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ILLINOIS 61801 /* 224-2 CAC Document No. 235 AN EFFICIENT ALGORITHM FOR SOLVING THE LINEAR INPUT OUTPUT EQUATION WITH AN EXTENSION TO THE NONLINEAR INPUT OUTPUT MODEL by Doug Gilmore August, 1977 *»E UBHARY Of IHE CAC Document No. 235 An Efficient Algorithm for Solving the Linear Input Output Equation with an Extension to the Nonlinear Input Output Model by Doug Gilmore Center for Advanced Computation University of Illinois at Urb ana- Champaign Urbana, Illinois 6l801 August, 1977 This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Contract US NSF C-10*+5j and was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1977. Ill ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my appreciation first to Profes- sor Hugh Folk for his approval of the work done on the subject of this thesis. At the beginning many thought that performing such a large computation on a small computer installation was absurd, and I appreciate that Professor Folk gave me the opportunity to demonstrate that the contrary was quite true. I would also like to thank Professor Achmed Sameh for his assistance during the development of the algorithms, and for his comments during the drafting of the thesis. I also thank my thesis advisor, Profes- sor William Perkins for his comments on the drafts of the thesis. His comments have greatly improved the readability of the mathematical text. I also give special thanks to Steve Holmgren. He was unceasingly assistive during the coding of the algorithms. Though I value the assistance of all the above, I alone accept responsibility for any errors. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 Chapter 1 - Factorization Modification 7 1.1 - Matrix Decompostion by Elementary Transformations and Simplifications thereof on 10 matrices 7 1.2 - Multiple Row and Column Modification 15 Chapter 2 - A Sensitivity Transformation for Studying the the Perturbations of Solutions Due to Perturbations of the System 21 2.1 - Perturbations of a Sinqle Element 21 2.2 - Column Perturbations 28 2.3 - Row Perturbations 32 Chapter 3 - A Nonlinear Input Output Model 37 Discussion and Conclusions 50 References 53 INTRODUCTION Due to recent economic developments such as the energy crisis and persistent cost push inflation there has been consid- erable interest or the structure of national economies, and how crisis effects economic activities. One method that is used to study economic systems is Input Output (10) analysis which is particularly powerful in the study of interindustry activity. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the solution of the 10 equation using several methods, the goal being to develop a method to solve a nonlinear Input Output model which will partly alleviate some of the restrictions of linear Input Output analysis. Input Output analysis is an econometric method which at- tempts to explain all industrial activity by a simple cause ef- fect relationship. The first critical assumption of 10 analysis is that all goods in a product group are manufactured in an identical manner. From this point on when the term good is men- tioned, it is to be taken as some representative good in one of the product groups. The amount of a good that society needs to produce is the amount to be supplied for final demand plus the By final demand we mean several things: goods consumed by households and government, goods sold for export, and also goods used for investment. Most logically investment would be treated as an input to production, but investment can be a very nonlinear function of output. Thus in general economists find it easier to determine investment demands exogeneously . It is possible that the representation ot investment as a nonlinear function of output could make the endogenous determination of investment demands more realistic. amount used in the production of other goods. The second criti- cal assumption of 10 analysis is the following: when a good is used in the production of another good, the amount used in this activity is always in a fixed proportion to the total production of the other good. These proportionality constants are termed the technical coefficients, and since in general it is possible that all goods can be used directly in the production of all oth- er goods, if we have an n good economy then there are n* techni- cal coefficients. Vvhen the technical coefficients are arranged in a nxn matrix, this matrix is called the technical coefficients matrix or A matrix, though this should not be confused with the A matrix found in control systems literature. If our unit of value is dollars then the element a. . represent the dollar value of the i good required in the direct production of one dollar of the j good. Thus the a^'s are positive fractions. The sum of the t" h j column of the A matrix represents the fraction of the total cost of producing the good j that is embodied in the goods used in direct production of the j good. Then v, = 1 - I a-, (0.1) J i=i *J represents the unit cost of production not embodied in the goods used in the direct production of the j good. V. is termed the value added for good j and it consists of labor costs, interest, (on the capital used in the direct production of the j tn good,) direct business taxes, and profits. If y^ is the amount of the i good sold to final demand, then the equation which represents the total production of the i good, that is, x., is *i s y t «■ 2 a..x, . (0.2) The summation term in (0.2) is the amount of good i needed in the direct production of all goods. Proceeding in the same way for the other n-1 goods, the total demand for all goods is the solution of the matrix equation Ax + y = x or (I - A)x = y . (0.3) We reiterate the basic assumptions of 10 analysis; 1) that all goods in the same product class are assumed to be made in the same way, 2) that the amount of an input good used in the direct production of another good is always in a fixed proportion. The first question that needs to be answered is whether solutions to (0.3) do indeed exist. But since we also desire that solutions must correspond to actual economic behavior, the 2 solution vectors should be positive if the final demand vector is positive. Bellman [1, pp.296, Theorem 6] has shown that if the column sums of A are less that 1, then there is a unique positive o A vector is said to be positive if all of its elements are positive. solution vector for each positive right hand side. Furthermore, the eigenvalues of A lie inside the unit circle, and (I - A)" 1 = I + 2 A 1 , (0.4) i = l with lim A m = 0, e.g. see Isaacson and Keller [15, pp.15, Theorem nHro 5]. If k terms are used to approximate (I - A)" 1 then (k-l)n multiplications must be performed. In the past, eg. Chenary and Clark[17], (I-A) was crude- ly approximated by this method. The objective of this paper is to discuss a method by which the 10 equation can be solved with far more efficiency and accuracy. By a factorization method which will be discussed in Chapter 1, only J:n^ multiplications are required to completely factorize the matrix into a product of triangular matrices, which can then be solved for arbitrary right 2 hand sides in n multiplications. The first section of Chapter 1 will also analyze the numerical stability properties of factori- zation of Input Output matrices by elementary transformations, (sometimes denoted as LU decomposition,) and will reexamine the property of the A matrix so that (0.3) will admit only positive solutions for arbitrary positive final demand vectors. The second section in this chapter proposes a simple method which 3 It is standard practice in numerical analysis to only count the number of multiplications or divisions in a computation since they are more time consuming than addition or subtraction operations. will allow modifications of particular rows and columns of the A matrix that will not require the complete ref actor ization of the matrix. This method has a very useful property that allows the successive updating of the 10 matrix without any algorithmic com- plexity. Procedures of this type are generally referred to as factorization modification, and several papers have been written on this subject, including Gill and Murray[13], Golub et al.[12], Sameh and Bezdek[2], and Noh and Sameh[3]. But with the excep- tion of Gill and Murray[13], these only deal with factorization by orthogonal transformations, which will be more numerically stable for general matrices, but require more storage and compu- tation than factorization by elementary transformations thus mak- ing them comparably more expensive. By examining the structure of 10 matrices, we shall see that the use of elementary transfor- mations in the factorization of 10 matrices is quite appropriate. We do not mean to distract the reader away from orthogonal transformation factorization methods. As Bierman[5] points out, (this article is an excellent survey of numerical techniques in control and other applications,) in general these methods lend to many algorithmic advantages, and the numerical stability which results is important in control problems which can be ill- conditioned. The next section discusses the updating of solutions of linear equations when only a few elements of several columns or rows are changed. We will denote this method by "solution per- turbation" since the method depends on solutions to a nominal system of equations. This is a bit of a misnomer, since pertur- bation implies small changes. However here the changes in ele- ments of the matrix need not be small in any way. In many cases this method has a tremendous computational advantage over factor- ization modification but it does have its drawbacks. This method requires that columns of the nominal inverse, (that is of (I - A) before any elements have changed,) to be computed. In the case of modifying an entire column solution perturbation would require that the entire nominal inverse be computed. Since the computation of an inverse requires approximately three times the computation required to factorize a matrix, this method is not appropriate if many elements in a column are to be modified. Also the method has a disadvantage in that several successive up- dates of the solution due to new perturbations in the matrix ele- ments are difficult to perform since there is no efficient way to compute the updated inverses. In Chapter 3 a nonlinear 10 model is proposed which can be solved quite efficiently with the eclectic use the algorithms described in the preceding chapters. This approach largely elim- inates the linearity contraint of the standard 10 model while the extra cost of solving the nonlinear model is quite small. Using solution perturbation the nonlinear equation that must be solved iteratively is reduced to smaller order. Once the residuals are sufficiently small factorization modification will be utilized to find the complete solution. These algorithms have been coded on a minicomputer system, and the computation of solutions of 350 -order 10 equations is quite feasible on such a computer system when these algorithms are used. CHAPTER 1 FACTORIZATION MODIFICATIONS SECTION 1.1 MATRIX DECOMPOSITION BY ELEMENTARY TRANSFORMATIONS, AND SIMPLIFICATIONS THEREOF ON 10 MATRICES. This section describes the LU decomposition algorithm. The presentation will also include a discussion of properties of 10 matrices that will simplify the algorithms to be described in the next section. As with all decomposition algorithms, in the decomposition of the matrix B, (in our case B= I- A, where I is the identity matrix, and A is the technical coefficient matrix defined in the introductory section, thus b^. < and b ii = 1 - a ii > 0,) a transformation is determined such that QB= U (1.1.1) where U is a upper triangular matrix. To solve the system of equations Bx = y (1.1.2) we premulitply both sides of (1.1.2) by Q, so that QBx = Ux = Qy (1.1.3) and the equation Ux = Qy can be solved by back substitution. In the pure form of LU decomposition Q is the composition of only elementary transformations. An elementary transformation has a 8 simple matrix representation. Its diagonal elements are all one and it has only one nonzero off diagonal element which we shall call the multiplier element. If M i - is an elementary transforma- tion then it looks like: m ID (1.1-4) To simplify the notation, the subscripts below a symbol representing an elementary transformation will denote the posi- tion of the multiplier element in the elementary transformation matrix. Thus m. . is in the position (i,j) of the matrix. It is easily verified the the inverse of an elementary transformation is merely the elementary transformation with the nonzero off di- agonal element of opposite sign. The direct multiplication of elementary matrices, N. = to .m_ t _: M^, -iM-,, • (1.1.5) looks like: j + 2,j m no (1.1.6) The LU decomposition algorithm determines the transforma- tion Q = N n-l N n-2 N 2 N 1 (1.1.7) If for each j we define N j (E j )= N j (N j . 1 N j _ 2 ...N 1 B) , (1.1.8) then the algorithm determines N. such that it zeroes the elements of the j column of B. below the diagonal element. Thus m 13 13 33 for j + Ki lj Bji)i 1 + 6b i;j B ji + 1 y i+1 + ... ... + <4b i;( B jn y n , (2.1.13) or y i " 6b ij B jiyi + 6b ij B j 2 y2 + ••• + 6b ij B ji-iyi-i + + (1 + ft^BJDii + »b i;j B ji+1 y i+1 + ... ... + «b i3 B jn y n . (2.1.14) Since n * 1 * , ij b jlt»* = 6b ij x j ' (2 ' la5) (2.1.14) reduces to 26 y i " 6b ij\i * (1 * 6b ij b ji )z i " 6b ij 5 jiyi • (2.1.16) or (1 + 6b ii B ii )y i - ^ ii x i z. U_2i — i iJLJ. (2.1.17) 1 ♦ 6b ijBji 6b ii x i ■ y, - iJ-2 . (2.1.18) 1 + 6b. .5. Therefore z can be written as 6b ii x i z » y - ( i-i-J )e. (2.1.19) 1 ♦ 6b ij 5 ji where e. is the unit vector of the i component. Since x * B~ 1 z, * - x - U-l B 1 e i . (2.1.20) 1 + 6b. .5 Explicitly for Mj th.46b4.1X x k * x. - — !Si — LL_1_ (2.1.21) 1 ♦ 6 bij 5 D] and for the j tn element, 27 X j * b ii 6b Ji X 3 1 + 6b ij 5 j . 1 + 6b i -Bji (2.1.22) which corresponds to (2.1.6) and (2.1.7). The next two sections will consider multiple row and column perturbations. We will see that the analysis of such per- turbations will be quite straight forward. For column perturba- tions the perturbed system of equations will be represented as in (2.1.4), while for row peturbations the representation (2.1.8) is appropriate. In Sherman and Morrison [8] it is only shown that (2.1.6), and (2.1.7) are correct, though they do not show how they arrive at the results. The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate a procedure which can be used to derive the solu- tion for an arbitrary perturbation, rather than propose a solu- tion and demonstrate its validity. 28 SECTION 2.2 COLUMN PERTURBATIONS In this section the method just described is extended to columnwise perturbations. The first case is for perturbations in a single column with the scaling of the column, while the second is the extension to two columns. Without loss of generality let us suppose that the first k elements of the j column are to be perturbed and that a con- stant multiple of the column is to be added to the entire column, that is, 6b is an nxn matrix which has all zeroes for its ele- ments except for the j column, where the j column is: J6b lj +cb ij 6b 2j +cb 2j ... *b kj +cb kj cb k+lj ... cb^l*. (2.2.1) Again the matrix (I + B~ 1 6B) has the form of (2.1.5) except the j column is replaced by: where J**! * 2 '•• *j-l < 1+ *j +c > *j+l ## ' ^nT (2.2.2) '■ = piiV^pj ■ < 2 - 2 - 3 > and (B..)* B~ . The solution is found oy inspection as in 29 Chapter 2.1: and for i;*j # *i " x i " *i k j (2.2.5) where x is the solution of (B + 6B)x=y, and x is the solution of the unperturbed system Bx*y. Now suppose that two columns are to be perturbed , say columns j. and j 2 . For the simplicity of demonstration let us suppose that only the first k 1 and k 2 elements of each respective columns are perturbed. So 6b has only 2 nonzero columns, and the j 1 tn is of the form |6b 1H 6b 9 _i ... 6b k • ... | fc (2.2.6) I 1J 1 ^1 K lJl I and the j 2 column is: K ! t |6b,. 6b 9 . ... 6b k . ... r . (2.2.7) Now two columns of (I + B~ 1 6B) are not unit vectors, namely columns j. and j 2 . The ji tn column will be denoted by !*1 *2 J1-1 D l j,-n # " *n| 30 (2.2.8) where *i ■ p l^9 6b Ph ' (2.2.9) th and the j 2 column as, \#1 2 ••* ^ j r l (1+ V 'j^l — nj (2.2.10) where 0. * 2 5. 6b 1 p-1 1P P3 2 (2.2.11) Again by inspection the j* and J 2 th elements of x are found by solving *| 1+0-i (2.2.12) Then for Mj 1# j 2 : 31 *k * x k " V^ " *k 8 j 2 • (2.2.13) If all the elements of a column are to be perturbed then it is necessary to have the entire inverse computed. In such a case it would be wiser to use the factorization modification al- gorithm. In many cases thouqh, especially in Input Output analysis, only a few elements are modified, and the rest are just scaled. In such cases the above method becomes very appealing since the simpler closed form equations provide greater insight into the system. 32 SECTION 2.3 JKOW PERTURBATIONS This section nearly duplicates the presentation of the previous section except that the perturbation vectors are rows instead of columns. Without loss of qenerality let us suppose that the first k elements of the j row are to be perturbed and that a constant multiple of the row is to be added to the entire row. Then 6b is an nxn matrix which has all zeroes for its elements except for the j row. The j row is: 6b jl* cb ji 6b j2 +cb j2 ••' 6b jk +cb jk cb jk+l ••• cb jn (2.3.1) i-l. , Again the matrix (I ♦ 6BB ) is of the same form as (2.1.11) of Chapter 2.1 , but the j row is replaced by: where I*! * 2 •"• *j-l (1+ *j +c) *j+l" - *ni ' (2.3.2) '" = pli 6b 3PV ' (2 - 3 ' 3) and (15^)* B" 1 . By inspection the solution of ( I +6BB~ 1 )z= y is, for ij*j: 33 z i ■ Yi (2.3.4) while ^V. + <* + *) + c » z j ■ Vj < 2 -3-5) ^.-•A + ^Vj - ry, + (1 + ^ + c)z j (2.3.6) pi^jp"? " Vj + (1 + »*j + c,2 j ,2 - 3 - 7) and therefore ( J + >V y J • D ?/ b 3P X P z j " (1 * TC H) ,2 ' 3 - 8) where x is the solution of the unperturbed system Bx=y. If we denote z . - y^ as t then z = y + te. (2.3.9) where e. is the unit vector of the j component. Denoting the solution of the perturbed system as x , as in Chapter 2.1, 34 x « B" 1 z * B -1 (y ♦ te.) * x + tB -1 e. . (2.3.10) Now suppose that two rows are to be perturbed, say rows j, and j 2 . Again purely for the simplicity of demonstration suppose that only the first k. and k 2 elements ot each respective rows are perturbed. So 6b has only 2 nonzero rows, the ji of which is of the form: |6b. , 6b. ... 6b. . ... (2.3.11) I *l l 3 1 Z D 1 K 1 I and the j 2 row is: |6b. , 6b, ... 6b, „ ... (2.3.12) 3 2 l J2 Z 3 2 K 2 I Now two rows of ( I + 6BB ' are not unit vectors, namely rows j, and j 2# The ji row will be denoted by I I 1 ^2 r l (1+ >V ^j 1+ l-'- *n (2.3.13) where k i *•» = pii' b i ,p B pi ' ,2 - 3 - 14) th and the j 2 row as » where Sol' ,-1 ving ( I +6bb ) z ■ y, for i^j , j while for i= Ji»Jo : where and 35 *1 *2 •'• ^j r l Cl^j ) jl+1 • • • n (2.3.15) 0, - 2 6b. T5 . . 1 p=l D 2 p pi (2.3.16) z . ■ y . 3 Y 3 (2.3.17) I 14*, >*, I |z. I 2 II J l| 0^ 1+0^ !z D 2 M 3? I I 2 (2.3.18) y+ - (l ♦ A* )y, + r*, y-i - 2 6b. x 3i '3i 3o'3 1 J l J 2 J 2 p=l J l JiP P (2.3.19) 36 3 2 Ya - (1 + *a )y i + 0t Vt - 2 <*b. x D . (2.3.20) J 2 J 2 D 2 D l 3 1 p=l 3 2 p p Redefining t to be z. - y. and defininq u to be z^ - y+ , then 3 1 3 1 D 2 D 2 the perturbed solution is: x = B" 1 z = B" 1 y + tB" 1 e. + uB* 1 e. . (2.3.21) D l J 2 If an entire row is perturbed then only its associated column of the inverse is needed in the computation of the per- turbed solution vector. The computation requires 2n+l multipli- cations, (column perturbation would require about n .) The above presentation lends particular insight into the perturbation of row elements in linear equations. When several rows are perturbed then the perturbation of the solution is a linear combination of the associated columns of the nominal in- verse. Therefore we can make a rough quess on whether solutions are sensitive to perturbations of several rows of the 10 matrix by inspecting the associated columns of the n^ninal inverse. 37 CHAPTER 3 A NONLINEAR INPUT OUTPUT MODEL As we have seen both factorization modification and solu- tion perturbation have comparative advantages in the solution of modified linear equations. Factorization modification has the ad- vantage of simplicity of data storage, that is, when a row or column is changed, then only that row or column of the modified factorization is changed. Also the repetitive modification of the linear equations is very stable numerically since the refac- 5 torized matrix is machine identical to the factorized matrix when the modified system of linear equations is completely decom- posed from scratch. The disadvantage of factorization modifica- 2 2 tion is that n multiplications must be performed, and n matrix elements must be read in from secondary storage. In some cases solution perturbation requires much less computation than factor- ization modification to achieve the same result. The disadvan- tage of solution perturbation is that if many elements in dif- ferent rows are to be changed, as in the case of modifying all the elements in a single column, then much or all of the nominal inverse must be computed. Also repetitively computing new solu- tions due to changes in the elements of the matrix is difficult by this method. In this section we will utilize the comparative advantages of both methods in solving a nonlinear Input Output model . 5 "Machine identical" means that the bit patterns of the two matrices are identical. 38 There has been very little work presented in the litera- ture about nonlinear 10 models, most of it only in the way of ex- istence proofs, Sandberq[6) and Lahiri[?J, and V3ry little empir- ical application. This may be due to the difficulty of obtaining data on the nonlinear ity of the transactions, for just obtaining the transactions matrix data is a difficult task in itself. But the nonlinear ity of the transaction elements may not be due so much to the nonlinearity of the input requirements per unit out- put for each firm. Rather the nonlinearity may be due to the average input requirements per unit output, that is the a^'s, shift from the production techniques of firms that cannot in- crease output towards the production techniques of those firms that can. A good example of this type of nonlinearity is the transactions to the oil industry if oil demand would change. If the demand for oil by consumers and industry would drop drasti- cally then the transactions for drilling equipment and real estate would drop disporportionally to the drop in total oil out- put since oil wells would last for a longer period of time. Given more time there would be fewer chances that wells that are drilled end up to be dry, etc. It is likely that at lower oil demand more oil drilling would be internally financed, and thus the amount of interest charges would be proportionally less. The transactions matrix is AX where X is a diagonalization of the total demand vector. The transactions matrix is the interindustry data that governments actually collect, the A matrix is then derived from the transactions matrix after the total demand vector is computed by summing the rows of the transaction matrix and adding the final demand vector to the resultant vector. 39 Without scarcity driving up prices firms are less willing to take chances, they may curtail research and development activity. Thus the composition of value added changes. As we shall see in the example below, if the demand for oil would rise the a. . # s for the oil industry would shift toward the production techniques of the exploratory firms. New production techniques such as extrac- tion of oil from shale would become more profitable, and average production shifts towards this technique. By classification of firms into two groups, those that can and cannot increase output, we have an elementary procedure by which we can represent the nonlinearity of transactions. Let j be the index corresponding to the oil industry. Suppose that oil total output is represented by X j * Xn j + X °j ' (4.1.1) where x . , x n • , x°^ are total demand for oil, total demand for oil supplied by new oil, and total demand for oil supplied by old oil respectively. We assume that only the producers of new oil can expand the output of oil to a level greater than x .. The tran- saction from the i industry to the oil industry is t tj = a ijXj = a° ij x° j + a n ij(Xj - x^) . (4.1.2) Therefore 40 / o .n , v o t ii < a ii ii ,x ii n 13* r x^ x j r ij H.i.JJ for x.^x ^ . (4.1.3) exemplifies the shift in the technical coef- ficients mentioned in the preceding discussion. Though oversimplified, (but the linear 10 model is even more simplified,) this example does illustrate that empirical work in this area may be more practical than was previously thought. It can also open up the possibility of treating invest- ment as a direct input to production instead of treating it as final demand. Investment cannot be realistically treated as a linear function of total output since if existing capital is used at full capacity the only way output can increase is by invest- ment. Thus investment would make up an considerable portion of costs. Alternatively if capital is not being used at full capa- city then there will be little investment till excess capacity has depreciated away. Observation of plant capacity levels, and the catagor ization of firms in a industry may give us the essen- tial information needed to produce a viable nonlinear 10 model. The nonlinear 10 model in the following exposition has an restriction in the form of the nonlinear ities. It is not the most general model that could be presented, though the formulation does encompass the situations that we would most likely encounter in the real world. We assume that the nonlinearities of the tranasctions are only a tunction of the buying industries, that is 41 t ij * t iJ (X J ) " (4.1.4) This is a crucial assumption in this algorithm for it tremendous- ly reduces the order of the computation. Though this is a res- triction to the analysis, it is difficult to visualize an example where a transaction element is a direct function of total demand other than the buying industry. Even in the literature though this assumption is seldom made or utilized, the examples present- ed usually are of this form. Also we have assumed a functional form for the nonlinear it ies. Though this assumption is not cru- cial to the exposition, and it can easily be relaxed, we shall see that this representation is computationally advantageous. A truncated power series will be used as the functional form of the nonlinearities. The use of only three terms is only for the simplicity of demonstration. x. x. (4.1.5) where i ■ «ij + Pij + 'ij (4.1.6) Note that 3i-j =a i-i (x^) . We denote the matrix A" and vectors x and 7 as the nominal technical coefficients matrix, »nd nominal total and final demand vectors respectively. If c<. .=1, and Pi-\~Yi-h s ^ 42 for some a j-i(x.i)» then the function is constant, as in the linear 10 model. Varying the values of p i - and Y i - from zero introduces nonlinear ity in the technical coefficient. But as long as con- straint (4.1.6) holds then the nominal output vector x is still the solution of the nonlinear 10 model when the final demand vec- tor is y. To introduce the concept of the model, let us assume that only the j industry has nonconstant technical coefficients. These technical coefficients are only a function of the total output of the j industry, that is, x.. Let y be a vector dif- ferent from y and let x 1 be the solution of (I - T^x 1 = y . (4.1.7) Clearly there is little chance that x 1 is the solution of the nonlinear equation (I - A(x))x = y . (4.1.8) Let AMx) = A(x) - A . (4.1.9) Note that AA(x) is nonzero only for the j column. By solution perturbation (I - A(x))x = (I - A)(I - (I - AJ^AAfx))* = y (4.1.10) 43 or (I - (I - A) _1 ^(x))x = x 1 (4.1.11) where x is the solution of (4.1.7) The j th row of 4.1.11 is n [1 - I 5,-6 a.-fx,)]*, = x* (4.1.12) i = l J x a j J J J where -1 (5^) = (I - A)" 1 , (4.1.13) and (^a ij (x j )) =AA(x) . (4.1.14) Since the x. is the only unknown in (4.1.12) we need only solve this scalar nonlinear equation for x.. If the nonlinearities are represented as a truncated power series as in (4.1.5) , then (4.1.12) reduces to X • X • [1 - en-*) - 1) - a((-J-) 2 - l)]x = x* x. I 44 (4.1.15) where n * s 2 ^iiaiiPii r and (4.1.16) e = 2 B.x. y.. . (4.1.17) i=l D1 13 J Then (4.1.15) can be solved by a numerical method such as Newton's method. The advantaqe of the functional representation (4.1.5) is that the effects of the nonlinear ities of all the elements of the j column of A(x) are expressed in cr and 0. If more terms are added to (4.1.5) then only similar terms are then added to (4.1.15). Note that only the j row of the inverse needs to be computed to solve for x . , but once we have solved for x . we now know all the values of the technical coefficients in the j column. Using factorization modification we can compute the en- tire solution without the computing the inverse, as ve would have had to do if we use solution perturbation only. During the fac- torization modification we can simultaneously compute the solu- tion x, thus saving an extra pass through the matrix. ^ 3 This is only important of course if the computer installation does not have enough main memory to hold the entire matrix. 45 The extension to case of nonlinearities in more than one column of A is quite straightforward. If k columns of A have non- linearities, then the k corresponding rows of (I - "R)~ must be computed and a k order nonlinear matrix equation corresponding to (4.1.15) is solved. This algorithm is a tremendous savings over the usual Newton's method solution of this problem, which would be x k+1 = x k - (I - ^_T)" 1 [x k - A(x k )x k - y] (4.1.18) k t" h where x is the approximate solution at the k iteration, and T is a vector valued function whose j element is t i « 2 a..(x.)x. . (4.1.19) For each iteration (4.1.18) requires approximately 3 2 n /3 + 2n + ikn multiplications where n is the order, i+1 is the number of terms in the truncated power series, and k is the number of nonlinear columns. The method proposed here requires only about k /3 + (i+l)k multiplications. If n=100, k=5, and i=3, then an iteration of (4.1.18) requires about 353,000 multi- plications, while the method presented here requires about 162 multiplications. Thus the proposed method has a computational savings by a factor of 2,180! Most importantly this method gives us a very simple means to compute the "marginal inverse", that is compute the incremen- 46 tal total output due to an increment in final demand. The margi- nal inverse is the inverse of the Jacobian matrix evaluated at a solution. Sandberq [6, Theorem 1] has shown that the inverse of the Jacobian evaluated at a solution will approximate the pertur- bation of solutions around the solution due to perturbations of final demand. If the vector c is the perturbation in final demand, and the vector x^ is the actual perturbation of total demand then x p = J" 1 c + A»(c) (4.1.20) where 1 |Aj£j ! ! -> as ||c|| -> . (4.1.21) The norm operator is the Euclidean. In our example in which only column j is nonlinear, if (J ik ) = J, then: j ik = -a ik , for k*i,j (4.1.22) j Rk = 1 - a Rk ^ for Mj (4.1.23) and Jij = " a ij " ( x j)^5T7 a(x j ) for i ^' (4.1.24) 47 j jj = * ~ *jj " (X j ) ^T7 a(X j ) ' (4.1.25) Since the Jacobian matrix is identical to the 10 matrix except tor the j column we can use factorization modification to replace the j column of the nominal 10 matrix by the the as- sociated column of the Jacobian matrix. In doing so we have ef- fectively computed the factorization of the Jacobian. At this point it is worthwhile to digress to a fundamental result of 10 analysis. In the linear 10 model price is computed by the identity (I - A fc )p = v or p = A fc p + v . (4.1.26) The j row of (4.1.26) reads: the price of good j, that is, p. equals the average unit costs of inputs, that is, (A p) . plus the cost of value added, that is, v.. In this equation pro- fit rates must be assumed, and the costs are average, not margi- ns nal. Assuming nonincreasing returns suppose that we are given a final demand vector y and the corresponding total demand vector x which is the solution of the nonlinear 10 model. Then we can find a price vector p such that it is profit maximizing for each industry to produce the total demand vector x when the final o Concavity of the technical coefficients functions and value added functions would imply nonincreasing returns. 4t aemand vector is y. Tne equation wnich computes tnis price level is : J P - v (4.1.27) wnere cue i element ot v" is v(x.) 4,x i ) 5 H-v(x 1 ) . 1 (4.1.2b) we have allowed tor nonlinear ities in value added, and as tor the transaction elements, the nonlinear ities are only a runction ot that particular industry. ol course tnis definition ot value added excludes profits. we can easily verity that the price vector which is the solution ot (4.1.27) is the price vector that makes x the profit maximizing output vector. tor the j industry tne per unit profit is n 2 a. (x • ) - v (x- i=l J J 3 4.1. 2b) 'iherelore total profits are: n " 3 " V P J " i ! 1 a iJ (X 3> - V(X D )] • (4.1.3k,) xaKinq the derivative with respect to x we have j n cJx- 77 j s ^ Pj * .2 1 P i a ij (x j ) + v(x J l-l 3 1 ) J (4.1.31) or 'j ' J 1 P i [a ij (x j ) + < x j>c£r*ij<*j>] V(Xj) 4 (Xj)^-V(Xj) . (4.1.32) Notice that (4.1.24) and (4.1.2b) are the general form ot the elements ot the Jacobian matrix J. Also the right hand side of (4.1.32) corresponds to (4.1.2b). by differentiating each of the industry's profits function with respect to that industry's total output we see that (4.1.26) is tne first order condition tor profit maximization. 50 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS A summary ot the relative advantages and disadvantages of solving modified systems of equations by factorization modifca- tion using elementary transformations and by solution perturba- tion was presented in the beginning ot Chapter 3. The conclusion of the discussion was that neither method had a clearcut advan- tage over the other. When the two methods are used in conjunc- tion with each other, as in the nonlinear 10 model, the resulting algorithm can be very efficient. The efficient solution of 10 equations has been largely ignored by economists. This is evident by the fact that up to now only large batch computer systems were used to solve 10 equa- tions. Using the algorithms discussed in this paper a 368 ord- Q er 10 matrix was factor ized on a minicomputer installation. The solution computation of the solution for an arbitrary final demand vector required 8 seconds user time and 12 seconds system n ma 10 time . 9 The computer was a Digital Electronics Corporation PDP11/50. The computer was operating un^er the UNIX operating system developed by Bell Laboratories. The algorithms were coded in C, the principle language in which much of the UNIX system was coded. 10 The Unix operating system indicates two types of program timinqs, one for user time, which is the time required to perform the actual computation in the user's program area. The other is denoted as system time which is the computation required by the operating system to perform principly the input output functions. Since a 368 tn order matrix requires approximately 1 megabyte of storage, the computation of physical block addresses of the data consumed the largest portion of the total computation. System time would be significantly reduced by performing raw, ie., pure direct memory access (DMA) input output. 51 Double precision arithmetic was used by both the decompo- sition and solution programs. As a test of the numerical stabil- ity of the algorithms on actual data, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) 368 th order 10 matrix was decomposed, and then a system of equations utilizing this matrix was solved. The resi- -14 . . duals were of the order of 10 when double precision arithmetic was used. Thus the use of elementary transformations has not been detrimental to numerical stability. As a test of the nonlinear 10 model, nonconstant technical coefficients were introduced into five columns of the 1967 368 order BEA 10 matrix. The iterative solution perturbation algo- rithm required 3.3 seconds user and 6.1 seconds system time, while the factorization algorithm which computes the entire solu- tion vector required 31 seconds user and 27 seconds system. Since the solution perturbation algorithm computes the total out- put for the industries which have nonlinear input technical coef f f icients , we can check the computation of the factorization algorithm by comDaring the elements in the solution vector to those computed by the solution perturbation algorithm. The -14 residuals were of the order ot 10 For a small set of nonlinear industries, the computation involved in the solution of a nonlinear 10 model is about two or three times the computation involved in solving a factorized sys- tem of equations. In terms of computation, there is little that bars the incorporation of the algorithms in empirical 10 52 research. It may be futile to consider the construction of a em- pirical nonlinear 10 model with all ot the columns being non- linear, at least this is so tor the present. Many times researchers who utilize 10 models tocus most of their attention upon one or two, or a small qroup of industries. The effects of alternative technical coefficients ot a small group of industries are often analyzed. ihe framework presented could easily be molded to such applications. Finally it is suggested that inter- industry data collection should gear some ot its efforts toward the determination ot capacity levels of the individual firms. Doing so will allow the construction of the nonlinear investment functions needed to make the endogenous determination of invest- ment levels in 10 models possible. 53 REFERENCES [I] R. Eellman, I ntr oduct ion to M atrix A nalysis . New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970", 2nd ed. [2] A. Sameh and P. 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