nV7 HANDBOOK OP KJBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENTS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY CONTENTS ; Agriculture Architecture Astronomy, see Observatory Audio-Visual Aids Browsing Room Ceramics Chemistry Circulation Desk Classics Commerce Economics, .see Commerce Educati on Engineering English Freshman Reading Room Floriculure Geological Survey Germanic and Romance Languages History Illinois Historical Survey Information Desk Journalism Landscape Architecture Law Library School Map Room Mathematics Music Natural History Natural History Survey Newspaper Room North Reserve Observatory Philosophy, see Education Physics TTJ • Political Science, see History Psychology, see Education Rare Book Room Reference . \ S Collection (School Collection; Sociology, see Commerce South Reserve Union Browsing Room University High School University of Illinois Library Urbana, Illinois March 1947 This handbook is a revised edition of Handbook of Public Service Divisions in the University of Illinois Li- brary , published January 1944. The data included have been supplied by heads of the several units' of the Public Service Departments* Although compiled especially for use of the Information Desk in the General Library and for the library staff, it is to be hoped that University offices and other college and university libraries will find this publication of value. Any changes occurring in the information listed herein should be reported promptly to the office of the Assistant University Librarian for Public Service Departments. Lev/is C. Branscomb Assistant University Librarian for Public Service Deptst • ■ ■ ■ - AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE LIBRARY 226 Maraf ord Hall Phone: 7198 Campus service. 1. LIBRARLrtlJ: Miss Mary G. Burwash. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: Mr. Charles A, Webbert, 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 30,000 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Agriculture, bacteriology, "botany, chemistry, economics, medicine, sociology— all as related to agriculture. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: (1) Vertical file of uncataloged material. (2) Pamphlet "box file of 41,000 duplicate uncataloged "bulletins from USDA and state agricultural experiment stations* (3) Browsing collection, 280 volumes* (4) Herd "books of pure "bred dairy cattle, 650 volumes. 7. CLASS RESERVES: All courses in the College of Agriculture except most of those in Home economics. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: AH'connected with the University. Others with special permission. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Reference "books* "bound sets of USDA and state agricultural experiment station "bulletins and reports; herd "books. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri* 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 5 p.m. -Hon. 9 a.m.): Class reserves. (3) One week: None. (4) Two weeks: All except as noted above. (5) Other periods: Official publications to faculty on campus "by special permission. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Restricted only when demand requires. III. RENEWALS: Two-week "books renewed if not in demand. Ho tele- phone renewals* May renew vdthout "bringing "book. IV, RESERVATIONS: Only in exceptional cases. No reserve "books held for individuals* Faculty members have first privilege of taking books recommended by them. 10, CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Faculty use on campus for a limited period, usually 5-7 days* Graduate students may take to seminar classes by permission* 11, CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: (See no, 6) Vertical file material does not circulate. Bulletins circulate for two weeks. 12, RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, subject, title) Kept up-to- date by cards from Catalog Department. (2) Public shelf list, kept in librarian's office but available at all times. (3) Special card catalog (author, subject, title) of publica- tions of the U.S. Department of agriculture. (4) Reserve lists, by courses* (5) Alphabetical author file of all books on class reserve* 13# PERIODICAL INDEXES: Agricultural index; also several abstracting journals on scientific literature* 14* EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: Only as placed on temporary reserve by instructors* 15 , SPECIAL EQUIPMENT?, None, ARCHITECTURE RICKER LIBR..RY OF ARCHITECTURE 208 ..architecture Phone: 2313 Regular service 1. HB&iRLdN: Miss Cerilla E. Saylor. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: Miss Helen M. Reynolds. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 19,700 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: All teases of art, except music, 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: !• Clipping file, mounted illustrative material. 11,100 items. 2. Photograph collection, architecture and art. 21,600 items. 3. Lantern slide collection, architecture and art. 18,300 items. 4. American Institute of Architects pamphlet file. 1200 items. Uncataloged. 7. CLASS RESERVES: History of Architecture; History of Art; Architectural Design. (Short time reserves) 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University. Others with special permission from the Library Office. 9. CIRCULATION OP BOOKS: I. PERIODS OP CIRCULATION: (1) lion-circulating: Current and "bound periodicals, folios and rare "books may "be used only in the "building. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 4 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 12 noon-Mon. 9 a.m.? General rule for all "books, clippings, etc. loaned from Ricker Library, except fpr faculty use. (3) One week: None. (4) Two weeks: None. (5) Other periods: None. II. NUMBER OP BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited. III. R.JM^'.'ALS: None. IV. RESERVATIONS: Only for hooks that are on reserve for special courses. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Can he used in the -architecture Building— in drafting rooms or studios* 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Overnight circulation permitted. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author t subject, title) Kept up-to- date by cards from Catalog Department. (2) Public shelf list. (3) Reserve lists, by courses. (4) Special card indexes: slide and photograph catalogs. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES; Art index; Industrial arts index; Annual magazine subject index 1927-1934; Readers' guide (numbers retired by Refer- ence Room) 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS? None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT! None*, ■ ..... ... . .-- . '■■■ • ■ ••-*■■ 1 '■ , • ■ * . . ■ - l9 ,-qet't I : •■■■ :■-•-• . ...'.,..... ■' AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS ROOMS 426, 428 Library Phone: 8169 (Library School Library) Campus service 1« LIBRARIiiN: Miss Donna Finder .- 2. HOURS: Same as for Library School Library. (The rooms are administered as a "branch of the Library School Library*) 3. COLLECTION: Room 426: Microfilm and microprints purchased "by the Library except those within the scope of the Rare Book Room or in departmental libraries. Room 428: Slides, both standard size and 2 n x 2", films, slide films, musical and speech recordings, pictures of different types, and samples of various objective aids such as globes and modelse 4. EQUIPMENT: Room 426: Recordak microfilm reader. Argus microfilm reader. Readex microprint reader. Room 428j Presto 8-k Recorder (for making and playing recordings). RCA Transcription Player (for playing 16-inch transcriptions). SVE Picturol Projector (for slides and single and double frame film slides). Radiant Hi-Elect Screen. Bausch and Lomb Balopticon (kept in 314 Library). Lear radio. 5. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE THE LTPRARY: Room 426: Graduate students and faculty of the University. Undergraduates by special permission. Room 428: By application to the librarian in charge. 6. CIRCULATION: Materials circulate only by special permission 7. RECORDS: In process. EROWSING ROOM BROWSING ROOM 111 Library Phone: 859 Campus service 1. LIBR.J?I.iN: Miss Sylvia Gilmore. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: Miss Laurie Clay. 3. LIBRaRY HOURS: See current semester Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 2,400 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS! General. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: World Affairs; Poetry; Modern Drama; Pamphlets; Current Newspapers (Daily Illini; Chicago Daily Hews; Chicago Tribune; New York Times; St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Chicago Defender (national edition; weekly); Magazines (Chicago Sun Book Week; New iork Times Bock Review; Saturday Review of Literature). 7. CLASS RESERVES: None. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University. 9. CIRCULATION OP BOOKS: I. PERIODS OP CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: A few reference hooks. These contain slip ''For reading room use only". (2) Overnight-- None« (3) One week: A few new hooks. (4) Two weeks; All except a few. (5) Other periods: None« II. NUMBER OP BOOKS TO A PEBSOK: Usually two. Only one new "book; only one of those in demand for class reports*. III. RENEWALS; Usually none. "Renewals at discretion of lihrarian according to pablic demand." IV, RESERVATIONS.; Yes. 10. CIRCULATION OP MA.GAZIHB3: The three hook review magazines and the gift magazines (Free World, The Illinois Technograph, News Week, New Republic, Time,* are circulated at the discretion of the lihrarian. 11. CIRCULATION OP PAMPHLETS: Patrons are requested to return pamphlets within three days.. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalogs (author and title; subject). Kept up-to-date with typed cards filed soon after receipt of bookso (2) Public shelf lisi;s: One arranged by author or hiographee as are the hooks in the room; another arranged by class numbers. (3) No reserve lists. Rhetoric manual on file. 13. PERIODICAL INDEX.: None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS; None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT; None. CERAMICS CERAMICS LIBRARY 205 Ceramics (entrance through Room 204) Phone: 2498 Regular service 1. LIBRARIAN: c In charge of Mrs. Dorothy B. Woods, Department stenographer^ (Hours; Mon.-Fri. 8:00-12, 1-5; Sat. 8:00-12) 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBELiRY HOURS: School year: Mon.-Fri. 8:00-12, 1-5; Sat. 8:00-12. Closed Sunday. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 2800 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Ceramics and related subjects. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: Ceramic Engineering. 7. CLaSS RESERVES: Ceramic Engineering. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All undergraduates, graduates, and staff. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: All unbound or "bound copies of all journals or periodicals; reference hooks; all theses* (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 4 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 11 a.m.-#on. 9 a.m.): All ceramics "books used for class. (3) Other periods: "We allow the "books which are not in constant demand to "be taken out for a period of time- one or two weeks as the need may "be; however, our policy is to keep the "books in the Lihrary during the day so all may have access to them when needed. M II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: No limit. III. RENEWALS: "We do not hold rigidly to dates hut explain to the students our system and we have had very good cooperation from them. They realize that if all get their hooks in, they too will not he inconvenienced." IV. RESERVATIONS: Permitted. 10. CIRCULATION OF JUGaZINES: Magazines circulate to staff. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Permitted to staff. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, title) Kept up-to-date. (2) No shelf list. (3) Temporary reserve lists by courses. (4) No special card indexes. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Ceramic only. 1 4 . EXAMI NATI ON QUESTI ONS : None . 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY LIBRARY 257 IToyes Laboratory Phone: 8181 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Mrs. Elaine 3. Lampson. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRaRY HOURS: See current semester Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 20,987 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Chemistry and chemical engineering. Some hooks and periodicals in physics, mathematics, physiology, medicine, pharmacy, metallurgy. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: Palmer collection of 500 volumes from personal lihrary of Professor Palmer. 7. CLASS RESERVES: Chen. 15, Chen. 16, Chem. 64h. Chem. 95a, Chem. 42, 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University. Others with permit from Director of the Library, or graduates of the University. 9. CIRCULATION OP BOOKS: I. PERIODS OP CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulation: Reference and reference reserve books, including ahstract journals. Palmer collection. (2) Overnight (Mon. - Sat. 9p,n. - 9a.m.): Reserve hooks and a few periodicals (periodicals to graduate students only) . (3) One week: Current and unbound periodicals to graduate and faculty. Certain reserve hooks. (4) Two weeks: All except those lasted ahove. (5) Other periods: Theses circulate to graduate students and faculty for a month. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited. III. RENEWALS: For theses and two-week non-reserve hooks, if there have "been no other requests for then. IV. RESERVATIONS: Reserve 1 and 2 week books and theses. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Current and unbound issues circulate for one week to graduate students. Bound volumes circulate for two weeks to graduate students, hut do not circulate to under- graduates. 11. CIRCULATION OP PAMPHLETS: No pamphlets in collection. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalogs (author, subject, title) kept up-to-date with temporary cards and cards from Catalog Department. (2) Shelf list, kept behind desk. Separate shelf list for both theses, Palmer collection, kept in card catalog in separate trays. (3) Several lists of reserves hy courses; reserve books are so indicated in circulation file. (4) Special indexes: Union list of scientific periodicals includes their location on campas and U. of Illinois holdings. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Industrial arts index, 1928-date. Complete sets of: Chemical abstracts; British chemical abstract; Chemisches zentralblatt; Societe chindque de Prance, Bulletin: documentation; Hiarmaceutical abstracts; Physiological abstracts; Nutrition ahstracts. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTION: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. : ' • • ■ ' , , " - • . ■ • ■ ' ' • ■ '-'■> ■ . . : : : ■ CIRCULATION CIRCULATION DESK 203 Library- Phone : 117 Regular service 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss Katharine M. Stokes.. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANTS: Miss Helen Stewart (Asst. Circulation Librarian and 10 others) 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: Approximately 1,500,000 cataloged volumes in the stacks. 5. SUBJECTS: General. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: (1) University of Illinois publications. (2) University of Illinois theses. (3) College and university catalogs for U.S. and foreign countries. (4) Extra-mural collection (for use with extension courses). (5) Telephone directories. (6) U.S. documents. Serial set, hearings, and hills kept separate; others classified with general collection. (7) British parliamentary" papers. 7. CLASS RESERVES: None. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: Faculty, students and others who have "been given special permits may withdraw hooks. Book stacks open to members of faculty, administrative staff, li- brary staff and graduate students. Send others to Circulation Librarian for stack permits. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Government publications; periodicals; serials; books kept in closed stacks. Books published before 1900 do not circulate except to faculty members or at the discretion of the professional attendants. (2) Overnight: None. (3) One week; None. (4) Two weeks: Books not included in (l). (5) Other periods: Books charged to other public service divisions, to carrels and to faculty offices for unstated periods. Subject to recall by Circulation Librarian. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Unlimited number. III. RENEWALS: 2-week books may be renewed once if net requested by another patron. IV. RESERVATIONS: Permitted for 2-week books. Students are notified by mail, and books are held three days. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Restricted to use in the library building. Faculty permitted to take them out for a limited period. 11. CIRCULATION OF PaHPHLETS: Under same rules as books, 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog. (2) Public shelf list. (3) Circulation records. 13. PE^.IOLICnL INDEXES: Only superseded issues kept in stacks. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Talking book machine for use of visually handi- capped students (kept in Room 404). - .- • ■ ■ ■ , • ■ . . CLASSICS CLASSICS LIBRARY 112 Library Phone: 861 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss Edith 0. Jones. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANTS: None.. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: 4. BOOK COLLECTION: About 33,000 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: All subjects pertaining to classical literature, history aijd culture are well represented: e.g., patristics, mythology, archaeology, ancient history, modern Greek, Greek philosophy., numismatics, and, of course, editions, translations and criticisms of Greek and Latin authors, and of mediaeval and Byzantine authors. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: None in Classics Library. Pamphlet collection on classical subjects (mostly ff programs, M dissertations, etc. of the 19th century) kept on fifth floor of stacks. An author list of these is kept (in drawers following card catalog) in Classics. They are not listed in any way in the general catalog. 7. CLASS RESERVES: For all graduate courses in Classics, and for seme of the undergraduate courses (e.g., Classics 20, Greek 18). Large reserves, Classics 1, etc. are kept in the North Reserve Room, 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: Anyone who wishes to consult or read a book or periodical in Classics is very welcome. Anyone entitled to withdraw a book from the main Circulation Desk may take book from Classics, If help is needed, phone Miss Jones in Catalog Dept. 9. CIRCULATION OP BOOKS: I. PERIODS OP CIRCULATION; (1) Non-circulating: Current and bound periodicals; reference books; Mss. and photostats of Mss. ; very rare or early books. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 11 a.m.-Mon. 9 a.m.) Reserved books. (3) One weekt None. (4) Two weeks: Books not in (l) or (2), (5) Other periods: Graduate students for one month or longer and faculty permitted to keep books for indefinite periods, until called in. II. NUMBER OP BOOKS TO A PERSON: No definite limit. III. RENEWALS: Permitted. IV, RESERVATIONS: Permitted. 10. CIRCULATION OP MAGAZINES: Only to members of the faculty, 11. CIRCULATION OP PaMPHLETS: Uncataloged pamphlets do not circulate; after they are cataloged they are under the spme rules as other books. 12. RECORDS: (1) Card catalog complete for books acquired before 1929; after that date author or main entry cards only have been added. The main catalog must be consulted for subject, translator, editor, title cards and for analytics. (2) Public shelf list. Kept up-to-date by cards from Catalog Dept. Contains notations from inventories. (3) Books on reserve. Charges in charging tray. (4) Special author index of uncataloged Classics pamphlets. (See No. 6) 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. (The "Bursian's jahresberichte" and the "L'-unnee philologique"— are bibliographies which list books and reviews- 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS : None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT; None, , • • *.■■' . I \ • ' • • COMMERCE COI-MEBCE, SOCIOLOGY AIT) SOCIAL WELFARE ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY 225 Library Phone: 863 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: FinaC. Ott. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: Jo Ann -mfdenkamp. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semesters Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: Over 7000 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: ^iccountancy, "business law, "business organization and operation, economics, industrial relations, social welfare administration, sociology. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: Vertical file of pamphlets. 7. CLaSS RESERVES: For courses in the a"bove subjects which require outside reading "by sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students. (Economics 22 in North Reserve, Sociology 5 in South Reserve) . 8* PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the university, and community individuals for reference service in the fields noted above. 9, CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS CF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Books printed "before 1880; government publications; magazines and newspapers; reference "books. (2) Overnight (Monday-Friday 9 P.M. -9 A.M.; Saturday 4 P.M.- Monday 9 A.M. for duplicate copies; Sunday 5 P.M.- Monday 9 A.M.): All on reserve shelves except those listed a"bove. (3) One weeks Open shelf collection. (4) Other periods: Occasionally on special request. II. NUMESR OF BOCKS TO A PERSON: Limited only enough to insure fair distribution among the "borrowers. III. RENEWALS: For one week books, if not in demand. IV. RESERVATIONS: For some one week books. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Occasionally to faculty. The latest volume is kept until ready for binding. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Some for Social Welfare Administration. 12. RECORDS: (l) Author file at desk for staff use (?) Shelf list at desk (3) Course file for student use, including card file of the newspaper, periodical and reference collections* (4) Card catalog of all books in the room (5) Card catalog of books in the stacks that were pur- chased for College of Commerce, Sociology and Social Welfare ArifHni strati on (author file onlv) (6) Card file of tip o^en shelf collection for general reading. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: P.A.I.S. Bulletin; Readers' Guide. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS; Economics 19, 20, 70, 122 (hour exams and finals) 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. - ■■ • i 1 • ;v - ■ ] • • • ■ EDUCATION EDUCATION, PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY LIBRARY 133 Library- Phone: 2343 Regular service 1. LIBRARIAN: Mrs. Evalyn Reich Nelson. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: Miss Prances Brooks. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 9,700 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Education, philosophy, psychology. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: Tests; Courses of study: Loyola digests; State education directories (latest only); State school laws (latest only); vertical file collection (pamphlets, clippings, record forms, etc.); Scrapbook of local educational activities; collection of recent elementary school textbooks. 7. CLASS RESERVES: Education (all courses except Educ. 1 and Educ. 6); Philosophy; Psychology (except Psych. l)j Math. 35 and Art 10* 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University. Also teachers, school administrators, and others concerned with these subject fields. Permit required if the material is to be taken from the library. 9. CIRCULATION OP BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Periodicals, tests, courses of study, yearbooks, and other special reference materials. (2) Overnight: Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat., 3:30 p.m.; Mon. 9 a.m. (3) One week: All books not on special class reserve. (4) Two weeks: None. (5) Other periods: None. (Special exceptions to faculty for non-reserve books) II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Restricted only when demand requires. III. RENEWALS: 1-week books are renewable* Phone renewals accepted. IV. RESERVATIONS: Only for books that are not on reserve for special courses. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Circulate to faculty in special cases only, with permission of the librarian. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS : Follows general rules for books. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public dictionary catalog. (2) Supplementary card catalog of books in the fields covered by the library now shelved in general stacks. (3) Shelf list (kept at desk) (4) Lists of reserve books, by courses. (5) Finding list (alphabetical by author; kept at desk). (6) Special card indexes: Subject index to courses of study; author, title, subject index to tests; Loyola digests; Subject index to elementary school textbooks. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Education index; Readers' guide; International index; Occupational index; Psychological abstracts; Child development abstracts and bibliography; Philosophic abstracts. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: Some old Psych. 1 questions, before May 1937. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT : (l) 1943 wall map of Illinois. ENGINEERING ENGINEERING LIB EASY 119 Engineering Hall Phone: 2305 Regular service 1. LIBRARLiN: Miss Hilda J. Alseth. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 52,500 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Engineering and related subjects. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: (1) M.I.T. Radiation Laboratory Reports. (2) "Ockerson Library" on River Improvement. (3) Old end rare books on Engineering. (4) Lantern Slides. (5) Manufacturer's catalogs, including "Catalogue Studies". (6) Browsing Collection including the hooks in the E.C.P.D. list. (?) File of uncataloged bihliographies. (8) Engineering College and University catalogs. U.S. 7. CL^SS RESERVES: For graduate and undergraduate courses in Engineering, including those for elementary Physics courses. Reserves for special courses given for Faculty, (ex. Quality Control). 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE THE LIBRARY: University faculty, students and research workers, including research staffs of state surveys. Officers and others from Chanute Field. Others who have permits to use the library c 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating J Reference books; publications of engineering societies; magazines; handbooks; government publications; old and rare books on engineering. (2) Overnight: Reserve hooka, Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 5 p.m. to 9 a.m. Mon. (3) One week: None. (4) Two weeks: Books not in above classifications. (5) Other periods: None. II. HUM3ER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited. III. RENEWALS: Two-week books may be renewed once. Borrower may renew without "bringing the hook, although we prefer to have the "book returned for renewal. Telephone requests for renewals are accepted, IV. RESERVATIONS: Reserve hooks are not hold for anyone. Two-week books are held for 24 hours for students. Books in which members of the faculty are interested are held for them. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Faculty and research workers may take for a limited period of time. Research professors are permitted to keep magazines in foreign languages for a longer period of time. 11. CIRCULATION OF PiiMPHLSTS: Circulate the same as hooks. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog. (Author, subject and title) Kept up-to-date with cards from the Catalog Department. (2) Shelf list. (3) 3lass Reseryes. a. Card file of reserves by courses. b. Alphahetical card file under author of all books on class reserve. c. Shelf list record of reserves kept "by call slips at Loan Desk, ENGINEERING 2 (4) Special card indexes: Lantern slides; manufacturer's catalogs; college and university catalogs. (5) Current magazine checking file. (6) Index to Fortune magazine supplementing printed indexes. (7) Card index of secret German publications of vrhich microfilm copies can "be obtained. (8) Special card indexes, for librarian's use* (9) Cardex index of Engineering theses. a. 3y departments. "b. Chronologically under department. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Engineering index; Industrial arts index; Indexes to special publications. Complete files of Chemical abstracts and Science abstracts as well as abstracts in many fields of engineering and related fields. 14. EXAMINATI ON. QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: (1) "Cardex" listing current magazines and giving call numtser and location. (2) Reading glass. ENGLISH ENGLISH LIBRARY 321 Library Phone: 8163 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Hiss Eva Faye Benton. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY* HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 8,500 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: English and American literature (emphasis on material used "by graduate students). 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: None. 7. CLASS RESERVES: English 17, 25, 27, 65; all English graduate courses; Speech 121. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY : All connected with University. Used mainly "by graduates and faculty "because of nature of material in collection. / 9. CIRCULATION OP BOOKS: I, PERIODS OP CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Bound periodicals; certain Society publications; fine, expensive, or old volumes. (2) Overnight: Class reserves. (3) One week: To graduate students. (4) Two weeks! To graduate students. II # NUMBER OP BOOKS TO A PERSON: Limited only when demand requires. III! RENEWALS: Permitted. No telephone renewals. IY. RESERVATIONS: None for individuals, except in rare cases. 10. CIRCULATION OP MAGAZINES: Very rare. 11. CIRCULATION OP PAMPHLETS: No pamphlets. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, title, subject) Kcp up-to- date only by author cards. Also represents books no longer in English Library. (2) Public shelf list. (3) Lists of books on reserve, by courses. (4) Author file of books on reserve. (5) List (with location and call number) of magazines most commonly referred to in bibliographies on English and American literature. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Modern humanities research association's Bibliography . Annual bibliographies in various periodical publications 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. ' ■ ' • . • ' FRESHMAN READING HOOK FRESHMAN HEADING HOOM 104 Library Phone: 8159 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss Eleanor Blum. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIB RARY HOURS I See current semester's Library Hours schedule. • NOTE : Books may "be returned to desk in North Reserve when this room is closed. No arrangement for charging of hooks from other desks when room is closedo 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 3000 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: General reading. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: None. 7. CLASS RESERVES: Rhetoric 1 and 2 (supplementary reading.) 8. PERSONS Eli TITLED TO USE LIBRARY: Although pri marly for Freshman, hooks may circulate to anyone connected with the University^ or having a permit to use the library. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: None. (2) Overnights None. (3) One week: All. (4) Two weeks: None. (5) Other periods: None. II. NUMBER OF BOCKS TO A PERSON: Usually two to each student. Varies according to demand. III. RENEWALS: Yes. IV. RESERVATIONS: Yes. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Unbound copies of New York Herald Tribune Weekly Book Review, Ne w York Times Book Review , Saturday R eview of Literature are available; permitted to circulate. Complete set of The Green Caldron available, but it does not circulate. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: No pamphlets. 12. RECORDS: (1) Annotated author-ti tie-subject catalog. (Complete list of books in Room 104 is included in Rhetoric Manual , owned by all Rhetoric students.) (2) Shelf list. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. FLORICULTURE FLORICULTURE LIBRARY 202 Floriculture Greenhouse Phone: 592 Regular service 1. LIBRARIAN: c In charge of Miss Wandalu Thomas, stenographer^ (Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-12, 1-5; Sat. 8-12) 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS:- School year: Mon.-Fri. 8-12, 1-5; Sat. 8-12. Closed Sunday. Summer semester: Same. Usual vacation hours; Same. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 2036 5. SUBJECTS: Floriculture hooks, trade and garden journals, horticul- tural reference books, chemical and botanical hooks dealing with floricultural subjects. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: None. 7. CLaSS RESERVES: None. 8. RSBSGNS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Bound volumes of periodicalso (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 4:30 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 11:30 a.m.- Mon. 9 a.m.): All books in the library. (3) One week: None. (4) Two weeks: None. (5) Other periods: None. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited. III. RENEWALS: None. IV. RESERVATIONS: None. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Not permitted, lie CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: No pamphlet collection. 12. RECORDS: (1) Card catalog (author, subject). Kept up-to-date. Not available to students. (2) No shelf list. (3) No reserve lists. (4) No special card indexes. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRaRY 419 Natural Resources Phone: 8123 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Mrs. Regina Yoast. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: Hone. 3. LI3RARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLATION: 8600 (estimate). 5. SUBJECTS: Geology and allied fields. 6* SPECIAL MATERIALS: Publications of the State Geological Surveys, U. S. Geological Survey, and U. S. Bureau of Mines. 7. CLASS RESERVES: None. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University; visitors. Members of the Geological Survey staff have priority in the use of all material. 9. CIRCULATION OP BOOKS: I. PERIODS OP CIRCULATION; (1) Non-circulating: General reference "books. (2) Other periods: No special time period. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited. III. RENEWALS: No policy. IV. RESERVATIONS: No policy. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Permitted to members of Survey staff. Others by special permission of librarian only. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Under same rules as books. 12. RECORDS: (1) Card catalog (author, subject, title). Incomplete. (2) Shelf list: Incomplete. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Industrial Arts Index. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. NOTE: This library belongs to the Geological Survey and is not a part of the University of Illinois Library collec- tion. The holdings of the Survey Li~ brary are now under process of being listed in the public card catalog at the Main Library so that its resources will be available on the campus. . .-: "**.*> GERMANIC AND ROMaNCE LANGUAGES GERMANIC AND aOI4AMO'JB LANGUaGES LIBRARY 425 Library Phone: 8167 Campus service 1. LIBRaRIaN: Miss Florence M. Harding. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT t None. 3. LI BRaRY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule* 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 8136 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German literatures and languages* 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS s Current issues of foreign newspapers in Spanish, French, Italian, German, and Portuguese. 7. CLASS RESERVES: For graduate courses in the field and a few advanced undergraduate courses* 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: Graduates, faculty, and undergraduate* 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Encyclopedias, certain dictionaries. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m.-9 a.m.; Sat. 5 p.m.-Mon* 9 a.m.;: Books reserved for courses. (3) One week: None* (4) Two weeks: About one half of the hooks circulate to undergraduate students for two weeks. (5) Other periods: About same number of books as above circulate for one month to graduates and longer, if necessary, to faculty and staff. ■ II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited. III. RENEWALS: May be renewed by telephone or by students' bringing either books or call numbers* IV. RESERVATIONS: *We try to reserve books, but do not guarantee that we can reserve the reserve books-* We reserve books from the new book shelf and general stacks for individuals." 10. CIRCULATION OF MaGaZINSS: Magazines circulate to faculty and staff. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: No ramphlets. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, subject) Kept up-to-date* (2) Public shelf list. (3) Lists of books on reserve, by courses* (4) Special card indexes of magazine articles by and about certain authors* 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None, 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS; None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. ■ ■ H ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■''. ' . ' C ■ ■' ■ ' ■ - • :"*.■*! * ' ' ■■■r- ■ . ' ' .- : - .V ,J !* '• • . • . ••• i EI STORY HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE LIBRARY 424 Library (also 424 A, B, C; 422, 412) Phone: 8156 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss Neller Signor. 3, PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LI BRiiRY HOURS: See current semester's Li brary Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: Room 424 and 424B: 16,000 volumes Room 422 (League of Nations): 700 volumes. Room 412: Approximately 5000 pamphlets and 300 "books. 5. SUBJECTS: As indicated. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: (1) Room 412. Pamphlets on city governments, cataloged second class according to a special classification. (2) Room 422. League of Nations publications. (3) Room 424C. United Nations Documents. 7. CLASS RESERVES: For History and Political Science graduate courses. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIB&iRY: Graduate students and faculty mem- bers. Undergraduates majoring in History and Political Science. "Undergraduate students may use hooks in the History and Political Science Library vhen needed. If "book is to "be used for an extended time in case of term papers, senior theses, etc., written permit from the instructor is required." 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION} (1) Non-circulating: British documents; League of Nations documents; Encyclopedias; U,S. Statutes at Large; Jour- nals of Continental Congress, etc. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 4 p.m.-Mon. 9 a.m. University studies; reserve hooks; volumes from important collections (e.g. Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll.); bound periodi- cals. (3) One week: Only with a special permit. (4) Two weeks: Books not in (l) or (2). (5) Other periods! For theses and seminar reports time is extended. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: No limit. III. RENEWALS: Studonts must bring in the book to renew it. IV. RESERVATIONS: None. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: "Both current issues and bound volumes if request is important enough to warrant." 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Pamphlets in Room 412 circulate. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public author catalog. Kept up-to-date by main entry cards from the Catalog Department for all books pur- chased on History and Political Science funds. Two separate files (l) Permanent collection, (2) Books sent to stacks. (2) Shelf list, made by cards sent from Catalog Department. (3) Lists of books on reserve. (4) Temporary card index for League of Nations Docuemtns until printed list is received. (5) Printed checklist of Great Britain Roll Series. Kept up- to-date by insertions made by the librarian. 13* PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None, 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. ...••■ - •- • ■■■• • ^ ; ; . , . .., .. . - - > • . ' - . • ■ ■ ' - i * » • ■ ■ ILL. HIST. SURVEY ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY 416-412 Lincoln Hall Phone: 2395 Regular service 1. LIBRARIAN: [None. Part-time assistants only.] 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: School year: 9-12 and 1-4 Monday through Friday; 9-12 Saturday. Summer semester.: Same. Usual vacation hours: Irregular. Telephone "before sending people over. 4* BOOK COLLECTION: 2300 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Illinois history; western history. 6.. 3FECIAL MATERIALS: Large collections of MSS. t photostats, transcripts, microfilms of MSS. in various repositories in this country and in Europe. Some newspaper files. 7. CLASS RESERVES: None. 8. FERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University* Books and files not in the rare class may "be transferred to the General Library for students who are making serious use of them. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Rare hooks and original MSS. (2) Overnight: None. (3) Other periods: Cases decided individually on responsibility of person and value of material. II, BOMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited. III. RENEWALS: None. IV. RESERVATIONS: None. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Generally not permitted. 11. CIRCULATION OF PaMPHLETS: File of pamphlets not permitted to circu- late. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, subject, title) of all the printed books in the collection. Kept up-to-date. (2) Public shelf list. (3) Card catalog of MSS. and transcripts (incomplete). (4) No reserve lists. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. •-•" v': . . : ,'•■-' •(•'■i - . - , ■ . . ' ■ ■ ■ " ... . . - ; . ■ • > .... ... ii ■■,.,•'' ........... . . • i . * INFORMATION DESK INFORMATION DESK Second floor Foyer, Main Library- Phone: 102 (Reference Desk) Regular service 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss Katherine Whittle. 2. HOURS: School year: Mon.-Thurs. 9-11 a.m.; 2-4:30, 7-9:30 p.m. Fri. 9-11 a.m.; 2-4:30 p.m. Sat. 9-11 a.m.; 2-4 p.m. Closed Sunday. Summer semester: Irregular- Usual vacation hours: Closed. ITCTE s During hours when the Information Desk is not attended, librarians at the Reference Desk give this service . 3. SERVICES: (1) Assists readers in the use of the card catalog, and refers them to additional sources of material in other departments of the library. (2) Explains library rules and procedures. (3) Answers general questions about the library, campus and community. ; , • JOURNALISM JOURNALISM LIBRARY 122 Gregory Hall Phone: 595 Regular service 1. LIBRARIAN; Mrs. Eunice Collins Mohr. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: Miss Virginia Berg. 3. LI3RARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule.- 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 3500 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Journalism, printing, advertising, photography, public relations, radio, freedom of the press, "biography* 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: (1) Kiler collection - manuscripts, letters and hooks» (2) Clipping file - from local papers since 1939 on Univer- sity faculty, organizations, departments, etc. (3) Vertical file collection - house organs and newspaper promotion material. (4) I-fcJ4irtrie imprint collection. (5) Vertical file material on radio journalism. (6) Bound volumes of Hew York Times since 1937. Bound volumes of Daily Illini . Recent years of all papers received in Journalism library* 7. CLASS RESERVES: All journalism courses. 8. FERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: Same as Main Library except that the newspaper stack room is open only to students in Journalism courses, except "by special permission (granted liherally to those vho demonstrate real need to use the files.) 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION; (1) Hon -circulating: Reference "books and periodicals. (2) Overnight (l hour before library closes for the day - due by 9 a.m. the next day the library is open). 3ooks on reserve for journalism courses. (3) One week; None. (4) T^-'O weeks: Those not included in 1 and 2 ahovc. (5) Other periods: To faculty as prescribed "by general library. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Restricted only when demand requires III. RENEWALS: Permitted. Phone renewals accepted. IV. RESERVATIONS: Reserve hooks may he reserved, 1 hook per person per night, hut not same book 2 nights in succession. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Not permitted. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Not permitted unless fully cataloged in which case they circulate the same as hooks. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, subject, title) up-to-date. (2) Fuhlic shelf list. (3) Reserve lists for courses. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Abridged Readers' Guide; PAIS Bulletin, weekly issues; New York Times Index, card cumulative index of professional subjects. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS; Files discontinued, 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Rand McNally Globe. . ■ .■ , ». ... ■ ■ . . -•■,... " - . • • r ■ > ■ ■ . t .' I • 1* I '■' " ' ' ■'• ■ "- ■'■ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE landscape ARCHITECTURE LIBRARY 203 Mumf ord Hall Phone: 2392 Regular service 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss Ceri 11a E. Saylor. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: Miss Jean Hall. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 8000 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Landscape architecture, history of architecture, defense housing material, geography,, sociology, agriculture, much on city planning. "Landscape architecture" does not refer strictly to "books on gardening. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: (1) Picture collection—material on all kinds of subjects. (2) Pamphlet file of "General inf ormation". (3) Lantern slides. 7. CLASS RESERVES: For Landscape Architecture courses. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University. 9. CIRCULATION OP BOOKS: I. PERIODS OP CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Certain valuable and rare "books, parts of sets, bound periodicals, reference works. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m. -9 a.nioj Sat. 12 m.-Mon. 9 a.m.): Reserve hooks which circulate may be kept for over- night only, or over the week-end. Longer with permission (rare cases). (3) One week: None. (4) Two weeks: Stack books. (-5) Other periods: Only with special permission. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited except when single copies are being needed for exam study. III. R3KSWALS: None. IV. RESERVATIONS: Students may sign for books in advance in order to insure getting them for special study. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Only to faculty members, 11. CIR'JUWTICN OF PAMPHLETS: K The pamphlets circulate, as do uncataloged pictures needed by our students for use with plans being drafted at home, or here in the drafting rooms." 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, subject, title) Kept up-to- date with new cards from Catalog Department. (2) Public shelf list. (3) Lists of books on reserve, by courses. (4) Card indoor (subject) to lantern slides. (5) Card index to magazine articles in this library* (6) Card index to plant materials. Specimens pasted on cards, with references to others. (7) Card index to trees and shrubs in Chamnaign- Urbana. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES; Art index; Municipal index and atlas. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SFIOIAL EQUIPMENT: Stereopticon lantern^ Possible permission from Head of Department. ■ I ■ . . • ' • ' "■ ■ ■ , . . ■ « i • ■ <" i . ,' t '! !■■-■ L ■ law LAW LI3RARY 201 Altgeld Hall Phone: 738 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Mrs. Bernita J. Davies. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: Charles R. Knapp. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 80,000 volumes. 6« SUBJECTS: Law. Also some hooks on economics, sociology, political science and other social sciences related to law. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: Standard law textbooks in Braille; pamphlets. 7. CLASS RESERVES: For all courses in Law curriculum. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: Anyone connected with the University who wishes to use the Law collection; others "by special permission. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: "Court reports, statutes, and periodicals are not usually allowed out of the "building. Special permission is given in some cases, however. n (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 5 p.m.- Mon. 9 a.m.) Books on reserve for special courses. (3) One week: Monographs for Law 33. (4) Two weeks: Textbooks not on reserve list. (5) Other periods: None. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Usually not limited. During the final examination period, textbooks on reserve are limited two to a person. III. RENEWALS: Permitted. Telephone renewals accepted. IV. RESERVATIONS: Not Permitted. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: "Law faculty may use in their offices. Special permission is sometimes granted other faculty and graduates to take periodicals for a short time, generally 3 days to a week. Circumstances govern. n 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Permitted. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, subject, title) Kept up-to- date by cards from Catalog Department. (2) Shelf list, not available to students. (3) Reserve lists for courses. * (4) Special card indexes: Foreign law; Roman law; Trials; Books in vault; Pamphlets. 13. PERIODICALS INDEXES: Chipman's Index to legal periodicals; A.A.L.A. Index to legal periodicals; CCH Index to legal periodicals. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: For law courses. A collection of bar examinations has been started but is still quite small. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. " • - ■ ■ ■ •• • ' : ; .. ' " : ■■'• ■ - , ' , LIBRARY SCHOOL LIBRARY SCHOOL LIBRAS? 328 Library Phone: 8169 Campus service I* LIBRARIAN: Miss Donna Finger. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 7500 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: All phases of library science and such related subjects as adult education, audio-visual aids, printing and publishing. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: (1) Annual reports of libraries, staff manuals, student and faculty library handbooks, library organization charts, handbooks of library associations, library directories. (2) Lantern slide collection (3 l/4 H x4"), books and libraries, library buildings - 1300 items. 7. CLASS RESERVES: For Library Science courses. (Short time reserves) 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University. Others with soecial permission from the Library Office. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Current and bound magazines and reference books* (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m.-9 a.m.; Sat. 4:30 p.m.- Mon. 9 a.m.) Class reserves. (3) One week: None. (4) Two weeks: All unreserved books, subject, however, to recall when needed* (5) Other periods: Current books bought primarily for Library Materials classes circulate for three days. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Restricted only **hen demand re- quires. III. RENEWALS: 2-veek and 3-day books are ordinarily renewable* IV. RESERVATIONS: Reservations may be made on all books which ordinarily circulate. Reservations may be made on overnight books only on the day the book is- desired. No more than 2 overnight books may be reserved. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Not permitted. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS.' Permitted. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, subject, title). (2) Public shelf list. (3) Supplementary card catalog of older library science collection, largely kept now in general stacks. (4) Public finding list of reserve books (by class). (5) Special indexes: Theses and Library Science 102 papers (author and subject); "Current Library Literature" 1943- 45 (Compilation of monthly Library Journal index); Library reports (in process); Lantern slides. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Library Literature; Reader's Guide; International Index; Education Index; Industrial Arts Index. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Kardex visible periodical index. MAP ROOM MA? ROOM 418a Library Phone: 868 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Mr. Bill M. Woods c Acting;j 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LI3RARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. MAP COLLECTION: 80,000 (estimated) 5. SUBJECTS: Maps of all types; atlases, gazetteers, and related texts. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: Aerial photographs of Illinois: about 20,000 contact prints. 7. CLASS RESERVES: None. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: Students and faculty. 9. CIRCULATION OP MAPS: At discretion of Map Librarian. 10. CIRCULATION OP MAGAZINES: No magazines. 11. CIRCULATION OP PAMPHLETS: No pamphlets. 12. RECORDS: (All records are in preparation) (1) Complete dictionary catalog to "he maintained in the Map Room. (2) Two shelf lists: one in the Map Room; one to "be in a separate file near Public Shelf List in Circulation Room. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Reading glass. . - • ' . - . MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICS LIB&tflY 258 Mathematics Phone: 7139 Regular service 1. LIBRARIAN: Mr. E. S. Warrick. 2^1 PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3* LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule* 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 14,000 volumes. 5* SUBJECTS: Mathematics, with some overlapping interests in science, philosophy and statistics. 6. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: (1) "Nearly 9,000 uncataloged pamphlets, many of them re- prints of journals or foreign theses, duplicating cataloged literature in many "but not all cases. A"bout ten thousand pamphlets were obtained from G-ermany after the first World War. Members of the Der>artment sorted them under "broad subjects and a 'catalog of pamphlets 1 was typed. (See A510 C56e in General and Ma thematic s Library). Some of the ten thousand were cataloged in large groups or as separate pamphlets. w (2) Textbook collection. (Moderately old textbooks often used with courses in teaching of mathematics.) 7. CLASS RESERVES: All courses taught by Mathematics Department. "In a f en cases books that were in the Mathematics library have been re- served by request of faculty in other departments. A loan to the library in another department for periods nhen books are not ac- tually needed by the Mathematics Department is more frequento" 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University, also persons having permits. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Reference books, general bibliographies. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m.-9 a.m.; Sat. 4 p.ra.-Mon. 9 a.m.) Reserved books and textbook collection. (3) One week: Occasionally. (4) Two weeks: Most of the collection, except as modified by University of Illinois Library Borrowing Regulations. (5) Other periods: See University of Illinois Library Borrow- ing Regulations* II, NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited. III. RENEWALS: Permitted. Campus telephone requests are usually from faculty and are honored. Students have not been require. 1 to bring in book for renewal. IV. RESERVATIONS: Books reserved for regular 2-week loans. Books held one day, but person not notified. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Some limitations on strictly new ones. Loaned to any faculty offices or carrels on campus. Loaned for interlibrary loan or for use in any library on the campus* 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: (See no. 6) Pamphlets permitted to circu- late. Collection would not be useful for undergraduates. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, subject, some titles) Kept up-to-date by cards from Catalog Department. (2) Public shelf list* MATHEMATICS 2 (3) No lists of "books on reserve, "by courses. "A copy of charge is filed in the charging file under number of the course." (4) Pamphlet catalog, printed. (See no. 6; 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Mathematical reviews; International catalog of scientific literature, A: Mathematics; Royal society of London. Catalog of scientific papers, including subject index — Mathematics, Foreign indexes. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS I For Mathematics courses. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT; (1) Spencer lens company. Microfilm reader. (2) A 100 watt S.V.E. projector has been kept in the library for use of faculty and students for reading microfilm.* (3) Two spherical blackboards. (4) Three large slide rules* (5) Some mathematical models. (6) Visible index to mathematical periodicals (entries not completed for periodicals not in Mathematics Library.) MUSIC MUSIC LIBRARY 220 Smith Music Hall Phone: 2388 Regular service 1. LIBRARIAN: Mr. Jay Allen. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: About 9000 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Music, literature about music, music education, and related subjects such as: acoustics, ballet, the arts. Also a Recreational Reading Shelf of literary and informative books on non-music subjects; contents changed quarterly. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS; (1/ Monumental sets of musi c; both historical collections, and works of individual composers. (2) Joseffy Collection, chiefly piano music and related mat- erial; gradually being nade available for public use. (3) A reference collection of some 4500 pieces of choral music; gradually being made available for use in the building. (4) The Phonograph Disk Room, located next to room 100 Smith Mu-_ic Hall, and housing the School of Music collection of some 2500 disks, is administered by the Music librarian. This is a reserve collection intended primarily for students registered in courses in the music school. Circulation is limited to use in the building. 7. CLASS RESERVED Music; Music Education. 3o PERSONS OTI2LED TO USB LIBRARY: All connected with the University* 9. CIRCULATION CO? BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: (a; All materials on reference shelves; unbound period- icals, program notes, pamphlets, etc.; certain other material so designated. (b) Certain "room-use r and "closed-stack" materials may be u^'id in practice rooms in the building, but must be returned before the Music Library next closes, whether for the day or not. Fines are the same as for overnight material. (2) Overnight (l hour before day's final closing; due 20 min- utes after next opening): Class reserves, recent acquisi- tions, certain music being currently performed, and other material so designated because of demand. (3) One week: Recent acquisitions while exhibited on the "Display Shelf". (4) Two weeks J All except as noted above. (5) Other periods? As provided for in University Library B orr owing Regulati ons » II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON; 15. Ill, RENEWALS: One renewal subject to recall, unless reserved (see below.) c IV. RESERVATIONS: (1) Overnight class reserves may be reserved on the day book is wanteds Only one reservation per borrower, who must bo registered for credit in course for which book is reserved. (2) Concert overnight books may be reserved in advance for use at performance? MUSIC 2 (3) Overnight general reserve books not limited in number per person. (4) 14-day books in circulation may be reserved, thus preventing renewal* Only one such reservation per book. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Restricted to room use for students, and building use for faculty. Loans to faculty limited to overnight. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Unbound and/or uncataloged pamphlets ar9 limited to room use. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalogs (author, subject, title), (a) of music; (h) of musical literature. Kept up to date with temporary author slips pending arrival of cards from Catalog Department. (2) Public shelf list; kept up to date. (3) Lists of books on reserve, by courses. (4) Main entry file on cards of (a) most of the music in the Main Library; (b) most of the musical literature in the Main Library. (5) List of music and musical literature in Rare Book Room. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None; but through the co-operation of the School of Music it is usually possible to assign a vacant practice room, with piano, in which borrowers may play over Library music. NATURAL HISTORY NATURAL HISTORY LIBRARY 223 Natural History Phone: 8110 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Mr. Vie E. Bairiber. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: Mrs. Jane Strable. 3. LIBR-iRY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 62,000 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Bacteriology, "botany, entomology, geography, geology, physiology, medicine and zoology. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: (1) Zeleny reprint collection, chiefly in experimental zoology and genetics. (2) General reprint collection (not yet in shape for public use.) 7. CLASS RESERVES: Bacteriology; Botany; Entomology; Geography; Geology; Physi ology; Zoology. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: All reference "books at desk and in read- ing room; "books on "bibliography shelf; certain journals such as Journal of the American medical association. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 4 p.m.-Mon. 9 a.m.): Reserve "books. (3) One week: None. (4) Two weeks: All except as noted above. Also periodicals and serials (all except latest issue) to graduate students and faculty members. (5) Other periods: None. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited except for room use of reserve "books. III. RENEWALS: Undergraduates permitted one renewal. Periodicals and serials charged to graduate students not renewed. Usually must "bring "books with them. IV. RESERVATIONS: Will save "books that are not on reserve for coursef 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Cxarrent issues overnight to faculty on full-time appointment; "bound volumes and all except latest unbound issue circulate to graduate students and faculty for two weeks. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Uncataloged pamphlet file available, but does not circulate. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, subject, a few titles) Kept up-to-date. (2) Public shelf list. (Periodical shelf list kept at desk.) (3) Card file of books on reserve, by courses. (4) Index to biographies of biologists (in preparation.) (5) Special card indexes, for librarians' use. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Agricultural index; Biological abstracts; Inter- national index to periodicals: Quarterly cumulative index medicus; Social science abstracts (old); Zoological record; other special indexes. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: Usually for Botany la and lb and Geography 2. Sometimes for Botany 5 and Zoology 2. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY LIBRiiRY 429 Natural Resources Phone: 808 Campus service 1, LIBRARIAN: Miss Marguerite Simmons. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3* LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 13,500 volumes. (This collection is constantly growing, as more of the Survey's hooks are transferred from Natural History Library.) 5. SUBJECTS: Biology, botany, zoology, entomology, forestry, conserva- tion, agriculture, wildlife. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: (i) An uncatalogued file of reprints from scientific periodicals. (2) A collection of reprints of articles by members of the Natural History Survey staff. (3) A large group of books and periodicals (scientific) which have never been cataloged and of which the Main Library has no record. Most of them are duplicates of titles to be found elsewhere on the campus. 7. CLASS RESERVES: None. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University; visitors. Members of the Survey staff have priority in the use of all material, but there are no other restrictions. 9. CIRCULATION OP BOOKS: I. PERIODS OP CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Basic bibliographies and a few essential reference tools. (2) To Survey staff members: Unlimited or for definite periods, according to need. (3) To faculty: For definite periods, depending on need of Survey staff. (4) To students: Room use, overnight, or for short periods. II. NUMBER OP BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited. IIIc RENEWALS: Books may be renewed (unless in demand) by staff and faculty by telephoned requests. IV. RESERVATIONS: Permitted. 10. CIRCULATION OP MAGAZINES: Both bound volumes and current issues circulate to staff and fac\ilty members. 11. CIRCULATION OP PAMPHLETS: Pamphlets circulate. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, subject, title) Up-to-date. (2) Public shelf list. (Note: These records exist only for the books which have been cataloged by the library. Many of the Survey's books have not yet passed through the Catalog Department and are represented only by author and shelf cards.) (3) No reserve lists. (4) No special indexes. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Zoological record* Agricultural index; Biological abstracts; various specialized indexes and abstract journals. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. NEWSPAPER ROOM NEWSPAPER ROOM 4 Library Phone: 8160 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Mr. Icko Ioen. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Liorary Hours schedule. NOTE : ALL PERSONS USING THE NEWSPAPER ROOM AT ANY TIME OF THE DAY SHOULD OBTAIN A KEY FROM NORTH RESERVE SO THAT THEY WILL NOT BE LOCKED IN THE NEWSPAPER ROOM IF ELEVATOR SERVICE SHOULD BE TEMPORARILY SUSPENDS), 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 24,000 volumes of "bound newspapers; a few indexes and lists of newspapers, including some union lists. 5. SUBJECTS: In general, only unclassified newspapers. The collection is described in Illinois Libraries , May 1942, 6. SPECIAL M^ESTIALS: (1) Foreign language papers published in U.S. and Canada, (2) Civilian Conservation Corps publications. (3) Publications of military posts and camps. (4) Publications of conscientious objectors' camps, (5) Censored newspapers published in occupied Germany, Also a few Belgian, Dutch, and French newspapers published since V E Day, 7. CLASS RESERVES: None. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: (a) Faculty members of the rank of instructor or above; (h) Others with written permission from the Reference Department; (c) Undergraduates are not granted admission except in special cases; material for their use will "be sent to the Reference Room uoon request of the Reference Department, 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: None of the material in the Newspaper Room may "be taken from the room except as in 8 (c). 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: No magazines in the collection, except army periodicals which do not circulate, 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: No pamphlets in the collection. 12. RECORDS: (1) Card records of newspapers: (a) Geographical file (full information) ("b) Chronological file (less information) (c) Title index (catchword) (d) Language index (2) Newspapers in the University of Illinois Library ,, March, 1942. (A typed list showing holdings of "bound volumes through December, 1941. Additional copy at Reference Desk.) (3) Newspapers "being preserved in Illinois libraries t^y Paul Angle} 1943. (4) List of titles currently received, January, 1947. (5) Acme visihle record files for titles currently received** 13. NEWSPAPER INDEXES: New York Times, 1913-1943 (recent numbers in Reference Room); London Times, 1817-1929, with some gaps (1930+ in Reference Room); New York Tritmne, 1876-1906, with gaps; The Burlington Free Press, 1848-1870; Cleveland Plain Dealer, 1931-38. ,...■- . : . ..... ■ .. • . ■ ■ .... ... ■ , - . • ■ ■ . ... 4 ■ ■ • : " ' ■ • ■ .- . . :■ t . - • ■ . . ' NEWSPAPER ROOM 2 NEWSPAPER LISTS: Ayer, Sperling, Willing; Annuaire de la Presse; Handbuch der Weltpresse; Union List of Newspapers; Scott^s union list ( Newspapers and Periodicals of Illinois , 1814-1879); a few other union lists and lists of individual libraries. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT; Yisiole index file. • I ■ NORTH RESERVE NORTH RESERVE BOOK ROOM 100 Library Phone: 858 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Mrs. Theo Nelson. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 8000 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: See No. 7. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: None. 7. CLASS RESERVES: Classics 1; Economics 22; Education 1, 6; English; General Division 2-6; Creek 16, 17; Home Economics; Hygiene; Music 13, 14; Occupational Therapy; Physical Education; Psychology 1, la; Rhetoric; Speech; Study Habits. 8. FERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected vrith the University. Others with special permits from Director's office or Circulation desk. Books may "be charged only in the room itself. No pro- vision made for charging North Reserve "books through Circulation Desk on Sundays or during vacation periods. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Reference books and periodicalso (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 4 p.m." Mon. 9 a.m.): Reserve books.. (3) One week; P.E., Hygiene. (4) Two weeks: None. (5) Other periods: None. Faculty members and occasionally graduate students use the books temporarily when they are not needod by classes for which they are reserved. Approval of in- structor v/ho reserved them must be secured first* II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Limited only when the books de- sired are in unusual demand by a large number of students. III. RENEWALS: 7-Day books if not needed. IV. RESERVATIONS: Not permitted. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Not permitted. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: No pamphlets in collection, 12. RECORDS: (1) Author catalog. Cards are inserted or withdrawn as each book is put on or removed from reserve. (2) Shelf list, for librarians' use. (3) Reserve lists, by courses: On cards for use of librarians and students. (4) No special card indexes. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: Chemistry 1-8; Economics 22; Hygiene. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: (1) Key to Newspaper Room. (2) Key to Rooms 404 and 414 (Talking-book collection and study rooms for blind students). (3) Elevator key. OBSERVATORY OBSERVATORY LIBRARY Observatory Phone: 2438 Regular service 1. LIBRARIAN: r None. Student stenographer in charge. 3 2. PROFESSIONAL ' ASSISTANT: Hone. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: School year: Irregular. Telephone "before sending people over. Summer semester: Same. Usual vacation hours: Same. 4. 300K COLLECTION: 2000 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Astronomy; a few physics and mathematics "books. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: Lantern slides (property of Astronomy Department.) 7. CLASS RESERVES: None. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University. (Students must have identification cards.) 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Most books in the collection are used in the library. (2) Overnight: None. (3) One week: Occasionally, when tx^o-week books are in demand. (4) Two weeks: A number of books* (5) Other periods: To faculty members. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: No policy. III. RENEWALS: Permitted for two-week books. IV. RESERVATIONS: No policy. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Permitted to faculty members. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: No pamphlets in collection. 12. RECORDS: (1) Author catalog only. Available to readers. (2) No shelf list. (3) No reserve lists. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. PHYSICS PHYSICS LIBRARY 901 Physics Laboratory Phone: 2122 Regular service 1. LIBRARIAN: c Ih charge of Mrs. Delia R. McCown, secretary of Physics Department.] 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIPHARY HOURS: School year: Mon.-Fri. 8-12, 1-5; Sat. 8-12. Closed Sunday, Summer semester: Same. Usual vacation hours: Same. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 4000 volumes. 5» SUBJECTS.? Physics. Some mathematics and chemistry. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: None. 7. CLiSS RESERVES: Physics courses, advanced undergraduate and graduate. (Reserve "books are in Room 203.) (Elementary physics reserves are in Engineering Library.) 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: Undergraduates not encouraged he- cause of lack of space, hut may use it to study Physics assignments. All members of Physics Department staff have keys to the lihrary. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating2 Periodicals, dictionaries, hooks of tahles are not to be taken from the "building. Department staff members are allowed to take them to offices in the building. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 4:30 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 11:30 a.m.- Mon. 9 a.m.): Reserve books. (3) One week: None. (4) Two weeks: Miscellaneous volumes to non-staff members. (5) Other periods: Miscellaneous volumes for one month to staff members. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited. Ill, RENEWALS: Books renewed once. Prefer that student bring in book. IV. RESERVATIONS: Not permitted. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: "On interlibrary loans. Infrequently over- night permission is given by Prof. Bartlett for a periodical if we have only copy on the campus. n 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: No pamphlets in collection. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public author catalog. Up-to-date. (2) Public shelf list. (3) No reserve lists for courses. (4) No special card indexes. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None . 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. RARE BOOK ROOM RARE BOOK ROOM 419 Library Phone: 8161 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss Isabelle F. Grant. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3» LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule* 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 30,000 volumes in 419 Library, plus 2500 volumes in Rare Book Room locked section in main stacks, and plus films. 5. SUBJECTS: Rare hooks, including all hooks printed before 1701, and later books considered rare; Americana. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: Milton collection, films of Milton material in other libraries; Shakespeare background (books used as school- texts in his day, etc.); University Microfilms and other films of books printed before 1701. 7. CLASS RESERVES: None. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: Graduate students and faculty, chiefly. Undergraduates if they have need to use it; ordinarily they prefer modern reprints if available. No one is allowed to use the room vhen the librarian is not on duty. If impossible for person to use book during hours the room is open, he may make arrangements with the librarian of the Rare 3ook Room to have book taken by the librarian to the Reference Desk to be used in the Reference Room. It must not be taken from that room . 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: Books are not allowed to be taken from the room. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Same as books. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Same as books. 12. RECORDS: (1) Author catalog, available to students. Includes editor and translator cards for books cataloged since 1943. (2) Shelf list (not complete as yet) (3) Date file: film file; Americana listed by author, date, and place, (not complete for books acquired before 1937) 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES* None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: One Spencer reading machine and one S.V.B. reading machine. ' V ■ ■ ■ : . . REFERENCE REFERENT? E DEPARTI"ENT 200 Library Phone: 102 Regular service 1. LIBRARIANS: Miss Fanny Dunlap, Miss Alice S. Johnson. 2. ASSOCIATE REFERENCE LIBRARI.iN: Miss Dorothy Black. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 14,500 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: All subjects. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: (1) File of clippings and pamphlets. (2) File of uncataloged bibliographies. (3) Unbound British Parliamentary papers. (4) U.S. Census publications. (5) Current Senate and House Mils of the General Assembly of Illinois. (6) Current U.S. Senate and House Reports and Documentse (?) Travel folders and circulars. 7. CLASS RESERVES: Debate reserves. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: Everyone connected with the University, visitors, and local residents. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Reference "books that are very expensive, difficult to replace, rare or in great demand for reference use. Government publications. (2) Overnight (Mon*-Fri. 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 5 p.m. -Sun. 3 p.m.; Sun. 5 p.m.-Mon. 9 a.m.): Books not in (l), with permission. (3) One week: None. (4) Two weeks: None. (5) Other periods: Only with special permission. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited unless "books are in demand. III. RENEWALS: None. IV. RESERVATIONS: Not permitted for material in Reference Room. Special material "brought in from the "book stacks in answer to reference questions is held on a reserve shelf. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Only for use of faculty for a very short period in campus "buildings, when absolutely necessary. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Restricted to Library use as a rule. 12. RECORDS: (1) Author catalog, with a few titles. Kept up-to-date. (2) Shelf list. (3) Information index, a subject index to "books and parts of "books, "bibliographies in the Reference Room, debating material, contemporary "biography in collections and in vertical file, pamphlets, fugitive material, etc. (4) Drama index for plays in recent collections. (5) Periodical notes index with notes on new and dis- continued periodicals. (6; Index to Masters in art . (7) List of current debate reserves. • ' ■ ■ . . - . ■ • ■ .- • < , • RSFBIIEIJCE 2 13. PERIODICAL HTDEXESi Many, "both general and special. 14. 3XAMI1TATI01T QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQJJIPME1TT: «(l) leading glass. (2) Denoyer-Geppert 16-inch air-age globe (physical-politicaL) (3) Visible index ("rotary index") of call numbers for maga- zines indexed in the following: Headers' guide, Poole's index, Agricultural index, Art index, Dramatic index* Education index, Industrial arts index, International index, Magazine subject index. HOTE: She Information Desk, located in the second, f loo-" foyer of the general library, near the Card Catalog, is an extension service of the Reference Department to assist in the use of the Card Catalog and to direct readers to other resources of the library. Information desk hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-11 a.m.; 2-4:30, 7-9:30 p.m. Fri. 9-11 a.m.; 2-4:30 p.m. Sat. 9-11 a.m.; 2-4 p.m. Sun. Closed* Hours irregular during Summer semester. Closed during vacation periods. During hours when the Information Desk is not attended, librarians at the Reference Desk give this service . (See also sheet under heading Information Desk .) ; • ' •' A ... . ' . - • .■',.■- ...... . .- ■ • ' ' ' ' - IX ■ ■ ... . ■ 3 COLLECTION S COLLECTION 106 Library Phone: 8159 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss 31 ean or Blum. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: Same as Freshman Reading Room. NOTE : "At other times, "by special arrangement, students in the courses may have access to the room "by applying at the North Reserve desk." 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 2000 volumes . 5. SUBJECTS: Children's literature, adolescent literature, school library management. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: (1) Book jackets. (2) Vertical file. (3) Samples of magazines for children and young people. 7. CLaSS RESERVES: Children's Literature; Adolescent Literature; School Library Management • 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LI3R/iRY: although intended primarily for students in Library Science and Education taking courses in readers guidance for children and adolescents, books may circu- late to anyone connected with the University or having a permit. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Three sets of encyclopedias and a few valuable books. (2) Overnight: Professional tools on reserve, Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat* 11:45 a.m.-Mon. 9 a.m. Reading books for book selection, Mon.-Fri. 4:45 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 11:45 a.m.-Mon. 9 a.m. (0) One week: Books not being used for courses* (4) Two weeks: None. (5) Other periods: None. II. NUMBER OF 300KS TO A PERSON: Limited only in cases of special demand. Ill, RENEWALS: One-week books are renewed occasionally. IV. RESERVATIONS: Yes. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Have only VI Is on Library bulletin , Booklist Horn Book , and Clearing House . They do not circulate. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: No pamphlets. 12. RECORDS: (1) Dictionary catalog, (2) Shelf list. (3) Children's catalog and Standard catalog for high school libraries are checked as a "holdings" record. These are available to students. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. SOUTH RESERVE SOUTH RESERVE BOOK ROOM 101 Library- Phone: 8158 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN; Miss Cecelia Kin^sley. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANTS: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule* 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 5000 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: See No. 7. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: International Relations Club collection. 7. CLASS RESERVES: History; Political Science; Modern Languages; Social Science; Sociology 5. 8* PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARX": All connected with the University. 9 . C IRCULATI ON OF B 00K3 : I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION; (1) Non-circulating: Atlases, dictionaries, professors' copies do not circulate to students. (2) Overnight: Only (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 4 p.m.- Mon. 9 a.m.) on reserve "books. (3) One week: None. (4) Two weeks: International Relations Club hooks. (5) Other periods: None. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited except when pressure is noted on certain hooks and courses. III. RENEWALS: None. IV. RESERVATIONS: Not permitted. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: No magazines in collection. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: No pamphlets in collection, 12. RECORDS: (1) Course catalog. Cards are inserted or withdrawn as each hook is put on or removed from reserve. For students' use, (2) Author catalog. Cards are inserted or withdrawn as each book is put on or removed from reserve. For librarians' use. (3) Shelf list. For lihrarians' use, (4) No special card indexes. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES; None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: History 3h. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT; None* UNION BROWSING ROOM I LUKE UNION BROWSING ROOM 135 Illini Union Phone: 7117 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Mrs. Sue Ramsey. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT.' None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS; See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 1300 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: General. 6. SPECIAL i MATERIALS: None. 7. CLASS RESERVES: None. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE THE LIBRARY: Everyone connected with the University, visitors and local residents. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: Books are used in the room hut may he taken for short periods to other parts of the Union Building. They are not circulated overnight except in rare cases, when per- mission of the lihrarian must he ohtnined. Books are not reserved for individuals. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Same as hooks. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: No pamphlets. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, subject, title) Kept up-to-d&teo (2) Public shelf list. (3) No reserve lists. (4) Play and short story indexes to hooks in room. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES? None. 14 . EXaMI NATI ON QUEST I ONS : Non e 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY AND CURRICULUM LIBRARY 201, 202, 203 University High School Phone: 8127 Campus service 1. LIBRARIAN: Kiss Marjorie Johns. 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTS!?: Miss May Pearce, 3. LIBRARY HOURS: See current semester's Library Hours schedule. 4. 300K COLLECTION: 7300 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Reference and recreational reading materials for junior and senior high school students. Small education collection* 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: (1) Clipping and pamphlet file. (2) Picture file. (3) High school textbooks. 7. CLASS RESERVES: Education 10 and Educational Practice. As requested for all high school classes. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY; All connected with the University, and any others interested in high school libraries. 9. CIRCULATION 0? BOOKS: I. PERIODS OP CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Reference books and bound periodicals may not be taken from the building, although they may be borrowed for an hour's use in a classroom or study hall. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Thurs. 3 p.m. -9: 10 a.m.; Fri. 3 p.m.- Mon. 9:10 a.m.): Reserve books* (3) One week: None. (4) Two weeks: Books not included in (l) and (2). (5) Other periods: Faculty are permitted to keep books not in demand for indefinite periods. Classroom li- braries are charged for indefinite periods. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: No limit. III. RENEWALS: Two week books may be renewed if not in demand. IV. RESERVATIONS: Permitted. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Bound magazines do not leave the building, but may be taken to the classroom. All unbound issues circulate. 11. CIRCULATION OF PaMPHLETS: Vertical file oamphlets circulate. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (auth°r, subject, title) Kept up-to-date. (2) Public shelf list. (3) Reserve lists, by courses. (4) Short story index; essay index. NOTE ; As a rule, books and periodicals in the U.H.S. Library are not listed in the University Library's card catalog. However, most of the material in the Curriculum Library, including all professional education periodicals, is cataloged by the Catalog Department and represented in the main catalog. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Readers' guide; Education index. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: No examination nuestions for university courses. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. ..• ■ . • ■ - •