copies have sold recently for £2 2s. £1 17s. 6d., £1 11s. The first Concordance to the New Testament printed in English was compiled by Thomas Gybson, and issued in 1535. Bengel (J. A.), Gnomon of the New Testament, translated by Fatjsset, 5 vols. in 3, 8vo, Edinburgh, 1878; published at £1 4s. CONCORDANCES. 207 Bruder (II. C.), Concordantioe omnium vocum Novi Testament ., &c., Lipsias, 4to, 1842 ; 8s. Another Edition, Lipsiae, 1880; published at £1 5s. Cruden (A.), Concordance of the Holy Scriptures, London, 1769, 4to. This is the third and last edition corrected by the author. Other Editions as follows: 1737 or 1738, 4to, 2nd ed.; 1761, 4to; 1785, 4to; 1794, 4to; 1805, 4to ; 1810, 4to; 1812, 4to; 1824, 4to; and others. This work, the best of its kind extant, is not of much pecuniary value. Recent editions are the only ones usually consulted. Davidson (B.), Englishman’s Hebrew and Chaldee Concordance to the Old Testament, 2 vols., 8vo, 1876; published at <£3 3s. Dutripon (F. P.), Concordantioe Bibliorum Sacrorum, Vulgatae Editionis, royal 4to, 1838; 10s. Fairbairn (A. M.), Bible Dictionary, 2 vols., impl. 8vo, 1872; 10s. Gybson (Thomas), A New Testament Concordance, 1535, small 8vo. A perfect copy is to be found in St. Paul’s Library, and one nearly perfect in the British Museum. Tromxnius (A. B.), Concordantioe Grcecce Versionis, tyc., 2 vols., small folio, Amsterdam, 1718; £3 (hf. cf. ex.). Wigram, Greek Concordance of the New Testament, royal 8vo, 1839; large paper, <£1. Another Edition, royal 8vo, 1844. Wright (W. A.), Bible Word-Book, a Glossary of Archaic Words, 8vo, 1884; published at 7s. 6d. Young (R.), Analytical Concordance to the Bible, 1888, 4to; published at £2 12s. 6d. CHAPTER XY. English Literature—General Works. This chapter contains a selection of works commonly sought after by the modern collector, or which, on account of their importance, cannot safely be omitted. At the same time the reader needs to be reminded that there are thousands of English-printed books which can never hope to be catalogued until the time when an official record comes to be compiled. The principle upon which the following list has been made is fully explained in the preface, to which the reader’s attention is specially directed. A’Beckett (G. A.), Comic History of England, 2 vols., 8vo, 1847-48; <£1 10s., £2 2s., £2. An Edition de luxe , with coloured plates, was issued with¬ out date by Bradbury, Agnew and Co., 2 vols., 4to, <£1 10s. - Comic History of Rome, 1st ed., n.d., 8vo; from £2 to .£2 10s. if uncut. An Edition de luxe, with coloured plates, was issued with¬ out date by Bradbury, Agnew and Co., 1 vol., 4to, 15s. Both this work and the “ Comic History of England ” were reprinted at Edinburgh in 1881, 3 vols., impl. 8vo ; <£1 10s. - Cruikshank’s Table Book, edited by G. A. A’Beckett (1845), royal 8vo; £2 4s., £3 17s. (cf. ex., uncut). Abel (J.), Memorials of Queen Eleanor , illustrated by photo¬ graphy, 1864, 4to; £1 5s. (hf. mor., g. e.). Ackermann (B.), History of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster, coloured plates, 2 vols., 1812, 4to; .£1 15s.. «£1 10s. GENERAL WORKS. 209 Ackermann (R.), The Microcosm of London, 104 coloured plates, the Architecture by Pugin, the Manners and Customs by Row¬ landson, originally issued in 26 parts, 1811, 4to ; ,£17 10s. (in parts), <£7 15s. (bound in russ.), <£9 (hf. cf.). - The Repository , 40 vols., coloured plates, 1809-28, 8vo. The three series complete, <£21 (hf. russ.); another set, not uniform, but complete, <£10 10s. Actors by Daylight, or Pencillings in the Pit, Nos. 1 to 55 (all published), 1838-39, 8vo; <£3 (hf. cf.). Actors by Gaslight, or “ Boz ” in the Boxes, Nos. 1 to 37 (all published), 1838, 8vo; <£5 17s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Addison (Joseph), The Works of, by Tickell, London, 4 vols., 4to, 1721; ,£2 2s. Another Edition, 1765, 4 vols., 8vo; <£2 (cf. ex.). The following editions were afterwards published: Baskerville, Birmingham, 4 vols., 4to, 1761; c£l 19s., ,£12 10s. (very fine copy), ,£3 17s. 6d. London, 3 vols., post 8vo, 1777 ; 7s. 6d. ,, 6 vols., 8vo, 1804, large paper; 30s. „ 6 vols., 8vo, 1801, notes by Hurd, and a portrait, ,£1; large paper, 30s. This edition has been republished entire in Bohn’s British Classics. London, 1804, 6 vols., 8vo, by Tickell, large paper; £1 2s. „ 1811, 6 vols., 8vo, large paper ; <£1 12s. (hf. cf.). ,, 4 vols., 8vo, 1765; 12s. Frequently reprinted in 12mo. A good edition was published in 1875, 6 vols., post 8vo; 20s. (cl.). Ainsworth (W. H.). The following are all first editions: - Ballads, Romantic, Fantastical and Humorous , plates by Gilbert, 1855, 8vo ; ,£1. - Crichton, illustrations by “ Phiz,” 1849, 8vo ; <£1 6s. -- Guy Fawkes, 3 vols., 1841, 8vo; <£11 (an exceptionally fine copy), <£9 (very fine), <£10 15s. (very fine). - Jack Sheppard, 3 vols., 1839, 8vo; <£9 15s., <£7 7s., <£5 10s. - James II.; or, the Revolution of 1688, 3 vols., 1848, 8vo; <£2 2s., <£1 7s. -- Lancashire Witches, illustrations by Gilbert, 1854, 8vo; <£3 12s. 6d. (uncut and bound by Riviere). - Magazine. Commenced in 1842, and continued for some years. It is very seldom that complete sets are offered for sale ; but the following, more or less imperfect, have recently occurred. Vols. I. to XXIV., 1842-53, 8vo, £6 (not uniform); Vols. I. to X., 1842-46, 8vo, <£1 16s.; Vols. I. to XVI., 1842-50, 8vo, <£7 10s. P 210 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Ainsworth (W. H.), Miser’s Daughter , 3 vols., 8vo, 1842 ; ,£3 3s. - Old St. Paul’s, 3 vols., 8yo, 1841 ; £2 5s. Another Edition, 1847, 8vo ; £3 12s. (cf. ex., by Tout). - Ovingdean Grange, 3 yoIs., 1860, 8yo ; £1 8s. - Rookwood, 3 yoIs., 1834, 8yo ; £5 12s. 6d. (Presentation copy from author), £8 10s. (exceptionally fine), £2, £1 12s. - St. James’s; or, the Court of Queen Anne , 3 yoIs., 8vo, 1844; £2 12s., £1 11s. - Spendthrift, 1857, 8yo, plates by “ Phiz ”; 12s. 6d. —— Star Chamber, 1857, 8vo; £1 6s. (cl., uncut). - Tower of London, 1840, 8yo; £2, £2 18s. - Windsor Castle, first 8yo ed., 3 yoIs., 1843; £2 2s. Another Edition, 1844, 8yo ; £1. Among the editions of Ainsworth’s collected works, may be mentioned that published by Eoutledge, 1882, 16 yoIs., 8vo; £2 18s., £2 10s. (as issued). Akenside (M.), Pleasures of Imagination, 1st ed., 1744, 4to; £1 12s. (uncut). Akerman (J. Y.), Tales of Other Days, 1st ed., 1830, 8yo; £2 10s., £2 4s. Aleman (Mateo), The Life of Guzman D’Alfarache, or the Spanish Rogue, London, 2 vols., 8vo, 1708; 10s. There have been numerous editions of this once popular romance, notably those of 1623, 1630, 1634, 1656, which are worth a few shillings each. Alison (Sir A.), History of Europe , 10 vols., 8vo, 1842; £2. Another Edition, 21 vols., 1848-53, 8vo; £1 Is. Another Edition, 14 vols., 1849-50, 8vo; £1. With con¬ tinuation from the fall of Napoleon to the accession of Louis Napoleon in 1852, 8 vols., together 22 vols., 8vo, and Atlas to Alison’s Europe, by A. K. Johnson, 1852. The set com¬ plete, cf. gt., by Hayday, £10 10s. Another Edition, 8 vols., 8vo, 1852-59; about £2. Another Edition, 14 vols., 8vo, 1860 ; £2. Editions of 1835-49, 19 vols., 8vo, £4 15s.; and 1853, 13 vols., 8vo, £1. - Lives of Lord Castlereagh and Sir C. Stewart, 3 vols., 8vo, 1861; 12s. - Military Life of John, Duke of Marlborough, 8vo, n.d. ; 2s. 6d. Aiken (Henry), Analysis of the Hunting Field, 7 coloured plates and 43 woodcuts, 1st ed., 1846, 8vo; £3 10s. - A Touch at the Fine Arts, 12 coloured plates, 1824, 8vo, 1st ed.; £2 5s. GENERAL WORKS. 211 Aiken (Henry), Illustrations for Landscape Scenery, 26 plates, bds., uncut, 1821, 4to ; <£1 17s. - Illustrations to Popular Songs , 43 coloured plates, 1823, folio; <£4 10s. - A Cockney's Shooting Season in Suffolk , 7 coloured plates, 1822, folio ; <£4 10s. - Illustrations to Don Quixote , 14 plates, proofs before letters, 1831, folio ; «£2 6s. - Scraps from his Sketch-book , 42 plates, 1821, 4to; ,£1 15s. - Specimens of Riding near London , 17 coloured plates, 1823, 4to; £5 5s. - National Sports of Great Britain, 50 coloured plates, 1820, folio; <£20 10s., <£19. - Sporting Scrap-book, 50 plates, 1824, 4to ; .£3. - Symptoms of being Amused, 41 coloured plates, 1822, 4to; <£5, <£3 15s. Aiken also illustrated Apperley’s Life of Mytton, and other works by the same author. See Apperley (C.). Allot (R.), England's Parnassus; or, the Choycest Flowers of our Moderne Poets, &c., 1600, 8vo; <£6 10s. (inferior copy), <£10 10s. (some leaves in facsimile), <£12 (1 leaf defective). This book is rarely found complete. Of the copies recently offered for sale, all have been more or less defective. Alynton (R.), Libellus Sophistarum, London, per W. de Worde, 4to, 1525. Exceedingly rare. There are five editions of this work, three by W. de Worde and two by Pynson. Ames (J.), Typographical Antiquities, by Dibdin, 1810-19, 4 vols., 4to; <£5 (cf. ex.). Several other editions, notably a previous one by Herbert in 3 vols., 4to, 1785-90; <£1 10s. (hf. cf.). Anacreon, The Odes of, Cantab., 12mo, 1705. Reprinted at London and Cambridge on many occasions, each of the editions being worth about 7s. 6d. or 10s. The editor was Joshua Barnes. The following are regarded as the best editions of a later date : London, 12mo, 1710, Will. Baxter. „ 4to, 1725, Mich. Maittaire. „ 4to, 1740, Mich. Maittaire. „ 12mo, 1742, Trapp. Glasgow, 32mo, 1751. „ 12mo, 1757. London, 8vo, 1802, Edward Foster. Oxon., 8vo, 1809, Henr. Bothe. p 2 212 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Anacreon, The Odes of. The following are translations : By Secundus, London, 8vo, 1651. A reprint appeared in the year 1815. Anacreon done into English, Oxon., 8vo, 1683. Translation by John Addison, London, 12mo, 1735. Translation “by a Gentleman of Cambridge,” London, 12mo, 1760. By E. B. Greene, London, 12mo, 1768. By Urquhart, London, 12mo, 1787. By Thomas Moore, London, 4to, 1800, and frequently reprinted in 12mo. Another Edition, 2 vols., 12mo, large paper. By Lord Thurlow, London, tvo, 1823. Of Anacreon’s works there have been many other trans¬ lations ; viz., by the Rev. Hercules Yotjnge, 12mo, 1802 ; by Thomas Girdlestone, crown 8vo, 1803; by the Rev. Thos. Gilpin, 12mo, 1807 ; by T. Orger, 12mo, 1825; and others. Not one of the above translations and editions however, is of any material pecuniary value. They seem to be disposed of as a rule for a few shillings, or even a few pence, each. Moore’s “ Anacreon,” 4to, 1800, sometimes brings from 15s. to <£1. See ante, p. 169. Anderson (C.), Annals of the English Bible, 2 vols., 8vo, 1845; ,£3 10s., on thick paper (one of 12 copies); =£1 (on ordinary paper). Anderson (James), The Bee; or, Literary Weekly Intelligencer , London, 1790-94, small 8vo. Complete sets of this periodical are of rare occurrence. It was printed on three papers— coarse, common, and fine. A coarse copy sold recently for <£1 15s. 6d. (hf. mor.). Anderson (John), Scotland in Pagan Times, 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1883-86; Scotland in Early Christian Times, 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1881 ; together 4 vols., 8vo, £2 5s. (hf. cf., ex.). Ang*as (G. F.), New Zealander's Illustrated, 60 coloured plates, 1847, folio ; =£9 6s. (bad copy), <£15 15s. (hf. russ., gt.), <£13. - South Australia Illustrated, 60 coloured plates, 1847, folio; <£14, <£18 10s. (russ. ex.). This work was issued in 10 parts. Annual Register (The). Started by Dodsley, the bookseller, in 1758, and continued to 1790; continued by Baldwin and others. The Index is complete from the commencement to 1819. A set from 1758 to 1831, with the Index as above, together 76 vols.. 8vo, brought <£1 10s. in January, 1889; and another set, 1758 to 1834, with the Index, together 77 vols., 8vo, <£1 5s., a few months later. GENERAL WORKS. 213 Anstey (C.), New Bath Guide. See Cruikshank (G.). Apperley (C.), better known under the nom-de-plume of “ Nimrod,” published, among others, the following works, all of which are first editions : The Chace, the Turf, and the Road, illustrations by Alken, 1837, 8yo ; <£1 10s. (hf. cf. gt.). Another Edition, 1870, 8vo; <£1 10s. (hf. mor. ex.). Hunting Reminiscences, plates, 1843, 8vo; £2 10s. (uncut). Life of John Mytton, 1835, 8vo; <£10 (bound by Riviere, and plates coloured by hand), <£5 (original cl., plates coloured by hand). Another Edition, 1851, 8vo ; =£4 (original cl.). Life of a Sportsman, royal 8vo, 1851; published at 16s., or, with 32 plates, <£2 2s. Prior Edition, 1842, 8vo; <£6 15s. (bds.). Another Edition, 1874, 8vo, 38 plates, <£1 5s. (cl.). Nimrod Abroad, 2 vols., 8vo, 1841; published at 12s. Northern Hunting Tour, 1838, 8vo; <£1 3s. (cl., uncut). Treatise on the Horse and the Hound, 1843, post 8vo; published at 10s. 6d. Sporting Annual, impl. 4to, 1837; <£2 2s. (mor., g. e.). Sporting, 93 engravings and portrait, 1838, folio; <£4 (mor. ex.). Apuleius (L.), The Eleven Boohs of the Golden Asse, trans¬ lated by Will. Adlington, London, 4to, 1566, black letter. Many other Editions up to 1639, 4to ; <£1 16s. (hf. cf.). An edition of 1582 is rare. Another Translation, by Thomas Taylor, London, 1822, 8vo ; <£1 10s. (with the suppressed leaves); large paper, <£3. Arabian Nights, by Sir R. F. Burton, 10 vols.; Supple¬ mental Nights, 6 vols., together 16 vols., 1885-88, 8vo; <£20 (cl.). Benares, printed by the Kamashastra Society for Private Subscribers only. An Edition prepared “ for household reading,” by Lady Burton, 6 vols., 8vo, 1886, is in fair repute. Value about <£2 16s. (cl., t. e. g.). -- Translated by the Rev. E. Forster, 5 vols., 1802, 8vo; £1 7s. (cf. gt.); large paper, <£4 10s. (cf. ex.). - Translated by E. W. Lane, 3 vols., 1838-41, 8vo; <£3 10s., (mor. ex.), £2 18s. There is a later edition of less value. -In the original Arabic, edited by Macnaghten, 4 vols., 1839-42, Calcutta, 8vo ; <£2 10s. -Translated by John Payne, Villon Society, 1882-84, 9 vols., 8vo; <£12 5s., <£12 (mor. ex.). 214 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Arabian Nights, with introduction by Scott, 4 vcls., 1883, 8vo, £1 : large paper, .£1 12s. - Translated by Dr. Scott, plates after Smirke, 6 vols., 1811, 8vo; £2 14s. (mor. ex.). Ariosto (L.), Orlando Furioso, Birmingham, 4 vols., 1773, 4to, plates by Bartolozzi ; ,£27 (mor. ex., by Derome). An Edition of the same date, 4 vols., 8vo ; <£2 5s., £2 11s. (cf. ex.). The last production of Baskerville’s press. Another Edition, by Isola, Cambridge, 4 vols., 8vo, 1789. Other Editions , 1591, folio, by Harington, £11 11s. (cf. ex.), £3 (cf.); London, 1607, folio, £3 10s. (mor. ex., uncut); London, folio, 1634, £4 10s. (mor. ex.); London, 2 vols., 4to, 1755, by Choicer; London, 5 vols., 8vo, 1783, by Hoole, and reprinted afterwards on many occasions; London, 8 vols., 8vo, 1825. Arnold (Matthew), The Strayed Reveller, and other Poems , 1849, 8vo (only 100 copies printed); £5 12s. (original cl.). - Empedocles on Etna , 1852, 8vo; £3 10s. (original cl.). Ascham (Boger), English Works, London, 4to, 1761; 10s. 6d. Another Edition, London, 1815, 8vo; 15s. Another Edition , with Life, by Dr. Giles, 4 vols., large paper, 1865, 8vo; £2 2s. (mor. ex.). - The Scholemaster, London, J. Daye, 4to, 1570, 1st ed.; £2 12s. (hf. cf.). Other Editions of 1571, 1573, 1579, 1589, £2 12s. (cf.); and 1811. - Toxophilus the Schole, 1571, 4to; £5 5s. (hf. cf.). Atkinson (G. F.), Curry and Rice (on 40 plates), n.d., but 1858, 4to; £1 5s., £1 Is. Atwood (W.), Superiority of the Direct Dominion of the Imperial ('rown of England over the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland , 1704, 8vo ; £2 4s. (mor. ex.), £1 Is. (mor. ex.). This book was burned at the Mercat Cross, Edinburgh, by the common hangman. Aubrey (John), Miscellanies. Editions of 1696, 1714, &c., to 1784. The value of a good copy of any of these runs from 15s. to £1. Augustine (S.), The City of God, London, 1610, folio; 15s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, London, folio, 1620 ; 18s. A copy of the edition in small folio, Yenet., Jenson, 1475, sold at the Sunderland sale for £1000. Ayres (Philip), Emblems of Love , London, 8vo, n.d. ; £1 19s. (cut and mutilated), £1 Is. (perfect). The fir.-t-named copy was beautifully and expensively bound by Derome. GENERAL WORKS. 215 Ayres (Philip), The Revengeful Mistress, 1696; Venus Unmasked, 2 vols., 1759 ; Eunuchism Display’d, 1718 ; Modern Ship of Fools, folding- coloured plate, 1807; the four pieces in 1 vol., 8vo; £1 3s. (hf. cf.). Bacon (Lord). The following are some of the principal editions, in order of date, of the entire works of this author: 1730, London, 4 vols. folio, £2 ; large paper, £4 (russ.). 1740, 1753, 1765, 1778, 1803, 1825, 55 55 55 55 55 4 vols., folio; £2; large paper, £4 (hf. cf. ex.). 3 vols., folio; £2; large paper, £3 (hf. cf. ex.). 5 vols., 4to ; £315s. (hf. cf. ex.). 5 vols., 4to ; £1 10s., portrait by Virtue. 10 vols., 8vo. 17 vols., 8vo; £2 4s. (uncut), £3 10s., <£11 (russ. ex., g. e.). 1857, „ 14 vols., 8vo ; <£7 15s. (cf. gt.), £4 8s. (cloth, bds.). Among the author’s works published separately are the following: Advancement of Learning, 1st ed., 1605, 4to; £4 10s. (mor. ex., by Bedford). Another Edition, 1640, folio ; £3 7s. Apophthegms, 1st ed., 1625; £2 6s. Essays , 1612, 8vo; £5 10s. (vellum). Another Edition, 1625, 4to; £1 5s. Historia Naturalis, 1st ed., 1622, 8vo; £1 8s. Historic of Henry VII., 1622, fol., large paper; £1 Is. (hf. mor.). Another Edition, 1641, folio ; £3 5s. (mor.). Novum Organum ( i.e., Instauratio Magna), 1st ed., 1620, folio; £2 15s. (original vellum). Resuscitatio, with Life by Eawley, 1657, folio; £1 15s. JVisedome of the Ancients. Englished by Sir A. Gorges, 1619, 8vo; £1 15s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). Bacon (Roger), Opus Majus, cura Jebb, 1733, folio; £3 3s.; large paper, £1 Is. (indifferent copy). - Mirror of Alchemy, hf. cf., 1597 ; New Light of Alchemy, cf., 1650, in 2 vols., 4to; together £1 18s. (hf. cf. ex.). Badminton Library (The). This collection of works, on various branches of sport, edited by the Duke op Beaufort and others, is issued on large and small paper. The small-paper copies sell by auction at from 8s. to 10s. each on the average, the large-paper copies (4to, 250 copies only issued) for consider¬ ably more, thus : “ Driving/’ illustrated by Giles and Sturgess, 1889, 4to, £2 10s. ; “ Boating, Athletics, and Football,” 2 vols., hf. bd., 1888, 4to, £2 15s. The 12 volumes, on large paper, so far published, sell by auction for about £33 (hf. mor.). 216 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Bailey (P. J.), Festus, a Poem , 1st ed., hf. mor., uncut, 1839, 8vo; <£1 5s. (cl., uncut). Bale (J.), Actes of English Votaries , in 2 parts, 1551, 8vo; £1 6s. The first edition was published in 1546, and a fair copy of that edition and the same author’s “ Mysterye of Inyquyte,” Geneva, 1545, in 1 vol., 8vo, sold at the Gibson- Craig sale for £4. - Brefe Chronycle concernying the Examinacyon , Sfc ., of Syr J. Oldecastell , 1544, 8vo; <£4 15s. (hf. mor.). Ballantyne’s Novelists’ Library, 10 vols., uncut, 1821-24, royal 8vo; <£5 5s. (hf. mor.), .£2 15s. (hf. cf.). Barclay (A.). See Brandt (Sebastian). Barham (B. H.), The Ingoldsby Legends, originally issued in 3 series and the same number of volumes, 8vo, 1840-42-47. Exceedingly scarce; <£19 10s. (mor. ex., by Biviere), <£17. Another Edition, 3 vols., 8vo, 1852; <£2 10s., <£2 2s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, 3 vols., 8vo, 1855; £2 16s., <£1 18s., <£3 15s. (fine copy). Another Edition, 2 vols., 8vo, 1870; £1 Is. A Prior Edition, 3 vols., 8vo, 1848 ; £3 3s. (uncut). The above are the editions which most commonly make their appearance in the auction-room. Barker (M. H.), Greenwich Hospital, a Series of Naval Sketches, 1826, 4to; £3 12s. (cf. ex.); £2 (average copy). - Topsail Sheet Blocks, 3 vols., 1838, 8vo; £10 (exceptional copy with author’s autograph letter, mor. ex.), £4 10s. (hf. mor. ex.). - Old Sailors' Jolly Boat, 1844, 8vo; £1 (hf. cf.), £2 2s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). The above are the first editions, and illus¬ trated by the Cruikshanks. Barksdale, The Copwold Muse, 12mo, 1651. A reprint of this rare little work was issued in 1816. Bayle (P.), Historical and Critical Dictionary. The best edition is in French, 4 vols., folio, 1720; £2 2s. (hf. cf. ex.). Among the best English editions is that of 1810, 4 vols., folio, £1 ; and the second and better edition of 1734-41, 10 vols., folio, £1 14s. (hf. cf.). An Abridgment in 4 vols., 12mo, 1826, is of but little utility or value. Beattie (James), Poems of, London, 12mo, 1811. The first edition appeared in 1760. The best edition is that issued in 1816, designs of B. Westall; 12s. Beaumont and Fletcher, Poems, London, 8vo, 1660. GENERAL WORKS. 217 Beaumont and Fletcher, Comedies and Tragedies of, London, folio, 1647. <£6 16s. (cf.), <£7 (russ. ex.). - Fifty Comedies and Tragedies of, London, folio, 1679. - Comedies and Tragedies, London, 7 vols., 8vo, 1711, large paper; <£1 Is. - Works of, with Notes by Theobald and others, London, 10 vols., 8vo, 1750; <£1 10s. (cf. gt.). -- Dramatic Works , 10 vols., 8vo, London, 1788 ; =£3 5s. - Dramatic Works, 10 vols., 8vo, 1778; <£1 16s. (cf.). - Works of, Edinburgh, 14 vols., 8vo, 1812; .£2 8s. The best edition is that edited by Dyce, 11 vols., 8vo, London, 1843; .£6, <£10 10s. (uncut). - Maides Tragedie , 1638; Philaster, 1634 ; and others by the same authors, in 1 vol., 4to ; ,£1 4s. (cut). - The Wild-Goose Chase , 1652, folio; 6s. Beckford (P.), Thoughts on Hunting , front and woodcuts by Bewick, 1820, 8vo ; <£2 10s. (hf. cf.). A Previous Edition, under the title of “ Thoughts upon Hare and Fox Hunting,” with 20 plates by Howitt and others, 1796, 8vo; <£4 (mor. ex.). The First Edition is dated 1781, 4to, and contains a frontis¬ piece by Bartolozzi; <£3 10s. The value of each edition of this book varies greatly, according to the quality of the plates and general condition. Beckford (W.), Vathek, 1st ed., 1787, 8vo ; <£2 10s (hf. cf. ex.), <£1 17s. Behn (Mrs. Aphra), Plays , Histories and Novels. Many editions, among which the following are most frequently met with: 1871, 6 vols., 8vo, Pearson’s reprint, £2 ; large paper, <£3 (hf. russ.); 1700, 2 vols., 8vo, <£1 7s. (cf.). Plays only , 1724, 4 vols., 8vo ; <£2 10s. The original edition is that of 1702, 2 vols., 8vo; <£1 15s. A collection of original editions of this author’s plays, con¬ sisting of 18 separate pieces, all in 4to, sold recently by auction for <£2 14s. (unbound). Bewick (T .), Fables of JEsop and others, 1st ed., Newcastle, 1818, found on paper of various sizes. The smaller sizes sell by auction at from <£2 to <£2 10s. on the average; largest paper, from <£15 to <£20, according to condition and binding. Another Edition, Newcastle, 1823, 8vo, large paper; <£4. - Select Fables of JEsop. The original edition was published in 1784, and is exceedingly scarce. Of this edition there are several reprints, notably Longman’s, large paper, 8vo, <£1 Is.; Charnley’s reprint of 1820 ; and the Edinburgh reprint of 1879, which when on large paper sells by auction for about <£3 3s. 218 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Bewick (T.), Select Fables of JEsop, another edition, Newcastle, 1820, 8vo, on different sized papers. A large-paper copy will sell at from <£4 to £5, while one on the largest paper (impl.) brought £i7 10s., in March, 1888. It was bound in mor. ex. by Bedford. Bewick illustrated a considerable number of various works, among which are Goldsmith and Parnell’s Poems, Somerville’s “ Chase,” the “ Sportsman’s Cabinet,” and the “ Sportsman’s Repository.” Blackmantle (B.), The English Spy , 1st ed., 2 vols., 8vo, 1825-26, coloured plates by J. R. Cruikshank; ,£13 15s. (uncut), c£30 10s. (exceptionally fine copy, bound by Bedford, in mor. ex.). The real name of the author of “ The English Spy ” was W. Westmacott. Blair (R .), The Grave , etchings by Schiavonetti, from the original inventions of William Blake, 1808, 4to ; <£1 3s., large paper, £2 10s. (rus a .). Another Edition, 1813, royal 4to; £1 18s. (hf. mor., g. e.), £1 Is. Blome (R-), Gentleman's Recreation , 1686, folio; £3 5s. (cf.), £6 5s. (russ.), £3 17s. 6d. Another Edition , 1710, folio, plates and front; £5 5s. (title re-backed, but otherwise perfect). Bloomfield (R.), The Farmer's Boy , 1803; Rural Tales , 1803; 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, woodcuts by T. Bewick; £1 2s. (mor. ex.). There are a large number of editions of each of these works, but none are of any importance except those above mentioned and the 4to edition of “ The Farmer’s Boy,” published in 1800, on lar^e and small paper, also with wood- cuts by Bewick; 16s. (large paper, cf.). Boccaccio (G.). The following are the principal English editions of the “ Decameron.” London: 1620, folio, £2 (imperfect); and 1625, folio, £2 5s. (imperfect); 1741, 8vo, £1; 1804, 2 vols., 8vo, 16s.; royal paper, £1 5s.; 3 vols., 8vo, 1886, by Payne, £4 (hf. cf. ex.). Nearly all the English translations of Boc¬ caccio’s “ Decameron ” are imperfect. Bohn published a complete edition in one of their extra volumes, but it was suppressed; value about 15s. The most important edition of the “ Decameron,” from a bibliographical point of view, is that issued from Florence, by Philippo di Giunta, in 1527. 4to. It is uncastrated. A copy sold in March, 1889, for £185. Bochas (John), Tragedies of such Princes as fell from their Estates, Sfc., 1494, folio, Pynson. Very rare. Another Edition , 1527, folio, Pynson. Very rare. Another Edition , 1554, folio, Tottel; £2 10s. (6 11. wanting). Another Edition , 1558, folio, Way land. I GENERAL WORKS. 219 Bochas (John), Tragedies of such Princes as fell from their Estates, Sfc., another edition, n.d., folio, Wayland; <£4 8s. (some leaves mended), <£2 12s. (cut). This work is attributed to Boccaccio. The above editions follow the translation of Lydgate, the Monk of Bury. Bohn’s Extra Volumes. These consist of works issued by Bohn, the publisher, and subsequently suppressed by him. They are five in number, viz.: Rabelais’ Works, 2 vols., 8vo, 1859; Boccaccio’s “Decameron,” 1855; Grammont’s “Memoirs,” 1859; The “ Heptameron ” of Margaret, Queen of Navarre, 1855; Hamilton’s “ Fairy Tales and Romances,” 1849; Cervantes’ Exemplary Novels, 1855. The set sells by auction for about <£3 3s. Bohn’s Libraries. Up to date this series of books comprises 727 volumes, which are sold new at a total sum of £158 14s. Most of the works are published at 3s. 6d. each; others at 5s. We are not aware of a complete set or anything approaching one having been disposed of at all recently, but it is a common thing to find parcels offered for sale. As a guide it may be stated that a collection of say 20 volumes, would sell for about <£1 3s., though a larger assortment might perhaps fetch proportionately a little more. This series comprises a most useful selection of works in every department of English literature. A complete catalogue can be obtained from Messrs. George Bell and Sons, York Street, Covent Garden, W.C. Borrow (George), Bible in Spain, 3 vols., 1843, 3rd ed.; The Zincali, 2 vols., 1843, 3rd ed.; Lavengro, 3 vols., 1851, 1st ed.; The Romany Rye, 2 vols., 1857, 1st ed.; Wild Wales, 3 vols., 1862, 1st ed.; together 13 vols., uniform hf. cf., 8vo; £5 17s. 6d. Boswell (J.). See Johnson (Samuel). Braithwait (R.) wrote a great number of works, the principal of which are: The Golden Fleece, London, 1611, small 8vo. The Schollers Medley, London, 1614, 4to. Strappado for the Devil, London, 1615,12mo ; =£2 15s. (cf. ex.). A Good Wife; or, a Rare One amongst Women, London, 1618, 8vo. Another Edition, London, 1619, 8vo. Nature's Embassie, London, 1621, 8vo; <£5 5s. (old cf.). English Gentleman, London, 1630, 4to.; ,£1 (imperfect). Another Edition, London, 1641, folio ; <£2 10s. (cf.). English Gentlewoman, to accompany the above, and pub¬ lished in the same year. Arcadian Princess, 1635, 8vo; <£2 4s. (russ. gt.). 220 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Drunken Barnaby’s Four Journeys, 1723, 8vo; <£2 19s. (mor. ex.). There is an edition of 1805, large paper, £1 (mor. ex.); and another of 1820, 2 vols., 8vo, introduction by Hasle- wood, £4 10s. (mor. ex., by Bedford), £1 16s. Lawes of Drinkeng and the Smoking Age, 2 parts in 1, with fronts, by Marshall, 1617, 16mo; £9 5s. (mor. ex., g. e.). New Spring, Shadowed in Sundrie Pithie Poems, 1619, 4to ; <£2 10s. (mor. gt.). Times Certaine Drawne, 1621, 8vo; <£5 5s. (mor. ex.). Whimzies; or, a New Cast of Characters, 2 vols. in 1, 1631, 24mo; ,£2 6s. (cf. gt., cut). Essaies upon the Five Senses, 1635, 12mo; £1 (cf. gt.). Lignum Vitce, front, by Vaughan, 1658, 16mo; £2 4s. (cf. gt.). Ar’t Asleepe, Husband; or, Boulster Lecture, front, by Marshall, and two title-pages differing in imprint, 1640, 8vo ; £3 17s. 6d. (mor. ex.). Brandt (Sebastian), Stultifera Navis ; or, the Ship of Fools , is a well-known work, which was originally published at Basle, so long ago as 1494, in 4to. This edition contained 101 wood- cuts. The English translation is by Barclay. - Shyp of Folys of the World, black letter, 1509, folio, by Bichard Pynson; £23 (title in facsimile). Another Edition , black letter, 1570, folio ; £17 (stained), £14 10s. (cut); £20 (perfect copy, russ. ex.). Another Edition, 1874, 2 vols., 4to, facsimile woodcuts, large paper; £1 15s. (cl.). Brough (B. B.), Life of Falstajf. See Crtjikshank (G.). Browne (H. K.). This well-known artist adopted the nom-de- guerre of “ Phiz.” He illustrated a number of Dickens’s and many other works. - How Pippins Enjoyed a Day with the Fox Hounds, 12 coloured plates, Fores, n.d., folio; £1 3s. (cl.). Browne (Sir Thos.), Works of, London, folio, 1686; £1 Is. Another Edition , 1836, 4 vols., 8vo; £2 8s.; large paper, £4 4s. Since republished in Bohn’s Antiquarian Library, published at 15s. - Posthumous Works of, London, 8vo, 1712; 5s.; large paper, 12s. 6d. Beprinted in 1723 ; 5s. - Religio Medici, 1st ed., 1642, 8vo; £7 10s. (mor. ex., Bedford). Browne (William), Works of, containing “ Britannia’s Pastorals,” London, 3 vols., 12mo, 1772; 10s.; “Original Poems of,” 4to, 1815; 10s. “Britannia’s Pastorals” was first published in 1613-16, 2 vols., folio. Another Edition, 1625, 2 vols., 8vo; £1 15s. (hf. cf. ex.). GENERAL WORKS. 221 Browning (E. B.), The Runaway Slave, 1st ed., paper cover, Moxon, 1849, 8vo; ,£3. -- Essay on Mind, with other Poems , 1st ed., uncut, original bds., 1826, 8vo; <£2 5s. - Napoleon III. in Italy, and other Poems , New York, 1860, 8vo; <£1. -- Prometheus Bound , 1833, 8vo, 1st ed.; <£16 (uncut, in original cl.). - Poems, 1st ed., 2 vols., 12mo, 1844; <£1 (hf. cf.). Browning (E. B. and Robert), Two Poems, 15pp. in a wrapper, 1854, 8vo; <£1 5s. Browning (Robert). All books referred to are first editions. -- Asolando , 1889, 8vo, published at 5s.; present value about <£1. - Balaustion's Adventure, 1871, 8vo ; <£1 6s. -- Bells and Pomegranates, complete in 8 parts, 1841, 8vo ; <£11 10s. (original cl.). -- Fifine at the Fair , 1872, 8vo ; ,£1 2s. *- Men and Women, 2 vols., 1855, 8vo ; <£2 (hf. cf., uncut), <£1 17s. - Pacchiarotto, 1876, 8vo; ,£1. - Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, 1871, 8vo ; <£1. - Red Cotton Night-Cap Country, 1873, 8vo; <£1 7s. - Ring and the Booh , 4 vols., 1868, 8vo; <£1 12s., <£2 4s. (uncut). - Sordello , 1840, 8vo; =£1 5s. - Strafford; an Historical Tragedy, 8vo, 1837; <£2 (uncut). Bulwer (J.), Anthropometamorphosis: Man transform'd; or, Artijiciall Changling, London, 1653, 4to; <£11 (mor. ex., by Bedford), <£6 5s. (cf. gt.). - Chirologia; or, Natural Language of the Hand, 1644, 4to; .£2 (hf. cf.). - Philocophus; or, Deafe and Dumbe Man's Friend, 1648, 8vo ; <£2 6s (hf. cf.). Bunyan (John), Works of, London, 1692, folio, incomplete. Other Editions : 1767, 2 vols., folio, Whitefield, 12s. (hf. cf.). 1771, 8 vols., 8vo, Mason. 1784, 6 vols., 8vo, Mason, 9s. 6d. (bds.). n.d., Glasgow, 3 vols., royal 8vo. 1841, Aberdeen, 6 vols., 8vo. 222 HE LIBRARY MANUAL. Bunyan (John), The Pilgrim’s Progress . 1678, London, fcap. 8vo, 1st ed. Excessively rare. There is a reprint published by Stock at 3s. 6d. Then follow editions of 1678, 1679, 1680, 1681. Sixth Edition , no copy known. 1681, 1682, 1684, 1685, 1687, 8vo, port, by Sturt; .£3 18s. (original cf.); 1689. The Thirteenth Edition has no date, but was published in 1702. 1760, 8vo, 2 parts in 1; £1 17s. (mor. ex.). 1775, 8vo ; 4s. (bds.). 1786, 12mo, with notes by Coventry, and frequently reprinted. 1792, 8vo, with notes by Bradford, 22 plates by Strutt; £1 16s. (mor.). 1794, 8vo, Stothard’s plates, frequently reprinted. 1795, royal 8vo. Hepstinstall’s edition. 1796, 4to; 9s. (cf.). 1811, 8vo. 1813, 12mo. 1820, 12mo. Plates after Westall. 1821, 12mo; 2s. (cf.). 1830, 8vo. Plates by Martin, large-paper proofs; £3 3s. (uncut). 1839, post 8vo. A reprint of the last. 1843, royal 8vo. Published by Virtue and Co. 1848, royal 8vo; 8s. (cf.). 1849, 8vo; £1 Is. (mor. ex.), £1 10s. (mor. ex.). 1852, 8vo. 1880, 4to, with 100 illustrations by F. Barnard, on japanese- paper, Edition de luxe ; £2 (uncut), £1 7s. 1882, Library Edition , 8vo, with 16 illustrations by Stothard; £1 3s. (uncut). - The Holy War , made by Shaddai upon Diabolus, port, by White and folding plate, London, 1682, 12mo; £1 10s. (mor. gt.). - Water of Life, 1st ed., 1688, 8vo; £3 (mor. ex.). Burke (Edmund), The Works of, 8 vols, 4to, 1792-1827. Other Editions: 1826-27, 16 vols., 8vo ; £1 2s., £2 5s. (cf. gt., large paper). 1846, 9 vols., 8vo. 1852, 8 vols., 8vo ; £4, £5 5s. (mor. ex.). 1854, 2 vols., royal 8vo. 1857, 8 vols., post 8vo. n.d., 9 vols., 8vo, Bohn, with Life by Prior ; £1 2s. (cl.). Burnet (Bp. G.), Confession of Lieut. John Stern, 1st ed., 1682, folio ; £1 2s. (lif. cf.). - Disputatio Juridica, Edinburgh, 1703, 4to; £2 18s. (mor. ex., g. e.). GENERAL WORKS. 223 Burnet (Bp. G.), History of the Reformation. Many editions, amongst them being: 1829, Oxford, 7 vols., 8vo, including index, <£1 18s.; 1850, 2 vols., 8vo, .£1 4s. (cf. ex.); 1820, 6 vols., 8vo, large paper, described as the best edition, «£1 10s. (bound by Lewis). - History of his Own Time. Many editions, and amongst them one of the best: 1833, Oxford, 6 vols., 8vo; 10s., £1 (cf. gt., large paper). -- Essay on the Memory of the late Queen , 1696, 8vo; £3 (old mor.). -- Life and Death of the Earl of Rochester , 1st ed., port. by White, 1680, 8vo; <£1 2s. - Memorials of Mary, Princess of Orange , large paper, india-proof portrait, privately printed, Edinburgh, 1842, 4to ; <£3 9s. (hf. mor.). Burney (C.), History of Music , 4 vols., 4to, 1776-79; .£1 15s. (cf. gt.), <£2 10s. (cf.). Burns (Robert). The editions of this author’s works are very numerous. The first edition was published in 1786, at Kil¬ marnock, and is one of the most valuable of English-printed works. A copy sold recently for .£111. Second Edition, Edinburgh, 1787, 8vo; £8 (uncut), £2, .£3 8s. Third Edition, London, 1787, 8vo; £8 15s. (fine copy, mor. ex., by Riviere ). An Edition of 1790, Belfast; <£5 (mor. ex.). The following are a few of the later editions through which this author’s works have passed : 1801, 4 vols., 8vo. 1802, 8vo, Glasgow; £3 5s. (mor. ex.). 1804, 3 vols., post 8vo. 1808, 2 vols., 8vo, Alnwick; £5 10s. (mor. ex., by Bedford); £1 15s. (hf. mor.). 1810, 2 vols., 12mo; 3s. (hf. cf.). 1811, 2 vols., 8vo. 1819, 4 vols., 8vo. 1820, 5 vols., 8vo; 10s. (hf. cf.). 1834, 8 vols., 12mo. 1856, 4 vols., 8vo; 8s. 6d. (hf. russ.). 1858, 8vo, £1 6s. (mor. ex.). 1865, 2 vols., 12mo ; 3s. (cl.). 1877, 6 vols., 8vo; £1. £3 3s. (india-proofs). 1883, 6 vols., 8vo, edited by Douglas ; £1 5s. - Address to the People of Scotland, &c., 1st ed. (1791), 8vo; £2 2s. (hf. cf.). 224 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Burton (R.), The Anatomy of Melancholy. The first and subse¬ quent editions of note are enumerated below. First Edition, Oxford, 4to, 1621; £2 11s. (wormed), £10 10 s. (good copy), <£25 10 s. (with the rare 1 . of errata at the end, mor. ex., by Bedford). Second Edition, Oxford, 1624, folio ; <£1 18s. (mor.). Third Edition, Oxford, 1628 ; =£1 5s. Fourth Edition, Oxford, folio, 1632 ; =£2. Fifth Edition, 1638. Sixth Edition , 1651-52, folio ; £2 5s. (original cf.). Seventh Edition, 1660, folio. Eighth Edition , 1676, folio; <£1 (cf.). Ninth and Tenth Editions, 1800 ; ,£2 2s. (mor. ex., large paper). Eleventh Edition, 1806, 2 vols., 8 vo. Another Edition, 1827, 2 vols., 8 vo ; £1 18s. (cf. ex.). Another Edition, 1886, 3 vols., 8 vo; ,£1 18s. (uncut). Burton (R. F.), Arabian Nights. See Arabian Nights. - Booh of the Sword, 1884, 8 vo; £1 (cf. gt.). - Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah, 3 vols., 1855, 8 vo; £3 12s. (cf. ex.). Second Edition, 2 vols., 1857, 8 vo ; £1 8s. (cf.). Butler (C.), Principles of Musik, with tunes, 1636, 4to ; £3 5s. (cf.); £7 15s. (on vellum). - History of Bees, with the songs set to music, Oxford, 1634, 4to ; £1 8 s. (cf.) ; £3 11s. (mor. ex.). Butler (Samuel), Hudibras, of which the first edition is in three parts, London, 1663, 1664, and 1678. Second Edition, London, 1710, 3 vols., 18mo. Other editions of 1712, 8 vo; 1716, 12mo ; and 1720, 12mo. An edition of 1715, in 2 vols. Another Edition, and the first with Hogarth’s plates, 1726, 8vo ; £2 (hf. cf.). Another Edition, in 3 parts, Cambridge and London, 2 vols., 8 vo, 1744, by Grey, considered the best edition; £5 10s. (mor. ex.), £1 83 . This edition was reprinted in 1764, 2 vols., 8 vo ; in 1772, 2 vols., 8 vo; 1799, 2 vols., 8 vo, £1 9s. (mor. ex.); 1801, 2 vols., 8 vo, £1 11 s. (mor. ex.); 1806, 2 vols., 8 vo. Another Edition , in 3 parts, London, 1750, 18mo; also 1757, 3 vols., 8vo, plates after Hogarth; £1 Is., £1 8s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, by Nash, London, 3 vols., 4to, 1793, Hogarth’s plates ; a valuable edition, £5 5s. (cf. ex.). This edition was re-issued, 2 vols., 8 vo, London, 1835-40, and again in 2 vols., post 8 vo, London, 1847. GENERAL WORKS. 225 Butler (Samuel), Hudibras, another edition, by Baldwin, 3 vols., 8 vo, 1819; <£1 10s.; large paper, <£2 10s. (mor.). Another Edition, 12 coloured engravings by Clark, 2 vols., Akermann, 1822; <£1 12s. (bds., uncut). Byron (Lord), Bride of Abydos, 1813 ; The Giaour, 1813 ; The Corsair, 1814 ; Hebrew Melodies, 1815 ; Siege of Corinth and Parisina, 1816; Prisoner of Chilloyi, 1816; Manfred, 1817; Beppo, 1818; Mazeppa, 1819; Age of Bronze, 1823 ; The Island, 1823; all first editions and uncut, bound up in 3 vols., 8 vo; sold for <£3 3s. at the Turner Sale in June, 1888. - English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, 1st ed., n.d. ; £1 15s. (hf. mor.), <£3 8s. (cf. ex., by Riviere). - Hours of Idleness, Newark, 1807, 8vo ; £3 8s. (hf. mor., uncut), d£4 4s. (mor. ex., by Lewis, large paper). - Don Juan , the 16 cantos complete in 6 vols., 1st ed., 1819-24, 8vo; <£1 18s. (cantos 1 and 2 were first published in 4to). Another Edition, n.d., coloured plates by J. R. Cruikshank; .£1 (bds., cantos 1 to 4). - Beppo; a Venetian Story, 1st ed., 1818, 8vo ; 18s. (original covers). - Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, 1st ed., 1812-18, 8vo; £1 (hf. cf.), <£3 (as issued). Another Edition, 1814, 8vo; <£2 10s. (mor. ex.), <£3 15s. (original bds.). Another Edition, 1841, 8vo; <£4 12s. (uncut, large paper). - Deformed Transformed, 1824, 8vo; <£1 2s. (original wrapper). - Fugitive Pieces, 1806, 4to; rare, suppressed. A facsimile reprint was made in 1886, 4to; £2 4s. (as issued). - Poems on Various Occasions, Newark, 1807, 8vo; <£39 (mor. ex., uncut). - The Giaour, 1st ed., 1813, 8vo; £1 7s. (original wrapper). - Poems (on his Domestic Circumstances), 1st ed., Murray’s authorised issue, 1816, suppressed; Hone’s surreptitious issue, 1816, 8vo. The two volumes, £1 12s. (as issued). -- The Waltz, by Horace Hornem, Esq., 1813, 4to; £250 (unbound). Another Edition, 1821, 8vo; 16s. (cf. ex.). - Poetical Worlcs, 1819, 3 vols., 8vo; £1 18s. (mor. ex., plates after Stotliard inserted), 1825, 6 vols., 8vo. To form a complete edition, the two volumes published by Hunt, the one b} r Knight, and the one volume of “ Don Juan ” are required; <£1 (10 vols., hf. cf.). 226 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Byron (Lord), Poetical Works, 1832-33, 17 vols., 8vo, by Moore; <£3 10s. (cf. ex., uncut), <£1 7s. (cl.). 1839, 8 yoIs., 8 vo ; £2 5s. (cf. gt.), £3 5s. (mor. ex., g. e.). 1855-56, 6 yoIs., 8yo ; <£4 10s. (mor. ex.), <£2 6s. (cf. gt.). Camden (W.), Britannia. The best edition of this well-known work was published 3 yoIs., folio, 1789. Although copies have sold as high as <£9 and <£10, the average price realised at auction does not exceed <£2 10s. Other editions are as follows: 1607, 4to, <£2 (King James I.’s copy, with his arms on side); 1695, 3 vols., folio, <£2 (hf. russ.), <£1; 1722, 2 vols., folio, <£1 (cf.) ; 1806, 4 vols., folio, <£1 10s. (hf. russ.), <£2 12s. (russ. ex.). Camden Society’s Publications, from the commencement in 1838 to 1874, in 117 vols., 4to; <£9. A set up to 1879, in 126 vols., 4to; <£10 15s. (hf. cf.). A set up to 1887, in 145 vols., 4to, and 1 vol. of general index; <£12 12s. Carleton (W.), Valentine McClutchy, 1st ed., plates by Phiz, Dublin, 1848, 8vo; <£3 3s. (cl., uncut). - Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, 1st ed., plates by Phiz, &c., Dublin, 1843, 2 vols., 8vo; <£2 (cl.). - Traits and Sketches of the Irish Peasantry, 1st ed., plates by Phiz, Dublin, 1846, 8vo; <£1 12s. (cl.). Carlyle (Thomas). There are many editions of this author’s works. Among them may be noted : The People’s Edition, 37 vols., 8vo, 1872-74; <£1 15s. (cl.). The Library Edition, 34 vols., 1869, 8vo; <£7 7s. (hf. cf. ex.). Another Edition, in 38 vols., n.d., Chapman and Hall, 8vo ; <£1 9s. (cl.). Cassell’s History of England, 10 vols., 4to, n.d. ; £2 2s. (cl.). - Illustrated Travels, edited by Bates, 6 vols., 4to, n.d. ; <£1 (hf. cf. gt.). - National Library of Standard Literature, complete set in 196 vols., 8vo ; <£3 2s. 6d. (cl.). - Natural History, coloured fronts, and cuts, 6 vols., 8vo, 1883; <£1 6s. (cl.). - Old and New London, by Thornbury and Walford, 6 vols., 8vo, n.d. ; <£1 18s. (hf. cf.), <£1 8s. (cl.). - Picturesque America, edited by Bryant, 4 vols., royal 4to, n.d. ; <£3 3s. (mor. ex.), <£3 7s. 6d. (ibid.). - Picturesque Europe, 5 vols., 4to, n.d.; <£4 (hf. mor.), <£3 12s. (hf. mor.), <£2 14s. (cl., as issued), <£3 (ibid.). Centlivre (Mrs.), Dramatic Works, the best edition of which is perhaps that in 3 vols., 8vo, 1761; <£1 10s., <£2 18s. (mor. ex.). Another Edition of 1872, 3 vols., 8vo, large paper; <£2 3s. (uncut). GENERAL WORKS. 227 Cervantes (M.), History of Don Quixote, translated by Thomas Shelton, London, 1612-20, 4to, 2 vols. ; <£23 (mor. ex.). Another Edition , 1652, folio; <£1 15s. Another Edition , 1675, folio. Other editions of 1725 and 1731. Another Edition , translated by J. Philips, London, 1687 folio; <£1 8s. (cf.), <£2 (mor. ex.). Another Edition, translated by P. A. Motteux, London, 1719, 12mo, 4 vols. Another Edition, by Jarvis, 2 vols., 4to, 1742; <£1 (cf.). Another Edition, revised by Ozell, 1743, 4 vols., 12mo, 20 plates. Another Edition, translated by Charles Jarvis, London, 1742, 4to, 2 vols.; <£1 7s. Reprinted 1749, 8vo, 2 vols.; and also in 1756, 4to, 2 vols.; 1801, 8vo, 4 vols., large paper, .£2 12s. (cf. ex.); 1809, 2 vols., 8vo, <£1 4s. (mor. ex.); 1819, 4 vols., 8vo, <£1 2s. (cf.); 1837, 3 vols., 8vo, <£2 (cf. ex.). Another Edition , translated by T. Smollet, London, 1755, 4to, 2 vols., 28 plates; <£1 15s. Frequently reprinted in 12mo. Another Edition, with 74 engravings, London, 1818, royal 8 vo, 4 vols., large paper, <£5 5s. In July, 1889, a fine copy on large paper, india-proof plates, brought <£19 10s. (mor. ex.). Another Edition, plates by Westall, London, 1820, fcap. 8 vo, 4 vols. Another Edition, translated by Motteux, revised by Lockhart, Edinburgh, 1822, post 8vo, 5 vols. Another Edition, 5 vols., 12mo, 1822, coloured plates. Another Edition, by Motteux, large paper, Edinburgh, 1879, 4 vols., 8vo ; <£1 10s. (mor. gt.), <£2 (ibid.). Another Edition, by Lockhart, 16 etchings by Los Rios, 4 vols., 1880, 8vo ; <£1 4s. (hf. mor.). Another Edition, by Watts, 5 vols., 1888, 4to; <£3 5s. (large paper, uncut). Chapman (George). The early editions of this dramatist’s works were issued in small 4to, and some of them are rare. - Blinde Beggar of Alexandria, 1598, 4to ; <£8 5s. (mor.). - Humourous Dayes Mirth, 1599, 4to; <£6 (hf. cf.). - Al Fooles, 1605, 4to ; <£3 12s. 6 d. (cf. gt.). - Eastward Hoo, 1605, 4to; <£3 15s. (cf. gt.). - Monsieur D’Olive, 1606, 4to; <£1 19s. (cf.). - Widdowes Tears, 1612, 4to; <£3 10s. (cf.). - Revenge of Bussy D’Ambois, 1613, 4to; <£3 12s. 6d. (cf.). Another Edition, 1641, 4to; £1 12s. (cf. gt.). - Revenge for Honour, 1654, 4to; <£1 (hf. cf.). Q 2 228 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Chappell (W.), Popular Music of the Olden Time, 2 vols., 8vo, n.d. ; =£1 18s. (hf. cf.), £2 8 s. (mor. ex.). Charles I., E lkov PclslXikt}. The first issue is dated 1648, but the work rapidly passed through edition after edition, and it is impossible to point to the original. The auction value of any copy dated 1648 averages £2, and of the editions of 1649, £1 10s. -- Works of, 2 vols., 1662, folio ; £2 2s. (cf. gt.), ,£8 (very fine copy, mor. ex., portrait by Hertochs, plate of Charles I. praying, and two plates of trees). Chatterton (Thos.), Works of, with his Life, 3 vols., 8vo, 1803; <£1 5s. (hf. mor.). Reprinted, Cambridge. 1842, 2 vols., post 8 vo, large paper, £1 Is. (hf. cf.); also London, 1778, 8vo ; 2 vols., post 8vo, 1871. Chaucer (Geoffrey), Works of, 1st ed. (?), 1532, London, folio. This edition is very rare, and contains the whole of Chaucer’s works except “ The Ploughman’s Tale,” which did not appear until the publication of the 1542 edition. Very few perfect editions of this date are extant. Second Edition, 1542, London, J. Reynes, folio ; =£5 (hf. cf.). Third Edition, 1561, London, folio, J. Kyngston; ,£8 10s., £18 10s. (mor. ex., fine copy). Fourth Edition, 1598, London, folio; <£2 5s. (hf. cf.). Fifth Edition, 1602, London, folio ; £2 (cf.). Sixth Edition, 1687, London, folio, re-impression of edition of 1602; <£2 8s. (hf. cf.). Seventh Edition, 1721, London, folio; <£1; large paper, £1 17s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Other Editions: Edinburgh, 1777, 12 vols., 18mo; Edin¬ burgh, 1782, 12mo, 14 vols.; London, 6 vols., 1852, 8vo; <£2 8s. (hf. cf. ex.). The edition of 1532 is often described as the first, though there seems to be a much earlier one of 1508, 4to, printed by Adam Islip ; <£2 10s. (hf. cf.). -- Canterbury Tales, 1st ed., 1475, folio, printed by Caxton. Only two perfect copies are known, one in the library of King George III., British Museum ; the other at Merton College. Second Edition, 1481, folio, printed by Caxton. Only one perfect copy known, in the library of St. John’s, Oxford. Third Edition, 1493, folio, printed by Wynkyn de Worde; £24 (a fragment only). Fourth Edition, 1498, folio, Wynkyn de Worde. A copy is in the Grenville Collection at the British Museum. The work was once put up at auction and knocked down for £245, but would probably bring more at the present time. GENERAL WORKS. 229 Chancer (Geoffrey), Canterbury Tales, 5th ed., London, 1493, folio, printed by Pynson. The only perfect copy known is at Althorp. Sixth Edition, London, 1526, folio, printed by Pynson. Seventh Edition, London, 1737 or 1740, 8vo. Eighth Edition, London, 1741, 8vo, 3 vols. Other Editions: Dublin, 1742, 8vo, 2 vols.; London, 1755-58, 8 vo, 5 vols.; Oxford, 1798, 4to, 2 vols., «£1 ; large paper, d£2 (hf. cf.); London, 1822, post 8vo, 5 vols., <£2 2s.; large paper, c£14 (mor. ex., g. e., proofs); 1847-51, royal 12mo, 3 vols., forming part of the Percy Society’s publications. Cokaine (Sir Aston), Small Poems of Divers Sorts, London, 1658, small 8vo. Very rare. Coleridge (S. T.), Christabel — Kubla Khan, a vision — The Pains of Sleep, 1st ed., 1816, 8vo; «£1 13s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). - Essays on his own Times, edited by his daughter, 3 vols., 1st ed., 1850, 8vo; £1 5s. (uncut). - Literary Remains, 4 vols., 1836-39, 8vo ; £2. - The Watchman, 1796, 8vo; <£1 17s. (in the original numbers). - Fall of Robespierre, 1794, 8vo, 1st ed.; <£1 (bds.). - The Friend ; a Literary, Sfc., weekly paper, nos. 1 to 27, (all published), 1st ed., 1809-10 ; «£3 12s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). Many editions of Coleridge’s Poems have been issued. Among them are : Poems, to which are now added Poems by C. Lamb and C. Lloyd, 1797— Lyrical Ballads, 1798, in 2 vols., 8vo; .£5 (mor. ex.). The first edition of Coleridge’s poems was published in 1796, 8vo; c£3 15s. (mor. ex., by Riviere). Combe (William), Dance of Life, coloured plates by Row¬ landson, 1817, 8vo ; £2 15s. (cf.). - Dance of Death, 2 vols., 1815, 8vo; £7, £8 2s. 6d. (mor. ex., g. e.). - Life of Napoleon, plates by G. Crttikshank, 1817, 8vo, 1st ed.; <£9 10s. (mor. ex., by Riviere, uncut), £2 11s. (average copy). - Dr. Syntax's Tours. (1) In search of the Picturesque, 1st ed., 1819, 8vo ; c£2 2s. (cf.). (2) In search of Consolation, 1st ed., 1820, 8vo; c£l 16s. (uncut). (3) In search of a Wife, 1st ed., 1821, 8vo; «£1 15s. A fair average auction price for the three books is about £6 6s., but fine copies frequently sell for more. There are other editions of each of the three tours. One was published by Nattali and Bond, without date, 80 coloured plates, <£1 15s. (cl., as issued, uncut). Sometimes sets are made up of various editions, e.g., vol. 1, 9th ed.; vol. 2, 3rd ed.; vol. 3, 1st ed. 1819-21, 3 vols., 8vo; .£6 15s. (cf. ex., g. e.). 230 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Congreve (W.), Works, 3 vols., 8vo, 1810 ; ,£1 6s. (cf. ex.). Another Edition, Baskerville, Birmingham, 3 vols., 8vo, 1761. This is a fine edition, but the first sixteen pages of vol. 1 are nearly always discoloured, and this materially affects the pecuniary value; £1 18s., £2 16s., £3 12s. (for discoloured copies, according to condition), £7 7s. (free from the usual stains, cf. ex.). Cook (Captain), Voyages. The three voyages round the world, 8 vols., 1773-85, 4to, and three folio atlases of maps and charts; £4 18s. (fine copy in hf. russ.), <£3 (hf. bd., no atlases). Another Edition, 7 vols., 1821, 8vo ; <£1 10s. (hf. cf.). The edition of 1773-85 is often sold in portions, a voyage at a time. Thus, The Second Voyage, 2 vols., 1777, 4to, £1 16s., or with the folio atlas, £2 18s.; The Third Voyage, 1784, 4to, with folio atlas, £2 14s. (russ. ex.). Cotton (Sir C.). See Walton (Isaac). Cowper (W.), Poems, 1st ed., 1782-85, 2 vols., 8vo; £10 (mor. ex., contained the cancelled pp. 123-24, fine copy), £3 3s. (hf. mor.). Second Edition , 1788, 2 vols., 8vo. Third Edition, 1798, 2 vols., 12mo. Fourth Edition, 1806, 2 vols., 8vo. Fifth Edition , 1808, 2 vols., 8vo. Other Editions, 1804, 3 vols., 8vo, large paper, portraits and illustrations by Blake ; £1 (hf. cf.). - 1853, 2 vols., 8vo (350 copies printed); £1 Is. (cl.). - Olney Hymns, 1st ed., 1779, 12mo; £16 5s. (mor. ex., Cowper’s own copy, with his autograph). Cox (G. W.), Mythology of the Aryan Nations, 2 vols., 1871, 8vo; £1 Is. (cl.). - History of Greece, 2 vols., 8vo, 1878 ; £1 (cl.). Croq.mll (A.), The nom-de-plume of A. H. Forrester, who illus¬ trated the following works, amongst many others: Sketches from Jullien’s Bal Masque, 12 coloured plates, N.D., 4to ; £1. Comic Nursery Tales, Orr and Co., 7 vols., n.d., 8vo, partly illustrated by “Croquill” ; £2 18s. (original bds.). Memorandum Book, 4 numbers in 1 vol., 16 etchings, n.d., 4to ; £2 4s. (cf. ex., by Biviere). Absurdities in Prose and Verse, 13 coloured etchings, 1827, 8 vo (cf. ex., by Biviere). Comic Arithmetic, 1844, 8vo; £2 10s. (original cl.). Cruiksliank (George), Essay on the Genius of George Cruik- shank (from the Westminster Review, No. 65, June, 1840), by Thackeray, 8vo, 1840 ; £2 2s. (hf. cf.). GENERAL WORKS. 231 Croikshank (George). The undermentioned are all first editions: - Annals of Gallantry , by A. Moore, 3 vols., 1814-15, 8vo ; .£10 2s. 6d. (hf. cf.). - Bacchus and the Tee-Totallers, 6 coloured plates, 1841, 4to ; £2 18s. (mor. ex., by Bedford). - Bachelor’s Own Boole, D. Bogue, n.d., 8vo ; =£3 3s. (mor. ex., by Riviere), £4 4s., £3 12s. (in the original covers as issued). - Billets in the Low Countries, 4 coloured plates, 1818, 8vo ; £2 14s. (original bds., uncut). - Brighton Lodging House, by F. Higginson, nos. 1 and 2, all published, n.d. (1849), 8vo ; .£2 2s. (cf. ex., by Riviere). - Calces and Ale,hy Douglas Jerrold, 2 vols., 8vo, 1842; £1 7s., £3 18s. (original cl., bds.). - Catholic Miracles, 1825, 8vo; £2 12s. (cf. ex., by Pratt). - Cat’s Tail (The), 1831, 8vo; £1 10s. (cf. ex., fine copy), £1. - Clement Lorimer, by A. B. Reach, 1849, 8vo; £3 3s. (mor. ex., uncut). - Christmas Stories, 1823, 8vo; £1 4s. (cf. ex., by Riviere). - Der Freischiitz Travestie, 12 etchings, 1824, 8vo ; £3 15s. (cf. ex., by Riviere); large paper, £10 5s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). This work is by W. Hone. - Comic Almanack, complete from the commencement in 1835 to 1853, bound in 9 vols., hf. mor., 8vo ; £7 ; the same, bound in 5 vols., £9 (cf. ex., by Riviere). - Comic Alphabet, 24 etchings; £3 15s. (mor. ex., g. e.). - Cries of London, N.D., 8vo; £4 9s. (cf. ex., by Riviere, original covers bound up). - Diorama Anglais, Paris, 1823, 8vo; £4 4s. (mor. ex., by Riviere). This work contains a series of coloured plates by G. Cruikshank, the same which were used in Pierce Egan’s “ Life in London.” - Eccentric Tales, 1827, 8vo; £2 8s. (cl.), £3. - Epping Hunt, by Tom Hood, six illustrations by Cruik¬ shank, india-proofs, worked off on 4to paper, 1829; £3 (hf. mor.). Ordinary impressions are frequently met with for a few shillings. -- Evening’s Amusement, 81 plates by Cruikshank, Seymour, &c., 1830, folio; £1 5s. - Fairy Library, consisting of Puss in Boots, N.D. ; Hop o’ my Thumb, n.d. ; The Seven-Leagued Boots, n.d. ; Jack and the Bean-stalk, n.d. ; Cinderella and the Glass Slipper, n.d. ; £8 10s. (original wrappers bound up, mor. ex., by RivRre, in 4 vols., 8vo), £7 7s. (original pictorial covers). 232 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Cruiksliank (George), Footsteps of Don Quiocote, Rambles in the, by H. D. Inglis, 1837, 8vo;<£2 7s., <£2 2s. - German Popular Stories, by the Brothers Grimm, 2 vols., 1823-26, 8vo; <£18 10s. (mor. ex., by Riviere), ,£30 10s. (fine copy). Another Edition, proof engravings from the original designs by G. Cruikshank, Introduction by John Ruskin, large paper, London, 1868, 8vo ; ,£1 15s. (hf. mor.), £1 6s. - Greeks, The, a poem, 1817, 8vo; <£2 (original bds.). - Greatest Plague of Life, by the Brothers Mathew, n.d., D. Boyne, 8vo ; £2 5s. (mor. ex., fine copy). - Greenwich Hospital, by M. H. Barker, 12 full-page coloured plates and 16 woodcuts, by G. Cruikshank, 1826, 4to; <£3 12s. (cf. ex.), <£2 (average copy). - Hans of Iceland, 1825, 8vo ; =£4 4s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). - Helps and Hints how to Protect Life and Property, 1835, 8vo ; <£1 8s. (tree cf. ex.). The illustrations are by George and Robert Cruikshank. The text was written by the Baron de Berenger. - The Humourist, 4 vols., 1819-20, 8vo; <£32 10s. (cf. ex., by Bedford), <£21 (cf. ex., by Riviere). ■- Italian Tales, 16 etchings, 1824, 8vo ; <£2 10s. (mor. ex.), <£1 5s. --- John Gilpin, Illustrations to, the series of six plates, india- proofs, 8vo; <£2. The book itself, entitled “ The Diverting History of John Gilpin,” was published by Tilt in 1828, 8vo; <£1 (original covers). - Kilts and Philibegs, n.d. ; The Second Act of Kilts and Philibegs, n.d. ; the two together in 1 vol., <£6 6s., (cf. ex., uncut). - Land and Sea Tales, by M. H. Barker, 2 vols., 1836, 8vo ; £2 (mor. ex., by Riviere). - Life of Falstaff, by R. Brough, 1858, 8vo; <£4 15s. (uncut), <£4 (mor. ex.). - London Characters, 24 coloured plates, 1827, 8vo ; <£7 (hf. mor.). - Lord Bateman, 12 plates, 1851, 12mo; <£1 6s. (bds. as issued). - Mansie Wauch, Life of, 1839, 8vo; <£2 18s. (cf. ex., by Riviere, uncut). - Martin's Vagaries, being a sequel to “A Tale of a .Tub,” 1843, 8vo ; <£3 3s. (mor. ex., by Riviere, uncut). GENERAL WORKS. 233 Cruikshank (George), Metropolitan Grievances, 1812, 8vo; .£1 Is., £2 8s. (cf. ex., uncut). - Modern Chivalry, by Mrs. Gore, 2 vols., 1843, 8vo; <£3 3s. (cf. ex., uncut). -- Miseries of Music Masters, 1815, 4to; «£5 5s. (mor. ex., by Riviere). - Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys, 1851, 8vo; «£1 6s., £2 12s. (in the original wrappers and uncut). - Minor Morals for Young People, by Sir John Bowring, 3 vols., 1834-35-39, 8vo; £4* 10s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). • - Mornings at Bow Street, by J. Wight, also More Mornings at Bow Street (ibid.), original editions of 1824 and 1827, 8vo; <£1 15s. (hf. mor.), <£5 5s. (mor. ex., by Bedford). • - My Sketch Book, in 9 parts, C. Tilt, n.d., 4to; ,£3 10s. -- New Bath Guide, by C. Anstey, 1830, 8vo ; £2 5s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). - Old Sailors’ Jolly Boat, by M. H. Barker, 1844, 8vo; £2 2s. (cf.), £1 Is. (hf. cf.). ■- - Omnibus, 1842, 8vo ; ,£1 14s., .£9 (cf. ex., uncut, by Pratt); <£7 15s. (mor. ex., by Riviere, fine copy), <£3 3s. (hf. mor. ex., uncut, with the original cover bound up). - Our Own Times, 4 numbers (all published) in 1 vol., 1846, 8vo; £1 10s. - Pentamerone (The), by G. Basile, 1848, 8vo ; <£4 (original bds.). -- Peter Schlemihl, by Chamisso, 1824, 8vo; <£1 3s., c£2 16s. (mor. ex., by Riviere). - Phrenological Illustrations, 1830, 4to; <£3 3s. (hf. mor. ex., fine copy). - Pigeons, The; Dedicated to all the Flats, 1817, 8vo ; <£3 3s. (mor. ex., uncut). - Playfair Papers, 3 vols., 1841, 8vo ; <£3 (uncut, original cl.). -- Points of Humour, complete in 2 parts, 1823-24, 8vo, plates on india-paper; <£3 3s.; large paper, c£4 15s. -- Progress of a Midshipman, exemplified in the Career of Master Blockhead, 8 coloured plates, 1820, 4to; £5 7s. 6d. (as issued). • - Punch and Judy, 1828, 8vo; <£4 4s. (cf. ex., by Pratt), <£2 (cf.). Sometimes the 24 plates are found worked off on large and india-paper, and when this is the case the value is greatly increased. - Savage Club Papers, 2 vols., 1867-68, 8vo ; <£2 5s. 234 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Cruikshank (George), Sir Frizzle Pumpkin, Adventures o/, 1836, 8vo; «£1 10s. (uncut), <£2 10s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). - Scraps and Sketches , 4 parts in 1 vol., 1828-32, 4to ; <£5 5s. (mor. ex., original covers bound up). - Spirit of the Public Journals for 1823, 1824, 1825, 3 vols., 8vo; <£2 12s. (mor. ex., by Bedford). - Sunday in London , 1833, 8vo; £1 14s. (bds., uncut). - Table Book , edited by Gilbert A’Beckett, Punch Office, 1845, 4to; <£14 (mor. ex., with all the original covers and advertisements bound up, very fine copy); £2 4s., £3 17s. (hf. mor. ex.). - Tales of Irish Life , 2 vols., 1824, 8vo ; =£1 12s. - Tales of Other Days, by J. Y. Akermann, 1830, 8vo; «£2 10s., «£2 4s. (both uncut). - Talpa, 1852, 8vo ; 8s. - Three Courses and a Dessert, 1830, 8vo; £1 12s., £2 18s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). - Tom Thumb , by Kane O’Hara, 1830, 8vo; <£1 7s. (mor. ex., by Bedford). - Tooth-Ache Imagined, by Horace Mathew, 43 coloured plates, n.d., 8vo ; £3 17s. 6d. (original copy as issued). - Top Sail Sheet Blocks, by M. H. Barker, 3 vols., 1838, 8vo; <£4 10s. (hf. mor. ex.), <£3 16s. - Whom to Marry, by the Brothers Mathew, n.d., 8vo ; £8 (very fine copy). - Wit’s Magazine and Attic Miscellany, n.d., Tegg, 20 coloured plates by Cruikshank, &c.; <£17 (an exceedingly rare work). - Yule Log {The), 1847, 8vo ; <£5 (cf. ex., by Bedford, with a duplicate set of plates inserted). George Cruikshank also illustrated the works of Ains¬ worth, Lever, Smedley, Dickens, Fielding, Smollett, and Gold¬ smith ; Barham’s “ Ingoldsby Legends,” De Foe’s “ Robinson Crusoe,” Stowe’s “ Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” and many other popular works. Cruikshank (Isaac), The Contrast, one etching by Isaac Cruikshank, 1787, 8vo; <£3 (cf. ex., by Bedford). Cruikshank (J. R.), Commercial Tourist; or, Gentleman Traveller , 1822, 8vo; <£1 5s., <£1 14s. (mor. ex.). •- London Oddities; or, the Theatrical Cabinet , 12 parts, n.d., 8vo; ,£1 5s., <£3 3s. (in parts). -- English Spy. See Blackmantle (B.). GENERAL WORKS. 235 Cruikshank (J. R.), Lessons of Thrift, 1820, 8vo; ,£3 3s. (uncut, in the original bds.), £1 15s. (hf. bd.). Cruikshank (Robert), Old Sailor’s Jolly Boat, by M H. Barker, 1844, 8vo, 1st ed.; <£2 2s. (mor. ex.). - Cumberland’s British Theatre, 30 vols., 8vo, 1826; £2 (uncut), contains many character portraits and woodcut scenes by this artist. - Points of Misery, by C. Westmacott, 1823, 8vo, 1st ed.; .£3 (mor. ex., uncut, by Riviere). This artist illustrated a considerable number of ephemeral works hardly larger than pamphlets, which may frequently be met with for a few shillings each. Among then, are the following: Professor Porson’s “ Real Devil’s Walk,” 1830; Montagu’s “Monsieur Mallet,” 1830; Shakespeare’s “Kath¬ erine and Petruchio,” 1838 ; “ The Tailors ” (or “ Quadrupeds ”), 1836; O’Hara’s “Midas, a Burletta,” 1837; Footes’ “The Mayor of Garratt,” 1837; Gay’s “ Beggars’ Opera,” 1837. A set of the above, all original editions, and bound in calf extra, uniform, sold in May, 1889, for £1 16s. Cunningham (P.), The Story of Nell Gwyn, 1st ed., 1852, 8vo; £1 12s. (cl. gt.). - Lives of Eminent Englishmen , from Alfred the Great to latest times, 8 vols., 1837, 8vo; <£1 2s. (hf. cf. ex.). Cyclopaedias. See Encyclopedias. Dante Aleghieri. Carey’s translation of the works of this author is probably the best. Editions were issued in 1810, 3 vols., 8vo; 1814, 3 vols., 16mo; 1831, 3 vols., 8vo; 1844, 1 vol., 8vo. None of these are of much pecuniary value. Wright’s edition of 1833-40, 3 vols., 8vo, sells by auction for about 7s. 6d., or more if the condition and binding are above the average. Dore’s well-known illustrations to the “ Inferno ” appear in the French edition of 1861, Paris, folio, £2 2s., and in the English translation of 1866, folio, large paper, £1 5s. (hf. cf.). Davenant (Sir W.), Gondibert, an Heroic Poem, 1st ed., 1651, 4to; ,£5 10s. (original cf.). - Platonich Lovers (The), 1635, 4to; £1 16s. (cf. gt.). - The Witts, a Comedy, 1636, 4to ; <£1 10s. (cf. gt.). - The WorTcs of, 1673, folio, portrait by Faithorne ; <£3 (mor. ex., g. e.), £3 15s., £1 2s. Recent Edition, 1872-74, Edinburgh, 5 vols., 8vo, large paper; £2 16s. (cf. ex., uncut). 236 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. De Poe (Daniel). Collections of De Foe’s original works frequently occur at sales, but no one, so far as is known, has succeeded in forming an entirely complete set. The late Mr. Crossley, of the Cheetham Society, Manchester, had the best collection known to exist, but it is now dispersed. An Edition of De Foe’s novels (edited by Sir Walter Scott) was published in 1810, fcap. 8vo, 12 vols.; also an edition of his works with Memoir, by Hazlitt, London, 1840-43, royal 8vo, vols. 1 to 3 (discontinued). Novels and Miscellaneous Tales (Scott), 1839-41, 20 vols., fcap. 8vo; £6 10s. (hf. mor.). Novels and Miscellaneous Tales (Scott), Another Selection , 7 vols., post 8vo, 1877 ; 7 vols., post 8vo, 1868; 20 vols., post 8vo, 1840-41. The author’s well-known work Robinson Crusoe , first appeared in 1719, 2 vols., 8vo : and the Farther Adventures in the same year, 8vo. The three volumes have sold for <£46 recently. Other editions followed in rapid succession, notably in 1790, 2 vols., royal 8vo; <£4 7s. 6d. (mor. ex.), <£1 18s. (cf.). 1820, 2 vols., 8vo, proofs; =£7 2s. 6d. (mor. ex.). 1831, 2 vols., 8vo (Cruikshank); .£2 14s. (cl.); large paper, <£10 (mor. ex.), <£8; large-paper proofs, <£6 15s. (mor. ex., by Bedford). 1840-41, 20 vols., post 8vo (scarce). 1868, 7 vols., post 8vo. 1883, 4to, large and india-papers; <£1 (hf. mor.). Among the authors numerous works published separately are : Memoirs of Captain G. Tarleton , 1st ed., large paper, 1728, 8vo; <£2 4s. (mor.). The Storm , 1704, 8vo ; <£2 8s. (cf.). Conjugal Lewdness, 1727, 8vo ; £2 2s. (cf.). Memoirs of Duncan Campbell , 1732, 8vo ; <£1 6s., <£2 10s. History of the Devil , 1st ed., 1726, 8vo ; <£1 2s. (cf.). Life of Signor Rozelli, 2 vols., 8vo, 1st ed., 1709-24; £4 4s. (mor. ex., by Riviere). Tour Through Great Britain , 3 vols., 1st ed., 1724-27, 8vo ; <£6 6s. (mor. ex., by Riviere). Essay upon Projects, 1st ed., 1697, 8vo; <£1 8s. Journal of the Plague, 1722, 8vo; ,£3 8s. (uncut). Roxana, 1722, 8vo; <£1 7s. (cf.). De Quincey (Thos.), Confessions of an English Opium Eater , 1st ed., 1822, 8vo; <£5 5s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). GENERAL WORKS. 237 De Quincey (Thos.), Works. There are many complete editions of De Quincey’s works ; among- the best are the following-: 1853-71, 16 vols., 8vo ; <£3 15s. (cf. gt.). 1862, 15 vols., 8vo ; .£2, =£1 16s., £2 15s. (cf. ex.). 1878, Edinburgh, 16 vols., 8vo ; <£2 9s. Dibain (T. F.), JEdes Althorpiance , 3 vols., 1822, 8vo, large paper; <£4 10s. (russ. ex.). - Bibliographical Decameron , 3 vols., 1817, 8vo; =£15 5s. (russ. ex.); large paper, =£19 (mor. ex.). -- Bibliographical, Sfc., Tour in France and Germany , 3 vols., large paper, 1821, 8vo; <£12 15s. (russ. ex.); £5 (cf. gt., small paper). Another Edition, 1829, 8vo, 3 vols.; =£1 (cl.). -- Bibliographical, $c., Tour in the Northern Counties of England, 3 vols., large paper, 1838, 8vo; =£29 (russ. ex.), =£6 5s. (tree cf., small paper). - Bibliomania , 1st ed., 1809, 8vo, 87 pp. Other Editions, 1842, 8vo; <£1 17s. 6d. (hf. cf.) ; large paper, <£3 6s. (hf. mor.); 1811, 8vo ; <£1 14s. (mor. ex., by Z^ehnsdorf). -- Bibliotheca Britannica , 1808, 8vo, only 40 copies printed; <£1 2s. (original wrapper). -- Bibliotheca Spenceriana, 1814-15, 4 vols., 8vo; =£6 15s. (uncut); large paper, only 50 copies printed, 4 vols., 4to; <£10 (bds., uncut). - Library Companion , 2 vols., 1825, 8vo, large paper; £2 14s. (hf. mor., uncut), <£4 15s. (large paper, mor. ex., by Bedford). - Lincolne Nosegay, 36 copies printed, 1811, 8vo ; £2 5s. - Literary Life, 2 vols., 1836, 8vo ; <£1 Is. (uncut). - Poems , 1797, 8vo; <£2 14s. (uncut, original bds.). - Typographical Antiquities. See Ames (J.). Dickens (Charles). The under-mentioned are all first editions. - American Notes, 2 vols., 1842, 8vo ; <£1 11s. (original cl., uncut). - Barnaby Budge, 1841, 8vo; <£2 10s. (hf. mor.). - Bleak House, 1853, 8vo ; <£1 3s. (hf. mor.). - Christmas Books, consisting of “A Christmas Carol,’’ 1843; “The Chimes,” 1845; “Cricket on the Hearth,” 1846 ; “Battle of Life,” 1846; “Haunted Man,” 1848, all original editions, 5 vols., small 8vo ; =£4 15s (original cl.), <£10 (mor. ex., by Bedford). - Curious Dance Round a Curious Tree, n.d., 8vo ; £2 4s. (first issue in original wrapper). 238 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Dickens (Charles), David Copperfield, 1850, 8vo ; «£1 Is. (hf. cf.), £2 10s. (in parts). - Dombey and Son , 1848, 8vo; <£3 5s. (original parts, with the additional series of 8 etchings by “ Phiz ”), <£1 5s. (in original parts). - Edwin Drood, Mystery of , 1870, 8vo; £2 4s. (very fine copy, with 12 plates by Fildes). - Evenings of a Working-man , by J. Overs, with a preface by Dickens, 1844, 8vo; £2 2s. (cf. ex., uncut). - Great Expectations , 3 vols., 1861, 8vo; <£10 10s. (mor. ex., by Riviere). A set of Pailthorpe’s illustrations to this work, 21 etchings, proofs on japanese-paper, 1885, 8vo, sells by auction for about <£2. - Grimaldi, Memoirs of Joseph , 2 vols., 1838, 8vo; <£10 10s. (mor. ex., with the advertisements and original cloth backs preserved), <£5 17s. 6d. (original cl.). Another Edition , 1846, 8vo; <£1 5s., <£4 10s. (mor. ex., uncut). - Hard Times for these Times , 1854, 8vo; .£1 Is. (original cl.). - Hunted Down , n.d., 8vo; <£1 2s. (original covers). - History of England , 3 vols., 1852-53-54, 8vo; <£6 5s. (fine copy), <£2 6s. (original cl.). - Library of Fiction , 2 vols., 1836-37, 8vo; <£5 (mor. ex.), .£13 10s. (mor. ex., uncut, by Riviere). Contains two original contributions by Dickens, viz., “ The Tuggs at Ramsgate,** and “ A little talk about Spring and the Sweeps.” - Lamplighter {The), 1879, 8vo; .£1 14s. - Little Dorrit , 1857, 8vo; <£1 5s., <£3 10s. (mor. ex., by Zaehnsdorf). - Lord Bateman. See Cruikshank (G.). - Martin Chuzzlewit , 1844, 8vo; ,£4 4s. (in the original 20 numbers), <£2 (original cl.). - Mr. Nightingale's Diary , 1877, 8vo; <£3 3s. (mor. ex., fine copy). - Master Humphrey's Clock, 3 vols., 1841, 8vo; from <£1 5s. to <£1 10s. (cl.). This book is sometimes found additionally illustrated with the series of 70 plates by Sibson and extra plates by “ Phiz ” ; when this is the case the value is frequently raised to <£10 and even <£15, according to circumstances. In its ordinary state “Master Humphrey’s Clock” is one of the least important of the Dickens originals, and if cut down would not bring the smaller amount quoted. —- Nicholas Nickelby, 1839, 8vo; <£1 2s. (cl., uncut). GENERAL WORKS. 239 Dickens (Charles), Oliver Twist , 3 vols., 1838, 8vo; <£4 12s. (including the “Fire Side plate ”), £5 (ibid.), £ 1 5s. (original cl., uncut, without the cancelled plate). —— Pic-Nic Papers (The), edited by Dickens, 3 vols., 1841, 8vo; £4i 6s. (cl.). - Pickwick Papers (The), 1837, 8vo; £8 10s. (original parts), <£12 15s. (ibid.), £9 (ibid.), <£1 Is. (cut, cl.), £1 Is. (with the Buss plates, but cut), ,£3 15s. (with the Buss plates, average price). The Buss plates here alluded to consist of “ The Cricket Match” and the “Arbour Scene.” - Pictures from Italy, 1846, 8vo; .£3 3s. (mor. ex., uncut), £1 2s. - Sketches by “ Boz.” The first demy 8vo edition was pub¬ lished in 1839, and contains 40 plates by Cruikshank, 13 of which appeared for the first time; .£2 10s. (mor.), £4 (finely bound), ,£5 15s. (in the original cl.). The original edition was issued in two series, the one in 1836, 2 vols., 8vo, and the other in 1837, 1 vol .; together 3 vols., 8vo, <£10 10s. (mor. ex., uncut, by Riviere). The first series is scarce. - Sunday under three heads, 1836, small 8vo; from .£6 to .£8. Rare. There are several facsimile reprints ; one is issued by Abel Heywood, of Manchester. - Tale of Two Cities, 1859, 8vo; .£14 15s. (in the original numbers), <£3 (original cl., uncut). - Uncommercial Traveller, 1861, 8vo; <£2 2s. (cl., uncut). - Village Coquettes, 1836, 8vo; <£9 15s. (uncut), ,£10 10s. (ibid.). - Young Ladies, 1837; Young Gentlemen, 1838; Young Couples, 1840. All first editions, the 3 vols., 8vo, <£7 5s. (mor. ex., by Riviere). Among the complete editions of the works of Charles Dickens may be mentioned “ The Household Edition,” 21 vols., 4to, n.d., <£2 2s. (cloth); the “ Charles Dickens Edition,” 19 vols., 8vo, n.d., <£1 10s.; the Edition de luxe, 30 vols., plates on india-paper, 1881-82, impl. 8vo. ,£10 7s. 6d. (as issued); the “Library Edition,” 22 vols., 8vo, 1858-59, <£2 5s. (cl.); the “Illustrated Library Edition,” 30 vols., 1874, 8vo, <£8 15s. (cl.). Dictionary of National Biography. Now in progress. The work was commenced by Leslie Stephen in 1885. For a small number of volumes, about 6s. each is the average auction value at the present time, but this value increases in pro¬ portion to the completeness of the set; thus, vols. 1 to 19, 8vo, 1885-89; £1 5s. (cl.). 240 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Digby (Sir K.), Broad Stone of Honour, London, 1822, 8vo; £1 6s. (hf. cf.). Other Editions , London, 1823, 8vo, =£1 7s.; 1876-77, 5 vols., 8vo, £1 10s.; large paper, £3 5s. (hf. mor.). - Mores Catholici; or, Ages of Faith, London. 11 vols., 8vo, 1831-42; £5 (cl.), £7 12s. 6d. (cf. ex.). Another Edition, 3 vols., royal 8vo, 1844-47; <£2 15s. (cf. gt.). D’Israeli (B., Earl of Beaconsfield), The Revolutionary Epic , 3 books, 1st ed., 2 vols., 1834, 8vo; £3 15s. (bds., uncut). - Star Chamber, 9 numbers in 1 vol., 8vo; £1 16s. (uncut). -- Vivian Grey, 1st ed., 3 vols., 1826, 8vo (bds., uncut); The Young DuTce, 2nd ed., 3 vols., 1832, 8vo (hf. cf.); <£1 the two. A set of D’lsraeli’s Novels and Tales was issued in 10 vols., 8vo, by Longmans, n.d. ; £1 (hf. cf.). All editions are of about equal value. D’Israeli (Isaac), Various TForks, viz.: Curiosities of Literature » 1st and 2nd series, 6 vols., 1807-24, 8vo; Amenities of Literature^ 3 vols., 1841, 8vo; Life and Reign of Charles I., 2 vols.» 1851, 8vo ; Inquiry into the Literary and Political Character of James I., 1816, 8vo ; Quarrels of Authors, 3 vols., 1814, 8vo; Literary Character, 2 vols., 1828, 8vo; Miscellanies, 1796, 8vo; Calamities of Authors, 2 vols., 1812, 8vo; Despotism, or Fall of the Jesuits, 2 vols., 1811, 8vo ; Romances, 1799, 8vo; Flim Flams, 3 vols., 1805, 8vo; together 26 vols., 8vo; =£9 5s. (cf. ex., by Riviere), <£2 10s. (hf. cf.). Donne (Dr. J.), Poems on Several Occasions, 1639, 8vo, portrait by Marshall; £2 2s. (cf. ex.), <£1 Is. (cf.). Other Editions, 1635, 8vo, £13 (uncut, very rare in this state); 1719, 8vo, £1 2s. (mor.), £2 4s. (mor. ex.). Doran (Dr.), Annals of the Stage, new edition, revised and edited by R. W. Lowe, 3 vols., 1888, 8vo; £1 15s. (hf. rox.); large paper, £3 3s. The prior edition was in 2 vols., 8vo, 1864; £3 16s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). Doyle (R.), All About Something, 24 humorous plates, 1845, 8vo; £2 (hf. mor., original covers bound up). - The Brother to the Moon’s Visit to the Court of Queen Vic, 24 coloured etchings ; £2 12s. (mor. ex., by Riviere). - The Christening Procession of Prince Taffy, 1842, 8vo; £2 6s. (mor. ex.). - Jaclc and the Giants, 35 etchings, 1858, 8vo; £1 2s. (original cl.). - Fairy Land , 1S70, folio; £2 (original cl.). GENERAL WORKS. 241 Doyle (R.), Tour of Brown , Jones , and Robinson , 1st ed., 1854, 4to ; <£1 3s. (original cl.). Drayton (Michael). The best edition of the works of this author is that of 1752 or 1753, 4 vols., 8vo, London ; <£2 19s. (cf. gt.), <£3 3s. Another Edition , 1748, folio. - Poems. Some of the editions of the poems of Drayton are scarce, notably that in 12mo, London, n.d., J. Smeth¬ wick, .£1 14s. (hf. cf. ex.); the editions of 1608, 8vo, <£2 8s. (cut); of 1610, 8vo; 1613, 8vo; 1619, folio, <£3 3s. (title mounted); 1637, 12mo; 1753, 4 vols., 8vo, ,£4 4s. (mor. ex.), <£3 3s. (ibid.). Another Edition , 1856, 4to, Roxburghe Club; £1 16s. (hf. cf. ex.). - Poly-Olbion , London, 1613, folio; £7 7s. (wanted title). Another Edition , London, 1613-22, in 2 parts, by Selden, folio; c£3 14s. (wanted title and several leaves), <£13 (im¬ perfect, but with Ben Jonson’s motto), <£17 5s. (perfect, mor. ex.). - The Battaile of Agincourt , 1st ed., 1627, 8vo; <£1 4s. (wanted title). - Muses Elizium lately discovered over Parnassus , 1630, 4to; <£3 5s. (hf. bd.). Dryden (John), Works now first collected , with Life and Notes by Sir Walter Scott, 18 vols., 1821, 8vo; <£3 (cf. gt.). A Prior Edition , same editor, appeared in 1808, 8vo, 18 vols.; <£2 10s. (cf.), <£3 10s. (mor. ex.); large paper, <£3 10s. (russ.). Another Edition , 1882-89, revised by Saintsbttry, 14 vols., 8vo ; large paper, «£3 16s. (cl.). The First Edition of Dryden’s works was published in 4 vols., 4to, 1695; .£4 15s. (cf. gt.). - The Hind and the Panther , a poem in 3 parts, 1687, 4to ; <£10 10s. (mor. ex., by Bedford, uncut). - Fables. The best edition of Dryden’s Fables was published in 1797, folio, and is known as Bensley’s edition. The plates are engraved by Bartolozzi, after designs by Lady Diana Beauclerc; «£3 5s. (mor. ex., g. e.), ,£1 6s. (hf. cf.). Dgan (Pierce), Booh of Sports and Mirror of Life , 1st ed., 1832, 8vo; £2 18s. (bds., uncut). - Boxiana , 5 vols., n.d., 8vo ; <£15 (mor. ex., by Riviere, uncut), ,£6 6s. (hf. cf.). R 242 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Egan (Pierce), Life of an Actor , 1825, coloured plates by Lane; .£3 10s. (uncut). - Life in London , 1821, royal 8vo, 36 coloured plates by J. E. and G-. Cruikshank; £4 15s. (uncut), ,£2 14s. At the Mackenzie sale, in March, 1889, the above work and the same author’s “Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry, and Logic,” 1830, 1st ed., the 2 vols., uncut, and bound by Bedford in mor. ex., sold for .£34. At the Burnett sale, in April following, two similar copies brought «£28. These prices are, however, very unusual. — - Sporting Anecdotes , plates, by J. E. and E. Cruikshank, 2 vols., 1825, 8vo; «£2 16s. (uncut). — The Turf the Chase , the Ring , and the Stage , 1st ed., 1827, 8vo; <£6 6s. (cf. ex., by Eiviere). Eliot (G-eorge), i.e., Mary Anne Evans, Daniel Deronda , 8 vols., 1876, 8vo, 1st ed.; <£1 Is. (cl.). - Adam Bede , 1859, 8vo, 1st ed.; ,£5 (original cl.). - Mill on the Floss, 1860, 8vo, 1st ed.; «£1 3s. (uncut). - Scenes of Clerical Life , 1858, 2 vols., 8vo, 1st ed.; £3 10s. (original cl.). - Legend of Juhal , 1874; Silas Marner , 1861; Essays and Leaves from a Note Book, 1884, in 3 vols., 8vo; «£1 5s. (cl.). - Romola , illustrated by Sir F. Leighton. The Edition de luxe , 2 vols., 1880, 8vo; <£1 Is. (cl.). The first edition of “ Eomola ” was published in 3 vols., 8vo, 1863; «£1 5s. (cl.). Eliot (John). This author was a missionary among the Indians of North America during the last years of the reign of Charles I. What are known as the “ Eliot Tracts ” comprise accounts of the Progress of Christianity in that Continent, and were written either by Eliot himself or by one or other of the members of the “ Corporation for Promoting the Gospel among the Heathen in New England ” with whom he was associated. Like all other early-printed works relating to America, these tracts (nine in number) are very rare. A set bound in morocco by Bedford recently realised .£135 17s. at auction, being .£49 for the ninth and rarest of the series, and an average of about «£10 10s. for each of the remaining eight pieces, all of which are in small 4to, and were published between the years 1643-59. Emerson (E. W.), Nature , 1st ed., Boston, 1836, 8vo; «£9 cl., uncut). GENERAL WORKS. 243 Emerson (E. W.), Poems, 1st ed., 1847, 12mo; ,£5 5s. (cf. ex., uncut, with verses in the handwriting of the author prefixed). One of the best editions of the whole works of Ealph Waldo Emerson was published in 11 vols., 8vo, 1883 (“The Eiverside Edition”); £6 5s. (of. ex.). Encyclopaedia Britannica. The 9th and last complete edition is in 24 vols. and Index, 1875-89, 4to; «£27 (cl.). Prior editions sell for very little; e.g., the 7th, completed in 1842, 24 vols., 4to, £1 6s. (cf. gt.). Encyclopaedias (Various). Encyclopaedia Metropolitana , 26 vols., 1845, 4to, £1 5s. (hf. cf.); the National Encyclopaedia, 13 vols., 8vo, n.d. (Mackenzie), .£1 9s. (cl.); the Penny Cyclopaedia, 27 vols., 1833-43, 4to, .£1 8s. (hf. cf.); Rees's Cyclopaedia, 45 vols., 1819, 4to, £1 Is. (hf. cf.) ; Chambers's Encyclopaedia of Universal Knowledge, 10 vols., 1868, 8vo, £1 2s. (hf. cf.); the English Cyclopaedia, conducted by C. Knight, 1866-72, 4to, 15 vols., .£3 5s. (hf. mor.); the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, 18 vols., 1830, 4to, £2 8s. (hf. cf.); the Globe Encyclopaedia, 6 vols., 1885, 8vo, «£1 8s. (hf. bd.); the National Cyclopaedia, 14 vols., royal 8vo, n.d., <£1 3s. (cl.). Esquemeling (J.), Bucaniers of America, 4 parts, sometimes found in two volumns and sometimes in one. maps, portraits, plates, 1684-85, 4to; ,£14 (russ. ex.), .£18 10s. (fine tall copy). Another Edition, 1704, 8vo; .£3 5s. (cf.). Another Edition, 1741, 2 vols., 8vo ; £1 5s. (cf.). Evelyn (John), Acetaria, a Discourse of Sallets, 1699, 8vo; .£10 15s. (mor. ex.). - Diary and Correspondence, edited by Brat, 1850, 8vo; £1 11s. 6d. (mor. ex., uncut). Another Edition, 1882, 4 vols., impl. 8vo ; £2 12s. (largest paper, hf. mor.). - Sylva; or, Discourse on Forest Trees, 1664, folio; £4 8s. (presentation copy from Evelyn in cf.). Another Edition, York, 1786, 2 vols., 4to, coloured plates; £3 (cf. gt.). - Sculptura; or, History and Art of Chalcography, 1662, 4to; £2 5s. (russ. gt.). Paber (G. S.), Origin of Pagan Idolatry, 3 vols., 4to, 1816 ; £3 5s. (cf.). Penn (J.), Original Letters by Members of the Paston Family, 5 vols., 1787-1823, 4to; £4 4s. (cf.). Another Edition , 1872-75; 3 vols., 4to, large paper; £2 (hf. mor.). R 2 244 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Fielding 1 (Henry). The following is a list of the more important complete editions : 1762, 4 vols., 4to; <£2 (hf. cf.). 1762, 8 vols., 8vo ; £2 19s. (cf. by Riviere). 1766, 12 vols., 12mo. 1771, 8 vols., 8vo; £2 (cf.). 1775, 12 vols., 12mo; £1 4s. (cf.). 1783, 4 vols., 8vo ; £4 (mor. ex.). 1783, 12 vols., 12mo ; £2 10s. (cf.). 1784, 10 vols., 8 yo ; £2 (cf.). 1806, 10 vols., 8vo; £2 10s. 1808, 14 vols., 12mo ; £1 5s. (hf. cf.). 1821, 10 vols., 8vo; £1 lls. (hf. cf.), £3 10s. (cf. ex.). 1824, 12 vols., 12mo ; 10s. 6d. (bds., uncut). 1871, 11 vols., 8vo; £2 10s.; large paper, £6 10s. (russ. ex.). 1882, 10 vols., 8vo, Edition de luxe; £2 18s. (cl.). - Amelia, 1st ed., 4 vols., 1752, 8vo; £2 14s., £3 10s. (uncut). - Joseph Anorews, 1st ed., 2 vols., 1742, 8vo; £4 12s. 6d. (uncut). - Tom Jones, 1st ed., 6 vols., 1749, 12mo; £2 12s. (uncut). Fletcher (Phineas), The Locusts, Cambridge, 4to, 1627, scarce, in English; £1 12s. (cf.), £2 15s. (mor. gt.). - The Purple Island ; or, the Isle of Man, Cambridge, 4to, 1633; £2, £2 15s. (cf.), large paper, very scarce, and in perfect condition. Another Edition, 1783, 8vo, also 1816, 8vo ; a few shillings each. Foxe (John), Acts and Monuments of Matters Happening in the Church, commonly called Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. First Edition, 15,62-63, London, folio; a rare volume, with some very fine woodcuts; £2 4s. (very imperfect), £88 (slightly imperfect). No perfect copy known. Second Edition, 1570, folio, £2 18s. (bad copy); £31 (one leaf mended). Other Editions : 1596-97, 2 vols., folio. London, 1618, 3 vols., folio. „ 1632, 3 vols., folio; £1 5s. (cf.), £1 10s. (cf., with the rare woodcut of Windsor Castle). „ 1641, 3 vols., folio, black letter; £1 7s. (stained), £1 13s. (re-backed). „ 1684, 3 vols., folio, large paper, described as the best edition ; £1 2s., £3 (cf. ex.). „ 1841, 8 vols., 8vo; £1 15s. (hf. cf.). „ 1843, 1849, 8vo, 8 vols. ,, 1844, again 1851, impl. 8vo, 3 vol3. GENERAL WORKS. 245 There are many abridgments, most of which are quite worthless. The best is by Seymour, impl. 8vo, London, 1838. The first edition of “Foxe’s Book of Martyrs” was pub¬ lished in Latin at Basle, in 1559, folio ; «£3 5s. (wormed). Freeman (E. A.), History of the Norman Conquest , 5 yols., 1870-76, 8vo; «£3 (uncut). - Historical Geography of Europe, 2 vols., 1881, 8vo; <£1 (cl.). - The Reign of William Rufus, and the Accession of Henry I., 2 vols., 1882, 8vo; ,£1 (cl.). Froude (J. A.), History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 12 vols., 1856-72, 8vo, the Library edition ; £4 4s. (cl., uncut). Other Editions: 1862-70, 12 vols., 8vo; £4 4s. (uncut). 1870-77, 12 vols., 8vo ; .£1 6s. (cl.). 1887, 12 vols., 8vo, the Cabinet edition; «£2 12s. (mor.). N.D., 12 vols., 8vo, Longmans ; <£1 (cl.). - Oceana, 1st ed., 1886, 8vo ; 8s. (cl.). - Short Studies on Great Subjects, 4 series, 4 vols., 1868-83, 8vo, the Library edition; <£2 6s. (cf. ex.). — The English in Ireland in the 18 th Century , 3 vols., 1872-74, 8vo ; <£2 6s. (hf. mor.). Fuller (Thomas), The History of the Worthies of England, London, 1662, folio; portrait by Loggan; .£4 (cf.), «£2 (cf.). Another Edition, 1672, folio; c£3 7s. 6d. (cf. gt.). Another Edition, by Nichols, London, 2 vols., 4to, 1811. Another Edition , by Nuttall, 3 vols., 8vo, 1840; <£1 Is. (cl.). -- The Church History of Britain, London, 1655 or 1666, folio. Another Edition, London, 1837, 3 vols., 8vo ; again, London, 3 vols., 8vo, 1842; 12s. (cl.); again, Oxford, 1845, 6 vols., 8vo; ,£2 (cf. ex.). — Historie of the Holy Warre, 1651 (wanted map); The Holy State, 1652, in 1 vol., folio ; £1 3s. (mor. gt.). In June, 1889, a very fine assortment of the works of Thomas Fuller was disposed of at a sale held in Manchester. The collection embraced 192 pieces, forming, so far as is known, the most complete col.ection of the works of this author extant. It realised .£128 2s. Gay (John), Fables, London, 1727, 2 vols., 4to; <£4 6s. (uncut), .£11 (mor. ex., by Bedford). 246 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Gay (John), Fables, another edition, 1733-38, 2 vols., 8vo; plates by Vandergucht and others. Another Edition , 1779, 8yo, front, by Beilby, and wood- cuts by T. and J. Bewick; £1 12s. (cf. ex.), <£1 3s. (mor. ex.). Another Edition , 2 vols., 1793, 4to, plates by Blake and others; £13 10s. (uncut), =£1 12s., £2 17s. 6d. (large paper). - Poems on Several Occasions. Many editions between 1720 and 1806, the whole of which (with the exception of the first, which is in 2 vols., 4to) are in either 2 or 3 vols., 12mo. One of the best of these editions is that of 1731, 2 vols., 12mo; <£1 2s. (mor. ex.). - Trivia; or, the Art of Walking the Streets of London , 1st ed., n.d., 8vo; £4 8s. (mor. ex., by Bedford), ,£1 3s. (large and thick paper). This edition contains the vignette of the Cross Keys on title, by which it is recognised. Gibbon (E.), The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire , London, 1776-88, 6 vols., 4to; £1 5s. (hf. cf. ex.). Other Editions : London, 1788, 12 vols., 8vo; 12s. (bds.). Dublin, 1789, 5 vols., 8vo; 4s. 6d. (bds.). London, 1791, 12 vols., 8vo; 9s. (bds.). ,, 1797, 12 vols., 8vo. ,, 1802, 12 vols., 8vo; £1 (cf. gt.). „ 1814, 17 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1811, 12 vols., 8vo. London, 1820, 12 vols., 8vo. „ 1823, 8 vols., 8vo; £1 (cf. ex.). „ 1825, 12 vols., 12mo. Oxford, 1827, 8 vols., 8vo ; £1 9s. (russ. ex.). London, 1838-39, 13 vols., 8vo; £1 5s. (hf. cf.), £2 8s. (cl.). „ 1854, 8 vols., 8vo; £1 17s. 6d. (russ. ex.). „ 1855, 8 vols., 8vo ; £2 2s. (hf. cf.). 1872, 8 vols., 8vo; £3 (mor. ex.). The best abridgment is that by the B>ev. Charles Here¬ ford, 2 vols., 8vo, 1789 ; 7s. 6d. (bds.). The best Library Edition , 8 vols., 8vo, 1862; £3 8s. (cf. gt.). Gladstone (W. E.), Studies of Homer and the Homeric Age , 3 vols., 1858, 8vo; £2 15s. (cl.), £3 10s. (hf. mor. ex.). - Juventus Mundi, 1869, post 8vo; 8s. 6d. (cl.). - Vatican Decrees, 1874, 8vo; 2s. A number of later and cheap editions. GENERAL WORKS. 247 Goldsmith (Oliver), Roman History , London, 2 vols., 8vo, 1769. Frequently reprinted, the reprints being of small value. - Grecian History , London, 1774, 2 vols., 8vo. The same remarks apply to this work as to.the last. - History of England, London, 1771, 4 vols., 8vo. Reprinted 1774, 4 vols., 8vo. Editions of 1807, 1812, 1820, and 1825, all of small value. - History of the Earth and Animated Nature , 1774, London, 8vo., 8 vols.; 16s. (cf.). Other Editions: London, 1779, 8 vols., 8vo; 12s. (cf.). „ 1791, 8 vols., 12mo; 4s. (cf.). „ 1806, 6 vols., 8vo; 8s. (cf.). „ 1816, 6 vols., 8vo. „ 1822, 4 vols., 8vo. „ 1824, 3 vols., 8vo; 6s. (bds.). „ 1850, royal 8vo, 2 vols., with Life by Irving. — The Deserted Village , 1st ed., London, 1770, 4to; £7 (cf. ex., fine copy). An illustrated edition, London, 1855, post 8vo; another edition, London, 1855, Low and Son; also London, 1841, illustrated by 80 designs by the Etching Club, impl. 8vo, proofs; <£4 (hf. mor.), ,£8 (mor. ex., g. e., fine copy). -- Vicar of Wakefield, 1st ed., 2 vols., Salisbury, 1766, 8vo; .£20 (cf.), <£67 (mor. ex., by Bedford). Another Edition, London, 1766, 2 vols., 8vo; <£2 2s. (cf. ex.). Second London Edition, 1766, 2 vols., 8vo; <£7 5s. (un¬ cut). 1792, 8vo, plates after Stothard; .£2 (cf. gt., proofs). 1817, 8vo, 24 coloured plates by Rowlandson; .£7 10s. (cf. gt.), ,£4 10s. (hf. mor.). 1823, 8vo, 24 coloured plates by Rowlandson; ,£8 153. (cl. uncut), .£4 17s. 6d. (cf. ex.). 1843, Svo, 32 illustrations by Mulready; ,£2 (mor. ex.). 1855, 8vo, 32 illustrations by Mulready; «£1 3s. (mor. ex., uncut). - The Miscellaneous Works of, London, 4 vols., 8vo, 1801. Many editions. A good one is that by Prior, London, in 4 vols., 8vo, 1837, <£2 (mor. ex.), or if joined with Prior’s “Life of Goldsmith,” 6 vols., 8vo, .£2 17s.; also London, 4 vols., 8vo, 1834, by P. Cunningham, <£2 10s. (cf. gt.). Another Edition , 4 vols., 8vo, 1854; «£1 5s. (cl.), <£2 2s. (hf. mor.). 248 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Gower (John), Confessio Amantis, printed by Caxton, 1483, folio. Second Edition , London, Berthelet, folio, 1532; .£3 (stained), £8 (wormed), <£15 (good). Third Edition , London, 1554, folio; <£3 3s. (wanted six preliminary 11.). Recent Edition , London, 1857, 3 vols., 8vo. 4 Gray (Thomas). The best edition of this author’s whole works is dated London, 1814, royal 4to, 2 vols.; «£2 (hf. cf.); large paper, <£3. The following are also good editions: York, 1778, 4 vols., 8vo; <£1 5s. (mor ex., g. e.). Parma, 1793, 4to, large paper. London, 1800, 8vo ; London, 1836, 5 vols., 8vo; <£1 5s. (cf.). Eton, 1845, 8vo; 1847, 8vo. There is a good edition of the author’s Poetical Works and Letters, London, Baldwyn, 1825, 2 vols., crown 8vo. Also editions of 1825 and 1830 (Harding). The Elegy in a Country Churchyard has been illuminated by Owen Jones, London, 1846, 8yo ; also by the Etching Club, London, 1847, folio; <£2 (mor.); proofs, <£3. The First Edition of the Elegy is very rare. 1751, 4to; «£55 (mor. ex.). Second Edition, same date, 4to; ,£3 12s. (mor. ex.). Greene (Robert). The dramatic and prose works of this author, published (mostly in black letter) between the years 1584 and 1592, are scarce and valuable. Later Editions are in some instances valuable. All hi3 works have been collected in 2 vols., 8vo, 1831; large paper (only 12 copies printed), <£5 5s. (mor. ex.), <£1 6s. (small paper, uncut, hf. mor.). Greville (C. C. F.), Journal of the Reigns of George IV., William IV., and Victoria, edited by Reeve, 8 vols., 8vo, 1875-87; <£2 8s. (cl.), <£5 (1st eds., uncut). Grote (G.), History of Greece, 12 vols., 8vo, 1846-56 ; £5 5s. (cf. ex.). Another Edition, 8 vols., 1862, 8vo; <£3 3s. (cl.). All the editions of this work are valuable. - Plato and the other Companions of SoTcrates, London, 3 vols., 8vo, 1867; .£1 10s. (cl.). Another Edition, 3 vols., 8vo, 1875; «£1 7s. (hf. cf.). Grove (Sir G.), Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 3 vols., 1880-83, 8vo, £2 (cl.); 4 vols., 1880-87, 8vo, <£2 12s. (cl.). GENERAL WORKS. 249 Guizot (M.), History of Oliver Cromwell, translated by Scoble, 2 yoIs., 1854; Richard Cromwell, by Scoble, 2 vols., 1856; History of the English Revolution, by Coutier, 2 vols., 1838; together 6 vols., 8vo, uncut; <£1 7s. (cl.). - History of France, translated by Black, 8 vols., 1872-82, 8vo; £1 4s. (cl.). Hakluyt (R.), Principall Navigations, $c., of the English Nation. The first edition of this well-known work was issued in folio in 1589, and its value depends to a very large extent on the presence of the Voyage of Sir F. Drake (between pp. 643 and 644), which was suppressed in most copies. When the work is complete a fair average copy sells at from <£20 to <£25 by auction. It should contain a map of the world, which is also frequently wanting. Another Edition , 3 vols., folio, 1599-1600 ; £6 (wanted pp. 607-619 in vol. 1, being the “Voyage to Cadiz”), £21 (with the “Voyage to Cadiz,” contemporary, cf.), £9 (“Voyage” re¬ printed). Another Edition, 5 vols., 1809-12, 4to; £2 10s. (mor. ex.), £12 (good copy). This edition is a reprint of that of 1599. Hakluyt Society (The). The publications of this Society commence in 1859, and have been continued to the present day. A set in 66 vols., 8vo, from the commencement to 1884, recently sold for £25. The books were bound in cloth uniform. Hallam (Henry). The principal works of this author consist of A View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages, London, 1818, 2 vols., 4to; The Constitutional History of England, London, 1827, 2 vols., 4to; and An Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th, and 17th Centuries, London, 4 vols., 8vo, 1837-39. Each of these treatises has been many times republished, and there are a great number of editions in the market, many of which are out of print. Am^ng the best are: The Constitutional History, 3 vols., 1854; Literature of Europe, 3 vols., 1854; Middle Ages, 3 vols., 1856; together 9 vols., 8vo; £2 2s. (cf. gt., uniform). Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.), An Account of a Collection of Bills , Sfc., 1852, 4to; £1 (uncut), £4 (fine copy). - Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, 2 vols., 1847, 8vo; £1 3s. (mor. ex., g. e.). - Morte Arthure, 1847, 4to; £1 6s. (uncut). - Norfolk Anthology, 1852, 4to; £2 (thick paper, uncut). - Palatine Anthology, 1850, 4to ; £1 6s. (uncut). - Poetry of Witchcraft , 1853, 4to; £1 6s. 250 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Halliwell-Phillipps (J. 0.), Yorkshire Anthology, 1851, 4to, ten copies printed only on thick paper; <£1 10s. (uncut, thick paper). Among- this author’s Shakespearian works may be mentioned: New Boke about Shakespeare, with his Will , 1850, 8vo ; Observations on the Shakespearian Forgeries at Bridgewater House, 1853, 4to ; the two volumes, <£2 18s. (hf. cf. ex.); An Account of Antiquities, Coins, Manuscripts, Sfc., illustrative of the Life and Works of Shakespeare, 1852, 4to; £2 8s. (thick paper, uncut). Harington (Sir John), Metamorphosis of Ajax, 1596, R. Field, 12mo, very rare; <£32 (mor. ex., by Bedford; author’s auto¬ graph letter). Another Edition, 1814, small 8vo; <£1 10s. (cf. ex., uncut, by Bedford). - Polindor and Flostella, front by Droeshout, 1651, 8vo; «£1 4s. (cf. ex., by Bed:ord). - Orlando Furioso , London, 1591, R. Field. Another Edition, London, 1634, folio. Harleian Society’s Publications. See ante, page 167. Hawkins (Sir J.), General History of Music, 5 vols., 1776, 4to; =£2 (cf., cefective) ; £4< 15s. (cf.); £3 6s. (cf. gt.). Hazlitt (W.). The following works by this author, all original editions except where otherwise mentioned, and uniformly bound in 26 vols., 8vo (mor., t. e. g.), recently realised ,£9 5s. by auction : Tucker's Light of Nature Abridged, 1807; Eloquence of the British Senate, 2 vols., 1808; The Round Table, 2 vols., 1817; Characters of Shakespeare's Plays, 2nd ed., 1818 ; View of the English Stage, 1818; Political Essays, 1819; English Comic Writers , 1819; Liber Amoris, 1823; Speeches at County Meetings . 1823; Characteristics, 1823; Sketches and Essays Collected by his Son. 1839; British Galleries of Art, 1824; Table Talk, 2 vols., 1824; Spirit of the Age, 1825; The Plain Speaker, 2 vols., 1826 ; Journey thro ’ France and Italy, 1826; Life of Napoleon , 4 vols., 1830; Conversations of Northcote, 1830 ; Literary Remains, with Life, by his Son, 2 vols., 1836 ; Painting and the Fine Arts by Haydon and Hazlitt, Edinburgh, 1838. Herbal, The Great. William Rastell’s “ Herbal,” translated by him from the French, is known as the “ Great Herbal.” It was published in 1529 in folio, black letter, with woodcuts, and was printed at Southwark by Peter Treveris. At the Crawford sale in June, 1887, a perfect copy sold for <£5 (cf). It was, however, much cut down, and otherwise out of condition. The best known “ Herbal ” in this country, at any rate, is GENERAL WORKS. 251 Culpepper’s, first printed in folio in 1652, and often republished both in 4to and 8vo. The 8vo editions are inferior and of small value. Herrick (R.), The Works of , both Human and Divine , London, 1648, 8vo; <£1 8s. (bds.). Another Edition , Bristol, small 8vo, 1810. Another Edition , London, 1839, 12mo. The best edition of the author’s whole works is, howeve~, that edited by Maitland, 2 vols., 4to, 1823; £2 15s. (large paper, cf. gt.). - Hesperides and Noble Numbers , 2 vols., 1648, 8vo, 1st ed., portrait by Marshall ; £18 10s. (cf.). Another Edition , Pickering, 1846, 8vo; £1 7s. (mor. ex.). Another Edition , by W. C. Hazlitt, 2 vols., 8vo, 1869; £1 9s. (large paper, cf. ex.). Heywood (J.), The Spider and the Flie , woodcuts, 1556, 4to ; £10 10s. (mor. ex., but title and portrait in facsimile ), .£32 (perfect, original cf. binding). The Works of John Heywood appeared in 1587, 4to, .£6 (cf.); and again in 1598, 4to; <£1 6s. (hf. cf.). Heywood (Thomas), Dramatic Works , with Life by Collier, 2 vols., 1853, 8vo; £3 (mor. ex., by Bedford). Another Edition , 6 vols., 1874, 8vo; £1 7s. (large paper, bds., uncut). Like many other of the dramatists of the age, Thomas Heywood published his works separately, and in small 4to. Among these rare productions, the following may be noted: First and Second Parts of King Edward IF., black letter, 1600, 4to ; .£26 15s. (cf. gt.). The Golden Age , 1611, 4to; £2 2s. (cf. gt.). The Silver Age , 1613, 4to; <£4 4s. (hf. russ.). Woman Kilde ivith Kindnesse , 3rd ed., 1617, 4to; £1 14s. (cf. gt.). Rape of Lucrece , 1630, 4to; .£2 2s. (cf. gt.). The Iron Age , 1632, 4to; «£1 18s. The Foure Prentises of London , 1632, 4to; £2 (hf. cf.). The English Traveller , 1633, 4to; £2 8s. (hf. cf.). Higden (R.), Polychronicon. This work was printed by Caxton in 4to, 1482, and, needless to say, is excessively rare. It was also subsequently reprinted by Peter Treveris, at South¬ wark, in 1527, folio; ,£10 10s. (old cf.), £13 10s. (imperfect); and by Wynkyn de Worde, in 1495, folio, £16 5s. (imperfect). Higgins (G-.), Anacalypsis, 2 vols., 4to, 1836; £11 15s. (mor. ex.), £12 5s. - Celtic DruidSy 1829, 4to; £3 (uncut), £3 3s. 252 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Hobbes (Thomas), The Works of, in English and Latin , col¬ lected and edited by Sir William Molesworth, London, 16 vols., 8vo, 1839-45; «£3, £5 5s. (cf. ex.). - Moral and Political Works of, London, 1759, folio. - The Leviathan, London, 1651, folio. Reprinted again in 1680 with the old date. - Opera Philosophica Omnia, Amsterdam, 2 vols., 4to, 1668. Portrait by Faithorne. Hogg (J ), Poetical Works, and Tales and Sketches of the Ettrick Shepherd , 11 vols., 8vo, n.d., Blackie, best edition ; £2 9s. (cl.). -- Jacobite Relics of Scotland, 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1st ed., 1819-21, 8vo; =£1 Is. (cf.). Holmes (0. W.), The School Boy, 1st ed., 1879, 8vo; £1 2s. (cf. ex., by Riviere). --- Currents and Counter-Currents, 1861 ; Border Lines of Knowledge, 1862; Astrcea, 2 vols., 1850; Poems, 1863; Sound¬ ings from the Atlantic, 1864; Songs in many Keys, 1864; Autocrat of the Breakfast-table, illustrated, 1865; Elsie Venner, 2 vols., 1865; together 10 vols., 8vo; £3 3s. (hf. mor., uniform). Hone (William), Ancient Mysteries Described, 1823, 8vo, 1st ed.; =£1 11s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). This edition contains illustrations by George Cruikshank. - Every Day, Year , and Table Books, in 4 vols., uniform, 1838, 8vo ; £1 2s. (cl.). The first editions of the above are as follow: Every Day Book, 2 vols., 1826-27 ; Table Book, 2 vols., 1827-29 ; Year Book, 1832 ; tbe 5 vols., 8vo, illustrations by G. Cruikshank and others; =£20 (mor. ex., by Bedford), £6 15s. (mor., uncut). Hood (Tom), The Comic Annual, 1830, &c., 8vo. A set in 11 vols., 8vo, 1830 to 1839, and 1842 (hf. cf.), brought <£2 12s. a few months ago. -- Rood’s Own , both series, 2 vols., 1846-62, 8vo ; ,£1 Is. (cl.). - Whims and Oddities, 1st ed., 1827, 8vo; .£1 Is. (cl.). - Whimsicalities, first collective edition, 2 vols., 1844, 8vo; =£1 2s. (cl.). - Epping Hunt, 6 designs by G. Cruikshank, 1st ed., 1829, 8vo; £1 7s. (fine copy). - Works, edited by his son and daughter, 10 vols., 8vo, 1869 ; £1 5s. (cl.). ' Another Edition , 7 vols., 8vo, 1862 ; <£1 10s. (hf. cf.). GENERAL WORKS. 253 Howitt (W.), Visits to Remarkable Places, 2 vols., both series, illustrations, 1840-42, 8vo; <£1 5s. (uncut). - Homes and Haunts of the most eminent British Poets, 1st ed., 2 vols., 1847, 8vo ; £1 11s. (uncut). - Northern Heights of London, 1st ed., 1869, 8vo; <£2 (mor. ex.). - Rural and Domestic Life in Germany, 1st ed., 1842, 8vo; 5s. (cl.). - Student Life in Germany, 1st ed., 1841, 8vo; 5s. (cl.). - Rural Life of England, 1st ed., 1840, 8vo; 6s. (cl.). Hume (David), The History of England, by T. Smollett, 13 vols., 8vo, 1826; £2 14s. (cf.). - The History of England. The first edition bears 1756-C2, and is in 6 vols., 4to. Other Editioyis : London, 1763, 8 vols., 8vo; 6s. (hf. cf.). „ 1767, 8 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1769, 8 vols., 8vo. London, 1770, 8 vols., 4to. This is the best 4to edition. 1773, 8 vols., 8vo. 1778, 8 vols., 8vo. 1786, 8 vols., 8vo. 1789, 13 vols., 8vo; 9s. (bds.). 1796, 13 vols., 8vo. 1802, 13 vols., 8vo. 1803, 8vo, 16 vols., £7 10s. (mor. ex., g. e.); large paper, c£10 (mor. ex., by Roger Payne). 1806, folio, 10 vols., Bowyers’ edition; <£4 12s. 6d. (russ. ex.), £3 12s. (russ. gt.). 1807, 13 vols., 8vo ; £1 (cl.). 1826, 13 vols., 18mo; .£1. With a continuation to 1835, by Hughes, London, 1834-36, together 20 vols., 12mo; £2 4s. (hf. cf.), 1856, 18 vols., 12mo; =£1 (bds.). - The Philosophical Works of, Edinburgh, 4 vols., 8vo, 1826. Hunt (Leigh), Stories from the Italian Poets, 2 vols., 1st ed., 1846, 8vo ; <£1 18s. (uncut), .£2. - Imagination and Fancy , 1st ed., 1844, 8vo; £1 13s. (uncut). - Legend of Florence, 1st ed., 1840, 8vo ; £1 15s. (uncut). - Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla, 1848, 8vo; <£1 12s. (original covers). - Lord Byron and his Contemporaries , 1828, 2 vols., 8vo; £2 6s. (uncut). 254 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Hunt (Leigh), Men, Women, and Books , 2 vols., 1847, 8vo, 1st ed.; £1 18s. (original cl.). - Old Court Suburb , 2 vols., 1855, 8vo; £1 10s. (original cl.). - The Town, 2 vols., 1848, 8vo; £2 4s. (original cl.). • - Foliage; Poems, Original and Translated, 1818, 8vo; £1 12s. (original cl.). - Captain Sword and Captain Pen, a poem, 1st ed., 1835, 8vo ; <£1 16s. (uncut). - The Palfrey, 1st ed., 1842, 8vo ; .£2 16s. (uncut). Irving (Washington), Bracebridge Hall, 1877, 8vo, illustrated by Caldecott ; .£1 3s. (original cl.). * - Old Christmas, 1876, 8vo, illustrated by Caldecott; c£ 1 5s. (original cl.). - Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Edition de luxe, illustrations on india-paper, 1822, 8vo ; ,£1 Is. (uncut). The complete works of Washington Irving, made up under the name of the “ Geoffrey Crayon Edition,” were published in London, in 27 vols., 1881, 8vo; £6 5s. (cl.). A Previous Edition, of 1853, 10 vols., 8vo ; .£2 3s. (cf. gt.). Another Edition, of 1876, 11 vols., 8vo; £1 12s. (hf. mor.). James I. of England, Basilikon Boron, E. Kyngston, 1602 ; £1 8s. (mor. ex.). Another Edition, Edinburgh, 1603, 8vo; £7 10s. (mor. ex.). Last Edition, 1887, 4to ; £1 12s. (cf., uncut). The collected works of King James I. were published at London in folio, 1616-20; £2 16s. (cf.); also in Latin, in folio, 1619. Among the author’s single works, and in addition to the “ Basilikon Doron,” the following may be noted: Dcemonologie, 1603; Poeticall Exercises, Edinburgh, 1591 ; Oratio in Conventu, 1605 ; Accedit Series detectce nuper Conjurationis, 1606, the 4 pieces in 1 vol., 4to; £6 15s. (cf.). Jameson (Mrs.), History of our Lord, 2 vols., 1864, 8vo; £3 7s. 6d. (cl.). -- Legends of the Madonna, 1857, 8vo; £1 9s. (uncut). - Legends of the Monastic Orders, 1850, 8vo; £2 10s. (original cl.). - Sacred and Legendary Art, 2 vols., 1848, 8vo, 1st ed.; £4 12s. 6d. (cl.). -- Beauties of the Court of Charles II., 2 vols., 1838, 8vo; £2 10s. (mor. ex.). Jerrold (Douglas), Cakes and Ale. 1st ed., fronts, and vignettes by G. Cruikshank, 2 vols., 1842, 8vo ; £1 2s. (cl.). GENERAL WORKS. 255 Jerrold (Douglas), Man of Character , plates by Thackeray, 1st ed., 3 vols., 1838, 8vo; «£1 6s. (uncut), <£1 17s. (hf. mor. ex.). - Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures, coloured fronts, and illustrations by Keene, 1866, 4to; £2 6s. (cf. gt.). - Works, 8 yols., 8vo, 1851; £2 (hf. mor.), .£1 2s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, by Blanchard Jerrold, 5 vols., n.d., Bradbury and Co., 8vo; <£1 (hf. cf.). Johnson (Samuel, LL.D.), The Dictionary of the English Language, 1st ed., 1755, 2 vols., folio; .£3 5s. (mor.). Second Edition, 1756, 2 vols., folio. Third Edition, 1765, 2 vols., folio. Fourth Edition, 1773, 2 vols., folio (the last corrected by the author). The Eleventh Edition was published in 1816, 2 vols., 4to, and since that date there have been other editions, notably that of 1882, 2 vols., 4to; .£1 6s. (hf. cf.). -- The Works of, 9 vols. and 2 vcls. of Parliamentary Debates, Oxford, together 11 vols., 1825; .£3 (mor., g. e.); large paper, royal 8vo, £ 4 < 16s. (cf.). Other Editions: London, 1787-89, 15 vols., 8vo; <£1 10 (cf. gt.). „ 1792, 12 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1793, 6 vols., 8vo. London, 1796, 12 vols., 8vo; £1 (hf. cf. ex.). „ 1801, 12 vols., 8vo. „ 1805, 12 vols., 12mo; 5s. (bds.). „ 1806, 12 vols., 8vo; 9s. (hf. cf.). „ 1810, 12 vols., 8vo., large paper ; £4 6s. (mor. ex.). „ 1816, 12 vols., 8vo. „ 1823, 12 vols., 8vo. „ 1825, 6 vols., 8vo ; 12s. (cf. ex.). A good and compact edition was published by Bohn in 1850 at 15s. It is in 2 vols., 8vo, with portrait. - Rasselas, the Prince of Abyssinia , London, 1st ed., 1759, 2 vols., 18mo, £1 16s. (original cf.); 1766, 2 vols., 18mo; 1805, 4to ; London, 1828, plates by Westall. A vast number of other editions have been issued. - The Lives of the most Eminent English Poets , London, 1779-81, 10 vols., 12mo. This, the first edition, forms, under the title of “ Prefaces,” a portion of “ Bell’s Edition of the Poets,” called Johnson’s, in 109 vols., 12mo, London, 1782-83, «£1 19s. (cf. gt.) ; London, 1781, 4 vols., 8vo; 1783, 4 vols., 8vo; London, 1854, 3 vols., £2 4s., <£1 3s. Of this once popular work there are many other editions. 256 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Johnson (Samuel), Life of, by Boswell, 1st ed., 1791, 2 vols., 4to. A Supplement to this edition was published in 1793 at £1 Is. Second Edition, 1793, 3 vols., Svo. Third Edition, 1799, 4 vols., Svo. Other Editions: 1804, 4 vols., Svo; 1807, 4 vols., 8vo; 1811, 4 vols., 8vo. Of late there have been innumerable editions in 8vo, 12mo, and 18mo. An edition issued by J. W. Croker, London, 1831, 5 vols., Svo, <£3 (cf. ex.) ; re-issued, 10 xols., 8vo, 1835, £1 6s. (cl.); London, 10 vols., 12mo, 1848; and another edition of Croker’s, in royal Svo, 10 vols., 1857, £3 12s. (cf. ex., by Bedford); also an edition of 1884, in 5 vols., Svo, by Napier, £1 17s. (cl.); and another edition of 1885 in 5 vols., 8vo, by Morley, £1 10s. (cl.). - Irene, a tragedy, 1749, 8vo, 1st ed.; £4 12s. (mor. ex., by Bedford). Jonson (Ben). The following is a list of the better editions of his whole works : 1616, folio £7 17s. 6d. (mor. ex., by Hering), £2 10s. (cf.). 1640, 2 vols.; £5 5s. (fine copy), £3 (cf.). 1641, 2 vols., folio. 1692, folio, London (inaccurate). 1716, 6 vols., 8vo. 1756, 7 vols., Svo; £2 (russ. ex.). 1811, 4 vols., folio. 1816, 9 vols., 8vo; £2 18s. (russ. ex.). This is the best edition; £4 15s. (cf. gt., large paper). 1838, royal 8vo. 1875, 9 vols., 8vo, by Gifford, large paper; £5 15s. (hf. mor.), £2 Is. (small paper). Josephus (Flavius). The best English translation of this author’s well-known history is by Whiston, of which there are numerous editions. Curiously enough there is no English translation of Josephus which is worth more than a few shillings, while the majority of editions are of small and often of trivial value. One or two Latin translations apart, no copy of any edition has been sold by auction in London during the last five years for as much as £1. Jowett (B.), Plato’s Dialogues in English, 4 vols., Oxford, 8vo, 1871; £2 2s. (cf. ex.). Another Edition , 5 vols., Oxford, 1875, 8vo; £2 12s. (cf.). - Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians , &c., 1885, 2 vols., 8vo ; £1 4s. (cl.). GENERAL WORKS. 257 M Junius.” The Letters of Junius first appeared in the Public Advertiser , and have attained great celebrity, not only on account of the ability they displayed, but from the mystery which hung and still hangs over the identity of the author. London, 1770, 12mo, Wheble’s first edition. „ 1771, 2 vols., 12mo, Wheble’s second edition. „ 1772, 2 vols., 12mo, Wheble’s third edition. „ 1772, 2 vols., 12mo, Woodfall. „ 1775, 2 vols., 12mo. „ 1797, 2 vols., 8vo, large paper; =£1 10s. (mor. ex.). Reprinted 1805, 2 vols., 8vo. „ 1801, 2 vols., 8vo, Bensley’s edition, portrait and cuts by Bewick; £1 3s. (russ.). „ 1802, 2 vols., 8vo. ,, 1804, 2 vols., 8vo. „ 1812, 3 vols., 8ro ; <£1 (hf. cf.). ,, 1813, 4to, illustrated ; £1 6s. (cf.), <£2 10s. (mor. ex.). „ 1814, 3 vols., 8vo, Woodfall’s best edition ; .£1 (cf.). Seats (John), Endymion , 1st ed., 1818, 8vo ; <£2 10s. (cf. gt.), £5 (uncut). A severe critique in the Quarterly Review , vol. 19, pp. 204-8, upon this poem, is said to have been mainly responsible for the death of John Keats. -- Lamia , Isabella , Eve of St. Agnes , and other Poems , 1820, 8vo; £6 5s. (uncut). - Poems, first collected edition, 1817, 8vo; ,£13 (mor. ex., g. e., by Bedford). Another and best Edition , with Memoir by Lord Houghton, portrait, and 120 designs on wood by Scharf, 1854, 4to; £1 12s. (cl., uncut) ; large paper, £2 4s. (original cf., uncut). Kempis (Thomas a), Be Imitatione Christi. The first English edition of this famous work was printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1502, 4to. There is another edition of 1502, by Pynson. Also editions of 1503-4, 4to, Pynson; 1517, 4to, Pynson ; 1535, 16mo, Redman. Other Editions: 1556, London, Whitford, 16mo; £2 5s. (cf. ex.). 1567, „ Castalio, 16mo. 1568, „ Castalio, 16mo. 1585, „ Whitford, 16mo ; £2 17s. 6d. (mor.) 1584, 16mo; 1589, 16mo; 1592, 24mo; 1596, 12mo; 1598, 12mo; 1605, 18mo ; 1628, 12mo ; and 1636, 12mo. All editions by Rogers. Stanhope’s translations are as follow: 1696, 8vo; 1698, 8vo ; 1700, 1706, 1708, 1711, 1714, 1717, 1721, all in 8vo; 1727, in 12mo; 1733, 1742, 1759, 1772, in 8vo; 1779, in 12mo; 1793, by T. Gent of York, 2 vols., 8vo, £4 (with all faults); and 1809, in 8vo. The value of these editions does S 258 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. not extend beyond a few shillings. The “ De Imitatione Christi ” has been pnblished in every variety of shape, form, and price, and, as a rule, the editions are not valuable. The best modern English edition is that of 1828, in 8vo ; 12s. 6d. (cf.), 18s. (mor. ex., g. e.), £21 15s. (mor. ex., by Riviere). Kinglake (A. W.), Invasion of the Crimea , 8 vols., 1863-87, 8vo ; £24 6s. (cf. ex.), £2 18s. (cl.). Kingsley (Charles), Two Years Ago , 1st ed., 3 vols., 1857, 8vo; £21 (hf. mor., uncut). - Hereward the Wake , 1st ed., 2 vols., 1866, 8vo; <£1 Is. (hf. mor., uncut). - At Last , 1st ed., 2 vols., 1871, 8vo; £21 Is. (hf. mor., uncut). - Alton Locke , 1st ed., 2 vols., 1850, 8vo; .£1 15s. (cl.). - Water Babies , 1st ed., 1863, 4to ; <£1 5s. (cl.). - Westward Ho! 1st ed., 3 vols., 1855, 8vo; £21 Is. (hf. cf.). Kit-Cat Club. Memoirs of the celebrated persons composing the Kit-Cat Club, portraits, engraved in mezzotinto, by Faber, 1821, 4to; <£5 15s. (hf. russ.), £22 2s. (bds.). The value of this book depends on the quality of the plates. There should be 48 portraits by Faber. A copy of the edition of 1735, with original impressions of the plates, sold recently for as much as <£29 (cf.). Knight (C.), Pictorial History of England, 8 vols., 8vo, 1837, original edition; <£1 10s. (cf. gt.). Another Edition, 1856-62, 8 vols., 8vo; <£1 13s. (cf. gt.). - London, 1st ed., 6 vols., 1841-44, 8vo; <£1 13s. (mor.), <£1 Is. (hf. mor.). See Shakespeare; also ante, p. 147. Iiaing (David), Early Metrical Tales, thick paper, proofs on india-paper (only 12 copies so printed), 1826, 8vo; <£2 5s. (cf. ex.). - Knightly Tale of Golagrus and Gawane, 1827, 4to; <£3 18s. (mor. ex.), reprint. - Select Remains of Ancient Popular Poetry of Scotland, 8 parts in 1 vol., 1822, 4to ; £23 10s. (mor. ex.). Lamb (Charles), The Adventures of Ulysses, 1st ed., 1808, 8vo; <£3 7s. 6d. (cf. ex., by Bedford). ■- Some Enquiry into the Effects of Fermented Liquors, 1814, 8vo ; .£2 10s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). - Elia, Essays which have appeared under that signature in the London Magazine; The Last Essays of Elia, together 2 vols., 1st eds., 1823-33, 8vo ; <£11 15s. (mor. ex., uncut, fine copy). There are other editions of the same date worth on the average some 5s. or 6s. each volume. GENERAL WORKS. 259 Lamb (Charles), Mrs. Leicester’s School , 1809, 8vo; <£16 10s. (uncut). This very rare little book was the joint production of Charles Lamb and his sister, as also was that still rarer work, Poetry for Children, in 2 vols., 1809, of which only two copies are known. One sold at the Leycester sale in 1888 for £35. - Prince Dorus; or, Flattery put out of Countenance, 1811, 8vo; £30 (mor. ex., by Bedford). A second edition made its appearance in 1818, and a copy of this sold recently for £45. In all probability the purchaser mistook the second edition for the first, it not being worth more than £1 or £1 10s. - Satan in Search of a Wife, 1st ed., 1831, 8vo; £2 3s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). - Tales from Shakespeare, 1st ed., 2 vols., 1807, 8vo ; £10 (mor. ex.). Contains 20 plates by Blake. Another Edition, 2 vols., 1816, 8vo; £10 (mor. ex., by Bedford). Contains the Blake plates. Another Edition, 1822, 8vo, 2 vols.; £3 17s. 6d. (mor. ex., by Bedford). Also contains the Blake plates. - Works. There are a large number of editions of the works of Charles and Mary Lamb, the majority of which are not of much value. Among the higher class editions are the following: 1818, 2 vols., 8vo, first collective edition, by Cecil and Larking; £6 5s. (mor. ex., uncut), £2 10s. (original bds.). 1835, 3 vols., 8vo, prose works only; £2 16s. (cf. ex., uncut, fine copy). 1838, 5 vols., 8vo ; £2 5s. (hf. cf.). 1850, 4 vols., 8vo, edited by Talfourd ; £1 Is. (cl.). 1855, 4 vols., 8vo, Life and Letters, edited by Talfourd ; £1 4s. (cf.). Landor (W. S.), Imaginary Conversations, 1st ed., 5 vols., 8vo, 1826-29, both series; £1 16s. (hf. mor., uncut), £1 12s. Second Edition, 3 vols., 8vo, 1826-28. Another Edition, 2 vols., 8vo, 1829 ; 8s. (cl.). Another Edition, 2 vols., 8vo, 1846 ; 6s. (cl.). Another Edition, 4 vols., London, Nimmo, n.d. ; £2 4s. (cf.). - Literary Hours, contains “ Lines on the Death of Charles Lamb,” &c., portrait of Landor, after D’Orsay, 1837, 8vo; £1 9s. (uncut). - Pericles and Aspasia, 1st ed., 2 vols., 1836, 8vo ; £1 5s. (cf. gt.). - Gebir: A Poem, in 7 books, 1st ed., 1798, 8vo; £1 4s. (hf. cf.). The first collected edition of the works of Walter Savage Landor was published in 2 vols., 1846, 8vo ; £1 7s. (uncut). The best edition appeared at London, in 8 vols., 1876, 8vo ; £4 2s. 6d. (cf.). s 2 260 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Lane (E. W.). See Arabian Nights. Lavater, Essays on Physiognomy , 5 vols., royal 4to, 1789-98, a first-rate edition, engravings by Blake, Bartolozzi, and other eminent artists ; <£3 19s. (hf. russ.). Some copies were subsequently issued with the name of Stockdale as pub¬ lisher. These are inferior to this edition. Other Editions : London, 1797, 4 vols., 8vo, ,£1 5s.; 1804, 4 vols., royal 8vo, <£2 10s.; 1810, 5 vols., 4to, <£6 (hf. mor.), .£3 5s. (russ.). A large number of inferior and abridged editions. Lecky (W. E. H.), History of England in the Eighteenth Century , 4 vols., 8vo, 1878-82; ,£2 8s. (cf.). Another Edition, 6 vols., 8vo, 1883-87, Library Edition; .£3 10s. (cl.). - History of European Morals , 2 vols., 8vo, 1869; <£2, «£1 9s. (cl.). - History of Rationalism in Europe , 2 vols., 1866, 8vo; <£2 10s. (cf. ex.), c£l 16s. (cf.). Leech. (John). Comic English Grammar , 1st ed., 1840, 8vo; <£3 10s. (cl.). - Comic Latin Grammar , 1st ed., 1840, 8vo; <£3 3s. (cl.). - Follies of the Year , coloured plates, n.d., 4to; ,£1 3s. (hf. mor.). - Pictures of Life and Character from the Collection of Mr. Punch , 4 vols., 1855-63, oblong folio ; =£1 12s. (bds.). - Portraits of Children of the Nobility, 1841, 4to; ,£1 2s. (original cl.). Le Sage (A. R.), History of Gil Bias of Santillane, London, 1809, 4 vols., royal 8vo, an excellent edition; ,£1 17s. 6d. (hf. cf.); large paper, c£5. Smollett’s translation is very good, and has passed through many editions ; for instance: 1761, 4 vols., 12mo; 12s. (cf. ex., uncut). 1773, 4 vols., 12mo; 8s. (cf. ex.). 1781, 1792, 1797, all in 4 vols., 12mo. 1802, 3 vols., 8vo, «£1 2s.; large paper, .£2 5s. (cf. ex.). 1807, Smart’s edition, 4 vols., 12mo. 1819, 3 vols., 8vo, coloured plates; ,£1 8s. (cf.). 1835, 8vo, etchings by Cruikshank. 1836, 2 vols., royal 8vo; 12s. (cf.). 1841, 8vo; 7s. 6d. (mor. ex.). Malkin’s editions are good, notably that of 1809, 4 vols., royal 8vo ; 16s. (hf. cf. ex.). Another Edition , by Bohn, 1859, post 8vo. Another Edition, Life by H. Van Laun, 3 vols., 8vo, 1886; iJl (cl.), .£2 5s. (impl. 8vo, and 2 sets of proofs, uncut). GENERAL WORKS. 261 Lever (Charles). All the undermentioned are first editions. - Arthur O'Leary , 3 vols., 8vo, 1844; .£1 12s. (cl., uncut). - Barrington , 1863, 8vo ; £4 12s. (original wrappers). - Charles O'Malley, 2 vols., 8vo, 1841; .£1 8s. (cl.). - Cornelius O'Dowd, 3 series in 3 vols., 8vo, 1864-65; £1 Is. (uncut). - Con Cregan, 2 vols., n.d., 8vo; <£2 4s. (cf. ex.). - The Daltons, 2 vols., 1852, 8vo; £1 10s. (cl., uncut). - Davenport Dunn, 1859, 8vo ; «£3 10s. (original wrappers). - Dodd Family Abroad, 1854, 8vo; «£3 (in the original 20 numbers). - Fortunes of Glencoe, 3 vols., 1857, 8vo; £2 4s. (uncut). - Harry Lorrequer, 1839, 8vo; <£1 5s. (cl., uncut). - Horace Templeton, 2 vols., 1848, 8vo; £2 10s. (uncut). - Knight of Gwynne, 1847, 8vo; £1 (cl.). - Luttrell of Arran , 1865, 8vo; .£3 (in the original 16 numbers). -- Martins of Cro' Martin, 1856, 8vo; ,£1 3s. (cf. ex.). - Maurice Tiernay, n.d., 8vo; 15s. (cl., uncut). - Nuts and Nutcrackers, 1845, 8vo; £1 5s. (original cl.). - O'Donoghue (The), 1845, 8vo; £3 3s. (in the original numbers). - Our Mess , 3 vols., 1843, 8vo; £2 2s. (hf. cf.). - Roland Cashel, 1850, 8vo; £2 2s. (original cl.). - Sir Brooke Fossbrooke, 3 vols., 1866, 8vo ; £1 2s. - Sir Jasper Carew, n.d. (1855), 8vo ; 13s. 6d. (cl., uncut). - That Boy of Norcots, 1869, 8vo; £1 3s. (cl.). - Tom Burke of “ Ours," 1844; £2 4s. (in the original parts), £1 Is. (bound in the usual 2 vols., 8vo). Lewis (Matthew Gregory), otherwise “ Monk ” Lewis, so called from the title of his principal work. - The Monk, 1st ed., 3 vols., 1796, 8vo; £2 5s., £1 18s. 6d. (cl.). - Tales of Wonder, 2 vols., 8vo, 1801; £1 12s. (large paper, cf. ex.). - Tales of Terror, front., 1801, 8vo; £1 17s. (mor.). Another Edition, coloured illustrations by Bunbury, 1808, 8vo; £2 8s. (cf. ex.). Life in Ireland; or, the Day and Night Scenes, fyc., of Brian Boru, Esq., by a Beal Paddy, coloured plates, 1822, 8vo; £3 10s. (cf. ex., by Bivi&re), £2 5s. (cf. ex.) 262 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Life in London. See Egan. Life in Paris, comprising the Rambles, Sprees, fyc., of Dick Wildfire, $c., 21 coloured plates by Crtjikshank, also 22 woodcuts by him, 8vo, 1822; <£29 (original bds., uncut). Another Edition , n.d., 8vo ; £2 (hf. cf.). Locke (John), The Works of. 1714, 3 vols., folio. 1723, 3 vols., folio. 1727, 3 vols., folio. 1740, 3 vols., folio. 1750, 3 vols., folio. 1768, 4 vols., 4to. 1777, 4 vols., 4to. 1784, 4 vols., 4to. 1794, 9 vols., 8vo. 1801, 10 vols., 8vo; £2 10s. (mor. ex., large paper). 1812, 10 vols., 8vo. 1822, 9 vols., 8vo. 1823, 10 vols., 8vo; £1 9s. (M. mor.). 1824, 9 vols., 8vo; £1 5s. (cl.). - An Essay Concerning the Human Understanding, 1st ed., 1690, folio; £6 10s. (mor. ex., by Bedford), £5 15s. (mor.), 17s. 6d. (hf. cf.). There are a vast quantity of editions of this famous essay, but from a monetary point of view the value usually small. Lockhart (J. G.), Life of Scott, 7 vols., 1837-38, 8vo; £1 4s. (cl.). Another Edition , 10 vols., 1839, 8vo; £1 2s. (cl.). Another Edition , 7 vols., n.d., 8vo; £1 4s. (cl.). - Ancient Spanish Ballads, illustrated edition, 1855, 4to; £1 2s. (mor. ex., by Bedford, fine copy). Previous Edition, 1841, 4to, woodcuts and portraits by Owen Jones; £2 2s. (mor. ex.), £1 (cl.). Longfellow (H. W.), Evangeline, Edition de luxe, 23 original illustrations by Dicksee, published at £3 3s.; £1 5s. (cl. ex., as issued), £1 Is. - Golden Legend, 1st ed., Boston, 1851; £2 5s. (cf. ex., fine copy). - Divine Comedy, 3 vols., 1867, royal 8vo; £2 (tree cf. ex.). The first English edition of Longfellow’s collected poems was published at London, in 1851, 8vo, but the first of any appeared at Philadelphia in 1845. There are a large number of editions of the whole works of Longfellow, most of which GENERAL WORKS. 263 are of very small value. The following have occurred for sale recently: 1864, 8vo, illustrations after Birket Foster; 7s. (cl.). 1867, 8vo, Routledge; 5s. (cl.). [1886], 11 vols., 8vo, Routledge, “The Riverside Edition <£1 (cl.). 1888, 8vo, Edinburgh, Life by Cochrane; 2s. 6d. (cl.). Lyndsay (Sir David), Works of. 1568, 4to, black letter. 1574, 4to, Edinburgh. 1575, 4to, London. 1582, 4to, Edinburgh. 1588, 4to, Edinburgh. 1597, 4to. A large number of other editions, the best of which appear to be: Edinburgh, 1614, 12mo; 1634, 12mo; Glasgow, 1656, 12mo, .£1 16s. (imperfect) ; Edinburgh, 1670, 12mo, <£1 4s. (imperfect); 1806, by Chalmers, 3 vols., 8vo, £1 2s. (mor. ex.), ^3 (uncut), <£1 8s. (cf.). The Edinburgh editions are the best, but all the earlier impressions of Sir David Lyndsay’s works are valuable. £ytton (Edward Bulwer, Lord), Pilgrims of the Rhine , plates after D. Roberts, 1834, 8vo; £1 5s. - Falkland , 1st ed., 1827, 8vo; <£4 5s. (uncut). - Ernest Maltravers; Alice; Night and Morning; The Last Days of Pompeii; 12 vols., uncut, 1834-41, all first editions; =£113s. (cl.). Among the numerous editions of Lord Lytton’s complete works the following are the best: 1859, 18 vols., 8vo, Chapman and Hall; =£1 (cl.). 1861, 43 vols., Blackwood’s Library Edition, 8vo; <£16 (cf. ex., by Riviere). 1875, 38 vols., 8vo, the Knebworth Edition; <£3 2s. (original cl.). 1877-78, 26 vols., 8vo, Routledge, n.d., the Library Edition; <£4 4s. (cl.),<£2 6s. (hf. cf.), <£5 12s. 6d. (cl.), <£2 18s. (ibid.), Macaulay (Lord), Essays , London, 3 vols., 8vo, 1843; 16s. (bds.). Another Edition , 3 vols., 8vo, 1844. Another Edition , 3 vols., 8vo, 1846; «£1 (cf. gt.). Another Edition , 3 vols., 8vo, 1849; <£1 2s. (cf. gt.). Another Edition, 3 vols., 8vo, 1854; <£2 9s. (cf. gt., Bedford). Many other editions, none of which are worth more than the prices quoted. - Lays of Ancient Rome , 1st ed., 1842, 4to; <£2 2s. (uncut). Another Edition , 1852, 8vo, woodcuts by Scharf, <£3 Is. (cf. ex., by Bedford); also the edition of 1860, 8vo, with similar woodcuts, <£2 2s. (mor. ex., by Hayday). Many other editions, of which the first is the most valuable. 264 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Macaulay (Lord), History of England. There are a large number of editions of this famous work; e.g.: 1849-61, 5 vols., 8vo ; <£2 (hf. cf.), £1 Is. (cl.). 1856-61, 5 vols., 8vo; <£4 2s. 6d. (cf. ex., by Bedford), £1 2s. (cl). 1859-62, 8 vols., 8vo ; <£1 8s. (hf. mor.). 1863, 5 vols., 8vo ; £1 10s. (cf.). 1865-70, 5 vols., 8vo ; £1 8s. (cl.). 1875, 5 vols., 8vo; £1 3s. (cl.). The above are among the best Library Editions, none others are of greater value. Mackay (C.), Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions, 1st ed., 3 vols., 1841, 8vo; £1 6s., £3 2s. 6d. (uncut), £2 (hf. bd., cf. gt.). Malet (Capt.), Annals of the Road , 1876, 8vo, coloured plates of coaching scenes; £1 5s. (cl.). Markham (Gervase). This author published many curious books, most of which are very scarce in the original. - Country Contentments , 1615, 8vo; £1 (cf.). - Hunger’s Prevention: or, the whole Art of Fowling, 1621, 8vo; <£6 8s. (cf.). Another Edition, 1655, 8vo ; £1 14s. (imperfect). - How to Chuse, Ride, Traine, 2 parts in 1 vol., Cambridge, 1638, 4to ; £34 (mor. ex., indifferent copy), <£64 (large and perfect copy). •- Works. Among the best editions of the general works, poems, &c., of John Milton, note the following: 1645, 8vo, first collective edition; £2 4s. (cut), <£23 (good copy). 1749-53, 5 vols., 4to; <£1 13s. (cf.). 1759 (or 1760), 2 vols., 4to; Baskerville’s edition; <£3 10s. (mor. ex.), <£2 (mor.). 1794-97, 3 vols., folio, Boydell’s edition, plates after Westall; £4t 6s. (mor. ex., very fine copy). 1806, 7 vols., 8vo; <£1 (cf.). 1835, 6 vols., 8vo, plates after Turner; <£1 17s. (cf. gt.). 1843, 2 vols., 8vo, plates by Harvey ; £2 (mor. ex.). 1845, 3 vols., 8vo ; 10s. (cl.). 1851, 2 vols., 8vo; £2 6s. (mor. ex., by Hayday). 1851, 8 vols., 8vo, by Mitford; <£12 10s. (mor. ex., uncut), £6 (blue cl., uncut). 1863, 8 vols., 8vo, by Mitford ; <£2 12s. (uncut). 1889, Minor Poems , 12 proof plates by S. Palmer, folio; <£1 10s. (vellum, uncut). Mitford (W.), History of Greece , many editions, including that of 1838, 8 vols., 8vo; £1 6s. (cf. gt.), the best edition. Moore (Thomas), Poetical Works of Thomas Little , Esq. t 1st ed., 1801, 8vo; <£1 (uncut, original bds.). - Poetical Works , London, 1840-41, 10 vols., 12mo, the first collective edition; <£1 (cl.). Re-issued as Cabinet Edition , London, 10 vols., 12mo, 1853; <£1 (cf. ex.). 1843, London, 8vo ; £1 (cf.). 1846, London, 10 vols., 8vo; £1 5s. (cf. ex.). The Library Edition , 8vo, 1843. Reprinted in 1857; 4s. 6d. (cl.). 1858, The Traveller's Edition , crown 8vo, printed in ruby type, London ; 4s. («1.). 1859, 10 vols., 8vo ; £1 10s. (hf. mor.). 1865, The People's Edition , London, 1860, square 8vo, 5s. (cl.); London, royal 8vo. 270 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Moore (Thomas), Poetical Works, 1868, London, 10 vols., 8vo ; «£1 11s. (cf. ex.). 1869, London, 10 vols., 8vo; <£2 (mor. ex., g. e.). - Irish Melodies, 1846, 4to, illustrations by Maclise; £1 11s. (cf.), £3 (uncut); large-paper proofs, £15 10s. (fine uncut copy in mor. ex.). - Lalla Rookh, 1838, 8vo; <£1 17s. (mor. ex.). The finest edition was published in 1817 in 4to; <£5 5s. (mor. ex., by Bedford, uncut). -- Paradise and the Peri, illuminated in gold and colours by Owen Jones and H. Warren, n.d., 4to ; <£1 (cf.). -- Life and Works of Byron, 1833, 3 vols., 8vo, portraits and views by Finden; £1 8s. (hf. cf.). Other Editions : 1832, 12mo, 17 vols., plates after Turner; ,£3 10s. (cf. gt.), £1 13s. (cl.). 1847, 8vo, 17 vols.; =£1 7s. (cl.). - Life of Sheridan, 2 vols., 1825, 8vo; =£5 2s. 6d. (cf. gt.). More (Sir Thomas), The Utopia, First Edition in English, London, 12mo, 1551, black letter; <£2 4s. (inferior copy). Second Edition, London, 12mo, 1556, black letter. Third Edition, 1597, small 4to, black letter; <£1 14s. (mor. ex., title mended). Other Editions: 1624, 4to, black letter ; 12s. 6d. (old cf.). 1639, 12mo. 1684, 8vo. 1685, 8vo. 1737, 12mo; 1743, small 8vo; 1762, 12mo ; 1808, 12mo. 1808, crown 8vo, by Dibdin, 2 vols.; 16s. (cf.). Large-paper, in 1 vol., 4to; £2 10s. (cf. gt.). 1838, 12mo. 1846, 8vo; 3s. (Bohn). 1878, 8vo, by Dibdin, Boston (Lines.); £2 6s. (uncut, large paper). Among the lesser-known works of Sir Thomas More are the following : -- Dyaloge of the Veneracyon of Ymages, 1530, folio; £2 4s. (inferior copy). -- Confutacyon of Tyndale’s Answere, 1532, folio ; .£2 3s. (title mounted, wormed). The best life of Sir Thomas More is that by Cresacre More, 1828, 8vo; <£1 2s. (cf. ex.), large paper; £4 10s. (russ.), £2 19s. (uncut, cf.). Morris (Lewis), Epic of Hades, 1879, 4to, with 17 designs in photo-mezzotinto by Chapman; <£3 (cl.). GENERAL WORKS. 271 Morris (William). This author’s poems in the original are very scarce, and during the last three years only a very few have come to the hammer, viz.: Defence of Guenevere and other Poems , 1858, 8vo; <£1 Is. (uncut). The Earthly Paradise, part 1, 6th ed., and parts 3 and 4, 1st ed., 1871, 1870, 8vo; .£1 8s. (cl.). Another Edition, 3 vols., 1868, 8vo, Smith and Elder; <£1 8s. (cl.). The Glittering Plain, Kelmscott Press, 8vo, 1891; about <£4. The following poems, in 15 vols., 8vo (uncut), uniform, realised =£32 10s. at the Turner sale in June, 1888 : Defence of Guenevere, 1875; Life and Death of Jason , 1st ed., 1867 ; Earthly Paradise , 6 vols., 1868-70 ; Story of Sigurd, 1877; Three Northern Love Stories, 1875; Story of Grettir the Strong, 1869; Love is Enough, 1st ed., 1873 ; Virgil’s AEneid in English Verse, 2 vols., 1876 (on large paper, only 25 copies printed). Muller (K. O.), Literature of Ancient Greece, 3 vols., 8vo, n.d. ; <£1 18s. (cl.). This work was written in collaboration with J. W. Donaldson. An edition of 1852, in 3 vols., 8vo, £2 2s. (cl.), and another of 1858, in 3 vols., 8vo, £2 5s. (cl.), are also good. Muller (Max), Chips from a German Workshop, 4 vols., 8vo, 1867-75; «£1 8s. (cl.), £2 14s. (cf. ex., by Riviere). This author’s magnum opus is undoubtedly his Sacred Books of the East, of which more than 20 volumes are already published. The auction value of separate volumes in the original cloth averages 10s. No complete set has so far come to the hammer. Newgate Calendar (The), first published in 1779, though without a date, in 5 vols., 8vo; ,£3 3s. (hf. cf.), =£2 12s. (hf. bd.). Another Edition, by Knapp and Baldwin, 4 vols., 8vo, 1824-28; £1 (cl.), .£1 3s. Newman (Cardinal), Parochial and Plain Sermons, 1873-75, 8 vols., 8vo ; =£1 12s. (cf.). Prior Editions, 1835-42, 6 vols., 8vo; <£1 (cl., uncut). - Lives of the English Saints, 1844-45, 8 vols., 8vo ; <£3 11s (hf. mor. gt.). - Historical Sketches, Essays, Via Media, Christian Doctrine , &c., together 11 vols., v.y., 8vo; <£1 14s. (cl.). - Apologia pro Vita sua, 1864, 8vo; .£1 6s. (hf. cf.). 272 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Newton (Sir Isaac), Opera quce extant Omnia , London, 1779-85, 5 vols., 4to ; £6 6s. (hf. mor. ex.). The only com¬ plete edition of his works. - The Life of Newton , by Brewster, Edinburgh, 1855, 2 vols. ; 5s. (cl.). Nichols (John), Anecdotes of Hogarth , 1785, 8vo ; £1 (mor. ex.). - Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century , 10 vols., 8vo, 1812-16; £4 (hf. cf.). - Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century , 8 vols., 1812-58, 8vo; <£6 10s. (cf. gt.). The two last-named works are invariably sold together, bringing from 10 guineas to 12 guineas, well bound and in good con¬ dition. Niebuhr (B. G.), Lectures on Roman History, Ancient His¬ tory , and Ethnography , 1850, 8 vols., 8vo; £2 23. (cf. gt.). Another Edition , 1852-53, 8 vols., 8vo; <£1 7s. (hf. cf.). Nimrod. See Apperley (0.). Northcote (J.), Fables , engravings and vignettes by Harvey, 1st series, 1828, 8vo; .£1 9s. (bds., uncut, proofs on india- paper). This work was issued in two series, the second appearing in 1833; <£3 (the two series, large paper, mor. ex.), c£7 15s. (mor. ex., proof portrait, both series, large paper), <£1 13s. (both series, small paper, bf. mor.). Notes and Q uer ^ es * This well-known periodical was started in 1849, and has been continued down to the present time. The six complete series, comprising 72 vols., with the indexes complete, together 78 vols. (1849-85), cloth, as pub¬ lished, would sell by auction for about .£25. Ossian. The following list will be found to comprise all the most important editions : 1760, 8vo, London. 1762, 4to, London, and also 1776. 1763, 4to. This and the preceding volume are generally found bound up together. 1765, 2 vols., 8vo. 1773, 2 vols., 8vo. 1783, 4 vols. in 2. 1784, 2 vols., 8vo. 1792, 8vo. 1796, 2 vols., 8vo. 1805, 2 vols., 8vo. 1805, 2 vols., 12mo. 1806, 2 vols., 12mo, Lackington. 1806, 2 vols., 12mo, Cadell. 1807, 3 vols., 8vo, large paper; <£2 103. (hf. mor., uncut), £1 5s. (small paper, uncut), best edition. GENERAL WORKS. 273 Ossian, Poems. 1812, 2 yoIs., 8vo. 1822, 2 vols., post 8vo. 1847, 24mo. None of the above editions, with the exception of that of 1807, are of mnch pecuniary value, being found marked as a rule at a few shillings each. The editions of 1784, 1796, and 1806 are the best, with the exception of that of 1807. Otway (Thomas), Works, with Life by Thornton, 3 vols., 1813, 8vo; 12s. (cl.), large paper, <£1 13s. (cf.). The best edition. This work frequently realises more than the sums men¬ tioned. The best known works of this author are: Venice Preserved, 1682, 4to ; 10s. (old cf.). Bon Carlos, 1679, 4to; 9s. (old cf.). History and Fall of Cains Marius, 1680, 4to; <£1 Is. (cf. gt., uncut). 11 Ouida,” i.e ., Mlle. Louisa de la Bamee. Novels, 20 vols., Chatto and Windus, 1878, &c., 8vo; <£3 2s. 6d. (cl., uncut). Incomplete sets, which are often offered for sale, are not of the same relative value. Painter (W.), Palace of Pleasure , 1575, 2 vols., 4to, printed by T. Marshe ; ,£11 10s. (cf.). This very rare book was reprinted in 1813, on which occasion it was edited by Hasle- wood, in 3 vols., 4to. This edition is itself scarce, as only 165 copies were printed. £4 10s. (russ. gt.). Another Edition , 3 vols., 1891, 8vo, David Nutt. Faltock (B.), Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, 1st ed., 2 vols., 1751, 8vo; ,£9 10s. (cf. gt., by Bedford), £5 10s. (cf.), <£3 12s. (cut). Par doe (Miss), Court and Reign of Francis I., 3 vols., 8vo, 1887; <£1 3s. (cl.). Previous Edition , 2 vols., 8vo, 1849; £1 7s. 6d. (cl., uncut). ■- Louis XIV. and the Court of France , 1847, 3 vols., 8vo; £2 14s. (cl.). - Life of Maria de Medicis, Queen of France , 3 vols., 8vo, 1852; <£2 5s. (cl., uncut). Patmore (Coventry), Poems , 1st ed., 1844, 8vo; .£3 (original bds., uncut). - Tamerton Church Tower and other Poems, 1st ed., 1853, 8vo; Angel in the House , The Betrothal, and the Espousals , 1st ed., 2 vols., 1854-56, 8vo; Faithful for Ever, 1st ed., 1860, 8vo; Victories of Love, 1st ed., 1863, 8vo; together 5 vols., 8vo, <£14 (mor. ex., uniform, by Bedford, all uncut). T 274 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Peele (G.), Battell of Alcazar , 1st ed., 1594 4to; =£19 (mor. ex., fine copy). All the single pieces of George Peele are very rare in the original. Among his works are Edivard I., 1599, 4to; Love of King David, 1599, 4to; and Old Wives Tale, 1595, 4to. - Works, with Life by Dyce, 1828-39, 3 vols., 8vo ; £3 17s. 6d. (nncnt), =£1 2s. (hf. cf.), £2 8s. (cf., uncut, as issued), .£1 16s. (hf. mor.), £11 5s. (mor. ex., large paper, only 12 copies printed). Another Edition, by A. H. Bullen, 1888, 2 vols., 8vo; £1 2s. (large paper, uncut). Pepys (S.), Memoirs, comprising his Diary from 1659 to 1669, edited by Lord Braybrooke, London, 1825, 2 vols., royal 4to ; £2 6s. (cf. ex.), £1 (hf. cf.). Thick paper, in royal 4to, 12 copies printed. Folio, three copies struck off. Other Editions: London, 1828, 5 vols., 8vo ; £3 7s. (uncut), £2 17s. (uncut). „ 1838, 8 vols., 8vo ; £2 (hf. cf.). „ 1848-49, 5 vols., 8vo; £2 (cf. ex.). 1853, 4 vols., 8vo. „ 1854, 4 vols., post 8vo ; £2 8s. (cf.), £1 5s. (cl.). „ 1858, 4 vols., post 8vo. „ 1875-78, 6 vols., 8vo, best edition; £3 5s. (cl.). Percy (Bp.), Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. First Edition, London, 1765, 3 vols., small 8vo; £5 12s. 6d. (very fine copy, in mor. ex., by Biviere). Second Edition, London, 1765, 3 vols., small 8vo. Third Edition, London, 1775, 3 vols., crown 8vo. Fourth Edition, London, 1794, 3 vols., small 8vo. Fifth Edition, London, 1812, 3 vols., small 8vo. Another Edition, 1823, 4 vols., 8vo; £2 (hf. cf.). Also reprinted : London, 1839, 3 vols., post 8vo. „ 1839, 1 vol., royal 8vo. ,, 1844, 3 vols., post 8vo; £1 Is. (mor. ex.). ,, 1844, 3 vols., 24mo. „ 1857, 3 vols., post 8vo. Edinburgh, 1857, 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1879, 3 vols., 8vo ; £1 (hf. mor.). A facsimile of Percy’s folio manuscript, from which the “ Beliques ” were selected, has been issued by the Early English Text Society in 7 vols., 8vo, 1867-68; value about £1. Large-paper copy, £2 18s. (uncut). Percy (S. and B.), Anecdotes, Original and Selected . Many editions, of which the following are among the best: 1820-22, 20 vols., 12mo ; £1 16s. (hf. cf.). 1823, 20 vols., 12mo; £2 9s. (cf. gt.). 1826, 20 vols., 12mo; £2 15s. (hf. cf., gt.). n.d., 20 vols., 12mo ; £2 2s. (hf. mor.). GENERAL WORKS. 275 Picart (B.), Ceremonies and Religious Customs of all Nations, 6 vols., folio, 1733-39; <£3 3s. (cf.), £2 16s. (cf.); large paper, £3 13s. (cf., uncut). Plutarch, Lives , translated, with Notes, &c., by J. and W. Langhorne, G vols., 1778, 8vo ; £1 Is. (cf. gt., large-paper copy). Other Editions: 1595, folio. Thomas North’s translation, printed by R. Field; £16 5s. (mor. ex., title supplied). 1861, 5 vols., 8vo. Dryden’s translation revised by Clough; £1 13s. (cf.). 1874, 5 vols., 8vo. Dryden’s translation revised by Clough ; £1 18s. (cf. gt.). Poe (Edgar A.), Tales and Poems , by Ingram, 4 vols., 8vo, 1884, large-paper proofs; £2 2s. (uncut), £1 7s. (cf.), best English edition. Another good edition is that known as the “Amontillado Edition de luxe” 8 vols., 8vo, New York, 1856; £2 8s. (cl.). Reprinted, 8 vols., 8vo, 1884; £2 12s. (cl.). The first edition of Poe’s Tales was published at New York in 1845, folio; £2 12s. (uncut, and in the original cl.). This author’s separate works in the original are of the highest degree of rarity, one at least— Tamerlaine —being considered unique. Poets (British). Collections of the works of the poets have from time to time been published, and perhaps the best known is Bell’s edition, in 109 vols., 1782-93, 12mo ; £1 19s. (cf.). See also Johnson (Dr. S.). The other chief collections embrace the following: Works of the English Poets from Chaucer to Coiuper. The additional Lives by A. Chalmers. 21 vols., 1810, 8vo; £2 (cf.), £3 10s. (hf. cf., gt.). Cooke's British Poets and Novelists, 68 vols., 12mo, n.d. ; £3 (cf.). The Poets only, 34 vols., 1795, &c., 12mo ; £1 Is. (cf.). Gilfillan's British Poets, 48 vols., 12mo, 1853, &c.; £4 12s. (cl. bds., uncut), £2 16s. (cl.). This work is frequently cited as “ Nichols’s Library Edition of the British Poets.” Works of the British Poets, including the translations, by Thomas Park, plates by Westall, Stothard, &c., 54 vols., 1818, &c., 8vo ; £7 15s. (mor. ex., by Bedford), £1 18s. (cl.). Pickering's Aldine Edition of the British Poets, 53 vols., 1830-45, 8vo ; £19 (original blue cl.). Another Edition, 52 vols., 1866, 8vo, Bell and Daldy; £6 (large paper, uncut). A very good edition of the British Poets was published in 125 vols. at Boston, U.S., in 1866. The auction value of T 2 276 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. the large-paper edition is about <£10 (bds., uncut). Another work, known as “ Grosart’s Early English Poets,” may also be classed under this heading. The edition is complete in 9 vols., 8vo, 1876, &c., and a large-paper copy in the original cloth, uncut, sells by auction for <£1 6s. or thereabouts. Pope (Alexander), The Works of, London, 1717, 4to and folio, 1 yoI. ; London, 1735, folio and 4to. This forms the second volume, and the editions will therefore stand: London, 1717-35, 2 vols., 4to; 12s. (cf.). „ 1717-35, 2 vols., folio ; 15s. 6d. ,, 1737, folio and 4to. The first volume ; 9s. (mor.). ,, 1741, folio and 4to. Second volume; 9s. (mor.). „ 1735-36, 9 vols., 8vo; 18s. (cf.). „ 1739, 9 vols., 8vo. „ 1740, 9 vols., 12mo ; 6s. (hf. cf.). „ 1751, 9 vols., 8vo, by Warburton; 12s. (cf. gt.). A second edition of Warburton’s work was published in 1752, in 9 vols., 8vo, and is worth about the same ; his third edition appeared in 1753. „ 1754, 10 vols., 18mo ; <£1 (mor. ex.). „ 1756, 9 vols., 12mo; <£17 10s. (mor. ex., very fine copy). „ 1757, 10 vols., 18mo. „ 1760, 9 vols., 8vo. „ 1764, 6 vols., 12mo. „ 1766, 9 vols., 12mo; <£7 5s. (mor. ex., g. e.). „ 1769, 5 vols., 4to. ,, 1770, 9 vols., 8vo. ,, 1785, 3 vols., folio, Glasgow; <£1 (cf.). „ 1797, 10 vols., 8vo ; 16s. (cf.). „ 1804, Poetical Works, 12 vols., post 8vo ; <£2. „ 1804-6, 18 vols., 8vo ; <£2 16s. (russ. ex., re-backed). „ 1806-24, 19 vols., 8vo, by Wm. Eoscoe, inclusive of the Iliad and Odyssey by Wakefield ; «£1 11s. (cf.). „ 1813, 18 vols., 8vo, Du Eoveray’s Edition; <£2 8s. (mor. ex.). „ 1843-44, 3 vols., 8vo, Notes by Dyce. Pickering’s Aldine Edition, <£1 2s. (mor. ex.). „ 1847, 8 vols., 8vo, by Wm. Eoscoe ; .£2 12s. (cf. ex.). „ 1871-89, 10 vols., 8vo; £2 12s. (hf. russ.). The first edition of the Dunciad was printed “ Dublin, reprinted London, for A. Dodd, 1728,” 8vo; <£5 5s. (very tall copy), <£13 (large paper, MS. notes by the author). - The Essay on Man , 1st ed., 1736, 8vo; .£10 (uncut, MS. notes by the author). GENERAL WORKS. 277 Prescott (W. H.), Works, edited by John Foster, 15 yoIs., 8yo, 1884; ,£3 5s. (large paper). Another Edition, the Edition de luxe, edited by J. F. Kirk, 30 steel illustrations, 15 vols., Philadelphia, n.d. ; .£4 (hf. rox.), .£3 15s. (cl.), only 250 copies printed. - The Library Edition , 12 yoIs., 1875-78, 8vo, Routledge: <£5 10s. (tree cf., gt.), .£3 15s. (hf. cf.). This author’s works are frequently sold in two or more lots at a time, e.g.: History of Ferdinand and Isabella , 3 yoIs., 1842; Reign of Philip the Second , 3 yoIs., 1855-59; Reign of Charles the Fifth , 2 vols., 1857; together 8 vols., 8vo; «£3 (cl., uncut). Conquest of Mexico , 3 vols., 1847, 8vo ; Conquest of Peru , 2 vols., 1847, 8vo ; together 5 vols.; <£1 5s. (cl.). Prior (M.), Poems , 2 vols., port, and plates (one called “The Curious Maid” rare), 1741-42, 12mo; ,£1 Is. (cf. ex., good copy). - First Edition , 1709, 8vo; .£3 (hf. cf.). Another Edition , 2 vols., portrait, 1721, 8vo; <£5 5s. (mor. ex.). Another Edition, 2 vols., 1779, 8vo ; <£1 (cf. ex.). With the exception of the above, there is no edition of this author’s works of much value. Prosody, The Tour of Dr. Prosody in Search of the Antique and Picturesque, 1st ed., 1821, 8vo; <£3 (hf. cf.), <£2 3s. (hf. cf.). Prynne (William), Histrio-Mastix. The Player’s Scourge, 1633, 4to ; <£1 10s. (original cf.). -- New Discovery of the Prelate’s Tyrrany, 1641, 4to; «£1 2s. (vellum). - Records; or, exact Chronological Vindication, &c., 3 vols., folio, 1666-70 ; <£9 10s. (cf.); «£20 (cf., large paper). Most of the copies of this work were destroyed in the Great Fire. - Parliamentary Writs, 4 vols., 4to, 1559-64; .£4 12s. 6d. (cf.). Nearly all the copies of vol. 4 were destroyed in the Great Fire. Prynne was the author of a large number of political and other tracts and pamphlets, mostly found in 4to, and which on the average sell by auction at from 8s. to 10s. each. Fsalmanazar (George), Memoirs, 1764, 8vo, 1st ed.; <£1 Is. (cf.), .£12 (mor. ex., fine copy). ■- Description of Formosa, 1704, 8vo ; «£1 12s. (mor.). 278 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Punch. This famous periodical commenced in 1841. The following 1 are average prices: Original issue, from 1841 to 1860, in 38 vols.; <£6 10s. (cl. as issued). Original issue in the numbers, 1841 to 1888, complete set; <£12. At a sale in November, 1889, a similar set sold for <£5 5s. Reprint from 1841-88, 54 double volumes in blue cloth; =£13. Original issue, vols. 1 to 81, in 41 double volumes, 1841-81; £16 15s. (hf. mor.). Purchas (S.), Hahluytus Posthumus; or, Purchas, His Pilgrims, 5 vols., folio, 1624-26. A very scarce work, usually found imperfect; <£25 10s. (cf., one leaf wanting), <£27 10s. (mor. gt., title defective, one map cut), i;73 (mor. ex., perfect). - His Pilgrimage; or, Relations of the World and the Religions Observed, &c., 1st ed., 1613, folio; <£1 10s. (cf.). Other Editions of 1617 and 1626, both in folio. Value about the same. - A Theatre of Political Flying Insects, 1657, 4to; <£1 2s. (pigskin, sound copy). Quarles (F.), Emblemes, 1st ed., front by Marshall and cuts by Marshall and Simpson. At the end a Latin poem by Benlowes, 1635, 12mo; <£15 5s. (fine copy in original binding). Another Edition, 1639, 2 vols., 8vo; <£2 4s. (cf.). Another Edition, illustrated by Bennett and Rogers, 1861, 4to ; £1 13s. (hf. rox.). - Hadassa ; or, the History of Queen Esther, 1st ed., 1621, 4to ; =£1 6s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). - Argalus and Parthenia, engraved title by Cecill, n.d. (1628); also Divine Fancies, 1636, both in 1 vol., 4to; £3 18s. (good copy, mor. ex.). Quincey (Thomas de), Confessions of an English Opium Eater, 1st ed., 1822, 8vo ; =£3 5s. (cf. ex., uncut), <£5 5s. (mor. ex., by Bedford, uncut). The best editions of this author’s whole works are as under: 1853-71, 8vo, 16 vols.; £3 10s. (cf. gt.). 1860, 8vo, 13 vols.; £1 6s. (cl.). Published under the title “ Selections Grave and Gay.” Each volume is com. plete in itself. 1862-63, Edinburgh, 15 vols., 8vo; £1 2s. (cl.). 1862-71, Edinburgh, 16 vols., 8vo; £2 5s. (cf.). 1878, Edinburgh, 16 vols., 8vo ; £2 (cl.). 1891, Edinburgh, 14 vols., 8vo, by Masson, new and enlarged edition ; £2 12s. (cl.). One of the most complete editions that has been issued was published at New York in 20 vols., 8vo, 1853-55; £2 17s. 6d. (cf.). G-ENERAL WORKS. 279 “ R. H.” The Royal Pastime of Cock-fighting, 1709, 8vo ; .£11 15s. (fine copy, mor. ex., by Bedford). - The Angler's Sure Guide, 1706, 8vo; <£1 Is. (cf.). Rabelais (Francis). The best English editions of this author’s works are as follow : 1664, 8vo, translated by Urchard ; <£8 (mor. ex.). 1737, 5 vols., 8vo; «£1 10s. (cf.), £2 17s. 6d. (mor. ex., by Lloyd). 1738, 5 vols., 8vo; <£1 (cf.), <£1 18s. (cf. gt.). 1750, 5 vols., 8vo; £1 (cf.). 1784, 4 vols., 8vo ; £1 14s. (mor. ex.). 1807, 4 vols., 8vo; £3 (large paper, cf. ex., uncut). 1844, 4 vols., 8vo ; 16s. (cl.). 1845, 4 vols., 8vo (Bohn’s translation); £1 (cl.). Raleigh. (Sir W.), Discoverie of Guiana , &c., 1596, 4to; £5 7s. 6d. (mor. ex., cut). -- History of the World, 1614, folio ; £4 (russ. ex.). Another Edition, 1687, folio; £1 15s. (cf.). Another Edition, with Life by Oldys, 1733, folio; £1 19s. (mor. ex.). Another Edition, 6 vols., 8vo., Edinburgh, 1820; £1 15s. (cf. gt.). One of the best editions of the whole works of Sir Walter Raleigh was published at Oxford in 1829, in 8 vols., 8vo ; £2 19s. (uncut). Ramsay (Allan), Gentle Shepherd, 1st ed., 1725, 8vo; 9s. (cf.). Another Edition, 1788, 4to, Glasgow; £2 2s. (hf. cf.). -- Ever Green, a Collection of Scots Poems, 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1724, 8vo; £1 18s. (mor.), £1 Is. (bds.). - Tale of Three Bonnets, 1st ed., Edinburgh, 1722, 8vo; 9s. (cf.). - Jenny and Meggy, 1st ed., Edinburgh, 1723; 7s. 6d. (cf.). - Poems, with Glossary, 2 vols., 4to, 1728; £1 11s. (cf. gt.). Another Edition, 2 vols., 8vo, 1800; £1 15s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). - Tea-table Miscellany, 2 vols., 4to, Glasgow, 1871, best edition; £1 3s. (mor. ex.), £1 4s. (hf. mor.). Ranke (L.), History of England in the 17 th Century, 6 vols., 1875, 8vo ; £2 (cl.). ‘ - History of the Popes, translated by Austin, 3 vols., 1840 ; History of the Reformation in Germany, translated by Austin, 3 vols., 1845-47 ; History of Servia, translated by Kerr, 1847; History of Prussia, translated by Sir A. Gordon, 3 vols., 1849; together 10 vols., 8vo, £8 17s. 6d. (cf. gt., uniform). 280 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Ranke (L.), History of the Popes , another edition, 3 vols., 1866, 8vo ; £1 (cl.). Rapin and Tindal, History of England , 5 vols., 1732, folio; £2 (cf. gt.). Best Edition, 5 vols., 1743-47, folio: £1 12s. (russ. ex.), £1 5s. (old cf.). The editions of Eapin and Tindal’s “ History of England ” are numerous, but the value of all, with the exception of those above mentioned, rarely exceeds a few shillings by auction. Rawlinson (G.), Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World , 3 vols., 1871, 8vo; «£1 5s. (cl.), £2 17s. 6d. (cf. ex.). A prior edition of the Five Great Monarchies was published in 4 vols., 8vo, 1862-67; .£3 3s. (cf.). •- Sixth and Seventh Great Oriental Monarchies , 2 vols., 8vo, 1873-76; £1 5s. (cl.). ■- History of Ancient Egypt , 2 vols., 8vo, 1881 ; £1 3s. (cl.). - History of Herodotus, 4 vols., 8vo, 1862 ; £1 10s. (cl.). Another Edition, 4 vols., 8vo, 1880; «£1 16s. (cl.). Reynolds (G. W. M.). This author’s works have been published in a variety of cheap forms, but there are a few good and expensive editions of his single works as under : Pickwick Abroad; or, the Tour in France, 41 steel engravings by A. Crowquill and J. Phillips, and 33 woodcuts by Bonner, 1839, 8vo ; «£3 10s. (mor. ex., uncut). The Young Duchess, N.D. ; Margaret, or the Discharged Queen, n.d., and another, all illustrated, 3 vols., 8vo; £1 Is. (cl.). Empress Eugenie's Boudoir, n.d. ; May Middleton, 1858; Soldier's Wife, n.d., all illustrated, 3 vols., 8vo ; .£1 Is. (cl.). The Mysteries of London, 4 vols., 1846-48; Mysteries of the Court of London, 8 vols., 1850-55; together 12 vols., 8vo, £3 5s. (hf. mor., 2 vols., titles wanted). Robert Macaire, 1st ed., 3 vols., 8vo, 1840, etchings by Phiz ; £4 (original cl.). Richardson (Samuel), Works, with a prefatory chapter by Leslie Stephen, 12 vols., 8vo, 1883; .£1 13s. Another Edition , 19 vols., 8vo, 1811; £2 2s. (hf. cf.), <£3 15s. (cf. gt.). Original editions of the single works of this author, who was the originator of the modern English novel, appear to sell by auction at from 6s. to 8s. per volume all round when bound say in half calf. Thus “Sir Charles Grandison,” 1st ed., in 7 vols., 8vo, 1753-54, recently brought «£1 13s. (hf. cf.), and another copy £2 10s. (hf. cf., uncut). GENERAL WORKS. 281 Ritson (J.), Robin Hood; a Collection of all the Ancient Poems , $c., relating to , &c., 1st ed., 2 vols., 8vo, 1795; <£1 2s. (mor.), <£2 (uncut). Another Edition, 1885, 8vo; £2 (large paper), <£1 (small paper). - A Lytell Geste of Robin Hood, 2 vols., 8vo, 1847; <£1 13s. (uncut). This author’s works include “ Collection of English Songs,” 3 vols., 1813; “English Anthology,” 3 vols., 1793; “Robin Hood,” 2 vols., 1832 ; “Ancient Songs and Ballads,” 2 vols., 1829 ; “ Ancient Popular Poetry,” 1791, another edition, 1833 ; “Ancient Songs,” 1790; “Scottish Songs,” 2 vols., 1794; “ Northern Garlands,” 1810 ; “ Caledonian Muse,” 1821 ; “Gammer Gurton’s Garland,” 1816; “Eairy Tales,” 1831; “ Bibliographia Poetica,” 1802; “ Life of King Arthur,” 1825; “Memoirs of the Celts,” 1827 ; “Annals of the Caledonians,” 2 vols., 1828 ; “ Letters to Paton,” 1829 ; “ Life of Ritson,” 1824; “Letters of Ritson,” 2 vols., 1833. A collection, in 29 vols., of the various editions mentioned, uniformly bound in brown calf, sold at the Hockley sale in 1887 for <£14 15s. Rochester (Earl of), Poems, 1st ed., n.d. ; Antwerpen (London); <£5 10s. (original cf.), «£6 15s. (do.). Another Edition, 2 vols., 1739, 8vo; <£3 (cf.). Contains portrait of the Earl of Rochester, and plates. Rogers (S.), Italy: A Poem. Editions of 1822, 1823-28, 1839, 1848, and 1853, all in 12mo. The value of each of these editions is very small. London, 1830, crown 8vo; <£2 15s. (bds., uncut), ,£1 16s. (mor. ex.), <£8 12s. (proofs, bds., uncut). Re-issued again in 1831 at <£1 8s.; again in 1834 at <£1 Is.; again in 1838 at <£1 Is. London, 1842, crown 8vo, 16s.; reprinted, 1854, 8vo, and 1859, 8vo, 10s. each (cl.). The Poems and Italy, illustrated by Stothard and Turner. These two beautiful volumes are sometimes found bound together, and dated 1830-34. They were issued uniform in 8vo, the plates being worked on separate leaves. Auction values range from <£2 10s., or thereabouts, to <£12 or <£15, or even more, according to condition and binding. So far as the author’s Poems are concerned, a good edition was issued in 1812 in small 8vo, 10s. Also London, 1834, crown 8vo, <£1 13s. (cf.), <£5 (proofs, uncut), <£8 12s. (proofs, bds., uncut). London, 1838, 4to, on fine large paper, <£1 Is. 6d. (mor., g. e.). London, 1869, <£1 7s. (mor. ex., large paper). The small editions of either the Poems or “Italy,” that is to say, books in small 8vo, 12mo, or less, are seldom of any value. Rollin (R.), Ancient History, 6 vols., 8vo, 1839; <£1 (cf. gt.). Many other editions, usually of small value. 282 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Roscoe (T.), Novelists’ Library, plates by G. Cruikshank, 19 vols., 8yo, 1831-33 ; £16, £10 10s. (uncut), =£11 10s. (hf. cf.), <£28 (mor. ex., uncut). -- Italian Novelists , 4 vols., 1825 ; German Novelists, 4 vols., 1826; Spanish Novelists, 3 vols., 1832; together, 11 vols., 8vo, =£4 8s. (hf. mor., uncut). Rossetti (D. G.), Poems, 1870, 8vo; <£3 6s. (cl., uncut), ,£3 15s. (on thick paper, uncut), <£2 2s. (cl., uncut). - Ballads and Sonnets, 1881, 8vo ; <£5 (large paper, uncut), «£1 (small paper, uncut), £6 6s. (large paper, uncut). Rowbotham (J. F.), A History of Music, 3 vols., demy 8vo, 1887; <£1 2s. (cl., as issued). Published at =£2 14s. - The Death of Roland, an Epic Poem on Boland and Boncesvalles, 1887, fcap. 4to ; 2s. (cl.). Rowlandson (Thomas). The following works, among many others of less importance, were illustrated by this artist. All are original editions, save where otherwise mentioned. - Advice to Sportsmen, 1809, 8vo; <£2 18s. (cf. ex., uncut), <£3 3s. (cf. ex., uncut). - Adventures of Baron Munchausen, 1811, 8vo; <£1 16s. (hf. mor., uncut), £2 18s. (cf. ex., uncut). -- Annals of Sporting, 1809, 8vo; =£4 4s. (cf. ex.), =£1 16s. (fair copy). - Art of Ingeniously Tormenting (by J. Collier), 1808, 8vo; .£2 4s. (cl. uncut), <£1 17s. 6d. (cf. ex., uncut). - Characteristic Sketches of the Lower Orders, 1820, 8vo; <£3 10s. (cf. ex., uncut). - Chesterfield Travestie, 1808, 8vo; <£1 10s. (bds., uncut), <£1 Is. (bds.). - Dance of Life (by W. Combe), 1817, 8vo; £6 15s. (original, bds., uncut), <£5 10s. (do.). --- Dr. Syntax’s Tours. See Combe (W.). - English Dance of Death, by W. Combe, 2 vols., 1815-16, 8vo ; =£7 (mor. gt.), £37 10s. (mor. ex., by Biviere. All the original covers (24) and advertisements preserved, an un¬ usually fine copy). - Excursions to Brighthelmstone, by Wigstead, 1790, folio ; £6 (hf. mor., uncut). - Gambado’s Academy for Grown Horsemen, 1825, 8vo; £2 5s. (uncut). Prior edition in 2 vols., 1788-91, 4to; £1 3s. (cf., imperfect), £2 6s. (cf.), £2 2s. (cf.). -- Johnny Neivcome in the Navy, 1818, 8vo; £1 14s. (hf. cf.), £2 2s. (hf. cf.), £2 12s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, 1823, 8vo; £1 16s. (hf. cf., ex.). GENERAL WORKS. 283 Rowlandson (Thomas), Johnny New come, The Military Adven¬ tures of, 1815, 4to ; £2 2s. (cf.), £1 18s. - Johnny Quoe Genus, History of, 1822, 8vo; £2 12s. (russ.), £8 8s. (cl., uncut). - Lecture on Heads, by G. A. Stevens, folded front, in colours, 25 plates, 1808, 8vo; £2 (cf. ex., uncut). - London Cries, 54 plates of London Cries (coloured), on 9 sheets, 8vo; <£3 3s. - Miseries of Human Life, 1808, 4to, 47 coloured plates; £9 5s. (uncut). - Naples and the Campagna Felice , 1815, 8vo; £3 7s. 6d. (hf. mor. ex.), £2 4s. (hf. mor.). - Petticoat Loose, a fragmentary “ Tale of the Castle,” 1812, 4to; £2 2s. (uncut). - Pleasures of Human Life, 1807, 12mo; £1 11s. (bds., uncut), £1 Is. {ibid.). - Poetical Magazine, May, 1809, to April, 1811, 4 vols., 8vo (all published) ; £3 3s. (hf. cf.). - Qui Hi in Hindostan, 1816, 8vo ; £1 6s. (hf. cf.), £4 7s. 6d. (bds., uncut), £2 16s. (cf., uncut). - Sentimental Travels in the Southern Provinces of France , 1821, 8vo; £6 (mor. ex., uncut), £1 17s. (cf. gt.), £6 6s. (bds., uncut). - Sketches of Scarborough, 1813, 8vo; £3 (hf. mor.), £6 15s. (original bds., uncut), £3 10s. (original bds., uncut). - Twelfth-Night Characters, 24 coloured etchings, n.d. ; £5 (mor.), £3 10s. (mor.). -- Tom Raiv the Griffin, by Sir C. D’Oyly, 1828, 8vo; £2 18s. (cl. gt.), £4 10s. (cf. ex., uncut), £5 12s. 6d. (mor. ex., by Riviere), £2 16s. (uncut). - World in Miniature, Nos. 1 to 7, etchings ; £4 6s. In addition to the above, Rowlandson illustrated several popular novels and tales, among which were : Goldsmith’s “Vicar of Wakefield,” 1823, 8vo, £8 (hf. mor., uncut); Fielding’s “Tom Jones,” 3 vols., 8vo, 1805, £1 3s. (cf.); and Boswell’s “ Tour,” 1786, 4to, £4 18s. (hf. cf.). For further information, consult Grego’s “ Rowlandson the Caricaturist, with sketches of his Life, Times, and Con¬ temporaries,” 1880, 4to. Rusk in (J.). See ante , p. 135. Ryley (S. W.), The Itinerant; or, Memoirs of an Actor , 3 series, 9 vols., 1808-27, 8vo; £2 10s. (hf. cf.), £3 3s. (hf. mor.). 284 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Sala (G. A.), Great Exhibition wot is to be, by Yates Secundus, coloured designs, n.d., 8vo ; <£1 6s. (cf. ex.). - The House that Paxton Built, coloured etchings, 1851, 8vo ; «£1 5s. (mor. ex.). -- Lady Chesterfield’s Letters to her Daughter, 1st ed., 1860, 8vo; £1 Is. (cf. ex., uncut). - Trip to Barbary, 1866, 8vo ; <£4 (cf. gt.). -- Rome and Venice, 1869, 8vo; £4 (hf. cf.). - Paris Herself Again, 2 vols., 400 illustrations, 1880, 8vo; <£6 (uncut). Salmon (W.), English Herbal; or, History of Plants, 1710, folio; c£l 6s. (wormed, cf.), <£3 16s. (russ. ex.). Schliemann (H.), Hios, the City and Country of the Trojans, 1880, 8vo; <£1 10s. (cl.). - Mycence, a Narrative of Researches and Discoveries at Mycence and Tiryns , 1878, 8vo ; «£1 3s., <£1 Is. (cl.). - Troy and its Remains, 1875, 8vo; <£1 2s. (cl.). Scott (Sir Walter), Provincial Antiquities and Provincial Scenery of Scotland, 2 vols., 1826, folio; .£1 16s. (cl.), £2 13s. (large paper, hf. cf.), £4 4s. (large paper, open letter proofs). -- Border Antiquities of England and Scotland, 2 vols., 1814-17, 4to; <£1 9s. (mor. ex.), £2 (original impressions, cf.), <£3 5s. (large paper, india-proofs, uncut), <£3 10s. (large paper, india-proofs, russ. ex.). - Life of Dryden, 1808, 4to; 12s. (cf), <£1 3s. (large paper, uncut). - Life of Napoleon, 9 vols., 8vo, 1827; 7s. 6d. (cf.). - Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, 3 vols., 1802-3, 8vo; £1 19s. (mor. ex.). Another Edition, 1810, 3 vols., 8vo; <£1 8s. (large paper, uncut). - Sir Tristrem, Edinburgh, 1804, 8vo, 1st ed.; <£1 6s. (uncut). - Lady of the Lake, Edinburgh, 1810, 4to, 1st ed.; <£1 8s. (mor., uncut). -- The Sale-Room, 28 numbers (all published), 1817, 4to; <£3 (in 1 vol., uncut). •- Marmion, Edinburgh, 1808, 4to, 1st ed.; <£3 8s. (mor. ex., very fine copy). - Auld Robin Gray, a Ballad by Lady Anne Lindsay, 1825, 8vo; <£6 10s. (hf. rox., uncut, as issued). GENERAL WORKS. 285 Scott (Sir Walter), Poetical Works: Edinburgh, 1806-13, 9 vols., 8vo; ,£4 (mor. ex.). „ 1815, 10 vols., royal 8vo. „ 1820, 12 vols., 8vo; .£2 (mor. ex.). „ 1821, 10 vols., 8vo; .£1 (mor. gt.). „ 1822, 10 vols., 8vo. „ 1822, 8 vols., 12mo. „ 1823, 10 vols., 18mo. „ 1825, 10 vols., 8vo. „ 1830, 11 vols., 8vo; <£1 18s. (cf. gt.). „ 1830, 11 vols., 18mo. „ 1833-34, 12 vols., 8vo; .£1 10s. (cl.), .£1 7s. (cl.); reissued 1848-49 ; again, 1854; and again, 1861, each in 12 vols., 8vo. „ 1844, 6 vols., 8vo. „ 1845, 1 vol., 8vo; 10s. Frequently reprinted, and forming a companion to the People’s Edition of the Novels. „ 1851, fcap. 8vo; 5s. (cl.). „ 1856, impl. 8vo ; 11s. 6d. (cl.). „ 1866, 12 vols., 8vo; =£1 Is. (hf. cf.). „ 1868, 12 vols., 8vo ; <£1 Is. (cf. gt.). „ 1880, 12 vols., 8vo; ,£1 5s. (cl.). -- Waverley Novels. Edinburgh, 1816-24, 8vo, 1st ed., 35 vols.; <£2 16s. (hf. cf.). „ 1820-23, 12mo, 43 vols.; <£1 7s. 6d. (cf.). „ 1829-33, “ Original Author’s Edition,” 48 vols., fcap. 8vo; <£2 12s. (cl.), <£3 3s. (cf. gt.). „ 1836, 48 vols., 8vo; <£5 12s. 6d. (cf. ex.). „ 1842-47, “The Abbotsford Edition,” 12 vols., impl. 8vo; £7 (cl.), =£10 10s. (original cl., uncut), =£13 13s. (mor. ex., by Hering). The best edition of the “ Waverley Novels.” „ 1852-53, “ The Library Edition,” 25 vols., 8vo; <£2 15s. (cl.), .£4 6s. (cl., uncut). „ 1857, 25 vols., 8vo; =£7 10s. (hf. cf. ex.). „ 1859-60, 48 vols., 8vo; ,£3 5s. (cl.), .£5 7s. 6d. (hf. cf. gt.). „ 1871, “ The Centenary Edition,” 25 vols., 8vo; =£2 (cl.), £4s 7s. (cl., uncut, fine copy). „ 1877-79, 25 vols., 8vo; «£3 5s. (hf. rox.), £2 5s. (do.). Another Edition of this date, in 48 vols., 8vo; =£3 (average copy). „ 1880-85, 11 vols., 8vo; <£1 13s. (hf. mor.). „ 1885-86, 13 vols., 8vo; <£1 12s. (hf. mor.). The original editions of the single novels and poems of Sir Walter Scott are not at present much sought after by £86 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. collectors, and consequently the pecuniary value is not great. It is quite a common thing to see 10 or 12 volumes, all original issues, clean, perfect, and uncut, knocked down for <£1 or £1 5s. Thus, at a recent sale, original editions of “ Bedgauntlet,” 3 vols., 1824; “ Tales of the Crusaders,” 4 vols., 1825; and “Woodstock,” 3 vols., 1826, together, 10 vols., 8vo, in original boards and uncut, only realised <£1 Is. Scott (W. H.), British Field Sports , illustrated by Bewick and Clennell, 1818, 8vo; £1 Is. (cf. gt.), £2 6s. (uncut, large paper). Scrope (W.), Art of Deer-Stalking, 1839, 8vo; £5 17s. 6d. (original cl., uncut), £3 10s. (do., front., mounted). - Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the Tweed, 1st ed., 1843, 8vo ; £11 5s. (original cl., uncut), £3 5s. (original cl., uncut), £12 (original cl., uncut). Second Edition, 1854, 8vo ; £2 5s. (original cl.). The above works, especially when in the original cloth, clean and uncut, are becoming scarcer and more valuable every day. The prices of £11 5s. and £12 above quoted were paid for spotless copies as clean and new as when they left the hands of the printer, and are quite exceptional in amount. Seymour (B.), Christmas Box and New Year's Gift, 35 etchings, n.d., 8vo; £1 8s. (cf. ex., by Biviere). - New Readings of Old Authors , 2 vols., n.d., 8vo ; £7 (hf. mor.). - New Readings of Shakespeare, 130 plates, 1841,, 8vo; £2 15s. (hf. cf.). - Sketches, 180 plates and 5 title-pages, n.d., 8vo; £5 17s. (mor. ex.), £5 (mor. ex.). To realise these amounts the im¬ pressions of the plates must be original. - Trip to Margate, n.d. ; The Heiress , 6 plates, 1830, in 1 vol., folio ; £2 (hf. mor.). - The Heiress, 6 plates, 1830; £3 3s. (cf. ex., original paper covers bound up, fine copy). - The Omnibus, 6 plates, 1830, folio; £3 4s. (cf. ex., original paper covers bound up). - School-Master Abroad, 9 plates, 1834, folio; £2 14s. (cf. ex.). -- Maxims and Hints for Anglers and Chess-Players, 12 plates, 1833, 12mo ; £1 (cf. ex.). Seymour contributed 8 plates to the first edition of Dickens’s “ Pickwick Papers ” (1837). GENERAL WORKS. 287 Shakespeare (William). Nearly all Shakespeare’s works were published in a separate form during his lifetime, and almost always in small quarto. All, without exception, have become so excessively rare as to be practically unprocurable, and for their size these early quartos are undoubtedly the most expensive books in the world. The last occasion on which any number appeared at one time in the auction-room was at the Perkins sale, in July, 1889, when a slightly imperfect copy of “Romeo and Juliet,” 1st ed., 1599, 4to, realised <£164, and “ The Second Part of Henrie the Fourth,” 1st ed., 1600, 4to, <£225. Such prices as these are by no means excessive; on the contrary, really first-rate copies of some of the plays would sell for at least as much again. In the absence of originals, the amateur can turn to the collection of lithographic facsimiles of the early quarto editions of the separate works of Shakespeare, including every known edition of all the plays which were issued during the lifetime of the dramatist. The work was carried out by E. W. Ashbie, under the superintendence of J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. Only fifty sets were printed, of which nineteen were destroyed by the editor, and three sets afterwards destroyed by fire. The collection is complete in 48 vols., which were printed for private circulation during the years 1866-71. Unfortu¬ nately the books are scarce, <£50 and more being asked for a complete set. Another and cheaper series was issued under the superintendence of Dr. F. J. Furnivall by W. Griggs and C. Pretorius, in 1881-88. This set is complete in 41 vols., 4to, and when bound, say in half morocco, sells by auction for about <£12 10s. Similarly the first folio of Shakespeare’s complete works, printed by Isaac Jaggard and Ed. Blount in 1623, brings high and ever-increasing sums, as much as <£300 or <£400 being the value of an average copy. Some specimens showing large measurements are, however, worth considerably more. The following are recent auction prices obtained for copies of the first four folios of Shakespeare’s works: ' 1623, First Folio; <£415 (mor. title, and Ben Jonson’s verses mounted), <£200 (mor. ex., title mounted, verses from second folio, 12in. by 8in.). This edition was facsimiled in 1807, folio, <£2 4s. (cf.); also by Lionel Booth in 1864, folio, <£1 10s. (large paper, hf. cf.) ; by Day and Son, in photo-lithography, 1866, folio, <£4 7s. 6d. (cf. ex.) ; and by Longmans, folio, <£4 12s. (russ. ex.). 1632, Second Folio; <£47 (large copy, but wormed), <£21 10s. (verses and some leaves, backed). 1664, Third Folio; <£52 (mor. ex., one leaf defective), <£100 (perfect). Many copies were destroyed in the Great Fire. The seven spurious plays are omitted for the first time. 288 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Shakespeare (William). 1685, Fourth Folio ; <£25 10s. (russ. ex., several leaves defective), £14 (two leaves repaired). Among 1 the large number of editions of Shakespeare’s works which have been and are continually being pub¬ lished, the following are noticeable. It must be under¬ stood that where no prices are affixed, no copy of the par¬ ticular edition has sold by auction during the last four years for as large a sum as £1. As a rule the eighteenth- century copies of Shakespeare’s works are not of much value unle-s very well bound in calf or morocco. Editions in 12mo or 18mo very seldom sell by auction for more than 6d. or 8d. per volume all round, unless bound as aforesaid. 1709, 7 vols., 8vo, plates, Eowe; £6 12s. (mor. ex.), £1 12s. (cf.). 1714, 9 vols., 12mo, Rowe, 2nd ed. 1725, Pope, 6 vols., 4to; £1 8s. (cf.). 1728, Pope, 10 vols., 12mo, 2nd ed. 1731, Pope, 9 vols., 18mo. 1733, Theobald, 7 vols., 8vo. 1735, Pope, 8 vols., 12mo. 1740, Theobald, 8 vols., 12mo; £1 (cf.). 1744, Hanmer, 6 vols., 4to ; £5 (cf. gt.), £5 5s. (russ. ex.). 1745, Hanmer, 6 vols., 8vo. 1747, Hanmer, 9 vols., 18mo ; 6s. (bds.). 1747, Warburton, 8 vols., 8vo. 1747, Warburton, 8 vols., 12mo; 4s. (bds.). 1748, Hanmer, 9 vols., 12mo. 1751, Hanmer, 9 vols., 18mo. 1752, Theobald, 8 vols., 12mo. 1753, Blair, 8 vols., 12mo ; 3s. 6d. (bds.). 1757, Theobald, 8 vols., 8vo. 1760, Hanmer, 9 vols., 18mo ; 4s. (hf. cf.). 1761, Blair, 8 vols., 12mo. 1762, Theobald, 8 vols., 12mo. 1765, S. Johnson, 8 vols., 8vo; £3 (mor. ex.). 1766, Pope, 8 vols., 18mo. 1766, Johnson, 10 vols., 8vo; £1 2s. (hf. cf. ex.). 1766, Stevens, 4 vols., 8vo. 1767, Theobald, 8 vols., 12mo; 4s. (bds.). 1767, Edinburgh, 10 vols., 12mo. 1767, Capell, 10 vols., crown 8vo; £2 8s. (mor. ex.), £2 (vellum). 1768, Baskerville, 9 vols., 8vo. 1768, Johnson, 8 vols., 8vo. 1769, Blair, 8 vols., 12mo ; 5s. (bds.). 1770, Hanmer, 6 vols., 4to; £1 3s. (cf.), £2 (vellum). 1771, Blair, 8 vols., 12mo. 1771, Ewing, 12 vols., 12mo; 6s. (bds.). GENERAL WORKS. 289 Shakespeare (William). 1772, Theobald, 12 vols., 12mo. n.d., Theobald, 12 vols., 12mo. 1773, Theobald, 8 vols., 12mo. 1773, Johnson, 10 vols., 8vo. 1774, Bell, 9 vols., 12mo; <£1 5s. (mor. ex.). 1778, Johnson, 10 vols., 8vo. 1784, Ayscough, 1 vol., royal 8vo ; 17s. (mor. ex.). 1785, Johnson, 10 vols., 8vo. 1786, Nichols, 7 vols., 12mo; 6s. (hf. cf.). 1786, Bann, 6 vols., 8vo. 1788, Bell, 20 vols., 18mo; <£3 5s. (large paper, cf.), £1 Is. (small paper, cf.). 1790, Ayscough, 3 vols., royal 8vo. 1790, Malone, 10 vols., crown 8vo. 1791, Bellamy, 8 vols., 8vo. 1793, Johnson, 15 vols., 8vo; <£1 18s. (russ.), £1 15s. (cf. gt.). 1794, Malone, 16 vols., 12mo. 1795, Blair, 8 vols., 12mo. 1797, Edinburgh, 8 vols., 12mo; 6s. (bds.). 1797, Bobinson, 7 vols., impl. 8vo. 1798, Nichols, 9 vols., 18mo. 1799, Brunswick, 8 vols., 8vo. 1800, Bensley, 12 vols., 18mo. 1800, Sharpe, 9 vols., 24mo. 1802, Boydell, 9 vols., atlas folio; £4 18s. (bds., uncut), ,£7 17s. 6d. (tree cf.), <£3 15s. (mor.). 1803, Wallis, 10 vols., 8vo. 1803, Beed, 21 vols., 8vo ; <£2 4s. (cf. gt.), .£1 10s. (cf.), <£6 (mor. ex.). 1805, Chalmers, 9 vols., 8vo. 1806, Miller, 2 vols., royal 8vo ; 12s. (cf.). 1806, Wood, 14 vols., 12mo. 1807, Heath, 6 vols., 4to. 1807, Johnson, 12 vols., 8vo; <£5 15s. (large paper, mor.). 1807, Bowdler, 4 vols., 12mo. 1811, Beed, 12 vols., 12mo. 1812, Tegg, 12 vols., 12mo. 1818, Bowdler, 10 vols., 18mo. 1818, Chiswick Press, 7 vols., 8vo, 230 wood engravings by Thurston; £4 (mor. ex.). 1819, Beed, 12mo, and 2 vols., royal 8vo. 1820, Beed, 12 vols., 8vo. 1821, Boswell, 21 vols., 8vo; <£11 (hf. mor., uncut). 1821, Malone, 21 vols., 8vo; <£5 17s. 6d. (cf.), <£1 (bds.). 1822, Bowdler, 8 vols., 8vo. 1823, Chalmers, 8 vols., 8vo; <£1 (cf.). 1824, Wheeler, 1 vol., 8vo. 1825, Harness, 8 vols., 8vo. u 290 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Shakespeare (William). 1825, Pickering’s Diamond Edition, 9 vols., 12mo; £2 12s. (uncnt). 1825, Pickering, 11 vols., 8vo; £3 6s. (mor. ex.), <£2 7s. (bds.). 1826, Chalmers, 8 vols., 8vo; <£1 9s. (cf. gt.). 1826, Mnrton, 10 vols., 8vo ; £3 (cf. gt.). 1827, Whittingham, 8 vols., 32mo. 1828, Singer, 10 vols., 12mo ; £3 10s. (mor., uncut). 1832, Valpy, 15 vols., fcap. 8vo ; £2 10s. (cf.). 1833, Harness, 8 vols., 8vo. n.d., Wivill, royal 8vo. 1838, Campbell, royal 8vo. 1838, Knight, 8 vols., 8vo; 6s. (cl.). 1839, Maunder, 1 vol., 8vo. 1839, Cornwall, 3 vols., impl. 8vo. 1839-43, Knight’s Pictorial Edition, 8 vols., 8vo; £2 2s. (hf. cf.), <£4 12s. (cf. gt.), £1 4s. (hf. mor.). 1842-44, Knight, 12 vols., 8vo; £1 18s. (cf.), £2 2s. (mor. ex.). 1844-53, Collier, 9 vols., 8vo; £3 7s. 6d. (mor. ex., g. e.). 1846, Cornwall, 3 vols., 8vo; £1 3s. (cf. gt.). 1852, Collier, 8 vols., 8vo; £1 8s. (hf. mor.). 1853-65, Halliwell, 16 vols., folio; £51 (hf. cf., uncut), £71 (mor. ex.). 1856, Singer, 10 vols., 8vo; £1 (bds.). 1856, Chalmers, 8 vols., 8vo, 1856; £1 12s. (hf. cf., gt.). 1857, Dyce, 6 vols., 8vo; £1 2s. (uncut). 1858, Collier, 6 vols., 8vo; £2 10s. (hf. mor.). 1863, Clark and Glover, 9 vols., 8vo; £6 12s. (mor.), £7 (hf. mor., uncut). 1866, White, 10 vols., 8vo, Boston, U.S.; £1 3s. (cl.). 1867, Dyce, 9 vols., 8vo; £1 7s. (cf.). 1869, Cowden Clarke, 4 vols., 8vo ; £1 8s. (cf.). 1874- 80, Furness, 6 vols., 8vo, Philadelphia; £2 2s. (cf.). 1875- 76, Dyce, 9 vols., 8vo; £2 6s. (uncut), £4 12s. (mor. ex.), £1 12s. (cl.). 1875-78, Collier, 8 vols., 4to; £17 (complete in 43 parts in the original magenta wrappers), £12 (ibid.). 1877, Dyce, 9 vols., 8vo; £3 7s. 6d. (tree cf.). 1881, Staunton, 15 vols., 8vo ; £5 (bds.), £4 (hf. bd.). 1883, Paterson’s Edinburgh Edition, 8 vols., 8vo; £2 4s. (hf. mor.), £1 10s. (cl.). 1886, Dyce, 10 vols., 8vo ; £1 10s. (cl.), £1 12s. (cl.). 1886-87, The Header’s Edition, 9 vols., 8vo; £1 5s. (cl.). 1888-90, Irving, 7 vols., 4to; £6 15s. (uncut). n.d., Knight, 8 vols., 8vo : £3 10s. (hf. mor.). n.d., Knight’s Imperial Edition, 2 vols., 4to ; £2 8s. (mor. ex.). n.d., Mackenzie’s Library Edition, 3 vols., 4to; £1 Is. (hf. mor.). GENERAL WORKS. 291 Shakespeare (William). Various works relating to Shakespeare, or founded on his plays, as follows : Boy dell’s Collection of Prints, 100 large plates, atlas folio, 1802-3; =£13 10s. (mor. ex., fine impressions), «£8 15s (mor. gt.). Bohn’s Biography and Bibliography, 1863, small 4to, with 3 ports, and 16 plates, only 40 copies printed; <£3 16s. (mor. ex.). Cowden Clarke’s Concordance and Key, impl. 8vo, 1847; many editions from 8s. to 12s. (cf.). Bunbury’s Illustrations to Shakespeare, 20 plates by Bar- tolozzi, &c., 1792, folio; ,£3 3s. (hf. mor.). Harding’s Historical Dramas Illustrated, 2 vols., 8vo, 1811; £2 15s. (mor. ex., uncut). Illustrations to Shakespeare and Milton, plates after Stot- hard and others, 1818, folio; <£1 5s. (hf. bds.), <£1 15s. (mor. ex.). Shakespeare Illustrated (Harding’s edition), 1793, 4to; <£5 5s. (mor. ex., large paper, proof plates, including the extra portrait of Jane Shore). Smirke’s Illustrations to Shakespeare, india-proof plates, published by Bodwell and Martin, folio, n.d. ; £1 (in port., 26 plates), £2 14s. (in port., 41 plates). Shakespeare’s Heroines, plates by Heath, 1848, 4to ; £1 2s. (hf. mor., proofs on india-paper). Shakespeare’s Jest-Book, by E. W. Singer, 2 parts, 1814-15, 8vo; <£1 7s. (mor. ex.). Shakespeare Lexicon, by A. Schmidt, 2 vols., 8vo, 1874-75; =£1 2s. (hf. mor.). Shakespeare’s Library, by J. P. Collier, 2 vols., 1843, 8vo ; «£1 3s. (cf. gt.), £1 10s. (cf. ex., uncut). Another Edition, revised by Hazlitt,’ 6 vols., 8vo, 1875; £1 5s. (large paper, uncut). Shakespeare’s Miscellany, by Waldron, 1802, 4to; <£1 6s. (hf. cf., gt.). Shelley (P. B.), Adonais : An Elegy on the Death of John Keats, Pisa, 1821, 4to, <£13 5s. (hf. cf.), <£14 15s. (cf. ex.). - Alastor; or, the Spirit of Solitude, 1816, 8vo; <£3 16s. (bds.). - Hellas, 1822, 8vo; <£4 (cf. ex., uncut), <£1 (cl., uncut). -- Laon and Cythna; or, the Revolution of the Golden City , 1818, 8vo; <£11 5s. (original bds., with the rare leaf of “Errata” at the end), <£9 14s. (cf. ex., uncut). u 2 292 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Slielley (P. B.), Masque of Anarchy, 1832, 8vo ; =£1 5s. (original cl.), <£2 5s. (cf. ex., g. e.). - Prometheus Unbound , 1820, 8vo; =£2 4s. (original bds.). - Queen Mab, 1813, 8vo; <£22 10s. (cf. ex., uncut). Another Edition , 1829, 8vo; =£1 8s. (mor. ex., with the suppressed notes and lines to Harriet-). - St. Irvyn; or, the Rosicrucian , 1811, 8vo ; <£4 (mor. ex.). - Rosalind and Helen, with other Poems, 1819, 8vo ; =£1 Is. (cf.), £5 (cf. ex., by Bedford). Reprinted by Buxton Forman, 8vo ; <£1 2s. (uncut). - The Cenex: A Tragedy, Italy, 1819, 8vo ; <£4 10s. (original bds.). - The Revolt of Islam, 1818, 8vo; <£3 3s. (original bds.). - Zastrozzi : A Romance, 1810, 12mo; <£12 5s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). “5 It Works : 1824, 8vo, Posthumous Poems; <£2 (cf. ex., uncut), <£2 12s. (uncut, in original bds.). 1826, 8vo ; <£2 (cf. ex., uncut). 1839, 4 vols., 8vo; <£1 (cl.). 1839, 8vo ; 5s. 6d. (cl.). 1846, 4 vols., 8vo; 10s. (cl.). 1847, 3 vols., 8vo ; <£1 2s. (hf. mor.). 1853, 3 vols., 8vo; 9s. (cl.). 1854, royal 8vo; 5s. (cl.). 1856, royal 8vo ; 5s. (cl.). 1857, 3 vols., 8vo; =£2 2s. (mor. ex.), <£1 10s. (cf. gt.). 1862, 12mo; Is. 1876-80, 8 vols., 8vo, edited by H. Buxton Forman; <£3 18s. (as issued), <£2 15s. (do.). 1882, 4 vols., 8vo, edited by H. Buxton Forman; <£1 133. (as issued). 1888, 5 vols., 8vo; <£1 (cl., large paper). What purported to be a collection of “ Letters ” by P. B. Shelley was published by Moxon in 1852, with an Intro¬ ductory Essay by Robert Browning. The letters are, however, all spurious. A copy of the first edition of 1852, in the original cloth as issued, sells by auction for about four guineas. Shenstone (W.), Poems upon Various Occasions, small 8vo, 1737; £2 16s. (as issued). Editions of the whole works of Shenstone were issued in 1764-69, 3 vols., 8vo; 7s. (cl.), and at later dates. None, however, are of much value. Sheridan (R. B.), The Critic; or, a Tragedy Rehearsed, 1st ed., 1781, 8vo; <£3 10s. (cf. ex., by Bedford), <£1 10s. (cf. ex.). GENERAL WORKS. 293 Sheridan (R. B.), The Rivals, 1st ed., 1775, 8vo; <£1 7s. (cf. ex., by Riviere). - Dramatic Works and Poems, edited by Tom Moore, 2 vols., 8vo, 1821; <£1 10s. (cf. ex., by Bedford), .£1 10s. (cf. ex.). - Works, with Memoir by J. P. Browne, 2 vols., 8vo, 1873; <£1 10s. (cf. ex.). Shirley (J.). This dramatist died in 1666, and after the fashion of the time all the original editions of his plays were published in small 4to. These include “ The Gamester,” 1637; “The Bird in a Cage,” 1633; “Love’s Crueltie,” 1640; and many other pieces which are now forgotten. Auction prices for copies of original editions vary from a guinea to double that amount, according to condition and binding. 1646, Poems, 8vo ; <£9 (original copy). ». f. - '"C* 1833, Dramatic Works and Poems , edited by Dyce, 6 vols., 8vo; c£3 6s. (cf. gt.), <£3 5s. (original bds., uncut), £1 5s. (large paper, cf. ex.). Sidney (Sir Philip), Works in Prose and Verse, London, 1725, 3 vols., 8vo. Another Edition, Dublin, 3 vols., 12mo, 1739. Another Edition, Oxford, 1829, small 8vo ; large paper. This edition has been reprinted at Boston, TJ.S. -- The Countesse of Pembroke’s Arcadia, London, 4to, 1590 ; <£93 (mor. gt.). Second Edition, London, 1593, folio. Third Edition, London, 1598, folio; <£1 12s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, London, 1599, folio; <£1 (several leaves mended). Fourth Edition, London, 1605, folio; <£3 (cf.), .£12 (vellum ex., uncut). The next edition is also called the Fourth, and bears date 1613. Fifth Edition, London, 1623, folio. Sixth Edition, London, 1627, folio; <£1 10s. (cf. gt.). Seventh Edition, London, 1629, folio. Eighth Edition, London, 1633, folio. Ninth Edition, London, 1638, folio; <£1 Is. (defective) <£1 13s. (mor.). Tenth Edition, London, 1655, folio. Eleventh Edition, London, 1662, folio ; 8s. (cf.). - Ourania, that is Endimion’s Song, London, 1606, 4to; «£1 6s. (mended). Skeat (W. W.), Etymological Dictionary, in four parts, 1879-82 4to ; .£1 2s. (cl.). ,£1 6s. (cl.), £1 3s. (cl.). 294 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Skelton (J.), Poetical Works, with Notes and Life by Dyce, 2 vols., 8vo, 1843; <£1 8s. (hf. cf., uncut), =£1 Is. (uncut). This is the best modern edition of Skelton’s works. Slater (J. H.), Book Prices Current, 1887, &c., 8vo, continued annually; <£1 5s. 6d. (published price, per annum). - Engravings and their Value , crown 8vo, 1891; published by L. Upcott Gill, 170, Strand, at 7s. 6d. - Round and About the Book-Stalls , crown 8vo, 1891, published at 3s. 6d. (same publisher). Smedley (Frank), Harry Coverdale’s Courtship, 1st ed., n.d. (1856), 8vo; £1 11s. (cl., uncut). - Frank Fairleigh, 1st ed., n.d., Virtue and Co., 8vo; <£1 (cl.). Smith. (Adam), An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 2 vols., 4to, 1776; 6s. There are a large number of editions of this famous work, the best of which were issued at Edinburgh in 1814, 1817, and 1828, each in 4 vols., 8vo. The pecuniary value is, however, very small in all cases. Smith (Albert), Christopher Tadpole, 1st ed., plates by Leech, 1848, 8vo; <£1 12s. (hf. cf.), =£2 12s. (in the original 16 numbers). - Man in the Moon (by Albert Smith and A. B. Beach), 5 vols., plates by Phiz and others, n.d., 8vo ; <£3 (cl.). - Adventures of Mr. Ledbury, 1st ed., 3 vols., plates by Leech, 1844, 8vo; <£6 15s. (hf. mor., uncut). - The Pottleton Legacy , 1st ed., plates by Phiz, 1849, 8vo; ,£3 10s. (cl., uncut); ,£2 12s. (cl., uncut). - The Wassail-Bowl, 1st ed., 2 vols., plates by Leech, 1843, 8vo; .£2 (cl., uncut), <£3 3s. (hf. mor., uncut). - Natural History of the Gent, 1st ed., 1847, 8vo; 6s. (hf. mor.). - Natural History of the Ballet Girl, 1st ed., 1847, 8vo; 6s. (hf. mor.). Smollett (Tobias), Ferdinand Count Fathom, 1st ed., 2 vols., 8vo, 1753; <£2 (cf., uncut), <£8 5s. (mor. ex., by Bedford, uncut). - Humphrey Clinker, 1st ed., 3 vols., 8vo, 1771 (vol. 1 dated in error 1671); <£1 10s. (cf., uncut), £2 (cf., uncut). - Peregrine Pickle, 1st ed., 4 vols., 8vo, 1751; <£3 12s. (cf., uncut). -- Roderick Random, 1st ed., 2 vols., 8vo, 1748; c£l 15s. (cf., uncut). It is only the original editions of Smollett’s separate works that are of much value, and even these do not sell well if cut down, GENERAL WORKS. 295 Smollett (Tobias), Works, London, 1797, 8 vols., 870 ; £3 (cf. gt.). 1790, 6 vols., 8 vo, frontispiece by Bowlandson. Eeprinted Edinburgh, 1809, 5 vols., 8 vo. 1796, 6 vols., 8 vo. 1797, 8 vols., 8 vo; £1 13s. (cf.), £2 (cf.). 1806, 6 vols., 8 vo; =£1 4s. (hf. cf.). 1809, 5 vols., 8 vo ; £1 10s. (cf.). 1811, 6 vols., 8 vo. 1817, 6 vols., 8 vo ; <£1 13s. (cf. gt.), <£1 3s. (hf. cf.). 1820, 6 vols., 8 vo ; =£1 10 s. (cf.). 1824, 12 vols., 12mo ; <£1 17s. 6 d. (cf. gt.). 1845, 8 vo. 1871, 8 vols., 8 vo, edited by Dr. Browne ; £4 (russ. ex., uncut), .£2 12 s. 6 d. (as issued). 1884, 6 vols., 8 vo; £1 3s. (cl., uncut). See also Hume (David). Somerville (W.), The Chase : A Poem , 1st ed., 1735, 4to, with front, by Gravelot; c£3 5s. (mor. ex., good copy), <£1 2s. (cf.). Another Edition , 1796, 4to, printed by Bulmer in large type, vignette woodcuts by Thomas Bewick; ,£3 15s. (original bds.), <£1 15s. (cf. ex.). Another Edition, 1802, 4to, woodcuts by Bewick ; <£1 (cf. ex.). Another Edition , 1804, 4to; ,£1 2s. (mor. ex., fine copy). Somerville’s 44 Chase ” has passed through a large number of editions, but very few are of any material value. Those in small 8 vo are usually very inferior. Southey (Bobert), Byrth, Lyf, and Actes of King Arthur, &c., with Introduction and Notes by Southey, 2 vols., 1817, 4to; <£1 12s. (hf. cf.), £1 4s. (hf. cf.). This work is reprinted from Caxton’s edition of 1485. - Common Place Book, 4 vols., 1850, 8 vo; <£1 5s. (hf. mor. ex.), <£1 (mor.). - The Doctor, 1st ed., 7 vols., 1834-37, 8 vo; £1 5s. (cl.), .£2 (uncut). Another Edition, 7 vols., 1839, 8 vo; <£1 9s. (hf. cf.), £2 4s. (cf.). - History of Brazil, 3 vols., 1810-19, 4to; £1 7s. (bds.). Another Edition, 3 vols., 1817-22, 4to; £2 10s. (uncut). - Poetical Works, 10 vols., 1837-38, 8 vo; <£1 5s. (uncut). 1842-44, 10 vols., 8 vo; £1 12s. (cl.). 1847-48, 10 vols., 8 vo; <£1 7s. (cl.). 1852, 10 vols., 8 vo; £3 17s. 6 d. (cf. ex.). 1853, 10 vols., 8 vo; £1 Is. (cl.). n.d., Longmans, 10 vols., 8 vo; £1 2s. (cl.). 296 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Southey (Robert). Prior to these collected editions, Southey’s poetical and other works had all, or nearly all, been published uniformly in fcap. 8vo, at long intervals. These single pub¬ lications do not as a rule sell well, e.g .: Omniana, 2 vols., 1812; Translation of Don M. Alvarez Espriella’s Letters from England, 3 vols., 1807; Amadis of Gaul, 4 vols., 1803; Palmerin of England, 4 vols., 1807; in all 13 vols., 8vo, =£3 10s. (cf. ex., by Bedford). Spectator (The). This periodical, as also the Tatler and Guardian, has frequently been reprinted, and as a general rule these reprints are of very small value. Most are found in six or seven small 8vo volumes, bound in inferior calf, the market value of which seldom exceeds a few pence per volume all round. The following editions are, however, of more im¬ portance : The Spectator, 8 vols., 8vo, 1747; Tatler, 4 vols., 8vo, 1713; Guardian, 2 vols., 8vo, 1747; together 14 vols., £1 Is. (cf.). The Spectator, Tatler, and Guardian, as above, and also The Freeholder, 1716, and Englishman, 1714, together 16 vols., 8 vo; £1 8s. (cf. gt., large paper). The Spectator, Tatler, and Guardian, largest type edition, 14 vols., 8vo, 1757-60, vignettes by Hayday; <£3 15s. (mor. ex., g. e.). The Spectator, Tatler, and Guardian, with prefaces by Chalmers, 12 vols., 1822, 8vo; £1 3s. (hf. cf.). Of the above editions those of 1757-60 are much the best, The Spectator of 1757, when complete in 8 vols., selling by itself for about £1 by auction (cf. ex.). Spencer (Herbert), Essays, Scientific, Political, and Speculative, 1st series, 1858, 8vo; Social Statics, 1868, 8vo; £1 4s. (as issued). - Education, 1861; First Principles, two editions of 1862 and 1867 ; Principles of Biology, 2 vols., 1864-67 ; Principles of Psychology, 2 vols., 1870-72; Principles of Sociology, 2 vols., 1876; together 9 vols., 8vo, £2 18s. (cl., uncut). - Principles of Synthetic Philosophy, 8vo, 1867-70; 7s. (cl., uncut). - Ceremonial, Political, and Ecclesiastical Institutions, in 3 vols., 8vo, 1875; 16s. (cl., uncut). - Descriptive Sociology; or, Groups of Sociological Facts, complete in 8 parts, 1873-81, folio ; £3 3s. (as issued). Spenser (Edmund), The Faerie Queene, London, 1590, 4to, books i. to iii. The second part of the “ Faerie Queene,” containing the fourth, fifth, and sixth books, was published in 1596, GENERAL WORKS. 297 4to. The complete edition, 1590-96, 4to, 2 vols.; <£20 (mor. ex., cut down and several leaves repaired), <£26 (first vol. only, good copy, mor. ex.). Second Edition, 2 vols., 4to, 1596 ; £6 10s. (mor. ex., title to vol. 1 in facsimile, cut down). Another Edition, London, 1609, folio; £2 5s. (cf.), £2 8s. (cf. ex.). Another Edition', London, 1611, folio; £1 10s. (cf.), £4 10s. (old cf.). Another Edition, London, 1614, folio; 12s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, London, 1617, folio ; £1 16s. (cf.). Other Editions, London, 1751, 3 vols., 4to; London, 1758, 4 vols., 8vo; London, 1758, 2 vols., 4to. Spenser (Edmund), The Shepheard’s Calendar, black letter, 1581, 4to ; £22 (mor. gt.). Another Edition, black letter, 1591, 4to ; £8 (mor.). Another Edition, n.d., J. Harrison, black letter, 4to; £5 10s. (vellum, last leaf missing). Another Edition , 1617, folio; £2 8s. (cf.). - Prothalamion ; or, a Spousall Verse on the Mariage of Ladies E. and K. Somerset, tyc., 1596, 4to; £8 (mor. ex., g. e.). - Complaints, containing sundrie small Poems of the World's Vanitie, 1st ed., 1591, 4to ; £4 18s. (mor. ex., imperfect), £20 10s. (mor. ex., perfect), £9 (cut down). -- Colin Clouts come Home again, dedicated to Sir Walter Raleigh, 1st ed., 1595, 4to; £19 10s. (mor. ex.), £6 (mor. ex., wormed). Works : 1715, 6 vols., 8vo; £10 10s. (mor. ex., fine binding). 1805, 8 vols., 8vo; £1 2s. (cf.), £3 (cf., large paper). 1825, 5 vols., 8vo; £2 2s. (bds., uncut), £3 3s. (hf. mor., t. e. g.). 1839, 5 vols., 8vo, Pickering’s Aldine Edition; £2 6s. (mor. antique, by Hayday), £1 14s. (cl.). 1842, 5 vols., 8vo ; £3 6s. (mor. ex., by Hayday). 1845, 5 vols., 8vo (Boston, U.S.); £1 10s. (cf. ex.). 1859, 5 vols., 8vo; £1 Is. (hf. cf.). 1862, 5 vols., 8vo; £2 6s. (cf. ex., m. e.), £1 8s. (cf.), £1 3s. (hf. cf.). 1873, 5 vols., 8vo; £1 3s. (cl.), £2 6s. (tree cf.). 1882, 10 vols., 8vo, by Grosart; £3 (uncut). Sporting Magazine (The). From the commencement in 1792-1862, in 139 vols., 8vo ; £40 (cf. and hf. cf., not uniform). Sporting Magazine (The New). Set in 19 vols., from the commencement in 1831-40, 8vo ; £4 10s. (cl.). 298 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Sporting Review (The). A Monthly Chronicle of the Turf, the Chase, &c., 1839-41, 6 yols., 8vo ; <£1 8s. (hf. ef.). Another Set, 1839-54, 32 vols., 8vo; .£6 (hf. cf.). Sports. Foreign Field Sports, Fisheries, Sporting Anecdotes, Spc., 100 coloured plates after Howitt, Atkinson, &c., n.d., folio ; £7 15s. (mor. ex., by Lewis, fine copy). Sportsman’s Cabinet (The). A delineation of the various dogs used in sports, engravings by Scott and woodcuts by Bewick, 2 vols., 1803, 4to; =£3 (cf.), <£4 6s. (mor. ex.). Sportsman’s Dictionary (The). Two vols., 1735, 8vo; £3 3s. (cf.), c£2 18s. (russ.). Sprigge (J.), Anglia Rediviva, England's Recovery, Sfc., 1647, folio ; <£3 3s. (original cf.). To be complete this work should have several folding plates, one containing the portrait of Fairfax on horseback, by Marshall, and another of the “ Bat- tayle of Nasebye,” with portrait of Fairfax in the corner. Stanley (Dean), History of the Jewish Church, 3 vols., maps, &c., 1863-65, 8vo ; <£1 2s. (cl.). - Sinai and Palestine, maps, 1862, 8vo; 13s. (cl.). ■- Memorials of Westminster Abbey, woodcuts, 1876, 8vo; <£1 10s. (cl.). Stanley (H. M.), Through the Darlc Continent, 2 vols., 1878, 8vo, maps and illustrations; <£1 6s. (hf. mor., uncut). - Darkest Africa, 8vo, 1890, maps and illustrations; <£1 5s. (cl.). No large-paper copies have as yet come into the public market. They were issued at ,£10 10s. each, and the present value is probably about £8 (September, 1891). Stedman (J. G.), Narrative of a Five Tears' Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, 2 vols., 80 coloured plates, 1766, 4to; £2 2s. (russ.). Another Edition, 2 vols., 1796, 4to, coloured plates ; £1 16s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, 2 vols., 1806, 4to, coloured plates; £2 12s. (russ. ex.), £1 18s. (cf. gt.). Steele (Sir R.), The Tatler. See Spectator, ante. Stephen (Leslie), Dictionary of National Biography, vols. 1 to 18, 1885-89, 8vo ; £9 9s. (hf. mor.). Another Set, vols. 1 to 21, 1885-90, 8vo; £7 15s. (as issued). Sterne (Lawrence), Sentimental Journey, 1st ed., 2 vols., 8vo, 1768; £3 15s. (cf. ex., by Bedford), £2 (cf.), £11 5s. (large paper, cf.). Another Edition , 1801, 8vo, plates by Stothard; £1 Is. (cf. ex.). GENERAL WORKS. 299 Sterne (Lawrence), Sermons, 7 vols., n.d., 8vo, Dodsley; £1 3s. (hf. cf.). - Tristram Shandy, 1st ed., 9 vols., 1763-67, 12mo; £2 5s. (cf.), ,£1 Is. (inferior copy, cut down). Another Edition, 1883, 2 vols., 8vo ; £1 Is. (large paper). -- The Case of Elijah and the Widow of Zerephath Con¬ sidered, York, J. Hildyard, 1747, 8vo; =£8 (mor. ex., by Bedford). - Letters from Torick to Eliza, 1st ed., 1773, 8vo; £2 (uncut). - The Works of, London, 1780, 10 vols., crown 8vo, plates after Hogarth; <£1 2s. (cf. gt.), =£8 8s. (cf. gt.), <£1 11s. (tree cf.). 1776, 8 vols., 12mo. 1780, 10 vols., 8vo, portrait and plates after Hogartb; <£1 2s. (cf. gt.), .£8 8s. (cf. gt.). 1783, 10 vols., 8vo; <£1 15s. (cf., g. e.), <£1 (cf.). 1788, 10 vols., crown 8vo ; ,£2 (cf. gt.). 1793, 10 vols., crown 8vo. 1795, 8 vols., 12mo. 1798, 10 vols., 12mo; c£2 2s. (cf. ex., by Lewis). 1800, 8 vols., 18mo. 1803, 4 vols., 8vo; <£1 Is. (cf.), <£1 15s. (large paper). 1808, 4 vols., 8vo, Stothard’s plates ; «£1 3s. (cf. gt.), <£1 10s. (large paper, hf. russ.). 1815, 4 vols., 12mo. 1819, 4 vols., 8vo; <£1 12s. (cf. ex.). 1823, 5 vols., 18mo. 1839, 1 vol., 8vo. 1847, 1 vol., 8vo. 1860, 1 vol., 8vo. 1873, 4 vols., 8vo ; <£1 11s. (hf. roan), <£2 5s. (large paper, hf. cf.). Stevenson (R. L.), New Arabian Nights, 1st ed., 2 vols., 1882, 8vo; 15s. 6d. (uncut). - Kidnapped, 1st ed., 1886, 8vo; 7s. (uncut). - Picturesque Notes of Edinburgh, etchings by A. Brunet; Debaines, 1879, folio; <£2 6s. (uncut). -- Treasure Island, 1st ed., 1883; Silverado Squatters, 1st ed., 1883; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 1st ed., 1886; Child's Garden of Verses, 1st ed., 1885 ; together 4 vols., <£1 (original cl., soiled). - Underwoods, 1st ed., 1887, 4to; <£1 14s. (large paper, uncut). 300 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Stirling* (W., Earl of), On the first edition of the Adagia of Erasmus, n.d., 4to; <£18 (printed on vellum, mor. ex., by Bedford). - Aurora, 1604, 4to ; <£9 5s. (mor. ex., g. e., by Bedford). - Doomesday (in verse), 1614, 4to; <£8 5s. (vellum). - Monarchick Tragedies, 1607, 4to; £25 15s. (mor. ex., by Bedford). - Recreations with the Muses, 1637, folio; <£2 13s. (mor. ex., port, in fac-simile), <£2 (ibid.). - Works, Glasgow, 1870-72, 3 vols., 8vo; <£1 15s. (mor. ex., uncut). Stoddart (T. T.), Angler's Companion to the Rivers and Lochs of Scotland, 1847, 8vo; <£1 Is. (hf. mor. ex.). Strickland (Agnes), Queens of England, 12 vols., 1840-48, 8 vo ; <£1 14s. (cl.). Another Edition, 8 vols., 1851-52, 8vo, the Library Edition; <£5 12s. 6d. (uncut), <£3 (hf. cf.). Another Edition, 8 vols., 1854, 8vo; <£1 18s. (green cl., ports., foxed). Another Edition, 8 vols., 1861, 8vo ; <£2 10s. (cf. gt.). - Queens of Scotland, 8 vols., 1850-59, 8vo ; <£2 16s. (cf. gt.). Another Edition, 8 vols., 1852-59, 8vo; <£2 5s. (cl.), <£3 (cl.). Strutt (J.), Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, coloured plates, 1st ed., 1801, 4to; .£3 17s. 6d. (russ., binding broken), <£8 (cf. ex.). Another Edition, 1810, 4to, coloured plates ; <£2 5s. (cf. gt.). Another Edition, 1830, 8vo, 140 coloured illustrations; <£1 5s. (hf. mor., large paper). Suckling (Sir J.). This celebrated poet and courtier died in 1642 at the early age of thirty-three, and it was not until 1646 that the “ Eragmenta Aurea,” being “ a collection of all his Incomparable Peeces,” was published by a friend to perpetuate his memory. This first edition of 1646, 8vo, with portrait by Marshall, is rare, copies having recently sold by auction for <£7 10s. (mor.), .£11 (mor. ex., by Bedford), <£4 (cf.). A second edition of the “ Fragmenta Aurea ” saw the light in 1648, 8vo, and contains the portrait by Marshall. This edition is also scarce; <£5 10s. (cf.). The first collected edition of the whole of Sir John Suckling’s poems and plays was published in 1696, and there are many later editions : 1696, first collected edition, portrait, 8vo; £1 2s. (cf.). 1709, 8vo; <£6 (mor., g. e.). 1719, 8vo ; <£5 5s. (mor. ex.), <£2 2s. (cf.). 1770, 2 vols., 8vo ; <£1 8s. (cf. gt.). 1874, 2 vols., 8vo, by Hazlitt; <£2 2s. (large paper). GENERAL WORKS. 301 Sue (Eugene), Mysteries of Paris, Heath’s illustrated edition (only authorised translation), Chapman and Hall, 1845-46, 3 vols., 8vo; £2 9s. (cl.), £1 19s. (ch), <£5 2s. 6d. (cl., uncut). - The Wandering Jew , first English (and only authorised) edition, 1844-45, 3 vols., 8vo; £2 12s. (cl., uncut), £1 (cl., uncut). There are several cheap and unauthorised editions in English of each of these works ; the value of all is trivial. Surtees (R. S.), Ash Mamma; or, the Richest Commoner in England , 1st ed., coloured and other illustrations by J. Leech, 1858 ; <£3 12s. 6d. (in the original 13 parts), £2 7s. (original cl.), £2 14s. (cf. ex., uncut). - Handley Cross; or, Mr. Jorrocks’s Hunt , 1st ed., coloured and other illustrations by Leech, n.d. (1854), 8vo; £2 5s. (hf. cf.). - Hawbuck Grange; or, the Sporting Adventures of Thomas Scott, Esq., 1st ed., 8 etchings by “ Phiz,” 1847, 8vo ; <£6 15s. (mor. ex., uncut), <£3 18s. (hf. cf.). - Hillingdon Hall; or, the Cockney Squire, 1st ed., 1845, 3 vols., 8vo; £1 13s. (hf. cf.), £2 6s. (hf. mor.). - Jorrocks’s Jaunts and Jollities, 16 coloured illustrations by H. Aiken, 1843, 8vo; <£9 (original cl.), <£1 12s. (cf. gt.). Third Edition, enlarged, 1869, 8vo; £1 2s. (cl., uncut). - Plain or Ringlets ? 1st ed., coloured and other illus¬ trations by J. Leech, 1860, 8vo; <£1 12s. (cf., uncut), «£1 14s. (cl., uncut). - Romford’s Hounds, 1st ed., coloured and other illus¬ trations by J. Leech, 1865, 8vo; <£2 10s. (cf., uncut), <£1 15s. (hf. cf.). - Sponge’s Sporting Tour, 1st ed., coloured and other illustrations by J. Leech, 1853, 8vo; <£1 Is. (cl., uncut), <£1 (hf. cf.). There are reprints of all the above novels. These sell at an average price of 15s. to <£1 by auction (cl., uncut). Swift (Jonathan), Gulliver’s Travels, 1st ed., 1726, 2 vols., 8vo, portrait and maps ; £3 12s. 6d. (cf. gt.), £7 10s. (mor. ex., by Riviere), £30 (mor. ex., g. e., with portrait in the earliest state, the inscription being under the portrait and not round it, as is usually the case), £13 (cf.). Another Edition, n.d., with Life by Taylor, 400 woodcuts by Grandville, 8vo ; £1 (cl.). - Tale of a Tub, 1st ed., 1704, 8vo; £3 (mor. ex., by Riviere), £1 4s. (cf.), £3 15s. (mor. ex., by Bedford), £9 9s. (contemporary mor., g. e.). 302 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Swift (Jonathan), Directions to Servants , Dublin, 1746, 8vo, <£ 1 16s. (hf. mor.). - Works of. The first authorised edition of Dean Swift’s works was printed at London in 13 vols., crown 8vo, 1742, entitled “ Miscellanies.” Another Edition , 1745-47-48, 13 vols., crown 8vo. 1735, 6 vols., 8vo, Dublin; <£7 (mor. ex., g. e.). 1749, 13 vols., crown 8vo; £2 4s. (hf. russ.). 1752, 8 vols., 12mo. 1756, 8 vols., 12mo. 1755-79, 14 vols., 4to, by Hawkesworth; <£1 (cf.), <£1 11s. (cf .j. 1760, 24 vols., crown 8vo; £2 13s. (hf. cf.). 1761, 8 vols., 12mo. 1765- 75, 27 vols., 18mo; =61 2s. (hf. russ.). 1766, 18 vols., 12mo. To this edition is sometimes added “ Letters,” 6 vols., and Supplement, 3 vols., forming together 27 vols. 1766- 67, 21 vols., 8vo, by Hawkesworth; =£1 6s. (cf.). 1772, 20 vols., 12mo. 1774, 15 vols., 12mo. 1784, 17 vols., 8vo, by Sheridan; £1 4s. (hf. cf.). 1800, 19 vols., 8vo, by Nichols ; <£1 18s. (hf. cf.). 1801, 19 vols., 8vo, by Sheridan; <£1 12s. (bds.); large paper, <£2 17s. 6d. (cf. ex.). 1808, 19 vols., 8vo ; ,£1 18s. (cf.), <£2 2s. (cf.). 1814, 19 vols., 8vo, by Sir W. Scott ; <£1 (cf.), £2 14s. (large paper, hf. mor.). 1824, 19 vols., 8vo, the second edition under Sir W. Scott’s direction ; <£12 5s. (cf. ex., by Bedford), <£3 10s. (cf.). 1848, reprinted 1850, 1856, 1859, 2 vols., royal 8vo; each 8 s. (cf.). 1883-84, 19 vols., 8vo, by Sir W. Scott; £4> 4s. (cl., uncut), <£4 15s. (large paper). The best edition of the collected works of Dean Swift is that of 1824, in 19 vols., 8vo. Those editions against which no prices are affixed are not important, and usually sell for small sums. Swinburne (A. C.), Atalanta in Calydon , 1st ed., 1865, 4to; £6 6s. (original cl., uncut). - Chastelard: A Tragedy , 1st ed., 1865, 8vo; <£1 (cl.). - Bothwell : A Tragedy , 2 vols., 8vo, 1875; £3 12s. (cf. ex., uncut). ■- Erectheus: A Tragedy , 1st ed., 1876, 8vo ; <£2 2s. (cf. ex., uncut). - Mary Stuart: A Tragedy , 1881, 8vo; <£3 5s. (cf. ex., uncut). GENERAL WORKS. 303 Swinburne (A. C.), Poems and Ballads, 2 series in 2 vols., 1866-68, 1st ed., 8vo; £6 10s. (cf. ex., uncut), £1 9s. (cl., uncut), <£1 11s. (cl., uncut). - Queen Mother and Rosamond, 2 plays, 1st ed., 1860, 8vo ; £4 12s. (cf. ex., uncut). - Siena , 1st ed., 1868, 8vo; <£3 3s. (as issued). - Songs of the Springtide, 1st ed., 18S0, 8vo ; £3 5s. (cf. ex., uncut). - Songs of Two Nations , 1st ed., 1875, 8vo; £1 10s. (cf. ex., uncut). - Song of Italy, 1st ed., 1867, 8vo; £1 11s. (cf. ex., uncut). - Songs before Sunrise , 1st ed., 1871, 8vo; £1 14s. (cl.). - Tristram of Lyonesse, 1st ed., 1882, 8vo; £1 5s. (cl.). - William Blake : A Critical Essay, plates from Blake’s designs in facsimile, 1868, 8vo; £1 15s. (cl.). The poetical works of Algernon Charles Swinburne are, if original issues, getting more valuable every year; but the market is so unsettled, that it is practically impossible to fix a definite selling price for any one of them. Copies of all the works previously mentioned have sold recently for less than £1 each; and, in many instances, they were uncut and in good condition. There can be little doubt that in the course of a few years the value of original editions of Swinburne’s works will have greatly increased. Second and subsequent editions are of comparatively little importance, though many of these are by no means easy to procure. Sydney (Sir P.). See Sidney (Sir P.). Syntax (Tours of Dr.). See Combe (W.). Taylor (Bp. Jeremy), The Great Exemplar of Sa?ictity and Holy Life, port, by Lombart, front, and plates by Faithorne, first illustrated edition, 1653, folio ; £2 10s. (mor. ex., g. e.). - Doctrine and Practice of Repentance, 2 plates by Lombart, 1655, 8vo ; £1 6s. (cf.), £2 11s. (mor. ex.). - Life of Jesus Christ, portrait by Lombart and plates by Faithorne, 1657, 4to; £2 8s. (mor.). Another Edition, 1702, folio, plates by Faithorne; £1 2s. (mor.). Another Edition, 3 vols., 1849, 8vo; £1 15s. (cf. ex.). - Rule and Exercise of Holy Living, front, by Vaughan, 1st ed., 1650, 8vo ; £7 5s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, 1654, 8vo; £1 3s. (cf.). 304 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Taylor (Bp. Jeremy), Holy Dying , front, and plate, 1st ed., 1651, 8vo; <£2 15s. (mor. ex., g. e.). A good modern edition of “ Holy Living and Dying ” was issued by W. Pickering in 1847, 2 vols., 8vo ; <£2 (mor. ex., by Riviere). - Works, 1839, 15 vols., 8vo ; =£1 (hf. cf.). 1854-55, 10 vols., 8vo ; £1 12s. (cf.). The majority of the editions of Jeremy Taylor’s works are of trivial value. The above are the best. Taylor (John, the Water Poet), Life and Death of the Virgin Mary , &c., in verse, 1622, 16mo; £2 14s. (cf. gt.). - A Shilling; or, the Travailes of Twelvepence, in verse, n.d. (Dort., 1622), 8vo; £2 12s. (cf.). - Farewell to the Tower Bottles, in verse, Dort., 1622, 8vo; £1 18s. (hf. cf.). - Living Sadness, consecrated to the Memory of James I., in verse, woodcut, title, and two blank leaves (1625), 4to; £2 14s. (cf.). - Memorial of all the English Monarchs, in verse, woodcut heads, 1630, 8vo; £2 6s. (mor. ex., by Lewis). - Differing Worships, in verse, 1640, 4to; £1 12s. (mor., g. e.). - Pedlar and Romish Priest, in verse, 1641, 4to; £1 (hf. mor.). —— Mad Fashions, Old Fashions, tyc., in verse, 1642, 4to; £1 2s. (cf.). -- Works, being sixty and three in number, &c., 1630, folio ; £4 15s. (russ. ex., Cockson’s front, in facsimile), £11 (mor. ex., engraved portrait of “ Arthurus Severus O’Toole Nonsuch 1618,” by Delaram, added), £13 (russ., some leaves with rough edges), £22 (mor. ex., by Bedford, fine copy). 1854, 10 vols., 8vo ; £2 8s. (cf.). 1869, folio, reprint of the edition of 1630 (Spenser Society); £1 17s. (hf. mor.). 1872, 8vo; £1 (hf. rox., impl. issue). Early copies of any of the works of this poet are valuable, especially when uncut. The prices quoted above will give a very fair idea of the amounts usually realised at auction for copies slightly cut down, but otherwise in sound condition. Tennyson (Alfred, Lord). As in the case of Swinburne’s poems, the works of this author are very unstable in the market. They are, however, undoubtedly rising in price, and should shortly become of much greater value than they GENERAL WORKS. 305 are at present. It is worthy of note that the following 1 first editions, though well bound by Riviere, brought less than £1 each in March 1889 : Maud and other Poems, 1855; Idylls of the King , 1859; Enoch Arden, 1864; The Holy Grail, 1870; Gareth and Lynette, 1872; and Harold , 1877. On another and more recent occasion (August, 1890) seven poems, bound up in 2 vols. (cl.), brought £1 10s. These pieces comprised those previously mentioned, and in addition In Memoriam , and were all second or subsequent editions. From this and other evidence it appears that the above prices are usually given for works of the description mentioned, though occasionally they will bring considerably more. Some pieces again are exceedingly rare, so that each example has to be judged on its merits. The following analysis of recent sales by auction represents the state of the market as it is at present (September, 1891). Tennyson (Alfred, Lord), Enoch Ard^n, 1866, 8vo, illustrated by Arthur Hughes; £1 10s. (as issued). This edition is more valuable than the original issue of 1864, doubtless on account of the plates. -- Idylls of the King , 1868, folio, engravings after Dore; £1 16s. (as issued), £2 12s. (hf. mor., large paper). More valuable than the original issue of 1859. - In Memoriam , 1st ed., 1850, 8vo; <£5 10s. (mor. ex., uncut), £4 (original cl., uncut). - Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington , 1st ed., 1852, 8vo ; £2 5s. (mor. ex., uncut). - The Window; or, the Loves of the Wrens , Canford Manor, 1867, 4to, privately printed ; £36 (mor. ex., uncut), <£25 (as issued). There is a reprint of this work, worth from 17s. 6d. to £1. - The Princess: A Medley, 1st ed., 1847, 8vo; <£2 2s. (mor. ex., uncut), <£1 14s. (cf. ex., by Riviere). - Timbuctoo : A Poem which obtained the Chancellor’s Medal at the Cambridge Commencement MDCCCXXIX., 1829, 8vo; <£5 5s. (mor. ex.), £4 (original blue wrapper). - The Victim, view of Canford Manor, 1867, 4to, privately printed; <£32 (hf. mor., uncut). The foregoing are the only examples of Tennyson’s single works which have realised more than <£1 each in the open market during the last four years. For some of the edi¬ tions of his collected works, however, the demand is much greater; e.g.: 1827, 8vo, Poems by Two Brothers (Alfred and Charles Tennyson); <£11 10s. (original cl.), £13 10s. (cf. ex., by Riviere, uncut). X 306 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Tennyson (Alfred, Lord), Poems, by Alfred Tennyson, 1830, 8 vo, Effingham Wilson; £26 (cf. gt.), £7 (cl., uncut), £5 5s. (cf. ex., uncut), =£13 (original bds., uncut). 1833, 8vo, Moxon; <£10 5s. (original bds.), <£10 (original bds.), <£16 (mor. ex., uncut, by Riviere). 1842, 2 vols., 8vo, Moxon; <£2 16s. (cf. ex., uncut), <£4 2s. 6d. (mor. ex., uncut, by Riviere). 1857, 8yo, Moxon, medallion port, and engravings after Creswick, Stanfield, &c.; <£1 5s. (cl.), <£1 3s. (cl.), <£3 (mor. ex., g. e.'. 1859, 8yo, port, and illustrations after Creswick, Millais, Stanfield, &c.; <£1 9s. (mor. ex.). 1861, 8vo, woodcuts after Stanfield, Mulready, &c.; =£1 10s. (mor. ex.). 1862, 8vo, privately printed ; <£5 (mor. ex.), <£3 10s. (cf. ex.). 1875, 10 vols., 8vo ; =£1 (mor. gt.). 1877, 7 vols., 8vo; =£1 2s. (cl.). Tennyson (Charles), Poems by Two Brothers, (Alfred and Charles Tennyson) ; <£11 10s. (original cl.), ,£13 10s. (cf. ex., by Riviere, uncut). - Sonnets and Fugitive Pieces, 1st ed., 1830, 8vo; <£3 3s. (cl.), <£2 5s. (mor. ex., uncut), =£2 17s. (bds., uncut), <£1 4s. (bds.). Another Edition, 1879, 8vo ; <£2 2s. (original cl.). Terry (I>.), British Theatrical Gallery, 20 full-length coloured plates, 1825, 4to ; <£1 11s. (hf. cf.), <£1 3s. (bds.). Thackeray (W. M.), Adventures of Philip, 1st ed., 3 vols., 8vo, 1862 ; <£1 (cl., uncut), <£2 (ibid.). - Ballads, first collective edition, 1855, 8vo ; <£6 5s. (mor. ex., by Riviere, uncut). - Book of S?iobs, 1st ed., Punch Office, 1848, 8vo ; <£4 10s. (original covers), £3 3s. (cf. ex., uncut). - Comic Tales and Sketches, 1st ed., 2 vols., 1841, 8vo; <£20 (mor. ex., by Riviere, uncut), =£26 10s. (original cl., uncut), <£4 (cf. ex., by Bedford). / —— Cornhill to Grand Cairo, 1st ed., coloured front., 1846, 8 vo ; <£3 5s. (mor. ex., uncut), <£1 6s. (original cl.). - Denis Duval, first collective edition, 1867, 8vo; £'2 2s. (mor. ex., by Riviere), <£1 3s. (cf. ex., uncut). - Doctor Birch and liis Young Friends, 1st ed., 1849, 8vo ; <£1 (cf. ex.), £2 2s. (cf. ex., by Riviere), <£4 4s. (original bds.). - English Humourists of the Eighteenth Century , 1st ed., 1853, 8vo ; <£1 (cl.), <£1 6s. (hf. mor. uncut). GENERAL WORKS. 307 Thackeray (W. M.), Esmond, 1st ed., 3 vols., 1852, 8vo; £2 10s. (hf. mor., uncut), <£3 7s. 6d. (original cl.). - Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank, from the Westminster Review, 1840; £1 12s. (cl., uncut). - Fitz-Boodle Papers, and Men’s Wives, 1st ed., in a col¬ lected form, 1857, 8vo ; £1 (mor. ex., by Riviere). - Four Georges, first collective edition, 1861, 8vo ; .£1 13s. (original cl., uncut), <£1 2s. (uncut). - Great Hoggarty Diamond, 1st ed., 1849, 8vo; <£3 12s. (original bds., uncut), £1 5s. (cf. ex., uncut). - Irish Sketch Book, 1st ed., 2 vols., 1843, 8vo; £6 15s. (original cl.), <£3 12s. (hf. mor. ex.). - Kicklehurys on the Rhine, 1st ed., coloured plates, 1850, 8 vo; <£2 5s. (hf. mor.), c£2 10s. (original covers). - Lovel the Widower, first collective edition, 1861, 8vo; .£2 2s. (mor. ex., uncut). - Miscellanies, Prose and Verse, 4 vols., 1855-60, 8vo; c£l 10s. (cf. ex., uncut). - Mrs. Perkins’ Ball, 1st ed., n.d. (1847), 4to; c£l 17s (hf. mor., uncut), <£2 6s. (original bds.). - The Newcomes, 1st ed., 1855, 2 vols., 8vo; ,£4 (in the original 24 numbers), ,£1 3s. (hf. mor., uncut). - “ Our Street,” 1st ed., 1848, 8vo; £1 6s. (original bds.). - Paris Sketch Book, 1st ed., 2 vols., 1840, 8vo; <£9 10s. (original cl.), <£8 15s. (ibid.). - Pendennis , 1st ed., 2 vols., 1849-50, 8vo ; £1 Is. (original cl., uncut), <£2 (in the original parts). - Rebecca and Rowena , 1st ed., 1850, 8vo; £2 10s. (hf. mor.), .£1 6s. (hf. cf.). - Rose and the Ring, 1st ed., 1855; £3 7s. (original bds., plates plain), c£3 15s. (ibid.). - Roundabout Papers, reprinted from the Cornhill Magazine, 1863, 8vo ; ,£2 2s. (mor. ex., uncut), £1 (ibid.). - Sketches in London, 1st ed., in a collected form, 1856, 8vo; <£3 10s. (fine copy, mor. ex., by Riviere). - Second Funeral of Napoleon, in three letters to Miss Smith of London, and the Chronicle of the Drum, 1841, 8vo ; £37 (mor. ex., uncut, with the original cover, bearing an etching of Napoleon, bound up). - Snob (The), a Literary and Scientific Journal, &c., 11 numbers (complete), Cambridge. 1829; The Gownsman, formerly called “ The Snob,” a Literary and Scientific Journal, &c., 17 numbers (complete), Cambridge, 1829-30; together 28 numbers, in 2 vols. 8vo ; £125 (mor. ex., by Riviere). x 2 308 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Thackeray (W. M.), Students' Quarter (The); or, Paris Five- and-thirty Years Since, 1st ed., n.d. (1864); £4 (mor., uncut). -- Three Sailors, with Reminiscences of Michael Angelo Titmarsh at Rome, &c., 1849, 8vo; £2 14s. (mor. ex., uncut) - Vanity Fair, 1st ed., 1848, 8vo; £2 12s. 6d. (cl., uncut), <£18 5s. (in the original parts), =£4 (first issue, with the rustic letters and woodcut of the Marquis of Steyne). - Virginians (The), 1st ed., 2 vols., 1858-59, 8vo; £1 5s. (cl., uncut), <£1 Is. (original parts). --TT r or?L's (Complete). 1869, 22 vols., 8vo; <£7 10s. (hf. mor.), <£4 15s. (cl., uncut). 1872, 12 vols., 8vo; <£2 3s. (cl.). 1878, 24 vols., 8vo ; £2 5s. (cl.). 1878- 86, Edition de luxe, illustrations on india-paper, 26 vols., 8 vo ; ,£16 (cl. bds., as issued), <£12 5s. (ibid.). 1879- 86, 26 vols., 8vo; <£2 10s. (cl., vol. 15 wanting). 1883-86, 26 vols., 8vo ; <£6 10s. (cl., uncut). N.D., Smith. Elder, and Co., The Library Edition, 22 vols., 8vo; <£7 (hf. mor., ex.), <£11 5s. (hf. mor.). Thiers (A.), Consulate and the Empire, translated by D. F. Campbell, 20 vols., 8vo, 1845-62; £7 5s. (cf. gt.). Another Edition, 20 vols., 8vo, 1870; £3 5s. (hf. mor.). -- History of the French Revolution, translated by F. Shoberl, 5 vols., 1838, 8vo; £2 10s. (cf. ex.), £1 (hf. bd.). Another Edition, 5 vols., 8vo, 1881 ; £1 6s. (cl.). Thoms (W. J.), Early English Prose Romances, 1828, 3 vols., 8 vo; £1 4s. (bds.), £2 5s. (mor. ex., g. e.), £1 2s. (bds.). Another Edition , 3 vols., 1858, 8vo ; £1 Is. (hf. rox., uncut). Thomson (James), The Seasons , Parma, 1794, 4to; £3 12s. (hf. mor.). 1797, London, plates by Bartolozzi, folio; £5 10s. (mor. ex.), £4 18s. (mor. ex.), £2 (uncut). 1802, 8vo, Du Boveray’s edition ; £1 8s. (mor. ex.). 1805, 8vo, woodcuts by Bewick ; 14s. (cf.), £1 2s. (mor.). 1807, folio, plates by Bartolozzi and Tomkins; £3 (cf.). 1819, 8vo ; £1 14s. (cf. gt., with painted view of Eton under the edges, by Edwards, of Halifax). 1842, 4to ; £1 5s. (mor. ex.). The editions of Thomson’s well-known poem are numerous, but very few are of any material value, or of the slightest importance from any point of view. Thornton (Col.), Sporting Tour through Several Parts of France, upwards of 80 tinted plates, and woodcuts by Bewick, 2 vols., 4to, 1806 ; £1 Is. (hf. cf.), £3 10s. (hf. mor.), £6 15s. (cf. gt., large paper). GENERAL WORKS. 309 Thornton (Col.), Sporting Tour through the North of England, Sfc., 1804, 4to; £5 10s. (mor. ex.). Tim Bobbin (Collier, the Lancashire Humourist), Works of, 1775, 8vo, printed at Manchester ; £1 6s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition , 1828, 8vo, etchings by George Cruikshank ; <£1 Is. (cf. ex.). Another Edition , 1833, 8vo, plates by George Cruikshank ; £1 11s. (cf. ex., uncut). Tyndale (W.), A Briefe Declaration of the Sacraments , n.d., 8vo, Stoughton; £1 (vellum, several leaves injured). - Practyse of Prelates, 1530, 8vo; <£19 10s. (cf., title mended), £5 (cf., cut). ■- Ohedynce of a Cristen Man, 1561, 8vo; £1 5s. (cf., title mended). - Works of Tyndale, Frith, and Barnes (Three worthy martyrs), J. Daye, 1573, folio; £1 17s. (russ.), £2 6s. (mor., cut), £2 10s. (cf.). Uclall (W.), Historie of Mary Stuart, Queene of Scotland, portrait by Elstrack, 1624, folio ; £1 4s. (cf. ex.). Another Edition, 1636, 8vo ; £1 Is. (mor. ex.), £1 16s. (cf.) Vancouver (Capt.), Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, 3 vols., 4to, 1798; £5 16s. (hf. russ.), £4 6s. (hf. russ.). This edition should be accompanied by a folio atlas of plates. Voragine (J. de), Golden Legende, Julian Notary, 1503, folio ; £41 (mor. ex., by Riviere). Another Edition, Wynkyn de Worde, 1527, folio; £81 (mor. ex.). The “ Legenda Aurea,” or “Golden Legende,” was first printed in England by Caxton, in folio, 1484, and, subse¬ quently, by Wynkyn de WL>rde, in 1498. Copies of both these issues are excessively rare. At the Perkins sale, in July, 1889, a copy of the edition of 1498 sold for £6 15s. Some 70 or 80 leaves were missing, and the book was in bad condition. The editio princeps was printed by Gerard Leeuw, at Gouda, in 2 vols., folio, Gothic letter, 1478 ; £3 (hf. mor.). Mr. William Morris is reprinting Caxton’s edition of 1484 at the private press which he has established at Hammer¬ smith Mall. Vyner (R. T.), Notitia Venatica, 1842, 8vo, plates by Aiken ; £2 (uncut, plates spotted). Another Edition, 1847, 8vo, plates by Aiken; £1 17s. (cl., uncut). 310 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Vyse (Col. H.), Operations at tbe Pyramids of Gizeh, 3 vols., 1840-42, 8vo ; £2 6s. (cl., uncut), <£1 2s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition , 3 yoIs., 8vo, 1851 ; £2 6s. (cl., uncut). Waller (E.), Passion of Dido for AEneas, translated by E. Waller and S. Godolphin, 1658, 16mo; £5 10s. (mor. ex., fine copy). - Poems , 1st ed., 1645, 8vo; =£6 (mor. ex., by Bedford), <£9 10s. (cf. ex., large paper). Another Edition, 1668, 8yo ; .£2 (bf. cf.). Seventh Edition, 1705, 8vo; <£8 5s. (original cf., autograph letter of Waller inserted). Another Edition, 1711, 8vo ; £2 14s. (mor. ex., large paper). Another Edition, 1712, 8vo ; <£1 18s. (mor. ex.).. Another Edition, 1722, 8vo; <£3 4s. (mor. ex., fine copy). Walpole (H.), Castle of Otranto, 1st ed., 1765, 8vo; .£2 5s. (cf. ex.). Two editions of this date, the first and best being published by Lownds. Another Edition, 1791, 8vo, Parma; <£3 (mor. ex., large paper). Another Edition, 1796, 8vo; <£2 6s. (mor. ex., g. e.). The numerous later editions are for the most part of small value. - Letters. 7 vols., 1833-34, 8vo; £2 (cf. gt.). 6 vols., 1840, 8vo; <£2 8s. (cl.), £1 Is. (cl.). 6 vols., 1846, 8vo ; <£1 18s. (cf. gt.), 16s. (cl.). 9 vols., ports., 1857-59, 8vo; £1 12s. (cf., y. e.). 9 vols., ports., 1861-66, 8vo; <£4 10s. (cf. ex.). £8 (uncut). 9 vols., 1880, 8vo; £3 12s. 6d. (cl.). - Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, 3 vols., 1758-86, 8vo; £3 (mor., with the rare postscript), £1 6s. (mor ex.). Printed at Strawberry Hill. Another Edition, London, 1759, 2 vols., 8vo ; 4s. (bds.). Another Edition, 1806, 5 vols., 8vo; £4 (russ. ex.). Should contain 150 portraits. £3 13s. (uncut). - Reign of George II., 1822, 2 vols., 4to; £1 (cf.). Another Edition, 1846, 3 vols., 8vo ; £2 4s. (cf.). Another Edition, 1847, 3 vols., 8vo; £2 6s. (cf.). - Reign of George III. (1771-83), 1845, 4 vols., 8vo ; £4 8s. (cf.), £4 4s. (cf.). 1859, 2 vols., 8vo ; £4 10s. (cf. ex.), £3 5s. (cf. ex.). ■- Description of Strawben'y Hill Villa, 1784, Strawberry Hill Press, 4to; £2 4s. (hf. mor., gt., with inventory and the rare sheet O), £1 (hf. russ.). GENERAL WORKS. 311 Walpole (H.), Life of Lord Herbert of Cherbury , 1764, 4to, Strawberry Hill Press; =£1 Is. (mor. ex.). •- Works (Complete). 1764, 6 vols., 4to; <£4 (mor. ex.). 1798, 5 vols., 4to; £1 12s. (cf.), <£2 2s. (cf.). See ante , pp. 145 and 148, for Walpole’s Catalogue of English Engravers and Anecdotes of Painting respectively. Walton (Isaac). The Compleat Angler; or, the Contemplative Man’s Recreation, a Discourse of Fish and Fishing, 1st ed., engraved title and woodcuts, T. Maxey for E. Marriot, 1653, 12mo ; ,£180 (russ.). There are at least two facsimile reprints of this scarce work, one published without date, 2s. 6d. (cl.), and the other by Elliot Stock in 1876, Is. 6d. (bds.). Second Edition , much enlarged. T. M. for Eich. Marriot, 1655, 12mo ; .£22 (mor. ex., a hole in one leaf). Third Edition, much enlarged, J. G. for Eich. Marriot, 1661, 12mo ; .£15 (hf. cf., title laid down). Fourth Edition , much corrected and enlarged, for E. Marriot, 1668, 12mo ; .£6 10s. (cf., perfect), <£7 10s. (ibid.). 1676, 8vo, The Com/pleat Angler; or, the Contemplative Man’s Recreation : Part 1, A Discourse of Eivers Fish, Ponds Fish, and Fishing, by I. Walton ; Part 2, Instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a Clear Stream, by Sir C. Cotton; Part 3, by Colonel E. Venables, .£12 (mor. ex., first issue of Walton, and first edition of Cotton only), <£13 (mor. gt., second issue of Walton, first edition of Cotton, and fourth edition of Venables). 1750, 12mo, The Compleat Angler, by Moses Browne; £2 15s. (mor. ex., g. e.), £3 5s. (hf. mor. ex.). 1759, 12mo, 7th ed.; 9s. (cf.). 1760, 8vo, Hawkins’ first edition ; 7s. 6d. (cf.), <£4 6s. (mor. ex.), <£3 (mor. gt.). 1791, 12mo; 3s. (cf.). 1797, 8vo; 4s. 6d. (hf. cf.). 1808, 8vo, Hawkins; <£1 5s. (cf. ex., g. e.), =£1 2s. (cf., large paper), 18s. (ibid.). 1815, 8vo, Hawkins ; <£4 (cf., with clasp, extra illustrated), c£2 2s. (cf. ex., large paper). 1822, 8vo; 10s. (cf., with clasps). 1823, 8vo, Major’s first edition; 12s. (cf.), <£1 2s. (uncut), £2 8s. (large paper, mor. gt., india-proofs. foxed). 1824, 8vo, Major’s second edition; <£1 Is. (large paper, india- proofs, spotted, uncut). 1824, 2 vols., 18mo, Chiswick; 5s. (cf.). 1825, 18mo, London, Dove; 2s. 6d. (hf. mor.). 312 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Walton (Isaac), The Compleat Angler, 1826, 12mo, 2 vols. Chiswick; 4s. (cl.). 1826, 24mo, Pickering’s Diamond Edition, woodcuts ; 6s. (hf. cf.). 1835, 8vo, Major’s third edition ; 8s. (cf.). 1836, 2 vols., 8vo, Pickering, Memoirs and Notes by Sir H. Nicolas, 350 engravings from designs by Stothard and Inskipp ; <£15 10s. (cf. ex.), £13 15s. (mor. ex.), £9 10s. (cf. ex.). Copies of this fine edition are frequently found extra-illustrated, or with double sets of the plates (one set on india-paper). 1839, 8vo ; £1 Is. (bds., uncut). 1844, 8vo, Major’s fourth edition; 9s. (cf.), £2 12s. (mor. ex., by Bedford), £1 Is. (cf. ex.). 1851, 8vo ; 5s. (cl.). 1856, 8vo, Bohn; 7s. (cl.). 1860, 2 vols., 8vo, Sir H. Nicolas; £2 18s. (cf. ex.), £1 10s. (cf.), £1 6s. (hf. rox.). (1878), 8vo; 4s. 6d. (cl.). One of Warne’s “ Chandos Classics.” 1883, 8vo, Nimmo; £1 4s. (hf. vellum, portraits and wood- cuts in two states, india-paper). 1885, 4to, Major; £1 18s. (ports., plates, &c., loose in card¬ board box), £1 10s. (cf. ex., bound). 1888, 2 vols., 4to, Marston, 54 photogravures and about 100 woodcuts; £3 3s. (hf. mor. ex., uncut). A limited num¬ ber of copies were issued on large paper at £10 10s.; present auction value, £6 10s. (mor. ex , uncut). n.d., 8vo, Major, Strahan’s Edition de luxe; £1 6s. (vellum, t. e. g.), £1 11s. ( ibid .). - Lives of Dr. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, R. Hooker, and G. Herbert , 1st ed., 1670, 8vo ; £2 2s. (cf.), £8 15s. (cf. ex.). 1675, 8vo; £4 10s. (cf.). 1678, 8vo, Life of Dr. Sanderson, Bishop of Lincoln, 1st ed., portrait by White; £1 8s. (cf. ex., by Bedford), 8s. (cf.). 1825, 8vo, Major ; £1 16s. (mor. ex., large paper), £3 7s. 6d. (mor. ex., large paper, fine copy). Waslibourne (T.), Divine Poems, 1st ed., 1654, 12mo; £2 6s. (russ. ex.), £2 3s. (mor. ex., by Bedford). Beprinted in Grosart’s “ Fuller’s Worthies Library,” 1868. Watts (A.), Lyrics of the Heart , 1851, 8vo, plates after Stot¬ hard, Stanfield, &c.; £2 (mor. ex., duplicate set of plates inserted), £2 (mor. ex., uncut). - Illustrations to Lyrics of the Heart, proofs on india-paper before letters, 50 copies printed, 1851, folio; £2 6s. (in a portfolio). Watts (Isaac), Horoe Lyricce, 1st ed., 1706, 8vo; £1 (cf. ex., g. e.). GENERAL WORKS. 313 Watts (Isaac), Divine Songs for Children, 1729, 12mo; £1 2 s. (cf.). - Psalms of David, 1st ed., 1719, 870 ; ,£5 15s. (mor ex., by- Bedford), d£l 7s. (mor., rebacked). Way (G. L.), Le Grand Fabliaux, or Tales, translated into English verse by G. L. Way, with Notes, &c., by G. Ellis, woodcuts by Thomas Bewick, 1st ed., 1796-1800 ; £1 Is. (cf. gt.), <£1 15s. (cf. gt., large paper), <£3 3s. (cf., large copy, first impressions of Bewick’s cuts). Weaver (T.), Plantagenet's Tragicall Story; or, the Death of King Edivard IV., portrait by Marshall, 1649, 8 vo; <£1 2s. (mor. gt.). - Songs and Poems of Love and Drollery, 1654, 16mo; <£3 12s. (russ. ex.). Webster (J.), Poetical and Dramatic Works, with Life and Notes by Dyce, 4 vols., 1830, 8vo ; £2 16s. (hf. cf., ex.), .£20 5s. (mor. ex., by Bedford, one of 12 large-paper copies). Another Edition, Moxon, 1857, 8 vo ; 3s. (cl.). - Dramatic Works, by Hazlitt, 1857, 4 vols., 8 vo; 8 s. 6 d. (cl.), 18s. (cl., large paper). Westmacott (C. M.), The English Spy, 1st ed., 2 vols., 8 vo, 1825-26, 72 coloured plates by R. Cruikshank, and 36 wood- cuts by Rowlandson, &c.; .£15 (mor. ex.), <£12 5s. (hf. mor.), <£5 17s. (cf.). Wheatley (H. B.), The Book-Lover’s Library, edited by H. B. W., 10 vols., fcap. 8 vo, 1886-89; <£1 4s. (hf. mor., uncut). Several other volumes have been published. -- Life of John Evelyn, appended to Bray’s edition of Evelyn’s Diary, Edition de luxe, 4 vols., 1882, 8 vo ; <£1 7s. (hf. mor., uncut, large paper). -- Round about Piccadilly and Pall Mall, 46 portraits, 1870, 8 vo; .£2 8 s. (hf. mor., uncut), <£1 (cl.). - Pepys and the World he Lived in, 1880, 8 vo; 5s. (cl.). - Bookbinding Considered as a Fine Art, 1880, 4to; <£1 19s. (mor. ex.). White (H. K.), Remains, by Southey, London, 1807-22 ; 3 vols., 8 vo ; 12s. (hf. cf.). Frequently reprinted. - Clifton Grove and other Poems, 1803, small 8 vo. This is the work which was so unjustly criticised in the Monthly Review, February and March, 1804. Whitman (Walt), Leaves of Grass, 1st ed., Brooklyn, 1855, folio; <£4 10s. (original cl.), <£5 7s. 6 d. (ibid.), £2 17s. 6 d (ibid.). 314 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Whitman (Walt), Leaves of Grass, another edition, New York, 1867, 8vo; <£1 (hf. mor. ex.). Another Edition , Camden, N. J., 1876, 8vo ; <£2 (hf. cf., presentation copy, with author’s inscription). - Two Rivulets, Camden, N. J., 1876, 8vo; <£2 2s. (hf. vellum). Whittier (J. G-.), Poems, Songs of Labor, Boston, 1856; The Panorama, ibid., 1856; Home Ballads, ibid., 1863; In War Time, ibid., 1865; the four vols., <£2 10s. (mor., m. e.). Whymper (E.), Scrambles Amongst the Alps, 1st ed., 1871? 8vo; £2 (cl., uncut). Second Edition, same date, 8vo ; ,£1 15s. (cf.). - The Ascent of the Matterhorn, 1st ed., 1880, 8vo; <£1 (cl. gt.). Wight (J.), Mornings at Bow Street; Sunday in London. See Cruikshank (G.). Wilbye (J.), First and Second Sets of English Madrigals, &c., with music, 12 parts, 1598-1609, 4to; £27 (hf. mor.). Wilkinson (Sir J. G.), Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, 6 vols., 1837-41, 8vo; £3 6s. (uncut), £4 4s. (cf. gt.). Another Edition, 5 vols., 1847, 8vo; £3 13s. (cl., uncut). Another Edition, by S. Birch, 3 vols., 1878, 8vo; £2 11s. (cl.). - Modern Egypt and Thebes, 2 vols., 1843, 8vo; £2 (cl., uncut, with the large map). Wit at a Venture; or, Clio's Privy-Garden, 1674, 12mo; £6 (mor. ex.). Wit’s Labyrinth (by J. S.), 1648, 4to; £2 12s. (mor. ex., fine copy). Wit’s Magazine; or, Library of Momus (TTie), 1874-85, 2 vols., contains 17 folding plates by W. Blake and others; £4 4s. (cf. ex., uncut, by Bedford), £5 15s. (ibid.). Another Edition , n.d., Tegg, with 20 coloured plates by Cruikshank, &c.; £17 (bds.). Wit’s Recreations, with ingenious Conceites and Merrie Medicines, front, by Marshall, 1663, 8vo; £4 4s. (original binding). Another Edition, 1667, 8vo; £2 3s. (cf. ex., cropped), £3 5s. (mor. ex.). Prior Edition, R. Cotes for H. B., 1645, 8vo; £4 6s. (fronts, by Marshall), £4 6s. (mor. ex., title mended). Wither (G.), Abuses Stript and Whipt (in verse), 1st ed., 1613, 8vo ; £6 6s. (mor. ex., fine copy). GENERAL WORKS. 315 Wither (G.), Abuses Stript and Whipt (in verse), another edition, 1615, 8vo ; <£4 2s. (mor. ex., with the rare portrait by Halle). - Britain’s Remembrancer, 1628, 12mo; £1 10s. (vellum). - Emblemes, 1634-35, folio, front., portrait, and engravings of emblems by Crispin de Pass; <£8 (cf., the leaf of Lotteries wanted the pointers), £10 15s. (cf., perfect). - Halleluiah, 1641, 24mo ; £3 10s. (mor. ex., fine copy). - Campo-Musce (in verse), 1644, 8vo ; <£1 18s. (mor. ex., by Riviere). - Great Assizes in Parnassus (in verse), 1645, 4to ; £4 4s. (cf. gt.). - Vox Pacifica (in verse), 1645, 8vo; ,£1 18s. (mor. ex.). - Poems, 1839, 4 vols., 8vo; £1 (cf. ex.). Woodward (G. M .), Caricature Magazine; or, Hudibrastic Mirror, about 200 coloured satirical prints by Cruikshank, Rowlandson, &c., n.d. (1806), folio; .£8 15s. (hf. cf., 2 vols. only, original impressions), <£4 16s. (vol. 1 only), <£12 15s. (hf. cf., 3 vols.). - The Art of Ingeniously Tormenting, new edition, 5 vols., 1808, 8vo, caricatures by the Author ; <£1 5s. (cf. ex.). - 3 - The Olio of Good Breeding, 12 humorous coloured plates by the Author, 1801, 4to ; .£3 17s. 6d. (cf. ex., uncut). - Eccentric Excursions, 100 plates by Cruikshank, 1807, 4to; <£2 5s. (mor., one plate wanting), <£7 7s. (hf. cf.), <£8 10s. (uncut). - Elements of Bacchus; or, Toasts and Sentiments, 40 por¬ traits in aquatinta, 1792, 4to; <£7 10s. (cf. ex., by Riviere), <£2 12s. (hf. cf.). Wordsworth (W.), An Evening Walk : An Epistle in Verse , 1793, 4to; .£12 15s. (mor., measuring lO^in. by 8iin.). - The Excursion, 1st ed., 1814, 4to; <£4 4s. (mor. ex.). - Descriptive Sketches in Verse, 1793, 4to; £12 5s. (cf.). - Lyric Ballads and other Poems, 3 vols., with Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancyent Mariner in seven parts,” original issue, 1798-1800, 8vo; <£1 18s. (cf.), <£2 2s. (cf.). - The Waggoner, 1st ed., 1819; Peter Bell, 1st ed., 1819; in 1 vol., 8vo; 15s. (hf. cf.). - Poems, 2 vols., 12mo, 1807, first collective edition ; <£1 15s. (cf. ex.), <£1 Is. (hf. mor.). 1820, 4 vols., 12mo; 6s. (bds.). 1827, 5 vols., 12mo; 3s. 6d. (bds). 1836, 6 vols., 12mo. 316 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Wordsworth (W.), Poems, 1840, 6 vols., 12mo; £1 10s. (cf. gt.). 1846, 7 vols., 12mo; £1 16s. (hf. mor. ex.). 1849, 7 vols., 12mo; <£3 12s. 6d. (cf. ex., by Bedford). 1857, 6 vols., 8vo; £2 5s. (mor. ex., g. e.), <£'1 (mor.). 1864, 6 vols., 8vo; £3 3s. (mor. ex., fine copy), £2 (cf. gt.). 1874, 6 vols., 8vo; £1 7s. (hf. mor.). 1882-86, 8 vols., 8vo, by Knight; £2 2s. (cl., large paper). Wrigdit (T.), England under the House of Hanover, plates after Hogarth, Gillray, &c., 2 vols., 1848, 8vo; £1 16s. (uncut), £2 ( ibid .), £1 5s. (ibid.). - History of Caricature and Grotesque Art , N.D., 2 vols., 8vo ; £1 (cl.). - History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments of England, $c., 1862, 4to; £1 (cl.). Wycherley (W.), Miscellany Poems : as Sa f yrs , $c., portrait in mezzotinto by Smith, after Lely, 1704, 4to; £4 4s. (cf. ex.). - Plays, 2 vols., 1720, 12mo ; 4s. (cf.). Another Edition , 1840, published at 16s. Wyther (G.). See Wither. Yarranton (A.), England's Improvement by Sea and Land, 2 vols., 1677-98, 4to; £2 (cf. gt.). Young* (Edward), Night Thoughts. The first edition was pub¬ lished in 1742, in 4to. The edition of 1797, folio, 43 designs by Blake, is good; £6 10s. (hf. cf., uncut), £40 (hf. mor., uncut, with the rare explanation of the engravings, generally missing, at the end), £7 5s. (hf. mor., uncut). Some copies have coloured plates. Editions of Young’s “Night Thoughts” are very numerous, and are found principally in 12mo and 18mo. None of these small-sized editions are of any importance. Zola (E.), Nana, a realistic novel; L’Assommoir, the prelude of “Nana”; Piping Hot, a realistic novel; 3 vols., 1885-86, £1 6s. (cl.). In August, 1888, a set of ten translations of Zola’s novels, published by Vizetelly at various dates, sold by auction for £1 15s. (cl.). Since then, however, the value has considerably increased, some of the novels having been suppressed. Zouch (T.), Life of Isaac Walton, 1823, 8vo; 12s. (cf.), £5 (cf. ex., large paper, india-proofs). Another Editioii, 1830, 4to; 10s. (hf. cf.). - Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Sir Philip Sidney , 1809, 4to ; £1 6s. (mor. ex., fine copy). CHAPTER XVI. English Literature—Topographical Worhs. Topographical works liave been slowly but steadily increasing in value of late years, though the majority have not yet attained the position they occupied twenty- five or thirty years ago. Prices were then considerably higher than they are now, and more interest seems to have been taken in works of this class. The larger and more expensive works (nearly all in folio or large quarto) always commanded a ready sale at prices which do not seem to have differed to any great extent from those which are obtainable now, but the inferior octavo and lesser-sized volumes encountered at one time a period of great depression, from the effects of which they have not yet entirely recovered. Whether they will eventually do so or not is a question which is perhaps incapable of a definite answer one way or the other; the market at present shows a distinct upward tendency, and this is all that can be asserted with any degree of truth. For facility of reference, the works enumerated in this chapter have been arranged under the counties to which they refer. This, indeed, is the plan usually adopted by most cataloguers, who have found it advisable to supply a double index wherever possible. The arrangement of the following works is based (by 318 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. permission) chiefly on the very comprehensive and valu¬ able catalogues of Mr. Henry Gray, topographical and antiquarian bookseller, of 47, Leicester Square, London. It is necessary to state, however, that the catalogues are not given in their entirety, and that where books are added auction values are given in every instance, accompanied by a notification to that effect. On the other hand, a large number of works have been cut out on various grounds, so that although Mr. Gray’s catalogues are taken as the foundation of the compilation, it will readily be understood that the following list does not adequately represent the extent or magnitude of his stock. General Works ( see also Views in Europe and the East, ante p. 138). [Aikin (J.)], England Delineated; or, a Geographical De¬ scription of Every County in England and Wales , 2nd ed., 1790, 8vo; 3s. 6d. (hf. bd.). 4th ed. of 1790, 5th ed. of 1803, and 6th ed. of 1809, about the same value. Anderson (J. P.), British Topography , royal 8vo, 1881 ; 17s. 6d. (cl.). Blome (R.), Britannia, folio, 1673; =£1 15s. (hf. mor.). Britton (John) and Brayley (E. W.), Beauties of England and Wales. See ante , p. 126. Byrne (Wm.), Britannia Depicta , 1806, oblong 4to, originally issued in 6 parts at <£13 9s., or <£30 10s., india-proofs. Camden (W.), Britannia. See ante , p. 226. Cox (T.), Magna Britannia et Hibernia; or, a New Survey of Great Britain, 6 vols., 1720-31, 4to ; <£1 (cf., auction), £1 4s. (ibid.). Description of England and Wales, containing a particular account of each county, &c., 10 vols., 12mo ; <£1 10s. (hf. cf., numerous plates added). Dugdale (W.), Monasticon Anglicanum. See ante , p. 155. Gough (R.), British Topography, 2 vols., 4to, 1780; <£2 10s. (hf. cf., one title mounted). Leigh (E.), England Described; or, the several Counties and Shires thereof briefly handled, small 8vo, 1659 ; 8s. 6d. (hf. cf.) TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 319 Lewis (S.), Topographical Dictionary of England , $c., with the three Atlases, together 13 vols., 1840-46, 4to; £1 Is. (cl., large paper, auction). Another Edition, 1848, 11 vols., 4to; <£3 5s. (cf. ex., auction). Other Editions, England, 4 vols. and atlas, 1849 ; Wales, 2 vols., 1849; Ireland, 2 vols. and atlas, 1850; Scotland, 2 vols. and atlas, 1849; together 13 vols., 8vo, .£1 9s. (cl., auction). Lysons (Rev. Daniel and Samuel), Magna Britannia, London, 1806-22. Issued in 10 parts, 4to, at <£27 4s., or large paper, <£46 10s. Though usually found in 6 volumes, it is sometimes met with in 7 or even 8, and sometimes in 10 volumes with a new title-page, “ London, Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, in the Strand, 1813 ” ; <£5 (new title-page, 10 vols., hf. russ., auction), <£3 15s. (9 vols., russ., auction), <£26 5s. (new title-page, 10 vols., large paper, russ. ex., by Lewis, auction, fine copy), <£4 10s. (6 vols., 1806-22, large paper, hf. cf., auction). Nichols (John), Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, London, 1780-90. Also two very rare volumes, 1791-1810, together 10 vols., 4to, 1780-1810 ; <£7 15s. (wanting the two volumes, tree cf., auction), <£25 (complete, cf. ex., auction), <£12 15s. (wanting the two volumes, russ., auction). Richard of Cirencester, Description of Britain, with the original treatise “ De Situ Britanniac,” maps, 8vo, 1809; 12 s. 6d. (bds.). Sims (R.), Manual for the Genealogist , Topographer , Sfc., 2 nd ed., 1861, 8vo; 11s. 6d. (cl.). Other editions of about the same value. Speed (John), Theatre of Great Britain, maps, 1611, folio; <£3 10s. (cf., maps coloured by hand, auction), <£2 10s. (oak bds., auction), <£15 (russ. ex., title mounted, auction). Another Edition, 1623, folio; £2 (cf., uncut, auction). Another Edition, 1676, royal 8vo ; £5 12s. 6d. (cf., thick- paper copy, auction), £2 18s. (cf., auction). The American maps are scarce, having been frequently extracted. Topographer (The), edited by Brydges and Shaw, 48 plates, 4 vols., 1789-91, 8vo; £1 15s. (hf. russ., page of index wanting). Topographer and Genealogist (The), edited by J. G. Nichols, 3 vols., 1846-58, 8vo ; £1 6s. (hf. cf., auction), £1 Is. (hf. russ., uncut, auction). 320 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Upcott (W.), Bibliographical Account of the Principal Works relating to English Topography, 3 vols., 8vo, 1818; £2 11s. (hf. russ., gt., auction), £4 6s. (hf. mor., auction), £2 (cf., auction). Warner (R.), Tour through the Northern Counties of England, 2 vols., 8vo, 1802; 10s. 6d. (bds., uncut). - Walk through some of the Western Counties of England, 8 vo, 1800 ; 10s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Willis (B.) f Notitia Parliament aria, 3 vols., 1730-50, 8vo, best edition; £2 11s. (cf., auction), £1 8s. (ibid.), £1 (ibid.). The prior edition of 1715 is not of the same value. Bedfordshire. Cooke (G. A.), Description of the County, n.d., 12mo; 3s. (hf. cf.). Cooper, Parish of Odell, 1787, thin 4to; 7s. 6d. (sewed). Davis (F.), History of Luton, 1855, 8vo; 10s. 6d. (cl.). Dodd, History of Woburn, 1818, thin 8vo; 4s. 6d. (bds.). Fisher (T.), Collections for Bedfordshire, 114 plates, some coloured, 1812-36, folio; <£1 5s. (hf. mor., uncut, auction). Another Edition, 1817, folio; £1 6s. (hf. mor., auction), £2 8s. (ibid., large paper, quantity of plates added). Harvey (W.), History and Antiquities of the Hundred of Willey , 9 parts in 14, 1872-78, 4to; £8 10s. (sewed, auction). Lawford (E.), Antiquities of Leighton Buzzard, 1875, 8vo; 7s. 6d. Matthiason (J. H.), Bedford and its Environs, 1831, 8vo; 8s. 6d. (bds.). North (T.), Church Bells of Bedfordshire, 1883, illustrated, small 4to; 15s. (cl.), <£1 12s. 6d. (large paper, hf. mor.). Parry (J. D.), Guide to Woburn Abbey, 1831, 12mo; 4s. (bds.). - History of Woburn and its Abbey, 8vo; 5s. 6d. (bds.), 12 s. 6d. (large paper). -- Illustrations of Bedfordshire, 1827, 6 plates, 4to; 8s. 6cL (hf. cf.). Shaw (H.), Luton Park Chapel, 1829, folio ; £1 Is. (bds.). This w r ork to be complete should contain 20 fine line en¬ gravings. It w r as originally published at £3 3s., or india-proofs £5 5s., and is worth about a third of these sums respectively. Another Edition, Bohn, 1857, folio, published at £1 16s., or india-proofs £3 3s. Visitations of Bedfordshire in 1566, 1582, and 1634, edited by Blaydes, 8 vo; £1 11s. 6d. (ol.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 321 Berkshire. Ashmole (E.), Antiquities of Berkshire, 3 vols., 1719, 8vo; £14 10s. (cf., large paper, auction), £20 (mor. ex., ibid.). Another Edition, 1723, 3 vols., 8vo; <£10 (cf.). -- History and Antiquities of Berkshire, 1736, folio ; .£2 5s. (M. cf. ex.), £4 10s. (cf. ex.). Bartlett, Cumnor Place, 1850, 8vo; 6s. 6d. (cl.). Bickham (G.), Delicice Britannicce, Hampton and Windsor, 1742, curious plates, 12mo; 8s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Butterfield (W.) ; Shottesbroke Church , 1844, plates, folio; 8 s. 6d. (paper wrapper). Coates (C.), History and Antiquities of Beading, 1802, 4to; <£1 10s. (cl., uncut). Cooke, Description of the Country, n.d., 12mo; 2s. 6d. (bds.). Cooper-King* (Lt.-Col.), A History of Berkshire (Popular County History Series), 1887, 8vo ; 2s. 6d. (cl., as issued, auction). Dawson, Memoirs of St. George and History of Windsor, 1714, 8 vo ; <£1 Is. (cf.) Dixon (W. H.), Royal Windsor, 1873-74, 4 vols., 8vo ; 18s. (cl.). Doran (J.), History and Antiquities of Reading, 1835, 12mo; 5s. 6d. (cl.). Bvans, Excursion to Windsor, 1817, wanting plates, 12mo; 2 s. (bds.). Hakewill (J.), History of Windsor, 1813, royal 4to; 17s. 6d. (bds., large paper). - Views near Windsor , 1829, with extra plates, 4to; «£1 5s. (bds.). Hewitt (W.), History of Compton, 1844, plates, 8vo ; 15s. (cl.). Jesse (E.), Summers Day at Windsor, 1841, 12mo ; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Jones (J. B.), Sketches of Reading, 8vo, 1870; Is. 6d. (paper wrapper, title repaired). Kerry, History of the Church of St. Lawrence, Reading, 1883, plates, 8vo ; 10s. 6d. (cl.). •- Hundred of Bray, 1861, 8vo; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Fote (J.), History of Windsor , 1749, 4to; <£2 2s. (cf., large paper). -- Les Delices de Windsore ; or, Description of Windsor Castle, 1755, plates, 12mo; 4s. 6d. (sheep or hf. cf.). Reid, History of Wargrave, 1885, 8vo; 5s. (cl.). Stougditon, Windsor in the Olden Time , 1844, 3 added plates, 8 vo; 6s. 6d. (cl.). Y 322 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Tighe. Account of Cumnor, 1821, 8vo; 5s. 6d. (paper wrapper, frontispiece only). Visitation of Berkshire in 1566, impl. 8vo, 1885; 2s. 6d. (paper wrapper). Visitation of Berkshire in 1664-66, impl. 8vo, 1882; £1 2s. 6d. (cl.). Willement, St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, 1844, small 4to; 5s. (bds.). Windsor Guide, The Royal ; with a brief Account of Eton, 1831, plates, 12mo ; Is. 6d. (bds.). Many editions, all of about the same value. Buckinghamshire. Berry (W.), Pedigrees of Buckinghamshire Families, 1837, folio; £5 5s. (cl.). Bickham (G.), Beauties of Stoic, 1750, plates (a few missing), 8 vo; 5s. (hf. cf.). Cooke (G. A.), Description of the County, n.d., 12mo; 2s. 6d. (paper cover). - History of the County, 1726, thin 4to ; 6s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Gyll (G. W. J.), History of Wraysbury, §c., 1862, 4to; 17s. 6d. (cl.). Jesse (E.), Windsor Castle and Eton, 1841, 12mo; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Kennett, Ambrosden, fyc., 1696, 4to; £2 2s. (cf.). New Edition, 1818, 2 vols., 4to; £2 10s. (cl.). Langley (T.), Hundred of Desborough and Deanery of Wycombe f 1797, 4to; £1 5s. (bds., uncut). Lipscomb (G.), History of the County, 1847, plates and pedi¬ grees, 4 vols., 4to; <£12 12s. (hf. mor., large paper, auction), £7 2s. (cf. gt., small paper, auction). Records of Buckinghamshire, 1855-70, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and vol. 4, No. 1, 8vo, parts; 15s. Rimmer (A.), Rambles Round Eton and Harrow, 1882, impl. 8vo; £1 5s. (large paper, bds.). Smyth, 2Edes, Addenda and Speculum Hartwellianum, 1851-60, plates, 3 vols., 4to; £2 10s. (cl.). Staines (J.), Newport Pagnell, 1842, 8vo; 7s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Stowe, Description of the House and Gardens , by B. Seeley", 1788, 8vo; 4s. 6d. (old cf.). Another Edition , 1797, plates, 4to ; 17s. 6d. (full mor.). Another Ehi'ion, 1817, 31 plates and plan, 8vo; 7s. 6d. (bds.). Another Edition, 1838, 8vo; 3s. 6d. (cl.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 323 Todd (H. J.), History of the College of Bonhommes at Ashridge , 1823, folio; £1 14s. (hf. mor., uncut, india-proof plates, auction), <£3 3s. (hf. mor. ex., ibid.). Willis (B.), History of Buckingham, 1755, 4to; <£1 10s. (cf. gt., auction); <£1 19s. (mor. ex., ibid.). Cambridgeshire. Ackermann (R.), History of the University of Cambridge , 2 vols., 1815, 4to; <£2 18s. (cf., auction), £2 11s. (ibid.). Babington (C. C.), Ancient Cambridgeshire, 1853, 8vo; 5s. 6d. (paper wrapper). Baker, History of the College of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge, edited by Mayor, 1869, 2 vols., 8vo; <£1 5s. (cl.). Bentham (X), Ely Cathedral, 2 vols. in 1, 1771, 4to; c£l 10s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, 1812-17, 2 vols., 4to. Carter, University of Cambridge, 1753, 8vo; <£1 5s. (cf.). Churches of Cambridgeshire, 1845, plates, impl. 8vo ; 13s. 6d. (hf. roan). See Hill. Clay (W. K.), Parish of Waterbeach, 1859, 8vo; 4s. 6d. (paper wrapper). Cooke (G. A.), Description of the County, n.d., 12mo; 2s. 6d. (paper wrapper). Cooper (C. H.), Annals of Cambridge, 1842, 4 vols., 8vo; <£1 5s. (bds.). Elstobb, Bedford Level, 1793, 8vo; 12s. 6d. (large paper, hf. cf., neat). Barren, Cambridqe and Neighbourhood , etchings, n.d., impl. 4to; c£2 12s. 6d. (cl.). - Grant and the Cam, etchings, n.d., impl. 4to ; £2 12s. 6d. (cl.). Puller, University of Cambridge and Waltham Abbey, with Notes by Nichols, 1840, thick 8vo; 4s. 6d. (hf. cf., partly interleaved). Hill, Architectural and Historical Notices of the Churches of Cambridgeshire, 1880, 8vo; 10s. 6d. (cl.). History and Antiquities of the University of Cam¬ bridge, folding plate added, n.d., 8vo ; 8s. 6d. (cf.). Be Keux (J. H.), Memorials of Cambridge, 2 vols., 1845, 8vo ; <£2 10s. (mor. ex., auction), £1 Is. (cl., ibid.), £1 10s. (cl., large paper, ibid.). Another Edition, 3 vols., 1860-66, 8voj £2 4s. (cl., uncut, auction). Y 2 324 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Malden, Account of King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, plates, 1769, 8vo; 12s. 6d. (hf. roan). Miller, Account of the University of Cambridge, 1717, 8vo; 10 s. 6d. (rough cf.). - Ely, 1807, royal 8vo ; 10s. 6d. (bds.). Another Edition, 1808, 8vo; 12s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, 1834, royal 8vo; 12s. 6d. (large paper, cl.). Parker, Cambridge, n.d., 8vo ; 6s. 6d. (old cf.). Raven (J. J.), Church Bells of Cambridgeshire, 1869, 8vo; 5s. 6d. (cl.). Second Edition, 1881, 8vo ; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Visitation of Cambridgeshire by St. George in 1619, with additions in MS. by J. Gordon Gyll, 1840, folio ; <£10 10s. (unbound). Walker (N.) and Cradock (T.), Wisbech and the Fens, 1849, 8 vo ; 16s. Warner (R. H.), History of Thorney Abbey, 1879, 8vo; 10 s. 6d. (cl.). Watson (W.), Wisbech, plates, 1827, 8vo ; =£1 Is. (bds.). Wells, Bedford Level, 2 vols., 1830, thick 8vo; =£1 5s. (bds.). Wilson (J), Memorabilia Cantabrigice , plates, 1803, 12mo ; 10 s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Wisbech, History of, 1833, 8vo; 10s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Cheshire. Axon (W. E. A.), Cheshire Gleanings, 1883, crown 8vo 5s. (cl.), 10s. 6d. (hf. mor., large paper). Beaumont (W.), Frodsham, 1881, 8vo; 10s. 6d. (hf. mor.). -- Halton and Horton Priory, 1873, 4to; =£1 5s. (hf. mor.). -- House of Lyme, 1876, 8vo ; 5s. 6d. (bds.). Cheshire Notes and Queries, edited by E. W. Bulkeley, F.R.H.S., vol. 1, in 4 parts; 5s. Issued Quarterly. Cooke (G. A.), Description of the County, n.d., 12mo; 2 s. 6d. (bds.). Corry (J.), Macclesfield, 1817, 8vo; <£1 5s. (hf. cf.). Earwaker (J. P.), East Cheshire, 1877-80, plates and pedigrees, 2 vols., 4to; <£4 (cl.). Finney, Antiquities of Macclesfield, 1871, 12mo, illustrated; Is. 6d. (paper wrapper). -- Alderley or Alderley “ Edge,” n.d., 8vo ; Is. (paper wrapper). —- Macklesfelde in ye Olden Time , 1873, 12mo ; 2s. 6d. (bds.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 325 Hall, History of Nantwich, 1883, 4to ; <£1 15s. (cl.). Hanshall (J. H.), History of the County , 1817-23, 4to; <£2 5s. (bds.). Head, Congleton, Past and Present, 8vo; 12s. 6d. (cl.). Heginbotham (H.), Stockport , 2 vols., 1877, royal 4to, plates, in parts; ,£1 11s. 6d. Hemingway (J.), Chester, 2 vols., 1831, thick 8vo; <£1 10s. (hf. cf.). Hicklin (J.), Guide to Eaton Hall, n.d., engravings, 8vo; Is. (paper wrapper). - History of Chester Cathedral, 1846, fcap. 8vo ; Is. (paper wrapper). Hinchcliffe (E.), Barthomley, 1856, royal 8vo; =£1 17s. 6d. (cl). Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 34 vols. in 17, 1848-83; <£10 10s. (hf. mor., g. t.). Ingham, History of Altrincham and Bowdon , 1819, plates, 4to; 17s. 6d. (cl.). King (D.), Vale Royal, 1656, folio ; <£2 10s. (hf. cf., imperfect). Another Edition (abridged by Hughes), 1852, 12mo ; Is. (paper). Leycester (Sir P.), Historical Antiquities relating to Cheshire, 1673, folio; <£1 5s. (old cf.). Lynch, Historical and Antiquarian Notes on Gaivsworth Church, near Macclesfield, plates, 1879, small 4to; 4s. 6d. (paper wrapper). Marriott (W.), Antiquities of Lyme, 18 plates, 1810, small 4to; <£3 15s. Mortimer (W. W.), Hundred of Wirral, plates, 1847, 4to; 17s. 6d. (bds.). Ormerod (G-.), History of Cheshire, original edition, numerous plates, pedigrees, &c., 3 vols., 1819, folio; <£21 (hf. mor.). Another Edition, edited by Thomas Helsbt, plates and pedigrees, 3 vols., 1882, folio, published at <£20; <£14 (bds.), <£20 (large paper). Osborne (G. Y.), Sketch of the Parish of Prestbury , plates, 1840, thin 8vo; <£1 Is. (bds.). Pinnock (W.), History and Topography of Cheshire, map, 1820, 16mo ; Is. (paper wrapper). Record Society’s Publications, 13 vols., 1879-83, 8vo; <£8 8s. (cl., uncut). Renaud, Prestbury, plates, coats of arms, &c., 1876, 4to; 15s. (cl.). 326 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Taylor, Old Halls of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1884, royal 4to; £2 15s. (cl.). Visitation of Cheshire in 1580, edited by J. P. Rylands, 1882, impl. 8yo ; £1 11s. 6d. (cl.). Watkins, Roman Cheshire, 1886, 4to; =£1 11s. 6d. (cl.). Whitaker, History of Macclesfield, front, wanting- title- page, 18—, 12mo; 15s. (sheep). Cornwall. Borlase (W.), Antiquities of Cornwall, Oxford, 1754, folio; £1 5s. (cf., auction). Second Edition, 1769, folio; =£1 14s. (cf. gt., ibid.). Carew (R.), Survey of Cornwall, 1811, 4to; <£1 Is. Prior editions of 1602 (rare), 1723, and 1769. Cornwall Illustrated, plates, n.d., 4to, title damaged; <£1 Is. (full mor.). Couch (J.), History of Polperro, 1870, 8vo ; 8s. 6d. (cl.). Cummings (A. H.), Cury and Gunwalloe, plates, 1875, 8vo; 5s. 6d. (cl.). H alii well (J. O.), Rambles in Western Cornwall, 1861, small 4to ; 5s. 6d. (cl.). Hals (W.), Compleat History of Cornwall, part 2, being the Parochial History (all that was ever printed). Exeter, circa 1750, folio; £150 (russ. ex., auction). The rarest of all the county histories. Another Edition, edited by Vivian, privately printed, 1880-86, 16 parts, 4to ; <£3 15s. Another Edition, edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas, n.d., folio, pp. 28, all published; <£1 15s. (in wrapper). Maclean (Sir J.), Parish of Helland (12 copies printed), 1873, 4to; 15s. (cl.). - Parish of Menefreda (15 copies printed), 1876, 4to; £1 Is. (cl.). - Parish of Blisland (30 copies printed), 1879, 4to; £1 Is. (cl.). - Parish of Tintagel (15 copies printed), 1877, 4to; £1 Is. (cl.). - Deanery of Triqq Minor, plates and pedigrees, 3 vols., 1868-79, 4to; £4 4s. (cl.). Polwhele (R.), History of Cornwall , 7 vols., 1803-16, 4to; £11 (hf. cf., auction), £13 10s. (hf. mor., uncut, ibid.). Redding (C.), Illustrated Itinerary of the County, 1842, impl. 8vo; 8s. 6d. (cl.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 327 Troutbeck (J.), Scilly Islands, n.d., 8vo ; 10s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Visitation of Cornwall, edited by Vivian and Drake, 1824, impl. 8 vo; <£1 11s. 6d. (cl.). Warner, Tour through Cornwall, 1809, 8vo; 8s. (hf. cf. ex.). Whitaker, Cathedral of Cornwall, 2 vols., 1804, 4to; £1 Is. Cumberland. Asquith, History of Carlisle, 1858, 12mo ; Is. 6d. (bds.). Carlisle in 1745, by Prince Charles Edward Stuart, edited by G. G. Mounsey, plates, 1846, 8vo; 15s. (cl.). Dickenson, Cumbriana, 1876, crown 8vo ; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Hutchinson (W.), History of the County, plates, 2 vols., 1794, 4to; <£8 8s. (cf.). Hutton (W.), History of the Roman Wall, 1813, 8vo ; 12 s. 6d. (bds.). Jefferson (S.), Carlisle, 1838, 8vo ; 15s. (cl.), £2 2s. (hf. bd., large paper). Nicolson (J.) and Burn (R.), History of Cumberland and Westmoreland, 2 vols., 1777, 4to; ,£8 8s. (hf. cf.). Sullivan (J.), Cumberland and Westmoreland, Ancient and Modern, 1857, 8vo ; 6s. (cl.). Visitations of Cumberland in 1615, 1872, impl. 8vo; £3 3s. (cl.). Walker, Penrith, 1858, 8vo; 8s. 6d. (cl.). Second Edition, n.d., 12mo; 5s. 6d. (cl.). Derbyshire. Adam (W.), Gem of the Peak, 1840, 12mo; 3s. (cl.). Another Edition, 1857; 2s. 6d. (cl.). Bigsby (R.), History of Repton, 4to, 1854, 70 illustrations; .£1 7s. 6d. (cl.). Bradbury (E.), All About Derbyshire , 8vo, 1884; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Extra Edition, 1884, with platinotype illustrations; 7 s. 6d. (cl.). [Bray (W.)], Tour into Derbyshire and Yorkshire, 2nd ed., 1783, 8vo; 7s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Briggs (J. J.), Melbourne: Its History and Antiquities, 1839, front., thin 4to ; 10s. 6d. (paper cover). Another Edition, n.d., 8vo ; 6d. (stiff cover). Cattermole (G.), Haddon Hall, 4to, 1867, lithographs ; 8 s. 6d. (bds.). Chantrey, Peak Scenery, 4to, 1886, 29 etchings; £1 6s. (cl. gt.). 328 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Chesterfield, History of, 8vo, 1839 ; 16s. (bds.). Cooke (G. A.), Topographical Description , n.d., 12mo; 2s. 6d. (bds.). Cotton (C.), Wonders of the Peake, 3rd ed., 1694, 8vo; 8s. 6d. (cf.). Another Copy, 1st ed., 1681, 8vo; 14s. 6d. (cf., one leaf damaged). Cox, All Saints’ Church, Derby, 4to, 1881 ; <£2 2s. (cl.). - Churches of Derbyshire, 4 vols., 1875, royal 8yo; <£3 15s. (cl.). Davies (D. P.), Descriptive View, 2 vols. in 1, 1811, thick 8vo ; 10s. 6d. (cf.). Deans (J.), Melbourne Church, 8vo, 1843; 5s. (cl.). Glover (S.) and Noble, History of the County, 2 vols., 1829, 8vo; 10s. 6d. (cl.). Another Copy, 1829, 2 vols., 4to; £1 Is. (largest paper, cl.). Other editions of about the same value. Hackett, Wirksworth and Five Miles Round, crown 8vo (1863), illustrations ; 12s. 6d. (cl.). Hall (G.), History of Chesterfield , 8vo, 1823; 15s. (hf. cf., the plates mounted). Hall (S. C.) and Jewitt, Haddon Hall, small 4to, 1871, 20 engravings; 2s. (cl.). Hobbes (T.), De Mirabilibus Pecci : Being the Wonders of the Peak in Darby-Shire, in Latin and English, 1678, small 8vo; <£2 2s. (old sheep). Hutchinson (J.), Tour through the High Peak, plates, Maccles¬ field, 1809, 12mo ; 12s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Hutton (W.), History of Derby, 2nd ed., 1817, plates, 8vo; 15s. (bds., uncut). Jewitt (L.), Reliquary, 24 vols., 1861-84; <£16 16s. (complete set, hf. mor.). - History of Buxton, plates, 1811, royal 8vo; <£1 Is. (bds., uncut). Another Edition, 1816, plates; 15s. (bds., uncut). Lipscomb (G.), Matlock Bath, with some Account of Chatsworth and Kedleston, 12mo, 1802; 7s. 6d. (bds.). Moore (H.), Beauties of Dove-Dale and Ilam, plates, 1829, 12mo ; 3s. 6d. (bds.). Pendleton (J.), History of Derbyshire, 8vo, 1886 ; 2s. (cl.). Pilkington (J.), History of Derbyshire, 2 vols., 1789, 8vo ; 15s. (hf. cf.). Rhodes (E.), Peak Scenery; or, the Derbyshire Tourist, map, 1824, 8vo; 10s. 6d. (bds.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 329 Simpson (S.), Collection of Fragments Illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Derby, plates, 1826, 2 vols. in 1, thick 8vo; <£1 17s. 6d. (hf. cf.j. Ussher, Parish of Croxall, with appendices and plates (some coloured), 1881, 4to; £3 3s. (cl.). Walks through Derby, illustrated, 1827, 12mo; 4s. 6d. (bds.). Ward, Buxton, Matlock, and Castleton Guide , 1st ed., 1814, small 8vo; 4s. (bds.). Other editions of about equal value. Wood (W.), Eyam , 12mo, 1842 ; 2s. 6d. (cl.). Fourth Edition , illustrated, n.d. ; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Devonshire. Butcher (E.), Beauties of Sidmouth , 8vo, n.d. ; 5s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Colby, Visitation of Devon, 1564, impl. 8vo, 1730; <£2 2s. (cl.). Cotton (W.), Graphic and Historical Sketch of the Antiquities of Totnes, plates, 1850, small 4to; 10s. 6d. (cl.). Devonshire Illustrated from Drawings by Allom and Bartlett, with Description by Britton and Brayley, 4to, n.d. ; 12s. 6d. (hf. roan). I Dunsford (M.), Historical Memoirs of Tiverton, 4to, 1790; 15s. (bds.). Bllacombe, Church Bells of Devon, illustrated, 1872, 4to; £2 5s. (cl.). Bxeter. The Antient History and Description of Exeter. An Account of S. Peter’s Cathedral. Catalogue of all the Bishops of Tawton, Crediton, and Exeter, and Memoirs of their Lives, with the Offices and Duties (as of old) of the sworn Officers of the City. Compiled from the Works of Hooker, Izacke, and others, 8vo, Exeter, 1765; 12s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Gribble (J. B.), Barnstaple, 8vo, 1830 ; 17s. 6d. (bds.). Harding (Lt.-Col.), Tiverton , 2 vols., 1845-47, 8vo ; 15s. (bds.). Jenkins (A.), Exeter, plates, 1806, 8vo; 17s. 6d. (hf. cf.), £3 5s. (mor. ex., large paper, auction). Jewitt (L.), History of Plymouth, thick 8vo, 1873; 10s. (unbound, ni plates). Jones (M.), Chudleigh, post 8vo, 1852; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Lewis (F. C.), Scenery on the Devonshire Rivers, folio, 1845, 26 engravings ; £1 10s. (hf. roan). Moore (T.), History of Devon , plates, Nos. 1 to 47, all published, 1829-31, 8vo; £1 5s. (paper wrappers). Oliver (G.), Exeter , 8vo, 1821; 10s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, 8vo, 1861 ; 10s. 6d. (cl.). 330 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Polwhele (R.), Historical Views of Devonshire, impl. 8vo, 1793, yoL 1, all published ; 13s. 6d. (bds.). - History of Devonshire, 3 vols., folio, Exeter, 1797-1806; <£12 (cf. ex., auction). Risdon (T.), Survey of the County , 8yo, 1811; 15s. (bds., uncut, auction). Some copies are on large paper. Spence (C.), Account of the Ancient Mansion at Fardel, Devon , 4to, 1851; Is. 6d. (bds.). Tnckett (J.), Devonshire Pedigrees, 2 yols., 4to, n.d. (1859); <£1 15s. (bds.). Watkins (J.), Bideford, 8vo, 1792; 15s. (hf. cf.). Webb (W.), Memorials of Fxmouth, 8yo, 1872; 2s. 6d. (cl.). Woolmer (S.), Concise Account of Exeter, 3rd ed., 1821, 12mo; 5s. 6d. (bds.). Worth (R. N.), Devonshire, 4to, 1886; <£1 Is. (rox., large paper). Another Copy, 8vo ; 8s. 6d. (rox., small paper). Another Copy, 8vo ; 3s. (cl., ordinary edition, auction). - History of Plymouth , crown 8yo, 1871, illustrations; 7s. 6d. (cl.). - History of the Town of Devonport, fcap. 8yo, 1870 ; 2s. (cl.). Dorsetshire. Bankes (G.), Corfe Castle, 8yo, 1853; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Bond, Corfe Castle, plates, &c., 1883, 8vo; 10s. 6d. (cl.). Boswell, Civil Division of the County of Dorset, 8yo, 1833; 10s. 6d. (bds.). Brown (R.), Beauties of Lyme Regis, 2nd ed., n.d. (1858), fcap. 8yo ; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Criswick, Walk round Dorchester , 8yo, 1820, map and yiew; 10s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Dale (C. W.), Glanville’s-Wootton, crown 8vo, 1878; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Hutchins (J.), History and Antiquities of the County , 4 yols., 1796-1815, folio; <£15 10s. (large paper, hf. russ., uncut, auction). Another Edition, 2 yols., 1774, folio; <£2 2s. (hf. bd., uncut). Another Edition, 4 vols., 1861-75, folio; <£12 12s. (hf. mor.). - History of Bridport, folio, 1863 ; 12s. 6d. (bds.). - History of Dorchester, folio, 1865 ; 15s. (bds.). -- History of Netherbury and Beminster, folio, 1867; 12s. 6d. (bds.). - History of Wimborne, folio, 1869; 15s. (bds.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 331 Visitation of Dorset in 1628, impl. 8vo, 1885; £1 11s. 6d. (cl.). West (W.), Cranbourne Chace, 8yo, 1816; 6s. 6d. (bds.). Durham. Billing’s (R. W.), Durham Cathedral, 75 plates, 1843, 4to; £1 Is. (bds.). - County of Durham, 61 plates, 1846, 4to; £1 Is. (bds.). Dodd, History of the Church of Chester le Street, plates and woodcuts, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1856, thin 4to; £1 Is. (cl., g. e.). Durham : Enquiry into the Ancient and Present State of the County Palatine of Durham, 4to, 1729; <£1 2s. 6d. (cf.). Fair, Description of Bishop Auckland, plates, 12mo, 1820; 4s. (bds., auction). Featherston, Weardale Men and Manners, plates, 8vo, 1840; 6s. (cl., auction). Fordyce (W.), History of the County, 2 vols., 4to, n.d. (1857) ; £2 2s. (hf. cf.). Garbutt (G.), Monkw ear mouth and Sunderland, 8vo, 1819; 15s. (hf. cf.). Hutchinson (W.), Durham, 3 vols., 1785-94, 4to; £5 5s. (cf.). Large-paper copies are very scarce. Another Edition, 3 vols., 1817-23, 8vo; £1 15s. (hf. cf., auction). Lipscomb (H. C.), Staindrop Church, oblong 4to, 1852; 8s. 6d. (cl.). Longstaffe (W. H. D.), History of Darlington, 8vo, 1854; £1 15s. (cf. ex., g. e.). Large-paper copies were issued. Kaine (J.), Aukland Castle, 4to, 1852; 14s. (cl.). - History and Antiquities of North Durham, folio, 1852; £3 (hf. cf. ex., auction). Sharpe (Sir C.), Hartlepool, plates (coloured and plain!, 1816, 8vo; 12s. (hf. cf.). - Hartlepool, with continuation, 8vo, 1851; 15s. (cl.). Surtees (R.), Durham, 4 vols., 1816-40, folio ; <£30 (bds.), <£40 (mor. ex., large paper, auction). Walbran (J. R.), Gainford, 8vo, Part I., all published, n.d.; 7s. 6d. (paper). Essex. Benton (P.), Rochford Hundred, 45 parts, 1867-80, 8vo; 12s. 6d. (paper). Braybrooke (Lord), History of Audley End, royal 4to, 1836; c£5 10s. (mor., g. e.). THE LIBRARY MANUAL. 332 Buckler (J.), Abbey of Waltham Holy Cross, 4to, n.d., 22 illustrations; 12s. 6d. (cl.). Buxton, Upping Forest, 12mo, 1885; 2s. (cl.). Colchester, History and Antiquities of, 12mo, 1810; 4s. 6d. (sewed). Colchester : History and Description of Colchester, plates, 2 vols., 1803, crown 8vo; 15s. (bds., uncut). Cromwell (T.), History of Colchester, 2 vols., royal 8vo, 1825; <£1 5s. (large paper, hf. cf.). Another Copy, 8vo, 1825 ; 15s. (small paper, hf. cf.). Dale, Harwich and Dovercourt, 4to, 1732 ; <£1 5s. (old cf.). Another Copy, 2nd ed., 1752; £1 5s. (cf.). Farmer (J.), Waltham Abbey, 8vo, 1735 ; £1 Is. (cf.). Fuller (T.), Waltham Abbey, 8vo, 1840; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Majendie (Lewis), Account of Hedingham Castle, plates, 1796, atlas folio ; <£1 11s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Morant (P.), History and Antiquities of Essex, 2 vols., 1768, folio; <£17 10s. (hf. russ.), .£18 10s. (hf. russ., auction). Norden (J.), Historical Description (1594), 4to, 1840; 4s. 6d. (cl.). Falin (W.), Stifford and its Neighbourhood : More about Stifford, plates and pedigrees, 2 vols., privately printed, 1871-72, impl. 8vo; £1 5s. (cl.). Ferry (J.), Dagenham Breach, 8vo, 1721; 10s. 6d. (cf.). Salmon (N.), History and Antiquities of Essex, folio, 1740; £4 6s. (russ. ex., fine copy, auction). Suckling* (Rev. A.), Antiquities and Architecture, fyc., of the County of Essex, folio, 1845 ; £1 5s. (hf. mor., auction). Visitations of Essex, edited by Metcalfe, 2 vols., 1878-79, impl. 8vo ; £3 3s. (cl.). Wallen (W.), Bound Church Maplestead, 8vo, 1836 ; 8s. 6d. (cl.). Another Copy, royal 8vo, 1836; 12s. 6d. (cl., plates foxed, large paper). Walthamstow, History of, 8vo, 1861 ; 4s. (cl.). Wilson (T. L.), Sketches of Upminster, 4to, 1856; 8s. 6d. (cl.). Wright (T.), History and Antiquities of Essex, 2 vols., 1831-35, 4to; £2 2s. (cl.). G louc 3stershire. Archaeological Institute, 1853, Memoirs Illustrative of the History and Antiquities of Bristol and the Western Counties , plates, 8vo; £1 Is. (cl.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 333 Atkyns (Sir R.), Ancient and Present State of Gloucestershire, 1st and best edition, folio, 1712 ; <£29 (russ. ex., g. e., auction). Second Edition, folio, 1768; <£7 (cf. gt., auction). Barrett (W.), History and Antiquities of Bristol, 4to, 1789; =£3 12s. (cf., auction). Another Editioji , 4to, n.d. ; 15s. 6d. (cf., auction). Bennett (J.), Tewkesbury, plates, 8vo, 1830; 5s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Bettison, History of Cheltenham, map and plates, 12mo, n.d.; 3s. (paper cover). Bigland (K.), Collections Relative to the County of Gloucester, London, 2 vols., folio, all published, 1791-92; <£6 12s. 6d. (hf. mor., t. e. g., auction). Britton (J .), Redcliffe Church, royal 8vo, 1843; 6s. 6d. (cl.). - Toddington, 4to, 1840; 15s. (cl.). Buckman and Newmarsh, Illustrations of the Remains of Roman Art in Cirencester, plates, 8vo, 1850; 12s. 6d. (cl.). Catcott (A.), Account of a Descent made into Pen Park-Hole, 8vo, 1792; 4s. (paper, wanting front.). Cheltenham, History of, 8vo, 1842; 12s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Chilcott (J.), Bristol, crown 8vo, n.d. ; 2s. 6d. (cl.). Many other editions of about the same value. Cirencester, History of, plates, 8vo, 1800; 6s. 6d. (hf. bd.). Corry (J.), History of Bristol, 2 vols. in 1, 4to, 1816 ; <£1 5s. (hf. mor.). Counsel (G. W.), Gloucester, 12mo, 1829; 4s. 6d. (cl.). Dibdin (T. F.), History of Cheltenham and its Environs, plates (wanting one), 8vo, 1803; 10s. 6d. (bds.). Dyde (W.), Tewkesbury, 12mo, 1790 ; 7s. 6d. (hf. roan). Another Copy, 2nd ed., 8vo, 1790 ; 3s. (bds., uncut). Edwards (J.), Bristol Guide, 12mo, 1799; 3s. 6d. (paper). Evans (J.), Bristol, 8vo, 1824; 7s. 6d. (bds.). Fosbrooke (T. D.), Gloucester, folio, 1819 ; <£1 15s. (hf. cf.). Gibson (M.), Churches of Door, Home Lacy, and Hempsted, 4to, 1727 ; <£2 2s. (cf.). Goding, Cheltenham, 12mo, n.d. ; 2s. (cl.). Griffith (J. K.), Cheltenham, 2 vols., 8vo, 1826; 6s. 6d. (cl.). Another Copy, 2 vols. in 1, royal 4to, 1826; <£2 2s. (cl., largest paper). Lee (A. T.), New Guide to Cheltenham and its Environs, maps and illustrations, fcap. 8vo, n.d. ; 2s. (cl.). Second Edition, N.D.; 2s. 6d. (cl.). Third Edition , n.d. ; 2s. 6d. (cl.). 334 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Leversage (P.), Bristol Cathedral , 2nd ed., plates, 8vo, 1854; 3s. (paper). Lysons (S.), Roman Antiquities at Woodchester, fine coloured plates, impl. folio, 1787 ; <£8 8s. (bds., large paper). Mathews (J.), Bristol Guide, 6th ed., map, &c., 8vo, 1825; 5s. (bds.). Many editions, all of about the same value. Nicholls (H. G.), Forest of Dean, 8vo, 1858; 6s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Okell, Castle and Manor of Sudeley, 8vo, 1844; 2s. 6d. (paper), Ormerod (G.), Offa’s Dyke, 4to, 1859 ; 10s. 6d. (paper). - Strigulensia, 4to, 18— ; =£1 Is. (cl.). Pooley, Notes on Bristol High Cross, illustrations, 8vo, n.d. (1863); 4s. 6d. (paper). Rudder (S.), New History of Gloucestershire , map and plates, folio, 1779 ; <£4 17s. (cf., auction), =£2 5s. (hf. russ., auction). Visitation of Gloucester in 1623, impl. 8vo, 1884; ,£1 11s. 6d. (cl.). Visitation of Gloucester in 1682-83, impl. 8vo, 1884; c£l 6s. 6d. (cl.). Waller (F. S.), Architectural Description of the Cathedral Church at Gloucester, plates, atlas folio, 1856; 10s. 6d. (paper). Ward, Reminiscences of Cheltenham College, crown 8vo, 1868 ; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Williams, New Guide to Cheltenham, map and plates, 12mo, N.D. ; 2s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Albin (J.), History of the Isle of Wight, map, 8vo, 1795; 16s. 6d. (hf. cf. ex.). - Companion to the Isle of Wight, plates, 12mo, 1823; 4s. 6d. (bds.). Tenth Edition, 1826 ; 4s. 6d. (bds.). Ball (C.), Winchester, impl. 8vo, 1818; 6s. 6d. (bds.). Another Copy, 4to, 1818; 15s. (bds., large paper). Barber (T.), Isle of Wight, Svo, n.d. ; 4s. (cl.). Another Copy, n.d.; 7s. 6d. (cl., large paper). Berry (W.), Hampshire Pedigrees, folio, 1833 ; c£4 12s. 6d. (bds.). Bonchurch, Isle of Wight, plates, thin 8vo, 1849; 3s. (cl.). Bramston and Leroy, Historic Winchester, Svo, 1882; 4s. (cl.) Brannon (G.), Picture of the Isle of Wight, plates, Svo, n.d. ; 2s. 6d. (paper). Bullai’ (J.), Companion to Netley Abbey, 18mo, 1818; 3s. 6d. (cl.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 335 Bullar (J.), Companion in a Tour round Southampton, 4th ed., 12mo, 1819; 3s. 6d. (bds.). - Guide to the Isle of Wight, 9th ed., plates, 8vo, 1840; 4s. 6d. (cl.). Cope (Sir W.), Bramshill : Its History and Architecture, plates, small 4to, n.d.; 17s. 6d. (cl.). Davies, History of Southampton, royal 8vo, 1883; 15s. (cl.). Another Copy, 4to, 1883; £2 10s. (cl., large paper), £3 3s. (hf. mor., large paper). Bnglefield (Sir H. C.), Southampton, tinted plates, 8vo, 1805; 7s. 6d. (bds.). Another Copy, 4to, 1805 ; 12s. (cf., large paper). - Description of the Picturesque Beauties, Sfc., of the Isle of Wight, folio, 1816; £4< (mor. ex., large paper, auction). Garrow (D.), Lymington, 8vo, 1825 ; 10s. Gd. (bds.). Gilpin (W.), Observations on the Coast of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent, plates in aquatinta, 8vo, 1804; 7s. 6d. (bds.). Hassell (J.), Isle of Wight, plates, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, 1790; 7s. 6d. (cf.). Holloway, Remembrance of Bonchurch, 12mo, 1849; 2s. (cl.). Longcroft (C. J.), Bosmere, impl. 8vo, 1857; 17s. 6d. (hf. mor.). Lymington, Views of the Principal Seats, Sfc., in the Neighbourhood, fine plates on india-paper, folio, 1835; £1 10s. (cl.). Mudie (R.), History of Hampshire, Isle of Wight, and the Channel Islands, 3 vols., 8vo, 1838 ; £1 4s. (cl., auction). Nicholson, Descriptive Account of the Roman Villa near Brading, 4to, 1880 ; 2s. 6d. (bds.). Pennant (T.), Journey from London to the Isle of Wight, 2 vols. in 1, map, 4to, 1801 ; 15s. (bds.). Picturesque Scenery of the Isle of Wight, containing 30 views (wanting map), 8vo, n.d. ; 4s. 6d. (cl.). Southampton Guide, 1st ed., 12mo, 1768; £1 Is. (hf. cf.). Spence (C.), Romsey Abbey, 8vo, n.d.; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Walters (C.), Bishop’s Waltham, 12mo, 1844; 4s. 6d. (cl.). Warner (R.), Collections for the History of Hampshire, 6 vols., 4to, 1795 ; =£29 (russ. ex., fine copy on large paper, auction), «£3 3s. (hf. cf., small paper, auction). - History of the Isle of Wight, 8vo, 1795 ; 10s. 6d. (bds.). Winchester College, History of, coloured plates, royal 4to, 1816; £1 10s. (bds.). 336 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Winchester, Description of the City, College, and Cathedral of, 12mo, n.d. ; 12s. 6d. (bds.). Wise, New Forest , royal 8vo, 1883; £1 11s. 6d. (hf. mor.). Edition de luxe , 50 printed, 1883; <£5 5s. (hf. mor., large paper). Woodward (B. B.), General History of Hampshire, 3 vols., impl. 4to, n.d., map and plates ; £3 (hf. rnss., auction), £6 15s. (russ., large paper, auction). Worsley (Sir B.), Isle of Wight, plates, 4to, 1781 ; £2 2s. (cf.). Wyndham, Isle of Wight, 8vo, 1794; 10s. 6d. (bds.). Young* (M.), Aldershot, 12mo, 1858 ; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Herefordshire. Duncombe (J.), History and Antiquities of Herefordshire, 2 vols., port, and plates, 4to, 1804-12; =£2 12s. (hf. russ., auction). This work was never completed, the second volume ending at p. 318. Gibson (M.), Churches of Door, Home Lacy, and Hempsted, 4to, 1727; £2 2s. (cf.). Havergal (F. T.), Fasti Herefordensis, 4to, 1869 ; <£3 3s. (cl.). - Ancient Glass in Credenhill Church, with a description of Eoman Camps and Stations, by Bull, thin 4to, 1884; 2s. 6d. (bds.). - Records of Upton Bishop, front., 4to, 1883; 7s. 6d. (bds.). Johnson, Ancient Customs of the City of Hereford, 4to, 1868; £1 5s. (cl.). Jones (J.), Hereford Cathedral and City, map and plates, fcap. 8vo, 1858; 2s. (paper). Kington, History of, 8vo, 1845 ; 15s. (cf. ex.). Lewis (G. B.), Ancient Church of Shobdon, 20 plates, some water-stained, folio, 1852; 12s. 6d. (cl.). Lodge (J.), History of Herefordshire, 8vo, 1793; 10s. (hf. cf.), 15s. (large paper). Mereweather (J.), Hereford Cathedral, 8vo, 1841; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Price (J.), Hereford, 8vo, 1796 ; 8s. 6d. (hf. cf.). - Leominster, plates, 8vo, 1795; 8s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Rawlinson (B.), History, fyc., of Hereford, 1717, 8vo; 10s. (cf., auction). Townsend (G. F.), Leominster, plates, 8vo, n.d.; 12s. 6d. (cl.). Wright (J. P.), Walk through Hereford, 12mo, 1819; 3s. 6d. (cl.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 337 Hertfordshire. Aspeden Church: A Survey of its Present State , 4to, 1796; 10s. 6d. (paper). Bayne (R.), Moor Parle , photographic views, small 4to, 1871 : 5s. (cl.). Berry (W.), Hertfordshire Pedigrees, folio, 1844; =£4 12s. 6d. (bds.). Britton (J.), History and Description of Cassiobury Parle, folio, 1837; 17s. 6d. (hf. bd.), £1 5s. (hf. mor., uncut, auction). Buckler (I. C.), St. Albans Church, 8vo, 1847; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Clutterbuck (R.), History and Antiquities, 3 vols., folio, 1815-27; =£15 15s. (hf. russ.), £9 10s. (cf. gt., auction). Cobb (J. W.), Berlehampstead, 8vo, 1855 ; 4s. 6d (cl.). New Edition, 8vo, 1883; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Cussan (J. E.), History of the County, 3 vols., folio, 1870, &c. ; «£4 18s. (hf. mor. ex.). Glascock, Records of St. Michael’s Church, Bishop Stortford , 8vo, 1882; 7s. 6d. (uncut). Newcome (P.), St. Albans, 4to, 1795; 17s. 6d. (hf. cf.). [Nicholson (H. J. B.)], Abbey of St. Albans, 2nd ed., 8vo, 1857 ; 6s. 6d. (paper). Salmon (N.), History of Hertfordshire , folio, 1728; <£1 10s. (cf. gt., auction). Turnor, Hertfordshire , plates, 8vo, 1830 ; 12s. 6d. (cl.). Verulam and St. Albans, History of, plates, 12mo, 1815; 53. (bds.). Visitation of Hertfordshire in 1572 and 1634, impl. 8vo, 1886; ,£1 11s. 6d (cl.). Huntingdonshire. Camden Society, 1849, Visitation of the County, 1613, thin 4to ; 10s. 6d. (cl.). Pox (R.), Godmanchester, royal 8vo, 1831 ; 17s. 6d. (hf. mor.. large paper), 7s. 6d. (cl., small paper). Gorham (G. C.), Eynesbury and St. Neots, fyc., plates, 8vo, 1820 : 17s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Huntingdon, History of, by R. C., 12mo, 1824; 7s. 6d. (bds.). Kent. Archseologia Cantiana, plates and pedigrees, 15 vols., 8vo, 1858-84; <£10 10s. (cl.). Battely (J.), Richborough and Reculver, 8vo, 1774; 7s. 6d. (cf.). z 338 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Baverstock (J. H.), Account of Maidstone, and the Coventry Family, 8vo, 1832; 8s. 6d. (paper). Britton (J.), Tunbridge Wells, 8vo, 1832 ; 6s. 6d. (cl.). Buckler (J. C.), Eltham Palace, 8yo, 1828 ; 4s. 6d. (cl.). Burr (T. B.), Tunbridge Wells, 8vo, 1766; 13s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Cruden (B. P.), Gravesend, royal 8vo, 1843 ; 10s. 6d. (cl.). Darell, Dover Castle, 4to, 1786; 7s. 6d. (bds.). Dearn (T. D. W.), Weald of Kent, 8vo, 1814; 15s. (bds.). Dover, Historical Sketch of the Town of, front., fcap. 8vo, 1823; 4s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Dunkin (J.), Springhead, 8vo, 100 copies printed, 1848: 15s. (cl.). Freeman, Bromley, 12mo, 1832; 7s. 6d. (bds.). Fussell (L.), Coast of Kent, map, 8vo, 1818 ; 5s. (hf. cf.). Gostling (W.), Walk through Canterbury, 3rd ed., 8yo, 1779; 5s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Harris (J.), Parish of Erith, numerous illustrations, 1885; 7s. 6d. (cl.). - History of Kent, port., map and plates, folio, 1719; <£3 18s. (large paper, russ., auction), =£2 12s. (cf., auction). This work is complete in five parts, usually bound in one volume. Hasted (E.), History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent, 4 vols., maps and plates, 1778-99, folio ; ,£25 10s. (hf. russ., uncut, auction), ,£15 (hf. cf., auction). Another Edition, 12 vols., 8vo, 1797; ,£5 2s. 6d. (cf. gt., auction). Another Edition, by Drake, folio, 1886; <£5 (cl., first part only). - History of the City of Canterbury, 1799, folio; ,£1 2s. (bds., auction). Horn (J.), Description of Dover , coloured front., post 8vo, 1817 ; 4s. (bds., uncut). Hunter (B. E.), Account of Thanet, 12mo, 1813; 4s. (paper). - Description of Tha'net, 12mo, 1807 ; 5s. 6d. (paper). Ireland (S. W. H.), History of Kent, 4 vols., 8vo, 1830; ,£1 10s. (hf. cf. >. Jacob (E.), Faversham, 8vo, 1774; 15s. (bds.). Keate (G.), Margate, 12mo, 1802 ; 3s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, Dublin, 1779: 2s. 6d. (cf.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 339 Lambarde (W.), A Perambulation of Kent, 1st ed., 1576, 4to; £1 8s. (vellum, several leaves missing), <£3 3s. (vellum, perfect, auction). Another Edition , 1596, 4to; £2 6s. (cf., auction), <£3 12s. (ibid.). Another Edition , n.d. (1656), 8vo ; 8s. 6d. (soiled). Another Edition , 1826, 8vo ; 10s. (bds.). Lewis (J.), History and Antiquities of Thanet, best edition, 1736, 4to; .£11 (mor. ex., fine binding, auction). Another Edition, 1723, 4to; £1 Is. (hf. cf.). - Faversham , 4to, 1727 ; £1 Is. (cf.). Mackie (S. J.), Folkestone, 8vo, 1856; 4s. (cl.). Martin (C. W.), Leeds Castle, plates, impl. 4to, 1869; 17s. 6d. (cl.). Picturesque Beauties of Kent, 4to, 1835 ; £1 Is. (hf. cf.). Pritchard, Deal, plates, 8vo, 1864; 12s. 6d. (cl.). Puckle (J.), Church and Fortress of Dover, 8vo, 1864 ; 5s. 6d. (cl.). Richardson (H. S.), Greenwich, front., fcap. 8vo, 1834 ; 5s. 6d. (cl.). Rochester, History and Antiquities of, map and plates, 8vo, 1817; 15s. (bds., uncut). Seymour (C.), Topographical Survey of the County, 8vo, 1776 ; 10s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Smith (C. K>.), Antiquities of Richborough, Reculver, and Lymne, coloured and other illustrations, small 4to, 1850; 16s. 6d. (cl.). Somner (W.), Antiquities of Canterbury, 1640, folio; £3 (russ. ex., auction). Another Edition , 1703, 2 parts in 1 ; £3 18s. (mor. ex., uncut, by Bedford, auction). Willement (T.), Parish of Davington, with appendices and plates, small 4to, 1862; 12s. 6d. (cl.). - Heraldic Notices of Canterbury Cathedral , 4to, 1827; £1 12s. (hf. mor., large paper), 15s. (bds., small paper). Willis, Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral , plates, 8vo, 1845; 15s. (cl.). - Monastery of Christ Church, Canterbury, plates, 8vo, 1869; 15s. (cl.). Wilson (T.), Description of Bromley, 2 plates, coloured by hand, 16mo, 1797; 12s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Z o 340 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Lancashire. Abram (W. A.), History of Blackburn , thick 8vo, 1877; <£1 lg. (cl.), <£2 10s. (cl., large paper). Aiken (J.), Manchester, plates and large maps, 4to, 1795; £1 Is. (bds., auction). Axon (W. A.), Annals of Manchester: A Chronological Record from the Earliest Times to the end of 1885, 8vo, 1886; 7s. 6d. (cl.), 12s. 6d. (large paper, 4to, cl.). Bailey, Old Stretford, 8vo, 1878; 2s. 6d. (cl.). Baines (E.), History of Lancashire , 4 vols., 4to, 1831-36; £2 12s. 6d. (cf., auction), £5 17s. 6d. (cf., large paper, auction). Another Edition , by Harland, 2 vols., 4to, 1868; «£3 (mor. ex., g. e., auction), £2 23. (cl.), =£3 3s. (cl., large paper), <£11 11s. (largest paper, folio, hf. mor., auction). Baines (T.), Lancashire and Cheshire, 2 vols. in 4, 1875; £2 10s. (cl.). Barton, Historical Gleanings of Bolton, 3 vols., 8vo, 1828-33; 13s. 6d. (cl.). Beamont, Warrington in 1465, 4to, Chetham Society, 1849; 12s. 6d. (cl.). - Winwick, 8vo, n.d. ; 5s. (bds.), 10s. 6d. (large paper, bds.). Beck (T. A .), Annales Furnesienses, 4to, 1844; £6 6s. (hf. mor.). Booker (J.), Didsbury and Chorlton, 4to, 1857 ; £2 10s. (cl.). - Memorials of Prestwich Church, 4to, 1852; <£4 4s. (cl.). Abridged Edition, 8vo; 12s. 6d. (bds.). Brooke (R.), Liverpool, royal 8vo, 1853; 12s. 6d. (cl.). Brown, Bolton, 8vo, 1824; £7 7s. (cf.). Butterworth (E.), Ashton-under-Lyne, post 8vo, 1842; 15s. (cl.). - History of Oldham, 12mo, 1856; 15s. (cl.). Butterworth (J.), History of Ashton-under-Lyne, 8vo, 1823; £2 2s. (bds., uncut). - Manchester, 8vo, 1822; 15s. (bds.). - Oldham, post 8vo, 1817; <£1 5s. (bds.). Corry (J.), History of Lancashire, 2 vols., 4to, 1826; =£1 18s. (hf. mor., uncut, auction). Croston (J.), Manchester as It Is, photos, 4to, 1878; .£1 7s. 6d. (cl.). - Samlesbury Hall, folio, 1871; d£4 10s. (mor. ex., by Riviere). Dugdale (W.), Visitations of Lancashire, 1664-65, edited by Raines, 3 vols., 4to, Chetham Society, 1871-72; <£2 2s. (cl.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 341 Fishwick (H.), Garstang , 2 vols., 4to, Chetham Society, 1878; £1 Is. (cl.). - Goosnargh , 4to, 1871; 12s. 6d. (cl.), £1 5s. (cl., large paper). - Kirlcham, 4to, Chetham Society, 1878; 15s. (cl.). - History of Poulton in the Fylde , 4to, 1885; 15s. (cl.). Flower, Visitation of Lancashire , 1567, edited by Raines, 4to, Chetham Society, 1871; 13s. 6d. (cl.). Glazebrook (T. K.), Southport and North Meols, 8vo, 1826; 12s. 6d. (bds.). Gregson (M.), Portfolio of Fragments , 1817, folio; £2 12s. (cf. gt., auction). Another Edition , 1824, folio; ,£1 10s. (hf. mor. gt., auction). Another Edition , 1869, folio; £2 10s. (hf. mor., largest paper, auction). Grindon (L.), Lancashire , etchings, folio, 1882; £1 Is. (cl.), £2 2s. (cl., large paper). Hardwick (J.), History of Preston , thick 8vo, 1857; <£1 Is. (cl. gt.). Harland, Mamecestre , 3 vols., 4to, Chetham Society, 1861-62; £2 2s. (cl.). Hibbert-Ware (S.), Foundations of Manchester , 3 vols., 4to, 1830; £3 10s. (cl.). - Parish Church of Manchester , royal 4to, 1843; £1 5s. (cl., large paper). Lancashire Illustrated, plates, 4to, 1832; 15s. (hf. bd.). Leach, Barrow-in-Furness , post 8vo, 1872 ; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Newbigging (T.), Rossendale, 8vo, 1862, £1 15s. (cl.). Ficton, Memorials of Liverpool , 2 vols., 8vo, 1873; £1 10s (cl.). Pictorial History of the County, 170 illustrations, impl. 8vo, 1844 ; 10s. 6d. (hf. bd.). Preston, History of , Together with the Guilds Merchants , 18 plates, 4to, 1822; £2 2s. (bds.). Proctor (R. W.), Memorials of Manchester Streets, thick 8vo, 1874; 11s. 6d. (cl.), £1 5s. (cl., large paper), £3 3s. (cl., largest paper). Rauthmell (R.), Overborough , 8vo, 1824; 8s. 6d. (hf. cf.), £1 Is. (hf. cf., large paper, 4to). Heilly (J.), Manchester , vol. 1, all published, royal 8vo, 1861 ; 15s. (cl.). Another Edition, n.d. ; £1 Is. (hf. mor.). 342 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Robertson (W.), Rochdale, Past and Present, post 8vo, 1852 ; 4s. (cl.). - Old and New Rochdale, 8vo, 1881 ; 4s. (cl.). Roby (J.), Traditions of Lancashire, 3 vols., 8vo, 1841 ; <£1 5s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, 4 vols., royal 8vo, 1828-31; £3 15s. (hf. mor., uncut, large paper, auction). Another Edition, 2 vols., crown 8vo, 1879 ; 8s. 6d. (cl.). Simpson (R.), Lancaster, 8vo, 1852; 12s. 6d. (cl.). Sinclair, History of Wigan, 2 vols., 4to, 1882-83; £1 10s. (cl.). Slugg (J. T .), Manchester Fifty Years Ago, 8vo, 1881 ; 5s. 6d. (cl.), <£1 Is. (buckram, large paper). Stephenson, Haslingden Church, 8vo, 1872; 3s. 6d. (bf. cf.). Taylor, Old Halls of Lancashire and Cheshire, royal 4to. 1884 ; £2 15s. (cl.). ‘ Thornber (W.), Blackpool, thick post 8vo, 1837; 13s. 6d. (cl.). Timperley (C. H.), Annals of Manchester, 24mo, 1839 ; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Troughton, Vievjs in Liverpool, 4to, n.d. ; £1 2s. (bds.). Twycross, Mansions of Lancashire, 5 vols., folio, 1847-50. No more published. £5 16s. (hf. mor., uncut, auction). West (T.), Antiquities of Furness, 4to, 1774 ; £1 5s. (bds.). Another Edition, edited by Close, 8vo, 1805 ; 7s. 6d. (bds.). Another Edition, 8vo, 1822; 10s. 6d. (bds.). Whitaker (J.), Manchester, 2 vols., 8vo, n.d. ; 12s. 6d. (bds.). Another Edition, 2 vols., 4to, 1775 ; £1 10s. (cf.). Whittaker (T. D.), WTalley, 4to, 1818 : £5 5s. (bds., uncut), £9 9s. (bds., large paper). First Edition, 4to, 1801; £3 18s. (russ. ex., auction). Another Edition, 2 vols., 4to, 1872 ; £3 3s. (cl.), £4 14s. 6d. (cl., large paper). Whittle, Bolton, 8vo, 1852 ; £1 10s. (hf. cf.). - Blackburn, 8vo, 1852; 12s. 6d. (cl.), £1 5s. (cl., large paper). -- Preston, 8vo, 1855; 8s. 6d. (bds.). Wright (G. N.), History of North Lancashire, thin 4to, 1860; 17s. 6d. (hf. roan). - Lancashire ; its History, Legends, &c., plates, impl. 8vo, n.d. (1842); 12s. 6d. (cl.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 343 Leicestershire. Ashby-de-la-Zouch, History of , 12mo, n.d. ; 3s. (cl.). Burton (W.), Leicestershire, folio, 1622; <£4 4s. (cf.). Second Edition, folio, 1777 ; <£1 5s. (hf. cf.). Curtis (J.), County of Leicester , map, royal 8vo, 1831 ; 10s. 6d. (cl.). BUer (I.), Belvoir Castle, 8vo, 1840; 12s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Hanbury, Church Langton, 8vo, 1767 ; 8s. 6d. (cf.). Harrod (W.), Market Harhorough, map and plates, 8vo, 1808; £1 5s. (bds., uncut). Hill (J. H.), Parish of Langton , plates, folio, 1867 ; <£1 15s. (bds.). - Parish of Market Harborouqh, plates, folio, 1875 ; £1 15s. (bds.). Macaulay (A.), Claybrook, 8vo, 1791; <£1 Is. (cf.). Nichols (J.), History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester , London, 1795-1815, folio, 8 vols. ; <£111 (large paper, hf. russ., auction), <£74 (small paper, cf., auction). - History of Witherley, 80 copies printed, folio, 1813 ; <£2 15s. (bds., uncut). North (T.), Church Bells of Leicestershire, illustrations, 4to, 1876; £2 2s. (cl.). Pedley, Antiquities of Ashby Castle, 10 drawings on stone; royal folio, n.d. ; 10s. 6d. (paper). Potter (T. R.), Charnwood Forest, 4to, 1842; 17s. 6d. (cl.). Thompson (J.), Account of Leicester Castle, plates, 8vo, 1859 ; 5s. (cl.). Throsby (J.), History of Leicester, plates, 1791, 4to ; £1 18s. (cf. ex., auction), £4 17s. 6d. (large paper, cf., auction). - Select Views in Leicestershire, with supplementary volume 2 vols., 4to, 1789-90; £1 15s. (cf., auction). Visitation of Leicester in 1619, edited by Featherstone, Harleian Society, impl. 8vo; £3 3s. (cl.). Lincolnshire. Allen (T.), History of the County, 2 vols. in 1, 4to, 1830; £1 5s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, plate on india-paper, 2 vols., 4to, 1834 ; £2 12s. 6d. (bds.). Butcher (R.), History of Stamford and Tottenham High Cross, 8vo, 1717 ; £1 Is. (cf.). 344 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Drury, Historical Account of Lincoln and the Cathedral, 8vo, 1802 ; 4s. 6d. (sewed). - History of Lincoln, 8vo, 1816; 5s. (cl.). English, Crowland and Burgh, 3 vols., 8vo, 1871; 15s. (cl.). Harrod (W.), Stamford, 2 vols., 12mo, 1785; <£1 Is. (bds.). Howlett (B.), Views in the County of Lincoln, royal 4to, views, 1801 ; <£1 7s. 6d. (cl.). Illingworth (C.), Parish of Scampton, plates, 4to, 1810; £1 5s. (bds., uncut). Lincoln Cathedral, Historical Accounts of, plates, 8vo, n.d. ; 8s. 6d. (bds., large paper). Lincoln, History of, 8vo, 1816; 3s. (cl.). Other editions of about the same value. Lincoln, History of, with an Appendix. Containing a List of the Members returned to serve in Parliament, as also of the Mayors and the Sheriffs of the City, 12mo, 1810; 5s. 6d. (bds.). Lincoln, History of the County, maps and plates, 2 vols., 4to, 1838; £1 7s. 6d. (cl.). Lincolnshire, Historical and Descriptive Account of, plates, 12mo, 1828 ; 5s. 6d. (paper), 10s. 6d. (hf. cf., large paper). Lincolnshire in 1836, map and plates, 8vo, 1836; 15s. (roan). Lincolnshire Survey, temp. Henry I., edited by James Greenstreet ; facsimiles, folio, 1884 ; <£1 11s. 6d. (cl.). Moore (J.), Aveland, part 1, all published, 4to, 1809 ; £1 2s. 6d., (hf. cf.), £1 10s. (paper, large paper). Nevinson (C.), History of Stamford, map and illustrations, 8vo, 1879; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Oldfield (E.), Wainfleet, royal 8vo, 1829 ; 17s. 6d. (hf. cf., large paper). Feck (F.), Antiquarian Annals of Stamford, plates, folio, 1727 ; £2 2s. (cf. gt., large paper, auction). Perry, Cropland Abbey, illustrations, fcap. 8vo, n.d. ; 2s. (cl.). Sleaford, Sketches of New and Old, royal 8vo, 1825 ; 17s. 6d. (hf. cf., large paper). Stark (A.), Gainsborough and Stow, 8vo, 1817 ; 15s. (bds., uncut), £1 Is. (cf., large paper). Another Edition , 8vo, 1843; 15s. (original parts). Stonehouse (W. B.), Axholme, 1839; £1 (hf. cf., uncut, auction). Thompson (P.), Boston, 8vo, 1820; 16s. (hf. mor.). Another Edition, illustrated, thick royal 8vo, 1856; 17s. 6d. (cl.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 345 Turnor (E.), Grantham, royal 4to, 1806; <£1 (cf., large paper), <£1 15s. (bds., largest paper). Visitation of the County of Lincoln in 1592, edited by W. C. Metcalfe, royal 8vo, 1882; <£1 2s. 6d. (paper). Weir (G.), Tattershall, 2nd ed., plates, 8vo, 1813; 5s. 6d. (sewed). Wild (J.), History of Castle Bytham, illustrations, 8vo, 1871 ; 6s. (cl.). - Lincoln Cathedral, impl. 4to, 1819 ; .£1 5s. (bds.). Middlesex and London. Abbott (J.), History of London, portrait, 12mo, 1821; 4s. (bds.). Aikin (J.), Environs of London, maps, plans, views, thick 4to, 1811; <£1 5s. (cf.), Allen (T.), London, plates, 4 vols., 1827; <£1 10s. (cf.). Bailey, Antiquities of London and Westminster, 3rd ed., 16mo, 1734; 12s. 6d. (cf.). Bardwell, Account of Ancient and Modern Westminster, front., 8vo, 1839; 3s. 6d. (paper). Beanies (T.), Rookeries of London, post 8vo, 1850 ; 3s. (cl.). Blackburn (E. L.), Architectural and Historical Account of Crosby Place, front, and plan, 8vo, 1834; 5s. 6d. (bds.). Boger (C. G.), Southwark and its Story, illustrations, crown 8vo, 1881; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Bow, Middlesex, Some Account of the Antiquities of (by Ford), crown 8vo, 1853; Is. 6d. (paper). Brayley (E. W.), Londiniana, plates, 4 vols., fcap. 8vo, 1829; 8s. 6d. (cl.). Brayley (E. W.), Nightingale, and Brewer, London and Middlesex, plates, 4 vols. in 5, thick 8vo, 1810-16; =£1 5s. (hf. cf.). Brayley (E. W.) and Britton, Ancient Palace and Houses of Parliament, plates, 8vo, 1836; 10s. 6d. (hf. cf.). - Memoirs of the Tower, plates, crown 8vo, 1830; 6s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Bryan, Chelsea, 8vo, 1869 ; 8s. 6d. (cl.). Burge (W.), Temple Church, 8vo, 1843; 5s. 6d. (bds.). Charterhouse, Chronicles of, 8vo, 1847 ; 6s. 6d. (cl.). Chelsea Hospital, History of, 8vo, 1805; 4s. 6d. (bds.). Cobbett (R. S.), Memorials of Twickenham, thick 8vo, 1872 10s. 6d. (cl.). Cowper (B. H.), Millwall, 8vo, 1858; 6s. (cl.). 346 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Coxhead, Antiquities of London, chiefly from the Works of Pennant , 55 plates, 8vo, 1814; 10s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Cromwell, Clerkenwell, 8vo, 1828 ; 13s. 6d. (cl.). Crutchley, Picture of London, 2nd ed., map, 16mo, 1834; 3s. (cl.). Many later editions, all of which are of about equal value. Davis (H. G.), Memorials of Knightsbridge , plates, crown 8vo, 1859; 9s. (cl.). Dobie, St. Giles-in-the-Fields , 2nd ed., plan, 8vo, 1834; 6s. 6d. (cl.). Doran (Dr.), In and About Drury Lane , 2 vols., 8vo, 1881 ; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Douthwaite (W. R.), Notes on Gray's Inn , 8vo, 1876; 6s. 6d. (cl.). Hntick (J.), History of London , plates, 4 vols., 8vo, 1766; 15s. (hf. cf.). Faulkner (T.), Brentford, Ealing, and Chiswick, plates, 8vo, 1845 ; =£1 Is. (bds.). -- Fulham, royal 8vo, 1813 ; 17s. 6d. (bds., large paper). - Hammersmith, map and plates, 8vo, 1839 ; <£1 5s. (bds.). - Kensington, 8vo, 1829 ; =£1 5s. (bds.). Fielding 1 , London and Westminster, 12mo, 1776; 6s. (hf. cf.). Godwin (G.), Short Account of Temple Church, 8vo, 1837 ; 4s. Cd. (bds.). - Temple Bar, illustrated, thin 4to, n.d. (1877); 2s. 6d. (cl.). Hatton, New View of London, map and illustrations, 2 vols., 8vo, 1708; 17s. 6d. (cf.). Hollingshead (J.), Underground London, crown 8vo, 1862; 2s. 6d. (cl.). Hughson (D.), London and Environs, maps and plates, 6 vols., 8vo, 1805-9; <£1 10s. (cf.). Another Edition, maps and plates, 4 vols., 8vo, n.d. ; 17s. 6d. (hf. cf.). - Walks through London, numerous engravings, thick 12mo, 1817; 7s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Keane, Beauties of Middlesex, 8vo, 1850; 6s. 6d. (cl.). Keepe, Monumenta Westmonasteriensia, 8vo, 1682; 15s. (cf.). Knight (C.), Cyclopaedia of London, illustrations, thick 8vo, 1851; 8s. 6d. (cl.). Lambeth Palace, Illustrated, 4to, 1806; =£1 Is. (hf. cf.). Lane, Lincoln's Inn, 4th ed., 8vo, 1823; 7s. 6d. (bds.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 347 Leigh, New Picture of London , new edition, maps and numerous engravings, 12mo, 1827; 3s. 6d. (roan). Another Edition , 1834; 2s. 6d. (roan). Lewis (S.), Islington , plates, 4to, 1842; £2 2s. (cl.). Loftie (W. J.), London City , 1891, 8vo. With illustrations by Luker; £1 11s. (large paper, as issued, 4to). Longman, History of the Three Cathedrals Dedicated to St. Paul in London, 8vo, 1869; 10s. 6d. (cl.). Lysons (S.), Environs of London , maps, plates, &c., 5 vols., 4to, 1792-1800; £4 10s. (cf.). - Middlesex Parishes, plates, 4to, 1800; 17s. 6d. (cl.). Maitland (W.), History and Survey of London, 1739, folio; £1 Is. (mor., auction). Another Edition, 2 vols., 1756, folio ; £1 6s. (cf., auction). Another Edition, 2 vols., 1769, folio; ,£1 5s. (bds.). Another Edition, 3 vols., 1775, folio; £1 8s. (cf. gt., auction). Mazzinghi (G.), History of London, Westminster, and South¬ wark, in French and English, 12mo, 1792; 3s. (sheep). Neale (J. P.), History and Antiquities of Westminster Abbey, 2 vols., 1818-23, folio; £3 (mor. ex., g. e., auction), £5 (largest paper, mor. ex., extra plates inserted, auction). Another Edition, 1856, 4to; 15s. (cl.). Nelson (J.), Islington, 3rd ed., map and plates, 8vo, 1829; 12s. 6d. (bds.). Nichols (J .), Account of the Guildhall, 1819, and London Pageants, 1837, in 1 vol., plates, 8vo, 1819-37; 12s. 6d. (cf. ex.). Noble, Memorials of Temple Bar, small 4to, 1869; 6s. 6d. (cl.). Northouck (J.), History of London, maps and plates, 2 vols. in 1, 4to, 1773; £1 3s. 6d. (cf.). Pennant (T.), Account of London, map and plates, 3rd ed.■> 8vo, Dublin, 1791; 10s. 6d. (hf. bd.). Another Edition, with additions, illustrations, 1813 ; 15s. 6d. (bds., large paper). - Antiquities of London, 2nd ed., plates, 8vo, 1818 ; 7s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Pinks (W. J.), Clerkemvell, thick 4to, 2nd ed., 1881 ; 10s. 6d. (cl. gt.). Price (F. G. H.), Temple Bar; or, “Ye Marygold ,” 8vo, 1875; 4s. 6d. (paper). Prickett, Highgate, numerous plates, 8vo, 1842; £1 Is. (hf. cf.). 348 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Redford (G.) and Riches, Uxbridge, plates, 8vo, 1818 ; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Robins (W.), Paddington , 8vo, 1853; 5s. (cl.). Simco, Middlesex Monuments , Nos. 1 and 2, all published, plates, thin 4to, 1794; 15s. (hf. cf.). Smith (J. T.), Antiquities of Westminster , 1807, royal 4to, should contain 246 engravings of topographical subjects, including the 62 additional plates and the stone plate; .£1 18s. (russ., auction). Stow (J.), Survey of London, small 4to, 1603; <£1 Is. (old cf.). New Edition , edited by Thoms, 8vo, 1842; 7s. 6d. (cl.). New Edition , with illustrations, edited by Thoms, royal 8vo, 1876; 7s. 6d. (rox.). The first edition of Stow’s “Survey of London” was printed by John Wolfe in small 4to, 1598 ; <£1 10s. (hf. cf., auction). Other editions of 1618; <£1 Is. (cf., auction), and 1633, <£1 5s. (cf.). The best edition is the one enlarged by Strype, 2 vols., 1754-55, folio ; £6 15s. (cf., auction), =£8 (ibid.). Thornbury (W.), Old and New London , engravings and volume of maps, together 7 vols., 4to, n.d. ; £2 2s. (hf. cf. gt., auction). - Haunted London , engravings, crown 8vo, 1880; 6s. (cl.). Tiler, History and Antiquities of St. Saviour’s , Southwark, thin 12mo, 1765; 12s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Timbs (J.), Curiosities of London , thick fcap. 8vo, 1885; 3s. 6d. (cl.). - Romance of London , vol. 2, crown 8vo, n.d. ; 3s. (cl.). Tomlins (T. E.), Perambulation of Islington , royal 8vo, 1858; 8s. (cl.). Tower of London, Historical Description , 12mo, 1786 ; 3s. (paper). Tower of London: Its Rights and Privileges, 16mo, 1874; Is. (cl.). Visitation of London in 1568, edited by Dr. Howard, Harleian Society, impl. 8vo; £2 12s. 6d. (cl.). Visitation of London, 1633-35, 2 vols., illustrations, impl. 8vo, 1880-83; ,£3 3s. (cl.). Visitation of Middlesex in 1663, by Riley and Dethick, thin folio, 1820; .£2 12s. 6d. (original bds.). Walcott, Westminster, plates, 8vo, 1849 ; 13s. 6d. (cl.). Walford (E.), Greater London, numerous illustrations, 2 vols., impl. 8vo, n.d. ; 12s. (cl.). Wilkinson (R.), Londina Hlustrata, 2 vols., 4to, 1819-25; «£3 14s. (hf. mor. ex., uncut, auction). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 349 Monmouthshire. Beauties of Monmouthshire, 12mo, n.d.; 5s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Brooks, Raglan Castle and Tynterne Abbey, 9 plates by Brooks and others, with description, impl. 4to, n.d. ; 9s. (cl., auction). [Coze (Miss)], Picture of Monmouth , 12mo, 1802 ; 6s. (cf.). Donovan (E.), South Wales and Monmouthshire , 2 vols., 8vo, 1805; 15s. (bds.). Bvans and Britton, Description of the County, map and en¬ gravings, 8vo, n.d. ; 8s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Fosbroke (T. D.), Raglan Tour, 8vo, 1831; 2s. (paper). - Wye Tour; or, Gilpin on the Wye, plates, 12mo, 1822; 3s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Another Edition, 12mo, 1826; 4s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Gilpin (W.), Observations on the Wye, 8vo, 1782; 6s. 6d. (cf.). Another Edition, 1800; 6s. 6d. (cf.). Hassel, Picturesque Guide, 8vo, 1793; 10s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Heath (C.), Chepstow Castle, 8vo, 1805; 10s. (hf. roan). - Excursions down the Wye, n.d. ; Historical Account of Chepstow and Persfela, 1805; Historical Account of Tintern Abbey, 1803; in 1 vol., 8vo; 12s. 6d. (hf. bd.). - Excursions down the Wye, 8vo, n.d., (1799); 4s. (paper). - Kymin Pavilion and Beaulieu Grove, fyc., 8vo, n.d. ; 4s. (paper). - Monmouth, small 4to, 1804 ; 12s. 6d. (cl.). - Ragland Castle, 1st ed., 8vo, n.d. ; 8s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Another Edition , 8vo, 1813; 4s. 6d. (bds.). - Tintern Abbey, 8vo, 1803; 103. (hf. roan). Another Edition, 1810 ; 4s. (paper). Another Edition , 1828; 3s. 6d. (paper). Marsh, Annals of Chepstow Castle, edited by Sir J. Maclean, 4to, 1883; £1 5s. (cl.). Maynard, Crumlin Viaduct , royal 8vo, 1862; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Morgan (O.) and Wakeman (T.), Notes on Tre-owen, Killwch, and the Waen , impl. 8vo, 1861 ; 12s. 6d. (paper). - Notes on Pencoyd Castle, impl. 8vo, 1866 ; 12s. 6d. (paper). - Notes on Wentwood, impl. 8vo, 1863; 12s. 6d. (paper). Ormerod (G.), Strigulensia, thin 4to, 1841; £1 Is. (cl.). Rogers (N.), Memoirs of Monmouthshire, 2nd ed., 4to, 1826; 12s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Thomas (W. H.), Tintern and its Vicinity, 8vo, 1839 ; 8s. 6d. (cl., large paper). 350 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. White (J.), Abergavenny, 8vo, 1815; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Williams (D.), History of Monmouthshire, 4to, 1796; <£1 18s. (hf. cf., auction). Wyndham (H. P.), Tour through Monmouthshire and Wales, 16 views, 4to, 1781 ; 4s. 6d. (hf. cf., auction). Norfolk. Badeslade (T.), History of Ancient and Present State of the Navigation of the Port of King’s Lynn and of Cambridge, numerous folding maps, folio, 1725; =£1 10s. (bds.). Bartell (E.), Cromer, 8vo, 1806 ; 7s. 6d. (bds.), 12s. (bds., large paper, auction). Blomefield (F.), History of Norfolk , with continuation by Parkin, first and best edition, 5 vols., Eersfield, 1739, Lynn, 1769-75, folio; <£11 15s. (russ. gt., auction), <£34 (cf. gt., auction). Another Edition, 11 vols., 1805-10, 8vo, <£10 15s. (cf. gt., auction). Bloom (J. H.), Castle Acre Priory, royal 8vo, 1843; 16s. 6d. (cl.). Brown, Norwich, 8vo, n.d. ; 6s. (hf. cf.). Browne (Sir T.), Hydriotaphia, Urne-Buriall; or, a Discourse of the Sepulchrall Urnes lately found in Norfolk, together with the Garden of Cyrus; or, the Quincunciall, Lozenge , or Net-work Plantations of the Ancients, Artifically, Naturally, Mystically considered, small 8vo, 1st ed., 1658; 10s. 6d. (cf.). Cotman (J. S.), Sepulchral Brasses. See ante, p. 163. Druery (J. H.), Great Yarmouth, 8vo, 1826 ; 15s. (cl.). Another Edition, 1829 ; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Elstobb (W.), Bedford Level, 8vo, 1793 ; 12s. 6d. (hf. cf., large paper). Green (C.), Bacton, 8vo, 1842 ; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Halliwell (J. O.), Norfolk Anthology. See ante , p. 249. Hunt (A. L.), Thetford, 8vo, 1870 ; 8s. 6d. (cl.). Mackerell (B.), King’s Lynn, 8vo, 1738 ; <£1 10s. (cf.). Mason (B. H.), History of Norfolk, parts 1 to 5, 1882-85 > <£2 7s. (large paper, auction). Memoirs of Norfolk and Norwich, 8vo, 1847; 13s. 6d. (cl.). Nall Natural History of Wiltshire, 4to, 1847; 17s. 6d. (cl.). Britton (J.), Fonthill Abbey, coloured plates, 4to, 1823 ; 16s. (bds., large paper). - Historical Account of Corsham House, royal 8vo, 1806; 4s. 6d. (bds.), 12s. 6d. (bds., large paper). - History of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, plates, impl. 4to, 1814 ; £2 2s. (bds., largest paper). Dodsworth (W.), Salisbury Cathedral, plates, 4to, 1814; 15s. (hf. mor.). Other editions. Easton (J.), Cathedral Church of Sarum, 12mo, 1825; 2s. (cl.). - Salisbury Guide, plates, 12mo, 1799 ; 3s. 6d. (paper). Another Edition, 12mo, 1822; 2s. (paper). Gidley (L.), Stonehenge, 8vo, 1873 ; 4s. 6d. (cl.). Hatcher, Historical Account of Old and New Sarum, 8vo, 1834; 5s. 6d. (hf. roan). Hoare (Sir R. C.), Ancient History of North and South Wilt¬ shire, 2 vols., folio, 1812-19; <£21 (mor. ex., large paper, auction, fine copy), <£1 16s. (the 67 plates only, proofs, auction). -- History of Modern Wiltshire, plates, 6 vols., folio, 1822-43; <£46 (cl., uncut, auction), <£78 10s. (hf. russ., large paper, auction). - Tumuli Wiltunensis, plates, 4to, 1829 ; 16s. (bds., uncut, auction), £2 15s. (bds., large paper, auction). - Hints on the Topography of Wiltshire, 8vo, 1818 ; 6s. 6d. (paper). Jones (I.), Stoneheng Restored, folio, 1655; <£1 5s. (cf.). The best edition of Inigo Jones’ “ Stoneheng Restored ” was published in folio, 1725; <£1 2s. 6d. (cf. ex.), =£3 (hf. russ., large paper, auction). Kite (E.), Monumental Brasses of Wiltshire, plates, royal 8vo, 1860 ; <£1 5s. (cl.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 367 Lukis (W. C.), Church Bells. With Notices of Wiltshire Bells and Bell Founders, 8vo, 1857 ; 15s. (cl.). Moffatt (J. M.), Malmesbury, 8vo, 1805 ; 10s. 6d. (bds.). Neale (J. P.), Graphical Illustrations of Fonthill Abbey, thin royal 8vo, 1824; 6s. (bds.). Price (F.), Observations on the Cathedral Church of Salisbury , plates, 4to, 1753; £1 Is. (cl.). Rutter (J.), Description of Fonthill Abbey, 2nd ed., front., 8vo, 1822; 2s. (paper). Several editions, all of about the same value. - Fonthill Abbey, 4to, 1823; <£1 5s. (mor.). Sharman, Malmesbury , thin 8vo, Lausanne, 1872; 6s. 6d. (cl.). Smith. (Jas.), Wilton and its Association, 8vo, 1851 ; 5s. 6d. (cl.), 12s. 6d. (cl., large paper, in crown 8vo). Storer, Description of Fonthill Abbey, plates on india-paper, folio, 1812 ; 12s. 6d. (bds., large paper). Stukeley (W.), Stonehenge, see ante p. 158. Visitation of Wiltshire, 1623, edited by G. W. Marshall, 1882; £1 Is. 6d. (cl.). Waylen (J.), History of Devizes, thick 8vo, 1856; 15s. (cl.). - Marlborough, thick 8vo, 1854; 11s. (cl.). W orcestershire. Abingdon (T.), Church of Worcester, arms, 8vo, 1717; 17s. 6d. (ef.). Booker (L.), Dudley Castle, 8vo, 1825; 10s. 6d. (bds.). Card (H.), Antiquities of the Priory of Great Malvern, front. 4to, 1834 ; 10s. 6d. (bds.). Chambers (J.), History of Malvern, plates, crown 8vo, 1817 ; 7s. 6d. (hf. cf.), 12s. 6d. (bds., large paper). Another Edition, crown 8vo, 1820 ; 6s. 6d. (bds.). Cotton, Bromsgrove Church, 4to, 1881; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Bvans, History of Tenbury, thin 8vo, 1840; 12s. 6d. (cl.). Gibbon (B.), Kidderminster, 12mo, 1853 ; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Green (V.), History of Worcester, plates, 2 vols., 4to, 1796 ; £1 15s. (russ. ex.). - Survey of Worcester, plates, 8vo, 1764; 12s. 6d. (bds.). Hagley, Enville, and the Leasowes, Description of, 12mo, N.D.; 5s. 6d. (hf. cf.). May (G-.), History of Evesham, 8vo, 1834 ; 10s. 6d. (bds.). Second Edition, 8vo, 1845; 12s. 6d. (cl.). 368 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Nash (T.), Collections for the History of Worcestershire, 3 vols. (frequently found in 2), folio, 1781-82-99; <£10 5s. (cf., auction), <£13 (russ. ex., auction), <£20 (mor. ex., fine copy, auction), <£19 (hf. mor., uncut, large paper, last volume on small paper, auction). Noake (J.), Monastery and Cathedral of Worcester, fcap. 8vo, 1866; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Randall, Severn Valley, illustrations, crown 8vo, 1862; 6s. 6d. (cl.). Rudg*e, Evesham, plates, 8vo, 1820; 15s. (bds.). Southall (M.), Malvern, 8vo, 1822 ; 5s. 6d. (bds.). Second Edition, n.d. ; 6s. 6d. (bds.). Thomas (W.), Survey of the Cathedral Church of Worcester , plates, 4to, 1737; <£1 15s. (cf.). Tindal (W.), History of Evesham, 4to, 1794; 18s. 6d. (cl.). Visitation of Worcester, 1682-83, edited by Metcalfe, impl. 8vo, privately printed, 1882; <£1 5s. (cl.). Worcester, Concise History of, 12mo, 1808; 3s. (hf. cf.). Other editions of about the same value. Worcester, History of, 5th ed., plates, 12mo, 1806; 4s. 6d. (cf.;. Other editions of about the same value. Yorkshire. Allen (T.), History of Yorkshire, plates, 3 vols.,, 4to, 1828-31; <£2 18s. (russ. gt., auction), <£1 6s. (bds., uncut, auction). Atthill (W.), Middleham Church, 4to, 1847 ; 5s. (cl.). Aveling 1 (J. H.), History of Roche Abbey, plates, impl. 8vo, 1870 ; .£1 Is. (cl.). Baines (T.), Yorkshire : Past and Present, plates, 4 vols., 4to, n.d. ; <£2 5s. (cl.). Baker (J. B.), Scarborough, royal 8vo, 1882; <£1 3s. 6d. (cl.). Barker (W. G.), History of Wensleydale, 8vo, 1856; <£1 Is. (cl.). Boothroyd (B.), Pontefract, 8vo, 1807 ; 15s. (bds.). Bowman (W.), Guide to Richmond, illustrations, 8vo, 1843; 3s. 6d. (cl.). - Reliquice Antiques Eboracenses, plates, 6 parts, 4to, 1851-55; <£1 5s. (as issued). Charlton (L.), History of Whitby Abbey, map and plates, 4to York, 1779; <£1 15s. (paper). Cole (J.), History of Filey, 8vo, 1828 ; 15s. (bds.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 369 Collyer and Turner, Hkley : Ancient and Modern, 80 illus¬ trations, 8vo, 1885; 12s. 6d. (cl. gt.), <£1 4s. (cl. ex., large paper in 4to). Crabtree (J.), Halifax, plates, 8vo, 1836; £1 Is. (cl.). Crosfield (A.), History of North-Allerton, thin 8vo, 1791 ; 6s. 6d. (hf. bd.). Dawson, Skipton, Svo, 1882; 5s. 6d. (cl.). Drake (F.), Eboracum ; or, the History and Antiquities of the City of York, folio, 1736; £6 6s. (cf. gt., auction), £12 10s. (russ., large paper, auction). Another Edition, 3 yoIs., 8vo, 1785 ; £1 5s. (bds., uncut). Another Edition, 2 vols., 8yo, 1788; 17s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Duncombe Park, Rivalx Abbey, and Helmsley Castle, Description of, plates, Svo, 1824 ; 5s. (paper). Eastwood (J.), Ecclesjield, 8vo, 1862; 10s. (cl.). Farrer, Ripon, 8yo, 1801 ; 10s. 6d. (bds.). Other editions of about the same value. Fisher (J.), Masham and Mashamshire, thick 8vo. 1865 ; £1 5s. (cl.). Forest (C.), History of Knottinqley, illustrations, crown 8vo, 1871; 4s. 6d. (hf. roan). Fox, History of Pontefract , 8vo, 1807; 13s. 6d. (cl.). Frost (C.), Hull, plates, 4to, 1827 ; 13s. 6d. (bds.). Gatty (A.), Sheffield: Past and Present, front., 8vo, 1873 ; 4s. 6d. (cl.). Gent (T.), History of Hull, 8vo, 1735; £1 7s. 6d. (cf.). - History of Ripon, map and illustrations, Svo, 1733 ; £1 10s. (cf.). ‘ - York, small 8vo, 1730; £1 Is. (cf.). Graing'e (W.), Castles and Abbeys of Yorkshire, 8vo, 1855; 8s. 6d. (hf. mor.). - Knaresborouyh, thick 8vo, 1882 ; 7s. 6d. (hf. cf.). - Nidderdale, 8vo, 1863; 2s. 6d. (bds.). Graves (J.), Cleveland, 4to, 1808 ; £2 2s. (bds., uncut), £2 12s. 6d. (ibul., large paper). Greenwood (J.), Picture of Hull, 70 illustrations, fcap. 8vo, 1835; 5s. 6d. (cl.). Guest (J.), History of Rotherham, folio, 1879; £3 13s. (cl.). Halifax, History of, published by Jacobs, front., Svo, 1789 ; £1 7s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Hargrove (E.), History of Knaresborouyh, 3rd ed.. 1782 ; 4s. Od. (paper). Other editions of about the same value. 2 B 370 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Hargrove (E.), History of York, 3 vols., royal 8vo, 1818; <£1 15s. (bds.). Harland (J.), Historical Account of Salley Abbey, plates, 8vo, 1853; £1 Is. (cl.). Harrison (P.), History of Yorks, vol. 1, Gilling West, royal folio (published <£16 16s.), 1885; <£2 2s. (bds.). Hatton, Churches of Yorkshire, plates, vol. 1, 4to, 1880; 13s. 6d. (cl.). Hilton (S. S.), Sketch of the History of Kirkstall Abbey, front., 12mo, 1806; 3s. 6d. (paper). Hinderwell (T.), History of Scarborough, plates, 4to, 1798; £1 Is. (bds.). Second Edition, maps and front., 8vo, 1811; 10s. 6d. (bds.). Third Edition, with a Memoir, 12mo, 1832; 8s. 6d. (cl.). Hobkirk, History of Huddersfield, illustrations, crown 8vo, 1859 ; 10s. 6d. (cl.). Horner, Views of Buildings in the Town and Parish of Halifax , oblong folio, 1835; <£5 5s. (paper). Hugdies (J.), History of Meltham, 8vo, 1866 ; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Hulbert (C. A.), Annals of Almondbury, and supplement, 2 vols., 8vo, 1883-85 ; <£1 2s. 6d. (cl.). - Annals of Slaithwaite Church, small 8vo, 1864; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Hunter (J.), Hallamshire, new edition, by Gatty, plates and pedigrees, folio, n.d. ; <£1 15s. (cl.). Original Edition, plates, folio, 1819; <£2 10s. (cf.), <£8 8s. (bds., large paper). - South Yorkshire, 2 vols., folio, 1828; <£17 10s. (bds.). Hurtley (T.), Curiosities of Craven and Malham, plates, 8vo, 1786; 10s. 6d. (bds.). Ingledew (C. J.), Northallerton, 8vo, 1858; 17s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Jackson (R.), History of Barnsley, folding pedigrees, 8vo, 1858; 12s. 6d. (cl.). Jefferson (J. B.), Thirsk, 8vo, 1821 ; 10s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Jones (J.), Harewood, 8vo, 1859; <£1 Is. (cl.), <£1 15s. (cl., large paper in 4to). Kirkstall Abbey : Historical, Antiquarian , and Picturesque Account, with engravings by Mulready and Cope, 8vo, 1827 ; 10s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Lankester (E.), Account of Askern, map, fcap. 8vo, 1842; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Lawton, Dioceses of York and Ripon, royal 8vo, 1842; 13s. 6d. (cl.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 371 Leyland (J.), Views in Halifax and the Neiqhbourhood , oblong folio, 1879; £2 2s. (cl.). Maude (T.), Wensleydale , front, and pedigree, 4th ed., 8vo, 1816 ; 10s. 6d. (bds., large paper). Mayhall (J .), Annals of Yorkshire, 3 vols., crown 8vo, 1878 ; 16s. 6d. (cl.). Miller (E.), Doncaster, 4to, 1804; <£1 Is. (hf. cf.). Morehouse (H. J.), History of Kirkburton, plates, 4to, 1861 ; £1 15s. (cl.). Morrell (W. W.), History of Selby, maps and plates, 8vo, 1867; <£1 Is. (cl.). Mountain (J.), History of Caivood, 12mo, 1800; 7s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Nicholson (J.), Airedale, front, and vignette, 12mo, 1825; 7s. (hf. cf.) Oliver (G.), Beverley, 4to, 1829; <£1 10s. (bds.), =£3 13s. 6d. (hf. mor., large paper). Overton (C.), History of Cottingham, front., 8vo, 1861 ; 6s. (hf. cf.). Parson (E.) and White, Annals of Leeds and York, plates, post 8vo, 1830 ; 5s. 6d. (bds., uncut). - History of Leeds , 2 vols., 8vo, 1834; 13s. 6d. (hf. mor.). Peck (W.), History of Bawtry and Thorne, &c., map and plates, 4to, 1813; £4 4s. (hf. cf.). Phillip (Prof.), Rivers, Mountains , and Sea Coasts of York¬ shire, 8vo, 1853; c£l (cl.). Second Editio7i, 1853 ; 13s. 6d. (cl.). Platt (A. E.), History of the Bearish and Grammar School, Sedbergh, 8vo, 1876; 12s. 6d. (cl.). Poulson (G.), Beverley, 2 vols. in 1, thick royal 8vo, 1829 ; £1 15s. (bds.). Richardson (W.), Monastic Ruins of Yorkshire, 2 vols., 1843, folio; <£2 12s. (hf. mor., auction), <£1 10s. (ibid.). Roberts, Topography and Natural History of Lofthouse, illus¬ trated, crown 8vo, 1882; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Routh, Guide to Wensleydale and Swaledale , illustrations, crown 8vo, 1879-80; 2s. 6d. (cl.). Say well (J. L.), History and Annals of Northallerton, photo¬ graphic illustrations, 8vo, 1885; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Scatcherd (N.), Morley , 8vo, 1830; 10s. (cl., auction). Another Editioii, royal 8vo, N.D. ; 8s. (cl.). Schofield, Historical and Descriptive Guide to Scarborough, 8vo, n.d.; 8s. 6d. (cf.). 2 b 2 372 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Shaw (G.), Rambles Round Filey, 12mo, 1867; 2s. 6d. (cl.). Sheahan (J. J.), History and Description of the Town arid Fort of Kingston-upon-Hull, crown 8vo, 1864; 6s. 6d. (cl.). Slater (P.), Guiseley, illustrated, 4to, 1880 ; =£1 7s. 6d. (mor.). Smith (W.), History of Morley, 8vo, 1876; 11s. (cl.). - Morley : Ancient and Modern, 130 illustrations, 8vo, 1886; 7s. 6d. (cl.), 15s. (cl., large paper). - Old Yorkshire , portraits and views, 5 vols., 8vo, 1881-84; <£2 5s. (cl. gt.), £5 5s. (cl., large paper in 4to). - Rambles Round Morley, 8vo, 1866; 3s. 6d. (cl.). - Sheffield, photographic illustrations, crown 4to, 1865; 12s. 6d. (cl.). - Wharncliffe, Wortley, and the Valley of the Don, photo¬ graphic illustrations, 4to, 1864; 4s. 6d. (cl.). Thoresby (E.), Ducatus Leodiensis; or, the Topography of Leeds, 1715, folio ; £2 2s. (cf., auction), £5 (cf., auction, large paper). Another Edition, with additions by Whitaker, 1816, 2 vols., folio ; £2 (old russ., auction). - Vicaria Leodiensis : or. History of Leeds Church, 8vo, 1724 £1 10s. (hf. cf.). Tomlinson, Level of Hatfield Chace, map and plates. 4to, 1882; £3 (cl.). Torr (H.), Antiquities of York, 8vo, 1791; 17s. 6d. (cf.). Turner, Haworth: Past and Present, illustrations, crown 8vo, 1879; 3s. (cl.). - History of Alclborouqh and Borouqhbridqe, plates, crown 8vo, 1853; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Twyford and Griffiths, Records of York Castle, photographs and wood engravings, crown 8vo, 1880; 3s. 6d. (cl.). Visitations of Yorkshire in 1563-64, by Flower, edited by the Eev. C. B. Norcliffe, impl. 8vo, Harleian Society, 1881 ; £1 11s. 6d. (cl.). Visitations of Yorkshire, 1584-85 and 1612, by Glover and St. George, edited by Joseph Foster, thick impl. 8vo, privately printed. 1875 ; £3 3s. (cl.). Wainwright (J.), Historical View of the Wapentake of Strafford and Tickhill, plates, 4to, 1829; £2 12s. 6d. (bds., uncut). Wardell (J.), Antiquities of Leeds, plates, 8vo, 1853; 10s. 6d. (paper). - Rombald’s Moor, 4to, 50 printed, 1881 ; 10s. Cd. (hf. mor.). TOPOGRAPHICAL WORKS. 373 Watson (J.), History of Halifax, plates, small 4to, 1775; £5 10s. (cf.). Second Edition, with additions and corrections by Leyland, parts 1 to 4, 4to, all published, n.d. ; 15s. (as issued). Wellbeloved (C.), Eboracum; or, York under the Romans , plates, royal 8vo, 1842; 13s. 6d. (cl.). Wheater (W.), Old Yorkshire, second series, illustrations, 8vo, 1885; 6s. 6d. (cl.). - Slierburn and Caiuood, plates, 8vo, 1882; 8s. (cl.). First Edition, plates, 1865; 7s. 6d. (cl.). Whellan, History and Topography of the City of York and the North Riding, 2 vols., 8vo, 1857-59 ; 12s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Whitaker (T. D.), History of Richmondshire, 2 vols., plates after Turner, 1823, folio; <£19 (hf. mor., auction), £16 (hf. russ., auction). Large-paper copies are very scarce. - History and Antiquities of Craven, 1805, 4to. Another Edition, 1812, folio; <£2 12s. (bds., uncut, large paper, auction). Another Edition, 1878, 4to; £3 10s. (hf. cf.), <£6 6s. (largest paper, plates coloured). Wilkinson (J.), Worsborough, pedigrees, crown 8vo, n.d., (1872); 8s. (cl.). Wilson, History and Progress of Bramley, 12mo, 1860 ; 3s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Wittie (B.), Scarbrough Spaw, 8vo, 1667; £1 (cf., auction). Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Journal, numerous illustrations, pedigrees, &c., 8 vols., 8vo, complete set to 1884, 1869-84; £8 8s. (cl.). Young (G), History of Whitby, plates, 2 vols., 8vo, 1817; £1 Is. (bds.). - Picture of Whitby, 12mo, 1824; 7s. 6d. (bds., uncut). CHAPTER XVII. English Literature ( continued)—Old Chronicles. Collections. The works of the ancient English historians, though often exceedingly scarce in the original, have nearly all been reprinted in “ Collections.” The earliest edition of these fasciculi was published in London in 1574, in folio, under the patronage of Archbishop Parker. It is a handsome book, not of common occurrence, and contains the “ Historia Brevis ” and 44 Ypodigma Heustrige ” of Thomas de Walsingham, together with Asser’s 44 Life of Alfred the Great.” The next collection was edited and printed by Com- melin, at Heidelberg, in folio, 1587. Another title-page is sometimes found, dated from Lyons. In each case the work is entitled 44 Berum Britannicarum, Scriptores Vetustiores ac precipui,” and contains the works of Geoffrey of Monmouth and the abridgment by Ponticus Virunnius, Gildas, Bede, William of Hewbury, and Froissart; 8s. (hf. cf.). In a few years followed Sir Henry Savile’s collection, first published in London, 1596, and afterwards at Frank¬ fort in 1601, folio. The title runs 44 Berum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam precipui,” and the work contains the historical writings of William of Malmesbury, Henry of Huntingdon, Boger Hoveden, iEtlielwerde, and Abbot CHRONICLES. 375 Ingulph of Croyland. This collection is an important one, and was edited with great care. In 1603, the famous Camden, the author of the “Britannia,” published his “Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica, a veteribus Scripta,” containing Asser’s “ Life of Alfred,” the anonymous treatise on the Life of William the Conqueror, the two works of Thomas de Walsingham, previously mentioned, Thomas de la Moor’s “ Edward II.,” and three treatises by Giraldus. The reputation of this work corresponds with the well- known talents of the editor. This work of Camden’s was followed by a collection edited by Sir Roger Twysden, in 2 vols., folio, 1652, with a preface by Selden. The fasciculus contains, inter alia , the Chronicles of Henry Knyghton, William Thorn, Thomas Stubbs the Dominican, Ailred, Abbot of Rievaulx, and John Brompton. This edition is exceedingly accurate, though the authors which it contains are in themselves of no great repute; £1 10s. (cf. gt., by Clarke). In 1684 G. Fulman published, in folio, as a continuation of the former work, the “ Rerum Anglicarum, Scriptorum Yeterum,” containing the “ Historia ” of Ingulph and its two continuations, the “ Chronica de Mailros ” and the “Annales Burtonenses.” The editor of this work died soon after its publication, and the remaining two volumes of the series (numbered 1 and 2 respectively) were edited by Dr. Gale, of Oxford, 1687-1691, folio. The authors reprinted number no less than twenty, and though the work abounds in inaccuracies, it was at one time valuable, as being the most comprehensive that had hitherto been published; £3 10s. (the three volumes, mor. ex., by Bedford, fine copy). In 1692 Henry Wharton published his multifarious work, in 2 vols., folio, entitled “ Anglia Sacra, sive Collectio Historiarum de Archiepiscopis et Episcopis Anglia)”; £1 4s. (cf.), £1 2s. (cf.). 376 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. In 1724 J. Sparke, of London, published the “ Historia3 Anglicanse, Scriptores varii,” and-in 1757 Charles Bertram issued the smallest collection extant, at Copenhagen. Baron Maseres published in 1783 and 1807 a small collection, in 4to, of works relative to English affairs near the time of the Conquest, with notes in English. The History of the Normans is, however, more amply illustrated by a collection of their early historians, pub¬ lished at Paris, in folio, by M. Du Chesne, 1619, under the title of “ Historise Normannorum Scriptores Antiqui”; £2 (mor. ex., g. e.). To come to more recent times, we find a collection of the “ Chronicles of England,” edited by Johnes, in 28 vols., royal 4to, 1803-15. This comprises the works of Froissart and Monstrelet, Holinshed, Grafton, Robert of Gloucester, Peter Langtoft, Fuller, Joinville, Halle, Hardyng, Fabyan, William of Malmesbury, Arnold, and Rastell. Next comes the “Chronicles of England, Scotland, Ireland, &c.,” edited by Douce, Sir H. Ellis, and others, 23 vols., 4to, 1807-12. This valuable series includes the works of Arnold, Fabyan, Froissart, Grafton, Halle, Hardyng, Holinshed, Monstrelet, Rastell, and Joinville; £21 (russ. ex., by Bedford, 23 vols. in 12), £14 (russ. gt., uniform). In 1838-56 a collection of the Chronicles was printed under the auspices of the English Historical Society. A complete set consists of 29 vols. (usually found in 24), 8vo; £6 15s. (cl., uncut, large paper, complete set). A very good collection, so far as it goes, for only one volume was published, is Petrie and Sharpe’s “Monumenta Historica Britannica,” 1848, folio; £1 5s. (as issued). The notes to this work are exceedingly valuable. The most complete and satisfactory series of all is, however, one which was commenced in 1857 under the CHRONICLES. 017*7 Oil direction of the Master of the Rolls, entitled “ Reruin Britannicarum Medii JEvi Scriptores — Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain, &c.”; £7 10s. (hf. rox., uncut, 57 vols., 8vo, 1858-65) ; £38 (hf. rox., uncut, 182 vols.), £43 (hf. rox., uncut, 211 vols.). The above list comprises all or nearly all the important collections of the English ancient historians which have hitherto been published; some of the more noted authors have however been edited separately, and these are referred to below, in alphabetical order. Many of these separate pieces are both rare and valuable, as the quoted prices will show, but as to the collections a different rule altogether prevails. Generally speaking, the more recent the collection the greater its value, while as regards the single works, the older the book the greater its value. The reason of this distinction is that none of the collections are old enough to rank primarily as specimens of ancient typography, the contrary being the fact so far as the single pieces are concerned. Where a book of this class is so old as to amount to a curiosity, which presupposes a date anterior to about 1550, the value is increasing; in nearly every other instance the value is less now than it was at the commencement of the present century. To realise a satisfactory price, Chronicles, which include all historical works, must be either very old or comparatively new ; though of course there are exceptions to this as to every other rule. Works Published Separately. jEthelwerde (Fabius), Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam prcecipui , tyc., London, 1596, folio; £1 17s. 6d. (hf. cf. ex.). Another Edition, Frankfort, 1601, folio; 8s. (cf.). This Chronicle, translated from the Latin by J. A. Giles, is published as a separate volume in Bohn’s “ Antiquarian Library,” 1847, 8vo; 2s. (cl.). It consists of four short books, the first beginning with the Creation and ending a.d. 449. The remainder of the work is a meagre compilation from the “ Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.” 378 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Ailred (Abbot of Rievaulx), Vita Edivardi Regis et Confessoris. This work is to be found in Sir R. Twysden’s “ Historiae Anglican® Scriptores,” 1652, 2 vols., folio ; =£1 10s. (cf. gt., by Clarke). Alured, Annales, sive Historia de gestis Regum Britannice, edited by Hearne, Oxford, 1716, 8vo; <£1 7s. (bds., large paper). Anonymous. An unknown author wrote the Life of William the Conqueror, under the title “ De Vita Gulielmi Con- questoris.” This monograph will be found in Camden’s “ Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica, a veteribus Scripta,” published at Frankfort in 1603, folio; <£1 2s. (cf. gt.). Anonymous. An unknown historiographer, the last of the ancient English historians who composed in Latin, continued the history of Croyland Abbey begun by Abbot Ingulph. All that is known of him is that he was a doctor of Canon Law and a member of the Council under Edward IV. The “ Historic Croylandensis continuatio,” as well as Ingulph’s treatise, will be found in the first volume of Fulman’s “ Rerum Anglicarum, Scriptorum Veterum,” 1684, folio. Arnold (Richard), In this Booke is conteyned the names of the Balyfs , <^c., 1st ed., small folio (Antwerp, 1502), black letter ; =£88 (russ. ex., g. e.). Another Edition (1521), folio, n.d. ; =£5 (cf., imperfect), <£9 5s. (mor. ex., imperfect). Another Edition, London, folio, n.d. Another Edition , London, 1811, 4to ; 18s. (bds.). In this Chronicle first appeared the celebrated ballad of the “ Notte Browne Mayde.” Asser (Bishop of Sherborne), De JElfredi rebus gestis, printed in Camden’s “Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica, a veteribus Scripta,” Frankfort, 1603, folio. Another Edition, 1722, Oxford, edited by F. Wise, 8vo, portrait of King Alfred, by Vertue; 8s. (bds.), 13s. (hf. cf., large paper). This edition is the only authentic one, it having been printed from a tenth century Cottonian MS., destroyed by fire in 1731. Asser’s “ Life of Alfred the Great ” was first published by Archbishop Parker in the old Saxon characters at the end of his edition of Thomas of Walsingham’s History, Lond., 1574,folio. Bacon (Lord), History of Henry VII., London, portrait by Payne, 1622, folio ; <£1 Is. (cf., large paper), c£l (cf. ex.). Other Editions : 1641, folio, portrait by Marshall; <£3 5s. (mor. ex., fine copy). 1676, folio; 12s. (hf. cf.). 1719, folio ; 3s. 6d. (cf.). 1875, l2mo, by Lumby ; Is. (cl.). CHRONICLES. 379 Bede (Ven.), Histories Ecclesiastic os Gentis Anglorum , libri V., 1st ed., n.d. (Argent., H. Eggesteyn, 1473), folio, 97pp. in 2 cols, of 40 lines; <£15 5s. (hf. bd., uncut), £4 4s. (un¬ bound), <£10 10s. (vellum). Other Editions : 1513, Argent., folio; 17s. 6d. (hf. cf.). 1550, Antwerp, folio; 12s. (cf.). 1587, Heidelberg, 12mo; 3s. (vellum). 1643, folio; <£1 (hf. cf. ex.). 1722, edited by J. Smith, Cambridge, folio; <£1 Is. (cf.), £1 9s. (cf., large paper). The best edition. 1846, 8vo, by Hussey ; 4s. (cl.). 1869, 8vo, by Moberly ; 4s. 6d. (cl.). Botoner. See William of Wyrcester. Buck (G.), Life of Richard III., London, 1646, 4to. Portrait by T. Cross; 8s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, 1647, folio ; 7s. 6d. (hf. cf.). Camden (W.). See ante , p. 226, also the same author’s “ Anglica, Normannica, Hibernica, Cambrica, a veteribus Scripta,” previously referred to in the “Collections.” - Annals; or, the Historie of Elizabeth, 1630, folio; 12s. (hf. cf.). Another Edition, 1635, folio ; 10s. (cf.). Another Edition, 1675, folio ; 8s. 6d. (cf.). Caradoc (of Lancarvan), Historie of Cambria, translated into English by Lloyd, continued by D. Powel. Black letter, 1584, 4to; £2 2s. (cf., stained), <£4 17s. 6d. (vellum). Another Edition, 1697, 8vo, by Wynne ; 5s. 6d. (cf.). Another Edition, 1774, 8vo, by Powell; 9s. (cf. ex., g. e.). Another Edition, 1811, 4to ; <£1 12s. (hf. russ., uncut). A reprint of the edition of 1584. Only twenty-five copies were printed. Another Edition , 1832, 8vo, by Llwyd ; 5s. (cl.). Caxton (W.), Chronicles of England, black letter, 1480, folio ; £67 (russ., wanted portion of index, and about forty leaves), £470 (mor. ex., perfect). Second Edition, Westmestre, 1482, folio; £45 (cf., two sheets wanting). Another Edition, black letter, Wynkyn de Worde, 1515, folio; £1 17s. (very imperfect). Another Edition, black letter, Wynkyn de Worde, 1528, folio ; £26 (mor. ex.). There are a large number of editions of Caxton’s Chronicles, mostly printed by Richard Pynson or Wynkyn de Worde. All those early volumes are exceedingly scarce and valuable. 380 THE LIBRARY MAN DAL. Collins (A .), History of Edward the Black Prince , 1740, 8vo; 8s. 6d. (hf. cf.), =£1 5s. (mor. ex., large paper). Coniines (Philip de), Memo ires, Faris, 1581, folio; <£2 4s. (mor. ex., g. e.) Another Edition, Elzevir Press, Leide, 8vo, 1648; £2 2s. (mor. ex., in 2 vols.), <£1 14s. (mor., ibid.). There are a vast number of French editions of various degrees of merit. The English translations include the following: 1596, folio, by Danett ; 8s. (hf. cf.), 1600, 4to, by Danett; 8s. 6d. (cf.). 1614, folio; =£1 2s. (mor., g. e.). 1674, 8vo, by Godefroy, portrait; 6s. (hf. bd.). 1712, Svo, 2 vols., by Uvedale ; 8s. (hf. cf.). 1723. 8vo, 2 vols., Lvedale’s second edition; 8s. 6d. (hf. cf.) 1823, Svo, 2 vols. Cooper (Thomas), Chronicle. See Banquet (T.). Cotton (Sir R.), Life and Reigne of Henry III., London, 1679, 12mo; 6s. (cf.). The first edition of this work appeared in 1627 in 4to ; there are other editions of 1641, 4to ; 1642, 4to, with portraits of the Kings by Faithorne, £1 3s. 6d. (cf.); and 1820, 4to, reprinted in the second volume of Smeeton’s Tracts. In conjunction with Sir John Hayward, this author wrote a separate work entitled “ The Histories of the Lives and Reignes of Henry III. and Henry IV., Kings of England,” London, 1642, 12mo ; 5s. 6d. (cf.). Croniclis of Engdonde, with the frute of Timis 288 ff, St. Albans (1483), folio; =£51 (russ. ex., with all faults). The first book printed at St. Albans. The only perfect copy known to exist is in the Royal Collection. See Caxton (William). Eoyle (J. E.), Chronicle of England, B.C. 55 -A.D. 1485, 1st ed., 1864, 4to; =£1 17s. (mor. ex., g. e.). The designs were engraved and printed in colours by E. Evans. Eadmer (Monk of Canterbury). Histories Novorum sive sui Sceculi , libri VI., Res g^sta sub Gulielmis I. et II., et HenrPo I., edited by Selden, 1623, small folio; 18s. (hf. cf.). Reprinted in the “ Rerum Britannicarum Medii iEvi Scriptores,” Ac., 1858, Ac., 8vo. Eddins, Vita Sancti Wilfridi , Episcopi Eboracensis, printed and published by the Caxton Society, 1844, Ac., Svo, and also in the collection “ Rerum Britannicarum Medii iEvi Scriptores,” Ac., 1858, Ac Svo. CHRONICLES. 381 Fabian (R.), Chronicle, 1st ed., 2 vols., usually found in 1, black letter, R. Pj-nson, 1516, folio; <£7 7s. (very imperfect), <£250 (mor. ex., perfect). Second Edition , black letter, W. Rastell, 1533, folio; <£6 5s. (mor. ex., title repaired). Third Edition, black letter, William Bonham, 1542, 2 vols., folio ; <£5 12s. 6d. (mor. ex.). Some copies have the name of John Reynes as printer; £3 (old cf., imperfect),£4 12s. (mor. ex.). Another Edition, 1559, John Kyngston, 2 vols., folio; £1 6s. (cf., wanted title and all after p. 560 in vol. 2), £6 (mor., g. e.), £23 10s. (mor. ex., fine copy). Another Edition , 1811, royal 4to, by Ellis, reprinted from the 1st ed.; 12s. (hf. cf.). This work commences with the arrival of Brute and ends at the twentieth year of Henry VII. It furnishes one of the earliest examples of an historical composition written in English. Fabian died in 1511 or 1512, and his example en¬ couraged a crowd of historical writers, such as Sir Thomas More, Halle, Grafton, Holinshed, Foxe, and Stowe, to follow his footsteps. Florence of Worcester, Chronicon ex Chronicis, ab initio Mundi Esque ad Annum Domini 1118, 1st ed., 1592, 4to; £1 5s. (mor.). This Chronicle will also be found printed in the Frankfort Edition of the works of Matthew of West¬ minster, 1601, folio, and in Bohn’s “ Antiquarian Library ” ; 2s. (cl.), also among the English Historical Society’s Publi¬ cations, 1848, &c., 8vo, and in the series of the “ Church Historians of England.” vol. 2, part 1, 1853, 8vo. Fordun (J.), Scotichronicon , 5 vols., 1722, by Hearne, folio; £2 15s. (cf., large paper), £1 11s. ( ibid .). Another Edition, 2 vols., 1759, folio, by Goodall ; £1 2s. (cf. ex.). Also printed in Gale’s “ Rerum Anglicarum Scriptorum Veterum,” Oxon., 3 vols., 1684-91, folio. Froissart (Sir J.), Cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, tfc., translated by Lord Berners, 4 books in 1 or 2 vo’.s., black letter, W. Myddleton and R. Pynson, 1525, folio ; £24 10s. (russ. ex., by Hering), £41 (russ. ex., nearly uncut). Other editions, among which are the following: 1525, 2 vols., folio, Pynson. There appears to have been three early editions of Froissart, one by Pynson, another with Pynson’s name but probably pirated, and a third by W. Myddleton. Copies are fre¬ quently found made up from the three editions. 1803-5, 4 vols., folio, by Johnes; £29 8s. (hf. russ., large paper, duplicate set of coloured plates inserted, very fine copy), £3 10s. (hf. russ.). 382 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Proissart (Sir J.), Cronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Sjoayne, tfc., 1805, 12 vols., 8vo, by Johnes; £1 5s. (hf, cf.). There should be a 4to volume of plates in addition. 1808, 12 vols., 8vo, by Johnes ; <£1 (hf. cf.). There should be a 4to volume of plates in addition. 1812, 2 vols., 4to, by Utterson; <£1 4s. (uncut.) 1816, 4 vols., 8vo ; £J 12s. (cf. gt.). 1842, 2 vols., 8vo; =£1 2s. (cl.). 1844, translated by Johnes, 2 vols. Illuminated illustrations of Froissart from MSS. in the British Museum; and the Bibliotheque Royale (by Humphreys), 2 vols., together 4 vols., 1844, 8vo ; £6 15s. (mor. ex., fine copies). 1845, 2 vols., 8vo, by Johnes ; <£1 5s. (hf. mor.). 1849, 2 vo s., 8vo, Bohn, plates in gold and colours; £3 12s. (hf. mor., g. e.). 1852, royal 8vo, Bohn, 120 woodcuts and 74 illuminations; £1 12s. (hf. mor.). 1852, 2 vols., 8vo, by Johnes; 12s. (cl., uncut). 1855, 2 vols., 8vo, Bohn, illuminated plates and woodcuts; <£4 4s. (hf. mor.). 1874, 2 vols., impl. 8vo, Routledge, illuminated plates and woodcuts; £3 15s. (hf. mor.). The first edition of Froissart was published without date (circa 1495-1500) at Paris, in 3 vols., folio, under the title “ Croniques de France, Dangleterre,” &c., black letter; £81 (mor. ex., fine copy, in choice binding). Geoffrey of Monmouth, Arturi de Origine et Gestis Regum Britannice, lib. XII. To be found in Commelin’s “ Rerum Britannicarum, Scriptores Vetustiores ac precipui,” printed at Heidelberg (or Lyons), in folio, 1587. There is an abridgment of this work by Ponticus Yirunnius, also printed in the same collection. The first edition of the Chronicle of Geoffrey of Monmouth appeared at Paris in 1508, and the second at the same place in 1517, 4to. It is also to be found among the publications of the Roxburghe Club, 1830, 4to. Gildas (British Monk of Bangor, and the first of our Native Historians), De Excidio Britannice et Conquestu Ejusdem , 1st ed., Londini (1525), 8vo; £3 (mor. ex., g. e.). Another Edition, 1541, 16mo, printed at Basle; 12s. (cf. ex.). Another Editio?i, 1568, 16mo, by Josselinus; £1 12s. 6d. (hf. mor. ex.). Another Edition , 1852, 12mo ; Is. (cl.). Also to be found in the collection of H. Commelin, entitled “Rerum Britannicarum Scriptores,” 1587, folio; in the first volume of the “ Rerum Anglicarum Scriptorum Veterum,” 1684, folio ; among the Historical Societies publi¬ cations; and in Bohn’s “Antiquarian Library,” 1847, 8vo. CHRONICLES. 383 Giraldus Cambrensis, otherwise called Girald Barry, Itinerary of Bishop Baldwin through Wales, a.d. 1188, entitled Giraldi Cambrensis Itinerarium Cambrioe, seu laboriosce, Balduini Cant. Archiep , &c., 1806, 2 vols., 4to, by Hoare ; <£2 8s. (nncnt). Giraldus was the author of a number of historical works reprinted in the “ Rerum Britannicarum Medii iEvi Scriptores,” 1858, &c.; in Camden’s “Anglica, Hibernica,” &c., 1602, folio; in Bohn’s “Antiquarian Library,” and elsewhere. Grafton (R.), A Chronicle at Large, London, 1568, 2 vols., folio, generally bound in 1, black letter ; <£3 10s. (cf. gt., repaired), ,£5 5s. (mor. gt., first title in facsimile), £5 (russ.). Second Edition, 1569, folio ; value about the same. Another Edition, 1809, 2 vols., 4to; 16s. (bds., uncut). There are several abridgments of this Chronicle, notably those printed by Richard Tottell, prior to 1573, and the “ Manuell,” printed by John Kingston in 1565, 16mo. Habington (T. and W.), Historie of Edward IV., 1640, folio; <£1 Is. (cf. gt., by Clarke). Should contain a portrait of Edward IV. in a small escutcheon, by Elstracke. Halle (Edw.), Chronicle, 1548, folio. There are three issues of this date, which vary but little. See Lownde’s “ Biblio¬ grapher’s Manual,” under Halle (Edward). Fourth Issue, 1550, folio, R. Grafton; =£5 10s. (mor. ex., some leaves repaired). Another Edition, 1809, 4to, collated with the editions of 1548 and 1550 ; 9s. (bds.). This work is reprinted in the “ Chronicles of England,” &c., by Sir H. Ellis and others, 4to, 1807, &c. Harding 1 (John), .Chronicle in Metre , London, Grafton, 1543, 8vo; £3 10s. (russ. ex., cut), <£15 (original binding with clasps), <£11 5s. (mor. ex., perfect). There are three editions bearing the same date, and all printed by Grafton. The value is about the same in each case. One leaf (folio 5 in Edward IV.) was cancelled and altered, and to find copies with the original leaf is rare. Another Edition, 1812, royal 4to, by Ellis ; 18s. (bds.). Hayward (Sir J.), Life and Raigne of King Edward VI., London, 1630, 4to; 12s. (cf. gt.). Portrait by Vaughan, and of the author by Passe. Another Edition, 1636, 12mo. - Life of Henrie IV., London, 1599, portrait, 4to ; 12s. (cf. gt.). There are two editions of this date. - The Beginning of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, 1636, 12mo; 5s. 6d. (cf.). Reprinted by the Camden Society. - Lives of the Three Norman Kings of England, 1613, small 4to; 8s. (cf. gt.). 384 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Hearne (Thomas). The following is a complete list of the historical works of this famous antiquary. All are in 8vo, and were published at Oxford at the dates mentioned : Spelman’s Life of JElfred the Great , with considerable additions, 1709 ; 8s. 6d. (hf. cf.). The Itinerary of John Leland the Antiquary, 9 vols., 1710; <£4 10s. (uncut). Lelandi Antiquarii de rebus Britannicis Collectanea, 6 vols., 1715; £2 15s. (cf.). Another Edition, 6 vols., 1774; £2 (hf. mor., uncut). Johannis Rossii, Antiquarii Warwicensis Historia Regum Anglice , 1716 ; 9s. (hf. cf.). Titi Livii , Foro Juliensis, Vita Henrici V. Regis Anglice, 1716. Aluredi Beverlacensis, Annales, sive Historia de gestis Regum Britannice, 1716 ; <£1 7s. (cf., large paper). Roperi Guil. Vita D. Thomce Mori, &c., 1716. Gudielmi Camdeni, Annales Rerum Anglicarum et Hiber- nicarum, regnante Elizabetha, 3 vols., 1717 ; d£l 5s. (cf., large paper). Gulielmi Neicbrigensis, Historia sive Chronica Rerum Anglicarum , 3 vols., 1719. Thomce Sprotti, Chronica, 1719 ; 4s. (hf. cf.). Text us Roffensis, 1720. Roberti de Avesbury, Historia de Mirabilibus gestis, Echcardi III., 1720; 9s. (cf.), <£1 4s. 6d. (hf. cf., large paper). Joannis de Forclun Scotichronicon, 5 vols., 1722 ; £1 11s. (cf., large paper), <£2 15s. (ibid.). History onicl Antiquities of Glastonbury, by an anonymous author, 1722 ; ^£3 5s. (mor. ex.). Hemingi. Chartularium Ecclesice Wigornensis, 2 vols., 1723; £2 16s. (cf. ex., large paper). Robert of Glocester’s Chronicle (in verse, black letter), 2 vols., 1724; <£1 12s. (russ., largest paper). Peter LangtofVs Chronicle (in verse, black letter), 2 vols., 1725 ; ,£1 15s. (russ., largest paper). Joannis Glastoniensis, Chronica, 2 vols., 1726. Adami Domerham, Historia de rebus gestis Glastoniensibus, 2 vols., 1727 ; =£1 8s. (cf.). Thomce de Elmham, Vita et gesta Henrici Quinti Anglorum Regis, 1727 ; 12s. (bds.). CHRONICLES. 385 Hearne (Thomas), Liber Niger Scaccarii, etiam Wilhelmi Worcestrii, Annales Rerum Anglicarum, 2 vols., 1728 ; <£1 16s. (cf., large paper). Another Edition, 2 vols., 1774 ; 6s. (bds., uncut). Historia Vitce et Regni Ricardi II. Anglice Regis, a Monacho quondam de Evesham, 1729 ; £1 8s. (cf., large paper). Johannis de Trolcelowe, Annales Edwardi II. et Henrici de Blaneford, Chronica et Edwardi II. Vita, 1729 ; <£1 14s. (cf. gt., large paper). Thomce Caii, Vindicice, Antiquitatis Academice Oxoniensis, contra Johannem Caium Cantabrigiensem, 2 vols., 1730. Walteri Hemingford, Historia de rebus gestis Edwardi I., Ed. II., et Ed. III., 2 vols., 1731 ; £1 15s. (cf. gt., large paper). Thomce Otterbourne et Johannis Wethamstede, Chronica ab origine Gentis Britannice, usque ad Edwardum IV., 2 vols., 1732; £1 12s. (hf. mor. ex., large paper), 10s. (cf., small paper). Chronicon, sive Annales Prioratus de Dunstaple, 2 vols., 1733 ; <£1 3s. (cf., large paper). Benedictus Abbas, Petroburgensis de Vita et gestis Henrici II. et Ricardi I., 2 vols., 1735. Hemingford (Walter), Historia de rebus gestis Edivardi I., Ed. II., et Ed. III., edited by Hearne, 2 vols., 1731, 8vo; £1 15s. (cf. gt., large paper). --- Chronica de gestis Regum Anglice ab anno 1066 ad 1300, a small portion of the “ Historia ” quoted above, to be found in the second volume of Dr. Gale’s, “ Historiae Britannicse et Anglicanae Scriptores,” published at Oxford, 1687-91, in 2 vols., folio, and also among the publications of the English Historical Society. Henry of Blaneford, Chronica et Edwardi II. Vita, edited by Hearne, 8vo, 1729, containing also the “ Annales Ed¬ wardi II.,” by John de Trokelowe ; £1 14s. (cf. gt., large paper). Henry of Huntingdon, Historiarum, lib. VIII. The eight historical books of this author will be found printed in Sir Henry Savile’s “ Rerum Anglicarum, Scriptores post Bedam precipui,” London, 1596, folio; also in the “ Rerum Britanni- carum Medii JEvi Scriptores,” 1858, &c., 8vo. Another Edition, 1601, Frankfort, folio. See also the Translation in Bohn’s Antiquarian LibrarjV* 1847, 8vo. Higden (R.), Poly chronicon. See ante, p. 251. 2 c 386 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Holinshed (Ralph), The Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1577, 3 vols., folio ; <£56 (mor. ex., very large and fine copy), <£40 (perfect, but slightly cut), <£8 15s. (cf., six leaves wanting in vol. 1, and woodcut view of Edinburgh in vol. 2). 1586-87, London, 3 vols., folio; <£8 15s. (mor. ex.), <£6 10s. (cf., title inlaid). 1807-8, London, 6 vols., 4to; ,£3 15s. (uncut), <£2 8s. (hf. cf.). Hovedenns (Roger), Annalium pars prior et posterior , printed in Sir Henry Savile’s “ Rerum Anglicarum, Scriptores post Bedam precipui,” London, 1596, folio, and Frankfort, 1601, folio; also in Bohn’s “ Antiquarian Library.” Johannis de Trokelowe, Annates Edwardi II., edited by Hearne, 8vo, 1729; ,£1 14s. (cf. gt., large paper). Joinville (Lord de), Memoirs, written by himself, containing the chronicles of Louis IX., translated by Johnes, 2 vols., 1807, royal 4to; <£1 (russ.), <£1 11s. (russ. ex.). Another Edition, 1848, 8vo, Bohn; 2s. 6d. (cl.). An English translation also appears in Sir H. Ellis’s “ Chronicles of England,” &c., published in 23 vols., 4to, 1807-12. Langtoft (Peter), The Chronicle of (in verse, black letter), edited by Hearne, 2 vols., 1725, 8vo; =£1 12s. (cf., large paper). To be found reprinted in the “ Rerum Britannicarum Medii My i Scriptores,” 1858, 8vo. Lanquet (T.), An Epitome of Chronicles . . . continued to the Reigne of Edward VI., by Thomas Cooper, woodcut title by Holbein, black letter, 1569, 4to; «£3 7s. 6d. (mor. ex.). Other editions of 1559 and 1560. 1565, 4to, by Cooper ; <£2 14s. (cf. ex.). The first edition appeared without date (1549), 4to, printed by Thomas Berthelet. Lyttelton (George, Lord), History of Henry II., 1767, 4 vols., 4to; <£1 16s. (old cf., gt.). Second Edition, 1767, 4 vols., 4to; <£1 103. (cf. ex.). 1768, 4 vols., 8vo, Dublin ; 6s. 6d. (cf.). 1776, 6 vols., 8vo, by Ayscough, with 3 extra volumes of miscellaneous works; <£1 12s. (the 9 vols., old cf.). 1777, 6 vols., 8vo ; 18s. (hf. mor.). Marechal (Guillaume le, Regent of England during the reign of Henry YIII.). The history of this author, which was recently discovered amongst the MSS. of Sir Thomas Phillipp’s library at Cheltenham, by Paul Meyer, of Paris, has been published under the auspices of the Societe de l’Histoire de France. The poem contains 19,000 octosyllabic lines, and is published in 3 vols., two of which contain the text and the third an abridged translation, with an historical commentary. CHRONICLES. 387 Matthew of Paris. See Paris (Matthew). Matthew of Westminster, Flores Historiarum, precipuce da rebus Britannicis ab exordio mundi usque ad Annum Domini, 1307, London, 1570, folio; .£3 12s. 6d. (hf. cf. ex.). Another Edition, Frankfort, 1601, folio. A prior edition of 1567, London, folio, was printed from an inexact and incomplete manuscript. A translation, by C. D. Yonge, appears in Bohn’s “Antiquarian Library,” 1853, 2 vols., 8vo; 5s. (cl.) ; and the work is reprinted in the original Latin with Notes by Lttard, 1890 (“ Rerum Britan - nicarum Medii iEvi Scriptores,” &c.). Monstrelet (E. de), Chronicles , by Johnes, 1809, 5 vols., 4to; £2 16s. (russ., large paper, in folio), <£8 (hf. russ., coloured plates). Second Edition, London, 1810, 12 vols., 4to; <£3 5s. 6d. (hf. cf.). 1840, 2 vols., 4to. 1853, 2 vols., 8vo, by Johnes ; 12s. (cl., uncut). These “ Chroniques ” take up the story where it was left by Froissart in 1400, and is carried down by Monstrelet to 1467 and by various editors to 1516. The work will be found reprinted in Sir H. Ellis and others’ “ Chronicles of England,” &c., 5 vols., 1807, &c., 4to. * More (Sir Thomas), Life and Death of Edward V ., and the Tragicall Historie of the Life and Raigne of Richard III., 1641, 8vo; £1 11s. (cf. ex.). Two portraits and two title- pages. Another Edition, 1821, 8vo, by Singer ; ,£3 5s. (russ. ex., large paper). Nennius (Abbot of Bangor), Eulogium Britannice sive Historia Britonum. Printed in the first volume of Dr. Gale’s “ Historic Britannicae et Anglicanae Scriptores,” Oxford, 2 vols., 1687-91, folio; also in Bertram’s “ Britannicarum Gentium, Historise Antiquae Scriptores tres,” Copenhagen, 1757, 8vo ; and among the publications issued by the English Historical Society, 1838. A translation, by Giles, was pub¬ lished in 1847, 8vo; 2s. (cl., Bohn’s “ Antiquarian Library ”). Otterbourne (Thos.), Chronica ab origine Gentis Britannice, usque ad Edwardum IV., edited by Hearne, 2 vols., 1732, 8vo; c£l 12s. (hf. mor. ex., large paper), 10s. (cf., small paper). Paris (Matthew), Historia Major, &c., edited by W. Wats, London 1640, folio ; ,£1 8s. (cf.). This edition, which is the best, contains also the Histories of Roger of Wendover, upon which Matthew Paris 2 c 2 388 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. founded his treatise, and of William Rishanger, who com¬ menced where Matthew Paris leaves off and carried the record down to the year 1273. Paris (Matthew), Historia Major , Sfc., 1644, Paris, folio; 12s. (hf. cf.). A reprint of the London edition of 1640. 1684, London, folio ; =£1 4s. ^hf. cf. ex.). 1849-54, 5 vols., 8vo, by J. A. Giles (Bohn’s “ Antiquarian Library ”). Contains the Chronicles of Roger of Wendover and Matthew Paris ; 12s. 6d. (cl.). 1872-83, London, 7 vols., 8vo, by Ltjard ; <£1 3s. (cl.). The first edition of Matthew Paris’ Chronicle was pub¬ lished at London in 1571, folio. Rastell (J.), The Pastyme of People—The Cronycles of Dyvers Realmyes , Gothic letter, with 18 curious full-page woodcuts of the Kings from William the Conqueror to Richard III., besides a number of smaller woodcuts of the earlier his¬ torical figures, and genealogical diagrams, folio, John Ras¬ tell (1529); =£79 (cf., two leaves missing). The rarest and most curious of the English Chronicles, probably only four or five copies being now extant. The copy in the British Museum is, in the printed catalogue, stated to be the only perfect copy known. The woodcuts are the largest works of the kind which had yet been executed in England. 1811, 4to, by Dibdin ; =£1 2s. (hf. mor., uncut). Rishanger (William). See Paris (Matthew). Robert of Avesbury, Historia de Mirabilibus gestis Edwardi III., edited by Hearne, 1720, 8vo ; 9s. (cf.), =£1 4s. 6d. (hf. cf., large paper). Also reprinted, under the editorship of E. M. Thompson, in the “ Rerum Britannicarum Medii iEvi Scriptores,” &c., 1858, &c., 8vo. Robert of Gloucester, The Chronicle of (in verse, black letter), edited by Hearne, 2 vols., 1724, 8vo; =£1 5s. (bds., uncut), <£1 12s. (russ., largest paper). This Chronicle was first published by Hearne from the MS. in the Harleian Library. It has also been reprinted under the editorship of W. A. Wright in the “Rerum Britannicarum Medii iEvi Scriptores,” &c., 1858, &c., 8vo. Roger de Wendover. See Paris (Matthew). Rous (John), Britannica, sive de Regibus Veteris Britannice Historia, Frankfort, 1607, 8vo ; 3s. (vellum). Rymer (T.), Foedera, Conventiones, Literce, tyc., 1st ed., 20 vols., 1704-35, folio; =£3 15s. (cf.). Second Edition, 20 vols., 1727-35, folio; =£8 5s. (cf.), =£3 3s. (cf. gt.). CHRONICLES. 389 Rymer (T.), Foedera , Conventiones, Literce , <^c., 3rd ed., 1739-45, 20 yoIs., folio; ,£10 10s. (ef.). Another Edition, by Caley, 1816-30, 6 vols., folio; <£3 8s. (hf. bd., uncut). A Report on Rymer’s “ Foedera ” was issued from the Public Record Office in 1869, with coloured plates and facsimiles; £1 2s. (Appendices A to E, in 3 yoIs.). Saxon Chronicle (The). This famous Chronicle was first published separately by Bishop Gibson at Oxford, in 1692 ; .£1 (hf. cf. ex.). It was, however, first printed with Bede’s “ Historia ” of 1644. 1819, 12mo, by Gurney; 2s. (bds.). 1823, 4to, by Ingram ; <£1 4s. (cf. gt., large paper.) Best edition. 1847, 8vo, Bohn’s “Antiquarian Library”; 2s. 6d. (cl.). Also reprinted in the “ Rerum Britannicarum Medii iEvi Scriptores,” 1858, &c., 8vo. Speed (John), The History of Great Britain under the Conquests of ye Homans , Saxons , Danes, and Normans, London, 1611, royal folio, engraved title ; <£1 (hf. cf.), £2 (original cf., uncut). Second Edition, London, 1623, royal folio, portrait of Speed; ,£1 4s. (hf. russ.). This edition is sometimes found dated 1625, 1627, &c., but without any additions. Third Edition, 1632, small folio; 8s. (hf. cf.). Also found dated 1649, and sometimes 1650. Spelman (Sir J.), Life of Alfred the Great, with considerable additions, edited by Hearne, 1709, 8vo ; 8s. 6d. (hf. cf.). This work was first published at Oxford in 1678, folio, under the title “ iElfredi Magni Anglorum Regis invictissimi vita ” ; 14s. 6d. (hf. cf. ex.). Stow (John), Annales ; or, a General Chronicle of England, 1st ed., 1580, 4to. Second Edition, 1592, 4to. 1600, 4to, R. Newbury, black letter; <£1 Is. (cf.). 1605, 4to; 12s. (hf cf.). 1615, folio, with continuation to 1614, by E. Howes, black letter; <£1 9s. (old cf.). 1631, folio, with continuation to 1631, by E. Howes; £1 6s. (cf.). - A Summarie of Englyshe Chronicles, fyc., 1565, 16mo. Another Edition [1567], 16mo, printed by Marshe, 1573. [1575] 8vo, printed by R. Cottle and H. Binneman. [1587] 16mo, printed by R. Newberie. 1590, 8vo. 1598, 16mo ; <£1 12s. 6d. (hf. mor. ex.). 1604, 8vo, abridged and continued to date ; 3s. (cf.). 1611, 8vo, abridged by E(dmond) H(owes) ; 2s. (cf.). 390 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Thomas of Elmham (Prior of Linton), Vita et gesta Henrici Quinti Anglorum Regis, edited by Hearne, 1727, 8vo; 12a. (bds.). This work was subsequently abridged by an Italian who assumed the name of Titus Livius, a professed admirer, but an unsuccessful imitator of his great prototype. This abridgment was also edited by Hearne, and published in 1716, 8vo; 8s. (bds., uncut). Titus Livius. See Thomas of Elmham. Trivetus (N.), Annales sex Regum Anglioe, Steph., Henri II., Ric. I., Johan, Hen. III., et Edw. I., edited by Anthony Hall, Oxford, 1719-22, 2 vols., 8vo; 16s. (large paper, bds.). Wallingford (John), Chronica. To be found printed in the first volume of Dr. Gale’s “ Historiae Britannicae et Anglicanae Scriptores,” Oxford, 1687-91, 2 vols., folio. Walsingham (Thomas), Historia Brevis Anglioe. This author takes up the story where Matthew of Paris ends, beginning at the last year of Henry III., and concluding with the splendid funeral of Henry Y., and the appointment of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, to the regency. The work is printed in Camden’s Collection, entitled, “ Anglica, Nor- mannica, Hibernica, Cambrica, a veteribu3 Scripta,” Frankfort, 1603, folio ; also in Archbishop Parker’s Fasciculus, published at London in 1574. 1574, folio, John Daye ; <£3 10s. (mor. ex., by Biviere). - Tpodigma Neustrice, a History of Normandy from the beginning of the 10th century to 1418. Also printed in Camden’s and Parker’s works previously mentioned. 1574, J. Daii, folio; =£1 17s. 6d. (hf. cf.). 1602, folio. 1603, folio; 8s. (cf.). This work is always bound with Walsingham’s “ Historia Brevis,” printed by Binneman, in 1574, and with Asser’s “ Life of Alfred,” printed in the Saxon characters by John Daye. Wkethamstede (John), Chronica ab origine Gentis Britannioe, usque ad Edwardum IV., edited by Hearne, 2 vols., 1732, 8vo; £1 4s. (large paper, hf. cf.), 10s. (cf., small paper). William of Malmesbury, Be gestis Regum Anglorum, libri V. This work, together with the u Historiae Novelise,” and the “ De gestis Pontificum Anglorum,” will be found in Sir Henry Savile’s “ Rerum Anglicarum, Scriptores post Bedam precipui,” London, 1596, folio, and Frankfort, 1601, folio. Another Edition, 1601, folio Another Edition, 1815, 4to; 12s. (russ.), <£1 5s. (large paper, on impl. 4to, hf. cf.). Twelve copies were printed in folio. CHRONICLES. 391 William of Malmesbury, De gestis Regum Anglorum , libri F., another edition, 1847, 8vo, Bohn’s “ Antiquarian Library ” ; 2s. 6d. (cl.). The original Latin of William of Malmesbury will be found in the Collections of Sir H. Savile, Gale, and Fell, also among the publications of the English Historical Society, and in the collection “ Rerum Britannicarum Medii JSvi Scriptores,” 1887, 8vo, edited by Stubbs. William of Newburgh., Gulielmus Neubrigensis de Rebus Anglicise libri F., Paris, 1610, 8vo, edited by Picard 4s. 6d. (hf. cf.). 1632, Paris, 8vo; 3s. (hf. cf.). The first edition of this work was published at Antwerp, in 1567. There are editions by Hearne, Oxford, 3 vols., 8vo; <£1 14s. (large paper, hf. cf.). See also The His¬ torical Society’s Collections. William of Wyrcester, Annales Rerum Anglicarum , edited, together with the “ Liber Niger Scaccarii,” by Hearne, and published in 2 vols., 1728, 8vo; <£1 16s. (cf., large paper). CHAPTER XVIII. Literary Societies. The following list, thougli referring to the more important English Literary Societies, dissolved or existing, is by no means complete. Associations exist which do not issue and distribute works to their members. These are so numerous that it has been found inexpedient to notice them. Abbotsford, instituted at Edinburgh, 1835. The works issued by this Club are all in 4to, and comprise 34 vols.; ,£23 (uncut). The club dissolved in 1858. JElfric, instituted 1843, for the publication of Anglo-Saxon works, civil and ecclesiastical. The complete series of publications of this society consists of 15 parts, in 8vo, 1843-48; .£1 5s. (in parts as issued), «£1 11s. (hf. cf.). The society was dissolved in 1856. Ashmolean, instituted at Oxford, 1828. The Annual Report of the Proceedings of the Society , Oxford, 1833-55, 8vo. Transactions , in 2 vols., 8vo, 1835-52, not of much value; .£1 2s. (50 parts as issued). Ballad, founded by Dr. Eurnivall in 1868, to print Early- English MS. ballads, and reprint the Boxburghe, Bagford, and other collections of printed ballads; <£1 16s. (Nos. 1 to 9, large paper, 1868-73), .£6 (Nos. 1 to 26, small paper, 1868-85). Bannatyne, instituted at Edinburgh, 1823. Most of this society’s works are in 4to. - Chronicon Coenobii , 1828, 4to ; <£7 5s. (mor. gt., on vellum). - Liber Cartarum Prioratus Sancti Andree , Edinburgh, 1841, 4to; «£2 4s. (large paper). LITERARY SOCIETIES. 393 Bannatyne, Origines Pcirochiales Scotice, 1850-55, 3 vols., 4to ; £3 10s. (cl.). - The Black Book of Taymouth , Edinburgh, 1855, 4to; £7 15s. (cl., uncut). - Inventaires de la Royne Descosse, fyc., 1863, 4to; £2 15s. (cl.). A complete set of the publications, comprising 120 different works proper, and 10 volumes of the Bannatyne Garlands, in black letter, 1823-75, sold at the Gibson-Craig sale in March, 1888, for <£170. Browning 1 , founded in July, 1881, by Dr. Furnivall, to further the study of Robert Browning’s poems, and to print papers on them and illustrations of them. Camden, instituted in London, 1838. All the books are in small 4to, about 150 vols. to date; old series in blue cloth, new series in brown; for value see ante, p. 226. Caxton, instituted in 1845 for the publication of Chronicles and literature of the Middle Ages. Chancer, founded by Dr. Furnivall in 1868, to print all the best Chaucer MSS., &c.; <£5 5s. (Nos. 1 to 46, 1st series, 1868-75, and Nos. 1 to 13, 2nd series, 1869-75, together 58 vols., 4to and 8vo, as issued). Chetham, Publications of, from commencement in 1844 ; <£18 (112 vols., and Index to vols. 1-30, 1844-84, cl.). Early-English Text, founded by Dr. Furnivall in 1864, to print all Early-English literary MSS.; <£19 (Nos. 1 to 48, 1866-71, hf. cf.; Nos. 49 to 76, 1872-81, hf. cf., and extra series; Nos. 1 to 38, 1867-81, 8vo), £11 (Nos. 1 to 46, extra series, 1867-85, 8vo, sewed;. English Dialect, founded in 1873; £2 14s. (Nos. 1 to 41, wanting Nos. 17 and 35 to 38, 8vo.). English Historical, instituted in London, 1838, Chronicles of. A complete set is in 29 vols., 8vo, 1838-56; £8 (bds., demy 8vo), £17 (mor. ex., g. e., royal 8vo). The books were printed on fine and large paper, royal, for the members of the society, and on small paper, demy 8vo, for sale to the public. The society is now dissolved. Hakluyt. See ante, p. 249. Iberno-Celtic, for the preservation of the ancient remains and the encouragement of Irish literature. Only one work has been issued that the author is aware of. It is entitled “ Sanas Gaoidhilge Sagsbhearla,” an Irish-English Dictionary, by Edward O’Reilly, Dublin, 1861, 4to; £1 Is. There are prior editions of less value. 394 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Maitland, instituted in Glasgow, 1828, dissolved in 1859, 106 vols., mostly in 4to; <£77 (94 vols., 1830-59, cl.). Manx, formed at Douglas in 1858, for the publication of national documents relating to the Isle of Man; £7 15s. (30 vols., from the commencement in 1858 to 1879, cl.), <£4 12s. (ibid.). New Shakespeare, founded by Dr. Eurnivall in 1873, to promote the intelligent study of Shakespeare, and to print his works in their original spelling, with illustrative treatises; ,£1 10s. (from the commencement to 1882, 3 parts and 2 plates missing, in all 6 vols., hf. cf., and remainder in parts, 1874-82, 8vo). New Sydenham, founded in 1859, for the furtherance of the study of medicine and the allied sciences; <£6 (vols. 2 to 119, wanting vol. 37, bound in 72 vols., hf. cf., 8vo). Ossianic, for the publication of works relating to the ancient history of Ireland, instituted at Dublin, 1853, 6 vols., 8vo, 1854-61; £2 2s. (cl.). Oxford Historical, founded in 1883, Publications ; <£1 16s. (vols. 1 to 8, 1883-86, 8vo, cl.). Pal&ographical, founded in 1872, for reproducing ancient MSS. in facsimile ; <£9 (13 parts, 1873-83), <£3 12s. 6d. (series 1, parts 8-13, series 2, parts 1-4, 1878-87, folio). Parker, founded at Cambridge in 1840, dissolved in 1855, Publications; £1 (55 vols., 8vo, cl., a complete set). Percy, for reprinting Early-English poetry and general literature of the Middle Ages. These publications were issued complete in 96 parts, 1840-52; .£23 (complete set in 30 vols., together with the Annual Reports, in all 31 vols., 8vo, cf. ex.). The society is now dissolved Philobiblon, founded in 1853, to further the history and collection of books, Miscellanies; £22 10s. (15 vols., 1854-84, 4to, uncut), <£23 (19 vols., 1854-76, cl., uncut), <£15 5s. (15 vols., 1854-84, 4to, cl., uncut). Philological Society of London, the Transactions of the Society, 1854 to 1874, 15 vols., 8vo. The Proceedings are complete in 6 vols., 1842-53 ; published at ,£12 12s. There are also certain publications of the society, consisting, inter alia, of Barnes’s “ Grammar and Glossary of the Dorset Dialect,” 1863, and Skeat’s “ Maeso-Gothic Glossary,” 1868 ; «£12 10s. ( Proceedings , 6 vols., 1842-53; Transactions, 1854 to 1872, 13 vols., and 18 extra vols., in all 37 vols., 8vo cl.); Transactions, £5 7s. 6d. (from the commencement to 1886, in 22 vols., hf. cf., 1842-76, remainder in parts, 8vo). LITERARY SOCIETIES. 395 Roxburgh Club, instituted in London in 1812 for reprinting* ancient tracts and works of general interest. No complete set of the published works has hitherto been sold at auction. The following list includes some of the more important publications : Certaine Bokes of Virgile’s JEnoeis Turned into English Meter, by the Earle of Surrey, 1814, sixty copies printed; ,£3 (mor. ex., g. e.). Dolarny’s Primrose ; or, the First Part of the Passionate Hermit , 4to, 1816, 33 copies printed; <£4 12s. (hf. rox., uncut). Hagthorpe revived , printed on india-paper, woodcuts, Lee Priory Press, 1817, 4to; <£3 18s. (hf. rox., uncut). Bancroft’s Glutton’s Fever, 1817, 4to; =£3 12s. (hf. rox., uncut). Chevelere Assigne, black letter, woodcut, 1820, 4to; £2 5s. (hf. rox., uncut). Two Interludes: Jack Jugler and Thersytes , Lee Priory Press, 1820, 4to; c£3 18s. (hf. mor., uncut). Magnyfycence : An Interlude, by John Skelton, poet laureate to Henry VIII., 1821, 4to, black letter, 50 copies printed; £2 5s. (hf. rox., uncut). Cuck-Queanes and Cuckolds Errant: A Comcedye. The Faery Pastoral!, by W. P. (William Percy, third son of Henry, Earl of Northumberland), 1824, 4to; £5 10s. (hf. rox., uncut). Household Books of John, Duke of Norfolk, and Thomas, Earl of Surrey, 1481-90, edited from the original manuscripts in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries, London, by Collier, 4to, 1844; £1 (hf. rox.). These manuscripts refer to the “Jockey of Norfolk” alluded to in Shakespeare’s play of Richard III. The Poems of Michael Drayton, from the earliest and rarest editions , edited by John Payne Collier, 4to, 1856 ; =£2 5s. (hf. bd.). Partonope of Blois, edited by W. E. Buckley, 1862, 4to ; ,£1 (hf. rox., uncut). Roberd of Brunne’s Handling Synne, Sfc., edited by Furniyall, 1862, 4to; <£2 6s. (hf. rox., uncut). Royal Historie of that excellent Knight Generides, edited by Furnivall, 1865, 4to ; <£2 2s. (hf. rox., uncut). Miroure of Man’s Salvacionne, with Preface and Glossary by A. H. Huth, facsimile, 1888, 4to; c£2 5s. (hf. rox., uncut). Sir Amias Poulet’s Copy Book of Letters, edited by Ogle, 1866, 4to ; <£1 4s. (hf. rox., uncut). 396 THE LIBRARY MANUAL. Roxburgh. Club, The Historie of the Most Noble Knight Plasidas, and other pieces, collected by Samuel Pepys, edited by H. H. Gibbs, 1873, 4to; <£2 (hf. mor.). Royal Society, incorporated in London, 1662, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London, 1665 to date, con¬ sisting of many volumes, in 4to. Most of these Transactions were issued in parts, there being generally two to the volume ; some volumes, however, contain three or four parts. <£26 (from 1847 to 1888 in 70 vols., hf. cf., and paper covers, 4to). The Philosophical Transactions were abridged by Low- thorp, 1st ed., London, 1705; 4th ed., 1731, 4to, 3 vols., plates. Other abridgments by Jones, Motte, Eames, and Martin. The whole series will generally be found in from 11 to 13 vols., exclusive of Motte’s abridgment, which, being duplicate, is not considered as forming part of the series. Abstracts of the Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, 1800 to date, issued in monthly numbers. Royal Society of Literature, instituted in London, 1823- Transactions of the Society. First series, London, 1827-29, 3 vols., 4to, in 6 parts, plates. Second series, 1843, 11 vols., 8vo; <£3 8s. (second series, 10 vols., 8vo, cl.). Shakespeare, founded in 1841; <£19 (a complete set of the publications, including the supplement to Dodsley’s Old Plays, 18 vols., cf. ex., by Bedford, uncut, 8vo, 1841-53*. Shelley, founded by Dr. Furnivall in 1886 for reprinting the works of Shelley in type or manuscript fac-simile. At present the value of the society’s publications is small. Spalding, founded in 1841 for printing historical, ecclesias¬ tical, genealogical, topographical, and literary remains of the north-eastern counties of England. The Publications of this club, which was instituted at Aberdeen, are mostly in 4to; <£28 (36 vols., 4to and 2 vols., folio, a complete set, Edinburgh and Aberdeen, 1841-71), <£6 17s. 6d. (set to 1863, wanting the two folio volumes, uncut). Spenser, founded in 1867, Publications; <£12 (Nos. 1 to 47, 1867-88, 4to and folio). Statistical, founded in 1838, Journal; <£13 5s. (complete from the commencement to 1885, with the Jubilee volume, and index to vols. 1 to 35, in all 48 vols., 8vo, hf. cf.). Surtees, instituted at Durham in 1834. All the works pub¬ lished by the society are in 8vo. A set, from 1835-83, in all 76 vols., 8vo, recently sold for <£24 (as issued). LITERARY SOCIETIES. 397 Villon, various publications of, as under: Tales from the Arabic, by John Payne, 3 vols., 1832-84 ; £2 12s. (cl.). The Book of One Thousand Nights and One Night, by John Payne, 1882-84, 9 vols., 8vo; *£12 (mor. ex.). Chap Books and Folk Lore Tracts, by G. L. Gomme and H. B. Wheatley, 1st series, 5 vols., 1885, 4to ; <£1 2s. (cl.). The Decameron of Boccaccio, by John Payne, 3 vols., 1886, 8vo; <£4 10s. (cl.). Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp , 1889, 8vo ; £1 5s. (cl.). Wagner, to promote the study of bis musical and other works, and the performance of bis operas at Bayreutb. Warton, instituted in 1854, and dissolved after issuing four parts, generally found in 1 vol., post 8vo ; 8s. 6d. (cl.). Welsh. Manuscript, founded in 1837 for tbe publication of bardic and historical remains of Wales, with English trans¬ lations and notes. Tbe publications, which are scarce, are in impl. 8vo and royal 4to. Wodrow, founded in 1841 for the publication of works of the early writers of the reformed church of Scotland. The pub¬ lications of the society consist of 12 vols., all in 8vo; they are not of any very great value. The society was dissolved in 1848. Wyclif, founded by Dr. Furnivall in 1882, to print Wyclif’s Latin worKS. Ye Sette of Odde Volumes, primarily a Bibliographical Society founded by Quaritch the bookseller. It is the custom for members to present opuscula to the “ sette,” a sufficient number being printed to go round. All these are in small 4to, and difficult to obtain second-hand. When offered for sale the price asked averages 15s. or £1 each. CHAPTER XIX. Private Presses. A book “ privately printed ” is one that is circulated gratuitously by the author, or at any rate not “ pub¬ lished” for sale. Most of these books are printed by professional typographers, but some, though compara¬ tively speaking only a few, have issued from private presses, established by amateurs, who have personally superintended the production of their works. Private presses have of late years always been in the hands of dilettanti with unlimited means and plenty of time at their disposal, and, from their nature, are necessarily limited in number. Auchinleck Press was founded at Auchinleck House in Dumfriesshire, the seat of Sir Alexander Boswell, the son of James Boswell, the biographer of Dr. Johnson. The first work printed by Sir Alexander was entitled the “ Tyrant’s Fall,” 1815, 8vo, and consists of a pamphlet of five pages. The “Frondes Caducae ” was reprinted in 1816, 1817, and 1818, all in 4to. This press had only a short life of three years, 1815-18. Beldornie Press, established at Beldornie Tower in the Isle of Wight, by Edward Utterson, in 1840. Sixteen works issued from the press, which ceased to exist in 1843. Darlington Press, established by George Allan about the year 1775. The productions of this press are of an exceedingly miscellaneous character, consisting of ballads, election squibs, inscriptions on monuments, legal documents, notices to people trespassing on Mr. Allan’s grounds, and even PRIVATE PRESSES. 399 a single sheet, in 4 to. on the dimensions and weight of a fat ox bred near Darlington. A tract, entitled “ Of the Pata¬ gonians,” is, however, scarce; 1788, Darlington, 4to. The principal productions are topographical, and some of these are both useful, interesting, and valuable. Hafod Press, established in 1803 by Mr. Johnes, at Hafod in Cardiganshire, from whence issued the Chronicles of Froissart, Monstrelet, and Joinville. Kelmscott Press, founded by Mr. William Morris in 1891, at Hammersmith Mall. Up to date (September, 1891) a single work has issued from this press, viz., “ The Story of the Glittering Plain,” published at £2 2s. The present value is about double, though no copies have so far been sold by auction in London. Lee Priory Press. This famous printing establishment was instituted by Johnson and Warwick, at Ickham, near Canter¬ bury, in the year 1813. From this date to 1822 the pro¬ prietors printed 52 works and some 110 single leaves ; but in no instance were more than 100 copies of each struck off, and in most cases a very much Jess number. Sir Egerton Brydges edited nearly all the works that issued from the press. Middle Hill Press, established at the seat of Sir Thomas Phillipps in Worcestershire in the year 1819, turned out an immense quantity of pamphlets and single leaves. The principal subjects treated of are genealogical, heraldic, and antiquarian literature. Strawberry Hill Press, perhaps the most famous of any, was founded by Horace Walpole at his house at Twick¬ enham. The first work printed is entitled “ Two Odes to Mr. Gray,” 4to, 1757, and the last, “Bishop Bonner’s Ghost,” 4to, 1789. There are many detached pieces in folio, 4to, 8vo x and infra. INDEX. A. Abbott, J., 345 John, 76 A’Beckett, G. A., 208 Abel, J., 208 Abingdon, T., 367 Abram, W. A., 340 Abratius, 84 Account of a Roman Villa at Bignor, 362 Ackermann, R., 209, 323, 354 Actors by Daylight, 209 By Gaslight, 209 Adam, W., 327 Adams, H. and R., 85 Addison, Joseph, 209 yEschylus, 168 ^Esop, 169 yEthelwerde, Fabius, 377 Aikin, J., 318, 340, 345 Ailred, Abbot of Rievaulx, 378 Ainslie, General, 160 Ainsworth, W. H., 209 Agassiz and Gould, 86 L., 73, 85, 103 Agincourt, Seroux d’, 124, 148 Agricola, Georgius, 111 Agrippa, Sir Henry, 111 Akenside, M., 210 Akerman, J. Y., 154, 160, 210 Albin, Eleazer, 67 J., 334 Alchabitius, 112 Alder, J., and Hancock, A., 86 Aldrovandus, U., 62, 67, 73, 89 Aleman, Mateo, 210 Alison, Sir A., 210 Aiken, Henry, 210 Allen, T., 343, 345, 361, 363 Allioni, C., 89 Allot, R., 211 Alnwick Castle, 352 Alpinus, P., 89 Alured, 378 Alynton, R., 211 Ame, 124 America, Works relating to, 51 American Ethnological Society, 83 Ames, J., 211 Anacreon, 169, 211 Anastatic Society, 165 Ancient Brasses, Works on, 163 Dresses and Costumes, Works on, 148 Monuments, Works on, 163 Anderson, C., 212 James, 212 John, 212 J. C., 356, 361 J. P., 318 W. 124 Angas,’G. F., 212 Annual Register, 212 Anonymous, 378 Anstead, D. T., 104 Anstey, C., 213, 358 Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 83 Society of London, 83 Anthropology and Ethnology, Works on, 81 Antiquarian Repertory, The, 154 Works, 59 2 D 402 INDEX. Antiquaries, Society of, 159 Antiquitates Sarisburienses, 366 Antiquities of Warwick and War¬ wick Castle, 363 Works on General, 153 Apperley, C., 213 Apuleius, L., 213 Arabian Nights, 213 Archseologia Cambrensis, 154 Cantiana, 337 Cantiana Society, 159 Scotica Society, 159 Archaeological Association, British, 159 Institute, 159, 332 Society, Irish, 159 Archaeology, Works on, 153 Archer, T. C., 89 Ariosto, L., 214 Aristophanes, 170 Aristotle, 120, 170 Armour, Works on, 148 Arnold, F. H., 362 Matthew, 214 Richard, 378 Arrais, 112 Art Books, 59 Vernon Gallery of British, 145 Artedi, Peter, 73 Artemidorus, 112 Artephius, 112 Arts, Works on the Fine, 124 Arundel Society, 138 Ascham, Roger, 214 Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 343 Ashmole, E., 321 Ashmolean Society, 159 Aspeden Church, 337 Asquith, 327 Ass, Ignatius de, 62 Asser, Bishop of Sherborne, 378 Astrolabe, 108 Atkinson, G., 365 G. F., 214 John, 68 Atkyns, Sir R., 333 Atthill, W., 368 Atwood, W., 214 Aublet, F., 89 Aubrey, J., 214, 361, 366 Audebert, J. B., 68 Audsley, G. A., 125 G. A., and Bowes, 150 Audubon and Bachman, 62 J. J., 68 Augustine, S., 214 Aulus Gellius, 170 Aveling, J. H., 368 Axon, 340 W. E. A., 324 Ayres, Philip, 214, 215 B. Babington, C. C., 323 Bacon, Lord, 215, 378 Roger, 215 Bachman and Audubon, 62 Bad Condition, 4 Badeslade, T., 350 Badham, J., 360 Badminton Library, 215 Bailey, 340, 345 P. J.,216 T., 353 Baillie, Capt., 125 Baillon, II., 90 Baines, E., 340 T., 340, 368 Baker, 323 G., 351 J. B., 368 J. G., 90 Bale, J., 216 Balfour, J. S., 90 Ball, C., 334 Ballantyne’s Novelists’ Library, 216 Bankes, G., 330 Barber, T., 334 Barbut, James, 76 Barclay, A., 216 Bard well, 345 Barham, R. H., 216 Barker, M. H., Zlb W. G., 368 Barksdale, 216 Barrett, F., 112 W. 333 Barry, Girald, 383 Bartell, E., 350 Bartlett, 81, 321 W. A., 361 Barton, 340 William, 90 Bartsch, C., 125 Bastian, II. C., 81 Bate, C. S., and Westwood, J. O., 86 Bateman, J., 90 Battely, J., 337 Batty, 160 Bauer, 90 Baverstock, J. H., 33 Baxter, A., 112 R., 112 Bayle, P., 216 Bayne, R., 337 Beagle, 109 Beames, T., 345 Beamont, 340 Beattie, James, 216 Beaumont and Fletcher, 216, 217 W., 324 Beauties of Monmouthshire, 349 INDEX. 403 Beavan, 73 Beck, J., 363 T. A., 340 Beckford, P., 217 W., 144, 217 Beddome, R. H., 90 Bede, Ven., 379 Bedfordshire, Visitations of, 320 Works on, 320 Beesley, A., 354 Behmen, I., 112 Behn, Mrs. Aphra, 217 Bell, 62 C., 125 J., 154 T., 86 Thomas, 84 Bellett, G., 356 Bellonius, Petrus, 74 Belon, Peter, 74 Belzoni, G., 138 Bengel, J. A., 206 Bennett, J., 333 Bentham, G., 90 G., and Hooker, J. D., 90 G., and Mueller, F. Von, 90 J., 323 Bentley, R., 90 Benton, P., 331 Bequinus and Sandivogius, 112 Berkeley, M. J., 90 Berkshire, Visitation of, 322 Works on, 321 Berners, Juliana, 165 Berry, W., 322, 334, 337 Bettison, 333 Bewick, T., 62, 68, 217 Bible, English Versions of the Holy, 191 to 198 Bibles, Old, 56 Bibliography, 35 Bickham, G., 321 Bigland, R., 335 Rigsby, 104 R:, 327 Billings, R. W., 331, 351 Binns, R. W., 150 Biographies of the Painters, Works on, 144 Biography, Dictionary of National, 239 Birch, S., 150 Bishop West’s Chapel, Putney, 361 Bissett, J., 363 Blackburn, E. L., 345 Blackman tie, B., 218 Blackner, J., 353 Blair, R., 218 Blake, W., 144 William, 125 Elakeway, J. B., 165 J. B., and Owen H., 357 Blanch, W. H., 361 Blenheim, 354 Bloch, Mark Eliezer, 74 Blome, R., 218, 318 Blomefield, F., 350 Bloom, J. H., 350 Bloomfield, R., 218 Blore, E., 163 Blossom, 109 Blume, C. L., 90 Blumenbach, J. F., 81 Blundell, H., 126 Boccaccio, G., 218 Bochas, John, 218, 219 Bodinas, 112 Boger, C. G., 345 Bohn’s Extra Volumes, 219 Libraries, 219 Boissardus, 112 J. J., 145 Boissieu, De, J. J., 126 Bolton, James, 68, 91 Bonaparte, 68 and Wilson, A., 73 Bonchurch, Isle of Wight, 334 Bond, 330 Bonney, H. K., 351 Book-Hunter, The Modern, 48 Booker, J., 340 L., 367 Books, Binding up Parts of, 7 Cleaning and Repairing, 9 Collectors, 36 Defective, 5 Early-printed, 53 Hints on Collecting, 2 “ Made-up,” 5 Mutilated, 4 Sizes of, 15 Value of, 1 Boothroyd, B., 368 Boott, F., 91 Borellus, 62 Borghesi, B., 160 Borlase, W., 326 Borrow, George, 219 Bossewell, J., 165 Boswell, 330 J., 219 Botanical Magazine, 91 Register, 91 Society of Edinburgh, 103 Society of London, 103 Botany and Zoology, Magazine of, 66 Works on, 89 Botoner, 379 Boulton, 112 Bourne, II., 352 Henry, 154 Boutell, C., 154, 163,165 Bovet, R., 112 2 d 2 404 INDEX. Bow, Middlesex, 345 BoAves, and Audsley, G. A., 150 Bowman, H., 163 W., 368 Boy dell. J., 126, 138 Boyne, W., 160 Bradbury, E., 327 Braithwait, R., 219 Bramston and Leroy, 334 Brand, J., 352 John, 154 Brande, 121 Brandt, Sebastian, 220 Brannon, G., 334 Brash, R. R., 163 Brasses, Ancient, Works on, 163 Bray, W., 327 W., and Manning, O., 362 Braybrooke, Lord, 3^1 Brayley, E. W., 345 E. W., and Brewer, 126 E. W., and Britton, 345 E. W., and Britton, John, 318 E. W., Nightingale, and Brewer, 345 Bree, C. R., 68 Brenner, E., 160 Brewer and Brayley, E. W., 126 Brayley, E. W., and Nightingale, 345 Bridges, J., 351 Briggs, J. J., 327 Brightling, 361 British Gallery of Contemporary Portraits, 146 Gallery of Engravings, 144 Gallery of Pictures, 144 Museum Publications, 84, 86 Picture Galleries, Works on, 144 Britton, and Brayley, E. W., 345 And Evans, 349 J., 127, 154, 333, 337, 358, 366 John, and Brayley, E. W., 318 Brockedon, W., 138 Brodrick, W., 68 Brooke, R., 340 Brookes, S., 86 Brooks, 349 Brown, 340, 350 C., 353 Peter, 62 R., 91, 330 T., 68, 86, 104 Browne, H. K., 220 Sir T., 220, 350 William, 220 Browning, E. B., 221 E. B., and Robert, 221 Robert, 221 Brough, R. B., 220 Bruce, J., 362 J. C., 352 Bruder, H. C., 207 Bruynus, A., 148 Bryan, 345 M., 127, 144 Buchanan, 127 Buck, G., 379 S. and N., 139, 154 Buckinghamshire, Records of, 322 Works on, 322 Buckland, Rev. William, 104 Buckler, J., 332 J. C., 338 W., 358 Buckman and Newmarsh, 333 Buffon, Count, 62 G. L., Comte de, 68 Bullar, J., 334 Buller, W. L., 69 Bulwer, J., 221 John, 81, 148 Bunce, J. T., 363 Bunyan, John, 221, 222 Burge, W., 345 Burke, Edmund, 222 Burmann, J., 91 Burmeister, H., 76 Burn, R., and Nicolson, 327 Burnet, Bishop G., 222, 223 J., 127 Burney, C., 223 Burns, Robert, 223 Burr, T. B., 338 Burrow, Edward, 86 Burton, R., 224 R. F., 224 W., 343 Bury St. Edmunds, 360 Butcher, E., 329 R., 343 Butler, A. G., 76 C., 76, 224 Samuel, 224 Butterfield, W., 321 Butterworth, E., 340 J.., 340 Buxton, 332 Byrne, Wm., 318 Byron, Captain, 103 Lord, 225, 226 C. Cabinet, Sportsman’s, 298 Caesar, 171 Calendar, Newgate, The, 271 Calmet, A., 112 Calvert, 359 Cambridge, History and Antiquities- of the University, 323 Cambridgeshire, Churches of, 323 INDEX. 405 Cambridgeshire, Visitation by St George in 1619, 324 Works on, 323 Camden, 154 Society, 337 Society’s Publications, 226 W., 226, 318, 379 Camerarius, 112 Campanella, T., 113 Campbell, J. F., 104 Canova, A., 148 Canton, 84 Caraccioli, C , 362 Caradoc of Lancarvan, 379 Card, H., 367 Cardan, Jerome, 113 Cardonnel, A., 155, 160 Carellius, F., 160 Carew, R., 326 Carleton, W., 226 Carlisle in 1745, 327 Carlyle, Thomas, 226 Carpenter, 62, 144 W. B., 91 Carrington and Pearson, 91 Carter, 323 J., 148 Cartwright, E., 362 Carwitham, 127 Casaubon, M., 113 Cassell, 226 Catcott, A., 333 Cathrall, 356 Catlow, 86 A., 91 M. E., 76 Cattermole, G., 327 George, 127 Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius, 171 Caulfield, J., 146 Cavalcaselle, G. B., and Crowe, J. A., 128 Cave-Browne, J., 361 Caxton, W., 379 Centlivre, Mrs., 226 Cervantes, M., 227 Chaffers, W., 150 Challenger, 109 Chambers, J., 367 Chandler, R., 148 Chantrey, 327 Chapman, George, 227 Chappell, W, 228 Charles I., 228 Charlton, L., 368 Charterhouse, 345 Chatterton, Thos., 228 Chatto, W. A., and Jackson, J., 132 Chaucer, Geoffrey. 228, 229 Chelsea Hospital, 345 Cheltenham, 333 Chenu,63 Cheshire and Lancashire, Historic Society of, 325 In 1580, Visitations of, 326 Notes and Queries, 324 Works on, 324 Chesterfield, 32d Chilcott, 333, 358 Christmas, Henry, 113 Christy, T., 91 Chronicles, 374 Church, J., 63 Churches of Cambridgeshire, 323 Cicero, 172 Cicogna, 113 Cirencester, 333 Clark, W., 86 Clarke and Kilpack, 354 B., 63 G. R., 360 Classical Books, 59 Claude, 127 Clay, W. K., 323 Clermont, 63 Club, Grillion’s, 146 Clubs, Literary, 392 Clutterbuck, R., 337 Coates, C., 321 Cobb, J. W., 337 Cobbett, R. S., 345 Coesvelt Gallery, 144 Cohausen. 113 Cokaine, Sir Aston, 229 Colby, 329 Colchester, 332 Cole, J., 351, 368 Coleridge, S. T., 229 Collection, The Kinnaird, 145 The Rose, 148 Collections, 374 Sussex Archaeological, 160 Collectors, Books for, 36 Collin, De Plancy, 113 Colling, J. K., 128 Collins, A., 380 Collinson, J., 358 Collyer and Turner, 369 Colophon and Title-Page, 33 Colvile, F. L., 363 Combe, C., 160 William, 229 Comines, Philip de, 380 Commerson, Philibert, 74 Comte, 121 Conchology, Works on, 85 Concordances, 206, 207 Condition, Bad, 4 Congreve, W., 230 Constable, John, 128 Contracts, Law of, 119 Cook, Captain, 230 Cooke, 321 406 INDEX. Cooke, G. A., 320, 322, 323, 324, 328 M. C., 84, 91 W. B., 139 Cooper, 320 C. H., 323 J., 362 Thomas, 380 Cooper-King, Lt.-Col., 321 Cope, Sir J., 335 Coquille, 109 Cordiner, C., 139 Cornwall, Illustrated, 326 Visitation of, 327 Works on, 326 Correggio, 128 Corry, J., 324, 333, 340 Costumes, Works on Ancient Dresses and, 148 Cotman, J. S., 163, 350. 360 Cottle, J., 358 Cotton, 367 C., 328 Sir C., 230 Sir R., 380 W., 329 Couch, J., 74, 326 Counsel, G. W., 333 Coventry, History and Antiquities of the City of, 364 Cowper, B. H., 345 W., 230 Cox, 328 G. W., 230 T., 318 Coxe, Miss, 349 Coxhead, 346 Crabtree, J., 369 Cradock, T., and Walker, N., 324 Cramer and Stoll, 76 Crests, Family, 166 Heraldry of, 166 Criminal Law, 120 Criswick, 330 Croall. A., and Johnstone, W. G., 96 Cromwell, 346 T., 332 Croniclis of Englonde, 380 Croquill, A., 230 Crosfield, A., 369 Croston, J., 340 Crowe, J. A., and Cavalcaselle, G. B., 128 Croydon in the Past, 361 Cruden, A., 207 R. P., 338 Cruikshank, George, 230 to 234 Isaac, 234 J. R., 234, 235 Robert, 235 Crustacea, Works on, 85 Crutcliley, 346 Cuitt, G., 155 Cullum, J., 360 Culpepper, 91 Cumberland in 1615, Visitations of, 327 R., 144 Works on, 327 Cummings, A. H., 326 Cunningham, A., 144 P.,235 Cura^oa, 109 Curtis, J., 343 John, 76 William, 76, 92 Cussan, J. E., 337 Cuvier, Baron, 74, 76, 104 Baron, and Valenciennes, 74 George Leopold, Baron, 63 Cyclopaedias, 235 D. Dale, 332 C. W., 330 Dallaway, J., 165, 362 Dalton, E. T., 81 Dalyell, J. G., 86 Dance, G., 146 Daniel, T. and W., 139 Daniel-Tyssen, J. R., 362 Dante Aleghieri, 235 Darell, 338 Darwin, C., 92, 121 Charles, 81 Daudin, F. M., 69 Davenant, Sir W., 235 Davenport, J. M., 354 Davidson, 63 A. , 363 B. , 207 Davies, 335 D. P., 328 Davis, F., 320 H. G., 346 J. B., 81 J. B., and Tharam, 81 Dawkins, W. B., 81 Dawson, 321, 369 Day, F., 74 Daylight, Actors by, 209 De Foe, Daniel, 113, 236 De Kay, 69 De La Beche, 151 De Quincey, Thomas, 236, 237 De Wint, 139 Deans, J., 328 Dearn, T. D. W., 338 Dee, John, 113 Delabeche, H. T., 104 Delrio, 113 Demosthenes, 173 INDEX 407 Dent, R. K., 363 Derby Gallery, 144 Walks through, 329 Derbyshire, Works on, 327 Derham, S., 364 Description of England and Wales, 318 Devonshire Illustrated, 329 Works on, 329 Dibdin, T. F., 233, 237 Dickens, Charles, 237 Dickenson, 327 W., 353 Dictionary of National Biography, 239 Sportsman’s, 298 Digby, Sir K., 240 Dilettanti Society, 159 Dimock, J. F., 353 Diodorus Siculus, 173 Diogenes Laertius, 174 D’Israeli, Isaac, 240 B. , 240 Dixon, F., 104 W. H., 321 Dobie, 346 Dodd, 320, 331 Dodsworth, W., 366 Dodwell, R. E., 139 Don, George, 92 Donaldson, T. L., 160 Donne, Dr. J., 240 Donovan, E., 63, 69, 76, 86, 349 J. E., 74 Doran, Dr., 240, 346 J., 321 D’Orbigny, A., 86 C. , 63 Dorset in 1628, Visitation of, 331 Dorsetshire, Works on, 330 Doubleday, E., and Westwood, J. O., 77 Douglas, James, 81, 163 J. W. 77 Douthwaite, W. R., 346 Dover, 338 Doyle, J. E., 380 R., 240, 241 Drake, F., 369 Drayton, Michael, 241 Dresser, H. E., and Sharpe, R. B., 69 Dresses and Costumes, Works on Ancient, 148 Druery, J. H., 350 Drury, 344 D. , 77 H., 92 Dryden, John, 241 Du Sumitiere, 146 Dudley, H., 362 Dugdale, Sir W., 155, 165, 364 Dugdale, W., 318, 340 Dulwich Gallery, 144 Dumeril, 63 Duncombe, J., 336 Park, Rivalx Abbey, and Helmsley Castle, 369 Dunkin, J., 338, 355 Dunsford, M., 329 Diirer, Albert, 128 Durham, 331 Works on, 331 Dutripon, F. P., 207 Dyde, W., 333 E. Eadmer, Monk of Canterbury, 380 Earlom, R., 146 Early Editions of Seventeenth- Century Authors, 54 Printed Books, 53 Earwaker, J. P., 324 East, Works on Views of Europe and the, 138 Eastlake, 128 Easton, J., 366 Eastwood, J., 369 Ebell, 63 Eckhell, J. H., 160 Eddison, E., 353 Eddius, 380 Edmondson, J., 165 Edwards, G., 69 J., 333 S., 92 W. H. 77 Egan, Pierce, 241, 242 Eliot, George, 242 John, 242 Ellacombe, 329 H. T., 358 Ellen, I., 343 Elliott, D. G., 69 Ellis, Sir H., 355 Ellison, Dr., 352 Elstobb, 323 W 350 Emerson, R. W., 242, 243 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 243 Encyclopaedias, 243 Engelmann, 63 England and Wales, Description of, 318 Englefield, Sir H. C., 335 English, 344 Authors, First Editions of, 49 Literature, 208 Engravings, British Gallery of, 144 Ennemoser, J., 113 Entick, J., 346 Entomological Society of London, 80 408 INDEX. Entomologists’ Monthly Magazine, 77 Entomology, Works on, 76 Enville, Hagley, and the Leasowes, 367 Epictetus, 174 Epsom, History of, 361 Equity, 120 Erdeswicke, S., 359 ■“ Erebus and Terror,” 69 Ernst, J. J., 77 Erredge, 362 Esquemeling, J., 243 Essex, Visitations of, 332 Works on, 331 Etching Club, 138 Ethnological Society of London, 83 Ethnology and Anthropology, Works on, 81 Etty, W., 144 Euclid, 174 Euripides, 175 Europe and the East, Works on, Views of, 138 Evans, 321, 356, 367 And Britton, 349 E., 146 J., 81, 155, 160, 333, 358 Evelyn, John, 243 Exeter, 329 Exploring Expedition, United States, 110 Eyton, R. W., 356 T. C., 69 F. Faber, G. S., 243 Fabian, R., 381 Fabricus, Jo. Chr., 77 Fair, 331 Fairbairn, A. M., 207 Jas., 165 Falconer, H., 104 H., and Cautley, T., 104 Family Crests, 166 Farmer, J., 332 Fairen, 323 Farrer, 369 Fashion, Gallery of, 144 Faulkner, T., 346 Fayrer, J., 84 Featherston, 331 Fellows, C., 160 Fenn, J., 243 Fenton and Wedgwood, 359 Ferrier, J., 113 Fielding, 346 Henry, 244 Figuier, 63 Figuier, L., 77, 84, 92 Finden, 144 W. and E., 128 Finney, 324 First Editions of English Authors, 49 Fisher, 146 J., 369 T 390 Fish wick, H., 341 Flaxman, John, 128 Fleetwood, Bishop, 160 I Fletcher and Beaumont, 216, 217 Phineas, 244 Florence of Worcester, 381 Flower, 341 Fludd, Robert, 113 Folkes, M., 160 Forbes, E., 86 E., and Hanley, S., 86 James, 139 T. D., 104 Fordan, J., 381 Fordyce, W., 331 Forest, C., 369 Forster, E., 129 Fosbrooke, A., 155 T. D., 333, 349 Fowler, William, 129,151 Fox, 369 C. R., 161 R., 337 Foxe, John, 244 Foxed Plates, 7 Fraser, 63 Freeman, 338 E. A., 245 French, G. J., 166 Froissart, Sir J., 381 Froschel, 84 Frost, C., 369 Froude, J. A., 245 Fuessli, John Gaspard, 77 Fuller, 323 J., 332, 352 Thomas, 245 Fussell, L., 338 G. Gadbury, J., 113 Gaffarel, J., 114 Gage, J., 360 Gallery, Coesvelt, 144 Derby, 144 Dulwich, 144 Houghton, 145 National, 145 Of Contemporary Portraits j British, 146 INDEX. 409 •Gallery of English and Foreign Por- trp1 dA Of Engravings, British, 144 Of Fashion, 144 Of Pictures, British, 144 Wilkie, 145 Garbet, S., 356 Garbutt, G., 331 Gardner, P., 161 Garrow, D., 335 D. W., 362 Gaslight, Actors by, 209 Gatty, A., 93, 369 Gay, John, 245 Gedde, W., 129 General Antiquities, Works on, 153 Science, Works on, 118 Works, 208 Gent, T., 369 Geoffrey of Monmouth, 382 Geological Magazine, 104 Society of London, 108 Geologist Magazine, 104 Geology, Works on, 103 George, E., 139 Gerard, John, 93 Gerardin, Sebastian, 69 Gessner, 63 J. J., 161 Gibbon, B., 367 E. , 246 Gibson, K., and Gough, 351 M., 333, 336 W. S., 352 Gidley, L., 366 Gildas, 382 Giles, J. A., 355 Gillingwater, E., 361 Gillroy, James, 130 Gilpin, W., 93, 129, 335, 349 Gimma, H., 114 Giraldus Cambrensis, 383 Gladstone, W. E., 246 Glanvil, J., 114 Glascock, 337 Glazebrook, T. K., 341 Glew, E. L., 359 Gliddon and Nott, 82 Gloucester in 1623, Visitation of, 334 In 1682-83, Visitation of, 334 Gloucestershire, Works on, 332 Glover, S., and Noble, 328 Glyde, J., 361 Godfrey, 353 Goding, 333 Godwin, G., 346 W., 114 Goldie, F., 355 Goldsmith, Oliver, 247 Gordon, A., 155 G. , 93 H. D., 362 Gordon, T., 161 Gorham, G. C., 337 Gosse, P. H., 69 Gostling, W., 338 Gough, R., 318, 356 And Gibson, K., 351 Gould, 63 And Agassiz, 86 J., 64 John, 69 Gower, John, 248 Grafton, R., 383 Graham, H. D., 155 Grainge, W., 369 Graves, J., 369 George, 70 Gray, A., 93 G. R., 70, 77 J. E., 64, 84, 86 M. E., 87 Thomas, 249 Great Haseley Church, 355 Greek Classics, Works on, 168 Green, C., 350 R., 361 V. , 367 Greene, Robert, 248 Greenwood, J., 369 i Gregson, 155 M., 341 Greig, J., and Storer, James, 142, 158 Greville, C. C. F., 248 R. K., 93 Gribble, J. B., 329 Griffith, 364 And McCoy, 104 J. K., 333 W. , 93 Griffiths and Twyford, 372 Richard, 104 Grillandus, P., 114 Grillion’s Club, 146 Grindlay, M., 139 Grindon, L., 341 Leo, 93 Grose, F., 148, 155 Grote, G., 248 Grove, Sir G., 248 Gruner, L., 130 Guest, J., 369 Guichenot, 84 Guide, Southampton, 335 Windsor Royal, 322 Guigard, J., 166 Guillim, John, 166 Guizot, M., 249 Gunther, 84 A. C., 74 Gvbson, Thomas, 207 Gyll, G. W. J., 322 410 INDEX. H. Habington, T. and W., 383 Hackett, 328 Haeckel, 81 Hagen, H. A., 77 Haghe, L., 139 Hagley, Enville, and the Leasowes, 367 Haines, H., 164 Hakewill, J., 139, 321 Hakluyt, R., 249 Society, 249 Halbert, C., 357 Haldemans, 87 Halifax, 369 Hall, 325 G., 328 S. C., 327 Hallam, Henry, 249 Halle, Edward, 383 Hallidav, 358 Halliwell, J. O., 326, 350, 364 Halliwell-Phillips, J. O., 249 Halls and McKenny, 82 Hals, W., 326 Hamerton, P. G., 130 Hamilton, F. B., 74 W., 134, 151 Hampshire, Works on, 334 Hampson, R. T., 156 Hanbury, 343 Hancock, A., and Alder, J., 86 Hanley, S., and Theobald, W., 87 Hannett, J., 364 Hanshall, J. H., 325 Harding, 131 John,383 Lt. Col., 329 S. and E., 146 Hardwick, J., 341 Hargrove, E., 369 Harington, Sir John, 250 Harland, 341 J., 370 Harleian Society, 167 Society Publications, 250 Harris, J., 338 Moses, 77 W. C., 140 Harrison, 355 P., 370 Harrod, W., 343, 344 Hartley, David, 81 Hartshorne, C. H., 351 Harvey, W., 320 W H 94 Harwood, T., 359 Hassall, A. H., 94 Hassel, 349 Hassell, J., 335 Hasted, E., 338 1 Hatcher, 366 Hatton, 346, 370 Havergal, F. T., 33t> Hawkins, E., 161 Sir J., 250 T., 104 Hawkstone, 356 Haworth, H. A., 78 Hay, A., 362 Hayes, William, 70 Haywood, Sir J., 383 Hazlitt, W., 250 Head, 325 B. V., 161 Hearne, Thomas, 384, 385 Heath, C., 349 F. G., 94 Heffner, J. de, 149 Heginbotham, H., 325 Helmsley Castle, Duncombe Park and Rivalx Abbey, 369 Helvetius, J. F., 114 Helvitius, C. A., 81 Hemingford, Walter, 385 Hemingway, J., 325 Hemsley, W. B., 94 Henfrey, H. W., 161 Hennin, M., 161 Henninges, J., 166 Henry of Blaneford, 385 Of Huntingdon, 385 Herald, 109 Heraldry of Crests, 166 Works on, 165 Herbal, The Great, 250 Herefordshire, Works on, 336 Hermes, Mercurius Trismegistus 114 Herodotus, 175 Herrick, R., 251 Hertfordshire in 1572 and 1634 Visitation of, 337 Works on, 337 Hewitson, W. C., 70, 78 Hewitt, J., 149 W., 321 Reylin, P., 166 Hey wood, J., 251 Thomas, 251 Hibberd, Shirley, 94 Hibbert, S., 105 Hibbert-Ware, S., 341 Hicklin, J., 325 Hickling, 364 Higden, R., 251, 385 Higgins, G., 251 Hill, 323 J., 94 J. H., 343 Hilton, S. S., 370 Hindi cliff e, E., 325 Iiincks, T., 87 INDEX. Hinder well, T., 370 Hine, T. C., 353 Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire,. 325 History and Antiquities of the City of Coventry, 364 And Antiquities of the Uni¬ versity of Cambridge, 323 Of Wisbech, 324 Hoare, Sir R. C., 366 Hobbes, T., 328 Thomas, 252 Hobkirk, 370 Hodgson, 64, 365 J., 352 Hogarth, William, 131 Hogg, J., 252 Holbein, H., 146 J.,132 Society, 138 Holbrook, J. E., 84 Holes, Worm, 6 Holland, Henry, 146 Hollingshead, J., 346 Hollinshed, Ralph, 386 Holloway, 335 Holmes, O. W., 252 Randle, 166 Homer, 176 Hone, William, 252 Hood, Tom, 252 Hooker, J. D., and Bentham, G., 90 Sir J. D., 94 Sir W. J., 95 Hopper, R., 364 Horace, 175 Horn, J., 338 Horner, 370 Horo, J., 166 Horsefield, T., 109 Horsfield, T., 64 Thos., 78, 96 T. W., 363 Horsley, J., 156 Horticultural Society, 103 Houbraken, J., 147 Houghton Gallery, 145 W., 75 Hovedenus, Roger, 386 Howell, T. J., 356 Howitt, W., 253 Howlett, B., 344 Hudson, F., 164 Hughes, J., 370 T., 156 Hughson, D., 346 Hugo, T., 358 Hulbert, C. A., 370 Humboldt, Baron, 109 Hume, David, 253 Humphreys, H. N., 132, 161 H. N., and Westwood, J. O., 78 Hunt, A. L., 350 John, 71 Leigh, 253 Hunter, J., 353, 370 R. E., 338 Huntingdon, 337 Hurtley, T., 370 Hussey, T. J., 96 Hutchins, 330 Hutchinson, 114 Colonel, 353 J., 328 W., 327, 331, 352 Huntingdonshire, Works on, 3 Hutton and Bindley, J., 105 W., 327, 328, 352, 354 Huxlev, 64 T.H., 81 I. Ibis, The, 71 Ichthyology, Works on, 73 Illingworth, C., 344 Ingam el, 359 Ingham, 325 Ingledew, C. J., 370 Ingram, 355 Institute, Archaeological, 332 Ireland, Life in, 261 S., 364 S. W. H., 338 Irhovius, G., 114 Irving, Washington, 254 Isle of Wight, Works on, 334 J. Jackson, B. D., 96 J., 359 J., and Chatto, W. A., 132 J. B., 132 R. , 370 Jacob, E., 338 Jacquemart, A., 151 Jacquin, N. J., 96 Jamblichus, 114 James I. of England, 254 S. B., 357 Jameson, Mrs., 254 Mrs. A., 147 R. , 105 Jar dine, 64 Sir W., 75, 78 Jarrold, Thomas, 81 Jay, 87 Jeaffreson, J. C., 355 Jefferson, J. B., 370 S. , 327 Jeffrey, 87 412 INDEX. Jenkins, A., 329 Jennings, H., 114 Jenoway, R. O., 156 Jerdon, 64 T. C., 71, 84 Jerningham, 352 Jerrold, Douglas, 255 Jesse, E., 321, 322 Jewitt, 354 L. , 151, 328, 329 Johannis deTrokelowe, 386 Johnson, 336 Samuel, 256 Samuel, LL.D., 255 Johnston, G., 87 John, 75 Johnstone, 352 W. G., and Croall, A., 96 Joinville, Lord de, 386 Jones, I., 336, 366, 370 J. B., 321 M. , 329 Owen, 132, 140, 151 S. S., 352 T. R., 64 Jonson, Ben, 256 Jordan, J., 355 Josephus, Flavius, 256 Journal, Zoological, 1825-1835, 67 Jovius, Paul, 75 Jowett, B., 256 Junius, 257 Juvenal, 177 K. Kay, John, 147 Keane, 346 Keate, G., 338 Keats, John, 257 Keepe, 346 Keith, P. K., 97 Kelly, Sir Edward, 114 Kemble, J. M., 81, 156 Kempis, Thomas a, 257 Kenilworth Castle, 364 Kennet, W., 355 Kennett, 322 Kent, Works on, 337 Kerr, Robert, 64 Kerry, 321 Kilbourne, S. A., 75 Kilpack & Clarke, 354 ICing, D., 325 E., 355 Kinglake, A. W., 258 Kingsley, Charles, 258 Kington, 336 Kinnaird Collection, The, 145 Kip, J., 140 Kirby, W. % 78 Kirby, W., Richardson, John, and Swainson, William, 109 Kirkmajor, G., 64 Kirkstall Abbey, 370 Kit-Cat Club, 258 Kite, E., 366 Knapp, J. L,, 97 Knight, 161 C., 147, 258, 346 H. G., 140 R. P., 149 Knowledge, Library of Entertain ing, 78 Knox, R., 105 Krefft, G., 84 L. “ Laid-down ” Plates, 6 Laing, David, 258 Laird, 354 Lamark, 64 Lamb, Charles, 258 Lambarde, W., 339 Lambert, A. B., 97 Lambeth Palace Illustrated, 346 Lamzonis, 64 Lancashire and Cheshire, Historic Society of, 325 Illustrated, 341 Works on, 340 Landlord and Tenant, Law relating to, 120 Landor, W. S., 259 1 Landseer, J., 105 i Lane, 346 ! E. W., 260 Langford, 359, 364 ! Langley, T., 322 Langtoft, Peter, 386 Lankester, E., 370 Lanquet, T., 386 Lardner, Dr., 122 Latham, 81 John,71 Latin Classics, Works on, 168 Names of Towns, 21 Lavater, 114, 260 J. C., 132 Law, Criminal, 120 Of Contracts, 119 Of Personal Property, 119 Of Real Property, 119 Of Torts, 119 Relating to Landlord and Tenant, 120 Works on, 118 Lawford, E., 320 Lawrence, Sir T., 145 Lawson, H., 122 P. and C.. 97 INDEX. Lawton, 370 Layard, E. L., 71 A. H., 164 Lea, Isaac, 87 Leach, 64, 341 W. E., 87 Leake, W. M., 161 Lear, Edward, 71 Leasowes, Enville, Hagley, and the, 367 Lecky, W. E. H., 260 Lee, A. T., 333 W., 363 Leech, John, 260 Lefevre, A., 71 Leicester in 1619, Visitation of, 343 Works on, 343 Leigh, 347 E., 318 Gerard, 166 Leighton, W. A., 97, 357 Le Keux, 323 And Neale, J. P., 141 Leland, John, 156 Le Loyer, 114 Lemnius, L., 115 Leroy and Bramston, 334 Lesson, M., 87 Lever, Charles, 261 Leversage, P., 334 Lewin, W., 71, 78 Lewis, F. C., 140, 329 G. R., 336 J., 339 J. F., 140 Matthew Gregory, 261 S., 319, 347 Leycester, Sir P., 325 Leyland, J., 371 Libraries, Bohn’s, 219 Library, Badminton, 215 Ballantyne’s Novelists’, 216 Of Entertaining Knowlege, 78 Lievre, E., 133 Life in Ireland, 261 In London, 262 In Paris, 262 Lilly, William, 115 Lincoln, 344 Cathedral, 344 In 1592, Visitation of the County of, 345 Lincolnshire, 344 In 1836, 344 Survey, temp. Henry I., 344 Works on, 343 Lindley, and Moore, T., 99 J., and Hutton, 105 John, 97 Lindsay, John, 161 Linnsean Society, 64, 73, 103 Linnaeus, 78 413 Linnaeus, C., 64 Sir Charles, 98 Lipscomb, G., 322, 328 H. C., 331 Lister, M., 87 Literary Club, 392 Societies, 392 Literature, English, 208 Livett, 354 Livy, 177 Locke, John, 262 Lockhart, J. G., 262 Lockinge, H., 351 Lodge, E., 147 J., 336 Loftie, W. J. 347 London in 1568, Visitation of, 348 In 1633-35, Visitation of, 348 Life in, 262 Tower of, 348 Tower of, its Rights and Privi¬ leges, 348 Works on, 345 Longcroft, C. J., 335 Longfellow, H. W., 262 Longman, 347 Longstaffe, W. H. D., 331 Lord, Thomas, 71 Loro, Rev. G., 75 Loudon, J. C., 98 Mrs., 98 Lovell, M. S., 87 Low, George, 84 Lowe, David, 64 E. J., 99 R. T., 75 Lower, M. A., 363 Lubbock, Sir John, 82, 164 Lucretius 178 Ludlow, 357 Lukis, W. C., 367 Lully, Raymond, 115 Lyell, Sir Charles, 82, 105 Lymington, 335 Lynch, 325 Lyndsay, Sir David, 263 Lyon, 82 Lysons, Rev. Daniel, and SamueL 319 S. , 151, 156, 334, 347 Lyttelton, George, Lord, 386 Lytton, Edward Bulwer, Lord, 263 M. Mac Ian, R. R., 166 Mac Leary, W. S., 78 Macalister, 64 Macarius, J., 105 Macaulay, A., 343 Lord, 263 414 INDEX Macculloch, John, 105 Macgillivray, W., 71 Mackay, C., 264 Mackenzie, E., 352 Mackerell, B., 350 Mackie, S. J., 339 Maclagan, C., 164 Maclean, Sir J., 326 Markham, Gervase, 264 McCoy and Griffith, 104 McCoy and Sedgwick, A., 107 McKenny and Halls, 82 Madden, F. W., 161 44 Made-up ” Books, 5 Magazine, Botanical, 91 Entomologists’ Monthly, 77 Geological, 104 Geologist, 104 Of Zoology and Botany, 66 Sporting, 297 Sporting, The New, 297 Wits, 314 Magnan, D., 161 Maitland, W., 347 Majendie, Lewis, 332 Malden, 324 Malet, Captain, 264 Malleus Malificarum, 115 Mammalia and General Zoology, Works on, 62 Manning, O., and Bray, W., 362 Mantell, G. A., 106, 363 Manuels de Zoologie, 66 Marbles, Works on, 148 Marechal, 386 Mark, Men of, 147 Marlowe, Christopher, 264 Marriott, W., 325 Marryatt. Captain, 265 J., 151 Marsden, W., 161 Marsh, 349 Marshall, E., 355 T. A., 78 Marsham, Thomas, 78 Martial, 178 Martin, 149, 357 C. W., 339 Martineau, Harriet, 265 Martius, C. F., 99 Martyn, John, 99 Thomas, 79, 87, 99 Marvel, A., 265 Mason, 362 G. H., 149 R. H., 350 Massinger, Philip, 265 Masters, 99 Mastin, J., 351 Mathews, J., 334 Matthew of Paris, 387 Of Westminster, 387 Matthiason, J. H., 320 Maude, J., 365 T. 371 Maund, B., 99 Maurice, T., 157 Maury, 115 Mavor, W. F., 355 Mawe 37 Maxwell, Sir W. Stirling, 166 May, G., 367 Mayhall, J., 371 Mayhew, The Brothers, 266 Maynard, 349 Mazzinghi, G., 347 Meadows, Kenny, 266 Memoirs of Norfolk and Norwich, 350 Memorials of Rugby, 364 Men and Women of the Day, 147 Of Mark, 147 Mengo, H., 115 Meredith, George, 266 Owen, 266 Mere weather, J., 336 Merivale, C., 266 Merridew, 364 Meteyard, E., 151 Meyen, 99 Meyer, H. L., 71 Meyrick, S. R., 149 Michael Angelo, 133 Middlesex in 1663, Visitation of, 348 Works on, 345 Middleton, John, 115 T., 266 Milford, R. N., 362 Miller, 324 E., 371 J. S., 88 Milles, Thos., 166 Mills, T., 266 Milman, H. H., 266 Miln, J., 157 Milton, John, 266 Mitchell, 84 Mitford, W., 269 Moffatt, J. M., 367 Moleville, B. de, 149 Molyneux, W., 359 Moncrieff, W. T., 364 Monmouthshire, W’orks on, 349 Monstrelet, E. de, 387 Montagu, G., 72, 88 Monuments, Works on Ancient, 163 Moore, H., 328 J., 344 T., 269, 329 T., and Lindley, 99 Morant, P., 332 And Papworth, J. W., 167 More, Sir Thomas, 270, 387 Morehouse, H. J., 371 INDEX. 415 Morgan, Lewis, 82 O., and Wakeman, T., 349 Morland, G., 145 Morrell, W. W., 371 Morris, F. O., 72, 79 Lewis, 270 William, 271 Morse, 64 Mortimer, W. W., 325 Morton, S. G., 82 Mosaics, Works on, 150 Mosley, Sir O., 359 Moss, W. G., 363 Moule, T., 166 Mountain, J., 371 Mudie, R., 72, 335 Mueller, F. von, and Bentliam, G., 90 Muller, K. O., 271 Max, 271 O. F., 64 Murchison, R. J., 106 Murphy, J. C., 140, 151 Murray, A., 65 Musellio, Jac., 161 Mutilated Books, 4 N. Nall, G., 350 Nash, J., 140 T., 368 National Gallery, 145 Natural History, Works on, 57, 61 Naudd, G., 115 Neale, J. P., 141,157, 347, 367 J. P., and Le Keux, 141 Nelson, J., 347 Nennius, Abbot of Bangor, 387 Nepos, Cornelius, 179 New Oxford Guide, 355 Newbigging, T., 341 Newcastle Fishers’ Garlands, 352 Newcastle-on-Tyne, 352 Newcome, P., 337 Newgate Calendar, The, 271 Newman, Cardinal, 271 E., 99 Edward, 79 Newmarsh and Barkman, 333 Newton, Sir Isaac, 272 Nevinson, 344 Nicholls, 365 H. G., 334 Nichols, J., 157, 343, 347 John, 272, 319 Nicholson, 335, 354 H. A., 65 H. J. B., 337 J., 365, 371 Nicolson, J., and Burn, R., 327 Niebuhr, B. G., 272 Nightingale, Brewer, and Brayley, E. W., 345 Nights, Arabian, 213, 214 Nimrod, 272 Nisbet, A., 167 Niven W., 359, 364 Noake, J., 368 Noble, 347 And Glover, S., 328 Norden, J., 332 Norfolk and Norwich, Memoirs of, 350 Works on, 350 North, T., 320, 343, 351, 356 Northampton, 351 Northamptonshire, Works on, 351 Northcote, J., 272 Northouck, 347 Northumberland in 1615, Visitation of, 353 Works on, 352 Norwich, 350 Memoirs of Norfolk and, 350 Nostradamus, M., 115 Notation, Roman, 24 Notes and Queries, 272 And Queries, Cheshire, 324 Nott and Gliddon, 82 Nottingham, 354 Nottinghamshire in 1569 and 1614, Visitations of, 354 Old, 354 Works on, 353 Numismatic Society of London, 163 Numismatics, Works on, 160 O. Occult Philosophy, Works on, 111 Okell, 334 Old Bibles, 56 Nottinghamshire, 354 Printers and Old Presses, 41 Oldfield, E., 344 Oliver, G., 329, 371 G. A., 79 T., 352 O’Neill, A., 145 Ormerod, 79 G., 325, 334, 349 Ornithology, Works on, 67 Osborne, G. V., 325 Ossian, 272 Oswald, 167 Otterbourne, Thomas, 387 Ottley, W. Y, 133, 149 Otway, Thomas, 273 “ Ouida,” 273 Overton, C., 371 Ovid, 179 416 INDEX. Owen, C., 85 H., 151 H., and Blakeway, J. B., 357 Professor, 65, 85, 106 R. D., 115 Oxford, New, Guide, 355 New Pocket Companion, 355 Oxfordshire, Visitation of, 356 Works on, 354 P. Packard, A. S., 65 Page, 361 Painter, W. f 273 Palseontographical Society, 108 Palin, W., 332 Palmer, C. F., 359 Paltock, R., 273 Papworth, J. W., and Morant, 167 Paracelsus, 115 Pardoe, Miss, 273 Paris, Life in, 262 Matthew of, 387 Parker, 324 J. H., 358 Parkin, C., 351 Parkinson, J., 99, 107 Parry, J. D., 320, 363 Parson, E., and White, 371 Passerius, J. B., 107 Patmore, Coventry, 273 Paxton, Sir Joseph, 99 Peach, 358 Peacock, 325 Pearce, A. J., 116 Pearson, 357 And Carrington, 91 Peck, F.,344 W. t 371 Pedley, 343 Peele'G., 274 Pendleton, J., 328 Pennant, T., 65, 72, 141, 335, 347 Pepys, S., 274 Percy, Bishop, 274 S. and R., 274 Pereruis, B., 116 Perkins, C. C., 149 Perry, 344 George, 88 J., 332 Peterborough Cathedral, 352 Phelps, 364 W., 358 Phillips, John, 107 Professor, 371 T. , 357 Philosophy, Works on Occult, 111 Picart, B., 133, 275 Pickering, C., 82 Picton, 341 Pictorial History of the County, 341 Pictures, British Gallery of, 144 Picturesque Beauties of Kent, 339 Scenery of the Isle of Wight, 335 Views in Shropshire, 357 Picus, Mirandula, 116 Pidgeon, H., 357 Piercy, J. S., 354 Pilkington, J., 328 M., 145 Pindar, 179 Pinkerton, J., 161 Pinks, W. J., 347 Pitt, W., 359 Placidus, De Titus, 116 Planche, J. R., 149, 167 Plant, 359 Plates, “ Foxed,” 7 “ Laid down,” 6 Plato, 180 Platt, A. E., 371 Pliny, Junior, 180 Senior, 180 Ploos, Van A., 133 Plot, R., 355, 360 Plutarch, 181, 275 Poe, Edgar A., 275 Poets, British, 275 Pohl, J. M., 100 Pointer, J., 355 Polidorus, V., 116 Polwhele, R., 326, 339 Pontoppidan, Rev. Eric, 65 Poole, 352 and Taunton, 364 Pooley, 334 C., 358 Pope, Alexander, 276 Porcelain, Works on, 150 Porny, M. A., 167 Porta, J. B., 82, 116 Portraits, Gallery of British and Foreign, 146 Gallery of British Contempo¬ rary, 146 Works on, 145 Pote, J.. 321 Potter, T. R., 343 Pottery, Works on, 150 Pouchet, 82 Poulson, G., 371 Powell, J. W., 82 Pratt, Anne, 100 Prattent, T., 162 Prayer Books, Common, 204 to 205 Prescott, W. H., 277 Presses and Printers, Old, 41 Private, 398 Preston, 341, 351 , Price, F., 367 1 F. G. H., 347 INDEX. 417 Price, J., 336 L., 141 Prickett, 347 Printers and Presses, Old, 41 Prior, M., 277 Pritchard, 339 J. C., 82 Pritzel, G. A., 100 Private Presses, 398 Proctor, R. W., 341 Propertius, Catullus, and P. Tibul¬ lus, 171 Property, Law of Personal, 119 Law of Real, 119 Prosody, 277 Prout, S., 141 Prynne, William, 277 Psalmanazar, George, 277 Ptolemy, 116 Publications, British Museum, 84, 86 Surtees Society, 159 Puckle, J., 339 Pugin, A. W., 133 Punch, 278 Purchas, S., 278 Pye, C., 162, 364 Pyne, T. B., 141 Q. Quarles, F., 278 T., 351 Queries, Cheshire, Notes and, 324 Notes and, 272 Quincey, Thomas de, 278 Quintilian, 181 R. Rabelais, Francis, 279 Radclyffe, 357 Raffles, Sir S., 82 Raine, J., 331, 353, 354 Raleigh, Sir W., 279 Ramsay, Allan, 279 Ramsey, W., 116 Randall, 357, 368 Ranke, L., 279 Raphael, 116,134 Rapin and Tindal, 280 Rasche, J. C., 162 Rastell, J., 388 W. D., 354 Rauthmell, R., 341 Raven, J. J., 324 Rawlinson, G., 280 R., 336 Ray, John, 100 Society, 67, 85, 122 Reader, W., 365 Reaumur, R. A. F., 79 Recherche, 109 Record Society’s Publications, 325 Records of Buckinghamshire, 322 Of Zoological Literature, 66 Recreations, Wit’s, 314 Redding, C., 326 Redfern, F., 360 Redford, G., and Riches, 34 Redgrave, R., and S., 145 Reeve, Lovell, 88 Reeves, J., 360 Register, Annual, 212 Botanical, 91 Reichenbach, 116 H. G. L., 100 Reid, J., 321 Thomas, 83 Reilly, J., 341 Religious Works, 187 Rembrandt, 134 Remigius, 116 Remnier, 88 Renaud, 325 Reprints, 7 Reptilia, Works on, 84 Repton, H., 363 Review, Sporting, 298 Reynolds, G. W. M., 280 Sir J., 135 “R. H.,” 279 Rhodes, E., 141, 328 Richard of Cirencester, 319 Richards, W., 351 Richardson, C. J., 157 H. S., 339 John, Swainson, William, and Kirby, W., 109 Samuel, 280 Sir John, 65, 75 W. 164 371 Riches and Redford, G., 348 Rider, 365 Rimmer, A., 322 Ripley, 116 Risdon, T., 330 Rishanger, W., 389 Rivalx Abbey, Helmsley Castle, and Duncombe Park, 369 Ritson, J., 281 Robert of Avesbury, 388 Of Gloucester, 388 Of Wendover, 338 Roberts, 371 D., 142 Robertson, W., 342 Robins, W., 348 Robinson, T., 365 Robson, Thomas, 167 Roby, J., 342 Rochester, 339 2 E 418 INDEX. Rochester, Earl of, 281 Rodenhurst, 357 Rogers, C., 135,164 N., 349 S., 281 W. H., 164 Rollin, R., 281 Roman Notation, 24 Rooke, H., 354 Roscoe, T., 142, 281 Rose Collection, The, 148 Roseve, W., 100 Rossetti, D. G., 282 Rous, John, 388 Routh, 371 Rowhotham, J. F., 282 Rowlandson, Thomas, 282 Rowley, G. E., 72 Roxburgh, W., 100 Roy, Major, 157 Royal Society of Edinburgh, 122 Society of London, 122 Royce, 355 Royle, J. F., 100 Rudder, S., 334 Rudge, 368 Ruding, R , 162 Rugby, Memorials of, 364 Rumphius, G. E., 100 Rusfein, J., 135, 283 Russell, A., 75 P., 75, 85 Rutland in 1618-19, Visitations of, 356 Rutlandshire, Works on, 356 Rutter, J., 358, 367 Rye, E. C., 79 w Ryley, S. W., 283 Rymer, T., 388, 389 S. Sage, Le A. R., 260 St. Albans and Verulam, 337 Hilaire, Geoffroy, 65 Sala, G. A., 284 Sallust, 181 Salmon, N., 332, 337, 357, 362 W., 284 Salverte, 116 Samarang, 110 Samouelle, George, 79 Sandivogius, 116 Savage, J., 358 Saxon Chronicle, The 389 Say, Thomas, 79 Sayer, 365 Say well, J. L., 371 Scammon, Charles M., 65 Schliemann, H., 284 Schmaltz, Sig., 75 Schofield, 371 Science, Works on General, 118 Scientific Voyages, Works on, 108 Sclater, P. L., 72 P. L., and Salvius, 72 Scotland, Works relating to, 52 Scott, R., 116 Sir Walter, 157, 284 W. B., 149, 157 W. H., 286 Scratcherd, N., 371 Scrope, W., 75, 286 Sculptures, Works on, 148 Sedgwick, A., and McCoy, 107 Seebohm, H., 72 Seeman, B., 100 Selby, P. J., 72,100 Seneca, 182 Sestini, D., 162 Seventeenth Century Authors, Early Editions of, 54 Seymour, C., 339 R., 286 Shakespeare, 136 William, 287 Sharman, 367 Sharp, T., 162, 365 Sharpe, R. B., 72 R. B., and Dresser, H. E., 69 Sir C., 331 Shaw, G., 65, 372 H., 136, 150, 157, 167, 320 S. , 360 Sheahan, J. J., 372 Shearsmith, 363 Shelly, P. B., 291 Shemaya, Ebn, 116 Shenstone, W., 292 Sheridan, R. B., 293 Shilton, R. P., 354 Shirley, J., 293 Shoberl, F., 363 Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Trans¬ actions, 357 Picturesque Views in, 357 Works on, 356 Shuckard, W. E., 79 Sibly, E., 116 Sidney, Sir Philip, 293 Siebmacher, J., 167 Siebold, P. F., 72, 85, 88 P. F. de, 66, 101 Simco, 348 Simon, James, 162 Simpson, M., 107 R. , 342 S. . 329 Sims, R., 319 Sinclair, 342 Skeat, W. W., 293 INDEX. 419 Skelton, 356 J., 294 Skey, 167 Slater, J. H., 145, 294 p vr? Sleaford, 344 Sleigh, J., 360 Slugg, J. T., 342 Smart, 83 Smedley, Frank, 294 Smith, Adam, 294 Albert, 294 Andrew, 66 C. H., 150 C. R., 339 Dr. W., 158 F., 365 Jas., 367 John, 136 J. Chaloner, 143 J. T., 348 Sir J. E., 101 W., 88, 372 W. C., 362 Smithsonian Institution, 123 Smollett, Tobias, 294 Smyth, 322 W. H., 162 Snelling, T., 162 Societies, Literary, 392 Society, American Ethnological, 83 Anastatic, 165 Anthropological, of Great Bri¬ tain and Ireland, 83 Anthropological of London, 83 Antiquaries, 159 Archseologia Cantiana, 153 Archseologia Scotia, 159 Archaeological, Institute, 159 Arundel, 138 Ashmolean, 159 Botanical, of Edinburgh, 103 Botanical, of London, 103 British Archaeological, 159 Camden, 337 Camden, Publications, 226 Entomological, of London, 80 Etching, 138 Ethnological, of London, 83 Geological, of London, 108 Hakluyt, 249 Harleian, 167 Harleian, Publications, 250 Historic, of Lancashire and Cheshire, 325 Holbein, 138 Horticultural, 103 Irish Archaeological, 159 Linnaean, 67, 73, 103 Numismatic, of London, 163 Palaeontographical, 108 Publications, Record, 325 Society, Ray, 67, 85, 122 Royal, of Edinburgh, 122 Royal, of London, 122 Smithsonian, Institution, 123 Surtees, Publications, 159 Sussex Archaeological Collec¬ tions, 160 Wernerian Natural History, 123 Zoological, of Ireland, 67, 73 Zoological, of London, 67, 73 Solvigno, Balt., 150 Somersetshire in 1531, 1573, &c., Visitations of, 359 In 1623, Visitations of, 359 Works on, 358 Somerville, W., 295 Somner, W., 339 Sophocles, 182 Sopwith, T., 353 Southall, M., 368 Southampton Guide, 335 Southey, Robert, 295 Sowerby, G. B., 88, 101, 107 J., 85, 88, 102 Spectator, The, 296 Speed, John, 319, 389 Spelman, Sir J., 389 Spence, C., 330, 335 Joseph, 136 Spencer, Edmund, 296 Herbert, 122, 296 Sporting Magazine, 297 Magazine, The New, 297 Review, 298 Sports, 298 Sportsman’s Cabinet, 298 Dictionary, 298 Spratt, T. A. R., 110 Sprigge, J., 298 Stafford Gallery, 145 Staffordshire in 1614 and 1633-34, Visitations of, 360 Works on, 359 Staines, J., 322 Stainton, H. T., 79 Stanley, Dean, 298 H. M., 298 Stark, A., 344 J., 142 Staveley, E. F., 80 Steadman, J. G., 293 Steele, Sir R., 298 Steinman, G. S., 362 Stephen, Leslie, 298 Stephens, G., 164 H. F., 80 J. F., 80 Stephenson, 85, 342 Sterne, Lawrence, 298 Stevenson, H., 72 R L 299 Stirling-Max well, Sir W., 135 420 INDEX. Stirling-Maxwell, W., Earl of, 300 Stockdale, F. W., 363 Stoddart, T. T., 300 Stonehouse, W. B., 344 Storer, 367 J. and Greig, J., 142 James, and Greig, J., 158 Stothard, C. A., 164 Stoughton, 331 Stow, J., 348, 389 Stowe, 322 Strabo, 182 Strange, Sir R., 137 Strickland, Agnes, 300 Strutt, J., 145, 150, 158, 300 Stukeley, Dr. W., 158 W., 83, 367 Suckling, A., 167, 361 Rev. A., 332 Sir J., 300 Sue, Eugene, 301 Suffolk in 1561, Visitation of, 361 Visitation of, 361 Works on, 360 Sullivan, J., 327, 365 Sulphur, 110 Surrey, Works on, 361 Surtees, R., 331 R. S., 301 Society Publications, 159 Sussex, Archaeological Collections, 160 W orks on, 362 Swainson, W., 66, 72, 75, 80, 85, 89 William, Kirby, W.,and Richard¬ son, John, 109 Sweet, R., 102 Swift, Jonathan, 301 Swinbourne, A. C., 302 Sydney, Sir P., 303 Syntax, Tours of Dr., 303 T. Tacitus, 182 Tanner, T., 158 Tanswell, J., 362 Tassie, James, 107 Tate, G., 353 Taunton and Poole, 364 Taylor, 326, 342 Bishop Jeremy, 303 John, 304 Technical Terms, 27 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 304 Charles, 306 Terence, 183 Terms, Technical, 27 Terry, D., 306 Testament, English Version of the New, 199 to 204 Thackeray, W. M., 306 Thane, J., 148 Tharam and Davis, J. B., 81 Thiers, A.. 308 Thomas, E., 162 Of Elmham, 390 W., 158, 368 W. H., 349 Thomasson, E., 163 Thompson, J., 343 T> ^44 William, 72 Thoms, W. J., 308 Thomson, James, 303 Thorell, T., 80 Thoresby, R., 372 Thornber, W., 342 Thornbury, W., 348 Thornton, Col., 308 Thoroton, R., 354 Throsby, J., 343 Thyrseus, P., 117 Tibullus, Propertius, and Catullus, 171 Tighe, 322 Tiler, 348 Tim Bobbin, 309 Timbs, J., 348, 362 Timmins, S., 365 Timperley, C. H., 342 Tindal and Rapin, 280 Tindall, W., 368 Title-page and Colophon, 33 Titus Livius, 390 Todd, H. J., 323 Tomlins, T. E., 348 Tomlinson, 372 Topographer, The, 319 The, and Genealogist, 319 Topographical Works, 317 Torr, H., 372 Torts, Law of, 119 Toulmin, J., 358 Tower of London, 348 Of London, Its Rights and Pri¬ vileges, 348 Towns, Latin Names of, 21 Townsend, G. F., 336 Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 66 Travels, Works on, 108 Tresham, 352 Trimew, R., 80 Tripp, T. E., 102 Trithemius, J., 117 Trivetus, N., 390 Trommius, A. B., 207 Troughton, 342 Troutbeck, J., 327 Try on, G. W., 89 Tuckett, J., 330 Turner, 372 INDEX 421 Turner and Collyer, 369 Dawson, 102 Gallery, 145 J. M. W., 137, 142 W., 351 Turnor, 337 E., 345 Turton, 66 William, 89 Twycross, 342 Twyford and Griffiths, 372 Tyas, R., 102 Tymms, W. R., and Wyatt, M. D., 137 Tyndale, W., 309 U. Udall, W., 309 Ugolini, B., 158 United States Exploring Expedi¬ tion, 110 Upcott, W., 320 Uranie and Physicienne, 110 Ure, Dr., 122 Ussher, 329 V Valentine, B., 117 Van Helmont, 117 Vancouver, Captain, 309 Vaughan, R., 163 Venture, Wit at a, 314 Vernon Gallery of British Art, 145 Verulam and St. Albans, 337 Views in Europe and the East, Works on, 138 Virgil, 184 Visitations of Bedfordshire, 320 Of Berkshire, 322 Of Cambridgeshire by St. George in 1619, 324 Of Cheshire in 1580, 326 Of Cornwall, 327 Of Cumberland in 1615, 327 Of Dorset in 1628, 331 Of Essex, 332 Of Gloster in 1623, 334 Of Gloucester in 1682-83, 334 Of Hertfordshire in 1572 and 1634, 337 Of Leicester in 1619, 343 Of Lincoln in 1592, 345 Of London in 1568, 345 Of London in 1633-35, 348 Of Middlesex in 1663, 348 Visitations of Northumberland in 1615, 353 Of Nottinghamshire in 1569 and 1614, 354 Of Oxfordshire, 356 Of Rutland, 1618-19, 356 Of Somersetshire in 1531, 1573, &c., 359 Of Somersetshire in 1623, 359 Of Staffordshire in 1614 and 1633-34, 360 Of Suffolk, 361 Of Suffolk in 1561, 361 Of Warwickshire in 1619, 365 Of Wiltshire in 1623, 367 Of Worcester, 1682-83, 368 Of Yorkshire in 1563-64, 372 Of Yorkshire in 1584-85 and 1612, 372 Voght, Carl, 83 Volumes, Bohn’s Extra, 219 Voragine, J. de, 309 Vyner, R. T., 309 Vyse, Colonel H., 310 W. Wagler, J., 85 Wainwright, J., 372 Wake, R., 361 Wakefield, P., 102 Wakeman, T., and Morgan, O., 349 Walbran, J. R., 331 Walcott, 348, 360 J., 72 Wales and England, Description of, 318 Walford, E., 348 Walker, 327 A., 137 N., and Cradock, T., 324 Walks through Derby, 329 Wallace, 110 Wallen, W., 332 Waller, E., 310 F. S., 334 J. G., 164 Wallingford, John, 390 Walpole, H., 145, 148, 310 Walsingham, Thomas, 390 Walters, C., 335 Walthamstow, 332 Walton, E., 142 Isaac, 311 Wanley, Nathaniel, 83 Ward, 329, 334 J., 360 Wardell, J., 372 Waring, J. M., 83, 137, 150, 151, 164 Warne, C., 164 422 INDEX. Warner, 327 R., 320, 335, 359 R. H., 324 Warren, 167 Warrington, W., 152 Warter, J. W., 363 Warton, T., 356 Warwickshire Churches, 365 In 1619, Visitation of, 365 Works on, 363 Wasey, G. L., 357 Washbourne, T., 312 Waterhouse, G. R., 66 Watkins, 326 J., 330 Watson, J., 373 W ^94 Watts,* A., 312 Isaac, 312 Way, G. L., 313 Waylen, J., 367 Weaver, T., Webb, W., 330 Webster, J., 117, 313 Wedgwood and Fenton, 359 J., 152 Weever, John, 164 Weir, G., 345 Welford, R., 353 Wellbeloved, C., 373 Wells, 324, 351 Wernerian Natural History Society, 123 West, T., 342, 365 W., 331 Westmacott, C. M., 313 Westmoreland, Works on, 365 Westwood, J. O., 80, 137 J. O., and Bate, C. S., 86 J. O., and Doubleday, E., 77 J. O., and Humphreys, H. N., 78 Wheatley, H. B., 313 Wheeler, R. B., 365 Whellan, 373 W., 366 Whenter, W., 373 Whethamstede, John, 390 Whewell, W., 122 Whitaker, 326, 327 T. D., 342, 373 White, and Parson, E., 371 Gilbert, 66 H. K., 313 J., 350 'Whitman, Walt, 313 Whittier, J. G., 314 Whittle, 342 Whymper, E., 314 Wierus, J., 117 Wight, J., 314 Robert, 102 Wigram, 207 Wilbye, J., 314 Wild, C., 360 J., 345 Wilkie Gallery, 145 Wilkie, Sir D., 138, 142 Wilkinson, G., 107 J., 366, 373 R., 142, 348 Sir J. G., 314 Willement, 322 T., 339 William of Malmesbury, 390 Of Newburgh, 391 Of Wyrcester, 391 Williams, 334 D., 350 H. W., 143 J., 362 Willis, 339 B., 320, 323 Wiltshire, W. H„ 138 Willughby, F., 73, 75 Wilson, 373 A. , and Bonaparte, 73 D., 83 H. H„ 163 J., 117, 324 T., 339 T. L., 332 W., 103 Wiltshire in 1623, Visitation of, 367 Works on, 366 Winchester, 336 College, 335 Windsor Guide, The Royal, 322 Wing, W., 356 Wingate, J., 163 Winston, C., 152 Wisbech, History of, 324 Wise, 336 Wit at a Venture, 314 Wither, G., 314 Withering, W., 103 Wit’s Magazine, 314 Recreations, 314 Wittie, R., 373 Wood, Ant. &, 356 W., 80, 89, 329 Woods, J., 359 Woodward, 89 B. B., 336 F. , 138 G. M., 315 Woolmer, S., 330 Wooster, D., 103 Worcester, 368 1682-83, Visitation of, 368 Worcestershire, Works on, 367 Wordsworth, W., 315 Works, Classical, 59 Collections, 374 INDEX 423 Works on America, 51 On Ancient Brasses, 163 On Ancient Dresses and Cos¬ tumes, 148 On Ancient Monuments, 163 On Anthropology, 81 On Antiquities, 59, 153 On Archaeology, 153 On Armour, 148 On Art, 59 On Bedfordshire, 320 On Berkshire, 321 On Biographies of the Painters, 144 On Botany, 89 On British Picture Galleries, 144 On Buckinghamshire, 322 On Cambridgeshire, 323 On Cheshire, 324 On Conchology, 85 On Cornwall, 326 On Costumes and Dresses, An¬ cient, 148 On Crustacea, 85 On Cumberland, 327 On Derbyshire, 327 On Devonshire, 329 On Dorsetshire, 330 On Dresses and Costumes, An¬ cient, 148 On Durham, 331 On Entomology, 76 On Essex, 331 On Ethnology, 81 On Fine Arts, 124 On General Science, 118 On General Subjects, 208 On Geology, 103 On Gloucestershire, 332 On Greek Classics, 168 On Hampshire, 334 On Heraldry, 165 On Herefordshire, 336 On Hertfordshire, 337 On Huntingdonshire, 337 On Ichthyology, 73 On Isle of Wight, 334 On Kent, 337 On Lancashire, 340 On Latin Classics, 168 On Law, 118 On Leicestershire, 343 On Lincolnshire, 343 On London, 345 On Mammalia and General Zoology, 62 On Marbles, 148 On Middlesex, 345 On Monmouthshire, 349 On Mosaics, 150 On Natural History, 57, 61 Works on Norfolk, 350 On Northamptonshire, 351 On Northumberland, 352 On Nottinghamshire, 353 On Numismatics, 160 On Occult Philosophy, 111 On Ornithology, 67 On Oxfordshire, 354 On Porcelain, 150 On Portraits, 145 On Pottery, 150 On Religious Subjects, 187 On Reptilia, 84 On Rutlandshire, 356 On Science, General, 118 On Scientific Voyages, 108 On Scotland, 52 On Sculptures, 148 On Shropshire, 356 On Somersetshire, 358 On Staffordshire, 359 On Suffolk, 360 On Surrey, 361 On Sussex, 362 On Topography, 317 On Travels, 108 On Views in Europe and the East, 138 On Warwickshire, 363 On Westmoreland, 365 On Wiltshire, 366 On Worcestershire, 367 On Yorkshire, 368 On Zoology, 62 On Zoophytes, 85 Worlidge, T., 107, 158 Worm-Holes, 6 Wormius, Olaus, 159 Worsley, Sir R., 336 Worth, R. N., 330 Wright, A. B., 353 C., 363 G. N., 342 J., 356 J. P., 336 T., 159, 316, 332, 357 W. A. 207 Wrottesley, G., 360 Wyatt, M. D., and Tymms, W. R., 137 M. D., 150, 152 Wycherley, W., 316 Wylie, W. II., 354 Wymondham Church, 351 Wyndham, 336 H. P., 350 Wyther, G., 316 X. Xenophon, 185 424 INDEX. Y. Yarranton, A., 316 Yarrell, William, 73, 75 Yates, R., 361 Yeats, T. P., 80 Yorke, James, 167 Yorkshire Archaeological and Typo¬ graphical Journal, 373 In 1563-64, Visitations of, 372 In 1584-85 and 1612, Visitations of, 372 Works on, 368 Young, Edward, 316 G., 107, 373 M., 336 R.,207 Z. Zola, E., 316 Zooch, T., 316 Zoological Journal, 1825-1835, 67 Literature, Records of, 66 Society of Ireland, 67, 73 Society of London, 67, 73 Society of London to 1835, Transactions of the, 66 Zoologie, Manuels de, 66 Zoologist, The, 66 Zoology and Botany, Magazine of, 66 Works on, 62 Zoophytes, Works on, 85 momim GYTAI9CIJE OP PRACTICAL flANDB°°KS Wjzy 4,. / is < w^Vvs 0 «X "V PUBL13i1ED BT LUPC9TT Gilt tpno^n ^ wc. [OTOML ; miT?Ry NOTE.—All Books are at Nett Prices. Birkbeck Bank, Southampton. Buildings, Chancery La^ne, London, W.C. Invested Funds—TEN MILLIONS. CURRENT ACCOUNTS. Interest on the minimum monthly balances, when not drawn below £100. DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS repayable on demand. STOCKS AND SHARES Purchased and sold for customers. THE BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with particulars, POST FREE• C. A. RAVENSCROFT, Managing Director , Telephone No. : 5 Eolborn. Telegraphic Address : “ Birkbeck , London The World-wide Atlas (Sixth Edition) Showing the latest changes in South Africa and elsewhere. Now known wherever the English Language is spoken. The Best Handy Reference Atlas published, containing two Frontispieces, Introduction, 128 Coloured Maps, and Index to 63,000 places. Royal 4to, handsomely bound in cloth, 7s. 6d. ; half-bound morocco, 12s. 6d. NOW READY. —The following important New Publication on ASTRONOMY, issued at a popular price. Imperial 8vo, with twenty-two Double-page Plates in Colours, and forty-four Illustrations in the Text. Full-bound cloth, price 7s. 6d. The Twentieth Century Atlas of Popular Astronomy By Thomas Heath, B.A., First Assistant Astronomer, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. The Publishers are pleased to announce the completion of this important work. The letterpress is written in a popular way, so that those who take up the subject for the first time will have no difficulty in understanding it. 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Dr. Browne is the SOLE INVENTOR, and, as the composition of Chlorodyne cannot possibly be dis¬ covered by Analysis (or¬ ganic substances defying elimination), and since the formula has never been published, it is evident that any statement to the effect that a compound is iden¬ tical with Dr. Browne’s Chlorodyne must be false. This caution is necessary, as many persons deceive purchasers by false repre¬ sentations. DIARRHEA, CHOLERA, DYSENTERY. GENERAL BOARD of HEALTH, London, REPORT that it acts as a CHARM, one dose gener¬ ally sufficient. Dr. GIBBON, Army Medi¬ cal Staff, Calcutta, states: “TWO DOSES COM¬ PLETELY CURED ME of DIARRHOEA.” ARCHBISHOP MAGEE —Extract from one of his published letters to his wife: “I had a return of a bad cold yesterday morning— preached with two pocket- handkerchiefs to a great congregation at St. Mary’s, ate a ‘cold collation* at three o’clock, saw clergy on business until five o’clock, went to a ‘ parochial tea ’ at six o’clock; sat out no end of tea, glees, and speeches until half-past nine; finished off with a speech until ten o’clock, came here very bad with cold, took Chlorodyne and went to bed very miser¬ able ; woke next morning quite well.” D R. j. collis BROWNE’S CHLORODYNE is the TRUE PALLIATIVE in N euralgia, gout, CANCER, TOOTH. ACHE, RHEUMATISM. D r. j. collis BROWNE’S CHLORODYNE is a j liquid medicine which assuages PAIN of EVERY | KIND, affords a calm re¬ freshing sleep WITHOUT HEADACHE, and IN¬ VIGORATES the nervous system when exhausted. 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Card Games .. 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17,18 Conjuring.. 10,17 Entertainments 1,8,11,17, 18 Fortune Telling .... 11 Lawn Tennis . 13 Magic Lanterns.. 14 Palmistry.. 14 Paperwork... 14 Photography . 15 Pianoforte . 15 Poker Work . 15 Pool... 15 Vamping.... 18 COLLECTING. Autographs .... 7 Books .14, 17 Butterflies .8, 9 Coins . 9,10 Dragonflies ._ 11 Engravings.. 11 Handwriting ........ 13 Hawk Moths . 13 Moths.... 9 Painting. 14 Postage Stamps .. 16 Postmarks . 16 Pottery & Porcelain 16 Violins . 18 War Medals.. 18 FARMING. Bees. 7, 8 Goats . 12 Horses . 13 Pigs. 15 Poultry .. 11,13,16 Sheep. 17 Stock Records 8, 15,17,18 PAGE GARDENING. Alpine. 7 Begonias . 8 Book of Gardening.. 12 Bulbs . 8 Cactus. 9 Carnations .... 9 Chrysanthemums.... 9 Cucumbers . 10 Dictionary of Gar¬ dening . 12 Ferns . H Fruit .12,18 Gardening in Egypt.. 12 Grapes . 12 Greenhouse Con¬ struction and Heat¬ ing . 12 Greenhouse Manage¬ ment .12,13 Home Gardening .... 12 Mushrooms . 14 Open-Air Gardening 12 Orchids __....... 14 Perennials .. 13 Roses ................ 16 Tomatoes . 18 Vegetables... 18 HOME. Cookery .7,10,11 Decorative Painting 14 Gardening . 12 Lace, Hand-Made .... 13 Medicine . 14 Needlework. 13,14 MECHANICS. Bookbinding _ 8 Cane Basket Work .. 9 Chip Carving. 9 Firework Making .. 11 Fretwork . 12 Marqueterie. 14 Metal Working 8,16,17,19 Model Yachts. 14 Poker Work . 15 Repousse Work . 16 Ticket Writing .. 19 PAGE Wood Working _ 9,12 14,15,19 NATURAL HISTORY. Aquaria._. 7 Insects .8, 9,11, 13 Naturalists’ Direc¬ tory . 14 Taxidermy . 18 Vivarium _........ 18 Wild Birds. 19 PET-KEEPiNG. Birds .8, 9,11,15,19 Cats. 9 Dogs .. 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18 Guinea Pig s_____ 13 Mice.. 14 Pigeons . 15 Rabbits . 16 SPORTING. Angling _........7,17 Cycling .... 10 Ferreting. 11 Game Preserving .... 12 Lawn Tennis . 13 Sailing .. 8, 13, 14,16, 17 Skating .. 17 Trapping . 18 Wildfowling. 19 Wild Sports. 19 Wrestling . 19 SEAFARING. Boat Building . 8 Boat Sailing . 8 Sailing Tours.16,17 Sea Life. 17 Sea Terms. 17 Solent Guide_.... 16 Yachting Yarns. 13 TOURING. Friesland Meres .... 12 Route Map . 10 Seaside Watering Places . 17 Welsh Mountaineer¬ ing ........ ........ 14 212 C 10/03. All you have to do If* you want to Buy, Sell, or Ex¬ change ANY article of Private Property quickly and to the best advantage, is to send a short notice of it to “The Bazaar, Exchange and Mart,” with stamps or P.O. at Id. for 3 words. You will get plenty of replies. If 4 you like you can have a private number at the Office. For fur¬ ther particulars get a copy of the paper —of all Newsagents, price 2d, OFFICES : BAZAAR BUILDINGS, DRURY LANE, LONDON, W.C. « Catalogue Practical Handbooks Published by L. 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By Hugh Dalziel. Fourth Edition. Entirely Re-written and brought up to date. In paper, price 1/-, by post 1/2 ; in cloth gilt, price 2/-, by post 2/3. Dog-Keeping, Popular: Being a Handy Guide to the General Management and Training of all Kinds of Bogs for Companions and Pets. By J. Maxtee. Illustrated. In paper, price 1/-, by post 1/2. Dragonflies, British. Being an Exhaustive Treatise on our Native Odonata; Their Collection, Classification, and Preservation. By W. J. Lucas, B.A, Very fully Illustrated with 27 Plates, Illustrating 39 Species, exquisitely printed in Colour, and numerous Black-and-White Engravings. In cloth gilt, price 31/6, by post 52/-. Egg Dainties. How to Cook Eggs, One Hundred and Fifty Different Ways, English and Foreign. In paper price 1/-, by post 1/2. Egg and Poultry Raising at Home. A Practical Work, showing how Eggs and Poultry may be produced for Home Consumption with little expendi¬ ture of time or money. By W. M. Elkington. Illustrated. In paper, price 1/-, by P 08t 1/2. Eggs Certificate, Fertility of. These are Forms of Guarantee given by the Sellers to the Buyers of Eggs for Hatching, undertaking to refund value of any unfertile eggs, or to replace them with good ones. Very valuable to sellers of eggs, as they induce purchases. In books, with counterfoils, price bd., by post Id. Engravings and their Value. Containing a Dictionary of all the Greatest Engravers and their Works. By J. H. Slater. Third Edition. Revised with an appendix and illustrations, and with latest Prices at Auction, &c. In doth gilt, price 15/-, by post 15/5. Entertainments, Amateur, for Charitable and other Objects: How to Organise and Work them with Profit and Success. By Robert G ANTHONY. In paper, price 1/., by post 1/2. Feathered Friends, Old and New. Being the Experience ot many years’ Observations of the Habits of British and Foreign Cage Birds. ByDR.W.T. Greene. Illustrated. In cloth gilt, price 5/-, by post 5/4. 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Vol. II. Pedigrees of 1544 Dogs, Show Record, &c. Vol. III. Pedigrees of 1214 Dogs, Show Record, &c. Vol. IV. Pedigrees of 1168 Dogs, Show Record, &c. Vol. V. Pedigrees of 1562 Dogs, Show Record, &c. Fretwork and Marquetry. A Practical Manual of Instructions in the Art of Fret-cutting and Marquetry Work. By D. Denning. Profusely Illustrated. In cloth gilt, >price 2/6, by post 2/9. Friesland Meres, A Cruise on the. By Ernest R. Suffling. Illustrated. In paper, price 1/-, by post 1/2. Fruit Culture for Amateurs. An illustrated practical hand-book on the Growing of Fruits in the Open and under Glass. By S. T. Wright. With Chapters on Insect and other Fruit Pests by W. D. Drury. Second Edition. Illustrated. In doth gilt, price Z/b, by post 3/9. Came Preserving, Practical. Containing the fullest Directions for Rearing and Preserving both Winged and Ground Game, and Destroying Vermin; with other information of Value to the Game Preserver. By W. Carnegie. Illustrated. 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Watson (Curator, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew). New Edition, thoroughly Revised and Enlarged. Contains Full Descriptions of all Species and Varieties that are in General Cultivation, a List of Hybrids and their Recorded Parentage, and Detailed Cultural Directions, By Henry J. Chapman, one of the finest growers and judges in the kingdom (member of the Orchid and Scientific Committees of the Royal Horticultural Society). Beautifully Illustrated with 180 Engravings and 20 Coloured Plates. In cloth gilt, price 25/-, by post 25/6. Painting, Decorative. A practical Handbook on Painting and Etching upon Textiles, Pottery, Porcelain, Paper, Vellum, Leather, Glass, Wood, Stone, Metals, and Plaster, for the Decoration of our Homes. By B. C. Saward. In cloth gilt, price 3/6, by post 3/9. Palmistry, Life Studies in. The hands of Notable Persons read according to the practice of Modern Palmistrf. By L Oxenford. Illustrated with 41 Full-Page Plates. InQto, cloth gilt, price 5/*, by post 5/4. 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In paper, price 1/-, by post 1/2. Polishes and Stains for Woods: A Complete Guide to Polishing Wood¬ work, with Directions for Staining, and Full Information for Making the Stains, Polishes, &c., in the simplest and most satisfactory manner. By David Denning. In paper, price 1/-, by post 1/2. Pool, Games of. Describing Various English and American Pool Games, and giving the Rules in full. Illustrated. In paper, price 1/-, by post 1/2. Portraiture, Home, for Amateur Photographers. Being the result of many years’ incessant work in the production of Portraits “at home.” By P. R. Salmon (Richard Penlake), Editor of The Photographic News. Fully Illus¬ trated. In cloth gilt, price 2/6, by post 2/9. All Books are Nett. 16 Published by L. Upcott Gill, London , and Postage Stamps, and their Collection. A Practical Handbook for Collectors of Postal Stamps, Envelopes, Wrappers, and Cards. By Oliver Firth, Member of the Philatelic Societies of London, Leeds, and Bradford. Pro¬ fusely Illustrated. In cloth gilt, price 2/6, by post 2/10. Postage Stamps of Europe, The Adhesive: A Practical Guide to their Collection, Identification, and Classification. Especially designed for the use of those commencing the Study. By W. A. S. Westoby. Beautifully Illustrated. Cheap and Revised Edition. In 2 vols., price 7/6, by post 8/-. In connection with these Publications on Postage Stamps we have arranged to supply Gauges for Measuring Perforations. These Stamp Gauges are made in brass, and can be carried in the waistcoat pocket. Price 1/-, by post 1/1. Postmarks, History of British. With 350 Illustrations and a List of Numbers used in Obliterations. By J. H. Daniels In cloth gilt, price 2/6, by post 2/9. Pottery and Porcelain, English. A Guide for Collectors. Handsomely Illustrated with Engravings of Specimen Pieces and the Marks and Mono¬ grams used by the different Makers. New Edition, Revised and Enlarged. By the Rev. E. A. Downaian. In cloth gilt, price 3/6, by post 3/9. 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